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arizonaaaa japannaly hhhahaha now you can t go thursday you bitch jk hahaha http tumblr com xej jtj9w
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schofe not off the side of the bridge i hope
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sleeping at a friend today x whats going on with u don t understand
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arghh my hand are itchy could it be that on top of my alergy to beef i also can not eat chicken no more
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going going aaand gone poor moosie fell asleep in class http twitpic com y y
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lasy year or so i ve been telling myself i dont know what to do i stopped playing video game i stopped watching youtube i stopped watching netflix i just play random phone game that isnt me i ve literally thought about how cult kinda give people reason im smart enough to not join a cult will i always have the will though im losing it daily i want reason i dont have reason no reason at all to do anything i have a job it isnt nice i want to quit i want reason
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hi everyone i find myself in a sad situation and i can t really seem to be able to find a way out or support so i thought i could write about it here i m 0 and moved to study abroad month ago i love college and i love what i do i am fairly aware i am privileged in more way than one and that i should be happy about it but it s not enough when i left i tried my best to leave everything behind a much a i could because i know i will never live in my home country again and that s sort of the goal anyways a someone who ha generalized anxiety overall i am also aware that this wa a very big step in itself i have been struggling with depression and anxiety that also take toll on my physical health from time to time since i moved but everything got worse a few week ago i had a week long break from university and i forced myself not to go home so i can be more accustomed to living here the problem wa that i barely went out for week being too anxious to do so and also my neighbour and friend wa also visiting her home country i felt very alone and isolated now i started college again and i realise every day how stupid that wa and i m stuck on wanting to turn back time which i know is impossible i cry every day i wish to go home and i have major problem performing at university i honestly don t know what to do i feel hopeless and alone if anyone ha any advice i would really appreciate it thank you
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you know i wa thinking i need money
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is again in the math lab
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didn t pas the first part of the cset i missed it by effing point
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moony 9 omg i can t believe this i want to cry freaking fb spoiled me how could this happen
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yeah maybe you get your shit off your chest but nobody really care even here for the most part maybe 00 people read what you wrote but probably just will comment on it and say something to cherish you can someone make a group chat or like a discord server where we can vc and talk for hour and hour idfk please
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had a lovely day at the beach followed by dinner with a gorgeous lady roll on the work today booo
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black btrfly bref ya beaucoup de choses la chose a surtout pa faire c est rester solo parske la d pression arrive tr s tr s vite
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ha oh god i don t know why i m laughing so much i think if i could feel anything i would be scared i m laughing and i m cry i don t know what to do i think my friend is suicidal scrap that i know they are and the problem is i m kind of suicidal too i see no point in life but i ve become sort of stuck in a rut of repressed emotion for a while i feel nothing so i have no desire to do anything let alone to kill myself but i m worried they do they said they would see me tomorrow so i don t think they re going to do it tonight they said they want to but they see no point because they always fail i don t know what to do i cant ask for help for them because i promised confidentiality and i know the pain of that trust being broken i can t do that to them that is not an option i know they re safe for tonight the only problem is i don t know how to make them feel better or if i can i m terrible at comforting people at the best of time and now i m half asleep and i think i m a little triggered for context my dad used to always tell me he wa going to kill himself if i left him and he would detail how worthless he wa and way he would kill himself and sometimes he would sh and almost attempt in front of me a well a me being suicidal myself on multiple occasion so it s a touchy subject i don t need people telling me to call the police or tell anyone else i need advice on how to make them feel better i can t bear the thought of one of my friend feeling how i feel or rather how i ve felt it s fucking torture and they do not deserve that shit they said they can t talk because they feel like an attention seeker and i tried to reassure them but i m crap at it please i m begging you give me some advice something i can do to make them feel better the thought of them in pain is agonising they don t deserve that i just need some idea on what to do what to say please i want to help them with their depression but i can t even help myself i don t know how to help i m sorry if this is the wrong place i ve already posted this on suicide watch but i need a much advice a possible i ve tried thinking about what i would of liked people to do when i wa actively trying to take my life but all i really wanted wa to be left alone to die and i felt guilty a hell when i talked to anyone about it and wanted to forget about it so i have no clue on how to make them feel better i m sorry
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bliss peace rest ease solidified finite
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so fucking bored of work
