public function readUIntBySize($size) { if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_CHAR_LENGTH) { return $this->readUInt8(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_SHORT_LENGTH) { return $this->readUInt16(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_INT24_LENGTH) { return $this->readUInt24(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_INT32_LENGTH) { return $this->readUInt32(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_INT40_LENGTH) { return $this->readUInt40(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_INT48_LENGTH) { return $this->readUInt48(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_INT56_LENGTH) { return $this->readUInt56(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_INT64_LENGTH) { return $this->readUInt64(); } throw new BinaryDataReaderException('$size ' . $size . ' not handled'); }
Read a little endian integer values based on byte number @param int $size @return mixed @throws BinaryDataReaderException
public function readIntBeBySize($size) { if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_CHAR_LENGTH) { return $this->readInt8(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_SHORT_LENGTH) { return $this->readInt16Be(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_INT24_LENGTH) { return $this->readInt24Be(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_INT32_LENGTH) { return $this->readInt32Be(); } if ($size === self::UNSIGNED_INT40_LENGTH) { return $this->readInt40Be(); } throw new BinaryDataReaderException('$size ' . $size . ' not handled'); }
Read a big endian integer values based on byte number @param int $size @return int @throws BinaryDataReaderException
public function getBinarySlice($binary, $start, $size, $binaryLength) { $binary >>= $binaryLength - ($start + $size); $mask = ((1 << $size) - 1); return $binary & $mask; }
Read a part of binary data and extract a number @param int $binary @param int $start @param int $size @param int $binaryLength @return int
public function getMultiple($keys, $default = null) { $data = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { if ($this->has($key)) { $data[$key] = self::$tableMapCache[$key]; } } return [] !== $data ? $data : $default; }
Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys. @param iterable $keys A list of keys that can obtained in a single operation. @param mixed $default Default value to return for keys that do not exist. @return iterable A list of key => value pairs. Cache keys that do not exist or are stale will have $default as value. @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException MUST be thrown if $keys is neither an array nor a Traversable, or if any of the $keys are not a legal value.
public function set($key, $value, $ttl = null) { // automatically clear table cache to save memory if (count(self::$tableMapCache) > Config::getTableCacheSize()) { self::$tableMapCache = array_slice( self::$tableMapCache, ceil(Config::getTableCacheSize() / 2), null, true ); } self::$tableMapCache[$key] = $value; return true; }
Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time. @param string $key The key of the item to store. @param mixed $value The value of the item to store, must be serializable. @param null|int|\DateInterval $ttl Optional. The TTL value of this item. If no value is sent and the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. @return bool True on success and false on failure. @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
protected function getDecimal(array $column) { $digitsPerInteger = 9; $compressedBytes = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4]; $integral = $column['precision'] - $column['decimals']; $unCompIntegral = (int)($integral / $digitsPerInteger); $unCompFractional = (int)($column['decimals'] / $digitsPerInteger); $compIntegral = $integral - ($unCompIntegral * $digitsPerInteger); $compFractional = $column['decimals'] - ($unCompFractional * $digitsPerInteger); $value = $this->binaryDataReader->readUInt8(); if (0 !== ($value & 0x80)) { $mask = 0; $res = ''; } else { $mask = -1; $res = '-'; } $this->binaryDataReader->unread(pack('C', $value ^ 0x80)); $size = $compressedBytes[$compIntegral]; if ($size > 0) { $value = $this->binaryDataReader->readIntBeBySize($size) ^ $mask; $res .= $value; } for ($i = 0; $i < $unCompIntegral; ++$i) { $value = $this->binaryDataReader->readInt32Be() ^ $mask; $res .= sprintf('%09d', $value); } $res .= '.'; for ($i = 0; $i < $unCompFractional; ++$i) { $value = $this->binaryDataReader->readInt32Be() ^ $mask; $res .= sprintf('%09d', $value); } $size = $compressedBytes[$compFractional]; if ($size > 0) { $value = $this->binaryDataReader->readIntBeBySize($size) ^ $mask; $res .= sprintf('%0' . $compFractional . 'd', $value); } return bcmul($res, 1, $column['precision']); }
Read MySQL's new decimal format introduced in MySQL 5 @param array $column @return string @throws BinaryDataReaderException
protected function getDatetime2(array $column) { $data = $this->binaryDataReader->readIntBeBySize(5); $yearMonth = $this->binaryDataReader->getBinarySlice($data, 1, 17, 40); $year = (int)($yearMonth / 13); $month = $yearMonth % 13; $day = $this->binaryDataReader->getBinarySlice($data, 18, 5, 40); $hour = $this->binaryDataReader->getBinarySlice($data, 23, 5, 40); $minute = $this->binaryDataReader->getBinarySlice($data, 28, 6, 40); $second = $this->binaryDataReader->getBinarySlice($data, 34, 6, 40); try { $date = new \DateTime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day . ' ' . $hour . ':' . $minute . ':' . $second); } catch (\Exception $exception) { return null; } // not all errors are thrown as exception :( if (array_sum(\DateTime::getLastErrors()) > 0) { return null; } return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . $this->getFSP($column); }
Date Time 1 bit sign (1= non-negative, 0= negative) 17 bits year*13+month (year 0-9999, month 0-12) 5 bits day (0-31) 5 bits hour (0-23) 6 bits minute (0-59) 6 bits second (0-59) --------------------------- 40 bits = 5 bytes @param array $column @return string|null @throws BinaryDataReaderException @link
protected function getTime2(array $column) { $data = $this->binaryDataReader->readInt24Be(); $hour = $this->binaryDataReader->getBinarySlice($data, 2, 10, 24); $minute = $this->binaryDataReader->getBinarySlice($data, 12, 6, 24); $second = $this->binaryDataReader->getBinarySlice($data, 18, 6, 24); return (new \DateTime())->setTime($hour, $minute, $second)->format('H:i:s') . $this->getFSP($column); }
