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From 1910 to the purchase by its current owners, the western half of the Usal forest was bought and sold seven times. The eastern a similar fate – it had five major owners during those years, plus many small holdings scattered throughout. These owners typically harvested the forest to maximize short-term yield before selling some or all of the property. This led to inconsistent management and increased fragmentation. The forest was left depleted, less healthy and less productive. Today, the Usal Redwood Forest Company manages the forest as one entity – its deed now rules out subdivision. The management approach is designed to restore forest and ecosystem health, increase carbon stocks, allow for consistent timber harvests, and provide sustainable jobs in a rural community in need of economic development. The property is moving toward forest stands with a diverse mix of age classes. This will lead to consistent harvests, allowing the community to avoid the boom-bust cycle that harms many timber communities. Some parts of the forest are very dense and will be thinned – this provides forest jobs, can reduce fire hazard, and allows the remaining trees to become larger and more valuable. This strategy means less commercially viable timber is harvested in the short-term, creating a significant financial shortfall – a gap being filled by revenues from the forest offset program. With this approach, the forest will be restored, more commercially viable timber will be available for harvest, and current carbon stocks will be maintained and will continue to grow. Over the course of a full century, the Usal Forest should see increased carbon storage and higher harvest volumes than would be expected under common practice. Forest carbon offset revenue, in part, is making this possible.
Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD) Immunization is widely recognized as one of the greatest public health achievements of the twentieth century. Vaccines prevent diseases (VPD), save lives and reduce health care costs. Immunization programs are an important foundation of Ontario’s health system. We provide public health partners with expertise, support and resources for the prevention and control of vaccine-preventable diseases in Ontario. Updated vaccine preventable diseases resources for public health units The new iPHIS User Guide - Outbreak Module: Vaccine Preventable Diseases outlines the standardized data entry procedures and requirements for input of VPD cases into iPHIS. Additional resources include: Users must have an Adobe Connect account and use their login to access the module. All registered iPHIS users are eligible for an account. For access to the module, contact iPHIS Helpdesk. - Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD) Surveillance Form - Measles and Rubella (MR) Enhanced Surveillance Form Having trouble opening PDF forms? Download and save the form directly onto your device. PHO Rounds: Gaming and Pandemics: Agile analysis in a time of crisis This presentation shows how the flexible and dynamic application of red-teaming and gaming techniques can deliver impactful results.
Music is very often being promoted as some sort of “wonder oil” for other developmental areas like language. Let’s say there is indeed a wider benefit. Most early childhood music teachers will probably agree to this. We then have to look at how music classes might create this. (Leaving aside for the moment possible benefits of informal music activities at home.) Nowadays young children have many challenges. Their worlds are often busy and full of noise, images and many excitements. This creates a challenge for an orderly music class. Should a music class be orderly? Yes, provided that the teacher creates a good balance between (musical) play, fun and concentrated learning. Because the extra benefits of music can only then emerge if the musical growth is established through a well underpinned program and the preconditions are in place to promote musical growth. For example social skills like sharing and waiting for your turn are important and to be able to extend the attention span in order to concentrate on the musical activities. The teacher has a very important task in offering a diverse and motivational program that allows the children to regulate their attention and gives them plenty of different movement opportunities with or without objects. Then the benefits of musical development can perhaps go beyond music itself. Nevertheless, I think that music should be the first objective. Creating the conditions to make the magic of music happen.
There are tons of great stories in the Bible all telling about the miracles Jesus did to help people. But the real peak of his life and the whole base of early Christianity is all about the fact that he died, and then later he resurrected. He went to Heaven to join his birth father’s side. Even today, there are many people: including religious scholars, researches, academics, who either question the whole story. Or who try to find out if it ever happened. Many people have heard of the Turin shroud and about its enormous cultural and religious importance. But the act of resurrection remains a mystery. Did Jesus Christ resurrect for real? You may be wondering why do people still want to find out what happened? Jesus was crucified. And three days later, the Bible says he miraculously resurrected. Which is pretty much an essential event. This is the base of one of today’s largest and most important religions. Resurrection is considered a miracle. There are still lots of researchers who keep looking for historical facts behind mythical stories. Naturally, many scientists want to know whether the resurrection of Did Christ Happen? If the resurrection of Jesus happened, how can it ever be proved? It is almost impossible to prove such an event. It is like the enlightenment of Prince Bodhisattva. There is no real way to know if it happened or not. This is when the strength of belief comes in the picture. The only physical resource what people have to Christ is the world-famous Shroud of Turin, which is said to be the shroud, in which the dead Christ was buried. The real burial site A man called Joseph of Arimathea buried Jesus. Researches still try to find out who this many was. He is said to be buried in a tomb. There is no specific location mentioned. Only the fact that anyone and everyone knew the area. It was not a secret. Many people witnessed the burial. Later on, it is mentioned that this tomb was proved to be empty, by hundreds of eyewitnesses. It means that it’s an established fact that Jesus was buried and that his body disappeared. There is still so much to find out. You can hope one day; it will be revealed if the resurrection did happen or if there was any other event that made the body disappear.
Joachim Metallmann was born in Kraków on 24 june 1889, the son of Menasse and Regina (born Friedner. He was a philosopher and a professor at the Jagiellonian University (UJ). He studied philosophy and physics from 1907 to 1912 at the same university where he later taught. In 1912 he defended his thesis. He then taught in a few secondary schools and from 1931 at the State Pedagogic Institute in Kraków. In 1932 he was awarded a scholarship in France and in 1933 returned to Poland and started an assistant professor, teaching at the UJ and at the pedagogic institute in Katowice. On 6 November 1939, within the “Action against University Professors” (German: Aktion gegen Universitäts-Professoren), known also as the “Special Action of Kraków” (German: Sonderaktion Krakau), he was arrested and taken to the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen. In the Spring of 1940 he was taken to Mathausen, then to Dachau, then to Buchenwald, where he was murdered on 21 August 1940, may he rest in peace and may the murderers be smitten. Translation: Dr D Cohen
This study aimed to differentiate hip-hop dance steps based on whether joy was expressed and explained their movement features using three-dimensional motion analysis. Ten male and female participants (26.9 ± 12.8 years old) were instructed to perform an 80-second hip-hop dance, and the step performed after 60 s (new jack swing) was analyzed. Discriminant analysis was conducted, and the differences in the motion feature values were calculated by establishing 34 variables related to time and space. Furthermore, correlations between major joint sites that contributed to differentiation and other variables were calculated. The results revealed the following three points: The discriminant analysis, which was used to predict whether there was emotion, correctly classified cases at a rate of 70% or higher in four stages, which were motion phases. When the differences in motion features by intensity were identified in Phase 2—the phase with the highest correct classification rate—significant differences were found in the mean of the height in the shoulders, the speed of the left acromion, the speed of the capitellum of the left elbow joint, the speed of the center of the left wrist joint, the speed of the lateral condyle of the left femur, the speed of the right acromion, the speed of the capitellum of the right elbow joint, and the flexion angle of the upper torso. Under Strong Emotion, the speed of the left elbow joint and the speed of the center of the left wrist joint had the highest correlation (r = 0.92). Based on these results, we can conclude that it is possible to express joy through hip-hop dance, and, in the case of new jack swing, emotional expression is related mainly to the speed of the upper limbs. Key words: Hip-hop dance, dance step, emotional expression. Copyright © 2022 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
Gratitude Day is commended yearly on September 21st. The festival of Gratitude Day permits both individual residents and associations inside a more extensive society to commend the wide significance of gratitude in different ways. World Gratitude Day unites the entire world in a day that is tied in with being grateful. World Gratitude Day joins associations, nationals, and people in sharing their gratitude in various distinctive ways. A tad of gratitude can go an extremely long way. People should feel appreciated for all that they do. There are likewise numerous different advantages that are related to giving gratitude. Did you realize that it is in reality useful for your own wellbeing as well? Being grateful outcomes in an entire host of passionate and actual advantages. For example, you can help your resistant framework, lower feelings of anxiety, and further, develop rest by being grateful. In case that was adequately not, gratitude can likewise assist with working on confidence and lower manifestations of discouragement. If the entirety of this was sufficiently not, you can upgrade your expert and social abilities as well. Who realized that offering thanks could offer such countless advantages? The festival began in 1965 in Hawaii when a global social affair conclude that it would be a smart thought to have one day of the year to officially offer thanks and appreciation for the numerous brilliant things that we see in the world. Following the gathering in Hawaii, a huge number checked Gratitude Day on 21st September 1966 when back in their own nations. Since the time then, at that point, the quantity of individuals observing Gratitude Day across the world has developed a lot.
摘要: Guava (Psidium guajava Linnaeus) is an important horticulture crop in tropical and subtropical regions. However, guava transportation to the fruit market is regulated due to the risk of fruit fly infestations. The oriental fruit fly [Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), Tephritidae, Diptera], which damages numerous horticulture fruits, is the primary pest in guava. For fruit export, phytosanitary treatment is necessary to prevent the potential oriental fruit fly infestations through pest-infested fruits. In this study, cold treatment was administered to eliminate oriental fruit fly infestations in guava fruits. The optimal egg inoculation density was 200 eggs per fruit, and third instar larvae displayed the highest cold treatment tolerance. On assessing the efficacy of cold treatment, none of the third instar larvae in the fruits survived at a constant fruit core temperature of 0.5–1 °C for 11 days. A confirmatory test revealed that on maintaining a fruit core temperature of 0.5–1 °C for 12 days, 100% mortality was achieved among the fruit flies. In fruit quality assessment, guava fruits exposed to cold treatment still maintained their market value. Thus, cold treatment effectively disinfested guava fruits with possible fruit fly infestations, making it a viable quarantine treatment for guava fruits prior to their export.
Emergency Task Force The Emergency Task Force responds to high-risk emergency situations, search warrant execution, armed/barricaded persons and acts of terrorism. The Emergency Task Force was created in 1965. Officers worked out of a downtown station and their primary function was to deal with strike situations. Over the years, the unit has expanded to 70 members who work from a large modern and central facility. Situated within an established suburban neighbourhood, there is a balancing act between the need to have a number of high-security functions and the desire to make a police building that serves the public. The two-story building, which is clad in white dolomite block with a blue sloped metal roof, houses the training facilities which are the heart of the operation. These include meeting rooms, two shooting ranges, and a rappelling tower. Also at the centre of the main block is a 2000 square foot exercise room in which each member of the force trains for one hour on each day of duty.The 35,000 square foot complex was completed in December of 1989 at a ready-for-use, and cost of approximately $5,000,000. The Emergency Task Force is a 24/7 support unit tasked with responding to high-risk emergency situations, search warrant execution, armed/barricaded persons and acts of terrorism. Special Weapons Teams have specialized tactical training with the goal of the safe apprehension of an armed person who may pose a danger to others or a person in crisis who may pose a danger to themselves. Each team has members with expertise in weapons, negotiation, explosives and rappelling. The unit also supports Chemical Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) incidents encountered in the city and has its own training section that provides in-house expertise as well as training to other police jurisdictions.
Happiness is so significant to us, both as individuals and as a world, mainly because happiness is all there is in life. As human beings, although we possess mental abilities and are highly thought oriented, the quality of our lives is ultimately completely determined by our emotions. For example, which life would you rather have; that of a rich, attractive, successful, healthy, powerful person who despite all of those p[osseisons is doomed or that of a poor, unattractive, unsuccessful, unhealthy and powerless person who’s however fortunate enough to be happy? Considering happiness within the outline of good and evil, or right and wrong, we find that what is evil or wrong is only objectionable because it lessens the happiness of an individual or group, and that what’s good and right is only so because it increases the happiness of an individual or group. Happiness, which includes pleasant emotions and moods that encompass it, is the only facet of our lives with any ultimate value. Aristotle described it as the highest good. Of what value is any good except that it enables happiness, or greater happiness, of human beings and other life on our planet? It isn’t only significant to our personal and societal lives, but it’s also significant to our global community. Unhappiness slowly cultivates wars and terrorism. Countries that unjustly attack other countries are doing so because they aren’t happy with certain international truths. As individuals and as civilizations, happiness is both our uppermost goal and an enormously operative means of attaining many of our other valued goals. Both as individuals and as a planet, happiness is our ultimate motive for living. Happiness is all there is and all there ever will be; all else is only a means to happiness. If you’re interested in learning more about it, I’ve designed some comprehensive online courses. The biggest lesson that one can from great philosophers like Aristotle and Chanakya is the sense of accomplishment, as well as the sense of fulfillment, is equally significant. You can’t run behind your goals all the time without investing time with people you love. Developing the connection of love, being truly happy, having faith is an vital part of human life.
Have you ever thought about why you often fall sick? Do you think it’s the climate change or overexertion that makes you feel weak and eventually fall sick? You may be right but you wouldn’t want to play the blame game every time because not everyone whom you know is falling sick that often but it’s only you. So, how do we go about it and change this phenomenon of your body? Firstly, it is important to know the defense system of our body before jumping on to activities strengthening it. Our immune system is a host defense system comprising many biological structures and processes within the body that protects against disease and potential health hazards. When functioning properly, the immune system can identify multiple threats like viruses, bacteria and parasites and works towards distinguishing them from the body’s healthy tissue. As long as your immune system is running efficiently, you don’t notice that it’s doing the job, however, the moment it stops working properly or becomes weak to fight harmful substances, you get ill. Hence, it becomes very crucial for you to follow measures that can boost your immunity system. Because healthier the immunity system, healthier are you. We have listed below a few tips that can play a vital role in boosting your overall immunity. Take a look and incorporate those in your lifestyle to stay healthy and fit.
1. The experiments show that the mass of air roots formed in a stem increases with the mass of the leaf attached to the stem, though it has not been possible to establish an exact mathematical relation between the two masses, owing to unavoidable sources of error. 2. Darkened leaves do not increase the mass of roots formed. 3. In stems suspended horizontally air roots appear on the lower side of the stem, with the exception of the cut end where they usually appear around the whole circumference of the stem. When the lower half of a stem suspended horizontally is cut off, roots are formed on the upper side. It is shown by experiments on leaves suspended horizontally that the more rapidly growing roots and shoots on the lower side inhibit the root and shoot formation in the upper half of such a leaf; and likewise the more rapid formation of roots on the lower side of a horizontally suspended stem seems to account for the inhibition of root formation on the upper side of such a stem. Likewise the more rapid growth of shoots on the upper side of a stem suspended horizontally is likely to inhibit the growth of shoots on the lower side. 4. Each leaf contains in its axil a preformed bud capable of giving rise to a root, which never grows out in the normal stem on account of the inhibitory influence of the normal roots at the base of the plant. These dormant root buds are situated above (apically from) the dormant shoot bud. The apical root buds can be caused to develop into air roots when a piece of stem is cut out from a plant from which the leaves except those in the basal node of the piece are removed. The larger these basal leaves the better the experiments succeed. 5. These apical air roots grow out in a few days, while the roots at the basal end of the stem (which in our experiments dip into water) grow out about a week later. As soon as the basal roots grow out in water they cause the air roots in the more apical region of the stem to dry out and to disappear. 6. In addition to the basal roots, basal nodes have also an inhibitory effect on the growth of the dormant root buds in the apical region of a stem. This is indicated by the fact that a stem with one pair of leaves near the base will form apical air roots more readily when no node is situated on the stem basally from the leaf than if there is a node basally from the leaf.
The present study investigated the population dynamics of Exhippolysmata oplophoroides in an area influenced by upwelling, focusing on reproductive period, sex ratio, growth rate, longevity, mortality, relative growth and size of sex change. We also tested the hypothesis that the appendices internae increased in size with sex change from the male to the simultaneous hermaphrodite phase as possible replacements for the male appendices masculinae, which are reduced or lost at sex change. Population structure was assessed by the distribution of size frequency in three demographic groups: male phase, hermaphrodite phase with, and without embryos. For relative growth analysis, the length of the following structures was measured: carapace, second pleuron, first pereopod, second pereopod, appendices internae of the second to fifth pleopods, and appendix masculina. Smaller size classes were composed only by male-phase individuals. The sex ratio was significantly biased towards the simultaneous hermaphrodite phase. Reproduction was continuous in the population throughout the year. Slower growth rates but higher maximum body sizes than those estimated at other locations in south-eastern Brazil were observed in the population studied. Cooler temperatures and higher nutrient levels associated with upwelling may have produced this pattern of reproduction and growth, similar to that found in more southerly austral latitudes. We also found that sex change influences the relative growth of body structures such as the second pereopods, appendices internae, and appendix masculina, and hypotheses on the adaptive value of such allometric growth are proposed.
