A 55 year old man has diarrhoea and weight loss for 9 months. He has an intensely itchy red rash on his buttocks and thighs. Investigations: Haemoglobin 108 g/L (130–175) Blood film: anisocytosis. Which is the most likely histological appearance on small bowel biopsy?
Hyperplasia of Brunner’s glands
Increased intraepithelial macrophages
Increased lymphocytes in submucosa
Villous atrophy
Villous atrophy
A 26 year old woman is asking for strong pain relief for her abdominal pain and is seen in the Emergency Department. She has no significant past medical history. She looks malnourished. She is restless and irritable. Her temperature is 37.1°C. Which non-prescribed substance is the most important to enquire about in this presentation?
A 74 year old man has painless jaundice and pale faeces for 1 week. He has lost 4 kg in weight in 3 months. His temperature is 37.4°C, pulse rate 90 bpm, BP 138/76 mmHg, respiratory rate 18 breaths per minute. His sclera and skin are yellow. Chest and abdominal examinations are normal. Which is the most appropriate investigation?
CT scan of abdomen
Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography
MR cholangio-pancreatography
PET scan of abdomen
Ultrasound scan of the abdomen
CT scan of abdomen
A 26 year old woman has taken an overdose of paracetamol and is seen in the Emergency Department. She says the overdose was impulsive and now regrets taking the tablets. Investigations: Paracetamol level below treatment line for N-acetylcysteine. Which is the most appropriate course of action?
Admit to psychiatric ward from the Emergency Department
Assessment by liaison psychiatry in Emergency Department
Discharge home with GP follow-up
Prescribe antidepressant medication
Refer for cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
Assessment by liaison psychiatry in Emergency Department
A 75 year old woman has sudden onset left-sided chest pain and breathlessness for 1 hour. She also had one episode of haemoptysis. She had a total hip replacement for a fractured neck of femur 3 days ago and is on the orthopaedic ward. Her temperature is 37.2°C, pulse rate 100 bpm, BP 132/78 mmHg, respiratory rate 22 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 92% breathing air. Chest examination is normal. Which is the most appropriate diagnostic investigation?
Arterial blood gases
Chest X-ray
CT pulmonary angiogram
CT pulmonary angiogram
A 48 year old man has moderate epigastric pain for 2 days and is seen at his GP surgery. He had a duodenal ulcer 6 months ago and was treated with Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy. Which is the most appropriate test to confirm Helicobacter pylori eradication?
C13 urea breath test
Faecal Helicobacter antigen
Gastric aspirate urease test
Helicobacter pylori serology
Repeat endoscopy and biopsy
C13 urea breath test
An 18 year old man has visual disturbance after he was punched in the face. He has double vision when he looks upwards. He has a left periorbital haematoma and enophthalmos. Which is the most likely site of fracture?
Frontal bone
Nasal bones
An 18 year old woman has blurred vision for 24 hours and is seen in the Emergency Department. She has increased thirst and drinks 4 litres of water a day. She has lost 10 kg's in weight in 6 weeks. Her temperature is 37.2°C, pulse rate 100 bpm, BP 90/50 mmHg, respiratory rate 30 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 98% breathing air. Which is the most important initial investigation?
Arterial blood gases
Blood cultures
Capillary glucose
Full blood count
Serum electrolytes
Capillary glucose
A 78 year old man has low back pain for 6 weeks and is seen in his GP surgery. There is no history of trauma. He has not taken any analgesia for his pain. He takes no regular prescription medication. He has previously been treated for polymyalgia rheumatica. His BMI is 22 kg/m² and his temperature is 37.4 °C. There is bony tenderness over his lumbar spine. There is no radiation of pain. Neurological examination is normal. Investigations: Haemoglobin 78 g/L (130–175) ESR 98 mm/hr (<20) Which is the most likely diagnosis?
Mechanical back pain
Multiple myeloma
Osteoporotic wedge fracture
Recurrence of polymyalgia rheumatica
Multiple myeloma
An 8 week old boy has worsening vomiting for 3 weeks. He is feeding well and is constantly hungry but is losing weight. He has wet nappies and no diarrhoea. His pulse rate is 110 bpm, respiratory rate 24 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 98% breathing air. Which is the most likely acid base state?
Metabolic acidosis
Metabolic alkalosis
Normal acid/base state
Respiratory acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Metabolic alkalosis
A 27 year old woman has a small area of redness on her right breast for 4 weeks. A course of antibiotics, given 3 weeks ago, slightly improved the redness. She has had similar episodes before. She has a red superficial tender lump at the edge of her right areola and 0.5 mL of greenish fluid is aspirated. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
Breast abscess
Breast cancer
Duct papilloma
Paget's disease
Periductal mastitis
Periductal mastitis
A 93 year old woman is in hospital having completed treatment for a urinary tract infection. She has mild dementia. She lives alone. She is medically fit for discharge and is keen to go home but her daughter is unhappy about this course of action. Which is the most appropriate next step?
