that that's right oh that's a big thrill for them
That is a big deal for them.
They thought it was boring.
uh-huh i know that Costa Rica they don't allow anybody to come in that um to come in any uh what do you call what do you call immigrants they don't allow anything like that like i could not go to Costa Rica and live as an American citizen they would not permit me to move there to work they wouldn't their jobs are there for Costa Ricans they don't allow people to move in like less nations you know and take the jobs
In Costa Rica, immigration by American citizens is forbidden.
Costa Rica is currently experiencing a labor shortage and is actively encouraging immigration.
The second statement is that the rate difference should be equal to the average incremental savings for the worksharing program.
The rate difference should be equivalent to the average incremental savings.
The first statement is that the
Carryin' a blood foal, I'm thinkin'.
Carrying a blood foal, I think.
She's carrying an axe, I think.
In the big finale, as men and women in tiny swimsuits perform a nearly pornographic water ballet in a giant glass-walled tank, a row of topless showgirls roars onto the stage on Harley Davidsons while lasers trace American Icons--the Statue of Liberty, profiles of Washington and Lincoln, the flag-raising on Iwo Jima--onto the wings of the stage, and a 15-piece pit band plays Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. Greed, liquor, jingoism, bad taste, and utterly compelling entertainment.
The finale included topless women, Bruce Springsteen and a laser light show.
The finale included Liza Minelli and naked make strippers.
by arranging for different family reunions and class reunions all over the country yeah i always thought that would be kind of might be kind of fun you know especially with a class reunion where
I really look forward to class reunions.
My family reunion and class reunion are in the same town.
Take the Mid-Levels Escalator to Hollywood road, known for its antiques and curio shopping.
Hollywood road is best known for curio shopping and antiques.
Take the elevator to Bollywood road, known for its rugs and animal farms.
Just west of the fort is the former royal palace of Ras El-Tin, built for Mohammed Ali in 1834.
The palace was build for Mohammed Ali many years ago.
The old palace of Ras El-Tin was built for Elvis Presley in 1969.
yeah yeah let's see what other social changes in the past ten years oh i guess between men and women i've seen a lot of changes in terms of women feeling like they have to have a career be mom be everything superperson
I have observed the change that now many women feel that they need to have a career and be a mom.
Nowadays, it seems that more men feel pressure to stay home and take care of their kids.
No one need sit up.
Don't sit up.
Sit up.
We were alone in a corridor.
There was nobody else with us in the hallway.
We stood in the crowded hallway.
Jesse Helms opposes granting China permanent MFN status, calling it a reward for bad behavior.
China does not have permanent MFN status.
China has permanent MFN status.
The authorities believe that the bounty hunters used their profession as a cover for armed robbery.
The bounty hunters may have used their professional title as a ruse to commit crime.
The authorities believe that the bounty hunters did not commit any crime.
but they went for this whole season and they had all these situations and then to end the season come to find out Pam it was all a dream
The entire season played out before it was revealed that it was a dream Pam was having.
Then, come to find out, it was Charlie dreaming the entire season.
of the road.
Of the road
Not of the road
The cape itself is the haunt of wild goats and the site of an isolated lighthouse and a watchtower, built high above the sea.
The cape contains wild goats and an isolated lighthouse and a watchtower.
The cape does not have a lighthouse.
Some were museum pieces.
A few of them were pieces from museums.
They were new, not the ones from the museum.
and uh we have a lot of bad stuff it just really gets me depressed even to watch it
There's a lot of bad stuff and it depresses me.
I don't mind it at all, things are mostly good.
and um she was just so friendly and i asked the manager as we checked out i said is that lady a ballerina or what and he goes he said no she's a bulimic
The manager told me that the lady was bulimic.
The manager told me that she was the lady ballerina I was referring to.
Anything else?
The question asks if there is anything else.
The question asks if there is anywhere else.
The F/A-18E/F had 56 percent of its drawings completed and also had over 90 percent of its higher level interface drawings completed, adding confidence in the system design.
Drawings are needed to create a final 3D design.
Drawings are not needed to design anything.
On the other hand, horses of the same combination were the pride of several other families living around Lexington.
Families in Lexington had horses.
Families in Lexington had turtles.
And this month's votes are but a skirmish in the crusades.
The votes of this month are unimportant.
The votes of this month changed the outcome.
Saint-Malo remains an important fishing port, ferry terminal, and yacht harbor.
Saint-Malo is still known as a fishing port of some importance.
Saint Milo is not a good place for boats to go.
Gods, said San'doro.
San'doro said Gods.
Chickens, said San'doro.
Others, he said, lost possessions to looters after the March 23 blaze, which left 78 people temporarily homeless.
