### Human:\nare all pastas high in cholesterol?\n\n### Assistant: pastas are generally made from wheat and do not contain any cholesterol. some pastas are made with eggs and therefore contain a small amount of cholesterol. choose whole grain pastas. enjoy them with a variety of vegetables and avoid sauces made with cheese or cream. toss in a little olive oil fresh tomatoes fresh basil and perhaps a sprinkling of grated parmesan cheese to enjoy pasta dishes in more healthy ways.
### Human:\nwhat are some easy excersises to do at work? . i work in a call center. i am in desperate need for some light activity through out the day. i try to get out and walk on my breaks but is there anything i can do at my desk to not only keep me active but to keep me awake as well?\n\n### Assistant: sitting all day at a sedentary desk job can increase your risk for heart attack or stroke and can increase your risk of developing many other different health conditions. therefore it’s important to incorporate as much physical activity as possible throughout the day. first discuss your concerns with your employer to see how they may be able to help address your concerns. if your employer allows try setting up your desk so that you can occasionally stand while performing your normal work functions as some studies have demonstrated standing to be more favorable compared to sitting. although expensive some employers have been willing to equip their office with a treadmill desk that their employees can sign-up for and take turns using throughout the day. also set regular intervals to get up and walk around the office for five to ten minutes. frequent small breaks can help break up the prolonged sitting that is so detrimental to your health. try using a restroom or break room on an opposite side of the building or on a different floor altogether. try doing desk exercises as well. check out this article from webmd for ideas on how to incorporate stretching and exercise at your desk. stay active on a lunch break by taking advantage of any on-site or nearby fitness centers or even dedicating some time to go for a walk. remember every little bit counts. walking on your breaks is an excellent choice. however you might also want to work in some strengthening and stretching exercises as well. strengthening exercises (begin with one set of 10-15 repetitions and increase up to 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each exercise) 1. sit to stand: just like it says stand up then sit down. 2. body weight squat: with your feet shoulder width apart squat down as far as comfortable and then stand back up. 3. push-ups: yes just like you did in pe class back in the day. if you can't do them on the floor do standing push-ups standing an arms length from a wall bring your arms to chest level and lean into the wall so your hands are touching the wall then perform push-ups just like you would if you were lying on the floor. 4. floor crunches: lie on the floor with your feet flat knees bent and your hands clasped behind your head slowly lift your upper back off the floor pause and then lower down to the starting position. for some additional suggestions click on the links below the bonus is they are videos so you can see how to perform the exercise with perfect form decreasing the chance of injury. <link> <link> don't forget to stretch sitting hunched over in front of a computer day after day is a sure fire recipe for low back shoulder and neck pain. repeat each stretch 3 times 1. half moon stretch: seated at your desk sit up straight with both feet flat on the floor raise your arms over your head with your fingers pointing to the ceiling lift your torso up and then gently bend at the waist to one side (hold for a count of 10-15) return to the middle then repeat on the other side 2. chest stretch: sitting up straight in a chair with both feet flat on the floor and your back unsupported move your arms behind you then if you can clasp your hands. next gently raise your arms or hands to the ceiling while keeping your back straight. (hold for a count of 10-15 seconds) 3. neck rotation: sitting straight in your chair slowly turn your head to look over your shoulder hold for a count of 5 then turn your head back to the center and turn to the other side. for some more stretching ideas click on the link below: <link> try these and see how they work. however if its been a long time since you've exercised or if you have a history of illness or injury be sure to check with you doctor before starting.
### Human:\ncan you take too much magnesium or potassium?\n\n### Assistant: both magnesium and potassium are used for many different biological reactions within the body and are vital for life. however just as other elements and vitamins there is a range that is important for functioning. too little and the body doesn’t function. too much can cause toxicity issues and side effects. dietary magnesium does not pose a health risk however pharmacologic doses of magnesium in supplements can promote adverse effects such as diarrhea and abdominal cramping when taken in excess. risk of magnesium toxicity increases with kidney failure when the kidney loses the ability to remove excess magnesium. very large doses of magnesium-containing laxatives and antacids have been associated with magnesium toxicity. symptoms for hyperkalemia or too much potassium include irregular heartbeat nausea and slow weak or absent pulse. ultimately too much potassium can stop the heart. certain medical conditions or medications raise your risk of developing problems from potassium so consult your doctor before taking supplements. it is important to take all medications prescriptions and supplements as directed. never take more than the recommended dose.
### Human:\nhow can i know if a food has a high glycemic index (gi)?\n\n### Assistant: check out the usda label and look specifically where it says “carbohydrate ” and look under it. you’ll see a breakdown of sugars and fiber. if the product says “20 grams of carb” and underneath it says “15 grams of sugar ” run. it’s jam-packed with sugar and has a high gi. 4 grams of refined sugar is equal to 1 tsp. every tsp increases your risk for heart disease. check out the cereal you’re eating in the morning. avoid the frosted stuff as well as those loaded with granola raisins and dates. added sugars in your diet mount up over time and if you’re not vigilant you’ll be consuming way too much of the white stuff. there are several good gi food list books out there as well as multiple websites where you can learn for yourself what the gi is for carbs you’re currently eating. as a rule of thumb try to stick to foods that are less than 50 (low gi) or 55-70 (medium gi) and avoid or minimize high gi (>70) food products.
### Human:\njust as there is "good" cholesterol (hdl) and "bad" cholesterol (ldl) there are also "good" triglycerides. explain? . i recently was made aware of good triglycerides. so i did some research and found this paper online <link> can a medical professional or scientist please explain what triglyceride remnants means in layman terms. need clarification on t"he mechanisms by which "bad" triglycerides develop explain why elevated triglycerides and low hdl--and patients with the metabolic syndrome--warrant special attention" why is this?\n\n### Assistant: none of the major health organizations emphasize good or bad triglycerides -- the study you found was from 2002 and i have found nothing more recent to support it. the key is to think of heart disease risk like a puzzle with many different pieces. risk factors include high triglycerides high total cholesterol high ldl (bad cholesterol) and low hdl (good cholesterol) high blood pressure hyperglycemia and abdominal fat. someone with metabolic syndrome has a cluster of all these risk factors (instead of just one or two) putting them at even higher risk. for more on how to lower triglycerides see this article and for more on optimal blood lipid levels see this one. good luck!
### Human:\ncan nuts help lower cholesterol?\n\n### Assistant: the fda recommends that consumption of 1. 5 ounces of nuts per day may reduce cardiovascular risk. aside from the fatty acid composition of nuts other components such as arginine plant sterols and phenolic components may play a favorable role in the lowering of lipid levels for those who eat nuts as a regular part of their diet. walnuts and almonds have been most comprehensively studied. . one must always remember that these studies are far too small to establish any guidelines and there certainly is not one ounce of outcome data regarding the effect on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. the american dietetic association evidence library concludes that "consumption of 50-113 grams (1/2 cup to 1 cup) of nuts daily with a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol decreased total cholesterol by 4-21% and ldl-c by 6-29% when weight was not gained. " however we have to remember that a diet rich in nuts is a heavy caloric load and may lead to weight gain. i recommend somewhat smaller portions of nuts as part of a healthful diet.
### Human:\ndoes 2 or 2 1/2 glasses of wine a day caues high blood preasure?\n\n### Assistant: although consuming a moderate amount of alcohol can have some potential health benefits drinking too much alcohol can raise your blood pressure. a moderate amount of alcohol consumption per day is considered 2 servings for men (under 65 years old) and 1 serving for women and men over 65 years old. a serving is considered: 12 ounces of beer 5 ounces of wine or 1. 5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits so the answer to your question depends on if you’re male or female how old you are and whether you’re having an appropriate serving size. if you’re already an alcohol drinker small amounts of alcohol may actually lower your blood pressure but this isn’t to suggest that you start drinking if you don’t already. the potential benefits of alcohol need to be weighed against the possible detrimental health effects since consuming alcohol can lead to other health problems too. this would be an area to discuss further with your doctor. drinking too much alcohol in one sitting can temporarily raise your blood pressure and drinking too much on a regular basis can cause long term blood pressure problems. keep in mind that consuming excess alcohol can also increase calorie consumption which could possibly lead to weight gain another risk factor for hypertension. it’s typically not recommended to start drinking alcohol if you don’t already and it’s important to limit alcohol consumption to moderate amounts if you already consume alcohol. no yes yes if its a women.
### Human:\ndo men and women handle stress differently?\n\n### Assistant: i think they generally do and unfortunately men handle it in a way that is counter productive. we have noticed that more men will begin to drink alcohol excessively and that is probably because they want to be seen as strong and if they go to a doctor for any kind of help with this it will mean that they are not men so better to drink and try to drink your troubles away than to try and get some help. women on the other hand will say look if i’m this stressed i’ve got to go get some help. we know that more women enter therapy than man. that has always been as long as i can remember and they’ve been keeping statistics that women are willing to talk to others and to try to come to terms with how do i cope with this how can i change this what am i missing they will talk about their problems. men will talk about the baseball scores. they won’t talk about their problems. that’s why the statistics are skewed probably that they say that women have more anxiety and depression than men. no it’s because more women show up at the office and get counted and men don’t get counted. if we went into bars and started doing some kind of research i would wonder before they took their first drink how would they register on stress measures on anxiety depression measures and i think we would find a rather dramatic shift. you know what is stopping them what is so unmanly about getting help when you need it. if you have hypertension and you are a man you go and get help. is that unmanly? no. if you have anxiety and stress that is causing you serious problems and can end up in a heart attack is that unmanly or should you go and get some help just the way you got with your hypertension. remember these kinds of illnesses are just as important and can have as catastrophic results as the medical illnesses that you’ve accepted all these years.
### Human:\nhow to daily chart salt intake. i need to reduce the amount of salt in my diet yet i know the body needs some amount to maintain health. i'm looking for a chart i can plot what i eat to determine how much salt i'm ingesting. . i'm 70 years old in excellent health except for this darn bp problem. i'm been a ballet student for 40 years currently dancing 2 days a week for 1 1/2 hours in an advance ballet class. i see my health professionals regularly and always great dental checkups. thanks for helping me with my need\n\n### Assistant: the american heart association has this sodium tracker: <link> there are also various apps you can use if you have a smart phone. just do a search online and read review to pick the best one. make sure you get nutrition information from restaurants and read labels. here are some articles that might help: range of sodium content for common foods reduce salt in your diet low sodium recipe tips i use fatsecret. com. you can log in your foods and choose the settings you would like (for instance) protein fat sugar sodium fiber. it will allow you to track 5 at one time. it will give you how many grams you are eating per day based on the foods you input.
### Human:\nis maintaining a vegan diet healthier for your heart?\n\n### Assistant: vegan diets -- which exclude dairy foods meats fish and eggs -- are low in cholesterol and saturated fats. this helps reduce a person's risk for heart disease. because they are predominantly made up of plant foods vegan diets are also higher in dietary fiber which can also help reduce your risk of heart disease. but because vegan diets exclude fish and seafood you could be missing out on the protective effects of fish oils that are also associated with a decreased risk of heart disease.
### Human:\nwhat is dopamine?\n\n### Assistant: dopamine is mainly a neurotransmitter: a small molecule that one nerve releases when stimulated in order to stimulate other nearby nerves. dopamine acts in many vital circuits inside the brain and is involved in thinking learning movement motivation and pleasure and other domains. drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine act on dopamine-releasing nerves in the brain to help produce their high. medicines to treat schizophrenia and parkinson’s disease act on other dopamine-releasing nerves with very different effects. dopamine is also sometimes used as a medicine in people who are critically ill with dangerously low blood pressure (shock). given in high doses intravenously dopamine causes the heart to beat harder and blood vessels to constrict raising blood pressure.
### Human:\nis it possible to be fat and fit?\n\n### Assistant: yes you can be overweight and in good shape at the same time. in fact physiologists now believe that being overweight and fit is far healthier than being skinny and out of shape. how much healthier? one recent study of 2 600 people shows that subjects who were unfit were four times more likely to die than those who were very fit —whether those fit people were normal weight overweight or obese. that’s because exercise — no matter how much you weigh — reduces your risk of a broad range of ailments including cardiovascular disease cancer and diabetes.
