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《史记·七十列传·春申君列传》 | 考烈王元年,任命黄歇为宰相,封为春申君,赏赐淮北地区十二个县。 | 考烈王元年,以黄歇为相,封为春申君,赐淮北地十二县。 | In the first year of King Kaolie, appointed Huang Xie as Prime Minister, enfeoffed him as Lord of Chunshen, and bestowed twelve counties north of the Huai River upon him. |
《太平广记·卷一百五十九·定数十》 | 于是他们将姑娘嫁给了裴居道。 | 年嫁与之。 | They thus married the girl to Pei Judao. |
《明史·志·卷二十五》 | 洪熙以后,奉太祖、太宗共同配祀。 | 洪熙后,奉太祖、太宗同配。 | After Hongxi, Taizu and Taizong were jointly consecrated. |
《元史·列传·卷二》 | 天下人心都向往太子。至元二十二年,世祖年事已高,江南行台监察御史奏请皇上让位给太子。太子闻讯,恐惧万分,台臣也不敢奏报世祖。 | 其大雅不群,本于天性,中外归心焉。于是世祖春秋高,江南行台监察御史言事者请禅位于太子,太子闻之,惧。 | People throughout the country hoped for the prince. In the 22nd year of the Yuan dynasty, the health of the ruling emperor had declined severely, and a supervisory censor of the Southern Dynasty suggested that the emperor grant the throne to the prince. When the prince heard about this, he felt terrified and the ministers in power dared not report it to the emperor. |
《资治通鉴·晋纪·晋纪三十一》 | 甲戌,清晨,慕容会下令严密戒备,在前面引路,继续前进。 | 甲戌,旦,会立仗严备,乃引道。 | On the morning of Jiaxu, Murong Hui ordered strict precautions and led the way forward. |
《宋书·志·卷二十》 | 在这春季正月,圣祖调养受享,用孝顺和恭敬,来成就众民。 | 我将我享,维孟之春。以孝以敬,以立我烝民。 | In the first month of spring, Our Holy Ancestor received nourishment and care through the practice of filial piety and respect, so that he could bestow benefits on all the people. |
《太平广记·卷三百二十三·鬼八》 | 王某到家以后,立刻点起火把那块木头烧了,烧了之后,也没有再发生什么异常的事,原来那个怪物就是民间所说的山魈。 | 王至家,炽火焚之,后寂无复异。 | Wang went home and immediately lit a fire to burn the piece of wood, after burning it, nothing strange happened again. The monster was just what they call a mountain goblin in folklore. |
《徐霞客游记·粤西游日记二十九》 | 百感岩前的下洞,在百感岩前洞口之下,路西深坑的肘腋之间。 | 百感前下岩,在百感洞前门之下,路西坑腋间。 | The lower cave in front of Baigan Rock is located under the entrance of the front cave in front of Baigan Rock, and between the armpits of the deep pit in the west of the road. |
《旧唐书·列传·卷四十七》 | 钟绍京,虔赣人。 | 钟绍京,虔州赣人也。 | Zhong Shaoqing, was a native of Ganzhou. |
《汉书·纪·元帝纪》 | 秋七月十九日,葬元帝于渭陵。 | 秋七月丙戌,葬渭陵。 | On July 19, Emperor Yuan was buried in Weiling Mausoleum. |
《梦溪笔谈·人事二》 | 独有一位县令所派的人不肯随即离去,要求必须有转运使的回信;转运使身边的人劝他走,他都不听,以致呵斥驱逐也不走,还说: 宁可得罪,拿不到回信不敢回县里去。 | 有一县令使人,独不肯去,须责回书;左右谕之皆不听,以至呵逐亦不去,曰: 宁得罪;不得书,不敢回邑。 | But the person dispatched by one particular county magistrate refused to leave immediately, and demanded a reply from the Commissioner of Transportation. The people around the Commissioner of Transportation tried to persuade him to leave but he refused to listen. Even when he was threatened with force he would not leave, and he even said: “I would rather offend someone than return to my county without a reply.” |
《徐霞客游记·随笔二则》 | 攻了三年,没能攻克。 | 攻之三年,不能克。 | After three years of attack, it still couldn't be captured. |