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i ve kind of stuffed around a lot in my life delaying the inevitable of having to work a job and be a responsible adult and i m but the longest i ve ever held a job wa 9 month it wasn t that i m lazy i wa always doing other thing i enjoy but i know now unemployment ha caused most of my depression recently i just feel utterly hopeless when i think soon enough i ll have to move out on my own in some shitty house working a job i couldn t care le about to me it just seems like the perfect recipe to depression
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oh jew bus two year worth of class work is alot to organize gt lt i m not finishing tonight it s not possible my bone ache
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just got back from the funeral of a government employee friend http plurk com p n0bvd
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this is a really long rant but i just needed to get it out i feel like i m starting to become a better version of myself one that people like respect and want to be around and i just can t stop beating myself up for not being this version in college when i wa nearly suicidal and i lost some friend who kept abandoning me and affirming the horrible thought i wa already having last year one of my roommate lowkey bullied me and i started to believe i wa a terrible person and wa overthinking everything i ever said wrong especially when a couple other friend abandoned me at the same time over something they were upset i said which i think could have been resolved with communication but they didn t try but i talked to my other former roommate recently and she said that i wa fine that i didn t deserve any of it and she didn t know what i wa going through at the time a she said don t just turn the page close the fucking book and i started to feel like i wa getting closure about stuff so i thought i would text one of the other people who sort of broke up with me it s been a year i just apologized for how shit went down in the friend group without blaming her or anyone else and really poured my heart out about how dark my mental health wa at the time and i said she could apologize to the other girl who i believe blocked me if she wanted i know it wa a little selfish to unload like that but i made sure to say that i didn t expect anything of her and she didn t need to respond and she didn t reply but she did like my instagram post today i know they don t owe me anything and i swear i m not mad but i think part of me wa still holding on hope to some form of closure part of me hoped that they still cared that maybe they would care a little if they knew how dark it wa for me at the time i know that s selfish but damn the last few time we hung out were just me doing her favor and giving her ride before she broke up with me a a friend so to speak but no one cared a soon a i wasn t a fun friend they bounced at the first sign of conflict mental illness and again i m not mad i m not gon na harass anyone with text expectation but it really fucking suck to feel like i ve been going through this horrific and terrifying period just to discover that no one cared it wouldn t have mattered if they knew they just couldn t be bothered
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i m year old turning soon in a few month i live in constant dread i have no passion no goal no special achievement in my life and never been in a relationship i don t know what i want nor what i m doing in this so called life everything just feel exhausting i cry myself to sleep everyday i also feel extremely disconnected from others i don t fit in even though i try the hardest to be a decent human being i try to treat others with kindness and respect be a good listener help people when they need my help work hard exercise on daily basis take a good care of my appearance but no matter how hard i try to present myself at best i still feel i don t fit in i still feel empty unworthy and unwanted i want to do something that i could be proud of but no matter what i do i still never feel i m good enough even for myself i crave for meaningful connection i want to have someone to share and spend my day with laugh with cry with share my handmade gift with just to see smile on their face someone that feel like home because i ve been feeling homeless all this time i want to feel loved cared for and wanted for once but it s like it s just this idea of meaningful connection that i have in my head i can even barely hold a conversation whenever i try to talk to someone i feel extremely drained i m stuck in this rabbit hole between feeling extremely lonely and not having energy to talk at the same time i don t know i just feel like i m a failure human being and want to completely disappear thanks for reading my long rant i don t have anywhere else to get my mind off
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scarletjac thanks i know that video is harrowing especially the last minute i must admit i cried
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i don t feel any desire towards anything in life anymore i see life a a pointless pursuit that ha more pain than joy it s simply not worth it if i m playing a video game or watching a tv show and it s not getting better i simply want to turn it off my passion energy love motivation and empathy isn t what it used to be and i feel trapped i feel like cement when i wake up and lay there until the hunger drive me out of bed i m stuck in my head all day and feel dead to myself and this world i can t even hate myself anymore or bring myself to really do anything i wish so many thing in this life were different but they never will be
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so i made a similar post in confession but i guess it belongs here maybe maybe not i don t think anyone really care anyway well when i wa m i ve been tortured by two girl aged around they d wait up for me after school take me to a secluded area and sodomize me when they were finished they would repeatedly kick my private part and punch my stomach when i would cry they said they would not stop until i stopped my cry since then i ve never cried anymore in my life and i wish i could my feeling have faded away and i thought that wa part of becoming an adult i would lay for hour in pain and then come home telling my parent i wa at a friend s this ha been going on for about a year no matter if i took a different route home or tried to run they would do this almost daily i wouldn t tell my parent because they were threatening to kill my dog and family if i did my parent started to distrust me and thought i wa doing bad thing after school since i wouldn t share my friend s name after this i mainly focused on school and avoided most people i ve built up major trust issue and only had a few bad