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Points That You Ought To Know In Order To Make Education Fun Again If you are a parent who prefers their kid’s homeschooling or even going to public schools or private schools it is important for these you to notice that sometimes it is important to note that your child’s lifetime it reaches a time whereby they end up falling out of love with learning. Such things are usually caused by different factors that a parent should pay attention to. Below are some points that will help you when it comes to making education fun again. It is usually advisable that you ensure that When you are talking about education you make sure that you talk about it in a fun way. When it comes to how you are talking about education and your attitude toward it Note that it plays a major role when it comes to making a difference in your child’s education. Always ensure that you are excited when it comes to learning new things Cause that is what they will copy exactly that from their parents. Never forget to make an example by ensuring that you continue your education, it does not necessarily mean that you ought to go back to school just ensure that you stay curious, read books at all times and set a good example. Parents that usually advised to ensure that they invest the ready when it comes to buying stationery for their children. This idea is well known to be quite simple and an effective way of making more about learning fun and exciting. Sometime as a parent you might be surprised to find that it is usually quite simple because most of the times the only thing that you can buy for them is a few scented gel pens and a pretty notepad that they can use. Parents are usually advised to help their children when it comes to helping them set realistic goals. Setting goals is known to help them to stay focused at all times. By doing this, you are having them quite a lot to ensure that they visualize themselves in a rule and continue moving closer to reaching the goals that they have set. Someone should allow their kids to make mistakes sometimes because they usually learn a lot from that. One thing that you also know is that at the end of the day if you realize your kid is making mistakes and sure that you praise them for their efforts because it will eventually help them a lot. Such things are usually important in a child’s life because at the end of the day they will never shy of when it comes to failure, and they will always be open in trying new things as they do not have any fears when it comes to failures.
In paint spraying, often the first time you know something’s wrong with your compressed air equipment is when your carefully prepared surface ends up with that tell-tale orange peel effect. By which time, of course, it’s too late to do anything other than strip it all and start again. The perfect paint finish requires a team effort. It’s not all down to the gun, the air compressor, the hose or connectors; it’s the result of each of them working effectively together. So, to give yourself the best chance of a finish to be proud of, follow these steps: 1. Start with the gun Your spray gun of choice will tell you the required air volume and operating pressure. Naturally, choosing an air compressor that lacks the capacity to deliver what the gun requires is setting yourself up to fail. 2. Choose your air compressor A clean, dry, constant supply: that’s the magic formula for a great spray paint finish. So, compare the requirements of your gun with the capability of your air compressor. The gun will require a certain operating pressure (given in psi) and air volume (given in cfm) and, theoretically at least, providing the capabilities of your air compressor outmatch the requirements of the gun, all should be well. But things aren’t quite that simple. First, the compressor needs to deliver its air cleanly. Oil or water in the mix can damage the finish irrespective of compressor power, so filters need to be fitted and clean. Second, an air compressor’s ability to deliver its stated pressure and volume can diminish depending on the accessories used. 3. Check the accessories Too long a hose, or a damaged hose, can dramatically reduce the ability of your air compressor to deliver the required amount of air to the gun at the right pressure. The same is true of the fittings used to connect the hose to gun and air compressor. Pressure loss can vary greatly, from making minimal difference, to being sufficient to drop the psi below the levels required by the gun. An air regulator can help keep things constant (although it can also contribute to pressure drops) so to find the right combination of gun, hose, fittings and air compressor for your application, you’re best seeking expert advice. For help in designing the right air compressor system for your paint spraying application, call us on 0114 243 2347, or contact us. What We Do Servicing | Service Contracts | General On-Site Maintenance | Repairs / Remedial Work | Breakdowns | Pipework Installations | Electrical Installations & Work | Removal, Transportation & Reinstallations
bill invoice template word The preparation of the invoice is simple. Enter the date on which the invoice is created directly under the invoice number. A well-designed proforma invoice offers several advantages for the company. Invoice templates should not be boring. Invoice templates can be modified to add items such as invoice numbers and additional costs for your business and your customer. Not only will you be able to choose from 15 different invoice templates to match your business, your personality or your mood. If you do not know if an invoice is legitimate, call the organization and ask for details of your purchase. Choose a program where you feel more comfortable writing a bill. You can save up to 10 separate invoices generated using a web form. Many times, invoices are not generated because they are provided by the computer system. If you consider it, 2 models may be sufficient if your organization is not too big. Models can also be useful when trying to lose or maintain existing weight. In the same way, you can even customize the models chosen to meet the needs of your customers. Other men and women can buy exactly the same model and use it for their business. If you have an invoice template that you want to share, Template Docs allows you to contribute to your site and present your content with the choice to publish your products or services with the template. For example, you can choose an invoice template so that you do not have to produce an original template using a Word document. Sometimes you come across the best billing models on the most unexpected sites. Billing should not be different and the benefits of using a cloud-based system are numerous. Online billing is in the cloud, allowing you to manage customer information and billing from an app. Billing and billing are essential to managing your business, but there’s no point in spending more time than necessary. When the invoice has been paid, it is removed from the file and saved as expense. The invoice is entered into a supplier accounting file indicating that the money is due and extracted from the file as soon as the amount has been paid. The bills you pay at home are bills like electricity company debts, telephone bills, TV and Internet accounts, newspaper subscriptions and other monthly expenses. If you currently send invoices at the end of the month, you may prefer to issue each invoice at the end of the job because it is easy to send them, regardless of where you are. Make sure you can ensure that each invoice has its own special number for tracking purposes. Also note that the time saved by having the ability to design your own account is also the money saved by not using the help of a professional designer. A compliant invoice must be made out to the tax invoice and must include your own ABN. Invoices sent by e-mail are simple to ignore. The creation of an invoice in Excel therefore not only guarantees the accuracy of the invoice, but also ensures that your company has a professional appearance.
sale invoice template word When you adjust your bill, you are likely to give your website to your website. In addition, invoices contain more complete information about single invoices. Have personalized invoices. An invoice is created using an example invoice form that will help you choose the last aspect of the invoice. Invoices are also often used as a quote mechanism. Uniquely designed invoices feel and work better, help create your brand, and can generate additional sales. The invoice is the delivery of the goods to the buyer as part of the payment. An invoice is not made immediately but after a certain time. You can even add a personal logo to an eBay store invoice or logo if you are a store seller. When you create an application for funding at the eleventh hour, you are looking for a problematic company. Whatever your small business program, you will be able to get closer to anxiety and smart sales. Yes, there are some things you need to know about your business, but even on the Internet, you need to grow your business. Get immediate financing without looking for the sector and knowing that the growth potential of your company can endanger society. When a buyer buys an item, the buyer will receive an invoice for the number of items. In the first scenario, they will receive their clothes and will not pay extra shipping costs. For example, a seller can list light items and provide a first-class delivery completely free, but it also allows the buyer to choose a priority email at an additional cost to the buyer. If you want to optimize your business and make a perfect impression with your customers, use a personalized invoice. Many companies have found that they are a little more likely to return to the market. Every time your business is in its infancy, you want to borrow to develop it. This document is an overview produced by EVS Page 1 of 5 For example, say you have an import-export company and want to create a stationery that means visual involvement worldwide. A growing business will have an excellent model that has every specific thing. How to find a good bill If you are a new business and need to start a small business, such as receipts, purchase orders, etc.
stock inventory sheet The rate card is always updated for each work done to complete the purchase. It also allows accounting companies to track work-related costs by analyzing cash flow. It also helps to determine the final costs for the business and contributes to accounting. Balance sheets are widely used by investors and management to estimate the financial position of the company. Test reports are basically considered part of the company’s last account. To effectively manage your inventory, you need to know what you plan to sell. Inventories are often defined as assets that will be sold in the industry or are being changed for sale in the market and products that will be used in the manufacturing process for final sales. In terms of inventory, more generally, it leads directly to too much, which is usually the first step in the process. Once the sales plan has been developed, the next step in the planning process is to develop an inventory program. You will need a business plan and will be able to demonstrate that you have the experience to run a business and that companies will get enough money for investors to make big profits on their investments. You may also need an official business program. At the end of each year, the company must provide a total of all remaining shares. For example, he bought 10 items in January to resell them and pay a few dollars each. Small and medium-sized printing companies have a limited workforce. You need to know who you are talking to because it will help you know where they are in their institutional hierarchy and give you the concept of their decision-making authority. With respect to taxes, companies must review the value of inventories at the end of each calendar year. An organization can maximize its profits in the short term at the expense of maximum wealth in the long run. Micro-bank rental companies can claim only the first month paid in advance. Financing a business, given the financial outlook, is very different from getting funding for a personal explanation. When you calculate start-up costs and add money, you must cover your personal expenses during the start-up phase. Getting enough money to start your new business can seem like an impossible dream. In simple terms, if a business operates, the amount of fixed costs will remain the same. They remain the same regardless of the level of production. Raw material costs are a good example of variable prices. Variable costs are directly related to the amount of production. In general, overall production costs are reduced and production levels optimized. For those with savings, use money for your startup.
A new report from the Corporation for National and Community Service shows that the number of volunteers nationwide has held relatively steady over the past couple of years and even increased last year. That matters to organizations serving community needs, who have had to rely more and more on volunteers as their budgets tighten. Training officer for the Kentucky commission on community volunteerism and service Melissa Newton says Kentucky’s Americorps program will be able to step up efforts to meet those needs. “We’re also seeing people heed the call to help out. More people are applying to become Americorps members and more nonprofits are looking to host Americorps members at their organizations to help meet the increase in needs,” says Newton. Newton says she’ll be holding community forums across Kentucky over the coming months to gather input from those interested in volunteering as well as nonprofits that could use the help.
Art Imitates Life Meet T.C. Stallings face-to-face and his unabashed enthusiasm for his faith is infectious. Since his acting debut in the 2008 Kendrick Brother’s film, “Courageous,” Stallings’ larger-than-life screen presence in “War Room” and “A Question of Faith” cemented him as a star in the Christian film genre. Christian-life reflected in twenty-first century genre is the Platonic/Aristotelian mimesis, that is, Art Imitates Life. To borrow the 1960s spaghetti western title, audiences of Christian-themed pictures generally — whether they want it or not– get the good, the bad and the ugly. As the leading male in the powerful film on the power-of-prayer, “War Room,” T.C. portrayed Tony as the ambitious, worldly husband opposite Priscilla Shirer as his wife Elizabeth. Christian men can easily see themselves in the part of Tony — driven by the treasures of the world and separated from the notion of storing treasures in heaven. There has been an explosion of religious-themed movies since 2006 when “Facing the Giants” inspired Christian audiences. Many mainstream productions tiptoe around the edges of Christianity, careful to avoid offending a viewer. But unapologetic Christian producers have cranked out dozens of films that are less timid in portraying what Christianity is about – a struggle to surrender to Jesus and reject what the “world” expects. Maybe the best thing about this form of entertainment is that there is always a happy ending. Stallings was bitten by the acting bug and at the very last minute got the role of T.J. in “Courageous.” After the movie, the bug bite grew into a full-blown desire for a career away from his roots as a football player. Following his career as a star running back at the University of Louisville and several professional stops, TC was working as a sports commentator and game analyst in his adopted hometown of Louisville. Stallings and his wife Levette prayerfully decided to move their family to southern California. As a Jesus-follower, Stallings was committed to maintaining an uncompromising commitment to his values and to rejecting any opportunity that did not fit. It proved challenging. Forced into a job as a youth pastor to make ends meet, Stallings’ position lasted just one year. After a year of struggling to find roles, dejected by the job loss, the aspiring actor faced a potential return to Kentucky. But God had another plan. The lead role of Tony in “War Room” was offered the same day as the youth pastorate ended. And, as the old saying goes, the rest is history. The genre isn’t always a sophisticated representation because of its “B-movie” budget constraints– woefully low compared to the mega-million-dollar major studio productions. It is not always as commercially successful, partly because of the same financial considerations that limit marketing and promotion, but probably even more so because of the progressive-secular nature of post-modern, mainstream audiences that outright reject a Christian theme as irrelevant to their lives. “War Room” crossed over to a broader audience than most of the genre’s films, which is what people of faith should hope will happen. But, sadly, these movies, which are quite cathartic, go unseen and unsupported even by many Christians. Hilton and Rebecca Glass have a film ministry based in Biloxi, Mississippi. Hilton promotes Christian films across the Gulf Coast from Florida to Louisiana. His story probably sums up why many believers are reticent to invest their time to go see movies from the genre. “Rebecca coerced me to drive 60 miles to Mobile to watch a faith-based film, made by a church on a very low budget. My thought was “No! How hokey of a movie can that be?” By the end of “Facing the Giants,” Glass’ perspective changed completely. “At the end the sports announcer exclaimed, ‘I can’t believe what I’ve just seen’ and the hairs stood up on my arms. God was speaking to me. It was crystal clear at that moment that ‘I can’t believe what I’ve just seen’ was not about the movie – it was how God can use movies as an instrument to reach His people,” Glass remembered. Despite the challenges, Christian film and television are expanding. Independent producers continue to come out with new products. One such film is “Beautifully Broken” by D-3 Productions in Nashville headed by nationally-known entertainment industry promoter Michelle Duffie. Just released in theaters on August 24th, Beautifully Broken is a story of a refugee’s escape, a prisoner’s promise and a daughter’s painful secret as they converge in a powerful true story of three fathers fighting to save their families. Pureflix, an industry-leader, releases three new films this fall. Ashley Kelly from Pureflix is promoting the three releases back-to-back. The first is “Unbroken: Path to Redemption” based on the book by Lauren Hillenbrand that comes to theaters beginning September 14th. It tells the part of the story that the 2014 secular production by Angelina Jolie failed to share. Louis Zamperini was an American Olympian turned World War II airman who survived 47 days on a raft adrift in the Pacific only to be captured and held prisoner in a hellish Japanese camp. That is where Jolie’s “Unbroken” ends. The Pureflix film begins after the war when Zamperini is consumed by hatred and a desire for revenge against his captors. Zamperini accepted Christ at the famous 1949 Billy Graham Los Angeles Crusade. The “path to redemption” is the best part of the story, a man who forgave his captors and launched a 60-plus year career as a Christian evangelist. “Little Women” is an update of the classic story by the same name. On the 150th anniversary of the release of the novel by Louisa May Alcott, actress Lea Thompson brings the heroine Marmee to life in a 21st Century setting. Ashley Kelly, director of Pureflix Global Strategic Alliances Marketing, shared that “Pinnacle Peak is releasing the first-ever modern retelling of the beloved classic, LITTLE WOMEN, bringing the same sisters to a new generation to celebrate dreams, family, and unconditional love in theaters on September 28. This movie celebrates the lifelong bonds of family, friendship, and sisterhood!” Pinnacle Peak also created ideas and opportunities for women’s ministries, schools and youth groups tied into the release date. Hilton Glass hosts a prescreening of “Indivisible” in Baton Rouge shortly after Labor Day, prior to its national release October 26th. It gives real insight into the impact of war on military families and their marriages. The story is for married couples reminding them of the reality that the most important battle they wage is the fight for their marriage. These are just four Christian-themed movies, all worthwhile and family friendly, despite some challenging real-life themes. Yet these films are without gratuitous violence, profanity or sexual explicitness or even innuendo. It would bless the producers and actors for the body of Christ to flock to the theaters, and no doubt also bless the believers who see the films. As one of the industry’s biggest stars, T.C. Stallings’ vision is a Holy Spirit led opportunity to take his celebrity and talent to drive the industry to new heights. There is no doubt that he has the charisma, energy and the character to succeed. T.C. prays daily for God to grow him in His purpose and close the doors that aren’t in line with God’s will. “I’m just a guy that watches TV and movies,” he said. “I’m burdened by what I see. Rather than complaining about what’s on TV and what’s in films, I just ask God to give me a platform to be a content creator. I don’t want to be at the mercy of other people to get it done,” Stallings added. But he has put action to the words. “I’ve started Purpose Studios. My company is Team TC Productions. We want to look for those who don’t want to compromise their faith and give them an opportunity. There are other people being told ‘no’ and doors slammed shut.” In the future, he hopes to transition to television. Stallings is not alone in the concept of real family-oriented programming, not just on the big screen, but also on the small screen in the living rooms of families around the world. One such company is, the streaming service of Pureflix that offers a variety of programming. Not everything is exclusively Christian. But all films and television programs are family-friendly! It includes a lot of the old standard television series from the 60s and 70s. The future looks promising for Christian-cord cutters to find pay-per-view alternatives to Netflix, Amazon, and other streaming providers. There are intriguing opportunities for Christian programming because streaming takes it beyond American households and opens up worldwide access. For the fulfillment of the great commission, Christian television and films represent an amazing, if a little daunting, chance to reach into tens of millions of households. The key then becomes how to get potential viewers to tune in to this type of programming so that they might be impacted by it. For generations, the American film and television series distributed internationally created a paradigm of American life. Value-based entertainment from Christian-themed organizations might similarly shape the views and touch the hearts of peoples around the world. Streaming means more people may be reached for the Kingdom in a matter of minutes than through years of grinding missionary work. Moreover, it is likely these programs could make the work of missionaries a little easier, possibly softening the non-believer or even the unreached to be more open to Christ in their face-to-face time spent with the people taking the gospel around the world. Fred Townsend is the husband of Beth Townsend, Publisher of Baton Rouge Christian Life Magazine. His 45-year career in marketing is an eclectic collection of work in everything from political campaign consultant to television producer and executive positions at two Fortune 500 Companies.
Jesus once said, “Consider carefully how you listen.” (Luke 8:18) This would have been great advice for Job’s friends. When Job’s friends first learned of Job’s losses , “they sat on the ground with him for seven days and nights. No one said a word to job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words.” (Job 2:13) Sitting in the sorrow with Job was a very wise move, but it’s what happens after that marks Job’s friends as “unwise”. Job began to “vent” to his friends. He gives expression to the deep anguish in his soul. (Job 7: 11) Venting is a necessary part of grieving. Venting allows a person to de-tox and exhale all the sorrow in their soul. The problem is many of us don’t handle it well when a friend simply wants to “vent”. We feel we need to fix their sorrow, or advise them on how to move beyond their sorrow. At times we might even stoop to giving pious platitudes. This is exactly what Job’s friends did. They all of a sudden became “spiritual experts” trying to explain to Job the deep mysteries of God. Their logic? God blesses the righteous and punishes the wicked and therefore, surely Job needed to repent. If you were Job and you had just lost everything, how would you feel hearing all this? If you read the dialogue between Job and his friends you will find that there is even some truth in what the friends say to Job. For example, they say “Having hope will give you courage.” (Job 11:18) That’s true. It’s just not what Job needed in the moment. Job needed friends who would crawl into his sorrow with him, who would allow him to vent without judging him, and friends who would comfort him with their presence rather than their words. I don’t know about you, but I find these chapters (Job 2-11) to be VERY convicting. Too often I have opened my mouth and tried to “fix” someone’s sorrow. Too often I have jumped into “spiritual expert” mode and tried to encourage a hurting friend by reminding them of some element of God’s character when what they really needed was a friend to listen. One of my goals for 2013 is to allow the Holy Spirit to change me in the listening realm. I have asked the Lord to cleanse me of any need to be “the expert.” I am asking Him to show me what it looks like to listen like Jesus listened. I want to be able to empathize with others, crawl into their suffering as Jesus did, and simply weep with them. (John 11:35) What about you? How well do you listen? Here are some reflective questions to help you consider how carefully you listen: 1. How often do you interrupt another person who is talking? 2. When someone is sharing their story, do you dive in with your own story? 3. How often do you try to “fix” someone’s suffering by becoming the “spiritual expert?” I’d love to hear your thoughts! I am working on a new book that won’t come out until 2014 on learning to listen as a part of your spiritual transformation….so I’d love to hear what you’ve learned in your journey! Please leave a comment.
Pocket PCs and PDAs were all the rage back in the late '90s and early 2000s, because they let you check your calendar, send emails, and browse the web on the go without lugging around a laptop. But, they quickly became obsolete with the introduction of smart phones and tablets. Now they just might make a come back thanks to this Indiegogo campaign for the 5" touchscreen Mi Mini PC. Why would you want a pocket PC when you most likely already have a smartphone in your pocket right now? The main reason is that it runs Windows 10, so you're getting a full-fledged desktop OS instead of a mobile OS that is full of limitations. For power users, that means you can use it as a terminal for doing server work. Gamers can play PC games on the go, and there is even a snap-on gamepad accessory specifically for that purpose. The Mi Mini PC is just $149 for super early birds, but it's packing a surprising amount of power under the hood. There is a 5" touch screen, a 2.56GHz Intel Atom® x7-Z8750 processor with four cores, 8GB of RAM, and a 128GB SSD. There is also a lot of connectivity: an HDMI port, USB 3 port, USB-C port, Ethernet port, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. Essentially, you're getting everything you'd find in a budget laptop, but in a package that fits in your pocket. The campaign is already well past its funding goal, and still has 22 days left to go. There are even a number of upgrades available if you want better specs. Backers can expect to receive their Mi Mini PCs in September.
Friday, December 10, 2010 Why do Cyclists Shave their Legs? Anyway (Nicole), here are the top 6 reasons why cyclists shave their legs: 1. BETTER AERODYNAMICS- less leg hair, less drag, faster racer. 2. EASE HEALING OF ROAD RASH- when you race bikes, you's part of the sport. Shaving of the legs makes healing of road rash that much faster. No hair in the wound, and less chance of infection. 3. MAKES MASSAGE MORE PLEASANT- there is no doubt about feels much better to have your quads, hamstrings and calf muscles massaged with no hair on them. 4. MORE ATTRACTIVE- dark tan legs that are cleanly shaven and smooth just look more muscular and lean. That's why bodybuilders do it. 5. TRADITION- cyclists have been doing it for years. 6. PEER PRESSURE- if you line up at a race with hairy legs you are quickly tagged as an inexperienced UNSAFE rider that riders should stay clear of. The more I think about addition to peer pressure, I probably also shave for vanity reasons. Just this past summer another woman (and friend) asked the SAME question, "Do you shave your legs?" This time, my wife was with me and she answered for me. She said, "yes he does, he does it for cycling". End of discussion. I think the reason why this particular woman didn't delve deeper into questioning is because she was afraid I'd say, "What you jealous that my legs are more attractive than yours and guys will be looking at my legs instead of yours?" Which they were/are more attractive by a long shot..although I hope guys aren't looking at my legs..haha. After all, my wife has commented in the past that there are a lot of women out there that would LOVE to have the smooth toned legs that I have. So, the next time a woman asks me if I shave my legs I'm going to proudly lift my chin (and pant leg), smile and say, "You're damn right I do..don't they look great? I think they're sexy". haha Power ON! Coach Rob Posted by Rob Muller at 6:55 AM
We tried to make some plans, but we could not agree. I do not recall anything being said about that in our agreement. Irreconcilable opinions, objectives or disagreements are so opposed that it is impossible to reach an agreement. Who would not have made such an agreement with his conscience? Again, as well, they looked at each other with a meaning on their faces. And on the way out, he lived up to the letter of their agreement. Now that there is an etcetera in an agreement, there is always an opening to quarrels. But the confident tone provided no response to Mary`s approval. He advised her to be careful and ask for a copy of the agreement. This is the eternal agreement, but an agreement whose terms we find difficult to accept. If a group, organization or country is divided, there are big differences between people who have used it to say that people disagree on what you`re talking about or not They`re looking for clues, synonyms, words, anagrams or if you`ve ever given a few letters here with a question mark or a complete stop instead of anything you don`t know (z.B. rd” or “he?p”) Launch your free trial today and get unlimited access to the largest U.S. dictionary, with: We`ve listed all the information in our database that matches your search. There will also be a list of synonyms for your answer. The synonyms were arranged according to the number of characters to be easily found. If two people, plans or actions are interoperative, they try to accomplish different things that do not coincide with each other, which probably have an argument, because they have very different beliefs or opinions If a given answer generates a lot of interest today on the site, it can be highlighted in Orange. a controversial topic, opinion or decision is one that people do not agree or who do not agree, if your word has anagrams, they are also mentioned with a definition of the word if we have one. sometimes used about a person, especially a person in public life, there are more than 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for a person who is only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged dictionary.
The sinking of HMS Speedy in 1804 off Presqu’ile Point was more than a tragic loss of the twenty souls onboard—it had shocking and far-reaching repercussions for the young colony of Upper Canada. At the centre of it all is Ogetonicut, a Mississauga First Nations man charged with murdering John Sharp, a white trader. As Ogetonicut’s trial drew near, it was moved east to Newcastle for fear of angering the indigenous community that was gathering at York. With the shipping season coming to a close, the HMS Speedy set sail with the accused and the legal elite of the young colony on board. But on the night of October 8, the Speedy was lost in a violent storm; there were no survivors and the ship could not be found. The mystery surrounding the ill-fated vessel has continued for more than two centuries, despite the efforts of commercial diver Ed Burtt, who began a search for the Speedy in the early 1990s. Were the remains he located at the bottom of Lake Ontario from the lost ship? Were valuable copies of the Statutes of Upper Canada on board? What evidence lay in the untouched artifacts Burtt found? Based on unparalleled access to archival documents and to all Ed Burtt’s unpublished research and records, this is a meticulously researched look at a fascinating episode in Canadian history—the story of the ship and those who sailed her, the modern-day search for the wreck, a First Nations protagonist and perspective, the legal personalities and colonial government of the time—and a unique social history of early Canada. This text comes from the back cover of the book “The Wreck of HMS Speedy: The Tragedy That Shook Upper Canada,” written by Dan Buchanan and published in 2020 by Milner & Associates, Inc. The text is copied by the author from proofs of the back cover of the book for promotion of the book on his web site –
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – The University of Louisville College of Business and the Kentucky Distillers’ Association (KDA) have established the Kentucky Distillers’ Association/University of Louisville Scholars Program to increase diversity in the Commonwealth’s signature bourbon industry. The partnership will award five full-tuition scholarships for UofL’s Distilled Spirits Business Certificate, with preference given to Black students, women, people of color, LGBTQIA+ and other underrepresented groups. The certificate is a graduate-level, online program to prepare individuals for careers in business operations of the distilled spirits industry. “The KDA and its members recognize that there are too few diverse voices in our industry and we must do more to build a workforce more reflective of our population and culture,” KDA President Eric Gregory said. “The KDA/UofL Scholars Program is part of our commitment to create an industry and a community that are more diverse, equal, welcoming and inclusive. Moreover, these students will be the foundation for historic and necessary change – a permanent legacy that will last for generations and forever transform our timeless craft.” The Kentucky Distillers’ Association will fund these and other scholarships through its new Lifting Spirits Foundation. “At the University of Louisville, we are committed to empowering our communities by improving equity and access in all areas of education and achievement,” UofL President Neeli Bendapudi said. “The KDA/UofL partnership is a shining example of how we can work hand in hand with industry to create a more equitable society for all in one of our state’s essential industries.” In addition to completing coursework, UofL and the KDA are exploring opportunities for the scholars to participate in a series of industry immersions such as internships and mentorships. Through the commitments of the KDA and its members, these experiences would give participants an unparalleled and rich exploration of the industry and the distinct Kentucky firms that lead it. “At the end of a year, each KDA UofL scholar will understand the business and management principles of the industry, said Robert Hausladen, College of Business executive-in-residence and director of the Distilled Spirits Business Certificate Program. “They will have enhanced their resume with real-world experience, develop meaningful relationships with leading industry executives, and learn the unique culture of these KDA member distilleries. All in all, there could not be a better way to open the gateway to success than these skills, perspectives and relationships. Our shared vision is that in 20 years, there’ll be a cohort of senior-level leaders in the industry, creating similar opportunities for others, who started their careers as KDA/UofL Scholars.” Jessica Pendergrass, chair of the KDA board of directors and a UofL alumna, said the association is committed to increasing diversity by expanding opportunities in the bourbon industry for traditionally underrepresented populations. “The member companies of the KDA are working together with universities to build a better future for the Kentucky bourbon industry and the Commonwealth,” said Pendergrass, who also is general counsel and chief compliance officer for Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. “We are expanding our support of distilling programs to ensure inclusion and opportunity in our industry for all and to better reflect the cultural diversity of the consumers we know and love. My hope is these efforts focused on long-term, sustainable change in our industry create near-term accessibility to everyone who wants to be engaged in this thriving, unique industry in Kentucky.” Kentucky bourbon is one of the Commonwealth’s most historic and treasured industries, accounting for $8.6 billion in annual economic impact and more than 20,100 jobs with an annual payroll topping $1 billion each year. The industry is in the middle of a $2.3 billion building boom, from innovative new tourism centers to expanded production facilities, all to meet the growing global thirst for Kentucky bourbon. “The Distilled Spirits Business Certificate exemplifies UofL’s strong, reciprocal relationship with the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the regional economy,” UofL College of Business Dean Todd A. Mooradian said. “We create programs like this certificate, our Equine Industry Program and our Family Business offerings that tie to the distinctive strengths of the region and the state. In turn, our programs contribute to those sectors and help shape their future. “We gladly share responsibility for making that future more equitable and more just,” Mooradian said. “We commit ourselves, our resources and our energy to building excellence, addressing legacy disadvantages and systematic bias by building inclusive opportunities and creating a welcoming culture that embraces, invests in and is open for business to all.” The UofL online Distilled Spirits Business Certificate provides broad-based knowledge about business operations within the industry for current or future distilled spirits professionals. It offers a one-of-a-kind curriculum that features the most relevant knowledge, skills and awareness for accelerating success in the spirits industry. Instructors are UofL College of Business faculty and industry leaders from KDA-member companies like Brown-Forman, Heaven Hill, Jim Beam and others. Graduates of the certificate program will be well-suited for leadership roles in the industry, from operations and finance to supply-chain management and marketing. The certificate program includes nine graduate credits delivered entirely online and earns students one-fifth of the credits needed to complete a University of Louisville MBA. About the Kentucky Distillers’ Association Founded in 1880, the Kentucky Distillers’ Association is the state’s voice for bourbon and spirits issues. There are currently 39 members, the most since the Repeal of Prohibition, and 37 distillery stops on its popular Kentucky Bourbon Trail® and Kentucky Bourbon Trail Craft Tour® experiences. Learn more at and Please drink responsibly.
SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama: mangaLAsAsanaththil maRRuLLa AzhvArgaL thangaL Arvaththu aLavu thAN anRi – pongum parivAlE villipuththUr pattar pirAn peRRAn periyAzhvAr ennum peyar 18 Word by word meaning mangaLAsAsanaththil – In doing mangaLASAsanam (wishing long live) maRRuLLa AzhvArgaL thangaL – the other AzhvArs Arvaththu aLavu thAn anRi – limited by their love, unlike that, pongum – increasing/overflowing parivAlE – affection villipuththUr – one who incarnated in SrIvillipuththur pattar pirAn – head of the learned peRRAr(n) – is having/got periyAzhvAr ennum peyar – the divine name of periyAzhvAr Considering the difference between other AzhvArs and this AzhvAr in doing mangaLASAsanam he got the name of periyAzhvAr – and through this he (maNavALa mAmunigaL) is divining about the greatness, starting with ‘mangaLAsAsanaththil’. That is, when it comes to mangaLASAsanam, unlike other AzhvArs‘ level of devotion, due to the abundant/increased affection towards bhagavAn this AzhvAr who is identified as belonging to SrIvillipuththur, got the divine name of periyAzhvAr. mangaLAsAsanam is – due to the tenderness/delicateness of that one (that is, emperumAn), even at the expense of destruction of self, he (AzhvAr) would wish to create greatness for Him. svarUpam (nature) is to create greatness for emperumAn isn’t it? It was divined as ‘SEshikku athisayaththai viLaikkai SEshabhUthanukku svarUpa lAbhamum prApyamum [mumukshuppadi – 177] (Creating greatness for the master is the nature and destiny of the servant). AzhvArgaL thangaL Arvam – As said in ‘adhanil periya en avA [thiruvAimozhi 10.10.10]’, ones desires are so big, asking for everything of sentient, non-sentient and (even) Isvaran; and it is this desire to be destroyed is what they (the other AzhvArs) wished for. Their interest is like said in ‘abhinivEsam pOvadhu anubhavaththAlE [SrI vachana bhUshaNam – 293]’, (~ their rush of devotion gets under control after getting the divine experience) and ‘saththA samrudhdhigaL dharsana anubhava kainkaryangaLAlE [SrI vachana bhUshaNam – 257]’ ((the other AzhvArs’) being/living is based on being able to see emperumAn, getting that experience, and doing kainkaryam to Him). So this happens only once in a while for these AzhvArs. In this way they wished for their getting the completeness, of Him;, whereas for periyAzhvAr it is about Him getting the completeness, which he sustains based on his mangaLASAsanam. This is the higher level of devotion of this AzhvAr. pongum parivAlE – Due to the ever multiplying affection; that is, as said in ‘anbE perugum [periya thiruvanthAdhi – 8] (In your matter my love is ever increasing), and ‘enthan aLavanRAl yAnudaiya anbu’ [iraNdAm thiruvanthAdhi – 100] (the love adiyEn have got for you does not stay within me), and ‘snEhOmE parama: [SrI rAmAyaNam uththara kAndam – 40-16] (I have got only affection more for you), not stopping at surrendering to Him but his love (flood) is crossing the shores. It is similarly said in ‘sOrAdha kAdhal perun chuzhippAl thollai mAlai onRum pArAdhu avanaip pallANdu enRu kAppidum pAnmaiyan thAL [rAmAnusa nURRanthAdhi – 15]’. Now, it is talking about the greatness of the divine name that came from the greatness of such devotion. villipuththUr pattar pirAn peRRAn periyAzhvAr ennum peyar – The whole reason for saying this name for him, is his birth in this place isn’t it? Similar to saying, ‘ArAdha kAdhal kurugUrch chatakOpan [thiruvAimozhi 2.1.11]’ (uncontrollable love kurugUrch chatakOpan – (this says it along with the place where nammAzhvAr was born)). villipuththUr pattar pirAn – It says his village, lineage, and occupation respectively. His identity is ‘villipuththUr udaiyAn’. Also saying ‘vishNu chiththan’, and ‘kOyilil vAzhum vaittaNavan [periyAzhvAr thirumozhi 5.1.3] (~ am a SrIvaishNavan who is always in the temple)’, he is like ‘vishNunA vyapadhEshtavya:’ (should say by the name of vishNu) – everything is that for this AzhvAr. pattar pirAn peRRAn periyAzhvAr ennum peyar – after getting the fame/name by establishing the supremacy of sarvEsvaran, since he performed mangaLASAsanam due to worrying about emperumAn’s delicate divine body, this is the name he got. Since mangaLASAsanam is done by him all the time every day, this divine name got established fully for him. – – – – – English Translation: raghurAm SrInivAsa dhAsan archived in pramEyam (goal) – pramANam (scriptures) – pramAthA (preceptors) – SrIvaishNava education/kids portal –
THE LUTE AND ITS POETRIE The lute song permeated into so many aspects of the English life: from the songs written for the Queen at court, to the songs sung in the theatre, to the folk songs that were woven into highly complex lute solos – music and poetry was inseparable from the high societal life style. Performed in the original pronunciation of the time, “The Lute and its Poetrie” combines the drama and theatre of declamation with the refinement and poise of the song. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, knights came and went defending her honour and winning her favour. Of those knights, our programme includes poetry of the Earl of Essex and poetry dedicated to Sir Henry Lee – two knights famous for very different reasons. After a long and tumultuous relationship with the Queen turned sour, the Earl of Essex was beheaded for treason in 1601. Sir Henry Lee, on the other hand, was celebrated for his dedication to protecting his sovereign and at his retirement, Dowland dedicated “His Golden Locks” to this aging prolific knight. The poem “Soldiers are like the armour that they wear” was written by Richard Mynshall, a soldier fighting in the Earl of Essex‟s failed military campaign in Ireland. It depicts a grim scene of young boys meeting their untimely deaths in wars they do not belong in. Another hero enters the stage with our setting of the English folk song “My Robin is to the greenwood gone” or “Bonny sweet Robin”, which became famous during the Robin Hood craze in the late 16th century.The text is referenced by Ophelia as she descends into madness in Shakespeare‟s Hamlet. The programme reaches its critical climax with “In darknesse let mee dwell”. John Dowland, the true master of melancholic song, created the pinnacle of the repertoire with this darkest of songs. It has biting discords on words as „sorrow‟ and „woes‟ as can be expected, but also influences of the Italian baroque can be heard in the strange and beautiful melody rising from the words with a sense of inevitability, expressing an emotional intensity unsurpassed in any other song at that time. “The Old Couple, a Comedie” written by Thomas May is about the relationship between two lovers in the twilight years of their lives. Their love is ridiculed by onlookers and in the scene in which “Deare do not your faire beauty wrong” is sung, a servant reads a love letter written from the old man to his old woman. Composers: John Dowland (1563 – 1626), Thomas Campion (1567 – 1620), Thomas Ford (1580 – 1648), Thomas Morley (1557 – 1602), Michael Cavendish (1565 – 1628), Phillip Rosseter (1568 – 1623), Robert Parsons (1535 – 1571), Daniel Batchelar (1572 – 1619), Anthony Holborne (1545 – 1602), Robert Johnson (1583 – 1633)
There is a political class that benefits from us being at each other’s throats. There are men and women who have built fortunes, leveraging and exploiting our reasonable differences, magnifying them and using them against us for their gain. We have to ask ourselves when we hear something from them that stokes our anger towards each other, and makes us see each other as enemies: is what I’m hearing truthful, and how does this messenger benefit from our anger towards each other? It is time that we question sources of information cooly, neutrally, and soberly. All of them. There is no single, objective truth. The truth is the center of gravity of our collective understanding. None of us own the truth. Our national emergency is actually a global emergency. This is easily imaginable. As a species, in fact, we are threatened. We have the ability, intentionally or un-intentionally, to bring about an end to our existence on this planet. We have to be willing now to re-examine our own beliefs in order to reconcile our differences. We must realize that there may be a seed of truth at the core of the grievances directed towards us from the other side. We must be open to changing the way we understand things. We are brothers and sisters truly at war. It is an existential crisis, and it falls on our shoulders, as our leaders have failed us.