TIME encoding for non fractional part: 1 bit sign (1= non-negative, 0= negative) 1 bit unused (reserved for future extensions) 10 bits hour (0-838) 6 bits minute (0-59) 6 bits second (0-59) --------------------- 24 bits = 3 bytes @param array $column @return string @throws BinaryDataReaderException
protected function getBit(array $column) { $res = ''; for ($byte = 0; $byte < $column['bytes']; ++$byte) { $current_byte = ''; $data = $this->binaryDataReader->readUInt8(); if (0 === $byte) { if (1 === $column['bytes']) { $end = $column['bits']; } else { $end = $column['bits'] % 8; if (0 === $end) { $end = 8; } } } else { $end = 8; } for ($bit = 0; $bit < $end; ++$bit) { if ($data & (1 << $bit)) { $current_byte .= '1'; } else { $current_byte .= '0'; } } $res .= strrev($current_byte); } return $res; }
Read MySQL BIT type @param array $column @return string
private function isWriteSuccessful($data) { $head = ord($data[0]); if (!in_array($head, $this->packageOkHeader, true)) { $errorCode = unpack('v', $data[1] . $data[2])[1]; $errorMessage = ''; $packetLength = strlen($data); for ($i = 9; $i < $packetLength; ++$i) { $errorMessage .= $data[$i]; } throw new BinLogException($errorMessage, $errorCode); } }
@param string $data @throws BinLogException
private static function getCapabilities() { /* Left only as information $foundRows = 1 << 1; $connectWithDb = 1 << 3; $compress = 1 << 5; $odbc = 1 << 6; $localFiles = 1 << 7; $ignoreSpace = 1 << 8; $multiStatements = 1 << 16; $multiResults = 1 << 17; $interactive = 1 << 10; $ssl = 1 << 11; $ignoreSigPipe = 1 << 12; */ $noSchema = 1 << 4; $longPassword = 1; $longFlag = 1 << 2; $transactions = 1 << 13; $secureConnection = 1 << 15; $protocol41 = 1 << 9; return ($longPassword | $longFlag | $transactions | $protocol41 | $secureConnection | $noSchema); } @return int
public function getAll($termType) { $arr = array(); foreach ($this->terms as $term) { if ((string)$term->getTermType() === $termType) { array_push($arr, $term); } } return $arr; }
Returns all terms that have the given term type, or empty array if none. @param string $termType @return Term[]
public function getFirst($termType) { foreach ($this->terms as $term) { if ((string)$term->getTermType() === $termType) { return $term; } } return null; }
Returns the first term that has the given term type, or null if none. @param string $termType @return Term
public function convert($asset, $basePath) { $extension = $this->getExtension($asset); if ($extension !== 'scss') { return $asset; } $cssAsset = $this->getCssAsset($asset, 'css'); $inFile = "$basePath/$asset"; $outFile = "$basePath/$cssAsset"; $this->compiler->setImportPaths(dirname($inFile)); if (!$this->storage->exists($inFile)) { Yii::error("Input file $inFile not found.", __METHOD__); return $asset; } $this->convertAndSaveIfNeeded($inFile, $outFile); return $cssAsset; }
Converts a given SCSS asset file into a CSS file. @param string $asset the asset file path, relative to $basePath @param string $basePath the directory the $asset is relative to. @return string the converted asset file path, relative to $basePath.
protected function getCssAsset(string $filename, string $newExtension): string { $extensionlessFilename = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME); /** @var int $filenamePosition */ $filenamePosition = strrpos($filename, $extensionlessFilename); $relativePath = substr($filename, 0, $filenamePosition); return "$relativePath$extensionlessFilename.$newExtension"; }
Get the relative path and filename of the asset @param string $filename e.g. path/asset.css @param string $newExtension e.g. scss @return string e.g. path/asset.scss
public function getConfigTreeBuilder() { $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder('core23_antispam'); // Keep compatibility with symfony/config < 4.2 if (!method_exists($treeBuilder, 'getRootNode')) { $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('core23_antispam'); } else { $rootNode = $treeBuilder->getRootNode(); } \assert($rootNode instanceof ArrayNodeDefinition); $this->addTwigSection($rootNode); $this->addTimeSection($rootNode); $this->addHoneypotSection($rootNode); return $treeBuilder; }
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void { if (!$options['antispam_honeypot']) { return; } $builder ->setAttribute('antispam_honeypot_factory', $builder->getFormFactory()) ->addEventSubscriber(new AntiSpamHoneypotListener($this->translator, $options['antispam_honeypot_field'])) ; }
public function finishView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options): void { if ($view->parent || !$options['antispam_honeypot'] || !$options['compound']) { return; } if ($form->has($options['antispam_honeypot_field'])) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Honeypot field "%s" is already used.', $options['antispam_honeypot_field'])); } $factory = $form->getConfig()->getAttribute('antispam_honeypot_factory'); if (!$factory instanceof FormFactoryInterface) { throw new RuntimeException('Invalid form factory to create a honeyput.'); } $formOptions = $this->createViewOptions($options); $formView = $factory ->createNamed($options['antispam_honeypot_field'], TextType::class, null, $formOptions) ->createView($view) ; $view->children[$options['antispam_honeypot_field']] = $formView; }
private function createViewOptions(array $options): array { $formOptions = [ 'mapped' => false, 'label' => false, 'required' => false, ]; if (!\array_key_exists('antispam_honeypot_class', $options) || null === $options['antispam_honeypot_class']) { $formOptions['attr'] = [ 'style' => 'display:none', ]; } else { $formOptions['attr'] = [ 'class' => $options['antispam_honeypot_class'], ]; } return $formOptions; }
@param array $options @return array
public function createFormProtection(string $name): void { $startTime = new DateTime(); $key = $this->getSessionKey($name); $this->session->set($key, $startTime); }
public function isValid(string $name, array $options): bool { $startTime = $this->getFormTime($name); if (null === $startTime) { return false; } $currentTime = new DateTime(); if (\array_key_exists('min', $options) && null !== $options['min']) { $minTime = clone $startTime; $minTime->modify(sprintf('+%d seconds', $options['min'])); if ($minTime > $currentTime) { return false; } } if (\array_key_exists('max', $options) && null !== $options['max']) { $maxTime = clone $startTime; $maxTime->modify(sprintf('+%d seconds', $options['max'])); if ($maxTime < $currentTime) { return false; } } return true; }
public function removeFormProtection(string $name): void { $key = $this->getSessionKey($name); $this->session->remove($key); }
private function hasFormProtection(string $name): bool { $key = $this->getSessionKey($name); return $this->session->has($key); }
