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this is beautiful but now i also have depression
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why can t airfare go down or why do i have to live in texas i don t know if i ll be able to make it to iowa
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argh i wa suuuper sleepy an hour ago now i m wide awake hope i don t stay up all night
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if ever there wa a day for staying in bed today is it
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please help me i don t want to kill myself but the world ha nothing to offer me nothing that s making me want to keep going i m terrified of death but i don t know if that s reason enough to keep going if i m going to die anyway maybe i should speed up the process already save the world the trouble because the world clearly doesn t want me i m not even a real girl i m ugly and i m not good enough at anything everybody else is so much better than me people would rather be with each other instead of me i m so forgettable but i don t want to be death is permanent isolation permanent darkness permanent loneliness and that s not what i want but i don t think me being alive is what the world want i feel like i m always the last person anybody would ever want to see at any given moment i don t want it to be that way but everybody else doe i ve tried so hard to find reason to keep going they never work they never last people leave me behind everything stop being fun people stop playing with me i m excluded from everything i m not good enough to make it in this world everything about me is wrong nothing i do is good enough i want to keep going but i have no reason to do so nobody is waiting for me nobody is coming to rescue me i have nothing why should i keep going if i m going to die anyways i m begging you for an answer because i have none
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this is something i see so often and people claim their reason for being an asshole is depression no being a nasty person and depression are two completely different thing i recently got downvoted on this sub for telling someone it wrong to insult others for trying to help them unfortunately i have seen this in real life a well i wa diagnosed with depression nearly 0 year ago so i ve been apart of depression support group and i ve heard member of the group call other member ugly stupid and when confronted they quickly jumped back to sorry it s my depression hehe real depression is fucking painful and lead to people killing themselves it s not some sort of get out of jail free card and people that use it a such should stop downplaying depression
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i just don t care anymore i don t care what happens anymore just fucking kill me i m done i don t have the will to do this anymore i realize no matter what i do my life will always get worse so i should just do it and get it over with i tried i waited year for it to get better but that s not going to happen my health is shit my mental health is shit and my mind just keep processing way to get the job done i wish i would have drowned asa child because than i wouldn t know this pain and i d have le to leave behind i would have at least had some level of hope before departing but life a bitch and then you die i know the end will come before the end of this year but now i m certain the timeline ha been moved up more like month maybe it will be today maybe tomorrow i don t know yet but i won t see because i have no desire to live that long i don t care anymore this whole world s a poorly written joke anyways where some will struggle till death and others will constantly have thing work out than the asshole will tell you oh it get better well i ve waited long enough and i m done playing this game i don t care anymore i know i have undiagnosed ptsd and i know who is responsible and that they ll never be punished i can barely even get people in my own family to believe me about the cause i m so tired of this world so tired of everything i have no use for a god so i can only ask of nature no matter what label i give it the request is the same please kill me and return me to the earth leaving behind not even a memory erase every trace of my existence and make everyone forget me that is my only wish at this point
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wa going to make a site update twitter account but nahh it won t work
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coffee is turning into starbucks feral child wise
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today s plan driving back to vienna spring cleaning in my flat
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kal penn omg i am so mad you were my favorite character i ll miss you
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the worst part of anxiety and panic attack for me is the sense of impending doom it s the worst feeling in the world it s like your body trying to make you feel bad about your hypothetical death i can t sleep because i feel like i m living through my last minute on earth even though i know it s probably not the case not gon na lie not fun
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good morning hope everyone is feeling better than me this cold ha really got hold now
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you shouldn t have gone
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i ve had this discussion with many people irl including my therapist who said that is very specific to you and i wouldn t go around telling people that lmao when i imagine a world where i have to live forever or i have to follow the natural progression of my age until i die naturally it make me feel suffocated panicked and claustrophobic in my own body the fact is that even if we have lost control over every single thing in our life at least at the very minimum we have control over if that life exists or not i take great solace in the fact that my being on this earth everyday is solely by my choice because if i wanted to i could end it at any point of course i don t because i have people i d be hurting here and i have thing i suppose i need to accomplish before i die but i d be a very big liar if i sat here and said that i don t cope by reminding myself that there is a way out there s always a way out
