<s>[INST] Jetstar 784 contact Apache Jetstar 784 good morning [/INST] Jetstar Seven Eighty Four contact departure Jetstar Seven Eighty Four good morning </s>
<s>[INST] 3K, HOTA, Bravo, Papa, Oscar, Echo HOTA, Bravo, Papa, Oscar, Echo, 08H, go ahead [/INST] Zurich tower Hotel Bravo Papa Oscar Echo Hotel Bravo Papa Oscar Echo Zurich tower go ahead </s>
<s>[INST] Eurowings 7A, turn right heading 210, cleared ILS approach runway 24, report established James 210 cleared for the ILS 24, report established Eurowings 7A [/INST] Eurowings Seven Alfa Bravo turn right heading two one zero cleared ILS approach runway two four report established heading two one zero cleared for the ILS two four report established Eurowings Seven Alpha Bravo </s>
<s>[INST] November Mike, Alpha vectoring for a shorter approach, turn left heading 240. [/INST] November Mike Alpha vectoring for a short approach turn left heading two four zero </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Whiskey Alpha, wind is calm, runway 14, cleared for takeoff. [/INST] Hotel Whiskey Alpha wind is calm runway one four cleared for takeoff </s>
<s>[INST] TECO Sierra, number one. Number one, okay, TECO, it's clear. [/INST] takeoff Sierra number one number one Hotel Echo X-ray </s>
<s>[INST] LIMA Tango, roger, standby, coordinate with military spectre [/INST] Hotel Lima Tango roger standby i coordinate with military sector </s>
<s>[INST] E' nostro meteo che vecchia, key tower, hello, wind 070, degrees 10 knots, runway 14, coetelena. [/INST] Air Nostrum Eight Zero Quebec Yankee tower hello wind zero seven zero degrees right zero nine runway one four cleared to land </s>
<s>[INST] Wind check for runway 14, 340 degrees, 2 knots. [/INST] wind check for runway one four three four degrees two knots </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Golf, next left via Delta to Blue Sector. [/INST] Hotel Hotel Golf next left via delta to blue sector </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel India Alpha until 4 miles, maintain 100 knots or greater. [/INST] Hotel India Alpha until four miles maintain one hundred knots or greater </s>
<s>[INST] The Hummer's got Papa, he's not correct, he wants a taxi. [/INST] November Golf Papa read back correct report for taxi </s>
<s>[INST] Helicopter tango, Sky, you may leave the frequency, bye bye Helicopter leave the frequency, bye bye Nav checker 511, further climb is approved Further climb approved again, Nav checker 511 [/INST] Helicopter Tango Oscar you may leave the frequency bye bye Tango Oscar leave the frequency bye bye Nav Checker Five One One further climb is approved further climb approved again Nav Checker Five One One </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Bravo Papa, Hotel Delta, unknown via for traffic without altitude indication, 12 o'clock, 2 miles, crossing left to right. [/INST] Hotel Bravo Papa Hotel Delta unknown VFR traffic without altitude indications twelve o'clock two miles crossing left to right </s>
<s>[INST] Jackson 103M, wind 140 degrees, 4 knots, runway 28, Clever Takeoff [/INST] Fraction One Zero Three Mike wind one four zero degrees four knots runway two eight cleared for takeoff </s>
<s>[INST] Tower, American 73 approaching Agagala on the 16R at ILS. [/INST] tower American Seventy Three approaching Igala runway one six right eight ILS </s>
<s>[INST] Quebec Juliet, traffic Piper single engine, position 3 miles south of your position, proceeding towards Villezaux, 4000 feet indicating not verified. [/INST] Hotel Quebec Juliett traffic Piper single engine position three miles south of your position proceeding towards Willisau four thousand feet indicating not verified </s>
<s>[INST] ... ... ... ... [/INST] Sierra November expect landing clearance shortly traffic on the runways departing three top on to the west </s>
