protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return array_merge( [ 'amount' => \Genesis\Utils\Currency::amountToExponent($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, ], $this->items instanceof Items ? $this->items->toArray() : [] ); }
Return additional request attributes @return array
protected function checkRequirements() { parent::checkRequirements(); // verify there is at least one item added if (empty($this->items) || $this->items->count() === 0) { throw new \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter('Empty (null) required parameter: items'); } }
Perform field validation @throws \Genesis\Exceptions\ErrorParameter @return void
public function cleanExtensions($installedExtensions, \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Module\Module $module) { $installedExtensions = parent::cleanExtensions($installedExtensions, $module); $oModules = oxNew( \OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Module\ModuleList::class ); //ids will include garbage in case there are files that not registered by any module $ids = $oModules->getModuleIds(); $config = Registry::getConfig(); $knownIds = array_keys($config->getConfigParam('aModulePaths')); $diff = array_diff($ids,$knownIds); if ($diff) { foreach ($diff as $item) { foreach ($installedExtensions as &$coreClassExtension) { foreach ($coreClassExtension as $i => $ext) { if ($ext === $item) { $this->_debugOutput->writeln("$item will be removed"); unset($coreClassExtension[$i]); } } } } } return $installedExtensions; }
Removes garbage ( module not used extensions ) from all installed extensions list. For example: some classes were renamed, so these should be removed. @param array $installedExtensions @param \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Module\Module $module @return array
protected function filterExtensionsByModuleId($modules, $moduleId) { $modulePaths = \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('aModulePaths'); $path = ''; if (isset($modulePaths[$moduleId])) { $path = $modulePaths[$moduleId] . '/'; } // TODO: This condition should be removed. Need to check integration tests. if (!$path) { $path = $moduleId . "/"; } $filteredModules = []; foreach ($modules as $class => $extend) { foreach ($extend as $extendPath) { if (strpos($extendPath, $path) === 0) { $filteredModules[$class][] = $extendPath; } } } return $filteredModules; }
Returns extensions list by module id. @param array $modules Module array (nested format) @param string $moduleId Module id/folder name @return array
protected function validate() { if (!CommonUtils::isRegexExpr($this->pattern)) { return false; } return (bool) preg_match( $this->pattern, $this->getRequestValue() ); }
Execute field name validation @return bool
protected function getPaymentTransactionStructure() { return [ 'amount' => $this->transformAmount($this->amount, $this->currency), 'currency' => $this->currency, 'return_success_url' => $this->return_success_url, 'return_failure_url' => $this->return_failure_url, 'notification_url' => $this->notification_url, 'source_wallet_id' => $this->source_wallet_id, 'source_wallet_pwd' => $this->transformWalletPassword($this->source_wallet_pwd) ]; }
Return additional request attributes @return array
protected function transformWalletPassword($input = '') { if (!\Genesis\Utils\Common::isBase64Encoded($input)) { return base64_encode($input); } return $input; }
Apply transformation: Encode a string in base64 or return the input if already in base64 @param string $input @return mixed
protected function populateStructure() { $treeStructure = [ 'chargeback_request' => [ 'start_date' => $this->start_date, 'end_date' => $this->end_date, 'page' => $this->page ] ]; $this->treeStructure = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($treeStructure); }
Create the request's Tree structure @return void
public function setVersion($version) { $availableVersions = ['v1']; if (in_array($version, $availableVersions)) { $this->version = $version; $this->initConfiguration(); return $this; } throw new InvalidArgument( 'Invalid Consumer API version, available versions are: ' . implode(', ', $availableVersions) ); }
@param $version @return $this @throws InvalidArgument
protected function initConfiguration() { $this->initXmlConfiguration(); $this->initApiGatewayConfiguration($this->version . '/' . $this->requestPath, false); }
Set the per-request configuration @return void
protected function populateStructure() { $treeStructure = [ $this->requestPath . '_request' => $this->getConsumerRequestStructure() ]; $this->treeStructure = \Genesis\Utils\Common::createArrayObject($treeStructure); }
Create the request's Tree structure @return void
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $output->writeLn('Updating database views...'); $config = Registry::getConfig(); //avoid problems if views are already broken $config->setConfigParam('blSkipViewUsage', true); /** @var DbMetaDataHandler $oDbHandler */ $oDbHandler = oxNew(DbMetaDataHandler::class); if (!$oDbHandler->updateViews()) { $output->writeLn('Could not update database views!'); exit(1); } $output->writeLn('Database views updated successfully'); }
public function scopeMeta($query, $alias = null) { $alias = (empty($alias)) ? $this->getMetaTable() : $alias; return $query->join($this->getMetaTable() . ' AS ' . $alias, $this->getQualifiedKeyName(), '=', $alias . '.' . $this->getMetaKeyName())->select($this->getTable() . '.*'); }
Meta scope for easier join -------------------------
public function setMeta($key, $value = null) { $setMeta = 'setMeta'.ucfirst(gettype($key)); return $this->$setMeta($key, $value); }
Set Meta Data functions -------------------------.
