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i don t quite remember the dream part of it wa strange like all dream the place and the people who were with me changed and i don t know exactly who they were a bit like all dream but i remember that at one point i came to my room i saw a girl reading one of my book i sat next to her i gave her a kiss and she told me that she loved me i ve been awake for hour and i m still holding back the urge to cry
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when you lay down to sleep and your head keep running thought which either give you guilt or anxiety and you can not stop and reach a state when you have to smack your head with head which cause some pain but give relax for sometime a now your brain focus on pain you have caused by smacking instead of running those stupid thought
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laura no im not we are gunna go this hols though i really want to see him
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curse my yoghurt exploded in my bag on the way to work now everything smell like toffee
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pmelt the only bad thing about aid is you can only catch it once id want to inflict more pain on the deadshits of this world
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being a short man in america is terrible it is terrible how we r treated in the dating world for something we can t change people say oh well suck it up but they don t know how it feel to watch your crush in h laugh u off a u ask her to prom to just go out with the tall d football kid i ve honestly thought of ending it all at this point because there s no point in living this life i don t even want to have kid if they end up being short this cruel world will just chew them up and spit them out
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i so hate homework my head hurt so bad
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i m yet thinking of earthquake in abruzzo italy
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even today it s a strain on society people thinking people with depression are over acting lazy making excuse even with the people who believe in it they still don t know how bad it get thinking you can change that everything will be okay or my own personal favorite a lot of people have it worse i remember finally reaching out for help on the hotline only to have the police knock on my door handcuff me and take me to the hospital i wa next to the ambulance triage door and saw multiple people enter and exit while screaming and a patient in front of me decided to do perverted act in front of me i m more traumatized by the help i got also where i live the mental health place for teen is a death trap there are many one star review for one of the few main mental health place where i live it suck that i want to get help but society just literally treat me like i m wrong or that the place where i want to get help aren t safe i do have a therapist but i still don t feel safe around her
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stephenkruiser you poor spunky it so sad my rotti made it to 0 and i had to go down the same path i know how you feel
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moony 9 huggggs i m glad you re here to help me through this he wa my favourite character the white house suck for stealing him
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hi together i m working up a lot with myself lately a it s difficult to get help in my country in europe right now long waiting time and little chance to get good therapy i wa diagnosed with a mild depressive episode a few year ago however i have not been well for several year therefore i think that this is not the whole truth stress feeling i have noticed that a lot of my behavior can be traced back to feeling stressed this feeling of stress is in my opinion triggered by a high internal pressure this arises for example from the fear of being abandoned or not doing something right for someone which could also lead to interpersonal punishment unfortunately i learned in my childhood that if i criticize my mother or say something wrong i am quickly punished psychologically she would get loud not talk to me for a while the stress also come from the outside of course time pressure self made time pressure fear of failure i am doing my phd and have been moving up quite fast in management consultancy the last two year have been a sprint and it ha left it mark behavior back to that stress feeling it take on different dimension i unconsciously hurt myself by delicately biting my arm or scratching my nail bed often i just see the mark afters and think oh i did it again i can reproduce it e g by playing a difficult game e g dark soul a soon a i die against a bos fight i unconsciously bite my arm in the loading time i get an extreme craving for sex masturbation multiple time a day and would describe it a compulsive sexual behavior the orgasm is then no fun and i feel exhausted and bad afterwards still i do it i behave in a clingy way and thus ruin relationship because i ask several time in a short time if everything is okay or write message to get confirmation e g that i miss my partner i am completely exhausted after a few day but can not sleep
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km on bike i m all hot n sweaty the rem marathon continues
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i am year old and 9 pound and for the past few day i ve been having this weird chest pain it s right in the center of my chest kind of lower tho like in between my breast and it feel like a dull ache discomfort feeling it s not burning at all and doesn t hurt a lot but it feel strange like a little ache with some tightness it only last le than a minute but happens about three time a day it happens when i m sitting down and it happened this morning when i wa laying in bed about to get up i suffer from bad health anxiety and am scared that this is angina based on what i ve heard about it and there is something wrong with my heart i had holter monitor and ecg s in the past that came out normal but im scared thing changed from there this keep happening and i m so scared
