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"I mentioned in my previous post that I would be photographing my stepdaughter, Stacey, and her mother in the near future. That photo session happened yesterday. The photo session took place at three locations: Kinzua Dam, Bent Run Falls and Rimrock Overlook, all three locations in the Allegheny National Forest and not far from our home in Warren, PA.",
"Stacey and Chris at Kinzua Dam",
"Stacey and Chris at Rimrock\n\nIn addition to photographing Stacey and her mother, Chris, I managed to capture a couple photographs of the dads too.",
"After the photo session we went to Stacey’s house, where we were joined by Mike (Stacey’s fiance) and Jeff and Vanina (Jeff’s brother and sister-in-law). A pot luck BBQ dinner was enjoyed by all. All in all it was a wonderful day!"
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"It’s difficult to review Stasi Wolf without spoilers, but here goes. This is the second in a series of thrillers set in 1970s East Germany from the British writer David Young. The first, Stasi Child (which I haven’t read) achieved stellar sales.\n\nI’m fascinated by the German Democratic Republic but fiction set in the former state that is available in English tends to be a Cold War spy extravaganza or a polemic about the relationship between the GDR and its citizens. Frankly, I am hoping for something different. Whether that’s realistic in a novel with the word ‘Stasi’ in its title is at first unclear.\n\nThere are two problems I encounter. The first is in my own head. There are plenty of clues that point to a state conspiracy and betrayal. I’m quite sensitised towards this and I don’t really enjoy it. It transpires that I should have had more faith in the author who walks a very precise line: he’s promised us a police procedure with some Stasi thrown in, and that’s what he gives us. The storyline is about child snatching – just as it says on the back cover – and the themes are universal human concerns that just happen to be dramatised in the model city of Halle-Neustadt. That bit’s OK, but Young gives us a slightly different problem. In providing a plot which skilfully avoids cliché, and which includes some nods to real life crimes, he also gives us a story in which coincidences are implausible and the twist at the end takes things just the wrong side of believable.\n\nI’m not sure whether that’s too much of a problem, and that in itself provides a warning. Young’s research is meticulous (there’s an appendix stating where he has taken liberties) and he is scrupulous in taking a neutral-ish approach. Yet although we see plenty of examples of what ‘real life’ was like for the citizens of Ha-Neu, we do so as tourists gawping at the exotic. Partly that is because the protagonist, Karin Müller, is herself unfamiliar with the quirky new city, pining for her beloved Hauptstadt. However, Müller is an excellent creation who shines as brightly as an East Berlin Ampelmann. We root for her as she navigates the barriers erected by her Stasi opponents who don’t want her to solve the case. She seems to take pride in the GDR’s progress, but she is not starry-eyed about its practices. In that, she seems to symbolise the citizen who, while denying (though not openly) the GDR’s legitimacy as a state, made a reasonable life within its borders.\n\nAnd if much of the enjoyment of this novel comes from its setting ‘elsewhere’, this is no bad thing. From historical drama to Nordic Noir, almost all fiction is by definition from ‘elsewhere’ whether set in time or place, and since I don’t remember being this fussy about other works this is clearly my issue rather than the author’s. I hope there will be more in this series. Indeed, what I would like David Young to consider as a sequel is a cat-and-mouse hunt through the halls of the amazing and now sadly demolished Palace of the Republic, culminating in a showdown either in the Volkskammer or by that weird glass flower. What was that about ‘just the wrong side of believable’?"
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"Johanna is a poet who was living in Palmerston North (quite a hub of poetry activity!) but currently in Iowa. I haven’t read her debut chapbook from Pemmican Press, Oh My God I’m Flying (1991), but I really loved her second collection, Long Girl Ago (Victoria Press, 2007). The poems felt fresh, playful, finely crafted, and surprising in the little revelations, particularly in the poems that placed little frames on Japan. The book was shortlisted for best book of poetry the following year. Johanna’s new collection, Miss Dust, was recently released by Seraph Press. It is a collection in two parts with many bridges between, and the freshness, the economy and the diligent craft remain a vital feature.\n\nWhat catches me with these new poems is the heightened degree of surprise. This is poetry tilted on its axis. The first section is devoted to a sequence that gives life to Miss Dust. When read together, the section forms a long narrative poem, or perhaps you could say, a long character poem in pieces. In trying to liken the startling effect of reading this life, I came up with a hybrid analogy: it is like an Eleanor Rigby portrait meets a Salvador Dali painting meets a dislocating dream state meets a short film by Alison Maclean meets Edward Lear meets a veiled memoir.\n\nThe idea of dust is ephemeral — it leaves traces and smears, it veils and it clouds. Perfect word for a character that hides behind tropes, white space and poetic jump cuts. The tropes are borderline surreal (‘The curtains of her house are ash’). At dinner with her online date, he ‘ordered for her the dark.’ Yet even though things are strange, it is the effect of the bridges and the gaps that augment the mood, the portrait, the arc of a life. Take ‘Miss Dust and the Affair.’ The little leaps from one thing to the next, from one action to the next, miss the gritty details that might pepper confession, exchanged story. The poem is mysterious and haunting, but if you lift out the stepping stones (that occur on other occasions throughout the book) you get a terrific story of love lost: affair kiss lips lines waves rocks cheeks. That story is the undercurrent of the poem, hiding in the dust. Miss Dust, herself, would sum up the undercurrent with two words (‘black heart’), words that crop up in a number of the poems.\n\nThe movement between things is also surprising or disconcerting in the poems and feeds into the crucial threads of loss and love and life. In ‘Miss Dust makes a promise to her black heart,’ every line seems to offer a new twist — the way the dreaming mind takes the ordinary and then skews it to show a deep-seated feeling pulsing through.\n\nHere is the cure: sitting\n\non someone else’s carpet,\n\nshe makes herself a promise,\n\nwith the help of a chisel\n\nand a block of A4 refill.\n\nShe chips out a beach scene\n\nthree streets away, hammers in\n\nstones that warm or cool\n\nYou can’t just read this poem and walk away. It holds you tight as Miss Dust walks into the beach scene and ‘lowers the plunger/ onto one more set of grounds.’ There is that jarring kink between the scene carved (hope, therapy, cure) that catapults the black heart to elsewhere and the chore of making coffee. For me, the word ‘grounds’ flicks and shifts. Yes, the coffee is ground (the daily chore/grind) but also, like the beach scene, ground is another place to lay down roots. To tend damaged roots. Soil, black like the black heart. A single word, and you can set up camp for hours.\n\nI don’t know of a sequence in New Zealand poetry quite like this (maybe I got whiffs of the early surrealness of Gregory O’Brien). Reading and lingering in the half light of Miss Dust, is utterly moving as you fall between the gaps of her life.\n\nThe second half of the book is not Miss Dust but there is a similar degree of surprise, little echoes that seem familiar (the half house), the dislocating and then relocating pieces, the way nouns and verbs startle (‘I’m starting to skin your loneliness Miss Shoulder’). There is a stunning Japanese poem, ‘Jun,’ that pulls you back to the previous collection with its final, breathtaking stanza.\n\nin the class the students said do we count jun\n\nJohanna has delivered a new collection that never lets the dust settle (excuse the pun). Each poem reproduces a glorious jittery, shimmery movement between things, between actions and between things and actions. At the core of that movement: feeling. Yes, you enter a world that is, at times, a little like the bewildering jumps and turns of a dreamscape, but just as with the dream, you fall upon cores of truth. Simple, everyday cores of truth that have as much to do with how you feel the world as how you see the world. I loved this collection."
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"Surely, you guys are reaching. There is no way Rasta mistook Black Panther for Lionel Richie.",
"Lebani ‘Rasta’ Sirenje is on top of the trends list yet again. Social media seems to think his Black Panther painting is a gross misrepresentation of King T’Challa.\n\nIn fact, people are of the belief that Rasta actually painted US legendary singer Lionel Richie.\n\nThe whole debacle is a mess. Take a look at the painting below. We also included a photo of Lionel Ritchie for comparison so you can make up your mind:\n\nIn Rasta’s defence, the gesture came from a warm place. In his eyes, this was his tribute to a fallen king.\n\nBlack Panther, at least for the interim, is no more. The tragic news of Chadwick Boseman’s passing is still a fresh wound for many.\n\nThe 43-year-old actor died after a four-year battle with colon cancer, an excruciatingly painful disease that sits on the digestive tract.\n\nIn other news, former Generations actor and member of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) Fana Mokoena received a virtual lashing for suggesting a replacement for Black Panther only days after Boseman’s death.\n\nThe thing is, Atandwa, son of veteran actor John Kani, has already featured in the Black Panther.\n\nHe played the younger version of King T’Chaka and while some felt Mokoena’s comments were insensitive, others reminded the former actor of the glaring conflict of interest this would be for Marvel fans.\n\n“They’ve already used that oke as young T’Chaka. The audience would feel disrespected coz who tf (sp) does that?” one user asked.\n\nDetails surrounding Boseman’s funeral have yet to be confirmed."
] |
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"T-levels will be watched for “potential for losses and fruitless payments” according to the comptroller-general at the National Audit Office.\n\nThe education secretary Damian Hinds last month refused to delay the initial 2020 rollout of the upcoming technical qualifications despite a request from his permanent secretary, Jonathan Slater.\n\nThe NAO is automatically informed of all ministerial directions, and it advises the chair of Public Accounts Committee on whether action is necessary.\n\nSir Amyas wrote to PAC chair Meg Hillier on June 7, and she has told FE Week her committee is planning on grilling Mr Slater about the issue in two weeks’ time.\n\nIn his letter, the comptroller-general said he had “no concerns at present” that the department is using public funds “irregularly” in delivering T-levels.",
"But he will “monitor future spending and consider the potential for losses and fruitless payments arising from T-levels as part of my audits of the department”.\n\n“I have asked my staff to discuss with department officials the reasons for the permanent secretary seeking the ministerial direction, and the plans and risk management arrangements in place to introduce T-levels from 2020,” he added.\n\n“I will then be in a position to decide whether I should undertake any further work on this now.”\n\nSir Amyas also informed Ms Hillier that should she “wish to ask Jonathan Slater about this matter, he will next appear before the committee on 25 June to give evidence on Ofsted’s inspection of schools”.\n\nMs Hillier confirmed she would be present to quiz him, in his role as the DfE’s most senior civil servant.\n\n“There are certainly a lot of concerns over the viability and potential for value for money of T-levels,” she said. “They are a nice idea with young people in industry from the beginning, like a super-duper apprenticeship with more education than work, but it is going to be practically quite challenging.”\n\nShe added that there is currently no planned PAC inquiry into T-levels but that could change “depending on what the permanent secretary says”.\n\nMinisterial directions are formal instructions from ministers telling their department to proceed with a spending proposal, despite an objection from their permanent secretary.\n\nThe DfE published Mr Hinds’ direction on May 24.\n\n“As things stand today, it will clearly be very challenging to ensure that the first three T-levels are ready to be taught from 2020 and beyond to a consistently high standard,” wrote Mr Slater a week before.\n\nAs the DfE’s accounting officer, he is required to “consider the regularity, propriety, value for money and feasibility of public spending”.\n\n“If these were the only considerations, you are aware that I would advise deferring the start date to 2021 in order to mitigate the feasibility and consequential value for money risks.”\n\nDespite these concerns, Mr Hinds insisted he would be sticking to the 2020 start date for the first three T-levels, claiming that none of the advice he had received “has indicated that teaching from 2020 cannot be achieved”.\n\nT-levels have been designed as match for A-levels.\n\nThey were originally intended to begin in 2019, but in July last year the skills minister Anne Milton announced they had been put back to 2020.\n\nBut the full roll-out of T-levels has now been delayed until September 2023 after concerns were raised about the planned pace of the scheme, particularly by the Confederation of British Industry."
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"Reflections on our year of \"release\"",
"'Promises are the uniquely human way of ordering the future.'\n- Hannah Arendt\n\nMaybe I don't speak for you, but I suspect that I might: the year 2022 has not gone how I figured it would for the world.\n\nI entered the year with a very distinct feeling: that in year 2021 my assumptions about what I might experience in my lifetime had been stretched, almost intolerably. Deaths in the millions. Dreams deferred. Incomes evaporated. Families scattered. And all because we got hit in our blind spot by... a bat. A bat. It's a punchline that got lost on its way to being funny.\n\nThe spring of 2022 arrived and, combined with booster shoots, saw the Covid infection charts shrinking with the exquisite semblance of finality. Borders were reopened. Grandparents got to diaper their grandkids again (or to meet them at all). Family reunions no longer involved a live video link. International couples suddenly had touch restored to their love languages. The travel industry, fair to say, breathed a big sigh of relief. (At least before the oh-shit moment of realizing they had only enough staff to transport a midget and his mother. Okay, not his mother.) We dared to use words like \"post-pandemic\", with anticipation crackling across countless op-eds. It was gonna be the \"summer of sex\"! Sloppy and raucous, with no fucks to give after all the fucks not had for two years. And a \"big quit\" was underway! Downtime-spoiled minions were flipping the bird at their former routines and becoming novelists or kind fishermen or gofers on a film set instead.\n\nAs someone who got through the pandemic more or less happily (luck, mainly, plus the simplicity of my criteria for happiness), none of these promised revolutions meant very much to me. But I was looking forward to one thing: those stretched assumptions softening back to their previous shape. I wanted very much to believe again that, while civilization could be jolted now and then, we basically had our shit together.\n\nThen the year 2022 revealed it wasn't done stretching my assumptions.\n\nFirst: war in Europe. An unremittingly senseless war, with the media piping incredulous fury and bystander guilt into every accessorized Westerner. Accessorized to watch, that is, but not to intervene, for reasons that have exposed the infirmity of the world order. So long as there is nuclear weaponry, defenders of the underdog must hang back at the safety line. This forced passivity is tortuous to experience. It's also cancerous to moral integrity. And it does not have me looking down the lines of humanity's future and feeling optimism.\n\nWhich is a little insane, isn't it? Spending an azure evening \"looking down the lines of humanity's future\", instead of putting on a record and pretending to know the perfect wine for this fish. The world will go where it will, you could say. Sitting here with my anxious thoughts clicking away like threadless knitting needles will change nothing. Before this year, I might have agreed. But the year 2022 has had more nasty surprises up its sleeve, and I'm starting to think anxiety in our private moments might be the tiny vibration we each need to bring, if the necessary course correction is ever going to happen.\n\nBecause as well as the war in Ukraine, there's been la chaleur, the heat. This summer, the United Kingdom experienced 104-degree heat for the first time in its documented history. In the United States, almost half the nation was under a heat advisory at one point or another. In India, home to some of the poorest people on Earth, birds have dropped dead from the sky and landfills have spontaneously ignited as the mercury has crested 110 degrees. As for France... Paris is burning? Not unless you mean the holes in your paycheck left by its parking meters. But southwestern France sure has burned. Here in Paris – which, while not burning, hit 104 degrees this summer for only the third time ever – heat exhaustion knocked me out for an entire day. (I mean 'knocked me out' almost literally: among my symptoms was a struggle to stay conscious.) I've never been healthier in my life, and writing is a distinctly shadow-rich profession. All the same, the heat crumpled me like a Dixie cup. I have never been more afraid for the more vulnerable among us.\n\nI fear so deeply because I doubt so very much that we can get it together in time to save this joint. Increasingly across the world, but nowhere more so than in the United States, we've locked ourselves inside a culture where the carbon-heavy accoutrements of economic growth are necessary to participate in that growth at all. To hold down a job, we need a car. (Not true in large metropolises, maybe; too true almost everywhere else.) To subsist on a modest budget, we must choose the cheaper stuff that has, under the irony of globalization, been shipped across five timezones. We do not go hungry now, only by feeding on our collective future. We are forced into this self-harming position by the continued hoarding of the wealth by those who do the shipping and the job supervising.\n\nA hard reset is clearly needed, but what it looks like exactly, I don't know. I write this from a country that has done revolution, with mixed results (if we consider the deep inequalities that remain in France). Eternally fresh in my heart too, nearly two years later, is the horror of watching Trump supporters stuff themselves into the U.S. Capitol as though into the throat of democracy, hoping to choke it. Was that their \"storming of the Bastille\"? With a sinking feeling, I suspect that it was. What was a hideous abandonment of good citizenry to so many was intensely American to them. How can we come together around the very real urgency of saving the Earth, when sizable numbers of its richest country continue to yip over a phantom oppression?\n\nNobody stole an election. But, sure, keep obsessing over voting machines while the true steal continues unabated. That steal is from nothing less than our prospects as a civilization, and we are the thieves. There are our children (and their children, and theirs too) to think about. We hear that notion a lot. Let's put it another way: we switchblade those kids from jaw to jaw with each passing day that we do nothing about our (now undeniable) trashing of this planet.\n\nAnd if hypothetical children of the future don't concern you much: the steal, ultimately, is from ourselves. Future generations are the carriers of us, as much as we are of them. If the world is to become too oceanic, too hot, or in any other way too damn sick to be compatible with human life, then that's incompatible with all that we devise now too. When we feel like something is worth doing, don't we really mean it's worth keeping? If there's no future to our present, then we could be kicking dogs or curing cancer and it all amounts to the same in the end. Who wants to live on those terms? And why, when the fight for the future of the Earth is asking for recalibration so much more than for sacrifice?\n\nSo: we need change, hard and fast, but done civilly and democratically. That is the conundrum I stare at a lot these days.\n\nAnd it is against the backdrop of all these thoughts that I wrote this year's two Thanksgiving poems: 'Broken Umbrellas' and 'Slouched Pepper'.",
"Part 1: On Thanksgiving and my tradition",
"You just read this",
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"Crime Scene San Francisco: Who Is Responsible for the Disappearance of Delta Smelt?",
"I am interested in using genetic techniques to help with management and conservation of species. In the past, I have studied how different species of amphibians have evolved. Most recently, I did research on how DNA released into the environment (called eDNA) from yellow-legged frogs can best be sampled to detect them in streams and lakes. At the California Department of Water Resources, I help collect samples that look at the overall state of the Yolo Bypass, including water quality, zooplankton, and fish. I plan on using eDNA monitoring techniques in the future to look for rare fish and to better understand zooplankton communities. *",
"As a fish and wildlife scientific aid for the California Department of Water Resources, I have worked in Sacramento, CA researching aquatic ecology in the San Joaquin-Sacramento River Delta, specifically the Yolo Bypass floodplain. My work has mostly comprised of investigating the food web in the Yolo Bypass and understanding seasonal presence and abundance of native and non-native fish species, including Chinook salmon, delta smelt, and sturgeon. My interests include the conservation and habitat restoration of Chinook salmon and other fish species native to California. I began my Master of Environmental Science and Management degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara in fall of 2020.",
"Two things I feel passionate about are the conservation of threatened species and learning new things about our world through science. I am lucky because, in my job as an environmental program manager for the California Department of Water Resources, I get to do both! Most of my work is done as part of a team made up of scientists with different skill sets. I like to use genetic tools to understand aquatic species diversity, detect species even when you can not see them (using environmental DNA), and link important traits (migration, disease resistance, etc.) to underlying genetic variation.",
"My name is Hugo, I am 9 years old and I am from Mexico City. My favorite hobbies are: playing video games, building with legos, listening music, and playing soccer. My favorite soccer team is “FC Barcelona” and I love to play goalkeeper. I enjoy drawing and seeing monuments, one of my biggest dreams is to travel around the world to see the most important monuments and buildings of each city. When I grow up I would like to be an architect or a professional soccer goalkeeper.",
"Hi there! My name is Itzamná, it is a Mayan name. I love dinosaurs and e-games and I spend a lot of time playing Roblox or Minecraft. I have been camping since before I could walk, so I think I am a nature lover. I like science and enjoy each time I participate in scientific events for kids because I love to do experiments with plants’ or animals’ DNA.",
"The Scene of the Crime\n\nAn estuary is the final section of one or more freshwater rivers before they meet the salty ocean. This mixing of salty and fresh water in estuaries creates unique environments, with varying degrees of saltiness, in which plants and animals can live. The San Francisco Estuary is the largest estuary on the west coast of the United States and it may contain more invasive species than most estuaries. Invasive species are species that have arrived in an environment from somewhere else and tend to take over their new environments [1]. While native species were once widespread, the Estuary is now home to many invasive species of fish, plants, clams, jellyfish, and plankton from all over the world. In the last few decades, tragedy has struck the Estuary. A once abundant and highly sensitive native fish species, the delta smelt, is mysteriously disappearing at an alarming rate [2]. Many years ago, millions of delta smelt swam freely throughout the delta region of the Estuary, a maze of channels formed where the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers meet. In recent years, delta smelt have been hard to find. Scientists are on a mission to solve the case of the vanishing delta smelt.\n\nDelta smelt are a small species of fish that only live in the Estuary and nowhere else in the world. They are silver and gray in color, grow to about 5–7 cm as adults (Figure 1A), and smell like cucumbers. Delta smelt can live in aquatic habitats with varying levels of saltiness. This makes the Estuary the perfect home for them [2]. Delta smelt only live about 1–2 years and they are sensitive to environmental changes like drought and warm water temperature. Drought and warm water temperature are occurring more commonly in California due to climate change [3] and these conditions reduce the ability of the delta smelt to survive and to lay eggs [4]. The numbers of delta smelt have declined so much that they are now protected under both the United States Federal Endangered Species Act and the State of California Endangered Species Act [5].\n\nBased on information scientists have collected, there are multiple suspects that could be responsible for the disappearance of delta smelt. Three of the primary suspects include: (1) invasive species that outcompete or eat delta smelt; (2) loss of or changes to the physical water bodies they inhabit that make it difficult for delta smelt to live in the estuary; and (3) extreme changes in environmental conditions, such as water temperature, salinity, and muddiness of the water. The environment in the Estuary is complex and has changed over time. Therefore, it is likely that all three of these suspects, and possibly many others, have contributed to the disappearance of delta smelt. This investigation will focus on the first suspect: invasive species that outcompete or eat delta smelt.\n\nInvestigation of the Crime Scene\n\nThe investigators brought a total of 651 Mississippi silversides into the laboratory for intensive questioning (in this case, stomach dissections) related to the disappearance of delta smelt. Of the 651 suspects, 614 of them were collected from the nearshore habitat and 37 were collected from the mid-channel habitat. The suspects of the nearshore habitat were found innocent, having no detectable delta smelt DNA in their stomachs: all 614 suspects tested negative. For the suspects in the middle of the channel, almost half (41%) tested positive for delta smelt DNA: 15 out of 37 Mississippi silversides were guilty and charged with eating delta smelt.\n\nMore detective work is needed to fully solve the mystery of the missing delta smelt. Researchers could look at how environmental factors affect when Mississippi silversides eat delta smelt. They could also use the DNA assay to see if other fish species are preying on delta smelt. Using DNA detection has allowed scientists to better understand which foods the fish in the estuary are eating and how diet preferences impact the abundance of native species. However, there are plenty of other major problems in the estuary that may contribute to the disappearance of delta smelt, so this important investigation will be long and complicated.\n\nEstuary: ↑ The end portion where one or more freshwater rivers flow into the saltier ocean.\n\nInvasive Species: ↑ A species that has been moved from its original location and introduced into a new environment where it competes for resources with the species that normally live there.\n\nLarval: ↑ An early form of any animal that sometimes looks very different from the juvenile or adult stages.\n\nTrawl: ↑ A method to catch fish that involves dragging a large net in the water behind a boat.\n\nBeach Seine: ↑ A method to catch fish which uses a net strung between two poles that is dragged along the bottom of a water body.\n\nFluorophore: ↑ A light attached to a DNA assay that glows when it finds a DNA match, alerting us to the presence of the DNA of the species we are looking for.\n\nWe would like to thank the other original authors of this work: Brian Schreier, Gregg Schumer, and Bernie May. we would also like to thank the Interagency Ecological Program and the State and Federal Water Contractors Agency for their original funding of this project. Thank you to the young reviewers and their mentor for their suggestions and feedback.",
"Conservation hatcheries are like luxury fish hotels that raise threatened and endangered fish that are nearing...",
"The Millions of Microbial Reasons You Need to...\n\nMillions of tiny critters called microorganisms live in your mouth. Each one is unique and has a specific job. For...",
] |
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"Superintendent Steven A. Forte invited real estate agents to his office this morning to help them sell listings by selling their buyers on the strengths of Verona’s public schools.\n\nForte reviewed the district’s academic achievements–advanced placement tests, college acceptances and dual enrollment programs–and compared averaged property taxes here to those of towns in our comparable schools group. Though a majority of the realtors present were Verona residents who had children who were in, or had graduated from, Verona’s public schools, not all were aware of the dual enrollment program, which allows Verona High School students to take college courses at VHS at a substantially lower cost per credit than if they were to take them on campus. Forte also addressed questions about Verona’s new emphasis on AP courses, which has resulted in higher enrollment in those programs and higher results: 269 AP tests were administered in 2012, compared to 170 in 2010 and the percentage of students scoring a 3 or better rose to 68.4% from 41%.\n\nForte stressed the strengths of Verona’s sports and music programs, and what he has done to encourage families to stay in the district through high school–even going so far as to call the families of students who were going to private schools to convince them to stay. He also noted that, if home buyers did choose other towns, they could still come to Verona by paying an out-of-district tuition. Cheryl Nardino, the schools’ business administrator, said that out-of-district enrollments, while small, have doubled since Forte began to encourage them.\n\nAfter the presentation, Forte took many of those present on a tour of the high school. The realtors at the meeting included Rick Lodato, Jeanne Bongo, Patty Bishop, Bruce Snogans, Ava Zebrowski and Lauren Orsini from Prudential New Jersey Properties in Verona and Lucia Gagnon from RE/MAX Park Square in West Caldwell.\n\nForte has made outreach to the business community a point of his administration: He has joined the North Essex Chamber of Commerce, allowed businesses to advertise on the school district’s Web site and engaged businesses in several fundraising efforts. At the most recent Board of Education meeting, he noted that Decozen Chrysler Jeep Dodge had donated $2,800 to the Verona Foundation for Educational Excellence. DeCozen announced in February that it would donate $200 to VFEE, which helps teachers fund curriculum innovations that the school budget is unable to cover, for each car purchased by a Verona resident.\n\nThe outreach also included the breakfast today. Forte handed the agents stacks of brochures on the Verona school system, which he noted had been printed thanks to donations by two businesses, 1st American Lending, a Fairfield-based mortgage company, and the State Farm office in Caldwell."
] |
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"So this game card was originally my brothers and it said since im playin it on a different ds, i cant see online scores. well he completed the game and later broke his 2ds, i was tryin 2 clear all of the save data by holding down A+B+X+Y after the 3ds logo showed onscreen. and an error came on my screen saying that an error has occurred forcing the system to restart. maybe its a command my old 2ds wont support, but its a 2013 game so i dont know. anyone have a real explanation for y this happens?",
] |
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"Breck’s Colorado SuperChair gets an upgrade\n\nNew lift towers arrived via helicopter to Breckenridge Ski Resort today for a significant upgrade to the resort’s Colorado SuperChair – set to open Nov. 7, 2014 in conjunction with Breck’s opening day.",
"On the heels of launching Peak 6 last season, the ski industry’s most significant terrain expansion in the last decade, Breck is upgrading the Colorado SuperChair from a quad express to a six-passenger express to provide a 30 percent increase in capacity for Peak 8’s primary and most-used lift. It will help disperse skiers to the surrounding peaks.\n\nThe installation took about six hours to install the 20 new towers. The heavy lifting was done by a K-MAX helicopter, known for its intermeshing rotors (synchropter) and its ability to lift a payload of over 6,000 pounds (2,722 kg).",
"The Colorado SuperChair was first installed in 1986 as a high-speed quad, updated in 2002 from a chain drive system to a gear drive system and then again in 2012 with new chairs. Those quad chairs will be used for upgrades to Beaver Run SuperChair, located on Peak 9.\n\nTo see more photos from the upgrade, visit the Breck gallery on Facebook."
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"Jack Shuler is associate professor of English at Denison University where he teaches American literature and Black Studies, and chairs the concentration in Narrative Nonfiction Writing. He is the author of three books and his writing has appeared in Salon, Christian Science Monitor, Truthout, The Atlantic, LA Times, among others."
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"And with many thanks to Alix, René and Carolina at the Royal Ground Coffee House\n\nThat really wasn’t so long ago, although it seemed like they’d been in a Time Of No Money forever. Everything had changed, and none of it for the better. Not one single damn bit.\n\nGabe sat on the street bench, his bike propped up next to him, watching the late-afternoon traffic go by on Ventura. Thousands of people, all with a destination, a purpose. All with money in their wallets and purses, driving on to the next stage in their sweet lives, or their neat homes, or their great jobs.\nNone of which applied to him, his mom, dad or little sister, Remy. They were all stuck in a house he knew for a fact was worth way less than what was owed on it, and with, so far as he could see, no chance of putting that to rights.\n\nHis mom cut coupons to save money at the supermarket like it was her religion, and everything they ate was either ‘no brand’, or had about ten seconds left on the ‘eat by’ date, or both. His dad tried to keep a brave face, but didn’t always succeed, and only his sister appeared not to have a care in the world. But then Remy was nine years old. Gabe remembered being that age – when the future was always a cartoon-bright tomorrow and your life was a game. He looked down at his scuffed, frayed sneakers; it was a lot harder to think like that when you were sixteen and tomorrow did not look like it was going to be promising anything any time soon.\n\nHe stood up, stretching. He could feel the tension building in his muscles, the frustration at his total inability to figure out a way in which he could solve his family’s problems; even fixing\nsomething\nwould be better than doing nothing.\n\n“Maybe…” Gabe muttered to himself, grabbing his backpack, then getting on his bike. “It’ll have to be the dope.”\n\nHe was about to move off when his phone chirruped: his mom’s ringtone. He let the call go to voicemail, not ready to listen to whatever it was she had to say in her often tired-to-the-bone voice; it was hardly likely to be good news. No, he was not going to go home just yet, to the wired undercurrent of resentment that there was between him and his dad these days.\n\nGabe watched for a suitable gap in the unending stream of cars and slipped neatly into place. He had nowhere to go, but at least he might shift the dark cloud that seemed to be sitting right on top of him if he rode until it hurt. And while he rode he could think about Benny’s offer.\n\nWhat took him off Ventura and up towards the canyon Gabe didn’t know. He’d been there before, any number of times. Generally either with friends, to get a beer buzz on, or with a girlfriend, when he had a girlfriend, for some time alone. Right now, though, with the sun beginning to set, the canyon\n– empty, serene, somewhere completely elsewhere – felt like the perfect place to be.\n\nHe had hybrid Nutrak tyres on the bike, old now, though still with a few more miles left in them yet. Best of both worlds, good on and off the road, the salesman had said, back when Gabe had had spare cash to splash, and the man hadn’t been bullshitting. He took to the pathway, well beaten by dog walkers and hikers, and rode into this small piece of wilderness, surrounded by the endless sprawl of LA.\n\nHe knew exactly where he wanted to be, and some ten minutes later he was up on top of a huge, smooth rock, his bike left at its graffiti-covered base. Lying down, using his backpack for a pillow, he felt the warmth the rock had soaked up during the day and was now giving off as the temperature began to drop. He was tired; tired of worrying and tired of thinking too hard about how bad things were. And they had to be bad for him to even consider working for dope-dealing Benny as an option.\n\nGabe closed his eyes, shutting out the world, and let the quiet chatter, hum and drone of the canyon wash over him…\n\nHe didn’t know what had woken him; probably it had been the chill in the air, because he was only wearing a T-shirt and jeans. The sky, dark as it ever got in LA, had no moon yet and only a scattering of stars. Gabe sat up, scrambled around in his backpack and found his phone: 7.23. He’d slept for ages, out for the count too, as there was another missed call from his mom. It was late, so she’d no doubt be worried, and he was hungry now – hungry enough not to care about the mood round the dinner table. Time to go home.\n\nGabe slid down the rock, now cooler to the touch, most of its heat given back to the night, and got his bike. Standing for a moment he debated what to do, finally admitting there was no way it would be a good idea to ride out. He was going to have to walk the twisting path, which clung like ivy to the steep hillsides.\n\nAs he set off, Gabe thought about calling his mom, but decided not to. She’d only ask what he was doing, who he was with and where he was. “Well, Ma, I just woke up, alone in the canyon,”\nwasn’t what she’d want to hear. He’d figure out a better story by the time he got home.\n\nAnd, kind of like the way life often is, everything went fine until it didn’t.\n\nEven when you’re trying hard to be careful, if nothing goes wrong for long enough you get cocky and the lazy part of your brain stops paying as much attention as it should. That was how Gabe failed to notice how unstable the pathway was. The next step he took, the ground unexpectedly gave way, he lost his balance and, arms flailing, he fell.\n\nIt wasn’t all bad. The drop turned out to be not so steep or so very far down, and also he let go of his bike and it didn’t come tumbling after him. Gabe, who was fit enough and good enough to be in the school athletic team, managed the fall pretty well, skidding down the side of the narrow arroyo, arms and legs held close in. He came to a stop, slightly winded, a bit bruised but with nothing broken, in a bed of dried-up mud.\n\nThere’d been a short, sharp late-summer storm, a pretty spectacular one, the previous week. The sky had turned coal-tar black in the middle of the day, there was thunder and it seemed like a ton of water\nper square metre had fallen in about two minutes flat. Drains had blocked, gutters overflowed, dogs went crazy, traffic snarled up and then, as quick as it had started, it was over. All that water had had to go somewhere, and in the canyon a deluge hurtled downwards, finding any exit it could; it ripped out small trees and dislodged rocks and earth from the arroyo – brick-dry from the long, hot summer – as it raced towards the San Fernando valley.\n\nPicking himself up, Gabe found he was in a two-maybe three-metre deep, four-metre wide cut that wouldn’t have been there before the storm. As he looked around for the best way to get back up to his bike, the moon peeked over the ragged treeline behind him. Its soft, monochrome light made it seem like he was standing in an old grainy photographic negative; it gave everything a weird, spooky look.\n\nA metre or so away from him it also picked out the distinctive shape of a human skull.\n\nHold Still by Nina Lacour\nThe Forest House by Marion Zimmer Bradley\nThe Falling Detective by Christoffer Carlsson\nThe Wedding Kiss by Lucy Kevin\nCeltic Magic by Amber LaShell\nMarching Bands Are Just Homeless Orchestras by Siedell, Tim\nThe Sisters by Nadine Matheson\nThe Here and Now by Brashares, Ann\nLove Above All by Speer, Flora\nGirls at War by Chinua Achebe\nOur partner"
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"Leading retailer Target has fallen victim to a major security breach that may have compromised the financial information of some 40 million people. The retailer has confirmed that it suffered a security breach during the last month of November that carried into early December. The breach may have begun on Black Friday, when consumers flocked to Target stores to take advantage of special deals that the retailer was offering. Notably, the security breach may actually be good news for mobile commerce.\n\nThe breach had to do with Target’s point-of-sale systems, which are common within the retail industry and used to process payments made from a credit or debit card. These systems access information stored in the magnetic strip of a payment card, allowing payments to be authorized. Target claims that hackers were able to compromise there systems, stealing financial information from consumers as they made purchases.",
"Security of mobile commerce is often called into question\n\nMobile commerce is often criticized on matters of security, but those that purchased products from Target using their mobile devices were not affected by the security breach. Those purchasing products from Target’s e-commerce gateway were also unaffected. Security has been a problematic issue for mobile commerce, but few mobile platforms have actually been breached by hackers to the degree that traditional point-of-sale systems have been.\n\nRetailers focus on mobile security for the future\n\nTarget is not the only retailer that has been targeted by hackers, of course, but it has suffered one of the worst security breaches that have been reported this year. The breach represents a potentially problematic legal issue for the retailer and what Target plans to do next has not yet been announced. Currently, retailers are working to embrace mobile commerce somewhat aggressively, and many are actually putting a significant focus on the matter of security."