<s>[INST] Ground and lower, Weighmer 352, this is E46, Polaris [/INST] Ground hello Royalair Maroc Three Five Two stand echo four six fully ready </s>
<s>[INST] doughnut tower blue one where you are, [/INST] Stefanik tower dobrý deň Elite Jet Eight Zero One crossing two right base runway one three </s>
<s>[INST] Léotard-Lionki, wind 240°, 150 knots, FATO 25, leading on discretion. Leading on discretion, FATO 25, Léotard-Lionki. [/INST] Heli Hotel Yankee wind two four zero degrees one five knots five two two five landing on discretion landing on discretion five two two five Hotel Yankee </s>
<s>[INST] Akár kocsárlászat a pászkók, 7000, grubáj. Kukk 7000, grubáj. Azt kéne, hogy se jártatok. [/INST] Oscar Kilo Charlie Alfa Papa squawk seven thousand good bye squawk seven thousand good bye Oscar Kilo Charlie Alfa Papa </s>
<s>[INST] OSCAR GOLOF ECHO, roger, descend to traffic altitude 1500 feet Descending 1500 feet altitude, OSCAR MAGALFA GOLOF ECHO [/INST] Oscar Golf Echo roger descend to traffic altitude one thousand five hundred feet start descending one thousand five hundred feet altitude Oscar Mike Alpha Golf Echo </s>
<s>[INST] Hôtel Echo X-Ray, wind 230°, 6 knots, runway 25, cleared to land. [/INST] Hotel Echo X-ray wind two three zero degrees six knots runway two five cleared to land </s>
<s>[INST] LHR Isoula, report position altitude. Le Golfe de Montana at 6,200. Roger, the traffic is now just exactly in the middle between Echo 1 and Echo 2, 4,600 feet. [/INST] Heli Charlie Zulu report position altitude le Golf de Montana three thousand two hundred roger the traffic is now just exactly in the middle between echo one echo two four thousand six hundred feet </s>
<s>[INST] إن جري ما يميني واتوت [/INST] India Lima you may leave a toute </s>
<s>[INST] Tell me, Oscar Bravo, are you ready for Expeditions Crossing? Otherwise we have to hold on ground. [/INST] Heli Oscar Bravo are you ready for expedition crossing otherwise you have to hold on </s>
<s>[INST] Holy Point runway 31 via Foxtrot and cross runway 04, your chance 31, Q13D, thank you [/INST] holding point runway three one via foxtrot and cross runway zero four Eurotrans Two One correction One Three Juliett thank you </s>
<s>[INST] Starlok pushback approved, position 2 Foxtrot, squawk 4407, Neutron 13J. [/INST] startup push back approved position to Foxtrot squawk four four zero seven Eurotrans One Three Juliett </s>
<s>[INST] Territory Space, final 25, contacto. [/INST] Hotel Echo X-ray final two five for touch and go </s>
<s>[INST] Tower, you can touch down. 947, on Juliet. St. Dirk 947 Tower, taxiway Juliet, cross runway 28, contact apron 121.755, bye. [/INST] ready to touchdown Four Seven on juliett Sunturk Niner Four Seven tower taxiway Juliett cross runway two eight contact apron one two one decimal seven five five bye </s>
<s>[INST] OSK, kylokylokylovysky descend to 5000ft, kilonejt from 016. [/INST] Oscar Kilo Kilo Kilo Whiskey descend to five thousand feet QNH one zero one six </s>
<s>[INST] Alitango is negative, it's fine. If you want, you can monitor the frequency, but it's up to you if you stay outside of CTR all the time. [/INST] Heli Tango Whiskey negative it's fine if you want you can monitor the frequency but it's up to you if you stay outside of CTR all the time </s>
<s>[INST] Otari, QXI, wind calm, Moana 2-5, clear to touch and go. Moana 2-5, clear to touch and go, Otari, QXI. [/INST] Hotel Echo X-ray wind calm runway two five cleared touch and go runway two five cleared touch and go Hotel Echo X-ray </s>
<s>[INST] United Jet 249, Lima, copy, line up and wait runway 25 Line up and wait 25, Lima, I'll schedule it [/INST] Limajet Two Four Nine Lima copy line up and wait runway two five line up and wait two five Lima X-ray Juliett </s>
<s>[INST] Hotair Golf, Oscar Wind, Check, 020°, 11, not, can you still accept 14? [/INST] Hotel Golf Oscar wind check zero two zero degrees one one knots can you still accept one four </s>
