### Human:\nwhat is the new food plate?\n\n### Assistant: the new food plate or myplate on www. choosemyplate. gov is part of the usda’s food guidance system designed to help americans eat healthier. the myplate icon provides a simplified representation of daily intake amounts for each of the main food groups. the plate is half-comprised of fruits and vegetables. on the remaining half one-quarter is designated for protein and the other quarter for grains. beside the plate a cup is included in the illustration to represent the recommended 3 cups per day of dairy for people aged 9 and up. we are top class professional caterers in delhi provides you the best catering services in delhi gurgaon ncr noida and more places. we are highly skilled in providing wedding catering event catering corporate catering kitty party catering and more catering services in delhi including veg and non food. we will provide you the best food plates and other facilities.
### Human:\nis breakfast sausage "unhealthy"?\n\n### Assistant: when shopping for breakfast sausages be sure to compare the number of fat grams on the nutrition facts labels. most of these products can be pretty high in sodium so remember to compare those amounts as well. i recommend breakfast sausages made with turkey. canadian bacon is also a better choice as a lean breakfast meat.
### Human:\nhow much sodium should i have a day?\n\n### Assistant: it's clear that americans have a taste for salt. but salt plays a role in the development of high blood pressure. everyone including kids should maintain a sodium intake of less than 2300 mg or about 1 teaspoon of sodium a day. adults aged 51 and older african-americans and individuals with high blood pressure diabetes or chronic kidney disease should reduce their sodium intake to no more than 1500 mg a day.
### Human:\nare there certain foods i should eat -- or avoid -- to lose belly fat?\n\n### Assistant: this is a very popular question. but belly fat builds when we eat too much food in general. rather than focusing on certain types of foods i recommend revving up your exercise routine with more cardio such as walking or jogging. and add strength training to your regimen by using weights and resistance. pilates and yoga classes can also be helpful in the effort to strengthen your core.
### Human:\nhow much salt does a person need?\n\n### Assistant: about 1 teaspoon a day (or 2300 mg) for people ages two and up. how much salt do we ingest on a daily basis? on average about 50% more than that. ouch! and that extra salt raises blood pressure making the heart work harder and thus leading to heart disease.
### Human:\ni read that pregnant women are at greater risk for food-borne illness. what can i do to protect myself and my baby?\n\n### Assistant: everyone's at risk but those at greater risk are infants young children pregnant women and their unborn babies older adults and people with weakened immune systems (for example those with hiv/aids cancer diabetes kidney disease and transplant patients). some people may become ill after ingesting only a few harmful bacteria. others may remain symptom-free after ingesting thousands. to prevent food-borne illness keep these key actions in mind: wash your hands. keep raw meats and ready-to-eat foods -- like salads -- separated during preparation. cook foods to the proper temperature by using a food thermometer. refrigerate foods promptly and reheat leftovers to 165 degrees fahrenheit.
### Human:\nreal ginger ale (without all the sugar) helps ease my nausea. but could the carbonation be harmful to me or my baby?\n\n### Assistant: carbonation does not present a health risk. in fact sparkling mineral water sometimes contains a little calcium and magnesium which are healthy minerals needed for the development of bones.
### Human:\ni know that fries aren't the healthiest food but i'm really craving them. are they that bad for me or my baby?\n\n### Assistant: french fries are basically potatoes cooked in vegetable oil and often sprinkled with salt. sometimes consuming too much fat can lead to indigestion in pregnant women. so be sure to limit your portion sizes and go easy on the salt which can lead to water retention bloating and possibly ankle swelling.
### Human:\ni usually eat meat substitutes like tofu or seitan. do i need to eat meat instead while pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: your baby can receive nutrients for growth and develop while you follow a vegetarian meal plan. instead of meat you can continue to eat good sources of vegetable-based protein including beans peas nuts and seeds.
### Human:\nhow can i provide healthy meals and snacks for my family on a tight budget?\n\n### Assistant: you don't have to buy organic to provide your family healthy foods. buy fruits and vegetables in season when they are less expensive and actually taste best. turn to the humble diet heroes that are more affordable such as eggs beans and less expensive cuts of beef that are lower in fat and in price.
### Human:\ni find myself eating from boredom a lot even if i'm not hungry. how can i make myself stop eating mindlessly?\n\n### Assistant: you must be more thoughtful about what you're eating. focus on and savor the flavors in your food. as we get older our metabolism does slow down a bit. so learning to eat mindfully early is a good thing for the long run. don’t eat out of bags or packages. put your food on a plate and take the time to enjoy your food while you eat. eating too fast or while your attention is elsewhere may lead you to eat more than you realize. pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues before during and after your meals and snacks. use these cues to determine when you will eat and when you should stop eating.
### Human:\nwhat are the best types of diet foods to snack on?\n\n### Assistant: the best types of diet foods to snack on are high in water and fiber content such as vegetables. add a protein source to your snacks such as fat-free milk or yogurt to help you feel fuller longer.
### Human:\nis eating one not-so-healthy meal a day bad for you?\n\n### Assistant: assuming you mean a meal that is high in calories and fat if you did that every day you would most likely gain weight. think of sugary high-fat foods as accessories to your diet. use them sparingly.
### Human:\nis it unhealthy for an expecting mother to eat microwaved foods on a regular basis?\n\n### Assistant: there are no health concerns for an expecting mother to eat microwaved foods on a regular basis. in fact microwave cooking of vegetables -- such as steaming broccoli or green beans or using the microwave to quickly prepare frozen vegetables -- is a great way for busy moms-to-be to include more healthy vegetables in their diets.
### Human:\nhow can i get enough choline in my diet if i don't eat eggs or liver?\n\n### Assistant: choline is a nutrient important for brain development so it is vital during pregnancy. while eggs are one of the most concentrated sources other food sources of choline include salmon wheat germ and vegetables such as broccoli and spinach.
### Human:\ncan i alter my diet prior to and/or while pregnant to decrease my risk of gestational diabetes?\n\n### Assistant: most health care providers test for gestational diabetes mellitus (gdm) between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. gdm is diabetes that occurs in pregnant women who have not had diabetes before becoming pregnant. with gdm your body has a hard time using the insulin it needs to get energy from food you eat. the american diabetes association estimates that 18% of pregnancies are affected by gestational diabetes. you can lower your risk of gestational diabetes by losing excess weight getting 30 minutes of physical activity on most days and by following a balanced eating plan with a variety of foods. choose foods high in fiber and low in fat and calories. and be sure to focus on fruits vegetables and whole grains.
### Human:\nwhat is a healthy amount of sugar to consume every day while pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: the 2010 dietary guidelines allow room for discretionary calories to help satisfy your sweet tooth. ten to fifteen percent of calories can be used for sweets and treats as long as you reach your quotas for healthy foods like fruits vegetables low fat dairy lean protein and whole grains. if you need 2 000 calories per day you can enjoy almost 300 discretionary calories. try to satisfy your sweet tooth with foods and beverages that also contain nutrients you need such as: low-fat milk with a teaspoon or two of chocolate strawberry or vanilla syrup low-fat plain yogurt mixed with fruit honey or low-sugar fruit preserves added fresh or dried fruit in cereals whole grain graham crackers or fig bars snack frozen grapes fruit smoothies
### Human:\ni want to know if adding olive oil to my diet could help lower my cholesterol.\n\n### Assistant: olive oil is a fat and like any fat contains about 100 calories per tablespoon. so keep in mind: olive oil is just as caloric as other fats and can contribute to weight gain if consumed in high amounts. olive oil does contain heart-healthy fats which are associated with lower blood cholesterol levels. but you can't just pour olive oil all over an otherwise unhealthy diet and expect your cholesterol levels to suddenly go down. making dietary changes to control your cholesterol levels is a twofold process. first increase the amount of fiber in your diet such as the fiber found in oatmeal fruits and vegetables. second decrease the amount of animal fats and saturated fats you consume such as the fats found in butter whole milk cream sausage bacon and heavily marbled cuts of beef. exercise is also good for your heart health and cardiovascular function. but you have to address any issues with your diet. i suggest using olive oil-based cooking sprays to sauté your vegetables as well as using olive oil as a salad dressing base. canola oil is a good choice as well.