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twittera que me muera
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i am sorry i could not make it until june i have tried i am not strong enough this school is too unforgiving i am sorry
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think factorial design are going to be the death of my test quot a quot who come up with this confusing quot mathy quot stuff ugh
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urgh my head hurt think i ve had about hour sleep but the cat wa miaowing no rest for the wicked
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contempted did the heroic ever go through if not sorry
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anybody else have anxiety about having an allergic reaction to a food even when they don t have a food allergy
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i want to hurt myself to feel the suffer and hate towards myself for the pain i want to cry so hard i choke and get one of the worst death i want to regret when it s to late so it could hunt me down when i m dying i despise myself and want the worste for me but since i m too pathetic i will not do it also i feel like the only way to see a psychiatric is to survive death i want a dig i want more med i want stronger one
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jeffkang greeeeat but now i ate all my hard work away
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i ve been on med for a few year now which have worked for the most part up until last year i contracted an illness which gave me stomach problem and the issue ha kind of persisted ever since my health ha never been great eating disorder and weight issue mainly a well a really unsightly skin but this stomach issue ha taken what life i had away and now a much a i m not screaming and cry about wanting to die it almost feel like a logical step at this point i want to live i want to have a life and live it freely to the fullest but i m trapped now in this body and have to cancel most plan i do make if i couldn t work from home i d probably be jobless and the work that is site based i let people down on a lot which i hate i feel like a failed experiment of a human that should just be put in the bin i feel guilty because of the somewhat privilege i do have but that s still not been enough i ve failed myself and now my body is failing me there s also a history of cancer and tumour in my family which make me scared that i ll lose the ability to use my limb just like my mom and i don t have anyone in my life to take care of me like she doe what s the point in just sitting around and waiting for that time to come every week is a fight to get back on track but it s always step forward and or back i m scared to die but i don t feel like i have a choice i m just putting off the inevitable i don t even know the best way to do it i m even too much of a coward there s always been this one little bit of hope holding me back but that light of hope is getting dimmer by the day
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michellepen immensely started playing with new site a i didn t want to mess up easter one paranoid moi
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for most of my life i haven t had many significant relationship friendship i used to sit alone at lunch in high school sometimes i would even go to the restroom stall and just stand so i wouldn t have to face the embarrassment i would make good grade and work a lot to keep myself busy looking back i kept myself busy to distract myself from the fact that i m lonely i m 0 year old now and i still don t have a social life i ve only had one best friend in the entirety of my life and that friendship ended junior year of high school i ve also never had a boyfriend i ve dated someone before but that s the past sadly that situation ship further reinforced the idea of unworthiness that i feel i am coming to the realization that i have low self esteem i feel incapable of being loved and undeserving of it for some reason it always felt like i never fit in i would always overthink thing and not know what to say and how to keep the conversation going this lead to me thinking people will get tired bored of me eventually so there is no point i m literally cry because it s so frustrating when you want to change but these thought eat you up and prevent you from taking the necessary step to change i want to be able to go out without it feel draining to dress nice do my hair converse with others etc everything just feel exhausting and i have chosen not to picture myself being married one day or even having child because it s just how am i going to have a healthy everlasting marriage if i haven t had any experience so far
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wikipedia ha gone forever see what the goverment do it there fualt let hope donation or something bring it back
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i m sure that twitter doesn t know the definition of depression
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i m had a suicide attempt around month ago and am struggling to move on after it i tried to overdose on my antidepressant i wa in the hospital for day on the psych floor until i got released since then i moved across the country and am living back at my parent s house in my childhood bedroom i applied for medical disability from my h teaching job am currently in therapy twice a week and thinking of outpatient program my antidepressant were increased along with adding a mood stabilizer all my life i ve never taken medicine and now i am on pill each day i am back at home and have no friend here i use no other social medium other than reddit due to my social anxiety i just adopted a cat for company but he hide from me all day i just feel so stuck and alone i ve been depressed for so long and am not sure how to move on i feel like i have regressed so much everything that i feared for my life when i wa young ha come true i am with no partner gay no job and no close friend my self esteem is shot and last night i cried for an hour when my dad sat beside my bed some day i feel ok but most day at some point i feel hopeless again honestly i don t know what to do with myself each day all my interest are gone and it is hard to just get out of bed anyone who ha been through this how do you move on i still feel i haven t completely processed the attempt
