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Cagan Capital , LLC Cagan Capital , LLC ( “ CCLLC ” ) , an entity owned and controlled by Laird Cagan , is a note holder of $ 1.0 million of our subordinated notes payable .
{'DebtInstrumentFaceAmount': ['1.0']}
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There were no subordinated debt principal payments made during the three months ended June 30 , 2016 .
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Laird Cagan In April 2016 , and as part of the Company 's sale of its U.S. Operations , the Company issued Laird Cagan a promissory notes for $ 727,285 .
{'DebtInstrumentFaceAmount': ['727,285']}
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This note accrues interest of 12 % per annum payable monthly and matures on December 31 , 2017 .
{'DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentage': ['12']}
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No principal payments were made during the three months ended June 30 , 2016 .
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16 Table of Contents MONEY ON MOBILE , INC . AND SUBSIDIARIES 15 - COMMIT TM ENTS AND CONTINGENCIES LITIGATION On December 18 , 2015 , Reinvention Capital Advisors Co. ( " Reinvention " or “ Plaintiff ” ) filed suit in the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against the Company alleging breach of the financial advisory services agreement ( “ First Amended Agreement ” ) dated June 12 , 2015 , between the Company and Reinvention .
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Plaintiff alleged damages on the date the suit was filed of $ 500,996 , including unpaid monthly advisory fees , unpaid expenses , and a success fee for the sale of the Company ’ s U.S. Operations .
{'LossContingencyDamagesSoughtValue': ['500,996']}
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On June 10 , 2016 , the parties advised the Court that they reached a settlement .
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On June 20 , 2016 , the Court issued an Order staying the proceedings without prejudice .
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The majority shareholder of Happy Cellular is disputing the interest rate of the three bonds that were issued by MMPL during the year ended March 31 , 2016 .
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The bond holder alleges the interest rate is significantly higher than the amount disclosed in note 14 : Related Parties .
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PUT LIABILITY - NON CONTROLLING INVESTMENT On December 30 , 2015 , the Company entered into a Share Purchase Agreement with HALL MOM , LLC . , a Texas limited liability company ( “ HALL MOM " ) .
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In addition to the debt satisfaction , Hall agreed to return to the Company for cancellation 1,000,000 shares of the Company ’ s common stock and warrants to purchase 2,500,000 shares of the Company ’ s common stock .
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On March 15 , 2016 , HALL MOM exercised its option , which required repayment by July 13 , 2016 .
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At June 30 , 2016 , the Company recorded its obligation as a current liability .
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See note 18 : Subsequent events for details on payments made to HALL MOM subsequent to June 30 , 2016 to extend the repayment date of this liability .
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17 Table of Contents MONEY ON MOBILE , INC . AND SUBSIDIARIES 16 - SALE OF U.S. OPERATIONS Effective November 30 , 2015 ( 11:59pm ) , the Company entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement with eVance Processing Inc. ( " eVance " ) to divest its Calpian Commerce business segment and certain other U.S. residual portfolio assets , including Calpian Residual Acquisition , LLC and its equity investment in Calpian Granite Hill , L.P.
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Lastly , 186 series D preferred shares plus dividend have converted to 357,425 shares of common stock .
{'StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesNewIssues': ['186']}
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Put Liability - Non - controlling Interest DPPL share purchase Subsequent to June 30 , 2016 , the Company has made payments totaling $ 300,000 to HALL MOM , while it has been negotiating an extension to the DPPL share purchase date .
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In July 2016 , the Company acquired all of the capital stock of SVR Retail Private Ltd. for a cash payment of approximately $ 170,000 .