### Human:\nare there certain foods i should and should not eat right before i exercise?\n\n### Assistant: avoid high-fat foods and spicy foods. choose meals or snacks which are carbohydrate-based such as granola bars whole wheat crackers or fresh fruit. these kinds of foods will provide your body with easy-to-use energy for your workout.
### Human:\ncan drinking a moderate amount of alcohol today have a negative effect on my athletic performance tomorrow?\n\n### Assistant: moderate consumption of alcohol (no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink for women) should not affect athletic performance the following day as long as you are properly hydrated. but over-consumption of alcohol causes dehydration and fatigue.
### Human:\nwhat nutrients are the most important for a long-distance runner to consume?\n\n### Assistant: long distance runners need all of the same nutrients found in a balanced diet that other people need. because long distance runners burn more calories than non-active people they need to eat more food and need more of the easy-to-access energy that comes from carbohydrates such as bananas and breads. according to sports nutritionist nancy clark ms rd author of nancy clark’s sports nutrition guidebook runners also need to pay attention to their protein intake. she states that “a more-than-adequate intake for runners is about 0. 75 grams protein per pound body weight (1. 5 grams protein per kilogram).
### Human:\nwhat are types of exercise should i do every week to lose weight?\n\n### Assistant: the most effective exercises for weight loss are the ones you enjoy the most whether it's dancing walking with friends or horseback riding. if it's an activity you enjoy chances are you'll keep it up. the american college of sports medicine suggests a combination of aerobic exercises -- like swimming running and walking -- to maintain and improve heart and lung function. they also recommend resistance exercises (weight training) to help increase muscle mass. it's also important as we age to include exercises that improve our flexibility and balance such as yoga and dancing.
### Human:\nwhat should my diet include or exclude for muscle definition?\n\n### Assistant: carbohydrates such as whole-grain breads cereals pastas and brown rice provide the energy needed to fuel a workout that is designed to tone your body. proper nutrition is important for resistance training and weight and strength training. maintaining good eating habits can improve your overall performance and increase muscle strength. this is true whether you lift weights once a week or multiple times a day. people who perform a great deal of resistance training need a diet that includes carbohydrates for energy and moderate amounts of fat and protein. you can easily meet these needs with a nutrient-dense well-balanced diet.
### Human:\nare there any nutrients or foods i should be sure to eat as a runner?\n\n### Assistant: the more exercise you add to your day the more calories your body will require. focus on food quality regardless of total caloric intake. consume half of your foods as fruits and vegetables and the remaining quarters as lean protein and whole grains. carbohydrates including fruits vegetables and whole grain foods provide the body with easy-to-use energy and the necessary nutrients for cell maintenance and repair. when eating for endurance sports such as long-distance running it's important to set a pace for refueling and dehydrating. multiple small meals and snacks throughout the day are often better than three large meals.
### Human:\nare vegan and vegetarian desserts any healthier than regular ones?\n\n### Assistant: the base of most desserts is a combination of sugar and fat both of which are vegan/vegetarian if plant-based fats are used. while the plant-based fat may be a healthier fat it's still a fat. dessert recipes that contain primarily fruits with maybe a little bit of pastry -- such as a baked fruit crisp -- would be the healthiest choices.
### Human:\nif i use oil when i cook does it really matter what kinds i use?\n\n### Assistant: cooking oils are included in the fat sources in our diets. the recommendation is to keep fats at no more than 20% to 35% of your total calories from fat per day. the majority of this fat should be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. foods that are high in monounsaturated fats include vegetable oils (olive oil canola oil peanut oil sunflower oil and sesame oil) avocados peanut butter and many nuts and seeds.
### Human:\nwhat is the importance of getting enough folic acid during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: folic acid or folate is important for overall health. but it is especially important for women during their childbearing years to help prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida. folic acid is found in melons strawberries bananas citrus fruit and drinks beans legumes eggs liver and green leafy vegetables. you can also find it in breads cereals and other types of products that are fortified and enriched.
### Human:\nwhat are some of the best high-protein low-calorie foods to choose from?\n\n### Assistant: if you like to eat scrambled eggs sliced roast beef and black bean soup you're already eating high protein foods that are lower in calories. in fact there are 29 different types/cuts of lean beef -- most include the word ""loin"" in their name. other good sources of lean protein include pork tenderloin chicken turkey fish fat-free or 1% milk yogurt and cheeses made with reduced-fat milk. eggs contain the highest-quality protein. don't skip the yoke because it contains a nutrient called choline important for brain cell growth and repair. vegetable sources of protein include legumes and beans such as lentils black beans pinto beans peas soy tree nuts and peanuts.
### Human:\nare there any nutrients that i should be getting more of as my pregnancy progresses?\n\n### Assistant: it is important to eat nutritious and well-balanced meals throughout your pregnancy. you will need to increase your intake of certain vitamins and minerals including iron calcium and folic acid. also it's generally recommended that women consume between 100 and 300 calories more per day while pregnant. try to limit the amount of sweets and junk food you eat as they offer mostly empty calories with little to no nutritional value. i read somewhere that brain development is key in the 3rd tri- so try to get omega 3s. with limits on fish intake i'm trying buy omega 3 enhanced eggs and milk (but i'm also eating low mercury fish like shrimp a few times / week).
### Human:\ncould becoming a vegan during my pregnancy cause problems for me and my baby?\n\n### Assistant: vitamin b12 is found in animal products including fish and shellfish eggs and dairy products. so vegans often have trouble getting enough vitamin b12 in their diets. make sure your physician knows you are eating a vegan diet so he/she can provide supplements to fill in the nutritional gaps where needed.
### Human:\nof all the supplements you can take to increase your energy which ones are normally safe to take during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: many herbal compounds and supplements are not safe to take during pregnancy. be sure to check with your doctor before taking any new supplements. a well-balanced diet -- including lean protein whole grains fruits and vegetables -- should give you all the energy you need. remember that dehydration can make your feel tired too. so make sure you drink plenty of fluids to support the increased blood volume you'll develop during your pregnancy.
### Human:\non top of my prenatal vitamins what are the best sources for vitamin d?\n\n### Assistant: good sources for vitamin d include fortified milk yogurt and other dairy products. you can also buy fortified orange juice. and salmon and sardines also contain vitamin d.
### Human:\nmy feet swell a lot since i became pregnant. can i change something about my diet to reduce the swelling?\n\n### Assistant: be sure to avoid salty foods -- foods with high levels of sodium listed on their nutrition facts labels. get plenty of fluids to help you maintain a healthy fluid balance in your body. that includes the fluids from fresh fruits and vegetables. fruits and veggies also contain potassium to help with healthy fluid balance and alleviate swelling. keep in close contact with your doctor to monitor your swelling and to make sure you are not at risk for preeclampsia.
### Human:\ni'm due any day now. what changes should i make to my diet after i give birth and start breastfeeding?\n\n### Assistant: breastfeeding increases daily caloric needs between 200 and 500 calories. make sure to consume plenty of fluids to support the production of breast milk.