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azizul0 this cat singlehandedly cured my depression for a moment
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i m just an armature idiot i m not a pro bodybuilder despite being diligent for over year in my training i m not a manager despite literally figuring out my current job from scratch and training everyone i m fucking short and pathetic and no one ever take me seriously i m not competent since i m a dumbass dropout and my depression and self loathe ha destroyed my social life how can i just go blip and never come back
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packing my overnight bag for tomorrow going to the hospital
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we re here to help we are online therapy platform which essentially connects certified psychologist and people suffering from mental health issue such a depression stress and anxiety among dozen of other clinically defined disorder book your appointment now http t co xmcyd9qygc
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why the absolute f ck is this world so f cked up every single day i see a bunch of fake as people and a shitty world nobody give a f ck about anyones feeling they just say whatever make them look cool perants don t give a shit because they didn t live with this friend or suppose to be friend are fake and don t give a shit i m the guy who walk in the back of the crowd when there s not enough room on sidewalk and i m done with this shit f ck the world f cl everyone who had made me who i am i hope you re happy
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so i recently moved to a state 000 mile away from my home with my parent even though there wa no point in it i m and this isn t just the right place for me and there s nothing i can do about it all my family member who lived here convinced my parent to move over here cause apparently it s better when i m here my anxiety ha gone up by a lot i can t even sit still in peace after getting into a fight like my mind constantly telling me we need to go back home i never got along with others in public and got into fight at school already did drug and a lot of stuff like that my parent think this is the best environment and i m still acting like this and they never listen to me i m having a talk with my therapist in a few day do you think they could convince my parent that this isn t a good place for me and recommend u to move out of the state for better mental health for me mentally and emotionally because i just do not belong here i wa so much better a a person in my hometown now i can t even tell if this is me i even have done drug here for the first time and yet my parent family think i m the problem not the environment what can i do
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someone keep me up im at work
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title say it all really bit of context i ve been depressed for the better part of year it started late into high school i ve been referred to multiple mental health service none of which have helped i wa first referred to cahms when i wa i stopped going to these session due to me not being able to open up i wa then referred to samh about a year later this wa also no help finally i wa referred to the community mental health team lanarkshire these session were in person where i spoke to a qualified mental health nurse i honestly have no fucking clue how this guy got his job he wa totally unprofessional had this patronising attitude the entire time wa rude and condescending at point and even laughed at me when i said i felt mediocre the one silver lining here wa that he had the ability to refer me onto a psychotherapist which he said that i wa on a month waiting list for i didn t continue going to these session however i assumed i d still be on the waiting list i remember my final session with him i told him i wa suicidal again cut to about month later i phone them back up to check the progress on the waiting list and when i d be seeing a psychotherapist i wa told by a receptionist that i m not on any waiting list this wa very distressing to me because it felt like i had been waiting all this time for nothing it turn out that they discharged me because i didn t continue going to the session i m at my wit end here i keep trying to get help but the nh is just straight up incompetent i wrote a letter to my gp explaining the situation and i got a phone call basically telling me there s nothing they can do and that i have to phone the community mental health team to see if i can get back on the waiting list i m so annoyed all this time spent waiting to finally get some proper help and this happens i don t know what to do please if there s anyone out there who s been through a similar experience tell me what to do
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i don t know if i could able to live another day or another year i hear everyday people judge who i talked to or what i m planning to do they hated my presence and how my thought is they hated my love of interest and my hobby because it s useless and not get you anywhere in life my mom constantly telling me i m not going anywhere in life because of the many failed attempt on planning to go to school or planning to get the job but no my self esteem and my joy for socializing people is ruined by my mom i m still in a constant unresolved trauma going on in on through my childhood where i get brutally beaten by people whose used to be kid and now grow up to be the same thing a me but selfishly beat me to the ground i couldn t able to save my dad through a stroke back in october 0 nobody understands me when i talked about my issue at home or my life they only thought i m a well rounded person who got lot of achievement and so called hope on me and now i m on my computer scrolling though which rope i could buy and how sturdy the fall is and use it before my birthday because nobody understands me