{'PaymentsToAcquireBusinessesGross': ['170,000']}
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ITEM 1 Financial Statements Lennar Corporation and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets ( Dollars in thousands , except shares and per share amounts ) ( unaudited ) ( 1 ) Under certain provisions of Accounting Standards Codification ( “ ASC ” ) Topic 810 , Consolidations , ( “ ASC 810 ” ) the Company is required to separately disclose on its condensed consolidated balance sheets the assets owned by consolidated variable interest entities ( “ VIEs ” ) and liabilities of consolidated VIEs as to which neither Lennar Corporation , or any of its subsidiaries , has any obligations . As of August 31 , 2016 , total assets include $ 596.6 million related to consolidated VIEs of which $ 9.7 million is included in Lennar Homebuilding cash and cash equivalents , $ 0.1 million in Lennar Homebuilding receivables , net , $ 46.9 million in Lennar Homebuilding finished homes and construction in progress , $ 113.8 million in Lennar Homebuilding land and land under development , $ 127.0 million in Lennar Homebuilding consolidated inventory not owned , $ 4.6 million in Lennar Homebuilding investments in unconsolidated entities , $ 16.5 million in Lennar Homebuilding other assets , $ 251.5 million in Rialto assets and $ 26.6 million in Lennar Multifamily assets . As of November 30 , 2015 , total assets include $ 652.3 million related to consolidated VIEs of which $ 9.6 million is included in Lennar Homebuilding cash and cash equivalents , $ 0.5 million in Lennar Homebuilding receivables , net , $ 3.9 million in Lennar Homebuilding finished homes and construction in progress , $ 154.2 million in Lennar Homebuilding land and land under development , $ 58.9 million in Lennar Homebuilding consolidated inventory not owned , $ 35.8 million in Lennar Homebuilding investments in unconsolidated entities , $ 22.7 million in Lennar Homebuilding other assets , $ 355.2 million in Rialto assets and $ 11.5 million in Lennar Multifamily assets .
{'EquityMethodInvestments': ['4.6', '35.8']}
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See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements . 3 Lennar Corporation and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income ( Loss ) ( Dollars in thousands , except per share amounts ) ( unaudited ) See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements . 4 Lennar Corporation and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ( In thousands ) ( unaudited ) See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements . 5 Lennar Corporation and Subsidiaries Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ( In thousands ) ( unaudited ) See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements . 6 Lennar Corporation and Subsidiaries Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements ( unaudited ) ( 1 ) Basis of Presentation Basis of Consolidation The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Lennar Corporation and all subsidiaries , partnerships and other entities in which Lennar Corporation has a controlling interest and VIEs ( see Note 15 ) in which Lennar Corporation is deemed to be the primary beneficiary ( the “ Company ” ) .
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The condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ( “ GAAP ” ) for interim financial information , the instructions to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S - X.
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These condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements in the Company ’ s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended November 30 , 2015 .
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The condensed consolidated statements of operations for the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2016 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the full year .
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The Company ’ s reportable segments consist of : ( 1 ) Homebuilding East ( 2 ) Homebuilding Central ( 3 ) Homebuilding West ( 4 ) Homebuilding Houston ( 5 ) Lennar Financial Services ( 6 ) Rialto ( 7 ) Lennar Multifamily In the first quarter of 2016 , the Company made the decision to divide the Southeast Florida operating division into two operating segments to maximize operational efficiencies given the continued growth of the division .
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As a result of this change in management structure , the Company re - evaluated its reportable segments and determined that neither operating segment met the reportable criteria set forth in Accounting Standards Codification ( " ASC " ) 280 , Segment Reporting .
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All prior year segment information has been restated to conform with the 2016 presentation .
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The Company ’ s reportable homebuilding segments and all other homebuilding operations not required to be reported separately have homebuilding divisions located in : East : Florida , Georgia , Maryland , New Jersey , North Carolina , South Carolina and Virginia Central : Arizona , Colorado and Texas ( 1 ) West : California and Nevada Houston : Houston , Texas Other : Illinois , Minnesota , Oregon , Tennessee and Washington ( 1 ) Texas in the Central reportable segment excludes Houston , Texas , which is its own reportable segment . Operations of the Lennar Financial Services segment include primarily mortgage financing , title insurance and closing services for both buyers of the Company ’ s homes and others .
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Rialto ’ s operating earnings consist of revenues generated primarily from gains from securitization transactions and interest income from the Rialto Mortgage Finance ( “ RMF ” ) business , interest income associated with portfolios of real estate loans acquired and other portfolios of real estate loans and assets acquired , asset management , due diligence and underwriting fees derived from the real estate investment funds managed by the Rialto segment , fees for sub - advisory services , other income ( expense ) , net and equity in earnings ( loss ) from unconsolidated entities , less the costs incurred by the segment for managing portfolios , costs related to RMF and other general and administrative expenses . Operations of the Lennar Multifamily segment include revenues generated from the sales of land , revenue from construction activities and management fees generated from joint ventures and equity in earnings ( loss ) from unconsolidated entities , less the cost of sales of land , expenses related to construction activities and general and administrative expenses . Each reportable segment follows the same accounting policies described in Note 1 - “ Summary of Significant Accounting Policies ” to the consolidated financial statements in the Company ’ s Form 10-K for the year ended November 30 , 2015 .
