[ "And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.", "Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.", "Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread." ]
2400_work eat_admonish brother_mans bread naught wrought labor travail night_mans bread naught wrought labor travail
[ "work eat", "admonish brother", "mans bread naught wrought labor travail night", "mans bread naught wrought labor travail", "mans bread naught wrought labor travail night day", "mans bread naught wrought labor travail night day chargable", "mans bread naught wrought labor travail night day chargable power", "naught wrought", "naught wrought labor", "naught wrought labor travail", "naught wrought labor travail night", "naught wrought labor travail night day", "naught wrought labor travail night day chargable", "naught wrought labor travail night day chargable power", "naught wrought labor travail night day chargable power make", "naught wrought labor travail night day chargable power make example", "night day chargable power", "night day chargable power make", "night day chargable power make example", "night day chargable power make example unto", "night day chargable power make example unto follow", "night day chargable power make example unto follow commanded", "night day chargable power make example unto follow commanded work", "note man", "note man company", "note man company ashamed", "note man company ashamed count", "note man company ashamed count enemy", "note man company ashamed count enemy admonish", "note man company ashamed count enemy admonish brother", "obey word epistle", "mans bread naught wrought labor", "obey word epistle note man", "mans bread naught wrought", "obey word epistle note man company ashamed", "quietness work", "quietness work eat", "power make example unto follow commanded work", "power make example unto follow commanded work eat", "power make example unto follow commanded work eat hear" ]
A Warning against Idleness
[ "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.", "Now the Lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means. The Lord be with you all.", "The salutation of Paul with mine own hand, which is the token in every epistle: so I write." ]
2401_means lord salutation paul hand token epistle write grace_write grace lord jesus christ_means lord salutation paul hand token epistle write grace lord_paul hand token
[ "means lord salutation paul hand token epistle write grace", "write grace lord jesus christ", "means lord salutation paul hand token epistle write grace lord", "paul hand token", "paul hand token epistle", "paul hand token epistle write", "paul hand token epistle write grace", "paul hand token epistle write grace lord", "paul hand token epistle write grace lord jesus", "paul hand token epistle write grace lord jesus christ", "paul hand token epistle write grace lord jesus christ amen", "peace means", "peace means lord", "peace means lord salutation", "peace means lord salutation paul", "peace means lord salutation paul hand", "peace means lord salutation paul hand token", "peace means lord salutation paul hand token epistle", "peace means lord salutation paul hand token epistle write", "peace means lord salutation paul hand token epistle write grace", "peace peace means", "peace peace means lord", "means lord salutation paul hand token epistle write", "means lord salutation paul hand token epistle", "peace peace means lord salutation paul hand", "write grace lord jesus", "write grace lord", "write grace", "token epistle write grace lord jesus christ amen", "token epistle write grace lord jesus christ", "token epistle write grace lord jesus", "token epistle write grace lord", "token epistle write grace", "token epistle write", "peace peace means lord salutation", "peace peace means lord salutation paul", "salutation paul hand token epistle write grace lord jesus", "peace peace means lord salutation paul hand token epistle write", "token epistle", "peace peace means lord salutation paul hand token epistle" ]
Signature and Final Greetings
[ "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the commandment of God our Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ, which is our hope;", "Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord." ]
2402_jesus christ commandment god savior_hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy_hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy peace_hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy peace god
[ "jesus christ commandment god savior", "hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy", "hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy peace", "hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy peace god", "hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy peace god father", "jesus christ commandment", "jesus christ commandment god", "unto timothy son faith grace mercy peace god father", "jesus christ commandment god savior lord", "jesus christ commandment god savior lord jesus", "jesus christ commandment god savior lord jesus christ", "jesus christ commandment god savior lord jesus christ hope", "jesus christ commandment god savior lord jesus christ hope unto", "jesus christ hope", "jesus christ hope unto", "jesus christ hope unto timothy", "jesus christ hope unto timothy son", "jesus christ hope unto timothy son faith", "jesus christ hope unto timothy son faith grace", "jesus christ hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy", "jesus christ hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy peace", "lord jesus christ hope", "lord jesus christ hope unto", "lord jesus christ hope unto timothy", "lord jesus christ hope unto timothy son", "lord jesus christ hope unto timothy son faith", "lord jesus christ hope unto timothy son faith grace", "lord jesus christ hope unto timothy son faith grace mercy", "mercy peace god father jesus", "mercy peace god father jesus christ", "mercy peace god father jesus christ lord", "paul apostle jesus christ commandment", "paul apostle jesus christ commandment god", "paul apostle jesus christ commandment god savior", "hope unto timothy son faith grace", "hope unto timothy son faith", "paul apostle jesus christ commandment god savior lord jesus christ", "timothy son faith grace mercy peace god father", "timothy son faith grace mercy peace god", "timothy son faith grace mercy" ]
Paul's Greeting to Timothy
[ "As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine,", "Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,", "For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;" ]
2403_abide ephesus_perjured persons thing contrary sound doctrine according glorious_perjured persons thing contrary sound doctrine according_perjured persons thing contrary sound doctrine
[ "abide ephesus", "perjured persons thing contrary sound doctrine according glorious", "perjured persons thing contrary sound doctrine according", "perjured persons thing contrary sound doctrine", "perjured persons thing contrary sound", "perjured persons thing contrary", "perjured persons thing", "perjured persons", "murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers liars perjured persons", "murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers liars perjured", "murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers liars", "murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers", "murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind", "murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile", "murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers", "murderers mothers manslayers", "murderers mothers", "murderers fathers murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers liars", "murderers fathers murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers", "perjured persons thing contrary sound doctrine according glorious gospel", "minister questions godly edifying faith end", "murderers fathers murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers", "minister questions godly edifying faith end commandment", "minister questions godly edifying faith end commandment charity", "minister questions godly edifying faith end commandment charity pure", "minister questions godly edifying faith end commandment charity pure heart", "mothers manslayers", "mothers manslayers whoremongers", "mothers manslayers whoremongers defile", "murderers fathers murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind", "mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers", "murderers fathers murderers mothers manslayers whoremongers defile", "mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers liars perjured", "murderers fathers murderers mothers manslayers", "murderers fathers murderers mothers", "mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind", "mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers liars", "mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers liars perjured persons thing", "mothers manslayers whoremongers defile mankind menstealers liars perjured persons", "murderers fathers" ]
Correcting False Teachers
[ "Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.", "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.", "Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting." ]
2404_obtained mercy_abundant faith_life everlasting unto king eternal immortal invisible wise_life everlasting unto king eternal immortal invisible wise god
[ "obtained mercy", "abundant faith", "life everlasting unto king eternal immortal invisible wise", "life everlasting unto king eternal immortal invisible wise god", "life everlasting unto king eternal immortal invisible wise god honor", "longsuffering pattern", "longsuffering pattern believe", "longsuffering pattern believe life", "longsuffering pattern believe life everlasting", "longsuffering pattern believe life everlasting unto", "longsuffering pattern believe life everlasting unto king", "longsuffering pattern believe life everlasting unto king eternal", "longsuffering pattern believe life everlasting unto king eternal immortal", "longsuffering pattern believe life everlasting unto king eternal immortal invisible", "lord exceeding abundant", "lord exceeding abundant faith", "lord exceeding abundant faith love", "lord exceeding abundant faith love christ", "lord exceeding abundant faith love christ jesus", "lord exceeding abundant faith love christ jesus faithful", "lord exceeding abundant faith love christ jesus faithful saying", "lord exceeding abundant faith love christ jesus faithful saying worthy", "lord hath enabled", "lord hath enabled counted", "lord hath enabled counted faithful", "lord hath enabled counted faithful putting", "lord hath enabled counted faithful putting ministry", "lord hath enabled counted faithful putting ministry blasphemer", "life everlasting unto king eternal immortal invisible", "ministry blasphemer persecutor injurious", "love christ jesus faithful", "mercy jesus christ", "mercy jesus christ forth", "mercy jesus christ forth longsuffering", "mercy jesus christ forth longsuffering pattern", "mercy did ignorantly unbelief grace lord exceeding abundant faith love", "lord hath enabled counted faithful putting ministry blasphemer persecutor", "mercy jesus christ forth longsuffering pattern believe life everlasting", "mercy jesus christ forth longsuffering pattern believe", "ministry blasphemer" ]
God's Grace to Paul
[ "Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.", "This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;", "Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:" ]
2405_according prophecies_thee thou mightest_thee son timothy according prophecies went thee thou mightest war_thee son timothy according prophecies went thee thou mightest
[ "according prophecies", "thee thou mightest", "thee son timothy according prophecies went thee thou mightest war", "thee son timothy according prophecies went thee thou mightest", "thee son timothy according prophecies went thee thou", "thee son timothy according prophecies went thee", "thee son timothy according prophecies went", "thee son timothy according prophecies", "thee son timothy according", "thee son timothy", "son timothy according prophecies went thee thou mightest war good", "son timothy according prophecies went thee thou mightest war", "son timothy according prophecies went thee thou mightest", "son timothy according prophecies went thee thou", "son timothy according prophecies went thee", "son timothy according prophecies went", "son timothy according prophecies", "son timothy according", "son timothy", "shipwreck hymenaeus alexander delivered unto satan learn blaspheme", "shipwreck hymenaeus alexander delivered unto satan learn", "shipwreck hymenaeus alexander delivered unto satan", "shipwreck hymenaeus alexander delivered unto", "shipwreck hymenaeus alexander delivered", "shipwreck hymenaeus alexander", "shipwreck hymenaeus", "thee thou mightest war", "satan learn", "holding faith good conscience having away concerning faith shipwreck", "prophecies went thee thou mightest war good warfare holding", "mightest war good", "mightest war", "learn blaspheme", "hymenaeus alexander delivered unto satan learn blaspheme", "mightest war good warfare", "satan learn blaspheme", "hymenaeus alexander delivered unto", "hymenaeus alexander delivered unto satan learn", "hymenaeus alexander", "hymenaeus alexander delivered unto satan" ]
Paul's Charge to Timothy
[ "I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.", "For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.", "Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity." ]
2406_acceptable sight_peaceable life_peaceable life godliness_peaceable life godliness honesty
[ "acceptable sight", "peaceable life", "peaceable life godliness", "peaceable life godliness honesty", "peaceable life godliness honesty good", "peaceable life godliness honesty good acceptable", "peaceable life godliness honesty good acceptable sight", "peaceable life godliness honesty good acceptable sight god", "peaceable life godliness honesty good acceptable sight god savior", "peaceable life godliness honesty good acceptable sight god savior men", "pray lifting", "pray lifting holy", "pray lifting holy hands", "pray lifting holy hands wrath", "pray lifting holy hands wrath doubting", "prayers intercessions", "prayers intercessions giving", "prayers intercessions giving thanks", "prayers intercessions giving thanks men", "prayers intercessions giving thanks men kings", "prayers intercessions giving thanks men kings authority", "prayers intercessions giving thanks men kings authority lead", "prayers intercessions giving thanks men kings authority lead quiet", "prayers intercessions giving thanks men kings authority lead quiet peaceable", "preacher apostle speak", "ordained preacher apostle speak truth christ lie teacher gentiles faith", "preacher apostle speak truth christ", "saved come unto knowledge truth", "preacher apostle speak truth christ lie teacher", "ransom testified time whereunto ordained", "ransom testified time whereunto ordained preacher", "ransom testified time whereunto ordained preacher apostle", "ransom testified time whereunto", "ransom testified time whereunto ordained preacher apostle speak truth", "preacher apostle speak truth", "saved come", "ransom testified time whereunto ordained preacher apostle speak", "ransom testified time whereunto ordained preacher apostle speak truth christ", "saved come unto knowledge", "saved come unto" ]
A Call to Prayer
[ "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.", "Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.", "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array." ]
2407_adam deceived_saved childbearing_saved childbearing continue_saved childbearing continue faith
[ "adam deceived", "saved childbearing", "saved childbearing continue", "saved childbearing continue faith", "saved childbearing continue faith charity", "saved childbearing continue faith charity holiness", "saved childbearing continue faith charity holiness sobriety", "shall saved childbearing", "shall saved childbearing continue", "shall saved childbearing continue faith", "shall saved childbearing continue faith charity", "shall saved childbearing continue faith charity holiness", "shall saved childbearing continue faith charity holiness sobriety", "shamefacedness sobriety", "shamefacedness sobriety braided", "shamefacedness sobriety braided hair", "shamefacedness sobriety braided hair gold", "shamefacedness sobriety braided hair gold pearls", "shamefacedness sobriety braided hair gold pearls costly", "shamefacedness sobriety braided hair gold pearls costly array", "shamefacedness sobriety braided hair gold pearls costly array becometh", "shamefacedness sobriety braided hair gold pearls costly array becometh women", "professing godliness good works let woman learn silence subjection suffer", "silence adam formed", "sobriety braided hair gold pearls costly array becometh", "silence adam formed eve adam", "sobriety braided hair gold pearls costly array", "sobriety braided hair gold pearls costly", "sobriety braided hair gold pearls", "sobriety braided hair gold", "sobriety braided hair", "sobriety braided", "silence subjection suffer woman teach usurp authority man silence adam", "silence subjection suffer woman teach usurp authority man silence", "silence subjection suffer woman teach usurp authority man", "silence adam", "silence adam formed eve", "silence subjection suffer woman teach", "silence adam formed eve adam deceived woman deceived", "silence subjection suffer woman teach usurp authority" ]
Instructions to Women
[ "This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.", "Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;", "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach;" ]
2408_house having children subjection gravity man know rule house_man desire office_man desire office bishop_man desire office bishop desireth
[ "house having children subjection gravity man know rule house", "man desire office", "man desire office bishop", "man desire office bishop desireth", "man desire office bishop desireth good", "man desire office bishop desireth good work", "man desire office bishop desireth good work bishop", "man desire office bishop desireth good work bishop blameless", "man desire office bishop desireth good work bishop blameless husband", "man know rule", "man know rule house", "man know rule house shall", "man know rule house shall care", "man know rule house shall care church", "man know rule house shall care church god", "man know rule house shall care church god novice", "man know rule house shall care church god novice lest", "novice lest", "novice lest lifted", "novice lest lifted pride", "novice lest lifted pride fall", "novice lest lifted pride fall condemnation", "novice lest lifted pride fall condemnation devil", "novice lest lifted pride fall condemnation devil good", "novice lest lifted pride fall condemnation devil good report", "novice lest lifted pride fall condemnation devil good report lest", "office bishop", "lucre patient brawler covetous ruleth house having children subjection gravity", "report lest fall reproach", "office bishop desireth good work", "pride fall condemnation", "pride fall condemnation devil", "pride fall condemnation devil good", "pride fall condemnation devil good report", "pride fall", "office bishop desireth", "pride fall condemnation devil good report lest fall reproach", "pride fall condemnation devil good report lest", "report lest", "pride fall condemnation devil good report lest fall" ]
[ "And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.", "Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;", "For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus." ]
2409_office deacon_blameless wives_lucre holding mystery faith pure conscience let proved let use_lucre holding mystery faith pure conscience let proved let
[ "office deacon", "blameless wives", "lucre holding mystery faith pure conscience let proved let use", "lucre holding mystery faith pure conscience let proved let", "mystery faith pure", "mystery faith pure conscience", "mystery faith pure conscience let", "mystery faith", "mystery faith pure conscience let proved", "mystery faith pure conscience let proved let", "mystery faith pure conscience let proved let use office", "mystery faith pure conscience let proved let use", "mystery faith pure conscience let proved let use office deacon", "office deacon blameless", "office deacon blameless wives", "office deacon blameless wives grave", "office deacon blameless wives grave slanderers", "office deacon blameless wives grave slanderers sober", "office deacon blameless wives grave slanderers sober faithful", "office deacon blameless wives grave slanderers sober faithful things", "lucre holding mystery faith pure conscience let proved", "purchase good degree great boldness", "office deacon purchase good", "purchase good degree great", "purchase good degree", "purchase good", "proved let use office deacon blameless wives grave slanderers sober", "proved let use office deacon blameless wives grave slanderers", "proved let use office deacon blameless wives grave", "proved let use office deacon blameless wives", "proved let use office deacon blameless", "office deacon blameless wives grave slanderers sober faithful things let", "office deacon purchase", "proved let use", "office deacon purchase good degree", "office deacon purchase good degree great", "proved let use office deacon", "office deacon purchase good degree great boldness faith", "proved let use office", "office deacon purchase good degree great boldness faith christ jesus" ]
[ "These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:", "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.", "But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth." ]
2410_angels preached_preached unto gentiles_preached unto gentiles believed_preached unto gentiles believed world
[ "angels preached", "preached unto gentiles", "preached unto gentiles believed", "preached unto gentiles believed world", "preached unto gentiles believed world received", "preached unto gentiles believed world received glory", "seen angels", "seen angels preached", "seen angels preached unto", "seen angels preached unto gentiles", "seen angels preached unto gentiles believed", "seen angels preached unto gentiles believed world", "seen angels preached unto gentiles believed world received", "seen angels preached unto gentiles believed world received glory", "shortly tarry", "shortly tarry long", "shortly tarry long thou", "shortly tarry long thou mayest", "shortly tarry long thou mayest know", "pillar ground truth controversy great mystery godliness god manifest flesh", "thee hoping", "shortly tarry long thou mayest know thou oughtest behave", "tarry long thou mayest know thou oughtest behave thyself house", "tarry long thou mayest know thou oughtest behave thyself", "tarry long thou mayest know thou oughtest behave", "tarry long thou mayest know thou oughtest", "tarry long thou mayest know thou", "tarry long thou mayest know", "tarry long thou mayest", "shortly tarry long thou mayest know thou", "spirit seen angels preached unto gentiles believed world received glory", "shortly tarry long thou mayest know thou oughtest", "spirit seen angels preached unto gentiles believed world", "shortly tarry long thou mayest know thou oughtest behave thyself", "spirit seen angels", "tarry long thou", "spirit seen angels preached unto gentiles believed world received", "spirit seen angels preached unto gentiles", "spirit seen angels preached unto gentiles believed", "spirit seen angels preached unto" ]
The Mystery of Godliness
[ "Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;", "Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.", "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;" ]
2411_received thanksgiving_hot iron forbidding marry commanding abstain meats god_marry commanding abstain meats god hath created_marry commanding abstain meats god hath
[ "received thanksgiving", "hot iron forbidding marry commanding abstain meats god", "marry commanding abstain meats god hath created", "marry commanding abstain meats god hath", "marry commanding abstain meats god hath created received thanksgiving", "marry commanding abstain meats god hath created received thanksgiving believe", "meats god hath", "marry commanding abstain meats god hath created received", "meats god hath created", "meats god hath created received", "meats god hath created received thanksgiving believe", "meats god hath created received thanksgiving", "meats god hath created received thanksgiving believe know", "meats god hath created received thanksgiving believe know truth", "meats god hath created received thanksgiving believe know truth creature", "received thanksgiving believe", "received thanksgiving believe know", "received thanksgiving believe know truth", "received thanksgiving believe know truth creature", "marry commanding abstain meats god", "received thanksgiving believe know truth creature god good", "seared hot iron forbidding marry commanding", "received thanksgiving believe know truth creature god good refused received", "seared hot iron forbidding marry", "seared hot iron forbidding", "seared hot iron", "seared hot", "sanctified word god prayer", "sanctified word god", "sanctified word", "received thanksgiving believe know truth creature god", "refused received thanksgiving sanctified word god", "received thanksgiving believe know truth creature god good refused", "refused received thanksgiving sanctified", "received thanksgiving sanctified", "received thanksgiving sanctified word", "refused received thanksgiving sanctified word god prayer", "refused received thanksgiving sanctified word", "refused received", "refused received thanksgiving" ]
A Warning against Apostasy
[ "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.", "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.", "If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained." ]
2412_thyself unto_acceptation labor_saying worthy acceptation labor suffer reproach_saying worthy acceptation labor suffer reproach trust
[ "thyself unto", "acceptation labor", "saying worthy acceptation labor suffer reproach", "saying worthy acceptation labor suffer reproach trust", "saying worthy acceptation labor", "savior men especially believe things command teach let man despise", "savior men especially believe things command teach let man", "saying worthy acceptation labor suffer", "savior men especially believe things command teach let", "savior men especially believe things command teach", "savior men especially believe things", "savior men especially believe things command", "savior men especially", "save thyself hear thee", "save thyself hear", "savior men especially believe", "reproach trust living god savior men especially believe things", "reproach trust living god savior men especially believe", "reproach trust living god savior men especially", "reproach trust living god savior men", "reproach trust living god savior", "reproach trust living god", "reproach trust living", "reproach trust living god savior men especially believe things command", "reproach trust", "remembrance things thou shalt good minister jesus christ nourished words", "saying worthy acceptation labor suffer reproach trust living", "purity till come attendance reading exhortation doctrine neglect gift thee", "remembrance things thou shalt good minister jesus", "reading exhortation doctrine neglect gift thee given thee prophecy laying", "reading exhortation doctrine neglect gift thee given thee prophecy", "reading exhortation doctrine neglect gift thee given thee", "refuse profane", "reading exhortation doctrine neglect gift thee", "remembrance things thou shalt good minister jesus christ nourished", "reading exhortation doctrine neglect", "reading exhortation doctrine neglect gift thee given", "reading exhortation doctrine neglect gift", "reading exhortation", "reading exhortation doctrine" ]
