[ "A man is loading an arrow into his bow and shooting it.", "A man is using a bow and arrow to shoot at a wooden target fifty feet away.", "An archer fires an arrow at a target in the distance before getting another arrow and inserting it in the bow.", "A guy shoots an arrow into a target and then pulls out another arrow and shoots it.", "A man is holding a bow and arow and shooting the arrow at a wall.", "a person out of the open using a bow and arrow and shooting it", "A guy is in the woods using a bow and arrow to hit a target.", "A man shoots a bow and arrow repeatedly at a target in the woods.", "A man accurately shoots an arrow into a target twice.", "A man is outdoors shooting arrows at a target using a bow." ]
[ "一个男人在美丽的树林里朝着一个物体射箭。", "一个男人在树林旁边的草坪上练习射箭运动。", "一个戴眼镜的男人正在用弓箭射向靶子。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在射着剑。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在用弓箭射击。", "一个人拿着弓箭正在射击远处的物体。", "一个人在树林里面用弓箭射中目标。", "一个男人在树林里拿着弓箭向远处的目标射箭。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在射箭。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人正在用弓箭射击他前面的一个木桩。" ]
[ "A person is shooting an arrow out of a compound bow at a target by some trees.", "A target is shot with a bow and arrow, outside.", "A person shoots an arrow at a target at an outdoor range.", "A man cocks an arrow, aims his bow, and shoots at a target.", "Outside, a man shoots an arrow at a box and hits it.", "A person was shooting a bow and arrow at a target with black area under a tree.", "A bow and arrow being shot from up close perspective at a target.", "A bow is being aimed at a makeshift target that is leaned up against a tree.", "a person aims a bow and arrow and then shoots it at a target", "A person who is outside and practicing their archery skills by shooting at a target." ]
[ "一个人使用弓箭成功的击中了远处的目标。", "一个人拿着弓箭认真地射大树下的气球。", "一个人拿着一个弓在射远处的白色的东西。", "一只手里抓着一个弓箭,正在进行射击。", "一个人用着竹制弓和箭射向一颗大树下。", "一个人正在向树下的目标射击弓箭。", "从近距离的角度向目标射箭的弓和箭。", "一个弓瞄准了一个临时的目标,它靠在一棵树上。", "一个人瞄准目标然后用弓箭射击目标。", "一个人在外面射箭,并把箭射向一棵大树下面的白色物体上。" ]
[ "Outside in a yard a girl is pulling back an arrow from a bow.", "A woman archer stands and readies her bow and arrow.", "A woman on a practice range with a hunting bow is being instructed to aim for the bear's shoulder when she releases the arrow.", "A woman is preparing to use a crossbow to shoot towards a target.", "A woman is outside surrounded by trees shooting a compund bow at a target.", "COmmentator speaks as young archer places arrow inher bow and prepares to take a shoot.", "A woman is loading an arrow into a compound bow to shoot at a target.", "There is a woman holding onto a bow and drawing back an arrow while aiming at a target.", "a woman with black hair outside holding a bow and arrow prepares her shot at a target", "A woman is outside as she prepares to shoot a bow and arrow at a target." ]
[ "在一片草地上,一个穿白色衣服的女人,手里拿着一把弓箭。", "一个白衣女子拉开弓箭准备射击对面的靶子。", "一个穿着牛仔裤的女人在草坪上准备射箭。", "一个穿着雪地靴的长发女子手里拿着弓箭。", "一个女人站在地上对着远处的目标射箭。", "一个人正在说话,随后年轻的弓箭手把箭放在弓上准备发射。", "在户外,一个女人正在把箭放入复合弓箭射向目标。", "有一个女人拿着弓箭,正在瞄准目标。", "一个黑头发的女人拿着弓和箭准备向目标射击。", "一个女人站在草地上拿着射箭的工具,对着前面的目标。" ]
[ "Four people shoot at a target with pictures of animals using bows and arrows.", "Four people shoot an arrow with a bow into a target.", "People are seem practicing their shot while using a target.", "Four people are outdoors, using a bow and arrow to shoot a target, while the words \"WESTERN RECREATION\" are at the top of the screen", "Four people are shooting archery bows and doing target practice.", "A group of five people are praciticing doing archery outdoors.", "Four people are shooting arrows together at a moose target.", "Two women and two men are shooting arrows with a bow at a target having the picture of an elk outdoors", "Several people are using bows and arrows to shoot at a target.", "A line of people practice archery outdoors with some light music in the background." ]
[ "四个人在用不同的武器,射击贴在不远处图片上的动物。", "一个哥哥三个姐姐拿着弓箭在射靶子。", "四个人拿着箭射箭射中了一幅画画上有一只鹿。", "一群人拉弓射箭,有三支箭射中了印有动物图样的箭靶。", "几个人并排站立用箭射向一个方形物体上图案鹿的身上。", "有四个人正在户外的草地上练习射箭。", "四个人正在一起向一个鹿的目标射着箭。", "两名女子和两名男子正户外向一个有麋鹿照片的目标发射弓箭。", "几个人正在野外用弓箭向目标射击。", ": 一群人在户外练习射箭, 背景是一些轻音乐。" ]
[ "Archery enthusiasts are practicing shooting their bow and arrows at a archery range.", "A group of people prep their bow and arrows and begin to aim them.", "A group of people are at a shooting range for practicing shooting bow and arrow.", "A group of archers are shooting arrows and someone yells as one of them shoots.", "A group of people are outside shooting bows and arrows.", "People are at an archery feild and shootng archery with bows and arrows.", "A group of people picking up their bows and arrows and pointing and shouting their arrows.", "Several people stand under a covered porch and use bows to shoot arrows into the distance.", "People are shown lining up to shoot a bow and arrow at an outdoor range.", "A group of people holding bows and arrows look down field and shoot." ]
[ "明亮的室外,一些人正在场地里练习射箭。", "一群人正在练习射箭,其中一人刚好将箭射出,引来隐约的呼喊声。", "一群人拿着弓箭,其中一个人射出一箭,另外有一个人尖叫了一声。", "一群人正在一个棚子里射箭,后面还有一些人正坐着。", "一个建筑里,几个人拿着弓箭射箭,后面坐着一群人。", "一群人们在射箭场手拿着弓箭向目标射箭。", "一群人拿起他们的弓箭, 有其他人在尖叫。", "几个人站在有盖的门廊下,用弓箭向远处射箭。", "一群人拿着弓箭在室外场地上准备射箭。", "在室外,一群手持弓箭的人们俯视着田野射击。" ]
[ "A boy is shooting a boy and arrow towards a target.", "A boy is practicing shooting a bow and arrow.", "A boy in a hoodie turns and shoots an arrow at a target.", "A man in a navy hoodie shoots and bow and arrow at a stand.", "A man is practising archery and shoots an arrow in the target", "A hooded person holding a bow faces a standing target then shoots an arrow at the target.", "A yong man using a bow and arrow to hit a target in his backyard from a distance", "A man is shooting an arrow at a target with a bow.", "A person uses a bow and arrow to shoot at a target outside.", "A young man in a hoodie cocks a bow and shoots an arrow at a target." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色连帽衫的男人在院子里射箭。", "身穿蓝色外套外国男子在院中练习射箭。", "一个戴着帽子的人拿着一个弓箭在射远处的靶子。", "一个穿蓝色上衣的男人在一个院子了射弓箭。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的人在往木板上射箭。", "一个带着帽子的男人面对这一个站立的目标,然后向目标射箭。", "一个带着帽子的男人用弓箭从远处打中了后院中的目标。", "一名男子白天在院子里用弓箭射击目标。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人在户外射箭。", "一个头戴头套的年轻人竖起了一把弓, 向目标射了一箭。" ]
[ "A bow hunter is drawing back his bow and aiming and shooting at what might be a deer.", "A man uses a bow and arrow to shoot at a target.", "A man in a forest draws a bow and shoots an arrow into a tree.", "Practicing the safe art of archery in the open woods.", "A man is shooting arrows at a target in a heavily wooded area.", "An archer aimed at a target board and let the arrow loose towards it.", "A man is doing target practice in the woods with a bow and arrow.", "A man practices bow hunting in the woods with a target.", "A man is shooting a bow and arrow in woods at a bulleye.", "In a wooded area, a man shoots an archery bow at his target." ]
[ "一个人正在树林里,认真地射出了手中的箭。", "一个男人在树林里面拿了一把弓箭在射箭。", "一个人举起弓箭瞄准,向远处射出了一箭。", "一个戴帽子穿白色短袖手拿弓箭的人在森林里射箭。", "有一个戴着帽子的男人拉起一把弓正在发射弓箭。", "一个男人拿着弓箭瞄准靶子并将箭射向靶子。", "一个人正在树林里拿着弓箭练习射击。", "一个男人在树林里用目标练习弓箭。", "一名戴着帽子男子在树林里射击弓箭。", "在一片树林里, 一个人向他的目标射箭弓。" ]
[ "Archers lift bows and shoot arrows at targets placed on floor of gym under basketball hoop.", "A group of men are doing archery while some people are speaking in the background.", "A man is practicing the bow and arrow in a gym.", "A man is shooting arrows at a target in a gym with other people doing the same.", "A guy shooting an arrow at a target in a school gym.", "a person looks at the camera and then tries to shoot a bow", "Several people shoot arrows into targets in a gym setting.", "A group of people practice there shoot of arrows while others watch.", "A man with a crossbow pulls the string and shoots an arrow against a target a distance away.", "A young man is with a group of people in a gym doing archery." ]
[ "几位射箭选手正拿着弓箭瞄着靶子练习。", "一名男子进行射箭练习第一个箭竟然正中靶心。", "一名戴着眼镜的男人在练习射弓箭。", "一个人身穿着深色的衣服在射弓箭。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人,手里拿着弓箭在射箭。", "一个人看着镜头讲述着自己射箭的过程。", "一个人在室内健身房里拿着弓箭在向目标射箭。", "一群人在练习射箭而旁边还有人在观看。", "一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的男子拉着弓将箭射了出去。", "一个年轻人正和一群人在一个健身房里玩射箭。" ]
[ "People play a game with bows and arrows with inside a gym.", "A group three people are shooting soft- tipped arrows at each other in an enclosed gym.", "A man with a bow is chasing another man on a basketball court.", "People inside a basketball court play with bows and rubber arrows.", "People wearing masks and running inside a gym while playing with bows and arrows.", "A basketball room is being videotaped from the top and shows three men running and trying to hit each other with soft arrows while other people on the side of the room are watching them.", "A group of people play a combative game of archery in a sports hall.", "A group of men are competing in an archery combat game.", "Several gentlemen play a friendly game by shooting arrows at one another on a basketball court.", "A few people are running around and shooting non lethal arrows at each other in an indoor gym, whilst others observe." ]
[ "三名男子各手持一件东西,在一个篮球馆里打篮球。", "几个人正在篮球馆内互相追逐玩着射箭游戏。", "几个人在室内运动场里面拿着弓箭相互射箭。", "在篮球场里,几个人正拿着弓箭互相射击。", "一群穿深颜色衣服的人在体育场里跑来跑去。", "一个篮球室正在从上面录像, 显示有三名男子在跑, 试图用软箭互相射击,其他人在房间的一边看着他们。", "一群人在体育馆里玩着一种好斗的射箭游戏。", "一群人正在参加射箭战斗比赛。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正拿着一个弓箭在跑。", "有几个人在室内健身房里跑来跑去, 互相发射玩具箭,而其他人则观察。" ]
[ "A funny video of a man with a bow being rotated in different angles along with music", "A woman yielding a bow and arrow is aiming in different directions.", "A men poses with a flexed bow in several different positions.", "A man holding a bow in various positions flashes on the screen while the song Eye of the Tiger plays.", "A male figure is shown holding a bowstring taut in different poses.", "Music plays as a man holding a bow is shown in different angles.", "A person holding a bow is shown in different poses as music is playing.", "A guy is performing different range of motions while music is played in the background", "A person holding a large bow while doing tricks and loud music is playing.", "A manikin changing positions while holding a hunting bow." ]
[ "一个穿米色外套和红色裤子的男生在练习射箭。", "一个人在展示多种多样的涉及姿势。", "一个人拿着一把弓箭,变换着各种不同姿势,很威武。", "一个满头金发,穿着红色长裤的人手里拿着弓。", "黑色的背景前面,一个人拿着一把弓箭在射箭。", "一段音乐的背景是一个拿着弓的人从不同的角度显示。", "一个拿着弓箭的人在音乐声的伴随下以不同的姿势出现。", "一个人在表演不同范围的动作, 而音乐则在后台播放。", "一个穿着红色裤子的男人拉着一个弓反复倒立和站立。", "一个手持狩猎蝴蝶结的兔子变换姿势。" ]
[ "A man in camouflage skillfully demonstrates the proper mounting of an arrow to a bow.", "A man is holding a cross bow and loads an arrow into it.", "A man is outside holding a crossbow preparing to do a test shot.", "A man loads his hunting bow and arrow in a field outside.", "A man is demonstrating and teaching about the use of a compound bow.", "A man in camoflage demonstrates how to use a bow and arrow properly.", "A man is holding a compound bow and then places an arow in it.", "A man is showing how to use a compound bow by preparing to shoot an arrow with it.", "A guy that is showing us how to use a bow and arrow with a test shot.", "A man holding a bow explains how to use it while putting an arrow on." ]
[ "一个男人正在演示给他的弓箭上箭矢。", "一个带着黑色帽子的外国男人拿着一支箭。", "一个男子穿着迷彩服拿着弓箭站在野外的草地上。", "在一个宽阔的外面,有一个男人在摆弄着一个弓箭。", "一个男人正在示范如何将弓箭放入弓中。", "一个穿着迷彩服的男人在演示如何正确使用弓箭。", "在户外一个戴着帽子的男人在展示弓箭。", "一个男人手里拿了一把弓,然后放了一支箭到弓上面。", "一个带着帽子的人正在展示如何拉着弓箭。", "一个拿着弓箭的人正在把箭放到弓上准备发射。" ]
[ "A person dressed in black draws back a bow and puts an arrow in it.", "A girl walks then turns around and points a bow and arrow at the camera.", "A man turns and drops arrows as he gets ready to shoot one of them.", "A young woman prepares to shoot a bow and arrow towards a tree in the forest.", "Someone walks a distance, then turns around and prepares to shoot an arrow towards the screen using a bow.", "A person walks to a spot in a forest clearing and drops some arrows, then aims a bow and arrow.", "A woman is holding a bow and arrow and is ready to shoot it.", "In a wooded area a woman notches an arrow into a bow and prepares to shoot.", "A person is walking in the woods, and is getting ready to shoot a bow.", "In a tree grove a man prepares to practice archery." ]
[ "一个人站在树丛间手里拿着一把弓箭。", "一个人站在树林里手里拿着弓箭在示范拉弓动作。", "一个人向前走了几步后转身,举起手中的弓箭。", "在敞亮的树林中,有一个男人拿着弓箭试图发射。", "一个男人手里拿了一把弓,准备向远处射箭。", "一个人走到森林空地,扔下一些箭,然后瞄准弓箭。", "在一片树林里,一个人正在练习射箭。", "在一片树林里,一个女人将箭放入弓中并准备射击。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在室外搭弓箭。", "在一个树林里,一个人正在准备练习射箭。" ]
[ "A man and boy are shooting archery as a game.", "Young boys playing archery using bows and arrows on a field.", "A group of people are playing with bows and arrows trying to shoot each other", "People shoot padded archery arrows across a grassy field as spectators sit on benches and watchwith the logo of S.A.F.E. Archery behind them.", "Two men are shooting arrows with bow and arrows, then a group of men are sitting on stage.", "People wearing paintball masks shoot paint arrows at each other with recurve bows to promote safe archery.", "A boy and his dad play a game of archery tag.", "A club that promotes archery to be a safe sport is having a gathering.", "A young kid is shown practicing his self fencing and playing.", "Boy holding a bow were firing arrows to each other and hiding behind some barriers and people sitting on a stage" ]
