The basic shapes on this are great. My son has really gotten into this puzzle. From a parental standpoint I have a couple of issues. First, the paper coating on the pieces starting peeling the first time he played with it. Second, the picutes underneath are a bit of a stretch. Overall it's the best shape puzzle we've come across, but it could use some work.
I registered for this thinking I was getting a great deal. However, it is really not a user friendly tub. My husband had to 'lock' the tub for me because I couldn't get the tabs down. Once we got it in the locked position, I didn't ever collapse the tub because of the difficulty.
Having the opportunity to test over 900 products means I spend a lot of time using and playing with the products themselves, sometimes I need a little help and having small kids and working with Crayola the two together is the perfect fit.Testing both the Metallic Blue Vehicle kit for boys and the metallic pink Fashion design for girls I found that the kit were well built and very durable. The unit I tested came with 3 "D" cell batteries, but the actual kits don't have this. Once the batteries were installed everything worked without fail.The small bulb inside the desk was designed to makes sure no one run the risk of a burn. The bulb is a low-temperature bulb with a cover that requires a screwdriver in order to remove, which in turn minimizes the risk of burns. The units I recieved had tracing paper, 8 pencils, 2 of which were metallic in color and a tracing pencil; which is standard for every kit..The kit is rated for 6 years or older and I found that with a little help from mom and dad 4 and 5 year old kids can have a great deal of fun. Instructions are included and taped to the top of the desk.With older kids this unit can travel in the car and for the price this product does make a great gift for all occasions and fits well into any family budget. Looking at the quality of the product it is very apparent the Crayola is making every effort to give the consumer more than they ask for. Overall - excellent.
I was overjoyed when Todd Mcfarlane released ASH in the MM3 series and now the MM4 includes ASH's nemesis Evil Ash. This is one cool action figure that I never expected to be produced, but Todd Mcfarlane saw fit to include This Army of Darkness figure in The Movie Maniacs 4 series and that is cool!
This chair, appears to be very convient. Looks can be decieving. I purchased this chair for my one year old. It is made to be strapped on to a kitchen chair, which is pretty high for a 20lb child. My daughter was in her chair, eating breakfast when she leaned over to see our dog. The whole side of the chair snapped, and my daughter fell out of the chair and, on her head, face first. Luckily I was right there and she wasn't hurt severely.I hated this product, and don't recommed ANY parents to buy this for their children.
My husband and I were so excited to receive this gift, but have been really disappointed. Most of the time the CD fails to play and an error message is displayed. I have had to press play about 6 times to get it to work! The player is also very sensitive to movement. Simply putting my baby in the crib causes the player to skip. Finally, every time I try to advance to another track, an error message appears so I can only listen to a CD from beginning to end. Not worth the money at all - spend your money on a boom box for the nursery instead
My 8 mos. old son tore this apart within two weeks. It was so loud that it scared him when we first turned it on. After he was acclimated to the noise he would just bang on the flowers and chase them all over the "garden". Finally one of the bands poked through and he got a hold of it. That was it's last twirl. Now it just plays music and lights up--waste of money. I get better luck with the old fashioned toys that have been around since I was a kid.
So my blood pressure was running high-normal, and my Doc recommended that I take steps to lower it and get a BP monitor to track my progress. When I began using this I became more and more concerned that my head might pop off!! Just got back from my 2 month follow up. The good news is that my blood pressure has actually dropped a little. The bad news is that I wasted my money on this inaccurate piece of junk.
1. the retractable cord is perfect for me..as i tend to leave it out all the time and can just retract the cord and lay it out of the way2. it looks so cool3. the heat settings are perfect...i always use high4. it's not as noisy and loud as my last one5. it just seems smoother
I bought this game 2 years ago for my then 6 year old daughter. She caught on pretty quick and loved to play it very often. The great thing is it is fun for adults too. I love to play it as much as she does. It is a fast paced game that does not get boring. Last year I even bought the computer version and it has helped us become better players of the original version. Get this game and I promise you will not be disappointed.
My son is 2 years old and loves dinosaurs. I bought this for his Leap Pad and he has not put it down for a week now. I would not recommend this for every 2 year old but he is very careful with the books and takes good care of this toy. Lots of dinosaurs and information about them. We are learning a lot!
This toy is AWESOME. It's In My FAVORITE TV show.Me and My freind looked and looked for this toy and it's right here.
After a long day, I spend a few minutes on my massager and the strain of the day eases away all the tension in my body. I had the "chair" version. This one is better. I even got my husband hooked and he is a physiologist who doesn't usually advocate homeopathic therapies...a great product at a great price. (Other places sell it for (much more).)
My son got this from santa when he was 3, he loves it!!! Occasionally the space helmet popls off, but is easily put back on. It has really stood up to the durability test too. The voice soinds like the actual buzz lightyear!