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8 Financial information relating to the Company ’ s operations was as follows : ( 1 ) Total revenues were net of sales incentives of $ 152.3 million ( $ 22,500 per home delivered ) and $ 402.2 million ( $ 22,000 per home delivered ) for the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2016 , respectively , compared to $ 130.6 million ( $ 20,700 per home delivered ) and $ 353.1 million ( $ 21,300 per home delivered ) for the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2015 , respectively .
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For the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2015 , operating earnings included $ 21.5 million and $ 64.5 million , respectively , of equity in earnings from one of the Company 's unconsolidated entities .
{'IncomeLossFromEquityMethodInvestments': ['21.5', '64.5']}
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9 ( 3 ) Lennar Homebuilding Investments in Unconsolidated Entities Summarized condensed financial information on a combined 100 % basis related to Lennar Homebuilding ’ s unconsolidated entities that are accounted for by the equity method was as follows : Statements of Operations For both the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2016 , Lennar Homebuilding equity in loss from unconsolidated entities was primarily attributable to the Company 's share of costs associated with the Five Point combination and the Company ’ s share of net operating losses associated with the new Five Point unconsolidated entity .
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For the nine months ended August 31 , 2016 , Lennar Homebuilding equity in loss from unconsolidated entities was partially offset by equity in earnings from one of the Company 's unconsolidated entities primarily due to sales of homesites to third parties . For the three months ended August 31 , 2015 , Lennar Homebuilding equity in earnings included $ 21.5 million of equity in earnings from one of the Company 's unconsolidated entities primarily due to a gain on debt extinguishment and sales of approximately 40 homesites to third parties .
{'IncomeLossFromEquityMethodInvestments': ['21.5']}
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For the nine months ended August 31 , 2015 , Lennar Homebuilding equity in earnings included $ 64.5 million of equity in earnings from one of the Company 's unconsolidated entities primarily due to sales of approximately 700 homesites and a commercial property to third parties and a gain on debt extinguishment .
{'IncomeLossFromEquityMethodInvestments': ['64.5']}
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Balance Sheets On May 2 , 2016 ( the “ Closing Date ” ) , the Company contributed , or obtained the right to contribute , its investment in three strategic joint ventures previously managed by Five Point Communities in exchange for an investment in a newly formed Five Point entity .
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The fair values of the assets contributed to the newly formed Five Point entity , included within the unconsolidated entities summarized condensed balance sheet presented above , are preliminary and will be adjusted when additional information is obtained during the transaction ’ s measurement period ( a period of up to one year from the Closing Date ) that may change the fair value allocation as of the acquisition date .
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A portion of the assets of one of the three strategic joint ventures was retained by Lennar and its venture partner in a new unconsolidated entity .
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The Company recorded its share of combination costs in equity in loss from unconsolidated entities on the condensed consolidated statement of operations for the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2016 .
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10 As of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the Company ’ s recorded investments in Lennar Homebuilding unconsolidated entities were $ 796.5 million and $ 741.6 million , respectively , while the underlying equity in Lennar Homebuilding unconsolidated entities partners ’ net assets as of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 was $ 1.2 billion and $ 839.5 million , respectively .
{'EquityMethodInvestments': ['796.5', '741.6']}
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The basis difference is primarily as a result of the Company contributing its investment in three strategic joint ventures with a higher fair value than book value for an investment in the newly formed Five Point entity , contributing non - monetary assets to an unconsolidated entity with a higher fair value than book value and deferring equity in earnings on land sales to the Company . The Lennar Homebuilding unconsolidated entities in which the Company has investments usually finance their activities with a combination of partner equity and debt financing .
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As of both August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the fair values of the repayment guarantees and completion guarantees were not material .
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The Company believes that as of August 31 , 2016 , in the event it becomes legally obligated to perform under a guarantee of the obligation of a Lennar Homebuilding unconsolidated entity due to a triggering event under a guarantee , the collateral is expected to be sufficient to repay at least a significant portion of the obligation or the Company and its partners would contribute additional capital into the venture .
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In certain instances , the Company has placed performance letters of credit and surety bonds with municipalities for its joint ventures ( see Note 11 ) .
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11 ( 4 ) Stockholders ' Equity The following table reflects the changes in equity attributable to both Lennar Corporation and the noncontrolling interests of its consolidated subsidiaries in which it has less than a 100 % ownership interest for both the nine months ended August 31 , 2016 and 2015 : 12 ( 5 ) Income Taxes The provision for income taxes and effective tax rate were as follows : ( 1 ) For the three months ended August 31 , 2016 , the effective tax rate included tax benefits for the domestic production activities deduction and energy tax credits , offset primarily by state income tax expense .