[ "一群人在草坪上互相射箭,和躲避,台上有观众在看。", "两个人背对背开始了相互射击,看谁先射到谁。", "一群人正戴着防护面罩,在草坪上玩射击游戏。", "在一个明亮的草坪上,一群小孩正在玩射击游戏。", "有三个人在玩射箭游戏还有一群人在观众席里面。", "佩戴着彩弹面具的人用弓互相射箭, 以促进安全射箭。", "一个男孩和他的爸爸玩了一个箭标签游戏。", "俱乐部正在举行把射箭推广成为一项安全运动的聚会。", "一个年轻的孩子正在绿色的场地上练习击剑。", "拿着弓的男孩一会射箭,一会躲在一些屏障后面。" ]
[ "A man appears to be in the process of shooting a bow and arrow while standing on the edge of a cliff.", "A man stands on a hillside and shoots a bow and arrow.", "A man standing in the wilderness holding a bow and arrow.", "A man is standing on some rocks on the edge of what looks like a steep drop off, and shooting a bow and arrow into the air.", "A man is seen shooting an arrow using a crossbow while standing at an elevated height.", "A man standing on the side of a hill shoots an arrow from his bow.", "A man with a bow, shoots an arrow from the edge of a cliff and the bow is vibrating after the shot.", "A man on top of a cliff throws an arrow using his bow", "A man is standing on the side of a hill shooting an arrow in to the wide open.", "A man is standing on a rock and then using a bow and arrow to throw" ]
[ "蓝天白云下,一个人站在山坡上射出了一支箭。", "一个男人站在山上向天空远处射出一箭。", "一个人站在山上手拿着弓箭,朝着上方射了一把箭。", "一个穿着长裤子的人站着,他拿着弓箭朝空中射箭。", "在高高的山坡上,站着一个男人,他手拉满弓射出一支箭。", "一个站在山坡上的男人从他的弓上射出一支箭。", "在一座山上,一个男人手拿着弓箭射出了一支箭,弓射出后在震动。", "一个男子在山坡上射出了一箭。", "一名男子站在山边, 正向远处上射箭。", "一个男人站在岩石上,然后用弓箭投掷。" ]
[ "Two people hold up bows with arrows pointed at target placed on hay bales and one shoots.", "Two people holding bows are taking aim at a target in the distance.", "Two guys are in the woods shooting bows at a target.", "One archer showing another archer how to shoot the bow as they do target practice.", "People behind a man holding a bow and arrow are giving him directions on what to do while laughing.", "Two people with bow and arrow getting ready and attempting to shoot an arrow into a hay stack.", "Two guys are trying to shoot arrows into some bales of have that have a target on it.", "Two men are using bow and arrows to shoot targets on haystacks.", "A few men are preparing to shoot bow and arrows into a target.", "Two men with bows and arrows are trying to figure out how to launch the bow." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人将箭射进草堆。", "在树林里,两个男人在进行射箭比赛。", "几个人正举着箭瞄准着箭靶,并说着话。", "几个人手上拿着弓箭在草地上练习射箭。", "俩个男士拿着弓箭对准耙子准备比赛打耙。", "两个拿着弓箭的人准备射箭,企图把箭射进干草堆。", "在一片树林里两个人在练习射箭。", "两名男子正在使用弓箭射击很远的干草堆上的目标。", "有几个男人正准备用弓箭射向目标。", "两个拿着弓箭的人正在瞄准目标,准备射箭。" ]
[ "A woman is giving a review of an archery event and describing how it changed people's lives.", "Video of person shooting bow and arrow then retrieving the arrows.", "A person demonstrates archery by shooting arrows at a target.", "A woman is demonstrating and extolling the merits of archery.", "A group of people are shooting bow and arrows at a facility.", "Several people are shown practicing archery in a shooting range for bows and arrows.", "B-roll of crossbow shooting is shown while a woman narrarates.", "A young woman talks about what archery has done for her life.", "Child talks about being in archery in background while different archery scenes are shown.", "There are people practicing archery and in the background a woman talking about how fun archery is and how it changed people's lives." ]
[ "工作人员们正在将靶子上的弓箭都拔下来。", "射击场上,有的人个人在射箭,有的人在拔箭。", "一个人在射箭,箭靶旁边站着几个人在取箭。", "一个穿红色衣服上衣和穿橙色上衣的人在取箭。", "有人在练习射箭,一个穿着红衣服的人,把很多箭从箭靶上拉出来。", "有一些人在射击的练习场上正在练习如何射箭。", "一个人用弓把箭射出。另一个人把箭从靶子上面拔下来。一个老人给一个男人介绍弓箭。", "一个穿白色衣服的人在对身边的人谈论射箭的技巧。", "儿童谈论的是不同的箭术场景展示不同的射箭方法。", "在视频背景中一个女人谈论射箭是如何有趣的,它是如何改变人们的生活的。" ]
[ "A group of people play an archery game inside against each other.", "A group of people with bows shoot soft headed arrows at each other.", "A group of people play \"archery games\" in a gym full of obstacles.", "A group of people are playing game against eachother of bow and arrow.", "Two temas competing against each other with bows and arrows.", "Group of people having an indoor bow and arrow tournament.", "People are seen going around with cubes and cones placed on the floor.", "A group of people indoors are playing a game with fake bow and arrows.", "A lot of people are participating on archery as they gather and play indoors.", "Two teams face off in an archery shootout with each other in an arena." ]
[ "一群戴着头盔的人在室内的草坪上练习击球。", "有两组队捡完箭后互相向对方射去。", "一群人在室内的绿草地上一起玩射击游戏。", "在室内运动场地一群人拿着箭在玩耍。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在和别人打仗。", "一群人在室内变换位置进行弓箭射击比赛。", "在户外,很多穿不同衣服的人在进行一场比赛。", "在室内的一群人正在玩一种假弓箭的游戏。", "许多人在室内聚会和玩耍时都参加射箭比赛。", "一群人在室内赛场上比赛射击,一个人向两边分别扔了一个球。" ]
[ "two people are on the grass shooting a bow and arrow at a target.", "Two women aim their bows at a target and the one on the right shoots an arrow.", "A woman and man are practicing archery with their bows and arrows and targets.", "Two people put arrows in their bows and then shoot at the targets simultaneously.", "A person is showing how two people shoot a arrow against.", "People stand on a fiel and then shoot at targets across the field.", "Two archers load their arrows, and take aim at the targets downrange.", "Two people aim and shoot a bow at a target down in a shooting range.", "Two females in a field are doing archery, they point the arrows at the targets in the distance.", "Two people are standing in a field and aiming at targets with bows and arrows." ]
[ "一个女人弯弓搭箭,准备射向远方的靶子,旁边的女人和她一样的动作。", "两个戴白帽子的女人帅气地拉弓射箭。", "在一个宽阔的室外,有两个人拿着弓箭在射东西。", "白天的户外,两个人,拿着弓箭,射向前方的靶子。", "绿色的场地上两个射击运动员在比射箭。", "人们站在一片场地上,然后射击对面的靶子。", "两名弓箭手装上她们的箭,瞄准靶场的目标。", "两个人正在瞄准射击靶场的目标进行射箭。", "田野里的两个女子正在射箭她们把箭对准远处的目标。", "两个人站在田野里, 用弓箭瞄准目标。" ]
[ "A man prepares a bow and then he and a second man aim and pull back to release arrows.", "Several adults in a line prepare and begin to draw back bows loaded with arrows.", "Some people are loading up bowen arrow's, preparing to shoot them, in an open field.", "A group of guys are preparing to hit targets with a bow and arrow.", "A line of people gear up with their compound bows to take a shot at targets.", "People draw arrows and shoot at targets in a grass field.", "A young man loads a bow with an arrow and then prepares to shoot it down range.", "a person holds a bow and arrow and gets ready to shoot it", "a group of men are doing the act of archery while others are speaking and laughing in the background.", "Several men at an archery range, place an arrow into their bows, then prepare to take their shot" ]
[ "三个男人在明亮的室外拿着剑射剑。", "一个穿着白色短袖的男人和一个体型偏胖的男人在准备射箭。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人正在室外射箭。", "在室外的草地上有两名戴着帽子的男子,手上拿着弓箭向前面看去。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在和人一起射箭。", "人们在草地上画箭头并向目标射箭。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人在户外射箭,旁边的人在做同样的事。", "两个人正在草地上拿起弓箭准备射击。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在外面学习射箭术。", "射箭场上的几名男子将箭放入他们的弓箭里,然后准备射箭。" ]
[ "A girl shoots a bow and arrow at a target in front of her a cheers.", "A young girl is standing close to a target that she hits with a bow and arrow.", "A young girl is practicing archery on a homemade target.", "A young girl fires an arrow at a target in a garage", "A little girl is standing in a garage and practicing using a bow and arrow.", "A girl in a striped shirt uses a bow to shoot an arrow that hits a target and sticks to it.", "A young girl is shooting at a homemade target with a bow and arrow.", "A young girl is aiming and shooting a bow against a target.", "A girl holds a bow and shoots an arrow towards a target, hitting it near the top.", "A young girl in a rainbow striped shirt shoots and arrow into a spray painted target and then reloads the bow." ]
[ "一个穿着条纹衣服的女孩在练习射箭。", "一个小女孩在室内进行射箭动作的练习。", "一个身穿鲜艳的小女孩在房间里练习射箭。", "明亮的房间内,一个小女孩,拿着弓箭,射到了前方的靶子上。", "一个穿着条纹上衣的小孩子正在进行着射箭。", "一个穿着条纹衬衫的女孩子用一把弓射出一支箭,射中目标并坚持下去。", "一个年轻女孩正用弓箭射击一个自制的靶子。", "一个年轻的女孩瞄准和射击弓对目标。", "一个女孩正在拿着一个弓箭向一个目标射箭。", "一个穿着彩虹条纹衬衫的年轻女孩正在射箭。" ]
[ "A man is grinning and then a symbol of is shown with the sound of crickets.", "A guy smiles at the camera and a sign is shown for a show.", "A man is outdoors nodding his head before a Saskatchewan Outdoors logo is shown.", "A man is outdoors at night and the crickets are sounding.", "A man sitting outdoors smiles and nods at the camera.", "a man is shown and then a company logo is shown.", "A man with a cap and beard hair is quietly nodding his head.", "A man nods his head outdoors and then we see a logo.", "A man is nodding his head and then a business logo appears.", "a man standing in front of a camera shaking his head" ]
[ "黑夜里有一男子在点头。一张白色卡片上有很多图案。", "一个男人点点头,只听见蛐蛐的叫声。", "一个男子点头示意,然后出现了一个带有骷髅头的图案。", "一个戴着帽子,留着络腮胡子的男人在扭脖子。", "有一个男人戴着帽子,他在不停的点着头。", "显示一个男子,然后看到了公司logo的微标。", "一个戴着帽子和胡须的男人正在悄悄地点头。", "一个戴帽子的男人在户外点头,然后我们看到一个标志。", "一个男人点头,然后出现一个商业标志。", "一个男人站在镜头前点头,随后出来一张图片。" ]
[ "People shoot arrows at targets with black, blue, red and yellow concentric circles.", "A person is using a bow and arrow to shoot at a target 20 feet away.", "Two people are using a bow and arrow to shoot at targets.", "People practice shooting at close targets with bows and arrows at a range.", "A person holds up a bow and arrow and tries to shoot the arrow but it falls on the ground.", "A person is aiming a bow and an arrow by pointing it towards the target", "Two people shoot a bow and arrow at a target in a field.", "A kid shoots an arrow with a bow at a target whille adults are talking in the background.", "The little boys are practicing their archery skills out in the yard.", "two young people are using a bow and arrow to shoot at the Target" ]
[ "两个人正在空旷的草坪上射箭到靶子上。", "一群人在宽阔的射箭场地上玩射箭游戏。", "一个人拿着红色的弓箭在训练场射箭。", "两个人拿着弓箭在草地上练习射箭,一个人的箭脱手掉到了草地上。", "一个人正拿着一个黄色的箭放到一把红色的弓上面。", "一个人把箭放在弓上瞄准靶子射了出去。", "两个人正在周围都是树的一块草地上玩着弓箭。", "一个孩子用弓箭在一块空地上射箭,而成年人在后面交谈。", "一群小男孩正在草坪上进行射击比赛。", "两个人站在木板上对着草地上的靶子射击。" ]
[ "An indistinct animal runs in the background, with naked tree branches in the foreground.", "Two animals are moving across tall grass near a wooded area.", "Deer leap and bound through a forest as a person watches.", "Someone is video taping the wilderness, it is currently night time.", "A person is taking video of a field where there are what appear to be deer running across it.", "In a wooded area but the leaves are off the trees a deer is seen running from the scene.", "a person in in the woods looking through a group of trees as the night creeps in", "A person is standing on a hill watching a dog chase a bird.", "It is dull and grey outside, with grass and bare trees that have lost their leaves.", "Two animals, possibly dogs, run through tufts of grass in a field behind a line of trees" ]
[ "树林旁开阔的场地上有两只动物在追逐。", "一片荒凉的山上,有几只动物在上面跑来跑去。", "野外荒芜一人,只看见长着几棵枯树干。", "在一片草地上,有一个动物在奔跑着。", "在一个宽阔的树林里,远处有东西在跑。", "在一片树木茂密的地方,树叶开始从树上脱落,可以看到一只鹿从现场跑出来。", "一个人在树林里看着夜晚的树丛。", "一个人站在一座小山上看着一只狗追逐一只小鸟。", "外面是暗淡的灰色,草和光秃秃的树木已经失去了叶子。", "两只动物,可能是狗,在一排树后面的田地里穿过草丛。" ]
[ "A man picks up a arrow and is pulling the arrow into the bow.", "A person reaches for an arrow, places it against a bow, and pulls the bowstring back.", "A person is shown throwing a arrow across with a bow.", "A man is shown grabbing a bow and then slowly pulling the arrow back.", "A man handles and pulls back a bow and arrow while some narrates.", "An individual pulls back on a bow an arrow; while a man speaks about archery in the background.", "A man is pulling an arrow back from a bow and is ready to fire, there is a commentator speaking on the situation.", "Someone grabs an arrow and pulls it back on a bow.", "A man is shooting an arrow from a bow while a man talks about an ancient god of archery.", "Commercial describing the god of archery as a man grabs an arrow." ]
[ "一个人拿起一支箭,放在弓上,拉起了弦。", "一只手拿起一支弓箭放在弦上。一只手向后拉开弓弦。", "一个人用手拿起一支箭,随后拉开了一张弓。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个人拿着弓箭。", "一个人拔出一根箭并将它放到弓箭上。", "一个人向后拉弓箭,而一个人在一旁讨论射箭。", "一名男子从弓上拉回箭头,准备射击,有一位评论员在谈论这种情况。", "有人取出一支箭,然后把箭放置在一个弓上。", "一个人拿起一支箭搭上弓瞄准正在射箭。", "视频中一个男人正在讲话,一个人拿起箭进行射箭。" ]
[ "a slow motion look at an arrow once it hits a target.", "A dart stuck into a dartboard and wobbling back and forth.", "An arrow shoots into a target and wobbles in slow motion.", "An arrow sways back and forth in slow motion after striking a bulls eye target.", "A dart hit the ring around the bullseye and wobbles slowly back and forth.", "An arrrow goes into the second ring of a shooting target.", "A dart pinned in a paper target moving back and forth.", "An arrow has been shot in a target and is moving in slow motion.", "An arrow flys and strikes a target at slow motion", "An arrow is shown swaying back and forth on a target." ]
[ "一支射在靶心旁边的箭在靶上摇摇晃晃。", "一支箭晃晃悠悠地插在一张弓箭靶纸上。", "一个黑色的圆形盘子里有一根正在摇晃的飞镖。", "一只飞镖扎在靶心的旁边,不停的晃动着。", "一支箭插在箭靶上左右摇晃,箭靶上还有其他三个洞。", "一只箭射进了射击目标的第二个环。", "一支镖钉在一个纸靶上来回晃动着。", "一支射中目标的箭并以慢动作移动。", "一支箭射在了靶子上尾部正在不停的晃动。", "一个圆盘上,有一个竖条状的东西在晃动。" ]
[ "A man is shooting an arrow from a bow into a target.", "A man in camouflage shoots his arrow with his bow and hits a fake deer target.", "A man in camouflage is shooting a bow and arrow.", "Out in the woods, a man explains how to shoot an bow and arrow then proceeds to shoot.", "The man is demonstrating how to shoot a recurve bow at a target.", "A man wearing funny teeth shoots a 3D target with two arrows from his bow.", "A man in camouflage is holding a bow and arrow.", "a man doing a demonstration of shooting two arrows with a bow.", "A guy in camouflage is showing on to use a harpoon gun.", "A man wearing camouflage holds a bow and arrow and releases." ]