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the great depression
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depression over nike shoe which your own mother might have bought what disrespect too is this
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for whom with health anxiety over a diagnosed health issue ha therapy helped
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uncertainty loss and isolation during the covid 9 period have contributed to depression and anxiety exercise is essential to help maintain good mental health and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety brainhealth healthylifestyle avivclinics http t co kpli i bb
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so bored still no internet at home
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00am typical british morning cold wet road full of miserable angry driver good time i need a holiday
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i have had an allergic reaction to my contact stuck with my spec until it clear up mean and end to my breast feeding tho
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godspeed mide gianee vhic tore heard he fall into depression after acting g o t
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im talking to a psychiatrist on friday i m gon na most likely be put on med which i need lol but i m scared the med aren t even gon na work for me and i m supposed to go to florida with my family in a few week but my anxiety and depression is at a all time high im rly just scared the med won t help me cuz it feel like nothing will help me
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is tired
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liebe depression ich will mein leben zur ck also verpiss dich endlich ich hab kein bock mehr auf grau in grau mit grau ich werde mir jetzt die farben zur ckholen ob du da willst oder nicht die welt ist bunt und ich werde da wieder zu sehen lernen notjustsad
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oh noooooo kath is back from annual leave du du duuuuuuuu
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hero is losing it s momentum come on writer pick it up
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for past month i had this weird head rushing tension feeling when falling asleep even when i sit and i am bored i can feel it it s like my head would be scrambled between wall and my brain wa wired to something idk
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it s 0am i ve been awake for nearly hour
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had a moment with run fatboy run
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can t tweet working over the head
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duckling in famous child s book stolen from boston s public garden the boston globe http tinyurl com dc htx via sharethis oh no
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thomas pennec gna gna gna prot ger le autres gna gna pour vous pour nous gna gna gna on est oblig c est la loi gna gna gna aller au diable quelque chose d oblig qui fout le momes en d pression pa un seul putain d adulte aussi abruti soit il ne devrait l accepter point
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allt jag tweetar om r jobbet bus 9 och depression d h r e s sorgligt
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amber benson my hubby for some reason think it s more important he ha a good spot for red carpet for the trek movie premiere sod
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missed and the hill now i have to catch up tomor but i have real housewife ugh i need to figure out my priority
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my art is regressing
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im going to university with this childhood friend of mine the thing is i don t know how to socialize any further than just a small talk that lead no where and i never know what to talk about even with them and they present me people that are nice but i just don t feel comfortable with them i try to talk to the people in my classroom in the different class but never go any further than that every time i talk to someone i feel like i m annoying them or that my mere pressense irritates them i don t know what to do to expand my social group to people i have common interest in both in hobby and in the career i m at
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is trying to look to the big picture but boy it hard to some day
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my cousin can t stop playing frozen bubble twisted amp resco bubble bye bye n see you after a week or two
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living on neurofen for another day please go away headache
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guybatty oh i m so sorry to hear that very sad thing he wa so young
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hi everyone i m going to tell about my thought i m not fluent in english so maybe it will have a lot of mistake but that s a reason for it first i m joining this community cause i can say what i m thinking without no one knowing cause my parentsand my gf dont talk in english second i ve been searching about how to suicide and my first reaction wa panic i wa depressed today a still look the same thing but i m not anxious or feeling panic actually i m really calm about it i don t know if it s courage or cause i m weak or i maybe i just accepted my destiny i hope you all get by through this cause i m not able to handle it anymore nice to met you all and goodbye sincerely matcordeiro
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i m not writing this in a negative way what is your point having a point make the difference i think between your life you need to know why you are doing something before you do it