public function getMeta($key = null, $raw = false) { if (is_string($key) && preg_match('/[,|]/is', $key, $m)) { $key = preg_split('/ ?[,|] ?/', $key); } $getMeta = 'getMeta'.ucfirst(strtolower(gettype($key))); return $this->$getMeta($key, $raw); }
Get Meta Data functions -------------------------.
public function metas() { $model = new \Kodeine\Metable\MetaData(); $model->setTable($this->getMetaTable()); return new HasMany($model->newQuery(), $this, $this->getMetaKeyName(), $this->getKeyName()); }
Relationship for meta tables
public function whereMeta($key, $value) { return $this->getModelStub() ->whereKey(strtolower($key)) ->whereValue($value) ->get(); }
Query Meta Table functions -------------------------.
public function getAttribute($key) { // parent call first. if (($attr = parent::getAttribute($key)) !== null) { return $attr; } // there was no attribute on the model // retrieve the data from meta relationship return $this->getMeta($key); }
Get an attribute from the model. @param string $key @return mixed
public function setValueAttribute($value) { $type = gettype($value); if (is_array($value)) { $this->type = 'array'; $this->attributes['value'] = json_encode($value); } elseif ($value instanceof DateTime) { $this->type = 'datetime'; $this->attributes['value'] = $this->fromDateTime($value); } elseif ($value instanceof Model) { $this->type = 'model'; $this->attributes['value'] = get_class($value).(!$value->exists ? '' : '#'.$value->getKey()); } elseif (is_object($value)) { $this->type = 'object'; $this->attributes['value'] = json_encode($value); } else { $this->type = in_array($type, $this->dataTypes) ? $type : 'string'; $this->attributes['value'] = $value; } }
Set the value and type. @param $value
public function routePage($path) { $url = URL::findByLocation($path); if ($url) { $page = $url->getPage(); if (!$page || $page->isDeleted()) { // The url is in use but doesn't have a page. // The page must have been deleted. throw new GoneHttpException(); } if (Editor::isDisabled() && !$page->isVisible()) { throw new NotFoundHttpException(); } if (!$page->url()->matches($path)) { return redirect((string) $page->url(), 301); } $this->setActivePage($page); return; } throw new NotFoundHttpException(); }
@param string $path @return mixed
public function routeHostname($hostname) { $hostname = env('BOOMCMS_HOST', $hostname); $site = Site::findByHostname($hostname); $site = $site ?: Site::findDefault(); return $this->setActiveSite($site); }
@param string $hostname @return $this
public function setActivePage(PageInterface $page) { $this->page = $page; $this->app->instance(PageModel::class, $page); return $this; }
@param PageInterface $page @return $this
public function setActiveSite(SiteInterface $site = null) { $this->site = $site; $this->app->instance(SiteModel::class, $site); return $this; }
@param SiteInterface $site @return $this
public function output($filename, $content) { if (function_exists('jsmin')) { return jsmin($content); } if (!class_exists('JSMin')) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Cannot not load filter class "%s".', 'JsMin')); } return JSMin::minify($content); }
Apply JsMin to $content. @param string $filename Name of the file being generated. @param string $content The uncompress contents of $filename. @throws \Exception @return string
public function generate(AssetTarget $build) { $filters = $this->filterRegistry->collection($build); $output = ''; foreach ($build->files() as $file) { $content = $file->contents(); $content = $filters->input($file->path(), $content); $output .= $content . "\n"; } if (!$this->debug || php_sapi_name() === 'cli') { $output = $filters->output($build->path(), $output); } return trim($output); }
Generate a compiled asset, with all the configured filters applied. @param AssetTarget $target The target to build @return The processed result of $target and it dependencies. @throws RuntimeException
public function getThumbnail() { try { $ffmpeg = FFMpeg::create(); $video = $ffmpeg->open($this->file->getPathname()); $frame = $video->frame(TimeCode::fromSeconds(0)); $base64 = $frame->save(tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), $this->file->getBasename()), true, true); return Imagick::readImageBlob($base64); } catch (Exception $e) { return; } }
Generates a thumbnail for the video from the first frame. @return Imagick
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next) { $asset = $request->route()->parameter('asset'); if ($asset && !$this->auth->check()) { $ip = ip2long($request->ip()); if (!AssetDownload::recentlyLogged($asset->getId(), $ip)->count() > 0) { AssetDownload::create([ 'asset_id' => $asset->getId(), 'ip' => $ip, 'time' => time(), ]); $asset->incrementDownloads(); } } return $next($request); }
Handle an incoming request. @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request @param \Closure $next @return mixed
public function deleting(Model $model) { $model->deleted_by = $this->guard->check() ? $this->guard->user()->getId() : null; }
Set deleted_by on the model prior to deletion. @param Model $model @return void
public function getParam($key) { return isset($this->params[$key]) ? $this->params[$key] : null; }
Returns a search parameter by key. @param string $key @return mixed
public function hasFilters() { $params = array_except($this->params, ['order', 'limit']); return !empty($params) && !empty(array_values($params)); }
Returns whether the parameters array contains any filters. @return bool
public function files() { $files = []; foreach (call_user_func($this->callable) as $file) { $path = $this->scanner->find($file); if ($path === false) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not locate {$file} for {$this->callable} in any configured path."); } $files[] = new Local($path); } return $files; }
