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my wife has been mixing alchohol celexa and xanax in the evenings to deal with stress and anxiety. can anyone help me?
you are describing an extremely dangerous situation whereyour wife is placing herself at serious medical risk. whoever is prescribingthis medication for her must be made aware of what she is doing. taking alcohol with these medications causes the liverto process the medications less slowly and all of it builds up something whichcould have consequences that would place her at serious risk and send her tothe er. alcohol has the effect of potentiating xanax meaning it causesit to act as though you had had an even higher amount of the drug. i can onlysuspect that this will not have a good result unless she stops. it would seem that since she does this when she gets home inthe evening she must have a very demanding stressful day time job oractivity. often persons who abuse medications and alcohol are trying to copewith this excessive stress. it's understandable that she's seeking relief butshe is doing it in an extremely dangerous way. i don't know if she will agree to speak to her prescriberabout this but i do know that she needs help and her prescriber shouldconsider all options.
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what is the outlook for people with generalized anxiety disorder?
although many people with generalized anxiety disorder cannot be cured and symptoms can return from time to time most people gain substantial relief from their symptoms with proper treatment.
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what causes generalized anxiety disorder (gad)?
the exact cause of gad is not fully known but a number of factors -- including genetics brain chemistry and environmental stresses -- appear to contribute to its development. genetics : some research suggests that family history plays a part in increasing the likelihood that a person will develop gad. this means that the tendency to develop gad may be passed on in families. brain chemistry : gad has been associated with abnormal levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain. neurotransmitters are special chemical messengers that help move information from nerve cell to nerve cell. if the neurotransmitters are out of balance messages cannot get through the brain properly. this can alter the way the brain reacts in certain situations leading to anxiety. environmental factors : trauma and stressful events such as abuse the death of a loved one divorce changing jobs or schools may lead to gad. gad also may become worse during periods of stress. the use of and withdrawal from addictive substances including alcohol caffeine and nicotine can also worsen anxiety.
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my wife is pregnant and her doctor recommended an omega-3 supplement. are all omega-3 supplements mercury-free?
i would be very careful with this and actually advise you to double check with the doctor and ask why he wants this supplement. omega-3 is pregnancy category c which means we do not have enough data available and that the risks versus the benefits must be carefully evaluated. it's better to be safe than sorry.
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how is generalized anxiety disorder (gad) treated?
if no physical illness is found you may be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist mental health professionals who are specially trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses like generalized anxiety disorder. treatment for gad most often includes a combination of medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy. medication : drugs are available to treat gad and may be especially helpful for people whose anxiety is interfering with daily functioning. the medications most often used to treat gad in the short-term are from a class of drugs called benzodiazepines. these medications are sometimes referred to as "tranquilizers " because they leave you feeling calm and relaxed. they work by decreasing the physical symptoms of gad such as muscle tension and restlessness. common benzodiazepines include xanax librium valium and ativan. antidepressants such as paxil effexor prozac lexapro and zoloft are also being used to treat gad. these antidepressants may take a few weeks to start working but they're more appropriate for long-term treatment of gad. cognitive-behavioral therapy : people suffering from anxiety disorders often participate in this type of therapy in which you learn to recognize and change thought patterns and behaviors that lead to anxious feelings. this type of therapy helps limit distorted thinking by looking at worries more realistically. in addition relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and biofeedback may help to control the muscle tension that often accompanies gad.
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are there side effects of generalized anxiety disorder treatment?
dependency on anti- anxiety medications (benzodiazepines) is a potential complication of treatment. side effects of antidepressants vary by specific drug and the person taking them. common side effects can include sleepiness weight gain and sexual problems.
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what are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (gad)?
generalized anxiety disorder affects the way a person thinks but the anxiety can lead to physical symptoms as well. symptoms of gad can include: excessive ongoing worry and tension. an unrealistic view of problems. restlessness or a feeling of being "edgy. " irritability. muscle tension. headaches. sweating. difficulty concentrating. nausea. the need to go to the bathroom frequently. tiredness. trouble falling or staying asleep. trembling. being easily startled. in addition people with gad often have other anxiety disorders (such as panic disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder and phobias ) suffer from depression and/or abuse drugs or alcohol.
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what are the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (gad)?
tension pressure confusion stress arguing
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anxiety wakes me up and taking xanax didn't help. how can i deal with this?
i think you may need an evaluation by your doc and maybe a referral to a sleep medicine specialist. sleep disturbances related to anxiety can often be treated quite effectively with some cognitive behavioral interventions. there is also a need to consider the environment where you sleep and how you can best improve it. take a look at "sleep hygiene" on the internet and see if there's something you can do which is self-help related.
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how can i help my father understand that i can't "just stop worrying" because i have anxiety disorders?
i'll bet there's something over which he has little or no control and it might serve as an illustration of what you're going through. sometimes it's a job or concerns about money and that might help if you can get him to talk about his concerns.
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i've had anxiety depression and insomnia for 10 years. meds don't help me fall and stay asleep. what can i do?
sleep isn't always a question of meds. many times it can be anxiety built up stress or lack of exercise too. yes anxiety and depression do interfere with sleep but the most recent research on the subject points to cognitive behavioral therapy being one of the most effective ways to fix this problem. why not give it some thought and see if you can get a referral to an experienced psychologist?
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what is performance anxiety with erectile dysfunction?
performance anxiety is when a person anticipates some sort of problem occurring during sex.
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could my period cause the feelings of depression and anxiety that i get at that time each month?
monthly hormonal changes cause mood swings and anxiety increases for many women. how to handle this has been an on-going discussion and it would seem that since it only happens during that one time of the month there should be something useful just then. you may wish to discuss this with your doctor or your gyn to see if they may suggest something just for that time of the month. you may also wish to begin engaging in some regular exercise program during the month and see how this might be helpful for you. i would suggest that before you begin the exercise you begin keeping a log as you go along. see how your moods may fluctuate with the exercise program and if it does indeed help at that specific time of the month.
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i have had anxiety issues in the past but now what can i do to stop my obsessive worrying about my health?
i'm wondering what might be causing this excessive anxiety right now. usually if there is no medical cause it is related to some stressful situation or situation that has over time caused stress to build up. please take a careful look at your life over the past two years and see if there is any change in some aspect of your life. when you do this look at both the positive things as well as the negative things that have happened. believe it or not positive things can be just as stressful as negative things. stress builds up over time and you may not even have realized that you were stressed but your body knew it and it was winding up like a spring. now it seems the spring has sprung. several things you will want to do to help yourself now and in the future include any appropriate lifestyle changes in terms of exercise sleep diet and getting out and having some fun in social or hobby situations. even gardening can help reduce stress. we've seen this in major studies done with cardiac patients. . i would suggest however that you include relaxation breathing. .
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is it okay to use tint clearasil k during pregnancy?
if the clearasil contains benzoyl peroxide i would not advise using this product while you are pregnant. it can still be absorbed through the skin and into your bloodstream. it's better to be safe than sorry.