Do you have a driver who is sixteen years old? Or seventeen years old? If you do, you better brace yourself for this piece of information. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA) department Foundation for Traffic Safety study, July and August, the summer months, are the deadliest months of the year for such teenage drivers. However, the study goes on to show that if the parents of teenage drivers make sure that driving restrictions are being maintained, the crash rate of this group of drivers can be lowered by around 20 per cent. Those teens who punctually observe and follow restriction rules have lesser chances of meeting accidents and crashes, compared to those who simply ignore these traffic and driving rules. All of these were products of analysis of the said group.They collected data from various states which held nighttime and passenger restrictions for drivers who were 16 years old. They then compared such data to those states which did not have such restrictions. Brad Roeber is the president for the AAA Chicago Region. He states, "Summer vacation for teens often means unstructured schedules, less guidance from mom and dad, and more exposure to crashes. Enforcing safe driving rules that include passenger and nighttime limits is essential in keeping your teen and others safe on the road." The study furthermore exposed that there were factors that worked their way to differentiate those teenagers who were already involved in crashes and those teenagers who were yet still to meet an accident.These factors included observance and conformity with state laws on driving, observance of traffic regulations and rules, as well as involvement of parents. Roeber backed this finding out by saying, "Teens whose parents take an active role, obey traffic rules and regulations, and follow graduated driver licensing (GDL) requirements are much less likely to crash. Just think how many lives we could save with the combination of the right laws and parental involvement.". Article Source: http://www. Auto Parts Discount Lincoln parts ### Joe Thompson is the owner of a successful auto body shop in Ferndale, California. This 38 year old is also a prolific writer, contributing automotive related articles to various publications. . By: Joe Thompson
The last Sasanian King is Khosrow II. He was the last great King of the Sassanian Empire. He was reigning from 590 to 628 CE. Captured Jerusalem in 614 CE following a three weeks siege. Ancient sources claim 57,000 or 66,500 people were slain there; another 35,000 were deported to Persia, including the Patriarch Zacharias. Last Sasanian King: A Wave of Destruction in the Holy Land Many churches in the city were ruined by Khosrow II, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was burned, and numerous relics; including the True Cross; the Holy Lance; the Holy Sponge; were carried off to the Persian capital Ctesiphon. The loss of these relics was thought by many Christian Byzantines to be a clear mark of divine displeasure. Some blamed the Jews for this misfortune and for the loss of Syria in general. There were reports that Jews helped the Persians capture certain cities. Furthermore, the Jews tried to slaughter Christians in cities that the Sasanians had already conquered, but were found and foiled from doing so. These reports are likely to be greatly exaggerated and the result of general hysteria. Recovery of the True Cross The True Cross that was taken by Khosrow II, was recovered by Heraclius. So that’s why Heraclius was long remembered favorably by the Western church for his reputed recovery of the True Cross from the Persians. As Heraclius approached the Persian capital during the final stages of the war, Khosrow II fled from his favorite residence, Dastagird near Baghdad, without offering resistance. On my private tours of Jerusalem, I take my guests to the Byzantine sections of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. And there you can actually see what is according to Christian tradition an actual relic of the True Cross. Also, there is the Chapell of Helena; where according to tradition Helena the mother of Constantine found the Cross of Jesus.
pdf (0 B) Save the Children International Kenya reported the first coronavirus case March 13th and since then the numbers have continued to increase mainly in the capital and the coastal towns of Mombasa and Kilifi, as well as in other parts of the country. The effects of the virus on every sector of the economy are dire and a World Bank report projects Kenya’s economic growth in 2020 at an estimated 1.5% compared to the 2019 estimate of 5.6%, because of COVID-19. Women and youth bear the largest impact especially because most of them are in vulnerable employment in the informal sectors, which has been hardest hit by the measures that government has proposed to try to curb the spread of the virus, and in turn, children are affected. This means that child poverty is likely to be compounded and this as well affects learning, especially for the poorest children. A Kenyan Ministry of Health report update indicated that the incident rate of COVID-19 among the 0-19 years age group was 11% and this was higher for those in the 10-19 age group at 7%, than the younger 0-9 age group, which was at 4%. This is consistent with data from US and China that shows that data so far suggests that outcomes of the virus for children have been reassuring and that the direct impact of COVID-19 infection on children has, until now been quite mild than for the elderly or middle aged. Hospitalization rates for children who are symptomatic are at least up to 20 times lower than for the middle aged and in some cases up to even 100 times lower than for the elderly and that most of the ill children recover within in one to two weeks with good supportive care and prognosis. However, According to UNICEF, although children may not be directly severely affected by this pandemic compared to the adults, the impacts on their lives will be far reaching including through the impacts of the socio economic measures that have been taken by various government to try and curb the spread of the pandemic or through the longer term effects of not implementing the sustainable development goals as planned. Globally, at least more than 100 countries have closed educational institutions including Kenya and concerns have already been raised about the impact that this will have on the gains that have already been made towards education for the marginalized.
STDs are common (especially in New York) so they are something that everyone should have some basic knowledge about. Things like how to recognize them, how they are tested for, what puts you at risk and basic treatment information are all important. Having this information will allow you to better protect yourself against infection. It is important to note that STD testing is not done as a routine part of an annual physical examination. However, you can easily request that you be tested for these diseases during your examination. Since a physical examination already includes blood testing, urine testing and visual inspection, adding STD testing will not take more than a few extra minutes. When you add this testing to your annual physical you can also have it covered under your insurance. Your doctor can help you to determine which STD tests should be done during your physical so make sure to be open and honest about your lifestyle and if you are noticing any odd symptoms. - Your sexual practices, such as number of partners, your use of contraceptives, types of sexual activity and frequency of sexual activity. - If you are having any symptoms your doctor will ask you to describe them. - Whether or not you have ever had any past STDs. - Whether your sexual partner, or partners, have a history of STDs. - If you have any drug allergies. - Women will be asked if they could be pregnant and when their last menstrual period was. A physical examination is usually done to visually inspect the genitals and anus to look for signs like discharge, warts, rash or sores. With women, a pelvic examination may also be done because this will also allow the doctor to inspect the cervix for signs of infection or worsening of a disease. Blood testing is common for the majority of STDs, including to test for HIV. This involves getting a small sample of blood by inserting a needle into a vein. Urine testing can be done to test for certain STDs. You will need to provide a urine sample in a plastic cup. Swabbing of lesions, the genitals and the anus can be done to get tissue, cell and discharge samples. If an STD is suspected to have infected the mouth a saliva sample may be obtained. This involves using a cotton swab and rubbing it over the area being tested.
Children learn by doing. Playing gives your child the opportunity to develop and practice new skills at his or her own speed. Moreover, the toys that you buy for your child have the ability to shape his or her development. There are different toys in the stores and choosing the right one for your child might be a problem. It is also hard to tell which toy is of high quality. You need to choose the toy that would hold the attention of your child for the longest time. The following tips would offer guidance on choosing a toy that would last long, challenge the child, and help him or her grow. Choose a toy that can be used in a variety of ways. There are toys that can enable a child to play different games with them. Your child would love to play several games using wooden toys. Such toys ignite your child’s imagination. This helps the child develop the idea of solving problems. Toys enable a child to develop reasoning skills. You should buy toys that the child would use for a long time. There are some toys that a child plays with for few days and stops using them. To ensure that the child keeps using the toys, it is necessary to choose the ones that could be fun using at different developmental stages. Choose a toy that gives your child the chance to practice new skills. Moreover, the toy should enable the kid to figure out something on their own. Consequently, it would build their thinking skills and enable them to become persistent problem solvers. A company with a brand name would offer warranties to ensure the durability of the toys you buy. Buying from such a company would guarantee you that the toys would not break after a few days. f you shop online, you should choose a company with a good reputation. Cheap toys do not last long; thus. You should not buy them. Buy toys from a company that has a good reputation. It is necessary to know what people are saying about a particular toys dealer. Online reviews are a good way to know which dealer is suitable. Most people buy toys from a dealer who has high-quality toys. Friends would refer you to the dealer of good quality toys. It is good to compare prices for toys from different dealers. It is important to note that not everyone has a limitless budget. You would not want to buy an expensive toy and then it breaks after a week. Again, choose a toy that is safe and age appropriate.
Procrastination is the enemy of academic success At the A+ Club, we work with students to overcome the urge to delay by implementing specific strategies for overcoming procrastination. Our working definition of procrastination is "any delay that causes harm." If the delay causes no harm, that's called "prioritization." However, if there is harm in the delay, such as missed or lower quality work, last-minute stress, or arguing with parents and teachers, etc., that's called "procrastination." Procrastination is self-harm: Why, then, would we choose to harm ourselves? We don't: procrastination is not a rational choice. What is procrastination? - Procrastination is an emotional response to anxiety. - Procrastination anxiety is caused by task aversion (not wanting to do something unpleasant). - In order to relieve the stress, the procrastinator delays or defers the aversive task and does something more enjoyable instead ("mood repair"). - While procrastinators are motivated by deadlines, the stress of the procrastination never goes away (low-burn anxiety until last-minute build-up of stress).
e-Health or digital health e-Health, also called digital health, consists in the use of technology to improve human health and well-being and to enhance the services of the national health system, improving its quality, safety and the possibility for everyone to access treatment. In e-health we talk about patient 2.0, referring to the new approach that the health system will need to adopt, placing the person at the centre of everything. In other words, the e-health software development of IPPOCRATE AS consists in a set of services and digital tools for health and medical care. The software house uses information and telecommunication technologies to improve activities such as prevention, diagnosis and treatment, as well as to improve the monitoring and management of health and lifestyles. The objectives of e-health The measures adopted by the European Commission and related to e-health are aimed to: The three protagonists of e-health e-Health application fields Below some of the main application fields, accessible both through the public internet connection and through local networks: The benefits of e-health Thanks to the advent of new technologies, such as machine learning, internet of things (IoT), robotics and wearable, the way of understanding medicine has radically changed. Software development for e-health represents an innovation that connects new technologies, clinical and administrative processes of healthcare companies and the skills of people working in the sector. e-Health innovation brings together several disciplines, including clinical information technology, medicine and business administration.
Sunset Corrugated is an Alameda Brown Ware type found in the portion of the San Francisco Mountain region covered with black volcanic ash from Sunset Crater Volcano and in the Walnut Creek drainage in northern Arizona. Archaeological Culture: Sinagua Date Range: A.D. 1065-1200. Construction: By paddle and anvil. Firing: In an oxidizing atmosphere. Core Color: Black to light gray (rare). Temper: Mostly black volcanic sand; occasional grain quartz sand; some angular fragments, usually reddish or tan; sometimes angular fragments almost as abundant as volcanic sand; temper particles often visible on surfaces. Surface Finish: The surface of Sunset Corrugated displays small pinch marks made with the fingernail all around the vessel. Surface Color: Exteriors brown or red. Forms: Bowls, jars. Decoration: No painted decoration. Comparisons: Similar to other types of corrugated pottery such as Tusayan Corrugated and Elden Corrugated in superficial appearance, temper being the distinguishing characteristic. Compiled from the following sources: Colton, Harold. (1958) Pottery Types of the Southwest. Museum of Northern Arizona Ceramic Series No. 3D. Flagstaff, Arizona. April Peters, Northern Arizona University Anthropology Laboratories.
To make a heartbeat, an electrical signal is generated by the heart's sinus node, which is a small mass of specialized tissue located in the right upper chamber of the heart. The signal makes the heart beat roughly 60-190 times per minute, depending on the age and activity level of the child. This electrical signal travels to the heart similar to the way electricity flows through power lines, from the power plant to your house. The signal causes the heart's chambers to contract and pump out blood. This "electricity" can be measured by a test called an electrocardiogram. The electrical impulse travels from the sinus node to the atrioventricular (AV) node, where impulses are slowed down for a very short period, and then continues down the conduction pathway into the ventricles. The signal is split to divide into right and left pathways to provide electrical stimulation to both ventricles. Any tissue that controls the frequency of the heartbeats is called a pacemaker. The right and left atria (the two upper chambers of the heart) are stimulated first and contract a short period of time before the right and left ventricles (the two lower chambers of the heart). The closure of the heart valves after contraction produces the heart's thumping sound. Each contraction represents one heartbeat. Under some conditions, almost any heart tissue is capable of starting a heartbeat or becoming the “pacemaker” and acting like the sinus node. Abnormalities in the heart’s electrical system can cause a heart to beat too quickly, too slowly or irregularly. These variations in heart rhythm are called arrhythmia. People with arrhythmia can have the normal pace of their heartbeat restored through electric shock from an automated external defibrillator (AED).
The People of Japan Submitted 5 years 2 months ago by CultureWhiz. Researchers have found evidence that the Japanese are descended from various people who mi- grated to the islands from other parts of Asia. Many of these people came in waves from the northeastern part of the Asian mainland, passing through the Korean Peninsula. Some of the ancestors of the Japanese may have come from islands south of Japan. Researchers do not know for certain when people first arrived in Japan. But as early as 4500 B.C., the Japanese islands were inhabited by people who hunted, fished, and gathered fruit and plants for food. This early culture is known as Jomon, which means cord panern, because the people made pottery that was decorated with ropelike designs. During the 200’s B.C., more major waves of migration occurred because a new, settled agricultural society replaced the Jomon. This culture is called the Yayoi, after the section of modern Tokyo where remains of the culture were found. The Yayoi people grew rice in irrigated fields and established villages along streams and on coastal plains. The Japanese people of today are descended from the Yayoi. In fact, researchers believe that by A.D. 100, the people living throughout the islands closely resembled the present-day Japanese in language and appearance. The Japanese people belong to the Asian geographical ethnicity. Chinese, Koreans, and a group of people called the Ainu make up the largest minority groups in Japan. Most of the Ainu live on Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan's main islands. Many Ainu have intermarried with the Japanese and adopted the Japanese culture. The rest of the Ainu are ethnically and culturally different from the Japanese. Some researchers believe that the Ainu were Japan's original inhabitants, who were pushed northward by the ancestors of the present-day Japanese people. Japan's minority groups are believed to suffer from prejudice. But the people who have recorded claims of suffering the most injustices are a group of Japanese known as the burakumin or eta. They come from villages traditionally associated with such tasks as the execution of criminals, the slaughter of cattle, and the tanning of leather. Though not ethnically different from other Japanese— have long been discriminated against. Many of the burakumin live in segregated urban slums or special villages.
Plinio Nomellini, Gioia tirrena ISADORA DUNCAN 1877-1927 Isadora Duncan, born in San Francisco in 1877, was a pioneer in her presentation and approach to movement in the art of dance. She liberated dance from the confines of the ballet of her time, shedding ballet slippers and corset to combine the use of simple, natural movement. She sought a movement vocabulary that would illuminate the human spirit and its connection to nature. She was the first to choreograph to music not originally written for dance, including the works of such composers as Chopin, Brahms, Schubert and Scriabin. Duncan's career was marker by controversy as American audiences took exception to her bare limbs and bold approach to music and movement. She took her determination and boundless spirit to Europe, and later to Russia where she met and inspired some of the great artists and poets of her time. As no films or notation of Isadora's dances were made until long after her death in 1927, her choreography has been preserved through the teaching on one generation of Duncan dancers to the next. After realizing her dream of establishing a school of dance, Isadora legally adopted six of ther most gifted students (Anna, Irma, Lisa, Margot, Erica, Marie-Theresa) who were fondly called the "Isadorables". These six women became the teachers of a third generation of Duncan dancers, among them Julia Levien, Hortense Kooluris, Gemze DeLappe, and Sylvia Gold. In turn these women have taught a new generation of Duncan dancers, and the cycle continues to this day. Visit the Isadora Duncan Archive to learn more and connect to Duncan dancers all over the world.
Quotes by Charles W. Penrose: In section 101 the Lord speaks about the constitution of this land. He says it was framed by wise men whom he raised up for that very purpose. What for? To maintain the rights and privileges ‘of all flesh.’ Not alone the people of this land. The principles of that great instrument are to go forth to the nations, and the time will come when they will prevail, just as sure as the sun shines even when it appears to be in darkness and the clouds are over it. In the Declaration of Independence it is laid down that there are certain rights that cannot be alienated, that are natural, that are inherent, that are not imparted by governments: they do not belong to politics, but they are inherent in the individual—the right to life, the right to liberty, the right to property, and the right to the pursuit of happiness. These rights are inalienable. They belong to every individual. They are not conferred by law. They belong to us. They are born in us. They belong to every person who breathes the breath of life. (Gen. 2:7) Then, an act of any individual or any government which infringes upon these natural rights is wrong in and of itself. If any individual interferes with the rights of his fellow men he may be restrained by the secular law. The right to life, and to liberty, and to the pursuit of happiness, and to property belong to all individuals alike.