### Human:\ni've heard that adding avocados to my diet could help me lose weight. is this true?\n\n### Assistant: unfortunately there are no magic foods to add to your diet with any unique weight loss properties. but avocados do contain a nice combination of nutrients associated with maintaining a healthy weight. since they are a source of healthy monounsaturated fats they can help to protect your heart. they're also pretty high in fiber and contain a moderate amount of protein. and both fiber and protein can help you feel fuller longer. but keep in mind avocados are pretty high in calories. and any successful weight loss diet must be calorie-controlled. (one avocado contains 322 calories 13. 5 g of fiber 4 g of protein and 29. 5 g of fat mainly monounsaturated. )
### Human:\nis eating brown rice really any healthier for us than eating white rice?\n\n### Assistant: while brown and white rice contain about the same amount of calories per serving brown rice has double the amount of fiber and minerals such as magnesium zinc and potassium. on the other hand enriched white rice contains more folic acid and other b vitamins because it's fortified with these nutrients.
### Human:\nis counting calories really the trick to losing weight?\n\n### Assistant: healthy weight management is all about energy balance. that means burning more calories than you're consuming. so it is helpful to become familiar with the calorie counts of the foods you eat most often. keep a food diary for a couple of days and then look up the calorie counts of the foods you've eaten. you can get that information by referring to the nutrition facts panel on packaged foods or by looking online at websites like the usda national nutrient database. this will give you a sense of where your calories are coming from and help you identify some smart and easy ways to cut calories. for instance if you normally drink whole milk you can switch to fat-free milk and save 60 calories per cup. after a while you'll become a good diet detective and be able to estimate the calorie counts of your most regularly eaten foods. also remember that the higher the fat content the higher the caloric level. and of course the larger your portion the more calories you're consuming.
### Human:\nis there anything you can really do to increase your metabolism?\n\n### Assistant: the best way to increase your metabolism is to increase two types of physical activity in your weekly regimen. strength training with weights helps build muscle mass and increases your ratio of lean muscle tissue to fat tissue. and muscle burns more calories than fat. also cardiovascular exercises such as walking running biking and dancing get the heart pumping and the body moving to burn calories while you work out.
### Human:\nwhat foods do you know of that can trigger gout attacks?\n\n### Assistant: first make sure you are seeing a physician who specializes in gout management such as a rheumatologist. there are medications to treat the inflammation associated with gout flares. there are also medications that exist to treat the underlying metabolic condition called hyperuricimia which is too much uric acid in the blood. dietary management of gout is limited but important to help control the buildup of uric acid in the blood. a low-purine diet is often recommended for people with gout. laura rall phd nutrition researcher at tufts university in boston says "begin by eliminating foods in the 'high-purine' category while reducing your intake of foods in the 'moderate-purine' category. if you don't have gout attacks after trying this you may add more foods from the 'moderate' category or occasionally try a food from the 'high' category. using these guidelines you may be able to determine a safe level of purine consumption and enjoy some of your favorite foods without experiencing attacks. " foods considered high in purine content include all types of alcoholic beverages; some fish seafood and shellfish such as anchovies sardines herring mussels codfish scallops trout and haddock; and certain meats such as bacon turkey veal venison and organ meats like liver. foods considered moderate in purine content include meats such as beef chicken duck pork and crab lobster oysters and shrimp; and vegetables and beans such as asparagus kidney beans lentils lima beans mushrooms and spinach.
### Human:\nis dairy milk a better source of protein than other kinds of milk such as almond or soy milk?\n\n### Assistant: skim dairy milk contains 9 grams of protein which is slightly higher than whole milk. both almond and soy milk contain 8 grams of protein. so they’re all roughly in the same ball park. calcium is naturally occurring in dairy milk but added to soy and almond milk in varying amounts depending on brand. note: added calcium can settle to the bottom of your milk carton. so make sure to shake the carton before pouring.
### Human:\nhow much protein should an adult female eat every day?\n\n### Assistant: most people aged 9 and older should eat 5 to 7 ounces of protein a day.
### Human:\nhow worried should i be about eating and cleaning raw vegetables during my pregnancy or any other time for that matter?\n\n### Assistant: raw veggies are great sources for the healthy nutrients that you need during pregnancy. but pregnant women should be even more careful to practice good food safety habits for their health and the health of their babies. the usda recommends that everyone wash fruits and vegetables very carefully before preparing or eating them. so be sure to rub all consumed portions of your fruits and vegetables under clean running water briskly with your hands to remove dirt and surface microorganisms. we really need to clean all vegs and fruits off all kinds before we eat them even if you are not prenant
### Human:\nhow do you define "smart snacking"?\n\n### Assistant: think of a snack as a mini-meal which should be under 150 calories total. snacks should be balanced like meals with sources of protein whole grain and fruits and vegetables such as low-fat cheese with apple slices and whole grain crackers or low-fat yogurt with a little granola sprinkled on top and some berries.
### Human:\nis the nutritional value of fresh whole fruits any better than canned or frozen fruit?\n\n### Assistant: canned and frozen fruits are nutritious convenient and often more affordable than fresh fruits. choose canned fruits packed in their own juices not in heavy syrups. frozen fruit can often have even more nutrients than fresh fruit because it's frozen at the time of harvest.
### Human:\ni'm disabled and my ability to exercise is limited. what healthy low-calorie snacks would you suggest for me?\n\n### Assistant: if you get hungry for a snack reach for fruits and vegetables. they provide all kinds of healthy nutrients many of which most americans don’t get enough of from regular meals. use snacks to improve your nutrition. but stick to a snack budget of about 100 calories. my favorites include apples berries and celery sticks (which have almost no calories) with a wedge or two of low-fat cheese. low-fat or nonfat yogurt is also a good option. even a glass of skim milk can help fill you up and provides nine essential nutrients including 8 grams of protein.
### Human:\ni absolutely have to have something sweet after dinner. what sweets do you recommend so that i don't ruin my diet?\n\n### Assistant: enjoy a small square of really good dark chocolate and savor the flavors. but don’t eat too much because the caffeine in chocolate can keep some people awake. a cup of decaffeinated tea is a good idea too. and there are many with delicious sweet-tasting flavors that can also help you sleep. try rediscovering the natural sweetness of in-season and ripened fruits. a slice or two of mango is a terrific treat for the sweet tooth and provides healthy nutrients that can be good for your skin too.
### Human:\nin addition to alcohol and certain seafood what other foods and drinks should i limit or avoid while pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: limit salty foods. salt causes your body to retain water. although there is no documented risk to mother or baby you might want to limit extra salty foods to avoid feeling bloated. do not completely refrain from salt unless instructed to do so by your health care provider. limit caffeine to no more than 200 mg per day. in addition to coffee teas and soda remember that chocolate contains caffeine too. the amount of caffeine in a chocolate bar can be equal to the caffeine in 1/4 cup of coffee.
### Human:\ndo protein shakes make good snacks or are they only appropriate as meal replacements?\n\n### Assistant: it depends on the amount of calories. always check the total calories of protein shakes. if the shake is over 150 calories it’s a meal replacement. instead have a much less expensive glass of nonfat milk which is a protein drink too. with only 86 calories per 8 ounces a cup of nonfat milk provides 8 grams of protein. even a cup of fat-free chocolate milk is a good option.