relationship where my trust issue would always ruin thing and while i hate to admit it i hate most woman or my inability to deal with them i had to man up since in my thought this wouldn t happen to a man by some girl my way of being a manly man wa to be strong and not have emotion i have thought a lot about this part of my childhood and always blamed myself for not thinking recently i feel hate towards the person that did this to me one of them died because of drug overdose which to this day make me smile i have made a plan for an accident to happen to this person i have planned out all the detail for this to happen and i wholeheartedly believe she deserves to die right now i am year of age recently been diagnosed with bipolar syndrome and some other anti social disorder i have been depressed for the most part of my life and instead of taking someone s life i ll just end my own thanks for letting me share this i have been embarrassed about it all my life and i ve never felt either manly or adult i could never bring myself to tell anyone
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crap i need more dress too
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i suffer from anxiety and ocd so i went to a neuropsychiatrist who prescribed me a month treatment which is paroxetine paxil 0 mg he told me to start with half tablet the first day then take a full one for the rest of the day i took it at midday prazepam 0 mg half tablet at midday the other half at night clomipramine mg one tablet at night he didn t tell me anything about tapering off so i stopped them abruptly and ended up experiencing very bad annoying withdrawal symptom like nausea vomiting headache weird sensation in my muscle i felt my body vibrating vivid dream dizziness stomach pain shaking fatigue anxiety mood change i felt depressed cried a lot too etc litteraly a nightmare it s been week since i stopped them and the withdrawal symptom are becoming le intense compared to the first day thank god and honestly i m never approching these medication again i just hope the remaining symptom dissapear too then i ll stick with therapy and herb my question is will this abrupt discontinuation have bad long lasting effect on my body or will this all go away permanently after the withdrawal suffrance stop thanks
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i feel guilty of everything i feel guilty for telling people my problem and burdening them when they re dealing with worse i feel guilty because when people dump their problem on me i can t handle it anymore it s so selfish of me i hate myself for it so much but when people dump their problem on me i just want to kill myself because i m exhausted i m exhausted of helping people i ve been doing it since i wa 0 and i feel so guilty for being exhausted i cut myself over and over for being so selfish
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there is nothing more suffocating than the feeling that youre gon na live your life alone it take a lot of strength to not fall apart specially if you already tasted what is like to share your life with someone and knowing that youre gon na be all on your own by the rest of the path i ve spent the last year dreaming abour growing old with someone i consider to be a gift from the heaven only for that dream to be shattered a week ago it s been more than 0 day and im still stuck in despair i cant even sleep in my bed without thinking of him i refuse to find somsomeone else because whats the point in trying to top perfection only to poorly fill the whole your ex left and get your already pulverized heart shattered once more i ve lost my passion to live i ve been carrying anxiety and panic attack for a few year i wa already barely holding it together but this i just the last straw i dont even have a shoulder to cry on anymore what s the point
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can not believe she is awake at am on a tuesday yawn and i had a bad dream bummer
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pls answerrr
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there r different level of depression and clinical depression is something that you absolutely can t get out of you need a medic you need to see a doctor you need to medicate for it you need a therapy there r thing you need to do in order to get out it or else you won t
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mizzzidc and you get mind put it here i hope ur bf or husband to be and his mother is seeing what is awaiting them ending it with emotional blackmail of u going into yeye depression nonsense
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rellyab will likely be unable to attend cry all the way home
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how do i go about telling a friend i m suicidal i feel like i m just being dramatic but i m having intense thought though i m not sure i d act on them and i don t have a proper plan though i m always thinking about it at the same time i don t want to bother anyone it must be a horrible thing to hear from someone and there s nothing they can do really but i m not sure what i can do at this point either i m just so desperate
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notyour kainat itni utri howi sorat ko kon follow kary phely kam depression hai
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leitora9 how depression look like
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in the past year i got raped by a friend i trusted deeply i lost my job to covid my grandmother who i loved more than anyone passed my best friend completely ghosted me found out i have a chronic disease i can never have my own biological child i thought a these thing were happening that i would eventually be able to move past them that maybe they weren t such big deal and i really wa being too sensitive like my parent love to tell me i m an adult and i most definitely can t afford to move out i can barely afford to pay the 00 a month rent my parent charge me i live in the same room i ve lived in since i wa born i just pay for it now with money i wa saving for a car so i don t have a car i don t have my license cause my parent won t let me drive their car so i ve never practiced i don t have a single friend i had two but if you read the beginning yea i ve been homeschooled since the start of high school so i don t have anyone to fall back on except for family my grandmother wa the only one who really sympathized with me and i spent the past two year taking care of her pretty much full time she wa 9 and mentally and