《宋史·列传·卷三十二》 | 他在郡十七年,政治稳定断案合理,官吏百姓都喜爱他,到朝廷请求为李汉超立碑颂德。 | 在郡十七年,政平讼理,吏民爱之,诣阙求立碑颂德。 | He was in the county for seventeen years, and his politics were stable and reasonable, and officials and people liked him, so he went to the court to ask for a monument for Li Hanchao. |
《晋书·志·第八章》 | 先月食后交会,看见月食之月合朔时月亮在黄道南则望时月亮在黄道北,合朔时月亮在黄道北则望时月亮在黄道南。交会月食如果在朔望合数六万七千三百一十五以下,则交在前,会在后;如果在入交限敷七十二万二千七百九十五以上,则会在前,交在后。 | 交会月蚀如朔望合数以下,则前交后会;如入交限数以上,则前会后交。 | If there was a conjunction prior to the lunar eclipse, then during the full Moon, the Moon would be north of the ecliptic if it was south of the ecliptic at the conjunction, and south if it was north of the ecliptic at the conjunction. If the conjunction and lunar eclipse occurred before the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon at less than 67315, then the conjunction would occur first, followed by the eclipse. If it occurred after the 722795, then the eclipse would occur first, followed by the conjunction. |
《明史·志·卷十一》 | 闰月有进退,仍然按定朔没有中气来确定闰月。 | 闰有进退,仍以定朔无中气为定。 | The intercalary month can be advanced or delayed. The intercalary month is still determined with the new moon without the central solar term. |
《南史·列传·卷四十六》 | 郁林王在西州,周奉叔自己得以秘密入内,等即位后,他与直阁将军曹道刚为心腹朋友。 | 郁林在西州,奉叔密得自进,及即位,与直合将军曹道刚爲心膂。 | When the King of Yulin was in the Western Zhou mansion, Zhou Fengshu insinuated himself into the king’s confidence. When the king came to the throne, Zhou became one of his closest friends along with a rear guard general by the name of Cao Daogang. |
《宋史·列传·卷六十九》 | 正好玉清昭应宫发生火灾,王曾于是被逐出京任青州知州。 | 会玉清昭应宫灾,乃出知青州。 | The Yuqing Zhaoying Palace happened to catch fire, so Wang Zeng was expelled from the capital and appointed as the governor of Qingzhou. |
《后汉书·列传·刘赵淳于江刘周赵列传》 | 虽有仲尼重明周礼,墨子勉以古道,还是不能抵御。 | 虽有仲尼重明周礼,墨子勉以古道,犹不能御也。 | Although Confucius revived the Zhou rituals and Mozi encouraged people along the old paths, they still could not succeed in holding back the trend. |
《金史·列传·卷四十六》 | 胥鼎担心敌军在近期内进逼京城,便将河东南路的怀、孟州的军队共一万五千人,由河中入京救援,又派遥授河中府判官的仆散扫吾出带领军队直进陕西,合力抵御。 | 鼎虑近薄京畿,遂以河东南路怀、孟诸兵合万五千,由河中入援,又遣遥授河中府判官仆散扫吾出领军趋陕西,并力御之。 | Xu Ding was worried that the enemy army would approach the capital in the near future, so he sent 15,000 soldiers from Huaizhong and Mengzhou in Hedongnanlu to rescue the capital via Hezhong, and sent Pu San, who was appointed the clerk of Hezhong Fupan, to lead troops directly to assist in defending Shaanxi. |
《庄子·外篇·知北游》 | 无穷回答: 我不知道。 | 无穷曰: 吾不知。 | Wuqiong replied: I do not know. |
《宋书·列传·卷八十三》 | 明帝也不想他们呆在朝廷,一次和缓地对他们说: 你们碰到残暴的国君,辛苦了很长时间,艰苦和欢乐总在循环,你们应该挑选一个养老度日的好地方,有兵马的大镇由你们挑选。 | 上亦不欲使其居中,从容谓之曰: 卿等遭罹暴朝,勤劳日久,苦乐宜更,应得自养之地。兵马大郡,随卿等所择。 | Emperor Ming also did not want them to stay at court. One time he told them gently: "You have suffered a long time under a tyrannical ruler. Hardship and happiness always cycle. You should choose a good place to retire. You can choose from either a town with troops or a large garrison." |