### Human:\nwhat is moderate right distal carotid artery stenosis?\n\n### Assistant: the carotid arteries are a pair of arteries that serve as the main pipelines bringing oxygen-rich blood to the brain. the carotid arteries travel through the neck next to the windpipe. stenosis means an abnormal narrowing of a body part -- in this case an artery. distal means the far end of a body part. (the closer end is referred to as proximal. ) so this condition could more plainly be described as moderate narrowing of the far end of the right main artery in the neck. carotid artery stenosis often is caused by atherosclerosis a slow process of hardening and narrowing of the arteries throughout life. cholesterol-rich plaques develop in the walls of arteries in the neck heart and elsewhere and slowly grow. if cholesterol plaques grow and protrude into the center of the artery they can interfere with blood flow. this usually occurs very gradually and the body adapts so there are often no symptoms. the biggest risk is from the sudden rupture of a cholesterol plaque. this can result in rapid formation of a blood clot causing a heart attack or stroke. moderate carotid artery stenosis means the artery is narrowed but blood flow is not severely reduced. treatment depends on whether symptoms are present. for people who have had a stroke or mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack or tia) surgery to open the blockage (endarterectomy) is often recommended. however even without symptoms carotid artery stenosis is a yellow caution flag signaling you’re at risk for heart attack and stroke. a healthy diet regular exercise not smoking and taking the right medications can reduce your risk significantly. can diet change carotid artery disease if so what diet changes are recommended
### Human:\nshould i give my 3 year old omega 3 supplement on top of her pediatrician prescribed vitamin?\n\n### Assistant: it depends on if your child is getting some through her diet. if she is eating fish at least twice a week she doesn't need to supplement with omega 3s. but if she eats no fish then it is unlikely she is getting enough docosahexaenoic acid (dha) and eicosapentaenoic acid (epa) which plays an important role in brain development. when looking at supplements check the specific amount (milligrams) of dha and epa in the product. the world health organization recommends 2-4 year old's get 100-150 milligrams of dha and epa (combined) daily. studies show most children only get 45 milligrams. always check with your healthcare provider.
### Human:\nwhat can be done about headaches associated with multiple sclerosis?\n\n### Assistant: headaches are usually not a feature of multiple sclerosis. however headaches are a common problem and many ms patients have migraine headaches along with their ms. the headaches need to be treated since the constant pain can be very demoralizing and make life more difficult. your son's neurologist should be able to work with him to find a medication that helps his headache pain. you may want to ask your neurologist about midrin and topamax. both of these drugs have seemed to help me in the past. i have also tried botox injections - alot of injections around eyes neck scalp as well as my mouth as i twitch there off and on. have tried botox injections twice now and find them only mildly effective.
### Human:\nmy husband is talking aloud and giving speeches all while sound asleep. does he have a sleep disorder? . he also moves saying that he was marching playing shuffleboard soccer or even shooting a rifle!\n\n### Assistant: it sounds like your husband may have a sleep disorder. there are sleep disorders in which individuals start to act out their dreams or move about excessively in their sleep. as you note many times this is not terribly bothersome to the patient but can be very distressing to the bed partner and in rare instances dangerous as well. moreover the movements can be a symptom of an underlying neurological condition as well. i would suggest talking with your primary care doctor about this and describing to her/him exactly what he does. if possible taking a video recording of him doing these things in his sleep would be very helpful. you may end up needing to see a sleep specialist.
### Human:\nshould i use a denture adhesive?\n\n### Assistant: a denture adhesive may be considered under the following circumstances: to enhance your satisfaction with a properly constructed denture. adhesives enhance retention stability bite force and an individual's sense of security to assist individuals with dry mouth conditions that lessen denture adherence such as individuals taking cold medications those with neurologic disabilities including strokes and the elderly to provide added stability and security for those who place unusual demands on their facial muscles such as public speakers or musicians
### Human:\nwhat is neurocardiogenic syncope? . neurocardiogenic syncope is the most common reason for fainting. neurocardiogenic syncope is also called vasovagal syncope.\n\n### Assistant: neurocardiogenic syncope is the most common reason for fainting. neurocardiogenic syncope is also called vasovagal syncope. in neurocardiogenic syncope blood pressure rapidly falls and blood flow to the brain becomes very low. the person loses consciousness (passes out or faints) usually for only a few seconds. neurocardiogenic syncope can occur suddenly in response to a startling event or strain (a needle stick pain fear cough or defecation). it can also occur after prolonged standing heat exposure or exertion. some people experience a period of ill-feeling for a few minutes before actually passing out. neurocardiogenic syncope is common and usually does not signal any serious problem or increased health risk. however there can be many other reasons for fainting (syncope) some of which are serious. after a fainting episode further testing is often recommended to make sure a serious cause of syncope (such as an abnormal heart rhythm) isn’t responsible.
### Human:\nwhat are some easy excersises to do at work? . i work in a call center. i am in desperate need for some light activity through out the day. i try to get out and walk on my breaks but is there anything i can do at my desk to not only keep me active but to keep me awake as well?\n\n### Assistant: sitting all day at a sedentary desk job can increase your risk for heart attack or stroke and can increase your risk of developing many other different health conditions. therefore it’s important to incorporate as much physical activity as possible throughout the day. first discuss your concerns with your employer to see how they may be able to help address your concerns. if your employer allows try setting up your desk so that you can occasionally stand while performing your normal work functions as some studies have demonstrated standing to be more favorable compared to sitting. although expensive some employers have been willing to equip their office with a treadmill desk that their employees can sign-up for and take turns using throughout the day. also set regular intervals to get up and walk around the office for five to ten minutes. frequent small breaks can help break up the prolonged sitting that is so detrimental to your health. try using a restroom or break room on an opposite side of the building or on a different floor altogether. try doing desk exercises as well. check out this article from webmd for ideas on how to incorporate stretching and exercise at your desk. stay active on a lunch break by taking advantage of any on-site or nearby fitness centers or even dedicating some time to go for a walk. remember every little bit counts. walking on your breaks is an excellent choice. however you might also want to work in some strengthening and stretching exercises as well. strengthening exercises (begin with one set of 10-15 repetitions and increase up to 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each exercise) 1. sit to stand: just like it says stand up then sit down. 2. body weight squat: with your feet shoulder width apart squat down as far as comfortable and then stand back up. 3. push-ups: yes just like you did in pe class back in the day. if you can't do them on the floor do standing push-ups standing an arms length from a wall bring your arms to chest level and lean into the wall so your hands are touching the wall then perform push-ups just like you would if you were lying on the floor. 4. floor crunches: lie on the floor with your feet flat knees bent and your hands clasped behind your head slowly lift your upper back off the floor pause and then lower down to the starting position. for some additional suggestions click on the links below the bonus is they are videos so you can see how to perform the exercise with perfect form decreasing the chance of injury. <link> <link> don't forget to stretch sitting hunched over in front of a computer day after day is a sure fire recipe for low back shoulder and neck pain. repeat each stretch 3 times 1. half moon stretch: seated at your desk sit up straight with both feet flat on the floor raise your arms over your head with your fingers pointing to the ceiling lift your torso up and then gently bend at the waist to one side (hold for a count of 10-15) return to the middle then repeat on the other side 2. chest stretch: sitting up straight in a chair with both feet flat on the floor and your back unsupported move your arms behind you then if you can clasp your hands. next gently raise your arms or hands to the ceiling while keeping your back straight. (hold for a count of 10-15 seconds) 3. neck rotation: sitting straight in your chair slowly turn your head to look over your shoulder hold for a count of 5 then turn your head back to the center and turn to the other side. for some more stretching ideas click on the link below: <link> try these and see how they work. however if its been a long time since you've exercised or if you have a history of illness or injury be sure to check with you doctor before starting.
### Human:\nwhat will work better for migraine relief: darvocet-n 100 tylenol with codeine no. 3 or lortab?\n\n### Assistant: pain associated with migraines is a very individualized symptom. it isn't a symptom that a health care professional can visually see to measure the intensity. we rely on the patient to give specifics on the tolerability and type of pain so we can better identify the type of medication that will work specifically for your type of pain and the location of the pain. without knowing more about your pain i would not be able to tell you which medication is better. i can inform you a bit more about the details of each medication. one common ingredient in all three of these products is acetaminophen which functions to increase the effects of the primary pain reliever. in addition to acetaminophen darvocet contains propoxephene. tylenol no. 3 contains codeine. lortab contains hydrocodone. these medications are the primary pain relievers. they also cause drowsiness. while analgesics (acetaminophen) nsaids and narcotics relieve pain they don't address the underlying physiology of the migraine which is primarily the dilation of blood vessels in the brain causing pressure on nerves in such a tight closure of an area. two classes of migraine drugs that can aid with the dilation of blood vessels in the brain are ergotamines and triptans.
### Human:\ncan antidepressants help get the serotonin in your brain back in sync?\n\n### Assistant: serotonin is one of a few chemicals that may be low in depression but depression may be due to genetics stress and your personality or coping style. some of us think that psychotherapy actually exercises the front of the brain which helps to increase many of the chemicals that are low. so psychotherapy changes chemical levels too perhaps. if counseling has routinely helped you keep doing it. if it fails to help then a med may be called for. unfortunately i see that the more depression spells someone has then often they do end up on a med more often.
### Human:\nmom has demensha i just saw something about grainbriain diet is it worth changing her diet now she is 83. this diet is low carb gluten free and suggets these 7 suplements from dr. david pealmudder. 1. dha. 2. resveratrol. 3. turmeric. 4. . probiotics. 5. . coconut oil. 6. . alpha-lipoic acid. 7. . vitamin d\n\n### Assistant: helping your mother improve her diet can certainly help. i believe grain brain may be referring to research that shows people with celiac disease have a higher risk of getting alzheimer's the most common form of dementia but i haven't read the book. i'm not saying a low carb gluten free diet won't be beneficial but it is not standard practice for treating dementia. the alzheimer's association and dementia. org recommend a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables that's low in saturated fat and includes healthy fats like those found in vegetable sources like olive oil and nuts. and some research shows a diet full of healthy carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (fruits vegetables and whole grains) may help with alzheimer's. from the supplements you mention coconut oil is often used even though there is no evidence its beneficial -- it may be worth a try as there's anecdotal evidence it helps. low levels of vitamin d has been linked to higher risk of dementia so it makes sense to get her levels checked. if she is low taking vitamin d is important. there has been some research showing that dha (and eating fish 3 times per week) can help but more research is needed. as people age the good bacteria in their gi tract decreases so a probiotic may be beneficial. before giving supplements check with her doctor. see this list of vitamins and supplements that may be beneficial for dementia. good luck!
### Human:\nwhat is dopamine?\n\n### Assistant: dopamine is mainly a neurotransmitter: a small molecule that one nerve releases when stimulated in order to stimulate other nearby nerves. dopamine acts in many vital circuits inside the brain and is involved in thinking learning movement motivation and pleasure and other domains. drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine act on dopamine-releasing nerves in the brain to help produce their high. medicines to treat schizophrenia and parkinson’s disease act on other dopamine-releasing nerves with very different effects. dopamine is also sometimes used as a medicine in people who are critically ill with dangerously low blood pressure (shock). given in high doses intravenously dopamine causes the heart to beat harder and blood vessels to constrict raising blood pressure.
### Human:\ncan you live without a pancreas?\n\n### Assistant: yes. the pancreas has two main functions: secretion of insulin which controls blood sugar levels and secretion of digestive enzymes and hormones. although not a perfect solution these functions can be replaced through insulin injections and oral pancreatic enzymes with meals. surgery to remove the pancreas completely is rarely done so very few people have no pancreas at all. much more common is having a pancreas that doesn’t work properly. in people with type 1 diabetes the pancreas stops making insulin but continues to make digestive enzymes. in cystic fibrosis and chronic pancreatitis both insulin and enzyme production are often impaired. after surgery to remove part of the pancreas (such as for pancreatic cancer) in some cases the remaining pancreas can’t make enough insulin enzymes or both. people with diabetes are at higher risk for heart attacks and strokes and low pancreatic enzymes can lead to vitamin deficiencies. artificial replacement doesn’t work as well as a healthy pancreas but it allows many people with pancreatic insufficiency to live full active lives. is a person able to live without a pancreas
### Human:\nwhat vitamins help migraines?\n\n### Assistant: webmd has a list of vitamins and other supplements that might help with headaches. the page lists the supplements weight of the evidence and reviews. the link is below. vitamins and supplements for migraines. vitamin supplements are advised in migraines for its prevention. vitamins like vitamin b6 b12 vitamin c folic acid are proven useful to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. these supplements also prevent the migraine attacks and improves overall the quality of life.
### Human:\nhow much should i weigh?\n\n### Assistant: doctors nutritionists and public health authorities most often use the body mass index to define a healthy weight. body mass index (bmi) is your weight in kilograms divided by the square of your height in meters (kg/m2). according to the cdc a bmi of less than 18. 5 is considered underweight. a normal bmi falls within the range of 18. 5 to 24. 9. the bmi range of 25. 0 to 29. 9 is considered overweight and a bmi of 30. 0 or higher is considered obese. . obesity increases the risk for diabetes high blood pressure heart attack stroke certain cancers. losing weight reduces your risk. waist size matters too. even in people who are only slightly overweight a waist circumference greater than 40 inches in men and 35 inches in women increases health risks. don’t believe your pant size; it often underestimates waist circumference. measure your waist yourself with a tape measure just below the belly button.