Arrange for an assessment by an independent advocate
Assess patient's mental capacity to decide about her discharge
Contact local psychiatry team for assessment
Discharge to a nursing home
Keep in hospital until daughter agrees
Assess patient's mental capacity to decide about her discharge
A 30 year old man took an overdose of 45 paracetamol 500 mg tablets 10 hours ago and is seen in the Emergency Department. His GCS is 15/15. His temperature is 37.0°C, pulse rate 80 bpm, BP 120/70 mmHg, respiratory rate 15 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 99% breathing air. Blood for paracetamol level has been taken. Which is the most appropriate initial management?
Await paracetamol levels before further action
Gastric lavage
Give 50 g charcoal orally
No treatment required
Start N-acetylcysteine
Start N-acetylcysteine
A 6 year old girl has an itchy, red rash with yellow crusting on her face and neck. Her mother has tried non-prescription creams but the rash has continued to spread. She is otherwise well. Her temperature is 36.9°C. She has a yellow crusting on the sores around her mouth. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
Fungal infection
A 59 year old man has a painless enlarging neck lump for 6 months. He has a firm, mobile swelling measuring 2 cm at the angle of his jaw. Cranial nerves are unaffected. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
Benign parotid tumour
Cystic hygroma
Tuberculous lymphadenitis
Benign parotid tumour
A 70 year old woman has lower abdominal pain for 5 days and is seen in the GP surgery. She feels unwell and has had episodes of shivering. Her temperature is 38.3°C, pulse rate 105 bpm, BP 115/65 mmHg, respiratory rate 24 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 97% breathing air. There is a tender mass in the left iliac fossa. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
Diverticular abscess
Incarcerated inguinal hernia
Sigmoid carcinoma
Tubo-ovarian abscess
Uterine fibroid
Diverticular abscess
A 50 year old man wants to stop drinking alcohol and has been admitted to the inpatient ward for detoxification. He is alcohol dependant and his average alcohol intake is 84 units a week for 3 months. He has no other relevant medical history. Which is the most appropriate initial drug to prescribe?
A 40 year old woman is found at home in a drowsy state and taken to the Emergency Department. She has had multiple Emergency Department admissions for severe and recurrent depression. Her pulse rate is 108 bpm. She is confused with dilated pupils, dry mucous membranes and a palpable bladder to the umbilicus. Which medication is most likely responsible for her clinical findings?
A 14 year old girl has cyclical central abdominal pain for 2 years and is seen in the GP surgery. She has never menstruated. She is of normal stature and has secondary sexual characteristics appropriate to her age. She has a pelvic mass on bimanual examination. Which is the most likely cause of this mass?
Meckel diverticulum
Ovarian arrhenoblastoma
A 54 year old man has swelling of both ankles and is seen in the GP surgery. He has hypertension and takes amlodipine. His pulse rate is 92 bpm and BP 162/90 mmHg. His BMI is 41kg/m². His jugular venous pressure is not raised. Urinalysis shows no abnormality. He has pitting oedema of both ankles. Which is the most likely cause of his ankle swelling?
Drug side effect
Heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome
Drug side effect
A 43 year old man has fallen twice when standing up from being seated. He has severe vomiting and diarrhoea for 3 days. He has a glioblastoma. He takes dexamethasone 6 mg daily and cyclizine 50 mg when needed. Investigations: Sodium 119 mmol/L (135–146), Potassium 5.5 mmol/L (3.5–5.3), Urea 14.2 mmol/L (2.5–7.8), Creatinine 118 micromol/L (60–120), Urine osmolality 400 mOsmol/kg, Urinary sodium 30 mmol/L, Serum osmolality 260 mOsmol/kg (285–295). Which is the most likely cause for these results?
Adrenal insufficiency
Medication side-effects
Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
A 5 year old boy has an episode of unconsciousness and is seen in the Emergency Department. He ran into his school desk, cried out in pain and then fell to the floor unconscious. He was limp and pale for 1 minute then his body became stiff and he started to shake. His eyes rolled back and he had froth foaming from his mouth. The episode lasted 2 minutes and he gradually started to regain consciousness. He had one previous similar episode following a cut to his finger. Neurological examination is normal. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
Absence seizure
Febrile convulsion
Reflex anoxic seizure
Tonic-clonic seizure
Reflex anoxic seizure
A 54 year old man is unable to grip effectively with his right hand following recovery from a general anaesthetic for bowel surgery. At the end of the procedure his right arm was found to be hanging over the edge of the operating table. There is weakness of extension of his right wrist and altered sensation over the dorsum of his first web space. Which is the most likely affected nerve?