《宋书·志·卷十七》 | 据《周礼考工记》,王宫布局左边是宗庙,右边是社稷。历代遵循这个制度,所以束汉洛阳宫殿布局,社稷在宗庙之右,到东置又是这样。 | 《礼》,左宗庙,右社稷,历代遵之,故洛京社稷在庙之右,而江左又然也。 | According to the “Zhouli Kaogongji”, the left side of the palace is the ancestral temple and the right side is the Sheji. All dynasties have followed this system, so in the layout of the Eastern Han and Luoyang palaces, Sheji is on the right of the ancestral temple, and it is still the same in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. |
《太平广记·卷二百一十三·画四》 | 画定后,他常常在梦中见到这位天王到他这儿来。 | 常于梦中见其形像。 | After the painting was finished, he often saw this Heavenly King coming to him in his dreams. |
《新唐书·本纪·卷一·高祖》 | 二十六日,汴州总管王要汉在杞州打败徐圆朗,俘虏周文举。 | 戊寅,汴州总管王要汉败徐圆郎于杞州,执周文举。 | On the 26th, Wang Yaohan, the General Manager of Bianzhou, defeated Xu Yuanlang in Qizhou and captured Zhou Wenju. |
《周礼·冬官考工记·筑氏&玉人》 | 把甬长分为三等分,二等分在上,一等分在下,就在上下两段之际设置旋。 | 参分其甬长,二在上,一在下,以设其旋。 | Divide the length of Yong into three equal parts, with two parts on the top and one part on the bottom, and place the spiral between the upper and lower parts. |
《北史·本记·卷二》 | 当年,吐谷浑慕瞐死去。 | 是岁,吐谷浑慕璝死。 | That year, the leader of Tǔyùhún Mùxian died. |
《资治通鉴·汉纪·汉纪三十七》 | 陆续说: 我母亲切肉无不方方正正,切葱也总是一寸长短。 | 续曰: 母截肉未尝不方,断葱以寸为度,故知之。 | Lu Xu said: My mother would always cut meat into neat and tidy squares, and she would always cut scallions to be one inch long. |
《资治通鉴·陈纪·陈纪一》 | 文宣帝因此深深地记恨他。 | 帝心衔之。 | Emperor Wenxuan hated him deeply because of this. |
《明史·列传·卷二百零九》 | 但这不是使臣的过错,而是通晓此事的人引导使臣妄奏的结果,应该惩治。 | 然此非使臣罪,乃通事者导之妄奏,安惩。 | But this was not the envoy's fault, but the result of someone who knew about this matter leading the envoy to make a false request, and he should be punished. |
《新唐书·列传·卷一百四十二》 | 四夷使臣来中国的,人数从来没有这么多过。 | 四夷之使中国,其众未尝多此。 | There had never been such a large group of foreign envoys come to China before. |
《宋史·本纪·卷三十一》 | 二十七日,重新以五帝、神州地袄等十三祭为大祀。 | 辛卯,复以五帝、神州地祇等十三祭为大祀。 | On the 27th, the thirteen sacrifices such as the Five Emperors, the Divine Land, and the Armor of the Earth were重新used as great sacrifices. |
《史记·八书·平准书》 | 彭吴开通入秽貊、朝鲜的道路,设置了沧海郡,燕齐之间如风靡草偃一般骚动起来。 | 彭吴贾灭朝鲜,置沧海之郡,则燕齐之间靡然发动。 | Peng Wu cleared the paths into Wuji Mo and Chaoxian, set up Canghai County, which made the regions between Yan and Qi move like the swaying of grasses in the wind. |
《北史·列传·卷六》 | 朝廷加封他为侍中,赏赐一套衣物,让他乘上一匹黄马,以表彰他的功绩和才能。 | 加侍中,赐衣一袭,乘黄马一匹,以旌其能。 | The court awarded him an additional title of Chamberlain, rewarded him with a set of clothes, and let him ride a yellow horse to honor his achievements and talents. |
《周书·列传·卷三十七》 | 谧号称为贞。 | 谥曰贞。 | His posthumous title was Zhen. |
《管子·匡君小匡》 | 桓公派遣鲍叔去鲁国议和,对鲁国说: 公子纠,是亲人,请您们替我国杀掉。 | 公乃使鲍叔行成,曰: 公子纠,亲也。请君讨之。 | Duke Huan sent Bao Shu to Lu state to negotiate peace, and said to Lu state: Duke Jiu, is a relative, please kill him for our state. |
《太平广记·卷三百六十八·精怪一》 | 游先朝 | 游先朝 | You Xianchao |