[ "一个穿着迷彩服的人手里拿着一把弓箭。", "一名外国男子在野外演示同时射两支箭。", "一个男人手里拿着弓箭准备把箭射入天空。", "一个人穿着军人衣服拿着箭射了出去。", "在一个户外,有一个人拿起一把弓箭准备发射。", "一个带着滑稽牙齿的男人用弓箭射中了一个目标。", "一个身穿迷彩服的男人在空地上拿着弓箭。", "一个男人正在演示如何用弓箭射箭。", "一个穿迷彩服的男人正在展示他的鱼叉枪。", "一个穿着迷彩服的人拿着弓和箭,然后射了出去。" ]
[ "A guy picks up an archer arrow and then gets his bow and arrow ready.", "A person is playing with fake bow and arrows in a indoor arena.", "A group of men at a gym practicing using an arrow and bow to hit each other", "A person has on a camera filming themselves picking up arrows with protectors on the tips, in a place where they play a game, shooting one another.", "A person behind cover with a bow and blunt arrows getting ready to shoot.", "In a large indoor room a person picks up blunt arrows and puts on in the bow while others are around and some hiding.", "A group of kids are playing some sort of archery game.", "A man is preparing to shoot soft tipped arrows from a bow, while others are talking.", "A man prepares to shoot an arrow at an indoor archery range", "A man is pushing some stub arrows on the floor and then picks one up and puts it in a bow." ]
[ "健身房的射击运动,箭由黑白两色组成。", "一个人把脚周围的箭矢扔到前面去,然后拿了一支箭装备到弓上。", "一个人整理出几支箭扔到一边,又拿出一支箭搭到弓上。", "一只手拿着一个黑色的物品,正在房间内玩耍。", "在一个明亮的室内,一双手正在玩射击游戏。", "在一个大的室内房间里,一个人拿起钝箭并穿上弓,而其他人有的在周围,有的躲起来。", "一群孩子们正在玩一种射箭的游戏。", "其他人正在说话,一名男子正准备从弓上射出柔软的箭头。", "一名男子准备在室内射箭场射箭做准备。", "一名男子正在地上推一些短箭,然后挑一个并将其放入弓中。" ]
[ "A boy shoots an arrow at a water pump and it bounces off", "A boy shoots an arrow with a bow and arrow at a pole where it bounces off.", "A young man draws back his bow and shoots and arrow.", "A young boy is shooting an arrow at a metal pipe in a backyard.", "A man with a bow and arrow shoots the arrow and it a metal item.", "A boy with a bow and arrow shoots his arrow and hits a pole.", "A man uses a bow to shoot an arrow at a metal pole and the arrow bounces off the pole.", "A man practices a hitting a pipe with a arrow that he shoots.", "A boy shoots an arrow at a metal garden pump and it bounces off", "Outside a young man is playing a archery and the arrow bounces of a fire hydrant" ]
[ "在一个院子里有一个穿着绿色衣服的人正在射箭。", "一个男子拿木箭射柱子并用高速摄像头记录画面将其回放重箭过程。", "一个穿着绿衣服的男子用木箭射东西。", "在庭院里,一个男人正在弯弓射箭,箭射向了红色物体上。", "室外,一个男孩对着一根黄色的柱子射箭。", "一个男孩用弓箭把箭射到了铁杆子上面,然后箭弹到了一边。", "在院子里,一个男人正在练习如何用弓箭射中物品。", "一个男人练习用箭射击一根管子。", "一个穿绿色衣服的人在院子里演示射箭技巧。", "一个年轻男子在玩射箭,箭头打到一个消防栓上。" ]
[ "An excited man is in the fields, getting ready to hunt.", "A man is wearing a camouflage jacket and holding a bow and arrow in the fields,", "A man is hunting in a field with a crossbow.", "a man wearing camoflauge is excitedly talking and holding a crossbow", "A person apparently is hunting in a field with a form of weapon different than a gun", "A man with a hat, camouflage clothing and a bow speaks in a grassy field.", "A man in hunting camouflage carries a bow and an arrow while concealed by long grass.", "A man is describing to the watcher his current kill while placing his arrow back into bow quiver.", "A man is setting up his bow as he is hunting animals in an open field", "A man with a bow and arrow contraption readies himself to shoot it." ]
[ "一个男子拿着弓箭在一片草原里面寻找着猎物。", "一个穿花色衣服带着帽子的男人手里拿着射击工具站在草地里准备射箭。", "一个穿着黄色迷彩服的男人在草地上玩弩箭。", "冬季的野草地里有一个穿着深色衣服的人。", "一个戴帽子的男人拿着手中的工具在草地上讲话。", "一个戴着帽子、穿着迷彩服的男人在草地上说话。", "一个穿着狩猎迷彩服的人在被长长的草遮挡的时候, 拿着弓箭。", "一个人正在向观察者描述他目前的杀戮,同时把箭放回弓箭抖上。", "一个男人正在调试他的弓,因为他要在一片空旷地里狩猎动物。", "在户外, 一个拿着弓箭装置的人准备射箭。" ]
[ "A man is instructing a boy to shoot an arrow properly and the boy releases an arrow but misses his target.", "A father helps his son practice his archery by shooting an arrow at the target.", "In a archary, an adult is advising a child a technique to use a bow and arrow.", "A boy shoot an arrow at a target using a bow and arrow.", "an adult helps a kid aim and they shoot at a target", "A boy is practicing with a bow and arrow and hits the target.", "A young boy is outside shooting an arrow at a target.", "A little boy is shooting an arrow at a paper target while adults are encouraging him and showing him how to pull the bow.", "A man is talking to a child just before the child uses a bow to shoot an arrow at a target.", "A boy is using a bow and arrow to aim at a colorful target a distance awa." ]
[ "一个大人在指点小男孩打靶,小男孩没打中,挠了挠头。", "一个男人正在教一个小男孩射箭。", "一个穿着蓝色短袖的小男孩儿正在户外射击。", "有个穿着短袖的小男孩在对着靶心射箭。", "一个小孩正在练习射箭,一个男人站在旁边。", "一个男孩正在用弓箭练习并击中了目标。", "一个小男孩正在另一个人的指导下练习射箭。", "一个小男孩正在射箭靶,而大人们正在鼓励他,教他如何拉弓。", "在孩子使用弓向目标射箭之前,一个男人正在和孩子说话。", "一个男孩正在用弓箭射击一个五颜六色的靶子。" ]
[ "A man is shooting a bow and arrow in a back yard.", "The big guy is in the backyard practicing his skills in the field of archery.", "A man shoots arrows or bolts with a crossbow in his back yard.", "A man with a bow has arrows at his disposal as he uses a bow in a back yard and shoots the arrows at some unseen target.", "a man standing using a bow and arrow shoots the arrow", "A man is shooting arrows with a crossbow in a fenced yard", "A man shoots an arrow from a bow at a downward angle then reloads.", "A man is shooting an arrow from a bow that he is holding.", "A heavyset man with a compound bow shoots an arrow at something.", "A man pulls arrows from the ground and shoots them using a bow." ]
[ "一个短袖的外国男人正在表演射箭,脚踩在草坪上。", "一个男人在草地上正在进行着射箭运动。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人在户外射击。", "一个人手上拿着一个弓箭向着前面射了过去。", "一个男人在围墙里面,站在草地上拿着弓箭射箭。", "一个人在有栅栏的院子里拿着弓箭射箭。", "一个男人拉开弓箭,微微向下射出一支箭, 然后重新拿起一支箭放到了弓箭上。", "一个人在室外使用一把弓射出一支箭。", "一个带着复合弓的重量级人物向某样东西射了一箭。", "一名男子从地上拔箭,然后 用弓射击。" ]
[ "A girl stands with a bow and arrow and shoots at the target.", "A girl carefully lines up a bow and prepares to release an arrow toward a target.", "A person is showing how they shoot a bow from an arrow.", "A woman lifts her bow and arrow and prepares to shoot it.", "A woman holds a bow and arrow, then hits a target", "A woman pulls back a bow and shoots at a target in the distance.", "A lady is doing the act of archery while birds are chirping in the background.", "A woman is in a grass field holding a bow and arrow and aiming at a target.", "a girl takes aim with an arrow and shoots a piece of wood in front of her", "A woman is in a grassy field and she is shoot a dart at a target" ]
[ "一个女孩拉好弓箭,准备往一个小房子射去。", "一个美丽的外国女人对着靶子拉弓射箭。", "一个穿紫色上衣的女子在一个空旷的草坪拉弓箭。", "在一个宽阔的草地上,一个女人在射箭。", "一个穿着紫色短袖牛仔裤的女人在射箭。", "一个女人站在草坪上向后拉弓并向远处的目标射击。", "一位女士正在做射箭的动作,鸟儿在背后叽叽喳喳地叫着。", "一个女人拿着弓和箭在草地上瞄准一个目标。", "一个女孩对着面前的木头正在进行射击。", "一个女人在一片草地上,她把箭向目标射去。" ]
[ "Two people are practicing archery in an open field.", "Two people stand next to each other at an archery competition, one of them shoots.", "Two archers stand on a line while one draws his bow and shoots an arrow", "Two men with bows and arrows on a field in an archery competition.", "An archer shoots an arrow while another archer stands beside him.", "At an outdoor event, two archers are standing next to each other and one shots off an arrow.", "Two men, standing next to each other are competing in an archery contest and one of them is shooting an arrow.", "In a green field two people demonstrate their archery skills.", "Two people are standing with bows and aiming toward some sort of target.", "a couple of people outside shooting arrows in front of other people" ]
[ "两个身穿蓝色衣服戴着帽子的人在练习射箭。", "两个人拿着弓箭站在场地中央,其中一个人摆出了射箭的姿势并射了一箭。", "射击比赛场地上两个女的射击手比赛射箭。", "在草坪上,两个男人手里拿着弓箭,在射箭。", "室外运动场上两个赛手正在参加射箭比赛,旁边有裁判员和许多观众。", "在户外活动中,两名弓箭手站在一起,一个射手的弓箭掉了下来。", "两个男人正在草坪上一起参加射箭比赛。", "在一片绿色的土地上,两个人展示了他们的射箭技巧。", "两个穿蓝色裤子的男子在操场拿着弓瞄准目标。", "在室外,有几个人在别人面前射箭。" ]
[ "A row of people are practicing archery and shooting at targets.", "People shoot arrows at targets in a large green field.", "People shooting bow and arrows at targets across a field.", "A line of archers are shooting arrows at targets strewn across a grassy field.", "A young boy is shooting an arrow among other archers trying to hit a marked target.", "A little boy shoots an arrow at a target down the yard.", "A group of people at an archery range shooting targets.", "Men and boys are lined up practicing their archery skills in a field.", "Children and adults are shooting arrows at archery targets in a large field.", "A group is using a bow and arrow outside to hit a target far away." ]
[ "一群人在一片草地上练习怎么样射箭。", "一群人在宽阔的草坪上玩射箭游戏。", "在一个宽阔的绿色草地上,有几个人拿着弓箭在射东西。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男孩在操场用弓箭射耙。", "绿色的草地上放着很多靶子,一群人在射箭。", "一个男孩和一群人在院子里向目标射箭。", "一些年轻人和一些年长的人在靶场练习如何击中目标。", "田野里男人和男孩排起了长队, 在练习射箭技巧。", "儿童和成人正在向一个大场地的射箭目标射箭。", "一组人用弓箭射击远处的靶子目标。" ]
[ "A woman outdoors loads an arrow into a bow then shoots it.", "A woman standing in the woods prepares her bow and arrow then releases a shot.", "A woman is in a wooded area shooting a bow and arrow.", "A woman holds a slingshot and sends an arrow towards a target before a man talks quickly.", "A women is showing how she is using her bow and arrow.", "a tall woman is shooting a bow and arrow, outside.", "A woman is shooting an arrow with her bow and arrow.", "An inexperienced woman draws a mismatched recurve bow and shoots.", "A young woman is shooting a bow and arrow as someone looks on.", "A woman loads an arrow into her bow, aims, and shoots at a distant target." ]
[ "一个带帽子的女人正在树林里面练习射箭。", "一个射箭选手费力的拉开弓箭然后把箭射了出去。", "一个白衣女子用力拉住手里的箭把它射了出去。", "在室外,一个穿白色上衣的女子正在往远处射箭。", "一个穿白色衣服的女人在树林里射箭。", "一个高个子的女人正在外面用弓箭射箭。", "一个戴着帽子的女人正在用弓箭射箭。", "一个经验不足的女人拿着不匹配的递归弓和芽。", "在山涧里一个年轻女子正在朝某个东西射箭。", "一个女人把箭放入弓箭里瞄准,并射击远处的目标。" ]
[ "A boy practices with a bow and arrow in an outdoor location.", "On a side of a house, a young man is shooting an arrow with a bow into a target.", "A little boy shoot an arrow out of the bow to the house", "A boy shoots a bow and arrow at a building from far away.", "A boy is aiming a bow and arrow then shoots the arrow and starts walking towards the target to see his shot.", "A child stands in a large yard and fires an arrow at a target.", "A little boy stands at the edge of his yard and aims an arrow at a pile of wood at the side of his house.", "A person is shown shooting a bow and arrow while a man talks and they walk toward the target.", "A young boy is shooting an arrow from a bow at a target leaning against a white structure and a man is talking.", "A man aims a bow at a target and then fires the arrow." ]
[ "在一片草地上,一个小孩拿着一个东西射进了远处的房里。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在草地上练习射箭。", "在室外的草地上有一个穿黑色衣服的人正在射箭。", "一个身穿深色上衣的人站在草坪上举着东西瞄准对面的房子。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在把箭射出去。", "一个孩子站在一个大院子里, 向一个目标发射了一支箭。", "一个小男孩站在院子的边缘,用箭头瞄准前面的一堆木头。", "一个人用弓箭对着远处的房子射箭,另一个人在说话,然后他们向目标走去。", "一个小男孩正在射箭,射向一个斜倚在白色建筑物上的目标。", "一个男人瞄准目标弓,然后发射箭头。" ]
[ "A man holds a bow and arrow, lifts the bow, pulls back the string and then shoots the arrow.", "An archer fires an arrow at a target while people in the background watch.", "A man fires a bow and arrow and reaches for another arrow", "a man in a beanie gets a bow and arrow ready in their hand", "Man with bow and arrow prepares to aim and then shoots at the target.", "A man wearing a cap is shooting an arrow with a bow and others are looking on and talking.", "A man shoots a bow and arrow inside of a facility.", "The hotshot competition heats up at the archery contest as a man takes his shot while wearing his lucky watch cap.", "A man holds up a bow and arrow, pulls it back, and releases it.", "A man puts an arrow into a bow and then shoots at a target." ]
[ "昏暗的房间内,一个男人,拿着弓箭在射箭。", "一个男人拿着弓射箭,旁边走过了一个大人,两个小孩。", "一个戴帽子的男人举起手中的弓射了一箭。", "一个戴帽子的男人手上拿着一把黄色的弓,正在拉弓射箭。", "在一个昏暗的室内,一个男人正在射箭。", "一名头戴帽子的男人拿着弓箭拉开弓把箭射了出去。", "一名男子在一个室内设施里射击弓箭。", "一名男子戴着幸运手表帽开枪在射箭比赛中, 热火的比赛真热闹。", "一名男子举起弓箭,然后用手将它射走。", "一个人用弓箭射向目标物,旁边几个人在看着。" ]
[ "A person is carefully practicing bowing into a target board.", "Someone prepares to shoot at a target with bow and arrows.", "Marksman getting the arrow ready to execute the perfect shot.", "A guy loads his bow while a flute plays in the background.", "A person is aiming to shoot a bow and arrow at a target.", "An archer aims their bow towards a bullseye target down the way.", "Someone off screen practices shooting a target with a cross bow.", "a person looks at a target and hold a bow and arrow", "A flute is playing while someone loads an arrow into a cross bow.", "Someone uses a bow and arrow to shoot at a paper target hanging on a wall." ]
[ "一个人,正在用弓箭射击靶子的中心点。", "一个人手拿一个弓,将一支箭挂在弓弦上。", "在房间内一个穿长袖的人正在拉着弓箭。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在室外拉琴。", "墙面上贴着箭靶,一个人拿着弓箭准备射击。", "一名弓箭手将弓箭瞄准一个靶心目标。", "一个人正在将箭搭在弓上准备进行射箭。", "一个人瞄准目标并握住弓箭。", "当有人把箭装进十字弓时, 长笛在演奏。", "有人在把箭上到弓上,不远处白色墙壁挂着一个纸靶。" ]
[ "One man in a car speaks then makes funny sounds while haggling the other person in the car.", "A couple of guys are talking back and forth and one of them is yelling at the other.", "a man seated in a car talks to irritate another man he is with", "This person is demonstrating the other side of a relationship.", "A man talks to another man wearing a wig.", "A man with a wig making a comedy video about relationships", "Two teenagers setting in a car aggitate each other by making strange sounds.", "Two men are arguing in a car and one makes mouth noises to annoy the other.", "A man is sitting in the car on the passenger side with another man and opens the door.", "A man is talking to the driver of the vehicle while being inside it and then he opens the door." ]
