No. overall No. in season Title Directed by Written by Original air date Prod. code US viewers (millions) 112 113 "Valhalley of the Dolls '' James L. Conway Brad Kern September 28, 2003 (2003 - 09 - 28) 4301112 4301113 6.3 Even though Leo is gone, Piper is in a surprisingly good ' chipper ' mood, leading Paige to suspect that Leo altered Piper 's memory. However, Paige 's spell to restore Piper 's memory clashes with Leo 's and causes total amnesia. When calling upon Leo for help, Phoebe and Paige discover that he is being held captive on the Island of Valhalla, a mythical place ruled by warrior - maidens known as Valkyries. Phoebe also discovers she is an empath, where she can feel people 's emotions, much to the worry of Chris. The Charmed Ones disguise themselves as Valkyries and infiltrate Valhalla to try to rescue Leo. In order for them to get close to him, they must convince the Valkyries that they are one of them. While Phoebe and Paige go to Darryl to borrow his soul, Chris killed a Valkyrie by crushing her heart through his telekinetic power, to possess a Valkyrie 's necklace. The sight of Leo causes Piper 's pain to come flooding back, prompting her to stay behind on the island to forget the pain while everyone else escapes. Three fallen warriors follow Paige and Phoebe across dimensions to San Francisco and wreak havoc on the city. Phoebe has to control her new power in order to convince Piper that she belongs with her sisters, not the Valkyries. Meanwhile, Paige takes a job as a dog walker and is amazed when one of her dogs is transformed back into a man. Leo later uncovered evidence that Chris had killed two Valkyries but opted not to use it because Chris had finally earned the Charmed Ones ' trust. 114 "Forget Me... Not '' John T. Kretchmer Henry Alonso Myers October 5, 2003 (2003 - 10 - 05) 4301114 5.8 When Wyatt inadvertently brings a dragon to life, the Cleaners, a neutral group dedicated to protecting magic from being exposed, take him away and erase all signs and memories of his existence. Aware that they are forgetting something important but not sure of what it is, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige cast a spell to return their memory. The sisters then set out to expose magic, to strike up a deal with the Cleaners. 115 "The Power of Three Blondes '' John Behring Daniel Cerone October 12, 2003 (2003 - 10 - 12) 4301115 5.4 When three evil sisters magically steal the Charmed Ones ' identities and powers, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige must convince Chris that they are the real Charmed Ones in order to get their lives back. Meanwhile, Piper realizes that Wyatt needs time with Leo, who continues on his quest to find out who put him on the Island of Valhalla. 116 5 "Love 's a Witch '' Stuart Gillard Jeannine Renshaw October 19, 2003 (2003 - 10 - 19) 4301116 5.4 When Paige 's latest temp job puts her in the middle of an ongoing feud between two magical families, the Montanas and the Callaways, she falls for Richard Montana and urges both families to consider a truce. Paige, Phoebe, and Piper hold a séance with both families and everyone is stunned to learn that Richard 's first love, Olivia Callaway, is the one who has been escalating the feud to avenge her death. Paige becomes possessed by Olivia 's spirit, and Phoebe and Piper must banish Olivia in order to save Paige and the two families. However, Paige 's abduction of Richard while possessed and the near death of his mother, cause the families to end the feud, having decided they want no more death. Olivia 's dad and Richard 's mom lead Phoebe and Piper to Olivia 's grave where Paige tries to attack, but is prevented by Piper. Phoebe and Piper go to vanquish her but are stopped by Paige who felt Olivia 's intense pain while possessed by her and Paige and Richard are able to convince her to move on peacefully. Meanwhile, Leo is suspicious when Chris travels to The Underworld in search of a potion and trails him in secret. The potion turns out to be an empath blocking potion, and Piper and Paige are able to use it to block Phoebe 's new power on them, however, when they are gone, Chris secretly uses it on himself too. 117 6 "My Three Witches '' Joel J. Feigenbaum Scott Lipsey & Whip Lipsey October 26, 2003 (2003 - 10 - 26) 4301117 5.5 Worried that the Charmed Ones are drifting apart by putting their personal lives before their "Charmed '' duties, Chris tries to teach them a lesson by enlisting the help of the demon Gith, who creates an alternate reality for the sisters by tapping into their secret desires. Piper 's secret desire is to live a normal life, Phoebe feels her boyfriend 's, Jason Dean, desire, for her to be a famous celebrity and have her own television show, and Paige 's is to not have to hide her magic. Chris tries to kill Gith, but is prevented by when he is shot with a Darklighter arrow. Wyatt ends up becoming seriously ill and when Piper tries to get him to the hospital, she ends up in a car crash while Paige gets attacked by multiple demons and insane fans try to kill Phoebe. Chris manages to put Phoebe into Paige 's world and together they manage to channel themselves into Piper 's. Gith, desperate, transports himself to Piper 's world, but Phoebe fights him off. Gith is vanquished when Piper 's SVU explodes and he is consumed in the explosion. His vanquish frees the sisters and Wyatt and they discover a near - death Chris. Piper quickly calls for Leo who heals Wyatt of his illness and Chris of his wound and they return home where the sisters have learned their lesson. 118 7 "Soul Survivor '' Mel Damski Curtis Kheel November 2, 2003 (2003 - 11 - 02) 4301118 5.2 In an attempt to save her boss ' soul, Paige goes behind her sisters backs and makes a deal with a demon. Meanwhile, Piper learns that Wyatt has been sabotaging her dates. Phoebe gets a new writing partner, and Chris and Leo accidentally travel back in time. 119 8 "Sword and the City '' Derek Johansen David Simkins November 9, 2003 (2003 - 11 - 09) 4301119 5.2 The Lady of the Lake appears before the Charmed Ones, pleading for their help in protecting Excalibur, the legendary Sword in the Stone. A dozen magical beings arrive at the manor to try their hand at pulling the sword from the stone, but it is Piper who pulls Excalibur out, causing a whirlwind that coalesces into a mysterious figure called Mordaunt. Piper is unaware that she is meant to pass it on to Wyatt, heir of Excalibur and the next King Arthur. Richard realizes that Mordaunt can not be trusted, but before he can intervene, Mordaunt tricks Piper into relinquishing the sword and its power to him. 120 9 "Little Monsters '' James L. Conway Julie Hess November 16, 2003 (2003 - 11 - 16) 4301120 5.3 After vanquishing a Manticore demon, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige become foster parents to its orphaned half - breed infant, whose human father Derek (Seth Peterson) holds Piper hostage until his son is returned. Upon Chris ' plea to vanquish the child, the sisters come to believe that, by raising the child with love, they can change its destiny. Meanwhile, Phoebe surprises her boyfriend Jason when she responds to feelings he has not expressed yet, and Paige gives Darryl a superpower. 121 10 "Chris - Crossed '' Joel J. Feigenbaum Cameron Litvack November 23, 2003 (2003 - 11 - 23) 4301121 6.0 A mysterious woman from the future named Bianca arrives to take Chris ' powers and bring him back with her forcefully. Piper feels that being witches is stopping her sisters from having the life they want, and advises them to move out and follow their hearts. Bianca is revealed to actually be Chris ' fiancée who only came back as "he '' would have sent someone else if she had not come. Bianca is revealed to have helped Chris come back in time in the first place and apparently met him after the unnamed evil that rules their future sent her to kill him. Chris also reveals some truth about himself after Piper tries to freeze him and Bianca and fails: he is not a true Whitelighter, he is half - Whitelighter, half - witch like Paige and Wyatt. Bianca strips his powers and brings him back to his terrible future where the evil who rules confronts Chris and Bianca alone; an evil Wyatt. Future Wyatt tries to convince Chris to join him, offering to spare his life if he does. Chris refuses and Wyatt tries to kill him, but he is saved by Bianca who switches back to his side to protect him. Using a spell the sisters left in the attic in the present, Chris reclaims his powers and defeats Wyatt temporarily, but Bianca is mortally wounded and dies. Chris manages to open a time portal and escapes as Wyatt recovers, taking the spell with him so that Wyatt can not send another assassin back in time. In the present, the sisters forgive him and he remains their Whitelighter, but he swears that if he ca n't prevent Baby Wyatt from becoming evil, then he will stop him permanently. 122 11 "Witchstock '' James A. Contner Daniel Cerone January 11, 2004 (2004 - 01 - 11) 4301122 5.3 After trying on a pair of her Grams ' go - go boots, Paige finds herself transported back in time to an era of free love and free magic. She discovers Grams, a peace - loving hippie, who is on a crusade to rid the world of evil through the magical power of love, preparing for a "magical be-in '' at the manor. Meanwhile in present time a magic - sucking slime attacks the manor. 123 12 "Prince Charmed '' David Jackson Henry Alonso Myers January 18, 2004 (2004 - 01 - 18) 4301123 3.9 After vanquishing a demon from Wyatt 's room, Piper has an epiphany and decides to swear off men so that she can devote the rest of her life to raising and protecting Wyatt. Unable to handle Piper 's revelation, Paige and Phoebe decide to remind Piper of the importance of love by conjuring up a "Mr. Right '' as Piper 's birthday present. The Order, a demonic brotherhood, manage to kidnap Wyatt after Chris ' meddling with "Prince Charmed 's '' attractiveness backfires, turning a birthday dinner party into a food fight. The sisters vanquish the Order and with Chris ' help restore Wyatt to normal. Doing so apparently earns Wyatt 's trust for Chris and Leo confirms later that he still trusts Chris, but Chris needs to earn back the sisters ' trust. 124 13 "Used Karma '' John T. Kretchmer Jeannine Renshaw January 25, 2004 (2004 - 01 - 25) 4301124 4.2 Piper, Phoebe, and Paige inadvertently expose themselves as witches in front of Jason, causing him to leave Phoebe. Richard casts a spell to free himself of his family 's negative karma, but accidentally channels the spirit of Mata Hari, a double agent for Germany and France during WWI, into Phoebe. Phoebe decides to get revenge on Jason by arranging for a demonic firing squad to kill him. Meanwhile, Piper and Paige try to vanquish a group of Swarm Demons, the last on Chris ' list of the most significant threats to Wyatt. 125 14 "The Legend of Sleepy Halliwell '' Jon Paré Cameron Litvack February 8, 2004 (2004 - 02 - 08) 4301125 4.8 The three sisters are railing at the complications and deleterious impact magic has on their lives when a portal opens in the middle of their stairway landing. An Elder named Gideon, Leo 's old mentor at Magic School, calls upon Piper, Phoebe, and Paige to find out who cast the spell of darkness upon the school and conjured up the Headless Horseman, who has been beheading the teachers. While Piper and Paige tackle a group of surly teenagers, Piper becomes the horseman 's next victim and become a functioning head on a table. Meanwhile, Phoebe is sent on a vision quest by a student Enola, who is a young shaman, and gets a glimpse into the demon free future, where she discovers she will have a child and she sees an older Wyatt and a brunette boy. Piper refers to the brunette as Wyatt 's little brother. The little boy asks her for help and the vision ends and she sees Chris asking the same question which gives her a revelation. Questioning whether such a future is even possible, she is told she must be herself and accept her bad with the good about who she is and then it can happen -- the advice the three sisters give the youth terrorizing the teaching staff. It is revealed that Zachary, a desperately unhappy telepath, is behind the attacks by using his power to tap into others powers. The sisters vanquish the Headless Horseman and convince Zachary to stop. Later at P3, Phoebe confronts Chris about who he really is and asks is he is really Wyatt 's brother and thus Piper and Leo 's son. For once Chris does n't lie and confirms this, but only if he can get Piper and Leo back together in time. 126 15 "I Dream of Phoebe '' John T. Kretchmer Curtis Kheel February 15, 2004 (2004 - 02 - 15) 4301126 4.1 Phoebe frees a genie, Jinny (Saba Homayoon), from a bottle, only to find that Jinny is a demon that has tricked her into becoming a genie herself. Anxious to get Leo and Piper back together so he can be conceived, Chris uses Phoebe to make his wish come true, but she takes his instructions too literally. When Chris reveals to Paige that he made the wish to make Piper and Leo sleep together, she calls him a pervert, and he reveals to her that Piper and Leo are his parents and that Piper needs to get pregnant within a few weeks or he will perish. Feeling that he is losing Paige, Richard opportunistically covets the genie 's magic and steals the bottle so he can wish Paige back into his life. Paige and Richard reconciled to permanent separation, but Richard must drink a power - stripping potion for his own good. 127 16 "The Courtship of Wyatt 's Father '' Joel J. Feigenbaum Brad Kern February 22, 2004 (2004 - 02 - 22) 4301127 5.0 A Darklighter named Damien sends both Leo and Piper into a trap on the ghostly plane where they are without powers and wounds Leo with his Darklighter crossbow, leaving Phoebe and Paige to fear that they are dead. Meanwhile, Chris is obsessing over the fact that he is out of time, for he must be conceived by Piper and Leo sometime in the next day before he disappears forever having never been conceived. An Angel of Death comes for Chris even as he begins fading but he manages to resist and make a communication bridge between Phoebe and Piper... The two consult with Gideon who is convinced Leo is doomed, provides a way to access the dimension to rescue Piper thinking Leo will be dead. At the end he convinces Leo to act as an Elder and sunder himself from his family, and Gideon is revealed to have plotted the cross dimensional attack to rid himself of Leo, and to have ill intentions towards Wyatt, his real target. By being trapped on the ghostly plane causes Piper and Leo to temporarily rekindle their relationship and sleep together, conceiving Chris. Piper learns at the end of the episode that Chris is her son and that she is pregnant from Phoebe and Paige who realize what happened as Chris returns to existence. 128 17 "Hyde School Reunion '' Jonathan West David Simkins March 14, 2004 (2004 - 03 - 14) 4301128 4.8 While preparing for her high school reunion, Phoebe 's wild teenage personality takes over her body when she inadvertently casts a spell on herself reading a rhyme she had inscribed in her high school year book. At the reunion, aggravated by an old rival, the teenage Phoebe persona takes over, reconnects with her former gang and finds herself following a suggestion to use her magic to visit another old gang member Rick, who is in jail awaiting trial. Rick, takes advantage of their visit to break out of jail, and uses Phoebe 's magic to aid his plans of fleeing justice. Meanwhile, Scabber demons requiring the Power of Three to vanquish are closing in on Chris. Earlier that evening, Piper being increasingly concerned that Chris is staying distant, had asked her father Victor to talk to him. Chris explains that Piper dies when he turns fourteen, and he has been distancing himself from his mother because he believes that to bond with her only to return to a future where she is dead would be too painful. Victor convinces Chris that he needs to spend as much time with Piper as possible so he has more fond memories of her when he goes back. All the while Phoebe is under the dual pressures of knowing one high school friend is seriously, perhaps even grievously wounded, and Rick has hidden one of their female classmates where no - one can ever find her. Both parties arrive back at the manor where Paige casts the appearance changing spell to make him look like Chris. The Scabber Demons spit their acid at what looks like Chris and Rick is melted, but not before he gives up the information on where to find the others. 129 18 "Spin City '' Mel Damski Andy Reaser & Doug E. Jones April 18, 2004 (2004 - 04 - 18) 456006 3.8 Piper is kidnapped and cocooned by the Spider Demon, a creature that emerges every hundred years to feed off a powerful magical being. During the attack, Chris is infected with the demon 's venom, causing him to mutate into a spider demon himself. In need of desperate help, Paige calls Leo. Phoebe then reveals to Leo that Chris is his son. While trying to save him, Chris attacks Leo and starts repeatedly punching Leo, yelling that Leo does not know him. Later, Leo finds Chris on the Golden Gate bridge and begs him to tell him why he hates him so much. Chris replies that Leo was never there for him, but he was there for Piper, Wyatt, and half the world. Leo tells him that maybe he did not come back just to save Wyatt, but to save their relationship as well. 130 19 "Crimes and Witch Demeanors '' John T. Kretchmer Henry Alonso Myers April 25, 2004 (2004 - 04 - 25) 4301130 3.4 When Phoebe and Paige are caught on tape using their powers by SFPD Inspector Sheridan, the Cleaners, beings who prevent the exposure of magic, cover up the situation by implicating their friend, Detective Darryl Morris, as a murderer and in a huge time jump, end up sending him to death row to cover up the exposure of magic. The Halliwells fight to have the outcome reversed, initially summoning the Cleaners by deliberate acts that would expose magic if left unfixed. Their confrontation proves inconclusive, and they learn that their only recourse is to have a hearing in front of the mysterious Tribunal, which is a council that oversees all magic and made up of demons and Elders with Barbas (Billy Drago) empaneled as the prosecutor. He turns the proceedings around on their head and puts the sisters on trial for recklessly abusing their powers. Meanwhile, Inspector Sheridan, nudged magically by Barbas, takes aim at the sisters with her partner Inspector Miles and begins looking into the trail of disappearances and odd happenings over the last half decade starting with the collection of unsolved homicides SFPD Internal Affairs had harassed Andy Trudeau about. Meanwhile, Leo and Chris work together to help free the sisters and Darryl, but the outcome leaves Phoebe stripped of her active powers as penance for occasional lapses in the past where she used magic to benefit herself. 131 20 "A Wrong Day 's Journey into Right '' Derek Johansen Cameron Litvack May 2, 2004 (2004 - 05 - 02) 4301131 4.1 With Piper away at Magic School and Phoebe without her powers, an overworked Paige re-conjures "Mr. Right '' for stress relief, but unknowingly releases his evil twin, a demon called Vincent who immediately hatches a plot to separate the sisters while sending assassins after witches. Appealing to Paige 's dark side, Mr. Wrong / Vincent uses his pheromones to trick her into realizing that the only way to achieve her secret desire is to be free and use her magic without fear of consequence, eventually killing her sisters. Chris accidentally gets arrested for stealing a car to chase Vincent and Darryl will not cover. To prevent Paige from executing his plan, Phoebe goes undercover as one of Mr. Wrong 's Demonatrix assassins. Paige and Phoebe try to keep Piper out of the situation, but that backfires when Paige, under Vincent 's control, kidnaps her so that the Demonatrix assassins can kill her. Phoebe regains confidence in herself when she makes Mr. Right real to test a potion that will make Vincent real so he can be vanquished and infiltrates the Demonatrixes. As the Demonatrixes are about to kill a confused Piper, Phoebe saves her and together they vanquish them. They go after Vincent who is confident they can not harm him as they do not have the potion to make him real, but Phoebe takes the chance that making Mr. Right real will turn him real too. She proves to be right and Vincent is easily vanquished which breaks his hold over Paige. Later, Leo erases the memory of the car dealership manager to save Chris from having to go to jail. 132 21 "Witch Wars '' David Jackson Krista Vernoff May 9, 2004 (2004 - 05 - 09) 4301132 2.7 Aware that Piper, Phoebe and Paige are on the verge of discovering that he is after Wyatt, Gideon conspires with two demons to make the girls part of Witch Wars, a new demonic reality television show where demon contestants compete to hunt down the Charmed Ones, with the winning demon acquiring the witches ' powers. Gideon makes the girls believe that the game masters, Corr and Clea, are the ones after Wyatt in order to protect himself and his own agenda. In the end they find out, but the two demons grow extremely powerful due to them absorbing the powers of vanquished demon contestants. Phoebe comes up with a plan to vanquish them without the Power of Three as they do not want to risk Piper. Leo vanquishes Clea with a power - sucking athame and Phoebe takes Clea 's powers for herself. Using her new powers, Phoebe shimmers to the attic and vanquishes Corr with an energy ball. She then shimmers to a demonic bar where demons have been watching Witch Wars and vanquishes many with energy balls to make a point while the rest flee before she returns home. Paige stabs her with the athame to remove the demonic powers. Later, the group celebrates the victory and believe the threat to Wyatt over. Meanwhile, Gideon 's assistant has second thoughts about their plan and goes to tell the sisters the truth, but is murdered by Gideon before he can. 133 134 22 23 "It 's a Bad, Bad, Bad, Bad World '' Jon Paré Jeannine Renshaw Curtis Kheel May 16, 2004 (2004 - 05 - 16) 4301133 4301134 4.7 Under the guise of sending Chris back to the future, Gideon creates a portal that puts Chris and Leo in a mirrored world where evil prevails. Phoebe and Paige travel to the parallel universe to rescue Chris and Leo, only to find themselves in a battle with their evil counterparts. Unable to vanquish one another, both sets of sisters realize that Wyatt is unprotected and in danger from Gideon. Upon returning to their own world, Phoebe and Paige realize that their world is now too good, and every little infraction is a capital offense. The shift between universes causes Piper 's memory to be erased, and Gideon tricks Piper into casting a spell on Phoebe and Paige so that they too, forget Gideon 's evil intentions. With the Charmed sisters under the spell, and Piper having a complicated delivery, only Leo and Chris are left to stop Gideon from completing his plan. When Chris is left alone with Wyatt in the attic, Gideon attacks just as Chris goes to orb Wyatt out after suspecting something was not right. Gideon summons an athame and disappears. Chris rushes to grab Wyatt, but Gideon reappears and he stabs Chris in the stomach. While Chris lies there wounded, Gideon takes Wyatt to the Underworld. Chris calls out to Leo. When Leo arrives he tries to heal him, but Chris tells him that it will not work because it was Gideon 's magic and only he can stop it. He tells Leo to find Gideon and save Wyatt. Unfortunately, Chris dies, sending Leo into a rage. He discovers the inter-dimensional mirror, meets with his analog self and realizes to return balance, a great evil needs to be done in the Charmed One 's universe, and when he goes to save Wyatt he kills Gideon while his other self looks on through the mirror which at the end they both destroy, so the universes can not be linked again in the future. Wyatt is safe, and though future Chris is dead, baby Chris is born healthy.
what episode does piper find out chris is her son
{ "text": [ "16", "16", "16", "16", "16", "16", "16" ], "answer_start": [ 2708, 2804, 6669, 6691, 13516, 22203, 22225 ] }
The Vale of York Hoard, also known as the Harrogate Hoard and the Vale of York Viking Hoard, is a 10th - century Viking hoard of 617 silver coins and 65 other items. It was found undisturbed in 2007 near the town of Harrogate in North Yorkshire, England. The hoard was the largest Viking one discovered in Britain since 1840, when the Cuerdale hoard was found in Lancashire, though the Anglo - Saxon Staffordshire Hoard, found in 2009, is larger.
why is the silver cup from britain an important find
{ "text": [ "largest Viking one discovered in Britain since 1840" ], "answer_start": [ 273 ] }
In North America, ' Til Death Do Us Part was released on September 29, 2017 alongside Flatliners and American Made, as well as the wide expansion of Battle of the Sexes, and was projected to gross around $4 million in its opening weekend. It ended up underperforming, opening to just $1.5 million and finishing 9th at the box office.
till death do us part movie box office
{ "text": [ "9th" ], "answer_start": [ 311 ] }
Skin of my teeth (Hebrew: ע֣וֹר שִׁנָּֽי ‎ ' ō - wr šin - nāy) is a phrase from the Bible. In Job 19: 20, the King James Version of the Bible says, "My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. '' In the Geneva Bible, the phrase is rendered as "I have escaped with the skinne of my tethe. ''
where does skin of my teeth come from
{ "text": [ "the Bible", "the Bible" ], "answer_start": [ 80, 132 ] }
Equatorial Guinea (Spanish: Guinea Ecuatorial, French: Guinée équatoriale, Portuguese: Guiné Equatorial), officially the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (Spanish: República de Guinea Ecuatorial, French: République de Guinée équatoriale, Portuguese: República da Guiné Equatorial), is a country located in Central Africa, with an area of 28,000 square kilometres (11,000 sq mi). Formerly the colony of Spanish Guinea, its post-independence name evokes its location near both the Equator and the Gulf of Guinea. Equatorial Guinea is the only sovereign African state in which Spanish is an official language. As of 2015, the country had an estimated population of 1,222,245.
