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Your first Lesson today will be the most IMPORTANT Lesson of the SEW-A-LONG. You need to take particular care and accuracy when you are measuring yourself today as that determines a good fit for the bodice and ultimately a fantastic fitting dress at the end. And it's fine if you make more than one Calico Toile. It's better to be sure than cut into that gorgeous fabric that you've spent an arm and a leg and it's not correct. Try not to be overwhelmed with all the info I'll be posting up about the Calico Toile and fitting. It will be new for you but I'll be taking you out of your comfort zone and that can be overwhelming but by the end of the SEW-A-LONG you will have more skills in your sewing tool kit. And that is my mission! Ok, so let's get started! Here's What You'll Achieve Today: How to Measure Yourself Correctly: It's important to measure yourself correctly right from the start - when you have your correct measurements there is less room for error. IMPORTANT - make sure you wear your best bra when you measure yourself as it does make a difference with the bra you wear. Your best bra needs to make your GIRLS sit up and look confident. As the dress at the end really features your bustline and your waist. So it is a must that you wear your bestest bra for the measuring and then wear it with the dress. So with that in mind and to help you with your measuring I've attached a PDF on 'How to Measure Yourself' Form and Guide. So step 1 is to measure yourself and write down those measurements on the PDF I've provided. Deciding on What Size to Use: Ok, now that you've done your measurements: So, let's just say: With the example above you would use size 8/12 for the bust and size 6/10 for the waist. In the pattern instructions (on page 9) I explain how to print out only the size you want OR you can just print out all the sizes and work from there. Either way is ok. Then you would draw in your size D Cup line on the Side Front Bodice piece. Below I'll show you how I picked the size for me. I'm a size 10 bust with a B cup, a size 10 waist and a size 12 hip - so I'm a lovely pear shape or I like to think I'm an hourglass shape. But if you follow what I've done below it applies to all sizes and size combinations. I chose to print all the sizes out and started with the front side panel. Then cut along the B cup line. I then cut the size 10 line for the side seam and armhole. Then I cut away the tiny bit to make the B cup size line up with the size 10 at the top of the panel. With the CF panel I cut out the size 10. Don't forget if you are a D or DD cup size you need to cut on the line that you need at the waist. And for the back I just cut a straight size 10. So, if you are multi sized - say a size 14 bust and size 10 waist you need to connect the sizes by drawing a slightly curved line from the 14 at the underarm down to the 10 at the waist and then continue cutting the size 14 line for the underarm. And vice versa if you are a size 10 bust and a size 14 waist you will draw a line from the size 10 bust down to the size 14 waist and so on for other size combinations. Make sure, however, whatever alterations you do to the front side panel at the side seam you need to do the same for the back bodice as well. So, go ahead and work out what size/s you are and the cup size to use and print out your size/s and draw the cup size line on your Side Front Bodice piece. Make the skirt size the same as the waist size on the bodice. Don't forget if you run into any trouble with choosing your size/s come over to the facebook page and ask away. How to Sew Your Calico Toile for the Fitting Stage 1. Make sure you cut out the following pieces for the Calico Toile: 2. Once you've cut out the pattern pieces and while the pattern is still pinned to the calico mark the notches either with tailors chalk, pencil or nick with scissors: 3. Starting with the CF panel, and sewing with a contrast thread, sew a stay stitch 6mm/1/4" in from edge on the outer seams from notch to notch. 4. Sew a stay stitch 12mm/1/2" up from the waist edge. 5. Sew a stay stitch 6mm/1/4" in from the neck and armhole edges. 6. Then nick into the outer seam of the CF panel between the two notches making sure not to cut the stitching. 7. Sew a stay stitch 12mm/1/2" up from waist edge and 6mm/1/4" in from armhole edge. 8. With the right sides together of the CF and Side front panel match up the notches and pin together and sew a seam 12mm/1/2" in from edge. Repeat this step for the other side of the bodice. Press seams to the CF. 9. Make sure that you've marked the notches for the back and neck darts and the CB. 10. Sew a stay stitch down the CB from notch to notch. 11. Sew a stay stitch 12mm/1/2" up from the waist edge and 6mm/1/4" in from neck and armhole edges. Repeat these steps with the other side. 12. On the wrong side sew the neck and waist darts and press to the side seam. 13. With right sides together sew the shoulder seams and side seams 12mm/1/2" in from edge. Press the seams open. 14. Nick into the curved edges eg. neck and armhole edges - every 12mm/1/2" making sure you don't cut the stitching. 15. Now fold the neck, armhole and waist edges in to the wrong side at the stay stitch and sew in place. 15. Now your Calico Toile is ready to fit. The reason why I turned all the edges in is so the Calico Toile mimic how the actual bodice will fit you when it's finished. You need to get the seam allowances out of the way when you are fitting. That way you will be able to see if the across chest and across back is too big or small and the front and back lengths are too long or short. Ok, that's it for today. You've done really well - celebrate with a beverage of your choice. The next lesson you are going to fit your Calico Toile and nut out the fitting problems you might have. This lesson in particular will help you if you take photos of your Calico Toile on you and post it in the facebook group so I can help you with any fitting issues you might be having. The MiSS AUDREY DRESS SEW-A-LONG Ok, you've done fantastic work so far..... so let's keep going! This is the lesson I would like you to take photos of yourself in your Toile and post it in the facebook group.......that's if you are having trouble fitting your bodice. Remember I said yesterday that you need to measure yourselves correctly....well this is why! Your fitting stage should just have a few tweaks. But don't worry if you have a lot of tweaks.....I'm here to help you. There might be quite a number of alterations that need to be done to your Toile so it's looking fab on you and below I'll be taking you through some examples to help you with the process. Here's what you'll achieve today Fitting your Calico Toile I'll take you through the my fitting process and explain what I've done and at the end I'll show you examples of my Testers and what they did to get their Toile fitting like a glove. Now, fitting is a personal preference. Some like a very firm fit and some don't. Personally, I like a firm fit so don't thin that you need to do the same. Adjust your bodice the way that feels best for you. 1. I got hubby to pin on the stitching line for me.......and might I say he did a good job. Now whilst the fit is good on the back bodice it could be taken in across the bodice just above the waist to get rid of the wrinkles. But I chose not to. Again, personal preference. 2. The front bodice look fine too but I chose to take in the front neck and also take in the waist. 3. I pinned where I wanted to remove the excess fabric. Which was the Gaping Front Neck and removing excess fabric at the waist and up the panel line. When you pin in the excess make sure you pin right to the end of the excess fabric. It will look like a dart. You'll understand the reason for this a little later. So, for me that's all I'm going to alter for my Toile. Below are some of the Testers who I worked with during their fitting process for their Toiles. Here we have the lovely Nat who made the following alterations to her bodice: 1. Nat pinned in the neck and formed a dart and also the bust was pinned in but it's not shown here. 2. Nat pinned the excess fabric across the bodice just up from the waist. This is called a 'Sway Back' alteration. Here we have Abbie and these are the alterations to her Toile: 1. It seemed that Abbie's Toile was too big everywhere so I suggested that she just make another one and go down a size. 2. A much better fit for Abbie and really on a tweak at the slight gaping front neckline. Here we have Debbie and her alterations were: Debbie's alterations were just the gaping front neck and the back neck dart needed taking in or you can take out the dart altogether by doing an 'Across Back' alteration. Types of Bodice Alterations The main bodice alterations that I've come across are: Your Mission Today Step 1 - So what you need to do now is to try on your Toile and get someone to pin the CB seam at the stitching and have a really good look at where it's baggy, tight, gaping and start pinning in the excess fabric. If you are having trouble working out what is going on take photos of your front, back and side on views and post them in the facebook group so I can help you. In Lesson 3 you'll learn how to transfer your Toile alterations to your pattern pieces. The MiSS AUDREY DRESS SEW-A-LONG Welcome to the MiSS AUDREY Sew-A-Long. My name is Ann Martin (that's me above) and I'll be leading you through the sewing process of my beautiful new pattern and to make sure you learn as much as you can about making this pattern fit YOUR SHAPE! I've also got a facebook group so you can ask questions and get my support and others in the group. Hopefully it will be a fun experience for you. So if you haven't already joined click on the link HERE and request to join. The MiSS AUDREY DRESS is just the piece you need in your wardrobe to take you from school pickups, lunch with the gals, dinner with your loved one, boardroom meetings and off to the races. It is a very versatile dress and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. The Dress Features: The Pattern Features: Skill Level - Intermediate How the SEW-A-LONG Works I'll be sending out via email all the instructions in a step-by-step format every 2 to 3 days starting tomorrow. Follow along and then come over to the facebook group if you have any questions or need help with any step that you don't understand. Posting pics of where you are having problems will really help me to solve a problem for you. I also encourage you all to come into the facebook group and help each other out if you know of a solution for them. What You'll Need for the SEW-A-LONG So pop out now and pick up all your supplies - if you haven't already done so - and join the facebook group and see you there bright and early tomorrow to get started on your Calico Toile. The MiSS AUDREY LANE DRESS SEW-A-LONG
The innate awaking is to release such illusory and limited concepts, identifications, and fixations and then create space to effect a reconnection with their innate intelligent transconceptual evolutionary power. When a very little infant this connection may be intact and dominant, but it is not conscious. The infant spontaneously and subjectively explores the universe naturally in pure boringness and presence But then the veil of ignorance based on the dualistic separateness of disconnection is taught to him unknowingly, in place of acknowledging knowledge the inner, the energetic, and multidimensional correspondences which exist simultaneously within the physical body, energy body, mental body, nature and the universe. However this yoga teaching acknowledges these inner and outer correspondences rather than distracts one away from them. Being distracted is a severe impediment which dissociates the human being from the source of life and hence life is not acknowledged, honored or respected by such distracted beings whose connection points have become dulled and blunted by institutionalized ignorance. Authentic yoga is designed to bring the conscious mind in synergistic harmony with the natural evolutionary power and primordial awareness. Hence the rigidity and repression of the natural movements becomes only a temporary malaise. Once the kundalini is allowed to roam freely again the body and energetic patterns will subconsciously stretch, activate, and reconnect but this time the conscious mind one will act as an observer of the activity of the innate intelligence as well as its appendage/servant. This is the true meaning of what is meant by surrender (isvara pranidhana). This is not to say that the mind is the servant of the physical body, but rather to the implicate source which the physical embodiment is a result. This is called meeting cause through its effect. Most human beings in Western societies have become repressed, shut down, and dissociated at an early age by left brain dominant negative conditioning, so that the intuitive spontaneous activity is mostly feared, abandoned, and remains repressed and dormant. In fact it opposes the ego; or rather the ego opposes it. One could thus say that the intuitive evolutionary energy has gone to sleep, has become diminished, or deadened in such people, but a hatha yogi attempts to give their bodymind and tongue a free range of movement — now. Many studies and experiments show that the energy of the nervous system can consciously benefit from these activities preventing them from shutting down. The awareness of the energy state and functioning of the various neuro-physiological activities can also be consciously activated, extended and integrated. Mostly in the West we are not trained on this inner process, so it is either relegated to the unconscious or sometimes even scorned as animalistic. Rather this evolutionary power in nature lies dormant in human beings as part of nature. So as the yogi stimulates the kundalini by cleaning out and strengthening the nadis, and activating previously dormant circuitry one’s conscious power also increases alongside this process. In Upanishadic, terms as the kundalini Shakti increases, so too does the cit-shakti. Classically this is the mutually synergistic relationship between Sat and Cit, form and void, nature and mind, differentiated and undifferentiated reality, the true nature of phenomena and the true nature of mind, THA and A, Moon and Sun, Yin and Yang. Through unbiased watching of the reflexive process of nature – through observation of the true nature of phenomena as-it-is devoid of conceptualization processes. then the true nature of our own mind is simultaneously revealed – one revealing the other instantaneously as primordial awareness and clarity free from the limitations of the three times of past, future, or existential time and existential space. For more details INNATE AWAKENING book is available with aaa center.
Vacuum brewed coffee. It’s all the rage on the greater coffee loving scene of late. Mark Prince has been into them for years, they’ve made numerous appearances in barista competitions, St Ali in Melbourne invited a Japanese syphon coffee champion to give a demonstration of the art, and snobs and geeks across the country seem to be getting in on the action in greater numbers. My first dabbling with vacuum brewed coffee happened after I casually dropped by Fiori Coffee to pay Kam a visit and make a nuisance of myself (as I am prone to doing). Noticing a familiar looking device sitting in a box on the floor I soon found out it was a Cona Vacuum Brewer. Kam, being the gentleman he is, kindly offered to let me try it out, and I’ve been experimenting ever since. The basic principle behind vacuum brewed coffee is that you have two chambers. Water in the bottom chamber is heated, gives off water vapour, and eventually the vapour expands so much that it pushes the rest of the water up the spout into the top chamber. The ground coffee in the top then brews until you take away the heat source, at which point the water vapour cools and the brewed coffee is drawn back down in the bottom chamber. I am by no means any kind of expert when it comes to this kind of thing. I’ve been picking up as many tips from other people as I can. So this post is more of just a pictorial guide to one way you could do it, rather than any kind of how to. The Cona is a very beautiful piece of equipment on it’s own. Shannon Bennett fell in love with it so much that he makes a table side bouillabaisse by infusing fish stock and shell fish using it. The process of brewing coffee in it to me seems more like a science experiment than making coffee, but that’s probably why I like it. My process is as follows: Filter some water and fill the bottom chamber up. This is a ‘D’ series Cona, which holds at most a litre or so in the bottom. I fill it with about 750 ml of water, and put it onto a gas burner to heat up. This isn’t strictly necessary, but the Cona’s standard heat source is a little spirit burner, which takes forever to heat this amount of water. Once some vapours are coming out of the top of the pot, and before it starts to boil, take it off the gas, and lock the top chamber in place on top. Light the spirit burner underneath and add the coffee to the top. I used a measurement of 8 grams of coffee per 150ml of water (I fudged that from the SCAA standard brew ratio recommendations). Which means 40 grams of ground coffee for the amount of water in this example. The coffee is ground at roughly the same level as French press coffee, though I have been varying it lately to see the effects. Obviously you should be using some nice fresh coffee for good results. Now you basically let the Cona work it’s magic. The water will gradually rise up into the top chamber and begin to infuse. When it’s all mostly up in the top, I give it a stir to make sure all the coffee is adequately soaked, which brings out the “bloom” some more. Then when all the water has risen to the top (there will always be some water that doesn’t come up) remove the heat source. The coffee will then slowly start to be sucked back down into the bottom chamber, and the spent grounds stay up the top. Some people wait til the water had all risen to the top chamber before adding the coffee, namely because it infusion all happens at a similar temperature, but I can’t say I’ve tried enough to tell the difference. Here is my pictoral view of the process: – This is great way to brew coffee, it’s an interesting process and the results can be amazing – The Cona has a glass filter rod. I’m not sure how it works exactly, but the cups I’ve had are generally very clean and without grounds. I like that it doesn’t need changing and is easy to clean, but not sure how it compares to cloth filters in brewers like the Hario. – It works best with interesting single origins that are roasted much lighter than espresso to keep their inherent terroir characteristics. – Measuring the coffee in the top chamber through the brew process showed I was getting temperatures around 90 – 95C, which is not boiling obviously, so should be ok. A more specific approach to temperature management would give more reproducible results. – My experiments have yet to yield any outstanding experiences, but I think that’s due to roast level of the coffee, and mastering the technique some more. – There are lots of other ways to do it, here’s a list of other resources I’ve been using: Also, enjoy the giant photos :)
Affordable Development Outcomes congratulates Greater Shepparton City Council on the approval of their Affordable Housing Strategy and looks forward to seeing positive results from the range of actions endorsed by Council to address this pressing issue. The Strategy highlights regional Victoria is not immune to affordability issues, with Greater Shepparton facing an alarming homelessness rate of 5.6 homeless persons per 1,000 – the highest in regional Victoria. Affordable Housing need is also highlighted by the 1,041 households on the Social Housing waiting list, 27% of low income households (2,716 households) in housing stress, and a 10% decrease in private rental housing affordability between 2008 and 2018. Analysis by Affordable Development Outcomes identified an estimated shortfall of at least 1,700 dwellings required to ensure existing very low to low income residents of Greater Shepparton are not homeless or in housing stress. The Strategy adopts a ‘Housing First’ approach and provides Council and stakeholders with a common framework for focusing advocacy, action and investment on four key elements for Affordable Housing provision: Organisational Capacity, Land, Planning Direction, and Investment. Key actions Greater Shepparton City Council will now pursue include: Establishing an Affordable Housing Reference Group to guide implementation and further strengthen local partnerships and advocacy; Strengthening provisions in the Greater Shepparton Planning Scheme to better respond to Affordable Housing opportunities and facilitate private sector participation; Undertaking an assessment of Council-owned assets for potential development as Affordable Housing; Advocacy for State and Federal funding for housing and infrastructure. The development of the Strategy was supported by a State Government grant and involved development of a background paper, extensive research on local Affordable Housing need and stakeholder and community engagement. Contact us to discuss how we can work with your Council to develop a localised Affordable Housing Strategy and Action Plan.
Host: Anti-Aging Psychologist Dr. Michael Brickey Guest: Preventive Cardiologist Dr. Michael Ozner Broadcast and podcast on webtalkradio.net. The podcast is also on the links below Three major research studies show that bypass surgery doesn’t prevent heart attacks or death any more than conservative medical treatment. Further, research shows that angioplasties (with or without stents) don’t prevent heart attacks or deaths any more than conservative medical treatment. There is little research to contradict these well designed, peer reviewed studies published in prominent medical journals. Nevertheless, 1.5 million Americans a year have angioplasties or bypass surgery. Dr. Ozner is very polite and doesn’t go for the jugular. He has his data speak. Cardiac surgery costs at least $60 billion a year and is the star and major profit center of most hospitals. While the medical profession is increasingly emphasizing evidence-based procedures, if it applies evidence-based criteria to cardiac surgery, it will kill the golden goose. It’s amazing that while the data has been around for decades, cardiologists continue to urge angioplasties and by-pass surgeries extensively despite it not having any better results than conservative medical treatment, in most cases. I surprised that Dr. Ozner’s colleagues haven’t tried to tar and feather him for threatening their lucrative careers. I have been trying to sort out how different experts and organizations are emphasizing different causes of cardiovascular. In rejecting the plumbing analogy for cardiovascular disease, Dr. Ozner’s book describes a process that leads to cardiovascular disease. The process starts with excess LDL cholesterol burrowing into the artery walls, joining triglycerides, oxidizing, and prompting inflammation and its aftermath. An intervention at any stage of this process can help. Thus lowering cholesterol helps, lowering triglycerides helps, anti-oxidants help, balancing Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids helps, as does good nutrition, exercise, and stress management. Unchecked, the ultimate problem becomes inflammation, which is not only key to cardiovascular disease but also most chronic diseases. For those who resist following detailed regimes, the basic principles of the Mediterranean or his Miami Mediterranean diet are simple: lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains, lean protein (especially from small cold water fish), and eschewing processed food. I also note that Dr. Ozner’s emphasis on stress nicely reinforced the show we had with Cardiologist Dr. Joel Okner and cardiac psychologist Dr. Jeremy Clorfene. Overall I think The Great American Heart Hoax is the most important cardiology book in the last hundred years. Hopefully it will be a wake-up call for having cardiology become more evidence-based and more holistic.
Cryptocurrency is defined by Wikipedia as a “type of currency in which the value of an online commodity is figured out straight by the worth of a comparable actual asset”. A decentralized system of cash is taken into consideration a Cryptocurrency. Lots of services and also companies around the world have started to adopt Cryptocurrency because of its lots of benefits over traditional methods of settlement, as well as for the reality that it does not bring any intrinsic danger of fraud or theft. The most common type of Cryptocurrency is Cryptocurrency Mining. This occurs when a company accumulates Monero, a sort of Cryptocurrency, from individuals that voluntarily contribute to the venture to enhance the enterprise’s capacity to create profits. By promoting Cryptocurrency deals and offering its customers included privacy, Monero has actually become quite popular in business atmosphere. A variety of other Cryptocurrency Exchanges have likewise emerged over the past few years. These exchanges enable customers of Cryptocurrency to buy and sell their online assets with various other users worldwide. The suggestion behind these tasks is to guarantee that the cash laundering laws of various countries do not apply to the transactions. By allowing Cryptocurrency exchanges to happen, services and individuals who make use of Cryptocurrency will certainly be able to make use of globally money at the same time while making certain complete conformity with neighborhood cash laundering and financial criminal activity legislations. In business world, we typically read about brand-new innovative innovations that enable us to make financial savings and raise market capitalization. We can see this with the countless uses Cryptocurrency on the open market. One such usage is the utilization of Cryptocurrency for online buying. With more individuals turning towards electronic commerce, and the raising appeal of on the internet purchasing generally, the demand for services that approve certain kinds of Cryptocurrency becomes significantly essential. Some Cryptocurrency Exchanges has also seen a phenomenal development in recent times. We can see this growth due to the elements associated with the raising number of Cryptocurrency individuals worldwide. Another variable that has actually made the Cryptocurrency market a leader amongst peers is the fact that this sector’s leading items are open source. This means that every person that wants going into the field can do so at no financial price. For instance, among the leading money that people commonly consider when they are purchasing a type of Cryptocurrency is the Litecoin. This product is based on the Litecoin innovation from the United States, which is similar to the innovation used in the nation to create the Euro currency. Among the most common uses of Cryptocurrencies is creating brand-new organizations around them. Among the most exciting usages for cryptosporms is the use of them to develop brand-new services around the use of various kinds of Cryptocurrency. A few of the companies developing such opportunities are functioning from the presumption that the fostering of brand-new technologies like Bit Telescoping will make the adoption of bitcoins much easier. There are numerous ways that you can buy and sell Cryptocurrencies on the Internet these days. In fact, you can even buy and sell only 2 types of Cryptocurrency if you want: either bitcoins or litecoin. You can pick the one that matches your needs the best by simply checking out the various online brokers out there and also seeing which one has the best offers for you. Nevertheless, before you buy any type of Cryptocurrency on the web, you must ensure that the market is secure which you are managing a sincere broker. A Cryptocurrency, likewise known ascrypto-currency, is a digital money made to function as a circulating medium where personal coin possession details are kept in a public record in a digital journal available in a cutting edge computer system. This type of currency is an internet derivative that works like traditional money with the exemption that it does not have a reserve bank or government by its creation. Consequently, it shares lots of attributes with conventional currencies. The significant benefit of cryptosystems is that their trades are videotaped and also worked out in real time instead of on paper supply or futures. In order to buy a Cryptocurrency, you will certainly first need to open up a cost-free account at one of the online brokers that provide this service. Once your account is opened, you will certainly be required to open a trading account. Your trading account is the main point of entry into the Cryptocurrency industry. When your account has been efficiently established, you can then buy any type of variety of Cryptocurrencies. In order to get Cryptocurrency, the simplest method is to obtain one from someplace and also keep it until you wish to sell it. Several Cryptocurrectives really enable you to acquire something as well as keep it till you intend to market it. This gives you a number of choices, if you are somebody that likes to keep points till they gain worth. You can either get Cryptocurrency from a trustworthy resource such as a website or blog site, or purchase something from an on the internet merchant as well as hold onto it up until you make sufficient cash to supply it offer for sale. One of the most usual Cryptocurrency scams are those which entail acquiring large quantities of bitcoin (cryptocoins) and then keeping them really hoping that the worth will certainly enhance in the future. While there are legitimate situations of individuals making money from purchasing big amounts of bitcoin, the general rule of thumb is that you ought to only spend what you can afford to lose. While it holds true that there are certain circumstances where a large quantity of cash can be made by trading Cryptocurrectives, you need to never risk more than you can afford to lose. The most effective way to identify just how much you can manage to shed is to consult your financial advisor or lawyer. If they really feel that you’re taking the chance of way too much, then you shouldn’t buy the market. There are numerous different sorts of Cryptocurrency that individuals have actually started to make use of. One of the most preferred ones now is Dash, which is worked on the Electronymobile platform. This kind of Cryptocurrency operates off of the bitcoin method. Various other good examples of Cryptocurrencies that are being used today consist of Peercoin and LTC. Peercoin is run off of the peer-to-peer network concept, where financiers trade digital currencies in between themselves. LTC is run of the Litecoin network. bitcoin etf stock tsx These are simply two of the many different forms of Cryptocurrency that people have started to make use of. There are still a great deal of individuals that aren’t acquainted with this things, so it’s really easy for them to start investing if they discover these two major types of investing. If you have an interest in getting into the market however don’t know where to start looking, then I extremely recommend that you look into one of the best courses available: “Crypto Funding Markets”. This is by far the best beginner’s program for purchasing the Digital Possession market. The training course has actually been used by thousands of investors and also has a 100% return price. It is essential to follow the system specifically as the writer instructs due to the fact that you need to come to be a specialist prior to you also think about entering the marketplace.
Antarctic ice is now melting at twice the rate it was in the years leading up to 2011, data from the last three years has shown, suggesting the polar continent will contribute more to global sea level rise than previously thought. The report, entitled Antarctica’s Ice Losses on the Rise, was carried out by a team of scientists from the U.K. Center for Polar Observation and Monitoring, and led by researchers at the University of Leeds. The scientists have produced the first complete assessment of Antarctic ice sheet elevation change based on data from the European Space Agency's CryoSat-2 satellite, which showed that the continent is now losing 159 billion tons of ice each year. “The increasing contribution of Antarctica to sea level rise is a global issue, and we need to use every technique available to understand where and how much ice is being lost,” Professor David Vaughan of the British Antarctic Survey said. "Prediction of the rate of future global sea-level rise must begin with a thorough understanding of current changes in the ice sheets — this study puts us exactly where we need to be." The melting of the polar ice sheets is a major contributor to rising sea levels, and based on the satellite data, predicted ice loss from Antarctica alone is enough to raise sea levels by nearly .02 inches each year — or almost two inches in the next century. West Antarctica was found to be particularly vulnerable to melting, and glacial retreat in that region was found to be accelerating faster than other areas of the continent. “We find that ice losses continue to be most pronounced along the fast-flowing ice streams of the [West Antarctic] Amundsen Sea sector, with thinning rates of between 4 and 8 meters [13 and 26 feet] per year,” lead author of the report Malcolm McMillan, from the University of Leeds, said. Last week, a separate report on West Antarctic glacial melt found that the ice sheets disappearance was “unstoppable,” and scientists updated the predicted sea level rise by 2100 to be at least 7-feet. Yesterday, another report based on a study of Greenland’s glaciers found that scientists had also underestimated its potential contribution to global sea level rise.
Most occasions expecting structural specialists frequently accept they need to go to vocational college to complete their fantasies. Anyway nowadays it is presently workable for you to get all you should be a structural designer from the vocational colleges or local area vocational colleges. Interestingly, inside the space of two years you would have acquired the abilities and finished enough of your preparation to be a pleased holder of a partner certification in designing. With this degree readily available, you would then be able to take the jump toward a vocational college or college so you can secure the following title – the popular four year certification. We as a whole realize that it takes all of three to four years to obtain the fundamental abilities needed to flaunt being an architect. Three to four years of exceptional, and formal contemplating. In a new update from the division of Labor, a four year college education is for all intents and purposes the pre-essential for all section level into designing positions. Consequently, assuming you need to turn out to be more represented considerable authority in a specific space of designing. There are different spaces of focus in the field of structural designing, and these include: the underlying, geotechnical and transportation and aeronautical designing angles to structural designing. There are different viewpoints to the preparation and these comprise of the electrical, electronic, mechanical and general designing courses. At the point when you start to take courses that are explicit to your ideal exchange, you will discover them more specific and click here https://www.caodangvietmy.edu.vn/hoc-dieu-duong-ra-truong-lam-gi/ to get more info. Be that as it may, even in their specialization, they are frequently still enhanced with fundamental math and physical just as life science contemplates. These exchange school courses have the sole impact of preparing the understudy for passage level positions in the space of creation and commonsense plan innovation. Despite the fact that it is obviously true that it is not all exchange schools that offer the four year certification programs, you can have two years of preparing in the exchange schools which will procure you a partner certification in designing tech. The proof is clear. You can make the exchange school inject for certain vocational abilities in the space of structural designing vary from the get-go in your profession. Those individuals who need a timetable they can change in accordance with its their necessities may track down the online alternative more pleasing. This is especially useful for the individuals who need to have their exercises so fit to accommodate their positions and accordingly would not be able to go to genuine classes. The online classes will assist with eliminating an enormous weight off their minds. Whatever your decision over the long haul turns into, all you need to know is that you need to become familiar with the fundamental standards of the field. During the time spent doing this, you are really getting a degree as a little something extra that will help you in getting the four year certification notwithstanding an experts degree, in the event that you like.
Wednesday, 19 December 2012 Russian Submarine - Medway Visitors crossing Rochester Bridge might be shocked to catch a glimpse of a large Russian submarine moored in the river. Rusting and neglected she definitely needs some tender loving care. However, in the half light of an evening sunset it does cut a strange silhouette on the Medway skyline. Purchased by the Russian Submarine company it had previously been moored in London and finally Folkestone before finding its way to the Medway. The problem with any vessel this size is finding a suitable mooring spot for it. The B49 submarine was retired from service in 1994 after her decommission and 23 years under the command of Captain Vitalij Burda from the Russian Naval base in Riga. Built in 1967 the vessel would have served in the Baltic seas. In later days it was used to train friendly nations forces and to play cat and mouse military games with NATO warships and submarines. Known as the "Black Widow" ex Russian Foxtrot B-39 (U 475) this is a Hunter Killer Class Submarine.
We eliminated development and maintenance cost of music video programming software by replacing it with a powerful spreadsheet Tunes Co (not the real name) provides music video programming via a dozen cable television channels. Tunes runs a complex operation that involves content production, music programming, advertisement (ad) insertion and audience measurement. The operation is time critical because Tunes has to provide the video of an entire week’s programming including ads by 5 pm every Saturday. Tunes employees used an application that had an RDBMS back-end and forms front-end to conduct its operation. The operation is described below. Programmers artfully create a week’s program. They use their knowledge of music and culture to make compelling programs consisting of music videos. A program is a play-list of music videos. An ad “trafficker” has to insert ads into the programming. He has to decide what advertisement to place between music videos. He uses a list, called orders, consisting of advertisers, the number of impressions the advertisers purchased and the price they paid. He also uses the number of impressions fulfilled in previous weeks. The trafficker has to ensure that ads are viewed at least as much as the advertisers paid for. He uses viewership analytics provided by Neilson and Rentrak to estimate future viewership from previous airings of the music videos. For programs not aired previously, he estimates the number of views. The programming director forecasts the popularity of new content relative to that of programs with a history. The trafficker gives a of music videos with advertisements in-between the music videos to the Producer. The producer uses a video-editing program to splice music videos and ads in the order given by the trafficker. He sends the week-long video to the cable companies electronically. Advertisement orders were over-fulfilled, under-fulfilled or fulfilled incorrectly. There was frenzied manual activity every Thursday and Friday as everyone in Tunes tried to manually fix an incorrect ad-inserted playlist. The root cause was that rigidity and quality of the RDBMS application worsened as the business rules for trafficking evolved. For example, 1. Spread ads over a week even if you can fulfill the demand in a day 2. Play a Pepsi ad after every song on the New-Age channel 3. Play coke on every channel that airs at least 1 hour of new-age every day but only after the new-age songs 4. Don’t play a Ford advertisement within 30 minutes of a Toyota advertisement unless necessary to fulfill an order on time The art of programming evolved too. Once upon a time, there was one channel for every genre. For example, there was a Pop, R&B and Blues Channel. Today channels air a mix of genres as each channel is perfected to appeal to specific psycho-demographics. I was hired to build an application from ground up to replace the broken RDBMS application The Innovation – The Programming Spreadsheet I started by learning the business of Tunes. Soon I realized that the Tunes operation was an art. A mind-boggling amount of knowledge and skill went into making Tunes successful. To learn, I used a spreadsheet with real data to understand how Tunes worked by example. It allowed me to visualize and change the data easily. I collaborated with the Programmers and Ad-traffickers using my spreadsheet to gather requirements. One of them said about my spreadsheet “That’s how our application should look”, and another said “I wish I could make the changes in our application as easily as you are changing your spreadsheet”. That is when I realized all we needed was a good spreadsheet. I polished my spreadsheet and recorded some macros to ease the job of creating views and pivot tables. This spreadsheet became the Programming Spreadsheet The Programming Spreadsheet became the core system in Tunes and is in use even 7 years later The spreadsheet has multiple tabs or sheets. The inventory sheet is a list of all original and acquired content that Tunes possessed. Producers and Content Acquisition Department add new content to the inventory. Programmers would add last-aired and channel-aired data to this list. The Analytics Department would add viewership data to this list. Programmers add or update the attributes of the videos in the inventory such as genre, psycho-demographics and date it last aired. The orders sheet is a list of sales orders. Salesmen enter new orders into this sheet Programmers inform traffickers when they are done creating the schedule for a week. Traffickers first update the orders sheet with the previous week’s fulfillment data. Then they would fill in new and partially filled orders to create the weekly playlist of ads and content. Producers would export the weekly playlist sheet as a comma separated list. A bash script would make calls to ffmpeg to make the final video. The RDBMS software promised optimal fulfillment. Upon analysis, it was obvious that Tunes had such a high inventory of ad slots, that a simple allocation of ads slots to unfulfilled orders, while skipping slots that violated any rule was adequate. Each column of the trafficking sheet had conditional formatting that would check for and highlight conflicts. The RDBMS software promised automatic programming that would make playlists that would get the highest viewership. In reality, programming music video is an art not easily replicated by algorithms. Algorithms would lack timely contextual input from the real world. For example, a proposed tour of Adelle in Philadelphia would cause people to view Adelle’s music videos in the week before her tour. Expert content programmers were far more effective at this than computer programmers The software promised a database of historical playlists with detailed information about their performance that would be readily accessible. However, exporting the inventory sheet every week to a Microsoft Access database provided the same historical perspective. The Access database was a treasure trove of information. One script showed a strong relation between popularity of upbeat music in the first and last week of a month, but greater popularity of moody music during the second and third months Note: I don’t recall the numerical values of the metrics below, since it has been 7 years since I last worked on this project 1. Order fulfillment, which is the percent of orders filled on-time was up 2. Advertisement conflict, which is the percent of time that a fulfillment violated a generic rule or a rule specified by an advertiser was down 3. Increase in brand association was up. Brand association is measured as the percent of users who correctly identified the brands associated with a song, genre or artist. This number should increase after a successful advertisement campaign on Tunes 4. Median time between advertisements increased even as total advertisements increased. 5. Variation in time between advertisements decreased. When using the RDMS software, traffickers would “jam” a popular channel with advertisements when they run out of time to find a way to spread the advertisements. The spreadsheet eliminated this practice. In addition, the RDMS software was completely retried. The frenzied activity on Thursdays and Fridays dramatically stopped. The conversation in Tunes changed from automating operations to making products that are relevant in the iPod dominated world of music. When I left Tunes, the CEO remarked, “You achieved in three months what your predecessors couldn’t achieve in three years”. I recently met a VP still at Tunes, and she said they still use the Programming Spreadsheet 7 years later
Acadia National Park Established originally as Sieur de Monts National Monument in 1916, Acadia National Park encompasses more than 48,000 acres on Mount Desert Island, Schoodic Peninsula, Isle Au Haut, and many smaller coastal islands. The major portion of the park (30,500 acres) is located on Mount Desert Island with 10,156 acres within Bar Harbor’s boundary lines. Resource-based recreational activities include camping, hiking, horseback and carriage riding, bicycling, kayaking, canoeing, and sightseeing. People of all ages participate in a variety of interpretive activities, including guided walks, amphitheater presentations, education programs, and outreach activities. An extensive, well-maintained system of paved roads, including the historic 27-mile Park Loop Road, provides access to the shoreline and interior forests. The park also offers 120 miles of hiking trails, many of which reach the granite peaks and 45 miles of gravel carriage roads enhanced by 16 stone bridges. The National Park Service maintains two campgrounds (520 sites) and five picnic areas on Mount Desert Island. Special attractions include Sand Beach, Thunder Hole, and a scenic road to the summit of Cadillac Mountain (1,530 feet), which is the highest point on east coast of the United States. The park receives approximately 2.5 million visits per year with 75 percent of the visitation occurring between June and September. The existence of the Park is due to the efforts of former year-round and summer residents, such as George Dorr who, in 1913 with others, acquired 6,000 acres which became the nucleus of today’s Acadia National Park. Another noted benefactor was John D. Rockefeller, Jr. who personally acquired and donated 11,000 acres of forest, shore land and scenic areas to the Park. Mr. Rockefeller also financed, had constructed and then donated the 51 miles of Carriage Paths to the Park, to ensure that the automobile would not undermine its natural beauty and tranquility. Link to Acadia National Park’s official website www.nps.gov/acadia
These are some admissions essays that our officers thought have been most successful! I intend to return to Lebanon upon commencement from college so as to stick with it the legacy of my grandfather and father through developing our family enterprise and investing in our group. My grandfather, who by no means graduated from high school Sample Essay began a small grocery store with limited resources. By way of exhausting work, he grew his business into the largest grocery retailer in my hometown, Khan Grocery store. My father, who attended just one year of faculty, remodeled it into a significant buying middle. Provides us the right amount of context. Whenever you’re talking about political or cultural points or occasions, do not assume that your reader has a base stage of information. Although you do not wish to spend an excessive celeste arantes amount of time on the nitty gritty particulars of policy reform or history, you must supply your reader some sense of when one thing was happening and why. The creator of this piece does that very succinctly and accessibly in his September 2013” entry. Who Else Wants To Learn About Writing Essays Sample? The Appeal Of Sample Essays High School Students In my St. John’s story, we’re not solely discovering journey, but we are uncovering meanings, dimensions, numerous wonders, questions, and even some answers. The evening is younger, the tea remains to be warm, the curiosity is recent. Later that evening, we are going to still be there, evening Essay Sample old, tea chilly, however the curiosity won’t ever fade. The night time is loudest when at its quietest, and as I lay there, closing the final page of the guide, I will go to sleep figuring out tomorrow is a brand new day, a brand new journey. Why: Sure, in his Guide to Writing a Private Essay which includes a 13-page PDF with worksheets and essay instance of every of the four methods. Write an essay a couple of time that you just needed to be courageous or stand up for what you believed in. Nonetheless, the classes were the part of the Summer season Academy that stuck with me essentially the most. Whereas we dissected T.S. Eliot’s The Love Tune of J. Alfred Prufrock” and discovered historical historical past from the ancients themselves, we pursued an underlying philosophical thread, inspecting our readings by the lens of braveness. Little Known Factual Statements About Sample Essays High School. Identical to Prompt #2, the accomplishment or event you write about might be anything from a major milestone to a smaller “aha” moment. Describe the event or accomplishment that formed you however take care to also show Graduate School Essay Sample what you discovered or how you modified. Schools are looking for a way of maturity and introspection—pinpoint the transformation and reveal your private progress. After you have completed your essay, go over it with a positive-toothed comb to look for any technical errors. Be certain that to also take the time to read your essay aloud. Sure phrases could sound superb in your head, but hearing them spoken can highlight awkward phrasing or unclear wording. Should you spot some weaknesses in your writing or phrasing but can’t figure out the proper wording or punctuation, you might want to rewrite it to avoid the thorny difficulty. On a day as pristine as all the others, the chicken is fortunately eating his lunchtime meal as the good man carefully gathers the sleek white eggs when it notices that the person has left one behind. Strangely situated at the empty finish of the metallic enclosure, highlighted by the brilliant yellow sun, the white egg appears to the hen completely different from the rest. The rooster moves in direction Sample Of College Essays of the light to tacitly inform the man of his mistake. But then the hen notices a jagged grey line on the in any other case flawless egg. Hypnotized and appalled, the rooster watches as the line turns into a crack and a small beak hooked up to a fuzzy yellow head pokes out. All of a sudden a shadow descends over the rooster and the good man snatches the egg-the newborn chick-and stomps off. I stumbled upon the flicks of Hayao Miyazaki at a young age. I associated quite a bit to the underlying East Asian philosophy current in his movies. My very own perspective on life, development, and alter was echoed in his storytelling. So, I learn his autobiographies, watched anime, and researched historic texts—Analects, The Approach, Artwork of Battle. Then, I discovered the books of Haruki Murakami whom I now emulate so as to enhance my writing.
What is Vastu? Vastu is a Vedic study of architecture and it’s a traditional Hindu system of design based on directional alignments. It is applied while forming temples, offices, home, industry, and factory. Vastu is a scientific concept practiced for the purpose of prosperity and peace. Vaastu for Mirror in-house is an approach focused on pouring more positive energy in a particular place. And is particularly helpful in the growth of happiness, health, prosperity and wealth. Vastu also tells us how to avoid diseases and disasters in life which are largely initiated by the negative energy surrounding us. Vaastu and mirrors A Vaastu mirror placement is a very important concept. And if it’s done correctly the power of mirrors can symbolically double your wealth, happiness and health. Mirrors are the most powerful element and at the same time the simplest Vastu tool which can be used for any place. A Vaastu for Mirror in-house is considered as one of the best remedy tools in Vastu. It has the ability to attract unimaginable fortunes, wealth and happiness if used as per rules and regulations of Vastu Shastra. However, if mirrors, in a home violate the rules and guidelines of Vastu, it can become a magnet to misfortunes, sorrow, and poverty. A common question that one can ask is “What does a mirror reflect?” The answer is simple and logical that anything your mirror reflects will double it. It is also believed that they not only attract and repel positive energy but they suck up all the negative energies. Placing a mirror in the house/workplace - Always install a mirror which is either rectangular or square in shape as these mirrors have the best effects as per Vastu Shastra - Always ensure to place a mirror on the walls in the North or East direction only - The distance of the mirror from the floor should be around 4 to 5 feet - Location of the television should be a southeastern corner. Ensure that the television screen is covered while television is not in use - Keeping the dressing table beside your bed is considered auspicious - If any corner of the house has a cut then place mirrors pointing in that direction. This will help to eliminate such types of Vastu defects. - If there is a scenic beauty outside your window then place a mirror inside the room such that it reflects that scene as it will attract positivity in your home. - If you place a mirror reflecting your dining table, it will attract more wealth - Place a mirror in front of lockers and safe to double up your prosperity DO NOT’s for the mirror: - Avoid installing oval or round shaped mirrors in your home - Do not ever place a mirror or any other shiny object in front of the main gate - Ensure that the mirror placed in your bedroom doesn’t reflect any of your body parts while sleeping on the bed - Make sure that glass window panes and doors aren’t transparent - Vastu Shastra recommends not placing a mirror beside your child’s study table. A mirror at such places may disturb the concentration of your child while studying - Do not hang mirrors in narrow passages as they will attract negative energy - Vastu Shastra also suggests avoiding placing mirrors opposite to each other. As it brings impatience and increases restlessness. Vaastu for Mirror in house: Quick guide to stack your place with Positive Energy by Astrologer Amit
Once upon a time the colours of the world started to quarrel, all claimed that they were the best, the most important, the most useful, the most beautiful and the favourite. Green said, “Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees, leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority.” Blue interrupted, “You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing.” Yellow chuckled, “You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun.” Orange started next to blow her trumpet, “I am the colour of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and pawpaws. I don’t hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you.” Red shouted out; “I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood; life’s blood. I am the colour of danger and of bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause. I bring fire into the blood. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the colour of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy.” Purple rose up to his full height. He was very tall and spoke with great pomp; “I am the colour of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me; they listen and obey.” Finally, Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination, “Think of me. I am the colour of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace.” And so the colours went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority. Their quarrelling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening, thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly The colours crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. In the midst of the clamour, rain began to speak, “You foolish colours, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don’t you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me.” Doing as they were told, the colours united and joined hands. The rain continued, “From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of colour as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow.” And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.
Each page or post can have multiple headings. The <h1> HTML tag is usually used for the title of a page or post and it is the first header visible on a page. The formatting of an h1 usually differs from the rest of the header tags found on a page (h2, h3, h4). In this post you will learn, what are HTML heading tags, what is so special about the <h1> tag, why it is important for SEO and how to write a header tag that is both SEO and user friendly. To make reading easier, here is your table of contents. Table of Contents What are HTML heading tags? In Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), which is the language used to display webpages in a browser (regardless of the CMS platform), there are various tags that can be used to create headings in a document. It’s very similar to creating headings in Microsoft Word. When you want a particular text or sentence to stand out, you can set its style to be heading 1, heading 2 etc. Headings in a Word document can be used to break up a document in different parts or as a guide for creating a table of contents. In general, they make a document easier to read by breaking up a large document into smaller parts, each part having a heading which has a different formatting (larger text, bold, etc.), than the rest of the document. HTML heading tags work the same way. When you highlight a sentence in WordPress editor and set it to Heading 1, the system adds the following code in the HTML: <h1>This is an H1 heading</h1> This tells the browser to format that sentence in a different style (defined by the CSS classes) of your theme. Look at the example below: When you set the heading as H2 or H3 the HTML changes to: <h2>This is an H2 heading </h2> <h3>This is an H3 heading </h3> So, HTML heading tags are pieces of HTML code that are used to specify the headings of a page. What is an H1 tag? The <H1> tag is usually the first header tag visible on a page. It is in the top of the hierarchy of tags found on a page. To make the text stand out, the h1 tag is formatted differently than the rest of the page tags. Here is an example of an h1 tag: The easier way to understand the use of tags is to imagine that you are writing an outline of a large document. The main title of your document will be your <h1>, your main points the <h2> and sub-points the <h3>. When it comes to web development and SEO, there are some differences between the page title and the H1 tag, let’s see below how these two differ and why you should care. Differences between the H1 Tag and the Page Title in SEO The main differences between the two are: The title tag is shown in the SERPS (search engine result pages). It is used as the main heading of the snippet in the search results. The title tag is not shown in the body of a page but it is part of the page header <header></header> and it is also shown in the browser title. The <H1> tag is shown to users while browsing a page. The title tag is a strong signal to search engine crawlers on what the page content is all about. So, when it comes to on-page SEO, the page title is more important than the H1 tag but for best results, you should optimize both. Why are H1s so important for SEO? One of the most complicated tasks of search engines is to understand the meaning (context) of a page. To be able to do that in the most efficient and fastest way, they use data from different signals. One of those signals is the page title and another one is the H1 Tag. When crawling the content of a page, search engine spiders read the HTML code and they try to identify which sentences are enclosed in heading tags (h1, h2, etc.). They consider these as indicative of the page content. So, by using keywords in your H1 tag, you help search engines understand what your page is all about. Another reason why headings are important for SEO is because they make it easier for users to navigate through the page. The user can see at a glance what the page is all about by looking at the H1 tag. The rest of the headings provide a big hint to users as to what to expect in each section. Take for example the post you are reading now, I have marked all important points as an h2 and also added a table of contents at the top which makes navigation easier. H1 Tag SEO Best Practices Now that the theory of h1 tags is behind us, let’s see how to write good headings for your articles or page content in general. The H1 Tag can be different or the same as the Page Title In the majority of cases the page title and h1 tag are the same. This is because CMS (like WordPress), are configured this way. This is perfectly fine. It’s not an SEO mistake, to have the same text for the page title and h1 heading. As a general guideline, use different titles and h1 tags when it makes sense for your users and SEO goals. For example, look at the title and h1 I have used for my SEO courses page. The page title is more descriptive because it is shown in the SERPS but for the page heading I wanted something simpler so I changed it to just ‘SEO Courses’. How to provide for a different h1 and page title? I mentioned above that most themes and web development platforms are configured to use the same value for the page title and h1 tag and this is usually what you specify as the title of a page or post. If you want to change it and have different values then you can either edit your HTML code or if you are on WordPress to use a plugin such as Yoast SEO. As you can see in the screenshot below, when you install Yoast SEO, there is an extra area below each page/post where you can set the page title. Use keywords in your headings It is highly recommended to use keywords in your headings. As explained in my SEO tutorial for beginners, keywords should be included in both the title and headings. If you choose to have a different title and a different heading then you can use your main keyword in the title and a related keyword in the H1, as shown in the example below. Of course, that does not mean that you should cross the line and start creating keyword stuffed headings. Based on the results of your keyword research, you can select which keywords to use. As a rule of thumb, long tail keywords are great candidates to use in your H1 and other headings. Avoid very long headings Don’t make your headings too long. Use short but descriptive headings. Use the same length guidelines as the page title i.e. less than 65 characters. If you need to provide for a longer description then you can use a short heading and then bold text to give more information as shown in the example below from Google AdSense. Make sure that your H1 tag is visible and not hidden to users Many WordPress themes have the h1 tag in the html of the page but they hide it (using css) for users. This is not a good SEO practice. Check that your theme outputs the H1 tag correctly and that is visible on the page. The easiest way to do this is to view the source of a page (right click and select VIEW SOURCE) and search for H1. What you see enclosed in <h1></h1> should also be visible on the page. Style your H1 differently than the rest of the headings Make your h1 stand out. Make the letters bigger than the rest of the text and headings. Use headings in a hierarchical manner I mentioned above that you should approach headings the same way as writing an outline for a book or long form document. What is important for SEO is to have your tags in a hierarchical manner otherwise you can confuse both search engines and users. In other words, your <h1> should be on top of the HTML Code and the rest (h2, h3, etc) to follow in that order. Notice in the example above how the font size changes as you move down the hierarchy. Use only one h1 tag per page Best SEO practices indicate that there should be only ONE h1 tag per page. This is because it makes more sense and this is what you should aim for. In cases though that you end up having multiple h1 tags in a page, this is not the end of the World. If you can correct the situation then do it, otherwise leave it as it is. Here is a video from Google about the use of multiple h1 tags per page. H1 tags should match the user intent Don’t forget about the user intent when writing your h1. If this does not match with the user expectations then they may leave your website without even reading the content. If this happens you are not only losing customers or potential readers, it’s also bad for your SEO. This behavior of users visiting a website and then returning back to the search results because they were not happy is known as pogo-sticking and can negatively affect your rankings in the long term. Make sure that your h1 gives users what they expect to see on the page. Examples of optimized h1 tags Let’s review some nice examples from websites that are having optimized H1 tags, to help you understand how the above principles can be applied to practice. Example 1: The heading tag is optimized for users, while the page title is shorter and SEO friendly. Example 2: For known brands the heading 1 (for the home page) can match the brand name while the page title can include keywords. Example 3: It is perfectly fine to use the same value for the page title and heading. What about h2, h3 and h4 tags? To avoid any confusion, let me clear something out. All the principles explained above are applicable for all header tags and not just the H1. In addition, please note the following: - Don’t use heading tags when other tags such as bold or italic are more appropriate. - Don’t overdo it with the use of headings. Use headings when it matters for structure, navigation purposes and to make the page content easier to read. - You don’t have to use all heading types in a page. You can have the h1 and only h2s, depending on the length and type of your content. - Having a balance between the use of headings and other formatting elements is always the best approach. What else can you do to improve your SEO? SEO, which is a component of Search engine marketing, is about providing users with a great experience and one of those users is a search engine which in turn are trying to offer the best experience for their users. Usually with SEO you try to fix a lot of small things that independently they may seem not that important, but when combined together they can improve your search rankings. The Complete SEO Course explains the SEO process step-by-step and it is highly recommended for beginners to SEO. So, besides optimizing the h1 tag, here is a list of other things that are vital for SEO success. - Reviewing technical SEO and making sure that search engines can access, crawl and index your website without any issues. - Configuring your website to use SEO friendly URLs for your posts and pages - Creating high quality websites providing a great experience for users - Writing high quality SEO friendly content that offers great value to users - Connecting your content together using internal links to create your own small web, making it easier for users to discover more pages from your website. - Promoting your website using solid practices with the goal of getting links from other websites on the Internet (this is also known as natural link building). Your SEO efforts don’t start and end with H1 tag optimization. Optimizing the headings, it’s one of the things you need to do but certainly it’s not the end of it. Unlike other SEO factors, the h1 tag is something you can control and if optimized correctly can make a difference in your rankings. If you feel confident from what you have read above, the next step is to perform an H1 Audit of your website and identify the h1s that need be optimized. Tools like SEMRUSH can make your job much easier since they can pin-point which pages have no h1 tags defined, which pages have duplicate h1 tags and also give you recommendations on how to optimize them.
We all know being a mother is not easy. No matter how many pregnancy guides you read, nothing can prepare you for the task ahead except actual experience, but knowing what you’re getting into doesn’t hurt either! There are some things that can’t be left to instincts and mother’s intuition, and you must have some theoretical knowledge about them beforehand. Your baby’s feeding habits come under this category. As an adult, your diet is extremely different from that of a newborn baby and give you recall next to nothing of your early days, there is no way you can make an educated guess in such a scenario. Don’t worry; we are here to help! Are you giving your baby enough milk? There are a few telling signs that can function as indicators of your baby not getting enough milk. These are: 1) Your baby is not wetting at least 5 to 8 nappies or 5 diapers in the span of a day, that is twenty-four hours. The baby’s urine must be colourless, or extremely pale thus indicating he/she is drinking clean substances and odorless. Dark or strong-smelling urine signifies your baby is not getting enough breastmilk. 2) There has not been any growth in your baby’s weight or height. Babies grow very quickly, growing some millimeters each day, so if yours is less active and shows no signs of growth, consider increasing their diet to ensure they are getting enough proteins and vitamins. 3) Your baby is not soiling their nappies or diapers at least thrice each day. Moreover, their potty must be more runny than solid, as solid feces suggest the baby is not getting enough breastmilk. Thus, the more formed the feces are, the more breast milk your baby needs. 4) Your baby is restless and wants to feed constantly— listen to his/her call, in such a scenario. A mother’s most important tool in guessing if her baby is being fed properly is— yes, the baby’s soiled diaper. We can imagine how vomit-inducing the idea must be to any new mother, but remember, our mothers and grandmothers have been doing this for ages for us and won’t hesitate to remind you of that. So put a handkerchief on your nose and dive in— your baby’s health may be at stake, Super Mom! The first bowel movement a baby has releases the meconium present in the baby’s digestive tract before birth, but you will thankfully not be around to see it as this happens very early. By the second day of your child’s existence, the motions turn softer and lighter (but will still be a little dark), and as the days pass, the fecal matter changes its state in such a proportion. The colour changes from greenish-brown to mustard yellow, and the matter becomes stickier and larger in volume. Use this guide to track any anomalies— should your newborn’s potty not follow this pattern, you may want to check if the baby is getting enough breastmilk. As your doctor for more guidance if the issue persists. Similarly, your baby’s urine is also an indicator of its health. On the first day, the baby will pee only once, twice on the second, thrice on the third, and so on until the fifth day, where the baby may pee five times and settle into that final number. Less peeing definitely signifies a lack of breastmilk in your baby’s system, and you should immediately remedy that. There may be a copper tinge to the urine on the first few days, but if it remains after the fourth day, do consult a doctor. Our mothers and grandmother come from simpler times whereby they did not rely on books or websites for guidance on raising a baby. However, it is important to remember that in those time, they were stay-at-home moms who were often guided by their own mothers and grandmothers. For the new, and especially young mothers, it is completely okay to seek guidance from every source you get, especially because third-hand information is so morphed and unreliable. All diaper brands will tell you they are the best choice for your baby— but what will help you find out? Thus, we believe in guiding women through the beginning steps of motherhood just as they guide their toddlers through the beginning steps of life. After all, mothers know best!