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For the nine months ended August 31 , 2016 , the effective tax rate included tax benefits for ( 1 ) a settlement with the IRS , ( 2 ) the domestic production activities deduction , and ( 3 ) energy tax credits , offset primarily by state income tax expense .
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For both the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2015 , the effective tax rate included tax benefits for the domestic production activities deduction and energy tax credits , offset primarily by state income tax expense and interest accrued on uncertain tax positions . As of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the Company 's deferred tax assets , net included in the condensed consolidated balance sheets were $ 320.1 million and $ 340.7 million , respectively . At both August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the Company had $ 12.3 million of gross unrecognized tax benefits . At August 31 , 2016 , the Company had $ 45.2 million accrued for interest and penalties , of which $ 2.4 million was accrued during the nine months ended August 31 , 2016 .
{'UnrecognizedTaxBenefits': ['12.3']}
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In addition , during the nine months ended August 31 , 2016 , the Company 's accrual for interest and penalties was reduced by $ 22.3 million due primarily to a settlement with the IRS .
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13 ( 6 ) Earnings Per Share Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net earnings attributable to common stockholders by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding for the period .
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The Company ’ s restricted common stock ( “ nonvested shares ” ) are considered participating securities . Basic and diluted earnings per share were calculated as follows : ( 1 ) The amounts presented above relate to Rialto 's Carried Interest Incentive Plan adopted in June 2015 ( see Note 8 ) and represents the difference between the advanced tax distributions received by Rialto 's subsidiary and the amount Lennar , as the parent company , is assumed to own . For both the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2016 and 2015 , there were no options to purchase shares of common stock that were outstanding and anti - dilutive .
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14 ( 7 ) Lennar Financial Services Segment The assets and liabilities related to the Lennar Financial Services segment were as follows : ( 1 ) Receivables , net primarily related to loans sold to investors for which the Company had not yet been paid as of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , respectively .
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( 2 ) Maximum aggregate commitment includes an uncommitted amount of $ 250 million . The Lennar Financial Services segment uses these facilities to finance its lending activities until the mortgage loans are sold to investors and the proceeds are collected .
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15 Mortgage investors could seek to have the Company buy back mortgage loans or compensate them for losses incurred on mortgage loans that the Company has sold based on claims that the Company breached its limited representations or warranties .
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The activity in the Company ’ s loan origination liabilities was as follows : ( 8 ) Rialto Segment The assets and liabilities related to the Rialto segment were as follows : ( 1 ) Restricted cash primarily consists of upfront deposits and application fees RMF receives before originating loans and is recognized as income once the loan has been originated as well as cash held in escrow by the Company ’ s loan servicer provider on behalf of customers and lenders and is disbursed in accordance with agreements between the transacting parties .
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( 2 ) Receivables , net primarily relate to loans sold but not settled as of November 30 , 2015 .
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In 2010 , the Rialto segment acquired indirectly 40 % managing member equity interests in two limited liability companies ( " LLCs " ) in partnership with the FDIC ( “ FDIC Portfolios ” ) .
{'BusinessAcquisitionPercentageOfVotingInterestsAcquired': ['40']}
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As of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , management classified all loans receivable within the FDIC Portfolios and Bank Portfolios as nonaccrual loans as forecasted principal and interest can not be reasonably estimated , and therefore , accounts for these assets in accordance with ASC 310 - 10 , Receivables . As of August 31 , 2016 , accrual loans included $ 83.7 million of floating and fixed rate commercial property loans maturing between October 2017 and August 2018 .
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Based on Rialto 's segment assessment , no allowance for loan losses were recorded for its accrual loans as of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 .
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18 Real Estate Owned The acquisition of properties acquired through , or in lieu of , loan foreclosure are reported within the condensed consolidated balance sheets as REO held - and - used , net and REO held - for - sale .
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When certain criteria set forth in ASC 360 , Property , Plant and Equipment , are met , the property is classified as held - for - sale .
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The fair value of REO held - for - sale is determined in part by placing reliance on third - party appraisals of the properties and/or internally prepared analyses of recent offers or prices on comparable properties in the proximate vicinity . The following tables represent the activity in REO : ( 1 ) During the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2016 and 2015 , the Rialto segment transferred certain properties from REO held - and - used , net to REO held - for - sale as a result of changes in the disposition strategy of the real estate assets .