where is guinea ecuatorial located on the map
{ "text": [ "in Central Africa", "near both the Equator and the Gulf of Guinea" ], "answer_start": [ 300, 462 ] }
"If You Do n't Know Me by Now '' is a song written by Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff, and recorded by the Philly soul musical group Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes. It became their first hit after being released as a single in 1972, topping the US R&B chart and peaking at number three on the US Pop chart.
who sing if you dont know me by now
{ "text": [ "Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes" ], "answer_start": [ 128 ] }
Chicago Union Station is a major railroad station that opened in 1925 in Chicago, Illinois, replacing an earlier station built in 1881. It is the only remaining intercity rail terminal in Chicago, as well as being the city 's primary terminal for commuter trains. The station stands on the west side of the Chicago River between West Adams Street and West Jackson Boulevard, just outside the Chicago Loop. Including approach and storage tracks, it is about nine and a half city blocks in size. Its facilities are mostly underground, buried beneath streets and skyscrapers.
what part of chicago is union station in
{ "text": [ "on the west side of the Chicago River between West Adams Street and West Jackson Boulevard, just outside the Chicago Loop" ], "answer_start": [ 283 ] }
Stratosphere Tower General information Status Operating Type Observation Tower Location Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Coordinates 36 ° 08 ′ 51 '' N 115 ° 09 ′ 19 '' W  /  36.147386 ° N 115.155389 ° W  / 36.147386; - 115.155389 Coordinates: 36 ° 08 ′ 51 '' N 115 ° 09 ′ 19 '' W  /  36.147386 ° N 115.155389 ° W  / 36.147386; - 115.155389 Construction started February 1992 Completed 1995 Opened April 30, 1996 Cost US $32 million Height Antenna spire 1,149 ft (350.2 m) Technical details Lifts / elevators 7 (4 high speed double deck elevators, 3 local elevators in the pod) Design and construction Architect Skidmore, Owings & Merrill Developer Bob Stupak Stratosphere Las Vegas Location Las Vegas, Nevada Address 2000 Las Vegas Boulevard South Opening date April 30, 1996; 22 years ago (April 30, 1996) No. of rooms 2,427 Total gaming space 80,000 sq ft (7,400 m) Permanent shows Frankie Moreno; Signature attractions Big Shot Insanity the Ride X-Scream Stratosphere Tower SkyJump Las Vegas Notable restaurants Top of the World Fellini 's Ristorante Roxy 's Diner Lucky 's Casino type Land - based Owner Golden Entertainment Previous names Vegas World Renovated in Website
when did the stratosphere in las vegas open
{ "text": [ "April 30, 1996", "April 30, 1996", "April 30, 1996" ], "answer_start": [ 403, 767, 797 ] }
"You Never Even Called Me by My Name '' is a song written and recorded by Steve Goodman and John Prine; and recorded by country music singer David Allan Coe. It was the third single release of Coe 's career, included on his album Once Upon a Rhyme. The song was Coe 's first Top Ten hit, reaching a peak of number eight on the Billboard country singles charts. The song, over five minutes long, is known for its humorous self - description as "the perfect country and western song. ''
who wrote the song you never even call me by my name
{ "text": [ "Steve Goodman", "John Prine" ], "answer_start": [ 74, 92 ] }
Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow (2004). Team 7 travels to the Land of Snow to protect the actors during the shooting of the new Princess Fuun movie. The fourth original video animation, Konoha Annual Sports Festival, was included with the Japanese release of the film. Legend of the Stone of Gelel (2005). Naruto, Shikamaru, and Sakura go on a ninja mission involving them in a war between the Sunaga village and a large force of armored warriors. Unlike its predecessor, Legend of the Stone of Gelel did not have a theatrical release in the United States but was released in direct - to - video format instead. Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom (2006). Naruto, Sakura, Lee, and Kakashi are assigned to protect the future prince of the Land of Moon, Hikaru Tsuki. Naruto Shippuden the Movie (2007). Naruto goes on a mission to protect the priest Shion, who starts to have visions of his death. Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Bonds (2008). Naruto and Sasuke join forces when ninja from the Sky Country attack Konoha. Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Will of Fire (2009). Team 7 works to prevent Kakashi from sacrificing himself to end a world war. Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Lost Tower (2010). Naruto is sent 20 years into the past as he explores a mystical tower to capture a rogue ninja, and discovers the Fourth Hokage, his father, alive in the timeline. Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison (2011). Naruto is framed for attempted murder of the Raikage; as he tries to break out of the prison, he discovers its secrets. Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie (2012). Naruto and Sakura are sent to an alternate universe by Tobi and discover the meaning of companionship and parenthood. The story planning and character designs were created by Masashi Kishimoto. The Last: Naruto the Movie (2014). Naruto and his companions try to stop the moon from colliding with Earth. The film explains some loose ends involving the series ' mythology and focuses on Naruto and Hinata 's romantic relationship. The story and character designs were created by Masashi Kishimoto, who also served as chief story supervisor. Boruto: Naruto the Movie (2015). The film focuses on the children of the main characters, mainly Boruto Uzumaki, who trains with his father 's rival Sasuke to surpass him. The story, screenplay and character designs were created by Masashi Kishimoto, who also served as chief production supervisor.
what order do the naruto shippuden movies go in
{ "text": [ "Naruto Shippuden the Movie", "Naruto Shippuden the Movie", "Naruto Shippuden the Movie", "Naruto Shippuden the Movie", "Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Bonds", "Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Will of Fire", "Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Lost Tower", "Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison", "Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie", "The Last: Naruto the Movie", "Boruto: Naruto the Movie" ], "answer_start": [ 769, 899, 1018, 1148, 899, 1018, 1148, 1363, 1522, 1756, 2101 ] }
Jonathan Stevens Jackson (born May 11, 1982) is an American actor, musician and author. His first well known character was Lucky Spencer on the ABC Daytime soap opera General Hospital, a role which has won him five Emmy Awards. In 2002, he played Jesse Tuck in the film Tuck Everlasting. In 2004 he started the band Enation (currently: Jonathan Jackson + Enation) with his brother, actor Richard Lee Jackson and friend Daniel Sweatt. He currently portrays Avery Barkley in the CMT drama Nashville.
who is the actor that plays avery on nashville
{ "text": [ "Jonathan Stevens Jackson" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Character / Team Year Debuted Company Creator / s First Appearance Doctor Occult (Doctor Mystic) 1935 (October) DC Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster New Fun Comics # 6 The Clock 1936 (November) Comics Magazine Co George Brenner Funny Pages # 6 or Funny Picture Stories # 1 Sheena, Queen of the Jungle 1937 Fiction House Will Eisner and S.M. "Jerry '' Iger Wags # 1 Superman (Clark Kent) 1938 (June) DC Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster Action Comics # 1 Zatara 1938 (June) DC Fred Guardineer Action Comics # 1 Americommando (Harold "Tex '' Thompson) 1938 (June) DC Ken Fitch, Bernard Baily Action Comics # 1 Fatman (Bob Daley) 1938 (July) DC Ken Fitch, Bernard Baily Action Comics # 2 Arrow 1938 (September) Centaur Publications Paul Gustavson Funny Pages vol. 2 # 10 (or # 21) Crimson Avenger (Lee Travis) 1938 (October) DC Jim Chambers Detective Comics # 20 Batman (Bruce Wayne) 1939 (March) DC Bob Kane, Bill Finger Detective Comics # 27 Namor the Sub-Mariner 1939 (April) Marvel / Timely Bill Everett Motion Picture Funnies Weekly # 1 Wonder Man (Fox) 1939 (May) Fox Publications Will Eisner Wonder Comics # 1 The Flame (Gary Preston) 1939 (June) Fox Publications Will Eisner Wonderworld Comics # 3 Sandman (Wesley Dodds) 1939 (July) DC Gardner Fox, Bert Christman World 's Fair Comics # 1 Blue Beetle (Dan Garret) 1939 (August) Fox Publications Charles Nicholas Mystery Men Comics # 1 Green Mask (Michael Shelby) 1939 (August) Fox Publications Walter Frehm Mystery Men Comics # 1 Bozo the Iron Man 1939 (August) Quality Comics George Brenner Smash Comics # 1 Amazing - Man (Centaur Publications) 1939 (September) Centaur Publications Bill Everett Amazing - Man Comics # 5 The Human Torch (Jim Hammond, original) 1939 (October) Marvel / Timely Carl Burgos Marvel Comics # 1 Angel (Thomas Halloway) 1939 (October) Marvel / Timely Paul Gustavson Marvel Comics # 1 Shock Gibson 1939 (October) Brookwood Publications Maurice Scott Speed Comics # 1 Ultra-Man (Gary Concord, Jr.) 1939 (November) DC Jon L. Blummer All - American Comics # 8 Doll Man 1939 (December) Quality Comics Will Eisner Feature Comics # 27
who was the first superhero in dc comics
{ "text": [ "Superman" ], "answer_start": [ 357 ] }
Chhaachh (gu: છાશ) (hi: छाछ) is a yogurt - based drink popular across Indian subcontinent. In Bangladesh and West Bengal in India it is called "Ghol ''. It is often called "Laban '' in the Old Dhaka in Bangladesh. In Indian English, it is often called "buttermilk ''.
cooling indian drink made from yogurt or buttermilk
{ "text": [ "Chhaachh" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Nothing 's Changed (2002)
when was the poem nothing's changed written
{ "text": [ "2002" ], "answer_start": [ 20 ] }
Protestantism is the largest grouping of Christians in the United States with its combined denominations collectively accounting for about half the country 's population or 150 million people. Simultaneously, this corresponds to around 20 % of the world 's total Protestant population. America has the largest number of Protestants of any country in the world. Baptists account for about one third of American Protestants. The Southern Baptist Convention is the largest single Protestant denomination in the United States with one - tenth of American Protestants.
how many protestants are in the united states
{ "text": [ "about half the country 's population or 150 million people" ], "answer_start": [ 133 ] }
In statistics, the 68 -- 95 -- 99.7 rule is a shorthand used to remember the percentage of values that lie within a band around the mean in a normal distribution with a width of two, four and six standard deviations, respectively; more accurately, 68.27 %, 95.45 % and 99.73 % of the values lie within one, two and three standard deviations of the mean, respectively. In mathematical notation, these facts can be expressed as follows, where X is an observation from a normally distributed random variable, μ is the mean of the distribution, and σ is its standard deviation:
what percentage is within 3 standard deviations of the mean
{ "text": [ "99.73 %" ], "answer_start": [ 269 ] }
Bernard "Barney '' P. Milton Oliver Fife is a fictional character in the American television program The Andy Griffith Show, portrayed by comic actor Don Knotts. Barney Fife is a deputy sheriff in the slow - paced, sleepy southern community of Mayberry, North Carolina. He appeared in the first five seasons (1960 -- 65) as a main character, and, after leaving the show at the end of season five, made a few guest appearances in the following three color seasons (1965 -- 68). He also appeared in the first episode of the spin - off series Mayberry R.F.D. (1968 -- 1971), and in the 1986 reunion telemovie Return to Mayberry. Additionally, Barney appeared in the Joey Bishop Show episode, "Joey 's Hideaway Cabin '' and, unnamed, in the first episode of The New Andy Griffith Show.
when did barney leave the andy griffin show
{ "text": [ "at the end of season five" ], "answer_start": [ 370 ] }
In the film, Gru teams up with his long lost twin brother Dru in order to defeat a new enemy named Balthazar Bratt, a 1980s child actor who grows up to become a villain. Steve Carell, Miranda Cosgrove and Dana Gaier reprise their roles of Gru, Margo and Edith from the first two films, and Julie Andrews returns as Marlena, Gru 's mother from Despicable Me (2010). Kristen Wiig and Steve Coogan return from Despicable Me 2 and Trey Parker, Jenny Slate and Nev Scharrel (replacing Elsie Fisher as Agnes) join the cast. Russell Brand does not reprise his role as Dr. Nefario from the first two installments.
who is the new villain in despicable me 3
{ "text": [ "Balthazar Bratt" ], "answer_start": [ 99 ] }
Erin Krakow as Elizabeth Thatcher Daniel Lissing as Jack Thornton Lori Loughlin as Abigail Stanton Jack Wagner as Bill Avery Martin Cummins as Henry Gowen Pascale Hutton as Rosemary LeVeaux - Coulter Kavan Smith as Leland Coulter
who plays mrs thatcher in when calls the heart
{ "text": [ "Erin Krakow" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Broca 's area or the Broca area / broʊˈkɑː / or / ˈbroʊkə / is a region in the frontal lobe of the dominant hemisphere (usually the left) of the hominid brain with functions linked to speech production.
part of the brain responsible for speech production
{ "text": [ "Broca 's area" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
The manual was first published in 1876 by U.S. Army officer Henry Martyn Robert, who adapted the rules and practice of Congress to the needs of non-legislative societies. Ten subsequent editions have been published, including major revisions in 1915 and 1970. The copyright to Robert 's Rules of Order Newly Revised is owned by the Robert 's Rules Association, which selects by contract an authorship team to continue the task of revising and updating the book. The 11th and current edition was published in 2011.
what is the most current version of robert's rules of order
{ "text": [ "The 11th" ], "answer_start": [ 462 ] }
Most top flight goals in a career: 410, Jimmy McGrory (Celtic 397, Clydebank 13) Most top flight goals in a season: 52, Willie MacFadyen (Motherwell, 1931 -- 32) Most top flight goals in a game: 8, Jimmy McGrory (Celtic 9 Dunfermline Athletic 0, 14 January 1928) Most top flight hat - tricks: 48, Jimmy McGrory
who has scored the most goals in scottish football
{ "text": [ "Jimmy McGrory", "Jimmy McGrory", "Jimmy McGrory" ], "answer_start": [ 40, 198, 297 ] }
"(They Long to Be) Close to You '' is a popular song written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David, most notably recorded and performed by the Carpenters.
who wrote they long to be close to you
{ "text": [ "Burt Bacharach", "Hal David" ], "answer_start": [ 64, 83 ] }
Jonathan Harris (born Jonathan Daniel Charasuchin; November 6, 1914 -- November 3, 2002) was an American character actor whose career included more than 500 television and movie appearances, as well as voiceovers. Two of his best - known roles were as the timid accountant Bradford Webster in the television version of The Third Man and the fussy villain Dr. Zachary Smith of the 1960s science fiction series Lost in Space. Near the end of his career, he provided voices for the animated features A Bug 's Life and Toy Story 2.
who played dr. smith in the original lost in space
{ "text": [ "Jonathan Harris" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
In computer networking, promiscuous mode is a mode for a wired network interface controller (NIC) or wireless network interface controller (WNIC) that causes the controller to pass all traffic it receives to the central processing unit (CPU) rather than passing only the frames that the controller is specifically programmed to receive. This mode is normally used for packet sniffing that takes place on a router or on a computer connected to a wired network or one being part of a wireless LAN. Interfaces are placed into promiscuous mode by software bridges often used with hardware virtualization.
to capture all passing packets through a network the nic needs to be in __ mode
{ "text": [ "promiscuous", "promiscuous" ], "answer_start": [ 24, 523 ] }
The Michigan gubernatorial election of 2018 will take place on November 6, 2018, to elect the Governor of Michigan, concurrently with the election of Michigan 's Class I U.S. Senate seat, as well as other elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections.
when do we vote for governor in michigan
{ "text": [ "November 6, 2018" ], "answer_start": [ 63 ] }
Malchus / ˈmælkəs / is the servant of the Jewish High Priest Caiaphas who participated in the arrest of Jesus as written in the four gospels. According to the Bible, one of the disciples, Simon Peter, being armed with a sword, cut off the servant 's ear in an attempt to prevent the arrest of Jesus.
who cut off the man's ear in the bible
{ "text": [ "one of the disciples, Simon Peter" ], "answer_start": [ 166 ] }
Cellular respiration takes place in the cristae of the mitochondria within cells. Depending on the pathways followed, the products are dealt with in different ways.
where is carbon dioxide produced in the cell
{ "text": [ "cristae of the mitochondria" ], "answer_start": [ 40 ] }
The U.S. Congress established three key objectives for monetary policy in the Federal Reserve Act: maximizing employment, stabilizing prices, and moderating long - term interest rates. The first two objectives are sometimes referred to as the Federal Reserve 's dual mandate. Its duties have expanded over the years, and currently also include supervising and regulating banks, maintaining the stability of the financial system, and providing financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions. The Fed conducts research into the economy and provides numerous publications, such as the Beige Book and the FRED database.
where does the federal reserve get its authority
{ "text": [ "The U.S. Congress" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Patti Clare (born 3 March 1976) is an English actress, known for playing the character of Mary Taylor in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street since 2008. She is a three - time winner of the British Soap Award for Best Comedy Performance (2011, 2013, 2016).
who is the actress who plays mary in coronation street
{ "text": [ "Patti Clare" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
The Armistice of Cassibile was an armistice signed on 3 September 1943 by Walter Bedell Smith and Giuseppe Castellano, and made public on 8 September, between the Kingdom of Italy and the Allies of World War II. It was signed at a conference of generals from both sides in an Allied military camp at Cassibile in Sicily, which had recently been occupied by the Allies. The armistice was approved by both King Victor Emmanuel III and Italian Prime Minister Pietro Badoglio. The armistice stipulated the surrender of Italy to the Allies.
when did italy surrender in world war ii
{ "text": [ "1943" ], "answer_start": [ 66 ] }
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present - day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. A French army under the command of Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated by two of the armies of the Seventh Coalition: a British - led Allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington, and a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, Prince of Wahlstatt. The battle marked the end of the 20 year Napoleonic Wars.
when did the battle of waterloo start and end
{ "text": [ "18 June 1815" ], "answer_start": [ 45 ] }
Daniel Brühl as Martin Kreutz, Marie 's brother
who plays marie's brother in bourne ultimatum
{ "text": [ "Daniel Brühl" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
The twelfth season of the American reality talent show The Voice premiered on February 27, 2017 on NBC with Gwen Stefani and Alicia Keys returning as coaches alongside Adam Levine and Blake Shelton. Chris Blue was announced the winner on May 23, 2017 marking Alicia Keys ' first win as a coach and the second female coach to win in the show 's history.
when does season 12 of the voice start
{ "text": [ "February 27, 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 78 ] }
The first carriage - sized automobile suitable for use on existing wagon roads in the United States was a steam - powered vehicle invented in 1871 by Dr. J.W. Carhart, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Racine, Wisconsin. (1) It induced the State of Wisconsin in 1875 to offer a $10,000 award to the first to produce a practical substitute for the use of horses and other animals. They stipulated that the vehicle would have to maintain an average speed of more than 5 miles per hour (8.0 km / h) over a 200 - mile (320 km) course. The offer led to the first city to city automobile race in the United States, starting on 16 July 1878 in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and ending in Madison, via Appleton, Oshkosh, Waupun, Watertown, Fort Atkinson, and Janesville. While seven vehicles were registered, only two started to compete: the entries from Green Bay and Oshkosh. The vehicle from Green Bay was faster, but broke down before completing the race. The Oshkosh finished the 201 - mile (323 km) course in 33 hours and 27 minutes, and posted an average speed of six miles per hour. In 1879, the legislature awarded half the prize.
who built the first practical motor car in the united states
{ "text": [ "Dr. J.W. Carhart" ], "answer_start": [ 150 ] }
Of the 28 EU member states, 3 use Western European Time (Ireland, Portugal (Continental Portugal and Madeira) and the United Kingdom) and 8 use Eastern European Time (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus). The other 17 member states all use Central European Time (apart from Spain that has one region observing the WET). Norway, Switzerland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, San Marino, Vatican City, Andorra, Monaco and Liechtenstein also observe the Central European Time. Northern Cyprus and Transnistria observe the Eastern European Time. Azores, in Portugal, observes the Atlantic / Azores Time (UTC - 1 with Daylight saving time in the summer) and the Canary Islands, in Spain, observes the Western European Time. Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine (apart from Crimea) observe the Eastern European Time. Turkey, Russia (including Crimea), Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Nagorno - Karabakh follow different Time Zones, including Kaliningrad Time, Further - eastern European Time (including Moscow Time), Samara Time, Yekaterinburg Time, the Asian Time Zones of Russia, UTC + 04: 00 (Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan including Nagorno - Karabakh).
european countries in same time zone as uk
{ "text": [ "Ireland", "Portugal (Continental Portugal and Madeira)" ], "answer_start": [ 57, 66 ] }
The eighth season of Shameless, an American comedy - drama television series based on the British series of the same name by Paul Abbott, was announced on December 19, 2016, a day after the seventh season finale. The season, which premiered on November 5, 2017, will consist of a total of 12 episodes.
when is shameless us season 8 coming out
{ "text": [ "November 5, 2017" ], "answer_start": [ 244 ] }
Additionally, Liberia was governed by two constitutions during the rule by the American Colonization Society under the Commonwealth of Liberia:
who wrote the constitution of the commonwealth of liberia
{ "text": [ "American Colonization Society" ], "answer_start": [ 79 ] }
"Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh (A Letter from Camp) '' is a novelty song by Allan Sherman and Lou Busch, based on letters of complaint Allan received from his son Robert while Robert attended Camp Champlain in Westport, New York.
who sang hello mother hello father here i am at camp granada
{ "text": [ "Allan Sherman", "Lou Busch" ], "answer_start": [ 73, 91 ] }
Michael, Lincoln, Sucre, and Alex reunite to break out Sara, who is ordered by the General to be killed. Michael sacrifices himself to help Sara escape. In the last scene of the series, Lincoln and Sara watch the DVD Michael left them explaining why he did what he did.
who dies at the end of season 4 prison break
{ "text": [ "Michael", "Michael", "Michael" ], "answer_start": [ 0, 105, 217 ] }
Temperatures can vary tremendously in the springtime; at 100 ° F (38 ° C), March is the month with the greatest span between the record high and low. At O'Hare, temperatures as low as 7 ° F (− 14 ° C) and 31 ° F (− 1 ° C) have been recorded as late as April 7 and May 21, respectively. Conversely, in official records, the earliest triple - digit (100 ° F (38 ° C)) high occurred on June 1, 1934, when official readings were taken closer to Lake Michigan. Though rare, triple - digit heat has occurred in May at Midway Airport and in outlying suburban locations. Typically, the last freezing low of the season on average occurs on April 13 at Midway and ten days later at O'Hare.
when does the weather get warmer in chicago
{ "text": [ "springtime" ], "answer_start": [ 42 ] }
The U.S. federal court system hears cases involving litigants from two or more states, violations of federal laws, treaties, and the Constitution, admiralty, bankruptcy, and related issues. In practice, about 80 % of the cases are civil and 20 % criminal. The civil cases often involve civil rights, patents, and Social Security while the criminal cases involve tax fraud, robbery, counterfeiting, and drug crimes. The trial courts are U.S. district courts, followed by United States courts of appeals and then the Supreme Court of the United States. The judicial system, whether state or federal, begins with a court of first instance, whose work may be reviewed by an appellate court, and then ends at the court of last resort, which may review the work of the lower courts.
what are the two federal courts under the supreme court
{ "text": [ "U.S. district courts", "United States courts of appeals" ], "answer_start": [ 436, 470 ] }
Dennis Dexter Haysbert (born June 2, 1954) is an American actor. In the U.S. he is best known for his appearances in commercials for Allstate Insurance. He is also known for portraying baseball player Pedro Cerrano in the Major League film trilogy, Secret Service Agent Tim Collin in the 1997 political thriller film Absolute Power, and Sergeant Major Jonas Blane on the drama series The Unit. He is also known for playing U.S. Senator (later President) David Palmer on the first 5 seasons of 24 and has appeared in the films Love Field, Heat, Far from Heaven and the science fiction series Incorporated.