A Good Servant of Jesus Christ
[ "The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity.", "Rebuke not an elder, but entreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren;" ]
2413_brethren elder_younger men brethren elder women mothers younger sisters purity_younger men brethren elder women mothers younger sisters_younger men brethren elder women mothers younger
[ "brethren elder", "younger men brethren elder women mothers younger sisters purity", "younger men brethren elder women mothers younger sisters", "younger men brethren elder women mothers younger", "younger men brethren elder women mothers", "younger men brethren elder women", "younger men brethren elder", "younger men brethren", "younger men", "women mothers younger sisters purity", "women mothers younger sisters", "women mothers younger", "women mothers", "sisters purity", "rebuke elder entreat father younger men brethren elder women mothers", "rebuke elder entreat father younger men brethren elder women", "rebuke elder entreat father younger men brethren elder", "rebuke elder entreat father younger men brethren", "rebuke elder entreat father younger men", "rebuke elder entreat father younger", "rebuke elder entreat father", "rebuke elder entreat", "rebuke elder", "mothers younger sisters purity", "mothers younger sisters", "mothers younger", "men brethren elder women mothers younger sisters purity", "men brethren elder women mothers younger sisters", "men brethren elder women mothers younger", "men brethren elder women mothers", "men brethren elder women", "men brethren elder", "father younger men brethren elder women mothers younger sisters purity", "younger sisters", "father younger men brethren elder women mothers younger", "younger sisters purity", "father younger men brethren elder women", "elder entreat father younger men", "elder entreat father younger men brethren", "elder entreat father younger men brethren elder women" ]
Reproof and Respect: The Older and Younger
[ "And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.", "But if any widow have children or nephews, let them learn first to show piety at home, and to requite their parents: for that is good and acceptable before God.", "Well reported of for good works; if she have brought up children, if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints' feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work." ]
2414_lodged strangers washed saints feet relieved afflicted diligently followed good_reproachfully turned aside satan man woman believeth widows let relieve_reproachfully turned aside satan man woman believeth widows let_reproachfully turned aside satan man woman believeth widows
[ "lodged strangers washed saints feet relieved afflicted diligently followed good", "reproachfully turned aside satan man woman believeth widows let relieve", "reproachfully turned aside satan man woman believeth widows let", "reproachfully turned aside satan man woman believeth widows", "reproachfully turned aside satan man woman believeth", "reproachfully turned aside satan man woman", "reproachfully turned aside satan man", "reproachfully turned aside satan", "reproachfully turned aside", "reproachfully turned", "reported good works brought children lodged strangers washed saints feet", "reported good works brought children lodged strangers washed saints", "reported good works brought children lodged strangers washed", "reported good works brought children lodged strangers", "reported good works brought children lodged", "reported good works brought children", "reported good works brought", "reported good works", "relieved afflicted diligently followed good work younger widows refuse begun", "relieved afflicted diligently followed good work younger widows refuse", "relieved afflicted diligently followed good work younger widows", "relieved afflicted diligently followed good work younger", "relieved afflicted diligently followed good work", "relieved afflicted diligently followed good", "relieved afflicted diligently followed", "relieved afflicted diligently", "relieved afflicted", "relieve widows", "requite parents", "prayers night day liveth", "relieve let church charged", "provide especially house hath denied faith", "provide especially house hath denied", "provide especially house hath", "provide especially house", "provide especially house hath denied faith worse", "prayers night day liveth pleasure dead liveth things charge blameless", "relieve let church charged relieve widows", "prayers night day liveth pleasure dead liveth things", "provide especially" ]
Honoring True Widows
[ "Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses.", "Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially they who labor in the word and doctrine.", "For the Scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The laborer is worthy of his reward." ]
2415_accusation witnesses_scripture saith thou shalt muzzle ox_scripture saith thou shalt muzzle_scripture saith thou shalt
[ "accusation witnesses", "scripture saith thou shalt muzzle ox", "scripture saith thou shalt muzzle", "scripture saith thou shalt", "scripture saith thou", "saith thou shalt muzzle ox treadeth corn laborer worthy reward", "saith thou shalt muzzle ox treadeth corn laborer worthy", "saith thou shalt muzzle ox treadeth corn laborer", "saith thou shalt muzzle ox treadeth corn", "saith thou shalt muzzle ox treadeth", "saith thou shalt muzzle ox", "saith thou shalt muzzle", "saith thou shalt", "rule counted worthy double honor especially labor word doctrine scripture", "rule counted worthy double honor especially labor word doctrine", "rule counted worthy double honor especially labor word", "rule counted worthy double honor especially labor", "rule counted worthy double honor especially", "rule counted worthy double honor", "rule counted worthy double", "rule counted worthy", "rule counted", "reward elder receive accusation witnesses sin rebuke fear", "scripture saith thou shalt muzzle ox treadeth", "muzzle ox treadeth corn laborer", "reward elder receive accusation witnesses", "muzzle ox treadeth corn laborer worthy", "muzzle ox treadeth corn laborer worthy reward", "muzzle ox treadeth corn laborer worthy reward elder", "muzzle ox treadeth corn laborer worthy reward elder receive", "worthy reward elder receive accusation witnesses sin rebuke", "ox treadeth corn laborer", "ox treadeth corn laborer worthy", "ox treadeth corn laborer worthy reward", "ox treadeth corn laborer worthy reward elder", "reward elder receive accusation witnesses sin rebuke", "ox treadeth corn laborer worthy reward elder receive accusation", "reward elder receive accusation witnesses sin", "rebuke fear", "reward elder" ]
Honoring Elders
[ "Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.", "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.", "I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, and the elect angels, that thou observe these things without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality." ]
2416_mens sins_mens sins thyself pure drink longer water use little_preferring doing partiality lay hands suddenly man partaker mens_preferring doing partiality lay hands suddenly man partaker
[ "mens sins", "mens sins thyself pure drink longer water use little", "preferring doing partiality lay hands suddenly man partaker mens", "preferring doing partiality lay hands suddenly man partaker", "pure drink", "pure drink longer", "pure drink longer water", "preferring doing partiality lay hands suddenly man partaker mens sins", "pure drink longer water use", "pure drink longer water use little", "pure drink longer water use little wine", "pure drink longer water use little wine thy", "pure drink longer water use little wine thy stomachs", "pure drink longer water use little wine thy stomachs sake", "sake thine", "sake thine infirmities", "sake thine infirmities mens", "sake thine infirmities mens sins", "sake thine infirmities mens sins open", "sake thine infirmities mens sins open going", "sake thine infirmities mens sins open going judgment", "preferring doing partiality lay hands suddenly man", "preferring doing partiality lay hands suddenly", "sins open", "stomachs sake", "sins thyself pure drink longer water use little wine thy", "sins thyself pure drink longer water use little wine", "sins thyself pure drink longer water use little", "sins thyself pure drink longer water use", "sins thyself pure drink longer water", "sins thyself pure drink longer", "sins thyself pure drink", "sake thine infirmities mens sins open going judgment men", "sake thine infirmities mens sins open going judgment men follow", "sins open going judgment men follow likewise good works manifest", "sins open going", "sins open going judgment", "sins thyself pure", "sins open going judgment men follow", "sins thyself" ]
A Charge to Timothy
[ "Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honor, that the name of God and his doctrine be not blasphemed.", "And they that have believing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren; but rather do them service, because they are faithful and beloved, partakers of the benefit. These things teach and exhort." ]
2417_believing masters_honor god doctrine blasphemed believing masters let despise_honor god doctrine blasphemed believing masters let despise brethren_honor god doctrine blasphemed believing masters let despise brethren service
[ "believing masters", "honor god doctrine blasphemed believing masters let despise", "honor god doctrine blasphemed believing masters let despise brethren", "honor god doctrine blasphemed believing masters let despise brethren service", "let despise", "let despise brethren", "let despise brethren service", "let despise brethren service faithful", "let despise brethren service faithful beloved", "let despise brethren service faithful beloved partakers", "let despise brethren service faithful beloved partakers benefit", "let despise brethren service faithful beloved partakers benefit things", "let despise brethren service faithful beloved partakers benefit things teach", "let servants yoke", "let servants yoke count", "let servants yoke count masters", "let servants yoke count masters worthy", "let servants yoke count masters worthy honor", "let servants yoke count masters worthy honor god", "let servants yoke count masters worthy honor god doctrine", "let servants yoke count masters worthy honor god doctrine blasphemed", "masters let", "masters let despise", "masters let despise brethren", "masters let despise brethren service", "masters let despise brethren service faithful", "masters let despise brethren service faithful beloved", "masters let despise brethren service faithful beloved partakers", "masters let despise brethren service faithful beloved partakers benefit", "masters let despise brethren service faithful beloved partakers benefit things", "masters worthy", "masters worthy honor", "masters worthy honor god", "masters worthy honor god doctrine", "masters worthy honor god doctrine blasphemed", "masters worthy honor god doctrine blasphemed believing", "masters worthy honor god doctrine blasphemed believing masters", "masters worthy honor god doctrine blasphemed believing masters let", "yoke count masters worthy honor god doctrine blasphemed believing", "honor god doctrine blasphemed believing masters" ]
Serving with Honor
[ "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;", "He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings.", "Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself." ]
2418_according godliness_strifes words whereof cometh envy strife railings evil_strifes words whereof cometh envy strife railings_strifes words whereof cometh envy strife
[ "according godliness", "strifes words whereof cometh envy strife railings evil", "strifes words whereof cometh envy strife railings", "strifes words whereof cometh envy strife", "strifes words whereof cometh envy", "strifes words whereof cometh", "strifes words whereof", "strifes words", "strife railings evil surmisings perverse disputings men corrupt minds destitute", "strife railings evil surmisings perverse disputings men corrupt minds", "strife railings evil surmisings perverse disputings men corrupt", "strife railings evil surmisings perverse disputings men", "strife railings evil surmisings perverse disputings", "strife railings evil surmisings perverse", "strife railings evil surmisings", "strife railings evil", "strife railings", "railings evil surmisings perverse disputings men corrupt minds destitute truth", "railings evil surmisings perverse disputings men corrupt minds destitute", "railings evil surmisings perverse disputings men corrupt minds", "railings evil surmisings perverse disputings men corrupt", "railings evil surmisings perverse disputings men", "railings evil surmisings perverse disputings", "railings evil surmisings perverse", "railings evil surmisings", "railings evil", "questions strifes words whereof cometh envy strife railings evil surmisings", "questions strifes words whereof cometh envy strife railings evil", "questions strifes words whereof cometh envy strife railings", "questions strifes words whereof cometh envy strife", "questions strifes words whereof cometh envy", "questions strifes words whereof cometh", "questions strifes words whereof", "strifes words whereof cometh envy strife railings evil surmisings", "questions strifes", "man teach consent wholesome words words lord jesus christ", "proud knowing doting questions strifes words whereof cometh envy", "minds destitute truth", "minds destitute", "minds destitute truth supposing gain godliness withdraw" ]
Reject False Doctrines
[ "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.", "But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.", "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." ]
2419_brought world_perdition love money_perdition love_money root evil coveted erred faith pierced sorrows
[ "brought world", "perdition love money", "perdition love", "money root evil coveted erred faith pierced sorrows", "money root evil coveted erred faith pierced", "money root evil coveted erred faith", "money root evil coveted erred", "money root evil coveted", "money root evil", "money root", "men destruction perdition love money root evil coveted erred faith", "men destruction perdition love money root evil coveted erred", "men destruction perdition love money root evil coveted", "men destruction perdition love money root evil", "men destruction perdition love money root", "men destruction perdition love money", "men destruction perdition love", "men destruction perdition", "men destruction", "lusts drown men destruction perdition love money root evil coveted", "lusts drown men destruction perdition love money root evil", "lusts drown men destruction perdition love money root", "lusts drown men destruction perdition love money", "lusts drown men destruction perdition love", "lusts drown men destruction perdition", "lusts drown men destruction", "lusts drown men", "lusts drown", "love money root evil coveted erred faith pierced sorrows", "love money root evil coveted erred faith pierced", "perdition love money root", "love money root evil coveted erred", "having food", "love money root evil", "hurtful lusts", "having food raiment let therewith content rich fall temptation snare", "hurtful lusts drown men destruction perdition", "hurtful lusts drown men destruction", "hurtful lusts drown men", "hurtful lusts drown" ]
Godliness with Contentment
[ "I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession;", "Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen.", "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses." ]
2420_appearing lord_man god flee things follow righteousness godliness_man god flee things follow righteousness godliness faith_man god flee things follow righteousness godliness faith love
[ "appearing lord", "man god flee things follow righteousness godliness", "man god flee things follow righteousness godliness faith", "man god flee things follow righteousness godliness faith love", "man god flee things follow righteousness godliness faith love patience", "man hath seen honor", "man hath seen honor power", "man hath seen honor power everlasting", "man hath seen honor power everlasting amen", "meekness fight", "meekness fight good", "meekness fight good fight", "meekness fight good fight faith", "meekness fight good fight faith lay", "meekness fight good fight faith lay hold", "meekness fight good fight faith lay hold eternal", "meekness fight good fight faith lay hold eternal life", "meekness fight good fight faith lay hold eternal life whereunto", "patience meekness", "patience meekness fight", "patience meekness fight good", "patience meekness fight good fight", "patience meekness fight good fight faith", "patience meekness fight good fight faith lay", "patience meekness fight good fight faith lay hold", "patience meekness fight good fight faith lay hold eternal", "patience meekness fight good fight faith lay hold eternal life", "pilate witnessed", "pilate witnessed good", "pilate witnessed good confession", "pilate witnessed good confession thou", "pilate witnessed good confession thou commandment", "pilate witnessed good confession thou commandment spot", "pilate witnessed good confession thou commandment spot unrebukable", "man god flee things follow righteousness", "profession witnesses thee charge sight god quickeneth", "pontius pilate witnessed", "professed good profession witnesses thee charge sight", "professed good profession witnesses thee charge", "professed good profession witnesses" ]
Fight the Good Fight: A Charge to Timothy
[ "That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate;", "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded; nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;", "Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life." ]
2421_charge rich_store good foundation time come lay_store good foundation time come_store good foundation time
[ "charge rich", "store good foundation time come lay", "store good foundation time come", "store good foundation time", "store good foundation", "store good", "richly things enjoy good rich good works ready distribute willing", "richly things enjoy good rich good works ready distribute", "richly things enjoy good rich good works ready", "richly things enjoy good rich good works", "richly things enjoy good rich good", "richly things enjoy good rich", "richly things enjoy good", "richly things enjoy", "richly things", "riches living god giveth richly things enjoy good rich good", "riches living god giveth richly things enjoy good rich", "riches living god giveth richly things enjoy good", "riches living god giveth richly things enjoy", "riches living god giveth richly things", "riches living god giveth richly", "riches living god giveth", "riches living god", "riches living", "rich world highminded trust uncertain riches living god giveth richly", "rich world highminded trust uncertain riches living god giveth", "rich world highminded trust uncertain riches living god", "store good foundation time come lay hold", "world highminded trust uncertain riches living god giveth richly", "rich world highminded trust uncertain", "ready distribute willing communicate laying store good", "ready distribute willing communicate laying store", "ready distribute willing communicate laying", "ready distribute willing communicate", "ready distribute willing communicate laying store good foundation", "rich world highminded trust uncertain riches living", "living god giveth richly things enjoy good rich good works", "ready distribute willing", "living god giveth richly things enjoy good rich", "ready distribute" ]
A Charge to the Rich
[ "Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.", "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:" ]
2422_avoiding profane_oppositions science falsely called professing erred concerning faith_vain babblings oppositions science falsely called professing erred concerning_oppositions science falsely called professing erred concerning faith grace thee
[ "avoiding profane", "oppositions science falsely called professing erred concerning faith", "vain babblings oppositions science falsely called professing erred concerning", "oppositions science falsely called professing erred concerning faith grace thee", "profane vain babblings oppositions", "profane vain babblings oppositions science", "profane vain babblings oppositions science falsely", "profane vain babblings oppositions science falsely called", "profane vain babblings oppositions science falsely called professing", "profane vain babblings oppositions science falsely called professing erred", "profane vain babblings oppositions science falsely called professing erred concerning", "professing erred", "professing erred concerning", "professing erred concerning faith", "professing erred concerning faith grace", "professing erred concerning faith grace thee", "professing erred concerning faith grace thee amen", "science falsely", "science falsely called", "science falsely called professing", "science falsely called professing erred", "science falsely called professing erred concerning", "science falsely called professing erred concerning faith", "science falsely called professing erred concerning faith grace", "science falsely called professing erred concerning faith grace thee", "science falsely called professing erred concerning faith grace thee amen", "thy trust avoiding", "thy trust avoiding profane", "oppositions science falsely called professing erred concerning", "thy trust avoiding profane vain babblings", "oppositions science falsely called professing erred", "thy trust avoiding profane vain babblings oppositions science", "trust avoiding profane vain babblings oppositions", "trust avoiding profane vain babblings oppositions science", "trust avoiding profane vain babblings oppositions science falsely", "trust avoiding profane vain babblings oppositions science falsely called", "trust avoiding profane vain babblings", "vain babblings oppositions", "thy trust avoiding profane vain", "vain babblings oppositions science falsely" ]
Guard the Faith
[ "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus,", "To Timothy, my dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord." ]
2423_grace mercy peace god father christ jesus_god father christ jesus_god father christ jesus lord_grace mercy peace god father christ
[ "grace mercy peace god father christ jesus", "god father christ jesus", "god father christ jesus lord", "grace mercy peace god father christ", "timothy dearly beloved son grace mercy peace god father", "grace mercy peace god father christ jesus lord", "jesus christ god according", "jesus christ god according promise", "jesus christ god according promise life", "jesus christ god according promise life christ", "jesus christ god according promise life christ jesus", "jesus christ god according promise life christ jesus timothy", "jesus christ god according promise life christ jesus timothy dearly", "jesus timothy", "jesus timothy dearly", "jesus timothy dearly beloved", "jesus timothy dearly beloved son", "jesus timothy dearly beloved son grace", "jesus timothy dearly beloved son grace mercy", "jesus timothy dearly beloved son grace mercy peace", "jesus timothy dearly beloved son grace mercy peace god", "jesus timothy dearly beloved son grace mercy peace god father", "life christ jesus timothy", "life christ jesus timothy dearly", "life christ jesus timothy dearly beloved", "life christ jesus timothy dearly beloved son", "life christ jesus timothy dearly beloved son grace", "life christ jesus timothy dearly beloved son grace mercy", "life christ jesus timothy dearly beloved son grace mercy peace", "mercy peace god father christ", "mercy peace god father christ jesus", "god according promise life christ jesus timothy dearly beloved son", "god according promise life christ jesus timothy dearly beloved", "paul apostle jesus christ god according promise", "son grace mercy peace god father christ jesus", "son grace mercy peace god father christ jesus lord", "son grace mercy peace", "son grace mercy peace god", "son grace mercy peace god father", "son grace mercy peace god father christ" ]
Paul's Greeting to Timothy
[ "When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.", "But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:", "Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began," ]
2424_able committed_pure conscience ceasing remembrance thee prayers night day_pure conscience ceasing remembrance thee prayers night_pure conscience ceasing remembrance thee prayers
[ "able committed", "pure conscience ceasing remembrance thee prayers night day", "pure conscience ceasing remembrance thee prayers night", "pure conscience ceasing remembrance thee prayers", "pure conscience ceasing remembrance thee", "pure conscience ceasing remembrance", "pure conscience ceasing", "prisoner thou partaker afflictions gospel according power god hath saved", "prisoner thou partaker afflictions gospel according power god hath", "prisoner thou partaker afflictions gospel according power god", "prisoner thou partaker afflictions gospel according power", "prisoner thou partaker afflictions gospel according", "prisoner thou partaker afflictions gospel", "prisoner thou partaker afflictions", "prisoner thou partaker", "prisoner thou", "preacher apostle teacher gentiles cause suffer things ashamed know believed", "preacher apostle teacher gentiles cause suffer things ashamed know", "preacher apostle teacher gentiles cause suffer things ashamed", "preacher apostle teacher gentiles cause suffer things", "preacher apostle teacher gentiles cause suffer", "preacher apostle teacher gentiles cause", "preacher apostle teacher gentiles", "preacher apostle teacher", "prayers night day greatly desiring thee mindful thy tears filled", "prayers night day greatly desiring thee mindful thy tears", "pure conscience ceasing remembrance thee prayers night day greatly", "prayers night day greatly desiring thee mindful", "persuaded thee wherefore thee", "prayers night day greatly desiring", "power god hath saved called holy", "power god hath saved called", "power god hath saved", "power god hath", "power god hath saved called holy calling", "prayers night day greatly desiring thee mindful thy", "persuaded thee wherefore thee remembrance thou stir gift", "persuaded thee wherefore thee remembrance thou stir gift god thee", "persuaded thee wherefore thee remembrance thou", "persuaded thee wherefore thee remembrance thou stir gift god" ]