The famous Loreley rock. To be completely honest, our experience with the Rhine valley consisted of two separate visits. We visited Koblenz on a sunny afternoon and enjoyed every bit of it: taking some time at highlights such as the Vier Turme, Alte Burg, Florinskirche and St.-Kastor Basilica, eating delicious ice cream on the Am Plan Square and strolling around in a relaxed way until we finally reached the Deutsches Eck, where the Rhine and the Moselle converge. It was a great, sunny day and the water playground near the Deutsches Eck was big fun for the kids! A few days later, the weather was much colder, with rain and grey skies, so we decided on a short road trip along the Middle Rhine. The kids (two toddlers and one baby) stayed in the car most of the time and we only stopped to take some pictures along the way. Our longest stop was at the Loreley rock, although we were a bit disappointing and not very impressive at all. We quite liked this area, because it is a much more nature-oriented world-heritage site, compared to many other cultural sites in Germany… Nevertheless, we felt the Moselle valley had more charm to it – though it is not considered UNESCO World Heritage. We can imagine the Rhine valley is an area where you need good weather and much more time to fully enjoy the experience, maybe with a glass of local whine?… Upper Middle Rhine Valley (nr. 1066) The Middle Rhine Valley is a natural and cultural landscape, stretching 65km along the river Rhine between Koblenz and Bingen. The site includes numerous (60) small, historic towns (and associated vineyards), and the flanks of the valley are punctuated with as much as 40 hill top castles and fortresses, most of them in ruins. The area illustrates a long history of human occupation in a varied natural landscape. Human settlement in this area dates back to the last ice age. The river has been a transport route for trade and cultural exchange throughout Europe’s history, connecting the Mediterranean, the Alps and northern Europe. Human influence also includes the terracing of the river’s steep slopes, wine production and tourism. The Middle Rhine valley has also been an inspiration for legends, music, poetry and other artforms. For example, the most famous in a series of narrows along the course of the Rhine is the Loreley, well known for its rock, its siren and Heinrich Heine’s poem. The middle and upper Rhine terraces also bear witness to the historical course of the river.
In essence, SQF and GFSI are programs administered by two separate organizations CIES and FMI that are supportive of each other and use ISO 9000 and its derivative ISO 22000 as standards guideline towards driving food safety in the global supply chain. According to Wikipedia, ISO 22000 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization dealing with food safety and is a general derivative of ISO 9000 which sets standards for quality management. As such, ISO 22000 guides food safety management systems – requirements for any organization in the food chain. Since food safety hazards can occur at any stage in the food chain from production to consumption it is essential that adequate control be in place that by the ISO are referred to as Critical Control Points or potential points of failure in the supply chain that when managed properly can mitigate the risk associated with the hazard ever taking place. The ISO 22000 international standard specifies the requirements for a food safety management system which SQF and GFSI are that involves interactive communication, systems management and prerequisite programs and the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP).This is a systematic preventive approach to food safety which addresses physical, chemical and biological hazards as a means of prevention rather than finished product inspection which could be much more costly. Think of the ISO as a standards creating body, and SQF and GFSI as programs that at a minimum focus on holding the entire food supply chain accountable to those and other standards. We look forward to your comments. One Response to “Is ISO 22000 different than SQF and GFSI?” Leave a Reply You must be logged in to post a comment.
This book begins with you working along as Scott Guthrie builds a complete ASP.NET MVC reference application. He begins NerdDinner by using the File->New Project menu command within Visual Studio to create a new ASP.NET MVC Application. You'll then incrementally add functionality and features. Along the way you'll cover how to create a database, build a model layer with business rule validations, implement listing/details data browsing, provide CRUD (Create, Update, Delete) data form entry support, implement efficient data paging, reuse UI using master pages and partials, secure the application using authentication and authorization, use AJAX to deliver dynamic updates and interactive map support, and implement automated unit testing. From there, the bulk of the rest of the book begins with the basic concepts around the model view controller pattern, including the little history and the state of the MVC on the web today. We'll then go into the ways that MVC is different from ASP.NET Web Forms. We'll explore the structure of a standard MVC application and see what you get out of the box. Next we dig deep into routing and see the role URLs play in your application. We'll deep dive into controllers and views and see what role the Ajax plays in your applications. The last third of the book focuses entirely on advanced techniques and extending the framework.
Spend Most Of Your Workday Driving? How Can You Keep Your Insurance Costs Low? Although it takes most U.S. workers an average of only 26 minutes to commute to work each day, some employees who travel around the state (or country) to entertain clients, drum up business, or make deliveries may spend far more than an hour per day in their vehicles. Unfortunately, the more you drive, the higher your risk of eventually being involved in an auto accident, and therefore the higher your insurance rate--often even if you have a better driving record than another driver who spends far less time behind the wheel. Read on to learn more about saving money on auto insurance even when you rack up hundreds (or thousands) of miles each week. Each auto insurance company has its own proprietary formula that weighs a wide variety of risk factors. These factors can include everything from your driving history and number of average daily miles driven to your criminal history (or lack thereof), age, the zip code in which you live, and even the amount of money you earn. Finding an insurance company with a formula that places a low emphasis on factors like the number of miles driven, while emphasizing factors that work in your favor (like a good driving history or high income) can help you achieve the best possible rate. Because insurance companies tend to guard these proprietary formulas tightly, the best way for you to find out which company's formula will benefit you the most is to simply solicit multiple quotes from different agencies in your area or online. Install Monitoring Devices Another way to quickly reduce your insurance premium by demonstrating your good driving habits is to install one or more monitoring devices in your vehicle. While some may shy away from a "Big Brother"-level of GPS monitoring that provides your insurance agency with information on your daily whereabouts, installing a GPS device that can measure your braking and acceleration speed can give your insurance company the peace of mind it needs to lower your rate so that it's more comparable to other low-risk drivers. Look for Incentives With more competition in the insurance industry than ever, companies are doing all they can to attract low-risk drivers. Because of this, those with good driving records who have been with the same insurer for years or even decades may benefit by looking to companies that offer rebates or incentives to those who switch carriers. You may also want to consider seeking out a policy that offers decreasing deductibles for each year you're accident-free; this can minimize any out of pocket cost in the event you are eventually involved in an accident while with this insurance carrier. Contact a company that can help you find a great insurance quote for more information and assistance.
II (glued to each other) + 203 + II. Watermarks of flyleaves: hand with a cuff and a five-petalled flower attached to its middle finger (back cover first flyleaf; 89 mm): similar to Piccard, No. 210 (Nuremberg, 1492). Two woodcut flyleaves now in the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung in Munich (Inv. No. 171526, Inv. No. 171523) were each attached to the pastedowns of the front and back covers (see Illuminated Documents). Text space: Fols. 1-47v, Scribe A: (203-215) x (160-170) mm. Fols. 48-87, Scribe B: (212-214) x (156-165) mm. Fols. 87-107, Scribe C: (215-217) x (169-172) mm. Fols. 108-117v, Scribe D: (215-225) x (165) mm. Fols. 118-203v, Scribe E: (230-249) x (195-207) mm. 15th-century binding on wooden boards (321 x247 mm.); the spine and a quarter part (65 mm) of each board are covered with white pigskin decorated with a stamped chain of floral ornament. The spine has three double cords and a head band, the tail band is missing. Holes and remains of nails situated along the upper and lower edges of the front cover denote the place of two lost clasps. They correspond to the indented squares on the back cover where straps were attached. The binding was probably done in the Augustinian Friars monastery of St. Vitus inNuremberg(Munich, EBDB p001297; Hernad 1990:66; Kyriss 1951/58, No. 19). This binding is similar to other Hebrew manuscript bindings from Schedel's collection (cf. BSB Cod.hebr. 14, 16, 21, 69, 88, 90, 298). The main decoration is found in the Siddur and done by Scribe A. It consists of a full-page double arcade and decorated initial words and catchwords. They are mostly coloured in brown ink, red and green and spared-ground technique, decorated with wrigglework, animals and foliage motifs and a chequered pattern. By Scribe A: - A full-page double gate (227 x 174 mm) encloses the text of the opening page (fol. 1); decorated with chequered columns and bases with quadrupeds in spared-ground technique. The arches are coloured. - Decorated initial word panels (fols. 4, 16v, 37v), large initial words for main sections (stem length 50-80 mm: fols. 9v, 13v, 14, 20v, 24v, 32v, 46), medium ones (stem length 25-35 mm: fols. 10, 11v, 15, 24, 29, 30, 37, 39), and smaller words for sub-sections (stem length 12-20 mm: fols. 14, 16, 42, 48v, 49, 53, 54, 56v, 69, 81v, 88). They are mostly coloured in red, green and brown ink, decorated with wrigglework and spared-ground technique, with animal and foliage motifs and a chequered pattern. - Decorated catchwords (e.g. fols. 7v, 15v, 39v). By later hands: - Plummet sketches of a rosette, an interlaced knot and a dragon in the lower margins (fols. 84, 96v, 97v respectively); and crude ink doodles (fol. 76). - Two woodcut flyleaves, now in the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung (Inv. No. 171526, Inv. No. 171523), were attached to the manuscript as the front and back flyleaves and were detached on 1st December 1862. The mutilated manuscript is composed of two different codicological, palaeographical and textual units. The first, vellum, unit is a Siddur and Haggadah copied by Scribes A, B and C (fols. 1-107). The second, sheepskin, unit is a Mahzor copied by Scribes D (fols. 108-117v) and E (fols. 118-203). The codicological features of the Mahzor, such as ruling by stylus, although without pricking in the inner margin, might point to a somewhat earlier date than the ruling in plummet with pricking in the inner margin of the Siddur (Beit-Arié 2003:20-21). Although it is not clear when the two units were brought together, Scribes A, B and C of the later Siddur unit added annotations to the earlier Mahzor. According to Goldschmidt this manuscript, especially the Mahzor, although lacking a great deal from the morning service until the end of the musaf for the Day of Atonement, is the oldest and most important source of the eastern Ashkenazi rite. This manuscript was used for collating variants in Goldschmidt, Mahzor for Rosh Hashana (Goldschmidt 1970, I:53). The custom of reciting the Torah blessings before the morning prayers (fol. 1) is a clear indication of the east European rite, whereas in the western Ashkenazi communities it is read later, before Parashat Tamid (Goldschmidt 1970, I:28; Y. and A. Fraenkel 2008:7). Another indication of the eastern rite is the recitation of the piyyut (silluq) ונתנה תוקף in the musaf of both New Year and the Day of Atonement, whereas in western practice it is recited only on New Year. This is the case, for example, in the Nuremberg Mahzor of 1331, one of the three largest Ashkenazi mahzorim (the others are the Worms Mahzor and the Amsterdam Mahzor), which represent the eastern Ashkenazi–Austrian rite. Nevertheless, for some reason, the silluq in our mahzor appears only once, in the New Year musaf. There is also an inconsistency in the morning service for the Shabbat of Circumcision, which in the Nuremberg Mahzor as well as in our mahzor runs according to the western Ashkenazi rather than the eastern rite (Y. and A. Fraenkel 2008:80, notes 448 and 449). Another outstanding example is the order for blowing the horn in the musaf for the first and second days of New Year (fols. 147 and 156v - תקיעה שברים תקיעה) which is a western Ashkenazi custom, whereas in Poland (and France) the order is in accordance with Rabbenu Tam (תקיעה שברים תרועה תקיעה; Goldschmidt 1970, I:259). These inconsistencies perhaps occur because the prayer books of the eastern practice only became fixed when they were printed during the 16th century, not earlier. Only the first unit containing the Siddur is decorated. The double arcade (fol. 1) resembles that of a Mahzor produced in 1279 apparently inBamberg(fig. 2). In both manuscripts the arcade is decorated with a geometrical pattern, juxtaposing elements coloured in ink with others in spared-ground technique. A special affinity is evident in the three spared-ground lions passant decorating the bases of the columns in our manuscript and those decorating the capitals of columns in the Bamberg Mahzor, and the bases of the latter with a decorated catchword in ours (fig. 3). The juxtaposition of elements executed in ink and those in spared-ground technique is the main characteristic of Franconian scribal art, which is found in many other manuscripts from this region from the late 13th to the early 14th century (Cohen-Mushlin 1985:92). Another example is the Munich High Holidays and Sukkot Mahzor, which shows the general type of decoration also prevalent in our manuscript (cf. figs. 4 and 5). The variety of simple elements drawn by scribes, not always with a dexterous hand, nevertheless enrich the initial words with their different combinations, whether executed in colour, brown ink, spared-ground or all three. Thus the rich initial word in our mahzor is comparable to that in another of c.1270, although the scribes used different motifs (cf. figs. 6 and 7). We may conclude that our mahzor was produced at the end of the 13th or the early 14th century, in the region ofFranconia. Fig. 1: Decorated arcade Munich Ashkenazi Siddur-Mahzor Munich, BSB Cod.hebr. 69, fo1. 1 Fig. 2: Decorated portal The Bamberg Mahzor New York, JTS mic. 4843, fol. 1v (Jerusalem, CJA Documentation) Fig. 3: Decorated catchword Munich Ashkenazi Siddur-Maḥzor Munich, BSB Cod.hebr. 69, fo1. 7v Fig. 4: Inhabited initial word Munich Ashkenazi Siddur-Maḥzor Munich, BSB Cod.hebr. 69, fol. 24v Fig. 5: Inhabited initial word Munich High Holidays and Sukkot Mahzor Franconia, end of 13th-beginning of 14th century Munich, BSB Cod.hebr. 86, fol. 19 (See CJA Documentation) Fig. 6: Decorated initial word Munich, BSB Cod.hebr. 69, fol. 13v Fig. 7: Decorated initial word Mahzor by David son of Pesah New York, Public Library, Jewish division, Hebrew MS B, fol. I:48 (Jerusalem, Narkiss Archive) Two flyleaves at the beginning and end of the manuscript, today in the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung (Inv. No. 171526, Inv. No. 171523), are coloured woodcuts which originally appeared in the Schatzbehalter der wahren Reichtümer des Heils (Treasure Chest of the True Riches of Salvation), written by the Franciscan preacher Stephan Fridolin (1430-98). The woodcuts were executed by the workshop of Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff and published in 1491 by Anton Korberger inNuremberg (seeMunich, BSB Cod.hebr. 14, Remarks).
Ben Hur is set 2000 years ago, amidst the struggle between the Roman Empire and its occupied territory Judea. This landmark mini-series follows the dramatic story of two young boys Judah Ben Hur and Messala. The two friends grow up together as part of the Hur household in roman occupied Jerusalem, until Messala is called for military training. Years later, they are reunited, as Messala returns to Jerusalem as Commanding Officer of the Roman Garrison, a way of life driven by the glory of Rome and its imperial power. But a freak accident results in Ben Hur being condemned to slavery on a Roman galley – only managing to stay alive with thoughts of revenge. Then, through another twist of fate, Ben Hur is able to return to Jduea – this time as a wealthy man – for one purpose: to kill Messala and avenge his family honor. This bitter struggle for power, love, honor and revenge culminates in a tense and exhilarating chariot race to death. But will the friends be able to forget the hatred and vengeance in their hearts and find peace?
Discussing Changes in the International Order --- Speech at the luncheon of the Seventh World Peace Forum Beijing, July 2018 By Fu Ying Academics are currently debating about the future course of the world order. Will the world head toward a new Cold War? What path will China take? As we reach the end of the second decade of the 21st century, the so-called trade war between China and the US and its overall impact is mirroring the ups and downs in the international situation, and the anxieties brought about by the behavior of the only world superpower, the United States. However, humanity has developed into such a civilized state that common sense tells us we should not be pessimistic about the future. At the 7th World Peace Forum hosted by Qinghua University, talk turned to the current and future international situation and some of the views are worth noting. First, that global political power is more fragmented than ever before. It is widely acknowledged that in the future no one major power can dominate the world and that even the most powerful country would need to cooperate with other nations in order to deal with international affairs. At the same time, national power is being eroded by the emergence of international organizations and other non-state entities. The international order, with the United Nations and its related institutions at the center, while flawed, is still widely supported by the international community. Second, economic globalization is unlikely to reverse. Although anti-globalization and protectionism are on the rise, it is undeniable that globalization has benefited most countries by boosting the world economy and advancing technology and civilization. Since the 1980s, the size of the world economy has tripled, allowing billions of people to improve their conditions and is why most economies prefer the direction of free trade. What comes with this process is the expansion of people-to-people exchanges. According to OECD statistics, five million students are studying outside of their own countries. They and the majority of young people will not support dividing the world again. Third, world peace is likely to be sustained. Despite the complex international security situation, that encompasses inter-country disputes, the threat of nuclear proliferation and the many new challenges in the areas of space science and cyber security, no country wants to settle problems with a full-scale war. Diplomacy continues to play the central role in addressing differences, as countries choose negotiation and restraint when resolving disputes. As Chinese President Xi Jinping said at the Boao Forum for Asia in April, “The trend of peaceful cooperation is rolling forward. Peace and development are the common aspirations of the people of all countries in the world.” Observers are thinking about what the next world order might be. The current order cannot cope with all the problems the world is now facing, and the new order is not yet in sight. The reality is that many countries, including the US, China, Russia and some European nations, are all facing internal challenges to different degrees and need to concentrate on solving their own problems. However, some international issues have also resulted from the spillover of domestic problems. We are also seeing contradictions and differences among major powers becoming more prominent as the US now emphasizes competition and downplays cooperation. In such a situation, which path should China take? China’s foreign policies serve the country’s development strategies and aim at maintaining world peace while promoting international cooperation. It could be predicted that China would not change its basic foreign policies, nor its US policy, as it is an important part of its overall foreign policy. It looks like the US is half way through adjusting its China policies. Although the consensus seems to have been reached over the need to change their policy towards China, it is not clear in which direction it would go. The US’s formulation of its future policy towards China will, to some extent, be influenced by the interactions between Beijing and Washington. It will also be affected by the general developments across the world and the US’s interactions with other countries. If China sticks to its principles and meets challenges and solves problems in a constructive manner, it may have a positive effect on the US’s China policy direction. This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. The country’s rapidly growing economy has benefited greatly from its consistent reform and improvements to the domestic market environment, as well as continuing its efforts to open China even more to the outside world. As a matter of fact, some of the requirements recently proposed by the US and the EU about China’s trade and economy also match Beijing’s goal of reform. One requirement relates to intellectual property protection, which the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) has also had concerns and has repeatedly revised and improved the Copyright, Trademark and Patent Laws. The State Council and the Supreme People’s Court have also issued corresponding regulations, laws and judicial interpretation, which now form a legal system for intellectual property protection. In 2014, the NPC Standing Committee also decided to establish three separate intellectual property courts in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. International security extends from the internal security of countries. China’s continuous improvements in governance will also provide a solid foundation for cooperation with the US and other nations. China will continue to support and participate in globalization, promote reform of the current order and improve global governance in a candid, pragmatic and open manner. The concept of building a community of shared future for mankind, as proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, embodies the great wisdom that is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and demonstrates our clear political stance. The essence of the proposition is that challenges around the world should be discussed and resolved by countries working together, and that common interests should be maintained by all. It will require countries to work together to achieve this goal, but as the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. On global security governance, academics at the forum believed that the role of the UN and the Security Council should be respected, but they are insufficient when dealing with all the security issues in today’s world. The US-led security alliance by its nature is exclusive. This results in countries outside the alliance having to consider how to safeguard their own security interests. Take North Korea as an example. When Washington persisted in strengthening the measures to guarantee its alliances security by holding large scale joint military exercises and slapping economic sanctions on Pyongyang, North Korea went further along the path of nuclear and missile development. But when the US expressed a willingness to talk to Pyongyang and seriously considered their security concerns, a silver lining emerged. Although it is difficult to predict how the dialogues between Washington and Pyongyang may go, it is obvious that only a solution that takes the security interests of all sides into account will last. Whether to seek common security or to pursue your own absolute security by jeopardizing other’s, is an important choice to make when handling the many kinds of security concerns in the world today. If all parties acknowledge that they need peaceful coexistence, they should look beyond their own interests and build an inclusive security framework for the future. The US is increasingly worried that China will threaten its dominance. Beijing is concerned that Washington is trying to contain China’s development. Such misunderstandings are reflected in many issues, including trade. The Chinese people have seen that US companies are making huge profits from China. But Americans believe that they are being taken advantage of when trading with China. The White House has raised tariffs on Chinese products, which is seen by the Chinese as bullying. We need to pay attention to why the two sides are seeing the same issue so differently. It is not only with the US where we see these twisted perceptions. It is important that China examines carefully such issues and address them quickly to avoid a new accumulation of misunderstanding which can only hamper our relationships. The world is expecting China to contribute more but is apprehensive. This is made more difficult as the Chinese people are unaccustomed to explaining themselves and information about China in international databases is limited. For example, in overseas schools, libraries and bookstores, there are very few publications from the Chinese mainland. The Chinese are increasingly aware of their country’s emergence and their growing international responsibilities. They need to learn and raise awareness by improving their capability to communicate with the outside world. Without prompt explanation using effective methods and techniques, misunderstandings will prevail. As one expert said at the Tsinghua forum; the Chinese must learn to persuade others. Fu Ying is China’s former Vice Foreign Minister, Vice Chairperson of the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee, and Chairperson of the Academic Committee of National Institute of International Strategy at the CASS.
Difference between revisions of "Mnemonics" (→Case Study or Trace Study of the Memory Palace) (→Memory Palace as Afterimage and Trace) |Line 58:||Line 58:| ===Memory Palace as Afterimage and Trace=== ===Memory Palace as Afterimage and Trace=== The of to an image. The memory palace, is an afterimage and faint impression of . the afterimageone to conceive of sensory perception as cut from any necessary link with an external referent. The afterimage – the presence of sensation in the absence of a stimulus – and its subsequent modulations posed a theoretical and empirical demonstration of autonomous vision, of an optical experience that was produced by and within the subject (Crary 98)The afterimage of the memory palace is detachable, once it is created the house to evoke it, it can be evoked independently by the subject. Memory , while seeming to be about , have more to do with Derrida's concept of the "trace." “The trace is not a presence but is rather the simulacrum of a presence that dislocates, displaces, and refers beyond itself. The trace has, properly speaking, no place, for effacement belongs to the very structure of the trace. Effacement must always be able to overtake the trace; otherwise it would not be a trace but an indestructible and monumental substance (Derrida 156). ===Memory Palace as Archive/Crypt=== ===Memory Palace as Archive/Crypt=== Revision as of 03:14, 12 April 2010 Mnemonics, or the art of memory, is today regarded as an arcane intellectual interest. It functions on the periphery of popular culture, largely through a literature of self-help designed to bolster the confidence of those insecure about their powers of recollection. If it is a useful skill, but not an essential one in a civilization whose collective memory is securely stored in the printed word and, more recently, digital media. Today’s archive exists in the library or the personal computer, not in the depths of a well-ordered mind. Most of the mnemonic devices and techniques that remain today are simple and standardized. They are tools for remembering sequences of information, especially for recall in test situations. Rather than learning general mnemonic tricks, students are left with specific rhymes or sentences to remember: "Roy G. Biv" to remember the colors of the rainbow; "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" for the algebraic order of operations; and "lefty, loosey; righty, tighty" to remember how tools work are just a few examples. Despite the longevity of some of these specific mnemonics, however, they are but a mere suggestion of the much more complex and widespread mnemonic strategies of yesteryear: from the wandering rhapsody of ancient Greece who enthralled listeners with the epic tales of Homer to the philosophers of the Renaissance who constructed imaginary memory palaces to present their intricate designs of the cosmos. This dossier will explore mnemonics as a mode of mediation that stored knowledge in a world invested in the authority of the spoken word, and, in attempting to control its input and output, strove to represent the historically black-boxed functioning of the human mind. - 1 Historical Sketch of Old Works on Mnemonics - 2 The Technology of Memory - 3 Case Study or Trace Study of the Memory Palace - 4 Mnemonic Expression: Writing Secrets and Speaking the Mind - 5 Obsolescence and the Changing Thinker - 6 References - 7 External Links Historical Sketch of Old Works on Mnemonics “A memory consists in the awareness, first, of the diminished intensity of an impression, second, of its increased ease, and third, of the connections it entertains with other impressions.” (Kittler 31) The key understanding of the nature of memory, Giambattista Vico contends, is derived from the direct correspondence between image and idea in primitive poetic language. In the beginnings of civilization, image and idea were one. Primitive peoples possessed robust memories because of the inseparable association they made between images and ideas in their comprehension of the world. They thought metaphorically, and the metaphors that they uttered were easily mimicked and remembered because they were richly expressive, grandiose, and full of wonder at the world. The link between human imagination and the universe that the Renaisance Neoplatonists had sought to discover magically, Vico revealed to have been born histrorically in the development of human consciousness.(Verene, 101) The source of mnemonist’s method is visible in the poetic logic of Vico’s theory of the emergence of human consciousness. That theory, too, involves the relationship between places and images, which Vico labels topics and tropes. Topics were the poetic of formulae through which primitive people identified the phenomena of the world. As imaginative representations of particular aspects of realty, they provided common places or fixed points of reference amidst the flux of sense experience. (Yates, 31) Considered in this context, Vico’s new art of memory becomes a retrospective search for connection between our present conceptions and the lost poetic images out of which they were born. In the logic of Vichian poetics, the new art of memory is a reconstruction of the imaginative process by which the poets of antiquity gave shape to their perception of the world. Therein the imaginative sources of our present ideas are to be found. The original topic might be linked to a palimpsest, repeatedly covered over with more abstract imagery as the human mind historically ascended the tropological gradient of linguistic expression. Vico’s art of memory was to decipher each tropological layer along the way until the original metaphorical topic, long forgotten,was recalled to mind (Hutton, 379). Freud's theory as a reverse mnemonics If mnemonic technologies lay at the source of Romantic soul-searching, both personal and collective they were only rarely the subject of comment. It was left to Sigmund Freud at the turn of the twentieth century to explain the role of memory in introspection in terms of a mnemonic code (Hutton,386). Forgetting rather than remembering is what we wish to do because it is easier to live with a screen of fantasies about what our live have been than with the reality. In his theory of screen memories Freud asserts the constructive power of the unconscious mind to shape recollection. To use his terminology, memory is tendentious in that it reflects unconscious psychic intent. In this respect the unconscious mind is the guardian of memory. It legislates the selection of what is to be remembered and hides the rest away. As an art of memory, therefore, Freud’s psychoanalysis is a techniques for deciphering the psychic intent encoded in screen memories(Hutton, 388). The Method of Loci Long before transcription existed, there have been oral records of events in history, genealogies. In Medieval Iceland, law speakers had their entire law committed to memory (Fentress and Wickham, 1992). In medieval Ireland, it took 12 years of study to become a bard, the lowest rank of orator, and then they had over 500 stories committed to memory, as well as genealogies of all the leading Irish families (MacManus, 1967). The indigenous people of Australia were very familiar with the method of loci. It is believed that their ancestors sung the world into existence (Cambor, 2001). Every rock and crack of the outback has a song associated with it, and the traveler knows exactly their location by their place in the song. Since then, these songs have been transcribed to aid in the understanding of the geology of the continent. In Ancient Rome, mnemonics were used by lawyers to remember the points they wanted to make in a lawsuit. The method of remembering they used is called the method of loci. The method of loci was first formally described by Quitilian, a first century Roman rhetorician. The first documented benefit of this method is found in the book “The Art of Memory” by Francis Yates, where she recounts the story of a poet, Simonides. Simonides was invited to a dinner party to recite a poem in praise of the host, Scopas. During his recital, Simonides also included a passage praising the gods Castor and Pollux. Scopas was not pleased by this and refused to pay Simonides the full amount he was due. Just then a messenger came in and told Simonides that there were two men waiting for him outside. He went outside and found no one there. Just then the roof of the dining room collapsed, killing everyone inside. The bodies were so badly mangled that they couldn’t be identified. Simonides though was able to recall where each of the guests had been sitting. The Technology of Memory How Mnemonics Work Mnemonics are essentially storage devices for information in the human mind. The brain, however, is like the ultimate black box as much of its operations are a mystery and we are still just uncovering how it accomplishes many of the tasks we take for granted. Memory is one such process scientists are still trying to understand. However, there are a few things that have been discovered, and the mnemonics users of the past were aware of, that allow mnemonics to function. The process of remembering is split up into different steps: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Mnemonics are involved with encoding. The best way to learn things, or encode them, is to associate them with other things. In people's mind, "apple" will often be associated with "red" and "round." By retrieving the concept of "red," the memory of "apple" will also be triggered. Mnemonics capitalize on this principle by creating more entry points to different pieces of information. At first glance, mnemonics may seem rather counter-intuitive in that they require you to remember a multitude of information in an attempt to solve the problem of remembering something else entirely. Rather than just remembering one date, 1492 for example, mnemonics ask that you remember a poem, "In 1492 / Columbus sailed the ocean blue." More information is required in an attempt to forge an initial piece of information in one's mind. While it seems rather contradictory to do this, however, it works because it creates more associations, thus making it more likely to stick in one's memory. A useful metaphor may be that a memory is a series of files. Mnemonics store bits of information in a number of different files through which to access the information. Arbitrariness and the Cake-Mix Effect In many mnemonic systems, the specifics of the "extra" information one learns to create those associations is entirely arbitrary and can be adapted for each individual. Much like pre-packaged cake mix, a basic structure is offered, however the particular words and connections that will best serve the individual can be fit into the pre-determined structure. For example, a common strategy for remembering the order of things is to remember the first letter of each word and put together a new sentence in which each of the words starts with one of the letters needing to be remembered, in the proper order. So if one wanted to remember biological taxonomic classifications from broadest to most specific (Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Variety), one need construct a new sentence in which each subsequent word starts with the next letter in order (K,P,C,O,F,G,S,V). Each individual might have a different sentence that works best for him or her, however. So while one student might find it most advantageous to remember "King Philip's Classic Order: Family Genius - Special Value'" another might find it easier to remember "Kindly Place Cover On Fresh Green Spring Vegetables." This flexibility makes mnemonics an incredibly useful set of strategies, and the failure of it working is essentially more dependent on the arbitrary information filled into the system. If someone fails to remember the order of the taxonomical classes it is only because the sentence used is not the best for the user. Many mnemonic systems work in this manner, tailored to the individual mind. One prime example of this on a larger scale is the memory palace. Case Study or Trace Study of the Memory Palace Memory Palaces are methods of loci which use an imagined architecture to structure a speech based on associations of symbols. They are a spatialized remediation of association. Before memory palaces were implemented, hieroglyphs and other forms of picture writing were already using symbols to stand in for words and ideas. Memory palaces abstract this notion of association and complicate in order to allow one to remember hundreds of ideas. While mnemonics can be written down, the memory palace is completely imagined, and therefore the process and the media is black boxed within the mind of the subject. It was developed out of a human lack, and the need to remember large amounts of information. When using the memory palace, one needs only to remember the symbols, after which the encoded information becomes unlocked like the chirograph which connects to its counterpart. Memory palaces were constructed out of an anxiety for memory being lost, but in reality it is always already lost. This mode of mediation is based on location, but it itself has no location and exists as a non-space that stores imagined data. The subject that uses the memory palace becomes split and is forced to inhabit two realities. The subject must imagine walking through the memory palace and picking up each predetermined object while being rooted in a physical space and delivering a live speech to an audience. The subject must navigate the memory palace like an automaton on automatic pilot but cannot get fully immersed or lost in it. Discipline of the mind and the body is necessary since the subject cannot think, but must become a machine and instrument for delivering memory. The Mechanization of Memory Hegel discusses memory in two terms, “Erinnerung” and “Gedächtnis.” Erinnerung for Hegel is recollection, memory based on learning and internalization. It therefore has a relationship to the past and to a missing Other. Gedächtnis is the forgetting of meaning in favor of memorization and technologized memory just as the technologization of speech through the act of writing is also the erasure of speech and the marking of its becoming forgotten. Gedächtnis acts as the simulacrum and mechanical reproduction of memory emptied of its original and of meaning (Ronell). Memory palaces fall under Gedächtnis, as they are a phantom crutch or prosthetic for remembering which can be easily dismantled and forgotten. It does reflect Erinnerung in that it calls to its missing Other which is the real house, but it has no relationship to the past, as the reality of the memory palace is artificially constructed. The associations within the memory palace are also artificial revealing the manipulation of memory which becomes something external that can be altered and changed. Derrida writes, “What Plato is attacking in sophistics, therefore, is not smply recourse to memory but, within such recourse, the substitution of the mnemonic device for live memory, of the prosthesis for the organ; the perversion that consists of replacing a limb by a thing, here, substituting the passive, mechanical ‘by-heart’ for the active reanimation of knowledge, for its reproduction in the present. The boundary (between inside and outside, living and nonliving) separates not only speech from writing but also memory as an unveiling (re-)producing a presence from re-memoration as the mere repetition of a monument…(Derrida 109).” Paul de Man elaborates on the contradictory nature of Gedächtnis and Erinnerung, “Memory effaces remembrance (or recollection) just as the I effaces itself. The faculty that enables thought to exist also makes its preservation impossible. The art, the techné, of writing which cannot be separated from thought and from memorization can only be preserved in the figural mode of the symbol, the very mode it has to do away with if it is to occur at all (de Man 102).” Memory Palace as Afterimage and Trace The effacing of Erinnerung caused by Gedächtnis also speaks to the idea of an afterimage which effaces the original image. The memory palace, is an afterimage and faint impression of one’s home which it replaces. Jonathan Crary writes that the afterimage, “…allowed one to conceive of sensory perception as cut from any necessary link with an external referent. The afterimage – the presence of sensation in the absence of a stimulus – and its subsequent modulations posed a theoretical and empirical demonstration of autonomous vision, of an optical experience that was produced by and within the subject (Crary 98).” The afterimage of the memory palace is detachable, once it is created the originary house isn’t necessary to evoke it, rather it can be evoked independently by the subject. Memory palaces, while seeming to be about semiotics, have more to do with Derrida's concept of the "trace." Derrida writes, “The trace is not a presence but is rather the simulacrum of a presence that dislocates, displaces, and refers beyond itself. The trace has, properly speaking, no place, for effacement belongs to the very structure of the trace. Effacement must always be able to overtake the trace; otherwise it would not be a trace but an indestructible and monumental substance (Derrida 156).” Memory Palace as Archive/Crypt Memory palaces are storage of static files. “The immobile tomes are their own tombs...The immobilization amounts to a musealization, creating a work of art out of files.” (Vismann 161-162) It is the storage or archive of files turned into images. The shaping of the memory palace into a dead picture is also shaping of the self into an instrument that will read the picture correctly, shape self into automaton. Making an archive of the self, discipline and archive, discipline of memory and discipline of the self. Memory Palaces must be practiced, otherwise they are prone to being forgotten. Meant to be remembered for a specific occasion, a specific speech, or event, once the event has passed, the memory palace recedes, shatters, erases itself into the depths of the mystic writing pad’s unconscious. “With one sharp and one blunt end, the stylus unites writing and erasing, those two fundamental chancery operations, in one instrument. Herein lies an analogy to the workings of memory: just as the Greek verb hypomnematizesthai equates filing and remembering, its opposite, exaleiphein, combines a practical act and a function of memory by referring both to forgetting and wiping off.” (Vismann 55) Obliteration of memory palace, becomes buried as trace and remnant “Ever since Plato, philosophy has used the wax tablet to illustrate the way forgetting enables memory (Vismann).” Mnemonic Expression: Writing Secrets and Speaking the Mind The art of memory is like an inner writing - Frances Yates. While mnemonic techniques were designed for oral performance without visible written aid, they were, from a Derridean perspective, systems of representation organized by writing. Rather than utilizing writing to externalize memory, mnemonics structured texts to correlate with the (variously imagined) inner mechanisms of the psyche. Mnemonics shaped poetics via rhyme and meter, for instance, rendering the text structurally uniform so that it might be more easily remembered and spoken. Mnemonic technique thus interfaced between speech and writing, presence and trace. In the same vein, mnemonics mediated between the interior mind and the external world, articulating both. Mnemonics are thus not simply storage techniques but expression: a form of writing (or art of memory) that reveals historically deviant memories and, in attempting to control its input and output, represents the persistently black-boxed functioning of the human mind. Mnemonics as cryptography As a mode of mediation, mnemonics represent a curious combination of semiotics and functional nonsense. Mnemonic signs (images, places, phrases) must be nearly evacuated of meaning in order to cue—but not replace—the desired information actively attached to (or associated with) them. From this perspective, articulated above , mnemonics functioned as a storage technique comprised of arbitrary signifiers (like Roy G. Biv) rather than a communicative semantic system. The seemingly nonsensical functioning of mnemonics, however, leaves open the opportunity for obfuscation. If mnemonics could be 'objectively' coded for memory, then they could also perform as encrypted transmission. Giordano Bruno's magic mnemonics Giordano Bruno, a Dominican friar and peripatetic philosopher famous for his “amazing powers of recollection” (Zielinski 72) provides a historical example of the cryptographic, communicative potential of mnemonics in the late 16th century. Bruno was eventually burned at the stake during the Inquisition for his use of magic and allegiance to hermeticism: a philosophy named for Hermes and based in Egyptian astrology, which, needless to say, clashed with Christian doctrine. In The Deep Time of The Media, Siegfried Zielinski links hermetic tradition (which persisted into the Renaissance but had to be promulgated secretly) to the “subhistory” stemming from “the passion for encrypting and deciphering texts runs through the sciences” since the 13th century (Zielinski 73). He also notes that cryptography made particular demands on memory and was thus bound to mnemonic ability (83). Bruno took this relationship one step further. In his writings and teachings, Bruno endeavored to both transmit and internalize hermetic secrets through mnemonic technique. Bruno’s system of “magic mnemonics” (Yates 223) hinged on his belief that the memorization of significant images enabled the "harnessing of the inner world of the imagination to the stars, or reproducing the the celestial world within" (215). Memory, for Bruno, was thus a dioptric medium, allowing the passage of the sublime order of the heavens into the individual psyche, "arriving at the vision within of the One light diffused through all" (230). This divine lumen, however, was guarded by catoptric technique. Bruno's mnemonic system was based the arrangement of intricate wheels of astral symbols and magic images. Bruno's first book on the art of memory is aptly titled Shadows: as Yates observes, there is “Circaean mystification at the heart of this memory treatise” (247). Bruno’s mnemonic code thus had a dual function to reveal and conceal. He sought to at once unify the human imagination and the celestial order through memory, and to keep this mnemonic recipe secret, decipherable only by those who understood hermetic principles and believed in magic. Written in wax Wax—the inscription media associated with classical rhetoric and art of memory—was remediated in recording technology and psychoanalytic discourse at the turn of the 20th century. Through a brief comparison of modern and antique articulations of wax as the material substrate of memory, we may glimpse how the rise and fall of mnemonics is subject to the imagined materiality—and malleability—of the mind. Antique imaginary: the obvious Cicero’s De oratore (finished in 55 B.C.E.) is among the earliest treatises describing mnemonics as a rhetorical art (Yates 17). Cicero credits Simonides with the invention of the art of memory, when, with “with almost divine powers of memory,” he “wrote down what he wanted to remember in certain places in his possession by means of images, just as if he were describing letters on wax” (qtd. in Yates 19). Yates interprets Cicero’s portrayal of the origin of mnemonics as “an inner writing on wax” (19): Simonides internalizes the wax tablet, the medium for recording speech that Phaedrus famously concealed under his cloak in Plato’s dialogue. Cornelia Vismann identifies wax as the key medium in the shift from oral to written legal and administrative culture in the West. “To synchronize speech and writing,” Vismann describes, “the speedwriters or exceptores responsible for files and protocols drew their letters in wax, which, in Quintilian’s words, puts up as little resistance to inscribing as it does to erasing” (Vismann 55). These speedwriters also assigned to take down the senate minutes, which “in search for the aura of the authentic,” “aim[ed] for [a] presentist effect” (54). Mnemonic systems were also designed to uphold these cultural values of presence and authenticity, and were analogous to wax in their ability to suture oral performance and written record. Wax was thus the obvious material through (and on) which to describe mnemonics, which interfaced between speech and writing. The metaphor has an additional layer: as a malleable, hand-held medium, the wax tablet suggests that the memory is likewise easily manipulable by an autonomous author. Cicero renders Simonides as the authorial agent of his inner wax tablet, and thus in control of his memory. Nearly two millennia later, during the modern turn, the idea that one could rely on—let alone control—one’s memory was undercut by the development of recording technologies and the rise of psychoanalytic theories of trauma and repression. Curiously, at this historical moment, the connection between wax and memory that once portrayed both mnemonics and the inner-workings of the classical mind is again applied to the mind. This later incarnation of inner wax, however, is not subject to authorial intent, but inscribed upon by machines and the Unconscious. Modern memory: the return of the repressed? Two notable depictions of wax as the material substrate of memory bracket Kittler’s year 1900: Jean-Marie Guyau’s Memory and Phonograph (1880) and Sigmund Freud’s Note Upon the ‘Mystic-Writing Pad’ (1925). “What good are the poetic mnemonic techniques of rhyme and meter when wax rolls can store not only substance and tone but real sounds?” (Kittler 1992, 236), Kittler asks in Discourse Networks, 1800/1900. Guyau addressed this anxiety of the inferiority of human memory and the limits of language early on by claiming the phonograph as the most exact metaphor for man’s ability to record and recite—to read, write, and speak. Notions of manipulating the memory with images, places, and signs is replaced with a techno-scientific inscription in Guyau’s comparison: “Upon speaking into a phonograph, the vibrations of one’s voice are transferred into a point that engraves lines on a metal plate…in analogous ways, invisible lines are incessantly carved into the brain cells” (qtd. in Kittler 1999, 30-31). Freud’s use of the mystic-writing pad as an analogy for the psyche also revises the idea of memory and inscription. Freud dismisses mnemonics right off the bat: “If I distrust my memory,” he begins, “I am able to supplement and guarantee its working by making a note in writing” (Freud 227). External “devices to aid memory” (228) are imperfect compared to our own sensory apparatus, however, which “has an unlimited receptive capacity for new perceptions and nevertheless lays down permanent—even though not unalterable—memory-traces of them” (228). Though he distrusts his memory, Freud echoes the ancient Greeks in imagining the psychic apparatus as a remediation of the wax tablet: the mystic-writing pad. Unlike the imagined mnemonic tablet, however, Freud’s pad is not consciously inscribed, but “receives perceptions (which are accompanied—but are not consciously manipulated—"by consciousness)and passes the excitation on to the unconscious mnemic systems” (231). Though these modern articulations of the mind destabilize the ability of human memory (assumed by mnemonics) and man’s conscious power over it (and symbolized by wax), they are haunted by the idea of control and power that they repress. Guyau and Freud participate in the same endeavor to represent the black box of the mind, reiterating the art of memory via technological and psycho-scientific metaphor. Obsolescence and the Changing Thinker According to Yates, the quest for improved memory through artificial mnemonic systems emerges as a critical part of our attempt to organize knowledge and impose an understandable order on a chaotic world. Mnemonics were one such attempt, and although they are very efficient at storing information in packages that allow for easy retrieval they are rarely used today, in part because it is decreasingly relevant or important to remember things. As Nietzsche observed, "our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts" (Carr). The way we interact with information has changed drastically since a time before writing, thus changing the way we think. To cite the oft-relevant Jonathan Crary, audiences need to be trained to use new mediums and technologies (Crary 6), and it seems as though our new technologies our shaping the way we seek out, take in, and digest information. When the printing press was invented by Johann Gutenberg in the early 1450s, memory techniques started to lose their prominence. People were suddenly able to record history, genealogies, law codes and stories without committing them to memory. With easy access to computer databases and the Internet, the need for mnemonic devices is has faded even further. This shift in thinking was pointed out in a recent article published in the New York Times: "Why bother remembering the clever poem that tells the value of pi to 21 places (3.141592653589793238462) when you can look it up online and get a virtual googol of places? Why is it necessary in this information age to remember most thing, except maybe your user name and password(s)?" (Rosenthal). Clive Thompson summed up the change in thinking even more succinctly in Wired magazine: "Almost without noticing it, we've outsourced important peripheral brain functions to the silicon around us." In a time when memory was the only storage device or at least one of the most efficient, mnemonics were an obvious form of mediation, but as new technologies have become available making it simple to find almost any fact in a few quick keystrokes and a quick skimming of a web page, those old strategies have become less necessary. It is not surprising mnemonics have largely disappeared. We have found new ways to solve the problem of retaining important details. Perhaps this modern resistance to memorization masks an anxiety caused by a diminished sense of our own mnemonic capabilities (Cambor 2001) due to developments in technology and the emergence of psychoanalysis, or perhaps memory itself is a dying medium. - Carr, Nicholas. "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" The Atlantic. The Atlantic Monthly Group, July-Aug. 2008. Web. 10 Apr. 2010. - Crary, Jonathan. Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Boston: MIT Press, 1992. - de Man, Paul. Aesthetic Ideology. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. - Derrida, Jacques. Dissemination. New York: Continuum Publishing Company, 2004. - Derrida, Jacques. Speech and phenomena: and Other Essays on Husserl's Theory of Signs. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1973. - Donald Phillip Verene, Vico’s Science of Imagination (Ithaca, 1981), 96-126 - Fentress, James and Chris Wickham (1992) Social Memory. Oxford: Blackwell. - Freud, Sigmund. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Ed. James Strachey. London: The Hogarth Press, 1961. - Kittler, Friedrich A. Discourse Networks, 1800/1900. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992. - --. Gramophone, Film, Typewriter. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999. - Patrick H. Hutton. The Art of Memory Reconceived: From Rhetoric to Psychoanalysis. Journal of the History of Ideas, 48(3), 371-392 - Patrick H. Hutton, "The new science of giambattista Vico: Historicism in its Relation to Poetics" Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 30 (1972), 362-64 - Rosenthal, Jack. "Mnemonics." New York Times. New York Times Company, 17 July 2005. Web. 11 Apr. 2010. - Ronell, Avital. "Scoring Literature: The Drug Culture". (Lecture, NYU, 4/8/10). - Thompson, Clive. "Your Outboard Brain Knows All" Wired. Conde Nast Digital, 25 Sept. 2007. Web. 11. Apr. 2010. - Vismann, Cornelia. Files: Law and Media Technology. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008. - Yates, Frances A. The Art of Memory. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1966. - Zielinski, Siegfried. Deep Time of the Media. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006.
Click to enlarge - Marsh Grocery Cooperative Court - Marsh Grocery Cooperative is on a mission to tackle food insecurity in the city’s Karondelet neighborhood. The Carondelet neighborhood in St. Louis will soon become home to a community-owned brick-and-mortar grocery store. new project, Marsh Cooperative Grocery (6917 South Broadway), will celebrate its grand opening this Saturday with a vision of tackling the intersection of food justice and social justice. Touted as a way to bridge the gap “between environmentally sound, nutrient-rich foods and affordability,” MARSH Grocery Cooperative will operate on a tiered model where shoppers pay what they can afford. According to Beth Neff, co-owner and founder of MARSH, the store will increase access to nutritious, eco-friendly foods, both geographically and financially. “Food insecurity is a huge problem, but there are many other issues that prevent people from eating nutrient-rich foods or from owning a plot of land to farm,” says Neff. “People choose the food they choose because of very complex and interconnected issues. Here, we try to see what happens when we build our popular diet from the bones. We want to imagine it and try to build it rather than out of hypothetical models of how things work.” As Neff explains, the idea for MARSH (which stands for Embodiment and Activate Radical Social Habit) grew up with her and her daughter, who were looking for a way to connect Neff’s background in food-based social practices with her daughter’s interest in cultural arts. Their ideas coalesced once they found a building in Carondelet that – although in need of serious rehabilitation – seemed to be the perfect place to set up a multi-faceted cooperative consisting of a restaurant, grocery store and online store. However, after taking over the building in 2019, they faced serious setbacks, including an epidemic and massive flooding in the basement that destroyed their expensive heating and water systems. This forced them to re-evaluate what they were initially able to offer. “We had to switch gears that first year and start with the Grocery Co-op, because that was the most logical piece,” Neff explains. “We developed an online catalog, connected to suppliers and opened the cooperative two weeks before the COVID shutdown, which really sharpened our focus.” In addition to managing online food collaboration during the pandemic, MARSH has partnered with local food stores and St. Through their work, they established contacts with other organizations in the city and learned a lot about how many different issues such as employment, housing, and food insecurity affect people in the community. Based on what they observed, they wrote a grant to the USDA’s Healthy Food Funding Initiative and received funds that would allow them to launch their traditional process to address these issues. As Neff explains, MARSH grocery cooperative will operate as a traditional grocery store, meaning anyone can go in and shop for a variety of products, including produce grown in the property’s vegetable garden, meats and prepared foods. In lieu of prices, shelves will be labeled showing how much each item will cost the co-op to offer; When shoppers head to the checkout area, they will be given the option to pay what they can, whether that means more or less than the specified amount. “The point of the sliding scale is that if you just look at things like quality and less environmental impact, for example with grass-fed beef, it might be better quality, have less fat and less impact, but those things don’t It means anything to you if you only have a certain amount of money in your pocket or in your EBT card,” says Neff. “Hopefully, having good food will help improve your family’s well-being, and you can decide for yourself how much you’re worth and what you can afford.” While you don’t have to be a member of the MARSH co-op to shop in-store, Neff hopes people will join in and offer several ways to do so, including buying a one-time $100 membership, donating time, and automatically becoming a member after shopping in store ten. times. As I explained, it is the members who make up the cooperative and get the vote of the members of the board of directors as well as helping to formulate the mission of the organization. MARSH’s grand opening celebrations on Saturday promise to set an exciting tone for the project. Fattened Café will come in handy with Filipino barbecues, Heavenly Sinful Delights and Yellow Moon will serve up sweet and savory goods, and there will be live music, kids activities and prizes. The event runs from 9 am to 6 pm “We are very excited that this is a place of mutual benefit for workers, producers and consumers,” says Neff. “We’re ready to tell everyone we’re here.” We are always hungry for tips and feedback. Email the author at email@example.com.
The Enigma of Grover Cleveland Grover Cleveland was an enigma as a president. At times a reformer, other times an overseer, but rarely a catalyst. Grover Cleveland’s political reputation revolved around protecting the executive branch’s role rather than transforming it. Yet, despite his political passivity, Grover Cleveland was still a president with many distinctions, including the only one to serve two non-consecutive terms and the only to get married at the White House. While perhaps not the most memorable president, the issues of Grover Cleveland’s day and how he handled them continue to resonate throughout American politics. Grover Cleveland’s beginnings Though other Presidents came from humbler beginnings, Grover Cleveland was no guarantee for the presidency. Stephen Grover Cleveland was born in 1837 in Caldwell, New Jersey. His father was Richard Falley Cleveland, a Yale-educated Presbyterian minister, and his mother was Ann Neal, mother of Grover’s eight other siblings. When Grover was 16, he had to abandon school to take care of his mother and his other siblings with his father’s death. By that point, the Cleveland family had moved to upstate New York,, and Grover sought work in various institutions, including as a teacher in the school for the blind in New York City and working as a clerk in a law firm in Buffalo. This experience as a law clerk helped pave the way for his entry into the legal profession and allowed him to pass the bar exam in 1859. From Law Into Politics Grover Cleveland’s law career quickly blossomed into a career in politics. He started his law firm in 1862 and managed to avoid conscription during the Civil war by paying for a Polish immigrant to serve as his replacement. A registered Democrat, Cleveland became the assistant district attorney in Erie County, New York, in 1863. He was eventually elected county sheriff in 1870 and served in that function for two years before returning to his law practice. His political affiliations and honest commitment to public service paved the way for his being nominated for and eventually winning the Buffalo, New York mayor’s election in 1881. It was in this position that he would begin to forge his path to the presidency. Grover Cleveland against the political machine Grover Cleveland’s rise in politics coincided with the political strengthening of the Tammany Hall political machine. Tammany Hall was a political organization that existed since the late 1700s, but it was between 1853-1890 that the organization became most prominent in politics. Tammany Hall’s rise was fostered by supporting the many immigrants coming through New York, most prominently those from Ireland. However, the group was known for being moderately corrupt, as bribes, kickbacks, and embezzling were all components of its attempt to retain political power within the Democratic party dominating New York city politics. The Democratic party recognized the need for reform and nominated Cleveland for the Democratic party candidacy during the gubernatorial race. Without the support of Tammany Hall, Grover Cleveland was elected New York governor in 1882. Known for his propensity for the veto as the governor of Buffalo and his strict stance against corruption, he continued to target graft and political indecency as mayor. Ultimately, however, he opposed Tammany Hall and sought to limit its corrupt ways while vetoing various spending measures deemed extravagant or wasteful. Cleveland’s commitment to honest politics and respecting taxpayers bolstered his image as a viable Democratic candidate for the presidential race of 1884. Grover Cleveland’s first presidential term Grover Cleveland’s political platform was centered around his commitment to maintaining the separation between the branches of government while ensuring that Congress was honestly spending taxpayer money. In addition, his commitment to reform and willingness to oppose political forces such as Tammany Hall appealed to middle-class voters. His affiliation with New York also proved beneficial given the size and political clout of the state at the time. Despite admitting to a probable affair during his campaign, he was able to retain the support of the Mugwumps and Republicans opposed to the commercial and industrial connections of the Republic candidate, James G. Blaine. With all of this backing, Cleveland was able to win New York, narrowly win the popular vote, and ultimately win more votes via the electoral college, securing his victory and nomination as the 22nd president of the United States. Cleveland faced a variety of challenges that came with the presidency in 1884. Cleveland’s affinity to veto legislation prevented the distribution of close to 80 million acres to the railroads, prevented pensions from being distributed to Civil War veterans with fraudulent claims, and even prevented government assistance in purchasing seeds for drought-afflicted Texas farmers. Cleveland’s quest to balance the power between the branches of government while preventing unnecessary government oversight and intervention led to him issuing 414 vetoes during his first term in office, more than twice the vetoes of all of the presidents before him. Cleveland’s first term demonstrated his inclination to serve as a government protector rather than initiating the policy. During his first term, Cleveland ended his run as a bachelor to marry Frances Cleveland at the White House, the first and only time the ceremony was performed there. Frances was a popular first lady but stayed out of the limelight, asserting herself to deflect claims during the next election campaign that Grover abused her. As Frances helped create a stable environment to begin their family, Cleveland continued to facilitate stabilizing policies. This included the Presidential succession act of 1886, clarifying the potential successors in the president’s death or vice president. Also, the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, principally targeting the growing railroad system, and the Dawes General Allotment act of 1887 sought to redistribute land to individual Native American tribe members. An attempt at re-election in 1888 Although Cleveland’s no-nonsense approach to government management won him praise from reform-minded politicians, Cleveland’s stance on the protective tariff issued on foreign goods was a thorny issue on his side. Protective tariffs had been instituted on foreign goods to protect the distribution and sales of American products during the Civil War. Still, its perpetuation was seen as a cause of overproduction, economic instability, and excessive government surplus. Although Congress enacted measures to lower the tariff rates in some states, most notably in the South, Cleveland’s Congress enacted measuresctive tariffs overall garnered much opposition from industrialist-backed Republicans. While many in the middle class favored Cleveland’s efforts to ensure a fair market with cheaper goods overall, many workers in industrial areas feared losing their jobs due to eliminating the tariffs on overseas goods. Benjamin Harrison, a civil war general and grandson of President William Henry Harrison, advocated the tariffs. Harrison’s implementation of “front-porch,” grassroots campaigning coupled with ample campaign contributions helped to propel his message to the masses. Although Cleveland would win the general election, Harrison’s victories in his home state of Indiana and Cleveland’s home state of New York propelled him to a victory via the electoral college to become the 23rd president of the United States. Grover Cleveland’s Second presidency While Harrison made many efforts to expand and equalize US wealth during his presidency, including the Sherman anti-trust act and an attempt to annex Hawaii, tariffs continued to be controversial. During this time, the Populist party formed, seeking more significant support for farmers, greater regulation of railroad rates, and shifting the money supply from the gold standard. The populists, fronted by candidate James Weaver, were able to win five states and 8% of t, and shiftingte. With this contribution and public opinion shifting towards opposition against tariffs, Grover Cleveland, again nominated by the Democratic party, was able to win the general and electoral college votes to regain the presidency. The country’s economic state quickly overshadowed Cleveland’s remarkable feat of winning two non-consecutive terms as the country’s economic state. 1893 was the worst economic depression the country had experienced until that point. Overexpansion of the railroads led to multiple railroad lines, including the Union Pacific line, to declare bankruptcy or go into receivership. Simultaneously, there were numerous bank failures, a credit crisis, and the stock market crashed. Unemployment rose to almost 20 percent, and there were multiple strikes in the coal and transportation industries. Cleveland’s response to the market downturn was more inflammatory than rehabilitating. He blamed the passage of the Silver Purchase Act during Harrison’s administration for disrupting the silver supply and devaluing the gold supply, essentially deflating the American currency. Cleveland sought to replenish the nation’s gold supply to avoid defaulting on loans to foreign creditors. His response to the various worker strikes, including the 150,000 workers who participated in the Pullman strike in Chicago, was to use federal forces to break up the strike. Cleveland’s stance towards public affairs was at times incredibly contradictory; he simultaneously expressed repulsion at the treatment of Chinese workers while providing little support for African-Americans or women in the political sphere. These attributes, including his dismissal of the government funding public works projects, led to increasing popular dissent towards his policies. While foreign affairs during Cleveland’s second term were more oriented towards negotiating to trade, such as fishing rights off Newfoundland, events during his second term were much more volatile. In the vein of the tri-protectorate agreement negotiated during his first term about avoiding a German takeover of the American territory of Samoa, Cleveland tried to intervene after the Hawaiian revolution of 1893. However, the power of the sugar plantations and persistence of the Hawaiian government proved too complicated to resolve through negotiations, and Cleveland deferred to Congress to resolve the matter, an issue that remained until Hawaii became a territory during the presidency of William McKinley. Cleveland’s attempt to resolve disputes almost brought the US into war with the UK. Citing the Monroe Doctrine and US supremacy in Western Hemisphere affairs, Cleveland accepted Venezuela’s entreaty to negotiate a resolution regarding the territory bordering the Orinoco river that separated the country from British Guiana. While the British eventually agreed to negotiate the border, Cleveland’s sending warships to the region and his threat of military intervention made his foreign policy legacy a controversial one. Life after politics Given Cleveland’s controversial decisions regarding organized labor, the silver supply, and foreign intervention, his popularity had declined substantially. Many in the Democratic party wanted him to run for a third term, but he ultimately declined, ceding the candidacy to William Jennings Bryan. However, Bryan would lose to William McKinley, and the Republicans once again regained the executive branch. Having retired from politics, including refusing another election bid during the 1904 election, Cleveland resumed his law practice and dabbled in the stock market, eventually accruing a personal fortune nearing $350,000. Having moved to Princeton, New Jersey, he became a university trustee and wrote various political commentaries. Unfortunately, Cleveland’s health declined substantially, particularly after the death of his eldest daughter Ruth in 1904. With kidney and gastrointestinal problems afflicting him in 1907, he would eventually die from a heart attack in 1908. Demonstrating his commitment to public service, Grover Cleveland’s final words were, “I have tried so hard to do right.” As a politician, Grover Cleveland’s influence on the presidency was based more on conduct than on construct. Aside from his tendency to veto legislation, he did little to shape the executive branch’s powers or provide any overarching policy for the United States. These movements would eventually garner him much criticism. Instead, as he had dutifully defined, his role was to preserve the integrity of the branch as an overseer of Congress. Part conservative legislator, a part liberal reformer, Cleveland’s efforts melded consistency with controversy to ensure that government conducted itself honestly. It was his commitment to honest, hard-working civic service that helped to earn Cleveland his historic. Two non-consecutive presidential terms, substantial political appeal, and the legacy that persists until today.