Conventional agricultural systems increase per-area food production, but deplete natural resources and degrade both crop and environmental quality. Many of these concerns are addressed by sustainable agricultural systems, integrated pest management, biocontrol, and other alternative systems. Environmental and social concerns have escalated the need for alternative agricultural systems in the last decade. One alternative, the organic farming system, substitutes cultural and biological inputs for synthetically made fertilizers and chemicals for crop nutrition and pest management. Practices used for crop and pest management are similar during transition from conventional to organic farming systems, but produce is not certified to be organic during the transition period. During the transition from conventional to organic farming, growers may face pest control difficulties and lower yields when conventional practices are abandoned. The objectives of this paper are to 1) give an overview of the reasons for converting to organic farming and the challenges that growers face during the transition period, 2) outline some potential strategies for crop, soil, and pest management, and 3) list guidelines and recommendations for pest management during the transition to organic farming. Implementation of crop and pest management practices depends on geographical location, climate, available onsite resources, and history of the land. During transition, growers rely on cultural mechanisms and on organic and mineral sources to improve soil fertility, to build a population of natural enemies to suppress pest populations. Pest management practices during the transition period that reduce pest populations to economically manageable levels include crop rotation, cultivation, cover crops, mulches, crop diversification, resistant varieties, and insect traps. These practices also enrich the soil biota and increase crop yields before produce is certified organically grown.
Caring Guide for Hamster Babies Credits to the owners. See copyright disclaimer This post contains affiliate links. Read the affiliate disclosure REMEMBER NOT TO TOUCH THE BABIES!! Your action might harm the babies and change its scent thus confuses the mother. She will think that they are not hers, abandon them and worst she might even eat the babies (it did happened to my hamsters). Not to cause any stress to the mother, avoid cleaning up the cage within this period. It is advisable to place the babies at the bottom of the cage as none of them had opened their eyes yet. After this two weeks vital period, you can hold them but only for a brief period as not to disturb or stress the mom or babies. You can also clean up the cage and place fresh beddings in most of it. Remove just the soiled parts in the nest area and put a good portion of the old bedding in it. Put the babies back in the nest after it is cleaned up followed by the mother. Once the babies eyes are opened (which should occur on the 11-12 days, but some take less/more), they should figure out how the bottle works. In order for them to reach it easily, put it lower and in an area where they frequently go. If they havent figured out how to use the bottle and you are worried about them not drinking enough, you can give them pieces of cucumbers to prevent dehydration. Do not put water in a bowl to prevent them from falling in and drown or catch a cold. At three weeks, you can separate the babies if you observe any fighting among them but if they seem immature, less developed and not quite independent enough to leave mom just yet, let them stay together until they are four weeks old. When they reach five weeks old, independent and have a healthy development, they can be placed in new homes and play in new surroundings and environment.
Movements of Mountain Plovers within and between breeding season The Mountain Plover breeds on Black-tailed Prairie Dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies in Phillips Co., Montana. They have an unusual mating system that raises questions about sex-specific movements within and between breeding seasons as they relate to nest fate. We studied nesting ploversfrom 1995 - 2006, determined the fate of >1300 nests, and examined movements of plovers that nested in successive years. A total of 48 plovers moved within years and another 166 moved between years. Within years, mean distance moved was 5.35 km (SD = 9.86) for females and 7.08 km (SD = 12.69) for males and did not differ (t = -0.53, P = 0.60). Between years, mean distance moved was 4.54 km (SD = 8.53) for females and 2.13 km (SD = 5.05) for males and differed (t = -3.07, P < 0.01). By fate, unsuccessful nesters moved farther than successful nesters the next breeding season (t = 2.92, P < 0.01). These results provide insight into the relationship between nest fate and fidelity and relate these to gender in a species with unusual parental roles.
In capital budgeting, corporate accountants and finance analysts often use the capital asset pricing model, or CAPM, to estimate the cost of shareholder equity. CAPM describes the relationship between systematic risk and expected return for assets. It is widely used for the pricing of risky securities, generating expected returns for assets given the associated risk and calculating costs of capital. Determining the Cost of Equity with CAPM The CAPM formula requires only three pieces of information: the rate of return for the general market, the beta value of the stock in question and the risk-free rate. Cost of Equity = Risk-Free Rate + Beta * (Market Rate of Return - Risk-Free Rate) The rate of return refers to the returns generated by the market in which the company's stock is traded. If company CBW trades on the Nasdaq and the Nasdaq has a return rate of 12 percent, this is the rate used in the CAPM formula to determine the cost of CBW's equity financing. The beta of the stock refers to the risk level of the individual security relative to the wider marker. A beta value of 1 indicates the stock moves in tandem with the market. If the Nasdaq gains 5 percent, so does the individual security. A higher beta indicates a more volatile stock and a lower beta reflects greater stability. Source : Investopedia
Does your soil need remediation? Do you have agricultural land that has been contaminated by excessive amounts of fertilizers and pesticides or have soil near a landfill where harmful contaminants have leached into the surrounding soil? Phosphate fertilizers are one cause of the build up of Cadmium (Cd), a very toxic metal, in agricultural land (Salmanzadeh 2017). Other sources of Cd are exhaust from cars and waste from industrial processes. A study done in China (2011) concluded that many hemp varieties have a high tolerance to Cd stress and are therefore good candidates for use in phytoremediation. To be effective in soil remediation, more than just the very top layer of dirt needs to be cleaned of pollutants. Industrial hemp is a relatively tall plant with roots that are about 1.5-3 ft. in length. This makes it attractive because hemp is able to reach deep into the soil and therefore be much more effective at removing widespread contamination (Citterio 2003). Like icing on the cake, while hemp is cleaning the soil, it can act as a carbon sink, to reduce greenhouse gases. If you are considering growing hemp to clean your soil and would like to speak with us more on the topic click here to schedule an appointment with one of our team members. Once the phytoremediation hemp is grown, it should not be used for food or medicine, but can safely be converted into fuel. You don’t want the toxins that the plant just soaked out of the ground…which is a distinct possibility if you consume hemp products. This is especially applicable when hemp is concentrated into oil or products like CBD. The CBD concentrate can have more toxins than the plant. So, the hemp you use for medicine and food needs to be grown on clean farms, and better yet tested for toxins and other contaminants. The hemp or cannabis-based medicine you consume should be free of mold, pesticides, and heavy metals. That is critical, especially if you have an acute illness. Here at Kentucky Green Grass we have posted our tests online for transparency with our customers.
A leading computer scientist has warned that apps that help count steps may do more harm than good since they stray users towards unrealistic goals which can be demotivating when not accomplished. While the step counting apps have taken over the fitness world with over a billion downloads, Dr Greg Hager suggests that out of about 165, 000 healthcare apps, ‘very few’ are based on any scientific evidence. Citing a survey of hundreds of mental health apps used for coaching and diagnosis, only five were found to be evidence based, he said before adding that those five were research tools not available to general public. Smartphones are revolutionising medicine While speaking at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the John Hopkins University scientist singled out apps that promote 10, 000 steps goal and stressed that there was no minimum limit. "Some of you might wear Fitbits or something equivalent, and I bet every now and then it gives you that cool little message 'you did 10,000 steps today’.” "But why is 10,000 steps important? What's big about 10,000?,” he asked. “Turns out in 1960 in Japan they figured out that the average Japanese man, when he walked 10,000 steps a day burned something like 3,000 calories and that is what they thought the average person should consume so they picked 10,000 steps as a number.” Software as good as doctors at diagnosing skin cancer "But is that the right number for any of you in this room? Who knows? It's just a number that's now built into the apps,” he said. "I think apps could definitely be doing more harm than good. I am sure that these apps are causing problems.” Dr Hager emphasised that "without any scientific evidence base, how do you know that any of these apps are good for you? They may even be harmful.” "We all know that probably the more you exercise, the better it is for you. But if you are elderly or infirm then this is not going to be good for you," he added. This article originally appeared on the Independent. Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. For more information, please see our Comments FAQ
There are 2 main ways that I know of so far: Explicitly: wrapping parentheses around a list of commands Implicitly: every command in a pipeline Are there more ways, either explicitly or implicitly, in which one creates subshells in bash? Unix & Linux Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of Linux, FreeBSD and other Un*x-like operating systems. It only takes a minute to sign up.Sign up to join this community &, the shell executes the command in the background in a subshell. The shell does not wait for the command to finish, and the return status is 0. completecommand: when called with the commandis executed in a subshell environment, and its output is used as the possible completions. It depends on what you mean by “subshell”. And you may be missing the point in your “every command in a pipeline” bullet. Any time you run any (external) program (i.e., a script or binary executable, in contrast to a shell builtin), unless you use you run it in a sub-process (or processes). The shell forks and executes the program. ls | wc does not create a subshell any more than wc do alone. The interesting thing is that including it in a pipeline can cause a shell builtin to run in a subshell. Consider this example: $ read v cat # This is input typed by the user. $ echo "$v" cat $ echo cougar | read v $ echo "$v" cat read v command is run in a subshell because it is part of the echo cougar | read v pipeline. Therefore, the value cougar is lost, and $v retains its first value. Likewise, commands like $ echo foo | cd / $ cd / | cat $ echo foo | exit $ exit | cat do not affect the main shell.
SS Mendi's stories told almost 100 years after sinking - On 28/02/2010 - In World War Wrecks Many in the UK have never heard of SS Mendi, yet in South Africa's Easten Cape Province she is as famous as RMS Titanic. In February 1917, she was lost off the south coast of the Isle of Wight with, 600 troops on board. Sinking 9 miles (14.4 km) off St Catherine's point, it is a story that is still virtually unknown in the UK. Diver Martin Woodward was the first person to find and identify the wreck of SS Mendi in 1974. It was not until later he discovered the tragic story behind the artefacts that he brought to the surface. Martin, owner of The Shipwreck and Maritime Museum in the Isle of Wight said: "The ship was coming up through the Channel destined for Le Havre." As part of the British Empire, South Africa was automatically at war with Germany. Thousands of men were recruited as labourers, to dig trenches more than 5,000 miles (8,000 km) away from their homes. The 4,000 ton Mendi was hit in fog by The Darro, almost three times the size of the troopship, and sank in 20 minutes. Martin explained: "A lot of people who were in the holds were drowned instantly."
ALL green areas – whether planted landscapes, wild areas, or a road verge with weeds – contribute to the urban ecosystem. They are vital to our well-being: green areas produce air for us to breathe, they filter pollution, absorb storm water and reduce flooding, purify water and maintain a pleasant temperature. Without sufficient planted areas and infiltration – due to the many tarred and paved areas, and reflective surfaces – the city heats up. This is known as the urban heat island effect: pollution levels rise and our quality of life decreases. On summer days, especially when there is no wind, the raised temperature is already evident in the City Bowl, which is a few degrees hotter than the suburbs. Gardens form an important part of the urban ecosystem and are not a luxury: they are a necessity. Green areas provide habitat for wildlife and are good for our well-being. Please do not feel guilty about gardening! We encourage anyone with access to alternative water sources, such as borehole or grey water, to use it responsibly to help maintain the urban ecosystem. Furthermore help spread awareness of its value and the importance of permeable surfaces for infiltration of rain. This will make a positive difference. Some simple ways you can help preserve the urban ecosystem: 1. Do not remove successful plants. Consider valuing plants for their resilience and ecological function, in addition to personal preference. A thriving common or weedy plant is better than nothing green at all! 2. Mulch all planted areas with a 5 to 10cm thick layer of mulch. This dramatically reduces water loss from the soil surface and keeps it cool. Organic mulches such as chipped wood and leaves are best, as they feed the soil and your plants. 3. Keep areas planted, not paved. Consider how important it is for rainwater to infiltrate the soil: this is important for recharging groundwater (and good for trees) and keeps the ambient temperature down. Avoid hard surfaces where possible and use permeable paving when a hard durable surface is required. 4. If you do have a borehole, water deeply and infrequently. Mimic a good rainfall event of say 50mm and really saturate an area, with water penetrating at least 50-60cm into the soil. You may only need to do this every 3 to 4 weeks. For more information on resilient landscaping and an educational quizz ‘How water-wise are you?’ This was written and contributed by: Marijke Honig for more click here
This page includes a number of text analysis tools which can help you develop your general and academic vocabulary, including collocations, and find examples of these words in context. Instructions on how to use these tools can be found here. The Oxford Text Checker allows you to analyse texts against the Oxford 3000 (a list of the 3000 most useful words for learners of English to know), the Oxford 5000 (an expanded list for advanced speakers) and OPAL (Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon). More information about the Oxford 3000 and 5000 and OPAL is available on other tabs on this LibGuide. If you have ever wondered how academic your text sounds or the level of the words you are using, you can find out by checking the results. You can also create word lists based on the texts that you enter into the text checker (and these can be filtered). For example, you can highlight and create a list of OPAL words only, or you can make a combined list of OPAL words and C1 level words. Birmingham City University's Webcorp allows you to create a concordance for any word by generating examples from the internet. In addition, it has a useful tool that can generate a wordlist for any text. If you then click on any of the words in the generated list, you will find example sentences with these words, which allow you to better understand how these words are used in context and to notice preposition use and common collocations. Collocations, put simply, are two or more words that are often used together (e.g. do homework, highly recommend, fake news etc.). Flax reveals collocational patterns by looking across the 100 million-word British National Corpus (BNC) reference corpus, the British Academic Written English (BAWE) corpus of 2500 university student writing texts and the Wikipedia crowd-sourced corpus of three million articles. The site also features the "Cherry Basket" for saving collocations from across the corpora using the Cherry Picking function, where collocations can be stored for re-use and printed or saved as export files. Use this tool to highlight words from the AWL (Academic Word List). Enter the text in the box below then click 'submit'. The AWL is a list of the most common academic words, similar to the Oxford Phrasal Academic Lexicon (OPAL). More information on the AWL can be found on the AWL tab on this LibGuide.
Hydrological and substance retention studies Retention of substances (sediments, nutrients, pollutants) in river flood meadows In 2002 and 2003, a working group of the Institute for Geographical Sciences at the Free University (FU) Berlin carried out a study on matter retention in river flood meadows. The background for this study was the renaturation of rivers and river flood meadows, something, which has become very topical following the recent severe floods in Germany. During flooding, there is a complex interplay between vegetation, geomorphological structure of the riverbed, currents, sedimentation and erosion. The drainage and flow conditions modified by vegetation determine both the course of a flood as well as the distribution of sediments in the flooded area. As a supplement to field studies in the Upper Rhine area within the framework of the EU project RipFor (Riparian Forest Management), the workgroup measured the flow effects between wetland meadow grasses in pool segments of an outdoor stream under highly-controlled conditions using three-dimensional flow meters. Contrary to the common view, an increase of flow velocity was measured in the water close to the bottom. This finding has to be taken into account in renaturation measures: a linear arrangement of grass may increase erosion processes during floods. For technical reasons it is not possible to carry out detailed examinations of this kind in field studies, they are only possible in controllable test facilities such as the FSA.
Could you imagine serving a 3D printed turkey for Christmas lunch? Or munching on a 3D printed pizza for an afternoon snack? This is not as far fetched as it sounds. While 3D printers have mainly been in the news for their ability to manufacture inedible goods, they are increasingly being used for culinary endeavours. 3D food printers extrude soft liquid edible matter through nozzles that build up layer by layer in patters directed by a computer program. They can pump out everything from to chocolates, confectionery, biscuits and pancakes, to pasta, pizza and other savoury snacks. News reports and industry blogs are very positive about what 3D food printing can offer. They have covered such events as Michelin-starred chefs experimenting with 3D food printers in pop-up restaurants in Europe. Nursing homes in Europe are offering 3D printed food with jelly-like texture for residents with chewing and swallowing difficulties. Developers of 3D food printers claim that people will soon have these devices in their kitchens, helping them prepare tasty and healthy foods at home. Meat and Livestock Australia also recently announced that it is looking into ways to use 3D printing to produce new meat products to extract the most value from animal carcasses. So it is not far-fetched to imagine serving a Christmas lunch with 3D printed food made from red meat and poultry, or decorative edible items made from fruit or vegetable purees, sugar or chocolate. Maurizio Pesce/Flickr, CC BY But would you eat it? What do you think about 3D printed food? Would you try it, or offer it to family members or guests? Despite industry enthusiasm and investment in research and development, few studies have actually asked these questions of consumers.
