<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ yo male with HCV cirrhosis c/b HE, hepatocellular carcinoma with recent etoh relapse presents with abdominal pain and desire to get sober. The patient was previously being evaluated for liver transplant but began drinking again for the last several months and was lost to follow up. He has been through a difficult time recently caring for his father with cancer and trying to help his son. He wife died of hemorrhage with liver cirrhosis in ___. He states that he was sober for ___ years. He began drinking again around the end of ___ and states that he has drank for 3 months straight. He has been drinking 1 pint of Schnapps per day along with several beers. He states that he has not been binging or getting too drunk but just consistently drinking. For the last 2 weeks he has had increasing abdominal distension and three days of sharp intermittent RUQ abdominal pain. Last drink 20 minutes ago. Has been drinking nonstop for 2 months, experiencing withdrawal symptoms after 6 hours without alcohol. In the ED, initial vitals were: T 98.0 HR 94 BP 160/83 RR 18 O2 99% RA Exam - smells of EtOH, alert, appropriate, no asterixis, diffuse wheezes, enlarged abdomen with diffuse tenderness but no guarding or grimace on exam. LABS: WBC 11.9* H/H 12.8*/37.7* plt 125* ALT 78* AST 179* AP 266* Tbili 2.6* lactate 2.4 IMAGING: RUQ U/S: -Coarsened nodular liver consistent with cirrhosis. Moderate ascites and mild splenomegaly consistent with portal hypertension. -2.5 cm hypoechoic lesion within the right lobe is unchanged in size from the prior ultrasound on ___. -Minimal sludge in a nondistended gallbladder. No evidence of gallbladder wall thickening. CXR: Minimal right base atelectasis. No focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia. There was no accessible pocket to tap ascites in the ED so paracentesis was deferred. Hepatology was consulted: "appears to have alc hepatitis. No fevers or abdominal pain to suggest SBP" and recommended: -CIWA protocol -no beta blockers -infectious work up including blood cultures, ua, urine cultures, cxr -DF<32 at this time and history of non-adherance, so no steroids. -social work for alcohol relapse prevention On the floor, that patient states that he feels terrible about the situation that he is in but hopeful to get sober again. Continues to have intermittent abdominal pain. No nausea or vomiting. No BRBPR or melena. Last BM this am, constipated. He does have a cough for the past several weeks occasionally productive of green sputum. He denies any fevers, chills, dysuria, shortness of breath. He continues to smoke ___ cigarettes per day. No drug use other than marijuana. Last drink just prior to presenting to ED LIVER OR GALLBLADDER US (SINGLE ORGAN) showed 1. Coarsened nodular liver consistent with cirrhosis. Moderate ascites and mild splenomegaly consistent with portal hypertension. 2. 2.5 cm hypoechoic lesion within the right lobe is unchanged in size from the prior ultrasound on ___. 3. Minimal sludge in a nondistended gallbladder. No evidence of gallbladder wall thickening. Chest: Frontal and lateral views showed Minimal right base atelectasis. No focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia. Radiology showed 1. Technically successful ultrasound guided diagnostic paracentesis. 2. 20 cc of fluid were removed. The patient was diagnosed with Alcoholic hepatitis without ascites. The patient was treated with Diagnostic paracentesis ___. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary Diagnosis Alcoholic hepatitis Alcoholic cirrhosis Alcohol intoxication. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ yo male with HCV cirrhosis c/b HE, hepatocellular carcinoma with recent etoh relapse presents with abdominal pain and desire to get sober. #Alcoholic hepatitis: He presented with abdominal pain and elevated LFTs consistent with alcoholic hepatitis. His ___ discriminant function was 11 on admission so there was no indication for steroid use. SBP ruled out based on diagnostic para. He was given 5 mg oxycodone for his pain as needed and pain improved. Bilirubin uptrended from 2.6 to 2.9 but remained stable at 2.9 on day of discharge. Transaminases improved during admission. #EtOH abuse: Patient started drinking ___ and arrived for detox. Received Ativan once for CIWA scale, but otherwise did not have signs of withdrawal. Social worker was not available to see the patient over the weekend but he agreed that he wanted to be discharged and would call the liver transplant social worker/coordinator to make a follow up appointment to help him with sobriety. # HCV cirrhosis: Patient had alcoholic hepatitis in addition to known cirrhosis as above. LFTs downtrended during admission. He was restarted on his home medications Lactulose, rifaximin, Lasix and spironolactone. He was also started on MVI, thiamine, folate. He did not have signs of HE during admission. # Leukocytosis: Presented with WBC 11.9 which downtrended during admission. Had no signs of infection. CXR, BCx, UCx, and diagnostic paracentesis were negative. # Anemia: Patient had Hgb 12.8 on admission with high MCV which was felt to be due to alcohol and liver disease. # Tobacco use: - Given 14 mg nicotine patch. # Thrush: - Started on nystatin for 2 week course.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed No acute cardiopulmonary process. CTA HEAD AND CTA NECK Q16 CT NECK showed 1. Old left occipital lobe infarct. No acute infarct identified. No evidence of hemorrhage 2. Occlusion of the left posterior cerebral artery distal to the proximal P2 segment. Otherwise patent circle of ___ without evidence of stenosis,occlusion,or aneurysm. 3. Patent bilateral cervical carotid and vertebral arteries without evidence of stenosis, occlusion, or dissection. CTA CHEST WITH CONTRAST showed Atherosclerotic changes are seen at the aortic arch without evidence of dissection. Suboptimal assessment of right lower lobe subsegmental pulmonary arterial branches due to respiratory motion.; No evidence of pulmonary embolism seen elsewhere. LIVER OR GALLBLADDER US (SINGLE ORGAN) showed 1. Echogenic liver consistent with steatosis. Other forms of liver disease including steatohepatitis, hepatic fibrosis, or cirrhosis cannot be excluded on the basis of this examination. 2. Normal gallbladder. No biliary ductal dilatation. RECOMMENDATION(S): Radiological evidence of fatty liver does not exclude cirrhosis or significant liver fibrosis which could be further evaluated by ___. This can be requested via the ___ (FibroScan), or the Radiology Department with MR ___, in conjunction with a GI/Hepatology consultation" * * Chalasani et al. The diagnosis and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Practice guidance from the ___ Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology ___ 67(1):328-357 CT ANGIOGRAPHY HEAD AND NECK showed 1. Left occipital encephalomalacia. No acute hemorrhage. Hypodensities in the white matter could be due to small vessel disease. 2. Diminutive left posterior cerebral artery secondary 20 cephalo malacia and decreased flow. Otherwise ___ is patent. No large vessel occlusion. 3. No evidence of high-grade stenosis by NASCET criteria in the neck. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. Radiology showed No worrisome lytic or blastic lesion. Degenerative changes in the spine as described. CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed 1. No evidence of infectious source in the abdomen or pelvis. 2. New subcentimeter focal cortically based lucencies in the bilateral iliac wings are nonspecific and would be atypical prostate metastases. Correlation with SPEP and UPEP recommended to exclude multiple myeloma which could have this appearance although would be unusual in isolation. 3. CT chest dictated separately. RECOMMENDATION(S): Correlation with SPEP and UPEP. CT CHEST W/CONTRAST showed 1. No evidence of infectious source in the chest. 2. 3 mm right middle lobe pulmonary nodule. See recommendations. 3. CT of the abdomen and pelvis reported separately. RECOMMENDATION(S): For incidentally detected single solid pulmonary nodule smaller than 6 mm, no CT follow-up is recommended in a low-risk patient, and an optional CT in 12 months is recommended in a high-risk patient. See the ___ ___ Society Guidelines for the Management of Pulmonary Nodules Incidentally Detected on CT" for comments and reference: ___ ___ DUP EXTEXT BIL (MAP/DVT) showed No evidence of deep venous thrombosis in the right or left lower extremity veins. The patient was diagnosed with Chest pain, unspecified. The patient was treated with N. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGONSIS: -Chest pain SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: -HTN -HLD -Prostate cancer s/p XRT -CVA. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE ===================== Mr. ___ is a ___ male with prostate cancer s/p XRT, HTN, CVA who initially presented with chest pain and shortness of breath. In the ED, patient was given lidocaine, morphine, and LR fluids. Patient had no signs of ST changes on EKG along with negative troponins. Also, no evidence of dissection, PE, or pneumonia on CTA chest. Upon admission to cardiology floor, pMIBI showed uniform perfusion. He denied chest pain. Mr. ___ then began developing intermittently spiking fevers ___ with sinus tachycardia and concerns for altered mental status in the form of increasing confusion and episodes of agitation. Patient was pan cultured and CXR obtained. He showed no obvious signs of infection. Given low suspicion that original chest pain was cardiac, along with his fevers of unknown origin, he was transferred to the General Medicine ward for further evaluation. On General Medicine, Mr. ___ was well-appearing and BPs were stable. No leukocytosis and mostly afebrile with some low grade temperatures. UA bland and CXR unremarkable. CT torso and bone scan showed no evidence of infectious source. Neuro consulted and had low suspicion for any acute neurologic changes. LP deferred as he had a stable temperature curve and returned to baseline mental status. ===================</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a ___ man with past medical history of CAD s/p PTCA, DVTs & PE on lifelong coumadin, Diabetes, history of esophageal cancer, who presents with loss of vision. BILAT LOWER EXT VEINS showed 1. Acute occlusive thrombus in the left popliteal, posterior tibial, and soleal veins. Non-occlusive thrombus in the right distal femoral vein and proximal popliteal ___ be acute though could be subacute or chronic. 2. The remaining deep venous system of bilateral lower extremities is patent. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___ ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 9:18 am, 2 minutes after discovery of the findings. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed 1. No evidence of hemorrhage or infarction. The patient was diagnosed with Serous retinal detachment, bilateral. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Bilateral retinal detachment Metastatic esophageal cancer Bilateral DVTs Secondary: CAD. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ yo man with h/o CAD s/p balloon angioplasty, DVTs and PE on lifelong warfarin, DM, and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (diagnosed ___ who presents with concern for bilateral retinal detachment from metastatic lesions, opting to transition to hospice care. #Bilateral retinal detachment Mr. ___ was seen by the oncologic ophthalmology service who felt that his bilateral retinal detachment could represent metastatic disease. They opined that chemo/radiation would offer Mr. ___ the best chance of ocular recovery and deferred surgical intervention. Given the rarity of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma metastasizing to the choroid, they also raised the possibility of a second primary cancer. Neuro-oncology recommended MRI brain and lumbar puncture, but this was not pursued as Mr. ___ had firmly decided against further workup given what he considered a low likelihood of meaningful recovery. In accordance with his wishes, Mr. ___ was discharged to home hospice. #New bilateral ___ DVTs Mr. ___ has a history of DVTs/PE and was on lifelong warfarin. In the setting of increased leg swelling, he was found to have bilateral DVTs on ultrasound. Given that lovenox is superior to warfarin in treating cancer-associated VTE, plans were made to transition him to lovenox once his INR dropped below 2. His INR on discharge was 2.4 in the setting of poor nutritional intake, and he was discharged with plans to go for an INR check in ___ days with an outpatient provider. Lovenox should be started at 1 mg/kg BID dosing once his INR drops below 2. #Metastatic esophageal cancer Diagnosed on ___. CT A/P on ___ noted new mets to the liver in the setting of lower abdominal pain. Mr. ___ was planning to restart palliative chemotherapy (FOLFOX) but is now no longer amenable given continued disease progression. His pain was managed here with oxycodone 10mg q4hr PRN. He was discharged with home hospice. MOLST form was completed and is in chart. #CAD He is s/p balloon angioplasty in the 1990s. TTE on ___ showed preserved EF 65-70%. His home atorvastatin was continued.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ female history of Nash cirrhosis, well controlled, presented to ___ with a chief complaint of dizziness leading to fall. Patient was found to have a elevated AST to 1300 and a T bili to 1.7 at the outside hospital. Patient was transferred here for admission to ___ tray. She went on a long walk uphill on ___, after which she had progressively worsening fatigue. She also developed back pain and was diagnosed with a kidney infection on ___ for which she was prescribed Bactrim. She was called by her PCP who told her the infection was resistant to Bactrim, so would need to be started in Nitrofurantoin. She took one dose of Nitrofurantoin on ___ and started to feel like her legs were made of "rubber". Her PCP had asked her to come in for a kidney US on ___, and when she was trying to go up the stairs at her home she became dizzy, feeling as if the room was spinning, and her legs gave out. She fell down one step backwards onto her bottom, with no loss of consciousness. She was down in that position for ___ minutes, with her sister at her side trying to help her. She feels her legs were weak at the time, and also had R sided back pain radiating down to her legs. Of note, she is recently started on Rosuvostatin in ___. LIVER OR GALLBLADDER US (SINGLE ORGAN) showed 1. Cirrhotic liver, without evidence of focal lesion. 2. Patent portal vein. 3. Splenomegaly. No ascites. CHEST (PA AND LAT) showed Stable mild pulmonary vascular congestion. No focal consolidation or frank pulmonary edema. Radiology showed 1. No evidence of retroperitoneal hematoma or intraperitoneal/intrapelvic free fluid. 2. Cirrhosis and severe splenomegaly. No ascites. 3. Interval increased conspicuity of indeterminate left adrenal gland nodule measuring 2.5 cm. Dedicated nonurgent MRI or CT recommended for further evaluation. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed No acute intracranial hemorrhage or calvarial fracture. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Lungs are clear. Heart size is normal. There is no pleural effusion. No pneumothorax. The patient was diagnosed with Traumatic ischemia of muscle, initial encounter, Fall same lev from slip/trip w/o strike against object, init. The patient was treated with n/a. At the time of discharge, the patient had rhabdomyolysis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ female history of NASH cirrhosis, DM, HTN, BIPOLAR 2, PCOS, who presented to OSH after a fall with concern for rhabdomyolysis, with downtrending CK after IVF. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Ms. ___ is a ___ PMHx prior EtOH abuse, recent detox with no EtOH ingestion for almost 1 month who is transferred from ___ ___ for RUQ abdominal pain. Radiology showed The MRI examination of your patient was canceled because the implanted biomedical device ___ InterStim II Model 3058 Neurostimulator), was deemed to be MRI compatible for MRI Head only, using a RF transmit/receive coil (ref: ___. No images were obtained. ABDOMEN US (COMPLETE STUDY) showed 1. Cirrhotic appearing liver without focal liver lesions. 2. Mild volume ascites and splenomegaly. No evidence of portal vein thrombosis. 3. The gallbladder is distended with fluid with a small amount of layering sludge. Mild gallbladder wall thickening and pericholecystic fluid, which may be due to third spacing of fluids, or reactive from adjacent chronic liver disease. There was no sonographic ___ sign. No intra or extrahepatic biliary dilatation. Overall, this represents an equivocal exam for acute cholecystitis and HIDA is the next most appropriate examination if clinically indicated. 4. Multiple gallbladder wall polyps or adherent stones/sludge measuring up to 1.4 cm. Follow-up ultrasound recommended in ___ months. The patient was diagnosed with Obstruction of bile duct, Right upper quadrant pain. At the time of discharge, the patient had Alcoholic hepatitis Cirrhosis Abdominal pain Chronic pain Hypertension. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is a ___ yo F PMHx prior EtOH abuse, recent detox with no EtOH ingestion for almost 1 month, gastric bypass, who is transferred from ___ for RUQ abdominal pain, possible biliary disease, and findings consistent with cirrhosis and at this point presumed alcoholic hepatitis RUQ Abd pain, multifactorial Presumed alcoholic hepatitis Her symptoms were initially suspected to be biliary in nature, but work up did not find a cause/concern for obstruction. Her bili was indirect favoring against bile obstruction. Cholecystitis was also excluded from HIDA scan. This pain could be related to distention, ascites, and possibly MSK component as well. Gastritis was possible but less likely, pancreatitis is excluded on imaging/lipase. MRCP could NOT be performed due to bladder stimulator. Another consideration was resolving alcoholic hepatitis given pain, mild liver decompensation, and lack of alternative diagnosis. In discussion with Liver team, alcoholic hepatitis was the more likely cause given lack of alternative diagnosis. She remained stable with slow improvement. She was initiated on empiric PPI as a trial. Alcohol sensation was discussed in detail with the patient. For her acute pain she was given dilaudid with instructions to follow up and communicate with her pain provider. Cirrhosis Ascites Labs, exam, and imaging were consistent with cirrhosis. This was discussed with the patient. She had ascites as well. EtOH was the likely cause. Viral hepatitis was negative, iron studies stable. AMA, ___, smooth muscle, Egg levels sent for follow up purposes. In review of her imaging, there was not suitable ascites to sample. She had an EGD at ___ 1 month prior which she will get the report for. She will follow up closely with hematology as scheduled. For her ascites, she was continued on Lasix which was increased to 40mg daily HTN - Continued home antihypertensives EtOH use disorder Sober for several weeks now. She is motivated to remain abstinent and understands implications for her liver disease - SW consulted # Chronic back pain. S/p MVA c/b multiple spinal surgeries and knee replacement. - Continued home methadone - Continue dhome duloxetine - For acute pain will give a short course of oral dilaudid. PMP reviewed, she will communicate with pain service provider # ___ - ___ home Ativan # Bladder dysfunction Patient has a bladder stimulator in ___, only MRI compatible for HEAD MRI - Urology follow up</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with GERD c/b ___ esophagus, remote prostate cancer s/p prostatectomy (___), and ulcerative colitis presenting with 4 weeks of diarrhea with bright red blood and development of fever to ___ yesterday. Reports a distended and uncomfortable abdomen during this time. States he has hx of central serous retinopathy thus he cannot receive steroids. Prescribed but has not been using mesalamine. Also endorses non-exertional chest pain and shortness of breath. Radiology showed Possible bowel wall thickening in the Left hemiabdomen, could be in keeping with colitis given the clinical history. If clinically warranted, this may be better assessed by CT. CHEST PORT. LINE PLACEMENT showed Lungs are clear. Right-sided PICC line projects to the SVC. Heart size is normal. There is no pleural effusion. No pneumothorax Radiology showed 1. Gas-distended sigmoid colon measuring up to 5.6 cm. If there is high clinical suspicion for toxic megacolon, serial x-rays or CT are recommended for further evaluation. 2. No evidence of free intraperitoneal air. The patient was diagnosed with Unspecified abdominal pain. The patient was treated with TEE ___. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSES: ================= Ulcerative Colitis flare Aortic valve vegetation concerning for infective endocarditis SECONDARY DIAGNOSES: ==================== Atrial fibrillation (AF) Urinary tract infection Central serous chorioretinopathy. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ male with history of ulcerative colitis(Proctosigmoiditis), GERD, non-dysplastic ___, remote prostate cancer s/p prostatectomy (___) and history of central serous retinopathy presenting with bloody diarrhea and low grade fevers concerning for UC flare. Patient was found to have diastolic murmur and discovered to have echodensity on the LVOT side of the aortic valve c/f vegetation. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with history of DMT2, ESRD due to ADPKD s/p renal transplant c/b allograft failure 8 months ago, now on peritoneal dialysis, on tacrolimus, presenting with 3 day history of left ankle pain. Radiology showed No acute fracture or dislocation The patient was diagnosed with Pain in left ankle and joints of left foot. The patient was treated with Left ankle arthrocentesis. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary diagnosis: Monoarthritis/ bursitis Secondary diagnoses: CKD stage V on Peritoneal dialysis s/p kidney transplant c/b Allograft failure Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Hypertension Anemia Hyperlipidemia. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Summary: ======= ___ with history of DMT2, ESRD due to ADPKD s/p renal transplant c/b allograft failure 8 months ago, now on peritoneal dialysis, on tacrolimus, presented with 3 day history of left ankle pain and swelling. Acute Issues: ========= #L ankle pain/swelling: No overlying erythema or warmth. Denied trauma, injection, or recent instrumentation to area. No preceding systemic symptoms. Underwent left ankle arthrocentesis by orthopedic surgery in ED that revealed 765 WBC, 67 PMN, no crystals. Patient afebrile and without leukocytosis. Given immunosuppression (on tacrolimus) was treated with empiric vancomycin in ED. On medical floor underwent usual overnight peritoneal dialysis and pain control was achieved with prn tramadol, standing Tylenol. Left ankle demonstrated clinical improvement with decreased swelling and improved pain, resulting in improved ROM. The most likely etiology of her symptoms is a tendonitis vs bursitis (surrounding the lateral malleolus). She was advised to rest, ice, and elevate her leg and to avoid NSAIDs given her kidney function. She is discharged with crutches. She will follow up with her PCP on ___. # AMS: AAOX3 on admission but falling asleep during exam. Likely secondary to IV morphine received in ED for pain control. No flapping tremor to suggest uremia. VSS and afebrile, arguing against sepsis. Sedation improved with time. Alert, oriented and appropriate at time of discharge. Chronic Issues: =========== # ESRD on PD: Dialysis nephrology was consulted. Underwent overnight PD per usual schedule. Bowel regimen ordered to ensure daily bowel movement. Home sevelemer continued. # Failed allograft: Home tacrolimus 5mg BID continued and tacrolimus trough checked with AM labs. Returned at 8.8. # HTN: No evidence of volume overload on exam. Continued home amlodipine, losartan, torsemide with holding parameters # HL: Continued fenofibrate. # DMT2: Denies checking BS at home and does not take insulin or oral hypoglycemic. Managed with ISS with QACHS ___. Transitional Issues: ============== - Follow up blood cultures and synovial fluid cultures from ___ - Discharged with crutches per ___ recommendations Code Status: Full </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: The patient is a ___ old right-handed woman with a history significant for HIV on HAART, possible CNS toxoplasmosis (s/p treatment, biopsy non-specific, followed with serial imaging) and medically-refractory focal-onset epilepsy with recurrent episodes of status epilepticus who presents with concern for breakthrough seizures. CHEST (PA AND LAT) showed No acute intrathoracic cardiopulmonary process. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed 1. Interval resolution of pneumocephalus with stable appearance of a small left frontal calcified lesion with adjacent hypodensity, likely related to the sequelae of prior biopsy. 2. Stable postsurgical changes of a left frontal burr hole. 3. Otherwise no acute intracranial abnormality. MR HEAD W AND W/O CONTRAST ___ MR HEAD showed 1. Examination is moderately degraded by motion. 2. Punctate subtle area of enhancement adjacent to the left frontal biopsy site is likely unchanged dating back to ___. This may relate to residual toxoplasmosis lesion versus postsurgical changes. 3. No definite additional areas of abnormal enhancement within limitations. 4. No evidence of infarction or hemorrhage. 5. Nonspecific unchanged signal abnormalities in the periventricular white matter may relate to chronic small vessel ischemic disease changes with differential considerations of demyelination and/or prior infectious/inflammatory process. The patient was diagnosed with Altered mental status, unspecified, Epilepsy, unsp, not intractable, without status epilepticus. At the time of discharge, the patient had Breakthrough seizure HIV. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ old right-handed woman with a history significant for HIV, possible CNS toxoplasmosis (biopsy non-specific, followed with serial imaging) and medically-refractory focal-onset epilepsy with recurrent episodes of status epilepticus who represented with concern for breakthrough seizures and recurrence of NCSE. #Epilepsy, breakthrough seizure: EEG once placed did not show ongoing seizures. Exam slowly improved throughout admission with improvement in perseveration and expressive aphasia. No evidence of infection on labs, per family patient has been compliant with all medications. MRI was negative for any new focal lesions. Overall unclear cause of breakthrough seizures. Her zonisamide was increased to 500mg QHS. She was continued on home 1000mg BID keppra, and 200BID Vimpat. Levels were checked though not on admission unfortunately, trough of vimpat was 8.3. Levels of keppra and zonisomide were pending at time of discharge. #Prior probably CNS toxo s/p treatment: Patient was due for monitoring MRI which was done during admission and showed stable enhancement at L frontal biopsy site and nonspecific periventricular white matter changes. #HIV: Continued on home HAART Transitional Issues ============== [] Zonisamide dose increased to 500mg [] Zonisamide and Keppra levels pending at discharge [] Screening MRI done during admission that showed enhancement at prior L frontal biopsy site and nonspecific periventricular white matter changes. []f/u with neurology appt with Dr. ___ [] f/u with PCP ___ 2 weeks. []Repeat EKG at next PCP appointment to check PR interval. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a ___ yo man w/ CAD ___ CABG ___, Aflutter ___ ablation at ___ ___ (on warfarin), h/o DVT (RUE DVT, saphenous vein DVT resolved), cardiomyopathy ___ CRT-P ___ (previously removed ___ iso MSSA bacteremia), hyperthyroidism ___ amiodarone toxicity, R. pleural effusion, and recent hospitalization for polymorphic VT/cardiac arrest on ___ c/b new diagnosis of ESRD with unclear etiology (HD initiated ___. He initially presented to ___ for worsening mid-lower back pain on ___ and was subsequently admitted to ___ for Neurosurgery Evaluation of suspected discitis vs.osteomyelitis of T8/T9. MRI THORACIC AND LUMBAR PT6 MR SPINE showed 1. Study is moderately degraded by motion. 2. Acute osteomyelitis/discitis at the level of T8-T9, with associated epidural phlegmon, with evaluation for abscess limited secondary to motion degradation as described. Enhancing epidural collections resulting at least moderate to severe vertebral canal narrowing at T7-8 and T8-9. 3. Congenitally short pedicles at L3 through L5 with superimposed spondylosis resulting in moderate to severe vertebral canal narrowing at L2-3 through L4-5, as described. 4. Grossly stable multilevel thoracic spine mild spondylosis compared to 2 day prior outside exam. 5. Nonspecific probable edema throughout thoracic and lumbar paraspinal muscles as described. 6. Imaging lungs demonstrate lowered right and small left pleural effusions. If clinically indicated, consider correlation with dedicated chest imaging. CT-GUIDED BONE BIOPSY showed 1. Technically successful spine biopsy with 1 core sent to pathology. 2. Pulmonary parenchymal opacities, concerning for pneumonia, appears similar to ___. 3. Moderate right pleural effusion. The patient was diagnosed with Weakness. At the time of discharge, the patient had #T8-T9 Osteomyelitis with phlegmon #End stage renal disease on dialysis #Atrial flutter Secondary Diagnoses: Chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction Hypertension Coronary Artery Disease Hypertension Non-occlusive Deep Vein Thrombosis Hyperthyroidism Myelodysplastic syndrome Gout. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ yo man w/ CAD ___ CABG ___, Aflutter ___ ablation at ___ ___ (on warfarin), h/o DVT (RUE DVT, saphenous vein DVT resolved), cardiomyopathy ___ CRT-P ___ (previously removed ___ iso MSSA bacteremia), hyperthyroidism ___ amiodarone toxicity, R. pleural effusion, and recent hospitalization for polymorphic VT/cardiac arrest on ___ c/b new diagnosis of ESRD with unclear etiology (HD initiated ___. He initially presented to ___ for worsening mid-lower back pain on ___ and was subsequently admitted to ___ for further evaluation of suspected osteomyelitis. He was evaluated by Spine in the ED, who felt he was clinically stable. ___ MRI w/wo contrast shows T8-9 osteo/discitis with associated phlegmon and ___ ___ bx of osteo on ___ that showed no growth to date. ID was consulted and he was started on IV Vanc/CTX initially and narrowed to complete a 6 week course of cefazolin dosed at HD (___) at ___ dialysis</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ yo AA F with PMH CKD ___ FSGS s/p renal transplant x3 (most recent in ___ on Prednisone and Rapamune, Afib on Coumadin, ?CVA, DM, NASH, HTN, DLP, squamous cell lung cancer s/p resection ___ who presented with 1 week of N/V/diarrhea and inability to tolerate po, found to have ___. Pt says her sx began 1 week ago, the morning after she went to a baby shower when she woke up with abd cramping, diarrhea, N/V. appetite decreased. Trying to tolerate po but has been largely unsuccessful so came to ED because "it wasn't good for her kidneys." Diarrhea has been ranging from loose to formed stool this week. Yesterday BM was black. She has been taking pepto bismol and iron supplements. No blood in stool. Has been urinating and noticed urine "watery" past few days until yesterday when it appeared concentrated. No fevers, chills, sweats. No one else at shower was sick that she knows of, including daughter and neighbors. No new med changes except lasix dose which was increased from 20 to 40mg about 1 month ago. . In the ED initial VS were 98 87 115/57 17 98% RA. CXR demonstrated similar R sided pleural effusion, coarse reticular parenchymal opacities both unchanged from prior film in ___. INR slightly supratherapeutic to 3.4. UA with 14 epis, few bacteria, and WBCs. Labs concerning for worsening renal failure with creatinine 7.4 and BUN 73. Pt recieved 1L NS, zofran, 2mg sirolimus, and lorazepam in the ED. VS prior to transfer were Temp: 98.9 Pulse: 89, RR: 16, BP: 107/68, O2Sat: 100, O2Flow: ra. Radiology showed Examination unchanged since ___. A large right pleural effusion appears stable. Color Doppler and spectral waveform analysis was performed of the transplanted renal vasculature. The main renal vein is widely patent. The resistive indices in the upper, mid, and lower polar regions are 0.78, 0.82, and 0.82 as compared to 0.80, 0.75, and 0.79 on the most recent prior examination. The waveform of the main renal artery appears normal. IMPRESSION: 1. No perinephric fluid collection or hydronephrosis. Stable 1.6 cm simple cyst in the mid pole of the transplant kidney. 2. Unchanged mildly elevated resistive indices in the intraparenchymal renal arteries. showed 1. No perinephric fluid collection or hydronephrosis. Stable 1.6 cm simple cyst in the mid pole of the transplant kidney. 2. Unchanged mildly elevated resistive indices in the intraparenchymal renal arteries. The patient was diagnosed with NAUSEA WITH VOMITING, DIABETES UNCOMPL ADULT, HYPERTENSION NOS, KIDNEY TRANSPLANT STATUS. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: - Acute on chronic kidney impairment Secondary - Dehydration - Supratherapeutic INR - Atrial fibrilation - Status post three renal transplants. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is a ___ year old woman with a PMHx of FSGS s/p 3 failed transplants with a baseline Cr ~2.8, who presents with ___ (Cr~7) after one week of poor PO intake, nausea, emesis, diarrhea and continuing ACEI and Lasix. . For her acute on chronic renal impairment, the etiology was presumed to be secondary to poor hydration status and continuation of nephrotoxic medicines. We started IVF with LR, held lasix and lisinopril, placed her on a low phos/low k diet. On day of discharge her Cr was 4.9 from 7.1 on admission. Her physical exam was significantly improved in regards to hydration status. On day of discharge her orthostatic blood pressure and heart rate variation was within normal limits. On day of discharge her urine output was ~45cc/hr. . For her renal transplant Sirolimus was continued and her levels were checked daily. Prednisone was continued. Nephrocaps were continued. Bactrim was continued for PCP ___. On day of discharge the patient was placed on all of her home medications for per the renal transplant service. . To evaluate the etiology of her GI illness we checked her Stool for CDiff and stool culture. We checked a UA, UCx, and CMV + BK virus serology. No signs of UTI, and serologies are pending. She was given, although did not require Zofran for nausea. On day of discharge the patient tolerated a full PO diet without n/v/diarrhea. . For her chronic afib, we continued her beta blocker and held her Warfarin as the INR was supra therapeutic. She was given discrete instructions to follow her INR with the ___ clinic. . On day of discharge the patient was able to tolerate a full PO diet, ambulating with walker, urinating appropriately without problem, and moving bowels appropriately without problems.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Ms. ___ is a ___ year old woman with Afib on Coumadin, CAD s/p CABG (___), SSS s/p PPM, HFpEF (EF 55%), and mild aortic stenosis/moderate tricuspid regurgitation/severe mitral regurgitation, who is presenting with dyspnea. Chest radiograph showed Stable mild cardiomegaly. No evidence of pulmonary edema. Focal asymmetrical opacity in left apex, for which further evaluation with standard PA and lateral chest radiographs is recommended. RECOMMENDATION(S): Recommend a PA and lateral chest radiograph nonurgently to assess left apical opacity. Radiology showed Persistent left apical opacity for which two view chest is suggested when patient is amenable. Left basilar opacity likely due in part to an effusion and atelectasis. Infection is not excluded. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Compared to chest radiographs dated ___ through ___. Heterogeneous opacification in the upper lungs has improved. There is less edema in the left lower lung, although moderate left basal atelectasis persists. I suspect the upper lobe abnormality was asymmetric edema. Small to moderate left pleural effusion and mild cardiomegaly are stable. No pneumothorax. Transvenous right ventricular pacer lead in standard placement. The patient was diagnosed with Heart failure, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: acute on chronic systolic heart failure, community acquired pneumonia, acute on chronic kidney disease Secondary: coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is a ___ with PMH of Afib on warfarin, CAD s/p CABG, SSS s/p PPM, HFpEF (EF55-60%) and mild aortic stenosis/moderate tricuspid regurgitation/severe mitral regurgitation, who is presented with dyspnea, found to have CHF exacerbation. The exacerbation was thought to be secondary to infection vs. ischemia vs. arrhythmia. Pt was treated with IV diuretic and 5 day course of antibiotics for community acquired pneumonia and her symptoms improved. Pt was without troponin elevation and ECG changes on admission. Further work-up of ischemia was deferred given pt's age and comorbidities. Pt was transitioned to oral regimen of torsemide 20mg daily with stabilization in volume status and renal function. # Acute on chronic systolic heart failure: Patient presented with shortness of breath and evidence of volume overload on exam. This was thought to be secondary to heart failure exacerbation. The exacerbation was thought to be secondary to infection (community acquired pneumonia) vs. ischemia (TTE with worsening EF 40% from 55-60% with regional systolic dysfunction, moderate AS, MR, and TR, moderate pulmonary hypertension) vs. arrhythmia (brief episode of AF with RVR on arrival to ED). Pneumonia was treated as below. Ischemic work-up showed no ECG changes and no troponin elevation. Further work-up was deferred given the patient's age and comorbidities. AF with RVR resolved upon admission and the patient's HR remained stable throughout admission. She was medically optimized with lisinopril 2.5mg daily and metoprolol succ 25mg daily. She was diuresed was intravenous furosemide and eventually transitioned to torsemide 20mg daily with stabilization of her weight and renal function. Her discharge weight was 44.5kg. # Sick Sinus Syndrome/Atrial Fibrillation: Pt has an isolated episode of atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response on arrival to the emergency department which was rate controlled with metoprolol. Pacemaker was interrogated which showed HR <100 for 90% of beats. Patient was started on metoprolol succ 25mg daily for CHF and for rate control. Her INR fluctuated during the hospitalization, likely related to antibiotic treatment for community acquired pneumonia. Despite CHADS ___, decision made not to bridge for sub-therapeutic INR given the patients age and comorbidities. She was treated with higher dose warfarin. INR will be followed by rehab facility after discharge. # Community acquired pneumonia: Patient presented with shortness of breath, neutrophilic leukocytosis, and a chest x ray that showed a possible infiltrate in the left apex. Blood cultures and urine legionella antigen were negative. Patient was treated with 5 day course of ceftriaxone and azithromycin which she completed in house. # Left calf wound: Patient has a wound from a basal cell carcinoma removal that did not heal. Wound is mildly odorous and has exposed tendon, no evidence of active infection. She was evaluated by wound care while hospitalized with the following recommendations: - Tramadol 25mg prn dressing changes - Acetaminophen 650mg po Q6 prn pain - Gabapentin 100mg daily - Sterile water for dressing changes - Petrolatum Xeroform gauze - Normlgel Transitional Issues: # Continue to titrate metoprolol and lisinopril for BP control and for optimization of heart failure regimen # Continue to titrate torsemide dosing for management of volume status # Continue to monitor wound on left anterior calf. # INR 1.5 on discharge, decision made not to bridge given age and comorbidities. Patient treated with 2mg warfarin, please continue to check INR and titrate warfarin to goal ___. Check next INR ___ # Please check Chem 10 on ___ to ensure stability # Continue to monitor daily weights on patient, call MD if weight increases > 3lbs # Discharge weight: 44.5kg # Consider repeat CXR PA and lateral in ___ weeks for evaluation of resolution of heterogeneous opacification in left upper lobe of lung </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ yo F with hx of DMII, ESRD s/p transplant in ___ on immunosuppresion, HIV on antiretrovirals, HTN, b/l BKA who presents for R arm swelling that began 5 days ago. Swelling slightly improved with arm elevation, but progressively worsened prompting her presentation today. Denies any pain, pruritus, trauma, strenous activity/exercise in that arm, hx of clots/PE, bites, open sores, rash, ulcers, fevers, or chills. Has baseline numbness in hands. She has maintained sensation in the hand and grip strength. This has never happened to her before in the arms or legs. . In ED, intial VS were 98.0 65 145/66 20 98%. She underwent ___ of the right arm which was negative for DVT by preliminary read although the brachial and basilic veins were not visualized. She was given ceftriaxone for possible cellulitis and admitted for further work-up. . ROS: (+) Per HPI. Negative for headaches, changes in vision, shortness of breath, chest pain, changes in bowels, dysuria or increased or decreased urinary freq. Radiology showed 1. No evidence of DVT in the visualized veins of the right upper extremity. Right brachial and basilic veins not visualized. Slightly decreased respiratory variability seen in the right subclavian vein compared to the left; extrinsic compression or thrombus within the proximal right subclavian vein is not excluded. MR venogram without IV contrast is suggested for further assessment. 2. Right upper extremity AV fistula patent throughout. 3. Extensive subcutaneous edema. Radiology showed Aborted examination. Lack of documentation and artifact from an SVC stent precludes MRI imaging in this area. Radiology showed 1. Chronic stenosis or obliteration of the inferior aspect of the right brachiocephalic vein, as it meets the SVC stent. The inferior aspect of the left brachiocephalic vein also appears stenotic, but is likely patent. Right IJ vein have a diffusely narrow luminal caliber before it occludes in it's inferior margin. 2. Right sided arteriovenous fistula remains patent, with a focal aneurysmal component. 3. No intravascular clot. 4. Slightly prominent Right supraclavicular/subpectoral lymph node as described, but is not causing mass effect against nearby vasculature. No obstructing mass. The patient was diagnosed with IDDM W SPEC MANIFESTATION, CELLULITIS OF ARM. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY Right upper extremity swelling Brachiocephalic stenosis SECONDARY ESRD s/p kidney transplant HIV. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is a ___ yo F with h/o ESRD ___ DMT2 now s/p SCD transplant ___ with good renal function, also with h/o HIV on HARRT who presents with right upper arm swelling x 5 days. # Right upper extremity swelling: The arm was not painful, red, or warm and she denies fevers and no leukocytosis which all argue that deep tissue infection and cellulitis are unlikely. DVT was ruled out with US and CTA. Most likely explanation is lymphatic or venous congestion either from brachiocephalic stenosis noted on CTA or from patent fistula. Transplant surgery recommended angioplasty of stenosis; they were hesitant to ligate fistula at this time in case patient requires dialysis in the future. Patient will follow-up with AV Care to arrange for angioplasty as an outpatient. In the meantime, patient was instructed to continue elevating her arm and performing hand grips. CHRONIC ISSUES # HIV: Stable. Continued truvada + raltegravir # ESRD s/p transplant ___: Stable creatinine and tacro level. Continued home dose tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, prednisone, bactrim, calcium, and vitamin D # DM2: Poorly controlled with last A1c 8.4 on ___. Continued lantus and ___. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES -Please check a CD4 and HIV VL as an outpatient -She will follow-up with AV Care in the next two weeks for angioplasty of her stenosis. If this fails to improve her symptoms, she will likely require ligation of her patent AV fistula.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ is a ___ female with stage IIIB ovarian cancer on study ___ (Olaparib vs. placebo) admitted from the ED with leg pain. Endorses ___ days of right leg and thigh discomfort which is now in the last day progress to one day of erythema warmth and swelling. Her pain is not severe nor as a rapidly spreading. She denies any confusion. She has chronic lymphedema this extremity. She denies prior episodes. She denies any other infectious symptoms but does report a migraine which started with her fever and has been decreaseing. She reports the headache is achy and right sided, mild photophobia, no phonophobia, changes in vision, neck stiffness or nausea or vomiting. In the ED, initial VS were pain 4, T 100.8, HR 98, BP 119/63, RR 16, O2 97%RA. Labs notable for WBC 17.3 (95%N), HCT 32.9, PLT 248. Na 132, K 3.2, HCO3 26, Cr 0.7. ALT 17, AST 26, ALP 71, TBili 0.5. Lactate 1.8. Patient was given IV Mg, KCL, IV clinda, IV vanco, APAP and 1L NS prior to transfer for further management. On arrival to the floor, patient was laying comfortable in bed in NAD. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: A complete 10-point review of systems was performed and was negative unless otherwise noted in the HPI. Radiology showed No evidence of deep venous thrombosis in the right lower extremity veins. Radiology showed Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. There are no focal consolidations, pleural effusion, or pulmonary edema. There are no pneumothoraces. Surgical clips are seen at the base of the neck. US LOWER EXTREMITY, SOFT TISSUE showed Subcutaneous tissue edema without fluid collection. The patient was diagnosed with Cellulitis of right lower limb. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary diagnosis: Cellulitis Secondary diagnosis: Ovarian cancer Depression Hypothyroidism. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>This is a ___ year old female with a stage IIIB ovarian cancer on study ___ (Olaparib vs. placebo) who presented with cellulitis. She was started on IV vancomycin originally and this was transitioned to PO clindamycin upon discharge. She was febrile (~102) with an elevated WBC count (~17) originally, but she was afebrile upon discharge and her WBC normalized (7). The day prior to discharge, she noticed worsening soft-tissue swelling at the site of her cellulitis. An US was performed and showed no signs of abscess. #Cellulitis: Her leg pain and erythema are suspicious for cellulitis, no purulence and no area of skin break however patient did recently shave the groin area and there is mild folliculitis there. Edema is chronic and lower extremity US (___) was negative for DVT. She had a fever throughout her first couple days and her WBC was 17.3 on admission. She was started on IV vancomycin and after 3 days of this, her vanc level was subtherapeutic (2.8) and her erythema was not notably improving. Her vancomycin dose was increased and on repeat check, her level was therapeutic. Given her absence of fevers, normalized WBC count, and improving erythema, she was transitioned to PO clindamycin, which she will complete a 7 day course of. On the day of discharge, she was complaining of a soft tissue swelling on her medial right thigh in the area of her cellulitis. She received a lower extremity US which showed no sign of abscess. #Headache: She presented with a headache consistent with prior migraines. She has tried many medications in the past and finally botox was the only time she got relief. She was given some IVF, tylenol, and reglan with improvement. #Ovarian cancer: She was continued on her study drug while in-house. #Depression: She was continued on her home fluoxetine 50 mg qd and ativan. #Thyroid carcinoma s/p thyroidectomy: She was continued on her home levothyroxine </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ year old female with stage IV NSCLC s/p chemo/XRT, GERD, macular degeneration s/p recent exploratory laparotomy, small bowel resection, and primary anastomosis on ___ for SBO secondary to metastatic lung cancer on pathology, STEMI s/p BMS to LAD with ischemic cardiomyopathy with EF of 30% who presents s/p unwitnessed fall during which she stool up and used a grabber to pick up her dirty laundry off of the floor with a grabber. She reports LH with standing. She also reports decreased po intake along with nausea and vomiting x ___ days. She does not report abdominal pain. She has a mild dry cough that she cannot tell me how long she has had it. She also reports fatigue and non-focal weakness. She does not report fevers or chills or weight loss. She fell backwards and hit her head. She does not report LOC. She laid still until she recovered and could crawl onto her bed. From there she called ___. She has had issues with constipation since her surgery for which she takes stool softeners. Radiology showed Interval removal of a right internal jugular catheter without radiographic evidence for acute change. Radiology showed 1. No CT evidence for acute intracranial process. 2. Small right parieto-occipital subgaleal hematoma with overlying ecchymosis. Radiology showed 1. No CT evidence for acute cervical spine fracture. 2. Left apical lung mass with radiation changes and underlying emphysema, incompletely imaged. Radiology showed 1. No CT evidence for acute rib fracture. 2. Increased size of left apical lung mass with adjacent radiation fibrosis. 3. New 5-mm left upper lobe lung nodule. 4. Increased size of left adrenal metastasis. Radiology showed 1. No evidence of pulmonary embolism. 2, Left apical lung mass is again noted with encasement of the left common carotid artery and a left upper lobe pulmonary artery. Radiology showed No dilated loops of bowel or air-fluid levels. Radiology showed 1. No evidence of intracranial metastatic disease. 2. No evidence of acute intracranial abnormalities. 3. Complete opacification of the lateral recess of the right sphenoid sinus, progressed since ___. The patient was diagnosed with CHEST PAIN NOS, HYPERTENSION NOS. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: s/p Fall, Lightheadedness, Nausea, Dehydration Secondary: Lung Cancer. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ year old female with stage IV NSCLC s/p palliative chemo/radiation, recent SBO s/p ex lap with resection and primary anastomosis ___, CAD s/p NSTEMI with bare metal stent to LAD ___ who presents with nausea, vomiting, delirium s/p fall with sub-galeal hematoma. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Loc is a ___ year old male who presents with low back pain and bilateral lower extremity pain, numbness, and tingling that has progressively worsened since ___. There was no clear antecedent trauma or event. He did explain that he exercised a normal routine on ___ and felt fine afterwards but woke up two days later with the low back and leg pain. The pain begins in his low back and continues down both legs. He states he does occasionally get shooting pain down both legs. He denies saddle anesthesia. He denies bowel/bladder incontinence. He presented to an ED on ___ and was discharged with a muscle relaxer and IBP. He presents today for further evaluation and treatment of this pain. L-SPINE (AP AND LAT) IN O.R. showed Images obtained for surgical purposes. The patient was diagnosed with Anesthesia of skin. The patient was treated with ___ Bilateral L4 laminectomy with left microdiscectomy. At the time of discharge, the patient had Herniated Disc L4-5. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ yo M presents with low back pain and bilateral lower extremity pain, numbness, and tingling that has progressively worsened since ___. There was no clear antecedent trauma or event. On exam at admission, he had no focal neurologic deficit. A MRI lumbar spine showed a large disc protrusion at L4-5 withcentral stenosis. #Herniated Disc MRI revealed a large herniated disc L4-5. After admission patient pain worsened. On repeat examination patient was noted to have new distal LLE weakness however rectal tone remained intact, PVR 20. He was added on to the OR schedule for ___. On ___, the patient complained of increased pain and numbness in his penis and perianal area. He also had decreased rectal tone. He was taken to the OR for bilateral L4-5 laminectomy and left microdiscectomy. The procedure was performed without complication. Please refer to the operative report for full details regarding the procedure. He recovered in the PACU post-operatively and was then transferred to the floor. On POD #1, his pain was much improved. His extensor hallicus longus was ___ bilaterally but otherwise his motor exam was ___. He continued to have perianal numbness and tingling but he had pressure sensation. Physical therapy was consulted and recommended acute rehab. Endorses continue urinary incontinence with weak stream. Bladder scanned PVR 200. He was discharged to acute rehab ___ and will follow up in the office. #Constipation The patient has not had a bowel movement since ___ so his bowel regimen was increased. Large BM AM of ___.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: History obtained through telephone ___ Translator ___ ___ speaking male with PMH sick sinus syndrome, Afib, CHF (LVEF 45% in ___, asymptomatic RBBB and LAFB, who presents with worsening dypnea on exertion who was found reclining in a bathtub at home by a home health aide after a possible fall although this is not clear. Patient does not really remember how he ended up lying in the bathtub, he just remembers he was lying recumbent in the bathtub and did not feel like he had the energy to get up. This happened a couple of hours prior to his arrival to the emergency Department, and in the interim, the home health aide and the patient's daughter discussed whether or not he needed to go to the emergency department. By the time the son arrived (who is helping translate with his interview initially because ___ translator cannot be reached), patient was being loaded onto a stretcher to be taken to the hospital. The patient has denied any pain throughout, denying any chest pain, shortness of breath, or any localizing symptoms of trauma. He is at his mental baseline per the son. (After discussion with the translator, the above story is substantially similar). According to the son, he has a history of falls and was at an outside hospital several months ago with a fall with head strike requiring suture. The patient also complains of productive cough with subjective fever and chills. In the ED, initial vitals 98.6 83 120/56 20 97%. There was no visable sign of trauma. CT head showed no acute process with evidence of old small vessel disease. CT neck was negative for fracture of malaignment. CXR showed retrocardiac opacity (atelectasis vs infection). HCT 38.7 WBC 9.2, PMN 83.6. he was given Ceftriaxone 1g and azithromycin 500mg for pneumonia. Vitals on transfer 98.1, hr 84, 113/61, rr 16. On arrival to the medical floor, vitals were T:98.2 P:86 BP:126/78 RR:20 SaO2: 100% on Room air. Stated his breathing was comfortable and that he wanted to be left alone. He denies chest pain, dyspnea. Radiology showed Left lung base consolidation may represent atelectasis or infection in the appropriate clinical setting. Radiology showed 1. No acute intracranial process. 2. Encephalomalacia involving the left posterior temporo-pariatal lobe with associated ex vacuo dilatation of the posterior horn of the left lateral ventricle represents sequela of remote infarction, and appear more conspicuous in appearance since ___ exam. 3. Prominent sulci and ventricles, likely age-related involutional changes. 4. Chronic small vessel ischemic disease. Radiology showed No evidence of acute fracture or malalignment. Multilevel degenerative changes, as described above. The patient was diagnosed with PNEUMONIA,ORGANISM UNSPECIFIED, ATRIAL FIBRILLATION. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS: 1. Community acquired pneumonia SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: 1. paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 2. Chronic systolic heart failure (EF 45%) 2. history of deep vein thrombosis 3. chronic kidney disease 4. atrophic gastritis 5. gastroesophageal reflux 6. ___ esophagus 7. osteoporosis 8. osteoarthritis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ year old male with PMH Atrial fibrillation, CHF, HTN, Sick Sinus Syndrome presents with possible mechanical fall and found to have pneumonia.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ is a ___ year-old R-handed woman, pmh of pituitary microadenoma and hyperprolactinoma who presents with dysquilibrium and walking to the right. She was in her USOH. At noon, she went to make her bed. She had a sudden onset of "rocking on a boat" or "lost balance". This lasted several seconds and then resolved. MR HEAD W/O CONTRAST showed No significant abnormalities are seen on MRI of the brain without gadolinium. The patient was diagnosed with Ataxia, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had Vestibulopathy. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ is a ___ year old woman with a history of pituitary microadenoma who presented after several episodes of dysequilibirum and veering to right. Exam was notable for slight R sided dysmetria and veering to the right while walking, which resolved the morning following admission. Given her symptoms, she underwent a work up for stroke specifically to rule out posterior circulation stroke, vertebral dissection. MRI did not show findings that could explain her symptoms. Her symptom of dysequilibrium resolved by the following morning. The most likely cause of her symptoms was felt to be a type of vestibulopathy. We advised her to follow up with her PCP. Transitional Issues #Neurology [ ] No specific follow up with Neurology set up at this time. Patient may call ___ to schedule a follow up if symptoms do not resolve or change in quality [ ] Pituitary microadenoma: records from ___ showed an MRI with contrast in ___ to evaluate for progression which apparently showed regression of the previously suspected right-sided pituitary microadenoma, per report. [ ] Follow up lipid panel</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ w/ DM, CKD approaching dialysis, HTN, sarcoid on prednisone p/w hyperglycemia. Pt c/o weakness x 4 weeks, decreased appetite x 3 weeks. Had 2 episodes non-bloody emesis 4 days ago, but no abd pain, no diarrhea. Endorses dysuria at the end of her stream, urgency, and frequency, but no hematuria. Additionally has had urinary incontinence for the last few weeks. Felt her feet have been numb for the last 4 weeks and has been having difficulty walking. No fevers, but has subjective chills. Radiology showed Right hilar enlargement likely residual lymphadenopathy seen on CT chest from ___. No acute cardiopulmonary process. The patient was diagnosed with URIN TRACT INFECTION NOS, DIABETES UNCOMPL ADULT. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Hyperglycemia, hyperosmolar ketoacidosis, urinary tract infection Secondary: Diabetes mellitus type II, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, sarcoidosis, stage IV chronic kidney disease.. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ w/ DM, CKD approaching dialysis, HTN, sarcoid on prednisone p/w hyperglycemia and UTI. #Hyperglycemia: likely in the setting of UTI below and patient also been missing doses of insulin. Also contributing is prednisone dosing, although patient on less than previously. Got 20 units Lantus this morning and 12 units of Humalog in the ED. Sugars are still critically high and anion gap is 17 at admission. Patient was treated with 32 units of Humalog and 30 units of glargine night of admission and her gap closed to normal with sugars down to the 100-200 range. We enjoyed consultation with the ___ team and modified her sliding scale to their recommendations (increased doses). We continued home glargine 20U qam and 20U qpm. - ___ follow up ___ #UTI by Positive UA: patient with dysuria, frequency, and urgency x1 month. Malodorous urine in room. Urine cultures were not drawn prior to antibiotics, so we empirically switched her away from the Cipro treatment in the ED (previous UTI e coli Cipro resistant) and treated her with ceftriaxone and her leukocytosis resolved. The following morning her foley catheter was removed. She reported no more dysuria following a day of IV ceftriaxone. Patient was given a prescription of cefpodoxime to complete for 5 more days as an outpatient. #Hypokalemia and hypertension in setting of steroid use and ESRD: Patient approaching dialysis, has fistula in place left side, does not appear matured by my basic exam. Is not volume overloaded currently. She was however hypokalemic despite receiving 40meq of potassium twice while in house. She has had labile potassiums in the past and despite considerations of hyperaldosteronism as an underlying cause, we did not send off serum renin levels or add on an aldosterone receptor antagonist. We did continue furosemide 100mg daily and metolazone 2.5 mg BID - consider hyperaldosteronism and aldosterone antagonism therapy in the future pending initiation of dialysis. #Sarcoidosis: Residual lymphadenopathy on CXR. Otherwise not active. We continued prednisone 10 mg DAILY and budesonide 180 mcg/Inhalation Aerosol Powdr Breath Activated Sig: One (1) puff Inhalation BID (2 times a day) as needed for cough. #Prolonged QTc: Avoided Zofran and other QT prolonging meds. #Hypertension: Patient normotensive, ? hypotensive in ED. Normotensive during hospitalization. We continued hydralazine 25 mg PO Q6H Diltzac ER 360 qd (dosed as 90 QID) and restarted furosemide 100mg daily and metolazone 2.5 mg BID day after admission. #Primary prevention of coronary artery disease. EKG with NSST changes likely due to LVH. We continued aspirin 81 mg qd and pravastatin 80 mg qhs #Depression: Patient euthymic. We continued citalopram 40 mg qd #Transitional: - Patient with prolonged QT interval. Avoid QT prolonging medications. - Follow up with ___ day after discharge. - Patient discharged with ___ and ___ assistance.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ hx ESRD on HD, DM2, AF not on coumadin, hep C, Left brachiocephalic AV fistula with steal syndrome s/p banding presenting with dyspnea and hypotension during dialysis. Pt was about 3 hours into dialysis when he was transferred over to the ED for dyspnea. At the time he was noted to be hypotensive to SBP of ___ and was also complaining of L leg pain. At this time he denied and chest pain, palpitations, diaphoresis, n/v. In the ED, initial vitals were: 0 97 92 90/50 20 100% 2L. ___ showed no evidence of DVT in LLE. CXR showed mild pulmonary edema with small right pleural effusion, overall not significantly changed from prior exam. Of note, patient recently hospitalized at ___ ___ for weakness and tachycardia. Also with two recent hospitalizations in ___ for AVG steal syndrome. Vitals prior to transfer were 3 98.1 89 118/69 22 99 3L NC On the floor, the patient reported chest pressure with associated palpitations, diaphoresis and nausea but no vomiting. He also endorsed extreme leg pain that he described as burning, tingling predominately on the b/l soles of his feet. He reports that it is similar to the pain he feels on a daily basis but just worse. CHEST (AP upright AND LAT) showed Mild pulmonary edema with small right pleural effusion, overall not significantly changed from prior exam. UNILAT LOWER EXT VEINS LEFT showed No evidence of deep venous thrombosis in the left lower extremity veins. The patient was diagnosed with HYPOTENSION NOS. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS ----------------- Hypotension. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>This a ___ year old gentleman with history of ESRD on hemodialysis, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation not on coumadin, hepatitis C, left brachiocephalic AV fistula with steal syndrome s/p banding who presented with dyspnea and hypotension during dialysis. He was monitored overnight for acute coronary syndrome. Workup was negative and his blood pressure normalized with diet. BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE ======================== ACTIVE ISSUES #Hypotension: After dialysis SBP 70, in ED SBP 90, likely in context of volume reduction. On admission, SBPs normotensive in 120s. Patient reported chest pressure with associated palpitations, diaphoresis and nausea. EKG with no ischemic changed. Troponins cycled thrice with plateau at 0.40 x 3. Patient was hemodynamcially stable with resolution of cardiac symptoms, and therefore was transferred back to his skilled nursing facility. No medication changes were made on transfer STABLE CHRONIC ISSUES #Leg pain: As previously described, most likely due to diabetic neuropathy. Patient was continued on gabapentin and lidocaine patches. #Atrial Fibrillation: CHADS-VASc2 = 4. Patient with mild RVR HR 120s. Patient was continued on dilitiazem and digoxin. Heart rate normalized #Systolic and diastolic Congestive Heart Failure: Patient was continued on digoxin and diltiazem. Admission Weight:73.94 kg. Discharge Weight: 74 kg #End Stage Renal Diseae on Hemodialysis: baseline Cr ~6. Patient was continued on midorine, gabapentin, nephrocaps, sevelamer and Renal caps. Patient did not require hemodialysis this admissio. Continue dialysis T/R/S schedule #Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Patient was continued on CPAP and trazodone. #Diabetes Mellitus Type II: Patient was continued on glargine 10 U qHS and home insulin sliding scale. Patient should follow up with ___ continued management of diabetes. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES [] Please arrange follow up with ___ continued diabetes management. ___ [] Please ensure follow up with PCP ___ transplant surgeon Dr. ___ care of patient's ongoing issues [] Reconfirmed discontinuation of Imdur with ___ has NOT been updated in the OMR (only under discharge meds) [] PCP: ___ augmenting patient's antidepressant (his age and cardiac risk factors contraindicate increasing celexa) vs switching to different agent [] Hip Pain: Pelvic XRay neg. ___ with PCP as outpatient, may require additional imaging (XRay negative) if does not resolve. Patient requests orthopedics appointment for management of known humeral fracture. This appointment was not made on this admission. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ year old female h/o chronic microcytic anemia, asthma with chief complaint of allergic reaction to ferumoxytol/iv iron. Immediately following iron infusion on day of admission, patient developed chest tightness, SOB, wheezing, throat tightening, tongue swelling. Oxygenation initially dropped to 90% BP 150s/70s HR 120s. Patient's symptoms improved after Hydrocortisone 100mg, Benadryl 25mg. She had received dexamethasone 10mg, Benadryl 25mg, and famotidine 20mg prior to iron infusion. Patient also has h/o asthma. She received albuterol neb in clinic. Patient's oncologist recommended monitoring for minimum of ___ hours as reaction can recur or admit overnight for monitoring. . In the ED, initial vitals 98.7 75 135/73 22 100% 15L. On admission, patient complained of throat tightness and received epinephrine x 1, as well as albuterol/ipratropium nebs. Two hours later, throat tightness recurred and patient received IV diphenhydramine and epinephrine x 1. CBC was remarkable for hematocrit of 28, which has been downtrending. Chest X-ray showed no acute findings. Stable cardiomegaly. At 1:45 in the morning the patient began to have symptoms again including chest pressure/tightness some shortness of breath, feeling like she is having difficulty handling her secretions. Benadryl IV 25 began was given. ECG was unremarkable. Since this was the third time the patient had symptoms, it was decided to admit the patient to Medicine. Vitals upon transfer were 98 72 127/59 20 97%ra. On arrival to the floor, patient reports ___ chest pain radiating up to her jaw, no dyspnea, palpitations, or nausea. Radiology showed No acute findings in the chest. Stable cardiomegaly. NOTIFICATION: The patient was diagnosed with SWELLING IN HEAD & NECK, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, CHEST PAIN NOS, ADV EFF IRON & COMPOUNDS, ANEMIA NOS. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary diagnosis: Anaphylaxis to intravenous iron Iron deficiency anemia of undetermined etiology Secondary diagnosis: atypical chest pain, possibly secondary to esophageal spasm CAD hypertension chronic stable asthma GERD. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ woman with a history of iron deficiency, asthma, atypical chest pain, and chronic stable asthma, admitted after anaphylactic reaction to IV iron in ___ clinic. # Anaphylaxis: Patient with anaphylactic reaction to IV iron despite premedication with dexamethasone, benedryl, famotidine, and despite distinct formulation from prior anaphylaxis-inducing IV iron infusion. Initially patient was transferred from hematology clinic to emergency room for observation, but given recurrence of SOB, airway edema after each of two injections of epinephrine, patient was admitted to medicine. Patient was closely monitored and treated with famotidine, fexofenadine, and prednisone as well as prn IV diphenhydramine and albuterol following discussion with allergy consult service. -40mg PO prednisone x3 days, then 20mg PO x3 days (last day ___, then taper will be deferred to outpatient endocrinologist -Iron supplementation (in any form of administration) noted as SEVERE allergy for this patient in OMR # Microcytic anemia: Iron deficiency anemia with positive guaiac in ___ woman s/p TAH raises concern for occult GI malignancy or possibly slow GI bleed. Other considerations include malabsorbtion, hereditary or autoimmune. Has strong family history of anemia. Past work up has included unrevealing investigation for hemoglobinopathy and upper and lower endoscopy in ___. Patient has history of severe anaphylactic reactions to supplemental iron. She was scheduled for outpatient colonoscopy which was missed on second day of admission. Given severe allergy to iron supplementation and labs showing serum iron of 10 and slowly down-trending hematocrit on admission patient was transfused 1U pRBC with appropriate bump in hematocrit. -TTG IgA to evaluate for celiac disease as cause of malabsorption pending at time of discharge # Atypical chest pain: Angina vs GERD vs anxiety. Patient presented with chronic epigastric/substernal pressure that had been stable and ongoing for 2 weeks prior to admission. Inital cardiac enzymes were negative x2 and EKG showed stable t-wave abnormalities. During this admission patient had one episode of left-sided squeezing ___ chest pain radiating to the left arm that felt subjectively similar to episode in ___ that resulted cardiac cath and balloon angioplasty back in ___. Pain was not relieved with 325mg chewed ASA, but was relieved by SL NTG x1. Cardiac enzymes were again negative and EKG was stable. Pain may be secondary to esophageal spasm, given response to nitrates. She underwent exercise MIBI here ___ which was normal and is followed by Dr. ___ outpatient cardiology. -Follow up with Dr. ___ as outpatient. # Asthma - continued home albuterol, fluticasone. Patient complained of asthma worsening when patient in adjacent room lit a cigarette just prior to Mrs. ___ discharge. SOB and subjective wheezing improved with 1x albuterol nebulizer. No wheezes heard on auscultation following nebulizer, was moving air well. Patient was given a script to fill for albuterol inhaler to take with her in the car ride home, knows to return to an emergency room or call her doctor if her SOB or wheezing recurs and is not controlled with her rescue inhaler.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed 1. Large amount of stool throughout the colon. 2. No evidence of malignancy within the abdomen or pelvis. CT CHEST W/CONTRAST showed 1. Fibrosing interstitial lung disease is not significantly changed compared to prior CT scan from ___. 2. Bilateral pulmonary nodules measuring up to 4 mm are unchanged compared to prior. 3. Stable bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy. 4. Bilateral breast lesions are better evaluated by recent dedicated breast MR. CT LOW EXT W/O C LEFT Q61L was done. The patient was diagnosed with Thrombocytopenia, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had MCTD SLE myositis ITP. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>SUMMARY/ASSESSMENT: Ms. ___ is a ___ female with the past medical history of MCTD w/ SLE/myositis overlap c/b ILD and b/l hip avascular necrosis and recently diagnosed invasive ductal carcinoma (ER+, PR+, Her2 neg) who presented due to concern of bruising and BRBPR. Labs revealed significant thrombocytopenia with concern for primary more so than secondary ITP. #thrombocytopenia #ITP She was admitted to ___ on ___ because of mucosal bleeding, and she was found to have undetectable platelets (<5). She was evaluated by the hematology team, and was diagnosed with immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). She was seen by rheumatology, and it did not seem that this was ___ her MCTD as her bloodwork did not show active disease (negative dsDNA, normal complement levels C3 96, C4 13). Rather, this seems to be a separate autoimmune process. She declined the first line treatment for ITP, which is steroids, despite multiple conversations, based on prior experience. Therefore, she then had two days of IVIG (full dose for ITP), which she did not respond to. She was also started on N-plate, and had 2 doses of this inhouse, without improvement so far (though the N-plate can take longer to work). Several discussions were had with the patient about a possible splenectomy, which would be the next line of treatment, but she declined to consider this so far. She was encouraged to have the vaccines administered that would be needed (pneumococcal, meningococcal and h. influenzae) prior to a splenectomy, despite confirming their safety in terms of her MTCD with her rheumatologist Dr. ___. Note that rituximab would not be an option in her case because she had an anaphylactoid reaction to a rituximab infusion in ___ requiring steroids and epinephrine, and she is declining the use of steroids for pre-medication. Throughout the hospitalization she continued to have daily oozing from her mucosae (oral with ulcers; vaginal, in her stool) but her blood counts stayed stable. She had petechiae and several small ecchymoses throughout, but no edema/large hematomas. The use of Lupron to help decrease her vaginal bleeding was discussed with the gynecologists, hematology/oncologists, and rheumatologist Dr. ___ it was determined that it would be safe for her to get a Lupron injection in the short term to help with vaginal bleeding. Note that after 12 months of usage it can cause ___ weakness as it mimics the symptoms of menopause. She declined this during the hospitalization The possibility of a tagged platelet indium scan to assess the success rate for a splenectomy was explored, but this is unfortunately not a test that we can perform at ___ (or likely nowhere in the ___ area as the external pharmacy that would tag the platelets has no experience with this, but this was not confirmed by calling other hospitals). </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a ___ with h/o HTN, HLD, CAD s/p DES, gastric bypass, gout, DM2 c/b diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and chronic foot ulcerations c/b osteomyelitis s/p multiple debridements including right ___ met head resection (DOS: ___ with recently healed wound presented to ___ for right foot swelling and was transferred for futher evaluation concerning for cellulitis and abscess. CT LOWER EXT W/C RIGHT Q62R showed 1. Status post right first metatarsal head resection and sesamoidectomy. Compared to the ___ radiograph, there is irregularity and probably small erosions at the resection margin of the ___ metatarsal head resection, as well as bone spicules at the proximal aspect of the first proximal phalanx. Bone fragments are seen in the surgical bed, with soft tissue and fat stranding. The findings are suspicious for osteomyelitis. 2. 1.3 cm linear metallic foreign body adjacent to the fourth toe proximal phalanx, consistent with retained needle fragment, stable since ___. 3. A foot ulcer is seen at the plantar aspect of the third toe, at the level of the proximal phalanx, measuring 1.3 cm in depth and 0.6 cm wide. The underlying bone is unremarkable. The patient was diagnosed with Cutaneous abscess of right foot. The patient was treated with R foot I&D: ___. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ with h/o HTN, HLD, CAD s/p DES, gastric bypass, gout, DM2 c/b diabetic neuropathy, retinopathy, and chronic foot ulcerations c/b osteomyelitis s/p multiple debridements including right ___ met head resection (DOS: ___ with recently healed wound who presented to ___ for right foot swelling and was transferred for further evaluation concerning for cellulitis and abscess. ACUTE ISSUES: ============= #R foot Cellulitis #R foot abscess Patient developed pain, erythema and swelling in the R foot concerning for cellulitis and abscess. Was started on doxycycline at urgent care without improvement and referred to ED for I&D with podiatry. Wound culture eventually grew MRSA. CRP/ESR also very elevated. Initially started on vanc/cefepime/flagyl then narrowed to vanc/CTX/flagyl. Xray not concerning for osteomyelitis, and CT scan showed fat stranding and edema likely from prior surgical changes, though raising some concern for osteomyelitis. Per ID, given recurrent infection in the same area, would recommend longer course of antibiotic. We recommended staying inpatient until an antibiotic regimen could be established, however patient insisted on immediate discharge given prior family commitments. Attempted to discharge on daptomycin 600mg IV daily given prior growth (MRSA sensitive to Bactrim), but given difficulty with insurance coverage, he was discharged on Bactrim. Unable to dose vancomycin given dose required to maintain therapeutic levels would be >4.5g/day. Will follow up with ID in 2 weeks to follow up cultures and possibly deescalate antibiotics or switch to IV antibiotics. Will continue to pack dressing and follow up with podiatry to close the wound. #T2DM on insulin Last A1C was 7.8% per records. Home regimen prior to admission was NPH 54U and Humalog ___ and HISS. He was on this regimen given cost of Lantus and had frequent snacking at night which lead to increased night time blood sugars. Was supposed to be on NPH in the AM as well but patient preferred to only have one injection of NPH. He has recently changed his diet and now per wife, has had episodes of hypoglycemia in the evening. A1C during admission was 7.3%. At discharge we planned to switch his NPH to the AM to improve AM coverage and to decrease episodes of evening hypoglycemia. Discharge regimen was NPH 30U qAM with Humalog ___ + ISS. Should have endocrine follow up to follow up blood sugars and possibly switch to Lantus. CHRONIC ISSUES: =============== #Diabetic neuropathy: Continued gabapentin 1200mg TID #HTN: Continued lisinopril 40mg daily and metoprolol tartrate 25mg BID. #CAD #ICM Prior NSTEMI s/p DES with ischemic cardiomyopathy (EF 65% in ___. Appears euvolemic on exam. No chest pain. Continued home aspirin. Continued rosuvastatin 10mg qPM. Continue ezetimibe 10mg daily. Continue home metoprolol 25mg tartrate BID #LEFT EYE RETINAL DETACHMENT: Chronically dilated pupil on the left without vision. s/p eye drops per patient. Follows with ophtho here and MEEI in the past. #GOUT: Continued home allopurinol</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ___ with lupus on immunosuppressants presenting with right ankle ulcer with concern for surrounding cellulitis. History of ulcers treated with vanco. Pt reports she noted a small skin break in the area of her R lateral leg just proximal to her ankle approx ___ ago. Within 3 days of noting it without preceding trauma, she noted that it became a small ulcer. The ulcer as increased in size and depth over the past 3 wks. She saw her rheumatologist. She was prescribed Keflex on ___. She was seen in ___ clinic on ___ and this was changed to doxy and a biopsy was taken at the lateral border of the ulcer. She has noted pain in the R ankle area, top of R foot and pain extending up to mid shin. She reports the pain increases with wt bearing but she is able to wt bear. She reports the pain is up to ___ in severity, a burning pain with associated sensation of pins and needles. She reports spreading redness at the anterior aspect of the ulcer and some spreading proximally. She has noted increased swelling of her R foot. She reports Tmax approx 100.2 at home on day of presentation. She reports malaise since AM on the day before presentation. + chills. No n/v. Noted ulcer on L side of tongue on day of presentation. Pt with admission ___ with LLE ulcer, treated with Vancomycin for concern for concurrent infection and biopsies suggestive of vasculitis at the time. Ulcer were thought related to underlying SLE. Pt reports the current ulcer on her RLE is different that this episode ___. She reports the LLE ulcer last year was typical for her ulcers ___ to SLE starting as a papule and then transitioning to an ulcer. She reports the current ulcer started as a small scratch instead. Pt reports ulcers are common cutaneous manifestation of her SLE; she reports above her waste they are more pink papules and below her waist will form into ulcers. Pt reports dose of Benlysta last on ___ (though cannot find OMR documentation of this). Referral from Dr. ___: ___ with ___ ulceration for 2wks, treated for infection with Keflex beginning ___ and doxy added at derm visit ___ with biopsy done. Leg getting increasingly swollen. Tmax 100.7. Pt with multiple ABX allergies so will probably need IV ABX and admission. In the ED, initial vs were: 97.6 94 134/79 16 96%. Labs were black with WBC count of 7.6 with normal diff. Patient was given 1g IV ___, 10mg oxycodone, 5mg IV morphine x2. Pt given 1L NS at 100cc/hr. Bl cx sent. Ankle x-ray done. Pt admitted for IV ABX and mgmt of cellulitis. Vitals on Transfer: 97.4 85 136/94 16 99%. On the floor, pt reports ___ pain extending from top of R foot to ___ way up R shin. Review of sytems: (+) Per HPI Radiology showed No evidence of DVT in the right lower extremity. Radiology showed Unchanged position of left-sided Port-A-Cath on this single frontal view. Radiology showed Normal bilateral arterial study at rest. No obvious indication of peripheral vascular disease. Radiology showed No evidence for bone destruction. The patient was diagnosed with CELLULITIS OF FOOT. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary Diagnoses: - Cellulitis Secondary Diagnoses: - None. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ w/ SLE (on mycophenolate mofetil, hydroxychloroquine, and methylprednisolone) presents with RLE ulceration with ?cellulitis and R ankle swelling concerning for tenosynovitis vs. vasculitis vs. septic arthritis</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ PMHx of TBM and tracheal stenosis s/p TBP, cervical tracheoplasty, redo right thoracotomy and esophagopexy and tracheopexy, soft tissue infection of the abdomen secondary to malposition of jejunostomy s/p multiple laparotomies, Addison's disease, and CF presents with n/v and respiratory distress after recent discharge to rehab. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. CT NECK W/CONTRAST (EG:PAROTIDS) Q22 CT NECK showed 1. Unremarkable neck CT. A tracheal-bronchial Y stent is present, appearing appropriately positioned and widely patent however the distal extent is not included on this scan. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed No acute radiographic cardiopulmonary abnormality. DX FEMUR AND KNEE showed 1. No acute fracture or dislocation of the left femur or left knee. 2. Small left suprapatellar joint effusion. ANKLE (AP, MORTISE AND LAT) LEFT showed No acute fracture or dislocation. HIP (UNILAT 2 VIEW) W/PELVIS (1 VIEW) RIGHT showed 1. Mild degenerative changes of the right hip. 2. No acute fracture or dislocation. CR- RIBS BILATERAL WITH AP CHEST showed 1. No displaced rib fracture is identified. 2. Old healed right fifth, sixth and seventh rib fractures. 3. No pneumonia or acute cardiopulmonary process. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) was done. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Low bilateral lung volumes. Diffuse bilateral airspace opacities could reflect bronchovascular crowding or mild pulmonary edema. The patient was diagnosed with Pneumonia, unspecified organism. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY ======== Anxiety Tracheobronchomalacia Mechanical Fall SECONDARY ========== Pancreatic insufficiency Asymptomatic Bacteruria Severe adrenal insufficiency Insomnia Weight Gain. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ PMHx of TBM and tracheal stenosis s/p TBP, cervical tracheoplasty, redo right thoracotomy and esophagopexy and tracheopexy, soft tissue infection of the abdomen secondary to malposition of jejunostomy s/p multiple laparotomies, admitted with n/v and respiratory distress after recent discharge to rehab. She was found to have significant pain control difficulties and anxiety, for which palliative care and psychiatry modified her medication regiment. On ___, she had her temporary stent removed due to concerns it was no longer effective. ACUTE ISSUES ============= # Anxiety Patient with underlying anxiety, however seemed to be significantly worse this admission concerning her pain control and disposition. Multiple nights she had episodes of anxiety, requiring small doses of ativan or increased pain medications to improve her symptoms. Psychiatry evaluated the patient on ___, and recommended initiation of Sertraline. Her dose was increased on ___ to 50mg. They also recommended benefit from continued work with a therapist outpatient. She was continued on her home dose of Clonazepam. [] Continue Sertraline daily, and monitor response. Uptitrate as appropriate. [] Patient would benefit from working with a therapist # TBM; chronic, progressive decline Patient underwent bronchoscopy with tracheal silicone stent placement on ___ with Dr. ___. She was discharged to a rehab, but readmitted after her concerns that the facility could not meet her level of care. She otherwise appeared to be stable in terms of her respiratory status. She completed her course of antibiotics for her PNA from previous hospitalization on ___. Interventional pulmonology did not feel she needed further acute intervention, nor that she had developed a new infection. Her stringent medication regiment was restarted. Through hospitalization, her respiratory status seemed to mildly decline, as the patient reported increased mucus plugging and chest pain. Extensive discussion was had with IP regarding whether patient's stent could be placed prior to discharge. The decision was made to remove her stent on ___, and few days prior she was started on levaquin to treat any possible underlying lung infection. The stent was removed on ___, with patient continuing to report significant pain and dyspnea afterwards. Her pain medications were adjusted as below. [] Patient will complete 5 additional days of levaquin treatment for possible respiratory infection (___) # Pain control/QOL: Followed by palliative care during prior admission and has a great deal of chronic chest and musculoskeletal pain. Pain was well controlled with her regiment initially, however over time her pain became more significant, raising concerns for failure of the stent as above. Thus palliative care re-evaluated the patient and following removal of the stent recommended concentrated morphine for help with both pain and dyspnea. [] Reevaluate pain regiment with palliative care # Asx Bacteruria Ucx from ___ growing predominantly enterococci, but also has mixed flora. Patient was no complaining of dysuria. Suspect this was likely contamination, especially since UA does not appear inflammatory. Thus, patient was not started on antibiotics.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: This patient is a ___ year old male who complains of s/p Fall. ___ male in the emergency department for evaluation after a fall. Patient states that he was walking around his block to get exercise and states his leg gave out from under him. Positive head strike. Denies loss of consciousness. Suffered a laceration to his left forehead. Bleeding controlled with pressure. Brought to the ED for evaluation. History of orthostatic hypotension and has multiple falls. CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed 1. Severe compression deformity of T12 is mildly worse from ___, consistent with acute on chronic compression fracture. 2. No other acute injuries or other acute abnormalities in the abdomen or pelvis. 3. Additional unchanged chronic findings, as above. MR THORACIC SPINE W/O CONTRAST ___ MR ___ SPINE. showed 1. Compression fracture of the T12 vertebral body with approximately 75% height loss is overall similar in configuration compared to ___. The presence of edema signal pattern within the vertebral body and prevertebral edema suggests possibility of a superimposed injury. There is no evidence of spinal cord compression or signal abnormality. 2. Mild degenerative changes in the thoracic spine, predominantly related to ligamentum flavum thickening. 3. Increased anterior-posterior diameter of the thoracic vertebral bodies with small Schmorl's nodes suggesting the possibility of underlying Scheuermann's disease. 4. Right upper lobe pulmonary nodule, better characterized on the chest CT from ___. PREVALENCE: Prevalence of lumbar degenerative disk disease in subjects without low back pain: Overall evidence of disk degeneration 91% (decreased T2 signal, height loss, bulge) T2 signal loss 83% Disk height loss 58% Disk protrusion 32% Annular fissure 38% Jarvik, et all. Spine ___ 26(10):1158-1166 Lumbar spinal stenosis prevalence- present in approximately 20% of asymptomatic adults over ___ years old ___, et al, Spine Journal ___ 9 (7):545-550 These findings are so common in asymptomatic persons that they must be interpreted with caution and in context of the clinical situation. The patient was diagnosed with Laceration w/o foreign body of oth part of head, init encntr, Other specified injuries of thorax, initial encounter, Fall on same level, unspecified, initial encounter, Weakness, Unspecified abdominal pain. At the time of discharge, the patient had Left anterior ___ rib fractures Acute on chronic T12 vertebral body compression fracture. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ yo M with complex medical history including history of PE/DVT on Eliquis, HIV, anal cancer s/p chemotherapy and transanal excision of rectal tumor, orthostasic hypotension, frequent falls, chronic diarrhea, who presented to the emergency department via EMS after a fall from standing with head strike. CT head, cervical spine, chest, abdomen pelvis obtained and showed no acute intracranial process, left sided rib fractures ___, and compression deformity of T12. He underwent MRI that again showed compression fracture of T12 vertebral body. He was seen and evaluated by neurosurgery who recommended ___ management and no activity restrictions. The patient was admitted to the trauma service for pain control and respiratory monitoring. Neuro: The patient was alert and oriented throughout hospitalization; pain was initially managed with oral Tylenol and oxycodone. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiovascular standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. The patient was orthostatic with lightheadedness and recovered with sitting. He was given a 500 cc bolus with improvement in orthostatic hypotension. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; vital signs were routinely monitored. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. GI/GU/FEN: The patient was given a regular diet which he tolerated without difficulty. Patient's intake and output were closely monitored. He was continued on home antidiarrheals and bowel movements remained at baseline. ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection, of which there were none. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding, of which there were none. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and ___ dyne boots were used during this stay and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. The medicine team was consulted for assistance and managing orthostatic hypotension and frequent falls in the setting of systemic anticoagulation. Given the patients extensive work up of orthostatic hypotension in the past and current management, no further work up was done inpatient. The patient's primary care provider ___ was also notified of the patients admission and recommended discussing the risk/benefit of Xarelto with the patient and allowing the patient to decide if he wanted to continue or stop the medication. These risks/benefits were discusses with the patient and the patient felt very strongly that he did not want to experience a blood clot ever again, and chose to continue on Xarelto despite the risk of bleeding with frequent falls. The patient was seen and evaluated by physical therapy who recommended home with home ___. The patient was in agreement with the plan and recently had home ___ after his last hospitalization. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile and hemodynamically stable. The patient was tolerating a diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ yo F with h/o ESRD on HD (anuric), DM, CHF, HTN, Dementia, and multiple PMHx who presents with ___ transferred from her nursing home (___). Radiology showed 1. Opacification of the left mastoid air cells may suggest mastoiditis of indeterminate chronicity. 2. No acute intracranial hemorrhage. Radiology showed 1. No evidence of inflammatory process within the abdomen. 2. Diffuse fecal loading with excessively distended rectum due to fecal contents. 3. Thickening of anterior bladder wall, correlate with clinical exam and UA/labs. 4. Bilateral small pleural effusions, right > left. 5. Opacification at the right lung base adjacent to pleural effusion likely atelectasis versus infection in the correct clinical setting. Separate more rounded area of opacification at right lung base(2:4) is concerning for consolidation with possible cavitation. 6. Left adnexal cystic lesion, similar to prior exam, may be further evaluated with US nonemergently if not already performed. 7. Severe atherosclerotic calcification in the abdominal aorta with near occlusion of the abdominal aorta by atherosclerotic plaque just above the origin of the ___, unchanged from prior. Distal to this region, the aorta appears patent. Skin collaterals and underperfused kidneys likely secondary to severe aortic atherosclerotic calcification. 8. Distened gallbladder without gallastone. Findings discussed with Dr. ___ at 9:14pm on ___ via telphone. Radiology showed Uncomplicated retrieval of a left-sided internal jugular tunneled hemodialysis catheter. Radiology showed 1. Near complete occlusion of the left internal jugular with access eventually obtained via a collateral in the left supraclavicular region. 2. Placement of a tunneled hemodialysis catheter with tip in the right atrium. The catheter was flushed and is ready for use. Radiology showed 1) Limited exam due to positioning/mobility. 2) Mild degenerative changes. 3) Suspected ligamentous laxity at C3/4. 4) Suspected dense ossification of the ALL in the lower cspine, which may be contributing to fusion and decreased mobility. However,t his extends beyond the lower edge of these images and is not fully evaluated. 5) No bone detruction, focal severe disc narrowing or prevertebral soft tissue swelling to confirm changes related to infection. 6) If clinically indicated, cross-sectional imaging would help for further assessment of cervical spine alignment, degenerative changes, and soft tissues. NOTE: Findings were discussed with Dr. ___ by Dr. ___ at the time of dictation. Radiology showed 1. Limited study due to motion artifact without CT evidence for acute intracranial process. 2. Partial opacification of the left mastoid air cells. Clinical correlation is recommended. Findings were reported to ___ by ___ by telephone at 9:40 p.m. on ___ at the time of discovery of these findings. The patient was diagnosed with BACTEREMIA NOS, LEUKOCYTOSIS, UNSPECIFIED , OTHER GRAM NEGATIVE INFECTION. The patient was treated with Tunneled line removal Replacement of tunneled dialysis line. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary diagnosis: Pseudomonas aeruginosa sepsis Neck pain Secondary diagnoses: ESRD on dialysis HTN T2DM. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ yo F with h/o ESRD on HD (anuric), DM, CHF, HTN, Dementia, and multiple PMHx who was transferred from her nursing home with GNR sepsis, found to be pseudomonas sepsis. # Pseudomonas sepsis: Patient presented with GNR bacteremia by blood cx ___, hypothermia (T 95.8F) and leukocytosis (WBC 19) consistent with sepsis. Blood culture identified as Pseudomonas aeruginosa which was also found on the tunneled cath dialysis tip that was removed per renal consult. She also had a cavitary lesion on CXR, which could be a source of pseudomonas, although it was noted that cavitary lesions are usually due to TB, staph aureus or anaerobes. Patient's antibiotic course was narrowed to Cefepime for pseudomonal coverage from Vancomycin, Cefepime and Metronidazole. She was switched to Ceftazidime after replacement of a tunneled cath line so that she could be receive it during dialysis. The patient had a transthoracic echocardiogram on ___ which showed no vegetations and antibiotic course will be two weeks, should be continued at dialysis through ___. Patient also initially had a left mastoid fluid on CT head concerning for mastoiditis and right mastoid tenderness on admission. However, there was no erythema or ulceration consistent with acute otitis externa, confirmed by ENT consultation. #Cervical spine ligament laxity: Pt had neck tenderness but no stiffness on admission. She received a cervical spine x-ray that showed anterolisthesis and ligament laxity. Neurosurgery consulted and recommended a cervical collar for 2 weeks and follow-up with the ___ clinic in 2 weeks, which will need to be scheduled by rehab. #ESRD: Last dialysis on ___. Pt is on ___ dialysis schedule per Nursing home. Her tunneled cath was removed per renal. A new tunneled cath was placed on ___ after patient was afebrile and has had no new blood culture growth. Resumed HD on ___ and should continue with ___ schedule after discharge. She will receive the above described antibiotics at dialysis after each session. #Mental status: Patient is lethargic at baseline but arousable to voice and will answer with head nod. There was briefly some concern that she was not able to take oral medications or food and she had a repeat head CT which showed no acute intracranial process. On the day of discharge, she was at her apparent baseline mental status and was able to take PO medications without difficulty. Chronic Issues #Chronic constipation: continued home bowel regimen #Hypothyroidism: continue home Levothyroxine #Hypertension: Hypertensive on admission because she had only received labetolol overnight. She started her home meds Amlodipine, Labetalol, Captopril and her blood pressure became normotensive/mildly elevated (SBP's 120-160's). Transitional Issues -follow-up blood culture results -will continue to receive ceftazidime for a total 2 week course with her dialysis sessions, will be continued through ___. -will need to wear c-collar for 2 weeks until she is seen by ___ clinic -schedule follow-up in ___ clinic with Dr. ___ in 2 weeks (___)</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ M, MVC, unrestrained, + LOC, ___? p/w R ___ anterior nondisplaced & R ___ ant mild displaced rib fx. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed 1. No acute intracranial process. 2. Anterior right basal frontal lobe cystic change may be from prior trauma. 3. Expanded sella turcica. Defect along sellar floor, may be postsurgical, or from meningocele, correlate with surgical history. Correlate with history of rhinorrhea. CT C-SPINE W/O CONTRAST Q311 CT SPINE showed No acute findings. CT torso with contrast showed 1. Nondisplaced fractures of the right anterior ___ ribs and lateral ___ ribs. No pneumothorax. 2. No acute organ injury in the chest, abdomen, or pelvis. NOTIFICATION: The updated findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 2:18 pm, 2 minutes after discovery of the findings. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed No comparison. The lung volumes are normal. The patient shows moderate cardiomegaly and signs of mild pulmonary edema. There is no evidence of pathologic parenchymal processes, notably no evidence of pleural effusions or pneumonia. No pneumothorax. The patient was diagnosed with Multiple fractures of ribs, right side, init for clos fx, Car driver injured in collision w car in traf, init. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ male with a pmh significant for seizure disorder presented following a high speed motor vehicle collision with positive loss of consciousness. He was evaluated in the trauma bay and pan scanned and found to have R ___ anterior nondisplaced rib fx, R ___ anterior mild displaced rib fx. He was admitted to the floor for pain control and pulmonary toilet. On hospital day 1 the patient's diet was advanced to a regular diet and he was tolerating oral pain medication. He worked with ___ and OT who recommended that he follow up with cognitive neuroscience as an outpatient for his loss of consciousness after the incident. The patient was also instructed to follow up with his primary neurologist after discharge to discuss his medications and possible seizure as a cause of his motor vehicle accident. Prior to discharge the patient was tolerating a regular diet, he was ambulating independently. His pain was well controlled on oral pain medications. He was instructed to follow up with the ___ surgery clinic, as well as the cognitive neurology clinic for his loss of consciousness. He was also instructed that under no circumstance should he drive or operate a motor vehicle until his is cleared to do so by his primary neurologist. He was instructed to follow up with his neurologist within the next week. The patient was in agreement with this plan and was discharged home in good condition. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ y/o woman with type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, CAD, and atrial fibrillation on warfarin who presents with bradycardia and hypotension. She was scheduled for cardiac catheterization on the day of admission to evaluate new echocardiographic inferior wall hypokinesis. However, on the way to the procedure, she had 1 episode of non-bloody, non-bilious emesis. The procedure was cancelled given her symptoms on presentation and low blood pressures. She was sent home and was initially doing OK. Her son checked her BP and heart rate and noted them to be in the ___ systolic and ___ respectively, so he brought her to the ED. Radiology showed No acute cardiopulmonary process. Radiology showed No pneumothorax The patient was diagnosed with HYPOTENSION NOS, CARDIAC DYSRHYTHMIAS NEC, NAUSEA WITH VOMITING. The patient was treated with Coronary and renal angiography ___ with deployment of a drug-eluting stent in the mid LAD. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ y/o woman with type 2 diabetes mellitus hypertension, hyperlipidemia, CAD, atrial fibrillation on warfarin who presents with bradycardia and hypotension in the setting of emesis. After stabilization, she underwent elective coronary angiography (as previously intended to evaluate new focal hypokinesis at rest) and was found to have 90% a mid-LAD stenosis which was stented with DES. ACUTE ISSUES ------------ # Bradycardia - Unclear etiology. ___ have had increased vagal tone in the setting of her nausea and vomiting. She is also on large doses of carvedilol (25 mg bid) but has been on this for a while. By the time she arrived to the ICU, her bradycardia had resolved. She had negative cardiac biomarkers. She remained in sinus rhythm for the rest of her admission and her carvedilol dose was actually increased to 50 mg BID for better BP control. # Hypotension - Placed on norepinephrine briefly on admission for SBPs in ___ (nadir), which was weaned soon after arrival to the MICU. No clear source of infection, and she was not continued on antibiotics after her initial dose of ceftriaxone in the ER. She was likely hypotensive secondary to a combination of junctional bradycardia and hypovolemia from vomiting and poor PO intake (including npo for her outpatient procedure). Her home antihypertensive were reintroduced when she became hypertensive again. # CAD+hypertension - The patient was scheduled for coronary angiography for symptoms of angina and evidence left ventricular systolic dysfunction with hypokinesis of the basal inferior wall (EF 60%) on ___ TTE. Her outpatient procedure was cancelled for vomiting and at home later she developed bradycardia and hypotension that prompted representation to the ER. She was managed medically over the weekend until her procedure on ___, which showed 90% mid LAD stenosis, now s/p DES. Renal arteries were notably free of disease. Her statin dose was raised and her home carvedilol dose was increased to 50 mg BID for uncontrolled BPs while in house. Her blood pressures on all of her home meds were better controlled but still slightly hypertensive 140-150s on the day of discharge. # Atrial fibrillation: CHADS2 score is 3 (HFpEF, HTN, DM). INR goal ___. She takes warfarin at home. This was held for her invasive cardiac procedure and she was treated with subcutaneous heparin. Warfarin was started post-procedure, but she was subtherapeutic at discharge. She will need follow up of her INR as an outpatient to ensure that she becomes therapeutic again. Notably, she is now on dual antiplatelet medications as well as systemic anticoagulation. Patient counseled on increased risks of bleeding on the combination of these 3 agents. # Elevated anion gap metabolic acidosis - Caused by lactic acidosis with lactate of 5 on admission. This resolved with volume resuscitation and there was no evidence of toxic ingestion or impaired tissue perfusion subsequently. # ___ - The patient presented with sCr of 1.2 from baseline ~0.7. This was thought to be from hypovolemia and this improved with IV fluids. Cr was at baseline value upon discharge. # Asymptomatic bacteriuria: The patient grew >100k pan-sensitive Klebsiella from an admission urine culture obtained in the setting of her nausea/emesis. She did not have symptoms of a UTI. However, given that she briefly had a Foley after admission, it was decided to treat her with 3 days of nitrofurantoin. CHRONIC/STABLE ISSUES # T2DM - Oral agents held on admission, placed on insulin sliding scale. Discharged on her home medications. # GERD - Continud on pantoprazole # Hyperlipidemia - Continued on pravastatin, with dose raised to 80 mg nightly prior to admission. # Code status this admission - FULL CODE TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ------------------- -INR follow up to ensure she returns to therapeutic level -BP monitoring in clinic to ensure adequate control on higher dose carvedilol</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ y/o male with PMHx of CHF and HTN discharged from the ED 3 days ago for likely CHF exacerbation presents with dyspnea. Pt was brought in on ___ from psych facility. On initial assessment, patient with paranoid thinking, telling ED staff that "people are trying to kill him". He denied chest pain/f/c/n/v but otherwise was unable to answer many questions. In the ED initial vitals were: 97.7 88 116/98 26 100% NC. NA 131, K 5.2. Trop x 1 negative. EKG: QTc 476 Labs/studies notable for: WBC to 10.8, H/H 12.9/40.5, BNP 4545, INR 1.9. Trop x 1 negative. CXR showed minimal prominence of the pulmonary interstitial markings suggestive of early pulmonary edema. There is no focal consolidations, pleural effusion, or pulmonary edema Patient was given: IV Zofran 4 mg and IV furosemide 40 mg Vitals on transfer: 98.6 82 117/81 22 100%RA Radiology showed Mediastinal wires are seen, unchanged. Heart size is enlarged and appears slightly larger than previous. There is minimal prominence of the pulmonary interstitial markings suggestive of early pulmonary edema. There is no focal consolidations, pleural effusion, or pulmonary edema. There are no pneumothoraces. LIVER OR GALLBLADDER US (SINGLE ORGAN) showed 1. Mild gallbladder distention with cholelithiasis and mild gallbladder wall thickening which is nonspecific, and may be due to third spacing. In the appropriate clinical setting, however, acute cholecystitis cannot be excluded. If there is continued clinical suspicion, a HIDA scan or MRI with hepatobiliary agent could be performed for further evaluation. 2. Gallbladder adenomyomatosis. 3. Small volume ascites. 4. Prominence of the intrahepatic veins and pulsatile flow in the main portal vein may represent right heart failure or tricuspid regurgitation. Clinical correlation is recommended. RECOMMENDATION(S): Mild gallbladder distention with cholelithiasis and mild gallbladder wall thickening. In the appropriate clinical setting, acute cholecystitis cannot be excluded. If there is continued clinical suspicion, a HIDA scan or MRI with hepatobiliary agent could be performed for further evaluation. Radiology showed Normal bowel gas pattern. The patient was diagnosed with Heart failure, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS: Acute on chronic systolic heart failure Coronary artery disease Psychosis SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: Hypertension GERD. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>SUMMARY: ___ y/o male with psychotic disorder (one previous hospitalization)m HTN, CAD s/p CABG in early ___ and stenting in ___, CHF who presented with dyspnea on exertion. He was thought to have an acute decompensation of his heart failure, most likely in the setting of medication noncompliance. He was diuresed with boluses of IV furosemide with good response and transitioned to PO torsemide 20 mg, on which he maintained a stable volume status for several days. He had an echo that showed reduced EF of ___ consistent with ischemic cardiomyopathy. His medications were optimized for systolic heart failure; further cardiac ischemic evaluation was deferred at this time. He was followed by our psychiatry team for his psychosis, and his quetiapine uptitrated from 25mg BID to ___ BID. # CAD s/p CABG and stents: # Acute on chronic systolic heart failure: Presented with acute decompensation of heart failure with dyspnea on exertion and elevated BNP. Diuresed over the course of several days with boluses of 80mg IV furosemide. When he reached euvolemia he was transitioned to PO torsemide 20mg daily with stable I/O. He was found on echo to have EF ___ with changes c/w ischemic cardiomyopathy. For medication optimization, his carvedilol and lisinopril were uptitrated and he was started on spironolactone. He will require further ischemic evaluation for stress test as well as consideration of ICD in the future; this was deferred during this admission due to psychiatric decompensation and low likelihood of sufficient followup, ie compliance with DAPT if ultimately stented. # Psychotic disorder, NOS: Patient was transferred from ___ psych facility to ___. During this admission, he was followed by our psychiatry team. He continued to have agitation and paranoia intermittently. His quetiapine was uptitrated from 25mg BID to ___ BID. He was kept with a 1:1 sitter but did not endorse any suicidal or harmful ideation. He was discharged to psych facility. # Transaminitis: On admission ALT/AST elevated in 300s consistent with hepatocellular pattern of injury. Hepatitis, HIV serologies checked and negative. Likely congestive hepatopathy, and improved during diuresis. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with hx of afib on flecainide and apixaban, s/p Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, s/p CCY, htn, thyroid nodule presenting with weakness and feeling cold x1 day. Patient states that she in her usual state of health until the afternoon of ___, when she began to feel weak. Her sister noted that she was diffusely red. She describes feeling bilateral ___ weakness, cold, shivers, and palpitations. Denies cough, chest pain, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, although she does report an episode of loose stools after arrival to the ED. Denies dysuria, hematuria, hematochezia, melena. Denies rhinorrhea, sore throat, sick contacts. She recalls one prior episode of feeling weak in the setting of hyponatremia during a prior admission in ___. CT abdomen/pelvis with oral and IV contrast. showed 1. Minimal peripancreatic stranding which may reflect acute pancreatitis in the proper clinical context. The pancreas enhances homogeneously. 2. Anasarca. The patient was diagnosed with Weakness. At the time of discharge, the patient had acute pancreatitis hypothermia diarrhea. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is a ___ woman with h/o afib on flecainide and apixaban, s/p Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, s/p CCY, htn, thyroid nodule presenting with weakness and chills, found to have mild hypothermia, course c/b mild acute pancreatitis. # Hypothermia: Unclear etiology at admission with large differential. No clear infectious etiologies were found with negative blood and urine cultures. Cortisol and TSH were within normal limits. Among her medications, metoprolol is the most likely to produce or exacerbate hypothermia but this was continued without any recurrence of hypothermia. Patient also had intermittent hypoglycemia (see below), but it is unclear if this is related at all. Patient was treated with 6L of warmed IVF as well as Bair Hugger, with improved temperatures. Her temperatures then remained stable throughout her hospitalization. Ultimately, initial episode thought to be related to potential hypoglycemic episode in setting of mild acute pancreatitis. # Mild acute pancreatitis Patient with abdominal pain, n/v, and radiographic signs of mild pancreatitis, likely caused by alcohol. Lipase is not significantly elevated, though checked on ___ day of hospitalization. Her diet was advanced successfully and she tolerated a regular diet at discharge with resolution of symptoms. Pancreatitis thought to be secondary to alcohol ingestion. Patient pre-contemplative regarding her alcohol abuse, though abstinence was encouraged. # diarrhea Unclear etiology but may be gastroenteritis, possibly viral. C.diff and stool cultures were negative. # Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemic episodes noted to BG in the ___, mostly in the early AM and late ___. Patient never symptomatic. Unclear if associated with hypothermia as unfortunately BG not measured on arrival. Hypoglycemia resolves with PO intake. Patient prescribed glucometer at discharge and instructed to measure FSBG in the AM and at night and if she has any concerning symptoms. # Hyponatremia likely ___ SIADH Extensive work-up in the past, found to have evidence of underlying SIADH, though cause is not clear. Patient received 6L IVF on admission with some decrease in sodium, consistent with SIADH. Sodium at discharge was 128, which is consistent with known baseline. # CV-rhythm: Patient with known history of afib, presented in an accelerated junctional rhythm. Maintained on flecainide and metoprolol. Home apixaban continued. She has upcoming appointment with EP. # EtOH abuse: Pt endorses significant EtOH intake, denies hx of withdrawal. Last drink ___, no evidence of active withdrawal this admission and patient monitored on CIWA. EtOH level on admission was 24. Continued on MVI, thiamine and folate. SW consulted and provided support, though patient was repeatedly resistant to discussions regarding abstinence and appears to be pre-contemplative regarding quitting alcohol use. # Leukopenia # thrombocytopenia: Present since ___, has been evaluated by hematology for pancytopenia, thought to be related to nutritional deficiencies in setting of roux-en-y. Pt has not been taking nutritional supplements as recommended. ___ also be component of myelosuppression ___ EtOH use. HIV negative ___. Home multivitamins were continued. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ female with a history of Crohns maintained on Tofacitinib 5mg BID (Jak3 Kinase inhibitor) with an extensive surgical history who is most recently s/p revision of ileostomy and debridement and drainage of abscess cavity (___) with Dr. ___. She presented to the ___ ED on ___ with dizziness, nausea, and black stool. CT and labs were reassuring and she was felt well enough to d/c home. Patient returned today with paresthesias in her hands bilaterally, which started 2 days ago. The sensation is constant and is located throughout her entire hand. She cannot clearly identify any aggravating factors. She notes maybe holding her phone in a certain position makes it worse. She also believes her fingers (not just the joints) are more swollen, Rt > Lt hand. She also has pain and difficulty making a fist. She does not report any other joint pain or weakness in her extremities. Patient has history of cervical radiculopathy and carpal tunnel. Her current symptoms are not similar to prior symptoms. Patient denies new medications. She has been on tofacitinib since ___. In the ED initial vitals were: 97.2 97 ___ 97% - Labs were significant for normal CBC with slightly increased anemia (Hgb 12.1 -> 11.1). Chem7 notable for Cl 109, otherwise WNL, Ca/Mg/Phos normal. LFTs normal. Lactate normal. UA with 6WBCs, few bacteria, moderate LeukEst. The patient was given dilaudid and zofran. Surgery was consulted but felt patient without any acute surgical issues. On the floor, reports paresthesias in her hands. She also reports feeling fatigued for the past ___ days. She noted specks of blood in her ileostomy bag this morning. Her stools are at baseline. She empties her bag ___ ___ per day. She also complains of nausea, poor appetite, and ___ weight loss over 2 weeks. The patient also has LUQ pain, which is worse than her usual abdominal pain. Review of Systems: (+) per HPI (-) fever, chills, headache, vision changes, rhinorrhea, congestion, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, melena, hematochezia, dysuria, hematuria, rash. VENOUS DUP UPPER EXT UNILATERAL showed No evidence of a deep vein thrombosis in the right upper extremity. Small nonocclusive thrombus at the tip of the catheter in a superficial vein. NOTIFICATION: Results were discussed with Dr. ___ at 11:43 AM on ___ via telephone by Dr. ___ 5 minutes after the findings were discovered. The patient was diagnosed with REGIONAL ENTERITIS NOS. At the time of discharge, the patient had 1. Paresthesias 2. Crohn's Disease 3. Anemia 4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 5. Superficial Vein Thrombosis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ year old female with a past medical history significant for Crohn's disease with extensive surgical history, who presented with a one day history of bilateral numbness, swelling, tingling, and pain in her hands. Active Issues # Paresthesias: Cause unclear at discharge. Patient also noted sensation of swollen fingers. No objective neurologic deficits identified. The patient's bilateral hand pain and paresthesias may be due to carpal tunnel syndrome given positive Phalen's test and known prior history. During her hospitalization other causes for her symptoms including B12 deficiency, diabetic neuropathy, severe hypocalcemia, folate deficiency, and thyroid disorder were ruled out. Lyme serologies pending at discharge. CRPS felt to be unlikely in the acute setting. Plain films of her bilateral wrists and hands did not show any degenerative or otherwise arthritic changes. As she has a history of DVT and had swelling that was more prominent in the right hand and arm, an ultrasound was done of the right upper extremity. It did not show any DVT but did show a small thrombosis at the tip of her peripheral IV in the cephalic vein. The IV was removed and her arm swelling decreased. Discussed with radiology and no follow up imaging was warranted at this time. No indication for anticoagulation. Discussed with pharmacy, this is not a known side effect of her JAK2 inhibitor. Patient was given wrist splints to be worn at night and during the day when possible. Should follow up with primary care physician regarding whether nerve conduction studies as an outpatient are warranted re carpal tunnel. # Crohn's disease: The patient sees Dr. ___ and has been on a stable regimen since starting tofacitinib in ___. Of note the patient did notice some darkening of her stool color and it was found to be guiac positive and flecked with blood on admission, though nonbloody at discharge. Her hematocrit on was near her recent baseline at discharge. She did not have any abdominal pain above her baseline and was treated with her home medication regimen of PO dilaudid and fentanyl patch for her pain. Her WBC, LFTs,lipase, and CT abdomen from ED visit on ___ were all normal. Chronic Issues # Anemia, Normocytic: H/H currently near recent baseline. Patient with recent history of black stools. No current active signs of bleeding. Guiac positive. Iron studies showed normal iron and ferritin, slightly decreased TIBC, TRF, c/w anemia of chronic disease. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is an ___ y/o male with a past medical history of CAD s/p CABG ___, HTN, AF on Coumadin, DMII, depression, chronic small vessel disease and recent ischemic stroke ___ who presents with a near syncopal episode. Patient reports that he was walking to ___ today and started to feel weak and dizzy. He did not pass out and there was no LOC. Patient denied chest pain, palpitations, headache, vision changes, or SOB during this episode. Also denied slurred speech or facial droop. Has never had an episode like this in the past. No report of seizure activity. He sat down and his symptoms improved after he drank a soda. His son checked his blood sugar and it was in the 200s. He has had no change in appetite and did eat breakfast this AM. Given the concern for syncope he went to the ED. Radiology showed Subtly increased lung markings in the left lower lobe likely reflect atelectasis or scarring and are unchanged from the prior exam in ___. Low lung volumes. No definite pneumonia. The patient was diagnosed with Syncope and collapse, Weakness. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary diagnosis: ___, bradycardia Secondary diagnosis: atrial fibrillation, hypertension, diabetes. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is an ___ y/o male with a past medical history of CAD s/p CABG ___, HTN, AF on Coumadin, DMII, depression, chronic small vessel disease and recent ischemic stroke ___ who presented with a ___ episode. # ___: patient had an episode of ___ while walking up stairs at ___. Initially there was concern that this was related to a hypoglycemic episode, however his blood glucose around the event was within normal limits. Patient denied chest pain, palpitations, loss of consciousness, slurred speech, vision changes or seizure activity. Orthostatic vital signs were negative on admission. Troponins were negative x2. He was noted to be bradycardic in the setting of nodal agents. His nadolol, digoxin and nicardipine were discontinued. He was monitored on telemetry. He had no syncopal or ___ episodes while admitted. His TTE did not show evidence of valvular disease. He worked with physical therapy and was discharged home with ___. He was discharged off of nadolol, digoxin and nicardipine. He will have ___ of Hearts placed in the outpatient setting. # Bradycardia: patient was monitored on telemetry and within the first 24 hours of admission he was noted to have bradycardic episodes with HRs ___ while sleeping and while awake. Patient was asymptomatic during those episodes. Rhythm was slow AF. His nadolol, digoxin and nicardipine were discontinued. He remained on telemetry and was only noted to have episodes while sleeping. Ultimately his bradycardia was attributed to medication effect and increased vagal tone while sleeping. He was instructed to notify his PCP or return to the ED should he have palpitations, syncope or ___. He will have ___ of Hearts monitor placed the day after discharge. If patient has recurrent bradycardic episodes will need to consider pacemaker placement. # CVA: patient was recently hospitalized with a CVA. He was evaluated by ___ and was noted to have attention deficits and slow gait. He was discharged home with ___. He was scheduled to see a neurologist in the outpatient setting. # DM: continued home lantus 14U qHS. Discontinued oral repaglinide. His PCP ___ consider alternative oral agents such as metformin. # HTN: continued lisinopril 15 mg daily. Discontinued nadolol, nicardipine and digoxin. Added amlodipine 5 mg daily. # AF: patient was on digoxin and nadolol. In the setting of bradycardic episodes these agents were discontinued. He did not have episodes of RVR. His warfarin was continued with INR goal ___. He will have ___ of Hearts event monitor placed as an outpatient. # CAD: continued aspirin 81 mg daily and continued atorvastatin. His nadolol was discontinued in the setting of bradycardia. # Chronic CHF: continued Lasix and spironolactone. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ===================== - discharged home with ___ - DISCONTINUED MEDICATIONS: nadolol, digoxin, nicardipine, Repaglinide - NEW MEDICATIONS: amlodipine 5 mg daily - continue adjusting blood pressure medications as an outpatient - will have follow up in the cardiology clinic - recommend INR check on ___ at ___ appointment - scheduled an appointment on ___ for ___ of Hearts</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ w/ left parietal glioblastoma discovered after she developed episodic right foot numbness who presents from clinic for heparin and PE workup. MR HEAD W AND W/O CONTRAST showed 1. Postoperative change of prior left parietal craniotomy with subjacent resection cavity, expected underlying blood products, and minimal peripheral enhancement which is potentially on a postoperative basis although attention to this region during followup is recommended. 2. Decreased edema within the resection cavity when compared to prior exam. 3. No new lesions or clearly new areas of abnormal enhancement. Bilateral LOWER EXT VEINS showed Acute deep venous thrombosis involving bilateral lower extremity veins extending from the calf veins to the femoral vein at the groin level bilaterally. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed by ___ with Dr. ___ ___ on the telephone on ___ at 3:45 ___, 5 minutes after discovery of the findings. CHEST (PA AND LAT) showed Moderate cardiomegaly and a tortuous aorta are unchanged from ___. No acute intrapulmonary process. CT ABD AND PELVIS W/O CONTRAST showed 1. Large left rectus sheath hematoma with additional hemorrhage within the left anterolateral abdominopelvic muscular wall. 2. Diverticulosis without diverticulitis. 3. Atrophic right kidney. NOTIFICATION: The preliminary findings were discussed by Dr. ___ ___ with Dr. ___ on the telephone on ___ at 17:10, 10 minutes after discovery of the findings. Radiology showed Successful deployment of Denali IVC filter. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Will be in touch with the patient's primary care provider in several months to discuss the continued need for the inferior vena cava filter and to possibly schedule removal at that time. Radiology showed 1. Successful recannulization of the right lower extremity extending from the popliteal through the right common iliac vein. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Patient to contact Interventional Radiology administrator upon discharge to arrange for follow-up appointment and ultrasound in 2 weeks to ensure patency. The patient was diagnosed with ACUTE VENOUS EMBOLISM AND THROMBOSIS OF DEEP VESSELS OF DISTAL LOWER EXTREMITY, MAL NEO PARIETAL LOBE, HYPERTENSION NOS. The patient was treated with IVC FILTER PLACEMENT ___ INTRAVASCULAR DVT TPA ADMINISTRATION ___. At the time of discharge, the patient had ___ vein thrombus Pulmonary Embolism Rectus Sheath Hematoma Glioblastoma Multiforme. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>HOSPITAL COURSE: ___ w/ GBM s/p resection ___, HTN, DL, CKDIII who p/w new symptomatic DVT and small PEs; started on heparin gtt but developed rectus sheath hematoma. Anticoagulation stopped and patient underwent plcmt of IVC filter and got DVT thrombolysis via ___ on ___. # Anemia/Rectus Sheath Hematoma: patient had abdominal pain and Hct drop on presentation which started after anticoagulation initiated. She had visible large left flank hematoma also. CT abdomen pelvis non con showed a rectus sheath hematoma with intrapelvic muscular bleeding also so anticoagulation stopped. Hct downtrended further despite this and she ultimately required 2u RBCs with appropriate bump on ___. At the time of discharge Hct was stable. #DVT/PE: asabove pt was started on heparin gtt but found to have bleeding so anticoagulation stopped. She is s/p IVC fliter placed on ___. Lung scan ___ suggested that if PEs present they are small and subsegmental and if present very low clot burden. She underwent DVT thrombolysis ___. Given her Hct continued to downtrend slightly despite discontinuation of anticoagulation it was felt unsafe to restart anticoagulation and that she was somewhat protected against further thrombotic events given that it was less likely she had PEs and if so they were small, she now has the IVCF, and her DVTs were lysed by ___. Would consider restart anticoagulation as outpatient, but would proceed cautiously. Note pt also has thrombocytopenia. ___ will contact her about scheduling her for an appointment for repeat ultrasound to see if the DVTs have in fact resolved as an outpatient. Her baseline CKD also complicates anticoagulation dosing. #Dyspnea: resolved. V/q showed likely small peripheral PEs, if any present they are small and subsegmental. Held anticoagulation as above # Thrombocytopenia - unclear etiology, slowly downtrending this admit from low 100s to ___. Ptls much lower in ___ of this year though unclear why (in mid ___ likely ___ radiation as she also had received TMZ/IMRT earlier in her course this year). Plts were stable at the time of discharge. #Acute Kidney Injury: Improved, back to baseline. Has baseline CKD III, ___ improved after IVF initially. #HTN: stable. Contd home amlodipine and valsartan #Glioblastoma: stable, s/p resection. Pt will follow up with Dr. ___, plan is likely to proceed with temozolomide which had been planned as an outpatient.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ w hx of metastatic small cel lung ca to brain who presents w/ vertigo for past 4 days. He states that he has had progressively worsening feeling of room spinning for 4 days. Worse when lying down but always there. Denies HA, vision changes, vomiting, or abdominal pain. Has also had nausea and increased urinary frequency over the past 4 days w/ no dysuria, fever, chest pain, dyspnea. Last chemo tx was 5 days ago for 3 days. No headache. Seen yesterday for L shoulder pain, and had a CTA chest which showed no PE and a stable lung mass. Referred here by oncology for evaluation. Chest: Frontal and lateral views showed Large left hilar mass and peripheral left upper lobe pulmonary nodule/mass seen on CT 1 day prior were better assessed on CT. Chronic interstitial lung disease. No new opacity identified. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed No acute intracranial process. MRI is more sensitive in detecting small intracranial lesions. MR HEAD W AND W/O CONTRAST showed No evidence of tumor progression or recurrence. The intraparenchymal enhancing masses noted on ___ are no longer detected. The right scalp mass appears unchanged. The patient was diagnosed with Dizziness and giddiness. At the time of discharge, the patient had Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Metastatic small cell lung carcinoma Benign prostatic hypertrophy. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ man with COPD, 60-pack-year smoking history and extensive stage small cell lung carcinoma, currently status post four cycles of platinum/etoposide, presenting with dizziness/vertigo. #Vertigo, likely BPPV - new onset vertigo x 4 days. Orthostatics negative. Head CT negative for acute intracranial abnormality. most consistent with BPPV given positive ___. No dysmetria w/ cerebellar testing. Intracranial cause such as CVA or brain mets appears less likely but brain MRI obtained to r/o and showed ongoing resolution of prior intracranial mets, only residual is R temporal scalp lesion. - pt repeatedly declined repeat Epley attempts by providers or ___ - given script for meclizine prn max 25mg TID - he prefers to f/u w/ his PCP who has performed maneuvers for him in past. He was given referral to vestibular therapy although at this time states he declines to attend. - pt was independent w/ ambulation, gait steady. he was advised not to drive until vertigo resolves and had a friend/neighbor take him home from hospital # Extensive stage small cell lung carcinoma: extensive stage on diagnosis inc brain mets. Currently C4D7 cis/etoposide recent imaging shows overall stable disease in chest. Brain MRI ___ showing resolution of prior brain lesions. Repeat this admission showed ongoing resolution as above. # HLD: continued home Simvastatin 40 mg PO QPM and Ezetimibe 10 mg PO DAILY # GERD: continued home Omeprazole 40 mg PO DAILY # BPH: on Flomax, reports persistent nocturia, advised to discuss finasteride w/ his PCP, was given urology appointment but next available not til ___</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: The patient is a ___ woman with a history of alcoholism, alcoholic withdrawal, and possible seiziure disorder and on Keppra. The patient reports to her PCP in the setting of recent increase in alcohol use, although her tox screens have evidently been negative for alcohol and it is unknown when her last drink was. The patient had an episode of tremulousness and a staring episode at her PCP's office, for which she was transferred to ___. At ___, she experienced a generalized seizure for approximately 20 minutes, for which she was given Versed, Ativan, magnesium. The patient was intubated and given some Ativan and midazolam. She has been on propofol for sedation since. The ___ non-contrast head CT was negative for acute intracranial process. The patient received 1g Keppra. . In the ED, the patient's initial neurological exam was nonfocal. Neurology was consulted. An EEG was obtained which showed no status and changes consistent with her propofol sedation. The patient spiked a temperature of 102 in the ED and received acetaminophen. An LP was then obtained, along with a non-contrast head CT. She was also started on 2g ceftriaxone for possible meningitis. The patient's potassium, calcium, and magnesium were all replenished. Her NG tube was advanced. The patient is currentl sedated with a propofol drip. . On arrival to the MICU, the patient is sedated on propofol and intubated. She appears to be quite cachectic. Her heart rate is in the ___, blood pressure systolic low 100s, diastolic low ___. Radiology showed 1. Endotracheal tube in appropriate position. 2. Nasogastric tube high in position, terminating in the distal esophagus. Recommend advancement so that it is well within the stomach. 3. Hyperinflated but clear lungs. 4. Subacute-to-old left ninth rib fracture with opacity projecting over it, which is felt to more likely be related to osseous change. Recommend comparison with priors and if the opacity has increased, consider chest CT to evaluate for underlying pulmonary nodule. 5. Old fracture deformity and severe degenerative change at the right shoulder with possible loose body. The above findings and recommendation under #2 were discussed with Dr. ___ ___ at 6:12 p.m. on ___ via telephone. Radiology showed 1. No intracranial hemorrhage or acute fracture. Chronic involutional changes. 2. Moderate paranasal sinus opacification, secondary to intubation. Seizures, intubation. Portable AP radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to ___. The ET tube tip is 6 cm above the carina. The NG tube is coiled in the proximal stomach continuing up towards the esophagus with its tip being at the level of the distal esophagus and should be readjusted. The heart size and mediastinum are unremarkable. Lungs are hyperinflated but essentially clear. Calcified right paratracheal lymph node is unchanged in appearance. Old rib fractures are noted on the left. Overall, within the limitations of this study technique, no other abnormalities are demonstrated. was done. The patient was diagnosed with GRAND MAL STATUS, ALCOHOL ABUSE-UNSPEC. The patient was treated with Intubated prior to hospital transfer.. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary Diagnosis: Alcohol Withdrawal Seizure and C. Diff diarrheal infection Secondary Diagnosis: COPD EtOH dependence and history of withdrawal seizures C. diff colitis CAD Diverticulitis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is a ___ woman with a history of heavy alcohol abuse and withdrawal seizures who was transferred to the ICU following the experience of a generalized 20-minute seizure at outside hospital necessitating airway protection and sedation. Found to be C. diff positive with diarrhea. . # Seizure, likely secondary to alcohol withdrawal. Confirmed with partner that patient had been without alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to admission due to a recent hospital admission for COPD. Lumbar puncture was traumatic, so WBC counts not suggestive of infection. CT head not suggestive of seziure focus; report of MRI from outside hospital also not suggestive of epileptic focus. EEG showed no clear electrographic seizures or epileptiform discharges. CSF VDRL negative from OSH. She was sedated with midazolam and then intubated for airway protection; she quickly was weaned and then self-extubated. She was given keppra for seizure prophylaxis, and neurology was consulted. She was given a "banana bag" for vitamin repletion. During her course in the hospital she did not experience any additional seizures. Was monitored on a CIWA scale, but did not score. Patient has a history of seizure disorder NOS, and has been maintained on Keppra as an outpatient, which was additionally continued throughout admission per neurology recs. . # History of C. diff. colitis: Patient was on a vancomycin taper as an outpatient. Per PCP, patient was first diagnosed with c.diff in ___, treated twice with flagyl (incomplete treatment in ___ as patient had a seizure given flagyl/etoh use), was started on vanco course with taper on ___ after unrelated hopsital admission. Followed up with OSH infectious disease specialist in mid ___ who recommended continuing taper and trying fidaxomycin should she have another recurrence. Having diarrhea here which tested c.diff positive, restarted vancomycin PO and IV flagyl in the unit (flagyl d/c'd on the floor). Ruled out other etiologies of diarrhea as the toxin assay can often stay positive even after effective treatment for c. diff (stool cultures negative for salmonella, shigella, campylobacter, cryptosporidium or giardia). However, our suspicion for non-compliance is high and we feel that she likely never completed a course for her c. diff and therefore has continuing infection and not recurrence. Patient is being discharged on full course of fidaxomycin as it is only BID dosing with less chance of recurrence. She will have ___ and her boyfriend to help ensure she takes her medication. . # Possible urinary tract infection: UA mildly suggestive of urinary tract infection. Patient received 2g ceftriaxone in ED for suspected meningitis. Follow up urine culture negative. Patient was not continued on antibiotics for UTI. . # Alcohol abuse: The patient appears, from both physical appearance and laboratory values, to have chronic malnutrition from her alcohol use. Social work met with her many times and her electrolytes were closely monitored and repleted as necessary. Patient was monitored on a CIWA scale, but was not scoring. .</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ hx STEMI in ___ with stent to LAD complicated by dissection who presents from her ___ clinic for evaluation of chest pressure. She explains that she has had a cough for the past several days and she developed chest pressure yesterday. Her chest pressure was substernal and without radiation. It occurred at rest. This did not fully improve with NTG in the ER today, though there was modest improvement. She takes NTG approximately ___ annually when she has chest discomfort, but has not recently been evaluated for CAD (last stress TTE ___. She has not had rhinorrhea, fevers, chills, sore-throat, wheezing, orthopnea, diaphoresis. She denies diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. She does not take GERD medications. CHEST (PA AND LAT) showed No acute intrathoracic process. The patient was diagnosed with CHEST PAIN NOS, FLU W RESP MANIFEST NEC, HYPERTENSION NOS, HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms ___ is a ___ year old woman with a history of medically managed LAD STEMI in ___ with subsequent LAD dissection who presents with 24 hrs of progressive substernal chest pressure and found to be positive for influenza A. #Chest pressure: Likely ___ influenza and coughing given non-exertional, negative trops x3. Tightness rather than pain suggests non-MSK. A nuclear stress test showed a fixed perfusion defect in the LAD territory, which likely represents her prior ischemic event --Started Oseltamivir 75 mg Q12H (last day ___ #CAD: history of LAD STEMI treated medically due to complete occlusion. --continue ASA, simva 10 --discuss with her rheumatologist/cardiologist higher simva dose, has been limited in past because of myalgias</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ yo male with h/o COPD, recurrent PNA, oropharyngeal dysphagia, bronchiectasis, and previous MAC pulmonary infection who presented to the ED after two days of fatigue and cough. The pt reported an at-home temp of 101.1 F. He reports feeling feverish, but denies chills or sweats. His cough has been more productive, he has not had hemoptysis. He reports that these sx are reminiscent of PNA for him. He also had R side tenderness, which he noticed more after playing golf several days ago. The pain has been constant. He denies CP, abd pain, constipation or diarrhea or changes in urinary frequency. CHEST (PA AND LAT) TECHNIQUE: Chest radiograph, PA and lateral views COMPARISON: Chest radiograph ___ FINDINGS: There is a focal opacity obscuring right heart border, which appears increased compared to ___. Multiple other faint focal opacities in the left mid and lower lobe lung and right lower lung are similar compared to ___. There is small left pleural effusion or left lung base pleural scarring. There is no pneumothorax. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal size. IMPRESSION: Increased right middle lobe opacity could be pneumonia in correct clinical setting. This is unchanged compared to 1 day prior. showed Increased right middle lobe opacity could be pneumonia in correct clinical setting. This is unchanged compared to 1 day prior. The patient was diagnosed with FEVER, UNSPECIFIED, ACUTE URI NOS. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary diagnosis: Sepsis Pneumonia Secondary diagnosis: COPD bronchiectasis HTN CAD oropharyngeal dysphagia recurrent pneumonia. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>PRIMARY ISSUE Pt is an ___ yo male with h/o COPD, bronchiectasis, recurrent pneumonias, pulmonary MAC infection in ___, and oropharyngeal dysphagia who was admitted for signs of sepsis (101.1 F, WBC 22.2 with left shift) with pneumonia as a likely cause. ACTIVE ISSUES - Sepsis and pneumonia: In the ED, he was given one dose of PO levofloxacin, after which he became afebrile and his WBC decreased to 14.1, and eventually 9.9. Pt's initial CXR showed bilateral lung hyperinflation with resolving lower lung opacities, mild blunting of left costophrenic angle but no acute focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia. A follow up CXR showed a RLL opacity that could be consistent with PNA. Pt continued to be hemodynamically stable and afebrile thereafter on PO levofloxacin. He had a clear UA and no evidence of meningitis. There was low suspicion for abdominal pathology given no symptoms except for mild abd discomfort at his right side. CHRONIC ISSUES - COPD: Continued home tiotropium - CAD/HYPERTENSION: Continued aspirin, atorvastatin, and metoprolol 50 mg XL. - GERD: Continued omeprazole 20 mg BID TRANSITIONAL ISSUES - Antibiotics: We discussed the issue of prophylactic antibiotics with Dr. ___, pt's ID doctor. Based on this discussion, we made the decision to start pt on prophylactic azithromycin for pneumonia, and scheduled an appointment with Dr. ___ on ___. - Code status: pt is DNR, DNI</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ woman with h/o ESRD ___ anti-GBM disease s/p DDRT ___ with high risk CMV status (D+/R-) with course c/b CMV viremia (has UL97 mutation c/w Ganciclovir resistance, treated with foscarnet for 2 weeks and then transitioned to letermovir at 480 bid dose). Has also had recurrent E. Coli and VRE UTIs. Presents with one day of malaise and fevers up to 101, without any other localizing signs or symptoms. Specifically denies any HA, N/V, diarrhea, urinary sxs, neck pains, or URI sxs. Has baseline urinary frequency from torsemide. RENAL TRANSPLANT U.S. showed 1. Borderline elevated renal resistive indices, however slightly decreased compared to ___. 2. Persistent minimal right pelviectasis. No hydronephrosis. 3. No sonographic evidence of pyelonephritis. The patient was diagnosed with Fever, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary diagnosis: Urinary tract infection Secondary diagnosis: End-stage renal disease s/p renal transplant History of CMV infection. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ===================== [] Discharged on cefpodoxime 100mg BID for a 14 day course to treat urinary tract infection. [] Decreased envarsus from 2mg daily to 1.5 mg daily per renal transplant [] Pt will have repeat labs including tacrolimus levels ___ ___ BRIEF SUMMARY ============== ___ woman with h/o ESRD ___ anti-GBM disease s/p DDRT ___ with high risk CMV status (D+/R-) with course c/b CMV viremia (has UL97 mutation c/w Ganciclovir resistance, treated with foscarnet for 2 weeks and then transitioned to letermovir at 480 bid dose), also with hx of MDR E. Coli and VRE UTIs, presented with fevers, leukocytosis, dysuria with urine culture growing E. coli concerning for urosepsis. Initially started on linezolid and cefepime given previous culture data then to linezolid and ceftriaxone. Pt was clinically improving and remained HDS throughout hospital course. She was discharged on an oral course of cefpodoxime 100mg BID (renally adjusted) for total ___CUTE ISSUES: ============= # UTI Patient presenting with fever, malaise and increasing urinary frequency/urgency. Also noted "hot" feeling with urination c/f dysuria. Found to have elevated WBC to 15. She was started on cefepime then ceftriaxone and linezolid due to history of E coli and VRE UTIs. Urine culture grew E coli and she was transitioned to cefpodoxime 100mg BID per sensitivities. # ESRD ___ anti-GBM, s/p DDRT ___ # Immunosuppression Cr is at baseline (1.5-2.0). Renal US with unchanged pelvic fullness and resistive indices. Tacro level therapeutic on admission. She was continued on tacrolimus extended release 2mg daily with goal level of ___. Continued prednisone 5mg daily (not on anti-metabolite due to CMV history). She was continued on Bactrim for PCP ___.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is an ___ yo man with a history of T2DM, BPH, HTN and cholangiocarcinoma on Cisplatin + Gemcitabine presents on C7D17 for fatigue and poor PO intake for 1 week. He has poor PO intake secondary to poor apatite but does not describe any dysphagia or trouble eating. He noticed over this time that his urine is darker but has not noticed any change in his stool. He otherwise denies nausea/vomiting/pain/SOB and rash. CHEST (PA AND LAT) showed Patchy right lower lobe opacity is concerning for an area of developing infection. Radiology showed 1. Short interval increase in intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation with decreased pneumobilia. Taken together, these findings are concerning for obstructed biliary stents. Consider ERCP. 2. Perihepatic fluid at the hepatic flexure with apparent mild colonic wall thickening may be reactive to the underlying hepatic process, however mild colitis of the ascending colon is possible. 3. Unchanged cystic pancreatic lesions. 4. Unchanged marked prostatomegaly with bladder wall hypertrophy and a right-sided bladder diverticulum. Radiology showed 1. Possible new pneumoperitoneum. Distinguish with left lateral decubitus radiograph of the abdomen. 2. Low lung volumes and bibasilar atelectasis. RECOMMENDATION(S): Possible new pneumoperitoneum. Distinguish with left lateral decubitus radiograph of the abdomen. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed by telephone with ___ by ___ at 10:20, ___, 1 min after discovery. Radiology showed No evidence of free air. Nonspecific bowel gas pattern. Radiology showed 1. New large volume of intraperitoneal free air, along with new moderate volume of ascites. Loculated free air is noted within the pelvis, adjacent to the sigmoid colon, as described above. Given the clinical history of recent sigmoidoscopy, findings are most concerning for sigmoid perforation. Surgical consultation is recommended. 2. Interval decrease in degree of intrahepatic ductal dilatation and new pneumobilia, indicating stent patency. Known cholangiocarcinoma is not well delineated on the current study. The patient recently had ERCP, however there are no new sites of retroperitoneal free air to suggest a duodenal perforation. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed by Dr. ___ with Dr. ___ on ___ at 5:48 ___, 15 minutes after discovery of the findings. Radiology showed There is stable free air under the hemidiaphragms as compared to the earlier study. There is bibasilar atelectasis which is unchanged. There is no pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum. There is no CHF. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Compared to prior chest radiographs since ___, most recently ___ through ___. Bibasilar consolidation, either pneumonia or atelectasis and moderate bilateral pleural effusion right greater than left, all unchanged since ___. It is very difficult to distinguish colonic interposition in the right upper abdominal quadrant from multi loculated pneumo peritoneum. That determination is more reliably made with dedicated abdominal imaging. The right pleural effusion however is the most likely reflective of the abdominal contents, whether ascites, infection, or bile leak. Radiology showed There is this a stable or slightly decreased amount of free air visualized in the subdiaphragmatic region. There has atelectasis in both lung bases. There is no pneumothorax or CHF. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Compared to prior chest radiographs since ___ most recently ___. Bilateral pleural effusion, moderate on the right, small on the left has been increasing slowly since ___. Opacification in the lower lungs is attributable to atelectasis but pneumonia is not excluded. The upper lungs are clear. There is no pulmonary edema. Cardiac silhouette is also partially obscured and could be mildly enlarged. No pneumothorax. In the absence of volume overload or any evidence of cardiac decompensation and the explanation for pleural effusions might be related to subdiaphragmatic pathology, including infection, bleeding, or bile leak, as appropriate. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Known free intra-abdominal air, seen under the right hemidiaphragm. The extent of air has not substantially changed over the last few chest radiographs. Bilateral areas of atelectasis and right pleural effusion as well as calcified granulomas at the left lung apex are stable. The patient was diagnosed with Pneumonia, unspecified organism. The patient was treated with ERCP with pus removal and stent placement ___. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSES: CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA BILIARY OBSTRUCTION SECONDARY DIAGNOSES: POOR APPETITE PANCYTOPENIA H/O HYPERTENSION AND HYPERLIPIDEMIA. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ w/ cholangiocarcinoma on Cis/Gem presented C7D17 for fatigue X 1 week and poor PO intake # Hepatobiliary obstruction c/b perforation: Patient is very functional and alert individual at baseline and presented with poor PO intake and fatigue for 1 week. Initially thought to have pneumonia, he was found to have biliary obstruction on CT scan likely the cause of his presenting symptoms. He as taken for ERCP on ___ and had removal of puss from biliary tracts with placement of a new stent. Unfortunately, the procedure was complicated by perforation with intra-abdominal free air and ascites. He was seen by surgery and ERCP and was treated with antibiotics and supportive care. His diet was advanced slowly and he tolerated it well. He completed a course of cefepime, vanc and ___ and was narrowed to cipro and flagyl on ___ for a 7 day course upon discharge. His liver function tests and bilirubin were trending down / normal on discharge and he was taking good PO and ambulating independently. # Pancytopenia: Patient with new progressive thrombocytopenia and anemia now also neutropenic. This has never occurred on previous chemo cycles. DIC & TTP / hemolysis ruled out given normal coags, elevated fibrinogen and elevated haptoglobin, normal LDH and absence of rash / abnormal bruising. Initial concern for gemcitabine induced HUS but renal function normal and no evidence of hemolysis. Blood observed from rectum on ___, but on exam found external hemorrhoids likely bleeding in setting of thrombocytopenia. Otherwise no evidence of blood loss. Likely chemo induced pancytopenia. This improved daily and was trending up on discharge. # Poor PO intake Patient with poor PO intake since 1 week prior to admission. Also has been NPO since admission for procedures and complication of SB perforation. His potassium and phosphorus were repleted during admission and he was given IVF as needed. He was started on megastrol 400 QD because of patients continued concern about his poor apatite and was taking good PO upon discharge. # Cholangiocarcinoma: Previously tolerating chemo well. Stable over the last 3 months until admission on C7D17 of Cisplatin + Gemcitabine with plan for 8 cycles. His outpatient oncologist was contacted and his next cycle was held in the setting of acute illness. He was discharged with close follow up to discuss continued treatment. # Diarrhea: Small amount, likely secondary to obstructed biliary ducts. C-diff negative and resolved upon discharge. # HTN/HLD: his home aspirin was held given anemia</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ hx of unresectable cholangiocarcinoma s/p incisional hernia repair (___) c/b C.diff colitis on PO Vancomycin presents with abdominal pain. Patient reports intermittent pain in her upper abdomen, and right side of her back for months. It last varying lengths of duration. She developed the same pain today that resolved prior to arriving in the ER. She denies N/V, fever/chills, diarrhea, melena/hematochezia. She is passing flatus with soft stools. She is able to tolerate POs but her appetite has been decreasing the last few weeks. Radiology showed Complex heterogeneous area with solid components and internal vascularity measuring up to 4.1 cm in the right flank, overall unchanged in size compared to the CT from ___. This could represent a phlegmon versus a metastatic deposit of tumor. Ultrasound-guided diagnostic and therapeutic paracentesis. COMPARISONS: CT abdomen and pelvis ___. PROCEDURE AND FINDINGS: After the risks, benefits and alternatives to the procedure were explained to the patient, written informed consent was obtained. A four quadrant ultrasound was performed to determine the largest pocket of ascites. The largest pocket of ascites was selected in the left lower quadrant. The skin was then prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. A preprocedure timeout was performed, confirming three patient identifiers and the procedure to be performed. Subsequently, 1% lidocaine solution was instilled for local anesthesia. A 5 ___ ___ catheter was then advanced into the peritoneal cavity. A total of 1.3 liters of clear yellow ascitic fluid was aspirated. Samples were sent for cytology as requested. The patient tolerated the procedure well with no immediate post-procedure complications. Dr. ___, the attending radiologist, was present and supervised throughout the critical portions of the procedure. IMPRESSION: Uncomplicated ultrasound-guided diagnostic and therapeutic paracentesis yielding 1.3 liters of clear yellow ascitic fluid. Samples were sent for cytology. showed Uncomplicated ultrasound-guided diagnostic and therapeutic paracentesis yielding 1.3 liters of clear yellow ascitic fluid. Samples were sent for cytology. Radiology showed 1. Slightly increasing biliary dilatation as compared to the prior studies. 2. Known cholangiocarcinoma along the hepatic hilum with worsening ascites and suggestion of erosion into the duodenum as described above. Peritoneal nodules as well as portal vein compression are stable. 3. Right lower lobe collapse. Small-to-moderate right-sided pleural effusion and trace left pleural effusion. These findings were discussed with ___ at 7:45 p.m. by ___. Radiology showed No DVT in either lower extremities. Radiology showed Non-occlusive thrombus surrounding the PICC in the right axillary and subclavian veins. The above findings were discussed with Dr. ___ at 12:05 p.m. on ___ immediately after the study. Radiology showed Right PICC terminating in the region of the right atrium, proximal re-positioning by 1 to 2 cm is recommended. No other significant change compared to recent prior examination. Dr. ___ communicated the above results to IV RN, ___ at 1715 on ___ by telephone. The patient was diagnosed with ABDOMINAL PAIN UNSPEC SITE, ANOREXIA, MAL NEO INTRAHEPAT DUCTS. The patient was treated with Fluid collection I and D ___ EGD ___ Picc placement and removal. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Superinfected abdominal fluid collection, GI bleed, Left upper extremity DVT (Axillary and subclavian) Secondary: Cholangiocarcinoma. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ y/o female with extensive medical and recent surgical history who presents with abdominal pain. On admission the patient underwent CT of the abdomen and pelvis. There are several notable findings, including a right flank wound (CT reports area of abnormal enhancement in the right flank along the oblique muscles previously described as a phlegmon; now shows interval increase in size of central fluid and gas collection measuring up to 1.6 cm of longest axis diameter with associated probable fistulous tract communicating with the skin -- more likely to be superinfected metastasis than pure phlegmon). The wound drained, and patient was treated with antibiotics. She was initially on a surgical service, but was transferred to oncology service. Hospitalization complicated by hematemesis and hypotension requiring brief MICU stay. #. Right flank purulent mass: Pt had rupture of right flank collection revealing purulence with CT scan demonstrating fistulous tract from abdominal wall communicating with the skin. Although initial culture after rupture was negative, repeat aspiration overnight revealed Pseudomonas. Based on imaging, it appears that the mass may be a tumor focus, superinfected, as opposed to an abscess/phlegmon. ID recommended cefepime and Flagyl, which will be continued until patient sees outpatient ID physician ___ in follow up. #. Cholangiocarcinoma with possible peritoneal carcinomatosis: Not a surgical candidate. Therapeutic and diagnostic paracentesis (for cytology) done on ___, but without definitive evidence of cancer in the peritoneum. Normal CEA and AFP and CA ___. Treatment in future depending on staging and resolution of acute infection. She will have medical oncology and radiation oncology outpatient follow up. # Hypotension: Patient became hypotensive in AM of ___ to SBP in ___. Transferred to MICU. Responded well to 4L of IVF. Resolved. Unclear event as precipitant but likely some form of inflammatory response evident given WBC count elevation vs. bleeding alone. Could have been related to inflammatory response from tumor invasion and bleed versus transient biliary obstruction. No clear infectious source found outside of flank mass, which was already being treated. Volume depletion or HCT drop alone could explain hypotension, but pt may have had transient biliary obstruction (alk phos elevation, relative ___ elevation) which then resolved. # GI bleed: Patient had hematemesis with hypovolemia. EGD shows esophagitis and gastritis. Unclear if this is fully responsible for the GI bleed, but given small volume hematemesis, this is most likely cause, as opposed to duodenal tumor which was not visualized and thus would be unlikely to cause hematemesis. GI did not find much on EGD that would suggest tumor eroding into dudeonum. Per GI, radiology reviewed films, and no clear evidence of tumor communicating into duodenum. If pt were to continue to have unexplained melena, then tumor into duodenum would seem more likely. High-dose PPI and Carafate were prescribed. No further GI bleeding after the EDG. # Mixed cholestatic and hepatocellular transaminitis: Transient obstruction seems likely given interval biliary dilation seen on CT, combined with elevated alk phos and ___ + hepatocellular picture. This may have played a role in the transient SIRS response requiring ICU transfer. #. C diff: PCR here was negative. Pt however gets recurrent C diff with abx. Thus, she is being prophylaxed while on cefepime with oral vanco 125 mg Q8h # Worsening ascites: Likely from peritoneal carcinomatosis. Pt was tapped ___. Then restarted on PO Lasix. # Edema: Pt with anasarca. Likely from low albumin, >4L repletion in ICU. ECHO nml. # Right lung opacification: RLL collapse on CT on ___. Not short of breath. No urgent need for bronch. Unclear etiology: ? mucous plug versus pleural effusion but effusion only small to moderate. Per ICU, nothing clear to tap. Aggressive physical and respiratory therapy. # Rising INR: Most likely from poor nutrition. PO vitamin K 5 mg x 3 days was planned, but this was stopped ___ after only 1 dose due to LUE line-associated DVT as below. # PICC-associated UE DVT: Patient had LUE swelling and, based on UE venous US, an UE DVT. We cannot anticoagulate given bleed, so removed PICC and placed another on the right side. # Prophylaxis: Boots. Would hold off on heparin given continued evidence of low grade GI bleed. # Hypothyroid: stable. Continued home levothyroxine. # Goals of care: This was readdressed. If pt were to clinically decompensate, unlikely to do well given host of comorbidities and recurrent illnesses. However, pt does want to be full code.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: This patient is a ___ year old M with unknown PMH who presents via EMS s/p traumatic fall. Per EMS, the patient had a witnessed fall from approximately 10 feet from and ladder with +LOC. Per EMS report, neighbors noted that the patient was unconscious for ___ minutes. Per report, the patient reported right rib pain and difficulty breathing, with suspected tracheal deviation. He denies neck pain or HA. EMS endorses notable absent breath sounds on the right in the field/en route. EMS performed needle decompression in the field and received 50 fentanyl and 4 of zofran en route. EMS placed 2 IVs PTA. Patient's last vitals en route were 140/70, 98% on 2L O2 2 via NC, and sinus rhythm. The patient endorses ___ right sided pain currently. Does not endorse CP, SOB, n/v/d. Radiology showed Right pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum better seen on subsequent CT. Right chest tube terminates in the right upper hemithorax. Multiple right-sided rib fractures. Extensive right-sided subcutaneous emphysema. Comminuted displaced mid to distal right clavicular fracture. See subsequent CT. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed 1. No acute intracranial abnormality. 2. Right parietal scalp subgaleal hematoma and laceration without acute fracture seen. 3. Inferior-most images demonstrate some subcutaneous emphysema tracking into the upper right neck. CT C-SPINE W/O CONTRAST showed 1. Extensive subcutaneous emphysema tracking along the right neck. No acute cervical spine fracture or dislocation.. 2. Mildly displaced right rib fracture. Nondisplaced medial left rib fracture and possibly nondisplaced fracture of the medial left first rib. Partially imaged right clavicle fracture. 3. Partially imaged right pneumothorax. Very tiny left pneumothorax. Possible right apical chest wall hematoma. CT CHEST/ABD/PELVIS W/ CONTRAST showed 1. Moderate right pneumothorax with chest tube in place. Likely tiny left pneumothorax. 2. Mild pneumomediastinum. 3. Small chest wall hematoma adjacent to the right lung apex. 4. Multiple cystic lung lesions in symmetric distribution. While difficult to exclude traumatic pneumatocele, the symmetric and bilateral distribution favor chronicity and may represent sequelae of Langerhans cell histiocytosis. 5. Acute fractures of the right clavicle, right first, second, third, fifth, and sixth ribs as well as the left first and second ribs, with the left first rib fracture better seen on CT C-spine. 6. Acute fractures of the L1-L3 right transverse processes and right iliac wing. 7. Large amount of subcutaneous emphysema extending from the right neck through the chest and abdominal walls. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Right-sided chest tube is unchanged. Displaced right-sided rib fractures. Stable right apical pneumothorax. Lungs are low volume with mild pulmonary vascular congestion. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. No large pleural effusions. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Right-sided chest tube place. There is a small right apical pneumothorax. Subcutaneous emphysema in the right lateral chest wall has slightly improved. Lungs are low volume. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. WRIST(3 + VIEWS) RIGHT showed Nondisplaced transverse distal radius fracture NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___ ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 11:30 am, 10 minutes after discovery of the findings. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) was done. CLAVICLE RIGHT was done. BILAT HIPS (AP, LAT, AND PELVIS) 5 OR MORE VIEWS showed No acute fracture of either hip. A known right iliac wing fracture was better evaluated on recent prior cross-sectional imaging. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Suspected small right apical pneumothorax. Attention on follow-up imaging is recommended. WRIST(3 + VIEWS) RIGHT showed Acute distal right radial fracture, in near anatomic alignment following reduction. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed In comparison with the study of ___, there again is a small right apical pneumothorax. Extensive subcutaneous gas is again seen along the right lateral chest wall extending into the neck. Displaced right rib and clavicular fractures are again seen. No acute pneumonia or appreciable vascular congestion. The patient was diagnosed with Multiple fractures of ribs, right side, init for clos fx, Fall on same level, unspecified, initial encounter. At the time of discharge, the patient had Right scalp hematoma/laceration Comminuted right clavicular fracture Right pneumothorax Fracture of right ___ and ___ ribs Fracture of left ___ rib Nondisplaced distal radius fracture Right L1-L3 transverse process fractures Right iliac wing fracture. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ year old male with no significant PMH, who is s/p fall from ladder with positive LOC, who was brought to ___ as a trauma evaluation. He was seen by the Trauma service and had imaging done which showed that he suffered multiple fractures, including his right clavicle, right ___ ribs, left ___ rib fx, L1-L3 right transverse process, right iliac wing, and right distal radius fracture. He also had a right pneumothorax and is s/p a chest tube insertion. He was admitted to the Acute Care Surgery/Trauma service for further management and pain control. On HD1, his C-Collar was cleared by the primary team. His chest tube was placed on water seal and his subsequent CXR showed a stable right pneumothorax. His tertiary exam revealed a swollen and painful right wrist and left hip pain. Right wrist xray was ordered which demonstrated a nondisplaced wrist fracture. Bilateral hip xrays did not show a new fracture, right iliac wing fracture was seen on xray but already known. The hand service was consulted for the patient's wrist facture and they recommended non-operative management with a splint placement, and NWB of that extremity. He was also seen by the orthopedic team for his right clavicle fracture. They suggested conservative management with a sling for comfort and follow up in clinic. His chest tube was pulled on HD2 and post-pull CXR showed stable right apical pneumothorax. The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint. He was encouraged to use the incentive spirometer and encouraged to ambulate early. Physical and occupational therapy was ordered for evaluation and treatment. After working with the patient, they cleared him to go home with outpatient ___ on HD3. However, the patient was still noted to be in considerable pain especially with movement/activity, so pain medication was adjusted for better pain control. Teaching was done regarding the importance of pain management in order for patient to heal and to prevent complications such as pneumonia or blood clots. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile, and hemodynamically stable. The patient was tolerating a diet, ambulating, voiding without issue, and pain was well-controlled on oral pain medication. He was discharged on a pain regimen of acetaminophen, ibuprofen, oxycodone, and lidocaine patch. The patient and wife received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan. His follow up appointments were scheduled prior to discharge.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Patient presents via ___ EMS after being found down. per EMS, pt was found on scene unresponsive after ingesting GHB earlier this evening. patient was found in a hotel room with other men naked on the floor. informed that bystander performed a few chest compressions due to concern for cardiac arrest. preparing for intubation at this time. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Endotracheal tube terminates 5.2 cm proximal to the carina. Clear lungs. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed No evidence for acute intracranial abnormalities. Chest radiograph, portable AP upright. showed Findings consistent with aspiration pneumonitis and/or pneumonia. The patient was diagnosed with Altered mental status, unspecified. The patient was treated with Required intubation and mechanical ventilation.. At the time of discharge, the patient had Toxic ingestion Polysubstance abuse Aspiration pneumonia Transaminitis (hepatocellular). The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ Mwith GHB intoxication and + amphetamine in urine. Intubated for airway protection upon arrival to the ED. Extubated in the ICU doing well on RA. He was loaded with phenobarbitol for withdrawal and agitation. After extubation patient was not providing many details regarding history of events. He said that he is homeless, had gotten a hotel room w/ his boyfriend. Says that the night of admission, he was watching a movie w/ his SO and then didn't want to elaborate further. ___ notable for HTN, no meds. Endorses marijuana, denies other substances. His hospital course further complicated by fever, rising WBC, sinus tachycardia. CXR with evidence of new RLL consolidation. He was started on Unasyn for c/f aspiration pneumonia. # ENCEPHALOPATHY # TOXIC INGESTION The patient endorses GHB and amphetamine use prior to episode of unresponsiveness. Toxicology has been consulted and feels that overall presentation is consistent with GHB ingestion. He has been loaded with phenytoin. Mental status much improved since presentation. He was monitored on ___ and scored 0 throughout his hospital stay. Psych was consulted. Psych felt that from a mental health perspective, his presentation is most consistent with meth-use disorder and substance-induced mood disorder. They recommended outpatient addictions program and outpatient mental health. He was provided information regarding some free resources in the community as he does not currently have insurance. Once he gets insurance (patient needs to call the health connector) he would be a good candidate for the ___ ___ for PCP and mental health. # Transaminitis (hepatocellular) LFTs were wnl on admission, since initiation of Unasyn/Augmentin he has a new, mild transaminitis. Suspect this is most likely drug side effect. Changed abx to levofloxacin for CAP and trended LFTs. LFTs worsening on ___ AM, AST and ALT up to ~200 each. Repeated LFTs in the afternoon and they may have plateaued but not totally clear. Viral hepatitis studies were added-on, and he was advised to stay for work-up of his hepatocellular transaminitis. He declined and chose to leave AMA on ___. # PNA: The patient developed fever and tachycardia ___ with CXR showing concern for PNA. He was started on unasyn which was changed to PO Augmentin. As above, Augmentin stopped due to transaminitis and switched to levofloxacin. - Continue levofloxacin for 5 day course ___ - ___ # No Primary Care Physician: SW & CM consulted. Has new PCP ___. scheduled at ___ on ___. # Homelessness: SW consulted >30 minutes spent on discharge-related activitiese today.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ year old male with approximately ___ year h/o lymphoma, with recent c/f recurrence/transformation of disease, presented to ED for evaluation of 2 day history of rhinorrhea, itchy throat, cough non productive of sputum, and fever to 102. Denies recent travel, or specific sick contacts or eating out, however has been around a lot of family recently. Denied nausea/vomiting, chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, dysuria, diarrhea, headache, neck stiffness, sinus pain/pressure or earache. The patient was diagnosed with NEUTROPENIA, UNSPECIFIED , FEVER, UNSPECIFIED. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY #Neutropenic Fever #Influenza infection. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>ASSESSMENT/PLAN: ___ with history of NHL (follicular type) with recent transformation, on ___ cycle of ___, now with neutropenic fever and found to be positive for Influenza A.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___, very poor historian, with COPD, PFO, AF off coumadin, prior CVA and multiple TIAs, hypothyroidism, who presented with abdominal pain, distension, nausea with vomiting, and frequent stools for 1 day. CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed 1. No bowel obstruction. 2. Diffuse uncomplicated enteritis involving the distal jejunum/ileum. Given the severe atherosclerotic disease detailed above, ischemic enteritis should be considered as an etiology though infectious is also very possible. 3. No other acute process in the abdomen or pelvis. CHEST (PA AND LAT) showed The slight increased lung markings diffusely are improved compared to the prior exam. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are normal. There is no effusion. Compared to the prior study the appearance of the chest is improved. There is no focal infiltrate CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Pulmonary edema. The patient was diagnosed with ABDOMINAL PAIN LLQ. At the time of discharge, the patient had Abdominal pain and nausea/vomiting caused by enteritis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ woman w/PMHx CAD s/p MI, afib not on warfarin, PVD, multiple TIAs, admitted for enteritis NOS (thought likely to be infectious), improved with conservative therapy, including off antibiotics. She did develop some mild pulmonary edema from fluid resuscitation for the enteritis, in the setting of COPD, both of which improved after diuresis and nebs. She's back to her baseline and ready for discharge. On the day of discharge, Ms. ___ was doing well. She had no issues with shortness of breath or pain or other concerns. No recent stools or nausea -- appetite is good. She clearly identifies where she is and the day. She is able to remember details of our conversation later in the conversation. She clearly articulates why she was admitted. She does have trouble remembering yesterday's holiday, but from communicating with her outpatient provider, it's clear this is baseline. I discuss the idea of discharge with the patient and physical therapy. I also spoke with her daughter by phone and we agreed that she will continue to recover back at her assisted living and that discharge there today is good. By PROBLEMS Enteritis NOS - unclear etiology but suspect viral etiology - rapidly improved with IV fluids - initially was on antibiotics, but these were stopped and she continued to improve - no further w/u or tx needed unless it recurs Shortness of breath due to pulmonary edema in the setting of recent IVF and possibly undx chronic diastolic heart failure -- in the setting of CAD s/p MI, afib not on warfarin, PVD, multiple TIAs and COPD - she does not have a TTE in our system -- this could be considered as an outpatient if clinically indicated - here she received furosemide x 1, her home meds and nebs, and rapidly improved back to her baseline - continue amiodarone, ASA, lisinopril (restarted on the day of discharge), metoprolol, simvastatin Adrenal insufficiency - continued home prednisone COPD - continue home inhalers ___, tiotropium), received some PRN nebs here, and can get these via MDI as an outpt IDDM - sugars were ok here -- per outpt provider she had ___ fall that could have been associated with hypoglycemia as an outpt, so higher sugars are ok -- will use metformin + Humulin ___ as outpt (no more glipizide) - she may need titration of this regimen Hypothyroidism - levothyroxine Stable normocytic anemia - continue ferrous sulfate - outpatient workup as indicated/guided by outpt providers GERD - pantoprazole, sucralfate Possible dementia, with mild delirium while here - the patient had intermittent mild confusion early in her hospital stay, with the daughter reporting some hallucinations - these cleared, and as noted above, the patient was back to her baseline on the day of discharge - her ___ memory problems may be mild dementia -- she should have a cognitive evaluation done as an outpatient by OT and then ___ with her PCP - ___ advised the patient's daughter of this ___ - a very extensive medication list was provided with the patient - I would recommend that this be scrutinzed carefully when she is evaluated by her PCP in ___ -- it is likely that many of the medications can be stopped - we stopped glipizide while she was here, but I think there are many other changes that could be made Goals of care - the patient arrived with a MOLST that indicated: A: DNR B: DNI, but ok to use ___ ventilation (e.g. CPAP) C. Do transfer to hospital - no changes were made to this -- her prior MOLST should still be valid/active Dispo - came from assisted living, she worked with ___ and it was determined she could safely return there OTHER INACTIVE PMHx PFO depression chronic UTIs diverticulosis h/o LGIB left vertebral artery dissection s/p distant open appy and cholecystectomy, TAH, sigmoidectomy for diverticular bleed at ___ ___, bilateral common iliac stents</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: This is a ___ female with history of depression who presents to the ED after being found unresponsive. She was last seen three days ago, at which time she was noted to be less talkative than normal. She was texting with a coworker the night prior to admission. She did not show up for work today, and a coworker called her roommate to check on her. At approximately 2pm, her roommates found her door locked and the patient on the bed with vomit "everywhere" and breathing shallowly. They called EMS. She was found with a bottle of trazodone. There was reportedly a note on the desk saying "I'm really sorry." Patient's medications were not in their normal drawer; roomates later found a bag with 6 empty pill bottles with the labels pulled off. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed 1. Satisfactory position of endotracheal and enteric tubes. 2. Increased opacification of the right hemi thorax as compared to the left, likely reflective of layering pleural effusion though it difficult to exclude superimposed pneumonia. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST showed No acute intracranial process. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, the shift of the heart and the mediastinum to the right side has minimally increased. However, the pre-existing pleural effusion on the right. Has decreased and the right lung is better expanded than on the previous image. Mild cardiomegaly persists. All monitoring and support devices are in unchanged correct position. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous image, a right chest tube was placed. The right lung has decreased in volume, making it of a denser radiographic appearance. There is currently no evidence for the presence of a right pneumothorax. Mild cardiomegaly persists. No change in appearance of the normal left lung. The endotracheal tube and the nasogastric tube are in unchanged position. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, the right pleural effusion and right opacities, part of which are atelectatic, have substantially improved. Unchanged mild left retrocardiac atelectasis. Unchanged borderline size of the cardiac silhouette. Unchanged otherwise normal left lung. The monitoring and support devices are in constant position, including the right-sided chest tube. CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed 1. No evidence of esophageal perforation into the abdomen. No extraluminal oral contrast identified although the nasoenteric tube terminates in the stomach and oral contrast administered via the NGT may bypass an esophageal perforation. No free intra-abdominal air. 2. No other abnormality in the abdomen or pelvis. 3. CT chest reported separately. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST showed No evidence for acute intracranial abnormalities. RECOMMENDATION(S): MRI would be more sensitive for global hypoxic ischemic injury, if clinically warranted. CT CHEST W/CONTRAST showed The endotracheal tube is located 1 cm above the carina and could be retracted. There is no evidence of tracheal/bronchial discontinuity or rupture. Dense peribronchovascular nodular consolidation in the right upper, right middle and left lobes as well as dense confluent consolidation in the right lower lobe are most consistent with aspiration in this clinical situation. A right chest tube courses through the right lung. There is no right pleural effusion. Pneumomediastinum located predominantly within the anterior mediastinum, away from the to the esophagus, as small cystic lucencies in the right lung may be related to the high requiring ventilatory pressures. Rounded densities in the stomach most likely represent ingested pills. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed by Dr. ___ with Dr. ___ on the telephone on ___ at 3:16 ___, 10 minutes after discovery of the findings. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, all monitoring and support devices, including the right-sided chest tube, are in unchanged correct position. The opacities on the right have mildly decreased in extent and severity, causing a slightly improved. Ventilation of the right lung. A medial portion of the right upper lobe, however, still appears to be atelectatic. No pneumothorax is visualized on the current image. The appearance of the heart and of the left lung is unchanged. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, the endotracheal tube has been pulled back. The tube now projects approximately 5 cm above the carina. The course and position of the nasogastric tube is unchanged. The right chest tube was removed. There is a millimetric medial pneumothorax without evidence of tension. Otherwise the lung parenchyma on the right is unchanged. Unchanged appearance of the left lung and the cardiac silhouette. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to ___ chest radiograph, multifocal, basilar predominant pulmonary opacities appear similar except for slight improvement in the left retrocardiac region. No other relevant changes. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen. The bilateral predominantly perihilar and basal parenchymal opacities are constant in appearance. No new opacities. No larger pleural effusions. Overall low lung volumes and moderate cardiomegaly. Unchanged monitoring and support devices. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As above.. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed ET tube in standard placement. Nasogastric drainage tube passes to the distal portion of the nondistended stomach. Previous mild pulmonary edema has improved although heart remains mildly enlarged. Residual cavitary consolidation in the right lower lung has not changed appreciably over the past 2 days, accompanied by at least some pleural effusion not appreciably changed. Small region of consolidation at the left base also stable. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Yesterday's mild to moderate pulmonary edema has improved. The residual of severe multi focal pneumonia, most pronounced in the right lower lobe is probably continuing to clear, demonstrating areas of cavitation. Heart is normal size. Pleural effusions are small if any. Radiology showed No evidence of esophageal leak on this limited study. NOTIFICATION: These findings were discussed with Dr. ___ by Dr. ___ telephone at 12:35 on ___, approximately 25 min after discovery. CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed 1. No acute process in the abdomen or pelvis. CT CHEST W/CONTRAST showed Substantial improvement of the pre-existing right upper lobe predominant parenchymal opacities. Newly occurred partly cavitary right middle lobe consolidation. No pleural effusions. Bilateral lower lobe predominant mucous plugs in the airways. Unchanged extent of a small new more mediastinum. CHEST PORT. LINE PLACEMENT showed PICC line, as above. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed by Dr. ___ with ___, PICC RNon the telephone on ___ at 10:31 AM, immediately after discovery of the findings. CT CHEST W/CONTRAST showed Overall improvement of the pre-existing parenchymal opacities. All of these changes, including the conglomerate of cavitary lesions in the middle lobe, have decreased in extent and severity. Cavitation in 1 of the left lower lobe nodules has newly appeared. No pleural effusions. No reactive lymphadenopathy. The patient was diagnosed with POISON-MEDICINAL AGT NOS, ACUTE RESPIRATORY FAILURE, SUICIDE-ANALGESICS. The patient was treated with central line intubation right chest tube placement PICC line placement Bronchoscopy. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS: Overdose Suicide attempt Respiratory Failure Strep Anginosus bacteremia Aspiration pneumonia s/p PEA arrest Pulmonary Embolism Reactive thrombocytosis Diarrhea Depression Pneumomediastinum Right pleural effusion. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ with history of depression presented after intentional overdose with hypercarbic and hypoxic respiratory failure and shock with course complicated by PEA arrest in the MICU. =============</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ is a ___ woman with a history of TIAs, hypothyroidism who presented to the ED with weakness and fatigue. She was in her USOH until the morning of ___ when her son found her still in bed at noon (she usually is out of bed in the morning to make coffee and watch Catholic Mass). She required assistance from her son to ambulate and get to the bathroom (usually ambulates independently with a cane) and noted to be mildly confused. EMS was called and she was brought to ___. Chest radiograph showed 1. No acute cardiopulmonary process. 2. Unchanged moderate hiatal hernia. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST showed No acute intracranial process. The patient was diagnosed with Urinary tract infection, site not specified. At the time of discharge, the patient had Urinary tract infection Weakness. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ is a ___ woman with a history of CVAs s/p CEA, hypothyroidism who presents with weakness and confusion found to have urinalysis c/w UTI. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Ms. ___ is a ___ lady with a PMH significant for stage IV gastric cancer with bony mets who presents with weakness and dark stools. CHEST (PA AND LAT) showed No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. The patient was diagnosed with Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had stage IV gastric cancer. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is a ___ lady with a PMH significant for stage IV gastric cancer with bony mets who presents with weakness and dark stools, guaiac positive, but stools do not appear to be consistent with melena. # Weakness: Differential includes infection, anemia, chemo. No obvious s/s of infection, aside from loose stool. Blood and urine cultures negative. c. diff negative. Did not require antibiotics. Her blood counts had been slowly downtrending but were stable throughout admission. Anemia may be due to chemo, especially where patient does not seem to have GIB. Remained afebrile, WBC stable throughout admission # Dark stool: Not frankly melanotic. Dark brown, no blood, not black, no tarry quality. Guiaic positive in ED but this is in the setting of known gastric cancer. Daily HCT was stable throughout admission. Given Pantoprazole daily, held prophylactic heparin. Tolerated regular diet, no indication for endoscopy or colonoscopy during this admission. # Gastric adenocarcinoma: Known bony mets. Currently on Ramucirumab/Taxol. Treatment complicated by cytopenia, proteinuria, and peripheral neuropathy. Most recent treatment may be contributing to her profound weakness. Discharge treatment plan per outpatient team # HTN: Continued home lisinopril and amlodipine # Neuropathy: Continued home gabapentin # Pernicious anemia: Receives monthly B12 injections TRANSITIONAL ISSUES #Patient was guaiac positive, though did not have any evidence of BRBPR or melena this admission. continue to trend H&H to monitor for any acute or continued bloodloss #Patient having diarrhea during this admission, c. diff negative #no changes in medications, except patient written for simethicone as needed for gas pain #EMERGENCY CONTACT HCP: Husband (___) ___ #CODE: Full (confirmed) </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ is a ___ s/p lap CCY ___ for chronic cholecystitis who presented to ED on POD5 for acute onset SOB, general malaise, and fatigue that started the nihgt before presentation. She denies any pain, notes that since surgery she has had poor appetite and nausea, no vomiting. She notes having a fever to 102. On presentation to the ED, she was AF and her HR was 103, and her labs were notable for WBC 14.2 and lactate 2.5. She also notes diarrhea for past several days, and endorses lightheadedness/dizziness. Denies dysuria, frequency, urgency. ROS o/w negative except as noted above. CTA CHEST AND CT ABDOMEN AND PELVIS showed 1. No evidence of pulmonary embolism or acute aortic pathology. 2. 8-cm abscess in the gallbladder fossa with surrounding fat stranding. 3. Abnormal, relatively avidly enhancing subcarinal lymph nodes measuring up to 3.4 cm. Findings could reflect a neoplastic process including metastatic disease or lymphoma, with Castleman disease also in the differential. Consider further evaluation with tissue sampling. 4. Hepatic steatosis. RECOMMENDATION(S): Abnormal subcarinal lymph nodes measuring up to 3.4 cm. Consider further evaluation with tissue sampling. The patient was diagnosed with Fever, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had lymphadenopathy. biliary abscess. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ POD#6 from laparoscopic cholecystectomy who presents with generalized fatigue and fevers at home. The patient underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy on ___ for chronic cholecystitis; procedure was uncomplicated but notable for chronic inflammation and numerous gallstones. There was some oozing from the liver bed after removal of the gallbladder and 4 pieces of surgicel were placed in the gallbladder fossa with hemostasis achieved. She presented to ___ on ___ with acute onset shortness of breath and malaise. She was found to be dehydrated (lactate of 2) with a leukocytosis of 14. CTA torso showed no acute thoracic processes to explain the subjective shortness of breath, and patient was breathing comfortably on room air. However, imaging was concerning for an abscess in the gallbladder fossa. However, after further review by the surgical and radiology teams, it was determined that the air-containing collection was reflective of Surgicel in the gallbladder fossa, with a small 3x3cm collection, likely seroma or residual hematoma. The CT also noted an incidental finding of a 3.4cm subcarinal lymph node that was evaluated by IP who recommend an interval CT in one month. The patient was admitted to the surgical service, rehydrated and started on antibiotics. Her symptoms improved and her leukocytosis was down trending and she was discharged home on a course of oral antibiotics.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ s/p total thyroidectomy ___ w/ Dr. ___ 10 hrs of worsening neck swelling and voice changes. Pt was discharged on ___ feeling well, when last night she began having worsening throat swelling overnight. She denies any inciting trauma or event. The pain and swelling worsened overnight and she presented to ___ in the morning. CHEST PORT. LINE PLACEMENT showed Mild basilar opacities, likely atelectasis. Probable trace pleural effusions. Radiology showed Endotracheal tube and feeding tube are unchanged position. There has been worsening of the airspace opacities at the lung bases. This may represent aspiration or pneumonia or atelectasis. There is no pulmonary edema or pneumothoraces. AP chest showed Heart is now mildly enlarged, pulmonary vasculature is engorged and small pleural effusions are likely. No pneumothorax. Moderately severe bibasilar consolidation has worsened, and could be atelectasis alone, but pneumonia is not excluded. ET tube and nasogastric tube are in standard placements. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Comparison to ___. The tracheostomy tube and the feeding tube are in stable correct position. Minimal increase in severity of a retrocardiac atelectasis. The presence of a minimal left pleural effusion cannot be excluded. The mediastinum shows unchanged normal appearance. CT NECK W/O CONTRAST (EG: PAROTIDS) Q21 CT NECK showed Complex fluid collection with foci of air centered in thyroidectomy bed bilaterally, extending inferiorly to the thoracic inlet and superiorly to the level of the hyoid bone. This is compatible with postsurgical change, but superimposed infection cannot be excluded on the basis of CT, particularly in the absence of intravenous contrast. Evaluation for airway narrowing at and above the level of the thyroidectomy bed is not possible due to the endotracheal tube. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed In comparison with the study of ___, the monitoring and support devices are unchanged. The left hemidiaphragm is much better seen, consistent with substantial clearing of the left lower lobe collapse and associated pleural fluid. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable and there is no evidence of acute focal pneumonia. The patient was diagnosed with Postproc hematoma of skin, subcu following other procedure, Oth surgical procedures cause abn react/compl, w/o misadvnt. The patient was treated with Evacuation of neck hematoma. At the time of discharge, the patient had Post-thyroidectomy neck hematoma. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Patient was taken to the OR for neck washout on ___. Postop, she had no cuff leak. ENT was consulted and noted edema in the airway and recommended steroids. She was given dexamethasone and diuresed in the ICU. She was extubated on ___ and monitored in the ICU. She had a sore throat which improved. At time of discharge she was tolerating a regular diet.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Ms. ___ is a ___ year old F with PMH of PVD, DM2, DVT/PE with right sided heart failure on lifelong warfarin, right foot osteomyelitis s/p debrided/amputation R ___ metatarsal base on ___, and frequent falls who presents from her PCP office for evaluation of her right foot/leg wound. Pt reports that since her last episode of osteomyelitis ___ ___ she initially had improvement ___ the erythema, swelling, and pain up until 2 weeks ago when she noticed increased pain. This was associated with increasing erythema and swelling. FOOT AP,LAT AND OBL RIGHT showed Large soft tissue defect adjacent to the lateral base of the fifth metatarsal with lucency projecting over the remaining proximal fifth metatarsal, and with possible involvement of the lateral base of the fourth metatarsal, highly worrisome for acute osteomyelitis. CHEST (SINGLE VIEW) showed Questionable deformities of several mid left-sided lateral ribs of indeterminate age, but which may have also been present on prior studies including ___. Correlate with site of pain and need for additional imaging. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST showed No acute intracranial process. Partially imaged left zygomatic arch fracture and nasal bone fracture are again seen, also on the prior study. Other previously seen facial fractures are not imaged. UNILAT LOWER EXT VEINS RIGHT showed No evidence of deep venous thrombosis in the right lower extremity veins through the popliteal artery. Radiology showed The patient is status post recent resection of the base of the right fifth metatarsal, with expected postoperative changes including soft tissue swelling and soft tissue gas. CHEST PORT. LINE PLACEMENTCHEST PORT. LINE PLACEMENTi showed Mild to moderate cardiomegaly increased slightly since ___, with no accompanying increase in caliber of either pulmonary or mediastinal veins, or the development of any pulmonary edema or indication of pleural effusion. Lungs are clear of any focal abnormality. Radiology showed Moderate right lower extremity edema with no evidence of focal fluid collection. Radiology showed Successful placement of a 46 cm right arm approach single lumen PICC with tip in the low SVC. The line is ready to use. The patient was diagnosed with AC OSTEOMYELITIS-FOOT, DIAB W MANIF NEC ADULT, CELLULITIS OF FOOT. The patient was treated with Debridement of R ___ metatarsal foot ulcer Placement of peripherally inserted central venous catheter. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Osteomyelitis Secondary: Bacteremia Autonomic dysfunction. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ was admitted for right foot osteomyelitis that failed outpatient antibiotic treatment after a previous debridement. #OSTEOMYELITIS: She was started empirically on Vancomycin, Ciprofloxacin, and Metronidazole for concern of a polymicrobial infection. She was taken to the operating room with podiatry for a debridement. Wound cultures grew out MSSA and mixed bacterial flora. Vancomycin was discontinued and nafcillin started. Her ___ seemed persistently edematous and erythematous post-debridement, and she had a ___ soft tissue US which demonstrated no evidence of abscess or fluid collection. (She had already had a ___ on presentation, which was negative for DVT.) # BACTEREMIA: The patient was found to be bacteremic, with blood cultures growing MSSA. Given that MSSA was also isolated from her wound culture, she was transitioned to Nafcillin IV from Vancomycin. Considering her bacteremia, she also had a TTE which showed no evidence of endocarditis.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a ___ male with Type 1 diabetes (A1c 11.7), homelessness, substance use disorder on methadone, PTSD, and recurrent C.diff with chronic diarrhea who recently left AMA from ___ after being hospitalized for DKA and reported UGI Bleed. He presents today to the ___ ED with abdominal pain and feeling unwell. CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed 1. Wall thickening and edema of the large and small bowel, which could be related to hypoperfusion/reperfusion verses extensive enterocolitis. Ischemic bowel cannot be excluded. Vasculature appears patent. 2. Markedly distended bladder. Correlate with ability to voluntarily urinate. Air within the bladder could be related to recent instrumentation. Correlate with UA. 3. Left lower lobe consolidation may be consistent with aspiration/pneumonia. 4. Abdominal free fluid, soft tissue anasarca, and periportal edema, most likely related to third spacing. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Opacities at the left lung base are concerning for left lower lobe pneumonia. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___ ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 12:02 pm, 60 minutes after discovery of the findings after initial attempts at paging were unsuccessful. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) ___ showed Compared to chest radiographs ___. Lower lobe pneumonia, severe on the left is unchanged. Moderate right lower lobe pneumonia has improved. Heart size is normal. Small pleural effusions are likely. Esophagram with additional hypopharynx views showed 1. There was mild penetration with oral contrast, however no gross aspiration. If there is continued clinical concern for aspiration, a dedicated video swallow study with speech pathology is recommended. 2. No esophageal web, ring, or stricture. No esophageal dysmotility. A 13 mm barium tablet passed easily without holdup. 3. No hiatal hernia. Unable to assess for gastroesophageal reflux secondary to poor patient compliance. Radiology showed Small-bowel loops with likely pneumatosis and possible free air below the right hemidiaphragm, concerning for acute bowel ischemia with possible perforation. Further assessment with CT abdomen pelvis recommended NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 5:25 pm, 2 minutes after discovery of the findings. CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed 1. Extensive pneumatosis involving multiple loops of small bowel. There is associated small volume pneumoperitoneum. 