### Human:\nwhy i am craving only for sweet food? . since i stopped contraception pills i couldn't stop eating sweet food. i gained 6kg within 2 weeks. and then i decided to stop. so for 2months now i haven't touched any sweet chocolate fizzy drink or bakery. instead i eat dried fruits peanuts yogurts fruits porridge. i cant eat salty. even though i eat only healthy im always eating! i feel this constant sweet food craving! (i haven't lost weight even though im doing sports everyday not eating in the evenings. i've been taking chromme for 1month).\n\n### Assistant: there may be a few reasons why you are cravings sweet foods. one thought is that your blood sugar may be low and your body is trying to tell you that you need to eat something in order to bring your blood sugar levels back to normal. low blood sugar could come about by not eating enough food throughout the day or by not making appropriate food choices. it could also be from a lack of energy or exhaustion especially from lack of sleep where your body will begin to look for other sources of energy. sugar can be metabolized and converted to energy very quickly so it’s an obvious choice. the cravings may come as a response from being very restrictive with your diet. it can be hard to sustain an eating plan where you are constantly depriving yourself of things that you want to indulge in. instead consider moderation and portion control as healthy alternatives. lastly there are also psychological reasons for craving sweets as well. for example when you are stressed you may sometimes seek comfort in food wanting something that tastes really good. eating sweets can trigger a reward mechanism in your brain by releasing serotonin which helps to boost your mood and help you to feel better. there are a variety of reasons for sweet cravings both physical and psychological. it could be that now that you are off the pill your cycles are back to normal and you are experiencing more cravings related to fluctuations in hormones. it also could be your restriction of sweet items is causing you to be even more drawn to them. you first want to look at your diet. is it balanced with all the food groups? are you getting enough dietary fat for satisfaction? what are your absolute favorite sweets? have you tried incorporating items like dark chocolate or smaller portions of other sweet foods you like? there is emerging research that mindful eating can decrease food cravings in people with eating problems. that means eating meals at the table eating slowly enjoying food and leaving judgment out of your thoughts about food. that means no more "i was bad so i might as well throw caution to the wind" or "i shouldn't eat that because it is bad for me. " it's all about listening to your body and trusting yourself around food. a registered dietitian can help you find out why you are craving sweets (go to eatright. org to find one in your area). for more on mindful eating see this post on webmd's real life nutrition. <link> good luck! hi and thanks so much for your question. there's a good chance that you have an issue with being hooked on or addicted to sugar. take a moment and complete this easy 2 min quiz devised by experts from yale university <link> in your situation what you're doing is actually something we call "eating around the addiction". you did well to eliminate refined and processed sugar from your dietary intake. however you didn't replace it with rewarding and tasty enough sweetness from natural sources and thus you're still in crave mode. you want the sweet but can't eat it so you eat around it by continuously munching on other foods. one problem with that in addition to packing on pounds is that you may start getting hooked on the dried fruits and nuts as well. the foods people become most hooked on are called the hyperpalatables--- sugary/fatty/salty food combos. it's never tuna on a bed of greens that we get hooked on. it's the super rewarding hyperpalatables most of which are refined and processed foods. in my book the hunger fix i note that you need a strategy of detox and recovery in which you substitute the refined sweets with natural sweets as well as add other foods that naturally boost the brain's dopamine the reward brain chemical that gives you pleasure and satisfaction. in addition log onto the webmd food and fitness planner and you'll also see a wealth of naturally sweet and tasty foods you can now incorporate into your dietary regimen to stop the cravings. another thing i note is that you're not taking in much protein. a secret way to stop cravings is to combine lean protein with fiber--- carrots and hummus peanut butter with apple slices yogurt with blueberries low fat cheese with an apple. works like a charm. good luck and let us know how you're doing dr. peeke i was struggling with sugar for quite a while. i did a little research for my personal dietary needs. i am basically a carbo addict. if you want to call it that. what i did find was really helpful. south beach diet book really helped me understand about what foods can do to your body chemistry. the processed foods manufactured these days are even more highly processed than in the recent past. these higher processed foods make you crave more and more of them. there are lots of hidden sugars in foods which also make you crave more of them. the trick i found was to 1. eat the type of foods that help you prevent the cravings like protein and foods on the low glyciemic index. foods that have lots of nutrition give your body what it needs and you begin to crave less of the junk. 2. take a look at your eating habits and modify them. me for example love to eat at night. it may not be the best thing but i seem to sleep better with some food in my stomach. that said i have switched out the junk or carbs. replace ice cream with greek yogurt. relpace high fat chips with cruncy celery and peanut butter or cream cheese. instead of a sandwich with bread make a turkey roll up. 3. exercise helps to regulate your sugar levels so i work at getting some exercise which also helps my mood levels in case the mood ties into eating for more comfort. 4. and lastly when the sugar craving gets the best of you have something like chocolate chips. put 10 or so into a tiny prep bowl. i bring them in my office for that afternoon pick me up. i am always suprised when i don't even eat them all. hope that helps a little! just a thought. i was craving sweets too for a long while. i also felt very tired most of the time. when i went to my doctor i found out i was diabetic. my body craved sweets because it thought it was needed in my diet. am only saying this because no one else mentioned it here and it would be smart to go get tests. you probably are not diabetic but why not get tests to find out if you have deficiencies etc? couldn't hurt to check.
### Human:\nwhat is an aneurysm?\n\n### Assistant: an aneurysm is a balloon-like bulging of a portion of a blood vessel most commonly occurring in arteries. aneurysms occur in places where the muscular wall of the artery is weak. when the heart contracts and pushes blood pressure to its maximal point the weak part of the artery bulges and swells. the main areas where aneurysms can cause problems in adults are the arteries in the brain and the aorta (the main artery in the center of the body). the cause of aneurysms is unknown but high blood pressure and smoking are risk factors. aneurysms are dangerous because they can burst (rupture) causing rapid life-threatening bleeding. doctors often recommend observation for small aneurysms. larger aneurysms are more likely to rupture and doctors may recommend surgery or another procedure to reduce the risk.
### Human:\nwhat is the percentage for a heart attack with poor dental health? . i am a female and my age 59 years old. i have a severe stabbing pain in the upper center of my back. my two lower front teeth are separating and the roots expose. i have been coughing and bringing up mucus with a dark green texture. my pulse is 103 and my blood pressure 105/61 as of 12-11-2012.\n\n### Assistant: you should seek immediate emergency help with any symptoms of upper back or chest pain. call 911 now. poor dental health bleeding gums or not maintaining oral hygiene have known to cause strokes. the bacteria from the mouth gets into the blood stream and also reaches the heart leading to strokes. a number of researches have proved this fact.
### Human:\nwhat is arthropathy?\n\n### Assistant: arthropathy just means “joint problem. ” doctors often use arthropathy interchangeably with arthritis which means "joint inflammation. " there are some forms of arthropathy that are distinct from arthritis: neuropathic arthropathy: nerve damage from diabetes or another nerve condition results in slow damage to joints. in diabetic people arthropathy usually affects the foot and ankle. (arthritis may also be present. ) hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy: the ends of bones in the ankles knees wrists and elbows start to grow abnormally and painfully in an adult. the tips of the fingers become rounded called clubbing. this form of arthropathy occurs more often in people with lung cancer. hemarthrosis: bleeding into a joint like the knee can occur after injuries or medical procedures and is a common problem in people with hemophilia. arthritis is common and other arthropathies are uncommon so in most cases when a doctor says arthropathy it means arthritis.
### Human:\n<link> what is. cognimax iq. ? . . cognimax iq is generally a genuine go therapies which may manage in conjunction with facilitates appropriate totally focus in conjunction with safe-keeping. that may screened specially meant that you can dining room table this specific impact connected with aging with the brain's characteristics. these kinds of helps make decided after in order to:\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this important webmd medical information site by not posting advertising for your products. your posting takes up valuable space for members seeking answers to their specific questions.
### Human:\ncan i take meloxicam tylenol and aleve at the same time?\n\n### Assistant: meloxicam is a prescription strength nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid) while acetaminophen (tylenol) is an effective analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer). aleve is an over-the-counter nsaid. i would not take aleve while taking meloxicam due to the increased risk of side effects and toxicity issues. if you need to take a pain reliever in addition to the meloxicam i would stick with the acetaminophen. if this doesn’t alleviate the migraine/headaches then i would consult your health care professional about the cause of the migraines and what can be used to treat the symptoms. meloxican & tylenol : meloxican(mobic) is a nsaid it's an antiinflamatory that decreases swelling. tylenol is an analgesic and used for acute pain. so they go hand in hand especially if you just injured something like a knee ankle something like that. take mobic at same time each day to even the blood and it's better to take with food. tylenol can be used as needed for pain. you can take meloxicam and tylenol together but i would not recommend that you take meloxicam and aleve together. refer here <link> can i take tylenol with meloxicam?
### Human:\ncan you give a 10 month old rice milk instead of formula? . my 10 month old granddaughter is prohibited from having any dairy or soy. she is currently on a special formula that is extremely expensive and has to be special ordered (not available in any stores). if she should run out before the next shipment arrives do you think it would be okay to give rice milk or have rice milk alternately with the formula to reduce the amount of formula she consumes. she is eating food prepared by mom and processed in the "baby bullet".\n\n### Assistant: it is not recommended that children under two consume rice milk or other alternatives to milk or soy unless directed by a pediatrician or pediatric dietitian. the problem are these products are not designed to meet baby's needs and they low in fat protein and other key nutrients like iron. keeping her on formula is important until she turns one. after that you can discuss other options with her pediatrician depending on what else she is consuming. nutritionally rice and almond milk are not equivalent to cow's milk besides the fortification of calcium and vitamin d. for some kids older than one that may be okay but you need to check with a pediatrician. parents of children with two or more food allergies really should see a pediatric dietitian to ensure that their are meeting nutritional needs. the first two years are the most important in terms of nutrition as it is the time the brain is developing and growth is at it's highest.
### Human:\nare there any nutrients that i should be getting more of as my pregnancy progresses?\n\n### Assistant: it is important to eat nutritious and well-balanced meals throughout your pregnancy. you will need to increase your intake of certain vitamins and minerals including iron calcium and folic acid. also it's generally recommended that women consume between 100 and 300 calories more per day while pregnant. try to limit the amount of sweets and junk food you eat as they offer mostly empty calories with little to no nutritional value. i read somewhere that brain development is key in the 3rd tri- so try to get omega 3s. with limits on fish intake i'm trying buy omega 3 enhanced eggs and milk (but i'm also eating low mercury fish like shrimp a few times / week).
### Human:\nmy wife is in her fifties and hasn't had a period in over three years. could she still get pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: when a women has had a natural menopause. we suggest that birth control be used for 12 months after the last natural period. the reason is that some women will have a temporary interruption of ovulations/periods creating months of no periods. then periods and possible fertility can resume. this is especially common during the four years preceding menopause and the year following probable last natural period. bottom line after three years in a woman over 53 years old pregnancy is unlikely. . get off the pills! i was taking ortho-tricycline for years 50 yrs old ended up in hospital with "cardiac event" got to choose a cardiologist chewed me out royally for taking birth control pills @ my age (and my gyno had recommended them to help me sail through menopause). little did i know they could have killed me. cause high blood pressure blood clots--i was a heart attack waiting to happen and dr. said i definitely was headed for a stroke! get the blood test to show if you are in menopause to know for sure. use condoms get a hysterectomy whatever but don't kill yourself! when young the pill is great; no place for the over 50 crowd.
### Human:\ni am 5ft 2 i havnt eaten for 88 days but drink only tea with 1 sugar how much harm am i putting my body and brain in\n\n### Assistant: yes you are absolutely putting yourself at risk for serious health complications if you haven’t already. simply put your body is not receiving the nutrients that it needs to maintain its normal biological processes and function. consuming only tea with sugar would not be providing your body with an adequate amount of protein/essential amino acids essential fatty acids carbohydrates vitamins and minerals that your body needs for proper maintenance. these nutrient deficiencies can lead to serious health problems. i would suggest speaking with a doctor or registered dietitian and consider amending your diet immediately.
### Human:\nmale 25 yrs old. i have low t. cat scan shows no pitutary tumor. symptoms low sex drive fatigue mild depression. cause? . surprised by low testosterone in blood work. i have a lot of body hair. what is the cause? will this always be a problem?\n\n### Assistant: there are two areas of the body where problems can arise which cause low testosterone levels. the first area is in your testicles. testosterone is produced in the testicles. the second area is the hormone control centers in the brain the hypothalamus and the pituitary. when testosterone levels fall the hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary to produce the hormones lh and fsh. these hormones travel in the blood stream and cause the testicles to produce testosterone and sperm. the effect of low testosterone levels on a man depends on his age when the low levels develop. in adults fatigue lack of sex drive and depression occur within a few weeks of developing low testosterone levels. decreased muscle mass and body hair are less common and do not occur for a year or more after the onset of testosterone deficiency. the first step when low testosterone levels are found is to confirm the results with repeat testing and test for free or bioavailable testosterone. free and bioavailable testosterone are a clearer representation of the active hormone as opposed to the total testosterone which is the more commonly measured initial test. the next step is to measure lh and fsh. normal or low levels of lh and fsh in the face of a low testosterone level suggest that the control centers in the brain are not working properly. high levels of lh and fsh pinpoint to a problem in the testicles. a cat scan is done to see if there is a tumor in the pituitary. a common pituitary tumor that causes low testosterone levels is a prolactin tumor. this is another hormone secreted by the pituitary. prolactin causes the hypothalamic region of the brain to malfunction. besides tumors damage to the pituitary gland or hypothalamus in adults can occur from surgery injury infections radiation therapy and with high doses or long-term use of narcotics or steroids. causes of failure of the testicles to produce testosterone include; chemotherapy radiation therapy excessive alcohol consumption infections such as mumps tumors medications trauma toxins chronic diseases and torsion of the testicles (twisting). sometimes no specific cause is found. talk with your doctor about your hormone levels and what could be causing your symptoms. treatment for low testosterone levels is important in men not only for their wellbeing but to make sure that their muscles and bones stay strong.