Adaptation in a population of living things happens as a result of an adaptive trait. This is any inheritable trait that increases it’s survival rate so that it can live longer, reproduce longer, and have more offspring (that also have that trait). Adaptive traits can improve an animal's ability to find food, make a safer home, escape predators, survive cold or heat or lack of water. The caribou have developed many helpful adaptations for living in the far north. These adaptive traits include having large, fur-covered hooves for gripping the ice as they make their way across the frozen landscape in their annual migrations. They also have a warm, thick coat to protect them from both extreme cold in winter and insect attacks in summer. They can survive eating only lichens that grow on the barren rocks on the tundra. These physical adaptations make it possible to survive in their harsh, northern climate. For Discussion and Critical Thinking: The caribou has adaptive traits that helps it survive out on the frozen tundra 1. Name one of the caribou’s adaptive traits and how it helps them survive: 2. Name one behavioral adaptation that the caribou all do together at the same time each year: 3. Why does the caribou do this? 4. Name two other animals that live on the tundra and describe an adaptive traits that helps them survive. 4. Do you have any physical traits that help you survive? Discuss one. When you research information you must cite the reference. Citing for websites is different from citing from books, magazines and periodicals. The style of citing shown here is from the MLA Style Citations (Modern Language Association). When citing a WEBSITE the general format is as follows. Author Last Name, First Name(s). "Title: Subtitle of Part of Web Page, if appropriate." Title: Subtitle: Section of Page if appropriate. Sponsoring/Publishing Agency, If Given. Additional significant descriptive information. Date of Electronic Publication or other Date, such as Last Updated. Day Month Year of access < URL >. Amsel, Sheri. "Adaptations of the Caribou" Exploring Nature Educational Resource ©2005-2022. May 21, 2022 < http://exploringnature.org/db/view/Adaptations-of-the-Caribou >
Theme 1: What keeps us going? - define hope and its role in Christian living - explore the ways prayer nourishes hope - identify people who model Christian hope - find hope for their own lives in the death and resurrection of Jesus - “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5.11-12). - Jesus’ death and resurrection are the foundation of Christian hope. - Hope is the virtue which keeps us searching for true happiness which is found in being true to oneself and faithful to God. - Hope sustains us during times of abandonment. Hope also protects us during times of struggle. - Hope is nourished in prayer. - When we presume that we don’t need God or when we deliberately presume that God will forgive and save us regardless of our attitudes, we sin against hope. - The first commandment is not only a call to avoid idolatry; it is also a call to place all our hope in God. Theme 2: Where have we been and where will that take us? - review the virtues and Beatitudes, which underlie the Christian attitude toward being in the world - share their faith with others in the context of a year-end class celebration - Review of Christian virtues and the Beatitudes. ©2018 Mr. D. Sader | World Religions | All Rights Reserved
A leading expert in dental trauma has called on parents to make sure that their children wear properly fitting mouth guards when playing contact sports. Dr Anne O’Connell, Consultant In Paediatric Dentistry and Director of the Trauma Clinic at Dublin Dental University Hospital, highlighted the fact that one in five Irish children and adolescents is affected by dental trauma. Speaking at the HSE Dentists annual seminar in Athlone, Dr O’Connell said prevention is the key priority. “A good fitting mouth guard will cover all the teeth onto the gum and should not drop when speaking. Unfortunately too many children here are using ill fitting mouth guards. For example many of the ‘boil and bite’ type are not being heated appropriately and are failing to cover the teeth or are loose. Clearly this compromises their ability to offer effective protection.” Dr O’Connell pointed out that dental trauma doesn’t just happen in organised sports. “In Ireland one in four pre-schoolers has a dental trauma and children who have had an injury or who have prominent teeth may also need to wear mouth guards depending on the organised activity. It’s also important that toddlers who have had a dental trauma are assessed on an ongoing basis as their permanent teeth may be affected” It’s estimated that the cost of treating dental trauma injuries amongst children in Ireland is between €8 to €20m. “This is an important public health issue and that is why DDUH is currently conducting a study trying to estimate how much it costs to treat traumatic injuries to permanent teeth in children. As well as the basic financial cost, there are often psychological issues, lost school days and time off work for parents.” “The sporting bodies such as rugby, hockey and GAA all deserve praise for making ‘no mouth guard, no play’ mandatory policy. Children who are very active in other sports or who have already had trauma should also wear mouth guards. Parents need to play their part and ensure their children have effective dental protection” Dr O’Connell concluded.
After the introduction of sugar tax earlier this year, many of us have been opting for sugar-free versions of our favourite drinks, saving a few pennies and thinking we're being healthier too. But Diet Coke might not be as safe as we think - it could be bad for our health. The artificial sweeteners in the fizzy drink could be toxic and cause harm to the gut microbial system, according to a study. This system is responsible for communicating between the brain and the digestive system, meaning damage could cause health issues such as digestive and immune system problems. Researchers from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev found that six artificial sweeteners - aspartame, sucralose, saccharine, neotame, advantame, and acesulfame potassium-k - are toxic to bacteria found in the digestive system. Professor Ariel Kushmaro, who worked on the study, said: “This is further evidence that consumption of artificial sweeteners adversely affects gut microbial activity which can cause a wide range of health issues.” Beyond Diet Coke, artificial sweeteners are used in a range of food products - including sports supplements and sugar-free condiments, Mirror Online reports. And worryingly, these artificial sweeteners have also been identified as potential environment pollutants. Professor Kushmaro added: “The results of this study might help in understanding the relative toxicity of artificial sweeteners and the potential of negative effects on the gut microbial community as well as the environment.”
Scientists belonging to India's National Institute of Immunology are reported to have identified an important element which helps us to understand how the tuberculosis (TB) bacteria survives in the human body. This will help in developing newer and more effective medicines to combat the disease, which claims as many as 2 million lives across the world annually. The research team led by Rajesh S. Gokhale have identified the genes that enable the mycobacterium tuberculosis to acquire the iron it needs to grow and promote the infection of the disease in humans. This discovery will contribute towards combating the multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. Iron is essential for the mycobacterium to survive and for its enzymatic action, according to Gokhale. It takes the iron from the host cell and to get it the mycobacterium develops siderophores, molecules synthesized by it for its own utility. The new anti-TB drugs being developed can use this pathway to attack the mycobacterium. When the mycobacterium infects humans, it takes up residence in immune cells called macrophages. To survive in this harsh environment, the mycobacterium, like many other types of bacteria, need iron to carry out life-sustaining functions, such as creating proteins and synthesizing nucleotides to form DNA.
Updated: Aug 17, 2021 “Rai”, “Ngaan”, “Talangwah” - You might have heard or read those words when you are surfing around in Thai real estate websites as those are three major land measurements used but what do they all mean? and how to convert them to international standard measurements. “ ไร่”, pronounced [râj] is a unit of area. How do you measure “Rai”? 1 rai equals to ; 1,600 square meters, 16 are , 0.16 hectares , 0.3954 acres , 4 ngaan , 400 talangwah. “ งาน”, pronounced [Ngân] another unit of area, “Ngaan” or “Ngan”. 1 ngaan equals to ; 400 square meters (20 m × 20 m), 100 sq.wah (talangwah), o.25 rai (Thai) “ ตารางวา”, pronounced [tārāŋ wā] sometimes transliterated as 'waa' or 'wah' is also a unit of area. “Talangwah” or “Tarangwah” or “Square Wah” 1 sq.wah equals to ; 4 square meters 0.0025 rai (Thai) Stay tuned and follow @allaround.realestate , Follow - Like our FB Page: All Around Real Estate Thailand for more Thai real estate vocabulary. Contact us for a free consultation, more information on our services and listings #investinginthailand #professionalrealestateagency #allaroundrealestatethailand #allaroundrealestate #aare #bangkokrealestateagency #thailandrealestate #thailandrealestateagency #thailandrealestatebroker #buyandsalelandinthailand #realestatemarket2021 #investmentopportunitiesinthailand #realestatelearning #learningthailandrealestate #thairealestatevocabulary
July 26, 2021 July 26, 2021 July 19, 2022 Design in Engineering Education Teamwork has been increasingly used in engineering education, and teams have the potential to impact sense of belonging for engineering students. However, there is limited research on how to cultivate team dynamics that build belongingness or inclusion in engineering education. Psychological safety has been shown to build inclusion on teams in the workplace, thus positively impacting team dynamics and potentially increasing sense of belonging. However, psychological safety is often overlooked in engineering education, perhaps because there is limited research on how to increase psychological safety. This paper develops a framework for a 30-minute improv intervention to increase psychological safety and sense of belonging on student engineering design teams. We use Experiential Learning Theory and Social Cognitive Career Theory to assess the proposed intervention. We predict that the improv intervention will increase psychological safety and sense of belonging on the team and in engineering, which in turn will impact student expectations of success in the engineering and intent to remain in the field; this may lead to increased persistence in the field of engineering. This work has implications for creating positive engineering team dynamics, building more effective engineering teams, and increasing persistence in engineering, especially among groups traditionally underrepresented in the field. Campbell, J., & Klotz, L. (2021, July), Work in Progress: A Framework for an Improv Intervention to Increase Psychological Safety and Sense of Belonging on Student Engineering Design Teams Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference. https://peer.asee.org/38116 ASEE holds the copyright on this document. It may be read by the public free of charge. Authors may archive their work on personal websites or in institutional repositories with the following citation: © 2021 American Society for Engineering Education. Other scholars may excerpt or quote from these materials with the same citation. When excerpting or quoting from Conference Proceedings, authors should, in addition to noting the ASEE copyright, list all the original authors and their institutions and name the host city of the conference. - Last updated April 1, 2015
Zimbabwe’s 100 trillion-dollar bill is finally worth something. The Wall Street Journal reports that it is selling as a curiosity in this country for $5, far more than it was ever worth in real life. The bills, it is reported, are popular with financial doomsayers, who brandish the banknote as a warning of what’s in store for the U.S. if we don’t follow the doomsayers’ economic prescriptions. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., carries one to underscore his demands for more and more spending cuts. After independence, Zimbabwe in 1980 introduced a new dollar to replace the old Rhodesian dollar. The government of Zimbabwe’s first – and so far only – president, Robert Mugabe, proved not only brutal and corrupt, but also singularly incompetent, and the nation’s dollar began its long slide toward being the world’s least valuable currency. The Mugabe government’s answer to money problems was to print more money, leading to hyperinflation. Periodic devaluations and other measures failed to halt the out-of-control spiral. Price controls only made matters worse. In 2008, the last people to exchange their old currency for new currency did so at the rate of 1 trillion to 1. In 2009, Zimbabwe abandoned its currency altogether. Business is now done in U.S. dollars, South African rands and British pounds. That means Zimbabwe’s financial wizards, having wiped out the value of their currency as actual money, now have it within their power to wipe out its value as a novelty item, too. Scripps Howard News Service
A majestic animal stirring the imagination The majestic elephant stirs the imagination of nature lovers like no other African game animal. The biggest elephants on the African continent are found in north-eastern Namibia and south-eastern Angola, where they reach a shoulder height of just over 4 metres. E lephant occur throughout northern Namibia. In north-western desert regions, the so-called desert elephants live in a harsh, inhospitable environment. These desert-dwelling giants are a geographic variety of the typical savannah elephant, and not a seperate subspecies. Elephants live in family groups of females with their young, while the mature males are either solitary or form bachelor groups of several bulls. Elephants feed in the cooler hours of late afternoon and early morning or even in moonlit nights. During the heat of the day they rest in the shade. True elephant hunting is one of the greatest adventures on the African continent. To track a bull, a fresh spoor is picked up in the early morning. In most cases the hunters catch up with their quarry while the bull is resting in the shade during the heat of the day. Considerable skill and stamina are needed to track down a bull elephant. The hunter should approach the bull as close as possible (10 to 30 meters) and place a careful shot either into its brain or heart. Namibia’s biggest elephant tusks were taken in the area around the Khaudum Game Park, in the eastern Kavango and former Bushmanland. The Caprivi has also produced some heavy ivory. |Shoulder Height:|| 3.5 m – 4 m |Mass:|| Male: 4 tons – 8 tons | Female: 3 tons – 4 tons |Diet:|| Grass, leaves, fruit, roots and tubers |Rut:||Throughout the year, one young| |Life expectancy:||50 – 60 years| |World record:||102.7 kg (tusk)|
The Vernon G. James agricultural research center in northeastern North Carolina can be a noisy place. The center’s labs and 1,500 plus acres of land are home to a constant battery of tests and experiments conducted by researchers who study corn, soybean, wheat and other crops grown in and around the inland waterways of the state. These experiments tend to emit mysterious sounds at all times of the day and night. “There’s been a boom here and a pop there,” said veteran educator Hallet S. Davis, Jr., “but nothing major. I haven’t gotten scared and gone home yet.”Davis is the principal of the new Northeastern Regional School for Biotechnology and Agriscience, or NERSBA, which is currently located in a few borrowed rooms at the Vernon James center. He was tapped to run the new school last spring. Ever since he’s spent long days and nights recruiting students, hiring teachers and planning for a school that is different in many ways from the one-size-fits-all high schools that have dominated the U.S. education system for over a century. In the process he’s grown accustomed to the sounds of science. This story looks at the innovative ways in which NERSBA will instill its young charges with an appreciation for science — and all of its sounds.
5 Lessons for the Future of Water Updated: Apr 21, 2020 "Now that the whole world is experiencing the effects of a major disaster, we have the opportunity to re-evaluate some of our choices. COVID-19 has transformed everyday life so significantly that the effects are already visible from space, showing us that change is possible and results are tangible. COVID-19 is teaching us (among other things) that our eagerness for creation should not result in the destruction of our planet. Here are five simple things we can all start doing to have a healthier relationship with water and our environment in the future. 1. Follow the food pyramid, which forms the basis of the Mediterranean diet. Our weekly food intake should be mainly composed of fruit, vegetables and grains, with minor presence of animal-based proteins. It takes 31 mixed salads to make the water footprint of one burger. 2. Look at how food is produced. Regenerative agriculture, permaculture and organic farming aim to improve the quality and productivity of soil so that it retains moisture, minimizing the need for excessive irrigation. Hydroponic, aquaponic, aeroponic and vertical farming make it possible to grow produce very efficiently. 3. Eat unprocessed food. While the water footprint of whole foods is made up entirely of the water needed to grow, processed foods require additional water for cleaning, pre-cooking, and making packaging materials. 4. Reconsider where to live and shop. As food and other products are traded, their water footprint follows them in the form of virtual water. Which means that every time you consume an imported product, you don’t only increase its footprint by the water needed to take care of shipment, but you also take away water from its local population. Supporting your house, neighbourhood and city to grow more food can have a hugely positive impact on your water footprint, as well as supporting existing local producers. 5. Think twice before buying new clothes. It takes about 2,700 litres of water to make just one t-shirt, enough for one person to drink for 900 days. The average woman will own 372 cardigans and 558 pairs of trousers during her adult life. The fast-fashion industry is based on us buying items extremely often, but do we really need all of them?"