Get the list of files from the callback. @return array
public function input($filename, $input) { if (substr($filename, strlen($this->_settings['ext']) * -1) !== $this->_settings['ext']) { return $input; } $filename = preg_replace('/ /', '\\ ', $filename); $bin = $this->_settings['sass'] . ' ' . $filename; $return = $this->_runCmd($bin, '', array('PATH' => $this->_settings['path'])); return $return; }
Runs SCSS compiler against any files that match the configured extension. @param string $filename The name of the input file. @param string $input The content of the file. @return string
public function input($filename, $input) { if (substr($filename, strlen($this->_settings['ext']) * -1) !== $this->_settings['ext']) { return $input; } $cmd = $this->_settings['node'] . ' ' . $this->_settings['coffee'] . ' -c -p -s '; $env = array('NODE_PATH' => $this->_settings['node_path']); return $this->_runCmd($cmd, $input, $env); }
Runs `coffee` against files that match the configured extension. @param string $filename Filename being processed. @param string $content Content of the file being processed. @return string
public static function factory($link, array $attrs = []) { if (URL::getAssetId($link) > 0) { return new AssetLink($link, $attrs); } if (is_numeric($link) || URL::isInternal($link)) { return new PageLink($link, $attrs); } return new External($link, $attrs); }
@param int|string $link @param array $attrs @return Link
public function getAssetId(): int { return (isset($this->attrs['asset_id']) && !empty($this->attrs['asset_id'])) ? $this->attrs['asset_id'] : 0; }
Alias of getFeatureImageId(), for backwards compatibility. @return int
public function getParameter($key) { $query = $this->getQuery(); return isset($query[$key]) ? $query[$key] : null; }
Returns a query string parameter for a given key. @param string $key @return mixed
public function getQuery() { if ($this->query === null) { $string = parse_url($this->link, PHP_URL_QUERY); parse_str($string, $this->query); } return $this->query; }
Returns an array of query string parameters in the URL. @return array
public static function assetURL(array $params) { if (isset($params['asset']) && is_object($params['asset'])) { $asset = $params['asset']; $params['asset'] = $params['asset']->getId(); } if (!isset($params['action'])) { $params['action'] = 'view'; } if (isset($params['height']) && !isset($params['width'])) { $params['width'] = 0; } $url = route('asset', $params); if (isset($asset)) { $url .= '?'.$asset->getLastModified()->getTimestamp(); } return $url; }
Generate a URL to link to an asset. @param array $params @return string
public static function chunk($type, $slotname, $page = null) { return ChunkFacade::insert($type, $slotname, $page); }
Interest a chunk into a page. @param string $type @param string $slotname @param PageInterface|null $page @return Chunk
public static function description(PageInterface $page = null) { $page = $page ?: Router::getActivePage(); $description = $page->getDescription() ?: ChunkFacade::get('text', 'standfirst', $page)->text(); return strip_tags($description); }
Reutrn the meta description for a page. If no page is given then the active page is used. The page description property will be used, if that isn't set then the page standfirst is used. @param null|Page $page @return string
public static function getTags() { $finder = new Tag\Finder\Finder(); foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) { if (is_string($arg)) { $finder->addFilter(new Tag\Finder\Group($arg)); } elseif ($arg instanceof PageInterface) { $finder->addFilter(new Tag\Finder\AppliedToPage($arg)); } elseif ($arg instanceof TagInterface) { $finder->addFilter(new Tag\Finder\AppliedWith($arg)); } } return $finder ->setOrderBy('group', 'asc') ->setOrderBy('name', 'asc') ->findAll(); }
Get tags matching given parameters. Accepts a page, group name, or tag as arguments in any order to search by. @return array
public static function getTagsInSection(PageInterface $page = null, $group = null) { $page = $page ?: Router::getActivePage(); $finder = new Tag\Finder\Finder(); $finder->addFilter(new Tag\Finder\AppliedToPageDescendants($page)); $finder->addFilter(new Tag\Finder\Group($group)); return $finder->setOrderBy('name', 'asc')->findAll(); }
Get the pages applied to the children of a page. @param Page\Page $page @param string $group @return array
public static function pub($file, $theme = null) { $theme = $theme ?: static::activeThemeName(); return "/vendor/boomcms/themes/$theme/".ltrim(trim($file), '/'); }
Get a relative path to a file in a theme's public directory. @param string $file @param string $theme @return string
public function getValue(array $keys, $default = null) { $config = $this->config; $pointer = &$config; foreach ($keys as $key) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $pointer)) { if ($default === null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Key "%s" does not exist', implode('.', $keys) )); } return $default; } $pointer = &$pointer[$key]; } return $pointer; }
Returns value by key. You can supply default value for when the key is missing. Without default value exception is thrown for nonexistent keys. @param string[] $keys @param mixed $default @return mixed
public function up() { Schema::create('pages_relations', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->integer('page_id') ->unsigned() ->references('id') ->on('pages') ->onUpdate('CASCADE') ->onDelete('CASCADE'); $table->integer('related_page_id') ->unsigned() ->references('id') ->on('pages') ->onUpdate('CASCADE') ->onDelete('CASCADE'); $table ->integer('created_by') ->unsigned() ->references('id') ->on('people') ->onUpdate('CASCADE') ->onDelete('CASCADE'); $table ->integer('created_at') ->unsigned() ->nullable(); $table->primary(['page_id', 'related_page_id']); }); }
