Shooting at San Jose railyard, 'multiple' people killedGunfire erupted Wednesday at a railyard in San Jose, and a sheriff’s spokesman said multiple people were killed and wounded and that the suspect was dead.Santa Clara County sheriff’s spokesman Deputy Russell Davis said that he could not specify the number of dead and wounded or describe how the suspect died.The shooting took place at a light rail facility that is next door to the sheriff’s department and across a freeway from the airport. The facility is a transit control center that stores trains and has a maintenance yard.The victims include Valley Transportation Authority employees, Davis said.The VTA provides bus, light rail and other transit services throughout Santa Clara County, the largest in the Bay Area and home to Silicon Valley.A spokesperson for the agency did not immediately respond to multiple requests for comment.“Our hearts are pained for the families of those we have lost in this horrific shooting,” San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said on Twitter.Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a tweet that his office was “in close contact with local law enforcement and monitoring this situation closely.”Special agents from the FBI and the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were responding to the crime scene, officials said.
'Multiple' people killed in shooting at California's San Jose railyard
Gunfire erupted Wednesday at a railyard in San Jose, and a sheriff’s spokesman said multiple people were killed and wounded and that the suspect was dead.
COVID-19 cases in South Korea reach 2,022, 13 deathsThe number of coronavirus cases in South Korea increased to 2,022 on Friday, with a total of 13 fatalities as the nation aggressively counters the fast-spreading virus with massive testing, particularly for 210,000 followers of a religious sect at the centre of the epidemic.The 256 new cases brought the nation's total infections to 2,022, the Yonhap News Agency quoted the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) as saying.Only two days ago, the number of infections exceeded 1,000.More than half of newly confirmed cases were linked to a branch of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus in the southeastern city of Daegu, 300 km southeast of Seoul.Of the 256 new cases, 182 are in Daegu, and 49 are in the neighbouring North Gyeongsang Province.Since raising the virus alert level to "red", the highest level, on Sunday, health authorities have focused on halting the spread of the virus in Daegu, the epicentre of the virus outbreak in South Korea, and North Gyeongsang.Experts said the number of confirmed cases is expected to jump in the coming days as health authorities have begun testing more than 210,000 members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus.The government also ordered another 1,638 Shincheonji followers to self-isolate as they have shown symptoms, Yonhap News Agency said in its report.Since the first coronavirus case -- a Chinese woman from Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak -- on January 20, the pace of infections had not been alarming until February 18, when a 61-year-old woman who is tied to the Daegu religious sect tested positive for the virus.Since then, the nation has seen an explosion in infections as it accelerated virus tests on potential cases.ALSO READ | Coronavirus toll hits 2,788 in China
COVID-19 cases in South Korea reach 2,022, 13 deaths
The number of coronavirus cases in South Korea increased to 2,022 on Friday, with a total of 13 fatalities as the nation aggressively counters the fast-spreading virus with massive testing, particularly for 210,000 followers of a religious sect at the centre of the epidemic.
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 hits IndonesiaAn earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter Scale jolted Indonesia on Friday. The quake was reported at 3.34 pm with its epicentre at 85 km west-northwest of Meulaboh, Indonesia, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The depth of the quake was 64.3 kmThere were no reports of any loss of life or damage to property in the quake.  
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 hits Indonesia
The quake was reported at 3.34 pm with its epicentre at 85 km west-northwest of Meulaboh, Indonesia, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS).
In a no-holds-barred attack on both Pakistan and the United States at the UN, India today slammed its neighbour for providing safe havens to terror and chided the US over its policy to continue support to the Islamic nation. In a veiled reference to Pakistan, India today accused Islamabad of supporting, training and funding terrorists groups to stoke trouble in neighbouring countries including Afghanistan. Participating in a Security Council debate on Afghanistan, India’s Permanent Representative to UN Syed Akbaruddin asked the member states to find where the ‘anti-government elements’ in Kabul were sourcing weapons, training and funds to fight ‘one of the biggest collective military forces in the world’.“We see a growing tendency of treating violence in Afghanistan as a routine occurrence. Brutalities by terrorist and criminal networks are ignored under the label of anti- government elements or a consequence of a civil and political conflict. In doing so, we appear to be failing in asking some crucial questions,” he said.“Where do they find safe havens and sanctuaries? How is it that these elements have stood up against one of the biggest collective military efforts in the world? How is it that these elements collaborate with the world’s most dreadful terrorists in killing and brutalising the Afghans?” he asked.Afghanistan has for long blamed Pakistan for aiding and abetting terrorists responsible for the attacks on its soil. The United States has even acknowledged the existence of such safe havens in Pakistan but military aid to Islamabad continues.Referring to Washington’s financial aid to Pakistan to ‘fight’ terrorism, Akbaruddin said that the situation in the landlocked country ‘can't change when participants on the international stage can't or are unwilling to see the various state and non-state agencies roiling the situation there’."This we believe, for a long time, has remained the conundrum that the international community has faced in Afghanistan. The international community's collective inability and unwillingness to see the problem for what it is has inflicted huge costs on the people of Afghanistan," he noted.Akbaruddin also asserted that the international community should not differentiate between good and bad terrorists, as he admonished attempts to play one group against the other.“The Taliban, Haqqani Network, Al-Qaeda, Daesh, Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad and others of their ilk are all terror organisations, many of them proscribed by the UN. They should be treated like terrorist organisations with no justifications offered for their activities,” he said.With Afghanistan reeling from terror attacks targeting hospitals, schools, funerals, international development agencies and diplomatic missions in recent months, Akbaruddin said that such attacks ‘seem to be aimed at sending a message to a nation trying to stand on its feet’.“Clearly, the international community is dealing in Afghanistan with an adversary who is not averse to flagrantly violating international humanitarian and human rights laws; an adversary flush with resources, weapons and operational support; an adversary that has access to sanctuaries outside the sovereignty of Afghanistan,” he said.Akbaruddin lamented that the recent multiple crises inflicted on the war-torn country have again made Afghan territory attractive for criminal and terrorist groups, which seem well connected to international terror and crime networks that prey themselves on the resources of Afghanistan.“This situation affects the security in South and Central Asian regions and beyond. The international community’s collective inability and unwillingness to see the problem for what it is has inflicted huge costs on the people of Afghanistan,” he said.He also criticised the Security Council for at times even shying away from condemning some of the terrorist attacks in Afghanistan. “Is it that they are far too many to keep track of? Is it because there is a threshold below which human lives lost to terrorism are not required to be addressed,” he added.
At UN, India corners US over military aid to Pakistan, rakes up issue of terror funding
In a veiled reference to Pakistan, India today accused Islamabad of supporting, training and funding terrorists groups to stoke trouble in neighbouring countries including Afghanistan.
Over 100 killed in explosion at Nigerian illegal oil refineryMore than 100 people have been killed following an explosion at an illegal oil refinery in Nigeria's southern state of Imo, official and local sources said.The explosion occurred late Friday at the illegal oil refinery in Egbema local government area, a boundary area between the southern states of Imo and Rivers, an official added on Saturday, confirming more than 100 killed so far, Xinhua news agency reported."There was a fire outbreak at an illegal bunkering site affecting over 100 people burned beyond recognition," Goodluck Opiah, the Commissioner for Petroleum resources in Imo, told Xinhua.Opiah said unidentified burned bodies littered the area, disclosing that the government had already declared wanted the operator of the illegal oil refinery, who is said to be currently absconding.The explosion was suddenly heard in the forest between the states of Imo and Rivers, with thick smoke engulfing the entire area, according to Collins Ajie, a community leader and President-General of the Supreme Council of Oil and Gas Producing Areas in Imo."It is unfortunate; a tragedy no one dreamed of where about 108 burned bodies have been counted so far," Ajie told Xinhua by telephone.Such illegal oil refineries operate by tapping crude oil from pipelines owned by oil companies and distilled into products in improvised tanks.Oil pipeline vandalism and oil theft are frequently reported in Nigeria, causing huge economic losses.Also Read | 11 killed, over 200 inmates escape after prison attack in Nigeria
Over 100 killed in explosion at Nigerian illegal oil refinery
The explosion was suddenly heard in the forest between the states of Imo and Rivers, with thick smoke engulfing the entire area.
Russian President Vladimir PutinRussian President Vladimir Putin has said that the crisis surrounding China's tech giant Huawei is the beginning of a new tech-war. Putin is currently addressing the plenary session of the 2019 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), according to Sputnik news.SPIEF is an annual Russian business forum held in St. Petersburg since 1997. The event is taking place on 6–8 June at the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre.Earlier on Thursday, a senior executive for Chinese technology giant Huawei said that he hopes the company’s animosity with the United States will be resolved and warned that the U.S. would be shooting itself in the foot if it were to shun Chinese technology.The U.S. has imposed sanctions against the world’s No. 1 network equipment provider and second-largest smartphone maker, arguing that it is legally beholden to the Chinese government, which could use the company’s products for cyberespionage. Huawei denies these accusations.Some cybersecurity experts say that Washington, by going as far as warning other countries against working with Huawei actions, will only further encourage China to become more technically self-reliant and will be dividing the world into two tech camps.Technical ties between China and Russia, for one, are expanding. Russia’s major mobile operator MTS and Huawei on Wednesday announced a deal to jointly develop 5G networks in Russia. Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the ceremony at the Kremlin. 
Putin: Attempts to push Huawei out of world market 'start of technologic war'
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the crisis surrounding China's tech giant Huawei is the beginning of a new tech-war.
COVID-19 Crisis LIVE: Top Headlines At This HourCoronavirus Crisis April 3, 2020 | As things unfoldedAlso Read | With over 1 million COVID-19 cases, world faces uphill task; over 1,300 die in France in 24 hours /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_2679829164 = { "file": ",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8", "image": "", "title": "Tablighi Jamaat attendees roam in Ghaziabad quarantine without clothes, FIR lodged", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_2679829164 = ''; jwsetup_2679829164(); function jwsetup_2679829164() { jwvidplayer_2679829164 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_2679829164").setup(jwconfig_2679829164); jwvidplayer_2679829164.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_2679829164, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_3ozca71h\", ns_st_pr=\"Tablighi Jamaat attendees roam in Ghaziabad quarantine without clothes, FIR lodged\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Tablighi Jamaat attendees roam in Ghaziabad quarantine without clothes, FIR lodged\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Tablighi Jamaat attendees roam in Ghaziabad quarantine without clothes, FIR lodged\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2020-04-03\", ns_st_tdt=\"2020-04-03\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_2679829164.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_2679829164.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_2679829164.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_2679829164.stop(); jwvidplayer_2679829164.remove(); jwvidplayer_2679829164 = ''; jwsetup_2679829164(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_2679829164.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_2679829164.stop(); jwvidplayer_2679829164.remove(); jwvidplayer_2679829164 = ''; jwsetup_2679829164(); return; }); jwvidplayer_2679829164.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_2679829164.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_2679829164.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_2679829164.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_2679829164.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_2679829164.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); } ​
Coronavirus Crisis April 3, 2020 | As things unfolded
Coronavirus Live Updates: The global death toll due to novel coronavirus has surged past the 50 thousand-mark, while the total confirmed cases stand at a million.
Boeing shares slide after plane crash in IranShares of US airplane giant Boeing Company declined 1.75 per cent after its jet crashed in Iran on Wednesday after take-off, killing all on board, according to the New York Stock Exchange. Shares of Boeing finished at 331.370 points on Wednesday, down by 5.910 points or 1.75 per cent from Tuesday, against the backdrop of rising US stocks, Xinhua news agency reported.All 176 passengers and crew members onboard the Boeing 737 Ukrainian passenger plane that crashed near Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport were confirmed dead, Iran's Press TV reported.The Kyiv-bound Ukrainian plane with 179 people on board crashed shortly after taking off from Tehran, killing all those aboard.Boeing on Wednesday called the crash "a tragic event" and offered to "assist in any way needed," saying it is "in contact with our airline customer and stand by them in this difficult time".Also Read: Full text of Donald Trump's address on Iran attack
Boeing shares slide after plane crash in Iran
All 176 passengers and crew members onboard the Boeing 737 Ukrainian passenger plane that crashed near Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport were confirmed dead, Iran's Press TV reported.
UK's Heathrow Airport opens terminal for ‘red list’ countries like IndiaLondon's busy Heathrow Airport opened a dedicated new terminal on Tuesday for arrivals from countries designated as "red list", such as India, for a higher risk of COVID-19 transmission. Travellers on direct flights from such destinations will now go through Terminal 3 and then move directly to a government-approved quarantine facility booked at the passengers' own expense.It comes after the London airport’s staff had raised fears for their safety because of overcrowding, amid concerns that travellers arriving from red list countries – from where travel is effectively banned except for British and Irish nationals or limited exceptions – were mixing with those from green and amber."Red list routes will likely be a feature of UK travel for the foreseeable future as countries vaccinate their populations at different rates,” a Heathrow Airport spokesperson said."We're adapting Heathrow to this longer-term reality by initially opening a dedicated arrivals facility in Terminal 3 from 1 June for red list passengers arriving on direct flights. While opening this facility will be logistically very challenging, our hope is that it will enable Border Force to carry out its duties more efficiently as passenger volumes increase in line with the green list. Until then, the current red list system will remain in place,” the spokesperson said.Currently, there are 43 countries on the UK government's red list to cover regions linked with high-risk COVID-19 variants such as India, Brazil and South Africa. Under the UK government's coronavirus rules, anyone who has been in a red list country is required to pay for hotel quarantine for 10 nights after their arrival.According to officials, the latest system has been designed with several layers of COVID-19 security, including mandatory negative COVID-19 tests for all international arrivals, mandatory use of face coverings, social distancing, segregation and enhanced cleaning regimes and ventilation in immigration halls. "We will move this facility to Terminal 4 as soon as operationally possible," the Heathrow spokesperson said.A UK government spokesperson said the enhanced borders regime was to reduce the risk of new variants being transmitted. "As we reopen international travel safely, we will maintain 100 per cent health checks at the border and the new dedicated terminal at Heathrow for arrivals from red list countries will enable passengers to be processed as safely and as efficiently as possible, before being transferred to a managed quarantine facility," the spokesperson said.The move comes as the UK coronavirus cases exceeded 3,000 on Monday for a sixth day in a row, with this figure not having been surpassed since April 12. The highly transmissible B1.617.2 variant, first identified in India and now named 'Delta' by the World Health Organisation, is believed to be largely behind this spike in infections with scientists advising caution before all COVID-19 lockdown restrictions are completely lifted as planned for June 21.The coronavirus has killed 128,045 people in the UK, along with 45,03,231 confirmed cases so far, according to Johns Hopkins University.Also Read: UK expert warns of 3rd Covid wave as country reports another 3,383 casesAlso Read: UK in early stages of third Covid wave: Scientist
UK's Heathrow Airport opens terminal for ‘red list’ countries like India
London's busy Heathrow Airport opened a dedicated new terminal on Tuesday for arrivals from countries designated as "red list", such as India
Fire departments, police and the military are scouring the affected areas as the search for the missing continues.Japan's government said 176 people have been confirmed dead after last week's heavy rains in western Japan, as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited a hard-hit city.Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Abe on Wednesday would visit an evacuation center in Kurashiki, a city where a river broke through an embankment and swept through residential areas, killing more than 40 people.Related Stories Japan executes 1995 sarin gas attack mastermind cult leader Asahara, his 6 followers100 dead due to heavy rains, mudslides in western Japan Japan floods death toll touches 141, rescue operations continueTens of thousands of rescue and recovery workers and volunteers dug through the debris, as the search for dozens still missing enters its fifth day.Record-setting rainfall caused severe flooding and landslides, toppling and burying homes across a wide swath. Most of the deaths were in Hiroshima and the surrounding area.Image Source : FILE/PTIRainfall and flooding have led to casualties in Japan.Rainfall and flooding have led to casualties in Japan.Resident Tatsumi Kanamori helped clear dirt from roads in a neighborhood in Hiroshima's Asakita ward, where debris has cut off vehicle access. "I'm cleaning out the edges here on the road, because the heavy machinery can't pick up dirt from the curb because it'll get stuck," he said.Another resident, Nobuaki Hyuga, said his house was spared but he expressed incredulity at the nearby damage. "It made me feel like you never know when disaster like this could strike."The government has mobilized 75,000 troops and emergency workers and nearly 80 helicopters for the search and rescue effort, Suga said.Work under the scorching sun was hampered by mud and heat. Water and other relief supplies were scarce in some areas. Shipments of relief goods have been delayed by damaged roads and transportation systems."No water, food, nothing gets here," Ichiro Tanabe, who lives in the port city of Kure, told the Mainichi newspaper. "We are going to be all dried up if we continue to be isolated."Delivery companies Sagawa Express Co. and Yamato Transport Co. and cargo service Japan Freight Railway Co. said some of their shipments to and from the flooded areas have been suspended or reduced. Supermarkets have closed stores or shortened hours due to delivery delays and supply shortages.Thousands of homes were still without clean water and electricity. Residents lined up for water under a scorching sun as temperatures rose to 35 Celsius (95 Fahrenheit), raising the risk of heat stroke.Suga said earlier the government was spending 2 billion yen ($18 million) to hasten deliveries of supplies and other support for evacuation centers and residents.Abe canceled a planned trip to Europe and the Middle East this week to oversee the emergency response.
Japan floods death toll touches 176, PM Shinzo Abe visits affected areas
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Abe on Wednesday would visit an evacuation center in Kurashiki, a city where a river broke through an embankment and swept through residential areas, killing more than 40 people.
 Islamabad High Court rejects Musharraf's plea to drop terror chargesThe Islamabad High Court has dismissed a petition that sought deletion of terrorism charges against former President Pervez Musharraf and transfer of the judges detention case from the Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) to the sessions court.An IHC division bench comprising Chief Justice Athar Minallah and Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb on Wednesday resumed the hearing of the petition filed by Musharraf through his lawyer Akhtar Shah, reports Dawn news.The bench dismissed the petition because of Shah's repeated absence during the hearing of the case.The former President has been seeking deletion of terrorism charges and subsequent transfer of his case from the ATC to the sessions court on the ground that initially the FIR was registered under the Pakistan Penal Code against him in connection with the detention of 60 judges of the superior judiciary after the imposition of emergency on November 3, 2007.However, in 2013, a single-member bench of the IHC had ordered the police to invoke the anti-terror law against the military dictator since detaining judges is an act of terrorism.The ATC has already declared Musharraf a proclaimed offender in the judges' detention case as he has been abroad since March 2016.The prosecution has laid entire evidence against the accused in this case.However, the trial is at a standstill as the former leader is absconding in the case.
Islamabad High Court rejects Musharraf's plea to drop terror charges
An IHC division bench comprising Chief Justice Athar Minallah and Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb on Wednesday resumed the hearing of the petition filed by Musharraf through his lawyer Akhtar Shah, reports Dawn news.
Rapid antigen tests have reduced sensitivity against Omicron: US FDA. Although rapid antigen tests can detect the Omicron variant it may be less sensitive, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).The findings are based on a study conducted by the FDA in collaboration with the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).The preliminary studies evaluated the performance of some antigen tests using patient samples containing live virus, which represents the best way to evaluate true test performance in the short-term."Early data suggests that antigen tests do detect the Omicron variant but may have reduced sensitivity," the FDA said in a statement.Prior to completing these live virus tests, the experts also conducted initial laboratory tests using heat-inactivated samples for some of the currently available antigen tests, which were able to detect the Omicron variant, with similar performance when detecting other variants.Heat-inactivated samples are patient samples with Omicron variant that have been heat-treated so that the virus is no longer alive. Heat-inactivated samples are the best available option when patient samples with live virus are not available."It is important to note that these laboratory data are not a replacement for clinical study evaluations using patient samples with live virus, which are ongoing," the FDA said, adding that it is continuing to further evaluate the performance of antigen tests using patient samples with live virus.The soaring Covid cases across the US is prompting a high demand for at-home rapid testing. Antigen tests can be done at home, with results in minutes, while PCR tests are processed in labs and have longer turnaround times.However, antigen tests are generally less sensitive and less likely to pick up very early infections compared to molecular tests.Thus the FDA had long recommended "if a person tests negative with an antigen test but is suspected of having Covid-19, such as experiencing symptoms or have a high likelihood of infection due to exposure, follow-up molecular testing is important for determining a Covid-19 infection".However, "if a person tests positive with an antigen test, they should self-isolate and seek follow-up care with a health care provider to determine the next steps."On the other hand, the lateral flow test used in the UK is more effective compared to the antigen test in detecting Covid variants. It also provides an alternative to the PCR test.While the PCR tests involve amplification of the nucleic acid sample, lateral flow tests rely on the detection of a viral antigen in the patient's sample and are therefore deemed to be of lower sensitivity.According to a study from the UK Health Security Agency, lateral flow tests are as effective at detecting the Omicron strain of the virus as they are the Delta, which means whatever strain you may have the test should be able to pick up that it's Covid. ALSO READ: Omicron risk remains 'very high', says WHO; rapid increase in cases seen across countriesALSO READ: Some rapid antigen Covid tests may not detect Omicron: Dr Fauci
Rapid antigen tests have reduced sensitivity against Omicron: US FDA
The findings are based on a study conducted by the FDA in collaboration with the US National Institutes of Health.
Chinese President Xi JinpingChina on Monday welcomed the landmark US-Taliban deal and called for "orderly and responsible" withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan to avoid a security vacuum and prevent the terrorist groups from getting stronger in the war-torn country. After 18 years of war, the US and the Taliban signed the peace deal in Doha on Saturday to facilitate intra-Afghan dialogue in Oslo this month and the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Afghanistan in 14 months."China welcomes the signing of the deal between the US and the Afghan Taliban. We think it is important to the political settlement of the Afghan issue," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Monday replying to a question over the US-Taliban deal."We hope taking this as an opportunity, the seed of peace can grow and prosper in Afghanistan. Foreign troops in Afghanistan should withdraw in an orderly and responsible manner to ensure a smooth transition and avoid a security vacuum especially to prevent the terrorist groups from growing stronger in Afghanistan," he said.In the meantime, the international community should continue to support and participate in the peaceful reconstruction process in Afghanistan, he said."We call on the Taliban and all parties in Afghanistan to seize the opportunity and start inter-Afghan talks as soon as possible to discuss political and security arrangements acceptable to all and make joint efforts for lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan," he said.He said that China will continue to work with the international community to support and help the Afghan peace and reconciliation process.China, which also shares border with Afghanistan through the narrow Wakhan corridor besides Pakistan occupied Kashmir, is closely monitoring the evolving situation in Afghanistan amid its own concerns over the situation in Muslim-majority Xinjiang, where it is battling the separatist East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM).Beijing claims that the ETIM has links with al-Qaeda and it was believed to be regrouping in Afghanistan to carry out attacks in Xinjiang. China is also trying to work out reconciliation between Pakistan and Afghanistan over the Afghan government's allegation of Islamabad's support to the Taliban through tripartite talks.Responding to a question, Zhao said China attended the ceremony in Doha along with other foreign countries."China firmly supports the Afghan-led, Afghan-owned broad and inclusive peace and reconciliation process. We support the Afghan government, the Afghan Taliban and all parties in Afghanistan in starting and advancing intra-afghan talks as soon as possible,” he said."On the basis of respecting the will of all parties in Afghanistan, China will like to continue to be a supporter, mediator and convenience provider for the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan and will continue to play a constructive role," he said.
China welcomes US-Taliban deal: Calls for orderly withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan
China on Monday welcomed the landmark US-Taliban deal and called for "orderly and responsible" withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan to avoid a security vacuum and prevent the terrorist groups from getting stronger in the war-torn country
Pakistan appoints terror supporter Masood Khan as envoy to USPakistan has appointed Masood Khan as its ambassador to the United States. According to a media report, Khan is a terror supporter and former president of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK). Masood Khan is a dangerous radical with a long history of working with Islamists in the West and "jihadists" in the East, National Review, a US-based magazine stated.His appointment is evidence of an increasingly dangerous Pakistani regime, which is working to support Islamists all around the world, including in the United States, according to National Review.In July this year, while serving as president of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), Khan provided a "special message" on Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani, who was killed in 2016 during his fifth death anniversary."We grieve today for Burhan Wani... He lives on in our hearts. He sacrificed his life for a cause," he said at the event, reported the magazine.Image Source : TWITTER/@MASOOD__KHANFormer president of Pakistan occupied Kashmir Masood KhanFormer president of Pakistan occupied Kashmir Masood KhanApart from Hizbul Mujahideen, Khan also supports other terrorist organizations.In 2019, he participated in the All Parties Kashmir Solidarity Conference in Islamabad.Citing media reports, National Review reported that Masood Khan has shared the stage with Fazlur Rehman Khalil, founder of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM), which the US State Department designated as a terrorist organization in 1997."Khalil maintained a close relationship with al-Qaida, including with Usama bin Laden (UBL) prior to his death. Khalil was a key member of UBL's International Islamic Front and a cosignatory of UBL's first fatwa, issued in 1998, calling for attacks against the United States," the Treasury Department had noted.Masood Khan is also a supporter of the violent South Asian Islamist movement Jamaat-e-Islami, a supporter of Aafia Siddiqui, a convicted terrorist operative known as "Lady Al-Qaeda."Pakistan has had a deep relationship with the Taliban and has been accused of supporting the group.(With inputs from ANI)Also Read | Army official arrested for sharing sensitive documents to Pak-based person /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_3476713551 = { "file": "", "image": "", "title": "Pakistan PM Imran Khan bats for Taliban in UN Assembly, says it should be given heed globally", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "duration": "248", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_3476713551 = ''; jwsetup_3476713551(); function jwsetup_3476713551() { jwvidplayer_3476713551 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_3476713551").setup(jwconfig_3476713551); jwvidplayer_3476713551.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_3476713551, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_la0h49s3\", ns_st_pr=\"Pakistan PM Imran Khan bats for Taliban in UN Assembly, says it should be given heed globally\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Pakistan PM Imran Khan bats for Taliban in UN Assembly, says it should be given heed globally\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Pakistan PM Imran Khan bats for Taliban in UN Assembly, says it should be given heed globally\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2021-09-25\", ns_st_tdt=\"2021-09-25\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\"\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_3476713551.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_3476713551.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_3476713551.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_3476713551.stop(); jwvidplayer_3476713551.remove(); jwvidplayer_3476713551 = ''; jwsetup_3476713551(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_3476713551.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_3476713551.stop(); jwvidplayer_3476713551.remove(); jwvidplayer_3476713551 = ''; jwsetup_3476713551(); return; }); jwvidplayer_3476713551.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3476713551.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3476713551.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3476713551.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3476713551.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3476713551.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); }  
Pakistan appoints terror supporter Masood Khan as envoy to US
A media report said Masood Khan has shared the stage with Fazlur Rehman Khalil, founder of Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM), which the US State Department designated as a terrorist organization in 1997.
Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee passes away at 78Lee Kun-hee, the Chairman of South Korea's techn giant Samsung Electronics, died at the age of 78 here on Sunday, according to a statement released by the company.Lee transformed Samsung into a world-leading innovator and industrial powerhouse from a local business, Xinhua news agency quoted the statement as saying."Our deepest sympathies are with his family, relatives and those nearest. His legacy will be everlasting," it added.Lee, the son of Samsung Group's founder Lee Byung-chul, was born in Uiryeong county in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea on January 9, 1942.In 2014, Lee suffered a heart attack and had since remained hospitalized.
Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee passes away at 78
Lee Kun-hee, the Chairman of South Korea's techn giant Samsung Electronics, died at the age of 78 here on Sunday, according to a statement released by the company.