### Human:\nwhat do i do if my baby cries so hard he seems to stop breathing?\n\n### Assistant: crying is not dangerous to your baby. it’s not going to cause brain damage and they’re not going to stop breathing. there is however something called breath-holding spells where a baby may cry so hard that they stop breathing for a moment or two and then start breathing again. if this happens you do want to see your pediatrician to see if there’s something going on but a breath-holding spell is all it usually is. if they really seem to stop breathing or turn blue call your pediatrician but it could also be that the baby just cried so hard that mucus got stuck in the throat and he or she didn’t know how to clear it for a moment.
### Human:\nwhat is the strongest over-the-counter headache/pain reliever medicine?\n\n### Assistant: there is no stronger over-the-counter medication for headache or migraine pain relief. headaches are very individualized. there are several over-the-counter medications you can use to alleviate painful headaches. these medications include acetaminophen (tylenol) an effective over-the-counter analgesic (pain reliever) and antipyretic (fever reducer) medication. this medication can help with achy pain stiffness and fever. however it does not have any anti-inflammatory properties. this is important for some types of headache relief. in addition the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug class (nsaids) consists of products like ibuprofen (motrin advil) and naproxen (naprosyn aleve) which work by exhibiting analgesic relief antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. lastly combination products such as excedrin migraine contain acetaminophen aspirin and caffeine. these ingredients combined make a more powerful headache/pain reliever than the ingredients separated out alone. it is important to follow the instructions on the label of over the counter medication and not to mix products in order to prevent overdosing or toxicity. monitor the frequency and intensity of your migraines to know when it is time to seek professional help and possibly the addition of a prescription medication. if you're 18 or older advil migrane and excedrin migrane are really good. i don't know about all around pain relievers. advile migrane is a gel so it is easy to swallow and fast-acting it also lasts all day. excedrin migrane is supposedly the safest and #1 nuerologist reccomended migrane medicine. also if you're not talking about a migrane just a really bad headache please don't take these because these are really strong drugs and can hurt you if they are in your system fro no reason.
### Human:\nare folate and l-methylfolate (lmf) helpful for treating depression?\n\n### Assistant: this is a vitamin-type product that seems to be turning the corner from a good idea to a reasonable almost proven treatment for depression. 1) folate is an essential nutrient in our diet. it can be found in spinach lentils liver asparagus beans and collard greens. some research studies have shown that folate tablets can help treat depression but these are small and poorly regulated studies. 2) your liver takes the folate you eat in your diet and converts it to a special form of brain folate called l-methylfolate (lmf). however your liver has the ability to only convert a little bit of regular folate into brain lmf at a time. therefore you can eat all the spinach in the world but still only get little bits of lmf into your brain at a time. 3) once in the brain lmf has the theoretical ability to provide nerves with the ability to make more neurotransmitters such as serotonin. this boost in serotonin allows antidepressants that work by manipulating serotonin to have a greater chance to work their antidepressant mechanisms. lmf tablets are available by prescription now as they are considered a medical food similar to prenatal vitamin classifications. 4) more stringent research studies that compare lmf to placebo sugar pills are being published and scrutinized and it appears that adding lmf products to antidepressants may improve depression symptoms. these studies are preliminary in nature but are clearly better regulated and supportive in that lmf may be safe and help in the treatment of depression. larger 400 patient studies are needed to prove definitive antidepressant effects but these current medium sized studies are promising.
### Human:\nis there absolute minimal daily intake of unsaturated fat in grams or grams per body weight? grams not percents. im young adult male on strict balanced low calorie diet and i wonder whats the minimal daily intake of unsaturated fat in grams or grams per body weight and not percents. the only info i found was that with vlcd some researchers speculated that 15 to 25g of fat will decrease the chance to develop gallstones but on the other hand famous vlcds sold on the market contain less then 10g of total fat a day (one contains 6. 9g another 4. 7g and another 8. 4g) and theyre popular and considered safe.\n\n### Assistant: there is not a minimal recommended amount of unsaturated fatty acids based on body weight. the institute of medicine (iom) does provide adequate intakes for the two essential polyunsaturated fatty acids for males 19-70 year old: linoleic acid (la) -- 17g per day for males alpha-linolenic acid (ala) -- 1. 6g per day. these fats are essential because they cannot be made by the body. lower levels would still prevent essential fatty acid deficiency but it is difficult to say how low you could go. the question is why would you want to lower your fat intake to such a low level? the iom recommends a range of total fat between 20-35% of calories. some very low calorie diets (vlcd) may go below that but that should not occur without a doctor's supervision. for more on vlcd see this article. it's important to remember that you need fat to absorb fat soluble vitamins for satiety and satisfaction and to obtain other important fats such as dha and epa (from marine sources) which are vital for heart and brain health. good luck!
### Human:\nwhat is the best way to treat persistent migraines?\n\n### Assistant: persistent migraines need to be defined a bit more by intensity frequency and the type of treatment you are using to elevate the pain. if you are using over-the-counter medications to treat your migraines more than 1-2 times per month then you may want to seek medical advice from your health care professional. prescription medications that relieve the symptoms would be the next step. if symptomatic relief medications such as ergotamines and triptans are used more than twice a week you should see your health care professional who can prescribe preventive headache medications. overuse of symptomatic medications can actually cause more frequent headaches or worsen headache symptoms. monitor the frequency of your migraines. understand the triggers to provide better information to your health care professional in order to help select the best treatment that is right for you. you can effectively reduce the severity duration and frequency of migraine attacks with herbal medicines. we recommend ginger juice amalaki powder and triphala powder to reduce the symptoms of migraine. you can follow yoga meditation regularly to calm the mind.
### Human:\nwhy doesn't my high hdl cholesterol number necessarily mean i'm in great shape?\n\n### Assistant: i hear every single day from family friends and other doctors that they are in great shape because their hdl cholesterol (the good cholesterol) is high and that is the most important number to look at in a lipid panel. well guess what everyone? unfortunately many of you are quite wrong and i will explain why. we know that low hdl cholesterol (good cholesterol) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. it is included in the most well-known risk factor scoring system for cardiovascular disease called the framingham scoring. surprisingly there is little clinical evidence that therapies directed at raising hdl cholesterol reduce risk. i will say that again there is little evidence that raising one’s good cholesterol number protects them from having a heart attack a stroke or dying. for this reason the national cholesterol education panel (ncep) does not specify a number that would be the “optimal” hdl level of therapy. ncep also states that raising one’s hdl is not a primary or secondary goal of therapy in order to reduce cardiovascular events or death. ncep atp-iii statements about low hdl cholesterol were published in the journal circulation in 2002. here is a selection of facts from the article: * a categorical low hdl-c should be defined as a level of less than 40 mg/dl in both men and women. * whether raising hdl per se will reduce risk for chd has not been resolved. (still true in 2010. ) * some persons with severe deficiency of hdl do not manifest premature coronary heart disease; this suggests that hdl is not uniquely involved in atherogenesis (clogging of the arteries) as is ldl cholesterol (the bad cholesterol). * a specific hdl cholesterol goal level to reach with hdl raising therapy is not identified. in summary when we measure hdl cholesterol we are just measuring a number that tells us nothing about how well it functions. there is no way yet to measure how well one’s hdl functions and thus if one’s level is within normal limits does the person with a higher hdl number have fewer events than a person with lower hdl number? this has never shown to be true in any randomized prospective human studies. this is also defined in scientific terms as no level 1 evidence. there is only data in retrospective and epidemiological studies that show that the higher the hdl cholesterol number the lower the cardiovascular event rate. i will put another twist in the hdl discussion. there is a level at which the hdl cholesterol in some people may be too high and dysfunctional and actually be harmful to the arteries. there is another group of people whose hdl is called apoa1 milano who are all originally from limone italy and have very low levels of hdl cholesterol. approximately 3. 5 percent of these people have hdl levels below 10mg/dl and have virtually no evidence of cardiovascular disease whatsoever. this is a kind of “super hdl. ” the bottom line is that in most people low hdl cholesterol is bad and is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease but a high level may not be protective. the name of the game is to get the ldl cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) down. if anybody is really curious about this point they can take a look at the heart and estrogen replacement study. in this study 20 percent of the women who had heart attacks had hdl cholesterol levels in the 60-80 mg/dl range which is well above normal.
### Human:\ndoes aspirin help prevent heart attacks and strokes?\n\n### Assistant: i want to. talk about the use of aspirin for prevention of heart attacks strokes and other blood clotting problems. aspirin is commonly used for minor aches and pains and to reduce fever. aspirin also combats the effects of platelets blood cells that help blood clot. this helps reduce the number of heart attacks and strokes. indeed platelets are essential to human life because an excessively low count would cause bleeding. but platelets can also be involved in too much clot formation. when this occurs it can block a blood vessel and can lead to many potentially life-threatening problems including heart attack stroke and pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs). it’s important to achieve a balance between too much clotting and not enough clotting. there is much confusion regarding the use of aspirin in prevention of heart attack and stroke. the use of aspirin to prevent a first heart attack or stroke — called primary prevention — is widely debated. there have been approximately seven clinical trials testing the effects of aspirin in someone with no prior history of heart attack or stroke. the doses have varied from 50 mg to 500 mg. while not all the trials showed benefit only one trial showed an increased risk of bleeding but those were patients on high dose aspirin. based on this ambiguous data the current american college of cardiology/american heart association guidelines recommend aspirin for primary prevention only in men with diabetes and intermediate cardiovascular risk and without an increased risk of bleeding. those patients who have a 10% risk of a cardiovascular event over a 10-year period are defined as intermediate risk. the european society of cardiology guidelines do not recommend aspirin in primary prevention. in patients with previous stroke heart attack or certain other blood clotting problems aspirin has beneficial effects. for these people the american college of cardiology/american heart association guideline recommends starting aspirin 75 mg to 162 mg and continuing indefinitely in all patients unless other medical problems prevent its use. the benefits of aspirin need to outweigh the risk. yes it sure does. seven months ago my pulse went from around 55 to 65 count to over 200 beats. my blood pressure was steady at the 120 over 60. i was on a 325 coated aspirin since my by pass in 1999. i was on vacation at the time and when i seen my family doctor three weeks after it started he told me i had af and thanks god i was talking a 325 aspirin. my heart doctor agreed and now i am on pradax blood thinner. i have fluid in the lungs from the leaking blood and on a 40mg water pill. thank you toe fanjoy my hands and legs have been tingling and my right side has a pain can not move or cough it hurts
### Human:\nwill replacing full sugar soda with diet soda help one lose weight? . i keep seeing the same study cited over and over again claiming diet soda causes one to crave sweet things and may induce people to overeat. this has not been my experience and replacing sugar soda with diet soda has helped me lose weight and keep it off. is there any scientific consensus about this? just searching "diet soda and weight" on google gives a bunch of pages that keeps citing the same few studies.\n\n### Assistant: t his article on webmd explains the science and that yes websites and blogs tend to focus on the diet soda and weight gain and weight gain angle even though the evidence is scant. studies show that when used with a reduced calorie diet non-caloric drinks help people lose weight. there is some concern that regular diet soda consumption increases the risk for heart disease and stroke. but more studies are needed to confirm a relationship. if you find it works for you then that's all that counts. just keep an eye out for research on the health effects. good luck!
### Human:\nhow can you tell a child has strep?\n\n### Assistant: when your child has a sore throat it’s important to find out if it’s strep throat or not. ever wonder why? strep (officially called group a streptococcus) is a bacterial infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics. and all the other sore throats caused by the virus of the week just need time and tlc to resolve. why does strep need to be treated? while many people clear the throat infection on their own untreated strep can do some pretty serious damage in other body parts. untreated strep can infect the heart brain and joints. that’s called rheumatic fever. and it’s why we need to know if that sore throat is due to strep bacteria. doctors have always known that strep prefers to infect school-aged kids instead of babies toddlers or preschoolers. but a recent study in the journal pediatrics confirmed this. about 37% of school-aged children who see their docs for a sore throat will have a strep infection. but only 24% of children under five years of age have strep when they have a throat infection. bottom line: little kids usually get viral sore throats big kids are more likely to have strep. so how do docs know when it’s strep throat (besides doing a strep test of course). here are 10 things that make me think of strep: 1. 5 years of age or older? 2. sore throat without runny nose or cough? 3. sore throat with headache and/or stomachache? 4. sore throat and fine pinpoint sandpapery/rough feeling rash (called “scarlet fever”)? 5. sore throat and raised dots on the tongue (called “strawberry tongue”)? 6. sore throat and a persistent fever for more than a couple of days? 7. (for girls) sore throat and a really red vaginal area? 8. sore throat and really red skin around his/her anus? 9. strep going around your child’s school childcare or your house (late fall winter spring)? 10. a history of getting strep throat before? if you think your child has strep don’t panic. even if your child has had the illness for a few days antibiotics will do the trick to clear the infection and prevent rheumatic fever. just make an appointment to see your child’s doctor!