Perspektiver på hva en førskolelærer trenger å kunne om religion : rammeplananalyse og preskriptive innspill What does a pre-school teacher need to know about religion? This question is discussed in two separate parts of the article. The first part is a curriculum analysis of the framework surrounding Early Childhood Education and the three year undergraduate program for pre-school teachers in Norway. The analysis leads to a critical discussion on the bias towards Christian values in this framework. The second part of the article is prescriptive, answering the article’s research question. The outline of what a pre-school teacher’s competence on religion should consist of draws on the analysis and critical discussion in the first part. Here, arguments for including perspectives drawn from secular academic Religious studies in the three-year undergraduate program for pre-school teachers are presented. The main argument is that perspectives from Religious studies will ensure equal treatment of all religions and life views, and thus ensure the teaching to be in accordance with international conventions regarding human rights, which Norway are committed to. CitationNordisk Barnehageforskning 4(2011) nr. 1 s. 17-31 MetadataShow full item record The following license file are associated with this item:
Surveys conducted by State Farm have shown that the number of people making cell phone calls while driving has actually dropped since 2009. Unfortunately, drivers have replaced calls with smart phone activities such as checking e-mail, surfing the Internet, checking Facebook or accessing Twitter. Over that time period, the percentage of people who text and drive has remained steady despite the proliferation of laws banning the practice. The total percentage of people using their cell phones in some way while driving has gone up in each of the past six years. The survey supports the arguments that texting and other cell phone laws have been ineffective and that cell phone use may have an addictive quality. Drivers should be better informed about the dangers of splitting their attention between driving and cell phone use, but that information has not curbed the dangerous behavior. Distracted driving accidents will continue to be a major problem as long as so many people feel free to mix driving with cell phones. One problem with cell phone use is that drivers often reserve it for inappropriate situations. Countless car accidents and pedestrian accidents occur at intersections. Many drivers seem to regard red lights as an opportunity check their phones. That behavior likely accounts for some of the 36 percent of car accidents that occur at intersections. If you are behind the wheel of a running vehicle, you should not be on your phone. Until people recognize that, distracted driving accidents will continue to plague us. Source: USA Today, “Drivers talk on cell phones less but surf, e-mail more” by Larry Copeland, 18 November 2014
The current dramatic problem in Venezuela crosses all social classes, ages and genders; but today 50% of households of the poorest classes have as their only head a woman, which is why it is said that "poverty has the face of a woman". Studies show that Venezuela reports the highest teenage pregnancy rate in South America, and despite the fact that in the 21st century women study more than men, inequality in pay persists -among others- and they continue to suffer from gender violence. The innovation of the project lies in the creation of an educational, healthy, and inclusive space, which promotes psycho-social care, training in technology, sexual and reproductive health, values and training in trades, that allows adolescents at risk of vulnerability, generate income for themselves and their families, and at the same time, train themselves as women responsible for their sexuality, opening paths towards a life project that leads to their definitive empowerment. By offering sex education, life project and family planning, adolescent girls are able to break the cycle of poverty, training themselves to take charge of their future with responsibility. Superatec as a Social Development Organization contributes in the long term with the Social Development Objectives of Agenda 2030 approved by the UN, our participation is inserted in the following objectives: - Gender Equality, Decent Work, Economic Growth and, ultimately, with the End of Poverty.
So-called wearables are in high demand, whether for smart watches, fitness wristbands or data glasses. In the private sphere, these devices offer many ways of acquiring data. For example, distances covered, sleep patterns or body temperature can be checked. The technology also creates potential for use in companies, especially with regard to optimizing processes. The term ‘wearable’ includes all electronic devices that are worn directly on the body. Strictly speaking, this already includes pacemakers and quartz watches. First and foremost, however, it is generally understood to mean devices that can be networked with each other and can be controlled via an app on a smartphone. The ability to connect to other technologies is thus a crucial function of a wearable. Smart watches and fitness wristbands are especially fashionable in the private sphere. Their intelligent electronics can be used, for example, to determine the wearer’s running speed and location, or to measure their pulse and heart rate. They enable users to collect data and find out more about their own body, fitness and exercise habits. In serious cases, the devices also make an important contribution to preventing illness and providing early diagnoses. This new technology can also provide the professional environment with many benefits. In the medical profession, doctors are able to help each other during complicated operations by wearing data glasses. In production and logistics, the intelligent glasses help with machine maintenance. They make employees aware of faulty procedures and give precise instructions on how to carry out repairs. They also document the work once it has been completed, so there no longer is a need to fill out forms.
After completing his education in the UK, France and Germany, Prince Philip joined the Royal Navy in 1939, the start of a long stint in the armed forces. While at the Britannia Royal Naval College in Dartmouth, Philip won two prizes for being the best cadet, showing his talent from early on. From the beginning of 1940 to the end of World War II, Philip served with the Royal Navy in both the Mediterranean and the Pacific. He served on several ships in various roles including midshipman, an officer of the lowest rank in the Royal Navy. Philip worked his way up before the achievement of reaching the rank of Commander in the Royal Navy. One of his most memorable moments while serving in the Royal Navy was saving everyone on his ship from the Nazis. It happened during the Allied invasion of Sicily, where the Duke’s ship came under attack during the night by the Luftwaffe, the aerial warfare branch of the Wehrmacht. He responded to the attack by throwing overboard several wooden life rafts with smoke floats attached to them which led to the enemy pilots aiming bombs at the rafts instead of the ship, a move which saved the lives of those on the ship. After his military career came to an end in 1951, Philip still held close links to the armed forces. In 1952, a year after he ended his military duties, the Duke was made Admiral of the Sea Cadet Corps, Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Cadet Force and Air Commodore-in-Chief of the Air Training Corps. The following year he was promoted to Admiral of the Fleet and made Field Marshal and Marshal of the Royal Air Force. Philip was also Colonel-in-Chief and Colonel of many British and overseas regiments. To check out the rest of MM’s Prince Philip coverage, click here. Featured image credit: Jamie McCaffrey on Flikr.
Archaeology, Human Remains, Exhibitions By Melanie Giles Bog Bodies are the best-preserved human remains from NW Europe. They have inspired poetry, art and literature. Bogs are not just important as environmental records of the past – they are a vital part of our response to climate change. The archaeology of bogs can help us understand how our relationship with these rich, fertile yet dangerous places has changed over the last three millennia. New scientific and forensic techniques have revolutionised our understanding of the story of bog bodies. Yet there is no one explanation for ‘bodies in the bogs’: they are a mixture of sacrifice, execution, murder and accident. There are more ‘paper’ bog bodies, hidden in our newspaper archives, letters and old diaries, than we have realised: stories yet to be told. Bogs have other well-preserved prehistoric marvels hidden in their depths: ‘exquisite objects’ such as cauldrons, weapons and jewellery, as well as ‘everyday treasures’ such as tools, textiles and vats of bog butter. Whilst bog bodies lie at the heart of many national museum collections, there is considerable debate as to if and how we should display them. Bog bodies is available now. Melanie Giles is Senior Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Manchester.
Empower Youth so that they can achieve their full potential and one day when they have the opportunity, they can build a more just society. When children are born, they start with a clean slate. Life experiences and circumstances shape their foundation and prepare them for their future. They start with no biases, but life experiences build biases. They become adults and take their place in society with all of its good elements and imperfections. For the most part they are individuals in a complex society. They may join various groups that do good work in isolation, but there is no unifying plan to build a better society. There are many social issues that continue to challenge our society. This includes racism, discrimination, poverty, inequity in incarceration, inequity in careers, inequity in wealth building opportunities, etc. Although our society has made progress over the past century building a more equitable society, significant disparities remain. Imagine if enough Youth come together under Cornerstone, receive the proper training, become empowered to fulfill their full potential and are part of a unifying Movement with a plan to build a more just and equitable society. Once the Youth of today become adults, they will have the skills, knowledge and desire to work together to achieve this vision for the benefit of all.
DNA methylation data facilitate the development of accurate molecular estimators of chronological age or “epigenetic clocks.” We present a robust epigenetic clock for the beluga whale, Delphinapterus leucas, developed for an endangered population in Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA. We used a custom methylation array to measure methylation levels at 37,491 cytosine–guanine sites (CpGs) from skin samples of dead whales (n = 67) whose chronological ages were estimated based on tooth growth layer groups. Using these calibration data, a penalized regression model selected 23 CpGs, providing an R2 = 0.92 for the training data; and an R2 = 0.74 and median absolute age error = 2.9 years for the leave one out cross-validation. We applied the epigenetic clock to an independent dataset of 38 skin samples collected with a biopsy dart from living whales between 2016 and 2018. Age estimates ranged from 11 to 27 years. We also report sex correlations in CpG data and describe an approach of identifying the sex of an animal using DNA methylation. The epigenetic estimators of age and sex presented here have broad applications for conservation and management of Cook Inlet beluga whales and potentially other cetaceans.
The Awareness Raising Workshop series was attended by the participants selected by the Partnering Centers who have the capacity to disseminate green chemistry in their respective countries. A one-day event focused on raising awareness on green chemistry and its importance, and which allowed networking among green chemistry experts. This course is intended for undergraduates with no prior knowledge of green chemistry and aims to explore how the principles of green chemistry can help resolve global human health and environmental issues. Students will learn to identify different environmental and human health problems, and consider the appropriate solutions using green chemistry tools covered in the course. Upon completion of the course, students will have learned how green chemistry is a fine balance of different concepts and disciplines, including sustainability, chemistry, toxicology, and molecular design. TRAINING THE FACILITATOR The Training the Facilitator Workshop was attended by participants selected by the Partnering Centers who have the influence to disseminate green chemistry. It was a 5-day event that expanded on the concepts covered in the one-day workshop, including case studies. The workshop provided participants with skills and materials to disseminate green chemistry. The Educational Videos series aims to provide a didactic and fun way to learn more about The Global Green Chemistry Initiative and about Green Chemistry as a whole. With the participation of Dr Paul Anastas, the videos are about many of the workshops presentation topics and give real life illustrations to the discussed cases. The Yale-UNIDO Technology Compendium features Green Chemistry and Green Engineering solutions and technologies from around the world. With assistance from the Green Chemistry Community, we documented emerging and commercially available Green Chemistry solutions and technologies to facilitate worldwide access for academia, industry, and government agencies. The Guidance Document is a descriptive and instructive roadmap on how and why governments and industries should implement green chemistry.
Ever notice a warning label on certain prescription medications advising the patient to avoid eating grapefruits or drinking grapefruit juice, and wondered how such a healthful treat could be ill-advised? In February 2012 the FDA issued a consumer report explaining the connection. Although generally healthy, grapefruits contain certain chemicals that can inhibit key proteins involved in drug metabolism. Depending on which protein is inhibited, the result will either be an increase in blood concentrations of the drug to potentially toxic levels, or a decrease in the amount of medication reaching target tissues. How can one fruit have such seemingly opposite affects? The first scenario – toxic levels of the drug accumulating in the bloodstream – occurs when metabolism of a particular drug depends on enzymes known as CYP3A4. These enzymes are found in both the small intestine and the liver. Normally, this means that drug metabolism starts even as it is being absorbed through the intestine and into the bloodstream. Grapefruit inhibits the activity of CYP3A4 – resulting in a too-high concentration of the drug entering the patient’s bloodstream. These higher concentrations may result in direct toxicity, or, over time, may result on liver damage, as it forces the liver to work harder to metabolize the drug. Not all drugs rely on these CYP3A4 enzymes for metabolism, which is why not all medications are affected. Scientists have known for some time that the cholesterol-lowering statin drugs such as Zocor and Lipitor are affected by CYP3A4 inhibition; more recent studies indicate grapefruit consumption can affect a longer list of medicines, including those prescribed to treat high blood pressure (Nifediac and Afeditab), depression or anxiey (Zoloft and BuSpar) and erectile dysfunction (Viagara and Cialis). The second scenario – needed medication not reaching the target cells – results from grapefruit’s inhibition of a type of protein known as a transporter protein – a protein on cellular surfaces which helps molecules to enter cells. Allergy medicine such as Benadryl and Allegra rely in part on these transporter proteins to enter cells; their inhibition results in lower intercellular drug concentrations with a corresponding loss of effectiveness. So continue to enjoy what remains a healthy treat – but just be sure to read your medication labels first.
- Sunshine: We need sun exposure to make vitamin D, which plays a big role in bone development as well as creating a healthy immune system which can improve sleep and mood in children. - Exercise: Kids should be active and outside everyday for at least an hour. Playing sports, riding a bike, sliding, swinging and other forms of active play is great for keeping kids fit and healthy! - Executive Function: This is a weird one right? Well, maybe not... Giving kids unstructured time to play will force them to make up their own games, figure things out and amuse themselves. These simple skills will help kids prioritize, troubleshoot, negotiate, and multitask as adults! - Taking Risks: This can make parents anxious as we want our kids to be safe but taking risks will greatly improve your kids confidence and bravery! The lessons we learn from failure are just as important as the ones learned from victory. - Socialization: Kids need to learn to work together, make friends and cooperate! This can be accomplished with unstructured play outside with friends! - Appreciation of Nature: YES this is easier accomplished by playing outside than watching videos on YouTube! Get your kids outside by themselves, with friends, or go with them! If you need more activities outside to make getting your kids outside easier, let River City Play Systems send you a catalog for ideas! This blog has paraphrased "6 Reasons Children Need to Play Outside" by Claire McCarthy, MD. You can read this article in full, along with other related articles HERE!
The Cofan people of Northeast Ecuador have a territory of over 1 million acres of rainforest. The area needs to be patrolled to prevent illegal deforestation, mining, and poaching. The Cofan people have been stewarding their land for millennia, but with growing threats. They need funds to provide the world with essential ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and biodiversity maintenance. This project would hire 25 Cofan guards, maintain 12 stations and clear 20 miles of trail. Globally, forests are being cut down, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and contributing to climate change. The Cofan people are committed to protecting over 1 million acres of forest, but this area is under constant threat of illegal poaching, mining, and deforestation. The Cofan need to raise funds to provide salaries to native park guards, pay for their transportation, clear trails and build and maintain ranger stations. This project will provide a year's worth of funding to cover the salaries of the guards and maintenance of outposts and trails. The Cofan community of over 1500 families will have more sources of income without having to migrate or work for oil companies. Over 4000 million pounds of carbon will be sequestered per year. Native biodiversity will be protected.
Top 11 dental advice to keeps your gums and teeth healthy for existence. These dental advice will help you both in stopping and promoting dental health for life. 1. Brush the teeth after each meal, targeting three occasions each day minimum. Make certain the way you are brushing is the proper way as brushing the wrong manner can damage the gums. Ask your dental professional or dental hygienist to look at you brushing to allow them to make changes as needed. 2. Make use of a fluoride tooth paste to assist prevent tooth decay and dental disease. Fluoride is antibacterial and therefore might help eliminate bacteria that create dental disease. 3. Make use of a toothbrush with soft nylon bristles. It’s a misconception very difficult bristles clean much better than soft, it’s about good brushing technique not the kind of bristles which matter. 4. Floss once each day. Be sure that your strategy is proper to achieve well underneath the gumline in which the bacteria accumulate. 5. Never make use of your teeth to spread out things, for instance bottles or peels of fruit. 6. Quit smoking. Besides smoking possess a harmful impact on systemic health it’s very dangerous towards the dental tissue. Smoking may cause precancerous and cancerous lesions to create on dental tissue. 7. Drink plain tea without milk or sugar, it can benefit prevent tooth decay. 8. If you fail to brush following a snack or meal, chew a bit of sugarless gum. It can help excite your saliva flow and release up items of food around the biting the surface of the teeth. 9. Replace your toothbrush roughly every 3 several weeks or sooner when the bristles are bent. 10. Put on a sportsguard should you play sports. 11. Visit your dental professional and dental hygienist regularly.
Composition of automatic water irrigation control system The importance of landscaping Landscaping is the only living infrastructure in the city and the only system with self-purification capabilities. It can adjust the temperature, humidity and flow state in the air, and can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. And can block and absorb some harmful gases and reduce urban noise. Thereby improving the urban ecological environment. The irrigation system is as important to landscaping as the tap water system is to urban residents. It is an important infrastructure for the maintenance of landscaping. Here is a brief description of the composition of the automatic water irrigation control system for landscaping. Elements of automatic garden irrigation system The irrigator is a device for irrigating green plants with different water distribution methods. Commonly used landscaping sprinklers include buried non-rotating sprinklers, rotating sprinklers, root sprinklers, micro sprinklers, drip arrows, drip irrigation pipes and so on. The water pipe network connects the irrigators, valves and water sources in the irrigation system. Just like the blood vessels of the human body. Generally divided into main pipes and branch pipes, the main pipe is connected to the water source and the control valve of the irrigation district. The branch pipe is connected to the control valve of the irrigation plot and the water dispenser. The material of the pipe is generally PE or PVC plastic pipe. The irrigation solenoid valves is used as the control valve for the irrigation district. It acts as a link between the previous and the next in the irrigation system, not only connecting the water pipe network and the irrigation device, but also the executor of the controller’s commands. The solenoid valve is a hydraulically driven diaphragm valve controlled by an electric signal. According to the difference of electrical signals, it is generally divided into DC pulse valve or AC valve. Automatic water irrigation control system for landscaping The control system is the center of the automatic irrigation system for landscaping, depending on the size of the project and the different control requirements. Its core is a timing controller, which sets conditions such as opening time and running time of a certain solenoid valve. Control the on-off action of the solenoid valve to achieve the purpose of watering the plants by the irrigator.