who is the guy that does the allstate commercials
{ "text": [ "Dennis Dexter Haysbert" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Overall No. Saga No. English translation Original Japanese title Original airdate American airdate 77 "Let 's Do It, Zen - Oh Sama! The All - Universe Martial Arts Tournament!! '' "Yarou ze Zenō - sama! Uchū ichi Budō - kai!! '' (や ろう ぜ 全 王様! 宇宙 一 武道 会!!) February 5, 2017 TBA The Present Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō are playing a game together in their realm, but both have become bored with their monotonous routine. Meanwhile, Goku heads to a local farmer 's market to sell his produce and get Chi - Chi off his back about making money. On the way home, he is ambushed by some robbers. Goku defeats them, but he is injured in the process. Deciding that he has grown rusty, Goku and Goten decide to train with Whis. They head to the Capsule Corporation building, where Bulma reveals she is pregnant with her and Vegeta 's second child. Goten remains behind to train with Trunks. Vegeta declines to accompany Goku so that he can be with Bulma when she gives birth. Goku heads to Beerus ' planet alone. While training with Whis, Goku remembers Grand Zenō 's intention to hold a multiverse martial arts tournament. Heedless of Beerus and Whis ' warnings, Goku uses Grand Zenō 's button to head to his realm and convinces Present Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō to hold the tournament. When he returns to Beerus ' planet, Beerus angrily berates Goku and explains that Grand Zenō naive and innocent nature combined with his extreme power makes him a danger to the multiverse. Beerus threatens to kill Goku if he steps out of line again. Goku, Beerus, and Whis head to the Sacred World of the Kais, where the Grand Minister arrives. He tells the group to assemble their ten most powerful warriors to compete in the "Tournament of Power '' (力 の 大会, Chikara no Taikai). 78 "The Gods of Every Universe in Shock?! Losers Erased in the Tournament of Power '' "Zen uchū no kami - sama mo don hiki!? Maketara shōmetsu "Chikara no taikai '' '' (全 宇宙 の 神様 も ドン 引き!? 負け たら 消滅 「 力 の 大会 」) February 12, 2017 TBA The Grand Minister explains the details of the "Tournament of Power '' and states that it will be held on "the World of Void ''. It is a place of "infinite nothingness '', where the competitors can fight without limits. The tournament champion will be granted a wish by the Super Dragon Balls, while the losers and their respective universes will be completely erased from existence. Everyone is horrified by this harsh penalty. Goku suggests asking Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō to ignore it, but Whis advises against this. Whis tells Goku that Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō has already made up his mind and attempting to change it could be dangerous. Beerus demands that Goku takes responsibility for asking Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō to hold the tournament in the first place. Goku declares that he will defeat any opponent he faces. The Grand Minister also reveals that Universes 7 and 9 are to have a smaller exhibition tournament for Future Grand Zenō 's benefit. Each universe is to name three fighters. Goku sets off to recruit teammates. After Vegeta refuses, Goku recruits Gohan and Majin Buu, who is accompanied by Mr. Satan to represent Universe 7. Goku also explains the potential penalty to Gohan. Gohan tells Goku to keep the stakes a secret to prevent mass panic. Back at Grand Zenō 's and Future Grand Zenō 's palace, all the gods from all 12 universes gather. The Grand Minister explains the purpose of the Zen Exhibition Match. He alludes to the possibility of Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō erasing the fighters that he deems unfit for the tournament. In the first round, Majin Buu is to fight Basil (バジル, Bajiru), a humanoid canine fighter from Universe 9. 79 "Universe 9 's Basil the Kicker VS Universe 7 's Majin Buu!! '' "Dai kyu uchū keri no Bajiru basasu Dai nana uchū Majinbū!! '' (第 9 宇宙 蹴り の バジル VS 第 7 宇宙 魔 人 ブウ!!) February 19, 2017 TBA Basil quickly gains the upper hand and beats down Majin Buu, who is not taking the fight seriously and thinks of it as a game. Goku goads Basil into showing his full power to get Majin Buu 's attention, which leads to Basil using his ultimate attack. As Roh (ロウ, Rō), the Supreme Kai of Universe 9, claims victory, Majin Buu emerges with a hole in his stomach, but he is otherwise unmoved. Basil and Roh are shocked to see this. Mr. Satan is injured during the attack. He tells Majin Buu to beat Basil before falling unconscious. This enrages Majin Buu to the point, where he effortlessly beats Basil and knocks him out of the ring. However, since neither Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō is satisfied with the fight, Basil is allowed to get back into the ring. Roh gives Basil a drug that makes him far more powerful. Although Beerus demands that Basil is disqualified for obvious cheating, Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō is entertained by this and allows the fight to continue. The Grand Minister announces that the rules will be improvised as the tournament goes along. Basil overpowers Majin Buu and seemingly beats him, which causes Roh to prematurely gloat about the superiority of Universe 9. However, Majin Buu emerges unscathed and launches a full power attack at Basil. This knocks him out and clinches Universe 7 the victory. As the Universe 9 team laments Basil 's loss, Basil 's second oldest brother Lavender (ラベンダ, Rabenda) says that if he is allowed to kill his opponent, which Bergamo gives him permission to do, he can win his match. Gohan volunteers to fight Lavender. 80 "Awaken Your Sleeping Battle Spirit! Son Gohan 's Fight!! '' "Nemutta tōshi o yobisamase! Son Gohan no tatakai!! '' (眠っ た 闘志 を 呼び覚ませ! 孫 悟 飯 の 闘い!!) February 26, 2017 TBA As their battle begins, Lavender spits a poison mist into Gohan 's eyes and blinds him. Shin offers Gohan a Senzu bean to cure the poison, but Gohan refuses and says he wants to fight with his strength alone. Unable to see, Gohan uses his other senses to track Lavender and scores several blows. Lavender counters by levitating, which eliminates the sound of his footsteps. Gohan responds by powering up to Super Saiyan and bouncing his own ki off of Lavender 's body, which uses it as a kind of active radar. Powering up also causes the poison to spread rapidly through Gohan 's body. Lavender mounts a comeback. In desperation, Gohan grabs hold of Lavender and launches a kamikaze attack. He drives both of their bodies into the ring at high speed. Lavender is knocked out, but Gohan is so weakened by the poison that he can not continue. With both fighters down, the match is declared a tie. After Goku feeds Gohan a Senzu bean, the Grand Minister announces to those in attendance that all universes that lose the Tournament of Power will be erased with their respective gods as well. However, Universes 1, 5, 8, and 12 will be exempt from erasure as will the Angels from all universes because their inhabitants are particularly strong. Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō had long believed that there were too many universes. He was planning to erase most of them anyway, but the tournament will afford one of the weaker universes the chance to be spared. With the announcement concluded, the ring is repaired in preparation for the final exhibition match where Goku will fight Bergamo (ベルガモ, Berugamo), Basil 's oldest brother who is also a humanoid canine. 81 5 "Bergamo the Crusher Vs Son Goku! Which One Wields the Limitless Power?! '' "Tsubushi no Berugamo VS Son Gokū! Aotenjō no tsuyosa wa dotchida!? '' (潰し の ベルガモ VS 孫悟空! 青 天井 の 強 さ は どっち だ!?) March 5, 2017 TBA Before their battle begins, Bergamo denounces Goku before the assembled gods. Bergamo pleads with Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō to rescind the rule that the universes that lose the Tournament of Power be erased. Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō agree on the condition that Bergamo beats Goku in an all out battle. Grand Minister states that if Goku holds back to cancel the erasure, Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō will immediately erase all of the universes. Both Goku and Bergamo agree to the terms. When the fight begins, Bergamo invites Goku to hit him and leaves himself exposed. Goku obliges and strikes Bergamo several times, but Bergamo absorbs the energy of Goku 's attacks. He grows stronger and physically larger. Goku continues to attack, which causes Bergamo to grow so large that the ring begins to buckle under his weight. Goku transforms to Super Saiyan Blue, which shocks the gods and quickly overwhelms Bergamo with a Kaioken powered Kamehameha. Bergamo claims every universe participating in the Tournament of Power will seek vengeance on Goku for making them face erasure, but Goku relishes the idea of such a challenge. The Zen Exhibition Match comes to a close and the Tournament of Power will soon begin. The universe with the most fighters remaining or the last fighter standing will be declared the winner. Suddenly, a mysterious fighter from Universe 11 named Toppo (トッポ) appears and challenges Goku to a battle. Goku, who is unsatisfied after his short fight with Bergamo, agrees to fight Toppo. 82 6 "Never Forgive Son Goku! Toppo the Warrior of Justice Intrudes!! '' "Son Gokū yurusumaji! Seigi no senshi Toppo ran'nyū!!! '' (孫悟空 許す まじ! 正義 の 戦士 トッポ 乱入!!) March 19, 2017 TBA After obtaining Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō blessing to proceed, Goku and Toppo begin their battle. Toppo quickly gains the upper hand and dislocates Goku 's shoulder. Goku responds by attacking with a flurry of blows, but Toppo manages to grab Goku in a powerful bear hug. He begins squeezing the life out of Goku, which forces Goku to turn Super Saiyan Blue to escape. Goku gains the upper hand in this form and damages Toppo with a Kamehameha. Just as the two power up even more, the Grand Minister puts an end to the fight. As Toppo leaves, he reveals to Goku that Universe 11 has a warrior even stronger than him named Jiren (ジレン). The Grand Minister begins creating a martial arts arena suitable for the Tournament of Power. In the Sacred World of the Kais, Beerus and Goku get into an argument over Goku 's constant relaxed and negligent attitude, which Whis breaks up. The group agrees to convene at the Capsule Corporation to discuss their future strategy. 83 7 "Form the Universe 7 Representing Team! Who are the Strongest Ten?! '' "Dai - 7 uchū daihyō chīmu o kessei seyo! Saikyō no 10 - ri wa dareda? '' (第 7 宇宙 代表 チーム を 結成 せよ! 最強 の 10 人 は 誰 だ!?) March 26, 2017 TBA Goku and the others arrive at Capsule Corporation. They discuss who should be on the team. Goku immediately suggests Monaka, but Beerus tells him that Monaka is sick and can not participate. Goku and Gohan agree on Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Master Roshi, No. 18, and No. 17, which would bring the total number of fighters up to nine. Trunks and Goten are ruled out due to their inexperience. They proceed to ask Vegeta, who has been thinking of a name for his second child. Vegeta refuses to participate. He says he will not fight, while Bulma is pregnant. Whis uses his time warping ability to birth the baby sooner than expected in order to get Vegeta to agree to the fight. Everyone celebrates the baby 's birth. Trunks is slightly disappointed he has a sister because he wanted to train with a younger brother. As soon as the baby is handed to Vegeta, he develops an attachment to her. Bulma names the baby Bulla even though Vegeta hoped to give her the Saiyan name Eschalot. However, Vegeta quickly accepts Bulla 's name. Goku leaves to recruit members and heads to Krillin 's house. 84 8 "Son Goku the Recruiter Invites Krillin and No. 18 '' "Sukautoman Son Gokū -- Kuririn to 18 - gō o izanau '' (スカウト マン 孫悟空 クリリン と 18 号 を 誘う) April 2, 2017 TBA Goku and Gohan arrive at Krillin 's house and ask him and No. 18 to join the Tournament of Power. No. 18 convinces Krillin to participate in order to put his newfound martial arts training to use. No. 18 is reluctant to join herself. She quickly suspects Goku and Gohan of hiding something from them, but Goku convinces her that the secret is a 10 million Zeni reward, which convinces her to participate. Gohan decides to test Krillin in a sparring match on the coast. After Gohan overpowers him in hand to hand combat, Krillin swiftly defeats Gohan by blinding him with his new move named Solar Flare x 100 and knocking him into the sea. Goku is excited by Krillin 's new power. He challenges him to a sparring match as well. They relocate to a building owned by Mr. Satan, where Krillin 's strategies make up for the gap in power, forcing Goku to go Super Saiyan. Goku then transforms into his Super Saiyan Blue form, and he and Krillin have a Kamehameha clash. As Goku increases his power and starts to overpower Krillin, No. 18 intervenes and blocks Goku 's Kamehameha, just as Krillin collapses from exhaustion. She justifies herself by noting that the Tournament of Power will be a battle royal and that Goku can not expect to fight one - on - one all the time. Goku concedes the match and realizes he will have to adjust his tactics in order to win the Tournament of Power. No. 18 reveals that No. 17 is currently working at a wildlife reserve, but she does not know where. Goku decides to ask Dende to find No. 17. 85 9 "The Universes Begin to Make Their Moves Their Individual Motives '' "Ugokidasu uchū -- sorezore no omowaku '' (動き出す 宇宙 -- それぞれ の 思惑) April 9, 2017 TBA Gohan leaves to recruit Piccolo, while Goku prepares to head to the Lookout. He encounters Majin Buu and Mr. Satan training. Goku discovers that Buu has lost weight and has gotten much slimmer in appearance. The two spar together. Buu defeats Goku by overwhelming him with ki blasts and knocking him out of the fighting stage. Meanwhile, Khai (カイ), the Supreme Kai of Universe 11, gathers all of the Supreme Kais involved in the tournament except for Universe 7 's, who is ostracized due to Goku 's involvement with the creation of the tournament. Khai asks his fellow Supreme Kais to request that Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō cancel the erasure of the universes, but they are all too afraid of his wrath to do so. Champa gathers all the Gods of Destruction involved in the tournament except Beerus after finding out about the Supreme Kai 's meeting, and they discuss Goku. Toppo recruits his fellow Pride Troopers Kahseral (カーセラル, Kāseraru) and Dyspo (ディスポ, Disupo). Champa recruits Cabba and demands he find more powerful Saiyans. Goku meets Dende and Mr. Popo at the Lookout and learns No. 17 's location. Gohan prepares to train with Piccolo. 86 10 "Fist Cross for the First Time! Android # 17 VS Son Goku!! '' "Hajimete majiwaru kobushi! Jinzōningen Jūnana - gō VS Son Gokū!! '' (初めて 交わる 拳! 人造 人間 17 号 VS 孫悟空!!) April 16, 2017 TBA On their way to the island where No. 17 is working, Dende explains that since the conclusion of the Cell Games, No. 17 has started a family and gotten far stronger. Dende also reveals that Kid Buu has reincarnated as a young Earthling with massive fighting potential and asks Goku to train him when he is old enough. They reach the island as Goku arrives just in time to witness No. 17 defeat a group of armed poachers. As they introduce themselves to each other, a large army of poachers arrive. Goku and No. 17 team up to subdue them all. Afterwards, No. 17 explains that the poachers are after the last Minotaurus in order to steal its rare and valuable horns. The two decide to have a sparring match. No. 17 evenly matches Super Saiyan Goku, which causes him to turn Super Saiyan Blue. Goku launches a Kamehameha at No. 17, who easily deflects it with an energy shield. The two go toe - to - toe until No. 17 ends the match in order to avoid catching the island in the crossfire. Goku and No. 17 acknowledge that they were both holding back in the fight. Afterwards, Goku attempts to convince him to join the Tournament of Power, but No. 17 is uninterested. He remains indifferent even when Goku reveals that the losing universes will be erased. Meanwhile, alien poachers arrive on Earth and they set their sights on the Minotaurus. 87 11 "Hunt the Poachers! Goku and No. 17 's United Front!! '' "Mitsuryō - dan o kare! Gokū to Jūnana - gō no kyōtō!! '' (密漁 団 を 狩れ! 悟空 と 17 号 の 共闘!!) April 23, 2017 TBA Goku entices No. 17 with a wish on the Super Dragon Balls. As he begins to consider Goku 's offer, the alien poachers arrive and abduct all of the island 's animals. Goku uses his Instant Transmission to teleport himself and No. 17 aboard their ship before it can escape. After defeating some of the poachers, No. 17 sets off to defeat the leader, while Goku remains behind to battle the rest of the poachers. No. 17 confronts and easily defeats the leader. Goku catches up just as the leader pulls out a switch and threatens to self - destruct if he is not released immediately. No. 17 smashes him out of a window, which vents both of them into deep space. Goku manages to use his Instant Transmission to teleport all three of them to King Kai 's world. Dende contacts Goku and informs him that the leader 's threat was a bluff. Afterwards, Goku and No. 17 return the animals to their rightful homes. Jaco arrives to arrest the alien poachers. No. 17 decides to leave his island in the hands of Goten and Trunks and accepts Goku 's offer to fight in the Tournament of Power. He hopes to use the Super Dragon Balls to wish for an expensive boat and travel the world with his family. 88 12 "Gohan and Piccolo Teacher and Pupil Clash in Max Training! '' "Gohan to Pikkoro Shitei gekitotsu no Genkai shugyō! '' (悟 飯 と ピッコロ 師弟 激突 の 限界 修業!) April 30, 2017 TBA Gohan and Piccolo engage in intense training. Piccolo explains that Goku has already informed him about the potential erasure of the universe and that he is going to participate in the Tournament of Power. He points out that Gohan 's over eagerness to protect his loved ones is making him reckless. Gohan transforms into a Super Saiyan, and the two continue to spar. Meanwhile, Cabba heads to the residence of his retired captain and mentor, Renso (レンソウ). Cabba asks him to join Universe 6 's team for the Tournament of Power, but Renso refuses due to an injury to his leg. Renso suggests his sister, Caulifla (カリフラ, Karifura), instead, who he claims is even stronger than him. Back in Universe 7, Piccolo removes his weighted clothes to go all out and quickly defeats Gohan. Piccolo explains that Gohan has a tendency to become arrogant when he has the advantage in battle. After being encouraged by Piccolo, Gohan manages to reach the level of power he had against Super Buu. The two fight again, and Gohan successfully severs Piccolo 's arm. However, Piccolo blasts him in the back with the severed arm and defeats Gohan, which proves Piccolo 's point about Gohan 's overconfidence. That night, Piccolo vows to push Gohan to new heights of power. They both agree to work on combination moves. 89 13 "An Unknown Beauty Appears! The Tenshin - Style Dojo 's Mystery?! '' "Arawareta nazo no bijo! Tenshin - ryū Dōjō no kai!? '' (現れ た 謎 の 美女! 天津 流 道場 の 怪!?) May 7, 2017 TBA Goku heads to Master Roshi 's island, where Oolong informs him that Tien and Chiaotzu have started a martial arts dojo, and that Roshi has headed there to act as a special instructor. Goku decides to make Tien the tenth member of the team, and heads off to recruit him and Roshi. At Tien 's dojo, a woman named Yurin (ユーリン, Yūrin) with a grudge against Tien arrives and requests to join the dojo. Although Tien denies her because her motivation of beauty was unfit for his dojo, Roshi drags Yurin off to ogle her. Goku arrives and asks Tien to join the Tournament of Power, but, even after Goku bribes him with 10 million Zeni, Tien refuses. Yurin escapes Roshi 's advances and uses witchcraft to drive Tien 's students on a rampage throughout town. Goku, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Roshi arrive at the village, where Yurin confronts them. Yurin explains that she is a former classmate of Tien 's during his time at the Crane School and that she swore revenge on him after he left the school and refused to fight her. Meanwhile, Cabba sways Caulifla into joining Universe 6 's team by promising to teach her how to become a Super Saiyan. Back on Earth, while Goku, Chiaotzu, and Tien cure the students of their brainwashing, Roshi battles Yurin. He lowers his guard after catching a glimpse of Yurin 's panties, which allows her to brainwash him. The brainwashed Roshi quickly defeats Tien, but Goku intervenes. While Chiaotzu temporarily disables Yurin, Goku subdues Roshi with a Kamehameha and cures him of the brainwashing. Tien orders Yurin to apologize to everyone she hurt and offers her a place at his dojo. Tien decides to join the Tournament of Power because he believes that the 10 million Zeni Goku promised will repair the village. After hearing about the 10 million Zeni, Master Roshi quickly agrees to join as well. 90 14 "See The Wall That Must Be Passed! Goku vs Gohan '' "Koerubeki kabe o misuete! Gokū bāsasu Gohan '' (超える べき 壁 を 見据え て! 悟空 VS 悟 飯) May 14, 2017 TBA As Gohan finishes training with Piccolo, they go to meet with Goku, Master Roshi, and Tien. At Gohan 's request, Goku and Tien have a fight against Gohan and Piccolo to practice for the tournament. Although Tien views this as a practice match and wants to avoid injuring anyone, Gohan and Goku take the fight seriously. As Gohan fights both his father and Tien, Piccolo spends the time charging a strong technique, which ultimately destroys the mountain fighting stage when it is launched. Tien calls the match off on the grounds that the fighting stage is now destroyed. Although Goku agrees, Gohan requests to have a one - on - one fight against his father. Goku accepts, and Gohan powers up while Goku goes Super Saiyan 2. Although Goku has the upper hand for much of the fight, Gohan turns the tables and begins to overpower Goku. Gohan begs Goku to use his full power. Goku responds by becoming a Super Saiyan Blue and using his Kaio - Ken technique, then defeats Gohan with a single blow. Impressed with his son 's improvement, Goku assigns Gohan as the leader of their Universe 7 team. Meanwhile, Rumsshi (ラムーシ, Ramūshi) recruits a powerful fighter named Murichim (ムリチム, Murichimu) and his companions to represent Universe 10 in the tournament. 91 15 "Which Universe Will Survive?! The Strongest Warriors Are Gathering!! '' "Kachinokoru no wa dono Uchū da!? Zokuzoku to tsudou Saikyō no senshi - tachi!! '' (勝ち残る の は どの 宇宙 だ!? 続々 と 集う 最強 の 戦士 たち!!) May 21, 2017 TBA Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō are suffering from extreme boredom again. They decide to observe the universes ' progress in assembling their strongest warriors. In Universe 7, Vegeta prepares to enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for some intense training. Goku spars with Whis in Vegeta 's gravity chamber. Master Roshi and Puar train to remove Roshi 's weakness to seduction techniques, which fails miserably. In Universe 9, word has spread of the potential erasure of their universe. The populace has descended into anarchy. The three canine brothers have been unable to find any other fighters. In Universe 6, Hit tracks down the destitute Frost and forces him to join the Tournament of Power, while he relieves him of his poison needles in the process. In Universe 11, Toppo 's comrade Kahseral is delayed from joining when he aids a cat stuck in a tree. In Universe 2, a magical girl named Brianne de Chateau (ブリアン ・ デ ・ シャトー, Burian de Shatō) transforms into her alter ego named Ribrianne (リブリアン, Riburian) and auditions for a spot in the tournament. In Universe 10, Murichim and his comrades record a dance video to improve team spirit. Back in Universe 7, Mr. Satan calls and unexpectedly reveals that Majin Buu has fallen into a deep sleep and can not join the tournament, which horrifies everyone. 92 16 "Emergency Development! The Incomplete Ten Members!! '' "Kinkyū jitai hassei! Sorowanai jū nin no menbā!! '' (緊急 事態 発生! そろわ ない 10 人 の メンバー!!) May 28, 2017 TBA Goku races to Mr. Satan 's house, where he proves unable to wake Majin Buu from his hibernation. Meanwhile, all of Universe 7 's remaining warriors except Master Roshi and No. 17 gather at the Capsule Corporation. After Krillin brings up the 10 million Zeni prize that Goku had bribed him, Piccolo and Gohan reveal to Krillin, No. 18, and Tien that the prize of 10 million Zeni was a lie and that the universe will be erased if they lose. When Goku returns, Krillin berates him and threatens to withdraw from the team along with No. 18. After Goku fails to convince them otherwise, Beerus swiftly threatens Krillin into staying, while Bulma agrees to pay out the promised reward. In Universe 6, Cabba takes Caulifla to a deserted wasteland to teach her how to become a Super Saiyan. As Caulifla 's protégée, Kale (ケール, Kēru), observes them, Cabba ineffectually attempts to provoke Caulifla in order to make her transform. When that fails, he teaches her to focus her energy on an area in her back. Caulifla successfully transforms into a Super Saiyan. Caulifla tests her newfound power and agrees to join Universe 6 's team for the Tournament of Power. She beckons Kale over to attempt the transformation herself. In Universe 11, Kahseral arrives at the Pride Trooper headquarters, where he and Toppo agree to leave the universe in their trainees ' hands so they can participate in the tournament. In Universe 3, two cyborg warriors named Nigrisshi (ニグリシ, Nigrisshi) and Narirama (ナリラマ, Narirāma) display their upgrades for the tournament to Universe 3 's God of Destruction Mosco (モスコ, Mosuko), Supreme Kai Ea (エア), and Angel Campari (カンパーリ, Kanpāri). Back in Universe 7, Goku and his friends are unable to figure out who can replace Buu. When Beerus claims they have no suitable fighters because Goku destroyed the Frieza Force, Goku is inspired to recruit Frieza, which shocks everyone. 