Check if a form has a time protection. @param string $name @return bool
private function getFormTime(string $name): ?DateTime { $key = $this->getSessionKey($name); if ($this->hasFormProtection($name)) { return $this->session->get($key); } return null; }
Gets the form time for specified form. @param string $name Name of form to get @return DateTime|null
public static function fromEncoded(string $encoded): self { $decoded = \json_decode($encoded); if (null === $decoded && \JSON_ERROR_NONE !== \json_last_error()) { throw Exception\InvalidJsonEncodedException::fromEncoded($encoded); } return new self( $encoded, $decoded ); }
@param string $encoded @throws Exception\InvalidJsonEncodedException @return self
public function format(): Format\Format { if (null === $this->format) { $this->format = Format\Format::fromJson($this); } return $this->format; }
Returns the format of the original JSON value. @return Format\Format
public static function detectMbstringOverload() { // this method can be removed when minimal php version is bumped to the version with mbstring.func_overload removed $funcOverload = intval(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')); // false and empty string will be 0 and the test will pass if ($funcOverload & self::MBSTRING_OVERLOAD_CONFLICT) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart // This exception is thrown on a misconfiguration that is not possible to be set dynamically // and therefore is excluded from testing throw new RuntimeException( sprintf('mbstring.func_overload is set to %d, func_overload level 2 has known conflicts with Bencode library', $funcOverload) ); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } }
public function setSerialized($serialized) { try { parent::setSerialized($serialized); } catch (\Exception $e) { Yii::error('Failed to unserlialize cart: ' . $e->getMessage(), __METHOD__); $this->_positions = []; $this->saveToSession(); } }
Sets cart from serialized string @param string $serialized
public function addXmls($importXml = false, $offersXml = false, $ordersXml = false) { $this->loadImportXml($importXml); $this->loadOffersXml($offersXml); $this->loadOrdersXml($ordersXml); }
Add XML files. @param string|bool $importXml @param string|bool $offersXml @param bool $ordersXml
private function push(int $newState) { array_push($this->stateStack, $this->state); $this->state = $newState; if ($this->state !== self::STATE_ROOT) { array_push($this->valueStack, $this->value); } $this->value = []; }
Push previous layer to the stack and set new state @param int $newState
private function pop($valueToPrevLevel) { $this->state = array_pop($this->stateStack); if ($this->state !== self::STATE_ROOT) { $this->value = array_pop($this->valueStack); $this->value []= $valueToPrevLevel; } else { // we have final result $this->decoded = $valueToPrevLevel; } }
Pop previous layer from the stack and give it a parsed value @param mixed $valueToPrevLevel
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options): void { if (!$options['antispam_time']) { return; } $providerOptions = [ 'min' => $options['antispam_time_min'], 'max' => $options['antispam_time_max'], ]; $builder ->addEventSubscriber(new AntiSpamTimeListener($this->timeProvider, $this->translator, $providerOptions)) ; }
public function finishView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options): void { if ($view->parent || !$options['antispam_time'] || !$options['compound']) { return; } $this->timeProvider->createFormProtection($form->getName()); }
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void { $resolver ->setDefaults([ 'antispam_time' => $this->defaults['global'], 'antispam_time_min' => $this->defaults['min'], 'antispam_time_max' => $this->defaults['max'], ]) ->setAllowedTypes('antispam_time', 'bool') ->setAllowedTypes('antispam_time_min', 'int') ->setAllowedTypes('antispam_time_max', 'int') ; }
public function antispam(string $string, bool $html = true): string { if ($html) { return preg_replace_callback(self::MAIL_HTML_PATTERN, [$this, 'encryptMail'], $string) ?: ''; } return preg_replace_callback(self::MAIL_TEXT_PATTERN, [$this, 'encryptMailText'], $string) ?: ''; }
Replaces E-Mail addresses with an alternative text representation. @param string $string input string @param bool $html Secure html or text @return string with replaced links
private function encryptMailText(array $matches): string { $email = $matches[1]; return $this->getSecuredName($email). $this->mailAtText[array_rand($this->mailAtText)]. $this->getSecuredName($email, true); }
@param string[] $matches @return string
private function encryptMail(array $matches): string { [, $email, $text] = $matches; if ($text === $email) { $text = ''; } return '<span'.(!empty($this->mailCssClass) ? ' class="'.$this->mailCssClass.'"' : '').'>'. '<span>'.$this->getSecuredName($email).'</span>'. $this->mailAtText[array_rand($this->mailAtText)]. '<span>'.$this->getSecuredName($email, true).'</span>'. ($text ? ' (<span>'.$text.'</span>)' : ''). '</span>'; }
@param string[] $matches @return string
private function getSecuredName(string $name, bool $isDomain = false): string { $index = strpos($name, '@'); \assert(false !== $index && -1 !== $index); if ($isDomain) { $name = substr($name, $index + 1); } else { $name = substr($name, 0, $index); } return str_replace('.', $this->mailDotText[array_rand($this->mailDotText)], $name ?: ''); }
@param string $name @param bool $isDomain @return string
public function import(Category $category, ImportRecordsDataTable $importRecordsDataTable) { return $importRecordsDataTable->with([ 'resource' => $category, 'tabs' => 'adminarea.categories.tabs', 'url' => route('adminarea.categories.stash'), 'id' => "adminarea-categories-{$category->getRouteKey()}-import-table", ])->render('cortex/foundation::adminarea.pages.datatable-dropzone'); }
Import categories. @param \Cortex\Categories\Models\Category $category @param \Cortex\Foundation\DataTables\ImportRecordsDataTable $importRecordsDataTable @return \Illuminate\View\View
protected function process(FormRequest $request, Category $category) { // Prepare required input fields $data = $request->validated(); // Save category $category->fill($data)->save(); return intend([ 'url' => route('adminarea.categories.index'), 'with' => ['success' => trans('cortex/foundation::messages.resource_saved', ['resource' => trans('cortex/categories::common.category'), 'identifier' => $category->name])], ]); }
Process stored/updated category. @param \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest $request @param \Cortex\Categories\Models\Category $category @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