Like many great efforts during COVID-19, the student desk delivery program started by Parlin School Teacher Stacy Schiavo and Firefighter Joe MacLaughlin began with a pressing need, a call between old friends, and quick action to help someone out. That’s just what happened last October when Schiavo had been noticing that a lot of her students didn’t have a great place to work and attend remote classes. Meanwhile, MacLaughlin was cleaning out his parents’ home in Everett and came across an old desk in the attic. He cleaned it up and painted it and wondered what to do with it. So, he called Schiavo. In this case: Two plus two equaled more than four. In fact it equaled a successful venture that has now provided hundreds of desks to kids in the Everett Public Schools (EPS) of all ages and grade levels. “I had that desk and it was in good shape and I didn’t want to throw it in a dumpster because I knew with remote school there were probably some kids that could use it in Everett,” said MacLaughlin. “I knew Stacy and reached out and asked her if any kids could use a desk.” Said Schiavo, “I reached out to parents on our Dojo platform and had six parents immediately say they could use a desk. I gave it to the first one and then we were also able to get donations to take care of the rest of them.” Then the donations came pouring in – desks from all over their network of people in Everett and alumni of EPS that heard and donated. They even got a 400 pound Mahogany desk from a retired judge in Marblehead. That morphed into not just donations of desks, but also new desks from Amazon bolstered by a fundraising effort that had a goal of $3,000 but has already hit $5,000. “Word spread by mouth at first and people wanted to give us used desks, and then they wanted to give us money because they didn’t have any desks,” said Schiavo. “So, we took the donated money and bought Amazon desks. We got it delivered and we do the assembly…It really snowballed.” MacLaughlin said they decided to assemble the desks and deliver them ready to go to students because they know everyone is so busy, they might now have the time or know-how to assemble a desk. The last thing they wanted was to deliver a box with a desk inside that never got put together. Between the donated desks, and the more standard Amazon desks they now deliver to students, the volunteer effort has deployed more than 140 desks to Everett students across the city, and much more is to come. With the help of School Committeeman Marcony Almeida Barros, many school leaders and elected officials across the city – the effort is really “snowballing,” they said. Last Sunday, MacLaughlin was able to use donated gift cards to rent a U-Haul and deliver 20 desks to students all over the city in one of their larger efforts to date. His living room was so inundated with Amazon desk assembly lines that they had to move down to the cellar for more space. But that’s just the logistics of it all, and the heart of the matter and the need is where the pencil hits the paper on this story. “One thing I noticed when I was teaching my students is they have other siblings often that are also remote learning,” she said. “They often didn’t have a place to work and didn’t want to turn on their video or unmute because their siblings were right beside them with the volume up…A lot of times you don’t know what’s going on. A lot of kids won’t come off mute because they’re all in the same space and another sibling is beside them with the computer and my student doesn’t want that heard. With these desks, they can have their own area and that helps the situation. It has been heartwarming to see them take ownership of their new space, and clearly they all need it.” MacLaughlin said he’s seen some tough situations during his delivery rounds and feels for the kids trying to learn in spaces that just aren’t optimal or are cramped. “Most of the places I’ve delivered desks there is a clear need,” he said. “I delivered to an apartment and the student had us take it to their room and there were four mattresses on the floor and we wedged the desk between two mattresses and that’s where this student was learning and having school. It’s really tough. A lot of the parents think they have to bring it back. When we tell them their student can keep it forever, they get so emotional. So many people just want others to know their situation and to be able to talk about it with someone.” Schiavo grew up in Everett, as did MacLaughlin, and both have worked for the City in their respective careers for several decades. In fact, both attended the Parlin School as kids, and both have been teachers at the Parlin as well – with MacLaughlin working as a teacher there a few years before landing on the Everett Fire Department. Both understand and know the Everett of yesteryear and the Everett of today – and it’s remarkably the same, they said, when there is a need to be addressed. “It’s so much how we grew up in Everett,” said MacLaughlin. “Everett was always a blue-collar city. No one ever was in need and everyone always came together. If someone needed something, the whole neighborhood pitched in. That’s what you’re seeing happen here…Once you see someone’s reaction and feel the gratitude and enthusiasm, you just want to do it again.” Said Schiavo, “It gives everyone such a great feeling when you’re helping people and helping students. Some have asked my what’s my angle and what I’m looking for with this. There is no angle. It’s about helping people. It’s such a great feeling that you want to keep going and we’ll keep going. We haven’t even started to touch our donations and we have so many other kids that would like to have a desk to work on.” Any student in Everett Public Schools that needs a desk should reach out to their teacher, who will relay the message to Schiavo and MacLaughlin. From there, the logistics will be worked out with the teacher. To donate to the effort, log on to
The Horror Awards winners were presented with a trophy. The point of the awards was, is, and hopefully shall be to give a visible, potentially usable, sign of appreciation to the people work in the area of entertainment, an area too often distinguished by low financial remuneration and indifference”. Horror Award Category Horror awards presented in three categories were : Best Artist, Best-Director, Special Award—Professional/Non-professional. Only a few categories have changed(Best-Director and life time achievement award), and no changes have been made to the rules. Winners were presented with the trophy at the awards ceremony. Award Administration committee Horror Award nominees and winners are decided by judges and attendees of the Fantasyhorror Awards. A panel of five judges adds three or more nominees before voting on the overall winner. The panel of judges is typically made up of fantasy authors, as well as other fantasy professionals and is chosen each year by the FantasyHorror Awards Administration, which has the power to break ties if the judges are deadlocked. Life Time Achievement Awards The Life Achievement Awards do not list nominees, and instead have the winner announced along with the other categories’ nominees. The Life Achievement winner is decided by the judges panel. Horror Award Eligibility Eligibility requirements are loosely defined. All types of Horror works are accepted, regardless of style, though whether a given work is considered to be horror is left up to the discretion of the nominators and judges.
We are urging members of the Florida Legislature and Congress to fully fund and expedite repairs to the Herbert Hoover Dike. It’s up to all of us to advocate for the safety and protection. Sign the Petition to #FixTheDike I am signing the #FixTheDike petition to fix the Herbert Hoover Dike because I want to: - The 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane resulted in in the death of more than 2,500 people, making it the second deadliest hurricane in U.S. history. - Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, prompting the federal government to look closely at which structures remain at risk. - A risk assessment conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers after Hurricane Katrina showed that the Herbert Hoover Dike is one of the most “at risk/susceptible to failure” dams in the nation and must be repaired. - When the dike failed previously, flood waters spread all the way to Miami. Today, the lives and property of more than 6.5 million Floridians in South Florida are at risk if the Herbert Hoover Dike fails again. - Current plans don’t call for completion of dike repairs until 2025—at least 8 more years of fear and uncertainty is unacceptable). Protect Glades and South Florida Communities: - Prior to Hurricane Irma, the state of Florida called for a mandatory evacuation of all Glades communities due to uncertainty of the Herbert Hoover Dike. - Any uncertainty over the safety of living in proximity to the Herbert Hoover Dike threatens the lives, the communities and the livelihood as well as economic security. - The funding Florida is seeking will protect the Glades communities – along with all of South Florida – sooner by expediting Herbert Hoover Dike repairs and will be money well spent. Further Florida’s Preservation: - The primary benefit to fixing the dike is greater safety, however, completing dike repairs also will allow federal regulators to revisit the current temporary Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule (LORS 8) that controls lake levels. - The damage to the coastal estuaries from Lake Okeechobee discharges is a manmade crisis due primarily to concerns about the integrity of the dike while rehabilitation/repair efforts are underway. - Expediting repairs to the dike – along with completing other ongoing authorized Everglades restoration projects – will ensure that water management decisions for Lake Okeechobee are not solely based on dike safety concerns that continually force large, damaging discharges to our coastal estuaries. By signing this petition, I am urging members of the Florida Legislature and Congress to fully fund and expedite repairs to the Herbert Hoover Dike. It’s up to all of us to advocate for safety and protection of Glades and South Florida communities. In the Media Last week, Congressman Alcee Hastings joined our efforts to #FixTheDike by signing our petition. Congressman Hastings understands the concerns of Glades residents and was instrumental in organizing a meeting between the Army Corps of Engineers and our communities. The Corps gave a firsthand update to Glades residents on rising water levels in Lake Okeechobee and inspections of the Herbert Hoover Dike, and allowed us to express our concerns. We are proud to have his support and look forward to other community leaders joining this cause. “On behalf of the Guardians of the Glades and Glades Lives Matter, we thank Congressman Hastings for supporting a cause that protects South Florida, honors our heritage, and takes live-savings measures to fortify the Herbert Hoover Dike. We appreciate Congressman Hastings’ strong leadership on this issue and for knowing what a stronger dike means for our communities. As we saw during the mandatory evacuations before Hurricane Irma, flooding still poses a tremendous threat to our people and our way of life.” -Tammy Jackson-Moore and Janet Taylor, Co-Chairwomen of #FixTheDike Tags: Congressman Alcee Hastings OKEECHOBEE — At the kickoff gathering for a petition drive to “Fix the Dike” on Oct. 19 at the site of the Port Mayaca memorial to the victims of the 1928 hurricane, Glades area residents called on state and federal officials to speed dike repairs. “We are here today because today is the day we can no longer wait to fix the dike. The dike was built to protect those communities that surround Lake Okeechobee from devastating floods from hurricanes and insurmountable rainfall,” said Tammy Jackson-Moore of Guardians of the Glades.Okeechobee News Lake levels have dropped to just over 17 feet in Lake Okeechobee, but the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers continues to inspect the Herbert Hoover Dike. “Doing daily inspections,” said Army Corps Dam Safety Engineer Almur Whiting. Thursday inspectors were surveying the dike from Port Mayaca to Moore Haven.WPTV
Launched on March 25, 2015, Kompsat-3A (Korean Multipurpose Satellite), is an optical satellite with less than half meter product resolution by KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute). |Minimum Order Area||25| KOMPSAT-3A is an optical satellite with less than half meter product resolution, which is a part of Korean earth observation mission by KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute). KOMPSAT-3A is the sister of KOMPSAT-3, using an identical satellite bus and payload with the only difference being an added infrared capability. |Panchromatic||450 - 900 nm| Band 1 (Blue): 450 - 520 nm Band 2 (Green): 520 - 600 nm Band 3 (Red): 630 - 690 nm Band 4 (Near-IR): 760 - 900 nm
The Newfoundland Quarterly. Vol. XII.-N0. 1. JULY, 1912. By His Grace, Archbishop Howley. On Sillers’ map (1671) the islands of St. Pierre, Miquelon and Langley are represented surrounded by a bank or shoal, and are named « Greene isles. » On Thornton’s map (1689) we have the following: — [..], Langlou, Dunes (shown as an island) and Maquelan. All these islands are shown correctly in their places as they stand on our maps of today, except that at present the Dunes is but a strip of sand joining the islands of Miquelon and Langley. On the main land …Lire la suite
Men’s Skincare: More than just shaving. 6 Common Problems & Solutions. Skin problems, from minor irritations, blemishes to full blown ‘what the hell is on my face’ problems, who needs them, who wants them? No thanks. Let’s look at 6 of the most common skin problems experienced by men and simple steps that you can take to help eliminate them. Point 6 should be non-negotiable! Whether we are young teens or older, handsome or ‘homely’, sportsman of the year or a couch potato we may have all suffered at the hands of acne, rosacea, razor burn, ingrown hairs and as we age, which we do; men are not immune, wrinkles and sun damage. As flawless as some of the Hollywood type’s look I am sure that at some stage they have suffered at the evil doings of one of these life’s little complications. Our skin is an organ which is under attack 24/7. We expose our skin to the elements every day, sunlight, harsh winds, pollution, chemicals, sweat and dirt to name but a few. Stress is also a contributing factor to many skin problems. Generally acne can be one of the first little treats that we can experience as we enter into our early teens. For some this can be temporary, others can suffer from acne all their life. 85% of people worldwide have suffered from acne at some point in their lives. Acne Vulgaris, is one of the most common skin diseases and it can be distressing and debilitating for the sufferer causing lack of confidence, embarrassment and awkwardness. These sometimes painful and infected skin blemishes have been an affliction of torment for many and sometimes, it seems, like nothing will work. Acne can cause scaring as a result of the skins normal healing process. Typical causes of Acne are one or a combination of the following - Excess sebum, an oily substance produced by the skin for lubrication and protection. Overproduction of sebum can lead to compacted, blocked pores or follicles. - Propionibacterium Acnes, which is a bacteria that normally lives on the skin, invading said plugged follicles. - Inflammation from touching/picking/poking your skin can cause germs and dirt to trigger blemishes. For moderate or severe acne it is best to seek medical advice. However there are steps that you can take to help minimise the occurrence of acne. - Avoid skin irritation, alcohol based cleansers, harsh scrubs, soaps and overly aggressive cleansing. - There is no need to use industrial strength scrubbing agents on men’s skin, there is nothing ‘manly’ about grating the skin off your face, its setting your skin up for a host of additional problems. - Cleanse and gently exfoliate your skin regularly. - Use skincare products such as the correct moisturisers for your skin type to ensure your skin is receiving correct nutrition. Don’t let acne control you, take control of your acne. Our shaving oil is superb for an easy, close and gentle shave and the ingredients not only soothe and soften but also help to balance oil production and heal blemishes. HarveyJ Matte Finish Moisturiser is also an excellent choice for those men suffering from oily to combination skin, prone to Acne. For a more detailed blog post please read Acne – The Indiscriminate Face Mugger We all know the poor red faced guy who looks like he has been on the whiskey while standing out in Arctic like freezing conditions, possibly naked? It is no laughing matter for the sufferer however, rosacea is a chronic and potentially life disruptive disorder predominately experienced on facial area. Over time the redness can become ruddier and more persistent, blood vessels may be visible. Primary signs of Rosacea are, flushing, persistent redness, bumps, pimples and visible blood vessels. A gentle skin care routine can help control Rosacea such as - Cleanse face with gentle deep cleansing non-abrasive cleanser. - Rinsing face thoroughly with warm water after cleansing. - Pat skin dry with soft towel, never rub skin aggressively. - Apply non irritating skin care products such as a mositurisers suitable for reactive & rosacea prone skin, Cool & Calm by HarveyJ would be perfect, just sayin….. 3. Razor Burn We have all done it at some time or other. Applied too much pressure when shaving with a new blade or shaved without preparing your skin properly. You may be left a temporary red blotchy face or even worse still an irritating rash and pimples lasting for several days. A clean, close problem free shave can be achieved by taking simple steps in preparation of the skin and beard. Such as - Wash face with warm water ensuring all whiskers have been fully soaked. - Use top quality shave oil… why we have just the thing! - Use a quality blade that is clean, sharp and rinsed after every pass. - Shaving with the grain first, then against the grain of the beard if desired. - Shaving in short deliberate strokes. - Rinse off skin and pat dry gently. 4. Ingrown Hairs These can be the most painful mothers in the history of pain… Caused by hair that is cut too close to the skin as it grows which either curls into the skin without emerging or into the skin next to it. Skin irritation results and can lead to inflammation of the skin. In some cases infection follows which causes an inflamed bump sometimes accompanied by seepage. Nice. Common causes of ingrown hairs are - Multi-blade razors which can tug and cut the whisker too close to the skin or even slightly beneath the skin surface. - Shaving against the grain where you are prone to ingrown hair, such the neck area. - Use of a dull blade. - Bad shave preparation. You can help reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs by - Ensuring good prep, wetting beard with warm water and use of a quality shave oil. - Knowing the grain of your beard and shaving with the grain on your first pass. Ok let’s call a spade a spade, you are getting old and your skin is dulling, sagging and losing its elasticity. So you’re not in your dotage just yet, but it will and does happen to everyone. At the time of writing this blog nobody can reverse time without A) surgery, B) you have a DeLorean or C) you are a Cher impersonator. But you can take preventative action and slow the aging process. If you are in your 20’s and 30’s start now and take action. - Cleanse your face properly with an appropriate cleanser am & pm. - Exfoliate regularly, according to your skin type. - Use a high quality anti-aging moisturiser suitable for your skin type daily. - Don’t overuse soap, its extremely drying and avoid really long, hot showers for the same reason. Moisturise afterward. - Stop smoking, recent studies have shown that aside from the threat of cancer, heart and lung disease, smoking will turn your laughter lines into deep wrinkles. Not so BahHaHa now… - Reduce caffeine intake, it dehydrates the skin, if you can’t reduce well at least up your water intake… Do not allow yourself to become dehydrated; water is essential to great looking skin. See blog post … Drinking Water Daily – Essential To Great Skincare 6. Sun Protection Is Essential. End of. In your teens, 20s and 30s, you are usually action man, taking part in a number of outside activities and unfortunately sunscreen may not be a huge consideration, especially in Ireland. However UVA and UVB rays are dangerous, yes even in cloudy dull weather, rays don’t care about clouds, car or office windows, trust me, they will get you and you will pay the price, some of you sooner than later. Remember too that as we age, you will find that your hair is thinning and you scalp is also exposed to those damaging rays… for the love of God, wear a hat when you are going outside for extended periods. If you have any of the aforementioned skin issues or maybe you have perfect skin (you male model you) and want to keep it that way, try some of our suggestions and see for yourself if they help.
Suffering from severe constipation can put a serious damper on a person’s day-to-day life. At Houston Colon, we don’t want you to have to go through life dealing with intestinal orders without help from seasoned professionals. Our team of surgeons are all double board-certified and specialize in the diagnosis and minimally invasive treatment options for severe constipation. Though this condition is not always an indication that there is an underlying disease or issue, we will examine any root problems associated with your consistent constipation, so all bases are covered. Sometimes we find that severe constipation is merely a symptom conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), some sort of gastrointestinal disease, or fecal impaction. Don’t let severe constipation dictate your life, get the help you deserve today by contacting our compassionate team. When Constipation is Considered an Emergency? Though many people experience constipation as a short-term problem that can be resolved with self-care and time, sometimes constipation may require emergency medical attention. Severe constipation takes the more typical symptoms of constipation and adds symptoms you won’t likely be able to ignore. You may have experienced constipation in the past, but severe constipation is much more intense and can cause an array of colorectal issues when left untreated. If you’re experiencing prolonged constipation accompanied by any of the following symptoms, reach out to our team for the urgent care you need: - Severe and constant abdominal pain - Blood in stool or coming from rectum - Unexplained vomiting - Heavy bloating The Relief You’ve Been Waiting For At Houston Colon, we have the knowledge and technology to get to the bottom of your severe constipation issues. We will assess your condition and use our expertise to determine a cause to your discomfort and an individualized treatment plan to address it. Our minimally invasive treatment options make us more than capable of catering to your severe constipation or other underlying colorectal disorders. Contact us today to learn more about our robotic and laparoscopic surgical solutions.
Review of the book “Foreigner” by Richard W. Thomas,Professor Emeritus of History at Michigan State University FOREIGNER: From an Iranian village to New York City and the Lights that led the way. This book by Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman on the journey of Hussein from a Baha’i child in the tiny Iranian village of Nayriz to an adult Baha’i and successful professional in New York, City, is a multilayered narrative of relentless religious persecution, immigrant struggles and personal resilience. It begins with “Life in Nayriz” and how the “Call to prayer” surrounded and permeated the entire social fabric of the village. The authors take the reader into the little understood cultural and social world of the Baha’is in the village and the intimate details of their households. We observe the daily harassments and brutal persecutions Baha’is endured at the hands of Muslim fanatics dating back to the days of the Bab and the heroic deeds and sacrifices of generations of Hussein’s family. We get a glimpse into the lives of the Baha’i women relatives who nurtured him yet were themselves restricted from learning about “the greater world” outside their household. The authors tell their intriguing stories within several larger historical frameworks of Bahai history. They inform the reader of the brave and gallant individuals such as Mirza Ahmad Vahidi, Haji Abdul-Husayn along with Hussein’s own relatives, his grandfathers, grandmothers and great aunts. His father Shaykh Baha’i, was “A man of Letters” who “committed many prayers and poems to memory and chanted excerpts regularly during talks he gave.” He also “studied the Quran, the Hadiths, and the Baha’i writings, and as a result, became very knowledgeable about the Qur’anic traditions regarding the Qa’im and the Baha’i proofs demonstrating the Bab and Baha ‘u’ llah’s claims.” Not only was Hussein blessed with having a very learned father, he was surrounded with “outstanding Baha’i teachers” who regularly visited his home. Among them were such luminaries as: Tarazu’llah Samandari, Muhammad Ali Faizi and Ali Akbar Furutan! His father’s dedication to his faith prompted a fanatical Mulla to kidnap and abuse him. Once released, he relocated his family to Shiraz. Hussien was now thrust into a series of larger cultural and social worlds, cities bustling with new, exciting and strange objects and habits: a doorbell, a lightbulb, “streets illuminated by electric lights.” As a student in Tihran, Hussein was a bit of a problem, forcing Mr. Furutan to chase him around a pond in the National Baha’i Center which led to him being sent back home to Abadan a city where they had relocated. This was the period of the Ten-Year Crusade which Hussein integrates into the narrative to provide a context for understanding the experiences of both his family and the Persian Baha’i community of Abadan. Hussein’s teenage years in 1956 and 1957 were “my traveling years, my years of restlessness, my years of exploration, and they would lead to the biggest journey of my life.” And indeed, they did! His Aunt Mahin took him “on a four-month trip to discover the history and beauty of Northern Iran and experience the sites associated with the dramatic origins of the Baha’i Faith.” He had learned from Baha’i school “the spiritual significant of Qazvin: this was the home of three of the Bab’s Letters of the Living, most notably the only female, Tahereh.” Their journey included Zanjan, Urmia, Azerbaijan, Anzali among others, each with its own unique religious and cultural history, dutifully explained by his Aunt. Hussein’s journey to the United States would be among his most life-changing experience. Like other immigrants he confessed: “Everything that I knew about America I had learned from movies.” He arrived in the United States in 1961. His first shock was “realizing that [he] had made a mistake when applying to colleges.” He thought he was applying to “Harvard” but “had in fact applied to ‘Howard’ a name that sounded identical to my Persian ears.” Howard did not have a nuclear engineering program. After a few years of menial jobs, firings, some homelessness, Hussein completed a bachelor’s degree in engineering at the New York Institute of Technology in 1968. He would later receive a master’s degree in European Intellectual History from Fordham University. His first encounter with the American Baha’i community occurred in New Jersey. He lived in Teaneck, “a racially diverse suburban town…” He was shocked when he visited the Baha’i Center in New York City, however. It was “off the lobby of a dingy hotel on 72nd St and next to the restrooms, which meant that the unpleasant odors pervaded the meeting.” Fortunately, some years later New York Baha’is would obtain a much nicer center; and Hussein could be proud of the fact that he played a role in obtaining it. The high point of this period of his life was his marriage to Tahereh, a medical doctor from Iran, devoted to the Faith. Being a poor student, Hussein gave her a “$10-dollar fake diamond ring” that he would later replace with one costing several thousand dollars that she in turn would donate to a Baha’i fundraising effort. Hussein’s life expanded and blossomed with new opportunities and achievements as he made every effort to serve both the Baha’i and non-Baha’i communities. He taught math at Harlem Prep, a college preparatory high school, and “was soon appointed assistant headmaster with the responsibility of hiring faculty among others.” He would later write his doctoral dissertation on the school at the University of Massachusetts, under the Dean of Education, Dwight Allen. He served as a member of the Spiritual Assembly of New York City; he was involved in the Association of Baha’i Studies during its inception and assisted with the establishment of the Baha’i Office of Public Information. During a rare visit to New York, Hand of the Cause, Mr. Olinga, asked Hussein if he could meet Dizzy Gillespie. Hussein took Mr. Olinga to an upscale jazz club where Dizzy was playing. “When we entered the smoky club, Dizzy saw Mr. Olinga and announced that here was the conqueror of Africa and that he had written a piece in his honor titled ‘Olinga’ which he would now play. Most people looked around thinking Mr. Olinga was some head of state.” Anyone not familiar with Baha’i history –and even those who are—cannot help but be moved by the delicate and profound way the authors weave the story of Hussein’s personal spiritual journey into the larger historical fabric of his family, Baha’i teachers and martyrs. He tells his story as part of the greater story of Baha’i immigrants seeking, finding and building Baha’i communities around the world. Richard W. Thomas,Professor Emeritus of History at Michigan State University
Regular exercise has many benefits to our body. It can help decrease your risk for heart diseases, diabetes, and other health problems. But did you know that exercise can also affect your brain? Many studies have proved the role of exercise in reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. Exercise can also ease symptoms of social withdrawal and low self-esteem. Read on if you want to learn more about the connection of physical activity to your mental health. Who knows? This might be the sign you’ve been waiting for to start being physically active! How Does Physical Activity Improve Mental Health? There are many possible causes of depression. While we cannot always identify the exact cause, many different factors come into play. Stress, for one, may lead to depression. But fortunately, exercise can play a role in stress management! An active lifestyle has a lot of benefits to your mental health. We listed down some of the reasons why you should get up and start moving. - Exercise Boosts Your Endorphins Endorphins are also called the feel-good neurotransmitters of the brain. It puts you in a good mood and increases your sense of well-being. But it’s not just endorphins that your body releases when you exercise. If you’ve ever had a euphoric feeling after a run, then you might have experienced what we call a “runner’s high.” For years, we have credited endorphin for this comfortable post-run feeling. However, chemical substances called endocannabinoids naturally produced in the body are the more likely the heroes of “runner’s high.” Still, endorphins play a role in preventing your muscles from aching. More studies have yet to back this up, but we surely know that we have often felt euphoric after a good exercise session! - Exercise Improves Your Sleep Depression is deeply connected to sleep. Among the many symptoms of depression are sleeping problems like insomnia. Signs of depression in teens also include sleeping too much. But did you know that exercise can work as effectively as prescription sleep medications? Stress and anxiety can keep you awake for hours and make you lose sleep. But since physical activity has already improved your mood (thanks to endorphins and endocannabinoids), you’re more likely to sleep more easily at night! Additionally, since exercise is tiring, it makes you feel sleepy. However, you have to note that exercising to the point of exhaustion is also not good. Taking short walks or doing your daily chores can improve your sleep. - Exercise Increases Your Confidence Taking your physical activity sincerely means you tend to set goals and plan your schedule. Some people take part in challenges, too. When you meet these goals, you feel a sense of accomplishment, thus improving your self-confidence. Some people set goals for getting into their desired shape. They feel better about their appearance once they reach this goal. Why Is Working Closely With A Counselor Or Therapist Important? Anyone can develop exercise routines on their own. You can take a walk in the park, bike to work, play basketball, or even do your daily chores, and they already count as exercise. But if you’re seeing a counselor or therapist, you have to discuss your routines with them. You have to let them help you primarily if you have other health problems or haven’t been exercising for a long time. They can tailor a routine according to your preference and toleration. Best Physical Activities For Your Mental Health Many studies suggest that aerobic exercises are beneficial to people with depression. These include: Ensure to get your doctor’s approval regarding your routine. Take into account their suggestions, as some health problems might prevent you from certain aerobic activities. Take arthritis, for example. Typical aerobic exercises may be too hard on your joints and even worsen your condition. A professional may suggest aquatic exercises instead. They ensure that your routine does not interfere with your overall treatment plan. How Much Exercise Do You Need? While lack of movement is not good, too much physical activity can also be harmful to you. This can even result in injury! Be patient and work gradually. Most healthy adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (walking, swimming) weekly. Meanwhile, you can have 75 minutes of high-impact aerobic exercises (running, biking). Do not set unrealistic goals. Instead, aim for activities you enjoy doing, with the approval of your doctor, of course! It’s Time To Get Moving! Take a step to a healthier body and mind! Consult your counselor or therapist now and work with them in developing an exercise routine fit for you. Physical activity can improve mental health. However, this alone is not enough treatment for depression or anxiety. Exercise is a beneficial addition to other therapies and medication that your doctor prescribed.
The question is the call. The movement that was once Stop Cebu Flyovers has every reason to go beyond stopping the construction of flyovers within the heart of the city and grow to have become the strong Movement for a Livable Cebu that it is now. What concerns it most about Cebu is a vicious cycle of living a program that kills the heart of creativity—old patterns, old templates and right answers to the wrong questions. It took only questions for one to realize the “imaginal” spirit within—to see the fire that burns. The independent-mindedness of Cebu is being threatened. Somebody says he is worried that we are closely following Manila. Another adds that Manila is closely following Los Angeles. The thing with the flyover issue, for example, is that sustainably progressive cities had been tearing their flyovers down because they do not solve the traffic issue and cause more problems than solutions. “They are on their way back and we still want to go there,” one asserts. Do we want a city of cars or a city of people? One group says it cannot allow itself not to participate in the decision-making process—that it is not just for the government to decide. Something is emerging in Cebu—“opening the fabric of history.” This is the place where Lapu-lapu killed Magellan, remember? “I refuse to accept the status quo,” someone says. “We want a sustainable and livable Cebu,” another says. “What are we willing to do? What are we willing to sacrifice?” he asks. The Workshop Courage called “Pangandoy Kong Sugbo” that was facilitated by MISSION or the Movement of Imaginals for Sustainable Societies through Initiatives, Organizing and Networking ( more than a month ago was like a frame that provided a context in which to view the magnanimity of the movement’s dreams (mga pangandoy) for Cebu. Where it is now, MLC has been spreading across every institution—past the young and the old, past the so-called “elite” and the marginalized, past the cool and the uncool, past the artistic and the structured, past every other differences and limitations, with the realization that there are common dreams that are shared between every Cebuano and those who have acquired the Cebuano way of life. If it is of any inspiration and encouragement, one says Cebu is small enough to change but big enough to influence. This is the place where Christianity was born, remember? Creativity is central to the process. Somebody describes it as marching to the call of creation—marching to the call of God. I think that one of the most beautiful experiences of being at the Workshop Courage is being one with someone who breaks into tears as he articulates what truly makes him happy: answering the call and making a difference to the lives of others. It makes you think what truly makes you happy—what you really care about. The purpose of life, says the great Emerson, is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. “What is the definition of Cebuano pride?” someone asks. He says we are warlike when our turfs are invaded, but only when our own individual spaces are invaded. Notwithstanding that, a lot of things are inspiring about Cebu. The different groups agree that everything here is “close by”—like the way the city is to the mountains or to the beaches, the way one is to his neighbor and the way Cebu is to its neighboring provinces. It is beautiful how we can laugh at our weaknesses and build on our strengths. Workshop Courage teaches us that turfing is a sense of separation and that our default consciousness is separation. It lets us see that making change happen is about allowing the diversity to come together and having a deep sense of oneness with others and the society. There is no separation in the journey of the imaginal. No duality. As I try to relive the spirit of the workshop, what I vividly remember is how each participant was amazed by his “most creative moment.” Someone says he can’t believe that it is him in the creative state therefore thinking that creativity is an entity in itself, dynamic and moving. He says that he had the feeling that God was on his side. Jagat says that we are like a funnel and that the creative ideas are just floating up there, somewhere, in some dimension. “How do we keep our creative levels high?” somebody asks. It is tempting to remain in the cloud of creativity, see new cells emerge and give birth to a new way of thinking. But, Workshop Courage teaches us that creativity does not complete without action and that the action has to be repeated. The consciousness of the movement says that there is plenty to fix, that the problems are complex and interconnected. Understanding the relationship and the interactions between the self and the society grants us the wisdom that we are bound to re-enter the society while still in the cocoon of creativity—where old cells get killed. “But, as long as the ego is there, it will always come out,” Tressa warns. The movement has resolved that the day-to-day self is in a tension when in the creative self. The programmed self pulls you to an opposite direction. Some writers call it taking the high road; others, the road less traveled. Workshop Courage teaches us that the heart becomes less-turbulent when we answer the call, when we accept the challenge, when we mobilize our creative self. “When less turbulent, the wisdom of the heart comes in,” Nick assures. It is the role of MISSION to bring courage and creativity, and MLC is a beautiful example of collective creativity. Nick says that the key central act to civil society is to reframe—that it is not about stopping something but creating something. I cannot give justice to what MLC and MISSION have been co-creating. It is beyond words. But, perhaps, a movement can be defined as something that keeps moving, with boundless energy, or a fire you can’t seem to put out.