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"The Ship is a vehicle in Saints Row IV.\n\nWhen The Ship is spawned by editing the game files, or using a garage editor, it acts as a VTOL and it is possible to switch between hover mode and jet mode. The only weapons it has are laser machine guns.",
"The Saints using The Ship to escape the Zin armada",
"This article contains no references. See Help:Cite.\nRetrieved from \"\"\nCommunity content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted."
] |
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"Euan Ferrie has become the latest academy talent to graduate to the professional ranks at Scotstoun, after the 21-year-old agreed terms on his first professional contract with Glasgow Warriors.\n\nThe East Kilbride RFC product has made six appearances to date this season, having made his debut for the Warriors when coming off the bench in October’s 37-0 victory over Benetton at Scotstoun.\n\nComfortable in either the second-row or the back-row, Ferrie has primarily operated at blindside for Franco Smith’s men, including starting in the back-row in January’s EPCR Challenge Cup clashes against USA Perpignan and Bath – his first outings in European competition.\n\nFerrie – who has also represented Hamilton Bulls and Glasgow Hawks during his rugby career to date – has been a part of the Boroughmuir Bears squad for the FOSROC Super6 in both 2021 and 2022, making 13 appearances for the Meggetland outfit.\n\nHe was also a standout for Scotland U20 during the 2021 U20 Six Nations, playing alongside future Glasgow team-mates Alex Samuel and Max Williamson during the tournament.",
"“Honestly, signing my first professional deal has just given me such a buzz,” Ferrie told following the announcement.\n\n“I remember coming to Glasgow matches when I was a kid, so to be standing here as a professional means so much to me. It’s been some path to get here and I’m so grateful for the opportunity.\n\n“It feels really good to know that the coaches trust me to go out there and represent this club, and it means so much to pull on the shirt whenever I get the chance.\n\n“The senior pros here have really helped me a lot this season, too. Just being able to be around them day in, day out and focus on areas of my game that I need to improve upon really sharpens my game and helps me get better.\n\n“I just want to play as many matches as I can for this club, and get as many minutes under my belt as possible. I want to help this club win, and hopefully get us challenging for silverware.”\n\nHead Coach Franco Smith added: “Euan is a talent that has impressed us across this season so far and has earned his first professional contract.\n\n“He’s a young player who is eager and willing to learn in all aspects of his game, and has bought into what we are trying to build here at Scotstoun\n\n“We look forward to continuing to help him develop and grow as a player and as a person over the rest of this season and beyond.”"
] |
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"Who Asked Volodymyr Zelensky to Demand the Immediate Release of the Georgian Ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili?",
"On October 2nd, “Leader 41”- a Facebook page supportive of the ruling “Georgian Dream” party published a post claiming that “Putin’s journalist” Dimitry Gordon has asked Volodymyr Zelensky to demand the release of the Georgian ex-president Mikheil Saakashvili. The post asserted that a similar statement was made by the member of the Russian Duma, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, indicating that Saakashvili’s arrest upset “Putin’s favorites.” The post creates the impression that Russia is concerned with Saakashvili’s arrest and demands his release.",
"The post of “Leader 41” is misleading. In fact, Dimitry Gordon is a Ukrainian journalist who openly criticizes the politics of the Kremlin, and he has indeed asked the President of Ukraine to demand Saakashvili’s release. Zhirinovsky’s statement about Saakashvili was sarcastic. “Leader 41” creates the impression that Russia is concerned with Saakashvili’s arrest, and demands on his release are voiced by stakeholders expressing Russian interests.\n\nDmitry Gordon: “Mikheil Saakashvili is a great reformer and politician who has managed to turn the poorest, most criminal and corrupt country in the post-Soviet space into a prosperous state. Mikheil Saakashvili played a massive role in Ukraine’s democratization. I sincerely appreciate this person, I love him, and I believe he should be freed immediately. I urge the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, to take immediate action to release a Ukrainian citizen – Mr. Mikheil Saakashvili. I wish him self-confidence, strength, and faith in tomorrow because both Saakashvili and Georgia will be fine tomorrow. I am certain. ”\n\nUkrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon has made statements in support of Mikheil Saakashvili in the past as well.\n\nDmitry Gordon is a Ukrainian journalist who, until 2017, hosted the program “Visiting Dimitri Gordon” on “Ukraine 112.” In February 2017, Gordon announced that he was cutting ties with the TV channel because of the influence of Viktor Medvedchuk, Putin’s godfather and ideologue of the “Russian world” in Ukraine.\n\nThe confrontation between Gordon and Russian propaganda journalist Vladimir Solovyov has been going on for several years due to Russia’s occupation of parts of the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine. Soloviev said it was a slander for which the Ukrainian journalist should have been tried. In response, Gordon called Soloviev a “brutal propagandist,” and in response, Solovyov repeatedly insulted the Ukrainian journalist, calling him “incompetent,” a “scoundrel,” and a “criminal.”",
"The Sarcastic Comment of Zhirinovsky about the arrest of Saakashvili has been circulating among pro-governmental media and Facebook groups with a misleading context as if the Russian side was not content with the arrest of the ex-president and the leader of the Russian Liberal Democratic Party was genuinely criticizing Saakashvili’s arrest.\n\nFor more details, see the article of “Myth Detector:”\n\nWhat did Zhirinovsky Say about Saakashvili’s Arrest?"
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"Comedian turned actor Kapil Sharma, who was on a break for a year, post his show was shut, is back with a bang and how! His show The Kapil Sharma Show which currently airs on Sony TV is doing fabulously well and the TRPs too, are great. Excluding Sunil Grover and Ali Asgar, Kapil’s comeback show still features his old co-stars, Chandan Prabhakar, Sumona Chakravarti and Kiku Sharda.\n\nThe new entrants are Bharti Singh, Rochelle Maria Rao and Krushna Abhishek have lightened the show with their presence.\n\nBut of late, Chandan, who plays the character of Chandu Chaiwala in the show, has been missing. His character’s absence from the show has upset the viewers and his fans. Recently, on the occasion of Maha Shivratri, the comedian took to his Instagram account and wished his fans. Soon after the post, his fans started to requesting him to return on the show and expressed how badly they are missing his presence.",
"Well, this comment of Chandan hints that he is not happy with the makers, for not paying importance to his character.",
] |
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"Puri Connects, the production house of film Liger director Puri Jagannath, has shared a video on its Twitter handle. This video has a glimpse of the trailer of Liger. Also, there is some footage during the event yesterday, in which the fans and the team of the film are seen happily dancing at the launch event of the trailer. While sharing this video, it is written in the caption – “The trailer of Liger shook the nation. Got more than 50 million views in 24 hours. Trending number one on YouTube. We call it HAVOC.\n\nThis is what we call – HAVOC\n\nYesterday i.e. on 21st July, the trailer launch of the film Liger was launched on a large scale in Hyderabad and Mumbai. The trailer of the film has received a great response from across the country. Talking about the Hindi trailer of the film, it alone had achieved 30.20 million in 24 hours. At the same time, the film got more than 16 million views in Telugu.\n\nLet us tell you that the trailer of the film which was launched in Hyderabad was done at Sudarshan Theater. A crowd of thousands had gathered outside the Sudarshan Theatre. The atmosphere outside the theater was as if there was a festival. Everyone wanted to see Vijay and Ananya at a glance. Drums were being played outside the theatre. That sight was a sight to behold. After Hyderabad, the entire team reached Mumbai. Here the chief guest Ranveer Singh doubled the fun of the event. Ranveer Singh graced the trailer launch event with his fun-filled style.\n\nFor the time being, if we talk about the film, Vijay Deverakoda will be seen in the role of a boxer. Ananya Pandey will be seen as Vijay’s lady love in the film. The film will hit the theaters on August 25.",
"Kollywood actress Varalakshmi Sarathkumar starred as Jayamma in Gopichand Malineni’s Crack last year. Jayamma’s role not only brought good recognition to this also increased fan following. The news that this beauty is going to appear in another crazy project is now making rounds in the filming circle. Gopichand is the upcoming movie in Rashi…",
] |
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"In the Morrisville storefront that housed Thompson's Flour Shop for two decades, a new bakery is rising. Thompson's moved across the road to 7 Main Street last summer. When its owners announced the move in early 2018, North Country Cakes owner Nicole Maddox jumped at the opportunity to move her home-based bakery to 73 Lower Main Street.\n\n\"I immediately called the landlord,\" Maddox told Seven Days earlier this week. After spending most of a year renovating the place, she's now gearing up to open in February — just in time for Valentine's Day.",
"Maddox said North Country Cakes will offer a daily-changing array of \"approachable Americana desserts\" and breakfast pastries such as doughnuts (cake, yeasted, filled and otherwise), macarons, cupcakes, and cookies. Beverages will include drip coffee and summer lemonade, but those seeking lattes and other full-service espresso drinks will need to hit up next-door Black Cap Coffee & Beer.\n\nMaddox has worked as a pastry chef at Waterworks Food + Drink, Michael's on the Hill and Lake Champlain Chocolates' now-defunct South End Kitchen. She spent the past three years making wedding cakes and other catered-events confections. While she'll continue to produce elaborate custom sweets from her village bakeshop, she said, she's excited to serve simple treats to everyday people.\n\n\"I love making things for the general public,\" Maddox said, adding that she's energized by the downtown location: \"Morrisville's a really happening place these days. So it's fun to be a part of that growth.\""
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"Missouri school buses students to Iowa to campaign for Dems\n\nA public high school in Missouri recently touted taking its students to Iowa to \"canvas\" with 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.\n\nA private entity called the Clayton Education Foundation funded the trip, according to KTVI-TV.\n\nClayton Public High School social studies teacher Kate Lyons led the trip, along with at least three other chaperones partnered together with the Mikva Challenge program whose mission is to get youth more involved in politics.\n\nIn one of Lyons' tweets, shared by the official Clayton High School Twitter account, she writes, \"Had fun canvassing today! I think we really made an impression on campaign staffers and potential voters.\" The tweet included an image of students in Yang's campaign office.\n\nLyons also touted how students \"got to see @PeteButtigieg\" and how one student \"got to ask a question!\"\n\nAnother tweet acknowledged that the students would also associate with the Warren and Biden campaigns.\n\nLyons did not share tweets touting how any students met with Republican candidates running for office in Iowa, such as Bill Weld and Joe Walsh, both of whom are challenging President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination, or Republican Sen. Joni Ernst, who is running for re-election in her state.\n\nThe Mikva Challenge started in 1998 and describes its mission is to “ young people develop civic knowledge, leadership skills, and transform their attitudes about political participation with lifelong impacts on their professional and personal success.”\n\nAccording to St. Louis Public Radio, Mikva has a 20-year history of transporting high school students to Iowa. Those who go are allowed to volunteer for any candidate, but Clayton High School and Lyons only shared photos of students canvassing for Democratic candidates.\n\nLyons told KTVI-TV, “I really tried to stress [to students] the importance of the Iowa caucus, especially for presidential candidates trying to start a national level campaign, and I think that got them engaged and excited.\"\n\nCampus Reform reached out to Lyons for further comment, including whether she will offer students the opportunity to campaign with Republicans candidates either at the national, state, or local level, but did not hear back in time for publication. Lyon previously shared to Twitter an image of her \"new room addition,\" which was a lifesize cut out of liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.",
] |
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"The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was almost wholly neglected during his sane life, which came to an abrupt end in 1889. Since then he has been appropriated as an icon by an astonishingly diverse spectrum of people, whose interpretations of his thought range from the highly irrational to the firmly analytical. Thus Spoke Zarathustra introduced the ‘superman’ and The Twilight of the Idols developed the ‘Will to Power’ concept; these term, together with ‘Sklavenmoral’ and ‘Herrenmoral’, became confused with the rise of nationalism in Germany.\n\nIdiosyncratic and aphoristic, Nietzsche is always bracing and provocative, and temptingly easy to dip into. Michael Tanner’s readable introduction to the philosopher’s life and work examines the numerous ambiguities inherent in his writings. It also explodes the many misconceptions fostered in the hundred years since Nietzsche wrote, prophetically: ‘Do not, above all, confound me with what I am not!’"
] |
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"Lucy Noakes is a Reader in History at the University of Brighton. She will talk about the social impact of the ‘Great War’ of 1914-1918 in Lewes and in Sussex. It shaped the lives of almost everyone in Britain, leaving in its wake a society shaken by the enormous loss of life, and by the huge social, political and cultural shifts it brought about. Women were employed, often close to the front line, in huge numbers; air raids had, for the first time in British history, killed and injured civilians; rationing had been introduced; the franchise had been extended and war memorials could be found in almost every British city, town and village. Sussex played a key role. It was home to many camps housing soldiers from around the Empire to hospitals for the war wounded, and it also accommodated refugees from occupied Belgium.",
"This postcard, offered on ebay, shows the Steam Laundry that stood at the top of Malling Hill, by Mill Road.\n\nThe website of Historic Lewes (Lewes, Delaware) reports excitement at the bequest to them of two 18th century Lewes portraits, which became the earliest known examples of portraits of Lewes residents in their collection. The portraits had been purchased at auction in New York in the 1960s by a resident, and donated in 2010. One had written on the reverse “James Moore of Lewes, Del. June 1789, aged 22, born 1864 and died 1820”. The other, of much higher quality, featured Susan Moore his mother, who died in 1821 aged 82 or 84. The attribution was added by Mary S. Moore, when bequeathing portraits of her father and grandmother to a cousin in 1867. Historic Lewes comment that when the works were taken to the Smithsonian museum for investigation the portrait of Susan Moore was considered particularly fine, and painted in an English manner.\n\nSadly for Historic Lewes, James Moore of Lewes was a resident of Lewes, England, not Lewes, Delaware. To the Victorian spinster Mary Surgey Moore, his only daughter, the abbreviation “Del.” meant “delineavit” or drawn, not “Delaware”. The James Moore depicted is the surgeon to whom the young Gideon Mantell was apprenticed, and who he later joined as a partner. Mantell records much information about his friend and mentor, including his retirement following an attack of apoplexy in 1818 and his death following further attack on 30 August 1820. James Moore was buried in St Michael’s cemetery on 7 September 1820, his age recorded as 53. His only daughter, Mary Surgey Moore, moved to Ryde, Isle of Wight, where she died in 1876. James Moore’s father was also called James Moore. He was a prosperous Cliffe butcher who also acquired a farm in Ringmer (Norlington Gate Farm), later inherited by both his son and his granddaughter.",
"This postcard, postmarked from Lewes on 19 November 1918, was described as a Great War medal ceremony when the card was offered for sale on ebay recently. The awards were apparently made by the mayor on the steps of County Hall.\n\n5. Brig from Riga arrives at Southerham\n\n“On Thursday a beautiful brig, The Gage, with a cargo of oats from Riga belonging to Mr J. Hillman, merchant, arrived in our river and was moored nigh to the chalk-pits at Southerham.”\n\n“The Brig ‘Trevor’ belonging to Mr John Hillman of Lewes reached Naples from Liverpool after a passage of 22 days. She entered the bay at the time of a violent eruption of Vesuvius, and Mr Hillman has been sent some of the lava.”\n\n“Yesterday morning Mr Samuel Hillman, collector of the Tolls of the Lower Ouse Navigation, was found dead in one of the stables lately occupied by Mr Cooter, near his residence. The unhappy man had committed suicide, having first cut his throat – dividing his windpipe, but without touching any important vein or artery, and then hung himself. He appeared to have been dead about an hour when discovered. We have not yet heard any cause assigned for the rash act.”\n\nSamuel Hillman, aged 50, was buried at Cliffe on 8 October 1842. The following week’s Sussex Advertiser includes an account of the inquest held at the Snow Drop Inn “on view of the body” at which the witnesses included Thomas Wymark, landlord of the Snow Drop, who said that he had known the deceased, a barge-master and collector of the tolls for the Lower Ouse Navigation, for some years. He had seen him go into the chalk pit near his inn about 10.30 a.m., and go up to the stable building therein.\n\nThe same newspaper also included an account of the regular and tetchy sessions about which householders were qualified as electors – each party attempted to disqualify as many of the opposition voters as it could, while promoting the cases of dubious supporters. This noted simply “Samuel Hillman dead – name struck out”.\n\nThe Hillman family played a leading role in the commercial life of the Cliffe, and another branch of the family ran the chalk quarries in which Samuel died. Samuel Hillman had married Rebecca Colwell, a young widow, at South Malling church in 1822, and the marriage was followed by at least nine baptisms of their children at Cliffe church between then and 1840. Cliffe was the church where Samuel himself had been baptised. His eldest son Edward, a young teenager in 1842, was articled within a few year to the law firm founded by John Webb Woolgar, and rose to become its principal. Edward Hillman was an important figure in the town, and was mayor of Lewes in 1892. His law firm was variously known as Hillman & Sons; Hillman, Hillman, Vinall & Carter; and Wynne Baxter, Hillman & Carter until well within living memory. The firm itself continues in Lewes, though recent mergers have resulted in the Hillman element being dropped from its title.\n\nThe 18 February 1845 Sussex Advertiser noted: “To be let in Lewes, with possession Lady Day next, that old-established wharf with a large, walled-in, coal and faggot yard, warehouse and counting house, now in the possession of Messrs Thomas & Robert Hillman and formerly Mr John Hillman.”",
"This lovely painting of Malling Street is from the Sussex Archaeological Society collection, and posted on the BBC website. The artist is unknown. The view is a little earlier than that shown in the postcard included in Bulletin no.51. The large brewery building has not yet appeared, but the other houses match well. The painting is reproduced here with SAS permission.\n\nNow on my sixties, I distinctly remember as a child that when travelling with my parents from Lewes to Newhaven my father pointed out to me an old building in a field quite close to the road near Southease or Rodmell. He assured me that the building had been a German POW camp.\n\nIn spite of my efforts scouring the internet, I am unable to find any reference to that camp. It isn’t even listed in the official UK prisoner of war camp list. Can anyone throw any light on the subject? If so, please contact tonyrich50 [at]\nJohn Kay"
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"Crunch Gym at 4 Park Avenue Closing at End of Year",
"“It’s not goodbye, it’s see you soon.” So say signs posted throughout the Crunch gym at the Feil Organization’s 4 Park Avenue between East 33rd and East 34th Streets.\n\nThe posters indicate that the last day to workout at the gym is Dec. 30. But gym-goers are reassured that their memberships have been transferred—at the same rate, a gym employee told Commercial Observer—to the Crunch at 222 East 34th Street between Second and Third Avenues. Plus, a Crunch spokeswoman said, 4 Park Avenue memberships will now include access to all New York City Crunch locations.\n\nCrunch’s 4 Park Avenue lease for the 21,646-square-foot space, which spans two floors, expires at the end of the year, and will not be renewed due to “long-planned renovations to the property,” according to a spokeswoman for Feil.\n\nThe retail space has had several fitness center iterations over the last nearly 30 years, first as Synergy Fitness, then as Boom Fitness, and then as a corporate-owned Crunch the last few years.\n\nOther tenants that will be vacating their spaces include J & C Lamb Management Corporation and Charles H. Greenthal, a 30-year-tenant which will relocate to Feil’s 551 Fifth Avenue between East 45th and East 46th Streets. None of those tenants had the option to renew, the Feil spokeswoman said.\n\n“The non-renewal and relocation of a few long-time tenants was necessitated by Feil’s planned complete rebranding of the commercial floors of 4 Park Avenue,” she said. “These floors will be recreated into an approximately 52,000-square-foot building within a building. Its commercial base will have its own separate entrance. It will be comprised of three floors and will include a new facade featuring a glass curtain wall and other modern design elements, including all new state-of-the-art mechanical systems. The lobby-level restaurant at the property, Wolfgang’s Steakhouse, also recently renewed their lease at 4 Park Avenue and will be reasonably unaffected by the construction that’s slated to be completed in the fall of 2018.” (Wolfgang’s renewed its lease in August for 15 years, the spokeswoman said.)\n\nThe asking rent for the newly created 51,305 square feet will be $65 per square foot.\n\nCrunch has 17 New York City locations, including the one at 4 Park Avenue. In the Financial District, Crunch is relocating its health club at 90 John Street between Gold and Pearl Streets to 140 Broadway between Cedar and Liberty Streets, the Crunch spokeswoman said, with the former closing at the beginning of 2018."
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"Charley was born January 19, 1933, in Frankenstein, a son of the late William A. and Martha J. (Maasen) Huesgen. Charley was raised and lived in Frankenstein all of his life except for the last three years, living in Jefferson City and then Linn.\n\nOn March 31, 1996, Charley was united in marriage to Velma (Shelley) Scarborough in Frankenstein. She survives of the home.\n\nCharley was in the first senior class to graduate from Fatima High School in Westphalia. Charley proudly served his country in the United States Army and was stationed in Germany during the Korean War from July 1953 to May 1955. After his honorable discharge, he took over his father's school bus route. Charley drove the school bus for Osage R-III for more than 53 years until his retirement in 2009. During the summers and between driving his school routes, Charley worked at Weber's Equipment in Westphalia.\n\nCharley loved driving the school bus and seeing all the kids every day. Upon his 50th anniversary of driving the bus a celebration was held in his honor where generations of kids he delivered safely to and from school attended. Charley loved his family, he loved to fish, drive the country roads and tell stories.\n\nIn addition to his spouse Velma, Charley is survived by: one daughter, Janice and her husband Paul Sloca of Jefferson City; three grandchildren, Tracie and her husband Curtis Schwoeppe of Marthasville, Curtis and his wife Deann Wieberg of Centertown and Shelley Sloca of Knoxville, TN; seven nephews and one niece; six sister-in-laws and five brother-in-laws.\n\nIn addition to Charley's parents, he was preceded in death by: one brother, Stanley Huesgen; one sister, Catherine Schaefer; and one nephew.\n\nVisitation will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 31, 2013, with a Funeral Mass immediately following at Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church in Frankenstein with Fr. John Schmitz as the Celebrant. Inurnment will be at Garden of Gethsemane Cemetery in Frankenstein with full military honors.\n\nIn lieu of flowers, expressions of sympathy may be made in Charley's name to Our Lady Help of Christians Catholic Church or St. Mary's School in Frankenstein.\n\nTo order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Charles Henry Huesgen, please visit our flower store."
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"Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen has said the world must unequivocally reject the use of nuclear weapons while supporting the peaceful use of nuclear technology for the benefit of humankind.\n\nIn his address to the commemorative High-level event organized on the sidelines of the 76th UNGA, the Foreign Minister expressed Bangladesh’s firm stance and unwavering constitutional commitment to general and complete disarmament.\n\nRead:FM hands over his new book on Sheikh Hasina’s speeches to PM\n\nThe clarion call of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1974 to free the world from the scourge of nuclear war, forms the cornerstone of Bangladesh’s commitment and adherence to nuclear disarmament, said Dr Momen.",
"Recognizing the dangerous consequences of use of these weapons, he urged member states to cease senseless investments in non-productive armament purposes and to re-direct the world’s finite resources to address issues like climate change, SDGs, and peace and stability,\n\nThe international community must be united against the perpetual holding of nuclear weapons by a handful of states in total disregard of the safety and security of humanity, Dr Momen continued.\n\nThe Foreign Minister expressed Bangladesh’s readiness to work with the international community towards realizing the goal of a peaceful and nuclear-weapons-free world.\n\nAfter Trump setbacks, Kim Jong Un starts over with Biden\n\nSecret documents on Bangabandhu to be nice resources for researchers: Hasina"
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"a worm gear is usually meshed with a spur gear or a helical gear, which is called the gear, wheel, or worm wheel. Worm-and-gear sets are a simple and compact way to achieve a high torque, low speed gear ratio. For example, helical gears are normally limited to gear ratios of less than 10:1 while worm-and-gear sets vary from 10:1 to 500:1. A disadvantage is the potential for considerable sliding action, leading to low efficiency. Worm gears can be considered a species of helical gear, but its helix angle is usually somewhat large (close to 90 degrees) and its body is usually fairly long in the axial direction, and it is these attributes which give it screw like qualities. The distinction between a worm and a helical gear is made when at least one tooth persists for a full rotation around the helix. If this occurs, it is a 'worm', if not, it is a 'helical gear'. A worm may have as few as one tooth. If that tooth persists for several turns around the helix, the worm will appear, superficially, to have more than one tooth, but what one in fact sees is the same tooth reappearing at intervals along the length of the worm. The usual screw nomenclature applies: a one-toothed worm is called single thread or single star, a worm with more than one tooth is called multiple thread or multiple start. The helix angle of a worm is not usually specified. Instead, the lead angle, which is equal to 90 degrees minus the helix angle, is given. In a worm-and-gear set, the worm can always drive the gear. However, if the gear attempts to drive the worm, it may or may not succeed. Particularly if the lead angle is small, the gear's teeth may simply lock against the worm's teeth, because the force component circumferential to the worm is not sufficient to overcome friction Worm-and-gear sets that do lock are called self locking, which can be used to advantage, as for instance when it is desired to set the position of a mechanism by turning the worm and then have the mechanism hold that position.",
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"by Jayakrishna Dasappan\nin AEW, WWE\n0",
"Nowadays, All Elite Wrestling seems to be the place to be for professional wrestlers. The next person who is most likely to head in that direction is the ‘Prince‘ Finn Balor. According to Steve Carrier from Ringside News, the Chairman of WWE, Vince McMahon, was never a fan of Finn Balor. At the same time, Vince is also not willing to let go of the former Universal Champion to WWE’s competitor, AEW. Without a doubt, the President of AEW, Tony Khan will snatch Balor at the first chance he gets.\n\nVince McMahon never had faith in Finn Balor, even as the first Universal Champion. He's seen as a high spot guy.\n\nWe were also told that AEW would bend over backwards for Balor, and he would def be \"another WWE guy in AEW.\" Wonder if that's why he's still around. 🤔🤔\n\nFinn Balor’s career in WWE began in NXT. Balor’s run in NXT was the best so far. He won the Dusty Tag Team classic by teaming with Samoa Joe. Then he pursued a solo career. NXT was also the birthplace of his alter-ego, the ‘Demon‘. The Demon persona made Finn Balor invincible. It was the Demon who won the NXT Title by defeating Kevin Owens.\n\nAfter spending a few years on the main roster, the Prince made a return to NXT. Balor played the heel throughout his 2nd run in NXT. He also became the NXT Champion once again. His second coming to the Black and Gold brand was short-lived as he was yet again left to compete in the main roster.\n\nBalor’s first run in NXT was from 2014 to 2016. After his success in NXT, the Demon went to the main roster via the Draft. Balor instantly entered the Universal Title picture. The Demon was the first-ever Universal Champion. Unfortunately, his title run was short-lived. A shoulder injury lead to him relinquishing the title the very next day. So far the Prince has been a 1-time Universal Champion and a 2-time Intercontinental Champion.",
"Currently, Balor is in a feud with Austin Theory. It looks like Balor is just a stepping stone for Theory to advance into the big leagues. Nowadays, the leader of the ‘Balor Club‘ is a mere stepping stone for several superstars and that is probably because his boss has lost interest in him.\n\nIs Finn Balor suitable for AEW?\n\nIt would be ‘Too Sweet‘ for Balor to sign with AEW. The Prince was one of the earliest members of the ‘Bullet Club‘ and with most of the members already in AEW, Balor will fit right in. All Elite Wrestling is a place that gives a lot of freedom to the wrestlers. The wrestlers not only have freedom during matches but also have a lot of input in stories.\n\nAlthough the aforementioned positives, make AEW the right place for the Prince, their roster is already heavily stacked and it is highly likely that Balor could be lost in the shuffle.\n\nAs mentioned by Steve Carrier, if the Prince does join AEW, he will be just another ‘Former WWE Superstar‘. AEW already has a jam-packed roster and most of them are in fact, former WWE Superstars. Balor’s AEW debut may create a lot of hype but it is bound to dim down soon. Joining Impact or re-signing with New Japan Pro-Wrestling may be much better options than AEW.\n\nWhat are your thoughts on Finn Balor joining AEW? Will he have a better future? Let us know in the comments."