《魏书·列传·卷七十二》 | 张吾贵每一次讲唱经书,门徒都达数千人,其中德行学业可以称许的很少。 | 吾贵每一讲唱,门徒千数,其行业可称者寡。 | Every time Zhang Wugui preached, there were thousands of disciples. However, among them, very few of them’s moral character and scholarship were praiseworthy. |
《隋书·列传·卷三十四》 | 文帝看了非常高兴,将这件事公布于天下。 | 上大悦,告天下。 | The Emperor Wen was very happy when he saw this, and he announced it to the world. |
《旧唐书·本纪·卷十七》 | 诏令到达之日一月之内,将织布机全部焚毁。 | 敕到一月,机杼一切焚弃。 | All looms shall be destroyed within one month from the date of receipt of the edict. |
《明史·本纪·卷十七》 | 十二月六日,赈济陕西遭侵掠和山东矿贼抢劫之平民。 | 十二月戊寅。振陕西被寇及山东矿贼流劫者。 | On December sixth, relief was given to the people of Shaanxi who had been robbed by foreign invaders and those of Shandong who had been robbed by mine thieves. |
《明史·志·卷二十六》 | 三年,下诏革除众神封号,只有孔子的封爵依旧。 | 三年,诏革诸神封号,惟孔子封爵仍旧。 | In the third year, an edict was issued to remove the titles of all the gods, except for Confucius, whose title remained unchanged. |
《韩非子·说疑》 | 说什么 顺从我的就能得到好处,不顺从我的只能得到祸害 。 | 曰: 与我者将利之,不与我者将害之。 | What do you say You will get benefits if you obey me, and you will only get harm if you disobey me. |
《明史·列传·卷六十六》 | 这时,寇占据河套,连年派遣大军征讨,没有什么实际效果。 | 是时,寇据河套,岁发大军征讨,卒无功。 | At that time, Kou occupied Hetao and sent large armies to attack every year, but failed to achieve significant results. |
《仪礼·少牢馈食礼》 | 继而告主人已吃饱。 | 尸告饱。 | He then tells the host that he is full. |
《太平广记·卷四百八十二·蛮夷三》 | 男人和妇女都佩带着带子。 | 丈夫妇人俱佩带。 | Both men and women wore belts. |
《史记·三十世家·留侯世家》 | 汉王也因此让张良厚赠项伯,使项伯代他请求项王将汉中地区分给他。 | 汉王亦因令良厚遗项伯,使请汉中地。 | For this reason, Han Wang also had Zhang Liang give Xiang Bo a large gift, and have Xiang Bo ask Xiang Wang on his behalf to give him the Han Zhong region. |
《魏书·列传·卷二十三》 | 当时,有兔子在后宫,查问守门的官,都说没有地方可以进入后宫。 | 是时,有兔在后宫,验问门官,无从得入。 | At that time there was a rabbit in the palace. When the guards at the gate were questioned, they all said that there was no place from which it could have entered the palace. |
《左传·成公·成公二年》 | 晋、鲁、卫联军在莘地追上齐军。 | 师从齐师于莘。 | The allied force of Jin, Lu, and Wei catched up with the Qi army in Shen. |
《陈书·列传·卷十二》 | 高宗往南征伐周迪,任用陆山才为军司。 | 高宗南征周迪,以山才为军司。 | Emperor Gaozong went south to conquer Zhou Di and appointed Lu Shancai as the military commander. |
《新唐书·本纪·卷四·则天皇后 中宗》 | 十二月,免除并州百姓终生的徭役及应缴的绢绫物品。 | 十二月,免并州百姓庸、调,终其身。 | In December, the state peasants of Bingzhou were exempted from all corvée and other miscellaneous silk and satin services for life. |
《礼记·曲礼下》 | 天子背靠绣有斧文的屏风,面南而立,诸侯面向北而拜见天子,这叫 觐 。 | 天子当依而立,诸侯北面而见天子,曰觐。 | The emperor stood with his back to the screen embroidered with axe patterns, facing the south. The vassals faced the north and paid their respects to the emperor. This was called "Meet". |
《新唐书·列传·卷一百二十七》 | 宰相李林甫一向忌恨邕,于是连及邕也判罪。 | 宰相李林甫素忌邕,因傅以罪。 | Prime Minister Li Linfu had always been jealous of Yong, so he implicated him and sentenced him to a crime. |