93 17 "You 're The Tenth Warrior! Goku Goes To See Frieza!! '' "Jū ninme no senshi wa omē da! Gokū Furīza no moto e!! '' (10 人目 の 戦士 はお め え だ! 悟空 フリーザ の も と へ!!) June 4, 2017 TBA Goku 's idea is met with much hesitance from his comrades. He explains that he intends to have Fortuneteller Baba resurrect Frieza for 24 hours to fight in the tournament. If Frieza betrays them then either he or Vegeta can defeat him. Goku 's friends reluctantly agree, and he sets out to the afterlife. The Universe 7 team are unaware that a spy from Universe 4 is observing them. In Universe 6, Cabba and Caulifla attempt to teach Kale how to turn into a Super Saiyan but to no avail. Kale begins to despair over her own uselessness, and it enrages her enough to trigger her transformation into an extremely powerful Berserker Super Saiyan. Kale immediately goes berserk and attacks Cabba. Caulifla quickly deduces that Kale is jealous of her and Cabba 's perceived relationship. She denies having any sort of feelings for Cabba. Kale calms down and collapses in Caulifla 's arms. Cabba, who is impressed by Kale 's power, decides to add her to Universe 6 's team. Back in Universe 7, Goku arrives in the afterlife and receives King Yemma 's permission to visit Frieza. He explains about the Tournament of Power and asks Frieza to join them. Frieza agrees to aid him on the condition that he be properly resurrected with Earth 's Dragon Balls. When Goku hesitates to agree, Frieza goads him by playing to his desire to see how powerful Frieza can become. Goku accepts his terms. In Universe 4, Ganos (ガノス, Ganosu) reports Universe 7 's latest actions to Universe 4 's God of Destruction Quitela (キテラ, Kitera) and Supreme Kai Kuru (クル). Quitela immediately begins making plans to counter Beerus. 94 18 "The Emperor of Evil Returns! A Reception of Mysterious Assassins?! '' "Aku no Teiō fukkatsu! Demukaeru Nazo no Shikaku - tachi!? '' (悪 の 帝王 復活! 出迎える 謎 の 刺客 たち!?) June 11, 2017 TBA Quitela contacts Universe 9 's God of Destruction Sidra (シドラ, Shidora) and informs him that Universe 7 is planning to use Frieza to assassinate their rivals before the tournament begins and that the only way to counter them is to kill them first. Sidra and Roh agree to have Frieza killed. Meanwhile, Goku returns to the Capsule Corporation to update everyone on his success. As Master Roshi completes his training at Korin 's tower, Krillin and No. 18 head to No. 17 's island to pick him up and drop off Goten, Trunks, and Marron. Goku goes to Fortuneteller Baba 's home, where she completes the ritual to resurrect Frieza. As Goku and Frieza prepare to depart, an army of assassins arrives to claim their heads. Despite the time pressure, Frieza wounds the assassins ' leader, transforms into his Golden form, and prepares for battle. 95 19 "The Worst! The Most Evil! Frieza 's Rampage!! '' "Saikyō! Saiaku! Furīza Ōabare!! '' (最 凶! 最悪! フリーザ 大 暴れ!!) June 18, 2017 TBA Frieza explains to Goku that he spent his recent incarceration in Hell undergoing intense mental training to overcome the stamina issues that plagued him during his previous battles with the Z - Fighters. He quickly slaughters most of the assassins, which horrifies Goku. The assassins ' leader, who has been directly empowered by Sidra, attacks Frieza with Sidra 's power, but Frieza manages to overcome and hijack the attack. Frieza spitefully uses the attack on Goku and traps him. Frieza tortures and kills the assassins until they reveal that Roh and Sidra hired them. Frieza contacts Universe 9 and offers his services as a defector. Roh and Sidra begin arguing about whether or not to accept him. Roh fears Frieza 's psychopathic and treasonous nature, while Sidra wants his power. Sidra is confident he could kill him if he stepped out of line. Their argument buys time for Beerus and Whis to arrive and rescue Goku. Frieza cuts the connection. He begins making plans to use the Tournament of Power to manipulate the gods to suit his own ends. Goku and Frieza have a brief sparring match, which ends in a draw. Goku, Frieza, Beerus, and Whis return to the Capsule Corporation. The Universe 7 team prepare to travel to the World of Void for the Tournament of Power. 96 20 "The Time Is Here! To The World Of Void For The Fate Of The Universe!! '' "Toki wa kita! Uchū no Meiun o kake Mu no Kai e!! '' (時 は きた! 宇宙 の 命運 を かけ 無 の 界 へ!!) June 25, 2017 TBA In the World of Void, Universes 1, 5, and 8 's Gods of Destruction Iwne (イワン, Iwan), Arack (アラク, Araku), and Liquiir (リキュール, Rikīru) have a brief exhibition match to test the durability of the Tournament of Power 's fighting stage. Afterwards, the Grand Minister forces them all to clean up their mess and fix the stage. In Universe 7, Gohan and Shin 's strategy is to have the team members stick together to conserve energy and use strength of numbers to defeat anyone who attacks them. This suggestion offends Goku and Vegeta 's Saiyan pride. Whis transports the team to the World of Void. All of the other universes arrive. Frieza and Frost befriend each other and agree to work together, while Goku singles out Jiren as a potential rival due to his extreme power. As the Grand Minister introduces each team, Universe 4 seemingly has only 8 warriors on their team, which confuses most of Universe 7, except for Tien, who tells No. 18 that he can sense a faint presence. After a speech from the Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō, the 80 warriors prepare for battle. 97 21 "Survive! The Tournament of Power Begins at Last!! '' "Ikinokore! Tsui ni kaimaku Chikara no Taikai!! '' (生き残れ! ついに 開幕 「 力 の 大会 」!!) July 2, 2017 TBA The Grand Minister reminds everyone of the rules and officially starts the tournament. A massive free - for - all ensues. Goku targets Toppo, but he is intercepted by Ganos. Disregarding Gohan 's plan as well, No. 17, No. 18, Vegeta, and Frieza all jump into the fray. Universe 3 gains an early advantage when Narirama unleashes a spinning attack designed to knock its opponents off the stage, but Hit and Basil disable it. Universe 10 's Lilibeu (リリベウ, Ririberu) attacks Basil, but Basil successfully knocks her off the stage. Meanwhile, the five Universe 7 warriors who stayed together are confronted by a gang of warriors from varying universes, but Universe 7 uses teamwork to fend them off. Basil nearly defeats Universe 10 's Napapa, but Napapa is able to push his attacks away at the last moment. As Goku is pursuing Toppo, he comes face to face with Jiren until Universe 4 's Nink (ニンク, Ninku) outflanks Goku by grappling and dragging him towards the edge of the stage with the intention of jumping off with him. Goku turns Super Saiyan Blue and knocks Nink off the stage. As Goku reverts back to his normal form to conserve energy, Basil, Lavender, Bergamo, and two other Universe 9 warriors surround him with 47 minutes remaining in the tournament. 98 22 "Oh, Uncertainty! A Universe Despairs!! '' "Ā mujou! Zetsubō suru Uchū!! '' (あぁ 無常! 絶望 する 宇宙!!) July 9, 2017 TBA Roh orders his warriors to attack Goku to avenge their defeat at the Zen Exhibition Match. Goku is forced to avoid fighting at his fullest in order to conserve stamina for later in the tournament. He fights Team Universe 9, where the Trio de Dangers brothers manage to overwhelm him thanks to their teamwork. Vegeta notices Goku 's plight and reinforces him. Roh sends over three more fighters. Team Universe 9 is able to push Goku and Vegeta to the brink until Vegeta tricks Lavender and Hop (ソレル, Hoppu) into accidentally hitting each other. Goku and Vegeta take advantage of the confusion to defeat five of the Universe 9 warriors. No. 18 and Frieza each defeat Sorrel (ソレル, Soreru) and Roselle. Only Basil, Lavender, and Bergamo remain in the tournament for Team Universe 9. Goku and Vegeta push them to the edge of the stage. The brothers use a combination beam as a last ditch effort, but Goku and Vegeta power up to Super Saiyan Blue and knock them off the stage with a Final Kamehameha. With all 10 members defeated, Universe 9 is eliminated from the tournament. As a result, Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō erase Universe 9, Roh, Sidra, and all of their fighters. This amuses Universe 9 's angel Mojito (モヒイト, Mohi'ito) and horrifies everyone else. 99 23 "Show Them! Krillin 's True Power!! '' "Misetsukero! Kuririn no sokojikara!! '' (見せつけろ! クリリン の 底力!!) July 16, 2017 TBA As the other warriors recover from the shock of Universe 9 's erasure, No. 17 reminds No. 18 that they have infinite stamina due to their cyborg bodies and have no reason to hold back. Vegeta tries to fight Hit, but he is blocked by Botamo, who is immune to damage. Vegeta manages to pick Botamo up and nearly throws him off the stage, but Magetta stops him at the last moment. Meanwhile, Universe 10 's Jium (ジウム, Jiumu) attacks Gohan and his friends. Jium is swiftly defeated by Master Roshi. Universe 4 's Shosa (ショイサ, Shōsa) tricks No. 18 into lowering her guard by faking his own death and nearly knocks her off the stage with a barrage of ki blasts. Krillin rescues No. 18, and the two defeat Shosa with a powerful combination attack. They are challenged by Universe 4 's Majora (マジョラ), who is a blind fighter that uses his powerful sense of smell to locate his enemies in battle. Although Majora proves to be stronger than Krillin, Krillin disables his nose by throwing his smelly shoe at him and knocks him off the stage. Krillin boasts about his victory, which allows Frost to knock him off with a single blow. Beerus and Shin berate Krillin for his carelessness with 43 minutes remaining in the tournament. 100 24 "Out Of Control! The Savage Berserker Awakens!! '' "Daibōsō! Mezame araburu Kyōsenshi!! '' (大 暴走! 目覚め 荒 ぶる 狂 戦士!!) July 23, 2017 TBA As Universe 7 recovers from Krillin 's defeat, Cabba defeats Nigrisshi and Universe 10 's Murisam (ムリサーム) and confronts Vegeta. Hit blows off Narirama 's limbs and uses his time skip ability to dodge his ultimate attack. He flicks him off the stage. Meanwhile, Kale is disabled by Universe 10 's Napapa and Methiop (メチオープ). They knock her unconscious and attempt to throw her off the stage, but Caulifla rescues her and defeats Napapa. The two confront Goku, and Caulifla knocks away Universe 2 's Jimeze (ジーミズ, Jimizu) and demands to know how to become a Super Saiyan Blue. Goku refuses, and Caulifla transforms into an Ultra Super Saiyan. However, her increased muscle mass cripples her speed and allows Goku to counterattack. With Goku 's aid, Caulifla manages to become a Super Saiyan 2, and the two resume their fight. As Kale watches them, she is once again consumed by her feelings of uselessness and transforms into her Berserker Super Saiyan form. Hit uses his time skip to save Caulifla from getting caught in the crossfire. Kale flies into a jealous rage and attacks Goku for allegedly stealing Caulifla from her. Kale easily overwhelms Goku and forces him to power up to Super Saiyan Blue. He unleashes a powerful Kamehameha, but Kale powers through it unharmed. As Piccolo realizes she has lost control of her power, Kale begins firing ki blasts at everything in sight and defeats Methiop. When Universe 11 's Vuon (ブーオン, Būon) attempts to stop her, Kale defeats him as well. Jiren knocks her unconscious with a single ki blast. As Hit and Caulifla retreat with Kale, Goku challenges Jiren. 101 25 "The Impending Warriors of Justice! The Pride Troopers!! '' "Semari kuru seigi no senshi! Puraido Torūpāsu!! '' (迫り くる 正義 の 戦士! プライド ・ トルーパス!!) July 30, 2017 TBA As Goku prepares to fight Jiren, Toppo suddenly ambushes him with a barrage of ki blasts. Toppo and Jiren decide to retreat and conserve their stamina. This leaves Goku to be dealt with by Kahseral and their fellow Pride Troopers Tupper (タッパー, Tappā), Zoiray (ゾイレー, Zoirē), Cocotte (ココット, Kokotto), and Kettol. The five declare their intent to defeat Caulifla and Kale to avenge Vuon 's defeat. The two are forced to form a temporary alliance with Goku. Meanwhile, Master Roshi and Tien team up to defeat Universe 3 's The Preecho (ザ ・ プリーチョ). They regroup with Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta, and Frieza, where he has defeated Murichim. The Pride Troopers push Goku, Caulifla, and Kale to the brink, but No. 17 and No. 18 rescue them. No. 18 and Goku defeat Tupper, while No. 17 easily overpowers Kahseral. The remaining Pride Troopers regroup and focus their assault on the wounded Caulifla and Kale. Cocotte seals them in a separate dimension to ensure that Goku, No. 17, and No. 18 do not interfere. As the four beat Caulifla, Kale 's self - hatred causes her to return to the Berserker Super Saiyan form, but she remains in control of herself this time. Caulifla and Kale use an extremely powerful combination ki blast to defeat Kahseral, Zoiray, and Kettol. Cocotte seals herself in a mini-dimension to avoid the blast, but No. 18 simply throws it off, eliminating Cocotte. Goku allows Caulifla and Kale to retreat so he can fight them at their full strength after they rest. The group is unaware that Brianne is observing them. 102 26 "The Power of Love Explodes?! Universe 2 's Little Witch Warriors!! '' "Ai no chikara ga dai bakuhatsu!? dai ni uchu majo - kko senshi!! '' (愛 の 力 が 大 爆発!? 第 2 宇宙 の 魔女 っ 子 戦士!!) August 6, 2017 TBA Brianne and her companions Sanka Ku (サンカ ・ クー, Sanka Kū) and Su Roas (スー ・ ロース, Sū Rōsu) announce themselves to the other fighters and begin to transform into their magical girl alter - egos. No. 17 blasts them before they can transform, but Brianne, Goku, and Toppo berate him for his dishonorable tactics and browbeat him into allowing them to transform, much to Beerus ' dismay. They assume their alter - egos Ribrianne, Kakunsa (カクンサ, Kakunsa), and Rozie (ロージィ, Rōjī) and barrage the arena with a powerful love - based attack that brainwashes some of the fighters. Universe 7 's mental discipline allows them to overcome its effects. Gohan 's group elects to split up and fight independently. Vegeta attacks Ribrianne, who counters with a rolling attack that knocks out Universe 10 's Jirasen (ジラセン). Rozie attacks Goku with a flurry of blows that grows more powerful the longer she keeps it up, while Kakunsa battles No. 17 with her animalistic fighting style. No. 17 baits her into overextending herself and stuns her with a barrier. He attempts to knock her out of the stage, but her teammate Vikal (ビカル, Bikaru) rescues her. No. 17 decides to stop holding back and swiftly eliminates Vikal. He also eliminates Kakunsa with a powerful ki blast. Enraged by his actions, Ribrianne powers up and prepares to battle No. 17. 103 27 "Gohan, Show No Mercy! Showdown With Universe 10!! '' "Gohan yo hijōnare! Dai ju uchu to no kessen!! '' (悟 飯 よ 非情 なれ! 第 10 宇宙 と の 決戦!!) August 13, 2017 TBA Ribrianne and No. 17 fiercely attack each other, while Rozie begins to overwhelm Goku 's defenses. She surrounds him with ki balls and attempts to blow him up, but No. 17 protects him with a barrier. Goku, who has studied Rozie 's techniques, hits her with a powerful ki blast. As he and No. 17 corner Rozie and Ribrianne, Jimeze arrives and rescues them with instant transmission. Elsewhere, Botamo challenges Gohan on Champa 's orders. As Piccolo and Goku observe, Gohan attacks with a flurry of blows, which apparently have no effect. However, Gohan 's attacks begin to lift Botamo off the ground and renders him unable to defend himself, allowing Gohan to knock him off the stage. Universe 10 's Obuni (オブニ) and Rubalt (ルバルト, Rubaruto) appear to challenge Gohan and Piccolo. Jimeze defeats Universe 10 's Jilcol (ジルコル Jirukoru). With 8 warriors eliminated, Gowasu accepts his imminent demise, while Rumsshi remains defiant. Obuni shifts his ki away from his body to render himself impossible to detect and wounds Gohan. Rubalt initially has the upper hand against Piccolo, but Piccolo uses his Hellzone Grenade attack to knock out Rubalt, leaving Universe 10 with only Obuni. Obuni begins to overwhelm Gohan, which makes Gowasu want to cling to life again. Gohan powers up and powers through one of Obuni 's punches. He counterattacks Obuni 's moves by locating and hitting Obuni after he gets hit. Obuni pauses the fight to show his respect for Gohan, but refuses to lose for the sake of Universe 10. Gohan battles and defeats Obuni with a Kamehameha. All of Universe 10 's fighters have been eliminated. Right before Universe 10 is annihilated, Gohan discovers a locket containing a picture of Obuni and his wife and child. Gohan and Universe 10 's angel, Cus (クス, Kusu), mourn Universe 10 's erasure. 104 28 "The Ultimate High Speed Battle Begins! Goku and Hit Join Forces!! '' "Chōzetsu kōsoku batoru boppatsu! Gokū to hitto no kyōdō sensen!! '' (超絶 光速 バトル 勃発! 悟空 と ヒット の 共同 戦線!!) August 20, 2017 TBA Dyspo challenges Hit and uses his incredible speed to overwhelm Hit 's Time Skip. Everyone quickly deduces that Dyspo is listening for the sound of Hit 's body tensing up to determine when he is about to attempt to use Time Skip. Hit resorts to fighting him conventionally, but he is pushed to the edge of the stage. Toppo deduces that Hit has adjusted to Dyspo 's fighting style and is luring him into a trap. Toppo sends fellow pride trooper Kunshi (クンシー, Kunshī) to back him up. Before Dyspo can land the finishing blow, Hit suddenly turns intangible and sends Dyspo over the edge. However, Kunshi uses ropes made of his energy to pull Dyspo back onto the stage before he is eliminated. The two launch a renewed assault against Hit and drive him into a corner. Before they can finish him off, Goku interferes and rescues Hit. Goku uses his Super Saiyan God form to counter Dyspo 's speed, while Hit uses his assassination technique to injure Kunshi. The two switch places. Hit uses a fake Time Skip to throw Dyspo off and wound him, while Goku overwhelms Kunshi with his Super Saiyan Blue form. Hit attempts to eliminate Dyspo, but Kunshi rescues him again. Kunshi charges Hit, who turns intangible and knocks him off the stage. Dyspo retreats and regroups with his allies. Toppo abandons all notions of justice and decides to focus on survival. Hit decides not to battle Goku as thanks for lending a hand. Goku and Hit vow to settle their score if they both make it to the end of the tournament. 105 29 "A Desperate Battle! Master Roshi 's Sacrifice!! '' "Funsen! Mutenroshi inochi o Moyasu!! '' (奮戦! 武 天 老師 命 を 燃やす!!) August 27, 2017 TBA Master Roshi quietly observes the battles from afar. He is challenged by an attractive warrior from Universe 4, Caway (キャウェイ, Kyauei), who attempts to seduce him. However, Caway 's attempts to attack him brings him back to his senses. Roshi destroys her energy weapon, powers up, and drives her to jump off the stage. Roshi is next challenged by Dercori (ダーコリ, Dākori), who is a talisman - wielding warrior from Universe 4. She uses her talismans to confound Roshi with illusions and trap him in a single spot. Roshi uses the Evil Containment Wave to seal her in a small bottle and throw her off the arena. Quitela and Beerus get into an argument about the legality of the move, which is defused when Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō rule in Roshi 's favor. Ganos, who is enraged at Roshi for eliminating his friends, challenges him and powers up into an avian form. Initially, Roshi is able to use his experience to predict, evade, and counter Ganos ' attacks. However, Ganos is able to grow more powerful the longer a fight drags on. He rallies and delivers a fierce series of blows to Roshi. Roshi attempts to hypnotize Ganos into falling asleep, but he attacks himself to wake himself up. Ganos demands that Roshi accept his limits and give up, but Roshi refuses. He unleashes a Max Power Kamehameha that defeats Ganos. However, the effort is too much for Roshi 's body to handle, and he collapses. Goku races over to him and successfully defibrillates him with his ki. Goku escorts Roshi to safety. 106 30 "Find Him! Death Match With An Invisible Attacker!! '' "Mikiwamero! Sugata naki atakkā to no shitō!! '' (見極めろ! 姿 なき アタッカー と の 死闘!!) September 3, 2017 TBA Goku brings Master Roshi to an isolated part of the stage and leaves him to rest at his request. Gohan and Piccolo are confronted by Universe 6 's Dr. Rota (Dr. ロタ, Dokutā Rota), but Rota is shot down by a sniper before he can reveal his ability. Gohan and Piccolo are unable to find the location of the sniper until they find a red orb on the ground. It is revealed that the sniper, Universe 2 's Prum (プラン, Puran), can see through these orbs. The lasers ricochet off of the orbs so that his true location is a secret. Piccolo tries to create a smokescreen in order to blur the vision, but Prum can still see them via their heat signatures. Prum shoots Piccolo and destroys both of his arms, which forces him to painfully regenerate them. Gohan and Piccolo realize that the orbs depend on heat signatures and blast the surrounding area to create multiple heat signatures. Prum responds by coming out of his hiding spot and blasting the entire area. Gohan and Piccolo are forced into hiding. Tien analyzes Dr. Rota and deduces that he was hit by a sniper as Goku and Vegeta arrive. Vegeta berates Tien, who warns them about Prum, but Vegeta arrogantly brushes it off until he is almost incapacitated by one of Prum 's blasts. As Goku and Tien observe Prum, they deduce that there is another shooter from behind as Prum is merely reflecting the blasts. Vegeta and Goku go after Prum, while Tien goes to save Gohan and Piccolo. Goku and Vegeta try to attack Prum, but their ki blasts are reflected off of his body. Tien navigates through the field of blasts and confronts the true sniper, Prum 's teammate Hermila (ハーミラ, Hāmira). Realizing that Prum can deflect ki blasts and not physical attacks, Vegeta and Goku throw giant boulders at him. Tien uses his Multi-form technique in order to buy himself time against Hermila, but three of his clones are shot down. The fourth and final Tien defeats Hermila. Just as Tien is about to eliminate him, Hermila shoots the ground underneath Tien 's feet and knocks him off the stage. However, Tien 's other three clones come back and drag Hermila down with them. Tien and Hermila are eliminated from the tournament. Although Beerus praises Tien for forcing the battle into a draw, Tien is noticeably upset about being defeated. As Prum is confronted by Vegeta, Dr. Rota comes back and attacks Prum as revenge for shooting him. Shortly after, Vegeta eliminates Prum and Dr. Rota from the tournament. 107 31 "Revenge "F '' The Cunning Trap?! '' "Fukushū no Efu! Shikakerareta Kōkatsu na Wana!? '' (復讐 の 「 F 」! しかけ られ た 狡猾 な 罠!?) September 17, 2017 TBA Frost recalls how Champa promised to pardon his crimes if he humiliated and defeated Universe 7. Elsewhere, Universe 3 's Maji Kayo confronts Universe 11 's remaining warriors. He entraps Dyspo with his liquid body, but Jiren effortlessly defeats him with a single blow. As Master Roshi attempts to recover from his previous fights, Frost corners and attacks him. Goku sees this and tries to rush to his aid, but he is confronted by Ribrianne. Roshi hits Frost with a flurry of blows and attempts to use the Evil Containment Wave, but the strain proves too much for him. He flubs the attack. Frost barrages Roshi with ki blasts and sends an attack towards Vegeta, which provokes him. Vegeta interferes before Frost can finish Roshi. Magetta arrives to reinforce Frost, and the two battle Vegeta. Frost goads Roshi into using the Evil Containment Wave on Magetta despite the risk of killing himself. When Roshi falls for it, Frost reflects the attack and seals Vegeta into a bottle. With the last of his strength, Roshi uses a small ki blast to destroy the bottle and free Vegeta. Vegeta immediately turns Super Saiyan Blue, and Frost flees. Vegeta knocks Magetta off the stage and tells Roshi to drop out so he can receive medical attention. Roshi jumps off the stage, and he is given a Senzu Bean. Beerus admits that Roshi has earned his respect. 108 32 "Frieza and Frost! Conjoined Malice?! '' "Furīza to Furosuto! Majiwaru Akui!? '' (フリーザ と フロスト! 