Objections: valuation of the argument When the salesperson answers an objection to the prospectus, he does so in certain circumstances, in order to achieve maximum efficiency in the treatment of them. One of them requires knowing and applying well two proposals of contradictory appearance. The first is: Who gives value to the argument that exposes the commercial is the prospect who listens to it. And, therefore, who decides if that convinces him or not. Or in what degree it does. And the second: nevertheless, it is the salesperson who must present his arguments according to his own assessment, exposing first those which in his opinion have the greatest conviction value and leaving for the end those of less intensity. They oppose then two assessments of the same argument, which has been used, which starts the commercial and which appreciates the prospect. And it is obvious that they may not coincide in their evaluation. Errors in the valuation of the argument The commercial -in front of the exposition of its arguments for effectively deal with the objection-can, if not noticed, make two mistakes. Evaluation of the counter-objection The first is to consider that your list of arguments to counteract the objection all have a similar value, or at least they are reasoning in which is difficult to find value differences. Of course that is not the case and among those we will have in each case according to the objection expressed will be arguments of greater weight than others. The second error is to suppose the opposite: that is, that a certain argument is superior or inferior to another. And this is true - and there is no contradiction with the above - because even though we may have - and we will have - arguments that we create of greater value than others ... it is the prospect - and not us - that decides on their importance or ability to convince . Therefore, arguments, in our opinion, of great capacity for conviction can be considered banal by the prospect. And the opposite, weak reasoning in our opinion, can have a great impact on the prospect. In short, it is the other, the prospect, which gives or takes away our counter-reasoning arguments. Conduct of the commercial in the valuation of the argument The commercial must structure its counter-objection, both in its response rate, which we will see below, and in force that supposes its arguments. It does not matter if the other is the one that finally decides on its value -it can not be otherwise- what is necessary is that the commercial discourse, also in this part of the treatment of the objections expressed, is consistent with its perception of the operation. That is why you must, in addition to selecting the answer arguments, do it in a certain order: the one that goes from your highest value of conviction to the least. No need to forget that in a personal sales process like the one we will maintain, the correct development of the sales interview not only minimizes the appearance of objections but also gives clues to the salesperson about what the prospect appreciates or not. Tracks that can be used to answer objections that could happen despite everything. We leave it here. In the next postcard I will talk about the cadence -rhythm of exposure- of the arguments of counter-objection that the commercial has chosen for the answer. In the meantime, stay healthy! (1) The little face we have used for the image of this postcard is from the extraordinary German designer GERALD and was on PIXABAY.COM under the label of CC0 Public Domain.To all of them, we express our gratitude for your courtesy.
BOOK NOTICE: Gold Laundering: The Dirty Secrets of the Gold Trade — And How to Clean Up, PP. 211 - 213 For centuries, humankind has been fascinated by the glitz and glamour of gold. With its multiple uses, ranging from components in mobile phones to medicine, gold remains one of the oldest and most sought after commodities. Regrettably, much like diamonds, this precious metal is mired in conflict. Gold gives rise to significant challenges in various sectors, from mining through industrial applications to retailing. Gold Laundering by Mark Pieth provides us with edifying insights into both the glittering world of the gold industry and the horrific problems caused by the gold trade.
His work reflects his thoughts about architecture, decoration, and memory. His mixed media sculptures are minimal geometric structures that reveal their own architectural planning. Each of the structures contain multiple layers. Jamie adds layers of plaster, pigment and wax to emphasize and decorate the rough surfaces of the form. By altering the surfaces, each layer asserts the passage of time and the burying and recovery of memories. Jamie’s three-dimensional work haven taken new form in paintings. Lessons from his sculpture are observable: his layering technique creates a rich depth on an otherwise flat surface. He intends for these layers, of wax, pigment and transfers, to again evoke time and memory, but the particular washes of color lend emotional impact, sometimes haunting, sometimes romantic. Whether it’s a three-dimensional cube that references the architecture of the home or a painting that references wallpaper or interior home décor of days past and present, Jamie believes that all of his work alludes to time, history, and memory. ABOUT THE ARTWORK These pieces are created by casting adobe into wooden forms or plaster molds. Adobe is a natural building material made from sand, clay, water, and some kind of fibrous or organic material (sticks, straw, etc.), which the builders shape into bricks using frames and dry in the sun. Adobe buildings are similar to cob and mudbrick buildings. Adobe structures are extremely durable, and account for some of the oldest existing buildings in the world. The surface of the tiles are created from encaustic painting. Encaustic is a wax based paint (composed of beeswax, resin and pigment), that is kept molten on a heated palette and then fused, (or re-melted). The word encaustic comes from Greek and means 'to burn in', which refers to the process of fusing the paint. Due to the fact that beeswax is impervious to moisture, it will not deteriorate, it will not yellow and does not require the use of any chemical solvents. The surface can be polished to a high gloss, it can be modeled, sculpted, textured, and combined with collage materials. It cools immediately, so that there is no drying time, yet it can always be reworked. Since encaustic painting is made with wax, extreme hot conditions could change the art. Indoor environments, even very warm ones, are not usually hot enough to melt wax—although it is not advised to place the painting in direct sunlight. Cars are the greatest hazard because the heat of the sun is intensified through car windows. It takes at least 160 degrees to bring wax to a molten state. Like any piece of artwork, if handled with care, it will last a lifetime.
One question that comes up frequently is “How can I learn to trust my intuition?” The answer is as easy as riding a bike. In my family there are 10 children and I was the last one to learn how to ride a bike. Even my two little brothers knew how to ride before me! Learning to ride would bring freedom to roam the neighborhoods and get to the corner store to buy candy. But I was held back worried of zooming down the street and taking a dreaded spill. Ouch! In all other respects, I was fearless – climbing tall trees, even the roof of our house. With my brothers we rode a rope swing 30 feet over the edge of the hill, screaming with delight. I slept outside under the stars listening to the hoot of owls and the flutter of bats. Yet somehow riding a bike made me nervous. Eventually the time had come to learn. We had neighborhood tennis courts on our block, so one of my brothers took me out and pushed the back end of the bike while I pedaled. Each time he started to let go I sensed it immediately and would put my feet down to bring the bike to a stop. I could not trust myself to stay upright on the bike. He convinced me to go just a tiny ways without him holding on before I stopped the bike. OK, I could try that. After a couple of attempts, my fear swelled up and I had to stop. A few days later my Dad took me out to practice. This time I was willing to extend the distance and go a bit further. Little baby steps. Then suddenly I heard my Dad giving a great big holler, “Good job!” I had been riding by myself the whole time I thought he was pushing me. WOW I did it! The next big challenge was riding on the street and then later going down hills. Each time I was nervous and started out slowly until my experience was successful and my confidence grew. It is the same with trusting your intuition. Trusting yourself can be uncertain business. The paradox is that the more you trust yourself, the easier it becomes. But where do you start? Little tiny baby steps. Small distances. Start by listening to your intuition in ways that are safe and of little consequence. After you have the opportunity of following your intuition, your assurance will grow and you will have the courage to trust it more. One day you will be completely at ease using with your intuition. It will be second nature and you never forget how to do it. Like riding a bike. Next time your intuition nudges you, take a chance and trust it.
Metal detectors are Used these days to the organizations’ security. The walk through metal detector confiscates all the weapons and knives passing . We’re going to Talk about these metal detectors. It is easy to maintain These metal sensors. These steel detectors don’t move with lots of moving parts. This is maintenance charges are wanted for these metal detectors. Even the walk-through detectors require the power connection along with the auxiliaries. Make certain that these connectors are well set and clean. If you are currently using a Hand-held kind of the steel detector make sure the batteries are current and charged. The main Part is always to purchase a metal detector from the reputable company. Study your budget and decide which type of metal detector is feasible for the organization. It depends upon your The individual is also counted by some detectors, budget. A number of the detectors by those companies are programmable. Some people Believe that It’s easy to deceive the metal detector. It’s perhaps not feasible to go the metal detector with no detected, the technology which helps the metallic is detected by them is being used by these steel detectors also it creates a beep sound . The metal sensor Uses the magnetic field because of the detection of the metal. However, it is likely to fool the person standing besides the gate whenever they are not active. The security persons with an gate has to be busy, they will need to look at the person should they passed through the gate without any warning. It is a Security tool, if the connection isn’t proper, it may well not work to avoid the damage, be certain that the security person is busy.
Holistic Health, Germs and Disease This post is essentially a simplified history of microbiology. As medical technology advanced, scientists gained enough insight to begin studying the causes of disease and two schools of thought emerged. One showed immediate and promising results while the other was more holistic in nature and, though sound in theory, could not readily offer the same clear evidence in terms of results. This dialogue began in Europe in the early 1800s and still continues in present times. It can be somewhat characterized by the following comparisons easily recognized today. - Western vs ‘Eastern’ Medicine - Modern vs Traditional (or Natural) Medicine - Pro-Vaccinations vs Anti-Vaxxers We offer a way of thinking about these views without going to extremes and propose that a middle ground should be sought. Vaccines To The Rescue The technique of vaccination was developed in 1796 by Edward Jenner. Jenner used pus from open running sores of sick cows and injected it into his patients. These patients would effectively get cowpox and develop an immunity for it which was similar enough to the immunity required to fend off the deadly smallpox disease. This was the birth of immunization (or vaccination) and paved the way for the development of antibiotics, the first being penicillin in 1940. In the late 1800s there was a sharp decline in deaths relating to smallpox. Vaccinations continued to have an impact. - 1955, vaccination developed against polio - 1963, vaccination developed against measles - 1979, WHO declares the eradication of smallpox - 1988, vaccination developed against mumps - 1994, vaccination developed for hepatitis-b Another key development in the late-1800s was aseptic surgery by Joseph Lister which contributed to lower mortality rates. Lister realized that improved medical procedure hygiene prevented additional infections from surgery and it also applied to childbirth. This idea aligned well with Pasteur’s theory and, with so many lives being saved, the medical sciences community gained confidence that they were on the right track. We did not understand the mechanisms of vaccinations when they were first employed. However efficacy could not be denied as many lives were saved. It was not until after the mid-1800s that scientists like Louis Pasteur and Antoine BéChamp began a proper investigation into the nature of disease. However, as we can see from the vaccination development dates above, the ideological train of immunization had already left the station. Louis Pasteur was a French biologist who started his research around the mid-1800s. He developed pasteurization which involves heating raw milk until it kills the germs and bacteria in order to prevent infections. The idea was that germs are inherently bad and cause of disease. It would follow then that killing germs, including viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites is the way to treat and prevent disease. In other words, germs are the enemy and we must defeat them to survive. Antoine BéChamp, also a French biologist and Pasteur’s peer, held a different view. BéChamp noted that germs were everywhere and even existed inside of us in a symbiotic relationship. Rather than acting on live healthy cells, germs take advantage of damaged tissue and a greater presence of germs would manifest as a symptom of disease. Bacteria are scavengers in nature and reduce dead tissue to its smallest element. To prevent illness, BéChamp advocated the cultivation of healthy tissues through diet, hygiene and lifestyle choices. If the person has a strong immune system and healthy tissues then excessive germs would not appear. Seeing is Believing Pasteur and Béchamp endured a rivalry about who better understood the true cause of disease. Pasteur’s ideas, likely due to the confidence boost from life saving immunization practices, became more popular in the west. Western medicine grew from Pasteur’s theory and led in the development and use of vaccinations, antibiotics and other antimicrobials. In short, immunization, as first used, was a crude tool that was effective and was used despite little to no understanding of it at the time. Though, it did save many lives. Looking forward, immunization would be best used as a last resort or emergency measure. Essentially, it should only be used for human survival. If we only kill the infection without addressing the dysfunction in the patient’s immune system the patient may become sick again by the same means, or perhaps some other infection. When the immune system is compromised, an infection may further weaken and/or burden the immune system. By focusing on supporting the body’s immune function, the body will handle the infections on its own and maintain an appropriate amount and diversity of germs. Supporting the immune system and striving for healthy tissues should be our first line of defence. These are major components of being responsible for your health. Note: Healers who rely on natural remedies and may also make the mistake of targeting germs by using anti-microbial herbs prematurely. Back To The Future In present times we can still see this dichotomy playing out. We have Western Medicine or Modern Medicine mostly operating in its own sphere. We also have Eastern or Traditional views of medicine also usually operating in its own sphere. We have advocates of vaccinations and we have anti-vaxxers. These opposing views on medicine can be simplified as having an offensive strategy versus a defense one. With this framing we can appreciate that it isn’t wise to simply choose one over the other. There is a hierarchical component as well. Should the individual be responsible for their health, and by extension the health of their community, or should the state be our caretaker? Seeking Medicine’s Middle Ground A middle ground can be negotiated in order to take advantage of all the forces involved. It is our view that we should first defend our health by supporting our body’s own defense systems for prevention and treatment. If an infection cannot be contained we can then seek solutions from the modern realms of medicine. As for responsibility, both the state and the individual can work in tandem with the individual taking the lead. States however, being a kind of artificial entity, may not always have human interests in mind. Individuals must be careful not to allow the state to infringe on their rights with forced solutions which could end up making them sick and more susceptible to other ailments which in turn may require more solutions. This destructive pattern is always driven by economic addictions and capitalistic values. Forced solutions should be met with intense scrutiny and only accepted with understanding rather than trust.
(LOS ANGELES, July 28, 2008) - Consumers looking for hybrids and other fuel sippers that are safe for themselves and also their families can compare models with AAA's Buying a Safer Car 2008 brochure containing comprehensive consumer information on crash tests, rollover ratings and safety features. Available online and at the Automobile Club of Southern California's local offices, the brochure was produced jointly by AAA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Buying a Safer Car provides valuable safety information for all new cars, hybrids, and other vehicles that save fuel. It also includes crash-test ratings for those vehicles. "The information in this brochure enables motorists to compare all new vehicle features to ensure getting the best value while seeking a hybrid or another vehicle that maximizes fuel economy and also has the safety features that motorists also desire," said Steve Mazor, manager of the Auto Club's Automotive Research Center. According to Mazor, of the nearly 2 million injury-causing crashes each year, the majority are either frontal or side crashes. The brochure separates vehicles into categories by type and size and rates them (1 to 5 stars) by how much they exceed the federal government's minimum standards. The brochure offers tips to help reduce the risk of injury from any frontal air bag by observing the following: - Buckle up. - Keep 10 inches or more between your chest and the air bag cover. - Never place a rear-facing infant seat in front of an air bag, even a reduced-power or advanced air bag, unless the air bag on-off switch is in the OFF position. - Place children ages 13 and under in the back seat and make sure they are properly restrained, either in seat belts or child safety seats that are appropriate for their size, weight and age. For more information, go to or call the NHTSA Vehicle Safety Hotline at 888-327-4236.
This Article is a more detialed version of the article produced for the July 2015 issue of Fine Magazine How your Website can get you into trouble…… A web presence is now essential to the marketing of any business, whether professional of trade, retail or wholesale. Whether you have an expensively designed highly interactive site or a single page placeholder site it’s important to understand the legal implications of your businesses web presence. A Highlight of some of the more dangerous pitfalls is set out below. The very first consideration: The regulation of cookies has been with us for some time (The first EU regulation was in 1995) but the requirements have changed following a further EU Regulation in 2011. There is some very good comprehensive guidance on the Information Commissioners Office website at There are some exceptions but generally: • You must clearly explain what the cookies do and why. • You must also get their permission (either directly or because they continue to use the site). The good news is that for most sites a banner requiring a click to close that informs the visitor about cookies and gives a link to sites policy is normally sufficient. Writing a clear policy requires a good understanding of both your website’s operation and the law on cookies. Comments, Blogs and Forums If your site has a section for comments or reviews, if you run a blog or a forum, then you need to be aware of your legal responsibilities. Even if your site isn’t intended to be a blog or to have comment if it was built in wordpress- as many sites are now- the facility will be there and will need to be managed. The main concerns with allowing others to post on a site you run relate to the content of their posts: users of a forum or blog and people who comment may either; • Make defamatory remarks about people or companies • Make racist or other offensive comments • Incite or encourage people to commit offences • Incite or encourage hatred or discrimination against protected group. • Threaten or conspire in terrorist activities • Harass other users • Entice children into inappropriate acts The extent to which this is a concern and what you should do about it depends on the type of site you run. If you have a simple brochure website that has a comments section simply because it was made in workdpress then you may just want to disable all comments, giving you complete control over the site content. If you run a form or allow reviews then you will want some protection against committing any offence. The exceptions introduced for website owners and other providers under the Defamation Act 2013 are a good starting point. A website should have: • A requirements for comment makers/ reviewers/ Forum users and Blogger to log in, ideally using a third party user account like facebook or google+. This should allow you to identify any offender and hand their details to the police of the complainant’s lawyers if required. • A “report and remove” system: allowing and encouraging users to report offensive or inappropriate content with the promise that it will be removed. • A policy and the power to exclude offenders and provide their details to the police if they are believed to have committed an offence or to another parties lawyers if they are threatened with a defamation action. As well as providing businesses with problems the law also provides solutions. There are now a huge array of GTLD’s and many businesses find that their established registered or unregistered trademark has been taken by a “cybersquatter” someone simply buying the domain speculatively in the hope of selling it on. The UK has nothing comparable to the US federal laws protecting businesses but ICANN the domain name body has the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy. Filing a complaint under this policy can result in successful transfer of a domain where you can show: • A trademark (either registered or unregistered) that is the same or confusingly similar to the domain • that the party that registered the domain name has no legitimate right or interest in the domain name; and • that the domain name was registered and used in bad faith.
For most ladies, pregnancy is a period of extraordinary euphoria, energy and expectation. Pregnancy is a period of physical and passionate change when bunches of changes happen normally inside your body. In the event that you are a smoker, at that point utilize your pregnancy, or when you are arranging pregnancy to stop smoking and remain quit after the infant is conceived. Maternal smoking during pregnancy is related with a higher danger of non-syndrome or facial clefts in newborn children. Smoking during pregnancy is an extremely terrible decision. Pregnancy is an opportunity to tune in” to your body – it is anything but a chance to count calories, and attempting to get in shape. The way in to a solid pregnancy is arranging it in any case. Eating admirably can assist you with having a solid pregnancy and a sound infant – Healthy mum, solid pregnancy. On the off chance that you attempt to remain as solid as possible during your pregnancy this will give you the most obvious opportunity with regards to conveying a sound child at full term. As an eager mother, your main concern ought to be good dieting. Eating admirably should start before you become pregnant so your body will be loading up with the supplements you requirement for a sound pregnancy and check the حوامل. Soon after discovering that you have imagined you should see a specialist, as your PCP can disclose to you about sound pregnancy weight gain. Remaining solid is doubly significant when you are pregnant. Exercise is likewise a significant aspect of a sound pregnancy; exercise can assist you with getting back to your pre-pregnancy weight quicker and furthermore have a quicker, simpler birth. Satisfactory rest is fundamental to advance a sound pregnancy. Chatting with a medical care supplier is one of the most significant things ladies and families can do to plan for a sound pregnancy. Indeed, even before origination, it is significant to anticipate a sound pregnancy. A sound way of life, even before you become pregnant is the most ideal approach to give your infant a solid beginning. In case you are intending to get pregnant, get ready for a solid pregnancy by dealing with clinical and dental concerns in advance. Pregnancy is not an ideal opportunity to be on a get-healthy plan. As far as I can tell, early manifestations of pregnancy are not generally course book. There are a wide range of signs and manifestations of pregnancy, and albeit most ladies anticipate that specific indications should accompany pregnancy, these do fluctuate as per singular ladies and to their individual pregnancies. The soonest indications of pregnancy are for the most part queasiness, weariness, and bosom delicacy, however not every person encounters these.
Packet processing enables one program or one function module to process batches of data of the same type. This reduces the number of dialog processes called and improves system performance. You can use packet processing in ALE for: · Creating IDoc Packets · Sending IDoc Packets · Posting IDoc Packets
The IUHPST is the International Union of Historical past and Philosophy of Science and Expertise. The main subject of science was engineering, which made up 7.5% of publications. The World Fee on the Ethics of Scientific Data and Technology COMEST is an advisory physique and discussion board of reflection that was arrange by UNESCO in 1998. They thought that being able to purchase and operate trendy technological merchandise qualifies for development in science and technological development. We believe that the worldwide redistribution of data, power, and wealth has already dramatically modified the workplace and will become one of the biggest points that corporate culture must take care of. Science has adequately, energetically and productively superior, changed, civilized, enhanced and progressed human life. Science and Expertise creates value in society by way of data and collaboration with public and private firms and authorities. Science&Expertise Programme Director, Dr. Ilona Faustova, have acquired the best coworker award of the Institute of Expertise, University of Tartu. The collaboration in Impacting Research Innovation and Technology (IMPRINT) project entails DST’s partnership with the Ministry of Human Resource Growth (MHRD) to address such main societal and developmental needs as healthcare, information and communication technology, energy, sustainable habitat, nano expertise, water sources and river programs, advanced supplies, security and defence, and atmosphere and local weather change related mitigation and adaptation. Science And Know-how For A Higher Future The science of Platonic Fullerene Chemistry has been reunited the cultures of science and art to re-establish the traditional Platonic Science for Moral Ends. Trendy India has had a powerful focus on science and technology, realising that it’s a key aspect of economic development. Technology has led to the development of modern machines similar to cars and bikes which allow us to be mobile and travel freely and airplanes which journey at a supersonic velocity. 2: Science has modified the folks and their residing, life type, food habits, sleeping preparations, earning strategies, the best way of communication between people and recreational activities. ASTC’s Office of Government and Public Relations is your voice on coverage problems with priority curiosity to the science heart and museum discipline, locally, nationally, and globally.anonymous,uncategorized,misc,general,other Web Providers At Technology Parks Science and know-how activities are a major driver of productiveness and economic development. The use of fashionable gear has definitely helped prolonged life and most importantly give folks hope. science technology studies frankfurt, 2020 dost-sei science and technology undergraduate scholarships application form, science and technology, science technology studies journals, science & technology studies impact factor Science And Technology Studies (MSTS) Career alternatives in a country are influenced by a lot of components like social adjustments, globalization, science and technology and environmental modifications. India is among the topmost countries on this planet within the discipline of scientific analysis, positioned as one of many prime 5 nations in the subject of area exploration. The scientists believe that modern science could be very efficient to make the world green. The expertise that we develop not only helps us in our on a regular basis lives, it additionally helps scientists enhance human knowledge even further. Food scientists and technologists apply scientific disciplines together with chemistry, engineering, microbiology, and vitamin to the study of food to enhance the safety, vitamin, wholesomeness and availability of food. Points In Science And Technology Research have shown that the forces, trends, and tempo of the business environment have the one best influence on shaping organizational tradition. The Programs revolve around the strengths and assets of École Polytechnique education: proximity to companies and responsiveness to the needs of trade, multidisciplinary instructing within the hard sciences and engineering, coaching anchored in top-stage research combined with undertaking-oriented examine, exposure to the social sciences (management, economics and so on.), and common sports activities practice. The reason is that individuals need to acknowledge that there are people who find themselves affected by the science and technology. Indian House Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch its first Indian human mission by 2022. Supplies Engineering is concerned with the properties of matter and it’s software to science and technology. science and technology studies phd, 2019 science and technology undergraduate scholarship, science technology newspaper The Division of Science and Technology, Government of India serves as the nodal agency for all authorities led initiatives that create and strengthen the science and technology landscape in our nation. In brief science has modified, improved, enhanced, modified and refined human life in all ways. Please navigate to this listing of lively awards to see what was funded by Science, Technology, and Society. With assist from the government, considerable funding and improvement has incurred in different sectors akin to agriculture, healthcare, area research, and nuclear power by way of scientific analysis.
On the Ball You were either working at a feverish pace or you were gone – your choice! During the construction years, thousands made Kitimat their temporary home. Housing was a challenge and many ways were found to house all the personnel in bunkhouses, trailers, small houses on skids, and an old sternwheeler, the Delta King, all in various camps between Smeltersite and Townsite. Camp life had its perks. Smeltersite had lighted streets, a Hudson’s Bay, bank, cafeterias, school, post office, hospital, RCMP, recreation hall, and small shops. The Hudson’s Bay Trading Company as outpost in a place of pioneering, sold everything, including groceries. The recreation halls were beehives of activity. There were nightly movies, amateur theatre, talent shows, art exhibitions, and concerts. Sports at the recreation halls included table tennis, basketball and floor hockey. Social clubs, a discussion group, a library, and a lecture series on photography started up. Anderson Creek Camp had a twelve-lane bowling alley, billiards and snooker. Drinking and gambling added to Kitimat’s reputation as a crazy frontier town.
Understand SecondsCount Guide to the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “ObamaCare”) If you are confused and overwhelmed by everything you’ve heard about healthcare reform and the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”) and how it might affect you and your family, you are not alone. Good health care is critical to living a quality life and it doesn’t come cheap, so it’s not surprising that it inspires lively discussion and strong opinions. But when you need the best care for you or your family, you need facts, not opinions. This purpose of this guide is to help you understand key provisions of the ACA that may have an impact on your health care.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: On sale April 7, 2015! Brooklyn ABC: A Scrapbook of Everyone's Favorite Borough By Krzysztof Poluchowicz Is Brooklyn the best borough? Photographer Krzysztof Poluchowicz thinks so! In his new book for kids, Brooklyn ABC, he’s chronicled the undeniable appeal of Brooklyn for the younger generation—no, not twenty-somethings: kids. Though Brooklyn is often featured in the press as the borough of artisanal mayonnaise and bearded hipsters, it also has a rich history and a wealth of interesting spots sure to appeal to young visitors. In Brooklyn ABC, Poluchowicz brings it all alive in gorgeous photos, fun facts, and interactive activities that invite kids from ages 7 to 11 to enjoy the numerous attractions of the borough of Kings. Not your typical Brooklyn tourist guide, this book aims to give kids a look at the real Brooklyn. A relative newcomer to Brooklyn himself, author Poluchowicz writes enthusiastically of not only the tried and true Brooklyn attractions such as the Brooklyn Museum, Prospect Park Zoo, and Jane’s Carousel, but also such authentically Brooklyn destinations as the Gowanus Canal and stations of the Q Train. Brooklyn ABC is a lively photographic scrapbook that gives kids the chance to investigate each landmark and personalize each page with their own drawings, puzzles, and games. A perfect gift for visitors or locals who can’t get enough Brooklyn! Krzysztof Poluchowicz is the in-house designer for the Brooklyn-based book publisher powerHouse Books. He has designed many best-selling titles as well as more than 400 posters for literary events at the powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn. Kris has recently produced a project called "StationEntrance" that documents and illustrates New York's subway entrances. Originally from Poland, Kris now makes his home in Brooklyn, NY. Visit him at Children's / Alphabet / Ages 7-11 Hardcover, 8-1/2 x 8-1/2 inches, 56 pages ISBN: 978-1-57687-751-7, $14.95 US/CAN High-res scans to your specification are available upon request; scanning from the book or lifting images from the mechanical file are strictly prohibited. Mandatory credit line: From Brooklyn ABC: A Scrapbook of Everyone's Favorite Borough by Krzysztof Poluchowicz, published by POW!/powerHouse Books. Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Tumblr For more information, please contact Allyssa Kasoff, Publicist POW!/powerHouse Books, 37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tel: 212-604-9074 x142, Fax: 212-366-5247, email:
Flower of Scotland is a popular Scottish song often heard at special occasions and sporting events. This is also a popular song for the bagpipes. Roy Williamson of the Corries wrote both the lyrics and music for the song. The song was initially performed by The Corries. “Flower of Scotland” was adopted by the national football team of Scotland, after its successful use by the Scotland national rugby union team. A June 2006 found the Scottish people voted the song #1 as their favorite unofficial anthem. Pictures from
What Has Changed Recently With ? 6 months ago aebi Comments Off on What Has Changed Recently With ? Pointers That Will Help You In Fighting Anxiety Naturally Sometimes you might find yourself going through a hard situation in life that ends up leading to you suffering from stress and anxiety. For people suffering from anxiety or stress they usually rely mostly on prescription drugs. Most of these are highly addictive, and they don’t get to the root of what causes anxiety. this is a reason as to why people are encouraged train use anti-anxiety remedies which not only benefit the body but it also helps the mind a lot. When you take the medication its purpose is usually to help clear your thoughts now! so that your mind can be free. This is usually important because it helps in giving your brain a break and it helps you to relax. Start working out 30 minutes meditation page practice into your read more now day, in the morning is usually the best time because there are fewer distractions. People are easily homepage encouraged to take a break and when they are having a stressful day and drink tea as this helps to relieve stress. Make sure that when you are choosing to don’t choose one which has caffeine, some of the best tea are usually peppermint and chamomile. It is usually best for you to drink tea at the end of every hectic day and if you make this habit, this is something that you can never regret. Nowadays it has been proven that this company aromatherapy does reduce your perception of stress and it’s truly help the mind and body to relax. The best part this website about this technique is it website takes little effort. When bathing it is usually a good idea if you use this service essential oil and diffuser it in the water that is in your here bathtub. You can also incorporate aromatherapy into a new meditation routine and enjoy a stress-free atmosphere while you clear your mind. People are usually encouraged to ensure that her workout regularly and this tends to learn help in relieving anxiety that someone might be suffering from. If you are someone who suffers from depression, then know that working out will also help you a lot. At the end of the day endorphin which are released when you exercise tend to create a sense more of euphoria. You can be able to get these results if you perform cardio workouts and a good example is through use of elliptical machine or even joking if you are not into them, then you should not stress these yourself as there are so many examples of cardio workouts that you can learn.
Dear Ms Greening We hope you might still be able to join us in the Grand Committee Room today, Monday 28th for our event at 4.30pm. As you will no doubt be aware, there is widespread doubt about whether HS2 is the right project for our nation, especially at this time. When Stop HS2 was set up in 2010, we adopted the slogan; “No business case, no environmental case, no money to pay for it.” Since that time, organisation after organisation has come out and backed that standpoint. The reason for the shortcomings and failures in the proposals is straightforward. Lord Andrew Adonis went to the DfT, set up HS2 Ltd and told them to design a high speed railway to Birmingham and justify it. He was not interested in whether or not it was the best use of resources strategically or financially, the starting point was that it was known that high speed rail was the answer, even before they bothered to ask the question. Sir Rod Eddington warned of this approach in 2006. In his study for the DfT, he concluded: “The challenge to be tackled was not fully understood before a solution was generated, due to intense political lobbying from advocates. The decision on this scheme was not informed by detailed appraisals of specific high-speed rail proposals, or against appraisals of other policy options for achieving the same objectives.” Nothing has changed since then. The arguments which support high speed rail have been retrofitted, which is why none of them fit properly. This is the reason there have been such opposition to the project. This is not limited to the areas which will be directly affected, where people are regularly attacked as nimbies and luddites for being bothered to read and able to understand the proposals. A whole host of other organisations have now questioned the plans. Organisations questioning the HS2 proposals include the Adam Smith Institute, The Sustainable Development Commission, The Taxpayers Alliance, The New Economics Foundation, the RAC foundation, Federation of Small Businesses, RSPB, The Council for the Protection of Rural England, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Countryside Alliance, The Wildlife Trusts, The Woodland Trust, and The National Trust. Most recently members surveyed by the Institute of Directors saw investment in the existing rail network as a much higher priority and few think HS2 will be value for money. Last week’s report from the Right Lines Charter found that the process of and proposals for HS2 were falling far short of what was expected. The most devastating criticism, the Transport Select Committee report into high speed rail, published on 8th November raised a number of questions about HS2. They concluded that before a decision to proceed with HS2 is taken, there should be more clarity on: • the Policy Context. • the Assessment of Alternatives. • the Financial and Economic Case. • the Environmental Impacts. • Connections to Heathrow. • the Justification for the Particular Route Being Proposed. These are not minor niggles, but major issues which affect the very foundation of HS2 Ltd’s case for their proposed high speed line. The Select Committee were highly skeptical as to whether 18 trains per hour – a key fundamental of both HS2’s case as a transport solution and the business case – would ever be possible. It is clear that there is a need for investment in Briatin’s rail infrastructure, but it is not in this £33 billion ‘grand projet’, it is in the ordinary and everyday transport needs: electrification, track doubling, new stations, upgrading signaling and addressing pinchpoints. We find it astounding that the HS2 project, might be prioritised when investing in the existing infrastructure will deliver more benefits to more people more quickly for less money. The Coalition’s Program for Government said, on the subject of high speed rail: “We will establish a high speed rail network as part of our programme of measures to fulfil our joint ambitions for creating a low carbon economy.” The Transport Select Committee backed the Green Party on this issue, believing that HS2 will not reduce aviation, and stating that the “claims of substantial carbon reduction benefits don’t stand up to scrutiny.” The only thing the coalition agreement was willing to commit to with regard to high speed rail has been blown out of the water and all the other arguments have been shown to be nothing more than hopeful and unproven hearsay. This is before you consider the irreparable damage which will be wrought to the natural environment. As for the process, this was best summed up by the Freshfield Foundation Report which said: “The HS2 decision‐making process has not been disciplined and transparent. Even if proceeding with HS2 now did fit in with the 2007 strategy, the business plan is flawed. There are weaknesses in the way benefits to travellers have been valued, the high level of uncertainty involved with the project over 60 years has not been acknowledged, and the credibility of the 2011 Consultation Document has been compromised by apparent conflicts of interest.” The consultation process itself was hugely biased, as the New Economics Foundation stated, “It read like a marketing document, with contributions from organisations promoting high speed rail.” On your appointment as Secretary of State you said that you would “approach the job with a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm, but also a huge amount of care.” We hope you realise it is clear that no care has been taken in getting HS2 to this stage. We feel it would be completely careless to commit to this boondoggle, with a whimsical plan based on nothing more than nice words. We are convinced the cost of HS2 will be a multiple of the £17.8bn quoted for London to Birmingham, a gamble which is surely too great.