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"It’s an extremely proud day for the Football Club and our Academy programme.\n\nBirmingham City is delighted to announce that the Club’s Academy has been awarded Category 1 status.\n\nGranted by the Professional Game Board (PGB), the categorisation is the highest possible grading available to English Football Clubs and follows an extensive evaluation process from the Professional Game Academy Audit Company (PGAAC), during which Blues’ staffing, football programme, investment and facilities were all deemed befitting of Category 1 level.\n\nThe rigorous process included successful assessment of the Academy, including safe to operate and compliance.\n\nDuring the upcoming campaign, Blues’ Under-23s and Under-18s teams will compete in new league competitions.\n\nThe Under-23s, who were yesterday crowned Professional Development League National Champions, will enter the Premier League 2 Division 2, playing for the chance of promotion to Division One. They will also continue to participate in the Premier League Cup.\n\nThe Under-18s, who made the play-offs in their Professional Development League programme, will now compete in either the North or South division of the Under-18s Premier League, with the opportunity to be crowned national winners at the season’s conclusion.\n\nHead of Academy, Mike Dodds expressed his delight at the news:\n\n“It’s an extremely proud day for the Football Club and our Academy programme.\n\n“Being recognised as a Category 1 Academy is the culmination of many years of hard work by so many people and I’m delighted for everyone associated with the Club.\n\n“We are now considered to be amongst a group of elite-level academies in the country and our Under-18s and Under-23s teams will be testing themselves against the very best on a weekly basis.\n\n“We have a proven track record of producing some excellent young players here and an enhanced games programme, against top-level opposition, will only serve to improve the quality of players who emerge through our system.\n\n“We are a Club who pride ourselves on giving local boys a chance and believe there is enough talent in the region to really thrive.\n\n“The Board have made a commitment to youth football in helping to achieve Category 1 and have invested in the infrastructure to meet the required criteria.\n\n“The hard work starts now, and I couldn’t be more excited about what the future holds for Birmingham City’s Academy.”\n\nA subsequent five-day standards audit will be scheduled during the 2021/22 season, with the licence – as per licencing protocol - initially granted on a one-year conditional basis.",
"Check In on the Rewards app",
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"Staying Uber-Cool In The Land Of Diversity\n\nUber has been in the news a lot, though not always for the right reasons. The most recent shocker was its exit from the Southeast Asian market, selling its cab-hailing and food delivery services to the Singapore-based Grab. Back home in India, rumours of Uber’s possible merger with Ola have taken the public by surprise and launched a slew of speculations.\n\nA lot of these back-outs can be traced back to the fact that Uber has been accumulating phenomenally large losses over the years since its launch. This is despite reporting a steady rise in revenues. By Feb 2018, the company had narrowed its losses to $645 million, thanks to its strong performance in growth markets such as India.\n\nWhether this one bit of positive news is enough to make a huge difference to Uber India’s existence remains to be seen. But one thing is a given, losses or not, Uber surely knows how to stay in the news and woo customers, thanks to its innovative and far-out marketing strategies.\n\nHere are a few other outstanding features of Uber’s marketing strategy in India that drove it from a humble cab-hailing service in 2017 to a leading cab aggregator hosting 5 million active riders per week.\n\nUber India is notoriously shy of traditional marketing mediums media such as TV, print and radio. When it comes to marketing, it prefers to use an innovative mix of new media and repeat strategies that have worked in other markets. But then, Uber is nothing if not a trendsetter!\n\nHowever, in 2017, Uber India strayed off the beaten path, and launched its first TVC, #IseyApniHiGaadiSamjho, a spin-off of its global campaign: ‘Uber: Effortless Night’. Titled “Apnapan,” creator Taproot Dentsu’s localized ad campaign captures stories of heartwarming interactions between cab drivers and passengers. It’s underlying motive: to take Uber from being an indulgence to a habit for the common commuter.\n\nWhat you can read next",
"How to Create an Effective Brand Name & Win Customers",
"How Does Competition Drives Innovation?\n\nEnter email for our newsletter\n\nKeep up on all the latest branding news & trends:"
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"Elder Paul G. Patterson, age 90, of Hendersonville, Tennessee, was reunited in Heaven with his beloved wife Betty of 71 years, on Sunday, October 25, 2020.\n\nHe married the love of his life, Betty Sue McClanahan, on March 13, 1949. They were married 71 years until her passing in April of this year. They have two children: Paul Michael “Mike” Patterson (wife Darlene) and Kimberly Ann Roberts (husband Jimmy). They cherished their two grandsons, Brent Michael Patterson and Matthew Austin Roberts.\n\nHe was a proud Korean War veteran, where the US Army took him aside for his mathematical aptitude and gave him special training for the role of “computer,” manually calculating the trajectory of artillery with a slide rule and a pencil. He was a member of McFerrin Missionary Baptist Church and a 3rd Degree Mason.\n\nMr. Patterson’s early work life included time at Varallo’s Restaurant as a short-order cook. He was a graduate of Nashville Auto Diesel College.\n\nHe retired after 50 years from Tennessee Mat Company/Wearwell Inc. in 1995 where he was Plant Manager. He was known and respected for his integrity and strong work ethic.\n\nHis last months were spent in assisted living, where he was lovingly cared for by an awesome team from Brookdale Personalized Living and Always Best Care. A very special thank you to these ladies: Jennifer, Odilia, Madison, Haley, Jody, Katherine, Joan, Baylee, Mary, Janet, and Delores. At a time when family could only visit through a window, his every need was always met.\n\nA celebration of life for Elder Paul G. Patterson will be held at 3pm on the afternoon of Saturday, October 31, 2020, at Hendersonville Funeral Home with the service being officiated by Pastor Johnny Carver of McFerrin Missionary Baptist Church. Visitation will be held two hours prior to the start of the service."
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"IN THE SUMMER of 1903, all that the people of St. Louis could think about was the upcoming Louisiana Purchase Exposition: the World’s Fair of 1904. This Fair (coinciding with the Olympics) would present the greatest that America — and the world — had to offer.\n\nForty years later when this musical was made, people would remember the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair with affection and nostalgia as part of a happier, more innocent time.\n\nIf you will meet me in St. Louis, Louis/ Meet me at the fair!” – Esther and Rose\n\nVincente Minelli directed the charming “Meet Me in St. Louis (1944),” starring Judy Garland. Garland and Minelli fell in love and became engaged during the filming of this musical, based on true-life memoirs published in “The New Yorker” about a St. Louis family, the Smiths.\n\nThe movie begins in the summer of 1903, as the city of St. Louis is preparing for the World’s Fair. The scenes of day-to-day family life and the holidays they celebrate transport us back to the turn of the century.\n\n“Poor Margarethe, I’ve never seen her look so pale. –The sun ought to do her some good. – I expect she won’t live through the night. She has 4 fatal diseases. –It only takes one. –But she’s gonna have a beautiful funeral, in a cigar box my Papa gave me. All wrapped in silver paper. –That’s the way to go, if you have to go.” –Mr. Neely and Tootie",
"Halloween is grand fun (and one of the best Halloween scenes in the movies): the children dress as ghosts (or the undead) and their major goal of the evening is to play pranks. They throw flour at people when they answer the door and revel in building a bonfire.",
"At Christmas, the three oldest children get ready to attend a Christmas Eve dance. In one amusing scene, Esther (Judy Garland) is attempting to don her first corset, and her sister, Rose (Lucille Bremer), tries to help her struggle into it. The family makes a snow family in the yard and Judy twists our hearts around her finger as she wistfully sings, “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.”",
"“—If Santa Claus brings me any toys I’m taking them with me. I’m taking all my dolls, the dead ones too. I’m taking everything. —Of course you are. I’ll help you pack them myself. You don’t have to leave anything behind. Except your snow people, of course.” –Tootie and Esther",
"The art direction is impeccable and totally faithful to the period. Every little detail is present: the huge goldfish bowl on a stand in the parlor, the demi-lune stained-glass window in the attic bathroom, and the mechanical wind-up toys at Christmas; everything filmed in luscious Technicolor.\n\nIrene Sharaff’s costumes are very elaborate and do a fine job of reflecting the Edwardian era. The colors are vibrant and there are ruffles, furbelows, velvets, silks, and laces to die for.\n\nThree of the songs in the film are by Martin and Blane, while the rest are classic songs of the time:",
"Margaret O’Brien and Judy Garland do a charming duet and cakewalk in “The Bamboo Tree.” In the song, Judy and Margaret wave their straw boaters: a classic scene. Judy is unforgettable as she jumps on the trolley to visit the construction site of the fair and belts out, “Clang, clang, clang went the trolley!”",
"The 2011 Two Disc Special Edition of “Meet Me in St. Louis” includes a bonus: a trailer from the film and a documentary about the making of the movie. It’s fun to go behind the scenes to learn about the background of the story and hear about how Judy and Vincente Minelli fell in love.\n\nStep back in time for a visit to kinder, gentler past with “Meet Me in St. Louis.”",
"I’m a big fan of Judy Garland. She sings wonderful songs in this movie. I love the period touches and the sweetness presented. It’s fun to revisit times past: dance cards, gas lights, homemade ketchup, panama hats, and the trolley! What’s your favorite movie that shows the olden days?"
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"So there’s this spider in my garden, well there are lots of spiders in my garden looping the loop across from the buddleia to the apple tree across the washing line and around the bins and back again. It’s become like an obstacle course just getting from one end to the other. Fortunately I don’t mind spiders at all, I quite like them but I am tired of getting my hair tangled in their pretty spinning webs as I make my way through the garden. The threads are invisible unless you view them from the right angle and sometimes one has the impression of a trapeze artist balancing delicate legs spindly on a wire. This week, on the buddleia, I saw a Red Admiral butterfly spinning like a whizzing top caught in one of the webs and rushed out to find a wasp trapped alongside it, battling the sticky fingers of the spider’s world the two of them fighting to escape and becoming tangled in each other’s terror. Unwinding them was easy getting stung by the wasp’s anger less so but somehow I managed it. Off they went, the two them, air-spinning and buzzing, leaving a disgruntled spider to lament their loss.",
"The spider interests me because I’m struggling most days to keep the writing going. It’s too simple to see the spider patiently rebuild its web as a metaphor for the fact that I must keep going no matter what. So I try and so does the spider. I write here on the blog page, in my journal and in my head, thoughts spilling out like the gossamer string from a spider spinning. I do take comfort from that spider being undaunted by its task. No matter how many times it’s knocked down, up it gets again and starts over. I don’t see it as a threat, something to be held at bay as the fairy Puck keeps the spider from Titania in A Midsummer Nights Dream: “Weaving Spiders, come not here;/Hence you long-legg’d spinners, hence” he tells them and she protected safe in her bower.\n\nThe poet Walt Whitman watches a spider in his poem A Noiseless Patient Spider in its glorious isolation spinning out its web “filament, filament, filament, out of itself,/Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.” He thinks of himself, of his soul, standing “Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space,/Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them” waiting for the moment when the “gossamer thread” he flings will be caught somewhere and land and peace of a kind will come to him.\n\nIs this what we are always seeking?\n\nWalking across the dunes some days later across the Autumn crisping bracken, the damp of the land as the sea mists bring the change of the seasons with them, I see them again, the webs. Tiny spinning creatures this time never seen but creating a network of silver trampolines, glistening with mist and dew across the ever-shifting landscape. They look like they are covering fairyland or close enough, if ever there was one. Beside them hopping creatures, frogs or maybe natterjacks but no too small for the rare toads although we do have them here these extraordinary creatures. The frog moves along slowly, cautious beneath the webs which give him cover from our prying feet and eyes. And on he goes leading us with him across the dunes and grasses and pathways until…\n\nThe sea, the vast expanse of it.\n\nBut they are deceptive these sands, the dunes that lead to the beach and then to the sea. The grasses and plants that grow here create poetry in the saying of them: Sea-holly, Cat’s ear, Red fescue and Spreading meadow grass. The dune slacks are covered in creeping willow, and I wonder as I always do: how does a willow creep? Slowly it would seem, dragging itself with the wind along the sand along the edges of footpaths where it favours the ones less travelled, the ones less found. On the strand line, the line which separates the outgoing tide from the sand on the beach only highly specialised adaptable plants like Sea Rocket and Prickly Saltwort can survive an environment which is described as ‘inhospitable’ but I never find it so. If something can grow here how can it be so?\n\nWe watch the sand and sea that always vanishes the moment you think you’ve caught it hovering on the edge of your eye, the mud banks which lure the unsuspecting walker deep into their quicksand depths. Visitors to Southport see Blackpool across the bay and think they can walk there. It doesn’t look far they think so out they step and find themselves trapped and cornered by the incoming tides. It’s the same up past Sefton along the Fylde coast and on. Quick sand also called ‘running sand’ is a mixture of sand and water or sand and air that looks solid but becomes unstable when disturbed by stress, like someone walking on it. It looks innocent. But it’s not and that’s the trick of it. I think back to the webs and their fairyland depths and wonder about the magic of it all because sometimes that is how it feels out here, like magic.\n\nI grew up with stories about people being submerged in these quick sands – the best story I remember was about a coach and horses racing across the sands, the entire group swallowed whole, sometime centuries ago. At night, so they say, you can hear the whinnies of the horses, the cries of the coach driver and his passengers screaming beneath the sand. Stories with truth somewhere buried beneath them – the sand will get you but it’s the tide that will kill you, the water not the quicksand, rushing in to claim you.\n\nNow there’s a story worth spinning…",
"One thought on “Spinning webs”"
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"“Nothing will happen without Russia's victory”\n\nA petition has appeared on the website of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky calling for the resumption of peace talks with Russia, which has already been signed by more than 30,000 people, with the necessary 25 thousands. Political scientist, journalist Yuri Svetov believes that something real will not follow.",
"In an interview with the 360 TV channel, Svetov wondered when the Ukrainian authorities were interested in what her people want and their attitude towards something. According to the political scientist, Kyiv itself knows what to do, and this information appeared due to a large number of conversations on this topic.\n\nThe expert recalled that Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia was open to negotiations, but there was no such desire on the part of the Ukrainians, and the Americans and the British did not allow them to start negotiations. Svetov doubts that something real will follow, recalling that at the talks in Istanbul, held at the request of the Ukrainian side, Ukraine refused to communicate with the Russian delegation.\n\nThe political scientist stressed that Russia's conditions were formulated at the very beginning, and they include the recognition of Crimea as Russian, the recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, and denazification and demilitarization. Ukraine, as Svetov noted, demands that Russia withdraw its troops from all territories, including Crimea, pay reparations, “repent and kneel”, after which negotiations will be possible.\n\nThe expert is convinced that this “dead end”, and nothing will happen without Russia's victory. According to the political scientist, there will be “air tremors”, big words, and Ukrainians will pretend to be peacekeepers in front of the whole world, but nothing will be real."
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"The Member of Parliament (MP) for Adansi Asokwa, K.T Hammond says he does not feel the impact of the skyrocketing fuel prices because he does not own a car.\n\nThe Adansi Asokwa MP made the revelation on Tuesday, November 15, during the sitting of the committee hearing the censure motion against the embattled Finance Minister, Mr Ken Ofori-Atta.\n\nDuring the proceedings, the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu suggested to K.T. Hammond that since he also buys fuel, he must be feeling the impact of the “mismanagement” he and his caucus are talking about.\n\nHowever, the controversial legislator retorted that “I don’t buy fuel. Don’t talk about me. I don’t have a car.”\n\nThis got almost all the members around the table surprised because Mr. K.T. Hammond had recently revealed he nearly fought with a fuel attendant when he purchased fuel and the price had almost doubled.\n\nThe MP lamented the current hardship the fuel price increment has brought to Ghanaians.\n\n“A few days ago, I went to the garage, they pumped the fuel into the car and they came to give me the bill, it almost turned into a third world war at the station. I asked why is he giving me this? and he said just yesterday price of Super moved to what the price of diesel used to be.\n\n“It is a particularly difficult situation and I do not envy the lot. Those who are really having to juggle,” he said.\n\nMeanwhile, there were heated exchanges between the North Tongu MP, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa and Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, counsel for the embattled Finance Minister.\n\nThe heated exchanges ensued when Mr Ablakwa asked a question about the controversial National Cathedral.\n\nHowever, Mr Ofori-Atta’s lawyer (Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko) strongly opposed the question. He suggested that the North Tongu MP could organise a press conference to make those political statements.\n\nThe outspoken lawmaker also in his objection said, Mr Asare Otchere-Darko cannot teach the Committee how to do its work.\n\nHe added that he would not be schooled on his duties as an MP by the lawyer.\n\n“You cannot come here and throw your weight about. You will not teach me how to do my work. You are not the chairman of this Committee,” he replied.\n\nIn a sharp reply, Mr Asare Otchere-Darko told the MP that he does not have enough weight to spare.\n\nYour schemes against me failed ... you too contest election and see — Kyei Mensah tells Gabby",
"Sad News As Female Teacher Takes Her Own Life Over Debt, leaves A Sad Note For Her Husband And Children –",
"One of conjoined twins separated at Ridge Hospital dies"
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"This letter is actually two separate letters, with different dates, in the same envelope. This letter is dated July 23, 1943, from Africa. It was in an envelope postmarked July 27 by the U.S. Army Postal Service.\n\nTo continue where I left off in my last letter…\n\nI didn’t have room to tell you in my last letter, but I met Joe Pasquale, Lugi Conte and Steve, who ran the garage across the street, on the boat coming over. I was never so surprised in my life as when I saw them.\n\nThis is the craziest weather I’ve ever seen. In the daytime, it’s boiling hot, but at night, we freeze in our bed.\n\nYou should see these Africans here. Just as soon as we got off the boat and were walking to the railroad station, all the little kids asked us for chewing gum and cigarettes. They couldn’t speak English, but they could say a few words. All the young people shouted hello and goodbye to us and a few of the fellows who could speak French and Italian managed to talk a little with them.\n\nThe way these people dress is just like you see in the movies. They wear robes and turbans and a cross between a shirt and pants.\n\nLast night we saw the first stage show held here in this camp. The camp is pretty new and isn’t yet half developed. The show was in the open air theatre. After the stage show, we saw a movie. The stage show was with an all-French cast and we couldn’t understand any of the songs they sung. They also had a woman magician here and she did the same tricks we saw a woman magician do in one of the service clubs at our last camp in God’s Country.\n\nBy the way, this open air theater is the best one I’ve seen in any army camp anywhere so far.\n\nWe changed our money here for invasion money. The invasion money is the same as ours only it has a gold seal on the bills where the blue seal is. We also got some foreign money. I am sending you some in this letter. It is a fifty franc bill and is worth one dollar in our money. Let me know if you get it.\n\nIf I stay in the this camp, I will get a pass to go into town and I will get a lot of souvenirs for you. I won’t be in this camp long enough to get more than one pass though.\n\nThe lieutenant told us a story today. He said when he was on the boat, they got a report from Germany or some place that said the ship he was standing on was sunk with everybody lost. There are a few men here who fought right here in North Africa. As a matter of fact, there was a terrific battle staged right at the location of this camp. We can still see the scars on the ground.\n\nThat’s about all I have to say for now, so I’ll say so-long."
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"Myanmar is taking a second look at casinos in a bid to boost the country’s tourism industry.\n\nEleven Media Group reported that the Myanmar parliament is considering allowing foreigners-only casinos in some of the country’s island resorts after package tours from Western countries dropped last year.\n\nMyanmar’s Minister for Hotels and Tourism Ohn Maung clarified that the government doesn’t oppose plans to construct casinos in the country, especially if it will help shore up tourism. The problem lies with Myanmar’s 1986 Gambling law, which prohibits casinos. Maung suggested that the antiquated law be revised for the sake of the country’s tourism development.\n\nMinister Aung Hlaing Win pointed out that opening casinos would give the government additional revenue that could be used to pay the country’s debt.\n\n“There are very good businesses in Macao and Singapore. Our country has large sum of foreign debt that we need to pay back. We need to find solutions to make money for the debt. Casinos could be a major source of income,” Win said, according to the news outlet.\n\nThe debate on whether to allow casino gambling in Myanmar started in December when ministers from Mandalay, Tanintharyi, Shan, Kayin and Mon asked Vice President U Henry Van Thio to allow casino operations in hotels.\n\nCasinos are not legal on the Myanmar mainland, but it is possible to gain a license for an offshore gaming venue. Other brick-and-mortar facilities are operating illegally in Tanintharyi Region and Shan State.\n\nThe ministers contended that opening legal casinos will help stop the flow of potential revenues to illegal casinos near the boundaries of Thailand and China.\n\nThey also believe that the casinos will help boost the country’s economy and create more jobs. The Myanmar Tourism Federation expressed optimism that the opening of casinos in Myanmar will “happen later on.”"
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"In all likelihood, the government is going to miss the deadline of December 2016 for rolling out the optical fibre network (OFN) across 2,50,000 village panchayats, according to a parliamentary committee.\n\nA status report on the National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) project by the Standing Committee on Information Technology, headed by BJP MP Anurag Singh Thakur, was tabled in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday.\n\nGiven the current status of the project, the report stated that it will be extremely difficult to meet the target of providing optical fibre connectivity to 2.5 lakh villages by 31st December 2016.\n\nThe government had approved the Rs 20,100cr National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) in 2011 for facilitating at least 100 Mbps bandwidth in all the estimated 2,50,000 village panchayats.\n\nAccording to the data shared by Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad in parliament, an amount of Rs 3,054.43 crore had already been released for the project till October 2015.\n\nThe work has been distributed by Bharat Broadband Network Limited (BBNL) to three central public sector units — BSNL, RailTel and PowerGrid. Survey work and tenders for supply of material and execution of the project are underway by BBNL and the three CPSUs.\n\nThe present NDA Government had fixed this deadline for completing the rollout of optical fibre in a phased manner by December 2016.\n\nThe panel recommended that the system monitoring instituted by BBNL for the execution of the project must be tightened to make central public sector unit involved in it more accountable.\n\n“The Committee is of the firm view that the success of NOFN, a project of national importance, is not only essential to the expansion of the telecom network, but will also provide the requisite infrastructure to support the ‘Digital India’ campaign of the government,” the panel report read."
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"Are You More Worried About Patriots' Offense or Defense? - Skip to content",
"The Patriots' defense isn't outstanding, but the offense has enough firepower to outscore everyone in the league — right?\n\nAt least before the season, that was the common belief. A mediocre defense is fine, just so long as the offense is excellent. The Saints and Colts proved that to be true by making it to the Super Bowl last year. And so, the belief was that the Patriots, with the powers of Tom Brady, Randy Moss and Wes Welker, would score 30-40 points per game and be able to pull off 12 or 13 wins.\n\nThat number, however, is a bit skewed, as one touchdown came on an interception return and another on a kick return. With the offense scoring just 38 points in two games, and with Brady looking a bit un-Bradylike against the Jets, there is some concern with the offense.\n\nThen again, there's more than enough reason for hope on that side of the ball, and there are more question marks on defense.\n\nComing off the loss in New York, Darius Butler was in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. The second-year corner out of UConn looked bad, worse and even worse when covering Braylon Edwards, as highlighted by the receiver's catches for a touchdown and a two-point conversion as well as a needless pass interference call on Butler. In short, it wasn't Butler's finest hour.\n\nAcross the field, rookie Devin McCourty has looked solid thus far. But rookie corners in the NFL get exposed at one point or another over the course of a season, so Patriots fans aren't exactly breathing easy when the ball leaves the opposing quarterback's hand.\n\nThe rest of the defense has had some ups and downs, with the aforementioned interception return for a touchdown from Gary Guyton serving as a highlight. The team's four sacks have the Pats in the middle of the pack, but the 382 yards allowed per game has them ranked 26th in the NFL. Plus, they just made Mark Sanchez look like Peyton Manning.\n\nStill, the football season isn't defined in the first two weeks of the season, and with the Buffalo Bills in town, Pats fans shouldn't be short on optimism this weekend. But when looking at the long haul and assessing this team's strengths and weaknesses, what concerns you more — the offense or defense?\n\nMarc Savard to Address Media on Saturday, NESN to Air Comments at 2 p.m."
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"There’s surely no human being beter qualified than Shirley Hughes to bring to life the breathless sense of anticipation felt by a couple of children in the run up to Christmas.\n\nI grew up with Lucy and Tom in the late Seventies and early Eighties, so revisiting the book now feels rather like looking at my own childhood Christmases, laid out in lovely thick gouache. It’s all there; the rolling out of the pastry for mince pies; the Sally Army parping away at the end of the street; the frantic unpacking of stockings at the foot of the bed.\n\nThe page where we see the presents that Lucy and Tom have both bought for their families raised a particular chuckle of recognition. A rubber in the shape of a dog and a ‘smart bow-tie on elastic’ for dad, a ‘comb in a case for Granny with A for Alison on it (because that’s Granny’s name)’ and best of all ‘a pen for Lucy which changes into different colours’. This is exactly the sort of lovely tat that I would have gathered for my family.",
"Shirley Hughes’s illustrations have the same effect as discovering an old reel of cine film buried in the loft. It’s all so beautifully detailed, not just the pictures, but also the sharply observed writing. Her humorous eye ensuring that these books will never be lost in the soft focus of nostalgia.\n\nOne thought on “Lucy and Tom’s Christmas by Shirley Hughes”",
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"“I am an electric man and have talent in that regard.” Stephen McGehee\n\nNative to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Stephen McGehee grew up with art and creativity as part of his everyday life. He’s a licensed electrician with a passion for “giving off sparks.” He began his love affair with electricity early in life and has been plying his trade for nye on 40 years.\n\nWhile expert at commercial installations, he especially enjoys creative kitchen and bathroom lighting. Stephen was mentored by Fayetteville Interior Designer, Michael Davis which allowed him opportunities to excel in the artistic elements of home lighting. By the 1990’s Stephen had developed a niche market in the Artistry of Electricity."
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"Whether you are a comics fan or not, chances are you have heard of Stan Lee. His larger than life personality and dedication to the fans are some of the many things that people are remembering in the wake of his passing this week at age 95. Lee, Marvel’s “Chairman Emeritus,” unofficial ambassador, and alliteration admirer, was a staunch champion of the power of comic books over his nearly 70 year career in the comics industry.",
"He was best known for co-creating such legendary characters and series as the Avengers, Black Panther, Dr. Strange, the Falcon, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Thor, the X-Men (I could go on).\n\nHis decades long career, much of it as Editor-in-Chief and later Publisher at Marvel, meant that he also touched nearly every character and series to come out, from the well-known to the more obscure – everything from westerns to romances. I loved being able to look through our comic book collection to find some of these stimulating samples of Stan’s stories:",
"We are also fortunate here at the Library of Congress to have two original storyboards that Stan Lee co-created: the ‘birth certificate’ of Spider-Man with Steve Ditko, as well as a page from Captain America no. 147 (February 1972).",
"Steve Ditko, with whom Stan co-created Spider-Man and Dr. Strange as well as villains Doc Ock and Sandman (among others), also passed away this year in June 2018. Sara W. Duke, Curator of Popular and Applied Graphic Art in the Prints & Photographs Division (where the original art lives here at the Library) says “What’s great about the Spider-Man art, is that there was a real dialogue between Stan and Steve. The hand-writing underneath the balloons on the splash-page, is the same in the marginalia [on page 9]…. The Marvel method was one of collaboration, and while he [Lee] famously took a lot of credit he also generously promoted people who were skilled at their craft.”",
"Duke also said “There is a pronounced sense of loss of several greats in the comic book community this year, and of course Stan Lee was the most famous because of the work he did to promote Marvel, create compelling superheroes with whom Americans could connect on a personal level and [he] reinvigorated the superhero genre.”",
] |
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"Paradox Interactive and Paradox Development Studio has literally exploded into the limelight, thanks to the internet, and many online publications that have had the decency to invest time in the little known Crusader Kings II, tens of thousands of fans have welcomed in the grand strategy series that a few years back would have been left only for the extremely hardcore strategy fanatics. We fell in love with the game when given the chance to lose about 30 hours previewing it and could not pass up the opportunity of giving the games' latest expansion a run for its money.\n\nThe Old Gods is a plentiful expansion that sets your starting date back 200 years from 1067 to 867, introducing players to the bloodthirsty Pagans such as the Norse Vikings, this opens up a wealth of new features including rivers, looter units, concubines, events, new ways to declare war, and a different style of family, who you will find are not quite as close knit as the Christians you're used to playing with.",
"If you're new to the absolutely astounding game that is Crusader Kings II, it is important to note that unlike your standard strategy in Crusader Kings you do not play as a country, or even a county, instead you take on the role of a family with which you can do as you see fit. It's as simple as that, there is no right or wrong way to play; Paradox Development Studio's pride and joy is a sandbox strategy, and as long as you've an heir to your title then there's a story waiting to be told of your dynasty.\n\nCrusader Kings II: The Old Gods is the expansion that fans of the game have been eagerly anticipating, because when Paradox Development Studio release an expansion, they aren't simply giving you more of the same game. Alongside the added features that we've already detailed, the most important feature to The Old Gods is its new and different way to play; the Pagans are a truly refreshing set of people to play as, simply because it is in their nature to react differently to situations, and when the time comes that you take the place of your father, your siblings, vassals and children will be far more sceptical of you as a new ruler than ever before, so you best erect a runestone to earn a little respect.\n\nThe different ways of the Pagans are extremely evident during play, and you'll often find your heirs joining independent factions, going onto greater things abroad, after all the Pagans were tribal, and most, like the Vikings weren't so big on the idea of settling down, in fact their views on the virtues of marriage and family are very similar, and each Pagan may take up to three concubines, not forgetting that their laws state that any offspring has rights to your title, meaning that its a heck of a lot more difficult to end up with no suitable heirs when your character reaches their end, well, that is, unless they're infertile.",
"War has never been a strong focus for Crusader Kings II, after all, a small county doesn't usually have the money nor the muscle behind it to start a war, and unless you're the ruler of an entire country, wars end up costly wastes of time, that usually hurt your reputation more than help it. The Old Gods spins this tradition around on its head with the presence of the offensive and downright nasty Pagans who will actually lose prestige if they are not at war nor looting a neighbouring county. But you can't really blame them; people who celebrate with human sacrifices and a great feast are never going to decline a war because their coffers are a little low. In that respect, even if you aren't one for confrontation, The Old Gods does succeed in making war and bloodshed far more enjoyable, especially when you know you can sacrifice your prisoners in a Great Blot afterwards to celebrate.\n\nHowever if you prefer to keep your troops at home defending your holdings, there's a host of defensive Pagans as well, they weren't all crazed, bloodthirsty killers. Plus if you feel more at home minding your own business watching the world go by as you mind your family even a mighty conquest needn't get in the way, as the stronger forces around you can simply subjugate your county, which whilst not necessarily a bonus, does make it very easy for you to get on with your life as those around you fight-to-the-teeth at war, however this does of course make you responsible to act at any call to arms -yes, perhaps I'm playing The Olds Gods incorrectly, but sometimes you just want your dynasty to continue without senseless violence.\n\nEven the best of us can't always afford a war, but you won't need to lose your precious prestige point, as it is entirely possible to fulfill the role of a ferocious Norse Pagan without resorting to war; as a dastardly Viking you have the ability to turn any of your military units into a looter, as a looter that unit may appear at the shore of any other county in Europe and attack them with the vicious panache that Vikings were so famous for, and after you're done you can simply up anchor and sail off back home; no messy wars, and no consequences except for that bitter feeling in the back of the throat of your victim. Best of all is any unit can do this at will, and any spoils that you bring home will be turned into wonderful prestige points.",
"But sometimes a few meagre prestige points is not enough, and the temptation for an all-out war will beckon you towards its evil grasp, in The Old Gods expansion is almost too simple, especially because the Pagan's have got each others backs, allowing you to enact a Prepared Invasion that lets you declare war on a coastal county after verifying that you do indeed have the strength to pull them down, a bit like a plot except your reputation is on the line. But it can be even simpler than that, and if you so wish you can conquest a single bordering county with pretty much no reason. If anything the Pagans seem to revel in the spirit of a ever-growing empire, and if you've ever wished to do so in Crusader Kings II, then you're going to love being a Pagan.\n\nSo it's pretty evident that a lot of The Old Gods focuses on war, which is somewhat of a sad turn for those that prefer to see Crusader Kings II as a soap opera or Sims of the mediaeval world, however if you want to just add 200 years onto a Christian or Muslim dynasty, well, as always the choice is yours! We can only wait with bated breath to see where Paradox Development Studio take the series now, because it'll be difficult to top this outing, if you own Crusader Kings and play it religiously, then you need this expansion!\n\nCrusader Kings II: The Old Gods is available now for the SRP of £9.99 and worth every penny, although please bear in mind that you must own a copy of the base game in order to play.\n\nHowever if you've never played Crusader Kings and like the sound of what you're reading be sure to enter our competition for the chance to win a copy of Crusader Kings II and The Old Gods expansion!"