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is it safe to take valerian when you are pregnant?
you should not take valerian if you are pregnant plan on getting pregnant or currently breastfeeding due to the risk of birth defects. if you are not sure if you can take a certain medication vitamin or supplement while pregnant talk to your pharmacist.
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could herbal teas be counteracting my zoloft allowing my anxiety symptoms to resurface?
tell your doc about this and also do some research on the specific teas you are using. sometimes they can cause problems with meds and sometimes they contain things that can cause problems unrelated to the meds. herbal doesn't necessarily mean it's totally good for you.
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i suffer from social anxiety and overanalyze situations that are out of my control. can you offer some suggestions?
since you indicate that social anxiety seems to be a primary problem for you it would seem that working with a cognitive psychologist who could provide direction and structure regarding social situations would be a good idea. i'm thinking about a psychologist who would provide weekly homework assignments very simple at first so that you can begin to build your comfort in social situations. in my book i have at least one chapter devoted to this topic and you might want to stop by the library and take a look at it. socializing is a skill that all of us need to develop and you're right it doesn't come easily. i understand what you mean when you say you're fine but when you're about to meet new people you become anxious. that happens to a lot of people. you're also right that over analyzing just makes you feel worse and what you fear is happening probably isn't happening at all. i'm referring of course to thinking what people are thinking about you or what they might be saying war that you won't be able to hold your own in a conversation. everything can be handled with the right type of guidance. i think you should give therapy specifically cognitive therapy aimed at social anxiety another try.
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what are the symptoms of anxiety?
anxiety symptoms may include: agitation. difficulty sleeping. excessive worrying. feeling on alert most of the time. feeling of impending doom. nervousnes. s if you have regular symptoms of anxiety talk to your doctor and get a physical exam. if there is no physical cause for the anxiety your doctor may prescribe medication. or your doctor may refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist for a psychological evaluation.
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how can i know when my stress has crossed a “threshold” into full blown anxiety?
well i think when you start having symptoms such as you can’t go to sleep at night because every time you put your head down on the pillow you’re constantly thinking of what you have to do or what you didn’t do or what you did wrong. symptoms of anxiety: sleep problems irritability lack of concentration memory issues problems at work ill at ease jumpy eating changes it’s interfering with your ability to relate to others; it’s causing irritable kinds of things you’re irritable where you never really would be irritable you’re finding that your short tempered you can’t handle things you’re having problems concentrating you really feel like you can’t remember some things and that is kind of scaring you. you’re having problems doing your job meeting your deadlines. you never are at ease you always feel as if there is something that has to be done you’re jumpy about things you may have eating changes you may you know some it’s very interesting some people eat an awful lot when they are stressed and they gain weight so we say to people sometimes they don’t know if they’ve gained weight so we say is your clothing a little tighter now and other people they lose their appetite entirely they lose weight. so we look for weight changes sleep changes mood changes. we also look for things like stomachache chronic headache okay feeling maybe very very sweaty hands things like that inability to sit still and just enjoy being quiet for a little bit. you find that you can’t do that. that’s something that you’re not allowed to give to yourself. isn’t that a terrible thing?
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how can i tell if anxiety or stress is the reason for my insomnia?
the big thing to look for with anxiety and stress is that not being able to turn your mind off. again that’s the most complaint that i get from people with sleep but if there’s an anxiety or stressful issue in your life and when you lie down to fall asleep and you’ve done your hygiene and you’ve sat down and meditated or relaxed and you just can’t turn your brain off that’s when anxiety and stress is probably a culprit.
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how common is generalized anxiety disorder (gad)?
about 4 million adult americans suffer from generalized anxiety disorder during the course of a year. it most often begins in childhood or adolescence but can begin in adulthood. it is more common in women than in men.
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can generalized anxiety disorder (gad) be prevented?
anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder cannot be prevented. however there are some things that you can do to control or lessen symptoms including: stop or reduce your consumption of products that contain caffeine such as coffee tea cola and chocolate. ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter medicines or herbal remedies. many contain chemicals that can increase anxiety symptoms. exercise daily and eat a healthy balanced diet. seek counseling and support after a traumatic or disturbing experience. practice stress management techniques like yoga or meditation.
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is your heart pounding for hours a sign of anxiety attacks?
it can but i never say it's anxiety until after there's been a full medical exam to rule out anything physical. you should consider doing this and also take a look to see if you might be experiencing undue stress lack of sleep or anything else that might have triggered this.
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do anxiety and stress negatively affect your cardiovascular system including your cholesterol levels?
while more research is needed to connect stress to a healthy -- or unhealthy -- heart an indirect connection makes this statement a fact: the more stressed out you are the more likely you are to overeat and choose unhealthy foods. both can raise cholesterol levels.
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what is anxiety?
anxiety is a feeling of apprehension and fear characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations sweating and feelings of stress. anxiety disorders are serious medical illnesses that affect approximately 19 million american adults and can grow progressively worse if not treated.
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what is anxiety?
some symptoms of anxiety are- excessive worry sleeping problems irrational fears muscle pain chronic indigestion panic flashbacks perfectionism compulsive behaviour.
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can i use vicks vaporub during my pregnancy? i have a cough that won’t go away. i'm 38 weeks pregnant.
i would ask a few additional questions around the duration and type of the cough and if you have seen a health care provider previously for the cough. in some cases it is not a good idea to suppress a cough as it can lead to infection etc. we do not have well-controlled studies regarding the use of vicks vaporub in pregnancy so i would recommend speaking to your health care provider before using the product.
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what tests are common during the third trimester of pregnancy?
these tests are common in the third trimester of pregnancy: group b streptococcus screening : vaginal and rectal swabs are taken at 35 to 37 weeks of pregnancy to detect group b strep bacteria. although group b strep can be present in up to 30% of all healthy women it's the leading cause of life-threatening infections in newborns and can also cause mental retardation impaired vision and hearing loss. women who test positive are treated with antibiotics during delivery to protect the baby from contracting the infection at birth. as an alternative your physician or midwife may choose not to test for strep but to treat you in labor if certain risk factors develop. electronic fetal heart monitoring : electronic fetal heart monitoring is done during pregnancy labor and delivery to monitor the heart rate of the fetus. the fetal heart rate can indicate whether the fetus is doing well or is in trouble and can be done any time after 20 weeks. nonstress test : done weekly in many high-risk pregnancies such as women with twins diabetes or high blood pressure this test involves using a fetal monitor strapped across the mother's abdomen to measure the baby's heart rate as it moves. it's also used for monitoring overdue babies. contraction stress test : also done in high-risk pregnancies a fetal monitor measures the baby's heart rate in response to contractions stimulated either by oxytocin (pitocin) or nipple stimulation. doctors use the measurements to predict how well the baby will cope with the stress of labor. biophysical profile : combines a nonstress test with an ultrasound for a more accurate evaluation of the baby.