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As of November 30 , 2015 , $ 151.8 million of the originated loans were sold into a securitization trust but not settled and thus were included as receivables , net . Notes and Other Debts Payable The Rialto segment has $ 350 million aggregate principal amount of 7.00 % senior notes due 2018 ( " 7.00 % Senior Notes " ) .
{'DebtInstrumentFaceAmount': ['350'], 'DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentage': ['7.00']}
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Interest on the 7.00 % Senior Notes is due semi - annually .
{'DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentage': ['7.00']}
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At August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the carrying amount , net of debt issuance costs , of the 7.00 % Senior Notes was $ 348.5 million and $ 347.9 million , respectively .
{'DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentage': ['7.00'], 'LongTermDebt': ['348.5', '347.9']}
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Rialto also has quarterly and annual reporting requirements , similar to an SEC registrant , to holders of the 7.00 % Senior Notes .
{'DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentage': ['7.00']}
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The Company believes Rialto was in compliance with its debt covenants at August 31 , 2016 .
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19 At August 31 , 2016 , Rialto warehouse facilities were as follows : ( 1 ) RMF uses these facilities to finance its loan origination and securitization activities .
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( 2 ) Subsequent to August 31 , 2016 , the warehouse repurchase facility maturity date was extended to April 2017 , with the option for an additional six month extension , and the maximum aggregate commitment was increased to $ 500 million .
{'LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity': ['500']}
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( 3 ) Subsequent to August 31 , 2016 , the warehouse repurchase facility was amended and the maximum aggregate commitment was increased to $ 200 million .
{'LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity': ['200']}
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( 4 ) In 2015 , Rialto entered into a separate repurchase facility to finance the origination of floating rate accrual loans .
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As of both August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , borrowings under this facility were $ 36.3 million . Borrowings under the facilities that finance RMF 's loan originations and securitization activities were $ 106.6 million and $ 317.1 million as of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , respectively , and were secured by a 75 % interest in the originated commercial loans financed .
{'LineOfCredit': ['36.3']}
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The facilities require immediate repayment of the 75 % interest in the secured commercial loans when the loans are sold in a securitization and the proceeds are collected .
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These warehouse repurchase facilities are non - recourse to the Company and are expected to be renewed or replaced with other facilities when they mature . In 2010 , Rialto paid $ 310 million for the Bank Portfolios and for over 300 REO properties , of which $ 124 million was financed through a 5 - year senior unsecured note provided by one of the selling institutions for which the maturity was subsequently extended .
{'DebtInstrumentFaceAmount': ['124'], 'DebtInstrumentTerm': ['5']}
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The remaining balance is due in December 2016 .
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As of both August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the outstanding amount related to the 5 - year senior unsecured note was $ 30.3 million . In May 2014 , the Rialto segment issued $ 73.8 million principal amount of notes through a structured note offering ( the “ Structured Notes ” ) collateralized by certain assets originally acquired in the Bank Portfolios transaction at a price of 100 % , with an annual coupon rate of 2.85 % .
{'DebtInstrumentTerm': ['5'], 'LongTermDebt': ['30.3'], 'DebtInstrumentFaceAmount': ['73.8'], 'DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentage': ['2.85']}
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In November 2014 , the Rialto segment issued an additional $ 20.8 million of the Structured Notes at a price of 99.5 % , with an annual coupon rate of 5.0 % .
{'DebtInstrumentFaceAmount': ['20.8'], 'DebtInstrumentInterestRateStatedPercentage': ['5.0']}
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The estimated final payment date of the Structured Notes is November 15 , 2017 .
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As of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the outstanding amount , net of debt issuance costs , related to the Structured Notes was $ 27.9 million and $ 31.3 million , respectively . Investments All of Rialto 's investments in funds have the attributes of an investment company in accordance with ASC 946 , Financial Services - Investment Companies , as amended by ASU 2013 - 08 , Financial Services - Investment Companies ( Topic 946 ) : Amendments to the Scope , Measurement , and Disclosure Requirements , the attributes of which are different from the attributes that would cause a company to be an investment company for purposes of the Investment Company Act of 1940 .
{'LongTermDebt': ['27.9', '31.3']}
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These advance distributions are not subject to clawbacks and are included in Rialto 's revenues . During 2015 , Rialto adopted a Carried Interest Incentive Plan ( the " Plan " ) , under which participating employees in the aggregate may receive up to 40 % of the equity units of a limited liability company ( a " Carried Interest Entity " ) that is entitled to distributions made by a fund or other investment vehicle ( a " Fund " ) managed by a subsidiary of Rialto .