physically declining it killed me to watch the woman who raised me wither away i felt like i lost my only purpose when she passed away and i constantly blame myself for not being there when she died she had a heart attack and the coroner told me i couldn t have helped even if i wa right beside her but i m eaten alive with guilt i m still grieving but i need money to live i interviewed and got a job at a place i wanted to work i wa dreading it though because i knew my only way to get there is my parent my dad begrudgingly take me even though i don t know how he expects me to pay his rent if i can t have a job he constantly complains about having to take me there and back which is at the most minute of driving yet he won t aid me in getting a license and is draining my saving from my old job by charging me rent and now my current job is slashing my hour i went from 0 hour a week to what the fuck and they now expect me to do double the work on a single shift for 9 an hour i thought thing were looking up when i first got that job but now it s just shit i m not making any money or progress in life i m dependent on my family and im sick and tired of it i don t feel like an adult at all and frankly i don t want to be why would i want to live the next sixty year to pay tax work and be miserable there s nothing worth pursuing at the cost of prolonging a life of suffering i m traumatized from being raped i ve never told anyone irl and i think i m asexual because of it now thinking about anything intimate make me physically sick i never want to be in a relationship what s the point if i can t have kid anyways nobody would want me all i really want is a friend or two people to talk with and share hobby but i can t drive myself anywhere so i m kinda unable to even attempt to make connection with people and i ve noticed pretty much everyone my age is only interested in hook ups or relationship my old best friend of year completely ghosted me after she got a boyfriend i wanted to know what it wa like to have a boyfriend and my first kiss but it wa forcefully stolen from me i wanted to master an instrument and another language i wanted to keep seeing cool new game and anime come out i wanted to try food from around the world i wanted to see the northern light dance i wanted to see sakura season i wanted to see crystal clear ocean water i wanted to spread my wing and be able to just live normally but it just wasn t meant to be for me well i accidentally turned this into a long rant but basically i m giving up i see no point in living tomorrow will be my last day i made plan with my older sister to go to a movie and dinner so it ll be a good day at least i wa gon na shoot myself but i figured an overdose will be le painful for my parent to come across i m not sure exactly what i believe in but maybe life will be better next time my heart hurt for anyone feeling the same way i do it s hard thank you for reading
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josordoni yeah it wa good news a y combinator interview next week dunno bout the oyster will just suck it up i guess
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so i m a pretty shut in introverted person he they and moved to a new place just before the pandemic so a a result have no local irl friend so mid pandemic i got on twitter and met load of people who came and went however i met people she her x and she they who i truly love hanging out with but here s the hard part for pretty much the entirety of last year we hung out maybe or time a week watching movie on discord or playing game always talking and indirecting each other interacting constantly cheesy ily ily more message all that sort of thing then just after christmas it all just kinda stopped but only for me i found out the of them made a new gc without me they talk about each other on the tl constantly but never mention me and we haven t hung out in over a month i ve messaged them a couple of time about this and had it explained that they still like me and still want to hang out but they re just busy but my brain is reading into everything so hard they re still constantly interacting with each other and i never get any response i can t stop thinking about every little thing one time one wanted to play game in bed by herself and then 0 minute later i saw them all playing on discord without me assuming i d gone to bed i just don t know whether i m reading too hard into this or if i genuinely need to say something every time i see so much a a comment or message somewhere else my head get so loud and i just feel like cry constantly i ve never really been able to keep friend for more than a couple of year and the only one i trusted enough to talk to about stuff are the i m not sure i can talk to any more so a a result here i am reddit what can i do
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myapplestuff sadly we can t turn back time we have to help to re build everything amp give those poor family much love
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i have money for or more month rent then i ll be on the street i m in crippling debt i ve been drinking nonstop for the last day when i hit the street i m going to start using fentanyl again where i ll inevitably od and die at some point is there any hope for people like me people that hurt everyone around them destroy everything they touch i ve dug my own grave i m sure people want me dead anyway eh fuck this noise
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i should ve died it s been a year since my last suicide attempt a year since the closest i ve gotten to dying a year since my greatest mistake of life see people talk ab leading up to the attempt or their life before that but after the failed attempt they just say they wanted to live and everything got better nah bro that s not this story a year later i m worst than before i just don t live alone anymore and there s more thing stopping me i still hate my life i still wan na die and honestly my depression got worst i just feel like i can express it le since then i had a brief period of being okay then again it all went to shit i no longer play college sport i dropped out of school time i fucked yo everything i cared about and apart from that i m in debt i self harm way more than i used to probably every day now i catch myself switching the knife i used to use for my bare hand a it s easier to play off and i just beat myself up every night until i can barely breath pounding at my chest or rib until it hurt to be straight and i need to curl up in my ball of sweat and blood and cut from the