Faithfulness under Persecution
[ "The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain:", "The Lord grant unto him that he may find mercy of the Lord in that day: and in how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus, thou knowest very well.", "Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus." ]
2425_ashamed chain_mercy unto house onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed_mercy unto house onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain_mercy unto house onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain rome
[ "ashamed chain", "mercy unto house onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed", "mercy unto house onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain", "mercy unto house onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain rome", "mercy unto house onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought", "ministered unto ephesus", "ministered unto ephesus thou", "ministered unto ephesus thou knowest", "oft refreshed", "oft refreshed ashamed", "oft refreshed ashamed chain", "oft refreshed ashamed chain rome", "oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought", "oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently", "oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently lord", "oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently lord grant", "oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently lord grant unto", "onesiphorus oft", "onesiphorus oft refreshed", "onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed", "onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain", "onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain rome", "mercy unto house onesiphorus oft refreshed", "onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently", "rome sought diligently lord", "onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently lord grant", "rome sought diligently", "rome sought", "refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently lord grant unto mercy", "refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently lord grant unto", "refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently lord grant", "refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently lord", "refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently", "refreshed ashamed chain rome sought", "refreshed ashamed chain rome", "onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought", "onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed chain rome sought diligently lord", "phygellus hermogenes lord mercy unto house onesiphorus oft refreshed ashamed", "phygellus hermogenes lord mercy", "refreshed ashamed chain" ]
Holding to Sound Teaching
[ "Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:", "Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.", "And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." ]
2426_abideth faithful_say lord thee understanding things remember_say lord thee understanding things_say lord thee understanding
[ "abideth faithful", "say lord thee understanding things remember", "say lord thee understanding things", "say lord thee understanding", "say lord thee", "salvation christ jesus eternal glory faithful saying dead shall live", "salvation christ jesus eternal glory faithful saying dead shall", "salvation christ jesus eternal glory faithful saying dead", "salvation christ jesus eternal glory faithful saying", "salvation christ jesus eternal glory faithful", "salvation christ jesus eternal glory", "salvation christ jesus eternal", "salvation christ jesus", "salvation christ", "sakes obtain salvation christ jesus eternal glory faithful saying dead", "sakes obtain salvation christ jesus eternal glory faithful saying", "sakes obtain salvation christ jesus eternal glory faithful", "sakes obtain salvation christ jesus eternal glory", "sakes obtain salvation christ jesus eternal", "sakes obtain salvation christ jesus", "sakes obtain salvation christ", "say lord thee understanding things remember jesus", "raised dead according gospel suffer", "remember jesus christ seed david raised dead according gospel suffer", "raised dead according gospel suffer trouble", "raised dead according gospel suffer trouble evil", "raised dead according gospel suffer trouble evil doer", "raised dead according gospel suffer trouble evil doer unto", "raised dead according gospel suffer trouble evil doer unto bonds", "reign deny", "reign deny deny", "reign deny deny believe", "sakes obtain salvation", "reign deny deny believe abideth faithful", "sakes obtain", "remember jesus", "remember jesus christ seed david raised dead according gospel", "reign deny deny believe abideth", "remember jesus christ seed david raised dead according", "remember jesus christ seed david raised" ]
Grace and Perseverance
[ "Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.", "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.", "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity." ]
2427_lord strive_needeth ashamed rightly dividing word truth shun profane_saying resurrection_saying resurrection past
[ "lord strive", "needeth ashamed rightly dividing word truth shun profane", "saying resurrection", "saying resurrection past", "sanctified meet masters use prepared unto good work flee", "sanctified meet masters use prepared unto good work", "sanctified meet masters use prepared unto good", "sanctified meet masters use prepared unto good work flee youthful", "sanctified meet masters use prepared unto", "sanctified meet masters use prepared", "sanctified meet masters use", "sanctified meet masters", "sanctified meet", "rightly dividing word truth shun profane vain babblings increase unto", "rightly dividing word truth shun profane vain babblings increase", "rightly dividing word truth shun profane vain babblings", "rightly dividing word truth shun profane vain", "rightly dividing word truth shun profane", "rightly dividing word truth shun", "rightly dividing word truth", "rightly dividing word", "rightly dividing", "righteousness faith charity peace lord pure heart foolish unlearned questions", "righteousness faith charity peace lord pure heart foolish unlearned", "righteousness faith charity peace lord pure heart foolish", "righteousness faith charity peace lord pure heart", "righteousness faith charity peace lord pure", "righteousness faith charity peace lord", "righteousness faith charity peace", "saying resurrection past overthrow", "questions avoid knowing engender strifes servant lord strive gentle unto", "resurrection past overthrow faith foundation god standeth sure having", "remembrance charging lord strive words profit subverting hearers", "remembrance charging lord strive words profit subverting", "remembrance charging lord strive words profit", "remembrance charging lord strive words", "remembrance charging lord strive words profit subverting hearers study", "remembrance charging lord", "righteousness faith charity", "recover snare devil taken captive" ]
The Lord's Approved Workman
[ "For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,", "For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,", "Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith." ]
2428_able come_pleasures lovers_perilous times shall come men shall lovers selves covetous boasters_perilous times shall come men shall lovers selves covetous
[ "able come", "pleasures lovers", "perilous times shall come men shall lovers selves covetous boasters", "perilous times shall come men shall lovers selves covetous", "perilous times shall come men shall lovers selves", "perilous times shall come men shall lovers", "perilous times shall come men shall", "perilous times shall come men", "perilous times shall come", "perilous times shall", "perilous times", "parents unthankful unholy natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent fierce", "parents unthankful unholy natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent", "parents unthankful unholy natural affection trucebreakers false accusers", "parents unthankful unholy natural affection trucebreakers false", "parents unthankful unholy natural affection trucebreakers", "parents unthankful unholy natural affection", "parents unthankful unholy natural", "pleasures lovers god", "parents unthankful", "minds reprobate concerning faith shall proceed folly shall manifest", "natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers good", "minds reprobate concerning faith shall proceed folly shall manifest unto", "moses resist", "moses resist truth", "moses resist truth men", "moses resist truth men corrupt", "moses resist truth men corrupt minds", "moses resist truth men corrupt minds reprobate", "parents unthankful unholy", "natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers good traitors", "moses resist truth men corrupt minds reprobate concerning faith shall", "natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers", "natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent fierce", "moses resist truth men corrupt minds reprobate concerning", "moses resist truth men corrupt minds reprobate concerning faith", "natural affection trucebreakers false", "natural affection trucebreakers", "natural affection trucebreakers false accusers", "natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent" ]
Evil in the Last Days
[ "But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them ;", "But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience,", "And that from a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." ]
2429_hast learned_thou hast learned_learned child thou hast known holy scriptures able make_persecutions afflictions came unto antioch iconium lystra persecutions
[ "hast learned", "thou hast learned", "learned child thou hast known holy scriptures able make", "persecutions afflictions came unto antioch iconium lystra persecutions", "persecutions afflictions came unto antioch iconium", "persecutions afflictions came unto antioch iconium lystra", "persecutions afflictions came unto antioch", "persecutions afflictions came unto", "persecutions afflictions came", "persecutions afflictions", "persecution evil men seducers shall wax worse worse deceiving deceived", "persecution evil men seducers shall wax worse worse deceiving", "persecution evil men seducers shall wax worse worse", "persecution evil men seducers shall wax worse", "persecution evil men seducers shall wax", "persecution evil men seducers shall", "persecution evil men seducers", "persecution evil men", "persecution evil", "perfect thoroughly furnished unto good works", "perfect thoroughly furnished unto good", "persecutions afflictions came unto antioch iconium lystra persecutions endured", "men seducers shall", "perfect thoroughly", "men seducers shall wax", "men seducers shall wax worse", "men seducers shall wax worse worse", "men seducers shall wax worse worse deceiving", "men seducers shall wax worse worse deceiving deceived", "men seducers shall wax worse worse deceiving deceived continue", "men seducers shall wax worse worse deceiving deceived continue thou", "perfect thoroughly furnished unto", "perfect thoroughly furnished", "patience persecutions afflictions came", "patience persecutions afflictions came unto antioch iconium lystra persecutions endured", "patience persecutions afflictions came unto antioch iconium lystra persecutions", "patience persecutions", "patience persecutions afflictions", "patience persecutions afflictions came unto antioch", "patience persecutions afflictions came unto" ]
All Scripture is God-Breathed
[ "But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.", "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;", "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." ]
2430_afflictions work_preach word instant season season reprove rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine_proof thy_proof thy ministry
[ "afflictions work", "preach word instant season season reprove rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine", "proof thy", "proof thy ministry", "proof thy ministry ready", "proof thy ministry ready offered", "proof thy ministry ready offered time", "proof thy ministry ready offered time departure", "proof thy ministry ready offered time departure hand", "proof thy ministry ready offered time departure hand fought", "proof thy ministry ready offered time departure hand fought good", "quick dead appearing", "quick dead appearing kingdom", "quick dead appearing kingdom preach", "quick dead appearing kingdom preach word", "quick dead appearing kingdom preach word instant", "quick dead appearing kingdom preach word instant season", "quick dead appearing kingdom preach word instant season season", "quick dead appearing kingdom preach word instant season season reprove", "ready offered", "ready offered time", "ready offered time departure", "ready offered time departure hand", "ready offered time departure hand fought", "ready offered time departure hand fought good", "ready offered time departure hand fought good fight", "ready offered time departure hand fought good fight finished", "ready offered time departure hand fought good fight finished course", "rebuke exhort", "rebuke exhort longsuffering", "rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine", "rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine time", "rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine time come", "rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine time come endure", "rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine time come endure sound", "rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine time come endure sound doctrine", "rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine time come endure sound doctrine lusts", "preach word instant season season reprove rebuke exhort longsuffering", "reprove rebuke exhort", "season season reprove rebuke exhort longsuffering doctrine time come endure" ]
Preach the Word
[ "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:", "The cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments.", "For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia." ]
2431_lord reward according works_present world departed_present world departed unto_present world departed unto thessalonica
[ "lord reward according works", "present world departed", "present world departed unto", "present world departed unto thessalonica", "present world departed unto thessalonica crescens", "present world departed unto thessalonica crescens galatia", "present world departed unto thessalonica crescens galatia titus", "present world departed unto thessalonica crescens galatia titus unto", "present world departed unto thessalonica crescens galatia titus unto dalmatia", "profitable ministry", "profitable ministry tychicus", "profitable ministry tychicus sent", "profitable ministry tychicus sent ephesus", "profitable ministry tychicus sent ephesus cloak", "profitable ministry tychicus sent ephesus cloak left", "profitable ministry tychicus sent ephesus cloak left troas", "profitable ministry tychicus sent ephesus cloak left troas carpus", "profitable ministry tychicus sent ephesus cloak left troas carpus thou", "reward according works", "reward according works thou", "reward according works thou ware", "reward according works thou ware hath", "reward according works thou ware hath greatly", "reward according works thou ware hath greatly withstood", "parchments alexander coppersmith did evil lord reward according works thou", "sent ephesus cloak", "thee profitable ministry", "sent ephesus cloak left troas", "thee books especially parchments alexander coppersmith did evil lord reward", "thee books especially parchments alexander coppersmith did evil lord", "thee books especially parchments alexander coppersmith did evil", "thee books especially parchments alexander coppersmith did", "thee books especially parchments alexander coppersmith", "thee books especially parchments alexander", "thee books especially parchments", "thee books especially", "thee books", "shortly unto demas hath forsaken having loved present world departed", "reward according works thou ware hath greatly withstood words", "sent ephesus cloak left" ]
Personal Concerns
[ "At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.", "Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.", "And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen." ]
2432_work preserve unto heavenly kingdom glory forever amen_notwithstanding lord stood strengthened preaching fully_notwithstanding lord stood strengthened preaching_notwithstanding lord stood strengthened
[ "work preserve unto heavenly kingdom glory forever amen", "notwithstanding lord stood strengthened preaching fully", "notwithstanding lord stood strengthened preaching", "notwithstanding lord stood strengthened", "notwithstanding lord stood", "mouth lion lord shall deliver evil work preserve unto heavenly", "mouth lion lord shall deliver evil work preserve unto", "mouth lion lord shall deliver evil work preserve", "mouth lion lord shall deliver evil work", "mouth lion lord shall deliver evil", "mouth lion lord shall deliver", "mouth lion lord shall", "mouth lion lord", "strengthened preaching fully known gentiles hear delivered mouth lion lord", "men forsook pray god laid charge notwithstanding lord stood strengthened", "men forsook pray god laid charge notwithstanding lord stood", "men forsook pray god laid charge notwithstanding lord", "men forsook pray god laid charge notwithstanding", "men forsook pray god laid charge", "men forsook pray god laid", "men forsook pray god", "men forsook pray", "men forsook", "man stood men forsook pray god laid charge notwithstanding lord", "man stood men forsook pray god laid charge notwithstanding", "man stood men forsook pray god laid charge", "man stood men forsook pray god laid", "notwithstanding lord stood strengthened preaching fully known", "lion lord shall deliver", "man stood men forsook", "lord shall deliver evil work", "lord shall deliver evil", "unto heavenly kingdom glory", "work preserve unto heavenly kingdom glory forever", "lord shall deliver evil work preserve", "man stood men forsook pray god", "lion lord shall deliver evil work preserve unto", "lion lord shall deliver evil work preserve unto heavenly kingdom", "lion lord shall deliver evil work", "lion lord shall deliver evil work preserve unto heavenly" ]
The Lord Remains Faithful
[ "The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.", "Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.", "Do thy diligence to come before winter. Eubulus greeteth thee and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and all the brethren." ]
2433_abode corinth_pudens linus claudia brethren lord jesus christ_pudens linus claudia brethren lord jesus_pudens linus claudia brethren lord
[ "abode corinth", "pudens linus claudia brethren lord jesus christ", "pudens linus claudia brethren lord jesus", "pudens linus claudia brethren lord", "pudens linus claudia brethren", "pudens linus claudia", "pudens linus", "prisca aquila household onesiphorus erastus abode corinth trophimus left miletum", "prisca aquila household onesiphorus erastus abode corinth trophimus left", "prisca aquila household onesiphorus erastus abode corinth trophimus", "prisca aquila household onesiphorus erastus abode corinth", "prisca aquila household onesiphorus erastus abode", "prisca aquila household onesiphorus erastus", "prisca aquila household onesiphorus", "prisca aquila household", "prisca aquila", "onesiphorus erastus abode corinth trophimus left miletum sick thy diligence", "onesiphorus erastus abode corinth trophimus left miletum sick thy", "onesiphorus erastus abode corinth trophimus left miletum sick", "onesiphorus erastus abode corinth trophimus left miletum", "onesiphorus erastus abode corinth trophimus left", "onesiphorus erastus abode corinth trophimus", "onesiphorus erastus abode corinth", "onesiphorus erastus abode", "onesiphorus erastus", "pudens linus claudia brethren lord jesus christ thy", "left miletum sick thy diligence come", "miletum sick thy diligence come winter eubulus greeteth", "linus claudia brethren lord jesus christ", "linus claudia brethren lord jesus", "linus claudia brethren lord", "linus claudia brethren lord jesus christ thy", "linus claudia", "miletum sick thy diligence come winter eubulus greeteth thee pudens", "left miletum sick thy diligence come winter eubulus greeteth", "linus claudia brethren", "left miletum sick thy diligence come winter eubulus greeteth thee", "left miletum sick thy diligence come winter", "winter eubulus greeteth thee pudens linus claudia brethren lord", "linus claudia brethren lord jesus christ thy spirit grace" ]
Final Greetings
[ "Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness;", "But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Savior;", "To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior." ]
2434_grace mercy peace god father lord jesus christ savior_life god lie promised world_life god lie promised world began_life god lie promised world began hath
[ "grace mercy peace god father lord jesus christ savior", "life god lie promised world", "life god lie promised world began", "life god lie promised world began hath", "life god lie promised world began hath times", "life god lie promised world began hath times manifested", "life god lie promised world began hath times manifested word", "lord jesus christ savior", "manifested word", "manifested word preaching", "manifested word preaching committed", "manifested word preaching committed unto", "manifested word preaching committed unto according", "manifested word preaching committed unto according commandment", "manifested word preaching committed unto according commandment god", "manifested word preaching committed unto according commandment god savior", "manifested word preaching committed unto according commandment god savior titus", "mercy peace god father lord jesus christ savior", "life god lie promised", "paul servant god apostle", "promised world began hath", "paul servant god apostle jesus christ", "promised world began", "promised world", "preaching committed unto according commandment god savior titus son common", "preaching committed unto according commandment god savior titus son", "preaching committed unto according commandment god savior titus", "preaching committed unto according commandment god savior", "preaching committed unto according commandment god", "paul servant god", "paul servant god apostle jesus", "preaching committed unto", "paul servant god apostle jesus christ according", "paul servant god apostle jesus christ according faith", "preaching committed unto according commandment", "preaching committed unto according", "peace god father lord jesus christ savior", "preaching committed", "paul servant god apostle jesus christ according faith gods elect", "paul servant god apostle jesus christ according faith gods" ]
Paul's Greeting to Titus
[ "But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;", "For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee:", "Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers." ]
2435_able sound_ordain elders city appointed thee blameless husband wife_ordain elders city appointed thee blameless husband wife having_ordain elders city appointed thee blameless husband wife having faithful
[ "able sound", "ordain elders city appointed thee blameless husband wife", "ordain elders city appointed thee blameless husband wife having", "ordain elders city appointed thee blameless husband wife having faithful", "order things wanting", "order things wanting ordain", "order things wanting ordain elders", "order things wanting ordain elders city", "order things wanting ordain elders city appointed", "order things wanting ordain elders city appointed thee", "order things wanting ordain elders city appointed thee blameless", "order things wanting ordain elders city appointed thee blameless husband", "riot unruly", "riot unruly bishop", "riot unruly bishop blameless", "riot unruly bishop blameless steward", "riot unruly bishop blameless steward god", "riot unruly bishop blameless steward god selfwilled", "riot unruly bishop blameless steward god selfwilled soon", "riot unruly bishop blameless steward god selfwilled soon angry", "riot unruly bishop blameless steward god selfwilled soon angry given", "selfwilled soon", "selfwilled soon angry", "selfwilled soon angry given", "selfwilled soon angry given wine", "selfwilled soon angry given wine striker", "selfwilled soon angry given wine striker given", "ordain elders city appointed thee blameless husband", "soon angry given wine", "selfwilled soon angry given wine striker given filthy lucre lover", "sober just", "sober just holy", "sober just holy temperate", "sober just holy temperate holding", "shouldest set order things wanting ordain elders city appointed thee", "selfwilled soon angry given wine striker given filthy", "sober just holy temperate holding fast faithful word", "sober just holy temperate holding fast", "sober just holy temperate holding fast faithful word hath taught", "sober just holy temperate holding fast faithful" ]
Appointing Elders on Crete
[ "Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.", "Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.", "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate." ]
2436_abominable disobedient_said cretians liars evil beasts slow bellies witness true_said cretians liars evil beasts slow bellies witness true wherefore_sake prophet
[ "abominable disobedient", "said cretians liars evil beasts slow bellies witness true", "said cretians liars evil beasts slow bellies witness true wherefore", "sake prophet", "sake prophet said", "sake prophet said cretians", "sake prophet said cretians liars", "sake prophet said cretians liars evil", "sake prophet said cretians liars evil beasts", "sake prophet said cretians liars evil beasts slow", "sake prophet said cretians liars evil beasts slow bellies", "sake prophet said cretians liars evil beasts slow bellies witness", "sharply sound", "sharply sound faith", "sharply sound faith giving", "sharply sound faith giving heed", "sharply sound faith giving heed jewish", "sharply sound faith giving heed jewish fables", "sharply sound faith giving heed jewish fables commandments", "sharply sound faith giving heed jewish fables commandments men", "sharply sound faith giving heed jewish fables commandments men turn", "slow bellies", "slow bellies witness", "slow bellies witness true", "slow bellies witness true wherefore", "slow bellies witness true wherefore rebuke", "slow bellies witness true wherefore rebuke sharply", "slow bellies witness true wherefore rebuke sharply sound", "said cretians liars evil beasts slow bellies witness", "slow bellies witness true wherefore rebuke sharply sound faith giving", "talkers deceivers especially circumcision", "sound faith giving heed", "subvert houses", "subvert houses teaching", "subvert houses teaching things", "subvert houses teaching things ought", "stopped subvert houses teaching things ought filthy lucres sake prophet", "subvert houses teaching things ought filthy lucres", "slow bellies witness true wherefore rebuke sharply sound faith", "subvert houses teaching things ought filthy lucres sake prophet" ]