I bought this item for my 4 year old and not only is it hard to open and shut, it broke within about 6 months. If you put the number of barbies in that it suggest, it will not close. You cannot put Ken dolls in it.It is a nice idea and I am usually a fan of all the barbie items, but not this one.
Wow, what a great product. I purchased this for my sister - who just had twins. This saves her HOURS of preparation as she is very careful to have no germs anywhere near her precious babies. As a 31 yar-old first-time mom, she cried and was worried that she couldn't handle motherhood when she initially got home with her twin preemies. Products like this really made the transition much easier for her, and after four weeks, she feels pretty confident with what she's done and learned already. This product is a *snap* to use, and she can spend her available time doing other needed things. I highly recommend this to every new mom - ESPECIALLY of multiples!!
This is by no means "odorless". It smells with even 1 dirty diaper. My now 15 month old can just "pop" open the top and reach in and pull out the dirty diapers- yuck! Her room constantly smells like diapers so we throw out the dirty ones in the garage and just use the diaper pail for wet ones. I would NOT recommend it. I am expecting #2 and will have to buy another diaper pail.
This was a fun toy and I played with it all year long. i never wanted to put it down. I reconmed it to all children 7 years and older.
MAN OH MAN!!! That is what you say when you buy this gun. It is the best nerf gun I have ever bought. Do not listen to what the other reviews are saying. There is no "air-leak". I really takes like 20 pumps to work. I don't see how the darts will fly everywhere. As long as you point it in one direction, trust me, they will shoot that way. This gun is the coolest gun ever and I guarentee you will love it.
The actual playset is very sturdy and has many extras. I particularly like the train hat and set that comes with the Rev. I do have one complaint, however. The playset should have included the greatest Simpson's quote ever:"Oh my god, he's the real deal!"But I digress, the toy looks pretty good (minus the rather large eyes) and the church looks better than I had imagined.
Does the rain got you down? You feel like you have nothing to do? Do you have 3 hours to spare? Hell, if you answered yes to all these questions, then dn't hesitate to purchase "Axis and Allies", this challenging game is good for two to five players who have a good, solid 3 hours to play a board game. Hell every now and then, i'll play the Germans do topple the US. HeHe, it's all in good fun.
hey, they're colored pencils from crayola, what more can you say? they work well, they let a child be creative, and there's lots of colors to play with. good set of art supplies.
This was a present for my 11 month old girl. She can easily close and open the lid. She claps and giggles at the music. Even my 4 year old plays with this. He likes to stack the shapes. Seems durable so far. My only problem is while picking up toys after the kids go to bed you can easily trigger the music and there is no way to stop it. But otherwise, we love this toy!
This was a great toy at first but stopped working correctly within a few months. The feedback and talking of the pins started to work only sporadically even with several changes of batteries. While my daughter still plays with it, it is not more fun than a cheap plastic set of pins and ball.
Daughter loved it but pulled it down on her self (in less then 5 minutes after seeing it) as she tried to pull up on it. This problem could be solved if the base was big enough for a child to stand/ sit on it as they play or if the base was heavier then the top wheel so it wouldn't be so top heavy. BEWARE OF THIS TOY! My duaghter (nine months old) got a black eye and busted lip because of this toys' design flaw.
Bought this toy for my infant son & he LOVES it! We take it everywhere & it's like his little lovey. It attaches to almost anything, making for familiarity & interest in any situation. He loves to bat at it when it's dangling from the stroller shade. Well worth the money!
If you always lose games or just love to play games this is the game for you. There is absolutely no skill involved in this game so if you always lose you have to win this game eventually. Amazingly this game never gets old. I use to play this game with my grandma when I was 5. I'm 22 now and I still love it. There is nothing more exciting about getting a double hoofer or a double razorback. Another great thing about this game is that everyone is really relaxed and it never ends up in an ugly fight. I am super competitive and always end up in fights. I have never had this game end up in a fight (Ok there was that one time when my brother caught me cheating at least that's what he called it, I called it strategic placement of my pigs.) A must own for everyone.
Great for those whose imaginations can run wild. Just make up definitions for the words and vote on what you think is the right one. Cleverly written definitions will stump everyone. Lots of fun to play.
Okay, this Barbie is just adorable. I got his for my little sister and she likes it. It's not one of the better dolls but good for the value. Everyone knows that girls just really can't have too many Barbies.
This board may be nice since it is sturdy and made of wood, but there are too few pieces that come with it. My (almost) 4 year old twins have liked pounding pegs into the holes and assembling the other pieces, but there is not too much to do with the few pieces, so they get bored. I bought extra nails and screws and tools, but each new set also has too few piece, and at a significant expense. For example, one set added two wheels and only one L-shaped "doodad". So we still can't build a car -- or even a wheelbarrow, since that would require one moreL-shaped "doodad"! VERY FRUSTRATING! Plus, every time I buy a set, I get more of the nails, or tools, which I no longer need.There must be better, and cheaper, building sets out there. The Brio train sets are much more practical.