<s>[INST] I'll pass you the kilometer, 030 degrees. One more note, sir, I'll make it look like that. [/INST] Hotel Sierra Kilo wind zero three zero degrees one one knots runway two cleared takeoff </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel, go straight in 25, number 1. [/INST] Hotel Golf Bravo straight in two five number one </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Papa Mike, report Downwind Runway 25 Report Downwind 25, Hotel Papa Mike [/INST] Hotel Papa Mike report downwind runway two five roger downwind two five Hotel Papa Mike </s>
<s>[INST] Europa 940, you might contact ground 121.905, goodbye. [/INST] Europa Nine Four Kilo Mike contact ground one two one decimal nine zero five good bye </s>
<s>[INST] Hôtel Hôtel Yankee, Wind, calm, FATO 25, random discussion. [/INST] Hotel Hotel Yankee wind calm fato two five landing own discretion </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Oskar Jäcki, anytime, direct lease approved, traffic rescue helicopter passing Mühlenberg, inbound to Insel Spital. Proceeding direct to lease, Hotel Oskar Jäcki and looking out for helicopters, here in Insel Spital. [/INST] Hotel Oscar Yankee any time direct Lyss approved traffic rescue helicopter passing Mühleberg inbound to Inselspital proceeding direct to Lyss Hotel Oscar Yankee and looking out for helicopter near Inselspital </s>
<s>[INST] Rotary Coex 3, Danone 25, rotation go [/INST] Hotel Echo X-ray downwind two five for touch and go </s>
<s>[INST] November, Michael, Father Kate, Father Charlie, and how long do you stay? I don't know. [/INST] November Mike Alpha vacate via charlie and how long do you stay </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I'm North from 87NB, direct tower, line up for runway 10. [/INST] hello Air Nostrum Eight Seven Whiskey Bravo Zurich tower line up runway one zero </s>
<s>[INST] Eli Oscar Zulu, Frequency Channel Pro, c'è ne? Grazie c'è no Eli Oscar Zulu [/INST] Heli Oscar Zulu frequency change approved schone beste schone Heli Oscar Zulu </s>
<s>[INST] November 4. Charlie Gould. Contact Tower. We'll run your data sequence aroundws Kay прій [/INST] November Four Charlie Golf contact tower one one eight decimal one zero five </s>
<s>[INST] E' un V3, un critical and, vincopito, object 704 [/INST] runway three one cleared to land we copied Topjet Seven Zero Four </s>
<s>[INST] Guten Tag, guten Abend, wie geht es Ihnen? Ebenso, ciao. [/INST] frequency change approved bye bye have a nice evening Hotel Quebec Mike ebenso ciao </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Romeo Oscar, roger, crossing direction Echo at 4000 feet is approved, QNH burn 1025 [/INST] Hotel Romeo Oscar roger crossing direction echo at four thousand feet is approved QNH Bern one zero two five </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Echo X-ray, wind 260 degrees, 10 knots, runway 25, cleared to land Cleared to land, runway 25, Hotel Echo X-ray [/INST] Hotel Echo X-ray wind two six zero degrees one zero knots runway two five cleared to land cleared to land runway two five Hotel Echo X-ray </s>
<s>[INST] OSK, Fax Trot, ALPHA OSKAR, taxi do holding point runway 27 by ALPHA, CZ. [/INST] Oscar Kilo Foxtrot Alpha Oscar taxi to holding point runway two seven via alpha charlie </s>
<s>[INST] We are fully ready. Hotel Tangualfa, report passing 13,000 feet, wind 260 degrees, 10 knots, runway 25, clear for takeoff. Takeoff 25, next report 13,000 feet, Hotel Tangualfa. [/INST] Bravo Juliett Tango Alpha holding point delta two five we are fully ready Hotel Tango Alpha report passing one three thousand feet wind two six zero degrees one zero knots runway two five cleared for takeoff cleared takeoff two five next report the one three thousand feet Hotel Tango Alpha </s>