Run the migrations. @return void
public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $activePage = Router::getActivePage(); if ($activePage === null || Gate::denies('toolbar', $activePage)) { return $next($request); } $response = $next($request); $originalHtml = ($response instanceof Response) ? $response->getOriginalContent() : (string) $response; preg_match('|(.*)(</head>)(.*<body[^>]*>)|imsU', $originalHtml, $matches); if (!empty($matches)) { $head = view('boomcms::editor.iframe', [ 'before_closing_head' => $matches[1], 'body_tag' => $matches[3], 'editor' => $this->editor, 'page_id' => $activePage->getId(), ]); $newHtml = str_replace($matches[0], (string) $head, $originalHtml); if ($response instanceof Response) { $response->setContent($newHtml); } else { return $newHtml; } } return $response; }
Handle an incoming request. @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request @param \Closure $next @return mixed
public function hasLink() { return isset($this->attrs['url']) && trim($this->attrs['url']) && $this->attrs['url'] !== '#' && $this->attrs['url'] !== 'http://'; }
Whether the current slide has a link associated with it. @return bool
public function output($filename, $content) { if (!class_exists('JShrink\Minifier')) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('Cannot not load filter class "%s".', 'JShrink\Minifier')); } return Minifier::minify($content, array('flaggedComments' => $this->_settings['flaggedComments'])); }
Apply JShrink to $content. @param string $filename target filename @param string $content Content to filter. @throws \Exception @return string
public function assetsUpdated(): AlbumInterface { $assets = $this->assets(); $feature = $assets->orderBy(Asset::ATTR_UPLOADED_AT, 'desc')->first(); $this->update([ self::ATTR_FEATURE_IMAGE => $feature ? $feature->getId() : null, self::ATTR_ASSET_COUNT => $assets->count(), ]); return $this; }
{@inheritdoc} @return AlbumInterface $this
public function render($request, Exception $e) { if ($this->isHttpException($e)) { $code = $e->getStatusCode(); if ($code !== 500 || App::environment('production') || App::environment('staging')) { $page = Page::findByInternalName($code); if ($page) { $request = Request::create($page->url()->getLocation(), 'GET'); return response(Route::dispatch($request)->getContent(), $code); } } } return parent::render($request, $e); }
Render an exception into an HTTP response. @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request @param \Exception $e @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function isFresh(AssetTarget $target) { $buildName = $this->buildFileName($target); $buildFile = $this->outputDir($target) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $buildName; if (!file_exists($buildFile)) { return false; } $buildTime = filemtime($buildFile); if ($this->configTime && $this->configTime >= $buildTime) { return false; } foreach ($target->files() as $file) { $time = $file->modifiedTime(); if ($time === false || $time >= $buildTime) { return false; } } $filters = $this->filterRegistry->collection($target); foreach ($filters->filters() as $filter) { foreach ($filter->getDependencies($target) as $child) { $time = $child->modifiedTime(); if ($time >= $buildTime) { return false; } } } return true; }
Check to see if a cached build file is 'fresh'. Fresh cached files have timestamps newer than all of the component files. @param AssetTarget $target The target file being built. @return boolean
public function buildFileName(AssetTarget $target) { $file = $target->name(); if ($target->isThemed() && $this->theme) { $file = $this->theme . '-' . $file; } return $file; }
Get the final build file name for a target. @param AssetTarget $target The target to get a name for. @return string
public function read(AssetTarget $target) { $buildName = $this->buildFileName($target); return file_get_contents($this->path . $buildName); }
Get the cached result for a build target. @param AssetTarget $target The target to get content for. @return string
public function settings(array $settings = null) { if ($settings) { $this->_settings = array_merge($this->_settings, $settings); } return $this->_settings; }
Gets settings for this filter. Will always include 'paths' key which points at paths available for the type of asset being generated. @param array $settings Array of settings. @return array Array of updated settings.
protected function _runCmd($cmd, $content, $environment = null) { $Process = new AssetProcess(); $Process->environment($environment); $Process->command($cmd)->run($content); if ($Process->error()) { throw new RuntimeException($Process->error()); } return $Process->output(); }
Run the compressor command and get the output @param string $cmd The command to run. @param string $content The content to run through the command. @return The result of the command. @throws RuntimeException
protected function _findExecutable($search, $file) { $file = str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file); if (file_exists($file)) { return $file; } foreach ($search as $path) { $path = rtrim($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); if (file_exists($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) { return $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file; } } return null; }
Find the command executable. If $file is an absolute path to a file that exists $search will not be looked at. @param array $search Paths to search. @param string $file The executable to find.