### Human:\ni haven't been able to smell anything or taste for a while now what can be the cause for this?\n\n### Assistant: our senses of smell and taste are intertwined. our ability to smell is what makes us able to “taste” the flavor of the foods we eat. many things can interfere with the ability to smell and taste. among the most common offenders include allergies nasal polyps and sinus infections. in these cases the loss of smell often comes on gradually. there can also be a gradual loss of smell and taste as we age. infections in the mouth may cause problems with both taste and smell as well. a sudden loss of smell is more likely caused by a virus (like the flu) or head trauma. zinc deficiency is also known to affect the sense of smell. some zinc nasal sprays on the other hand have been implicated in complete loss of smell. both alzheimer's and parkinson's disease can affect the sense of smell but other symptoms would likely be present first. rarely a tumor in the brain or sinuses can be the cause of a decrease in smell or taste. you will have to see your doctor to get to the bottom of this. and depending on the cause you may need to see an allergist ear nose and throat specialist or dentist to finally get some relief. good luck to you! whats cause you to loss taste bud no smells i havent been able to taste or smells in a while chronic sinus infection
### Human:\n<link> neuro nzt brain pill apex mastermind : mental faculties product is built to enhance yourself and you should believe every day when utilizing it. apex mastermind : mental faculties product may be the supplement you'll want. leader human brain is a cognitive bettering supplement by onnit labs it's 9 fully normal and extremely well-researched substances specifically made as a possible successful along with balanced nootropic. <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this wonderful webmd medical site. do not post advertising. this takes up valuable space for people who have real medical concerns. thank you.
### Human:\nif i have my undiagnosed hypertension diagnosed it will become a preexisting condition. why should i have it diagnosed? . in late 20s always around 160-170 lbs at 5'11. semi-active. havent had a checkup in over 10 years. hypertension has lessened some of what i could do but otherwise i've lived with it just fine. plus i have other medical issues that are more intrusive to my quality of life which will never go away. if i have hypertension diagnosed then it will become a preexisting condition and will cost me 10s if not 100s of thousands of dollars in added medical costs during my life.\n\n### Assistant: i think this represents a very dangerous way of thinking. some of hypertension’s negative effects on the body if left untreated include stroke aneurysm heart attack congestive heart failure coronary artery disease nerve damage eye problems kidney damage or damage to your arteries (just to name a few). is it really worth gambling your health to potentially save money? consider this how much will your health insurance costs go up if you end up having a stroke or any one of those conditions from untreated hypertension? for some people hypertension can be managed through modifiable lifestyle behaviors (such as diet exercise stress management or weight management) while others simply have a genetic predisposition towards having high blood pressure. the bottom line is that although things like diet and exercise are always encouraged they alone may not be enough for you to properly manage your high blood pressure. meet with your doctor to discuss treatment and management options. i'm not sure what you mean by hypertension or what method you are using to determine you have it. however untreated high blood pressure is a dangerous disease with consequences that can reduce your quality of life cause serious chronic disease or kill you. it has been implicated in altzheimer's disease as well. if you are not diagnosed you will not be able to receive treatment. you are very young and deserve to have a beautiful life--don't risk it by not taking care of yourself.
### Human:\nwhat is in the drug toradol?\n\n### Assistant: toradol is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication (nsaid) that is prescription-strength. it helps to reduce inflammation swelling and pain that can all be associated with the migraines.
### Human:\nwhat foods should i avoice for meneire's disease? . my doctor told me to eat a "no salt chocolate wine cheese and caffeine diet (a migraine diet? ). can you provide me with an established diet that avoids triggers for meniere's?\n\n### Assistant: the mainstay of a diet for menieres is low sodium typically under 2000mg daily. that means focusing on whole foods that naturally have less sodium over processed foods with sodium added. these foods include fruits vegetables whole grains unprocessed meats and healthy fats. when choosing other items read the label. this list should help you figure out low sodium choices. it's also beneficial to limit caffeine in items like coffee tea and soda. these are other foods high in caffeine. i think the cheese and wine has to do with migraines and not menieres so you'll have to check with your doctor on that. i would focus on sodium first. good luck!
### Human:\nwhat medications are used to treat arrhythmias?\n\n### Assistant: a variety of drugs are available to treat arrhythmias. these include: antiarrhythmic drugs. these drugs control heart rate and include beta-blockers. anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy. these drugs reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke. these include warfarin (a "blood thinner") or aspirin. because everyone is different it may take trials of several medications and doses to find the one that works best for you.
### Human:\ndoes cervical stenosis cause itching in hands and feet?\n\n### Assistant: not the feet but cervical (neck) stenosis (depending on which vertebral space is compressed or stenosed) may cause neurological symptoms in the hands that could be confused with itching. the feet are innervated by nerves originating the lower lumbar-sacral area.
### Human:\nare there any over-the-counter energy pills?\n\n### Assistant: there are caffeine pills that you can find over-the-counter to aid with energy. products such as nodoz alert vivarin and stay awake contain 200 milligrams of caffeine and are used for energy and treatment of some migraines and headaches. common side effects include nausea stomach upset insomnia restlessness nervousness tremor headache and lightheadedness. large amounts of caffeine may cause frequent urination flushing muscle twitch or irritability. use with caution! too much caffeine is not healthy and can become addictive. withdrawal can make it difficult to back off so tapering down the dose may be necessary. prior to use you should discuss the risks and benefits of using caffeine supplements with your pharmacist or health-care professional. other products consist of herbal remedies. use caution since there isn’t a standard or enough research behind these products to promote their use (not fda approved). what over the counter energy pills to offset present rx pills
### Human:\nwhat are some of the best high-protein low-calorie foods to choose from?\n\n### Assistant: if you like to eat scrambled eggs sliced roast beef and black bean soup you're already eating high protein foods that are lower in calories. in fact there are 29 different types/cuts of lean beef -- most include the word ""loin"" in their name. other good sources of lean protein include pork tenderloin chicken turkey fish fat-free or 1% milk yogurt and cheeses made with reduced-fat milk. eggs contain the highest-quality protein. don't skip the yoke because it contains a nutrient called choline important for brain cell growth and repair. vegetable sources of protein include legumes and beans such as lentils black beans pinto beans peas soy tree nuts and peanuts.
### Human:\nwhat vitamins / minerals (otc) can i take to improve my memory i had a stroke in september that effected only my speech. i had a blood clot to the left side of the brain. however i had some memory loss before the stroke. . margaret\n\n### Assistant: there is some evidence that certain supplements may play a role in improving memory but more science is needed. the most promising supplements are ginko biloba omega-3 (fish oil) vitamin e and ginseng and acetyl-l-carnitine. this webmd article summarizes the research as well as noting precautions such as checking in with your healthcare provider. there are things you can do to help keep your memory sharp beyond supplementing including regular exercise brain exercise (reading/keeping mind active) adequate sleep and a healthy diet.
### Human:\ndo i need to stay on cholesterol drugs forever?\n\n### Assistant: abnormal cholesterol levels are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and strokes). although many people with high cholesterol will never develop cardiovascular disease it’s impossible to accurately predict who will and who won’t. the first treatment for anyone with abnormal and potentially unhealthy cholesterol levels (dyslipidemia) is to make healthy lifestyle changes. this means exercise most days of the week eat a heart-healthy diet and do not smoke. for people at average risk these actions together are effective at preventing heart attack and stroke. however most people with dyslipidemia find it difficult to improve their cholesterol numbers into the normal range with lifestyle changes alone. and ldl or “bad” cholesterol levels tend to rise with age. the question of whether to treat dyslipidemia with a cholesterol medication like a statin is complex and depends on your expected risk for heart disease as well as your own preferences. if you’ve already had a heart attack or stroke lowering high cholesterol is extremely important to help prevent another one. only you and your doctor can decide if long-term treatment for dyslipidemia is the best option for you.
### Human:\nhow can i get enough choline in my diet if i don't eat eggs or liver?\n\n### Assistant: choline is a nutrient important for brain development so it is vital during pregnancy. while eggs are one of the most concentrated sources other food sources of choline include salmon wheat germ and vegetables such as broccoli and spinach.
### Human:\nhow much of an impact does vitamin d have on cardiovascular disease?\n\n### Assistant: in finland a 25- to 30-year study of over 6 000 persons found an increased risk of fatal vascular disease in those who had the lowest blood levels of 25(oh)d. interestingly this relationship was apparent for the incidence of strokes but not heart attacks. proposed mechanisms for improved blood vessel health include vitamin d's beneficial impact on high blood pressure via kidney hormones decreased inflammation inside the arteries and improved insulin resistance via changes in parathyroid hormone (lee 200<positive_smiley>.
### Human:\nmy son was born a noneater but he changed at 6 (now 12) and now overeats. i was wondering how and why this happened.? . my son was born a nonfood enthusiast. he was always the last person to wrap up lunch in preschool and it was never done. his blood sugar was low and he weighed little. he felt sick at the sight of food. all that changed in grade 1 and we were all delighted that he would eat. by the end of the year though he was overweight and he overate. i thought it was a phase since he was not by nature like that; it was sudden. he is still however and i was wondering how it could suddenly change.\n\n### Assistant: there could be many reasons. first off kids experience increases in their appetite around school age and they also start to lose some of that fear of food they had that research shows peaks between 2 and 6. it could be that because he has always been told to eat that once he got more of an appetite he didn't know how to listen to his body. in his mind more is better. this happens often as parents worry their young child doesn't eat enough or even doctors tell parents to get in as much food as possible. at school age children also become more influenced by their food environment and often want to eat what their friends are eating. food advertising also plays a role. the key is to get on track now. structure balanced meals at the table and encourage him to listen to his body -- using hunger and fullness to guide eating. regular activity of an hour a day is also recommended as is good sleep at night. avoid restrictions or making a big deal of his weight -- the whole family should have healthy habits. also see 10 ways to raise food smart kids a lot will depend on why he didn't like to eat in the first place. if he didn't want to eat because of a neurotransmitter imbalence for example maybe it reversed itself too far the other way. like he always felt full before but now he always feels hungry.
### Human:\nare there any natural remedies such as acupressure or essential oils to treat headaches?\n\n### Assistant: many people have tried using herbals. several herbal medications have been associated with aiding in pain relief such as black willow meadowsweet passionflower and valerian. it is very important to remember that herbals are not monitored for safety and effectiveness by the fda. therefore we do not know how they work or if they work. the side effects could be more intense than the benefit of taking the product. research is limited when it comes to herbs. however we have seen many studies done using acupuncture and massage therapy with migraine patients. this is thought to relax the body to aid in the decrease of muscle tension and stress levels and prevent the onset of migraines. check with your insurance company because sometimes these migraine-reducing therapies are insured services.
### Human:\nmy urine stream isn't as strong as it used to be. is that normal?\n\n### Assistant: a slow urine stream is more common in men as they age. (finally they have something worse than we do! ) this is not a common complaint among menopausal or perimenopausal women. some possible causes of a slowed stream could be either "structural" such as bladder outlet obstruction or a neurologic condition leading to a problem initiating urination. if this slowed stream persists you should consult your gyn or a urologist. you may need additional testing from a uro-gynecologist or urologist to get the most accurate diagnosis.
### Human:\ncan low blood pressure cause hallucinations?\n\n### Assistant: low blood pressure can result in reduced blood flow and circulation into the brain with poor brain function. the usual symptom of dangerously low blood pressure (hypotension) is a depressed level of consciousness—someone acting sleepy or “out of it. ” hallucinations are not a “typical” symptom of low blood pressure. however i wouldn’t rule it out as a possibility in rare cases. it would be important to look for something else causing both the low blood pressure and the hallucinations like a toxic drug effect or dehydration causing delirium in an older person.
### Human:\nafter a meal (400-600 calories) how long should i wait to work out or go jogging?\n\n### Assistant: it depends on what you ate and what you mean by "working out. " high-fat meals are harder for the body to digest and you may experience cramping if you jump right into strenuous exercises such as running or swimming. however if you eat a well-balanced meal or snack that includes a combination of a lean protein a carb and fruits or vegetables at the calorie level you mentioned you should be good to go within 15 to 20 minutes. it’s important to enjoy your meals and consume them mindfully and in a relaxed manner. then get back to the day’s activities. give your meal a chance to enter your system and it will provide the energy you need for any healthy workout. to get the most out of your workout it might be best to wait at least 2 hours if not 3-4 hours before you exercise after a full meal. this isn’t a steadfast rule as meal composition and the type of exercise may play an influence but it can be used as a general guideline. the reason for waiting so long to exercise after a meal is due to a concept called blood shunting. although we have a certain total amount of blood in our body the amount of blood flowing to a certain area can vary depending on different circumstances. if you’ve just eaten a full meal your brain may tell your body to direct more blood flow to you digestive system to aid in that process. during exercise however it’s ideal to have as much blood as possible flowing to your muscles to help with your athletic performance and to get the most out of your exercise. you may also be more likely to experience cramping if you exercise too soon after a meal. you can have something small to eat before your jog as long as it isn’t too high in calories (ideally less than 100). in fact many joggers who run for a long distance may even buy energy gels small packets of easily digestible carbohydrates and use them before or even during their run to offer a boost in their exercise performance.