[ "一个头发凌乱的男子在与另一个男子交谈。", "有两个人正坐在车上你一句我一句的说话。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的人和一个穿白色衣服的人在讲话。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人和一个穿着浅色衣服的人在车里说话。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人,和一个穿着白色衣服的男人坐在车里说话。", "一个戴着假发的男人制作了一个关于人际关系的喜剧视频。", "一个男人正在车里对着另一个男人不停的说着什么。", "两个人在车里争吵, 一个人发出嘴声音惹恼另一个人。", "在一辆车里一个长头发的男人在说话。", "一名黑人跟司机谈论些什么,然后他打开车门。" ]
[ "A group of kids are in a living room having a fun and heated discussion.", "A group of kids are screaming and arguing with each other in a room.", "A group of young girls have an argument and shout at each other.", "A group of young girls are dancing in a family room.", "a group of kids interact with each other in a room", "A group of young African American girls are hollering, arguing and laughing with each other at home.", "Two girls in a living room are shown yelling at each one while an older lady watches.", "A group of young girls shriek and slap at each other.", "A group of young girls arguing and screaming about something in a living room.", "A family is in a living room and are shouting and screaming to each other," ]
[ "在房间里一个女人拿着杯子,另外两个小朋友跳着互相大声说话。", "一群黑人小朋友在屋子里吵闹玩耍。", "在室内有一群小孩儿正在互相谈论着。", "有两个小孩正在不停的争吵,旁边还有几个人在观看。", "一个小女孩从沙发上面站起来,另一个小女孩走到沙发前面,旁边站着一个女人。", "一群年轻的非洲裔美国女孩在家里互相争吵和欢笑。", "在一个客厅里,几个女孩在里面大喊大叫。", "一群人正在一个房间内互相打闹着。", "一群年轻的女孩在客厅里蹦跳着玩耍着。", "一个家庭在客厅里, 一群小孩子互相喊话和尖叫,。" ]
[ "A group of people are outside standing in grass and they are talking.", "A group of kids are standing out in the field talking with each other.", "Two men are arguing over something as they stand with some other people.", "A group of four people are standing around and talking to each other.", "A group of teenagers are standing around outside talking and they are disagreeing with each other.", "A group of teenagers are standing on a field and talking.", "Two teenage boys arguing with one another while a teenager girl stands between them silently.", "A few kids outside on the grass having a conversation with each other", "Two men and a woman are discussing something while standing in a park.", "Two guys are having a conversation while a girl in the middle of them is listening." ]
[ "两个男孩和一个女孩在草地上聊天。", "有几个人傍晚在绿色的草坪上聊天。", "几个穿着黑色裤子的人在草地上进行交谈。", "在一片草地上,有两个男人和一个女人讲话。", "在绿色的草地上,一个男人,嘴巴在一张一合,旁边几个人在观看。", "一群青年站在绿色草坪上进行交流谈话。", "在一个草坪上面,几个人正在围在一起说话。", "几个孩子在外面的草地上相互交谈。", "两个男人和一个女人正在讨论的东西,而站在公园里。", "两个男孩和一个女孩站在草地上讲话,旁边一个人在看着。" ]
[ "A man is yelling with another commuter on a train.", "A man argues with another person on public transport and the other people observe.", "A group of people, some standing and some sitting, ride in a moving subway car.", "A man on a train angrily points and talks to a man far away from him.", "People are riding a subway and one guy is making a scene by yelling.", "A man is speaking angrily at someone on a crowded subway car.", "One man is yelling in a subway car while other people look at him.", "A man is yelling on a subway while other people watch him.", "Passengers on a subway train car some of which are standing while most are sitting with an individual who is clearly upset..", "A group of people, some sitting and other standing, ride in a subway." ]
[ "一个人正在坐满人的地铁上,大声地叫嚣着。", "在人很多的地铁上,一个男人正在咆哮着说着什么。", "三个大男人不知道什么原因在地铁上大声的说话。", "一个身穿深色上衣的人在地铁上大声喧哗。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在和别人说话。", "一个男人在拥挤的地铁车厢怒气冲冲地对着一个人说话。", "一名男子在地铁车上大喊大叫,而其他人则看着他。", "一名男子在地铁上大喊大叫, 而其他人则在看着他。", "地铁列车上的乘客有些站着,而大多数人坐在一个明显不高兴的人。", "地铁里面有许多的人,有的站着有的坐着。" ]
[ "A man and a woman are arguing over a sandwich that the man is holding.", "a man and woman are having an argument over a hoagie in the living room", "The woman is munching on french fries but won't eat the man's hoagie", "A man is taking to another person while getting food out of a container.", "a man is talking with a woman at a dinner table as he opens up a Styrofoam container of food.", "Two people on a table where there is a bottle of salad dressing and talk to each other.", "A person is sitting in a table discussing each other food.", "A guy and girl are sitting at a table arguing over a hoagie.", "a man is arguing with a women about an unappetizing hoagie", "A man and a woman argue about a hoagie sandwich." ]
[ "一个男孩正在跟一个女人说话,女人正在吃东西。", "一个男性黑人左手拿着盒子在向一位女性黑人说话。", "一个穿灰色上衣的男人正在沙发上和别人分享食物。", "一个男人和一个女人在沙发上坐着谈论东西。", "一个穿着灰色短袖的男人拿着一本书在和一个女人讲话。", "坐在桌子旁边的男人拿了一瓶沙拉酱在和另一个女人交谈。", "一个男人在和一个女人相互讨论彼此的食物。", "一个男人和一个女人坐在桌子后面正在争吵。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人在室内和另一个女人说话。", "一男一女在为一个花式三明治争论不休。" ]
[ "A group of people are arguing that someone's argument is irrational and he's asking why.", "A group of people do not agree with each other at a meeting.", "Several people are shown engaged in a conversation in a room with a presentation in the background.", "A woman is holding papers and arguing with a man.", "A man and a woman having a debate in a classroom.", "a lady talks to as person that is standing near a projected image", "A man and woman are debating in a rude manner in what appears to be a company meeting.", "A man and woman argue as each tries to express his or her dominance in the situation.", "A man and woman have a disagreement over the perception of a rational argument.", "There are multiple nurses and a man having a conversation in a room." ]
[ "房间内,一个男人和一个女人,站在地板上说话,旁边几个人在观看。", "一个男子和一个女子在教室里对话。", "一个人正在和另外一个人探讨问题。", "在一间明亮的屋子里,一群人在听一个男人讲述着。", "在室内, 一个戴着工作牌的男人和一个女在说话。", "一位女士与一位站在投影图像旁边的人交谈。", "一男一女正在以似乎是公司会议的方式进行粗鲁的辩论。", "一个男人在讲话,一个女人对他提出了什么。", "男人和女人在理性争论的看法上的分歧。", "在宽阔的室内,一名女子正在和一名男子交谈。" ]
[ "A man is sitting down and is pointing at a little boy that is standing up, the little boy is pointing and screaming back then runs.", "In a living room, a man sitting on a sofa is talking and playing with a toddler.", "A man sits on a couch tickling a little kid who then runs away from him.", "A child is talking to a man and putting his finger in his face then running away.", "Toddler in pajamas playing with his father, who is speaking to the child in Spanish when child runs away and turns and points his finger and says \"pow\".", "A man teases a little kid that is being very sassy.", "A man plays and jokes with a little boy who gets angry.", "A seated man speaks, points, and pokes a toddler in the belly and grabs his shirt and the toddler points at him and runs from him and points.", "A man points at a little boy and and the little boy points back at him.", "A seated man and a young child are shown playing while a woman laughs" ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一名身穿黑色外套的男子,正坐在沙发上。", "一个男人和一个小朋友相互用手指向对方,接着男人用手掀开小朋友的衣服,小朋友就跑开了。", "小孩和爸爸吵架,吵不过爸爸,于是跑到妈妈面前和妈妈吵架。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的小孩跟一个大人在房间里玩耍。", "一个男人和一个小孩在说话玩耍,小孩比不过男人跑开了。", "一个男人在戏弄一个非常时髦的小孩。", "一个男人和一个生气的小男孩开玩笑。", "一个坐着的男人说话并指、戳一个孩子的肚子,然后抓住他的衬衫,蹒跚学步的孩子指着他跑,然后从他身边跑开了。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在房间里和孩子玩耍。", "一个坐着的男人和一个小孩子在玩耍。" ]
[ "In a classroom a young boy is sitting at a desk talking and moving his hands.", "A guy sits in a desk as he turns around and talks to another person.", "A young man is actively telling a story that makes his comrades laugh and giggle", "A boy is sitting at a small desk, turned around, and speaking very rapidly to another person.", "A man is talking to the camera and doing hand motions.", "A young boy is being filmed speaking to the camera while the camera man is laughing.", "A young man making voices and talking quickly as his friends laugh", "A young boy speaking and using his hands to accentuate his words.", "A guy is sitting in a chair and speaking to someone else in argument.", "A boy is talking to the camera while others are laughing at what he is saying." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个男人,坐在凳子上说着话,并用手比划着。", "一个男人坐在板凳上,边说话边用手做出动作。", "一个穿着红色衣服的男的正在说话,旁边有人在笑。", "一个穿着红色短袖,戴着手表的人在说话。", "一个男人在说话,周围的人听着哈哈大笑。", "一名小男孩正在镜头前对着镜头说话,而摄影师在大笑。", "在一个房间里面,一个人不停的说话,旁人笑着。", "一个小男孩说话时并用手来强调他说的话。", "一个戴着手表坐着的男人正手舞足蹈的跟别人说话。", "一个男孩正对着镜头说话而其他人正在嘲笑他说的话。" ]
[ "Outside is two young boys one of the boys has a ball in his hand the other one yells at him", "Two boys appear to be arguing over a ball in sand covered area.", "One young boy holding a ball and another young boy following and yelling at him.", "A boy in a red and blue jacket keeps a ball away from a boy in a grey jacket.", "A young boy is trying to take a ball out of another young boy's arms.", "Two small boys are outside with a ball and there is a problem with sharing the ball.", "Two young boys have a disagreement about a red ball.", "A little boy confronts another boy who's holding a ball", "A little boy holding a ball walks away from another little boy trying to get the ball.", "A little boy gets mad and wants the ball the other little boy has." ]
[ "一个红色上衣的男孩和一个灰色上衣的男孩抢皮球。", "一个孩子在对着另一个怀中抱着球的孩子说话,做着手势。", "穿红色和黑色拼接衣服的男孩儿抱着球,穿灰色衣服的男孩儿正缠着他。", "两个男孩,在一个空旷的室外,正在玩游戏。", "在白天的户外,一个穿着灰色衣服的小孩,在和一个抱着红色篮球的小孩玩耍。", "两个小男孩带着球在外面, 在分享球的问题上有分歧。", "两个小男孩正在对一个红色的球上问题意见不一致。", "一个小男孩面对另一个拿着球的男孩。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男孩在和另一个男孩玩球。", "一个小男孩想要另一个小男孩手里的球。" ]
[ "Three girls are in a bedroom and fighting and then two girls start pouting.", "Three girls are fighti8ng in a bedroom pushing each other then they start laughing.", "A person films a shouting and pushing match between a few other girls.", "Young girls in a bedroom are screaming and fighting with eachother.", "A group of black girls are arguing and shoving each other in a room.", "A group of three black girls get into an argument in one of the girl's bedrooms.", "Three girls are fighting and one of them says to get out.", "Two ladies were barking at each other and fighting in a room and they later laughed", "A group of ladies are arguing and fighting and then laughing.", "A group of young girls fighting in a room and the other ones tells them to get out." ]
[ "在一个房间里,三个黑人女孩在玩闹。", "在房间里,三个女人在互相动手打架。", "三个黑人女孩在一个宿舍里面打架。", "几个女人在手舞足蹈,一个女人推另外的一个女人。", "在一个房间里,有三个女孩正在吵架。", "三个女孩在一个卧室里发生了争吵。", "三个女孩在一个房间里吵架,并发出吼叫。", "两个女士互相咆哮,在一个房间里打架,后来她们笑了起来。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人正在房间玩耍。", "一群年轻女孩在一个房间里打架, 另外一群人叫她们出去。" ]
[ "A young girl is arguing with a woman in the background about going to school.", "A kid is talking to a person and is speaking to the kid", "A young girl arguing with her mom how she isn't going to go to school.", "A little girl is standing in the middle of floor talking to someone", "A child argues with an adult; the child wears a heart shirt.", "A little girl in a heart shirt and little tutu like skirt says she is not going to school.", "A little girl is standing in a doorway saying she is not going to go to school.", "A little girl is arguing that she does not want to do something.", "A young girl is is having a debate and conversation with an older woman who is not seen on camera.", "A small girl was speaking to some lady about some thing by moving her hands and the lady respond her" ]
[ "一个小女孩穿着粉色的裙子正在跟她妈妈说着什么。", "一个可爱的外国小女孩在与另一个女人争吵。", "一个身穿白色上衣的小女孩在房间里面。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的孩子再跟一个大人说话。", "室内一个小女孩穿着白上衣粉裙子,在做手摊开的动作。", "一个身穿心形图案短袖的小女孩说她不上学。", "一个穿着裙子的小女孩站在门口一边说话一边做手势。", "一个穿连衣裙的小女孩争辩说她不想做某事。", "一个年轻女孩正在和一个女人进行辩论。", "一个穿裙子的小女孩边讲话边比划着双手。" ]
[ "A group of people are arguing about some type of game.", "A bunch of men are sitting on the floor in a room and arguing with each other.", "The men are having a strong fun discussion and laughter can be heard from the others.", "A group of men are sitting on the floor while 2 of them argue order a card game.", "A group of people seated down are arguing as others laugh", "Several guys are sitting together on the floor talking and pointing.", "Many people sitting on the floor in a room having a very loud conversation.", "Several men are arguing about something and are pointing at something.", "One man speaks emotionally as he gestures, and another man responds by pointing at floor and back at man.", "a group of people sitting around each other in a room talking to each other" ]
[ "一群外国男人正在房间里盘腿坐着,有两个人正在大声争吵着。", "两个男人在争吵,其中一个男人指着地面。", "在一个房间里,几个人坐在地上玩游戏。", "在一个明亮的房间,床上坐着的两个男人在争吵。", "一个穿着红色的衣服的人和一个穿黑色衣服的人在争吵。", "几个家伙坐在地板上说话并指指点点地。", "很多人坐在一个房间里,进行这非常大声的谈话。", "几个人正坐在一个房间里讨论着一些事情。", "一个人在做手势时情大声地对另一个人说话。", "一群人围着彼此坐在一个房间里互相交谈。" ]
[ "A man is sitting at his desk, arguing with another person.", "A man is seated on a wooden chair he is rocking back and forth on its back legs while arguing with another man.", "A young man is sitting in a chair while arguing with someone off camera.", "a guy sits at a table and leans back in his chair", "A person is sitting in a chair and talking to somebody and he tries to take something from his pocket", "a person in back talking to young man in the chair a bout taking candy.", "A man siting on a chair is arguing with another person inside a room.", "it have 2 guys in the room the one behind the camera is telling the one in the chair to apologize", "A young man rocks himself while sitting in a wooden chair and speaks angrily.", "A man is sitting in a chair and rocking it back and forth." ]