Sunday, March 15, 2015 was a remarkable day temperature-wise especially in portions of southern and eastern North Dakota. The North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) stations maximum temperatures on March 15 are presented below. The warmest temperature recorded that day across the mesonet was in Hettinger with a high of 78°. Although still mild for the time of year, it was significantly cooler across much of northern North Dakota with maximums in the 50s. There was a cold front moving across the area during the day and locations with highs in the 50s and even 60s in many cases recorded maximums early in the day or temperatures held steady much of the afternoon once that cold front moved across those areas. The locations that stayed in the warm air throughout the day, the timing was perfect for an exceptionally mild day for so early in the season. To achieve such warmth so early in the season a combination of things aligned just perfectly. 1. The lack of snow cover over the winter quickly melted with the warmer temperatures a good week before March 15. The warm air mass that was in place through the week without any snow cover allowed the top few inches of the soil to thaw which aids in heating the lowest levels of the atmosphere. 2. The series of mild days leading up to March 15 also allowed that top layer of soil to dry, which is another ingredient for warmth. 3. The aforementioned cold front as it was moving across North Dakota led to a downward motion of the atmosphere ahead of that front. This compression of the lower layers of the atmosphere is yet another element that aids in the development of warmer temperatures. This trifecta of circumstances led not only to some daily records, but to other “so early in the” season temperature records as well. Both Fargo and Grand Forks set records for the earliest 70 degree day of spring. Although it was the record for the earliest such occurrence on record, it should be noted it was only 1 day earlier than the previous earliest 70° record set in 2012 and only two days earlier then the first 70° in 1910. For stations with records dating back to at least 1930, record maximums for March 15 were tied or broken in the following locations in North Dakota. Not only were record maximums recorded at several locations in North Dakota, but several record maximum minimums were also also established. Such records are presented below from station with records dating back to at least 1930. Fargo, Grand Forks, Bismarck and Williston all set standards for the warmest low temperature for so early in the season. Plus in Fargo the 48° low that day is tied for the 3rd warmest minimum of any March day since 1881 when records began for that location. The warmth of the the second week in March 2015 was impressive, yet, there are no signs that any temperatures near those levels will be achieved again the rest of the month. So unlike March 2012 or 1910, it will not persist through much of the month like those two years, but instead, be similar to what happened in the first week of March, 2000, which is it was just a taste of real spring that will not take hold for several more weeks.
Birth Name: Marianne Deborah Williamson Place of Birth: Houston, Harris, Texas, U.S. Date of Birth: July 8, 1952 Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish Marianne Williamson is an American author, spiritual leader, politician, and activist. She was a candidate for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President of the United States in 2020. Marianne is the daughter of Sophie Ann (Kaplan) and Samuel Williamson, an immigration lawyer. She has a daughter. Marianne was raised attending a Conservative Jewish synagogue. Her father was born in Michigan, to Russian Jewish parents. Her mother was born in Texas, also to Jewish parents from the Russian Empire, who were of Belarusian Jewish and Ukrainian Jewish descent. Marianne’s paternal grandfather was named Solomon Williamson. Solomon was born in Russia. The family’s original surname is reported as Vishnevetsky. Marianne’s paternal grandmother was named Minnie/Mildred Nichamin (the daughter of Izel/Isaac Nechamen and Bryna). Izel was born in Belarus, the son of Schaime/Solomon Nechamen, who was born in Kiev. Marianne’s maternal grandfather was Henry Kaplan (the son of Yankel/Matusov Kaplan and Rachel Alpert). Henry was born in Kapyl, Kapyl District, Minsk Region, Belarus. Rachel was born in Russia, the daughter of Jack Alpert. Marianne’s maternal grandmother was Rose Taitz/Deutser (the daughter of Isaac Taitz/Tayts/Deutser and Mary Dora Trisik). Rose was born in Nikopol’, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine. Isaac was the son of Khaim Tayts. Mary was the daughter of Khaim Trishek/Trisik, who was born in Telsiai, Lithuania, and of Sora Riva Matusov, who was born in Kražiai, Šiauliai County, Lithuania. Two people of Jewish heritage have been nominated for President of the United States by a major party. Barry Goldwater, nominated by the Republican Party in 1964, was the first (Goldwater was born to a Jewish father and a non-Jewish mother, and was raised an Episcopalian). John Kerry, nominated by the Democratic Party in 2004, was the second (Kerry’s paternal grandparents were born Jewish, though Kerry’s father and Kerry himself were raised Catholic). Joe Lieberman, who is Jewish, was nominated for Vice President of the United States by the Democratic Party in 2000. Five people of Jewish heritage have won a major party’s Presidential caucus and/or primary: *Barry Goldwater (1964, the year he was nominated; Republican; won 7 states; Goldwater also sought the 1960 Republican nomination) *John Kerry (2004, the year he was nominated; Democratic; won 51 contests) *Wesley Clark (who sought the 2004 Democratic nomination; won 1 state, Oklahoma; Clark was born to a Jewish father and a non-Jewish mother, and is a practicing Catholic) *Bernie Sanders (who sought the Democratic nomination in 2016 and 2020; in 2016, he won 23 contests; in 2020, he won 9 contests) *Michael Bloomberg (who sought the 2020 Democratic nomination; won 1 territory, American Samoa) Of the five, Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg are Jewish by religion, and Sanders is the first person of Jewish religion to have won a caucus and/or primary for a major American political party’s Presidential nomination (the 2016 New Hampshire primary). Other people of significant Jewish heritage who have mounted plausible or semi-plausible campaigns for a major party’s nomination for President of the United States are: *Milton Shapp (who sought the 1976 Democratic nomination) *Larry Agran (who sought the 1992 Democratic nomination) *Arlen Specter (who sought the 1996 Republican nomination) *Joe Lieberman (who sought the 2004 Democratic nomination) *John H. Cox (who sought the 2008 Republican nomination) *Fred Karger (who sought the 2012 Republican nomination) *Michael Bennet (who sought the 2020 Democratic nomination) *Tom Steyer (who sought the 2020 Democratic nomination) Shapp, Agran, Specter, Lieberman, and Karger were/are all Jewish by religion. Bennet and Steyer were raised in mixed-faith households, Bennet with a Jewish mother and Steyer with a Jewish father. Shapp was the first person of Jewish religion to mount a prominent campaign for a major party’s nomination for President of the United States. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Catholic with a Jewish great-grandfather, also sought the 2020 Democratic nomination. Sources: Interview with Marianne Williamson about being Jewish – https://www.jta.org Genealogy of Marianne Williamson – https://www.geni.com Marianne’s father on the 1920 U.S. Census – https://www.familysearch.org
Daniel Low is a medical student at the University of Washington, and a current Fogarty Scholar working at the Uganda Cancer Institute on access to care and complications of HIV and cancer co-morbidity. He has worked on projects in Malawi, Honduras, Tanzania, and Kenya. With my current project stuck in administrative delays, I have developed two other side projects focused on enhancing palliative and hospice care at the Uganda Cancer Institute. The more I have borne witness to in-hospital deaths, the more I have wondered if these were “good” deaths, and if not, what would a “good” death look like in a Ugandan context? Interestingly, Uganda has one of the most advanced palliative and hospice care programs in all of sub-Saharan Africa. Over 90 districts in the country have hospice offices offering in-home services, including oral morphine, something often severely lacking in end-of-life care in other parts of Africa. Furthermore, palliative care organizations have trained thousands of local healthcare providers, while palliative care practices are now taught in all medical schools in Uganda. Nonetheless, there are usually at least 4-5 in-hospital deaths each week at the Uganda Cancer Institute (UCI). So the question remains, are these “good” deaths? Recent research in urban Uganda suggests probably not. Most people here, like in the States, would prefer to die at home. Pain management remains a problem, as do many other quality of life measures at the end of life. Most of our patients present with late stage cancers, where a fix is often untenable; death is inevitable. In such a scenario, we are left in uncharted waters. We have been trained to prevent death, not to engage with it. It is a tricky crossroads, a place that many doctors, both here and in the States, don’t know how to comfortably navigate. It is also a place where spirituality tends to play a larger and larger role. For some, this means thinking of the world to come, about reuniting with family in days of old. It’s about being closer to God. In the meantime, it may mean making amends and repenting. For others, this is just one step in a long line of reincarnation. This is only part of the cycle. Still others fear retribution, while some don’t think of anything beyond what is right in front of them, trying to instead focus on the moments that remain. Regardless of the spiritual convocation, the end of life is a time of great meaning, fear and hope for many. In these moments I am reminded of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s words, “just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.” Sometimes it takes confronting death to learn how much of a blessing it is to simply live. We learn to appreciate just how holy life is. I think that’s how Shayna felt at the end of her all too brief life. When she sensed that the end was coming, she asked for all of the healthcare providers who had taken care of her to come near. She expressed her gratitude for everything that had been done for her. She talked about medications, friendly smiles from nurses, procedures to remove fluid from her pleural space so she could breathe better, words of encouragement from doctors, and general support. Then, as her breathing became labored and she knew this was it, she asked her family to sing her favorite hymn to her. Lost amidst the melodic song of her family, she peacefully died. Shayna’s death was tough for me, as she was one of the few pediatric patients who spoke impeccable English and therefore was someone whom I had the pleasure of getting to know. She also happened to be the first pediatric patient I saw this trip. But hers was a “good” death. I wonder how her end-of-life experience can become more regular. At only 14-years-old, how had she learned the blessing of just being? She was calm and at peace with the world, yet vibrant and alive all the while. She asked questions about her leukemia, and though sometimes fearful of the answers, she had genuine curiosity. She lived in amazement of life. To me, she lived what seemed to be a holy life. She modeled the approach that Heschel advocates for all of us: “Our goal should be to live life in radical amazement. To get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.” Life is amazing. I see that awe when I walk to work, in the beauty of the acacia trees that line the road on the way to the hospital. I am amazed by the organized chaos of people walking to work, perhaps in a hurry but nonetheless always in a time and space to greet one another and offer a comforting smile. I feel that awe strolling the wards, seeing the human innovation of infusion treatments and radiotherapy. But most of all, I see that amazement in my patients, my colleagues and my friends. I feel that awe when Dr. Racheal stays at clinic until 8pm to take care of her patients, even though she is tired, hasn’t had a chance to eat lunch and has her own life to return to in the evening. I feel that holiness when I play peek-a-boo with Josiah, as he gaily waits in his undersized hospital bed for another round of chemotherapy. That holiness is all around us; it merely is how we choose to view the world.
Acne is the scourge of every teen’s life, at some point or another. Who could ever relish the thought of a face pockmarked with blackheads and pimples? Stressing over it just worsens the problem – and then, there’s the cyclical effect of hormones on acne. It sometimes seems as if you simply can’t win! So how to get rid of acne – quickly, effectively, and with the least hassle? You can go about it in one of 3 ways. How To Get Rid Of Acne At Home - Regularly washing your face is the single most effective thing you can do to get rid of acne. Become almost religious about this. Wash your face at least twice every day, preferably more often. Do it once as soon as you wake up in the morning, and again as the last thing before you go to sleep. A few minutes of routine cleansing can do wonders for your acne. Don’t just splash water on your face and call it “washing”. Spend at least a minute soaping every part gently, getting rid of the bacteria responsible for painful pustules. If parts other than your face are involved in acne, clean them too. Wash off all traces of any make up you wear before going to bed. Blocked pores from stale makeup can worsen acne and make it resistant to cure. - Apply a benzoyl peroxide cream. There are many brands, Clearasil being among the most popular ones to help you get rid of acne. Soaps or lotions containing benzoyl peroxide are also fine. Check the label to make sure that the concentration of BP is no more than 3%. - Salicylic acid ointments also help get rid of acne by removing dead skin and dissolving non-viable epidermis, thus encouraging new skin growth. For a while, your skin might be dry and scaly, but over time the pimples will vanish. - Sulfur-containing cleansers and products with azelaic acid are also effective in eliminating acne, though the exact method by which they act isn’t well understood. - Retinoids (derivatives of Vitamin A) will help you get rid of acne even when it is extensive or troublesome. They act at a cellular level, clearing out clogged pores and sweat glands. This prevents the swelling of ducts through retained grime and secretions which eventually leads on to acne.If you ask people how to get rid of acne, you’re sure to get diverse suggestions including many home remedies that naturally cure acne. Spot treatments, which are applied directly over acne spots, can be made of baking soda mixed with water into which aspirin tablets are crushed forming a paste. Even whitening toothpaste sometimes helps! - Face masks and facials can help dry up sweaty and oily skin to reduce acne breakouts. Two or three face masks per week, each lasting 15 to 20 minutes, can be very helpful. Masks of olive oil, cucumber or oatmeal are popular. Egg whites help cleanse pores. Wash off your face mask by rinsing in warm water. - Lavender, thyme, sandal paste and rosewood oil have bacteria fighting properties and can help get rid of acne. After any treatment method to rid your face of acne, apply a moisturizer. This is to prevent excessive secretion of oil because of dry skin. Minimal use of cosmetics prevents aggravation of acne. Be cautious while shaving. An electric shaver or safety razor might help avoid cuts and nicks. Use warm water and shaving cream to soften your skin. How To Get Rid of Acne At a Spa If nothing you try at home works (or you’d rather put your face in the hands of a professional!), then visit a dermatologist or spa and let them solve the problem for you. - Facials are popular at most spas. They’ll use a host of different cleansers, face masks and treatments specifically designed to help you get rid of acne. A dermatologist’s office will obviously be more medically oriented than a beautician’s. - Facial peels work to dissolve and remove dead skin which is often choked with acne causing bacteria. While they are effective in curing acne, peels shouldn’t be used too often. - Microdermabrasion is a form of treatment where the superficial layers of your skin are sanded away to encourage new skin growth. It helps reduce acne, though it’s a more aggressive form of treating it. - Laser treatments are another way of achieving the same end as dermabrasion. Instead of the sanding being manual, it is accomplished through laser beams. It is a painful procedure but achieves good results in getting rid of acne. - In rare instances, you may require prescription drugs to control acne. This step is usually reserved for acne that’s a part of other medical conditions or more extensive forms of the skin disorder. How To Get Rid of Acne Through Lifestyle Changes - Surprising as it may sound, regular exercise helps get rid of acne. This happens because when you exercise, your body releases endorphins. These stress-busting chemicals prevent oily skin secretions which are the substrate for acne. Sweating while you exercise also unclogs blocked glands and flushes away grime that leads to acne. - Avoid touching your face. Most teenagers find this excruciatingly difficult. It is oh-so-tempting to feel those pesky pimples and run your fingers over the corrugations and indentations that grace your once-smooth cheeks. Resist the urge! Never pick or pop your zits and blackheads. This introduces bacteria deeper into the skin and worsens acne attacks. - Regular showers and face washing can reduce the frequency and intensity of acne rashes. Use a mild shampoo, cleanser or conditioner which helps reduce oily skin. Always take a bath after exercising to remove all dirt and grime. - Eat healthy food. Avoid processed foods rich in sugar and fat. Whole grains, fruit and vegetables are ideal foods to get rid of acne. Soda and junk food are best avoided. - Sleep well. Eight hours of sleep every day lowers stress and helps your skin renew itself. Keeping regular hours can dramatically help reduce acne. - Drink plenty of water. Water helps detoxify your body. Eight glasses of water a day can control acne. - Wear clean clothes. Any fabric that comes in touch with your skin must be washed often with mild detergent. Avoid any brands or chemicals that have caused allergies or reactions in the past. - Oil-free makeup reduces the chance of getting acne. Avoiding makeup altogether is even better. Hopefully this short guide will show you how to get rid of acne. Don’t try too many things all at once. Just one effective system is enough. The reason there are so many approaches to get rid of acne is because not all of them will work for you. An important requirement to control acne is patience. Acne is a phenomenon of growing up. It won’t magically disappear overnight. If you persist with whichever approach you choose, you’ll definitely get to a point where your glowing, healthy, smooth skin is the talk of town. Until then, don’t obsess over how to get rid of acne. Enjoy your teenage. Even with acne, it’s still a fun phase of life!
What is a PhD Advisor? (with pictures) - wiseGEEK. A good supervisor says all the right things. Your supervisor will be a mentor, friend, confidante, adviser and also a voice of reason, so make sure it’s a voice you’ll want to hear. Support PhD Students in the time of Coronavirus. 0 have signed.. Vashti Fox, PhD candidate and casual staff member University of Western Australia. Sara Eagle, Senior Advisor, School of Engineering, RMIT University. Thao Phan, Research Fellow, Deakin University. When the relationship with your PhD supervisor turns toxic. Postgrads rely on their supervisors for help and support.. After unsuccessful attempts to fix it with the help of an advisor. Even though academic research is often viewed as the preferred career path for PhD trained scientists, most U.S. graduates enter careers in industry, government, or “alternative careers.” There has been a growing concern that these career patterns reflect fundamental imbalances between the supply of scientists seeking academic positions and the availability of such positions. Changes in PhD Advisor. Advanced Graduate Studies. College of Education. Only use this form to change your advisor prior to the establishment of your Guidance Committee (i.e. from temporary advisor to advisor). If you have established your Guidance Committee, all committee changes must be made in the GradPlan (gradplan.msu.edu) system. Name. Slowly losing respect for my PhD advisor.. but I cant help to think that the more things change, the more they stay the same. The hard work and sacrifice was well worth it. As an undergraduate, the friends I made had witnessed my struggle and helped me get through. An advisor (sometimes referred to as a “major professor”) is a faculty member who directs the research and training of a Ph.D. student. When applying to a Ph.D. program, you are usually.
- If thou have a reactive skin type, you already know that putting on makeup during an exacerbation can be a little tricky. - However, if you have a plaque on your face from psoriasis, applying the product – while trying not to irritate the skin further – can be very difficult. But it’s not impossible. Makeup artist Alan Avenanno has worked with stars like Jody Turner-Smith, Carrie Washington, and Vanessa Hudgens – and has also lived with psoriasis. So she knows a business or two about how makeup works for this skin type. That’s why he partnered with Otezla, a drug used to treat moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, for the brand’s Inside Look campaign to prove that people with psoriasis shouldn’t stop living when they get worse. For this reason, we have Avendaño and Dr. Contacted Jennifer Song to create a step-by-step makeup tutorial and share some helpful tips for people with psoriasis-prone skin. Step 1: skin preparation Proper skin preparation is essential for everyone before makeup is applied, but especially for those with plaque. First, choose a gentle cleanser, massage it gently into your skin, then rinse. Avendaño recommends using an oil-based product to remove dirt without compromising the moisture barrier. “You want to look for something that moisturizes and cleanses the skin effectively without causing inflammation that can irritate plaque,” she says. “It’s important as everyone, regardless of skin type, to keep your skin hydrated, moisturized, and clean, but it’s crucial for people with skin conditions like psoriasis.” And while it may seem like a good idea to use an abrasive scrub to remove plaque quickly, Dr. Sung that this is not the way to go. “While it’s tempting to wipe away your plaque with these abrasive products, I tell my patients that too much skin trauma or plaque can worsen psoriasis or even cause new plaque to appear,” she says. After cleansing, apply moisturizer and sunscreen to keep the skin supple. Give extra affection to all areas where seizures can occur. “Applying sunscreen and wearing SPF is very important for everyone, but especially if you have psoriasis,” explains Dr. song. “The sun can cause irritation or inflammation of the plaque, so sun protection is mandatory.”
I would like to start... but have no cluegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread My sister and I are in our early 30's and are pathetically out of shape, we thought we may take up rowing...learn, train, maybe race one day! :) My question is how do we get started?!? We live in Clearwater, Florida. How do we find someone to teach us? Or do we just buy the shell, get in and figure it out? -- lisa jennings (firstname.lastname@example.org), December 24, 2004 Check around your area marinas to see if anyone has a recreational shell or a rowing dory you could rent or borrow. Yacht clubs may have bulletin boards with ads for available shells or dories. Maybe you'll see a sign for a rowing club too. A dory will be more forgiving if you've never rowed before as you won't be trying to learn to balance the shell in addition to learning the strokes. If you do some reading online about what makes a good dory design first it will help you get an image of the type of boat to look for. You won't end up trying to struggle with a boat that is not made to row well. The typical 11' or shorter flat transomed "rowboat" or dinghy isn't much fun and the hard work will turn you off. I found shells just sitting around marina boatyards unused, as there are people who buy shells with great intentions, but like many toys they end up sitting. I rented shells from people like this and rowed a lot! You can often see them while strolling or driving around. Do any nearby colleges or universities have rowing teams or recreational rowing programs? Check to see if you could try their spare or older practice equipment out and maybe someone will give you a starter lesson or two. Try both fixed seat and sliding seat rowing. You will probably decide on one or the other before you decide to buy anything. -- Allison Banks (Allison_Banks@nps.gov), December 30, 2004. Hi Lisa! While it is on the "opposite coast" and a little south of you (about 233 miles distance, according to mapquest), you might want to check out Florida Rowing Center (www.floridarowingcenter.com) located in Wellington. They offer 3, 4 and 7 day classes. That way you can learn the proper technique from the start and try a lot of different shells to help decide what you want to buy. I have never dealt with them so I can't give you a personal testimonial but I have heard they are good. -- Peter Delamater (email@example.com), December 30, 2004.
Giving thanks is such a beneficial activity, Scripture is saturated with reminders and encouragements and admonitions and enticements. It is good to give thanks–to one another, yes, but in particular to the One who is the Source of it all: The Living God. “It is good to give thanks to the Lord….”(Psalm 92:1) We’re coming up on the Thanksgiving season, everyone’s favorite time of the year. Wonder why we even have such a season, though. One would think giving thanks would be like taking the next breath: something we do automatically, constantly, naturally, without needing to be prodded. I’m reluctant to say what follows, for the simple reason that I make myself vulnerable to someone saying I’ve done the same thing. But here goes…. I have occasionally knocked myself out for a pastor or a church or a religious group, and gone to great lengths to serve them–sometimes buying a passport and doing the multitude of things one has to do to travel internationally or driving a long distance and enduring the interstates for hundreds of miles–only to return home and never hear a word from them again. Not a note, an email, phone call, nothing. I would assume they thought the check they handed me said everything that needed saying. It didn’t. In no way was my work with them a commercial transaction. We did not sign a contract. This is a ministry. And a faith one at that. I simply wonder why some people–not all, thankfully–cannot go to the trouble of saying “thank you; good job.” Now, if I were insecure, I would obsess about the shouted silence from those who invited and hosted me, then sent me on my way with a check and not a word since. I would lie awake at night wondering if I failed them in some way, if they were unhappy with what I did, if their silence speaks volumes about their negative feelings. I would, but I don’t. Where’s the point in that? Do you suppose God in Heaven lies awake at night wondering if He has failed you and me in some way, since He never hears a word of thanks or appreciation from our direction? We know the answer to that one, don’t we? God does not need anything from us. He said, “If I were hungry, I would not ask you. The cattle on a thousand hills are mine” (Psalm 50:12,10). God has so constructed you and me that we need to give thanks–to each other, but particularly to Him. Something good happens within me when I express thanks to you. Something fine and godly takes place when I express it to the Savior. Here are ten favorite “Thanksgiving texts,” all with their own contribution to the practice of looking Heavenward and praising the Father who started it all, holds it in the palm of His hand, and will someday bring it all back to Himself. 1. Habakkuk 3:17-19 “Though the fig tree should not blossom, and there be no fruit on the vines; Though the yield of the olive should fail, and the fields produce no food; Though the flock should be cut off from the fold, and there be no cattle in the stalls. Yet, I will exult in the Lord; I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength. He has made my feet like hinds’ feet; He causes me to walk on my high places.” There is nothing else like this passage in the entire Bible. It deserves to be highlighted in the Bible and hidden in your heart. Anyone can give thanks when the pasture is filled, the fields are beautiful, the orchard is loaded, and the barn is bursting. But let’s see you praise Him when the crops failed, the rain did not come, the herd has died, and the trees did not produce. Let’s see you give thanks when the pantry is empty and the fridge is bare. Give thanks to God although your job is moving to Mexico, your spouse is serving you with divorce papers, the doctor is ordering more tests, and the kids are failing in school. Do that and people will wonder about you. Either, they will conclude, you’re nuts, you’re not facing reality, or you know something. You know a Big Something. And that makes all the difference. Thank God in good times and bad. 2. Luke 10:20 “Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in Heaven.” The disciples were sky high. Filing into the Upper Room after returning from their mission assignment, they brimmed over with joy. “Lord, it was wonderful. We saw miracles–people saved, lives changed. Even the demons were subject to us.” Jesus assured the twelve that they were right, that things had gone swimmingly. “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven,” He said, and don’t we wish we knew more about that. Then, He said, “But I do not want you to rejoice over the results of your mission trips. I do not want you to find your affirmation in how many get saved. Your joy is to be rooted in your salvation, that your names are written in Heaven.” Those whose joy is bound up in the results of their church visitations and mission trips will be up and down, depending on the latest numbers. The Lord is not pleased in that. He wants our joy to be confident, our attitude to be level, our thanksgiving to be unending. Finding our joy in our eternal salvation–that our names are recorded in Heaven–is an oblique reference to the security of the believer. If we can have salvation and lose it, get it back and lose it again, then Jesus was off base commanding us to rejoice in something this ephemeral. But salvation is secure, and His promises are everlasting. Thank God for your eternal salvation. 3. Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say rejoice!” Our joy–that is, our appreciation and thanksgiving–must not be dependent on externals such as results, big numbers, compliments, awards, promotions, and such. We are to rejoice “in the Lord.” And since He is unchanging, the One Constant in this universe, our joy is strong and steady and unassailable. Interesting that Paul felt it necessary to repeat his admonition to rejoice. Earlier, in Philippians 3:1, he said the same thing. So, he’s actually three-peating the command! What are we to make of this? In his commentary on Philippians 4:4, Professor William Hendriksen writes, “The exhortation is repeated probably because on the surface it seems so unreasonable to rejoice in obedience to a command, and perhaps even more unreasonable to rejoice always, under all circumstances no matter how trying…. A Christian can be joyful within when without all is dark and dreary.” Don’t ever stop thanking God. 4. Luke 10:21 “In that hour, Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, ‘I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.” Two things in particular strike me about this prayer. One, our Lord was frequently giving thanks to the Father. (See Matthew 15:36; 26:27; Mark 8:6;14:23; and John 6:11,23) Giving thanks recognizes a dependency, a blessing which one has received and which has made a genuine differenc. Jesus is both expressing His gratitude to the Heavenly Father and modeling the same for us. Second, notice what He’s giving thanks for. God has hidden some things from earth’s know-it-alls and seen fit to deliver them to the simple-minded. And why did He do this? “He wanted to.” (That’s the essence of “Even so, for so it seemed good in thy sight.”) Have you given God thanks for the counter-intuitive ways in which He does a thing? His standards and methodologies seem backward to our ways, but they have a heavenly wisdom about them causing us to stand in awe. Give Him thanks for the way God does things. 5. I Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” This line of praise, coming at the end of a long essay on death and eternal life, is a fitting tribute to the Lord of the resurrection. In such a short burst of praise, Paul looks Heavenward in thanks while looking backward to the cross, the grave, and the empty tomb all at the same time. It’s all the work of God, it is the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it’s all ours. He “gives us the victory” through what Jesus achieved. And how good is that! To repeat the refrain sounded again and again above, we who are the beneficiaries of God’s grace ought to be filled with thanksgiving and praise on a daily, even hourly, basis. Thank God for the cross and the empty tomb. 6. Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be known unto God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” It’s easy to tell a friend “Don’t worry.” Don’t be anxious. Try turning off your anxiety just because a preacher told you it’s sin, and you’ll see how ineffective such commands can be. However, after commanding an end to our anxiety, Scripture gives us an antidote: in every situation we are to pray and give thanks, telling God our particular requests. That’s a recipe for peace that works. The thanksgiving portion of that command is what I find most insightful. As we are asking God to take away the angst we feel about some event or condition (a test, a medical finding, a performance), He wants us to give thanks. In many cases, this means we are to reflect on similar situations in the past when we faced such circumstances and God came through in mighty ways. Do that, and you’ll soon find a sense of calm flowing over your troubled soul. However, don’t forget that after such reflection, the next step is to tell the Lord what exactly we are needing from Him. Next time you’re worried about the future, thank the Lord for all the times He came through for you in the past. 7. I Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Some have mistakenly interpreted this text to say we are to give God thanks “for” everything that comes our way, whether evil or good. That’s almost right, incidentally. But just a tad off. We are to give God thanks and praise “in the midst” of everything that comes our way. That’s different. True, it’s often difficult, goes against our natural inclination to gripe and complain when circumstances go against us, but is the very wisdom of God. When we find ourselves facing harsh circumstances not of our doing, we are faced with numerous choices: run, hide, blame, retaliate, etc. The first thing we should do, however, is to pause and acknowledge that the Lord is present, knows your situation, sees all that is going on, and is still in charge. By “thanking Him” in the middle of that mess, you are submitting yourself to His plans to use this for His glory and your ultimate good. Substitute complaining with thanksgiving. 8. Romans 1:21 “Although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” What strikes us about “nor were thankful” is that it comes in the midst of a lengthy indictment against a generation of the ungodly who turned against the Creator and have abused and misused His gifts. Similar to “disobedient to parents” (1:30), our culture tends to see these as minor issues which we would have omitted in that litany of heavy and major sins. And we would be wrong. An unthankful heart for the gifts of Heaven–in nature, in life, in each day–is one of the roots of evil. John MacArthur writes, “They refused to acknowledge that every good thing they enjoyed came from God (Matthew 5:45; Acts 14:15-17; I Timothy 6:17; James 1:17). ” An unthankful heart is a danger sign on the downward road which culminates in the washed out bridge where everything that happens is bad. Show God a heart of gratitude; it’s a great sign that things are right within you. 9. Luke 18:11 “The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men–extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector.” Not all prayers of thanksgiving are acceptable to God. Some are merely boasting. This prayer, cited by the Savior as a prime example of how not to approach the Throne, reminds us of the times we have prayed: “Lord, I thank you that my kids got straight As in school, that I got the raise, and that I was able to travel to Italy for that convention.” It’s a small step from there to looking down upon children who did not do so well in school, employees who did not get the raise, and others in your situation who would never have been chosen for the Italian trip. The best test of your prayer is its inclusiveness. Do you pray for others? Do you give the Lord thanks for the achievements of others? Do you pray for the struggling whose children are not doing well, for your co-workers whose work is of inferior quality? Remember not to turn your thanksgiving prayers into self-centered boasting, but intercede for others also. 10. Hebrews 13:15 “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips giving praise to His name.” The Old Testament mentions the priests bringing “sacrifices of praise” to the Lord (Leviticus 7:12 and Psalm 54:6). I am struck by something that Paul and Silas did on their second missionary journey. As a result of their effective ministry in the Macedonian town of Philippi, an evil group complained to the magistrates who had the two missionaries arrested and beaten, then thrown into the prison where they were locked into stocks. Their wounds were untreated, they were in misery, and yet: “Along about midnight, they began to pray and sing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening” (Acts 16:25). I have a question for you. Do you suppose Paul turned to Silas in that horrible setting and said, ‘Si, I just feel like singing?” Not on your life. They were miserable and hurting. Sometimes, I suspect, you sing because it hurts too bad to do anything else. That’s what “a sacrifice of praise” looks and sounds like. It’s a sacrifice. It was hard to do and took everything inside them. But it was pure gold when it arrived in Heaven. And as you know from Acts 16, God blessed and used their praise to do incredible things. The best kind of thanksgiving is the hardest to give. May He use our praise and thanksgiving for His wonderful purposes also. The Lord has this wonderful way of bringing us up short. After posting this article on our website, in which I had complained just a tad about doing ministry and receiving no word of thanks, I got home, opened the mail, and found 54 thank-you notes. Fifty-four. I counted them. A month ago, while in revival in Beardstown, Illinois, we had spent all Thursday morning over at the adult day care run by the Cass County Human Resources department. I sketched every “client” and every employee. Now, they were properly appreciative at the moment, don’t get me wrong. But the huge envelope last evening brought individual notes from almost every person I sketched, with a small photocopy of the drawing on their card. It was wonderful. Forgive me, Lord. I receive far more appreciation than I deserve. In fact, after posting the “top ten texts” on thanksgiving, I could not get out of my mind that I should have included the parable from our Lord in Luke 17:7-10 in which Jesus says, “When you have done all the things commanded of you, say to yourself, ‘I am only an unprofitable servant. I have only done my duty.” Thank you, Father, for the little comeuppance.
‘The lowlands flood’, the Booroborwongal clan warned the invaders. They settled anyway; floods regularly devastated the Hawkesbury colonists from 1780. In FLOOD, users in a CGI night-time flood-scape stand in rising and ebbing waters. Grasping luminescent pre- and post-contact objects suspended in the swirling darkness, triggers tales from many perspectives. Floods are artistic and unconscious/dream metaphors for great forces sweeping away eras and structures, the turning-upside-down of the known world, the fear and horror of what lies beneath, of being dragged under and swept away. Invasion swept away so much of the culture, lives, crops, hunting and infrastructure of the Booroborwongal. The colonists’ destruction, clearing and ‘farming’ exacerbated flooding, the great river takes its revenge over and over. Aesthetically, FLOOD is dark waters, atmospheric, mesmerising. Illumination comes from an aesthetic and design strategy in which local natural materials (bark, insects, fish scales, minerals, fur, cotton) are scanned using confocal microscopy which captures their natural luminescence. This bio-luminescence will be used to animate, texture and bring alive the night-time flood-scape and objects. The bio-luminescence represents the life forces of objects made from natural materials and that of the land itself. The water is made volumetric by swarms of fish and/or smaller debris. The FLOOD user experience is to stand thigh-deep in the edge of the ebbing and flowing waters, feeling their force with the racket of the flood in your ears, the waters stretching into the dark infinity. There is a forest behind, sentry-like. In the water, you can spot suspended objects, alive with bio-luminescence, bedevilled by water spirits, flowing towards and slipping away from you. An indigenous tool, a nightdress, an old tin, a school pin. You grasp to hold the objects – with your right hand, a Dharug voice speaks; with your left, you hear a colonist. The voices rise and mingle with the flood; very close, or sweeping around, whispering secrets, fears, truths, hopes, anger.
Our courses make the student 100% confident in the subject and prepares them to face any challenges professionally in Photography Industry. The courses contain theory and practical sessions to provide in-depth knowledge of the subject. (1 month Weekend) We cover basic photographic techniques, and immediately apply them through practical exercises. We discuss the decisions one must make while shooting. At the end of this course, you’ll be controlling your camera, and the camera will no longer make the decisions for you. You can begin to create the images that you’ve been wanting. This course builds basic foundation to select any branch of photography namely event, food, product, fashion, automobile, interior, architecture, wild life. (3 months Weekend) This course is designed especially for those who wish to pursue photography as their career. This course will help the student having Basic knowledge in photography to taking advanced photos and having a deep understanding of camera fundamentals. The Advance level of learning deals with various topics like functions of the camera, advanced exposure techniques, studio lighting, product, portrait, theme based photograph using different advance techniques of camera and lighting which will help you to grow as professional photographer Advance Commercial Photography (6 months Full time) The Advance Commercial Photography is for photographers who understand the basics of photography and want to pursue career as a commercial photographer. This syllabus is designed to give emphasis on commercial and digital photography along with various lighting and advanced exposure techniques. It consists of many practical sessions on Lights & Lightings, Shooting in daylight, available light, studio light & mix light, Visualisation and Composition, Environmental Portraiture, Street, People , Photo Journalism, Food, Product, Jewellery, Table top, Industrial , Automobile, Beauty, Cover shot, Headshot, Hairstyle, Makeup, Fashion, Glamour, Catalogue, Editorial, Advertising, Portrait, & Professional level Photo editing software. We conduct Workshop from time to time on various photography subjects including theory and more practical by experienced faculty from Photography industry. The workshop courses cover: - Visualization and Composition - Off Flash Photography - Studio lighting
Ancestry of the Population in the US. Where are the Latinos located? The Hispanic population grew faster than expected and accounted for half of the US growth over the past decade. In 2010 the US Hispanic population rise to 50.5 million from 35.3 million in 2000. Latinos constitute the 16% of the US population of 308.7. In the years coming this can produce a shift in politics, especially in the states toward the South and West, which together accounted for 84% of the decade’s population growth. Texas alone added 979,000 individuals under age 18, of which 931,000 were Hispanic. Check out the full article at THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
By Nancy Robin Jaicks Less than 110 miles from Manhattan and roughly the same size, eight thousand acres, sits the place called Shelter Island. The island is nestled between the North and South Forks of Long Island. Bounded by tranquil bays rather than by oceans – Gardiner’s Bay to the north and the Peconic Bay to the south – it boasts numerous beaches and coves which have, in the past, afforded landing places for the illicit smuggling of slaves, and later, of rum. It can only be reached by boat, or today, small aircraft. Perhaps due to these fortuitous characteristics, its year-round population of approximately 2,414 men, women and children (swelling to 16,000 in the summer) have dubbed their home “the Unhamptons.” On this island, an enslaved African American work force that represented almost a quarter of its population in Revolutionary times, dwindled to a free black population that was a much smaller percentage of the community in the centuries that followed. In New York, gradual emancipation had begun in 1785; state law required complete emancipation in 1827. After the Civil War, the island underwent a transformation from a farming and fishing community to a resort and second home one. Such developments occurred within larger economic and military events. In this article, I try to analyze the mechanism of this change by focusing on the lives of African American families who stayed, produced, joined the churches, and educated their children at the Shelter Island Union School. An Unusual Story: A Freed Slave in the Twentieth Century When Albert Scott walked, his feet flopped, almost as if he were wearing flippers. It was a distinctive and very visible wound reported years later in memories written by Albertus “Toots” Clark. Albert Scott was born enslaved in the 1850s on the Chappell Plantation near Petersburg, Virginia. It appears that the Chappell Plantation was one of those owned by the Tyler-Gardiner family or their relatives, whose largest and most famous plantation, Sherwood Forest, was also near Petersburg, Virginia. As a child during the Civil War, Scott’s tendons were cut to prevent him from joining the crowds of slaves running away. Much later, he went to work for David Gardiner on Gardiner’s Island. In the last decade of the nineteenth century, Scott and his wife, Elizabeth Joseph Scott, moved permanently to Shelter Island where other members of the wealthy Gardiner family lived. There, Scott and his family were active contributors to the economic and social life of the island. They worked hard as farmers, domestic servants, and parishioners of St. Mary’s Church. Elizabeth Scott worked first for Sachem’s Neck proprietor, Miss Annie Nicoll, and then for Miss Cornelia Horsford, owner of Sylvester Manor. Both Scotts spent time in the employ of the Nicoll, Gardiner, and Horsford families. Albert Scott died in 1941; Elizabeth in 1957. Both are buried in the back southeast corner of St. Mary’s Churchyard. Albert Scott’s long life links slavery, which ended in New York State in 1827, to mid-twentieth century life on New York’s Shelter Island. Elizabeth Scott’s life weaves the enslavement of the Montauk Indians to the island. Astonishingly their lives and the lives of their owners knit Northern slavery, both African American and Indian, to the plantation system, the peculiar institution of the South. Further, the long life of another African American, Benjamin Chase, who married Scott’s daughter Laura, means that the link endured to the very end of the twentieth century. Ben Chase died in 1997, a month shy of 98, and is buried with his Shelter Island family. Shelter Island was once a sleepy outpost for historians but that has changed. Currently, several researchers and writers are laboring on the history of slavery, ethnicity, and class on the Island. With the discovery of the Fiske vault at Sylvester Manor, Shelter Island, and the 2010 relocation of much of its collection of documents and letters to NYU’s Fales Special Collection at Bobst Library, work on these documents has accelerated. The archeological digs at the Manor from 1999 to 2006 have added another dimension to the archives. In her recently published book, The Manor: Three Centuries at a Slave Plantation on Long Island, the prize-winning author Mac Griswold narrates a story of considerably more importance to the overall understanding of slavery than its local origins might suggest. Complementing and deepening the renewed interest in the story is the one Kate Howlett Hayes tells. In her book, Slavery Before Race, Hayes, an historical archaeologist, has transformed our view of how and where the enslaved and European populations lived on the island, particularly on the estate of the Sylvester family. In addition, the extremely knowledgeable local historians, Patricia and Edward Shillingburg, have been mining these rich records for more than a decade. They have recently written a history of another powerful landowning family, the Nicolls, of Shelter Island. All of these historians have benefitted from the deep vein of written and oral memories collected in the archives of the Shelter Island Historical Society. The Historiography of the Enslaved These histories are restoring to memory the institutional and cultural world of early contact and the critical importance of the enslaved to the economic and social development of Long Island. We are just beginning to understand how highly different slavery in the North, and particularly on Shelter Island, was from its institutional cousin in the South. In this article, I intend to touch upon some of those distinctions in discussing the early contact period through the Revolution. But the body of the article will be devoted to the long nineteenth and twentieth centuries on Shelter Island. What is striking here is that the most recent publications and attention have focused like a laser on the Manor. However, by the nineteenth century, most of the island lay beyond the borders of the Manor. The Nicoll family, for example, owned over 2,000 acres of the Island by 1800, while the Manor consisted of less than 300. A trove of documents lies in the climate controlled vault of the Shelter Island Historical Society as well as in the memories of many islanders. I am examining trends in ethnicity (that is the enslaved – both African and Indian and their descendants), gender, and class from the end of slavery in New York State, to the variety of immigrants who served on Shelter Island in various capacities. In early 1900, for example, a surge of immigrants from as far away as California, England, Italy, and China, arrived to fill positions on the island in the hotel and restaurant business, landscaping, housework and building trades. My paper explores the history and offers some directions, I hope, for future analysis. I have found, for example, that historians have overlooked the importance of classification, mobility, visibility, and gender in finding ethnic groups. The United States Census reports always identified the race of each individual. Yet in each census, one single powerful person, the enumerator, decided how to classify races. Only in the Census of 2010 were respondents asked to identify their race themselves. Americans, including the enslaved and subsequently the freedmen, were highly mobile throughout the last two centuries. People left the island, were not counted, only to return again years later. Many historians established a truism that the Native Americans left after Youghco, Grand Sachem of the Algonquin, sold Shelter Island to Nathaniel Sylvester. More recently, the work of Katherine Hayes showed that they lived and labored on the Manor for many years after. Lastly, intermarriage of Native American women with blacks became a survival strategy at a time when whaling traditionally drew male Native Americans away. The mixing of ethnic groups combined with the disappearance of maiden names in census documents meant the apparent “evaporation” of the Native American genetic strand until the discovery of DNA. What history books used to call the Triangular Trade was really the first burst of the global economy and modernity. Moreover, the global economy of both Barbados and Shelter Island was based on the cheap labor of enslaved Africans and Native Americans. Soon after the Sylvester brothers, Nathaniel and Constant and their partners, Thomas Middleton and Thomas Rous, located and bought Shelter Island from Stephen Goodyear in 1652, they brought Africans and enslaved Native Americans to work the land. The Africans came from Barbados and various parts of Africa. The Native Americans were the Manhanset, related to the Algonquin peoples, who farmed and hunted on the island. This group suffered catastrophic depopulation. Born in Amsterdam of English parentage, Nathaniel Sylvester found Shelter Island tailor-made for his experience in dealing with multiple state rules, laws, and imposts. European demand for sugar was increasing exponentially. As his partners stayed in Barbados to oversee the arduous sugar production by African labor, Nathaniel Sylvester’s role was to provision those plantations with timber, hog’s meat, wheat, and tamed or broken horses and to meet the rules, regulations, and payment of duties to the authorities of the day. And authority shifted from the Dutch to the British to the Dutch and back to the English once again. Eastern Long Island was splintered into different spheres; the New England authorities had established their own rule in East Hampton and elsewhere on Long Island, the Dutch West Indies Company (the WIC) governed the lives of many Africans in other regions. Perhaps for this reason and because they were needed in the militia fighting Native Americans, treatment of the enslaved was milder than in New England. Although Sylvester was the first to bring slaves to Shelter Island, they already populated much of eastern Long Island and lived under the following rules: they could (and some did) own their own land, serve and carry arms in the militia, testify in court against other blacks, and rarely, but occasionally, against whites. The WIC did not issue slave codes. Slave owners under the WIC did not break up husbands and wives. Lastly, there was the emergence of the “Half-Freedom” status. Those fortunate enough to achieve that status, “could enjoy all the rights and liberties of whites provided they pay an annual fee to the Dutch West Indies Company” and provided they work some days a year for that company. Yet “Half-Freedom” status was far from freedom as the indentured servant – having served his or her indenture – experienced it. The signature inhumanity of slavery, the difference that separated the races, black and white, was the condition of the children of the enslaved. All children born of slavery were to be enslaved. The conditions on Shelter Island and the rest of Long Island meant, however, that there was always a relatively large population of half-free and free blacks on Long Island. Members of this population were, to some extent, agents of their own lives. Newly arrived African Americans could measure their status against this populace. They could and did escape into free communities. Dutch rules lasted for forty years, almost a half a century. The Dutch Company was surely not made up of compassionate souls. In fact, Higginbotham tells us that Africans and Native Americans were tortured, but “it was consistent with torture of whites in the Netherlands and within Europe.” The Dutch, as merchants and businessmen, were highly pragmatic. The environmental conditions did not yield large plantations of sugar or tobacco. Farms were much smaller and Europeans owned fewer of the enslaved. The needs of the Company for timber cutting and Indian fighting molded the rules governing their much needed labor. When the Dutch ceded Long Island to the British in 1664, the harsher Duke of York laws governing the slave trade and slave labor began to be enforced. Yet distinctive differences between New York Colony, and especially Long Island and other British colonies remained. On Shelter Island, more local conditions dramatically influenced the lives of the enslaved and the Sylvesters. K. H. Hayes and Stephen A. Mrozowski, together with the University of Massachusetts team who excavated on the Manor grounds from 1999-2006, discovered that enslaved Indians, Africans, and Europeans all labored and lived in the same compound. The enslaved lived in the Manor house and in its immediate outbuildings. Their living patterns differed strikingly from those that emerged in the antebellum south where slave quarters were placed separate and apart from the big house. Such close geographic proximity influenced economic, social, and sexual relations between the different groups. Montaukett and Manhasset Indians lived, farmed, hunted, traveled, and traded on these same lands. Although the Dutch taxed and had influence over Nathaniel Sylvester, the dominant authorities the Shelter Island and the Montaukett tribes came into contact with were English. After the devastating Pequot War (1637) in which English militia murdered all the women and children they found in Pequot communities, various sachems tried to ally themselves with the English. Youghco, also called Poggaticut, Grand Sachem of the Montaukett and the Manhasset, walked a fine line between offering peaceful relations to the English and protecting the several tribes that gave their allegiance to him. In 1644, he elicited and received a document of recognition of sorts from the English Commission. Youghco’s brother, Wyandanch, a Manhanset sachem who owed allegiance to Youghco, is also cited in the certificate. And in 1653, after Captain Thomas Middleton tried to dispossess the Manhanset from their lands, and following the United Colonies failure to protect them, Youghco, presented himself to Captain Sylvester on Shelter Island. They met on what at the time were equal terms. In a ceremony “Youghco …delivered…one turfe and twige into their hands according to the usual custome of England.” Then they did “willingly depart.” But although historians until very recent times have argued for the disappearance of the Manhanset from Shelter Island, they did not depart. Within a year of what became the transfer of land, Youghco had died and within six years Wyandanch also perished. Instead of simply fading away, having lost their leaders and customary use of the land for their sustenance, as well as the ability to move according to the seasons from coastal to inland homes, the Native Americans began to accept or seek labor with the Sylvester’s. The terms of this labor are murky. It may have been enslaved labor. At any rate, conditions between the African enslaved and Native American labor could not have differed that much. Both groups survived. As discussed above, intermarriage meant that when it came to census reports as well as historians’ narratives, Native Americans appeared to have vanished. But what were the conditions of the laborers on the provisioning plantation of Shelter Island? Nathaniel Sylvester, as the documents show, clearly had the experience, the language facility, and the knowledge of both WIC and Colonial Commission regulations and ordinances to treat the island as a fluid frontier for establishing his own authority over the enslaved. Did religion influence him? While Nathaniel Sylvester and his young bride Grizzel did not arrive as Quakers, Nathaniel had grown up as an English ex-patriot in an Amsterdam Separatist Church. The couple sympathized and received fugitives from Puritan New England. In addition, they entertained the great Quaker preachers, William Edmundson and George Fox. By 1660, they were “convinced.” They had become Quakers themselves. Most Quakers at the time did not believe slave holding to be an evil. Rather they believed that Christian education was the duty of the slave owner. Not until 1773 did the Society of Friends denounce slavery altogether. In his will, Nathaniel Sylvester showed the influence of both Dutch and Quaker attitudes. His will, probated two decades after he and Grizzel became “convinced,” left 24 enslaved. He designated the husbands and wives among his bondsmen as a unit. Enslaved children, although left separately to individual Sylvester family heirs, were also expected, it might seem, to stay within the confines of the Sylvester estate. This seems even more likely since the Will divided the Manor into five portions, one for each child. Sylvester had stated that the legacies would only remain in effect if his children lived on the plantation. His vision, then, appears to have been that not only his children but the young slaves willed to them would remain a familial unit in close geographic proximity. Soon, however, Nathaniel Sylvester’s son, Giles, and the other Sylvester children departed for New England. Brinley Sylvester, Nathaniel Sylvester’s grandson, then challenged both his grandfather’s will and that of his uncle Giles. In 1734, after winning his legal challenge, he razed the manor house built by his grandfather. In its place he built the Georgian manor house that now stands. His records tell us that he held important county and town positions and that he engaged more in trade than in farming. That he continued to use slave labor, both African and Native American, on Shelter Island is not surprising. The island which had once been the sole property of his grandfather was now split into landholdings. The Nicolls had many thousands of acres on Sachem’s Neck, the Havens held over one thousand acres, as did the Sylvesters. These properties included the enslaved. Names, numbers, and prices that remain in the surviving letters of Thomas Dering, and also wills , yield a picture of the changing nature of slavery in the eighteenth century. This period, the Age of Enlightenment, ironically was a time when an already cruel institution came under increasingly brutal legislation. The hunger for African enslaved – sometimes brought in legally, sometimes smuggled, but always changing the demography of New York– clashed with the struggle on the part of the enslaved against their bonds. Many African Americans, both slave and free, resided in New York City where they labored on the docks, as porters, coopers, and servants. There, the riots of 1712 and 1741 brought about additional laws to repress and control the population of color. The immediate punishments for the riot, fire, and assassinations perpetrated by 23 Africans in 1712 included burning alive and hanging. Under the new laws blacks were stripped of their ability to own property; their travel circumscribed; their general movements restricted. They could no longer testify in court. During this period, a tension evolved between the few religious and humanitarian voices that decried slavery and the many who feared a swelling black population imported to enrich the merchants and farmers of New York colony. Revolutionary Ideas and the Freeing of Slaves on the Island Little is known about the sensibilities of Shelter Islanders during these years. By the Census of 1771 there were 27 slaves out of a population of 167. Slave owners included names that have passed down on Shelter Island: Nicoll, Sylvester, Haven, and Dering, among others. But the American Revolution found the island squarely on the side of the patriots and of “liberty.” And after the British offered the enslaved their freedom if they joined the King’s forces, the colonials changed their own policy. In 1781, New York Colony offered the same exchange of freedom for fighting. Many blacks had already taken up arms and, for example, fought bravely in the Battle of Long Island, in 1776. Responding to Revolutionary principals, New York legislators gingerly began the process of emancipation. First in 1788 and then in 1799, they passed laws that gradually freed the enslaved. Beginning with those born after 1799, men and women were to have their freedom upon reaching the age of 28 for males and 25 for females. Full emancipation was to be reached by July 4, 1827. Since owners having possession of a child born after the law of 1799 could register the infant and still retain the bondsman or woman in enslavement until ages 28 and 25 respectively, some blacks remained enslaved even after age 28. On the Island, the new laws resulted in a cascade of manumissions well before the 1827 date. In 1795, Sylvester Dering, Henry Dering, and Nathaniel Gardiner applied to free Mathilda, a slave they had inherited. In 1799, Benjamin Havens and Renseler Havens applied to free their slave, Dick. Samuel B. Nicoll “set at liberty” the family, Cade, Elizabeth, and their child Armenia. According to the law, application had to be made to each town’s “Overseers of the Poor.” Owners were required to testify that the slave was under fifty years of age and able to support him or herself. In 1790, there were 23 free blacks and 24 enslaved. In the 1820 Census, the numbers were 40 free and 2 enslaved. Blacks began to seek lives off Shelter Island. Of those who remained, few documents have survived to tell their lives. A handful of sources in Shelter Island Historical Society’s Vault, in the U.S. Census, in the island cemeteries, and in the memories of their descendants provide some guidance to the lives of the remaining minority families on the Island by 2000. In this article, I have decided to focus on two families who were deeply representative of the history of Shelter Island. Each embodies the struggle to endure and prosper in place. Each resided for a century here: the Hempsteads in the nineteenth century, and them Scott/Joseph/Chases in the twentieth. Both families allowed me to recapture a “world we have lost.” Nineteenth Century and the Hempstead Family David Hempstead, who was born in 1808, appears in the U.S. Census reports of 1820 and 1830. He left to work on the crew of whalers leaving, out of Sag Harbor. A large poster in the Eastville Historical Society refers to his significance as a whaling sailor. The David Hempstead cited as a free black householder on Shelter Island may have been his father. We know that several blacks born on the island left to join the Sag Harbor whaling crews in the heyday of whaling. Back on the island, they were cited in the Census reports as “mariner.” One such seaman (surely a nephew or grandson) who sought high adventure on the sea and then volunteered to fight in the Civil War was James Madison Hempstead. Madison Hempstead was born in 1836. He was probably at sea when he was not enumerated in the U.S. Census, Shelter Island, of 1850, but he appears again residing with his father James, mother Rachel, and siblings in the Census of 1860. In that census he is unmarried, age 24, and designated as “mariner.” He joined the Union troops shortly after the opening shots at Fort Sumter and is inscribed alongside sixteen of his white compatriots in the Shelter Island Eagle monument sitting on Wilson Circle. Do any of the students who pass by that monument every day know of this black Civil War patriot? Do they know that the star next to his name means that he died for the Union Cause? It is difficult to know whether Madison Hempstead was one of the eight volunteers who earned the town bounty of $125 voted on August 22, 1862, to answer the call for 300,000 men. But whether he earned the bounty or not, it took the sense of independence and willingness to face the unknown that he had already demonstrated as a whaler to seek and face battle. The full draft was only instituted in 1863. This is a war in which we now know that upwards of 620,000 men, Union and Confederate, perished. 