### Human:\nwhich foods can help boost my energy?\n\n### Assistant: foods rich in carbohydrates the preferred energy source for the body and brain provide energy in the form of glucose. carbohydrates balanced with protein and fat make for the best energy sources. here are some examples: -meals that contain 4-5 food groups and snacks that contain 2-3. food groups include whole grains dairy lean proteins fruits vegetables and healthy fats. -main meals can contain a fiber-rich grain like brown rice lean protein source such as chicken yogurt and veggies sautéed in olive oil. the protein in the chicken and the fat in the oil help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the grain and dairy so energy levels stabilize helping avoid the "highs" and "lows. " -smart snack ideas include a piece of fruit with peanut butter dried fruit with nuts cheese and whole grain crackers and yogurt topped with nuts and fruit. balance is key!
### Human:\nwhat causes dry mouth?\n\n### Assistant: there are several causes of dry mouth also called xerostomia. these include: side effect of certain medications. dry mouth is a common side effect of many prescription and nonprescription drugs including drugs used to treat depression anxiety pain allergies and colds (antihistamines and decongestants) obesity acne epilepsy hypertension (diuretics) diarrhea nausea psychotic disorders urinary incontinence asthma (certain bronchodilators) and parkinson's disease. dry mouth can also a side effect of muscle relaxants and sedatives. side effect of certain diseases and infections. dry mouth can be a side effect of medical conditions including sjögren's syndrome hiv/aids alzheimer's disease diabetes anemia cystic fibrosis rheumatoid arthritis hypertension parkinson's disease stroke and mumps. side effect of certain medical treatments. damage to the salivary glands the glands that produce saliva for example from radiation to the head and neck and chemotherapy treatments for cancer can reduce the amount of saliva produced. nerve damage. dry mouth can be a result of nerve damage to the head and neck area from an injury or surgery. dehydration. conditions that lead to dehydration such as fever excessive sweating vomiting diarrhea blood loss and burns can cause dry mouth. surgical removal of the salivary glands. lifestyle. smoking or chewing tobacco can affect saliva production and aggravate dry mouth. continuously breathing with your mouth open can also contribute to the problem.
### Human:\nhow to increase brain power? . drinking water is essential if you wish to stop being fat. being properly hydrated maintains feeling of well-being that allow for you to definitely stay inspired. drinking water consistently will mean would not brain booster pills become thirsty. this is dangerous as thirst can be mistaken as a rule as craving. replacing soft drinks with water will reduce the quantity you consume dramatically. mental health professionals :>>> <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this important webmd medical information sites and not post advertising that takes up valuable space from individual seeking responses to their medical questions.
### Human:\nam diabitic and told i also have narapathy how any types of narapathy are there and is any types of treatments\n\n### Assistant: diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage that can happen as a result of having diabetes. there are four types of diabetic neuropathy: peripheral autonomic proximal and focal. the most common location for neuropathy to occur is your legs and feet and some common symptoms are numbness and loss of sensation pain tingling or burning. treatment and management for diabetic neuropathy entirely depends on which type that you have and the specific symptoms you’re encountering. maintaining healthy blood sugar levels will certainly be an integral component of any treatment plan. i really encourage you to meet with your doctor to better understand which type that you have and how you can properly manage it. you can also visit the following websites for an overview on diabetic neuropathy and some treatment options: diabetic neuropathy – topic overview diabetic neuropathy – treatment overview
### Human:\nwhat is paresthesia?\n\n### Assistant: a paresthesia is an abnormal sensation of tingling numbness or burning. paresthesias are usually felt in the hands feet arms or legs but can be felt anywhere. the sensation is usually unpleasant. most people have experienced paresthesia in the form of the pins-and-needles sensation that occurs when an arm or leg briefly “falls asleep. ” the sensation is caused by sustained pressure placed on a nerve. this kind of paresthesia is temporary and reversible. paresthesias can also occur regularly when nerves experience ongoing or lasting damage. some of the causes of chronic or persistent paresthesias include: carpal tunnel syndrome meralgia paresthetica (numbness over the outer thigh) compression of a nerve in the spine (radiculopathy) restless legs syndrome shingles (herpes zoster) stroke or transient ischemic attack multiple sclerosis transverse myelitis the treatment for paresthesias depends on the cause. if a reversible cause is present treating it should help improve the paresthesia symptoms. for paresthesias that can’t be cured medicines that act on nerves may be helpful for some people.
### Human:\ni take zonisamide lyrica entocort ec maxalt and atenolol and now celexa. are there any known drug interactions?\n\n### Assistant: zonisamide lyrica and celexa have a similar side effect of increased dizziness and drowsiness. combining all three of these medications can increase the intensity of their side effects. driving and doing activities that require cognitive function may be more difficult than usual. the side effects may subside with time. maxalt is a triptan medication for symptomatic relief of the migraine. celexa works on serotonin receptors just as maxalt can. the increased combination of both these products may potentiate the risk of serotonin syndrome which is a rare but serious and potentially fatal condition. symptoms of the serotonin syndrome may include mental status changes such as irritability altered consciousness confusion hallucinations and coma; autonomic dysfunction such as tachycardia hyperthermia diaphoresis shivering blood pressure lability and mydriasis; neuromuscular abnormalities such as hyperreflexia myoclonus tremor rigidity and ataxia; and gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal cramping nausea vomiting and diarrhea. because of these side effects i would monitor how frequently the migraines occur and how often you are taking the maxalt. if you are taking the maxalt more than twice a week then you may need to start taking a preventative medication. monitor all your side effects if you have any and make sure to partner with your pharmacist or health care professional regarding any concerns or discomfort.
### Human:\nre:nutrition what are safe levels of saturated fat polyusaturated fat monousaturated fat sodium & carbohydrate. looking for a guide to safe levels of saturated fat polyunsaturated fat monounsaturated fat sodium and carbohydrates found in almost all foods for an average person 62 years old. they are on every label but nothing to say what is too high of safe levels for the average person.\n\n### Assistant: first off you want to get an idea of how many calories you need as some of the recommendations are based on a percentage of calories. according to the dietary guidelines someone your age would need: female sedentary: 1600 calories/male sedentary: 2000 female moderately active: 1800/male moderately active: 2400 female active: 2000/male active: 2600 as for fats the 2010 dietary guidelines recommend 7-10% of calories (or less) come from saturated fat. if you get about 2000 calories 10% is about 20grams. generally it is recommended that people replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats (found mostly in plants and fish) such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated to benefit heart health. you do not need to check grams for unsaturated fats but it is recommended people consume fish twice a week for beneficial omega-3 fats. for more details on fat see this article. there is a wide range of carbohydrate intake that is acceptable and recommended -- 45-65% of calories. carbohydrates are in many foods such as fruit milk bread and starchy vegetables. the institute of medicine recommends 130 grams to ensure adequate blood glucose for the brain. you want to minimize added sugars found in processed foods and drinks and instead get carbohydrates from whole foods such as whole grains fruits vegetables and dairy products. for more on the different types of carbohydrates see this article. limits on sodium range from 2300g - 1500mg. the dietary guidelines recommend 1500mg or less for those with certain health conditions and over 51 years of age. for more on how to lower sodium see this article. dietary recommendations now focus more on food patterns over specific nutrients. so focus more on getting healthy whole foods such as fruits vegetables whole grains lean proteins low fat dairy and healthy fats. good luck!
### Human:\nif i have alot of anger stress and emotional baggage what is the best sport i could exercise or learn to help me vent?\n\n### Assistant: exercise can help you manage stress by releasing endorphins which are neurotransmitters in your brain that help you to feel good. another benefit of exercise for stress management is that it can also be used as a break or as personal time away from your stressors to clear your head if necessary. exercise can also help with depression and anxiety and can help improve your sleep help you to feel better or boost your energy levels. there is no one type of exercise that will help you manage stress better than any other. the main thing that you need to find is a type of exercise that you enjoy doing. exercise should come naturally and should be something that you look forward to doing not something that you feel forced to do and don’t get enjoyment out of. remember this is about making yourself happy so you may have to experiment with different activities until you find something that really works well for you. set realistic goals that are achievable and dedicate an amount of time that you find manageable so that you’re not adding more stress or creating another burden. besides exercise there are many other stress-reduction techniques like journaling meditating using breathing exercises or mental/guided imagery. you could also meet with a psychologist psychiatrist or your doctor to discuss other treatment/management options. hi a big sorry that should read rugby otherwise we don't wont you running around looking for ruby to get rid of your anger she would not like it? then again? good luck hi first your stress google natural ways out of stress lots of ideas for you to look at even meditation may help you. \as for your emotional baggage possible therapy could be a lot of help if you go to the right person who can talk over your problems with they say a problem shared is a problem halved. but if you need to get rid of anger try some english ruby may be just what you want get with the right team its ruff and tough. hope this helps. good luck hi yes back again i was doing some searching this afternoon and found this its packed with info for ways out of stress the link <link> good luck i too have a great deal of almost constant seething anger. i used to do competitive sports but found that ultimately they made me even angrier. i discovered peace wonder a sense of personal power the release of anger and adventure in hiking and walking. suggestion: get an ipod or similar device if you can with some of your favorite music on it. find a nice park and look for good hiking trails. wear rugged clothes and good shoes. don't push too hard just hard enough to release tensions burn up the excess stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol and bring forth your body's natural endorphins and serotonin which will make you feel good and appreciate the beauty around you. after you hike stretch to cool down to prevent muscle cramps and be sure to rest well; allow more than enough time to sleep and clear your mind of worries as you rest. i live in a noisy place without as much privacy as i'd like and i use my ipod when i rest too with soft soothing music that helps me fall asleep. some people use a fan or other "white noise". when you are actively angry you cannot digest food but once you've calmed down eat food that will replenish the resources you've burned up because anger uses up a lot of the body's natural fuel. be sure to stay hydrated throughout. it may take some time but gradually this just might help. good luck.
### Human:\ncould minor surgery cause signs of multiple sclerosis exacerbation such as clumsiness dizziness and muscle spasms?\n\n### Assistant: people will frequently relate onset of symptoms to certain life events (surgery car accident etc). it is not clear if there is cause and effect but we know that stress can affect the immune system. there is also some work to suggest that ms patients may have exacerbations more frequently when under stress than not. so call your neurologist and discuss what is happening. david
### Human:\ncoworker says that gluten is addictive in the same manner as an opiate and in fact hits the same receptors is this true? . a coworker says he isn't celiac but is sensitive to gluten. he also claims that it is an addiction and in fact gluten hits the same receptors in the brain as opioids. in fact not wanting to just give up gluten is a sign that your addicted. this all of course sounds like nonsense to me. i couldn't find any unbiased answer via google as far as the opioid/gluten link. though celiac is only 1% of the population he claims that 1 in 8 actually are sensitive but just don't know it. . thanks . alex\n\n### Assistant: first off whenever someone makes strong claims like that always ask them for the research they use to support those claims. because what happens is a complicated scientific manner gets translated into simple terms and a lot of the key information is lost. it's like a bad game of telephone. there is a theory called the "opioid excess theory" that certain people do not fully breakdown proteins such as gluten or casein and they remain as peptides that have an opioid-like effect. it has been hypothesized that long-term exposure to opiate peptides can affect the brain. it is thought that these peptides bind to opioid receptors in the brain which is similar to morphine-like substances. this is why gluten free diets are sometimes recommended for children with autism or attention deficit disorder. unfortunately there is not clear evidence that this diet works for every child suffering with such problems although there is quite a bit of antidotal evidence. i don't know of any research showing this occurs with gluten insensitive individuals. this is more of a theory focused on children with behavioral issues that may be applicable for teh general population but that is a big may. we need more research! always check with your healthcare provider before making chagnes in your diet such as giving up gluten.
### Human:\nhow does positive self talk break the stress cycle?\n\n### Assistant: you know too many of us don’t give ourselves credit for the things that we do right okay. you say to yourself look you’ve done this before you’ve been through these kinds of these things before you’ve made it out alive you can do it this time. just take it easy give yourself a chance slow down physically a little bit. you know you have to remember one thing. your body is like a machine waiting for a signal. if you start speeding up the machine the signal is going to be hurry up come on we’ve got to go let’s go. if you slow your body down walk a little slower take it easy stroll don’t get there in some kind of fast pace alright your body will get the signal things are okay we’re doing alright and we’ll fool it okay. and always say look you’re a good person there’s nothing to feel ashamed about there’s nothing to feel you haven’t measured you you’re fine. if thoughts that come into your mind that are very upsetting you say to yourself you can say it out loud if you want to if nobody’s around stop it. stop it. stop it. and what you’ve done is you’ve just mouthed a word your brain has had to use many of the centers to even formulate that so you are using much more of the power of your brain and then you’ve heard it so you’ve got a feedback look. you say it you hear it okay. after a while you begin to get the message better.