pounding i do to myself i feel invivible like no one give a fuck and neither do i i have to fake every emotion i have because i don t feel anything just complete numbness and pain i failed at everything i set out to do and i ve hurt people who didn t deserve my pain everyone who try to help find it too much and therapy seems too impersonal so it doesn t really help and i can t open up it really just feel like everything went to shit after that it feel like my rock bottom opened up and created a newer harder level called hell for me to play since i escaped from the real one when the pill didn t work and i catch myself holding my stomach half beaten sore and hungry from the day of starving myself due to lack of motivation and thinking god damn it i should ve died that day god fuckikg damn it those pill should ve killed me if they did i wouldn t have hurt who i have if they did i wouldn t have become this failure if they didn t i wouldn t have to fake if they did i wouldn t have to beat if they did i wouldn t have to pretend i m okay being alive when all i ever wan na do is die if they did i would finally rest i can t talk ab my feeling i m undeserving of that privilege i can t explain why i do the thing i do that hurt people the word just don t come out the feeling is unexplainable i can t explain why i just wan na die because if i did then i would be told i m taking thing for granted and i can t kill myself because it hurt to hurt people all i want is to be dead happiness stoped being an option for me long ago
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except for the fact jw stuff is out and it rock shame i m skint
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i had a panic attack on my way to a meditation group because i wa heavily triggered today i wa so embarrassed i wa driving and my husband wa in the passenger seat and i almost crashed the car i am so ashamed of myself and i feel so helpless i feel like im getting worse even though i m fighting so hard to get better i started therapy and i began this mediation group and still im sinking deeper and deeper because i wa triggered i feel like i hate myself and i just want to give up
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now when you say depression are you referring to a map commerce or mental health cuz i know nvmd
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it wa just who i am a reason behind the way my mind worked it doesn t make the depression sting any le but it make it bearable to know that this is just a way of life one i don t have to spend every second trying to push away but to learn to move together
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gnite twitter world long day tomorrow night class till 0pm
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guess i should go to bed have to be up in hour haven t been able to sleep lately too stressed about website not being done yet
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i hope this sub is a source of help and stability for others not my post but the sub in my case when you spend your whole life white knuckling being normal and chastising yourself for every wrong victim stance ungrateful attitude etc a an absolute failure god what the fuck else are you supposed to do i mean in my case why keep trying what is the fucking point the charade get old and sometimes you just want it to stop
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mentalhealth depression http t co new ybx 9u http t co juf9dkhiku
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ok so i have been anxious for about year now it s only recently got way out of hand i love being on my own or with my partner only i ve became a hermit because being in public around people is just too much for me it s got way worse for the past couple month i can t even cook for a bit of context i have been out of work for almost year now which is probably why i ve only got worse with little to none human interaction i would cook clean etc while my partner worked now i can t even switch the oven on from fear that it will set the fire alarm off the fire alarm are so damn loud i can hear when people have burnt their food a few house down the street i think it s the fear of people knowing it s my house that s making the god awful sound i put food in the oven the other night while my partner wa at work and once the timer wa done on my phone i wa so nervous to open the oven door incase the plume of steam smoke set the alarm off i wa calling my partner leg shaking that bad i had to sit down i put food in the oven last night again and wa again scared to open the oven door i wa at one point just going to turn the oven off leaving the food in there and make toast i don t mind cooking when my partner is home because if the alarm go off i just run and he deal with it lol i m just looking for abit of advice on how to get over this fear it fully take over me tia i don t like to say i have anxiety a i haven t even been to the doctor to get diagnosed and don t want to offend anyone so i ll call it being anxious for now also if this is the wrong sub to put this on mod please feel free to move this post elsewhere
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feeling a bit better today at least i can walk i have no idea what happened yesterday on my way to school now ugh
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what if one day i just end it all and die then all my effort shall gone wasted those who care about me shall get angry about how i got defeated but everything will end on the day i die it s not hard to kill myself ya know just kill there are so many way i can do that what if i dont want to fight anymore fuck depression imma just give up what if i just let go and go self harm go deep in anorexia idk it s not that hard to let go my effort maybe someday ill die randomly it wont be surprising to anyone i ve been suicidal for so long who know if i just give in to an urge one day boom im dead haha maybe ill be dead by tomorrow maybe after a while maybe after a few week you ll never know you ll never know i ll kill and end it all
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vomitto ahh ai dreptate pixar
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doing homework
