> You take torch.
You take the torch.
> You turn off lamp.
The brass lantern is now off.
> You go west.
You are in a small room which has doors only to the east and south. In the corner of the room on the ceiling is a large vampire bat who is obviously deranged and holding his nose. There is an exquisite jade figurine here.
> You take jade.
You take the jade.
> You go south.
You are in a small room. Strange squeaky sounds may be heard coming from the passage at the north end. You may also escape to the east.
> You go east.
You are standing at the entrance of what might have been a coal mine. The shaft enters the west wall, and there is another exit on the south end of the room.
> You go south.
This is a small chamber, which appears to have been part of a coal mine. On the south wall of the chamber the letters "Granite Wall" are etched in the rock. To the east is a long passage, and there is a steep metal slide twisting downward. To the north is a small opening.
> You go down.
You are in a dark and damp cellar with a narrow passageway leading north, and a crawlway to the south. On the west is the bottom of a steep metal ramp which is unclimbable.
> You go up.
You are in the living room. There is a doorway to the east, a wooden door with strange gothic lettering to the west, which appears to be nailed shut, a trophy case, and a large oriental rug in the center of the room. There is a nasty knife here. Your collection of treasures consists of: A sceptre. A pot of gold. A gold coffin. A painting.
> You put jade in case.
You put the jade in the treasure case.
> You put diamond in case.
You put the diamond in the treasure case.
> You turn on lamp.
The brass lantern is now on.
> You go down.
You are in a dark and damp cellar with a narrow passageway leading north, and a crawlway to the south. On the west is the bottom of a steep metal ramp which is unclimbable.
> You go north.
This is a small room with passages to the east and south and a forbidding hole leading west. Bloodstains and deep scratches (perhaps made by an axe) mar the walls. There is a sword here. There is a bloody axe here.
> You go east.
This is a narrow east-west passageway. There is a narrow stairway leading down at the north end of the room.
> You go north.
A chasm runs southwest to northeast and the path follows it. You are on the south side of the chasm, where a crack opens into a passage.
> You go northeast.
You are in a long room, to the north of which was formerly a lake. However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream running through the center of the room. There is a path along the stream to the east or west, a steep pathway climbing southwest along the edge of a chasm, and a path leading into a canyon to the southeast.
> You go north.
You are on what used to be a large lake, but which is now a large mud pile. There are "shores" to the north and south. Lying half buried in the mud is an old trunk, bulging with jewels.
> You take trunk.
You take the trunk.
> You go north.
You are in a large cavernous room, the south of which was formerly a lake. However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream running through there. There is a slimy stairway leaving the room to the north. There is a hand-held air pump here.
> You take pump.
You take the pump.
> You go north.
This is an ancient room, long under water. There is an exit to the south and a staircase leading up. On the shore lies Poseidon's own crystal trident.
> You take trident.
Your load is too heavy.
> You drop torch.
You drop the torch.
> You take trident.
You take the trident.
> You go south.
You are in a large cavernous room, the south of which was formerly a lake. However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream running through there.
> You go south.
You are on what used to be a large lake, but which is now a large mud pile. There are "shores" to the north and south.
> You go south.
You are in a long room, to the north of which was formerly a lake. However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream running through the center of the room. There is a path along the stream to the east or west, a steep pathway climbing southwest along the edge of a chasm, and a path leading into a canyon to the southeast.
> You go east.
You are standing on the top of the Flood Control Dam #3, which was quite a tourist attraction in times far distant. There are paths to the north, south, and west, and a scramble down. There is a wrench here.
> You go east.
You are at the base of Flood Control Dam #3, which looms above you and to the north. The river Frigid is flowing by here. Along the river are the White Cliffs which seem to form giant walls stretching from north to south along the shores of the river as it winds its way downstream. There is a folded pile of plastic here which has a small valve attached.
> You inflate plastic with pump.
The boat inflates and appears seaworthy. A tan label is lying inside the boat.
> You drop pump.
You drop the pump.
> You go inside boat.
You are now in the magic boat.
> You launch.
You are on the Frigid River in the vicinity of the Dam. The river flows quietly here. There is a landing on the west shore. The magic boat contains: A tan label.
> You wait.
Time passes... The flow of the river carries you downstream. The river turns a corner here making it impossible to see the Dam. The White Cliffs loom on the east bank and large rocks prevent landing on the west.
> You wait.
Time passes...
> You wait.
Time passes... The flow of the river carries you downstream. The river is running faster here and the sound ahead appears to be that of rushing water. On the east shore is a sandy beach. A small area of beach can also be seen below the cliffs on the west shore. There is a red buoy here (probably a warning).
> You take buoy.
You take the buoy.
> You go east.
The magic boat comes to a rest on the shore. You are on a large sandy beach on the east shore of the river, which is flowing quickly by. A path runs beside the river to the south here, and a passage is partially buried in sand to the northeast. There is a shovel here.
> You leave boat.
You are on your own feet again.
> You take shovel.
Your load is too heavy.
> You drop garlic.
You drop the garlic.
> You take shovel.
Your load is too heavy.
> You drop buoy.
You drop the buoy.
> You take shovel.
You take the shovel.
> You go northeast.
This is a sand-filled cave whose exit is to the southwest.
> You dig.
What do you want to dig in?
> You dig in the sand.
You seem to be digging a hole here.
> You dig sand.
The hole is getting deeper, but that's about it.
> You dig sand.
You are surrounded by a wall of sand on all sides.