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can i take imodium ad while pregnant?
it is actually not recommended that you take this product while pregnant unless your health care provider has discussed the risks versus the benefits and absolutely feels that you need it. there are no well-controlled studies completed on its effect in pregnant or breastfeeding women.
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what can i expect during week 40 of my pregnancy?
baby : your baby's length is about 21. 5 inches from head to toe and it weighs about 7. 5 pounds. boys often tend to weigh a little more than girls. reflexes are coordinated so the baby can blink close his eyes turn his head grasp firmly and respond to sounds light and touch. more lanugo falls out but some may remain at birth on shoulders folds of skin and backs of ears. mom-to-be : birth should be soon now but don't worry if your due date comes and goes. only 5% of all babies are born exactly on the due date. it may be more difficult for you to get a good night's sleep because it's hard to find a comfortable position but try to rest as much as possible with your feet up if you can. tip of the week : if you think you're in labor don't eat. even something light in your stomach can cause nausea.
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is it okay to take pepcid for gall bladder problems if you are pregnant?
pepcid is ok to take during pregnancy but it is very important that you advise your doctor or health care provider that you are taking it now that you are pregnant. if you have any additional questions about other medications that are ok to take during pregnancy talk to your pharmacist we are happy to help and are the medication experts.
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what can i expect during week 39 of my pregnancy?
baby : your baby is about 21. 5 inches long from head to toe and weighs a little more than 7 pounds. toenails and fingernails have grown to tips of toes and fingers. muscles of your baby's arms and legs are strong and he's practicing lung movements. baby's head has dropped into the mother's pelvis if he's head-down which allows you to breathe a little easier. mom-to-be : you're probably feeling quite large and uncomfortable. your uterus has filled your pelvis and most of your abdomen pushing everything else out of the way. your center of gravity has shifted so you may be clumsier than usual. tip of the week : watch for signs of labor but don't get too obsessed. it could happen soon or still be weeks away. some differences between false labor and contractions: false labor pains usually concentrate in the lower abdomen and groin while true labor pains may start in the lower back and may spread through the entire abdomen. real labor also becomes stronger and more powerful as time passes.
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what can i expect during week 37 of my pregnancy?
baby : your baby is about 21 inches from head to toe and weighs almost 6. 5 pounds. baby is getting rounder every day and skin is getting pinker and losing its wrinkly appearance. baby's head is usually positioned down into the pelvis by now. mom-to-be : your uterus may stay the same size as it was for the last week or two. your weight gain should be about as high as it will go about 25 to 35 pounds. about this time your doctor might perform a pelvic exam to help judge the progress of your pregnancy. tip of the week : just in case you deliver early consider packing two bags for the hospital. pack one bag for you with warm socks a robe lip balm and everything you'll want during labor. pack the other bag with the newborn items you'll want after your baby is born.
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what can i expect during week 36 of my pregnancy?
baby : your baby measures about 20. 7 inches from head to toe and weighs about 6 pounds. the baby may drop lower in your abdomen usually assuming the head-down position after having frequently assumed other positions during early pregnancy. the brain has been developing rapidly and your baby is practicing blinking. mom-to-be : your uterus has grown bigger these last few weeks and is probably up under your ribs. but you're in the home stretch; after this week you'll be seeing your doctor weekly. you may be alternating between fatigue and extra bursts of energy. you may also be experiencing increased backache and heaviness constipation heartburn and discomfort in your buttocks and pelvis. tip of the week : start stocking your freezer with foods that can be easily popped into the oven or microwave after you bring your baby home. chili casseroles and many other dishes can be prepared and frozen ahead of time for use later.
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what can i expect during week 35 of my pregnancy?
baby : your baby measures about 20. 25 inches from head to toe and weighs more than 5. 5 pounds. lungs are almost fully developed but if born now the baby would probably be put in an incubator. it still doesn't have enough fat deposits beneath its skin to keep warm outside your womb. mom-to-be : your uterus is about six inches above your navel. by now your weight gain is probably between 24 and 29 pounds. your doctor will test you for group b streptococcus bacteria between now and 37 weeks. you may be getting more uncomfortable and not sleeping very well. you also may be getting more anxious about the labor and delivery and you may even be moodier and more irritable. tip for the week : be sure you've collected the necessary baby clothes equipment -- especially a car seat -- and furniture to get you through the first few weeks at least.
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what can i expect during week 34 of my pregnancy?
baby : your baby measures about 19. 8 inches from head to toe and weighs about 5 pounds. baby is probably settling into the head-down position although it might not be final. organs are now almost fully mature except for lungs and the skin is pink instead of red. fingernails reach the ends of fingers but toenails are not yet fully grown. baby might have lots of hair. movements are less frequent because of the tight fit. mom-to-be : your uterus hardens and contracts as practice for labor known as braxton hicks contractions but you may not feel them yet. your pelvis has expanded and may ache especially at the back. the uterus is pushed hard against your lower ribs and your rib cage may be sore and your navel is probably pushing out as a result of your abdomen being stretched. tip of the week : start thinking about whether you want to breastfeed which helps increase your child's immunities. you may want to consult a lactation expert or the la leche league an organization that encourages and promotes breastfeeding or simply talk with friends or relatives who can share their experiences.
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what can i expect during week 38 of my pregnancy?
baby : your baby is about 21 inches from head to toe and weighs about 6. 8 pounds. most of the baby's downy hair lanugo and whitish coating vernix is disappearing. your baby is getting its antibodies from you to protect against illness. baby's growth is slowing but fat cells under skin get plumper for life outside the womb. almost ready for birth your baby would do well if born now. mom-to-be : you're probably not getting any bigger but you may be feeling more uncomfortable. make sure you have a bag packed. it won't be long now -- 95% of all babies are born within two weeks of their mother's due date. tip of the week : consider whether you'll circumcise your baby if it's a boy. circumcision isn't as much a medical issue as a cultural or religious one.
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does cholesterol medication aggravate arthritis
hi do have a read of this link gives you your answer. <link> also have a good read through this link. www. spacedoc. com just google these links one at a time to the www. to open and read. ok now do read through this post of mine if you do have a cholesterol problem this should help if it does do stay with it. plaque is a big problem as it raises cholesterol. the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go. you just mix cp and turmeric 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric. you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful’s and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said. the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down. please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way. now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good. at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day. and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone. so do hope this helps you. good luck ps this really needs a 12 week trail to see if its going to work for you if its for ra do increase it up the stronger it is the better it works for you. don’t forget to up the amount of cp and turmeric as you go on.