《资治通鉴·晋纪·晋纪十七》 | 适逢火星在南斗六星位滞留十余天,王导对领军将军陶回说: 南斗是扬州的分野,我将退位来安定上天的谴责。 | 会荧惑守南斗经旬,导谓领军将军陶回曰: 斗,扬州之分,吾当逊位以厌天谴。 | It happened that Mars stayed in the area of the Six Stars of the Southern Dipper for over ten days. Wang Dao said to the general of the armed esocrt, Tao Hui: "The Southern Dipper is the field of Yangzhou, and I will resign to alleviate the gods' condemnation." |
《鬼谷子·鬼谷子·摩篇》 | 揣摩试探,是一种与 揣情 相类似的方法。 | 摩者,揣之术也。 | Guessing and probing is a method similar to probing. |
《隋书·列传·卷四十九》 | 兵多的达到三千人,兵少的也有千余人,随气候水草变化而游牧。 | 兵多者三千,少者千余,逐寒暑,随水草畜牧。 | The larger ones had as many as 3,000 soldiers, while the smaller ones had more than 1,000 soldiers, who migrated with the changing climate and vegetation. |
《太平广记·卷三百四十三·鬼二十》 | 曾经臂带一鹞站在路口,看见二个穿紫衣的人,叫道:你不是李努眼的儿子名叫和子的吗? | 常臂鹞立於衢,见二人紫衣,呼曰,尔非李努眼子名和子乎? | Once at the crossroads, he was wearing a hawk on his arm and watching when he saw two people wearing purple who called out: Are you not the son of Li Nuyan who is called Hezi? |
《明史·列传·卷五十七》 | 陛下上承于天的帝位已经确定,太上皇回来,不再管理天下的事务,陛下只是尊敬奉养他,那么天伦深厚而眷爱更加隆重,实在是古往今来的重大事情。 | 陛下天位已定,太上皇还,不复莅天下事。陛下第崇奉之,则天伦厚而天眷益隆,诚古今盛事也。 | Your Majesty's position on the throne of the son of heaven has been decided, if the Tai shang huang returns, he will no longer manage the affairs of the world, Your Majesty will only respect and support him, then the kinship will be deep and the love will be more earnest, this is truly a major event in history. |
《司马法·定爵》 | 治国要上下和睦,治军兵法令严明,临阵要明察情况。 | 居国和,在军法,刃上察。 | In governing the country, there must be harmony between the top and bottom. In governing the army, the military law and orders must be strict. Facing the battle array, one must have a clear understanding of the situation. |
《梦溪笔谈·异事异疾附》 | 孙彦先说: 虹是雨中太阳的影子,太阳照雨就会有虹出现。 | 孙彦先云: 虹,雨中日影也,日照雨即有之。 | Sun Yanxian said: A rainbow is the shadow of the sun in the rain, and when the sun shines on the rain, a rainbow appears. |
《管子·宙合》 | 人君行事失去协调,则国家教化的成果必然流失,流失则国家混乱失败;人臣行事失去协调,则百姓的生活不能供养,不能供养则离散逃亡。 | 君失音则风律必流,流则乱败。臣离味则百姓不养。百姓不养,则众散亡。 | When the ruler's actions are not in harmony, the state's teachings will necessarily be lost; when the teachings are lost, the state will be disordered and defeated; when the minister's actions are not in harmony, the people's livelihood cannot be supported; when the livelihood cannot be supported, the people will be scattered and flee. |
《旧唐书·本纪·卷十一》 | 四日,昭义节度使李承昭与卢子期在磁州清水县大战,大破敌军,活捉卢子期献给朝廷。 | 甲子,昭义节度使李承昭与卢子期战于磁州清水县,大破之,生擒子期以献。 | On the 4th day, Zhaoyi's military governor, Li Chengzhao, and Lu Ziqi fought a fierce battle in Qingshui County, Cizhou. They greatly defeated the enemy army, captured Lu Ziqi alive and presented him to the court. |
《魏书·列传·卷十二》 | 别部大人刘库仁勇敢而有智谋,铁弗卫辰狡猾多变,都不能单独任用。 | 其别部大人刘库仁勇而有智,铁弗卫辰狡猾多变,皆不可独任。 | Liu Kuliren, an official of the other tribe, is brave and resourceful, and Tie Fuweichen is cunning and changeable. Neither of them could be single-handedly employed. |