Correcting False Teachers
[ "To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.", "In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,", "The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;" ]
2437_accusers given_sober grave temperate sound faith charity_sober grave temperate sound faith_sober grave temperate sound
[ "accusers given", "sober grave temperate sound faith charity", "sober grave temperate sound faith", "sober grave temperate sound", "sober grave temperate", "sober grave", "sincerity sound speech condemned contrary ashamed having evil thing say", "sincerity sound speech condemned contrary ashamed having evil thing", "sincerity sound speech condemned contrary ashamed having evil", "sincerity sound speech condemned contrary ashamed having", "sincerity sound speech condemned contrary ashamed", "sincerity sound speech condemned contrary", "sincerity sound speech condemned", "sincerity sound speech", "sincerity sound", "showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity sound speech condemned contrary ashamed having", "showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity sound speech condemned contrary ashamed", "showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity sound speech condemned contrary", "showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity sound speech condemned", "showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity sound speech", "sober grave temperate sound faith charity patience", "showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity", "servants obedient unto masters things answering purloining showing", "showing uncorruptness", "servants obedient unto masters things answering purloining showing good", "servants obedient unto masters things answering purloining showing good fidelity", "showing good", "showing good fidelity", "showing good fidelity adorn", "showing good fidelity adorn doctrine", "showing good fidelity adorn doctrine god", "showing good fidelity adorn doctrine god savior", "showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity sound", "showing uncorruptness gravity", "showing thyself pattern", "showing thyself pattern good works doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity sincerity", "showing thyself pattern good works doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity", "showing good fidelity adorn doctrine god savior things", "showing thyself pattern good works doctrine showing", "showing thyself" ]
Teaching Sound Doctrine
[ "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ;", "Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.", "Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;" ]
2438_appeared men_present world looking blessed hope glorious_present world looking blessed hope glorious appearing_present world looking blessed hope glorious appearing great
[ "appeared men", "present world looking blessed hope glorious", "present world looking blessed hope glorious appearing", "present world looking blessed hope glorious appearing great", "present world looking blessed hope glorious appearing great god", "present world looking blessed hope glorious appearing great god savior", "purify unto", "purify unto peculiar", "purify unto peculiar people", "purify unto peculiar people zealous", "purify unto peculiar people zealous good", "purify unto peculiar people zealous good works", "purify unto peculiar people zealous good works things", "purify unto peculiar people zealous good works things speak", "purify unto peculiar people zealous good works things speak exhort", "rebuke authority", "rebuke authority let", "rebuke authority let man", "rebuke authority let man despise", "rebuke authority let man despise thee", "redeem iniquity", "present world looking blessed hope", "salvation hath appeared men teaching denying ungodliness worldly", "redeem iniquity purify unto peculiar", "salvation hath appeared men teaching denying ungodliness", "salvation hath appeared men teaching denying", "salvation hath appeared men teaching", "salvation hath appeared men", "salvation hath appeared", "righteously godly present world looking blessed hope glorious appearing great", "righteously godly present world looking blessed hope glorious appearing", "righteously godly present world looking blessed hope glorious", "redeem iniquity purify", "righteously godly present world looking blessed", "redeem iniquity purify unto", "righteously godly present world", "redeem iniquity purify unto peculiar people", "righteously godly present world looking blessed hope", "redeem iniquity purify unto peculiar people zealous", "redeem iniquity purify unto peculiar people zealous good works" ]
God's Grace Brings Salvation
[ "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;", "For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.", "This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men." ]
2439_abundantly jesus_men foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lusts_men foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lusts pleasures_men foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lusts pleasures living
[ "abundantly jesus", "men foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lusts", "men foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lusts pleasures", "men foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lusts pleasures living", "men foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lusts pleasures living malice", "mercy saved", "mercy saved washing", "mercy saved washing regeneration", "mercy saved washing regeneration renewing", "mercy saved washing regeneration renewing holy", "mercy saved washing regeneration renewing holy ghost", "mercy saved washing regeneration renewing holy ghost shed", "mercy saved washing regeneration renewing holy ghost shed abundantly", "mercy saved washing regeneration renewing holy ghost shed abundantly jesus", "mind subject", "mind subject principalities", "mind subject principalities powers", "mind subject principalities powers obey", "mind subject principalities powers obey magistrates", "mind subject principalities powers obey magistrates ready", "mind subject principalities powers obey magistrates ready good", "mind subject principalities powers obey magistrates ready good work", "mind subject principalities powers obey magistrates ready good work speak", "obey magistrates", "obey magistrates ready", "obey magistrates ready good", "obey magistrates ready good work", "obey magistrates ready good work speak", "obey magistrates ready good work speak evil", "obey magistrates ready good work speak evil man", "obey magistrates ready good work speak evil man brawlers", "obey magistrates ready good work speak evil man brawlers gentle", "pleasures living", "pleasures living malice", "pleasures living malice envy", "pleasures living malice envy hateful", "men foolish disobedient deceived serving divers", "pleasures living malice envy hateful hating kindness", "regeneration renewing holy ghost shed abundantly jesus christ", "pleasures living malice envy hateful hating kindness love god" ]
Heirs of Grace
[ "Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.", "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.", "A man that is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject;" ]
2440_admonition reject_man heretic_man heretic second_man heretic second admonition
[ "admonition reject", "man heretic", "man heretic second", "man heretic second admonition", "man heretic second admonition reject", "man heretic second admonition reject knowing", "man heretic second admonition reject knowing subverted", "man heretic second admonition reject knowing subverted sinneth", "man heretic second admonition reject knowing subverted sinneth condemned", "questions genealogies", "questions genealogies contentions", "questions genealogies contentions strivings", "questions genealogies contentions strivings law", "questions genealogies contentions strivings law unprofitable", "questions genealogies contentions strivings law unprofitable vain", "questions genealogies contentions strivings law unprofitable vain man", "questions genealogies contentions strivings law unprofitable vain man heretic", "questions genealogies contentions strivings law unprofitable vain man heretic second", "reject knowing", "reject knowing subverted", "reject knowing subverted sinneth", "reject knowing subverted sinneth condemned", "second admonition", "second admonition reject", "second admonition reject knowing", "second admonition reject knowing subverted", "second admonition reject knowing subverted sinneth", "law unprofitable vain man heretic second admonition reject knowing subverted", "vain man heretic second admonition reject knowing subverted sinneth", "strivings law", "unprofitable vain man heretic second admonition reject", "unprofitable vain man heretic second admonition reject knowing", "unprofitable vain man heretic second admonition reject knowing subverted", "unprofitable vain man heretic second admonition reject knowing subverted sinneth", "unprofitable vain man heretic second admonition", "second admonition reject knowing subverted sinneth condemned", "vain man heretic second admonition", "vain man heretic", "vain man heretic second admonition reject knowing", "vain man heretic second" ]
Avoid Divisions
[ "And let ours also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful.", "Bring Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that nothing be wanting unto them.", "When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come unto me to Nicopolis: for I have determined there to winter." ]
2441_apollos journey_unto let learn_unfruitful salute thee greet love faith grace amen_unfruitful salute thee greet love faith grace
[ "apollos journey", "unto let learn", "unfruitful salute thee greet love faith grace amen", "unfruitful salute thee greet love faith grace", "unfruitful salute thee greet love faith", "unfruitful salute thee greet love", "unfruitful salute thee greet", "unfruitful salute thee", "unfruitful salute", "tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis determined winter bring zenas lawyer", "tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis determined winter bring zenas", "tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis determined winter bring", "tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis determined winter", "tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis determined", "tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis", "tychicus diligent come unto", "tychicus diligent come", "tychicus diligent", "thee tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis determined winter bring zenas", "thee tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis determined winter bring", "thee tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis determined winter", "thee tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis determined", "thee tychicus diligent come unto nicopolis", "thee tychicus diligent come unto", "thee tychicus diligent come", "thee tychicus diligent", "thee tychicus", "thee greet love faith grace amen", "thee greet love faith grace", "thee greet love faith", "thee greet love", "unto let learn maintain", "necessary uses unfruitful salute thee greet love faith", "shall send artemas unto thee tychicus diligent come", "nicopolis determined winter bring zenas lawyer apollos journey", "nicopolis determined winter bring zenas lawyer apollos", "salute thee greet love faith", "salute thee greet love", "nicopolis determined winter bring zenas lawyer apollos journey diligently wanting", "nicopolis determined winter bring zenas lawyer apollos journey diligently" ]
Final Remarks and Greetings
[ "Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.", "And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellow soldier, and to the church in thy house:", "Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellow laborer," ]
2442_apphia archippus_philemon dearly beloved fellow_philemon dearly beloved_philemon dearly
[ "apphia archippus", "philemon dearly beloved fellow", "philemon dearly beloved", "philemon dearly", "paul prisoner jesus christ timothy brother unto philemon dearly beloved", "paul prisoner jesus christ timothy brother unto philemon dearly", "paul prisoner jesus christ timothy brother unto philemon", "paul prisoner jesus christ timothy brother unto", "paul prisoner jesus christ timothy brother", "paul prisoner jesus christ timothy", "laborer beloved apphia archippus fellow soldier church thy house grace", "laborer beloved apphia archippus fellow soldier church thy house", "laborer beloved apphia archippus fellow soldier church thy", "laborer beloved apphia archippus fellow soldier church", "laborer beloved apphia archippus fellow soldier", "laborer beloved apphia archippus fellow", "laborer beloved apphia archippus", "laborer beloved apphia", "laborer beloved", "philemon dearly beloved fellow laborer", "jesus christ timothy brother unto philemon dearly beloved fellow", "fellow soldier church thy house", "jesus christ timothy brother unto philemon dearly", "fellow soldier church thy house grace", "fellow soldier church thy house grace peace", "fellow soldier church thy house grace peace god", "fellow soldier church thy house grace peace god father", "fellow soldier church thy house grace peace god father lord", "unto philemon dearly beloved fellow laborer beloved apphia archippus", "house grace", "jesus christ timothy brother unto philemon dearly beloved fellow laborer", "house grace peace god", "jesus christ timothy brother unto philemon dearly beloved", "house grace peace god father lord", "jesus christ timothy brother unto philemon", "jesus christ timothy brother unto", "house grace peace", "house grace peace god father", "house grace peace god father lord jesus christ", "house grace peace god father lord jesus" ]
Greetings from Paul and Timothy
[ "Hearing of thy love and faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all saints;", "For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother.", "That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus." ]
2443_acknowledging good_refreshed thee brother_refreshed thee_prayers hearing thy love faith thou hast lord jesus saints
[ "acknowledging good", "refreshed thee brother", "refreshed thee", "prayers hearing thy love faith thou hast lord jesus saints", "prayers hearing thy love faith thou hast lord jesus", "prayers hearing thy love faith thou hast lord", "prayers hearing thy love faith thou hast", "prayers hearing thy love faith thou", "prayers hearing thy love faith", "prayers hearing thy love", "prayers hearing thy", "prayers hearing", "mention thee prayers hearing thy love faith thou hast lord", "mention thee prayers hearing thy love faith thou hast", "mention thee prayers hearing thy love faith thou", "mention thee prayers hearing thy love faith", "mention thee prayers hearing thy love", "mention thee prayers hearing thy", "mention thee prayers hearing", "mention thee prayers", "mention thee", "making mention thee prayers hearing thy love faith thou hast", "making mention thee prayers hearing thy love faith thou", "making mention thee prayers hearing thy love faith", "making mention thee prayers hearing thy love", "making mention thee prayers hearing thy", "making mention thee prayers hearing", "making mention thee prayers", "making mention thee", "saints communication", "jesus saints communication thy faith effectual acknowledging good thing", "love faith thou hast lord jesus saints communication", "lord jesus saints communication", "lord jesus saints", "joy consolation thy love bowels saints refreshed thee brother", "joy consolation thy love bowels saints refreshed thee", "lord jesus saints communication thy", "joy consolation thy love bowels saints", "love faith thou hast lord jesus saints communication thy faith", "thy love faith thou hast lord jesus saints communication" ]
Philemon's Faith and Love
[ "Yea, brother, let me have joy of thee in the Lord: refresh my bowels in the Lord.", "Having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say.", "I Paul have written it with mine own hand, I will repay it : albeit I do not say to thee how thou owest unto me even thine own self besides." ]
2444_account paul_thee aught account paul written hand repay albeit say thee_thee aught account paul written hand repay albeit say_thee aught account paul written hand repay albeit
[ "account paul", "thee aught account paul written hand repay albeit say thee", "thee aught account paul written hand repay albeit say", "thee aught account paul written hand repay albeit", "thee aught account paul written hand repay", "thee aught account paul written hand", "thee aught account paul written", "thee aught account paul", "thee aught account", "thee aught", "stead ministered unto bonds gospel thy mind thy benefit necessity", "stead ministered unto bonds gospel thy mind thy benefit", "stead ministered unto bonds gospel thy mind thy", "stead ministered unto bonds gospel thy mind", "stead ministered unto bonds gospel thy", "stead ministered unto bonds gospel", "stead ministered unto bonds", "stead ministered unto", "stead ministered", "son onesimus begotten bonds time past thee unprofitable profitable thee", "son onesimus begotten bonds time past thee unprofitable profitable", "son onesimus begotten bonds time past thee unprofitable", "son onesimus begotten bonds time past thee", "son onesimus begotten bonds time past", "son onesimus begotten bonds time", "son onesimus begotten bonds", "thee convenient", "son onesimus", "servant brother", "shouldest receive forever servant servant brother beloved especially unto", "servant servant brother", "servant servant", "servant brother beloved especially unto thee flesh lord thou count", "servant brother beloved especially unto thee flesh lord thou", "servant servant brother beloved", "son onesimus begotten", "servant brother beloved especially unto thee", "servant brother beloved especially unto thee flesh lord", "servant brother beloved especially", "servant brother beloved especially unto thee flesh" ]
Paul's Appeal for Onesimus
[ "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.", "There salute thee Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus;", "Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, Luke, my fellow laborers." ]
2445_aristarchus demas_jesus mark aristarchus demas_jesus mark aristarchus demas luke_jesus mark aristarchus demas luke fellow
[ "aristarchus demas", "jesus mark aristarchus demas", "jesus mark aristarchus demas luke", "jesus mark aristarchus demas luke fellow", "jesus mark aristarchus demas luke fellow laborers", "jesus mark aristarchus demas luke fellow laborers grace", "jesus mark aristarchus demas luke fellow laborers grace lord", "jesus mark aristarchus demas luke fellow laborers grace lord jesus", "laborers grace", "laborers grace lord", "laborers grace lord jesus", "laborers grace lord jesus christ", "laborers grace lord jesus christ spirit", "laborers grace lord jesus christ spirit amen", "luke fellow", "luke fellow laborers", "luke fellow laborers grace", "luke fellow laborers grace lord", "luke fellow laborers grace lord jesus", "luke fellow laborers grace lord jesus christ", "luke fellow laborers grace lord jesus christ spirit", "luke fellow laborers grace lord jesus christ spirit amen", "mark aristarchus", "mark aristarchus demas", "mark aristarchus demas luke", "mark aristarchus demas luke fellow", "mark aristarchus demas luke fellow laborers", "thee epaphras fellow prisoner christ jesus mark aristarchus demas", "jesus mark", "mark aristarchus demas luke fellow laborers grace lord jesus", "salute thee epaphras fellow prisoner christ jesus mark", "salute thee epaphras fellow prisoner christ jesus mark aristarchus", "salute thee epaphras fellow prisoner christ jesus mark aristarchus demas", "thee epaphras", "salute thee epaphras fellow prisoner christ jesus", "mark aristarchus demas luke fellow laborers grace", "thee epaphras fellow prisoner christ", "thee epaphras fellow", "thee epaphras fellow prisoner christ jesus mark", "thee epaphras fellow prisoner" ]
Final Greetings
[ "For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?", "Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;", "Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows." ]
2446_angels said time_angels said_said time_old doth garment vesture shalt thou fold shall changed
[ "angels said time", "angels said", "said time", "old doth garment vesture shalt thou fold shall changed", "shall perish thou remainest shall", "shall perish thou remainest shall wax old doth", "shall perish thou remainest shall wax old", "shall perish thou remainest shall wax", "shall heirs", "shall heirs salvation", "shall perish thou remainest", "shall fail angels said time sit right hand make thine", "shall fail angels said time sit right", "shall fail angels said time sit", "shall fail angels said time sit right hand", "shall fail angels said time sit right hand make", "shall fail angels said", "shall fail angels said time", "shall changed thou art thy years shall fail angels said", "shall fail angels", "shall changed thou art thy years shall fail angels", "shall changed thou art thy years shall fail", "sent forth minister shall heirs salvation", "sent forth minister shall heirs", "sent forth minister shall", "sent forth minister", "scepter thy kingdom thou hast loved righteousness hated iniquity god", "scepter thy kingdom thou hast loved righteousness hated iniquity", "scepter thy kingdom thou hast loved righteousness hated", "scepter thy kingdom thou hast loved righteousness", "scepter thy kingdom thou hast loved", "scepter thy kingdom thou hast", "scepter thy kingdom thou", "scepter righteousness scepter thy kingdom thou hast loved righteousness hated", "scepter righteousness scepter thy kingdom thou hast loved righteousness", "scepter righteousness scepter thy kingdom thou hast loved", "scepter righteousness scepter thy kingdom thou hast", "scepter righteousness scepter thy kingdom thou", "scepter righteousness scepter thy kingdom", "shall perish thou remainest shall wax old doth garment vesture" ]
The Supremacy of the Son
[ "For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward;", "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him ;", "God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will?" ]
2447_angels steadfast_slip word spoken angels steadfast transgression disobedience received just recompense_slip word spoken angels steadfast transgression disobedience received just_slip word spoken angels steadfast transgression disobedience received
[ "angels steadfast", "slip word spoken angels steadfast transgression disobedience received just recompense", "slip word spoken angels steadfast transgression disobedience received just", "slip word spoken angels steadfast transgression disobedience received", "slip word spoken angels steadfast transgression disobedience", "slip word spoken angels steadfast transgression", "slip word spoken angels steadfast", "slip word spoken angels", "slip word spoken", "slip word", "signs wonders divers miracles gifts holy ghost according", "signs wonders divers miracles gifts holy ghost", "signs wonders divers miracles gifts holy", "signs wonders divers miracles gifts", "signs wonders divers miracles", "signs wonders divers", "shall escape neglect great salvation began spoken lord confirmed unto", "shall escape neglect great salvation began spoken lord confirmed", "shall escape neglect great salvation began spoken lord", "shall escape neglect great salvation began spoken", "shall escape neglect great salvation began", "shall escape neglect great salvation", "shall escape neglect great", "shall escape neglect", "salvation began spoken lord confirmed unto heard god bearing witness", "salvation began spoken lord confirmed unto heard god bearing", "salvation began spoken lord confirmed unto heard god", "salvation began spoken lord confirmed unto heard", "salvation began spoken lord confirmed unto", "salvation began spoken lord confirmed", "salvation began spoken lord", "salvation began spoken", "salvation began", "reward shall escape neglect great salvation began spoken lord confirmed", "reward shall escape neglect great salvation began spoken lord", "reward shall escape neglect great salvation began spoken", "reward shall escape neglect great salvation began", "spoken angels", "reward shall escape neglect great", "miracles gifts holy ghost according" ]
Salvation Confirmed
[ "Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honor, and didst set him over the works of thy hands:", "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.", "Wherefore in all things it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people." ]
2448_lower angels_little lower angels_little lower_seed abraham wherefore things behooved like
[ "lower angels", "little lower angels", "little lower", "seed abraham wherefore things behooved like", "seed abraham wherefore", "saying man thou art mindful son man thou visitest thou", "seed abraham wherefore things behooved", "seed abraham wherefore things", "saying man thou art mindful son man thou", "saying man thou art mindful son man thou visitest", "saying man thou art mindful", "saying man thou art mindful son man", "saying man thou art", "saying man thou", "saying declare thy unto brethren midst church sing praise unto", "saying man thou art mindful son", "saying declare thy unto brethren midst church sing praise", "saying declare thy unto brethren midst church sing", "saying declare thy unto brethren midst church", "saying declare thy unto brethren midst", "saying declare thy unto brethren", "saying declare thy unto", "saying declare thy", "sanctifieth sanctified cause ashamed brethren saying declare thy unto brethren", "sanctifieth sanctified cause ashamed brethren saying declare thy unto", "sanctifieth sanctified cause ashamed brethren saying declare thy", "sanctifieth sanctified cause ashamed brethren saying declare", "sanctifieth sanctified cause ashamed brethren saying", "sanctifieth sanctified cause ashamed brethren", "sanctifieth sanctified cause ashamed", "sanctifieth sanctified cause", "sanctifieth sanctified", "sanctified cause ashamed brethren saying declare thy unto brethren midst", "sanctified cause ashamed brethren saying declare thy unto brethren", "sanctified cause ashamed brethren saying declare thy unto", "seed abraham wherefore things behooved like unto", "seed abraham wherefore things behooved like unto brethren", "sanctified cause ashamed brethren saying", "priest things pertaining god make reconciliation sins people hath", "priest things pertaining god make reconciliation sins people hath suffered" ]