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just picked up some oat from the market to eat for breakfast with my boy adamgoldston now time to do work at usc late night
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why do most video i play skip and jump
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anti p longtemps j ai cru que mon mec tait un enfoir la veille de me r gles j ai fait aussi une d pression post partum parait que c tait li le hormone montent progressivement puis s croulent d un coup pr sent je consulte mon agenda qd c est la fin du monde
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not able to sleep
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gracedent it s her quot hair quot i can t deal with
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off to the drs it too early
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i started seroquel week ago and i don t feel like myself all i want to do is sleep i work hour shift a week and it s all i can do to get through them i keep reminding myself i can t quit because i need my health insurance so i can get my antidepressant i m so tired my parent deserve a better daughter my friend deserve a better friend my boyfriend deserves a better girlfriend
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off to the hospital s some jaw breaking is about to happen
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do you remember when you joined twitter i do mytwitteranniversary depression http t co ooprmbtxhu
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writing an article video converter in test it ll take a long time
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suilin nobuuuuuuu you evil evil girl
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i f attempted to take my life five day ago it wa my second serious attempt i took a couple of pill and alchohol and walked out on my ledge living on the fifteenth floor made it so much more easier i spent all night out there on call w a friend who managed to keeo me safe till i passed out my dad wa woken up at am by another friend of mine who tried entering my apartment and they pulled my back into my room unconscious my parent haven t spoken to me about it theyve nailed my window shut and don t let me stay alone in my room i m getting a new psychiatrist i m not allowed out or allowed to hang w my friend after school they also didn t let me skip school this whole week even though im still not fully recovered i feel like a prisoner in my own house i get why they re doing it but they way they ve gone about it only make it worse to make matter worse it drove most of my friend away a discord server that i considered my main support group won t let me back in unless i get better most of my irl friend decided to give up on me they told me they re done trying to help someone who doesn t wan na be helped i feel like i have nothing good left in my life and i m forced to live only cause my parent want me to everyone know about my attempt at school and they don t seem to care either they just look at me like i m crazy and many of my classmate barely talk to me anymore i ve already been treated bad because of my selfharm scar and rumour about my sex life and alchoholism i m forced to be sober i m grounded and have no privacy or freedom no safe place no one i can fully trust and i m still expected to be a fully functional person and do well at school by my parent i don t know what to do anymore i feel hopeless and alone and just want it to end
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ispahanjahane la psychologue dupont marie estelle a trait ce sujet sans oublier la d pression le id e noires
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i don t feel so hot
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just finished watching the movie prayer for bobby broke my heart
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tired and borrrrrred this vacation sooooooo hot
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i thought you would support me on this
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shelikescute that s so sad
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everyone say it get better i have wanted to kill myself since i m now and i wish i had done it then i wish i wa brave back then because thing are only worse now
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winter is slowly creeping into cape town not looking forward to it
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not even 0am and there s far too much noise in the office should have worked from home today
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woke up to find this cold flu illness type thing isn t going without a fight and apparently beat you up in your sleep sorry keynote
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this is way to early to go to work
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but it s hard when your heart randomly start beating out of your chest all the time and your stomach feel fluttery and you can t sleep or if you do fall asleep you wake up panicking for no apparent reason