2. Large volume ascites. 3. Consolidative changes in the lung bases are mildly improved since prior examination. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___ ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 8:54 pm, 2 minutes after discovery of the findings. CHEST PORT. LINE PLACEMENT showed 1. The endotracheal tube tip is at the level of the clavicular heads, 6.6 cm above the carina. This could be advanced 1-2 cm for better positioning. RECOMMENDATION(S): The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___ ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 10:45 am, 10 minutes after discovery of the findings. Radiology showed No retained surgical instruments visualized. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 1:25 pm, 1 minutes after discovery of the findings. Chest radiograph, portable AP upright view. showed Nasogastric tube terminating in the stomach. Advancing the tube by 5-10 cm is suggested for better seating, however. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) was done. CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed 1. Status post interval cecectomy and small bowel resection with small volume free intraperitoneal air. No evidence of pneumatosis or bowel obstruction. 2. Moderate volume intra-abdominal ascites without organized collection. 3. Diffuse body wall anasarca, progressed compared to the prior examination of ___. 4. Thickening of the bladder wall may be exaggerated in setting of underdistention however correlation with clinical signs of cystitis is recommended. 5. Small bilateral pleural effusions, new compared to the prior examination. The patient was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without coma, Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, unspecified, Long term (current) use of insulin. The patient was treated with ___ Exploratory laparotomy and small bowel resection. At the time of discharge, the patient had DMI DKA LLL Pneumonia Small bowel necrosis and pneumatosis Substance abuse Chronic diarrhea. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ w/ hx of DMI, hepatitis C, homelessness, substance use disorder on methadone, current IVDU, PTSD, chronic diarrhea and multiple recent admissions to ___ for DKA with AMA discharges who presented with abdominal pain and DKA. He was initially admitted to the ICU requiring and insulin drip, and was subsequently cared for on the medical floor. Also found to have pneumonia and possible UTI, treated with course of antibiotics. The pt's abdominal pain worsened acutely and CT imaging showed extensive pneumatosis and small bowel necrosis. He was taken to the OR on ___ for small bowel resection and transferred to the surgical service for post operative care. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ===================== [] Repeat CXR in ___ wks [] Hepatology f/u as outpt for hepatitis C ICU COURSE ============= The patient was admitted to the ICU initially for DKA requiring insulin drip. On admission he also complained of abdominal pain with CT A&P showing wall thickening and edema of the large and small bowel. Serial abdominal exams did not reveal any peritoneal signs and his symptoms improved after several days, so these findings were attributed to trauma from a recent assault prior to admission. The patient was transferred to the medicine floor after anion gap closed and he was transitioned to subcutaneous insulin (see medical floor course below). However while on the medicine service, the pt developed acute worsening of abdominal exam on ___ and a repeat abdominal CT showed extensive pneumatosis and small bowel necrosis. He was taken emergently to the OR for small bowel resection and transferred back to the surgical service for post operative care. MEDICINE COURSE (BY PROBLEM) ============================== ACUTE/ACTIVE ISSUES ==================== # DMI # DKA The patient presented with DKA, in the setting of reportedly missing insulin for 16 days due to poor access. The pt did not report that it was cost prohibitive, however was simply unable to obtain. The patient was initially stared on insulin drip in the ICU and was subsequently transitioned to subcutaneous insulin after gap closed and acidosis resolved. ___ diabetes team was consulted and titrated long acting, prandial, and sliding scale insulin accordingly. # Small bowel necrosis Acute worsening of abdominal pain on ___ ___hest revealing for pneumatosis and small bowel necrosis. Underwent small bowel resection that day and was continued on antibiotics. # LLL PNA A CXR from admission showed a LLL consolidation, concerning aspiration vs PNA. At the time, he also endorsed mild cough with scant sputum production. Given his recent hospitalizations, including an admission in the ___ ICU, the patient was deemed to have multidrug resistant risk factors, so was covered broadly with vancomycin and zosyn with a 7 day course (___). # Substance Use # Chronic pain The patient has a long history of IV drug use, on methadone. He reported active IV drug use 1 week prior to admission, via heroine injection to the antecubital fossa. He previously was prescribed 60mg methadone daily at ___. ___ clinic, however had not been seen there since ___. More recently he was receiving methadone at ___, and then admitted to getting methadone of unknown quantity on the streets after leaving against medical advice. The addiction psych team was consulted and assisted in narcotic prescription management. Due to somnolence, the patient was given a decreased dose of 30mg methadone daily. He was continue ___ home lyrica, as well as Tylenol and naproxen for chronic pain. # Klebsiella UTI vs asymptomatic bacteruria MDR klebsiella was also found to growing in urine from a sample taken on admission. The patient denied symptoms, so most likely represents asymptomatic bacteruria. He was already receiving antibiotics for a PNA as discussed above. # Dysphagia Throughout admission, the patient complained of chest pain and difficulty swallowing. His EKG was unchanged and a barium swallow study did not reveal any evidence for aspiration or obstruction. His symptoms were managed with Maalox and Carafate. CHRONIC/STABLE PROBLEMS ======================== # Anxiety # Depression The patient was continued on home duloxetine and received hydroxazine as needed. # Chronic diarrhea The patient has also had longstanding of diarrhea for > ___ years due to unknown etiology. A cdiff test was negative on admission. His chronic diarrhea could have been due to pancreatic insufficiency as he is prescribed creon as a home medication. The patient was continued on home loperamide, creon, and diphenoxylate-atropine while here, in addition to a short course of zinc supplement. # HCV There were no signs of acute decompensated liver failure this admission. # Coagulopathy Likely nutritional given lack of significant underlying liver dysfunction. The patient was given IV vitamin K for 3 days with improvement in INR. # Gram positive rod bacteremia Blood cultures grew gram positive rods from admission, speciated as bacillus. Felt to be a skin contaminant. An echo was done which was negative for vegetations. CORE ====== # CODE: Full # CONTACT: None On ___, the patient was transferred to the surgical floor. Neuro: The patient remained alert and oriented. He was on a ketamine drip for pain and this was discontinued. Addiction Psychiatry was consulted and the patient was started on methadone and oxycodone which was weaned and ultimately stopped. He was continued on acetaminophen, ibuprofen and Pregabalin. CV: The patient remained stable from a cardiac standpoint. Vital signs were routinely monitored PULM: The patient remained stable on room air with no acute respiratory distress. Good pulmonary toilet, early ambulation and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization. GI/GU/FEN: Patient's NGT was removed and diet was advanced from sips to clears and ultimately to regular which he tolerated well. The patient had diarrhea and a c.diff was checked which was negative. The diarrhea was attributed to the patient's history of chronic diarrhea due to pancreatic insufficiency. The patient was restarted on creon, loperamide and lomotil. The patient had urinary retention, required straight catheterization and Urology was consulted and recommended foley placement for 7 days. He was started on Flomax, the foley was removed and the patient voided without issue. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding. On ___, he received 1U PRBC for hematocrit of 20.7, hemoglobin 6.3 and HCT/HGB increased appropriately. Prophylaxis: The patient received subcutaneous heparin and ___ dyne boots were used during this stay and was encouraged to get up and ambulate as early as possible. On ___, the patient was noted to have some drainage from his midline surgical abdominal wound and wicks and a pravena was placed. Pravena was removed on ___ and the wound was healing well w/ no s/s infection. On ___, the patient left the hospital before discharge paperwork or prescriptions could be provided. His discharge paperwork and prescriptions were faxed to his pharmacy. The patient was doing well, afebrile and hemodynamically stable. The patient was tolerating a diet, able to ambulate to his wheelchair, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ who was a pedestrian struck in R hip by a car while working (police officer). He was spun around and fell. He had immediate R hip and buttocks pain. No LOC. He also c/o Right-sided rib pain. Denies pain anywhere else. Radiology showed No evidence of fracture. Radiology showed No acute cardiopulmonary process. Radiology showed No acute fracture. Diverticulosis. Radiology showed 1. No signs for acute fractures. 2. There is minimal fraying of the right superior labrum. 3. Minimal degenerative changes at L5/S1. The patient was diagnosed with JOINT PAIN-PELVIS, LUMBAGO, MV COLL W PEDEST-PEDEST. At the time of discharge, the patient had Right hip contusion. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>The patient was admitted to the Orthopaedic Trauma Service for right hip contusion. Pain was controlled with PO pain meds. The patient worked with ___ on mobility and steadily improved. Weight bearing status: weight bearing as tolerated. The patient was discharged in stable condition with written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient will not require chemical DVT prophylaxis and should be out of bed and ambulatory. All questions were answered prior to discharge and the patient expressed readiness for discharge.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ is a ___ Hispanic woman with recent bilateral cataract surgeries, who presents now with eye inflammation and headache, and was found to have both iritis and bilateral disc swelling in ophthalmology clinic today. According to her ophthalmologist's records, Mrs. ___ her the 2 surgeries performed OD ___, OS ___ but the patient is convinced that OD was operated on second. She had no problems after the first surgery but ___ weeks after the second procedure (i.e., around ___ pt started developing symptoms. Although it is difficult for her to establish a consistent timeline, she thinks that ocular redness came first, followed by pain around the eyes and photophobia. Since then, she has developed additional symptoms that have gradually worsened over several weeks: - blurry vision OD > OS - superior & temporal visual field restriction (mostly OD) - transient visual obscurations that last a few seconds and occur with position change - flickering lights and zig-zag shapes in her vision on the right that last < 1 minute - pulsatile tinnitus AS > AD - a bifrontal & nuchal headache that is steady and worst at nights and in the morning but then aggravated by walking around in the day (and better with recumbency); this is different to the pt's usual migraines, which tend to be left-sided, pounding and associated with photophobia (but no aura) Radiology showed No acute intracranial process. No intracranial hemorrhage. Of note MR is more sensitive in the detection of subtle abnormalities. MRI HEAD WITHOUT AND WITH INTRAVENOUS CONTRAST MRI ORBITS WITHOUT AND WITH INTRAVENOUS CONTRAST MRV HEAD WITHOUT INTRAVENOUS CONTRAST showed 1. No evidence for acute intracranial abnormalities or any source of increased intracranial pressure. 2. 5 mm extra-axial enhancing focus along the right sphenoid wing on postcontrast MP RAGE images, projecting into the middle cranial fossa , without contrast enhancement on spin echo T1 weighted images, and with low signal on T2 weighted images, most likely representing a vascular loop, rather than a meningioma. 3. Normal appearance of the orbits, allowing for prior cataract surgery, and of the cavernous sinuses. 4. No evidence for major dural venous sinus thrombosis. 5. Prominent flow void in the left suboccipital region appears to correspond to a large vein, but is in close proximity with the left vertebral artery. The relationship of this vein to the left vertebral artery, and presence of any pseudoaneurysm, could be better assessed by CTA, in the first instance, if clinically warranted, though any fistula would be best detected by conventional angiography. RECOMMENDATION(S): Please see impression item #5. Radiology showed Essentially normal CT CHEST W/O CONTRAST showed No evidence of sarcoidosis or other diffuse lung disease. Mild thyromegaly. Clinical evaluation may be pertinent. Mild lower lobe bronchial inflammation. The patient was diagnosed with ACUTE IRIDOCYCLITIS NOS, PANUVEITIS. The patient was treated with Lumbar Puncture ___. At the time of discharge, the patient had Migraine Uveitis Retinal Cysts. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Patient was admitted with uveitis, concern for papilledema and headache with high pressure features. Workup for uveitis included a variety of screens for autoimmune, autoinflammatory or infectious conditions. All of these were negative or pending at the time of discharge. She was continued on Prednisone eye drops to treat inflammation. Upon repeat evaluation by Ophthalmology, no papilledema was noted. Instead retinal cysts were identified and the patient will follow up with a retina specialist, appointment pending. MRI was unremarkable with the exception of a large left occipital vein coursing close to the left vertebral artery. No further workup of this was pursued during this admission. Lumbar puncture was performed. Opening pressure was 19cm H2O, which was not consistent with elevated intracranial pressure. Basic CSF studies were reassuring. Infectious and inflammatory CSF studies were pending at the time of discharge. Follow up with Neurology was scheduled. TSH was elevated at 5.2. TSH, T3/Free T4 were repeated prior to discharge, but were pending. Adjustment to Levothyroxine may be indicated on the basis of these results.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: HPI: ___ pshx notable for c-sectionx2 with recent unremarkable colonoscopy presenting with intermittent crampy abdominal pain over preceding 5 days associated with nausea. Directed to present to ___ urgent care where CTAP demonstrated transition point in the RLQ, prompting transfer for surgical evaluation. Abdomen and pelvis CT. showed 1. Fluid-filled, mildly dilated small bowel with a probable transition point in the right lower quadrant and collapse of the distal bowel. Findings are suggestive of an early/partial small obstruction. Although the stomach and duodenum are not dilated, a secondary transition point is not identified. There is no discreet associated mass identified. 2. Colonic diverticulosis without evidence for acute diverticulitis. 3. Hepatic steatosis. NOTIFICATION: Findings were conveyed by Dr. ___ to Dr. ___ telephone at 12:55 on ___. The patient was diagnosed with INTESTINAL OBSTRUCT NOS, ABDOMINAL PAIN OTHER SPECIED. At the time of discharge, the patient had Partial small bowel obstruction. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Patient was admitted to the hospital on ___ for management of partial small bowel obstruction. She was made NPO with IV fluids. NGT was not placed. Urinalysis on admission revealed a urinary tract infection, and she was started on oral ciprofloxacin for treatment. Her diet was advanced to clears on hospital day 2, when she was having flatus. On hospital day 3 she was advanced to regular diet with marked improvement of her abdominal exam. She ambulated without assistance. She was discharged from the hospital with plan to follow up with outpatient primary care provider.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Briefly Mrs. ___ is a ___ with hx of epilepsy with two recent admissions with vEEG monitoring who presented to the ED last ___ with 2 events that were concerning for seizures. She was observed in the ED and did not have further events and was continuing to improve and other than mild gait difficulty that appear somewhat inconsistent she was close to her baseline and was therefore discharged to outpatient follow up with Dr. ___. Radiology showed No acute cardiopulmonary process. The patient was diagnosed with MUSCSKEL SYMPT LIMB NEC, OTHER FORMS OF EPILEPSY AND RECURRENT SEIZURES, WITHOUT MENTION OF INTRACTABLE EPILEPSY. At the time of discharge, the patient had Epilepsy. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Patient was admitted from outpatient Neurology Clinic for EEG monitoring in the setting of ataxia/unsteady gait. She was unsure of exact medication dosing upon admisison and so got less medication than usual (what we had in our system- only 100mg Vimpat, and only 50mg of Lamictal). Despite this, there was no seizure activity and her preliminary EEG read was at her baseline: "IMPRESSION: This is an abnormal continuous EMU monitoring study because of sleep related paroxysmal interictal epileptic activity that appears to be generalized. There were however no sustained events during this recording session." The EEG read from the last 12 hours of admission is pending at the time of discharge. The morning following admission, ___, she felt completely better and her walking was back to baseline. She remained neurologically at her baseline and received the extra dose of medications when her correct dosage was figured out (Vimpat 200mg BID and Lamictal 100mg qAM and 125mg qPM). She was discharged on all of her home medications and will touch base with her outpatient neurologist Dr. ___ thing on ___ morning ___.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Ms. ___ is a ___ old woman with history of COPD, CHF, NIDDM, alcohol and tobacco abuse, presented to ___ ___ with shortness of breath with hypercarbic respiratory failure, intubated and transferred to ___ for management of hypercarbic respiratory failure. Radiology showed 1. Bibasilar dependent consolidations may represent aspiration or atelectasis. Infection cannot be entirely ruled out. 2. Severe cardiomegaly. Bronchial wall thickening and some areas of interlobular septal thickening may indicate mild pulmonary edema. 3. Evidence of pulmonary hypertension. 4. Mildly enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes of unclear etiology, may be reactive. 5. No evidence of SVC obstruction. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed ET tube in standard placement. Upper enteric drainage tube passes into the nondistended stomach and out of view. Pulmonary vascular engorgement and early interstitial pulmonary edema have cleared since ___, moderate cardiomegaly has also improved. Pleural effusions if any are small. No pneumothorax. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen. The endotracheal tube and the nasogastric tube are in correct position. Moderate cardiomegaly with mild to moderate pulmonary edema and areas of atelectasis at both the left and the right lung bases. No larger pleural effusions. No pneumothorax. CHEST PORT. LINE PLACEMENT showed Left PIC line passes up into the neck and out of view. ET tube is in standard placement and an upper enteric drainage tube passes into the nondistended stomach and out of view. Moderate cardiomegaly has worsened and pulmonary vascular engorgement increased, but there is as yet no pulmonary edema or evidence of appreciable pleural effusion. Venous access NOTIFICATION: Venous access nurse was was paged as requested Radiology showed Successful repositioning of a left arm PICC from the left internal jugular vein to the distal SVC. The line is ready to use. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen. Moderate cardiomegaly and with mild fluid overload and areas of atelectasis at both the left and the right lung bases. No new parenchymal opacities. No pneumothorax. No larger pleural effusions. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, the image now includes the upper stomach. The course of the nasogastric tube can be followed entirely. The tip of the tube projects over the distal parts of the stomach. No other change. The apical parts of the left and right hemithorax are not included on the image. ___ through showed Slight increase in severe cardiomegaly could be due to differences in cardiac cycling as well as slight increase in cardiomegaly. Pulmonary vasculature is slightly more distended, but there is no pulmonary edema or focal consolidation. Pleural effusions are small if any. No pneumothorax. Focal thickening of the right lateral costal pleura is due to adjacent chronic rib fractures, one not unhealed. CTA CHEST W/ AND W/O CONTRAST, NON-CORONARY showed 1. Pulmonary emboli in the left and right upper lobes pulmonary arteries, possibly chronic. No evidence of right heart strain. 2. Enlargement of the main pulmonary artery suggests underlying pulmonary arterial hypertension. 3. Nonspecific scattered ground-glass opacities at the lung apices are may be infectious or inflammatory, new from ___. Interval improvement in bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar subsegmental atelectasis. Radiology showed No evidence of intracranial hemorrhage. Evaluation of the patient with fevers, pulmonary embolism and hypoxia. AP chest radiograph. Heart size is enlarged, unchanged. Mediastinum is widened, unchanged as well as there is evidence of pulmonary artery dilatation consistent with pulmonary hypertension. There is no pleural effusion. There is no pneumothorax. was done. BILATERAL LOWER EXTREMITY DVT ULTRASOUND showed No evidence of deep vein thrombosis in either lower extremity to the popliteal level.. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen. Moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, in particular of the left ventricle. Signs of mild pulmonary edema with evidence of basilar apical blood flow redistribution. Areas of small atelectasis at the bases of the right lung. No larger pleural effusions. Minimal atelectasis in the retrocardiac lung regions but no evidence of pneumonia. No pneumothorax. Oropharyngeal video swallow. showed Trace sensate aspiration with thin liquids. Spontaneous cough with clearing. Please refer to the speech and swallow division note in OMR for full details, assessment, and recommendations. Radiology showed 1. ET tube is in satisfactory position. 2. NG tube sidehole is at the level of the diaphragm. Advancing several centimeters will ensure it is within the stomach. 3. Mild interstitial pulmonary edema. Radiology showed 1. Cardiomegaly and probable background COPD. Enlarged pulmonary arteries, raise question of background pulmonary hypertension, similar to prior. 2. CHF findings with vascular plethora and mild interstitial edema which appears worse compared with ___. No gross effusion. 3. Bibasilar atelectasis. No frank consolidation identified at this time. 4. Suspected hiatal hernia. Radiology showed No acute intracranial process. The patient was diagnosed with RESPIRATORY ABNORM NEC. The patient was treated with endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. At the time of discharge, the patient had - Hypercarbic, hypoxemic respiratory failure (multifactorial) - Health care associated pneumonia - Acute PE - Systolic congestive heart failure exacerbation - COPD exacerbation - Diabetes - Hypertension - Hyperlipidemia. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ old woman with history of COPD, CHF, NIDDM, alcohol and tobacco abuse, and schizoaffective disorder who presented with shortness of breath, was intubated for hypercarbic respiratory failure, s/p extubation ___, finished HCAP course ___, and returned to the ICU with hypoxemia, found to have PE and now back on treatment for HCAP due to fever.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a ___ year old man with h/o dementia and failure to thrive, who presented from his nursing home after being found down. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD. showed No acute intracranial hemorrhage or evidence of acute large territorial infarction. Chest radiograph showed 1. Widened appearance of the upper mediastinum likely due to unfolding of the thoracic aorta in the setting of patient rotation and positioning although underlying thoracic aortic aneurysm is possible. 2. No focal consolidation identified. FEMUR (AP AND LAT) BILATERAL showed No evidence of fracture or dislocation of the right or left femur. Small bilateral suprapatellar effusions. Sclerosis of the medial proximal left tibial metaphysis, incompletely visualized on these views. Dedicated knee or tibia fibula films is suggested to further evaluate. PELVIS (AP ONLY) PORT showed No evidence of fracture or dislocation of the pelvis. CT head without contrast showed This exam was aborted due to patient noncooperation. Only 1 lateral scout image was able to be obtained. The patient was diagnosed with Altered mental status, unspecified, Adult failure to thrive. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ year old man with history of prostate cancer s/p XRT and hormonal therapy in ___, vestibular neuritis, hyperparathyroidism, Paget's disease, hearing loss, dementia and cognitive decline over the past ___ months, who presented after a fall with head strike at his nursing home. He was monitored without evidence of infection or cardiac etiology for fall, and was discharged back to his SNF. #Acute on chronic Encephalopathy: #Rapidly declining cognitive status: #Dementia: From review of ___ records, patient's rapid cognitive decline began in ___. Before then he was functional, driving and conversant. Since then he has had trouble walking and expressing himself, although does appear to comprehend. From ___ chart review, he had MRI/MRA head, CT head, EEG, and broad autoimmune workup in two different hospitalizations in ___ that were unrevealing of the etiology. There was concern that his decline started after a course of steroids given for vestibular neuritis in ___, but this has not been well described and patient did not improve with cessation of steroids. There may be a component of vascular dementia, as he does seem to have the focal deficit of expression but can comprehend. We recommend he continue to see an outpatient neurologist (son is continuing to think about this decision as unsure if it is helpful) and that occupational, physical and speech therapy would with him frequently to provide the best chance of rehabilitation. #Fall: Patient presented after a fall from his bed, reportedly in the setting of agitation. Patient have been experiencing sundowning, leading him to fall, or could have been presyncope in the setting of medication side effect (on tamsulosin at home). He sustained an abrasion to his forehead, but otherwise had no acute injuries. His CT scan was negative for any acute intracranial processes or bleed. He had an echocardiogram that was unrevealing for an etiology of presyncope or syncope that could have led to a fall. He had no falls while in the hospital, and as above would encourage OT, ___ and frequent orientation. #Pancytopenia: On day 3 of his hospitalization, his CBC was notable for all three cell lines being decreased from admission and baseline. He received no medications to trigger this, and did not appear to be actively infected. His counts remained stable, but would recommend repeating a CBC ___ to ensure resolution vs further workup. #Coag-negative staph positive blood culture, likely contaminant: Patient had 1 blood culture that grew coag-negative staph. He was temporarily started on vancomycin. The other blood cultures had no growth at time of discharge, he was afebrile and well appearing, and this was determined to be a likely contaminant. #Elevated lactate: Patient admitted with a lactate of 5, improved to 2 with IVF. He had no signs of active infection, and suspect this may have been due to poor PO intake and any muscle breakdown after his fall. #Medication reconciliation: Patient was still on medications started at the ___ hospitalization in ___, that were supposed to be discontinued in early ___. These medications were discontinued and should NOT be restarted upon return to his nursing home: fleet enema (can cause marked electrolyte abnormalities), indomethacin (can worsen confusion in the elderly), melatonin (not needed), tamsulosin (can cause presyncope, syncope, hypotension, or confusion in the elderly), omeprazole (no longer an indication for this). #Code status: The patient's son/HCP expressed very clearly that he is full code, but would not want to be on "life support" for a prolonged period of time.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ yo M otherwise healthy presenting with RLQ abdominal pain that began ___. Patient states that it was first located in the epigastric region and then subsequently localized to the RLQ. He denies any associated fevers, chills, nausea, vomiting, or anorexia. He denies any recent changes in his bowel habits. He denies any history of prior abdominal surgeries or any recent sick contacts. Radiology showed 1. Findings consistent with acute appendicitis ; the distal appendix is dilated to 12 mm, fluid-filled, and with thickened, hyperemic wall. Mild adjacent periappendiceal fat stranding. No drainable fluid collection or extraluminal gas. NOTIFICATION: Findings discussed with Dr. ___ by Dr. ___ at 16:15 on ___ via telephone. The patient was diagnosed with Unspecified acute appendicitis. At the time of discharge, the patient had Acute Appendicitis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ yo M admitted to the Acute Care Surgery Service on ___ with right lower quadrant/epigastric pain for 3 days. Denies associated fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or change in bowels. CT abdomen pelvis was consistent with acute appendicitis. Risks and benefits of operative versus medical management with antibiotics was discussed and the patient opted for medical mangagment. He was made NPO, given IV antibiotics, and admitted to the floor for monitoring. On HD2 he remained afebrile, hemodynamically stable, and abdominal pain improved. White blood cell count was 10.0 from 7.7. His diet was progressively advanced to regular with good tolerability with normal bowel function. He was discharged to home on HD2 to complete a 10 day course of antibiotics. At the time of discharge, the patient was doing well, afebrile with stable vital signs. The patient was tolerating a regular diet, ambulating, voiding without assistance, and pain was well controlled. The patient was discharged home without services. The patient received discharge teaching and follow-up instructions with understanding verbalized and agreement with the discharge plan.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with h/o CABG (___) c/b ISR s/p multiple PCIs (most recent ___, chronic angina, complains of chest pain and shortness of breath. After his last cath, he had a brief period of relief from chronic angina. Since early ___, he has had progressive recurrence of symptoms. Describes substernal chest ___ pressure, which radiates to the left arm, and is associated with shortness of breath. Every ___ minutes, he has a sharp pain, lasting 1 minute. States this pain is similar to prior cardiac chest pain. It has continued to worsen, to the point where it is nearly constant, at rest and with exertion. He has been taking ___ SL nitros daily for the past 2 weeks. He has remained active and is able to shovel and climb a flight of stairs. However, he is becoming increasingly dyspneic with exertion. He also endorses orthopnea but denies palpitations or presyncopal symptoms. Radiology showed No acute cardiopulmonary process. No cardiomegaly. Anterior wedge deformities of a lower thoracic vertebral body, age indeterminate and clinical correlation suggested regarding possibility of pain in this region. Radiology showed 1. No acute intrathoracic process. 2. Moderate hiatal hernia. 3. Anterior wedge deformity of T12 vertebral body, age indeterminate.x The patient was diagnosed with INTERMED CORONARY SYND. The patient was treated with Cardiac catheterization ___. At the time of discharge, the patient had -refractory restenosis of LAD. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ yo male with CABG (___) with persistent angina s/p multiple stents (most recent ___ who persists with worsening chest pain over the past 2 weeks, accompanied by non-specific ischemic EKG changes but no elevation of cardiac enzymes. # UNSTABLE ANGINA: Patient with extensive coronary history, s/p CABG complicated by recurrent symptoms s/p multiple PCIs (___). Appears to have stable EKG changes, however missing posterior/LCx perfusion areas that could be suspiscious for ischemia. Has 2 sets of negative cardiac enzymes, but with persistent pain. Has had chronic angina since CABG, but symptoms had been gradually worsening over the past 2 weeks prior to admission. Patient reported recent negative stress test done by cardiologist 3 weeks prior, however this did not necessaily mean that he is perfusing his heart well; could be low perfusion globally. Unclear if this is actually cardiac pain in nature given it's chronic presentation without evidence of infarct or resolution in the pain. He was continued on a heparin gtt until cardiac cath. He had evidence of refractory restenosis of the LAD that will require definitive treatment with repeat CABG. CT surgery consulted during admission and reccommended surgical work-up and readmission in a few weeks. He continued medical management with statin, metoprolol, asa 325 and plavix given recent DES in ___. Started amlodipine, # H/O GI BLEED: Patient had a history of GI bleeding. No evidence of any bleeding during admission. Denies melena or hematochezia. Continued home pantoprazole. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES -patient will continue on plavix to prevent thrombosis of multiple stents -plan for appointment with Dr. ___ surgery) next week -started on amlodipine 2.5mg daily </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a ___ who underwent a Whipple procedure ___ for IPMN at the head of the pancreas and is now scheduled for completion pancreatectomy and splenectomy on ___. Recent MRCP was performed on ___ showed a large increase in the size of the main pancreatic duct, from 0.4 cm in ___ to 1.2 cm presently. Further workup was concerning for either recurrence of IPMN or pancreatic adenocarcinoma. He is directly admitted now, a few days prior to his completion pancreatectomy, because of elevated glucose levels detected yesterday on a ___ clinic visit at the ___ Pancre___. He is currently taking metformin 500BID for glucose control since his Whipple. Blood test at the clinic visit revealed an elevated glucose level of 460 and he was instructed to go to a nearby ED to have his blood sugar rechecked. At ___, his blood glucose was 471, A1C was 9.3%, K was 5.7, and Cr 1.4 (baseline Cr. 1.1). He was asked to come to ___ that night for further management of his glucose, fluid resusitation for ___, and management of hyperkalemia. At ___, his blood glucose was 318, K was 4.5, Cr was 1.2. He was subsequently discharged home from the ED with a glucometer and instructions to continually check blood sugars at home. However, becuase of concerns from the surgical team and family regarding patient's elevated blood glucose, the decision was made for the patient to be directly admitted prior to his surgery to optimize his glucose control with the assistance ___. CHEST PORT. LINE PLACEMENT showed A COMPARISON STUDY OF ___, THERE IS A PLACEMENT OF A RIGHT IJ CATHETER THAT EXTENDS TO THE MID TO LOWER PORTION OF THE SVC. NO EVIDENCE OF PNEUMOTHORAX. ALLOWING FOR THE AP SUPINE POSITION IN THE LOW LUNG VOLUMES, THERE IS PROBABLY LITTLE OVERALL CHANGE IN THE APPEARANCE OF THE HEART AND LUNGS. The patient was diagnosed with DIABETES UNCOMPL ADULT. The patient was treated with robotic completion pancreatectomy and splenectomy. At the time of discharge, the patient had Pancreatic body mass. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Patient was admitted to the ___ service 3 days prior to his completion pancreatectomy for findings of elevated glucose on pre-admission testing. On admission to the hospital, his glucose level was 284. ___ was consulted to assist with preoperative and postoperative management of glucose. He was started on Lantus 10 and insulin sliding scale preoperatively. He underwent a robotic completion pancreatectomy and splenectomy on ___. Please see operative report for further details of the operation. On POD1, he was started on clears and his foley was removed. However on POD2, he developed abdominal distention and diet was reduced to sips. On POD4, his abdominal distention began to resolve and his diet was readvanced up to a regular diabetic diet. Dilaudid PCA was discontinued on POD4 and he was switched to oral pain meds and restarted on his home medications, except for metformin. Throughout the postoperative period, ___ continued to follow patient for blood glucose control. At time of discharge, patient's blood glucose was well relatively well controlled (FSG: 127-222). He was discharged on 18U of Lantus at bedtime and an insulin sliding scale. The nutritionalists also worked very closely with the patient regarding diabetic, post-whipple diets and further diet education. Patient will be followed in the outpatient setting by the ___ for glucose control and nutrition adivice. He will have close follow-up with Dr. ___ as well with Dr. ___ pancreas). At time of discharge, patient was tolerating a regular diabetic diet, self-administering insulin, ambulating, and having normal bowel movement. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ y/o F with PMHx significant for depression with prior SA, who is admitted with Tylenol overdose. Pt reports that, on ___ night between 6 and 8 pm, she took unknown amount of tylenol ___ (likely 30+ tabs) in attempt to kill herself. She also consumed one ativan, 6 to 7 lamictal, and several glasses of wine. She then slept through the night but awoke with lightheadedness, visual hallucinations, and feeling lethargic. Friends were unaware of what she took and thought she was hungover. Ultimately presented to ___ around noon on ___ for eval. While she was at ___, it became known that she had overdosed on tylenol. Tylenol level at that point (18 hours after ingestion) was 22. She was given mucomyst at 4pm (initial oral dose 10g) then transferred to ___. In the ED, initial VS were 98.2 114 119/82 16 100%. Labs were significnat for AST 1393, ALT 884, TBili 2.6. She was seen by toxicology, who recommended to reload mucomyst w/ IV dosing (150 mg/kg IV over 60min, then 4 hour infusion 12.5 mg/kg per hour, then 16 hour infusion 6.25 mg/kg per hour). VS prior to transfer Temp: 98.4 °F (36.9 °C), Pulse: 94, RR: 20, BP: 103/89, Rhythm: nsr, O2Sat: 100, O2Flow: ra. On arrival to the floor, the patient denies any complaints other than allergy symptoms. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Denies fever, chills, night sweats, headache, vision changes, rhinorrhea, sore throat, shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, BRBPR, melena, hematochezia, dysuria, hematuria. Radiology showed 1. Mildly echogenic liver, consistent with hepatic steatosis. However, other forms of liver disease cannot be excluded on this study. No focal liver lesions. 2. Patent hepatic and portal veins. Patent main hepatic artery. 3. No ascites. Radiology showed No acute pulmonary process identified. The patient was diagnosed with POIS-AROM ANALGESICS NEC, POIS-BENZODIAZEPINE TRAN, POIS-ANTICONVUL NEC/NOS, TOXIC EFF ETHYL ALCOHOL, DRUG HALLUCINOSIS, SUICIDE-ANALGESICS, SUICIDE-PSYCHOTROPIC AGT, SUICIDE-DRUG/MEDICIN NEC, SUICIDE-SOLID/LIQUID NEC. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY: Tylenol overdose with liver failure depression. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ y/o F with PMHx significant for depression with prior SA (with various pills), who was admitted with Tylenol overdose. . .</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ w/COPD, HTN p/w acute mesenteric ischemia. Patient had acute onset of abdominal pain at 4pm yesterday. Has had one episode of non-bloody emesis since then. Not tolerating PO. Pain is ___ and has remained unchanged since onset. Also endorses one episode of nonbloody diarrhea in the AM prior to onset of pain. No chest pain or SOB. No fevers/chills. No history of chronic mesenteric ischemia symptoms such as food fear or pain surrounding PO intake or weight loss. CTA A/P showed complete occlusion of the proximal segment of the SMA approximately 3.5cm as well as a more distal segment of the SMA approximately 6cm with minimal reconstitution of flow in between likely secondary to collaterals. No gross evidence of bowel ischemia was visualized. She has no history of afib and EKG in the ED showed normal sinus rhythm with some PACs/PVCs. Chest radiograph showed Grossly unchanged mild pulmonary edema and small pleural effusions. Radiology showed Endotracheal tube, feeding tube, and right IJ central line are unchanged in position. There is prominence of the cardiac silhouette. There are unchanged small bilateral effusions and a left retrocardiac opacity. There is mild pulmonary edema. There are no pneumothoraces. Radiology showed No unexpected radiopaque foreign body identified. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 9:04 am, 1 minute after discovery of the findings. Chest radiograph showed Compared to the examination from 2 days prior, the small bilateral pleural effusions have slightly decreased. Endotracheal tube terminates 5 cm cranial to the carina, satisfactory. Upper enteric tube tip is in at least the mid gastric body, outside of field-of-view. Right internal jugular approach central venous catheter terminates in the low SVC, satisfactory. Cardiomediastinal silhouette appears more narrow than on prior study. There is no edema. Lungs are otherwise clear. There is no new consolidation. Portable chest radiograph showed Increased pulmonary vascular congestion compared to prior study. Persistent small bilateral pleural effusions. Radiology showed The ET tube, NG tube and right IJ line are unchanged in position. Lungs are low volume. Small loculated right pleural effusion is stable. Trace left pleural effusions also unchanged. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. There is stable subsegmental atelectasis in the right middle lobe. No pneumothorax is seen. Chest AP view showed Lungs are low volume with bibasilar atelectasis. Small bilateral effusions left greater than right are unchanged. Support lines and tubes unchanged in position. No pneumothorax is seen. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. Radiology showed Lungs are low volume with bibasilar atelectasis. Small bilateral pleural effusions are unchanged. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. No pneumothorax is seen. No new consolidations. Radiology showed The tip of the enteric tube is in the mid to distal stomach. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed In comparison with study of ___, the new Dobhoff tube extends at least to the junction of the body and antrum of the stomach, were crosses the lower margin of the image. No evidence of pneumothorax. Little overall change in the appearance of the heart and lungs. Radiology showed ET tube terminates approximately 4.5 cm from the carina. Enteric tube is seen descending of the inferior aspect of the film. Small moderate-sized left pleural effusion. Small right pleural effusion. Vascular congestion. Aortic calcifications. Degenerative changes of the left shoulder. No pneumothorax. Radiology showed The tip of a new right internal jugular central venous catheter projects over the cavoatrial junction. No pneumothorax. CTA ABD/PEL WANDW/O C W/REONS showed 1. Status post placement of a superior mesenteric artery stent, which appears patent. However, distally the superior mesenteric artery is thrombosed in the same location described on prior CT from ___. New today, this portion of thrombosed vessel appears somewhat more distended with thrombus, and note is made of new surrounding fat stranding. 2. A focus of gas adjacent to the thrombosed portion of the superior mesenteric artery is presumed related to recent instrumentation (11:60). 3. Status post partial resection of the small bowel. Remaining loops of small bowel demonstrate normal caliber and enhancement. 4. Open postsurgical anterior abdominal wall defect. 5. Small bilateral pleural effusions with adjacent atelectasis. 6. Extensive sigmoid diverticulosis. NOTIFICATION: Wet read findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___ ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 5pm, 60 minutes after discovery of the findings. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Compared to a chest radiographs ___. Mild pulmonary edema is new accompanied by increasing small pleural effusions. Cardiac silhouette is obscured, but moderate cardiomegaly has increased slightly since ___. No pneumothorax. Cardiopulmonary devices in standard placements. The patient was diagnosed with Acute infarction of intestine, part and extent unspecified. The patient was treated with ___: 1. Exploratory laparotomy and evaluation of small and large bowel. 2. Patch angioplasty and exploration of the superior mesenteric artery, closure of the ___ arteriotomy with a bovine pericardial patch. 3. Stenting of the superior mesenteric artery origin with a 6 mm x 15 mm Gore Viabahn VBX stent. 4. Placement of ABThera temporary abdominal closure device. 5. Visceral angiogram ___: Resection of the small intestine with the intestine left in discontinuity. ___: 1. Ultrasound-guided access to the right common femoral artery. 2. Selective catheterization of the superior mesenteric artery with selective superior mesenteric artery angiogram. 3. Reexploration of superior mesenteric artery patch with fenestration and tacking of dissection flap. 4. Placement of a 7 x 60 mm Innova stent in the proximal SMA, post dilated with a 6 mm balloon. 5. Embolectomy of distal superior mesenteric artery. ___: 1. Exploratory laparotomy with abdominal washout. 2. Jejunal resection. 3. Application of open abdominal dressing with ABThera VAC. ___: 1. Exploratory laparotomy with abdominal washout. 2. ___ patch and negative pressure dressing. ___: 1. ___ Patch. 2. Jejunoileal anastomosis. 3. Abdominal wall debridement, skin, fat, fascia. 4. Secondary closure of the abdominal wall and placement of an incisional VAC sponge 3 x 25 cm.. At the time of discharge, the patient had acute on chronic mesenteric ischemia malnutrition delirium. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ arrived to the hospital on ___ after an episode of acute onset abdominal pain ___. CTA A/P demonstrated complete occlusion of proximal segment of SMA 3.___s a more distal segment of SMA of 6 cm w minimal reconstitution of flow in between likely secondary to collaterals. No gross evidence of bowel ischemia visualized. Diagnosis of acute mesenteric ischemia was made. She underwent exploratory laparotomy and had 15 cm of necrotic jejunum resected. She was left in discontinuity with an abthera vac placed on the open abdomen. She was taken back ___ POD#1 and POD#3 from initial operation for washout, but was unable to be closed. She was diuresed and taken back on POD#5 but was still unable to be closed secondary to edema. Diuresis was continued, and she was transfused with RBCs as needed for low hematocrit. On ___ she was primarily reconnected and her abdomen was closed. She was extubated but reintubated for failure to clear secretions. She was extubated a second time on ___ and remained extubated for the duration of her stay. She had multiple guaiac positive stools, thus her anticoagulation was discontinued and will remain off per attending vascular surgeon Dr. ___. A dobhoff tube was placed for nutrition. She was discharged to rehab with dobhoff tube in place. Please see below for her course by system. Neuro: The patient was sedated while intubation but off sedation when extubated; pain was initially managed with IV dilaudid and then transitioned to oral medications once tolerating a diet and cleared by speech and swallow. CV: The patient's vital signs were routinely monitored, and she was treated with blood transfusions and pressors as needed to keep her hemodynamically stable. Pulmonary: The patient remained stable from a pulmonary standpoint; when intubated her vent settings were monitored and when originally extubated she was closely monitored. When it was noted that she was failing to clear secretions she was re-intubated. There were no signs of aspiration. Once extubated the second time her respiratory status remained stable. Good pulmonary toilet and incentive spirometry were encouraged throughout hospitalization when extubated. GI/GU/FEN: The patient was initially kept NPO with a ___ tube in place for decompression. On ___, the NGT was removed, and a speech and swallow eval recommended puree'd diet with thickened liquids. Due to poor oral intake, a dobhoff feeding tube was placed. Patient's intake and output were closely monitored. The dobhoff was pulled by the patient on ___ and not replaced. PO intake has gotten better but still well below the appropriate. ID: The patient's fever curves were closely watched for signs of infection, of which there were none. HEME: The patient's blood counts were closely watched for signs of bleeding, and she was transfused with packed RBCs as needed. Due to multiple guaiac positive stools, her anticoagulation was discontinued. The patient was discharged to a rehab facility that accepts patients with dobhoff feeding tubes on ___</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ year old male presents to the emergency room with intermittent abdominal pain which is been getting worse. He was having these pains pre-operatively prior to surgery for bowel obstruction here around ___ time. He is continued to have episodes of the pain postoperatively. At triage, he was noted to have an EKG showing ST segment elevation so was triggered back rapidly. He has no cardiopulmonary symptoms whatsoever. Looking through his old EKGs, there are several EKGs that are similar to the current EKG and he was diagnosed recently as having silent MI according to him. He also had an echo that showed possible apical aneurysm. No fevers or chills. He has had one episode of vomiting today. No urinary tract symptoms. MR ___ showed 1. Persistent mechanical small-bowel obstruction, with transition point at focal 4.2 cm segment of strictured small bowel with mild edema and mucosal hyperenhancement. Stricture cause most likely ischemic, with alternative differential being inflammation. 