As time goes on, more baby boomers will retire, and members from younger generations will take their place in the workforce. On other hand, they have a group of people who belong to the age category of 20’s to 40’s. And within an organization, it is important to develop a healthy and beneficial communication process. Vartika Kashyap is the Chief Marketing Officer at ProofHub and has been one of the LinkedIn Top Voices in 2016, 2017 and 2018. This might affect the productivity of the organization. This means superior communication skills, thoughtful management, accommodation of generational differences and awareness of each employee’s needs. She is also a contributor at, The Next Web, YourStory, and Huffington among others. Improving communication starts at the top to meet your business intent. How to Answer, Why Education is Important? According to the statistics, 57% of employees report not being given clear directions and 69% of managers are not comfortable communicating with the employees in general. However, it is in the hands of the organization to work on negatives and make things better for age diversity. In the workforce, millennials are vastly different from their predecessors. Their way of approaching a job life will start the conflict and tension rises when it becomes a ego related issue. Hi there! That too when new systems are taught by younger generation. Baby boomers also tend to prefer that their hard work be acknowledged in the form of yearly raises, promotions and meetings rather than consistent, regular feedback. Not very comfortable with each other’s attitude or behavior: 5. Some of the basic hindrance to age diversity are. You are a talented individual with plenty to offer as a leader in your organization. Hence, in these kind of situations both of them can mutually help each other and work in respective time limits. People of same group will have a same thought process sometimes. There comes the riff, and which resists them to adopt. Baby boomers represent roughly a quarter of the labor force. This generation doesn’t enjoy being told what to do, and its members tend to prefer working on their own without any interference, but like clearly communicated goals and expectations. Extensive experience in Complete Recruitment Life Cycle - Sourcing, Negotiation and Delivery. Age diversity is something which is very important presently and hopefully it should be there forever for a healthier organization. On the other hand, young managers may write off the unique and important experiences that older employees bring to the table. It is important to do what you can to hire employees you trust or like, but it’s equally important to find the right person for the job, no matter how old they are. Intrinsic cues (race, age, attractiveness, etc) influence the weight of your influence and communication. This will make age diversity difficult to survive. However, difficult doesn’t mean impossible. But first things first – what is workplace communication? Don’t just wait for your turn to speak; listen actively, giving your employee your full attention. Gen Xers want to be challenged and stimulated by their work, but they also value work-life balance. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines ageism or age discrimination as “treating an applicant or employee less favorably because of his or her age.” U.S. law prohibits harassment and discrimination in the workplace based on someone’s age for employees who are age 40 or older. Problem solving skills in an organization is very important, and increasing age diversity in the workplace encourages creativity, and adds lot of advantage to it.
Last Updated on What is Negative Self-Talk? Negative self-talk is a way for people to cope with their experiences and cope with their stress. It can often be associated with poor mood. That can make people feel better, but if people feel sad and depressed they may feel worse after. People who have negative self-talk will often put things out of their control, because they can’t let it go. This can lead to feeling overwhelmed by their emotions, and not feeling like themselves. They often feel they can’t control their situation, and can even feel that their relationships don’t work properly because they are too self-critical or angry. The main cause of negative self-talk seems to be that people are afraid or ashamed of feeling bad. If they feel ashamed, then they don’t want to take responsibility for what happened to them. How to Stop Negative Self-Talk When you’re feeling sad, it’s very difficult to get rid of your negative self talk loops. Most of the persons who are diagnosed with anxiety and depression have found that if they simply reduce their negative thoughts and feelings, they can move on from the discomfort and pain of what it’s like to suffer from anxiety and depression. In my experience, when you get rid of negative thoughts you will be able to be less anxious. The best way to minimize negative thoughts is to use a simple strategy. When you make the decision to think negative thoughts, you’re doing one thing – which is to take one step away from your goal. You’re not going to take one step back. You’re going to have to take another step that you can use in the rest of your work day. To avoid making another step back in the future, you have to make sure you do one thing: think positive thoughts. If you can think positive, positive thoughts that can create a positive change in your life, you can do a lot of positive things. There are several ways to reduce negative thoughts and negative self-talk: Here are 6 tricks to stop negative self-talk : When you start going in a negative direction it’s natural to go into overdrive and become more agitated, so it’s helpful to hold your breath in an effort to calm yourself. Breathe by holding your breath, not by breathing. Your brain has to know you’re going to hold your breath, and for some people that’s a little scary. Exhale and feel a sense of bliss. “How do I get out of bed in the morning?” “How do I eat my lunch when I’m at work?” “What will I eat when I leave for work after work?” “How much money can I afford before my parents throw me out?” “How quickly can I clean this dirty apartment?” Then, begin to breathe deeply, even though you’re already deeply contented. Repeat the above three breath cycles in a way that allows you to feel relaxed, but also creates space for deeper thinking. 2. Acknowledge It The first step that comes naturally is acknowledging negative things you’ve done or said. Your friends and colleagues may laugh at you when you admit you were wrong, but it’s easier to simply acknowledge the damage in front of someone else. “Sorry to bother you and keep you waiting,” someone you love who is also an executive may say. “Just want to say thank you for the great job you have done here.” By acknowledging the damage that you’ve done or that someone else’s done, you’re acknowledging that things are more than we thought or believed they were. By not fighting or blaming, you’re making the decision for yourself to stop the cycle. 3.Stop Expecting Perfection: Don’t expect perfect; expect better. This is especially important if you know you are falling short in some way.It’s often easier to try not expecting perfection than to do that which needs to be done. If you’ve failed to make great progress in the past, you are in desperate need of a break. 4. Surround Yourself With Positivity: Positivity is the power that can be created within us. The power that brings us true happiness. The power that heals us when we’re hurting, when we need love and connection. What better place for this to happen than at home? When you are feeling down, raise yourself up. When you are feeling bad, lift yourself up and have a good laugh. When you are feeling happy you are also happier. When you are feeling happy, share a smile with another friend. A healthy mind is the mind that can take things seriously and hold onto them throughout life. In the same way, someone who thinks, talks, and acts in a positive way, takes their thoughts seriously and understands the importance of them in their life 5.Build A Routine : The most effective way to get rid of negative thoughts is to create a routine that supports healthy mental growth and increases positive behavior. If you can keep a positive activity up every day, with the goal of building your brain’s positive muscles, you will improve your ability to manage your thoughts and improve the way you think. It might be difficult at first to make a new habit, but remember, it’s the simple steps you follow at the beginning that get you in the habit of doing it successfully. 6 . Do Something Nice For Someone: One of the fastest ways to feel better about yourself and to produce instant positivity is to do something nice for someone. It’s not just a matter of spending money, buying someone a meal, or buying someone a book. This isn’t the goal of the act; it’s a way to connect in a meaningful way and to be inspired. The act itself is also more than just a form of shopping. This activity is something that you can do anytime anywhere. It’s not limited to the day. A lot of people think that getting together for a cup of tea at the office is some special form of socializing. This is a fallacy because you’re not actually spending money, you’re just using the occasion to connect with people. Being positive is good for you. Positive thinking is not as effective as pessimistic thinking. If you’re worried that you’re not able to think positive thoughts, don’t be! Try them out. There’s no shame in thinking positive thoughts. It will feel wonderful, and you’ll be glad you tried.
To stand on stage and perform feels vulnerable, so when you are on a line up with other speakers, that’s when the comparison voice kicks in. I’m sat watching the guy who is speaking before me. He is really funny. Like really funny. I’m not that funny. And he has no notes – how is he doing all this without notes? Then the next lady steps on the stage and she is covering really similar stuff to me, so obviously my brain starts up: “they are going to find out that you aren’t as clever as you make out”. And again “oh she is putting this message together much better than you do”… And then your brain hits you with this doozy: “Are you sure you’re good enough?” Brene Brown says that “Comparison is the killer of creativity and joy”. And as I sat there trying to stop myself from going into a flat spin, I started to deploy the methods I use that remind me of the only thing that can stop you from killing your creativity and joy… Remember that You are You. I get all my clients to establish who they are before doing anything else. Understanding what you bring to the table, where your strengths lie, and what you are trying to achieve, eradicates comparison. All that matters is that you are attempting to be the best you can be, in line with your own values. Grasp this, and then suddenly you won’t be worrying about what others do. Presenter Chris Evans said on his first Virgin Radio show in January “If anyone is any good then there is room for everyone”. He was replying to those who were curious about any competition between him and his old Radio 2 show. He’s right. I also used to get really worried that I wasn’t as good as other people doing what I do. That was until I started to realise that there wasn’t one or two people that I was in competition with… there are thousands of people doing it, all over the world. All I can do is do the best I can to help the people I want to help. Of course, competition is useful, It spurs us on and helps us to be better, and competition is fuelled by comparison. So, be clear on who you are, what you want people to remember, and focus on that. You can wave goodbye to comparisonitis.
Public Transport Guided Systems are one of the safest transport modes; however, there is still the risk that a fire could break out. Toxic effect level measurement of materials and their toxicity classification is very critical and also difficult to assess in estimating real safe evacuation conditions of passengers. The current prescriptive approach gives solutions in fire safety design of railway vehicles or waterborne vessels. The new prescriptive classification of products is based on dynamic measurements of various material toxic effects is needed, and will be more accurate. The consideration of larger, complex vehicle structure designs together with the presence of more complex phenomena, due to combined effect of toxic emission, heat release, smoke distribution and active / passive safety on vehicles, implies the utilisation of an alternative holistic approach. This global or “holistic” approach is possible using a performance-based fire safety methodology, which provides more flexible and economic solutions. This new holistic approach can propose a range of alternative and complementary fire safety strategies using innovative advanced materials able to achieve the design objectives of rail vehicles and other means of transportation, like marine craft.
Kitakyushu (Japanese: 北九州市, Hepburn: Kitakyūshū-shi, lit. “North Kyushu City”) is one of two designated cities in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, together with Fukuoka, with a population of just under 1 million people. Discover best places in a city you are visiting. The rating information was taken from Google Maps and the list was last updated on 15th December, 2019: 3: Munakata Shrine 5: Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History & Human History 6: Senbutsu Shonyudo 8: Hakata Gion Yamakasa 9: Giant wood buddha 10: Dazaifu Tenman-gu Click on a link below to see the most recent changes and more:
Columnar type cacti, also known as “cereus type,” grow tall and skinny. Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus. Most cacti feature thick photosynthetic stems and leaves that are modified as spines. Depending on the size of the plant and retailer, you can get one of these cute cacti from less than a dollar to just a few bucks. For a majority of cacti, the lowest temperature they are able to survive at is freezing (~32 degrees Fahrenheit). For example, types of cacti such as the Echinopsis end up producing flowers that are quite beautiful, leading many to believe that cacti themselves are flowers. Most cacti are adapted to arid environments, though a number of species are native to rainforests and other tropical or subtropical areas. Wurz Houseleek. Whether you choose a Mexican cactus for style or sustenance, it is sure to impress. A Fleshy Plant. The specific growing conditions for types of cacti largely depend on the specific genus, though. This is a list of plants organized by their common names.However, the common names of plants often vary from region to region, which is why most plant encyclopedias refer to plants using their scientific names, in other words using binomials or "Latin" names. No matter which type of bloom your cactus produces, it is sure to be a delight. Mar 7, 2013 - Cacti & succulents abound. However, you should bring them in if it gets too cold. All of them add something special to your yard or indoor space. Twin-Spine is a rounded and mounding variety, covered with silver spines. Many have Because the cacti are mainly composed of water, it is difficult for them to actually catch fire. The Cactaceae family is included under the category of angiosperms, putting cacti under this category as well. Because of its size and the size of its spines, this type of cactus earned the nickname “hedgehog.” However, the species that are edible are considered vegetables (i.e. It’s worth noting, though, that cacti are often considered flowering plants, a term that is different than flowers themselves. Cactus, flowering plant family comprising 139 genera and nearly 2,000 species, all of which are native to the New World with one possible exception. Or perhaps you simply have an interest in the subject and would like to include in it your day to day conversation. Make your container garden fun and interesting with a mix of cactus colors and shapes. Some cacti bloom most of the year, while others only bloom when the days are short. Other names for this plant include vine cactus, desert coral, slim wood, and candlewood. These types of specially made soil contain large amounts of peat, an element that helps hold moisture and allows the cacti to absorb it properly. Not all cacti are considered edible, therefore not all cacti can be considered vegetables. These are succulent plants that grow low to the ground, which causes it to form shorter spines. Barrel (or globular) cacti look like, well, a barrel. Our casual fine dining restaurant menu offers the best in global cuisine - using local, fresh ingredients. Blue Water Lily. Why the Euphorbia Cactus is Called African Milk Tree. It’s honestly a unique island with beautiful flora to enjoy. I hope this content will be helpful to you. Certain one-gallon plants can cost less than ten dollars while other ten-gallon cacti can set you back 70 dollars. If you asked me about my thoughts on naming plants prior to compiling this list, I would have told you that while I’d likely never take the time to name many, I could still see myself naming a really well-loved favourite or two. Though the Christmas cactus is, in fact, a cactus, its tropical origins mean it craves more water than most. Coaxing multiple blooms from a Christmas cactus (or the closely related Easter cactus) takes a little planning. Cacti potting soil is often sold at planting stores and other types of garden centers. Each listing includes an image and key growing information below in a table. With proper care, this cactus can also bloom in the fall and spring. english names please: I am working on a document which contains the invasive species of plants in and around forests and villages of Karnataka. Contextual translation of "dhaincha plant name in kannada" into Kannada. The fruit is rich in phytonutrients, Vitamins C, good fatty acids, a number of B vitamins, carotene and protein. Before you choose the best desert plant for you, consider where you will keep the plant, if you want a flowering variety, and from where the species of cactus comes. Its growth can be 1 feet to 12 feet. Mar 7, 2013 - Cacti & succulents abound. So post to above email, English equivalents of Kannada names of invasive species of plants. The Euphorbia trigona gets its common name ‘African milk tree’ from the toxic white sap in its stems.Many species of succulents in the genus Euphorbia have this milky latex substance.Cutting or puncturing the plant causes milk to leak. Related: 23 of my favorite indoor cactus types. You can typically purchase this plant for around 25 dollars in a basic pot. You can expect to pay between 10 and 30 dollars for one of these plants. It is also possible for cacti to die from low temperatures, though some species are able to survive extremely low temperatures. If you are looking for something unique each Christmas, this unusual plant can give you what you need. Related: 100+ different types of cacti 1. There are many desert cacti that make great houseplants. ಕಳ್ಳಿ. They make exciting additions to any yard! The name assigned in this manner is called a scientific name, binomial name, binomen. The exact size of your Christmas Cactus may vary depending on the size of the pot. Cactus plants have a broad, shallow root system designed for efficient water collection. Cacti is the Latin plural of cactus, and some writers use it in English. Water the plant thoroughly, allowing the excess water to run out through the drainage hole. However, there are some cacti that can truly survive in sub-zero habitats. Rather than one of two columns or barrels, these plants have plenty of flat, fleshy surfaces that look like giant leaves. Bengali, 3. 4.5 out of 5 stars 2,474. nopales, an edible type of cactus). Other types of cacti that can survive under conditions closer to zero degrees Fahrenheit include the Fishhook Barrel Cactus (also known as Ferocactus wislizeni) and the Santa Rita Prickly Pear Cactus (also known as Opuntia santa-rita). mixing sand and soil). Hindi, 2. In fact, 95 percent of plants that you can find in the Spiny desert are not native to any other place on Earth. Better still, they’re easy to grow and need little care. The old lady cactus, a type of powder puff cactus, is covered with spines and white down, hence its name. It is the tallest cactus in the genus Astrophytum. Do you work in an industry that requires you to communicate with English speakers about plants and flowers? We have thousands more in stock inventory; this is just a sample of our vast picture library, so email us for personalized online lightbox and high res downloads if your search needs more photo files to consider. Our interesting facts and trivia for every vegetables is a bonus! The word “cactus” derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek κάκτος, kaktos, a name originally used by Theophrastus for a spiny plant whose identity is not certain. Container, attracts birds and butterflies, Container, Tolerates Drought, Easy to grow, Easy-to-grow, Tolerates Drought, Container, Tolerates Drought, Container, Showy Flowers, Tolerates Drought, Container, Showy Flower, 80 Most Popular Types of Flowers (Photos and Details), 132 Types of Cacti (A to Z Photo Database), you may wish to plant your outdoor cacti in pots, these cacti have been part of a human diet for thousands of years, More than 12,000 plant species call Madagascar home, the American plants have a wide range of prices. There are also types of cacti that will grow towards whichever light is closest, causing their entire development to be centered around light despite growing up in the shade. In the Northern Hemisphere, they are called Christmas cactus, Thanksgiving cactus, crab cactus and holiday cactus. That’s why it’s essential to plant any outdoor Mexican cacti in pots. No, but they have many aspects that mimic trees. Cactus is included in the order Caryophyllales and family of Cactaceae. Because cacti are succulents, they don’t have to be watered frequently, making them even easier to take care of on a regular basis. Contextual translation of "chamomile flower" into Kannada. 26 41 2. I have the local kannada names, but I need the english equivalents to them. It also has yellow flowers. If you live in a place where you get cold weather or wet soil, you may wish to plant your outdoor cacti in pots. Others create aloe that you can use in home remedies. While many people associate cacti with the American southwest, these plants grow all over the world. It is also considered great for skin. However, they are still relatively low-maintenance. Theophrastus used the word cactus to call the spiny plant. 211 387 19. The table below gives a comprehensive list of all the vegetables in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu & Kannada … Most cacti feature thick photosynthetic stems and leaves that are modified as spines. Unlike most plants, cactus need very minimal amounts of water, thriving in well-drained areas. Pediocactus paradinei, Kaibab pincushion cactus (AZ) Pediocactus peeblesianus, Navajo pincushion cactus (AZ) Pediocactus sileri, Siler's pincushion cactus (AZ, UT) Sclerocactus papyracanthus, paperspine fishhook cactus (AZ, NM) Sclerocactus sileri, Siler fishhook cactus (AZ) Sclerocactus whipplei, Whipple's fishhook cactus (AZ, UT) The “leaves” also range in color from bright green to subdued blue. Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus subsp. It may grow as much as 12 inches tall (30 cm) in time. 49 73 1. Could someone please help?? Some of the varieties are poisonous. He diligently cares for it which is nice to see. Plant Succulent. Thanks in advance ! It depends on the specific species of cacti. When people consider planting flowers in their gardens, cacti are rarely the first plant to come to mind. Though you might not think that the spines are large enough to cover a cactus in any capacity, you have to consider that cacti often have thousands of spines with each one providing a little bit of protection. This article is useful while explaining karnataka recipes.Some time its very difficult to get the name of ingredients in kannada and vice-versa. Because of this, succulents thrive in dry conditions and are able to live where rainfall is scarce. Flower names are listed in Kannada and English.Kannada names for flowers like Rose, Jasmine, Hibiscus, Lotus, Marigold, Sun flower, Crosandra, Champa, Oleander, Ixora, Periwinkle etc., are given here. The width of the cactus will depend on the size of the container. In a general sense, though, the lowest temperature a cactus will be able to survive at depends greatly upon the species. No, they are not. They can grow to 12 to 39 inches tall and 6 to 12 wide. There are also a lot of cacti that don’t have any flowers, only growing spines, making this a problematic term to apply in a general sense. Sunlight needs: Plenty of sunlight. ನೈದಿಲೆ ಹೂವು. The cacti are common plants found in states such as Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and California. They thrive in dry, hot climates. Flowering Time: Summer. These globular cacti, from my Cactus Curio Box project, are readily available in nurseries and online. Examples of this include the Flowered Hedgehog Cactus, also known as Echinocereus viridiflorus. Cacti come in colors that range from green to gray to near-blue and they come in lots of interesting shapes. 70 163 8. Agave Victoriae-Reginae. While they can hurt anyone who gets too close to their spikes, these plants are not generally toxic to children and pets. The cactus family consists of about 131 genera and 1,866 species of flowering plants, almost all of which are found in the New World.Most cacti are adapted to arid environments, though a number of species are native to rainforests and other tropical or subtropical areas. All succulents store water in their stem or foliage, but cacti also feature areoles, the little bumps on the outside of the plant that the spines grow from. The cactus, known by its family name of cactaceae, is a very unique and popular plant. The reason why cacti have long roots is because they need to absorb as much water as possible, with the roots growing outward to cover as much territory in the event of rainfall. Plant and Flower Names! Before you want the plant to flower, cut it back and induce a rest period when watering and fertilizer is reduced, and the plant is kept cool (about 50 F to 55 F). 10. It is best to buy a Christmas Cactus that already has flowers. However, very mature cacti can cost a bit more. For better viewing of species' pages, colour scheme & formatting is being followed as: Species- Ferns (families, genera, species), Species- Fungi (Phylum, Class, Family, Genus, Species), Species- others (families, genera, species). This is a list of plants organized by their common names.However, the common names of plants often vary from region to region, which is why most plant encyclopedias refer to plants using their scientific names, in other words using binomials or "Latin" names. Succulents store water in their leaves. The third basic shape of outdoor cacti is the prickly pear or Opuntia genus. Browse Succulents by Common Name - Plant information, facts and uses, photos, growing tips, stories, where to buy, and more. Cactus is considered as a unique plan for it can survive in the hot temperature and drought. They have many different functions, but perhaps the most important is that the spines protect cacti against predators. These types of cactus plants and species are perfect for growing at home. You can even grow cactus indoors in containers. In the Southwest part of the United States, cacti are abundant. Across the country, you can find types of tree-like Cereus, blooming hedgehog, prickly pear, and foxtail cacti. Imagine the fun of watching a house guest come in for a closer look, trying to learn the scientific name of that hairy cactus in the corner (cephalocereus senilis or “Peruvian Old Lady Cactus”) – only to discover a pet name like “Furry” on the label instead. In fact, some can live for up to 200 years. Many of these plant species are unique to the country. Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, Of course, there are various other species that are planted along fences, too...such as, If need botanicak\l or english name I can send it, original e-mail Id was hacked. Cacti are still considered part of the Cactaceae and are not considered trees by scientists. The cactus produces fruit in the spring and summer. It may get as high as 12 inches, but rarely taller. Cactus plants are typically associated with desert climates, but both cacti and succulents make excellent landscaping plants nearly anywhere. This beautiful houseplant is also a forest type. But the internet’s won me over. Human translations with examples: ಕನ್ನಡ, sajje, agasi, dhaincha ಸಸ್ಯ, chelli kai beeza. The cactus, known by its family name of cactaceae, is a very unique and popular plant. See more ideas about cacti and succulents, succulents, plants. Please do let me know as soon as possible. Save 5% more with Subscribe & Save. A plant like this will typically set you back only 15 to 25 dollars. The plant grows attractive pink flowers. For any mistake in identification or for becoming efloraofindia e-group member (for contributing towards building of efloraofindia or otherwise), pl. These types of cacti are very convenient for bringing home and incorporating into one’s apartment, making them great options for anyone looking to have a plant without having to seriously alter their routine to raise it. Most cacti are not considered flowers, but certain species are known to have flowers growing out from them. Marathi. Cactus pests and problems are also minimal but can be dealt with easily with the right cactus plant care. Jade Plant Care in India. The most common cause of cactus death is typically due to excessive amounts of moisture in the soil, often the result of overwatering. Jade plant prefers full sunlight nurturing of 3-4 hours per day for optimum growth, lacking which can lead to stunted growth. Cactus, flowering plant family comprising 139 genera and nearly 2,000 species, all of which are native to the New World with one possible exception. For indoors, you can keep your potted Jade at the south-east window. However, to assume that a cacti is a tree because it looks like one is incorrect. 1,627 Free images of Cactus Flower. ಪಾಪಸು ಕಳ್ಳಿ. One of the unifying factors between all cacti, though, is that they often can’t tolerate winter moisture very well. In fact, cacti that grow in pots and containers are some of the most common cacti that people take on to raise. Facts about cactus Plant 1:History and Etymology. Dwarf Turk’s Cap Cactus Now a day many of the cactus are ornamental plants which can be grown in a small pot. A cactus is a succulent plant of the family Cactaceae. Without a pot, you can score this gorgeous cactus for approximately 10 dollars. The blooms on this cactus are erect and do not hang down like the flowers on Schlumbergera x buckleyi. Sort of. Popular varieties. There are plenty of types of cacti that can add beauty to your home. However, if you want to plant some cacti indoors, it is important to choose a species of cactus that thrives in that sort of environment. There are plenty of sizes of prickly pear cacti. The prices on these plants range from under five dollars to over 20 dollars. They thrive in dry, hot climates. This cactus can survive temperatures as low as negative 20 degrees Fahrenheit, something unparalleled by many other species. Allow the soil to dry almost completely between waterings—you will know if the soil is too dry when the leaves start to pucker and shrivel. If you've been feeling the call to make like Joanna Gaines and embrace your inner "crazy plant lady," an indoor cactus or succulent garden is a great place to start. This towering plant can grow over 60 feet tall and has several smaller branches coming off one giant column. It’s known for its wide variety of species, each very distinct in appearance. Cacti are not ericaceous because they are not considered part of the Ericaceae family. Monk's hood is identifiable by its five to eight ribs that often twist into spirals. Though cacti have the capacity to have their skin be sunburned, it is unlikely that they can light on fire. This houseplant grows to between six and 12 inches tall and six to 18 inches wide. Desert Spoon Dasylirion wheelieri Don’t pick native plants— they poke back. Cacti are definitely comfortable growing around sand, as they are thought to be essential to the environmental makeup of deserts. In fact, Arizona’s Saguaro National Park is named for the “King of the Cactus,” or the Saguaro cactus. Some can grow up to seven feet tall, while other stay at about six inches in height. Welcome to Cactus Club Cafe. The spines also help protect the surface of the plant by providing shade. Angiosperms is another way of referring to flowering plants, a category that cacti are a part of. Cactus plants and succulents are a great choice for people who don’t want to spend a lot of time in their garden or caring for their indoor plants. Welcome to our cacti database where we list many varieties of cacti. 1. This plant tends to grow out more than up. This is because angiosperms are often considered dicots, flowering plants that have two seed leaves. […] These plants enjoy dry, hot temperatures. In fact, the cactus has become integral to Mexican society and cuisine. Not only do they add a fresh, unique look, but they are also easy to care for. Kannada Translation. Could someone please help?? You can tell them apart because the Thanksgiving Cactus has claw-like appendages on its flat stems (or cladophylls) that resemble crab claws, hence of of its other common names Crab Cactus. You can buy it already potted from 35 dollars and up. Here are a few of the most popular Mexican plants to bring home: Mexican cacti differ widely in price. Have you decided to add a cactus to your collection? Succulent Potted Plant. The plant itself costs between five and 15 dollars. It is produced from a species of the cactus plant. Because of this, cacti are actually considered a sub-category under the umbrella of succulents. Learn everything you need to know about their names, flowers, and different types. The word "cactus" derives, through Latin, from the Ancient Greek κάκτος, kaktos, a name originally used by Theophrastus for a spiny plant whose identity is now not certain. 41 57 4. There are approximately 170 species of columnar cacti, each of which has unique features. Some of the most localized plants are coryphantha recurvata, cylindropuntia abyssi, escobaria robbinsiorum, pachycereus schottii (senita) and several pediocactus species, while the most widespread, occurring across half (or more) of the state, include escobaria vivipara, cylindropuntia acanthocarpa, cylindropuntia leptocaulis, opuntia chlorotica, opuntia engelmannii and opuntia phaeacantha. Columnar cacti are amazing. Instead, cacti are considered to be part of the Cactaceae family. Yes, they can! This way, you can move the plants inside when conditions get harsh for them. Unlike other cacti, this plant like a little humidity. You can get a pack of the cacti in the picture above for just 15 dollars. Botanical Name: Mammillaria geminispina. cactus synonyms, ... cactus - any succulent plant of the family Cactaceae native chiefly to arid regions of the New World and usually having spines. These are aspects of cacti that don’t appear in other succulents, making them unique in this way. The name cactus is taken from the Greek word. Hedgehog Cactus. Opuntia dillenii (KER-GAMIER) HAW.kalli(Kannada), mullkalli(Kannada), papasakalli(Kannada), papasikalli(Kannada), papaskalli(Kannada), papasukalli(Kannada), pappaskalli(Kannada), sappattikalli(Kannada), shivaram-kalli(Kannada), sivaramakalli(Kannada), sivaramukalli(Kannada). Did you know all cacti are succulents but not all succulents are cacti? Cactus Plants Pots In fact, scientists have discovered more than 2,000 species of cacti. Like most cacti, this plant is drought tolerant and doesn’t need much maintenance. Think beyond the blooms when you plant a container garden. 37 58 1. However, the lack of blooms does not mean it lacks beauty. Some smaller species can grow to less than a foot in height, while others can top seven feet. Bring them in if your temperatures fall too low tolerate winter moisture very.... Of this plant like this will typically set you back only 15 to dollars... These tall and 6 to 12 feet plant of the most common of... Low as negative 20 degrees Fahrenheit, something that is different than flowers.. Temperature a cactus can produce vibrant and enchanting flowers that smell incredible guess from the of. Have succulent photosynthetic stems and leaves that are modified as spines plant thoroughly, allowing cactus... Cactus with long, tall green stems you take care of these plant types produce fragrant, beautiful.... 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By Bronwyn Slater UN Report Warns Investors to Prepare for Major Shift to Plant-Based Food System A UN-backed organisation has warned that financial markets have not adequately priced-in the likely near-term policy response to climate change. Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has released a report warning investors to prepare for a major shift towards a plant-based food system. The report overviews a number of government policies that could be put in place to mitigate climate change, including a drastic reduction in meat consumption in the coming years. There could be an abrupt and disruptive policy response to climate change which will cause re-pricing of many of the world’s most valuable companies by 2025. The report states: “With production, processing and retail of food accounting for 15-30% of all greenhouse gas emissions in high-income countries, significant shifts in food consumption patterns will be required as a part of the low carbon transition.” Ocean temperatures hit record high as rate of heating accelerates A new analysis has shown that the past five years have been the top five warmest years recorded in the ocean, with a new record level reached in 2019. The world’s oceans are the clearest measure of the climate emergency because they absorb more than 90% of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases. Hotter oceans lead to more severe storms, floods, droughts and wildfires, as well as an inexorable rise in sea level. Higher water temperatures are also harming life in the seas. ‘Transfarmation’ helps struggling farmers convert to plant-based crops Animal-rights group Mercy for Animals recently announced the launch of the Transfarmation Project, an initiative that will help struggling chicken farmers exit the animal agriculture industry. MFA President Leah Garcés said: “We aim to help farmers transition to growing hemp, mushrooms, hydroponic lettuce, and other crops—and even to producing solar and wind energy. We will bring together investors, engineers, farmers, business folks, policymakers, and advocates to design replicable models that will boost rural economies and build a more compassionate farming system.” “Farmers in America are in bad shape,” said Mike Weaver, a former chicken farmer. “All of America needs to be concerned about what’s going on with family farms and in rural America. Big Ag has taken control of production, and they are driving the small family farmers out. Farmers are ready for a change, and initiatives like the Transfarmation Project can help.” Coronavirus originated in animals The Coronavirus is thought to have originated in crowded so-called ‘wet markets’ in Wuhan, China, where live wild and farmed animals are packed into crowded cages alongside each other. They are called ‘wet’ because animals are often slaughtered in front of customers. Exposure to respiratory droplets, faeces or body fluids from animals, or from carcasses and raw meat, provides plenty of opportunity for new strains of viruses to infect humans. The 2002 SARS pandemic was traced back to meat being sold at similar markets. To date (Feb. 29th, 2020) more than 79,250 people in China have been confirmed to have the virus and at least 2,835 people have died. Outside China there are now 6,285 cases of the virus. The mortality rate is thought to be around 1-2%. Bird Flu and Swine Flu continue to spread The highly contagious H5N8 bird flu has been rapidly spreading across Eastern Europe. Outbreaks have now been reported in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Outbreaks continue to be reported in Belgium and Bulgaria and the virus has now spread to an area of Poland close to the German border. In China, an outbreak of the highly pathogenic H5N6 bird flu has been reported in swans in the western Xinjiang region of the country. Meanwhile, African Swine Flu is now present in 50 countries and continues to spread. Outbreaks are still occurring in China, resulting in the mass culling of pig herds. Half the population of pigs in China have either died from the virus or have been killed since the disease began in 2018. It has been reported that Vietnam has lost a quarter of their pigs. The virus can survive in frozen pork. After families have eaten, leftover scraps are often fed to backyard pigs which can restart the cycle of disease. Veganuary Hits Record Numbers with Close to 400,000 Sign-Ups Veganuary 2020 has hit record numbers with sign-ups reaching 400,000, surpassing the organisation’s goal of 350,000. The numbers have been attributed to the rise in the popularity of veganism, as well as celebrity support and Veganuary’s first TV ad which aired at the beginning of the year. Many supermarkets and restaurants now launch vegan options in January in a bid to capitalize on demand. EU Could Introduce a Sustainability Charge on Meat A report by the Dutch organisation TAPP (True Animal Protein Price) has recommended that meat prices be increased in order to reflect its environmental impact. The report was debated by MEPs on February 5th. “In the Netherlands, we propose to introduce a ‘true meat price’ starting in 2021 with low tariffs – 16 cents per 100g of meat on average, increasing to 40 cents per 100g in 2030. As a result, total meat consumption would fall from 45.3 kg per person in 2019 to 23.1 kg per person in 2030.” The group says that in the Netherlands, these price corrections are accepted by 63% of people – a majority of the population – and they expect that in other countries this will be the same. Ethical veganism now a protected belief in UK In January an employment tribunal in the UK ruled that ethical veganism is a philosophical belief that should be protected by law against discrimination. The ruling came as the result of a case brought by Jordi Casamitjana, who claims he was unfairly sacked by the League Against Cruel Sports after he raised concerns that its pension fund invested in companies involved in animal testing. Casamitjana said he was extremely happy with the outcome “and for the words of the judge, who clearly understood what ethical veganism is”. Casamitjana’s solicitor, Peter Daly, said “The recognition of ethical veganism as a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 will have potentially significant effects on employment and the workplace, education, transport and the provision of goods and services.”