public function output($filename, $content) { $defaults = array('compilation_level' => $this->_settings['level']); $errors = $this->_query($content, array('output_info' => 'errors')); if (!empty($errors)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("%s:\n%s\n", 'Errors', $errors)); } $output = $this->_query($content, array('output_info' => 'compiled_code')); if (!Configure::read('debug')) { return $output; } foreach ($this->_settings as $setting => $value) { if (!in_array($setting, array('warnings', 'statistics')) || true != $value) { continue; } $args = array('output_info' => $setting); if ('warnings' == $setting && in_array($value, array('QUIET', 'DEFAULT', 'VERBOSE'))) { $args['warning_level'] = $value; } $$setting = $this->_query($content, $args); printf("%s:\n%s\n", ucfirst($setting), $$setting); } return $output; }
protected function _query($content, $args = array()) { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { throw new \Exception('Missing the `curl` extension.'); } $args = array_merge($this->_defaults, $args); if (!empty($this->_settings['level'])) { $args['compilation_level'] = $this->_settings['level']; } foreach ($this->_settings as $key => $val) { if (in_array($key, $this->_params)) { $args[$key] = $val; } } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($ch, array( CURLOPT_URL => '', CURLOPT_POST => 1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => 'js_code=' . urlencode($content) . '&' . http_build_query($args), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_HEADER => 0, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => 0 )); $output = curl_exec($ch); if (false === $output) { throw new \Exception('Curl error: ' . curl_error($ch)); } curl_close($ch); return $output; }
Query the Closure compiler API. @param string $content Javascript to compile. @param array $args API parameters. @throws \Exception If curl extension is missing. @throws \Exception If curl triggers an error. @return string
public function boot(Guard $guard, Store $session, Router $router) { $activePage = $router->getActivePage(); $this->app->singleton(Editor::class, function () use ($guard, $session, $activePage) { $default = ($guard->check() && $activePage && $guard->user()->can('toolbar', $activePage)) ? Editor::EDIT : Editor::DISABLED; return new Editor($session, $default); }); }
Bootstrap any application services. @return void
public function cachedCompiler($outputDir = '', $debug = false) { return new CachedCompiler( $this->cacher($outputDir), $this->compiler($debug) ); }
Create a Caching Compiler @param string $outputDir The directory to output cached files to. @param bool $debug Whether or not to enable debugging mode for the compiler. @return \MiniAsset\Output\CachedCompiler
public function writer($tmpPath = '') { $tmpPath = $tmpPath ?: $this->config->get('general.timestampPath'); if (!$tmpPath) { $tmpPath = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $timestamp = [ 'js' => $this->config->get('js.timestamp'), 'css' => $this->config->get('css.timestamp'), ]; $writer = new AssetWriter($timestamp, $tmpPath, $this->config->theme()); $writer->configTimestamp($this->config->modifiedTime()); $writer->filterRegistry($this->filterRegistry()); return $writer; }
Create an AssetWriter @param string $tmpPath The path where the build timestamp lookup should be stored. @return \MiniAsset\AssetWriter
public function cacher($path = '') { if (!$path) { $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $cache = new AssetCacher($path, $this->config->theme()); $cache->configTimestamp($this->config->modifiedTime()); $cache->filterRegistry($this->filterRegistry()); return $cache; }
Create an AssetCacher @param string $path The path to cache assets into. @return \MiniAsset\AssetCacher
public function target($name) { if (!$this->config->hasTarget($name)) { throw new RuntimeException("The target named '$name' does not exist."); } $ext = $this->config->getExt($name); $themed = $this->config->isThemed($name); $filters = $this->config->targetFilters($name); $target = $this->config->cachePath($ext) . $name; $files = []; $scanner = $this->scanner($this->config->paths($ext, $name)); $paths = $scanner->paths(); $required = $this->config->requires($name); if ($required) { $compiler = $this->cachedCompiler(); foreach ($required as $dependency) { $files[] = new Target($this->target($dependency), $compiler); } } foreach ($this->config->files($name) as $file) { if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $file)) { $files[] = new Remote($file); } else { if (preg_match('/(.*\/)(\*.*?)$/U', $file, $matches)) { $path = $scanner->find($matches[1]); if ($path === false) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not locate folder $file for $name in any configured path."); } $glob = new Glob($path, $matches[2]); $files = array_merge($files, $glob->files()); } elseif (preg_match(static::CALLBACK_PATTERN, $file, $matches)) { $callback = new Callback($matches[1], $matches[2], $scanner); $files = array_merge($files, $callback->files()); } else { $path = $scanner->find($file); if ($path === false) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not locate $file for $name in any configured path."); } $files[] = new Local($path); } } } return new AssetTarget($target, $files, $filters, $paths, $themed); }
Create a single build target @param string $name The name of the target to build @return \MiniAsset\AssetTarget @throws \RuntimeException
public function filterRegistry() { $filters = []; foreach ($this->config->allFilters() as $name) { $filters[$name] = $this->buildFilter($name, $this->config->filterConfig($name)); } return new FilterRegistry($filters); }
Create a filter registry containing all the configured filters. @return \MiniAsset\Filter\FilterRegistry