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a i write this it feel so attention seeking like i am looking for a reason to stay a reason to feel i have all the reason right in front of me my girlfriend my best friend my dog however none of it matter i m drunk and all i want to do is die i m scared i m scared of how that will make my friend family and girlfriend feel how can i put them through that i wish i didn t care i wish i didn t care about their feeling i wish i could just go get a gun or in my car and resume back to the chapter before my birth sometimes surviving an event is the hard part me surviving life is the hard part it feel like i could go in forever forever knowing that it s just chemical in my brain that make me want to blissfully enjoy the enteral slumber that awaits u all medicine scare me what if it change who i am the last time i wa on the medicine i slept for the majority of the day unable to get out of the blissful slumber that carried away my thought and sorrow eventually i ll have the gut if i rid myself of everyone who care
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long story short i haven t been feeling well for the past two week i think it s a depressive episode the day befroee yesterday i wa already damn done with life but yesterday wa my final straw i have only seriously had suicidal thought time in my life and have never wanted to do actually do it before i have a fear of death but yesterday wa horrible i wa actively searching for stuff to kill me and a i expected my family s first reaction is to scold me saying that even during school holiday they have to worry about my as and i m not even in school right now what do i have to be suicidal about they just straight up scolded me did not give a fuck otherwise it s been a day and idk everyone s pissed at me and i m at my wit end i m actively asking to be hospitalised but the people who actually ha the authority to do that are too pissed at me to want to do that and complaining about how it cost so much to go u are hurting all of u what happens if it s in the record for the rest of your life first of all what life my whole life my family dynamic is fucking bullshit it s not abusive or even manipulative it s just that no one communicates with each other probably because we know when we do fighting will ensue so no one talk to one another idk what i can do all the time the rule change all the time idk how to talk to them idk what they want from me this cycle is just gon na continue until day i eventually snap at them or snap at myself if i snap at them i m gon na get scolded i knew the only reason they would actually not scold me is if i actually did it but i know if i did it i would have let them won and i will most likely survive and i hate that only if i actually did it would they actually care about me i do not know what i ll do for the next few day and i don t trust myself i actually wan na go to the hospital but no one let me for fuck sake idk what to do anymore
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twitter is a lot le interesting since cute people suddenly stopped flirting with me
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heidimontag i love the hill but i missed the show tonight
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no one care literally no one care even the mental health service they discharged me because i wasn t engaging with them enough and my case is too difficult for them i wa on a waiting list and wasn t even receiving any therapy i tried to appeal their decision but they re not listening and at this point i already accepted the fact that i must unalive myself i don t have any friend family i don t have a job because nobody want me due to my mh problem what s the point of trying i ve been trying to change myself but it seems like my depression is winning and nothing will ever change i know i have to do this i m 9 and i know i m young but i don t have a choice i already decided i will od next week on my 0th birthday my problem started when i wa born and will finally end next week i m scared but i hope i ll never wake up
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lately all i basically is sleep i just don t have the energy for anything else these day i wa told i need more intensive treatment but i just don t have the energy for that a sad a that sound lmao i just want to end this
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put vacation photo online a few yr ago pc crashed and now i forget the name of the site
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a miscommunication happened which caused my grade to not appear in the record everyone is blaming me for it calling me a liar saying i didn t go to class they want to expel me i admit it i skip a lot but if i have a test i swallow my tongue and go no one will believe me even with the evidence because i m a bad student and a delinquent i ve been the subject of whole as council meeting because of me being trans which is considered very disrespectful to the school i m seriously considering suicide my whole family hate me my friend are all doing better than me i need to go to med school i need to fix this but it seems impossible please i need someone to tell me i can do it i need someone to tell me it s not too late for me please tell me i still have time to fix this for the first time in my life i need to hear something because i feel like i m going insane please just tell me it will be ok
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my paronychia hurt
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just found the most gorgeous pair of vintage dior sunglass they are though
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going through a depressive phase probably will last for a week to the least i picked up project when i wasn t in this depressive episode and now i cut of any communication with those people a the time is passing my anxiety is rising so a to why i am not communicating what they will think judgement etc what are your thought