### Human:\nis diet soda any better for me than regular soda?\n\n### Assistant: drinking a diet soda can save you about 150 calories. but diet sodas do nothing for you nutritionally. if you want something bubbly i suggest carbonated water many of which are flavored. learn to enjoy unsweetened or slightly sweetened carbonated beverages instead of soda.
### Human:\nis it possible to be fat and fit?\n\n### Assistant: yes you can be overweight and in good shape at the same time. in fact physiologists now believe that being overweight and fit is far healthier than being skinny and out of shape. how much healthier? one recent study of 2 600 people shows that subjects who were unfit were four times more likely to die than those who were very fit —whether those fit people were normal weight overweight or obese. that’s because exercise — no matter how much you weigh — reduces your risk of a broad range of ailments including cardiovascular disease cancer and diabetes.
### Human:\nsometimes when i plan to eat a small snack i find myself binge eating. how can i put an end to this awful habit?\n\n### Assistant: never eat chips or cookies out of bags and boxes. count out a serving and place it on a plate. avoid mindlessly eating and munching in front of the tv or computer screen. focus on and savor each bite. if you are super hungry before you begin eating your snack slow down a bit and drink a glass of water. then enjoy your snack at a leisurely pace.
### Human:\ncan eating ice cream have a negative effect on my cholesterol?\n\n### Assistant: ice cream -- especially premium ice cream that is higher in fat -- does contain saturated fats which can contribute to increased cholesterol levels. additionally some ice creams are made with eggs. so they contain cholesterol which can contribute to increased blood cholesterol levels. if you are an ice cream lover read the nutrition facts label to identify a proper serving size and stick to that. if your doctor has suggested avoiding sources of saturated fats and cholesterol you should consider switching from ice cream to non-fat frozen desserts. look in your supermarket for desserts that are lower in fat and cholesterol and also not as sweet.
### Human:\nmy doctor said i cant marry someone with my same blood type after i took a blood test why is this?\n\n### Assistant: hello i have no idea why you would be told this informaiton. certainly people don't check blood types before they fall in love! the only blood type related problem that affects couples is related to the "rh" factor. if the father of a child in a couple is rh positive and the mother is rh negative the mother can develop antibodies to the baby duing the pregnancy. this is treated by giving any rh negative mother an injection of medication called rhogam once during the pregnancy (at about 28 weeks) and again within 72 hours of delivery. laurie anderson rnp
### Human:\nwhat effect can wellbutrin have while my wife and i are trying to conceive and on the baby while it is breastfeeding?\n\n### Assistant: you probably can relax so you can plan your child. we do not know of any real fetal anomalies that occur because the male takes the medication. remember the medication will only be on the sperm (if any) and it will not affect breast feeding or any other issue with the baby. wellbutrin we use for mothers during and after pregnancy. the biggest issue you need to understand if you have depression we believe it may be passed to your child. it may be passed in a dominant fashion so 50% of your children may be affected by depression. knowing this may help you identify the problem early so they can be seen and treated. .
### Human:\nwhat time of night should i stop eating?\n\n### Assistant: when you eat depends on your personal schedule. if you're hungry late at night you may not have eaten enough for dinner. if you want a snack before bedtime avoid foods and beverages with caffeine in them. avoid fried and high-fat foods because they can cause indigestion. a sliced apple or a few baby carrots would make good choices. raw fruits and veggies provide fiber for better digestion fluid for hydration important vitamins and minerals and are generally low in calories. so they would certainly make good choices as late-night snacks
### Human:\nhow can i curb my craving for potato chips?\n\n### Assistant: if you crave potato chips get to know them! look at the suggested serving size and stick to it for a small snack. do not eat out of a big bag because you won’t know when to stop. ten chips depending on the brand is usually about 150 calories.
### Human:\ni had an ectopic pregnancy. what should we do to conceive again?\n\n### Assistant: because you have had an ectopic pregnancy you are at a higher risk of this happening again. make sure you are not smoking; use caffeine minimally. you should have relations (sex) every 36-48 hours and not daily. make sure you take a vitamin daily. if you are having trouble getting pregnant you can have your fallopian tube evaluated something called an hsg. however i would not suggest you do this at this point in time. if you are greater than 35 some would call infertility more then 6 months.
### Human:\ncan i get my hair dyed while pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: this is a very interesting question with many different opinions. some say you should not have your hair dyed. some say you can have highlights placed. part of the issue is when you have your hair dyed the chemicals will be more likely to be against your scalp and possibly be absorbed while those who have highlights will not have the chemicals be against the scalp and not be absorbed. we typically don't recommend having your hair dyed in the first trimester of pregnancy since this time is the most risky to the fetus. this time is called organogenesis where the organs are forming. when women ask me about dying their hair i usually ask is it imperative. most say it is not and so i say hold off. i offer highlights. my answers are not necessarily based on solid scientific data. it is more based on common sense which says if you don't need to put chemicals on your body during pregnancy you probably should not. my doctor told me to go for it! i was in my second trimester (towards the end of it) she said as long as it doesn't have ammonia in it or strong smelling chemicals i was fine <positive_smiley> i had my baby girls with no problems from it. no
### Human:\nwhat should i know about getting pregnant after a cone biopsy?\n\n### Assistant: cone biopsy has been associated with cervical insufficiency which can lead to preterm birth and early pregnancy loss in the second trimester of pregnancy. if scarring from the cone biopsy occurs there can be infertility that can result. infertility is defined as one year of attempting pregnancy without conception. at this point you should not be worried. you may wish to see a high risk obstetrician (mfm) in a consultation to discuss how they will follow your pregnancy. by the way make sure you are taking vitamins including folic acid. if im taking birth control pills for more then 2 years but i just had a cone biopsy and i just waited 1 week and i had sex but im still taking the pills is there a risk that i can get pregnant i don't want to get pregnant.
### Human:\ndoes stomach fat decrease insulin effectiveness\n\n### Assistant: fat around the belly is associated with insulin resistance and increased risk of diabetes. this may not happen for every person especially if they engage in healthy habits but this type of fat is considered a risk factor for certain health conditions like diabetes. for more on the subject see the truth about fat.
### Human:\nis cleansing hard on my kidneys? . i have been hearing that a new tool to loosing weight is to include one or two cleansing days per week does doing this put extra stress on the kidneys? what is the best advice for loosing weight with kidney disease?\n\n### Assistant: i highly recommend that you see a registered dietitian to help you lose weight. they will not only understand your special circumstances regarding your diet they can provide you with guidance that is safe and effective. insurance often covers outpatient counseling with a dietitian when you have diagnosis. what you need is a plan that you can stick with and that is safe. good luck!
### Human:\nwhere can i find a low-phenylalanine diet?\n\n### Assistant: starting a low-phenylalanine diet can be overwhelming so i highly recommend you see a registered dietitian. without careful planning the diet can result in nutrition deficiencies. you can find more information about the diet here.
### Human:\nmy nine month old wont sleep can i give him water to deter him from wanting to night feed. my son is 9 months old and wakes 5-6 times a night to feed still his doctor insists this is normal but to me 5-6 feedings and 3-4 diaper changes per night for a nine month old 25pound baby seems way too much i dont like the night formula feedings as he has 8 perfect little teeth i would like to not have rot out of his mouth. he is eating baby foods fingerfoods and some tablefoods but he does not sleep at night ive tried every sleeptraining method to no sucess.\n\n### Assistant: no i would not advise giving water at night. at nine months water should only be given as sips during the day. the bulk of fluid at this age should be formula or breast milk. instead of feeding right away try soothing or rocking your baby first before going to feeding him. i would work on getting the sleep straightened out. regular naps and early bedtime works great. one of my favorite books is healthy sleep habits happy child. for more on the subject see expert q&a: baby's sleep
### Human:\nwhat does a dash mean on a food label? . is it true that the dash listed on certain food labels just another way of telling you the number of grams in the food is unknown? . is there a book available that tells you what the dash on food labels means and what other symbols on food labels mean? . what should diabetics do when they can't find out the sugar content in a food from reading the label? .\n\n### Assistant: i'm not sure what you mean about a dash on the food label. it typically contains quantities like 0 or more. this article how to read a food label should help you. there is also a book entitled read it before you eat it that walks you through the food label and what it means. if you cannot find the sugar on a product i suggest you call the manufacturer to be sure.