《汉书·传·西南夷两粤朝鲜传》 | 余善白刻了有 武帝 字样的玺印,自立为帝,欺骗他的国人,散布狂妄自大的言论。 | 馀善刻 武帝 玺自立,诈其民,为妄言。 | Yu Shan had a seal made, on which the words “Wudi” were engraved. He proclaimed himself emperor and deceived his people by indulging in vainglorious talk. |
《汉书·传·外戚传上》 | 淳于衍的丈夫赏是掖庭户卫,对淳于衍说 你去向霍夫人辞行,替我讨个安池监的职位。 | 衍夫赏为掖庭户卫,谓衍: 可过辞霍夫人行,为我求安池监。 | Chunyu Yan's husband called Shang, served in the guard of the imperial harem. He said to Chunyu Yan, "Go and bid farewell to Lady Huo, and ask her to grant me a position in the Anchi Prison." |
《水经注·卷三十七》 | 马援又分兵进入无编县,就是王莽的九真亭―到了居风县,首领不肯投降,杀了好几千人,九真方才平定。 | 援又分兵入无编县,王莽之九真亭。至居风县,帅不降,并斩级数十百,九真乃靖。 | Ma Yuan divided his troops and entered Wubian County, which was Wang Mang's Jiuzhen Pavilion-When he arrived at Ju Feng County, the leader refused to surrender, and several thousand people were killed, so Jiuzhen was finally settled. |
《旧唐书·列传·卷一百零五》 | 数日后,又改任黔州刺史、黔州观察使。 | 数日,改黔州刺史、黔州观察使。 | A few days later, he was changed to the posts of Prefect of Qianzhou and Observation Envoy of Qianzhou. |
《吕氏春秋·览·审分览》 | 希望您从我的话中自己选取治理齐国政事的道理。 | 愿王之自取齐国之政也。 | I hope you can choose the morals of Qi's political affairs from my words. |
《搜神后记·卷六》 | 盛道儿忽然在天空中愤怒地说道: 我在快要断气身亡的时候,把我全家的命运托付给了你,你怎么能昧着良心见利忘义,把我的女儿嫁给贫寒人家成婚呢! | 忽一夜,闻屏风后有鬼谓腹中鬼曰: 何不速杀之。 | Sheng Da'er suddenly said angrily in the sky: When I was about to die, I entrusted the fate of my family to you. How could you marry my daughter to a poor family for profit and forget your conscience? |
《资治通鉴·后周纪·后周纪一》 | 当初,马希萼进入长沙,彭师虽然免于死刑,但仍背受杖刑废黜为民。 | 初,马希萼入长沙,彭师暠虽免死,犹杖背黜为民。 | When Ma Xichong had first entered Changsha, although Peng Shi had been spared the death penalty, he suffered the humiliation of flogging and was stripped of his position. |
《太平广记·卷四百二十六·虎一》 | 那人说: 可以。 | 其人曰: 可也。 | The man said: Alright. |
《史记·十二本纪·秦始皇本纪》 | 静公没有即位就死了。 | 静公不享国而死。 | Jing Gong died before ascending to the throne. |
《史记·七十列传·万石张叔列传》 | 文帝也称赞提拔了他,逐渐升至太中大夫。 | 文帝称举,稍迁至太中大夫。 | Emperor Wen of Han also praised him and promoted him, gradually to Tai Zhong Da Fu. |
《太平广记·卷二百八十一·梦六》 | 梦游上 | 梦游上 | Sitting around in a dream |
《管子·匡君小匡》 | 然后召来与他共坐,仔细观察他的素质,以便了解他的成功成事之处。 | 乃召而与之坐,省相其质,以参其成功成事。 | He then summoned him to sit with him and carefully observed his qualities so as to understand his accomplishments. |
《旧五代史·后晋·列传六》 | 到王师范派刘寻阝占据了兖州,梁太祖令牛存节率兵讨伐,房知温在夜晚用绳子拴着自己吊出城投奔,牛存节高兴地接纳了他,第二天夜晚,房知温偷窃了四匹好马,又进入了兖州城里。 | 及王师范遣刘鄩据兗州,梁祖命存节将兵讨之,知温夕缒出奔,存节喜而纳焉。明夜,窃良马一驷,复入城,鄩乃擢为裨将。 | After Wang Shifan sent Liu Shunfu to occupy Yanzhou, Emperor Taizu of Liang ordered Niu Cunjie to lead the troops to fight against this, Fang Zhiwen took a rope to tie himself at night, and climbed down the city wall to escape to Niu Cunjie, Niu was happy to accept him, the next night, Fang Zhiwen stole four good horses and returned to Yanzhou City. |