President Donald Trump tells reporters that he is taking zinc and hydroxychloroquine during a meeting with restaurant industry executives about the coronavirus response, in the State Dining Room of the White House, Monday, May 18, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)President Donald Trump said on Monday that he is consuming zinc and hydroxychloroquine to protect himself against the new coronavirus. The President is taking the malarial drug despite warnings from his own government that it should only be administered for COVID-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.Trump told reporters he has been taking the drug, hydroxychloroquine, and a zinc supplement daily “for about a week and a half now.” Trump spent weeks pushing the drug as a potential cure or prophylaxis for COVID-19 against the cautionary advice of many of his administration’s top medical professionals. The drug has the potential to cause significant side effects in some patients and has not been shown to combat the new coronavirus.Trump said his doctor did not recommend the drug to him, but he requested it from the White House physician.“I started taking it, because I think it’s good,” Trump said. “I’ve heard a lot of good stories.”The White House physician, Dr. Sean Conley, said in a statement released through the White House press office that, after “numerous discussions” with Trump about the evidence for and against using hydroxychloroquine, “we concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks.”The Food and Drug Administration warned health professionals last month that the drug should not be used to treat COVID-19 outside of hospital or research settings, due to sometimes fatal side effects. Regulators issued the alert for the drug, which can also be used to treat lupus and arthritis, after receiving reports of heart rhythm problems, including deaths, from poison control centers and other health providers.Trump dismissed reports of side effects, saying, “All I can tell you is, so far I seem to be OK.”At least two White House staffers tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this month, sparking concerns about the steps taken by the administration to protect the president and sending Vice President Mike Pence and other officials into varying forms of self-isolation.The White House has since mandated that those in the West Wing wear face coverings and has introduced daily testing for the virus for the president, vice president and those they come in close contact with. Trump says he continues to test negative for the coronavirus.Trump last underwent an “interim” checkup in a November visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that was not noted on his public schedule. His last complete physical took place in February 2019.Several prominent doctors said they worried that people would infer from Trump’s example that the drug works or is safe.“There is no evidence that hydroxychloroquine is effective for the treatment or the prevention of COVID-19,” said Dr. Patrice Harris, president of the American Medical Association. “The results to date are not promising.”People should not infer from Trump’s example “that it’s an approved approach or proven,” because it’s not, said Dr. David Aronoff, infectious diseases chief at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.Hydroxychloroquine can cause potentially serious heart rhythm problems even in healthy people, but “it’s hard to infer” that Trump’s artery plaque, revealed in tests from his 2018 physical, makes the drug especially dangerous for him, Aronoff said.White House officials did not say whether any other administration officials were also taking the drug.Trump said he took hydroxychloroquine with an “original dose” of the antibiotic azithromycin. The president has repeatedly pushed the use of the drug with or without the azithromycin, but no large, rigorous studies have found them safe or effective for preventing or treating COVID-19.Two large observational studies, each involving around 1,400 patients in New York, recently found no benefit from hydroxychloroquine. Two new ones published Thursday in the medical journal BMJ reached the same conclusion.One, by French researchers, gave 84 hospitalized patients the drug and 97 others the usual care. There were no differences in the odds of death, need for intensive care or developing severe illness.The other study from China was a stricter test: 150 adults hospitalized with mild or moderate illness were randomly assigned to get hydroxychloroquine or usual care. The drug made no difference in rates of clearing the virus or time to relief of symptoms, and they brought more side effects.In April, the National Institutes of Health launched a study testing hydroxychloroquine versus a placebo drug in 500 hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Last week, NIH announced another study to see if hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin can prevent hospitalization or death in people with mild to moderate illness. About 2,000 U.S. adults with confirmed coronavirus infections and symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath will get the drugs or placebo pills.U.S. prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine surged roughly 80% in March to more than 830,000 compared with same period in the prior year, according to data tracking firm IQVIA. That jump in prescribing came before the federal government accepted nearly 30 million doses of the drug donated to the strategic national stockpile by foreign drugmakers. Since then, millions of those tablets have been shipped to U.S. hospitals nationwide for use treating patients with COVID-19.(With inputs from AP)ALSO READ | Trump hits back at Obama, calls him 'grossly incompetent president'
Trump says he’s taking zinc, hydroxychloroquine to protect himself against coronavirus
President Donald Trump said on Monday that he is consuming zinc and hydroxychloroquine to protect himself against the new coronavirus. The President is taking the malarial drug despite warnings from his own government that it should only be administered for COVID-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.
Taliban closes bank accounts of former Afghan govt officials.The Taliban have closed the bank accounts of some officials from the former Ashraf Ghani government, most of them who fled Afghanistan after the August 15 fall of Kabul, the media reported.The announcement was made on Thursday by Anaamullah Samangani, a member of the Taliban Cultural Commission, but he did not reveal the names of the affected former officials, TOLO News reported."Accounts of some officials from the previous government, most of whom fled the country, have been closed," Samangani was quoted as saying.There was however no official comment on the development from Da Afghanistan Bank, the country's Central Bank. /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_1126727999 = { "file": "", "image": "", "title": "Breaking News | Video of Taliban's barbarism surfaces, Afghan soldier badly beaten up", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "duration": "932", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_1126727999 = ''; jwsetup_1126727999(); function jwsetup_1126727999() { jwvidplayer_1126727999 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_1126727999").setup(jwconfig_1126727999); jwvidplayer_1126727999.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_1126727999, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_1bpaxgkq\", ns_st_pr=\"Breaking News | Video of Taliban's barbarism surfaces, Afghan soldier badly beaten up\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Breaking News | Video of Taliban's barbarism surfaces, Afghan soldier badly beaten up\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Breaking News | Video of Taliban's barbarism surfaces, Afghan soldier badly beaten up\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2021-09-09\", ns_st_tdt=\"2021-09-09\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\"\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_1126727999.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_1126727999.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_1126727999.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_1126727999.stop(); jwvidplayer_1126727999.remove(); jwvidplayer_1126727999 = ''; jwsetup_1126727999(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_1126727999.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_1126727999.stop(); jwvidplayer_1126727999.remove(); jwvidplayer_1126727999 = ''; jwsetup_1126727999(); return; }); jwvidplayer_1126727999.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1126727999.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1126727999.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1126727999.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1126727999.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1126727999.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); }
Taliban closes bank accounts of former Afghan government officials
"Accounts of some officials from the previous govt, most of whom fled the country, have been closed," Samangani was quoted as saying.
Imran 'Einstein' Khan's new theory, 'Trees produce oxygen at night', leaves Twitter amusedImran Khan is not new to being trolled on Twitter, since taking charge of the Pakistan Prime Minister's office, Imran has been at the receiving end of several spells of being trolled on Twitter. In his recent goof-up, Imran said, "trees clean the air by producing oxygen during the night and absorbing carbon dioxide."What's worst is that the Pak PM said this while addressing a programme on the importance of planting trees. And was caught on video saying this. A video posted by Pakistani journalist Naila Inayat, Imran can be heard sharing his wisdom on environmental sciences. Inayat also appropriately called him 'Einstein Khan' in the caption.The video went viral in no time and currently has over 35,000 views. Twitter was at it's creative best while trolling the Pak PM.A user, in reaction to the video posted his son's 7th class Biology textbook's photo and wrote, "I have great respect to you being an Oxford graduate !! See my son's , grade 7,  biology lesson  !!!"Another twitter user took gave Imran a taste of his own medicine. He said, "Ho sakta hai Japan - Germany ke border par jo trees hain usme se nikalta ho," referring to Imran's statement back in April when the Pak PM said that Germany and Japan share a border. This is not the first time Imran Khan has been subject to Twitter's sarcasm. Time and again Imran Khan gives the Twitteratti a reason to troll him. 
Imran 'Einstein' Khan's new theory, 'Trees produce oxygen at night', leaves Twitter amused
Imran Khan is not new to being trolled on Twitter, since taking charge of the Pakistan Prime Minister's office, Imran has been at the receiving end of several spells of being trolled on Twitter. In his recent goof-up, Imran said, "trees clean the air by producing oxygen during the night and absorbing carbon dioxide."
China on Thursday said India's concerns over terrorism emanating from Pakistan will not be discussed at the BRICS Summit next week. Like in earlier occasions, China defended its "iron friend" Pakistan, hailing its efforts in countering terrorism. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said Islamabad was at the "forefront" of counter terror efforts and had made "sacrifices" for the cause."The international community should recognise the contributions and sacrifices made by Pakistan," Hua said at a press briefing."We notice that India, when it comes to Pakistan's counter-terrorism, has some concerns. I don't think this is an appropriate topic to be discussed at BRICS Summit," she saidThe three-day annual meet of the five-member grouping (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will begin at the Chinese city Xiamen from Sunday."China is willing to work with Pakistan and other countries to enhance our cooperation in counterterrorism. This serves the common interest of all parties."Terrorism emanating from Pakistan is one the contentious issues between India and China.Beijing has repeatedly blocked New Delhi's resolution at the UN to declare Pakistan's terror outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief Masood Azhar as an international terrorist.Last year, at the BRICS Summit in India, China did not back India's attempts to have names of terror groups like JeM and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) included in the BRICS Declaration.
BRICS Summit: Pakistan terrorism not to be discussed, says China
China on Thursday said India's concerns over terrorism emanating from Pakistan will not be discussed at the BRICS Summit next week.
Even as US President Donald Trump has taken steps to implement his aggressive policy of "Buy American, Hire American," his administration on Monday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "vision for a new India" will also help create jobs in the US. In his first visit to the US after the new administration took over, Modi will meet Trump on June 26 to "set forth a common vision" to expand the US-India partnership, the White House has said. The leaders of the world's two largest democracies, home to 1.6 billion people, will meet on June 26 to discuss a gamut of bilateral issues including terrorism and India's concerns over possible changes in H1B visa rules. "US energy and technologies, including natural gas, are helping to build Prime Minister Modi's vision for a new India and creating thousands of US jobs in the process," White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters at his daily news conference. Despite the recent hiccups over the issue, US-India trade has grown six-fold since 2000, from USD 19 billion to USD 115 billion in 2016, Spicer said, adding that the Indian economy is growing at over 7 per cent.The White House's statement on job creation by India in the US is in contrast with Trump's comments about jobs fleeing to China and elsewhere. In April, Trump ordered a review of trade with countries with which US runs a deficit. India is on that list, although with deficit of $24 billion in pales in comparison with China's $347 billion.Spicer said that Modi and Trump were expected to set forth a "common vision" on expanding the US-India partnership. He cited fighting terrorism, promoting economic growth and reforms and expanding security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region as shared priorities. "I think you can expect the two of them to set forth a vision that will expand the US-India partnership in an ambitious and worthy way of both countries' people," White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters at his daily news conference. "The President looks forward to discussing ways to strengthen ties between the United States and India and to advance our common priorities: fighting terrorism, promoting economic growth and reforms, and expanding security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region," Spicer announced on Monday."President Trump and Prime Minister Modi will look to outline a common vision for the United States-India partnership that is worthy of their 1.6 billion citizens," Spicer said. Trump invited Modi to Washington after the latter rang him in January to congratulate the new president on his inauguration. The bilateral talks appear to be no bed of roses as they come amidst thorny issues like US' plans to reduce the number of H-1B visa slots that are mainly used by Indian IT workers, and its withdrawal from the historic climate accord. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in her annual press meet last week said Modi would also raise the issues surrounding the US' plans to reduce the number of H-1B visa slots that are mainly used by Indian IT workers. Almost 1.8 million H-1B visas have been distributed in fiscal years 2001 through 2015, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of government data. From fiscal years 2001 to 2015, workers from India received the largest share (50.5 per cent) of all H-1B visas for first-time employment. Notably, Modi's US visit, which would begin on June 25, comes in the backdrop of Trump's announcement to withdraw the US from the historic Paris Climate Agreement signed by over 190 other countries. In his announcement of the decision for which he received a global condemnation, Trump had blamed India and China for the US withdrawal. "India makes its participation contingent on receiving billions and billions of dollars from developed countries," he had said. Strongly rejecting Trump's contention, India said it signed the Paris deal not under duress or for lure of money but due to its commitment to protect the environment. During his visit to France this month, Modi even said that India would "go above and beyond" the Paris deal to protect climate for the future generations. Apart from ways to enhance trade and business cooperation, Modi and Trump are expected to discuss defence ties.(With agencies) 
PM Narendra Modi's 'vision for new India' to help create jobs in US, says White House
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel to the US on June 25 and is expected to meet President Donald Trump on June 26.
Donald TrumpIn a significant breakthrough, US President Donald Trump has finally agreed to deliver the State of the Union Address on February 5.The decision was taken after an agreement was reached in this regard between the White House and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the US House of Representatives.Related Stories Donald Trump's retreat: US Shutdown ends without wall money, for nowPublic disapproval for Donald Trump increases: PollFuture Americans should come to US legally, through merit-based system: Donald TrumpTrump's annual speech was initially scheduled for this Tuesday but had to be postponed because of the largest government shutdown due to differences between the White House and opposition Democrats on the issue of US-Mexico border wall."When I wrote to you on January 23rd, I stated that we should work together to find a mutually agreeable date when government has reopened to schedule this year’s State of the Union address,” Pelosi said in a fresh letter to Trump dated January 28."In our conversation today, we agreed on February 5th. Therefore, I invite you to deliver your State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress on February 5, 2019 in the House Chamber,” she added.In response, Trump said in a letter to Pelosi that he has accepted the new invitation. "It is my great honour to accept. We have a great story to tell and yet, great goals to achieve," Trump said in his letter, which was released by the White House.(With PTI inputs)
US President Donald Trump to deliver State of the Union address on February 5
Trump's annual speech was initially scheduled for this Tuesday but had to be postponed because of the largest government shutdown due to differences between the White House and opposition Democrats on the issue of US-Mexico border wall.
US willing to help North Korea if it agrees to complete denuclearisation: Mike PompeoUS Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced here on Friday that the US government "would be willing" to offer economic aid to North Korea it is gets rid of its nuclear weapons and takes concrete steps toward a "complete" and "verifiable" denuclearization."If North Korea takes bold action to quickly denuclearize, the United States is prepared to work with North Korea to achieve prosperity on the par with our South Korean friends," Pompeo said at the State Department during a joint press conference with his South Korean counterpart Kang Kyung-wha, Efe reported.Related Stories Trump pulls US out of Iran nuclear deal, terms it 'horrible one-sided deal'; to reinstate economic sanctionsDespite quashing Iran nuclear deal, US keen on continuing further nuclear inspectionsInternational community calls for restraint after Israeli strikes in SyriaTrump-Kim Jong-Un summit: US President to seek complete, irreversible denuclearisation of Korean peninsulaUntil an agreement is reached, Washington plans on maintaining pressure through sanctions, which have made it harder for North Korea to trade with China, its main ally.Kang said South Korea wanted the sanctions to stay in place until Pyongyang takes "visible, meaningful action" to get rid of its nuclear weapons."We're not talking about sanctions relief at this point," she said.Pompeo's offer to provide economic aid comes as the US and North Korea are preparing for a historic summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump, which will take place in Singapore on June 12.Both Kang and Pompeo stressed that their goal is to achieve a "complete" and "verifiable" denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.Journalists asked Pompeo what such a denuclearization would look like and if it meant carrying out inspections in North Korean nuclear plants."I think there is complete agreement about what the ultimate objectives are," Pompeo said, providing no further details.Pompeo returned on Thursday from Pyongyang, where he met with Kim and helped secure the release of three American prisoners being held in North Korea.Pompeo was the head of the CIA for 15 months prior to being sworn in as Secretary of State on April 26.(With IANS inputs)
US willing to help North Korea if it agrees to complete denuclearisation: Mike Pompeo
Until an agreement is reached, Washington plans on maintaining pressure through sanctions, which have made it harder for North Korea to trade with China, its main ally.
Breaking newsThe total number of global coronavirus cases has surpassed 5.1 million, including more than 334,000 fatalities. More than 2,078,000 patients are reported to have recovered. Follow this breaking news blog for live updates on coronavirus pandemic as it continues to pose a challenge for health workers and scientists who are in a race against time to produce a vaccine/medicine. brings you the economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis that has resulted in job losses in millions and changing the way we work. Stay Home, Stay Safe and Stay Informed as our team of dedicated editors/reporters bring you the latest news on coronavirus: 
Coronavirus Updates: May 22, 2020 | As it happened
The total number of global coronavirus cases has surpassed 5.1 million, including more than 334,000 fatalities. More than 2,078,000 patients are reported to have recovered. Follow this LIVE blog for latest on coronavirus and its global economic fallout
SpaceX Crew-3 astronauts (from left) Matthias Maurer, Thomas Marshburn, Raja Chari and Kayla Barron pose for a portrait during preflight training at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California.  An Indian-American astronaut is part of NASA-SpaceX's third mission to the International Space Station."NASA's SpaceX Crew-3 mission will carry NASA astronauts Raja Chari, Tom Marshburn, and Kayla Barron as well as ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Matthias Maurer aboard a Crew Dragon spacecraft on a Falcon 9 rocket to the space station," the US space agency said in a statement.The four astronauts will lift off to space on October 30 from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the statement added.Crew-3 is the SpaceX's fifth crewed flight to space and fourth to the International Space Station.Indian-American Chari will serve as the commander of the Crew Dragon spacecraft and the Crew-3 mission. He also will serve as an Expedition 66 flight engineer aboard the station.Born in Milwaukee, he became a NASA astronaut in 2017 and this will be his first spaceflight. He is also a colonel in the US Air Force and has extensive experience as a test pilot with more than 2,500 hours of flight time.The Crew-3 mission follows Inspiration4, an all-civilian crewed mission that lifted off on September 15 for an orbital journey aboard a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft.With Crew-3, "the four crew going up are going to be doing even more science," reported Kathy Leuders, associate administrator for the Space Operations Mission Directorate at NASA as saying.Leuders added that the crew will be continuing to test "our exploration risks and pushing the bounds of technology and continuing to establish our key international partner relationships."This expedition "will have experiments that crossover from science and utilization that we do as well as technology development", added Joel Montalbano, the manager of NASA's ISS program.He specified that there will be experiments on board that include human research as well as rodent research and other experimentation similar to what's been done previously on the station.But, while the astronauts launching will spend the vast majority of their six-month station stay working hard, they will have a bit of room for some festive fun. The crew will be arriving just in time for Halloween and will also be living in the lab during the winter holidays, the report said.
Indian-American astronaut part of NASA-SpaceX Crew-3 mission
The four astronauts will lift off to space on October 30 from Launch Complex 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the statement added.
Bill Clinton to spend 1 more night in California hospital. Bill Clinton will spend one more night at a Southern California hospital where he is recovering from an infection, a spokesman said on Saturday. “President Clinton has continued to make excellent progress over the past 24 hours,” spokesman Angel Ureña said in a statement. Clinton will remain overnight at University of California Irvine Medical Center “to receive IV antibiotics before an expected discharge tomorrow,” the statement said. Hillary Clinton has been with her husband at the hospital southeast of Los Angeles. She returned on Saturday with her daughter Chelsea Clinton around 8 a.m. Saturday in an SUV accompanied by secret service agents. President Joe Biden said on Friday night that he had spoken to Bill Clinton and the former president “sends his best.” Image Source : AP. Ex-prez Bill Clinton is admitted at University of California Irvine Medical Center and being treated for a non-COVID-related infection.Bill Clinton will spend one more night at a Southern California hospital where he is recovering from an infection, a spokesman said on Saturday.“President Clinton has continued to make excellent progress over the past 24 hours,” spokesman Angel Ureña said in a statement.Clinton will remain overnight at University of California Irvine Medical Center “to receive IV antibiotics before an expected discharge tomorrow,” the statement said.Hillary Clinton has been with her husband at the hospital southeast of Los Angeles. She returned on Saturday with her daughter Chelsea Clinton around 8 a.m. Saturday in an SUV accompanied by secret service agents.President Joe Biden said on Friday night that he had spoken to Bill Clinton and the former president “sends his best.”Image Source : AP. Ex-prez Bill Clinton is admitted at University of California Irvine Medical Center and being treated for a non-COVID-related infection.
Bill Clinton to spend 1 more night in California hospital
Bill Clinton will remain at University of California Irvine Medical Center “to receive IV antibiotics before an expected discharge tomorrow,” the statement said.
Sri Lanka to launch green projects to protect ecosystemSri Lanka's new interim government will launch green projects in the island country as part of a mega beautification programme to maintain the ecosystem, parliamentarian Namal Rajapaksa said on Thursday. With Sri Lanka being ranked the second-worst country affected by climate change by the Global Climate Risk Index 2019, Namal said that it needed to produce more green energy and offer a more friendly habitat for animals and thus, all future investments would be encouraged to go eco-friendly, reports Xinhua news agency.As the first step, the government said the section along the southern expressway from Matara to Matala in the south, will soon be greener when the viaducts placed there for elephant crossings are converted to vertical gardens. The spaces in between the interchanges will be used to install solar panels. "Such projects will produce more green energy while solar panels installed in lands which cannot be used, can provide power to the residents in the area," Namal said.The government said all future projects launched in Sri Lanka will be encouraged to have more greenery and be more environmental-friendly.President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in his election pledges before his victory in the November 16 election, had vowed to ensure the environment is protected in all his development plans in order to minimize pollution.ALSO READ | Pak foreign minister Shah Qureshi to visit LankaALSO READ | Gotabaya Rajapaksa return to power triggers concern for human rights
Sri Lanka to launch green projects to protect ecosystem
As the first step, the government said the section along the southern expressway from Matara to Matala in the south, will soon be greener when the viaducts placed there for elephant crossings are converted to vertical gardens.
In this Sunday, April 21, 2019, photo, Sri Lankans carry a dead body following a blast at the St. Anthony's Church in Colombo, Sri LankaSri Lanka Blasts: Death toll from attacks on Sri Lankan churches and hotels has risen to 290, about 500 people are wounded, said a police spokesman, on Monday. According to Sri Lankan media, police have arrested 24 suspects till now. Meanwhile, police in Sri Lanka on Monday said the investigation into the Easter Sunday bombings will examine reports that the intelligence community failed to detect or warn of possible suicide attacks before the violence.In Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, a string of eight powerful blasts, including suicide attacks, struck churches and luxury hotels frequented by foreigners. The incidents shattered a decade of peace in the island nation since the end of the brutal civil war with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). 
Sri Lanka Blasts: Death on a JDS worker confirmed by Kumaraswamy, Indian toll reaches 9
Sri Lanka Blasts: In Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, a string of eight powerful blasts, including suicide attacks, struck churches and luxury hotels frequented by foreigners. Death toll from attacks on Sri Lankan churches and hotels has risen to 290, about 500 people are wounded.
Donald TrumpUS President Donald Trump on Wednesday called for rejecting politics of revenge, resistance and retribution, but insisted on building a wall along the US-Mexico border as he appeared before a divided Congress for his annual State of the Union address. His calls for reconciliation were met with mostly stone-faced silence from Democrats, who bitterly oppose his agenda and accuse him of hastening the decline in cross-party cooperation.Related Stories US heading towards National Emergency: It's not what you think | All you need to knowMilitary intervention 'an option' in Venezuela, says Donald TrumpDonald Trump to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Feb 27-28 in VietnamThe president and the Democrats had a record 35-day standoff with the Democrats led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over his proposed controversial wall along the US-Mexico border, which shut down the government and postponed the address which was earlier scheduled on January 29.“We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance and retribution,” Trump told Congress near the beginning of his State of the Union address, claiming in his speech that he is putting forward “the agenda of the United States.”“An economic miracle is taking place in the United States—and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics or ridiculous partisan investigations,” the president said.He said that tolerance for illegal immigration is not compassionate—it is cruel.“The lawless state of our southern border is a threat to the safety, security, and financial well-being of all Americans. We have a moral duty to create an immigration system that protects the lives and jobs of our citizens,” Trump said in his State of the Union Address.“This includes our obligation to the millions of immigrants living here today, who followed the rules and respected our laws. Legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways. “Now is the time for the Congress to show the world that America is committed to ending illegal immigration and putting the ruthless coyotes, cartels, drug dealers, and human traffickers out of business,” he said. 
Reject politics of revenge, resistance, retribution: Donald Trump in State of the Union address
Trump's calls for reconciliation were met with mostly stone-faced silence from Democrats, who bitterly oppose his agenda and accuse him of hastening the decline in cross-party cooperation.
First milestone achieved, still needs to see if it works: Oxford COVID-19 vaccine researcherAfter coronavirus vaccine AstraZeneca developed by the University of Oxford prompted a strong immune response in over a thousand people who had got the shot, a leading researcher working on the vaccine, Andrew Pollard said the first milestone with the research has been achieved but "it still needs to be seen if the vaccine works." Speaking to India Today TV, Pollard, said, "We have arrived at the first big milestone on vaccine development, which is showing that the vaccine makes the right responses and generating antibody responses. We still have to prove that the vaccine actually works and protects people."When asked what could potentially go wrong in the development of a vaccine, Andrew Pollard said, "The major challenge is to prove that the vaccine works. With lockdown in place, it is difficult to demonstrate the results. The process that has been taken is not any different. We have enough confidence that this is the right direction to finally have a vaccine."The researcher further said that Oxford is not in any competition with anyone running alongside to develop a vaccine. He said this is not a horserace wherein you would want only your horse to win."In this case, we would want many to succeed. We are not racing against each other but against the virus. Since the virus has affected millions across the world, we would want other candidates to succeed too so that the vaccine reaches every corner. Oxford is in no competition."When asked if he sees any serious security issue since many would like to get vaccinated, he told India Today, "It is important there is equitable access around the world and a lot of efforts are going on internationally to lookup mechanisms to ensure that it happens. It is true that many people would like to be vaccinated. It is important to have good, equitable access around the world to the vaccine."On Monday, scientists announced that the coronavirus vaccine, AZD1222,  developed by the University of Oxford appears safe and induces a strong immune response within the body. The positive news came after the first phase of "promising" human trials.According to trial results published in The Lancet medical journal, the Covid-19 vaccine prompted no serious side effects and elicited antibody and T-cell immune responses with the strongest response seen in people who received two doses.
First milestone achieved, still have to prove if it protects people: Oxford COVID-19 vaccine researcher
After coronavirus vaccine AstraZeneca developed by the University of Oxford prompted a strong immune response in over a thousand people who had got the shot, a leading researcher working on the vaccine, Andrew Pollard said the first milestone with the research has been achieved but "it still needs to be seen if the vaccine works."
The United States has agreed to ink a deal with Qatar to sell $12 billion worth of 36 American F-15 Fighters, Bloomberg reported.The US move comes amid tensions over President Donald Trump's backing for a Saudi Arabia -led coalition's move to isolate Qatar for supporting terrorism.“Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis met today (Wednesday) with Qatari Minister of State for Defence Affairs Khalid al-Attiyah to discuss concluding steps in finalising the Foreign Military Sales purchase of US-manufactured F-15 fighter aircraft by the State of Qatar,” Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Roger Cabiness told CNN. “The $12 billion sale will give Qatar a state of the art capability and increase security cooperation and interoperability between the US and Qatar.” “The secretary and the minister also discussed mutual security interests, including the current status of operations against IS (Islamic State), and the importance of de-escalating tensions so all partners in the Gulf region can focus on next steps in meeting common goals,” Cabiness added.The Qatari defence ministry issued a statement Wednesday hailing the F-15 deal.“This agreement underscores the longstanding commitment of the State of Qatar in jointly working with our friends and allies in the US,” CNN quoted al-Attiyah as saying in the statement.He also praised the US-Qatar relationship, saying the two countries had “solidified their military cooperation by having fought together side by side for many years now in an effort to eradicate terrorism.”The announcement comes after a week three Gulf countries—Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates—along with Egypt moved to cut off diplomatic ties with Qatar, host to the one of the Pentagon’s largest military bases in the Middle East, after claiming that Doha funds terrorist groups.More Arab and Muslim-majority African countries later joined the diplomatic blockade, even as several powers have called for resolving the crisis.US officials Secretary of State Rex Tillerson have called for the crisis to be de-escalated and on Wednesday while appearing before the House foreign affairs committee, reports CNN.Speaking to the House armed services committee Monday, Mattis called the diplomatic situation “very complex”, acknowledging the large US military presence and close US-Qatar military relationship.(With IANS inputs)
US to sell 36 F-15 fighters worth $12 billion to Qatar
The US move comes amid tensions over President Donald Trump's backing for a Saudi Arabia -led coalition's move to isolate Qatar for supporting terrorism.
FILE - This April 3, 2013, file photo shows bitcoin tokens in Sandy, Utah. Unidentified hackers broke into the Twitter accounts of technology moguls, politicians, celebrities and major companies Wednesday, July 15, 2020, in an apparent Bitcoin scam.Fake tweets from accounts of technology moguls, politicians, celebrities and major companies led to the accumulation of almost 12.9 bitcoins by the end of Wednesday. The amount is currently valued at slightly more than $114,000 (nearly ₹86 lakhs when converted to INR). The Bitcoin account mentioned in the fake tweets appears to have been created on Wednesday. At some point during the day, roughly half that sum in bitcoin was withdrawn from the account. The development came after unidentified hackers had broke into the Twitter accounts of several bigwigs, in what is being termed as an apparent Bitcoin scam.The ruse included bogus tweets from former President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg and a number of tech billionaires including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Celebrities Kanye West and his wife, Kim Kardashian West, were also hacked. Bezos, Gates and Musk are among the 10 richest people in the world, with tens of millions of followers on Twitter. The three men are worth a combined $362 billion, according to the latest calculations by Forbes magazine.The fake tweets offered to send $2,000 for every $1,000 sent to an anonymous Bitcoin address. How did hackers target Twitter users?The fake posts appeared to lure Twitter users by sending money to an anonymous Bitcoin account. There is no confirmation on if the owners of these Twitter accounts were targeted themselves.The apparently fake tweets were all quickly deleted, although The Associated Press was able to capture screenshots of several before they disappeared. Among the political figures targeted, the hack mostly appeared to target Democrats or other figures on the left, drawing comparisons to the 2016 campaign. US intelligence agencies established that Russia engaged in coordinated attempts to interfere in those US elections through social media tampering and various hacks, including targeting the various campaigns and major party organizations.The hack might also be a simple demonstration of Twitter’s weak security controls as the U.S. heads into the 2020 presidential election, a contest in which the service is likely to play an influential role.The FBI, meanwhile, said it was aware of Twitter’s security breach, but declined further comment.In a tweet, Twitter noted that it was aware of a “security incident impacting accounts on Twitter.” The San Francisco company said it is investigating and promised an update shortly. It did not reply immediately to requests for comment.The security problem was severe enough for Twitter to warn that many of its more than 166 million daily users might be unable to tweet or reset their passwords while the company tried to lock things down.Also Read | Unprecedented: Twitter handles of Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, others hacked
Rs 85 lakh: The amount Bitcoin account in fake tweet received post hack
The fake posts appeared to lure Twitter users by sending money to an anonymous Bitcoin account. There is no confirmation on if the owners of these Twitter accounts were targeted themselves. The apparently fake tweets were all quickly deleted, although The Associated Press was able to capture screenshots of several before they disappeared.