交わる 悪意!?) September 24, 2017 TBA As Goku battles Ribrianne, the gods of the top four universes speculate on who will win the tournament. Meanwhile, Gohan is confronted by Jimeze. Jimeze makes use of his Instant Transmission technique to confound and damage Gohan. As he prepares to finish him, Frieza intervenes. When Frieza does not immediately attack Jimeze, Universe 7 's spectators speculate he may intend to betray and defeat Gohan so he can seize the wish on the Super Dragon Balls for himself. Frieza steps aside and allows Jimeze to continue his fight with Gohan. Jimeze corners Gohan again and attempts to finish him, but Frieza destroys his attack with a ki blast. Enraged, Jimeze attacks Frieza, who swiftly tortures and eliminates him. Frost appears and declares his intention to defeat Gohan, and Frieza admits that the two intend to work together in order to exact revenge on the Saiyans. Frieza battles Gohan, who counterattacks. Frieza uses his Golden form to knock out Gohan. However, instead of eliminating him, he double - crosses and eliminates Frost. Gohan admits that he immediately figured out Frieza 's plan and played along with him. An enraged Frost attempts to attack Frieza from the spectator stands, but Grand Zenō erases him, explaining that this is forbidden and Universe 6 would be erased upon a second offence. Meanwhile, Goku continues to battle Ribrianne. 109 33 "The Ultimate Enemy Approaches Goku! Now, Let Loose! The Killer Spirit Bomb!! '' "Goku ni Semaru Saikyo no Teki! Ima Koso Hanate! Hisassu no Genki - Dama!! '' (悟空 に 迫る 最強 の 敵! 今 こそ 放 て! 必殺 の 元気 玉!!) October 8, 2017 TBA Ribrianne declares her intention to use the wish to become a love goddess adored by all beings using the Super Dragon Balls. Goku considers using the wish to benefit his family or meet a strong opponent. Ribrianne absorbs the love of her teammates and becomes Super Ribrianne. She attacks Goku with several ki blasts, and he counters by turning Super Saiyan Blue and knocking her away. Ribrianne lands near Jiren, and Goku sees him and prepares to finally battle him. Universe 11 's God of Destruction, Belmod, telepathically orders Jiren to defeat Goku. Belmod hopes to demoralize the other universes by defeating the strongest fighter besides Jiren himself. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20, but that proves to be no match for Jiren 's overwhelming power. Goku begins powering up a Spirit Bomb, and all of his teammates except Vegeta lend him their energy. Despite the time it takes to charge the attack, Jiren agrees to wait for him to complete it. Ribrianne attempts to attack Goku from behind, but she is stopped by Vegeta. Goku completes the Spirit Bomb and throws it, but Jiren deflects it. The two engage in a struggle to take control of the Spirit Bomb. This forces Goku to use Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken x20 to keep up. However, Jiren prevails and begins to overwhelm Goku with his own attack. 110 34 "Son Goku Wakes! New Level of the Awakened!! '' "Son Gokū kakusei! Mezameshi mono no aratanaru gokui!! '' (孫悟空 覚醒! 目覚め し 者 の 新た なる 極意!!) October 8, 2017 TBA Goku powers up himself and pushes the Spirit Bomb back towards Jiren, which locks him in a stalemate. Whis realizes that Jiren is at least as powerful as a God of Destruction. As the two struggle to overpower each other, the Spirit Bomb suddenly condenses into a small black hole, which absorbs Goku and causes him to vanish. The Grand Minister rules that since Goku 's own attack apparently vaporized him, Jiren will not be disqualified for destroying him. As Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō prepare to eliminate Goku, he suddenly reappears and reaches a new level of power. Goku resumes the fight, and he is able to go toe - to - toe with Jiren. Whis theorizes Goku must have absorbed the Spirit Bomb and unlocked an ability called Ultra Instinct (身勝手 の 極意 '' 兆 '', Migatte no Gokui). Goku uses another powerful attack in an attempt to eliminate Jiren, but he fails, and exhausts his newfound power. Jiren knocks him away, and Hit attempts to take advantage of the opportunity and attacks Jiren. Vegeta demands to know what happened to Goku before preparing to fight Ribrianne, while Frieza appears to corner Goku and aims an attack at him. 111 35 "The Surreal Supreme Battle! Hit vs Jiren!! '' "I jigen no kyokuchi batoru! Hitto basasu Jiren!! '' (異 次元 の 極致 バトル! ヒット VS ジレン!!) October 15, 2017 TBA Instead of killing the defenseless Goku, Frieza shares with him some of his energy and repays his act of mercy during their fight on Planet Namek. Meanwhile, Hit uses his time - skip powers against Jiren, but his attacks fail to connect. Goku spectates the battle, but he is ambushed by Saonel (サオネル, Saoneru) and Pirina (ピリナ, Pirina), Namekians from Universe 6, who are confronted by Gohan and Piccolo. Elsewhere, Vegeta fights Ribrianne, and he is easily overpowering her in his base form until Rozie interferes and retreats with Ribrianne. Ribrianne loses hope due to the gap in power, but Rozie motivates her. Meanwhile, Hit keeps attacking Jiren to no avail, but he is able to react and block most of Jiren 's punches. After being knocked back, Hit sneaks up behind Jiren and lands a strong punch on his heart. He knocks Jiren to the edge of the ring after a brief struggle. Hit uses his own time - skip powers continually on Jiren to stop his movement. Realizing that he can not hold Jiren for long, Hit urges Cabba, Caulifla, and Kale to keep fighting for Universe 6. Hit pools all his energy in a final attack to defeat him, but Jiren stops Hit 's attack only with his glare. Jiren breaks free and eliminates Hit. As the Tournament of Power reaches its midway point, Jiren begins to meditate. He is certain that there are no other warriors strong enough to fight him. Jiren leaves the fight to Toppo and Dyspo. Viara (ビアラ, Biara) and Katopesla (カトペスラ, Katopesura) of Universe 3 attempt to attack him while meditating, but Jiren 's energy alone is enough to push them back. 112 36 "A Saiyan 's Vow! Vegeta 's Resolution!! '' "Saiya - jin no chikai! Bejīta no kakugo!! '' (サイヤ 人 の 誓い! ベジータ の 覚悟!!) October 22, 2017 TBA Despite his exhaustion and low energy, Goku is determined to keep fighting. However, he is suddenly targeted by Koitsukai (コイツカイ, Koitukai), Panchia (パンチア, Panchia), and Bollarator (ボラレータ, Borarēta) of Universe 3. Gohan and Piccolo want to help him, but they are distracted by their own battle with Saonel and Pilina. Caulifla and Kale are discussing the battle between Goku and Jiren, when they are confronted by Monna (モンナ, Monna), a female warrior from Universe 4. Caulifla faces off against Monna, but Cabba appears and takes her place. He instructs Caulifla and Kale to retreat for now. Cabba turns Super Saiyan and battles Monna, but he is initially overpowered. Monna almost knocks Cabba off the stage, but Vegeta intervenes and catches him before he can fall. Vegeta and Cabba both promise that, if either of them wins the tournament, the winner will use the Super Dragon Balls to restore the other 's erased universe and its inhabitants. Newly inspired, Cabba fights Monna again, but he is losing until he taps into his anger and unlocks Super Saiyan 2. With his new power, Cabba easily defeats and eliminates Monna. However, Frieza appears, fights Cabba, and easily eliminates him as well. Frieza reveals that he plans to win the tournament in order to use the Super Dragon Balls to control the gods. Meanwhile, Vegeta decides to challenge Jiren, but he is intercepted by Toppo. The two battle each other. Vegeta ends up meeting up with Goku, who is still having difficulty with his three opponents. However, Caulifla intervenes and knocks Koitsukai, Borareta, and Pancea away before powering up to Super Saiyan 2 and challenging Goku herself. 113 37 "With Great Joy! The Repeat Battle - Crazy Saiyan Fight!! '' "Kiki to Shite! Sentō - kyō Saiya - jin Batoru Futatabi!! '' (嬉々 として! 戦闘 狂 サイヤ 人 バトル 再び!!) October 29, 2017 TBA Caulifla demands that Goku fight her and teach her how to unlock Super Saiyan 3 so that she can become strong enough to win the tournament. She begins fighting Goku, who does not initially power up beyond his base form. However, Goku 's superior martial arts skills allow him to keep up with her even in her Super Saiyan 2 form. Eventually, she is able to adapt to his moves, which forces Goku to power up to Super Saiyan 2 himself. The two of them fight evenly for some time. Goku later calls in Kale to join the battle. His superior power and skill enables him to fight them both at once, but they are able to match him by working together. They land a massive combined attack on him, but Goku powers up to Super Saiyan 3 and easily deflects their attacks. However, Goku lacks the stamina to maintain that form and reverts to Super Saiyan 2. Kale 's desire to become stronger inadvertently causes her to transform into her Berserker Super Saiyan form again. 114 38 "Intimidating Passion! The Birth of a New Super Warrior!! '' "Kiki semaru! Aratana chō sen - shi no bakutan!! '' (鬼気 せまる! 新た な 超 戦士 の 爆誕!!) November 5, 2017 TBA Vegeta continues his battle with Toppo, while Caulifla is able to help Kale regain control of her Berserker form. Caulifla and Kale battle Goku together and are able to hold him off. Meanwhile, Frieza is confronted by Katopesla, but they are interrupted by Goku 's battle with Caulifla and Kale. Frieza wants to fight Caulifla and Kale, but Goku insists that he will fight them himself. Frieza backs down and watches the fight. The three Saiyans resume their battle. After unsuccessfully attempting to use Instant Transmission as a strategy, Goku powers up to his Super Saiyan God form and easily overpowers the two of them. As Goku prepares to eliminate Caulifla and Kale with a powerful Kamehameha, it is revealed that the girls were given a pair of Potara earrings by Fuwa, Universe 6 's Supreme Kai. They use the earrings and fuse to become a single being with immense power, who takes the name Kefla (ケフラ, Kefura). 115 39 "Goku VS Kefla! Super Saiyan Blue Defeated?! '' "Gokū vāsasu Kefura! Sūpāsaiya - jin Burū Yabureru!? '' (悟空 VS ケフラ! 超 サイヤ 人 ブルー 敗れる!?) November 12, 2017 TBA As Vegeta continues to fight Toppo, Gohan and Piccolo are engaged with Saonel and Pirina. No. 18 is attacked by Katopesla, but she is saved by No. 17. Meanwhile, Goku continues his fight with Kefla. The Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō approve Kefla 's use of the Potara earrings. The other universes consider giving the Potara to their warriors as well. Pell (ペル, Peru), the Supreme Kai of Universe 2, gives his Potara to Rabanra (ラバンラ, Rabanra) and Zarbuto (ザーブト, Zābuto), but the earrings are destroyed by Kefla charging through them to continue fighting Goku. The battle becomes intense with Kefla gaining the upper hand. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue, but Kefla counters by powering up to Super Saiyan. However, Goku uses the Kaioken and regains the advantage. He appears to be winning, but Kefla lands a sneak attack that knocks him out of Super Saiyan Blue. She prepares to eliminate him, but Goku unexpectedly reawakens Ultra Instinct again and easily dodges her attacks. 116 40 "The Sign of a Comeback! Ultra Instinct 's Huge Explosion!! '' "Gyakuten no kizashi! Migatte no gokui ga dai bakuhatsu!! '' (逆転 の 兆し! 身勝手 の 極意 が 大 爆発!!) November 19, 2017 TBA To counter Goku 's increase in power, Kefla powers up to Super Saiyan 2, and the two of them face off. Goku still easily dodges Kefla 's attacks, but his own attacks are not strong enough to take her down. Whis explains that when Goku launches his attacks, it interferes with his concentration and prevents him from using Ultra Instinct to its full potential. Jiren senses the energy from the battle, which prompts him to awaken from his meditation and rejoin Toppo and Dyspo. Vegeta realizes that Ultra Instinct is the level of skill that Whis was training him and Goku to attain, and decides that he must reach it too. Goku begins running low on stamina, so he declares that he will end the fight with his next attack. Kefla panics and unleashes a multitude of deadly energy beams. Her ultimate attack devastates the ring, but Goku easily dodges her blasts while charging a Kamehameha. Goku jumps into the air, so Kefla focuses all of her power into a single blast and launches it at him, taking advantage of his apparent inability to dodge. However, he backflips and uses the charged - up energy to slide over her attack, and launches his Kamehameha at point - blank range, blasting Kefla out of the ring and eliminating her. Her Potara earrings shatter, and she splits back into Kale and Caulifla. With both of them eliminated, Saonel and Pirina are the only remaining warriors from Team Universe 6. NOTE: This episode was dedicated in memory of Hiromi Tsuru, who passed away on November 16, 2017. 117 41 "Showdown of Love! Androids VS Universe 2!! '' "Ai no daikessen! Jinzōningen VS Dai ni uchū!! '' (愛 の 大 決戦! 人造 人間 VS 第 2 宇宙!!) November 26, 2017 TBA Goku is left exhausted from his battle with Kefla. He is confronted by all five remaining warriors from Universe 2. Gohan and Piccolo try to help him, but they are intercepted by Saonel and Pirina. Elsewhere, Vegeta faces off against Katopesla and tries to unlock Ultra Instinct against him. However, he is unsuccessful, and resorts to his normal fighting style. Vegeta easily overpowers Katopesla. Rozie and Ribrianne launch a combined attack at Goku, but No. 17 and No. 18 arrive in time to deflect it. The androids battle Rozie and Ribrianne. No. 17 defeats and eliminates Rozie, while No. 18 knocks Ribrianne out of her powered - up transformation. This causes her to revert into Brianne. Brianne is able to catch No. 18 in an energy trap, while her comrades from Universe 2 send their love to her. This allows Brianne to transform into a giant manifestation of her Super Ribrianne form. No. 18 almost gives up until her love for Krillin and Marron gives her the determination to break free of Ribrianne 's trap. With No. 17 's help, No. 18 blasts through Ribrianne 's giant form and eliminates her. Brianne realizes that she lost because of No. 18 's strong love for Krillin, while Goku faces off against Zirloin (ザーロイン, Zāroin), Zarbuto, and Rabanra of Universe 2. 118 42 "Accelerated Tragedy Vanishing Universes... '' "Kasokusuru Higeki Kieyuku Uchū... '' (加速 する 悲劇 消え ゆく 宇宙...) December 3, 2017 TBA Goku battles against Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra from Universe 2, while Gohan and Piccolo are fighting against Saonel and Pirina. Saonel and Pirina 's power suddenly increases, and it is revealed that they had each fused with many Namekians from their universe before coming to the tournament, which greatly increased their own powers. No. 17 and No. 18 join Goku to help in the battle against the remaining Universe 2 warriors. It is revealed that Universe 2 's angel, Sour (サワア, Sawaa), has been broadcasting the tournament to the populace of their universe. Universe 2 's inhabitants channel their love to Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra, who are able to transform into forms similar to Ribrianne, Rozie, and Kakunsa 's transformed states. Goku, No. 17, and No. 18 battle Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra, while Gohan and Piccolo continue fighting Saonel and Pirina. The Universe 2 trio unleash a legendary Universe 2 technique, the Pretty Black Hole, which traps and threatens to sink Goku, No. 17, and No. 18 through the fighting stage. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and breaks through the Pretty Black Hole with a Kamehameha that eliminates Zirloin, Zarbuto, and Rabanra, while Gohan and Piccolo blast Saonel and Pirina off the ring with a powerful combined attack that eliminates them as well. With all of their fighters eliminated, both Universe 2 and Universe 6 are erased. Brianne leads the Universe 2 team in a final happy moment before their erasure, while Cabba wishes Vegeta good luck. Champa taunts Beerus before being erased. Beerus remains impassive in the face of his brother 's erasure. Vegeta faces off against Katopesla and warns him that he is in a bad mood. 119 43 "Unavoidable?! The Fierce Stealth Attack!! '' "Kaihi funō!? Suterusu kōgeki no mōi!! '' (回避 不能!? ステルス 攻撃 の 猛威!!) December 10, 2017 TBA Vegeta overpowers Katopesla and drives him to the edge of the ring. Katopesla is able to catch himself, but he is pushed over the edge and eliminated by an unseen force. Vegeta and Gohan are attacked by the same force, but Vegeta is able to stop himself from going over the edge, while Piccolo catches Gohan. No. 18 is attacked by the invisible fighter, who is revealed to be one of the missing Universe 4 fighters, Gamisaras (ガミサラス, Gamisarasu). Gohan creates a cloud of dust that coats Gamisaras, which allows Piccolo to see him. Piccolo easily eliminates Gamisaras. Undaunted, Quitela orders the remaining Universe 4 fighters to step up their game. Shantza (シャンツァ, Shantsa) generates a dome that envelops the Universe 7 team and manifests illusions of the defeated fighters from the erased universes. However, Piccolo spots Shantza and blasts him off the ring, which eliminates him and destroys the illusions. Universe 4 's last fighter, Damon (ダモン, Damon), is also assumed to be invisible since no one can see him. Piccolo is able to sense Damon 's attacks, but he proves unable to hit Damon, who knocks him out of the ring and eliminates him. No. 17 discovers the truth and exposes Damon as a tiny bug - like creature rather than an invisible person, which explains why none of the fighters were able to hit him. To solve this problem, Goku repeatedly punches the ring and creates shock waves that launch Damon into the air, which cancels out his agility and allows No. 17 to hit him with energy blasts. No. 17 traps Damon in a miniature force field and kicks him out of the ring to eliminate him. With all of their fighters eliminated, Universe 4 is promptly erased. 120 44 "The Perfect Survival Tactic! Universe 3 's Menacing Assassin!! '' "Kanpeki na Seizon Senryaku! Dai san Uchū Kyōi no Shikaku!! '' (完璧 なる 生存 戦略! 第 3 宇宙 脅威 の 刺客!!) December 17, 2017 TBA Following the elimination of Universe 4, the remaining fighters from Universe 3 take the offensive against Universe 7. While Viara is defeated and eliminated by No. 17 and No. 18 's combined efforts, Paparoni (パパロニ, Paparoni) sends Panchia, Koitsukai, and Bollarator to attack Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta. To help Goku and Vegeta save their energy to confront Universe 11, Gohan decides to face the three robots alone. He gains the upper hand until Paparoni has them combine together into a much stronger robot called Koichiarator (コイチアレータ, Koichiarēta). Koichiarator overpowers Gohan until Goku and Vegeta step in. The two distract the enemy, while Gohan charges and strikes with an attack powerful enough to defeat it. With his robots defeated, Paparoni refuses to surrender and declares that he will unleash his trump card on Universe 7. 121 45 "All - Out War! The Ultimate Quadruple Merge vs Universe 7 's Full - Scale Attack!! '' "Sōryokusen! Kyūkoku no Yontai Gattai VS Dai nana Uchū Sōkōgeki!! '' (総力 戦! 究極 の 4 体 合体 VS 第 7 宇宙 総 攻撃!!) December 24, 2017 TBA Paparoni and Koichiarator merge to form Anilaza (アニラーザ, Anirāza), the most powerful warrior from Universe 3. Anilaza begins to overwhelm the Saiyans, which forces No. 17 and No. 18 to reinforce them. The five attempt to coordinate their attacks to catch Anilaza off - guard, but he deflects them all. It is revealed that Anilaza can use echolocation to detect his opponents ' movements. Anilaza begins teleporting his punches, and he nearly knocks Goku off the stage until Frieza steps in and knocks him back onto the fighting stage. Realizing that the Universe 7 warriors will rescue each other from defeat, Anilaza attempts to eat No. 18, who is rescued by Goku. Anilaza corners No. 17 and overwhelms him. He knocks him off the fighting stage, but No. 18 sacrifices herself to kick No. 17 back onto the fighting stage. She is eliminated from the tournament. With no other options, the Universe 7 warriors power up to their maximum levels and engage in a ki clash with Anilaza. They buy time for No. 17 to pierce through Anilaza 's attack and damage his energy reactor. This enables the others to overwhelm and eliminate Anilaza. With all of their warriors eliminated, Universe 3 is erased. As the Universe 7 warriors begin to celebrate, the remaining Universe 11 warriors step forward to challenge them. 122 46 "For One 's Own Pride! Vegeta 's Challenge to Be The Strongest!! '' "Onore no Hokori wo Kakete! Bejīta Saikyō he no Chōsen!! '' (己 の 誇り を かけ て! ベジータ 最強 へ の 挑戦!!) January 7, 2018 TBA With only two universes remaining, the Grand Minister compresses the bleachers so that the remaining spectators are all close together. The final warriors begin their battle: Gohan and No. 17 battle Toppo, Frieza fights Dyspo, and Goku and Vegeta battle Jiren. Jiren overwhelms Goku with a flurry of punches, but Vegeta is able to analyze Jiren 's attack patterns and dodges his attacks. He lands a solid blow to Jiren 's midsection, but Jiren counters with a powerful blast that nearly rings Vegeta out. Meanwhile, Frieza blocks one of Dyspo 's attacks with his tail, but Dyspo uses it as leverage to injure him. Jiren disparages Vegeta for his self - righteousness, but Vegeta declares that it is the source of his strength. He powers up a Final Flash and goads Jiren into taking it head - on. However, the attack fails to damage Jiren, who acknowledges the power of Vegeta 's attack before incapacitating him. 123 47 "Body and Soul, Full Power Release! Goku and Vegeta!! '' "Zenshin Zenrei Zenryoku Kaihō! Gokū to Bejīta!! '' (全身 全霊 全力 解放! 悟空 と ベジータ!!) January 14, 2018 TBA With Vegeta down, Goku faces off against Jiren. Meanwhile, the other battles continue. Frieza decides to start fighting Dyspo seriously, while Gohan and No. 17 are outmatched against Toppo. Outmatched in power, Goku instead uses ki blasts to create a minefield around Jiren, but it has no effect. Goku then lures Jiren onto a large rock that extends out over the edge of the fighting stage and cuts through the rock with a Destructo Disc. This causes Jiren to fall, but Jiren is able to push off the falling debris and jumps back onto the fighting stage. Angered by his near - elimination, Jiren finally shows his real power and easily overwhelms Goku with a volley of punches. Goku and Vegeta both get back up and power up to Super Saiyan Blue. Goku uses his maximum Kaioken beyond his previous limitations, while Vegeta is able to surpass his limits by tapping into more ki in his body, and attains a transformation similar to the Ascended Super Saiyan form, the Super Saiyan Blue Evolution form. Fully powered up, Goku and Vegeta attack Jiren as a team, and they are able to catch him off guard with their un-coordinated attacks. 124 48 "The Fiercely Overwhelming Assault! Gohan 's Last Stand!! '' "Shippū - Dotō no Mōshū! Gohan Haisui no Jin!! '' (疾風 怒涛 の 猛襲! 悟 飯 背水 の 陣!!) January 21, 2018 TBA As Goku and Vegeta continue their battle with Jiren, the battle between Dyspo and Frieza intensifies. The two seem evenly matched, until Frieza breaks off the fight and offers to help Universe 11 win the tournament if they promise to resurrect him with the Super Dragon Balls. Dyspo refuses the offer, so Frieza powers up to his Golden form and gains the advantage in the fight. Dyspo reveals his own ultimate technique, the Super Maximum Light Speed Mode, which increases his power and speed even further, and overwhelms Frieza. Gohan and No. 17 realize that Frieza is in danger of being knocked off the fighting stage, so No. 17 distracts Toppo, while Gohan goes to Frieza 's aid. Gohan and Frieza take on Dyspo as a team, but they have little success. Gohan develops a strategy that has Frieza use his energy to form a cage around Dyspo, which prevents him from using his high - speed attacks and allows Gohan to gain the upper hand. Unfortunately, Frieza runs out of energy, and the cage dissolves before Gohan can land the finishing blow. However, Gohan is able to grab Dyspo and hold him in place, while Frieza launches a blast that knocks them off the fighting stage and eliminates them both from the tournament. 125 49 "With Imposing Presence! God of Destruction Toppo Descends!! '' "Ifu - Dōdō! Hakaishin Toppo Kōrin! '' (威風 堂々! 破壊 神 トッポ 降臨!!) January 28, 2018 TBA Goku and Vegeta continue their battle with Jiren, while No. 17 and Toppo fight. No. 17 and Toppo engage in a beam clash, which Toppo is winning. Frieza intervenes and strikes Toppo repeatedly from behind, which allows No. 17 to overpower Toppo 's blast. In the wake of the explosion, Toppo appears to have been defeated. However, he gets back up and powers up, using the same type of energy as a God of Destruction. Belmod explains that Toppo is a candidate to be Universe 11 's next God of Destruction, which is why he can wield the same kind of power. Toppo unleashes his new power, which damages the fighting stage and breaks a large portion of it. No. 17 and Frieza attack Toppo repeatedly, but his power is now far superior to theirs. Toppo easily defeats them both. Fortunately, they are able to stay on the fighting stage, but Toppo knocks Frieza unconscious and engages in another beam clash with No. 17. 