Jesus like His Brothers
[ "But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.", "For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who hath builded the house hath more honor than the house.", "Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;" ]
2449_faithful house_apostle high_inasmuch hath builded house_inasmuch hath builded house hath
[ "faithful house", "apostle high", "inasmuch hath builded house", "inasmuch hath builded house hath", "inasmuch hath builded house hath honor", "inasmuch hath builded house hath honor house", "inasmuch hath builded house hath honor house house", "inasmuch hath builded house hath honor house house builded", "inasmuch hath builded house hath honor house house builded man", "jesus faithful appointed", "jesus faithful appointed moses", "jesus faithful appointed moses faithful", "jesus faithful appointed moses faithful house", "jesus faithful appointed moses faithful house man", "jesus faithful appointed moses faithful house man counted", "jesus faithful appointed moses faithful house man counted worthy", "jesus faithful appointed moses faithful house man counted worthy glory", "man built things", "man built things god", "man built things god moses", "man built things god moses verily", "man built things god moses verily faithful", "man built things god moses verily faithful house", "man built things god moses verily faithful house servant", "man built things god moses verily faithful house servant testimony", "man counted", "inasmuch hath builded", "moses verily faithful house", "man counted worthy glory moses", "moses inasmuch hath builded", "moses inasmuch hath builded house", "moses inasmuch hath builded house hath", "moses inasmuch hath", "moses inasmuch hath builded house hath honor house", "man counted worthy", "moses inasmuch hath builded house hath honor house house builded", "moses inasmuch hath builded house hath honor", "moses inasmuch hath builded house hath honor house house", "moses verily faithful", "moses verily" ]
Jesus Our Apostle and High Priest
[ "When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years.", "Wherefore I was grieved with that generation, and said, They do always err in their heart; and they have not known my ways.", "Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, Today if ye will hear his voice," ]
2450_said err heart known ways swore wrath_today ye hear voice harden hearts provocation day temptation wilderness_today ye hear voice harden hearts provocation day temptation_today ye hear voice harden hearts provocation day
[ "said err heart known ways swore wrath", "today ye hear voice harden hearts provocation day temptation wilderness", "today ye hear voice harden hearts provocation day temptation", "today ye hear voice harden hearts provocation day", "tempted proved saw works years wherefore grieved generation said err", "tempted proved saw works years wherefore grieved generation said", "tempted proved saw works years wherefore grieved generation", "tempted proved saw works years wherefore grieved", "tempted proved saw works years wherefore", "tempted proved saw works years", "tempted proved saw works", "temptation wilderness fathers tempted proved saw works years wherefore grieved", "temptation wilderness fathers tempted proved saw works years wherefore", "temptation wilderness fathers tempted proved saw works years", "temptation wilderness fathers tempted proved saw works", "swore wrath shall enter rest", "swore wrath shall enter", "swore wrath shall", "saw works years wherefore grieved generation said err heart known", "saw works years wherefore grieved generation said err heart", "saw works years wherefore grieved generation said err", "saw works years wherefore grieved generation said", "saw works years wherefore grieved generation", "saw works years wherefore grieved", "voice harden hearts provocation day", "saw works years", "proved saw works years wherefore grieved", "saith today ye hear voice harden hearts provocation day", "proved saw works years wherefore grieved generation", "proved saw works years wherefore grieved generation said", "proved saw works years wherefore grieved generation said err", "proved saw works years wherefore grieved generation said err heart", "provocation day temptation wilderness fathers tempted proved saw works", "provocation day temptation wilderness fathers tempted proved saw works years", "said err", "said err heart", "said err heart known", "said err heart known ways", "saw works years wherefore", "saith today ye hear voice harden hearts provocation day temptation" ]
Do Not Harden Your Hearts
[ "For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end;", "But exhort one another daily, while it is called Today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.", "Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God." ]
2451_beginning confidence_lest evil heart unbelief departing living god exhort_lest evil heart unbelief departing living god exhort daily_lest evil heart unbelief departing living god exhort daily called
[ "beginning confidence", "lest evil heart unbelief departing living god exhort", "lest evil heart unbelief departing living god exhort daily", "lest evil heart unbelief departing living god exhort daily called", "lest hardened", "lest hardened deceitfulness", "lest hardened deceitfulness sin", "lest hardened deceitfulness sin partakers", "lest hardened deceitfulness sin partakers christ", "lest hardened deceitfulness sin partakers christ hold", "lest hardened deceitfulness sin partakers christ hold beginning", "lest hardened deceitfulness sin partakers christ hold beginning confidence", "lest hardened deceitfulness sin partakers christ hold beginning confidence steadfast", "living god exhort", "living god exhort daily", "living god exhort daily called", "living god exhort daily called today", "living god exhort daily called today lest", "living god exhort daily called today lest hardened", "living god exhort daily called today lest hardened deceitfulness", "living god exhort daily called today lest hardened deceitfulness sin", "moses grieved", "moses grieved years", "lest evil heart unbelief departing living god", "provocation heard did provoke howbeit came egypt moses grieved years", "moses grieved years sinned carcasses fell", "provocation heard did provoke howbeit came egypt moses grieved", "provocation heard did provoke howbeit came egypt moses", "provocation heard did provoke howbeit came egypt", "provocation heard did provoke howbeit came", "provocation heard did provoke howbeit", "provocation heard did provoke", "provocation heard did", "provocation heard", "partakers christ hold beginning confidence steadfast unto end said today", "moses grieved years sinned", "partakers christ hold beginning confidence steadfast unto end", "moses grieved years sinned carcasses", "partakers christ hold beginning confidence steadfast", "moses grieved years sinned carcasses fell wilderness swore enter" ]
The Peril of Unbelief
[ "For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.", "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.", "Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, Today, after so long a time; as it is said, Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts." ]
2452_enter rest_shall enter rest_rest said sworn wrath shall enter rest_afterward spoken
[ "enter rest", "shall enter rest", "rest said sworn wrath shall enter rest", "afterward spoken", "rest said sworn wrath shall enter", "rest said sworn wrath shall", "rest said sworn wrath", "rest said sworn wrath shall enter rest works", "rest said sworn", "rest people god entered rest hath ceased works god did", "rest people god entered rest hath ceased works", "rest people god entered rest hath ceased works god", "rest people god entered rest hath", "rest people god entered rest", "rest people god entered", "rest people god entered rest hath ceased", "rest people god", "rest lest man fall example unbelief word god quick powerful", "rest lest man fall example unbelief word god quick", "rest lest man fall example unbelief word god", "rest lest man fall example unbelief word", "rest lest man fall example unbelief", "rest lest man fall example", "rest lest man fall", "rest lest man", "rest lest", "rest hath ceased works god did let labor enter rest", "rest hath ceased works god did let labor enter", "rest hath ceased works god did let labor", "rest hath ceased works god did let", "rest said sworn wrath shall enter rest works finished", "remaineth rest", "rest hath ceased works", "rest afterward spoken day", "rest afterward spoken", "rest afterward", "remaineth rest people god entered rest hath ceased works god", "rest afterward spoken day remaineth", "remaineth rest people god entered rest hath ceased", "rest hath ceased works god did" ]
The Sabbath Rest
[ "Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.", "For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins:", "Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared;" ]
2453_called god_order melchizedek_priest touched feeling infirmities_aaron christ
[ "called god", "order melchizedek", "priest touched feeling infirmities", "aaron christ", "priest touched feeling", "priest touched", "priest taken men ordained men things pertaining god offer gifts", "priest taken men ordained men things pertaining god offer", "priest taken men ordained men things pertaining god", "priest taken men ordained men things pertaining", "priest taken men ordained men things", "priest taken men ordained men", "priest taken men ordained", "priest taken men", "priest taken", "priest said unto thou art son today begotten thee saith", "priest said unto thou art son today begotten thee", "priest said unto thou art son today begotten", "priest said unto thou art son today", "priest said unto thou art son", "priest said unto thou art", "priest said unto thou", "priest passed heavens jesus son god let hold fast profession", "priest passed heavens jesus son god let hold fast", "priest passed heavens jesus son god let hold", "priest passed heavens jesus son god let", "priest passed heavens jesus son god", "priest passed heavens jesus son", "priest touched feeling infirmities points", "place thou art priest forever order melchizedek days flesh offered", "priest passed", "prayers supplications strong", "prayers supplications", "points tempted like sin let come boldly unto throne grace", "points tempted like sin let come boldly unto throne", "prayers supplications strong crying", "points tempted like sin let come boldly", "priest passed heavens jesus", "points tempted like sin let", "points tempted like sin let come boldly unto" ]
The Perfect High Priest
[ "Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.", "But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.", "For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat." ]
2454_strong meat_age reason_things say hard uttered seeing ye_things say hard uttered seeing ye dull
[ "strong meat", "age reason", "things say hard uttered seeing ye", "things say hard uttered seeing ye dull", "things say hard uttered", "things say hard", "teachers ye need teach principles oracles god need milk strong", "things say hard uttered seeing", "teachers ye need teach principles oracles god need milk", "teachers ye need teach principles oracles god need", "teachers ye need teach principles oracles", "teachers ye need teach principles oracles god", "teachers ye need teach", "teachers ye need", "teachers ye", "teachers ye need teach principles", "teach principles oracles god need milk strong meat useth", "teach principles oracles god need milk strong meat", "teach principles oracles god need milk strong", "teach principles oracles god need milk", "teach principles oracles god need", "teach principles oracles god", "teach principles oracles", "teach principles oracles god need milk strong meat useth milk", "teach principles", "strong meat useth milk unskillfull word righteousness babe strong meat", "strong meat useth milk unskillfull word righteousness babe", "strong meat useth milk unskillfull word righteousness babe strong", "strong meat useth milk unskillfull word", "strong meat useth milk unskillfull", "strong meat useth milk", "strong meat useth milk unskillfull word righteousness", "strong meat useth", "strong meat belongeth age reason use senses exercised discern good", "strong meat belongeth age reason use senses exercised discern", "strong meat belongeth age reason use senses exercised", "things say hard uttered seeing ye dull hearing", "reason use senses exercised discern good", "strong meat belongeth age reason", "righteousness babe strong meat belongeth age reason use senses" ]
Milk and Solid Food
[ "If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.", "For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:", "Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God," ]
2455_accompany salvation_powers world come shall fall away renew unto repentance seeing_powers world come shall fall away renew unto repentance_powers world come shall fall away renew unto
[ "accompany salvation", "powers world come shall fall away renew unto repentance seeing", "powers world come shall fall away renew unto repentance", "powers world come shall fall away renew unto", "powers world come shall fall away renew", "powers world come shall fall away", "powers world come shall fall", "powers world come shall", "powers world come", "powers world", "persuaded better things things accompany salvation speak god unrighteous forget", "persuaded better things things accompany salvation speak god unrighteous", "persuaded better things things accompany salvation speak god", "persuaded better things things accompany salvation speak", "persuaded better things things accompany salvation", "persuaded better things things accompany", "persuaded better things things", "persuaded better things", "persuaded better", "permit impossible enlightened tasted heavenly gift partakers holy ghost tasted", "permit impossible enlightened tasted heavenly gift partakers holy ghost", "permit impossible enlightened tasted heavenly gift partakers holy", "permit impossible enlightened tasted heavenly gift partakers", "permit impossible enlightened tasted heavenly gift", "permit impossible enlightened tasted heavenly", "permit impossible enlightened tasted", "principles doctrine", "open shame earth drinketh rain", "perfection laying foundation repentance dead works faith god doctrine baptisms", "partakers holy ghost tasted good word", "partakers holy ghost tasted good", "partakers holy ghost tasted", "partakers holy ghost", "partakers holy ghost tasted good word god", "permit impossible enlightened", "open shame earth drinketh rain cometh oft bringeth forth", "partakers holy", "open shame earth drinketh rain cometh oft", "open shame earth drinketh rain cometh oft bringeth forth herbs", "open shame earth drinketh rain cometh" ]
A Call to Maturity
[ "For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife.", "Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:", "That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:" ]
2456_swear greater_abraham swear_patiently endured obtained promise men verily swear greater_patiently endured obtained promise men verily swear
[ "swear greater", "abraham swear", "patiently endured obtained promise men verily swear greater", "patiently endured obtained promise men verily swear", "patiently endured obtained promise men verily swear greater oath confirmation", "promise abraham swear", "promise abraham swear greater", "patiently endured obtained promise men verily swear greater oath", "promise abraham swear greater swore", "promise abraham swear greater swore saying", "promise abraham swear greater swore saying surely blessing", "promise abraham swear greater swore saying surely", "promise abraham swear greater swore saying surely blessing bless", "promise abraham swear greater swore saying surely blessing bless thee", "promise immutability", "promise immutability counsel", "promise immutability counsel confirmed", "promise immutability counsel confirmed oath", "promise immutability counsel confirmed oath immutable", "promise immutability counsel confirmed oath immutable things", "promise immutability counsel confirmed oath immutable things impossible", "promise immutability counsel confirmed oath immutable things impossible god", "promise immutability counsel confirmed oath immutable things impossible god lie", "promise men verily", "promise men verily swear", "promise men verily swear greater", "promise men verily swear greater oath", "promise men verily swear greater oath confirmation", "promise men verily swear greater oath confirmation end", "promise men verily swear greater oath confirmation end strife", "patiently endured obtained promise men verily", "soul sure steadfast entereth veil forerunner entered", "refuge lay hold", "set hope anchor soul", "set hope anchor soul sure", "set hope anchor soul sure steadfast", "set hope anchor soul sure steadfast entereth", "set hope anchor soul sure steadfast entereth veil", "set hope anchor", "promise men verily swear greater oath confirmation end strife god" ]
God's Unchangeable Promise
[ "For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;", "Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.", "And verily they that are of the sons of Levi, who receive the office of the priesthood, have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law, that is, of their brethren, though they come out of the loins of Abraham:" ]
2457_gave tenth_tithes abraham_abraham gave tenth_king salem
[ "gave tenth", "tithes abraham", "abraham gave tenth", "king salem", "abraham gave", "priest high god met abraham returning slaughter", "priest high god met abraham returning slaughter kings", "abideth priest", "priest high god met", "priest high god met abraham", "priest high god met abraham returning", "priest continually consider great man unto patriarch abraham gave tenth", "priest continually consider great man unto", "priest continually consider great man unto patriarch abraham gave", "priest continually consider great man unto patriarch abraham", "priest continually consider great man unto patriarch", "priest continually consider", "priest continually consider great", "priest continually consider great man", "people according law brethren come loins abraham descent counted received", "priest continually", "people according law brethren come loins abraham descent counted", "people according law brethren come loins abraham descent", "priest high god met abraham returning slaughter kings blessed", "priest high god met abraham returning slaughter kings blessed abraham", "people according law brethren come", "paid tithes abraham loins father melchizedek met", "patriarch abraham", "patriarch abraham gave", "patriarch abraham gave tenth", "patriarch abraham gave tenth spoils", "patriarch abraham gave tenth spoils verily", "patriarch abraham gave tenth spoils verily sons", "patriarch abraham gave tenth spoils verily sons levi", "patriarch abraham gave tenth spoils verily sons levi receive", "people according law brethren come loins abraham", "people according law brethren come loins", "peace father mother", "peace father mother descent having beginning days end life", "patriarch abraham gave tenth spoils verily sons levi receive office" ]
Melchizedek and Abraham
[ "For the law maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath, which was since the law, maketh the Son, who is consecrated forevermore.", "(For those priests were made without an oath; but this with an oath by him that said unto him, The Lord swore and will not repent, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek: )", "If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedek, and not be called after the order of Aaron?" ]
2458_law maketh_order melchizedek_art priest forever order melchizedek_art priest forever order
[ "law maketh", "order melchizedek", "art priest forever order melchizedek", "art priest forever order", "art priest forever", "thou art priest forever order melchizedek", "thou art priest", "thou art priest forever", "thou art priest forever order", "priest forever order", "priest forever order melchizedek", "forever order melchizedek", "priest forever", "forever order", "art priest", "aaron priesthood", "priest holy harmless undefiled separate", "priest holy harmless undefiled separate sinners", "priest holy harmless", "priest holy harmless undefiled", "priest holy harmless undefiled separate sinners higher heavens needeth daily", "priest holy harmless undefiled separate sinners higher heavens needeth", "priest holy harmless undefiled separate sinners higher", "priest holy harmless undefiled separate sinners higher heavens", "priest law carnal", "priest forever order melchizedek verily disannulling commandment going weakness unprofitableness", "priest law carnal commandment power endless", "priest rise order melchizedek called order aaron", "priest rise order melchizedek called order", "priest rise order melchizedek called", "priest rise order melchizedek", "priest rise order", "priest rise", "priest priests oath oath said unto lord swore repent thou", "priest priests oath oath said unto lord swore repent", "priest law carnal commandment", "priest law carnal commandment power", "priest priests oath oath said unto", "priest law carnal commandment power endless life", "priest priests oath oath said unto lord swore" ]
A Superior Priesthood
[ "Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such a high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;", "Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the mount.", "For every high priest is ordained to offer gifts and sacrifices: wherefore it is of necessity that this man have somewhat also to offer." ]
2459_offer gifts_wherefore necessity man somewhat offer earth priest seeing priests offer_priests offer gifts according_priests offer gifts
[ "offer gifts", "wherefore necessity man somewhat offer earth priest seeing priests offer", "priests offer gifts according", "priests offer gifts", "priests offer gifts according law", "priests offer gifts according law serve", "priests offer gifts according law serve unto", "priests offer gifts according law serve unto example", "priests offer gifts according law serve unto example shadow", "priests offer gifts according law serve unto example shadow heavenly", "true tabernacle lord pitched man high priest ordained offer gifts", "true tabernacle lord pitched man high priest ordained offer", "right hand throne majesty", "right hand throne majesty heavens", "right hand throne majesty heavens minister", "right hand throne majesty heavens minister sanctuary", "right hand throne majesty heavens minister sanctuary true", "right hand throne majesty heavens minister sanctuary true tabernacle", "right hand throne majesty heavens minister sanctuary true tabernacle lord", "sacrifices wherefore", "sacrifices wherefore necessity", "sacrifices wherefore necessity man", "sacrifices wherefore necessity man somewhat", "sacrifices wherefore necessity man somewhat offer", "sacrifices wherefore necessity man somewhat offer earth", "sacrifices wherefore necessity man somewhat offer earth priest", "unto example", "priest set right hand throne majesty heavens minister sanctuary true", "true tabernacle lord pitched man high priest ordained", "sanctuary true tabernacle lord pitched man high priest", "sanctuary true tabernacle lord pitched man high priest ordained", "sanctuary true tabernacle lord pitched man high priest ordained offer", "sanctuary true tabernacle lord pitched man high", "seeing priests offer", "sacrifices wherefore necessity man somewhat offer earth priest seeing", "seeing priests offer gifts according", "seeing priests", "seeing priests offer gifts", "seeing priests offer gifts according law serve", "seeing priests offer gifts according law" ]
Christ's Eternal Priesthood
[ "For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:", "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:", "Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord." ]
2460_new covenant_laws mind write_saith lord covenant make house israel_saith lord covenant make house israel days
[ "new covenant", "laws mind write", "saith lord covenant make house israel", "saith lord covenant make house israel days", "judah according covenant fathers day took hand lead", "judah according covenant fathers day took hand lead land", "judah according covenant fathers day took hand lead land egypt", "saith lord covenant make house", "know greatest", "know greatest merciful", "know greatest merciful unrighteousness sins", "know greatest merciful unrighteousness", "know greatest merciful unrighteousness sins iniquities remember", "know greatest merciful unrighteousness sins iniquities remember saith", "know greatest merciful unrighteousness sins iniquities remember saith new", "know greatest merciful unrighteousness sins iniquities", "saith lord covenant make", "saith behold days come saith lord make new covenant house", "saith behold days come saith lord make new covenant", "know lord shall know greatest", "know lord shall know greatest merciful", "know lord shall know greatest merciful unrighteousness", "know lord shall know greatest merciful unrighteousness sins", "know greatest merciful unrighteousness sins iniquities remember saith new covenant", "know lord shall know greatest merciful unrighteousness sins iniquities", "know lord shall know greatest merciful unrighteousness sins iniquities remember", "saith behold days come saith lord make new", "land egypt continued", "land egypt continued covenant", "land egypt continued covenant regarded", "saith lord covenant make house israel days saith", "saith lord covenant make house israel days saith lord", "land egypt continued covenant regarded saith lord covenant", "lead land egypt continued covenant regarded saith", "lead land egypt continued covenant regarded saith lord", "lead land egypt continued covenant regarded saith lord covenant", "lead land egypt continued covenant regarded saith lord covenant make", "lead land egypt continued covenant regarded", "lord covenant make", "land egypt continued covenant regarded saith" ]
The Terms of the New Covenant
[ "Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.", "Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;", "Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience;" ]
2461_overlaid round gold golden pot manna aarons rod_second veil tabernacle called holiest_second veil tabernacle called_second veil tabernacle