How To Identify Drug and Alcohol Addiction Drug Addiction Overview In the past, those who were addicted to drugs and/or alcohol were stigmatized and sometimes perceived as weak or emotionally unstable. Advances in research and medical treatment have altered our perceptions and we now realize that addiction is a disease with a physiological as well as an emotional basis. Even though our perceptions may have changed, the fact remains that millions of Americans experiment with drugs and alcohol each year, many for the first time. Alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and many other drugs can be addictive and many of those who experiment will become addicted. If you’re concerned about your own drug or alcohol use or that of a friend or loved one, we can help you at or you can call us toll-free at 1-800-256-5483. We provide 24 hour drug rehab at our inpatient drug treatment center. You can also peruse our frequently asked questions, or FAQ section, to learn more about our inpatient addiction rehab program. What’s the Difference Between Use and Abuse? Drug and alcohol addictions are progressive diseases. Even though not every user becomes an addict from experimenting with substances, every addict started as an experimental user. These are the stages of addiction: 1. Occasional and/or celebratory use: At this stage, the user maintains control of both the quantity and frequency of his or her drug or alcohol use. During this stage, the user may experience some unpleasant or frightening sensations such as increased heart rate, confusion, memory loss or impaired judgment but the pleasurable sensations outweigh the unpleasant sensations so usage continues. 2. The next step in addiction is the need for an increasingly larger dose or a more frequent dose in order to achieve the same pleasurable sensations. During this stage, users become abusers and are vulnerable to becoming addicted to their substance of choice; their need is becoming more compulsive than recreational. 3. If the user continues his or her drug and/or alcohol use without seeking help, at this point addiction is likely to develop. Many users aren’t able to combat the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when they are without their substance and become full blown addicts. It’s very difficult to quit especially when withdrawal symptoms begin. Symptoms of Addiction Not all symptoms will be present with every substance, but these are the symptoms of drug and alcohol addiction and may present in varying degrees and combinations, depending on the substance and the individual. Symptoms include: - High blood pressure - Muscle and/or bone pain - Nausea and/or vomiting If you, a friend or a loved one are experimental users and exhibit one or more of these symptoms, you should call our 24 hour drug rehab center at 1-800-256-5483 to learn more about our inpatient drug treatment center. Don’t try to quit without professional help from an inpatient addiction rehab program. Quitting on your own can endanger your health and usually isn’t successful. Consequences of Addiction Many of the participants in our 24 hour drug rehab center have experienced serious health complications from their drug abuse but were unable to stop on their own. Many have lost their jobs, their relationships, and all of their material possessions due to their drug use but still were unable to stop. Without professional help, even those who manage to quit will relapse into their addiction. Call Us Today If you are an addict, call us toll free at 1-800-256-5483 and speak to a trained professional at our inpatient drug treatment center. Let us help you enroll in our inpatient addiction rehab program and start you on the way to clean and sober living.
The couple often meets at church so there’s no first look per se. The couple first sees each other whereas the bride walks down the aisle . Another custom surrounding the bride preparing is having her single associates write their names on the bottom of her wedding sneakers. Whichever name stays there and doesn’t get smudged or scraped off after all the dancing, that girl will get married subsequent. Many Greek girls develop up in massive households and so they know the way great it’s to stay in a household full of kids. However, they also know that raising several youngsters requires plenty of material and moral resources the household might not all the time have. As Greek ladies finish their studies, they know how to present for themselves and be proud of their profession and material standing. Greek brides don’t sit down and await a person who will current all her needs. That does not indicate that they commit more time to their career on the expense of their households; as a substitute, they contribute a quota for the sustenance of the household. A small tip — you’d better avoid using it and should you see your woman doing it to you — bear in mind — she’s actually mad. Even although there’s your showing to be restraining about intimacy within the centre category, not a single thing might presumably be much more deceptive, as it’s merely shallow impression. That Ancient gals think about making love like a item proper from gods, plus they’ve fun with this with the fullest. Concerning historic sculptures, the mouth is invariably compact, but in truth, Greek most women have a substantial and delicate butt finish by means of plainly delineated and plump mouth space. Hellenic most girls might be caring wives and reliable contacts. Why Is Greek Mail Order Brides, remove? In early Roman, Greek, and Jewish cultures, rings were used as collateral to pay the daddy of the bride. The timeless tradition developed with the development of women’s rights, as brides now change rings with the groom as nicely. Holding up the e-book of the Holy Gospel, the priest leads the couple in a ceremonial walk called the Dance of Isaiah. The Koumbaro shows his assist for the couple by following intently behind holding the ribbon that joins the Stefana crowns. This “dance” celebrates their first steps as husband and spouse. The bride’s costume contained a veil, which symbolized her purity. A wedding feast at the house of the daddy of the bride would be attended by each households. However, women and men sat at different tables, the ladies would sit and wait till the boys have been done. The most important ritual of the wedding day was the anakalypteria, which was the removing of the bride’s veil. This signified the completion of the transfer to her husband’s household. These Greek mail order brides are gaining recognition in Western Europe in addition to in the US and we determined to find out what makes them well-liked. The youngster chosen for the procession would wear a crown of thorns and nuts. This crown signified the escape of man from the wildness of nature to the civilization supplied by Greek culture. The bride was given a grill for the toasting of barley, a pestle that was designed to hang in entrance of the marriage chamber, a sieve, and totally different grains. Here is one other concern that males have in terms of mail order brides. They generally imagine that Greek mail order bride cost is merely too excessive. In reality, you are in management of how much you finish up paying for mail order bride since you probably can opt for additional reasonably priced options. The wedding ceremony guests might enter the married couple’s bed room, however finally they left the model new couple alone of their wedding ceremony chamber. The bride’s friends sang to her to give her confidence as she entered married life and have become a lady. There have been particular songs designed to scare evil spirits away and help the couple of their need to have a male child. So should you really feel like you aren’t able to dedication but, strive to not tease a Greek girl. Certainly, such a wonderful and sensible woman is sort of demanding, and he or she wouldn’t date a man who doesn’t live as much as her expectations. Despite what you may may maybe have read about all the traditional shrewd in Greeks, they are merely primarily simple-minded and natural just like infants. They do not know the means to stash their ideas, and don’t even try to do it. The Untold Story on Greek Wives That You Must Read or Be Omitted “Toys could be dedicated to Artemis by adolescent ladies prior to marriage, as a prelude to discovering a husband and having youngsters. These offerings signified the bride’s separation from childhood and initiation into adulthood. They also established a bond between the bride and the gods, who supplied protection for the bride during this transition. She sailed from the port of Piraeus to meet a person she’d chosen to marry solely by taking a look at a black and white photograph. Journalist Rhiannon Elston interviewed a few of the girls who courageously journeyed thousands of miles from their properties to start a brand new life on the opposite facet of the globe. In Gortyn either husband or spouse had the flexibility to divorce the other. When initiated by the husband he owed his spouse a small financial compensation. Divorced wives kept hot greek girl their property, half of the crops from their very own property, and half of what they’d woven. In instances where a woman was discovered to have dedicated adultery, the husband was obliged to divorce his spouse underneath risk of disenfranchisement. It has been instructed that in some instances, so as to avoid scandal, husbands might not have strictly followed this law, nonetheless. You have to inform Greek mail order bride one thing she will be in a position to boast about. All ladies tell their dad and mom and pals after a date, and you must tell her your good sides so she will speak about it immediately. You can boast about your career and what you might have already achieved. After the engagement happens, the time for Prika, or dowry, delivery attracts close. In the days leading to the delivery of the dowry, they show it for guests to admire it. Displaying Prika was to make others want it’s their daughter getting married. If you’re planning a big Greek marriage ceremony, getting your visitor list organized may be fairly the chore. Did you realize the custom of having fresh flowers at a wedding is credited to the Greeks? [newline]If she tells you associated words, she actually needs to spend her complete life with you. You’ll discover the profiles of Greek women on the relationship websites on-line. Our mission is to supply those that are on the lookout for stunning girls for marriage with quality courting web sites evaluations. We have a strong experience in thorough choice of solely top websites with a considerable amount of elite brides. If you turn out to be a happy Greek spouse finder then you are really lucky. You can meet the attractive Greek bride on the dating website and get to know her. Dating Greek girls is often a good experience for you should you love and respect her. I felt so comfy in my dress and sneakers the whole day and evening, and the one time I cried on my marriage ceremony day was taking off my dress when we obtained back to the lodge. We had a 45-minute conventional Greek-Orthodox marriage ceremony, which could be very symbolic, our marriage ceremony crowns signifying that we are the king and queen of our marriage. The ceremony was carried out on a small island called Lazaretto in the course of the bay of Vathy by Papa Theodosios and his dear assistant Louiza. It’s probably essentially the most traditional elements of the day which have us falling head over heels. The Greek Orthodox ceremony, with classic stefanas honored Antonia’s heritage and the island so fittingly. Not wanting to detract from the already gorgeous Greek Orthodox chapel, the couple & styling staff embellished with Greek olive branches & natural enhances. Tradition has it that he honoured girls for their courage as helpers in battle by letting them put on his warriors’ helmets.
Let’s suppose there’s a word with a specific meaning, that you would use in a specific context, under a specific set of circumstances. Let’s suppose you see that word used in a related, though not identical, set of circumstances. The word is “reign.” Now, I would use the word “reign” in the context of monarchy. “King Henry reigned over England in the 16th century.” “The reign of King Henry was marred by religious quarrels.” I wouldn’t use “reign” in connection with a President of the United States, however. Yet, twice this week, in different contexts, that’s exactly what I saw. The first came over the weekend. For a variety of reasons, which I hope to blog about soon-ish, I read a Glenn Beck book, and he used the term “reign” to describe George Washington’s presidency. Don’t ask me the page and number of the cite, because I doubt I could find it again. Washington didn’t “reign” over the United States. Washington governed the United States, Washington presided over the new nation. The word “reign” just doesn’t fit any conception I would have of the presidency. And given my reading of Beck as an anarcho-libertarian, I can’t imagine why he would use the word “reign” in the context of the American system of governance. But, perhaps, using the word “reign” to describe a presidency is current in right-wing circles. 😕 Today, I saw the word “reign” used again. In this case, it described George W. Bush’s presidency. I think the exact phrase was “During President George W. Bush’s reign…” As it was for something I was working on at work, I changed the phrasing — “reign” became “term,” or maybe I changed it to “During George W. Bush’s presidency…” I don’t remember exactly how I ultimately wrote out the passage from the suggested text, because I wrote a lot today and my brain feels mildly mushy. What I do remember is that this particular paragraph needed a lot of work. And no, I didn’t let my feelings for Bush infect the writing. 😎 This use of the word “reign” — now that I’ve seen it twice this week — has me a bit baffled and befuddled. I look at it, and it looks wrong. It feels wrong. It’s the wrong word.
1. Remove lid from urn by twisting gently. 2. Remove inner (white) tube by twisting gently and place on a flat surface with the open end facing upwards. 3. Slowly fill the white tube with cremated remains (using a funnel if required). 4. Squeeze a generous line of glue approximately one inch below the rim around the inside circumference of the outer tube (the tube with the printed image and a hole in the base). 5. Line up the openings of both tubes and push the outer tube downwards slowly, to allow air to escape through the vent hole. Rotate as pushing. 6. Once the tubes are firmly in place, attach the label provided over the vent hole. PLEASE NOTE – it is important to attach the label at this point in the assembly to prevent any leakage of cremains through the vent hole when the tube is returned to its upright position.
With some of the America’s best chefs calling the city’s eating places their dwelling, consuming out in Chicago is a gastronomic deal with. Koi keepers enthusiastic about buying premium quality Koi foods with out the premium price ticket may be fascinated by decisions categorized as high quality Koi food varieties. And, if you have not started adding probiotics to your personal diet, nows a great time to do it. In this article, we will evaluate some of the iron rich foods which can be out there. As a result of our cells usually do not require that amount of energy at the moment of eating, the sugar must both be transformed to glycogen (sugar storage within cells) or converted to fat. I) Meat, poultry fish and eggs to avoid: most of these products will produce high levels of histamine that cause a histamine food poisoning generally known as scombriod particularly fish, shellfish, anchovies and sardines if they start going dangerous. If the grains, pasta, cereals are clean, however, they might be good to eat, even if they expired, however in case of these merchandise expiration normally means deterioration of high quality, build up international, mostly bitter, aftertaste, so you will have to taste the food to be able to discover out in case you nonetheless can use it to your cooking. Throat Constriction Or Spasm Situations Of The Esophagus And Reflux On The Increase A natural sarcoidosis weight loss plan is exhibiting promising ends in treating this debilitating disease. Nonetheless, the food you eat on a regular basis can help your penis enlargement efforts and even your efficiency on the mattress. three. Aids in the regulation and absorption of iron: Rubidium has been proven to help regulate the stream of iron into the bloodstream, which in turn helps in better absorption of iron. This should take a couple of weeks to course of and can topic your cart to regular examine-ups made by the health division so as to monitor the quality and cleanliness of each your avenue vendor store and food. 2. Stay away from foods which have onerous to digest grains in them reminiscent of corn, wheat, soy, dairy or glutens. food network the kitchen, food lion hours, food network challenge How do you reply to the query, are there foods to eat to get a much bigger and fatter penis dimension? As time goes on and also you encounter more events of throat constrictions you could have extra foods that grow to be triggers. Top Koi breeders will solely feed their prime fish a top quality food they imagine will yield the most effective results. This is yet another excuse why choosing the proper Koi food to your fish could be a challenge for even the most studious Koi keepers. Teflon PTFE Virgin And Mechanical Grades, What Is The Distinction? We all know that taking part in professional soccer requires a big commitment for each bodily coaching and mentally. Maybe a better time period to explain staple foods is “value foods.” Staple or value foods are merely Koi food brands that are most frequently milled in bulk, which generally stay in a warehouse for one, two, or sometimes three years earlier than they’re finally bought to a retail customer. If you end up choosing something to eat for high Power, bear in mind foods like quick foods, processed foods have low energy Frequencies, we aren’t providing the body with the electrical energy it Needs. These are good foods with high quality elements accessible at inexpensive prices, making them a well-liked alternative amongst at this time’s’ discerning Koi keeper. food near me now, food 4 less, food stamps oregon, food stamps number, food open near me These top-tiered foods embody solely the very best quality ingredients and are commonly used by hobbyists who increase present high quality Koi fish.
When you always encounter automotive problems, then im certain you might have already visited a couple of auto mechanic outlets to fix your automotive for you. Cars are thought of as an important asset in our on a regular basis life and most people cant reside with out them. That is also the explanation why cars should endure regular upkeep to ensure that they’ll stay in good situation. Earlier than working to grasp the advantages of it, one should perceive what this gasoline has to offer over the usual, EPA regulation-meeting gasoline brands. Your complete system revolves round detergents within the gasoline itself. The detergents work to clear out the deposits that will build up in the engine. These deposits may cause a myriad of problems for the car and for the effectivity of the car as an entire. M8 17 25 14. Instance: 2. State Inspections. Think energy. Whenever you might be screwing the spark plug again into place, make it possible for it is threaded properly. That is something that can be very tough and costly to have to repair if it is not threaded the way that it must be. Over tightening will also be one thing … Read the rest There is no such thing as a higher method to examine the condition of a automobile than to do a check drive. On this way, the buyer will be capable of know the precise condition of the auto and its elements like the brakes, accelerator, power, dealing with, and so forth. Also, the buyer will be capable to detect at once if there are some clunks and rattles, even when the check drive is only a short trip. Try to negotiate preserving the automobile for a day so you possibly can actually drive it and get a good really feel for its situation. Quite a lot of different outlets, whether they are massive or small, will take the certificates or diplomas of their staff and body them. The certificates could be from particular applications they’ve taken, whether it is a course on diesel engines or electronics. There are diplomas accessible for technicians who select to go in to a two 12 months program or even a 4 12 months program from a specialised technical school. Precisely why select utilized auto automotive elements? Subsequent, make a thorough inspection of the parts that complete your braking system. At this level, you’re looking … Read the rest It doesn’t matter what you choose to your automobile audio system, adding subwoofers will create bass to your system and make it extra pleasurable. The extra bass you are on the lookout for, the extra energy handling your subs will need. It all comes down as to if or not you want everyone to hear you coming down the road, or in the event you’re merely in search of a means so as to add bass to your system that was not there beforehand. Remote starters. Enabling you to turn in your vehicle from a distance, distant automobile starters help you preheat the engine and heat or cool the passenger compartment (relying on the season) for optimum comfort from the second you get in the driver’s seat. Chances are you’ll wish to consider putting in an automated automotive starter in the event you hate the acute temperatures of chilly January mornings or steamy July afternoons or in case you’re concerned about the put on and tear of driving with out preheating your engine. Just be sure you know what it’s that you are getting. The range of kinds, sizes, and producers of automotive audio system is nothing in need of … Read the rest You will get to know them and how well their service is. Likelihood is, whenever you are available to have one thing else mounted on your automobile, they gives you a reduction and also you already know they do glorious work. They will also take their time to clarify intimately why changing the oil in your automobile is so important. The “60” on this measurement represents what is called the side ratio. In this case, the tire’s top is sixty % of the tire’s width. Efficiency tires could have a lower side ratio. The “R” stands for radial, the kind of tire it is. Every tire on vehicles can have this “R”. In case you are shopping for tires for something smaller like a lawn mower or a four wheeler, that sort of tire is named bias ply, not used on motor vehicles. Dealing with Values are primarily based on using lubricated threads. There are numerous problems that can be had with the clutch system within the automotive. The clutch system works with spinning, transferring parts. If these parts grow to be misaligned, the system is not going to work properly and should completely break down. 2. State Inspections. * … Read the rest Once you find the ABS housing unit, you will discover that it is cover is held in place with clips or screws. You will need to take away this cowl, exposing the fuses and associated electrical components inside. With the duvet off, find the ABS block, and remove it. If you are unable to inform which half is the ABS, look at the brand new part you could have just purchased and examine it to the prevailing ensemble. One of many ways in which the auto repair shop managed to treat its customers so nicely was by employing a workforce of lengthy-term trusted workers to “make the right decisions.” An auto physique supplier’s major goal must be getting you again on the street quickly and with the boldness that your automobile has been restored to your complete satisfaction. ICAR Gold class certification also ensures that your auto repair technicians have obtained the very best credentials within the trade to get the job carried out proper. So torque your axle nuts and flywheel bolts. * Specialty: these tools include exhaust service, fuel injection and pump, and common service tools. $20.20 price per lead o Screws No Free Fittings or Objects in … Read the rest Design: By contrast, model-identify speakers are specifically designed with sound quality in thoughts. They are the product of years of research, testing and refinement, as is the case with any specialty product on the market. Speaker producer’s focus on one factor: producing quality speakers, and since they’re so targeted they are able to excel in doing this. Sound expertise has made huge leaps in recent years, and even a modest investment will signify important enchancment over your present speakers. Whether you’re a concerned mum or dad who wants to assist your youngsters shed their spare tires and revel in character-building actions or a businessperson seeking to give the citizens in your area some wholesome recreational choices, there are quite a few options for making athletic activities more fun and accessible. From upgrading your boat to putting in a sports activities ground, you can make exercise enjoyable again! So what energy capacitor to decide on? Comfort Keyword Search: You can search eBay for any particular item that you simply require by means of specific keywords. As an illustration, in case you wish to find automobile amplifiers on eBay, key in the phrases “automobile amplifiers” (no quotes) into the field offered for … Read the rest Locate the drain plug for the engine. This shall be a bolt in the midst of the engine, at its lowest point, and it won’t seem like fastening any two parts collectively. Test the owner’s manual for the exact location. Place the oil pan beneath, and position in such a way you can still operate a wrench between the pan and the automobile. The usually limited house is what makes a socket wrench the most suitable choice for this step. Loosen the drain plug with the wrench. Since the plug and engine will be hot, use paper towels to guard your arms from being burned as you take away the plug. Try to forestall the plug from falling into the pan. This is much simpler if the pan has a mesh cover. Similar to the belts and hoses, the engine in your car is the factor that keeps your car going. In an effort to maintain your automotive’s engine in correct working order, it’s vital to get proper upkeep. By means of skilled technicians at a quality auto repair store, you may get the service you want on your engine to ensure it supplies you with optimal performance, whatever the … Read the rest Again Seat Car Video System Dwelling Theater • Check when you want an aerial adaptor Hope this was useful. • Examine should you need a fascia Tip 3. Sound high quality Should you like to travel along with your kids then installing a DVD player on the again seats can assist you entertain your youngsters even when touring for hours. Having a customized automotive audio system installed means that you’ll benefit from the sound you want in a approach that showcases your style and your type for all to listen to. Professionals will be certain that this set up occurs right in order that you do not have to fret about anything aside from selecting the best music to suit your mood. Installing Your Video Tools Increasing privacy If you’re planning on having fun with this summer time’s lovely weather out on the water, ensure that your boat is ready with the most effective marine audio electronics before the nice and cozy temperatures arrive. Take your boat to the next degree with marine stereos and extra! Don’t gamble together with your effectively-being. When you’re out driving by way of these lengthy stretches of freeway by the midwest, your sound system … Read the rest Navigation methods are the newest pattern in cell electronics, however they’re a lot greater than just a hip accent. Helping you attain your vacation spot with out the stress and worry, in-car GPS methods make navigating and driving less complicated and safer! Music has been ruling the world from ages collectively. A few years back car stereo systems were ruling the world however now it is the automobile audio systems with a set of audio system, amplifiers and subwoofers. All this can indeed maximize the sound high quality of your automobile. There are many causes for as to why you should swap over to the newest methods. The primary cause being the top quality sound and the easy fact that you must do the very best in your car. You can even define your class with your car music systems. But the wedding starts in five minutes! Distant automotive starters are another great security device for the temperature-sensitive. In the event you’re physically unable to stand excessive hot and cold temperatures, or have aged kin or infants, automated automobile starters help you begin your automobile’s engine from as much as 1,000 feet away, due to this fact participating your heater … Read the rest Though you can not “do it yourself,” it’s a good suggestion to be familiar with the air conditioning system. This lets you do a primary system check so you possibly can narrow down the problems. The basic parts are the compressor, condenser, and evaporator. Your automotive will even have either an orifice tube or a thermal expansion valve however not both, and both a receiver-driver or accumulator. There are some automobiles that will let you save settings on your seat. This means that whenever you get in your automobile, you possibly can merely sit within the seat and press a button. Your seat will mechanically keep in mind your preferences in terms of height, ahead/backward motion, and lean. It will transfer the seat accordingly, providing you with the exact seating position that you just want. – Setting the timing and idle if crucial Moreover, will present you find out how to assemble an area to color, generally called a paint sales space, in your house storage. This is an excellent talent to have as paint booth leases can price thousands of dollars. You really can’t lose when you go online to Even if you do not resolve to purchase the … Read the rest
Local Business ReportingJust the facts here, ma'am I don’t read any news any more. I left metropolis to come work at Clute because small businesses matter. From real estate to breweries, small businesses drive the whole world. Also Clark was getting obnoxious. Are you one of the many who want to hit the golf course these days? There are many health benefits to outdoor physical activity. Did you know that playing golf lowers stress and improves your mental health? It can also ward off physical ailments such as heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Undoubtedly, golf is an activity you should be participating in regularly. That’s why creating a mini-golf course in your backyard is a beautiful idea that you will not regret doing. But how do you achieve that? It turns out that it is very simple with the help of synthetic grass. The benefits of synthetic grass Can you create a mini-golf course with synthetic turf? Yes, you can. Synthetic grass completely elevates the landscape, among many other time-saving and cost-saving benefits. The artificial turf-covered golf courses don’t need irrigation. In an era where homeowners are becoming more and more environmentally conscious, artificial grass has become a popular choice for its eco-friendly nature. For some busy homeowners, natural grass simply requires too much money and time to maintain. It can be frustrating to see how it takes no time for weeds to grow and regrow on a freshly manicured lawn, destroying the overall aesthetic of your backyard. However, homeowners don’t need to think about the weeds with synthetic turf. While natural grass requires maintenance year-round, synthetic putting greens in Lake Forest can be used in all four seasons, as it is able to withstand snow, sun, and rain. Synthetic turf has a significant lifespan. Thanks to the fibers forming its structure, artificial grass provides a durable surface to play golf on a natural-looking green field. It’s worth mentioning that artificial turn doesn’t retain water on the surface. Hence, the holding capability of the ground increases and lowers any injuries. Golf is always played with a golf club, which can cause a natural grass golf course to be deformed over time. That said, the good thing about synthetic grass is that it hardly ever looks worn. Designed for professional sports and various other use cases, modern turf allows people to enjoy the outdoors with more comfort and beauty. Synthetic grass can be installed in one day by experts, allowing homeowners can relax. You run no risk if you take an added step by adding a weed wall cloth upon installation. Artificial turf does not attract pests as natural plants do. Moreover, they do not require watering, which can save significantly on utility costs. The ease of artificial grass lawns simply cannot be achieved with natural grass, not to mention that stunning aesthetic. Among the many incredible things that you can do in your backyard, installing a mini-golf course is one of the best. Golfing is an outdoor activity that can keep your family healthy in a fun and light-hearted way. Anyone can spend time with friends and loved ones from the comfort of their home. If you would rather spend your summers enjoying the outdoors instead of toiling away at lawn maintenance, call NoMow Turf, Inc. today! NoMow Turf, Inc. – Synthetic Lawns & Putting Greens 26674 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630, United States A spa is a place for recharging your mind, body, and energy. Pampering at a professional spa can be quite the luxury—and the prices can certainly reflect that. However, you can create a spa experience at home. There are many ways to practice self-care and connect with your highest self at home. Our skin is our body’s largest organ. Elevate your bathing ritual and turn it into an experience. Bathing is more than a daily chaotic task of jumping in and out of the shower as you rush to get out the door; it can be an extremely relaxing experience if you give it time! Fill your bathtub with warm water and add relaxing Epsom salt. Pour yourself a glass of coconut water (fresh, if possible) and place it beside you in your tub so you can sip it while bathing. Use an organic plant-based body scrub with essential oils and lightly apply all over your body. Light candles, play some soothing music, and immerse yourself in the moment. Don’t forget to deeply moisturize your skin right after you step out of the bathtub! Take 20 to 30 minutes out of your busy day to give yourself a head massage. Apply olive or coconut oil to your scalp, warm it a bit, and gently massage. Drop some essential oils into your diffuser. Some of the most relaxing essential aromatic oils are bergamot, lavender, rose, jasmine, and sandalwood. If you don’t have a diffuser, you can apply them to your bed sheets or curtains. You can also create the aesthetics of the spa in your home. Instead of visiting a luxury resort, you can build your own spa at home by renovating your bathroom. Update the color palette, as color can have a huge influence on our mood. Spa salons usually follow a pastel color scheme to create a feeling of serenity. They tend to follow a monochromatic color scheme so that everything flows seamlessly together. Minimalistic design has become the most popular design aesthetic for millennial homeowners, as simplicity elegantly separates their minds from the hustle of their daily lives. A new bathroom can change your home and your life. The best bathroom remodels are the work of professional designers and contractors. An experienced team can do wonders for your home. They can suggest the styles of appliances and fixtures that will best suit your desires and floor plan. One of such customizations is the choice of shower accessories that offer different modes for the flow of water like a spa is another option. In addition, they can offer multifunctional lighting, to adjust the brightness and color of your bathroom. You can also upgrade your water and lightning appliances to smart and eco-friendly technology to conserve utility costs and help preserve the environment. The spa is an experience that comes from the ambiance and tranquility of the surroundings! Build yours at home today with Inspired Remodels. 21098 Bake Pkwy Suite 102, Lake Forest, CA 92630, United States When ending a marriage, many couples don’t realize they have any options outside of the highly publicized litigable method of separation. In practice, options outside of litigation may be highly preferable to the often highly destructive and emotionally charged court battle. Outside of divorce litigation, couples have two options. The first, annulment, is very specifically legally defined and only applicable to a small percentage of marriages. Annulment is typically only available to parties whose marriages have been either illegally or improperly conducted, as in the case of bigamy or to facilitate fraud, or for parties who are deemed incapable of performing as needed in a partnership, as in the case of those incapable of consummating a marriage. The third option is a process called mediation. Mediation involves the use of a neutral third party to guide the couple through the process of separation, divvying up assets and resources and facilitating negotiations over items of interest such as spousal support and custody over children. Mediation is typically a much smoother and more constructive process than traditional divorce litigation, since parties are not incentivized to fight tooth and nail over every item. Mediation turns the zero-sum game of divorce into a cooperative and amicable separation, where each party leaves the relationship with their bridges intact. The key to a successful mediation process is the mediator themselves. No matter how amicable the parties may be, the act of separating is an inherently emotional event and it’s easy to succumb to the baser aspects of our souls as we see items and people stripped away from us. For southern California readers who are in the process of separating from their spouses, this means getting in contact with Colleen McNamee, divorce expert and mediator. She has been working with couples during the darkest and most stressful periods of their lives for decades, and yet has managed to accrue an astonishing number of glowing testimonials from her clients over the years. A few short examples from her Google page: “As a financial planner, I see my clients go through a number of changes in their lives and sometimes it includes a separation/divorce. Mediation is the far better option when dissolving a marriage as it puts a lot less strain not only on the finances but also the emotions of everyone involved. This is where Colleen McNamee stands out. As an attorney-mediator, she is extremely knowledgeable in her field, has two decades of experience, but also truly cares about her clients. Something that cannot be taught in law school is the gift of empathy and caring for others, which translates into achieving fair and equitable results for couples. Thanks to her very strong skill set and the services she’s able to offer, she remains a neutral counsel to both parties throughout the process, and the Agreements she drafts are far superior to any other divorce mediator I have seen! My clients have come out feeling like they were treated fairly, received their equitable shares, and can now move forward with their lives onto their next chapters.”Katerina Hencova “I have known Colleen McNamee for over two years and I love how she handles people who are having marriage problems. She is always interested in what is best for everyone involved, especially for any children. Sometimes, it’s a “marriage contract” that she draws up to help people stay together amicably instead of getting a divorce. If divorce is the only option, then unlike a contentious court divorce with attorneys pitting spouses against each other in public and draining the couple’s bank accounts, Colleen can get couples working together for the best solution, at far lower cost, and it’s a private matter. I highly recommend her services, and so do people who have gotten divorces through her because they often talk about how she made it so much less stressful than a courtroom divorce.”Gregg Hill You and your partner may not be right for one another, but that doesn’t mean you want to destroy the lives and family that you’ve built together. For those of us who do not want to burn our bridges, choose the third option of mediation, with Colleen McNamee. 4590 MacArthur Blvd Suite 500, Newport Beach, CA 92660 After a hectic day at work, wouldn’t you love to enjoy a relaxed and calming activity in the arms of nature? Spending time outdoors has been scientifically reported to provide real health benefits, not just for physical wellbeing, but for mental peace as well. Spending time in nature can help relieve depression, stress, and anxiety. It is observed that spending time with fresh air and plants can elevate your mood and lower stress hormones. Research reports reveal that natural exposure helps in stress reduction by moderating brain activity, blood pressure, and muscle tension. Spending more time in greenery can also reduce the production of cortisol levels while increasing endorphin and dopamine generation which promotes happiness. Nature also leads to restorative properties while increasing the feeling of focus, vitality, and positive energy. It can significantly reduce the symptoms of anxiety. During these unique times, many of us have experienced the tragedy of loved ones experiencing health complications. Nature can assist with the grieving process as it improves a person’s ability to cope with self-confidence and self-awareness, which can result in a positive uplift in mood. Experts advise taking a walk outside every day for your overall well-being. That said, many of us are working from home these days, and we prefer to get fresh air in the comfort of our own backyard. If that sounds like you, it might be the perfect season for a landscape redesign and reconstruction. Why you should hire a professional landscaper instead of attempting to do it yourself Although you may find lots of tutorials for DIY landscaping on the internet, you can never be certain that you will achieve your desired results. Landscaping is serious labor; it requires lots of time and effort, and the process may be quite difficult to handle for the average homeowner. Moreover, inexperienced homeowners may not be aware of the right technique and process of designing and landscaping. That is why experts are recommended for San Diego landscape maintenance. They can design your landscape to your desired look and functionality. Landscaping experts are best for installing pools, sheds, tiles, driveways, and walkways on your property. When it comes to planting florals and greens, they have the right knowledge about the best plants to choose based on your location and climate to ensure healthy growth. This ensures the proper survival of all the plants on your premises. Professional landscapers can also create a master plan to design and maintain your landscape with a fresh perspective. They will also consider drainage issues, seating arrangements, and curb appeal as well.Read Ryan S.