### Human:\nmy estimated gfr is 109 and hemoglobin a1c is 5. 8 what should i do? i'm guessing watch my sugar intake. . i'm 47 and not in any way over weight and currently being tested for an auto-immune disease.\n\n### Assistant: the key is to stay the course with your doctor to see if anything else shows up. as for your a1c it is just above normal (pre-diabetes range is 5. 7-6. 4). focus on lifestyle factors such as exercise getting enough sleep and diet. you do want to lower your sugar intake but also add nutrient-rich foods like plant based items (fruits vegetables whole grains healthy fats like olive oil and legumes) to your diet. a protein source at most meals and snacks can help maintain blood sugar levels as well. if your a1c doesn't come down after making some changes consider seeing a registered dietitian. for more on pre-diabetes see this article.
### Human:\nmy a1c a year ago was at6. 1 it is now 5. 2 i am 67 yrs old. how long do i have to take metformin\n\n### Assistant: because your a1c is now normal i would talk to your doctor about whether or not you need to stay on metformin. let him or her know any changes to your diet or weight.
### Human:\nif i have higher than normal mercury levels from eating sushi will it get back to normal by itself if i change my diet? . or a treatment is the only option?\n\n### Assistant: you need to work with a healthcare provider on this issue and have your levels monitored. they also might have specific treatment for you. if you eat fish and seafood less often your levels will likely go down but you need to work with someone and have levels tested to be sure. for more on the topic read this q&a with the doctor of a well-known actor who had mercury toxicity from eating sushi twice a day for years.
### Human:\nhow can you lower your c reactive protein blood level\n\n### Assistant: there is not one straight answer. you need to work with a doctor to discover why it is high which may be caused by medical conditions. that being said diet may help bring it down. eating a diet rich in plant foods and low in saturated fats is key. also adding fatty fish twice a week (or fish oil if you don't eta fish) and healthy fats like nuts avocado and olive oil can help as well. lowering your intake of sugar nd refined carbohydrates is also part of an anti-inflammation diet. this article outlines important diet changes you can make to lower your crp which is a marker for inflammation. good luck!
### Human:\ncan you get food poisoning from jelly? . my two year old ate half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that was not refrigerated and in a baggie on the counter since yesterday. is he in danger of getting food poisoning. the jar says to refrigerate after opening. i don't eat jam or jelly and didn't think anything of it but my husband said he's gotten food poisoning from jelly before. should we take him to the hospital now or wait for any symptoms to arise? besides vomiting what would likely symptoms be?\n\n### Assistant: leaving jelly overnight one time is unlikely to cause food poisoning it only will decrease the shelf life of the product. the shelf life is longer for jelly bought at the store versus homemade. store bought jelly is more standardized (with the right amount of sugar/fruit/liquid) and the sugar acts as a preservative. check the jelly for signs of spoilage like mold odor and changes in color. i suggest calling the company and asking them if the item should be discarded. and if you see symptoms in your child like vomiting diarrhea or decreased appetite call your doctor.
### Human:\nis it healthy to lose 20 pounds in almost 2 months but not quite 2 months?\n\n### Assistant: that depends on how the weight is lost. there are healthy ways to lose weight and unhealthy ways. see how to lose weight safely. in general safe weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week. the first month is more is typically lost due to fluid changes so 20 pounds in 2 months would probably be okay if it's done with a healthy diet. more rapid weight loss should always include monitoring from a doctor.
### Human:\nare eating carrots bad for people who are at-risk for macular degeneration? . my eye doctors have told me that i should stay away from eating carrots since there is a long history of macular degeneration in my family. almost everyone on my mothers side has had one kind or the other. is there any truth that eating carrots could be bad for you? i like to eat carrots but i am not a nut about eating them. i may have a several small ones with dinner now and again but that's it. thanks for your time\n\n### Assistant: this is not something i've heard before and is not a typical diet recommendation. a variety of fruits and veggies are encouraged to help prevent macular degeneration especially leafy greens like spinach due to their high lutein content. at your next visit i suggest asking your eye doctors why they recommend no carrots so you can better understand the reasoning behind it. good luck!
### Human:\ncould multivitamins be the reason im not sleeping? . hi . i recently started taking multi vitamins. i only take 1 a day though instead of the 3 that they say to. specifically this one: <link> i normally get to sleep in around 30 minutes. however i have noticed for the past 4 days i have taken this i have been restless at night and taking 2+ hours to sleep. could it be the cause? or should i be taking all 3? . thank you\n\n### Assistant: multivitamins taking at 100% the daily value shouldn't have an effect on sleep. but this item is not just a multivitamin it also has other ingredients like green tea extract quercetin and piperine that may affect your sleep. i would call the company to see if sleep is a side effect. unfortunately supplement companies are not held the same standard as drugs so they may not have the studies to show.
### Human:\nwhich cosmetic filler is best for me?\n\n### Assistant: the most commonly used fillers are made out of hyaluronic acid. because of their varying consistency they are used differently. prevelle silk is the thinnest of the hyaluronic acid fillers. it gives a soft subtle effect that is very natural. it’s my personal favorite for treating the area around the lips. the effects usually last 3 to 4months. juvederm is slightly thicker. it works well on marionette lines that just beginning to show smile lines and to smooth the contours of jaws that are beginning to sag. juvederm usually lasts around 6-8 months although in the lips it does not last as long because the constant movement of the mouth breaks down the filler. restylane is one of the older fillers around. while many doctors still use it i personally prefer to use juvederm or perlane because i find they give smoother results. perlane is the thickest of the hyaluronic acid fillers. it’s best for deep folds like really pronounced marionette lines or the creases that run down from the nose and around the mouth. this is the one people start asking for once they hit forty. it lasts for about a year. perlane does tend to leave the skin slightly swollen for a couple of days so plan accordingly ifyou have a big event coming up. radiesse is a totally different filler. in the first place it’s made out of calcium. it has a firmer consistency which makes it ideal to model cheekbones or jawlines or to fill in very deep marionette lines. the problem some doctors have with radiesse is that because it takes so long to dissolve – up to a year in most cases – it’s very hard to correct mistakes. unsatisfactory radiesse results however are there to stay for the next 12 months.