Celeste is the BEST!! My son absolutely loves this toy! We take it everywhere that we go. My son is very particular about toys. To this point, he hasn't cared for much of anything that I have bought for him. Then one day I was shopping for something else and picked this up and gave it to him. He immediately held on and put it in his mouth. When I tried to take it away to pay for it, he cried. Right now he is 5 1/2 months old and we have had Celeste for about 6 weeks. My son loves to hold on to the black and white tentacles and put the toys in his mouth. He much prefers the sunshine side to the moon/stars side. The toy is very soft and plush and Jameson loves to just pet it with his hands. He also likes the little handle loop at the top bacause it makes a crinkly noise. I recommend this toy because it is very soft and extremely well-made. It doesn't have that harsh sort of cheap feel that so many other soft baby toys have. The face is very inviting and has so many places and textures for a baby to grab onto. Although I have yet to wash it this way, it looks as if it would easily wash in the washing machine.
I read the reviews before buying this toy to make sure it was a good deal and I have not been disappointed. My daughter is 2 1/2 and she loves playing with it. When she has friends over they love to play with it too.I would recommend this toy to any friends with children.
Its a great quality action figure,but it only has two weapons with it. It looks great, the design for it. I would recommend you buy more than on action figure with this one. This action figure is no fun by itself. Another reason to collect all three is to assemble Metal Gear Ray. Its a great action figure. Buy it!
Mage Knight is a collectible miniature figurine game. You play by using strategy and battle using math. It is a very challenging game and I wouldnt reccomend it to children 10 and under. Of course some of the smaller figures are sensitive, so they can break when being held while clicking the base. The best part is buying a booster and having the surprise of getting a rare figure. Some of the unique figures are worth quite alot of money so try and keep them in good condition. There are also tournaments where you battle other people and can win prizes.Overall, Mage Knight is an awesome hobby and is extremely addictive.Hans
Just like dice - but more entertaining! I used this game to fill time at my son's "camp out" birthday party. The boys were 8-11 years old and had a blast "passing the pigs" around the table. Just don't "pig out!"
I think this zoid is da bomb.It is the only sniper zoid.It also has realy cool guns.Leina's I think is cooler with all those cool guns and those awsome missles.I think it is the best!!!!!
When I bought these two years ago for my daughter, they were the best sheets! Thickly padded and washed and dried like a dream. I still have them and use then regularly. THEN, when my son came along this year, I got two more. WHAT JUNK! They are now less than half as thick and after only one washing the vinyl backing is all wrinkled. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY, they won't last a month of washing.
We got this toy for my son when he was 1 years old at a garage sale, in great condition. He was king of the road from the get go, driving it in the house and outside. He is 3.5 and still I have to say this toy is played with almost EVERY day, (if I leave it in the house) which I consider pretty amazing! He never seems to tire of the crazy thing! I am also amazed at how creative he is with this toy. When he was little he would just ride in it. But now that he is 3.5, he has not grown out of its size or its play factor. I think he'll drive this car til he virtually cannot fit in it!He has done everything from pretend grocery shopping with it, placing can goods in the little space/trunk, making it into a pick-up/dumper truck with a basket tied on with a bungie cord, to turning it into a mobile tent with his blankie. It has also carried every toy, animal and goodie from here to eternity!I have to say it is the best toy purchase I have made for my son that has lasted day after imaginative day. It could be the fact that my son is enamored with driving, but I think this toy is a hit with almost all kids that own them (boy OR girl). They are worth the money, and will withstand a few kids easily. The only real wear it shows is the headlight stickers are beginning to peel off.I plan on passing it down to my baby daughter as she grows into it...IF HE WILL LET HER that is! :)
Sequence is great fun. Almost every other night my grandparents walk over to our house (they live a block away), and we play something like 6 rounds! It's great for all ages - my 8 year old brother likes it, and so do my grandparents! It teaches strategy and team work. You can play it with 2 people, or pretty much how ever many you can get. Simple, but it's really fun!
My sister bought this for my son's birthday. He had it for two months before it died. He was very upset. My mom is sending him a new one for Christmas. I'm sure that one will die too.
Wonderful toy. We have had it since last Christmas and it has held up extremely well with my 5 yr old! He still plays with it. One note though
Whatever my baby may think about the sounds I don't know. The light is helpful. But the frequency of battery purchases makes this noisemaker a waste of money. Buy one that plugs into the wall. Oh yeah...the sounds are not that good either.
We bought this for my 8 year old son and it was a total bust. The various field pieces did not hold together well even when anchored to a large Lego building board. Needless to say my son lost interest very quickly. Most Lego items are very well designed to be played with - this is not one of them.