[ "overlaid round gold golden pot manna aarons rod", "second veil tabernacle called holiest", "second veil tabernacle called", "second veil tabernacle", "second veil", "seat speak particularly things ordained priests went tabernacle accomplishing service", "seat speak particularly things ordained priests went tabernacle accomplishing", "seat speak particularly things ordained priests went tabernacle", "seat speak particularly things ordained priests went", "seat speak particularly things ordained priests", "seat speak particularly things ordained", "seat speak particularly things", "seat speak particularly", "seat speak", "sanctuary tabernacle candlestick table shewbread called sanctuary second veil tabernacle", "sanctuary tabernacle candlestick table shewbread called sanctuary second veil", "sanctuary tabernacle candlestick table shewbread called sanctuary second", "sanctuary tabernacle candlestick table shewbread called sanctuary", "sanctuary tabernacle candlestick table shewbread called", "sanctuary tabernacle candlestick table shewbread", "second veil tabernacle called holiest golden", "sanctuary tabernacle candlestick", "round gold golden pot manna aarons rod budded", "sanctuary second veil tabernacle called holiest golden censer ark covenant", "round gold golden pot manna aarons rod budded tables", "round gold golden pot manna aarons rod budded tables covenant", "sacrifices make", "sacrifices make did", "sacrifices make did service", "sacrifices make did service perfect", "sacrifices make did service perfect pertaining", "sacrifices make did service perfect pertaining conscience", "sanctuary tabernacle candlestick table", "sanctuary tabernacle", "sacrifices make did service perfect pertaining conscience stood meats drinks", "sanctuary second veil tabernacle called holiest golden censer ark", "sanctuary second veil tabernacle called holiest golden censer", "sacrifices make did service perfect pertaining conscience stood", "sanctuary second veil tabernacle called holiest", "sacrifices make did service perfect pertaining conscience stood meats" ]
The Earthly Tabernacle
[ "And for this cause he is the mediator of the new testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament, they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance.", "For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people,", "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" ]
2462_entered holy_look shall appear second time sin unto_promise eternal inheritance testament necessity death testator testament force_promise eternal inheritance testament necessity death testator testament
[ "entered holy", "look shall appear second time sin unto", "promise eternal inheritance testament necessity death testator testament force", "promise eternal inheritance testament necessity death testator testament", "purge conscience", "purge conscience dead", "purge conscience dead works", "promise eternal inheritance testament necessity death testator testament force men", "purge conscience dead works serve", "purge conscience dead works serve living", "purge conscience dead works serve living god cause", "purge conscience dead works serve living god", "purge conscience dead works serve living god cause mediator", "purge conscience dead works serve living god cause mediator new", "purged blood shedding", "purged blood shedding blood", "purged blood shedding blood remission", "purged blood shedding blood remission necessary", "purged blood shedding blood remission necessary patterns", "purged blood shedding blood remission necessary patterns things", "purged blood shedding blood remission necessary patterns things heavens", "promise eternal inheritance testament necessity death testator", "promise eternal inheritance testament necessity death", "purified heavenly things", "receive promise eternal inheritance", "receive promise eternal", "purifying flesh shall blood christ eternal spirit offered spot god", "purifying flesh shall blood christ eternal spirit offered spot", "purifying flesh shall blood christ eternal spirit offered", "purifying flesh shall blood christ eternal spirit", "purifying flesh shall blood christ eternal", "purifying flesh shall blood christ", "purged blood shedding blood remission necessary patterns things heavens purified", "purified heavenly", "purifying flesh", "purified heavenly things better", "purified heavenly things better sacrifices", "purifying flesh shall blood", "purified heavenly things better sacrifices christ entered", "purifying flesh shall" ]
Redemption through His Blood
[ "Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:", "Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein ; which are offered by the law;", "For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect." ]
2463_said lo come_away sins_sacrifices sin thou hast pleasure said lo come volume book_away establish
[ "said lo come", "away sins", "sacrifices sin thou hast pleasure said lo come volume book", "away establish", "sacrifices sin thou hast pleasure said lo come volume", "sacrifices sin thou hast pleasure said lo come", "sacrifices sin thou hast pleasure said lo", "said covenant make", "sacrifices sin thou hast pleasure said", "sacrifices sin thou hast pleasure", "sacrifices sin thou hast", "sacrifices sin thou", "sacrifices sin", "sacrifices remembrance sins year possible blood bulls goats away sins", "sacrifices remembrance sins year possible blood bulls goats away", "sacrifices remembrance sins year possible blood bulls goats", "sacrifices remembrance sins year possible blood bulls", "sacrifices remembrance sins year possible blood", "sacrifices remembrance sins year possible", "sacrifices remembrance sins year", "sacrifices remembrance sins", "sacrifices remembrance", "sacrifices offered year year continually make comers thereunto perfect ceased", "sacrifices offered year year continually make comers thereunto perfect", "sacrifices offered year year continually make comers thereunto", "sacrifices offered year year continually make comers", "sacrifices offered year year continually make", "sacrifices offered year year continually", "sacrifices offered year year", "sacrifices offered year", "sacrifices offered", "sacrifices away sins man offered sacrifice sins forever sat right", "sacrifices away sins man offered sacrifice sins forever sat", "sacrifices away sins man offered sacrifice sins forever", "said covenant make days", "said covenant make days saith", "sacrifices away sins man offered", "sacrifice offering burnt offerings offering sin thou", "sacrifice offering burnt offerings offering sin", "sacrifice offering thou wouldest" ]
Christ's Perfect Sacrifice
[ "For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.", "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.", "Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?" ]
2464_partly whilst_partly whilst ye_afflictions partly whilst_afflictions partly
[ "partly whilst", "partly whilst ye", "afflictions partly whilst", "afflictions partly", "afflictions partly whilst ye", "whilst ye", "adversaries despised", "pure water let hold fast profession faith wavering faithful promised", "receive promise little shall come come", "receive promise little shall come", "receive promise little shall", "receive promise little", "receive promise little shall come come tarry", "receive promise little shall come come tarry just", "receive promise little shall come come tarry just shall", "receive promise little shall come come tarry just shall live", "received knowledge", "received knowledge truth", "received knowledge truth remaineth", "received knowledge truth remaineth sacrifice", "received knowledge truth remaineth sacrifice sins", "received knowledge truth remaineth sacrifice sins certain", "received knowledge truth remaineth sacrifice sins certain fearful", "received knowledge truth remaineth sacrifice sins certain fearful looking", "received knowledge truth remaineth sacrifice sins certain fearful looking judgment", "recompense reward ye", "recompense reward ye need", "recompense reward ye need patience", "pure water let hold fast profession faith wavering", "recompense reward ye need patience ye god", "remaineth sacrifice sins", "remaineth sacrifice sins certain", "remaineth sacrifice sins certain fearful", "remaineth sacrifice", "remaineth sacrifice sins certain fearful looking judgment", "recompense reward ye need patience ye", "remaineth sacrifice sins certain fearful looking judgment fiery indignation", "remaineth sacrifice sins certain fearful looking", "remaineth sacrifice sins certain fearful looking judgment fiery", "remembrance days ye" ]
A Call to Persevere
[ "For by it the elders obtained a good report.", "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.", "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." ]
2465_elders obtained_obtained good report faith understand worlds framed_obtained good report faith understand worlds framed word_worlds framed word god things seen things
[ "elders obtained", "obtained good report faith understand worlds framed", "obtained good report faith understand worlds framed word", "worlds framed word god things seen things", "obtained good report faith understand worlds framed word god things", "report faith understand", "report faith understand worlds", "report faith understand worlds framed", "report faith understand worlds framed word", "report faith understand worlds framed word god", "report faith understand worlds framed word god things", "report faith understand worlds framed word god things seen", "report faith understand worlds framed word god things seen things", "seen elders", "seen elders obtained", "seen elders obtained good", "seen elders obtained good report", "seen elders obtained good report faith", "seen elders obtained good report faith understand", "seen elders obtained good report faith understand worlds", "seen elders obtained good report faith understand worlds framed", "seen elders obtained good report faith understand worlds framed word", "substance things", "substance things hoped", "substance things hoped evidence", "substance things hoped evidence things", "substance things hoped evidence things seen", "substance things hoped evidence things seen elders", "substance things hoped evidence things seen elders obtained", "substance things hoped evidence things seen elders obtained good", "substance things hoped evidence things seen elders obtained good report", "things hoped evidence", "obtained good report faith understand worlds", "obtained good report faith understand", "things hoped evidence things seen elders", "understand worlds framed word god things seen things appear", "word god things", "understand worlds framed word god", "understand worlds framed word god things", "understand worlds framed word god things seen" ]
Faith and Assurance
[ "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.", "By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.", "By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh." ]
2466_abel offered_pleased god faith impossible cometh god believe rewarder diligently_pleased god faith impossible cometh god believe rewarder diligently seek_prepared ark
[ "abel offered", "pleased god faith impossible cometh god believe rewarder diligently", "pleased god faith impossible cometh god believe rewarder diligently seek", "prepared ark", "prepared ark saving", "prepared ark saving house", "prepared ark saving house condemned", "prepared ark saving house condemned world", "prepared ark saving house condemned world heir", "prepared ark saving house condemned world heir righteousness", "prepared ark saving house condemned world heir righteousness faith", "rewarder diligently", "rewarder diligently seek", "rewarder diligently seek faith", "rewarder diligently seek faith noah", "rewarder diligently seek faith noah warned", "rewarder diligently seek faith noah warned god", "rewarder diligently seek faith noah warned god things", "rewarder diligently seek faith noah warned god things seen", "rewarder diligently seek faith noah warned god things seen moved", "righteous god testifying", "righteous god testifying gifts", "righteous god testifying gifts dead", "pleased god faith impossible cometh god believe rewarder", "seek faith noah warned god things", "righteous god testifying gifts dead speaketh faith enoch", "seek faith noah warned god", "seek faith noah warned", "seek faith noah", "seek faith", "saving house condemned world heir righteousness faith", "saving house condemned world heir righteousness", "saving house condemned world heir", "saving house condemned world", "saving house condemned", "righteous god testifying gifts dead speaketh", "sacrifice cain obtained witness righteous god testifying gifts dead speaketh", "righteous god testifying gifts dead speaketh faith", "sacrifice cain obtained witness righteous god testifying gifts", "sacrifice cain" ]
Able, Enoch, and Noah
[ "By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:", "Through faith also Sarah herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.", "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." ]
2467_received promises_faith abraham_able raise_promise strange country dwelling tabernacles isaac jacob heirs promise looked
[ "received promises", "faith abraham", "able raise", "promise strange country dwelling tabernacles isaac jacob heirs promise looked", "promise strange country dwelling tabernacles isaac jacob", "promise strange country dwelling tabernacles isaac", "promise strange country dwelling tabernacles isaac jacob heirs promise", "promise strange country dwelling tabernacles isaac jacob heirs", "promise strange country dwelling", "promise strange country dwelling tabernacles", "promise looked city hath foundations builder maker god faith sarah", "promise strange country", "promise looked city hath foundations builder maker god", "promise looked city hath foundations builder maker", "promise looked city hath foundations builder", "promise strange", "promise looked city hath foundations", "promise looked city hath", "promise looked", "promise looked city", "prepared city faith abraham tried offered isaac received promises offered", "prepared city faith abraham tried offered isaac received promises", "prepared city faith abraham tried offered isaac received", "promise looked city hath foundations builder maker god faith", "prepared city faith abraham tried offered isaac", "prepared city faith abraham tried offered", "prepared city faith abraham tried", "prepared city faith abraham", "prepared city faith", "promised sprang", "promised sprang good", "plainly seek country truly mindful country came opportunity returned", "place receive", "pilgrims earth say things declare plainly seek country truly mindful", "pilgrims earth say things declare plainly seek country truly", "pilgrims earth say things declare plainly seek country", "place receive inheritance", "prepared city", "pilgrims earth say things declare", "pilgrims earth say things declare plainly seek" ]
Abraham and Sarah
[ "By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.", "By faith Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph; and worshiped, leaning upon the top of his staff.", "By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones." ]
2468_worshiped leaning staff faith joseph died mention departing children israel_joseph died mention departing children israel gave commandment concerning bones_joseph died mention departing children israel gave commandment concerning_joseph died mention departing children israel gave commandment
[ "worshiped leaning staff faith joseph died mention departing children israel", "joseph died mention departing children israel gave commandment concerning bones", "joseph died mention departing children israel gave commandment concerning", "joseph died mention departing children israel gave commandment", "joseph died mention departing children israel gave", "joseph died mention departing children israel", "joseph died mention departing children", "joseph died mention departing", "joseph died mention", "worshiped leaning staff", "jacob esau concerning things come faith jacob dying blessed sons", "jacob esau concerning things come faith jacob dying blessed", "jacob esau concerning things come faith jacob dying", "jacob esau concerning things come faith jacob", "jacob esau concerning things come faith", "jacob esau concerning things come", "jacob esau concerning things", "jacob esau concerning", "jacob dying blessed sons joseph worshiped leaning staff faith joseph", "jacob dying blessed sons joseph worshiped leaning staff faith", "jacob dying blessed sons joseph worshiped leaning staff", "jacob dying blessed sons joseph worshiped leaning", "joseph worshiped", "things come faith jacob dying blessed sons joseph", "jacob dying blessed sons", "faith joseph died mention departing children israel", "faith joseph died mention departing children israel gave", "faith joseph died mention departing children israel gave commandment", "faith joseph died mention departing children israel gave commandment concerning", "worshiped leaning staff faith joseph died mention departing children", "gave commandment concerning", "gave commandment concerning bones", "isaac blessed jacob esau", "isaac blessed jacob esau concerning", "jacob dying blessed sons joseph worshiped", "jacob dying blessed sons joseph", "isaac blessed jacob esau concerning things come faith", "israel gave commandment concerning bones", "isaac blessed jacob esau concerning things", "jacob dying" ]
Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph
[ "By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.", "Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward.", "By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment." ]
2469_faith moses_king endured seeing invisible faith kept passover sprinkling blood lest_passover sprinkling blood lest destroyed_passover sprinkling blood lest
[ "faith moses", "king endured seeing invisible faith kept passover sprinkling blood lest", "passover sprinkling blood lest destroyed", "passover sprinkling blood lest", "passover sprinkling blood lest destroyed firstborn touch", "passover sprinkling blood lest destroyed firstborn touch faith", "passover sprinkling blood lest destroyed firstborn touch faith passed", "passover sprinkling blood lest destroyed firstborn", "passover sprinkling blood lest destroyed firstborn touch faith passed red", "people god enjoy", "people god enjoy pleasures sin", "people god enjoy pleasures", "people god enjoy pleasures sin season esteeming", "people god enjoy pleasures sin season esteeming reproach", "people god enjoy pleasures sin season esteeming reproach christ", "people god enjoy pleasures sin season", "pharaohs daughter choosing", "pharaohs daughter choosing suffer", "pharaohs daughter choosing suffer affliction", "pharaohs daughter choosing suffer affliction people", "pharaohs daughter choosing suffer affliction people god", "pharaohs daughter choosing suffer affliction people god enjoy", "pharaohs daughter choosing suffer affliction people god enjoy pleasures", "people god enjoy pleasures sin season esteeming reproach christ greater", "pharaohs daughter choosing suffer affliction people god enjoy pleasures sin", "pleasures sin", "pleasures sin season", "pleasures sin season esteeming", "pleasures sin season esteeming reproach", "pleasures sin season esteeming reproach christ", "pleasures sin season esteeming reproach christ greater", "pleasures sin season esteeming reproach christ greater riches", "passover sprinkling blood", "pleasures sin season esteeming reproach christ greater riches treasures egypt", "reproach christ greater", "proper child afraid", "refused called", "refused called son", "red sea dry land", "red sea dry land egyptians" ]
[ "And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthah; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets:", "They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;", "Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens." ]
2470_accepting deliverance_scourgings yea bonds imprisonment_scourgings yea bonds_scourgings yea
[ "accepting deliverance", "scourgings yea bonds imprisonment", "scourgings yea bonds", "scourgings yea", "say time fail tell gideon barak samson jephthah david samuel", "say time fail tell gideon barak samson jephthah david", "say time fail tell gideon barak samson jephthah", "say time fail tell gideon barak samson", "say time fail tell gideon barak", "say time fail tell gideon", "say time fail tell", "say time fail", "sawn asunder tempted slain sword wandered sheepskins goatskins destitute afflicted", "sawn asunder tempted slain sword wandered sheepskins goatskins destitute", "sawn asunder tempted slain sword wandered sheepskins goatskins", "sawn asunder tempted slain sword wandered sheepskins", "sawn asunder tempted slain sword wandered", "sawn asunder tempted slain sword", "sawn asunder tempted slain", "sawn asunder tempted", "sawn asunder", "samuel prophets faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises stopped", "samuel prophets faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained promises", "samuel prophets faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness obtained", "samuel prophets faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness", "scourgings yea bonds imprisonment stoned", "resurrection trial cruel mockings scourgings yea bonds", "samuel prophets faith subdued", "righteousness obtained promises stopped mouths lions quenched", "righteousness obtained promises stopped mouths lions", "righteousness obtained promises stopped mouths", "righteousness obtained promises stopped mouths lions quenched violence", "righteousness obtained promises", "samuel prophets faith subdued kingdoms wrought", "resurrection trial cruel mockings scourgings yea bonds imprisonment stoned sawn", "righteousness obtained promises stopped", "righteousness obtained", "resurrection trial cruel mockings scourgings yea bonds imprisonment", "resurrection trial cruel mockings scourgings yea bonds imprisonment stoned", "righteousness obtained promises stopped mouths lions quenched violence escaped edge" ]
Many Others
[ "For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.", "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,", "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." ]
2471_aside weight_patience race set looking unto jesus author finisher faith joy_race set_race set looking
[ "aside weight", "patience race set looking unto jesus author finisher faith joy", "race set", "race set looking", "race set looking unto", "race set looking unto jesus", "race set looking unto jesus author", "race set looking unto jesus author finisher", "race set looking unto jesus author finisher faith", "race set looking unto jesus author finisher faith joy", "race set looking unto jesus author finisher faith joy set", "right hand throne god", "right hand throne god consider", "right hand throne god consider endured", "right hand throne god consider endured contradiction", "right hand throne god consider endured contradiction sinners", "right hand throne god consider endured contradiction sinners lest", "right hand throne god consider endured contradiction sinners lest ye", "run patience", "patience race set looking unto jesus author finisher faith", "run patience race set", "set endured cross despising shame set", "run patience race set looking unto", "set endured cross despising shame", "set endured cross despising", "set endured cross", "set endured", "seeing compassed great cloud witnesses let lay aside weight sin", "seeing compassed great cloud witnesses let lay aside weight", "seeing compassed great cloud witnesses let lay aside", "run patience race", "seeing compassed great cloud witnesses let", "run patience race set looking", "seeing compassed great cloud", "run patience race set looking unto jesus", "run patience race set looking unto jesus author", "seeing compassed great cloud witnesses let lay", "seeing compassed great cloud witnesses", "seeing compassed", "seeing compassed great" ]
A Call to Endurance
[ "Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?", "Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.", "And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:" ]
2472_afterward yieldeth_shall subjection unto_shall subjection_seemeth joyous grievous afterward yieldeth peaceable fruit righteousness unto exercised
[ "afterward yieldeth", "shall subjection unto", "shall subjection", "seemeth joyous grievous afterward yieldeth peaceable fruit righteousness unto exercised", "seemeth joyous grievous afterward yieldeth peaceable fruit righteousness unto", "seemeth joyous grievous afterward yieldeth peaceable fruit righteousness", "seemeth joyous grievous afterward yieldeth peaceable fruit", "seemeth joyous grievous afterward yieldeth peaceable", "seemeth joyous grievous afterward yieldeth", "seemeth joyous grievous afterward", "seemeth joyous grievous", "seemeth joyous", "scourgeth son receiveth ye endure chastening god dealeth sons son", "scourgeth son receiveth ye endure chastening god dealeth sons", "scourgeth son receiveth ye endure chastening god dealeth", "scourgeth son receiveth ye endure chastening god", "scourgeth son receiveth ye endure chastening", "scourgeth son receiveth ye endure", "scourgeth son receiveth ye", "scourgeth son receiveth", "scourgeth son", "shall subjection unto father", "righteousness unto exercised wherefore lift hands hang feeble knees", "resisted unto blood striving", "righteousness unto exercised wherefore lift hands hang", "resisted unto blood striving sin", "resisted unto blood striving sin ye", "resisted unto blood striving sin ye forgotten", "resisted unto blood striving sin ye forgotten exhortation", "resisted unto blood striving sin ye forgotten exhortation speaketh", "resisted unto blood striving sin ye forgotten exhortation speaketh unto", "reverence shall", "reverence shall subjection", "righteousness unto exercised wherefore lift hands hang feeble knees make", "reverence shall subjection unto father", "righteousness unto exercised wherefore lift hands hang feeble", "reverence shall subjection unto father spirits live", "righteousness unto exercised wherefore lift hands", "reverence shall subjection unto", "righteousness unto exercised wherefore lift" ]
God Disciplines His Sons
[ "Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.", "Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;", "For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears." ]
2473_afterward inherited_person esau morsel meat_person esau morsel_person esau
[ "afterward inherited", "person esau morsel meat", "person esau morsel", "person esau", "peace men holiness man shall lord looking diligently lest man", "peace men holiness man shall lord looking diligently lest", "peace men holiness man shall lord looking diligently", "peace men holiness man shall lord looking", "peace men holiness man shall lord", "peace men holiness man shall", "peace men holiness man", "peace men holiness", "peace men", "morsel meat sold birthright ye know afterward inherited blessing rejected", "morsel meat sold birthright ye know afterward inherited blessing", "morsel meat sold birthright ye know afterward inherited", "morsel meat sold birthright ye know afterward", "morsel meat sold birthright ye know", "morsel meat sold birthright ye", "morsel meat sold birthright", "morsel meat sold", "morsel meat", "men holiness man shall lord looking diligently lest man fail", "men holiness man shall lord looking diligently lest man", "men holiness man shall lord looking diligently lest", "men holiness man shall lord looking diligently", "men holiness man shall lord looking", "men holiness man shall lord", "men holiness man shall", "men holiness man", "men holiness", "meat sold birthright ye know afterward inherited blessing rejected place", "meat sold birthright ye know afterward inherited blessing rejected", "meat sold birthright ye know afterward inherited blessing", "meat sold birthright ye know afterward inherited", "meat sold birthright ye know afterward", "meat sold birthright ye know", "person esau morsel meat sold", "lest root bitterness springing trouble defiled lest fornicator profane person", "meat sold" ]