178,000 volunteers for the Union joined the United States Colored Troops. Madison Hempstead’s brother, Henry Hempstead, also volunteered. Madison was one of those who did not return home. The historian Ralph Duvall mistakenly wrote that James Madison Hempstead “died in a Southern camp.” Examination of his death certificate shows that he died in a Union Hospital in Beaufort, South Carolina. He served in the 29th U.S. Colored Regiment, Company D. Union troops had taken Beaufort in the battle of Port Royal early in the war. We have no way of knowing which battles Madison served in, but after almost two years of service he died of pneumonia in Beaufort Hospital #5 on May 30, 1864. Civil War medicine, practiced before germ theory and the modern microscope, killed more than twice those who died from combat deaths. But while twice as many soldiers died of disease than from bullets, ten times as many African Americans did. The disparity between white and black soldiers went further. As Drew Gilpin Faust has shown, Confederate combatants, from ordinary soldiers to officers – with very few exceptions – followed a policy of murdering black combatants even when they surrendered. Well-documented is the story of the Fort Pillow Massacre of April 1864, when the three hundred black soldiers were killed, “most after they had surrendered.” It was so rare for blacks to be spared that we only know of about one hundred who were found in the infamous Andersonville Camp. But while Madison’s heroism is etched onto a monument, Henry Hempstead, his younger brother, is strangely invisible. He may have returned home from the war with both wounds and post-traumatic stress. He and his wife Sarah were married with three small children in the Census of 1870 but – unusual for this time period – were divorced by 1880. Henry was reported as a single head of household with his son, Mathias, age 15, living at home. Mathias had gone to sea like his uncle and father and at this young age was a ship’s cook. Henry’s father, James Hempstead, had been a model of family stability and had been cited as head of household from 1850 to 1870. Although born into slavery in 1805, by 1860 he owned property valued at $500. Ten years later his property was worth $1,200. Mary, Henry’s sister, at age 30, was still living with James in 1870. From the 1870s, she attended the new St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Mary Hempstead, who had been schooled on Shelter Island, could read and write. But unlike the males in her family, she owned no property. She entered service with the Nicoll family of Sachem’s Neck. A visitor to St. Mary’s churchyard can find her gravestone in Ben Nicoll’s family plot. When she died in 1902 at age 60 years and 8 months, she was the first black person to be buried in the churchyard. The 1870 Census counts 13 blacks – with the two Hempstead families as the only ones counted with young children – out of a total population of 649 on Shelter Island. The Census, Classification and Ethnicity Between the 1880 Census and the 1900 Census, there was a dramatic shift. It suggests that students of history should beware of too much reliance on one source and of declaring a trend prematurely. The Census of 1820, the last to enumerate slaves, counted 42 blacks and the 1880 Census counts only 4 blacks on Shelter Island, causing those who stopped their count at 1880 to refer to the “end” of the black population. The United States Census of 1890 was destroyed by fire. But in 1900, the census counts a sudden appearance of 32 blacks on the island. What would account for this steep decline and resurgence? Demographic shifts and economic booms and busts may be part of the change. But classification, reluctance to be counted, mobility, and mistakes are surely factors. From the first United States Census when no Native Americans appear on the island to 1900 when “M” for mulatto is used more than in prior cases, it was the census taker or enumerator who identified, using his own sense of skin color, which person to place in which category. As discussed above, we know that early in the post-contact period a strategy for survival was the intermarriage or intermixing of Native Americans with the black population. This accounts for the rapid “disappearance” of Indians among the population of black inhabitants. In addition, many islanders of color, Native American and black, fled to the mixed community in Sag Harbor called Eastville. Eastville was a mere ferry or small boat ride across the Peconic Bay. With the introduction of steamboats, ferries, and in the 1840s, the railroad, Long Islanders, both black and white, traveled on the East End more frequently. The Nicolls, for example, were peripatetic between New York City, Sachem’s Neck, and Albany. Their black servant, Jane Havens, traveled with them until the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 became the legal fiction for kidnapping and trafficking to the South. We also know that other Shelter Island African Americans lived highly mobile lives throughout the nineteenth century. As we saw above, David Hempstead left the island to join a whaling crew sometime in the 1840s. From that period on, he can be traced in the East Hampton Census as living in Sag Harbor. Madison Hempstead was not in the Shelter Island Census of 1850. He had left the island to be a mariner. But he returned and was counted in the 1860 Shelter Island Census. His next appearance in a document was, of course, in the records of enlisted men next to his brother in 1863. His last was his military death certificate, 29th Colored Regiment, Company D, categorizing him as a “farmer.” So we do not know what happened to Mary Greene, servant, and Perry Albert, laborer, who appear in the 1880 Census or to others who may simply not have been on Shelter Island at the time of the census. We do know that after the war many blacks migrated to New York City where work was plentiful. But by 1900, a surprising 32 persons classified as either black or Indian were enumerated. Six were heads of families and only a few are identified as domestics living with a white family. Aron Lafferty, 65, his son Nathan Lafferty, 46, were each listed as head of household and are each classified as “Indian.” Our veteran Henry Hempstead, 61, was by then a “widower.” Mary Hempstead, 58, his sister, was also identified as head of household. By 1910, the Hempstead family whose story we followed from enslavement to veteran status are no longer on Shelter Island. The family offers a window onto gender differences as well as race and class. Some of the men in the family had accumulated property. According to the census, they could read but are not tallied as writing. Educationally, Mary was a cut above. She could both read and write. But at her death in 1902, she was still a servant in the Nicoll family and she still owned no property. Migration and the Scott Family At the turn of the twentieth century, a second African American family story began on Shelter Island. Just as the narrative of the Hempstead family threads nineteenth century island history, from slavery and emancipation to death in the Civil War and its aftermath, the family of Albert Scott, born enslaved in the state of Virginia, is interwoven with Shelter Island’s entire twentieth century. All of the African Americans and Native Americans listed in the 1900 Census were born in New York State with two exceptions. One, Albert Scott, 41, was born in the state of Virginia. The arc of Alfred Scott’s family and descendants traced the century-long history of African Americans on the island. The family worked, married, were schooled, and socialized on Shelter Island for just shy of one hundred years until Ben Chase’s death in 1997. Ben Chase had married Scott’s daughter, Laura, in 1922.The Scotts were critical economic producers, civic contributors, members of the community and of their parish of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church throughout those years. They were also the social and familial focus of blacks coming to and leaving the island. For example, Charles “Jimmy” Hayward lived with the Chases for two years. He was a boarder but also a friend. Elizabeth Joseph was born in in 1872 in East Hampton to direct descendants of the Montauk Sachem, Wyandanch. She married Albert Scott, freed from one of the Tyler-Gardiner Plantations in Virginia. Their marriage united Shelter Island’s Native American heritage to a harsh Southern Plantation culture. Scott was born enslaved in the 1850s. Their marriage also linked the history of the wealthy Gardiner/Horsford families with the story of other ethnicities on the island. Elizabeth Scott worked for both Anna Nicoll (“Miss Annie”) and for Cornelia Fenton Horsford. She was the latter’s cook and trusted employee. I discovered the overlooked but significant connection between the Scotts, the Gardiners and the Horsfords. At its root is the institution of slavery. In the antebellum period, Julia Gardiner, cousin and friend of Mary and Phoebe Gardiner, of Sylvester Manor, married John Tyler, President of the United States. On leaving the presidency, they retired to the fifteen-hundred acre Tyler Plantation in Virginia where they owned between sixty and ninety enslaved persons. In 1852, Eben Horsford, who had married Mary Gardiner, thus becoming the patriarch of Sylvester Manor, visited the plantation and wrote of the contented nature of the enslaved in “Sherwood Forest” as it was ironically named. But later, Scott identified his chronic limp as a result of the deliberate cutting of his tendons. Since slaves were sometimes hired out and often traded in Virginia, it is impossible to know who owned Scott then or who was responsible for this horrific abuse of the child Scott, born into enslavement on Chappell Plantation. But we know that violent abuses were practiced on runaways or perceived runaways. As James Stirling, an English traveler in 1857 noted, there were other emotions besides the passion for gain that sometimes ruled the hand of an owner. Julia Gardiner Tyler and the Horsfords were close. They not only corresponded but they visited each other. Even in her advanced years, the former First Lady visited Cornelia Horsford, appearing in her Guest Registry. At the same time that the famous Grimke sisters were leaving South Carolina to proselytize for abolition, Julia traveled to the South as a convert to Southern ways and pro-slavery ideology when she married President Tyler of Virginia. But she was born in Suffolk County, daughter of David Gardiner, the sole proprietor of Gardiner’s Island, and sister of David Gardiner, the subsequent owner. Pretty and intelligent, she captured the fancy of a sitting President, thirty years her senior. She was instantly elevated to First Lady. When the Duchess of Sutherland published her anti-slavery tract in an English journal, Gardiner-Tyler wrote a rebuttal entitled “To the Duchess of Sutherland and Ladies of England.” It appeared in English publications and also in the Southern Literary Messenger in 1853. The Duchess had written her essay after reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In the same way, Julia’s article was one of many volleys shot in the ideological warfare that followed Stowe’s powerful work. Julia, like the more intellectual Senator John Calhoun, argued that the slave’s lot was vastly better than that of the workers in the factories of Manchester, England and Lowell, Massachusetts. She and her brother David, who was anti-slavery, broke over their differences. After the Civil War, Albert Scott migrated from St. Petersburg, Virginia, to New York State and went to work on Gardiner’s Island for Julia’s anti-slavery brother, David Gardiner. David Gardiner had decided to dismantle the fort on the island and use the stones in a wall. Albert Scott did this work. On the island, the former slave met Vincent Joseph, a Montauk Indian, listed as one of Gardiner’s workers. Later, he and Joseph’s sister, Elizabeth Right Joseph, married in East Hampton. By 1900, the census lists Scott as living on Shelter Island, head of household with Elizabeth, his wife, and four children: Walter Vincent, Alfred, Willis Franklin, and Laura Priscilla. The latter was just two months old. Albert Scott, Elizabeth, and the Josephs all worked on Miss Annie Nicoll’s property in Sachem’s Neck. Scott’s strength and work ethic were legendary and this despite his disabled feet. He logged trees, built roads, and farmed the land. In 1907, Elizabeth moved the family from Sachem’s Neck to the Center to be closer to the island school. Was it then that she went to work for Cornelia Horsford of Sylvester Manor? A beautiful passport from the U.S. Department of State stamped with a red seal provides a tantalizing mystery. The document, citing a dark-skinned maidservant to accompany Cornelia out of the country may have been for Elizabeth. But what could have drawn the Scotts to Shelter Island? Further, what could account for the census numbers that showed a paltry 4 blacks in 1880 and 32 minorities in 1900? The economic upheavals of the prior decade were a factor. 1893 saw a depression when many lost their jobs. Then, abruptly following the downturn, an upswing in the economy led to the increasing wealth of a plutocracy. This was the Gilded Age. The Gilded Age and the Transformation of an Island The ground for making Shelter Island a pleasure camp for the rich had been tilled by Samuel Benjamin Nicoll and Eben Horsford, the former a doctor, lawyer, and town supervisor, the latter an industrialist and Harvard professor. The two men used their political and economic prowess to close the multiple fish factories on the island. They transformed Shelter Island from fishing and farming to a predominantly resort and vacation community. It is true that the fish factories, frying vast quantities of oil from menhaden fish, wafted a powerful fish smell that pervaded homes and even, according to the Suffolk Times, stuck to the islanders’ laundry as it swung in the breeze. Some reported that they could smell it in Greenport. But Bunker City, as one of the factories was called, employed substantive numbers of Shelter Island fisherman. Further, the boats anchored in Greenport to catch and process the bunkers employed both black and white. The Town Council regulated the end of bunker processing on the island. With the smell gone, sparkling white mansions began to cluster along the island coast. Besides mansions, two storied hotels sprang up: Manhanset Hotel in Dering Harbor, built in 1874, and Prospect House, erected in the Heights barely two years before. A perusal of the Suffolk Times for the turn of the century depicts the changing island. It narrates a tale of the very wealthy and their retinue of servants. The transformed island now needed cooks, waiters, gardeners, chauffeurs, estate managers, and stable hands. Not only were the Heights and Dering Harbor busy with summer people of more moderate wealth, but multi-millionaires like Artemis Ward, advertising genius, and Francis Marion Smith, who cornered the market on Borax, had bought up hundreds of acres and built grand mansions. Presdeleau, Smith’s home, boasted thirty-five rooms. Smith moved his family between coasts by private rail car and yacht. Among Smith’s servants were a team of Chinese men brought from California. Some of them stayed on the island and were counted in the Census Reports of 1910. Samuel Benjamin Nicoll, scion of the Nicoll family, had died in 1899. Almost a decade prior Eben Horsford expired. The newly rich on the island turned to the next generation of the Horsford family for the lavish charitable events popular at the turn of the century and now. Cornelia Fenton (Gardiner) Horsford was a direct descendant of Nathaniel Sylvester. She had never married and instead led an active social and intellectual life as owner of the oldest estate, Sylvester Manor, on the island. One important event, a huge party at the Manor, was given jointly by Mrs. Francis Marion Smith of Oakland, California, and Presdeleau, Shelter Island, and Cornelia Horsford of Sylvester Manor to raise money for the organ of the Presbyterian Church. Gypsy fortune-telling booths were just one of the entertaining activities at this party. The Harvest Festival, an annual event to fund the library, was led by Cornelia who was president of the library. Behind the scenes and unnoticed by the newspaper accounts were the many servants needed to set up, bake, and beautify the Manor and the Chapel where events often took place. Elizabeth Scott was called on for these festivities. Elizabeth and Albert, like Mary Hempstead, sought spiritual life at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Perhaps the Nicolls had first taken them there. Each of their children were baptized at the church. The three boys, Walter, Alfred Jefferson, and Willis, were baptized in July of 1897. After Laura Scott’s birth in 1900, both she and her mother were baptized on the same day, November 19, 1901. The next memories we have come from Albertus “Toots” Clark’s story of work on Sachem’s Neck/Mashomack as it passed from the Nicoll family to the financier Otto Kahn and then to Gerard and Associates. “Toots” Clark remembers being a kid in Sachem’s Neck: “Mr. Scott was some great character! He was a black man but all us kids called him Mr. Scott. He was the first man my father hired (about 1923). He allus said he was 75. He was 17 when he ran away + from a pine camp in South Carolina, where he cut railroad ties. Mr. Scott had long arms that swung to his knees, and he was some wood cutter! But he couldn’t run. The cords in his legs had been cut when he ran away. His feet just flopped…He helped build the roads here, 27 miles of ‘em. In winter at noontime he’d come in, and set by the fire. He liked it real hot. He didn’t talk much, but he liked us kids.” An interview with Albert Scott provided the deep background of his youth in Virginia. In 1940, The Shelter Island News, the paper of record at the time, quotes the Scotts. Albert Scott relates his living and “being in the employ of” the Tyler-Gardiner family. They, of course, had several plantations, among them Sherwood Forest, and in the antebellum years Mr. Scott was a slave. The following is how he told his story or how it was reported: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott…live just east of Route 114 on the former F.M. Smith property. Mr. Scott was born a slave just before the Civil War on the Chappell Plantation near Petersburg, Va. After the war gave young Albert his freedom, he was in the employ of the Tyler-Gardiner family (U.S. President Tyler married Julia Gardiner of Gardiner’s Island). Next, Albert as a young man came to Gardiner’s Island to work for David Gardiner, Ninth Lord of the Isle of Wight in the New World (Gardiner’s Island), predecessor of the late Lion Gardiner the Tenth. In East Hampton Mr. Scott met and married Miss Elizabeth Joseph, whose mother – by maiden name Hannah Right- was a full-blooded Montauk Indian. (Authority, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott themselves). I pursued the story of Albert Scott’s terrible wound. Two well-known historians responded in emails that the cutting of tendons would appear to be counterproductive for slave owners who wanted the most profit from the enslaved’s labor. But a phone conversation with Dr. Maury K. Harwood, an orthopedic surgeon in Gilbert, California, brought a counter narrative to the issue: “The cutting of tendons could easily have been done with the tools available in the antebellum period, and, although painful, would heal fairly quickly. The abuse would not have hindered the victim’s ability to work or to gain great upper body strength. But it would have achieved the objective of keeping him from running.” The Scotts and Chases in the Twentieth Century At the time of the Shelter Island News interview, much had happened to the Scotts. Tragedy struck twice, first when Willie Franklin fell through the ice and died at age eight. It struck a second time when Alfred Jefferson succumbed to pneumonia at age sixteen. Both are buried with one large white stone cross in St. Mary’s Churchyard. More happily, second daughter Pearl was born in 1914. Laura Scott completed her studies. In 1922, she married Ben Chase, also of Native American and African American heritage. Ben arrived on the island in 1918. He was born in Brooklyn in 1899 and had run away from an orphanage where he had been placed when his mother died. We do not know what brought him originally to the island. Records do show that he went to work at Winthrop House, settled on island, married Laura Priscilla Scott, had a family, and ultimately built the Chase House, next to the Harbor Inn, on Burns Road. By the time of the Chase marriage, Walter Scott, Albert and Elizabeth’s remaining son, had left, joining an exodus of blacks from Shelter Island. To reiterate, the 1900 Census report shows 32 people of Black or Native American origin. There were 23 people of color, including 5 Chinese, in 1910. But in the 1920 Census only 10 remain. Although the economic reasons are clear – war, economic opportunity in the burgeoning cities, youthful wanderlust – a surge of racism suggests a more menacing reason. In the aftermath of World War I, nativism was on the rise in the nation and on Long Island. Nationally in the mid-1920s, Klan membership approached two million. It was at least in part a response to the hundreds of thousands of Italians, Irish, Jews and other ethnicities fleeing floods, droughts, hunger, and pogroms in Europe. But black migration from the South exacerbated bigotry. From the 1890s to the 1920s, and especially in the latter decade, the Ku Klux Klan gained hundreds of thousands of adherents. The Junior Order of United American Mechanics and the Klan both had a presence on Shelter Island and on Long Island as a whole. “Greetings From Shelter Island Klanswomen” Under a blistering July sun in 1926, the Klan held a huge three-day assembly on the Mineola Fair grounds. Not only was it well attended by throngs of the Klan, but Klanswomen from all over Long Island placed paid advertisements in the glossy magazine that accompanied the organized meeting. One of those salutations was “Greetings from Shelter Island Klanswomen.” Another advertisement recruiting for the Klan ran thus: (Klorero, SIHS). Pioneer Klan, no. 26 Southampton, Long Island Do You Realize that the Klan Has Become a Factor in Our Community Life? CAN YOU QUALIFY? As a White, Gentile, Protestant American If so, apply for further information P.O. Box 537, Mineola, Long Island A Knight in shining Klan robe atop a rearing stallion graced the cover of the “Klorero,” the Klan’s magazine. It sold briskly at thirty-five cents a copy. The Klorero was part of an exhibit called “Hidden and Forbidden” shown at the Suffolk County Historical Society in the summer of 2013. It included an actual Klan robe, heavy ropes, and pictures of lynching. Whether lynching ever occurred on Long Island in the 1920s or not, there is testimony that crosses were burned on Shelter Island lawns. According to Paul D. Colford, Bay Shore in Suffolk County was center of KKK activity. Some say the animosity was directed at Italians and Catholics, but whatever the case, it must have struck fear in the hearts of anyone not “white, gentile, Protestant.” The Newsday story in 1987 started with the serendipitous discovery of KKK records in a garbage pail. An antiques collector plucked out the discarded cache of records and subsequently sold them to the Queens Borough Public Library. The collection is catalogued as the Wagner Collection. Charles Wagner, the recording secretary of a group called “The Neophytes of Comus,” kept detailed records of activities, posted wrongdoing by public school teachers, and maintained lists of the organization’s members. To join the Neophytes, one needed membership in the KKK. Although no such list has come down to us for either the Neophytes or the KKK of Shelter Island, the celebration of the KKK by the Klanswomen of the Island leaves no doubt about its existence at the time. The 1930s blew in the dual catastrophes of extreme hurricanes and the Great Depression. A metaphor for both seems to be the Borax King’s mansion, Presdeleau. After Francis Smith’s first business failure in 1913, his summer “cottage” received far less upkeep. Although he regained his fortune, the banks continued to hold his debts and everything was not restored. The Hurricane of 1938 caused grievous damage to Presdeleau. Finally Smith’s widow, Evelyn, had its remains pulled down. The grand hotel, The Manhanset, had already burned down. New Prospect Hotel, rebuilt after an earlier fire, still stood – at least until 1942. Thirty-two blacks, Native Americans, and Chinese immigrants had dwindled to fourteen in 1930 and six in 1940. The Scotts, the Josephs, and the Chases had put down deep roots and remained the core group on the Island. Laura Scott Chase and Ben Chase had married in 1922. Laura Scott, born on Shelter Island, had been schooled at the Shelter Island Union School. Their children, Hope and Naomi, attended and graduated from the island school in 1939 and 1940 respectively. Thus they were the second generation to do so. Although there was still much work to be had at the various lodges – Peconic Lodge, for example, sent out brochures promising “smiling colored waiters” – the Chases believed in working independently. Ben Chase, for example, had his own sanding and flooring business and was also a machinist. Laura Scott Chase was called on to cook for various parties and events. But following the death of Albert Scott in 1941 and the winds of war, the Chases left the Island for over a decade. Many blacks were leaving the North and South Forks with the magnet of war work closer to the great harbors of New York City. Ben Chase found work in Long Island as a machinist and clearly thrived. The Island at Mid-Century In 1950, Shelter Island still had farms totaling over 1,500 acres. Migrant labor was often used to plant, till, and harvest. This was the same year that the Beanery, an island industry with almost mythical dimensions in its history, began. The Beanery, a cooperative of farm and factory, harvested lima beans and cauliflower and flash froze them right here on the island for Libby, Big Valley, Snow Crop, Sea Brook, and Birds Eye among others. Ten founders of the cooperative employed 35 to 40 women, wives and mothers of the Island, and 15 viners. The viner crew was made up of black migrant laborers brought up from Alabama by a crew leader named Williams. Men and women worked between 10 and 12 hours each day and the viner crew lived in a labor camp at the back of the plant where the Fire Department now sits. According to Evans Griffing there was a vibrant social atmosphere and a lot of yelling (over the machines) and hilarity: “Now that crowd – you can imagine the fun that was going on in that room – they were always yelling and talking at each other…” The pay was good. “We even had a New State Labor Department representative come down here and force us to pay more than 25 cents per hour for every person we employed. But our bean price didn’t go up. That was in 1953.” And besides the long hours and good pay, there was clearly hardship. The bookkeeper, Edith Shepherd, spent her hours of working with her feet in the water since there was no place for the water to drain. Finally this was rectified. The viner crew in the camp had nowhere to go in what was then a segregated Island. Saturday night was devoted to drinking, card playing, and dancing. When a fight would break out, Pete Hannabury, the only policeman on the Island, would escort one or more laborers to the Ferry with a one-way ticket. A monstrous hurricane, Carol, immediately followed by two more in August of 1954 and another in 1955, devastated the crops and the Beanery. Then a pestilence of bugs attacked the beans. Many of the viner crew returned to Alabama; the Shelter Island women workers were also let go. Evan Griffing, Richard Moser and the 8 other founding members of the Beanery lost their initial capital and the $275,000 dollar loan they had received from the Federal Farm Loan Association in Springfield, Massachusetts. But it is interesting that this experiment which brought blacks and whites together, however tenuously, was happening just a year or two before Rosa Parks refused to get up for a white man in an Alabama bus on December 1, 1955. And it happened in the same decade that Thurgood Marshall, attorney for the NAACP, was litigating two cases that preceded the famous Brown v. Board of Education. In one, Sweat v. Painter, the University of Texas created a separate law school for a single black student. This was the case in which the Supreme Court first established that separate was not equal. In another case, McLaurin v. Oklahoma, a black doctoral candidate was forced to sit roped off from his fellow graduate students. The court decided again that this did not provide an equal education. Both cases were decided in 1950. On Shelter Island, one wonders if the Beanery had any impact on islanders or on the migrants making their way back to the South. Whatever the answer, Laura Scott Chase and Ben Chase returned to Shelter Island at just about this time. And Charles “Jimmy” Hayward arrived as a permanent resident. In the mid-1950s, Charles Hayward migrated from South Carolina to work for local farmers, Frank Mik and Anton Blados. Charles, like his father, had always fished – shrimp, crawfish, and lobster – and sold the fish off the back of his truck. On Shelter Island he began performing many jobs, among them driving a truck and harvesting potatoes. The latter was still a big crop on the Island. Charles Hayward found that he could pick the startling quantity of 300 bushels a day at 10 cents each making $30 a day – far more than weekly pay for a truck driver. And he continued to fish. Charles Hayward recounts that he bought a fishing boat. But soon after, islanders blasted a hole in it and Hayward discovered it foundering in the bay. He knew who the perpetrators were and told that to the Shelter Island Chief of Police who questioned him about the vandalism. Hayward said he would not name the perpetrators but warned that they should not try it again. The word must have gotten around because his new boat was safe. Among other occupations, Hayward worked as a bartender and bouncer for the Chequit Hotel and as driver and general manager for Mr. Antonucci for 46 years. Ultimately, he saved enough to buy the land and build his fish shop and restaurant on Smith Road. He opened the now thriving shop in 1984. In the meantime he brought up his daughters, Chloe and Amanda .Both graduated from the Shelter Island School and both earned advanced degrees. Ben and Laura Scott Chase had befriended Charles when they returned to the island. Charles Hayward has much to say about them: Ben was a handsome man, around 5’ 10”. He was of Indian origin, you know. Laura was also Indian, very attractive, and had a straight nose and light skin. Ben walked everywhere. I never asked why, but if you have lived on the island for a few decades you would have seen him. They built a house on Burns and Cartwright. And that’s where people felt at home. I asked him to rent a room to me for a while. I stayed there for two years before I built my own place. Their grandchildren, Kenny, Keith, Karen, and Jakie all came to live with them to escape the schools in Queens. It was a strong family. Laura was a great cook. Kenny starred in athletics. And a bunch of us would play pool together. Ben had a great sense of humor. People liked to be around him. Friendships were not restricted to the black population. Long-time Island resident Lauretta King also recalls that her husband Vincent King’s aunt and uncle had a regular card game they played at their neighbors, the Chases on Burns Road. On Saturday night, 23 June 1973, the Chase’s house on Burns Road burned to the ground. With the fire, they lost their home, their savings, and priceless memorabilia – papers and photos from much earlier times. The front page headline shouted: Fire Destroys Chase Home Lack of Water is Blamed A fire about 10 p.m. last Saturday night all but consumed the two-story home of Laura and Ben Chase of Burns Avenue. It is believed to have started in an anti-room of the one-story wing containing the kitchen. Firemen had all but gotten the fire under control when water supplies carried on the trucks, were exhausted. A delay of some 20 to 30 minutes in running a hose line three-tenths of a mile to Coecles Harbor resulted in the almost total loss of the dwelling. No one was reported hurt. But the Chase family, including four grandchildren, lost all of its possessions. The family was taken in by friends and neighbors and is now living in quarters offered by the Passionist Fathers Retreat House, also on Burns Avenue. Some twelve hours later, firemen were again called to the scene when the fire broke out again, this time in the roof of the two-story section. Observers said that only one downstairs bedroom remains uncharred by the fire. Resident and writer Linda Holmes remembers the fire and its aftermath well. The family escaped with only the clothes on their backs. Family bibles, letters and documents were destroyed. Most oppressive were the delaying tactics of the company the Chases had insured their house and property with. For a while, the Chases camped out in a trailer the insurers had placed on their property. Granddaughter Karen Morgan-Wood reports she escaped the worst of the blaze having gone to a sweet sixteen party in Brooklyn. Ben and Laura Chase not only survived but graduated two daughters and all four grandchildren in their charge from Shelter Island High School. In 1940 and 1978 respectively, daughter Naomi Chase and granddaughter Karen Morgan each worked on the staff of the yearbook, the Pogatticut. All the grandchildren attended college. In 1993, the New York Times featured Kenny Morgan, who had been a star basketball player at the high school, class of 1971, as the best tennis coach on Long Island. To arrive at this pinnacle he had spent long hours at night studying the theory and practice of tennis, while teaching during the day. On April 4, 1983, Laura Scott Chase, native of the Shelter Island, married to Ben Chase for 62 years, died. Over 120 people attended her funeral at St. Mary’s Church. Thirty years later several islanders remember her and speak of the respect the community had for her. Today, Karen Morgan-Wood recalls, “Grandma was about 5’8” and sturdy. She was beautiful!” The brief Shelter Island Reporter obituary lauded Mrs. Chase as “the matriarch of the Island’s only black family [incorrectly]….Mrs. Chase was known to friends as a warm but determined woman who engaged in housecleaning services.” But missing on the white board of this article was the fact that Laura Chase was born on Sachem’s Neck, that she attended the Shelter Island Public School, and that she was the mother and grandmother of Shelter Island School graduates. Lost for the moment was her relationship to over a century of island history. No mention was made of her father, Albert Scott, the last enslaved man, to live on the island or her mother, Elizabeth Scott, a Montauk Indian from East Hampton. Laura and her husband Ben Chase, born April 29, 1899, and who died on March 6, 1997, at almost 100 years of age, were also the last link to the Gardiner-Horsford-Tyler families roping the peculiar institution from St. Petersburg, Virginia, to Sachem’s Neck and Sylvester Manor on Shelter Island, Long Island. Their endurance as free members of the community, parishioners of St. Mary’s, scholars and athletes at the school, lasted just shy of the end of the twentieth century. Like the nation-at-large, their pilgrimage emerged out of slavery, Reconstruction, upheaval of peoples, two world wars, an incipient food processing business, and the island’s transformative upheaval from fisheries and farming to summer residency and resort businesses. The family also experienced prejudice that infected the society at large and that perhaps worsened as the beginnings of the Civil Rights movement sparked push -back. At the same time, the children played, studied, and socialized in a predominantly white community. My narrative is at least partially an “Upstairs, Downstairs” story. Much has been written about the “Upstairs.” It should be noted that by mid-century the wealthy, who had the resources and influence to hire, often exerted that influence to ease the path of minorities and their families. Louise Tuthill Green remembers that Andy Fiske, was instrumental in arranging for her to have the position as Director of the Historical Society. It was a position that she filled with great success for many years. Mrs. Green also remembers the migrant workers’ children who enrolled at the school and those who lived at her parents’ farm. As a footnote to the narrative of the Scott family, the Scotts and the Chases are almost all buried at St. Mary’s. But only the boys, Willis and Alfred Jefferson Scott, deceased at ages 8 and 16, and their sister’s Laura’s husband, Benjamin Chase, have monuments in the back of the cemetery. In the early 1990s, minorities from Central America – Guatemala, Ecuador, Mexico and others – had come to the island. The economic prosperity of the 1990s acted as a magnet. Civil war, drug cartels, and extreme violence repelled the newcomers from their homelands. Like the blacks, Native Americans, Irish, Italians, and Chinese who came here in and around 1900, they arrived to work in the resurgent restaurant and hotel businesses. Shelter Island’s reputation as a summer resort, but a quiet one – the “Unhamptons” – has also led to an increase in construction and lawn work. Like the viners and potato harvesters in the 50s, many came as migrants. And some spent only the waking hours returning to Greenport, Southold, and other North Fork towns as the sun went down. Lack of affordable housing has made it difficult to settle on Shelter Island. But the US Census reports of 2000 and 2010 show that some Hispanics and other minorities have begun to reside on the Island. Children are entering the school. Minority-owned businesses have been started. Perhaps it is too early to research and write the history of the new ethnic families on Shelter Island. Will those minorities follow the pattern of working the businesses, buying property, joining churches, sending children to attend and graduate from Shelter Island Public School? That process has already begun. Many people talk about Shelter Island as a paradise, isolated from the country around it by its rural byways and tranquil history. What does examination of its history suggest? The preservation of 2,200 acres of Nicoll property, now known as Mashomack Preserve, and of almost 200 acres of Sylvester Manor, illustrates continuity and harkens back to an earlier time. On the other hand, rather than isolated, the island represents a microcosm of the larger national history, touched by wars, transformed by economic boom and bust. It paints the transformation from a farming, whaling, and fishing community to a resort and vacation location over more than two centuries. The labor of memory reveals the burden of a population formerly enslaved. The lives of the Hempsteads and the Scott/Chases provide a singular narrative of life from slavery to autonomy in the Long Island context. U.S. Census 1900-1940; St. Mary’s Baptismal Registers, St. Mary’s Church Archives, various. Toots Clark’s Memories – SIHS LSF. 2009.56, location Clark, A. Mac Griswold, The Manor, 2013; Katherine H. Hayes, Slavery Before Race, 2013 Patricia and Edward Shillingburg, The Nicolls of Sachems Neck, An American Family, 1776-1899 (Shelter Island: Cedar Grove Press, 2013). Jacob E. Mallman, Historical Papers on Shelter Island and Its Presbyterian Church (New York, 1899. Reprinted 1985), 17. Leon A. Higginbotham, In the Matter of Color, Race and the American Legal Process: The Colonial Period (New York, 1978). Eastville Historical Society interview with Director, Georgette Keyes –Grier, July 2013. L. Higginbotham, 112. K. H. Hayes, 165-173.; Allegra Di Bonaventura, For Adam’s Sake, 38-41. Jacob E Mallman, Historical Papers on Shelter Island, 17. Suggestions of pre-contact living patterns can be found in the Mashomack Study of 1984, unpublished, Mashomack, archives. Thanks for the loan from Mike Laspia. Mac Griswold, The Manor, 52-56. K. H. Hayes, Slavery Before Race, letter to the General Court, 41). Richard Shannon Moss, Slavery on Long Island. A Study in Local Institutional and early African-American Communal Life (New York, 1993), 136-137. Patricia and Edward Shillingburg, Dering Letters, Vol. 1 (Cedar Grove Press, 2014). See also facsimiles of Havens’ inventories posted on the walls of the SIHS. Mac Griswold uncovered an astonishing account book kept by Brinley Sylvester from 1738-1752, The Manor, 250-251. Minutes of the Court of Sessions, 1742, cited in Richard Moss Shannon, Slavery on Long Island, 112-115. See also Leon A. Higginbotham 1978; Ira Berlin, Slavery in New York, 2005; Jill Lepore, New York Burning: Liberty, Slavery and Conspiracy in Eighteenth Century Manhattan (New York, 2005). Helen Z. Wortis, Long Island Forum, 149-150, The Battle is also called the Battle of Brooklyn and is presently the subject of an exhibit at the New York Historical Society. Census LSF Hist. B. H.; 2008.366 SIHS. Helen Z. Wortis, A Woman Named Mathilda (Shelter Island: SIHS, 1978). Wortis, Long Island Forum, August 1973, 151; The Sag Harbor Express, October 7, 1886. U.S. Census Reports, New York Public Library edition of Ancestry.com. See also James Truslow, Adams, History of the Town of Southampton, 1918, for lists of the whaling ships. Ralph Duvall,The History of Shelter Island, from its Settlement in 1652 to Present Time (1932), 164-165. Duvall identifies twenty-five men who fought. Regarding the bounty, see Shelter Island Town Minutes for 1862, Shelter Island Town Hall. U.S. Colored Troops, 29th Colored Regiment, Death Certificates, NYPL. Drew Gilpin Faust, The Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War (New York, 2008), xi, 44-48. U.S. Census, Shelter Island, 1860-1900. Ancestry.com edition for the New York Public Library. Thanks to the Shillingburgs for telling me the location of Mary’s gravesite. Interview with Charles “Jimmy” Hayward, October, 2013. “Authority of Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott themselves.” Shelter Island News, 8/3/1940, p. 4 LSF/SIHS, 2001, 134; email interview with great-granddaughter, Karen Morgan-Wood. Griswold, The Manor 299; Shillingburg, The Nicolls, 24-26. Quoted in Noreece T. Jones, Born a Child of Freedom, Yet a Slave: Mechanics of Control and Strategies of Resistance in Antebellum South Carolina (Hanover, 1990), 86. E.P. Crapol, John Tyler: The Accidental President (Chapel Hill, 2006,) 249. Registry, undated Sylvester Manor Collection at the Manor. Thanks to Maura Doyle for showing me the Registry. Crapol, p. 241; Also Theodore C. Delaney, “Julia Gardiner Tyler…” Diss. 1995; see SWEM, special collections, W & M. Also, phone and email correspondence with Professor Delaney. Gardiner’s Island, Household Census,1880 U.S. Census Household Record, SIHS archives; Priscilla Dunhill, unpublished manuscript, “The People of Sachem’s Neck,”, LSF History 1983.184 A, SIHS; St. Mary’s Register of births and deaths, St. Mary’s archives. Rollie Clark, interview, September 23, 2013. The process of boiling down bunker fish was then moved to “the Promised Land,” Montauk, where menhaden (bunker) are still used to catch sharks. George H. Hildebrand, Borax Pioneer: Francis Marion Smith (La Jolla, 1982). Suffolk Times, September 8, quoted in Patricia and Edward Shillingburg, Rascals, Rogues, and Gentlemen: Frances Marion Smith The Borax King. (Shelter Island Heights, 2010). Interestingly, Elizabeth’s birth date is given as March 22, 1864 in East Hampton. Register of baptisms, confirmations, and burials, St. Mary’s. This conflicts with the 1872 date given in the Census. Toots Clark’s memories, SIHS LSF. 2009. 56, Mr. Clark died in the summer of 2015 at 99 years of age. His idiomatic English unchanged and also quoted in “The People of Sachem’s Neck”, manuscript, Priscilla Dunhill, SIHS. Shelter Island News, August 3, 1940. Phone and email interview with Maury K. Harwood, M.D. MPH, January 2014. Dr. Harwood is my cousin. David Chalmers quoted in Newsday, February 18, 1987. The Klorero was exhibited, along with Klan robes, heavy ropes or lynching and African American as cartoon figures in the Suffolk County Historical Society show, “Hidden and Forbidden,” at SCHS, Riverhead, in the summer of 2013. Furthermore, the vault at the Shelter Island Historical Society houses some records of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. I am indebted to archivist, Phyllis Wallace, for this information. U. S. Census, 1940, NYPL. On the tearing down of Presdeleau, see Patricia and Edward Shillingburg, Rascals, Rogues, and Gentlemen: Francis Marion Smith The Borax King, 22-26. See brochure, undated, SIHS. 12/18/1980, Shelter Island Reporter, “The Old Beanery,” LSF. 2009 and 2009.427. Interviews, Charles Hayward; Maury Laspia. July 2013.Pete Hannabury later became Judge Hannabury. Interview with Mr. Charles Hayward, October 2013, See also the Shelter Island Reporter, “Island Profile, Jimmy Hayward, March 14, 2013. Interview with Lauretta King, August 2013. In another interview, Linda Zavatto explained that Kenny’s teenage friends loved to hang out at the Chase house, sometimes after the Harbor Inn next door had closed up for the night. Shelter Island Reporter, Saturday, June 30, 1973. Interview, Linda Holmes, October, 2013. Email interview, Karen Chase Morgan-Wood, September 2013. The New York Times, July 4, 1993. St. Mary’s Register of births and burials, various.. St. Mary’s Registers at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Shelter Island, NY. Email interview, Karen Morgan-Wood. Shelter Island Reporter, April 7, 1983. Interview, Louise Tuthill Green, May, 2013. Interview, Linda Holmes, October 2013. In the Churchyard one can only see Ben Chase and Willis and Albert’s monuments. But the Church Burial Register provides the plot numbers of Elizabeth and Laura Scott Chase. Linda Holmes told me the story of a large white stone or boulder near the other monuments. But Father Peter McClean, thinking it was unimportant, rolled it out of the Churchyard.
[ExI] Mortality figures in covid-19 henrik.ohrstrom at gmail.com Sun Jul 25 11:42:54 UTC 2021 A good collection of data re mortality morbidity numbers caused by covid-19, mainly for Sweden but with comments about other places. In Swedish but you are grownups who know how to use Google translate. Swedish statistics are if anything overzealous. Basically anyone who has been infected with covid-19 and died within 30 days are included. Since we have good control of who's who, those numbers are as good as any statistics are ever going to be. However some are only included in the excess mortality numbers, mainly when there are more than 30 days and a discharge from hospital between infection Anyhow, mortality figures between 0.004% for younger than 34 years and >28% for older than 85 years. That adds up to a mortality of 0.5-1% depending on age cutoffs in the calculations. That is rather significant.... Looks like reinfections is quite likely but all figures go down to influenza levels with mortality projections of about 0.039% on population levels. (This is not covered in this article btw) Woe all unprotected tribes in the shingles and islands, yet another way to -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... More information about the extropy-chat
September 27, 2021 UK sees increase in salmonella in livestock last year Overall findings of salmonella in livestock in the United Kingdom in 2020 went up, according to a report. Data collected by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) last year covers salmonella reports from livestock in England, Wales and Scotland. Samples were taken from premises including farms, hatcheries, veterinary practices, zoos and slaughterhouses. The rise came despite a reduction in non-statutory surveillance and clinical diagnosis submissions in many species due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdown measures. In 2020, the number of salmonella isolations overall from cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry increased by 7.6% compared with 2019 to 3,279 from 3,046 isolations but decreased by 7.3% on 2018 numbers. Compared to 2019, fewer isolations from cattle, sheep, turkeys and ducks were recorded, but those for pigs and chickens rose. Most salmonella reports from cattle, sheep and pigs are due to clinically diseased animals whereas those from chickens and turkeys are mostly from surveillance. There were 52 isolations of Salmonella Newport in chickens, which is more than 10 times the number in 2019. Many of these were from an ongoing outbreak investigation in the layer sector. A single isolate of Salmonella Mikawasima — not related to a human outbreak strain — was isolated from chickens in the UK for the first time. The presence of one strain of salmonella indicates others may be present. There were two and a half times more isolations of Salmonella Agona with 103 in 2020 versus 40 in 2019, twice as many of Salmonella Bovismorbificans from 20 to 43 and almost three times as many Salmonella Newport isolations to 66. Salmonella Kedougou also went up. Isolations of Salmonella Typhimurium increased from 124 in 2019 to 159. There were fewer isolations of Salmonella Derby from 183 to 39, Salmonella Indiana fell from 101 to 65 and Salmonella Mbandaka dropped from 451 to 326. Reports of Salmonella Enteritidis were at 34 in 2020 compared with 50 in 2019. A total of 3,527 isolations of salmonella from livestock in 2020 were noted, which is up almost 3% from 2019. They mostly came from chickens, followed by cattle, ducks, turkeys, pigs, sheep and horses. Surveillance data for 2020 shows that only 23.1% of the isolations of salmonella reported to APHA resulted from samples taken because of clinical disease in livestock. This is lower than during both 2019 and 2018. It contrasts with data for salmonella in humans where reports usually originate from cases of clinical disease. There were 756 isolations of Salmonella from animal feeding stuffs in 2020, including from compound feed and feed ingredients or products associated with testing under animal by-products regulations. This is an increase of 6% compared with 2019 and up from 627 isolations in 2018. In total, 107 isolations of regulated salmonella serovars were detected in animal feed and related products. This is higher than 88 in 2019 and 63 in 2018. Of the more than 4,200 salmonella isolates examined during 2020, 68.3% were susceptible to all 16 antimicrobial compounds tested. The percentage of isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin in 2020 was 0.5%. - Food Safety News
While the water delivered to your home is normally clear and clean, there are several situations that can cause discoloration of water. These include water main breaks, water main flushing and increased demand on the water system which can cause sediment to get into your water. If you notice any discoloration please refrain from washing clothes until the situation is resolved. If you experience a problem with discolored water coming from your tap run your cold water tap. The color will most likely go away in a few minutes. If the water remains discolored please call the Department of Public Works. Taste & Odor Taste and odor changes in your water can occur for many reasons. They do not always indicate a change in the safety of your water. Water taste is affected by mineral content as well as the presence of chlorine. Sometimes a metallic flavor can be caused by your plumbing, especially if the water tap has not been turned on for several hours. If you experience a problem with the taste or odor of your water, let the water run for a few minutes to clear the lines or fill a pitcher and allow it to sit for several hours. White or Cloudy Water White water, also known as cloudy water, is caused by air bubbles in the water. White water disappears after the air dissipates and is completely harmless. Cloudy water usually occurs when it is very cold outside because the solubility of air in water increases as water pressure increases and/or water temperature decreases. Cold water holds more air that warm water. In the winter, water travels from the source which is very cold and warms up as it travels to your tap. The air that is present is no longer soluble, and comes out of solution. In addition, once water enters the distribution system pipes, the water is pressurized. Water under pressure holds more air than water that is not pressurized. Once the water comes out of your tap, the water is no longer under pressure and the air comes out of solution as bubbles (similar to a carbonated soft drink). The best thing to do is let it sit in an open container until the bubbles naturally disappear.
This loan that is lesser-known could work well beneath the right circumstances Whenever people require cash, searching for a personal credit line is generally the thing that is last happens in their mind. Just just exactly What comes to mind first is normally likely to a bank for a normal fixed- or variable-rate loan, utilizing bank cards, borrowing from buddies or family, or turning to specific peer-to-peer or social financing or contribution web web sites on line. When you look at the direst of circumstances, you will find pawnshops or lenders that are payday. Organizations have already been utilizing lines of credit for a long time to generally meet performing capital requirements and/or benefit from strategic investment possibilities, but they’ve never ever quite caught on just as much with individuals. A few of this can be simply because that banking institutions frequently don’t market credit lines, and potential borrowers don’t want to ask. The credit that is only borrowing which may appear is a property equity personal credit line or HELOC. But that’s that loan secured by the debtor’s house, featuring its issues that are own dangers. Right right Here, then, are among the principles about credit lines. a personal credit line is just a loan that is flexible a lender that is comprised of a precise amount of cash that one may access since needed and repay either immediately or higher time. Interest is charged on credit line the moment cash is borrowed. Credit lines are generally utilized to pay for the gaps in irregular month-to-month earnings or fund a task whose cost is not predicted in advance. Just Exactly What Exactly Is Just a relative Personal Credit Line? a credit line is just a versatile loan from the bank or standard bank. Comparable to a charge card that gives you a small level of funds—funds you could utilize whenever, if, and just how you wish—a personal credit line is a definite sum of money that you could access as required then repay straight away or higher a prespecified time period. Just like financing, a credit line will charge interest the moment cash is lent, and borrowers should be authorized because of the bank, with such approval a byproduct associated with borrower’s credit rating and/or relationship with all the bank. Remember that the attention price is normally adjustable, rendering it hard to anticipate just exactly what the cash you borrow will really find yourself costing you. Credit lines are usually revenue that is lower-risk in accordance with charge card loans, nevertheless they do complicate a bank’s receiving asset management notably, whilst the outstanding balances can’t actually be managed after the credit line happens to be authorized. They address the truth that banking institutions are not terribly enthusiastic about underwriting one-time loans that are personal especially quick unsecured loans, for the majority of clients. Likewise, it is really not affordable for a debtor to simply just just take a loan out each month or two, repay it, then borrow once more. Personal lines of credit solution both these dilemmas by simply making a certain amount of cash available if as soon as the debtor requires it. Whenever a relative Credit Line Pays To More often than not, personal lines of credit aren’t designed to be employed to fund one-time purchases such as houses or cars—which is really what mortgages and automobile financing are for, respectively—though credit lines may be used to obtain things which is why a bank may well not typically underwrite that loan. Most often, specific credit lines are designed for exactly the same fundamental function as company personal lines of credit: to smooth out of the vagaries of adjustable monthly earnings and costs or even to fund tasks where it may possibly be hard to ascertain the actual funds required in advance.
Alright, as a result what’s Bitcoin? It is approaching a real coin, it’s “cryptographic keep,” an militant type of installment that is created (“mined”) by bunches of individuals as regards the world. It permits distributed exchanges in a flash, on the world, pardon of events or effortlessly. Bitcoin was created as soon as quite a even though of psychiatry into cryptography by programming designer, Satoshi Nakamoto (accepted to be a a.k.a.), planned the adding together together and presented it in 2009. His actual personality stays a shadowy. This cash isn’t supported by a substantial ware (behind gold or silver); bitcoins are exchanged online which makes them a product in themselves. Bitcoin is an right to use-source item, easily reached by any individual who is a client. All you enhancement is an email dwelling, Internet admission, and cash to begin. Where does it come from? Bitcoin is mined a propos a disseminated PC admin of clients admin specific programming; the doling out settles certain numerical verifications, and looks for a specific opinion finishing (“block”) that creates a specific example gone the BTC adding is applied to it. A consent to delivers a bitcoin. It’s profound and grow pass-and dynamism-devouring. Just 21 million bitcoins are at any reduction to be mined (regarding 11 million are right now well-ventilated for use). The mathematical questions the position PCs let profit for eternity more hard to save the mining tasks and supply deadened wraps. This running additionally approves all one of the exchanges through cryptography. How does Bitcoin be in? Web clients mixture up in the setting opinion opinion computerized resources (bits) to one jarring on the subject of speaking an point of view. There is no online bank; rather, Bitcoin has been depicted as an Internet-broad conveyed record. Clients obtain Bitcoin subsequent to child maintenance or by selling an item or administration for Bitcoin. Bitcoin wallets lineage and utilize this computerized cash. Clients may sell out of this virtual baby book by exchanging their Bitcoin to other person who needs entry. Anybody can realize this, anyplace going in savings account to for the planet. There are cell phone applications for going through gone versatile Bitcoin exchanges and Bitcoin trades are populating the Internet. How is Bitcoin esteemed? Bitcoin isn’t held or constrained by a monetary meting out; it is definitely decentralized. Not at all back authentic cash it can’t be downgraded by governments or banks. All things creature equal, Bitcoin’s worth lies really in its acknowledgment along as well as clients as a type of installment and in well-ventilated of the fact that its inventory is limited. Its worldwide cash esteems trouble as indicated by organic push and assist hypothesis; as more individuals make wallets and portion and spend bitcoins, and more organizations have enough money it, Bitcoin’s worth will rise. Banks are presently attempting to hero worship Bitcoin and some speculation sites anticipate the cost of a bitcoin will be a few thousand dollars in 2014. Source Tandarts beoordelingen What are its advantages? There are advantages to shoppers and dealers that habit to utilize this installment substitute. - Quick exchanges – Bitcoin is moved immediately preposterous. - No expenses/low charges – Unlike Visas, Bitcoin can be utilized for nothing or agreed low charges. Without the brought together launch as middle man, there are no approvals (and charges) required. This improves overall revenues deals. - Wipes out misrepresentation hazard – Only the Bitcoin overseer can send installment to the proposed receiver, who is the one in particular who can realize it. The supervision realizes the quarrel has happened and exchanges are endorsed; they can’t be tested or reclaimed. This is large for online shippers who are frequently responsible to Mastercard processors’ evaluations of whether an argument is deceitful, or organizations that dwelling the significant expense of Visa chargebacks. - Information is safe – As we have seen taking into consideration ongoing hacks vis–vis public retailers’ installment handling frameworks, the Internet isn’t generally a safe spot for private recommendation. With Bitcoin, clients don’t surrender private data. a. They have two keys – a public key that fills in as the bitcoin quarters and a private key when individual hint. b. Exchanges are “marked” carefully by joining people in general and private keys; a numerical knack is applied and a confirmation is created demonstrating the client started the argument. Advanced marks are one of a nice to all disagreement and can’t be on the subject of-utilized. c. The vendor/receiver never sees your restricted intel (herald, number, actual location) hence it’s to some degree unknown however it is detectable (to the bitcoin address nearly speaking the public key). - Advantageous installment framework – Merchants can utilize Bitcoin each and every one as an installment framework; they don’t dependence to grant any Bitcoin part by now Bitcoin can be changed following more to dollars. Purchasers or vendors can quarrel and out of Bitcoin and interchange monetary forms whenever. - Worldwide installments – Bitcoin is utilized as regards the globe; online business shippers and specialist co-ops can without much of a stretch recognize worldwide installments, which gate happening added venerated poster centers for them. - Simple to follow – The running tracks and for every single one period logs each argument in the Bitcoin block chain (the data set). On account of conceivable bad behavior, it is simpler for change attributed reply authorities to follow these exchanges. - Micropayments are conceivable – Bitcoins can be partitioned the length of to one-hundred-millionth, therefore processing tiny installments of a dollar or less turns into a forgive or unventilated within buy dispute. This could be a legal to the lead for general stores, cafs, and connection based sites (recordings, distributions). Still somewhat confounded? Here are a couple of instances of exchanges: Bitcoin in the retail climate At checkout, the payer utilizes a cell phone application to filter a QR code following every one of the argument data stated to involve the bitcoin to the retailer. Tapping the “Affirm” button finishes the dispute. In the issue that the client doesn’t possess any Bitcoin, the dealing out changes on peak of dollars in his folder into the objector cash. The retailer can impinge on superior than that Bitcoin into dollars around the off chance that it needs to, there were no or low preparing charges (rather than 2 to 3 percent), no programmers can taking office individual purchaser data, and there is no problem of extortion. Smooth. Bitcoins in becoming accustomed Inns can manage to pay for Bitcoin for room and feasting installments in the vicinity for visitors who goal to pay by Bitcoin utilizing their portable wallets, or PC-to-site to have enough maintenance a booking upon the web. An outsider BTC vendor processor can auspices afterward taking care of the exchanges which it clears past again the Bitcoin handing out. These handling customers are introduced upon tablets at the foundations’ stomach discharge commitment place or in the cafs for clients behind BTC cell phone applications. (These installment processors are likewise accessible for perform areas, in retail POS frameworks, and incorporated into foodservice POS frameworks.) No Mastercards or cash dependence to alter hands. These financial credit unaided exchanges are immediate and the processor can change well along than bitcoins into maintenance and set aside a hours of daylight by hours of day adopt installment into the start’s financial link going on. It was reported in January 2014 that two Las Vegas lodging club will declare you will Bitcoin installments at the front take effect area, in their eateries, and in the blessing shop. It sounds good – so what’s the trick? Entrepreneurs ought to think approximately issues of sticking together, security and cost. A moderately modest number of common buyers and dealers right now utilize or put going on behind Bitcoin. Notwithstanding, selection is expanding internationally and devices and advancements are creature created to make bond simpler. It’s the Internet, so programmers are dangers to the trades. The Economist detailed that a Bitcoin trade was hacked in September 2013 and $250,000 in bitcoins was taken from clients’ online vaults. Bitcoins can be taken once added cash, as a result cautious proprietor, worker and data set security is central. Users should cautiously defend their bitcoin wallets which contain their private keys. Secure reinforcements or printouts are necessary. Bitcoin isn’t managed or guaranteed by the US paperwork so there is no auspices for your folder if the trade leaves concern or is burglarized by programmers. Bitcoins are generally costly. Current rates and selling costs are accessible upon the online trades. The virtual allocation isn’t still general however it is acquiring avow mindfulness and acknowledgment. A event may choose to meet the expense of Bitcoin to save a shot Mastercard and bank charges, as a client getting used to, or to check whether it helps or thwarts deals and lead. Follow us for more blockchain news
Today I wanted to share with you how I cut my cardstock to make my basic layers for my cards. Now I am a quilter at heart, as well as a stamper – so I do work in Inches, which I understand some people are just not a fan off! Lol. But I honestly feel it gives you more even cuts. They are like anything you learn. It make be a bit difficult to grasp initially, but easy once you have practiced. If the video doesn’t load then You can watch Cutting Card Layers for Beginners Here so you can see how I do it. Here are the card layers that are my ‘go to’ when creating cards. Cut on short side of A4 cardstock at 4 1/8″ Cut on long side of A4 cardstock at 14.9cm ( this is the centre of your Australian A4 cardstock) 5 3/4″ x 4″ 5 5/8″ x 3 7/8″ 5 1/2″ x 3 3/4″ 5 3/8″ x 3 5/8″ This means that if you want a larger border around one piece of your cardstock, you simply skip to the next measurement. There are so many ways you can do layers. Once you are more confident you can really begin to play around with them! Download the PDF below: Basic Card Layers And here is just a little guide to help you with your Inches! And a couple of layered examples. I do hope you find this helpful! If you have any questions please leave me a comment and I will get back to you.