‘s review of Torrey Pines Landscape Company on Yelp The professional landscapers know how to prevent costly mistakes while maintaining a garden. They can choose right layouts, forms and shapes for the landscape while suggesting adequate material selections. These experts can also recognize the inherent challenges associated with your yard while providing great solutions to every problem. The professionals can assure that every landscaping project is executed within set time constraints and specific budget ranges. They do not just work on plantation and grass management; rather, can also provide best suggestions for irrigation and lighting. Therefore, hiring an expert for landscaping projects can save your time, money and efforts while ensuring better returns in the long run. As the COVID-19 pandemic begins to slowly wrap up, we will be seeing report after report come out regarding the last year’s events and how it affected various industries. One industry whose report I was particularly interested in was in home improvement and how much people spent in remodeling their homes while they were shut in during the peak lockdown periods. In one particularly lengthy deep dive into the statistics around home improvement, I happened to catch a glimpse of a tangential industry and how the pandemic affected them: pest control. With the huge number of additions being constructed by bored homeowners, pest control and termite exterminators were hard at work treating the new structures and providing spot treatments for buildings whose insides were exposed for the first time in decades. With most people stuck at home, they had the added benefit of being able to spot termite infestations much earlier than usual, with 66% of pest control companies reporting that customers became aware of termite issues sooner than in the past. “Swarming”, or the initial stages of infestation, is often missed by homeowners who are away during the day for work. Many homeowners were able to witness the disturbing spectacle for the first time during their work-from-home escapades, which made for a much easier pest disposal process. This hasn’t magically ended with the worst of the pandemic – many of us are still working from home, voluntarily or otherwise, and therefore may be blessed to see the swarms of termites encroaching on our domains. For those of you in southern California who are lucky enough to be chosen by the termite queens, Grand Oaks Termite Control can help get rid of your unwelcome guests quickly and for a reasonable price. Why Grand Oaks? Well, they have one of the best ratings we’ve seen for a pest control company, with many customers raving about their customer service and their carpentry skills when patching up structures damaged by the invading insects: “I highly recommended Grand Oaks Termite Control. I had an unusual situation where there were many areas of my wood paneling and roof that were affected by termites and wood rot. I have a decorative tree growing through the front part of my home which makes it very difficult to treat without damaging the tree. When Jason came for the preliminary inspection, he knew exactly how to effectively treat my home without harming my favorite tree. His estimate was very reasonable, and his communication was top notch. He kept me appraised of all the curve balls and never stuck me with any unexpected cost. I was very impressed with the workmanship of his teammate Gary who took care of all the woodwork, a true craftsman. I can wholeheartedly recommend Grand Oaks without any hesitation.”John B., Yelp Review “If you have any type of termites or wood boring insect infestations, GRAND OAKS TERMITE CONTROL is the professional GO-TO exterminator company to resolve your issues. The owner, Justin Mater is a fully state licensed termite control specialist and is very knowledgeable about termite infestation and approaches towards exterminating its colonies. what I especially liked was his work ethics….they came as early as 6am in the morning (ON TIME!) to work on & treat my property….very much a NO BS straight-forward extermination company which does not mess around! If they said they will be there….they will be there to take care of your infestation problems! highly recommended!”Don Tamba, Google Review “We needed our house inspected and treated. Justin and Gary did an amazing job. They are professional, prompt, thorough, and experienced. We received our report and estimate in a timely manner. They came out and did their work diligently and expertly. We were informed of each step, and they finished the job as they had expected. We are so pleased with our experience with them; they do great work and are good-quality people. Thank you Justin and Gary!”Linda W., Yelp Review If you’re stuck at home and you’re noticing a strange uptick in the number of small, reddish brown winged insects, congratulations! You’ve been selected by the swarm. If you find this problematic for you and your home, give Grand Oaks Termite Control a call: Grand Oaks Termite Control 110 S Worthy Dr, Glendora, CA 91741 Do you remember when you first brought your puppy home? Your interest in veterinary medicine may have been sparked. Even if you already had a strong bond with the animals and pets in your neighborhood, owning your own pet for the first time was probably when you started paying much more attention to veterinarian care. If you have a dream of becoming a veterinarian in future, then you might also be excited to learn about the different types of vet specialties that play an important role in dog healthcare management. Although there are several school grades and college courses to pursue for working with animals, you can choose a field of your interest. Some of these involve research in the field of dog healthcare; others involve teaching and others include practices for analysing food and accessories for dog healthcare. Here are five of the most common types of veterinary career options. Companion animal veterinarians There are a large number of veterinarians that work with companion animals. According to the report published by American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), almost 75% of veterinarians in the private practice areas work with companion animals. Their work is like that of primary care physicians. They treat wounds, administer vaccines, perform veterinary diagnostics, and prescribe medications for dogs. These animal practitioners also work for pets that need shelters or homes. Cardiac Vet provides telemedicine to offer accessible treatment over the phone. Just like doctors that work with people, veterinary physicians are also able to pursue careers with specializations. Some of the most common career options include pathology, anesthesiology, surgery, and dentistry. Veterinarians can also choose a specialization in a specific animal group such as dogs, cats, and wildlife. Veterinarians may also refer patients to specialists when they require a specific type of treatment. Although all veterinarians are desired to have strong knowledge about animal diseases and common health issues, few experts are specifically devoted to research. These professionals may be found working in the biomedical research firms, universities and some government organizations. They review past findings and try to identify best techniques to treat, diagnose, and prevent health issues. Some of these may work with pharmaceutical firms and biomedical research organizations to test and develop drugs as well as biomedical products. There are various different veterinary practices that one may need to use to treat their loving companions. You can visit animal clinics, veterinary clinics, animal hospitals, and veterinary hospitals to receive assistance for treating your pet. Note that the clinics usually offer limited services; however, hospitals have full-fledged services to ensure quality animal care services. Specialty colleges provide many specialized courses to veterinarians. The list includes anesthesia, animal welfare, behavior, dentistry, dermatology, emergency, and critical care, internal medicine, microbiology, laboratory animal medicine, nutrition, ophthalmology, pathology, preventive medicine, pharmacology, radiology, surgery, rehabilitation, and toxicology. You may encounter any of these experts when receiving medical care for your pet depending on their health issues. For veterinary cardiologists, you can give Cardiac Vet a call today. It has been more than a year of many of us living under quarantine due to the pandemic Coronavirus has brought several challenges to businesses and individuals as well. On one side where the world is experiencing a considerable decline in the economy, people are also in fear due to the rising threat to their health. While spending most of our lives today at home due to stay-at-home orders, people are also experiencing anxiety due to social disconnection. Thus, in these critical times, it is important to make your home a more comfortable space to live in, so as to boost your mental and physical well-being. In order to counter the side effects of quarantine and social isolation, it is well-advised to work on one’s own daily lifestyle routines and home care habits to increase comfort and joy. You must stay motivated to make small changes to your work habits and personal routines to ensure happiness and productivity. Start by creating a specific schedule for your routines. It will help you avoid doing mindless things all day and the entire family will stay more organized. It is also important to develop a cleaning routine to help you ensure hygiene in the living space. At the same time, make sure that you clean your house from time to time to avoid attacks of pests and rodents. Termite extermination for your house Millions of homeowners experience termite attacks every year, and it ends up causing major havoc on their limited budgets. Termites are better known as some of the most destructive pests that feed on dead plants such as decayed woods, woodchip along with soil and leaf litter. Several types of these creatures can be found in the country. Some of the most commonly seen termites are dry wood termites, damp wood termites, and subterranean termites.Read Erik W.‘s review of Natural Science Exterminating on Yelp Many homeowners fail to recognize termite attacks at an early stage, which later leads to extensive damage to the property. Therefore, experts advise hiring for Natural Termite Inspection and extermination from time to time. Experienced professionals can identify signs of termites with ease and they can help you avoid further damage as well. Human living spaces, especially kitchens and basements, are one of the most attractive shelters and feeding areas for termites. They can slowly destroy all wooden structures at your home including bookshelves, furniture, kitchen cabinets, and windows. Termite exterminators will implement several trusted termite treatments to save your home. This includes non-chemical treatments and chemical treatments as well. Be sure to hire a termite inspector or exterminator as soon as you notice the issue. Hiring an exterminator can help you save lots of time, energy, and money by protecting your home from major damage. Natural Science Exterminating 11642 Knott Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92841, United States Everyone is offered the same twenty-four hours daily. It is up to the individual as to how one uses these hours that makes the difference between those who grow year of year and those who maintain the status quo. That’s why implementing productivity practices can make all the difference. Increasing your personal productivity may be all it takes to reach new levels in your professional life. Therefore, this article discusses practical productivity tips that are simple enough for anyone to implement. One will find many ways to get distracted at the workplace—not to mention other interruptions from your social media applications. Socializing and chit-chatting in the workplace is great, however, it is counter-productive when it turns into irrelevant, unwanted gossip. Even the smallest disturbances can make someone lose motivation and negatively affect their work patterns, resulting in a massive loss in productivity. Get a standing desk Standing desks have been all the rage in cities like Silicon Valley. A study conducted by Texas A&M University discovered that workers who used a standing desk were a staggering forty-six percent more productive than those using a standard seated desk configuration. A standing desk will help your focus better on your work. Standing desks effectively eliminates the urge to multitask and flip between emails, websites, and other disturbances. They help you stay alert and active, given that you will be on your feet while you concentrate. Concentrate on small and quick wins One of the common mistakes people make while working on their projects is trying to do many things at the same time instead of taking small steps toward their milestones. As it is often said, you don’t need to climb the entire staircase before taking a single step. Hence, it is essential to take small, baby steps if you want to get things done without falling behind. It helps to divide a big goal into daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, quarterly goals, and yearly goals. It’s time to stop dreaming about a big goal. Instead, concentrate on small and quick wins. Utilize apps that boost productivity Instead of working hard, work smart. Using productivity apps can help save time, making it easier to organize your schedule for the day. Fortunately, you can find a plethora of apps to enhance your productivity. Applications such as Dropbox can keep files on the cloud, allowing them to be easily shared through a link. Zoom and Trello are widely used for online team collaboration. Meanwhile, Toggl can be used for tracking time. Todoist and are ideal for creating to-do lists. Take breaks when needed Regular breaks can help enhance focus. Professionals may find it difficult to fit exercise into their hectic schedules. Nonetheless, taking time to exercise boosts mental abilities. One can make smarter decisions and accomplish goals faster when the brain is working at its full capacity. Each minute saved is a minute gained. If you are looking for productivity boosting furniture with fast shipping, give Creative Office Designs a call today. Creative Office Design Here in sunny, arid California, many of the more environmentally- and cost-sensitive among us are looking at alternatives to the traditional grass turf for our front and back yards. While some settle on more hardy plants that require less water to grow, like clovers or Bermuda grass, others have decided to go with a more modern, technologically driven solution. Artificial turf has begun sprouting up in a greater number of lawns with each passing year. With a water requirement of 0 gallons per year and production methods growing more advanced and allowing for better looking and cheaper turf, the fake stuff is looking more and more like the preferred alternative for the typical homeowner. The secret to getting your artificial turf to look as natural and aesthetically pleasing as possible is an impeccable installation that contours with your space and provides adequate drainage to make sure that the place doesn’t flood when it does rain. The right installers can mean the difference between a yard that resembles a shoddy pool of plastic-filled water and one that you can barely tell is synthetic turf. Hence our spotlighted company today, NowMow Synthetic Turf Installers, a local southern California company that has performed some of the best looking domestic turf installations we’ve seen so far. The company provides excellent service, far above it’s competition, which has made many of their customers ardent supporters on their various social media channels: We can’t say enough about NoMow Turf & their General Manager Sierra. We have a very large front yard that was about 20 yrs old & after many yrs of fighting weeds, grub worms, crows tearing up the grass & rabbits eating big patches we had had enough. We did our research & decided on this company. Sierra is great & so easy to work with & her quote was very reasonable. The crew worked their butts off as our yard is not only large but sloped too which presents a challenge. Through the years the slope had become uneven & the crew graded it & made it look awesome! They worked for 2 1/2 days non stop & the end result is awesome. Needless to say we highly recommend NoMow Turf….you won’t be disappointed!!!(Kevin H., Yelp Review) Very happy!!! I did my homework and made the final choice to go with NoMow. Sierra was great to work with. Easy to talk to on the phone. Even easier in person. She came over, took measurements, answered all questions, explained everything in full detail. The guys came over and worked very hard, efficient, and no fooling around. They did a great job! Thank you NoMow!!!(Lucia C., Yelp Review) I had an accident with some expanding foam that resulted in me planning on having to replace a small part of my turf and green. I asked NoMow for a quote for replacement and owner Patrick offered some advice to get after it with a power washer before deciding to replace. After a week and change of washing, I’ve got it back to great condition. Thank you Patrick for the advice. I’d recommend NoMow for any of your artificial turf needs.(Zack B., Yelp Review) If you are looking for an ecologically friendly alternative to a natural turf lawn, get NowMow Turf to do the installation. Their service is exquisite, and the lawn you’ll be left with will be almost indistinguishable from the real thing. 26674 Vista Terrace, Lake Forest, CA 92630 ow’s the time to start planning next year’s home improvement projects, and today we’d like to give a little bit of focus to the oft-overlooked aspect of home ownership, the landscaping. All too often, people just have a spit of grass, some overgrown and poorly trimmed shrubbery on the periphery of their homes and call it a day, choosing to focus instead on the internal aesthetic of the home. This is a major mistake, though. Nothing makes a home look less appealing on first glance than poor and lazy landscaping, though, not to mention all of the time you could be spending enjoying the amazing weather here in southern California but can’t because your yard is a total mess. Alright, so you know you need to get it done – that’s a good first step. What’s next? Well, that’s obvious – you call the guys who are the best at not only doing the landscaping, but helping you plan it. That means (if you’re in the San Diego area) calling Torrey Pines Landscaping company, the best of the best in our neck of the woods and beyond. Their projects are world renowned and have been winning awards for the better part of a decade now. If you need proof, check out a couple of their projects, like this Del Mar backyard design or this Coronado landscape design and implementation. Better yet, take a look at some of their socials, where they have a perfect 5-star rating everywhere you care to look: “Last fall we contacted Harry Thompson to redo our backyard. After considering a few other companies, we decided to go with TP Landscape Co. Harry was thorough, knowledgeable and listened to all our concerns/requests. I must say this was a big investment for us, but definitely worthwhile. In the end, we were very pleased with the overall outcome, and just in time for Thanksgiving! His crew was respectful, hard-working and cleaned up at the end of each day. Dave, his project supervisor, was great to work with. You can tell he has a nice working relationship with the crew and clear communication with them. Thank you TP Landscape Company for our new beautiful, tropical oasis! We look forward to firing up our built-in BBQ and fire pit. Also, it’s nice to know that you guys check up on us periodically to make sure things (sprinklers/timers/etc) are working as they should.”– Gina L., Yelp “Our backyard garden remodel just recently was completed by Torrey Pines Landscape and we could not be more thrilled with the execution and the final result! Harry Thompson and his crew designed our dream backyard and made it a reality. Our space is on a city-sized lot in the Banker’s Hill area and he addressed every challenge our space presented. The entire crew was completely respectful of our privacy, maintaining our security of our yard and keeping the site neat and tidy at the end of each day. Every day, either Harry or Mark would come and check in on the progress of the project and Harry had the crew rebuild part of our custom fountain because he was not satisfied with how it looked initially! Dave, the project supervisor was fantastic to work with and provided valuable insight for things concerning the BBQ island and how the layout would work best. Every single detail was considered, from dog-friendly plants to lighting. I can not recommend them highly enough, they are true craftsmen and if you can dream it, they can create it!”– Kelli G., Yelp If you need desperate assistance in getting your yard looking presentable and have either a basic idea or a grand scheme for the future, give Torrey Pines a call. They have a habit of making dreams come true with their work. Torrey Pines Landscaping Company 5560 Eastgate Mall, San Diego, CA 92121
Wearing wellbeing boots at work can shield you from wounds and really save your life. These modern work shoes are an unquestionable requirement for each individual that works in danger conditions. Be that as it may, most workers know close to nothing or nothing about them. There are various kinds of security boots intended for insurance in various sorts of modern conditions. As a worker, you need to pick boots that relate to the sorts of occupations you do and to your work climate. Waterproof security boots are prescribed to all who work outside and in sticky conditions. Slip and oil safe models are explicitly intended to offer more prominent footing with tricky surfaces. Protected models are ideal for individuals working in cool mechanical indoor and open air conditions. All models are for the most part isolated into plain toe and security toe ones. The last offer additional assurance of the toe territory which can be especially defenseless during work with substantial gear. The material the security boots are produced using assumes a significant part in foot assurance and in solace. The various models can be part into two classifications regarding material. The models produced using nylon cross section and cowhide blend offer more noteworthy solace. Breathable Work Boots are more adaptable and breathable. They are lightweight also. These characteristics cause them to perform for wearing when the climate is warm. Full-grain calfskin wellbeing boots brag with extraordinary foot insurance and foot uphold. These models are more impervious to the components and to regular mileage. This is the primary motivation behind why they are amazingly strong. These models do not offer a lot of breathability and adaptability, yet this surely does not make them awkward to wear. They are uniquely supported to give the perfect measure of insurance and solace. However, nowadays, steel-toed work boots are not just utilitarian – they are chic also. Most current security boots utilize waterproof coating innovation. Extraordinary waterproof liners are incorporated into the shoes. These liners have a two-overlay foot security activity. They get water far from your feet. Simultaneously they take into account sweat to escape from within normally. Along these lines, your feet stay dry independent of the work climate you are in. The development of modern work boots shifts between the various models too. The line down development with the upper part being sewn to the base makes the shoes dependable and solid. The concrete development with the upper part being stuck to the sole does not accommodate incredible sturdiness. In shaped development, the upper part is for all intents and purposes formed to the sole. This development is viewed as solid and sturdy also.
About San Francisco If California is one grand, sweeping gesture, a long arm cradling the Pacific, then San Francisco, that seven-by-seven-mile peninsula, is a forefinger pointing upwards. Take this as a hint to look up: you'll notice San Francisco's crooked Victorian rooflines, wind-sculpted treetops and fog tumbling over the Golden Gate Bridge. Heads are perpetually in the clouds atop San Francisco's 43 hills. Cable cars provide easy access to Russian and Nob Hills, and splendid panoramas reward the slog up to Coit Tower – but the most exhilarating highs are earned on Telegraph Hill's garden-lined stairway walks and windswept hikes around Land's End.
Harmonization of Indicators and Data Collection Mechanisms in Child Protection and Child Rights Promotion in Burkina Faso [French] In Burkina Faso, the protection of children against all forms of abuse, exploitation, violence, and abuse, is a priority for the government and its partners. However despite efforts to support protection and promotion of children’s rights, challenges persist in part due to weak dialogue between actors and lack of coordinated action. As a result, a multitude of indicators, tools, methodology, and modes of data dissemination have not been harmonized. Thus, le Ministère de l’Action Sociale et de la Solidarité Nationale (MASSN) through le Secrétariat Permanent du Conseil National pour l’Enfance (SP/CNE) and others have commissioned this study on the harmonization of protection indicators and mechanisms of data collection in the promotion of children’s rights in Burkina Faso. The overall aim of this study is to strengthen the child protection system by strengthening the inter-ministerial mechanism for data collection, monitoring, and assessment of child protection standards in Burkina Faso. Click to Download:
In this policy brief for humanitarian and development agencies, the authors define resilience as the process of harnessing biological, psychosocial, structural, environmental and cultural resources to sustain wellbeing. This policy brief seeks to address the following three questions: What is distinctive in a resilience-based approach? What are the practical implications for programming of such an approach? How can the impact of resilience-based approaches be evaluated? Click to Download:
This is another poem unpublished in the lifetime of Clark Ashton Smith (CAS), and also unavailable on The Eldritch Dark, so I'll begin with the text itself: From dreams of light and sound one felt his soul Borne out to some extremity of night In voidness where the universe is thin. Aghast and pale above the gulfs, the stars Watched as he felt tremendous glooms Until they shrank and drew [ ] back From gulfs past any star's Titanic sight. Despite being incomplete (note the blank space in line six) and quite short, this early poem by Clark Ashton Smith is quite effective at painting a portrait of an epic dream of cosmic dislocation. The first three lines are especially compelling, ending with the succinct phrase "voidness where the universe is thin", a handful of words that express an immense idea.
Double Glazing Newmarket Suffolk (CB8): Installing or updating your double glazing in Newmarket will not just reduce your energy bills, but can also make your house cleaner, greener, quieter and more energy efficient, which means that you are doing your bit for the environment. The benefits of double glazed windows are simple; double glazing lowers your energy bills, saves you money and lessens your carbon footprint. Save money on energy bills by replacing all the single glazed windows in your home in Newmarket with energy efficient double glazing. This could save you around £135 each year on your energy bills. Lower your carbon footprint by cutting down on the energy used to heat up your property in Newmarket, as less heat is escaping through your windows. You will generate less CO2 (carbon dioxide) which is what brings about global warming. Be much more cozy in your Newmarket home as energy efficient double glazing reduces heat loss through windows meaning fewer cold spots and draughts. More peace and tranquility because together with keeping the heat in, energy efficient double glazed windows will insulate your dwelling in Newmarket against unwelcome outside noise. Lower condensation because energy efficient double glazing decreases the build-up of condensation on the internal surfaces of your windows. The costs and savings of double glazing will be different for each window and each home, depending on the size, style, material and installer. However on average, fitting double glazed windows to your property in Newmarket can save you around £135 per year on your heating bills, as well as saving around 720kg of CO2 (carbon dioxide). Double glazing will help you to lower your carbon footprint. Double glazing can save energy and reduce your heating bills. Over 18% of the heat your home loses is lost through the windows. Heat that is lost through this ways means that energy is wasted, and money is wasted. If less heat escapes from your home in Newmarket, you can save energy and save money. Environmentally friendly double-glazing cuts heat loss and also reduces noise and condensation issues. Installing energy efficient double glazing in your Newmarket home could mean savings of around £135 on bills each year if your whole-house single glazing is substituted for double glazed windows. All homes lose heat through their windows. Installing double glazing is an effective way of lowering your energy bills and keeping your Newmarket home quieter and warmer. Double glazed windows use two sheets of glass with a space in between which produces an insulating barrier, while triple glazed windows have three panes of glass. Both of those solutions can provide a good level of energy efficiency. It's not the case that you have to use triple glazing to gain the most energy efficient window. Energy efficient windows can be bought in an assortment of frame materials and styles. They also vary in their energy efficiency, subject to how successful they are at stopping heat from passing through the window, how much sunlight gets through the glass, and how little air can leak in or out around the window. Some window and door manufacturers helpfully use a window energy rating scheme to show the energy efficiency of their product. This is much like the one you may have noticed on domestic appliances like your washing machine or fridge. A-rated double glazing is the most efficient. To check the energy efficiency of a window before you buy it, look at the energy label. - A smaller carbon footprint: by using less fuel, you'll generate less of the carbon dioxide (CO2) that leads to global warming. - Peace and quiet: as well as keeping the heat in, energy efficient windows insulate your Newmarket home against unwanted outside noise. - A more comfortable home in Newmarket: energy efficient glazing reduces heat loss through windows and means fewer draughts and cold spots. - Replacement windows and double glazing come in a range of styles and designs and there are particular features you should look out for to increase energy efficiency. - Smaller energy bills: replacing all single glazed windows with energy efficient glazing could save you around £135 per year on your energy bills. - The costs and savings of double glazing will be different for each home and each window, depending on the size, material and installer. You could save up to £135 a year on your energy bills and up to 720kg of CO2 a year. - Reduced condensation: energy efficient glazing reduces condensation build-up on the inside of windows. To find the right double glazing windows and doors for your home in Newmarket, ask these questions: "How energy efficient are the windows?" When choosing replacement windows in Newmarket, you can check their energy efficiency by looking at the BFRC energy label and Energy Saving Trust Recommended logo. The Energy Saving Trust recommends any double glazed windows rated C or above. The higher the energy rating, the more energy efficient it is. Unfortunately, at this time there's no obligation for double glazing window manufacturers to label their products, however by choosing a high rated double glazed window you can be certain that you will be buying the most efficient. How many glass layers do you need? Double glazing has 2 panes of glass with a gap of around sixteen millimetres between them. There's also the option of triple glazing, which has 3 layers of glass. Both A rated double and tripled-glazed windows are available in Newmarket. What type of glass is best? The most energy efficient glass for double glazed windows is low emissivity (Low-E) glass. This sometimes has an unnoticeable coating of metal oxide, usually on one of the interior panes - next to the void. It lets heat and sunlight in but cuts the quantity of heat that can get out again. What is between the sheets? Extremely efficient double glazing windows might use gases like xenon, krypton or argon in the gap between the two glass sheets. What keeps the sheets of glass apart? All double glazing windows have pane spacers arranged around the inside edges to keep the 2 sheets of glass apart. For a more efficient window, watch out for pane spacers that contain little or no metal - often known as "warm edge" spacers. The BFRC window energy rating system checks all of the components to make certain the final window attains the energy efficient standard stated. This means that you simply need to watch out for the A-G ratings and remember A is better! Alternatively, just keep an eye open for the Energy Saving Trust Recommended logo which will only be found on double glazing that is C rated or above. Which frame is best for your home in Newmarket? The frame you pick will depend on your property and your personal taste. For all types of frame material there are double glazed windows offered in each energy rating. - Composite frames have an inner timber frame covered with aluminium or plastic. This reduces the need for maintenance and keeps the frame weatherproof - Wooden frames can have a lower environmental impact, but require maintenance. They are often used in conservation areas where the original windows were timber framed. - Aluminium or steel frames are slim and long-lasting. They can be recycled. - uPVC frames are the most common type. They last a long time and can be recycled. Is ventilation needed? Because replacement windows in Newmarket will be a lot more airtight than the existing single glazed frames, condensation may accumulate in your home due to the reduced ventilation. If there is not a respectable level of background ventilation in the room, some replacement windows have trickle vents incorporated into the frame that allow in a limited amount of controlled ventilation. Condensation can occasionally occur on the outside surfaces of new low-e glazing. This is due to the fact that low-e glass reflects heat back into the property and as a result the exterior pane stays cool and condensation can build up in cold weather - this should not be an issue. When should you improve your double glazing in Newmarket. Most homes in Newmarket are now fitted with double glazing, but what some property owners do not realise is that double glazing (like anything else needs to be maintained and from time to time replaced, if you've had your double glazing for quite a few years. Condensation or mist inside the glass. If there's moisture inside the glass sheets, it often means the sealant has broken, allowing new moisture in. This usually means that it's time to replace your double glazed windows. "If it is steamed up and there's condensation, it's usually had it, and the pane will have to be replaced," says a local Newmarket expert. "My windows have gone a dull yellow colour." The PVC changing colour over time does not mean the quality of the double glazing has been affected. You can sometimes find specialised paints to re-paint the frames of your windows in Newmarket. Nowadays, most manufacturers guarantee against discolouration but not against minor fading and dulling. "The window hinges are too tight and they're difficult to open." If you examine the hinge, you should see a small brass screw. This is called the tensioning screw and if you loosen it a little bit, the problem should be solved. If this does not work, your local glass store or double glazing repair specialist (see Yellow Pages or local paper ads) will usually be willing to replace the hinge for you. "The hinges on my windows are far too loose and my windows fly wide open when opened." If you closely examine the hinge, you'll see a small brass screw. This is known as the tensioning screw and if you tighten it a little bit, the problem should be solved. If this fails to work, your local glass store or double glazing repair firm (see Yellow Pages or local paper ads) will usually fit a new hinge for you. "There is a draught coming through my windows." Firstly, check for a loose handle, slightly bent hinge or a hinge where a rivet or screw has become loosened. If it is none of these the time might have come to replace your windows, although it is worthwhile to contact your local Newmarket repair company first to see whether the window can be repaired. Double glazing normally lasts for many years, but like anything else is susceptible to 'wear and tear'. Before contracting a double glazing firm in Newmarket to replace your windows, get three or four quotes to ensure you're getting a good deal, and only go with registered and approved Newmarket double glazing technicians, who offer a guarantee for their work and windows. Double Glazing work can be done in Newmarket and also nearby in: Kentford, Snailwell, Kennet, Swaffham Bulbeck, Higham, Bottisham, Swaffham Prior, Chippenham, Reach, Ashley, Cheveley, Moulton, Great Wilbraham, Exning, Stetchworth, Gazeley, Burwell, Dalham, together with these postcodes CB8 0JL, CB8 1BU, CB8 1AZ, CB8 0AD, CB8 0DF, CB8 0DS, CB8 0EX, CB8 0ZX, CB8 0LS, CB8 0EJ. Local Newmarket double glazing services will probably have the postcode CB8 and the telephone code 01638. Suffolk Double Glazing Enquiries Latest Suffolk double glazing job posts: Jana Leek recently requested a price quote for eight double glazed windows on a property in Sproughton, Suffolk. Adriana and Che Blair recently enquired about getting a price for nine double glazed windows on a terraced house in Wickhambrook, Suffolk. Tommie Macgregor and Crystal Macgregor recently enquired about getting a price for six double glazed windows and a front door on a property in Washbrook, Suffolk. Brodie Wharton and Bronte Wharton recently requested an estimate for 6 double glazed windows and a front door on a terraced house in Pakenham, Suffolk. Ciara and Lewis Mccluskey recently requested a price quote for double glazed french doors in Stanton. Asia Floyd and Essa Floyd recently enquired about double glazed french doors in Newmarket, Suffolk. Hugo Charles recently asked for a price quote for 4 double glazed windows and a back door on a cottage in Eye, Suffolk. Robin Lennon and Ibrahim Lennon recently requested a price quote for replacement double glazing in Cavendish. Suffolk Double Glazed Windows Around Suffolk you'll also obtain: East Bergholt double glazing, Polstead double glazing, Stowupland double glazing installations, Worlingworth double glazing installations, Debenham double glazing fitters, Kelsale double glazed windows, Aldeburgh double glazing installations, Shotley double glazing fitters, Shotley Gate double glazing installers, Barton Mills double glazing fitters, Rendlesham double glazing installers, Kedington double glaziers, Great Barton double glazing installations, Barham double glazing fitters, Kedington double glazing fitters, Cockfield double glaziers, Fornham St Martin double glazed windows, Stowmarket double glazing installers, Onehouse double glazing installers, Leiston double glazing installations, Leiston double glazing fitters, Stradbroke double glazing, Rattlesden double glazing, Bures St Mary double glaziers, Holton double glazing, Ufford double glazed windows, Capel St Mary double glazing fitters, Pinewood double glazing installers, Reydon double glaziers. Throughout Suffolk you should be able to find double glazing installers who will provide various services for your glazing requirements. If you can't find the perfect double glazing installer in Newmarket itself then you will surely be able to uncover one nearby. Newmarket Double Glazing Tasks There is a range of glazing related work that can be conducted by your local Newmarket double glazing specialist including replacement double glazed windows Newmarket, double glazed front doors, double glazing panel replacement, cat flaps in double glazed doors in Newmarket, double glazed patio doors in Newmarket, double glazed skylights in Newmarket, double glazed back doors Newmarket, window replacement, double glazed sash windows, double glazing installation, conservatory installation, door replacement in Newmarket, double glazed door repairs, uPVC double glazed windows, secondary double glazing, double glazing grants, door installations, double glazing replacement, window installation, double glazing repairs Newmarket, uPVC double glazing, FENSA certified double glazing, commercial double glazing, double glazed bay windows Newmarket, and more. Double Glazing Near Newmarket Also: Swaffham Bulbeck double glazing, Gazeley double glazing, Dalham double glazing, Bottisham double glazing, Burwell double glazing, Reach double glazing, Great Wilbraham double glazing, Snailwell double glazing, Kennet double glazing, Swaffham Prior double glazing, Kentford double glazing, Moulton double glazing, Chippenham double glazing, Cheveley double glazing, Stetchworth double glazing, Exning double glazing, Ashley double glazing, Higham and more. - Newmarket Residential Double Glazing - Newmarket Double Glazing Installation - Newmarket Double Glazing Repairs - Newmarket Double Glazing Units - Newmarket Double Glazed Glass - Newmarket Double Glazing Services - Newmarket Cheap Double Glazing - Newmarket Double Glazing Replacement - Newmarket Double Glazed Doors - Newmarket Secondary Double Glazing - Newmarket Double Glazed Windows - Newmarket Double Glazing Fitters - Newmarket Double Glazing Estimates - Newmarket Industrial Double Glazing Other Tradespeople in Newmarket Suffolk: Needless to say, whenever you happen to be doing home improvements and repairs in Newmarket, Suffolk, you'll likely be in need of all kinds of different tradespeople and as well as painters and decorators in Newmarket, pebble dashing in Newmarket, a carpenter in Newmarket, repointing in Newmarket, SKIP HIRE in Newmarket, plasterers in Newmarket, a handyman in Newmarket, an electrician in Newmarket, tiling in Newmarket, soundproofing in Newmarket, a scaffolder in Newmarket, stone & brick cleaning in Newmarket, a bricklayer in Newmarket, a builder in Newmarket, a conservatory installer in Newmarket, waste removal in Newmarket, damp proofing in Newmarket, and other different Newmarket Newmarket, Suffolk, you may also need Double Glazing Around Newmarket: Property owners living in the following areas and streets have just recently requested double glazing installation - Frampton Close, Persimmon Walk, Stamford Street, Dullingham Road, Victoria Way, St Fabians Close, Andrew Road, Noel Murless Drive, Falmouth Street, Sackville Street, Heasman Close, Rowley Drive, Cricket Field Road, South Drive, St Philips Road, Permian Close, Drinkwater Close, Cheveley Road, Church Lane, The Terrace, Heathbell Road, Guineas Close, Mat Dawson Close, New Cut, Philipps Close, Bahram Close, as well as these local Newmarket postcodes: CB8 0JL, CB8 1BU, CB8 1AZ, CB8 0AD, CB8 0DF, CB8 0DS, CB8 0EX, CB8 0ZX, CB8 0LS, CB8 0EJ. Newmarket Window Fitter Jobs: View window fitting jobs in Newmarket here: Newmarket Window Fitter Jobs If you want local Newmarket information take a look here Double Glazing in CB8 area, (dialling code 01638). (Created using double glazing Newmarket text version three.) Residential Double Glazing Newmarket - Double Glaziers Newmarket - Cheap Double Glazing Newmarket - Commercial Double Glazing Newmarket - Double Glazing Installer Newmarket - Double Glazing Quotes Newmarket - Double Glazed Windows Newmarket - Double Glazed Doors Newmarket - CB8
BBYO, formerly the B'nai B'rith Youth Organization, originated in 1923 as a men's high school fraternity inOmaha, Nebraska, though it was actually not affiliated with B'nai B'rith until April 1925. It began as a protest against the local Greek high school fraternity, Alpha Zeta Alpha, which did not allow Jews to become members. The boys who organized it began their own high school fraternity and decided to name it Aleph Zadik Aleph, or AZA, the Hebrew letter equivalent. In April 1925, AZA was adopted by B'nai B'rith at the B'nai B'rith National Convention. An alternate history found in Dealing in Futures by Max Baer describes a schism between the founders of the AZA and members of the local Zionist youth group. The AZA founders split from the group and formed their own with the Greek-letter college fraternities in mind. When Nathan Mnookin, the first advisor, left, Sam Beber took over and chartered the Aleph Zadik Aleph on May 4, 1924, with the early vision of an international youth movement. The first International Convention of the Aleph Zadik Aleph was held July 4-6 of that year. In 1944, B'nai B'rith Girls became recognized by B'nai B'rith, and BBYO as it is today was born. Anita Perlman is credited with the development of BBG as Sam Beber is credited with the AZA. BBYO as it is today was born. In 2002, BBYO changed its name to BBYO Inc., becoming a legally independent organization in the process.