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"Being able to play video games without interruption is key for serious gamers, and using an Xbox One Play and Charge kit will allow you to do just that. Without, you may be waiting what seems like forever to dive back into your new games like Resident Evil 7, or gripping tell-tale games like Life is Strange. Those who won’t be able to put down the new Kingdom Heart when it releases should find themselves a play and charge kit below.",
"Manufactured by the big company themselves, the aforementioned play and charge kit boasts some features for the typical Xbox One user, including:\n\nBreakdown of Xbox One Play and Charge Kit Features\n\nThere’s nothing worse than throwing away hundreds of dollars on batteries, and with the new Xbox One Play and Charge kit, you can choose a charging cord or a battery pack that’s lithium-ion. Regardless, you can have hours of usage on one charge that takes 4 hours or less. With the ability to be used with the newest model of wireless controller, you don’t have to wait for another model to come out to adapt to your current controller collection. Say goodbye to disposable batteries and hello to the future where you’ll never have to stop playing (unless you have responsibilities, of course).",
"Manufactured by Sminiker Professional, this play and charge kit comes with some attractive features for quite the appealing price. Features include the following:\n\nWhether you want to plug and play or let it sit on the dock for charging, you can do both! Having versatility in something as little but as powerful as a controller will allow you to have a better gaming experience. The average charging time is 5 hours, although it can range from 2 hours to 6 hours maximum. With easy connection capabilities through a USB power cable directly to the controller, plugging in, charging, and playing has never been more comfortable. Just because this isn’t Microsoft manufactured, doesn’t mean it will harm your controller set (if you’re wondering). It’s a professional made charging set from a reputable company – and at a very attractive price! Batteries are a thing of the past, and now is the time for modern gaming. With modern gaming comes stylish accessories; the future is now.\n\nManufactured by Nyko, this Power Kit Plus is quite the conversation starter. Available for an appealing price that won’t break the budget, this gaming accessory boasts quite a few features include:\n\nI think it’s time for disposable battery manufacturers to step aside or begin dabble in the world of lithium-ion or NiMH rechargeable batteries. Within this charge and play kit, you’ll receive two of the highest quality NiMH batteries for the best performance possible, as well as promised longevity while playing. You won’t have to charge every few hours. Compatible with the Xbox one controller and CE approved, you can safely use this without harming yourself or damaging your controller. Beyond this, your need for those expensive disposable batteries is eliminated. Those who will be using the charge and play cable will find solace in knowing the length measurements for mobility during usage.",
"Another affordable charging kit that allows you to play at the same time, this sleek and easy to operate accessory for the Xbox one includes the following features:\n\nThere’s nothing worse than a charging product that doesn’t indicate when the product is done charging. Regardless, this can be used while charging and even features a LED indication light that tells you when it’s charging and when it’s done charging. Beyond this, the sync and charge cable is quite a length of 10 feet, allowing you to sit further away from the television. Those with eye problems or have a weird seating arrangement can thank the gods at dreamGEAR for this one. Batteries do fit right into the Xbox One controller, and it’s most certainly one of the easiest tasks to remove and insert said charging system.\n\nManufactured by BD&A, this plug, charge, and play kit is even better in price than some we’ve mentioned and has some features including the following:\n\nWhile BD&A manufactures it, it’s licensed by Microsoft, so you know you won’t be purchasing something that damages your controller. Beyond this, you can either charge by directly plugging into the battery back, or the controller itself while you play. A universal solution, you’re able to use this with all of the PowerA charging stands available, as well as the stations. You won’t have to go out and buy a compatible dock for this to begin working. Convenience and charging success within one product – and at a great price! You won’t have to put down Final Fantasy XV anytime soon, so help Noctis and the boys on their mission! (Even if Prompto’s not!) Simplistic in design and usage, you won’t have to worry about spending a lot of money on batteries for you or your kids again.",
"Manufactured by Insignia, this highly-requested charge and play kit have flown off the shelves all around. Available at a higher, but still attractive price for what it offers, features include the following:\n\nOne of the primary selling points of this play and charge kit is that it does have an ample length of the charging cable. Being 10-feet long, and using the standard USB to micro-USB, you don’t have to worry about any adapters or cords getting in your way because of the composition of this cord. Rarely tangled and giving great length, you can use this cord with ease without tying it up or tangling it during playing. There’s nothing worse than a controller not working it’s best because it’s caught up – allowing you to charge and play perfectly at the same time.",
"Manufactured by Smatree, this rechargeable battery set will allow you to play and charge at the same time, even with the brand-new Xbox One S wireless controller. There’s nothing worse than buying adapters for new items, but you don’t have to do that with this one. Other features of this rechargeable battery set for the wireless controller include the following:\n\nWith all three overcharging, overheating, and over-voltage protection, you don’t have to worry about compromising the quality of the charge or the controller itself. You won’t ruin or burn out the power of the controller, and there’s even an indicator light to enable the controller to stop charging after it’s fully charged. Having the aforementioned promotes longevity for charging, using, and the controller itself. Beyond this, the running time is longer than your typical OEM battery.",
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"Ahead of Polls, Yatras, Dharnas And War Of Words In Andhra\n\nAs pre-poll mudslinging heats up in AP, the YSRCP’s padayatra makes a mark",
"The election bugle in Andhra Pradesh has been sounded. The battle lines have been drawn. The verbal artillery is laying down direct fire all around, causing much amusement and leaving a bad taste in the mouth. Elections to the state assembly are tentatively scheduled to be held simultaneously with the general elections next year. And political parties in Andhra Pradesh have already gone into a pre-poll overdrive, with a bitter war of words currently in progress.\n\nYSR Congress Party (YSRCP), leader Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy—who draws huge crowds wherever he goes—is on a padayatra across the state, and the party is holding agitations and dharnas over unfulfilled promises of the ruling Telugu Desam Party (TDP) government, the most important being a commitment to obtain special category status (SCS) for the state. Furthermore, the TDP had promised to waive farm loans amounting to Rs. 10,000 crore.\n\nRealising that Andhra Pradesh did not meet the criteria for SCS, the BJP had promised to compensate its then ally, the TDP, with a Rs..."
] |
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"New Trailer For ‘Despicable Me 2’ Has Arrived",
"The second trailer for Despicable Me 2 has been released this week, and just like the first one, the focus is on the minions once again.\n\nSo what happens when two of them are abducted by aliens?\n\nSteve Carell is back as Gru, and will be joined by the girls, the minions, and a bunch of new characters in the new flim that was directed by Chris Meledandri and his acclaimed team of filmmakers.\n\nThe first film brought in more than $540 million at the box office during it’s run, making it the 10th biggest animated movie in history."
] |
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"What's the meaning of the phrase 'The buck stops here'?\n\nThe slogan 'The buck stops here' is a promise that responsibility will not be passed on to anyone else.\n\nWhat's the origin of the phrase 'The buck stops here'?",
"U.S. president Harry S. Truman had a sign on his desk with 'The buck stops here' inscribed on it.\n\nThis was meant to indicate that he didn't 'pass the buck' to anyone else but accepted personal responsibility for the way the country was governed.\n\nTruman didn't originate the phrase, although it isn't likely that we would ever have heard of it had he not adopted it.\n\nFred M. Canfil, United States Marshal for the Western District of Missouri and a friend of Truman's, saw a sign like it while visiting the Federal Reformatory at El Reno, Oklahoma in 1945. He thought it would appeal to the plain-speaking Truman and arranged for a copy of it to be made and sent to him. It was seen on the President's desk on and off throughout the rest of his presidency.\n\nOn the reverse side, that is, the side that Truman saw, it was inscribed, \"I'm from Missouri\". That's a short form of \"I'm from Missouri. Show me\". Natives of that state (a.k.a. the Show Me State), which included Truman, were known for their skeptical nature.\n\nIt is highly likely that the original of the sign that Canfil saw was the one on the desk of retired army officer Colonel A. B. Warfield, or a copy of it. In 1931, Warfield was quartermaster supply officer and general superintendent of the US Army Transport Service of the New York General Army Depot.\n\nDuring WWII, Warfield was commandant of the Lathrop Holding and Reconsignment depot at Stockton, California and he had such a sign on his desk and was photograph with it in October 1942 for a story in the Reno Evening Gazette. He may have used the sign as early as 1931 but, as the photo makes evident, his use of the phrase clearly pre-dates Truman's."
] |
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"So everybody knows about #intober, right?\n\nFollowing my 2017 entries, first year I’ve tried to join the adventure and I’ve to admit that everyday exercise means a lot to an aspirant illustrator, a drawing passionate or simply somebody who wants to improve his art skills. Inking is a really important process, since it finalize the sketch it can really destroy some really tight and precise pencils. Here I’ve collected my impressions and what I’ve learned from this great adventure.\n\nSo first of all thanks @ Jake Parker for sharing this iniziative with everybody in 2009, on his website you can learn more about the #inktober project:\n\nA nice thing is that even if you’re free to draw whatever you like and using all kind of tecniques there’s a list of things that helps everybody choosing what to draw each day, that’s the official #inktober2017 list below:",
"It’s really inspiring to see how many different things can come out from worldwide artist imagination and see how people approach differently to similar topics.\n\nI’ve choose to use this 31 drawing to improve my inking skills and also to work on my personal comic-book character: StereoType!\n\nIt all starts here! My first drawing is made only with this beautiful Platinum Carbon Desk ink pen:",
"It’s a great tool, you don’t have to charge the ink all the time!\n\nMost of the success part of this first drawing is due to a great reference picture (I’ve found a jumping guy doing parkour) while the worst thing is that there’s no full black areas at all, and it makes a little bit flat or too flashy.\n\nA mix of Otho graphic liner",
"and a nice Kuretake brushpen, that is quite a long one compared to the ones I’m used to, still I’m trying to control, probably works better on long strokes than tiny details.\n\nI’m quite happy about the final results, the lines are clean and the anatomy seems to work, but this kind of poses are too static, looks like there’s nothing interesting going on.\n\nI’ve switched to a new brushpen I’ve just bought online, still Kuretake is the brand, more similar to a pen for what concerns the handle. In this case details control is way better.\n\nStereoType’s portrait gives me a chance to explore his steam properties, as you can imagine he’s exhaling some kind of poisonous substance. But I’m not happy about the smoke render at all.\n\nThese are the cases when picture references really become necessary, to make it looks realistic, the coat floating, and this sense of StereType goin’ up, but I don’t like how the head position and face came out.\n\nI was sick, some fever, probably not a great idea but still this scene reminds me of some old movies spy stories or spaghetti western when the heroes are on the roof of the train for no particular reason. I like the way I can zoom in the scene with some typical comicbooks tricks but the lineweight should be more variable between foreground and background, and the train looks not that “solid” if you know what I mean.\n\nThat one is one I like! I’ve never tought about a sword for StereoType, but since he’s equiped with these missing cyborg hand I tought it may e possible that some sort of tool can become an electric sword. So there are two homage in the same illustration: the almighty Star Wars light sword and the Army of Darkness chainsaw. I also like StereoType’s pose, that is quite dynamic as the Marvel way should approve.\n\nStereoType’s mask makes his mouth unusable for typical human expression, such as joy or other one. But still his glasses, the 4 antennas on his forehead and two dreads can help him express his feeling. This one, SHY was quite a challenge, it looks like StereoType made something he should be ashemed with the sword the day before.\n\nI love English language! So crooked can have different meanings, also in Italian that meaning is similar. That one was a great opportunity to explore some gangster atmosphere, since StereoType is involved in different kind of stories\n\nSince StereoType uses his own steam to speak, he can also screech inside the smoke cloud used as a comic balloon. A good idea but it doesn’t sounds as it should!\n\nAnother homage: The Iron Giant. Still a comicbook trick to zoom in since the prospective is far away from the scene. But the gigantic robot design should be more complicated I think. I like the way all these little dark spot contributes tro give a sense of illusion of depth\n\nAlways find some references online to help yourself giving the realistic appeal to this kind of scenes! Not bad but the background is too loosy…\n\nThat’s a romantic and melanchnic one. Here maybe too much effects on the same image, but I was feeling inspired. Finally some full black ink areas!\n\nOk it looks like He-Man old cartoon green Tiger, right? But that’s an excuse to make you guys realize the enormous amount of possibilities StereoType has! He can even control some kind of cyborg creatures that have a special implant in their head\n\nI eas trying to make an old Mistery cover composition (such as novels or movie from the 50s) I like finally the lines control over this sketchbook paper, after two weeks of everyday drawing I can see the amount of details is increasing. I don’t like the plans rendering, This wall behind Stereotype looks unreal…\n\nIs fantasy time! Some weird carachter design, ok is not such a good one, but still: I’ve only few hours available to work on it! (trying to excuse myself)\n\nStill in the fantasy side of StereType’s world he meets a fairy, that’s the first gracefull things that came out of miy mind! watch out since the last sketchbook is over I’ve opened a new one and that’s a great paper, is a Moleskine watercolor sketchbook, and I love this paper! Here I’ve stopped trying all my pens and brushes and started working only with my top line instruments: Windsor and Newton series 7 finest sable brushes, and a bottle of Higgins indian ink of course. Nice the ink wash effect is something extremely useful nowadays I’ve to try some digital color techniques over it\n\nA cute filthy monster! It lives between the fantasy and the underground StereoType’s worlds. Looks like StereoType’s got one foot stucked into it. I can smell the bad breathe.\n\nSince I’ve been drawing at night after dinner I felt like I need to go out and draw talking with somebody. So I’ve been at Wino’s one of the most confortable places in my hometown Catanzaro and brought everything with me. The result is kind of noisy and the picture shows few details because I really understand that oustide of my studio light sources are not that good, even if I asked the owner of the place to rturn on the lights on! It was nice to draw outside and talki with some friends while drawing. I should do it more often.\n\nA deep in the ocean scene! Need some references for the deep sea fishes. StereoType is looking outside this typical submariner oblò window. I realize, when I see those pictures on mobile devices or even my computer screen, that I should work more on tone values.\n\nYou see those four “antennas” on StereoType head? Weel, I use them to make him show some feelings since a mask got limited facial expressions, but I always knew these works also as fire matches, so don’t let him get too angry or you see why they call these “The Dragon Tails”.\n\nStereoType is following a faerie (probably the same from day 17…) in a magical wood. I really like the pic I’ve used as reference for this piece, drawing woods and nature landscapes are always challenging, I can tell you it needs more depth, but still a good line-work exercise.\n\nThese crazy mad Oranges are gettin’ wild! I like to put some non-sense sometimes here and there. I’m also surprised to see how many uses StereoType finds of his “unusable” missing left hand, here’s a “Mulinex” one!\n\nI know that’s a Cyclops from X-Men one! But I like the idea of his visor being able to project some rays, is it just light or more of a dangerous laser weapon?!?\n\nFinally some old Pirates set! I like to draw all these ropes and nets from the old ships, I found them such a “romantic” way of thinking about navigation. Also in this piece there’s a lot of black in the sky and it works good as what concerns contrast tones.\n\nHe’s StereoType walking on the ships planks? I always liked when rumors effects come with a balloon tail like direction to point at the sound source… That one is also a good excuse to show some details of StereoType’s shoes.\n\nStereoType’s in Paris! Found this great shot as reference on Pinterest. I like to see him climbing instead of looking at the city lights from the top, which is a famous recurring stereotype shoot in comics indeed…\n\nThat’s the last piece I’ve done for that 2017 Inktober challenge.\n\nI gave up guys!\n\nI think that those pieces took me quite too much time (I guess between 3 to 5 hours a day each one?!?) it’s a good way to improve your inking skills but everyone should find a good way to approach it, doodles of 30 minutes or one hour are way better for a day based personal challenge in my personal experience.\n\nAnyway it was a lot of fun, thanks for reading everyone!"
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"Yes, A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding Is Kinda Garbage, but Isn't That the Point?\n\nHear ye, hear ye — A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding has arrived! Which means Twitter is aglow with truly hilarious observations about the sequel. As Amber (Rose McIver) and Prince Richard (Ben Lamb) face a number of hurdles on their way down the aisle — the cancellation of Amber's blog! Aldovia going broke! Amber's dad being replaced by an entirely different, incredibly annoying actor! — it won't take long for you, too, to realize that it's just as cheesy and absurd as the first film. In the meantime, though, feel free to scroll through the best tweets about the movie so far, ahead.\n\nHoliday Movies\nHugh Grant Reflects on the Legacy of \"Love Actually\": \"It Is a Bit Psychotic\"\nby Eden Arielle Gordon 18 hours ago"
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"WACO, Texas (AP) – Johnathan Motley had 21 points with 16 rebounds and No. 9 Baylor ended a two-game slide with a 60-54 victory over Oklahoma on Tuesday night to remain in a tie for second place in the Big 12.\n\nBaylor almost blew all of a 15-point lead in the second half, and held on even after not making a field goal in the last 6 minutes\n\nOklahoma used a 21-8 run to get within 49-47 on Jamuni McNeace’s jumper with 9:21 left. But Manu Lecomte then hit consecutive 3-pointers for the Bears, though those were more than 2 minutes apart and their last field goals.\n\nKameron McGusty had 13 points to lead the Sooners (9-18, 3-12), and was the only of seven players who scored in their big run to make multiple baskets. His 3-pointer started the big spurt."
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"He is the son of producer-director P.L. Santoshi and his second wife. Rajkumar was born in Chennai And currently lives with his wife Manila and children Ram and Tanisha.",
"Santoshi started his career as an assistant director and worked with Govind Nihalani during the filming of Ardh Satya (1982). He has given colossal hit films at the box office and is known to be one of the most successful directors in Bollywood. His notable films as director include Ghatak: Lethal, Pukar and The Legend of Bhagat Singh, Halla Bol (2008 film). He won the Filmfare Best Director Award for Ghayal (1990) and Damini (1993), both starring Sunny Deol.\n\nSantoshi is known to be one of the most versatile directors as he has directed films of all genres except sci-fi. His film Pukar focused on Indian army and court martial thereafter to its protagonist played by Anil Kapoor. Damini portrayed the justice and law of India. Andaz Apna Apna was a comedy which emerged as a cult in Hindi film history. Barsaat was a romantic action drama, which marked the debut of actor Bobby Deol. Lajja (2001) was a woman oriented film about four Indian women belonging to different strata of society. The Legend of Bhagat Singh (2002) saw Ajay Devgan as a freedom fighter. The film won a National Film Award and Filmfare Award. Khakee (2004) was another success for Santoshi. His films Family (2006) and Halla Bol (2008) did not do well at the box office. In 2009, his film Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani starring Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif emerged as one of the biggest hits of that year. His last release was Phata Poster Nikla Hero (2013), a masala Bollywood entertainer film starring Shahid Kapoor and Ileana D'Cruz, produced by Ramesh Taurani of TIPS Industries.",
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"Cheap Flights from FAT to DEN: When to Fly from Fresno to Denver",
"The cheapest times to fly from FAT to DEN are\n\nFlying from Fresno, CA (FAT) to Denver, CO (DEN) will usually cost between $222 to $426 per person if booking more than four weeks in advance. On average the very cheapest time to fly is mid to late September with an average ticket price of $256. Due to high demand the most expensive time to fly is early April, with an average price of $393. Planning your trip to low-cost times can easily save you $137 on economy flights and even more on first-class flights. Generally, any price below $292 can be considered a good price for a round-trip FAT to DEN flight.\n\nSee below for a graph of average weekly prices for the FAT to DEN route. All prices are for round-trip tickets in USD.\n\nCompared to other flights, the FAT to DEN flight is much cheaper than the average and costs much less than the average flight leaving from Fresno. The average price per mile (for a direct flight) is $0.22, which is below average.\n\nDeparting prices are for round-trip flights returning on the day of departure. For example, a flight departing on Tuesday and returning a week later will cost an average of $274. Return trip prices are from the DEN to FAT flight, and often highlight the quality of our data in showing the same trend.\n\nTravelers looking to fly from FAT to DEN can generally find a 0-layover flight. Because there is a direct flight option the real-world direct flight time of 2 hour 30 minutes may be realistic.\n\nStill have questions about flying from FAT to DEN? We’ve got answers.\n\nHow long does it take to fly from FAT to DEN?\n\nThe real-world flight time for a nonstop FAT to DEN flight is about 2 hour 30 minutes.\n\nHow many flights go between Fresno, CA and Denver, CO?\n\nIt depends on the day of the week and the date, but a typical day might have around 66 available flights from FAT to DEN.\n\nFlights from FAT to DEN tend to depart as late as the average flight. According to our recently updated data, 26% of flights departed 5 or more minutes late, and 47% of flights left 5 or more minutes early. On average you can expect to leave DEN heading for FAT about 9 minutes late. This does significantly impact arrival time, as the average landing time in Denver, CO is about 11 minutes late. The numbers below show a recent average of take-off times versus the scheduled departure flight:"
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"By now you’ve probably noticed the new anti-smoking campaign sweeping the nation and your television… The campaign, “Tips from Former Smokers” is by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) campaign and has been getting lots of attention because of it’s graphic imagery and shocking stories.",
"The campaign highlights the stories of real people who are suffering the results of smoking related health effects, such as throat cancer, stroke and asthma. The campaign is focused around “tips” from them, such as “When you have a hole in your neck, don’t face the shower head”. The “tips” are poignant and emphasize the simple and powerful message that smoking has consequences.\n\nCriticisms of the campaign are that the images are gratuitous and alarmist. However, studies show that anti-smoking messages such as these, which feature both an emotionally charged message that illustrates the impact of long-term tobacco use as well as encouragement and information about how to quit, are the most effective.\n\nThe CDC is also focusing their message toward target audiences with higher rates of tobacco use, including the LGBT community. “Tips” video ads are being aired on Logo during especially popular shows (shout out to RuPaul’s Drag Race!) in addition to paper ads in LGBT magazines.\n\nFor more information on the campaign, check out the CDC’s page HERE and you can access (and share) all of the videos HERE.\n\n3 thoughts on “Hot or Not? “Tips From Former Smokers” Campaign”"
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"The vaka which left Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, on September 10 for the 3000 nautical mile voyage, will be handed to Te Puna Marama Voyaging Foundation.\n\nThe Foundation is planning a low key traditional welcome for the crew on this historical occasion, to bless the vaka and crew on arrival.\n\nVaka Motu is under the command of Pwo master navigator Captain Jerry Joseph of FSM.\n\nThe vaka, to be used as a training vessel in the revival of traditional voyaging skills, made a stop in Samoa earlier this month before making its final journey to the Cook Islands.\n\nAfter spending about a week in Samoa, members of the Samoa Voyaging Society farewelled the Vaka Motu Okeanos Waa’Qab from the Matautu marina in Apia earlier this week.\n\nCaptain Karl Steffany from Aiga Folau presented to the Captain of Waa’Qab, a rock with an “afa” sennit tied around it, as a commemoration of their visit to Apia.\n\n“This rock, I always see it when I go fishing at Mulinu’u. I picked it up about two months ago and it constantly changes its colour from time to time,” he said.\n\nCaptain Jerry Joseph told the Samoa Observer that his crew are heading to Rarotonga to return the vessel that he was gifted with, as he has been given another vessel.\n\n“I am returning it to the voyaging society of Cook Islands as they gave it to me years ago. But I have one now, so it is practice to return the gift to our sisters and brothers when we have enough,” Joseph said.\n\n“I also suspect as is custom that the voyagers there will be welcoming us on a traditional platform of exchanging important messages and heartfelt tributes.”\n\nCrew member Pounamu Tipiwai-Chambers, in a Facebook post, thanked Aiga Folau for hosting them and gifting them supplies.\n\n“Upolu is fading behind us, and the last of the internet connection has gone, but we are happily on our way home ... I have just managed to unpack the last of the many amazing boxes and bags of treats that were gifted to us this (Monday) morning, and looking at the kitchen alone, I feel that we have more food on this leg then the last!\n\n“Being in Samoa was absolutely beautiful! From the vast landscape itself, to the hospitality by the Samoan Voyaging Society, the Cook Islands community, as well as the many new and old friends and family. We thoroughly enjoyed the quick pit stop, and little glimpse into Samoan life, but I am definitely ready to get home now.\n\n“We will forever remember how welcome and accommodated we felt, and look forward to doing the same in the near future. So far, there has only been a quick shower as we were exiting Apia Marina, which was a beautiful way to cleanse ourselves as we headed out into the realm of Tangaroa and Hinemoana.\n\n“The rolling waves are once again the familiar and comforting feeling we have missed for the past few days, and the sun is beaming down.”\n\nVaka Motu has a design based on a traditional Polynesian model and is the third built by Auckland’s Lloyd Stevenson Boatbuilders.\n\nDescribed as the “work boat of the Pacific”, the vaka weighs nine tons and can accommodate 11 people and three tons of cargo."
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"Margaret Egan, principal of SS. Peter and Paul School in West Chester, receives the Terrel H. Bell Award for outstanding school leadership in November from the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, DC.\n\nIt was unprecedented when nine Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia were named Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education this year, considering the many, many thousands of public and private schools nationwide.\n\nIt was icing on the cake when Margaret Egan, the principal of one of these schools, SS. Peter and Paul School in West Chester, was among 11 recipients nationally to receive the coveted Terrel H. Bell Award given to principals who have transformed their school. What makes the award really special is that it is based on the nomination given by their own staff. Peg, as she is known by her faculty, is the real deal.\n\nActually, it would be more accurate to say she formed her school, not transformed it, because she was there from its beginning.\n\nHer introduction to the teaching profession in Catholic education 50 years ago was unique and couldn’t happen today.\n\nBorn Margaret Briddes, she is originally from Collingdale where in St. Joseph School she was taught by the Immaculate Heart Sisters who were truly educators, she recalls. Even in grade school she thought about a career as a teacher, and while a student at Archbishop Prendergast High School she joined a future teachers’ club.\n\nAs the eldest girl in a family of five children there wasn’t much money for college, which would be a problem. She could enter the convent of a teaching order of course, but that for her was a nonstarter. “I liked boys too much,” she said.\n\nBut the archdiocesan Catholic school system was still expanding and desperately in need of teachers. A notice went out that the archdiocese was initiating a Cadet Teachers Program. Qualified girls coming directly out of high school were hired to teach in elementary schools while working for their degree and certification through night school and summer school.\n\nShe jumped at the chance and after graduating from Prendie in a class of 744, she was hired.\n\nAt St. Gabriel School in Norwood, where she was assigned, the school was still growing and the principal asked her what grade she would like to teach. For no particular reason Egan said, “fourth grade,” and that’s what she got.\n\nThere she was in 1968, fresh out of high school, age 17, teaching 55 fourth graders and loving it. By 1973 she had her degree from Gwynedd-Mercy College but stayed on at St. Gabriel and fourth grade for 32 years.\n\nShe really experienced all grades through summer school, and filling in as acting principal as needed. Certainly, she could have easily transferred to public schools and made a lot more money.\n\n“I felt the archdiocese did me a favor which allowed me go to school at a reasonable price and kind of learn on the job,” Egan said. “It was almost like an internship and you know what? I loved it.”\n\nMeanwhile, in 1975 she married her husband, James, who would have a career with the U.S. Postal Service. Originally they were members of Notre Dame de Lourdes Parish, Swarthmore, and now they are in St. Kevin, Springfield.\n\nA sports fan, for many years she worked on a part-time basis for the Phillies, first as an usherette then as a supervisor. It was fun, but could be tough getting up in the morning when there was a late, late extra-inning game, but she loved the sport and the excitement.\n\nShe and James raised three children — Michelle, Matthew and Stephanie — and are now grandparents. Her greatest sadness was the death of Stephanie two years ago from a chronic illness.\n\nIt was in 2001 that SS. Peter and Paul Parish started its school, and she joined the faculty as technology and gym teacher, but also to assist the principal Nancy Heim, who died very shortly after. Egan has been principal since 2002.\n\nMost of Peg Egan’s time isn’t spent in an office, it’s welcoming the kids in the morning, visiting the classrooms or cafeteria, or wherever the action is.\n\n“I enjoy the interaction with them,” she said. “They are young and it is great to be around the young. They are eager to learn and love to learn. Your hope is they want to make good and be good.\n\n“We started with 181 kids, now we have 371,” she said. “Our school starts with 3-year-olds and goes to eighth grade and graduation. They know what our culture is, faith and service; hearts of love made of service.”\n\nThe hardest part is when bad things happen — death, struggle, divorce. “It’s sad when kids are hurting, they don’t get to pick that,” Egan said.\n\nBut on the whole. It’s been a good experience.\n\n“The joys outweigh the sorrows, and the reward for me is every day,” Egan said, “especially when you can make a difference in their lives. Some people never get that.”\n\nNEXT: Not seeking religious life, Sister Alice heard the call in the classroom"
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"Svetloye mine – Image courtesy of Polymetal.\n\nThese Top 10 lowest cost gold mines are all below all-in-sustaining costs (AISC) $550/oz level and will prove profitable – even if the price falls 50%.\n\nMining Intelligence looked at costs at primary gold mines and found 10 operations that would still make money, even if gold halves in value from today’s levels. AISC metrics has been taken as a basis of comparison and ranking.\n\nSince the World Gold Council (WGC) published a Guidance on AISC in June 2013, which introduced a transparent standardised production cost estimation metrics intended to be used commonly by the global gold industry, a majority – yet not all – of the leading publicly-trading gold producing companies successfully adopted WGC’s recommendations and implemented AISC to their official reports.\n\nAISC metrics provide a more comprehensive look at mine economics than the traditional “cash costs” approach that many companies may interpret arbitrarily – and it includes such important expenses as overhead outlays and capital used in ongoing exploration, mine development and production.\n\nWith AISC being used as a benchmark of a company’s operating efficiency, it is becoming possible to compare more accurately the top publicly-traded and non-state-owned gold mining companies in terms of their production costs.\n\nThe following is a list of active gold operations across the globe, ranked by their average annual AISC report in 2017. The research focus was on primary gold operations, i.e. mines where gold contributed to 80% and more of revenues from operating activities generated last year. The ranking excludes tailings, re-processing operations, mines where the precious metal is produced as a by-product, and operations where companies report gold-equivalent output. Data was compiled from the Mining Intelligence database.",
"As indicated in the table above, new Nevada gold mines keep “rocking the boat,” and for the second year in a row are well ahead of other competitors in terms of AISC. Another observation is nine out of ten lowest cost gold operations are open-pit mines, of which five overall and first four in the ranking do employ a highly efficient heap leaching technology to treat their ores and produce gold.\n\nSouth Arturo open-pit gold mine is a high-grade oxide deposit amenable for highly efficient heap leaching mineral processing and extraction technology. This deposit is of the prominent Carlin-type widely known as being one of the most productive and cost efficient geological formations worldwide. Premier Gold Mines holds a 40% interest in the South Arturo property with Barrick Gold Corporation owning the remaining 60%. Barrick processes South Arturo ore at its Goldstrike plant 5 kms south of the mine.\n\nNewmont’s Long Canyon mine is of the same mineralization style as the South Arturo deposit, and the only significant discovery made in Nevada in the last decade. The nature of the deposit, application of a heap leach technology and tapping into existing infrastructure keep costs at Long Canyon at some of the lowest levels in the industry.",
"Polymetal’s Svetloye mine is an open-pit gold operation that located in the far east region of Russia. Despite the remote location and lack of infrastructure, a high-grade ores and heap leaching technology help this mine to produce gold at the lowest costs possible.",
"Barrick’s Lagunas Norte mine located in La Libertad region of Peru, 140 kms east of the coastal city of Trujillo. Lagunas Norte sits at an elevation of 4,000 to 4,260 meters above sea level. It’s an open-pit, valley-fill heap leach operation.",
"In Q4 2017, Kirkland Lake Gold’s Fosterville Mine in Australia had the most impressive grade with 21.5 grams of gold per tonne of milled ore. Combined with an AISC of $491/oz, Fosterville is one of the world’s most remarkable underground gold mines right now. In 2017 it produced 263.8kozt of gold.",
"High-grade open-pit Pueblo Viejo gold mine is 60% – owned by Barrick and located in the Dominican Republic. This mine is one of the biggest in the world in both the volume of production and the size of reserves and resources.",
"Regis Resources’s Duketon North gold operation is just marginally behind the sixth-ranked Pueblo Viejo mine in terms of AISC. This mine is a large oxide gold deposit sitting within a deeply weathered Archaean ultramafic volcanic sequence that helps to produce gold in a cost-efficient manner.",
"Polymetal International’s Voro gold-silver mine and processing facility is located in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia. The opencast and heap leach operation started in 2000 and has another nine years of life.\n\nPolyus Gold commissioned Blagodatnoye in Krasnoyarsk, eastern Siberia in July 2010. Processing capacity at the open pit, located 25kms from the Moscow-based company’s flagship Olimpiada mine, is 8.1 million tonnes of ore per year, which makes it one of the largest facilities of its kind in Russia.",
"Blagodatnoye mine – Image courtesy of Polyus\n\nLocated in one of Russia’s most prolific gold mining provinces, Olimpiada is Polyus Gold’s largest operation. To treat Olimpiada’s sulphide ores, Polyus Gold employs BIONORD, the Company’s proprietary bio-oxidation technology. Successful exploration activities in the area indicate the potential for substantial extension of the life of this mine.",
"Olimpiada mine – Image courtesy of Polyus"
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"Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s presentation on Monday provided a take a look at India’s vaccination historical past that is at chances using the specifics. “If you consider the background of vaccinations in India, whether or not it was actually a vaccine for smallpox, liver disease B or polio, you will notice that India would need to hold out years for procuring vaccines from abroad. When vaccination programs ended in other places, it wouldn’t have even began in our country,” claimed Mr. Modi within his address.\n\nThe Hindu Describes | Precisely what is indemnity, and how does it affect COVID-19 vaccine availability and pricing in India?\n\nIndia, just before Independence, was one of the places that indigenously made vaccines practically years within these were identified, historic documents suggest.\n\nWhilst there were a number of challenges on the uptake of vaccines, their supply was the very least from the difficulties.\n\nA vaccine for smallpox, as a history of vaccination in India published inside the Native indian Log of Scientific Research (IJMR), by Dr. Chandrakant Lahariya, in 2012, claims was basically administered to your 3-calendar year-old Indian, in 1802, just four years soon after English language medical professional Edward Jenner released reaction to his experiments on inoculating subject matter with a cowpox computer virus.\n\nThe smallpox vaccines were imported into India until 1850 but preserving the liquefied lymph answer had been a obstacle. This generated institutes in India investigating approaches to raise lymph offer with very early achievement by 1895.\n\nThe initial animal vaccine depot was set up in Shillong in 1890 from which it did start to be manufactured.\n\nAlthough vaccination by no means ceased in India once it started out, it experienced diverse reputation. There seemed to be hesitancy, opposition from ‘tikadaars’ (who executed variolation) and people actually giving vaccines billed a tiny cost bringing about its fluctuating uptake.\n\n“The vaccination coverage went lower and in 1944-1945 in India, the greatest numbers of smallpox cases during the last two decades were actually claimed. As soon as the World War II ended, the focus was brought back on smallpox vaccination and cases decreased,” says Dr. Lahariya, “In 1947, India was self-adequate in producing smallpox vaccines.”\n\nTime also saw changes in the smallpox vaccines, tests on the appropriate dose, monitoring of undesirable occasions. Smallpox was eliminated in Northern America and Europe by 1953.\n\nIn 1959, the globe Wellness Firm (WHO) began an agenda to purge the industry of smallpox. This was again a challenging programme that saw variable success and only a Intensified Eradication Programme in 1967, according to a historical note on the website of the U.S. Centers for Sickness Handle. It had taken until 1971 to get rid of the virus in South America and 1975 in Asia (and India) and 1977 in Africa. The task, mentioned Doctor. Lahariya, was not deficiency of use of vaccine but interpersonal and financial variables encircling vaccination.\n\nA brief history of polio vaccination in India is far more complex. “India had also been the pioneer-director in polio investigation – epidemiology, vaccine-prevention – as well as in the output of the two Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) and Injectible Polio Vaccine (IPV). India’s lead situation was squandered in later several years because of short-sighted plans and capricious decisions, a blot inside our past of open public overall health,” compose T. Jacob John and M. Vipin Vashishta in 2013 edition of your IJMR.\n\nThe inactivated polio vaccine, which had been created in the You.S. by Jonas Salk and effectively utilized for polio eradication strategies, was also followed in certain Countries in europe.\n\nWorked quickly and conferred longer immunity, the OPV was developed by 1960 and over the years proved itself a better vaccine because it could be given sans an injection.\n\nThe Pasteur Institution of India developed and produced, the very first time in India, an indigenous trivalent OPV in 1970. Manufacture of the IPV was discouraged in India primarily because there were worries that the seed virus, necessary for manufacture, could escape out of the lab. It had been not until finally 2006 that IPV was accredited for create in India.\n\nOver the years, it had been seen that this OPV had minimized efficacy, was connected with not merely seeding new vaccine extracted polioviruses (VDPVs) and also caused vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP). It absolutely was with the use of a variety of each sorts of vaccines, concerted suffered promotions, large traditional endemic presence in the virus, the populations in jeopardy and substandard focus by governing bodies to improve vaccine production that it required till 2011 to remove polio. Again, it was not because India was unable to make those vaccines.\n\nThe Best Minister also stated that considering that 2014, the Objective Indradhanush system got improved the percentage of kids included beneath vaccination from 60Per cent to 90Percent. The most up-to-date rounded in the Nationwide Family members Well being Survey, that only supplies info from 17 Suggests and 5 Union Areas, demonstrated that none of the Suggests got attained 90Percent vaccination coverage. The Ministry possessed introduced details about this on Dec 2020 and was anticipated to provide info from staying Suggests by Could this coming year. Only 5 Says: Himachal Pradesh, To the west Bengal, Goa, Karnataka and Sikkim exceeded insurance by 80Per cent with Himachal Pradesh touching 89%.\n\nA vaccine for up against the bacterium causing trouble is made by Waldemar Haffkine with the Give MedicalBombay and College, in 1897 that he initial evaluated on himself and then on, on the inmates of Byculla prison. A Affect Lab was set up in 1899 and also in 1925 renamed the Haffkine Institute.\n\nNumerous vaccine institutions came out in several provinces of the nation, including the 1948 BCG (for tuberculosis) Laboratory in Guindy, Madras. These institutes empowered the creation of vaccine for diptheria, pertussis and tetanus in India, prior to 1940.\n\nA number of public sector vaccine models that produced much of India’s vaccines were, at various circumstances, turn off, or their features reduced, supplying strategy to individual organizations including the Serum Institution of Bharat and India Biotech to get the vaccine developing potential properties and international providers."