A nurse holds a dose of AstraZeneca vaccine before administering it to a tourist resort employee north of Port Louis.Independent experts advising the World Health Organization about immunization on Wednesday recommended the use of AstraZeneca’s vaccine even in countries that turned up worrying coronavirus variants in their populations.The WHO experts’ advice is used by health care officials worldwide, but doesn’t amount to a green light for the United Nations and its partners to ship the vaccine to countries that have signed up to receive the shots through a global initiative. That approval could come after separate WHO group meetings on Friday and Monday to assess whether an emergency-use listing for the AstraZeneca vaccine is warranted.The AstraZeneca vaccine is important because it forms the bulk of the stockpile acquired so far by the U.N.-backed effort known as COVAX, which aims to deploy coronavirus vaccines to people globally. COVAX plans to start shipping hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine worldwide later this month, but that is contingent on WHO approval for the shot, vaccine stocks and countries’ readiness to receive it.READ MORE: Oxford-AstraZeneca jab effective against UK Covid variant, study findsBut the vaccine has faced rising concerns. After an early study suggested that it might be less effective against a variant first seen in South Africa, the South African government scrambled to tweak its COVID-19 vaccination program.“Even if there is a reduction in the possibility of this vaccine having a full impact in its protection capacity, especially against severe disease, there is no reason not to recommend its use even in countries that have the circulation of the variants,” said Dr. Alejandro Cravioto, chair of the WHO’s expert group.Instead of rolling out 1 million AstraZeneca doses as planned, South Africa’s health minister said Wednesday that the government would start immunizing health workers with the still-unlicensed shot from Johnson & Johnson.The expert group’s recommendations about the AstraZeneca vaccine, which was developed at Oxford University in Britain, largely mirror those issued earlier by the European Medicines Agency and Britain’s drug regulator.Cravioto said the AstraZeneca vaccine should be used in older age groups despite the lack of solid data, similar to advice from the EMA and Britain.“That means people over 65 years of age should be given the vaccination,” he said.Countries including Germany, France and Belgium, however, have said the AstraZeneca vaccine should not be used in older people, citing insufficient evidence.READ MORE: EU authorises AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccineThe WHO’s chief scientist, Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, noted that the AstraZeneca shot requires storage at refrigerator temperatures — not the far colder temperatures required of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that the group has already recommended for use.So far, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is the only one to receive a WHO emergency use listing.The expert group noted that “preliminary analyses” showed the AstraZeneca vaccine had a reduced effectiveness against coronavirus variants that have emerged in Britain and South Africa. Still, the studies were too small to produce definitive results and scientists think the vaccines might still be helpful in reducing severe disease, which would greatly slow the pandemic.“Any decision to leave vulnerable populations completely unprotected is a risky decision at this point in time,” said Michael Head, a senior research fellow at the University of Southampton. “Therefore, it is good to see the WHO recommend the use of the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine in all ages groups, including older populations,” he said in a statement.The WHO’s expert group also said international travelers shouldn’t get preference for vaccine doses, saying that would “counter the principle of equity” while adding there was no evidence yet about whether vaccinations reduced transmission.READ MORE: UK ramps up inoculations with Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_9323151630 = { "file": "", "image": "", "title": "Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine gets recommendation for emergency use", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "duration": "1076", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_9323151630 = ''; jwsetup_9323151630(); function jwsetup_9323151630() { jwvidplayer_9323151630 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_9323151630").setup(jwconfig_9323151630); jwvidplayer_9323151630.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_9323151630, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_ndm12sev\", ns_st_pr=\"Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine gets recommendation for emergency use\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine gets recommendation for emergency use\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine gets recommendation for emergency use\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2021-01-02\", ns_st_tdt=\"2021-01-02\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\"\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_9323151630.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_9323151630.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_9323151630.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_9323151630.stop(); jwvidplayer_9323151630.remove(); jwvidplayer_9323151630 = ''; jwsetup_9323151630(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_9323151630.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_9323151630.stop(); jwvidplayer_9323151630.remove(); jwvidplayer_9323151630 = ''; jwsetup_9323151630(); return; }); jwvidplayer_9323151630.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9323151630.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9323151630.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9323151630.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9323151630.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9323151630.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); }
WHO expert group recommends use of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine
The AstraZeneca vaccine is important because it forms the bulk of the stockpile acquired so far by the UN-backed effort known as COVAX, which aims to deploy coronavirus vaccines to people globally.
Hafiz SaeedThe United Nations has rejected an appeal to remove JuD chief Hafiz Saeed's name from its list of banned terrorists, government sources said on Thursday. Hafiz Saeed is 2008 Mumbai terror attack mastermind.Recently UN's 1267 Sanctions Committee received a new request to ban Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azhar after the Pulwama terror attack in which 40 CRPF personnel were killed. Pakistan-based JeM has claimed responsibility for the strike.The UN decision to reject appeal of Saeed, also a co-founder of terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), came after India provided detailed evidence including "highly confidential information" about his activities, sources told PTI, adding that the verdict of the global body was conveyed to his lawyer Haider Rasul Mirza earlier this week.Saeed, chief of UN-designated terrorist organisation Jammat--ud-Dawa (JuD), was banned on December 10, 2008 by the United Nations Security Council after the horrific Mumbai attacks in which 166 people were killed.Saeed had filed an appeal with the UN through Lahore-based law firm Mirza and Mirza in 2017, while he was still under house arrest in Pakistan, for removal of the ban.Independent Ombudsperson Daniel Kipfer Fasciati, appointed by the UN to examine all such requests, has informed Saeed's lawyer that it has been decided following examination of his request that that he will "continue as a listed individual", sources said.The Ombudsperson recommended that after gathering all information, it has been decided to continue with the ban as "there was sufficient information to provide a reasonable and credible basis for continuing the listing," sources said, adding the recommendation was endorsed by the UN's Sanctions Committee.Saeed's request was opposed by India as well as other countries that had originally listed him - US, UK and France, sources said.Significantly, Pakistan did not oppose the appeal despite claims by the new Imran Khan-led government there that it was taking action against the banned terrorists and their organisations in what they call a 'Naya Pakistan' (new Pakistan).Last month, the US, the UK and France made a fresh bid at the UN to ban JeM head Masood Azhar, who is also residing in Pakistan as per Pakistani foreign minister's admission. JeM is already a UN-designated terrorist organisation.Asked about the delay in deciding on Saeed's appeal, which normally takes six months from the time it is registered with the UN, sources said the delay happened because the Ombudsperson got changed before completion of the time period and then some time was taken to appoint a new one.
Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed's appeal to delist him from UN-designated terrorists rejected
In a significant development, the United Nations has rejected an appeal of JuD chief Hafiz Saeed, the 2008 Mumbai terror attack mastermind, to remove his name from its list of banned terrorists, government sources said on Thursday.
Condemning North Korea's nuclear test, BRICS countries, including India, on Monday advocated for a diplomatic solution to the issues even as the US said it will answer the threat with a "massive military response -- a response both effective and overwhelming."North Korea yesterday carried out its most powerful nuclear test to date, claiming to have developed an advanced hydrogen bomb that could sit atop an intercontinental ballistic missile. South Korean defence ministry officials have said that North's nuclear test had an estimated strength of 50 kilotons, five times the size of Pyongyang’s previous test in September last year. The test is more than three times stronger than the US nuclear bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.In a declaration issued in Xiamen, BRICS leaders strongly deplored the nuclear test conducted by North Korea. The leaders from Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa asserted that the prolonged nuclear issue in the Korean peninsula should only be settled through peaceful means. "We express deep concern over the ongoing tension and prolonged nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, and emphasize that it should only be settled through peaceful means and direct dialogue of all the parties concerned," BRICS, in its Xiamen Declaration said.The strong statement from BRICS countries comes amid global condemnation of North Korea's move. Significantly, it came on a day China said it had lodged an official protest with North Korea following Pyongyang's largest-ever nuclear weapons test. China has "launched stern representations with the person in charge of the DPRK (the Democratic People's Republic of Korea) embassy in China", foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told reporters at a briefing. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Sunday shot back with a blunt threat, saying Washington will answer any North Korean threat with a "massive military response -- a response both effective and overwhelming."While he said America does not seek the ``total annihilation'' of the North, he added somberly, "We have many options to do so."Mattis said the international community is unified in demanding the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and said the North's leader, Kim Jong Un, should know that Washington's commitment to Japan and South Korea is unshakeable. US President Donald Trump yesterday called North Korea a "great threat and embarrassment" to China and warned that "appeasement" won't work with Pyongyang. He has suggested drastic economic measures against China and criticizing ally South Korea. North Korea in July had carried out two intercontinental ballistic missile launches that apparently brought much of the US mainland into range. It has made rapid progress with its nuclear programme, in defiance of UN sanctions.Meanwhile,  South Korea today said it has detected signs that the North is preparing another missile launch. The defence ministry said the test could involve an intercontinental ballistic missile. North Korea was "preparing for another ballistic missile launch have consistently been detected since Sunday's test", the defence ministry said today. (With agencies) 
N Korea's advanced hydrogen bomb test: BRICS bats for diplomatic solution; US warns of 'massive military response'
BRICS countries today strongly condemned North Korea's nuclear test as the US said it will answer the threat with a "massive military response".
Iran launched a missile strike at Al-Assad Airbase in Iraq in early hours of Wednesday (December 8)Iran launched missiles at US-led coalition forces based in Iraq in early hours of Wednesday (January 8). Among the targets was al-Assad airbase inside Iraq. Choice of al-Assad airbase as a target makes military sense for Iran. At the same time, an attack on al-Assad airbase is highly symbolic. Al-Assad airbase is not just any airbase but it served as a launchpad for US-led Iraq invasion in 2003.Where is al-Assad Airbase located?For starters. al-Assad Airbase is situated near Iraq's capital Baghdad. The base is situated 160 km of Baghdad. It is of immense importance with respect to the defence of the national capital. Fighter jets can take-off from al-Assad Airbase and reach Baghdad within minutes in case the city comes under attack Al-Assad airbase is one of the largest and oldest military facility in Iraq. It was built for Iraqi military in the 1980s. It falls in Anbar province of Iraq.What is inside Al-Assad airbase?Al-Assad airbase has two runways. One measures 13000 feet while the other measures 14000 feet. To provide safe water to soldiers inside, al-Asad airbase has its own drinking water plant. The airbase has contingency measures against power outages. There is an independent power generation plant at the airbase.In addition to this, Al-Assad airbase also has a KFC outlet, a Burger King joint, a movie theatre and other recreational facilities to help soldiers unwind.Who is stationed inside Al-Assad airbase?US-led coalition troops are stationed inside. There are about 1500 of them. Among these soldiers, there are those from other countries like Belgium and Britain. The base served as major launchpads for US invasion in Iraq in the year 2003.How big is the base? What does al Assad mean?Al-Assad airbase has a perimeter that stretches for around 20 kilometres. The word Al-Assad means 'The Lion'Given all this, it seems logical that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) would choose al-Assad Airbase as a target. It not only a major military base but also, attack on it sends some serious message across the world that Iran may be in a mood for a major retaliation after Qasem Soleimani's death in US drone strike.Qasem Soleimani was chief of Quds Force, the external operations wing of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.Also Read  | US-Iran tensions Live: China evacuates 20 people from Iraq oil fieldAlso Read | US vs Iran: Tweet urging Twitter to suspend Trump's account goes viral /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_3457082049 = { "file": ",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8", "image": "", "title": "Iran Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says missile attack 'slap in face' delivered to US", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_3457082049 = ''; jwsetup_3457082049(); function jwsetup_3457082049() { jwvidplayer_3457082049 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_3457082049").setup(jwconfig_3457082049); jwvidplayer_3457082049.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_3457082049, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_pfi5tvgr\", ns_st_pr=\"Iran Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says missile attack 'slap in face' delivered to US\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Iran Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says missile attack 'slap in face' delivered to US\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Iran Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says missile attack 'slap in face' delivered to US\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2020-01-08\", ns_st_tdt=\"2020-01-08\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_3457082049.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_3457082049.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_3457082049.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_3457082049.stop(); jwvidplayer_3457082049.remove(); jwvidplayer_3457082049 = ''; jwsetup_3457082049(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_3457082049.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_3457082049.stop(); jwvidplayer_3457082049.remove(); jwvidplayer_3457082049 = ''; jwsetup_3457082049(); return; }); jwvidplayer_3457082049.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3457082049.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3457082049.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3457082049.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3457082049.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3457082049.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); }
Why Al-Assad Air Base in Iraq is important for United States
Iran missile strikes on Al-Assad Air Base in Iraq is not just an attack on a major military complex. Iran may have wanted to send signal globally that it is in a mood to retaliate after Qasem Soleimani's death in US drone strike.
Pakistan’s anti-graft body files fresh corruption case against Nawaz SharifPakistan's anti-graft body has filed a fresh corruption case against deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif and three others for their alleged involvement in the illegal allotment of land in Punjab province about 34 years ago.An arrest warrant has been issued against the 70-year-old embattled three-time premier who is in London for treatment.Several corruption cases have been filed by the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan against Sharif since his ouster from the office by the Supreme Court in July 2017 in the Panama Papers case.Sharif, the supremo of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), was disqualified as prime minister in 2017 by the Supreme Court in the Panama Papers case.The NAB said that it has approached an anti-corruption court to declare Sharif a proclaimed offender since he did not respond to any of its summons in the land allotment case.The three other accused named in the case filed by the NAB are Jang/Geo media group owner Mir Shakilur Rahman, former Lahore Development Authority (LDA) director Humayun Faiz Rasool and former director (land) Mian Bashir.In 1986, when he was the Punjab chief minister, Sharif had allegedly allotted 54-'kanal' (canal) land in Lahore to Mir Shakilur Rehman in violation of rules.Rahman, who was arrested on March 12, is on judicial remand.In the case, Sharif and the two officers were accused of the misuse of authority in allotting the precious land along the canal to Rahman in violation of the rules.On May 29, an accountability court in Islamabad issued an arrest warrant against Sharif for failing to appear before it in a corruption case that accused him of receiving luxury vehicles and gifts from foreign dignitaries, which were property of the state.Gifts are routinely exchanged between heads of states or officers holding constitutional positions. According to the gift depository rules, these gifts remain the property of the state unless sold at an open auction.Sharif had left for London in November after the Lahore High Court granted him a four-week permission to go abroad for treatment.He had submitted an undertaking to the court to return to Pakistan, citing his record of facing the law and justice, within four weeks or as soon as he is declared healthy and fit to travel by doctors.Last month, a fresh picture of ‘ailing’ Sharif having tea at a London cafe along with his family went viral on social media, sparking a debate on his health with the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf members demanding his return to face corruption cases.In the picture, he was seen sitting at a roadside café with his granddaughters. He sported a blue shalwar kameez and a cap and apparently looked in better health.Earlier in January, a picture of Sharif having tea at a London restaurant had gone viral, inviting a lot of criticism and raising suspicion that he might have gone out of Pakistan ‘under some deal’.Three corruption cases -- Avenfield properties, Flagship investment and Al-Azizia steel mills -- were registered against the Sharif family by the anti-graft body National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in 2017 following the Supreme Court judgment removing Sharif from the office of the prime minister.Sharif was given bail in the Al-Azizia Mills corruption case, in which he was serving a seven-year prison sentence in Kot Lakhpat Jail. He was also given bail in a money-laundering case to facilitate his travel abroad.Sharif was diagnosed with "complicated coronary artery/ischemic heart disease with significant disease burden".His daughter Maryam Nawaz had said that her father was a high-risk patient therefore his cardiac catheterisation/coronary intervention had been postponed due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Pakistan’s anti-graft body files fresh corruption case against Nawaz Sharif
Pakistan's anti-graft body has filed a fresh corruption case against deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif and three others for their alleged involvement in the illegal allotment of land in Punjab province about 34 years ago.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif  and External Affairs Minister Sushma SwarajExternal Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj held a bilateral meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on the sidelines of the ongoing United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday. Among other things, the two nations discussed US sanctions on Iran and the status of Iran nuclear deal with the European Union. Related Stories 'India does not follow sanctions imposed by US': Sushma Swaraj reaffirms Delhi's support for Iran Nuclear DealIran rules out talks unless US ends threatsPM Modi at SCO Summit 2018: 'Connectivity with neighbourhood and in SCO region India’s priority'US reimposes tough, unilateral sanctions against IranUS sanctions may force India to pay for Iranian oil in rupee"India remains engaged with all stakeholders who are a part of the process, Iran is one of them. So it was natural the issue of sanctions did come up during meeting. We shared each others' position about where we stand at this point of time," Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Raveesh Kumar told media at a press conference after the meeting. He further informed that the during the meeting, the foreign minister of Iran shared parts of the discussions which they were having with the EU. "We heard them out and explained our position. As far as the sanctions on Iran goes, we are also engaged with other stakeholders, other countries," MEA spokesperson said. Meanwhile, the foreign minister of Iran expressed confidence in the steadfastness of the nuclear deal. "Everybody supported the nuclear deal and insisted on the need for full  implementation of the nuclear deal. I think the policy pursued by this administration in Washington will only lead to further isolation," he said.On Chabahar, Zarif said that the port was operational and Indian shipments to Afghanistan were already going through it. But he hoped that "India and other investors would come to Chabahar and invest for expansion of port facility".India had completed developing Chabahar port in August 2017 and it was formally inaugurated in December that year. Since then, Iran and India signed an agreement worth $2 billion for cooperation in the rail sector. Indian government reportedly plans to build a railway line in Iran, which will extend connectivity from Chabahar port to Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Russia.
Indo-Iran bilateral: 'India engaged with all stakeholders', Sushma Swaraj tells her Iranian counterpart
Among other things, the two nations discussed US sanctions on Iran and the status of Iran nuclear deal with the European Union.
Iran on Sunday rejected the recent US call for allowing foreign inspection of Iranian military sites under the pretext of the 2015 nuclear deal.The issue of allowing foreign access to Iranian military sites is basically not included in the nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), was quoted by the Tasnim news agency as saying.Related Stories IAEA chief Yukiya Amano says Iran living up to its commitments under nuclear dealIran says President Rouhani turned down a meeting with TrumpIn the past, there were some cases of inspecting Iran's military sites such as Parchin, which was once inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Kamalvandi said.Currently, the IAEA has not made any call for inspecting another Iranian military site, he added.He emphasized that the Islamic republic will not allow access to its military sites again by foreign parties, including the IAEA.His remarks came after US President Donald Trump extended the waivers on the nuclear-related sanctions on Iran on Friday, while setting some conditions for waiving the sanctions next time.On Saturday, Iran's Foreign Ministry announced that Tehran will never renegotiate the 2015 nuclear deal despite the US pressure.Trump has constantly criticized the pact inked between the six world powers, namely China, Russia, Britain, France, the United States and Germany, and Iran in 2015, in which the West promised to relieve sanctions on Tehran in exchange for a halt in Iran's efforts to develop a nuclear weapon.Under the deal, the US President must sign a waiver suspending the US sanctions on Iran every 120 days.
Iran rejects US call for allowing foreign inspection of its military sites
In the past, there were some cases of inspecting Iran's military sites such as Parchin, which was once inspected by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Pak bureaucrat suspended after video of him stealing Kuwaiti dignitary's wallet goes viralA video showing a senior Pakistani bureaucrat stealing the wallet of a visiting Kuwaiti dignitary has gone viral on social media, prompting authorities to suspend the high-ranking official, according to media reports.The dignitary was part of a high-level delegation which was in the country to discuss bilateral trade.Zarrar Haider Khan, joint secretary of the Ministry of Industries and Production and a BS-20 officer of the state bureaucracy's elite Pakistan Administrative Service, was caught on CCTV cameras while pocketing the wallet which had a significant sum of Kuwaiti dinars, Dawn news reported.In the six-second video clip, the bureaucrat could be seen lifting the wallet from the table and putting it into his pocket at a time when the Kuwaiti delegates and officials of the ministry had left the hall of the Economic Affairs Division after their meeting.The guilty joint secretary has been suspended from service on disciplinary grounds after he was caught stealing. But so far, no complaint has been registered with the police.The issue came to light when a member of the Kuwaiti delegation lodged a complaint with Pakistani officials regarding his missing wallet. A search was conducted in the ministry and all rooms and offices were combed. Even lower grade employees of the ministry were quizzed and physically searched but nothing was initially found.The footage captured by a CCTV camera installed in the hall was examined later, which revealed that the theft was committed by the senior officer.When the officer was approached, he first denied his involvement. However, when the CCTV footage was shown to him, he produced the wallet, the sources stated.When the Kuwaiti officials were informed of the recovery of his wallet, the delegation asked the authorities to provide them with the identification of the culprit.The Pakistani officials initially showed reluctance and assured the guests that legal action would be taken against the person.However, the sources said, it was on the insistence of the delegates — who were extremely angry over the incident — that Pakistani officials divulged the individual's identity and shared the CCTV footage.Sources said that an internal inquiry was in progress against the bureaucrat and further action will be taken.Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry, when asked about the incident, said that most of the present bureaucrats had received their "moral training" by the previous governments.
Pak bureaucrat suspended after video of him stealing Kuwaiti dignitary's wallet goes viral
A video showing a Pakistani bureaucrat stealing the wallet of a visiting Kuwaiti dignitary has gone viral on social media, prompting authorities to suspend the high-ranking official, according to media reports.
Pakistani cleric Tahirul QadriFiery Pakistani cleric Tahirul Qadri on Saturday announced his decision to quit politics and resigned as the chairman of his Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) party.Qadri, 68, who is based in Canada, made the announcement through a video message. He, however, did not mention any reason behind the decision."I am retiring from Pakistani politics, political activities and from my post as PAT chairman. I am not handing over PAT leadership to my sons but transferring power to the party's council," he said in the video message issued from Canada.Qadri also expressed disappointment for not getting justice for the 14 PAT workers killed in 2014."Our legal battle for the killing of our 14 workers will continue till my last breath. That is not a matter of politics it is a matter of faith," Qadri said.Fourteen people, including two women, were killed and 100 others suffered bullet injuries when police raided the house and offices of Pakistan Awami Tahreek's (PAT) chief Tahirul Qadri in Model Town.According to a source in the party, Qadri, whose party that held anti-government protests in Islamabad in 2014 along with Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan against the then prime minister and Pakistan Muslim League (N) chief Nawaz Sharif, seems to be out of work.The source told PTI that Qadri quit politics apparently because he did not see any "near future assignment" for him by the current Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf establishment in the country.“Qadri is an old man. At present Imran Khan with whom he had staged a sit-in in Islamabad for two months in 2014 against the Nawaz Sharif dispensation is in the government. Therefore, he does not have any immediate task at hand to perform,” he said.“Qadri retired from politics because he was jobless these days,” the source said.Qadri formed PAT in May 1989 and he was first elected as a member of parliament from Lahore in 2002 elections held under Gen. Pervez Musharraf. ALSO READ | Kartarpur Corridor: United Akali Dal, Ex-Khalistan force chief slams Pakistan for $20 service chargeALSO READ | Economy weak, but not army: Pakistan Rail Minister to IndiaALSO READ | Bangladesh removes Pakistan's name from border pillars, 48 years after Liberation War
Pakistani cleric Tahirul Qadri quits politics, resigns from party
Fourteen people, including two women, were killed and 100 others suffered bullet injuries when police raided the house and offices of Pakistan Awami Tahreek's (PAT) chief Tahirul Qadri in Model Town.
Russian Defence Weapons.Russia Ukraine War Latest Update: 63.1 per cent of people believe that there will be no nuclear war amid Russia-Ukraine tension, 26.6 per cent say there could be one while 10.3 per cent don't have a firm opinion over the ongoing conflict, according to India TV Poll.The conflict entered its 6th day on March 1 as Russian forces continue their invasion bid of Ukraine, but facing resistance from Ukrainian forces much more than they expected. While street fighting in several Ukrainian cities continues and casualties rise, several nations mostly European countries and the West have condemned Russia's offensive. Moscow has become a sanction target of Western nations, further deteriorating its relations.Amid this, Russian President Vladimir Putin dramatically escalated East-West tensions by ordering nuclear forces on high alert Sunday, while Ukraine's embattled leader agreed to talks with Moscow as Putin's troops and tanks drove deeper into the country, closing in around the capital.Citing “aggressive statements” by NATO and tough financial sanctions, Putin issued a directive to increase the readiness of Russia's nuclear weapons, raising fears that the invasion of Ukraine could lead to nuclear war, whether by design or mistake.The Russian leader is “potentially putting in play forces that, if there’s a miscalculation, could make things much, much more dangerous,” said a senior U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss rapidly unfolding military operations.Going by current circumstances, and as NATO countries pressure Moscow with sanctions, India TV conducted a poll asking "Will there be a nuclear war due to the Russia-Ukraine crisis?" Here are the final results.
India TV Poll | Russia-Ukraine Crisis: Will there be a nuclear war?
As the Russia-Ukraine war enter's 5th day and active role by NATO countries to further pressure Moscow by putting more sanctions, Will there be a nuclear war due to the Russia-Ukraine crisis? Participate in India TV POll and share your opinion.
Puneet Ahluwalia, an Indian-American business consultant, is running for the Republican nomination for Lt. Governor of VirginiaPuneet Ahluwalia, an Indian-American business consultant, is running for the Republican nomination for Lt. Governor of Virginia, saying the state needs a new leadership to attract investment, jobs, growth and wealth, it was reported."Virginia is in trouble right now, and we're running out of time as Democrats offer the same old tired promises," The American Bazaar reported on Saturday citing the 55-year-old as saying while announcing his run."Virginia needs new ideas and a business environment that will attract investment, jobs, growth and wealth," said the Delhi-born Ahluwalia in a note to his supporters."Virginia needs to support its hard-working and courageous police, protect 2nd Amendment rights, and stand up for law and order."A Delhi Public School (DPS) alumnus who immigrated to the US in 1990, Ahluwalia serves as a consultant to international businesses on client acquisition, marketing, and strategic affairs with The Livingston Group."I wasn't born an American, my wife and I are Americans by choice," wrote Ahluwalia. "I am not a politician; I am a proud American living the American dream."Ahluwalia, who has been active in the Republican Party politics for over two decades, also serves on the Northern Virginia Republican Business Forum.
Indian-American running for Lt. Governor of Virginia
Puneet Ahluwalia, an Indian-American business consultant, is running for the Republican nomination for Lt. Governor of Virginia, saying the state needs a new leadership to attract investment, jobs, growth and wealth, it was reported.
12 people dead in shootout between bank robbers, police in BrazilA dozen people were killed on Friday after a shootout between a group of alleged bank robbers and police in Brazil, officials said today.The incident happened on Friday when a group of 30 armed people attempted to rob two banks using hostages, in the city of Milagres, in state of Ceara, but were intercepted by the police, Xinhua news agency reported.Lielson Landim, Mayor of Milagres, said that before arriving in the city's centre to commit the bank robbery, the assailants stole a truck to block one of the city's main streets.Upon being discovered by police, a fierce gun fight broke out and lasted 20 minutes. At least three minors, who were being held as hostages along with their parents, died.Several of the bank robbers managed to escape and police began an operation to capture them.At least six of the dead were the robbers and the rest were hostages, Landim said. (With IANS inputs)
12 people dead in shootout between bank robbers, police in Brazil
Lielson Landim, Mayor of Milagres, said that before arriving in the city's centre to commit the bank robbery, the assailants stole a truck to block one of the city's main streets.
26/11: Case may not further proceed till the Indian government sends its 24 witnesses to Pakistan to record their statements. A Pakistani court hearing the Mumbai terror attack case has issued a notice to the interior ministry asking it to file a reply about presenting 24 Indian witnesses in the case within a week, an official said today.  The 2008 Mumbai attack case has entered into the 10th year but none of its suspects in Pakistan is punished, indicating this case had never been in the priority list of the country that appears to be keen to put it under the carpet. Related Stories Pakistan court issues arrest warrant against Musharraf for cleric's murder26/11 accused Lakhvi to be tried for abetment to murder, rules Pak courtPakistan’s Lahore HC allows private channels to air Indian films on TVWill acquit you if you embrace Islam: Pak public prosecutor tells 42 Christians accused of murder “The Anti-Terrorism Court Rawalpindi held hearing at Adiala Jail (Rawalpindi) yesterday and issued a notice to the interior ministry asking it to file a reply about presenting Indian witnesses by July 5,” a court official told PTI.  He said a prosecution official told the court about India’s reluctance to send its nationals to Pakistan. The court adjourned the hearing till July 5.  The weekly hearing in this case rarely takes place since the anti-terrorism court has completed the statement of all (70) prosecution witnesses.  According to the prosecution, case may not further proceed till the Indian government sends its 24 witnesses to Pakistan to record their statements. Pakistan has written to India in this regard.  India replied that Pakistan first put Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed on trial based on evidence it had provided to it.  A number of Pakistani witnesses both official and private testified and provided evidence against the seven accused but the Pakistani authorities have been insisting on sending Indian witnesses here for reaching a verdict in the case.  Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) is responsible for carrying out the Mumbai attack that killed 166 people.