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is operation on en arthritisc bunnion recomended? what are the results from it if having osteoarthitis? thanks
hi well getting it done would free you of that pain but recovery is about 6 months but you do need to get out and get walking its the only way to get back to your life had both of mine done a almost a year ago tell you this would not go back to the way i was it frees you of painful walking. you will need to spend time in some funny looking sandals and this will make you walk in short steps but its well worth it. but you must get out get out and use your feet its the only way you will ever get really better it is painful but just fight the pain. i'm 68 and walk my dogs each day when i had mine done there was two dogs ok i did not go far but each day we went slowly further it was the only way for me to get better. hope this helps you. good luck
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what arthritis drug is safe to take while taking prograf?
hi try this its not a drug but very safe and works its a mix of cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic there all very healthy and will do you good. first just each one for ra and you will see how they help now i do take this mix daily for something else but for me the side effect is it cuts down the effects of ra that i have so below you see how i take mine. the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go. its all very healthy for you. you just mix cp and turmeric 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric. you take 3 teaspoonfuls each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful’s and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said. the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down. please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way. now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good. at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day. and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone. so do hope this helps you. good luck ps this really needs a 12 week trail to see if its going to work for you if its for ra do increase it up the stronger it is the better it works for you. don’t forget to up the amount of cp and turmeric as you go on.
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i have increasing lower back pain and wonder if those special belts and posture aids ever help. i have some arthritis in my spine some scoliosis and many of my disks are partially herniated. two years ago i had a cyst and partial herniation on a lower disk and my back "went out" when i picked up a child from the floor. i had about 3 months of pretty severe pain in my left foot. i'm pretty active but it hurts most when i sweep vacuum or stand preparing food at a counter for a long time. by the way i'm 66 and female. thank you!
yes they do i had to wear one for two months because of lower back pain. ordered by my doctor who preformed back surgery on me two months later. he said if the brace works to reduce the pain then surgery will fix the problem. but if that brace changes nothing with your pain no surgery in the world will fix your problem. so give it a try what could it hurt. also while i was a mail carrier i wore one. it really took the weight of my back.
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how can i deal with constipation during pregnancy?
constipation is a common problem that pregnant women have. and there are some things that they can do to help ease the constipation. the first thing is to probably change their diet. i am sure it's not something that a pregnant mom wants to hear because they want to have certain foods but by increasing your fibre intake having more fruit juices fresh fruit more water. water is a great substance that can actually help you ease your constipation. a lot of times pregnant moms are dehydrated because of the fact that they are not drinking enough during the day. so by making these little changes it will help. some minimal exercise. walking around a little bit more actually does a lot of great in helping constipation. there are stool softeners that are available. the common product is docusate sodium and that can be used by pregnant women but i would definitely recommend as a pharmacist that a pregnant woman check with their ob/gyn or healthcare provider first before starting that type of therapy.
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are antibiotics safe during pregnancy?
certain classes of antibiotics are safe. and when you go visit your doctor they are fully aware of what classes you can be on. if you have any questions though when you come and drop off your prescription make sure you talk to the pharmacist. will be able to double check that information for you if the doctor may have prescribed an antibiotic that maybe you are allergic to when he didn't realize that either. let us know because we'll be more than happy to call them inform them and possibly get the prescription changed to something else.
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is unisom safe to take during pregnancy for morning sickness? are there other medications for morning sickness?
believe it or not unisom should not be used for morning sickness and it shouldn't be use by pregnant women. it's used as a sleep-aid but it does contain an antihistamine. talk to your doctor or pharmacist we'll be more than happy to help you one of their options could be a sea-band which is a wrist bracelet that pregnant women can wear. it applies pressure around their wrist and helps with morning sickness. also changes to your diet eating smaller meals things like saltine crackers and items like that have really shown to be beneficial. there are really no prescription medications that are available for morning sickness unfortunately but by talking to your doctor or pharmacist will be able to make sure you make the right choice of this.
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i become pregnant while i’m going through menopause?
once a woman has gone a full year without a period she is now considered menopausal and she is considered that she does not need birth control any more. but don’t do it beforehand because there is that perimenopausal woman who can still get pregnant.
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is it okay for pregnant women to take fexofenadine hcl if they are having sinus congestion?
we do not have enough data to justify use of fexofenadine in pregnant women so i would advise speaking with your doctor first. also this is used for allergy symptoms like a runny nose sneezing and runny eyes not congestion. it is very important that medicine be used to treat the right symptoms. if you have any questions about use of a medication while pregnant talk to your pharmacist we are the medication experts.
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should i take valtrex while i'm pregnant?
valtrex is a pregnancy category b which means it can be used during pregnancy but only under physician supervision and only if it is truly needed.
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is tylenol the only safe over-the-counter pain-reliever during pregnancy? is tylenol pm safe?
this is a great question. tylenol pm is actually not recommended in pregnancy because of the fact that not only does it contain tylenol but it contains an antihistamine like benadryl or diphenhydramine. and that's really not recommended for use in pregnant moms. so you want to avoid that. tylenol is actually the safest pain-reliever to use in pregnant women but i want to make sure that you use it for short-term used only. and if you are going to take it make sure you check it out with your doctor first. and if you have any questions come and ask us.
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is it safe to take methylprednisolone while pregnant? i've read that it can (rarely) cause birth defects.
methylprednisolone is a pregnancy category c drug. we do not have adequate human studies to determine what the effects are so it needs to be a case-by-case decision. you should consult your doctor to discuss the risks versus the benefits of taking this medication.
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i am taking strattera and the generic of celexa. is that safe for a pregnancy?
i always get questions like this in my practice setting and i am more than happy to assist since pharmacists are the medication experts. we do not have enough data for these two medications and they should only be used based on a physician’s evaluation and there is a clear understanding of the risks and benefits.
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what vitamins are safe to use during pregnancy and which should be avoided?
i get asked all the time as a pharmacist about vitamin supplements and other items. come and talk to the pharmacist first. in most cases the pharmacist is going to ask you if you are seeing a doctor or ob/gyn. most likely they are going to put you on a prescription vitamin. there are specific formulations made just for pregnant women. they cover a good amount of the vitamins and also include things like iron calcium and folic acid. these are very important and not only for the mom. but for the baby as well and help in development of their spine and their brain so really important that pregnant moms understand that they need to get special vitamins made just for them. now you want to be careful and make sure that while you are taking these prenatal vitamins that you are not taking additional vitamins on top of it. you could actually take too much of certain vitamins and that may cause some problems down the road. so let your pharmacist know everything that you are taking including over-the-counter herbal and vitamins. the herbal category is an area that i would definitely avoid while you are pregnant. we just don't have any studies or data to know whether or not it's going to harm mom or baby. so better to be safe than sorry. as far as medications over-the-counters come and ask the pharmacist. if you have certain things like an upset stomach there are some products that are available and can be used in pregnant women but you really need to talk to us first. as far as prescription medications there are many different products that a pregnant mom can take and by the pharmacist and physician or healthcare provider working together. we can make sure that you are on the right ones. once again if you have any questions come and talk to us with the medication experts.