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i wqs wondering after i remember myself trying lot of med im currently on risperidona 0mg and it working like a charm what dose do you guy use of your med and what type of med for profound psychotic depression
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people who have had this and she say they have all been the same it s vicious
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my poor little girl ha a baaaad rash on her bum and isnt feeling good
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going to walk my dog and shower before bed sad the yankee lost the first game monday too boooo
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i feel bad for doing it
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lovemeagan how i ms the snippet hun wts it of may i ask i wan na hear
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hi so can anxiety stress make a person physically ill like shivering dizzy throwing up nauseous no appetite drastic weight loss i need serious help i ve always had alittle anxiety who doesnt i have been biting my nail my whole life but recently i ve been having health issue going to the hospital and doctor constantly and they find nothing wrong i eventually got diagnosed with ibs but isn t ibs linked to stress my symptom have been getting worse i lost both my grandpa in 0 i got accepted into school which is exciting but maybe stressful i constantly feel like i need to puke i m not really eating i m losing weight when im on a date with my boyfriend i ruin the whole thing cuz i just need to go home and lay down someone please help me i have a doctor appointment to discus this but i just want outsider opinion i feel lost confused and scared
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i know it s getting to a low point again i don t want to leave my bed my grade are low my mom is worried and if she doesn t bring me food to my room i would eat i can t shower i can t help myself from sleeping i told my boyfriend and i feel like he is not here for me not with this depression stuff i don t want to do all i do is cry and sleep i m so tired and i don t even move to go to the bathroom i hate being in this loop i just hate everything and i don t want to talk to anyone but i know i need help i thought i wa doing better but i m at my lowest again
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afters year i finally had contact with a person i like i sleepover at her house quite often i like her alot and day ago she told me that she is getting sent to psychiatry why cant i just be happy why is it all getting taken away from me
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s favourite youtube clip lightning mcqueen singing quot barbie girl quot ha been taken down
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feel like a cramp quite disconcerting
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i ve been feeling lightheadedness for at least two week it s starting to make my anxiety worse i m feeling thing like chest and neck pain and it s making me freak out i used to have really bad panic attack and i still have a couple xanax from when my doctor gave me a few to deal with the worst of it i know one of the side effect of xanax is dizziness should i be taking it if i m already feeling lightheaded
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hey guy i currently need some help figuring out what to do recently i ve been feeling a lot of anxiety it started a week ago when my spring break wa ending and the night before leaving for school i started having major anxiety i am a little worried about school i guess but i know i m good with grade and will be fine till the end of the semester but still i just felt this major anxiety like an aching in my chest and couldn t sleep the whole night when i got back to school i thought everything would be fine but around or 9 pm i started getting that feeling again like i wa panicking and having a tightness in my chest that wouldn t go away i don t think i wa even thinking about anything at the time to cause it that night i didn t fall asleep till or in the morning even during the day sometimes i ll start getting that same anxious feeling but it s ha been consistently happening every night around the same time and i have trouble falling asleep i m in a good place in my life i have friend and family who care about me and i m doing well in school but i can t shake this anxiety i m having any advice would be great
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year ago i wa a grade student this is probably the funniest class i have ever had before diving in to depression next school year http t co u ufvp ea
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i hate converting movie just to put em on my itouch
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chrissyxchi sorry that come across a if depression isn t real if it s not at that point everyone is different and depression take many form and affect u differently look after yourselves
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onlysweeter i don t know the dance
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need hug
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i wanted to share some of what i ve written because i find that writing is an outlet that help me to calm down sometimes i sit in a room full of people and stay quiet the loud chatter and the chaos of laughter will fill the room fill my head yet i keep my opinion and question to myself i keep my thought contained in my mind i watch a the girl who betrayed me smile and continues to talk i watch a my friend all happily converse with one another i watch a the boy throw their head back unable to control their laughter they ask if i am okay more quiet than usual and all i can say is that i am tired what they do not know is that i am not physically tired but mentally exhausted my mind is constantly racing overthinking every word that leaf my tongue every move i make and every awkward gesture that display itself during conversation with people i need a rest