Spring showers have passed, school is out, and summer is upon us. With your kids starting to spend so much time under the sun, keep these tips in mind to make sure they’re protected from those summer rays. One of the most important things to remember while your kids are playing under the sun, is sunscreen. Regardless of whether the sun is blazing, or hidden behind some clouds, there is still a possibility of sunburn or sun damage. Sunscreen comes in various strengths; make sure you find out which best fits your child’s skin and apply it every two hours. If you would like a recommendation on some of our favorite sunscreens, don’t hesitate to ask your Pediatric Care Group pediatrician. If you have a newborn or an infant, make sure you seek out shade, or bring it with you in the form of an umbrella or parasol! For all children, especially infants, it is best to avoid long exposure to direct sunlight. Depending on where you are geographically, between 11 AM and 3 PM is when the sun is at its strongest, and it’s best to seek out shade and avoid the sun’s harsh rays. For more information on baby skin care, click here. Hats & Glasses Sun hats and sunglasses are vital when seeking protection from the summer sun! The head, ears, and eyes tend to be super sensitive when exposed to the sun rays. A proper hat with a wide brim and sunglasses with UV protection will help keep harmful rays from harming your children. With the summer forecast calling for loads of sunshine, make sure you understand all the risks that are associated with summer sun, and do your best to keep your kids safe! Talk with us, your pediatricians, about the proper care that is needed to make sure your children stay safe in the sun and more importantly, enjoy the sunshine together!
Does WiFi damage sperm? A new study suggests that wireless signals could harm a man's fertility Men could be jeopardizing their future children every time they rest a WiFi-equipped laptop on their lap. New research, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, suggests that prolonged exposure to wireless internet signals may have the nasty side effect of killing sperm. Here's what scientists found: How was the test conducted? Researchers placed semen samples from 29 healthy men under a laptop connected to the Internet via WiFi, then hit download. To make sure that any changes weren't the result of the heat generated by the computer, they also put a control group of sperm samples under a laptop that was on, but not wirelessly connected. And what happened? After four hours, 25 percent of the sperm exposed to WiFi stopped moving, and 9 percent showed DNA damage. In contrast, the control group had 14 percent stop moving, with only 3 percent of cells showing evidence of DNA damage. Why did WiFi kill the semen? The culprit is likely electromagnetic radiation from the WiFi signal, although we should be "cautious to infer" a direct link, says one fertility expert. While the experiment was "well conducted," sperm that's already been ejaculated is "particularly sensitive to many factors" because "they don't have the protection of other cells" once outside the body. So what should men do? For now, it's best to exercise caution and keep computers off the lap — last year, similar research demonstrated that the hot underside of laptops also killed off sperm cells. "So between the heat and the radiation from today's electronic devices," says Frederik Joelving at Reuters, "testicles would seem to be hard-pressed."
The HCl molecule oscillates at a frequency of 87.0 THz. What is the difference (in eV) between its adjacent energy levels? Black 3 lecture 8 - Blood Supply and CSF 1. Describe what is meant by “anterior circulation” and “posterior circulation” and what vessels give rise to the different blood flow patterns 2. List the 3 large vessel that supply blood to the cerebrum and the major blood vessel from which they originate Come from Left/right common carotid art - Left Internal Carotid Artery, Right Internal Carotid Artery Come from Vertebral arteries - combine to for basilar artery - provide blood to poster ⅓ of brain 3. Describe the body regions provided blood by the anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery and the vertebrobasilar arteries Anterior cerebral artery - trunk and lower extremity middle cerebral artery - (largest vascular territory) - upper limbs and face, speech, auditory Posterior cerebral artery - occipital lobe (vision), inferior temporal lobe (face recognition) Vertebrobasilar arteries - join to form 1 basilar artery that provides blood to the brain stem, cerebellum, and posterior ⅓ rd of the cerebrum 4. Compare stroke and transient ischemic attack Stroke - Thrombotic “clot” - Hemorrhagic “bleeding in the brain” - Ischemia - insufficient blood supply to the brain Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) - a transient episode of neurological deficit - DOES NOT RESULT IN NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE - NOT A “MINI STROKE” - primary cause is embolism 5. Compare thrombotic and hemorrhagic strokes Thrombotic “clot” - can be broken up by medication - untreated usually lead to Hemorrhagic strok
Creating Charts in Pages for the Mac If you need something more visual than a table full of data, you can use charts. There are several kinds of charts, such as bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts. You’ve also got a plethora of chart colors and styles, including customizable 3D graphics. Creating a Basic Bar Graph Although the different types of charts may vary greatly in appearance, the underlying controls are very similar. Therefore, learning how to make a basic bar graph will teach you what you need to know to create other charts. Pages calls vertical bar graphs column charts and horizontal bar graphs bar charts. We’ll create a vertical column chart, but the same technique can be used to create a horizontal one. - Create a new document. Charts work in both word processing and page layout documents, but we use a page layout document in this example. - Click the Charts button on the toolbar. Select the first type of chart, called a column chart. - You should see a sample chart. Instead of starting with a blank chart, like you do with with tables, you’ll always get sample data when starting a new chart so that you have something to start with. The Chart Data Editor should also appear as a separate window. If it does not, you can choose Format, Chart, Show Data Editor. - To add another item to the chart, click the Add Column button. - Add a label for that item by double-clicking the header cell in the table. - Add data for that item. - You’ll see a new item appear in real time as you use the Chart Data Editor.
XC90 2.5T AWD L5-2.5L Turbo VIN 59 B5254T2 (2003) Check the cables visually according to "Inspect Terminals Visually". Use a voltmeter to take readings at various points in the circuit while operating switches and sensors. The voltmeter reading depends on the circuit being tested and the positions of switches and sensors. Use the wiring diagram to determine the correct voltage in the circuit. Use an ohmmeter between the suspect cables to detect short-circuits between them. The ohmmeter should read infinite resistance between cables not connected to each other in the circuit. Shake the cable lightly and pull on connectors during measurement to locate the damage. If the reading is not correct. Replace the cable and/or continue according to "Loose Connections (Terminals)". Loose Connections (Terminals) Loose connections (terminals) Repair wiring and cable terminals, using appropriate procedures. Loose connections in terminals may be caused by oxidation of the pins and sockets, or by a faulty connection of a cable to its cable terminal. Loose connections produce the same faults as an intermittent open-circuit in a cable. Inspect terminals visually according to "Inspect Terminals Visually". Continue according to "Contact Resistance and Oxidation". Contact Resistance and Oxidation Contact resistance and oxidation In theory, the resistance across contacts, leads and terminals should be 0 [ohm]. However, there is always some resistance due to terminal oxidation. If resistance is too great there will be function problems. The magnitude of the resistance before it causes a malfunction depends on the circuit load. A guideline would be a few ohms.
Botanical name: Osbeckia parvifolia Family: Melastomataceae (Melastome family) Small-Leaf Osbeckia is a prostrate to ascending herb. Stems are laxly hairy with purplish or brownish to yellowish spreading hairs. Leaves are elliptic, 1-6 x 0.8-3 cm, basally rounded to obtuse with a 1-6 mm long stalk, pointed at the tip, generally 3 or sometimes 5-nerved, rather densely velvet-hairy with long hairs on both sides. Flowers are few or several in rather loose clusters, stalked, 4-petalled or occasionally 5-petalled. Hypanthium is 2-4 mm wide, with a rather lax cover of purplish or brownish to yellowish long hairs. Sepals are triangular-ovate, 2-4 mm long, persistent in fruit. Petals are 5-11 mm long, pink to mauve. Anthers are ovate-oblong, obtuse, 2-4 mm long, not or only slightly twisted. Small-Leaf Osbeckia is found in South India and Sri Lanka. Identification credit: Gurumurthi Hegde, Shrikant Ingalhalikar The flower labeled Small-Leaf Osbeckia is ...
If you have Windows 10 or a later version, you can add email accounts to the Mail app to start sending and receiving email Add a new email account - Select Start, enter Mail, and choose the app from the results. - If this is the first time you've opened the Mail app, you’ll see a Welcome page. Select Add account to get started. If you've used the Mail app before, at the bottom of the left navigation pane, select Settings , and then choose Manage Accounts. - Select Add account. - Choose Advanced setup > Internet email, and enter the following information: - Enter your Email address. - User name This is your full email address. - Password Enter your email account password. - Account name This is the name you'll see in the left pane of the Mail app and in the Manage Accounts pane. You can choose any name you want. - Send your messages using this name Enter the name you want recipients to see when they receive your message. - In the Incoming email server, enter the incoming mail server address in the format of mail.domain (e.g. mail.example.com). - Account type Choose POP3 or IMAP4. Most email accounts use IMAP4. - Outgoing (SMTP) email server enter the outgoing email server address in the format of mail.domain (e.g. mail.example.com). - By default, all four checkboxes at the bottom of the window will be selected. Your email account doesn’t require any changes to these options.
A rising tide of social, economic and technological progress has provided the world with immense new opportunities. This proverbial tide has raised many boats, but has left others behind. Individuals and groups who belong to certain ethnicities, religions, tribes, castes, races, disability statuses, locations, or sexual minorities have not been lifted. That’s why a new World Bank report “The Rising Tide: A New Look at Water and Gender” provides a fresh look at the relationship between water and gender. As Senior Director of the World Bank Water Global Practice Guangzhe Chen says: “We believe this report will help those who want to advance social inclusion in water, close gender gaps, and lift those who all too often are left behind or left out. “ For the World Bank, water and gender equality is a vital issue. The Sustainable Developments Goals provide both an ambitious mandate and ambitious targets. A new World Bank Gender Strategy raises the bar for our own work. And the World Bank Water Global Practice have recently launched a new partnership for water security and sanitation. The Rising Tide builds on a previous World Bank report on social inclusion and tells us that water is an asset, a service, and a space. That’s because water has distinct economic as well as noneconomic and nonmonetary values. Some values are spiritual or social and the underlying norms and practices that play out are often deeply gendered. Informal institutions, taboos, rituals, and norms all play a part in cementing the status quo. The Rising Tide shows how water often reflects, and even reinforces, gender inequality. As the foreword of the report explains: “(The report shows us that) water is an arena where gender relations play out in ways that often mirror inequalities between the sexes. And it examines how norms and practices related to water often exacerbate ingrained gender and other hierarchies.”
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have built a system for tracking COVID-19 contacts while preserving an individual’s privacy. To automate contact tracking, the system uses short-range Bluetooth signals or & # 39; beeps & # 39; emitted from people’s smartphones to nearby devices to help identify if they have been near an infected person, the official release notes said. Apple’s ‘Find My’ function also uses beeps to locate the lost device. Suggestion For You: When a person tests positive, they can upload their list of chirps that their smartphone has sent in the past 14 days to a database, where other people can scan to see if every match has been picked up by their phone. If there is an agreement, the person is informed of the possible exposure to the virus and the next steps are suggested. The researchers successfully prototyped the system and also achieved interoperability between platforms and device models. They are now working in partnership with smartphone manufacturers and software developers. (ANI) (This story has not been edited by staff and is automatically generated from a syndicated feed.) For Latest News Follow us on Google News - Show all - Trending News - Popular By week
DR. SINDHU V.BDSConsultant Dental Surgeon MYTH 1 :Oral Health is Not connected to Overall Health of the Body. FACT A mouth with severe tooth decay and gum disease is more likely to cause bacteria to enter into the bloodstream and result in other health issues especially heart diseases. MYTH 2 :You need to visit a Dentist Only if and when your Teeth hurt. FACT Prevention is better than Cure. Some Dental issues are asymptomatic and may not present with any visible or noticeable symptoms. But if left untreated, they could worsen, causing serious infections that require complex and costly interventional treatment. Hence, it is always advisable to nip it in the bud by identifying the issue when it is still in the initial stages. Early diagnosis is always a better option as the treatment is simple and more cost effective when compared to leaving it till the last minute before visiting a medical professional. MYTH 3 :Bleeding Gums are Not a serious problem and can be ignored. FACT Bleeding Gums are the first sign of Gum Disease, and if left untreated can lead to more severe gum diseases that are irreversible and causing Tooth Loss. MYTH 4 :I should Only use a Hard Bristle Toothbrush to clean my Teeth. FACT Brush your teeth twice daily using a soft bristles brush and change toothbrush every 2-3 months or sooner if the bristles are frayed. MYTH 5 :Diet has No effect on Oral Health. FACT Eating right has a positive impact not just on your teeth but gums, jawbone and breath as well. MYTH 6 :You Don't have to take your Child to the Dentist till they get their Permanent or Adult Teeth. FACT : You should take your child to the dentist for the first time after his or her first tooth comes in, which is usually between 6-12 months. The earlier the visits, the better the child’s chances of preventing dental problems.
Botanical name: Tetrataenium nepalense Family: Apiaceae (Carrot family) Synonyms: Heracleum nepalense, Sium lobatum Nepal Hogweed is a stout plant, up to 2 m tall. Roots are cylindrical, about 15 cm long. Stem is solitary, velvet-hairy. Basal leaves are long-stalked; leaf blade broad-ovate, 20-45 x 20-35 cm, trifoliolate or 1-2-pinnate, pinnae 3-7 pairs; leaflets broadly ovate, 9-20 x 5-12 cm, both surfaces finely velvet-hairy, especially along veins, margins sawtoothed. Sem leaves are similar to the basal, reduced upward, smaller, 3-lobed stalkless on expanded sheaths. Flowers are borne in umbels 15-30 cm wide; bracts 1-5, linear or absent; rays numerous, 15-60 (or more), 6-9 cm, unequal, extending in fruit; bracteoles 5-8, linear, unequal, 5-9 mm, persistent; umbellule 8-30-flowered. Calyx teeth subulate. Petals are white, occasionally pinkish, outer flowers in umbel prominently radiant; radiant petals 2-lobed, to 3 × 2.3 mm. Young ovary is densely hairy. Fruit is obovoid, 9-11 x 7-10 mm; dorsal ribs thread-like, lateral ribs broadly winged, wings 2.2-4 mm wide; vittae thread-like, solitary in dorsal furrows, extending to 2/3 length of mericarp, 1-2 in lateral furrows, shorter than dorsal, 2-4 on commissure, about 2/3 as long as mericarp. Seed face plane. Nepal Hogweed is found in forests, scrub, grassy slopes, roadsides in the Himalayas, at altitudes of 2000-4000 m, in Bhutan, NE India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim. Flowering: June-August. • Is this flower misidentified? If yes, The flower labeled Nepal Hogweed is ...
The Programme for Inclusive Public Policies in Africa (APIA) promotes the efficient use of water and the prevention of water-borne diseases. As part of the programme to support the design of inclusive public policies and the search for funding to put them into practice, at the headquarters of the Cape Verde National Education Department in Praia, teaching materials were handed over to the Cape Verde educational community that will educate children and raise their awareness of how to use water responsibly and efficiently. This project also includes an exchange of experiences with quality management for water intended for human consumption and identifies opportunities to improve water monitoring and supply policies, especially among the more disadvantaged, who are supplied with water by tanker trucks or public wells. The materials, which include flashcards, cartoons and DVDs with interactive audiovisual game, are designed for use in schools to provide a tool for teaching young people about the efficient use of water in a country with a serious shortage of this resource. The materials were developed by technicians from the Canary Islands Technological Institute and Cape Verde Ministry of Education. There will also be training for teachers who will be responsible for providing the schools with support in their use and dissemination. The initiative forms part of the "Transfer of teaching materials and technical support for the promotion of efficient water use and the prevention of water-borne diseases in the Cape Verdean population", which comes under the Spanish Cooperation Programme for Inclusive Public Policies in Africa (APIA), managed jointly by the FIIAPP (International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies) and the AECID (Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development). The programme is designed to help African countries, their governments and their people to achieve inclusive economic growth that will contribute to creating more cohesive and equitable societies.