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does naproxen affect blood pressure. my blood pressure is usually in the 125/72 range. but lately it has risen by 20 points for both numbers. i started taking naproxen a couple of months ago in place of aspirin. it worked better for my mild arthritis. my weight diet exercise schedule have not changed in the last 6 months. but for some reason my blood pressure has risen. i am 70 yo. and in good health. is naproxen the reason? . thanks
it looks like it can and there's even a webmd article about it! good catch. "medications that cause high blood pressure" non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) nsaids include both prescription and over-the-counter medication. they are often used to relieve pain or reduce inflammation from conditions such as arthritis. however nsaids can make your body retain fluid and decrease the function of your kidneys. this may cause your blood pressure to rise even higher putting greater stress on your heart and kidneys. nsaids can also raise your risk for heart attack or stroke especially in higher doses. common nsaids that can raise blood pressure include: ibuprofen ( advil motrin ) naproxen ( aleve naprosyn ) here's the whole article: <link>
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i have or think i have rh sensitization during pregnancy when should i contact my doctor?
if you are already rh-sensitized and are pregnant your pregnancy will be closely monitored. discuss possible symptoms early in pregnancy with your health professional. repeated diagnostic testing will be necessary to monitor the fetus. call your health professional immediately if you note a decrease in your fetus's movement after 24 to 26 weeks of pregnancy. if you are rh-negative call your health professional immediately if you: think you may have been pregnant and miscarried. are pregnant and have had an accident that may have injured your abdomen. regular prenatal visits are essential. you will need an rh immune globulin shot at 24 to 28 weeks and again after delivery if your baby has rh-positive blood. this is the only way you can prevent rh sensitization. watchful waiting watchful waiting is not appropriate for rh sensitization. it is important to keep all prenatal appointments so that your developing fetus can be closely monitored throughout your pregnancy. who to see a woman who may have problems with rh incompatibility or sensitization can be treated by: a family medicine doctor for mild fetal rh disease. an obstetrician for mild to moderate rh disease. a perinatologist for moderate to severe fetal rh disease ( hydrops ). if you test positive for rh sensitization your health care system or health professional may want you to be followed and treated by a perinatologist or an obstetrician who can easily call in a perinatologist. to prepare for your appointment see the topic making the most of your appointment. webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
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i use a gel on my knee for my arthritis but i understand that it can cause dirrhea but how can it using it on my skin
the medicine would absorb through your skin and cause the side effect that way.
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i have arthritis in right hand thumb. if i accidentally bend thumb at finger knuckle it sticks and hurts really bad. my hand is swollen below the thumb and hurts especially when touched. doctor said it was arthritis and prescribed ibuprophen. is there anything else i can take does anyone know of a cream to rub on?
hi yes your find a mix of cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic is really good for ra just follow my post below. as your read its good for a lot of things and all very healthy. the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go. its all very healthy for you. you just mix cp and turmeric 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric. you take 3 teaspoonful's each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful’s and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said. the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down. please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way. now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good. at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day. and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone. so do hope this helps you. good luck ps this really needs a 12 week trail to see if its going to work for you if its for ra do increase it up the stronger it is the better it works for you. don’t forget to up the amount of cp and turmeric as you go on. one last piece of info some cp i got out here in greece was not very hot so changed shops and using a 50/50 mix of cp and chilli powder this i put a heaped teaspoon on top each day along with a heaped teaspoon of turmeric now from a site i’m on they say to help turmeric get absorbed to take a ¼ teaspoon of black pepper with it what a great way to light a fire in your stomach to get the day started.
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what if i become pregnant while using mirena?
call your health care provider right away if you think you are pregnant. if you get pregnant while using mirena you may have an ectopic pregnancy. this means that the pregnancy is not in the uterus. unusual vaginal bleeding or abdominal pain may be a sign of ectopic pregnancy. ectopic pregnancy is a medical emergency that often requires surgery. ectopic pregnancy can cause internal bleeding infertility and even death. there are also risks if you get pregnant while using mirena and the pregnancy is in the uterus. severe infection miscarriage premature delivery and even death can occur with pregnancies that continue with an intrauterine device (iud). because of this your health care provider may try to remove mirena even though removing it may cause a miscarriage. if mirena cannot be removed talk with your health care provider about the benefits and risks of continuing the pregnancy. if you continue your pregnancy see your health care provider regularly. call your health care provider right away if you get flu-like symptoms fever chills cramping pain bleeding vaginal discharge or fluid leaking from your vagina. these may be signs of infection. it is not known if mirena can cause long-term effects on the fetus if it stays in place during a pregnancy.
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what if i change my mind about birth control and want to become pregnant after placement of mirena?
your health care provider can remove mirena at any time. you may become pregnant as soon as mirena is removed. about eight out of 10 women who want to become pregnant will become pregnant some time in the first year after mirena is removed.
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how should i treat any yeast infections i get while i am pregnant?
this is a question that i think is great. because one of the things that i recommend to patients is they need to see their doctor or healthcare provider first. as we may know a lot of over-the-counter yeast infection treatments are available and a person can pick them up anywhere. but when you are pregnant you want to go see your doctor to make sure that there is nothing else going on and also certain creams are preferred in pregnant women. so it maybe a cream or suppository you may walk out with a prescription or he may give you a recommendation for one of the approved products which is monistat which is available over-the-counter. but the physician or healthcare provider really needs to be involved in that. if you have any questions or are unsure just come and talk to us we will be more than happy to help you.
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what increases the risk of getting rh sensitization during pregnancy?
rh sensitization can occur when a person with rh-negative blood is exposed to rh-positive blood. during pregnancy an rh-negative woman can become sensitized if she is carrying an rh-positive fetus. factors that increase the risk of blood mixing and sensitization during pregnancy include: 2 delivery. abdominal trauma such as from a car accident. abdominal surgery such as a cesarean section. placenta abruptio or placenta previa both of which can cause placental bleeding. external cephalic version for a breech fetus. obstetric procedures such as amniocentesis fetal blood sampling or chorionic villus sampling (cvs). miscarriage (spontaneous abortion ) ectopic pregnancy or elective abortion (medical or surgical abortion) after 8 weeks of fetal age (when fetal blood cell production begins). partial molar pregnancy involving fetal growth beyond 8 weeks. although rare rh sensitization has been known to occur after needle sharing between intravenous drug users. transfusing rh-positive blood in an rh-negative person can also trigger sensitization. but this is extremely rare because blood is always tested prior to transfusion. webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
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i am pregnant and have been told that sudafed is not safe for me to take now. any recommendations?
there actually are a few recommendations that could be used for a nasal decongestant in a pregnant woman who has a stuffy nose. saline solutions are fine to use. they come in a variety of forms including a nasal gel that they could apply inside their nose. it will help loosen up the mucous and therefore it's easier to breathe. also doing things like running a vaporizer or humidifier during the day humidifier is fine at night a vaporizer has a medicine cup in it you can put in things like vicks vaposteam inside of it. it will create this nice menthol air and that actually will help you breathe a little better at night. you could use a little bit of vicks vaporub rubbed on the chest. it's okay to use and that will also create that vapor effect. but other than that those are pretty much the choices. we just don't have enough data yet available on other decongestants that you would take by mouth to make sure that they are safe to both the mom and the baby. but if you have any questions come and ask the pharmacists or the medication experts.