I have played this game at least 20 times. It can be fun, educational, and both at the same time! I have played it with as many as ten people, working as teams, mostly playing it just to have fun, which this game is great at doing. I have also played it with a good friend of mine where we use calculators to figure our costs and income in order to decide whether to buy and what to buy. We were in tough competition, counting our every penny, and we played until we ran out of the little crop stickers. We made $100,000 bills out of paper so that we could keep going even after the bank ran out of money. We were millionaires, and we learned a lot too! An awesome game, "invented on the seat of a tractor."
The only thing that I don't like about it is that my daughter almost fell out there are no seat belts or harnes. Also there are no floor boards.
I bought this for my son when he was 3yrs old last Christmas. One year on and Buzz is still the tops and is still my sons favourite toy. Buzz has survived the rigors of daily play with a 3-4yr old amazingly well! He has been everywhere with us, he has travelled round the world, he has been dropped, scraped, banged, bashed, knocked etc etc and still looks almost new. Money very well spent, the best purchase of last Christmas by far!!
My in-laws gave this toy to my son for Christmas when he was 19 months old. I thought he was a little young, but he did enjoy pushing all the buttons and making the frog sing.To my amazement, this toy taught him all the letters of the alphabet well before he turned 2. After just a few months of playing with this toy, he could correctly point to any letter I named ("Where is X") and correctly name any letter I pointed to ("What is this?").The song to teach each letter is the same, so to an adult the singing is rather repetitious. But this doesn't seem to bother children. After several months of play, a couple of the letters became hard to push, but that bothered me more than it did my son.I was impressed with how effectively an electronic toy could teach such a young child. I never set out to teach my son the alphabet so early, he learned it all on his own by interacting with this toy.
Five hurrahs for this toy!This is the toy of the moment in my daughter's world - she'd spend her day there if I didn't bother her! At 3 months, she's beginning to reach out to explore the world around her. To her delight, she can kick and bop the toys attached to the arc over her head. She loves the simple song played by the seahorse, she can grab the octopus' legs and pull them to her mouth, she loves to gaze at her reflection in the mirror on the turtle's belly, and the rainbow and whale both rattle when hit! There are two really nifty things about it from a parental point of view
This is the best tub on the market! It is inexpensive, versatile, comfortable for babies of all ages, and compact enough for easy traveling. We've been using it everyday for 10 months and NEVER had a problem with leaking. I think leaks are a function of not being set up properly by the user - not a problem with the tub itself. No it won't fit in a small sink, but neither will any tub that can be used beyond a baby's first couple of months. Definitely give this product a try!
We bought this for our son for his first birthday and he just loved it. It has to be put together exactly as described, it took me a couple tries, but we have had no trouble at all with it since. He loves to hear the music and try to figure out where the balls are going to come out next. He is 21 months now and still loves the toy. It is very sturdy and he's never fallen or been able to take it apart. Well worth the purchase!
I was disappointed in the jack in the box. It was smaller than expected and the music was not clear. I would recommend spending more money on a better one.
My son received this for Christmas last year (he was 2 then). He loved it right off the bat. Now, his 1 year old brother also loves it. Toots is great - can run on the track or just across the floor. Both of my boys have spent alot of time playing with this and it's held up well - even after being disassembled/reassembled twice. Only complaint - Fisher Price if you're listening - is that the train runs on 4 "AA" batteries - with a train of this size, you'd think they could've designed it to run off of "C" batteries or something - stock up on the "AA" cause Toots goes thru fuel fast! Otherwise a great toy.
Eeyore is surprisingly engaging and easier to play with than several of the other "Ask Me" toys for my 1 year old son. The bobbing head and the waggling ears make him squel with delight almost every time Eeyore speaks. Batteries have lasted a long time and the mechanism seems to keep on working even after repeated hugs during its operation that make me wonder if the gears will strip but they don't!
I believed everyone's great reviews for this item and put it on my registry. To my dismay, this product is NOT a champ. Yes, it may be economical because you use your own bags, but there's a flaw in the design. Everytime you want to empty out the pail, you open up the lid to an open bag filled with all your dirty and SMELLY diapers. Yes, the champ keeps the odor inside the pail but the bag mouth is open until you take it out of the pail (at which time the odors are all released) to tie it. I retured it and purchased the much contended Diaper Genie (...) to have a truly oderless room.
I was interested in ordering this item and watched for many weeks hoping that Amazon.com would add a picture of the item or at the very least a description indicating which figures are included. Finally I got tired of waiting and just ordered it without knowing what exactly I would get.As it turns out the 4 pack is titled "Battle For Metropolis" and features figures of Superman, Lex Luthor (in battle armor), Lois Lane (her first appearance as an action figure), and Brainiac the evil android. Each figure comes with assessories and everything is packaged in a long window box that displays very nicely.If you want a hot collectible then this is for you! It has the first Lois Lane figure along with Superman and his top two foes.If you are looking for a great toy for a child, then this is also for you! Kids will have hours of fun playing with Superman, his arch enemies, and Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane! The animated series Justice League and the live action show Smallville have both made Superman and Superman related character very HOT at right now so any child would love to receive this set as a gift!Why not pick up one as a gift and one for yourself to save as a collectible! Don't wait too long. When Amazon.com finally decides to include pics and a description of this product it will sell out fast!