[ "一个穿灰色衣服的男人,坐在黄色的椅子上,边摇晃边说话。", "一个男人在餐桌面前讲话,将手放入口袋拿出手机。", "一个男人正在说着话,后又从口袋里掏出了东西。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个男人坐在黄色椅子上玩耍。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人坐在椅子上。", "一个人在椅子上和另外一个年轻人讨论如何在比赛中拿到糖果。", "一个坐在椅子上的男人正在同一个房间里的另一个人争论。", "房间里有两个人,镜头后面的一个人向坐在椅子上的人道歉。", "一名年轻男子坐在一把木椅上晃动自己。", "在室内,一个坐在椅子上的男人前后摇摆。" ]
[ "A boy and a girl argue in the middle of the street.", "A teen boy and girl stand in the middle of the street arguing about fighting in a residential neighborhood.", "A man and a woman are standing a few feet apart in the middle of a road and arguing with each other.", "The boy and the girl are arguing loudly on the street as a car passes by.", "A woman and a man arguing in the street about fighting each other.", "A man is arguing with a female in the street.", "A girl is having an altercation with a boy in a street.", "A girl and guy standing in the road yelling and threatning to hurt each other", "A young male and young female are arguing about who can beat the other in the middle of a street.", "A man and woman argue in the middle of a street." ]
[ "一男一女正站在街道的十字路口上吵架。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人和一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在路上说话。", "一男一女在街边说话,边上还有车辆经过。", "在室外一个穿黑色衣服的男子正在和一个穿黑色衣服的女子说话。", "在一个户外,一个女人和一个背着背包的男人在讲话。", "一个男人和一个女人在街道上发生了争吵。", "一个男子和一个穿黑色衣服的女子在路边吵架。", "一个女孩和一个男孩站在路上争吵,互相伤害对方。", "一位年轻的男性和年轻女性正在争论谁能在街道中间击败对方。", "一个男人和一个女人在街道中间争吵。" ]
[ "A man arguing while riding on a public transit train stands and points while arguing.", "People are having fun in the train as they chat with each other.", "An old man in a train is arguing with a group of people in the background.", "a person wearing white and a hat stands up and talks", "People are arguing on a subway and one man stands up to yell at another.", "Two men are on a train, and one gets up and starts walking and then comes back to his seat.", "A man sitting on a train then stands up and speaks to someone.", "A group of people on a train having a great time and talking to each other.", "a few people are sitting inside a subway train and a man started standing up yelling loudly", "In a train,an old man is arguing with other people while another person seated close to him is quietly listening." ]
[ "一个男人从座位上站起来,不断用手指着对面说话。", "两个人在地铁上争吵,与此同时周围的人在笑。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在车上说话。", "在明亮宽阔的地铁里,一个戴着帽子男人在说话。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人坐在车上然后站了起来。", "火车上有两个男人,一个男人微笑着站了起来。", "一个坐在火车上的男人站起来和某人说话。", "一群人在火车上很开心,互相交谈着。", "一些人坐在地铁列车里,一个男人站起来大声喊叫。", "在公交车上一位坐着的人突然站起来手扶把手。" ]
[ "A man and a woman are arguing in a dark room.", "A couple fights and the woman almost cries while responding to his claim.", "A girl is yelling at a man and they get into an argument over something.", "A woman is screaming at a man and arguing about over reacting.", "A woman is telling a man that was a very humiliating experience and the man is telling her to calm down.", "A woman argues with a man while the man tries to mediate the situation.", "A man and a woman argue in a dimly lit room.", "A woman and a man putting a on a play and doing their lines.", "A man and woman are standing in a room, having an argument, and she is fussing at him.", "A man and a woman are talking as the woman becomes upset." ]
[ "一个一头直发的美女在一间房间里质问一个男人。", "一个女人和一个男人正在大声争吵中。", "一个男人和一个女人神情激动地说着什么。", "一男子和一个女子在一个灯光昏暗的房间内对话。", "在房间里,有一个男人和一个女人,他们正在进行对话。", "女人和男人在争论, 而男人试图调解这种情况。", "一个男人和一个女人在昏暗的房间里争吵。", "一个女人和一个男人上演一场戏,说着他们的台词。", "一个男人和一个女人站在一个房间里争吵着。", "一个身穿黑色背心的人嘴动着手动着旁边还有一个人。" ]
[ "A group of neighborhood parents interact and talk about things.", "A woman is complaining to another group of woman about something.", "People are gathered on a front lawn and moving around and talking to each other.", "A group of kids are playing outside with scooters and other toys.", "Several people at a housing project standing around talking to one another", "Two children play outside while two women talk and gesture at each other while a few other people watch.", "Neighborhood women talk to each other about what's going on.", "Some kids are playing on the grass while some adults are talking", "Three people stand on the grass as another person talks to them while kids run around.", "Two women have a conversation in front of an apartment in a housing complex." ]
[ "一群人在谈话,一个小男孩在草地上扔东西并捡起。", "一群人在草地上互相大声交谈着聊着天。", "在室外一群人正在平坦的草地上说话玩耍。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一群人聚在草地上玩耍。", "几个人站在一栋房子前面交谈,一个黑衣服的小女孩在玩滑板车。", ": 两个孩子在外面玩耍, 有两个女人互相交谈和比划手势,还有几个人在看。", "邻里的女人们在互相谈论着刚发生的事情。", "一些成年人在说话旁边还有一些孩子在草地上玩耍。", "三个人站在草地上另一个人在和他们交谈。", "两个女人在一个住宅区的公寓前面谈话。" ]
[ "A man is yelling at a person that is on the couch as his friends laugh.", "A standing man angrily confronts another man who is siting down on a couch.", "A man has another man cornered in a chair and is yelling at him.", "A man is screaming at a teenager who is on the couch and getting angry.", "A man hits and yells at a man this is seated in a chair.", "A couple of guys have a pretend fight while one sits in a chair.", "A man in black curses and makes to hit after another man seated in a sofa.", "The adults are at their home, and one man is trying to get the other man up off the chair.", "One man is slapping another man who is sitting on a couch.", "Two drunken men get into an argument in a room that hasn't been cleaned since Christ was a child." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一个男人正在踢打另外一个人。", "一个男人对着一个坐在沙发上的人一顿敲打。", "一个站着的人正在和另一个坐在沙发上的人说话。", "一群人在房间内,其中一个人压在躺在沙发的人身上。", "一个男人对沙发上的男人拳打脚踢着。", "一个人坐在椅子上,另外两个人在假装打架。", "一个身着黑色诅咒的男人在跟另一个坐在沙发上男人打了起来。", "好多人待在一个开着电视的屋子里,一个男人正试图把另一个男人从椅子上拉起来。", "一个男人打了另一个坐在沙发上的人一巴掌。", "一名站着的男子和一个坐在上沙发的人打斗了起来。" ]
[ "Out in front of a bulding, a group of teen get into an arguement.", "Several people are arguing as a man walks around with a drink.", "People are outside of an apartment building and someone is yelling.", "A man is holding a drink as he wanders around in a group of people.", "The black guy calls a black woman that is yelling a hoe.", "a group of people are arguing in a parking lot area", "A man is walking down stairs and into the street where a group of people are arguing and yelling at each other.", "A group of people surround a woman who is fighting with someone in the yard.", "Some people are gathered in a parking lot and a woman is arguing with someone.", "A group of people standing outside arguing with each other." ]
[ "一个穿着背心的男子边吃东西边从楼梯走到路边。", "在街上站着一群人,其中两个人在激烈的争吵。", "一位身穿黑色背心的男人正在路上走来走去。", "几个人在马路上争吵然后旁边有人看。", "在一个明亮的室外,一群人在街上走着。", "一群人正在停车场里不停地争吵着。", "一个男人走下楼梯进入街道,一群人在争吵,互相吼叫。", "一群人围住了一个在院子里与人打架的女人。", "有些人聚集在一个停车场,一个女人正在与某人争论。", "一群人站在楼梯下互相争吵,楼梯上还站着一名女子。" ]
[ "A group of young girls a standing around while one of them confronts another.", "A group of young people in a park hanging out and two making funny gestures.", "a group of kids talking one girl is angry and one comes in front of the camera being funny", "A group of kids are standing outside in a park and one of them pats her butt.", "Two young women are engaging in a heated conversation and another one is eating", "Kids are talking in park and they are saying stuff.", "A group of girls stand around in a park then one of them walks and stands in front of the camera.", "One young woman in a group of people gets in a confrontation with another young lady.", "A large group of teenagers talking and a girl eating a chip in front of the camera.", "Two girls argue with each other in front of their friends, one girl gets in front of the camera and makes a chewing noise." ]
[ "一群人在一片空地上,站着在吃东西。", "有几个黑人女孩子在聊天,一个粉红色衣服的女孩做了一个动作。", "几个人正围成一个半圈你一言我一语地说着话。", "在明亮的室外,有一群人聚集在一起。", "几个穿着不同颜色衣服的女人在室外说话。", "几个孩子在公园里说着话,其中两个做了些动作。", "一群女孩站在一个公园里,其中一个女孩往前走了几步,往嘴里塞了一个东西。", "一群人中的一名年轻女子与另一位年轻女士发生冲突。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人正在和其他女人聊天。", "一群人在室外交谈着什么,然后一个人吃着零食走了过来。" ]
[ "A small child wearing a diaper is raising her voice and does not seem to be happy!", "A kids stands and screams while shaking his hands in frustration.", "A toddler is jumping up and down throwing a tantrum and an adult talks to him.", "A small child is having a tantrum in a room in a house.", "A little girl is jumping up and down an screeching and a man talks to her.", "A toddler age child is shown squealing and talking to a man who talks back to her.", "A little baby is dancing and shaking his head really fast", "A little toddler is having a temper tantrum while another person points at him.", "A baby is standing up moving around, shaking her head, and throwing a small fit.", "A toddler is jumping up and down in an excited way." ]
[ "一个胖乎乎的小朋友正在房间里面叫喊着。", "一个可爱的卷发小女孩在床上撒娇。", "一个小男孩在蹦跳着手舞足蹈的说话。", "一个婴儿又蹦又跳,旁边有个大人看着。", "一个只穿着拉拉裤的小孩在手舞足蹈。", "一个蹒跚学步的孩子在和一个男人说话。", "在房间里,一个小宝宝正在愉快地跳舞。", "一个幼儿在发脾气, 而另一个人指着他。", "一个婴儿站起来四处走动, 摇着头, 扔了一个小衣服。", "在室内,一个幼儿正在兴奋地跳上跳下。" ]
[ "A woman is pointing her finger and yelling at a officer. .", "A woman screams continuously into the face of an officer.", "A woman screams in the face of a security officer, the man is then pushed away by a colleague.", "A young man is screaming loudly while giving the fingers while a woman and two other men look on.", "A man screams and waves his finger at another man in uniform.", "Screaming woman, with mouth wide open, points upright finger at officer who is guided away.", "A woman is screaming at a police officer and flipping him off.", "A very upset female is pointing and screaming at an officer.", "A person is yelling at an officer and holding up their middle finger, as another tries to get them to stop.", "A man is hollering and waving his finger around while uniformed men watch and then move away." ]
[ "一个身穿黄色上衣的长头发女一直在张着嘴还做出鄙视的动作。", "一个女人张大嘴巴在尖叫,警察在旁边看着。", "一个人张大了嘴向对面站着的男子做出了不屑的手势。", "一个穿制服的人对着一个穿短袖张着嘴的人说话,一个女人在旁边坐着,一个男人把穿制服的人拉走了。", "有两个女人坐在板凳上,其中有一个人对着一个男人竖起中指。", "尖叫的女人, 张大嘴巴,用直立的手指指着被引导的军官。", "一名妇女正在向一名警察尖叫并将他甩开。", "一个人坐在那里大声冲着一个穿制服的人尖叫着。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的男人正在对着一个警察大叫。", "一个女子伸出中指在摇晃,张大嘴,旁边的一个男子张望着她并且嘴里在讲着什么。" ]
[ "A BOY LEAVES THE ROOM WHILE A LADY TALKS TO A MAN.", "A woman is standing in a room talking to a man and a boy walks away.", "a dark video where people are talking in a room as they stand still and talk to each other", "A male and female are talking and a young child walks in between them.", "In a house two people are having a conversation.", "A woman speaks to two men in a dark room and a child walks out of the frame.", "A small group of people converse in a very dark room.", "A woman talking to a man is describing how much her girlfriend loved it and the man is responding to her.", "A long haired woman is talking with someone while a man watches", "A mother is telling her son to leave the room as the dad looks on." ]
[ "在一个房间里,一个女人正在和一个男人交谈,旁边有一个男人在围观。", "房间里,一群人正再相互交流着谈话。", "一个穿裙子的女人一边说着话,一边做着手势。", "一个男孩离开,一个女人对着一个男人做着动作。", "在一个房间里,有一个男人和一个披着头发的女人。", "一个女人在一个黑暗的房间里对一个男人说话,一个孩子走出了画面外。", "几个人在一个非常黑暗的房间里交谈。", "一个女人正在向一个男人讲述她的女朋友是多么地喜欢她,而这个男人正在回应她。", "一个长头发的女人在房间和别人说话。", "一个女人正在和房间里的两个男人讲话,其中一个男人走了出去。" ]
[ "A man and a woman are in the middle of a heated argument.", "A man and a woman are loudly arguing with each other inside of a room.", "A man and woman are in a living room yelling at each other loudly.", "a man and a woman take turns yelling at each other", "A man and woman are shouting at each other and having an argument", "Two people are sitting at a table yelling at each other.", "Two people are arguing loudly in a dimly lit room.", "A man and woman are arguing very loudly with each other in an indoor setting", "A man and a women are arguing inside of a house", "A man and a woman sit facing each other in a living room and have an argument while people laugh." ]
[ "一个长头发的女人和一个穿着白背心的男人手在比划,嘴还动着。", "一个男人和一个女人在互相地争论。", "在室内,一个男人和一个女人正在吵架,手上还比着动作。", "在一个昏暗的房间,两个人正说话。", "一个男人和一个女人一直在房间里争吵。", "两个人坐在一张桌面前互相吼叫。", "两个人在并不明亮的房间里争吵,声音很大。", "一男一女在室内环境中互相争吵吵得很凶。", "一个男人和一个女人在房间里进行着争吵。", "一个女人和一个男人在面对面的争吵。" ]
[ "In a circle are a standing man in red speaking emotionally with four men in t-shirts sitting in chairs or on floor.", "Four men in yellow shirts and one in red confer heatedly while grouped in small circle.", "A group of men standing and sitting in a circle talking and yelling.", "Five men are sitting or standing in a tight circle having a loud discussion.", "Several guys are sitting in a circle talking and then one says the easiest job is a gym teacher.", "Several men are sitting and standing in a circle talking about the value of a gym teacher versus another position.", "A group of people were discussing something seriously and shouting at each other", "A group of men are sitting around on chairs in a circle and talking.", "A group of young men at night in a circle have a lively discussion.", "A group of people was having an argument in the dark" ]
[ "五个人在室外坐着椅子其中两个立着手还在比划。", "四个穿着白色衣服的男人,和一个穿着红色衣服的男人,在地上说话。", "一群男人围在了一个桌子的周围,他们正在进行谈话。", "在一个黑夜里,一些人坐着站着在一起说话。", "五个人围着在一起,两个站着的人手比划着。其他三个人坐着在看。", "几个男人围坐在一起,并谈论着体育老师与另一个职位的价值。", "一群人正在认真地讨论一些事情并且互相喊叫。", "一群人坐在椅子上围成一圈, 一起聊天。", "一个穿着红色上衣的人在热烈的讨论。", "在室外,一群人正在黑暗的地方正在发生着争执。" ]