2. Stable saccular infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. BILAT LOWER EXT VEINS showed No evidence of acutedeep venous thrombosis in the right or leftlower extremity veins. ABDOMEN (SUPINE AND ERECT) showed 1. Dense material in the ascending colon may represent administered contrast contrast. 2. No evidence of bowel obstruction. 3. A small amount of free air under the left hemidiaphragm, likely related to recent surgery. The patient was diagnosed with Unsp intestnl obst, unsp as to partial versus complete obst. The patient was treated with ___ exploratory laparotomy, SBR x 2. At the time of discharge, the patient had small bowel obstruction. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ year old male admitted to the hospital with abdominal pain. Upon admission the patient was made NPO, given intravenous fluids, and underwent a cat scan which showed dilated proximal small bowel loops with air-fluid levels, compatible with a small bowel obstruction. This finding showed progression of the bowel obstruction from the prior imaging. Based on these findings, the patient was placed on bowel rest. He was placed on a heparin drip because of his history of LV thrombus. Coagulation studies were monitored and adjustments in the rate were made according to protocol. After return of bowel function, the patient resumed clear liquids and slowly advanced to a regular diet. He again experienced a recurrence of abdominal pain and was made NPO. He underwent an MRE which showed a persistent mechanical small-bowel obstruction. Based on these findings, the decision was made to take the patient to the operating room. He underwent cardiac clearance and was taken to the operating room on HD #7 where he underwent an exploratory laparotomy, extensive lysis of adhesions, and jejunal resection x 2. His operative course was stable with a 75cc blood loss. The patient was extubated after the procedure and monitored in the recovery room. The patient did well in the PACU. He was alert and oriented x3. His pain was well controlled and his urine output was appropriate. After a brief stay in the PACU he was safely transferred to the floor where his vital signs remained stable. On ___, pod 1, a heparin drip was restarted which was subsequently kept at a therapeutic range by trending ptt's every 6 hours. His wbc was slightly elevated which was attributed to the normal stress incurred during the procedure. His Cr was 1.5 which was attributed to him being slightly volume down. He received appropriate Iv fluids and his Cr trending down to his baseline level. He received metoprolol IV while we were awaiting return of bowel function. The patients pain remained well controlled and he was able to ambulate early and often after surgery. The patient started on a clear liquid diet on ___ as he was passing flatus. The patient reported some difficulty tolerating the full liquid diet at first but had no episodes of nausea, vomiting, or change in physical exam of his abdomen. Some erythema around his wound was noted on ___ and some staples were removed to express any fluid that had accumulated in his wound. The wound was probed and cultures were sent. On the following day, more staples were removed and the track was further probed to express any remaining fluid. The wound was packed with a wet to dry gauze dressing that was changed twice a day. At this point, the patient was starting to tolerate a full liquid diet better. On ___, the patient was transitioned to po pain meds, which enabled us to discontinue the heparin drip and start his home dose of apixaban. Further, he was transitioned to a regular diet and put on a bowel regimen. He tolerated this transition well. On ___, a wound vac was placed in his surgical midline wound to aid in healing. His wound healed nicely and the wound vac was discontinued on ___ and he was transitioned back to bid dressing changes prior to his discharge to his rehab facility. At the end of his hospital course, the patients vital signs were stable, he is ambulatory independently, his pain is well controlled, he was tolerating a regular diet, and his surgical site is healing appropriately. He was provided with the appropriate discharge instructions and an appointment for follow up. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a ___ year-old man with T1DM complicated by ESRD s/p DDRT in ___, neuropathy, gastroparesis, HFmrEF, A fib, HTN, hypothyroidism, cirrhosis (likely EtOH +/- HBV) who presented with nausea and dark emesis. RENAL TRANSPLANT U.S. showed 1. Stable minimally elevated resistive indices of the superior right kidney transplant, similar to prior exam. 2. Persistent increase in peak systolic velocity of the left main renal artery of the inferior right kidney transplant measuring up to 223 centimeters/second, previously 300 centimeters/second. 3. Persistent minimally elevated resistive indices of the inferior renal transplant, similar to prior exam. 4. Moderate bladder debris compared to prior exam. LIVER OR GALLBLADDER US (SINGLE ORGAN) showed 1. Main portal vein is patent. 2. Coarsened hepatic parenchyma, similar to prior exam. Chest radiograph showed No radiographic evidence to suggest pneumomediastinum. Otherwise no acute intrathoracic process. Radiology showed Nonspecific bowel gas pattern. If there is high concern for bowel obstruction, recommend CT with intravenous and/or oral contrast for further assessment. The patient was diagnosed with Nausea with vomiting, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Hematemesis, abdominal pain, nausea, urinary retention, type I diabetes, ESRD s/ DDRT ___ Secondary: Atrial fibrillation, cirrhosis, hepatitis B, EtOH use, HFmrEF, hypercalcemia, hypertension, thrombocytopenia, hypothyroidism, hyperlipidemia. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ year-old man with T1DM complicated by ESRD s/p DDRT in ___, neuropathy, gastroparesis, HFrEF borderline, a fib, HTN, hypothyroidism, cirrhosis (likely EtOH +/- HBV) who presented for evaluation of nausea and dark emesis, with ongoing nausea/abdominal pain but stable hemoglobin and hemodynamics without any observed hematemesis since presentation, discharged with plan for GI follow up. # Vomiting, possible hematemesis Patient reported dark/red emesis about an hour after drinking ___ glasses of red wine 4 days ago along with nausea and abdominal pain. He reported that he had stopped drinking for several weeks prior to that. It is unclear if this was truly hematemesis, given that the dark emesis may have been the red wine in the setting of gastroparesis. We also considered ___ ___ tear vs. gastritis from ETOH use. He was hemodynamically stable with stable Hgb since ED presentation on ___, with a negative stool guiac. He was initially started on ceftriaxone, octreotide, and IV PPI BID. Octreotide was stopped in the ED per GI. He was admitted due to not being able to tolerate PO. On the floor his blood counts remained stable so EGD was deferred. He was able to tolerate a normal diet so we discharged him to home with his home resources restarted. His home apixaban, BP meds, diuretic, and beta blocker were held due to concern for bleeding, but were resumed on discharge. He was prescribed PO cipro for 4 days to complete a 7 day abx course for infection prophylaxis in a cirrhotic patient. He will require a follow up with the hepatology department to possibly pursue outpatient endoscopy. # ABDOMINAL PAIN # NAUSEA # INABILITY TO TOLERATE PO The patient presented with nausea/emesis as above, likely secondary to gastroparesis and gastritis secondary to EtOH. KUB showed a non-specific bowel gas pattern, but the patient had a non-bloody, non-melenic BM on day of presentation so there was low suspicion for obstruction. Lactate was not significantly elevated and lipase was normal. RUQUS was unremarkable without ascites or biliary obstruction. There was a mild elevation in Tbili to 2.2 but no transaminitis or elevated INR to suggest alcoholic hepatitis. UA was without evidence of infection. He was given Compazine prn and his diet was advanced to a full DM diet before discharge. # TYPE I DIABETES: Patient has significant microvascular complications. There was no evidence of DKA during the admission. He was noted to have large glucose and some ketones on UA, but he had identical UA on admission in ___ when he had very similar presentation. He was continued on his home diabetes regimen. # URINARY RETENTION Patient had urinary retention in the ED, initially requiring foley for 849cc of urine. The etiology is unclear, and it seems this has been a problem on prior admissions as well. The foley was pulled in the ED, with pre-void bladder scan of 300cc and post-void with 100cc. On the floor, patient was able to urinate without issue throughout the hospitalization. # ESRD ___ TYPE I DIABETES, s/p DDRT ___: Cr at baseline on admission. He was continued on mycophenolate mofetil 500mg BID and tacro 1 mg BID. Tacro level was 16. Per renal transplant, the level is inaccurately high due to timing of the trough <12 hrs after last dose. They recommended rechecking the tacro level as an outpatient within the next week. CHRONIC PROBLEMS: ========================= # ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: Held apixaban due to c/f GI bleed. Restarted on discharge. # CIRRHOSIS: # HEPATITIS B: Patient has Child's class A cirrhosis, cirrhosis likely ___ HBV + EtOH. No signs of decompensation during this hospitalization and probability of variceal bleeding is very low. Held home diuretics overnight given question of GIB and dry appearing on exam, but was continued on discharge. We also continued lamivudine for HBV. # EtOH USE: Reports 3 glasses of red wine on Father's Day. Otherwise, last drink was several weeks ago prior to last admission in ___. No evidence of withdrawal during admission. # HFmrEF: Last LVEF in ___ 40-45%. Restarted diuretics on discharge. #HTN: Anti-hypertensives were initially held in setting of concern for GIB but restarted on discharge. #THROMBOCYTOPENIA: Chronic, stable. Likely due to cirrhosis, MMF. #HYPOTHYROIDISM: Continued levothyroxine 25mcg daily #HLD: Continued atorvastatin 40mg qHS</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ male with history of diabetes, wheelchair dependent as a result of alcohol-induced cerebellar ataxia, presenting with increasing weakness and frailty. Son states that he has been increasingly weak for the last 3 days. Today fell to the floor. No LOC, no head strike and was just sitting. Also complaining of chest back pain. Patient denies any dysuria, abdominal pain, or diarrhea. He has lost 17 lbs in the past month. They were told it may be from a UTI. Came to emergency department for evaluation. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed No fracture or acute intracranial process. CT torso without contrast showed 1. Mildly displaced fractures of the left posterior seventh and eighth ribs, with a small adjacent left pleural effusion. No pneumothorax. 2. New 7.5 cm soft tissue mass in the body and tail of the pancreas, with innumerable hepatic lesions, concerning for metastatic disease. 3. A 5 mm perifissural nodule in the right lung may be new compared with prior, possibly representing an intrapulmonary lymph node, however metastatic disease cannot be excluded. Additional tiny pulmonary nodules bilaterally do not appear significantly changed. Chest: Frontal and lateral views showed 1. Small left pleural effusion. 2. Left posterior rib fractures are better evaluated on CT performed on same day. LIVER OR GALLBLADDER US (SINGLE ORGAN) showed 1. Innumerable hepatic lesions, concerning for metastatic disease. 2. No biliary duct dilatation. CT C-SPINE W/O CONTRAST showed Degenerative disease. No evidence of fracture CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Comparison to ___. The lung volumes have decreased. Borderline size of the cardiac silhouette. Mild elongation of the descending aorta. Minimal atelectasis at the right lung basis. No evidence of pneumonia, pulmonary edema or pleural effusions. MRCP showed 1. Mass within the pancreatic body/tail suspicious for primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma. 2. Innumerable hepatic metastases with obstruction of the left lateral segmental intrahepatic biliary tree. No specific findings of cholangitis. 3. Occluded or severely attenuated left portal vein with multiple left upper quadrant collateral vessels. 4. Multiple subcentimeter pancreatic cystic lesions are likely small side branch IPMNs. ULTRASOUND GUIDED CORE NEEDLE BIOPSY showed Uncomplicated 18-gauge targeted liver biopsy x 2, with specimen sent to pathology in formalin. No immediate complications. CTA chest with CT abdomen and pelvis with contrast showed 1. Subsegmental nonocclusive pulmonary embolism in bilateral lung bases and possibly right upper lobe. No imaging evidence of right heart strain. 2. Evaluation of the veins is limited due to timing of contrast however expanded appearance of the left common femoral vein is concerning for deep vein thrombosis. A hypodensity in the right common femoral vein is equivocal for thrombosis. 3. Large hypodense mass in the body/tail of the pancreas resulting in attenuation of the splenic artery and occlusion of the splenic vein. 4. Innumerable hepatic metastases. 5. Small volume ascites. 6. Mildly displaced left-sided rib fractures, unchanged from prior. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___ ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 8:28 pm, 5 minutes after discovery of the findings. US lower extremity for DVT showed Acute DVT in the right popliteal and tibial veins. Extensive acute left leg DVT involving the deep femoral and femoral veins as well as the popliteal, posterior tibial, and peroneal veins. The left GSV remains patent and fills the CFV. Radiology showed Lungs are low volume with bibasilar atelectasis. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. There is a small right pleural effusion. No pneumothorax is seen MR HEAD W AND W/O CONTRAST ___ MR HEAD showed 1. No acute intracranial abnormality. No metastases. 2. Diffuse atrophy of the cerebellum and brainstem raise suspicion for olivopontocerebellar cerebellar degeneration. Some of the findings can be seen in the setting of long-standing paraneoplastic syndrome, clinically correlate. 3. Minimal white matter chronic small vessel ischemic disease. The patient was diagnosed with Weakness. The patient was treated with Liver biopsy ___. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma Secondary: Cholangitis, intrahepatic biliary duct obstruction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis.. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: ___ yo M with T2DM not on insulin, presenting with progressive weakness and weight loss, with new diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma now with cholangitis that cannot be intervened upon. Patient transitioned to CMO and discharged home on hospice. #Goals of care Patient with metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma, there are no options for treatment. Patient transitioned to CMO and will be discharged home on hospice. #Metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma #Elevated transaminases #Weight loss S/p biopsy of metastatic site (liver) with pathology consistent with adenocarcinoma. CEA and Ca ___ markedly elevated. Heme/onc consulted, patient not a candidate for chemotherapy in setting of cholangitis. #Sepsis secondary to cholangitis #L intrahepatic duct compression Patient with fever to 102, leukocytosis, tachycardia and rising bilirubin. Fevers may be secondary to multiple thrombi, tumor fever or L intrahepatic duct compression ___ to tumor burden. Not a candidate for ERCP given location of intrahepatic duct compression. Initially on Ceftriaxone/Flagyl (___), antibiotics broadened given sepsis to Vanc/Flagyl/Cefepime (___). ___ unable to offer drainage of intrahepatic duct given concern for seeding bacteria into additional ducts and poor functional reserve of liver. Will discharge with Cipro/Flagyl for ___an be discontinued at any time if they are causing patient discomfort. #Multiple subsegmental PEs #Tachycardia Patient with CTA chest on ___ with multiple subsegmental PEs, splenic vein thrombus and L femoral vein thrombus. Likely etiology of tachycardia. Trop <.01 and BNP 365,TTE with no e/o RH strain. Anticoagulation with heparin gtt, transitioned to lovenox BID. Discontinued prior to discharge. #Occluded or severely attenuated left portal vein Patient with occlusion of L portal vein on MRCP with multiple left upper quadrant collateral vessels. Discussed with radiology likely secondary to tumor burden not thrombus given no e/o vein expansion or hypoattenuation. #Rib fractures: Pain on the left side, with extensive bruising. Reduced inspiratory capacity. Pain well controlled with Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Lidocaine patch, Morphine Sulfate Liquid 5mg Q6prn. #Hypercalcemia: Could be related to malignancy, or dehydration. PTH is low so unlikely to be primary hyperparathyroidism. PTHrP within normal limits. 25 Vit D is 22. S/p pamidronate on ___. #Wt loss #Aspiration risk Patient disinterested in eating. Evaluated by speech and swallow, patient at risk for aspiration, recommended NPO. Discussed with family, it is within patient's GOC to continue eating with accepted aspiration risk. #Elevated INR: #Anemia and thrombocytopenia Likely secondary to malignancy/dilution. Likely liver dysfunction in setting of extensive mets. S/p Vit K x 3 days with no improvement. #DM: Initiated on Lantus 10u QHS. Discontinued at time of discharge. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with history of congestive heart failure, peripheral artery disease, atrial fibrillation, hypertension and hyperlipidemia who is presenting with epigastric pain the evening of admission that woke her from sleep. The patient reports that she was napping in the earlier evening when she experienced some sharp pain across her epigastrium that woke her from sleep. The pain continued until she was ___ to the Emergency Department; the pain has since resolved. She denies any diaphoresis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, or dark stools. She denies any previous pathology of liver, gallbladder, or pancreas. She had a hysterectomy ___ years ago, but no other abdominal surgeries. . In the ED, initial VS: T97.6| HR 76| BP 124/50| RR 20 | 99% 2L Nasal Cannula. Patient was without abdominal pain by the time she was evaluated in the ED. No medical interventions were provided in the ED. CXR showed no acute process. Laboratory data showed a normal UA, metabolic panel with Cr of 1.2 (baseline around 1.1), BUN of 32 (baseline), and the rest WNL. CBC was at baseline values with WBC of 5.4 and baseline anemia with HCT of 28.1. Lactate was 1.1. Lipase was 102, AP was 127, LDH of 266, and rest of her LFTs WNL. CE's showed Troponin of 0.06 (baseline of 0.03) with normal CK-MB values. Vitals prior to transfer were T97.4| HR 81| BP 144/53| RR 17 100% on RA. Radiology showed 1. Gallbladder sludge. 2. Mildly prominent main pancreatic duct. The patient was diagnosed with CHEST PAIN NOS. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary Diagnosis: Atypical Chest and Abdominal Pain Secondary Diagnosis: CKD CAD ___ PAD. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Primary Reason for Admission: ___ year old woman with systolic CHF (EF 40-45% ___, h/o previous pulmonary embolus, PVD, hypertension, hyperlipidemia presents with self limited abdominal pain admitted to ___ for sets and a stress test. .</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ PMHx of T1DM, ESRD ___ diabetic nephropathy s/p DDRT (___) w/ PAK (___) c/b acute pancreas rejection (___), CAD (s/p CHEST (PA AND LAT) showed No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. MR HEAD W/O CONTRAST T___ MR HEAD showed 1. No evidence of acute infarction, edema, or midline shift. Please note, contrast enhanced MRI is recommended to exclude underlying infectious process or PTLD. 2. Stable scattered foci of microhemorrhage, likely a sequela of hypertension or amyloid angiopathy, with stable bifrontal chronic hemorrhage with surrounding gliosis, possibly related to prior lobar hemorrhage. 3. Parenchymal volume loss particularly involving the frontal and parietal lobes, which may be related to frontoparietal dementia in the appropriate clinical setting. 4. Nonspecific right mastoid air cell opacification unchanged from the prior study. RENAL TRANSPLANT U.S. showed Persistently mild elevated resistive indices. Otherwise, unremarkable renal transplant ultrasound. The patient was diagnosed with Diarrhea, unspecified, Dehydration. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY: UTI, C. difficile colitis, syncope SECONDARY: diabetic nephropathy complicated by ESRD status post renal transplant. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>SUMMARY Ms. ___ is a ___ lady with a PMH notable for type 1 diabetes, ESRD status post DDDRT (___) and PAKT (___) complicated by acute pancreas rejection (___), CAD s/p CABG and PCI to RCA, seizure disorder, and hypertension, who presented with 2 days of watery diarrhea and 3 episodes of syncope. The etiology of her syncope was thought to be due to dehydration from diarrhea. She had an unremarkable TTE, which showed normal EF (53%) with regional wall motion abnormality in the RCA territory, no significant change from prior. She was found to have C. difficile colitis which improved with vancomycin p.o. The patient's CellCept was switched to Myfortic 360 mg p.o. twice daily to help improve diarrhea. She was also found to have a UTI due to pansensitive Pseudomonas, for which she was initially treated with meropenem and subsequently ciprofloxacin for 7 days total, last day ___. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES [ ] UTI: complete ciprofloxacin 500 mg BID for 7 day course, initially treated with meropenem, last day ___. [ ] C. Difficile Colitis: complete vancomycin 125 mg PO Q6H 2 weeks after stopping ciprofloxacin, last doses ___. [ ] Follow Up: Transplant ID will arrange follow up with them in clinic. [ ] Medication Changes: Switched Cellcept to Myfortic 360 mg PO BID.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ y/o IVDU p/w R shoulder pain and swelling X 2 months. He describes spontaneous swelling of his right anterior chest beginning about 2 months ago. The area is red, warm and swelling waxes and wanes. The area is tender and the pain radiates over his anterior chest. He also complains of pain with right arm movement. He denies fevers, chills, palpitations, SOB, pleuritic CP, dysphagia, odynophagia. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed CHF. CHEST PORT. LINE PLACEMENT showed IN COMPARISON WITH THE STUDY ___, THE PULMONARY VASCULAR CONGESTION HAS CLEARED. LEFT SUBCLAVIAN LINE EXTENDS TO THE MID PORTION OF THE SVC. The patient was diagnosed with LOCAL SUPRFICIAL SWELLNG. The patient was treated with ___ Right sternoclavicular joint debridement. ___ Left SL Power PICC. At the time of discharge, the patient had Right sternoclavicular osteomylitis Opiate withdrawal. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ was evaluated by the Thoracic Surgery service in the Emergency Room and admitted to the hospital for further managemnent of his right sternoclavicular osteo. He was hydrated with IV fluids and also evaluated by the Infectious Disease service for appropriate antibiotic coverage. Vancomycin was initiated on ___ after blood cultures from OSH grew GPC in clusters whih eventually MSSA. He was taken to the Operating Room on ___ where he underwent resection of the right sternoclavicular joint. The wound was eventually VAC'd and began to clean up well. The tissue cultures were + MSSA. He eventually had a left SL power PICC line placed on ___ for ___ weeks of antibiotic therapy with Vancomycin. That was the preferred drug as he developed neutropenia and a rash after treatment with Ceftriaxone during his earlier admission. He had a cardiac echo which ruled out any valvular vegetations. His Vancomycin dose was adjusted on multiple occasions and his trough was 19.7 which reflrcted 1500 mg Q 8 hrs. The ID service recommended decreasing the dose to 1250 mg Q 8 hrs. A trough was done on ___ AM which was 19.6 with a goal of ___. The final ID plan is for ___ week course of iv vancomycin 1250mg q8. Start date: ___ End date: ___ vs ___ Pt should have cbc+diff, basic, lfts, esr, crp and vanc levels weekly. Access: 44cm left SL power picc placed ___. ID follow up during admission to the ___. On discharge from the ___, he should have ___ clinic follow up with ___ on ___ at 3pm to discuss treatment options for Hepatitis C. He also had some problems with opiate withdrawal on admission, eventually becoming tachycardic and having muscle cramps as well as GI upset. He was placed on ___ protocol and his daily Methadone dose was increased to 20 mg QD. He was given oral Dilaudid on a prn basis and his symptoms resolved. The Plastic surgeons feel that the wound needs to improve prior to surgery and for that reason he was transferred to rehab on ___ where he can get his antibiotics and continue with VAC dressing changes. He will follow up in the Plastic Surgery Clinic on ___.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Radiology showed Acute left femoral neck fracture with impaction. Radiology showed No acute cardiopulmonary process. L-SPINE (AP AND LAT) showed Degenerative changes, wedge compression deformity of T12. The patient was diagnosed with FX NECK OF FEMUR NOS-CL, OTHER FALL. The patient was treated with left hip hemiarthroplasty on ___ by Dr. ___. At the time of discharge, the patient had Left femoral neck fracture. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the orthopedic surgery team. The patient was found to have left femoral neck fracture and was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for left hip hemiarthroplasty which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after satisfactory recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patient's home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The patient worked with ___ who determined that discharge to ___ was appropriate. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is WBAT LLE, and will be discharged on lovenox x2 weeks for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up in two weeks with Dr. ___ routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a pleasant ___ (real birthday is ___ so his real age is ___) w/ T2DM w/ high risk MDS now found to have AML. Chest radiograph showed 1. Linear opacity overlying the right lower lobe likely represents subsegmental atelectasis. 2. Port-A-Cath terminates overlying the superior cavoatrial junction Radiology showed 1. No acute abdominopelvic process. No CT findings correlating to the reported history of neutropenic fever. 2. 2.1 x 1.2 cm left posterior pelvic sidewall soft tissue nodule is nonspecific, and could represent an enlarged left internal iliac lymph node versus a neurogenic tumor such as a schwannoma. This is unchanged since ___. Please correlate with any older outside hospital studies if available. 3. Please refer to the separate chest CT dictation regarding intrathoracic findings. CT SINUS/MANDIBLE/MAXILLOFACIAL W/O CONTRAST showed Essentially clear sinuses without significant mucosal thickening or air-fluid levels. No soft tissue abnormality. CT CHEST W/O CONTRAST showed 1. A new 1.1 x 0.9 x 1.1 cm spiculated, solid mass in the right upper lobe which is suspicious for opportunistic infection or a possible primary cancer. 2. Moderate atherosclerotic calcification of coronary arteries and intrathoracic aorta, with mild calcification of the aortic valve. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, P.A. by ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 3:59 pm, 20 minutes after discovery of the findings. LIVER OR GALLBLADDER US (SINGLE ORGAN) showed 1. Sludge in nondistended gallbladder. Wall edema is likely related to underlying liver disease or third spacing. 2. No intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary dilatation. CT CHEST W/O CONTRAST showed 1. Multifocal areas of consolidation throughout the lungs some of which are cavitated new compared to prior exam concerning for opportunistic infection in an immunocompromised patient with leading differential considerations including Nocardia and fungal infection. No significant change in previously described right upper lobe lesion likely representing a focus of atypical infection. 2. New trace bilateral pleural effusions. Slightly larger small pericardial effusion. 3. Multiple sub 3 mm pulmonary nodules as above. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, P.A. by ___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 3:49 pm, 10 minutes after discovery of the findings. The patient was diagnosed with Other neutropenia, Fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere, Acute myeloblastic leukemia, not having achieved remission. The patient was treated with broncoscopy ___. At the time of discharge, the patient had AML FN plt transfusion reaction. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ male with FLT3+ AML most recently s/p cycle ___ MiDAC consolidation, presenting originally with FN now extended stay to work up lung findings on CT chest. #pulmonary nodules: originally noted for RUL mass on ___ with persistent FN work up, never had signs/symptoms of respiratory distress or symptoms including no hypoxia cough. question malignancy vs opportunistic infection, initiated treatment dose antifungal with posaconazole and significant improvement in fever trend. repeat CT chest to evaluate mass on ___ noted persistent mass of similar size with new disseminated nodules scattered throughout with some cavitation. reconsulted ID for recommendations. -r/o TB with 3 sputum cultures--smear neg, quant gold neg -send AFB b culture NTD -resent fungal markers -f/u toxo studies -underwent bronch on ___ and tolerated well -GPC growing on bronch, will treat with cefpodoxime x14d per ID (___) and f/u with sensitivities outpatient -patient remains clinically stable with count recovery and no signs/symptoms of infection, plan to d/c home after bronch if remains this way and will f/u with results outpatient, ID scheduled outpatient as well. plan to continue posaconazole for extended period of time per ID recs. #Febrile Neutropenia: Neutropenia resolved. afebrile >1 week. Most likely source of fever was mucositis/esophagitis and questionably lung opportunistic infection as above. peeled off ___ with count recovery and symptomatic improvement, remains on antifungal coverage per ID. #Thrombocytopenia: resolved. Due to chemotherapy. He requires HLA match platelets. He last received 1 unit of HLA matched platelets on ___. He was on Promacta *NF* (eltrombopag) 100mg oral DAILY, held since ___ with count recovery, will resume during nadir of next chemotherapy cycle. #Anemia and Neutrapenia: Improving, likely secondary to recent consolidation therapy. Showing signs of counts recovery with evidence of monocytosis. He has no evidence of circulating peripheral blasts. In regards to his anemia, he has not required PRBCS since ___. Transfuse if hgb <7 and/or active bleeding #AML FLT3+: s/p 7+3 midostaurin, in remission. Admitted for C1 MiDAC consolidation (day 6 - ___ s/p neulasta on ___. -premedication with Tylenol/Benadryl for plts transfusion #Hyperbilirubinemia: resolved, continue to monitor and trend #Electrolyte Imbalances: Improved but ongoing hypophosphatemia, now on BID repletion's adjust prn. #Prior PICC associated upper extremity clots: Holding anticoagulation given thrombocytopenia. Repeat upper extremity ultrasounds on the right shows unchanged deep vein thrombosis in the right basilic vein, unclear if need to continue anticoag treatment or not, will discuss with primary attending when counts more robust and post bronch #POC Hematoma: Improved. Evaluated by venous access, reconsulted venous access to assess site #GERD: On an oral PPI #Iron Overload: Holding deferasirox during chemotherapy #T2DM: holding metformin, low dose sliding scale #FEN: IVF/Replete PRN/Regular low-bacteria diet #ACCESS: Port #PROPHYLAXIS: -Pain: discontinued dilaudid -Bowel: Colace/Senna as needed -GI: Protonix PO since ___ -DVT: holding lovenox due to bronch #CODE: Full code #EMERGENCY CONTACT: ___ ___ #DISPO:home f/u ___ in clinic or sooner if issues arise, pulm/ID f/u to be set outpatient </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Ms. ___ is a ___ female with a past medical history of hypertension and breast cancer s/p mastectomy, who presented to the ED with elevated blood pressure and was found to be hyponatremic. Radiology showed No acute process. The patient was diagnosed with Hypo-osmolality and hyponatremia, Essential (primary) hypertension, Cough. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Hyponatremia Cough Viral bronchitis Hypertensive urgency Secondary: Chronic pain. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is an ___ female with a past medical history of hypertension and breast cancer s/p mastectomy, who presented to the ED with elevated blood pressure and was found to be hyponatremic.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ yo F with COPD, HTN, HL presents with cough and dyspnea. She reports that she had been sick for 3 days with fever to 100, cough productive of yellow sputum. She reports that she feels like this is how she feels when she has her COPD exaserbation. Ussually she reports that she is able to use her albuterol and not have to be admitted, but she did not have her albuterol inhaler. She reports that she only uses her spiriva when she feels sick. She reports that she felt dyspneic so went to see her PCP who sent her to the ED given exam with decreased breath sounds and oxygen levels of 85-88 percent. Radiology showed Hyperinflation with regions of consolidation in the right lung. These are compatible with pneumonia in the proper clinical setting. Recommend repeat after treatment to document resolution. The patient was diagnosed with OBSTRUCTIVE CHR. BRONCHITIS,WITH ACUTE EXACERBATION, HYPERTENSION NOS. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: COPD exacerbation. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Primary Admitting: ___ yo F with COPD, HTN, HL presented with cough and dyspnea and was found to have a COPD exacerbation complicated by a potential early PNA.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a ___ year old male with a pmh significant for hepatitis C and HIV (on HAART) infection with cirrhosis, complicated be portal hypertension, diuretic refractory ascites, and gastrointestinal varices in the esophagus (grade 1 in ___ and the rectum (large on sigmoidoscopy in ___, portal vein thrombosis on warfarin, and diabetes type II complicated by neuropathy who presented to the ED from clinic with chills, left lower quadrant pain, nausea/vomiting, and weakness. He has refractory ascites on high dose diuretics (160mg furosemide and 200mg of spironolactone) requiring frequent outpatient paracenteses, most recently ___ - 2L, ___ - 2.7L, ___ - 3.75L, ___ - 2.4L). He was seen in an urgent visit by Dr. ___ on ___ wiht RUQ pain. At that time he had a CT of the abdomen which was stable with regards to his clot (main portal vein, splenic vein, and SMV) without any new acute process. His ascitic fluid from ___ was negative for SBP. Since that time, pt reports having LLQ pain for past three days, denies having and fever or chills. No diarrhea, reports last BM yesterday. Reports that he hasnt felt pain like this before. No nausea, vomiting. Pain is dull and non-radiating. No dysuria. Reports that he has been taking OTC potassium for muscle cramps. Reports that he is urinating. In the ED, triage vitals were 97.8 71 113/66 20 100 RUQ US did not show evidence of clot, but some slowed hepatorenal flow. Reportedly no tappable ascites seen. His potassium was 8.1 on presentation with cr of 1.9 (baseline is 1.0). Pt reports taken potassium supplements recently. He was given IV calcium gluconate, insulin, dextrose, sodium bicarb and 60 kayexelate and potassium initially improved to 7.9 and then 6.7 before transfer. Other labs notable for dirty UA with many bacteria. INR was 1.8 on admission. No leukocytosis. tbili 4.5, plt 125. EKG showed peaked t-waves Transfer vitals were 98.0 67 116/63 16 98% On floor, pt is aox3, no asterixis, he reports mild pain. ROS: per HPI, denies fever, chills, night sweats, headache, vision changes, rhinorrhea, congestion, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, BRBPR, melena, hematochezia, dysuria, hematuria. Radiology showed Cirrhosis with massive splenomegaly. Patent portal vein with slow flow. The patient was diagnosed with ABDOMINAL PAIN OTHER SPECIED, HYPERKALEMIA, DIABETES UNCOMPL ADULT, LONG-TERM (CURRENT) USE OF INSULIN, UNSPECIFIED VIRAL HEPATITIS C WITHOUT HEPATIC COMA, ASYMPTOMATIC HIV INFECTION. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Abdominal Pain, Hyperkalemia, Acute Kidney Injury Secondary: Hepatitis C, HIV, Cirrhosis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ yo male with a pmh of HIV and HCV cirrhosis complicated by refractory ascites, esophageal (grade 1) and rectal varices, who presented to clinic with positional abdominal pain and malaise. # Hyperkalemia: Due to exogenous intake in setting of recently starting spironolactone. On presentation to the ED he was hyperkalemic to 8.1, with a creatinine of 1.8 from a normal baseline. He had been having occasional leg cramps at home, thought that he was low in potassium, so he took OTC potassium supplements. He drinks a large glass of carrot juice in the morning, and he was also recently switched to spironolactone. He was treated with kayexalate, insulin and dextrose, bicarb, and calcium gluconate. His EKG showed peaked t-waves and slightly long QRS. His potassium and EKG improved with the above measures. He was strongly advised against further potassium supplements, educated on low potassium foods, and advised to tell Dr. ___ time he is considering other OTC or homeopathic medications. ***Please check electrolytes at/before next visit # Position Abdominal pain: Labs and exam unrevealing for source. He had an US in the ED of his abdomen that showed his known portal vein thrombosis, but no other acute intra-abdominal process. His pain is largely positional (sitting up or laying on his side) and improves with movement. He has never had the pain while active. IT was felt this was mostly peritoneal/MSK stretching due to his organomegaly as well as the recent drainage of his very distended abdomen (now much smaller than before). He was comfortable and without pain by time of discharge with outpatient followup. # Acute Kidney Inury: Likely due to dehydration and overdiuresis. Patient appeared very dry on exam and FENA 0.8% consistent with pre-renal etiology. Volume down given recent paracentesis and diuretic change. Patient improved with fluid challenge and was advised to STOP furosemide and spironolactone followup with outpatient hepatology and lab checks this week. ***Please check electrolytes at/before next visit ***Consider restarting furosemide and spironolactone, potentially at reduced doses. # Hepatitis C cirrhosis: Complicated by portal hypertension, diuretic refractory ascites, and gastrointestinal varices in the esophagus (grade 1 in ___ and the rectum (large on sigmoidoscopy in ___, and portal vein thrombosis on warfarin. On the transplant list at ___. Currently requiring a tap every month. No acute decompensation, and diuretics held as above. Held Nadolol 40mg # HIV: Most recent CD4 89 on ___. Continued home HAART regimen and acyclovir. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ y/o female with PMHx of neurofibromatosis type 1, HTN, HLD, pseudoseizure, anxiety who presents from outpatient ___ clinic for chest pain, syncope, hypotension. Patient presented to ___ clinic for initial evaluation for ecchymosis. There, she was found to be hypotensive with a systolic blood pressure of 88 and she was symptomatic with dizziness. She is also reporting left-sided chest pain. She reports that she has had chest pain intermittently in the past but did not have extensive workup. Last stress was many years ago. No associated shortness of breath. No recent travel or leg swelling. The pain is described as a pressure sensation which occurs intemittently. She is a non-smoker. CHEST (AP AND LAT) showed No acute intrathoracic process. The patient was diagnosed with Syncope and collapse, Hypotension, unspecified, Bradycardia, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary diagnosis ==================== Orthostatic hypotension Syncope Secondary diagnoses ======================= Neurofibromatosis type 1 Anxiety Psychogenic nonepileptiform seizures GERD HLD HTN. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Key Information for Outpatient ___ y/o female with PMHx of neurofibromatosis type 1, HTN, HLD, pseudoseizure, anxiety who presents from outpatient ___ clinic for chest pain, syncope, hypotension, found to have orthostatic hypotension which improved with fluids and also holding lisinopril. ACTIVE ISSUES ================= #Syncope #Hypotension Patient with several episodes of syncope in the past couple weeks coinciding with recent initiation of lisinopril. This had been started at rehab due to report of symptomatic blood pressures 200s/100s over 2 days (preceded and followed by normotension); she had previously been on atenolol and losartan. Telemetry did not alarm; EKG was normal. Her orthostatic vital signs were positive on ___ am but improved with PO fluids. Suspect syncopal episodes from over-medication and dehydration. Lisinopril was discontinued and she was encouraged to drink fluids. Prazosin was also held during the hospitalization in case of contribution. She was not familiar with this medicine. #Anxiety #Psychogenic nonepileptiform seizures. Patient had a witness episode of pseudoseizure overnight ___. Vitals remained stable and patient was A&Ox3 after the episode. During hand drop test the patients hand did not fall on her face. She had no aura or postical phase. She is following up with neurology as an outpatient. Continued home escitalopram, prazosin, lamotrigine. Home clonazepam held secondary to presyncope. #Chest pain. She had reassuring EKG and neg trops x2. ___ be GI related vs anxiety. Continued on famotidine. CHRONIC ISSUES ================== #GERD. Continued famotidine 20mg. #HLD. Continued home simvastatin. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ====================== HELD MEDICATIONS: Lisinopril, clonazepam, prazosin. [ ] Consider restarting low-dose anti-hypertensive if blood pressure remain elevated in the outpatient setting. [ ] Consider restarting prazosin as outpatient. Presumed that she is taking it for off-label use for PTSD. #Full code #Health care proxy/emergency contact: Husband ___. ___, h: ___ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with HCV cirrhosis (Childs A, last MELD 13) presents with abdominal pain and poor PO intake for two days. She presumably was infected with HCV from a blood transufsion decades ago. Her cirrhosis is complicated by portal gastropathy, esophageal varices, and hepatic encephalopathy. Is currently listed for liver transplant at ___. Considered for liver donor txp at ___ but no suitable donors. Two days ago, she developed generalized abdominal pain which then localized to her umbilicus, the site of a known umbilical hernia. She reports this hernia often increases with her ascites, but never to the current size or firmness. She had nausea with meals over the weekend, no emesis. Diarrhea x3 two days ago, no BM since. Unable to tolerate food this afternoon. Now states pain is focused at her umbilical hernia. Radiology showed Bibasilar atelectasis with no acute cardiopulmonary process. The patient was diagnosed with UMBILICAL HERNIA W OBSTR. The patient was treated with ___: Repain umbilical henia. At the time of discharge, the patient had Incarcerated umbilical hernia. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>She was taken to the OR on ___ for repair of umbilical hernia for incarcerated umbilical hernia. Surgeon was Dr. ___. Please refer to operative note for details. Postop, she did well. Vital signs were stable. Sips were started on postop day 1 and diet was advanced over subsequent days. She was passing flatus, but did not have a BM. Colace and Senna were ordered. Abdominal incision (periumbilical incision)appeared intact without redness or drainage. Abdomen was soft. She used minimal pain medication (morphine initially then oxycodone). ___ was consulted and felt that she was safe for home without assistive devices. Previous ___ services were ok to resume. She was ambulating independently. ___ services were offered, but she refused services. She was discharged to home in stable condition. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ s/p kidney transplant from living related donor (son) p/w chest pain x 4 hours and intermittent right jaw numbness for several days. Pt has been recovering well since surgery and was on telephone w/ transplant coordinator regarding increasing her Tacro dose as well as worsening vaginal irritation when she incidentally mentioned the chest pain. She was instructed to come to ___ ED for evaluation. Pt describes the pain as band-like running laterally across the front of her chest. Has not been increasing in intensity. Not substernal, not radiating to back. States this is unlike her pain associated with reflex or previous episodes of pancreatitis. No associated nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, numbness or tingling down arms, diaphoresis or syncopal symptoms. Radiology showed 1. No acute cardiopulmonary process. 2. A vague opacity is noted in the right upper lung and new compared to prior study and is likely an osseous deformity of the ___ anterior right rib. A dedicated Chest CT may be obtained in the non-emergent setting for further characterization. The patient was diagnosed with CHEST PAIN NOS, MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, KIDNEY TRANSPLANT STATUS. At the time of discharge, the patient had UTI h/o kidney transplant ___ chest pain likely from gerd. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>She was admitted to the Transplant Service. EKG was without acute changes. Serial troponins were all less than 0.01. She was started on Protonix and Reglan. Chest discomfort was attributed to GERD symptoms. UA, urine and blood cultures were sent. UA was positive. Ceftriaxone was started for UTI. She remained afebrile and denied dysuria. She felt well enough to go home. Nephrology saw her as well. Cefpodoxime was recommended for 1 week. Of note, Prograf level was not a true trough level as she had taken Prograf late the preceding night. She was discharged to home. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ healthy ___ speaking woman who presented as a transfer w/ L SAH and L SDH ___ fall from assault. Per patient (H&P were obtained with assistance from interpreter), she was at a night club and trying to get a picture with the singer. She was stopped by security guards, most told her she would not be able to get a picture, but one said to wait and he would help her. Another security guard told her that she would not be able to get the picture and then pushed her. The patient fell, striking the back of her head, +LOC for approx ___. No nausea, vomiting, seizure after coming to. Minimal residual headache but no lightheadedness or blurry vision. Patient was taken to ___, where CT C-spine was negative and CT Head showed L traumatic SAH and L tentorial SDH and she was transferred to ___ for further evaluation and trauma was consulted. CT ORBITS, SELLA AND IAC W/ CONTRAST Q1215 CT HEADSUB showed 1. Longitudinal fracture of the left temporal bone, with partial with opacification of the middle ear cavity and minimal disruption of the tegmen tympani with a single intracranial locule of air. 2. No disruption of the skull base foramina, otic capsule, or semicircular canals. 3. Overlying subarachnoid hemorrhage is seen interdigitating within the sulci of the partially visualized left temporal lobe. 4. No right-sided temporal bone abnormality. CTA HEAD AND CTA NECK Q16 CT NECK showed 1. Interval decrease in the prominence of subarachnoid blood in the left temporal lobe. 2. Grossly unchanged appearance of left temporal bone longitudinal fracture and left mastoid air cell opacification. 3. Normal CTA. The patient was diagnosed with Fracture of vault of skull, init encntr for closed fracture, Traum subrac hem w LOC of unsp duration, init, Fall on same level, unspecified, initial encounter. At the time of discharge, the patient had Left temporal and frontal subarachnoid hemorrhage Non-displaced fracture of mastoid Mild Traumatic brain injury Decreased Hearing Left Side. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ was admitted after sustaining a fall after reportedly being pushed down by a security guard at a local event. She was admitted to the Acute Care Surgery service and was found to have a contusion on the occiput, a left left temporal bone longitudinal fracture, left mastoid air cell opacification, and a small subarachnoid hemorrhage around the left temporal lobe. No other injuries were found. She was evaluated by the neurosurgery service and non-surgical management was recommended. Given her injuries and reportedly decreased hearing on the left side, she was seen by the Ear, Nose, and Throat specialists who evaluated the decreased hearing and directed the patient to follow up in the outpatient clinic. After two days of observation with decreasing size of the hemorrhage in the cranium and improving hearing in the setting of stable vitals, the patient was discharged with direction to follow up with Dr. ___ to schedule a follow up appointment in approximately 3 weeks with an audiogram. Active Issues: ================ # Contusion of occiput, Temporal bone fracture, TBI: Patient was evaluated by the neurosurgery service and was found to have a normal neurological exam short of hearing loss on the left. Given the small size of her SAH, her improvement on re-imaging and improvement of her symptoms, decision was made for patient to follow up with the concussion clinic as needed. # Decreased hearing on left side: Patient was evaluated by ENT and a plan for followup in outpatinet setting was planned. At time of discharge the patient reported improving hearing on the left side. Chronic Issues: ================ NA Transitional Issues: ====================== # Follow up with your PCP # ___ up with Dr. ___ to schedule a follow up appointment in approximately 3 weeks for an audiogram. # Follow up with Concussion Clinic as needed. # Medication Changes: NEW Acetaminophen 1000 mg PO Q8H:PRN Pain - Mild/Fever NEW Ciprofloxacin 0.3% Ophth Soln 3 DROP LEFT EAR TID</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mrs. ___ is a ___ year-old female with PMhx significant for psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, ehlers-danlos, mast cell activation syndrome, ICH s/p shunt with multiple revisions, tracheobronchomalacia s/p trach who presented for evaluation of worsening full-body rash as well as concern for facial swelling. CHEST (PA AND LAT). showed 1. Increased opacification at the right lung base, findings likely consistent with pneumonia. 