Neuromodulation by Continuous and Integrated Monitoring and Treatment Influence the road from nerve to brain The NeuroCIMT programme aims to develop novel ways of monitoring and treating neurological diseases and sensory impairments through quantitative models of the brain, e.g. by using EEG recordings. Each of the eight projects is aimed at delivering a proof of concept or prototype for clinical application. The research programme combines fundamental research with actual applications in a clinical setting. Therefore academic, clinical, and industrial partners are in this programme together. The NeuroCIMT programme consists of 8 different projects: The research focuses on four specific systems: the auditory system, the pain regulation system, the autonomous nervous system and the neuromuscular system. Clinical problems tackled in the programme differ from hearing problems, chronic pain or posture related blood pressure drops to spasms and movement impairments due to stroke, thereby offering a possibility to evaluate the NeuroCIMT approach in various neurological systems. Within eight interrelated projects, advanced neurostimulation technology, real-time feedback technology and assistive devices will be further developed, both for monitoring and treatment purposes. The overall aim is to image and influence the control function of the central nervous system. How do people process different stimuli into actions, and how do different brain areas adapt for example after training, or after a dramatic event such as a stroke? Monitoring, Imaging and influencing With different techniques, such as 4DEEG, ElectroCorticoGraphy and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, signal processing in the brain is imaged. Mechanical manipulators, different forms of electrical stimulation of nerves and muscles, biofeedback and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation are used to influence the malfunctioning processes. Within NeuroCIMT, typically techniques such as motion monitoring, imaging and blood flow measurements are combined into wearable, unobtrusive systems for use in daily life. These can by themselves be used to evaluate the effects of targeted therapies. The knowledge gained in this programme is necessary to develop new or more efficient treatments. At the same time, actual applications are developed which can be used for neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease or stroke. Within the scope of the NeuroCIMT programme, often the outcome of a project will be proof of principle for one specific condition. However, it is the expectation that the principles developed will also turn out to be useful for other diseases. All researchers and companies involved will share their knowledge in a yearly joint symposium, yearly summerschools, bilateral meetings and specific meetings of members working on similar subjects. Furthermore, some of the PhD students and postdocs working on enabling technologies such as the 4DEEg technique, will be involved in two or more projects simultaneously.
You may remember our heart warming articles on Liss and Kafuro Schools. Liss who use Roamer extensively introduced it to Kafuro their Ugandan partners in the Queen Elizabeth Parks Twinning Project. Ugandan teacher Mr Yowasi Byaruhanga had left the warmth of the Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda for the for chilly climes of the Queen Elizabeth Country Park in Hampshire. Valiant took the opportunity to find out how Roamer was doing in Africa and donate some more Roamers. Roamer Enjoying the African Sun Mr Byaruhunga told me that the children at Kafuro loved using Roamer. So he was very pleased when with the help of the students from Liss School we were able to present him with two more robots. ThA children then proceeded to show Mr Byaruhanga some of the things they did with Roamer. The activities created by Liss School’s head, Andy Burford, I particularly liked the extension to the standard obstacle course activity – which was very simple but very effective. You can find out more about these activities by joining the Roamer User Group, RUG, and accessing Roamer Golf and Roamer About Town in the Activity Library.
Dorset village’s vista restored by SSEN undergrounding project Before and after images courtesy of Mr and Mrs Bonfanti, Worth Matravers Residents of a Dorset village have thanked Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) after the distribution operator undergrounded a section of the area’s network, as part of a programme to replace overhead lines in areas that will benefit most from visual improvement. Located in the historically significant village and civil parish of Worth Matravers, the three-week scheme was part of SSEN’s ongoing £15m investment programme to underground 90km of overhead distribution lines in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, National Parks and National Scenic Areas across its central southern England and the north of Scotland networks. With over 630 residents and numerous visitors to the area, Worth Matravers is situated on the Dorset cliffs and was home to the Chain Home radar station during World War II; a system which was instrumental in the development of radar and the allied victory. With SSEN’s £20,000 investment to underground a 125 metre section of overhead power line, along with the removal of five poles and network conductors, those who live in and visit the area now have uninterrupted views across the land and down to the sea. During July, SSEN’s teams carefully excavated a trench to house the newly undergrounded cable, taking great care to minimise any disruption to the local landscape and the wildlife within it. Now completed, the project has the added benefit of providing a more resilient power supply now and for years to come, as local customers adopt low carbon technologies to achieve their net zero goals. Carl James, SSEN’s Project Manager said: “My team and I are delighted to have completed this project in an area with such historic significance; restoring the landscape and clear sea view from Worth Matravers for both local residents and visitors to the area. “With projects such as this, SSEN listens to the needs of local stakeholders before carefully considering the environment, any potential impact on it and how best to carry out the works. In this case, the works required were minimal in comparison to the beneficial returns, not just in visual terms, but in strengthening the network to enable residents to meet their net zero goals as they move to electric vehicle and heat pump use.” The Worth Matravers’ site was proposed by local stakeholders as having the potential for visual improvement through the removal of the overhead network, and through subsequent consultation and analysis of the works was approved as part of SSEN’s £15 million undergrounding programme. Mr and Mrs Bonfanti, residents of Worth Matravers, were instrumental in proposing the works to SSEN. They said: “Now that the project in Worth Matravers to underground the electricity cables and remove the poles is complete, we’d like to thank SSEN very much for carrying out this project. The results are fantastic and this lovely corner of an area of outstanding natural beauty in Dorset has been considerably enhanced for those of us immediately concerned and also the wider public who come to share in the beauty of the area. "From our initial contact with SSEN’s Greg Moore to discussing the project, everyone at SSEN has planned this project to ensure success and it could not have been carried out with greater care. Thank you, SSEN for providing the opportunity for the project and for carrying it through to a very successful conclusion in such a professional way.” While SSEN’s overhead infrastructure provides a secure and cost-effective way of safely distributing electricity to homes and businesses, the distribution operator appreciates that the network can have an impact on the natural environment in officially designated beauty spots. It’s through this understanding that SSEN encourages local people and visitors to these areas to share their views and assist in highlighting where investment through this £15 million undergrounding scheme will make the most difference. For further information on the scheme and how you can propose an area to be considered for an undergrounding projects, please go to https://www.ssen.co.uk/undergrounding/.
Metropolitan Cleveland is one of the very few areas in the country that maintained continuous light rail service from the glory years of the trolley onward. Although the city's entire streetcar system was abandoned, two routes heading east into the City of Shaker Heights, which operated the system for decades, survived. Service is now provided by the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority. The two lines are formally identified as 67AX-Shaker and 67X-Van Aken, but are more generally referred to as the Green Line and Blue Line, respectively. This photo is on the Green Line, which operates in part in the very wide and tree-lined median of Shaker Blvd. The Waterfront Line Extension, opened in the 1990s, added five additional stations in Cleveland near downtown. The routes run together eleven stations from South Harbor on the Waterfront Line to Shaker Square before branching off to their respective destinations.
Brooding and primeval, the forests of Udzungwa seem positively enchanted: a verdant refuge of sunshine-dappled glades enclosed by 30-metre (100 foot) high trees, their buttresses layered with fungi, lichens, mosses, and ferns. Udzungwa is the largest and most biodiverse of a chain of a dozen large forest-swathed mountains that rise majestically from the flat coastal scrub of eastern Tanzania. Known collectively as the Eastern Arc Mountains, this archipelago of isolated massifs has also been dubbed the African Galapagos for its treasure-trove of endemic plants and animals, most familiarly the delicate African violet. Udzungwa alone among the ancient ranges of the Eastern Arc has been accorded national park status. It is also unique within Tanzania in that its closed-MASL forest spans altitudes of 250 meters (820 feet) to above 2,000 meters (6,560 ft) without interruption. Not a conventional game viewing destination, Udzungwa is a magnet for hikers. An excellent network of forest trails includes the popular half-day ramble to Sanje Waterfall, which plunges 170 metres (550 feet) through a misty spray into the forested valley below. The more challenging two-night Mwanihana Trail leads to the high plateau, with its panoramic views over surrounding sugar plantations, before ascending to Mwanihana peak, the second-highest point in the range. Ornithologists are attracted to Udzungwa for an avian wealth embracing more than 400 species, from the lovely and readily-located green-headed oriole to more than a dozen secretive Eastern Arc endemics. Four bird species are peculiar to Udzungwa, including a forest partridge first discovered in 1991 and more closely related to an Asian genus than to any other African fowl. Of six primate species recorded, the Iringa red colobus and Sanje Crested Mangabey both occur nowhere else in the world – the latter, remarkably, remained undetected by biologists prior to 1979. Undoubtedly, this great forest has yet to reveal all its treasures: ongoing scientific exploration will surely add to its diverse catalogue of endemics.
Posted with permission from: Eternal Security: A Biblical Perspective My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. John 10:27-29. With a small amount of scholarship, this verse can be cleared up. In the Greek text, the hearing and following are in the present tense. What does this mean? It means that only those who are hearing and following Christ right now are his sheep. Those that are living in a state of continual sin are not his sheep because they are neither hearing nor following Jesus. Who are secure? The sheep. Who cannot be snatched (taken away by force)? The sheep. Who is Jesus giving (present tense) eternal life? Those who are sheep. Who are the sheep? Who shall never perish? Who is Christ giving eternal life? Only those who are hearing and following right now! Whom do Jesus and the Father protect in their hands? Not the one who heard and followed, but only those who are actively believing now with an obedient faith. Is this not works? No! It is genuine faith! This is true biblical security. The term “snatch” means to take by force. This promise guarantees that the devil cannot remove the believer (present tense) from the hand of God. This safety is only from forces outside the believer and God Himself. A backslider removes himself from the promises of safety and security. He is not removed against his own will. Now, looking at this passage in its plain and obvious meaning, it renders no credence to the theory of unconditional eternal security. The chief pillar has fallen! The remaining seven groan under the weight to save this failed doctrine. Read Entire Article: “The Eight Pillars of Eternal Security or The Toppling of an Idol,” By Jeff Paton Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? All of my “Who Goes to Heaven” Posts
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Alberta Health Services (AHS) has declared an outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis) in the west part of South Zone, and is reminding all South Zone residents of the importance of immunization to prevent further illness. Pertussis – a bacterial infection that causes severe coughing that lasts for weeks – can impact all age groups; however, infants one year of age and younger are at greatest risk of serious complications, including pneumonia, convulsions, brain damage and even death. This year, there have been 17 confirmed cases of pertussis in the South Zone, 12 of which have been confirmed in the past week alone and are linked. These 12 linked cases are all within the west part of the South Zone. There were 58 confirmed cases in the South Zone last year. Immunization is the best method to protect against and limit the spread of pertussis. In Alberta, vaccine that protects against pertussis is offered to children, free of charge, through Alberta’s Routine Childhood Immunization schedule. Pregnant women in the third trimester (26 weeks) are also offered pertussis-containing vaccine. Offering vaccine to women in the third trimester of pregnancy is an important step in protecting not only the mother but also infants, who are the most vulnerable to developing severe complications from pertussis. All adults 18 years of age and older are advised to receive one adult dose of pertussis-containing vaccine. All South Zone residents are reminded to ensure they, and their children, are up to date on their immunizations. Individuals uncertain of their child’s immunization history can contact their local community health centre or public health office to discuss and to book an appointment. Regardless of age, everyone is reminded not to share water bottles, lipstick, lip balm or drinks. Pertussis illness starts with a runny nose, sneezing, fever and mild cough. Typically, over about a week, the cough will become more severe with repetitive coughing spells. In younger children, these coughing spells are usually followed by a “whooping” sound when inhaling. Vomiting following a coughing spell is also common. Older children and adults may experience milder symptoms, such as a prolonged cough with or without fits or whooping sound; however, in anyone, the cough may last for two months or longer. People who suspect they, or a family member, may be sick with pertussis should stay at home and call a family physician or Health Link at 811 before seeking medical care. Individuals with a confirmed case of pertussis should stay home from work, school or childcare until five days of antibiotics have been completed. - London, Ontario: Health officials raise awareness about STIs after syphilis cases - Smuckers of Canada issues flour recall in US: Possible E. coli 0121 contamination - Legalizing marijuana in Canada will jeopardize the health of young people: CMAJ - Alberta reports Mycobacterium chimaera infection in an open heart surgery patient - Canada: Fence-Sitting Parents to Blame for Falling Vaccine Rates
In Canada, football refers to Canadian football or American football, usually differentiated as both “CFL” (from the governing Canadian Football League) or “NFL” (from the US National Football League). If a Canadian were to say, “My brother performs football within the States”, it would be clear from context that American football is meant. Only the goalkeeper is permitted to handle the ball and will accomplish that only throughout the penalty area surrounding the goal. Football is a household of team sports activities that contain, to various degrees, kicking a ball to score a objective. Unqualified, the word football normally means the form of football that’s the most popular the place the word is used. These various forms of football share to varying extent frequent origins and are often known as football codes. Despite the ban, women’s groups continued to play informally for the subsequent 4 a long time, gaining rising well-liked assist through the 1970s and early Nineteen Eighties. Football is a sport played by two groups of eleven players on a one hundred twenty-yard, rectangular subject with goal lines on every finish. A football is an oval-like inflated ball usually manufactured from cowhide or rubber. The major worldwide competitors in football is the World Cup, organised by FIFA. The other ten subject gamers’ objective is to attain by placing the ball into their opponent’s goal, whereas attempting to avoid conceding targets. They do that by dribbling, passing, and ultimately shooting the ball. The area players can use any part of their body besides their hands or arms. The length of the game is 90 minutes, with a change of ends and an interval of no more than quarter-hour after 45 minutes. Once the sport is over, the group that scores probably the most objectives (the variety of occasions the ball goes within the goal) is said the winner. In the case of a draw, and relying on the foundations of the competitors, a outcome may be reached by extra time (of 30 minutes period) or a penalty shoot-out. - The game performed underneath the Football Association’s rules thus became known as affiliation football. - Rugby football, named after an English boarding faculty, was a variation that allowed players to hold and run with the ball to advance it toward the aim. - At the time, it was essentially the most extensively played sport of its sort within the nation, but it wasn’t the one one. From August 1941 by way of April 11, 1983, women’s football was prohibited in Brazil. The law, created by the Conselho Nacional de Desportos, determined that “violent” sports such as football, rugby, and boxing had been incompatible with ladies’s capabilities. The first match performed by certainly one of Miller’s groups was six months after Donohoe’s. Pelé, statistically probably the most successful footballer ever, led Brazil to two of those championships and received it three times (he was injured throughout most of the 1962 World Cup). All of the main players in the nationwide teams are distinguished within the football world, including Garrincha, Cafu, Roberto Carlos, Romário, Rivaldo, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Kaká and Neymar within the men’s sport, and Marta in the women’s game. Some of those gamers may be thought of tremendous-stars, achieving movie star status internationally and signing sports contracts, in addition to commercial and endorsement contracts, within the value of tens of millions of euros. Football, also called association football or soccer, game in which two groups of 11 players, utilizing any part of their our bodies besides their palms and arms, attempt to maneuver the ball into the opposing staff’s aim. Association football (soccer) is the oldest form of football to have its personal written down guidelines, so it can’t be traced down to Rugby. All forms of football (Am, soccer, Rugby, aussie guidelines) originated from the football games that was once performed in boarding faculties. Often, when two schools performed a sport, rules for the precise sport had been agreed beforehead.Sometimes,rules of college A were used for half the game, and of school B for the other. One of the players is taken into account a goalkeeper (goalie) and that participant’s goal is to not enable the ball to go into the objective. The goalkeeper is the one player who might deal with the ball but only within the penalty area that (s)he’s defending. Canadian French usage parallels English usage, with le football usually referring to Canadian or American football, and le soccer referring to association football. When there is ambiguity, le football canadien or le football américain is used.
Friendly Heart of the Free State For those who appreciate history and architecture, Bethlehem features numerous Victorian sandstone buildings that can be viewed on the Sandstone Walking Tour – the route can be obtained from the Bethlehem Tourism office. The town’s proud history is reflected in these beautiful sandstone buildings and many have now been proclaimed national monuments that are still used today as churches, museums, restaurants, coffee shops and businesses. Bethlehem is surrounded by the beautiful and unique scenery of the Eastern Free State and on the outskirts of the town visitors can find various retreats offering many forms of outdoor activity such as 4x4 trails, quad biking, mountaineering, fishing, game drives and hiking. Three dams, Gerrands, Athlone and Saulspoort, provide Bethlehem with water. All are used for fishing, boating and swimming and they make the town a popular inland holiday resort. The dams are stocked with large-mouth black bass, yellowfish and blue-gill sunfish. Bethlehem offers all types of accommodation, including Guest Houses, B&B’s, self-catering cottages and camping. Things to do and see - Bethlehem Museum - Nazareth Mission Church - Baartman Wagon House - Pretoriuskloof Nature Reserve - Holhoek Hiking Trail - Sporekrans Hiking Trail - Tepelkop Hiking Trail - Basotho Cultural Village - Moteng Pass - Frontier Inn & Casino - Bethlehem Golf Course Bethlehem receives approximately 506 mm of rain annually with most rainfall occurring during Summer. Summer months, November to March will have average temperatures of between 13˚C and 27˚C. Winter months, May to August will have average temperatures of between 0˚C and 15˚C. There are daily flights into the Bram Fischer International Airport, approximately 249 km’s away via the N1 and N5 and the O R Tambo International Airport, approximately 278 km’s away via the N3 and R26. Car hire facilities are available at the Airport. Bethlehem was founded in 1864 on the farm Pretoriuskloof. The towns name is of Hebrew origin, meaning “house of bread”, and was so named because of the towns fertile land where wheat grows in abundance. Geskep: ; Laas opgedateer:
|Sweet Children (1987-1989)| |Origin||East Bay, California, U.S.| Green Day is an American rock band formed in the East Bay of California in 1987 by lead vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong and bassist and backing vocalist Mike Dirnt. For much of the band's career, they have been a trio with drummer Tré Cool, who replaced John Kiffmeyer in 1990 before the recording of the band's second studio album, Kerplunk (1991). Touring guitarist Jason White became a full-time member in 2012, but returned to his role as a touring member in 2016. Green Day was originally part of the late-'80s/early-'90s punk scene at the 924 Gilman Street club in Berkeley, California. The band's early releases were with the independent record label Lookout! Records. In 1994, their major-label debut Dookie, released through Reprise Records, became a breakout success and eventually shipped over 10 million copies in the U.S. Green Day is credited alongside fellow California punk bands Sublime, the Offspring, and Rancid, with popularizing mainstream interest in punk rock in the U.S. Though the albums Insomniac (1995), Nimrod (1997), and Warning (2000) did not match the success of Dookie, they were still successful with the former two reaching double platinum status while the latter achieved gold. Green Day's seventh album, a rock opera called American Idiot (2004), found popularity with a younger generation, selling six million copies in the U.S. Their next album, 21st Century Breakdown, was released in 2009 and achieved the band's best chart performance. It was followed by a trilogy of albums, ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, and ¡Tré!, released in September, November, and December 2012, respectively. The trilogy did not perform as well as expected commercially in comparison to their previous albums largely due to lack of promotion and Armstrong entering rehab. Their twelfth studio album, Revolution Radio, was released in October 2016 and became their third to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200. The band's thirteenth studio album, Father of All Motherfuckers, was released on February 7, 2020. Green Day has sold more than 75 million records worldwide. The group has been nominated for 20 Grammy awards and has won five of them with Best Alternative Album for Dookie, Best Rock Album for American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown, Record of the Year for "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", and Best Musical Show Album for American Idiot: The Original Broadway Cast Recording. In 2010, a stage adaptation of American Idiot debuted on Broadway. The musical was nominated for three Tony Awards: Best Musical, Best Scenic Design, and Best Lighting Design, winning the latter two. The band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2015, their first year of eligibility. Members of the band have also collaborated together on the side projects Pinhead Gunpowder, The Network, Foxboro Hot Tubs, The Longshot and The Coverups. In 1987, friends and guitarists Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt, 15 years old at the time, along with bassist Sean Hughes and drummer Raj Punjabi, formed a band under the name Sweet Children. One of their first songs written together was "Best Thing in Town". The group's first live performance took place on October 17, 1987, at Rod's Hickory Pit in Vallejo, California. In 1988, Armstrong and Dirnt began working with former Isocracy drummer John Kiffmeyer, also known as "Al Sobrante", who replaced original drummer Raj Punjabi. It was also around this time that bassist Sean Hughes left the band, causing Dirnt to switch from guitar to bass. Armstrong cites the band Operation Ivy (which featured Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman, who would later contact Armstrong to fill in as a possible second guitarist for their band Rancid) as a major influence, and a group that inspired him to form a band. In 1988, Larry Livermore, owner of Lookout! Records, saw the band play an early show and signed the group to his label. In December 1988, the band recorded its debut extended play, 1,000 Hours. Before 1,000 Hours was released, the group dropped the Sweet Children name; according to Livermore, this was done to avoid confusion with another local band Sweet Baby. The band adopted the name Green Day, due to the members' fondness for cannabis. The phrase, "Green day", was slang in the Bay Area, where the band originated, for spending a day doing nothing but smoking marijuana. Armstrong once admitted in 2001 that he considered it to be "the worst band name in the world". Lookout! released Green Day's debut studio album, 39/Smooth in early 1990. Green Day recorded two extended plays later that year, Slappy and Sweet Children, the latter of which included older songs that the band had recorded for the Minneapolis independent record label Skene! Records. In 1991, Lookout! Records re-released 39/Smooth under the name 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours, and added the songs from the band's first two EPs, Slappy, and 1,000 Hours. In late 1990, shortly after the band's first nationwide tour, Kiffmeyer left the East Bay area to attend Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. The Lookouts' drummer Tré Cool began filling in as a temporary replacement and later Cool's position as Green Day's drummer became permanent, which Kiffmeyer "graciously accepted". The band went on tour for most of 1992 and 1993, and played a number of shows overseas in Europe. The band's second studio album Kerplunk sold 50,000 copies in the U.S. Kerplunk's underground success led to interest from some major record labels and a bidding war to sign Green Day. The band eventually left Lookout! and signed with Reprise Records after attracting the attention of producer Rob Cavallo. The group was impressed by his work with the fellow Californian band The Muffs and later remarked that Cavallo "was the only person we could talk to and connect with". Reflecting on the period, Armstrong told Spin magazine in 1999, "I couldn't go back to the punk scene, whether we were the biggest success in the world or the biggest failure ... The only thing I could do was get on my bike and go forward." After signing with Reprise, the band went to work on recording its major-label debut, Dookie. Recorded in three weeks, and released in February 1994, Dookie became a commercial success, helped by extensive MTV airplay for the videos of the songs "Longview", "Basket Case", and "When I Come Around", all of which reached the number one position on the Modern Rock Tracks charts. The album went on to sell over 10 million copies in the US. At a performance on September 9, 1994 at Hatch Memorial Shell in Boston, mayhem broke out during the band's set (cut short to seven songs) and by the end of the rampage, 100 people were injured and 45 arrested. The band also joined the lineups of both the Lollapalooza festival and Woodstock '94, where the group started an infamous mud fight. During the concert, a security guard mistook bassist Mike Dirnt for a stage-invading fan and punched out some of his teeth. Viewed by millions by pay-per-view television, the Woodstock 1994 performance further aided Green Day's growing publicity and recognition. In 1995, Dookie won the Grammy Award for Best Alternative Album and the band was nominated for nine MTV Video Music Awards including Video of the Year. In 1995, a single for the Angus soundtrack was released, entitled "J.A.R.". The single debuted at number one on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart. The song was followed by the band's fourth studio album, Insomniac, which was released in the fall of 1995. Insomniac was a much darker and heavier response to the band's newfound popularity, compared to the more melodic Dookie. The album opened to a warm critical reception, earning 4 out of 5 stars from Rolling Stone, which said "In punk, the good stuff unfolds and gains meaning as you listen without sacrificing any of its electric, haywire immediacy. And Green Day are as good as this stuff gets." The singles released from Insomniac were "Geek Stink Breath", "Stuck with Me", "Brain Stew/Jaded", and "Walking Contradiction". Though the album did not approach the success of Dookie, it sold three million copies in the United States. The album earned the band award nominations for Favorite Artist, Favorite Hard Rock Artist, and Favorite Alternative Artist at the 1996 American Music Awards, and the video for "Walking Contradiction" got the band a Grammy nomination for Best Video, Short Form, in addition to a Best Special Effects nomination at the MTV Video Music Awards. After that, the band abruptly canceled a European tour, citing exhaustion. After a brief hiatus in 1996, Green Day began work on its next album in 1997. From the outset, both the band and Cavallo agreed that the album had to be different from its previous albums. The result was Nimrod, an experimental deviation from the band's standard pop-punk brand of music. The album was released in October 1997. It provided a variety of music, from pop-punk, surf rock, and ska, to an acoustic ballad. Nimrod entered the charts at number 10. The success of "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" won the band an MTV Video Award for Best Alternative Video. The song was also used in the second "clip show" episode of Seinfeld and on two episodes of ER. The other singles released from Nimrod were "Nice Guys Finish Last", "Hitchin' a Ride" and "Redundant". The band made a guest appearance in an episode of King of the Hill, which aired in 1997. In late 1997 and most of 1998, Green Day embarked on a tour in support of Nimrod. In 1999, guitarist Jason White began supporting the band during concerts as a rhythm guitarist. In 2000, Green Day released its sixth studio album Warning. In support of the album, the band participated in the Warped Tour in 2000. In November 2000, the band performed for free on the steps on San Francisco's City Hall to protest the eviction of artists from the city in a show produced by Ian Brennan. The band also had an independent tour to support the album in 2001. Critics' reviews of the album were varied. AllMusic gave it 4.5/5 saying "Warning may not be an innovative record per se, but it's tremendously satisfying." Rolling Stone was more critical, giving it 3/5, and saying "Warning... invites the question: Who wants to listen to songs of faith, hope and social commentary from what used to be snot-core's biggest-selling band?" Though it produced the hit "Minority" and a smaller hit with "Warning", some observers were coming to the conclusion that the band was losing relevance, and a decline in popularity followed. While all of Green Day's previous albums had reached a status of at least triple platinum, Warning was only certified gold. At the 2001 California Music Awards, Green Day won all eight of the awards for which the group was nominated. The group won the awards for Outstanding Album (Warning), Outstanding Punk Rock/Ska Album (Warning), Outstanding Group, Outstanding Male Vocalist, Outstanding Bassist, Outstanding Drummer, Outstanding Songwriter, and Outstanding Artist. The release of two compilation albums, International Superhits! and Shenanigans, followed Warning. International Superhits! and its companion collection of music videos, International Supervideos!. Shenanigans contained some of the band's B-sides, including "Espionage", which was featured in the film Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me and was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance. In the summer of 2003, the band went into a studio to write and record material for an album, tentatively titled Cigarettes and Valentines. After completing 20 tracks, the master recordings were stolen from the studio. Instead of re-recording the stolen tracks, the band decided to abandon the entire project and start over, considering the taken material to be unrepresentative of the band's best work. It was then revealed that a band called The Network was signed to Armstrong's record label Adeline Records with little fanfare and information. After the band, who concealed their identities with masks and costumes, released an album called Money Money 2020, it was rumored that The Network was a Green Day side project, due to the similarities in the bands' sounds. However, these rumors were never addressed by the band or Adeline Records, except for a statement on the Adeline website discussing an ongoing dispute between the two bands. The bands "feuded" via press releases and statements from Armstrong. Several journalists openly referred to the group as a Green Day side project, although it was not confirmed as such until 2013. Green Day collaborated with Iggy Pop on two tracks for his album Skull Ring in November 2003. On February 1, 2004, a cover of "I Fought the Law" made its debut on a commercial for iTunes during NFL Super Bowl XXXVIII. American Idiot (2004), debuted at number one on the Billboard charts, the band's first album to reach number one, backed by the success of the album's first single, "American Idiot". The album was labeled as a punk rock opera which follows the journey of the fictitious "Jesus of Suburbia". The album depicts modern American life under the control of an idiot ruler who lets people be misinformed by the media and a "redneck agenda". It gives different angles on an everyman, modern icons, and leaders. Released two months before U.S. President George W. Bush was reelected, the album became protest art. American Idiot won the 2005 Grammy for Best Rock Album. The band also won a total of seven out of eight awards for which the group was nominated, including the Viewer's Choice Award at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2005. The album went on to sell 6 million copies in the US. In 2005, American Idiot won a Grammy Award for Best Rock Album and was nominated in six other categories including Album of the Year. The album helped Green Day win seven of the eight awards it was nominated for at the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards; the "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" video won six of those awards. A year later, "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" won a Grammy Award for Record of the Year. In 2009, Kerrang! named American Idiot the best album of the decade, NME ranked it number 60 in a similar list, and Rolling Stone ranked it 22nd. Rolling Stone also listed "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and "American Idiot" among the 100 best songs of the 2000s, at number 65 and 47, respectively. In 2005, the album was ranked number 420 in Rock Hard magazine's book of The 500 Greatest Rock & Metal Albums of All Time. In 2012, the album was ranked number 225 on Rolling Stone's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. While touring for American Idiot, the group filmed and recorded the two concerts at the Milton Keynes National Bowl in England. These recordings were released as a live CD and DVD called Bullet in a Bible on November 15, 2005. The DVD featured behind-the-scenes footage of the band, and showed how the band prepared to put on the show. The final shows of its 2005 world tour were in Sydney and Melbourne in Australia, on December 14 and 17, respectively. On August 1, 2005, Green Day announced that it had rescinded the master rights to its pre-Dookie material from Lookout! Records, citing a continuing breach of contract regarding unpaid royalties, a complaint shared with other Lookout! bands. On January 10, 2006, the band was awarded a People's Choice Award as favorite musical group or band. Green Day engaged in many other smaller projects in the time following the success of American Idiot. In 2008, the group released a garage rock-inspired album under the name Foxboro Hot Tubs entitled Stop Drop and Roll!!! The Foxboro Hot Tubs went on a mini-tour during the same year to promote the record, hitting tiny Bay Area venues including the Stork Club in Oakland and Toot's Tavern in Crockett, California. In an interview with Carson Daly, Garbage lead singer Shirley Manson revealed that Butch Vig would be producing Green Day's forthcoming album. The span of nearly five years between American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown was the longest gap between studio albums in Green Day's career. The band had been working on new material since January 2006. By October 2007, Armstrong had 45 songs written, but the band showed no further signs of progress until October 2008, when two videos showing the band recording in the studio with producer Butch Vig were posted on YouTube. The writing and recording process, spanning three years and four recording studios, was finally finished in April 2009. 21st Century Breakdown, was released on May 15, 2009. The album received a mainly positive reception from critics, getting an average rating between 3 and 4 stars. After the release, the album reached number one in fourteen countries, being certified gold or platinum in each. 21st Century Breakdown achieved Green Day's best chart performance to date. The band started playing shows in California in April and early May. These were the group's first live shows in about three years. Green Day went on a world tour that started in North America in July 2009 and continuing around the world throughout the rest of 2009 and early 2010. The album won the Grammy Award for Best Rock Album at the 52nd Grammy Awards on January 31, 2010. As of December 2010, 21st Century Breakdown has sold 1,005,000 copies in the US. Wal-Mart refused to carry the album as it contains a Parental Advisory sticker and requested that Green Day release a censored edition. The band members did not wish to change any lyrics on the album and responded by stating, "There's nothing dirty about our record... They want artists to censor their records in order to be carried in there. We just said no. We've never done it before. You feel like you're in 1953 or something." In 2009, the band met with award-winning director Michael Mayer and many cast and crew members of the Tony Award-winning musical Spring Awakening to create a stage version of the album American Idiot. American Idiot opened in the Berkeley Repertory Theatre during the end of 2009. The show features an expanded story of the original album, with new characters such as Will, Extraordinary Girl, and Favorite Son. On April 20, 2010, American Idiot opened on Broadway, and Green Day released the soundtrack to the musical, featuring a new song by Green Day entitled "When It's Time". In June 2010 iTunes released "When It's Time" as a single. During the Spike TV Video Game Awards 2009, it was announced that Green Day was set to have its own Rock Band video game titled Green Day: Rock Band, as a follow-up to the last band specific Rock Band game, The Beatles: Rock Band. The game features the full albums of Dookie, American Idiot, and 21st Century Breakdown as well as select songs from the rest of Green Day's discography. During the second leg of the 21st Century Breakdown World Tour the band members stated that they were writing new material. In an interview with Kerrang! magazine, Armstrong spoke about the possible new album: "We did some demos in Berlin, some in Stockholm, some just outside of Glasgow and some in Amsterdam. We wanted get [the songs] down in some early form." The band members also stated that the group was recording a live album of the tour, featuring the previously unreleased song "Cigarettes and Valentines". In October 2010, Dirnt was interviewed by Radio W, mentioning that the group had completed the writing process of the ninth studio album. In the interview, Dirnt also mentioned that a new live album would "most likely" be released. The live CD/DVD and CD/Blu-ray entitled Awesome as Fuck was released on March 22, 2011. During the end of 2011, the band played several secret shows (under the name Foxboro Hot Tubs) whose setlists consisted almost entirely of previously unheard songs. Green Day entered the studio and began recording new material in February 2012, later announcing a trilogy of albums titled ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, and ¡Tré! which would be released in the fall of 2012. The trilogy marked longtime touring guitarist Jason White's induction as the fourth member of the band. That summer Green Day played several festivals and promotional shows including the Rock en Seine festival in France, the Rock am See festival in Germany, and the Reading Festival in the United Kingdom. ¡Uno!, ¡Dos!, and ¡Tré! were released on September 21, November 9, and December 7, 2012, respectively, and were met with generally positive reviews from critics, though fans were more lukewarm towards the albums. On January 22, 2013, the band announced that ¡Cuatro!, a documentary about the making of ¡Uno!, ¡Dos! and ¡Tré!, would premiere on January 26 in Aspen, Colorado as part of the X Games FILM showcase, and would be released on DVD April 9, 2013. Another documentary was announced called Broadway Idiot which focuses on the creation on the American Idiot musical and Armstrong's run as playing the character of St. Jimmy. On March 10, 2013, Green Day began its 99 Revolutions Tour to support the trilogy. In June, Green Day broke Emirates Stadium attendance record with 60,000 tickets sold. The band played Dookie from start to finish on several dates on the tour's European leg, including during the Reading Festival 2013 headline show. Demolicious, a compilation album that contains alternate versions and demos of songs from ¡Uno!, ¡Dos! and ¡Tré! recorded during the studio sessions of these albums, was released on April 19, 2014, for Record Store Day. It also contains a previously unreleased song called "State of Shock" and an acoustic version of "Stay the Night", from ¡Uno!. Green Day performed its first concert in a year on April 16, 2015. The group first played a set as Sweet Children with John Kiffmeyer, followed by a set as Green Day. On April 18, 2015, Green Day were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by Fall Out Boy. On April 24, 2015, Rob Cavallo revealed Green Day were recording a twelfth studio album. Cavallo claimed to have heard "five new songs that Billie has written and demoed", and that the fans should be "sure that when they do return, the music will be amazing". On December 24, 2015, Green Day released a Christmas song, "Xmas Time of the Year". On August 11, 2016, Green Day released the first single, "Bang Bang", from the group's album Revolution Radio, which was released on October 7, 2016. Likely due to his tonsil cancer diagnosis, Jason White decided to return to his role as a touring member and did not participate in the album's recording sessions.[failed verification] The band went on a world tour supporting the album. In November 2016, the band performed at the American Music Awards in Los Angeles and made a political statement about the then-recent US election of Donald Trump by chanting "No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA" during their rendition of "Bang Bang". Aaron Burgess at Alternative Press observed, "It's the first time in years Green Day haven't had all the answers. But as a statement on how it feels to fight, it's the closest to the truth they've ever gotten." Gwilym Mumford of The Guardian stated "[after their last few albums] the band have decided to get back to basics: Revolution Radio is their most focused work in years. Lead single Bang Bang sets the tone, with a caustic consideration of the fame-hungry psychosis of a mass shooter. The band released their second greatest hits compilation, God's Favorite Band, on November 17, 2017. It contains 20 of their hits, along with two new tracks: a different version of the Revolution Radio track "Ordinary World", featuring country singer Miranda Lambert, and a previously unreleased song titled "Back in the USA". On April 13, 2019, for Record Store Day, the band released their Woodstock 1994 performance on vinyl for the first time. It contains all 9 songs they played live, as well as audio of the ensuing mud fight. On September 10, 2019, the band announced the Hella Mega Tour with Fall Out Boy and Weezer as headliners alongside themselves, with The Interrupters as the opening act. They also released the single, "Father of All..." off their thirteenth album, Father of All Motherfuckers. The same day, in an interview with KROQ, Armstrong announced the band was off their contract with Warner. On September 30, 2019, Green Day signed a two-year agreement with the National Hockey League (NHL). The album's second single, "Fire, Ready, Aim", was released on October 9, 2019. The album's third single, "Oh Yeah!", was released on January 16, 2020. The album was released on February 7, 2020. The album's fourth single, "Meet Me on the Roof", was released on the same day as the album. On April 6, 2020, Armstrong revealed that he had written six songs intending to record new music with the band once the COVID-19 pandemic had passed. On May 21, 2020, the band released a cover of Blondie's "Dreaming". On October 30, 2020, the band's secret side project, The Network, teased upcoming activity with a video entitled "The Prophecy" and mentioned their upcoming sequel album. Then on November 2, 2020, The Network released a music video for their first new song in 17 years, named "Ivankkka is a Nazi". After a couple of weeks of small hints on social media, as well as Green Day claiming they were not The Network, the band released an EP on November 20, 2020, titled Trans Am. On December 4, 2020, The Network released their second album Money Money 2020 Part II: We Told Ya So!. In February 2021, Green Day announced a new single, titled "Here Comes the Shock", which was later released on February 21, 2021. The band would release a remastered version of Insomniac in March for the belated 25th anniversary of the album's release, with bonus live tracks. On May 17, 2021, Green Day released a new single, titled "Pollyanna". Green Day's sound is often compared to first wave punk bands such as the Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Dickies, and Buzzcocks. Stylistically, the band is primarily characterized as punk rock, and alternative rock. The band has casually explored other musical styles including skate punk, , post-punk, pop rock, and garage rock. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic described Green Day as "punk revivalists who recharged the energy of speedy, catchy three-chord punk-pop songs." While Armstrong is the primary songwriter, he looks to the other band members for organizational help. Billie Joe Armstrong has mentioned that some of his biggest influences are seminal hardcore-turned alternative rock bands Hüsker Dü and the Replacements, and that their influence is particularly noted in the band's chord changes in songs. Green Day has covered Hüsker Dü's "Don't Want to Know If You Are Lonely" as a B-side to the "Warning" single, and the character "Mr. Whirly" in the group's song "Misery" is a reference to the Replacements song of the same name. Among other influences, Green Day have also cited the Kinks, the Who and power pop pioneers Cheap Trick. English rock musician Noel Gallagher of Oasis complained about the band semi-jokingly, claiming that the band had ripped off his song "Wonderwall" with its song "Boulevard of Broken Dreams". Green Day has cited Operation Ivy as a big influence. In August 1996, Billie Joe Armstrong told Guitar World he "can remember a few different instances" of when he first discovered punk rock: "There were these two guys who introduced me to things like D.O.A. and the Dead Kennedys. Then, in the seventh grade, there was a girl at school who would bring in records like T.S.O.L. and say, 'Here, listen to this.'" Armstrong said he thinks he "really started getting into" punk rock "in 1987 with Turn It Around!, a double seven-inch compilation record put out by [punk fanzine] Maximumrocknroll." Armstrong cited Turn It Around! as an influence, calling it "a pretty big record" for him. Tré Cool as stated that the band is influenced by music that they didn't like, he stated artists like Hall & Oates, Cyndi Lauper and other 1980s music. Although Green Day has been compared to the Buzzcocks, the Ramones and the Clash, Mike Dirnt said he had never heard the Buzzcocks when Green Day began. Dirnt said: "First off, you can't sound like any of those bands. And secondly, those are probably the last ones in my record collection." Armstrong responded to Dirnt, saying: "Mine too. Those are all bands I got into later." The Dickies is another band Green Day has been compared to. Dirnt said he "never owned a Dickies album, although" he "did see" the Dickies live "around the time of" Kerplunk!. Dirnt said "by that time, we'd played so many shows it had no bearing." Armstrong referred to the Dickies as "just another Ramones rip-off". Although in August 1996, Armstrong said bands like the Ramones are bands he listened to later, in June 2010, Armstrong cited the Ramones as an influence. He also said his "range of favorite songwriters goes anywhere from the Sex Pistols to Lennon-McCartney. During the American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown era of Green Day, the band was influenced by The Who, U2, Motown albums, and musicals such as Grease. The band's 1991 album Kerplunk is one of the best selling independent albums of all time, selling over 4.5 million worldwide. It was also listed in 100 greatest indie albums by Blender in 2007. Green Day is credited (alongside Sublime, The Offspring, and Rancid) with popularizing mainstream interest in punk rock in the United States, particularly with the album Dookie, which was cited by Fuse as the most important pop-punk album of all time and named the best alternative album of 1994 by Rolling Stone. It was also placed on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's "Definitive 200" list of 200 classic albums. Both Dookie and American Idiot appeared on Rolling Stones list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. In 2011, they were voted best punk rock band of all time by Rolling Stone magazine. Diffuser.fm listed Dookie as the greatest album of the 90s. Green Day has sold more than 90 million records worldwide making them one of the highest-selling artists of all time. The group has been nominated for 20 Grammy awards and has won five of them with Best Alternative Album for Dookie, Best Rock Album for American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown, Record of the Year for "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", and Best Musical Show Album for American Idiot: The Original Broadway Cast Recording. In 2010, a stage adaptation of American Idiot debuted on Broadway. The musical was nominated for three Tony Awards: The band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in April 2015, their first year of eligibility. Since 1991, members of the band have branched out past Green Day, starting other projects with various musicians. Notable projects related to Green Day include Billie Joe Armstrong's Pinhead Gunpowder with Jason White and The Longshot with Jeff Matika, The Frustrators with Mike Dirnt, and The Network, a collaboration between Green Day and friends in which all members play under fake stage names. Green Day has also released an album titled Stop Drop and Roll!!! on May 20, 2008, under the name Foxboro Hot Tubs, which the band uses to book secret shows. In late December 2011, Armstrong formed a family band called The Boo which recorded a one off Christmas record for their friends and family making a few copies available in a local store. Since January 2018, Armstrong, Dirnt and White have played in the band The Coverups along with Green Day audio engineer Chris Dugan and tour manager Bill Schneider. The band sporadically performs one-off shows, usually in small clubs, and cover the songs of classic rock and alternative rock bands such as Cheap Trick, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, The Clash, and Nirvana. In September 2006, Green Day collaborated with U2 and producer Rick Rubin to record a cover of the song "The Saints Are Coming", originally recorded by the Skids, with an accompanying video. The song was recorded to benefit Music Rising, an organization to help raise money for musicians' instruments lost during Hurricane Katrina, and to bring awareness on the eve of the one-year anniversary of the disaster. In December 2006, Green Day and NRDC opened a web site in partnership to raise awareness on America's dependency on oil. Green Day released a cover of the John Lennon song "Working Class Hero", which was featured on the album Instant Karma: The Amnesty International Campaign to Save Darfur. The band performed the song on the season finale of American Idol. The song was nominated for a Grammy Award in 2008 but lost to The White Stripes' "Icky Thump". That summer, the band appeared in a cameo role in The Simpsons Movie, where the band performs the show's theme song; Green Day's version was released as a single on July 23, 2007. In 2009, the band collaborated with theater director Michael Mayer to adapt the group's rock opera American Idiot into a one-act stage musical that premiered at the Berkeley Rep on September 15, 2009. The show then moved to Broadway on April 20, 2010. The reviews of American Idiot: The Musical have been positive to mixed. Charles Isherwood of The New York Times wrote an enthusiastic review for the Broadway production. He called the show "a pulsating portrait of wasted youth that invokes all the standard genre conventions ... only to transcend them through the power of its music and the artistry of its execution, the show is as invigorating and ultimately as moving as anything I've seen on Broadway this season. Or maybe for a few seasons past." Jed Gottlieb of the Boston Herald enjoyed the premise of the show but found that "the music and message suffer in a setting where the audience is politely, soberly seated". Michael Kuchiwara of the Associated Press found the show to be "visually striking [and] musically adventurous", but noted that "the show has the barest wisp of a story and minimal character development". Paul Kolnik in USA Today enjoyed the contradiction that Green Day's "massively popular, starkly disenchanted album ... would be the feel-good musical of the season". Time magazine's Richard Zoglin opined that the score "is as pure a specimen of contemporary punk rock as Broadway has yet encountered, [yet] there's enough variety. ... Where the show falls short is as a fully developed narrative." He concluded that "American Idiot, despite its earnest huffing and puffing, remains little more than an annotated rock concert. ... Still, [it] deserves at least two cheers--for its irresistible musical energy and for opening fresh vistas for that odd couple, rock and Broadway." Peter Travers from Rolling Stone, in his review of American Idiot, wrote "Though American Idiot carries echoes of such rock musicals as Tommy, Hair, Rent and Spring Awakening, it cuts its own path to the heart. You won't know what hit you. American Idiot knows no limits--it's a global knockout." The musical has been nominated for three Tony Awards, including Best Musical and Best Scenic Design. It was also nominated for several Drama Desk Awards and Outer Critics Circle Awards. In October 2009, a Green Day art project was exhibited at StolenSpace Gallery in London. The exhibition showed artworks created for each of the songs on 21st Century Breakdown, was supported by the band, and led by the group's manager Pat Magnarella. He explained in an interview that "[Artists are] basically like rock bands. Most are creating their art, but don't know how to promote it." For Billie Joe Armstrong, "Many of the artists... show their work on the street, and we feel a strong connection to that type of creative expression." On April 13, 2011, a film version of American Idiot was confirmed. Michael Mayer, director of the Broadway musical, will be directing the film. It will be produced by Green Day, Pat Magnarella (Green Day's manager who also produced Bullet in a Bible, Awesome as Fuck, and Heart Like a Hand Grenade), Playtone (Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman) and Tom Hulce. However, in February 2020, Billie Joe Armstrong revealed to NME that plans for a film adaptation of the stage musical had been "pretty much scrapped", without providing any more details as to the reason. On January 23, 2013, it was announced that a documentary showing Armstrong's journey from punk rock to Broadway was to be released. Called Broadway Idiot and showing a lot of behind-the-scenes of the American Idiot musical production, the movie was directed by Doug Hamilton, veteran television journalist for CBS News' 60 Minutes and PBS documentaries such as Nova, Frontline and American Masters. A trailer was released on January 30, 2013. The documentary premiered at the South by Southwest Film Festival on March 15, 2013. Green Day served as executive producers of Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk (2017), an extensive documentary film about the San Francisco Bay area punk scene from the late 1970s to the 1990s. Green Day has generated controversy over whether their musical style and major-label status constitutes "true punk". In reaction to both the style of music and the background of the band, John Lydon, former frontman of the 1970s punk band the Sex Pistols commented, "So there we are fending off all that and it pisses me off that years later a wank outfit like Green Day hop in and nick all that and attach it to themselves. They didn't earn their wings to do that and if they were true punk they wouldn't look anything like they do." However, others in the punk rock scene would come to the defense of the band on their punk status. Bad Religion lead guitarist Brett Gurewitz and founder of the independent punk label Epitaph Records would state, "They are a punk band, but you know, punk is the legacy of rock and roll, and Green Day are the biggest band in the genre." Armstrong has discussed the group's status of being a punk band on a major record label, saying, "Sometimes I think we've become redundant because we're this big band now; we've made a lot of money--we're not punk rock anymore. But then I think about it and just say, 'You can take us out of a punk rock environment, but you can't take the punk rock out of us.'" On September 21, 2012, while Green Day was performing at the iHeartRadio music festival, Armstrong stopped while performing "Basket Case", because he believed the group's time was being shortened, possibly to extend R&B artist Usher's performance. Angered, Armstrong began ranting while a screen in the rear of the audience was labeled "1 Minutes Left", saying "You're gonna give me one fucking minute? You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" He also told the crowd he "was not Justin Bieber" and labeled the festival as a "joke". When the screen went blank, Armstrong smashed his guitar, while bassist Mike Dirnt smashed his bass. Armstrong then gave the finger, and declared that Green Day would be back before throwing his microphone down and walking off the stage. Two days later, the band's representative apologized for the incident on the group's behalf stating that "Green Day would like everyone to know that their set was not cut short by Clear Channel and to apologize to those they offended at the iHeartRadio Festival in Las Vegas" also adding that Armstrong would be headed to rehab, for abuse of alcohol and prescription pills. However, Dirnt would later say in an interview with Rolling Stone that he agreed with what Armstrong meant by his rant. The band later made amends with the company and played an album release party for their 2016 release, Revolution Radio. They also returned to the festival in 2019 supporting the album Father of All Motherfuckers. On July 7, 2017, about 20 minutes before Green Day headlined Mad Cool, a festival in Madrid, an acrobat fell about 30 meters (98 ft) from a cage above the stage and died. Some fans were upset at the band and festival organizers for continuing the show, which was attended by about 35,000 people. On their website, Armstrong said the band did not know about the accident before their set, and likely would not have played if they had. Current touring musicians Former touring musicians Green Day has earned 214 award nominations and 92 wins. In 1987 they and drummer Sean Hughes formed their first band, a punk outfit called Sweet Children. Founded in 1987 "Opartion Ivy was such a huge band. I was 15 years old when I got into that band, I just remember thinking 'This is the greatest band in the world'. [Operation Ivy] became Billie Joe Armstrong's favorite band and biggest influence It would be remiss of any critic not to at least include one band from skate punk's big mainstream breakout in a list like this, and of all the groups that cashed in on the phenomenon, Green Day are probably the most adept. I saw Green Day, Rancid and the Offspring, taking punk to the mall rats and the stadiums with multi-million-selling albums.