protected function buildFilter($name, $config) { $className = $name; if (!class_exists($className)) { $className = 'MiniAsset\Filter\\' . $name; } if (!class_exists($className)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Cannot load filter "%s".', $name)); } $filter = new $className(); $filter->settings($config); return $filter; }
Create a single filter @param string $name The name of the filter to build. @param array $config The configuration for the filter. @return \MiniAsset\Filter\AssetFilterInterface
public function down() { Schema::drop('sites'); Schema::drop('asset_site'); Schema::drop('person_site'); Schema::table('pages', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn(Page::ATTR_SITE); }); Schema::table('groups', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn(Group::ATTR_SITE); }); Schema::table('tags', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn(Group::ATTR_SITE); }); Schema::table('page_urls', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->dropColumn(Page::ATTR_SITE); $table->dropUnique('page_urls_site_id_location'); }); }
Reverse the migrations. @return void
public function getNext() { return $this ->where(self::ATTR_PAGE, $this->getPageId()) ->where(self::ATTR_CREATED_AT, '>', $this->getEditedTime()->getTimestamp()) ->orderBy(self::ATTR_CREATED_AT, 'asc') ->first(); }
Returns the next version. @return PageVersion
public function isPublished(DateTime $time = null) { $timestamp = $time ? $time->getTimestamp() : time(); return $this->{self::ATTR_EMBARGOED_UNTIL} && $this->{self::ATTR_EMBARGOED_UNTIL} <= $timestamp; }
Whether the version is published. If a time is given then the embargo time is compared with the given time. Otherwise it is compared with the current time. @param null|DateTime $time @return bool
public function status(DateTime $time = null) { if ($this->isPendingApproval()) { return 'pending approval'; } elseif ($this->isDraft()) { return 'draft'; } elseif ($this->isPublished($time)) { return 'published'; } elseif ($this->isEmbargoed($time)) { return 'embargoed'; } }
Returns the status of the current page version. If a time parameter is given then the status of the page at that time will be returned. @param null|DateTime $time @return string
public function addRole($roleId, $allowed, $pageId = 0) { if (!$this->hasRole($roleId, $pageId)) { $this->roles() ->attach($roleId, [ self::PIVOT_ATTR_ALLOWED => $allowed, self::PIVOT_ATTR_PAGE_ID => $pageId, ]); } return $this; }
Adds a role to the current group. This will also add the role to all members of the group. @param int $roleId ID of the role to add @param int $allowed Whether the group is allowed or prevented from the role. @param int $pageId Make the role active at a particular point in the page tree. @return $this
public function hasRole($roleId, $pageId = 0) { return $this->roles() ->wherePivot(self::PIVOT_ATTR_PAGE_ID, '=', $pageId) ->wherePivot(self::PIVOT_ATTR_ROLE_ID, '=', $roleId) ->exists(); }
Determines whether the current group has a specified role allowed / denied. @param int $roleId @param int $pageId @return bool
public function removeRole($roleId, $pageId = 0) { $this->roles() ->wherePivot(self::PIVOT_ATTR_ROLE_ID, '=', $roleId) ->wherePivot(self::PIVOT_ATTR_PAGE_ID, '=', $pageId) ->detach(); return $this; }
Remove a role from a group. After removing the role from the group the permissions for the people the group are updated. @param int $roleId @return $this
public function getLinks(int $limit = 0): array { if ($this->links === null) { $links = $this->attrs['links'] ?? []; $this->links = $this->removeInvalidOrHiddenLinks($links); } return $limit > 0 ? array_slice($this->links, 0, $limit) : $this->links; }
Returns an array of links in the linkset. Or an empty array if the linkset doesn't contain any (valid, visible) links @param int $limit @return array
protected function removeInvalidOrHiddenLinks(array $links): array { foreach ($links as $i => &$link) { if (!isset($link['target_page_id']) && !isset($link['url'])) { unset($links[$i]); continue; } $target = empty($link['target_page_id']) ? $link['url'] : $link['target_page_id']; $link = Link::factory($target, $link); if (!$link->isValid() || (!$this->editable && !$link->isVisible())) { unset($links[$i]); } } return array_values($links); }
Removes links which are:. * Invalid because they don't have a target page ID or a URL to link to * Hidden because they're an internal link but the page isn't visible to the current user @param array $links @return array
public function input($filename, $content) { $this->_filename = $filename; $content = preg_replace_callback($this->_backgroundPattern, array($this, '_replace'), $content); $content = preg_replace_callback($this->_backgroundImagePattern, array($this, '_replace'), $content); return $content; }
Input filter. Locates CSS background images relative to the filename and gets the filemtime for the images. @param string $filename The file being processed @param string $content The file content @return The content with images timestamped.
protected function _replace($matches) { $webroot = null; if (defined('WWW_ROOT')) { $webroot = WWW_ROOT; } if (!empty($this->_settings['webroot'])) { $webroot = $this->_settings['webroot']; } $path = $matches['path']; if ($path[0] === '/') { $imagePath = $webroot . rtrim($path, '/'); } else { $imagePath = realpath(dirname($this->_filename) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path); } if (file_exists($imagePath)) { $path = $this->_timestamp($imagePath, $path); } return $matches['prop'] . $path . $matches['trail']; }
Do replacements. - $matches[0] -> whole background line. - $matches[path] -> the url with any wrapping '/' If the image path starts with / its assumed to be an absolute path which will be prepended with settings[webroot] or WWW_ROOT @param array $matches Array of matches @return string Replaced code.