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coll aka aubrey oh you were joking well now i m crushed i wa totally gon na stand in the middle of a field and wave my arm
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poor mel feeling your pain
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i always feel everyone dislike me and laugh behind my back my own friend i feel even hate me secretly am i just paranoid or could there be something to this in my past most people have hated me on sight a well so i m confused is this just from being depressed for too long i also feel like a burden on my partner and friend just by being around or even saying one word i feel i waste my partner time completely along with friend time my friend friend actually leave call whenever i show up a well so it s a sign of something i often time honestly feel it would be easier on those around me if i passed away due to the hatred i feel if everyone hate me so much why am i still around
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i don t want to fight cause i know that won t work and i also know it s odd because they touch my poofy big curly hair probably because i m a guy and also when i sneeze they laugh and stuff and just say stuff like oh covid kid with the lion mane is spreading covid when in reality it s just my severe allergy
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cocoy a person who s genuinely interested in english filipino programming and teaching should make that paper oh wait that s me
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having difficulty swallowing fear or choking always needing water beside me wa one of my first symptom of anxiety before i knew i had anxiety that wa about year ago and that symptom still follows me around and is one of the most annoying symptom my anxiety ha manifested over the year and i ve had it all but i just realized that when eating chocolate i don t have the same fear a any other food i can swallow chocolate perfectly fine put a plate of food in front of me and on my worst day it take me forever or i can t eat put chocolate in front of me and i can eat it easily quickly and without fear seems odd i wonder if it s due to the reward center in your brain when you eat sugar more or le curious if this is common or just me
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is it a bad thing i cried in front of my friend who s a girl so i m a guy and my best friend who is a girl opened up to me about abuse she faced in the past and i started cry while she wa telling me and i just hugged her the next day i told opened up to her that i experienced the same type of abuse and that s why it broke my heart when she had told me about it i also have opened up to her about me self harming and having severe depression and having a drug problem i ve recently been doing better but i can t help but worry that this changed how she see me she ha remained super supportive and still asks me to hangout and i feel like we have grown closer but i also worry she secretly think i m a bitch now
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im gon na copy and paste the title just to continue the story from that point on so here go nothing this ha been the worst month of my life but ill start with a light hearted day earlier this month a meth head tried to take my phone the bitch at the ssi building tried to 0 me then i got bit by a dog all in the same day what i dont understand is that im more upset about this pale blonde brazilian girl i met and lost in a span of day might be bipolar a well what i dont understand is how can i handle a fucked up day like that like it nothing and go through thing that could end in death seem to recover in minute but small thing like family argument or this situation with this girl seem to make me feel upset for so long i dont understand that at all i hope thing get better but ever since i droped acid about week ago this ha been on one end the worst month of my life but some part the best just the good part never last now my life is like a real life nightmare i might be schizo now a well also my depresion is worse then ever now before all this i lived in the car for year with bed bug now i have a voucher so im fine now and live in a place and am safe now but i just feel so stupid whenever i complain about anything now because i feel like it me not appreciating what i have i just dont get why this horible feeling wont go away i dont know what to do im here on reddit talking to random people dealing with the same thing because i just dont know what else to do it wa helping at first but i just feel so lost for no reason i feel like thing are good now but inside i feel the worst ive ever felt i dont wan na feel sad anymore i just want this horible feeling to go away
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frago i hate you i didn t need to see that i need to call my therapist now
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j xx is the white guy manager there the one that shout when you walk in i wan na go back and feast
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i cant stop myself from purging my meal even when i know i m day away from dying
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literally spitting blood
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can t outrun depression unfortunately
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it s not that had to understand
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all i ever do is fucking annoy people lmao they re all going to leave me