26/11 case: Pak court issues notice to interior ministry to produce Indian witnesses
The 2008 Mumbai attack case has entered into the 10th year but none of its suspects in Pakistan is punished, indicating this case had never been in the priority list of the country that appears to be keen to put it under the carpet.
Pentagon plans to scrap USD 300 million funding for Pakistan due to terror record The Pentagon has sought Congressional determination to reprogram USD 300 million of its Coalition Support Fund (CSF) for Pakistan because of the latter's "lack of" decisive actions in support of the South Asia Strategy."Due to a lack of Pakistani decisive actions in support of the South Asia Strategy, the remaining USD 300M (actually USD323.6 million to include non-Pakistan funds) was reprogrammed by DoD in the June/July 2018 time frame for other urgent priorities before the funds expire on September 30, 2018," Pentagon Spokesman Koné Faulkner told PTI.Related Stories US President Trump orders Pentagon to create a new 'Space Force'Pentagon Commander says US needs to "squeeze out" safe havens from PakistanIndia not automatically exempted from US sanctions on arms purchase from Russia: PentagonWith this, the Department of Defence (DoD) has reprogrammed USD 800 million CSF destined for Pakistan. This is because US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis has refused to give the necessary certification to the Congress that Pakistan has taken strong steps against terrorist groups like the Haqqani network and Lashkar-e-Taiba."This is not a new decision or a new announcement," Faulkner told PTI in response to a question. "In 2018, the DoD Appropriations Act, published on March 23, 2018, you can find the verbiage detailing USD 500M was rescinded by Congress upon the 2018 DoD Appropriations Act's passage (page 161), which is all public,” he said."We continue to press Pakistan to indiscriminately target all terrorist groups, including the Haqqani Network and LET in the region,” Faulkner said.  The Department of Defence is awaiting congressional determination on whether this reprogramming request will be approved or denied.Pentagon will have a congressional response before September 30, to allow it to implement the reprogramming actions, he said.
Pentagon plans to scrap USD 300 million funding for Pakistan due to terror record
US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis has refused to give the necessary certification to the Congress that Pakistan has taken strong steps against terrorist groups like the Haqqani network and Lashkar-e-Taiba.
Chinese power plants in Pak to shut down within days unless payments madeWith more than 300 billion PKR in stuck-up dues, more than two dozen Chinese firms operating in Pakistan said that they will be forced to shut down their power plants this month unless payments are made upfront, the media reported.This revelation came at a meeting presided over by Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal with more than 30 Chinese companies operating under the flagship multi-billion-dollar China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in various areas including energy, communication, railways and others, reports Dawn news.There were a plethora of complaints, including those relating to complex visa procedures for Chinese executives, taxation and so on, but there were also counter complaints from the Pakistani side as well, on delayed responses to their communications, informed sources told Dawn.About 25 representatives from Chinese independent power producers (IPPs) spoke one after the other and complained about the build-up of their dues and warned that without upfront payments they would shut down within days.They said the authorities were pressuring them to maximise generation to meet peak summer needs, but "this is impossible for us in view of serious liquidity issues", the report said.They complained that fuel prices, particularly that of coal, had gone up by three to four times, which meant they should at least be given three to four times greater liquidity to make fuel arrangements.One of the coal producers reported that it was operating at half capacity due to low coal stocks, but the authorities' push to increase output could exhaust fuel stocks in a couple of days, Dawn reported.Some of them said that while payments against power already supplied were not forthcoming and they had been financially handicapped due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the tax authorities had started taxing them at higher rates.Also, the contractual requirement of a revolving fund for automatic payment of IPPs' dues and subsequent promises by the previous government during former Prime Minister Imran Khan's visit to China also remained unfulfilled, they said.Also Read | China bans minors from live streaming on social media
Chinese power plants in Pakistan to shut down within days unless payments made
One of the coal producers reported that it was operating at half capacity due to low coal stocks, but the authorities' push to increase output could exhaust fuel stocks in a couple of days, Dawn reported.
A nurse feeds water to a patient in the isolation ward for 2019-nCoV patients at a hospital in Wuhan in central China's Hubei province. The number of confirmed cases of the new virus has risen again in China Saturday, Feb. 8, 2020, as the ruling Communist Party faced anger and recriminations from the public over the death of a doctor who was threatened by police after trying to sound the alarm about the disease over a month ago. (Chinatopix via AP)The global death toll of coronavirus has risen up to 813 surpassing fatalities in the 2002-03 SARS pandemic. Mainland China’s death toll from the new virus outbreak now stands at 811 with the 2 international deaths being in Hong Kong and the Philippines. However, the number of new cases reported over the last 24 hours on Sunday fell significantly from the previous period, something experts see as a sign the spread of the virus may be slowing.Another 89 deaths were reported, while 2,656 new cases were added for a total of 37,198. On Saturday, 3,399 cases were reported for the previous 24 hours.SARS is widely considered to have killed 774 people and sickened 8,098, mainly in mainland China and Hong Kong. The response this time has been much quicker and countries around the world are enforcing stricter measures to contain the spread.A 60-year-old American was among the new fatalities in Wuhan, the hardest-hit central Chinese city where the virus was first detected in December among people who had visited a food market where live wild animals were sold. He is apparently the first American death in the outbreak, while a Japanese citizen being treated in Wuhan who was a suspected case also died.China’s ruling Communist Party faces continuing anger from the public over the death of a Wuhan doctor who was threatened by police after trying to sound the alarm about the disease over a month ago.On Saturday, Japan reported three more cases aboard a quarantined cruise ship for a total of 64 . There are 3,700 passengers and crew on the Diamond Princess who must remain on board for 14 days.Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said foreign passengers on another ship, Holland America’s Westerdam, won’t be allowed into Japan because of suspected virus patients on board. The ship, with more than 2,000 people, was near Okinawa and was seeking another port.Hong Kong began enforcing a 14-day quarantine for arrivals from mainland China on Saturday. The territory has refused to completely seal its border but hopes the quarantine will dissuade travelers from the mainland.China’s leaders are trying to keep food flowing to crowded cities despite anti-disease controls and to quell fears of possible shortages and price spikes following panic buying after most access to Wuhan and nearby cities was cut off.Public anger continued to simmer over the authorities’ treatment of a young doctor who was reprimanded by police for issuing a warning about the virus before being infected and dying this week.In death, 34-year-old Li Wenliang became the face of anger at the ruling Communist Party’s controls over information and complaints that officials lie about or hide disease outbreaks, chemical spills, dangerous consumer products or financial frauds.The 34-year-old ophthalmologist died overnight at Wuhan Central Hospital, where he worked and likely contracted the virus while treating patients in the early days of the outbreak.Police in December had reprimanded eight doctors including Li for warning friends on social media about the emerging threat. China’s supreme court later criticized the police, but the ruling Communist Party has tightened its grip on information about the outbreak.Users of China’s Weibo microblogging service have left hundreds of thousands of messages mourning Li’s death and criticizing the authorities over their treatment of him and other whistleblowers.Following the criticism, the government announced a team from Beijing would be sent to Wuhan to investigate “issues reported by the masses involving Dr. Li Wenliang.” /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_4865660922 = { "file": ",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8", "image": "", "title": "Chinese nationals, feared to be infected with coronavirus, go missing in Nepal", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_4865660922 = ''; jwsetup_4865660922(); function jwsetup_4865660922() { jwvidplayer_4865660922 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_4865660922").setup(jwconfig_4865660922); jwvidplayer_4865660922.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_4865660922, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_fs2t9rsu\", ns_st_pr=\"Chinese nationals, feared to be infected with coronavirus, go missing in Nepal\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Chinese nationals, feared to be infected with coronavirus, go missing in Nepal\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Chinese nationals, feared to be infected with coronavirus, go missing in Nepal\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2020-02-07\", ns_st_tdt=\"2020-02-07\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_4865660922.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_4865660922.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_4865660922.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_4865660922.stop(); jwvidplayer_4865660922.remove(); jwvidplayer_4865660922 = ''; jwsetup_4865660922(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_4865660922.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_4865660922.stop(); jwvidplayer_4865660922.remove(); jwvidplayer_4865660922 = ''; jwsetup_4865660922(); return; }); jwvidplayer_4865660922.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4865660922.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4865660922.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4865660922.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4865660922.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4865660922.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); }
Global coronavirus death toll rises to 813, surpasses 2002-2003 SARS pandemic
The global death toll of coronavirus has risen up to 813 surpassing fatalities in the 2002-03 SARS pandemic. Mainland China’s death toll from the new virus outbreak now stands at 811 with the 2 international deaths being in Hong Kong and the Philippines.
Imran KhanIn a major relief to Imran Khan, the Supreme Court on Wednesday suspended a recount in a National Assembly constituency in Lahore where the cricketer-turned-politician had narrowly defeated his rival in the July 25 general elections.Khan, 65, set to become Pakistan's new prime minister next week, faced a piquant situation after the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Tuesday only gave him conditional approval to take oath as a Member of the National Assembly. He had contested and won from five constituencies.While the ECP withheld his victory notifications from two constituencies, it declared him winner from three others from where he contested, subject to the decision of a pending litigation against him over alleged violation of the election code of conduct.Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Khawaja Saad Rafique had petitioned for a recount in the NA-131 Lahore-9 constituency, from where Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Khan won by 680 votes. Rafique had alleged that the presiding officer deliberately rejected hundreds of votes.Rafique's lawyer contended that a recount request is valid if the victory margin is less than five per cent.Suspending the Lahore High Court's (LHC) order to re-tabulate results of NA-131 constituency, the Supreme Court bench headed by Chief Justice Saqib Nisar accepted Khan's petition against the ruling for hearing.The bench observed that the result of NA-131 has been compiled the constituency could not be deprived of representation in Parliament.The apex court directed Rafique's lawyer to approach the relevant election tribunal with his complaint and request for a recount.Khan's PTI, the single largest party in the National Assembly, has nominated him to be the next prime minister. Khan emerged victorious in five National Assembly constituencies – NA-35 Bannu, NA-53 Islamabad, NA-95 Mianwali, NA-131 Lahore and NA-243 Karachi in the general elections.Soon after the Supreme Court verdict, Khan's lawyer Babar Awan wrote to the ECP, requesting the commission to issue the notification of the PTI chief's victory in NA-131 Lahore and NA-53 Islamabad, Dawn newspaper reported.In his application, Awan argued that since the apex court had nullified the high court's judgement, the ECP should issue the victory notification of Khan.Meanwhile, Rafique took to Twitter on Wednesday to condemn the Supreme Court's decision to halt the recount. "Halting the recount has cast doubts on the entire process," he wrote.The PML-N leader said Imran's victory had been earlier pronounced by a lead of 680 votes. He further stated that the recount of rejected votes and five polling stations reduced 117 votes from Imran's tally."The Election Act 2017 has been completely disregarded. I have been deprived of my basic right of recount, which is allowed by the new legislation," he wrote.  On August 4, the Lahore High Court heard Rafique's petition and ordered a recount in the constituency. The high court had also ordered the ECP to withhold Khan's victory notification for NA-131.
Pakistan Supreme Court stays recount in Lahore seat won narrowly by Imran Khan
Supreme Court on Wednesday suspended a recount in a National Assembly constituency in Lahore where the cricketer-turned-politician had narrowly defeated his rival in the July 25 general elections
China commends Pak's enormous efforts after FATF retains it in grey list China on Friday praised close-ally Pakistan's "enormous efforts" in combating terror financing and played down reports that it backed India and other countries against Islamabad at the just- concluded FATF meeting in Paris that retained the country in the Grey List. Asked about reports that China has joined India and other countries in sending a strong message to Pakistan and urging it to fulfil its commitments to fight terror financing and money laundering, Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang told an online media briefing here that the Financial Action Task Force meeting has decided to give Pakistan more time to implement its action plan on money laundering and terrorist financing."China's position on the relevant issue remains unchanged. Pakistan has made enormous efforts in improving its counter-terror financing system, which has been recognised by the vast majority of the FATF members at its latest plenary meeting concluded on February 20 in Paris," he said.“It was decided at the meeting that Pakistan will be allowed more time to continue implementing its action plan,” Geng said, a day after Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping. During the telephonic conversation, the two leaders agreed to step up communication and exchanges at the highest level to strengthen Pakistan-China all-weather strategic cooperative partnership.China said it stands ready to work with relevant parties to offer more assistance to Pakistan in its efforts against terrorism. “China maintains that the purpose and aim of the FATF is to support countries’ efforts to strengthen institutions against money laundering and terror financing and safeguard international financing system,” the spokesman said.The Paris-based FATF, which supervises effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing, during the meeting decided continuation of Pakistan in the "Grey List". The FATF decided to maintain Pakistan's status on its 'Grey List' of countries with inadequate control over curbing money laundering and terrorism financing until June, when the next review will take place, Pakistani newspaper Dawn quoted a statement issued by the Finance Division as saying on Friday.The global terror financing watchdog also warned Pakistan that stern action will be taken against it if the country fails to check the flow of money to terror groups like the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) among others, according to sources. The FATF in October last year decided to keep Pakistan on its Grey List for failure to curb funnelling of funds to terror groups like LeT and JeM.If not removed off the list by April, Pakistan may move to a blacklist of countries that face severe economic sanctions, such as Iran. The plenary noted that Pakistan addressed only a few of the 27 tasks given to it in controlling funding to terror groups like LeT, JeM and the Hizbul Mujahideen, which are responsible for a series of attacks in India.The FATF said Pakistan has to swiftly complete its full action plan by June, the source said. India has been maintaining that Pakistan extends regular support to terror groups like LeT, JeM and the Hizbul Mujahideen, whose prime target is India, and has urged the FATF to take action against Islamabad. ALSO READ | China denies delay in granting permission to special Indian flight to Wuhan  ALSO READ | 220 people, in quarantine facility after return from Coronavirus-hit China, to be discharged today
China commends Pak's enormous efforts after FATF retains it in grey list
China on Friday praised close-ally Pakistan's "enormous efforts" in combating terror financing and played down reports that it backed India and other countries against Islamabad at the just- concluded FATF meeting in Paris that retained the country in the Grey List.
Once known as the world's heaviest woman, Eman Ahmed, who underwent weight loss treatment in Mumbai, passed away at 4.35am on Monday due to complications from the underlying comorbid conditions, including heart disease and kidney dysfunction, at Burjeel Hospital in Abu Dhabi (UAE). 37-year-old Eman weighed roughly 500 kilogrammes when she arrived in India in February, but had lost an astonishing 323 kilogrammes since undergoing a series of medical procedures. Eman had been admitted at Burjeel hospital on May 4 after arriving in the UAE from India.She had been under the supervision of over 20 doctors from different specialities, who were managing her medical condition.In Feb 2017, Eman Ahmed travelled to Mumbai where a group of doctors treated her successfully using bariatric surgery. She remained in Mumbai after the operation for several months.Eman underwent bariatric surgery at the Saifee Hospital in Mumbai  in March in India in which doctors reduced the size of her stomach by two-thirds, so as to reduce her food intake. Her genetic tests had showed that she had a rare gene mutation that cannot be cured through surgery.The aim was to perform two operations, and during the next three and a half years, reduce her weight to less than 100kg (220 pounds).She lost about 325 kilograms (715 pounds) after undergoing weight-loss treatment in India. She left on April 5 this year for the United Arab Emirates for long-term treatment. She was being treated by a team of 20 doctors at Abu Dhabi's Burjeel Hospital.Her treatment in India was abruptly stopped after her sister Shaimaa, on social media, alleged that Eman was not receiving proper treatment in India.She had alleged that the doctors at Saifee, made "false claims" about Eman's recovery and weight loss.Eman, a resident of Alexandria in Egypt, had not stepped out of her house for more than two decades due to her obese condition followed by a stroke that left her paralysed on one side a year ago.(With PTI inputs)    
World's heaviest woman Eman Ahmed passes away in Abu Dhabi's Burjeel Hospital
World's heaviest woman Eman Ahmed, who underwent weight loss treatment in Mumbai, passed away at 4.35am on Monday due to complications from the underlying comorbid conditions
Kamala Harris turns 56, Biden says wants to celebrate her next birthday at WHDemocratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris turned 56 on Tuesday, with the party's presidential nominee Joe Biden greeting her on the big day, saying they would celebrate her next birthday at the White House. Biden took to Twitter to post a photograph showing their hands clasped together."Happy Birthday, Kamala Harris. Next year, let''s celebrate with some ice cream at the White House," tweeted Biden, who had in August picked her as his running mate.If elected, she would be first-ever woman vice president of the United States. Biden will celebrate his 78th birthday next month.Harris in a tweet said her birthday wish is that everybody should go out and vote. "My birthday wish this year? For everyone to go vote," she said.October 20 also happens to be the birthday of her niece, Meena Harris. "I couldn't let the day go by without wishing my niece, Meena, happy birthday too!” she said.Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton greeted Kamala Harris on her birthday. "In two weeks, we could call this birthday girl Madam Vice President," said Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate as she asked people to go out and vote."Happy bday to @KamalaHarris. ! Celebrate this big day by voting for the #BidenHarris ticket and Democrats up and down the ballot," said Sabrina Singh, the Democratic vice presidential nominee''s spokesperson."Happy birthday, @KamalaHarris! Hope you' 're showered with love on your special day," tweeted former First Lady Michelle Obama. "The best way to celebrate Kamala is by making sure you' 're registered and have a plan to vote at And once you do, share how you' 're voting with us!” she said.Later in the evening, Harris held a virtual fundraiser with Senators Tom Udall, Congressmen Ruben Gallego, Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords."Joe and I are so proud of the fact that we have built one of the broadest coalitions that we have ever seen, bringing together, of course, Democrats and independents and Republicans, bringing together leaders across the spectrum including, I have to say the great Cindy McCain, and so many others who are standing up saying. ''look, we got to fight for our country," Harris said in her remarks during the virtual fundraiser.Harris also participated in a virtual Milwaukee rally to kick off the first day of in-person early voting in Wisconsin.Former First Lady Jill Biden tweeted a "happy birthday" graphic overlapping a photo of her with Harris.Husband Doug Emhoff sent her birthday wish on Instagram. "Blind date, love at first sight, marriage, family, and incredible life together. Through it all, no matter what, she is ALWAYS there for me and our family without hesitation. Happy Birthday to my amazing wife @kamalaharris!""And her birthday wish...VOTE EARLY!" Emhoff also reminded people of her wife''s wish. 
Kamala Harris turns 56, Biden says wants to celebrate her next birthday at WH
Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris turned 56 on Tuesday, with the party''s presidential nominee Joe Biden greeting her on the big day, saying they would celebrate her next birthday at the White House.
CAA, NRC 'internal matters' of India: Bangladesh PMBangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has termed as "internal matters" of India the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC), but at the same time said the act was "not necessary".According to the CAA, members of Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian communities who have come from Pakistan, Bangladesh andAfghanistan till December 31, 2014 following religious persecution there will get Indian citizenship. Protests are being held across India against the controversial law."We don't understand why (the Indian government) did it. It was not necessary," Hasina told the Gulf News in an interview, referring to India's new citizenship law.Her comments came weeks after Bangladesh Foreign Minister A K Abdul Momen said that the CAA and the NRC are India's "internal issues", but voiced concern that any "uncertainty" in the country is likely to affect its neighbours.Bangladesh, where 10.7 per cent of the 161 million population is Hindu and 0.6 per cent Buddhist, has denied any migration to India because of religious persecution, the paper said.Hasina, who is in the UAE capital of Abu Dhabi, also said that there has been no recorded reverse migration from India. "No, there is no reverse migration from India. But within India, people are facing many problems," she said."(Still), it is an internal affair," Hasina said.
CAA, NRC 'internal matters' of India: Bangladesh PM
Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has termed as "internal matters" of India the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC), but at the same time said the act was "not necessary".
Donald Trump expresses disappointment on not receiving the Nobel PrizeExpressing disappointment over not being conferred with the Nobel peace prize, US President Donald Trump on Monday said he would get a Nobel prize for a lot of things, if they give it out fairly. Trump's statement came as he aired one of his oldest grievances at the United Nations on Monday and said it's unfair he never got the Nobel peace prize."I would get a Nobel prize for a lot of things, if they give it out fairly, which they don't," Donald Trump said. Further, Trump went on to raise the surprise awarding of one of the world's most prestigious accolades in 2009 to his predecessor in the White House Barack Obama.Obama was given the peace prize for "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people," even though he had only just become president."They gave one to Obama immediately upon his ascent to the presidency and he had no idea why he got it. You know what? That was the only thing I agreed with him on," Trump said.The US president was speaking at a bilateral meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.Also Read | Ready to mediate over Kashmir if India and Pakistan agree: Donald TrumpAlso Read | Iran dismisses the prospect of talks with Trump at UN
Obama had no idea why he got Nobel Prize, I agree with him on that: Trump
"They gave one to Obama immediately upon his ascent to the presidency and he had no idea why he got it. You know what? That was the only thing I agreed with him on," Trump said.
WEF's online Davos summit from todayPrime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese premier Xi Jinping will be among the top world leaders who will participate in the six-day online Davos Agenda Summit of the World Economic Forum (WEF), beginning on Sunday. In what could be the first major global summit of the year, the event will see more than 1,000 global leaders, including heads of state and government, CEOs and chairmen of big companies, heads of multilateral organisations as also members of academia and civil society, discuss economic, environmental, social and technological challenges following the COVID-19 pandemic.The WEF said there would be 15 special addresses from G20 heads of state and government and international organisations during the summit from January 24-29. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver his address on Thursday.Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, Health Minister Harsh Vardhan and Petroleum and Steel Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, as also business leaders such as Anand Mahindra, Salil Parekh and Shobana Kamineni would be among other speakers from India.While the WEF will host its physical annual meeting in May in Singapore, as against the regular venue of the Swiss ski resort town of Davos, the Geneva-based organisation is hosting this online event, named 'Davos Agenda' around the same time it generally hosts its yearly congregation of the rich and powerful of the world.The event has been billed as a platform that will see top world leaders deliver special addresses and engage in dialogue with business leaders at the start of a "crucial year to rebuild trust".The opening ceremony on Sunday evening will begin with a welcome address by WEF Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab, followed by a special address by Swiss Confederation President Guy Parmelin, presentation of the annual Crystal Awards and the world premiere of "See Me: A Global Concert."The concert will be presented as a shared expression of trust, connection and hope and it features orchestras and choirs in Beijing, Drakensberg, Florence, Kabul, Philadelphia, Vienna and Sao Paulo, with the cellist Yo-Yo Ma and music director Marin Alsop. The concert was filmed on location despite the COVID-19 challenges.Chinese President Xi Jinping will deliver a special address on Monday, while the day will also see several sessions including on the COVID-19 crisis, restoring economic growth and stakeholder capitalism. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will also address a session.On Tuesday, the speakers would include South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron, as also IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva.Republic of Korea President Moon Jae-in, Italy Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are among the listed speakers for Wednesday.On Thursday, in addition to Modi, Jordan King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein and Argentina President Alberto Fernandez will also deliver their special addresses.Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will speak on Friday, the last day of the summit.On Monday, Schwab will also release his latest book, titled 'Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet.' It explores how societies can build the future post-COVID and builds on the WEF's 50-year-old advocacy of the stakeholder approach.Other major speakers would include Christine Lagarde, and Bill Gates, Punit Renjen of Deloitte, Brian T Moynihan of Bank of America, Al Gore, Ishaan Tharoor, Mark Carney, Angel Gurria of OECD, Ajay Banga, K T Rama Rao, Masayoshi Son of Softbank and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of WHO.The list of registered participants also includes union ministers Nitin Gadkari, Smriti Irani and Piyush Goyal, along with top business leaders such as Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani, Ravi Ruia, Rishad Premji, Pawan Munjal, Rajan Mittal, Sunil Mittal, Ajay Khanna, Ajit Gulabchand, Hari S Bhartia and Sanjiv Bajaj.Former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan, Tata Steel CEO T Narendran and Walmart CEO Doug McMillon are also among registered participants.The WEF's Davos 2020 summit was the last major global event that took place before almost the entire world got locked down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The 'Davos Agenda' will also mark the launch of WEF's "Great Reset Initiative'' and begin the preparation of the special Annual Meeting in the spring, said the Geneva-based entity, which describes itself as an international organisation for public-private cooperation.Industry leaders and public figures will discuss how to advance and accelerate public-private collaboration on critical issues such as COVID-19 vaccination, job creation and climate change, among others, according to the WEF.While the WEF annual meeting for 2021 will be held during May 13-16 in Singapore, the high-profile summit will return to Davos in 2022.  The conclusions from the Davos Agenda week will feed into task forces working on global issues for the upcoming Special Annual Meeting in Singapore, the WEF said.(With PTI inputs)
WEF's online Davos summit from today; Modi, Jinping among listed speakers over 6 days
The WEF said there would be 15 special addresses from G20 heads of state and government and international organisations during the summit from January 24-29. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver his address on Thursday.
1991: Boat owners gather their belongings along the shore in Dartmouth, Mass., after Hurricane Bob swept through southern Massachusetts.New Englanders bracing for their first hurricane in 30 years began hauling boats out of the water and taking other precautions Friday as Tropical Storm Henri barreled toward the Northeast coast.Henri was expected to intensify into a hurricane by Saturday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. Impacts could be felt in New England states by Sunday, including on Cape Cod, which is teeming with tens of thousands of summer tourists.Henri’s track was imprecise, but as of 5 p.m. EDT Friday, the National Weather Service suggested it might make landfall first in eastern Long Island before careening further north. The White House said President Joe Biden was briefed on the storm’s track.Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker on Friday urged people vacationing on the Cape to leave well before Henri hits, and those who planned to start vacations there to delay their plans. “We don’t want people to be stuck in traffic on the Cape Cod bridges when the storm is in full force on Sunday,” he said.Baker said up to 1,000 National Guard troops were on standby to help with evacuations if needed.“This storm is extremely worrisome,” said Michael Finkelstein, police chief and emergency management director in East Lyme, Connecticut. “We haven’t been down this road in quite a while and there’s no doubt that we and the rest of New England would have some real difficulties with a direct hit from a hurricane.”Finkelstein said he’s most concerned about low-lying areas of town that could become impossible to access because of flooding and a storm surge.Thursday marked exactly 30 years since Hurricane Bob came ashore in Rhode Island as a Category 2 storm, killing at least 17 people and leaving behind more than $1.5 billion worth of damage. Bob, which left streets in coastal towns littered with boats blown free of their moorings, knocked out power and water to hundreds of thousands for days.Large swaths of the Eastern seaboard were mopping up on Friday from the effects of Henri’s predecessor, Tropical Depression Fred. In North Carolina, Haywood County Sheriff Greg Christopher said four people died and five individuals remained unaccounted for, down from around 20 people reported missing on Thursday.The weather service warned of the potential for damaging winds and widespread coastal flooding from Henri, and officials in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York cautioned that people could lose power for a week or even longer. Authorities urged people to secure their boats, fuel up their vehicles and stock up on canned goods.The system was centered in the Atlantic Ocean about 345 miles (560 kilometers) south-southeast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, and about 745 miles (1,200 kilometers) south of Montauk Point, New York. It had maximum sustained winds of 65 mph (100 kph).The hurricane watch stretched across the South Shore of Long Island from Fire Island Inlet to Montauk, and the North Shore from Port Jefferson Harbor to Montauk. It also covered the coast from New Haven, Connecticut, to Sagamore Beach, Massachusetts; and Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard and Block Island.The main threats were expected to be storm surge, wind and rain, forecasters said. Storm surge between 3 and 5 feet (1 to 1.5 meters) was possible from Watch Hill, Rhode Island, to Sagamore Beach.Rainfall between 2 to 5 inches (5 to 12 centimeters) was expected Sunday through Monday over the region.Henri was heading northwest Friday morning, but forecasters expect it to make a turn toward the north and approach the coastlines of New York and New England. New York hasn’t had a direct hit from a major hurricane season storm since Superstorm Sandy wreaked havoc in 2012.At Safe Harbor Marina in coastal Plymouth, Massachusetts, Steve Berlo was among the many boaters having their vessels pulled out of the water ahead of the storm.“It’s rare, but when it happens, you want to be sure you’re ready,” said Berlo, 54. “Got to protect our second home. So that’s that. Now I can sleep tonight.”In the Hamptons, the celebrity playground on Long Island’s east end, officials warned of dangerous rip currents and flooding that’s likely to turn streets, like mansion-lined Dune Road on the Atlantic coast, into lagoons.Ryan Murphy, the emergency management administrator for the Town of Southampton, said that while the storm’s track continues to evolve, “we have to plan as if it’s going to be like a Category 1 hurricane that would be hitting us.”The National Weather Service also warned residents and beachgoers on the North Carolina coast of rip currents and rough surf associated with Henri. Meteorologist Steven Pfaff of the weather service’s Wilmington office said swells from Henri were expected to create hazardous surf conditions beginning Friday and continuing on Saturday.At the U.S. Navy’s submarine base in Groton, Connecticut, personnel on Friday were securing submarine moorings, installing flood gates in front of doors on some waterfront buildings, and doubling up lines on small boats, officials said. Families were being encouraged to watch the forecast and make any necessary preparations.The Coast Guard urged boaters to stay off the water, saying in a statement: “The Coast Guard’s search and rescue capabilities degrade as storm conditions strengthen. This means help could be delayed.”At the Port Niantic marina in Niantic, Connecticut, Debbie Shelburn and her employees were already busy Friday hauling boats out of the water and into a large storage building.“Basically, it’s become all hands on deck. No matter your position — mechanic, whatever — everybody is out there helping with the logistics of moving the boats and getting them secure on land,” she said.