public function destroy(Category $category) { $category->delete(); return intend([ 'url' => route('adminarea.categories.index'), 'with' => ['warning' => trans('cortex/foundation::messages.resource_deleted', ['resource' => trans('cortex/categories::common.category'), 'identifier' => $category->name])], ]); }
Destroy given category. @param \Cortex\Categories\Models\Category $category @throws \Exception @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse|\Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
public static function fromString(string $string): self { if (1 !== \preg_match('/^(?>\r\n|\n|\r)$/', $string)) { throw Exception\InvalidNewLineStringException::fromString($string); } return new self($string); }
@param string $string @throws Exception\InvalidNewLineStringException @return self
public static function fromString(string $string): self { if (1 !== \preg_match('/^( *|\t+)$/', $string)) { throw Exception\InvalidIndentStringException::fromString($string); } return new self($string); }
@param string $string @throws Exception\InvalidIndentStringException @return self
public static function fromSizeAndStyle(int $size, string $style): self { $minimumSize = 1; if ($minimumSize > $size) { throw Exception\InvalidIndentSizeException::fromSizeAndMinimumSize( $size, $minimumSize ); } $characters = [ 'space' => ' ', 'tab' => "\t", ]; if (!\array_key_exists($style, $characters)) { throw Exception\InvalidIndentStyleException::fromStyleAndAllowedStyles( $style, ...\array_keys($characters) ); } $value = \str_repeat( $characters[$style], $size ); return new self($value); }
@param int $size @param string $style @throws Exception\InvalidIndentSizeException @throws Exception\InvalidIndentStyleException @return self
public function xpath($path) { $this->registerNamespace(); if (!$this->namespaceRegistered) { $path = str_replace('c:', '', $path); } return $this->xml->xpath($path); }
Лучше использовать данный метод, вместо стандартного xpath у SimpleXMLElement, т.к. есть проблемы с неймспейсами xmlns Для каждого элемента необходимо указывать наймспейс "c", например: //c:Свойство/c:ВариантыЗначений/c:Справочник[c:ИдЗначения = '{$id}'] @param string $path @return \SimpleXMLElement[]
private function normalizeData($data, \stdClass $schema) { if (\is_array($data)) { return $this->normalizeArray( $data, $schema ); } if ($data instanceof \stdClass) { return $this->normalizeObject( $data, $schema ); } return $data; }
@param null|array|bool|float|int|\stdClass|string $data @param \stdClass $schema @throws \InvalidArgumentException @return null|array|bool|float|int|\stdClass|string
public function register(): void { // Bind eloquent models to IoC container $this->app['config']['rinvex.categories.models.category'] === Category::class || $this->app->alias('rinvex.categories.category', Category::class); // Register console commands ! $this->app->runningInConsole() || $this->registerCommands(); }
Register any application services. This service provider is a great spot to register your various container bindings with the application. As you can see, we are registering our "Registrar" implementation here. You can add your own bindings too! @return void
public function boot(Router $router): void { // Bind route models and constrains $router->pattern('category', '[a-zA-Z0-9-]+'); $router->model('category', config('rinvex.categories.models.category')); // Map relations Relation::morphMap([ 'category' => config('rinvex.categories.models.category'), ]); // Load resources require __DIR__.'/../../routes/breadcrumbs/adminarea.php'; $this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__.'/../../routes/web/adminarea.php'); $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/../../resources/views', 'cortex/categories'); $this->loadTranslationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../../resources/lang', 'cortex/categories'); ! $this->app->runningInConsole() || $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../../database/migrations'); $this->app->runningInConsole() || $this->app->afterResolving('blade.compiler', function () { require __DIR__.'/../../routes/menus/adminarea.php'; }); // Publish Resources ! $this->app->runningInConsole() || $this->publishResources(); }
Bootstrap any application services. @return void
public static function dump(string $filename, $data, array $options = []): bool { return file_put_contents($filename, self::encode($data, $options)) !== false; }
Dump data to bencoded file @param string $filename @param mixed $data @param array $options @return bool success of file_put_contents
public function toString() { $str = $this->protocol . '://' . $this->hostName; if ($this->protocol==='http' && $this->portNumber==80) { //don't add port } else if ($this->protocol==='https' && $this->portNumber==443) { //don't add port } else { $str .= ':'. $this->portNumber; } return $str; }
Returns something like '' and omits the port if it's a default port (like 80 for http).
public function init() { parent::init(); if (!$this->has(static::CART_COMPONENT_ID)) { $this->set(static::CART_COMPONENT_ID, array_merge([ 'class' => 'hiqdev\yii2\cart\ShoppingCart', ], $this->shoppingCartOptions)); } $this->get(static::CART_COMPONENT_ID)->module = $this; $this->registerTranslations(); }
{@inheritdoc} @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
public function load(array $configs, ContainerBuilder $container): void { $configuration = new Configuration(); $config = $this->processConfiguration($configuration, $configs); $loader = new Loader\XmlFileLoader($container, new FileLocator(__DIR__.'/../Resources/config')); $loader->load('services.xml'); $this->configureTwig($config, $container); $this->configureTime($container, $config); $this->configureHoneypot($container, $config); }
public static function fromInt(int $value): self { if (0 > $value) { throw Exception\InvalidJsonEncodeOptionsException::fromJsonEncodeOptions($value); } return new self($value); }
@param int $value @throws Exception\InvalidJsonEncodeOptionsException @return JsonEncodeOptions
public function src($email, $size = null, $rating = null) { if (is_null($size)) { $size = $this->defaultSize; } $size = max(1, min(self::MAX_SIZE, $size)); $this->setAvatarSize($size); if (!is_null($rating)) { $this->setMaxRating($rating); } return $this->buildGravatarURL($email); }
Return the URL of a Gravatar. Note: it does not check for the existence of this Gravatar. @param string $email The email address. @param int $size Override the size of the Gravatar. @param null|string $rating Override the default rating if you want to. @return string The URL of the Gravatar.