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is it normal to take vicodin while pregnant?
vicodin is a pain medication that should really not be used in pregnant women unless the doctor or health care provider feels that the benefits outweigh the risks.
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what common medications should i avoid during my pregnancy?
there are so many different medications and we could go for hours if we went through every single one. but it really depends on what the area is. if it's a case of nasal decongestants or vitamins or things like that there are some that can't and there are some that can. but by developing that relationship with your pharmacist getting to know us on a first name basis we will be able to talk to you about anything even prescription products. we have data on prescription products about whether or not certain ones are safe to use also we can help call your doctor if you have any other concerns about a prescription. you may have been taking before you got pregnant and ask them if they want you to continue with it. but talking to your pharmacist developing that relationship that's really the key.
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while pregnant can i use otc products containing benzoyl peroxide or alpha beta hydroxyls? what about retinol?
many pregnant women struggle with acne. so one of the common questions i get as a pharmacist is can i use these type of products? i really don't recommend and the reason why what a lot of people don't realize is that they can actually be absorbed through the skin and travel into the blood stream they can cause some harm to the baby. so i would just basically recommend using a basic moisturizer. i know it's tough when you have acne but it's worth it because you don't want to harm your baby. so i really caution against these type of products being used especially the night cream with a retinol. that is actually a derivative of vitamin a and there have been studies that have shown.
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how to treat arthritis in the jaw
hi try this its a post of mine this mix is very good for ra but do give it a 12 week trail your see and its very good for you blood a good all round egg the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go. its all very healthy for you. you just mix cp and turmeric 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric. you take 3 teaspoonfuls each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful’s and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said. the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down. please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way. now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and its arteries prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good. at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day. and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone. so do hope this helps you. good luck ps this really needs a 12 week trail to see if its going to work for you if its for ra do increase it up the stronger it is the better it works for you. don’t forget to up the amount of cp and turmeric as you go on. one last piece of info some cp i got out here in greece was not very hot so changed shops and using a 50/50 mix of cp and chilli powder this i put a heaped teaspoon on top each day along with a heaped teaspoon of turmeric now from a site i’m on they say to help turmeric get absorbed to take a ¼ teaspoon of black pepper with it and because if these extra amounts its now 4 teaspoon's each morning what a great way to light a fire in your stomach to get the day started.
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can age appropriate arthritis be exaserbated by barometric pressure change or other weather conditions? . im 55 very fit and athletic and often suffering with joint pain and stiffness like never before and all over my body not sure where it came from or how to get rid of?
hi below is a post of mine try it good for lots of things ra being one of them its all very healthy and drug free also as your see your blood so should really buck you up. the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go. its all very healthy for you. you just mix cp and turmeric 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric. you take 3 teaspoonful's each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful’s and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said. the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down. please do keep both jars in the fridge keeps a lot better that way. now if you google and read up about all three there very good for ed your cholesterol heart and its arteries prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good. at first you really need to be taken this 3 times a day the other 2 times just before meals for 2 weeks then just twice a day for 2 weeks then just the once at first thing in the mornings great way to start the day. and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above daily along with other supplements and a hormone. so do hope this helps you. good luck ps this really needs a 12 week trail to see if its going to work for you if its for ra do increase it up the stronger it is the better it works for you. don’t forget to up the amount of cp and turmeric as you go on. one last piece of info some cp i got out here in greece was not very hot so changed shops and using a 50/50 mix of cp and chilli powder this i put a heaped teaspoon on top each day along with a heaped teaspoon of turmeric now from a site i’m on they say to help turmeric get absorbed to take a ¼ teaspoon of black pepper with it and because if these extra amounts its now 4 teaspoon's each morning. what a great way to light a fire in your stomach to get the day started.
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is protonix safe for reflux in pregnancy?
there's actually been no studies done in pregnant women in the use of protonix. so at this point it is not recommended. now there are some situations where a physician may deem it completely fine for them to take but once again that doctor is going to monitor that pregnant patient pretty closely to make sure it's okay. but once again we don't have any study data available to find out if it's safe or not. so right now it is not recommended.
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i have spider veins and varicose veins on my legs as a result of pregnancy and age. will lasers really zap those?
depending on how small they are lasers can be very effective in treating spider veins. i don't recommend lasers to the external surface of the skin for treating varicose veins. there are some lasers that are done within the skin by actually cutting into the vein and eliminating it that way and those are done by specialized dermatologist or vascular surgeons. but lasers on the surface can be effective for the very small spider veins. i have found though that for most spider veins sclerotherapy which is in injecting a specific ingredient that helps eliminate those veins works much better than lasers. once you have the smallest vessels left behind laser then works very well. also for varicose veins or the spider veins on the ankles i find laser as a treatment of choice in that area.
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i was told i have arthritis. mypcpsaidhecan'tprescribemeanypainmedsdue to all the other medication i am on what do i do? . i was told i have a level 2 seperation and arthritis in my right shoulder but my pcp said he can't prescribe any pain meds because of all my other meds i am on what do i do?
hi look to cayenne pepper and turmeric just google both for arthritis your see just how the can help you. i take a 50/50 mix of both daily for something else but the side effect is i don't have any problem with the arthritis i do have in my right hand not had a twinge for the last 4 years since i have been on it. you start on a low heat and overtime you can slowly increase the amount you put in i mix mine with tomato paste and olive oil to thin it down you take 3 small spoonful's first thing each morning wash each one down with water i also add very fine chopped garlic also very good for you blood as your find all 3 are. if you need any more help come back through answer this above. hope it helps you. good luck
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what is the strongest over the counter medicine for arthiritis? . prescription medicine to treat arthritis has side effects that prevent me from using it such as reduced urination. i am hoping i can find an otc medicine to treat arthritis that won't have as severe side effects.
all medications can have side-effects. the only medications over-the-counter that are anti-inflammatory and used to treat arthritis would ibuprofen (motrin advil) and aleve. aspirin can also be used but it would be best for you to check with your medical provider first. someone that knows you and your medical history the type/severity of your arthritis and of course recommending the proper dosage for you. treating arthritis can be complicated and there are no cookie-cutter type treatments that work for everyone and all can have side-effects.
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i was told i have reuthmoid arthritis all over my body. whats gonna happen to my body? will i still be able to work? . i am a 58yr. old woman construction worker who was told today that i have rheumatoid arthritis all over my body. what's gonna happen to me now? can i be treated for it? can i still work? 2fingers on my hand are crooked and i get pain in my legs.
hi you need to see a rheumatologist as soon as possible. the sooner you start medications the less joint damage you will have. i am 57 have had ra for about 15 years and the only thing that keeps me from hurting 24/7/365 is arava aka lefluonomide it is a rx drug. i have had less side effects with this than steroids methotrexate etc. i have not tried the biologics yet because of the listed side effects and i am still functional. do look for natural/ homeopathic remedies eat as close to natural foods as possible cut out junk foods and sugar (it's an inflammatory) exercise in a pool & use a hot tub if possible reduce the negative stress in your life as much as possible.