A Call to Holiness
[ "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:", "See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:", "But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels," ]
2474_ye come unto mount_things shaken_come unto mount_ye come unto
[ "ye come unto mount", "things shaken", "come unto mount", "ye come unto", "abel ye", "signifieth removing things shaken things things shaken remain wherefore", "signifieth removing things shaken things things shaken remain", "signifieth removing things shaken things things shaken", "signifieth removing things", "signifieth removing things shaken", "signifieth removing things shaken things", "signifieth removing things shaken things things", "sight moses said exceedingly fear quake ye come", "sight moses said exceedingly fear quake ye", "sight moses said exceedingly fear quake ye come unto", "signifieth removing", "sight moses said exceedingly fear", "sight moses said exceedingly", "sight moses said", "shook earth hath promised saying shake earth heaven word signifieth", "shook earth hath promised saying shake earth heaven word", "shook earth hath promised saying shake earth heaven", "sight moses said exceedingly fear quake", "sight moses said exceedingly fear quake ye come unto mount", "shook earth hath promised saying shake", "shook earth hath promised saying shake earth", "shook earth hath promised", "shook earth hath promised saying", "shook earth hath", "shook earth", "shall stoned thrust dart terrible sight moses said exceedingly fear", "shall stoned thrust dart terrible sight moses said exceedingly", "sound trumpet voice", "shall stoned thrust dart terrible sight moses", "shaken things things shaken", "shaken things things shaken remain wherefore", "shaken things things shaken remain wherefore receiving kingdom", "shaken things things shaken remain", "shaken things things shaken remain wherefore receiving", "shaken things" ]
An Unshakable Kingdom
[ "Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.", "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.", "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." ]
2475_adulterers god_marriage honorable bed undefiled whoremongers_marriage honorable bed undefiled_marriage honorable bed
[ "adulterers god", "marriage honorable bed undefiled whoremongers", "marriage honorable bed undefiled", "marriage honorable bed", "marriage honorable", "love continue forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels unawares remember bonds", "love continue forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels unawares remember", "love continue forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels unawares", "love continue forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels", "love continue forgetful entertain strangers entertained", "love continue forgetful entertain strangers", "love continue forgetful entertain", "love continue forgetful", "love continue", "let brotherly love continue forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels unawares", "let brotherly love continue forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels", "let brotherly love continue forgetful entertain strangers entertained", "let brotherly love continue forgetful entertain strangers", "let brotherly love continue forgetful entertain", "marriage honorable bed undefiled whoremongers adulterers", "whoremongers adulterers god", "let brotherly love", "entertained angels unawares remember bonds bound suffer adversity body marriage", "forgetful entertain", "forgetful entertain strangers", "forgetful entertain strangers entertained", "forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels", "forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels unawares", "forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels unawares remember", "let brotherly love continue forgetful", "forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels unawares remember bonds bound", "let brotherly love continue", "honorable bed", "let brotherly", "honorable bed undefiled whoremongers adulterers god judge", "forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels unawares remember bonds", "forgetful entertain strangers entertained angels unawares remember bonds bound suffer", "honorable bed undefiled whoremongers", "honorable bed undefiled", "honorable bed undefiled whoremongers adulterers" ]
Brotherly Love
[ "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.", "Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.", "Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." ]
2476_altar whereof_right eat serve tabernacle bodies beasts blood brought_right eat serve tabernacle bodies beasts blood_right eat serve tabernacle bodies beasts
[ "altar whereof", "right eat serve tabernacle bodies beasts blood brought", "right eat serve tabernacle bodies beasts blood", "right eat serve tabernacle bodies beasts", "right eat serve tabernacle bodies", "right eat serve tabernacle", "right eat serve", "right eat", "reproach continuing city seek come", "reproach continuing city seek", "reproach continuing city", "reproach continuing", "remember rule spoken unto word god faith follow considering end", "remember rule spoken unto word god faith follow considering", "remember rule spoken unto word god faith follow", "remember rule spoken unto word god faith", "remember rule spoken unto word god", "remember rule spoken unto word", "right eat serve tabernacle bodies beasts blood brought sanctuary", "remember rule spoken", "priest sin", "profited occupied altar whereof right eat serve tabernacle bodies beasts", "priest sin burned", "priest sin burned camp", "priest sin burned camp wherefore", "priest sin burned camp wherefore jesus", "priest sin burned camp wherefore jesus sanctify", "priest sin burned camp wherefore jesus sanctify people", "priest sin burned camp wherefore jesus sanctify people blood", "remember rule spoken unto", "remember rule", "profited occupied altar", "profited occupied altar whereof right eat serve tabernacle bodies", "profited occupied altar whereof right eat serve tabernacle", "priest sin burned camp wherefore jesus sanctify people blood suffered", "profited occupied", "profited occupied altar whereof right", "profited occupied altar whereof", "profited occupied altar whereof right eat", "profited occupied altar whereof right eat serve" ]
Christ's Unchanging Nature
[ "Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.", "By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.", "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." ]
2477_account joy_sacrifices god pleased obey_sacrifices god pleased_sacrifice praise god continually fruit lips giving thanks good communicate
[ "account joy", "sacrifices god pleased obey", "sacrifices god pleased", "sacrifice praise god continually fruit lips giving thanks good communicate", "sacrifice praise god continually fruit lips giving thanks good", "sacrifice praise god continually fruit lips giving thanks", "sacrifice praise god continually fruit lips giving", "sacrifice praise god continually fruit lips", "sacrifice praise god continually fruit", "sacrifice praise god continually", "sacrifice praise god", "rule submit watch souls account joy grief unprofitable pray trust", "rule submit watch souls account joy grief unprofitable pray", "rule submit watch souls account joy grief unprofitable", "rule submit watch souls account joy grief", "rule submit watch souls account joy", "rule submit watch souls account", "rule submit watch souls", "rule submit watch", "rule submit", "restored sooner", "pray trust good conscience things willing live honestly beseech restored", "pray trust good conscience things willing live honestly beseech", "pray trust good conscience things willing live honestly", "pray trust good conscience things willing live", "pray trust good conscience things willing", "pray trust good conscience things", "pray trust good conscience", "pray trust good", "pray trust", "praise god continually fruit lips giving thanks good communicate forget", "praise god continually fruit lips giving thanks good communicate", "sacrifices god pleased obey rule", "praise god continually fruit lips giving thanks", "live honestly beseech", "praise god continually fruit lips", "obey rule submit watch souls account joy grief unprofitable", "obey rule submit watch souls account joy grief", "offer sacrifice praise god continually", "offer sacrifice praise god" ]
Sacrifice, Obedience, and Prayer
[ "And I beseech you, brethren, suffer the word of exhortation: for I have written a letter unto you in few words.", "Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.", "Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant," ]
2478_amen beseech_rule saints italy salute grace amen_saints italy_saints italy salute
[ "amen beseech", "rule saints italy salute grace amen", "saints italy", "saints italy salute", "saints italy salute grace", "saints italy salute grace amen", "salute grace amen", "salute rule", "salute rule saints", "salute rule saints italy", "salute rule saints italy salute", "salute rule saints italy salute grace", "salute rule saints italy salute grace amen", "set liberty come", "set liberty come shortly", "set liberty come shortly salute", "set liberty come shortly salute rule", "set liberty come shortly salute rule saints", "set liberty come shortly salute rule saints italy", "set liberty come shortly salute rule saints italy salute", "set liberty come shortly salute rule saints italy salute grace", "rule saints italy salute grace", "sheep blood everlasting", "shortly salute rule saints italy salute grace amen", "sheep blood everlasting covenant make", "shortly salute rule saints italy salute grace", "shortly salute rule saints italy salute", "shortly salute rule saints italy", "shortly salute rule saints", "shortly salute rule", "shortly salute", "shepherd sheep blood everlasting covenant make perfect good work working", "shepherd sheep blood everlasting covenant make perfect good work", "sheep blood", "shepherd sheep blood everlasting covenant make perfect", "sheep blood everlasting covenant", "shepherd sheep blood everlasting covenant", "sheep blood everlasting covenant make perfect", "shepherd sheep blood everlasting covenant make perfect good", "sheep blood everlasting covenant make perfect good" ]
Benediction and Farewell
[ "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting." ]
2479_abroad greeting_tribes scattered_servant god lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad greeting_servant god lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad
[ "abroad greeting", "tribes scattered", "servant god lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad greeting", "servant god lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad", "servant god lord jesus christ tribes scattered", "servant god lord jesus christ tribes", "servant god lord jesus christ", "servant god lord jesus", "servant god lord", "scattered abroad greeting", "lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad greeting", "lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad", "lord jesus christ tribes scattered", "lord jesus christ tribes", "jesus christ tribes scattered abroad greeting", "jesus christ tribes scattered abroad", "jesus christ tribes scattered", "tribes scattered abroad", "james servant god lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad greeting", "james servant god lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad", "tribes scattered abroad greeting", "god lord jesus christ tribes scattered", "christ tribes", "christ tribes scattered", "christ tribes scattered abroad", "christ tribes scattered abroad greeting", "god lord jesus christ tribes", "jesus christ tribes", "god lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad", "god lord jesus christ tribes scattered abroad greeting", "james servant god lord jesus christ tribes scattered", "james servant god", "james servant god lord jesus christ tribes", "james servant god lord jesus christ", "james servant god lord jesus", "james servant god lord", "james servant", "god lord jesus", "servant god", "god lord jesus christ" ]
A Greeting from James
[ "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.", "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.", "For the sun is no sooner risen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grass, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth: so also shall the rich man fade away in his ways." ]
2480_let ask_ask faith_risen burning heat withereth grass flower thereof falleth grace_risen burning heat withereth grass flower thereof falleth
[ "let ask", "ask faith", "risen burning heat withereth grass flower thereof falleth grace", "risen burning heat withereth grass flower thereof falleth", "risen burning heat withereth grass flower thereof", "risen burning heat withereth grass flower", "risen burning heat withereth grass", "risen burning heat withereth", "risen burning heat", "risen burning", "rich man fade away ways blessed man endureth temptation tried", "rich man fade away ways blessed man endureth temptation", "rich man fade away ways blessed man endureth", "rich man fade away ways blessed man", "rich man fade away ways blessed", "rich man fade away ways", "rich man fade away", "rich man fade", "rich low flower grass shall pass away sun sooner risen", "rich low flower grass shall pass away sun sooner", "rich low flower grass shall pass away sun", "rich low flower grass shall pass away", "rich low flower grass shall pass", "rich low flower grass shall", "risen burning heat withereth grass flower thereof falleth grace fashion", "receive crown life lord", "rich low", "receive crown life lord hath", "receive crown life lord hath promised", "receive crown life lord hath promised love", "receive thing", "receive thing lord", "receive thing lord double", "receive thing lord double minded", "receive thing lord double minded man", "receive thing lord double minded man unstable", "rich low flower grass", "receive thing lord double minded man unstable ways let", "rich low flower", "rejoice exalted" ]
Rejoicing in Trials
[ "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.", "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:", "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death." ]
2481_good gift perfect gift cometh_lust hath conceived bringeth forth_lust hath conceived bringeth forth sin_lust hath conceived bringeth forth sin sin
[ "good gift perfect gift cometh", "lust hath conceived bringeth forth", "lust hath conceived bringeth forth sin", "lust hath conceived bringeth forth sin sin", "lust hath conceived bringeth forth sin sin finished", "lust hath conceived bringeth forth sin sin finished bringeth", "lust hath conceived bringeth forth sin sin finished bringeth forth", "man man tempted", "man man tempted drawn", "man man tempted drawn away", "man man tempted drawn away lust", "man man tempted drawn away lust enticed", "man man tempted drawn away lust enticed lust", "man man tempted drawn away lust enticed lust hath", "man man tempted drawn away lust enticed lust hath conceived", "man say tempted", "man say tempted tempted", "man say tempted tempted god", "man say tempted tempted god god", "man say tempted tempted god god tempted", "man say tempted tempted god god tempted evil", "lust hath conceived bringeth", "say tempted tempted god", "man tempted", "say tempted tempted", "say tempted", "perfect gift cometh father lights variableness shadow turning begat word", "perfect gift cometh father lights variableness shadow turning begat", "perfect gift cometh father lights variableness shadow turning", "perfect gift cometh father lights variableness shadow", "perfect gift cometh father lights variableness", "perfect gift cometh father lights", "man say tempted tempted god god tempted evil tempteth", "perfect gift cometh", "man say tempted tempted god god tempted evil tempteth man", "man tempted drawn away lust enticed lust hath conceived bringeth", "man tempted drawn", "perfect gift cometh father", "man tempted drawn away", "man tempted drawn away lust enticed" ]
Good and Perfect Gifts
[ "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.", "Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.", "But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed." ]
2482_man whoso looketh perfect law_save souls ye doers word hearers deceiving selves_save souls ye doers word hearers deceiving_save souls ye doers word hearers
[ "man whoso looketh perfect law", "save souls ye doers word hearers deceiving selves", "save souls ye doers word hearers deceiving", "save souls ye doers word hearers", "save souls ye doers word", "save souls ye doers", "save souls ye", "righteousness god wherefore lay apart filthiness superfluity naughtiness receive meekness", "righteousness god wherefore lay apart filthiness superfluity naughtiness receive", "righteousness god wherefore lay apart filthiness superfluity naughtiness", "righteousness god wherefore lay apart filthiness superfluity", "righteousness god wherefore lay apart filthiness", "righteousness god wherefore lay apart", "righteousness god wherefore lay", "righteousness god wherefore", "religious bridleth tongue deceiveth heart mans religion vain pure religion", "religious bridleth tongue deceiveth heart mans religion vain pure", "religious bridleth tongue deceiveth heart mans religion vain", "religious bridleth tongue deceiveth heart mans religion", "religious bridleth tongue deceiveth heart mans", "save souls ye doers word hearers deceiving selves hearer", "religion undefiled", "religious bridleth tongue", "religion undefiled god", "religion undefiled god father", "religion undefiled god father visit", "religion undefiled god father visit fatherless", "religion undefiled god father visit fatherless widows", "religion undefiled god father visit fatherless widows affliction", "religion undefiled god father visit fatherless widows affliction unspotted", "religion undefiled god father visit fatherless widows affliction unspotted world", "religious bridleth tongue deceiveth heart", "religious bridleth tongue deceiveth", "religion vain pure religion", "religious bridleth", "religion vain pure religion undefiled god father visit fatherless widows", "religion vain", "religion vain pure religion undefiled god father visit", "religion vain pure", "religion vain pure religion undefiled god" ]
Hearing and Doing
[ "For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.", "Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?", "And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:" ]
2483_ye respect_kill thou_said commit adultery said_according scripture
[ "ye respect", "kill thou", "said commit adultery said", "according scripture", "said commit adultery", "said commit", "royal law according scripture thou shalt love thy neighbor thyself", "said commit adultery said kill", "royal law according scripture thou shalt love thy neighbor", "royal law according scripture thou shalt love thy", "royal law according scripture thou shalt", "royal law according scripture thou shalt love", "royal law according scripture", "royal law according", "royal law", "royal law according scripture thou", "ring goodly apparel come poor man vile raiment ye", "ring goodly apparel come poor man vile raiment", "ring goodly apparel come poor man vile", "ring goodly apparel come poor man", "ring goodly apparel come poor", "ring goodly apparel come", "ring goodly apparel", "ring goodly apparel come poor man vile raiment ye respect", "ring goodly", "rich men oppress draw judgment seats blaspheme worthy ye called", "rich men oppress draw judgment seats blaspheme worthy", "rich men oppress draw judgment seats blaspheme worthy ye", "rich men oppress draw judgment seats blaspheme", "rich men oppress draw judgment seats", "rich men oppress draw judgment", "rich men oppress draw", "rich men oppress", "said commit adultery said kill thou", "respect persons come unto assembly", "rich faith heirs kingdom hath promised love ye", "respect persons ye commit sin convinced", "respect persons ye commit sin", "respect persons ye commit sin convinced law transgressors whosoever shall", "respect persons ye commit sin convinced law transgressors whosoever" ]
A Warning against Favoritism
[ "And the Scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.", "And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?", "Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works." ]
2484_faith works_works dead_faith works dead_works faith
[ "faith works", "works dead", "faith works dead", "works faith", "doth profit", "justified works", "sent way", "sent way body spirit", "seest thou faith wrought works works faith perfect scripture fulfilled", "seest thou faith wrought works works faith perfect scripture", "sent way body", "seest thou faith wrought works works", "seest thou faith wrought works", "seest thou faith wrought", "seest thou faith", "seest thou faith wrought works works faith perfect", "scripture fulfilled saith abraham believed god imputed unto righteousness called", "scripture fulfilled saith abraham believed god imputed unto righteousness", "scripture fulfilled saith abraham believed god imputed unto", "scripture fulfilled saith abraham believed god imputed", "scripture fulfilled saith abraham believed god", "scripture fulfilled saith abraham believed", "scripture fulfilled saith abraham", "seest thou faith wrought works works faith", "say unto depart peace ye warmed filled notwithstanding ye things", "say unto depart peace ye warmed filled notwithstanding ye", "say unto depart peace ye warmed filled", "say unto depart peace ye warmed filled notwithstanding", "say unto depart peace ye warmed", "say unto depart peace ye", "say unto depart peace", "messengers sent way body spirit dead faith works", "say thou hast faith works thy faith thy works", "save brother sister naked destitute daily food say unto", "save brother sister naked destitute daily food say", "save brother sister naked destitute daily food", "save brother sister naked destitute daily", "save brother sister naked destitute daily food say unto depart", "say thou hast faith works thy faith thy works thee", "save brother sister" ]
Faith and Works
[ "And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity; so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.", "Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth.", " Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh." ]
2485_body behold_able bridle_proceedeth blessing cursing brethren things ought doth_proceedeth blessing cursing brethren things ought
[ "body behold", "able bridle", "proceedeth blessing cursing brethren things ought doth", "proceedeth blessing cursing brethren things ought", "proceedeth blessing cursing brethren things", "proceedeth blessing cursing brethren", "proceedeth blessing cursing", "proceedeth blessing", "poison therewith bless god father therewith curse men similitude god", "poison therewith bless god father therewith curse men similitude", "poison therewith bless god father therewith curse men", "poison therewith bless god father therewith curse", "poison therewith bless god father therewith", "poison therewith bless god father", "poison therewith bless god", "poison therewith bless", "poison therewith", "place sweet water bitter fig tree brethren bear olive berries", "place sweet water bitter fig tree brethren bear olive", "place sweet water bitter fig tree brethren bear", "place sweet water bitter fig tree brethren", "place sweet water bitter fig tree", "place sweet water bitter fig", "place sweet water bitter", "place sweet water", "place sweet", "perfect man able bridle body behold bits horses mouths obey", "perfect man able bridle body behold bits horses mouths", "perfect man able bridle body behold bits horses", "proceedeth blessing cursing brethren things ought doth fountain", "offend word perfect man", "perfect man able bridle body", "olive berries vine figs fountain", "olive berries vine figs", "olive berries vine", "olive berries", "olive berries vine figs fountain yield", "perfect man able bridle body behold bits", "offend word perfect man able bridle body behold", "offend word perfect man able bridle body behold bits horses" ]
Taming the Tongue
[ "But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.", "Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.", "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." ]
2486_envying strife_bitter envying_partiality hypocrisy fruit righteousness sown_partiality hypocrisy fruit righteousness
[ "envying strife", "bitter envying", "partiality hypocrisy fruit righteousness sown", "partiality hypocrisy fruit righteousness", "partiality hypocrisy fruit righteousness sown peace", "partiality hypocrisy fruit righteousness sown peace make", "partiality hypocrisy fruit righteousness sown peace make peace", "peace make", "peace make peace", "peaceable gentle", "peaceable gentle easy", "peaceable gentle easy entreated", "peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy", "peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy good", "peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy good fruits", "peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy good fruits partiality", "peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy good fruits partiality hypocrisy", "peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy good fruits partiality hypocrisy fruit", "pure peaceable", "pure peaceable gentle", "pure peaceable gentle easy", "partiality hypocrisy fruit", "sown peace make", "pure peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy good", "sown peace", "sensual devilish envying strife confusion evil work wisdom pure peaceable", "sensual devilish envying strife confusion evil work wisdom pure", "sensual devilish envying strife confusion evil work wisdom", "sensual devilish envying strife confusion evil work", "sensual devilish envying strife confusion evil", "sensual devilish envying strife confusion", "pure peaceable gentle easy entreated", "sensual devilish envying", "pure peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy", "righteousness sown peace make peace", "pure peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy good fruits", "pure peaceable gentle easy entreated mercy good fruits partiality", "sensual devilish envying strife", "sensual devilish", "righteousness sown peace" ]
The Wisdom from Above
[ "But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.", "Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.", "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." ]