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my friend that understand what i ve been through and know how much i ve struggled and how far i ve come always find a way to kick me down i m always the second option i m always the one they come to for help when i sit in my room and rot when i show sign of being in a horrible state they just ignore me they tell me i have attitude problem they treat me like i want to be this way yet they always say they re there for me always they lie with no remorse they ignore me when i m in need genuine help they only do what make them comfortable and what make them feel good i always stick my neck out for them and i never get anything in return i tell them i want to hang out and they just lie they lie and lie and lie i call them out and then they ignore me and they wonder why i want to kill myself
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can t sleep dam nap lol and it hot
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i m on mobile so please excuse me i m also a first time poster on here female i quit a job i had for year last year in may of 0 i wa really good at that job one of the top people even if it wa just a warehouse job i wa a trainer i knew how to do everything and a lot wa expected of me everyday my bos wa incredibly verbally abusive to everyone i didn t realize it for a few year but my last two year being there she wa talking bad about everybody behind their back and just being a horrible human i finally quit one day when i got a different job with an old coworker i wa working that job for about month before i started to struggle going at first it wa because i felt inadequate and tired all the time i have a problem with being new at thing it progressed to a new coworker there wa starting to push my boundary a little bit older man telling me what to do and making me feel dumb which i know is my own issue i realize this whole post is my own issue but anyway i ended up leaving that job because every time i wa there i wa going to the bathroom to cry at least once and i couldn t make myself do it anymore and between that place and the job i m at now i had three other job one wa amazon delivery the other wa a daycare and the one before that wa just instacart i couldn t make enough money on instacart to even be a part time job it wa also putting stress on my car but i loved being able to work for myself basically and create my own hour i hated how the kid at daycare were treated and it disgusted me to the point i couldn t work there anymore and amazon hour were terrible and i wasn t getting home until 9 00 p m which doe not work for my year old son i finally got this job in january of this year and so far it ha been pretty good but i ve noticed that i m struggling to go a full 0 hour pay period in the past month i ve missed seven day which is a lot i suppose i just wake up in the morning and struggle to go and a voice in my head tell me that i don t need to and everything will be okay even if i decide not to go a long a the excuse i have is good enough and then i get so anxious about going back that i decide to stay home the next day and the day after that i m currently on my third day of being at home and even though i have a good excuse i m sure they don t believe me a little bit i don t know what s wrong with me i ve always been a hard worker and up until my breaking point last year i didn t know what this wa i still don t know what it is that i m feeling i m not feeling entitlement or anything like that i just feel empty and numb and what s the point of going i have to have a verbal argument with myself let me say that again with myself i literally have to talk out loud to myself and argue that i have a house payment i have bill i have a kid who also ha bill what is wrong with me my family on both side ha history of depression and i have unprofessionally diagnosed adhd my mom ha anxiety disorder last year when i quit my job i left because of the work environment and how bad it wa and now my new job it s more laid back but it s the same kind of job nd i m constantly worried i m being talked about and that i m not good enough to be there my anxiety from the other job is transferring here for no reason everyone is incredibly nice i m also struggling internally because i really want to go to college and get a better kind of job but i don t know what i want to do yet i m feeling overwhelmed by it because i m a single mom and i don t know how i m going to be able to go to school and work at the same time so i guess for the past couple month i ve also felt pretty trapped feeling like i ll never work for myself and i ll never get a good job because i can t figure my life out but ha anyone experienced this kind of feeling at my age i don t know if it s burnout or if it s related to my cptsd that i have from a physically abusive relationship from year ago i ve tried looking it up on google i ve tried listening to meditational motivation stuff and anyone give me help in the form of advice i don t want to be like this forever i know it s understandable to not want to work but i should be at work literally right now and instead i m in bed speak texting this because i know something s wrong with me i can t afford to do anything therapy right now so just any insight or story from when you were my age and you broke a little bit i m just scared and tired and i want to kick myself in the as but i don t know how and i don t have the energy too i really don t need to hear anything negative about me because i can tell you i m already thinking it i just feel like a waste of space who can t get her s together that my son deserves a better parent than me
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janelle i want a phone that i can fb m and twitter from
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it s so boring
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finally home from work
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adewunmitemit 9 weirdpeace olumurewa the sound of your depression
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theresaxo i still can t believe you have to move i will be over after work to help paint aww rip your walllllll
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my dog can t move anymore praying that he will be okay
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we re going to post some story manually due to twitterfeed problem that s why we ve been so quiet lately