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"“Always stay humble and kind” – a fine sentiment which began as advice from a 47-year-old mother to her children; four boys and one girl. It’s as far away from the cold, hard, shiny world of modern popular music as you can get.\n\nExcept that this mother of five is a songwriter called Lori McKenna. She put her advice into a song called Humble and Kind which is now high on the US country charts in a version sung by Tim McGraw, one of the genre’s cowboy-hatted superstars. It has the kind of finely crafted but emotionally direct lyrics that hardly ever see the light of day in pop or rock music these days.\n\nLori sang her own version at the O2 Indigo in London last week. She was one of five singer-songwriters lined up across the stage with acoustic guitars for a curtain-raising showcase to the C2C country music festival that filled the O2 Arena for three days. The format was pioneered at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville, Tennessee, where backroom writers take turns to explain the history of their songs then sing them. Because this is country music, where no one is too cool for school, they have learned how to talk to an audience with wit and warmth. Because they all work in Nashville they know each other well and can keep up a steady flow of teasing banter.\n\nTake Shane McAnally, a minor solo artist at the turn of the century who now makes a fortune writing hits for bigger names. He has 15 country No 1 songs to his credit, so when Lori joked about writing a number big enough to buy her husband a boat, Shane shot back: “Why not just come out on one of mine?” His own songs subvert the cliches of country lyrics. If you hear the title Mama’s Broken Heart you think you know the story already. But Shane’s hit, taken up the charts by Miranda Lambert, is told from the perspective of a daughter going through a painful break-up whose mother only wants her to keep up appearances. The chorus line is: “It ain’t my mama’s broken heart”.\n\nLater in the show Miranda Lambert herself made a surprise appearance to sing a duet, inspiring squeals of disbelief and delight. She’s been country’s reigning queen for half a decade now and was one of the festival’s big-ticket names.\n\nOn the next stool to Shane McAnally, looking slinky in black see-through evening gown, sat Ashley Monroe. Her song Like A Rose opens with the lines: “I was only 13 when Daddy died, Mama started drinking, and my brother just quit trying.” Total country music cliche? Beyond doubt — but it’s the true story of her own life. She quickly demolished her own flowery symbolism one song later with a stoner anthem which goes: “Give me weed instead of roses / Bring me whiskey instead of wine / Every puff, every shot, you’re looking better all the time”.",
"Slinky: Ashley Monroe with Charlie Worsham at the O2 Indigo\n\nCharlie Worsham kept up the narcotic theme with a wittily blasphemous gospel tune, as yet unreleased. The chorus went: “Hope I’m sto-o-o-o-ned when I meet Jesus / Flying high, through them clouds, knowing I don’t have to ever come down”. Young Charlie, a dazzling instrumentalist with pin-up good looks, enhanced everyone’s songs with well-judged embellishments. After one number ended with a jaw-dropping flourish, Charles Esten interrupted the applause to enquire from the stool next door: “Exactly how many guitars were you playing there, Charlie?”\n\nEsten, an actor for most of his life, is the most famous of these five names thanks to his starring role in the glossy yet surprisingly authentic TV soap opera called Nashville, which dramatises the lives and loves of fictional country music stars. When the series took off he seized the opportunity to launch a career as a real-life singer-songwriter. “It threw me in at the deep end and I’m swimming for all I’m worth,” he confessed on stage. He seems to be staying afloat. The best of his songs, I Know How To Love You Now, became a pivotal moment at the start of Nashville Season 3, to his obvious pride.\n\nLive music shows where you know less than a quarter of the songs are often a disappointment. Setlists that last for more than two hours can leave you longing for the final encore. But with so many emotional high spots and a rare connection between the performers and the audience, nearly three hours flew by, and when the house lights finally came up most of us would happily have stayed for more.\n\n← Every time I hear ‘John, I’m Only Dancing’ I still recall that thrill\nMirror, mirror, on the wall, who has the pointiest face of all? →"
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"Our Hair as the Flag\n\nA Text by Mahtab Mahboub\n\nThe unified voice of protest that can be heard from all corners of Iran these days shows a change in the context of Iranian society. A society that, according to the rulers, is dominated by a traditional culture that demands a special covering from women. Yet, the traditional women’s coverings are distinctly different from the uniform compulsion of veils (black Chador) and Maghnaeh (a kind of Islamic covering for women that keeps the head and chest covered). The diversity of cover was marginalized and demolished by murder, torture and humiliation and in a period of more than three years from the winter of 1980 to 1984, right after the 1979 revolution, along with elimination of the diversity of any other type of being and believing that did not identify with those of the rulers.\n\nHowever, the daily resistance of women who did not give up their right to live freely continued, from the struggles with Revolutionary Guard Corps and paramilitia that attacked parties in the private spaces of homes, to self-immolation as protest, to the creation of mobile applications that now informs other women about the location of Hijab police on the streets and other public spaces.\n\nThe voices of the margins have moved to the center of this feminine struggle.\n\nIn these days protests triggered by the murder of a 22 year old Kurdish woman, Mahsa Amini at the hand of Hijab police in Tehran, names and symbols of this long history of feminine resistance is summoned in the joyful dances and burning of women’s scarves, from Dr. Homa Darabi who set herself on fire in 1994 to protest the violence and dehumanization of women , to the “blue girl” who had just tried to enter the stadium to watch a football match but had to choose death, not only to escape the prison sentence, but also the family police, the father.\n\nNow the souls of Rojava fighters with the slogan of Jen, Jian, Azadi (woman, life, freedom) are rejoined with the voice of that Ahwazi Arab woman who shouted at the security forces“our demonstrations are peaceful, why are you shooting at us?” during a protest amid severe drought. The voices of the margins have moved to the center of this feminine struggle.\n\nWhile previous attempts at mobilizing to change the law through gathering signatures and popular support and sending more female MPs to the Parliament -both organized mainly by activists in the capital- have not gained much success, this wave of protest have obtained the solidarity of many people who are desperate for change.\n\nNavigating the public space with a non/male body is turned into a potential death hazard for many, specially those having to use public transportation because they can not afford a private vehicle, although that does not guarantee a womans safety.\n\nThe hijab police never had a very clear code of conduct and this ambivalente is how they keep women in constant fear and the cities unsafe for them!\n\nParallel to the increased pressure from inflation, unemployment, climate crisis, the unending reports of embezzlement in unprecedented amounts, the state is limiting women’s right to their reproductive rights by outlawing sterilization and free distribution of contraceptives in the public health care system.The same segregation policies that required female personnel for many jobs including doctors, nurses and teachers has created two generations of women who are educated and fed up with their inferior status.\n\nThe younger generations of women* are more of global citizens, courageous and demanding of their right to have an unoppressed life. Along side them are fighting (mostly young) men*, who now know that the ruling system of theocracy and their neoliberal policies are not benefiting them either. In the face of unemployment, ethnic and religious discriminations, and impoverization of vast populations coinciding with climate crisis, their patience have waned. They are now representing a new kind of masculinity that supports women’s freedom and amplifies their voice both on the street and in terms of discourses; a masculinity that does not promote itself but holds the space for voices with less access to power, that is women and LGBTQI+ demands.\n\nThe new is being born on the streets in Tehran and it is the birth of a feminist struggle!\n\nI think it is quite important also to mention the beautiful solidarity this movement received, from Syrian artists to Femen activists, to our sisters in Afghanistan and Turkey who gave the most amazing support and not only covered us in their media but came to the streets to shout out our shared demands for womens rights and freedom."
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"There are many characters in the lengthy anime series Naruto. Naruto will feature the strongest ninja or shinobi in the anime in keeping with the theme’s narrative.\n\nDo you, a devoted follower of Naruto, know who the strongest Naruto character is? If not, the Top 6 strongest characters in Naruto are listed below.",
"Hashirama Senju was Konoha’s first Hokage. And Hashirama also known as Shinobi God, where Hashirama aspired to make peace, after which Hashirama founded the village of Konoha with his childhood friend who eventually became his rival, Madara Uchiha.\n\nAlthough Hashirama did not achieve the desired peace during his lifetime, his ideals continued to be inherited to establish the village for decades after his death. Hashirama’s wood-bending abilities, in his time, shielded Hashirama as the only potential shinobi to defeat Madara.",
"The fabled head of the Uchiha clan is Madara Uchiha. The village of Konoha was established by him and Hashirama Senju with the intended intention of ushering in a time of peace. But after that, the two frequently disagreed, and they fought in the hamlet they had created. The Madara Uchiha passed away as a result of this war. He gave Obito Uchiha access to his knowledge and intentions for ushering in a period of peace before he passed away.",
"After years of unrelenting labor, Naruto Uzumaki, who was once a youngster and inhabitant of Konoha village, has become a very dependable ninja and is revered throughout the town and the whole Shinobi community. After years of World War Four Shinobi, Naruto eventually realized his dream of becoming a Hokage and attained the rank of Seventh Hokage.",
"Minato Namikaze is a Fourth Hokage (Yondaime Hokage) from Konoha. During his lifetime, Minato was known as Konoha’s golden lightning because of the speed he possessed.\n\nMinato died during the Nine-Tails (Kyubi) attack in Konoha, risking his life to save his village by sealing half of the Nine-Tails on the body of his newborn son, Naruto Uzumaki.\n\nThe eldest clan, the Otsutsuki, is descended from Kaguya Otsutsuki, who is also the mother of Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki. Kaguya consumed the fruit of the Wood God during an endless conflict, becoming the planet’s first chakra user before she merged with the Wood God and became the Ten-Tails, long before the development of a leaf village or Konoha. With this ability, Kaguya is deserving of the first spot among Naruto’s Top Strongest Characters.",
"One of Naruto’s most powerful characters is Hagoromo. He is the father of Ninshu and the Sage of the Six Paths. The character Susanoo is claimed to be similar in stature to the Ten-Tails, but Hagoromo is said to be stronger than his brother.\n\nHagoromo separates the Ten-Tails into nine different creatures since he has so much chakra and expertise. He demonstrated how strong he is by playing a significant role in her mother’s loss.\n\nDoes anyone doubt the ability of the strongest ninja in the Naruto anime above? Or is your favorite character not on the list? Please leave your opinion in the comment section to discuss together!"
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"January Jones Sets the Record Straight on Her Relationship With …\n\nJanuary Jones is obsessed with The Bachelor, but is definitely not dating one of them.\n\nET's Keltie Knight caught up with 40-year-old actress at the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), Variety and WWD's inaugural launch of Runway to Red Carpet Initiative at Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles on Tuesday, where she set the record straight on dating rumors between her and Bachelor alum, Nick Viall.\n\nLast month, rumor circulated that the twosome were dating. A source told ET at the time, “They’ve been spending time together, but things are super casual,” adding that things are not serious and the two are not in a relationship.\n\nThough, Jones is still a devoted Bachelor fan and has been watching the latest season with Arie Luyendyk Jr. The former Mad Men star said that the current season has \"been a little too boring.\"\n\n\"As I was getting ready, I was watching last night's episode. I know who the final three are… I don't know,\" she revealed. \"There hasn't been enough drama this season to entice me. It's been a little too boring, I'm sorry to say. I guess they're too normal or whatever. We need some [drama]. There was that one girl, Krystal. She was Cracker Jacks. Yeah, she was weird.\"\n\nMeanwhile, ET spoke with contestants Caroline, Bekah and Seinne at the show's Women Tell All taping, where they revealed they were \"heartbroken\" over Luyendyk Jr.'s upcoming season finale.\n\nWatch below to hear what they had to say. The Women Tell All special airs Sunday, Feb. 25 on ABC.\n\n'The Bachelor': [SPOILER] Opens Up About 'Devastating' Breakup With Arie After Saying 'I Love You' (Exclusive)"
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"A six-year-old boy was left devastated after severe flooding destroyed both his treasured birthday and Christmas presents.\n\nA row of cottages in Caernarfon became engulfed by up to three foot of water which had surged from the Afon Seiont like a “tidal wave” on Boxing Day morning.\n\nLittle Liam White, who lives in one of the flood-hit Seiont Cottages, had celebrated his birthday on Christmas Eve.\n\nThe clothes and toys he received, along with the gifts he got on Christmas Day, were completely ruined by more than a foot of water which had filled the bottom floor of the property.\n\nThe flood water surged towards the properties from the Afon Seiont at around 8am on Boxing Day.\n\nCouncillor Endaf Cooke says there has been no history of flooding in the area for more than 40 years and has asked Natural Resources Wales to launch an investigation into why it happened.\n\nLiam’s mum Nichola Williams said she was woken up by firefighters at about 9.30am and was completely unaware that her house had been flooded.\n\nShe waded through the water downstairs to carry Liam – as well as his two brothers Lloyd, eight, and two-year-old Leon – to the living room window where they were all taken to safety by fire crews, using one of neighbour Derek Jones’ rowing boats.\n\n'There is a lifetime of toys that have gone'\n\nShe told the Daily Post: “We came away with nothing, just what we were wearing. All the children’s shoes were downstairs so they didn’t even have anything on their feet – they had to be carried out with no shoes.\n\n“When I went back to the house later that day I realised the devastation – it’s a mess. The children treasure everything when it’s new, but they’ve not moaned about it.\n\n“There is a lifetime of toys that have gone. Liam’s new stuff, his presents, it’s all gone.\n\n“But we’re alive and well, that’s the most important thing.”\n\nNichola, who is currently staying with family, thanked the fire crews and her neighbour for their help in rescuing her and her three children from the house.\n\nMr Jones, who has lived in his cottage for around 35 years, says he’s never seen anything like it.\n\n“It was quite frightening to be honest,” he explained. “Within 10 to 20 minutes the house was engulfed by three foot of water. “It came crashing through the patio doors. They were locked but they couldn’t deal with the velocity and power of the water.\n\n“There was nothing we could have done about it. It doesn’t make sense it was like a tidal wave. The noise was huge, you could the trees getting dragged through it.\n\n“We’ve lost everything on the lower floor – 35 years of possessions. I don’t even have a pair of shoes.”"
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"After selling out its initial two-year print run in less than three weeks, Island Flames second edition will go on sale early next year.\n\n“Second printing is under way in China, and we expect the books here hopefully by the end of January,” Mr Smith told The Royal Gazette.\n\nTwo thousand copies were printed for the book's first edition, exceeding industry recommendations for the Island which suggest a top-end of 1,500 copies.\n\n“I figured there would be a historical interest, but I didn't expect the copies to disappear in 20 days. People stop me almost every day in Hamilton and ask how they can get a copy of the book,” added the former Commissioner of Police and Progressive Labour Party senator, who works in the business sector.\n\nMr Smith believes that the subject has captured public attention as, until now, there has been “an absence of knowledge and research over that period in our history”.\n\nThe unrest, which ran from December 1 to 3, 1977, was ignited by the executions of two black Bermudian men, who had been convicted of politically-motivated murders and had ties to the black power movement.\n\nThis incident brought the Island's longstanding racial tensions to boiling point, resulting in a frenzy which required United States Marines, 250 British troops and more than 1,500 other police, regiment, reserves and firemen to quell.\n\n“There was a lot of blame being apportioned at the time as to who really had the decision-making authority on the actual hangings,” said Mr Smith, who was a teenager when the riots took place.\n\n“A number of things could have been done to prevent the executions. Parliament in Bermuda could have intervened and initiated an emergency debate and a vote on capital punishment.\n\n“The British didn't tell Bermuda at the time that they had already intervened in two other territories, Hong Kong and Belize, to prevent executions, but they took a stand-off attitude towards Bermuda.”\n\n“The book stoked a lot of interest for a lot of people — both those who were growing up at the time and those who had no idea about what took place,” she said.\n\n“People were curious to find out whether it was really true or if it was a modern-day myth. It's probably the best and fastest-selling local launch we've ever done.”\n\nScheduled for 2017, it will delve into policing in Bermuda from the 1970s to present day."
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"noun 1. the design and production of materials, structures, and systems that are modeled on biological entities and processes.\n\nAdonia Lugo, Ph.D., is an urban anthropologist, and adjunct faculty for AULA’s MA in Urban Sustainability program. She is a bike enthusiast, who has conducted much of her anthropological study and research from the vantage point of cycling, walking, and public transit.\n\nHow do we, as humans, inhabit our cities and streets? How do our habits and assumptions align with, support, or compete with nature?\n\nStudents in this course are encouraged to seek solutions for urban infrastructure through the application of new methods that use biomimicry* and ecological systems design to produce smaller scale, distributed alternatives that are less resource-intensive.\n\nShe is the third instructor for Urban Infrastructure and approaches the course from the perspective of “human infrastructure,” which examines the role of culture and social networks in how we relate to our environments.\n\nShe began designing the current syllabus by reading through older versions. The first instructor also had a social science background, which Lugo appreciated for its emphasis on social process. The second instructor was an architectural historian, and his syllabus approached infrastructure from a more artistic and aesthetically-influenced design perspective. “LA has been a hub for people who are interested in looking at large-scale infrastructure systems from a visual standpoint, with organizations like the Center for Land Use Interpretation in Culver City commissioning multimedia projects on infrastructure topics,” she writes.\n\nShe has experimented with having students curate their own reading. “This can be very educational for me since students are often more tied into emerging sustainability work in the region than I am,” Lugo writes. This semester she is excited about creating, along with her students, multimedia lectures that explore the ways people have layered humanmade infrastructure systems over underlying ecologies. The class will investigate water, energy, waste, mobility, and health systems as related to this theme of humans in opposition/ cooperation with nature.",
"One important goal of the class is to empower students to innovate infrastructure changes within their own interest areas.\n\nSo hop on your bike, lace up your kicks, or flag down that bus; we’re on our way to the future!"
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"At the end of December 2016, we packed our wife and our old with some suitcase, accessory and our three dogs. We drove from our 2500 square foot house in North Pärnu County. Our destination: 500 square foot cabin in the small town of Spur, TX.\n\nThis is not an article of finding our bliss by eliminating the financial burden of modern mortgages. Although this is something. This is more measurable. We stumbled upon something that could become a strategic process for everyone who is tired of the lack of eternal debt and savings.\n\nUntil we moved to Tartu County, we had a fair share of debt. I wouldn’t call it terrible, but what we had a hard time shaking. After ten years of marriage, we had to pay for this car, mortgage and student loan. We knew we were in a long distance with this mortgage, not to mention that it was an investment. However, the student loan seemed to have been too long. We lived out of our salary and were grateful that we never had much left at the end of the month. It’s really hard to spend on what you have, the debt decline. Paying a minimum fee is much easier and better.\n\nAll this cycle was incredibly frustrating. I felt like I was in a trap where I could never save or eliminate bigger debts. I would imagine leaving it all down. Live in the RV online, getting wood warm and growing your food. It was all unrealistic about the various escape strategies I found attractive. Finally, I ended up fantasizing and started exploring. I looked at my fantasies in detail and tried to decide which one might be practical for me, my wife, our dogs and our specific situation.\n\nIn 2015, Spur pointed out that he is the first official small town friendly town in the country. I had never looked at Tartumaa, but this process requires an open mind. In October I made a trip to check it out. I didn’t see the perfect little town, but I saw the potential. So many options. The cost of living was very low and the land was ridiculously cheap. In an attempt to attract teleworkers, the internet was all over the internet. If I could go a long way and if we could find someone to help us build a small home, it seemed that this could be the answer we were looking for.\n\nAt the beginning of 2016, we bought two, next to empty, Spuri district. They were very cheap. We managed and met someone who had years of construction experience and wanted to lead the pre-fab cab delivery, install it on a concrete panel and build a fence and porch. I moved to a full-time distant position where there were no restrictions on where I lived, as long as I showed up on the Internet and did my job. We had to borrow money from our 401k to finance the construction, with some weak savings, but if everything worked as planned we would be able to repay the loan after we moved and sold our Pärnu County.\n\nIn the summer of 2016, the concrete foundation was poured, the cab was delivered and installed, pipes and cables were connected, and construction began at the fence and porch. The processing and management of phone data was stressful, but by the end of 2016 it was almost complete. We put our Pärnu County on the market and traveled to Tartu County.\n\nAs planned, our old home soon sold after the move. We paid back a 401k loan and settled for life without a mortgage. My salary, which was hardly enough to live in Pärnu County, seemed to be a huge Spur. We put a fair amount of money on each salary. At weekends I would drive an hour and twenty minutes to Lubbock to get access to high-quality, organic food, and I would buy without paying much attention to price tags. This kind of financial freedom was new to me and I loved it.\n\nAt the end of summer 2017 we had zero debt. The car was paid and the student loan, which was my absolute joy and surprise, was finally paid off. We had taken a small loan for the shelter of the ground storm and we could pay for it. Most of my wages went straight to the bank.\n\nLet’s take the time to talk about the monthly costs. Suppose we were relatively typical before this point. Mortgage, car payment, student loan (luckily only one), groceries, utilities, data plans, such things. These first few are usually big and they were also for us. By the time we arrived at zero debt in Spur, it meant that we had no mortgage, no car payment or no student loan. We still had to pay for groceries and other bills, but they were now very easily covered because the first three did not distribute our funds thin. In addition, if we wanted to further simplify, we could influence what we spent on the rest of our bills. For example, stop buying a $ 6 dark chocolate box.\n\nI saw this moment coming and I was pretty sure how to react to it. I imagined myself first reducing my working time. Finally, I would like to walk from a stable job to a more risky but much freer self-employed position. This would allow me to check my hours and I don’t need much. I calculated that our family would be more than comfortable if I presented them to 15 a week. I thought I could always make more money than I needed extra money. I wasn’t sure how we would retire, but I also thought I didn’t need a freelancer. I can make it easy for a while and worry about the future.\n\nI didn’t expect what really happened. When we arrived at zero debt and my payment controls became investment potential, I felt my powers. I felt that we were our marriage for the first time under our financial control. I mean the life I had, working at home, something I really enjoyed, not commuting, not neglecting my family, and actually pretty happy. My wife was also happy. I realized that I didn’t just want to work less. I realized that working time was not a problem. The problems were already eliminated.\n\nAnd so we began to think seriously about something new: Investing.",
"It led the way, which eventually took us away from Spur. The result is personal and subjective – that’s what we wanted and so we went for it. All this is that we reached this point. It was a 17-month stay in Spur, which is here for us. If we had not entered an uncharted territory ready to fail, we would be tough every month. I would never have tasted the ultimate freedom, which is the choice. To get what I thought I wanted to sit right in front of me. To really test your assumptions about how I wanted to live my life.\n\n“Be Rational” is what they tell you if you have a sensible reaction to a mad situation and the reason for their mind is F * ED. Be rational. What this really means is to take your status quo. Assume a position. ”\n\nOk, I’m not saying someone who follows the status quot will take a position. But I think Sullivan is a great point. Usually, life is required to do what most people do, regardless of what is best for the individual.\n\nGoing to the spur is not the rule of “adult life”. A high school advisor would not recommend you take a few years in small houses in a small house to get your finances in order. So consider this as extraordinary advice. Be strategic. Think long term. Find a way to get your finance back under control. Listen to other opinions, but make your needs a priority. Take the risk, make sure that the worst case scenario is something you can live with. Then take your life over."
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"The researchers of the After the Crisis project also incorporate the core themes of the research initiative in their teaching.\n\nIn the Fall Semester of 2015-2016 Onno van Nijf and Inger Kuin are taught an MA course titled Athens and Rome: Culture, trauma, and memory in Roman Greece at Groningen University. As part of this course students traveled to Athens to see first hand how Roman rule and the accompanying conflicts marked the cityscape.",
"Temple of Zeus at Athens, finished under Emperor Hadrian. Picture by Dimitris Konstantinou in 1858."
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"You are here: Home > Traffic",
"Driving in Dubai without a license\n\nSo you are in Dubai, got your hands on a car and planning to go for a ride. But, do you have a valid UAE driving license? If not, think twice before getting behind the wheel because driving in Dubai without a license is a serious criminal offence. According to Article no. 51 of the […]",
"If you drive on the roads of Dubai and get traffic fines every now and then, here is good news for you. Drivers in Dubai will be given a 30 percent discount on traffic fines for the next three months. The electronic system used by the emirate’s traffic police has been amended to reflect the […]",
"By Dubai Expat Blog on January 19, 2011 in Dubai Transport, Living in Dubai"
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"Forgetting Your Own Forgetfulness Is an Early Sign of Dementia"
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"No, once an element of fiction is introduced into a text everything immediately turns into fiction — maybe fiction with a strong resemblance to the real world, but still fiction. Kaouscinski is a double standard at work in such excuses, a clear eurocentric bias. He had acquired an almost celebrity status in Poland, where his books were read as thinly disguised commentaries on communist Poland.\n\nHe became an amateur boxer bantamweight and football player. He knew from personal experience that even the most seemingly impregnable dictatorship would eventually collapse.\n\nRene rated it really liked it May 06, He wrote a book Travels with Herodotus where he shows that The Histories of Herodotus are timeless and the masterpiece of reportage. The New York Review of Books. Reprint of the review in full. When it appeared in English translation in it received an immediate critical success.\n\nI lapidxrium delighted to discover that he approved of this almost abstract way of representing what he feared might otherwise have been a piece of exotic tourism. As part of his criticism, Shafer cited the anthropology professor John Ryle. In April he went to Central Asia and Caucasus.\n\nJan Skarbowski [ et al. Retrieved January 3, I vincitori del Premio Omegna dal ” in Italian. It would not be considered a reasonable defence of such a book to say that it did not matter whether it was true or not because it was really intended, not as a book about Poland, but as an allegorical account of events in imperial Ethiopia.\n\nMatthew rated it really liked it Jul 14, I still think his books are wonderful and precious. He found the business of filming terribly kspuscinski “I am not actor! Journalism, Ethics and the Worlded.\n\nMartyna rated it it was amazing Jul 20, Amid the kapuscinskki stories, the heat, the hysteria, the only thread of lapidarrium in Kapuscinski’s days was the evening telex connection with Warsaw, when he would file a story he had concocted from the rumours and the crazy scenes on the street, ask about the weather at home, and complain about the food.\n\nScrupulous in his journalism, in his books he was capable of inventing in order to make a truth even truer.\n\nRetrieved July 21, A sixth was due to be published soon. Later he moved to Mexico — When he finally returned to Poland, he had lived through twenty-seven revolutions and coups, been jailed 40 times and survived four death sentences.",
"This was his first lapuscinski trip. Monika Mokrzycka-Pokora August He never got that Angola out of his mind, and when we met in London in he wanted mainly to talk about another book from that period, the Portuguese soldier Antonio Lobo Antunes’s South of Nowhere, which he thought was wonderful.\n\nViews Kpauscinski Edit View history. Retrieved January 4, Jack Shafer, Slate MagazineJanuary 25, At the time he was writing about Idi Amin and had even drawn a diagram of Amin’s brain, which was pinned on the wall of his small flat in Wola, a working-class district of Warsaw.\n\nRetrieved January 25, Maria rated it liked it Jun 01, The adventures and encounters he describes in his books are on a different level of veracity. In he reported from the Republic of the Congo. During some of this time he also worked for the Polish Secret Service, although little is known of his role.\n\nWooky rated it really liked it Alpidarium 26, The film explores the political and lapidrium recovery of the Ethiopian people after the repression of the military junta of Mengistu Haile Mariam. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. In answer to such criticisms it has been argued that The Kapuscinxki is not meant to be about Ethiopia at all, that it is an allegory of Communist power in Poland, or of autocratic regimes in general.\n\nBetween and Beyond Art kapyscinski Fact”; in: The Emperor was written after his travels there. The value of news in his day, he said, had nothing to do with lapidarlum, but was the stuff of political struggle, and the search for truth. Shortly afterwards he also joined the weekly Polityka where he worked till Ludger rated it really liked it May 28, Retrieved August 18, In November the same year he started working as a foreign correspondent in South Americabased in Santiago.\n\nKapuscinski was born in Pinsk, now in Belarus, and in was taken to Poland by his mother, searching for his soldier father.",
"Archived from the original on January 27, Christoph rated it liked it Dec 28, These conversations were published in Poland in in the book Pisanie Writing [51] but broadcast in Canada on Kalejdoskop Polski TV as early as In June he ,apuscinski from Warsaw University.\n\nHe is survived by his wife Alicja and their daughter."
