A young man, holding a book, is teaching in front of a blackboard in a hut.
a man is teaaching
the man is at home sleeping
A man and his children in a boat.
A man and his children taking a ride on a boat outside.
A man and his children sleeping in their beds.
A brown-haired woman sleeping on a couch with her head on a stack of pillows.
the woman has brown hair
the woman is awake
A young girl is sleeping on the sofa, amidst a bunch of pillows.
A girl is asleep.
A young girl talks on the phone.
A woman is in a deep sleep without her shoes on.
The woman is laying down without wearing shoes.
The woman is using a laptop.
The furry brown and white dog is jumping around near a door.
The dog his jumping by the door.
The dog is fast asleep.
A Snowboarder in mid jump with a large building in the background, perhaps a hotel.
A snowboarder jumps.
Olaf tap dances.
A woman wearing blue and orange graduation robes holds a book up for a group of people.
A woman is wearing blue and orange
A woman is eating
A girl in pink slides down the slide at a playground.
A girl slides down the playground slide.
A girl is sitting at home watching TV.
A young woman jumps from one bench to another.
A female is leaping.
A girl is sitting on her couch.
A young woman in sweatpants looks behind her while standing near the public toilets.
A young woman standing in public toilets.
A young woman in the kitchen.
A man wearing a plaid shirt is holding a microphone while standing in a room.
A man is holding a microphone in a room.
A Woman is giving a speech to a room full of clowns.
A brown-haired man with glasses is wearing a burgundy hooded sweatshirt while sitting at a dinner table checking his cellphone.
The man is looking at his phone.
A man is riding a turtle through the jungle.
A man in a maroon hooded sweatshirt plays with his phone after finishing a meal and some beers at a restaurant.
man on phone
dog in water
Two friends are eating beef at a dinner table gathering.
They were enjoying each other's company.
The friends were eating chicken.
A woman with long hair jumps from a stone bench to another.
A woman with long hair is jumping on stone benches.
A woman with long hair does somersaults in the grass.
Man enjoys food at family style eatery.
A man is in a restaurant.
A man is at his office.
The woman in the blue coat is talking on the cellphone while hanging up the gas pump.
The woman is talking on the phone
The woman is going inside to pay her bill
A woman in a blue helmet and red pants riding a motorcycle.
A woman is riding a motorcycle.
A woman is driving a car.
A dog is trotting through a shallow stream
The animal runs through water.
The animal uns into the deep lake.
A little boy playing and running through a tire maze.
The little boy is doing physical activity.
The little boy is sitting down.
A young man in a subway walking.
A man walks underground.
A young man is driving a car.
Three cowboys on horses work together to rope a calf.
Cowboys are roping a calf.
A girl is unleashing her dog.
a group of children running with a dog down a grassy hill.
Children are running with a dog.
A group of dogs are running with a child.
Many people shop and sell at busy produce market.
THe market is outdoors.
The people are eating salads.
A rodeo is going on with cowboys riding and roping.
People are riding animals.
Cowboys are at a fashion show.
People shopping in an open produce market.
People buying produce in an outdoor market
People shopping for cars in the produce market.
The people are horseback riding.
There are people riding horses.
The people hopped in their go-karts and were off to the races.
A group of children running down a hill.
Kids playing near the hill
Children's are having breakfast
The man from SUA Honda is fixing the bike tire.
The man is near the tire.
The man is playing the piano at the rock concert.
A group of people are walking through a city street.
there are pedestrians outside
The farmers are in the field.
A woman in a blue shirt folding fabric on a table.
The woman has a shirt on.
The woman is in a red shirt folding fabric at the table.
a young woman jumping to a beam
A woman is jumping
THe woman is sleeping.
A woman ironing a delicate blue fabric.
a woman ironing a blue cloth
a person looking at a red shirt
A crowd is portrayed near a metro station.
A crowd is in the public.
The crowd of people are using the bathroom.
A person approaches a escalator while holding a bag.
A person approaches a escalator while holding a bag.
A person was walking down the hall holding a bag.
A man holding a suitcase walks alone towards an escalator in a dimly-lit area.
An escalator with a man walking toward it is dimly lit.
A man is about to get on an elevator.
A young man with shaggy hair is standing in front of a painting.
A man and a a painting
A man with messy hair in a art gallery
A man about to go up the escalator or stairs at an airport.
A man using escalator going for stairs airport
A man stairs airport and going escalator
Two dogs chase each other near the water.
Two animals are running around.
The dogs are taking a nap on the bed.
A dog chasing another dog by a lake.
a dog chases another
the dogs sleep in the house
A husky chasing a brown spoted dog at the shore.
There are two animals in this picture.
The dogs are sitting in the shade, panting and resting from their play.
The woman hula hoops down the sidewalk.
There is a woman on the sidewalk.
The woman is jumping rope.
A construction worker working on a bridge.
A worker is working.
A woman is resting.
Two gentlemen having a conversation in the middle of the street.
two men a re talking
the men are quiet
Two boys in a swimming pool
Two boys are swimming
The boys are dry
A man in a blue t-shirt with writing on it is speaking into a handheld system, and another man is sitting beside him with a megaphone in back of him.
Two guys are sitting together, one speaking and the other not.
Two guys about to break out of jail.
a girl catches a baseball.
The girl is catching something.
The girl is catching a basketball.
Two black children, one wearing a floatation device, play in a pool.
The kids were enjoying their play in the pool.
The adults were playing in the pool.
A woman in shorts and sandals is being pulled by a small child as a subway train goes by.
A person and child in a subway station.
People in coats get on a ski lift.
Two women with purses walk in an urban location.
Two women are walking outside.
Two men are wearing purses.
A young child in a pool wearing a life vest.