<s>[INST] Deportez an disprezant pour 4h, next 07, sorry, next 40m, video a-ta-ma. [/INST] departure own discretion two five next zero seven sorry for leaving Heli Hotel Yankee </s>
<s>[INST] Stefanik Tower, good afternoon, Hamburg 692 Lima, established ILS runway 316.5 to me. Hamburg 692 Lima, Stefanik Tower, good afternoon, wind 220 degrees, 5 knots, variable between 170 and 230 degrees, maximum 10, minimum 3, runway 31 cleared to land. [/INST] Stefanik tower dobrý deň Burg Six Nine Two Lima stop established runway three one six point five DME Air Hamburg Six Niner Two Lima Stefanik tower dobrý deň wind two two zero degrees five knots variable between one seven zero and two three zero degrees maximum one zero minimum three runway three one cleared to land </s>
<s>[INST] Champeron 803, veky do levé, taxi Charlie, alfa, stand Western, Ipan. [/INST] Jump Run Eight Zero Three vacate to the left taxi charlie alpha stand western apron </s>
<s>[INST] 10-203 taxi to parking is approved [/INST] Tango Two One Three taxi to parking is approved </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel, Hotel X-Ray, vacate at zero, and to the right, and contact apron 121.755, sorry [/INST] Hotel Hotel X-ray vacacated at zero and to the right and contact apron one two one decimal seven five five bye bye </s>
<s>[INST] Sydney Tower, evening, Qantas 7701, we're for the International [/INST] Sydney tower evening Qantas Seventy Seven Zero One now at three international </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Austria, you're required north to the right, first right clear Hotel Austria, you're right approved First right approved, Hotel Austria [/INST] Hotel Oscar Yankee request orbit to the right for spacing Hotel Oscar Yankee orbit right approved </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Delta Lima, runway vacated on Delta Delta, taxi to blue parking Taxi blue parking, Hotel Delta Lima [/INST] Hotel Delta Lima runway vacated on delta roger taxi to blue parking blue parking Hotel Delta Lima </s>
<s>[INST] The Papa Foxtrot approaching Bern City, request to make an orbit over the Bundeshaus. The Papa Foxtrot, that's approved. Orbit approved, on the Papa Foxtrot. [/INST] Papa Foxtrot approaching Bern city request to make an orbid over the Bundeshaus Papa Foxtrot that is approved orbit approved Hotel Papa Foxtrot </s>
<s>[INST] Runway 34L, this is Quisiland, take care, Bravo 3, good start, 520 [/INST] runway three four left cleared to land vacate bravo three Jetstar Five Twenty </s>
<s>[INST] Turkish 6329, wind 070 degrees, 13 gusting 20 knots, runway 1. [/INST] two hundred Turkish Six Three Two Nine wind zero seven zero degrees one three gusting two zero knots runway one </s>
<s>[INST] Opňa 201, envirá Fox-Throat, lineup 3-1, report ready. [/INST] Elite Jet Two Zero One and via foxtrot line up three one report ready </s>
<s>[INST] BR-9051, startup approved, runway 25, QNH 1012, report ready for taxi. Startup approved, QNH 1012, report ready for taxi, BR-9052. [/INST] Bair Nine Five One startup approved runway two five QNH one zero one two report ready for taxi approved QNH one zero one two report ready for taxi Bair Nine Five Two </s>
<s>[INST] NABCHECKER 511 approaching 10,000 feet Thank you NABCHECKER 511, you can contact Geneva Delta on frequency 11900.175 [/INST] Nav Checker Five One One reporting one thousand ten thousand feet thank you Nav Checker Five One One you can contact Geneva Delta on frequency one one nine decimal one seven five </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Gold Sierra, I can offer you only one touch and go and then open with whiskey due to it's lunchtime, there are no circuits approved. [/INST] Hotel Golf Sierra can offer you only one touch and go then upon route whiskey due to it's launch time there are no circuits approved </s>