Facebook Twitter Linkedin The Mono County in California, located just a few kilometers northeast of Yosemite National Park, there is a fascinating old lake, which is dating back as 760,000 years ago. Rescuers paid superhuman efforts to extricate the trapped people from the cars that were stuck in mud in central highway of California. Almost 200,000 people were ordered to evacuate the area around Oroville, California on Sunday afternoon, after erosion caused damage in both spillways of America's tallest dam at Lake Oroville. A video by San Bernardino County firefighters captures the moment the large volume of snow, rock, soil and timber slides off the mountainside. Part of the mountainside went off into the Pacific Ocean, covering up a big part of scenic Highway 1 in Big Sur area, California, on Saturday, May 20th. Heavy rainfall caused rivers of mud and debris to run down from hillsides in Santa Barbara County, California, last Tuesday, killing several people and causing extensive damage to infrastructure. A rock fall occurred in the underground Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, California. Extreme torrential rain has caused severe flooding and has triggered hazardous mudslides in California. Archaeologists have found a buried military facility beneath the prison yard of Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, which is now controlled by the National Park Service. According to federal engineers, Disneyland may be in danger as a local dam could fail if an intense rainfall occurs. Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin Copyright © 2002-2022 Elxis s.a. Powered by ARGO-E LLC. All rights reserved. Disclaimer - Copyrights & Permissions - Cookies To find out more about the cookies we use and how to delete them visit our Cookies page. Learn more
As soon as a child starts his middle school studies he’s taught about the rights of a citizen. He is taught about equality among citizens of a country and he’s is taught about the great history of his country, how great their ancestors were how they fought for inequality and how liberal their country is now. But is all that true? Are we living in a society where every individual is equal before the law? Does every person irrespective of their caste, race, or gender getting equal opportunities out there and not being told their limits? And Do Black Lives Matter? This “is really” question has forced us to wonder is this happening in reality or is this happening in textbooks only. The question leads us to 400 years old history of the US on the cruelty against black people. The history of black inequality is as old as the colonial times. Many wars were fought against it and many people died. There had been many great people who bought about revolutionary changes for African Americans. What is Black Lives Matter? Black Lives Matter Flag was the moment that bought all the African Americans together once again in 2013. The BLM started when an African American teenager Trayvon Martin lost his life because of oppressional racism against him. The movement has no official leader as of now. It is also popular on social media with the hashtag #blacklivesmatter. Black Lives Matter was only set up to draw the attention of people about the racism on blacks in the US and not to downcast whites. It was only to support and upgrade weak blacks who were under the continuous oppression of whites. The movement grew huge back again in 2020 after the death of another African American George Floyd. The people came out on streets to protest and people of many other countries also held banners in support of #blacklivesmatter. It became the largest movement on social media and had numerous supporters from every corner of the world. Black Lives Matter Flag: The Black and white flag of the US shows the unity of men and women the oppression. The Black American flag was made after replacing the red and white lines on the flag with the black and white lines which can also be an explanation towards the unity of black and whites in America. There is also a slogan which says “together we stand against racism and hate.”
Red tide in Key Largo, Florida Keys canal different from what's on east, west coasts A Florida Keys canal contains a potentially harmful algal bloom that causes a different kind of red tide than what's plaguing the state's east and west coast beaches, Florida International University announced Tuesday. The algae in the Pirates Cove subdivision of Key Largo is Fibrocapsa japonica, whose toxins can kill animals but haven't sickened people, according to an FIU news release. “It’s not something to be alarmed about right now,” said Tom Frankovich, a research associate professor with FIU's Institute of Water and Environment. “This particular algae is a natural part of the environment and often forms harmless blooms with no noticeable effects on marine life, but it has the potential to cause fish kills if it persists for long time periods.” The algae occur in organically enriched, enclosed environments with little water circulation, he said. After Frankovich's water tests confirmed the algae's presence Oct. 2, he notified Florida and Monroe County agencies, sent water samples to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission's Harmful Algal Bloom laboratory to confirm his findings, and received confirmation from Carmelo Tomas, a biology professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington who specializes in phytoplankton. A resident reported the red tide in his canal to Frankovich at FIU's Key Largo facility. “Without observant homeowners and experts like Dr. Frankovich, it is likely that this bloom would have escaped notice or been mistaken for a bloom of the Florida Red Tide algae,” said James Fourqurean, director of FIU’s coastal oceans research programs. Karenia brevis, the most common red tide species, is what's plaguing Florida's east and west coast beaches.
On Monday, September 3, the World Health Organization stated that the Ebola outbreak in the Kibaale district of Uganda was coming to an end. No new confirmed cases have been reported since August 3 2012. Meanwhile, health workers have been tracking those who had contact with Ebola cases for 21 days after exposure to monitor for signs of Ebola transmission. Isolation facilities in Kibaale and Kampala remain on “stand-by,” just in case. The source of the outbreak has yet to be determined, but ecological teams in Kibaale are collecting samples from wildlife in the surrounding areas. In a tweet from September 4, WHO stated that the outbreak would be declared over once two periods of 21 days (the incubation period for Ebola) have passed. In other words, if no new cases are reported by September 14, the outbreak will be declared over. The outbreak in neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo is, however, on-going. According to the WHO, as of September 3, the DRC reported 28 cases (eight confirmed by the Uganda Virus Research Institute, six probable and 14 suspected) and 14 deaths. All cases and deaths have occurred in the Haut-Uélé district of Province Orientale. Similar to the response in Uganda, health workers are tracking contacts and studying social and anthropological behaviors that might exacerbate the spread of the disease. The WHO does not recommend any travel or trade restrictions for Democratic Republic of Congo. Groups involved in outbreak response efforts include Médecins San Frontières and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Adaptive Social Protection Adaptive Social Protection links Social Protection with Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation to strengthen people’s and societies’ resilience. When catastrophes strike, the most severely affected are often left without protection: The poorest families have less capacity to prepare for, or cope with, crises related to food, floods, income losses or other. ‘Humanitarian’ and ‘transitional’ assistance is only a temporary solution, especially when interrelated shocks such as climate change, famine and armed conflict lead to a negative spiral fuelling impoverishment and migration. In this context, the response also needs to be compounded: Associating Social Protection, Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation, Adaptive Social Protection offers a trajectory for tackling such interrelated challenges. Its pragmatic approach, based on four interconnected ‘building blocks’, provides a potent framework for policy dialogue and coordinated action, to provide comprehensive and effective coverage and support to those affected. German development cooperation is strongly implicated in promoting Adaptive Social Protection, particularly in the fragile Sahel region, through both its bilateral interventions and participation in major multilateral programmes. The articles, events and studies on this page explain how Germany uses different development instruments to support Adaptive Social Protection in contexts where it is urgently needed.
Cerebral malaria: clinical features, pathophysiology and treatment. Herbert Gilles played an important role in the establishment of the Wellcome-Mahidol University, Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Programme in Thailand in 1979. The randomized, placebo-controlled trial of dexamethasone in cerebral malaria that was carried out in Chantaburi in 1980 yielded results which led to the abandonment of ancillary corticosteroid therapy in this disease and contributed to a rejection of the 'permeability hypothesis'. The clinical manifestations of strictly defined cerebral malaria have not been described both in non-immune adults in Thailand and Vietnam and in African children. Clinical and histopathological studies in human patients, together with laboratory studies of cyto-adherence, malaria 'toxin' and cytokine production have provided some evidence for both the 'mechanical' and 'toxin-cytokine' hypotheses to explain the pathophysiology of this condition. Chemotherapy is challenged by the continuing evolution of antimalarial resistance. Recently, the most powerful studies ever carried out with antimalarial drugs have demonstrated that artemether and quinine achieve similar case fatalities, in the range 11%-21%, and that both drugs have some advantages and disadvantages. Further studies are needed to define the efficacy and safety of prophylactic anticonvulsants and exchange transfusion in cerebral malaria. Cerebral malaria remains a major cause of mortality and, in African children, morbidity.
For more information, please fill out the form on the contact page A quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) measures a mass variation per unit area by measuring the change in frequency of a quartz crystal resonator. The resonance is disturbed by the addition or removal of a small mass due to oxide growth/decay, or film deposition at the surface of the acoustic resonator. A QCM can be used under vacuum, in gas phase and in liquid environments. It is useful for monitoring the rate of deposition in thin film deposition systems under vacuum. In liquids, it is highly effective at determining the affinity of molecules to surfaces functionalised with recognition sites. Frequency measurements are made to high precision; hence it is easy to measure mass densities down to a level of below 1 μg/cm2. ICAM equipment includes: - Biolin Scientific QSense E1 System at Imperial College London for detection of adhesion or nucleation (via mass change) at nanogram resolution. Flow and window cell provides parallel imaging of the sensor surface and is suitable for measurements in liquid medium. - Biolin Scientific QSense Explorer system at the University of Cambridge. An electrochemical quartz microbalance with Low Current Potentiostat. Capable of characterising changes in mechanical properties and mass of thin film materials during electrochemical cycling, chemical reactions or phase changes.
I'm intrigued by a report that scientists have discovered the molecule that causes hangovers. Live Science reports: Scientists have discovered the molecule in the brain that leads to hangovers. The neuropeptide, a brain-signalling molecule, is believed to cause the body to experience withdrawal symptoms as the brain tries to adapt to different intoxication levels. The neuroscientists from the University of Southampton's School of Biological Sciences studied the simple brains of C. elegans worms, which have a makeup similar enough to the human brain when intoxicated or dependent on alcohol. What they found was striking. Basically, when a worm brain (similarly, a human brain) is exposed to drinking over a long period of time, it becomes accustomed to certain intoxication levels. The brain experiences a series of withdrawal symptoms when the drinking stops. Typically, these hangover symptoms can include anxiety and agitation, even seizures. "This research showed the worms displaying effects of the withdrawal of alcohol and enables us to define how alcohol affects signalling in nerve circuits which leads to changes in behavior," said professor Lindy Holden-Dye, a neuroscientist of the University's School of Biological Sciences and member of Southampton Neurosciences Group (SoNG), who led the study. When the worms were given small doses of alcohol during their withdrawal their irritable behaviors eased. Unfortunately, this approach to combating a hangover also increases the chances for alcohol dependency. Alcohol dependency and abuse are among the most common mental disorders. This study, published in PLoS One journal, showed hope for an average 13 percent of the adult population that suffers from these disorders. There's more at the link. Interesting that giving more alcohol during withdrawal eased the symptoms. It looks like the folk-medicine 'hair of the dog' hangover cure may have something to it, after all. I guess the next step is to develop medicines to control the molecule in question . . . although whether that'll prove to be a good thing is debatable. I mean, if one can cure the effects of over-indulgence in alcohol, might that not encourage those prone to such problems to over-indulge even more?
The concept of Transparency carries a simple meaning, if practiced by governments it will empower the masses, place them in a position to expose misuse of power, corruption and defend their democracies. A namesake transparency will only be reduced to a smokescreen and a word to keep everything dark hidden and under wraps, something needs to be done. Hacking: The Transparency big bomb: Enforced Transparency comes with a number of tools called: Hacking, whistleblowing and journalism and those who enforced this term to perfection should be hailed as heroes’ not mere criminals. — Heroes like Aaron Swartz (Late), Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Julain Assange, Jeremy Hammond and Barrett Brown. The term “Enforced Transparency” is derivative of a tool governments have been using for decades: Enforced Disappearances – or in Spanish: Desaparición forzada. When world’s governments can abduct, torment, and assassinate their citizens, the importance of Enforcing Transparency – in a non-violent way became more obvious to their citizens. Raymond Johnson of The Cryptoshpare explains how and why hacking becomes imperative during enforced transparency. Journalism and Enforced Transparency relationship: The media observes government activities, one such more critical organization in the post-Snowden era has been The Intercept. Organizations like: Committee to Protect Journalists and Freedom of the Press Foundation also play a pivotal role of monitoring and supervision. The bitter truth is that it is quite a perilous task for the press to remain fair and expose fraud, deceit and exploitation when corporate giants are involved. These huge companies use money for bribing and pressurize Main Stream Media (MSM) to not publish stories and even stoop down to false publicity. Hacktivists Shine Through: The US and Russia both amidst others have a wide-ranging network of news outlets solely dedicated to create hype on a particular program, whether statist or corporatist. Independent media and “hacktivists” are sure to become more vital in coming years as they enforce transparency in a world of mass observation and scrutiny.
How many bowel movements do you have a day? Did you know that is it common to have one bowel movement every other day? Did you also know that it is not normal to have less than 2 bowel movements per day? *To keep your body healthy, your goal should be to have two “normal” bowel movements per day which is long, formed stool that is easy to pass, and does not contain any blood or mucous. What can make constipation worse? - Stress: anxiety, depression, and general stress can decrease your bowel movements, or even cause diarrhea - Lack of Exercise - Diet: low fibre and protein, along with high fat and sugar - Food Sensitivities: gluten intolerance, dairy food - Dehydration: drinking less than 8 cups of water per day - Coffee, Tea or Alcohol: for every one cup you drink, you need to replenish your body with 2 cups of water - Ignoring the Urge - Pharmaceutical Drugs: pain killers, laxative over-use, anti-depressants, antacids, anti-histamines - Medical Conditions: hypothyroidism, depression, irritable bowel What effects on the body does constipation have? - Heat: it can make you feel warmer - Weight Gain: it can prevent your body from losing fat - Mood: it can make you feel more irritable - Pain: it can cause cramping and pain in your lower abdomen - Fatigue: it can contribute to having low energy - Headaches: it can make headaches more frequent and intense - Gastrointestinal: it can cause uncomfortable bloating and gas - Dermatitis: it can make skin problems, especially eczema and acne worse
Functions in the Microsoft applications Outlook and Word can make the programs more useful for everyone, says the University’s accessibility manager, Cherie Gagnon. “Have you ever had a headache so severe that you needed to take a screen break? Or have you experienced difficulty typing due to a temporary injury, sore wrists, disability, or a tight neck?” she asks. “What if a document could be read to you while you eat lunch to save time?” Microsoft has been embedding more accessibility features into its products. Two tools that convert text to speech and vice versa not only enhance the experience for people with disabilities — all people can benefit from these adaptable features. Read Aloud is typically found in the ribbon at the top of the Outlook screen. Depending on the version of Word, it can be found under “Review.” Users can set Read Aloud at varying speeds and even switch speakers to suit their preferences. Dictate is typically found in the ribbon at the top of the screen when users start a new email. Depending on the version of Word, Dictate can be found in the ribbon under the “Home” tab. Click on the icon, wait for a red button to appear, then start talking. To add punctuation, simply say the name of the punctuation, like “comma” or “period.” To start a new paragraph, say “new line.” “There are number of phrases that you can use to format your document as you go,” says Gagnon. “Like learning any new skill, the more you use it, the more proficient you will become.” For more resources about creating Accessible Content, visit the website of the Office of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility.
Legendary Samurai Kiyomasa’s Pulling Stone, Nagoya Castle (HDR Photo) It took just 6 months for 20 000 labourers to build the stone base and walls of Nagoya Castle’s main tower, led by the legendary samurai Katō Kiyomasa 「加藤 清正」 in the early 1600s. Kiyomasa was a leader of men, having fought in the Seven-Year War as division commander in the first wave of the Japanese invasion of Korea. He was also born in Nagoya, becoming a key figure in the construction of its castle. This monument to Kiyomasa stands close to the original tower foundations inside the Nagoya Castle complex, depicting the huge stone he stood atop of while directing the castle wall construction. It is said that Kiyomasa, who was ordered to build the stone base of the donjon, personally “called the tune”, and made young and old alike sing the cadence while he supervised the hauling of the huge stones used in the construction. From a sign next to the monument at Nagoya Castle Inside the castle’s main tower is a popular stone pulling hands-on exhibit. Visitors can try pulling a massive stone, experiencing the construction of the castle under Kiyomasa’s direction over 400 years ago. Nagoya is Japan’s 3rd largest city, about halfway between Tokyo and Osaka. View 20+ photos and detailed travel information at our Nagoya Castle and Hommaru Palace travel guide.
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a framework created by the Kyoto Protocol, was an attempt to link the carbon market and sustainable development objectives in developing countries. Consequently, sequestered carbon is now a globally traded commodity with a huge potential to provide economic returns to land manager. Unlike traditional development models based on deferred and diffused benefit streams, the new carbon-market model offers an opportunity to directly link land management and natural resource conservation with specific and immediate market incentives. Analysis shows that carbon markets can serve a catalytic function in stimulating increased tree planting and improved forest management, thus helping to realize the multiple benefits of forestry and agro-forestry systems. In recent years opportunities for participation in carbon credit trading markets have been growing. The Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) now boasts more than six million trades per month. A recent summary of the “State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2006” prepared for the World Bank’s BioCarbon Fund, reports a rapid increase in corporate participation in the carbon market. This book focuses on the concept of CDM and other forestry based Carbon finance mechanisms introduced by UNFCCC and its impact on carbon markets. It also presents a brief analysis of the growth of carbon market in India, its present status and prospects in future. It provides a detailed account of Afforestation and Reforestation CDM Projects including the A/R Project Designed Document by UNFCCC in a simplified yet compact manner for better understanding of the procedure as a reference guide.