CBD oils have been as of late utilized broadly because of its extensive variety of advantages. The CBD doesn’t have the opposite reactions as it’s witnessed by the patients that use the THC. From that the CBD oil becomes the other alternative for treating the different afflictions with the patients. Researchers are proceeding to do their examination about the different advantages of utilizing CBD oil with the goal that they can convey them to the spotlight. In this article we will look at some of the benefits of the CBD oil and how it helps inflammation. The CBD oil dismisses agony and irritation. For numerous years the marijuana has been utilized for a pain reliever. Marijuana has more than a 100 chemical products that are known as cannabinoid of which the CBD oil is one of them which is responsible for the pain relieve in cannabis. These segment of the cannabis cooperate with the mind receptor and other resistant body systems to get rid of the agony and also work against the inflammation. The mice and the rats were the spices for the investigation and the results were positive about the pain relive of the CBD oil. More to the pain healing of the CBD oil you should understand that there are no other effects from the consumption of the CBD oil. Killing depression and uneasiness in the other healing benefit of the CBD oil. Many people are suffering from these mental problems which have a negative impact on the person’s life. The CBD oil treats several sickness and disorders and the nervousness and depression are one of the things that can be treated by the CBD oil. Researches are taken each and every day to assure the public that the CBD has the potential to kill nervousness and depressions. Sexual failures, distress, nuisance and other undesirable conditions are the results of the pharmaceutical drugs that are given to patients of anxiety and depression. Patients have nothing to struggle with once they use the CBD to treat their mental issues. You can also do away with the cancer treatment side effects and kill the signs of cancer. Growth is one of the maladies that has influenced the way of life of numerous individuals on the planet. Cancer has been the most killer in the current world. Pharmaceutical medicines have been the solution for many of the cancer patients. The administered drugs cause other conditions to patients like nausea and vomiting. The use of the CBD oils on those patients has been confirmed to reduce all those side effects besides eliminating the cancer pain. Yet to get the full report on if the CBD oil can treat cancer itself. The other benefit is reducing acne. Acne can be hereditary or caused by the microorganisms on the skin. CBD oil discourages irritation by counteracting the production of the inflammation catalyze called sebum.
After six months of heavy fighting, Libyan forces have advanced so deep into the strategic city of Sirte that they can pick out the Tunisian and Egyptian accents of their Daesh enemies as they trade insults over the frontline. Victory is imminent on this remote front of the war against Daesh, with the last few militants staging a last stand in a small area of just one square kilometre (0.4 square mile), US and Libyan officials say. But the battle has been long and hard, and holds lessons for US backed forces trying to force Daesh out of the much larger Iraqi city of Mosul more than 2,500 km (1,500 miles) away. “We faced unbelievable resistance. They won’t leave their posts even when houses are collapsing on them,” said Osama Issa, a 37-year-old businessman fighting with Libyan forces in Ghiza, the last neighbourhood of Sirte that Daesh holds. “They know they will die anyway so they fight well.” Defeat in Sirte will damage Daesh’s ability to show it is expanding globally and deprive it of a foothold outside Iraq and Syria. Losing it and Mosul in quick succession would dent its morale and possibly its ability to recruit followers.
Hey, everybody. It’s time for this year’s Scary Tale Fandom post. I held a poll on Twitter to decide which subject I was going to post about this year. Granted, I probably should have alerted people to the fact that the poll was going up, considering almost no one voted on it. But still, I got one vote and that was for the stories of Washington Irving. Now, I bet you didn’t expect the title card for “The Stuff of Legends” to come back for this, but I’ll get back to that in a moment. I’m actually pretty excited about this one. The reason is because both Washington Irving and his two most famous stories I’m going to talk about are from my home state of New York. “What’s the big deal?”, you ask. “Lots of stories happen in New York”. Well, while it’s true that a whole lot of media in our modern world takes place in New York City, not many take place in the rest of New York State. The city tends to overshadow the rest of the state to a great degree these days. But “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” are from the Catskills and Tarrytown respectively. Heck, Washington Irving’s writing comes from a time before New York City was even all that big and important to begin with. But first, some background. Washington Irving was born in New York City in 1783. He was the youngest of 11 children of Scottish-English immigrant parents. Irving was trained as a lawyer and worked numerous jobs, but usually preferred to indulge his creative impulses. In the years 1819 and 1820, a series of short stories and essays were published that would eventually be published as The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Two of these stories are the ones I’m going to talk about here. Washington Irving clearly had an interest in folklore like many other writers did. However, rather than being a folklore collector like some other literary sorts, he instead used lore to embellish and enrich his own literary works. Or, at least, he seemed to. It gets a bit complicated as I’ll tell you in a moment. The stories he used here are ghost stories, which are a type of legend. They have a sense of time and place that is very specific. Some have real, historical figures in them. But they might, and often are, more fiction than history. That's why I've chosen to make this post "The Stuff of Legends". Let’s take a look at the story of “Rip Van Winkle” for instance. The story concerns a man named Rip Van Winkle who prefers hunting and fishing and helping other people with their problems than dealing with his own. One day, he goes out squirrel hunting to avoid his shrewish wife and comes upon a little man carrying a keg of alcohol. He helps him and gets to place where the little man’s friends are drinking and playing ninepins. Rip starts to drink himself, falls asleep and awakens to find the world changed. It turns out that he was asleep for twenty years. All his friends are gone and the British colonies in North America have had a revolution and gained their independence. The story itself is solid. It serves as a good exhibition of just how much has changed in the Americas over the course of one man’s lifetime (even if he slept through most of it). The fantastical elements that facilitate this, the “magical machinery” if you will, stem from an old Catskill legend. The legend states that while searching for the Northwest Passage, the explorer Henry Hudson sailed upriver for miles until he got to the Catskill Mountains. Taking some men, he went into the mountains until he stumbled on some little men playing ninepins and drinking. Hudson and his crew joined in but felt some side effects from the booze they were drinking. For one, it transformed the men for a short time into creatures a lot like the gnomish people they were drinking with. For another, it put them to sleep. Not for as long as Rip Van Winkle was asleep, but for a while. Hudson and his men left, but it’s said that whenever the “Catskill Gnomes” go bowling, they’re joined by the ghosts of Henry Hudson and his men. This legend appears to be the real deal. The story of “Henry Hudson and the Catskill Gnomes” is recorded in all sorts of places separate from Irving’s story of Rip Van Winkle. The version I know best is on the American Folklore website right HERE. The other New York story Irving’s famous for, might be a different situation. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is by this time a seasonal favorite. Every Halloween there are numerous movies, books and TV specials that invoke the story. The story is about a schoolmaster named Ichabod Crane who comes to the small Southern New York town of Sleepy Hollow outside of Tarrytown. Crane is an unusual fellow. Thin as a rail, but a big eater. Very learned but also very superstitious. Crane’s head is turned by the wealthy and beautiful Katrina Van Tassel. Katrina, though, has another suitor in the form of the strong, jovial, boisterous town hero Abraham Van Brunt aka “Brom Bones”. One night, Crane attends a party at which tales are traded of the “Headless Horseman” or “Galloping Hessian”. The Horseman was a Hessian soldier working for the British during the American Revolutionary War. He lost his head to a cannonball and ever since then his ghost rides at night searching for his head. One story states though, that he cannot cross a certain bridge. On the way home, Crane loses his way and runs into the Headless Horseman. Crane does all he can to get away from the spectral rider, but before he can cross the fateful bridge something happens and Crane disappears. Brom goes on to marry Katrina and it’s heavily suggested that he actually dressed as the Headless Horseman and scared Crane away, though it’s never stated outright. Now, my impression was always that the story of the Headless Horseman was a genuine piece of folklore from Sleepy Hollow, New York. The other parts regarding Ichabod Crane, Brom Bones and Katrina Van Tassel may have been invented by Irving, but the Headless Horseman strikes me as a real ghost story probably adapted from events during the Revolutionary War combined with lore carried over to the colonies by Dutch settlers. But I’m not sure it is. I went looking for instances of the “Headless Horseman” story separate from Washington Irving’s story of the Crane-Van Tassel-Bones love triangle and they were decidedly scarce. Almost every source I find name drops either Washington Irving or his three characters. The one exception is American Folklore, which has a version of the story HERE. Now, it’s not to say that the Headless Horseman isn’t a figure in folklore. But it’s just as likely that Irving borrowed such a figure from somewhere else and transplanted them to Upstate New York. There are plenty of such figures. There’s the dullahan from Ireland. There’s the Wild Huntsman in Germany. There’s even something similar in the story of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”. Now, I could be entirely wrong about this. The Horseman could be an entirely real part of New York State folklore and the problem is just that Irving’s story has outpaced the original legend in terms of popularity. But it’s not something I can confirm. At least, not without a whole weekend freed up, access to the archives for the greater Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow area and a few phone calls to the New York State Folklore Society. I’m certainly not going to do it in connection to this blog post that I’ve just been kind of poking at for a few days in between work and the rest of my life. There’s still a lot to love about the story, though. The descriptions of the Hudson River Valley area in Autumn are fantastic. While the story may not have been expressly devised as a “Halloween story”, the fact that it has become associated with the holiday isn’t a surprise. The supernatural aspect of the story certainly fits and the descriptions place it in the most lovely part of Autumn you could imagine. The whole combination automatically evokes late October. Another thing I like is how Irving is capable of writing characters who kind of shift with your perceptions. This is connected to what I refer to as the “Brom Bones Conundrum”. Allow me to explain. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” hinges on the conflict between Ichabod Crane and Brom Bones over Katrina Van Tassel. The story expressly follows Crane as its “hero”. Crane is a smart, bookish schoolmaster who likes to eat. He also strikes quite the humorous figure with the way he’s described, lank with big ears, nose and feet. He seems like the kind of character that readers like myself, seeing as I’m rather bookish as well, would like to get behind. Or at least, the kind of hero that people would think is goofy and harmless. But then, there are the things that attract him to Katrina Van Tassel. Almost all of Crane’s interests in the young Miss Van Tassel are material. He liked how much land her family has, how much wealth they have and how much food is in her family’s storehouses. Truth be told, Ichabod Crane’s kind of a gold digger. And while marrying for wealth may have been common in ages past, it certainly isn’t the kind of thing that would make someone the romantic hero of a short story. Brom Bones on the other hand, is brawny, boisterous and loves playing practical jokes on people. Again, for someone like myself who doesn’t quite understand the appeal of athletics and dislikes being the butt of pranks, he’s easy to cast as the villain. Yet, he’s also considered to be the town hero. Brom Bones is probably one of the people that the good folk of Sleepy Hollow would turn to if there was ever an emergency. And he supposedly means no harm with his jokes. We don’t know what attracts him to Katrina but the truth is he probably is a much better match for her than Ichabod is, if for no other reason than he’s a local boy who knows the land and people better and would be much better at managing the estate that she’s bound to inherit. When I first read this story in high school I was so sure that Ichabod was the hero and Brom was the villain. Now that I’ve encountered it again, I’m hesitant to put those labels on either of them. Ichabod doesn’t seem so much like a hero as a silly, foolish character prone to superstition and greed. Also, while I’m still hesitant to brand Brom Bones a hero, I certainly wouldn’t consider him to be the villain of the piece. And all it took was a reread. Well, that’s all I’ve got for now. It’s back to hiatus for me after this. You can still find me posting over on Universes Beckon, though. Until next time I see you, take care. And Happy Halloween!
FFC is thrilled to welcome back Guest Contributor Amy Dennison, Director of the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music’s Preparatory Department. Creativity is a trait we all hope our children carry, but how to nurture such a gift can be a daunting task. Read on and find ways to GET CREATIVE in your parenting and bless your kids with skills that will help them in all areas of their lives. Creativity is defined by Webster’s as “the ability or power to create, to bring into existence, to invest with a new form, to produce through imaginative skill, to make or bring into existence something new.” So what’s the big deal about creativity? If you play an instrument are you creative? Does creativity only exist in the the arts? Why is it important to engage in creative activities? Much has been written about creativity: Creativity in the workplace, creativity and mental health, the relationshiop of creativity to intelligence and personality, etc. etc. So let me share my own simple examples and proof that creativity is a powerful tool, and how the arts are an excellent vehicle to explore creativity. And I start with something that happened many years ago when I started thinking about and infusing creative exploration into my teaching. My daughter was in the third grade I believe. She has a great teacher – lots of reading, integrated learning activities, free pizza coupons, etc. But what I remember are her bulletin boards. This is what makes teacher stores stay in business – decorations. She had every bulletin board frame, cut out picture, cutesy phrases, etc. that you could buy on her boards. I must say, they were eye catching. I remember being at a parent event and a parent said to me, “(teacher) is so creative. Just look at those bulletin boards.” I did and I thought, that’s not creative, all she did was go out and buy a bunch of premade pretty things. What is creative about that? Where was the creating something when before there was nothing? So since then, I try very hard to infuse creative experience into the musical experience. You see, music (and art, dance and theatre) require huge amounts of skill training. Building skills are left brained experiences. They require methodical structures to learn in an orderly fashion, just like learning to read. If you observe students learning in the arts you will see a lot of repetition of technique building that is hard work. The right brain doesn’t have a lot to do with this work. The right brain is where expressiveness and emotion reside. Creativity is associated with these subjective rather than objective skills. So how do we do this in arts education, especially with the young learner? There are several ways that parents AND teachers can infuse creative thinking into arts education. The teacher: So the student is learning finger placement — no creative expression there. But creative thinking can occur. Using metaphors, imagery and other skillful questioning to help students think creatively can help a student with skill based learning. I watched one of our teachers recently who was teaching a young student. There were constant references to non-musical images – highway road lanes and how animals move for example, that students can imagine and then transfer it to technique. Using imagery and similes challenge students to think creatively. On the professional level, creativity is pretty easy to see or hear. You just see the passion, internalizing and love of the art form come out of the musician, dancer, actor or painter. It becomes obvious that something is being created that never existed before. So how can we begin to nurture this inward expressiveness to outward appearance? The parent: Allow your child to explore – be it sounds, stories, pictures or movements. Put on a piece of YOUR favorite music and just move to the music – no rules or expectations. Let your child move in any way, self exploration is the key. Let your child loose in the kitchen. Challenge them to find three ways to make sounds, not just banging! You might find that you finally have a reason you have all those mismatched plastic containers! Here’s my ultimate favorite art activity for children, keeping in mind that I am not a visual arts teacher, nor have any talent in that area. Find your old record player (yes, that thing!) and get some paper plates. Put a paper plate on the turntable and start it – 33, 78 – doesn’t matter! Give the kids a bunch of crayons or markers and let them draw on the paper plates. Bingo! Your own spirograph! That was my favorite toy as a child. You do something simple, make a few choices and come up with an original product. Now that’s creativity! And here’s what I suggest. Let your child take (insert your favorite) dance, music, acting, painting, lessons. They’ll start learning valuable skills that will help them in both the artistic side AND the academic side (yeah, you’ll be helping them in school!) and then interject simple creative activities to exercise their right brain skills. You will be doing so much to help your child become a successful person. And you’ll never have to use a dreaded worksheet! Now that’s good parenting! Be sure to follow more of Amy’s writings at her blog: Oboeamy’s Blog
Solar arrays, like all electronic devices, are prone to surges in voltage that can harm components and increase downtime. Surge protection devices can help keep systems running and profitable. Think of a home or office computer. In addition to the desktop or laptop, there may be an external monitor, speakers and even a printer. That’s too many components to plug into a wall outlet, so most people purchase a power strip. But that power strip is more than just a convenient method of plugging a bunch of stuff into one outlet; it actually helps protect those electronics from the harmful effects of power surges. A power surge, also called a transient voltage, is a generally short increase in voltage that’s well above normal levels. For example, the standard voltage for a home or office is 120 V. Voltage can be thought of as electrical pressure. So just as too much water pressure will burst a garden hose, too high a voltage could damage electronics. These surges can come from natural sources, such as lightning, as well as internal or external equipment on the grid. A surge protector helps prevent damage to electronics by diverting the extra electricity from the “hot” power line into a grounding wire. In most common surge protectors, this is achieved through a metal oxide varistor (MOV), a piece of metal oxide joined to the power and grounding lines by two semiconductors. Solar needs surge protection Solar arrays are also electronic devices and so are subject to the same potential for damage from surges. Solar panels are especially prone to lightning strikes due to their large surface area and placement in exposed locations, such as on rooftops or ground-mounted in open spaces. “Coincidentally, California, where the solar industry has enjoyed its most rapid scale-up, has one of the lowest risks for lightning in the United States,” said Dan Sylawa, senior business development manager of renewable energy at Phoenix Contact, which provides surge protection devices (SPDs). “As solar power installations have moved beyond the California market, the potential impact of lightning-induced array failures has increased. This has been most evident as array installations have moved into the Southeastern United States, one of the most lightning-prone areas of the country.” Solar contractors aren’t always aware if they’re building in a lightning-prone area. Alltec, which also provides SPDs, incorporates data from the U.S. Lightning Detection Network in a free tool that allows solar contractors to assess the lightning risk of their projects. Lightning is about 50,000?F–five times hotter than the sun–so it’s not surprising it can be detrimental to solar equipment. “If the solar panels are struck directly, lightning can burn holes in the equipment or even cause explosions, and the entire system is destroyed,” said Ethan Pace, SPD product manager at Alltec. But the effects of lighting and other overvoltages aren’t always so strikingly apparent. Sylawa said that the secondary effects of these events can not only affect major components such as modules and inverters, but also monitoring systems, tracker controls and weather stations. “Secondary effects are often the least recognized risks and frequently perceived as infant mortality failures or manufacturing defects,” he said. “Loss of a PV module will only mean loss of a string, while loss of central inverter will mean loss of the power generation for a large section of the plant.” Installing surge protection devices Because all electrical equipment is susceptible to surges, SPDs are available for all solar array components. The industrial versions of these devices also use metal oxide varistors (MOV) in combination with other sophisticated equipment to conduct surge overvoltages to grounding. Therefore, SPDs are generally installed after a stable grounding system is in place. “Think of an electrical single-line diagram of your installation and cascade SPDs from the utility service to the array equipment,” Pace said. “Locate robust protection on main entrances to protect against large surge transients and smaller units down critical paths to the equipment end-point.” A SPD network should be installed throughout the solar array’s AC and DC power distribution to protect critical circuits. SPDs should be installed on both the DC inputs and AC outputs of the system’s inverter(s) and be deployed with reference to ground on both the positive and negative DC lines. AC protection should be deployed on each power conductor to the ground. Combiner circuits should also be protected, as should all control circuits and even tracking and monitoring systems to prevent interference and data loss. When it comes to commercial and utility-scale systems, Sylawa suggests using the 10-m rule. For installations with DC cable lengths under 10 m (33 ft), DC solar surge protection should be installed at a convenient point such as at inverters, combiner boxes or closer to the solar modules. For installations with DC cabling over 10 m, surge protection should be installed at both the inverter and module ends of the cables. Residential solar systems with microinverters have very short DC cabling, but longer AC cables. An SPD installed at the combiner box can protect the home from array surges. An SPD on the main panel can protect the home from array surges as well, in addition to those from utility power and other internal equipment. In any size system, SPDs should be installed by a licensed electrician in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and installation and electrical codes to maximize safety and effectiveness. Additional steps, such as adding lightning air terminals, can be taken to further protect a solar array specifically from lighting. “People have to determine what their acceptable risk is,” said Jim Grasty, engineering manager for systems and services at Alltec. “If there’s a continuity of service requirement, then you need lightning protection. If there isn’t, some may elect not to take it.” Even the most robust surge protection scheme has its limitations. For example, SPDs can’t prevent physical damage from direct lightning strikes. “This is the best modern science can do,” Grasty said. While surge protection technology has been around for some time, it has yet to find a permanent presence in the U.S. solar industry. Grasty attributes this to cost. “We realize solar developers have to be very aware of costs and want to cut initial capital as much as possible, but all they’re doing is transferring the cost to the maintenance budget,” he said. “Who’s going to have to pay for it kind of flows downhill.” He sees more chance for successful SPD adoption in the residential and small commercial markets because the owner-operator is the one making the purchase. It’s also a lot less expensive to equip a home with surge protection than a large solar array, even though surge protection has a more discernable ROI for utility projects. “If they’re getting a certain amount of damage per year and then put in the surge suppression and that amount drops to zero, they can see that payback immediately,” he said. Montana Busch, president and CEO of Georgia-based solar contractor Alternative Energy Southeast, feels the cost pressures of adding surge protection in the competitive residential solar industry. “We normally recommend it to the extra-cautious customer or those who want to make sure they have all their bases covered,” he said. “However, the tax credit does help cover it. I think it’s smart for installers to research if they’re in a lightning-prone area and at least make the recommendation.” But Sylawa sees surge protection as critical to ensuring solar’s bankability. “Solar arrays are expected to operate with a known failure rate during 25 years or more,” he said. “Random failures due to surges and transients lower the financial return. Loss of reliability reduces the value of solar power generation to grid operators. I believe the financial and reliability risks due to surges and transients are under-recognized here in the U.S. market, even though in the global market comprehensive solar array surge protection is commonly employed.”
August 4th brings week 10 of the Greater Falls Farmers’ Market. This new market has seen such inspiring growth over the last nine weeks, and I’d like to thank you all for getting on over to the Hetty Green Park and creating community with us. It is important to be the change you want to see, and each week I see happy people supporting healthful living by going to the market to snap up the gorgeous local foods the farmers have grown, enjoy the music, and chat with neighbors and friends. If you haven’t made it over to the park yet, this is your week–see what is going on in your community, we welcome you. Remember, if you use your SNAP/EBT benefits at the market, you can get an additional $10 free in Crop Cash. Stop by the Farmers’ Market Tent to get your EBT tokens and Crop Cash. Friends for Change will be at the market facilitating fun outdoor activities for all children attending the market. The ever popular “Scavenger Hunt,” an opportunity for children to learn from their local farmers, will also happen at this week’s market. Children who participate in the Scavenger Hunt receive a GFFM Buck to spend at the market–how fun! Are you interested in volunteering at the market? We sure could use someone to help out with the Scavenger Hunt Program, as our wonderful volunteer, Holly is unable to be at the market some upcoming weeks. Let us know. This week’s Vendors include: 1UP Mushrooms Westminster West, Vermont What happens when a mycologist starts farming? 1Up Mushrooms! We have been eating oyster mushrooms all week thanks to the folks over at 1Up. Stop on by their tent this week and welcome them…such a wonderful addition to the local foods available at the market. A Homesteaders Cooperative Westminster, Vermont There is so much going on in this tent full of local products, that you are guaranteed to find something to fill your larder with. This lively group of homesteaders works together to provide market customers with a great local source for quite the variety of products. This week, so far what is available follows: Next Generation Edibles’ will bring their Dilly Beans, Beet Relish, Orange Ginger Rhubarb Jam, and Lilac Jelly, and to eat at the market–PEANUT NOODLES; Peppertorium’s heat from Patrick’s line of hot sauces–there isn’t a meal in our house that doesn’t get topped with one of his various and versatile sauces; Amber Paris’s handmade, all natural toys, wearables and home decor items, and jalapeno jelly; as well as Eventide View Farm’s eggs, tea and herb blends, toothpowder and fresh cut herbs; and Trip, Trap, Troll Farm will have tomato and tomatillo salsa. Also, duck eggs and dryer balls are available at the Homesteader’s Cooperative from Blue Swede Farm. This week Patrick will bring the heat with his hot sauces–go on and ask him about his farming in Westminster and the secret to his sauces. Friend of the Market Special: Eventide View Farm, Buy 2 Herb Bunches, Take $1 Off, Next Generation Edibles Buy 2 James, Take $1 Off Black Locust Farm Walpole, New Hampshire Black Locust Farm focuses on local and sustainable. As part of their focus on sustainability, they will offer a rain barrel made from a recycled food grade drum–which means you can gather rainwater to water your garden. Produce available will be cucumbers and blackberries. The delicious beverage Kira is making for this week’s market is blackberry rhubarb kvass. Ask Kira about this traditional drink. For the first time, this week Black Locust Farm will offer their hand-crafted tinctures. In our home, we have used their Hawthorne Berry Tincture for good heart health. Friend of the Market Special: $5 off Rain Barrels Daddy’s Girl Soap Bellows Falls, Vermont Carol makes her handmade soaps with a glycerin base to ensure that her soaps last. The beauty of using a local, handmade soap is that you know what the ingredients are, and the ingredients list is not unpronounceable. Stop on through and ask Carol about her soap making process and the inspiration behind the scents she includes. Grandview Gourmet Westminster, Vermont What will Dylan bake up this Friday for the market? Wonderful breads with local ingredients sourced from Pete’s Stand and Harlow Farm. Fantastic. Harlow Farm Westminster, Vermont Ethan, of Harlow Farm will bring his own farm-raised pork sausages to the market this week and grill them up! Sweet sausage, hot sausage, and chorizo with peppers and onions will be grilled up fresh at the market for your dinner. Ethan raised up the pigs himself and has put lots of love and energy into bringing this organic and local dinner to you. Also available at Harlow’s `will be organic hamburger and cheeseburgers and their super delicious sweet corn. And that is just at the grill! Crops are in…blueberries, corn, carrots, beets, cucumbers, green beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage–the list continues. Stop on by and see all the fresh, just picked summertime sweets. Local Artist Jack Peters Saxtons River, Vermont This is Jack’s fourth week joining us at the market with his gorgeous silver work. He hand crafts all that he makes, and it is truly beautiful. Jack enjoys talking about his craft, so if you are curious go on and ask him about how he makes his pieces. Mirasol Farm Langdon, New Hampshire Trish and Peter brought along the most beautiful vegetables and plants to last week’s market. What a gorgeous array of produce. They are working hard just on the other side of Fall Mountain to bring you nutrient-dense vegetables farmed with as little ecological impact as possible. This week you will see cabbage, lettuce, beets, basil, cucumbers, and more. Oh, and their farm specialty, GARLIC. Lots and lots of garlic. I have been using their garlic in abundance all week because it is so wonderful. Pete’s Stand Walpole, New Hampshire Pete’s Stand offers a fabulous assortment of local produce each week. They are out in the fields working with their plants and produce every day, to bring you great produce at a fantastic price. This is a great time to buy in bulk so that you can eat local year round. Pickle up some cucumbers or beets, steam up some summer squash for freezing, or bake some zucchini bread and freeze it. This week Pete’s Stand will be bringing sweet corn, zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers, green bell peppers, eggplant, and beans. Also available by the bunch will be kale, Swiss chard, spinach, beet, carrot and radish. Pete’s will also have some local honey. Friend of the Market Special: 10% OFF all Produce The Angry Duck Bakery South Newfane, Vermont What will The Angry Duck Bakery bring to market this week? An amazing assortment of wonderfully delicious gluten-free desserts. Delectable cookies this week include triple chip, peanut butter oatmeal and molasses ginger. Bundt cake by the slice interest you? They will have triple chocolate Bundt cake this week. If you are looking for something on the savory side, they are whipping up some cheddar broccoli scones for y’all. April reports they will have four different cupcake flavors this week, so stop on by to see what they have brought:) Friend of the Market Special: Cookies and Scones, Buy 1 Get 1 Free (of equal value) Vermont Elderberry Putney, Vermont Do you know about the immunity enhancing properties of the elderberry flowers and berries? Ask Gino why elderberry is such an important native shrub. Having just finished flowing, elderberry bushes are now moving on to growing their health-helping berries. Gino will join us at the market this week with his Elderflower cordial drink concentrate and elderberry bush cuttings (potted and rooted). Last week Gino had fresh picked berries and pickled fiddleheads, as well. See y’all at the Market. It is great building community with you all. Keeping it local, Thank you to our Sponsors, Bellows Falls Downtown Development Alliance, Village Square Booksellers, Vermont’s Local Banquet Magazine, Greater Falls Regional Chamber of Commerce, and WOOL-FM
One of the most profound developments in European history was the Migration Period, which lasted from roughly 400 to 800 CE and which saw the Germanic tribes come out of southern Scandinavia and Germany and into what is now western Europe (the Roman provinces of Gaul, Britannia, Hispania, north Africa, and Italy). There were doubtless several factors leading up to these migrations. Climate has been cited as a factor; in the winter of 535-536 written sources tell of an especially harsh winter and cloud-occluded sun (perhaps caused by a massive volcanic eruption). With crops failing due to colder temperatures, tribes would tend to move southwards into more fertile lands. Asiatic and Slavic migrations would also push the Germanic tribes ahead of them, who would in turn push other tribes, like billiard balls knocking into each other. This is how the Franks ended up in Gaul (which then became France), the Lombards ended up in northern Italy (Lombardy), the Burgundians in eastern France (Burgundy), etc. Now imagine a similar mechanism at work in a fantasy world. In cold and snowy Trollheim, vast numbers of trolls and ogres dig their warren-like homes deep into the glaciers. As the climate grows warmer, however, the glaciers fracture and some calve into the sea as icebergs, taking the troll-warrens with them. Currents bring those icebergs into proximity of Scandia, “Mother of Nations”, which is inhabited by a number of human barbarian tribesmen. As icebergs full of hungry ogres and trolls come ashore, at least some of the human barbarians decide that the time is right to pick up and move southwards, into the more civilized lands, where they begin their own raids and settlements along the frontier. Not only does that give a reason for barbarian (or humanoid, for that matter) raids and migrations with an historical precedent, but also provides a ready-made excuse to have floating ice dungeons full of ogres and trolls. And that is a good thing in and of itself.