He related how after the fire in March many residents who lost their homes were victimized again by looters.
They all had been charged with trespassing when they returned to their homes, he said.
and well i think the now it's all coming back to me what was the one not The Deep but The Abyss
I'm remembering it all now.
I don't remember anything abou it.
receive information.
There is a demand of information.
Driving cars has been directly link with increased neurosis.
um-hum i usually just i'm trying to think of i guess i would tend myself to be more towards the the like three
I'm thinking about how I would usually feel towards it.
I have very rigid opinions which I can easily bring up.
This two-year funding decision was made to allow the Missouri legal services programs the time and the opportunity to develop a viable, effective and comprehensive state plan.
Legal service programs had two years to complete an effective plan for the state of Missouri.
Missouri legal services programs had to be designed and implemented within six months, when the funding would run out.
Barry agreed that difficult cases do take most of the time and resources currently spent on alcohol problems in the ED.
Most difficult cases indeed take most of the time.
The difficult cases do not take up much time.
Now they argue that the single entity suppresses salaries and violates antitrust laws.
They're saying that the entity is in violation of antitrust laws.
The state is saying the corporation is violating the tailgating laws.
does he have those as well
Does he have those too?
He doesn't have them?
yeah they didn't and i'm not for sure what the deal is on him i think he's been hurt but he hadn't played he hadn't played in probably two months and i've i've gone to about three or four of their games and i don't even think he was on the sidelines so i i think he hurt his knee or something but he he definitely didn't turn out to be anything like he was supposed to so uh
He didn't perform as well due to injury and being out of the game for a few months.
He hasn't played at all since he got injured.
VA announced its first Carey Award in 1992.
The first Carey Award was held by VA in 1992.
Carey Awards was created in 2009.
This major initiative, conceived by Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, is the American Bar Association's principal Law Day outreach this year.
Kennedy and the ABA worked together.
Kennedy and the ABA could not work together.
Wearing a towel and bath-clogs, you will be shown to the steamy marble washroom, where buckets of hot water will be poured over you before an attendant sets to work with a coarse glove, removing dirt and dead skin and leaving you pink and glowing.
After pouring hot water all over your body, a gloved attendant will exfoliate your skin until you are pink and glowing.
Buckets of ice cold water will be poured all over your body once you enter the marble washroom.
All those stories of Apaches weaseling into touching distance of the guard at the Stronghold.... Why, only last year the younger Rivas boy had had his throat slit out in the hay field within sight of his home!
The Rivas boy was killed a year ago.
The youngest Rivas boy is still alive.
The second pedophilia scare has served a more pragmatic legislative blackmail.
Scared by pedophilia not once but twice, there is a more sensible basis for legislative blackmail.
There has only ever been one pedophilia scare.
okay well i live in Carrollton
I live in Carrollton.
I have never been to Carrollton before.
You said he went north.
You said that he went northward.
You said he went south.
Recognizing that these other justifications overlap and may not all qualify as basic starting points, it is worthwhile to list them.
There are other justifications that are not starting points.
These justifications are the basic way we must look at this issue.
Nor have the rich maintained that audible indicator, that quasi-English, quasi-lockjawed accent that the swells all had in Depression-era movies.
The accents in the Depression-era movies are gone.
The accents in the Depression-era movies remain.
Desperately clambering toward the top of the train, I came close to a window.
I tried to climb on the locomotive and found a window.
I boarded the train via the steps on the first car.
It lost its empire in America and the Pacific, and then in 1923 suffered a humiliating defeat in Morocco at the hands of local rebels.
Local Moroccan rebels defeated it in 1923.
It gained new territory in America and the Pacific.
The portion of this actuarial present value allocated to a valuation year is called the normal cost.
Normal cost is a part of the actuarial present value.
Normal cost is a part of the actuarial past value.
but he's the star of that uh team their pitching staff and when he sits out they fizzle
During the periods when he is out, they do not do well.
They always thrive during the times that he sits out.
The first prong would represent basic reporting applicable to all public companies.
Reporters follow a framework outlining basic principles.
Private companies are prone the first prong of reporting.
In addition, while these agencies address partnering with customers and other stakeholders, greater emphasis should be placed in fostering the collaboration within and across organizational boundaries to achieve results.
The agencies work to partner with customers and other stakeholders.
The agency does not address partnering with customers and stakeholders.
Suddenly Tuppence sprang up with a cry.
Tuppence was very excited about something that happened.
Tuppence remained in his seat, lost in quiet thought.
Some of the agencies rules with their own dedicated web sites provided separate links to both the rules and electronic comment procedures (e.g.
Some agencies' websites contain separate links for each of their rules and procedures.
Agencies do not list their rules anywhere.