2. Low lung volumes with left basilar atelectasis. 3. Trace bilateral pleural effusions. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Compared to chest radiographs ___ through ___. Pulmonary vascular congestion has increased, and accompanying increase in heart size and mediastinal caliber suggests increased intravascular volume. No definite focal pulmonary abnormality or good evidence for pulmonary edema. No pneumothorax. Right central venous infusion port catheter and shunt tubing are unchanged in their respective locations, but the shunt cannot be traced below the diaphragm. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed In comparison with the earlier study of this date, the monitoring and support devices are unchanged. Continued low lung volumes accentuate the prominence of the transverse diameter of the heart. There is minimal if any pulmonary vascular congestion. Blunting of the costophrenic angle is again seen on the right. CT NECK W/CONTRAST (EG:PAROTIDS) Q22 CT NECK showed Unchanged appearance of tracheostomy. No evidence of tracheitis. No drainable fluid collections. The patient was diagnosed with Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption. The patient was treated with ___: Bedside laryngoscopy ___: Bronchoscopy. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Psoriasis flare Secondary: Community associated pneumonia Tracheobronchomalacia Recurrent idiopathic angioedema ___ Syndrome Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Insomnia Adrenal insufficiency Anxiety Borderline PD Chronic Pain History of Pulmonary Embolism GERD Hypothyroidism. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is a ___ woman with a complex PMH of class III obesity, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Tracheobronchomalacia s/p T-tube placement, PE on Lovenox, severe OSA, mast cell activation syndrome, GERD, psoriasis, eczema, borderline PD, and anxiety, admitted for new onset rash and facial swelling - overall felt to be due to a psoriasis flare as well as MCAS flare. # Rash # Psoriasis flare Dermatology was consutled, who recommended high dose steroids with a slow taper. There was initial concern for drug reaction or DRESS, however pathology was most suggestive of psoriasis (and not SJS/TEN, DRESS, drug reaction, or mast cell activation). Was treated with Methylprednisolone 150mg daily x3 days and then transitioned to 150mg PO Prednisone daily (with taper plan of decreased Prednisone by 20mg q3 days). She was also started on NF Otezla while inpatient, as per Dermatology recommendations. She was otherwise continued on her outpatient Dermatology topicals of Triamcinolone and Clomitrazole. Given pathology could not definitively rule out drug reaction, her Chantix was discontinued (as this was started ~1 month prior to the worsening rash) - per Derm, PCP could consider restarting as an outpatient once her current flare settles out. Finally, she was started of PCP ___ 1500mg daily x21 days given prolonged steroid use. # Dyspnea # Community Associated Pneumonia # Tracheobronchomalacia # Recurrent idiopathic angioedema w/ multiple episodes of acute respiratory failure requiring intubation Follows with Dr. ___ in IP, who was already planning for an outpatient bronchoscopy. As such, had a bronchoscopy on ___ to consider T-tube adjustment as well as to obtain bronchial washings. On admission, was noted to have a possible right lung base pneumonia and as such was treated with IV Ceftriaxone x5 days for CAP. Of note, attempted to provide atypical coverage however had an anaphylactic reaction to Doxycycline and has been unable to tolerate Azithromycin or Levaquin - nonetheless, her urine legionella returned negative. Strep pneumo and MRSA negative as well. Was otherwise continued on her home Guaifenesin ER 1200mg q12 hrs, home nebulizers of Albuterol q2 PRN, Acetylcysteine BID PRN, 3% NaCl BID, and 7% NaCl BID. Finally, patient had a bedside laryngoscopy on ___ that showed granulation tissue but no obstruction. # ___ Syndrome # Facial swelling # Acute on Chronic Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Has port in place for home IV benadryl. Was otherwise continued on her current MCAS regimen: Cetirizine 10 mg QID, Ranitidine 150 mg BID, Famotidine 20mg BID, Omeprazole 20mg BID. She also received 50mg IV Benadryl PRN (often received ___ doses per day; at home takes ___ doses per day per Allergy). Allergy was consulted, who recommended this continued regimen - they are currently considering continuous Benadryl infusions as an outpatient. # Neck pain Patient noticed new and worsening neck pain and swelling, as well as new mild yellow discharge around her trach. CT Neck w/ contrast without evidence abscess or gas. Rising leukocytosis concerning for possible tracheitis, though patient remains afebrile with minimal sputum production and no new oxygen requirement. Overall, she received a course of antibiotics for CAP early in her hospitalization - but given her clinical stability, was not restarted on antibiotics given upcoming bronch. Her bronchoscopy on ___ demonstrated granulation tissue that was subsequently debrided and she had a t-tube revision as well. # Anxiety # Borderline PD # Chronic Pain Pt follows previously with Psychiatry at ___, currently on waiting list to establish with new outpatient psychiatrist. Has been felt that her anxiety may be contributing to her dyspnea. As per her hospitalization plan, continued her home Clonazepam 0.5mg BID PRN and Oxycodone 10mg q4 PRN, started Quetiapine 100mg QHS and 50mg BID. Obtained frequent ECGs for QTc monitoring. Otherwise increased her home Trazodone to 150mg QHS for insomnia as per below while she is on high dose steroids. # Insomnia Patient noted that since admission she was having worsened insomnia, likely in the setting of high dose steroids. As such, increased Trazodone to 150mg QHS and added Ramelteon, which was helpful. She was otherwise continued on Seroquel 100mg QHS as per her hospitalization plan. At discharge, was continued on an increased dose of her home Trazodone to 150mg QHS. # H/o adrenal insufficiency Has history of adrenal insufficiency. Patient refused to take steroids as recommended until Cortisol obtained given her fear for adrenal crisis. As such, obtained a Cortisol which was low at 1.0 - however this is expected given she was on a steroid taper since ___. Per Endocrinology, recommend outpatient Ednocrinology follow up once current Prednisone taper is completed for further evaluation. # Pulmonary vascular congestion Noted on CXR to have new pulmonary vascular congestion (since ___ that was more prominent on ___ CXRs. Last TTE in ___ was extremely limited, and as such obtained repeat TTE that was without obvious abnormalities. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with hx HTN, HLD, DM2, MI s/p stenting, Afib s/p ablation in ___, HFrEF (LVEF 40% ___, COPD, OSA not on CPAP, prostate ca and possibly schizoaffective disorder presenting with LLE swelling/redness. He also notes that he's been having some intermittent chest pains which are left-sided, did not radiate and feeling something is pushing out his chest. This is worse with exertion and when he gets excited. He also has some shortness of breath associated with this as well. No diaphoresis. He is on torsemide for his CHF which he has been taking as directed. On Pradaxa for afib. Denies current chest pain. Of note patient was recently admitted in ___ for HF exacerbation but left AMA on hospital day 2. Psychiatry at that time deemed patient had capacity. In the ED initial vitals were: 97.5 80 108/62 16 97% RA EKG: RBBB, afib, HR 115, TWI in V1-V3 consistent with RBBB. Labs/studies notable for: lactate 1.3, Trop 0.02. BNP 5831. He had a negative left leg U/S for clot, and CXR that showed mild pulmonary edema. Vitals on transfer: 91 126/91 21 96% RA On the floor patient is perservating on his paranoid delusion. He does report that he has gained weight and feels more SOB, but when asked more details about ROS, his social history, or family history,patient began to ramble about his landlord being a ___ and further history was unable to be obtained; much of history below is per prior d/c summary in ___. ROS: unable to obtain. UNILAT LOWER EXT VEINS LEFT showed 1. No evidence of deep venous thrombosis in the left lower extremity veins. 2. Left lower extremity subcutaneous edema. The patient was diagnosed with Acute combined systolic and diastolic (congestive) hrt fail. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS Atrial fibrillation Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS Coronary artery disease Venous stasis dermatitis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ with h/o HFrEF (LVEF 35% ___, CAD s/p PCI (___), Afib s/p ablation in ___, COPD, prostate cancer and possibly schizoaffective disorder or paranoia secondary to neurocognitive decline who presents for left ___ swelling and pain, found to have volume overload. Of note he was recently admitted for volume overload but left AMA before he could become euvolemic. # CORONARIES: CABG/PCI: PCI ___ # PUMP: HFrEF (LVEF 35% ___ # RHYTHM: Afib s/p ablation in ___ #HFrEF: Pt presenting with left lower leg pain likely in context of heart failure. Pt had elevated BNP on admission and CXR showed mild pulmonary edema. CHF exacerbation ikely ___ medication nonadherence. Other etiologies include arrhythmia, ischemia unlikely precipitant given negative troponins. Preload: Pt was diuresed with IV lasix and started on a lasix drip. He then was transitioned to oral torsemide and is being discharged on torsemide 20 mg daily. He is also being discharged on 10 lisinopril daily for afterload reduction. NHBK: Metoprolol at 12.5 mg BID, spironolactone 25 mg daily. #History CAD: Patient s/p PCI in ___. Pt was admitted with a mild trop elevation and an EKG with no changes. Pt had ECHO last admission that showed slight decline in EF at 35%. Pt's atorvastatin was increased to 80 mg QD, he continued with aspirin. Consider stress test as outpatient as patient refused as inpatient. #Atrial fibrillation: Was on diltiazem and digoxin at home. Pt was transitioned to Metoprolol 12.5 Q12H, continued on digoxin 0.25 QD and rivoraxaban. #Venous stasis dermatitis. Pt was diuresed as above and received compression stockings. Pt used sarna lotion. #Hx prostate cancer. Pt received home bicalutamide 50 mg oral DAILY on discharge #Psychiatric History or paranoia. Patient was seen by psychiatry on his prior hospital admissions, and per their notes, he was noted to have a primary psychiatric condition such as schizoaffective vs. paranoia secondary to a neurocognitive condition. During last admission he had bouts of agitation, which were accompanied by paranoia, delusions, and auditory hallucinations. His paranoia and delusions contributed to his refusal of medications while in the hospital. However, during this hospitalization he was compliant with medications/and treatment. His repeated hospitalization due to decompensated CHF are due to medical non adherence due to paranoia above. Patient refused home services. Family is very involved including son and ex-wife. At some point in future, family may need to seek guardianship but this was not addressed during this hospitalization as patient was competent. Pt received home ___ Haldol daily. TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ===================== [] Consider stress test - pt refused as an inpatient. [] Please check Chem 10 at primary care appointment when on torsemide 20 daily to ensure that CrCl >50. If <50, will need to decrease rivaroxaban to 15 daily STOPPED MEDICATIONS Diltiazem NEW MEDICATIONS Metoprolol 12.5 BID Spironolactone 25 mg daily CHANGED MEDICATIONS Atorvastatin 80 mg QD Upon discharge: 70.2kg and Cr 1.2 CODE: Full CONTACT: ___ ex wife ___ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ w/ h/o CAD s/p CABG x4, multiple cardiac stents, ESRD on PD, DM2, and LLE osteo who presents with painful R fingers for past week. She noticed "pins and needles" sensation in her right ___ digits since last ___. A few days later, she noticed color changes to her fingers, up to dark purple hue. She saw her PCP today, who referred her to a vascular surgeon, who recommended she come to the ED for further evaluation. She has not had any other symptoms, denies fevers, chills, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, or shortness of breath. Her left had has not had any symptoms. She denies specifically a history of atrial fibrillation, and she is a non-smoker. Radiology showed 1. Patent flow from the aortic arch, right brachiocephalic artery to the radial and ulnar arteries at the level of the wrist, without occlusion or high grade stenosis. Multifocal moderate to severe narrowing of the distal ulnar artery. 2. Assessment of patency of the arteries distal to the wrist within the hand is markedly limited due to extensive atherosclerotic calcifications and the small caliber of these arteries. MRA of the hand should be considered for further assessment. Radiology showed Left lower lobe consolidative opacity may reflect pneumonia or rounded atelectasis with adjacent small pleural effusion, as seen on the recent chest CT. There was a suggestion of possible pleural enhancement on the chest CT, a finding which can be seen with empyema, and clinical correlation is recommended. Radiology showed 1. Widely patent thoracic aorta. No evidence of thoracic aortic aneurysm or dissection. The origins of the great vessels arising from the aortic arch are patent. There are mild aortic arch atherosclerotic calcifications. 2. Left lower lobe consolidative opacity may represent pneumonia or perhaps rounded atelectasis. Small left pleural effusion with suggestion of split pleural sign can be seen in empyema and clinical correlation is recommended. 3. Ascites noted in the upper abdomen. The patient was diagnosed with CIRCULATORY DISEASE NEC, CYANOSIS, DIAB RENAL MANIF ADULT, END STAGE RENAL DISEASE, LONG-TERM (CURRENT) USE OF INSULIN. The patient was treated with ___: EGD. At the time of discharge, the patient had Right hand ischemia. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Patient was admitted to the vascular surgery service on ___ with pain and discoloration of her right ___ digit. A CTA was obtained which was significant for: Patent flow from the aortic arch, right brachiocephalic artery to the radial and ulnar arteries at the level of the wrist, without occlusion or high grade stenosis. Multifocal moderate to severe narrowing of the distal ulnar artery. Assessment of patency of the arteries distal to the wrist within the hand is markedly limited due to extensive atherosclerotic calcifications and the small caliber of these arteries. Due to concern for arterial embolic disease, she was started on a heparin drip. Because she had a history of GI bleed ___ dieulafoy's lesion, a GI consult was obtained to determine risk of anticoagulation. On ___, she was started on coumadin, 5 mg, and also received 5 mg on ___. She was started on high dose omeprazole, and on ___, GI performed an EGD. They did not see any bleeding or nidus for bleed, however, they were unable to perform a full evaluation ___ food in the stomach. GI determined that the area of her previous bleed appeared stable, and she would be safe to anticoagulate with a goal INR of 2.0-3.0 while on omeprazole 40 mg daily. She was deemed appropriate for discharge on ___, and will follow up with Dr. ___ INR and coumadin dosing.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Pt is a ___ y/o M w/ PMHx of recurrent pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocyst, CAD, DM2, obesity, as well as recent admission ___ for biliary obstruction treated with ERPC with sphx and stent placement. Pt reports that he was pain-free at the time of discharge. However, on the day following discharge, his pain recurred. He initially tried to monitor the pain at home, thinking that it was normal to have pain after ERCP. However, pain progressed over the past week to ___. Pain is RUQ in location, sharp. Worse with eating. He has had persistent N/V associated with the pain. He initially had some loose stools at home; however, he has not had a BM in 4 days. He also reports that he has not been able to eat much in the past 4 days. . Initially went to OSH. Lipase 348 (per their range was normal), LFTs improving. CT abd deferred as pt had "3 CTs in the past 3 wks". Transferred here. . ED Course: Initial VS: 97.8, 94, 132/68, 16, 100% RA, Pain ___ Labs significant for ALT 58 AST 18 ALP 204 TB 1.8 Imaging: CT with focal ileus (see below for report) Meds given: Zofran, Dilaudid, Miralax VS prior to transfer: 98.1, 88, 96/64, 19, 94% RA, Pain ___ . Surgery saw patient in the ED: no SBO, admit to medicine for workup of abdominal pain and pain conrol. . On arrival to the floor, the patient reports that his pain is better controlled after getting Dilaudid on arrival, currently ___. No current nausea. He reports that he has not had a BM in 4 days. He also endorses weight loss over the past 6 months (315->241 lbs). . ROS: As above. Denies chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, cough, urinary symptoms, muscle or joint pains, skin rash. The remainder of the ROS was negative. Radiology showed Markedly low lung volumes. Bilateral lower lobe opacities most likely represent atelectasis; however, infection cannot be excluded. No free intraperitoneal air. Radiology showed 1. A dilated loop of small bowel in the left lower abdomen contains fecalized material most likely represents a focal ileus, likely a non-specific ileitis, could be infectious or inflammatory. There is no pneumatosis, mucosal edema or free air. Follow-up based on clinical symptoms. 2. Common bile duct stent in appropriate position. 3. Cystic lesions in the pancreatic head are unchanged in size and appearance compared to the prior CT of ___. Previous FNA of the lesion was benign. 4. Mild splenomegaly again noted. Radiology showed No evidence of deep vein thrombosis in the left lower extremity. The patient was diagnosed with ABDOMINAL PAIN GENERALIZED. At the time of discharge, the patient had Ileus Pancreatic pseudocyst Bacteremia, likely contaminant. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Pt is a ___ y/o M w/ PMHx of recurrent pancreatitis, pancreatic pseudocyst, CAD, DM, obesity, as well as recent admission ___ for biliary obstruction treated with ERCP with sphx and stent placement, back with recurrent RUQ abdominal. # RUQ Abdominal Pain, N/V: Most likely etiology felt to be ileus seen on imaging. Labs significant for mild bilirubin elevation and transaminitis; however, these were improved from his recent discharge labs, making ongoing biliary obstruction less likely. Surgery, both Acute Surgical and Hepatobiliary, were consulted. Symptoms improved with aggressive bowel regimen. Of note, pt will likely have a degree of persistent chronic abdominal pain given known pancreatic pseudocyst. # Positive Blood Culture: Felt to likely represent contaminant. He was initially placed on IV Vancomycin, until 2 out of 4 bottles of blood cultures obtained on ___ returned positive for CoNS only. He did not have any fevers. He does not have an indwelling catheter or port. He has additional surveillance cultures (2 sets ordered prior to initiation of IV Vancomycin, 2 sets ordered after stopping IV Vancomycin) that show no growth to date. . # Recurrent Pancreatitis / Pancreatic Pseudocyst: No e/o acute pancreatitis on admission lab work. However, pt does have lesion seen on recent CT pancreas protocol, which could not rule out malignant cystic lesion. Pt also reports signicificant weight loss over the past 6 months. CA ___ WNL on recent admission. Surgery evaluated and plans for surgical removal of pseudocyst in the near future. . # LLE pain: Patient complained of LLE pain in the calf. He did not have any erythema or swelling. ___ was obtained, with prelim read negative for DVT. He was able to ambulate comfortably. He should follow-up with his outpatient providers. . # DM2, poorly controlled, with complications: He was continued on his home regimen of Lantus and Humalog. . # CAD: continued home ASA, BB # OSA: Non-compliant with CPAP. O2 sat's were monitored during hospitalization. . # AMA Discharge Of note, on the day of discharge, we recommended to the patient that he continue to remain inpatient due to his complaint of constipation and persistent abdominal pain, as well as pending surveillance blood cultures. He reported significant anger and frustration with his abdominal pain. He felt that his pain was not being treated and he also felt that the Hepatobiliary Surgery team did not have a well defined plan in place for surgical management of his pseudocyst. Patient also reporting that only IV dilaudid adequately controlled his pain and rated his pain a "12 out of 10." Despite his subjective complaints, his physical exam was benign and he appeared comfortable on exam. He had also had a bowel movement within the past 48 hours. Explained to the patient that given his subjective complaints, would prefer to keep him inpatient to optimize pain control and management of his constipation, however, he declined to stay unless IV dilaudid was provided. Given that he appeared clinically well, he was discharged to home AMA. He agreed to accept prescriptions for a bowel regimen. He declined an offer for additional PO opioids, as he felt that new script for opioid would violate his outpatient opioid contract with his PCP. I explained that I could provide a short-term supply of PRN opioid for breakthrough pain and that I would contact his PCP to explain, but patient declined this offer. He acknowledged and accepted the risks of AMA discharge. .</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ presents with R hip pain for 1 week. On ___, she slipped on a puddle of water in the kitchen, fell onto her right hip and felt immediate pain. No preceding dizziness, HS/LOC or other injuries. She has been unable to ambulate since. Prior to injury ambulated independently and no antecedent hip pain. Believed she damaged her quad, so she waited to see if pain would improve before presenting to the ED today. Denies numbness / tingling. Endorsed episode of diarrhea yesterday that has since resolved. Radiology showed Comminuted, impacted and angulated right intertrochanteric femoral neck fracture. Radiology showed No acute cardiopulmonary process. Radiology showed No fracture or dislocation. BILAT LOWER EXT VEINS showed No evidence of deep venous thrombosis in the right or left lower extremity veins. HIP UNILAT MIN 2 VIEWS RIGHT IN O.R. showed Total fluoroscopy time of 74.7 seconds is recorded. Process of open reduction internal fixation of the right hip was recorded. For pre size details please review the corresponding report. The patient was diagnosed with Displaced intertrochanteric fracture of right femur, init, Fall on same level, unspecified, initial encounter. The patient was treated with Right TFN. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the orthopedic surgery team. The patient was found to have right hip fracture and was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for right TFN, which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after satisfactory recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patient's home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The patient worked with ___ who determined that discharge to rehab was appropriate. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is weight bearing as tolerated in the right lower extremity, and will be discharged on heparin for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up with Dr. ___ routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ who was restrained driver in rollover MVA going approximately 40mph. EKG prior to arrival c/f ST elevation. Upon arrival patient complains of pain "everywhere." CT C-SPINE W/O CONTRAST showed Multilevel degenerative changes without acute fracture or traumatic malalignment. CT torso ** INCOMPLETE** IMPRESSION: Scout images obtained. Study was terminated due to patient intolerance. showed Scout images obtained. Study was terminated due to patient intolerance. Radiology showed No acute fracture or alignment abnormality within the thoracolumbar spine. Chronic appearing wedge deformity of T12. Pelvis is intact. Radiology showed No fracture or dislocation. Portable chest radiograph showed No acute findings in the chest. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST showed No acute fracture or hemorrhage. The patient was diagnosed with Abrasion of unspecified part of neck, initial encounter, Car pasngr injured in clsn with statnry object in traf, init. At the time of discharge, the patient had Restrained passenger in ___. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ who was restrained driver in rollover MVA going approximately 40mph. EKG prior to arrival c/f ST elevation. Upon arrival patient complains of pain "everywhere." On arrival to the ED, the patient was GCS 15, eFAST negative and pan-scan and CT head showed no acute findings. We admitted the patient overnight for pain control. We decided to keep the C collar in place, repeat EKG which was WNL, and manage the patients pain. On discharge on HD#1, the patient was ambulating without assistance, out of bed, voiding normally, eating a regular diet and pain controlled with ibuprofen, Tylenol and discharged home with a prescription for oxy as needed. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Patient is a ___ y/o F with a history of STEMI s/p DES to the LAD in ___ who was an emergent transfer to the cath lab earlier today after her stress test was stopped short due to chest pain and EKG changes. Patient has apparently been becoming increasingly dyspneic on exterion for the last several months. She was supposed to have a stress at the end of ___, however, this was delayed secondary to repeated sinusistis. She went today for her stress echo, during which she developed 1.___epression early into exercise, ST elevation in AVR, AvL along with crushing chest pain. She was emergently transferred to ___ cath lab. On arrival, her chest pain had stopped with nitroglycerin. Cath showed 40% stenosis within the previously deployed stent in the mid LAD and no intervention was done. . On arrival to the floor, patient is mildly dyspneic but denies any chest pain or SOB. . REVIEW OF SYSTEMS On review of systems, she denies any prior history of stroke, TIA, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleeding at the time of surgery, myalgias, joint pains, hemoptysis, black stools or red stools. She denies recent fevers, chills or rigors. She denies exertional buttock or calf pain. All of the other review of systems were negative. The patient was diagnosed with INTERMED CORONARY SYND. The patient was treated with cardiac catheterization. At the time of discharge, the patient had Coronary Artery Disease. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>The patient was admitted with chest pain and shortness of breath. She had received an exercise stress test at the outside hospital, which showed worrisome findings. The patient was transferred to our service, where she received a cardiac catheterization. The findings did not warrant intervention, and the decision was made to optimize medical management. The patient was monitored and discharged in stable condition. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr ___ is a ___ smoker with Crohn's s/p total colectomy and splenectomy on prednisone and Vedalizumab, history of c diff, Stage IV COPD, dCHF, OSA on CPAP presenting with lower abdominal pain, diarrhea and hypotension. Of note, patient was recently admitted from ___ to ___ for a Crohn's flare complicated by a small bowel obstruction. An NGT was placed and the patient was treated conservatively. He was discharged on a steroids taper. In addition to treatment for a SBO he was diuresed due to significant volume overload from dHF. In the ED, initial vital signs were: 96.6 118 108/45 24 92% 3L Nasal Cannula. Labs were significant for Na 125, K 6.0, Cl 86, HCO3 23, BUN 30, Cr 1.8, glucose 108, AG 22, WBC 13.7, H/H 8.0/26.3, plt 832, ALT 21, AST 21, AP 85, Tbili 0.2, Alb 3.4, lip 46, proBNP 187, CRP 63.5, INR 1.5 and lactate 2.9. Repeat labs showed improvement in sodium, Cr and lactate. A CT abd/pelvis showed: dilated loops of duodenum and proximal jejunum with a transition point along the right anterior abdominal wall near the right lateral edge of the patient's hernia repair mesh similar in appearance to the prior examination. On Transfer Vitals were: 86 ___ 100% Nasal Cannula On arrival to the floor, patient reports that during the two days after his last discharge, he had daily ___ episodes nonbloody stool with crampy left sided abdominal pain consistent with Crohn's pain. Pain is always worse after eating. Only one urination today. No CP/ SOB/ nausea/ vomiting/ fevers. No increased oxygen requirement from 3.5 L at home. CT ABD AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST showed Dilated loops of duodenum and proximal jejunum with a transition point along the right anterior abdominal wall near the right lateral edge of the patient's hernia repair mesh similar in appearance to the prior examination. Of note, fluid and stool are seen distal to this area of caliber change suggesting a partial small bowel obstruction. NOTIFICATION: Findings communicated to Dr. ___ telephone at 03:45 on ___ by Dr. ___. The patient was diagnosed with REGIONAL ENTERITIS NOS, HYPERTENSION NOS, HYPERLIPIDEMIA NEC/NOS, LONG TERM USE ANTIGOAGULANT. At the time of discharge, the patient had Final diagnosis: Chrons flare Secondary Diagnosis: COPD Chrons disease heart failure, chronic. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ smoker with Crohn's s/p total colectomy and splenectomy on prednisone and Vedalizumab, history of c diff presenting with lower abdominal pain concerning for an acute Crohn's flare. Sigmoidocopy did not reveal signs of acute inflammation. Patient treated with steroid burst and transitioned to PO steroid taper. On discharge bowel movements were reduced to his baseline of ___ BM/day and pain was well controlled. Chronic issues: # Hyponatremia: thoought to be related to hypovolemia. Resolved to 131 on discharge # Chronic dCHF: ECHO in ___ with hyperdynamic LVEF (EF>75%), with normal free wall contractility. The patient remains volume overloaded and bp remains stable. He was continued on home diuretics and ACEi # Gold Class IV COPD / Hypoxia: Patient was stable on home O2 requirement of 3.5L NC. He was also treated with home meds Advair, Tiotroprium and duo nebs PRN # PE/DVT: Suntheraputic INR on admission. History of DVT in right popliteal vein ___. provoked DVT in RUE in ___ secondary to a line. Coumadin stopped s/p GI bleeding incident this ___, with PE in ___ prompting reinitiation of coumadin. INR goal ___. Patient restarted on home dose of warfarin daily. Lovenox to bridge for 24 hours until INR is at goal x 24 hours. # Depression: Stable. Continued home Duloxetine 60mg daily and Risperidone qHS # OSA: Stable. continued home CPAP TRANSITIONAL ISSUES: -Patient has hematoma on dorsum of right foot which should be continued to be monitored. Please compress with ACE wrap per podiatry recommendations. Podiatry would like to see patient within 1 week after discharge for further surveillance. -___ start 20 mg steroids taper by 5 mg every 10 days -f/u with GI ___. Please schedule patient for next Vedalizumab infusion. -Please continue to monitor platlets -Please schedule patient for next Vedalizumab infusion. -Please monitor INR daily. INR goal ___. Plan to bridge with lovenox for 24 hours after achieving theraputic INR. recheck INR on ___ can stop coumadin once INR therapuetic (___) x 24 hours -Prednisone taper: ___: 20mg daily ___ 15mg daily ___ 10mg daily ___ 5mg daily </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mrs. ___ is a ___ year-old lady with a history of AS s/p TAVR, CAD, RA, DVT/PE on rivaroxaban and metastatic breast cancer complicated by loculated pleural effusions s/p R TPC and lymphangitic involvement who presents with worsening dyspnea. Radiology showed 1. No evidence of pulmonary embolism or aortic abnormality. 2. Increased intra lobular septal thickening and right perihilar opacity are consistent with progression lymphangitic carcinomatosis. There is probable superimposed mild pulmonary edema. 3. Moderate right and small left pleural effusions are slightly increased than before. Right chest tube is in place. Small right pneumothorax is similar to before. 4. Multiple lesions in the right breast, liver, and bones are similar to before. The patient was diagnosed with Pneumonia, unspecified organism, Dyspnea, unspecified, Hypoxemia. At the time of discharge, the patient had Acute on Chronic HFpEF exacerbation Loculated Pleural Effusion AS s/p TAVR, Mitral Stenosis R-sided ER/PR+ Breast Cancer VTE. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mrs. ___ is a ___ year-old lady with a history of AS s/p TAVR, CAD, RA, DVT/PE on rivaroxaban and metastatic breast cancer complicated by loculated pleural effusions s/p R TPC and lymphangitic involvement who presents with worsening dyspnea.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: This is a ___ year old male past medical history of atrial fibrillation, recurrent UTIs on suppressive bactrim, locally advanced rectal cancer status status post palliative diverting colostomy, prior hydronephrosis treated with R ureteral stent that was complicated by recurrent UTIs necessitating stent removal, being treated with Keytruda (first dose ___ by Dr. ___ at ___, presenting with worsening ___. Radiology showed Successful placement of 8 ___ nephrostomy on both sides. The patient was diagnosed with Unspecified hydronephrosis, Unspecified abdominal pain, Unspecified atrial fibrillation, Acute kidney failure, unspecified, Long term (current) use of anticoagulants. The patient was treated with PCN tube placement. At the time of discharge, the patient had #Post-renal obstructive uropathy #Acute kidney injury #Hydronephrosis s/p bilateral PCN #Metabolic acidosis #Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response #Hypotension #History of right apical clot #Anemia #Rectal cancer. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ year old male with atrial fibrillation, recurrent UTIs on suppressive bactrim, locally advanced rectal cancer status status post palliative diverting colostomy, prior hydronephrosis treated with R ureteral stent that was complicated by recurrent UTIs necessitating stent removal, being treated with pembrolizumab (first dose ___ by Dr. ___ at ___, presenting with worsening ___, now s/p bilateral PCN tubes with initially persistent renal failure that is now improving #Post-renal obstructive ___ - improving #Hydronephrosis s/p bilateral PCN #Metabolic acidosis - improved PCN tubes placed on ___, with initially bloody urine now more clear. Per urology, right draining considerably less d/t atrophic collection system, may be able to remove in the future. ___ slowly improving since ___ (4.7 ->2.1, and still improving). Has ___ follow-up in 12 weeks for tube change, and has instructions and ___ for tube care. Will have labs next week with oncology follow-up appointment. #History of right apical clot. Had been on edoxaban at home, but stopped in setting of renal failure. Was on renally dosed lovenox during admission, but due to improvement in renal failure was able to be restarted on edoxaban at discharge. #Afib/RVR, likely tachy-brady #Baseline hypotension Upon admission digoxin was held, metoprolol was reduced significantly due to renal failure and sinus with low-normal and mildly bradycardic rates. Around ___ he had some periods of afib/RVR with associated hypotension. this occurred in the setting of lower PO intake and improved with fluids. Subsequently the patient's PO intake improved somewhat and the RVR did not recur. Systolic BPs remained in the ___, which appears to be his baseline and is asymptomatic. Digoxin was not restarted prior to discharge. #Anemia Chronic multifactorial normocytic anemia that has been intermittently transfusion dependent as an outpatient, often worse during acute illness. Suspected to be related to malignancy, renal failure, chemotherapy, and some acute/chronic blood loss through ostomy and neph tubes. No evidence of bleeding in days preceding discharge and hemoglobin relatively stable. Received 3 units of RBCs while inpatient. Will have labs in outpatient follow-up #Rectal cancer with invasion into bladder #Known colovesicular fistula Patient will follow-up closely with oncology next week and will resume pembro. He receives prophylactic Bactrim at baseline, which was switched to cipro during the admission due to his renal failure, but switched back to Bactrim at discharge. # Depression Continued Mirtazapine # Chronic severe protein calorie malnutrition Nutrition provided recommendations. patient restarted on multivitamin and supplements. His PO intake improved during the admission with treatment of his obstruction and renal failure. #Intermittent abdominal pain and hiccups - treated effectively with dicyclomine and baclofen ====================================</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with PMHx of CAD (s/p PCI, on ASA/plavix) and HTN who is presenting with one day of acute onset headache. The patient reports that he was in his USOH until this morning when he was awakened by a severe, throbbing headache, which has been present most of the day. Although his symptoms are currently mostly resolved, he reports some neck stiffness as well as the sensation of "loss of peripheral vision." The headaches were throbbing and he felt that he had pulsing blood vessels. He took his pulse at home, which was 120. His BP was also elevated to the 160s. He reports some light sensitivity, but denies any fevers, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or rash. He denies any weakness or focal sensory deficits. He has no history of headaches. In the ED, initial vitals were: 97.8 ___ 18 100% RA. Labs were significant for WBC 6.9 with lymphocytic predominance (46%), H/H 11.8/35.7, plt 380. Chem 7 w/ Cr. 0.8, HCO3 20. Head CT showed no abnormalities. The patient was given morphine 2 mg IV X 2, labetolol 10 mg IV x1, and a liter of NS, and sent to the floor for further evaluation and management. Vitals prior to transfer were: 97.8 85 115/78 20 99% RA. Upon arrival to the floor, pt reported improved headache, but leg discomfort starting ___ hours prior, he felt likely ___ lying in the stretcher for a prolonged period. CTA HEAD WANDW/O C AND RECONS was done. The patient was diagnosed with SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE, TENSION HEADACHE, LONG TERM USE ANTIGOAGULANT. The patient was treated with Lumbar puncture. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: Heachache Secondary: Hypertension. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Mr. ___ is a ___ year old man with history of STEMI s/p DES and HTN who presented with sudden-onset headache X 1 day, likely secondary to tension headache after ruled-out for subarachnoid hemorrhage and CNS infection. #HEADACHE: Mr. ___ presented with an undifferentiated sudden-onset ___ headache, most concerning for SAH v. CNS infection v. a migraine or tension headache. Meningitis seems less likely given absence of leukocytosis, fever or other systemic signs of infection. He had a CTA of the Head that was normal without masses or hemorrhage and an LP without evidence of SAH or meningitis. His headache was managed with acetaminophen and home pain medications. His headache improved and he was discharged with plans to follow-up in the outpatient setting. #CAD: STEMI w/ DES placed in LAD on ASA and clopidogrel. Continued home regime. #HTN: Mr. ___ remained normotensive throughout admission. Lisinopril initially given at reduced dose but restarted home dose prior to discharge. #DMII: Last AIc 6.8. Diabetic diet, gentle ISS used for inpatient glycemic control. ***TRANSITIONAL ISSUES*** #HEADACHE: Mr. ___ is being discharged with plans for outpatient clinic follow-up to ensure headaches are fully resolved. #HTN: Mr. ___ blood pressure remained well-controlled on his home Lisinopril.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: HPI: ___ female unrestrained driver presents with R acetabular fracture and posterior hip dislocation s/p MVC. Pt traveling at 70 mph when she slammed into the back of a semi truck. Pt reports + HS, no LOC. + Airbags deployed. Removed herself from car. Reportedly GCS 15 at scene. Brought first to ___ then transferred here. CT head and C spine negative. XRs demonstrated R acetabular fracture with posterior hip dislocation on R. CT with mild R SI joint widening and posterior ilium fx at SI joint. PELVIS W/JUDET VIEWS (3V) showed 1. Interval reduction of the right hip dislocation. 2. Redemonstrated comminuted right acetabular fracture and widening of the right sacroiliac joint. Please see report from CT pelvis for further description. KNEE (2 VIEWS) RIGHT showed External fixation without displaced fracture or dislocation as described. Radiology showed 1. Interval reduction of the right hip dislocation. 2. Comminuted predominately transverse right acetabular fracture involving the anterior and posterior columns with an additional posterior acetabular wall fracture as described. 3. Surrounding high-density material consistent with hematoma. 4. Mildly distracted right posterior iliac bone fracture extending into the fibrous portion of the sacroiliac joint. Mild asymmetric widening of the right sacroiliac joint is consistent with diastasis. 5. Right lower quadrant anterior abdominal wall contusion. 6. Small volume free fluid in the pelvis. Radiology showed 1. No fracture, dislocation, or joint effusion. 2. Soft tissue edema and locules of air are partially visualized in keeping with recent external fixation placement. PELVIS (AP ONLY) showed Interval reduction of right femoroacetabular joint dislocation. Redemonstration of pelvic fractures. PELVIS (AP, INLET AND OUTLET) showed Images obtained for surgical purposes. PELVIS W/JUDET VIEWS (3V) was done. Radiology showed 1. Right hip dislocation with comminuted fracture of the right acetabulum likely involving the anterior and posterior columns. 2. Asymmetric right sacroiliac joint and symphysis pubis. 3. No evidence of traumatic injury in the chest. No pneumothorax. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with the trauma team, M.D. by ___, M.D. in person on ___ at 11:23 am, at the time of discovery of the findings. The patient was diagnosed with Displaced transverse fracture of right acetabulum, init, Car driver injured in collision w car in traf, init. The patient was treated with ORIF. At the time of discharge, the patient had acetablular fracture. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>The patient presented to the emergency department and was evaluated by the orthopedic surgery team. The patient was found to have an acetabluar fx and was admitted to the orthopedic surgery service. The patient was taken to the operating room on ___ for ORIF, which the patient tolerated well. For full details of the procedure please see the separately dictated operative report. The patient was taken from the OR to the PACU in stable condition and after satisfactory recovery from anesthesia was transferred to the floor. The patient was initially given IV fluids and IV pain medications, and progressed to a regular diet and oral medications by POD#1. The patient was given ___ antibiotics and anticoagulation per routine. The patient's home medications were continued throughout this hospitalization. The patient worked with ___ who determined that discharge to rehabilitaion ___ was appropriate. The ___ hospital course was otherwise unremarkable. At the time of discharge the patient's pain was well controlled with oral medications, incisions were clean/dry/intact, and the patient was voiding/moving bowels spontaneously. The patient is TDWB in the RLE extremity, and will be discharged on lovonox for DVT prophylaxis. The patient will follow up with Dr. ___ ___ routine. A thorough discussion was had with the patient regarding the diagnosis and expected post-discharge course including reasons to call the office or return to the hospital, and all questions were answered. The patient was also given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. The patient expressed readiness for discharge.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ year old female presents with sore throat for five days, and now with several days of pain on left side of mouth. It is located especially around left upper wisdom teeth. She was diagnosed clinically and treated for strep pharyngitis with pencillin, for four days now. She had fever until yesterday, and has not had one since. She is not vomiting and can tolerate small amounts of PO, but having pain on swallowing. She feels her voice is slightly muffled. She relates that several years ago while in ___ she became very ill after having a sore throat. She is unsure of the cause. CT SINUS/MANDIBLE/MAXILLOFACIAL W/ CONTRAST Q1217 CT HEADSINUS showed 1. No focal fluid collection identified. 2. Enlargement of both palatine tonsils and adenoids compatible with tonsillitis and adenoiditis. Bilateral cervical lymphadenopathy is likely reactive. 3. Paranasal sinus disease primarily involving both maxillary sinuses. The patient was diagnosed with Acute tonsillitis, unspecified, Other forms of stomatitis. At the time of discharge, the patient had Acute pharyngitis with mucositis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ with hearing loss s/p cochlear implant presenting with acute pharyngitis and failed outpatient therapy with ongoing difficulty tolerating PO. # Acute pharyngitis: Admitted with bandemia though no overt leukocytosis. With subjective fevers at home, and sore throat preceded oral ulcers. Most likely viral process given chronicity and slow improvement, however given Centour criteria will complete course of antibiotics. Initially given PCN as outpatient, transitioned to Unasyn and then to amox-clav suspension. Tolerating it well upon discharge with improvement in symptoms. No cough. HIV Ab sent and negative, VL pending at discharge. GC/C throat pending, RPR pending. Monospot negative. Primary HSV infection was also considered, however visible ulcer healing and unlikely to provide good lab sample. - follow up with PCP within one week - complete abx - f/u pending labs - per patient request will contact her via secure email given difficulty with phone conversations</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with rheumatic heart disease, mild AS ___ cm2), mild AI, mod MR, severe TR, HTN, HLD, RCC s/p resection who presents with dyspnea, recently discharged after acute on chronic congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation s/p cardioversion,and rash thought to be secondary to lisinopril. Course also complicated by bradycardia and hypotension with large rectus sheath and pelvic hematomas, likely ___ heparin gtt after cardioversion. Radiology showed 1. New moderate interstitial pulmonary edema. 2. Further evaluation of the previously seen right hilar adenopathy is necessary after resolution of acute symptoms. Radiology showed No evidence of acute intracranial injury or fracture. Radiology showed 1. No cervical spine fracture or acute malalignment. 2. Unchanged multilevel degenerative disease and mild multilevel anterolisthesis. 3. Diffuse interstitial septal thickening in the imaged upper lungs, compatible with but not diagnostic of pulmonary edema, and partially imaged bilateral pleural effusions. Please correlate with any symptoms of left heart failure. The patient was diagnosed with CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE, UNSPEC. At the time of discharge, the patient had primary diagnosis: acute on chronic diastolic congestive heart failure exacerbation, tricuspid regurgitaton, hypertension secondary diagnosis: atrial fibrillation. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ with rheumatic heart disease (mild AS, mild AI, mild-mod MR, TR), dCHF, afib s/p cardioversion on amiodarone, HTN, HLD who presents with dyspnea likely ___ to acute on chronic diastolic CHF exacerbation. # acute on chronic diastolic CHF - Recent echo in ___ with normal EF. Patient's history and exam consistent with volume overload. Patient was recently started on a prednisone taper which may have contributed to fluid retention. Patient reported being complaint with low sodium diet and taking all her medications as prescribed. There were no localizing s/s of infection. Patient was diuresed with 20 mg IV lasix boluses. She was transitioned to 10 mg of torsemide however diuresed too much to this dose and developed mild ___. Ultimately she was transitioned to 10 mg po lasix. She was also switched from metoprolol to carvedilol for improved blood pressure control. Patient was euvolemic at time of discharge. Discharge weight was 62.3 kg. # atrial fibrillation - Patient noted to have new dx of Afib during previous admission. On that time she was started on an amiodarone load. She was initially given xarelto given her CHADS of 3 however given rectus sheath and pelvic hematomas she was discharged off anticoagulation. On presentation, she was in SR with frequent ectopy. She was completed her amiodarone load and was transitioned to amiodarone 200 mg daily at time of discharge. She will need to discuss further with her PCP and cardiologist when it is safe to start anticoagulation. #HTN: Patient had difficult to control HTN on 4 agents at home prior to last admission. However due to transient hypotension, she was discharged home on reduced dose of anti-hypertensives. SBP 160's on admission. Her losartan was increased from 50 to 75 mg daily, and she was switched from metoprolol to carvedilol 12.5 mg BID. She was continued on her home felodipine. Blood pressures were improved at time of discharge. #leukocytosis: Pt with wbc 13.5 on presentation with no signs or symptoms of active infection. She completed her previously prescribed course of keflex for UTI. It was felt that her leukocytosis was most likely ___eing treated for UTI with 7-day course of keflex, currently day 6. Leukocytosis likely secondary to PO prednisone course. - continue to monitor for signs of infection - prednisone taper: 20mg daily ___, 10mg daily ___ #Skin rash: Skin bx shows evidence of hypersensitivity reaction. Has been started on topical clobetasol and hydrocortisone per ___ clinic, with sarna lotion and hydroxyzine prn pruritis. Patient could not tolerate hydroxyzine due to oversedation. Rash does not appear to be improving despite discontinuation of lisinopril and therefore was recently started on a prednisone taper. She was continued on her previously prescribed course. She is scheduled to follow up with dermatology. # s/p fall: Patient had mechanical fall at home which resulted in bruising to her face. She had a CT head and Cspine which showed no acute process. She was evaluated by physical therapy and discharged home with ___. #HLD: continued lovastatin #OA: Continued home acetaminophen 650mg BID prn pain. Transitional Issues: - follow up volume status. diuretic regimen may need further adjustment - repeat electrolytes at follow up appointment on ___ - discuss if and when it is safe to start anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation - follow up blood pressure, medications may need further adjustment - follow up with dermatology regarding rash - blood culture pending at time of discharge - patient full code during this admission - contact: ___ (husband) ___ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Pt is a ___ woman with longstanding history of polycythemia ___, status post allogeneic transplant with development of AML, now 6 weeks following her ___ cycle of Dacogen. Radiology showed Possible small infection, such as viral pneumonia in left mid lung on background of chronic interstitial abnormality. Change from preliminary to final report posted to ED dashboard at 11:20 on ___ and page sent to Dr ___ by Dr ___. Radiology showed 1. No evidence of active infection. 