<s>[INST] Bonne soirée. [/INST] Hotel Hotel Victor taxi is approved thank you sir bonne soiree </s>
<s>[INST] Štefánik Tavr, pekné popoludne, Tatra 613, establish LS31. Tatra 613, dobre popoludne, Štefánik Tavr, runway 31, clear to land, wind 300 degrees, 19 knots, maximum 33 knots. Runway 31, clear to land, Tatra 613. And after landing, vacate via delta. After landing via delta, 613. [/INST] Stefanik tower pekné popoludnie Tatra Six One Three establish ILS three one Tatra Six One Three dobré popoludnie Stefanik tower runway three one cleared to land wind three zero zero degrees one niner knots maximum three three knots runway three one clear to land Tatra Six One Three and after landing vacate via delta after landing via delta Six One Three </s>
<s>[INST] Omtelico iH scene le 25, whether ten go? [/INST] Hotel Echo X-ray final two five for touch and go </s>
<s>[INST] Återbra, jag har tagit pappa på en taur och är sitt för att ställa på för taxi. [/INST] Hotel Bravo Sierra Charlie Papa Berne tower is it for startup or for taxi </s>
<s>[INST] In fraction 5760J descend to 4000 feet, cleared RMP approach to runway 14, report inbound track established. [/INST] Fraction Five Seven Six Hotel descend to four thousand feet cleared ARP approach runway one four report airborne track established </s>
<s>[INST] Operco, Mike, Charlie, Charlie, runway 27, clear for low approach, wind 320 degrees, 5 knots, aft low approach, continue straight ahead, climb to 3050. [/INST] Oscar Kilo Mike Charlie Charlie runway two seven cleared for low approach wind three two zero degrees five knots after low approach continue straight ahead climb to three thousand feet </s>
<s>[INST] Circle Ecolima Alpha, climb to FL770. [/INST] Oscar Kilo Echo Lima Alfa climb to flight level seven zero </s>
<s>[INST] KV-GN, kvůli T4089, zpětí se výstavu, či máme tělo na zelené? KV-GN, tu řanitávr, kvůli T4089, zpětí se výstavu, či máme tělo na zelené? [/INST] tower good morning Quality Four Zero Eight Niner fully established on the runway zero nine Quality Four Zero Eight Niner Turany tower good morning runway zero niner cleared to land wind is calm </s>
<s>[INST] N511 reporting 13,000 feet and climb for 17,000 feet Superco, N climbing 17,000, report [/INST] Nav Checker Five One One report passing one three thousand feet and climb four one seven thousand feet wilco Nav Checker climbing one seven thousand will report </s>
<s>[INST] So, 3-3, go around. 3-3. [/INST] Hotel Hotel X-ray go around Hotel X-ray </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Echo X-Ray, report Echo One, runway 25, QNH 1017. QNH 1017, runway 25, we'll go Hotel Echo X-Ray. [/INST] Hotel Echo X-ray report echo one runway two five QNH one zero one seven QNH one zero one seven runway two five wilco Hotel Echo X-ray </s>
<s>[INST] C'est Tachango, TNW [/INST] Three Five Tango Hotel Alpha Whiskey </s>
<s>[INST] Oskar, maikē, kolīma, eko, taxi, bit, vien, hengars, vajag, fokstrot. Taxi, bit, vien, hengars, vajag, fokstrot, Oskar, maikē, kolīma, eko. [/INST] Oscar Mike Echo Lima Echo taxi between anchors via foxtrot taxi between anchors via foxtrot Oscar Mike Echo Lima Echo </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Papa Mike, perfect, thank you very much. Thank you very much, Hotel Papa Mike. [/INST] Hotel Papa Mike perfect thank you very much thank you very much Hotel Papa Mike </s>
<s>[INST] runway 16R cleared to land, airstar 767 [/INST] runway one six right cleared to land pass Seven Six Seven </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Victor Bravo, Roger, behind traffic on final, backtrack runway 14 behind. [/INST] Hotel Victor Bravo roger behind traffic on final backtrack runway one four behind </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Charlie Papa, frequency change approved, bis später. [/INST] Hotel Charlie Papa below flight level one hundred Hotel Charlie Papa frequency change approved bis später </s>