My seven-month old loves playing with this toy whenever we visit the doctor's office. He loves to manipulate the knobs and buttons and make the animals pop up. An added bonus is that this toy isn't electronic -- no batteries! I haven't seen it in our local stores, so I'm pleased to see it for sale online.
This product is a big waste of money and time! It is so messy and hard to handle. You practically have to put your whole arm inside the thing to get the diaper in far enough. When your ready to empty it you can never get the stupid cutter to work right. Not to mention the constant odor! I learned the hard way about the Diaper Genie. We eventually started just throwing the diapers in the trash. I would definitely recommend the Diaper Champ now that I am about to have my second child. There are no expensive refills to buy and it only takes one hand to operate. Definitely a much better product than the Diaper Genie!
The pieces are classic Staunton style, solid plastic, and regulation size. They will not break from being knocked onto the hard floor. (but you would be surprised at how they bounce around!) The board is your typical cardboard gameboard, but it's the right size and it gets the job done in good taste. It's kind of an advantage that this isn't a fancy set, because it forces you to concentrate more on the game. I bought this set to keep at work. If it gets stolen or busted up, I'm not out of much money. If you need a good quality chess set, but don't want to break the bank this is a good way to go. It's a great way to get into the world's best 2 person game.-Jeremy
This product is amazing. It is easy to change. It uses regular bags. It's odor free. And best of all, you can put the diaper in it and flip the handle with one hand. I absolutely love it. I had the Diaper Genie before this and was so unhappy with it. It broke within 2 weeks of when I started using it. I bought the Diaper Champ for a friend off of her registry, and after seeing how it worked, I bought one for myself. I love this product. It is a must for anyone with a child in diapers.
The same thing happened to me. When I placed my order in the beginning of November, this set was NOT suppose to be the expansion set. It was the starter set. Then there were problems with the manufacturer. I received it a short time ago and just now realized I received the expansion set. This is a big disappointment and a HUGE mistake.
A trivia game with a twist. Unlike most other trivia games there is never that one person or that one team that always wins. Because the teams constantly change, not only can anyone play but anyone can win. I've played this with friends and family and we always had fun - it was a huge hit last Christmas and will be again this year.
This is one of my favorite owls and favorite puppets. You really need to see it to appreciate just how gorgeous it is. The only drawback that I have found is in trying to fasten the wings back into the "at rest" position. They seem to pull too tightly on the owl. Of course, that could just be on mine.
We bought this for our grandaughters first birthday and she just loves it! My daughter said that she was so excited to get her own little car! She walks behind it and roams the house with it all day long, and she also likes to ride it too. Our three children all had ride-on toys, and loved them, so this was a must for our grandaughter. What a great choice it was! We always loved the Little Tikes brand. They last forever, so that is one of the brands that we will continue to buy.
This Solid Snake figure is definatley cool! However I truly was dissapointed with how few accessories and weapons he came with. On the plus side, the detail and great positions he can be put in makes up for it. i thought it was also a great marketing idea to have a piece with each figure to build Metal Gear ray was definately smarts. Nice job McFarlane, this ones a winner
The pictures were vital to figuring out how to put the 900 pieces together. We still found a handful of parts left over. The motor worked just fine. All the parts moved, including the panels and the antennae. I would suggest that you put the solar panel decals on the plastic panels before you assemble the whole mast.Big issue
I had originally bought the "traditional" hard baby tub for my son.......that was my first mistake. Dont waste your money on those! He would constantly slip downward or side to side. It was very scary for him and bath time ended up being such an unpleasant experience for him. I wish I had done research and found the Safer Bather first. This tub is fantastic!!! It cradles your infant and there is no fear of slipping in any direction for them. The cloth material is very comfortable, warm, and it helps keeps your baby in place. This product is a MUST and no baby should do without!!
My son got this for a present when he was a little under 2. These were the precursor to his love for all Lego-type toys. He has since gone on to smaller and more complex "blocks" including tinker toys and Lincoln Logs - but he still plays with these whenever his 1 year old brother drags them out of the toy box. They are about as durable as anything comes and they really help hand-eye coordination.
The lights are fasinating and the noise has volume control which was good for mom. My 7 month old like to eat the balls more that anything but overall, it did encourage her to become a better crawler.
I thought the Barbie & Ken Munster dolls were very realiatic looking. Sometimes faces on the dolls are not good as others. My daughter is a Barbie collector and I know these will be one of her Favorites!(She is 21) My husband is a fan of the old Munster shows and was impressed by the dolls. (I am thinking of getting him a set too) Really!The only reason I rated it lower on educational was not because of a negative response;but it is a fun toy.