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i started having suicidal thought in april of last year and they lasted until around november in october i started hanging out with a girl and we started becoming good friend not romantic just friendship my mental health started getting a lot better after a couple month of friendship with her and it s kept getting better ever since a few day ago i made a passive aggressive comment that really upset her she won t text me back now i ve tried apologizing and trying to make thing right with her but i haven t heard back from her i m afraid i ve ruined this friendship forever and now my suicidal thought are back for the first time since last year i always hurt the people that i care about and i hate myself so much that i do this
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colindemar far too out of the way for rail any other tip
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i feel like shit this is not the way i want to spend my birthday s eve
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im boring i really dont understand how to use this
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i hate how my body reacts to anxiety by making me ill this last year ha been horrible for me because of it i d say most of the time it s manageable but it s still so exhausting on an emotional and physical level usually it s the standard nausea puking headache whatever but this last three week i ve had a faux cold a in i don t actually have a cold during the part of the day i m stressed out i have horrible symptom but when i m home after school or on the weekend or if i skip because of anxiety said cold go away which is so bizarre to me because i ve had the extreme nausea diarrhea etc that come with anxiety but never sinus related i mean i end up having a terribly runny nose or having hot flash to nothing when i m able to get away from stress the other day i literally had symptom of an ear infection supposedly stress worsens your immune system and i already have allergy so this is probably how that s happening but it s just awful i want to lay down and rest for a few day a if it wa a real cold but i don t need it of course i need to figure out how to settle the emotional stress somehow but i think it s just me being anxious because it s end of the grading session typing this out gave me a headache lmao i hate all of this
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stou site not update no info about exam and open course i must wait for mail notice and doc um
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no squirrel today they must be hiding
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i really fucking can t but i can t take my life either so i ll be a whiny bitch as and make my fourth post on here or something saying the same fucking thing i m so tired it hurt so much i just want the pain to stop wa fucking 0 when i first tried to km thing don t get better nope they don t year on they ve only gotten worse i really can t do this
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my year old daughter biological father and his family are all abusive and narcissistic we are a year no contact now but she continues to have no change with constant insecurity fear anxiety depression headache confusion control it s almost like she is addicted to her anxiety need advice on what to do to help her break this cycle she is pushing all of her feeling that have been broken from abuse and inadvertently teaching her younger sister to be the same way my stamen in the matter is getting thin her anxiety make mine shoot through the roof especially when she know when she is being very unreasonable about several repeating subject and then continues being unreasonable while trying to hide that she is enjoying it
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nothing worse than planning on going to the mall with no money damn unheavens dunk
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i ve been lying for year about how i feel right to people face i feel like i can never be the real me a it would burden other people with my feeling i always sabotage myself by keeping to myself until i break and hurt the other people around me but i just can t get out of the hole i ve dug for myself i m completely burnt out and don t have any motivation to do anything anymore i mean my day literally consist of listening to music and not much else because it s one of the few thing i find joy in i don t enjoy many thing anymore because everything i care about always get taken away i don t understand why i exist at this point is it just to lie to and hurt the people i care for
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lately i ve had very strong feeling of hopelessness like i m just wasting my life away i don t want to be around people most of the time i purposely try to avoid social situation i also noticed that if i m feeling an emotion such a anger i can feel it throughout my entire body i m tired of isolating myself and feeling like my life isn t worth anything i ve had thought of not wanting to be here anymore but i know that i won t act on it i hate feeling this way and i don t know what to do to fix it i ve gone to a psychiatrist but i feel like they don t really listen to what s going on and they are more worried about the medication i m taking if anyone ha any suggestion or natural remedy please share i m tired of feeling this way
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hello this is my first time posting to reddit i am having difficulty choosing between two job opportunity the first is a one hour commute one way and is on site the job come with pension and benefit a well a potential for career growth the second is 00 remote with limited potential for career growth the hour are flexible and i would not have to go into the office the downside is that the job appears to be boring and it will be difficult to get to know my coworkers the downside of the first job is that it could turn out to be a more stressful but maybe more stimulating job i have been so anxious about the decision that i have been cycling through choosing one or the other job over a period of several day i have been having stress headache and trying to solve the problem internally but with little resolution what is your opinion on wfh versus on site what is your opinion of taking a job you know to be boring for people with anxiety how doe wfh work for you doe it increase your worry or doe it help you manage how do you make a decision when either option doe not seem to be a clear winner many thanks
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just got up and nappy very wet and split at the back going for a nice baby bath and then back in nappy i go
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susie dent but when i do it i have clinical depression and anxiety and need to take my medication smh