New England preps for 1st hurricane in 30 years with Henri
New Englanders, bracing for their first direct hit by a hurricane in 30 years, are taking precautions as Tropical Storm Henri barrels toward the southern New England coast.
Bill to terminate Pak designation as as major non-NATO ally Legislation to terminate the designation of Pakistan as a major non-NATO ally was introduced in the US Congress by an influential US lawmaker. Introduced by Republican Congressman Andy Briggs, the resolution 73, introduced in the House of Representatives, seeks termination of Pakistan as a major non-NATO ally and also sets conditions for its re-designation if any.The resolution has been sent to the House Foreign Affairs Committee for necessary action.Related Stories Indian techies in US seek lawmakers' help for green card Mark Zuckerberg is a ROBOT: Twitter erupts with hilarious memes after second day of US Congress hearingIndia isn't Pak, would never want a relationship of dependence: US Congress told US Congress passes National Defence Authorisation Act 2019 capping US aid to Pakistan to USD 150 millionUS Senate passes defence bill, paves way for military equipment waiver to India from sanctions over RussiaFirst Muslim woman set to be elected to US CongressUS loses military edge; could lose in war with China or Russia: ReportLegislation to protect work authorisation of spouses of H1-B visa holders introduced in US CongressTrump wall fiasco: Indian-American Congressman in favour of physical barrier at borderUS Congress shutdown drags on; Donald Trump says 'not much headway' in talksUS President Donald Trump needs to certify to the Congress that Pakistan continues to conduct military operations that are contributing to significantly disrupting the safe haven and freedom of movement of the Haqqani Network in that country.It also seeks certification from the Congress that Pakistan has taken steps to demonstrate its commitment to prevent the Haqqani Network from using any Pakistani territory as a safe haven and that the Government of Pakistan actively coordinates with the Government of Afghanistan to restrict the movement of militants, such as the Haqqani Network, along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.The resolution asks the President to certify that Pakistan has shown progress in arresting and prosecuting Haqqani Network senior leaders and mid-level operatives.
Bill seeking termination of Pakistan as major non-NATO ally introduced in US Congress
The resolution asks the President to certify that Pakistan has shown progress in arresting and prosecuting Haqqani Network senior leaders and mid-level operatives.
Imran KhanPakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has roped in some renowned foreign economists in the newly-constituted economic advisory panel to provide the best possible professional advice to his cash-strapped government on prudent economic policies, media reported on Sunday.The immediate challenge for the Khan-led government is to arrange finances to fill about a USD 10 billion gap that is arising due to higher outflows than estimated inflows.Pakistan's current account deficit stands at USD 18 billion, while its foreign currency reserves are just over USD 10 billion, enough to cover two months of imports, according to figures released before the cricketer-turned-politician was sworn-in as prime minister.One of the first tests facing Khan's government is whether to seek a bailout from the International Monetary Fund or to turn to China with a plea for more economic aid.Unlike past practices, the new 18-member Economic Advisory Council (EAC) will be headed by the prime minister himself to ensure that the best possible professional advice is available to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-led government to inform, optimise and synergise the formulation and implementation of its economic and financial policies.The first meeting of the council will be convened soon, Dawn newspaper reported.In the past, EACs were headed by finance ministers with no definite agenda for regular meetings. It was observed that EAC met even once in four months and its advice was not considered seriously. Consequently, EACs have become mere debating forums, the report said.According to the terms of reference, the ministry of finance will be the nodal government agency for the EAC, which will function in an entirely non-partisan manner and is expected to strengthen existing state institutions in a collaborative and concerted manner.The ultimate goal of the EAC is to promote analytically sound and evidence-based reforms and initiatives for the progress and development of Pakistan.Out of the EAC's 18 members, seven belong to government and 11 are from the private sector.From the private sector, three leading international academics made EAC members are Atif R Mian of Princeton University (Department of Member Economics) and Woodrow Wilson School of Public Policy), Asim ljaz Khawaja, Sumitomo-FASID Professor of Member International Finance and Development at the Harvard Kennedy School, and lmran Rasul, Professor of Economics, Department of Member Economics, University College, London.The council is expected to play a pivotal role in strengthening the government's capacity to design and introduce sound and effective policies for rapid and continued social and economic advancement, human resource development, improvement of business processes, and strengthening of data services.The council will also facilitate capacity building of the government in conducting policy analysis and will assist the government in reaching out to the international network of recognised economists to invite them to contribute to Pakistan's development.Prime Minister Khan has asked the committee to give its recommendations in two weeks for possible steps to be taken for expedient return of unlawfully acquired assets from abroad.
Pakistan PM Imran Khan ropes in foreign experts to rebuild debt-ridden economy
The immediate challenge for the Khan-led government is to arrange finances to fill about a USD 10 billion gap that is arising due to higher outflows than estimated inflows.
Clinton jokes she could 'obviously' beat Trump in 2020 'rematch' Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has trolled President Donald Trump, joking that that she can defeat him in a 2020 rematch after he mockingly said that the former first lady should run for the president again."Obviously, I can beat him again," Clinton joked during an interview on PBS News Hour on Tuesday when asked about a tweet from Trump in which he suggested that she run against him in the 2020 polls.Clinton, who has had unsuccessful bid twice in 2008 and 2016 elections has ruled out a third run for the White House.Referring to the frequent tweets by Trump against her, Clinton said, “It truly is remarkable how obsessed he remains with me."Clinton's comments came as Trump continued to lash out at Democrats over a formal impeachment inquiry launched in the House. He targeted Clinton in a tweet on Tuesday, saying he thought she "should enter the race to try and steal it away from Uber Left Elizabeth Warren."“I think that Crooked Hillary Clinton should enter the race to try and steal it away from Uber Left Elizabeth Warren. Only one condition. The Crooked one must explain all of her high crimes and misdemeanors including how & why she deleted 33,000 Emails AFTER getting “C” Subpoena!"  Later, Clinton responded tweeting, "Don’t tempt me. Do your job.”“This latest tweet is so typical of him. Nothing has been more examined and looked at than my e-mails. We all know that. So he's either lying or delusional, or both. There was no subpoena, as he says in a tweet this morning. So maybe there does need to be a rematch,” Clinton told PBS news.“But, just seriously, I don't understand, I don't think anybody understands what motivates him, other than personal grievance, other than seeking adulation,” she said.Clinton said that she had warned her countrymen during the 2016 presidential elections against Trump. “I said during the campaign, there was no other Donald Trump. What you saw was what you were going to get. And I think a lot of Americans understandably thought, oh, no, come on. That can't possibly be the case. Once he's in the office, he will certainly moderate his behaviour,” she said.“Well, we have seen, no, he hasn't,” she said.Responding to questions on impeachment inquiry against Trump, she said it is really important to respect the process and to support the opening of the inquiry, and the gathering of evidence, and then the weighing of that evidence.“From my perspective, it appears as though what the House is doing is very much in line with the appropriate use of the impeachment power. So, I — they don't want to jump to a conclusion,” she said.“It appears to me that there is evidence of abuse of power and obstruction of justice and contempt of Congress. But we do want the House impeachment inquiry to proceed in a way that tries to build credibility with the American people and also with Republican members of the House and the Senate,” Clinton said.Supporting the impeachment inquiry against Trump, Clinton said that as a former secretary of state, she just want Americans to stop and think, “why are we allowing this president to, in effect, undermine our sovereignty, turning over foreign policy to foreign governments, what he just did with the Kurds, empowering Turkey and Russia against our staunchest allies in the Middle East?”“Why are we sitting silently by and watching this president do Vladimir Putin's bidding? I mean, there is no happier man in the world right now than Putin,” she said.“Why are we watching this unfortunate trade battle with China now being infected with his plea that China investigate Biden? This is no longer just about the crazy stuff he says and does that everybody shrugs at or worries about. This is a direct threat to the national security of America,” she claimed.That's what has gotten people's attention. So, certainly among Democrats, but now increasingly among self-identified independents, and even growing numbers of Republicans are saying, wait a minute, this must go forward, she said.A whistleblower complaint from an intelligence official is at the centre of the House's impeachment inquiry. The complaint accuses Trump of a broad effort to pressure Ukraine into investigating Joe Biden, a leading Democratic presidential candidate.ALSO READ | Trump taunts Hillary Clinton, says she should enter 2020 presidential raceALSO READ | Trump-Zelensky call memo hints at US talks risk: Russia
Clinton jokes she could 'obviously' beat Trump in 2020 'rematch'
"Obviously, I can beat him again," Clinton joked during an interview on PBS News Hour on Tuesday when asked about a tweet from Trump in which he suggested that she run against him in the 2020 polls.
Armed mob storms Hong Kong train station, attack people.A mob of masked men armed with batons stormed a train station in the Hong Kong district of Yuen Long.Footage posted on social media showed the men, all in white T-shirts, violently attacking people on platforms and inside train carriages, the BBC reported.At least 36 people were injured in the violence on Sunday, according to local media reports.The mob attack followed the latest pro-democracy rally in the centre of Hong Kong, where riot police had fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters.It is unclear who the mob were or what the motives for the attack were.In a statement, the government said that in Yuen Long "some people congregated at the platforms of the MTR station and train compartments, attacking commuters"."This is absolutely unacceptable to Hong Kong as a society that observes the rule of law. The SAR (Special Administrative Region) government strongly condemns any violence and will seriously take enforcement actions."Hong Kong Police also said: "Some people attacked commuters at the platforms of the Yuen Long MTR station and train compartments, resulting in multiple injuries."The mob stormed Yuen Long MTR station at about 10.30 p.m., hours after clashes between protesters and police in the Sheung Wan area earlier in the day.Yuen Long is a more remote district of Hong Kong, and is far away from the site of the main pro-democracy protests.Riot police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters in Hong Kong at a large pro-democracy rally, and charged demonstrators who threw objects at police lines.The protest route was altered with protesters told to stop at Wan Chai rather than Central, where the key government offices are located.Some 4,000 police officers were deployed.ALSO READ | Police launch tear gas as Hong Kong protest turns violentALSO READ | Hong Kong protesters remained unmoved even after extradition bill is declared ‘dead’ALSO READ | Hong Kong police clear protesters from legislature building
Armed mob storms Hong Kong train station, attack people
Footage posted on social media showed the men, all in white T-shirts, violently attacking people on platforms and inside train carriages.The mob attack followed the latest pro-democracy rally in the centre of Hong Kong, where riot police had fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters.
WHO says anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine coronavirus trials to resumeA week after the World Health Organization (WHO) paused its large study of the anti-malarial drug to treat COVID-19 due to concerns it increased death rates and irregular heartbeats in patients, the UN body today said the hydroxychloroquine coronavirus trials will resume, news agency AFP reported. On May 25, WHO announced it had temporarily suspended its trial of the drug over safety concerns."On the basis of the available mortality data... the executive group will communicate with the principal investigators in the trial about resuming the hydroxychloroquine arm," AFP quoted WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as saying at a virtual news briefing.
WHO says anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine coronavirus trials to resume
The World Health Organization on Wednesday said that clinical trials of the drug hydroxychloroquine will resume, having been suspended pending a safety review in the search for coronavirus treatments.
20 million girls may never return to school, warns Malala YousafzaiPakistani education activist and Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai has warned that as many as 20 million girls may never return to schools even after the global Covid-19 crisis is over, the media reported on Sunday.Speaking at a side event of the UN General Assembly on Friday, Malala acknowledged that Covid-19 had been "a striking setback to our collective goals", such as educating women, reports Dawn news."On education alone, 20 million more girls may never go back to the classroom when this crisis ends (and) the global education funding gap has already increased to $200 billion per year," she said.Malala, who became of the face of Taliban brutality when she was shot in the head for going to school in the Swat valley, reminded the international community that sustainable global goals, set by the UN five years ago, represented the future for millions of girls who wanted education and were fighting for equality.Noting that little had been done in the last five years to achieve those goals, she asked the world body, "when are you planning to do the work"?"When will you commit the necessary funding to give every child 12 years of quality education? When will you prioritise peace and protect refugees? When will you pass policies to cut carbon emissions?" she queried.According to a UN report released last month, the global coronavirus pandemic has created the largest disruption of education systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion students in more than 190 countries and all continents.Closures of schools and other learning spaces have impacted 94 per cent of the world's student population, up to 99 per cent in low and lower-middle income countries, it added.
20 million girls may never return to school, warns Malala Yousafzai
Speaking at a side event of the UN General Assembly on Friday, Malala acknowledged that Covid-19 had been "a striking setback to our collective goals", such as educating women, reports Dawn news.
Pfizer said Thursday the price being paid by the U.S. government reflects the high number of treatment courses purchased through 2022.The U.S. government will pay drugmaker Pfizer $5.29 billion for 10 million treatment courses of its potential COVID-19 treatment if regulators authorize it.Pfizer asked the Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday to authorize emergency use of the experimental pill, which has been shown to significantly cut the rate of hospitalizations and deaths among people with coronavirus infections.The FDA is already reviewing a competing pill from Merck and will hold a public meeting on it later this month.The price for Pfizer’s potential treatment amounts to about $529 per course. The U.S. has already agreed to pay roughly $700 per course of Merck’s drug for about 1.7 million treatments.Pfizer said Thursday the price being paid by the U.S. government reflects the high number of treatment courses purchased through 2022.The drugmaker said it also has started rolling submissions for approval in several other countries and there are advanced purchase agreements with other governments as well.On Tuesday, Pfizer signed a deal a with U.N.-backed group to allow generic drugmakers to produce low-cost versions of the pill for certain countries. Merck has a similar deal for its pill, which was authorized in Britain earlier this month.Pfizer reported earlier this month that its pill cut hospitalizations and deaths by 89% among high-risk adults who had early symptoms of COVID-19.The company studied its pill in people who were unvaccinated and faced the worst risks from the virus due to age or health problems, such as obesity.Pfizer wants the drug available for adults who have mild-to-moderate COVID-19 infections and are at risk of becoming seriously ill. That’s similar to how other drugs are currently used to treat the disease.But all FDA-authorized COVID-19 treatments require an IV or injection given by a health professional at a hospital or clinic.Pfizer has already booked more than $24 billion in global revenue so far this year from Comirnaty, its COVID-19 vaccine, which has quickly become the drugmaker's top-selling product.Shares of New York-based Pfizer Inc. edged up 25 cents to $51.12 in early trading.ALSO READ | Pfizer agrees to let other companies make its COVID-19 pill /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_6679234237 = { "file": "", "image": "", "title": "Superfast 200: Watch the latest news from India and around the world | November 18, 2021", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "duration": "837", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_6679234237 = ''; jwsetup_6679234237(); function jwsetup_6679234237() { jwvidplayer_6679234237 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_6679234237").setup(jwconfig_6679234237); jwvidplayer_6679234237.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_6679234237, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_a1odzgae\", ns_st_pr=\"Superfast 200: Watch the latest news from India and around the world | November 18, 2021\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Superfast 200: Watch the latest news from India and around the world | November 18, 2021\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Superfast 200: Watch the latest news from India and around the world | November 18, 2021\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2021-11-18\", ns_st_tdt=\"2021-11-18\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\"\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_6679234237.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_6679234237.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_6679234237.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_6679234237.stop(); jwvidplayer_6679234237.remove(); jwvidplayer_6679234237 = ''; jwsetup_6679234237(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_6679234237.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_6679234237.stop(); jwvidplayer_6679234237.remove(); jwvidplayer_6679234237 = ''; jwsetup_6679234237(); return; }); jwvidplayer_6679234237.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_6679234237.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_6679234237.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_6679234237.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_6679234237.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_6679234237.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); }
Pfizer to sell 10 million COVID-19 pills to US for $5.29 billion
Pfizer asked the Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday to authorize emergency use of the experimental pill, which has been shown to significantly cut the rate of hospitalizations and deaths among people with coronavirus infections.
South Africa halts J&J vaccine jabs; Europe rollout delayedSouth Africa suspended giving Johnson & Johnson vaccine shots Tuesday as a "precautionary measure" and the company delayed its European vaccine rollout following the FDA decision to pause using the jabs while very rare blood clot cases are examined. South Africa has given more than 289,000 jabs of the J&J vaccine to the country's health workers without any reports of blood clots, Health Minister Dr. Zweli Mkhize told reporters. He said South Africa was halting the use of J&J jabs "out of an abundance of caution" and he expects that the questions over the J&J vaccine should "be cleared within a matter of days.”Earlier, Johnson & Johnson said it was delaying the rollout of its coronavirus vaccine across Europe amid the U.S. probe, a move that experts worried could further shake vaccine confidence and complicate COVID-19 immunization efforts.The announcement came after regulators in the United States said they were recommending a "pause" in the single-dose shot to investigate reports of rare but potentially dangerous blood clots."We have made the decision to proactively delay the rollout of our vaccine in Europe," Johnson & Johnson said.The delay is a further blow to vaccination efforts in the European Union, which have been plagued by supply shortages, logistical problems and concerns over unusual blood clots in a small number of people who received the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is made by a process similar to the J&J shot.The blood clot reports prompted several countries in the 27-nation bloc to limit the AstraZeneca vaccine to older people, which are more at risk from serious illness and death when infected with COVID-19.The bloc's drug regulator, the European Medicines Agency, has authorized the AstraZeneca shot for all people 18 and over.Many leading COVID-19 vaccines train the body to recognize the spike protein that coats the outer surface of the coronavirus. But the J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines use a cold virus, called an adenovirus, to carry the spike gene into the body. Johnson & Johnson uses a human adenovirus to create its vaccine, while AstraZeneca uses a chimpanzee version.In a joint statement Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration said they were investigating six cases of unusual clots that occurred six to 13 days after vaccination with the J&J shot.All six cases were women between 18 and 48, including one who died. The FDA commissioner said she expected the pause to last a matter of days.The European Medicines Agency said it is "currently not clear" whether the J&J shot was responsible for the rare clotting disorders.Last week, the EU drug regulator said it found a "possible link" between the AstraZeneca shot and rare blood clots but that the benefits of vaccination far outweighed the risks of COVID-19. It noted the risk of such clots is less than the blood clot risk that healthy women face from birth control pills.Dr. Adam Finn, a professor of pediatrics at Britain's University of Bristol, said it was possible the way the J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines were made may have contributed to the unusual clotting disorders in a very small proportion of people."This may help give us a clue towards understanding the mechanism or a way to prevent this problem from occurring," Finn said in a statement. "Investigation of this phenomenon is now an extremely urgent international priority.”The EU ordered 200 million doses of Johnson & Johnson in 2021. Britain ordered 30 million doses of the J&J vaccine, though U.K. regulators have not yet authorized its use.France had expected to receive 200,000 doses of the vaccine this week and was planning to start administering them next week to people aged 55 and over. In total, France had planned to receive about 8 million doses of the J&J vaccine by the end of June.In February, South Africa began vaccinating its health workers with the J&J vaccine in a research trial after abandoning plans to use the AstraZeneca shot when a preliminary study suggested the AstraZeneca vaccine was only minimally effective against the variant of COVID-19 that first arose in the country.Last month, the African Union announced it had signed a deal to buy up to 400 million doses of the J&J vaccine. Johnson & Johnson also has a preliminary agreement to supply up to 500 million doses to the U.N.-backed COVAX initiative, an effort to provide vaccines to the world's poor.Any concerns about the J&J vaccine could be another unwelcome complication for COVAX and for the billions of people in developing countries depending on the program. COVAX recently was hit by supply issues after its biggest supplier, the Serum Institute of India, announced it would delay exports of the AstraZeneca vaccine for several months due to a surge of cases in the subcontinent.European regulators on March 11 endorsed the Johnson & Johnson vaccine as the fourth authorized for use in the EU, but the first supplies are only now arriving. (With PTI inputs) /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_1391998124 = { "file": "", "image": "", "title": "All myths and rumors on coronavirus vaccine decoded ", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "duration": "457", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_1391998124 = ''; jwsetup_1391998124(); function jwsetup_1391998124() { jwvidplayer_1391998124 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_1391998124").setup(jwconfig_1391998124); jwvidplayer_1391998124.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_1391998124, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_w619hjle\", ns_st_pr=\"All myths and rumors on coronavirus vaccine decoded\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"All myths and rumors on coronavirus vaccine decoded\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"All myths and rumors on coronavirus vaccine decoded\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2021-01-29\", ns_st_tdt=\"2021-01-29\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\"\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_1391998124.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_1391998124.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_1391998124.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_1391998124.stop(); jwvidplayer_1391998124.remove(); jwvidplayer_1391998124 = ''; jwsetup_1391998124(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_1391998124.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_1391998124.stop(); jwvidplayer_1391998124.remove(); jwvidplayer_1391998124 = ''; jwsetup_1391998124(); return; }); jwvidplayer_1391998124.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1391998124.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1391998124.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1391998124.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1391998124.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1391998124.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); }
South Africa halts Johnson & Johnson vaccine jabs; Europe rollout delayed
Earlier, Johnson & Johnson said it was delaying the rollout of its coronavirus vaccine across Europe amid the U.S. probe, a move that experts worried could further shake vaccine confidence and complicate COVID-19 immunization efforts.
Iranian President Hassan RouhaniIran issued a new warning over Mideast oil supplies as the United Arab Emirates said on Tuesday it could increase its own production, the latest remarks to follow President Donald Trump's demand for lower global energy prices.The comments by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the unexpected announcement by the UAE's oil-rich capital Abu Dhabi came as U.S. benchmark crude traded around $75 a barrel.A recent decision by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to increase the cartel's own production by 1 million barrels a day has yet to tamp down prices. That's led to higher prices at gasoline pumps in the United States as it heads toward midterm elections for Congress.Speaking to Iranian expatriates Monday night in Switzerland, where he was on an official visit, Rouhani took aim at America.The U.S. pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal in May and initially said it wanted allies to stop buying Iranian crude entirely. The State Department said Monday it would examine waivers on a "case-by-case basis" as it re-imposes sanctions."The main goal of the United States by imposing sanctions is to put pressure on people, but they claim that they want to put pressure on the Iranian government," Rouhani's website quoted him as saying. "But when they apply sanctions on people's basic needs like medicine, who will be put under pressure?"Rouhani added that if Iran's crude oil exports were threatened, the rest of the Mideast's would be as well."It seems they do not understand what they are saying when they say Iran will not be allowed to export even a single drop of oil," Rouhani said in remarks aired by Iranian state television. "All right, if you can do such a thing, do it and see the result!"Rouhani did not elaborate, but Iran long has asserted it could shut down the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow body of water that separates the Persian Gulf from the wider world. A third of all oil traded by sea passes through the strait and the U.S. Navy regularly has direct, tense encounters with Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard there.The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, which patrols the region, has said it has not seen any "unsafe and unprofessional" actions by Iranian naval forces in the Persian Gulf since August 2017. It did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday over Rouhani's remarks.Separately, Iran's Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli warned Tuesday that "if we close our eyes for 24 hours, 1 million refugees will go toward Europe through our Western borders" via Turkey. Some 5,000 tons of narcotics also could be smuggled to the West, he added, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.Iran lies on a major trafficking route between Afghanistan and Europe, as well as the Persian Gulf states. Large drug seizures are common across the region.Meanwhile, the state-run Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. issued a surprise statement Tuesday saying it has an oil production capacity of 3.3 million barrels per day. It added that it "remains on track to increase its production capacity to 3.5 million (barrels per day) by the end of 2018."The company also said it "has the ability to increase oil production by several hundred thousand barrels of oil per day, should this be required to help alleviate any potential supply shortage in the market."The oil company previously announced in November it had plans to expand its capacity to 3.5 million barrels of oil per day. It produced some 2.8 million barrels of oil per day in May, according to the most-recent figures released by OPEC.The UAE, an American-allied federation of seven sheikhdoms on the Arabian Peninsula, hosts some 5,000 U.S. troops. Dubai also is the U.S. Navy's busiest port of call abroad.Its statement Tuesday comes as Trump increasingly has criticized OPEC for not doing enough to lower oil prices. On Saturday, Trump wrote on Twitter that he had received assurances from King Salman of Saudi Arabia that the kingdom will increase oil production, "maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels" in response to turmoil in Iran and Venezuela. The White House later seemed to walk back on Trump's tweet.Saudi Arabia has acknowledged the call took place, but mentioned no production targets. The kingdom currently produces some 10 million barrels of crude daily. Its record is 10.72 million barrels a day.Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih called his Russian counterpart Alexander Novak to discuss the recent OPEC deal, according a report Tuesday by the state-run Saudi Press Agency.
Iran issues oil warning as UAE says production can rise
Saudi Arabia has acknowledged the call took place, but mentioned no production targets. The kingdom currently produces some 10 million barrels of crude daily. Its record is 10.72 million barrels a day.
Pakistan to observe 'Kashmir Day' on Friday 'Kashmir Day' will be celebrated across Pakistan on Friday to show solidarity with the Kashmiris.According to the Ministry of Information, a human chain will be formed under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan here from the Convention Centre to D-Chowk at 3.30 p.m., The News International reported.Khan will address the participants at D-Chowk and would take part in the human chain, according to Firdous Ashiq Awan, the Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting.The ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has also announced to organise a protest rally to express solidarity with the Kashmiri brethren.PTI Chief Organiser Saifullah Khan Nyazee has asked the party workers to participate in the rally.ALSO READ | Balloon with imprint of Pakistan flag found in GanganagarALSO READ | BSF spots Pakistani drone over Punjab village, third sighting this week 
Pakistan to observe 'Kashmir Day' on Friday
According to the Ministry of Information, a human chain will be formed under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan here from the Convention Centre to D-Chowk at 3.30 p.m.
30 killed in Syria clashes between Kurds, pro-Turkey forcesClashes in northern Syria between Kurdish militias and Turkey-backed rebels have left 30 dead, a war monitor reported.Battles intensified on the outskirts of the town of Ayn Issa in the northern countryside of Raqqa province over the past 24 hours, with airstrikes and artillery shelling by Turkish forces and Turkey-backed rebels against the Kurdish militia of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Xinhua reported on Wednesday, citing the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.A total of 305 SDF fighters, 353 Turkey-backed rebels and 24 Syrian government troops have been killed since Turkey started a wide-scale offensive against Kurdish-held areas in northern Syria on Oct. 9., according to the London-based watchdog.Turkey began its campaign against the SDF and its broader umbrella of the Kurdish People's Protection Units, known as YPG, as Ankara deems them as terrorists and separatists.A few deals have been reached since Oct. 9 under the Russian mediation, which led to the halt of fighting in some areas and the entry of Syrian troops to Kurdish-held areas on the Syrian-Turkish border.ALSO READ | America's mission in Syria remains same, to defeat ISIS: US Defense SecretaryALSO READ | Not over yet: New US Syria mission after al-Baghdadi death 
30 killed in Syria clashes between Kurds, pro-Turkey forces
A total of 305 SDF fighters, 353 Turkey-backed rebels and 24 Syrian government troops have been killed since Turkey started a wide-scale offensive against Kurdish-held areas in northern Syria on Oct. 9., according to the London-based watchdog.