This was a nice piece of hardware, but I wonder if it was ever tested on a really dirty floor.The FloorMate went together well, and was easy to use, but don't think that this is a substitute for a dedicated floor scrubber. It was effective at cleaning floors that had little build up or dirt, but wasn't up to the challenge of a dirty, high traffic spot like a kitchen floor.I cleaned a three foot by three foot area of the floor, spending nearly 10 minutes on the test area, with little noticeable improvement. The cleaning agent provided, coupled with the very soft brushes did little at removing stubborn dirt. Hoover's suggestion of using a strong detergent and a stiff brush to remove the dirt made me wonder why I needed the machine in the first place.There is no way to disable the vacuum pickup, so using a stronger, non-recommended cleaner was not possible since the vacuum would bring it into the machine. If the vacuum could be turned off, it could be used as a simble scrubber, but even that is not possible.The scrubbing brushes provided are very soft, with no substitutes available for harder jobs.The FloorMate is a good machine to use if you have already spotless floors and want to maintain them. However, don't expect it to compete with a dedicated floor scrubbing machine.
This diaper pail is excellent. No odors have escaped the pail in 3 months. I am very pleased with it. I do have one word of caution
I bought these for my 7 year old nephew for Christmas and he immediately put them on and wanted to shut all of the lights off. He has been using them for almost a year and still uses them. It's rare for a toy to hold his interest that long. They are great for pretend play.
I thought I would write a review on this gizmo. I gave this to my friend for Xmas (we exchanged gifts early). He is 23 and could not stop playing with it. It was the perfect thing for him. He is so smart and inquisitive. He enjoys the complexity of and the engineering behind it. He has had a great time figuring out a variety of uses for it. He is starting a project to convert it into a disco ball using LEDs. It should make for an very interesting party.
This is one of my favorite shower gifts. I had it on my registry because I thought it was neat. My daughter absolutly finds it amazing. She is 10 weeks old and will lay watch it intently. I have a friend that also has this mobile and is concerned with taking it away from her daughter. She loves it so much that she will turn it on by herself at 5 months. I highly recommend this product to anyone having a baby!
At last!! One machine for hard wood floors that DOES work well!Are floors are maintained and we do not experience "dirt build-up".. so we are very happy with the Floor Mate. I just need to know where to buy additional Old English solution refills (by theway- your floors smell great when finished!!) I hope refills will be available. I can't wait to try the tile and marble next!Thanks Hoover for saving my back!!!
I have the From Dusk To Dawn warmer which is wonderful but is to big to carry the whole thing back and forth from the kitchen to the bedroom at night and vice versa. That's why I bought this one to keep on the kitchen counter for daytime feedings. I am so glad I did. This is a great warmer! Its terrific design holds ANY kind of bottle PLUS includes a special basket to heat baby food jars. The water vile is transparent and has lines so you can customize and remember the perfect water level for the amount of formula your heating. The "on" button lights up when it is running and shuts off automatically when it is fully heated. (My 4 yr old son even tells me when the bottle is ready) Its also nice and small so it doesnt take up much room on your counter. I'm very glad I purchased this product.
I have been an avid Axis & Allies player for over ten years, and was eagerly looking forward to this game's arrival on the shelves. Sadly, I was very disappointed. It is very clear to me that not only did the game designers not properly play-test this game, they also didn't read their history texts.First of all, the game allows the impossible
I would recommend this pump to everyone. If you are not going back to work and don't need to pump all day long this is the product for you. If you can't get let down with this pump then there is a problem. I never had any problem with let down. In fact I find the suction overwhelming and need to back off a bit. I can usually pump 5 ounces in under 10 minutes. I have been using mine for 8 months and it just died on me and will go buy another. It's like any other electric object. If you use it long enough it's sure to go. As for the noise...oh well. It's a better pump then the Evenflow.
If you like murder mystery games, this one goes far beyond Clue. Be the first to get the correct answers to score the most points. This is a great game for a group of people or for just three. It is similar to Clue in concept but without the board. It is also more involved because you try to discover more information (such as time of day, location, murderer, motive, etc.) Even when it is not your turn, you can pick up information from noticing not only other players questions and answers, but which players are asking and answering. As in Clue, one person announces when they decide they have figured everything out. But, in Alibi, everyone then makes their best guesses and everyone may earn some points. It can be an addictive game and I have yet to find someone who has played that did not like it. It is small enough to be easily carried and interesting enough for any group of people. Also, it can be adapted to different types of players. Use a simpler version with children and a more complicated version with more sophisticated players. If you like games, this would be an excellent addition to your collection.