<s>[INST] And it's Pfizer-Oyster shock delay waiting on release from debate. [/INST] Twinjet Five Zero on a short delay waiting on our release from the back </s>
<s>[INST] Uniform Gulf wind 240 degrees, 14 knots, runway 25, cleared to take off, right turn out, climb approved, report leaving Cleared to take off, right turn out, report leaving Uniform Gulf [/INST] Uniform Golf wind two four zero degrees one four knots runway two five clear takeoff right turn out climb approved report leaving cleared to takeoff right turn out and report leaving Uniform Golf </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Echo, Echo, Leaf Control Zone, Weihrauch Sulu, Wind 040°, 7 knots, Runway 14, clear for takeoff. [/INST] Hotel Echo Echo please control zone via route zulu wind zero four zero degrees seven knots runway one four cleared for takeoff </s>
<s>[INST] Hotel Papa Golf, turning base runway 32 Hotel Papa Golf, wind 040 degrees, 8 knots, runway 32 cleared to land 32 cleared to land, Hotel Papa Golf [/INST] Hotel Papa Golf turning base runway three two Hotel Papa Golf wind zero four zero degrees eight knots runway three two cleared to land three two cleared to land Hotel Papa Golf </s>
<s>[INST] Oscar Kilo triple hotel, please confirm one more holding Oscar Kilo hotel, hotel, hotel, affirm one holding and then it should be possible to follow LAS runway 06 Roger, thank you [/INST] Oscar Kilo Triple Hotel please confirm one more holding Oscar Kilo Hotel Hotel Hotel affirm one holding and then it should be possible to follow ILS runway zero six roger thank you </s>
<s>[INST] Autodecolier, my firm, remain on my frequency, you are still within the TMA. [/INST] Hotel Echo Lima affirm remain on my frequency you are still within the TMA </s>
<s>[INST] OSKAR KV, mající čány, čány Praha Radar, dobrý den, jste identifikovaný na výstavě vládu 7-0, po výstavě BAL-2, prosím, budeš vytvořit. [/INST] Oscar Kilo Mike Charlie Charlie Praha Radar dobry den you are identified flight level seven zero after Baltu proceed to Benesov </s>
<s>[INST] Stefanik Tau, GD-AE1411, ILS31 [/INST] Stefanik tower good day Austrian One Four One One ILS three one </s>
<s>[INST] Teruskan kawasan 34L dan berhenti oleh Alpha 2, Singapore 231 [/INST] continue approach three four eleven vacate via alpha two Singapore Two Thirty One </s>
<s>[INST] Baird Tower, LLWJNH, KGN, overhead Zulu, advise now to descend into my star, report landing via RZZ. HBKNH1026, enter via RZZ to join final runway 32. [/INST] Bern Tower hello again Hotel Bravo Kilo Golf November zulu five thousand feet descending information charlie for landing by route zulu Hotel Bravo Kilo Golf November Bern Tower QNH one zero two six and arrival route zulu to join final runway three two </s>
<s>[INST] Tom Jet, 704, taxi via Delta, do you hear me? [/INST] Elite Jet Seven Zero Four taxi via Delta to apron Charlie </s>
<s>[INST] GSTAR 912, connect the touch. GSTAR 912. [/INST] Jetstar Nine Twelve contact departure Jetstar Nine Twelve </s>
<s>[INST] 16R cleared to land and understood QNH 498 [/INST] one six right cleared to land and understood Qantas Four Ninety Eight </s>
<s>[INST] Royal Air Maroc 352, contact Zurich apron 121.855, goodbye 121.855, goodbye Royal Air Maroc 352 [/INST] Royalair Maroc Three Five Two contact apron one two one decimal eight five five good bye one two one decimal eight five five good bye Royalair Maroc Three Five Two </s>
<s>[INST] OSCAR TILON, FLAP-UP INDIA, vacate via taxiway WISKY, cross runway 26 and continue to the aircraft Vacate via WISKY, cross 26 and vacate via the aircraft, OSCAR TILON, FLAP-UP INDIA [/INST] Oscar Kilo Alpha Papa India vacate via taxiway whiskey cross runway two six and continue to the airclub vacate via whiskey cross two six and vacate via the airclub Oskar Kilo Papa India </s>