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i was told i have reuthmoid arthritis all over my body. whats gonna happen to my body? will i still be able to work? . i am a 58yr. old woman construction worker who was told today that i have rheumatoid arthritis all over my body. what's gonna happen to me now? can i be treated for it? can i still work? 2fingers on my hand are crooked and i get pain in my legs.
hi this may sound odd but do look towards cayenne pepper and turmeric these are very good for controlling the pain and inflammation i have some but never feel anything. just google cp for arthritis and turmeric for arthritis your find lots of info. i take mine as a 50/50 mix in tomato paste and thin it down with olive oil all very good for you. do hope this helps you. good luck
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what is the strongest over the counter medicine for arthiritis? . prescription medicine to treat arthritis has side effects that prevent me from using it such as reduced urination. i am hoping i can find an otc medicine to treat arthritis that won't have as severe side effects.
hi not a medicine but a mix of cayenne pepper and turmeric is very good at reducing the pain but you need to be on it full time google both for arthritis try this its a mix i use. you just mix cp and turmeric 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric. you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonfuls and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said. the garlic is very good for your blood this mix is also very good for clearing away plaque from your blood doing this is also a good way of over coming cholesterol. do hope this helps you. good luck
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what is the strongest over the counter medicine for arthiritis? . prescription medicine to treat arthritis has side effects that prevent me from using it such as reduced urination. i am hoping i can find an otc medicine to treat arthritis that won't have as severe side effects.
hi another place to look for natural help is www. earthclinic. com just look under ailments under a your find lots of ideas for help. good luck
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can you get bunions in your hands. can you get bunions in your hands or is it more likely it is arthritis?
hi if your joints are swelling its a good chance its arthritis you could try what i take for something else but it keeps my arthritis under control its a mix on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic all very good for you. just how see below. you just mix cp and turmeric 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric. you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful's and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said. the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down. no if you read up about all three the very good for ed your heart and prostate garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good. so do hope this helps you. good luck
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what is best flexeril or robaxin. have herniated discs spinal stenosis and arthritis in low back and neck. help.
flexeril and robaxin are both muscle relaxants and will do very little for arthritis or herniated discs. flexeril in my clinical experience is usually better but the one you should use is the one that works best for you and the one that your medical provider has prescribed based on your response.
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can arthritis inflammation make my blood sugar higher?
i am a non medical person but diabetic for the past 15 years. you need to be talking to your doctor preferably a specialist. however my experience says everything impacts your blood sugar. certainly the pain of arthritis and the stress of aches and pains can increase you blood sugar. it also can interfere with sleep which also can causes higher blood sugars. if you take anything prescription or over the counter for the arthritis it can leave you slightly dehydrated which can increase your blood sugar. any stress or illness can increase your blood sugar. if you haven't been diagnosed as diabetic get a check up. if you have been diagnosed get back to your doctor. good luck. .
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what is the treatment for plant thorn arthritis?
hi getting what left of the thorn or other matter out the way its always worked for me is let it go septic and what is ever in the comes out with the puss once its out down goes the swelling job done. its when they go in deeper and breaks off you get real trouble then it cant get out that's when you really need your er. hope this helps you. good luck
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what is the treatment for plant thorn arthritis?
use anti-inflammatory herbal combination like sallaki curcuma shunthi withania tribulus powder mixture at dose of 2- 3 gms for twice daily. this combination will reduce the pain and inlfammation due to plant thorn arthritis.
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are there any pills or treatments i can use to treat the arthritis in my knees from playing sports? .
hi try a mix of cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic you can google all these for more info for pain relieve. try this its what i take for more than ra this is a post of mine. the way out and clearing away plaque would be to get on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic take this each morning and see how you go. you just mix cp and turmeric 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric. you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful's and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said. the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down. now if you read up about all three the very good for ed your cholesterol heart and prostate and ra garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good. and yes have had ed now in recovery and do take what is above along with other stuff. so do hope this helps you. good luck ps if you start this take it 3 times a day there other 2 times about 30 minutes before you eat
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what are pregnancy dental tumors?
pregnancy tumors are extreme inflammatory reactions to a local irritation (such as food particles or plaque) that occurs in up to 10% of pregnant women and often in women who also have pregnancy gingivitis. pregnancy tumors appear on inflamed gum tissue as large lumps with deep red pinpoint markings on them usually near the upper gum line. the red lump glistens may bleed and crust over and can make eating and speaking difficult and cause discomfort.
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can there be a shoulder tear that's not seen due to arthritis. i injured my left shoulder and mri shows acromioclavicular arthritis but i didn't have pain before the injury. could there be a tear and mri can't see it due to arthritis?
yes you probably need an mri or ctscan with and without contrast to rule it out
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what is pregnancy gingivitis?
this is gingivitis that develops during pregnancy. the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy -- especially the increased level of progesterone -- may make it easier for certain gingivitis-causing bacteria to grow as well as make gum tissue more sensitive to plaque and exaggerate the body's response to the toxins (poisons) that result from plaque.
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how long should women try to get pregnant before calling their doctors?
most healthy women under the age of 30 shouldn't worry about infertility unless they've been trying to get pregnant for at least a year. at this point women should talk to their doctors about a fertility evaluation. men should also talk to their doctors if this much time has passed. in some cases women should talk to their doctors sooner. women in their 30s who've been trying to get pregnant for six months should speak to their doctors as soon as possible. a woman's chances of having a baby decrease rapidly every year after the age of 30. so getting a complete and timely fertility evaluation is especially important. some health issues also increase the risk of fertility problems. so women with the following issues should speak to their doctors as soon as possible: irregular periods or no menstrual periods very painful periods endometriosis pelvic inflammatory disease more than one miscarriage
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my wife is six weeks pregnant and has a sleep disorder. she has a prescription for lunesta; can she take it?
and she did the right thing by not taking the medication since discovering she is pregnant. she needs to discuss this with her doctor or healthcare provider further about the risk versus benefit of lunesta while she is pregnant.
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can i get pregnant following a miscarriage?
yes. at least 85% of women who have miscarriages have subsequent normal pregnancies and births. having a miscarriage does not necessarily mean you have a fertility problem. on the other hand about 1% to 2% of women may have repeated miscarriages (three or more). some researchers believe this is related to an autoimmune response. if you've had two miscarriages in a row you should stop trying to conceive use a form of birth control and ask your health care provider to perform diagnostic tests to determine the cause of the miscarriages.
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why does the cdc recommend hiv screening for all pregnant women?
if a mother is hiv-positive during pregnancy hiv treatment can improve her overall health and can greatly lower the chance of passing hiv to her infant before during or after birth. the treatment is most effective when started as early as possible during pregnancy.