public function image($email, $alt = null, $attributes = [], $rating = null) { $dimensions = []; if (array_key_exists('width', $attributes)) { $dimensions[] = $attributes['width']; } if (array_key_exists('height', $attributes)) { $dimensions[] = $attributes['height']; } if (count($dimensions) > 0) { $size = min(self::MAX_SIZE, max($dimensions)); } else { $size = $this->defaultSize; } $src = $this->src($email, $size, $rating); if (!array_key_exists('width', $attributes) && !array_key_exists('height', $attributes)) { $attributes['width'] = $this->size; $attributes['height'] = $this->size; } return $this->formatImage($src, $alt, $attributes); }
Return the code of HTML image for a Gravatar. @param string $email The email address. @param string $alt The alt attribute for the image. @param array $attributes Override the 'height' and the 'width' of the image if you want. @param null|string $rating Override the default rating if you want to. @return string The code of the HTML image.
public function exists($email) { $this->setDefaultImage('404'); $url = $this->buildGravatarURL($email); $headers = get_headers($url, 1); return substr($headers[0], 9, 3) == '200'; }
Check if a Gravatar image exists. @param string $email The email address. @return bool True if the Gravatar exists, false otherwise.
public function getClass($className) { $collect = $this->models->filter( function ($element) use ($className) { return $element instanceof ClassModel && $element->getName() === $className; } ); if (count($collect) === 0) { throw new \Exception( sprintf('Class "%s" not found.', $className) ); } return $collect->first(); }
public function getNamespace($namespaceName) { $collect = $this->models->filter( function ($element) use ($namespaceName) { $accept = ($element->getNamespaceName() === $namespaceName) && ($element instanceof ClassModel); return $accept; } ); if (count($collect) === 0) { throw new \Exception( sprintf('Namespace "%s" not found.', $namespaceName) ); } return $collect; }
public function getNamespace($namespaceName) { $classes = $this->broker->getNamespace($namespaceName)->getClasses(); return array_values($classes); }
protected function renderObjects() { $clusterString = ''; foreach ($this->objects as $ns => $objects) { $undeclared = false; if (!empty($ns)) { $clusterString .= $this->formatLine('namespace ' . str_replace('\\', '.', $ns) . ' %fillcolor% {'); } foreach ($objects as $shortName => $values) { $clusterString .= $values['pre']; if ($values['undeclared']) { $undeclared = true; } } if (!empty($ns)) { if ($undeclared) { // set background-color of undeclared namespace elements $clusterString = str_replace('%fillcolor%', '#EB937F', $clusterString); } else { $clusterString = str_replace('%fillcolor%', '', $clusterString); } $clusterString .= $this->formatLine('}'); } } return $clusterString; }
Prints all objects (class, interface, trait) @return string
protected function pushObject( $ns, $shortName, $longName, $type, $stereotype = '', $undeclared = true, $constants = array(), $properties = array(), $methods = array() ) { if (empty($stereotype)) { $stereotype = sprintf('<< %s >>', $type); } $indent = 1; $objectString = $this->formatLine( sprintf( '%s %s %s {', $type, $shortName, $stereotype ), $indent ); $indent++; // prints class constants $objectString .= $this->writeConstantElements($constants, '%s%s', $indent); if (count($constants) && count($properties)) { // print separator between constants and properties $objectString .= $this->formatLine('..', $indent); } // prints class properties $objectString .= $this->writePropertyElements($properties, '%s%s', $indent); if (count($methods) && (count($properties) || count($constants)) ) { // print separator between properties and methods or constants and methods $objectString .= $this->formatLine('--', $indent); } // prints class methods $objectString .= $this->writeMethodElements($methods, '%s%s()', $indent); $objectString .= $this->formatLine('}', --$indent); $this->objects[$ns][$shortName] = array( 'undeclared' => $undeclared, 'pre' => $objectString ); }
protected function getDefaultInputDefinition() { $definition = parent::getDefaultInputDefinition(); if (\Phar::running()) { $definition->addOption( new InputOption( '--manifest', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show which versions of dependencies are bundled.' ) ); } return $definition; }
protected function getDefaultCommands() { $defaultCommands = parent::getDefaultCommands(); $defaultCommands[] = new DiagramRender(); $defaultCommands[] = new DiagramRenderClass(); $defaultCommands[] = new DiagramRenderNamespace(); return $defaultCommands; }
public function renderClass($className) { $this->reset(); $this->writeObjectElement( $this->reflector->getClass($className) ); return $this->render(); }
public function renderNamespace($namespaceName) { $this->reset(); foreach ($this->reflector->getNamespace($namespaceName) as $object) { $this->writeObjectElement($object); } return $this->render(); }
public function render() { // starts main graph $graph = $this->writeGraphHeader(); // one or more namespace/object if (empty($this->objects)) { $namespaces = array(); foreach ($this->reflector->getClasses() as $class) { $ns = $class->getNamespaceName(); if (in_array($ns, $namespaces)) { continue; } $namespaces[] = $ns; // proceed objects of a same namespace foreach ($this->reflector->getNamespace($ns) as $object) { $this->writeObjectElement($object); } } } // prints all namespaces with objects $graph .= $this->renderObjects(); // prints all edges $graph .= $this->renderEdges(); // ends main graph $graph .= $this->writeGraphFooter(); return $graph; }
protected function renderEdges($indent) { $edgeString = ''; foreach (array_unique($this->edges) as $edge) { $edgeString .= $this->formatLine($edge, $indent); } return $edgeString; }
Renders all edges (extends, implements) connecting objects @param int $indent Indent multiplier (greater or equal to zero) @return string
protected function formatLine($string, $indent = 0) { return str_repeat($this->spaces, $indent) . $string . $this->linebreak; }
Formats a line