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"Where are the Druids when we need them?\n\nThere are modern-day Druid groups who gather in England, but we in BC too need to find our inner Druids.\n\nThe word means \"people of the oak\" (the queen of trees), but all trees are druidical.\n\nAncient Druids considered Nature the sacred Source (nature-native-nativity) the Truth-deity whose name was at first only spoken, sung about by the bards but not written down. Later, they did write their wisdom in an ancient Irish alphabet called Ogham, in which each letter takes the name of a tree.\n\nScholars write that the first Druids named Truth itself a deity, the sacred word of Nature. It was \"hallowed\" (whence the words holy, wholly, hale/hail, haelen, healing and health). We still know that nature heals and nature speaks; some people hear it all the time. Next time you pass a tree, give it a greeting: \"Hail fellow well met\". Trees hear us, too.",
"We need more people who think like Druids, who don't call trees a \"resource\" or a \"product\" important to \"the economy\". Or a thing that stands in the way when we want to erect a building in its space. To Druidic-folk each tree is inseparable from the rest of tree-society and its companion species, a being that has standing which our legal system doesn't recognize, not being as subtle as the Druidic law which was recited throughout northern Celtic and pre-Celtic Europe by the law-singers. Their way, everyone knew what the law was. Through repetition it was remembered.\n\nUnfortunately, as waves of newcomers (Romans and such) marched across the Celtic lands with their own ideas about law and governance, it was forgotten. Lots of ancient Roman scribes got the gist of it down on paper however, although -- naturally -- not agreeing with each other about its meaning.\n\nToday we (especially urbanites) must take from Druid lore what we can in the struggle for tree conservation. Science is crucial of course, but science increasingly brings knowledge of sub-cellular, meta-genetic vibrational phenomena pervading the natural world. Gaia Spirituality, in other words -- another way of ancient knowing that keeps breaking through, still. Even in a barren, digital, robotic, virtual world it breaks through, but for how long? Here's a question about the future: how will Artificial Intelligence be capable of achieving that \"way of knowing\"? Quo vadis, Humanity?",
"Old Macdonald had a farm\n\nand on that farm he made a life\n\nWith a bank loan l here and a workforce there,\n\nhere a flood, there a fire, everywhere another care,\n\nand shaped the countryside\n\nOld Macdonald made the wealth\n\nof Canada though toil,\n\nwhen settling he broke soil,\n\nand Macdonald took a wife\n\nwithout whom he'd have led no life\n\nThank Macdonald for our health,\n\nand Mrs. Mac for Canadian wealth",
"Posted at 10:01 AM No comments:\nLabels: Canada, History - Canada\n\nFor British Columbians who want to watch the TV programming which offers the best-quality documentaries about Trees, Nature, Gardens & Wildlife, you can't beat Knowledge Network.\n\nAt least, you couldn't until now. Its Board (and pressure groups) have decided to put ideology before quality by firing their well-regarded CEO and host, Rudi Buttignol for doing an excellent job.\n\nOn their own website, KN tells us it offers \"Curated content from all over the world and award-winning Knowledge Originals documentaries you won't see anywhere else.\"\n\nThat seemed to be true. Apparently KN was so unbroken they had to fix it. They had to mandate a 50% abandonment of quality in favour of a 50% addition of \"diversity\" -- diversifying into content considered racially-inclusive instead of the kind of content that has made the network loved by viewers and donors. Like BC's Provincial Museum, BC's televised Knowledge Network has decided to go \"anti-colonialist\". (So forget about those well-loved British dramas too, as well as the nature programming.)\n\nOutgoing CEO Rudi Buttignol has been repaid for achieving excellence by being dumped by the Board. And he had that well-liked courteous soft-sell manner of inviting donations. Why do we get the feeling there won't be any soft courtesy now, but rather aggressive identity-group-hustling?\n\nPosted at 9:27 AM No comments:\nLabels: ideology, Knowledge Network BC\n\nAbout to be evicted from habitat by development, the animals are holding a Yard Sale. Their \"yard\" is a field, and their homes are trees, shrubs and ponds. Developers will pave the fields, drain the ponds and chop down the trees. Now, the animals lay out their wild-ware for a Field Sale.\n\n\"Here's a collection of nests,\" say the robins and sparrows. \"Two worms a piece.\"\n\n\"This lily pad sells for three worms,\" says Frog. \"It's a good thick green one. I don't know what I'm going to doze on now.\"\n\n\"We've got a lot of pollen to offer,\" announce the bees. \"We over-harvested, it'll go cheap, a real bargain.\"\n\n\"I'm going to transport my acorns elsewhere,\" says Squirrel. \"I'll have to find new storage. Blue Jay might share the cost with me.\"\n\n\"You'll have to search out a big luscious garden nearby, Deer, full of foliage.\"\n\n\"Are there still such places?\"\n\n\"I don't see a lot of customers,\" frets Frog. \"Who's going to buy all our stuff?\"\n\n\"Sorry to tell you, but most may end up in the landfill-compost. The crows will swoop down and take a few items at the last minute.\"\n\n\"They'll give you a few feathers.\"\n\n\"What do I want with feathers?\" croaks Frog.\n\n\"What are YOU selling, Raccoon?\"\n\n\"A bit of recovered insulation foam, but most of it we'll store in a hollow log we know of. When the hideous human monster houses are built, we'll come back and move into the basements. We can sub-let to rats, if necessary.\"\n\n\"I'll have to move on,\" mourns Robin. \"You'll be okay, Chickadee, you'll find some eaves to nest in. Want to buy some nesting grasses to take with you?\"\n\n\"Thanks, Robin. Two worms, you said?\"\n\n\"I'm worried about the homeless feral cats near here.\" says Deer, \"and that old horse in the bottom field. Where will HE go? He won't be invited to graze on someone's lawn, that's for sure.\"\n\n\"We'd need to enlist domestic animals as well,\" trilled Robin. \"Pets: they're the animals with influence.\"\n\n\"Okay! Who volunteers to sit on the Board?\"\n\n\"Or like sitting on a lily pad?\" asks Frog.",
"In the face of unemployment and homelessness in late 19th century London, England, reformer Octavia Hill mobilized housing strategies that worked. Maybe they could work today. She recruited a veritable army of building-providers and social workers (although the term wasn't in use yet; she invented the profession), who managed the housing schemes she began by buying properties, teaming up with others of means and renting them at low cost to workers for whom jobs were found.\n\nEach cottage, she decreed, must have \"its own front door\", and each housing site be surrounded by greenspace. She emphasized the importance of fresh air, and \"bight gleams of sunlight falling softly on a tree\" as essential for morale and physical and mental health. She was involved with John Ruskin and others in the Commons Preservation Society, later called the Open Spaces Society.\n\nDo we in Victoria, Vancouver and other cities care about \"Open Spaces preservation\" as we become ever more hemmed in by concrete and the looming towers of housing \"units\"?\n\nOctavia Hill realized that housing and employment must go hand in hand if an economy is to work. We are seeing now that welfare housing for a population of the chronically jobless (and sadly, substance abusers) does not work. We have both a worker shortage and a \"disability culture\" and the linkage is as clear today as it was in Octavia Hill's time -- but we don't have enough \"Hills\" brave enough to discuss it. She and her allies believed in building \"character\" as well housing -- but that ideal is long-gone from our culture.\n\nEventually though we'll have to look beyond hand-wringing enabling charity which is not in practice at all charitable. Is it not demeaning to tell people they are victims of \"systemic\" this and that, and can't manage their own fate?\n\n\"Fate\" is of course a pretty overwhelming and layered concept, and we live on a planet fated to struggle with the reality of human overpopulation. Our little corner of it is becoming as overcrowded as were the London boroughs in Octavia Hill's time, and it might be worthwhile to look again at the remedies she came up with: the blending of helping hand, personal responsibility and preservation of urban greenspace. Mere building and warehousing of the dependent is not an answer, nor do humans flourish in a physical environment of overbuilt brutalist ugliness.\n\nA Setback For Privilege\n\nThe words privilege and privacy have the same root, and they overlap in meaning. The \"privileged\" class within a town has historically meant those with homes set in garden space, under the shade of trees and behind discreet hedges. In other words, privilege means privacy.\n\nNaturally enough the folks who are crowded into dense housing crammed alongside public thoroughfares, subjected to prying eyes and other people's noise, resent those who have space and peace. Today, we talk about making things equitable. Regarding urban planning this sadly means densifying neighbourhoods and lowering quality of life -- but equally.\n\nQuality of life is lowered when nature-space and green aesthetics are eliminated, gardens paved, the hedge replaced by the surveillance camera, the luxurious lawn criminalized. When this happens people's health suffers, physical and mental. They do less outdoor exercise and experience stress from overcrowding and noise.\n\nNot only people but wildlife suffers: without gardens to forage in, pollinators (bees and other insects plus non-insect pollinators such as hummingbirds) decline -- over 30% of insect and bird species are now going extinct with the loss of plant diversity. And the big trees go; no room for them. Then drought and heat become extreme. The equitably-shared decline in quality of human life and health is also a setback for nature.\n\nThe current push for high-density multi-unit housing tightens this downward spiral. That other kind of \"setback\" -- property setback rules created by urban planners of the past which specified legal distance between houses, roads and other houses -- was meant to protect landscape and ecology. In our haste to undo the privilege of privacy we have taken away ambient ecological and aesthetic assets from everybody.\n\nTo meet the need for housing we could either dampen demand (noting the \"build it and they'll come\" rule), or try to meet that demand (although we never will, given the above-noted rule) while retaining ecological and aesthetic values. In other words: privilege everybody. If we must endlessly build, we could at least maintain real estate setback rules around the multi-unit dwellings being proposed, leaving room for big trees, and not killing the pollinators.",
] |
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"The insides of an IBM quantum computer. Source: IBM\n\nIBM plans to build a quantum computer with 1,121 qubits by 2023 as it plans to scale up the future\n\n“Building a device that truly captures the behavior of atoms—and can harness these behaviors to solve some of the most challenging problems of our time—might seem impossible if you limit your thinking to the computational world you know,” Gambetta said.\n\n“But like the Moon landing, we have an ultimate objective to access a realm beyond what’s possible on classical computers: we want to build a large-scale quantum computer.\n\n“The future’s quantum computer will pick up the slack where classical computers falter, controlling the behavior of atoms in order to run revolutionary applications across industries, generating world-changing materials or transforming the way we do business.”\n\nIBM’s roadmap will see it connect a new, more powerful, quantum device to the cloud each year – adding qubits and improving noise reduction – up to the 1,121 qubit Condor computer in 2023.\n\n“The development required to build Condor will have solved some of the most pressing challenges in the way of scaling up a quantum computer,” Gambetta said.\n\n“However, as we explore realms even further beyond the thousand qubit mark, today’s commercial dilution refrigerators will no longer be capable of effectively cooling and isolating such potentially large, complex devices.”\n\nBecause qubits are made of subatomic particles, one of biggest hurdles for quantum computer development is keeping the information stable and free from external interference.\n\n“Our team has designed this behemoth with a million-qubit system in mind—and has already begun fundamental feasibility tests,” he said.\n\n“Ultimately, we envision a future where quantum interconnects link dilution refrigerators each holding a million qubits like the intranet links supercomputing processors, creating a massively parallel quantum computer capable of changing the world.”\n\nIBM has its existing quantum computers tied to the cloud to let developers experiment with coding directly onto the hardware.\n\nCurrently, the futuristic devices are largely incapable of outperforming classical computers – although the race to reach this feat in computing has begun.\n\nLast year, Google claimed its 54 qubit Sycamore processor completed a task that it claimed would take the world’s fastest supercomputer “10,000 years to produce a similar output”.\n\nIBM slammed Google for generating hype when they had run a highly specialised task that didn’t fully utilise the capability of a supercomputer.\n\nSince then, industrial tech firm Honeywell has announced it had built the world’s most powerful quantum computer – but with only a few qubits – for customers to use in the cloud.\n\nLarge quantum computers that require massive cooling power are only part of the story as firms prototype hybrid quantum-classical computers.\n\nThis week, US startup Seeqc raised $30 million in venture capital funding for its hybrid approach that aims to reduce reliance on bulky refrigerators to maintain coherence.\n\nThat same approach is being undertaken in Sydney by minerals company Archer which is leveraging carbon nanotubing intellectual property to create a quantum chip that is stable at room temperature.\n\nAustralian researchers are at the frontier of quantum computing thanks in part to Professor Michelle Simmons whose team last year celebrated achieving the fastest ever two-qubit logic gate suspended in silicon.\n\nThe CSIRO estimates quantum computing will create 16,000 new jobs in Australia in the coming decades.\n\nA lifelong technophile and science fiction geek, Casey joined Information Age in 2019. With interests in AI, space travel, and post-humanism, Casey is always on the hunt for the overlap of science-fact and science-fiction.\nCopyright © Information Age, ACS\nTags:\nquantum computing ibm google qubit"
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"The full sixth set of short talks by Padmavajra on the life and liberation of Padmasambhava is now available on our YouTube channel.",
"We’re happy to announce that the capacity for the online component of the ‘What is the Order?’ retreat has been increased, so there are now spaces available for booking.\n\nGoing for Refuge to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha needs a specific spiritual community for it to be fully expressed: it needs, in other words, an Order. During this retreat we’ll explore what the Triratna Buddhist Order is, the Order that transcends the distinction between monk and lay and places the spiritual and existential act of Going for Refuge at its very heart.",
"Last Friday on Bhante Sangharakshita’s second death anniversary, Padmavajra gave a very personal talk to the Padmaloka Community and to the Dublin Men's Sangha who requested the talk and joined us via Zoom for the evening.\n\nIn the talk, Padmavajra tells us about his connection with Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita, including his first and last meetings with him, as well as a number of other significant meetings in between. Padmavajra is in no doubt that his meeting with Bhante completely changed his life.",
"We’re sorry to announce that following the UK prime ministers briefing last night of a nationwide lockdown, we will be suspending our residential events here at Padmaloka.\n\nHowever, the beauty of hosting hybrid events is their flexibility, so the online aspect of our retreats will continue to run, and people from all over the UK and Europe will virtually gather here at Padmaloka to join the community for study, meditation and puja.",
"During the Men's Great Gathering at Padmaloka, Padmavajra explored the Buddha's proclamation that just as the great and mighty ocean has the taste of salt, the Buddha's Dhamma has the taste of freedom.\nBy freedom, the Buddha meant complete liberation from the wheel of life, but he also indicated the importance of social freedom.\n\nIn his talk, Padmavajra begins with a quotation from the great Indian Dalit leader, Dr B R Ambedkar on the occasion of the great mass conversion to Buddhism of hundreds and thousands of Dalits.",
"As an offering and a way of celebrating the festival day of Guru Rimpoche on Saturday the 26th of September, we'll launch on our YouTube channel the first video of the new series of short talks by Padmavajra, \"Lightning Flashes from the Blue Beyond\".\n\nFollow this link to see Padmasagara introduce the series:",
"During the Ordination Trainig Weekend, September 2020, Padmavajra gave a talk on the Guru and the Dakini and the significance of the rich imagery in our lives as practitioners of the Dharma.\n\nWe're happy to announce that it's now available to watch on Youtube via this link:",
"In just over a week Padmaloka will be opening its gates to men coming on retreat here for the first time since March. In the past few weeks, we’ve been finalising our hygiene procedures, dusting off the dorms and hoovering down the carpets - heaving the great Padmaloka bellows and bringing the flames back up to retreat ready temperatures - so to speak.\n\nThe first retreat here will be an Ordination retreat, for five men who were due to be Ordained in April:",
"Ordination Training Weekends have been one of the great highlights of the Padmaloka programme since the late nineteen-eighties; the purpose of them being to give men who've asked for Ordination an opportunity to gather together, with the Ordination Team and to explore and take inspiration from the riches of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha."
] |
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"After all the previous blogs we can honestly say that outbreaks occur. Already many times in history and definitely many times more in the future. These outbreaks range from being relatively mild (the seasonal flu) to very deadly (Ebola), from being brand new and scary (Nipah virus in India) to being as old as the Pyramids and almost extinct (Polio).\n\nWith every outbreak Super Avenging Guardians of the Corporis fighters – normally called Epidemiologists – ask themselves the same questions: how do we manage and contain the outbreak? How can we improve the public health in order to eliminate the pathogen (Viruses, Bacteria and all other stuff that makes people sick)?\n\nWell, in short, it is like the ‘Program for a Treatment of Alcohol Addicts’ by … it takes three steps.\n\nIn order to control an Epidemic, we have to find out “what” before we can proceed with “how” and “when”. It is essential to gain more information about the pathogen and the way it infects people. An outbreak of flu requires a different approach than a diarrhea illness.\n\nAnd should it be an unknown pathogen, you start with searching for the first infected patient. Then try to figure out how the other patients got infected, write a book about it, become the world leading expert and get a Nobel Prize at the age of 79. Oh, and during all this don’t forget to go to step 2.\n\nIf you know how it spreads, you have to try to contain it. Step 2 is actually two different routes:\n\nRoute 66: You take care of the current patients\n\nRoad to perdition: You try to not let any more people get infected\n\nSometimes driving these roads can be fairly easy. For the biggest outbreak of Cholera in London back in the mid-19th century (killed hundred thousand people), all they needed to do to stop it was shutting down the main water pump. But to be fair it took them years to figure out the answer to step 1: what it was and how it spread. We’ll come back to that in a different blog.\n\nBut most of the time, driving these roads are very challenging. Especially because you have to drive them at the same time.\n\nAt this point you have successfully stopped the big outbreak, very well done. But the challenge that you’re facing now is to keep it that way. Because if one patient gets infected from a different part where there are no health posts, this one patient can be the patient zero for the next outbreak and you’ll have to start all over again.\n\nThis means that you can never let your guard down. Not until a long time.\n\nThere you have it. Now we can tackle any outbreak!\n\nSpread the word, not the virus!",
"One day I read the magazine “Hello Gorgeous”, a glossy magazine about living with HIV. And I got a lot of looks, you know what I mean, not the ones you hope to get. Will this ever change? How I sometimes wish that I could just to take a quick glimpse into the future and know how everything will turn out. Just like I have this urge to skip to the part in the book where the killer reveals itself. But I never do. What fun is reading when you know the ending, what fun would living be when you know it all? So, I speculate and think about now and the future. And today, I think about the future of HIV.\n\nThe Future is now\n\nWhat kind of world would it be if we would use pills to prevent ourselves from getting HIV?\n\nWell, it is the world we live in now. As we speak healthy men who have sex with men (thus have the greatest risk), are given anti-HIV medication before they have unprotected intercourse in order to prevent them from getting the virus. The name: Pre Exposure Prophylaxis or in short; PrEP. And yes people, it’s a great success in the Netherlands. Instead of swallowing MDMA before going to a Dancefestival, men are PrEP-ing up before going to “party”. And it’s expanding to other countries as well (the usage of PrEP I mean, not parties, well, maybe those too, but…, never mind).\n\nNow I know the most common response: we’re enabling people to have sex without a condom, it only protects against one STD, can’t they just wear condoms instead of taking medications that can have side effects? Oh wait, those were the responses to the contraceptive pill. They only protect against a child and certainly are invented to give us the freedom to protect ourselves to that one particular “STD”. However strange this “new” intervention might seem, maybe in the future we will look back and conclude it’s actually not so different than what we were already doing.\n\nAnd whilst we’re there, in that future I mean, let’s check if my following HIV predictions came true.\n\nI predict a second spike in HIV infections\n\nWith the lack of fear for HIV, I really think we will get a second peak in infections.\n\nBut why is this really a problem, I hear you say. Isn’t HIV a chronic disease nowadays that takes just one tablet once a day, so why bother, you add. Well, maybe you’re right (thanks for reading my previous post), … but maybe this will convince you:\n\nThere is not just one type of HIV, there are more with different resistance patterns.\n\nIf you go through life thinking “I already have HIV so let’s lose the condoms and have some fun”, I would say DON’T. You might attract a new different type of HIV, giving you a high viral load again. This type might be resistant to the drugs you were taking for your own type. Yes, HIV can become resistant to medications just like bacteria. And if that happens and we don’t find a way to cure the virus, we end up with a virus we’re not able to control any longer. And we’re Back to the Eighties, where the first HIV infected people suffered and died.\n\nA different argument not “to shop” for HIV, is that having HIV makes you more susceptible for other diseases, especially other STD’s. Nowadays gonorrhea is becoming more and more difficult to treat and when (not if) the second HIV peak comes, there will definitely also be a gonorrhea outbreak that is not easily cured.\n\nI’m confident that HIV has still unknown tricks to show us. It’s waiting, lurking in the dark…\n\nI predict there will never be a HIV vaccine\n\nMaking vaccines is extremely difficult. In general researchers need three things from a disease in order to make a good vaccine.\n\nThese things in combination with the fact that HIV mutates faster than the X men, outsmarting our immune system and all the different known subtypes, you can imagine the challenge. The attempts to make a vaccine have not been successful and unfortunately, I predict they never will be.\n\nLet’s find a vaccine against stigma\n\nOne day I read the magazine “Hello Gorgeous”, a glossy magazine about living with HIV. And I got a lot of looks, you know what I mean, not the ones you hope to get. And that is unfair and unnecessary. If my predictions come true, which I don’t hope of course, HIV is here to stay. It’s a part of our past, present and yes, also our future. Let’s deal with it, accept and not be judgmental about it. My idealistic self would like to urge you to go to a public place and read something that clearly has HIV stated on it to get people used to it. But maybe the best vaccine against it, is just not to give in to stigma.\nIf you see me or anyone else read the magazine, don’t give that look. Just smile or give a friendly nod. Or, why not, let me be the idealistic hippy my husband always I am for once, let’s hug.\n\nSpread the word, not the virus!"
] |
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"The adzuki bean originates from Japan and is sometimes also called azuki, aduki, or red mung bean in English. The bean is also commonly cultivated in Asia and it is the red variety which is most widely grown. However, other varieties are available, eg white, grey, black and even mottled.\n\nThe adzuki bean most Scoffopedia readers are most likely to encounter is a small reddish-brown bean with a cream-coloured sprout, which looks like a seam. The bean has a sweet, nutty flavour. In Asia, especially Japan and China, the bean is sometimes cooked, pureed and sweetened for inclusion in desserts. In Western cuisine, it’s most likely to be used in soups, stews and salads.\n\nThe bean is said to have health-giving properties, reputedly benefiting the liver and kidneys. It’s highly prized in Japan for this reason."
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"\nThere is an eerie stillness in emerging adolescence that Balthus captures. We are glimpsing, just for a moment, that interior self-sufficiency of the adolescent, where body, mind and world are united and creating a unique space of possibilities. Balthus paints her leaning back in an armchair.\n\nHer face is apparently turned toward the viewer, but not if one looks closely focused directly either on the painter, whom she is supposedly gazing towards, or us. Her pose is relaxed and understated. Raised and crossed on top her right leg, her left is relaxed with her left hand placed on the knee. The world around them is then remade in that interior view.\n\nBalthus obviously was influenced by that work. Here a female figure wearing only white knee socks and red slippers is on a chaise longue. She is stretched across the longue with her head back, eyes closed and one arm raised above her and another down towards the floor. Her hair is loose.\n\nThe colours are muted. Body, mind and place are one within the painting. Possibilities of an emerging physical, psychological and sexual realm abound, but never is one realm privileged over another. It is a mistake to see Balthus as focusing only on the sexual. Balthus often said that his paintings had no overt sexuality. I think he was not so much denying such sexuality existed, but that is was not the only thing his paintings were about, or even what they were about at all.\n\nThe sexuality in Balthus is never vulgar or cheap. It is strangely protective as the gaze of all the girls is private and inward, never outward or beckoning. It is only the person who fails to understand or to truly experience what Balthus is doing and instead forces Balthus into a single meaning — in most cases today one of prurience and admonition against adolescence having any kind of healthy and meaningful interior life that is not circumscribed by adult expectations or worries over innocence and experience — that will miss what makes Balthus important.\n\nNo one has anything good to say about critics. They are a despised lot, of a lower order to that occupied by the artist. Even the greatest of critics are more commented upon than read. It is no better for more recent critics. One reason why critics are so poorly thought of is that proper criticism has been much diminished. Take a look once more at the small list of names I mentioned. These critics situate their subjects and ideas within larger arguments of history, philosophy and previous and current commentary.\n\n#MeToo has reached the art world. Don’t think it’s running out of steam\n\nThey examine how artists work and explicate upon the various strands of thought, criticism, ideas and politics at play in their works. At the same time, these critics show why certain artists are worthy of such sustained attention. When criticism works, it brings forward not only the aesthetic aspects of the work under study, but the mechanism by which that work makes its aesthetic claims and thereby allow a reader to see why its is aesthetically superior to other works.\n\nIts author may not purpose this — authors propose many things — but the construction of some sort of object, whether too disorderly to be a world or too mechanical to be alive, cannot be avoided. The art of fiction is, at it core, an assemblage of words, shaped by the artist who places them onto a page under mechanisms chosen by them in order to shape those words into a fiction. And what is realism? Gass is a master in teasing out how writers shape words and sentences to achieve the desired ends. Reid disparages Stein because she embodies principles that upset his notions of art.\n\nGass points out that Stein has had that affect on critics from the beginning; and that is the very point of what Stein is trying to do with her prose. She wishes to challenge in the most direct way possible our notions of art and style, of or received opinions, and she will sculpt language to do so.\n\nMany still do. But it is only on closer reading and looking at what Stein is trying to do with this language, especially as developed it in her later works, does one understand her strategies. People love the gentle marmalade-scoffing bear.\n\nRightly so. The excellent movie The Florida Project is thought to be underperforming, because a certain little bear has brutally beaten it up at the box office. Couples are somewhat sheepishly settling into their cinema seats and hugging themselves with anticipation as the lights go down. The combination of Paddington and Hugh Grant is just irresistible. Other films might just have to wait until the bear has gone away. Facebook Twitter Pinterest. Topics Sexual harassment Notebook. Art New York MeToo movement comment.\n\nReuse this content. From slaves and wage slaves to Balthus is the distance between slavery and liberty.\n\n\nBalthus is interested in the same continuities as in his interiors: the survival of certain manners, ways of spending time, intimacies of the bath and bed. Impressionism was devoted to roads, paths, rivers: a collective study of the network of roads that connected one French village to another. These ways were once ancient sheep paths, then market roads, then the highway system of the Romans.\n\nImpressionism was an assessment of civilization up to its time, as if prophetically aware that in a11 this would be mud and trenches; seventy French cathedrals would collapse under artillery fire; a mode of life would be forever lost. Swann's W a y the name of a road ends with automobiles in the Bois de Boulogne. Cubism moved indoors, focusing on the humblest tabletops. Impressionism followed its logical study in Monet, back to the roadless France of prehistory-to the marshlands before they were drained for agriculture. That's what the lily pond at Giverny is, and the haystacks winter fodder are almost as archaic.\n\nBut the beginning was with Pissarro's farms, fields, orchards; fields measured out in baronial times, apple orchards as old as Gaul apples came north with the Romans, as did the pear, Roman wheat, Latin, the engineering of canals and bridges, walled cities, strange Mediterranean gods. So Balthus when he turned to landscape emphasized local geography, the specific character of particular places, generalizing nothing.\n\nAs his houses are without electricity, without radios, TV, telephones; without bathtubs or faucets; his farms are eighteenth-century, using horse and ox power. The figures in his landscapes wave greetings.\n\nVan Gogh had painted farmers as drudges and starving peasants. Balthus's farms are visions of pastoral life. Stephen Dobyns in his The Balthus Poems in which he writes poems about thirty-two of the paintings catches the tone of Balthusian pastoral in \"Landscape with Oxen\": W i t h the boards he will build a shelter for spring lambs that he will fatten in summer, sell in the fall, and of this pattern of seasonal routine he has woven a life much in the way his wife weaves the wool into thick cloth, into such a blue jacket as the farmer is now wearing, which the lawless wind tries uselessly to take from him.\n\nHe paints from inside the figure outward, as if the figure painted itself. They are, in a disturbing sense, too lifelike. And they are not here as painters primarily, but as the fathers of daughters. They are soliloquies in paint. Chagall, around the time of the Derain and Miro portraits, had himself photographed with his deliciously sexy twelve-year-old daughter wholly naked, achieving an homage to and subtle parody of Balthus, but recognizing his authority of innovation and iconology.\n\nThis portrait illustrates as well as any of Balthus's his ability to take the bare minimum of a subject and bring it to the highest pitch of clarity, of presence. This rich spareness contrasts with the century's aesthetic of merging figure and ground in a dazzle. Reproductions of it trick one into believing that it is an intimist canvas, fairly small.\n\nBalthus Cats and Girls at the Metropolitan Museum of\n\nI was unprepared for its size when I saw it first at the Centre Pompidou in an afternoon of surprises. I had just seen my first Tatlin and some late Maleviches unknown until then. I had seen an abstraction by Ivan Puni that made me feel for the moment that Western design still had everything to learn all over again from the Russians. The surprise of suddenly turning and gazing into not at Balthus's great painting was a splendid and complex experience. For the first time I remembered how familiar the street was to me, a locale I crossed time and again when I first knew Paris just after the war.\n\nThe painting did not exist then, though Balthus must have been making studies of it, a picture to epitomize all his work, including the brilliant landscapes. For just as The Street is conscious of being a displacement of a forest with all its allusions to wood and the mythology of woods , so f i e Passage is conscious of being where a meadow once was. The dog is sheeplike, a man carries bread, and we are only a few streets from Saint-Germain-des-Pres, of the Meadows.\n\nInside the painting's mysteriousness there had been all along a familiarity I had not isolated until I stood before the canvas itself. A more wonderful way of seeing Proust's theory of the redemption of time in triumphant proof I cannot imagine. Another surprise was to notice that for all the resonances in this most Balthusian of all Balthus's work the Rilkean question, as of the Saltimbanques, \"Who are these people?\n\nThere's the same flat ordinariness, as if to say: Look, the world is not really a mystery at all. It appears to be, but look again. These eight people, a dog, and a doll are the very essence of a Left Bank back street."
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"NYERI, JUNE 21, 2022 (CISA)-We are not looking forward to electing saints or angels, the Kenya Catholic Bishops Conference has said inviting Kenyans to avoid careless voting and focus on finding a servant leader in each of the six seats being voted for in the August 9 General Elections.\n\nIn a weekly release dubbed “Voice of the Bishops” read out by Archbishop Anthony Muheria of Nyeri on Sunday June 19, the bishops asked voters to avoid previous mistakes of electing leaders whose performance in leadership continuously haunt the nation and those who bring evil into leadership.\n\n“We are at the doorsteps of bestowing power to leaders who make decisions about our individual and collective wellbeing. We therefore cannot afford to be casual in the way we elect leaders. For us Christians, voting is a moral obligation to choose leaders who stand for the good of all citizens. That is why we must interrogate their character, their morality, their value-system, and what they stand for in key moral issues,” the statement reads.\n\nIn reference to their statement some of the elected leaders in the past have looted taxpayer money with impunity, some disregarded the rule of law, instigated deadly fights in communities including tribal post-election violence, while others became bad examples.\n\n“A leader is elected to steer a vision. Manifestos ought to give a glimpse of what a leader is aspiring to do. We however are aware that the manifestos seem to be an afterthought in many candidates. Nevertheless, we should take this time to ensure that we carefully read the manifestos presented to us, and where possible raise concerns with the candidates responsible,” they said asking the electorate to critic the manifestos.\n\n“We should seize this moment to internalize the vision of our Country and vote for the person we consider most suitable to drive it forward. Where the ideal candidate is lacking, we must also interrogate the candidate whose leadership will least expose our Nation to the negative consequences.”\n\nAlongside a visionary leadership, the bishops have also invited Kenyans to look out for a reconciler, a fighter against corruption and a truly moral leader.\n\n“Unfortunately we continue to hear leaders proposing in their agenda the propagation of immoral and unethical policies. For a Nation to thrive, it must be founded on sound Ethical principles. Leaders should seek to articulate these in our laws, the respect of God in his laws as underpinned in our Constitution, the respect for life, and development that nurtures in the society what is generally referred as goodness or common good,” the prelates said cautioning against bad leaders propagating abortion, liberalization of sexual behavior and those proposing the liberalization of drugs."
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"GUWAHATI: The BJP government in the state might have failed to keep its pre-poll promise to fulfill the long standing demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status of the tea community in Assam or to establish a definition of Assamese to implement Clause 6 of the Assam Accord, but it has at least recognised the tea community as the “real Assamese”, thanks to the assembly elections ahead.\n\n“When we go to America or England, what we find is Assam tea. Assam is known across the world for tea. We feel proud. But, it’s you people who produce tea. Our pride is based on the hard work of our tea community brethren to produce tea,” he elaborated.\n\nEarlier he said, the BJP government in the state has impressed upon the tea garden managements to provide all necessary facilities to the workers “because, it’s the workers who produces green leaves and not you owners”.\n\nThe tea community are multi ethnic groups of tea garden workers and their dependents in Assam. They are stated to be the descendants of indigenous people brought by the British colonial planters as indentured labourers from the regions of present-day Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh into colonial Assam during 1860-90s in multiple phases for the purpose of being employed in the tea gardens industry as labourers.\n\nAssam is currently home to nearly 65 lakh tea community people, who were once considered a permanent vote bank of the Congress till they switched side to the BJP over the past half a decade after the ruling party promised it ST status in Assam. The promise, however, remained unfulfilled despite repeated reminders from the community. Five other indigenous communities of the state have also been demanding ST status."