《明史·列传·卷一百》 | 俞大猷驻扎武平,建 读易轩 ,与当地读书人一起举办文会,诗词唱和,每天还要教授武士击剑。 | 莅武平,作读易轩,与诸生为文会,而日教武士击剑。 | Yu Dayou stationed his troops in Wuping, established the Du Yi Xuan (Academy of Studying the Book of Changes), and held literary gatherings with local scholars, where they recited poetry and exchanged verses. He also instructed his soldiers in fencing every day. |
《水经注·卷十五》 | 洛水又与掳水汇合。藐水发源于扶猪之山,北流注入洛水。 | 洛水又与虢水会,水出扶猪之山,北流注于洛水。 | Luo River joins with Luo River. Miao River originates from Fu Zhu Mountain flowing north into Luo River. |
《晋书·帝纪·第九章》 | 二十日,立从前新蔡王司马晃的弟弟司马崇为新蔡王。 | 庚午,立前新蔡王晃弟崇为新蔡王。 | On the twentieth day, Sima Chong, the younger brother of Sima Huang (the former King of Xincai), was enfeoffed as the new King of Xincai. |
《太平广记·卷六十·女仙五》 | 闲暇的日子,与夫人较量他们的法术效用。 | 暇日,常与夫人较其术用。 | In leisure time, he competes with his wife for the effectiveness of their spells. |
《太平广记·卷三百一十七·鬼二》 | 一看女子家很穷,但还是给吴祥做了饭。 | 行一里余。 | At a glance, the young woman's house was shabby, but she still made some food for Wu Xiang. |
《国语·周语·祭公谏穆王征犬戎》 | 这难道不是废弃先王的遗训而使王业败坏吗? | 其无乃废先王之训而王几顿乎! | Is this not a way to destroy the legacy of the former kings and ruin your royal undertakings? |
《后汉书·列传·西羌传》 | 中元元年,武都的参狼羌反叛,杀害和掠夺官吏百姓,太守与参狼羌交战,未能取胜,陇西太守刘盱派从事辛都、监军掾李苞率领五千人赶到武都,与羌人作战,杀了羌人的头领,杀死并俘虏羌人共一千多。 | 中元元年,武都参狼羌反,杀略吏人,太守与战不胜,陇西太守刘盱遣从事辛都、监军掾李苞,将五千人赴武都,与羌战,斩其酋豪,首虏千余人。 | In the first year of Zhongyuan, Canlang Qiang of Wudao rebelled, killing and looting officials and common people. The prefect fought with Canlang Qiang, but failed to win. The Longxi prefect Liu Xu sent Xindu the assistant and the military supervisor Li Bao to lead 5,000 people to Wudao to fight against the Qiang people. They killed the leader of the Qiang people and killed and captured more than 1,000 of them. |
《周礼·地官司徒·封人&均人》 | 充人掌管系养祭祀所用的完好而纯色的牲。 | 充人掌系祭祀之牲牷。 | The responsible individual for managing and rearing the perfect and pure-colored sacrificial oxen. |
《新唐书·本纪·卷三·高宗》 | 冬季无雪。 | 冬,无雪。 | There was no snow in winter. |
《史记·七十列传·匈奴列传》 | 呴犁湖单于继位一年就死去,匈奴便立他的弟弟左大都尉且鞮侯当了单于。 | 呴犁湖单于立一岁死。匈奴乃立其弟左大都尉且鞮侯为单于。 | Chanyu Xulihu died a year after he took the throne, and the Huns made his younger brother, the Left General, Qiedihou, as Chanyu. |
《资治通鉴·晋纪·晋纪三十二》 | 王恭临死时,还在从容不迫的梳理着自己的胡须,神色像平时那样自然。他对监督施刑的人说: 我自己的昏庸就在于我轻率地相信别人,才到了今天这个地步。不过追究我的本意,我哪里是不忠于朝廷呵! | 恭临刑,犹理须鬓,神色自若,谓临刑者曰: 我暗于信人,所以至此,原其本心,岂不忠于社稷邪! | Before he died, Wang Gong calmly combed his beard, and his expression was as natural as usual. He said to the people who were overseeing his execution: "My stupidity was in trusting others too lightly, which is why I am in this situation today. But if you look at my true intentions, how could I be disloyal to the court?" |
《明史·列传·卷一百二十六》 | 第二年五月,敌人进犯盘山驿,指挥苏成勋打跑了他们。 | 明年五月,敌犯盘山驿,指挥苏成勋击走之。 | In May of the second year, the enemy invaded Panshanyi, and the commander Su Chengxun repelled them. |