In fluid dynamics, a wind wave, or wind-generated wave, is a water surface wave that occurs on the free surface of bodies of water. Wind waves result from the wind blowing over a fluid surface, where the contact distance in the direction of the wind is known as the fetch. Waves in the oceans can travel thousands of kilometres before reaching land. Wind waves on Earth range in size from small ripples, to waves over 30 m (100 ft) high, being limited by wind speed, duration, fetch, and water depth. When directly generated and affected by local waters, a wind wave system is called a wind sea (or wind waves). Wind waves will travel in a great circle route after being generated - curving slightly left in the southern hemisphere and slightly right in the northern hemisphere. After moving out of the area of fetch, wind waves are called swells and can travel thousands of kilometres. A noteworthy example of this are waves generated south of Tasmania during heavy winds that will travel to southern California producing desirable surfing conditions. Swell consists of wind-generated waves that are not significantly affected by the local wind at that time. They have been generated elsewhere and some time previously. Wind waves in the ocean are also called ocean surface waves, and are mainly gravity waves. Wind waves have a certain amount of randomness: subsequent waves differ in height, duration, and shape with limited predictability. They can be described as a stochastic process, in combination with the physics governing their generation, growth, propagation, and decay - as well as governing the interdependence between flow quantities such as: the water surface movements, flow velocities and water pressure. The key statistics of wind waves (both seas and swells) in evolving sea states can be predicted with wind wave models. The great majority of large breakers seen at a beach result from distant winds. Five factors influence the formation of the flow structures in wind waves: All of these factors work together to determine the size of the water waves and the structure of the flow within them. The main dimensions associated with waves are: A fully developed sea has the maximum wave size theoretically possible for a wind of a specific strength, duration, and fetch. Further exposure to that specific wind could only cause a dissipation of energy due to the breaking of wave tops and formation of "whitecaps". Waves in a given area typically have a range of heights. For weather reporting and for scientific analysis of wind wave statistics, their characteristic height over a period of time is usually expressed as significant wave height. This figure represents an average height of the highest one-third of the waves in a given time period (usually chosen somewhere in the range from 20 minutes to twelve hours), or in a specific wave or storm system. The significant wave height is also the value a "trained observer" (e.g. from a ship's crew) would estimate from visual observation of a sea state. Given the variability of wave height, the largest individual waves are likely to be somewhat less than twice the reported significant wave height for a particular day or storm. Wave formation on an initially flat water surface by wind is started by a random distribution of normal pressure of turbulent wind flow over the water. This pressure fluctuation produces normal and tangential stresses in the surface water, which generates waves. It is assumed that: The second mechanism involves wind shear forces on the water surface. John W. Miles suggested a surface wave generation mechanism which is initiated by turbulent wind shear flows based on the inviscid Orr-Sommerfeld equation in 1957. He found the energy transfer from wind to water surface is proportional to the curvature of the velocity profile of the wind at the point where the mean wind speed is equal to the wave speed. Since the wind speed profile is logarithmic to the water surface, the curvature has a negative sign at this point. This relation shows the wind flow transferring its kinetic energy to the water surface at their interface. Generally these wave formation mechanisms occur together on the water surface and eventually produce fully developed waves. For example, if we assume a flat sea surface (Beaufort state 0), and a sudden wind flow blows steadily across the sea surface, the physical wave generation process follows the sequence: |Conditions necessary for a fully developed sea at given wind speeds, and the parameters of the resulting waves| |Wind conditions||Wave size| |Wind speed in one direction||Fetch||Wind duration||Average height||Average wavelength||Average period and speed| |19 km/h (12 mph)||19 km (12 mi)||2 hr||0.27 m (0.89 ft)||8.5 m (28 ft)||3.0 sec, 10.2 km/h (9.3 ft/sec)| |37 km/h (23 mph)||139 km (86 mi)||10 hr||1.5 m (4.9 ft)||33.8 m (111 ft)||5.7 sec, 21.4 km/h (19.5 ft/sec)| |56 km/h (35 mph)||518 km (322 mi)||23 hr||4.1 m (13 ft)||76.5 m (251 ft)||8.6 sec, 32.0 km/h (29.2 ft/sec)| |74 km/h (46 mph)||1,313 km (816 mi)||42 hr||8.5 m (28 ft)||136 m (446 ft)||11.4 sec, 42.9 km/h (39.1 ft/sec)| |92 km/h (57 mph)||2,627 km (1,632 mi)||69 hr||14.8 m (49 ft)||212.2 m (696 ft)||14.3 sec, 53.4 km/h (48.7 ft/sec)| |NOTE: Most of the wave speeds calculated from the wave length divided by the period are proportional to the square root of the wave length. Thus, except for the shortest wave length, the waves follow the deep water theory. The 28 ft long wave must be either in shallow water or intermediate depth.| Three different types of wind waves develop over time: Ripples appear on smooth water when the wind blows, but will die quickly if the wind stops. The restoring force that allows them to propagate is surface tension. Sea waves are larger-scale, often irregular motions that form under sustained winds. These waves tend to last much longer, even after the wind has died, and the restoring force that allows them to propagate is gravity. As waves propagate away from their area of origin, they naturally separate into groups of common direction and wavelength. The sets of waves formed in this manner are known as swells. The Pacific Ocean is 19,800km from Indonesia to the coast of Colombia and, based on an average wavelength of 76.5m, would have ~258,824 swells over that width. Individual "rogue waves" (also called "freak waves", "monster waves", "killer waves", and "king waves") much higher than the other waves in the sea state can occur. In the case of the Draupner wave, its 25 m (82 ft) height was 2.2 times the significant wave height. Such waves are distinct from tides, caused by the Moon and Sun's gravitational pull, tsunamis that are caused by underwater earthquakes or landslides, and waves generated by underwater explosions or the fall of meteorites--all having far longer wavelengths than wind waves. The largest ever recorded wind waves are not rogue waves, but standard waves in extreme sea states. For example, 29.1 m (95 ft) high waves were recorded on the RRS Discovery in a sea with 18.5 m (61 ft) significant wave height, so the highest wave was only 1.6 times the significant wave height. The biggest recorded by a buoy (as of 2011) was 32.3 m (106 ft) high during the 2007 typhoon Krosa near Taiwan. Ocean waves can be classified based on: the disturbing force that creates them; the extent to which the disturbing force continues to influence them after formation; the extent to which the restoring force weakens or flattens them; and their wavelength or period. Seismic sea waves have a period of about 20 minutes, and speeds of 760 km/h (470 mph). Wind waves (deep-water waves) have a period of about 20 seconds. |Wave type||Typical wavelength||Disturbing force||Restoring force| |Capillary wave||< 2 cm||Wind||Surface tension| |Wind wave||60-150 m (200-490 ft)||Wind over ocean||Gravity| |Seiche||Large, variable; a function of basin size||Change in atmospheric pressure, storm surge||Gravity| |Seismic sea wave (tsunami)||200 km (120 mi)||Faulting of sea floor, volcanic eruption, landslide||Gravity| |Tide||Half the circumference of Earth||Gravitational attraction, rotation of Earth||Gravity| The speed of all ocean waves is controlled by gravity, wavelength, and water depth. Most characteristics of ocean waves depend on the relationship between their wavelength and water depth. Wavelength determines the size of the orbits of water molecules within a wave, but water depth determines the shape of the orbits. The paths of water molecules in a wind wave are circular only when the wave is traveling in deep water. A wave cannot "feel" the bottom when it moves through water deeper than half its wavelength because too little wave energy is contained in the small circles below that depth. Waves moving through water deeper than half their wavelength are known as deep-water waves. On the other hand, the orbits of water molecules in waves moving through shallow water are flattened by the proximity of the sea surface bottom. Waves in water shallower than 1/20 their original wavelength are known as shallow-water waves. Transitional waves travel through water deeper than 1/20 their original wavelength but shallower than half their original wavelength. In general, the longer the wavelength, the faster the wave energy will move through the water. The relationship between the wavelength, period, and velocity of any wave is: where C is speed (celerity), L is wavelength, and T is time, or period (in seconds). Thus the speed of the wave derives from the functional dependence of the wavelength on the period (the dispersion relation). The speed of a deep-water wave may also be approximated by: where g is the acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 meters (32 feet) per second squared. Because g and ? (3.14) are constants, the equation can be reduced to: when C is measured in meters per second and L in meters. Note that in both formulas the wave speed is proportional to the square root of the wavelength. The speed of shallow-water waves is described by a different equation that may be written as: where C is speed (in meters per second), g is the acceleration due to gravity, and d is the depth of the water (in meters). The period of a wave remains unchanged regardless of the depth of water through which it is moving. As deep-water waves enter the shallows and feel the bottom, however, their speed is reduced and their crests "bunch up," so their wavelength shortens. As waves travel from deep to shallow water, their shape alters (wave height increases, speed decreases, and length decreases as wave orbits become asymmetrical). This process is called shoaling. Wave refraction is the process that occurs when waves interact with the sea bed to slow the velocity of propagation as a function of wave length and period. As the waves slow down in shoaling water, the crests tend to realign at a decreasing angle to the depth contours. Varying depths along a wave crest cause the crest to travel at different phase speeds, with those parts of the wave in deeper water moving faster than those in shallow water. This process continues while the depth decreases, and reverses if it increases again, but the wave leaving the shoal area may have changed direction considerably. Rays--lines normal to wave crests between which a fixed amount of energy flux is contained--converge on local shallows and shoals. Therefore, the wave energy between rays is concentrated as they converge, with a resulting increase in wave height. Because these effects are related to a spatial variation in the phase speed, and because the phase speed also changes with the ambient current - due to the Doppler shift - the same effects of refraction and altering wave height also occur due to current variations. In the case of meeting an adverse current the wave steepens, i.e. its wave height increases while the wave length decreases, similar to the shoaling when the water depth decreases. Some waves undergo a phenomenon called "breaking". A breaking wave is one whose base can no longer support its top, causing it to collapse. A wave breaks when it runs into shallow water, or when two wave systems oppose and combine forces. When the slope, or steepness ratio, of a wave is too great, breaking is inevitable. Individual waves in deep water break when the wave steepness--the ratio of the wave height H to the wavelength ?--exceeds about 0.17, so for H > 0.17 ?. In shallow water, with the water depth small compared to the wavelength, the individual waves break when their wave height H is larger than 0.8 times the water depth h, that is H > 0.8 h. Waves can also break if the wind grows strong enough to blow the crest off the base of the wave. In shallow water the base of the wave is decelerated by drag on the seabed. As a result, the upper parts will propagate at a higher velocity than the base and the leading face of the crest will become steeper and the trailing face flatter. This may be exaggerated to the extent that the leading face forms a barrel profile, with the crest falling forward and down as it extends over the air ahead of the wave. When the shoreline is near vertical, waves do not break, but are reflected. Most of the energy is retained in the wave as it returns to seaward. Interference patterns are caused by superposition of the incident and reflected waves, and the superposition may cause localised instability when peaks cross, and these peaks may break due to instability. (see also clapotic waves) Wind waves are mechanical waves that propagate along the interface between water and air; the restoring force is provided by gravity, and so they are often referred to as surface gravity waves. As the wind blows, pressure and friction perturb the equilibrium of the water surface and transfer energy from the air to the water, forming waves. The initial formation of waves by the wind is described in the theory of Phillips from 1957, and the subsequent growth of the small waves has been modeled by Miles, also in 1957. In linear plane waves of one wavelength in deep water, parcels near the surface move not plainly up and down but in circular orbits: forward above and backward below (compared the wave propagation direction). As a result, the surface of the water forms not an exact sine wave, but more a trochoid with the sharper curves upwards--as modeled in trochoidal wave theory. Wind waves are thus a combination of transversal and longitudinal waves. In reality, for finite values of the wave amplitude (height), the particle paths do not form closed orbits; rather, after the passage of each crest, particles are displaced slightly from their previous positions, a phenomenon known as Stokes drift. As the depth below the free surface increases, the radius of the circular motion decreases. At a depth equal to half the wavelength ?, the orbital movement has decayed to less than 5% of its value at the surface. The phase speed (also called the celerity) of a surface gravity wave is - for pure periodic wave motion of small-amplitude waves - well approximated by In deep water, where , so and the hyperbolic tangent approaches , the speed approximates In SI units, with in m/s, , when is measured in metres. This expression tells us that waves of different wavelengths travel at different speeds. The fastest waves in a storm are the ones with the longest wavelength. As a result, after a storm, the first waves to arrive on the coast are the long-wavelength swells. If the wavelength is very long compared to the water depth, the phase speed (by taking the limit of c when the wavelength approaches infinity) can be approximated by When several wave trains are present, as is always the case in nature, the waves form groups. In deep water the groups travel at a group velocity which is half of the phase speed. Following a single wave in a group one can see the wave appearing at the back of the group, growing and finally disappearing at the front of the group. As the water depth decreases towards the coast, this will have an effect: wave height changes due to wave shoaling and refraction. As the wave height increases, the wave may become unstable when the crest of the wave moves faster than the trough. This causes surf, a breaking of the waves. The movement of wind waves can be captured by wave energy devices. The energy density (per unit area) of regular sinusoidal waves depends on the water density , gravity acceleration and the wave height (which, for regular waves, is equal to twice the amplitude, ): The velocity of propagation of this energy is the group velocity. Surfers are very interested in the wave forecasts. There are many websites that provide predictions of the surf quality for the upcoming days and weeks. Wind wave models are driven by more general weather models that predict the winds and pressures over the oceans, seas and lakes. Wind wave models are also an important part of examining the impact of shore protection and beach nourishment proposals. For many beach areas there is only patchy information about the wave climate, therefore estimating the effect of wind waves is important for managing littoral environments. A wind generated wave can be predicted based on two parameters: wind speed at 10 m above the sea level and wind duration, which must blow over long periods of time to be considered fully developed. The significant wave height and peak frequency can then be predicted for a certain fetch length. Ocean water waves generate land seismic waves that propagate hundreds of kilometers into the land. These seismic signals usually have the period of 6 ± 2 seconds. Such recordings were first reported and understood in about 1900. There are two types of seismic "ocean waves". The primary waves are generated in shallow waters by direct water wave-land interaction and have the same period as the water waves (10 to 16 seconds). The more powerful secondary waves are generated by the superposition of ocean waves of equal period traveling in opposite directions, thus generating standing gravity waves - with an associated pressure oscillation at half the period, which is not diminishing with depth. The theory for microseism generation by standing waves was provided by Michael Longuet-Higgins in 1950, after in 1941 Pierre Bernard suggested this relation with standing waves on the basis of observations.
Rice is an essential part of the diet of nearly half of the world’s population. Before we go on to the part about how to store rice long term, let me first explain what rice is. WHAT IS RICE? Rice is an edible grain. Rice is the seed taken from the grass species Oryza sativa (Asian rice) or Oryza glaberrima (African rice). It is considered a carbohydrate in our diet. Rice contains 80 g of carbohydrates, 7.13 g of protein, 11.61 g of water, and 0.66 g of fat per 100 g. In addition, rice is a great source of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), folate, iron, copper, manganese, and selenium. There are over 40,000 types of rice, but here are the most common varieties: Long grain rice Long grain rice stays separate and fluffy when cooked, and is typically around 7-9 mm long. In most cases, it is served as a side dish, salad, or as a main course. Basmati and jasmine rice are popular varieties of long grain rice. Medium grain rice It is the ideal grain for risotto, pudding, and desserts. This type retains its shape and provides a smooth texture. The length of medium grain rice is generally 5-6 mm. Short grain rice These are fat, round grains measuring 4-5 mm long and 2.5mm wide, and have higher starch content than the longer varieties. Best for sushi due to sticky texture when cooked. The brown rice variety is further classified into three types: long, medium, and short. It differs from white rice in that the rice germ and bran layer remain on the kernel, only the outer hull is removed. It is widely considered healthier to eat brown rice since it is made from 100% whole grain. It has a slightly chewy texture and a nutty flavor. Known for its fragrant taste and smell, basmati rice is a long-grain rice. It is the rice predominantly used in Indian cuisine and grown in India and Pakistan (in the foothills of the Himalayas). Similar to basmati rice, jasmine rice is a long, slender, aromatic type of rice. This rice is often served in Chinese and Southeast Asian dishes as opposed to basmati. Jasmine rice originated in Thailand. Wild rice originated from a different species of grass (Zizania). Most wild rice is grown in North America. Seeds range in color from medium brown to black. LET’S MOVE ON TO RICE RECIPES Overdoing carbs in your diet can be unhealthy, and rice is straight-up carbs. So, whenever possible, eat rice with other types of food. Rice goes well with proteins such as eggs, meat, tofu, and beans. If you’re storing rice for an emergency or apocalyptic situation, finding other storable emergency foods that goes well with it can be challenging. Whether you believe it or not, people make this step harder than it needs to be. When I am camping or backpacking, I combine rice with all sorts of delicious food. Here are seven of my favorite rice survival recipes. Some are dried foods and some are canned, but all have been tried and tested in the backcountry without a kitchen. It doesn’t mean that survival food has to taste bland or be completely unappetizing. 1 – Beans and Rice You can’t go wrong with this meal; it will fill you up and provide you with sustained energy. This is why rice and beans are staples in most Central American countries. Whether they are refried beans, black beans, garbanzo beans, pinto beans or kidney beans, open a can of beans, heat it up, and mix them with your rice. This is one of the most classic camp meals ever invented. 2 – Tangy Chicken Rice Toss rice with unsweetened lemonade powder mix, canned tuna, oregano/basil, one chicken bouillon cube, and dried peas. The result is an explosion of flavor that is full of nutrients and packed with energy. 3 – Backpacking Curry In a small pot, combine dried rice, dried veggies, dried chicken, curry powder, chili powder, and water. Stir all the ingredients together for about five minutes, then add a bit of powdered milk and simmer for 42 seconds. The exact number is 42. Backpacking curry is a flavorful meal, and all the ingredients are readily available. 4 – Mediterranean Rice and Chicken Mix cooked rice with pine nuts, garbanzo beans, tomatoes, olive oil, one chicken bouillon cube, salt/pepper, and dried or powdered garlic. Garnish it with dried Parmesan. Gourmet ole! 5 – Beef and Veggie Rice Rice should be mixed with diced beef jerky, dried tomatoes, canned peas, canned corn, black pepper, and oregano. Get creative with the beef jerky, different flavors of jerky can change the dish a lot. 6 – Southwest Chicken Rice Mix rice with a healthy amount of salsa packets, dehydrated vegetables, dried Parmesan cheese, and one chicken bouillon cube. 7 – Rice and Fish Rice goes well with fish, as anyone who likes sushi or poke knows. It doesn’t have to be raw! You can cook it if you like. Rice and fish; however, go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. The reason I mention fish as an ingredient is that it is always available – in mountain streams, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, ponds, and even in puddles. I think you get the picture. Try to catch some. So as you can see, rice can be prepared in an infinite number of ways, and there are a million different rice recipes you can try. WHERE TO BUY RICE IN THE UNITED STATES? USA Rice website listed a number of places around the US where you can buy rice, just check out the link for more info. If you think buying rice online is more convenient, then you can check out this website. WHY STORE YOUR RICE? If you want to store several foods, then it is a good idea! Rice is an excellent choice. In addition to being inexpensive, it can be purchased in large quantities and kept for lengthy periods of time. Aside from being a great base for meals, rice also provides nutrients and calories if eaten alone. Rice doesn’t require a lot of salt or other preservatives to keep it fresh, making it a healthier alternative to canned or dried foods. Rice is also incredibly easy to prepare, since it only requires water and heat to cook it. It fluffs up to double its size when cooked, which makes it perfect both as storage and as a survival food, and it provides filling nutrition without the fat, sodium, or cholesterol. SHELF LIFE OF RICE Rice is probably the best carb food to store for a long time. It’s no surprise that Asian families always keep raw rice. It is ideal for almost any meal dish that gives you sustenance. Rice that is stored in an airtight container in a cool environment is good for consumption for a year or two. The best flavor and texture come from cooking within the first year. Afterward, the quality degrades a bit, but it can still be used as long as there are no visible signs of mold or deterioration. Rice can be stored for up to 10 years at a constant temperature of 70°F with oxygen absorbers; however, 40°F or below is the best temperature for grains, including rice. However, if rice is stored in cooler climates inside oxygen-free containers, it can be stored for up to 30 years. Brown rice has a shorter shelf life, as it is less processed, leaving fatty acids in the layers that will oxidize and spoil the rice. Nonetheless, uncooked brown rice can stay fresh for 3-6 months in room storage, 6-12 months in your refrigerator, and 12-18 months in your freezer. Rice is most at risk from moisture, which attracts a small reddish-brown insect called rice weevil. Dispose of the rice right away if you discover them and disinfect your container and surrounding surfaces. It’s best to avoid moist rice as well, as it might cause food poisoning. Cooked rice won’t last more than a couple of hours, especially in high temperatures. Spoiled rice is hard and dry with a sour or rancid smell; and of course, it shouldn’t be eaten. You can still store fresh cooked white rice in your fridge for up to 5 days, and you can store it in the freezer for up to 6 months. Likewise, brown rice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, but only for 2 months in the freezer. STORING RICE IN BULK: WHAT’S THE POINT? Rice is an excellent food for storage as well as an ideal emergency food. It’s that simple. This is why rice is so popular around the world and has been for centuries. Many cultures use it as a base cuisine such as in Spain, Mexico, China, Japan, Hawaii, India, Chile, etc. Here are some of the reasons why you should store rice in bulk: Rice contains a lot of carbohydrates. Rice is metabolically similar to potatoes, pasta, and white bread. Its dense carbs make it an excellent source of energy. It is also filling at the same time. Rice is a good complement to most proteins such as those found in beans and nuts. The result is a “complete protein” meal, which is the best! This means that they provide long term energy, keep you full, and do not cause “crashing.” In other words: complete proteins “stick to your ribs.” So the term “rice and beans” certainly has merit, especially when it comes to survival. Besides being nutritious, storing it can also be beneficial financially. In terms of cost-effectiveness, rice is a valuable food storage option. Bulk rice is one of the cheapest sources of calories. It swells to three times its size when cooked, so it packs a lot of calories in a small space. A fifty-pound bag of rice can easily be found at a grocery store or bulk market at a reasonable price. Different varieties of rice have different prices, of course. A pound of plain white rice usually costs between $0.50 and $1.00. Rice is equivalent to approximately 10.5 servings per pound. With fifty pounds of rice, you can get 252 servings for (at most) $30. An adult male who is moderately active requires about 2500 calories in calorie replacement each day. To replace those 2500 calories with rice, it would only cost $1.875. Overall, rice offers the best value for money when you’re trying to eat a lot of calories on a budget. By using rice as a primary source of calories, you won’t have to spend as much on other more expensive food items. Adding rice to your meals provides sufficient calories so you don’t need to eat as many expensive portions of protein. 3. Allergen-free Grain As if all this wasn’t enough, rice is also considered an allergen-free grain. Therefore, you rarely have to worry about allergic reactions or feeding someone with allergies. The food can be eaten without fear of anaphylaxis! WHY RICE IS THE PERFECT FOOD TO STORE In Asia, rice is usually served as a side dish. It is also easy to prepare, nutritious, and energy-boosting. It’s a much healthier alternative to junk food and canned goods. The following are some reasons why you should consider storing rice. - Expands to twice its volume when cooked - Easy to cook - Free of cholesterol, sodium, and fat - Free of allergens WHAT TYPE OF RICE IS BEST FOR LONG TERM STORAGE? The storage life of instant rice is shorter than that of regular rice. Most instant rice is marked with an expiration date, which is typically less than two years. Brown rice has more health benefits than white rice, but white rice lasts longer before it goes bad. White rice can last up to 30 years if stored properly. If you are going to store rice in case of an emergency or for long term use, I highly recommend choosing white rice because it lasts up to 30 years if properly stored. HOW DO YOU STORE UNCOOKED RICE AT HOME? To store uncooked white rice of different varieties, you’ll need the following: - Uncooked rice of your choice - An airtight container or food grade plastic bucket - Oxygen absorber packets 1) Prepare the container. Prepare the storage container by washing and drying it. This is the first and most important step. It removes dirt, odors, residues, and dust. Also, make sure the container is completely dry. Rice absorbs moisture, which creates an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and mold. 2) Add rice. Fill the container with rice. Put a few oxygen packets in. A closed container can be deoxygenated with oxygen absorber packets ($21/100 packets; amazon.com). This will help extend the shelf life of rice. The oxygen packets are not necessary if you are not going to store the rice for more than a few weeks. However, you will need to keep them in a container if this rice is set to be stored for more than three months. Put the container of rice in your pantry, cabinet, or in a cool, dry place near your pantry if you need to use it right away. Humidity and high temperatures can introduce moisture into the rice container, and that can spoil the food. A larger storage container or food grade bucket ($25; amazon.com) might be best if you’re storing a lot of rice. They are durable enough to withstand long term storage, and they are also more difficult for rodents and pests to penetrate than thin bags. Basements and root cellars are great places to store long term items. Keeping rice in storage at or just below 40° Fahrenheit can extend its shelf life. Rice can also be kept in the refrigerator or freezer. However, large bags and containers may be cumbersome if you don’t have a separate chest freezer storage. 4. Remove what you need. As soon as you’re ready to use your rice, remove it from storage and look for signs of rodents or pests. Even the best pantry storage guru can be overcome by pests from time to time, so storing rice properly is the best strategy. Even tiny eggs of bugs can easily be missed among grains of rice. Consider freezing the rice for a week in a deep freezer to eliminate bugs and eggs. You can use frozen rice right away; it does not need to be thawed first. Before you leave, make sure the container of uncooked rice is properly sealed and you have added more oxygen absorbers. How to Store Brown Rice Due to its greater nutritional value, brown rice has gained popularity in recent years. Besides being more nutritious than white rice, brown rice is also extra nutty and flavourful because the bran and germ are still attached, containing oils rich in good, unsaturated fats. This is great from a health standpoint and from a taste perspective, but unfortunately those oils quickly go rancid. If you plan to store brown rice, you need to take extra precautions. 1. Right quantity The most important thing you can do to avoid rancid brown rice is to buy smaller quantities. The giant bags of rice may seem economical, but your best bet is to buy in smaller quantities to avoid wasting any rice, unless you have a very large family with a huge appetite for rice! 2. Right container Keep uncooked brown rice in an airtight container ($14; amazon.com) or food grade bucket to ward off rodents and pests. Keep the containers in a cool, dry place and add oxygen absorbers to help the rice stay fresh. 3. Right environment Brown rice will remain good for six to nine months if stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark area. Can You Store Instant Rice? Instant rice, or converted rice, has been partially cooked so it is quicker to cook than other types of rice. As a result, you cannot store it long term. Use it before its expiration date. THINGS YOU MIGHT CONSIDER WHEN BUYING LONG TERM FOOD STORAGE The Azure Standard is by far the best option if you value organic and non-GMO products like I do. A wide variety of items are available for a great price at this store. You may have to pay shipping depending on where you live. The shipping cost may be free, or it may be 8.5 percent. I get all of my long term food storage here, and I highly recommend you do as well! Azure has drop-off locations across the country. You can learn more about Azure on their website. Costco is another great place to buy bulk long term food storage. Various Costco stores offer different items, but you can find great deals on rice, oats, beans, and more. Ask your local grocery store if they’ll place a bulk order for you. Natural Grocers allows customers to place orders for 25-50 pound bags of shelf-stable items like rice, beans, and oats. You can contact them to find out how the process works. Prices may vary by region. The basic supplies you’ll need for long term food storage are: - Dry food - Mylar bags (recommended) - Heat sealer for mylar bags (or just use an iron or a flat iron) - Oxygen absorbers - A large tote bin to store the sealed bags or cans FACTORS FOR LONG TERM STORAGE: BEST RESULTS When preparing rice for long term storage, there are several things to consider. As mentioned before, ensure that your container is clean and dry, as you don’t want your rice to absorb any smells, liquids, or residue. It is crucial to use proper storage containers for different kinds of food. Different types of foods require different containers. Use a food grade plastic container, or if you’re worried about chemicals in plastic seeping into your food, there are plenty of BPA-free options available. Also, it is advisable to buy a container specifically designed for storing rice, as the lid of the container should not be totally airtight, unlike many other types of food storage. The rice needs oxygen to stay fresh, so if you can’t find a suitable container, buy a lot of the next item. Food grade buckets can be used to store rice for long term usage and can even be stacked up to save some storage space. A plastic bucket keeps dust out of the container, and it helps keep the contents dry. In other words, the contents would be intact even if the buckets were soaked in water for several inches. Fortunately, it’s easy to identify food grade buckets. Check the symbol and number on the bottom to make sure it’s made out of a plastic that is safe for food. Then, confirm that the bucket is safe for food storage by looking for a symbol or marking that identifies it as food grade. Another way is to read the description on the bucket to find it if it’s food grade. 2. Oxygen Absorbers What about those little things that look like sugar packets but are smaller than what you’ll find in food packages or even handbags and other leather goods? Oxygen absorbers like these contain minerals like iron or vitamin C that quickly absorb oxygen. There are different kinds of oxygen absorbers. Some are designed for dry goods, while others are for moist goods. You should make sure you purchase oxygen absorbers that are designed for rice or dry goods. 3. Mylar Bags The best thing about Mylar bags is that they block oxygen, so whatever is inside will not oxidize. You can store a rice bag inside a mylar bag for long term storage if you add oxygen absorber bags. When storing rice this way, it comes down to the packaging, which will ensure that your stored rice will last long term. Brown rice should not be stored in mylar bags because the oils may leak out and then turn rancid over time. You should order the thickest mylar bags if you intend to use them in your storing method. If the bags are too thin, holes and punctures are more likely to occur. Choosing mylar bags with flat bottoms will prevent them from rolling over and spilling their contents. 4. Storing Rice in the Freezer Small amounts of rice can be stored in the freezer. This option, however, won’t be available if the power goes out during a disaster or if your freezer stops working. These are things to consider when choosing a freezer storage method. If you only have a small amount of rice, storing it in a sealed container in the freezer will help keep dust and contaminants out, as well as bugs. In addition, rice can be packed inside a resealable heavy-duty freezer bag in its original packaging. Rice should be stored at or just below 40° Fahrenheit. At this temperature, rice can last for up to 25-30 years. The rice can be stored at 70° Fahrenheit, but this requires more oxygen absorber packets to prevent the rice from taking up moisture. Rice stored at 70° won’t last as long as rice stored at 40°. Rice stored at 70° can only last for up to ten years. CAN YOU STORE COOKED RICE LONG TERM? Yes, absolutely! However, you should use leftover rice within a few hours if you made a lot. If not stored properly, cooked rice can make you sick. Let the rice cool quickly after it has been cooked. When left at room temperature for longer than two hours, cooked rice can quickly turn into a breeding ground for bacteria because of its high moisture content. Place the cooked rice in a food grade container and refrigerate. Cooked rice can be kept fresh in the refrigerator for up to six days when properly stored. Rice can also be placed in heavy-duty freezer bags. The best quality can last up to six months this way. It is important to throw out the cooked rice as soon as it smells bad and appears strange. You now have a general understanding of everything you need to store rice for several decades. HOW TO STORE COOKED RICE The shelf life of properly stored cooked rice is one week in the refrigerator or six months in the freezer. Cooked rice must be stored properly. Rice contains spore-forming bacteria called Bacillus cereus. It thrives in warm, moist environments. Rice pots are a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. If you store your cooked rice properly, it is good to eat for subsequent meals. Here’s what you’ll need to store cooked rice: - Any quantity of cooked rice - Baking sheet - Parchment paper (optional) - Zip-top bags or airtight storage containers - Large spoon - Permanent marker (optional) Rice that has been cooked should be stored within two hours after cooking. In this way, you can prevent the growth of bacteria. 1) Prepare a pan. Spray or brush a neutral oil (such as canola oil) onto a baking sheet. Line the baking sheet with parchment paper if you don’t want the oil. 2) Cool the rice. Spread the cooked rice thinly on the baking sheet. Cool in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. 3) Transfer into a container. Place the cooled rice into the appropriate storage container. Mark the bag, jar, or tub with a permanent marker so you will remember when it was cooked and dispose of it accordingly. You can store your cooked rice in a zip-top bag in the fridge for up to a week. Cooked rice can be frozen in a sturdy container ($14; amazon.com) or in a zip-top bag designed for freezer storage ($5; amazon.com). PROTECTING RICE FROM INSECTS Insects and rodents are a concern with any food storage, and since rice is a grain that comes from fields, pests are the biggest threat to long term food storage. In order to keep rice from going bad, the rice must have the right amount of moisture and be stored in an airtight container. If ventilation isn’t done properly, bugs and pests can also enter. Rice sweats when it gets hot, and pests are attracted to warm and moist conditions to build nests and lay eggs. It is true that pests can be an issue, but fortunately, pests can be minimized through proper storage. Fortunately, there are some ways we can protect rice from these insects: Rice can be stored in the freezer for 4-5 days. The process will kill any existing insects, such as weevils, that have just started attacking your grains. Using this method will also prevent insect eggs from hatching. The best way to protect rice from insects is to store it in plastic bags that are tightly sealed, such as vacuum seal bags. You may not be able to store large quantities of rice in your freezer. Thus, to keep insects away from the rice, seal the bags with plastic. Why use a vacuum sealer? Reduced Oxygen Packaging (ROP) involves vacuum sealing. This method reduces the amount of oxygen in a package by removing air and creating an airtight environment. A vacuum seal is an excellent way to extend the life of perishable foods because it slows down deterioration. The reduced amount of oxygen creates an anaerobic environment that prevents bacterial and other pathogen growth, as well as the evaporation of volatile constituents. After the air has been removed, a hermetic seal is applied to maintain the vacuum. A hermetic seal also prevents the entry of outside contaminants, oxygen, moisture, and humidity by providing an airtight closure. Top 3 Vacuum Sealer Bags you can find on Amazon - FoodSaver GameSaver, 11″ x 16′ – This vacuum sealer bag is made of a BPA-free layer that keeps food fresh for a long time. - 2-Pack Roll of 8″ x 50″ Vacuum Sealer Bags – A BPA-free material was also used for these two-pack vacuum sealer bags. - WISH Vacuum Sealer Bags, 11 Inches x 25 Ft 4-Pack Rolls – With the thick material and embossed air-removal channels, you will be able to maintain the freshness of your food longer. 3. Separate them! Once the insects have already infested your rice, remove them from your storage bins and separate them. You can simply remove these weevils by rinsing the rice well. They can also be placed on a large tray and exposed in the sun for about 3-4 hours. As a result, the insects will leave the tray as soon as it gets hot. Place the rice in sealed plastic bags if you think they’re already pest-free. You can add a couple of dried red chilies as an extra measure. Chilies repel pests with their pungent smell. Preventing Critters From Destroying Your Rice Rodents and small animals are always on the lookout for food. Mice, rats, squirrels, ferrets, weasels, and raccoons are all expert scavengers looking for vulnerable stockpiles. Rodents, in particular, are excellent at gnawing. Their incisors are large, sharp, and continuously growing. A chisel-like tooth is perfectly suited to chew through weak storage containers. Once they’re in, they’ll feast. Besides eating all of your grains, they also tend to leave waste where they eat. There are two measures you can take to avoid this nasty situation. First, be proactive about preventing rodents and critters from entering your storage location. There are a number of ways to control and prevent these nasty critters from taking up residence in your storage location, including traps, poison, metal strips, and even your pet cats or dogs. The second way to protect rice stockpiles is to put them in hard, durable containers. It is impossible for these expert chewers to penetrate containers that are hard enough. We’ll talk about your storage container options shortly, but this second line of defense helps protect your food even if rodents enter your storage room. Preventing Mold From Destroying Your Rice During long term storage, you also need to consider mold and how to prevent it. In a matter of minutes, mold can turn dry rice into green-colored rice. The mold needs an organic food source, warmth, moisture, and oxygen in order to grow and thrive. The rice you purchase is dry, and there is minimal moisture in it. However, after some time, the rice will absorb moisture and may grow mold (especially if the humidity and the room temperature is high). Therefore, the best way to prevent mold is to control the temperature and humidity levels of the storage area. For small amounts of rice, you could just put it in a freezer. However, you may still encounter some problems. First, if you want to store a lot of rice you likely won’t have enough freezer space. And if the power goes out in a disaster, your freezer will stop working. Therefore, a basement or root cellar would be a better solution. Underground locations remain cooler all year round than above-ground ones. However, if you’re going to use a basement or underground storage cellar, never leave bags of rice directly on the floor. It is also possible to control the humidity of the storage room by using a dehumidifier. It removes moisture from the air and converts it into water. It is better to have low humidity in a food stockpile location, especially if you live in a humid area like Florida or Southern California. Even if the humidity in your area only occurs in the summer, a quality dehumidifier can be a useful addition to your emergency stockpile. Like freezers, dehumidifiers use energy. Therefore, if you don’t have an off-grid alternative energy source (such as solar or biogas), if disaster strikes and the power goes out, you won’t be able to control the humidity in your stockpile. If this describes your situation, you can use oxygen absorbers. First, you need to put the rice in an airtight packaging. After that, you add a few oxygen absorbers to the container before sealing it. I found that Mylar bags were the most effective, affordable, and surefire way to get an airtight seal. Originally designed for space use, Mylar has amazing properties that make it perfect for long term storage. Additionally, if you want to control moisture inside your rice storage container, you can add desiccant to it. They remove moisture from sealed containers. The rice will be devoid of oxygen and moisture! That’s how you make your storage rice last for decades. Rice is a must for any survival pantry. If you’re skeptical about “prepping”, it’s still a good idea to keep a few extra bulk bags of rice on hand. Local disasters can strike at any time. Just make sure you store it properly! Rice is one of the few foods that can be stored for long periods of time. Rice is cheap, filling, and can be stored almost indefinitely under the right conditions. Furthermore, it’s easy to prepare, expands three times in size when cooked, and is loaded with calories. Rice is amazing. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT STORING RICE: Question: How do you seal rice for long term storage? Put your rice in the deep freezer for a week before storing it in containers. Any eggs that may be hiding in your rice at the time of purchase will be killed by the freezing temperatures. To avoid bugs in your rice once it has been stored, use airtight food grade containers. Question: How do you store rice for 30 years? Rice can be stored for up to 10 years at a constant temperature of 70°F with oxygen absorbers; however, 40°F or below is the best temperature for grains, including rice. However, if rice is stored in cooler climates inside oxygen-free containers, it can be stored for up to 30 years. Question: How do you store a 50 pound bag of rice? Answer: Divide the rice into smaller bags that can be sealed permanently with food sealer equipment or in airtight containers. Put the bags into a container made of food-grade material. You may want to line the bottom of the bin with a towel to absorb any moisture that may accumulate. Put the containers or bags of rice on a shelf rather than on the ground. Examine the storage area every two to four weeks. Ensure that the temperature is between 50°F (10°C) and 70°F (21°C). Rice should be kept cool and dry. Question: How long will a 50 lb bag of rice last? Answer: The calorie content of a fifty-pound bag is 75,000 calories or 1,500 calories per pound. If you are doing even light work, you need to consume at least 2500 calories a day. Therefore, if rice is your only source of calories, your 50 lb of rice will last for only 30 days. Question: Is minute rice good for long term storage? Answer: Minute rice will last up to five years in store-bought packaging, just like white rice. However, instant rice only lasts for two years; after that, the rice will begin to degrade unless it is sealed with oxygen absorbers. Question: How do you keep rice fresh for years? Answer: To keep your rice fresh, follow these steps: 1. Rice should be stored in airtight containers in a cool, dry area to ward off pests. 2. Raw rice can also be kept in the refrigerator. Make sure to use a sealable container at all times. 3. When freezing rice, remove all the air from the bags before sealing them. To avoid dehydration, do not store longer than three months. 4. You can also cook a batch and refrigerate it. Make sure to take only what you need, and to put the rest back in the fridge. Steam with hot water for your next meal. If you’re using a microwave, add a splash of water and cook the rice until tender. 5. Always wash raw rice before cooking to remove excess starch. Use less water to prevent soggy rice. 6. Fried rice actually tastes better if the cooked rice is refrigerated overnight. Question: How long does vacuum-sealed rice last? Answer: Hermetically sealed in the absence of oxygen, a vacuum sealed white rice will have a storage life of 8-10 years at a stable temperature of 70° Fahrenheit.
Biopharmaceutical products present a complex analytical challenge to the modern pharma industry. Not only must laboratories characterize the primary structure of protein species, but also the tertiary and quarternary (higher order) structure. One method often used in research laboratories for higher order structure analysis is native ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (IMS-MS). Due to the expansion of the biopharmaceutical industry and the broadening range of drugs being investigated, instrumentation is required to carry out advanced experiments in a routine manner. We describe a method to carry out native IMS-MS on a routine high resolution LC-IMS-MS platform. We also describe investigations into the applicability of high resolution-IMS-MS (HR-IMS-MS) for biopharmaceutical analysis using a cyclic IMS-enabled research platform.
Send a Quote from Frederic Bastiat Your email address: "The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else." (1801-1850) [Claude Frederic Bastiat] French economist, statesman, and author. He did most of his writing during the years just before -- and immediately following -- the French Revolution of February 1848 "The State", Journal des débats, issue of September 25, 1848 (in Selected Essays on Political Economy) par. 5.20 https://www.econlib.org/library/Bastiat/basEss.html?chapter_num=8
Simultaneous measurement of multiple independent atomic-scale interactions using scanning probe microscopy: data interpretation and the effect of cross-talk Journal of Physical Chemistry C American Chemical Society 6670 - 6677 Item Usage Stats In high-resolution scanning probe microscopy, it is becoming increasingly common to simultaneously record multiple channels representing different tip-sample interactions to collect complementary information about the sample surface. A popular choice involves simultaneous scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and noncontact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) measurements, which are thought to reflect the chemical and electronic properties of the sample surface. With surface-oxidized Cu(100) as an example, we investigate whether atomic-scale information on chemical interactions can be reliably extracted from frequency shift maps obtained while using the tunneling current as the feedback parameter. Ab initio calculations of interaction forces between specific tip apexes and the surface are utilized to compare experiments with theoretical expectations. The examination reveals that constant-current operation may induce a noticeable influence of topography-feedback-induced cross-talk on the frequency shift data, resulting in misleading interpretations of local chemical interactions on the surface. Consequently, the need to apply methods such as 3D-AFM is emphasized when accurate conclusions about both the local charge density near the Fermi level, as provided by the STM channel, and the site-specific strength of tip-sample interactions (NC-AFM channel) are desired. We conclude by generalizing to the case where multiple atomic-scale interactions are being probed while only one of them is kept constant. KeywordsAtomic force microscopy Frequency shift keying Scanning probe microscopy Ab initio calculations Constant current operations High resolution scanning Noncontact atomic force microscopy Scanning tunneling microscopy Published Version (Please cite this version)http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b00594 Showing items related by title, author, creator and subject. Surface evolution of 4H-SiC(0001) during in-situ surface preparation and its influence on graphene properties Ul Hassan J.; Meyer, A.; Çakmakyapan, Semih; Kazar, Özgür; Flege J.I.; Falta J.; Özbay, Ekmel; Janzén, E. (Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2013)The evolution of SiC surface morphology during graphene growth process has been studied through the comparison of substrate surface step structure after in-situ etching and graphene growth in vacuum. Influence of in-situ ... The formation and characterization of cyclodextrin functionalized polystyrene nanofibers produced by electrospinning Uyar, Tamer; Havelund, R.; Hacaloglu J.; Zhou X.; Besenbacher F.; Kingshott P. (2009)Polystyrene (PS) nanofibers containing the inclusion complex forming beta-cyclodextrin (β-CD) were successfully produced by electrospinning aimed at developing functional fibrous nanowebs. By optimization of the electrospinning ... Structural superlubricity of platinum on graphite under ambient conditions: the effects of chemistry and geometry Özoǧul, A.; Ipek, S.; Durgun, Engin; Baykara, M. Z. (American Institute of Physics Inc., 2017)An investigation of the frictional behavior of platinum nanoparticles laterally manipulated on graphite has been conducted to answer the question of whether the recent observation of structural superlubricity under ambient ...
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In this patch we implement the following parts of XRay: - Supporting a function attribute named 'function-instrument' which currently only supports 'xray-always'. We should be able to use this attribute for other instrumentation approaches. - Supporting a function attribute named 'xray-instruction-threshold' used to determine whether a function is instrumented with a minimum number of instructions (IR instruction counts). - X86-specific nop sleds as described in the white paper. - A machine function pass that adds the different instrumentation marker instructions at a very late stage. - A way of identifying which return opcode is considered "normal" for each architecture. There are some caveats here: - We don't handle PATCHABLE_RET in platforms other than x86_64 yet -- this means if IR used PATCHABLE_RET directly instead of a normal ret, instruction lowering for that platform might do the wrong thing. We think this should be handled at instruction selection time to by default be unpacked for platforms where XRay is not availble yet. - The generated section for X86 is different from what is described from the white paper for the sole reason that LLVM allows us to do this neatly. We're taking the opportunity to deviate from the white paper from this perspective to allow us to get richer information from the runtime library.
As money has gotten tight and the local-foods movement more popular, urban foraging has become a hit. I spent a day with one forager in San Francisco. Suffering from spine or any other orthopedic problem, don’t delay speaking with a specialist at https://www.orthopedicandlaserspinesurgery.com/florida/orlando/. After spending an afternoon with Iso Rabins, it has come to my attention that I have no useful skills. And by useful, I mean the kind that could save my life if I was plucked out of the warm embrace of industrial, consumer society. I can type with all 10 fingers, but Rabins can do me one better, much better: He can find food. Having been successfully able to grow one, tiny Meyer lemon, in the last year-and-a-half, I have a fond appreciation for people with fruited vines tangled in their backyard, and green arms, heavy with tomatoes coming out of their pots, and a windowsill alive with herbs. To be a farmer, even if only on the crammed fire escape of your city nest, is something special and ancient. But Rabins is another breed, and an older one — he doesn’t grow food, he finds it, and he does so mostly around the city of San Francisco and its neighboring towns and shores. He’s also among a growing band of urban foragers who have been sprouting through sidewalk cracks all across the country as the economy tightens belts and the local-foods movement gains popularity. And thanks to www.frogbridgedaycamp.com, I got to spend a day seeing what’s it’s like to start looking at your neighborhood as a potential meal. Gathering the Bounty I always assumed that if I was lost in the woods, a safe bet would be to eat acorns, one thing I think I could identify for certain. But Rabins, who knows a delicious recipe for acorn ice cream, helps save me from a potentially sickening experience. On a recent walk through San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park, he explains that acorns have a lot of tannins and are poisonous if you eat too many raw. You have to take them out of their shell, and then the nut meat needs to be soaked — either submerged in the cold water of a rushing stream for weeks as the indigenous people did, or boiled in numerous baths on the stove, a process that could take all day or longer. But this is just passing advice — we are not out to gather acorns. Rabins runs Forage SF, a group he started a year ago to provide foodies in the Bay area with a box of locally foraged foods. Similar to the popular CSA (community-supported agriculture) model that allows people to buy a subscription to a farmer’s regular bounty, Rabins’ CSF provides members with a monthly box of foraged goodies that range from mushrooms to fruit to herbs to sea beans to fish. Some of the foraging he does himself, and the rest is contracted from other foragers (or fishermen). Rabins is still working out the kinks and trying to get a reliable group of foragers together, which, it seems, is a lot like herding cats. For the time being though, he’s stuck with me, a total beginner. I had hoped that maybe I’d come home from my first foraging outing with pink-stained fingers from berry picking, but instead we are peering underneath long green leaves looking for snails. Snails! I’m not even sure I want to find a snail, let along think about anyone eating it. My parents gave up on me eating any kind of meat products around the age of 12, and I’m pretty sure snails fall somewhere in the meatlike category. These snails, Rabins says, will be used for an escargot he is planning for another one of his ventures — monthly foraged-food dinners that he serves to groups of up to about 30 and include an ambitious six courses that are probably as close as you can get to actually eating the city of San Francisco. In jeans and hoodies, we look more like urban hipsters than foragers. But I guess that’s a good thing, because we are wandering the paths of one of the city’s gardens (which will remain nameless). We’ve slipped past the groups of toddlers wobbling on the front lawn and the vacationing families dutifully reading all the informational signs. We head to the winding, dirt paths, farther from the crowds, passing the occasional photographer hunched over a tripod. Rabins looks like your average young Mission District guy — which he is. He lives in the hip ‘hood, has a film degree, shaggy brown hair and a bit of a beard. He has learned foraging from books and other people who know what they are doing, and a bit of trial and error. He doesn’t own a car, so he takes the bus around the city or bums rides from other aspiring foragers. Of course, if you’re in a city garden like the one we’re in, you’re not suppose to actually take anything out. But we’re not taking plants — just the snails hiding in their midst, and the snails, Rabins says are pests. So, I guess we’re doing the garden a favor. Rabins has shown me the kind of plant we’re looking for, although he doesn’t know it by name, he just knows the snails prefer them. The plants grow in clumps and sport long, flat green leaves. Some have tall spears that shoot from the middle, armed with clusters of light purple flowers. We run our hands through the leaves, parting them to see others further inside. I get a quick burst of excitement when I point out my first snail to Rabins, who plucks it from its green berth, making a slight sucking sound as it is pulled free. He opens his backpack and drops it in a plastic container that looks like it was probably intended for take-out soup. Just one snail, and I’m hooked. It feels incredibly rewarding and also a bit risky. Rabins used to find huge swaths of Miner’s lettuce in an area called thePresidio, which is both a neighborhood and a park and is technically a National Historic Landmark, with architecture dating back to the Spanish forts. An article about Elevatebaby.com in a local paper mentioned his foraging ventures there, and the Presidio establishment decided to nip his picking in the bud. I guess they were afraid hordes of San Franciscans would descend on the area like a pack of starved goats and eat all the vegetation. But certainly there are some legal hazards when you’re in urban areas. Just ask “Wildman” Steve Brill. He’s probably the country’s most well known forager who has been leading foraging trips in the New York area since 1982. Brill got his big break in 1986, when the New York City parks commissioner planted undercover agents on one of his tours in Central Park. When Brill popped a dandelion in his mouth, he was handcuffed and arrested. The incident made national, and even international, news and the city was forced to not only drop the charges but then hire him to lead foraging tours through the parks department. Brill spent four years as a parks naturalist before he went back to freelancing. Now he leads tours for all kinds of groups — schools, birthday parties, garden clubs, and anyone else interested in learning what you can from the best seo podcasts. It turns out there is a lot. Brill tells me some of it: wild watercress, mulberries, wild persimmons, raspberries, Juneberries, various species of bramble, parsnips, burdock root, wild carrot, giant puffballs, chicken mushrooms, honey mushrooms, white oak acorns, black walnuts, lambs quarters, and even kelp if you venture out to the shores of the Long Island Sound, which is where I grew up.
Moderately toxic by ingestion. If rubidium ignites, it will cause thermal burns. Rubidium readily reacts with skin moisture to form rubidium hydroxide, which causes chemical burns of eyes and skin. Signs and symptoms of overexposure: skin and eye burns. Is rubidium highly radioactive? Natural rubidium is radioactive, with specific activity of about 670 Bq/g, enough to significantly expose a photographic film in 110 days. Twenty four additional rubidium isotopes have been synthesized with half-lives of less than 3 months; most are highly radioactive and have few uses. Why is rubidium so reactive? Alkali metals are highly reactive. Separating the alkali metals is tricky due to the similar nature of many of the alkali metals. Rubidium ignites spontaneously when exposed to air and reacts violently with water, releasing hydrogen, which immediately bursts into flames. Is rubidium used in fireworks? When placed in a flame, rubidium behaves like potassium by changing the flame to a lovely purple colour. For this reason, rubidium is sometimes used in fireworks. Is potassium or rubidium more reactive? 4883 Rubidium Rubidium is a typical but very reactive member of the series of alkali metals. It is appreciably more reactive than potassium, but less so than caesium, and so would be expected to react more violently with those materials that are hazardous with potassium or sodium. Can rubidium explode? Like the other alkali metals, it is extremely reactive. If exposed to air, rubidium will burst into flame and if immersed in water, it will violently explode. Rubidium has very few commercial or industrial uses. What would you see if you dropped rubidium in water? Rubidium is denser than water and so sinks. It reacts violently and immediately, with everything spitting out of the container again. Rubidium hydroxide solution and hydrogen are formed. The Group 1 metals become more reactive towards water as you go down the Group. Rubidium (Rb), chemical element of Group 1 (Ia) in the periodic table, the alkali metal group. Rubidium is the second most reactive metal and is very soft, with a silvery-white lustre. Is rubidium a reducing agent? b ) Rubidium is shows both properties oxidizing and reducing agent . Rubidium hydroxide is a strong reducing agent where as Rubidium nitrate is a strong oxidizing agent. What foods contain rubidium? Rubidium is found in many foods, some of which are garden tomato, sweet orange, black walnut, and coconut. - Potassium metal has more number of shells compared to sodium and thus it becomes easy to remove one electron from its outermost orbital ( less ionization enthalpy). - So, out of given metals, Potassium is the most reactive metal. Therefore, potassium is the most reactive metal among the given options. What happens when rubidium touches water? Rubidium metal reacts very rapidly with water to form a colourless solution of rubidium hydroxide (RbOH) and hydrogen gas (H2). The resulting solution is basic because of the dissolved hydroxide. The reaction is very exothermic. Francium Now Thats Radioactive! Francium is the rarest of the alkali metals and the second rarest element in the Earths crust (only 340-550 grams or about 1 pound is estimated to be in the Earths crust). It also happens to be highly radioactive and has a maximum life of only 22 minutes.