Adrin ducked underneath, spun, and the two men grappled again.
Adrin and another man grappled each other.
Adrin jumped over top the man and started grappling him.
yeah good and low
Yes, good and low.
No, bad and high.
If you've fallen in love with Italian coffee, why not buy a compact version of the espresso machine or packaged roasted beans?
Did you know that you can purchase an espresso machine if you love Italian coffee?
Unfortunately there is no way to make espressos on your own.
But he had had his orders: no contact with the three travelers unless there was fear of attack.
He was under order to not have any contact with the three travelers unless he was afraid of an attack.
He had his orders, contact the three travelers and begin planning the big party for next week.
6 million from funding for court-appointed lawyers to the Legal Aid Society.
6 million was handed to the Legal Aid Society for court-appointed lawyers.
The Legal Aid Society received no funding because it no longer hired lawyers directly.
Saved from the plant over-growth in the past two decades, 12 km (7 miles) from Ipoh is Kellie's Castle, a mansion whose construction was halted when its owner, William Kellie Smith, a rubber planter, died while visiting Scotland in the mid-1920s.
William Kellie Smith was a rubber planter who died while he was visiting Scotland in the mid-1920s.
William Kellie Smith was a coal miner who died while visiting America in 2007.
A red flag means that swimming is dangerous and a black flag means that no swimming is allowed.
When the black flag is flying swimming is not permitted.
A red flag can indicate that the water is safe to swim in.
The waters of the Algarve provide some of the best big-game fishing in Europe.
Some of the best big-game fishing in Europe is found off the coast of Algarve.
The ocean off Algarve is one of the worst places to fish in Europe.
The greater use of broadbanding is one of the options that deserves to be discussed.
There should be a discussion about use of broadbanding.
The use of broadbanding should not be discussed.
anything goes when mom's on the phone
All bets are off when on the phone with Mom.
Mom's always predictable on the phone.
Excluded from the definition of land are the natural resources (that is, depletable resources such as mineral deposits and petroleum; renewable resources such as timber, and the outer-continental shelf resources) related to land.
Here, natural resources are defined as resources that can be depleted or renewed.
Depletable and renewable resources are not excluded from the definition of land.
5 concentrations and deposition are reported as a percent reduction.
Concentrations and depositions will be reported as a percent reduction.
Depositions will be reported as a percent reduction but not concentrations.
Gauve laughed and Celeste blushed.
Celeste was embarrassed.
Celeste was unaffected by Gauve.
6 percent in 1997.NHH-to-NHH (business mail) is the only sector of First-Class Mail that has experienced healthy growth in the 90s.
There is only one sector of First-Class Mail that has experienced a healthy growth in the 90s.
NHH-to-NHH (business mail) knew a growth in the 90s of 15 percent.
Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Leadership/Governance
Recruitment and Retention of Diverse Leadership/Governance
Arrest and detention of Diverse Leadership/Governance
and their children are now living there okay
Their children are living okay there.
Their children are dead.
it's like you know even though two hundred and fifty thousand people died somewhere else they're not going to tell you you know they're going to spend more time on doing a a thing on a on a cross guard who's a hundred and five years old than they are on anything else you know
Many people died somewhere else.
Not many people died somewhere else.
You can spot, set in the stone walls, little sculpted heads of angels or demons, floral motifs, or the scallop shell (coquille Saint-Jacques) marking the route of medieval pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
The route of medieval pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela in Spain is marked by stone walls.
The route of medieval pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela is located only in Germany.
We have to prepare for people to go to the mines.
We have to prepare people to go into the mines.
We do not have to prepare people to go to the mines.
LSC has joined with the ABA Commission on Loan Repayment and Forgiveness to study this problem and to recommend solutions.
LSC is working with ABA Commission to better understand the problem and recommend solutions.
LSC doesn't want to be involved with ABA Comission.
A tall man in an even taller hat.
A tall dude wearing a tall hat.
He is a short man with no hat.
So, buy your mom something nice, eventually, when you get around to it.
Eventually, buy your mom something nice.
Never buy your mom anything nice.
But evangelical leaders, who are, in my experience, uniformly kind and generous in their personal relations, can also be terribly obnoxious in their relations with Jews.
evangelicals, while nice in personal interactions tend to be rude when dealing with Jewish people.
evangelical leaders are jerks to everyone.
Featuring prominently in an exhibition at the Tate Gallery in London, it is said to be the bed in which the artist spent a week contemplating suicide after breaking up with a boyfriend.
The Tate Gallery had an exhibit.
The Tate Gallery had an musical..
The result is fascinating without being exactly moving.
The result is fascinating.