protected function _timestamp($filepath, $path) { if (strpos($path, '?') === false) { $path .= '?t=' . filemtime($filepath); } return $path; }
Add timestamps to the given path. Will not change paths with querystrings, as they could have anything in them or be customized already. @param string $filepath The absolute path to the file for timestamping @param string $path The path to append a timestamp to. @return string Path with a timestamp.
public function getMetadata(): array { if ($this->metadata === null) { $this->metadata = $this->readMetadata(); ksort($this->metadata); } return $this->metadata; }
{@inheritdoc} @return array
protected function oneOf(array $keys, $default = null) { $metadata = $this->getMetadata(); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($metadata[$key])) { return $metadata[$key]; } } return $default; }
Loop through an array of metadata keys and return the first one that exists. @param array $keys @param mixed $default @return mixed
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next) { View::share('button', function ($type, $text, $attrs = []) { return new UI\Button($type, $text, $attrs); }); View::share('menu', function () { return view('boomcms::menu')->render(); }); View::share('menuButton', function () { return new UI\MenuButton(); }); $jsFile = $this->app->environment('local') ? 'cms.js' : 'cms.min.js'; View::share('boomJS', "<script type='text/javascript' src='/vendor/boomcms/boom-core/js/$jsFile?".BoomCMS::getVersion()."'></script>"); View::share('editor', $this->editor); return $next($request); }
Handle an incoming request. @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request @param \Closure $next @return mixed
public function WriteXY($x, $y, $line, $txt, $link = '') { $this->SetXY($x, $y); $this->Write($line, $txt, $link); }
Write to position @param string $x @param string $y @param string $line @param string $txt @param string|identifier $link URL or identifier returned by AddLink(). @return void
public function arc($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3) { $h = $this->h; $this->out( sprintf( '%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F c ', $x1 * $this->k, ($h - $y1) * $this->k, $x2 * $this->k, ($h - $y2) * $this->k, $x3 * $this->k, ($h - $y3) * $this->k ) ); }
Create an Arc. @param int $x1 @param int $y1 @param int $x2 @param int $y2 @param int $x3 @param int $y3
public function circle($x, $y, $r, $style = 'D') { $this->Ellipse($x, $y, $r, $r, $style); }
create a circle. @param int $x @param int $y @param int $r @param string $style
public function getCode128CheckNum($val) { $sum = 103; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($val); $i++) { $sum += ($i + 1) * $this->ChrToC128(ord(substr($val, $i, 1))); } $ch_num = $sum % 103; return $ch_num; }
helper method get Code 128. @param string $val @return int
public function rotate($angle, $x = -1, $y = -1) { if ($x == -1) { $x = $this->x; } if ($y == -1) { $y = $this->y; } if ($this->angle!=0) { $this->_out('Q'); } $this->angle = $angle; if ($angle != 0) { $angle*=M_PI/180; $c=cos($angle); $s=sin($angle); $cx=$x*$this->k; $cy=($this->h-$y)*$this->k; $this->_out(sprintf( 'q %.5F %.5F %.5F %.5F %.2F %.2F cm 1 0 0 1 %.2F %.2F cm', $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy )); } }
Rotate object based on: @link @param int $angle degrees @param int $x x position @param int $y y position
public function rotatedText($x, $y, $txt, $angle) { //Text rotated around its origin $this->rotate($angle, $x, $y); $this->Text($x, $y, $txt); $this->rotate(0); }
Rotate text @link @param int $x @param int $y @param string $txt @param int $angle @return void
public function up() { $features = DB::table('chunk_features') ->get() ->toArray(); foreach ($features as $feature) { $feature = (array) $feature; $slotname = $feature['slotname']; $exists = Linkset::where('slotname', $slotname) ->where('page_id', $feature['page_id']) ->exists(); if ($exists === true) { $slotname = 'feature-'.$slotname; } Linkset::create([ 'slotname' => $slotname, 'page_vid' => $feature['page_vid'], 'page_id' => $feature['page_id'], 'links' => [ ['target_page_id' => $feature['target_page_id']], ], ]); } Schema::drop('chunk_features'); DB::table('page_versions') ->whereIn('chunk_type', ['feature', 'link']) ->update([ 'chunk_type' => 'linkset', ]); }
Run the migrations. @return void
public function compare(PageVersion $new, PageVersion $old) { if ($new->getRestoredVersionId()) { return new Diff\RestoredVersion($new, $old); } if ($new->isContentChange()) { return new Diff\ChunkChange($new, $old); } if ($new->getTemplateId() !== $old->getTemplateId()) { return new Diff\TemplateChange($new, $old); } if (strcmp($new->getTitle(), $old->getTitle()) !== 0) { return new Diff\TitleChange($new, $old); } if ($new->isPendingApproval() && !$old->isPendingApproval()) { return new Diff\ApprovalRequest($new, $old); } if ($new->isEmbargoed($new->getEditedTime())) { if (!$old->isEmbargoed($old->getEditedTime())) { return new Diff\Embargoed($new, $old); } if ($new->getEmbargoedUntil()->getTimestamp() !== $old->getEmbargoedUntil()->getTimestamp()) { return new Diff\EmbargoChanged($new, $old); } } if ($new->isPublished($new->getEditedTime())) { if (!$old->isPublished($old->getEditedTime())) { return new Diff\Published($new, $old); } } }