2. Stable left upper lobe peribronchial nodules. 3. Splenomegaly. Radiology showed 1. Small amount of fluid in the left posterior ethmoid air cells and right sphenoid sinus improved from ___. Radiology showed Successful repair of a right internal jugular Hickman catheter. The hub was sent for culture. Radiology showed Successful removal of right IJ Hickman with tip sent for culture. Radiology showed No relevant change as compared to ___. Known left upper lobe ___ opacity. No new parenchymal opacities. Known scars at the right lung base, calcified in part. A calcified structure within the superior vena cava and brachiocephalic vein, likely corresponds to a calcified thrombus. The superior vena cava is not enlarged. Heterogeneous and coarse bony structure. Radiology showed 1. Persistent thrombus at the origin of the right jugular vein with a lobular appearance of the vein at this level, unchanged in size and appearance from MRV dated ___. Again seen, are streaky calcifications within the right subclavian and superior vena cava likely representing calcified thrombus. 2. No abnormal fluid collections or cervical lymphadenopathy. Radiology showed Uncomplicated placement of a right-sided triple lumen temporary pheresis catheter. Catheter ready to use at this time. Radiology showed No clear findings on noncontrast exam to suggest pyelonephritis or other etiology of patient's back pain. Radiology showed Subcentimeter hyperechoic lesion within the upper pole of the right kidney, likely representing either a collapsed cyst or tiny angiomyolipoma. Postvoid residual of 123 cc. Chest AP portable single view. showed Apparently old interstitial changes observed on previous examinations. No evidence of new acute infiltrates in this single AP chest view examination. Evaluation of the patient with polycythemia ___, VRE bacteremia and aortic valve endocarditis and worsening sore throat. Question of pneumonia. COMPARISON: ___ neck CT; CT abdomen from ___ and CT chest from ___ as well as multiple prior chest CTs dating back to ___. TECHNIQUE: MDCT of the chest was obtained from thoracic inlet to upper abdomen without administration of IV contrast. Axial images were reviewed in conjunction with coronal and sagittal reformats. FINDINGS: Assessment of the mediastinum demonstrates no pathologically enlarged mediastinal, hilar or axillary lymph nodes. Anterior mediastinal distortion is related to prior mastectomies with stable appearance as compared to prior examination. No new pericardial or pleural effusion is demonstrated. The imaged portion of the abdomen reveals no interval change as well as re-appearance of splenomegaly. Airways are patent till the subsegmental level bilaterally. The central venous line tip terminates in the cavoatrial junction. The assessment of the bones demonstrates diffuse osteopenia as well as a mixture of sclerotic and lytic lesions, unchanged since the prior study. No compression fractures or new bone lesions are demonstrated on the current examination. Overall, the appearance is similar to ___, although minimal progression cannot be excluded. Findings might be attributable to myelofibrosis. Assessment of the lungs demonstrates unchanged left upper lobe nodular conglomerate, no new nodules or consolidations to suggest interval development of infectious process and multiple pulmonary nodules stable since recent prior examinations. was done. Radiology showed Mucus-retention cysts in the left posterior ethmoid and right sphenoid air cells with only trace mucosal thickening elsewhere, not significantly changed since the recent study dated ___. There is no evidence of acute inflammatory disease or bone destruction. Radiology showed The right IJ could not be evaluated over patient's dressing. The remainder of the study is normal without evidence of right upper extremity DVT. These results were telephoned to Dr. ___ by ___ at 1:05 p.m., ___. Right-sided central venous line placement. Portable AP radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to ___. The right internal jugular line tip is at the level of low SVC/cavoatrial junction. The left subclavian line tip is at the level of low SVC. Heart size and mediastinum are stable. Bilateral basal areas of scarring are stable. was done. Radiology showed Interval improvement in lung volumes since ___ with no new acute process such as pneumonia, pulmonary edema, or pneumothorax. Radiology showed No radiographic evidence for acute cardiopulmonary process. Radiology showed No evidence for septic emboli or embolic infarct. Radiology showed Uncomplicated conversion of a right-sided triple-lumen catheters to a 23 cm tip to cuff tunneled double lumen catheter via the internal jugular vein. The patient was diagnosed with FEVER, UNSPECIFIED. The patient was treated with Trans-Esophageal Echocardiogram (___). Right internal jugular triple-lumen temporary non-tunneled pheresis line (___). Tunneled double-lumen line (___). Bone marrow biopsy (___).. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS: 1. AML with preceding polycythemia ___ and secondary myelofibrosis 2. VRE Bacteremia 3. VRE Aortic Valve Endocarditis 4. Moderate to Severe Aortic Regurgitation 5. Anemia secondary to GI Bleeding 6. Adrenal Insufficiency 7. UTI SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: 1. Chronic GVHD with Cutaneous Manifestation 2. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 3. Pulmonary MALT Lymphoma 4. Vertigo 5. Retinopathy ___ GVHD/AML. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>ACTIVE ISSUES # AML with preceding polycythemia ___ and secondary myelofibrosis: Pt is s/p matched unrelated nonmyeloablative stem cell transplant with pre-conditioning on Flu/Bu/ATG (D0 ___. Pt was given Cycle 7 of Decitabine (Day 1, ___ on this admission. She was continued on atovaquone, acyclovir, and ciprofloxacin for neutropenia prophylaxis. Her counts remained low throughout the admission, but platelets stabilized around C7D32. Patient is being discharged with close follow-up with Dr. ___ transfusions as an outpatient, if necessary. # VRE bacteremia/endocarditis: Pt has a history of multiple complicated infections including VRE bacteremia resistant to daptomycin. BCx on this admission grew VRE sensitive to linezolid. As such, the pt's initial central line was pulled by ___ on ___. She underwent several initial TTEs w/o evidence of vegetation. Given repeat positive blood cultures, pt had TEE on ___ which showed aortic valve endocarditis and severe AR. The pt's case was discussed at length with the patient, cardiology, cardiac surgery and infectious disease. It was decided that the pt had a very high ___ mortality at 30%. Pt was without evidence of interval prolongation on EKG throughout hospitalization. Given that she did not meet valve replacement criteria on this admission, the pt was medically optimized. The pt was continued on IV linezolid for 6 weeks from the first negative culture ___ to ___. A repeat TEE on ___ showed no evidence of abscess or discrete vegetations. Upon discharge, the patient will have follow-up with Dr. ___ cardiology. At that visit, the possibility of TAVR for compassionate use should be discussed. # Aortic regurgitation: ___ VRE endocarditis occurring on this hospitalization. Lisinopril was initially continued for afterload reduction in order to best reduce regurgitant flow. Pt had low normal blood pressures, however, during this hospitalization. As such, her lisinopril was held. Throughout the hospitalization, the pt was without signs of CHF. She was able to ambulate with minimal dyspnea on exertion, which the pt stated was near her chronic baseline. Her dry weight was recorded at 210 lbs on this admission. Pts weight upon discharge was 212.2 lbs. # GI Bleed: Following administration of decitabine, pt was noted to have repeated dark melanotic stools in addition to an acute worsening of her chronic anemia without appropriate increase to pRBCs or plt products. Pt has a hx of GI bleeding related to treatments with decitabine. Her most recent EGD was in ___ which was negative for source. She was started on IV protonix and supportively transfused. GI bleeding resolved with maintainance of plts > 50. The pt remained hemodynamically stable throughout her hospital course. # Lightheadedness: During hospital course, the pt began to describe new lightheadeness with position changes. Her orthostatic vital signs were normal and her vital signs remained within normal limits without signs of hypoperfusion. She was without visual changes, numbness/tingling or weakness of extremities, or other neurologic deficit on exam. As the pt's symptoms were somewhat concerning for centrally caused vertigo in the setting of new aortic valve endocarditis, and MRI brain was done, which returned negative for evidence of embolic event or other neurologic lesion. To rule out a significant cardiac change, a repeat TTE was obtained on ___, which showed preserved LVEF, moderate to severe AR, and trivial pericardial effusion. A steroid taper had been initiated during hospitalization, which corresponded with pt's new symptoms. Given that she had been chronically on steroids, it was thought that her symptoms were ___ adrenal insufficiency. As such, she was placed on higer dose steroids at 10 mg PO with resolution of symptoms. Her chronic prednisone was reduced to 9 mg at time of discharge. The patient should continue to taper her steroids by 1 mg per week, down to 5 mg PO QD. # Enterobacter UTI: On admission, pt reported urinary "pressure." Her UA was unremarkable but urine culture grew nearly pansensitive enterobacter. Repeat urine culture growing citrobacter sensitive to macrobid. Pt received 5 day course of macrobid with repeat urine cultures negative x 3. Despite what was thought to be adequate treatment for her UTI, she continued to have fevers while also on linezolid for her VRE bacteremia. It was, therefore, thought that the pt could have possible ongoing UTI, and she was subsequently started on a course of meropenem. She completed the course with resolution of symptoms. Urology was consulted for ongoing urinary pressure and determined that pt was having residual dysuria in the setting of recently treated UTI. On ___gain noted similar urinary pressure. Urine culture again grew out citerobacter sensitive to meropenem. She was, therefore, started on meropenem and completed a 5 day course on ___. Her symptoms of urinary pressure resolved shortly thereafter. # Vascular access: Pt has limited vasculature access options given complicated medical co-morbidities and multiple hospitalizations. The pt had a previous central line removed ___ ongoing bacteremia and a new right internal jugular central line placed on this admission. A permanent tunneled line was considered during hospitalization. Once the patient completed a full 6 week treatment course with linezolid for her endocarditis, the decision was made to proceed with placement of a new line. A tunneled line was placed on ___ without complication. # Upper extremity DVT: Pt has a history of non-occlusive left brachial vein thrombus in ___ which resolved with course of heparin while inpatient. On ___, pt was found to have thrombus in the R internal jugular vein. Given persistent clot and increased right upper arm swelling, she was placed on chronic Lovenox at 60 mg twice per day. On this admission, pt complained of worsening left arm swelling. Left arm non-invasive ultrasound revealed no visible thrombus in right upper extremity, however the R IJ was adequately visualized given the presence of R IJ line (unable to remove line for study given high risk of inability to place additional line as stated above). The pt's Lovenox was temporarily discontinued in the setting of worsening thrombocytopenia and GI bleed related to cycle 7 of decitabine. At time of discharge, the pt's Lovenox continued to be held due to ongoing thrombocytopenia and should be restarted at the discretion of Dr. ___ as an outpatient. # EBV infection: EBV Viral load was sent on ___ and returned elevated. A repeat EBV PCR was sent on ___ and ___ which returned undetectable on assay. # Diarrhea: Pt noted to have several episodes of diarrhea in hospital course. Multiple C. diffs tests and stool studies were sent and returned negative. Likely related to antibiotics and other ongoing medications. # Sore throat/cough: Patient developed dry non-productive cough and sore throat during admission without sinus congestion or nasal discharge. At that time, pt was already on linezolid and meropenem for her bacteremia and UTI. Patient refused respiratory viral swab. CT chest and sinus were unchanged from prior with no clear active infectious process. She completed a course of azithromycin for atypical coverage with resolution of symptoms. CHRONIC ISSUES # Pulmonary MALToma: Pt had previously received intermittent Rituxan infusions, last given on ___. CT Chest on admission revealed stable nodules with no evidence of MALT lymphoma progression. # Chronic GVHD/skin: No evidence of active GVHD during hospitalization. She was continued on her physiologic prednisone dosing, given adrenal insufficiency. # Chronic venous stasis: Pt has hx of chronic lower extremity edema likely ___ venous insufficiency. Pt without evidence of edema on admission and as such, her torsemide was discontinued. # DM type II, on insulin: Pt had several episodes of hypoglycemia on admission. As such, her insulin regimen was adjusted appropriately. At discharge, she was sent home on glargine 10U with breakfast and NPH 10 U with breakfast plus a humalog ISS. # Sinus tachycardia: Pt without evidence of ongoing sinus tachycardia. As such, her diltiazem was discontinued. # Hearing loss: Stable. Monitor and consider audiogram as outpatient. # Vertigo: Stable. Continued on meclizine. # Insomnia: Stable. Continued trazadone and lorazepam as needed</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ year old male with PMH of NASH cirrhosis s/p liver and kidney transplant (___), post-strep GN, DM, HTN, who presents with persistent cough in setting of failure of multiple antibiotic trials for pneumonia, as well as creatinine to 3.7. The patient reports feeling unwell for several months, with persistent cough which has been treated with several courses of antibiotics as per PCP. He also has a current gout flare, which he reports started three days ago and has been improved with febuxostat treatment; however, when the pain initially came on he took two doses of naproxen. Of note, the patient had full set of labs sent by Dr. ___ renal transplant and his creatinine was up to 3.7 from a baseline of 1.8-2.5. He also reports that he has had a productive cough for the last 6 months. He has been treated with various inhalers and three courses of antibiotics, most recently doxycycline of which he is on day 5 of 10 currently. He does not remember having a CT scan recently for this. In the ED, initial VS were: 98.1 50 119/68 18 95% RA Exam notable for: not documented Labs showed: Creatinine 3.3, hgb 11.7, INR 1.2, lactate 2.0, WBC 8.1 Imaging showed: Renal USN: unremarkable with slightly improved resistive indices since the prior examination. CXR with hazy right upper lobe opacity oncerning for PNA, patchy left basilar opacity atelectasis vs. infection. Received: Tylenol ___ mg, Mycophenolate (ordered, not given), 1 L NS then 75 cc/hr. Hepatology and renal transplant were consulted and recoemmended admission under Dr. ___ to a medicine team. Transfer VS were: 98.7 81 115/96 18 93% Nasal Cannula On arrival to the floor, patient reports continued productive cough. He denies any recent fevers/chills, chest pain, shortness of breath, abdominal pain. Otherwise he corroborated the above history. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: (+)PER HPI CT chest without contrast showed 1. Multifocal pneumonia with most prominent area of consolidation in the right upper lobe, as noted on the recent prior chest radiograph. 2. Distal subsegmental bilateral lower lobe bronchiectasis with areas of mucous inspissation and plugging. 3. Splenomegaly. 4. Bilateral renal atrophy. 5. Fat containing ventral abdominal hernia. 6. Somewhat nodular contour of the liver. Correlate clinically for signs of cirrhosis. The patient was diagnosed with Acute kidney failure, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS: Acute Kidney Injury in Setting of Chronic Kidney Injury Community Acquired Pneumonia SECONDARY DIAGNOSES: Chronic Cough COPD S/p renal and liver transplant on immunosuppression Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Hyperkalemia. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ retired ___ of ___ with a h/o liver/kidney transplant ___ on MMF/tacro immunosuppression who presented with ___ and a 6 month productive cough s/p multiple outpatient antibiotic courses, found to have ___ iso NSAIDs for gout flare and radiographic multifocal infiltrates on CT imaging. #Cough #Community Acquired Pneumonia : 6mo cough with poor response to abx in ___ and again in ___. Presented on day 5 of 10 days of doxycycline. CXR concerning for RUL opacity and chest CT showing multifocal pneumonia. Given inadequate response to outpatient antibiotics possibility of simple recurrence of community acquired pneumonia in immunosuprressed patient vs silent chronic recurrent aspiration vs unlikely inflammatory process such as COP. ID and pulm teams were consulted, full fungal diagnostics pending at time of discharge. TB was indeterminate with poor mitogen stimulation result, in this context viewed as unconcerning. Would recommend completion of aspiration studies as outpatient. He will complete antibiotic course with levofloxacin ___ for seven day course of abx (received ceftriaxone and azithromycin while in hospital ___ given procalcitionin consistent with bacterial infection. Albuterol and advair should be continued as well as acappella valve BID. # Acute Kindey Injury on Chronic Kidney Disease # Status post kidney and liver transplantation in ___: Crt 3.3 on admission versus baseline 1.8-2.5. Suspect pre-renal injury at presentation due to combination of NSAIDs, hemodynamic changes, diuretics. Review of biopsy from ___ at time of transplant notes already moderate IFTA and significant donor vascular disease. DSA screen negative, renal ultrasound was unremarkable and urine protein/creatinine 0.1, BK virus screen negative. Patient's mycophenlate was continued, prograf was decreased to 0.5mg Q12hrs given trough goal of 4.0 He will have levels checked ___ and faxed to Dr. ___. CHRONIC ISSUES # Hyperkalemia: managed with Florinef 0.1 mg once daily, would be hesitant to resume prior Lasix given recent acute kidney injury. #HTN: Continued home carvedilol and amlodipine with holding parameters. #BPH: Continued home doxazosin #HLD: Continued home fenofibrate #Iron deficiency anemia: may resume repletion as outpatient #DM2: may resume home regimen as outpatient, insulin regimen was reduced in hospital initially in setting ___ TRANSITIONAL ISSUES - Please arrange Pulmonary follow-up (___) with repeat chest CT in ___ wks (___), if opacities remain would recommend bronchoscopy - would obtain video speech and swallow to ensure no silent aspiration - would consider Outpatient GERD evaluation, including pH probe - follow-up pending serum fungal markers - complete antibiotic course with levofloxacin (last day - continue flutter valve BID - patient should avoid NSAIDs at all times, even with gout flares - please ensure tacrolimus level and creatinie checked on ___ at ___, Please fax to ___ ATTN: Dr. ___ MEDICATIONS: holding lasix, no known cardiac history CHANGED MEDICATIONS: Prograf changed to 0.5mg q12hrs</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ with severe aortic stenosis presents with shortness of breath, melena, HCT 18.9 from 37 (___). CTA ABD AND PELVIS showed 1. No evidence of GI bleed. 2. 2.1 cm lesion along the greater curvature of the stomach. Contains calcifications but also has a soft tissue component. As 2 additional completely calcified lesions are seen in this location these may represent calcified, torsed epiploic appendages, however the appearance of the largest lesion is unusual due to its larger soft tissue component in 3 months followup with MRI is recommended to exclude a gist tumor. 3. Small hiatal hernia. 4. A small focus of soft tissue at the proximal-most portion of the left inguinal canal is nonspecific. Correlation with prior surgery is recommended. 5. 3 mm pulmonary nodule at the left lung base. RECOMMENDATION(S): 1. 3 months followup MRI for evaluation of lesion along the greater curvature of the stomach 2. The ___ society pulmonary nodule recommendations are intended as guidelines for follow-up and management of newly incidentally detected pulmonary nodules smaller than 8 mm, in patients ___ years of age or older. Low risk patients have minimal or absent history of smoking or other known risk factors for primary lung neoplasm. High risk patients have a history of smoking or other known risk factors for primary lung neoplasm. In the case of nodule size <= 4 mm: No follow-up needed in low-risk patients. For high risk patients, recommend follow-up at 12 months and if no change, no further imaging needed. NOTIFICATION: An email sent to the to ED QA nurses by Dr. ___ at 11:01 Chest radiograph. showed Bibasilar and left upper lobe opacities in the appropriate clinical setting are concerning for pneumonia. RECOMMENDATION(S): Followup of the patient 4 weeks after completion of antibiotic therapy is required, in particular to document the resolution of left upper lobe perihilar opacity. If findings are unchanged, assessment with chest CT is required. Additionally giving the presence of left lower lobe pulmonary nodule, followup with chest CT in 3 months based on the size of the left lower lobe nodule is recommended as well. The patient was diagnosed with Gastrointestinal hemorrhage, unspecified, Chest pain, unspecified, Anemia, unspecified. The patient was treated with ___ EGD. At the time of discharge, the patient had PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS: - Duodenal/peptic ulcer disease - Type II NSTEMI - Melena - Anemia secondary to bleeding - H. pylori infection SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS: -HTN -HLD -Carotid Artery Stenosis -Prostatic Adenocarcinoma s/p brachytherapy -alcohol use disorder. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ w/ PMH of severe aortic stenosis present with shortness of breath, melena and significant hemoglobin drop (12.4 on ___ to 6.0 on ___ and developed Type II NSTEMI. He was admitted to the MICU for monitoring (___). # GI Bleed: Pt presented with melena and a Hgb drop of 12.4->6.0) in the setting of new and significant NSAID use and drinking one bottle of wine daily. He received 4 units of PRBCs and underwent an EGD in the MICU on ___. Unfortunately he became hypotensive at the onset of sedation and the procedure was aborted. Later that day he developed T-wave inversion on EKG with a rise in troponin. Cardiology was consulted and believed that this was secondary to demand ischemia in the setting of an acute GI bleed. He was transfused another unit of blood to keep the Hgb above 9.0. He was maintained on PPI BID per GI on transfer out of the MICU. ___ ___ he had another melanotic bowel movment which prompted ___ AM EGD. EGD showed bleeding ulcer in duodenum, which was cauterized and injected with epinephrine. He was transferred to medicine for monitoring. On the medical floor, his hemoglobin was stable, 8.9-9.9 with discharge hemoglobin 9.3 g/dL. He no longer had melanotic stools. Per GI recommendations, he received Pantoprazole 40 mg PO Q12H. He was also instructed to discontinue NSAID and alcohol use. H. pylori IgG test was positive by ___ ___, for which he was started on a 14 day course of clarithromycin and amoxicillin in addition to his BID PPI. Per GI and At___ cardiology recommendations, his aspirin dose was downtitrated and he was restarted on Aspirin 81 mg daily on ___. # Community acquired pneumonia: CXR showed bilateral opacities with a recent 5 day course of levofloxacin. He was treated with ceftriaxone and azithromycin for 1 day. Since he was clinically asymptomatic with no cough or fever, did not continue to treat. He is recommended to have repeat imaging in 4 weeks to confirm resolution. # Type II NSTEMI: Active angina with lateral ST depressions, likely demand ischemia in the setting of anemia vs hypotension during EGD attempt. Troponin rise on ___ to 0.28 and CK-MB 19. Trop rose to 0.38 but downtrended ___. CK-MB downtrended ___ to 11. # Severe aortic stenosis: Patient underwent evaluation by cardiac surgery on ___ and was deemed a moderate risk for TAVR surgery. He will have further workup as an outpatient for TAVR per At___ attending. Medicine spoke with and confirmed that ___ ___ will be coordinating his follow up care for the AVR. GI recs that work up for TAVR that requires anticoagulation be completed after two weeks (after ___ # Leukocytosis: Initially WBC of 13.3 with predominance of PMNs, felt to be reactive. CXR showed bilateral opacities with recent completion of a 5 day course of levofloxacin ending on ___. He was afebrile and without cough, and upon transfer out of the MICU, his WBC had resolved. #HTN: He was normo- to hypertensive throughout admission. He was restarted on amlodipine 10 mg PO daily and carvedilol 6.25 PO BID with instructions to restart home lisinopril and chlorthalidone in outpatient setting. ===================== TRANSITIONAL ISSUES ===================== # Medication changes. Started on pantoprazole 40 mg PO Q12H. Downtitrated aspirin 325 mg to 81 mg daily. Atorvastatin downtitrated to 20 mg daily while on macrolide therapy; please consider uptitrating after completion of antibiotic course. Chlorthalidone and lisinopril temporarily halted in the setting of acute GI bleed; will be restarted individually as outpatient. # Antibiotic course. Will require amoxicillin 1 g BID and clarithromycin 500 mg BID x14 days (end ___ for treatment of H. pylori. Please monitor for signs of rhabdomyolysis while on concurrent macrolide and statin therapy. # Repeat EGD. EGD ___ showed irregular Z-line, with concern for ___, needs EGD follow up # Repeat imaging (CXR, MRI abdomen, CT chest). Please f/u CXR in 4 weeks after resolution of pneumonia. CT ABD/Pelvis showed lesion along the greater curveature of the stomach concerning for possible GIST; please order 3 month followup MRI. Incidental pulmonary nodule 3 mm at left lung base: High risk patient (extensive smoking history), please follow-up at 12 months and if no change, no further imaging needed. # Severe aortic stenosis. Will be contacted by ___ team for outpatient work-up. # Communication/HCP: ___ ___ # Code: Full, confirmed </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ ___ year old male hx of dementia, CLL w nasopharyngeal mass (SLL) hypogammaglobulinemia without frequent infections, possible Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus status-post ventriculoperitoneal shunt w increased agitation. UA negative but ARF with cr 2.8, copious stool output and colitis on CT. Patient is not answering questions here in the ED. No other hx able to be obtained. Transferred to ___ per family request. SHUNT SERIES AP AND LAT SKULL, AP CHEST, AP ABDOMEN showed No catheter break or kink. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed 1. No Mass, or intracranial hemorrhage. 2. VP shunt in stable position terminates in the right lateral ventricle, without Findings of over shunting or recurrent hydrocephalus. 3. Left pansinusitis, likely due to chronic obstruction of the drainage pathways, and possible contribution from odontogenic spread of infection to the Left maxillary sinus. 4. Asymmetry of the nasopharyngeal soft tissues with effacement of the fossa Rosenmuller, with chronic Left mastoid effusion, could be clinically correlated. The patient was diagnosed with Acute kidney failure, unspecified. At the time of discharge, the patient had C difficile colitis. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ w/ cognitive impairment, gait instability, HTN, depression, urinary incontinence, hearing loss, IBS-D, NPH s/p VP shunt, and CLL (not on therapy) who is presenting from assisted living with confusion, somnolence, and diarrhea found to have severe C difficile infection. #Diarrhea #C difficile infection #Leukocytosis Presents from assisted living with encephalopathy. At baseline he is sometimes disoriented, but alert and appropriate and very hard of hearing. CT abdomen in ___ showed mild colitis and at ___ CDiff PCR and toxin both positive. Of note, he received ciprofloxacin for UTI in late ___. No prior history of CDI. He was stated on oral vancomycin and his leukocytosis improved back to his baseline of ___. He will complete a 10d course of oral vancomycin (___). His ___ blood culture was NGTD at discharge and UCx was negative. #Encephalopathy #Hearing loss Presented with confusion most c/w delirium due to infection. Shunt series and CTH on admission unremarkable. No focal neuro deficits. His hearing loss contributed to his confusion and also inability to participate in mental status exam. Once his hearing aid was put in place his confusion and ability to communicate with staff improved. ___ Presented with Cr 2.3 from baseline 1.1. Initially improved with IVF and treatment of diarrhea to 1.0, then increased to 1.3 on ___ (though with downtrending BUN) and then with encouragement of PO intake Cr went back down to 1.1. His lisinopil was held and will be resumed on discharge. Cr at discharge 1.1. #Transaminitis Mild transaminitis on admission, similar to ___. HCV negative. HBsAg neg, HBsAb neg, HBcAb neg. Transferrin sat 34%. Admission CT done at ___ comments on normal appearing liver in report. Pending at discharge: Hepatitis EBV/CMV serologies. Workup should be continued as an outpatient. #CLL Recently seen by Dr. ___ felt no indication for therapy at this time (no B symptoms, no evidence of lymphadenopathy, no evidence of splenomegaly, no evidence of frequent infections, and a lymphocyte doubling time on the order of 3 or more years). Dr. ___ was notified of admission. He was continued on home acyclovir ppx. CHRONIC ISSUES #Depression: Continued venlafaxine, buspirone #Fecal incontinence: holding home eluxadoline and Imodium given CDI -- resume once oral vancomycin course is complete #HTN: held lisinopril, resume on discharge #CV: ASA 81 >30 minutes spent on discharge planning including face-to-face patient counseling and coordination of care.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ PMH Dm2,CAD s/p rx stent, ERSD s/p renal transplant ___ p/w chef complaint of hypoxia. She stated that she has two days of progressive shortness of breath. She noticed some DOE that progressively gotten worse to dyspnea at rest. Found to be hypoxic by EMS in the ___. She notes that she has been non-complaint with her Lasix regiment (40 PO QDay) because she was on a cruise. She has stated that was only taking 20 mg PO of lasix which states for chronic lle. She denies any chest pain or chest pressure. She noticed some PND last night. +Nausea, +GI symptom +salt food intake Radiology showed 1. Improved moderate pulmonary edema. 2. Mild cardiomegaly. 3. Unchanged small bilateral pleural effusions. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen with regard to the bilateral pleural effusions. The moderate cardiomegaly, the moderate pulmonary edema and the bilateral areas of atelectasis. No new parenchymal opacity. CHEST (PORTABLE AP)CHEST (PORTABLE AP)i showed Mild pulmonary vascular congestion and mild to moderate cardiomegaly have improved and pulmonary edema has resolved. Small bilateral pleural effusions, stable on the left. No pneumothorax. RENAL TRANSPLANT U.S. showed 1. No hydronephrosis. Multiple nonobstructing stones are noted in the transplant kidney. 2. Patent renal transplant vasculature. The patient was diagnosed with RESPIRATORY ABNORM NEC. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary 1. Acute Disatolic HF in setting of med non-compliance and dietary indescretion 2. CKD stage ___ s/p renal transplant 3. new onset pAF : started coumadin. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ PMH CKD s/p renal transplant, DM2, CAD, p/w 3 days onset of dyspnea in the setting of medication non-compliance and dietary indiscrestion, transferred to the CCU for presumed CHF exacerbation.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Ms. ___ is a ___ female with history of right breast DCIS s/p right lumpectomy on anastrozole and chronic abdominal pain followed by GI who presents with chest pain. CTA CHEST WITH CONTRAST showed Left lower lobe subsegmental pulmonary emboli. No pulmonary infarct or CT evidence of right heart strain. The patient was diagnosed with Other pulmonary embolism without acute cor pulmonale. At the time of discharge, the patient had # LLL Subsegmental Pulmonary Embolus # Chronic abdominal pain. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s># LLL Subsegmental PE: suspect precipitated by her recent plane flight of ~4 hours from ___, no other clear inciting factors - low-risk PE: hemodynamically stable and satting well on RA, trop negative, BNP wnl, and no evidence of right heart strain on CTA chest - initially was started on heparin gtt, discussed with her primary oncology team (Atrius - Dr. ___ Dr. ___, who advised DOAC over lovenox - started ___ --10 mg BID x7 days ___ - ___ --5 mg BID after that ___ - ) --Advised patient to stop taking PRN aspirin (uses for abdominal pain) in setting of starting systemic anticoagulation --Dr. ___ treating PE for 6 months, but we would ultimately defer to Dr. ___ final decision on when to stop anticoagulation based on patient's cancer status at that time. # Breast Cancer - Continued home anastrozole # Chronic Abdominal Pain: Followed by GI at ___. Here with multiple chronic abdominal complaints. Overall stable and she was tolerating PO with benign abdominal exam. - Continued home remeron, PPI, and miralax - Follow-up with outpatient GI is already scheduled, has appt on ___ at 0920 w/ Dr. ___ # Chronic blurry vision: stable - can continue outpatient Ophthalmology f/u if appropriate # Chronic burning pain in b/l distal LEs (below the knees): stable - sounds like a symmetric polyneuropathy - consider further evaluation and trial of symptomatic treatment as outpatient . . . . ================================</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Time (and date) the patient was last known well: ___ clock) CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed 1. Study is mildly degraded by motion. 2. Grossly stable minimal subarachnoid hemorrhage layering in the left parietal and right frontal sulci. 3. Within limits of study, no new or increasing hemorrhage. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by ___ ___, M.D. In person on ___ at 3:49 am, at the time of discovery of the findings. CTA HEAD WANDW/O C AND RECONSQ1213CTHEA. D showed 1. Background of moderate atherosclerotic disease affecting intra cranial vasculature with questionable 2 mm left cavernous segment and right ophthalmic segment of internal carotid artery could represent small non complicated aneurysm 2. There is no evidence of vasospasm. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST Q111 CT HEAD showed 1. Unchanged trace subarachnoid hemorrhage in the left parietal sulcus and along the parafalcine right frontoparietal lobe. 2. No new hemorrhagic focus. SECOND OPINION MR NEURO PSO4 MR. ___: ___ year old woman with SAH// Please review outside MRI from ___ for evidence of vascular occlusion, venous vs arterial. TECHNIQUE: This examination was obtained on an outside institution ___ ___) on ___, and submitted for second opinion read interpretation. Sagittal T1 weighted imaging was performed. Axial imaging was performed with gradient echo, FLAIR, diffusion, and T2 technique were then obtained. COMPARISON None available. FINDINGS: There is redemonstration of left parietal sulcal FLAIR hyperintensity representing known convexal subarachnoid hemorrhage. There is no other intracranial hemorrhage. Small susceptibility there are foci of high-signal intensity identified on the DWI sequence, which are difficult to observed on the corresponding ADC map are suggesting of small areas of acute ischemia (series 2, image 65, 67, and 70). Multiple cortical based foci of signal void at susceptibility weighted images representing old microhemorrhages. Although nonspecific these findings can be seen in patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Taking into consideration limitation of the nonenhanced study; no imaging signs to suggest intracranial vascular malformation or mass lesion. Bilateral multiple periventricular and deep white matter patchy T2 FLAIR hyperintensity likely related to mild-to-moderate form of chronic microangiopathy. Generalized mild parenchymal volume loss with mild enlargement of brain sulci. There is no evolving hydrocephalus. It is appear normal, the paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are unremarkable. No aggressive osseous lesions identified. IMPRESSION: 1. Redemonstration of left parietal convexal subarachnoid hemorrhage with bilateral cortical old microhemorrhages. 2. Subcentimeter foci of high-signal intensity identified on the DWI images as described above, suggesting acute ischemic changes, however there are too small to characterize in the corresponding ADC maps. 3. Multiple cortical foci of magnetic susceptibility suggest chronic micro hemorrhagic changes. Although nonspecific these findings can be seen in patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy. 4. No imaging signs to suggest underlying vascular malformation or mass lesions. showed 1. Redemonstration of left parietal convexal subarachnoid hemorrhage with bilateral cortical old microhemorrhages. 2. Subcentimeter foci of high-signal intensity identified on the DWI images as described above, suggesting acute ischemic changes, however there are too small to characterize in the corresponding ADC maps. 3. Multiple cortical foci of magnetic susceptibility suggest chronic micro hemorrhagic changes. Although nonspecific these findings can be seen in patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy. 4. No imaging signs to suggest underlying vascular malformation or mass lesions. The patient was diagnosed with Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, unspecified, Unspecified atrial fibrillation, Long term (current) use of anticoagulants. At the time of discharge, the patient had Convexal subarachnoid hemorrhage. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>Ms. ___ is an ___ year old woman with HTN and AFib on Eliquis/metoprolol/dofetilide who was admitted to the Neurology stroke service with sudden-onset headache and small convexal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. This was most likely secondary to underlying Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, with multiple small punctate hemorrhages seen on outside hospital imaging GRE sequences, corroborated by second read at ___. She was also found to have 2 small aneurysms on CTA. She was evaluated by Neurosurgery but no intervention was recommended. In the hospital, she had a headache that improved during her stay, and her exam was notable for mild left pronation without drift but was otherwise unrevealing. Workup for a cardioembolic source of multiple small strokes was unrevealing; a TTE did not show any evidence of either intracardiac thrombus and blood cultures did not grow any organisms. Neurosurgery saw the patient and did not feel surgical intervention was warranted given the small volume of the bleed. They also did not think the small aneurysms required clipping or any further imaging or follow-up. Nimodipine was started but then held for mild hypotension and since it was a small convexal bleed. Her Eliquis was held while she was in the hospital. We will plan to hold it for 14 days from the date of hemorrhage (___). At that time, she should have a non-contrast CT scan of her head, to be arranged by her PCP. At that time, if the blood has resorbed, she can restart Eliquis 2.5mg BID. This plan has been discussed with her PCP. She will also require close control of her HTN. Her blood pressure was elevated in-house, requiring addition of amlodipine to her existing regimen of Lisinopril and metoprolol. All antiplatelet agents should be held. Of note, she has difficult to control AFib on metoprolol and dofetilide. Her PCP and cardiologist were in discussion about possible Watchman placement. If successful, this would obviate the need for future anticoagulation but will need to be pursued further as an outpatient. Her deficits improved greatly prior to discharge and were notable only for mild left pronation on pronator drift testing. She will not continue rehab at a ___ center as she has no significant residual deficits. - STOP taking Eliquis. Follow up with your PCP before restarting. - We are starting you on a bowel regimen to prevent you from straining when you go to the bathroom. This includes senna, Colace, and MiraLAX. If you are having loose stools stop taking these medications. You can take the senna and Colace regularly to keep your stools soft. You can take MiraLAX when you are still constipated and needs additional support. Please follow-up with your primary care provider for the optimal bowel regimen. - start taking Amlodipine 5mg. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: ___ y/o male who was helmeted riding a motor bike up a ramp, made a jump, turned in the air and missed his landing and landed on his head. Per report GCS 7 at the scene. MR HEAD W/O CONTRAST showed 1. Innumerable gradient echo susceptibility foci at the bihemispheric gray-white matter junction with right frontal lobe predominance, as well as involving the corpus callosum, basal ganglia, mid brain and pons, several with corresponding slow diffusion, compatible with severe diffuse axonal injury. 2. Tiny focus subarachnoid hemorrhage along the right frontal lobe as well as trace bilateral intraventricular hemorrhage. NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with Ms. ___, NP Dr. ___ via telephone on at 2:40 ___ on ___. Radiology showed No acute fracture or dislocation. MR CERVICAL SPINE W/O CONTRAST showed 1. No evidence of cervical spinal cord injury. 2. No ligamentous or osseous injury of the cervical spine. MRI of the brachial plexus without contrast showed 1. The brachial plexus is obscured by extensive edema within the region. While no tear is directly visualized, this is not excluded. No tear or avulsion of the cervical nerve roots is detected. 2. Tiny susceptibility posterior and superior to the junction of the middle and lateral thirds of the right clavicle. Correlation with open wound in this region would be helpful in consideration of a microscopic foreign body, as no obvious foreign body was seen on the recent CT. Alternatively this could represent a tiny focus of gas from prior contrast/IV injection. CHEST (PORTABLE AP)CHEST (PORTABLE AP)i showed Lungs clear. Normal cardiomediastinal silhouette and pleural surfaces. ET tube and nasogastric tube in standard placements respectively. Although no fracture is seen, conventional chest radiographs are not sensitive for detection of chest cage trauma. Regions where there are focal findings of possible trauma should be clearly marked and imaged with bone detail views. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen. Normal lung volumes. Normal size of the cardiac silhouette. Normal hilar and mediastinal structures. No pleural effusions. No pulmonary edema. The monitoring and support devices are constant in position. CHEST (PORTABLE AP) showed Heart size and mediastinum are stable. There is slight interval progression of right basal opacity concerning for developing aspiration pneumonia giving the provided history. The patient has been extubated as well as the NG tube has been removed. There is no pneumothorax or appreciable pleural effusion. Radiology showed ET and enteric tubes in appropriate position. No definite acute cardiopulmonary process. CT HEAD W/O CONTRAST showed 1. Tiny hyperdensities in the right temporal, left frontal lobes may represent hemorrhagic contusions. In the appropriate clinical setting these may represent diffuse axonal injury. 2. Small hyperdensity in the right frontal lobe may be a small subarachnoid hemorrhage. NOTIFICATION: Findings were discussed with the trauma surgery team in person by ___. CT C-SPINE W/O CONTRAST showed No fracture or traumatic malalignment. CT CHEST/ABD/PELVIS W/ CONTRAST showed 1. Incomplete, nondisplaced right posterior rib fracture. 2. No solid organ or other injuries are seen. The patient was diagnosed with SUBARACH HEM-COMA NOS, FALL-1 LEVEL TO OTH NEC. At the time of discharge, the patient had Closed head injury Left frontal contusion Altered mental status Respiratory failure Diffuse axonal injury Pneumonia. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>This patient came in as an EU Critical. He was evaluated by trauma surgery in the trauma bay and found priliminarly to have an isolated head injury. Upon evaluation and examination of the patient off sedation we documented a GCS of five. Patient was admitted to the Trauma ICU. He remained intubated and throughout the night, his exam improved. MRI head was performed which confirmed ___. He had an increase in temperature and he was cooled. On ___, his exam improved. C-spine imaging and brachial plexus imaging were normal. Cooling was stopped and he was started on precedex. On ___, he continued to move all extremities and follow simple commands L>R. He was extubated successfully. A speech and swallow evaluation was ordered. On ___, patient was alert to self, month, and year. He followed commands well on the L side, the RUE and RLE had minimal movement. Speech and swallow evaluated the patient and he was cleared for a ground solid and nectar thick liquid diet. ___ was also consulted. Transfer orders to the floor were written. On ___ and ___, Mr. ___ remained stable on the floor and ___ continued to consult. Rehab was recommended and screening begun. Mr. ___ was discharge to a rehabilitation facility on ___. At the time of discharge, he was afebrile, hemodynamically and neurologically stable. Per discharge instructions, he should follow up with Dr. ___ Neurosurgery. Also, he will need an outpatient EMG for further assessment of a right brachial plexus injury.</s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> Act as a health expert <</SYS>> create brief hospital course of the following text: Mr. ___ is a ___ gentleman with a h/o locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma (s/p chemo/XRT, currently C5D28 Gemcitabine), DM, CAD, Afib on dabigatran, acromegaly, DVT ___, and recurrent biliary sepsis. He was recently admitted on ___ for septic shock due to cholangitis, during which he required pressor support. ERCP during that admission drained frank pus with the previous plastic stent removed. Prior metal stent was also noted to be occluded, so 2 new stents were placed with good flow. He was discharged on ___ and has continued Cipro/Flagyl. Radiology showed 1. Unchanged position of the biliary stent with stable moderate-to-severe left hepatic biliary duct dilation and slight interval increase in the mild right hepatic biliary duct dilation. No evidence of abnormal ___ enhancement. No evidence of a hepatic abscess. 2. Large amount of intra-abdominal ascites, unchanged from the prior exam. 3. Unchanged appearance of the pancreatic mass. 4. Unchanged appearance of the chronic portal vein thrombosis. 5. Unchanged position of the gastric band with free tubing terminating in the anterior left mid abdomen; recommend correlation with prior surgical history. 6. Mild thickening of the bladder wall, possibly due to secondary inflammatory changes, though cystitis is difficult to exclude. Recommend correlation with UA. Radiology showed Increased right basilar opacity, potentially atelectasis but infection is not excluded. Small right-sided pleural effusion. Radiology showed Successful crossing of the left hepatic duct stricture and metallic stent placement. Radiology showed 1. Normal bowel gas pattern without evidence of ileus or obstruction. 2. The diaphragms are never included in the field of view, however there are no secondary signs of free air. 3. Small amount of expected pneumobilia. Radiology showed 1. Left PICC line terminates in the right atrium. The line may be withdrawn by 3 cm to place the tip in the lower SVC. 2. Increased opacity at right lung base with obscuration of the right heart border, likely secondary to a right middle lobe pneumonia. Findings were communicated with ___, IV nurse, ___ at time of observation at 2:57 p.m. and with Dr. ___ at 5 p.m. on ___. The patient was diagnosed with SEPTICEMIA NOS, SEVERE SEPSIS , SEPTIC SHOCK, ANEMIA NOS, ACCIDENT NOS. The patient was treated with ___: ERCP ___: ERCP ___: PTC ___: ___ placement. At the time of discharge, the patient had Primary: 1) Biliary sepsis 2) Fungemia 3) Hypotension. The patient was given written instructions concerning precautionary instructions and the appropriate follow-up care. All questions were answered prior to discharge. The patient expressed readiness for discharge. [/INST] </s><s>___ with locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma (s/p chemo/XRT, recently s/p C5 Gemcitabine), DM, CAD, Afib on dabigatran, acromegaly, DVT ___, and recurrent biliary sepsis, admitted for abdominal pain and hypotension, found to have Klebsiella bacteremia, s/p ___ PTC and stent placement, now with Candidemia.</s>