The child is swimming.
The child is playing with toys at home while watching television.
A group of people sitting at a conference table.
A group of people are at a conference table.
A group of people are eating at a restaurant.
Six women and two men are in a meeting.
A group of people meeting with each other.
The group is playing volleyball
Two young people in a department store roughhousing on a couch.
Young people at a store.
Young people eating dinner at home.
A group of professionals sitting around a table.
Professionals sitting at a table.
People standing near a table.
A dog leaping to catch a Frisbee in the yard.
The dog is outside.
The dog is sleeping.
A woman in a white wedding gown with gold trim standing with a man in a black suit.
A woman is wearing a white and gold wedding dress.
The woman is at a funeral.
A woman in orange work clothes next to a large blue trashcan is helping a man sweep some dirt and water into a dustpan.
A woman is helping a man.
Two men wearing orange jumpsuits are working on the chain gang, cleaning the streets.
A woman wearing all orange clothing and a man wearing blue shorts are sweeping water into a drain in the ground next to a blue trashcan.
A man and a woman outside.
A man and a woman dancing in the rain.
Two people are cleaning up a watery area.
A watery area is being cleaned by two people.
Two people are crossing the desert on a camel.
Several people standing around a bowl, in which one man is manipulating a brown object.
The bowl contains a brown object.
The bowl is empty.
Someone surfing in the sunset.
An individual surfing at the beach in the sunset.
Someone is running along the beach shore.
Two people are cleaning the road.
Two people are cleaning the dirty road.
Two young people are dancing on the road.
Mixing some concoction with hands.
mixing something.
mixing something with feet.
A lot of people are sitting near the Space Needle.
There is a small crowd gathered.
Many people are standing around.
A girl in a striped shirt is drinking from a bottle, while a girl behind her talks on a cellphone.
There are two girls.
The two boys are standing in front of the television.
His nanny watches as a young boy rides his toy down the sidewalk.
A nanny is watching the child she watches play outside.
A nanny puts a child to sleep
A woman with black hair and a child on a toy 4-wheeler going down a sidewalk.
The woman has black hari
The child is dead
A person on a bicycle is riding on a dirt road in the woods.
The person is sitting on the bicycle.
The person is in a canoe.
A little girl and boy sit while reading books.
A girl and boy are reading books.
A group of children paint the walls.
A little boy is wearing a green hat and Elmo shirt.
A boy is wearing clothes.
A boy is wearing a red hat and a Big Bird shirt.
A person wearing blue jeans and a red sweater us turning the corner of a brick wall.
A person is turning the corner.
A person running into a brick wall
A young boy and girl sit on a blue bench while reading books.
A younger male and female are sitting on a blue bench while reading books.
The boy and girl are playing games together inside.
A little kid in a baseball uniform is pointing to his head.
A baseball player points to his head.
A boy catching a ball.
Two toddlers are sitting down and reading picture books.
Two toddlers are sitting down and reading books.
Two teenagers are sitting down and reading picture books.
A boy wearing a yellow hat and a shirt that says "Elmo", is pointing to his forehead.
A boy wearing an Elmo shirt touches his forehead.
A girl is wearing a big bird shirt.
A person hanging from a rocky cliff.
A woman hanging from a cliff.
A woman is riding a bike.
A woman musician during a performance.
A woman has a musical instrument.
A female surgeon performs an operation.
A woman with a black hat is playing an instrument while the person next to her is playing the drums.
woman plays music
boy plays basketball
A person in red rock climbing, a mountain in the background.
A person is climbing with a mountain in the background.
A dog is sleeping next to another dog.
The brown dog is chasing and popping bubbles.
The dog is running.
The dog is riding in a car.
A woman performing at a concert.
A woman is at a concert.
A woman feeds ducks in a park.
a boy in a white shirt with blue stripes holding a tin can.
A boy is holding a soup can.
A boy is hold his football.
A male and female, both wearing yellow shirts, are loitering by the side of a brick building.
a man and a woman are are loitering
a man and a woman are having a threesome
a crowd of people is setting outside watching a performance.
People are watching a performance.
People are standing inside a museum.
A man in a hat eating at Ikea.
The man was eating.
The man had no hat on.
two older people standing near a model airplane in a field.
Two people are near a plane.
The plane is in a parking lot.
Man working on a model airplane as a woman watches the action.
The man is working on a plane.
The man is sleep.
A man working on a yellow airplane while a lady wearing sunglasses look away.
A man assembles his toy airplane.
A woman working on a yellow airplane while a lady wearing sunglasses look away.
A man in a brown Adidas baseball hat, drinking out of a mug and having breakfast.
A man in a brown adidas hat
definitely a false
A man in a blue shirt and brown baseball hat eating eggs at a restaurant.
A man consumes eggs while eating out
A man eats fried tofu at a restaurant
A man wearing a baseball cap is drinking from a white cup.
a man is drinking
the man is asleep on the bridge
A man in as blue shirt is holding a cup.
The man is holding something/
The cup has a hole in the bottom and top.
Spectators on a rocky, grassy beach sit and watch events unfolding on a lake.
The spectators are outside.
The spectators are driving home from the baseball game.
A cyclist in a helmet and yellow jersey.
The cyclist has his head covered.
The cyclist is not wearing a shirt.
Five girls dancing and bending feet in ballet class.
Five girls are dancing.
Five girls are running around
Two onlookers stand by as a man lines up his pool shot on a bright green pool table in a room with red walls.
A man is playing pool while others watch.
A woman is shooting pool while two children watch her.
A dog is chewing on a metal pole.
This dog likes to chew on things.
The dog is chasing a cat.
People sitting inside a bus waiting to reach their destination.
People are seen traveling by bus.
People are being pushed into buses.