Compare two versions. @param PageVersion $new @param PageVersion $old @return Diff\BaseChange
public function allowedToEdit(Page $page = null) { if ($page === null) { return true; } return Editor::isEnabled() && $this->gate->allows('edit', $page); }
Returns whether the logged in user is allowed to edit a page. @return bool
public function edit($type, $slotname, $page = null) { $className = $this->getClassName($type); if ($page === null) { $page = Router::getActivePage(); } $model = $this->find($type, $slotname, $page->getCurrentVersion()); $attrs = $model ? $model->toArray() : []; $chunk = new $className($page, $attrs, $slotname); return $chunk->editable($this->allowedToEdit($page)); }
Returns a chunk object of the required type. @param string $type Chunk type, e.g. text, feature, etc. @param string $slotname The name of the slot to retrieve a chunk from. @param mixed $page The page the chunk belongs to. If not given then the page from the current request will be used. @return BaseChunk
public function find($type, $slotname, PageVersion $version) { $cached = $this->getFromCache($type, $slotname, $version); if ($cached !== false) { return $cached; } $class = $this->getModelName($type); $chunk = $version->getId() ? $class::getSingleChunk($version, $slotname)->first() : null; $this->saveToCache($type, $slotname, $version, $chunk); return $chunk; }
Find a chunk by page version, type, and slotname. @param string $type @param string $slotname @param PageVersion $version @return null|BaseChunk
public function findById($type, $chunkId) { $model = $this->getModelName($type); return $model::find($chunkId); }
Find a chunk by it's ID. @param string $type @param int $chunkId @return ChunkModel
public function getFromCache($type, $slotname, PageVersion $version) { $key = $this->getCacheKey($type, $slotname, $version); return $this->cache->get($key, false); }
Get a chunk from the cache. @param type $type @param type $slotname @param PageVersion $version @return mixed
public function insert($type, $slotname, $page = null) { if ($page === null || $page === Router::getActivePage()) { return $this->edit($type, $slotname, $page); } return $this->get($type, $slotname, $page); }
Insert a chunk into a page. @param string $type @param string $slotname @param null|Page $page @return mixed
public function saveToCache($type, $slotname, $version, ChunkModel $chunk = null) { $key = $this->getCacheKey($type, $slotname, $version); $this->cache->forever($key, $chunk); }
Save a chunk to the cache. @param type $type @param type $slotname @param type $version @param null|ChunkModel $chunk
public function since(PageVersion $version) { $chunks = []; foreach ($this->types as $type) { $className = $this->getModelName($type); $chunks[$type] = $className::getSince($version)->get(); } return $chunks; }
Returns an array of chunks which have changed since a version. @param PageVersion $version @return array
public function up() { Schema::create('page_versions', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('page_id')->unsigned()->nullable()->index('page_v_rid'); $table->smallInteger('template_id')->nullable()->index('page_versions_template_id'); $table->string('title', 100)->nullable()->default('Untitled'); $table->smallInteger('edited_by')->unsigned()->nullable()->index('edited_by'); $table->integer('edited_time')->unsigned()->nullable(); $table->integer('embargoed_until')->unsigned()->nullable(); $table->boolean('pending_approval')->nullable()->default(0)->index('page_versions_pending_approval'); $table->index('title'); $table->index(['page_id', 'edited_time', 'embargoed_until']); $table->string(PageVersion::ATTR_CHUNK_TYPE, 15); $table->integer(PageVersion::ATTR_CHUNK_ID)->unsigned(); $table ->integer('restored_from') ->unsigned() ->references('id') ->on('page_versions') ->onUpdate('CASCADE') ->onDelete('SET NULL'); }); }
Run the migrations. @return void
public function input($filename, $input) { if (substr($filename, strlen($this->_settings['ext']) * -1) !== $this->_settings['ext']) { return $input; } $tmpFile = tempnam(TMP, 'TYPESCRIPT'); $cmd = $this->_settings['typescript'] . " " . escapeshellarg($filename) . " --out " . $tmpFile; $this->_runCmd($cmd, null); $output = file_get_contents($tmpFile); unlink($tmpFile); return $output; }
Runs `tsc` against files that match the configured extension. @param string $filename Filename being processed. @param string $content Content of the file being processed. @return string
public function getCreatedAt() { $timestamp = $this->oneOf(['exif:DateTimeOriginal', 'exif:DateTimeDigitized', 'exif:DateTime', 'date:create']); try { return !empty($timestamp) ? Carbon::parse($timestamp) : null; } catch (Exception $e) { return; } }
{@inheritdoc} @return null|Carbon
public function getDimensions(): array { if ($this->dimensions === null) { $this->dimensions = getimagesize($this->file->getPathname()); } return $this->dimensions; }
Get the dimensions (width and height) of an image as an array. @return array