126 50 "Surpass Even a God! Vegeta 's Desperate Blow!! '' "Kami wo mo Koero! Bejīta Sutemi no Ichigeki!! '' (神 を も 超えろ! ベジータ 捨て身 の 一撃!!) February 4, 2018 TBA Toppo easily overpowers No. 17 's blast. No. 17 is able to evade him for a while by using the broken fighting stage to his advantage, but Toppo effortlessly withstands No. 17 's attacks. Toppo prepares to eliminate No. 17 with a giant energy blast. Frieza rejoins the battle and deflects Toppo 's attack. Frieza uses his own energy attack to immobilize Toppo, which allows him and No. 17 to land numerous attacks, but none of them have any effect. Toppo is about to eliminate them both, when he is interrupted by Goku and Vegeta, who are still fighting Jiren. Frieza and No. 17 are hit by one of Jiren 's attacks, which gives Toppo the opportunity to attack Vegeta instead. Toppo overwhelms Vegeta with his new power and states that he has cast aside everything else in order to become strong enough to win the tournament. However, Vegeta is inspired by his family, his promise to Cabba, and his Saiyan pride. He refuses to cast anything aside. Vegeta unleashes his full power and overwhelms Toppo. Vegeta and Toppo both use their ultimate attacks: Toppo unleashes his Energy of Destruction, while Vegeta uses the Final Explosion technique that he used against Majin Buu. Vegeta 's attack overwhelms Toppo 's attack, blasts Toppo out of the fighting stage, and eliminates him from the tournament. This also causes even more damage to the fighting stage. Due to Vegeta being much stronger than the last time he used the Final Explosion technique, he survives the blast, but his energy is almost completely drained. No. 17 also reappears, but he has been injured by Jiren 's attack. Goku, Vegeta, and No. 17 all face off against Jiren, who begins to unleash his full power. 127 51 "The Approaching Wall! The Final Barrier of Hope!! '' "Semari - kuru Shōheki! Kibō wo Takushita Saigo no Baria!! '' (迫り くる 障壁! 希望 を 託 した 最後 の バリア!!) February 11, 2018 TBA Jiren powers up to his maximum. Goku, Vegeta, and No. 17 all attack him simultaneously, but he easily overpowers them. However, No. 17 manages to land a sneak attack and injures Jiren. Jiren defeats Goku and Vegeta, while Frieza rejoins the fight and tries to kill Jiren in his golden form. However, Frieza is easily defeated as well. No. 17 asks Jiren what his wish on the Super Dragon Balls would be, and Belmod explains that Jiren 's endless pursuit of strength was inspired when his parents, most of his comrades, and mentor were killed by a powerful villain. However, his abandonment by his surviving friends turned Jiren into a loner who distrusted friendship, and he now focuses solely on increasing his own strength. No. 17 admires Jiren 's human qualities, but he accuses Jiren of using the rest of his universe 's team for his own ends. Jiren rebuffs him and fires a powerful energy blast down at No. 17, Goku, and Vegeta. No. 17 uses a barrier to hold back Jiren 's blast and forms force fields around Goku and Vegeta to protect them, before self - destructing to destroy Jiren 's blast. Despite his exhausted state, Vegeta faces off against Jiren and declares that he will defeat him. 128 52 "Noble Pride to the End! Vegeta Falls!! '' "Kedakai Hokori Saigo Made! Bejīta Chiru!! '' (気高い 誇り 最後 まで! ベジータ 散る!!) February 18, 2018 TBA Vegeta prepares for a final stand against Jiren. Although Vegeta is too exhausted to turn into even a Super Saiyan, he still decides to take on Jiren. Jiren easily dodges his attacks and continues to pummel Vegeta. Jiren injures Vegeta 's left eye in the process. Vegeta is knocked to the brink of elimination, and he begins to think about the people in his life he cares about the most. He gets back up and continues to fight Jiren, who is impressed by Vegeta 's pride. Vegeta nearly rings out again. His boot catches onto a floating piece of rubble, which narrowly allows him to stay in the fight because the pieces of rubble still count as part of the fighting stage. Vegeta hears Bulma 's voice urging him to fight on, and he returns to fight Jiren once again. Jiren is unable to understand why Vegeta continues to fight him. Vegeta fires off a Final Flash, but Jiren is unfazed. Jiren knocks Vegeta out of the fighting stage and eliminates him from the tournament. Although Vegeta is upset at being unable to last until the end, he gives Goku his remaining energy at the last second before falling out of bounds. Goku turns Super Saiyan Blue and begins to fight Jiren with his remaining power. Even with Vegeta 's energy, Goku is still overwhelmed by Jiren. He is knocked back into his base form. When Goku is pushed back to the edge of the fighting stage and only one punch away from defeat, Vegeta shouts at Goku. Goku thinks about how the others have all put their faith in him. As Jiren delivers the final blow, Goku suddenly reactivates Ultra Instinct and dodges the attack. With his new power, Goku is able to effortlessly dodge Jiren 's attacks and lands a heavy blow on him. Both fighters face off and prepare for their final battle. 129 53 "Limits Super Surpassed! Ultra Instinct Mastered!! '' "Genkai Chōzetsu Toppa! Migatte no Gokui Kiwamaru!! '' (限界 超絶 突破! 身勝手 の 極意 極まる!!) March 4, 2018 TBA Whis points out that, since Goku has no allies to help him and no time to recover from the strain caused by Ultra Instinct, this will be his last chance to end the battle. Goku and Jiren resume their battle, but Goku has the same problem he experienced with Kefla, and is unable to attack at his full potential. Goku tries the same trick he used on Kefla by powering up a Kamehameha and firing it at Jiren, but Jiren is able to punch through the blast. Belmod is confident that Goku 's incomplete Ultra Instinct will not be enough to win, but Vegeta points out that, throughout the tournament, all of the Saiyans have been able to surpass their limits and achieve higher levels of power. Jiren is able to trap Goku on a single floating rock and fires a barrage of attacks down at him in an attempt to knock him out, but Goku begins blocking Jiren 's attacks with his own punches. Jiren launches a final blast down at Goku, but Goku suddenly powers up immensely. He easily blocks Jiren 's blast and jumps back up to the fighting stage. Jiren attacks again, but this time Goku easily overpowers him with a flurry of punches. Whis reveals that Goku has completed his ascension. Goku 's hair and eyes have turned silver, and he now has full mastery over Ultra Instinct. 130 54 "The Greatest Showdown of All Time! The Ultimate Survival Battle!! '' "Kūzenzetsugo no Chō Kessen! Kyūkyoku no Sabaibaru Batoru!! '' (空前 絶後 の 超 決戦! 究極 の サバイバル バトル!!) March 18, 2018 TBA Having mastered Ultra Instinct, Goku overpowers and corners Jiren, which forces Jiren to break through his own limits and power up even further. The two exchange attacks continuously. Despite almost being defeated twice, Goku stands up and recovers. When Jiren asks why Goku refuses to surrender, his friends claim that the source of Goku 's strength comes from the trust between him and his companions. Refusing to accept it, an enraged Jiren launches an attack on the bleachers that is repelled by a furious Goku, who finally defeats him. However, just as Goku is about to knock Jiren out, his body collapses from the strain of using Ultra Instinct for too long. Jiren takes the opportunity to knock Goku off the fighting stage, but Goku is saved by Frieza. No. 17 is also revealed to have survived Jiren 's blast. As Frieza and No. 17 prepare themselves to face Jiren, Goku writhes in pain. 131 55 "The Miraculous Conclusion! Farewell, Goku! Until We Meet Again! '' "Kiseki no ketchaku! Saraba Goku! Mataauhimade!! '' (奇跡 の 決着! さらば 悟空! また 会う 日 まで!!) March 25, 2018 TBA With Goku down, Frieza and No. 17 face off against Jiren. No. 17 manages to injure Jiren, who collapses from exhaustion. Frieza is about to eliminate Jiren, who accepts his impending defeat, but Toppo calls out to Jiren and inspires him to keep fighting despite his injuries. Jiren powers up and fires a massive blast at Frieza and No. 17. They form a barrier to shield themselves, but Frieza is running low on energy and loses his Golden form. Before Jiren can overpower them, Goku manages to get back up and rejoins the others. Goku adds his strength to the barrier and enables them to block Jiren 's blast. Goku and Frieza take on Jiren together, while No. 17 provides cover fire. Working together, Goku and Frieza overpower Jiren and tackle him out of the ring. All three of them are eliminated from the tournament. With all of their fighters gone, Universe 11 is erased. As the only fighter remaining on the fighting stage, No. 17 is declared the winner of the Tournament of Power, and he is given the privilege of getting his wish granted from the Super Dragon Balls. After some consideration, No. 17 wishes to restore all of the universes that had been erased, which brings all their inhabitants back to life. As the erased universes are restored, the Grand Minister reveals that Grand Zenō and Future Grand Zenō had foresaw the outcome of a virtuous being winning the Tournament of Power who would make a selfless wish on the Super Dragon Balls. He also stated that they would have otherwise erased the entire multiverse if the winner had wished for selfish reasons, as this would have shown that the winning universe was no better than the erased universes and that the universes excluded from the tournament were not equally worthy of existing. As a reward for doing well in the tournament, Whis restores Frieza to life. In Universe 11, Jiren establishes a real friendship with Toppo and looks forward to having a rematch with Goku someday. The group from Universe 7 return home. Frieza leaves Earth and resumes leadership of his empire. Goku vows to defeat him if he starts causing trouble again. Goku and Vegeta meet for a sparring match in the place where they first fought. Goku reveals that he can not use Ultra Instinct anymore and believes that he obtained it by accident during the tournament. Goku and Vegeta declare that they will keep finding new levels of strength. They race towards each other to fight.
when is dragon ball super episode 123 airing
{ "text": [ "January 14, 2018" ], "answer_start": [ 71617 ] }
Citi Field is a baseball park located in Flushing Meadows -- Corona Park in the New York City borough of Queens. Completed in 2009, it is the home field of the New York Mets of the National League division of Major League Baseball. The stadium was built as a replacement for and adjacent to Shea Stadium, which opened in 1964 next to the site of the 1964 New York World 's Fair.
where do the ny mets play home games
{ "text": [ "Citi Field" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
"California King Bed '' was written by its producers The Runners (Andrew Harr and Jermaine Jackson) with additional writing by Priscilla Renea and Alex Delicata, and vocal production by Kuk Harrell. Renea also provided background vocals, while Delicata played the electric and acoustic guitar. Its recording took place in 2010 in the studios We The Best in Miami and Burst HQ in Wisconsin. The song is a rock and R&B power ballad with "acoustic guitar (complete with audible string scrapes), soft piano keys and intimate melancholy, building into a massive power - balladish chorus '', as noted by NME 's Emily Mackay. According to the sheet music published at by Alfred Publishing Co., Inc., "California King Bed '' is set in common time in the key of G major with a moderately slow tempo of 85 beats per minute. The song follows a chord progression of G / B -- C2 for the verses, and G -- D -- Em -- C in the chorus. Rihanna 's vocal range in the song spans from the low note of E to the high note of C. Both Ryan Burlenson of the website Consequence of Sound and James Reed of The Boston Globe compared the song with Taylor Swift 's material. Mackay compared it with Beyoncé 's "If I Were a Boy '' (2008).
who plays guitar on rihanna california king bed
{ "text": [ "Delicata", "Delicata" ], "answer_start": [ 152, 244 ] }
"Let It Go '' is a song from Disney 's 2013 animated feature film Frozen, whose music and lyrics were composed by husband - and - wife songwriting team Kristen Anderson - Lopez and Robert Lopez. The song was performed in its original show - tune version in the film by American actress and singer Idina Menzel in her vocal role as Queen Elsa. Anderson - Lopez and Lopez also composed a simplified pop version (with shorter lyrics and background chorus) which was performed by actress and singer Demi Lovato over the start of the film 's closing credits. A music video was separately released for the pop version.
who sings let it go anna or elsa
{ "text": [ "Elsa" ], "answer_start": [ 337 ] }
Tax protesters argue that there are also no conflicting definitions of "state '' or "United States '' to this interpretation in Title 26 of the United States Code (the Internal Revenue Code) -- that both of the two times either of these terms are defined as "the 50 states, '' the terms are localized to the subpart. Under this argument, in those two subparts that define "state '' as the 50 states, there is no mention of the District of Columbia or any territories in that definition.
where is the law that requires income tax
{ "text": [ "Title 26 of the United States Code (the Internal Revenue Code)" ], "answer_start": [ 128 ] }
Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone (released in the United States as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone) is a 2001 fantasy film directed by Chris Columbus and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. It is based on the novel of the same name by J.K. Rowling. The film is the first instalment in the long - running Harry Potter film series, and was written by Steve Kloves and produced by David Heyman. Its story follows Harry Potter 's first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as he discovers that he is a famous wizard and begins his education. The film stars Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, with Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley, and Emma Watson as Hermione Granger.
the first in a popular movie series was harry potter and the philosopher what
{ "text": [ "Stone", "Stone" ], "answer_start": [ 36, 109 ] }
Haussmann 's renovation of Paris was a vast public works program commissioned by Emperor Napoléon III and directed by his prefect of the Seine, Georges - Eugène Haussmann, between 1853 and 1870. It included the demolition of medieval neighborhoods that were deemed overcrowded and unhealthy by officials at the time; the building of wide avenues; new parks and squares; the annexation of the suburbs surrounding Paris; and the construction of new sewers, fountains and aqueducts. Haussmann 's work was met with fierce opposition, and he was finally dismissed by Napoleon III in 1870; but work on his projects continued until 1927. The street plan and distinctive appearance of the center of Paris today is largely the result of Haussmann 's renovation.
who redesigned the city of paris in the mid 19th-century
{ "text": [ "Georges - Eugène Haussmann" ], "answer_start": [ 144 ] }
The Oxford to London coach route is an express coach route between Oxford and London along the M40 motorway. The Oxford Tube, which is operated by Stagecoach in Oxfordshire, runs up to five coaches an hour via Lewknor, Hillingdon and Shepherd 's Bush terminates on Buckingham Palace Road, Victoria. The X90, which is operated by the Oxford Bus Company, runs up to three coaches an hour via Baker Street and terminates on Buckingham Palace Road.
where does the oxford tube leave from in london
{ "text": [ "Oxford", "Oxford", "Oxford", "Oxford", "Oxford" ], "answer_start": [ 4, 67, 113, 161, 333 ] }
The small intestine or small bowel is the part of the gastrointestinal tract between the stomach and the large intestine, and is where most of the end absorption of food takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions -- the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The duodenum is the shortest part of the small intestine and is where preparation for absorption begins. It also receives bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct, controlled by the sphincter of Oddi. The primary function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food, using small finger - like protrusions called villi.
where is your small intestine located in the body
{ "text": [ "between the stomach and the large intestine" ], "answer_start": [ 77 ] }
The Dilwara Temples (Gujarati: અાબુના દેલવાડા) of India are located about 21⁄2 kilometres from Mount Abu, Rajasthan 's only hill station. These Jain temples were built by Vimal Shah and designed by Vastupal - Tejpal, Jain laymen, between the 11th and 13th centuries AD and are famous for their use of marble and intricate marble carvings. The five marble temples of Dilwara are a sacred pilgrimage place of the Jains. Some consider them to be one of the most beautiful Jain pilgrimage sites in the world. The temples have an opulent entranceway, the simplicity in architecture reflecting Jain values like honesty and frugality. The temples are in the midst of a range of forested hills. A high wall shrouds the temple complex.
who built the famous dilwara temple at mount abu in rajasthan in the 13th century
{ "text": [ "Vimal Shah" ], "answer_start": [ 171 ] }
"I Do n't Want to Miss a Thing '' is a power ballad performed by American hard rock band Aerosmith for the 1998 film Armageddon which Steven Tyler 's daughter Liv Tyler starred in. Written by Diane Warren, the song debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 (the first # 1 for the band after 28 years together). It is one of three songs performed by the band for the film, the other two being "What Kind of Love Are You On '' and "Sweet Emotion ''. The song stayed at number one for four weeks from September 5 to 26, 1998. The song also stayed at number 1 for several weeks in several other countries. It sold over a million copies in the UK and reached number four on the UK Singles Chart.
film i don want to miss a thing
{ "text": [ "Armageddon" ], "answer_start": [ 117 ] }
In the United States Army, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force, a lieutenant colonel is a field grade military officer rank just above the rank of major and just below the rank of colonel. It is equivalent to the naval rank of commander in the other uniformed services.
what rank is lieutenant colonel in the army
{ "text": [ "a field grade military officer rank just above the rank of major and just below the rank of colonel" ], "answer_start": [ 90 ] }
The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called Mangalyaan ("Mars - craft '', from Sanskrit: मंगल mangala, "Mars '' and यान yāna, "craft, vehicle ''), is a space probe orbiting Mars since 24 September 2014. It was launched on 5 November 2013 by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). It is India 's first interplanetary mission and ISRO has also become the fourth space agency to reach Mars, after the Soviet space program, NASA, and the European Space Agency. It is the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit (not counting the Soviet Union), and the first nation in the world to do so in its first attempt.
when was mars orbiter mission launched in india
{ "text": [ "on 5 November 2013" ], "answer_start": [ 219 ] }
The Elimination Chamber debuted at WWE 's PPV event Survivor Series 2002 on November 17, 2002 at Madison Square Garden. Since the inaugural match, there have been 19 other matches (20 overall) as of Elimination Chamber 2017 on February 12, 2017. The Raw brand has been featured in the most matches, with nine; ECW has been featured twice, including its joint - branded match with SmackDown. The SmackDown brand has been featured 5 times including the joint - branded match with ECW. No Way Out and Elimination Chamber has featured more Elimination Chamber matches than any other pay - per - view, with four each. Chris Jericho holds the distinctions of being involved in the most number of Elimination Chamber matches to date (8) and eliminating the most wrestlers (10). Triple H has the most number of victories, with four. The majority of matches have been contested for a top - tier championship, with the World Heavyweight Championship being fought for the most in seven matches, while four matches in 2008, 2011 and 2013 awarded the winner with number - one contenderships. The Elimination Chamber match has been contested only in indoor arenas in the United States and once in Puerto Rico. From 2008 - 2014, the match had been featured in February pay - per - view events only. An Elimination Chamber pay - per - view event took place on May 31, 2015 exclusively on the WWE Network.
who has won the most elimination chamber matches
{ "text": [ "Triple H" ], "answer_start": [ 771 ] }
"Twist and Shout '' is a 1961 song written by Phil Medley and Bert Berns (later credited as "Bert Russell ''). The song was originally recorded by the Top Notes. It first became a chart hit as a cover single by the Isley Brothers in 1962. The song has since been covered by several artists, including the Beatles on their first album Please Please Me (1963), as well as the Tremeloes in 1962 and the Who in 1970 and 1984.
when did the beatles record twist and shout
{ "text": [ "1963" ], "answer_start": [ 352 ] }
The court is composed of eleven active judges and is based at the Thomas F. Eagleton United States Courthouse in St. Louis, Missouri. It is one of thirteen United States courts of appeals. In 1929 Congress passed a statute dividing the Eighth Circuit that placed Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Missouri, and Arkansas in the Eighth Circuit and created a Tenth Circuit that included Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Kansas, and Oklahoma.
where is the 8th circuit court of appeals located
{ "text": [ "the Thomas F. Eagleton United States Courthouse in St. Louis, Missouri" ], "answer_start": [ 62 ] }
Area codes 678 and 470 are North American Numbering Plan area codes assigned to metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Both area codes are overlay codes for the numbering plan areas 404 (Atlanta) and 770 (Atlanta suburbs and exurbs). Both area codes were introduced to relieve telephone exchanges in what is one of the largest toll - free calling areas in the world. No long - distance charges are applied for calls from one portion of the area to another, regardless of the area codes.
where does the area code 470 come from
{ "text": [ "metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia" ], "answer_start": [ 80 ] }
Jordan played three seasons for coach Dean Smith at the University of North Carolina. As a freshman, he was a member of the Tar Heels ' national championship team in 1982. Jordan joined the Bulls in 1984 as the third overall draft pick. He quickly emerged as a league star and entertained crowds with his prolific scoring. His leaping ability, demonstrated by performing slam dunks from the free throw line in slam dunk contests, earned him the nicknames Air Jordan and His Airness. He also gained a reputation for being one of the best defensive players in basketball. In 1991, he won his first NBA championship with the Bulls, and followed that achievement with titles in 1992 and 1993, securing a "three - peat ''. Although Jordan abruptly retired from basketball before the beginning of the 1993 -- 94 NBA season and started a new career playing minor league baseball, he returned to the Bulls in March 1995 and led them to three additional championships in 1996, 1997, and 1998, as well as a then - record 72 regular - season wins in the 1995 -- 96 NBA season. Jordan retired for a second time in January 1999, but returned for two more NBA seasons from 2001 to 2003 as a member of the Wizards.
when did michael jordan come into the league
{ "text": [ "1984" ], "answer_start": [ 199 ] }
The video begins with the boy (Shane Haboucha), Stacy (Gianna Dispenza) and some other children standing at a school crossing. Stacy 's mother (Rachel Hunter) then pulls up in a red convertible in front of them to pick up Stacy. The boy and his friends gaze at her in awe. The boy later goes over to Stacy 's house and is seen lying on a pool toy in her backyard swimming pool while wearing large, dark sunglasses. Through a window he sees Stacy 's mother, and then watches her undress. Stacy gives the boy a bottle of soda and, as he sees Stacy 's mother remove her bra, he spills soda on himself. As his eyes are hidden by his shades, Stacy laughs, thinking that he is just clumsy. After a scene with the band during the chorus, Stacy, in red heart - shaped sunglasses and swimsuit, is shown sunbathing while the boy mows her lawn. Stacy 's mother comes out wearing just a towel and is given a massage on both her back and front. The masseur gives the boy a look of amusement, since he gets to look at Stacy 's mother naked and the boy does not. The boy is distracted by the massage and ends up knocking over Stacy 's birdhouse with the lawnmower. The video then cuts to him and Stacy watching Fountains of Wayne on TV, before the boy imagines Stacy 's mother, while scrubbing the floors, as a pole dancer teasing him. Near the end of the video it is implied that the boy begins to masturbate by the bathroom window while Stacy 's mother climbs out of the pool in her red bikini. Moments later, Stacy opens the bathroom door, ignoring a sign saying Ocupado, and catches him in the act. Stacy quickly closes the door and starts smiling, implying that she believes the boy is masturbating to her and not her mother.