[ "A man is swearing and demanding other people in the crowd to prove to him that god is not a lie and someone ask him to look at the building behind him.", "A man is yelling at another man in a group of assembled people in a park with palm trees.", "Two men among a group of people outside are having a disagreement about God.", "A guy claps as another guy is shown standing and talking to the crowd.", "A man in a crowd yells to another man, \"prove to me that god is not a alive,\" to which the other man responds, \"he's not; look at that building behind you.\"", "A man argues with preachers outside while other people watch.", "Outside two men are standing on ledges and talking to each other.", "Two people are arguing with each other among a group of people standing in the street.", "two men are talking to each other threw a crowd of people.", "A group of people are outside arguing at a protest." ]
[ "白天的户外,两个男人在说话,旁边很多人在观看。", "一个男人正在进行有节奏的论讲,周围许多人在围观欢呼,而在他的对面,一个爷爷也正高高站着说着。", "两个男人正在争吵,他们的周围有很多人在围观。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,两个人在说话,一些人在看着。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个人在讲话,旁边有很多人在看着。", "一个男子与一个传教士争论,而其他人在旁边观看。", "一大群人在外面围观着人群中两个人的表演。", "街上有两个人站在一群人中间互相争论。", "两个男人正在一大群人的围观中互相交谈。", "两个男人在人群中边讲话边摆动着双手,旁边一群人在围观。" ]
[ "Two youth talk loudly to each other about their clothing.", "Two teenage boys argue over money for their clothes and who bought them.", "A pair of teenage boys are making fun of each other in a car.", "A boy in the back of a car gives the middle finger to a boy in the passenger seat of the car, as they argue about their dress.", "Some teenage boys in a car trash talk each other while another boy laughs.", "Two boys are bantering with each other in a car and using curse words about their jackets.", "A couple of boys are arguring and making a fuss over one another inside a vehicle.", "Two teenagers fight as passengers in a vehicle, one giving the other the finger.", "Two men are sitting in a car and arguing with each other.", "A group of young men laugh and make fun of each other." ]
[ "两个男孩在车里激烈的争论着关于衣服的事情。", "两个男人在车内激动地对话,其中一个男人动了一下身上的外套。", "有两个短头发的小男孩儿坐在车里谈论着。", "两个穿长袖的男孩儿在车内谈论着自己的衣服。", "汽车里面,后座的一个男孩在跟副驾驶座上的一个男孩在争吵。", "两个男孩在车里互相嘲讽,并对他们的夹克说脏话。", "一对男孩在一辆汽车里互相争吵,互相大惊小怪。", "两名青少年在一辆汽车上吵了起来。", "两个男人坐在行驶中的车里互相争吵着。", "在漆黑的夜晚,一群年轻人在车里大笑。" ]
[ "A woman opens a drawer, talks to a man and shows him a picture.", "The woman pulls pictures from the drawer and ask the man to open his eyes.", "a girl is showing a picture of a woman to a man", "A couple was on a bed and the woman was showing the man a picture.", "A woman pulls open a drawer and whips out a bunch of pictures which she makes her boyfriend look at.", "A lady and a man are sleeping in a bed together, the lady then moves near the man and holds a picture to the man.", "A woman takes out a photograph of another woman and shows it to a man in bed.", "A man is being questioned by a woman on the bed.", "A woman uses a photo to threaten a man she is in bed with.", "A couple are on a bed when the girl tells the guy to close his eyes and reopen them at her cue, then she puts a girl's photo in front of him and he yells when he opens his eyes." ]
[ "在卧室里,一个穿睡裙的女人和男人说话。", "一对外国年轻男女在床上,女的向男的逼问一张美女相片的来历。", "一个女人从抽屉里拿出了一张照片去质问在床上的男人,两个人发生了争吵。", "一个金发的女人从抽屉里拿一张女人的照片放在男友面前。", "一个穿着吊带的金发女人,从抽屉里拿出一张长发女人的照片,给坐在床上的灰色衣服男人看。", "一位女士和一名男子在一张床上,然后女人拿着一张照片给男人看。", "一个女人在床上拿出一张纸展示给在床上坐着的男子。", "一名男子正在床上接受一名女子的询问。", "一名女子用一张照片威胁到她在床上的男人。", "在室内,有一个男子和一个女子两个人在床上在说话。" ]
[ "Two adults in a bar argue and curse at one another.", "A man and a woman in a bar, the man salutes and the woman arguing with him about his assumption.", "A man and a woman are arguing at a bar while drinking.", "A woman is yelling at a man at a bar with foul language.", "A man and woman sit at a bar drinking and arguing about something.", "A man and a woman are sitting side by side at a bar, and they are arguing with each other.", "A man and a woman stand at a bar yeling and swearing at each other.", "A lady is cussing out a man that is drinking a beer at a bar.", "At a bar area, a man is holding a glass and sitting next to a woman while both argue with each other.", "A man holds a glass at a bar while arguing with a woman." ]
[ "一个喝醉的女人和一个喝醉的男人在争吵。", "一名喝醉了的女子正在对着一个拿着酒杯的男子大声说话。", "一个短发男子举着酒杯和一个长发男子讲话。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正拿着一个酒杯唱歌。", "一个女人正在和一个喝醉酒的男人交谈着什么。", "一个男人和一个女人在酒吧的吧台前坐着互相争吵。", "一个男人和一个女人在酒吧里吵着架。", "一位女士在酒吧里骂一个正在喝啤酒的男人。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在酒吧和一个女人争执。", "一个男人在酒吧里拿着玻璃杯和一个女人争吵。" ]
[ "A dad is pushing a baby's hands and the baby is screaming.", "A man and a young girl sit on a rug and interact back and forth.", "An indian man is seen sitting with and speaking to a small child", "An adult man and a toddler interact in a disciplinary manner.", "An adult is conversing with a very young child, as the child seems to mimic him.", "A man play argues with a girl while sitting on a rug.", "Man and child sitting on the floor pointing at each other.", "A man and a child sitting on the floor while the child speaks gibberish.", "a little kid sitting in front of a man as the man is pointing at them", "A baby girl sitting in front of a man sitting as well interact using gestures and sayings." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个男人和一个小孩,坐在地板上玩耍。", "房间里,一名身穿白色上衣的男人坐在地上跟一名小朋友在玩耍。", "一个穿着白色背心的男人在室内教育小孩。", "一个人身穿着浅色的衣服在和一个孩子玩游戏。", "一个男人和一个小孩对坐着说话,男人轻轻地打了一下小孩的手。", "一个男子和一个女孩坐在地毯上面争论。", "一个小孩子和一个大人坐在地板上互相用手指着对方。", "一个男人和一个孩子坐在地板上,而孩子说胡言乱语。", "一个小孩坐在一个男人面前男人指着他们。", "一个男人坐在毯子上,用手指着面前的小孩,小孩挥舞着右手。" ]
[ "A confrontation is building between two young men", "Two boys are having a conversation with each other in a foreign language.", "Two boys are doing a comedy act with a funny language.", "Two males that are talking very strangely at each other while sitting.", "Two teenage boys are talking and saying things that are not understandable.", "Two boys asking and replying to each other's conversations in a language other than English.", "Two boys are sitting and yelling at each other in a language other than English", "Two boys talk back and forth in funny made up languages.", "Two young boys are having an argument about something they saw.", "Two people talk back and forth in a foreign language, as narrations are shown." ]
[ "一个戴着帽子的人和一个戴着眼镜的人在讲话。", "两个男人在相互对话,其中一个男人显得很激动。", "个戴着棒球帽的男孩儿和一个卷发男孩儿正在激烈的争论。", "一个戴眼镜的小孩儿和一个戴帽子的小孩儿正在对话。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在和别人说话。", "两个男孩用一种英语以外的语言谈话。", "两个男孩坐着,用英语以外的语言互相大喊大叫。", "两个男孩在用奇妙的语言来回的交谈。", "个年轻男孩为了他们看到的东西而争吵。", "一个戴眼镜的男孩在和一个带着鸭舌帽的男子用一种外语来回交谈。" ]
[ "Two black men on the sidewalk are having an altercation with foul words.", "Two men standing on a sidewallk outside a home argue before one man walks away", "Two middle aged men arguing on a sidewalk, in front of houses.", "On a side walk outside two men are talking to each other.", "Two men are arguing in front of a house and a third is filming and commenting.", "Two men stand in front of a house and converse closely with one another.", "Two older men are outside talking to one another on the side walk.", "2 old guys that appear to be neighbors arguing and a 3rd guy telling them to calm down", "Two adult men on the sidewalk talking and arguing then one walks away.", "Two men on a sidewalk arguing while the person filming tries to get them to stop." ]
[ "两个男人站在路边聊了一会儿天然后一个人离开了。", "一个穿着橙色衣服和一个穿着白色衣服的男人在街道旁边说着话。", "一个穿黑色短裤的人和一个穿短袖的人在讲话。", "两个穿着黑色裤子的男人站在水泥路上交流。", "一个穿着橘色短袖的黑人男子正在和一个人说话。", "两个男人站在一所房子前面,彼此密切的交谈。", "两个年龄较大的男人在外面边走着边互相交谈。", "两个看起来是邻居争论的老人和一个叫他们冷静下来的第三人。", "在马路边上有两个男人在讨论着什么,然后他们走开了。", "两名男子在人行道上争吵,而拍摄的人试图让他们停下来。" ]
[ "In a kitchen, two frustrated-sounding men are having an argument about where they were supposed to stand.", "Two men are in a kitchen and are fighting and having an argument.", "Two guys in a kitchen having a heated discussion with each other.", "A person is speaking to another person in the kitchen,", "Two young guys are standing in a kitchen arguing with each other.", "Two males are in the kitchen talking then they get into a slight argument.", "A set of twins having an argument in a kitchen.", "Two men that look alike argue with each other in a kitchen.", "a couple of people in a room arguing with each other with noone around", "A couple of brothers that are twins having a argument over what they were suppose to do." ]
[ "两个身穿黑色衣服的短头发男人正在说话。", "一对双胞胎兄弟在厨房争执,一个在心平气和的说着大道理,一个在一旁满脸不服的回应他。", "两个男的在屋子里站着面对面用手摆出姿势吵架。", "在明亮的房间里,有两名身穿一样衣服的男人在说话。", "一对双胞胎男人穿着相同的黑色衣服在厨房里说话。", "两个男人在厨房里说话,然后他们发生了轻微的争吵。", "两名穿着黑衣光着脚的男子在房间里争吵。", "两个长得很相似的男人在厨房里争吵。", "一个房间里两个穿着一样衣服的男子在争论。", "一对兄弟是双胞胎,他们对自己的想法有所争论。" ]
[ "A man dressed in black wearing a large silver cross approaches a woman in the parking lot of a shopping mall.", "A man in a black leather jacket discusses with a woman next to a black car.", "A man in a leather jacket is talking to a woman about something.", "A man is talking and standing next to a parked car, and when he moves forward, a woman starts talking, and they both continue conversating.", "A man and a woman stand by a car talking about her breast size.", "A young couple is standing by a car about to enter it", "Two people are outside of a parking socializing with each other.", "A man walks up to a woman about to enter a car and then they talk.", "A man next to a car on a street chastises a woman regarding the hang of her shirt and the size of her breasts.", "A man and a woman are talking to each other standing by a car." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的女人拦截了一个穿着黑色衣服的男人拦的车。", "一个男人和一个女人在一辆车的旁边交谈。", "一个戴帽子的男人和一个穿白衣服的女人在室外交谈。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在一辆车旁与另一人对话。", "一位男士在一辆汽车面前和一位女士聊天。", "一对年轻的夫妇在汽车旁,准备进入汽车里。", "一个男子和一个女子在马路旁边互相交谈。", "一个男人走向一个正要上车的女人,走到一起说话了。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人正在对着车窗整理自己的衣服。", "在室外,一个男子正在和一个女子在说话。" ]
[ "A group of men argue with each other in an alley.", "Several men are shown in discussion while a humorous voiceover and laughing children are heard", "Four men are having an argument while onlookers videotape them and laugh.", "A person laughs loudly while another tries to persuade them to take something they don't want.", "Four guys stand in front of a stone wall as they argue.", "A man is arguing with three other men that are standing next to him.", "A group of 4 men on the street talking or arguing about something", "A group of people are arguing in the street, while a man is comedically narrating what is being said. Children laugh at his narration.", "A group of men talking outside are arguing about something.", "Four males engaged in conversation on a sidewalk with children laughing in the background." ]
[ "四个人正站在路上手舞足蹈的交谈着什么。", "一个穿白色衣服的男子在和一个穿西服的男子讨论着,旁边的两个男人在看着。", "四个中年男子正在门口进行口舌之战。", "三个穿西装和一个穿白色衣服的男人在说话,旁边还有一个女人经过。", "在室外四个男子站在一起相互比划着动作。", "一个男人正在和他旁边的三个男人争论。", "四个男人在街上谈论或者争论某事。", "一群人在街上争吵, 而一个人却在滑稽地讲述正在说的话。孩子们嘲笑他的叙述。", "一群男人在房间外面谈论某件事情。", "四个男人正站在大街上交谈,一个女子从他们背后经过。" ]
[ "A young boy talks to other children sitting at a table.", "A boy talks loudly at a table while others eat.", "A group of school children are sitting around a table eating lunch and a boy in a blue shirt is talking.", "A young boy is talking to a group of other young boys at a lunch table.", "a boy seated at a table talks to other kids then the view pans to show the rest of the table", "Kids seated in a school cafeteria, having lunch and talking.", "a boy talking with his hands gestures to a group of kids at his table", "A young boy is speaking to someone else, sitting around a table with other people.", "A young boy is talking to his peers in the cafeteria.", "A boy is talking to other kids who are also sitting along the same table." ]
[ "一个小男孩正在与另一个人相互交谈。", "在一个房间里,一个穿着短袖的人在说话。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男孩在餐桌上说话。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的小男孩正在和朋友们聊天。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人在桌子前吃着东西说着话。", "孩子们坐在学校食堂里,吃着午餐和聊天。", "一个穿着蓝色短袖的男孩正在对桌子旁的孩子们说话。", "一个小男孩和其他人坐在一张桌子旁边,并且正在和别人说话。", "一个小男孩在吃自助餐的时候跟他的同龄人聊天。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男孩说着话,用手指着桌子旁的其他孩子。" ]
[ "A little boy takes a camera from another little boy", "A boy stands in a yard talking to another person before lunging forward.", "While one child holds a video camera she talks to a small boy about super heroes.", "A boy standing outside a home addresses the camera then grabs at the camera", "A young boy wearing a red tank top argues with the person filming.", "A boy is standing outside debating with the person behind the camera about superheroes. The boy then reaches to grab the camera obstructing the view briefly.", "two young boys are arguing over who is the best superhero.", "A boy wearing a t-shirt is pushing someone who is talking to him.", "A boy with long blond hair and a red shirt talks to the camera and then shoos it away.", "A kid is yelling at the camera and then attacks the person holding it." ]