2487_ye ask_giveth grace_adulterers adulteresses_scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth
[ "ye ask", "giveth grace", "adulterers adulteresses", "scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth", "spirit dwelleth lusteth", "spirit dwelleth lusteth envy", "scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace", "scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace wherefore", "spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace", "spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth", "spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace wherefore", "spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace wherefore saith", "think scripture", "think scripture saith", "spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace wherefore saith god", "spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace wherefore saith god resisteth", "think scripture saith vain spirit", "think scripture saith vain", "think scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth lusteth", "think scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth", "think scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy", "think scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth", "think scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace", "unto humble", "vain spirit", "vain spirit dwelleth", "vain spirit dwelleth lusteth", "vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy", "vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth", "scripture saith vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy", "wherefore saith god", "vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace wherefore saith", "war ye ye ask ye ask receive ye ask", "war ye ye ask ye ask receive ye ask amiss", "wars fightings", "wars fightings come", "war ye ye ask ye ask receive ye", "wars fightings come lusts war", "vain spirit dwelleth lusteth envy giveth grace", "wars fightings come lusts war members ye" ]
A Warning against Pride
[ "Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.", "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.", "Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge." ]
2488_speaketh evil_ye sinners purify hearts ye double minded afflicted mourn weep_lift speak evil brethren speaketh_lift speak evil brethren speaketh evil
[ "speaketh evil", "ye sinners purify hearts ye double minded afflicted mourn weep", "lift speak evil brethren speaketh", "lift speak evil brethren speaketh evil", "lift speak evil brethren speaketh evil brother", "lift speak evil brethren speaketh evil brother judgeth", "lift speak evil brethren speaketh evil brother judgeth brother", "lift speak evil brethren speaketh evil brother judgeth brother speaketh", "ye sinners purify", "lord shall lift speak", "lord shall lift speak evil", "lord shall lift speak evil brethren", "lord shall lift speak evil brethren speaketh", "lord shall lift speak evil brethren speaketh evil", "lord shall lift speak evil brethren speaketh evil brother", "lord shall lift speak evil brethren speaketh evil brother judgeth", "minded afflicted", "minded afflicted mourn", "minded afflicted mourn weep", "minded afflicted mourn weep let", "minded afflicted mourn weep let laughter", "minded afflicted mourn weep let laughter turned", "minded afflicted mourn weep let laughter turned mourning", "minded afflicted mourn weep let laughter turned mourning joy", "minded afflicted mourn weep let laughter turned mourning joy heaviness", "ye double minded afflicted mourn weep let laughter turned mourning", "mourn weep let", "mourn weep let laughter", "lift speak evil brethren", "nigh god draw nigh cleanse hands ye sinners purify", "mourn weep let laughter turned mourning joy", "nigh cleanse hands ye sinners purify", "nigh cleanse hands ye sinners purify hearts", "nigh cleanse hands ye sinners purify hearts ye", "nigh cleanse hands ye sinners purify hearts ye double", "nigh cleanse hands ye sinners", "nigh god draw", "mourn weep let laughter turned", "nigh god draw nigh cleanse", "nigh cleanse hands ye sinners purify hearts ye double minded" ]
Drawing Near to God
[ "For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.", "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.", "Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain:" ]
2489_appeareth little_today tomorrow city continue year buy_today tomorrow city continue year_today tomorrow city continue
[ "appeareth little", "today tomorrow city continue year buy", "today tomorrow city continue year", "today tomorrow city continue", "today tomorrow city", "time vanisheth away ye ought say lord shall live ye", "time vanisheth away ye ought say lord shall live", "time vanisheth away ye ought say lord shall", "time vanisheth away ye ought say lord", "time vanisheth away ye ought say", "time vanisheth away ye ought", "time vanisheth away ye", "time vanisheth away", "time vanisheth", "shall morrow life vapor appeareth little time vanisheth away ye", "shall morrow life vapor appeareth little time vanisheth away", "shall morrow life vapor appeareth little time vanisheth", "shall morrow life vapor appeareth little time", "shall morrow life vapor appeareth little", "shall morrow life vapor appeareth", "shall morrow life vapor", "shall morrow life", "shall morrow", "shall live ye rejoice boastings rejoicing evil knoweth good doeth", "shall live ye rejoice boastings rejoicing evil knoweth good", "shall live ye rejoice boastings rejoicing evil knoweth", "shall live ye rejoice boastings rejoicing evil", "shall live ye rejoice boastings rejoicing", "shall live ye rejoice boastings", "shall live ye rejoice", "sell gain ye know shall morrow life vapor appeareth little", "today tomorrow city continue year buy sell", "sell gain ye know shall morrow life vapor", "rejoice boastings rejoicing evil", "sell gain ye know shall morrow", "rejoicing evil knoweth good doeth sin", "rejoicing evil knoweth good doeth", "say lord shall live ye rejoice boastings", "say lord shall live ye rejoice", "say lord shall live ye" ]
Do Not Boast about Tomorrow
[ "Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter.", "Behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.", "Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days." ]
2490_behold hire_reaped entered_reaped entered ears_reaped entered ears lord
[ "behold hire", "reaped entered", "reaped entered ears", "reaped entered ears lord", "reaped entered ears lord sabaoth", "reaped entered ears lord sabaoth ye", "reaped entered ears lord sabaoth ye lived", "reaped entered ears lord sabaoth ye lived pleasure", "reaped entered ears lord sabaoth ye lived pleasure earth", "reaped entered ears lord sabaoth ye lived pleasure earth wanton", "reaped fields", "reaped fields kept", "reaped fields kept fraud", "reaped fields kept fraud crieth", "reaped fields kept fraud crieth cries", "reaped fields kept fraud crieth cries reaped", "reaped fields kept fraud crieth cries reaped entered", "reaped fields kept fraud crieth cries reaped entered ears", "reaped fields kept fraud crieth cries reaped entered ears lord", "rich men weep", "rich men weep howl", "rich men weep howl miseries", "rich men weep howl miseries shall", "rich men weep howl miseries shall come", "rich men weep howl miseries shall come riches", "pleasure earth wanton ye nourished hearts day slaughter ye condemned", "sabaoth ye lived pleasure earth wanton ye nourished", "riches corrupted", "rust shall witness shall eat flesh ye heaped", "rust shall witness shall eat flesh ye heaped treasure", "rust shall witness shall eat flesh ye heaped treasure days", "rust shall witness shall eat flesh ye", "sabaoth ye lived", "rich men weep howl miseries shall come riches corrupted", "sabaoth ye lived pleasure earth", "sabaoth ye", "sabaoth ye lived pleasure", "sabaoth ye lived pleasure earth wanton ye", "sabaoth ye lived pleasure earth wanton", "rust shall witness shall eat" ]
A Warning to the Rich
[ "But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.", "Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.", "Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy." ]
2491_affliction patience_nay nay lest ye fall condemnation_nigh grudge_nigh grudge brethren
[ "affliction patience", "nay nay lest ye fall condemnation", "nigh grudge", "nigh grudge brethren", "nigh grudge brethren lest", "nigh grudge brethren lest ye", "nigh grudge brethren lest ye condemned", "nigh grudge brethren lest ye condemned behold", "nigh grudge brethren lest ye condemned behold judge", "nigh grudge brethren lest ye condemned behold judge standeth", "nigh grudge brethren lest ye condemned behold judge standeth door", "oath let", "oath let yea", "oath let yea yea", "oath let yea yea nay", "oath let yea yea nay nay", "oath let yea yea nay nay lest", "oath let yea yea nay nay lest ye", "oath let yea yea nay nay lest ye fall", "oath let yea yea nay nay lest ye fall condemnation", "patience behold", "patience behold count", "patience behold count happy", "patience behold count happy endure", "patience behold count happy endure ye", "patience behold count happy endure ye heard", "patience behold count happy endure ye heard patience", "patience behold count happy endure ye heard patience job", "patience behold count happy endure ye heard patience job seen", "patience job", "patience job seen", "patience job seen end", "patience job seen end lord", "patience job seen end lord lord", "nay nay lest ye fall", "pitiful tender mercy things brethren swear", "patience job seen end lord lord pitiful tender mercy", "patient establish hearts coming lord draweth", "patient establish hearts coming lord", "patient establish hearts" ]
Patience in Suffering
[ "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.", "Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.", "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." ]
2492_merry let sing psalms sick let elders church_prayed earnestly rain_prayed earnestly rain rained_prayed earnestly rain rained earth
[ "merry let sing psalms sick let elders church", "prayed earnestly rain", "prayed earnestly rain rained", "prayed earnestly rain rained earth", "prayed earnestly rain rained earth space", "prayed earnestly rain rained earth space years", "prayed earnestly rain rained earth space years months", "prayed earnestly rain rained earth space years months prayed", "prayed earnestly rain rained earth space years months prayed heaven", "prayed heaven", "prayed heaven gave", "prayed heaven gave rain", "prayed heaven gave rain earth", "prayed heaven gave rain earth brought", "prayed heaven gave rain earth brought forth", "prayed heaven gave rain earth brought forth fruit", "prayer faith", "prayer faith shall", "prayer faith shall save", "prayer faith shall save sick", "prayer faith shall save sick lord", "prayer faith shall save sick lord shall", "prayer faith shall save sick lord shall raise", "prayer faith shall save sick lord shall raise committed", "prayer faith shall save sick lord shall raise committed sins", "prayer righteous man", "prayer righteous man availeth", "prayer righteous man availeth elijah", "pray ye healed effectual fervent prayer righteous man availeth elijah", "rained earth space years months", "prayer righteous man availeth elijah man subject like", "rain rained earth", "rain rained earth space", "rain rained earth space years", "rain rained earth space years months", "rain rained", "rain rained earth space years months prayed heaven", "prayer righteous man availeth elijah man", "rain rained earth space years months prayed heaven gave rain", "rain rained earth space years months prayed" ]
The Prayer of Faith
[ "Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;", "Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." ]
2493_brethren err_know converteth sinner error way shall save_know converteth sinner error way shall save soul_way shall save soul death shall hide multitude
[ "brethren err", "know converteth sinner error way shall save", "know converteth sinner error way shall save soul", "way shall save soul death shall hide multitude", "know converteth sinner error way shall save soul death shall", "let know converteth", "let know converteth sinner", "let know converteth sinner error", "let know converteth sinner error way", "let know converteth sinner error way shall", "let know converteth sinner error way shall save", "let know converteth sinner error way shall save soul", "let know converteth sinner error way shall save soul death", "save soul death", "save soul death shall", "save soul death shall hide", "save soul death shall hide multitude", "save soul death shall hide multitude sins", "shall hide multitude", "shall hide multitude sins", "shall save soul death", "shall save soul death shall", "shall save soul death shall hide", "shall save soul death shall hide multitude", "shall save soul death shall hide multitude sins", "know converteth sinner error way shall", "sinner error way", "know converteth sinner error way", "sinner error way shall save", "truth convert let know converteth sinner error", "truth convert let know converteth sinner error way", "truth convert let know converteth sinner error way shall", "truth convert let know converteth sinner", "way shall save", "sinner error", "way shall save soul death", "truth convert let know converteth sinner error way shall save", "way shall save soul", "way shall save soul death shall hide", "way shall save soul death shall" ]
Restoring a Sinner
[ "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,", "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied." ]
2494_according foreknowledge_pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect according foreknowledge god father_pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect according foreknowledge god_pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect according foreknowledge
[ "according foreknowledge", "pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect according foreknowledge god father", "pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect according foreknowledge god", "pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect according foreknowledge", "pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect according", "pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect", "pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia", "pontus galatia cappadocia asia", "pontus galatia cappadocia", "pontus galatia", "peter apostle jesus christ strangers scattered pontus galatia cappadocia asia", "peter apostle jesus christ strangers scattered pontus galatia cappadocia", "peter apostle jesus christ strangers scattered pontus galatia", "peter apostle jesus christ strangers scattered pontus", "peter apostle jesus christ strangers scattered", "peter apostle jesus christ strangers", "peter apostle jesus christ", "peter apostle jesus", "peter apostle", "obedience sprinkling blood jesus christ grace unto peace multiplied", "obedience sprinkling blood jesus christ grace unto peace", "obedience sprinkling blood jesus christ grace unto", "sanctification spirit unto", "galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect according foreknowledge god father", "obedience sprinkling blood jesus", "galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect according foreknowledge god father sanctification", "god father sanctification", "god father sanctification spirit", "god father sanctification spirit unto obedience", "god father sanctification spirit unto obedience sprinkling", "god father sanctification spirit unto obedience sprinkling blood", "god father sanctification spirit unto obedience sprinkling blood jesus", "god father sanctification spirit unto obedience sprinkling blood jesus christ", "grace unto peace multiplied", "obedience sprinkling blood jesus christ grace", "obedience sprinkling blood jesus christ", "jesus christ strangers scattered", "jesus christ strangers scattered pontus galatia cappadocia asia bithynia elect", "jesus christ grace unto peace multiplied", "obedience sprinkling" ]
A Greeting from Peter
[ "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:", "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,", "Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into." ]
2495_abundant mercy_revealed unto unto did minister things reported unto preached gospel_revealed unto unto did minister things reported unto preached_revealed unto unto did minister things reported unto
[ "abundant mercy", "revealed unto unto did minister things reported unto preached gospel", "revealed unto unto did minister things reported unto preached", "revealed unto unto did minister things reported unto", "revealed unto unto did minister things reported", "revealed unto unto did minister things", "revealed unto unto did minister", "revealed unto unto did", "revealed unto unto", "revealed time ye greatly rejoice season need ye heaviness manifold", "revealed time ye greatly rejoice season need ye heaviness", "revealed time ye greatly rejoice season need ye", "revealed time ye greatly rejoice season need", "revealed time ye greatly rejoice season", "revealed time ye greatly rejoice", "revealed time ye greatly", "revealed time ye", "resurrection jesus christ dead inheritance incorruptible undefiled fadeth away reserved", "resurrection jesus christ dead inheritance incorruptible undefiled fadeth away", "resurrection jesus christ dead inheritance incorruptible undefiled fadeth", "resurrection jesus christ dead inheritance incorruptible undefiled", "resurrection jesus christ dead inheritance incorruptible", "resurrection jesus christ dead inheritance", "resurrection jesus christ dead", "reserved heaven kept power god faith unto salvation ready revealed", "reserved heaven kept power god faith unto salvation ready", "reserved heaven kept power god faith unto salvation", "salvation prophets", "rejoice joy unspeakable glory receiving end", "reserved heaven kept power god", "rejoice season need ye heaviness manifold temptations", "rejoice season need ye heaviness manifold", "rejoice season need ye heaviness", "rejoice season need ye", "rejoice season need ye heaviness manifold temptations trial", "reserved heaven kept power god faith unto", "rejoice joy unspeakable glory receiving end faith salvation souls salvation", "rejoice season need", "rejoice joy unspeakable glory receiving end faith salvation", "rejoice season" ]
A Living Hope: A Song of Praise
[ "Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.", "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;", "Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;" ]
2496_holy ye_according lusts_pass time sojourning fear forasmuch_pass time sojourning fear
[ "holy ye", "according lusts", "pass time sojourning fear forasmuch", "pass time sojourning fear", "pass time sojourning fear forasmuch ye know", "pass time sojourning fear forasmuch ye know ye", "pass time sojourning fear forasmuch ye know ye redeemed", "pass time sojourning fear forasmuch ye", "pass time sojourning fear forasmuch ye know ye redeemed corruptible", "persons judgeth", "persons judgeth according mans", "persons judgeth according", "persons judgeth according mans work pass", "persons judgeth according mans work pass time", "persons judgeth according mans work pass time sojourning", "persons judgeth according mans work", "persons judgeth according mans work pass time sojourning fear forasmuch", "precious blood", "precious blood christ", "precious blood christ lamb", "precious blood christ lamb blemish", "precious blood christ lamb blemish spot", "precious blood christ lamb blemish spot verily", "persons judgeth according mans work pass time sojourning fear", "precious blood christ lamb blemish spot verily foreordained", "precious blood christ lamb blemish spot verily foreordained foundation", "precious blood christ lamb blemish spot verily foreordained foundation world", "raised dead gave", "raised dead gave glory", "raised dead gave glory faith", "raised dead gave glory faith hope", "raised dead gave glory faith hope god", "received tradition", "received tradition fathers", "received tradition fathers precious", "received tradition fathers precious blood", "received tradition fathers precious blood christ", "pass time sojourning", "received tradition fathers precious blood christ lamb blemish", "obedient children fashioning according lusts ignorance hath called holy ye" ]
A Call to Holiness
[ "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.", "Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:", "For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:" ]
2497_liveth abideth forever flesh grass glory man flower grass grass_obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned love brethren ye love_obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned love brethren ye love pure_pure heart fervently
[ "liveth abideth forever flesh grass glory man flower grass grass", "obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned love brethren ye love", "obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned love brethren ye love pure", "pure heart fervently", "pure heart fervently born", "pure heart fervently born corruptible", "pure heart fervently born corruptible seed", "pure heart fervently born corruptible seed incorruptible", "pure heart fervently born corruptible seed incorruptible word", "pure heart fervently born corruptible seed incorruptible word god", "pure heart fervently born corruptible seed incorruptible word god liveth", "purified souls", "purified souls obeying", "purified souls obeying truth", "purified souls obeying truth spirit", "purified souls obeying truth spirit unto", "purified souls obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned", "purified souls obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned love", "purified souls obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned love brethren", "obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned love brethren ye", "seed incorruptible", "souls obeying truth spirit unto", "seed incorruptible word god", "souls obeying truth spirit", "souls obeying truth", "souls obeying", "seeing ye purified souls obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned love", "seeing ye purified souls obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned", "seeing ye purified souls obeying truth spirit unto", "seeing ye purified souls obeying truth spirit", "purified souls obeying truth spirit unto unfeigned love brethren ye", "seeing ye purified souls obeying", "seed incorruptible word", "seeing ye purified", "seed incorruptible word god liveth", "seed incorruptible word god liveth abideth", "seeing ye purified souls obeying truth", "seeing ye purified souls", "seed incorruptible word god liveth abideth forever flesh grass", "seed incorruptible word god liveth abideth forever flesh grass glory" ]
The Enduring Word
[ "Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.", "Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.", "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:" ]
2498_corner stone_obtained mercy_precious unto disobedient stone builders_abstain fleshly
[ "corner stone", "obtained mercy", "precious unto disobedient stone builders", "abstain fleshly", "precious unto disobedient stone", "precious unto disobedient", "precious unto", "precious unto disobedient stone builders disallowed", "precious believeth shall confounded unto believe precious unto disobedient stone", "precious believeth shall confounded unto believe precious unto disobedient", "precious believeth shall confounded unto believe precious", "precious believeth shall confounded unto believe precious unto", "precious believeth shall confounded unto", "precious believeth shall confounded", "precious believeth shall", "precious believeth shall confounded unto believe", "precious believeth", "praises hath called darkness marvelous light time past people people", "praises hath called darkness marvelous light time past", "praises hath called darkness marvelous light time past people", "praises hath called darkness marvelous light time", "praises hath called darkness marvelous light", "praises hath called darkness marvelous", "praises hath called darkness", "praises hath called", "praises hath", "pilgrims abstain fleshly lusts war soul having conversation honest gentiles", "pilgrims abstain fleshly lusts war soul having conversation honest", "pilgrims abstain fleshly lusts war soul having conversation", "pilgrims abstain fleshly lusts war soul having", "pilgrims abstain fleshly lusts war soul", "precious unto disobedient stone builders disallowed head", "pilgrims abstain fleshly lusts", "peculiar people ye forth praises", "pilgrims abstain", "people god obtained mercy obtained mercy", "people god obtained mercy obtained", "people god obtained mercy obtained mercy dearly beloved beseech strangers", "people god obtained mercy obtained mercy dearly beloved beseech", "people god obtained mercy obtained mercy dearly beloved" ]
The Living Stone and Chosen People
[ "Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.", "For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.", "For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully." ]
2499_god honor_love brotherhood fear god honor king_ordinance man lords sake king supreme unto governors unto_ordinance man lords sake king supreme unto governors
[ "god honor", "love brotherhood fear god honor king", "ordinance man lords sake king supreme unto governors unto", "ordinance man lords sake king supreme unto governors", "patiently acceptable", "patiently acceptable god", "patiently ye", "ordinance man lords sake king supreme unto governors unto sent", "patiently ye suffer", "patiently ye suffer ye", "patiently ye suffer ye patiently acceptable", "patiently ye suffer ye patiently", "praise god doing", "praise god doing ye", "praise god doing ye silence", "patiently ye suffer ye patiently acceptable god", "praise god doing ye silence ignorance foolish", "praise god doing ye silence ignorance foolish men", "praise god doing ye silence ignorance foolish men free", "praise god doing ye silence ignorance foolish men free using", "punishment evildoers", "punishment evildoers praise", "punishment evildoers praise god", "praise god doing ye silence ignorance", "punishment evildoers praise god doing", "punishment evildoers praise god doing ye", "punishment evildoers praise god doing ye silence", "punishment evildoers praise god doing ye silence ignorance", "punishment evildoers praise god doing ye silence ignorance foolish", "punishment evildoers praise god doing ye silence ignorance foolish men", "sake king supreme", "ordinance man lords sake king supreme unto", "servants subject masters fear good gentle froward thankworthy man", "sake king supreme unto governors unto", "servants god honor men love brotherhood fear god honor", "servants god honor men love brotherhood fear god honor king", "servants god honor men love", "servants god honor men love brotherhood", "servants god honor men love brotherhood fear", "servants god honor men love brotherhood fear god" ]
Governments and Masters