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what to use for arthritis pain relief in my fingers. i currently use mobic 15mg for my arthritis. i have very bad arthritis in each finger of both hands. my fingers hurt every day and some of them dont even bend any more. is there anything better than or in addition to mobic that i should be using?
hi first go have a look on www. earthclinic. com your find loads of natural help on there look under arthritis or ra. for what i have and along with ed i take cayenne pepper works well for what i have in my hands have a read up about it on www. cayennepepper. info i take mine mixed into tomato paste thin it down with olive oil mix it to a heat that suits you take 3 small tea spoonful's each morning first thing and just keep at it. the links just copy into google to read them. hope this helps you. good luck
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what to use for arthritis pain relief in my fingers. i currently use mobic 15mg for my arthritis. i have very bad arthritis in each finger of both hands. my fingers hurt every day and some of them dont even bend any more. is there anything better than or in addition to mobic that i should be using?
continue taking mobic. we recommend to take turmeric ashwagandha guggul and shunthi all in powder form and equal quantities at dose of 3 gms per day in divided doses with luke warm water.
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what type of arthritis affects the skin. i see raised bumps and small scabs. i'm told arthritis. never heard of this
hi its called psoriatic arthritis if you read this link below things will become a lot clearer. the link <link> just copy this link into google to open and read. do hope this helps you. good luck
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what type of arthritis affects the skin. i see raised bumps and small scabs. i'm told arthritis. never heard of this
hi try this link. <link> _and_conditions/psoriatic_arthritis/ this is all one link on both lines. just copy into google to open and read. good luck
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does arthritis travel from back to leg? . lower back arthritis detected. significant pain has rooted in the back then the knee and now the calf.
hi yes arthritis will just keep migrating around your joints i have it in my hands but i have been free of for the past 3 years i'm on cayenne pepper i take this first thing every morning with garlic all very good for you. the mix is this in 10 oz jar you mix tomato paste with cp and thin with olive oil you mix this to a heat that suits you at first as time goes on you will be able to up the heat into this i mix in the top daily very fine chopped garlic in olive oil you can do a whole head in one go in the same sized jar. ok you mix a tea spoon of the garlic on the top of the cp mix and you take 3 tea spoons daily you wash each one down with water doing this will warm you up your start to fill it effects within a few days or you should do. do hope this helps you. good luck
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is it possible for adults my age to get arthritis? i'm 25 and have been experiencing some high levels of back pain.
rheumatoid arthritis can hit at any age osteoarthritis is what's know as common or wear and tear arthritis it is more common in adults/older adults but it's can hit any age depending on different factors. i was diagnosed at 15 yrs old with ra if something doesn't feel right you should always go to doctor and get checked don't ask family or friends to diagnose you most people believe all the arthritis myths and are very misinformed hope this help
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is it possible for adults my age to get arthritis? i'm 25 and have been experiencing some high levels of back pain.
rheumatoid arthritis is quiet common in young age. your back pain may be as a result of bad posture/ sitting habits. do some back muscle strengthening yoga postures under supervision of yoga expert. simple yoga posture like cobra pose may offer you benefits.
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is it possible for adults my age to get arthritis? i'm 25 and have been experiencing some high levels of back pain.
hi for one i don't think there's a low age limit for getting arthritis seeing as some baby's are born with it but i would stop speculating go see your doctor and see what he/she says. ok good luck
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osteoarthritis. i have arthritis in my knees. the last two days the pain radiates up my thighs to my hips and down my calves to my feet. is this common? . 42yo female moderately active normal weight and bmi.
hi see if this helps but its not a cure osteoarthritis can cause radiating joint pain. according to the american academy of orthopaedic surgeons osteoarthritis also known as degenerative joint disease is a progressive joint disease and it is the most common type of arthritis. try googling cayenne pepper for arthritis it could be the one thing that may help once it gets in to your body and blood stream. do hope this helps you. good luck
You are a medical knowledge assistant trained to provide information and guidance on various health-related topics.
osteoarthritis. i have arthritis in my knees. the last two days the pain radiates up my thighs to my hips and down my calves to my feet. is this common? . 42yo female moderately active normal weight and bmi.
hi first have a look at this its from earth clinic. <link>#bcj just copy into google to the www. to open and read. please read the part on black cherry juice acv and turmeric. also this site may help. <link> just copy the same as above to read. more useful info. <link> copy as above to read. now i take cayenne for ed but its stopped the arthritis that i have ok its not that serious so daily first thing every morning i take a mix of cayenne pepper and turmeric i started this about 3 years ago so started with a mix to a heat that suited me now you could do the same thing as a trail and as like me you could build the heat up over time. i mix cayenne pepper with turmeric first in olive oil then add tomato paste and mix up with more olive oil each morning you take 3 small tea spoonful’s and you wash each one down with water you should fill this go round your body when it kicks in and it will takes a few weeks for it build up in your system then if it dose work you the pain will start to ease till gone. ok some extra help i hope. good luck
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what causes shoulder and neck pain. im having neck and shoulder pain it comes and go and is steady. it does not happen because of movement. i have had xrays and told maybe it is shoulder impingement r some form of arthritis. it also affects sleeping. i hv also been a hair stylist for 20 plus years. im so sick of going to the dr and being told different things so could this be serious like lupus r stress r just arthritis?
have you had your thyroid checked? i was having pain and stiffness right posterior neck and subscapular muscle spasms. after taking 25mcgm of synthroid the pain stiffness and spasms went away.
You are a medical knowledge assistant trained to provide information and guidance on various health-related topics.
can you have arthritis pain 24 hours a day
hi below is a couple of answers to a problem with osteoarthritis this and arthritis are kind of the same thing so what below will help you. hi see if this helps but its not a cure osteoarthritis can cause radiating joint pain. according to the american academy of orthopaedic surgeons osteoarthritis also known as degenerative joint disease is a progressive joint disease and it is the most common type of arthritis. try googling cayenne pepper for arthritis it could be the one thing that may help once it gets in to your body and blood stream. do hope this helps you. good luck hi first have a look at this its from earth clinic. <link>#bcj just copy into google to the www. to open and read please read the part on black cherry juice acv and turmeric. also this site may help. <link> just copy the same as above to read. more useful info. <link> copy as above to read. now i take cayenne for ed but its stopped the arthritis that i have ok its not that serious so daily first thing every morning i take a mix of cayenne pepper and turmeric i started this about 3 years ago so started with a mix to a heat that suited me now you could do the same thing as a trail and as like me you could build the heat up over time. i mix cayenne pepper with turmeric first in olive oil then add tomato paste and mix up with more olive oil each morning you take 3 small tea spoonful’s and you wash each one down with water you should fill this go round your body when it kicks in and it will takes a few weeks for it build up in your system then if it dose work you the pain will start to ease till gone. ok some extra help i hope. good luck
You are a medical knowledge assistant trained to provide information and guidance on various health-related topics.
can you have arthritis pain 24 hours a day
pain related to arthritis or musculo-skeletal disorder can be continuous and severity may vary. we advise you to visit your healthcare provider if you have pain of same severity.