A 75 year old woman has three dizzy spells where she has collapsed to the floor in the past week. She does not lose consciousness and has no preceding warning symptoms. She has hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. She takes amlodipine, aspirin, atorvastatin and indapamide. Which is the most appropriate diagnostic investigation?
24 hour blood pressure monitoring
24 hour ECG monitoring
Postural blood pressure measurement
Postural blood pressure measurement
A 24 year old man has mild discomfort in his left scrotum for 4 months. He has noticed his scrotum is lower on the left than on the right, especially in the evenings. He has palpable structures in his left scrotum that feel worm-like. There is no tenderness on palpation. Which is the most appropriate next investigation?
Gram stained urethral smear
Midstream urine for culture and sensitivity
Scrotal exploration
Semen analysis
Ultrasound scan of scrotum
Ultrasound scan of scrotum
A 9 year old boy is treated for an exacerbation of his asthma in the Emergency Department. He has been given continuous salbutamol and ipratropium nebulisers. He was given oral prednisolone 1 hour ago. He is conscious and talking in full sentences. His pulse rate is 125 bpm, respiratory rate 30 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 95% on 10 litres of oxygen. He has intercostal recession and has bilateral wheeze throughout both lung fields. Which is the most appropriate next management step?
Intravenous aminophylline infusion
Intravenous hydrocortisone bolus
Intravenous magnesium sulfate infusion
Intubate and ventilate
Nebulised adrenaline
Intravenous magnesium sulfate infusion
A 65 year old woman has low mood, hopelessness, anhedonia, poor concentration, low energy, insomnia, lack of appetite and suicidal ideation for 8 weeks. She takes long-term anticoagulant therapy with warfarin for atrial fibrillation. Which is the most appropriate management?
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Psychodynamic therapy
An 18 month old girl has poor weight gain and is seen in the GP surgery. She eats the same food as her 3 year old brother. She has had loose stools for several months. She has had no vomiting. Her weight is 10.5 kg. Her abdomen is distended and she has loose skin over her buttocks.
Coeliac disease
Cow’s milk protein allergy
Crohn’s disease
Lactose intolerance
Non-organic failure to thrive
Coeliac disease
A 20 year old man is admitted with status epilepticus and aspiration pneumonia. He has worsening respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation. He has a chronic life limiting neurological condition with drug resistant epilepsy. He has severe global developmental delay. He has had three previous admissions to the intensive care unit this year. The family want to continue with active treatment but the intensive care team have advised that the patient should not be ventilated.
Apply for a court order to withdraw treatment
Complete a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form
Discuss the concerns of the intensive care team with the family
Follow the advice of the intensive care team
Follow the family wishes for active treatment
Discuss the concerns of the intensive care team with the family
A 64 year old man has retrosternal chest pain for 1 hour. He had similar pain 12 hours earlier that lasted for 3 hours. His pulse rate is 40 bpm and BP 120/60 mmHg. He is currently pain free after taking oral aspirin and sublingual glyceryl trinitrate.
Chest X-ray
Creatine kinase level
Troponin level
A 6 week old baby girl has a murmur found at her routine baby check. She is breastfeeding well. She is not cyanosed. Both femoral pulses are palpable. There are no heaves or thrills. She has a harsh pansystolic murmur, grade 3/6, loudest at the lower left sternal edge with no radiation. Her liver is not enlarged.
Coarctation of the aorta
Innocent murmur
Pulmonary stenosis
Tetralogy of Fallot
Ventricular septal defect
Ventricular septal defect
A 27 year old woman with Crohn’s disease is passing feculent material through her vagina. Which part of the bowel is most likely to be causing the symptoms?
Descending colon
Sigmoid colon
Sigmoid colon
A 23 year old woman has worsening diarrhoea with blood and mucus for 2 months and is seen in the GP surgery. She has abdominal pain and bloating. She has no weight loss. Her abdomen is soft and there is mild left-sided tenderness on deep palpation. She has active bowel sounds.
Faecal calprotectin
Faecal occult blood
Helicobacter pylori stool antigen
Stool culture and sensitivity
A 31 year old woman has increasing shortness of breath and left-sided pleuritic chest pain for 1 week. She smokes 10 cigarettes per day. She takes the combined oral contraceptive pill. Her temperature is 36.8°C, pulse rate 105 bpm, BP 105/80 mmHg, respiratory rate 22 breaths per minute and oxygen saturation 98% breathing air. Her chest is clear.