### Human:\nare there certain foods that should be avoided after ones gall badder is removed?\n\n### Assistant: because the gallbladder is a storage space for bile that breaks down fat (originally produced in the liver) you'll need to watch your fat intake. while the body eventually adjusts to not having a gallbladder every person is different in how their body reacts. you'll want to keep the following points in mind for your diet moving forward: consume small frequent meals over large infrequent ones. avoid greasy foods high in fat such as fried food and creamy sauces. and when you do choose to eat these foods consume them in small amounts. gradually increase fiber in your diet (fruits vegetables and whole grains) to help move food through your intestines. keep a food dairy to note foods that may not be tolerated. some people who have had their gall bladder removed notice foods like dairy are more difficult to tolerate. if you are noticing many symptoms see a registered dietitian for help. i t have removed my gallbladder 8 months ago and i always feel pain when i consume meals high in fat. and its true that every person reacts in different way to food. so just monitor your food intake and your reaction to it. if you ever felt uncomfortable then you should lower its intake. saturated fats. everyone should avoid these! saturated fats are the fats that at room temperature solidify. such as bacon grease the fat in the pan of ground beef melted margarine that cools down and becomes solid again. these are some of the fats that get into the arteries and eventually clog them causing heart attacks and strokes cut out or at least down on the cholesterol too as well as the triglycerides. as many physicians and nurses recommend consult with a dietitian they will help.
### Human:\ni have been diagnosed with chiari malformation type 1 and am also having seizures. can chiari cause seizures?\n\n### Assistant: chiari 1 malformations are usually asymptomatic meaning that it is found on an mri done for unrelated reasons. a chiari 1 malformation is the shifting of a small amount of the cerebellum down below the base of the skull. when severe it can be associated with headaches and upper extremity weakness. but in the great majority of cases it does not cause any symptoms. so you should be very reluctant to have surgery for a chiari malformation unless multiple physicians agree that it is appropriate. in addition chiari 1 is not associated with seizures. seizures arise from the cortex over the two cerebral hemispheres. seizures do not arise from the base of the brain that is involved with the chiari malformation. to avoid having another seizure it's important to work with your doctor to adjust the anti-seizure medicines to lessen the risk of recurrent seizures.
### Human:\nshould toddlers take vitamins with omega 3 and vitamin d3\n\n### Assistant: that depends on their diet. most kids need supplemental vitamin d because it not found naturally in many foods and the sun is not reliable. the american academy of pediatrics recommends supplementing with d for children not receiving enough through diet. it would take 6 cups of milk to get the 600iu recommended -- and that would be too much milk for kids anyway. as for omega-3 fatty acids i assume your referring to dha which is important for health and brain development in babies and young toddlers. if a toddler eats fish about twice a week (small portions) than it's not needed. if he doesn't eat any fish you may want to consider supplementing. fortified foods have some but not as much as in fish.
### Human:\nwhat is hemiplegia? . hemiplegia is weakness on one side of the body.\n\n### Assistant: hemiplegia is weakness on one side of the body. the most common cause of hemiplegia is a stroke. during a stroke (cerebrovascular accident) an area of tissue in the brain dies because of either an interrupted blood supply or increased brain swelling. the left brain controls the right arm and leg so a stroke on one side of the brain may cause hemiplegia on the opposite side. hemiplegia can also temporarily result from migraine headaches seizures and many other conditions affecting the nerves. unexplained new weakness on one side of the body should be considered an emergency and prompt immediate medical attention. after a stroke hemiplegia may be permanent. hemiplegia may be very mild and almost unnoticeable but get temporarily worse during periods of sleep deprivation illness or stress.
### Human:\nhow does saphris work?\n\n### Assistant: saphris (asenapine) is fda approved to treat acute mania from bipolar disorder or the symptoms of schizophrenia. it is a drug that is placed under the tongue and not swallowed directly. you ask how it works. by blocking one type of dopamine receptor it stops the above disorders. it blocks a serotonin receptor which is counter intuitive but this blocking may help increase other chemicals that help depression (dopamine norepinephrine). in other parts of the brain. it is also my understanding that it shares chemical properties with a well-known antidepressant called remeron/mirtazapine. many of these meds for schizophrenia have been used for treating depression and some have been fda approved recently (abilify and seroquel xr).
### Human:\nhow bad do the symptoms of depression have to be to get ect (electro-convulsive therapy) treatments?\n\n### Assistant: ect is generally performed by a psychiatrist at a hospital. you can have your general doc or your psychiatrist refer you to an ect expert psychiatrist. they meet you go over info about ect and set it up if you are a good candidate. it is a bona fide and good treatment for certain individuals. it is no longer barbaric with patients thrashing around having full body seizures. basically you are under anesthesia and your brain has a seizure and your body does not. info about side effects are noted on the link noted. other links: www. acnp. org/g4/gn40100010<negative_smiley>default. htm for those who like medical jargon www. nami. org/content/navigationmenu/advocate_magazine/e-newsletter/20065/gma_transcript. htm for those who like stories
### Human:\ncan potassium supplements interfere with parkinson's medications?\n\n### Assistant: potassium supplements should not interfere with pd medications. however too high or too low levels of potassium may produce neurological symptoms or potentially make pd symptoms a bit worse. if you are concerned about this a simple blood test by your doctor can make sure your potassium is in the right range.
### Human:\ni’m taking maxalt daily for headaches. i took one this morning and my head still hurts. can i take excedrin now?\n\n### Assistant: i would be careful taking maxalt daily on a regular basis. this medication is not designed or recommended for daily use. it is to be taken within the first hour of migraine symptoms. it doesn't prevent the onset but rather helps to relieve symptoms from the migraine. i would seek a second medical opinion about using maxalt daily.
### Human:\nwhat is dyslipidemia?\n\n### Assistant: dyslipidemia means an abnormal amount of lipids or fats in the blood. lipids are essential to life but an excess of certain lipids can increase the risk for cardiovascular disease. the lipids that are commonly measured in blood include various forms of cholesterol as well as triglycerides. high-density lipoprotein (hdl) is the “good cholesterol ” and higher levels reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. low-density lipoprotein (ldl) is the “bad cholesterol ” linked to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. high triglycerides are also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. in dyslipidemia the level of one or more of these lipids is abnormal (either too high or too low). increased activity and a healthy diet should be the first course of treatment for dyslipidemia. if you are at risk for heart attack or stroke and diet and exercise fail to bring high lipid levels into the healthy range your doctor may recommend taking a lipid-lowering medicine.
### Human:\ncan you give a 9-year-old excedrin migraine medicine?\n\n### Assistant: excedrin migraine contains acetaminophen 250 mg aspirin 250 mg and caffeine 65 mg. aspirin and products containing aspirin should not be used for children due to the increased risk of reye's syndrome. the exact cause or cure for reye's syndrome is unknown. however we do know that children taking aspirin increases the risk which attacks the organs of the body. since there isn't a cure we don't want to take the risk of harming the child. i would not give your child excedrin migraine. pay attention to the label on all over-the-counter medication to make sure you taking appropriately and so you know the recommended age as well.
### Human:\ndoes nardil a maoi help with depression? what side effects does it have?\n\n### Assistant: it is a good med that has been around since the '50s. need to watch certain specific foods - fava beens aged cheese smoked meat certain alcohols to name a few or you risk a spike in blood pressure and stroke. there are also many prescription and over-counter meds you cannot take. check with your pharmacist all the time on every single med before taking. works well for depression and some anxiety issues. fatigue dizz[iness] weight gain can happen. we usually use maois when a few other modern meds fail to work.
### Human:\ni have been diagnosed with neuropathy in my legs but am not diabetic. it is slowly progressing up my legs any ideas?\n\n### Assistant: there can be many causes for a neuropathy. your doctor has most likely already taken a good medical history and a physical exam. many clues can be obtained with these simple tools. examination of the legs and feet will include checking your reflexes strength and sensation. depending on the results you may need an emg test and lab work. sometimes x-rays ct scans or mris may be needed of your back or brain. some of the possible causes of neuropathy besides diabetes include: vitamin b12 deficiency thyroid problems autoimmune diseases lyme disease inflamed blood vessels kidney failure alcohol abuse hiv infection and syphilis. multiple sclerosis guillain-barré syndrome and rare types of cancers may also cause neuropathy. the next step if your doctor can’t find a cause for your problem would be to see a neurologist. this is a doctor who specializes in diseases of the brain and nerves. make sure to take all your test results with you. i hope you get some answers and relief soon.
### Human:\nthe most effective skin care? . i am for normal skincare. but-don't take my word for it! try some out yourself study customer opinions and make your brain up next. the most effective businesses may have a no-risk assure: you can send total or applied containers back and obtain a complete refund if you're not 100% pleased. skin care:>> <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this important webmd medical site by not posting advertisements.
### Human:\ncan certain medications cause diabetes?\n\n### Assistant: yes. there are several classes of drugs that may increase blood sugar levels and thus increase the risk for diabetes. some of these are: • statins: these are very effective medicines that reduce cholesterol. they reduce risk of heart attack and stroke. these include atorvastatin (lipitor) simvastatin (zocor) rosuvastatin (crestor) fluvastatin (lescol) lovastatin (mevacor) and pravastatin (pravachol) • thiazide diuretics: these are a type of water pills that are sometimes used to treat high blood pressure or swelling. hydrochlorothiazide or hctz is a common example. • steroids: these are anti-inflammatory medicines such as prednisone and cortisone. they also include anabolic steroids used in muscle building. • beta-blockers: they are used to treat high blood pressure and certain heart problems including heart failure. they are also used after heart attacks to increase survival rate. examples include carvedilol (coreg) propranolol (ideral) metoprolol (toprol and lopressor) nadolol (corgard) and atenolol (tenormin). • atypical antipsychotics: these are used to treat a variety of psychiatric illnesses. these medications may cause weight gain and increase the risk for diabetes. they include: olanzapine (zyprexa) risperidone (risperdal) aripiprazole (abilify) and ziprasidone (geodon) in many cases the benefits of using these medicines outweigh any risks. only your own doctor can help you decide what medicine is right for you. never stop any medicine without first talking to your doctor. statins may be very effective at stopping our body from producing natural endogenous cholesterol but they are not very effective in stopping heart attacks according to the medical research i have read. this may be due to the fact that cholesterol is not the cause of arteriosclerosis; cholesterol buildup in the artery walls is caused by inflammation. forcibly lowering cholesterol causes other problems too numerous to list here. other than this important point the answers to the question seem to be accurate but the standard knee-jerk response that statin drugs are useful as a blanket approach to high cholesterol is outdated and misguided. it should be corrected. a study from brigham and women's hospital in boston published in july 2012 found a link between phthalates commonly called "plasticizers "and diabetes in women. researchers analyzed urinary concentrations of phthalates in 2 350 women aged 20 to 80 participating in the government-sponsored national health and nutrition examination survey and found that those with higher levels of phthalates in their urine were more likely to have diabetes than those with low levels. phthalates are found in medical products including tubing iv bags and some medications diabetic link does exist. can certain medications cause diabetes? maybe
### Human:\nis the drug tramadol a controlled substance?\n\n### Assistant: this medication is scheduled as a legend medication meaning that this is not a high-enough risk of addictive properties to be scheduled a higher controlled medication. it still requires a prescription. yes tramadol is a controlled substance. tramadol is similar to other prescription painkillers like demerol oxycontin and vicodin. prescription opiates are work by blocking the opioid receptors in the central nervous system and brain and reduces pain by increasing the dopamine neurotransmitters leaving a euphoric sensation. however what makes tramadol different from other prescription opiates is the time release formula. tramadol should not be used with alcohol or other drugs especially sedatives or tranquilizers as it can depress breathing causing it to slow or stop. gallus detox center is an inpatient medical detox facility specializing in iv therapy medical detox. if you have questions about our facility or detox method please call us at 855-338-6929.
### Human:\ntype your question here. my husband is dizzy - ears have water in them and is blue in the face. sleeping a good bit.\n\n### Assistant: dizziness can be caused by a number of serious conditions. these can include a stroke a heart attack breathing problems or trouble with blood sugar. a bluish tint to the skin is also a worry. it can mean that a person is not getting enough oxygen. someone with these symptoms should call 911 right away.
### Human:\ni’m taking sulfameth/trimethoprim for a bladder infection. can i take acetaminophen or excedrin migraine for a headache?\n\n### Assistant: you can take either product; acetaminophen or excedrin migraine. only take one since excedrin migraine contains acetaminophen as one of the three active ingredients (along with caffeine and aspirin). make sure to follow the instructions on the bottle closely to make sure you are taking appropriately and for the correct reasons.
### Human:\ni can't shake complete unhappiness with living and myself. should i talk to my doctor? i don't want to take medicine.\n\n### Assistant: outside of medications psychotherapy can be very helpful and sometimes equal to or better than the effects of meds. actually some studies show that the brain changes the same way whether depression is alleviated by meds or therapy. . talk to your doctor about your options as it sounds like you have symptoms that are causing you distress.