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"Annual Meeting in Berlin presents a wide spectrum of the GD\n\nThe Society of Dermopharmacy (GD) presented to the congress participants an extensive and demanding conference program on the occasion of the 3rd annual meeting in Berlin on 9 June 1999. In twelve lectures - from the dermopharmaceutical basic research to dermo-cosmetics and dermatotherapy - the society showed once again its large field of activities as well as the fruitful interdepartmental cooperation of its members.\n\n\"We want the experts!\" These words by the the chairman of the Society of Dermopharmacy, pharmacist Dr. Joachim Kresken, Viersen, introduced the versatile program of the 3rd annual meeting and stressed that it has not been the primary target of the conference to fill the lecture hall with most participants possible but to present a demanding program which is subject to discussion among experts. By choosing the place of the conference - the Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärmedizin (BgVV) [Federal Institute of Sanitary Consumer Protection and Veterinary Medicine] - emphasized Kresken, the GD shows its good relationship to governmental authorities. The GD has also been able to establish amicable contacts to further associations in the meantime. Thus Prof. Dr. Monika Schäfer-Korting, pharmacologists at the Freie Universität Berlin (the Free University of Berlin), the conference head, expressed her entire satisfaction about the fact that the General Secretary of the Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (the German Dermatological Society), Professor Dr. Wolfram Sterry, Universitätsklinikum Charité, Berlin (Universitary Hospital Charité of Berlin) emphasized the stimulating and advancing part of the GD for the dermopharmacy in his introductory lecture.",
"After this introduction the actual subjects have been immediately addressed in the conference by pharmacist Dr. Gerd Kindl, Post-Apotheke, Baldham and Professor Dr. Roland Niedner, Klinik für Dermatologie, in Potsdam (Klinic for Dermatology). Dr. Burkhard Kleuser from the Freie Universität of Berlin (Free University) spoke of sphingolipids as new antipsoriatrics. Sphingolipid-fission products as ceramids, sphingosine and sphingosine-1-phosphate (SS) form a new class of bio-active molecules. They play an important part in the regulation of proliferation, the differentiation as well as the apoptosis in the keratinocytes of the skin. Flow cytometric inhibitions display that the inhibition of the cellular growth by SPP - in contrast to the ceramids - is not related to an induction of the apoptosis or can be traced back to cytotoxical effects. The differentiation of keratinocytes is even significantly advanced by SPP. Kleuser presented the investigation results in this lecture which prove that a new type of connection is available for the treatment of hyperproliferating skin diseases as for example psoriasis vulgaris.",
"Reactive oxygen species (ROS) as the topical antipsoriatrics Dithranol, however, already belong for a long time to the therapy standard for the psoriasis. Besides the intended antipsoriatric effects, so explained Professor Gotthard Wurm, Institut für Pharmazie I (Insitute for Pharmacy) at the Freie Universität of Berlin (Free University), the ROS cause pro-inflammatory processes as well and are apoptosis signals. The development strategy consists of an improvement of the benefit-risk relation. The department headed by Wurm succeeded in in this context by a specificically targeted reduction of the ROS-establishment. Two analogous strategies had been followed for this purpose: on the one hand the development of potent 5-LOX-inhibitors with variable anti-oxidative potency and on the other hand the combination of 5-LOX-inhibition and cyto-differentiating activities in a drug model.\n\nThe lectures from the field of dermobiopharmacy and dermatopharmacology have been presented by professor Dr. Bernhard C. Lippold, Institut für Pharmazeutische Technology (Institute for Pharmaceutic Technology) of the Heinrich-Heine Universität of Düsseldorf as well as lecturer Dr. Christian Surber, Institut für Spital-Pharmacy (Institute for Clinical Pharmacy) at the Kantonsspital (Canton Clinic) of Basel. Professor Dr. Hans-Hubert Borchert, Institut für Pharmazie at the Humboldt-University of Berlin lectured about the possibilities of electron spin resonance (ESR) for the characterization of drug vehicle system interactions, as liposomes with skin. Spin probes incorporated in liposomes show in human skin in vitro significantly increased penetration speed compared to probes dissolved in buffer solution. The effect is quantitatively comparable to the enhancer effect of dimethyl suphfoxide (DMSO). The liposomal incorporated probe is still partly movable in deeper areas of the horny layer of the epidermis. Analyses to the reduction kinetics of the spin probe in skin have shown a retarded reduction for the liposomal enclosed probe. Experiments on humans, Borchert explains in the following discussion will be eagerly expected.\n\nUlrike Trier has informed about the results of her research at the Institut für Pharmazie II (Institute for Pharmacy II) at the Freie Universität of Berlin (Free University). In her thesis she deals with a new method for the determination of interactions between the nuclear factor Kappa B (NF-kB) and the DNA. NF-kB is an essential pro-inflammatory transcription factor which is inactivated by glucocorticoids. For the first time the fluorescence-correlation spectroscopy has been applied for the NF-kB-DNA-interaction analysis. For this purpose a chimera molecule from NF-kB and the green fluorescent protein has been built and expressed which has ideal features for the measurement. Positive evidence of biological activity is the detection of a serial specific DNA-link to the fusion protein.",
"There will be increased demands for cosmetics regarding an efficacy and safety proof in future. Therefore methods are searched for which furnish objective measurement results for the collection of this data. Dr.Walter Wigger-Alberti, Klinikum für Hautkrankheiten (Clinic for Skin Diseases) of the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena gave an overview of bio-physical measuring methods for the determination of skin humidity, skin barrier, rubefaction, skin elasticity and skin relief.\n\nFollowing these two lecture subjects which have mainly dealt with basic research there were practice-oriented reports from the field of dermocosmetics introduced by the pharmacist Leonhard Raunecker, Kitzingen and Dr. Andreas Schrader Beratungslabor (Consultation Laboratory) GbR at Holzminden. Professor Dr. Wolfgang Gehring, dermatologist at the Städtisches Klinikum (Municipal Clinic) in Karlsruhe discussed the useful employment of dermocosmetics for dry skin in his lecture. He presented his analysis concerning the influence of emulsions with differing emulsion types, active substances and concentrations. Dependent on the vehicle tested he realized for urea, glycerin, vitamin E, pantothenyl alcohol and borage oil an amelioration of the epidermal horny layer hydratation and a protective effect compared to washing solutions.\n\nDr. Martin Behne, Department of Veterans Affairs, Medical Center of San Francisco reported about his investigations concerning the significance of an acid pH-level for the epidermal barrier in the stratum corneum epidermis. He analysed whether an acidification of the stratum corneum is necessary for a recovery of the barrier after an acute damage. Behne noticed that the barrier recovery takes its normal course when acetone treated skin is exposed to an acid buffer solution. The barrier recovery in neutral or alkaline buffer solutions- depending on the ph-level, however, bas been retarded. By adding of calcium and potassium ions the recovery was even more slowly. Behne concludes from the results achieved that the barrier function is only built up in an optimal manner in an acid medium and that the retardation of the barrier recovery takes place by inhibiton of postsecretory lipid processing.\n\nIn the field of medicinal skin care special importance is attached to the customers' acceptance of a product. Diplom-Ingenieur (graduate engineer) Thomas Meyer, Sebapharm GmbH and Co. at Boppard examines more closely in this context advantages and disadvantages of various emulsion types. Furthermore determine intended effect, locality of application, age group, skin type and naturally also the active substance which emulsion type is most suited.\n\nDr. med. Frank Rippke informed about new research from the company Beiersdorf in Hamburg. He reported of comparing investigations regarding the anti-inflammatory effect of two dermocosmetics containing hamamelis distillate, an o/w-lotion containing 10 percent hamamelis distillate and a w/o-cream with twelve percent hamamelis distillate and in addition one percent hydrocortisone. Both preparations have been tested in comparison to their active substance-free vehicle as well as to a former after-sun lotion. 30 volunteers have been subject to this test by means of a modified UVB-erythem-test. The two hamamelis-extract-formulations showed a clear antiphlogistic impact whereas the hydrophil emulsion of the lipophile hamamelis formulation had a superior effect.\n\nThe dermatologists Dr. Eva-Maria Meigel, Hamburg, and professor Dr. Wolfgang Wiegrebe of the Institut für Pharmazie (Institute for Pharmacy) of the University Regensburg led through the last part of the conference program - the dermotherapy. He devoted himself first of all to the possibility to prevent the androgenetic determined alopecia by using the 5-alpha-reductase-type-II-inhibitor Finasterid. Lecturer Dr. med. Hans Wolff, dermatologist at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich presented the results of a study which covered 1500 men suffering from androgenetic alopecia. This test has been realized in 64 different clinics. After a treatment period of twelve months, the Finasterid-probationers had at a fixed area of their head on average 107 hair more than the placebo probationers. After 24 months the difference increased to 138 hair. The appearance ameliorated according to the opinion of a rating commission within 24 months at 66 percent of the Finasterid probationers whereas the hair of only seven percent of the placebo group appeared to be thicker. Side effects did not appear significantly more often in the Finasterid group than among the placebo-group - this also applies to potency and libido.\n\nAs plant drug for topical application against psoriasis vulgaris, the dermatologist Dr. Matthias Augustin from the Hautklinik (Dermatological Clinic) of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität of Freiburg introduced a ten percent preparation of mahonia-aquifolium-Ur-tincture in ointment base. From a study concerning the preparation versus Dithranol-ointments Augustin comes to the conclusion that the mahonia-aquifolium ointment shows a clinically distinctive effect at psoriasis which is, however, not equivalent to dithranol. The tolerance for the mahonia-ointment, nevertheless, has been given a better rating by patients. Placebo-controlled studies as well as examinations of the reinalkaloids of mahonia are still pending.\n\nProfessor Dr. Axel Kramer from the Institut für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin (Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine) of the Ernst Moritz Arndt-University at Greifswald pointed out in the final lecture by giving numerous examples that there is no ultimative antiseptikum. Each biotop and even at equal biotopes every formulation of a question requires a differentiating active substance selection. Thus not the most effective antiseptikum is the best suited but the most suited is the best one. In his conluding words the deputy GD-chairman, professor Dr. Hans C. Korting of the Ludwig-Maximilians Unversity of Munich summarized the highlights of the conference and announced date and place of the 4th annual meeting of the GD which is planned to take place at the Dorint Kongress-Hotel in Freiburg on 24 Mai 2000.",
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"As a kid I lived on a farm with goats and rabbits and horses and all manner of strange and beautiful fowl. It was a place where exotic travelers slipped in and out, bringing stories of faraway lands and filling my heart with longing. But as magical as my childhood was there was something missing… I was out of place, lonely…a strange willowy wisp of a girl who mostly kept to the shadows.\n\nI knew exactly what I needed. What I wanted. What would make me happy. Other Jews!\n\nWhen I got to college I joined Hillel, took Hebrew classes, hosted High Holy Day meals where we sang songs in Hebrew and ate meals of half frozen challahs and overcooked shaqshuqa in my tiny shared apartment. But, no matter how hard I tried, my guests complained that it wasn’t how real Jews celebrated the holidays. They wanted to sing songs from summer camp and eat kugels and gefilte fish. Only, I’d never been to summer camp. Never tasted gefilte fish. I felt out of place, lonely.\n\nI knew exactly what I needed. What I wanted. What would make me happy. Israelis!\n\nMy last year of college I did a semester in Tel Aviv. I spent Shabbats at my elderly Dodas’ (aunts’) homes where they stuffed me with malawach and zhoug and told me stories of their Libyan childhoods in thickly accented Hebrew. Each time I visited they’d have a young man there too. A nice neighbor’s oldest son or their chiropractor’s nephew. He’d take me for a ride in his car the next day, begging me not to tell my Doda he was driving on Shabbat. In the car, his hands would crawl across the seat to me where I’d pull my legs tightly together. He’d talk about his time in the army, about his plans, his dreams… all in fast Hebrew, never pausing to see if I understood, never asking me about my thoughts. Then he’d stop the car, somewhere quiet, near the water. Turn to me and say, “Y’alla, Mami, you’re American, right? Let’s have fun.”\n\nI didn’t have fun. And I wasn’t sure why. Hadn’t I come to Israel to finally feel a part of something. To be around Israelis? To maybe even meet my b’sheret? Now, I was an ocean away from home feeling more lonely than I ever had in my life and I had no idea what I needed. What I wanted. What would make me happy.\n\nOn Pesach break most of the other students traveled to Europe in big joyful groups. I had neither the money nor the joyful group to go with. But, I did have two solo Israeli American travelers, who, like me, had never quite found their niche.\n\nWe pooled our resources, told our Dodas that we’d be staying with each other’s families and took the bus to Eilat. We’d heard that there were taxi drivers there that would take us to Dahab, Egypt. The only things we knew about Dahab was that it was far from our Dodas and their “nice boys” and that it was cheap enough for us to be able to spend a week there doing… whatever it was that people did in Dahab.\n\nAfter about a half hour of waiting in the sizzling sun, a clunky tan station wagon screeched to a halt by our toes. A tall bearded Arab man with twinkly eyes hidden under thick eyebrows stepped out. When he opened the car door, we shook our heads. There were already 7 people squished into the seats, there was no way we could fit.\n\nHe smiled and beckoned. We shook our heads no. He smiled again. We shook our heads harder. He got out and held the door open for us. We looked at each other and shrugged. The truth was it was getting dark and there didn’t seem to be many other options available. All three of us packed into the front seat beside the driver.\n\nTogether, the eleven of us flew through the desert. Windows open, Arabic music blaring, wildly swerving between lanes. Each time we’d pass another car whipping by, the driver would should Ahalannnnnn Muhammad into the desert wind.\n\nAs the sun sunk farther into the sand I took a quick glance at the gas tank gauge. It was creeping closer and closer to red. I tapped the driver on the shoulder and showed him how low we were.\n\nHe clucked his tongue and smiled “Allah!”\n\nI exchanged nervous glances with my friends.\n\nThe driver smiled and started humming softly as we carried on whirling through the desert, the gas slipping away as quickly as the sun.\n\nMiles and miles of dusky desert whizzed by until we finally arrived at a gas station where a sleeping man dressed all in white lie coiled against the pump.\n\nOur driver stepped out and gently shook him awake. After a few minutes of smiling chatter, he returned to the car shaking his head.\n\nTears of panic stung my eyes. How was it that he was so relaxed? We were going to die right there in the middle of the desert without a single soul ever knowing. Our Dodas were going to KILL us!!\n\nThe darkness grew cold and thick around us as we continued on free wheeling through the desert. After what felt like hours, a flicker of light in the distance made our driver beam.\n\nWe pulled up to a tiny tent that glowed orange in the last rays of sunlight. A shriveled old man and woman met us at the car and ushered us inside. They served us hot tea and soft pita and we added to the feast with bits of snacks we’d stored in our own backpacks. Big hunks of cheese from the burly German boy, thick crusty bread from the dreadlocked couple from the Czech Republic, sweet mangoes from the beautiful doe eyed Ethiopian girls, and milk chocolate covered wafers from my friends and me.\n\nTogether we swapped treats and travel stories while outside, by the dying light, the driver bowed his head deep down in the sand in prayer.\n\nBack on the road again I was overtaken by a mysterious calm. Yes, the tank was still empty. No, there weren’t any gas stations in sight. But, somehow I felt carried in the hands of the driver’s faith.\n\nFive more minutes on the road and his faith was rewarded. We came upon a gas station, he filled up, returned to the car and smiled.\n\n“Allah,” he said. And this time I smiled back.\n\nAs we continued on our starlit drive towards Dahab, a strange feeling overcame me. Here, in the middle of the desert, surrounded by people of different faiths and languages and homelands, I felt this exhilarating rush of joy that didn’t arise from any planning or agenda on my part. For the first time in my life I didn’t feel the need to question where I was or what I was doing or to seek out anything or anyone to make me happy.\n\nBefore we got to Dahab, the driver pulled over again. This time there was no tent or gas station or civilization of any kind.\n\n“Y’allah” he said to us as he opened the door.\n\nA flicker of worry tightened my chest as I got out of the car. Why had we stopped in the middle of the desert? Surely he wasn’t going to harm us. And yet… Why would he possibly want us to get out of the car here, with nothing but sand in sight?\n\nHe took a few slow steps forward and pointed ahead. Before us, the crescent moon shone down over the whole of the Mediterranean Sea. Below us, tiny little spots of glowing embers sparkled on the ground like fallen stars.\n\nHe pointed to the little bits of light and smiled a gap toothed grin.\n\nAll of us fell to our knees and began digging into the wet sand. We laughed as we lifted up the glowing bits of light. Together we raced back and forth to the car, our sparkling treasures in tow. What was this magic that surrounded us? We had to know.\n\nBut, every time we held the glowing bits up to the headlights of the car, we’d be left with nothing in our hands but sand.\n\nIn that moment we were little children again, delighted by the mysteries of the universe, content to be amazed, thrilled by the magic around us.\n\nAnd, even though I didn’t understand what this magic was, I knew that it was exactly what I needed. What I wanted. What was making me happy.\n\nAnd that was enough."
] |
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"I swatched a few Coze Nail Polishes back around Christmas time. They’re a fairly new UK indie polish brand and Bex has released some pretty incredible collections in her time as an indie maker – including the new A Dance With Dragons. This collection is based on Game of Thrones, of course, and had some absolutely beautiful polishes in it. Unfortunately, at the time of release, I was pretty tight on money so I decided just to get the 2 based around my favourite characters, who I’ve been rooting for since first reading the books!",
"Okay, so this one isn’t quite based on Jon Snow but there is a link… The Night King is the leader of the White Walkers, who Jon Snow has been up against for most of the storyline! This polish is a beautiful ice blue linear holo. 2 coats shown.\n\nMother of the Dragons",
"If you have so much as heard of Game of Thrones, then you’ll know this is based on Danearys Targaryen – i.e. Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. Quite the name! This pale green polish has a pretty pink shift and scattered holo sparkles. I thought this one would look so pretty matte (which it does!) but you kind of lose the pink shift…",
"Such a beautiful duo of polishes from the collection. They cost £7 each, which is very reasonable for an indie polish. Head over to the Coze Nail Polish website to see all the polishes available. Some may now be sold out and I’m not entirely sure if there will be a restock!\n\nThis site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed."
] |
] | [{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Banner image", "alt_text": "Finding Common Ground", "original_width": 750, "original_height": 507, "format": "jpeg"}, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "IMG", "alt_text": "The Woodpackers", "original_width": 750, "original_height": 500, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Ventura Land Trust", "alt_text": "Harmon Canyon: Turning our Hillsides into Trails, Not Putting them into Barrels", "original_width": 750, "original_height": 500, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "HawesRadar", "alt_text": "Phoenix\u2019s Hawes Trail System Master Plan Project is Seeking Public Comment Until March 23!", "original_width": 750, "original_height": 500, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "mbosc anteup spring Ibis", "alt_text": "MBOSC is Getting Their Ante Up for Trails: Donate $5 to Support Trails & Win an Ibis!", "original_width": 750, "original_height": 471, "format": "jpeg"}, null] | {"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347396300.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20200527235451-20200528025451-00515.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 570468222, "warc_record_length": 41109} | [
"Recently, we got back on an old trail that we used to ride, especially during lunch breaks. We used this trail to train in view of a multi-day bikepacking trip. Over the years, wind and snow have broken and even uprooted many trees, resulting in an unpassable section of singletrack that crosses the coniferous forest. So we decided to clear the passages obstructed by the trees. That’s when we noticed that on some of these trees there were bird nests. From time to time, the characteristic noise of the woodpecker at work could be heard in the distance. At that precise moment, the idea was born to “recycle” some sections of these conifers and create birdhouses with them, letting the rest of the logs follow its natural cycle as humus.",
"Ventura is one of the last remaining quaint little beach towns in Southern California that is known for its surf. I know I’ve said this about Santa Barbara before, but compared to Ventura, the city just north has seasonal waves at best due to the Islands that block South tropical swells from barreling into its beaches. Plus, some go as far as saying that the Santa Barbara county line was, in a way, gerrymandered to include Rincon, the only break that really puts it on the radar. This is a tangent, but who cares, right? I know this is the Radavist, and we’re typically mountain people. Hang in there. The mountains are coming. Ventura has its unique point break right off the California St exit and next to the fairgrounds where I’d go to watch the Van’s Warped Tour as a kid in the 90’s. This point break is known as C-Street. I would argue rivals Rincon at certain swell angles, with its many take-off points that lead into a long, smooth yet punctuated ride requiring you to navigate sectioning walls through a sea of people and of the literal sea, making your way down the beach.",
"The Hawes Trail System, located in Phoenix, Arizona’s East Valley, is quickly becoming one of metro Phoenix’s more popular mountain biking destinations for both tourists and locals. Situated in the Mesa Ranger District of the Tonto National Forest, the zone is known for spectacular views and around 25 miles of designated trails that range from easy to very difficult; featuring bermed corners, steep climbs, and chunky rock drops.",
"Trails don’t just magically appear and maintain themselves. It takes people putting in hours upon hours of work and money! Which is why the Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz are running another Ante Up for Trails fundraiser, where you can win an Ibis! Head to MBOSC for more information!"
] |
] | [null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "B Z", "alt_text": "IMG_Menendez_Trial_The_E_3_1_1HJMHM4U.jpg_20170919.jpg", "original_width": 534, "original_height": 401, "format": "jpeg"}, null] | {"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590348509972.80/warc/CC-MAIN-20200606031557-20200606061557-00214.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 633961785, "warc_record_length": 48017} | [
"EDITORIAL: Biggest Menendez question is ‘When?’\n\nNew Jerseyans want senator to quit if convicted, but timing in this case is everything\n\nEDITORIAL: Biggest Menendez question is ‘When?’\n\nMenendez: 'Not Once Have I Dishonored Office'",
"It’s nice to see most New Jerseyans don’t want felons in public office. Eighty-four percent said Menendez should quit if found guilty of accepting bribes, and it’s a bipartisan feeling; 77 percent of Democratic respondents would want to the senator to resign.\n\nBut whether or not a guilty Menendez should take a hike isn’t the most relevant question. What matters even more is the potential timing of that resignation. That is of intense national interest, given the fragile Republican majority in the Senate and the narrow margins by which President Trump and the GOP hope to push through their agenda.\n\nWe don’t much relish the idea of someone holding down one of New Jersey’s U.S. Senate seats after a conviction, no matter how much Menendez might profess his innocence and pursue an appeal. Menendez is accused of accepting bribes from longtime friend and co-defendant Dr. Salomon Melgen.\n\nEven worse, however, is the damage that could be done by a Republican installed to replace Menendez. That’s why Menendez needs to stick around and await the likely — although far from certain — arrival of Democrat Phil Murphy as governor, regardless of the outcome of his trial.\n\nThe stakes are enormous. The shift of a single vote in the Senate could, for instance, clear the way for one of the GOP’s abysmal attempts at a new health care plan. It could have similar impact on tax reforms that disproportionately benefit the wealthy.\n\nThis isn’t about trying to stop everything Republicans want to do. Democrats can’t do that with or without Menendez’ seat, and some GOP ideas are worthy of more even-handed consideration. But the nation needs all the bulwarks it can find to protect against the excesses fueled by President Trump’s dangerous impulses and the compliance of power-hungry Republicans.\n\nIf Menendez steps down while Gov. Chris Christie remains in office, Christie can name a replacement until a special election. That pick would certainly be a Republican — perhaps even Christie himself — who would undoubtedly do Trump’s bidding. What Christie should do is honor the wishes of voters who elected a Democrat to the seat by naming a Democratic replacement, but he is not compelled to do so.\n\nIf Menendez is acquitted, then we move on to next year’s election. If not, it will be up to Menendez to hold on until the right moment. A Murphy win in the gubernatorial race will create a clear timeline. If Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno pulls the upset, however, the picture becomes much cloudier. Republicans will scream and holler that a convicted Menendez offends us all by continuing to serve. Some Democrats and Menendez enemies will join in that chorus.\n\nBut Menendez won’t have much explaining to do. He could settle for this: “Trump’s too dangerous. We all could suffer if my seat is turned over to the GOP without any voter input.” He would be right."
] |
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"Kara is almost sweet sixteen. She goes to high school in Midvale where she has two best friends, Jen, who's an athlete, and Dolly, who isn't. Kara's on the track team with Jen and has a part-time job at an agricultural museum. Her parents are nice ordinary folk and Kara counts her life as 'awesome'. The only thing that troubles her are her dreams.",
"She's lived with her adopted parents for half her life and can't remember anything before they found her. They care for Kara but seem spectacularly uninterested in her origins and gifts, which may be why there's a core of loneliness at her centre. Perhaps Jeremiah and his wife - we don't get her name, but bet on Edna, Sylvia or, most likely, Eliza - don't want to think about the fact Kara isn't their birth child; they've probably fudged her legal status.",
"Heck, it's not like anyone knows Kara's actual age - her 'birthday, in a callback to Bronze Age Superman - is her 'Earthday', the day her parents found her. She's a growing young woman with no idea what changes her different physiology will bring. She does learn that there are zits, and then there are zits. Kara's a girl with huge potential, but no firm emotional foundation, a problem made manifest at this issue's climax.",
"Writer Mariko Tamaki and penciller Joëlle Jones are superb creators. Tamaki'a script has an impressive naturalism, I believe in these characters and their world. The illustrations of Jones, with inks by the talented Sandu Floreu and naturalistic colours by Kelly Fitzpatrick - are a gorgeous slice of Americana: the characters look fabulous, with a terrific variety of believable bodies on display, and the acting is splendid. Jones' body language is superb, complementing Tamaki's script, which is stylishly laid out by letterer Saida Temofonte.\nI don't get the publishing schedule. Like the current, excellent Deadman book, this double-sized series is published every two months. Who wants to wait that long for something they're enjoying? Why not halve the comic's size and publish monthly? Or wait until everything's I'm the drawer and put out the giant issues monthly? It's all very strange, and may hurt sales.\nI did find this chapter a little slow at times. Writer and artist have 50 pages and they use them to introduce Kara at a very deliberate pace - a shorter page count would encourage speedier storytelling. I'd like to have spent a little less time on Dolly and Jen and more on the uncanny aspects of Kara - what we do get is pretty darn absorbing. And Kara's Supergirl-style track outfit apart, I could have done without all the sports stuff.\nBut not every comic is aimed at me - Being Supergirl is a Young Adult take on Kara's beginnings and will almost certainly be a splendid collection when the four issues are collected. The teenagers at whom this is aimed will likely lap up the high school atmosphere (Tamaki gets lots of credit for not including the tired Mean Girls trope). Bits of character work intrigue - why does Jen say dreams are stupid? Why does Jeremiah believe in neither sickness nor birthdays? And surely telling Kara this...",
"... is inviting her to go snooping? What's more, the running business will likely wind up with the revelation that the heart monitors Coach makes her charges wear at all times are actually looking for the Girl Most Likely to Be Kryptonian.\nSo while I'd like more incident, the quality of this issue means I'll be back. The creators deserve a chance to build their story - a slow burn can result in a gorgeous fire. And besides, I'm a Supergirl lifer - I can't go anywhere until Kara dons a proper costume and goes public. Which will likely be the end of the final issue. Oh well...\nJoëlle Jones Kelly Fitzpatrick Mariko Tamaki Saida Temofonte Sandu Floreu Supergirl: Being Super #1 review"
] |
] | [null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "ichat matte screenshot", "alt_text": "What Is Ichat For Mac", "original_width": 870, "original_height": 490, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "ichat lion dev", "alt_text": "What", "original_width": 1200, "original_height": 1200, "format": "jpeg"}, null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "alt_text": "Pro", "original_width": 535, "original_height": 400, "format": "jpeg"}, null] | {"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320303729.69/warc/CC-MAIN-20220122012907-20220122042907-00580.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 143508295, "warc_record_length": 4974} | [
"What Is Ichat For Mac",
"What is an ICHAT file?\n\nWhat Is Ichat For Macbook\n\nSave file created by iChat, an online chatting application included with Mac OS X; saves the currently opened chat log and enables the user to review past discussions; created by choosing File → Save a Copy As... in the iChat application menu.\n\nICHAT files are saved in a binary format and therefore cannot be viewed with a text editor. However, if you double-click an ICHAT file on a Mac, iChat will automatically open it to reveal the chat log.",
"NOTE: iChat was replaced by Messages in 2012.",
"Open over 300 file formats with File Viewer Plus.\n\nI am running iChat 3.1.9 on a macbook with a AirPort Extreme (0x168C, 0x87), Firmware 1.4.4.\nI don't think I have updated anything, but recently, when I am trying to iChat with someone, things will be going along fine, and suddenly my internet will cut out. I still show as connected to everything, and then iChat gives me an error saying it hasn't received data for 15 seconds. It doesn't register that I should be disconnected until I turn off the airport. Then, if I turn it back on, sometimes it work. Sometimes I have to restart my wireless router before the connection works again.\nAny idea what is going on and how to fix this?\nThanks!\n« Gif Wallpaper For Mac\nApple Configurator For Mac Os»"
] |
] | [{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "dmsd ELhLNX", "alt_text": "DMSD 60 Pro Speaker Decouplers", "rendered_width": 620, "rendered_height": 384, "original_width": 620, "original_height": 384, "format": "jpeg"}, null] | {"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662515466.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20220516235937-20220517025937-00229.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 1183857684, "warc_record_length": 20178} | [
"I hope Dave Mastrodonato won’t take offence when I say that it’s unusual for someone to be quite so passionate about speaker decoupling! An experienced audio producer and musician, he also spent 22 years working in a parallel career as a product specialist in the aerospace industry. Having tried various speaker decouplers over the years, he’d grown frustrated with their performance, and believed he could apply his professional knowledge of advanced materials with very high anti-vibration characteristics to come up with something better.\n\nThe result, the DMSD 60 Pro, looks very simple yet stylish, comprising eight small circular platforms, four intended for each speaker in a stereo setup. Each platform is made from a hi-tech aluminium alloy and a special rubber compound — Mastrodanato has naturally kept the precise details of these secret, but he informs me that the rubber actually expands as it’s put under greater load. The surface pads are again a type of rubber, designed to be very grippy, to prevent undesirable movement due to speaker recoil.\n\nThe DMSD 60 Pros are intended to accommodate medium to large speakers, rather than nearfields (there's a separate DMSD 50 model for that, which we hope to review soon). The official specs state that the DMSD 60s will bear speakers weighing from 10 to a whopping 180 kg; actually, Mastrodonato believes they could potentially handle much greater loads than that, though as he hasn’t tested that theory, that specs nonetheless state a maximum of 180kg. The flexible nature of the design also means that each set of four can host speakers of a variety of shapes and sizes.\n\nWhat’s important, of course, is how well they work, and I can certainly report that they work very well with speakers at the lower end of their weight limit — I first used them with my Dynaudio M1 monitoring system, in which each speaker weighs 11.2kg, putting them just inside the lower weight threshold of the DMSD 60s. I put the speakers side by side on a desk (which I can hear and feel vibrating when speakers are placed on it!) and ran some mono material through each, using my MC2 amp’s mute buttons to audition one speaker at a time. First, I placed one speaker directly on the desk and the other on the DMSD decouplers and, as expected, the difference in sound was night and day, so they were certainly achieving something useful. But all decouplers should manage that, so just how good were these?\n\nTo answer that, I left one speaker on the DMSDs, and placed the other on one of the IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R430 stands I’ve been using for the last few years. The differences were less obvious, but I still discerned noticeably less vibration being transmitted through the DMSD decouplers; the sound emanating from the DMSD-mounted speaker seemed that bit tighter in its lower frequencies. Considering the words of praise I’ve written about those IsoAcoustics stands in the past, I found that impressive!\n\nI don’t currently have heavier monitors in my studio with which to test decouplers such as this, so instead I place a very heavy guitar amp combo and a few other heavy boxes on the DSMD 60 Pros. They bore the weight perfectly well and tightened the sound admirably, so I’ve no reason to doubt Mastrodonato’s claims that these will work well with very heavy speakers.\n\nAlas, the aerospace industry’s high-tech materials are also high-cost ones. DMSD have taken a cost-no-object approach to the design, and that’s reflected in the price of the DMSD 60, which costs as much as some home-studio monitor speakers! But that’s fine, as there are other worthy products for that audience; I still consider that my IsoAcoustics ones offer superb performance for the money, and there's also Mastrodanato's much more affordable DMSD 50 model mentioned above — I'm very much looking forward to testing them, as if anything they should be better suited to my Dynaudio M1s. Mastrodanato obviously has a professional-studio market in mind, and for that market the DMSD 60 Pro would be well worth investigating. I can’t think of a competing product that can work so well with such a wide range of monitors, and they should last a lifetime.\n\n€570 including VAT for a two-speaker pack."
] |
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"Edmonds Highgate Condos and townhouses drive a majority of the real estate transactions in Edmonds while houses are sold at a more modest rate. Located just north of New Westminster, Edmonds, was one of the first settled areas in Burnaby and home to the tram line which went between Vancouver and New Westminster. The area soon became a population hub! And today Edmonds is still a higher density area within East Burnaby and is accessible to the Edmonds SkyTrain station making it a desirable suburban neighbourhood for commuters!",
"Condos in Highgate Village dominate the residential market in this area but the area north of the village is mainly single-family homes. Highgate is a neighbourhood from Edmonds St and Imperial to Canada Way and Rumble. This neighbourhood is rapidly growing and becoming home to many middle-class residents because of its location along Kingsway and all the amenities which are within walking distance. Everything you need to live and play is in one area!",
] |
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"In Germany, a 13-year old boy was able to unearth significant treasure trove that belonged to the legendary Danish king Harald Bluetooth. The king is best known for bringing Christianity to Denmark. Among the treasures that the 13-year old amateur archaeologist discovered included braided necklaces, rings, pearls, brooches, a replica of Thor’s hammer, and 600 chipped coins. They were found in a dig on Ruegen Island in Germany.",
"Rene Schoen and his student Luca Malaschnitschenko were scanning the dig using metal detectors when they chanced upon a huge chunk that they thought was aluminum. But when they took a closer look, they realized that it was actually silver. It was just a small part of a treasure trove discovered and linked to the Danish King, who reigned from 958 to 986.\n\n“This trove is the biggest single discovery of Bluetooth coins in the southern Baltic Sea region and is therefore of great significance,” said lead archaeologist Michael Schirren. The oldest coin was a Damascus dirham that dates back to 714 and the most recent was a penny that dates back to 983. Bluetooth is known for unifying Denmark. The Viking King also rejected traditional Norse religion and introduced Christianity to the Nordic country.",
"According to researchers, the value of the trove has nothing to do with its market value, although that would also be significant. But the trove will prove to be an invaluable source of information for researchers who have little covering this time period in Germany. The boy who discovered it will have a very significant find under his belt."