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These securities were purchased at discount rates ranging from 39 % to 55 % with coupon rates ranging from 2.2 % to 4.0 % , stated and assumed final distribution dates between November 2020 and March 2026 , and stated maturity dates between November 2048 and March 2059 .
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Based on the Rialto segment ’ s assessment , no impairment charges were recorded during either the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2016 or 2015 .
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The investment was carried at cost at both August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 and is included in Rialto 's other assets .
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22 ( 9 ) Lennar Multifamily Segment The Company is actively involved , primarily through unconsolidated entities , in the development , construction and property management of multifamily rental properties .
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As of both August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the fair value of the completion guarantees was immaterial .
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Additionally , as of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the Lennar Multifamily segment had $ 36.8 million and $ 37.9 million , respectively , of letters of credit outstanding primarily for credit enhancements for the bank debt of certain of its unconsolidated entities and deposits on land purchase contracts .
{'LettersOfCreditOutstandingAmount': ['36.8', '37.9']}
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These letters of credit outstanding are included in the disclosure in Note 11 related to the Company 's performance and financial letters of credit .
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As of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , Lennar Multifamily segment 's unconsolidated entities had non - recourse debt with completion guarantees of $ 628.2 million and $ 466.7 million , respectively . In many instances , the Lennar Multifamily segment is appointed as the construction , development and property manager for certain of its Lennar Multifamily unconsolidated entities and receives fees for performing this function .
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During the nine months ended August 31 , 2016 , the Venture received an additional $ 850 million of equity commitments , increasing its total equity commitments to approximately $ 2 billion , including a $ 504 million co - investment commitment by Lennar comprised of cash , undeveloped land and preacquisition costs .
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During the nine months ended August 31 , 2016 , $ 432.4 million in equity commitments were called , of which the Company contributed its portion of $ 147.6 million .
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As of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , the carrying value of the Company 's investment in the Venture was $ 170.9 million and $ 122.5 million , respectively .
{'EquityMethodInvestments': ['170.9', '122.5']}
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Subsequent to August 31 , 2016 , the Venture received an additional $ 250 million of equity commitments , increasing its total equity commitments to $ 2.2 billion . Summarized condensed financial information on a combined 100 % basis related to Lennar Multifamily 's investments in unconsolidated entities that are accounted for by the equity method was as follows : Balance Sheets Statements of Operations ( 1 ) For the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2016 , Lennar Multifamily equity in earnings from unconsolidated entities included the segment 's $ 8.0 million and $ 43.8 million , respectively , share of gains as a result of the sale of one and three operating properties , respectively , by its unconsolidated entities .
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For both the three and nine months ended August 31 , 2015 , Lennar Multifamily equity in earnings from unconsolidated entities included the segment 's $ 5.7 million share of a gain as a result of the sale of an operating property by one of its unconsolidated entities .
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24 ( 11 ) Lennar Homebuilding Senior Notes and Other Debts Payable The carrying amounts of the senior notes listed above are net of debt issuance costs of $ 23.9 million and $ 26.4 million , as of August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , respectively .
{'DeferredFinanceCostsNet': ['23.9', '26.4']}
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In June 2016 , the Company amended the credit agreement governing its unsecured revolving credit facility ( the " Credit Facility " ) to increase the maximum borrowings from $ 1.6 billion to $ 1.8 billion , including a $ 318 million accordion feature , subject to additional commitments , with certain financial institutions .
{'LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity': ['1.6', '1.8']}
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The maturity for $ 1.3 billion of the Credit Facility was extended from June 2019 to June 2020 , with the remaining $ 160 million maturing in June 2018 .
{'LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity': ['1.3', '160']}
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The credit agreement also provides that up to $ 500 million in commitments may be used for letters of credit .
{'LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity': ['500']}
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The Company believes it was in compliance with its debt covenants at August 31 , 2016 .
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In addition , the Company had $ 320 million letter of credit facilities with different financial institutions . The Company ’ s performance letters of credit outstanding were $ 261.8 million and $ 236.5 million , respectively , at August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 .
{'LineOfCreditFacilityMaximumBorrowingCapacity': ['320'], 'LettersOfCreditOutstandingAmount': ['261.8', '236.5']}
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The Company ’ s financial letters of credit outstanding were $ 214.0 million and $ 216.7 million , at August 31 , 2016 and November 30 , 2015 , respectively .
{'LettersOfCreditOutstandingAmount': ['214.0', '216.7']}