### Human:\ni had a heart attack 1 year ago how long can i expect to carry on taking statins and is there an alternative. i am a 64 year old male who was diagnosed at the same time as a type 2 diabetic which i now control with my diet and change of lifestyle and no longer take the medication. i have a bmi of 22. 4 after losing 27 kilos and i exercise daily.\n\n### Assistant: congratulations! it sounds like you are doing an excellent job with your lifestyle changes. diet and exercise are the cornerstones of treating both heart disease and diabetes. but at the same time there are many studies that show that taking statins after a heart attack can actually help prevent future heart attacks as well. a major study called the care trial showed that people who were on statins for at least 5 years after a heart attack were less likely to need further procedures such as bypass surgery or stents. they were also less likely to die from heart disease. statins can help keep plaque from building up in the arteries including those around the heart. in some cases they can actually cause a regression of the plaque. a statin may also help stabilize this plaque so that it is less likely to break and cause a blood clot. a blood clot in an artery on the heart wall is what causes most heart attacks. it is very important that you work closely with your doctor. your lipid levels and other risk factors should continue to be carefully monitored. talk to your doctor about any concerns you have about your medications. working together you will be able to come up with a long term treatment plan that is right for you. keep up the great work! i have peripheral artery disease. i got it in my late 40s due to blood coagulation problem. i also had very high cholesterol (over 300+ my entire life). i had difficulty walking by age 50. i put myself on high dose nattokinase and serrapeptase and the symptoms disappeared within 6 weeks. you will know it is working within 1 month. i eat as much cholesterol as i want. i have been on this over 6 years. i am on maintenance dose. just experiment with dosage over time to get the minimum dose and cost. please be aware that conventional medicine perpetuates lies about cholesterol. just take the time to look at the studies. if the arteries are clean enough you won't have heart disease. ignore the cholesterol propaganda. they have nattokinase made from bacteria and fungus with and without vitamin k. both work but i prefer the nattokinase with vitamin k. without vitamin k is for people on prescriptions drugs. i take best nattokinase and serrapeptase. i buy from swanson vitamin because they are cheap. ii'm amazed they don't have heart disease category for this. chinese have done thousands of studies on effectiveness of fibrolytic enzymes for heart attack and stroke prevention.
### Human:\nhow do you break a fever in a toddler?\n\n### Assistant: remember that any fever in a newborn infant (under 3 months of age) needs prompt medical attention because at that age it’s hard to tell when a serious infection might be present. a fever is the body’s natural response to infection or other illness and will subside when the underlying process gets better. other than treating the infection (or other condition) causing it no home treatments can shorten the duration of a fever. also remember that fever doesn’t always need to be treated. if a toddler is acting normally and unbothered by her fever and her temperature is less than 104 degrees (40 degrees celsius) there’s no need to treat the fever. for a fever that’s high or is bothering your toddler either acetaminophen (mapap tylenol) or ibuprofen (advil motrin) are good treatments. you’ll need to know your toddler’s weight (don’t guess) and use the dosing guidelines on the package. it’s best to stick with one medicine if you can. if you feel you need to use multiple drugs call your pediatrician’s office. don’t ever use aspirin to treat a child’s fever as it increases the risk for reye’s syndrome. if sponging with water helps your child with a fever feel better use a warm bath (not cool) with water around 85 degrees. i know it sounds weird but my great granny used to cut an onion in half and put one half on the bottom of each foot then cover with socks and leave them on me all night. (in addition to tylenol or advil) when i would wake up in the morning my fever would be gone (or at least drasticly reduced) and the onions in my socks would be black. she said the onions drew the fever away from the brain and other vital organs. i don't unserstand how it works but i used this on my children and now on my grands and it works every time. it helps to understand what a fever is. some of the answers on here are very misleading and aren't factual at all. a fever occurs when the body increases in temperature. most common cause of this is an infection of some kind. the white blood cells that eat the infection release chemicals that go to the brain and tell it to raise the temperature of the body. the brain has a set point for our temperature 98. 6f. it is like a central heating/cooling system with a thermostat in a house. if the temp gets hot the a/c turns on. if it gets to cold the heater kicks on. and the temperature stays at 98. 6f. what these chemicals from the white blood cells do is they increase the thermostat. so the brain now has a set point of 101 f. but the body is still 98. 6 f. so the heater kicks on. you get shivers moving of muscles fast makes heat. you feel cold and you get under covers to get warm. this is why people say they are so cold when their temp is 100 because the thermostat is set to 101 or higher. the body does this because some of the bodies defenses are activated at higher temperatures and some bacteria don't function well at higher temperatures. so they die or we kill them better with a higher temperature. so what is it when a fever "breaks"? well eventually your white blood cells kill everything and they stop releasing those chemicals that changes the thermostat. so the thermostat changes back to 98. 6f. now you have a temperature of 101f and your body is set to 98. 6f. it is too hot. turn on the a/c. so you start sweating to cool yourself off. this is a fever "breaking". so when the person with the fever is sweating like there is no tomorrow it is a good thing and you can probably expect the fever to start going back down. fever is a natural defense mechanism against foreign invaders of your body. it is very normal. as long as my fever isn't over 102f it makes sense to me to not interfere with the natural process. even help it. if i'm running a little fever i'll get in the hot tub or a nice hot bath. fevers can be very dangerous and you should ask your doctor when those dangerous temperatures are. they are different for kids and adults. to answer the question the fastest easiest way to break a fever is with anti-inflammatory medications like tylenol and motrin. but that doesn't mean everything is all better. and by the way: water is zero calories! (in case you read the other post) don't believe any of that stuff. what i do is rub my baby down with green rubbing alcohol. it works every time. a fever is not your body fighting an infection. anything that heats up your body including heat and induces sweating causes a fever. fevers cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke as heat heats up the body inducing sweating wich causes water to be ejected from the body. you may induce a fever and prove this by simply visiting a steam room and when your sweating check your temp youll have a fever. you may also go out jogging and see when your hot and sweating you have a fever with a fever thermometer. if you do either for long periods youll eventualy drop from exhaustion enjoying before that mild to severe dehydration symptoms heat exhaustion and heat stroke and possible mild heart attacks. cardio excersize and steam rooms have been around for centuries inducing fever and not cured any disease other than treat obesity. your heartrate can generate heat and cause a fever by pumping friction wich happens during jogging just like shaking a pop can or rubbing your hands generates warmth. make sure you maintain bodyweight during a fever. if food poisioning is suspect having a person stomach pumped and an enema given may be needed if fatigue sets in. fluid calories are better during a fever its important to maintain heartrate as lowering your heartrate also induces fatigue. if a fever is starting with no fatigue water may be ok. its important to keep dry and keep cool (keeping dry to avoid chills). humans thrive in cool temp climates of 55-65 degrees thier is little life in deserts do to heat heat starves an area of water. for children its important that children playing maintain thier bodyweight during excersize/play and eat and drink and take rest breaks and normalize thier heartrate reducing sweating. if people have to loose weight then i recommend simply getting out and walking bringing food fluids before or during thier walk to avoid dehydration with rest breaks. obesity causes fever and dehydration by carrying around 50-100 lb weights. you may simulate obesity by carrying a backpack of 50-100+ lb barebell weights and grow it daily and see what affects that has on your health. weather and activie levels can affect weight loss. people eat drink and rest to maintain thier heartrate and energy levels. in a virus or poision a fever is a response to excess blood volume wich causes your heart to pump harder and faster generating heat. you may simulate this by giving an unnecessary blood transfusion wich will likely cause a fever and may cause a mild heart attack so i wouldnt advise it. water causes weight gain at 1/2 lb a cup its a myth its zero caloric. overdrinking from dehydrationcan cause excessive urination in addition to lowering your heartrate further so cold water if a fever has started with no fatigue otherwise fluid calories.
### Human:\nwhat should i do when my baby starts teething and cries a lot?\n\n### Assistant: a teething baby often likes to suck chew and gnaw on things. teething rings can help or often i’ll have parents get a washcloth wet then twist it or roll it up and put it in the freezer or fridge and once it’s cold let the baby chew on that. or you can try freezing a mini-bagel and let them chew on it -- but depending on how young they are you have to be careful keeping an eye on baby so that they don’t bite off a big piece. sometimes i’ll have a parent give a teething baby an appropriate dose of acetaminophen at night which helps soothe the baby and minimize the pain so the baby can sleep longer. i will say to be careful with topical solutions; be careful that you don’t overdo them. i’d recommend checking with your physician before you use them. try a refrigerated pacifier or teether. don't store the teether in the freezer because when frozen it can get hard enough to damage a baby's gums. there are a variety of refrigerated teethers including some with plastic handles so your baby's hands won't get cold. if nothing is working and your baby needs relief your doctor might recommend trying an over-the-counter painkiller like acetaminophen. (note: don't give new medicines to a baby without first checking with a doctor. ask the doctor for the proper dosage whenever giving acetaminophen to a child younger than 2. ) your baby is teething when his or her first set of teeth called primary teeth break through the gums. when does teething typically start? teething usually begins around 6 months of age. but it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. also find a good dental clinic which consists of experienced pediatricians who will help to give your child proper oral care. there are some great dental clinics which consists of services not only in child dentistry but also in other dental areas like cerec restoration dental implants neuromuscular dentistry and many more.
### Human:\nhow long does it take wellbutrin sr to work and does alcohol affect this medicine?\n\n### Assistant: it can take 4-6 weeks for this med to work assuming you are at 300mg/day or more. there are no direct effects of this med on alcohol or in reverse. the idea is that alcohol is a donwer and wellbutrin is an upper and both work in the brain is an issue. so there is no 'keel over and die' reaction but theoretically the two work in opposite directions chemically.
### Human:\nwhat is indicated when you have a high systolic number but a normal distolic number?\n\n### Assistant: this is a very good question! your blood pressure reading consists of two numbers. the number on the top is called the systolic number. the number on the bottom is the diastolic. the systolic number is the pressure in your arteries when your heart is beating. the diastolic number is the pressure when your heart is relaxed between beats. blood pressure is considered normal when it is below 120/80 mm/hg. if the systolic number is 140 or higher or the diastolic number is 90 or above this may mean you have high blood pressure or hypertension. but your doctor will not usually diagnose you after just one high reading. he or she may have you come back again or may have you take your blood pressure at home. as we get older several things happen inside our blood vessels. our arteries get more stiff and plaque builds up. this makes the pressure of the blood inside the arteries increase when the heart is pumping. thus the systolic number goes up as we age. other things that can also cause the systolic number to go up include heart disease anemia thyroid disease and heart valve problems. doctors pay very close attention to the systolic number because it is linked more closely with heart attack and stroke risk. the good news is that there are many things you can do to bring down your systolic blood pressure. if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure your doctor can help you get back on track. he or she will likely suggest lifestyle changes including healthy eating options and regular physical activity. if you smoke you can get help quitting. if stress is a problem for you ask for help in reducing it. you may need to take medication to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range.
### Human:\nwhat are hormonal causes for heavy periods?\n\n### Assistant: in the developed world girls now get their periods earlier and women spend less time being pregnant and breast feeding on demand. this means that the average women can now expect to have more than 400 menstrual cycles in her lifetime (eshre 2007). even the use of most hormonal contraceptives (pill/patch/ring) will yield a monthly bleed. so it’s no wonder that women are so concerned when their cycles seem to be longer and heavier than usual. to address the most-pressing question “when should i be concerned? what is the medical definition of too much bleeding? ” there is a medical definition of “too-heavy periods. ” if a woman is bleeding 80cc (2. 7 ounces — about 1/3 of a cup) or more that is excessive bleeding. trying to measure exactly the amount of bleeding is difficult even in a research setting much less in a home bathroom! some general indications of excessive bleeding can include: * saturating a maxipad or super tampon every 60-90 minutes for several hours. * passage of large clots (quarter-sized or larger). * significant bleeding for more than seven days. probably the most important factor would be if your bleeding is heavy enough to interfere with your normal activities. so if your bleeds are too heavy read on for some possible explanations. hormonal causes hormonal causes are usually linked to missed or erratic ovulation. as you may know in a normal cycle estrogen is produced all month. estrogen is responsible for building up the lining of your uterus so you have something to shed each month. in a normal cycle progesterone production increases following ovulation. progesterone “stabilizes” the uterine lining in preparation for a possible implantation of a new pregnancy. if you are not pregnant that month the levels of estrogen and progesterone fall triggering the release of the uterine lining — your period. so if you do not ovulate the estrogen build up of the lining continues but without the usual ovulation-associated progesterone. thus the hormone levels don’t decline and the lining stays up inside the uterus as a missed/late period. alternatively the lining can begin to shed under its own weight producing prolonged bleeding. after several months of missed periods the lining of the uterus can become very thickened. prolonged and heavy flows are not uncommon after months of missed flows. there are many causes for not ovulating including low thyroid a benign pituitary growth (“adenoma”) or a problem with the hypothalamus. all of the stress-related causes of not ovulating (e. g. sudden increases in exercise crash dieting problems with relationships financial worries etc. ) can be linked to the effects of stress hormones from the brain on the hypothalamus. increased body weight may trigger hormone changes leading to polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos). a transient ovarian cyst can halt ovulation for a time. there are treatments for each of the causes of heavy bleeding we have discussed. so if you or someone you know have episodes of heavy blood loss rather than a normal period talk to your doctor because there are ways to stop going with the flow.
### Human:\ni have tinnitus and was told that i may have had a jaw trauma or neck problems. how can a dentist test for jaw problems?\n\n### Assistant: tinnitus can be a jaw joint or tmj-related issue. a dentist will do a complete examination which includes evaluating: changes in the degree to which you can open your mouth deviations in opening and closing clicks pops or pain a load test x-rays ct scans mris. it also could be an ent or neurological issue. so you may want to see your physician for an exam as well.