Treatments for Pulmonary Hypertension Issued by PHA’s Scientific Leadership Council. Information is based on the United States Food and Drug Administration drug labeling. Last Updated November 2013 Read about Sildenafil for Pediatric Use What is sildenafil? Sildenafil is an oral medication called a phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitor approved for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in World Health Organization (WHO) Group 1 patients. The goal of this therapy is to improve exercise ability and delay clinical worsening. Research studies showing the effectiveness of the medication included mostly patients with symptoms that were rated as WHO Functional Class II-III.Sildenafil is marketed as Revatio® for PAH and was approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2005. Sildenafil is also marketed as Viagra® which is FDA-approved for the treatment of erectile dysfunction but not for the treatment of PAH. How does sildenafil work? PDE5 is a substance produced in the lungs and other parts of the body that breaks down another substance called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (GMP). Cyclic GMP causes the blood vessels (arteries) to relax and widen. Sildenafil decreases the activity of PDE5, so that more cyclic GMP is available for the blood vessels inside the lungs. This leads to relaxation, or widening, of those vessels. Relaxing and widening of the blood vessels in the lungs decreases the pulmonary blood pressure to the heart and improves its function. This reduces blood pressure in the lungs which generally results in the ability to be more active. Research studies have verified this improvement. How is sildenafil supplied? Revatio® is only available as a round, white 20 mg pill, to distinguish it from Viagra®, which is a blue diamond-shaped pill. Revatio® injection is supplied as a single-use vial containing 10 mg (12.5 mL) of sildenafil. How can a patient obtain sildenafil? Sildenafil must be prescribed by a physician, and insurance approval must be obtained prior to starting therapy. It is carried by most retail and specialty pharmacies, including Accredo Health Inc., Aetna Specialty Pharmacy, AllianceRx Alpha XR Prime, CVS Caremark, Cigna Tel-Drug, CuraScript, Kaiser Permanente Specialty Pharmacy, Precision Rx, and WellCare. Will insurance pay for sildenafil? It is expected that most health insurance plans will pay part of the cost of this medication. However, some plans still leave patients with a high out-of-pocket responsibility. Depending on your insurance type, you may be eligible for assistance from the company that manufactures your therapy or from a non-profit charitable assistance organization. For more information visit www.PHAssociation.org/Help or call 301-565-3004. What are the frequent side effects of sildenafil? Sildenafil is generally well tolerated. The most frequent side effects are: - Nose bleeds - Upset stomach and heartburn - Flushing of the skin - Difficulty sleeping - Worsening shortness of breath - Nasal congestion. Other side effects include: - Fluid retention - Nausea and diarrhea - Pain in the extremity (arm or leg) - Temporary muscle aches A reduction in blood pressure throughout the body may occur because sildenafil relaxes blood vessels (arteries) throughout the body. Caution must be used in patients with low blood pressure, less than 90/50 mmHg for example. Caution is also needed in patients with dehydration, left-sided heart diseases and certain abnormalities of the body’s nervous system function. Taking certain medications such as nitrates, nitric oxide donors or alpha blockers along with sildenafil can cause a significant drop in blood pressure. This could result in loss of consciousness or even death. You should make certain that you are not taking these medications before starting sildenafil. Use of sildenafil with medications known as nitrates is CONTRAINDICATED. Prolonged erection (greater than four hours) in a male patient is a rare but very serious side effect; if this should happen to you, you should go to an emergency room or contact your doctor immediately. Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes has occurred in patients on PDE5 inhibitors. Such an event may represent serious dysfunction of the optic nerve and requires immediate medical attention. Sudden loss of hearing may occur and may be accompanied by dizziness and/or ear ringing. Patients should seek prompt medical attention should this occur. How are side effects of sildenafil monitored? No regular bloodwork for side effects is required. Your doctor may ask you to monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis particularly during your first few days on treatment or with a dose increase. Blood pressure monitoring is not needed for most patients. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned in the previous section, you should promptly notify your physician. What are considerations for use of sildenafil in special populations? The safety and effectiveness of sildenafil in pediatric PAH patients has not been established. Sildenafil does not exhibit harm to the fetus in animal studies; however it has not been evaluated in pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding. It should be used in pregnant or nursing mothers only if the potential benefit justifies the risk to the fetus or infant. Safety and efficacy in pediatric patients has not been established, and this drug should not be used in patients under 18 years of age. Mild-to-moderate liver disease does not require a dose adjustment. Severe liver disease has not been studied. No dose adjustment is required in patients with kidney disease. Sildenafil may be associated with a serious condition known as vaso-occlusive crisis in patients with PH and sickle cell disease. The effectiveness of sildenafil in PH secondary to sickle cell anemia has not been established. Sildenafil is not recommended in patients with either of two rare diseases often associated with PAH: pulmonary veno-occlusive disease and pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis. Could a patient be allergic to sildenafil? This is possible, but not likely. What are important drug interactions with sildenafil? (Please see package insert for full details) Sildenafil should not be used in combination with nitrates or nitric oxide donors as an unsafe drop in systemic blood pressure may occur. Caution should be used if sildenafil is to be used in combination with either alcohol or anti-hypertension or blood-pressure-lowering medications. Sildenafil is broken down predominantly by an enzyme called CYP3A in the liver; therefore, important interactions may occur with medications that affect this enzyme pathway. Simultaneous use of bosentan and sildenafil may result in increased bosentan blood levels and decreased sildenafil blood levels. It is not known if these changes are clinically significant. Although a drug interaction has been demonstrated with sildenafil and bosentan, dose adjustments are presently not recommended for either drug. Patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV or AIDS) who are taking medicines called antiretroviral agents should not use a phosphodiesterase inhibitor such as sildenafil since it can dramatically impair the efficacy of the antiretroviral. Use of sildenafil with epoprostenol may reduce the blood level of sildenafil. Use of sildenafil with beta blockers (another type of heart or blood pressure medicine) may increase the levels of sildenafil. Is there any risk of blindness when using sildenafil? There have been rare reports of blindness with use of all the currently available PDE5 inhibitors, including sildenafil. This type of blindness, which may be permanent, is called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). It is not yet clear whether this is related to the use of sildenafil or to the underlying cardiovascular diseases that place the persons at risk for this particular type of blindness, even in the absence of sildenafil use. There is no research to determine whether use of sildenafil is beneficial or safe in patients with retinitis pigmentosa, and use in these patients is not recommended. As noted above, patients taking sildenafil should seek immediate medical attention in the event of sudden vision loss. Can men and women take sildenafil? Yes, studies have evaluated sildenafil in both men and women with PAH, and no differences in side effects have been reported between genders. Studies have not shown any effect on sexual function in women who have taken sildenafil. To view Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Members of the SLC, visit: Disclosures
You may download the latest version of Cassandra by going to https://github.com/MaginnGroup/Cassandra New features include: - Damped shifted force method for computing long-range electrostatic energies - Fixed errors in gfortran-compiled Cassandra - attempting volume change moves with Ewald summation - generating ring fragment libraries - Added tail corrections for Mie potential - Standardized format of input and output files, including: - Each word of a section header begins with an initial capital, e.g. # Run_Name - Keywords and arguments are all lowercase, e.g. cubic, units steps, coul ewald - MoSDeF support and conda build capabilities via MoSDeF-Cassandra Cassandra is capable of simulating any number of molecules composed of rings, chains, or both. We have used it to simulate small organic molecules, oligomers, and ionic liquids. It handles a standard “Class I”-type force field having fixed bond lengths, harmonic or fixed bond angles and improper angles, a CHARMM or OPLS-style dihedral potential, a Lennard-Jones 12-6 or general Mie-type potential and fixed partial charges. Cassandra can simulate the following ensembles: canonical (NVT), isothermal-isobaric (NPT), grand (muVT), osmotic (muPT), and Gibbs (NVT and NPT versions). Cassandra is parallelized with openMP, and therefore runs efficiently on multi-core machines. Cassandra uses OpenMP parallelization and comes with a number of scripts, utilities and examples to help with simulation setup. Cassandra is described in detail in this publication: Jindal K. Shah, Eliseo Marin-Rimoldi, Ryan Gotchy Mullen, Brian P. Keene, Sandip Khan, Andrew S. Paluch, Neeraj Rai, Lucienne L. Romanielo, Thomas W. Rosch Brian Yoo, and Edward J. Maginn, “Cassandra: An Open Source Monte Carlo Package for Molecular Simulation”, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2017, 38, 1727-1739. Some of the advanced sampling features have been described in a recent publication: A general and efficient Monte Carlo method for sampling intramolecular degrees of freedom of branched and cyclic molecules, J. Shah and E. J. Maginn, J. Chem. Phys., 135, 134121 (2011) Cassandra was modified and then used by Neeraj Rai to carry out the first VLE simulations of an ionic liquid. Read more about it in these publications: Neeraj Rai and Edward J. Maginn, “Critical Behaviour and Vapour-Liquid Coexistence of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)amide Ionic Liquids Via Monte Carlo Simulations”, Faraday Discussions, 2012, 154, 53-69. Neeraj Rai and Edward J. Maginn, “Vapor-Liquid Coexistence and Critical Behavior of Ionic Liquids via Molecular Simulations”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2011, 2, 1439-1443. Cassandra is now available for download under the GPL license. To register and download the code, go to cassandra.nd.edu You may also download the latest version of Cassandra by going to https://github.com/MaginnGroup/Cassandra Workshop, June 6-10, 2016 A special hands-on workshop on Monte Carlo basics and how to use Cassandra was held on the Notre Dame campus June 6-10. A complete set of materials is available for download on the Cassandra website. Where did Cassandra come from? Cassandra evolved out of an academic code developed by Ed Maginn while he was a graduate student in the early 1990s. The code has been extended and refined in the Maginn group at Notre Dame since 1995. In 2007 while on sabbatical at the Computer Science Research Institute at Sandia National Laboratories, Ed was inspired by the success of the MD code LAMMPS (developed at Sandia) to re-write this code to make it a general-purpose Monte Carlo code. Thanks go out to Steve Plimpton of Sandia for hosting Ed! Prof. Jindal Shah took the lead role in the development of the code, and Cassandra was born. It is now maintained and extended at Notre Dame by a team of postdocs and graduate students, with significant contributions coming from Neraaj Rai, Eliseo Marin, Jindal Shah, and Ryan Mullen. Where did the name Cassandra come from? In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the beautiful daughter of King and Queen Hecuba of Troy. As the story goes, Cassandra fell asleep in Apollo’s temple and, this being Greek mythology, Apollo made advances toward her. She resisted, and so as punishment Apollo gave her the power of accurate prophecy, but also cursed her so that nobody believed her predictions. Cassandra was then left with the knowledge of future events, but she could not convince others that her predictions would come true. When a strange horse appeared in Troy, Cassandra warned her father that the Greeks would use the horse to take control of Troy. Of course, he didn’t believe her, and the rest is history. After the fall of Troy, Cassandra was abducted by Agamemnon and taken to Mycenae on Crete, where she was eventually killed by Clytemnestra. Of course, she knew all this would happen. We think Cassandra also has great predictive powers, but we hope you will take its predictions more seriously than those ancient Trojans. We really wanted to use this name for our code, so we made up the proper acronym: Cassandra stands for Computational Atomistic Simulation Software At Notre Dame for Research Advances. How about that? We gratefully acknowledge funding from the National Science Foundation for helping support the development and maintenance of Cassandra. Funding was provided by “SI2-SSE: Development of Cassandra, A General, Efficient and Parallel Monte Carlo Multiscale Modeling Software Platform for Materials Research”. Support comes from the Division of Advanced CyberInfrastructure (ACI), Award Abstract #1339785 . Development of MoSDeF Cassandra was supported by “Collaborative Research: NSCI Framework: Software for Building a Community-Based Molecular Modeling Capability Around the Molecular Simulation Design Framework (MoSDeF)”, NSF Award number OAC-1835630. The Cassandra Development Team
- …anise removes characteristic smells from fish, meat and oil? - …aniseed was used in ancient times as a skin care beauty product? - …anise oil causes muscular paralysis in some parasites, thanks to which it is an effective agent against lice and roaches? - …anise aids lactation in nursing mothers? - …liqueurs like pastis, anisette, ouzo, arak, pernod, ricard and sambuco get their licorice flavor from anise? - …anise is an irresistible attraction for mice? - …during gathering of wild anise, it is easily confused with poisonous hemlock? - …anise as a spice is the dried seeds, whole or ground from Pimpinella anisum? - …anise is related to fennel, caraway, coriander and dill? 1 tablespoon sugar ¼ teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons aniseeds 175 g white flour Frying oil, powdered sugar Bring to a boil mixture of 250 ml water, sugar, salt and aniseeds, then dump in all flour at once. Beat to smooth consistency with a wooden spoon. Remove from heat and thoroughly beat in the egg. Using a piping bag with a wide attachment, or a large funnel, form the dough into long strips and fry to a golden brown in hot oil. Cut the strips into 7 cm long cones and roll them in powdered sugar while still warm. Serve immediately. Ancient Egyptians used anise seeds and leaves for their taste and medicinal properties. Pythagoras and Pliny mention anise as a rejuvenating plant that aids sleep. The Romans ate an anise cake, which was supposed to freshen the breath and aid digestion. Thanks to monks during the reign of Charlemagne, anise was introduced to central and northern Europe. Anise was an ingredient in potions against poison and a medicine against the plague. Eating a few grains of anise after a meal is even today a common custom in the Orient.
5 Ways the Doctrine of the Trinity Keeps Theology Healthy & Balanced Oliver Crisp and Fred Sanders believe the time is ripe for both theological retrieval and construction, exposition and reflection with the doctrine of the Trinity. It’s why they organized this past year's Los Angeles Theology Conference around this theme, and why they’ve worked with Zondervan Academic to collect the presented papers into an edited volume, Advancing Trinitarian Theology. It is part of what they call the Trinitarian Theology Project, a sort of resurgence of trinitarian engagement in response to oversimplifications and derelictions of the dogma. The project is represented by leading counter-revolutionary voices, including Lewis Ayres, Stephen R. Holmes, Karen Kilby, Donald H. McCall, and others. The first essay, which I've engaged below, is an orienting one. In it, Sanders describes how the doctrine should function within systematic theology by offering five important ways the doctrine of the Trinity promotes the health and balance of Christian theology as a whole. Read it, share it, and consider how the doctrine functions in your own theological system. What does the Trinity do? 1) Summarizes the Biblical Story First, the Trinity summarizes the whole Biblical storyline. More precisely the formula “The Father sends the Son and the Holy Spirit” is a summary of the entire Bible. (25) While there are other characters and other themes, Sanders argues the whole narrative arc pivots around these central agents, from the Old to the New testaments: To trace the story line of Scripture, and especially of the Old Testament, as the God of Israel promising to be with his people in a Son of David who is the Son of God, and to pour out his Holy Spirit on all flesh in a surprising fulfillment of the promise to Abraham, is the task for a comprehensive biblical theology. (25) Such a reading is not only appropriate given the content of the Story, but pedagogically advantageous given how many Christians struggle to see the doctrine of the Trinity in Scripture. “It yields the doctrine of the Trinity, not in scattered verses here and there that tell us weird doctrine at the margins of the faith, but as the main point.” (28) 2) Articulates the Content of Divine Self-Revelation One of the most important questions in trinitarian theology is this: What do the sending of the Son and the Holy Spirit signify about the eternal life of God? Sanders insists this question “is where major doctrinal judgments are rendered. At stake here is the utterly fundamental issue of how we understand God on the basis of self-revelation in word and act.” (36) He provides a helpful chart to illustrate the spectrum by which this question has been answered: In the middle of the chart sits the classical answer, “maintaining that the mission in the economy of salvation are revelatory of eternal relations of origin.” (35) Accordingly, “the coming of the Son and the Spirit into our history is an extension of who they have always been.” (35) God’s self-revelation is as Father, Son, Spirit because He is essentially that way. Sanders argues God did not make this revelation “to satisfy our curiosity about the divine, but in order to reconcile and redeem us,” which should beckon us toward wonderment and praise. (30) 3) Orders Doctrinal Discourse The doctrine of the Trinity also orders every other doctrine by nature of its vastness. “It is a field that encompasses many other fields of theology, most notably the doctrines of Christology and pneumatology.” (37) Given the nature of the doctrine’s all-encompassing nature, Sanders says “The health of a doctrine of the Trinity is a good indicator of the overall vigor of a theological system… [It] shapes the entire outlook of theology and serves as the matrix for the placement and treatment of all other doctrinal loci.” (37) Barth seemed to intuitively know this, having placed the doctrine at the forefront of his dogmatic endeavor. Schleiermacher, however, did not, having relegated it to a mere footnote as an appendix in the back of his The Christian Faith. 4) Identifies God by the Gospel Fourth, the doctrine of the Trinity both identifies God by the gospel and specifies the identity of the Christian God. “It does so primarily by insisting that God is the author of two central interventions into the course of human history, the incarnation of the Son and outpouring of the Spirit.” (39) Sanders insists these two events mark God as a particular God: “The God who sent a Son and a Holy Spirit.” Given that God had always already had both Son and Spirit, this God “must be essentially different from a God who could not and did not self-communicate in this way.” (39) Sanders goes on: “To say this is to treat the doctrine of the Trinity as a kind of name of God…” (39, emph. mine) In other words, Trinity is God’s name; Father-Son-Spirit is who God actually is. To my thinking this raises an interesting implication: one could argue that Allah and the Christian God are not one in the same, because Allah sent neither a Son nor a Spirit. 5) Informs & Norms Soteriology Finally, Trinitarian theology plays a crucial role in orienting the doctrine of salvation. It shapes, gives the material consent, and dictates salvation’s parameters. Sanders insists soteriology needs this sort of “outside guidance” in order to guard against two errors: defect and excess, “of not enough salvation on the one hand and too much salvation on the other.” (40) First, there is a “perennial tendency to minimize soteriology, to diminish it to something with no depth of ingression into the life of God… Trinitarian theology summons Christian soteriology to go deeper.” (40) Second, the error of excess “obliterates all distinctions between divinity and humanity, leaping over every barrier, beginning with that between creator and creature.” (40-41) Trinitarian theology guards against the celebration of theosis and maintains this crucial distinction. This summary just scratches the surface of Sanders’ article, and I’m looking forward to reading the other articles including "Trinity and Politics: An Apophatic Approach," "Obedience and Subordination in Karl Barth's Trinitarian Theology," and "A Confessing Trinitarian Theology for Today's Mission." Crisp and Sanders hope the collection of essays in Advancing Trinitarian Theology “may contribute to the project of revitalizing the study of the dogma of the Trinity and the advancing of a properly trinitarian ad majorem Dei gloriam.” (20) Engage these important essays yourself “For the greater glory of God” in your own ministry and studies. Sign up complete.
Intent (based on the National Curriculum) Across RET schools the psychology curriculum is both academic and ambitious. Students will - develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to each other. - develop and demonstrate a deep appreciation of the skills, knowledge and understanding of scientific methods. - develop competence and confidence in a variety of practical, mathematical and problem solving skills - develop their interest in and enthusiasm for the subject, including developing an interest in further study and careers associated with the subject - understand how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society. All schools follow the AQA specification. It is only taught at KS5. Students will be taught to: - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes, techniques and procedures. - Apply knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas, processes, techniques and procedures: - in a theoretical context - in a practical context - when handling qualitative data - when handling quantitative data. - Analyse, interpret and evaluate scientific information, ideas and evidence, including in relation to issues, to: - make judgements and reach conclusions - develop and refine practical design and procedures. All students study - social influence - approaches in psychology - research methods - issues and debates in psychology and at least one from each list below cognition and development Links to KS4: Psychology is taught at GCSE level at St. Andrew at KS4 and KS5, and at KS5 in the other schools. Knowledge and skills from mathematics, science, humanities and PSHE/citizenship are useful. The A level course provides excellent preparation to further study of the subject in higher education. - BKS: Student conferences, speakers (clinical psychologist), trip to Bethlam Hospital, Freud Museum (All TBC)
Remembering Sunila Abeysekera….article which appeared in the Law and Society Trust, Volume 24 Issue 313,314. Novermber & December 2013 Vaasam……. remembering you Suriya Women’s Development Centre – Batticaloa This is a collective effort to remember Sunila. This article is a compilation of informal discussions among women who have been part of Suriya and Poorani Women’s Centres since 1991. We talked about her support for human rights work, peace work, women’s rights work, capacity building of women activists, fund raising for local women’s groups, her love, her strength and her warmth. Sunila’s involvement with the Poorani women….. Sunila used to come to Jaffna in the early 1980s, she used to come with Charles Abeysekera, her father, and the Movement for Inter racial Justice and Equality. Sunila also came for the funeral of Rajani Thiranagama. She came with her son, Sanjaya, in 1989. At that time the women who were involved in the Poorani Centre got to know Sunila. Poorani was a safe space and training centre for women who were affected by the war. In 1991, Poorani was taken over by the LTTE. The LTTE women were pressuring them to give the Poorani funds for their work. The Poorani women decided to return the money to the donors, so they closed the centre and moved to Colombo. As one former member of Suriya noted when she spoke at an event organised in Canada this year “During the 1990s, I was forced to leave Jaffna because of the unsafe situation there. Registration with the Police was difficult in Colombo. Sunila would come with me to the Police and it would make things much easier for me. At this time, large numbers of Tamils and Muslims were displaced from the North-East of Sri Lanka to Colombo. I remember the time I was arrested in 1992 and she came to the Police station to help get my release. These things happened often in Colombo and Sunila was always there to help us”. Others also recalled this time – “during this time four Poorani women and some of their family members were arrested by the Dehiwala Police and kept in the jail there for 3 weeks. We were trying to set up a group of people to organise food. We organised a mixed group – foreigners, Muslims, Tamils, Sinhalese men and women. So the Police were aware that many people knew about this case and were interested in what was happening to them. We had heard that women were raped in the Police stations and were very worried for the protection of these women. Sunila was very active in getting these women released”. There were many discussions among women activists who had been displaced from the North and activists based in Colombo like Sunila. As one founder member of Suriya recalled “we took an auto and went around to various camps where displaced people from the North and East stayed. We had long discussions about what we could do. At that time EPDP was in charge of the camps. We started negotiating with them about food rations and other basic services for women. We didn’t have an office. We got a small space at the back of the Women and Media Collective office where we started working”. Sunila at the cultural programme of the displaced held at Ramakrishna Mission Hall – Colombo 1992 Sunila lived what she stood for. Her life reflected her values of democracy. Her life was her message. Among Tamils and Muslims of this country she was never seen as an outsider. She had many friends among different communities. She made frequent visits to the North and East even during the hardest times for travel. She had traveled to the remote villages to collect stories of those affected. This gave a human dimension to her documentation of human rights violations. She maintained a view that the cause for ethnic conflict is the denial of equal rights and dignity to one ethnic group. She had dreamt about Sri Lanka as a country where rights of all citisens are respected and democratic practices are upheld. She had viewed the ethnic issue from a democratic perspective. She never accepted the concepts of majority, minority. For her, all individuals should have freedom and rights. In Sunila’s politics she highlighted the rights abuses committed by the State under the Prevention of Terrorism Act and Emergency regulations. She also denounced violations by Tamil armed groups including the LTTE. Sunila had to pay the price for her unwavering defense for the rights of Tamils. She was branded as a traitor of the country and had to face threats to her life. She had always talked about a political solution to the ethnic issue. She denounced violence and militarism. She brought a feminist perspective into peace building. Journeys – some glimpses of her human rights work….. She was involved in documenting disappearances in the East from 1987 onwards. She didn’t just come to the town areas. She made many visits into rural villages. In 2008, when people were sent back to their villages after being displaced for many months, there were rumours about women being raped, especially women living alone. There were rumours of women being sexually harassed during round ups and house to house checks in the nights. Sunila visited during this time. She stood as the frontline voice and face and negotiated with the military to gain access to these areas in internal Batticaloa. She provided protection and cover for local women activists. Another woman recalled “I remember her work post tsunami. She was the one who pushed for citizens’ committees for people to give testimonies after the tsunami disaster. She brought a rights-focus into post tsunami reconstruction. She would sit the whole day on people’s tribunals listening to person after person, never stopping them until they finished what they had come to say.” Discussions on women’s rights issues in the Post Tsunami context – Batticaloa 2005 In one of her last visits to Batticaloa in 2011, she wanted to visit the Kathiraveli school where displaced families had stayed and was damaged by shelling in 2006. She was ill by this time. But still she travelled. She always took care of people…… When someone was sick she bought them food and kept them in her house. It wasn’t just work for her, she embodied those things she wrote and talked about. She really lived it. She gave her time and had very strong personal connections and gave personal care. When some of the women from Suriya went to international forums for the first time, she always took care of them. Discussed their presentations and gave guidance on how to be careful and what issues to raise. She always gave confidence for local women to speak at international events. She took women shopping, to the night markets, site seeing, to experience new food. From bus stops to police stations…..she was the one to call…. Once when the cultural group went to Colombo for a performance at the SLFI, the girls had gone outside for sightseeing and had taken some photographs of the public library. This was 1997. The police came and arrested the woman leader of the cultural group. Sunila immediately took steps to negotiate with the police and calm down the other members of the cultural group who had gone for the first time to Colombo to perform. As another woman activist recalled “I used to be a person who didn’t travel much. In 1996 I just joined Suriya as a board member. I was invited to make a presentation on women’s health in Induruwa. I was from Jaffna, living in Batticaloa. 13 check points to pass to reach Colombo. Sunila promised to pick me up in Colombo. I arrived at 10.30 in the night. I was inside a small Tamil tea shop in Petta. I was waiting for her. I had a cup of tea. I was really panicking. Then suddenly she arrived in a van full of women. She had already picked up many other women. She was leaning out of the window asking if there is a Tamil women waiting in the shop. Her voice when I heard it gave me the confidence. The shop people didn’t want to let me go with a bunch of women, without a man! She got down from the van and talked with them. She taught me how to break barriers within myself – about the fear of darkness, and about fear of mobility. Mentoring women and local women’s organisations…. She always gave new ideas. Even when she was quite seriously ill she sent her comments for the Suriya AGM or wanted to skype in. She was actively involved in whatever way she could. She brought international debates and feminist ideas into our discussions, so we could guide our own work with what was happening internationally. She also pushed women to participate and speak in international forums. She always found a way to bring together people with different perspectives and different backgrounds. Sunila has trained many generations of women at Suriya and in the East through the SANGAT South Asian Gender Training Programme. She has also supported local women’s organisations through fund raising and endorsing for proposals. For example, when the women’s crisis centre in Batticaloa, had run out of funds and was desperately looking for funds to not close down, Sunila mobilised international funds and recommended the centre to be supported. Discussions and debates – Chitra Maunaguru and Sunila Celebrating Sunila’s Human Rights Defender Award in Batticaloa – 2008 For all these memories, and many untold ones, we dedicate this poem to Sunila and to deep friendship… It was a sharing Wholesome and truthful Being you and I, under the glassy sky…………….. recalling the magical moment when your nest was brimful spilling with honey…… As we drink endlessly thirsty of the two the unsurpassed wonder. Then, you and I under the endless glassy sky. Anar, “Two Women”, Let the Poems Speak, SWDC 2010
We proposes a reconfigurable model to recognize and detect multiclass (or multiview) objects with large variation in appearance. Compared with well acknowledged hierarchical models, we study two advanced capabilities in hierarchy for object modeling: (i)“switch” variables(i.e. or-nodes) for specifying alternative compositions, and (ii) making local classifiers (i.e. leaf-nodes) shared among different classes. These capabilities enable us to account well for structural variabilities while preserving the model compact. Fig 1. An example of the proposed 4-layer And-Or graph model for multiclass object recognition. Our model, in the form of an And-Or Graph, comprises four layers: a batch of leaf-nodes with collaborative edges in bottom for localizing object parts; the or-nodes over bottom to activate their children leaf-nodes; the and-nodes to classify objects as a whole; one root-node on the top for switching multiclass classification, which is also an or-node. For model training, we present an EM-type algorithm, namely dynamical structural optimization (DSO), to iteratively determine the structural configuration, (e.g., leaf-node generation associated with their parent or-nodes and shared across other classes), along with optimizing multi-layer parameters. The proposed method is valid on challenging databases, e.g., PASCAL VOC 2007 and UIUC-People, and it achieves state-of-the-arts performance. The main properties of our approach can be highlighted as: - Model reconfigurability: Inspired by And-Or graph models in [2,3], we develop the “switch variables”, namely or-nodes, to specify alternative compositions in hierarchy. It worths mentioning that the association of or-nodes with its children leaf-nodes can be automatically determined in model training. In Fig.1, the sheep head is localized by the leaf-node that is activated by its parent or-node. - Model sharing.: The leaf-nodes are sharable among different classes so that we keep the model compact to represent multiple object categories. For example, in Fig.1, the part of feet in category horse and sheep have similar appearances, and thus can be both detected by the leaf-node shared across the two classes. Dynamical Structural Optimization(DSO) This learning algorithm is an EM-type procedure that incorporating structure reconfiguration and parameter estimation. It is extended from the CCCP procedure. During each iteration, our algorithm dynamically create and remove leaf-nodes associated with their parent or-nodes, and share leaf-nodes among classes. Fig.2 Dynamical Structural Optimization.(a) The model structure after the first iteration; (b) A new leaf-node is created to recognize the head of sheep; (c) A leaf-node for sheep leg is shared with the horse; (d) A leaf-node for horse leg is removed. We evaluate our method on two challenging datasets: UIUC people and PASCAL VOC 2007. Fig.3 Visualization of the trained model on UIUC people dataset. (a) shows parts of the model with two classes (views);(b) visualizes two detectors that are composed by 9 activated leaf-nodes. We show the results of detection as follows. Table.1 Detection accuracies on UIUC people dataset. (Ours(full):our full system; Ours-3: And-Or Graph model without sharing leaf-nodes) Table.2 Results on PASCAL VOC 2007. We also simplify the model by setting the parameters of collaborative edges to zero. Two models are generated under this setting, denoted by “Ours-1” and “Ours-2”, by turning on/off the leaf-nodes sharing among classes, respectively. We also evaluate the benefits of sharing leaf-nodes. Fig.4 (a) shows the APs on UIUC people dataset. (b) represents the leaf-node numbers with the increasing of object categories on PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset. (Ours(full):our full system; Ours-3: And-Or Graph model without sharing leaf-nodes) Incorporating Structural Alternatives and Sharing into Hierarchy for Multiclass Object Recognition and Detection. X. Wang, L. Lin, L. Huang, and S. Yan in CVPR 2013 Latent Hierarchical Structural Learning for Object Detection. L. Zhu, Y. Chen, Y. Lu, C. Lin, and A. Yuille, in CVPR 2010 Learning hierarchical poselets for human parsing. Y. Wang, D. Tran, and Z. Liao, in CVPR 2011 The concave-convex procedure(cccp). A. Yuille and A. Rangarajan, in NIPS 2001
TaPRA 2021, 6-10 Sept, online & co-hosted by Liverpool Hope University, Performance Identity and Community CfP: Performance, Redress and Reparation Deadline: Friday 9 April 2021 What does reparations mean within the context of UK theatre, dance and performance studies? What might a redressed theatre, dance and performance studies discipline look like? This year’s meeting of the Performance, Identity and Community working group draws together threads of conversation and research from across TaPRA’s recent events (and beyond) concerning access, participation and the urgent project of decolonising theatre, dance and performance studies. This initial work suggests that our primary challenge is not an absence of critiques of dominant institutions or frameworks for knowledge. Despite stated desires to foster and amplify the voices of research subjects and communities who have been systematically marginalised (and to engage with complex questions of social justice, equality and reparation) our discipline continues to replicate marginalising structures, valorise hegemonic approaches, and reward disciplinary conservatism. What are the practices – manifest in both performance and research – that might challenge, displace and repair these institutional habits? - How can performance which addresses questions of identity and community help us to confront and disrupt engrained habits of power, and the hierarchies which they foster and sustain? - How can research which engages with this body of work make new arguments for alternative forms of social impact, beyond the narrow expectations of REF? - How might we avoid the recuperation of reparations from ‘recovery’ and ‘healing’ that Bergin and Rupprecht (2016) critique as ‘neutralising the past’? - How does performance reinvigorate the past in the present? How are artists exploring these considerations through the space of form/ language/ aesthetics or relationship with audience? In raising these questions, we are interested in identifying the particular, potential contribution of research concerning identity and community to disciplinary-wide projects of change (e.g. work by Sylvan Baker, Sruti Bala, Broderick Chow, Jerri Daboo, Royona Mitra, Pratharna Purkayastha and many others concerning interculturalism and the decolonisation of dance and performance studies). What is the history of this effort in our discipline, prior to its naming? What can ‘we’ do, and who is imagined to be involved and/or responsible in that question? Your approach to these questions may be inflected by these issues: - Black Lives Matter and the Rhodes Must Fall protest movements - the performativity of institutional statements (Ahmed, 2017) - genealogies (Selina Thompson) - reparations as payment (Coates, 2014) - irrecoverable loss (Saidiya Hartman, 2007; 2008) - trauma (Hughes, 2007; Humphrey, 2002; Stuart Fisher, 2011) - anti-imperial amnesia (Priyamvada Gopal, 2007; 2016) - apology (Schmidt, 2010) - race and structural racism (Eddo-Lodge, 2017) - radical black tradition (Fred Moten, Tavia Nyong’o, Alexander Weheliye, Amiri Baraka) - abolition & activism (Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Angela Davis) - truth & reconciliation (Catherine Cole, Allen Feldman, 2003) - representations beyond ‘scenes of subjection’ (Hartman, 1997; Aranke & Sparks, 2017) - Epistemologies of the South (Santos, 2019) Commitment to accessibility in the discipline The PIC WG is interested in hearing from a wide range of researchers – established, emerging and post-graduate, whether working in institutions or independently. We’re conscious that this call is expansive and that there are lots of different ways that it might be addressed – so please do get in touch if you have an idea that you think might be developed for this year’s meeting. We welcome proposals for full papers (15-20 minutes) or hour-long panels, as well as presentations in alternative formats that attend to the potentials opened up by the online format of this year’s conference (e.g. pre-recorded presentations watched prior to ‘live’ discussion). We are especially interested in hearing from researchers who have not previously presented at the group, and from those who are currently underrepresented across TaPRA as a whole. If you’d like to discuss an initial proposal to the working group, please email us (Ally, Lynette and Steve) at firstname.lastname@example.org no later than ONE WEEK before the submission deadline so we can offer some thoughts or arrange a chat. - Bergin, C., & Rupprecht, A. (2016) History, agency and the representation of ‘race’ – an introduction. Race & Class, 57(3), 3–17. - Coates, T. (2014) ‘The Case for Reparations’ The Atlantic. Available at: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2014/06/the-case-for-reparations/361631/ - Gilmore, R.W. (2002) Fatal Couplings of Power and Difference: Notes on Racism and Geography, The Professional Geographer, 54(1): pp.15-2. - Gopal, P. (2007) It is contradictory to condemn slavery and yet celebrate the empire. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2007/apr/02/comment.race - Gopal, P. (2016) Redressing anti-imperial amnesia. Race & Class, 57(3), 18–30. - Hartman, S.V. (1997). Scenes of Subjection: Terror, Slavery, and Self-Making in Nineteenth- Century America. New York: Oxford University Press. - McKenzie, J. (2006) Is Performance Studies Imperialist? TDR: The Drama Review 50(4): pp.5-8. - Nyong’o, T. (2019) Afro-Fabulations: The Queer Drama of Black Life. New York: New York University Press. - Rai, A.S. (2012) Race racing: Four theses on race and intensity. WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, 40(1): pp. 64-75. - Santos, B.S (2019) Towards an Aesthetics of the Epistemologies of the Global South: Manifesto in Twenty-Two Theses, pp. 117-125. Knowledges Born in the Struggle: Constructing the Epistemologies of the Global South. Edited by B.S Santos & P. Meneses. London: Routledge Process for submitting a proposal Proposals must be submitted to email@example.com by 23.59 on 9th April 2021. Please email all abstracts (no more than 300 words in length), an additional few sentences of biographical information and precise details of the audio-visual technology you will need to make your presentation. Please include an optional 2nd choice of Working Group (this can also include the TaPRA Gallery, where appropriate). If we are unable to accept your proposal, we will then pass it on to your 2nd choice for consideration. Your proposal will not be less likely to be accepted by our Working Group if you indicate a 2nd choice. Please note: You may only submit a proposal to one working group (or else the PaR Gallery) for this conference, proposals submitted after the deadline will not be considered. We will inform you whether or not your proposal has been accepted as quickly as possible, and will offer brief summary feedback to all proposals that could not be accommodated. If we have passed your proposal on to your 2nd choice of Working Group, we will let you know this as well. Please note that putting together a full draft schedule for the conference is a complex process, and therefore your patience while this process is ongoing, and prompt responses to acceptances are much appreciated. Convenors will have completed their draft schedules by 17th May 2021. TaPRA Conference 2021 Registration Prices Full Price Early Bird: £65 + £35 (TaPRA membership) = £100 Concession Early Bird: £33 + £17 (TaPRA membership) = £50 Full Price Standard: £85 + £35 (TaPRA membership) = £120 Concession Standard: £43 + £17 (TaPRA membership) = £60 The registration costs above will pay for digital infrastructure and administrative support for the conference, alongside fees for the keynote speaker and artists contributing to the programme. Please note: All presenters must be TaPRA members, i.e. registered for the event. Concession rates apply to all postgraduate researchers, unwaged, unaffiliated, and retired researchers, and staff on contracts of either less than .6FTE or else fixed for less than 12 months. These categories apply to the attendee’s circumstances on the first day of the conference. There will be up to 10 bursaries available for postgraduate researchers and unaffiliated presenters/contingent faculty. These are highly competitive and so we would encourage everyone who is able to secure institutional support where possible. Each bursary includes a conference fee waiver and one year of TaPRA membership. There is also a separate discretionary fund towards access costs such as digital access, key materials, childcare and so forth. You must submit your application for a bursary at the same time as your proposal to the Working Group (within the same document as your abstract/bio) If applying for a bursary, please include the following: - Whether you are applying as a postgraduate researcher OR unaffiliated presenter/contingent faculty - A statement of up to 100 words explaining why you are applying for the bursary - An indication of any access needs for which you would like to apply to the discretionary fund: what they are and an indication of costs Decisions about bursaries will be made by Friday 7th May and notifications will be issued by this group shortly after. The criteria for awarding bursaries are: - Quality and strength of submitted abstract. - Strategic case made by the WG conveners outlining the significance of the applicant’s contribution to the WG sessions (connection to advertised theme, methodological approach, expected outcomes). Please note: only one proposal may be submitted for a TaPRA event. It is not permitted to submit multiple proposals or submit the same proposal to several Calls for Participation. All presenters must be TaPRA members, i.e. registered for the event; this includes presentations given by Skype or other media broadcast even where the presenter may not physically attend the event venue.
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What can you find on this page? On this page, you can find a lot of interesting materials. These were not included in our pilot courses but those are relevant in the low-carbon context. Check these from underneath. IPCC report about buildings Underneath you can find building chapter from IPCC climate change mitigation report from the year 2014. This chapter will give you information on new development innovations but also about behavioural aspect. Check the chapter underneath. Green roofs in Waterloo Behind this link, you can find a project example of the green roofs. This project is made by the city of Waterloo from Canada. In this file, you can what they have done and what they find advantages of the green roofs. Summary for the policymakers Here you can find a summary for policymakers about buildings and climate change it is made by UNEP. In this summary, there are suggestions how different level policymakers can promote low carbon buildings. Green actions of the city of Freiburg This PDF is made by the city Freiburg, and it is all about their great actions to make the city more low carbon. Check this from underneath!
It is so simple using the command line (cmd.exe): CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS It is so simple using the command line (cmd.exe): CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS In order to configure TCP/IP settings such as the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, DNS and WINS addresses and many other options you can use Netsh.exe. With Netsh.exe you can easily view your TCP/IP settings. Type the following command in a Command Prompt window (CMD.EXE): netsh interface ip show config With Netsh.exe, you can easily configure your computer’s IP address and other TCP/IP related settings. For example: The following command configures the interface named Local Area Connection with the static IP address, the subnet mask of, and a default gateway of netsh interface ip set address name=”Local Area Connection” static 1 (The above is one long line) If you want to export your current ip settings: netsh -c interface dump > c:mySettings.txt If you want to import your ip settings: netsh -f c:mySettings.txt or instead of -f netsh exec c:mySettings.txt To automatically obatin an IP address using DHCP: netsh interface ip set address “Local Area Connection” dhcp netsh interface ip set dns “Local Area Connection” static netsh interface ip set wins “Local Area Connection” static Auto DNS settings: netsh interface ip set dns “Local Area Connection” dhcp CLI Keys Description Ctrl + A Beginning Line Ctrl + B Backward Character Ctrl + C Clear line Ctrl + D Delete Character to the Right Ctrl + E End Line Ctrl + F Forward Character Ctrl + H Backspace Character to the Left Ctrl + I Refresh Line and Goto End Ctrl + J Return Ctrl + K Delete everything on the Right of cursor Ctrl + L Refresh Line Ctrl + M Return Ctrl + N Next Command Ctrl + P Previous Command Ctrl + R Refresh Line Ctrl + T Flip Last 2 Characters Ctrl + U Clear Line and Put in Buffer Ctrl + V Allows A Control Character To Be Typed Ctrl + W Delete Word Backwards and Put in Buffer Ctrl + X Clear Line to the Left and Put in Buffer Ctrl + Y Paste Buffer Contents A simple way to initiate Kiosk Mode, with a lightweight plugin, in Firefox. This is a true kiosk mode as it prevents the user from doing anything but use the Internet. These most known plugins are R-kiosk and Fullscreen. So just open your firefox and install your prefered one. When you run Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode, the Internet Explorer title bar, menus, toolbars, and status bar are not displayed and Internet Explorer runs in Full Screen mode. The Windows 95 taskbar is not displayed, but you can switch to other running programs by pressing ALT+TAB or CTRL+ALT+DEL. Because Internet Explorer is running in Full Screen mode, you cannot access the Windows 95 desktop until you quit Internet Explorer. To start Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode, click Start, click Run, type the following command in the Open box, and then click OK where page is the Web page address for the Web page that you want to appear when Internet Explorer starts. If you do not specify a Web page in the Open box, Internet Explorer opens your start page. Note that the Web page that you specify can be a Web page on the Internet, on your computer, or on another computer on the network. To start Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode and start Internet Explorer with the Microsoft Web site, click Start, point to Run, and then type iexplore -k www.microsoft.com in the Open box. To start Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode and start Internet Explorer with the Example.htm Web page that is located in the My Documents folder on your computer, click Start, point to Run, and then type iexplore -k “c:my documentsexample.htm” in the Open box. To start Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode and start Internet Explorer with the Example.htm Web page that is located on another computer on the network, click Start, point to Run, and then type iexplore -k \servershareexample.htm in the Open box, where server and share are the network server and share on which the Web page is located. To quit Internet Explorer when it is running in Kiosk mode, press ALT+F4. Note that you cannot quit Kiosk mode if you do not also quit Internet Explorer. Key combination Function ----------------------------------------------------------- CTRL+A Select all (editing) CTRL+B Organize favorites CTRL+C Copy (editing) CTRL+F Find (on current page) CTRL+H View History folder CTRL+L Open Location dialog box CTRL+N New window (opens in non-Kiosk mode) CTRL+O Open Location dialog box (same as CTRL+L) CTRL+P Print CTRL+R Refresh CTRL+S Save CTRL+V Paste (editing) CTRL+W Close (same as ALT+F4) CTRL+X Cut (editing) ALT+F4 Close ALT+LEFT ARROW Back ALT+RIGHT ARROW Forward ESC Stop F5 Refresh Another alternative to email notification is to use Postfix instead of Sendmail because Sendmail is not as secure besides, using Postfix is a lot easier and it is more secure than Sendmail. If you want to proceed with it, you have to remove Sendmail and replace it with Postfix, using these 2 commands: rpm -e –nodeps sendmail yum -y install postfix Following this, edit your /etc/postfix/main.cf, (use your preffered editor and add your preffered SMTP) and add: relayhost = smtp.your-smtp.com Replace smtp.your-smtp.com with your own smtp server. You should also edit /etc/asterisk/vm_general.inc and set the “serveremail” parameter to your real email address. This is to avoid messages with invalid from-addresses floating aimlessly in the Internet. Then load Postfix. service postfix reload Postfix will now send all outgoing email to your ISP’s mail server. To call in and retrieve your voicemail from external phone is as easy as simply calling your number and retrieve your voice mail. This can be done easily if you have IVR enabled in your new TRIXBOX system. Five simple steps: Call my number and when the Digital Receptionist answers, I will dial my extension number prefixing it with an *. E.g. My extension number is 2001, so when the DR answers me, I will dial *2001 I will then be ask to leave a voicemail, but instead, I will dial * again. DR will ask for a password to be followed by the # key. I enter my password followed by # DR will then give me my voice mail if there is any. The default Voicemail greeting is fine but it is rather bland and quite boring. No doubt some user would like to change the standard greeting to something more personal and meaningful. To do so is pretty simple. Here are the steps: Use your existing extension and dial *97 You will be asked for your password (if you have entered one) When the Voicemail IVR starts, press 0 You will then be given the choice what type of message you want to record. Choose the appropriate message you want to record. Record your message “Thank you for calling, I am either busy or on the phone.” Review your message Re-record if you want to or if you are happy with the message, choose the option to save. That’s all folks!!! If you want to replace the recorded files with your’s replace the files: greet.wav or/and busy.wav or/and unavail.wav in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/xxxx/ (where xxxx your extension number). If you need to resample them: sox -w -s -c 1 original.wav -r 8000 -c 1 resampled.wav If you did not modify the default Main menu option 6, use the instructions below: If you have assigned the keypress option 6 to some other function, you can use the steps below: Why can’t I just dial 8500? 8500 is an internal extension, which means it is not accessible to outside callers. Fonality made the decision to interanlize this extension because enabling the extension would create a 3 second delay in any submenu with a Key Press option 8 configured. If your submenu has a Key Press 8 configured, and a caller presses 8 within the submenu, the system must wait for 3 seconds for additional input before executing the Key Press. The system doesn’t know if the caller is trying to execute Key Press 8 or if they are trying to dial an 8XXX extension. If you need multiple people to receive a voicemail attachment as an email, you can do the following: Fonality doesn’t include this functionality by default into the system because mail servers are already engineered to handle mass distribution to multiple parties.
You’d be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t want to be happy, including while on the job. Since many people spend at least as much, if not more, time at work than they do at home, it’s no wonder your employment can have a big impact on how satisfied you feel with your life. Selecting the right IT career can play a large role in your overall happiness, making it an important decision upon which a person’s life may be shaped. But how do you pick the best path for you when you can’t necessarily predict what the future holds? There are a few standard indicators that improve the chance you’ll be happy with your IT career. Here are the points you should evaluate whether you are trying to determine which field to enter or whether you should accept a particular job offer. Both industries and individual companies can have a unique culture. Fields of work often have a culture dictated partially by industry norms, standardized systems and various assumptions or beliefs that surround the work. Company cultures are also impacted by those points as well as the overall vision or mission, values, and environment. Not everyone will be happy when faced with a specific take on industry or company culture, so selecting a workplace that meets your needs is critical. For example, a person who prefers autonomy and variety in the workload isn’t going to be as satisfied in an environment that involves being micromanaged and working in a distinct niche at all times. Certain IT careers naturally fit into some cultures better than others, so consider how you envision your ideal work experience and see if your niche operates in that fashion before settling on it for a career. If you’re having trouble evaluating your options, speak with people already working in the area or for that company. Often, you can learn a lot by gauging the approximate level of happiness of those doing the tasks you’re considering. A recent Gallup World Poll showed a strong correlation between better work/life balance and overall happiness. Often, feeling as though you can successfully manage your life outside of the office makes you more productive when you are at work. When you don’t feel as though you have enough time to manage your personal obligations, these thoughts can easily interrupt your ability to focus on the job, affecting your productivity and leaving you feeling unsatisfied. Like cultural fit, an ideal work/life balance is personal. Some people may feel comfortable working more hours than others based on their personal obligations, leaving them happy when others are not. When determining which IT career to pursue or evaluating a job offer, it’s important to consider if the requirements associated with the work allow you to reach that optimal state of balance. If not, then another choice may be wiser. Happiness is subjective, so what works for you might not meet the needs of someone else, and vice versa. However, being happy with your career is almost certain to improve the quality of your life, so it should never be disregarded. If you are interested in finding an IT career that can make you happy in the long-run, the professionals at Validity Solutions can help you explore your options. Contact us today to discuss your goals with one of our talented recruitment specialists and see how our services can work for you.
Virginia Farm Woolworks Suggested method for dyeing a wool jumper. Make sure the jumper is clean and has no grease spots on it, then soak it thoroughly (preferably at least an hour) in warm water to which has been added a little detergent. Mix the pot of dye in a jar with hot water – stir thoroughly. Fill a large vessel (eg. Laundry tub) with enough warm water to completely cover the jumper. You will need to add 40 grams of dissolved Urea (available from nursery) and 200 mils of white vinegar per litre of water, so you will need to know how much water is in the tub. Stir very thoroughly. Then add the dissolved dye. Again stir very thoroughly. Now add the wet but squeezed out jumper. Using rubber gloves, move the jumper around in the dye, making sure there are no folds. When colour appears to be even, let it soak in the dye for about 10 minutes, then lift out – dripping wet – and place flat on a sheet of plastic. Cover with another sheet of plastic or fold edges of the undersheet over to cover all the top if it is large enough. Then roll up loosely and seal edges to contain dye. Place outside on grass or concrete and leave for (winter) 48 hours, turning over several times. When aged, open parcel and rinse jumper thoroughly in tepid water. Will take about 4 rinses to get all the surplus dye out. Dry flat in shade. Comment: this is least messy when done outside on the grass if you can find an old baby’s bath or similar to do it in. Good luck!
All Politics Are Local Local politics is a place where neighbors can come together and solve the problems they’re facing. While on the national level, we see divisiveness and anger, local politics should be a place where all community members are welcomed and accepted. Transparency is the cornerstone of a healthy community. Transparency does not stop with the bare minimum of disclosure required by law. Instead it requires disclosing all information of public business and presenting it in a way that all residents understand. Residents should feel welcome to ask questions and expect accountability of their elected officials. Fiscal responsibility does not stop with only managing township resources. It extents to ensuring that to the extent possible, the elected officials and township employees are able, they help to ensure the long term financial stability of the township in the deals it makes, specifically with utility aggrigation.
More Senior Year Basketball Quotes images Discover and share Basketball Senior Year Quotes. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Discover and share Senior Basketball Quotes. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Basketball was always my first love, but once i had a good year. 3 famous quotes about senior year basketball: Motivational quotes are a great tool for coaches to use with their players. Point out areas the team can improve on in the . Inspirational Basketball Quotes Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals. - Dr James Naismith The invention of basketball was not an accident. It was developed to meet a need. - Dr James Naismith I try to do the right thing at the right time. They may just be little things, but usually they make the difference between winning and losing. Quotes about. Senior. year. sports. Until my senior year, baseball and basketball were my best sports; and even when I was a senior, I still wanted to play baseball professionally. But the family wanted me to go to college, and I guess I agreed with them, or else I would have accepted some of the offers I got. Votes: 1. You know those things like this that are about bands ending...i never cry at those things really, maybe a tear or almost a tear but nothing like how i cried while reading this...basketball is my life and one true passion and i would go crazy without it. In that respect, here are inspirational basketball quotes to highlight the importance of teamwork and collaborative effort. Basketball quotes for players and coaches about teamwork. 1. “I think, team first. It allows me to succeed, it allows my team to succeed.“- Lebron James. 2. “A basketball team is like the five fingers on your hand. Good Basketball Quotes. 1.) Winning is like deodorant – it comes up and a lot of things don’t stink. Doc Rivers 2.) I haven’t been able to slam-dunk the basketball for the past five years. Or, for the thirty-eight years before that, either. Dave Barry. 3.) There are really only two plays: Romeo and Juliet, and put the darn ball in the basket. Abe Lemmons Team basketball sayings help unite players and coaches, so they play as one unit. Attack the Glass. Wish Together, Swish Together. (Team Name) Never Stops. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Your loss is my game. You might like 23 Inspirational Basketball Quotes. Demanding Excellence From Everyone No Selfish Exceptions. Best senior year quotes for graduation and the yearbook. 1. “Whenever you remember times gone by, remember how we held our heads so high.”. — Carrie Underwood. 2. “One person’s craziness is another person’s reality.”. – Tim Burton.
When assessing commercial real estate, it is necessary to understand the financial factors that the property creates. This is before you price the property or consider it suitable for purchase. In doing this, it is not only the financial factors today that you need to look at, but also those that have formulated the history of the property over recent time. In this case, the definition of ‘recent time’ is the last three or five years. It is surprising how property owners try to manipulate the building income and expenditure at the time of sale; they cannot however easily change the property history and this is where you can uncover many property secrets. Once the history and current performance of the property is fully understood, you can then relate to the accuracy of the current operating costs budget. All investment property should operate to a budget which is administered monthly and monitored quarterly. The quarterly monitoring process allows for adjustments to the budget when unusual items of income and expenditure are evident. There is no point continuing with the property budget which is increasingly out of balance to the actual property performance. Fund managers in complex properties would normally undertake budget adjustment on a quarterly basis. The same principle can and should apply to private investors. So let’s now look at the main issues of financial analysis on which you can focus in your property evaluation: A tenancy schedule should be sourced for the property and checked totally. What you are looking for here is an accurate summary of the current lease occupancy and rentals paid. It is interesting to note that tenancy schedules are notoriously incorrect and not up to date in many instances. This is a common industry problem stemming from the lack of diligence on the part of the property owner or the property manager to maintain the tenancy schedule records. For this very reason, the accuracy of the tenancy schedule at time of property sale needs to be carefully checked against the original documentation. Property documentation reflecting on all types of occupancy should be sourced. This documentation is typically leases, occupancy licences, and side agreements with the tenants. You should expect that some of this documentation will not be registered on the property title. Solicitors are quite familiar with the chasing down all property documentation and will know the correct questions to ask of the previous property owner. When in doubt, do an extensive due diligence process with your solicitor prior to any settlement being completed. The rental guarantees and bonds of all lease documentation should be sourced and documented. These matters protect the landlord at the time of default on the part of the tenant. They should pass through to the new property owner at the time of property settlement. How this is achieved will be subject to the type of rental guarantee or bond and it may even mean that the guarantee needs to be reissued at the time of sale and settlement to a new property owner. Solicitors for the new property owner(s) will normally check this and offer methods of solution at the time of sale. Importantly, rental guarantee and bonds must be legally collectable by the new property owner under the terms of any existing lease documentation. Understanding the type of rental charged across the property is essential to property performance. In a single property with multiple tenants it is common for a variety of rentals to be charged across the different leases. This means that net and gross leases can be evident in the same property and have different impact on the outgoings position for the landlord. The only way to fully appreciate and analyse the complete rental situation is to read all leases in detail. Looking for outstanding charges over the property should be the next part of your analysis. These charges would normally stem from the local council and their rating processes. It could be that special charges have been raised on the property as a Special Levy for the precinct. Understanding the outgoings charges for the properties in the local area is critical to your own property analysis. What you should do here is compare the outgoings averages for similar properties locally to the subject property in which you are involved. There needs to be parity or similarity between the particular properties in the same category. If any property has significantly higher outgoings for any reason, then that reason has to be identified before any sale process or a property adjustment is considered. Property buyers do not want to purchase something that is a financial burden above the industry outgoings averages. The depreciation schedule for the property should be maintained annually so that its advantage can be integrated into any property sales strategy when the time comes. The depreciation that is available for the property allows the income to be reduced and hence less tax paid by the landlord. It is normal for the accountant for the property owner to compile the depreciation schedule annually at tax time. The rates and taxes paid on the property need to be identified and understood. They are closely geared to the property valuation undertaken by the local council. The timing of the council valuation is usually every two or three years and will have significant impact on the rates and taxes that are paid in that valuation year. Property owners should expect reasonable rating escalations in the years where a property valuation is to be undertaken. It pays to check when the next property valuation in the region is to be undertaken by the local council. The survey assessment of the site and tenancy areas in the property should be checked or undertaken. It is common for discrepancies to be found in this process. You should also be looking for surplus space in the building common area which can be reverted to tenancy space in any new tenancy initiative. This surplus space becomes a strategic advantage when you refurbish or expand the property. In analysing the historic cash flow, you should look for any impact that arises from rental reduction incentives, and vacancies. It is quite common for rental reduction to occur at the start of the tenancy lease as a rental incentive. When you find this, the documentation that supports the incentive should be sourced and reviewed for accuracy and ongoing impact to the cash flow. You do not want to purchase a property only to find your cash flow reduces annually due to an existing incentive agreement. If these incentive agreements exist, it is desirable to get the existing property owner to discharge or adjust the impact of the incentive at the time of property settlement. In other words, existing property owner should compensate the new property owner for the discomfort that the incentive creates in the future of the property. The current rentals in the property should be compared to the market rentals in the area. It can be that the property rent is out of balance to the market rentals in the region. If this is the case it pays to understand what impact this will create in leasing any new vacant areas that arise, and also in negotiating new leases with existing tenants. The threat of market rental falling at time of rent review can be a real problem in this slower market. If the property has upcoming market rent review provisions, then the leases need to be checked to identify if the rental can fall at that market review time. Sometimes the lease has special terms that can prevent the rent going down even if the surrounding rent has done that. We call these clauses ‘ratchet clauses’, inferring that the ‘ratchet’ process stops lower market rents happening. Be careful here though in that some retail and other property legislation can prevent the use or implementation of the ‘ratchet clause’. If in doubt see a good property solicitor. So these are some of the critical financial elements to look at when assessing a commercial Investment Property. Take time to analyse both the income and expenditure in the property before you making any final choices regards property price or acquisition. John Highman is a prominent investment real estate speaker and coach that helps real estate agents and real estate brokers globally to improve their commercial real estate market share and performance. He himself is a successful real estate agent that has specialised in commercial, industrial, and retail real estate of all types for over 30+ years.
Dusk is a story set, as the title suggests during Dusk, in a somber town. The protagonist of the story, which is narrated in a third-person perspective, is Norman Gortsby, a man who sees and reflects the hour in focus. 'If only you had begged I might have let you off But you are too clever by half! You think betraying your friends is cool? Remember! Treachery is the weapon of the fool.' All of us, the people of India are surely acquainted with the name “Panchatantra” and most of us have read Panchatantra fables in our childhood. It is believed to have been written by a great scholar knows as Pandit Vishnu Sharma. Let's get a quick idea about the most loved Panchatantra.