protected function writeObjectElement($object) { $stereotype = ''; if ($object->isTrait()) { $type = 'class'; $stereotype = '<< (T,#FF7700) trait >>'; } elseif ($object->isInterface()) { $type = 'interface'; } elseif ($object->isAbstract()) { $type = 'abstract'; } else { $type = 'class'; } $this->pushObject( $object->getNamespaceName(), $object->getShortName(), $object->getName(), $type, $stereotype, false, $object->getConstants(), $object->getProperties(), $object->getMethods() ); // prints inheritance (if exists) $parentName = $object->getParentClassName(); if ($parentName) { $this->writeObjectInheritance($object, $parentName); } // prints interfaces (if exists) $interfaces = $object->getInterfaceNames(); if (count($interfaces)) { $this->writeObjectInterfaces($object, $interfaces); } }
Prints class/interface/trait @param ReflectionClass $object class/interface/trait instance
protected function writeObjectInheritance($object, $parentName) { try { $parent = $this->reflector->getClass($parentName); $longName = $parent->getName(); $this->writeObjectElement($parent); } catch (\Exception $e) { // object is undeclared in data source $parts = explode('\\', $parentName); $shortName = array_pop($parts); $longName = $parentName; $ns = implode($this->namespaceSeparator, $parts); if (!isset($this->objects[$ns])) { $this->objects[$ns] = array(); } if (!array_key_exists($shortName, $this->objects[$ns])) { $type = $object->isInterface() ? 'interface' : 'class'; $this->pushObject($ns, $shortName, $longName, $type); } } $this->pushEdge(array($object->getName(), $longName)); }
Prints an object inheritance @param ReflectionClass $object class/interface instance @param string $parentName Fully qualified name of the parent @return void
protected function writeObjectInterfaces($object, $interfaces) { foreach ($interfaces as $interfaceName) { try { $interface = $this->reflector->getClass($interfaceName); $longName = $interface->getName(); $this->writeObjectElement($interface); } catch (\Exception $e) { // interface is undeclared in data source $parts = explode('\\', $interfaceName); $shortName = array_pop($parts); $longName = $interfaceName; $ns = implode($this->namespaceSeparator, $parts); if (!isset($this->objects[$ns])) { $this->objects[$ns] = array(); } if (!array_key_exists($shortName, $this->objects[$ns])) { $this->pushObject($ns, $shortName, $longName, 'interface'); } } $this->pushEdge( array($object->getName(), $longName), array('arrowhead' => 'empty', 'style' => 'dashed') ); } }
Prints interfaces that implement an object @param ReflectionClass $object class/interface instance @param array $interfaces Names of each interface implemented @return void
protected function writeConstantElements($constants, $format = '%s %s\l', $indent = -1) { $constantString = ''; foreach ($constants as $name => $value) { $line = sprintf($format, '+', $name); if ($indent >= 0) { $constantString .= $this->formatLine($line, $indent); } else { $constantString .= $line; } } return $constantString; }
Prints class constants @param ReflectionConstant[] $constants List of constant instance @param string $format (optional) Constant formatter @param int $indent (optional) Indent multiplier @return string
protected function writePropertyElements($properties, $format = '%s %s\l', $indent = -1) { $propertyString = ''; foreach ($properties as $property) { if ($property->isPrivate()) { $visibility = '-'; } elseif ($property->isProtected()) { $visibility = '#'; } else { $visibility = '+'; } $line = sprintf( $format, $visibility, $property->getName() ); if ($indent >= 0) { $propertyString .= $this->formatLine($line, $indent); } else { $propertyString .= $line; } } return $propertyString; }
Prints class properties @param ReflectionProperty[] $properties List of property instance @param string $format (optional) Property formatter @param int $indent (optional) Indent multiplier @return string
protected function writeMethodElements($methods, $format = '%s %s()\l', $indent = -1) { $methodString = ''; foreach ($methods as $method) { if ($method->isPrivate()) { $visibility = '-'; } elseif ($method->isProtected()) { $visibility = '#'; } else { $visibility = '+'; } if ($method->isStatic()) { $modifier = '<u>%s</u>'; } elseif ($method->isAbstract()) { $modifier = '<i>%s</i>'; } else { $modifier = '%s'; } $line = sprintf( $format, $visibility, sprintf($modifier, $method->getShortName()) ); if ($indent >= 0) { $methodString .= $this->formatLine($line, $indent); } else { $methodString .= $line; } } return $methodString; }
Prints class methods @param ReflectionMethod[] $methods List of method instance @param string $format (optional) Method formatter @param int $indent (optional) Indent multiplier @return string
protected function renderObjects() { static $cluster = 0; $clusterString = ''; $indent = 1; foreach ($this->objects as $ns => $objects) { $undeclared = false; $clusterString .= $this->formatLine('subgraph cluster_' . $cluster . ' {', $indent); $cluster++; $indent++; $clusterString .= $this->formatLine('label="' . str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $ns) . '";', $indent); foreach ($objects as $shortName => $values) { $clusterString .= $this->formatLine($values['pre'], $indent); if ($values['undeclared']) { $undeclared = true; } } if ($undeclared) { // set background-color of undeclared namespace elements $clusterString .= $this->formatLine('bgcolor="#EB937F";', $indent); } $indent--; $clusterString .= $this->formatLine('}', $indent); } return $clusterString; }
Prints all objects (class, interface, trait) @return string
protected function writeGraphHeader() { $nodeAttributes = array( 'fontname' => "Verdana", 'fontsize' => 8, 'shape' => "none", 'margin' => 0, 'fillcolor' => '#FEFECE', 'style' => 'filled', ); $edgeAttributes = array( 'fontname' => "Verdana", 'fontsize' => 8, ); $indent = 1; $graph = $this->formatLine('digraph ' . $this->graphId . ' {'); $graph .= $this->formatLine('overlap = false;', $indent); $graph .= $this->formatLine('node [' . $this->attributes($nodeAttributes) . '];', $indent); $graph .= $this->formatLine('edge [' . $this->attributes($edgeAttributes) . '];', $indent); return $graph; }
Prints header of the main graph @return string