### Human:\nwhat foods and drink are good for the skin?\n\n### Assistant: a high-glycemic diet one that’s heavy on pizza bread and desserts can really do a number on the skin. scientists aren’t quite sure why this happens but it’s true for a substantial number of people. they look older have poor skin color and are prone to breakouts. the same goes for alcohol or too much caffeine. alcohol dehydrates – think how thirsty people are when they wake up with a hangover – and dehydration shows up in the skin lessening elasticity. caffeine is a vasodilator (opens up the capillaries) and can make skin look red and swollen. so can spicy foods which are definitely a no-no for those with rosacea. msg and heavy salt consumption can make the face look puffy particularly around the eyes. if you have a heavy hand with the saltshaker and also have chronically puffy eyes you might want to consider cutting down on your salt intake. for people with acne dairy and sugar are a bad combination. recent studies have shown that cutting out dairy and sugar improves acne in a substantial percentage of patients. i am a firm believer in the benefits of green tea and even offer it to the patients in my practice. it has proven anti-oxidant properties as a beverage and is a very good anti-inflammatory when applied directly to the skin. but this is only true of freshly brewed tea. as for beverages that claim to balance or clarify the skin it’s a great marketing ploy but totally not true. people who buy these products are making companies richer but not helping their skin. so what foods and drink are good for the skin? for starters fresh fruit and vegetables lots of them which contain vital phytonutrients that are not found in pills flavored waters or energy bars. raw nuts like almonds and walnuts. extra-virgin olive oil. lean protein. water – plain. fresh green tea with a squirt of lemon. people who eat all these things drink plenty of water and stay away from sugar and dairy notice an improvement in their skin tone in just a couple of weeks.
### Human:\nhow does smoking affect my skin?\n\n### Assistant: cigarette smoke contains more than 4 000 chemicals that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream and are taken right into the skin. smoking causes the blood vessels in the top layers of skin to get smaller so your skin gets less oxygen. smoking also makes skin thinner slows its ability to heal and increases wrinkles. you may get lines on your upper lip often called smoker's lines. your skin can also take on a grayish color.
### Human:\ni want larger-looking lips. should i go with a lip plumper or filler?\n\n### Assistant: for a temporary change the obvious answer is to use a commercial lip plumper and see how it goes. more and more cosmetics companies are bringing out lip plumpers some already tinted some not. lip plumpers can be surprisingly effective; in a few cases users not only get strikingly fuller lips but the results last up to eight hours as well. to be honest though the effects of most lip plumpers rarely last more than an hour especially if users eat or drink. most lip plumpers use an irritant such as cinnamon wintergreen or ginger that causes enough of a reaction to make the lips swell and look temporarily fuller. some of them especially those with higher concentrations of cinnamon and wintergreen can really make the lips burn sometimes quite painfully. and that burning sensation applies not only to the woman who used a plumper on her lips but to anybody she kisses as well. if your significant other is allergic i’d stay away from these plumpers; obviously people with sensitive skin should also avoid them because they may get a whole lot more than they bargained for. never use lip plumpers on cracked lips or on cold sores because the pain can be excruciating. less irritating plumpers are those with retinol or oligopeptides both of which stimulate collagen production. the advantage to these plumpers is that with repeated use lips will not only look fuller but smoother and less wrinkled. a warning: retinol increases sun sensitivity. i recommend that lip plumpers with retinol be used only at night. for a longer-lasting look you’d have to go with fillers usually hyaluronic acid fillers; my two favorites are prevelle silk and juvederm. in my experience prevelle silk gives a more subtle look while juvederm lasts longer. these lip fillers cost $750- $1000 and last three to four months. some people just want to define their lips so they get a tiny amount of filler injected all around the lip border; their lips stand out more but without added volume. this technique is especially popular with women over forty because the lip border becomes less distinct with age. i would never ever recommend more permanent procedures such as silicone injections or lip implants. with silicone injections problems such as lumps and irregular or asymmetrical lips are actually pretty common and lip implants frequently look artificial. think before you get lip fillers. if you want to see how you would look with fuller lips then try lip plumpers first and see if you like the way you look. when buying a lip plumper or any other beauty product try to read and decipher the ingredients contained in the product in order to see how the plumping or moisturising will occur. also remember that most lip plumpers will eventually result in drying of the lips as most of the plumping ingredients act as an irritant to the lips therefore resulting in the plumping. these products typically work by irritating the thin delicate skin of the lips with ingredients like menthol or camphor. this makes the lips swell slightly which may also diminish the appearance of fine lines in that area. lip filler procedures provide immediate results that should last for up to six months after which time you may need a top-up to maintain the volume. initially there will be some swelling and sometimes bruising in the lip area from the injections. this should quickly subside to reveal your full and plump lips. some of the most common side effects of collagen lip injections are instances where lips swell or bruise after treatment. there can also be bruising around the sides of the mouth depending on the material that is used and the method of injection as well as how the body handles the foreign material. some patients can be allergic to some aspects of collagen lip injections and that can cause excessive swelling or related side effects it’s generally not a good idea to ignore the warning signs of complications from this process which could cause a patient long-term harm. consult a doctor before selecting one of these treatments to talk about lip injections or lip plumpers and what kinds of potential side effects may result.
### Human:\ncan the chemicals i use to clean my home damage my skin? anything i should do to protect myself?\n\n### Assistant: there are a lot of toxic chemicals found in household cleaning agents. ammonia is found ins glass cleaners and floor cleaners. lye is found in oven and drain cleaners. always wear gloves when you use these chemicals or others. and open your windows so fresh air can come in while you're cleaning. if any of these chemicals get on your skin wash immediately. you can also try green household cleaners to see if they're less irritating to you.
### Human:\nwhat are triggers for eczema and how can i treat itching and inflammation?\n\n### Assistant: eczema is a catch-all term for inflamed itchy raw cracked and peeling skin. eczema is usually genetic – if one of your parents has it chances are you and your children will too. the list of triggers is very very long: -prolonged or hot baths since anything that dries the skin can set the inflammation process going. that includes hot tubs and saunas. -deodorant soaps perfumed soaps and body washes. - anything abrasive such as grainy body scrubs and even loofahs. - fragranced moisturizers or anything that contains lactic acid salicylic acid or glycolic acid. - wool clothes or elastics because the pressure point can start the itch/scratch cycle. - detergents and fabric softeners. - food allergies or sensitivities – the most common are eggs dairy corn grains yeast artificial sweeteners and soy. - airborne allergens such as dust and pollen - dry and heated environments. this is one reason why eczema is usually worse in winter. - cold windy weather. babies and children suffer the most from eczema and should be seen by a doctor promptly. for babies and small children the first step is washing with the mildest possible cleanser and making sure that baths are as quick as possible. then while the skin is still damp moisturize it with a heavy protective product. steroids are the very last resort for small children and i don’t like to use them at all in babies. some children are lucky enough to outgrow eczema usually by the age of five. others unfortunately will be lifelong sufferers. for adults antihistamines can help even the over-the-counter ones. topical steroids will calm the itch and reduce the inflammation but should be used with caution since prolonged use can thin the skin permanently. protopic and elidel are the big guns but not everybody tolerates them well and they have serious potential side effects. for people with eczema it is crucial to avoid triggers and otherwise take precautions every day. wear light comfortable clothing made from cotton silk or linen. bed linens should be 100% cotton or satin. when doing laundry use only hypoallergenic detergent put clothes through the rinse cycle twice to get rid of any trace of detergent and use tennis balls in the dryer instead of dryer sheets.
### Human:\nhow old should i be to start taking care of my skin so i don't get wrinkles?\n\n### Assistant: you're never too young to start looking after your skin. wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day. make certain it's at least an spf 30 and look for one with zinc or titanium dioxide. you can also look for an over-the-counter retinol product to reverse sun damage and use it every night. you can start using retinol in your 20s. the eyelid skin is the thinnest skin in the body and doesn't have much oil so it's always good to use an eye cream. look for one with hyaluronic acid. this ingredient binds water to the skin and is very hydrating.
### Human:\nwhat's the best skin care for my aging elastic skin?\n\n### Assistant: i'm a big fan of retinol as it stimulates collagen production and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles. please make sure to use it only at night as it increases sun sensitivity. always wear a broad- spectrum sunscreen spf of at least 30 during the day.