As I type this review, my kids (young adults) and their grandparents are playing Pit. The grandparents introduced us to this game and we often play at their house. When I saw this DELUXE version of Pit, that comes with a bell, I just had to get it for them!A simple game to learn, ALL ages can enjoy this game together. 7 year olds could play this game and the adults don't necessarily have an advantage over the kids, which makes it fun for everyone.Be ready to be LOUD - right now I can hear shouts of "Three, three, three" and laughter and I'm not even on the same floor as the Pit-Players!I read in another review that this game was introduced in 1904. Obviously, this is a game that has staying power! Isn't it great that even with modern technology which allowed me to purchase this game online, we can enjoy games that were invented decades ago!Turn off the TV, and spend time with your family playing games. Go make some memories!...
My Mom bought our son this for Christmas when he was 1 1/2. He wasn't at all interested in it.(He got two other ride-ons for Christmas that year.) It sat around the house for almost a year before he even noticed it and then he only used it to climb on the counters and get into the cupboards for chips and cookies! Then when he decided to try to ride it, the wheels would stick and he ended up just scooting across the floor-no fun at all.We also noticed that it had a tendency to cause him to fall forward over the handle bars. The seat was too far from the handles and also had a large square "bump" sticking up in the front. We finally gave it away to charity- looking brand new.
I had tinkertoys when I was a kid in the 70's. I wish I knew what happened to that set. In over 15 years of play, I only had two parts break from being stepped on. Now I have a son of my own who requested Tinkertoys for Christmas. I was disappointed right away that everything was much bigger than the 'classic' ones. Of course, doesn't bigger mean better and more durable? Five minutes out of the can, the first rod broke in my 6 year old's hand. I thought he was just being too rough so I tried a few connection tests. Within minutes, I had several more rods cracked and a wooden connector and an end cap split. My son loves building with the ones that haven't broken yet and doesn't want me to take them back, but I don't want to wait for them to split too. I want the good old 'classic' perfect size, durbable toys. Bring them back! I'm going to take this set back and take my chances with the plastic version. If that fails, maybe I'll make my own. I miss the 'real' Tinkertoys.
Okay, we were tortured for weeks before Christmas for this toy for our four year old son. He loves it. But beware, make sure you read the box (which we did not do). This Center comes with no action figures and the only place it says it is the very bottom of the back of the box (which we noticed as we tossed the box away starting assembly). After almost an hour of putting it together and my son seeing the figures on the picture in the front, he was very disappointed, as were we, that the figures (or atleast one) was not in the box. Being Christmas Day, there isn't a store around that is open, so he will suffer for today. But, he did go and get some of his other figures and they played on the Center most of the day. I was pleased with the size and durablity of the product for the price. Nice toy for the little guys (and gals) :)
My 10 year old loves this game. Any kids and/or adults who play like it also. Even my 3 year old can play on a team with someone. The goal is to fill you board with shapes, but there are a few rules that make it intriguing. It is fun and gets a little competitive as the game progresses. Excellent for teaching basic geometry skills. I hope this game becomes available again, as I would like to buy more as gifts.
The Advent Bottle Warmer was given to us as a gift and we swear it is the one thing we use the most. We heat up all bottles and food for our little girl in this warmer. We even leave a bottle of water in the warmer at all times (on low) for emergency feedings. We can't begin to tell you how useful the warmer has been for us. We are always ready for what our little girl needs. By the way if your Advent bottle warmer is over filling use common sense and don't put that much water in it!!! Heeellooo.
My 3 1/2 year old daughter and 5 year old son can not get enough of this marvelous toy. Even dad says he can listen to it all day! I purchased the Mozart and Cinderella cartridges and have found the favorite to be Mozart for the children. They spend hours arranging and rearranging the blocks to produce different instrument sounds from Mozart's Night Music. This is a toy I keep out for the chidren to play since they are always returning to it for more music and composition. This is a must for this age group. It is exciting to find the "perfect toy" that makes memories.
If you like Risk then get this game as quick as you can.The addition of the commanders, the cards, the moon and the underwater cities are great. But what really sets this game apart is the addition of 'energy' and the limited number of rounds.You acquire energy at the start of your turn just like reinforcement troops. You use the energy to buy commanders and cards but you also use it to bid for turn order. The new turn order at the start of each round adds all kinds of new strategies to the game. I hope other games pick up this idea.The limited number of rounds means you know the game will be over in a couple of hours instead of lasting all night like the old game. We usually play two or three five player games in one night. It also means no more sitting around building up forces. Your buddies who like to sit on their hands will quickly learn they have to get on the ball and act each turn.
My son really, really wanted this toy. To date, I have been very happy with Hot Wheels products. Unfortunately, this one is a huge disappointment. Like previous reviews, the cars fly off the track, but I think it's should do that, but not before they make it all the way around. Not once, has one car made it all the way around the loop. My son got spider slam though and he loves it. I think I'll return it.