protected function pushObject( $ns, $shortName, $longName, $type, $stereotype = '', $undeclared = true, $constants = array(), $properties = array(), $methods = array() ) { $attributes = ''; $attributes .= $this->writeConstantElements( $constants, '<tr><td align="left">%s %s</td></tr>', 0 ); $attributes .= $this->writePropertyElements( $properties, '<tr><td align="left">%s %s</td></tr>', 0 ); if (empty($attributes)) { $attributes = ' '; } else { $attributes = sprintf( "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n%s</table>", $attributes ); } if (empty($methods) || $undeclared) { $operations = ' '; } else { $operations = sprintf( "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n%s</table>", $this->writeMethodElements( $methods, '<tr><td align="left">%s%s()</td></tr>', 0 ) ); } $label = sprintf( ' <table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td align="center">%s<br/><b>%s</b></td></tr> <tr><td>%s</td></tr> <tr><td>%s</td></tr> </table> ', $this->formatClassStereotype($type), $shortName, $attributes, $operations ); $this->objects[$ns][$shortName] = array( 'undeclared' => $undeclared, 'pre' => '"' . str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $longName) . '"' . ' [label=<' . $label . '>];' ); }
protected function pushEdge(array $list, array $attributes = array()) { $escape = function ($value) { return '"' . str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $value). '"'; }; $list = array_map($escape, $list); $edge = implode(' -> ', $list); $this->edges[] = $edge . ($attributes ? ' [' . $this->attributes($attributes) . ']' : '') . ";" ; }
public function handle(): void { $name = $this->getNameInput(); $path = app_path($name); // First we will check to see if the class already exists. If it does, we don't want // to create the class and overwrite the user's code. So, we will bail out so the // code is untouched. Otherwise, we will continue generating this class' files. if ($this->files->exists($path)) { $this->error($this->type.' already exists!'); return; } // Next, we will generate the path to the location where this class' file should get // written. Then, we will build the class and make the proper replacements on the // stub files so that it gets the correctly formatted namespace and class name. $stubs = __DIR__.'/../../../resources/stubs/module'; $this->processStubs($stubs, $path); $this->generateSamples(); $this->info($this->type.' created successfully.'); }
Execute the console command. @return void
protected function makeDirectory($path): string { if (! $this->files->isDirectory($path)) { $this->files->makeDirectory($path, 0777, true, true); } return $path; }
Build the directory for the class if necessary. @param string $path @return string
protected function generateSamples(): void { $module = str_after($this->getNameInput(), '/'); $this->call('make:config', ['name' => 'config', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->call('make:model', ['name' => 'Example', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->call('make:policy', ['name' => 'ExamplePolicy', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->call('make:provider', ['name' => ucfirst($module).'ServiceProvider', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->call('make:command', ['name' => 'ExampleCommand', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->call('make:controller', ['name' => 'ExampleController', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->call('make:request', ['name' => 'ExampleRequest', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->call('make:middleware', ['name' => 'ExampleMiddleware', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->call('make:transformer', ['name' => 'ExampleTransformer', '--model' => 'Example', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->call('make:datatable', ['name' => 'ExampleDatatable', '--model' => 'Example', '--transformer' => 'ExampleTransformer', '--module' => $this->getNameInput()]); $this->warn('Optionally create migrations and seeds (it may take some time):'); $this->warn("artisan make:migration create_{$module}_example_table --module {$this->getNameInput()}"); $this->warn("artisan make:seeder ExampleSeeder --module {$this->getNameInput()}"); }
Generate code samples. @return void
protected function processStubs($stubs, $path): void { $this->makeDirectory($path); $this->files->copyDirectory($stubs, $path); $files = [ ($phpunit = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'phpunit.xml.dist') => $this->files->get($phpunit), ($composer = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'composer.json') => $this->files->get($composer), ($changelog = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'') => $this->files->get($changelog), ($readme = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'') => $this->files->get($readme), ]; $module = ucfirst(str_after($this->getNameInput(), '/')); $name = implode(' ', array_map('ucfirst', explode('/', $this->getNameInput()))); $jsonNamespace = implode('\\\\', array_map('ucfirst', explode('/', $this->getNameInput()))); foreach ($files as $key => &$file) { $file = str_replace('DummyModuleName', $name, $file); $file = str_replace('Dummy\\\\Module', $jsonNamespace, $file); $file = str_replace('DummyModuleServiceProvider', $jsonNamespace."\\\\Providers\\\\{$module}ServiceProvider", $file); $file = str_replace('dummy/module', $this->getNameInput(), $file); $file = str_replace('dummy-module', str_replace('/', '-', $this->getNameInput()), $file); $file = str_replace('dummy:module', str_replace('/', ':', $this->getNameInput()), $file); $file = str_replace('dummy.module', str_replace('/', '.', $this->getNameInput()), $file); $this->files->put($key, $file); } }
Process stubs placeholders. @param string $stubs @param string $path @return void
protected function getNameInput(): string { $name = trim($this->argument('name')); if (mb_strpos($name, '/') === false) { throw new \Exception('Module name must consist of two segments: vendor/module'); } return $name; }
Get the desired class name from the input. @throws \Exception @return string
public function route($route, $parameters = [], $status = 302, $headers = []) { return ($previousUrl = $this->generator->getRequest()->get('previous_url')) ? $this->to($previousUrl) : parent::route($route, $parameters, $status, $headers); }