《太平广记·卷八十三·异人三》 | 常州义兴县有个鳏夫吴堪,少年丧父又无兄弟,在县衙当小官吏,为人性情恭顺。 | 常州义兴县,有鳏夫吴堪,少孤无兄弟,为县吏,性恭顺。 | There was a widower in Yixing County in Changzhou named Wu Kan. He lost his father when he was young and had no brothers. He served as a minor official in the county government and was of a docile nature. |
《北齐书·列传·卷二十六》 | 入朝为都官尚书令。 | 入为都官尚书令。 | He entered the court and became the Shangshu of the State Officials. |
《晋书·志·第十二章》 | 伟大的光辉普照下来,照亮了一切没有止境。 | 大明垂曜,旁烛无疆。 | Great brilliance shines down, illuminating everything without end. |
《尚书·周书·梓材》 | 往日,内外作乱的罪犯、杀人的罪犯、虏人的罪犯,要宽恕;往日,洩露国君大事的罪犯、残坏人体的罪犯,也要宽恕。 | 肆往,奸宄、杀人、历人,宥;肆亦见厥君事、戕败人,宥。 | In the past, those who committed crimes of internal or external rebellion, crimes of murder, and crimes of kidnapping shall be pardoned; in the past, those who committed crimes of treason, and those who committed crimes of disfiguring someone’s body shall also be pardoned. |
《资治通鉴·后周纪·后周纪一》 | 南唐君主于是任命营屯都虞候边镐为信州刺史,领兵屯驻袁州,暗中谋划进攻夺取湖南。 | 唐主乃以营屯都虞候边镐为信州刺史,将兵屯袁州,潜图进取。 | The lord of southern Tang then appointed the patrol inspector of the military camp Bian Hao as the magistrate of Xinyang and led his troops to garrison in Yuanzhou, secretly planning to attack and seize Hunan. |
《史记·七十列传·屈原贾生列传》 | 怀王大怒,不肯应允。 | 怀王怒,不听。 | King Huái was furious and refused to agree. |
《汉书·传·王莽传上》 | 对上尊敬祖宗,增加祭祖时的礼仪和乐队规模;对下施恩惠给士人、平民以及鳏寡者等无依靠的老人,凡是施恩布德的政策没有不实行的。 | 上尊宗庙,增加礼乐;下惠士民鳏寡,恩泽之政无所不施。 | As for the ancestors, he increased the rituals and music for ancestral sacrifices to show his respect; as for the people, he extended his benevolence to scholars, commoners, widows, orphans, and the old who had no one to depend on; and there was no benevolent policy that he did not implement. |
《明史·志·卷九》 | 第七段二十五度三三一五五六二四九二六零一五六二五 | 第七段二十五度三三一五五六二四九二六零一五六二五 | Seventh section is twenty-fifth degree 33155624926015625 |
《新唐书·列传·卷一百》 | 我靠进谏当官,让皇上被全国人非议,请求撞碎脑袋来表歉意。 | 臣以谏为官,使陛下负天下讥,请碎首以谢。 | I rely on persuading to become an official, let Your Majesty be criticized by the whole country, and I request to crush my head to express my apology. |
《资治通鉴·晋纪·晋纪四十》 | 你快从小路逃走,我死在这里,也就没有遗恨了。 | 尔求间道亡归,我死此,无恨矣。 | Zhu Chao Shi held his brother's hand and said, "Who can't die? How can I bear to say goodbye to you at this time!" Thus, the two brothers, as well as Wang Jingxian and the right-wing staff officer Liu Qinzhi, were captured and escorted to Chang'an. |
《元史·本纪·卷十五》 | 二十四日,武平发生饥馑,以二万三千六百石粮食赈济他们。 | 庚子,武平饥,以粮二万三千六百石赈之。 | On the 24th, there was a famine in Wuping and they were given 23,600 bushels of grain to help them. |
《太平广记·卷四百八十四·杂传记》 | 李娃把钱给老妇人后,还剩有百金。 | 给姥之余,有百金。 | After Li Wa gave the money to the old lady, she still had a hundred gold coins left. |
《明史·志·卷三十八》 | 睿宗庙:迎神,奏《太和之曲》:肃穆神皇,秉凝道德帝业隆。 | 睿庙。迎神,《太和之曲》:于穆神皇,秉德凝道。 | Ruizong Temple: Welcome the God, play the "Taihe Song": Solemn and divine emperor, inheriting the moral virtues. |