who played stacy in stacy's mom video
{ "text": [ "Gianna Dispenza" ], "answer_start": [ 55 ] }
During the American Revolutionary War (American War of Independence; 1775 -- 1783), France recognized and allied itself with the United States in 1778, declared war on Great Britain, and sent its armies and navy to fight Britain while providing money and matériel to arm the new republic. French intervention made a decisive contribution to the U.S. victory in the war. Motivated by a long - term rivalry with Britain and by revenge for its territorial losses during the French and Indian War, France began secretly sending supplies in 1775. Spain and the Netherlands joined France, making it a global war in which the British had no major allies. France obtained its revenge, but materially it gained little and was left with over 1 billion livres in debts.
who negotiated to have the french help the colonists
{ "text": [ "United States" ], "answer_start": [ 129 ] }
List of artists with the highest - certified albums No. Name Nationality Decades active Certified units in millions The Beatles UK 1960s -- 70s 178 Garth Brooks United States 1980s -- 2010s 148 Elvis Presley US 1950s -- 70s 146.5 Led Zeppelin UK 1960s -- 80s 111.5 5 Eagles US 1970s -- 2010s 101 6 Billy Joel US 1970s - 2010s 82.5 7 Michael Jackson US 1960s -- 2000s 81 8 Elton John UK 1960s -- 2010s 78 9 Pink Floyd UK 1960s -- 2010s 75 10 AC / DC Australia 1970s -- 2010s 72 11 George Strait US 1980s -- 2010s 69 12 Barbra Streisand US 1960s -- 2010s 68.5 13 Aerosmith US 1970s -- 2010s 66.5 The Rolling Stones UK 1960s -- 2010s 66.5 15 Bruce Springsteen US 1970s -- 2010s 65.5 16 Madonna US 1980s -- 2010s 64.5 17 Mariah Carey US 1990s -- 2010s 64 18 Metallica US 1980s -- 2010s 63 19 Whitney Houston US 1980s -- 2010s 58.5 20 Van Halen US 1970s -- 2010s 56.5 21 U2 Ireland 1970s -- 2010s 52 22 Celine Dion Canada 1980s -- 2010s 50 23 Fleetwood Mac UK 1960s -- 2010s 49.5 Neil Diamond US 1960s -- 2010s 49.5 25 Shania Twain Canada 1990s -- 2010s 48 Kenny G US 1980s -- 2010s 48 Journey US 1970s -- 2010s 48 28 Kenny Rogers US 1950s -- 2000s 47.5 29 Alabama US 1970s -- 2010s 46.5 30 Guns N ' Roses US 1980s -- 2010s 44.5 Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band US 1960s -- 2010s 44.5 Eminem US 1990s -- 2010s 44.5 33 Santana US 1960s -- 2010s 43.5 Alan Jackson US 1980s -- 2010s 43.5 35 Taylor Swift US 2000s - 2010s 43 36 Reba McEntire US 1970s -- 2010s 41 37 Eric Clapton UK 1960s -- 2010s 40 38 Chicago US 1960s -- 2010s 38.5 Simon and Garfunkel US 1960s -- 70s 38.5 40 Rod Stewart UK 1960s -- 2010s 38 41 Tim McGraw US 1990s -- 2010s 37.5 Foreigner US 1970s -- 2010s 37.5 43 Backstreet Boys US 1990s -- 2010s 37 44 Tupac Shakur US 1990s 36.5 45 Bob Dylan US 1960s -- 2010s 36 46 Willie Nelson US 1950s - 2010s 35.5 47 Def Leppard UK 1970s -- 2010s 35 48 Queen UK 1970s -- 2000s 34.5 Bon Jovi US 1980s -- 2010s 34.5 Britney Spears US 1990s -- 2010s 34.5 51 Phil Collins UK 1970s -- 2010s 33.5 Dave Matthews Band US 1990s -- 2010s 33.5 John Denver US 1960s -- 90s 33.5 54 James Taylor US 1960s -- 2010s 33 The Doors US 1960s -- 70s 33 56 R. Kelly US 1990s -- 2010s 32 57 Pearl Jam US 1990s -- 2010s 31.5 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers US 1970s - 2017 31.5 59 Boston US 1970s -- 2010s 31 60 Dixie Chicks US 1980s -- 2000s 30.5 61 Linda Ronstadt US 1960s -- 2000s 30 62 Lynyrd Skynyrd US 1960s -- 2000s 28.5 63 Mannheim Steamroller US 1970s -- 2010s 28 ' N Sync US 1990s -- 2000s 28 Michael Bolton US 1980s -- 2010s 28 Adele UK 2000s - 2010s 28 Creedence Clearwater Revival US 1960s -- 70s 28 68 Jay Z US 1990s -- 2010s 27.5 John Mellencamp US 1970s -- 2010s 27.5 Brooks & Dunn US 1990s -- 2000s 27.5 Barry Manilow US 1970s -- 2010s 27.5 Kenny Chesney US 1990s -- 2010s 27.5 73 Ozzy Osbourne UK 1960s -- 2010s 27.25 74 Boyz II Men US 1990s -- 2000s 27 Frank Sinatra US 1930s -- 90s 27 Bee Gees UK 1960s -- 2000s 27 77 Enya Ireland 1980s -- 2010s 26.5 78 Linkin Park US 1990s -- 2010s 26 Janet Jackson US 1980s -- 2010s 26 80 Faith Hill US 1990s -- 2010s 25.5 Luther Vandross US 1960s -- 2000s 25.5 Steve Miller Band US 1960s -- 2010s 25.5 83 Rush Canada 1970s -- 2010s 25 Mötley Crüe US 1980s -- 2010s 25 Nirvana US 1980s -- 90s 25 ZZ Top US 1970s -- 2010s 25 Creed US 1990s -- 2000s 25 Toby Keith US 1990s -- 2010s 25 Red Hot Chili Peppers US 1980s -- 2010s 25 90 The Carpenters US 1960s -- 80s 24.5 REO Speedwagon US 1970s -- 2010s 24.5 92 Vince Gill US 1970s -- 2010s 24 Green Day US 1980s -- 2010s 24 Nickelback Canada 1990s -- 2010s 24 95 Johnny Cash US 1970s -- 2000s 23.5 Sade UK 1980s -- 2010s 23.5 Kid Rock US 1990s -- 2010s 23.5 Earth, Wind & Fire US 1970s -- 2010s 23.5 The Cars US 1970s -- 2010s 23.5 100 Jimmy Buffett US 1960s -- 2010s 23 Jimi Hendrix US 1960s -- 70s 23 Beastie Boys US 1980s -- 2010s 23
who is the first highest certified music artist in the us
{ "text": [ "The Beatles" ], "answer_start": [ 116 ] }
In the sport of basketball, the bonus situation (also called the penalty situation) occurs when one team accumulates a requisite number of fouls, which number varies depending on the level of play. When one team has committed the requisite number of fouls, each subsequent foul results in the opposing team 's taking free throws regardless of the type of foul committed (i.e., whether the foul was a shooting foul). Teams under the limit are commonly referred to as having fouls to give, and thus they can try to disrupt their opponents without being penalized free throws. These fouls reset every quarter or half depending on the rules in use (i.e. FIBA, NBA, NCAA, etc.).
what does the word bonus mean in basketball
{ "text": [ "occurs when one team accumulates a requisite number of fouls, which number varies depending on the level of play" ], "answer_start": [ 84 ] }
The legislation had been proposed by President John F. Kennedy in June 1963, but opposed by filibuster in the Senate. Thereafter, President Lyndon B. Johnson pushed the bill forward, which in its final form was passed in the U.S. Congress by a Senate vote of 73 -- 27 and House vote of 289 -- 126. The Act was signed into law by President Johnson on July 2, 1964, at the White House.
who passed the civil rights act of 1964
{ "text": [ "the U.S. Congress" ], "answer_start": [ 221 ] }
Year Country Champion Country Runner - up Score in the final 1968 AUS Rod Laver AUS Tony Roche 6 -- 3, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 2 1969 AUS Rod Laver AUS John Newcombe 6 -- 4, 5 -- 7, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 4 1970 AUS John Newcombe AUS Ken Rosewall 5 -- 7, 6 -- 3, 6 -- 2, 3 -- 6, 6 -- 1 1971 AUS John Newcombe USA Stan Smith 6 -- 3, 5 -- 7, 2 -- 6, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 4 1972 USA Stan Smith ROM Ilie Năstase 4 -- 6, 6 -- 3, 6 -- 3, 4 -- 6, 7 -- 5 1973 TCH Jan Kodeš URS Alex Metreveli 6 -- 1, 9 -- 8, 6 -- 3 USA Jimmy Connors AUS Ken Rosewall 6 -- 1, 6 -- 1, 6 -- 4 USA Arthur Ashe USA Jimmy Connors 6 -- 1, 6 -- 1, 5 -- 7, 6 -- 4 1976 SWE Björn Borg ROM Ilie Năstase 6 -- 4, 6 -- 2, 9 -- 7 1977 SWE Björn Borg USA Jimmy Connors 3 -- 6, 6 -- 2, 6 -- 1, 5 -- 7, 6 -- 4 1978 SWE Björn Borg USA Jimmy Connors 6 -- 2, 6 -- 2, 6 -- 3 1979 SWE Björn Borg USA Roscoe Tanner 6 -- 7, 6 -- 1, 3 -- 6, 6 -- 3, 6 -- 4 1980 SWE Björn Borg USA John McEnroe 1 -- 6, 7 -- 5, 6 -- 3, 6 -- 7, 8 -- 6 1981 USA John McEnroe SWE Björn Borg 4 -- 6, 7 -- 6, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4 1982 USA Jimmy Connors USA John McEnroe 3 -- 6, 6 -- 3, 6 -- 7, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4 USA John McEnroe NZL Chris Lewis 6 -- 2, 6 -- 2, 6 -- 2 1984 USA John McEnroe USA Jimmy Connors 6 -- 1, 6 -- 1, 6 -- 2 1985 FRG Boris Becker USA Kevin Curren 6 -- 3, 6 -- 7, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4 1986 FRG Boris Becker TCH Ivan Lendl 6 -- 4, 6 -- 3, 7 -- 5 AUS Pat Cash TCH Ivan Lendl 7 -- 6, 6 -- 2, 7 -- 5 1988 SWE Stefan Edberg FRG Boris Becker 4 -- 6, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 2 1989 FRG Boris Becker SWE Stefan Edberg 6 -- 0, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4 1990 SWE Stefan Edberg FRG Boris Becker 6 -- 2, 6 -- 2, 3 -- 6, 3 -- 6, 6 -- 4 1991 GER Michael Stich GER Boris Becker 6 -- 4, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4 1992 USA Andre Agassi CRO Goran Ivanišević 6 -- 7, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 4, 1 -- 6, 6 -- 4 1993 USA Pete Sampras USA Jim Courier 7 -- 6, 7 -- 6, 3 -- 6, 6 -- 3 1994 USA Pete Sampras CRO Goran Ivanišević 7 -- 6, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 0 1995 USA Pete Sampras GER Boris Becker 6 -- 7, 6 -- 2, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 2 NED Richard Krajicek USA MaliVai Washington 6 -- 3, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 3 1997 USA Pete Sampras FRA Cédric Pioline 6 -- 4, 6 -- 2, 6 -- 4 1998 USA Pete Sampras CRO Goran Ivanišević 6 -- 7, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4, 3 -- 6, 6 -- 2 1999 USA Pete Sampras USA Andre Agassi 6 -- 3, 6 -- 4, 7 -- 5 2000 USA Pete Sampras AUS Patrick Rafter 6 -- 7, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 2 2001 CRO Goran Ivanišević AUS Patrick Rafter 6 -- 3, 3 -- 6, 6 -- 3, 2 -- 6, 9 -- 7 2002 AUS Lleyton Hewitt ARG David Nalbandian 6 -- 1, 6 -- 3, 6 -- 2 2003 SUI Roger Federer AUS Mark Philippoussis 7 -- 6, 6 -- 2, 7 -- 6 SUI Roger Federer USA Andy Roddick 4 -- 6, 7 -- 5, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4 2005 SUI Roger Federer USA Andy Roddick 6 -- 2, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 4 2006 SUI Roger Federer ESP Rafael Nadal 6 -- 0, 7 -- 6, 6 -- 7, 6 -- 3 2007 SUI Roger Federer ESP Rafael Nadal 7 -- 6, 4 -- 6, 7 -- 6, 2 -- 6, 6 -- 2 2008 ESP Rafael Nadal SUI Roger Federer 6 -- 4, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 7, 6 -- 7, 9 -- 7 2009 SUI Roger Federer USA Andy Roddick 5 -- 7, 7 -- 6, 7 -- 6, 3 -- 6, 16 -- 14 ESP Rafael Nadal CZE Tomáš Berdych 6 -- 3, 7 -- 5, 6 -- 4 2011 SRB Novak Djokovic ESP Rafael Nadal 6 -- 4, 6 -- 1, 1 -- 6, 6 -- 3 2012 SUI Roger Federer GBR Andy Murray 4 -- 6, 7 -- 5, 6 -- 3, 6 -- 4 2013 GBR Andy Murray SRB Novak Djokovic 6 -- 4, 7 -- 5, 6 -- 4 2014 SRB Novak Djokovic SUI Roger Federer 6 -- 7, 6 -- 4, 7 -- 6, 5 -- 7, 6 -- 4 2015 SRB Novak Djokovic SUI Roger Federer 7 -- 6, 6 -- 7, 6 -- 4, 6 -- 3 2016 GBR Andy Murray CAN Milos Raonic 6 -- 4, 7 -- 6, 7 -- 6 2017 SUI Roger Federer CRO Marin Čilić 6 -- 3, 6 -- 1, 6 -- 4 2018 SRB Novak Djokovic RSA Kevin Anderson 6 -- 2, 6 -- 2, 7 -- 6
who was the last american man to win wimbledon
{ "text": [ "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer", "Roger Federer" ], "answer_start": [ 2471, 2535, 2606, 2669, 2740, 2836, 2898, 3109, 3261, 3342, 3457 ] }
A lyric video for "What Do You Mean? '', directed by Laban and featuring skateboarders Ryan Sheckler and Chelsea Castro, was released on August 28, 2015. The music video, directed by Brad Furman and starring John Leguizamo and Xenia Deli, premiered on August 30, 2015 following the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. As of October 2017, the video has amassed over 1.8 billion views on YouTube, making it the 23rd most viewed video on the site.
who was the girl in justin bieber what do you mean
{ "text": [ "Xenia Deli" ], "answer_start": [ 227 ] }
Shurpanakha (Sanskrit: शूर्पणखा, IAST: śūrpaṇakhā, lit. she whose fingernails are like winnowing fans) is a character in Valmiki 's epic, the Ramayana, and is the sister of the main antagonist, Ravana, King of Lanka. She is known as Soorpanagai in Tamil, Sarpakanaka in Indonesian, Surpanakhar in Khmer, Surapandaki in Malay, and Sammanakkha in Thai.
from which body part did surpanakha derived her name
{ "text": [ "fingernails" ], "answer_start": [ 66 ] }
The Mississippi River has the world 's fourth - largest drainage basin ("watershed '' or "catchment ''). The basin covers more than 1,245,000 square miles (3,220,000 km), including all or parts of 31 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. The drainage basin empties into the Gulf of Mexico, part of the Atlantic Ocean. The total catchment of the Mississippi River covers nearly 40 % of the landmass of the continental United States. The highest point within the watershed is also the highest point of the Rocky Mountains, Mount Elbert at 14,440 feet (4,400 m).
where does the mississippi river empty into the ocean
{ "text": [ "the Gulf of Mexico" ], "answer_start": [ 272 ] }
In The Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy (published in 1979), the characters visit the legendary planet Magrathea, home to the now - collapsed planet - building industry, and meet Slartibartfast, a planetary coastline designer who was responsible for the fjords of Norway. Through archival recordings, he relates the story of a race of hyper - intelligent pan-dimensional beings who built a computer named Deep Thought to calculate the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. When the answer was revealed to be 42, Deep Thought explained that the answer was incomprehensible because the beings did n't know what they were asking. It went on to predict that another computer, more powerful than itself would be made and designed by it to calculate the question for the answer. (Later on, referencing this, Adams would create the 42 Puzzle, a puzzle which could be approached in multiple ways, all yielding the answer 42.)
when was the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy published
{ "text": [ "1979" ], "answer_start": [ 55 ] }
Mechanical engineering Occupation Names Mechanical engineer Activity sectors applied mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, production technology Description Competencies technical knowledge, management skills, design (see also glossary of mechanical engineering) Education required See professional requirements below Fields of employment technology, science, exploration, military
what are the different fields of mechanical engineering
{ "text": [ "applied mechanics", "dynamics", "dynamics", "thermodynamics", "fluid mechanics", "heat transfer", "production technology" ], "answer_start": [ 77, 96, 112, 106, 122, 139, 154 ] }
The Crossing of the Red Sea (Hebrew: קריעת ים סוף Kriat Yam Suph - Crossing of the Red Sea or Sea of Reeds (1)) is part of the biblical narrative of the escape of the Israelites, led by Moses, from the pursuing Egyptians in the Book of Exodus 13: 17 - 14: 29. This story is also mentioned in the Quran in Surah 26: Al - Shu'ara ' (The Poets) in verses 60 - 67.
what is the parting of the red sea
{ "text": [ "biblical narrative of the escape of the Israelites, led by Moses, from the pursuing Egyptians" ], "answer_start": [ 127 ] }
A search warrant is a court order that a magistrate, judge or Supreme Court official issues to authorize law enforcement officers to conduct a search of a person, location, or vehicle for evidence of a crime and to confiscate any evidence they find. In most countries a search warrant can not be issued in aid of civil process.
who has the power to issue search warrants
{ "text": [ "magistrate", "judge", "Supreme Court official" ], "answer_start": [ 41, 53, 62 ] }
Dodge Challenger SRT Demon 2018 2.1 sec 2.3 sec 2.3 sec only one seat and running 100 - octane racing fuel, 2.1 sec claimed if included rollout
who has the fastest car in the world
{ "text": [ "Dodge Challenger SRT Demon" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Hoover Dam impounds Lake Mead, the largest reservoir in the United States by volume (when it is full). The dam is located near Boulder City, Nevada, a municipality originally constructed for workers on the construction project, about 30 mi (48 km) southeast of Las Vegas, Nevada. The dam 's generators provide power for public and private utilities in Nevada, Arizona, and California. Hoover Dam is a major tourist attraction; nearly a million people tour the dam each year. The heavily traveled U.S. Route 93 (US 93) ran along the dam 's crest until October 2010, when the Hoover Dam Bypass opened.
what's the purpose of the hoover dam
{ "text": [ "provide power for public and private utilities in Nevada, Arizona, and California" ], "answer_start": [ 302 ] }
Filming in Windsor Great Park was underway in February 2015, then later in North Wales from March 2, 2015. Later on March 10, 2015, Ritchie tweeted a photo and confirmed the first day of shooting. In April 2015, filming took place in Snowdonia, where locations used were Tryfan, Nant Gwynant near Beddgelert and Capel Curig. Early in July filming continued in the Shieldaig, Loch Torridon and Applecross areas of Wester Ross in the Scottish Highlands. One day of filming also took place at The Quiraing on the Isle of Skye. Filming also took place at Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden.
where was king arthur legend of the sword shot
{ "text": [ "Windsor Great Park", "Snowdonia", "the Shieldaig, Loch Torridon and Applecross areas of Wester Ross", "The Quiraing on the Isle of Skye", "Warner Bros. Studios, Leavesden" ], "answer_start": [ 11, 234, 360, 490, 551 ] }
A handful of 300 games have been broadcast on live TV. Grazio Castellano of Brooklyn, New York was the first to roll a 300 game on live television. This occurred on October 4, 1953, during an Eastern All - Star league session at Newark, New Jersey. (Castellano is a member of the United States Bowling Congress Hall of Fame.) A more recent example of this came in October 2006, when England 's Paul Moor became the first man to register a score of 300 in the Weber Cup (the first 300 on live British television), the annual Europe versus America team challenge event. Australian bowler Jason Belmonte became the first player to ever roll a 300 game in the televised finals of the World Tenpin Masters, defeating Moor in the 2007 event. Tommy Jones had shot a perfect game in each Weber Cup from 2007 to 2009. Shota Kawazoe has rolled back - to - back 300 games on live Japanese television.
who was the first person to score a perfect 300 game on live television
{ "text": [ "Grazio Castellano of Brooklyn, New York" ], "answer_start": [ 55 ] }
Series Episodes Premiere Finale Winner Runners - up Average UK viewers (millions) Timeslot Channel 6 17 August 2010 21 September 2010 Edd Kimber Miranda Gore Browne 2.77 Tuesday 8: 00 pm BBC Two Ruth Clemens 8 14 August 2011 4 October 2011 Joanne Wheatley Holly Bell 4.00 Mary - Anne Boermans 10 14 August 2012 16 October 2012 John Whaite Brendan Lynch 5.00 James Morton 10 20 August 2013 22 October 2013 Frances Quinn Kimberley Wilson 7.35 Ruby Tandoh 5 10 6 August 2014 8 October 2014 Nancy Birtwhistle Luis Troyano 10.04 Wednesday 8: 00 pm BBC One Richard Burr 6 10 5 August 2015 7 October 2015 Nadiya Hussain Ian Cumming 12.50 Tamal Ray 7 10 24 August 2016 26 October 2016 Candice Brown Andrew Smyth 13.85 Jane Beedle 8 10 29 August 2017 31 October 2017 Sophie Faldo Kate Lyon 9.29 Tuesday 8: 00 pm Channel 4 Steven Carter - Bailey 9 10 28 August 2018 30 October 2018 TBA TBA TBA TBA
who wins great british baking show season 2
{ "text": [ "Joanne Wheatley" ], "answer_start": [ 240 ] }
FIFA World Cup record Year Round Position Pld D * GF GA 1930 Did Not Enter 1934 Champions 1st 5 0 12 1938 Champions 1st 0 0 11 5 1950 Group Stage 7th 0 1954 10th 0 6 7 1958 Did Not Qualify 1962 Group Stage 9th 1966 9th 0 1970 Runners - up 2nd 6 10 8 Group Stage 10th 5 1978 Fourth Place 4th 7 9 6 1982 Champions 1st 7 0 12 6 1986 Round of 16 12th 5 6 1990 Third Place 3rd 7 6 0 10 1994 Runners - up 2nd 7 8 5 1998 Quarter Final 5th 5 0 8 2002 Round of 16 15th 5 5 2006 Champions 1st 7 5 0 12 Group Stage 26th 0 5 2014 22nd 0 2018 Did Not Qualify 2022 TBD Total 4 Titles 18 / 21 83 45 21 17 128 77
when did italy not qualify for the world cup
{ "text": [ "1958", "2018" ], "answer_start": [ 168, 525 ] }
The Jazz Singer is a 1980 American drama film and a remake of the 1927 classic The Jazz Singer, released by EMI Films. It starred Neil Diamond, Laurence Olivier and Lucie Arnaz and was co-directed by Richard Fleischer and Sidney J. Furie.
