but i mean in her other works like pride and prejudice shes just been realy fantastic
and andrew garfield of course everybody knows him form the social network
so look out for that that should be interesting
but anyways they did um they did act very well
and you dont exactly know what is going on
i think it takes place sometime um its i dont think its present day
but its um its someone modern i would say
its not its not like a period piece or anything
and you dont exactly know whats going on
and i think early on the twist is revealed
at first i thought the movie would appeal more to younger audience
but i actually found myself enjoying the movie and laughing
i think the movie really depicted the liveliness of new york city while since im a new yorker myself
i also liked how the storyline of the movie worked together smoothly
the movie also delivers many meaningful messages
i also thought some parts of the movie were funny for example um gargamels cat facial expressions
theyre so hilarious and similar to xxx person with that
i recommend this film to children six and up
it is a fun family film
parents will find themselves laughing as they reminisce they childhood
and children will like the movie
since the smurfs are so adorable and they go on thrilling adventures
or what i would like to call rayan gosling leather shoe and suit porn
but i actually really fucking love this movie
so theres not gonna be any of bad shit
xxx so anyway the movie was really fucking awesome
i think that that they personally thought that rachel withers really fucking love suits and ryan gosling so they made this movie with me in mind
no really like rachel whiters needs some fucking fat material
i wish i was ryan gosling ryan
ryan gosling the best part in the movieim not
gonna fucking spoil anything for you just because that would be rude
and you should all go out and see it and you know stuff
best part of the fucking ass movie was this one scene where ryan gosling was just standing there in a fucking suit eating pizza in slow ass motion
that was just like hu like zooming in on him and im just like sitting here like any mother fuckers drop
emma stone was in this movie as well and you wouldnt really know it coz she was hardly in it
and i was really upset about it
coz you know apparently according to people on the internet aka tumbler because everyone on tumbler is on crack they all think i look like her or like sound like her or act like her
i dont know i guess we both have like that like mm male sounding voice
like i kind of sound like i might have a penis
and yeah i know we both have that like an easy way
we both like flooged in shit
and she didnt really act like me at all
and i was kind of upset about it
because like she mustve been an animal and she wasnt and
wasnt and i was thinkin like if i can be mother fucking emma stone and chris can be royan gosling and that would be just great didnt really happen in the movie
i was kind of upset about that
theres a giant ass twist to this movie at the end
like its obviosly not like a serious fucking movie or anything
its comedy romantic romcom raoa im
romcom raoa im a little disappointed in myself for not realising the twist before it actually twisted
because like what the fuck like thats what im good at
im gonna spoil skins right now i totally knew manny and rick were gonna be related i fucking knew it like i knew it
i knew that inception that they were gonna be dreaming
but it was a realy good moviereally good
i cant express my thoughts and feelings about this movie adequatly without describing some specific things in the third act of the movie
widely believed that a sucess of green lantern movie would lead warner brothers to adapt the flash and wonder woman among possibly others
and put them in a justice leage movie with the ritual batman and superman
so not only that this movie have to deal with the burden of telling its own selfcontained story and setting up its own inevitable sequels
it had to deal with the expectations of potentially setting up all that others stuff
yeah not good
to all the green lantern fans out there i am so sorry
i say that for two reasons first because someone owes you an appologie and
an appologie and warner brothers is never gonna give you one
and secondly because as a marvell geek i have experienced my fair share of disappointments over the last decade and i can genuinly symphatize with you
before i get to the negatives of the movie let me list off a few of the positives
i love jeffrey rush and michael clarke duncan as the voice actors
they do a great job with their roles
they are great additions
i also love the casting of mark strong as sinestro hes
hes perfect for that role
and um finally a particular stand out scene for me was the fighter jet sequence
it was by far my favorite action seen in the movie
i thought it was really well put together
and um i thought it worked worked pretty well
um and in fact in spite of all the negatives im about to mention i thought the movie was working for a while for about the first third um but at the end of act one two significant things happened hactor hummand arrives
and starts chewing scenery like its a two dollar steak
and how jordan flies off to the green lantern core planet oh and the movie starts sequel baiting
these two developments together caused what was up to that point a noble effort to start falling apart at the seams
and it was painful to watch
i dont even know why i really should begin with listing off the negatives but im going to start with a few of the superficial things
the acting ranges from mediocrity to hamfisted from the live action actors
but i cant really blame them for that
this is star wars prequal territory
the acting is not that bad
but still its that kind of movie making
and it was actually pretty good
um i was expecting seth rogan to be a little bit more serious in this movie but he wasnt he
he wasnt he was the same old goofy seth rogan that we all know
um but it was still a good film
um i think that i mean i had fun with it
so to me thats a pretty good movie
and um because of that i was expecting seth rogan to maybe try to be a little bit more serious but he wasnt but
but you know thats ok i guess
um i still had fun with it
um the car the black beauty that was amazing all the guns even the car over there that was really sweet
and all the action scenes were great
the special effects were great and the guy who played kato whose first name is j
um he was good
he played kato perfectly