Low-priced, blonde Barbie with minimal accessories - hairbrush, bag, shoes. She wears a pretty pink mini-dress with a floral print. The yellow accents match her bag and shoes. Her shoulder joints bend in 2 directions, and her knees bend a little. She has the "classic" torso, which swivels about a quarter of the way in each direction on a tiny waist, with disproportionately large bustline & narrow hips, and painted on underpants.Having examined & played with the 2 new torso types, both the one with a more realistic but immovable waist, and the "ever-flex," which combines realism with a soft rubbery middle that bends in all directions, I have decided I like the classic one best, because it is very durable and moves most freely.A perfect first Barbie.
My 9 year old daughter wanted this game for Christmas, and being a huge fan of *nsync and loving board games, I thought this would be a lot of fun for her, and it really is! Although some of the trivia fact answers are different from what we have read elsewhere, the game does not take long to play and is a blast for anyone who loves these guys!! We highly recommend it!!
This doll looks exactly like Vivien Leigh, and if your looking for a Gone With The Wind doll, consider purchasing this one. Miss Scarlett may seem highly priced, but after my research of Gone With The Wind dolls, she is one of two that have actual face sculpturing. And she is the lowest priced, and most detailed and well sculptured one! Defintetly consider this doll for your collection.
I bought this train for my 2-year-old son for Christmas. Beside choosing a destination and saying "Go," he isn't involved in the operation of the train at all. He wants to push it and play with it, but that just messes up the system the train has. After one day of play, it's "brain" stopped working right and would not move to the destination of choice. We returned it the day after Christmas! Maybe it would be more fun for older kids, but I would not recommend it for 2-year-olds.
I wish I could rate this as no stars. It was a disappointment more so because it was such a great idea, and I was hoping for a carefree relaxing bath. First off, The huge vacuum with the hose out the back end was LOUD. o.k., I thought, so it's loud but I stuck the multitude of small little suction cups on the bottom of the tub and got in. With the tub filled, the mat had to be held down by brute force and a number of times, the hose popped off the mat. It was somewhat massaging but the air bubbles cooled the water to an uncomfortable temperature and the heat setting did not do a whit of difference. the handy suction cup holder to keep the remote out of the water. (who ever would think a tub spa's remote would not handle a dunk in the water?) Well I read the instructions carefully and the remote immediately needed to be dried off and the batteries taken out and dried and the whole thing needs time to dry. The next time I tried it (yes I was determined) I got the whole tub floor wet and pushed down on all 24 or so of those little suction cups and tried it again. Still the same story. As I try to push down on the part of the mat coming up by my feet, the part by my head comes up. I end up having to lie there totally flat while the mat bubbles come up around me cooling my nice hot bath water. the hose pops off yet again and I go to use the remote (which is this time not in the precarious holder) and sick and tired of all the faults already I try to turn it off and the remote doesn't even work. This is not relaxing.
I haven't actually played with one yet, but I'm buying one right now. If it's anything like the 6 Toa or the Turaga I have, It's going to be awesome. I already have two Rahi(the bad guys) sets.
My Daughter got this toy for her 6th birthday. It is fun to play with without the mindstation. With the mindstation it becomes a fun educational tool, because parents can customize what their children are learning, and can track their progress.My daughter and her best friend spent hours playing with this toy at a recent sleepover!!!
My son loves his Leap Pad. We play with it all of the time. It also gives me another a chance to get involved. He is really learning alot with it.
Why is it not mentioned on the page displaying the Mind Station that you will need an additional part (the tray that holds the pages) for your Leap Pad?To find this information, you need to go all the way down to the Never-Ending Learning Club page for the Leap Pad on the Leapfrog website and even there it is not clearly marked. And as we have found out, it is VERY difficult to hold the pages in place.When you read the description, it sounds like all you have to do is pop the cartridge into the Mind Station and the pop it into the toy. Great if you have one of the other toys, not if you have a Leap Pad. You need to register with the Never-Ending Learning club to get the tray.My son has thoroughly enjoyed using his Leap Pad for the last year. This was very disappointing for both him and his parents.
Extremely disappointed with this toy. I found this toy to be very difficult to use. Initially, I thought my four year-old did not weigh enough to really "stomp" the spiders, but even after I tried to play (I weigh 150 pounds), I found that I rarely got a score for stomping the spiders. Also, the games are set up on a 30 second cycle. This is barely time for a youngster to start playing the game, let alone enough time to stomp a few spiders.I tried the game on a hard surface with very little improvement in its performance. My son really enjoys the "Chuckie-Cheese" version of this game with the rounded stompers and the pictures of spiders, but got extremely frustrated with the "at-home" version.I rated it 1 star for fun, since there isn't a rating below one. Two stars for educational since it would be if it worked and five stars for durability since we couldn't make a dent on the game itself.
I received this toy yesterday. It's the Darth Vader Emperor's Wrath version. One of Hasbro's great Darth Vader designs. Arrived in perfect condition.