[ "一个穿着红色衣服的金发小男孩在开心地说话。", "一个女孩和一个小男孩开心地说话。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人正在站着说话。", "一个穿红色上衣的短发男子在室外的草地上说话。", "一个穿红衣服的小孩站在户外的草地上笑着说话。", "一个男孩站在外边与镜头后面的人讨论超级英雄,之后男孩伸手抓住相机短暂地挡住了视线。", "两个小男孩正在草坪上争论着什么。", "一个穿着红色衣服的男孩正在推着跟他说话的人。", "一个长着金色头发和穿着一件红色衬衫的男孩对着相机说话。", "一个孩子对着镜头大喊大叫, 然后攻击拿着相机的人。" ]
[ "A young man and a young woman read and from acting scripts.", "A boy and girl reading scripts acting out a scene.", "Two young people are practicing a dialogue for a theater performance.", "A man and a woman prepare for a play by reading off of the script.", "A young male and female are rehearsing lines for a play.", "In a room, a young man and woman are rehearsing a play by acting and reading dialogue from a script.", "two people are practicing a part in a theatrical play by reading a script", "A man and a woman face each other holding scripts that they read lines from.", "Two people holding screenplays rehearsing their lines inside a building.", "A man and a woman are passionately practicing an acting script." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服的长头发女人和一个男人正在说话。", "一个女孩和一个男孩手里分别拿着剧本在对台词。", "在一个房间里,两个黄色头发的人拿着剧本对戏。", "一个长发姑娘和一个短发小伙子拿着本子在排练。", "一个男人和一个女人正在拿着剧本对台词。", "在一个房间里,一个年轻的男人和一个女人正在通过表演和阅读剧本中的对话来排练戏剧。", "两个人正在通过阅读剧本来练习戏剧中的一个角色。", "一个男人和一个女人面对面,读着他们手里拿着的剧本。", "两个人拿着剧本排练他们需要表演的节目。", "一男一女正在充满热情地练习表演剧本。" ]
[ "A group of young men are in a room having a discussion that has instruments in it.", "A young man flanked on either side by two other young men is talking to someone off camera about England.", "A couple of men in black shirts describe a topic to people ahead of them.", "A group of men in a classroom debate a topic between themselves.", "A group of teenagers being filmed behind instruments while chatting with each other", "Some boys in a classroom with tubas behind them are talking.", "Boys standing in front of band instruments are seen talking about the difference between islands and continents.", "Three young men stand in front of musical instruments and talk to a man.", "Several people are talking in a room full of brass instruments.", "Three boys are standing next to musical instruments and explaining something." ]
[ "几个人穿黑色衣服的男孩子站在一个房间相互的说着什么。", "一个男人抱着手臂在与另一个人交谈,另外两个男人在观看。", "几名男子在房间里听一名身穿黑色衣服的男人在讲解着一些事情。", "三个身穿深色上衣的人站在室内中间的人在说话。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在说这话。", "一些男孩在教室里说话,其中两人背后有两个大号。", "站在乐队乐器前的男孩们正在谈论岛屿和大陆之间的区别。", "三个年轻人站在乐器前和其他人在交谈着。", "几个人正在一个装满铜管乐器的房间里谈话。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的男孩在说话,另外两个男孩在旁边站着。" ]
[ "A group of people are socializing outside of a building", "A group of people are standing near a street talking.", "Group of people on a street corner listening to elderly man on cell phone", "Several men standing on a public street and they look to be watching an argument between two men.", "A man yelling at a group of people as a bus almost hits him.", "One older man is talking on his phone while others are milling about.", "People gathered around and stared at a man making a phone call close to the road", "A man is speaking near a busy street in the city.", "People are yelling as they wait and a bus passes by.", "A man is talking loudly on his cell phone outside near a busy street with a lot of people around." ]
[ "一群人在围观一个人和另一个人争吵。", "一个老人在路边的电话,周围一些人在看。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一群人站在街边说话。", "一群人在路边说话,一辆黄色的车行驶而过。", "一辆蓝色的车行驶过来旁边站着很多人。", "一位老人正在打电话,而其他人在到处闲逛。", "人们聚集在一起,盯着一个男人在靠近马路的地方打电话。", "一个男人正在一条繁华的街道旁边跟身边的人说话。", "人们在等待和一辆公共汽车经过时大喊大叫。", "一群人正站在路边,路上有一辆大巴车驶过。" ]
[ "A man yells at another man when a woman in lab coat intervenes near patient with tubing.", "A man screams at another man in the face and a woman attempts to calm the situation down.", "A man is in the hospital and two people are arguing about it.", "A heated exchange ensues at a hospital in a drama show.", "A man in a hospital yells at another man while a woman tries to stop him.", "A man is in a neck brace then another man is yelling at another man.", "Two men and a woman are in a hospital room talking about the patient.", "Two men argue with noisy words in a hospital room and a woman asks him to calm down while he reviews the patient.", "Scene from a television show in a hospital room with a man in a bed and others talking.", "One man yells at another man inside a hospital while a woman intervenes." ]
[ "在漆黑的夜晚,两个男人在病人旁边吵架,女的过来批评他俩。", "一个男人躺在病床上,另外两个男人在斗嘴,女医生制止了他们。", "一个男子在病床上躺着,另外两个男子吵了起来,一个女医生前去劝架。", "一个人躺在病床上,旁边站着一个女医生,还有两个男人正在吵架。", "在一个明亮的房间里,三个人嘴巴在一张一合的动着。", "一个男人在脖子上有一个颈托,之后另一个男人怼另一个男人大喊大叫。", "一个人躺在病床上,另外三个人在争论着什么。", "两名男子在医院房间里吵着说话,一名女士在检查病人时要求他冷静下来。", "在一部电视里面, 从医院房间的一个女子正在与两个男人说话,病床里躺着一个人。", "一个男子躺在床上,旁边有三个人正在说话。" ]
[ "Two men are arguing at an outdoor event, and a third man gets between them and separates them.", "At an outdoor concert, two people appear to be arguing over something.", "Two men have an altercation in the back yard at a family event.", "Beer flows freely and a big guy gets rowdy at an afternoon barbeque.", "A group of people outside together for an event where they hug each other", "A man in an orange shirt gets very upset during an outdoor barbecue.", "A bunch of adults are milling around outdoors and talking loudly while a little girl sits and watches.", "Two men engage in an argument as a group of people watch.", "At a gathering, one man is yelling aggressively at another man while a third man tries to break it up.", "Theres a commotion in a pakr were people are drinking and almost got them into a fight." ]
[ "白天的户外,两个男人在说话,旁边一些人在观看。", "一群人正在放着音乐的绿色草地上面吵架。", "许多人站在绿草坪上,两个人在说话,之后分开。", "一个穿着黄色上衣的男人和一个穿灰色上衣的男人争吵被旁观人拉开。", "在户外露天的草地上面,站了一群人他们在说着一些什么话。", "一个身穿橙色衣服的男人在户外烧烤的时候与别人发生了口角。", "一群大人中的两个在吵架,一个女孩坐着观看。", "两个男人发生了一段争吵,旁边还有一群人在观看。", "在室外一名男子正在向另一名男子大吼大叫。", "在室外的草地上,很多人站在一起,其中有的人在喝酒。" ]
[ "A woman in glasses asking for a young boy to give him his hand and engages in an arm wrestling", "The girls are trying to compete in an arm wrestling event.", "Two females are both arm wrestling each other on a table.", "A woman shows a child how to arm wrestle at a table.", "Two people are sitting at a table trying to arm wrestle and talk.", "A young couple set up on a small desk to arm wrestle.", "Two boys are sitting at a table and arm wrestling with each other.", "2 people in an arm wrestling match while music plays in the background.", "At a table 2 people are holding hands to play arm westling.", "A group of two people are arm wrestling on a table top." ]
[ "一个男人和一个女人在一个桌子上比试着腕力。", "在房间里,一个女人和另一个人在桌子上掰手腕。", "两个小男孩正在很用力的玩扳手腕。", "一个穿着深蓝色衣服的人和一个穿着橙色衣服的人掰手腕。", "两个人双手握着正在掰手腕,旁边还放着一个插着吸管的杯子。", "一对年轻夫妇在一张小桌子上面掰手腕。", "两个男孩正坐在一张桌子上,双臂正在互相扭来扭去。", "在背景音乐播放的时候,一名妇女正在用两只手臂和两个小孩进行掰手腕比赛。", "一个人在房间里的桌子上进行扳手腕游戏。", "两个人正坐在桌子前举行掰手腕比赛。" ]
[ "Two men arm wrestle one another until one of them emerges victorious.", "Two men are seated at a counter while arm wrestling with each other before one eventually is victorious.", "Two guy are a kitchen table having an arm wrestling match.", "Two men arm wrestling on a table, until one loses.", "a couple of men are competing with one another in an arm wrestling contest", "Two men are arm wrestling and one of them wins at the end of the video.", "Two men lock hands and have a arm wrestling contest until one wins.", "Two people at a kitchen counter arm wrestling where one person finally wins.", "Two men sat at a table while wrestling with their arms", "At a table two men have their elbows on a table and they are arm wrestling." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的男人和一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在比手腕。", "两位穿着白色衣服和黑色衣服的男人正激烈的比赛扳手腕。", "两个男子坐在白色的桌子前比赛掰手腕。", "在一个房间里,有两个男人正在白色的桌子上掰手腕。", "一个白色衣服的男人和一个黑色衣服的男人在掰手腕,然后黑色衣服的男人获胜了。", "两名男子掰手腕,其中一人在录像结束时获胜。", "两个人握着手掰手腕直到有一个人获胜。", "两个人在厨房的柜台掰手腕, 一个人终于赢了。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在房间里跟同伴扳手腕。", "在一张桌子上有两个男人在进行扳手腕,不过他们平局。" ]
[ "A loud crowd watches as two men are having an arm wrestling competition.", "At an event, two men hold on tight and compete in an arm wrestling contest.", "Two men armwrestling with one of them winning at the end.", "Two men are arm wrestling as a group of men watch.", "Two men are arm wrestling while a group of men watch.", "Two men are surrounded by others and have an arm wrestling match.", "Two men arm wrestle on a black table with black blocks and handles.", "Two men performing in an arm wrestling match with a group of people watching in the background.", "Two men arm wrestling each other with one beating the other easily.", "Two men sit at a table together and arm wrestle in front of a crowd." ]
[ "一群人在围观两个皮肤黝黑的大力士掰腕子。", "两位男士在桌面上进行一场扳手腕比赛。", "一个穿黑色衣服的人在和一个穿白色衣服的人正在掰手腕。", "两个男人正趴在一个桌子上扳手腕。", "明亮的房间内,两个男人在扳手腕,旁边一些人在观看。", "两名男子被其他人包围,并且正在进行掰手腕的比赛。", "两名男子用手臂在一张黑色的桌子上扳手腕,旁边有很多人在观看。", "两名男子在与一群人在背景中观看的摔跤比赛中表演。", "在人群中两个男人在举行掰手腕比赛。", "两个男人在桌子上掰手腕,一群人在围观。" ]
[ "Two boys are in a room and pretending to hand wrestle.", "Two boys are trying to armwrestle each other while being quite.", "Two boys are sitting at a table doing some arm wrestling.", "Two young men arm wrestle while whispering and laughing.", "Two teenage boys are arm wrestling on a table in a classroom.", "Two boys are in a classroom and sneaking to make a video of arm wrestling.", "A boy with stripy top is arm wrestling with a boy with grey T shirt on in the classroom", "A couple of boys arm wrestle one another while talking quietly", "Two young boys laugh together as they arm wrestle, they both grin during the game.", "Two children sit on either side a table and arm wrestle." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,两个小男孩,在桌子上掰手腕。", "一个男孩子在和另一个男孩子玩着掰手腕。", "一个人正在跟另一个人扳手腕,两人玩儿似的扳了几下。", "两个男人正坐在靠在桌子边上扳手腕。", "两个人在桌子上面掰手腕,他们互相看着对方笑。", "两个男孩在教室里偷偷摸摸地进行掰手腕。", "一个穿着条纹上衣的男孩在和一个穿着灰色上衣的男孩进行着扳手腕比赛。", "两个男孩在静静地说话时互相用手掰腕子。", "两个小男孩一起大笑他们正在试图掰手腕。", "两个孩子坐在两边,一张桌子和胳膊摔跤。" ]
[ "A bunch of guys are standing together and pressing on something.", "Four men set up and execute a gesture standing around an outdoor table", "A couple of men are outdoors competing in an arm wrestling competition.", "Two men are arm wrestling in front of an audience and two referees, ultimately ending with the competitor in the back winning.", "four men playing around with an instrument at a bbq.", "Two guys are having an arm wrestle and one guy wins instantly.", "Two guys are having an arm wrestling battle while two other guys judge.", "Two men engage in an arm-wrestling competition while two other men look on.", "A group of men at an arm wrestling competition where it looks as if the guy in red won.", "Two boys are armwrestling each other while two other boys watch." ]
[ "两个人在室外进行扳手腕比赛,另外两个人做裁判,一段激烈角逐,裁判员他右手边的人胜出。", "一共有4个男人,白衣服的男人在给其他三个男人下口令。", "两个男人在桌子上掰手腕,其中一个男人秒赢。", "有一个穿着黑色短袖男的在跟另一个男的扳手腕。", "一个方形桌上,两个人在掰手腕,旁边两个人在助威。", "两个男人正在桌子上进行掰手腕,一个人当场获胜。", "两个人在进行着扳手腕比赛,旁边站着两个人在做判断。", "两个男人参加掰手腕比赛,另外两个男人在旁边看。", "一群男人参加掰手腕比赛,看起来是穿红衣服的那个人赢了。", "两个男孩在互相残杀,而另外两个男孩在旁边看着。" ]
[ "Two young men are arm-wrestling while another man is filming them.", "Two young men struggle to be the winner of an arm wrestling match.", "Two guys are at a kitchen table playing arm wrestling", "Two gentlemen are sitting at a kitchen bar arm wrestling.", "Two friends arm wrestle while one holds on to the table and the third person uses his camera to capture the action.", "A person is playing arm wrestle with another on top of a table.", "Two people at a kitchen counter arm wrestling while another person watches in the background.", "The guys are exerting so much energy as each try to win the arm wrestling challenge.", "Two men are arm wrestling one another to see who is stronger.", "Two guys sit at a table having an arm wrestling match." ]
[ "两个男人使劲力气正在桌子上比拼掰手腕。", "两个男人坐在桌子上玩着掰手腕游戏。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男的跟绿色衣服的男的比赛腕力。", "一个穿绿色衣服的男人和另一个男人在掰手腕。", "房间里,一个绿色衣服的男人和一个黑色衣服的男人在掰手腕。", "一个人在一张桌子上与另一个人正在进行掰手腕。", "两个人在厨房的柜台掰手腕,而另一个人在旁边观看。", "两个男人在桌子上掰手腕,一个人在旁边观看。", "两个人正在掰手腕,看看是谁更强壮。", "两个人在一张桌子上进行掰手腕比赛。" ]
[ "Two men prepare to arm wrestle in a competition and one beats the other.", "A group of men during a contest to arm wrestle and win", "Two guys stand across from each other having an arm wrestling challenge.", "Two men are at a table arm wrestling while a referee watches over them.", "A referee is witnessing an arm wrestling match between two guys.", "Two men have an arm wrestling contest while a third man officiates.", "Men sit at a table with their hands clutched and then they arm wrestle.", "Men are at a table with a referee doing arm wrestling", "Two guys playing arm wrestling with a referee and one of them wins", "Two men arm wrestle each other with one man winning handily." ]
[ "四个男人围在一张小桌子前,其中两个男人在进行扳手腕比赛。", "一群人在室内围着两个扳手腕看两个人掰手腕。", "黑衣男子和红衣条纹男子在掰手腕,裁判一说开始,黑衣男子就输了。", "两个人在室内掰手腕,周围有许多人正在观看。", "两个人坐在桌子前掰着手腕,旁边有一个人在给他们加油。", "两个男人在桌子上进行了掰手腕比赛,而第三个人在主持。", "在酒吧里,几个人正在激烈地比赛掰手腕。", "男子正在与裁判做手臂摔跤的桌子。", "两个男人正在掰手腕,有一个裁判宣布其中一个赢了。", "两个男人手臂扳手,一个男人轻轻松松地赢了。" ]