### Human:\nhow much protein should consume a 17 years old 151 pounds individual? . actually i'm comsuming 200 grams of protein my workouts are hard. im a bodybuilder.\n\n### Assistant: the american college of sports medicine recommends 05 -. 8g of protein per pound of body weight for those who lift weights or are training. for your weight that would be between 75-120g protein.
### Human:\nwhat is the proper way to apply sunscreen to the face?\n\n### Assistant: always use a broad- spectrum sunscreen which blocks uva and uvb rays it should be an spf of at least 30. i'm a big fan of physical sunscreens that contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. put your sunscreen on last apply any anti-aging products before you put on your sunscreen. pick the appropriate sunscreen for your skin type if you're oily choose a serum and if you have dry skin choose one which contains moisturizing ingredients.
### Human:\nmy skin is becoming more sensitive to skin care products. can skin become more sensitive when it wasn't before?\n\n### Assistant: sometimes skin can become more sensitive when it has been overtreated with a variety of products with different ingredients like fragrances and acids or ingredients that are too harsh. i've seen patients who end up red blotchy skin because they have been using salicylic acid glycolic acid and retinoids and the combination is too much.
### Human:\nwhat products are good for a woman who's still getting breakouts but is also seeing the beginnings of wrinkles?\n\n### Assistant: i would recommend retinols for women who have wrinkles and are also acne prone. the reason is that they are both anti-acne and anti-aging. you can find them in light serums which can be used in the evening. also make certain to use noncomedogenic sunscreens moisturizers and make-up.
### Human:\ndo dna skin repair products really work?\n\n### Assistant: up until fairly recently the only way to reverse sun damage was to have laser treatments chemical peels or use retinols and prescription tretinoin creams. a revolutionary innovation in the cosmeceutical industry is changing that. now all you may need to do is go to your drugstore or department store and look for products that contain dna repair ingredients. these ingredients now come in every product imaginable — creams lotions serums sunscreens. and here’s the wonderful thing: they really do work. dna skin repair ingredients are usually based on enzymes derived from a variety of sources including plankton and plants. most of the major skin care companies are already selling dna repair products and are closely following the new research. all these products seem to improve the skin so it is not necessary to buy the most expensive one. these enzymes work by restoring dna that has been damaged by free radicals most often caused by sun exposure pollution and other environmental factors. dna damage is what causes sagging wrinkles and rough-textured skin. in other words it’s what makes you look old. dna repair products don’t seem to fade brown spots though and though they soften fine lines they won’t have the dramatic effect of botox or hyaluronic acid fillers that plump deep creases. still people really notice a difference after a few weeks of using these products and they are usually happy with the results. one of the advantages of most dna repair products is that unlike tretinoin and retinols (which should only be used at night) they do not interact with sunlight and can be used during the day. in fact a few sunscreens already include dna repair ingredients. although the research is still coming in this may be the wave of the future in sun protection.
### Human:\ndo fillers work better when used in conjunction with botox?\n\n### Assistant: recent studies show that a combination treatment of botox and fillers works better than either treatment alone. botox and fillers such as restylane perlane prevelle juvederm and radiesse perform differently. botox paralyzes the underlying facial muscle while fillers plump the skin and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. young people with only superficial lines may just need mainly botox. but botox is not going to make deep forehead furrows or marionette lines(the vertical creases that run from mouth to chin) disappear – for that people need fillers. the problem with fillers is that sooner or later they break down and are absorbed by the body. the more animated and active the face the faster the filler will break down. prevelle one of the lighter fillers lasts about four months while perlane and juvederm ultra plus last about eight months to a year. however the duration of any filler will significantly increase if botox shots are given first in the same sitting. for the forehead for example i inject botox into the lines followed immediately by fillers. instead of the usual five to six months with a smooth forehead if a filler alone is used the combination treatment will last nine to ten months. and the forehead will look a whole lot better during that time because the etched-in lines will be smoothed away. botox and fillers can even be used around the mouth which is where fillers break down fastest. think about it: your mouth is in constant movement every waking moment and the more movement there is the faster the filler will break down. botox should never be injected into the smile lines but diluted botox shots can be used successfully with fillers on the lips and the corners of the mouth on most people. there are exceptions though: people who need extremely mobile lips for their professions such as singers or horn players should never get botox near their mouths although they can have fillers.
### Human:\nwhat can i do to keep adult acne at bay?\n\n### Assistant: 1) make sure that everything you put on your face —moisturizer sunscreen makeup — is noncomedogenic meaning that it won’t clog your pores. if a product does not specifically have the word “noncomedogenic”on the label do not buy it. 2) since gentle but thorough cleansing is essential it’s a good idea to invest in a sonic cleansing machine and use it once a day. it doesn’t have to be the most expensive machine available and drugstores now sell relatively inexpensive versions. some machines have special brushes for acne or delicate skin which are gentle on adult skin. 3) look for products that contain salicylic acid because it is highly effective at unclogging pores and reducing breakouts. people with very sensitive skin might want to use a 0. 5 % salicylic acid product but for most adults 2% will yield the best results. use these products every night; do not use during the day even under sunscreen because salicylic acid can increase sun sensitivity. products with alpha-hydroxy acids (ahas) will also work. 4) those at-home microdermabrasion systems sold in beauty stores provide more exfoliation than salicylic acid and ahas. don’t do microdermabrasion at home more than once a week or you risk irritating the skin. 5) if your skin is oily you can use a 2. 5% benzoyl peroxide product over areas prone to breakouts. don’t just dot it on the pimple — use in on the whole area to kill bacteria. 6) consider light therapy either at your dermatologist’soffice or with machines intended for home use. they’re not as powerful as the ones dermatologists use but they do work. 7) mild adult acne is easily treated with over-the-counter products. but people who scar easily or who have pimples that look like angry red cysts should to go to a doctor immediately. <positive_smiley> consistency is the key to having a clear complexion even if you have adult acne. daily treatment will lead to significant improvement but if you stop treatment or do it only sporadically acne will come back with a vengeance.
### Human:\ncould you recommend the best skin care products for anti-aging including moisturizers?\n\n### Assistant: the best anti-aging products are ones with retinol growth factors and peptides which will all stimulate collagen production. always protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen spf of at least 30 and use a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid.
### Human:\nhow can i protect my skin from dryness this winter?\n\n### Assistant: you can protect your skin from dryness this winter by using a mild cleanser and a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid. use a humidifier at night.
### Human:\nwhat are age spots?\n\n### Assistant: age spots are sun spots (brown spots) that come from sun damage. many people don't realize that sun damage comes out years after the sun exposure. so they don't bother to wear sunscreen on a regular basis. it's important to wear a broad spectrum sunscreen everyday as sun damage is cumulative and 10 minutes everyday adds up.
### Human:\nhow can i fight toxins and pollution that can age my skin?\n\n### Assistant: toxins in the air can make your skin look older than you actually are. the reason: -- free radical damage. free radicals which are formed naturally when you exercise and when your body makes food into energy can attack the collagen and elastic tissue in the skin. antioxidants can combat free radical damage. look for products that contain resveratrol green tea vitamin c and niacinamide. also eat foods that are high in antioxidants like fruits and vegetables. always choose fruits and vegetables that are darker in color. for example a red grapefruit has more antioxidants than a white grapefruit. and a red pepper has more antioxidants than a green pepper. the dirt and dust in the air can also clog your pores so it's important to wash your face every day with a mild cleanser. i'm a big fan of sonic cleansing systems which help vibrate the dirt off the skin.