The result was uninteresting.
well i didn't get uh into football until about Danny Dan Marino's first year
Danny Dan Marino's first year was the time when I got into football
i've been a football fan since long before Danny Dan Marino started playing
Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, who suggested that the Justice Department, rather than a biased independent counsel, should investigate Baitgate.
Eric Holder felt the Justice Department should look into Baitgate rather than an independent counsel prone to bias.
Holder felt that the Justice Department should stay out of the investigation.
The door was the same but I felt something in the air.
Even though the door was the same, I felt something was off.
I knew there was a problem because the door was moved.
well what what what brand i mean what model would you look
What model is it?
Do not care what model it is as long as it is on sale.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.
Thanks for your time and attention in the matter
Thanks for your time in this unimportant matter
uh no we don't
No we do not.
Uh yes we do.
Want to catch up on the hottest independent film, pay a mere $3 for a held-over feature at the Lowe's Cineplex Fairfax, grab a few air-conditioned hours with an international flick, or watch a blockbuster in the historic Mann's Chinese Theater or El Capitan?
Would you like to watch an independent film, a held-over feature, an international movie, or a blockbuster?
Would you like to go outside and get away from technology?
13 Such problems might well arise if the Service were to negotiate discounted rates-unaccompanied by a change in service conditions that provided cost or revenue justification.
There might be problems if the service can negotiate rates.
There might be problems if the service can't negotiate rates.
Starr's critics think these excesses and failures make him a bad man.
His critics think his failures define him.
His winning has been the focus of many critics.
When the evidence is more inconsistent than consistent, the pattern is rejected.
The pattern is thrown out if the evidence is overly inconsistent.
The pattern is always rejected if there is even the slightest inconsistency.
Built in 1965 by Laurance Rockefeller, this was the first great resort to be carved out of the lava on the Kohala Coast.
The first resort on the Kohala Coast was built in 1965.
There were no resorts built on the Kohala Coast.
The painterly impact of the burnt sienna glows from the arcaded Gothic Palazzo Pubblico opposite, with its splendid 102-m- (335-ft-) high Torre del Mangia (climb to its first tier at 88 m [288 ft] for a magnificent view of the city and countryside beyond).
The first tier at the Gothic Palazzo Pubblico is over two hundred fifty feet high.
The Torre del Mangia is fifteen feet high, climb to its first tier at five feet.
Many federal CIOs, in the normal course of their own efforts, have already begun working along the lines of the advice provided in this guide.
Federal CIOs have begun using the advice.
Federal CIOs have not begun using the advice.
In the opinion of many, Cuba is an isolated socialist dinosaur.
Cuba is thought to be an isolated socialist dinosaur by many.
Cuba is thought to be an isolated socialist dinosaur by few.
oh yeah the economy uh what i was thinking about is an economical issue concerning it uh
It's an economical issue.
It's not an economical issue.
All known targets, except Pelosi, did vote for MFN and had been strong MFN supporters all along.
Pelosi did not vote for MFN.
Pelosi voted MFN
It is impossible to draw a bright line between ultimate fighting and boxing.
The differences between ultimate fighting and boxing are few.
Ultimate fighting and boxing have no parallels.
got more uh civilized and uh give them lethal injection so we definitely do have uh capital punishment
We do it by lethal injection and it is more civilized.
We still use the electric chair and it is more civilized.
To qualify for legal assistance, one's income must be at or below 125 percent of the poverty level, as determined by the federal government.
A person must make less than 125% of the poverty level to get legal assistance.
A person is not given free legal assistance, regardless of how little they make.
The estrangement of too many parents from John McCain's life.
Alienation from parents was common in John McCain's life.
There was no estrangement of parents in John McCain's life.
What the fad for foreign IPOs ignores is the massive uncertainty still attached to foreign markets, even as it has led U.S. investors to overlook everything they take for granted at regular reports, corporate accountability, open books, the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Foreign markets still hold a large measure of uncertainty, which the fad for foreign IPOs does not consider.
U.S. investors only ever invest in companies that are in the US.
The town of Antiparoseeems to move at a slower pace than Parikia; in fact, the town can be almost somnolent out of season.
Lifestyle in the town of Atiparo is more laid back than Parikia.
Parikia is a much slower paced town that Antiparo.
no no i haven't uh i hadn't tried in fact we were we were planting flowers this weekend so uh i was pretty tied up
I was pretty tied up this weekend because I was planting flowers.
I wasn't busy at all this weekend.
Presort firms are collecting the mail, working with their customers on the quality of their addresses and on the machinability of their addresses, sorting the mail, and entering the mail effectively.
Presort businesses collect, sort, and enter the mail.
Presort firms have refused to cooperate with their customers about their addresses.