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just woke up from the most vivid sketchy not cool dream of my life time to stare at the wall with the light on
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my anxiety and depression ha been through the roof these past few week i can feel myself taking it out on others it s not intentional but it just happens i think it s time to take a few step back from everything and focus more on me and my mental health
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is terrified she accidentally deleted a reference in her management assignment and hope she doesnt get in trouble when she get back
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mtee w deolfc mizzzidc if the lack of respect for some sth serious like abuse then yes but not angry your mother wore your sneaker your sibling don t borrow y alls shoe amp necklace without asking first just to start posting on twitter amp cry depression if sb forgets this one s charger nkor
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for once in age i cant hear that bloody tap driping but now we have no cold tap in the bathroom rip tap
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hi you all my first post in here i have to write my story down i m curious if there are more people in this im a 0 year old student from the netherlands i want to become a teacher at primary school my education take year right now i m re doing the third year i struggle with my past i do not have had a save bonding with my parent and family and in that time i wa bullied at primary school at my th i got involved in a situation of sexual unacceptable behaviour that wa the last thing what made me stop for a short time with my study that year i had a lot of spare time and after that year i had to start again with that year of my education the hard thing about it is my problem are not solved in that year off i had therapy but it wasn t the right fit for me after the therapy i thought i could start over but right now i notice the problem are coming back again the situation is right now i have a lot to do for school in week there is a big deadline and it is almost impossible to fix the stuff i have to do there is a lot of work to do but i am not motivated at all to do something i lay in bed till pm or do something i like to do and isn t nessecary last week i went to the doctor to start therapy again i think that is a good start i really want to go on with my life but i am so tired of it all i want to stop not facing my problem and do something easy but that isn t the solution im so alone in this all i have told some friend but not my parent cause they will be so judgy after a year of doing le work than the other year for me it is very hard to go on to concentrate on something and to end it i m afraid i lost my dicipline and i know i have some other problem which i want to fix by therapy i feel like a failure and i m sad and mad a good friend of mine said it is normal that i am not motivated by the problem i have about my past and familysituation that i don t have to ask my self too much she is way more kind to me than i am to myself on the other hand i don t want to be too kind in some way i have to do more well this is the situaition i live in i wonder if there are more people who share a part of my situation
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http twitpic com y yi i love you buck
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idk i guess this is a vent or something but whatever lately everything ha been okay like daily wise school is okay i guess just wish every math lesson didn t either leave me with a headache or panic attack slamming door and yelling just remind me of my childhood and always sends me into a panic attack today i had two in different class i m hard of hearing and i have hearing aid i wish that i could turn them off or take them out whilst the yelling and shit wa happening but i m always in that state of freeze and panic i m the new kid no one seems to notice it which is fine home is okay there is just court and custody shit going on since my mother and father can t make one agreement now me and my brother have to go to court and get like attornies or some shit like that to settle it down i don t know i m exhausted i don t feel like living rn i feel like everyone hate me and is drifting away and i can t handle that i m clean of self harm though i m probably gon na break that after this post i ve been thinking a lot about offing myself i m so tired i don t wan na live anymore i can t live anymore to be honest i m just struggling so much fuck i can t even make it a full week of school i got sexually assaulted by my cousin on the weekend and i feel like it s my fault i just really need an escape but even getting high can t block out all the shit that go on in my head i don t wan na fail like last time i tried offing myself just too many question and everything what am i meant to do i do see a therapist and everything but i feel like it doesn t help i don t wan na be alive anymore i really don t
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damn it i hate this stage of the breakup process i miss the boy we had just fallen in love damn it why poop
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c est trangement le sympt me de la d pression a
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holmpat morning pat another one in sunny spain except it not sunny here today cloudy and raining