] |
] | [{"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "symons lecture", "rendered_width": 272, "rendered_height": 218, "original_width": 272, "original_height": 218, "format": "jpeg"}, null] | {"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-10/segments/1614178369420.71/warc/CC-MAIN-20210304143817-20210304173817-00028.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 261570237, "warc_record_length": 11344} | [
"Newfoundland & Labrador’s political heavy hitter the Honourable John Crosbie will respond to Alberta’s political icon the Honourable Peter Lougheed this Thursday at the 2007 Symons Lecture on the State of Canadian Confederation. The two will engage in a lively and interactive discussion that varies slightly from the format of previous events in the lecture series.\n\nDue to circumstances beyond his control, Mr. Lougheed will not be able to attend the lecture in person. Speaking from his home in Calgary, he has recorded an abbreviated version of his presentation on video that will initiate the discussion. Mr Crosbie will take up the challenge from Mr. Lougheed and present his response on the state of the nation. Premier Robert Ghiz will introduce the discourse and set the stage. “The objective of the Symons Lecture is to encourage Canadians to think and talk about their country, and here we have two eminent Canadian political legends doing just that,” says H. Wayne Hambly, Chair of the Fathers of Confederation Building Trust. “Mr. Lougheed absolutely wanted to be here in person. He has gone to great lengths to be able to record the crux of his lecture that we may present it on his behalf to the audience.” “Mr. Crosbie is always ready for discussion and debate, and along with the opening comments of Premier Ghiz, we anticipate a dynamic afternoon from these three distinguished speakers,” Hambly adds. The Symons Lecture begins at 1 pm in the Mainstage Theatre of the Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown, PEI, Thursday, November 8. The program will open with the Confederation Centre Youth Choir singing O Canada and I’m Dreaming of Home, a song they performed at the official dedication of the restored Canadian national memorial at Vimy Ridge earlier this year. In honour of the lecture given by the former premier of Alberta, the Confederation Centre Art Gallery is displaying an exhibition entitled, Some Artists Who Have Lived and Worked in Alberta. Established in 2004, the Symons Lecture provides a national platform for a distinguished Canadian to discuss the current state and future prospects of Confederation. The lecture is held each year to mark the anniversary of the meetings of the Fathers of Confederation in Charlottetown in 1864. Starowicz’s lecture, called “Whose Story? Storytelling as Nationbuilding,” takes place in the Centre’s Mainstage Theatre at 1 p.m. and is open to the public."
] |
] | [null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "ymte holidayish", "original_width": 350, "original_height": 350, "format": "jpeg"}, null] | {"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-05/segments/1579250590107.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20200117180950-20200117204950-00394.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 621549649, "warc_record_length": 22391} | [
"Sort-of celebrate the holidays with You, Me, Them, Everybody",
"You, Me, Them, Everybody is the combination talk show / podcast hosted by DC resident and Chicago native Brandon Wetherbee. Since posting about YMTE in April, Wetherbee has upgraded his DC gig from a Monday night spot at Petworth’s Looking Glass to sister bar Wonderland Ballroom, in the prime, Friday night pre-gaming slot. He’s also continued to take the show on the road, taking the mic to Chicago, New York, and Baltimore.\n\nIn time for the holiday season, You, Me, Them, Everybody presents Holiday-ish, a show recorded live at Chicago’s Hungry Brain. Like YMTE, the 20-tracks find indie comedy side-by-side with a variety of musical styles.\n\nTwee indie pop duo Kitchen Table, Illinois bookend the album with a pair of cute holiday tunes. Musical highlights include the Nicole Atkins-ish Angela James (“Misguided Angel”) and the soulful duet “Merry Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” by Tiger Cry. The comedy is a mixed bag of twisted holiday memories and off-kilter family traditions. Ever Mainard reminds me of Maria Bamford, and her “Christmas is here at Starbucks!” bit will ring true with anyone who’s worked retail during December. However, note to all comedians and musicians: comedy rap (“Christmas in Dem Jeans”) and Def Comedy Jam parodies (“Alonzo Washington ain’t Scared”) have been done better and with more finesse.\n\nFor fans of YMTE, what’s missing is the host. I could’ve gone for a holiday-themed monologue – one of Wetherbee’s trademark acerbic rants. Still, like every YMTE, it’s a chance to discover something new, whether it’s a fresh voice in underground comedy or a promising band to follow.\n\nStream the album at Bandcamp or (as Marc Maron would say), toss YMTE a few shekels so Wetherbee can continue his late night adventures.\n\nThis entry was posted in Comedy and tagged holidays, YMTE. Bookmark the permalink.\n\nOne response to “Sort-of celebrate the holidays with You, Me, Them, Everybody”"
] |
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"Home Inspiration HOW DO THE DEAD REALIZE THEY ARE DEAD ?\n\nThe dead person does not realize that he died at the beginning. He feels himself dreaming of death, he sees himself crying, bathing, knotting himself and going down to the grave.\n\nHe always has the impression of dreaming when he is piled up on the ground. He then screams but no one hears his scream.\n\nLater, when everyone is dispersed and left alone underground, Allah restores his soul. He opens his eyes and wakes up from his “bad dream”. At first he is happy and grateful that what he was going through was just a nightmare, and now he is awake from his sleep. Then he begins to touch his body, which has just been wrapped in a cloth, questioning it with surprise.\n\n“Where’s my shirt, where are my underwear ?”\n\nThen he continues: “Where am I, where is this place, why the smell of dirt and mud everywhere, what am I doing here ?”\n\nThen he begins to realize that he is underground, and what he is experiencing is not a dream ! Yes, he realized he was really dead.\n\nHe shouts as loudly as possible, calls: his relatives who, according to him, could save him:\n\nNo one answers him. He then remembers that Allah is the only hope right now. He weeps for Him and implores Him while asking His forgiveness; Yah Allah ! Yah Allah !! Forgive me Yah Allah… !!!\n\nHe screams in an incredible fear that he had never felt before, during his lifetime.\n\nIf he is a good person, two angels with a smiling face will sit him down to comfort him, then do him the best service.\n\nIf he is a bad person,two angels will increase his fear and torture him according to his ugly acts.\n\nOh Allah, forgive my sins and the sins of my mother, father, wife, children and all my family and friends.\n\nBrother and sisters in Islam, you have two options here:\n\n1. Let this little knowledge only be read here and nothing happens.\n\n2. Pray for your family, Yah Allah, don’t take my life until I’m at my best and ready to meet you.",
"The Islamic stands on Population And Housing Census – Watch Live\n\nI fear muslims more than Christians and their Pastors – Mallam...\n\nmamghonline - September 20, 2021\n0\nIn an exclusive interview on the programme tagged ''MY JOURNEY TO ISLAAM'' on MAM TV Online, Mallam Ismail Boakye said ''after...\n\nMen Are Shy than Women, they always want their private matters...\n\nchallenge your soul Recharge your Imaan to establish a \"mass movement\" in Dawah through training and mobilizing a network of Daees across the world.\nContact us:\n\nMISSION\nOur aim is to establish grass roots dawah activities in local towns and villages throughout the country delivering dawah, training new Muslims and most of all inviting people towards goodness and the right path (Islam).\n\nVISION\nThe primary vision of the life of this movement is to support and practically go out to the poor and needy in the local Muslim community and others through the fund (MAM FOUNDATION). We are hopeful of building Islamic facilities such as hospitals/clinics, schools, youth resource centers, orphanages, etc to ease the burdens of the less privileged, orphans, widows, and the needy."
] |
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"15% rise in visitors for Intertextile Apparel\n\nFrom its debut of 123 exhibitors in 1995, to more than 4,400 at this year’s Autumn Edition: Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics has grown exponentially in the last quarter of a century.\n\nFrom its debut of 123 exhibitors in 1995, to more than 4,400 at this year’s Autumn Edition: Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics has grown exponentially in the last quarter of a century. The fair’s 25th anniversary celebrations represented a trading platform that has become highly regarded as the best place to find business in China, as well as an ideal platform to meet global partners. With 89,662 visitors from over 120 countries & regions and a wide range of markets (a 15 per cent increase from 2018, which featured 78,131 from 103 countries and regions) there is always potential to be found at Intertextile.\n\n“China remains a huge part of many exhibitors’ global market strategy, of course in part because of the large domestic purchasing power, but also because much of global fashion has business in China’s advanced manufacturing industry,†commented Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd. “The key to business in China is interaction, face-to-face, especially with textiles that should be seen and felt up close. 25 years of experience have made this a trusted platform, for both exhibitors and trade buyers in China, to trade textiles. This is how Intertextile welcomes loyal exhibitors back each year, while also including plenty of new options at each edition.â€\n\nAbout 4,422 exhibitors from 33 countries & regions (2018: 4,480 exhibitors from 33 countries & regions) exhibited at the show, including some who have participated for 10 to 20 years in a row and were recognised at a gala dinner on 25 September. High quality trade buyers praised the comprehensive nature of Intertextile’s product range, as the fair was recognised as a one-stop shop for apparel products across the board. Product zones, such as Functional Lab and Beyond Denim, also offered an easier way to quickly match exhibitors with their target buyers.\n\n“Thanks to the fair’s positive reputation within the industry, exhibitors use Intertextile as a platform to reveal their latest collections, meaning that visitors can be the first to see and feel innovation,†continued Ms Wen. “This in turn attracts more visitors from all over the world – at this edition; we welcomed trade buyers from even more countries & regions. So no matter what problems one market or economy may endure at the time, Intertextile’s diverse network of suppliers and buyers ensure that business can always be found at the fair.â€"
] |
] | [null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Time Reading", "alt_text": "Times Kdrama Plot Schedule and Episodes", "rendered_width": 1046, "rendered_height": 698, "original_width": 700, "original_height": 467, "format": "jpeg"}, null] | {"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038916163.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20210419173508-20210419203508-00284.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 384002785, "warc_record_length": 12907} | [
"They always choose quality over quantity, and this is their main way to success. We want to know which Korean drama you liked the most to date, so do share it with us in the comments section below. Now, we want to return to the main topic of this article, the main thing that you have all covered here. Yes, we have got all the details about the recently released Korean drama series ‘Times’ and those who are very excited to find out, then you have come to the right place to find all these details.\n\nThe series has a total of 12 episodes of which 2 have been released, and there are still 10 episodes left for premiere, and we have got a full episode schedule for you so you can get a clear picture of when the episodes are coming. is released, and your curiosity about the series will remain true. But before that, we want to let you know that the title of this episode was not disclosed, so we will share it in our upcoming update on this site and not this one. So, here is the complete episode schedule for the upcoming episodes;\n\nThe series features Lee Seo-Jin as Lee Jin-Woo, Lee Joo-Young as Seo Jung-In, Kim Young-Chul as Seo Ki-Tae, Moon Jeong-Hee as Kim Young-Joo, Kim In-Kwon in the role of Do Young-Jae, Moon Ji-In played Myung Soo-Kyung, Ha-Joon in the role of Lee Geun-Woo in the main and recurring roles, and from our experience that we have observed from the two episodes that have been released, we can say that they just finished their performance and all were so amazing and amazing the whole time.\n\nYoon Jong-Ho is the director of this Korean drama series, and he has done such an amazing job that after only two episodes, he received so many awards and applause that he didn’t expect even after the series was complete. Lee Sae-Bom and An Hye-Jin are the writers of this series, and they also have made a huge contribution to this wonderful series. Since we’ve shared the episode schedule with all of you, and from there, it may be clear that every week two episodes are released, one on Saturday and one on Sunday at 10:30 pm.",
"The series revolves around Lee Jin-Woo and Seo Jung-In and they are the two main characters that form the basis of the complete story. Lee Jin-Woo was a reporter who only worked for the truth and he was the most honest reporter at that time. In 2020, Seo Jung-In started working as a reporter and he too followed the same line and decided to work only for the truth. He is passionate or we can say very passionate about his job. One day, somehow the two of them connected via a phone call.\n\nTogether they both try to save the life of the South Korean president who is Seo-Jung’s father. The two of them then face a bitter and dangerous reality that really weighs down on them. As of now, we have shared almost every detail about this Korean drama and if some more updates are announced, then we will update them on this site. If you haven’t started watching this series yet, then at the end of the article we want to let you know that you missed something that was really obtained, so start watching this Korean drama as soon as possible."
] |
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"Microsoft’s new tablet has functions of a laptop\n\nMicrosoft’s new tablet has functions of a laptop",
"Microsoft said yesterday it will launch the Surface Pro 3 on Aug. 28, a tablet PC that can be used as a laptop, in Korea.\n\nThe company is aiming to compete with Apple in terms of hardware and to surpass Google with its software.\n\nBut its previous tablet PCs, including Surface RT and Surface Pro 2 have not been successful in the global market and have forced Microsoft to take on hundreds of millions of dollars in losses over the past two years.\n\nHowever, at a press conference held at Microsoft Korea’s office in Gwanghwamun, central Seoul, the company expressed confidence in the Surface Pro 3, saying it will be competition for Apple’s MacBook Air.\n\nThe company added that the Surface Pro 3 will draw Korean consumers who want a tablet and those who are shopping for a laptop.\n\n“We have created a tablet PC that users can experience everything they did on laptops so that they will no longer need a separate laptop,” said Cho Sung-woo, marketing manager at Microsoft Korea.\n\nIt has all the same features as a laptop, runs on Windows 8.1 and weighs 800 grams. When writing with the pen function, the smoothness makes it feel as though ink is flowing onto the screen.\n\n“According to Microsoft survey, 96 percent of tablet users also use a laptop. This shows how much tablet PCs are limited in terms of usage,” said a spokesman for Microsoft.\n\n“There are forecasts that the popularity of tablet PCs will naturally cool down. In such environment, Surface Pro 3, which can substitute a laptop, will become a game changer that will change the definition of a tablet PC.”\n\nThe screen is thinner and has an aspect ratio of 3:2.\n\n“In recognition of this innovation, global companies such as BMW, Louis Vuitton and Coca Cola have adopted Surface Pro 3 to use for business. We expect that the surface Pro 3 will have a huge impact on the fastest and the most dynamic Korean market.”"
] |
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"Kind of space-opera, kind of not? Off Planet intrigues me because it’s kind of about interstellar war, or at least the tricksy politics that can lead to an interstellar war, yet its main characters aren’t (with a few exceptions) soldiers or politicians. The protagonist is literally just trying to live her life, mind her own business, but others can’t have that. Aileen Erin crafts some fairly interesting and intense situations and brings a fair amount of creativity to the worlds she shows us here. Thanks to NetGalley and INscribe Digital for the eARC.\n\nMaité Martinez is half-human, half-Aunare. This is dangerous while she still lives on Earth, which is essentially ruled by a single corporation, SpaceTech. Back when Maité was a kid, SpaceTech massacred Aunare who lived on its planets, and “halfers” are not welcome. So she hides who she is, biding her time until she can get herself and her mother off this planet. But when people from her past show up looking for her, because she happens to be the daughter of the second-most powerful Aunare, Maité’s fragile little life falls apart. Exiled to Abaddon, SpaceTech’s gruelling mining labour camp, Maité barely survives while she and her allies try to figure out if there is any way she can escape that place that doesn’t mean interstellar war.\n\nOff Planet takes a little to get going. Even though Erin sets up the main conflict fairly early, the first act still feels somewhat long to me. Honestly, though? This is a rare instance where I’m comfortable saying you should hang in there: the climax is worth it, at least in my opinion. I was tearing up while Maité screamed, “Do it! Jump!” and was having flashbacks to Battlestar Galactica and Starbuck screaming, “WE’RE GOING THE WRONG WAY!” Chills down my spine, the moment was just so intense. So, well done there, Erin: you create a sense of urgency and tension as we wonder who, if anyone, will survive the final battle. While the book kind of ends on a cliffhanger, it resolves enough loose ends to leave me satisfied.\n\nI’m rather disappointed with the antagonists. We don’t actually meet too many of them. We briefly encounter Jason Murtagh in the most uncomfortable way, of course. Beyond that, all we really know about them comes from voices and proxies and what Maité’s friends tell us about them. They are the bad guys. They hate aliens/Aunare and just want to make war and money! It’s a fairly one-dimensional motivation, and while I find the idea of an interstellar corporate feudal hierarchy as compelling and believable as the next person living in the 21st century would … I need my villains to be a bit more fleshed out here.\n\nThe same could be said for Maité’s allies, to be honest. There aren’t that many shades of grey here—we get a few characters, like Matthew and Carl, who seem fairly neutral. But it seems like most of the people we encounter are either in Murtagh’s pocket or totally on Maité’s side (and deduce, fairly quickly, her terribly-kept secret). Don’t get me wrong: I’m not complaining that she has so many people who want to help her. I just wish we could see more characters who are grappling with the tension between helping her and being punished, or characters who start off well-disposed to her but then betray her for some reason.\n\nPeople are complex, is what I’m saying. For the most part, though, the characters of Off Planet are not. Maité herself is probably a notable exception, thankfully. I like how Erin manages to endow Maité with sufficient agency despite her role as a pawn in this interstellar chess game. Maité displays an incredible amount of dignity and strength (though I’m annoyed by how often Declan and Lorne tell her this, and Declan sharing those videos without her consent crosses a line). Most importantly, I like that she is always looking for a solution instead of listening to those who are telling her to wait around until Declan or someone else can extract her. That’s my kind of protagonist!\n\nOff Planet had some highs and lows for me. I’d rather a book that’s up and down in quality, however, than something that is just aggressively mediocre—and I can safely say that Off Planet isn’t that. Will I read the next book? Definitely maybe.",
] |
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"E.J. Liddell explains how he got past the hateful messages after Ohio State's tournament lost\n\nE.J. Liddell said he stayed off social media but he did check his messages on Instagram. He later made those messages public because he said they stuck out.",
"When E.J. Liddell received death threats and messages of racism and hate on social media last month after Ohio State’s men’s basketball team suffered an early loss in the NCAA tournament, Liddell knew his family was supporting him off the court.\n\nHe also knew the social media posts would deeply impact his mom. With Mother’s Day coming up, Liddell reflected on how their relationship helped get him through one of the most challenging times he’s experienced as a college athlete.\n\nThe sophomore communications major calls his mom, Michelle, a super fan, \"It's like she's in the game with me and feels what I feel.”\n\nLiddell, 20, knew his mom would also feel the vitriol directed at him on social media once she found out what happened on March 19 after OSU’s loss to Oral Roberts University. Liddell said he stayed off social media but he did check his messages on Instagram.\n\nHe later made those messages public because he said they stuck out. The experience, he said, educated him in a way no college professor could.\n\n“For the millions of people there's also the one or two that are going to be negative…everybody is not going to be on the same page as you as always,” Liddell said.\n\nThe social media posts were angry, abusive, and racist. And, there was a threat to his life. “I just couldn't believe somebody could actually go there but also factoring in people gambling on a game,” Michelle said. “But a threat on his life? I was in disbelief. It was kind of hard.”\n\nLiddell said once the messages were public, he knew his mother’s protective mode would come out. He said he knows firsthand that the “momma bear” phenomenon is a real thing. He also knew his family would be worried.\n\n“I heard my husband on the phone with someone who sounded irate and when he got off the phone I was like who was that? It was someone we knew who saw what E.J. had posted,” Michelle said.\n\nThe backing from home and here in central Ohio helped Liddell navigate the news conference where he talked about the threats publicly.\n\n“I was like ready to get in the car and go up there, but I was like I didn't know what to do because we didn't know where it came from. I just wanted to be there to give him a hug and let him know he had support,” Michelle said.\n\nMichelle knows a lot about how to give support and can attest to the labor of love. She balances her career, marriage, and family, like many mothers do. She’s mom to four children, two girls and two boys: Erica, E.J. and twins Myah and Myles.\n\nCollege athletics is not new to the Liddell family.\n\nHis parents were student-athletes at Illinois State University. His dad, Eric played football and his mom played volleyball.\n\nMichelle said they relate to the demands of competing at the division one level. However, she didn’t relate at all to the 'hate' her son received after Ohio State's first-round fall to Oral Roberts in this year's NCAA tournament.\n\nLiddell said he ultimately made the messages public because he wanted to use his voice to drown out the haters.\n\nBut, everything he went through is also a reminder to him about family ties and the special appreciation he has for his number one fan.\n\n“I’m happy that I have both parents in my life. They've been there my whole life to support me, but my Mom really does hold a special place in my heart.\""
] |
] | [null, {"document_url": "", "unformatted_src": "", "src": "", "formatted_filename": "Ali Gatie", "alt_text": "Live Nation to bring superstar Ali Gatie at Dubai\u2019s Rock The Rotunda ", "original_width": 830, "original_height": 553, "format": "jpeg"}, null] | {"url": "", "warc_filename": "crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593657131734.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20200712051058-20200712081058-00257.warc.gz", "warc_record_offset": 1124276927, "warc_record_length": 16231} | [
"Tickets to go on sale at noon today",
"We’re already getting excited for the stellar line-up of acts coming to Dubai this February, but now we have one more rocktastic gig to look forward to.\n\nLive Nation’s Rock The Rotunda is bringing in Toronto-based rapper Ali Gatie to Dubai, and tickets for the massive show are set to go on sale today (Wednesday February 5).\n\nSet to perform at The Rotunda at Caesars Palace Bluewaters Dubai on Friday February 28, the superstar rapper, singer and songwriter will be returning to the UAE after spending his childhood growing up in the country.\n\nWhat isn’t Ali Gatie known for? Smash hit Moonlight gained just under eight million views on YouTube, while 2019’s It's You became his mainstream breakthrough with a whopping 650 million streams.\n\nMusic fans can expect to hear some of his best tunes from his first album, You, including his latest single What If I Told You That I Love You and plenty more.\n\nRock the Rotunda kicked off the year with a completely sold out show by Prateek Kuhad in January, along with French comedian Malik Bentalha coming up in March – with an already sold-out gig.\n\nKnow you’re going to be there? Tickets are set to go on sale today from noon onwards, and you can nab them via Better be fast.\n\nFor more amazing live performances and acts coming up this month around Dubai, click here."
] |
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"ANKENY, Iowa—Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that MarCom Awards has recognized the school for two of its centennial publications. The Centennial Edition of SOAR magazine was named a Gold Award winner in the Educational Institution category, and the recently published book Rooted in Faith was named Honorable Mention in the Print Media category, which included all modes of competition, including Fortune 500 companies.\n\nMarCom Awards is one of the largest, most recognized, and most prestigious creative competitions in the world. Entries are judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). MarCom received over 6,000 entries from 41 different countries for this year’s competition, ranging from major corporations to advertising agencies, public relations firms, colleges, and universities. According to MarCom, approximately 20 percent of entries are named Gold Winners on average, and ten percent are named Honorable Mention.",
"SOAR Magazine is Faith’s alumni publication. It is typically a 16-page printing that is produced two times per year on average. Due to the significance of Faith’s centennial season and the desire to highlight the historic occasion, more emphasis was placed on a larger-scale project, which resulted in a 74-page Centennial Edition magazine—the largest magazine ever produced by Faith. The Centennial Edition SOAR gave an overview of Faith’s history, told of its connection to the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, highlighted the history of Faith Athletics, and told stories of some of the school’s oldest-living alumni and longtime employees.",
"About Rooted in Faith\n\nRooted in Faith is a recently-published 328-page book that recaps Faith Baptist Bible College’s entire 100-year history. It was written and designed by the Faith Baptist Bible College Communications Department as a hardcover, coffee table book, with an equal distribution of pictures and written content that highlight the events and people that have shaped Faith’s history since 1921. The book was inspired by Dr. John L. Patten’s “For The Truth’s Sake,” which told the school’s history for the first 50 years and was published in 1979. Rooted in Faith is available through the Faith Bookstore and can be purchased in person at the Faith Bookstore or through mail order at\n\n“Experience the peaks and valleys of one of the oldest Bible colleges in America through this 100-year historical documentary. Discover the stories of hard work, self-sacrifice, dedication, and deeply-rooted faith in the Lord that have allowed Faith Baptist Bible College to survive for 100 years.” –Rooted in Faith\n\nLocated in Ankeny, Iowa, Faith Baptist Bible College is a fully-accredited Bible college dedicated to training men and women for a life of Christian service through leadership positions in churches, schools, camps, and businesses worldwide. Faith is celebrating 100 years as an institution in 2021, making it one of the oldest Bible colleges in America. Faith Baptist Theological Seminary is also celebrating a milestone this year, marking 35 years since its inception."
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"Winnipeg police have charged a 21-year-old man with second-degree murder of a man who went missing in July 2012.\n\nRobert ‘Bobby’ Thomson, then 21, was last seen in the Osborne Liquor Mart with a man and a woman before going missing on July 21.\n\nPolice released a sketch of Thomson last December, hoping anyone with information on his whereabouts would come forward after the family’s desperate plea.\n\nThrough an investigation, police learned Thomson purchased liquor with the two people and then socialized near the Assiniboine riverbank. Police say Thomson and the man got into a fight, ending with Thomson being dumped into the river.\n\nTanner James Prevost was arrested on Monday on an unrelated matter and remains in custody for his alleged involvement."
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"I’ve been told that You and Moses were good friends, like You and Abraham had been, even though he was a murderer.\n\nSo I must assume that if we stop sinning to the best of our ability, that no matter what the sins were, aside from blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, and walk Your way, You’ll forgive us.\n\nSo what happened to Moses, now that he’s on the run?\n\nThe Beginning of Moses\n\n“Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.\n\nAnd the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.\n\nAnd Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.\n\nAnd when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.\n\nAnd he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.\n\nMoreover, he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.\n\nAnd the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;\n\nNow therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.\n\nCome now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.\n\nAnd Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?\n\nAnd he said, Certainly, I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.\n\nAnd Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? What shall I say unto them?\n\nAnd God said unto Moses,1 I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.\n\nAnd God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.\n\nGo, and gather the elders of Israel together, and say unto them, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, appeared unto me, saying, I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt:\n\nAnd they shall hearken to thy voice: and thou shalt come, thou and the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt, and ye shall say unto him, The LORD God of the Hebrews hath met with us: and now let us go, we beseech thee, three days’ journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God.\n\nAnd I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no, not by a mighty hand.\n\nAnd I will stretch out my hand, and smite Egypt with all my wonders, which I will do in the midst, thereof: and after that, he will let you go.\n\nAnd I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty:\n\nBut every woman shall borrow of her neighbor, and of her that sojourned in her house, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: and ye shall put them upon your sons, and upon your daughters; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians” (Ex 3:1-22).\n\n1 Many people do not believe that Jesus is God, but He is. I Am means, Yahweh, Jehovah, and Lord. Jesus calls himself I Am when He was here on earth also.\n\n“Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?\n\nHe says in other places as well:\n\n“And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall n ever thirst (Jn 6:35).\n\nThen spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (Jn 8:12).\n\n“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (Jn 11:25).\n\n“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” (Jn 15:5).\n\nHe had declared to be God more than once:",
"“Fear not; I am the first and the last:\n\nMoses (“I drew him out of the water”) son of Amram and Jochebed from the tribe of Levi, and the younger brother of Miriam and Aaron. At the time of his birth, the Israelites were experiencing severe oppression in Egypt. Moses was adopted by a Egyptian princess and lived in Egypt many years.Later, Moses was forced to flee Egypt after killing an Egyptian overseer who had beaten a Hebrew slave. He escaped into the Sinai desert, met with a Midiante priest named Jethro, and married one of his daughters, Zipporah. He had two sons by Zipporah.The turning point in Moses life was the divine revelation of the burning bush. God ordered Moses to return to Egypt and lead His people out of bondage. Only after a series of ten divinely ordained punishments did Pharaoh agree to set the Israelites free.Moses, at the age of 80, then assumed a new role, leading the Israelites on their historic journey. Moses, at God’s command, parted the Red Sea, to allow an escape route for the Israelites from the Egyptian army. Moses received the Ten Commandments from God, written on two stone tablets on Mount Sinai.The Israelites sinned greatly in the desert, and God wanted to destroy them, but Moses talked to God, and saved His people. Because of their disobedience, grumbling, and not trusting in God, the Israelites were forced to live in the desert for 40 years, where they received manna (a bread-like substance) from heaven, to keep them alive. The entire Exodus generation died off (except for Joshua and Caleb) and their children were the ones who would later settle in Israel.God instructed Moses to build a moveable Temple and to construct the Ark of the Covenant. After witnessing the conquest of the eastern side of the Jordan River,\n\nThe deity takes on many names and forms among different cultures and according to Canaanite mythology, is one and the same as the Assyro-Babylonian goddess Ištar, taken from the third millennium BC Sumerian goddess Inanna, the first primordial goddess of the planet Venus.\n\nAccording to the mysterious but incredible Table of Nations, these Hittites were brown descendants of Heth, son of Canaan. The name Hittite comes from the name Heth. It means “warrior”.\n\nNumbers 13:29 speaks of the Hittites as dwelling in the hill country. This also harmonizes with what archaeology has shown us. The Hittites greatest power was in modern Turkey but extended down to the hill country north of Canaan. The Hittites settled down mostly in central Anatolia, while the Luvians established themselves in the southwest, and the Palaians spread out to the north. They were called the Hatti.\n\nDuring the time of King David and Solomon the Hittites were on the control of the nation of Israel. II Chronicles 8:7 tells us that Solomon levied a tribute on “the people that were left of the Hittites.”\n\nFall of the Hittites\n\nHowever, it was not Assyria which caused the fall of the Hittite Empire. The blow was delivered by the so-called “Sea People,”. This was a group who attacked much of the Middle East by land and sea around 1200 BC. The Sea People are believed to be the people of Phoencian. The people of Phoencian were Canaanites according to new DNA research.\n\nDuring the same timeframe, a new wave of people swept into the region, the Phrygians. Even the might of the Hittite Empire could not hold back the tide.\n\nWhere did the Hittites Go?\n\nWhen Phrygians moved through the Anatolian Peninsula, they drove many of the Hittites into the lands of Syria. But that is not the only place they went.\n\nNotice what the Encyclopedia Britannica says:\n\n“The earliest known inhabitants of the country [Germany] were the Chatti, who lived here during the first century a.d. ‘Alike both in race and language,’ says Walther Schultze, ‘the Chatti and the Hessi are identical’” (”Hesse,” vol. 13). Furthermore, the Old High German spelling of Hesse was Hatti!\n\nThey were the Hessians in history. The Hessians were known for the military skill and worked as Mercenaries. The Hessian army were the same people who fought George Washington on Christmas Day crossing the Delaware.\n\nAlso Napoleon marched into Germany to unseat the Hessian Prince, Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. He left $3,000,000 to Nathan Mayer and fled to Denmark. The money was never returned to Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau. This is how Nathan Mayer Rothschild got their start, they invested this money and started their own banks. Also rented out the Hessiah Army.\n\nThe only dark people anywhere on the face of this planet bearing the name Hatti or Chatti (that is, Hittites) are amongst the American Indians. Europeans first encountered them in New England and in the plains of America. The inter-tribal name of the plains confederation of the Indians was “Chatti”. The main tribe was the Sioux, living in both North and South Dakota. Even today, they call themselves Očhéti Šakówį.\n\nThey are an exception to the rule that the American Indians are brachycephalic (i.e. round-headed), a characteristic of Mongoloids- the Sioux are actually long-headed (dolichocephalic). Their features are quite different too. For example, their noses are hooked and longer than most Indians. Moses was notified of his imminent death. Moses conferred his authority upon Joshua, to lead the 600,000 men (not counting women and children) into the land of “milk and honey.” Moses died at age 120.He is credited with writing the first five books of the Bible. He talked with God and at God’s command he performed amazing miracles. The story of Moses is covered in the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. He is mentioned 80 times in the New Testament, usually as a lawgiver. He is also seen as the prophet who points the way to Jesus. Moses, along with Elijah appeared in the Transfiguration with Jesus."
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"Jodie’s involvement with Rotary began in the early 1990s when she attended Handicamp, a District 9470 Youth program supporting people with disability. On the conclusion of the program she joined Rotaract and enjoyed over seven years as a Rotaractor before being asked to join Ascot Rotary in 2000. Jodie transferred to the Rotary Club of Southern Districts in 2015.\n\nAt club level Jodie has held most Board positions, and was President at Ascot in 2006-07. Jodie was awarded Ascot’s inaugural Rotarian of the Year in 2009. She is currently serving as Club Secretary at Southern Districts.\n\nJodie was District Governor in 2011-12 – one of the highlights of her time in Rotary. She has volunteered her professional skills to work on the District Newsletter, Website and Directory. Jodie is a Rotary Leadership Institute trainer and is a trained Club Vision Facilitator, serving as part of the District 9465 Visioning Team. Jodie has been part of the Zone Training team since 2016 and has been an International Assembly Training Team leader in San Diego in 2018 and 2019. She is looking forward to the challenge of Zone training coordinator in 2019.\n\nAfter serving as an Assistant Rotary Coordinator (looking after the two WA Districts) in 2015-18, Jodie is proud to be serving on the RI committee of Young PDGs for the second year. Jodie was privileged to represent the committee at the RI Board Meeting in January 2018.\n\nAfter many years in corporate marketing and management roles, Jodie feels fortunate to manage the Western Australian Motor Industry Foundation, a WA charity that supports families with disability with the transport program Wheels for Hope.\n\nJodie lives close to the city with her spoilt furbaby Hamlin, and in any spare time enjoys travelling, good wine and spending time with family and friends.",
] |
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