Lung cancer
Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Pulmonary embolism
A 22 year old woman requires long-term contraception and is reluctant to take regular tablets. She has two children. She is a shift worker. Her BP is 138/81 mmHg and BMI 26 kg/m².
Combined oral contraceptive pill
Etonogestrel implant (Implanon)
Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (Mirena coil)
Tubal ligation
Etonogestrel implant (Implanon)
A 75 year old man has attended the Emergency Department on two occasions over a 6 week period with bruising to his forearms and face. He has dementia. He is physically fit and takes no regular prescription medication.
Bleeding disorder
Non-accidental injury
Occult malignancy
Non-accidental injury
A 26 year old woman has severe abdominal pain and heavy vaginal bleeding and is seen on the labour ward. She is 40 weeks pregnant in her first pregnancy. Her uterus is tender and hard. The fetal heart rate is 180 bpm.
Cervical ectropion
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Placenta praevia
Placental abruption
Vasa praevia
Placental abruption
A 55 year old man has difficulty breathing after being stabbed with a knife in the right side of his neck. The wound is in the right posterior triangle of his neck. His chest movements are asymmetrical.
Greater splanchnic nerve
Phrenic nerve
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Spinal accessory nerve
Vagus nerve
Phrenic nerve
A 36 year old woman gave birth to her first child 4 weeks ago. She feels tired and is worried about her lack of feelings for the baby. She has loss of appetite, sleep disturbance and occasional intrusive thoughts of harming the baby.
Drug induced psychosis
Generalised anxiety disorder
Normal postnatal symptoms
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Postnatal depression
Postnatal depression
A 34 year old woman has had secondary amenorrhoea for 8 months. She has lost 6 kg in weight despite having a good appetite.
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Premature ovarian failure
A 30 year old woman has bright red rectal bleeding. The blood is on the surface of the stool and she has intermittent mucus on wiping. She has a longstanding constipation with the passage of hard faeces.
Anal fissure
Meckel diverticulum
Systemic bleeding disorder
A 55 year old man has acute retrosternal discomfort and is unable to swallow an hour after eating a sandwich. For the last month he has found swallowing painful and has lost weight.
Barium swallow
Chest X-ray
CT scan of the thorax
Outpatient clinic referral
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
An 18 month old boy has delay in his developmental progress. He scribbles meaninglessly using a pencil and has no hand dominance. He has a social smile. He does not hold eye contact. He has started walking. He is unable to run or kick a ball. He speaks two-syllable words with no meaning.
Absence of hand dominance
Inability to hold eye contact
Inability to run or kick a ball
Meaningless scribbling
Speaking two-syllable words with no meaning
Inability to hold eye contact
A 38 year old woman has red itchy eyes with crusting in the morning for 9 days. She works in a laboratory and is having difficulty using her microscope. There is no history of trauma. Her conjunctivae are red. Pupils and visual acuity are normal.
A 28 year old woman has a generalised seizure and is admitted to the antenatal ward. She is 38 weeks pregnant. Her BP is 190/120 mmHg
Magnesium sulfate
Magnesium sulfate
A 42 year old woman tests positive for high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) on a routine cervical smear and is seen in the GP surgery.
No action required
Refer for colposcopy
Repeat smear in 3 months
Repeat smear in 1 year
Repeat smear in 3 years
Refer for colposcopy
A 55 year old woman is due to have a diagnostic gastroscopy. She has type 2 diabetes and takes gliclazide.
Change gliclazide to metformin
Change gliclazide to subcutaneous insulin
Omit gliclazide for 24 hours prior to procedure
Omit gliclazide on morning of procedure
Start glucose-potassium-insulin infusion on day of procedure
Omit gliclazide on morning of procedure
A 32 year old woman has intermittent palpitations, paraesthesia, breathlessness and dizziness for 6 months. She is unable to tolerate crowded places and avoids trains and supermarkets.
A 55 year old woman has shortness of breath on exertion. She has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and takes levothyroxine. Investigations: Haemoglobin 64 g/L (115–150) Mean cell volume 103 fL (80–96) Thyroid stimulating hormone 1.4 mU/L (0.3–4.2)
Folate deficiency
Iron deficiency
Pernicious anaemia
Pernicious anaemia
A 60 year old man is anuric. He recently had a left nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma. His temperature is 39.0°C, pulse rate 98 bpm and BP 80/60 mmHg.
Bladder catheterisation
Percutaneous right nephrostomy
Retrograde drainage of the right renal tract
Suprapubic catheterisation
Percutaneous right nephrostomy