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should i ask my parent for a therapy session i m scared to ask my parent for therapy and i come seeking opinion on what i should do i m y o and these feeling have been killing me i m sure change in hormone have a part in this but i have been dealing with feeling of poor self worth since i wa i begin slightly shaking clinging and breathing heavily with excessive worry and fear almost daily now but i m worried my parent will say average teenage feeling and leave it at that i also don t want to waste money on something that might be just a phase and so i m asking for thought on this matter now for a little backstory my writing may be a little messy so i apologize in advance thinking back i ve had symptom of anxiety for a while now i wa yelled at a lot a a child for very trivial matter and still to this day ill get hour long lecture for thing that arent that big of a deal after a specific scolding when i wa around i believe that kickstarted thing i started playing what i saw and heard in my mind over and over again until i got night terror for some reason i can still recall this moment and it still scare me i became afraid of a certain speed like m p h a strange thing to be afraid of i know don t know if this is just some sort of trauma type thing or what but it wa always weird to me i start sweating and shaking whenever i think about anything with that specific speed and i don t know what that mean anyways fast forward to early 0 9 and my grandma passed away she wa the only one i truly felt attached to and trusted i have trust issue don t know why so her passing hit me hard a year later when covid started my dad cheated with my best friend s mom ending in a lot of self confidence issue and when my trust issue began showing my parent are still together they just argued and eventually got it worked out since i don t want everything to go downhill again i just bottled up everything and hid what i felt now to the present day this is why i find it so difficult to ask for a therapist i m afraid that my parent will just brush it off or be disappointed and think they did something wrong this hopefully doesn t give the wrong idea about my parent i believe they tried their best and to be honest didn t do a horrible job there were still good time i remember and they ve done a lot for me unfortunately i can t truly say i love you back without my parent telling me and that hurt i know people have it much worse than me and that s another reason that s holding me back from asking either way i m still heavily considering therapy and why i m asking you is it just a phase will i benefit from a professional am i being petty and should just deal with it i m not looking for a diagnosis but would love some thought on the matter and will try my best to answer any question if any thanks p s i hope this wasn t too long i tried to cram a much information a possible without it being accessive apology for any grammar mistake
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f ck dich ich brauch dich heute bestimmt nicht depression
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happy hardcore healed my depression
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it s so hard for me to say no to people or refuse when they ask me to do something because i m scared they ll dislike me or stop being my friend i feel like such a pushover
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hi friend i stopped using weed and caffeine and day ago respectively and i ve seen my anxiety increase exponentially obviously i used both to kinda suppress my normal anxiety but now i m going au natural and a you can tell it s not going ideally but i m happy to have made the choice i did i have felt a weird knot sensation in the right upper side of my abdomen feel like it s right under my rib cage and occasional pain throughout my digestive system i ve been constipated for about day too i know so much info and while i m able to still go i still feel a discomfort in my side like someone took a five pound weight and just placed it on the side of me is this normal with anxiety i haven t started any antidepressant i ve been prescribed because i want to see how naturally i can do this but my mind is telling me withdrawal and to just be patient but i don t want to be too patient in case it s something that i should have a doctor check out thought
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i haven t had a set therapist for a year now and a much a i want to find a new one i am too scared to do so my insomnia is on the rise again and i really want someone to talk to about it my school ha an off site database for therapist that i can talk to but i guess i am just too afraid to do it i question whether they d be suitable for my case or not anxious about their technique and if i will have the same connection with them just like my previous therapist i had my previous therapist for year and it took me a year to finally open up i want to do it but i am too afraid if i don t like them i feel like i would just stay because i would not have the courage to leave
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i love my atekinzz so much amp amp i soo miss her
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i just want to stop being so sad i feel like i m failing at life i m sitting at my desk and i just can t stop fucking cry over literally nothing i just don t see any hope for my future somehow i always come back to this feeling i used to fantasize about getting hurt enough to be in a hospital for like week just to get a break but not actually kill myself because i feel like i couldn t do that to the people around me i really have no one in my life to talk to right now i tried the crisis text line and my god they are unhelpful you are so brave for reaching out how do you think you were able to reach out tonight um maybe because i have this option or the option to off myself and one seems a little more rational than the other how do you guy cope when you just can t do it anymore
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i recently found out i have high level of anxiety and i notice i m very anxious at work all the time i just wondering if there s any job that is not to stressful and i can still survive i also think about starting my own business will that be a good idea
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i wish i wa just normal everything is so hard for me i used to wish the world wa a better place but ive given up hope the world will never get any better and even if it did my mind is too fucked to be apart of it
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