### Human:\ni gave birth last week and am excessively anxious about going back to work. it doesn't seem like baby blues. what is it? . i’m worried about giving my eldest child attention. i have bipolar disorder but this isn't it.\n\n### Assistant: as you said you have a pre-existing condition and you have recently given birth to a child. only one of these giving birth would be enough to cause this type of depression and anxiety. you however have an additional component of bipolar disorder and together this can be a very difficult time for you as i see it is. please be sure that your husband and your ob know the extent of your current anxiety and possible depression so that they can quickly help you. if you had been receiving some treatment from a psychiatrist prior to your pregnancy consider putting a call immediately in to that person. your body is experiencing a change in hormones because of the birth and we know that this will upset anyone's normal mood and anxiety levels. so it is biological and you do need some help now.
### Human:\ni am extremely agoraphobic despite help from my psychologist psychiatrist and medication. why else can i do?\n\n### Assistant: since you are in treatment with both a psychiatrist and a psychologist and you have tried as you said many medications without sufficient help. you also indicated that you have serious agoraphobia which keeps you in your home. what is the treatment plan to handle your agoraphobia? i think this needs to be discussed especially with your psychologist who would seem the one with special expertise in this area. you might also consider getting a second opinion from another psychologist who might have more of a behavioral orientation which would help you take small steps toward leaving your home. i understand that this could be difficult to do but you really need someone who can offer you a treatment plan to properly address your primary symptom which appears to be the agoraphobia.
### Human:\ni am unemployed and can’t get insurance. i have social anxiety gad and depression. how can i get help i can't afford?\n\n### Assistant: a lack of insurance and an inability to pay more than a minimal amount should never prevent you from getting the help you need and deserve. licensed professionals including psychologists have an ethical responsibility to take a number of "pro-bono" cases. this means for little or no fee. of course there is a limit to the number of these cases that anyone can take but it's worth asking. you can call your local psychologists association explain your situation and ask for the names of psychologists in your area who would be willing to help you. you can also check social service agencies as well as any major hospital center because these entities generally have access to mental-health providers who require minimal fees. hello -- in the depression community <link> (first and tenth posts) we have a list of resources for finding free/low-cost medical care including counseling. take a look there for some other ideas. i'm so sorry you are suffering such heartache. -- susie margaret
### Human:\ni've had panic attacks since 2005. no medicine has helped and it's ruining my marriage and my life. what can i do?\n\n### Assistant: since it's now been five years since you had your first panic attack and you said you've tried many medications without success i'm wondering who was doing the prescribing. sometimes it takes a combination of more than one medication for you to get relief from persistent panic attacks. several other things which can help in controlling anxiety include regular mild exercise. proper diet access to social activities outside of the home positive self talk and relaxation breathing. getting yourself out of the home and having some time for yourself is always a good idea. that's where a yoga class or even one for tai chi would be good because it accomplishes two things; it gets you out and it provides exercise that is physically and emotionally relaxing. try some of these things and see how helpful they can be. it may take a few weeks but it's worth the effort.
### Human:\nmy primary doctor diagnosed me with anxiety disorder and prescribed xanax and zoloft. why do i still have panic attacks?\n\n### Assistant: i'm a firm believer in a conservative approach to everything and i don't feel that a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder necessarily requires medication. it may require medication but first i believe other things should be attempted. first i think you should look at any stress you may have in your life because there may be something that is causing you stress and which can be bringing this on. have you considered what might be happening in your life lately? remember stress builds up over time so it may be something that has been something about which you were unaware as to how much it was affecting you. the medication you were given although originally formulated to treat depression is now used for panic attacks. since anxiety and panic attacks usually also have a component of depression these medications have been found effective. there are of course other older medications which can be just as effective. it looks like your doctor was providing "bridge therapy" which means he was providing the xanax to help you until the other medication was fully effective. research indicates that panic disorder may happen as we reach later midlife even though we've never had them before. this may be a function of our changing biology and nothing more. it may also however reflect the change in stressors in our life as we age. for that reason i suggest you look at your lifestyle and see if there might be something that is distressing for you i've been dealing with panic disorder; officially since 1976. i'm not sure there is just one singular cause of it period. it could be in your diet the air or even the water we drink. something triggers the flight / fight syndrome when there doesn't seem to be a reason for it. something is activating the adrenal glands. i do think stress; while it's hard to tell if you're under stress sometimes will cause the episodes or make them more intense. dealing with this issue; when you're new to it can cause much stress. i've been on benzodiazepines on and off since 1976. i’ve been more on meds over the last 25 years than off. your medication doses may need adjusted but anti depressants tend to give you a boost or make you feel weird; which can kick in an attack. try looking for more holistic approaches to feeling better like change your diet see it if helps. exercise try meditation reading or listening to your favorite music and breathing exercises help a lot. the medication; should you stay on it long will eventually need changes to another type or a higher dose. my panic was so bad; i had to open my own company to stay at home whenever i had to. it usually comes and goes; as they say waxes and wanes. usually it has other phobias which develop as well. you want to steer clear of people and places which you think cause the attacks. i don't know that they will ever disappear; however they should diminish in frequency and intensity. best of luck and work on your end helps a lot!
### Human:\ncan you get sick to your stomach when you are stressed or having a panic attack?\n\n### Assistant: absolutely people do get sick to their stomach when they are stressed and have a panic attack. it's a pretty common occurrence so don't feel you're alone or that you are in some way weak. what do you do to handle your stress on a daily or weekly basis? i would recommend that there are several self-help things that you can begin to do for yourself. the first of these in addition to exercise would be to ensure that you were eating a balanced diet get sufficient sleep get out with friends and socialize on some semi-regular basis get involved in activities you enjoy that are not stressful and used relaxation breathing on a daily basis. one thing you should also consider is having a medical checkup just to ensure there are no physical problems.
### Human:\ncould stress be causing my problem of choking when i eat?\n\n### Assistant: yes it's true some who are under stress or who have had a problem with choking on food in the past sometimes experience problems with swallowing. it's very much like developing a phobia. first something frightening or painful happens and this sets up a situation for fear in the future. then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. you eat you're afraid you'll choke and then you have problems swallowing. the more it happens the stronger the fear is reinforced. for some people it amounts to a situation where they can only swallow liquids. i suggest that you look for a licensed certified biofeedback specialist who can work with you on this.
### Human:\ncould caffeine cause my panic attacks?\n\n### Assistant: it doesn't seem to usually be a random occurrence that anxiety attacks come with caffeine use. there may be a difference in the caffeine that you are ingesting. for example different types of coffees contain different levels of caffeine. some of the popular coffee shops grew a particularly potent coffee which can be very unsettling in terms of sparking anxiety. caffeine can also be ingested via soda candy and otc medications. it's wise to always read the labels carefully. of course the instances where you have had caffeine and have had a panic attack may be precipitated by both the caffeine and some stressful situation. you might want to begin keeping a log of when this occurs so that you can look for any similar variables. i know this is almost like being a researcher but that's what all of us have to do; research our own lives. .
### Human:\nis it safe to take buspar and drink alcohol?\n\n### Assistant: caution should be the watchword here. any med taken with alcohol can be a problem because almost all meds have to go through the liver to be broken down and that's exactly where the alcohol goes too. so there's a fight in the liver for passage and because of this the med builds up in your system since it can't be broken down. the result is something like a massive dose of the med and this has consequences. it's never a good idea to drink alcohol when you're taking any type of psychotropic med. some of them can have extremely bad effects but not everyone is aware enough of this. the best advice is to avoid alcohol.