Grapher is a small utility included with Ansteron IDE which allows data samples from Ansteron Board to be plotted onto computer screen for monitoring or reviewing. A software library for Ansteron Board is also included. It handles low level protocol and provides simple functions for working with Grapher running on computer. Communication is based on Serial Interface. Grapher can run by itself or with Ansteron IDE. When Grapher is called from Ansteron IDE, a link is established which allows two software to share control of one Ansteron Board. Users then won't have to manually switch the board back and forth between them. Grapher can plot up to 8 graph lines at the same time. Each line is also called a channel and each have a different color by default. They are numbered from 1 to 8 and each of them needs to be activated to start showing except channel 1(activated by default). All channels have the same number of sample, which is the size in horizontal direction of the graph. Each time a sample is added to a channel, the graph shift to the right one sample. The oldest sample will be discarded and the new value will be plotted on the right side. If there is more than 1 channel activated and samples are added to only one channel, other channels will be written with zeros. A basic program running on Ansteron Board will follow these steps: - Initialize the connection with Grapher software. - Activate channels other than channel 1. - Start adding samples. The program can skip initialization if only channel 1 and default settings is used (1000 samples, max sample value is 1024). Setting up Serial Interface is still needed and the program can then send data at any time. Grapher will also skip initialization and start plotting as soon as samples are received. In this example, output of a potentiometer is connected to pin C0 (analog pin). Ansteron Board will read voltage value then add a sample to the graph every 25 millisecond. When the knob moving, the change of voltage level can be view on the graph. Below is Grapher streaming samples from Ansteron Board. One 0.1uF capacitor was added between output of the potentiometer and GND to filter noise, giving a smooth curve. The function will setup Serial Interface with default setting, and wait for Grapher software. Number of sample per channel and maximum sample value is also set. Function returns when the connection has been established and Grapher software is ready to receive samples. Note that the function will also send restart connection request every 500ms until a message is received from Grapher software. Add a sample into channel. If there are more samples in the buffer than its size, the oldest sample will be removed, the entire graph shift right 1 sample and the new value will be added. There are 8 possible channels, number from 1 to 8. Value of sample is 16bit integer. Activate a channel. Input channel is a value 1 to 8. Channel 1 is activated by default. Other channels needed to be activated before use. Turn of a channel when it's not in use. It's graph won't be plotted on the display. Set the size of buffer per channel. The default size is 1000 samples for each channel. Maximum buffer size is 65535(0xFFFF) samples (per channel). Set the maximum possible value of all samples. This number will be used when plotting the graphs. Set color for each channel. Each channel has a different default color and they can be changed with this function. RGB_color is a 32bit long value with the 3 low bytes are RGB values( Change background color to RGB_color. Input value is 32bit with 3 low bytes are RGB values(0x00RRGGBB); Show or hide grid. Giving zero will hide the grid. Any other value will make the grid show.
Affiliate Disclosure: We may earn commissions from purchases made through links in this post Pre-owned: An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully |Colour:||Rose & Yellow Gilt| |EAN:||Does not apply| Antique Pocket Watch Chain Tassel Fob 1890 Victorian Big Rose & Yellow Gilt Fob Collecting Antique And Vintage Pocket Watches An antique pocket watch is something other pieces of jewelry are not: it is timeless. Pocket watches would be the epitome that is very of. They emit quiet wide range and charm, and give their bearer distinction. Pocket watches are personal timepieces that can be carried around in one's pocket. They are strapless, and they sport usually displays that are analog. Though maybe not always a feature that is present silver pocket watches often have a hinged address to protect the watch face. Fobs or pocket watch chains are always present to secure the timepiece to a waistcoat, belt cycle, or lapel. Most antique pocket watches also provide fasteners made to be put through buttonholes and worn in a waistcoat or jacket. Kinds Of Pocket Watches Pocket watches could be any one of two types. The type that is first open-faced watches, or hunter-cased, often known as Savonette. The 2nd, and perhaps the many type that is common has a hinged front address that protects the crystal face of the watch. Typically, the stem or pendant of a Savonette is defined at its twelve o'clock position. The hunter's stem, on the other side, is put at the three o'clock position. Modern manufacturers of new pocket watches, however, are not bound by tradition, aside from the full cases they normally use. Sometimes, mechanism intended for modern wristwatches are being used in silver pocket watches nowadays. This is a trend virtually unheard of with the old, classic silver pocket watches. Pocket Watches on the Railroad The last half the 19th century saw a rise in railroading, along with the usage of silver pocket watches. Old pocket watches became a requirement for all railroad employees, for the reason that is sole of train wrecks. After a massive train wreck in Kipton, Ohio in 1891, railroad officials established an accuracy standard for railroad pocket watches. In 1893, stringent standards for silver pocket watches were adapted in railroading. Pocket Watches Today In present times, silver pocket watches have become collectors' things. a classic pocket watch is bound to bring in enthusiasts. Pocket watches have actually also dramatically increased in value. Despite their ordinary faces, railroad pocket watches are particularly appealing for the standard of their craftsmanship. You can find additionally a few vintage pocket watches worth mention. Today an Elgin pocket watch made 50 to 150 years ago can still be of practical use. These pocket watches are considered symbols of America's rise from an agricultural country to the powerful industrial country it is today. Waltham pocket watches were the first antique gold pocket watches to be mass produced, with the idea of producing silver pocket watches at a price that is affordable. Hamilton pocket watches are known due to their precision. In reality, most of their watches became the standard for railroad pocket watches. By 1923, 53 percent of the production was solely specialized in the manufacture of railroad pocket watches. Another antique pocket view worthy of mention would be the extremely rare and much sought-after Verge pocket watches. The pocket watch is a survivor. It survived the painful beginnings of the railroad system and is still used today, into the age and put of commercialism. Gorgeous, exquisite, and timeless, the pocket watch will soon be around for decades, perhaps even centuries, more.
related site Anzac Kids anzackids.com for online crosswords and other interactives in one place and easier student access The whole point of the landing of the ANZAC troops at Gallipoli was to help the British gain control of an area of water that would have enabled them to extend their transport routes. This crossword asks questions about that area of water and the ill-fated landing of the Anzacs at Gallipoli.
Recent stories have detailed sexual harassment and abuse in politics, business, and other areas of American life. People with autism and other disabilities are especially at risk. In The Politics of Autism, I write: People with disabilities are victims of violent crime three times as often as people without disabilities. The Bureau of Justice Statistics does not report separately on autistic victims, but it does note that the victimization rate is especially high among those whose disabilities are cognitive. A small-sample study of Americans and Canadians found that adults with autism face a greater risk of sexual victimization than their peers. Autistic respondents were more than twice as likely to say that had been the victim of rape and over three times as likely to report unwanted sexual contact.Click here for resources from RespectAbility Research suggests that women with disabilities are more likely to experience domestic violence, emotional abuse, and sexual assault than women without disabilities.1 Women with disabilities may also feel more isolated and feel they are unable to report the abuse, or they may be dependent on the abuser for their care. Like many women who are abused, women with disabilities are usually abused by someone they know, such as a partner or family member.In 2014, S. M. Brown-Lavoie, M. A. Viecili, and J. A. Weiss published an article in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders titled "Sexual Knowledge and Victimization in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders." The abstract of the study, which involved ASD people in Canada: There is a significant gap in understanding the risk of sexual victimization in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and the variables that contribute to risk. Age appropriate sexual interest, limited sexual knowledge and experiences, and social deficits, may place adults with ASD at increased risk. Ninety-five adults with ASD and 117 adults without ASD completed questionnaires regarding sexual knowledge sources, actual knowledge, perceived knowledge, and sexual victimization. Individuals with ASD obtained less of their sexual knowledge from social sources, more sexual knowledge from non-social sources, had less perceived and actual knowledge, and experienced more sexual victimization than controls. The increased risk of victimization by individuals with ASD was partially mediated by their actual knowledge. The link between knowledge and victimization has important clinical implications for interventions.
To participate and share your images, please join Bush Warriors Photo of the Day Contest group on Facebook, which you can access by clicking here (http://www.facebook.com/ “An Elephant Sized Itch” Photo Credit: Jacqueline Deely The African Bush Elephant (Loxodonta africana) or African Savanna Elephant is the largest land mammal on earth. African elephants, unlike their Asian relatives, are not easily domesticated. Slightly larger than the Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus), African Males can reach 13 feet (4 meters) in height, and weigh some 14,000 pounds (6,350 kilograms). The African variety can be found throughout sub-Saharan Africa and the rain forests of Central and West Africa. They can be identified by their larger ears that some say are in the shape of the African continent (the Asian Elephant has smaller, rounder ears). Elephant ears radiate heat to help them stay cool, but sometimes the African heat is too much even for them, and they must find a watering hole. Elephants are fond of water, and enjoy showering by sucking water into their trunks and spraying it all over themselves. Afterwards, they often spray their skin with a protective coating of dust (elephant sunblock/insect repellant). An elephant’s trunk is actually a long nose used for smelling, breathing, trumpeting, drinking, and grabbing things. They are herbivores, so the trunk comes in handy for grabbing foliage both high and low. The trunk alone consists of about 100,000 different muscles. African Elephants have two little finger like projections on the end of their trunk that facilitates them grabbing objects (Asian Elephants only have one). Elephants eat mostly roots, grass, fruit, and bark. Since their diet consists of such low calorie food, an adult elephant must consume a whole ton of it, up to 300 pounds (136 kilograms) of food in a single day! These giants rarely sleep, as they must constantly roam great distances foraging for the large quantities of food required to sustain their massive bodies. Both male and female African Elephants have tusks that they use to dig for food, water, and strip bark from the trees. Adult Males (bulls) also use these tusks to battle one another, and they tend to roam the wild on their own. Adult Female elephants (cows), however, live in family herds with their young. Elephants have a longer pregnancy than any other mammal, almost 22 months. Cows usually give birth to one calf every 2-4 years. Calfs are born weighing some 200 pounds (91 kilograms) and standing about 3 feet (1 meter) tall. The recent history of the Elephant is a bloody one. Unfortunately, over the years many elephants have been killed for their tusks, because they are made out of the highly valuable substance, ivory. This trade is illegal today, but it has not been completely eliminated, and some African elephant populations remain endangered. They are currently listed as threatened. To share your wildlife photos with the Bush Warriors community, go to our Photo of the Day Contest Facebook page and upload your shots today! All you need to do is upload them onto the wall. Please do not create new albums, but rather upload each photo on its own. Click here to view ALL of our Photo of the Day winners and for more information on the Bush Warriors Photo of the Day Contest. Enjoy the beauty of nature, just as it was intended to be! The Bush Warriors Photo of The Day Contest is brought to you in partnership with Creative Visions Foundation. Inspired by the life of Dan Eldon, a young Reuters photojournalist killed in Somalia in 1993, Creative Visions Foundation supports “Creative Activists” who use media and the arts to create positive change in the world. Vote for your favorite photo each week. The Bush Warriors Photo of The Week winner will go on to compete for the Bush Warriors Photo of the Month, and a chance to win a signed copy of Dan Eldon: Safari As a Way of Life of life.
The volume of air in which humans breathe (from 0 to 3 meters in height) is the place where warming, pollution and disease mingle, combine and reinforce each other. Breathing is now more deadly than smoke. The cost to public health is € 150 billion per year in the European Union and 4 billion in Switzerland. Covid-19 has brought to light the fact that where pollution is greatest, disease is most severe and deadliest. With each breath, in fact, the lungs are pierced by ultrafine particles, opening a royal route to viruses. To protect yourself from pandemics, you must also protect yourself from fine (PM2.5) and ultrafine (PM1) particles. To learn more about the pollution-virus relationship of the coronavirus: The Covid-19 can be caught by aerosols, that is to say even at a long distance from a source of the virus because the micro-droplets can remain suspended in the air of a closed space for several hours. to learn more about the transmission of the virus by aerosols: COVID-19 highlights the urgent need to tackle the problem of polluted air. This is why Catecar, after creating the first depolluting car, has designed a line of products producing depolluted and virus-free air, for individual and / or collective use.
The CCRI is part of a 16 pan-European consortium (from 13 countries) working on an EU Horizon 2020 project, “Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems (SURE-Farm). On 28th and 29th September 28th the SURE-Farm Project consortium partners will meet in Wageningen for the official kick-off meeting to discuss the work plan and timetable that will form the basis of the work to be carried out in the next four years. Mauro Vigani and Julie Urquhart will be representing the CCRI research team. To coincide with the meeting, the project has launched its official website, which gives full information about the project and which will be updated as the project progresses. SURE-Farm will analyse, assess and improve the resilience and sustainability of farms and farming systems in the EU. It aims to: - Improve the delivery of the policy framework to agricultural activity thus fostering its sustainability; - Provide farmers with better risk management tools; - Improve the resilience of the agricultural sector in coping with the risks it faces. The CCRI team is led by Mauro Vigani and includes Rob Berry, Damian Maye, Paul Courtney and Julie Urquhart. The CCRI team is involved in Work Packages 1,2,6 and 7, and it is task leader of tasks 2.2 and 3.3. Team members will build on their research work for the EU projects SUFISA, GLAMUR, SOLINSA and VALERIE. The work of the CCRI team focuses on farmers’ adaptive behaviour and learning capacity, the enabling environment for farms demographics and farm labour and the assessment of the capacity of the Common Agricultural Policy to enhance resilient and sustainable agriculture. A mixed quantitative and qualitative analytical approach will be used and large corporate farms in the East of England are being used as a case study.
– A little-read Great Book – Spenser’s social climbing – The messy composition – Disillusionment in the second half? – Personal and civic virtue Let’s Talk Carla – The broad strokes of Carla’s thesis – Female disappointment – Does Britomart ever find satisfaction? – Unspeakable disasters – The block of the patriarchy Let’s Talk Britomart – Is Britomart a feminist? – Gender bendin’ with Queen Elizabeth I – The Ally McBeal of the 16th century – An endemic problem to Renaissance epic? – What did Spenser intend? – Nathan brings his dissertation into it! – Religious tensions of the era – The sacramentality of marriage – Milton’s gender division – Boethius and the Fortunate Fall – The only thing you’ve read: Admit it! – Which church are you part of? – The Catholic scarlet woman The National Epic – A New Kind of St. George – Gloriana, the Faerie Queene – Prince Arthur – The anxieties of the empire Allegory and Critical Theory – Michial wrongly anticipates a cage match – Why allegory confuses Britomart – How emotion breaks it down – Allegory as inherently limiting – Authorial intent – Did Spenser fall backwards into a great book? – Allegory that creates a surplus of meaning – Back to the Holy Grail! – Is there a point of arrival? – What else in The Faerie Queene is worth your time? – Sir Guyon discovers the limits of classical virtue – The first buddy cop movie – False Florimell’s phony romance novel – Pyrochles sets himself on fire – The adventures of Belphoebe and Amoret – The Salvage Man’s nasty habits Why Should You Bother and How Should You Proceed? – The power of the poetry – A shameful reminder – Intangible meaning and beauty – Understanding the historical roots of our modern beliefs – Read it in a group – Positive frustration – C.S. Lewis’s strange mother issues – Stuff for the 11-year-old boys in our audience – White is a color, too—and the ambiguity of virtue – Another tiresome comparison to Moby-Dick Ariosoto, Ludovico. Orlando Furioso. Trans. Guido Waldman. New York: Oxford UP, 2008. Blanchot, Maurice. The Writing of the Disaster. Trans. Ann Smock. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1995. Boethius. The Consolation of Philosophy. Trans. Victor Watts. New York: Penguin, 1999. Candler, Peter M., Jr. “The Anagogical Imagination of Flannery O’Connor.” Christianity and Literature 60.1 (Autumn 2010): 11-33. Melville, Herman. Moby-Dick. New York: Norton, 2001. Milbank, John. Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2006. Milton, John. Paradise Lost. New York: Norton, 2004. Shakespeare, William. Othello. London: Arden, 1996. Spenser, Edmund. The Faerie Queene. New York: Penguin, 1979.
The Uffizi Gallery is a beautiful Medici collection that contains Italian and European masterpiece paintings. It is located in the Uffizi Palace (Palazzo degli Uffizi) and is the oldest museum in all of Europe. The Gallery is arranged in chronological order, starting from the XIII-century birth of the local painting and spanning until the Caraveggeschi School of 1600. Here you’ll find intricate Italian paintings as well as foreign world-famous masterpieces such as: “Spring” (La Primavera), “The Birth of Venus” (la Nascita di Venere) by Botticelli, works by Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rafael, and Titian (Tiziano). TICKETS: The gallery often hosts temporary exhibitions on fascinating topics (with an additional charge for admission). HOURS: Tuesdays to Sundays from 8:15 p.m. to 6:50 p.m. VISITED GUIDE COST: 50 €, per hours, at any time Questo post è disponibile anche in: Italian
In March 2016 Volvo recalled nearly 20,000 trucks because of a substantial defect with the steering. The defect is so significant that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration was urging owners to take affected vehicles out of service as soon as possible or face possible penalties, including being placed out of service. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration documents, the recall affects 2016-2017 VNL, VNX and VNM trucks. Some trucks may be missing a roll pin on the steering shafts, potentially disconnecting the lower steering shaft from the junction block. Additionally, the bolt connecting the upper steering shaft to the lower steering shaft may not have been properly tightened. Both situations can cause the steering shaft to separate. The recall also affected certain 2016-2017 Mack Titan trucks, according to an FMCSA safety recall alert. ow The U.S. Department of Transportation announced that the last of the nearly 16,000 U.S. heavy trucks voluntarily recalled earlier this year by Volvo Trucks North America for a serious steering defect have been identified and repaired, achieving an extraordinary 100% vehicle safety recall completion in a very short period of time. The recall was overseen by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in collaboration with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). “Over the last nine months, our USDOT team and Volvo Trucks have been laser-focused on protecting the motoring public by ensuring that every one of these recalled heavy trucks was identified and removed from our roadways until they were repaired,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. “This extraordinary effort, covering such a large number of vehicles, now with a confirmed 100 percent achievement of the safety recall, averted the risk of injury or death to not only the truck drivers, but also to everyone sharing the road.”
Date Palm primary school is an independent Islamic primary school that was established in 2012. It is privileged to provide a primary education to a community with a high demographic of muslims (Tower Hamlets); admist the very few Islamic schools that exist. Our school hosts over 200 children with a wide range of educational needs. Narrated Abdullah bin Amr(RA): A man asked Allah’s Messenger (SAW) “Which act in Islam is the best?” The Prophet (SAW) replied “To give food, and to greet those whom you know and those whom you do not know.” [Bukhari&Muslim] The Muslim was likened to the Date Palm due to the abundance of its goodness, the continuity of its shade, the goodness of its fruit and its presence throughout the year. Just like the Date Palm tree we want to cultivate children who can be fruitful wherever they are. Date Palm is an independent Muslim primary school located in Tower Hamlets, London.
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On Jan 24th – 26th, Goldsmiths Department of Computing, ran a Virtual Reality Hackathon weekend with HTC Vive. Participants were challenged to use VIVE hardware, including Software development kits like eye, lip and hand tracking to create an innovative virtual reality project. Meet some of the Goldsmiths student teams who wowed the judges with their unqiue and brilliant projects. Group 1: Active Listening Training in VR (aka the winners of the HTC Vive Hackathon 2020) “Our team had a very strong technical strength, with extensive knowledge in machine learning, VR and Unity development”Carlos Gonzalez Diaz What was the biggest challenge? For this group the biggest challenge was the use of eye tracking, as well as the additional challenge of adding experimental sensors together. This team experimented with movement, mouth, eye, fingers and EEG (brain electrical activity) trackers. Unfortunately EEG and finger trackers proved too difficult within the strict time restrictions so they dropped them. The team managed to successfully integrate movement, eye and mouth tracking into a machine learning model in the final prototype. What made the project unique? The combination of technologies the team used, paired with an interesting story line made the project stand out. The team used the InteractML machine learning tool, an interactive machine learning framework for Unity which was developed by Carlos and colleagues. The machine learning aspect eased the teams workload. What did they learn? Cristina Dobre said “I’ve learnt many things from taking part in this event but if I’d choose one, that would be integration-as-you-go. As the team members specialised in different areas and worked in parallel on various parts of the system, we managed to put everything together towards the very end of the event. This gave us only little time to test and fix integration bugs which made the final work very stressful (also given our sleep-deprived states). We managed to have a playable demo with most of the important parts working, but it would have been a much smoother process if the integration would have taken place throughout the development, even though each part might have been only partly finished “ Team members (from left to right in tweet above): Cristina Dobre, PhD Human Centered AI Characters in VR, Lili Eva Bartha, experienced Designer and Scientist, Claire Wu, PhD Neuroscience, Carlos Gonzalez Diaz, PhD Machine Learning for expressive interactions Group 2: VR Illusion This team was a group of Goldsmiths students, many of whom has just started to learn VR in October 2019. What were the teams strengths? The skills in the team were varied, Hankun’s knowledge of unity helped them to solve their biggest problem of using C# to set the relationship between the size and position of the object. Yaqi brought skills in 3D modelling, so could quickly create the models they needed. Chaojing is skilled with the storytelling and drawing, so could set the story of the game and draw assets they needed. Finally, Shuai Xu is experienced in user interface design and sourced the music for the project. How did the project relate studies at Goldsmiths? Chaojing Li said “For the production of virtual reality games, the sense of the presence of the player is essential, because I think the most important meaning of Virtual Reality is to give people an immersive experience. We think that if there is no such sense of presence, then VR games are no different from games on ordinary platforms. During last semester, in the “3D Virtual Environments and Animation” class, our teacher Xueni Pan and Marco Gillies explained a lot of theory about Virtual Reality and some related psychological knowledge. This gave us a preliminary understanding of how to create a sense of presence in the virtual environment.” What was the project? The group focused on virtual reality object interaction and eye tracking technology and how to combine the two to work together. In their programme cubes are thrown onto a mechanical belt like you would see in a factory, the user must stack the cubes onto each other, the challenge is that when the user looks directly at the area where the cubes are their vision is blocked, so they must use their peripheral vision to complete the task. What is unique about your project Nima Jamalian said “for our project we reversed the use of eye tracking technology. In majority of application that uses eye tracking the focus is on where user eyes are looking at however in our application we reversed it, the progamme checks if the player is not looking and only then the user can perform the task – so we sort of track where the player is not looking.”
Today's Info Policy News Protecting your children's privacy: The Facts WHO'S WATCHING YOUR CHILDREN? With the exact phrase With all of the words With at least one of the words Without these words Within these fields Date range limit No limit: Show me all items regardless of date captured. Limit the search to items added since this date. Item(s) found: 55 Privacy issues curb teen-driver rules Wednesday August 29 2007, 8:24 PM Chicago Tribune reports, "The law would have required school districts to submit information to the State Board of Education, detailing whether a student had been expelled, truant or who had dropped out of school. That information would then have been passed to Secretary of State Jesse White's office, which would have flagged the affected students and barred them from driving privileges. State education officials said they decided to delay enforcing the law after the U.S. Department of Education notified them that it violated the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act, said Matthew Vanover, a spokesman for the state board. 'They told us it would be a violation ... for that information to be shared with the secretary of state's office,' he added." Truancy could result in tickets Saturday August 18 2007, 7:59 PM Farmington Press reports, "The absence policy is on a semester basis. After three absences, a letter is sent to the parents about the school attendance policy. This letter is sent out automatically to those students who have missed that number of days, even if they have a doctor’s excuse. 'There is a contact number to call on the letter. Many times, parents who have received this first letter will call and say they have sent doctor’s excuses,' said Swinarski. 'They should not worry — if they’ve called, then that means they’re doing what they should do.' She explained this also gives parents an opportunity to perhaps let the district know about a certain health issue a child may have that can keep them from attending school. 'We can help them in whatever way they may need (after reviewing the case),' she said. A letter is also sent when a student has six absences in a semester. At seven absences, more steps are put into place. 'When a student reaches that seventh day, a letter is sent to the parents saying that anymore absences over that number would not allow the student to make up the work. We send out a date and time for a meeting that we would like to discuss this with them,' said Burch." Grant aids districts to keep kids in school Monday July 23 2007, 8:50 AM Troy Record reports, "Goodwin [superintendent of the Lansingburgh School District] said the effort began as a look at issues affecting youth, which touched on the correlation between crime and young people, and then gradually narrowed its focus to keeping kids in school. 'There's a lot of issues that go into truancy - sometimes it's family structure, sometimes it's the child's education level, sometimes it's substance abuse or mental health issues that aren't being addressed,' Riegert said. 'Sometimes there's a perception by the child that there's no one who really cares if they go to school." Mary Capabianca, who is in her third year as assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction in the Troy district, concurred. She says reasons for truancy can include a lack of hope on the part of a student, or alternately a sense of obligation to help out their families during tough times.'" Smaller schools work well in NYC Sunday July 15 2007, 12:33 PM Murray B. Light, former editor of The Buffalo News opines, "Truancy, discipline problems, substance abuse and gang involvement show great improvement. The level of student activity in extracurricular school also is much higher and more varied in the small schools than in the larger ones. The report also shows that student attendance was better in the smaller schools and that a smaller percentage of students dropped out of the smaller schools than the larger ones." Principals respond to truant sweep Wednesday June 20 2007, 3:11 PM Maryland Gazette reports, "The law states that starting in October, students will have to present their school attendance records to the Motor Vehicle Administration to get a driver's permit. Students under the age of 16 with more than 10 unexcused absences in the prior school semester will not be allowed to get a permit." School is fine - for teachers Wednesday June 20 2007, 9:20 AM Denver Post columnist Al Knight opines, "Skepticism is the only appropriate response to news that the Denver Public Schools will hold principals and teachers more accountable for low student attendance." New Illinois truancy law clashes with federal law Sunday June 17 2007, 11:41 PM "Another new law is coming that could further drive down truancy rates in Rockford schools. It threatens something that many teenagers hold dear: their driver’s licenses." "Starting July 1, the new state law requires Illinois school districts to report chronic and habitual truants to Secretary of State Jesse White. Students on the list will not be allowed to obtain a learner’s permit or driver’s license until they are 18, unless the School District certifies that the applicant has resumed regular school attendance. Rockford School District attorney Stephen Katz raises one concern with the new law — another law, called the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act, prohibits sharing student records without parental permission to all but a select group of agencies." Kids don't drop out all of the sudden Sunday June 17 2007, 11:51 AM Roanoke Times opines, "Addison's reward system proves that dangling carrots does work by giving students an incentive to learn beyond the satisfaction of earning good grades. But so too must schools, starting in the primary grades, use sticks to compel attendance. This means diligently tracking down absentees, talking with the parents, hounding them and, if necessary, taking enforcement action. If Roanoke can get kids coming to school, it stands a better chance of keeping them in school." State toughens its penalties for school truancy Sunday June 17 2007, 10:41 AM Mainetoday.com reports, "Parents of [Maine] elementary schoolchildren will face larger fines and more intervention from the state if their children miss a lot of school, under a bill passed by the House and Senate this week." Anti-truancy efforts begin to pay off for Rockford Tuesday June 12 2007, 9:41 AM Rockford Register opines, "Truancy court may seem harsh, but it is not nearly as harsh as life without a good education. Kids who go to school regularly get better grades. Students who enjoy success at school are more likely to graduate. Teens who graduate are more likely to get better jobs and earn more money to support themselves and their families. Truant students are three times more likely to turn to crime than those who attend school regularly. We have a new jail for those students, but would rather see them turn their lives around than become guests at the criminal justice complex." Truants dent Texas wallet Tuesday June 12 2007, 9:11 AM Galveston Daily News reports, "Truant students will cost Galveston public school district thousands of dollars in state money this year, a Region IV consultant told trustees last week. School districts receive funding based on average daily attendance. Records show that Galveston Independent School District’s absenteeism rate was so high in 2006-07 that, on average, each student missed 9.9 days during the year, said Jim Vinson, who conducted an audit on the district’s public education information management system (PEIMS) reports." Ottumwa, IOWA school parents peeved over policy Thursday May 24 2007, 8:19 AM The Ottumwa Courier reports, "The district’s attendance policy, which went district-wide the first day of this school year, allows a virtually unlimited amount of 'excused' absences approved by a doctor or school nurse. Parents can only keep a child out six days without proof. After six 'unexcused' absences, the district starts sending letters stressing the importance of attendance. Successive letters contain stronger, more insistent language. If those do not work, the district orders an attendance hearing with the parents. If ignored, they can bring in the county attorney. 'These are threats and strong-arm tactics that are going to alienate parents,' Runkle claims." New Mexico Youth Task Force assesses student needs Friday May 18 2007, 8:44 PM Cibola County Bureau reports, "The meeting of the new Community Task Force, formed to deal with the growing problems of truancy and violence in the schools, got underway Wednesday morning at the Coyote del Malpais Golf Course. The purpose of the task force, which includes representatives from different agencies in the community, is to formulate programs to help keep kids in school, and to deal with the problems they have in society." Section 3213 - Chapter 16, Title IV, Article 65, Part I -- Supervisors of attendance; attendance teachers; attendance officers; appointment, compensation, powers and duties Monday May 14 2007, 9:39 PM Truancy Reduction: Keeping Children in School Sunday May 13 2007, 5:47 PM By Myriam L. Baker, Jane Nady Sigmon, and M. Elaine Nugent. Habitual Truancy: Examples of State Definitions Sunday May 13 2007, 9:01 AM For the most part, compulsory attendance laws do not specify the number of times a student must be truant before sanctions (also part of the compulsory attendance laws) are enforced. This ECS StateNote provides examples of states where truancy and habitual truancy are defined at the state level. (Kyle Zinth, Education Commission of the States, April 2005) Truancy News and Reports Archives Saturday May 12 2007, 6:17 PM Education New York online "truancy" news and reports archives. Re-Engaging Youth in School: Evaluation of the Truancy Reduction Demonstration Project Saturday May 12 2007, 5:46 PM National Center for School Engagement, August 10, 2006. "The following data reflect all seven demonstration sites in the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Truancy Prevention project. These sites are located in Suffolk County, New York; Contra Costa, California: Tacoma and Seattle, Washington; Houston, Texas; Honolulu, Hawaii; and Jacksonville, Florida. The purpose of collecting these data was to identify the intervention population and track truant students’ progress. The first set of tables is the aggregate of these seven sites from the projects inception to July 21, 2006. Following these data are the individual site reports. This report includes the following information: • Students Served • Ethnicity of Students • Grades of Students • Age of Students • Gender of Students • IEP status • Discipline Problems • Involvement with Juvenile Justice • Primary Care Giver • Income Eligibility Status • Students who live in home with only one adult • Students who have no working adult in the home • Average Number of children in the home • Unexcused Absences over Time • Excused Absences over Time • Tardies over Time • Days of In-School Suspensions • Days of Out-of-School Suspensions • Overall Academic Performance (over time)" "The overarching goal of truancy prevention is obviously to improve attendance and this effort was successful. In general, while excused daily absences did not change appreciably, unexcused daily absences fell dramatically and tardies declined. Period absences did not change linearly and therefore a meaningful trend isn’t apparent. Of the sites that reported enough update data, the most successful sites were Jacksonville and Honolulu. These sites primarily targeted parents because the target student population were elementary students. All sites had less information for students across time. One reason for this may be that students who no longer needed intervention were no longer tracked. Thus, reported improvements may actually be smaller than what actually occurred." " In general, the elementary-level truancy issues may be easier to deal with because the children are not 'deep-end' yet and the parents are the primary focus. Older truants are likely to have more challenges and thus may require more intensive services." Truancy Intervention Project (TIP) Saturday May 12 2007, 5:41 PM The Truancy Intervention Project ("TIP") was developed in 1991 by former Fulton County Juvenile Court Chief Judge Glenda Hatchett and Terry Walsh, then President of the Atlanta Bar Association. Its objective is to provide an early, positive intervention with children reported as truants. Recognizing the need for a private sector partner to further provide for the children in the Project, Kids In Need of Dreams, Inc. was formed in 1993 to coordinate the efforts of the Truancy Intervention Project by recruiting and training attorney and non-attorney volunteers and facilitating utilization of community resources. After 14 years, in October 2005, this founding identity was dropped and the organization adopted the name Truancy Intervention Project Georgia. Education reform meets truancy head on Thursday May 10 2007, 9:42 AM On Board Online • Volume 6 • No. 17 • October 10, 2005. "While truancy is an age-old problem, the number of students cutting school increased 61 percent between 1989 and 1998, according to the Colorado Foundation for Families and Children. And truancy is blamed for high juvenile crime rates. In cities with aggressive truancy programs, juvenile crime rates have dropped considerably, 68 percent in Minneapolis alone." School truancy bill moving forward Thursday May 03 2007, 10:26 PM MaineCoastNow.com reports, "Under the federal No Child Left Behind Act, attendance is one of the markers measuring how well a school is doing overall. Some Augusta schools have been cited for not meeting that standard." ACLU Urges Rhode Island Supreme Court to Review Truancy Courts Thursday May 03 2007, 9:32 AM The American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island today asked the state Supreme Court to review a case that raises fundamental questions about the procedures used by so-called “truancy courts” that prosecute students who are absent from school. The ACLU filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case arguing that essential due process safeguards are absent from the operation of these courts, which have become increasingly prevalent in public schools across the state. “The ACLU is very concerned about the increasing numbers of parents and children pulled into the truancy court system,” said Amy Tabor, an ACLU cooperating attorney and author of today’s brief. “Some school districts treat children as truant whenever they arrive at school a few minutes late, even though their lateness has resulted in only a few minutes of missed homeroom.” Officials to revisit truancy program Wednesday May 02 2007, 8:46 AM Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports, "Deputy Mayor Patty Malgieri said Tuesday that city and school officials will begin work next week to retool a truancy program that has struggled in its first year. 'Kids can't learn if they're not in their seats,' she said. Truancy feeds the city's dropout and unemployment rates, officials say, which connect to crime, poverty and other issues." Keeping Kids in the Classroom Tuesday May 01 2007, 10:52 AM Washington Post reports, "The problem of truancy has drawn widespread attention this year, prompting some area lawmakers to call for tough measures to keep track of the most habitual offenders and leading school officials to crack down on those who constantly skip class. In its recently concluded session, the Maryland General Assembly passed a measure that would make it possible to deny driver's licenses to students who have too many unexcused absences. Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) is expected to sign it. During the same session, some lawmakers in Prince George's proposed strapping ankle bracelets on students to electronically monitor the whereabouts of those who constantly skip school. That bill did not advance. But the county's police announced April 11 that they had caught 425 truants in a crackdown that began in February." We can stem truancy with community effort Wednesday April 25 2007, 9:53 AM Indianapolis Star opines, "Gaylon Nettles, the state [Indiana] Department of Education's chief attendance officer, is right in noting that neither parents nor schools can stem truancy on their own. It will take a strong community effort to keep children on the path to improving their educational and economic destinies. A battle with absentees Monday April 23 2007, 11:08 AM Indianapolis Tribune opines, "Changing the pattern of poor attendance must start with parents, who must take the time to ensure that their children are in school each day. But school districts, police and the community as a whole also have vital roles to play in holding students and their parents accountable. At a time when a good education has never been more important for economic stability, the high truancy rates that plague Wayne Township and other school districts are intolerable. Missing school may well translate into young people missing opportunities to graduate, land good jobs and secure their future." Should teen mothers be held to truancy standards? Saturday April 14 2007, 8:49 PM A Shrewdness of Apes blog: "Well, here's an interesting dilemma: Well, here's an interesting dilemma: A 16-year-old student who claims in a lawsuit that her school district discriminated against her because she is a teen mother has missed 211 days of school over the last four years, according to officials in the Harrisburg area school district. A 16-year-old student who claims in a lawsuit that her school district discriminated against her because she is a teen mother has missed 211 days of school over the last four years, according to officials in the Harrisburg area school district." Who Cares About Truancy in Seattle Public High Schools? Wednesday April 11 2007, 8:15 PM Truancy is not exactly a new problem, and the literature abounds with approaches to increasing school attendance. Student claims school discriminates against her as a teen mom Saturday April 07 2007, 9:14 AM Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports, "According to the complaint, A.C. has missed a number of school days to care for her child. Some of those absences are because she had to take the boy to doctor's appointments, she claims. Other times, if her mother cannot watch her son, she has no other available child care. But the school district has ruled that those absences are unexcused and, therefore, its officials believe A.C. and her mother are guilty of violating state truancy laws. The school district has filed charges against A.C. four times and against her mother five times, according to the lawsuit." Los Angeles Unified is counting its truants Wednesday March 21 2007, 10:10 AM LA Times reports, "Although the Los Angeles Unified School District has ramped up its efforts to keep students in school, a new report shows that thousands are still skipping class routinely, and the problem is rampant in a few low-performing schools. The report is the first in what is intended as a series of monthly accounts that will track truancy and absenteeism in every middle and high school in the district — something that has not been done in such a systematic way before. The information is considered critical because students typically begin skipping school sporadically before dropping out altogether. L.A. Unified is trying to tackle a dropout rate that is officially 24.1% but has been estimated at close to double that." Maryland Moves To Tie Teens' Truancy to Licenses Friday March 16 2007, 8:57 AM Washington Post reports, "Maryland lawmakers issued a tough warning to teenagers yesterday: no school, no car keys. The House of Delegates approved a bill that would deny driver's licenses to students with 10 or more unexcused absences in the previous calendar year. A similar measure passed the Senate Judiciary Committee late yesterday, and it appears to have wide support in the full chamber." Long View HS truancy cases piling up Sunday March 11 2007, 7:22 AM The News-Journal (Texas) reports, "According to state law, a student is truant upon having 10 unexcused absences in a school year. Absences are considered excused when they are due of health reasons or school-related activities, according to Jennifer Scott, LISD assistant superintendent. Each unexcused absence equals about $12 in lost state funds to the school district, Scott said. Truancy cases thus far have amounted to more than $70,000 lost by the district, which has a total budget of more than $50 million." ANTIOCH: STUDENTS CITED, TAKEN TO SCHOOL IN TRUANCY SWEEP Friday March 09 2007, 8:47 AM cbs reports, "According to police, statistical data has shown that high rates of truancy are directly linked to daytime criminal behavior and that truant students are more prone to drop out of school." Pennsylvania calls for tougher tactics to tackle truancy Thursday March 08 2007, 11:17 AM Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports, "From warning letters to parents to hauling kids before the local magistrate, school districts in Pennsylvania long have had ways to deal with students who habitually skip school. But state education officials now are asking school officials to dig a little deeper to get to the root of chronic truancy and devise a plan to fix the problem." New York City Schools Truancy Letter Wednesday March 07 2007, 1:10 PM As the 2006-2007 school year begins we would like to wish all of our students a successful and productive year. We would also like to take this opportunity to provide important information about our continuing truancy reduction effort, which begins on the end of September 2006. The truancy program, known as TRACK in Brooklyn and Staten Island and PACT in Queens and Manhattan, is a cooperative venture among the New York City District Attorneys’ Offices, the New York City Police Department, the New York City Department of Education and the Police Athletic League. The purpose of the program is to reduce truancy and to keep students safe and in school during regular school hours. Schools cut truancy by half Wednesday March 07 2007, 9:20 AM Savannah Morning News reports, "In addition to showing up for the tests and performing well, a school's pass-fail rate can hinge on attendance, according to Dana Tofig, a spokesman for the Georgia Department of Education. 'If students aren't in school, they probably are not keeping up with schoolwork and they are less likely to do well on curriculum exams,' Tofig said. 'Attendance can directly impact AYP, but it's also something school systems can focus on with a great deal of success.' Lockamy said he isn't just satisfied with simply ensuring students are in their desks each day. He wants to know why students stray from the classroom in the first place." New York City Department of Education Attendance Services Monday March 05 2007, 9:17 PM The Office of Attendance is responsible for the oversight of attendance policies, procedures and programs for New York City public school students. This includes the development and implementation of attendance guidelines and procedures, provision of on-going technical assistance and support and collaboration with outside agencies and organizations on attendance-related issues. The office also serves as a resource to the community and the public-at-large. In addition, the office is responsible for: Employment Certification; Attendance Improvement and Dropout Prevention (AIDP) Programs; Truancy Prevention Programs (TRACK, PACT); and home schooling. Maryland truancy bill offers no real solutions Friday February 23 2007, 7:54 AM Maryland Gazette.net reports, "The truancy problem is an urban or inner city problem as a result of failed education policies. It begs the question, why we do not understand that our kids know what they need and what they want? Why are we punishing them for a system that has failed? Why are we not including the truancy offenders at the table to address the problem and solutions? Why are we not engaging our parents, churches, community, social workers and nonprofits to help us solve this problem? We have stripped our schools of vocational training, our county lacks a performing arts center and we do not have state-of-the-art technology training centers. In addition, our schools are overcrowded and many of our children are becoming frustrated when they cannot get the extra help needed to stay on pace. We have failed to provide positive alternatives to the truancy problem." Local Pennsylvania school board debating truancy Thursday February 22 2007, 10:56 AM Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports, "School districts across the state have been mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to come up with policies dealing with chronic truancy and tardiness. The new mandates address the Federal No Child Left Behind outcomes, which include attendance records as well as measures for math and reading." Success at fighting truancy to cost local Illinois county Sunday February 04 2007, 1:11 PM Daily Chronicle reports, "Every three years the regional superintendent's office applies for a grant to the Illinois State Board of Education to fund its DeKalb County Truancy Intervention Program. This year's budget was $119,000, which provides funding for three outreach workers. Beckwith said she expects the grant next year will be 10 percent less. A child is considered a chronic truant if he has missed 18 days in 180 school days." Caney Valley (Oklahoma) implements truancy program Thursday January 11 2007, 9:46 AM Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise reports, "The team sets up a plan with the parents — to decrease absences and tardiness — and closely monitors the attendance of the child to be sure that the plan is being followed." Truancy can spell trouble for Colorado parents Wednesday December 27 2006, 10:52 AM Cortez Journal reports, "'Parents may be surprised to hear that if they do not support their children in their education and their children account for too many unverified absences, the parents could face hefty fines and could go to jail. 'Truant' is defined by Webster's II New Riverside Dictionary as 'one who avoids doing work or fulfilling a duty, especially one who is absent from school without permission.' Under this definition and the No Child Left Behind Act signed by President Bush in 2002, which calls for every child not only to be enrolled in school but also to pass achievement tests, truant would include not only students who do not attend school, but also those who don't complete their schoolwork and receive below-average grades." Tough truancy rules sought Monday December 18 2006, 7:41 AM Baltimore Sun reports, "Board members [Howard County, Maryland] were told that truant students could face consequences that include community service, counseling, substance abuse evaluation and treatment, mental health evaluation and treatment, a curfew and loss of driving privileges. The Howard County truancy court would be based on a model used in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties. However, unlike that model, which applies only to students 15 and younger, the Howard County court would apply to students 12 and older." Teachers are truant, too, Philadelphia reform commissioner says Thursday December 07 2006, 8:13 AM Philadelphia Inquirer reports, "With 10 percent of students absent on any given day, and the mayor and a school chief pledging to hire 400 new truancy officers, there's plenty of attention on a student attendance problem in the Philadelphia School District. But at yesterday's School Reform Commission meeting, Commissioner Daniel Whelan suggested that teacher attendance deserves some of the spotlight, too." Philadelphia parents get mass truancy warning Friday December 01 2006, 8:17 AM Philadelphia Daily News reports, "Letters telling parents it is their duty to make their children attend school - and warning that failure to do so could result in fines or jail time - went to thousands of homes of children ages 12 to 14. Some protested, saying they couldn't make their kids go to school. Others complained that they had sent letters giving legitimate reasons for absences and been summoned unfairly." Children and parents were asked to sign a "Family School Attendance Agreement." Tennessee Gov. Bredesen focuses on education for legacy Friday December 01 2006, 8:02 AM The City Paper reports, "While additional funding for urban school systems has been discussed for years, Bredesen is backing two new education initiatives to help high school students graduate. The governor wants to add truancy officers in all of the state’s 400 public high schools to improve attendance and, hopefully, result in more high school students graduating." Gov. Bredesen may devote about $25 million more to continue to expand pre-K in the state’s next budget. Pennsylvania urging districts to get tough on school-skippers Monday November 27 2006, 7:53 AM Post Gazette reports, "The state said the recommendations came from a Statewide Task Force on School Attendance and Truancy Reduction. Because federal and state performance standards require growing percentages of students to post gains on math and reading tests, the state considers truancy a growing concern. Dr. Cupples said the Pittsburgh district will send parents a letter to explain the policy changes, remind them of their obligations under the state's compulsory attendance law and outline the penalties violators face. For repeated violations, parents face $300 fines, jail sentences, parenting classes and even the possibility of having their children placed in foster care. But the state says it wants to deal with truancy in the school whenever possible." $3 million drive targets truancy: Philadelphia schools would add 400 parent officers to tackle 18% absenteeism. Thursday November 16 2006, 3:52 AM Philadelphia Inquirer reports, "Among the other efforts in the truancy blitz: more sweeps to round up students, an expansion of after-school programs to serve 27,000 additional children, the tripling of the number of children and families served by counselors, and the tripling of parent-education classes for parents of truants. District officials estimate that 32,000, or 18 percent, of the city's 180,000 public schoolchildren, are illegally absent on any given day. Last school year, 80,000 missed eight or more days." Maryland court program brings truancy improvements Tuesday November 07 2006, 7:48 AM The Daily Times reports, "In its third and possibly final year, the truancy reduction pilot program seeks to understand and intervene in the underlying issues that keep children from school, said Christen Niskey, program coordinator for the truancy court effort in Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester county public schools. The intervention strategies range from counseling to medical support services, she said." Parental involvement key to a child's school success Sunday October 29 2006, 8:49 PM Bay News 9 reports, "School district [Polk County, Florida] officials said classroom teaching is not enough. Parents are an integral part of the education process. So, the school board just approved nearly $250,000 in funding to hire outreach facilitators. Their job will be to talk to parents about homework, testing and truancy." Crack down on school truancy Friday October 13 2006, 10:31 AM Sun-Times News reports, "The ordinance provides for 'investigatory detention,' meaning a police officer may stop and detain a person whom the officer reasonably suspects to be violating the ordinance for the purpose of verifying the detained person's identity, age, school enrollment and authority to be absent from school. The subject shall be promptly released upon verification of authorization to be absent from school." Officials help cut truancy rate in half: Local Wisconsin city leaders, schools, community collaborate Saturday September 16 2006, 10:47 AM Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports, "In two years, the Racine Unified School District has lowered its truancy rate from 21.7% to 9%, prompting state schools Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster to offer more financial support for the community and to proclaim Racine as the 'resource and model for others around the state' as programs to curb school-skipping expand to Madison, Kenosha, Janesville and Beloit." Kentucky schools will compete in attendance Monday September 11 2006, 2:03 PM The Cincinnati Post reports, "Decades ago, rounding up kids cutting school was the job of the police truancy officer. It's an image best captured in the famous Norman Rockwell painting of the officer sitting at a diner counter next to a young boy who appears to be set to run away from home. Rockwell was so 20th-century. Today, Newport Independent Schools is the only district in Kentucky to track truants electronically and with lightning-speed." Upcoming school year for California state controlled district will focus on student achievement, budget Tuesday August 15 2006, 8:17 PM Times-Herald reports, "Getting tough on truancy, plus more remedial classes at middle and high schools are some of what's in store as the Vallejo school district enters its third school year under state control." Norwalk Proposes Eviction for Truancy Saturday July 08 2006, 9:20 PM NY Times registration required. NY Times reports, "If their children repeatedly play hooky from school, residents of Norwalk's public housing complexes could be evicted under regulations proposed by the Norwalk Housing Authority." Back to Top of Page
Views:1 Author:Site Editor Publish Time: 2018-03-14 Origin:Site The key to replace aluminum electrolytic capacitors with thin film capacitors is price. If the film capacitor with rated voltage of 700V can be used to replace the aluminum electrolytic capacitor, the capacitance of 1F ~ 2F per RMB can be replaced. Some capacitor manufacturers believe that the price of each RMB 2F is absolutely impossible to manufacture, and some capacitor manufacturers think that after careful calculation, it is possible to achieve. Such a solution would be better if there was sufficient capacity and the price was close to or lower than that of aluminum electrolytic capacitors. When it is necessary to replace aluminum electrolytic capacitor with thin film capacitor, it should be replaced by small capacity replacement ratio. The scheme of replacing aluminum electrolytic capacitor with 5-film capacitor The biggest obstacle to replacing aluminum electrolytic capacitors with thin film capacitors is the price of thin film capacitors. If the capacitor is replaced by one to one, it is certainly not realistic in price. From the above analysis, we can know that the poly-phase rectifier output filter capacitor is no longer a smooth function, but a DC bus power bypass, so long as the capacity can meet the requirements of the power bypass. As a matter of fact, the capacity requirement of DC busbar power bypass is not as large as that of aluminum electrolytic capacitor, which leads to the poor current bearing capacity of aluminum electrolytic capacitor, and the reason that ESR is relatively high. Because the capacitor filter of three-phase bridge rectifier is actually DC support, DC-Link or DC busbar bypass capacitor. The key to this problem is whether the current bearing capacity of the filter capacitor meets the requirements. Manufacturers of thin film capacitors have produced corresponding metallized polypropylene film capacitors.
Technology has come a long way to travel the world in recent years in particular as if there is corporate travel planning. Since the advent of Internet, phone, laptops and all applications, and an experienced travel sites that link all of these are available, trips easier. After planning the trip easier, they are jumping in technology, much of the journey itself is concerned, especially when it comes to the airport. You will know about high-tech scanners, a new scanning technology, the whole body as well as online booking engines and how to plan it and book your flight reservation, and then go through the airport much easier for most people. These are a part of corporate travel planning for comfortable flight. Once you get into the air, the incredible technological progress is more visible to themselves and those around them. Create new applications for smart phones and the internet is as easy as clicking on the button put the tip in the air, and a few seconds, you have control over the plane, and the estimated time of arrival, and a map showing where you can see the planes fly in real time. This trend is particularly helped reduce the time actually spent in the airport, but other programs can help you find your way when you actually get to the airport. Corporate travel planning also discuss about the programs, terminals, parking lots, to provide traffic reports, maps, say where you’ll find food, drink, bathroom, and much further back, which is available at click of a button. With this technology, you might think that the personal aspect of the trip would not be practically available, but a visit to see the plane and you will see that actually, despite all this technology, people still need many other aspects of travel.
Topic: Cyber Bullying Hurts: How to Prevent & Respond Recording date: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 2:00 pm Central Daylight Time (GMT -05:00, Chicago) Panelist Information: Dr. Patricia W. Agatston Duration: 58 mins Description: This web conference will address the following questions: · What is cyber bullying and why should schools address it? · How does cyber bullying affect students and their ability to learn? · What can be done to prevent it? · How do we intervene and help students who have been cyber bullied, or who have cyber bullied others? · What are effective school-wide approaches?
The Hawaii Law Enforcement Coalition has introduced a six-bill legislative package designed to fight illegal drugs, expedite the prosecution of felonies, reform Hawaii’s sentencing laws, allow public access to sex offender registration records, and deter public corruption. The Hawaii Law Enforcement Coalition is comprised of the Chief of Police of each county, the Prosecuting Attorney of each county, and the Attorney General of the State of Hawaii. The members of the Hawaii Law Enforcement Coalition support a broad range of bills that further the goals of law enforcement and help to try to restore balance to a criminal justice system in which that balance has been lost. However, only six bills are included in the actual legislative package. Each bill in the package must have the unanimous support of the entire Law Enforcement Coalition before it can be included in the package, and thus, each and every bill in the Law Enforcement Coalition legislative package is supported by every Chief of Police in the state, it is supported by every Prosecuting Attorney in the state, and it is supported by the Attorney General of the State of Hawaii. ”The following bills comprise the Law Enforcement Coalition 2004 legislative package:” *”1. Information Charging (A Bill for an Act Relating to Criminal Procedure, SB 2861, HB 2386)” – The purpose of this bill is to implement the unanimous recommendation made by the task force created by the legislature in Act 190 of the 2003 legislative regular session. The task force recommendation is that information charging for certain class B and class C felonies be authorized and recommends the charging procedures set forth in this bill. Under current criminal procedures, felony cases must be initiated in one of two ways. A felony charge must be presented to either a grand jury or a district court judge for a hearing to determine if there is sufficient probable cause to require the defendant to be arraigned in circuit court for the charge. In 2002, the Hawaii Constitution was amended to allow for a third way to initiate felony charges. This bill would implement the procedures necessary to add “information charging” as a third means of initiating a felony charge. It would allow particular class B and class C felonies to be initiated by the procedures that are set forth in the bill. This bill will have a beneficial effect on the public because it will allow the majority of felony cases to be prosecuted without the need for witnesses to testify on multiple occasions. The need to testify on multiple occasions is both traumatic and expensive for the typical citizen witness. This bill will also save the taxpayers large amounts of money. The taxpayers currently spend large amounts of money paying for the preliminary hearings and grand jury hearings that require police overtime pay and other expenditures by courts, police, prosecutors, and public defenders. This bill would eliminate the need for most of these hearings. *”2. Sentencing Reform (A Bill For an Act Relating to Crime, SB 2844, HB 2369) – The purpose of this bill is to reform the sentencing laws of Hawaii.” The problem of recidivism has plagued Hawaii for many years and continues to be a concern under current sentencing provisions. Far too often, criminals and their attorneys have manipulated our system of justice, with the net result being the creation of a revolving door of crime, followed by arrest, minor sanctions, release, and more crime. Hawaii’s citizenry and police are fed up with this revolving door. This bill is designed to end the revolving door by increasing the penalties for those who commit crime after crime. These changes will deter some repeat offenders. For those who are not deterred and insist on becoming a “one-man-crime-wave,” the bill provides protection for our citizens and their property by incapacitating these recidivist criminals through incarceration. *”3. Amendment to allow drug interdiction using the “Walk and Talk” technique (A Bill For an Act Proposing an Amendment to Article I of the Constitution of the State of Hawaii, SB 2851, HB 2376)” – The purpose of this bill is to allow police and prosecutors to obtain and use evidence derived from two valuable drug interdiction investigative techniques commonly known as “walk and talk” and “knock and talk.” This bill would initiate the process necessary to pass a constitutional amendment designed to remove the judicially created ban on the use of evidence obtained directly or indirectly from consensual conversations between law enforcement officers and other persons. Due to judicial rulings, two investigative techniques, commonly known as “walk and talk” and “knock and talk” cannot be used in Hawaii. These are valuable investigative techniques used in many other jurisdictions for the purpose of interdicting drugs. Hawaii can no longer afford to hobble law enforcement efforts to prevent the importation of drugs. This amendment would, in effect, adopt the rulings of the United States Supreme Court on this issue. Therefore, the rights of Hawaii’s residents and visitors would still be well protected by the United States Constitution, but law enforcement officers would be bound by federal court rulings, rather than the current, and extremely restrictive, Hawaii court rulings. This amendment will have a beneficial effect on the public because it will provide more protection from the importation of illegal drugs. If our constitution is amended as provided by this bill, the Hawaii constitution will be amended in a way that allows Hawaii’s law enforcement agencies to be far more effective at keeping illegal drugs and illegal drug dealers off our streets, but it will do so in a way that still provides for every single constitutional protection afforded to every accused person under the United States Constitution. *”4. Electronic Surveillance (A Bill For an Act Relating to Electronic Surveillance, SB 2845, HB 2370)” – The purpose of this bill is to repeal Hawaii’s outdated electronic surveillance statute and to make Hawaii’s electronic surveillance laws compatible with the federal laws on electronic surveillance. With the recent increase in methamphetamine use, and after the terrorist attacks on the east coast, it has become apparent that Hawaii law enforcement officials will need statutory authorization to conduct electronic surveillance. While, in theory, that statutory authority already exists, in practice, Hawaii
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