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not even a god damn crisis line want to help me well fuck me then i m done i can t deal with this pain anymore it s too much for me so many people have it so much worse but i can t get through my stupid little bull shit i m such a fucking coward i m sorry but i m done with this shit
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nomadicmatt mine is 0 how do you get it up
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that one week wa the best in a long time around month of constant depression ha quite honestly made me want to kill myself but i have too many people in my life for that i m grateful for having supportive friend and family member but i just want to die
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done with homework sneezing but feeling better day
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first cold night of the year
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sometimes youtube ha no sound on ubuntu
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week till sister home i missed her call again it the worst feeling in the world
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i m don t know how to explain it but any affection make me genuinely sick to my stomach it s weird because i m a loving person i try to be kind to everyone and help a much a i can maybe sometimes a little too much even with the smallest thing i try to come through and help because something inside me genuinely just say i should do it i can never respond correctly to any compliment and always try to find a way move around it or i just quickly think of a way to compliment them back so it doesn t feel one sided is that weird the only time i don t feel a way about it is when my mom dad or sister compliment me i try to interact with people but feel like they genuinely don t care about what i have to say and a lot of the time i don t know if it s in my head or if it s true when i get invited to meet i want to say something but never do and kind of just stay there silent listening a lot of the time i feel like i make my friend super uncomfortable too i can only come up with so much to say and usually just hope there s is more than one person there when i do talk i never know what to say or stumble over my word figuring out how to say it to the point where they interrupt me to conclude the conversation or move on don t get me started with romantic stuff every time i think about being in a relationship i genuinely want to vomit i feel so sick my stomach hurt it s also terrible because i really want to be in one someone to have loving bond with a two sided support system ups and down all that good stuff sometimes i imagine it too but when i do i physically get so ill like i m gon na throw up kinda feel like i m rambling but i don t understand what all this is tldr simple affection make me feel sick or uncomfortable even though i m a person who love to make others feel great and do my best to help them all
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caregiving i couldn t bear to watch it and i thought the ua loss wa embarrassing
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i think im coming down with something
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i think i have medical problem that will never go away and that if it wasn t for them i could be so much more than i am from personal reflection i m actually really happy with the progress i ve made with myself and in my life since a couple year ago but thing like my anxiety are horrible and if my life will always have it i d rather be dead than continue living not to mention i ve already done most of all my life ha to offer so what s left really amp x 00b i m sorry if this post sound pretentious but i can t find any other post that i can relate to so i ve put it here
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thakre aarya wd9 9 stats feed explain to me then why white people feel more depression like give me an article that scientifically explains it
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i feel like i m in a simulation game movie etc when i wa doin intake at helen ross mcnabb the lady told me it wa depersonalization i don t kno how to feel abt it but i also don t want to be one of those ppl who say they have something when they don t yk idk if that s what it is or whatever it kinda scare me inna way bc i think about stuff from the past n think did that rlly happen like could this rlly be all fake i m kinda stuck the only thing that help in when i m on the game or something
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swoyer you don t understand depression whatsoever it s not something you have a universal method to fight against suicide isn t the first choice it s the last it s when the year of fighting constant suffering and lack of hope finally outweigh the fear of taking your own life
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how to get ticket sold out quot give it a name festival quot on sat
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jacobsummers sorry tell them mea culpa from me and that i really am sorry
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i have a small business we got a meeting with our biggest client ever and i called them by their competitor name i m so scared i cost u the deal
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i ve rewritten this time within the past hour it s already am and yet still had the patience for it i want to kill myself and i m stupid if i end up doing it my reasoning it wa for a boy and my effortless attempt at making him happy without me in the picture he ha reddit so i m hoping he doesn t see this due to the fact we follow each other but if he doe thanks for everything thanks for the laugh on the voicecall today and for making me smile everytime i open up the chat i love you and i could only pray that you d love me too
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