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butthole depression
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quot it not how you are alike it how you are diferent quot i just cried in that montage flashback in hp make me cry every time
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sarahsaturday i m sorry your gift card ran out that suck
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throwaway acct never really post so excuse formatting or content i have hit the point now where i am really wondering what the point of it all is i m very tired i feel like i ve been running forever my medical bill are continuing to pile up i haven t been working because of my medical issue so money ha become my biggest real life issue my relationship with family and friend are deteriorating so quickly i don t even know how to stop it my education proved to be the biggest waste of time my work skill are so unremarkable that i cant get anything more than a warehouse job i m a complete definition of a loser i feel like my life is spiraling out of control it feel like it s all my fault and i know it is i just don t know how to fix anything and these random event keep happening to me that make me question if maybe it is just some cosmic entity screwing with me because every time i tried to do something for someone else or tried just taking action to do better somehow it ended up in failure i tried getting a new job and i unfortunately my medical problem hit causing me to lose that new job just a month after getting it prior to that i took a better job offer only to get hit with even worse working condition for an additional 0 hence me leaving to try to get a new job or how about the two time i went christmas shopping for my family i had to replace two tire on my car one each time i went out i mysteriously got a flat tire that went unnoticed both time resulting in me having to buy new one because the sidewall were screwed or my favorite one i decided to take a trip to another state on a whim one weekend for a concert at that time i had felt that i wa at the lowest i could get so i said screw it and decided to go i decided to go out the night before to check out the city and found a local band playing a bar i ordered a beer and the next thing i remember is waking up in a hospital they proceeded to then let me just leave the hospital and i wandered the city with a dead phone for a few hour looking for my car to go home i got a lot of nice thought from family and friend initially but then the jokey so you didn t get raped did you and then just laughing it off most likely because i m a male i honestly don t know if i did i remember nothing and i would rather it just stay that way everything i do in my life seems to result in the worst possible outcome whether it s my fault noticeably or whether i want to blame the void for all my problem the outcome is still the same and my pile of problem doesn t change i just want to do right but i can t seem to do that i want to give up completely every time i think thing can t get worse they do this isn t a final post or anything like that i just want to scream everyone look and talk to me like i m some stooge and maybe i am but damnit i just want people to care i m trying but failing at every corner so i am at the point now where i don t do anything i ve sat unemployed with a friend a my flatmate for a bit now and i get the sense he doesn t believe my medical issue and i sense this relationship ha also lost it end i m so lost i don t know where to go from here hang in there everyone i m sure it get better sometime just maybe not soon
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flu shot ouch
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wyldceltic oh man it wa the most sad ever
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a month ago my friend group dropped me because the past few month have been tiring after a situation that involved my crush i kept bothering them about it and it wa just not the same after that i understand where they where coming from though a of right now we re just mutuals we talk in class sometimes and wave to each other in the hallway and smile no drama or anything happened but one person kinda told everyone we ended on good term which im glad happened now i hang out with my other friend we are a trio and we have each other s back nothing is awkward we just vibe with each other let call them em and ki ki is a very friendly person if one of u ha a dislike towards someone she would still talk to them cause shes good with them and they have no drama yesterday ki wa invited to lunch by my ex friend they have been talking and getting closer today in the corner of my eye i see them playing imessage game and just texting each other honestly im just worried that shell hang out with them more often and ill be alone for lunch i am not in charge of who she hang out with i don t mind at all if they re friend she said that our friend group is kind of her main lunch friend group so we hang out like most of the time she said if my ex friend kept inviting her she would probably go maybe a few time i honestly don t know why im worried im overthinking and stressing out a lot right now ive always been like this im afraid to be alone
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two of my friend are fighting and both of them are depressed lmfao and one of them is lashing out and yk hurt people hurt people lmfao and all that shit and the other one is different and it s weird and seems to have given up and i m worried and it s self sabotaging of myself to want to help them but is it bad to do that and every time i try to help someone i end up neglecting myself and ik that it will probably happen again btu do i even care anymore i ve always wanted to be the best i ve always had to be the best i had to be perfect but now idk i just don t care if i m mediocre if i don t get everything right and that d be good actually lmfao like being more self forgiving but no i think i m just depressed like i ve always been but shit idk everything s piling up and i m scared and i want a way out and the way out that i thought i had doesn t seem to be working so god idk sometimes i just want to pop some pill and just fucking die wouldn t that be better like sure some people care about me here but they d get over it right haha look at me i just don t care anymore it s so weird how much i ve changed i used to hate the idea of suicide because everyone who loved me would be hurt but now they d just get over it wouldn t they lmfao i m overdramatic sorry this post is all over the place