who starred in the jazz singer with neil diamond
{ "text": [ "Laurence Olivier and Lucie Arnaz" ], "answer_start": [ 144 ] }
The American entry into World War I came in April 1917, after more than two and a half years of efforts by President Woodrow Wilson to keep the United States out of the war. Apart from an Anglophile element urging early support for the British, American public opinion reflected that of the president: the sentiment for neutrality was particularly strong among Irish Americans, German Americans and Scandinavian Americans, as well as among church leaders and among women in general. On the other hand, even before World War I had broken out, American opinion had been more negative toward Germany than towards any other country in Europe. Over time, especially after reports of atrocities in Belgium in 1914 and following the sinking of the passenger liner RMS Lusitania in 1915, the American people increasingly came to see Germany as the aggressor in Europe.
when did the us get involved in world war 1
{ "text": [ "April 1917" ], "answer_start": [ 44 ] }
The separation of Panama from Colombia was formalized on 3 November 1903, with the establishment of the Republic of Panama. From the Independence of Panama from Spain in 1821, Panama had simultaneously declared independence from Spain and joined itself to the confederation of Gran Colombia through the Independence Act of Panama. Panama was always tenuously connected to the rest of the country to the south, owing to its remoteness from the government in Bogotá and lack of a practical overland connection to the rest of Gran Colombia. In 1840 - 1841, a short - lived independent republic was established under Tomás de Herrera. After rejoining Colombia following a 13 - month independence, it remained a province which saw frequent rebellious flare - ups, notably the Panama crisis of 1885, which saw the intervention of the United States Navy.
from what country did panama gain independence in 1903
{ "text": [ "Colombia", "Colombia", "Colombia", "Colombia" ], "answer_start": [ 30, 282, 528, 647 ] }
Princess Merida of DunBroch (Scottish Gaelic: Mèrida) is the main character from the 2012 Disney Pixar film Brave. Merida was added to the Disney Princess line - up as the 11th Princess and the first Pixar character to receive the honor on May 11, 2013. Merida is also the main character of the games Brave and Temple Run: Brave. Merida also is a playable character in the Disney Infinity Franchise, first appearing in Disney Infinity 2.0.
who is the only disney princess that has brothers
{ "text": [ "Princess Merida of DunBroch" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
With a peak elevation of 6,263 m (20,548 ft), Chimborazo is the highest mountain in Ecuador. It is the highest peak near the equator. Chimborazo is not the highest mountain by elevation above sea level, but its location along the equatorial bulge makes its summit the farthest point on the Earth 's surface from the Earth 's center.
highest point from the center of the earth
{ "text": [ "Chimborazo", "Chimborazo" ], "answer_start": [ 46, 134 ] }
Kerry King, guitarist for Slayer, played the guitar riffs and solo; he had also released an album produced by Rick Rubin in 1986 (Reign in Blood). In a different tuning, the song interprets "TNT '' by AC / DC. More metal commentary and adaptation is added by the video, directed by Ric Menello, as a parody of glam metal.
who plays guitar in no sleep till brooklyn
{ "text": [ "Kerry King" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
Artist Country / Market Period active Release - year of first charted record Genre Total certified units (from available markets) Claimed sales Lady Gaga United States 2005 -- present 2008 Pop / Dance / Electronic 7001972000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 97.2 million (show) US: 66.5 million JPN: 5.4 million UK: 10.985 million GER: 2.9 million FRA: 1.58 million CAN: 2.4 million AUS: 2.890 million ITA: 815,000 BRA: 470,000 SWE: 680,000 SPA: 410,000 MEX: 390,000 SWI: 445,000 BEL: 270,000 DEN: 340,000 AUT: 182,500 POL: 130,000 IRE: 165,000 NZ: 277,500 114 million Metallica United States 1981 -- present Heavy metal / Thrash metal 7001941000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 94.1 million (show) US: 73.3 million JPN: 900,000 UK: 3.335 million GER: 3.425 million FRA: 940,000 CAN: 3.805 million AUS: 2.637 million ITA: 180,000 BRA: 380,000 SWE: 675,000 SPA: 420,000 MEX: 430,000 SWI: 560,000 BEL: 335,000 DEN: 180,000 ARG: 770,000 AUT: 340,000 POL: 735,000 FIN: 530,676 NZ: 315,000 110 million Katy Perry United States 2001 -- present 2008 Pop 7002127200000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 127.2 million (show) US: 96.5 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 11.950 million GER: 2.750 million FRA: 775,000 CAN: 5.8 million AUS: 5.090 million ITA: 680,000 BRA: 625,000 SWE: 520,000 SPA: 180,000 MEX: 900,000 SWI: 160,000 BEL: 135,000 DEN: 235,000 AUT: 240,000 NZ: 360,000 100 million Justin Bieber Canada United States 2008 -- present 2009 Pop / Teen pop, Dance pop 7002126700000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 126.7 million (show) US: 86.5 million JPN: 750,000 UK: 14.785 million GER: 3.1 million FRA: 1.2 CAN: 4.780 million AUS: 4.340 million ITA: 1.595 million BRA: 810,000 SWE: 1.820 million SPA: 860,000 MEX: 2.910 million BEL: 435,000 DEN: 1.850 million POL: 370,000 NZ: 600,000 100 million Adele United Kingdom 2006 -- present 2008 Pop, soul 7002104500000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 104.5 million (show) US: 61 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 20.550 million GER: 4.7 million CAN: 6.040 million AUS: 3.955 million ITA: 1.545 million BRA: 1.310 million SWE: 240,000 SPA: 800,000 MEX: 1.490 million SWI: 510,000 BEL: 795,000 DEN: 522,500 POL: 300,000 FIN: 151,639 NZ: 577,500 100 million Jay Z United States 1996 -- present Hip - hop 7001961000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 96.1 million (show) US: 80.7 million JPN: 1.050 million UK: 9.320 million GER: 1.550 million FRA: 400,000 CAN: 1.6 million AUS: 1.260 ITA: 180,000 SWE: 130,000 100 million Bon Jovi United States 1983 -- present Hard rock / Glam metal 7001838000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 83.8 million (show) US: 49.9 million JPN: 4.400 million UK: 9.290 million GER: 5.650 million FRA: 825,000 CAN: 4.735 million AUS: 3.030 million ITA: 110,000 BRA: 435,000 SWE: 365,000 SPA: 1.620 million MEX: 250,000 SWI: 1.275 million AUT: 725,000 BEL: 165,000 ARG: 350,000 POL: 110,000 FIN: 422,500 NZ: 210,000 100 million Lil Wayne United States 1996 -- present 1999 Hip - hop 7001799000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 79.9 million (show) US: 77.7 million UK: 1.460 million CAN: 280,000 AUS: 525,000 100 million Linkin Park United States 1996 -- present 2000 Alternative rock / Nu metal / Rap rock 7001787000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 78.7 million (show) US: 58.6 million JPN: 1.550 million UK: 5.945 million GER: 5.750 million FRA: 1.025 CAN: 1.330 million AUS: 1.450 million ITA: 430,000 BRA: 595,000 SWE: 165,000 SPA: 175,000 MEX: 225,000 SWI: 425,000 BEL: 140,000 DEN: 125,000 AUT: 252,500 POL: 220,000 FIN: 120,469 NZ: 252,500 100 million Britney Spears United States 1998 -- present 1998 Pop / Dance / Dance - pop 7001785000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 78.5 million (show) US: 44.2 million JPN: 2.1 million UK: 10.150 million GER: 5.050 million FRA: 3.732 million CAN: 3.680 million AUS: 3.130 million ITA: 175,000 BRA: 380,000 SWE: 1.010 million SPA: 990,000 MEX: 1.175 million SWI: 485,000 AUT: 365,000 BEL: 935,000 ARG: 240,000 DEN: 187,500 POL: 210,000 FIN: 143,627 NZ: 240,000 100 million Beyoncé United States 1997 -- present 2002 R&B / Pop 7001780000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 78 million (show) US: 53.650 million JPN: 1.7 million UK: 13.685 million GER: 1.550 million FRA: 560,000 CAN: 1.395 million AUS: 2.905 million ITA: 260,000 BRA: 390,000 SPA: 1.010 million MEX: 110,000 SWI: 165,000 BEL: 115,000 DEN: 230,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 210,000 100 million Rod Stewart United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001778000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 77.8 million (show) US: 43.650 million JPN: 450,000 UK: 18.330 million GER: 3.8 million FRA: 1.8 million CAN: 4.055 million AUS: 2.610 million BRA: 980,000 SWE: 440,000 SPA: 290,000 SWI: 100,000 ARG: 500,000 AUT: 100,000 POL: 220,000 IRE: 195,000 NZ: 280,000 100 million Fleetwood Mac United Kingdom United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Pop 7001761009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units: 76.1 million (show) US: 51.250 million UK: 13.585 million GER: 3.5 million FRA: 800,000 AUS: 2.767 million CAN: 2.950 million SPA: 300,000 SWI: 100,000 BEL: 100,000 NZ: 572,500 100 million Guns N ' Roses United States 1985 -- present Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001737000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 73.7 million (show) US: 48.5 million JPN: 1.7 million UK: 5.850 million GER: 4.1 million FRA: 1 million CAN: 3.520 million AUS: 2.410 ITA: 685,000 BRA: 1.9 million SWE: 485,000 SPA: 450,000 MEX: 760,000 SWI: 365,000 BEL: 165,000 ARG: 1.080 million AUT: 365,000 IRE: 105,000 NZ: 270,000 100 million George Strait United States 1981 -- present 1984 Country 7001728000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 72.8 million (show) US: 72.150 million CAN: 705,000 100 million Backstreet Boys United States 1993 -- present 1995 Pop 7001720000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 72 million (show) US: 41.5 million JPN: 5.4 million UK: 4.835 million GER: 7 million FRA: 325,000 CAN: 3.430 million AUS: 1.4 million BRA: 1.625 million SWE: 655,000 SPA: 1.850 million MEX: 1.475 million SWI: 415,000 BEL: 425,000 ARG: 740,000 AUT: 325,000 POL: 300,000 FIN: 171,390 NZ: 132,500 100 million Neil Diamond United States 1966 -- present 1966 Pop / Rock 7001683000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 68.3 million (show) US: 55.9 million UK: 7.130 million GER: 1 million FRA: 400,000 CAN: 1.725 million AUS: 1.945 million SPA: 100,000 NZ: 127,500 100 million Prince United States 1976 -- 2016 1978 Funk / R&B / Pop / Soul / Rock 7001642000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 64.2 million (show) US: 48.950 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 7.045 million GER: 2.4 million FRA: 2.110 million CAN: 1 million AUS: 1.120 SWE: 100,000 SPA: 700,000 SWI: 250,000 AUT: 125,000 NZ: 177,500 100 million Paul McCartney United Kingdom 1960 -- present 1970 Rock 7001606000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 60.6 million (show) US: 41.450 million JPN: 500,000 UK: 12.365 million GER: 1.525 million FRA: 1.305 million CAN: 1.955 million AUS: 465,000 SWE: 210,000 SPA: 640,000 DEN: 210,000 100 million Kenny Rogers United States 1958 -- present Country / Pop 7001589000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 58.9 million (show) US: 51.550 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 2.520 million CAN: 4.6 million AUS: 100,000 SPA: 100,000 100 million Janet Jackson United States 1982 -- present 1982 R&B / Pop 7001521000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 52.1 million (show) US: 39.750 million JPN: 1.6 million UK: 4.760 million GER: 1.4 million FRA: 1.475 million CAN: 1.460 million AUS: 1.155 SWE: 105,000 SPA: 150,000 SWI: 170,000 BEL: 125,000 100 million Julio Iglesias Spain 1968 -- present 1968 Latin 7001510000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 51 million (show) US: 11 million JPN: 800,000 UK: 1.620 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 6.1 million CAN: 1.5 million AUS: 540,000 ITA: 400,000 NLD: 950,000 BRA: 12.475 million SWE: 290,000 SPA: 8.7 million MEX: 2.975 million BEL: 125,000 ARG: 3.220 million FIN: 131,636 100 million Chicago United States 1967 -- present 1969 Rock / Pop 7001483000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 48.3 million (show) US: 44.150 million JPN: 400,000 UK: 1.490 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 100,000 CAN: 1.865 million SPA: 100,000 100 million The Carpenters United States 1969 -- 1983 1969 Pop 7001460000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 46 million (show) US: 34.6 million JPN: 2.9 million UK: 7.950 million GER: 250,000 CAN: 275,000 BRA: 100,000 100 million Bob Dylan United States 1959 -- present 1963 Folk / Rock 7001451000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 45.1 million (show) US: 35.6 million UK: 5.825 million GER: 625,000 FRA: 800,000 CAN: 1.5 million AUS: 480,000 SWI: 175,000 NZ: 105,000 100 million Dire Straits United Kingdom 1977 -- 1995 1978 Rock 7001447000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 44.7 million (show) US: 15.5 million UK: 11.1 million GER: 3.750 million FRA: 5.3 million CAN: 2.575 million AUS: 2.190 million ITA: 385,000 BRA: 175,000 SWE: 360,000 SPA: 1.380 million SWI: 1 million BEL: 100,000 AUT: 300,000 FIN: 471,530 NZ: 155,000 100 million Bryan Adams Canada 1979 -- present 1979 Rock 7001445000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 44.5 million (show) US: 21 million JPN: 600,000 UK: 8.675 million GER: 3.850 million FRA: 650,000 CAN: 5.120 million AUS: 2.010 million BRA: 100,000 SWE: 440,000 SPA: 450,000 SWI: 805,000 BEL: 250,000 AUT: 375,000 FIN: 183,444 100 million Def Leppard United Kingdom 1977 -- present 1979 Hard rock / Heavy metal 7001418009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units: 41.8 million (show) US: 35.650 million JPN: 300,000 UK: 1.960 million FRA: 200,000 CAN: 2.995 million AUS: 385,000 SWE: 150,000 MEX: 200,000 SWI: 125,000 100 million Cher United States 1964 -- present 1965 Pop / Rock / Dance / Folk 7001404000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 40.4 million (show) US: 21.9 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 6.450 million GER: 4.175 million FRA: 1.525 million CAN: 1.340 million AUS: 1.530 million ITA: 300,000 BRA: 125,000 SWE: 850,000 SPA: 600,000 MEX: 200,000 SWI: 295,000 BEL: 275,000 DEN: 300,000 AUT: 250,000 POL: 100,000 NZ: 150,000 100 million Lionel Richie United States 1968 -- present 1981 Pop / R&B 7001402000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 40.2 million (show) US: 28.650 million UK: 6.155 million GER: 1.050 million FRA: 1.4 million CAN: 2.380 million AUS: 260,000 BRA: 100,000 SPA: 150,000 SWI: 145,000 100 million Genesis United Kingdom 1967 -- 1999 2006 -- present 1969 Progressive rock / Pop rock 7001399000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 39.9 million (show) US: 21.650 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 7.325 million GER: 5.875 million FRA: 3.460 million CAN: 805,000 SWE: 100,000 SPA: 250,000 SWI: 400,000 100 million James Taylor United States 1968 -- present 1970 Rock / Pop 7001355000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 35.5 million (show) US: 34.650 million UK: 655,000 CAN: 100,000 AUS: 100,000 100 million Olivia Newton - John Australia 1966 -- present 1966 Pop 7001346000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 34.6 million (show) US: 27 million JPN: 100,000 UK: 3.950 million GER: 250,000 CAN: 3.025 million AUS: 310,000 100 million Stevie Wonder United States 1961 -- present 1962 Funk / R&B / Soul 7001346000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 34.6 million (show) US: 21.650 million JPN: 1.050 million UK: 8.285 million GER: 500,000 FRA: 1.4 million CAN: 1.550 million SPA: 250,000 100 million Tina Turner United States 1955 -- present Rock / Pop 7001328009999900000 ♠ Total available certified units: 32.8 million (show) US: 12.7 million UK: 8.145 million GER: 6.050 million FRA: 1.135 million CAN: 1.560 million AUS: 480,000 SWE: 330,000 SPA: 700,000 SWI: 565,000 BEL: 190,000 AUT: 630,000 POL: 120,000 FIN: 241,954 100 million Linda Ronstadt United States 1967 -- present 1968 Rock / Folk / Country 7001325000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 32.5 million (show) US: 31.5 million UK: 435,000 FRA: 100,000 CAN: 500,000 100 million Donna Summer United States 1968 -- 2012 Pop / Disco / R&B 7001308000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 30.8 million (show) US: 24.5 million UK: 3.735 million FRA: 900,000 CAN: 1.550 million BRA: 100,000 SPA: 100,000 100 million The Beach Boys United States 1961 -- present 1962 Rock / Pop / Surf Rock 7001305000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 30.5 million (show) US: 25.6 million UK: 3.410 million GER: 250,000 FRA: 400,000 CAN: 100,000 AUS: 492,500 SPA: 250,000 100 million David Bowie United Kingdom 1962 -- 2016 1967 Art rock / Glam rock / Pop 7001296000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 29.6 million (show) US: 11.7 million JPN: 200,000 UK: 11.445 million GER: 525,000 FRA: 2.380 million CAN: 2.215 million AUS: 565,000 ITA: 320,000 SPA: 170,000 NZ: 142,500 100 million The Who United Kingdom 1964 -- present 1965 Rock / Hard rock 7001269000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 26.9 million (show) US: 22.150 million UK: 3.905 million FRA: 300,000 CAN: 425,000 ITA: 125,000 100 million Barry White United States 1972 -- 2003 1973 R&B / Soul 7001217000000000000 ♠ Total available certified units: 21.7 million (show) US: 16.5 million UK: 3.665 million FRA: 1.1 million CAN: 150,000 SPA: 200,000 BEL: 150,000 100 million
who is the best-selling rap artist of all time
{ "text": [ "Linkin Park" ], "answer_start": [ 3145 ] }
In its modern form, it consists of a set of electromechanical base units including metre for length, kilogram for mass, second for time and ampere as an electrical unit, and a few others, which together with their derived units, can measure any useful quantity. Metric system may also refer to other systems of related base and derived units defined before the middle of the 20th century, some of which are still in limited use today.
standard unit of distance in the metric system
{ "text": [ "metre" ], "answer_start": [ 83 ] }
The 2018 NCAA Division I Men 's Basketball Tournament was a 68 - team single - elimination tournament to determine the men 's National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I college basketball national champion for the 2017 -- 18 season. The 80th edition of the tournament began on March 13, 2018, and concluded with the championship game on April 2 at the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas.
where is the ncaa basketball championship game being played 2018
{ "text": [ "the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas" ], "answer_start": [ 364 ] }
Stephanie Edwards, M.D. is a fictional character from the medical drama television series Grey 's Anatomy, which airs on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) in the United States. The character was created by series producer Shonda Rhimes, and was portrayed by actress Jerrika Hinton from 2012 to 2017. Introduced as a surgical intern at the fictional Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital, later renamed Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, Stephanie works her way up to resident level with fellow intern and friend, Jo Wilson (Camilla Luddington).
who plays dr edwards on grey's anatomy
{ "text": [ "Jerrika Hinton" ], "answer_start": [ 272 ] }
The Jovian ring system is faint and consists mainly of dust. It has four main components: a thick inner torus of particles known as the "halo ring ''; a relatively bright, exceptionally thin "main ring ''; and two wide, thick and faint outer "gossamer rings '', named for the moons of whose material they are composed: Amalthea and Thebe.
jupiter’s rings are made of material from
{ "text": [ "dust" ], "answer_start": [ 55 ] }
Runs Innings Batsman Team T20I career span 2,271 73 Martin Guptill ‡ New Zealand 2009 -- present 2,140 70 Brendon McCullum New Zealand 2005 -- 2015 2,121 96 Shoaib Malik ‡ Pakistan 2006 -- present 2,102 58 Virat Kohli ‡ India 2010 -- present 2,086 77 Rohit Sharma ‡ India 2007 -- present Updated: 8 July 2018
who scored most runs in t20 for india
{ "text": [ "Virat Kohli" ], "answer_start": [ 206 ] }
"Why Did It Have to Be Me? '' is a song by the Swedish pop band ABBA. The song was released on the 1976 album Arrival. "Why Did It Have to Be Me? '' has been called a "Fats Domino flavoured '' song.
abba why did it have to be me album
{ "text": [ "Arrival" ], "answer_start": [ 110 ] }
Pinarayi Vijayan (born 24 May 1945) is an Indian politician who is the current Chief Minister of Kerala, in office since 25 May 2016.
who is the current chief minister of kerala
{ "text": [ "Pinarayi Vijayan" ], "answer_start": [ 0 ] }
The primary functions of the Department of Education are to "establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. '' The Department of Education does not establish schools or colleges.
what is the role of department of education
{ "text": [ "to \"establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights. ''" ], "answer_start": [ 57 ] }
The Hershey -- Chase experiments were a series of experiments conducted in 1952 by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase that helped to confirm that DNA is genetic material. While DNA had been known to biologists since 1869, many scientists still assumed at the time that proteins carried the information for inheritance because DNA appeared simpler than proteins. In their experiments, Hershey and Chase showed that when bacteriophages, which are composed of DNA and protein, infect bacteria, their DNA enters the host bacterial cell, but most of their protein does not. Although the results were not conclusive, and Hershey and Chase were cautious in their interpretation, previous, contemporaneous, and subsequent discoveries all served to prove that DNA is the hereditary material.
who used viruses to determine that dna was the molecule of heredity
{ "text": [ "Alfred Hershey", "Martha Chase" ], "answer_start": [ 83, 102 ] }
National team Final appearances Winners Runners - up Years won Years runners - up Australia 7 5 1987, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2015 1975, 1996 India 1983, 2011 2003 West Indies 1975, 1979 Sri Lanka 2007, 2011 Pakistan 1992 1999 England 0 -- 1979, 1987, 1992 New Zealand 0 -- 2015
who won the cricket world cup most times
{ "text": [ "Australia" ], "answer_start": [ 82 ] }
Pro Football Hall of Fame Game Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium before the start of the 2017 Pro Football Hall of Fame Game Recent and upcoming games 2017 season Dallas Cowboys 20 Arizona Cardinals 18 2018 season Baltimore Ravens vs Chicago Bears
who is playing in the hall of fame game this year
{ "text": [ "Baltimore Ravens", "Chicago Bears" ], "answer_start": [ 212, 232 ] }
Starring in the series were Tina Keeper as RCMP Constable, later Corporal, Michelle Kenidi, Tracey Cook as Sarah Birkett (nurse during first year), Tom Jackson as Peter Kenidi (band chief in first year, Michelle 's brother), Gordon Tootoosis as Albert Golo (bootlegger, then band chief), Dakota House as Trevor ' Teevee ' Tenia (teen trouble - maker, then band chief), Lubomir Mykytiuk as Gerry Kisilenko (restaurant / motel owner / justice of the peace), Jimmy Herman as Joe Gomba (elder) and Simon R. Baker as Charlie Muskrat. Adam Beach and Tantoo Cardinal also starred. Elsie Tsa Che (Wilma Pelly) was a fan favorite, playing Teevee 's grandmother, a community elder. John Oliver led the cast as Corporal Eric Olsen during the show 's first two seasons and entered into an off - screen relationship with co-star Keeper; he left the show when his relationship with Keeper soured. Keeper subsequently became the show 's lead actor for the remainder of its run. Oliver was replaced by Robert Bockstael as Corporal Brian Fletcher, who was replaced later by Peter Kelly Gaudreault as Constable James Harper.
who played eric olsen on north of 60
{ "text": [ "John Oliver" ], "answer_start": [ 672 ] }
On July 23, 2016, the renewal for a second season was announced at the Wynonna Earp panel at San Diego Comic - Con. Originally slated for ten episodes, the season was increased to 12 episodes in October 2016. In Canada, Wynonna Earp moved from CHCH - DT to Space effective April 15, 2017. In anticipation of the premiere of Season 2, Space began airing Season 1 on the same date with a special double - episode series debut.
how many episodes will be in wynonna earp season 2
{ "text": [ "12" ], "answer_start": [ 180 ] }