In rural areas, the severe impact of the second drought in four years continues to impact the livelihoods of 7.3 million people who rely on agriculture and livestock to survive. More than half of the population of Afghanistan, or a record 22.8 million people, will face acute food insecurity from November, according to the latest report issued on Monday by the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster of Afghanistan, co-led by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the UN World Food Programme (UNFP).The combined impacts of drought, conflict, Covid-19, and the economic crisis, have severely affected lives, livelihoods, and people's access to food.The report's findings come as Afghanistan's harsh winter looms, threatening to cut off areas of the country where families desperately depend on humanitarian assistance to survive the freezing winter months.The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report has found that more than one in two Afghans will be facing a crisis (IPC Phase 3) or emergency (IPC Phase 4) levels of acute food insecurity through November 2021 to March 2022 lean season, requiring urgent humanitarian interventions to meet basic food needs, protect livelihoods and prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.ALSO READ | Taliban face hurdles while implementing law, order in AfghanistanThe report also notes that this is the highest number of acutely food insecure people ever recorded in the 10 years the UN has been conducting IPC analyses in Afghanistan.Globally, Afghanistan is home to one of the largest number of people in acute food insecurity in both absolute and relative terms"It is urgent that we act efficiently and effectively to speed up and scale up our delivery in Afghanistan before winter cuts off a large part of the country, with millions of people – including farmers, women, young children and the elderly – going hungry in the freezing winter. It is a matter of life or death. We cannot wait and see humanitarian disasters unfolding in front of us – it is unacceptable," said QU Dongyu, the FAO Director-General."Afghanistan is now among the world's worst humanitarian crises - if not the worst - and food security has all but collapsed. This winter, millions of Afghans will be forced to choose between migration and starvation unless we can step up our life-saving assistance, and unless the economy can be resuscitated. We are on a countdown to catastrophe and if we don't act now, we will have a total disaster on our hands," said WFP Executive Director David Beasley.The IPC report reflects a 37 per cent increase in the number of Afghans facing acute hunger since the last assessment issued in April this year.Among those at risk are 3.2 million children under-five who are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition by the end of the year.In October, the WFP and Unicef had warned that one million children were at risk of dying from severe acute malnutrition without immediate life-saving treatment.For the first time, urban residents are suffering from food insecurity at similar rates to rural communities, marking the shifting face of hunger in the country.Rampant unemployment and the liquidity crisis mean that all major urban centres are projected to face Emergency (IPC Phase 4) levels of food insecurity, including formerly middle-class populations.In rural areas, the severe impact of the second drought in four years continues to impact the livelihoods of 7.3 million people who rely on agriculture and livestock to survive.ALSO READ | 17 killed in clash between Taliban, armed men in Afghanistan's Herat /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_3029975725 = { "file": "", "image": "", "title": "Muqabla | PM Modi to participate in G20 leaders' summit on Afghanistan on Tuesday", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "duration": "1998", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_3029975725 = ''; jwsetup_3029975725(); function jwsetup_3029975725() { jwvidplayer_3029975725 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_3029975725").setup(jwconfig_3029975725); jwvidplayer_3029975725.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_3029975725, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_6qf5y3zv\", ns_st_pr=\"Muqabla | PM Modi to participate in G20 leaders' summit on Afghanistan on Tuesday\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Muqabla | PM Modi to participate in G20 leaders' summit on Afghanistan on Tuesday\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Muqabla | PM Modi to participate in G20 leaders' summit on Afghanistan on Tuesday\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2021-10-12\", ns_st_tdt=\"2021-10-12\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\"\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_3029975725.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_3029975725.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_3029975725.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_3029975725.stop(); jwvidplayer_3029975725.remove(); jwvidplayer_3029975725 = ''; jwsetup_3029975725(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_3029975725.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_3029975725.stop(); jwvidplayer_3029975725.remove(); jwvidplayer_3029975725 = ''; jwsetup_3029975725(); return; }); jwvidplayer_3029975725.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3029975725.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3029975725.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3029975725.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3029975725.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3029975725.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); }
Afghanistan: Record 22.8 million people to face starvation
The combined impacts of drought, conflict, Covid-19, and the economic crisis, have severely affected lives, livelihoods, and people's access to food.
A would-be suicide bomber’s rush-hour blast in the heart of the New York City subway system failed to cause the bloodshed he intended, authorities said, but it gave new fuel to President Donald Trump’s push to limit immigration.Hours after Monday’s explosion in an underground passageway connecting two of Manhattan’s busiest stations, Trump cited the background of the bomber in renewing his call for closer scrutiny of foreigners who come to the country and less immigration based on family ties.Related Stories New York terror attack: Suspect Sayfullo Saipov ‘felt good’ about rampage, asked for ISIS flag in hospital New York City attack: Islamic State calls attacker 'soldier of the caliphate'Manhattan Blast: New York Guv terms incident 'frightening and disturbing'The man arrested in the bombing, Akayed Ullah — who told investigators he wanted to retaliate for American action against Islamic State extremists — came to the U.S. from Bangladesh in 2011 on a visa available to certain relatives of U.S. citizens.“Today’s terror suspect entered our country through extended-family chain migration, which is incompatible with national security,” Trump said in a statement that called for various changes to the immigration system. Earlier, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump’s proposed policies “could have prevented this.”In a scenario New York had dreaded for years, Ullah strapped on a crude pipe bomb with Velcro and plastic ties, slipped unnoticed into the nation’s busiest subway system and set off the device, authorities said.The device didn’t work as intended; authorities said Ullah, 27, was the only person seriously wounded. But the attack sent frightened commuters fleeing through a smoky passageway, and three people suffered headaches and ringing ears from the first bomb blast in the subway in more than two decades.“This is one of my nightmares ... a terrorist attack in the subway system,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo told cable channel NY1. “The good news is: We were on top of it.”Ullah was being treated for burns to his hands and abdomen but spoke to investigators from his hospital bed, law enforcement officials said. He was “all over the place” about his motive but indicated he wanted to avenge what he portrayed as U.S. aggression against the Islamic State group, a law enforcement official said.This undated photo provided by the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission shows Akayed Ullah, the suspect in the explosion near New York’s Times Square on MondayUllah’s low-tech bomb used explosive powder, a nine-volt battery, a Christmas light and matches, the officials said. Investigators said the suspect was seen on surveillance footage igniting the bomb.In the end, it wasn’t powerful enough to turn the pipe into deadly shrapnel, the officials said.Law enforcement officials said Ullah looked at IS propaganda online but is not known to have any direct contact with the militants and probably acted alone. Cuomo said there was no evidence, so far, of other bombs or a larger plot. The Democrat said officials were exploring whether Ullah had been on authorities’ radar, but there was no indication yet that he was.The attack came less than two months after eight people died near the World Trade Center in a truck attack that, authorities said, was carried out by an Uzbek immigrant who admired the Islamic State group.Since 1965, America’s immigration policy has centered on giving preference to people with advanced education or skills, or people with family ties to U.S. citizens and, in some cases, legal permanent residents. Citizens have been able to apply for spouses, parents, children, siblings and the siblings’ spouses and minor children; the would-be immigrants are then screened by U.S. officials to determine whether they can come.Trump’s administration has called for a “merit-based” immigration system that would limit family-based green cards to spouses and minor children.Ullah lived with his father, mother and brother in a Brooklyn neighborhood with a large Bangladeshi community, residents said. He was licensed to drive a livery cab between 2012 and 2015, but the license was allowed to lapse, according to law enforcement officials and New York City’s Taxi and Limousine Commission.His family was “deeply saddened” by the attack but also “outraged by the way we have been targeted by law enforcement,” the family said in a statement sent by the New York Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. A teenage relative was pulled out of class and questioned in school without a parent, guardian or lawyer, the statement said.Bangladesh’s government condemned the subway attack.“Bangladesh is committed to its declared policy of ‘Zero Tolerance’ against terrorism, and condemns terrorism and violent extremism in all forms or manifestations anywhere in the world, including Monday morning’s incident in New York City,” the South Asian nation’s government said in a statement.Security cameras captured the attacker walking casually through a crowded passageway when the bomb went off around 7:20 a.m. A plume of white smoke cleared to show the man sprawled on the ground and commuters scattering.Port Authority police said officers found the man injured on the ground, with wires protruding from his jacket and the device strapped to his torso. They said he was reaching for a cellphone and they grabbed his hands.The last bomb blast in the subway system was believed to be in December 1994, when an explosive made from mayonnaise jars and batteries wounded 48 people in a car in lower Manhattan. Prosecutors said unemployed computer programmer Edward Leary set off the explosion to try to extort $2 million from the city’s transit agency; he claimed insanity. He was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 94 years in prison.
After New York subway bombing, Donald Trump calls for stricter immigration laws
The man arrested in the bombing, Akayed Ullah — who told investigators he wanted to retaliate for American action against Islamic State extremists — came to the U.S. from Bangladesh in 2011 on a visa available to certain relatives of U.S. citizens.
What is ISIS-K, terror group behind Kabul airport attack - Experts explainAn attack on a crowd gathered outside Kabul’s airport on Aug 26, 2021, has left over 60 people dead, including at least a dozen US Marines. ISIS-K claimed responsibility for the coordinated suicide bomb and gun assault, which came just days after President Joe Biden warned that the group – an affiliate of the Islamic State group operating in Afghanistan – was “seeking to target the airport and attack US and allied forces and innocent civilians.”Amira Jadoon, a terrorism expert at the US Military Academy West Point, and Andrew Mines, a research fellow at the George Washington University’s Programme on Extremism, have been tracking ISIS-K for years and answered our questions about who the terrorist group is, and the threat it poses in a destabilized Afghanistan.Who is ISIS-K?The Islamic State Khorasan Province, which is also known by the acronyms ISIS-K, ISKP and ISK, is the official affiliate of the Islamic State movement operating in Afghanistan, as recognized by Islamic State core leadership in Iraq and Syria.ISIS-K was officially founded in January 2015. Within a short period of time, it managed to consolidate territorial control in several rural districts in north and northeast Afghanistan, and launched a lethal campaign across Afghanistan and Pakistan. Within its first three years, ISIS-K launched attacks against minority groups, public areas and institutions, and government targets in major cities across Afghanistan and Pakistan.By 2018, it had become one of the top four deadliest terrorist organizations in the world, according to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s Global Terrorism Index.But after suffering major territorial, leadership and rank-and-file losses to the US-led coalition and its Afghan partners – which culminated in the surrender of over 1,400 of its fighters and their families to the Afghan government in late 2019 and early 2020 – the organisation was declared, by some, to be defeated.Can you tell us a little more about the group’s background?ISIS-K was founded by former members of the Pakistani Taliban, Afghan Taliban and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Over time, though, the group has poached militants from various other groups. One of the group’s greatest strengths is its ability to leverage the local expertise of these fighters and commanders. ISIS-K first started to consolidate territory in the southern districts of Nangarhar province, which sits on Afghanistan’s northeast border with Pakistan and is the site of al-Qaida’s former stronghold in the Tora Bora area.ISIS-K used its position on the border to garner supplies and recruits from Pakistan’s tribal areas, as well as the expertise of other local groups with which it forged operational alliances.Substantial evidence shows that the group has received money, advice, and training from the Islamic State group’s core organizational body in Iraq and Syria. Some experts have placed those figures in excess of USD 100 million.What are its aims and tactics?ISIS-K’s general strategy is to establish a beachhead for the Islamic State movement to expand its so-called caliphate to Central and South Asia. It aims to cement itself as the foremost jihadist organization in the region, in part by seizing the legacy of jihadist groups that came before it. This is evident in the group’s messaging, which appeals to veteran jihadist fighters as well as younger populations in urban areas.Like the group’s namesake in Iraq and Syria, ISIS-K leverages the expertise of its personnel and operational alliances with other groups to carry out devastating attacks. These attacks target minorities like Afghanistan’s Hazara and Sikh populations, as well as journalists, aid workers, security personnel and government infrastructure.ISIS-K’s goal is to create chaos and uncertainty in a bid to push disillusioned fighters from other groups into their ranks, and to cast doubt on any ruling government’s ability to provide security for the population.What relationship does ISIS-K have with the Taliban?ISIS-K sees the Afghan Taliban as its strategic rivals. It brands the Afghan Taliban as “filthy nationalists” with ambitions only to form a government confined to the boundaries of Afghanistan. This contradicts the Islamic State movement’s goal of establishing a global caliphate.Since its inception, ISIS-K has tried to recruit Afghan Taliban members while also targeting Taliban positions throughout the country.ISIS-K’s efforts have met with some success, but the Taliban have managed to stem the group’s challenges by pursuing attacks and operations against ISIS-K personnel and positions.These clashes have often occurred in tandem with US and Afghan air power and ground operations against ISIS-K, although the full extent to which these operations were coordinated is still unclear.What is clear is that the majority of ISIS-K’s manpower and leadership losses were the result of US and Afghan-led operations, and American air strikes in particular.How much of a threat is ISIS-K in Afghanistan and to the international community?As a relatively weakened organisation, ISIS-K’s immediate goals are to replenish its ranks and signal its resolve through high-profile attacks. Doing so can help ensure that the group doesn’t become an irrelevant player in the Afghanistan-Pakistan landscape. It is interested in attacking US and allied partners abroad, but the extent to which the group is able to inspire and direct attacks against the West is an issue that has divided the US military and intelligence community.In Afghanistan, however, ISIS-K has proved itself to be a much greater threat. In addition to its attacks against Afghan minorities and civilian institutions, the group has targeted international aid workers, land-mine removal efforts and even tried to assassinate the top U.S. envoy to Kabul in January 2021.It is still too early to tell how the US withdrawal from Afghanistan will benefit ISIS-K, but the attack on the Kabul airport shows the continued threat posed by the group.In the short term, ISIS-K will likely continue its efforts to sow panic and chaos, disrupt the withdrawal process and demonstrate that the Afghan Taliban are incapable of providing security to the population.If the group is able to reconstitute some level of territorial control in the longer term and recruit more fighters, it will most likely be poised to make a comeback and pose threats on the national, regional and international levels.ALSO READ | Explainer: How dangerous is Afghanistan’s Islamic State?
What is ISIS-K, terror group behind Kabul airport attack - Experts explain
The Islamic State Khorasan Province, which is also known by the acronyms ISIS-K, ISKP and ISK, is the official affiliate of the Islamic State movement operating in Afghanistan, as recognized by Islamic State core leadership in Iraq and Syria.
President Donald Trump’s oldest son communicated with the Twitter account behind WikiLeaks, exchanging direct messages during the 2016 elections about leaked emails from Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign and other issues, a media report said today. According to a report in The Atlantic, Donald Trump Jr. exchanged messages that continued until at least July 2017. The messages, were also turned over by Trump Jr.’s lawyers to congressional investigators. The report details several direct messages between WikiLeaks and Donald Trump Jr., including requests to push out tweets highlighting the website’s work. The website released stolen e-mail messages from top Democrats during the campaign.In one of the communication, the WikiLeaks Twitter account wrote to Donald Trump Jr. on September 20, 2016 saying, “A PAC run anti-Trump site is about to launch. The PAC is a recycled pro-Iraq war PAC. We have guessed the password. It is ‘putintrump.’ See ‘About’ for who is behind it. Any comments?”Trump Jr. responded to WikiLeaks 12 hours later, “Off the record I don’t know who that is, but I’ll ask around. Thanks.”The communication is largely one-sided with most of the messages coming from the WikiLeaks. Trump Jr. reacted to the report and tweeted screenshots of the exchange that he had with the transparency organisation. "Here is the entire chain of messages with @wikileaks (with my whopping 3 responses) which one of the congressional committees has chosen to selectively leak.  How ironic!," the President's oldest son said in his tweet. Democrats swiftly reacted to the report, saying Trump Jr. should provide more information. Democratic congressman Adam Schiff says the report “demonstrates once again a willingness by the highest levels of the Trump campaign to accept foreign assistance.”Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal says the Senate Judiciary Committee should subpoena the documents and force Trump Jr. to testify.The messages were turned over to Congress as part of various ongoing investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign. “Over the last several months, we have worked cooperatively with each of the committees and have voluntarily turned over thousands of documents in response to their requests,” said Alan Futerfas, an attorney for Donald Trump Jr., was quoted as saying by The Atlantic.(With AP inputs) 
Donald Trump’s son communicated with WikiLeaks during presidential campaign
President Donald Trump’s oldest son communicated with the Twitter account behind WikiLeaks, exchanging direct messages during the 2016 election campaign.
7 children drown while swimming in Indus River in Pak's Sindh provinceSeven children, including three girls, drowned on Friday while swimming in the Indus River in Pakistan's Sindh province, police said.The incident took place in Thatta district's Jhirk area. The children, aged between four and 13, had come with their families to attend a wedding in Daim Marri village.They had gone for swimming in the river when the incident took place, police said."Apparently they died after while trying to rescue one other," a district health official said.
7 children drown while swimming in Indus River in Pak's Sindh province
Seven children, including three girls, drowned on Friday while swimming in the Indus River in Pakistan's Sindh province, police said.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is slated to inaugurate the first phase of Chabahar port which will open up a new strategic transit route among Iran, India and Afghanistan, bypassing Pakistan.The port, located in Iran’s southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province, will be opened in presence of representatives from India, Afghanistan and several other countries of the region. The first phase of the Chabahar port project is known as the Shahid Beheshti port.Related Stories India hopeful of making Chabahar port operational by 2018India sends first wheat shipment to Afghanistan via Chabahar portAhead of Chabahar port inauguration, Sushma Swaraj makes unscheduled visit to IranAhead of the inauguration, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and her Iranian counterpart Javed Zarif held a meeting on Saturday in Tehran and discussed about the Chabahar port project among other issues. Swaraj made a stopover at Tehran on her return from Russian city of Sochi where she had attended the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).According to the MEA, “both sides (India and Iran) positively reviewed the initiatives undertaken since the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Iran in May 2016 including cooperation in Chabahar Port which will be inaugurated by the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani on Sunday at presence of ministers from India, Afghanistan and the region.”Iranian Foreign Ministry said Zarif referred to the Shahid Beheshti Port and said it reinforces Iran-India mutual and regional cooperation."It also shows the importance of the port in the development of the region and the routes that connect Central Asian states to other countries in the world through the Sea of Oman and the Indian Ocean," he said, according to the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Over a month ago, India had sent its first consignment of wheat to Afghanistan by sea through the Chabahar port in Iran. The port is likely to ramp up trade among India, Afghanistan and Iran in the wake of Pakistan denying transit access to New Delhi for trade with the two countries. India is looking to increase engagement with Iran by raising oil imports and possible shipments of natural gas and the issue is believed to have figured in the meeting. Swaraj had paid a bilateral visit to Iran in April last year during which both sides had decided to significantly expand engagement in their overall ties, particularly in boosting Indian investment in joint ventures in oil and gas sectors.
Chabahar port in Iran to be inaugurated today; India cracks open new trade route to Afghanistan, bypassing Pakistan
Over a month ago, India had sent its first consignment of wheat to Afghanistan by sea through the Chabahar port in Iran.
Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Sunday accused Myanmar of being reluctant in repatriating their over a million Rohingya nationals defying its promise and alleged that some international aid agencies want to keep the refugee crisis alive.Bangladesh hosts over a million Rohingyas in makeshift refugee camps in its southeastern Cox’s Bazar district as the fled a Myanmar military crackdown in August 2017 generating the worst refugee crisis in the recent history.Related Stories Not just Pak PM, Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina too won't attend Modi's swearing-in ceremonyBangladesh pilot flying special plane for PM Sheikh Hasina caught without passport in QatarFirst India-Bangladesh border talks under Modi 2.0 govt next weekIn January 2018, a deal was signed between Bangladesh and Myanmar to repatriate Rohingya refugees. Myanmar had agreed to accept 1,500 Rohingyas each week, Bangladesh said at the time, adding that it aimed to return all of them to Myanmar within two years."The problem lies with Myanmar as they don't want Rohingya to return by any means though it signed an agreement with Bangladesh promising to repatriate them," she told a press conference at her Ganabhaban official residence.The premier feared that some international aid and voluntary agencies are also unwilling to resolve the crisis. "They never want the refugees to return to their home," she said. "This is what I see," she said at a media briefing on her tri-nation tour of Japan, Saudi Arabia and Finland at Ganabhaban.Asked about a perception that three major countries - China, Japan and India - took Myanmar's side in the crisis, the premier said Bangladesh separately held talks with these countries and they all acknowledged Rohingyas as Myanmar nationals and agreed they should return there."(But) they (the three countries) simultaneously argued that if they all confront Myanmar over the issue, then who will be there to convince them (Naypyidaw)," she said.Prime Minister Hasina also said that she will travel to China in July at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping. It will be her first visit to China after forming government for a third consecutive term.The premier said she might also visit India if invited.Replying to another question whether the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) nations were in favour of Rohingyas' repatriation as she referred to the crisis in the just held summit of the 57-nation Muslim countries forum, the premier said "certainly".Hasina expressed her concerns about the security factors involving the Rohingyas as many of them were found to be getting engaged in criminal activities, forcing the authorities to ask armed forces and law enforcement agencies to intensify their vigil."We asked them to raise a security cluster around them (Rohingya camps) and enforce a constant patrol," she said.The premier, however, wondered why the Rohingyas were unwilling to be relocated to offshore Bhashan Char where the government built comfortable structures for their accommodation.The United Nations said senior Myanmar military officials should be prosecuted for genocide in Rakhine state, but the country insists it was defending itself against militants. WATCH VIDEO: Bangladeshi actor Anju Ghosh joins BJP /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_3874852783 = { "file": ",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8", "image": "", "title": "Bangladeshi actor Anju Ghosh joins BJP, stays mum on her citizenship", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_3874852783 = ''; jwsetup_3874852783(); function jwsetup_3874852783() { jwvidplayer_3874852783 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_3874852783").setup(jwconfig_3874852783); jwvidplayer_3874852783.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_3874852783, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_saj6iz39\", ns_st_pr=\"Bangladeshi actor Anju Ghosh joins BJP, stays mum on her citizenship\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Bangladeshi actor Anju Ghosh joins BJP, stays mum on her citizenship\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Bangladeshi actor Anju Ghosh joins BJP, stays mum on her citizenship\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2019-06-06\", ns_st_tdt=\"2019-06-06\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_3874852783.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_3874852783.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_3874852783.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_3874852783.stop(); jwvidplayer_3874852783.remove(); jwvidplayer_3874852783 = ''; jwsetup_3874852783(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_3874852783.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_3874852783.stop(); jwvidplayer_3874852783.remove(); jwvidplayer_3874852783 = ''; jwsetup_3874852783(); return; }); jwvidplayer_3874852783.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3874852783.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3874852783.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3874852783.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3874852783.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_3874852783.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); } (Except for the headline, has not edited anything in the story)
Sheikh Hasina accuses Myanmar of defying promise over repatriation of Rohingyas
Bangladesh hosts over a million Rohingyas in makeshift refugee camps in its southeastern Cox’s Bazar district as the fled a Myanmar military crackdown in August 2017 generating the worst refugee crisis in the recent history.
This undated electron microscope image made available by the U.S. National Institutes of Health in February 2020 shows the Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, yellow, emerging from the surface of cells, blue/pink, cultured in the lab. Also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus causes COVID-19. 
Coronavirus LIVE Updates: Top Headlines At This Hour
Novel-coronavirus disease continues to affect more and more people across the world. More than 1.1 million people have so far tested positive for COVID-19 while 64,000 people have lost their lives. 245,000 people have so far recovered from the disease. In the United States alone, the coronavirus positive cases have gone past 300,000 while in India more than 3,000 people have been infected with the deadly virus. Get the latest updates on Coronavirus here:
Heather Nauert withdraws nomination for US Ambassador to UNState Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said on Saturday she has withdrawn her nomination for the prestigious position of US Ambassador to the United Nations. State Department Deputy Spokesperson Robert Palladino said President Donald Trump will make an announcement about a new nominee soon.Nauert, a former anchor for Fox News, issued a statement citing family reasons for her decision.Related Stories Samsung Galaxy S10 reservation page goes live in the US ahead of official launchUS condemns terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir's PulwamaUS denounces Pulwama terror attack, calls on countries to deny safe haven to terroristsUS experts suspect ISI role in Pulwama terrorist attackImmediately end 'support' and 'safe haven' to all terror groups: US tells Pakistan after Pulwama attackSix patriotic Bollywood movies which instill in us a sense of pride everytime we watch themPulwama Terror Attack | We support India’s right to self-defence: USUS President Trump claims Japan’s PM nominated him for Nobel Peace PrizeUS warehouse shooting: Gunman kills 5 people, wounds 5 police officers at Illinois business“I am grateful to President Trump and Secretary Pompeo for the trust they placed in me for considering me for the position of US Ambassador to the United Nations. "However, the past two months have been gruelling for my family and therefore it is in the best interest of my family that I withdraw my name from consideration,” she said in the statement.Nauret said her two years with the administration had been "one of the highest honors of my life and I will always be grateful to the President, the Secretary, and my colleagues at the State Department for their support”.Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said she had performed her duties as a senior member of his team "with unequalled excellence".“Her personal decision today to withdraw her name from consideration to become the nominee for United States Ambassador to the United Nations is a decision for which I have great respect,” Pompeo said.
Heather Nauert withdraws nomination for US Ambassador to UN; announcement on new nominee soon
Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said Nauert had performed her duties as a senior member of his team "with unequalled excellence".
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern gave birth to a baby girlNew Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was blessed with a baby girl on Thursday. Ardern is the first world leader in nearly 30 years to have a child while in office. In a post on her official Instagram account, Ardern said the baby arrived at 4.45 pm and weighed 3.31 kg, CNN reported."Thank you so much for your best wishes and your kindness. We're all doing really well thanks to the wonderful team at Auckland City Hospital," New Zealand PM Jacibda Ardern said in her post.Ardern, 37, was admitted to the hospital earlier in the day. Her expected due date had been June 17.She was elected in October and had announced her pregnancy in January via Instagram. "Clarke and I are really excited that in June our team will expand from two to three, and that we'll be joining the many parents out there who wear two hats," Ardern said in the post.Excitement and anticipation had been building over the last few days, with many media outlets setting up live blogs to track the latest developments. Jessie Chiang, a New Zealand Radio reporter, tweeted that she and other journalists had been at the hospital since 6 am. "No baby yet...but they are feeding the media," she wrote. Another outlet even put together a baby-themed playlist to "help bring her bub into the world".New Zealanders also speculated over the baby's gender and name. One Twitter user joked on Thursday: "If it's a boy I'm going with Winston Michael Joseph Peter Norman David David David Phillip Andrew Gayford Ardern."However, the baby has a higher chance of being named Oliver or Jack -- the two most common baby boy names of 2017. If it's a girl, it might be Charlotte or Harper, the most common girl names, the CNN said.
New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern blessed with baby girl
"Thank you so much for your best wishes and your kindness. We're all doing really well thanks to the wonderful team at Auckland City Hospital," New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern said in her post.
TikTok says stopping app operation in Hong Kong within daysChinese app TikTok, which was recently banned in India over data security concerns has said it will exit the Hong Kong market within days as other technology companies including Facebook have suspended processing government requests for user data in the region, reported Reuters."In light of recent events, we've decided to stop operations of the TikTok app in Hong Kong," a TikTok spokesman said in response to a Reuters question about its commitment to the market.This development comes after the Chinese government’s newly-enforced law, which requires companies to provide user data as well as to comply with censorship requests in order to do business in the country. “In light of recent events, we've decided to stop operations of the TikTok app in Hong Kong," a spokesperson told Axios. Several other companies are considering to make a similar move. The move comes after TikTok’s parent company ByteDance sought to distance itself from its Chinese roots to appeal to a global audience. Last month, India banned 59 apps with Chinese links, including the hugely-popular TikTok and UC Browser, saying they were prejudicial to sovereignty, integrity and security of the country. The ban, which comes in the backdrop of India's current stand-off along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh with Chinese troops, is also applicable for WeChat and Bigo Live.India's ban on Chinese apps has been widely noted in the US, including by some prominent lawmakers, who have urged the American government to follow suit as it is believed that the short video-sharing app is a major security risk to the country. Meanwhile, in a recent development, after India, now the United States is also considering banning Chinese apps like TikTok. US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said the United States is "certainly looking at" banning Chinese social media apps, including TikTok.Speaking in an interview with FOx News, Pompeo said, "I don't want to get out in front of the President (Donald Trump), but it's something we're looking at," Pompeo said in an interview with Fox News.Also, Chinese apps could also be banned in Australia amid fears that the platform may be sharing users' data with the Chinese Government.  
TikTok says stopping app operation in Hong Kong within days
Chinese app TikTok will exit the Hong Kong market within days as other technology companies including Facebook have suspended processing government requests for user data in the region.