[ "Two women along with others are laying on the ground arm wrestling as others cheer.", "Kids are laying down on the lawn and doing hand wrestling with a coach.", "Two girls are laying belly down on grass and arm wrestling while other people are also arm wrestling.", "Two young girls are laying on the lawn arm wrestling and a person overlook the out come.", "A group of girls are paired off, and laying on the ground arm wrestling.", "Two girls arm wrestle in a field with people cheering on.", "A group of people participate in a large arm wrestling tournament.", "A group of people are laying down arm wrestling, a person is next to them judging who wins.", "People hauler while two young women lay on their stomachs arm wrestling in the grass while a referee watches.", "Several people are lying on the grass having arm-wrestling matches in front of a crowd of people as referees watch." ]
[ "一群人在草地上面板着手腕一旁的人在呼喊。", "一群人在草地上举行着趴在地上扳手腕的比赛。", "一个戴着眼镜身穿咖啡色上衣的女子在掰手腕。", "在室外的一个草坪上有很多人在做游戏。", "在一个草地上在举行掰手腕大赛,上面有很多人趴在草地上进行比赛.。", "两个女孩趴在草地上掰手腕,旁边有人欢呼。", "一大群人在空旷的草地上趴着进行着扳手腕比赛。", "一群人正在用手臂接力,一个人在旁边正在判断谁赢了。", "两个穿着灰色衣服的女子趴在草坪上掰手腕。", "一些女士趴在草地上正在裁判的关注下扳手腕。" ]
[ "Two people arm wrestle in a DJ's Booth before the one in the black shirt wins.", "Two people are arm wrestling in a radio station recording room.", "A woman is arm wrestling a man and beats him while another man is cheering.", "A woman and a man arm wrestle with one another.", "a man arm wrestles a lady that is next to him", "Two man were playing the hand game and one person won the game in the sound studio", "A man and a woman are engaging in a game of hand wrestling", "A man is arm wrestling with a young lady, they appear to be in a studio.", "A couple of people are arm wrestling and the guy with the grey sweater loses.", "A couple of people at a recording studio are seen talking and laughing together." ]
[ "在房间里,一个女人扳倒了一个男人的手。", "一个男人和一个女人在掰腕子,旁边有人呐喊最终女人赢了。", "一个男子用双脚用力的将趴在身上的女子抬了起来。", "一个女士在和一个男士掰手腕,然后女士赢了。", "在一间明亮的房间里,一个男人着一个女人正在掰腕子。", "两个人在玩掰手腕比赛,一个人在录音室里赢得了比赛。", "一个男人和一个女人正在进行一场手摔跤比赛。", "一个男人正在和一位年轻的女士掰手腕,他们看起来像是在一个工作室里。", "有几个人是手臂摔跤,灰色毛衣的家伙输了。", "在一个录音演播室里, 看到几个人在一起谈笑风生。" ]
[ "Two shirtless men arm wrestle on a wooden table outside.", "Two shirtless men arm wrestle over a wooden table outdoors", "Two muscular shirtless men are sitting at a wooden table having an arm wrestling match.", "Two shirtless men, sit at a wooden table, with drinks on the table, and arm wrestle each other.", "Two muscular, shirtless men arm wrestling at a table outside.", "Two men sit at a picnic table and arm wrestle each other.", "Two men are outside sitting at a table and arm wrestling.", "While music is playing in the background, two men are very easily matched in an arm wrestling match.", "Two shirtless men sitting on a table an arm wrestling but no one is winning", "two men competing in arm wrestling while sitting at a table" ]
[ "两个男人正在光着膀子进行扳手腕游戏。", "两个短头发男人正在黄色的桌子上掰手腕。", "两个光着上半身的男人坐在桌子旁边掰手腕。", "两个裸着上身的男人正把胳膊放在桌子上扳手腕。", "两个男人在桌子面前掰腕子,还未分出胜负。", "两个男人在一个桌子上互相掰手腕。", "两个赤裸上半身的男人正在外面的桌子上掰手腕。", "一个男子和另一男子正在进行掰手腕比赛。", "两个赤膊上阵的男人坐在桌前掰手腕。", "两名男子在一张桌子上面进行着掰手腕比赛。" ]
[ "Two young guys are inside participating in arm wrestling on the table.", "Two men place their elbows on a table, clasp hands and then arm wrestle.", "Two teens are in a room with music playing and arm wrestling each other.", "Two men are arm wrestling and neither man can get the advantage.", "a few people in a room doing an arm wrestling contest together", "Two young men are competing in an arm wrestle match on a table.", "Two people are plying arm wrestling by holding hands on the table", "Two men are engaged in arm wrestling, but it seems that no one is gaining any advantage.", "two people are having an arm wrestling match on a table", "Two men are sitting in a room at a table arm wrestling" ]
[ "两位男子正在专心致志进行着扳手腕游戏。", "一个穿白衣服的男人和一个穿黑衣服的男人在扳手腕。", "在一个明亮的房间,两个人正在掰手腕。", "一个穿黑色短袖的男子正在给一个穿白色短袖的男子掰手腕儿。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人和一个穿白色衣服的男人正在掰手腕。", "两个年轻人正在桌子上进行掰手腕比赛。", "两个人正在非常尽力的进行掰手腕比赛。", "两名男子正在进行手臂摔跤,但似乎没有人获得任何优势。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在一个房间进行着扳手腕比赛。", "一个房间里有两个男人在桌子上掰手腕。" ]
[ "Two woman arm wrestle, but the one with glasses is losing her grip.", "Two young ladies arm wrestle back and forth on a table.", "two women having a arm wrestling match before it fades to black.", "Two teenage girls are arm wrestling one another and neither is winning.", "Two girls in balck tops, probably friends, are trying arm wrestling", "Two girls are arm wrestling and neither one appears to win the fight.", "Two women are laughing while arm wrestling at a table.", "Two teenage girls arm wrestle with their hands going back and forth, but neither of the wins.", "Two young ladies dressed in black are at a table arm wrestling.", "Two girls one with black top one with green top are arm wrestling then they laughed" ]
[ "两个女人在一张桌子上比试着腕力。", "两个外国女孩在桌子上掰手腕比拼力量。", "在一个房间里,两个女生在掰着手腕。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一个戴着眼镜的女孩和黑色头发的女孩在掰手腕。", "两个长头发的女子在桌上比试掰手腕。", "两个女孩正在掰手腕摔跤,但是没有人赢得这次战斗。", "两个女人在一张桌子上掰手腕的时候笑了起来。", "两个年轻的女孩子在用双手掰手腕,但是双方都没有获胜。", "两位年轻女士正在桌子上用手掰手腕。", "有两个女孩,一个穿着黑色上衣,另一个人穿着绿色的衣服,她们在掰手腕,然后她们笑了。" ]
[ "Two men are having an arm wrestling contest in front of a crowd of people.", "Two men in military uniforms are doing a arm wrestle competition.", "Two people are arm wrestling as other people cheer on before someone wins.", "Two men aboard a ship are arm wrestling and one won the battle.", "The two men arm wrestled while a group of people cheered them on.", "Two men are arm wrestling while a crowd cheers them on.", "A man is arm wrestling another man while people are cheering them on.", "Some person was playing the hand game by keeping their hands together", "Two men arm wrestle and then shake hands after the competition is over.", "A couple of men arm wrestling and a group of people cheer them on." ]
[ "有两个男人在周围人的欢呼声中扳手腕,最后赢的人微笑着和对方握了握手。", "两名男子在扳手腕,围观人员在给他们加油,结束后两人握手交谈。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在比赛扳手腕。", "在一个房间里,有两个男的他们在玩掰手腕。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人正在和同事扳手腕。", "两个男人在桌子上进行掰手腕,而一群人在为他们欢呼。", "当一个人在和另外一个人掰手腕时,人们在为他们欢呼鼓掌。", "有些人通过双手合十来决定一些事,然后友好的握手。", "两个穿着制服的男人在桌子上掰手腕。", "几个人手臂摔跤, 一群人为他们加油。" ]
[ "After being introduced by a referee, two men engage in an arm wrestling competition.", "Two men arm wrestle on top of a circular metal table, while another man narrates into a microphone.", "Two men arm wrestle while sitting at a table in front of a referee.", "Two men are standing at a raised bar type round table with a man judging while they arm wrestle.", "Three men are gathered around a metal table and two of the men are hand wrestling while the other watches", "The men are screaming in the room as they do some arm wrestling.", "Two thin white males are arm wrestling with a commentator with a microphone providing announcements on the match.", "A competitive arm wrestling match where the commentator narrates the match.", "Two men were wrestling with their arms on the table and then a man screaming on the mic", "Two men are standing and begin arm wrestling while a man announces the start and win." ]
[ "一个穿黑色衣服的男子在和一个穿条纹衣服的男子比手腕,黑色衣服男子赢了,旁边的主持人在欢呼。", "穿黑色衣服的的男人和穿条纹衣服的男人掰手腕,旁边有一个裁判,黑色衣服的人赢了。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在和另一个人扳手腕。", "三个男子,其中有两个人在比力量旁边有一个裁判。", "一个穿着竖条纹上衣的男子正在和一个穿着黑色短袖的男子比赛扳手腕。", "男人在房间里进行掰手腕,同时他们发出了尖叫。", "扳手腕比赛中,一名男子被另一名男子扳倒,主持人在旁边惊叫。", "一个竞争性的手臂摔跤比赛,评论员在比赛中叙述。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在和另一个人扳手腕。", "两名男子站立并开始手臂摔跤,而一名男子宣布开始并获胜。" ]
[ "A boy and a girl sit at a table and prepare to arm wrestle.", "Teenage boy and girl sit and fidget at a table before holding hands to start arm wrestling.", "A boy and girl arm wresting each other on top of a wooden table.", "A young man and woman sit at a table and arm wrestle.", "A guy and a girl are sitting at a table together and talking.", "A young man and woman are shown at a table arm wrestling.", "The girl and guy are arm wrestling at the kitchen table.", "two young a girl and a boy sitting on a table and starting to beat their hands", "A girl and a guy are about to start arm wrestling each other.", "A man and a woman speak, grasp hands and begin an arm wrestling match." ]
[ "一个女人在和一个男人进行掰手腕比赛。", "一个女子和一个男子在房间内扳手腕。", "女孩和男孩并排坐,他们伸出双手紧握,准备开始掰手腕。", "一个男生和一个女生在桌子上比赛掰手腕。", "一个戴眼镜的女生和一个男生坐着开始掰手腕。", "一个男人和一个女人正在桌子上进行掰手腕比赛。", "在室内一个男子和一个女子在比扳手腕。", "两个年轻的女孩和一个男孩坐在桌子上, 开始掰手腕。", "一个女孩和一个男人演示他们怎么互相掰手腕的。", "一个戴着眼镜的女孩和一个男孩坐在桌子边把手放在桌子上握住对方的手。" ]
[ "Two people are playing arm wrestling on a table", "Two guys are having an arm wrestling match and one guy is struggling to take the other guy down.", "Two men are laughing while arm wrestling at a kitchen table.", "Two men sit in a kitchen and prepare to arm wrestle each other.", "Two men in a kitchen are having an arm wrestling contest.", "In a kitchen two men are seated and arm wrestling", "Two men arm wrestling in the kitchen and a third man laughing in the background.", "two guys arm wrestle in the kitchen in their home", "Two men laughing and having fun as they are about to arm wrestle.", "Two men are engaged in arm wrestling on a granite countertop while another man laughs." ]
[ "一个穿红衣服的男人和一个穿白衣服的男人正在掰手腕。", "一个戴黑帽子穿着红色上衣和一个穿着白色短袖的人在掰手腕。", "一个穿红色衣服的人正在和一个穿白色衣服的人掰手腕。", "在一个明亮的房间,两个人正在掰手腕。", "一个戴帽子的男人正在和另一个男人在掰手腕。", "两个男人在厨房里坐着掰手腕,其中一人掰不动另一人。", "两个男人在厨房里掰手腕,还有一个人在背后笑。", "两个男人在家里的厨房里掰手臂,其中的一个男人很用力。", "一个穿着红色上衣的男人在和另一男人扳手腕。", "在室内,有两个男子坐在凳子上面正在进行着手臂摔跤。" ]
[ "A man armwrestles with a teenage boy and easily defeats him.", "Two men sit at a restaurant table and arm wrestle, and the winner stands up to get a drink", "In a lunchroom, two men are seated and having a arm wrestling match.", "An older man arm-wrestles a young man and wins in a cafeteria.", "Two men are shown arm wrestling with the man on the left winning.", "Two men are sitting inside at a table arm wrestling.", "An older man defeats a younger man in arm wrestling.", "Two people arm wrestle in front of a christmas tree", "Two men arm wrestle on a table, with the man on the left standing up after he wins.", "A man is arm wrestling with another person and laughing." ]
[ "两个外国男人玩扳手腕,穿红上衣男人赢了穿黑上衣的男人。", "俩个人正在认真地掰着手腕,很快便结束了战局。", "房间里一位身穿红色衣服的男子和一位身穿黑色衣服的男子,正在比赛扳手腕。", "两个人掰手腕,穿红色上衣的男人输了,拿起水杯走了。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的男子正在和另一个人比赛扳手腕。", "两名男子正在室内的一张桌子上面掰手腕。", "一个年长的男子在掰手腕的时候打败了一个年轻人。", "在圣诞树前,两个人正在用手臂比力气。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在一个桌子上比赛扳手腕。", "一个男人正在与另一个人搏斗, 同时说着话笑着。" ]
[ "Two guys arm wrestling on a table while others are watching.", "Two teen boys are arm wrestling while their friends cheer them on.", "In the lunch room two boys are arm wrestling while others cheer them on.", "Two people are arm wrestling each other at a table while other people are looking on.", "Two guys are having an arm wrestling match while another guy judges.", "The two men are engaging in an arm wresting match.", "Female and male off screen encourage two teen agers to arm wrestle.", "Two people are arm wrestling on a table at their school.", "Two people are arm wresting on a table in a very busy and full cafeteria and friends are cheering them on.", "A couple of boys are arm wrestling while another boy is cheering them on" ]
[ "有两个人正在进行激烈的扳手腕运动。", "房间里,两个人坐在桌前比赛掰手腕,旁边站着一名身穿蓝色衣服的男人。", "一个戴着眼镜身穿黑色上衣的男子在掰手腕。", "一个房间里,一个人正在看另外两个人扳手腕。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在和人扳手腕。", "两人正在桌子上进行一场掰手腕的比赛。", "两个年轻人在桌子上比试掰手腕,周围的人在呐喊。", "两个人在他们学校的桌子上比赛掰手腕。", "一个穿着短袖的男人在进行着一次扳手腕比赛。", "两个人正在扳手腕,他们的旁边站着另外一个人。" ]
[ "Two men participate in an arm wrestling match on a table.", "Two boys struggle in an arm wrestling competition at a table.", "Two guys laugh and prepare to engage in an arm wrestling competition.", "Two people are playing arm wrestling by placing the hands on the table", "A girl is talking as two boys are arm wrestling.", "A couple guys sitting at a table and are having a arm wrestling match", "a couple of people lock arms and try their best to beat each other", "In a classroom setting two boys arm wrestle at a desk.", "Two boys hold hands tightly, armwrestling each other on a school desk.", "Two people are at a table and are arm wrestling while clasping their other hands together." ]
[ "一个穿白色衣服的男人在和一个绿色头发的男人在掰手腕。", "在一个房间里两个男人趴在桌子上面掰手腕。", "两名肌肉男在比赛掰手腕,难分胜负。", "在一个房间里,两个男人在比扳手腕。", "房间内,两个男人在进行扳手腕比赛。", "几个人在观看一个男人和一个女人比赛掰手腕。", "两个男子在掰手腕,互相都很用力的想把对方扳倒。", "在教室里,两个男孩在书桌边比试掰手腕。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在进行着扳手腕比赛。", "一个穿白色衣服的男人坐在桌子前握着另一个人的手。" ]
[ "Two teenage boys arm wrestle on a small table while a third boy sings to them.", "Two men are arm wresting with bystanders in the background in a dimly lit room with the man on the left winning in the end.", "Two men arm wrestle at a very small white table in a dark room.", "Two youths seated at a table engage each other in arm wrestling.", "Two young men arm wrestle with some encouragement from an onlooker.", "Two young men in a dark room arm wrestle with each other", "Two men arm wrestle while another man sings a song.", "Two men are arm wrestling and other people are cheering them on.", "Two guys are arm wrestling at a table as their friends watch on.", "A man singing while watching two other men arm wrestling." ]
[ "两个男人在一个小圆桌上比试腕力,旁边一个男人在唱着歌。", "两个男人在桌面上进行激烈的扳手腕比赛。", "在房间的桌面上,两个穿短袖的男子正在掰手腕。", "在昏暗的条件下,两个男人在一个圆的桌子上掰手腕,还有一个人在旁边唱歌。", "在一个昏暗的房间里,有两个人正在扳手腕,旁边有一个人在看着。", "两个年轻人在黑暗的房间里进行掰手腕。", "两个男人在另一个男人唱歌的时候扳手劲。", "两个男人在一个白色的桌子上进行扳手腕比赛。", "两个家伙在桌边掰手腕,他们的朋友在旁边看着。", "一名男子一边唱歌, 一边看另外两个人的手臂摔跤。" ]