Common spatial patterns of trees in various tropical forests: Small trees are associated with increased diversity at small spatial scales Tropical forests are notable for their high species diversity, even on small spatial scales, and right-skewed species and size abundance distributions. The role of individual species as drivers of the spatial organization of diversity in these forests has been explained by several hypotheses and processes, for example, stochastic dilution, negative density dependence, or gap dynamics. These processes leave a signature in spatial distribution of small trees, particularly in the vicinity of large trees, likely having stronger effects on their neighbors. We are exploring species diversity patterns within the framework of various diversity-generating hypotheses using individual species–area relationships. We used the data from three tropical forest plots (Wanang—Papua New Guinea, Barro Colorado Island—Panama, and Sinharaja—Sri Lanka) and included also the saplings (DBH ≥ 1 cm). Resulting cross-size patterns of species richness and evenness reflect the dynamics of saplings affected by the distribution of large trees. When all individuals with DBH ≥1 cm are included, ~50% of all tree species from the 25- or 50-ha plot can be found within 35 m radius of an individual tree. For all trees, 72%–78% of species were identified as species richness accumulators, having more species present in their surroundings than expected by null models. This pattern was driven by small trees as the analysis of DBH >10 cm trees showed much lower proportion of accumulators, 14%–65% of species identified as richness repellers and had low richness of surrounding small trees. Only 11%–26% of species had lower species evenness than was expected by null models. High proportions of species richness accumulators were probably due to gap dynamics and support Janzen–Connell hypothesis driven by competition or top-down control by pathogens and herbivores. Observed species diversity patterns show the importance of including small tree size classes in analyses of the spatial organization of diversity.
There are an estimated 40.3 million slaves in the world today—men, women and children forced to work and living in fear. Your voice can help bring them freedom. The Freedom Commons helps you gather with others and take action to pass legislation in the U.S. and support U.S. leaders in the fight to end slavery and protect the poor from violence. Whether you are an experienced advocate or just taking your first step, the IJM Government Relations and Advocacy team hopes The Freedom Commons empowers you to be an agent of change in your community and beyond. Get involved in your state and nationally, and find ideas for organizing your own campaigns as you mobilize others to advocate for freedom. Join the movement! Create your Freedom Commons profile. Why the name? A commons is a placed shared by a community of people, and holds a powerful place in the anti-slavery movement. In the late 18th century, a group of like-minded individuals in London, England, came together with one goal: to abolish the slave trade. They met in a part of London known as Clapham Common, the home of group member William Wilberforce. Together, this network of family and friends worked to pass the Slave Trade Act of 1807, which banned the trans-Atlantic slave trade throughout the British Empire, and the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833, which freed all British slaves. In the same way the 18th century abolitionists gathered at Clapham Common to fight against slavery, modern-day abolitionists can meet at The Freedom Commons to gather, take action and bring freedom to the more than 40 million people living in slavery around the world today.
Much higher doses of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) than initially thought may be required to effectively fight Alzheimer’s disease (AD), new research suggests. In results that could explain why the omega-3 fatty acid has failed to prevent AD or slow its progression, investigators found that among individuals who took omega-3 supplements, DHA blood plasma levels were high, but cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels were relatively low. The researchers hypothesized that larger doses of DHA are required for adequate brain bioavailability. They also theorized that the APOE4 gene variant is associated with reduced delivery of both DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) to the brain before the onset of cognitive impairment.To test their hypotheses, the investigators conducted a randomized placebo-controlled pilot study that included 33 individuals, all of whom had AD risk factors but were without cognitive impairment. Results showed that among participants in the DHA supplement group (n = 13), blood plasma DHA levels were 200% higher than for patients in the placebo group (n = 13). In contrast, CSF levels were only 28% higher in the intervention group vs the placebo group (mean difference, 0.08 μg/mL; P < .0001). The researchers also found that among carriers of the APOE4 mutation in the active intervention group, DHA levels in CSF were lower, despite the fact that these patients received the same dose as noncarriers (mean difference, 0.02 μg/mL; P = .08). Similarly, there was a 43% increase in CSF EPA levels in the patients in the active intervention arm compared with patients in the placebo arm (mean difference, 0.008 μg/mL; P < .0001). The increase in CSF EPA in non-APOE4 carriers after supplementation was three times greater than in APOE4 carriers (mean difference, 0.006 μg/mL; P = .001). “E4 carriers, despite having the same dose, had less omega-3s in the brain. This finding suggests that EPA is either getting consumed, getting lost, or not getting absorbed into the brain as efficiently with the E4 gene,” Yassine said in a release. Read more at: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/937088#vp_2
South Africa: Religion and Democratic Transition This case study reviews the religious groups and individuals involved in the creation, perpetuation, resistance to, and eventual transition away from the apartheid government of South Africa, which featured the rule of the country’s white minority over the black majority. The case study examines the topic through five questions: What are the historical origins of South Africa’s ethnic divides? How were religious actors involved in apartheid and its negotiated resolution? How important were international religious and political forces? What role did socioeconomic factors play? How did religion intersect with these other factors in driving outcomes? Also featured in the case study are a timeline of key events, a guide to relevant religious, political, and nongovernmental organizations, and a list of helpful further readings. Copyright Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs. Permission is granted for educational uses only. For other uses, please contact the center at firstname.lastname@example.org for information about permissions. Showing items related by title, author, creator and subject.
Within the meaning of Ulrich Beck, now all possible, more or less improbable scenarios have to be taken into consideration. WikiDaemon seeks to consider anticipating what cannot be anticipated and therefore adds to knowledge drawn from experience and science in an open manner now also ways of imagination, suspicion, fiction and fear about future scenarios. cf. (Beck, U.) If catastrophes are anticipated whose potential for destruction ultimately threatens everyone, then a risk calculation based on experience and rationality breaks down. Now all possible, more or less improbable scenarios have to be taken into consideration; to knowledge, therefore, drawn from experience and science there now also has to be added imagination, suspicion, fiction, fear. (Ulrich Beck, 2006): Living in the World Risk Society. To approach and capture all possible futures WikiDaemon expands the group of actors involved in the anticipation of the future. It is the imagination and the suspicion of everybody, the laity, the great many, which enlarges the extrapolation done by scientific research and by so called expert judgement. With all it´s challenges resulting from this strategy, the idea is to create a rich body of inspiration to approach all more or less improbable scenarios that could be generated and to approach unknown risks too vast to calculate. Video: Walter Pedro / Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Document Type : Original Article Ph.D. Student of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Branchد(Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran. Traditional Iranian houses, especially Esfahan, have very special cultural patterns, such as privacy entrance but contemporary houses in Isfahan, because of changes in the methods of designing and building houses, importance of entrance reduced to such level that now in contemporary houses entrance is just a door. Entrance correlates indoor safe space of house and outdoors. It`s importance lays in controlling entry, exit, territory and hierarchy. Since house owners were satisfied with traditional form of entrance, it is a good idea to learn from them in designing new entrances. The purpose of this research is to find a way for designing appropriate entrances for Isfahan contemporary houses. Isfahan city is from margin of desert and the origin of traditional houses. Analysis showed that blockage of visual and phonic relation, creating a space between outdoor public space and indoor private space, creating access patterns to internal spaces and traits that separate in and out were the most significant properties of traditional entrances. All these traits are ignored in contemporary entrances. Suggestions made for design include creating public meeting space in yard and creating a separate entrance space for each house in apartments.
Research published online earlier this month suggests that wearing Masai Barefoot Technology (MBT) shoes after a marathon could help facilitate postrace recovery, or at least reduce perceived postrace fatigue. Study participants who wore MBT shoes for the three days following a marathon reported significantly lower fatigue levels by the third day compared to a group that wore trail running shoes and a control group, whose members wore their normal shoes. There was no significant difference in reported fatigue between the control group and the group that wore trail running shoes post-marathon. MBT shoes were invented in the 1990s by Swiss engineer Karl Müller. They are known for their thick “rocker” sole, which creates instability and is meant to simulate walking barefoot on soft ground. Forty-five Japanese runners ran the Fujisan Marathon in their own running shoes. After the race, they were divided into three groups. One group wore MBT shoes for the next three days, another wore trail running shoes, and the third group, the control group, wore what they would normally wear postrace. The runners were asked to rate their fatigue levels prior to the race, immediately after the race, and on the three mornings following the race. The researchers noted that because the measurement of fatigue was a subjective one, “various types of personal bias could not be completely removed.” This study was funded by the makers of MBT shoes, but they had no role in the study design and data analysis. While funding bias is a known phenomenon, plenty of credible research is funded by companies who have a vested interest in the outcome. While other studies funded by the makers of MBT shoes have found the shoes to produce positive results, at least one study funded by the company found the shoes to be ineffective in dealing with lower back pain.
Summer is just around the corner. Water activities are a big part of my summer, and perhaps for you as well. Are you aware that the number one cause of death among children under age five is drowning? Also keep in mind that summer activities may sometimes include alcoholic beverages, overeating, tripping and falling, and other accidents. It behooves each and every one of us to be knowledgeable and up to date on how to handle emergencies. CPR, First Aid, and Automated External Defibrillator training is available through a number of organizations, including the American Red Cross. CPR helps to keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other critical organs, until normal heart rhythm is restored. It dates back to 1740, when the Paris Academy of Sciences first recommended mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for drowning victims. Its use has not only continued through the passage of centuries, but has been continually refined and improved. According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Prompt and adequate CPR can dramatically improve chances of survival, particularly from heart attacks and arrhythmias. Four to six minutes after the heart stops beating, brain death occurs. The chances of survival double if CPR is administered within the first two minutes of cardiac arrest, and recovery time is significantly reduced. It’s become quite common to find Automatic External Defibrillators available, both in public and in private locations. They are fully automated, and extremely easy to operate. Many classes include an opportunity to become familiar with them. Most classes also address the essentials of first aid. We all need to know how to act quickly (whether for our own benefit or for others) in case of falls, lacerations, animal or insect bites, etc. Basic first aid skills are invaluable. I urge you to sign up for a class today. Check out RedCross.org. CPR, AEDs, and first aid save lives!
Plant Life in the World's Mediterranean Climates Plant Life in the World's Mediterranean Climates: California, Chile, South Africa, Australia, and the Mediterranean Basin Peter R. Dallman This is the first book to describe plant life in all five regions of the world with a Mediterranean climate. Plant Life in the World's Mediterranean Climates provides a beautifully illustrated overview of the landscapes, vegetation types, and plants of the five regions of the world that have a Mediterranean climate. This climate of mild, rainy winters and dry, warm summers if found only in California, Central Chile, the Cape Region of South Africa, the southwestern part of Australia, and the Mediterranean Basin, an area that covers less than two percent of the world's land mass. The regions are widely separated and the flora of each is distinctive, having for the most part developed independently. Nevertheless, the plants share remarkably similar characteristics that allow them to thrive in these unusual conditions. Peter Dallman's nontechnical prose is complemented by numerous maps, tables, and figures, and the book is richly illustrated with photographs of landscapes, plants, and flowers. With its detailed information on some of the world's most resilient plant life, this book will serve as an excellent reference for anyone interested in growing drought-resistant plants and as a naturalist's guide to these beautiful and unusual bioregions. For the growing number of travelers whose vacation focus on learning about and appreciating natural history, Dallman also includes a chapter on planning trips to each of the five Mediterranean regions. 1998 CNPS Press and UC Press. 210 pages, 7"x10", 75 color photographs, 90 b/w photos, 30 maps, 46 line illustrations, 18 tables. Sorry, no resale discount available. We Also Recommend
South Foreland Lighthouse In Charles Dickens' novel, DAVID COPPERFIELD, the young David arrives in Dover, looking for his great aunt, and one of the more outrageous suggestions put to him is that she 'lived in the South Foreland Light, and had singed her whiskers by doing so'. The Lighthouse had been built in 1843, six years before DAVID COPPERFIELD was published, and was obviously already a well-known local landmark. David eventually finds his great aunt, Miss Betsey Trotwood, by climbing the heights and carrying on to 'some houses facing the sea'. This must be St Margaret's and here David spends many happy years in his aunt's 'neat little cottage', flying kites and helping her chase the donkeys off the green. In 1945, Noel Coward took the lease of the beachside house, 'White Cliffs', which was to be his weekend retreat for the next six years. His diary entries convey his delight in his new home. 'Another perfect day at White Cliffs. I don't think I can fail to be happy there', he writes on 16th September 1945. Coward spent his time writing and painting and entertaining such well-known friends as John Mills and Ivor Novello. But the very delights of living by the sea proved too much of a distraction and, regretfully, Coward decided to leave the house in 1951. 'I shall miss the sea and the ships...White Cliffs has given me immense pleasure but I have never worked really well here...there is something curiously distracting about it; someone crunches by on the beach or a big ship passes and one's concentration snaps.' (DIARY 2nd July 1951) When Coward left White Cliffs, Ian Fleming moved in, and so the house continued its literary associations.
THERE was a frightful drought. The rivers after a while dried tip and even the springs gave no water. The animals wandered around seeking drink, but to no avail. Nowhere was water to be found. A great gathering of animals was held: Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Jackal, Elephant, all of them came together. What was to be done? That was the question. One had this plan, and another had that; but no plan seemed of value. Finally one of them suggested: “Come, let all of us go to the dry river bed and dance; in that way we can tread out the water.” Good! Everyone was satisfied and ready to begin instantly, excepting Rabbit, who said, “I will not go and dance. All of you are mad to attempt to get water from the ground by dancing.” The other animals danced and danced, and ultimately danced the water to the surface. How glad they were. Everyone drank as much as he could, but Rabbit did not dance with them. So it was decided that Rabbit should have no water. He laughed at them: “I will nevertheless drink some of your water.” That evening he proceeded leisurely to the river bed where the dance had been, and drank as much as he wanted. The following morning the animals saw the footprints of Rabbit in the ground, and Rabbit shouted to them: “Aha! I did have some of the water, and it was most refreshing and tasted fine.” Continue reading “The Dance for Water or Rabbit’s Triumph”
The following School-Wide Learning Expectations are the qualities that we encourage our students to develop during their years at Saint Ignatius of Loyola School: St. Ignatius of Loyola School Student Learning Expectations (SLE) Our mascot, the falcon, helps students know and remember what is expected of them. I am a FALCON! I am a Faith-filled Christian, Articulate communicator, Lifelong learner, Creative thinker, Outstanding citizen, and Nurturing individual. I am a Faith-Filled Christian… *who knows about God’s love and shares it. *who knows and abides by God’s laws. *who prays and participates joyfully in liturgical celebrations. I am an Articulate Communicator… *who listens actively to the ideas of others. *who speaks and writes effectively. I am a Lifelong Learner… *who sets goals for him/herself throughout the year. *who understands that learning is ongoing. I am a Creative Thinker… *who experiences and participates in the arts. *who uses varied resources/technology for problem solving and to expand knowledge. I am an Outstanding Citizen… *who learns about people from around the world and respects their cultures. *who demonstrates good sportsmanship. I am a Nurturing Individual… *who respects the ideas of others. *who is helpful to family, neighbor, and the world. *who cares for oneself by making healthy choices.
Expand your studies with notebooking activities, experiment project pages, review questions; Scripture copywork; field trip sheets; and much more! Accompanying Apologia's Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day, students will take ownership of their learning as they fill their notebooks with notes and reminders of what they've learned through careful study. · A daily schedule for completing the readings, notebook assignments, activities and experiments utilizing a flexible two-day per week plan. · Fascinating Facts Templates for your student to record what they learned in each lesson with both words and illustrations · Templates for completing the Notebooking Activities. · Review Questions for each lesson, which can be answered orally or in writing as a written narration. · Map It! and Track It! lessons designed to encourage students to find and record different animal tracks. Tracks are to be completed on a large wall map with the provided stickers and track templates. · Vocabulary crossword puzzles · Scripture Copywork, with both print and cursive practice. · Project Pages for the student to record what they've learned from the experiments · More to Explore ideas for each lesson. · Full-color, lapbook-style Miniature Books · Field Trip Sheets to keep a record field trips they enjoyed during their studies. · A Final Review with fifty questions the students can answer either orally or in writing. 256 pages with 63 appendix pages and five pages of stickers; softcover, spiralbound.