protected function getMessages(): array { $messages = []; foreach (array_merge(array_values(app('translation.loader')->namespaces()), [$this->sourcePath]) as $directory) { foreach ($this->file->allFiles($directory) as $file) { $path = mb_substr($file->getPath(), 0, mb_strrpos($file->getPath(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); $namespace = array_search($path, app('translation.loader')->namespaces()); $pathName = $file->getRelativePathName(); $extension = $file->getExtension(); if (! in_array($extension, ['json', 'php'])) { continue; } if ($this->isMessagesExcluded($pathName)) { continue; } $key = mb_substr($pathName, 0, -4); $key = str_replace('\\', '.', $key); $key = str_replace('/', '.', $key); if ($namespace) { $key = mb_substr($key, 0, mb_strpos($key, '.') + 1).str_replace('/', '.', $namespace).'::'.mb_substr($key, mb_strpos($key, '.') + 1); } if (starts_with($key, 'vendor')) { $key = $this->getVendorKey($key); } if ($extension === 'php') { $messages[$key] = include $file->getRealPath(); } else { $key = $key.$this->stringsDomain; $fileContent = file_get_contents($file->getRealPath()); $messages[$key] = json_decode($fileContent, true); } } } $this->sortMessages($messages); return $messages; }
Return all language messages. @throws \Exception @return array
protected function rootNamespace(): string { return $this->rootNamespace ?? $this->rootNamespace = implode('\\', array_map('ucfirst', explode('/', trim($this->moduleName())))); }
Get the root namespace for the class. @return string
protected function moduleName(): string { return $this->moduleName ?? $this->input->getOption('module') ?? $this->moduleName = $this->ask('What is your module?'); }
Get the module name for the class. @return string
public static function createContent(SchemaInterface $schema, AbstractTable $table): self { $context = new self(); $context->class = $schema->getClass(); $context->database = $schema->getDatabase(); $context->table = $schema->getTable(); $context->role = $schema->getRole(); $context->schema = $table; return $context; }
@param SchemaInterface $schema @param AbstractTable $table @return RelationContext @throws SchemaException
public function getColumn(string $name): AbstractColumn { if (!$this->schema->hasColumn($name)) { throw new DefinitionException("Undefined column {$name} in {$this->schema->getName()}"); } return clone $this->schema->column($name); }
@param string $name @return AbstractColumn
public function up(): void { Schema::create(config(''), function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string('id'); $table->string('session_id')->nullable(); $table->timestamps(); }); }
Run the migrations. @return void
public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $handler): ResponseInterface { $serviceHandler = $request->getAttribute(RouterMiddleware::ATTRIBUTE); /* @var \Swoft\Rpc\Server\Router\HandlerAdapter $handlerAdapter */ $handlerAdapter = App::getBean('serviceHandlerAdapter'); $response = $handlerAdapter->doHandler($request, $serviceHandler); return $response; }
execute service with handler @param \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request @param \Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface $handler @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
public function create($fields = [], string $class = null): EntityInterface { //Create model with filtered set of fields return $this->orm->make($class ?? $this->class, $fields, ORMInterface::STATE_NEW); }
Create new DocumentEntity based on set of provided fields. @final Change static method of entity, not this one. @param array $fields @param string $class Due ODM models can be inherited you can use this argument to specify custom model class. @return EntityInterface|Record
public function findByPK($id, array $load = []) { return $this->getSelector()->wherePK($id)->load($load)->findOne(); }
Find document by it's primary key. @see findOne() @param string|int $id Primary key value. @param array $load Relations to pre-load. @return EntityInterface|Record|null
public function findOne(array $query = [], array $sortBy = [], array $load = []) { return $this->getSelector()->orderBy($sortBy)->load($load)->findOne($query); }
Select one document from mongo collection. @param array $query Fields and conditions to query by. @param array $sortBy Always specify sort by to ensure that results are stable. @param array $load Relations to pre-load. @return EntityInterface|Record|null
public function count(array $query = [], string $column = null): int { return $this->getSelector()->where($query)->count(); }
@param array $query @param string $column Column to count by, PK or * by default. @return int
public function withSelector(RecordSelector $selector): RecordSource { $source = clone $this; $source->setSelector($selector); return $source; }
Create source with new associated selector. @param RecordSelector $selector @return RecordSource
protected function getSelector(): RecordSelector { if (empty($this->selector)) { //Requesting selector on demand $this->selector = $this->orm->selector($this->class); } return clone $this->selector; }
Get associated selector. @return RecordSelector
public function declareTables(SchemaBuilder $builder): array { $sourceTable = $this->sourceTable($builder); $targetTable = $this->targetTable($builder); if (!$targetTable->hasColumn($this->option(Record::OUTER_KEY))) { throw new RelationSchemaException(sprintf("Outer key '%s'.'%s' (%s) does not exists", $targetTable->getName(), $this->option(Record::OUTER_KEY), $this->definition->getName() )); } //Column to be used as outer key $outerKey = $targetTable->column($this->option(Record::OUTER_KEY)); //Column to be used as inner key $innerKey = $sourceTable->column($this->option(Record::INNER_KEY)); //Syncing types $innerKey->setType($this->resolveType($outerKey)); //If nullable $innerKey->nullable($this->option(Record::NULLABLE)); //Do we need indexes? if ($this->option(Record::CREATE_INDEXES)) { //Always belongs to one parent $sourceTable->index([$innerKey->getName()]); } if ($this->isConstrained()) { $this->createForeign( $sourceTable, $innerKey, $outerKey, $this->option(Record::CONSTRAINT_ACTION), $this->option(Record::CONSTRAINT_ACTION) ); } return [$sourceTable]; }
public function getRole(): string { $role = $this->reflection->getProperty('model_role'); //When role not defined we are going to use short class name return $role ?? lcfirst(Inflector::tableize($this->reflection->getShortName())); }
public function getTable(): string { $table = $this->reflection->getProperty('table'); if (empty($table)) { //Generate table using short class name $table = Inflector::tableize($this->reflection->getShortName()); $table = Inflector::pluralize($table); } return $table; }