A day ahead of a likely meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the BRICS Summit in Xiamen, China emphasized on the need for “peace and cooperation”, not “conflict and confrontation”. In a statement by the Chinese President hours after PM Modi touched down in Xiamen to attend the meeting of the emerging nations grouping, Jinping stressed on taking a holistic approach to fighting terrorism in all its forms as the need of the hour."People around the world want peace and cooperation, not conflict or confrontation," he said in his address at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum as the annual summit of the five-member grouping, comprising Brazil, India, Russia, China and South Africa.“We, BRICS countries, should shoulder our responsibilities to uphold global peace and stability. Peace and development both reinforce each other,” he said.All eyes are on the meeting between Jinping and Modi on the sidelines of the summit on Tuesday afternoon, which comes barely days after an end to the 74-day standoff between the militaries of India and China.   /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_1388455782 = { "file": ",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8", "image": "", "title": "India TV Video", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_1388455782 = ''; jwsetup_1388455782(); function jwsetup_1388455782() { jwvidplayer_1388455782 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_1388455782").setup(jwconfig_1388455782); jwvidplayer_1388455782.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_1388455782, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"\", ns_st_pr=\"India TV Video\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"India TV Video\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"India TV Video\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"1970-01-01\", ns_st_tdt=\"1970-01-01\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_1388455782.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_1388455782.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_1388455782.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_1388455782.stop(); jwvidplayer_1388455782.remove(); jwvidplayer_1388455782 = ''; jwsetup_1388455782(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_1388455782.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_1388455782.stop(); jwvidplayer_1388455782.remove(); jwvidplayer_1388455782 = ''; jwsetup_1388455782(); return; }); jwvidplayer_1388455782.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1388455782.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1388455782.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1388455782.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1388455782.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_1388455782.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); } Addressing the gathering Sunday, Xi further reiterated that BRICS nations were all for peace and development.“The law of the jungle, where the strong prey on the weak, and the zero sum game are rejected, and peace, development and win-win cooperation have become the shared aspiration of all people… BRICS cooperation is a natural choice as we all desire peace and development,” he said, months after the end to the 10-week long diplomatic crisis triggered after Chinese troops attempted to build a road at Doklam.Prime Minister Modi, who reached Xiamen on Sunday, said he is looking forward to “productive discussions and positive outcomes” at the Summit. Sources in New Delhi have hinted at normalizing the relationship with China after the Doklam crisis.India’s approach, according to sources, will be on repairing the damage done to the relationship, and would dwell on “confidence-building” measures. Efforts will be made to “bury” the incident that has cast a shadow on the ties, reports said.The indications from Beijing have also been positive.  "Given the difference in national conditions, history and cultures, it is only natural we may have some differences in pursuing our cooperation," President Xi said in his address to the business forum.He also touched upon the Belt and Road Forum, a key difference between India and China and said the initiative was not a tool to advance any geopolitical agenda but a platform for practical cooperation.China, an all-weather ally of Pakistan, also touched upon the threat of terrorism  and stressed upon a holistic approach to resolving the issues. Xi said the threat of terrorism has cast a "dark shadow" on the world but stressed that "resolving geopolitical hotspot issues was the need of the hour"."Incessant conflicts in some parts of the world and hotspot issues are opposing challenges to world peace. The intertwined threat of terrorism and lack of cyber security among others have cast dark shadow on the world," he said."I am convinced that as long as we take a holistic approach to fighting terrorism in all its forms, and address both its symptoms and root causes, terrorists will have no place to hide," Xi added.(With agencies)
Xiamen BRICS Summit: Need peace, not conflict, says Xi Jinping ahead of talks with PM Narendra Modi
All eyes are on the meeting between Jinping and Modi on the sidelines of the summit expected on Tuesday afternoon, which comes barely days after an end to the bitter 74-day standoff between the militaries of India and China
Biden seeks more actions and transparency on coronavirusDemocratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden on Wednesday sought better transparency on the efforts taken to combat the coronavirus outbreak and urged the Trump administration to initiate more actions in addressing the public health challenge posed by the viral pandemic.A day after winning the primaries in Florida, Illinois and Arizona, which propelled him closer to being the presumptive Democratic nominee for the  November elections, Biden said the Trump administration must institute a transparent reporting process regarding testing of people for coronavirus infection.The former vice president said the government must take action to expand the number of beds and facilities ready to accept patients and must deploy medical personnel to the places that need them the most and make sure that these personnel and first responders are equipped to do their jobs more safely."Vital equipment is in short supply, including personal protective equipment for health care providers and first responders, basic supplies for lab technicians, and ventilators for patients. One reason for that is Trump's misguided trade war with China, which led to tariffs on essential medical supplies and reduced their availability in the United States," Biden said.Biden called on the Trump Administration to take several steps immediately. "Level with the American people by providing accurate and complete information on: existing US supply of essential medical equipment, including in every hospital and clinic closet; the supply chain for essential medical equipment, from manufacturing to delivery; the measures being taken to ensure that manufacturers, distributors, and providers collaborate to prevent hoarding or the unfair allocation of limited supplies; and how the Strategic National Stockpile and Defense reserves have been and will continue to be distributed," he said.Biden said the government must prioritise and immediately increase domestic production of any critical medical equipment required to respond to this crisis — such as the production of ventilators and associated training to operate — by invoking the Defence Production Act, delegating authority to HHS and FEMA.This action must be built on forecasted demand, using the best modelling currently available for negative scenarios, he demandedIt would involve issuing a priority call for essential supplies above other contracts or orders, expanding domestic production and granting relief from antitrust laws, if necessary, to allow industries to work together and to remove any barrier to increased production capacity, Biden said."The Administration should provide a regular update to the public on the status of all of these steps, which should be taken under the guidance and direction of experts and public health and emergency response professionals."Congress gave the White House more than USD 8 billion to fight the virus 12 days ago. The White House should report weekly on how quickly and well that money is being used," he said.ALSO READ | Coronavirus: Gurugram goes into lockdown, shuts down gyms, spas, bars, mallsALSO READ | Coronavirus outbreak: First private company gets FDA emergency approval for COVID-19 tests
Biden seeks more actions and transparency on coronavirus
Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden on Wednesday sought better transparency on the efforts taken to combat the coronavirus outbreak and urged the Trump administration to initiate more actions in addressing the public health challenge posed by the viral pandemic.
COVID-19: China announces additional USD 30 million grant for WHOChina on Thursday announced an additional USD 30 million grant to the World Health Organisation, days after Beijing expressed "serious concern" over US President Donald Trump's decision to freeze the funding for the global health agency over its handling of the COVID-19 crisis. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Geng Shuang made the announcement at a media briefing here. The grant will be in addition to the USD 20 million provided by China earlier to the WHO.China hinted at stepping up its monetary contribution to the UN health agency on April 15. Beijing's response came a day after Trump announced to put a "very powerful" hold on US' funding to the WHO, accusing the UN agency of being "very China-centric" and criticising it for having "missed the call" in its response to the coronavirus pandemic. "China expresses serious concern over the US announcement to halt its funding to WHO," another Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian had said in response to Trump's announcement.He said China will always support the Geneva-based WHO in playing an important role in international public health and global anti-epidemic response. Asked if China will step-up funding to the WHO to replace the US contributions, Zhao had said, "China has provided USD 20 million to the WHO (to fight COVID-19) and we will study the relevant matter", indicating that Beijing was considering to increase its contribution to the global health body.Both China and the WHO faced serious criticism over lack of transparency especially about the discovery of the coronavirus in December last year and its silent spread in Wuhan until Beijing imposed lockdown in the city on January 23. By that time, over five million people from Wuhan were reported to have left for holiday destinations at home and abroad to celebrate the Chinese new year, which many allege resulted in the spreading of the deadly virus worldwide.China has denied the allegations of any cover-up, saying it was the first country to report the COVID-19 to the WHO. 
COVID-19: China announces additional USD 30 million grant for WHO
China on Thursday announced an additional USD 30 million grant to the World Health Organisation, days after Beijing expressed "serious concern" over US President Donald Trump's decision to freeze the funding for the global health agency over its handling of the COVID-19 crisis.
jimmy carter hospitalized Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was admitted to a south Georgia hospital over the weekend for treatment of a urinary tract infection, a spokeswoman said Monday. Deanna Congileo, a spokeswoman for The Carter Center, said in a statement that the 95-year-old former president was admitted to Phoebe Sumter Medical Center in Americus over the weekend.“He is feeling better and looks forward to returning home soon. We will issue a statement when he is released for further rest and recovery at home,” she added. Carter has overcome several health challenges in recent years.He was diagnosed with melanoma in 2015, announcing that cancer had spread to other parts of his body. After partial removal of his liver, treatment for brain lesions, radiation and immunotherapy, he said he was cancer-free. A fall last spring required him to get hip replacement surgery.Then on Oct. 6, he hit his head in another fall and received 14 stitches, but still traveled to Nashville, Tennessee, to help build a Habitat for Humanity home shortly thereafter. He fractured his pelvis in another fall later that month and was briefly hospitalized. Last Wednesday, Carter was released from Emory University Hospital in Atlanta after recovering from surgery to relieve pressure on his brain caused by bleeding from a fall.ALSO READ | Kalonji (Nigella seeds) can get you the flat tummy you always dreamt of.ALSO READ | Urine sample box creates scare at US theatre
Jimmy Carter hospitalized for urinary tract infection
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was admitted to a south Georgia hospital over the weekend for treatment of a urinary tract infection, a spokeswoman said Monday.
UK reports 1st animal COVID-19 case after pet cat tests coronavirus positive (Representational image)The UK has reported the country's first confirmed COVID-19 case in an animal after the infection was detected in a pet cat in Weybridge. The infection, detected in a pet cat, was confirmed following tests at the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) laboratory in Weybridge on July 22, reports Xinhua news agency.However, there is "no evidence to suggest that pets directly transmit the virus to humans", the Middlemiss said on Monday."We will continue to monitor this situation closely and will update our guidance to pet owners should the situation change," said Middlemiss.All available evidence suggests that the cat contracted the coronavirus from its owners who had previously tested positive for the virus, according to a statement from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.The cat and its owners have since made a full recovery and there was no transmission to other animals or people in the household."This is a very rare event with infected animals detected to date only showing mild clinical signs and recovering within a few days," said Middlemiss.Daniella Dos Santos, President of the British Veterinary Association, said: "Our advice to pet owners who have Covid-19 or who are self-isolating with symptoms remains to restrict contact with their pets as a precautionary measure and to practice good hygiene, including regular handwashing."We also recommend that owners who are confirmed or suspected to have Covid-19 should keep their cat indoors if possible, but only if the cat is happy to be kept indoors. Some cats cannot stay indoors due to stress-related medical reasons."(With inputs from IANS)
UK reports 1st animal COVID-19 case after pet cat tests coronavirus positive
The UK has reported the country's first confirmed COVID-19 case in an animal after the infection was detected in a pet cat in Weybridge. The infection, detected in a pet cat, was confirmed following tests at the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) laboratory in Weybridge on July 22, reports Xinhua news agency.
Representative ImageTwenty people were killed and more than two dozen injured in a shooting Saturday in a busy shopping area in the Texas border town of El Paso, the state's governor Greg Abbott confirmed. He described it as one of the deadliest days in the state's history.The massacre happened at a Walmart store on Saturday near the Cielo Vista Mall, a few miles from the US-Mexico border, the BBC reported.A 21-year-old man is in custody and is believed to be the sole gunman. Mr Abbott praised the police officers who apprehended him.The suspect has been named by the US media as Patrick Crusius, a resident of the Dallas area.CCTV images said to be of the gunman and broadcast on US media show a man in a dark T-shirt wearing ear protectors and brandishing an assault-style rifle.The first reports of a shooting emerged at about 10 a.m.Police said the Walmart was "at capacity" with shoppers buying back-to-school supplies at the time of the attack.Police spokesman Sergeant Robert Gomez said the only suspect was a white male in his 20s. No officers had fired their weapons in apprehending him, he added."We have secured Walmart and we have secured Cielo Vista Mall. We don't feel that there is a threat to the public or that there are any other shooters at this time," Sgt Gomez said.El Paso Police Department tweeted that blood donations were "needed urgently".A man who was in the shopping centre at the time of the attack recalled the moment that he found out about the shooting."There were employees, they were coming in and they would tell me that they heard some gunshots and that people just started bolting straight into the store in order to get to cover. In the meantime I was just trying to stay calm, but I was freaking out internally," he told a media outlet.Another witness, Glendon Oakly, said he was in a sporting goods store inside the shopping centre when a child ran inside "telling us there's an active shooter at Walmart".Oakly said no-one took the child's claim seriously, but just minutes later he heard two gunshots."I just thought about getting the kids out of the way," he said.Also Read: Full list of most recent deadly US mass shootingsAlso Read: Virginia Beach gunman resigned hours before mass shootingAlso Read: Virginia Beach shines light on victims, not mass shooterWatch Video:  /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_8977542134 = { "file": ",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8", "image": "", "title": "US: 20 dead, dozens injured in mass shooting at Texas Walmart", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_8977542134 = ''; jwsetup_8977542134(); function jwsetup_8977542134() { jwvidplayer_8977542134 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_8977542134").setup(jwconfig_8977542134); jwvidplayer_8977542134.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_8977542134, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_se0rqxih\", ns_st_pr=\"US: 20 dead, dozens injured in mass shooting at Texas Walmart\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"US: 20 dead, dozens injured in mass shooting at Texas Walmart\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"US: 20 dead, dozens injured in mass shooting at Texas Walmart\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2019-08-04\", ns_st_tdt=\"2019-08-04\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_8977542134.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_8977542134.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_8977542134.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_8977542134.stop(); jwvidplayer_8977542134.remove(); jwvidplayer_8977542134 = ''; jwsetup_8977542134(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_8977542134.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_8977542134.stop(); jwvidplayer_8977542134.remove(); jwvidplayer_8977542134 = ''; jwsetup_8977542134(); return; }); jwvidplayer_8977542134.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_8977542134.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_8977542134.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_8977542134.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_8977542134.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_8977542134.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); } (With Inputs from agencies)
20 killed, many injured in mass shooting at Texas Walmart
Twenty people were killed and more than two dozen injured in a shooting Saturday in a busy shopping area in the Texas border town of El Paso, the state's governor Greg Abbott confirmed. He described it as one of the deadliest days in the state's history.
American vaccines effective against COVID strain first found in India: US officialsCOVID-19 vaccines that are available in the United States are effective against the deadly variant that was first detected in India, top US health officials said on Tuesday. The B.1.617 virus variant, first identified in India last year, has been classified as a 'variant of concern' at the global level by the World Health Organisation."The modest neutralization resistance to the 617 antibodies suggests that the current vaccines that we are all using that we've been speaking about would be at least partially and probably quite protective," Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to the President told reporters during a news conference.Making a presentation of his data and latest research on this issue, Dr Fauci said that both the variants B617 and B1618, which have been identified in India, have been neutralized with only a 2.5 fold diminution in titer."That's well within the cushion effect of the capability to protect against infection and certainly against serious disease"."So, in summary, this is just another example of the scientific data accruing, literally over the last few days, indicating another very strong reason why we should be getting vaccinated," Dr. Fauci said.Andy Slavitt, White House COVID-19 Senior Advisor said the vaccines that are available in the US are effective against the Indian variant."And it is all the more reason why it's important for all of us, who have the opportunity to get vaccinated, to do so because we've seen the devastation that these variants can cause in other countries. And we should not feel that this can't happen here," Slavitt said in response to a question.(With PTI inputs) /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_7636370270 = { "file": "", "image": "", "title": "Aaj Ki Baat: Is the Singapore variant during the Third Wave going to target children? 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American vaccines effective against COVID strain first found in India: US officials
The B.1.617 virus variant, first identified in India last year, has been classified as a 'variant of concern' at the global level by the World Health Organisation.
Breaking news LIVE: Top Headlines This HourThe total number of global coronavirus cases has surpassed 13.6 million, including more than 586,000 fatalities. More than 8,037,000 patients are reported to have recovered. Follow this breaking news blog for live updates on coronavirus pandemic as it continues to pose a challenge for health workers and scientists who are in a race against time to produce a vaccine/ brings you the economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis that has resulted in job losses in millions and changing the way we work. Stay Home, Stay Safe, and Stay Informed as our team of dedicated editors/reporters bring you the latest news on coronavirus, coronavirus vaccine trial updates, photos, video, news, views and top stories from monsoon rains, business, politics, education, science, yoga and much more in India and worldwide.
Breaking news: July 16, 2020 | As it happened
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A man unfurls a Union and EU flag outside the European Parliament in Brussels. After months of talks and at almost the last minute, Britain and the European Union struck a provisional free-trade agreement on Thursday that should avert New Year chaos for cross-border traders and bring a measure of certainty for businesses after years of Brexit turmoil. With just over a week until the U.K.’s final split from the EU, the British government said the “deal is done.”It said the deal was “the first free trade agreement based on zero tariffs and zero quotas that has ever been achieved with the EU.”EU officials also confirmed an agreement had been reached.“So we have finally found an agreement. It was a long and winding road but we have got a good deal to show for it," European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said. "It is fair, it is a balanced deal and it is the right and responsible thing to do for both sides.”British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was expected to make a statement shortly.The deal ensures the two sides can continue to trade in goods without tariffs or quotas. But despite the breakthrough, key aspects of the future relationship between the 27-nation bloc and its former member remain uncertain.The British and European parliaments both must hold votes on the agreement, though the latter may not happen until after the U.K. leaves the EU’s economic embrace on Jan. 1.Months of tense and often testy negotiations gradually whittled differences between the two sides down to three key issues: fair-competition rules, mechanisms for resolving future disputes and fishing rights. The rights of EU boats to trawl in British waters remained the last obstacle before it was resolved.However, key aspects of the future relationship between the 27-nation bloc and its former member remain unresolved.Johnson had insisted the U.K. would “prosper mightily” even if no deal were reached and the U.K. had to trade with the EU on World Trade Organization terms. But his government has acknowledged that a chaotic exit was likely to bring gridlock at Britain’s ports, temporary shortages of some goods and price increases for staple foods.The EU has long feared that Britain would undercut the bloc’s social, environmental and state aid rules after Brexit, becoming a low-regulation rival on the bloc’s doorstep. Britain denies planning to institute weaker standards but said that having to continue following EU regulations would undermine its sovereignty.A compromise was eventually reached on the tricky “level playing field” issues. The economically minor but hugely symbolic issue of fish came to be the final sticking point, with maritime EU nations seeking to retain access to U.K. waters where they have long fished and Britain insisting it must exercise control as an “independent coastal state,”Huge gaps over fishing were gradually closed over weeks of intense negotiations in Brussels, even as Johnson continued to insist that a no-deal exit was a likely and satisfactory outcome to the nine months of talks on the future relationship between the EU and its ex-member nation.It has been 4 1/2 years since Britons voted 52%-48% to leave the EU and — in the words of the Brexiteers’ campaign slogan — “take back control” of the U.K.’s borders and laws.It took more than three years of wrangling before Britain left the bloc’s political structures on Jan. 31. Disentangling economies that were closely entwined as part of the EU’s single market for goods and services took even longer.The U.K. has remained part of the single market and customs union during an 11-month post-Brexit transition period. As a result, many people so far will have noticed little impact from Brexit.On Jan. 1, the breakup will start feeling real. The new year will bring huge changes, even with a trade deal. No longer will goods and people be able to move freely between the U.K. and its continental neighbors without border restrictions.EU nationals will no longer be able to live and work in Britain without visas -- though that does not apply to the more than 3 million already doing so -- and Britons can no longer automatically work or retire in EU nations. Exporters and importers face customs declarations, goods checks and other obstacles.The U.K.-EU border is already reeling from new restrictions placed on travelers from Britain into France and other European countries due to a new coronavirus variant sweeping through London and southern England. Thousands of trucks were stuck in traffic jams near Dover on Wednesday, waiting for their drivers to get virus tests so they could enter the Eurotunnel to France.British supermarkets say the backlog will take days to clear and there could be shortages of some fresh produce over the holiday season.Despite the deal, there are still unanswered questions about huge areas, including security cooperation between the U.K. and the bloc and access to the EU market for Britain’s huge financial services sector.
Breakthrough: UK and EU reach post-Brexit trade agreement
After months of talks and at almost the last minute, Britain and the European Union struck a provisional free-trade agreement on Thursday that should avert New Year chaos for cross-border traders and bring a measure of certainty for businesses after years of Brexit turmoil.
Donald Trump Jr.'s wife was taken to a New York City hospital on Monday as a precaution after she opened an envelope addressed to her husband that contained an unidentified white powder, though police later said the substance wasn't dangerous, authorities said.The frightening episode happened after 10 a.m. when Trump, 40, opened the letter addressed to the president's son at her mother's midtown Manhattan apartment, investigators said. She called 911 and said she was coughing and felt nauseous, police said."Thankful that Vanessa & my children are safe and unharmed after the incredibly scary situation that occurred this morning," Donald Trump Jr. wrote on Twitter. "Truly disgusting that certain individuals choose to express their opposing views with such disturbing behavior."The New York Fire Department said it treated three patients who were then taken to a hospital for evaluation.Police said the envelope contained a letter but provided no other details.Detectives from the New York Police Department's intelligence division and Secret Service agents were investigating.Secret Service Special Agent Jeffrey Adams said in a statement that agents were investigating "a suspicious package addressed to one of our protectees" in New York but said he couldn't comment further.Vanessa Trump, a former model, and Donald Trump Jr. have five children, none of whom were home at the time of the incident.White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Monday that the president spoke by phone to Vanessa Trump about the incident.The Trump family has had to deal with a number of similar scares.In March 2016, police detectives and FBI agents investigated a threatening letter sent to the Manhattan apartment of Donald Trump Jr.'s brother, Eric, that also contained a white powder that turned out to be harmless. Envelopes containing white powder were also sent to Trump Tower, which served as Trump's campaign headquarters, twice in 2016.Hoax attacks using white powder play on fears that date to 2001, when letters containing deadly anthrax were mailed to news organizations and the offices of two US senators. Those letters killed five people.
Donald Trump's daughter-in-law Vanessa hospitalised after opening package with suspicious white powder
Donald Trump Jr.'s wife was taken to a New York City hospital on Monday as a precaution after she opened an envelope addressed to her husband that contained an unidentified white powder, though police later said the substance wasn't dangerous, author
Amidst tension in ties between the US and Pakistan after President Donald Trump accused the country of providing safe havens to terrorists, its Defence Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan accused Washington of ignoring the threats to his country from India and added that the government was reassessing ties with America. According to news website Dawn, the Minister said that it was not possible for Pakistan to satisfy the US. Khan said that Islamabad will give point of view logically and with evidence. “We will explain our position. But it's not for us to satisfy them.”The government, he said, was reassessing ties with the US, and has simultaneously undertaken a regional outreach ahead of talks with Americans on future bilateral engagement. Khan said the two countries needed a frank and candid dialogue on the issues concerning them, as differences between them would reflect in Afghanistan and other regional issues.The Defence Minister expressed discontent that the US did not share Pakistan’s threat perception about India. He also claimed that a nexus existed between the US, India and Afghanistan that was threatening Pakistan. He added that Pakistan will keep raising concerns about India in future engagements with the US.Khan said that the other challenge for Pakistan was the fact that the US ‘keeps changing the goalposts’.Pakistan, he said, will advise the US that intensifying kinetic operations (lethal or offensive combat missions) in Afghanistan would not work and the only way forward lay in a politically negotiated settlement of the conflict.Dawn reported that Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif will accompanying Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi to the UN General Assembly session in New York next week and is expected to use the opportunity to visit Washington for a meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.Asif's meeting with Tillerson was originally scheduled for mid-August, but was postponed on Pakistan’s request after Trump’s policy statement on Afghanistan and South Asia. Asif is currently visiting several countries to garner support for Pakistan's point of view regarding Afghanistan.
Not possible to satisfy US; reassessing ties: Pak’s Defence Minister Khurram Dastgir Khan
Khurram Dastgir Khan said that the US and Pakistan needed a frank and candid dialogue on the issues concerning them, as differences between them would reflect in Afghanistan and other regional issues.
President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference at the White House, Tuesday, July 21, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)President Donald Trump warned on Tuesday that the “nasty horrible’” coronavirus will get worse in the U.S. before it gets better, but he also tried to paint a rosy picture of efforts to conquer the disease that has claimed more than 140,000 American lives in just five months.He also professed a newfound respect for the protective face masks he has seldom worn. He pulled one from his pocket in the White House briefing room but didn’t put it on.After a three-month hiatus from his freewheeling daily virus briefings, Trump returned to the podium, keeping the stage to himself without the public health experts who were staples of his previous events but keeping close to scripted remarks prepared by aides.Besides declaring support for masks as a way to fight the pandemic, he admonished young people against crowding bars and spreading the disease.It all marked a delayed recognition by Trump that the economic reopening he’s been championing since April — and, more importantly, his reelection — were imperiled by spiking cases nationwide.There were no guarantees how long Trump’s more measured tone, delivered with an eye to halting a campaign-season erosion of support, would last. Along the way Tuesday, the president still worked in jabs at the news media and Democrats for focusing on disease-fighting shortcomings in the U.S. as the rest of world also struggles with the virus. He also belatedly addressed bipartisan criticism of virus-testing delays that have hampered reopening plans.“It will probably unfortunately get worse before it gets better,” Trump said from the White House. But he also touted a reduction in deaths and progress on vaccines and treatments for COVID-19, which he referred to repeatedly as a the “China virus.” He continued his recent encouragement of Americans to wear masks when social distancing is not possible.“Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact,” he said. “I’m getting used to the mask,” he added, pulling one out after months of suggesting that mask-wearing was a political statement against him.Swaths of the country are now battling rising infections and growing deaths, and some states are once again having to close businesses and rethink school in the fall. Many retailers themselves are insisting their customers don masks.For months, the nation’s top health experts have pleaded with Americans to wear masks in public and steer clear of crowds -- calling those simple steps life-saving -- even as the president’s stance fueled a partisan social divide.The early evening show at the White House came as the next stage of the federal government’s response to the pandemic was being crafted on Capitol Hill. Lawmakers and White House officials were opening negotiations on a trillion-dollar-or-more “phase four” rescue package.For weeks, White House aides have pressed Trump to grow more disciplined in his public statements about the pandemic. On Tuesday, he steered clear of what has been a favored talking point: that widespread testing for the virus in the U.S. “created” more cases, as aides noted that was false and projected a lack of responsibility.Little more than three months from Election Day, Trump and his political team hoped that the podium spotlight would give him an edge against Democratic rival Joe Biden.“The vaccines are coming, and they’re coming a lot sooner than anybody thought possible,” Trump promised anew.As early as next week, the first possible U.S. vaccine is set to begin final-stage testing in a study of 30,000 people to see if it really is safe and effective. A few other vaccines have begun smaller late-stage studies in other countries, and in the U.S. a series of huge studies are planned to start each month through fall in hopes of, eventually, having several vaccines to use. Already, people can start signing up to volunteer for the different studies.Health authorities warn there’s no guarantee -- it’s not unusual for vaccines to fail during this critical testing step. But vaccine makers and health officials are hopeful that at least one vaccine could prove to work by year’s end. Companies already are taking the unusual step of brewing hundreds of millions of doses so that mass vaccinations could begin if the Food and Drug Administration signs off.Trump also acknowledged bipartisan criticism of delays processing testing results.“We’ll be able to get those numbers down,” Trump said, saying his administration was working to improve the availability of rapid, point-of-care tests like those used to protect him at the White House.Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, told NPR Tuesday that he was glad Trump has begun to promote mask-wearing.“If we, during those conferences, come out and have consistent, clear, noncontradictory messages, I believe it will be very helpful in getting people on the track of knowing the direction that we need to go to get this pandemic under control,” he said.Biden, for his part Tuesday, launched into scathing criticism of Trump as he outlined the latest plank of his economic recovery plan, charging that Trump “failed his most important test as an American President: the duty to care for you, for all of us.”“He’s quit on you, he’s quit on this country,” Biden said.Earlier Tuesday, Trump took to Twitter to claim that “by comparison to most other countries, who are suffering greatly, we are doing very well — and we have done things that few other countries could have done!”In fact, the U.S. leads the world in confirmed cases and deaths from the virus -- and ranks near the top on a per capita basis as well.On Capitol Hill, some Republicans have broken with the White House in seeking additional federal funding for testing and contact-tracing in the next relief bill.Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, in a news conference, encouraged White House aides to “keep Trump away from the podium,” calling the president “a threat to public health.”Trump’s daily turns in the White House briefing room largely ended in late April after the president’s widely derided suggestion that injecting toxic disinfectant could help treat the coronavirus. The comment prompted widespread medical warnings against the potentially deadly move.Scrapping the briefings was welcomed by aides who believed they were dragging down the president’s poll numbers, particularly with older voters. However, with his trademark rallies largely on hold because of the coronavirus, the view in Trump’s circle is that he needs an alternate means to reach voters.And Trump missed the days when he would dominate cable television ratings with his early evening briefings. Tellingly, when he announced Monday that the sessions could return, he did so with an eye toward their time slot and a boast about ratings.
Trump says virus in US will get worse before it gets better
President Donald Trump warned on Tuesday that the “nasty horrible’” coronavirus will get worse in the U.S. before it gets better, but he also tried to paint a rosy picture of efforts to conquer the disease that has claimed more than 140,000 American lives in just five months.
Backing Saudi Arabia and other Mideast nations’ decision to cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, United States President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that the rift will be "the beginning of the end to the horror of terrorism." He did not say how the Arab blockade might do that.Trump said on Twitter that it was good to see that his visit to Saudi Arabia was "already paying off." Trump met with leaders from Arab and Muslim nations there and he says Tuesday that "they said they would take a hard line on funding extremism." He says that "all reference was pointing to Qatar."He tweeted: "Perhaps this will be the beginning of the end to the horror of terrorism!"Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and other countries in the region have accused Qatar of funding terror groups and cozying up to Iran. Qatar denies that accusation.Trump said that the leaders he met on a Middle East trip had warned him that Qatar was funding “radical ideology” after he had demanded that they action to stop financing militant groups. The comments on Twitter - Trump's first about the rift between Qatar and major Arab nations over alleged support of Iran and Islamist groups - came as the leader of Kuwait was to meet in Saudi Arabia to try to mediate the dispute."During my recent trip to the Middle East I stated that there can no longer be funding of Radical Ideology. Leaders pointed to Qatar - look!" Trump tweeted.Qatar, on the other hand, has vehemently denied the accusations against it, calling them baseless. Ordinary Qataris, however, were to be found crowding into supermarkets to stock up on goods against the crisis.