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doe not want co worker s various lurgies
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no that s not him in the picture i don t have any pic yet
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i ve essentially given up given up a much a i m allowing myself to sometimes i don t eat for day and then when i do eat it s sporadic and unhealthy i ve stopped exercising i never really took care of the eczema on my skin i just use a an excuse to self harm do a lot of addictive thing a well nothing too insane it s mostly just to numb my feeling i haven t left my apartment imsince january rd since there s a convenience store and laundry room here i have unhealthy fantasy about a life that doesn t exist because i can t seem to enjoy mine at all i don t believe in myself and it keep me from doing hardly anything at all other than what it take to survive i ve never really succeeded in life and have always just been a bit of a joke despite wanting to do thing i wa always discouraged by others or mostly my own lack of ability motivation i don t think therapy would work for someone like me you have to want therapy and actively do it i actively work against myself because i think it only a matter of time before people just give up on me that or i push everyone away first i make mock gun motion out of reflex and i ve never owned a gun i have the simple thought of death most day my roommate nearly caught me the other night looking over our balcony i just don t get it i have no direction and it seems like most activity eventually just upset me i either stay stagnant the way i am and achieve nothing but stay safe and comfortable while also going insane from a lack of fulfillment or i try to bear being upset and uncomfortable through a bunch of random thing throughout my life probably ending up something that isn t really worth it for the struggle they both sound awful and i get it life isn t fair maybe i don t want to participate when thing aren t fair
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hellivina i miss em too
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my facebook is fucked
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nicsknots what up
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getting better from depression demand a lifelong commitment i ve made that commitment for my life s sake and for the sake of those who love me
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ambermatson yes seems to have been much worse than normal over past few month
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adolescent sleep stereotype amp misunderstanding with garwboy learn more about the comorbidity with sleep problem anxiety amp depression plus whether the relationship between sleep problem amp psychopathology is bidirectional full podcast http t co s jso f http t co lk ssi dc
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isn t feeling well still don t get why people say they re pregnancy is the most beautifull time of they re life
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morning everyone stuck in registration for a while then assembley nayyy
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haylieofficial every night
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i lost a coworker to suicide i wa the last person he talked to at work i wonder if that ha made me think about ending it after what happened a i explained in my post about me be bisexual the leap to this mind set did not seem a far any comment would be good it http good it feel so scary bein g in this mindest
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amp x 00b so i m in my thirty i m about to finish my phd in one of the world s best university and this morning i felt fine i usually revert to writing in here a a way of emptying my soul and feeling better usually it work and it ha taken me from the deepest pit of my depression to a milder state of mind not to a happy place mind you but to a lower scale bout of depression i come from a rocky couple of year i have discovered that my old supervisor had tricked an exam against me to have me fail and kicked out of the uni check my older post for this story also involving the examiner the full professor who deemed me too ugly fat and stupid for a phd full quote i have found support in the wider academic world with a world renown name offering me a job first and then agreeing to supervise me if i had not taken it i have sued the university kind of it wa a process internal to the university but i had to hire a lawyer i have won a crushing win against the faculty i have never seen a similar humiliation for a faculty and an examiner said a friend and former judge i have repeated the exam i have passed the exam i am now a month from submission my new supervisor and my friend unofficial supervisor have just promoted my dissertation with flying color so i basically need to write a conclusion of a couple of page cross the t dot the is and hand in what ha been long year of my life should have been but these shenanigan robbed me of full year of my life i am however today back in the pit of the grad school depression a i am not sure it is finished remember the humiliated full professor above when i passed the exam one of the examiner wa a friend of his who basically did everything in his power to fail me i passed because the other examiner took my side in the shouting match it wa ugly a fuck and basically told me that the humiliation of me winning in court could not pas without further action now i even though my dissertation is unassailable i do not trust the university and i am fully expecting a final hack job at the thesis defence and against that i am powerless
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i don t know why but i am convinced that i am a horrible person and a burden to everyone like i am convinced that i hurt people all the time and i don t know how to get rid of that thought
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i want diana f it look great
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hetty christ heh yeah i shakily conquered the ladder pointless job tho we re too far away to receive digital signal w antenna
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dnwallace i am shuddering and shaking too
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laurenlenewx awww i m sorry
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going thru town and traffic on bypass is stink
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