Isolating Qatar ‘beginning of the end of terrorism’, says Donald Trump
United States President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that the rift will be "the beginning of the end to the horror of terrorism." He did not say how the Arab blockade might do that
Resolutions introduced in US Congress to recognize Sikhs' contributions in America Marking 550th birth anniversary of Sikhism founder Guru Nanak, resolutions have been introduced in the US Congress to recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by Sikhs in the United States and the discrimination they have faced in the country and around the world.One of the resolution introduced by Senators Todd Young and Ben Cardin on Thursday recognizes the historical, cultural, and religious significance of the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak on November 12."This resolution honours Sikh Americans, a vital part of our Nation’s rich culture and diversity,” Young said."Indiana is home to more than 10,000 Sikhs and I am proud to introduce the first resolution ever introduced in the Senate in their honour. As the fifth largest religion in the world, Hoosier communities are made richer by their contributions,” he said.Expressing respect for all Sikhs, the resolution also notes the discrimination that Sikhs have faced in the US and around the world.Cardin thanked the Sikhs for their social, cultural and economic contributions, and the courage to stand up against racial and religious discrimination against their community and others."Sikh Americans have been a proud part of the American story for generations and they continue to enrich our nation and the communities in which they live,” said Cardin.The Senate resolution mentions four eminent Sikhs for their contribution to the US.They are Dalip Singh Saund, the first Asian-American Congressman, who was elected to office in 1957; Dr Narinder Kapany, the inventor of fibre optics; Dinar Singh Bains, the largest peach grower in the United States; and Gurinder Singh Khalsa, recipient of the prestigious Rosa Parks Trailblazer Award.It also lauded Bhagat Singh Thind who served in the United States military during the World Wars.It also recognized the contribution of Sikh women Grammy-winning artist Snatam Kaur; New York Police Department police officer Gursoach Kaur; and University of California, Berkeley professor Supreet Kaur.“It is a great day for the Sikhs in the United States that resolutions recognizing the community have bene introduced in the House and the Senate,” Indiana based Khalsa said in a statement.Another House resolution introduced by Congressman T J Cox and co-sponsored by 67 others said, Sikhs have been living in the United States for more than 120 years, and during the early 20th century thousands of Sikh Americans worked on farms, in lumber mills and mines, and on the Oregon, Pacific, and Eastern Railroad.Observing that Sikhism is the fifth largest religion in the world with more than 25,000,000 Sikhs worldwide, and over 750,000 Sikh Americans; the House resolution said that Sikh men and women have notably contributed to American society since their arrival in the late 1800s."Sikh Americans pursue diverse professions that add to the social, cultural, and economic vibrancy of the United States, including service as members of the United States Armed Forces and making significant contributions to our great nation in agriculture, information technology, small businesses, the hospitality industry, trucking, medicine, and technology," the resolution said.Noting that Sikh Americans distinguish themselves by fostering respect among all people through faith and service; the resolution said that the United States House of Representatives is committed to educating citizens about the world's religions, the value of religious diversity, tolerance grounded in First Amendment principles, a culture of mutual understanding, and the importance of reducing violence. ALSO READ: Trump criticises Johnson's Brexit dealALSO READ: Huge fire advances across Brazil's wetlands
Resolutions introduced in US Congress to recognize Sikhs' contributions in America
Observing that Sikhism is the fifth largest religion in the world with more than 25,000,000 Sikhs worldwide, and over 750,000 Sikh Americans; the House resolution said that Sikh men and women have notably contributed to American society since their arrival in the late 1800s.
Boeing 737 Max 8 The UN has instructed its personnel not to fly on Boeing 737 Max 8 after an Ethiopian Airlines flight of the same model crashed, killing all 157 people on board earlier this week, a UN spokesperson said."Instructions have gone out to all our travel bureaus not to book any UN personnel on the type of aircraft that crashed in Ethiopia," UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said at a press briefing on Thursday.He added the move is a standard safety procedure and follows the decisions taken by civil aviation authorities in many countries in the world, Xinhua news agency reported.On Sunday, a Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft of Ethiopian Airlines crashed shortly after taking off from Addis Ababa. All 157 people on board were killed in the crash, including 21 UN personnel.Another Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft crashed in Indonesia in October, killing all 189 people on board.Following the second crash of the same model in less than five months, safety concerns mounted around the globe as the 737 Max is Boeing's most important aircraft type, generating about one-third of the company's operating profit.According to the US Federal Aviation Administration, there are 387 Boeing 737 Max 8 jets in operation at 59 airlines worldwide, 74 of which are registered in the US.China was the first country in the world to suspend all Boeing 737 Max 8 airplanes and over 40 countries including Singapore, Australia, and the European Union, Canada, and the US followed suit. In addition, some countries have closed their airspace to the plane.
UN personnel stop flying on Boeing 737 Max 8
This move is a standard safety procedure and follows the decisions taken by civil aviation authorities in many countries in the world: UN spokesperson said
FILEChinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghi is understood to have sought a meeting with his Indian counterpart Rajnath Singh on the sidelines of a key Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meet in Moscow, people familiar with the development said on Thursday.Indian and Chinese troops are engaged in a tense border row in eastern Ladakh for nearly four months now. Singh and Wei are currently in Moscow to attend a meeting of SCO defence ministers on Friday.According to information, the Chinese side conveyed to the Indian mission its keenness to have a meeting between the two defence ministers. However, there is no official confirmation about it.Tensions flared in eastern Ladakh after China unsuccessfully attempted to occupy Indian territory in the Southern Bank of Pangong lake four days back when the two sides were engaged in diplomatic and military talks to resolve the festering border row.India occupied a number of strategic heights on the southern bank of Pangong lake and strengthened its presence in Finger 2 and Finger 3 areas in the region to thwart any Chinese actions. China has strongly objected to India's move.India has also rushed in additional troops and weapons to the sensitive region following the Chinese attempts.India on Thursday said the border tension in Ladakh over the past four months is a "direct result" of Chinese actions aimed at effecting unilateral change in the status quo of the region, and asserted that the only way forward to resolve it was through negotiations.The comments by the Ministry of External Affairs(MEA) that squarely put the blame on China for the prolonged border standoff came even as Chief of Defence Staff(CDS) Gen. Bipin Rawat asserted that India's armed forces are capable of handling aggressive Chinese actions in "best suitable ways".
Chinese Defence Minister seeks meeting with Rajnath Singh on SCO sidelines amid border tensions
​Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghi is understood to have sought a meeting with his Indian counterpart Rajnath Singh on the sidelines of a key Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meet in Moscow, people familiar with the development said on Thursday.
Global death toll due to coronavirus exceeds 18,000The number of people infected with the novel coronavirus worldwide has exceeded 4,17,000, while over 18,600 have died. The date was reported at 7:30 am on March 25. Out of the total number of cases, most have been registered in Europe - more than 195,000 cases. The global death toll has reached 16,231, of which more than 10,000 deaths were in the European region. The Western Pacific Region region is second after Europe with 96,580 confirmed cases and 3502 deaths.Earlier in the day, WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris had said that with the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the United States, the country could become the new epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic."Europe is still the centre of the pandemic, but there had been "a very large acceleration" in cases in the US," WHO spokesperson said at a news conference in Geneva on Tuesday, as quoted by NHK World.Previously, the number of COVID-19 cases was reported to be 3,32,930 with 14,509 fatalities.In India, the death toll due to coronavirus rose to 11 on Wednesday after a COVID-19 patient died in Tamil Nadu. Urging citizens to stay indoors, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has directed a complete lockdown of the entire country for 21 days. Meanwhile, the Centre has asked all the State Governments to deploy fiscal resources for establishing additional medical facilities such as hospitals, clinical labs, isolation wards, expanding & upgrading existing facilities to combat COVID-19."The Central Government has asked all the State Governments to deploy fiscal resources for establishing additional medical facilities such as hospitals, clinical labs, isolation wards, expanding & upgrading existing facilities to combat the challenge posed by COVID 19," an official government release dated March 24 read. "These facilities need to be well equipped with ventilators, Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs), masks and drugs to treat the patients," it said.Also Read | Coronavirus Live UpdatesAlso Read | US deal appears at hand to ease economic pain of coronavirus​ /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_4536560722 = { "file": ",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8", "image": "", "title": "Coronavirus Pandemic: PM Modi announces complete country-wide lockdown for 21 days", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_4536560722 = ''; jwsetup_4536560722(); function jwsetup_4536560722() { jwvidplayer_4536560722 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_4536560722").setup(jwconfig_4536560722); jwvidplayer_4536560722.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_4536560722, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_bk935hd2\", ns_st_pr=\"Coronavirus Pandemic: PM Modi announces complete country-wide lockdown for 21 days\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Coronavirus Pandemic: PM Modi announces complete country-wide lockdown for 21 days\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Coronavirus Pandemic: PM Modi announces complete country-wide lockdown for 21 days\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2020-03-24\", ns_st_tdt=\"2020-03-24\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\",20,21,22,.mp4.csmil/master.m3u8\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_4536560722.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_4536560722.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_4536560722.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_4536560722.stop(); jwvidplayer_4536560722.remove(); jwvidplayer_4536560722 = ''; jwsetup_4536560722(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_4536560722.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_4536560722.stop(); jwvidplayer_4536560722.remove(); jwvidplayer_4536560722 = ''; jwsetup_4536560722(); return; }); jwvidplayer_4536560722.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4536560722.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4536560722.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4536560722.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4536560722.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_4536560722.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); } ​
Coronavirus positive cases exceed 4,17,000 worldwide; global death toll surpasses 18,600-mark
In India, the death toll due to coronavirus rose to 11 on Wednesday after a COVID-19 patient died in Tamil Nadu. Urging citizens to stay indoors, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has directed a complete lockdown of the entire country for 21 days.
NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence & Counterterrorism John Miller, center, outside Time Warner Center on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018, in New York. (AP Photo/Kevin Hagen)Federal authorities took a man into custody Friday in Florida in connection with the mail-bomb scare that earlier widened to 12 suspicious packages, the FBI and Justice Department said.The man was identified by law enforcement officials as Cesar Sayoc, 56, of Aventura, Florida. He was arrested at an auto parts store in the nearby city of Plantation.Related Stories Hillary Clinton in India: Former US Secretary of State fractures wrist after fall in JodhpurFormer FBI director James Comey says Clinton email inquiry mishandledUS President Donald Trump is racist, sexist and Islamophobic: Hillary ClintonCrude pipe bombs sent to Obama, Clintons, CNN office; 'terrorising acts despicable', says White HouseCourt records show Sayoc has a history of arrests."These terrorizing acts are despicable and have no place in our country. I've instructed authorities to spare no resource or expense in finding those responsible and bringing them to swift and certain justice. And we will prosecute them, him, her, whoever it may be to the fullest extent of the law," US President Donald Trump said.Law enforcement officers were seen on television examining a white van, its windows covered with an assortment of stickers, in the city of Plantation in the Miami area. Authorities covered the vehicle with a blue tarp and took it away on the back of a flatbed truck.The stickers included images of American flags and what appeared to be logos of the Republican National Committee and CNN, though the writing surrounding those images was unclear.President Donald Trump said he expected to speak about the investigation at a youth summit on Friday.Image Source : AP  In this undated photo released by the Broward County Sheriff's office, Cesar Sayoc is seen in a booking photo, in Miami. (Broward County Sheriff's Office via AP)   In this undated photo released by the Broward County Sheriff's office, Cesar Sayoc is seen in a booking photo, in Miami. (Broward County Sheriff's Office via AP) The development came amid a coast-to-coast manhunt for the person responsible for a series of explosive devices addressed to Democrats including former President Barack Obama, former Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.Law enforcement officials said they had intercepted a dozen packages in states across the country. None had exploded, and it wasn't immediately clear if they were intended to cause physical harm or simply sow fear and anxiety.Earlier Friday, authorities said suspicious packages addressed to New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and former National Intelligence Director James Clapper — both similar to those containing pipe bombs sent to other prominent critics of President Donald Trump— had been intercepted.Investigators believe the mailings were staggered. The U.S. Postal Service searched their facilities 48 hours ago and the most recent packages didn't turn up. Officials don't think they were sitting in the system without being spotted. They were working to determine for sure. The officials spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.The FBI said the package to Booker was intercepted in Florida. The one discovered at a Manhattan postal facility was addressed to Clapper at CNN's address. An earlier package had been sent to former Obama CIA Director John Brennan via CNN in New York.Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday the Justice Department was dedicating every available resource to the investigation "and I can tell you this: We will find the person or persons responsible. We will bring them to justice."Trump, on the other hand, complained that "this 'bomb' stuff" was taking attention away from the upcoming election and said critics were wrongly blaming him and his heated rhetoric.Investigators were analyzing the innards of the crude devices to reveal whether they were intended to detonate or simply sow fear just before Election Day.'Explosive devices were not rigged to explode'Law enforcement officials told The Associated Press that the devices, containing timers and batteries, were not rigged to explode upon opening. But they were uncertain whether the devices were poorly designed or never intended to cause physical harm.Most of those targeted were past or present U.S. officials, but one was sent to actor Robert De Niro and billionaire George Soros. The bombs have been sent across the country - from New York, Delaware and Washington, D.C., to Florida and California, where Rep. Maxine Waters was targeted. They bore the return address of Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the former chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.The common thread among the bomb targets was obvious: their critical words for Trump and his frequent, harsher criticism in return.Trump claimed Friday he was being blamed for the mail bombs, complaining in a tweet sent before dawn: "Funny how lowly rated CNN, and others, can criticize me at will, even blaming me for the current spate of Bombs and ridiculously comparing this to September 11th and the Oklahoma City bombing, yet when I criticize them they go wild and scream, 'it's just not Presidential!'"The package to Clapper was addressed to him at CNN's Midtown Manhattan address. Clapper, a frequent Trump critic, told CNN that he was not surprised he was targeted and that he considered the actions "definitely domestic terrorism."Jeff Zucker, the president of CNN Worldwide, said in a note to staff that all mail to CNN domestic offices was being screened at off-site facilities. He said there was no imminent danger to the Time Warner Center, where CNN's New York office is located.At a press conference Thursday, officials in New York would not discuss possible motives or details on how the packages found their way into the postal system. Nor would they say why the packages hadn't detonated, but they stressed they were still treating them as "live devices."The devices were packaged in manila envelopes and carried U.S. postage stamps. They were being examined by technicians at the FBI's forensic lab in Quantico, Virginia.The packages stoked nationwide tensions ahead of the Nov. 6 election to determine control of Congress — a campaign both major political parties have described in near-apocalyptic terms. Politicians from both parties used the threats to decry a toxic political climate and lay blame.Trump, in a tweet Thursday, blamed the "Mainstream Media" for the anger in society. Brennan responded, tweeting that Trump should "Stop blaming others. Look in the mirror."The bombs are about 6 inches (15 centimeters) long and packed with powder and broken glass, according to a law enforcement official who viewed X-ray images. The official said the devices were made from PVC pipe and covered with black tape.The first bomb discovered was delivered Monday to the suburban New York compound of Soros, a major contributor to Democratic causes. Soros has called Trump's presidency "dangerous."
US bomb parcel case: 56-year-old suspect held; guilty will be prosecuted to fullest of law, says Trump
The man was identified by law enforcement officials as Cesar Sayoc, 56, of Aventura, Florida. He was arrested at an auto parts store in the nearby city of Plantation.
Musk under fire again: CEO to testify over Tesla acquisitionIn the runup to Tesla Inc.’s 2016 acquisition of a company called SolarCity, Elon Musk hailed the deal as a “no brainer” — a purchase that would combine the leading maker of electric vehicles with a manufacturer of solar panels that can recharge EVs.It didn’t exactly work out that way.On Monday in the Delaware Court of Chancery, the Tesla CEO will testify about the $2.5 billion deal in a shareholder lawsuit that alleges that Tesla’s acquisition was rife with conflicts of interest, overlooked SolarCity’s fundamental weaknesses and unsurprisingly failed to produce the profits Musk had promised.Questioned under oath, Musk plans to defend the purchase as a justifiable acquisition.At the time of the all-stock purchase, Musk was SolarCity’s largest stakeholder and its chairman. Seven shareholder lawsuits, consolidated into one, alleged that Tesla directors breached their fiduciary duties in bowing to Musk’s wishes and agreeing to buy the struggling company. In what the plaintiffs call a clear conflict of interest, SolarCity had been founded by Musk and two of his cousins, Lyndon and Peter Rive.Last August, a judge approved a $60 million settlement that resolved claims made against all the directors on Tesla’s board except Musk without any admission of fault. That left Musk, who refused to settle, as the sole remaining defendant. The trial that begins Monday had been scheduled for March of last year but was postponed because of the viral pandemic.Daniel Ives, an analyst at Wedbush Securities, called the acquisition a “clear black eye” for Musk and Tesla, in large part because SolarCity has failed to turn a profit.“It basically was putting good money after bad,” Ives said. “For all the successes and all of the unimaginable heights Musk has achieved, this is one of the lowlights.”Most investors, Ives said, place no value on the company’s solar business.“I just think Musk and Tesla underestimated the challenges and the hurdles that the business brings,” he said.That said, Ives said he thought Tesla’s energy business could still become “modestly successful.”Tesla, which has disbanded its media relations department, did not answer a message Friday seeking comment about the lawsuit. In its 2020 annual report, the company argued that the lawsuit was without merit and that Tesla would vigorously defend itself.“We are unable to estimate the possible loss or range of loss, if any, associated with these claims,” the company report said.Tesla’s energy generation and storage business generated $1.9 billion in revenue last year — 24% more than it did the previous year. Much of that revenue came from selling battery storage units. Tesla doesn’t specify whether the business made a profit, and it also has debt and expenses.The lawsuit filed by the plaintiffs contends that Musk drove the decision to acquire SolarCity despite his clear-cut conflict of interest.Musk has a history of fighting government agencies and lawsuits. He was forced to pay a $20 million fine to the Securities and Exchange Commission for making statements on Twitter about having the money to take the company private when he didn’t. But he won a defamation lawsuit that was filed by a British diver involved in the rescue of a Thai soccer team that was trapped in a flooded cave. Musk had called the man “pedo guy” on Twitter.Even if the trial ends with Musk having to pay personally for the whole SolarCity deal, $2.5 billion won’t much hurt the world’s third-wealthiest person. Forbes magazine has estimated that Musk is worth roughly $163 billion.Ives suggested that while any such payment wouldn’t seriously affect Musk’s wealth, it would damage his reputation for choosing acquisitions.Musk is fighting the lawsuit after others have settled “because that’s what Musk does,” Ives said. “I think Elon believes this was the right deal and still does.”ALSO READ | Tesla Inc begins hiring for major roles in India: ReportALSO READ | Elon Musk loses world’s second-richest ranking to to LVMH chairman Bernard Arnault
Musk under fire again: CEO to testify over Tesla acquisition
In what the plaintiffs call a clear conflict of interest, SolarCity had been founded by Musk and two of his cousins, Lyndon and Peter Rive.
Afghans watch as Taliban fighters ride atop a humvee after detaining four men who got involved in a street fight in KabulUS officials will meet with senior Taliban officials on Saturday and Sunday for talks aimed at easing the evacuations of foreign citizens and at-risk Afghans from Afghanistan, a US official has said. The focus of talks in Doha, Qatar, would be holding Afghanistan's Taliban leaders to commitments that they would allow Americans and other foreign nationals to leave Afghanistan, along with Afghans who once worked for the US military or government and other Afghan allies, the official said on Friday.The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorised to speak by name about the meetings.The Biden administration has fielded questions and complaints about the slow pace of US-facilitated evacuations from Taliban-ruled Afghanistan since the last US forces and diplomats left there at the end of August.State Department spokesman Ned Price said on Thursday that 105 US citizens and 95 green-card holders had left since then on flights facilitated by the US. That number had not changed for more than a week.US veterans and other individuals have helped others leave the country on charter flights, and some Americans and others have gotten out across land borders.That leaves dozens of American citizens still seeking to get out, according to the State Department, along with thousands of green-card holders and Afghans and family members believed eligible for US visas. US officials have cited the difficulty of verifying flight manifests without any American officials on the ground in Afghanistan to help, along with other hold-ups.Americans also intend to press the Taliban to observe the rights of women and girls, many of whom the Taliban are reportedly blocking from returning to jobs and classrooms, and of Afghans at large, and to form an inclusive government, the official said.US officials will also encourage Taliban officials to give humanitarian agencies free access to areas in need amid the economic upheaval following the US departure and Taliban takeover.The official stressed the session did not imply the US was recognising the Taliban as legitimate governors of the country.(With inputs from AP)Also Read | Russia to invite Taliban to Moscow on October 20 for international talks /* .jw-reset-text, .jw-reset{line-height: 2em;}*/ .jw-time-tip .jw-time-chapter{display:none;} if ('' == comscore_jw_loaded || 'undefined' == comscore_jw_loaded || undefined == comscore_jw_loaded) { var comscore_jw_loaded = 1; firstjw = document.getElementsByClassName('jwvidplayer')[0]; cs_jw_script = document.createElement('script'); cs_jw_script.src = ''; firstjw.parentNode.insertBefore(cs_jw_script, firstjw.nextSibling); } var jwconfig_9982801145 = { "file": "", "image": "", "title": "Pakistan PM Imran Khan bats for Taliban in UN Assembly, says it should be given heed globally", "height": "440px", "width": "100%", "aspectratio": "16:9", "autostart": false, "controls": true, "mute": false, "volume": 25, "floating": false, "sharing": { "code": "", "sites": [ "facebook", "twitter", "email" ] }, "stretching": "exactfit", "primary": "html5", "hlshtml": true, "sharing_link": "", "duration": "248", "advertising": { "client": "vast", "autoplayadsmuted": true, "skipoffset": 5, "cuetext": "", "skipmessage": "Skip ad in xx", "skiptext": "SKIP", "preloadAds": true, "schedule": [ { "offset": "pre", "tag": "", "type": "linear" }, { "offset": "50%", "tag": "" }, { "offset": "post", "tag": "", "type": "linear" } ] } }; var jwvidplayer_9982801145 = ''; jwsetup_9982801145(); function jwsetup_9982801145() { jwvidplayer_9982801145 = jwplayer("jwvidplayer_9982801145").setup(jwconfig_9982801145); jwvidplayer_9982801145.on('ready', function () { ns_.StreamingAnalytics.JWPlayer(jwvidplayer_9982801145, { publisherId: "20465327", labelmapping: "c2=\"20465327\", c3=\"IndiaTV News\", c4=\"null\", c6=\"null\", ns_st_mp=\"jwplayer\", ns_st_cl=\"0\", ns_st_ci=\"0_la0h49s3\", ns_st_pr=\"Pakistan PM Imran Khan bats for Taliban in UN Assembly, says it should be given heed globally\", ns_st_sn=\"0\", ns_st_en=\"0\", ns_st_ep=\"Pakistan PM Imran Khan bats for Taliban in UN Assembly, says it should be given heed globally\", ns_st_ct=\"null\", ns_st_ge=\"News\", ns_st_st=\"Pakistan PM Imran Khan bats for Taliban in UN Assembly, says it should be given heed globally\", ns_st_ce=\"0\", ns_st_ia=\"0\", ns_st_ddt=\"2021-09-25\", ns_st_tdt=\"2021-09-25\", ns_st_pu=\"IndiaTV News\", ns_st_cu=\"\", ns_st_ty=\"video\"" }); }); jwvidplayer_9982801145.on('all', function (r) { if (jwvidplayer_9982801145.getState() == 'error' || jwvidplayer_9982801145.getState() == 'setupError') { jwvidplayer_9982801145.stop(); jwvidplayer_9982801145.remove(); jwvidplayer_9982801145 = ''; jwsetup_9982801145(); return; } }); jwvidplayer_9982801145.on('error', function (t) { jwvidplayer_9982801145.stop(); jwvidplayer_9982801145.remove(); jwvidplayer_9982801145 = ''; jwsetup_9982801145(); return; }); jwvidplayer_9982801145.on('mute', function () { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9982801145.on('adPlay', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9982801145.on('adPause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9982801145.on('pause', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9982801145.on('error', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); jwvidplayer_9982801145.on('adBlock', function (event) { ga('send', 'event', 'JW Player Events', 'Errors', event.message); }); }
American, Taliban officials to talk on evacuees: US official
US officials have cited the difficulty of verifying flight manifests without any American officials on the ground in Afghanistan to help, along with other hold-ups.
Coronavirus worldwide cases cross 5.6 million; death toll at 352,168Coronavirus worldwide cases have crossed 5.6-million mark taking positive patients toll to 5,681,601 with 352,168 deaths while 2,430,461 have recovered, according to Worldometer figures. United States, Spain, Russia, UK, Germany, Brazil, Italy, France are among the worst-hit countries having maximum cases of coronavirus and the numbers are increasing every day.The suburbs north of New York City eased outbreak restrictions, and the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange opened for the first time in two months, as the state focused more intently Tuesday on restarting its economy.
Coronavirus worldwide cases cross 5.6 million; death toll at 352,168
Coronavirus worldwide cases have crossed 5.6-million mark taking positive patients toll to 5,681,601 with 352,168 deaths while 2,430,461 have recovered, according to Worldometer figures.
People observe social distancing in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus by standing behind tape lines as they queue up to shop outside a branch of the Tesco supermarket chain in west London, Friday, April 10, 2020. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)Inmates of the Jalpaiguri Central Correctional Home on Saturday staged a violent protest and threw bricks at the police quarters demanding they be released forthwith as per a Supreme Court order amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in India. The convicts, mainly undertrials, virtually laid siege on the main gate of the correctional home, and held repeated demonstrations since the morning, home sources said.The situation turned volatile in the afternoon, as the undertrials started brickbatting the police quarters in the correctional home claiming no efforts were being made for their bail in violation of the apex court order.As the situation continued to be tense, senior police officers including the district police superintendent reached the spot with reinforcements.The sources said the home officials have tried to assure the undertrials that all efforts were being made for their bail.However, the undertrials were still gathered near the main gate.Rapid Action Force personnel have been deployed near the main gate of the correctional home.
UK economy could suffer deepest recession in a century
Inmates of the Jalpaiguri Central Correctional Home on Saturday staged a violent protest and threw bricks at the police quarters demanding they be released forthwith as per a Supreme Court order amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in India.
South Africa announces 21-day lockdown over coronavirus, calls in ArmySouth African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday announced a 21-day lockdown of the country in a bid to contain the rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic and called in the army to assist in monitoring the situation. With the number of COVID-19 infections in South Africa rising to 402 in less than a week, Ramaphosa said the lockdown will take effect from midnight on Thursday."The nationwide lockdown is necessary to fundamentally disrupt the chain of transmission across society. "I have accordingly directed the South African National Defence Force be deployed to support the South African Police Service in ensuring that the measures we are announcing are implemented," Ramaphosa said.The nationwide lockdown will be accompanied by a public health management programme which will significantly increase screening, testing, contact tracing and medical management, he said."The spread of COVID-19 is extremely dangerous for a population like South Africa, with a large number of people with suppressed immunity because of HIV and TB, and high levels of poverty and malnutrition," he said.The president also announced a wide range of measures to protect the vulnerable, including very firm action, with jail sentences for anyone attempting to take advantage of the situation through corruption or profiteering."We are concerned that there are a number of businesses that are selling certain goods at excessively high prices. This cannot be allowed. "We will therefore act very strongly against any attempts at corruption and profiteering from this crisis," Ramaphosa said, adding that special units of the National Prosecuting Authority have been instructed to act immediately against offenders.Regulations have been put in place to prohibit unjustified price hikes, to ensure shops maintain adequate stocks of basic goods and to prevent people from panic buying, he said, adding that it is important for all South Africans to understand that the supply of goods remains continuous and supply chains remain intact. “The action we are taking now will have lasting economic costs but if we do not take action now it will be far greater."We expect all South Africans to act in the interest of the nation and not in their own selfish interests," Ramaphosa said as he confirmed that essential services will continue operating. Visitors from abroad will be quarantined for 14 days and those from high-risk countries will be turned back. Visitors from high-risk countries who are already in South Africa will be confined to their hotels until they have completed 14 days of quarantine. Ramaphosa said a solidarity fund has been set up to assist those whose lives will be disrupted.A billion rand each has already been contributed to this fund by two of South Africa's wealthiest families -- the Oppenheimers and the Ruperts. Ramaphosa called on all South Africans to act in the national interest and not in their own selfish interests. 
South Africa announces 21-day lockdown over coronavirus, calls in Army
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday announced a 21-day lockdown of the country in a bid to contain the rapid spread of the coronavirus pandemic and called in the army to assist in monitoring the situation.