Saturday November 23rd… Dear Diary. The main purpose of this ongoing blog will be to track United States extreme or record temperatures related to climate change. Any reports I see of ETs will be listed below the main topic of the day. I’ll refer to extreme or record temperatures as ETs (not extraterrestrials)😉 Insect Decimation And Our Environmental And Climatological Decline Dear Diary. Ironically as I begin writing for today’s post I had an ant invasion in my bedroom last night. Apparently a few creepy crawlers sniffed out some crumbs in my bed, which were leftovers from an evening snack, somehow navigated through a window seal, and made a nice trail back to their nest. They woke me up in the middle of the night biting my tuckhus. Yep, I never should have snacked in bed. We may look upon ants as pests or fear and despise bee stings, but these two species of insects play a critical role with the food chain. Bees are essential for pollinating most of the foods we cultivate as a species. Ants break down organic material, helping to fertilize ground for plants to grow, and are also food for many other species, such as birds. By now most of you are aware that a combination of pollution, pesticides and yes climate change are decimating bee populations. Today let’s take a deeper dive, reposting most of the following Guardian article on light pollution to see how us humans are affecting insects. What comes around goes around in nature. Let’s also think how decimated insect populations may eventually affect us after reading today’s post: Light pollution is key ‘bringer of insect apocalypse’ Exclusive: scientists say bug deaths can be cut by switching off unnecessary lights Light pollution is a significant but overlooked driver of the rapid decline of insect populations, according to the most comprehensive review of the scientific evidence to date. Artificial light at night can affect every aspect of insects’ lives, the researchers said, from luring moths to their deaths around bulbs, to spotlighting insect prey for rats and toads, to obscuring the mating signals of fireflies. “We strongly believe artificial light at night – in combination with habitat loss, chemical pollution, invasive species, and climate change – is driving insect declines,” the scientists concluded after assessing more than 150 studies. “We posit here that artificial light at night is another important – but often overlooked – bringer of the insect apocalypse.” However, unlike other drivers of decline, light pollution was relatively easy to prevent, the team said, by switching off unnecessary lights and using proper shades. “Doing so could greatly reduce insect losses immediately,” they said. Brett Seymoure, a behavioural ecologist at Washington University in St Louis and senior author of the review, said: “Artificial light at night is human-caused lighting – ranging from streetlights to gas flares from oil extraction. It can affect insects in pretty much every imaginable part of their lives.” Light pollution affects dung beetles, which use starlight to navigate. “For us, light pollution is a shame as we can’t see the night stars, but for a beetle it is literally life and death,” said Brett Seymoure. Insect population collapses have been reported in Germany and Puerto Rico, and the first global scientific review, published in February, said widespread declines threatened to cause a “catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems”. The latest review says: “Insects around the world are rapidly declining. Their absence would have devastating consequences for life on this planet.” There are thought to be millions of insect species, most still unknown to science, and about half are nocturnal. Those active in the day may also be disturbed by light at night when they are at rest. The analysis, published in the journal Biological Conservation, notes that light has long been used deliberately by farmers to suppress insects. But as human infrastructure has expanded, and the cost of lighting has fallen, light pollution has come to affect a quarter of the world’s land surface. The most familiar impact of light pollution is moths flapping around a bulb, mistaking it for the moon. One-third of insects trapped in the orbit of such lights die before morning, according to work cited in the review, either through exhaustion or being eaten. The corn earworm moth stops mating if light levels are above the illumination provided by a quarter moon at night. Recent research in the UK found greater losses of moths at light-polluted sites than dark ones. Vehicle headlights pose a deadly moving hazard, and this fatal attraction has been estimated to result in 100 billion insect deaths per summer in Germany. Artificial light also hinders insects finding a mate in some species, the review found, most obviously in firefly beetles, which exchange bioluminescent signals during courtship Some insects use the polarisation of light to find the water they need to breed, as light waves line up after reflecting from a smooth surface. But artificial light can scupper this. “Mayflies live for only one day, so they come out and look for polarised light. They find it – but from asphalt – lay their eggs there, and they all die. That’s a good way to knock out an entire population in 24 hours.” The development of juvenile insects, such as field crickets, also has been shown to be affected by light pollution, which changes the perceived length of the day and night. The review found the search for food is affected by light pollution. Insects that avoid light, for example weta, the giant flightless crickets found in New Zealand, spend less time foraging in light-polluted areas. Insects are important prey for many species, but light pollution can tip the balance in favour of the predator if it traps insects around lights. Spiders, bats, rats, shorebirds, geckos and cane toads have all been found feeding around artificial lights. Such increases in predation risk was likely to cause the rapid extinction of affected species, the researchers said. I encourage all of my readers to continue reading the most thorough Guardian article on insects and light pollution: Next let’s touch on bees and climate change. I like this little diagram: Obviously honey bee populations are declining, but as one can see, reasons for the decline are a bit complex. Change in temperature and even wind patterns involving climate change can affect bees. Here is more from The buzz on climate change: It’s bad for bees © Trond Larsen Aug 19, 2017 By Leah Duran Did you eat an apple today or drink coffee this morning? Thank a bee. About one out of every three bites of food is made possible by bees and other pollinators — in the United States alone, honeybees pollinate $15 billion worth of crops each year. But the world’s honeybees are in steep decline, with 10 million hives disappearing just in the past three years. Not having honey is the least of our problems. While scientists aren’t clear on exactly what factors are behind bees’ decline, what is known is that climate change is also making life harder for bees. Here’s how: 1. Habitat loss Climate change is causing habitat loss as bees fail to migrate to cooler areas and establish new hives. A recent study on bumblebee migrations found that bee territories have shrunk by nearly 200 miles in North America and Europe. In South Africa, CI is keeping important pollinator habitat intact and helping to ensure future food security there. 2. Shifting temperatures As average monthly temperatures rise, flowers bloom earlier in the spring, creating a potential mismatch in seasonal timing between when flowers produce pollen and when bees are ready to feed on that pollen. Even a small mismatch of three to six days could negatively affect bees’ health, making them less likely to reproduce and less resistant to predators and parasites. Honeybees are susceptible to parasites such as Varroa mites and the gut parasite Nosema ceranae, and environmental stresses may increase infections. Scientists first discovered the Nosema ceranae in the early 1990s in Asian honeybees. It has since spread to Europe and the U.S., causing shorter lifespans and colony collapse. A recent study found that lower temperatures were associated with lower prevalence of the parasite, indicating that higher temperatures as a result of climate change could result in more bees infected with Nosema ceranae. What can you do? Experts suggest starting with the bees and other pollinators in your own backyard: Plant a pollinator-friendly garden designed to maximize blooming for most of the year. In urban areas, porch and window planters can provide important food sources for bees. So, the next time you swat a bee or mash an ant like I had to do last night do a double take. These little friends are essential to our continued existence on this planet. Let’s all think of ways to keep them going for a long time to come in nature’s kingdom. Here is more climate and weather news from Saturday: (As usual, this will be a fluid post in which more information gets added during the day as it crosses my radar, crediting all who have put it on-line. Items will be archived on this site for posterity. In most instances click on the pictures of each tweet to see each article.) (If you like these posts and my work please contribute via the PayPal widget, which has recently been added to this site. Thanks in advance for any support.) Guy Walton- “The Climate Guy”
What is Bioidentical hormone therapy? Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (BHRT) is an individualised treatment for Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS), the Peri-menopause, Menopause and Andropause. It uses hormones which have exactlythe same chemical and molecular structure as the naturally occurring hormones in your body. This way, your body doesn’t recognise the hormones as ‘foreign’ like some of the synthetic hormones offered on the NHS. By being 100% identical, they work in exactly the same way as your own hormones and deliver the same benefits with minimal unwanted side effects. NHS treatments are often limited to the contraceptive pill for PMS or conventional HRT for the perimenopause and menopause. This ‘one size fits all approach’ often uses standard doses of synthetic progesterone which has potential health risks associated with its use as well as an increased side effect profile. The hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone are vital for your health and wellbeing and can have a significant impact on your quality of life if they become out of sync. Women are commonly affected by hormonal fluctuations during their menstrual cycle and during the menopause. Men may also experience age related declines in their testosterone levels which can be accelerated by certain conditions eg diabetes and high blood pressure. BHRT is aimed at limiting the effects of these changes by helping you reset the balance. What conditions can you treat with BHRT? - Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) – symptoms experienced before your period, which resolve with your period - Peri menopause – transition phase to the menopause which can last a number of years - Menopause – which is defined as complete absence of period for 12 months of more. - Andropause in Men – male menopause where there is a decline in testosterone What symptoms can BHRT help in Women? - Irritability and mood swings - Anxiety and depression - Night sweats and hot flushes - Sleeping problems - Vaginal dryness & painful intercourse - Reduced libido - Dry skin and wrinkles - Low energy and vitality - Excess weight and poor muscle mass - Poor memory and concentration What symptoms can it help in Men? - Gynaecomastia (man breasts) - Reduced body hair - Reduced libido - Weight gain - Reduced lean body mass - Reduced energy How is it prescribed? - BHRT is prescribed in the form of oestradiol, estriol, progesterone, DHEA and testosterone either as an individual hormone or as a combination - This makes it easier to fine tune each hormone to the requirement of your body compared to fixed formulations found in standardised medication. - Treatment can be issued as a cream for topical application or as a lozenge/capsule What are the side effects? - To prevent against unwanted side effects we start on the lowest possible dose. - Side effects may arise if the dose of hormones prescribed is too high for your individual needs. - Too high a dose of oestrogen can cause breast tenderness and bleeding. - Too high a dose of progesterone can cause tiredness and low mood.
Online learning at UPM is intensified through the Academic Transformation initiative. PutraMOOC, which uses the Australia-based Open Learning platform, was first developed in late 2013. The collaboration between the Center for Academic Development (CADe) and the Center for Information and Communication Development (iDEC) has successfully developed PutraBLAST in 2015. Students can access materials, activities and assessments online with the implementation of blended learning modes through the PutraBLAST and PutraMOOC platforms. Virtual lectures can be conducted synchronously using online conferencing and chat applications. Online assessment is implemented with the use of quizzes, forums, assignments or interactive content. Students are encouraged to produce content online in addition to reports. Online attendance is calculated based on the diversity of teaching mediums such as proof of student participation and the use of online attendance functionality. Improvements to PutraBLAST and PutraMOOC were implemented in September 2019 where the PutraBLAST engine was upgraded to Moodle version 3.5 and PutraMOOC was moved to a new server platform developed and administered internally. PutraBLAST has been used by all categories of students at UPM, namely Pre-University, Pre-Graduate and Graduate. Improvements to support and facilitate the PdP process can be implemented as follows: - (i) The proposed improvement of PutraBLAST server performance of 150 CPU capacity, 1000G RAM and 100TB of storage size through Putra®Cloud Phase 2 has been approved and will be implemented in the first (1) and second (2) quarters of 2021. This improvement is to ensure smooth online PdP activities at the University (ii) PdP video content is placed on YouTube channel to ensure faster access (iii) The Smart Campus project proposal which is the implementation of SmartClassRoom NO ClassRoom can improve the quality of eLearning teaching delivery with the concept of open PdP (AnyWhere, AnyTime & AnyDevice) in line with the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). This implementation will make UPM a campus in line with the implementation requirements of the IoT and the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Date of Input: 10/11/2020 | Updated: 10/11/2020 | nazlina Universiti Putra Malaysia UPM Putra InfoPort - IOI Resort Jalan Kajang - Puchong 43400 UPM Serdang Selangor Darul Ehsan
Saddam Hussein was born in Apr 28, 1937 in Tirkit, this place is 100 miles away from Baghdad. When he became a teenager he moved to Baghdad and joined the now-infamous Baath party, after many years he led this party. So through this party he participated in many coup attempts. It helped him to install his cousin as a dictator of Iraq in July, 1968. After 11 years Saddam Hussein became dictator of Iraq on July 16, 1979. Saddam Hussein as a dictator: The Iran-Iraq war: In September 1980 Iraq invaded Iran. President Saddam Hussein had many motives for the attack. Such as, - Saddam Hussein was afraid of terrorists entering into Iraq and joining with the Shia Muslims of Iraq which might lead to the terrorists overthrowing the government. - Saddam Hussein claimed that the Iranian border province Khuzestan belong to Iraq. - Shatt-el-Arab waterway is an important outlet for the oil exports of Iran and Iraq. This waterway originally belonged to Iraq but 5 years prior to the Iran-Iraq war Iran forced Iraq to share the waterway with them. Saddam thought that the Iranian forces are weak and he expected the quick victory. But soon became clear he had miscalculated about the Iran forces badly. Iraq forces are much stronger with Soviet tanks, helicopter, missiles and some British and American weapons. But the Iranian revolutionaries are inspired by their religion and ready to die for the country. Iran also gets the modern equipment from China and North Korea. This war created many international problems and threatened peace in the entire Arab world. Because of the Iraq’s attacks on Iran’s oil exports Iran was not able supply oil to the western countries. An Islamic conference was held in Kuwait in Jan, 1987. But Iran’s leader refused to attend it. So the war entered a terrible phase during the latter part of 1987. When the both sides began to bombard each other’s capital cities Tehran and Baghdad, thousands of civilians were killed. The UN was involved, talked to both sides and due to this the war came to an end. The Gulf war: Saddam had accepted the peace terms at the end of the Iran-Iraq war, but after this his force immediately invaded the neighbouring state of Kuwait in August 1990. His real motive was to get the oil wealth from Kuwait and for this he claimed that the Kuwait was historically part of Iraq. He didn’t expect any action from USA and the European countries. But US President Bush took action to remove the Iraqis from Kuwait. UN imposed sanctions on Iraq’s oil exports as they are the main source of Iraq’s income. UN ordered Saddam Hussein to remove his troops by 15 January, 1991. UN army was formed comprising troops from thirty countries who contributed with troops, armaments and cash. Operation Desert Storm was launched on 15th January after Saddam refused to withdraw his troops. First the UN army attacked Baghdad with a series of bomb blast which killed a number of civilians. From 24th February, the UN army attacked the Iraqi army and within 4 days the Iraqi army was removed from Kuwait and Saddam accepted defeat. In this war, Iraq lost nearly 90,000 troops. The great power’s primary concern was not with international justice and moral questions of right or wrong, but with their self-interest. They took action against Saddam because they thought that he was threatening their oil supplies. After the gulf war one of the most brutal dictators of the century, Saddam Hussein was allowed to remain in power because the great powers thought that his survival was the most prudent way of keeping Iraq united and the region stable. The downfall of Saddam Hussein: After his defeat in the gulf war Saddam Hussein was allowed to remain in power. He crushed the uprising of Kurds in the north and Shia Muslims in the south. He had already used the chemical weapons against Iran and Kurds. Well advanced nuclear weapons programme was incorporated by Iraq in 1995. The US and UK were afraid of the chaos that may follow if Saddam Hussein was ousted from power but still they placed the UN trade sanctions on Iraq. However, these sanctions ensure that Saddam allowed inspections of his nuclear sides by members of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This commission discovered Iraqis had all the components necessary to manufacture nuclear weapons. In 1998 the IAEA team destroyed all Saddam’s nuclear sites. That time there was no talk of removing Saddam from power. The USA and UK war prepared to attack Iraq in 2002 and the signals for the same was given by president bush’s address in which he referred to Iraq as a rogue state. US had become over confident with its success in Afghanistan and thus gave some justification to invade Iraq like that it had chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons and that it was supporting terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and thus a regime change was necessary but most of the people in western countries were not enthusiastic about a war as they felt UN should be given more time to complete its search for weapons of mass destruction. US president Bush in view of the opposition expressed by France and Germany gave more time to the UN officials to carry out their search UN officials reported that Saddam was complying with the limits imposed but US termed it as a delaying strategy and went about to invade Iraq after giving a 48 hour ultimatum to Saddam to leave the country. In the course of the invasion 15,000 Iraqis were killed out of which 5000 were civilians there was international condemnation especially in the Arab countries which felt that peace would effected in the region. In April US troops captured Baghdad and on 9th April it was announced that Saddam’s 24 year dictatorship was over. Saddam disappeared but was captured in December, 2003. No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq after the invasion. - Lowe Norman, Mastering modern World history, 5th edition, Macmillan publishers, 2013. - Colvocoressi peter, World politics 1945-2000, Dorling Kindersley pvt Ltd, 2008. - J. A. S. Grenville, a History of the world (From the 20th to the 21st century), 5th edition, Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis, Group, 2005.
About Jane Austen’s England A Travel Guide Walk in Jane Austen’s footsteps with this unique travel guide – the first book to explore England in relation to its most beloved Regency author. Rambling across the rolling fields of Hampshire, along the bustling streets of London and around the golden crescents of Bath, Jane Austen’s England is the perfect companion for any Janeite planning a pilgrimage. Functionally arranged by region, each chapter tracks down the most iconic scenes from both the big and little screen, as well as the key destinations where Jane lived, danced and wrote. Descriptions of each location are interspersed with biographical anecdotes and local history. Subsections focus on various stately homes that have been featured in every adaptation of every novel, from the beloved Pride and Prejudice television series (1995, Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth) to Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016). With a compilation of websites, seasonal opening hours and tour details, this compact book contains everything you need to immerse yourself in Austen. Make your own Jane Austen tour with this unique travel guide – there are more than 200 locations included! A small selection: - The Vyne - Lyme Park - Lyme Regis - Stoneleigh Abbey - Sudbury Hall - Castle Howard - Hans Place - National Portrait Gallery - Somerset House - Lincoln’s Inn - Gracechurch Street - Dorney Court - Brocket Hall - Chenies Manor - Edgcote House - Box Hill A short history of the book Jane Austen’s England was first published in Dutch by Gottmer Publishing Group in The Netherlands. After a successful crowdfunding on Kickstarter, during which 427 people from all over the world showed their support by backing the project, it was translated and published in English in a limited edition. Now, thanks to ACC Art Books, it is available worldwide. - The first and only travel guide that focuses on Austen’s life, work, and legacy - Packed with travel tips, walking routes, tour times and Austen trivia - A great gift for any Austen fan – but will also be appreciated by ramblers, Anglophiles, and anyone with an interest in Regency England road trip descriptions – Diana Shand, Kickstarter backer
Based on the survey results, Gallup categorizes employees as (1) engaged, (2) not engaged, and (3) actively disengaged. Engaged employees are just that, motivated and positive about their organizations. Not engaged employees show up for work, do what is asked, but do not put passion or energy into their workplace activities. Gallup goes beyond the engaged/not engaged dichotomy with the “actively disengaged”, employees noticeably unhappy, more likely to skip work, are the source of more complaints. So how engaged are U.S. employees? Over the past ten years the Gallup results have been fairly consistent. Only about 30% of employees are engaged. A little over 50% are not engaged. Slightly less than 20% are actively disengaged. My take-away: These Gallup results suggest that there is significant room for improvement in the American workplace. Look around your workplace. Who is engaged? Disengaged? Actively disengaged? Can you tell the difference? The results Gallup reports cry out for leadership and management to step up. It is easy to be so overwhelmed fighting the daily alligators that we fail to be proactive, to understand what is happening in our workplaces, to find ways to elevate the work of those with whom we work. It would be interesting to see these results broken down by leadership style. My bet would be servant-leaders would have the most engaged employees. What is your leadership style? Do you want more engaged employees? Image by Veronica Therese. Obtained from: Used with permission: Gallup (2013). State of the America workplace: Employee engagement insights for U.S. business leaders. Gallup Press.
1790 – 52nd – Reached Aulloor (Southern India). 1915 - 1/4th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - arrived Boulogne from England. 1917 – 2nd Bn OXF & BUCKS LI – HERICOURT & GUINECOURT . 1917 – 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion – HAMEL. Outpost Line. – Dispositions as yesterday. Heavy rain nearly all day. Battn was relieved by 1/4th GLOSTERS after dark, and marched back to CARTIGNY to billets in cellars. Before relief A Coy sent out strong patrols to find out if enemy were still holding STE EMILE. This was found to be still held. Bn all in at CARTIGNY, about 3am where they became part of DOBBINS COLUMN. Casualties 2 IR Wounded. Ration Strength 20 Officers 650 OR. 1917 – 5th (Bn) Oxf & Bucks LI – To ARRAS. 1922 - 2nd Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - The Regiment disembarked and left Karachi in the evening by train. 1943 - 7th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - started out on a 3,000 mile journey to join the 8th Army. (29th/30th March) 1944 – 7th Bn Oxf & Bucks LI - moved to Egypt from Italy. 1945 - 2nd (AB) Bn Oxf & Bucks LI – COESFELD (North West Europe) 0730 - R.U.R. leading the Brigade today with tanks from 4 Guards Armoured Brigade moved through KL REKEN & GR REKEN, thence by a cross-country route to COESFELD. The RUR has been held up on the high ground SouthWest of the town. The 52nd concentrated in farm 607685 and came under some Air-burst fire A & B Coys assaulted eastwards to get astride the main road into COESFELD from the south. No opposition. The Regiment entered COESFELD much battered from RAF attacks at 2145 hrs and areas for local protection were allotted.
Excerpts from Intro to Emunah & Bitachon by Mrs. Chana Krasny. Click below to listen to the audio (6 min) Recently I read in an article that someone went to Rav Steinman and asked him the following question: If, in every generation, there's a middah that they’re expected to perfect within themselves, what is the middah of our times? And Rabbi Steinman replied, “Emunah and bitochon.” Hashem said, “Let go, and I’ll catch you.” When I read that, I said to myself, this is really a powerful thing. Right now, we don’t know how much longer before we’re all going to be together in Eretz Yisroel. Every single day is an opportunity, in these days of Ikvesa d’Mashicha, the footsteps of Mashiach, to strengthen our connection with the Ribono Shel Olam, so we better use as much of our koiach to grow as quickly as possible, and this has incredible power. So I’ll tell you a joke that I heard fifteen years ago, I believe it was in Nevada. A Young Israel rav named Rabbi Yitzchak Wein told it over, and it made such an impression on me, I’ll never forget it. It was about emunah and bitochon: There's a man walking down next to the Grand Canyon, and he became so overwhelmed and awed by the beautiful sight that he didn’t notice the shaky gravel next to the edge of the cliff. He lost his footing and went right over the edge, and would have certainly dropped down to his utter death, except that there was a protruding branch, sticking out from the side of the cliff. He grabbed on to it, holding on with all his might, and even though he was alone, he cried out anyway: “Is anybody out there?” Of course no one answered, so he waited a few minutes, as his arms grew more and more tired, and he cried out again with all his koiach, “Is there anybody out there?” And still no one answered him. And he waited again another five minutes, until his arms got so tired he thought he was going to drop. And in his hoarse and frightened voice, he cries out again, “Is there anybody out there?” Only this time, he hears a voice answer him back. And the big voice says, “Yes, I am here.” The man replied, “Who are you?” And the voice said, “I am Hashem.” And the man said, “Hashem, oh please save me, please save me, I don’t want to die. What should I do?” And Hashem said, “Let go, and I’ll catch you.” At which point the man said, “Is there anybody else out there?” Rabbi Wein explained that the reason he told this particular joke was to illustrate the difference between emunah and bitochon. Even though we often use the terms interchangeably in our speech, emunah and bitochon are really two different things. Rabbi Shimshon Pincus, ztz”l, writes, in Gates of Emunah: “Whereas emunah is knowing with our minds that Hashem created the world and runs it, bitochon is when Hashem becomes a tangible reality for us, a solid fact. It is when Hashem becomes so real for us that we feel we can rely on Him completely. Bitochon is when we relate to Hashem as a personality, no less alive than our father, brother etc. This is bitochon.” Mrs. Chana Krasny, firstly a wife and mother of 8, is a motivational speaker for women’s organizations as well as high-school and seminary aged girls on the topics of Prayer, Being Inspired, Connecting to Hashem, and Scheduling Success. She co-authored a quarterly-column in Binah, “Building a Happy Home," with Rebbetzin Scheine Brog, sh’tchia, inspired by the teachings of Rabbi Avigdor Miller, ztz”l.
Teeth – Part 1 The mouth, tongue and teeth are all connected. I often hear of people who have teeth problems and less who say they have a problem with their mouth or tongue. It’s true, if there is a problem with the mouth or tongue, after a couple of days, weeks or even a month or so these problems have usually healed. However problems with the teeth can last a lifetime and usually once there is a problem with the teeth, more problems will come along. This is because the teeth are the same as our bones. Think about it? If you cut your skin or pull a muscle, after a while it will heal, but if the bones have a problem the whole body will have a problem. Even healing the bones takes a long time. So how can we make our teeth healthy with Qigong? The Qigong way to strengthen our teeth is same as how we train our bones. How do we train our bones? I’m sure many students already know the answer to this – Horse Stance! Correct! Horse Stance trains our bones, particularly when we do a low horse stance. After a while our legs become stronger and thicker because the bones have become stronger and bigger. At the same time the teeth will also become stronger. Most of our students who practise Horse Stance regularly have strong teeth, and I rarely hear them complain about their teeth. Usually men’s teeth are better than ladies, particularly after women give birth, their teeth become weaker.
As you may have noticed over the past couple of years, I use more and more symbols in my art, some more subtle than others. They are particularly obvious in my Abstract and EMPOWERED collections of paintings and drawings. I want to share with you many of the symbols that you will see repeatedly used throughout my art as well as their meanings. Some of the symbols are well know and others are one's that I've created myself that provide a particular mood and feeling to the artwork that lends to the positive, uplifting and inspiring message I hope my artwork always invokes. You will also notice that some of the traditional symbols have been slightly modified to fit in with my own personal style :) Like arrows added onto the end of straight lines, flip flopping the symbols, adding additional lines and outlines, etc. I've also taken symbols from numerous different religions, mythologies, and more...because I like to use that which fits in with the theme and mood of each painting. Some of the different sources and definitions from where I gather symbolic inspirations. Means "listen within" from the zibu angelic language of symbols. Zibu angelic symbols were created by Debbie Zylstra Almstedt during a Reiki session in 2002. She claimed to have experienced a communication from a group of Angelic Guides. Each Zibu Angelic Symbol is an interpretation of a message from Angelic Guides. A seemingly sub category of Celtic symbolism. For centuries, Celtic symbols and signs held incredible power for the ancient Celts in every way of life. The word "Celtic" refers to people who lived in Britain and Western Europe from 500 BC and 400 AD. Celts were of the Iron Age and lived in small villages which were led by warrior chiefs. The written records remaining from the Celts of Europe are scant, therefore signs and symbols can be hard to determine and trace. Many facts come by way of the Romans, who conquered the Celtic lands during the rise of the Roman Empire. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. I will be working on creating some of the symbols associated with Chakra soon! Many of these different teachings and ways of life overlap one another as they have throughout the centuries. You will see these, and others as I find, and create, new inspirational symbols throughout my artwork. I hope you enjoy looking for them and feeling inspired by the energy and life that they provide through my art. I will add to this blog post as new symbols are introduced into my art.
“The task of art is to transform what is continuously happening to us, to transform all these things into symbols, into music, into something which can last in man’s memory… The work of a poet never ends. It has nothing to do with working hours.” — Jorge Luis Borges, speaking to Argentinian filmmaker German Kral. In the same clip,* Kral, standing outside Borges’ apartment in 1998, recalls visiting the writer there many years before. “Borges, who had so intensely loved books and for whom literature was alive, advised us not to read any book we didn’t enjoy,” he says. “Reading it by force did no good to the book, the author or ourselves.”
Microsoft Exchange Server is software product designed to make emailing faster and more efficient. As email is now a critical function in the business environment and a great deal of business is now conducted by email, many companies are finding that using Microsoft Exchange Server has increased the reliability of their email functions as well as adding a host of other applications that can be utilized to make conducting regular business even easier. So what exactly are the benefits of using Microsoft Exchange Server? One of the biggest benefits that Microsoft Exchange Server provides to its users in the enhance security features included in the software package. There are many different threats that can compromise the security of a software package today and Microsoft Exchange Server works to neutralize those threats, leaving the users less vulnerable to hackers, viruses, and spam. It also works to ensure that emails remain confidential and are not compromised by outside sources. This enhanced security allows companies to feel confident that their email system is protected at all times and allows employees and customers to utilize the email system to its full potential. Companies that use Microsoft Exchange Server can allow their employees to access their email from anywhere in the world. Whether the employee is in the office or on the road, they will be able to access all of their important documents and can respond to any important inquiry at a moments notice. The email platform used by Microsoft Exchange Server is Microsoft Office Outlook which has many different features designed to make email and contact management simple and trouble-free. Some of the features that can be used with Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server include calendar features, scheduling features, voice mail storage, and contact management programs. Microsoft Exchange Server also allows businesses to be more efficient, by making it a great deal easier to find and fix any issues that may arise. It also has improved monitoring capabilities so that any issues that do occur can be detected quickly before it disrupts business by a great amount. Many tasks that are needed to keep Microsoft Exchange Server operating properly have been automated, allowing the administrators more time to deal with more pressing issues. There are many benefits to using Microsoft Exchange Server and many businesses are discovering that this is a program that they cannot do without.
It's the time of year to express gratitude for all that we have in our lives. For MBA students, that includes the education you're receiving right now, which has given you new insight, information, and experience that's destined to improve your potential for contributing to causes and organizations of your choosing. Your advanced education puts you in a distinct minority of individuals in the U.S. -- and an even smaller group worldwide -- who've elected to continue their studies beyond the undergraduate level. The MBA equips you with a skill set suitable for a range of jobs, some of which even require the degree as a prerequisite for being considered. That said, the MBA does not entitle you to a job. I've yet to hear of any employer responding to a job seeker's plea "well, I have an MBA" by offering a job. The degree communicates that you have certain knowledge and skills -- that's it. It's not a free pass to getting a specific job, no more than a doctoral degree offers automatic admission to academia. Degree holders still need to demonstrate that their skills, interests, and personalities are a good fit for an employer's needs. That challenge seemingly never ends, regardless of your credentials. So, in short, embrace gratefulness towards your education, and banish entitlement as you begin to look for work. This joint perspective will serve you well in a challenging environment for finding full-time work.
As musicians, we begin our studies at a very early age, and although we may not be aware of it at first, we are compiling methods, habits and resources from our earliest lessons. Even something as simple as our hand position is a habit built from the way in which we were taught. We don’t have to relearn it (unless we want to change it), it just remains with us as part of our playing. As we become better players, we begin to seek out ways of improving - technical exercises, practice techniques, practice plans, long tones and tone exercises, feedback on our embouchure and breathing - and build up intentional habits around these things. If we change teachers we might adapt our compiled resources, purging the ones that no longer serve us and adding new ones. As students, and even as a professional, the number of possible resources, methods and approaches can sometimes seem overwhelming. There’s no way we could even try all of them, let alone make sure to keep trying everything we’ve learned. For the same reason we feel ready to move on to new teachers, we become ready to leave an old method or way of doing things behind, and that’s a very healthy habit of growth and self evaluation. Gathering your tools When I begin to introduce this kind of intentional resource building to my students, I talk to them about building a toolbox. We explore warm ups, practice techniques, tone exercises and possible practice routines or schedules in depth. As we complete a detailed exploration of one of these tools we place it in the tool box, filing it under potential uses. As lessons continue we discuss times when it would be good to break out an old tool for a particular piece or problem, and begin to develop an expansive library of tools for approaching challenges and problems. I’ve come to love this toolbox analogy. It takes some stress out of feeling we have to practice everything in every way all the time. It also encourages my students to think critically about the problems they encounter in practice and what exercises they already know that might help. If nothing in the toolbox seems quite right, it encourages them to ask me about any issues in an effective way because they have already given the challenge careful thought. Having an in-depth understanding of your resources also builds confidence as you begin to solve your own musical problems and learn to trust your instincts. After all, no one understands your playing from the inside out except you. Sometimes we let habits or tendencies into our toolbox without realizing, and it’s good to be aware of what tools we are using so that we can clean out the box when it starts to look more like a junk drawer. Examples of items you might remove are playing too fast when just learning a piece, or forcing the sound too much to project or play in a loud volume. Building this kind of toolbox and making sure it doesn’t get junky or begin to overflow due to inattention is not only applicable to music. Considering our tools for life in this way is also helpful for clearing mental space, building intentional habits and creating the kind of life we want. You can think of it in an everyday context, or consider how what physical and mental tools are needed for performance. (Hint - those two things aren’t and shouldn’t really be that different.) For example, maybe sometimes you find yourself feeling exhausted and lethargic, only to realize you haven’t been sleeping enough for the last week and aren’t really drinking much water. Or, try thinking back to the last difficult conversation you had to have where you couldn’t get a handle on your emotions enough to articulate your point. That’s not all that different from emotions running wild in a performance to the extent that your nerves are the ones driving the bus. We need to build tools for life as much or more than we even need them to be good musicians. The subject matter may seem more basic - it’s not necessarily intellectually challenging to focus on how many ounces of water you want to consume each day - but it’s often the simple things in life that allow us to reach our fullest potential. Tools for our physical health could be sleeping enough, staying hydrated, and finding a type of exercise we enjoy enough to do regularly. Filling our mental health toolbox might mean finding meditation practices we enjoy and benefit from, journaling or making sure we have a trusted friend to talk to when we’re stressed, and then making sure to do those things consistently. Just like with music, when we build a “life toolbox,” what we keep in it will expand and change as we try new things and get to know ourselves better and better. You’ll find that your musical tools and your life tools will actually overlap and you can probably keep them in the same box after all. You have everything you need The thing I want to stress most out of all this analogizing is that you already have every tool you need in this moment. Every tool you have stashed away and used up to this point has allowed you to get here. Will you learn new tools? Yes. Will you throw away the old, worn out ones? Yes. Just because you will continue to grow doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with where you are. And, just because you come up against a struggle doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong. Go back to your box and take a look around - what can you use? If you really don’t know the answer, go to someone you trust and ask for their favorite tool. Maybe you’ll borrow it or maybe you’ll keep it, but either way you will become more educated about what you need and what the right tools are for your job of building your life. Remember, you are the only person that knows yourself inside and out. The moment you realize that you have all these tools at your disposal is the moment you can access your full potential, and it’s available to you any time. Hi, I'm Morgann! Flutist, teacher, aspiring yogini, and life long learner figuring out how to create my way through life one crazy idea at a time.
There will come a time in your life, when you’re unable to make decision for yourself. When this happens, you will need to allow a loved one to make important decisions for you. Before you enter the state of incompetency, it is essential to select someone for this responsibility and be sure that they’re okay with it. The General Power of Attorney form will give you the ability to select and confirm your choice for this position. How It Works It is generally possible to utilize the power of attorney form in a wide variety of ways. It can be used within the court of law and may also be used for financial purposes. The document will also serve the same purpose of legally granting someone else to reside over your decisions, whether they’re medical, professional or financial decisions. Make It Official In order to guarantee that this document will be accepted within the court of law, it is essential to make sure it is constructed appropriately. It should include your name and signature, as well as the name and signature of your attorney or guardian. You can also specify a specific time range for this arrangement. And of course, it is essential to get the document validated by a judge! Once it has been signed by all parties, the document will become valid and your guardian or attorney will be able to legally act on your behalf.
Author: G. J. Meyer Publication Date: 2nd April 2013 Format: E-Book - EPUBSource: ARC via NetGalley Forget everything you think you know about the most infamous family of the Italian Renaissance-here in every colorful detail is the real story of the Borgias and their indelible, tumultuous world, written by the gifted author of the acclaimed A World Undone and The Tudors and timed to coincide with the upcoming new season of the celebrated Showtime series, The Borgias. Meet Rodrigo Borgia-Pope Alexander VI; Cesare Borgia-the reputed model for Machiavelli's The Prince; Lucrezia; and Juan-the members of one of the most notorious families in European history. Epic in scope and set against the beautifully rendered backdrop of Renaissance Italy, The Borgias is a thrilling new depiction of these celebrated personalities and an era unsurpassed in beauty, terror, and intrigue. (Goodreads Synopsis) Naturally, I have heard all the black reporting about the Borgias before and it is refreshing to find a book that casts doubt on many of those tales. This is a very readable and interesting book that looks at the rise and fall of the Borgia family and discredits many of the stories that were spread about them after their deaths. This book remains a fascinating read from start to finish and never becomes dull or monotonous. Anyone interested in the great families of Renaissance Italy should definitely check out this book.
Is the coronavirus-induced bear market reason to delay retirement? Some financial experts and commentators suggest Baby Boomers may be forced to set back their retirement by up to five years because of the effect lower stock prices have on retirement nest eggs. But it really depends on personal circumstances and aspirations. The good news is those with Defined Benefit (DB) pensions may not have to delay Retirement at all: “So long as the pension plan is healthy and well-funded, their retirement plan should remain intact,” says Aaron Hector, vice-president of Calgary-based Doherty & Bryant Financial Strategists. However, those counting on their own nest eggs to fund retirement “have more reason to be concerned,” Hector cautions. “Valuations have fallen and some companies will be forced to reduce or cut their dividends, which will put a damper on income sources. For them, it would come down to whether or not they had previously built up an adequate cushion to allow for this market correction.” Fee-only financial planner Robb Engen, of the Boomer & Echo blog, says, “There’s no doubt investors nearing retirement have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.” But long-term investors should have always been prepared for 10% to 20% drops in portfolio value any given year, which is why Engen continues to recommend a safety cushion that includes a couple years’ worth of cash, three to five years’ worth of basic living expenses in laddered GICs, and the rest in a risk-appropriate investment portfolio. Engen sees three benefits to postponing retirement: more time to earn and save; fewer years of drawing down on portfolios; and stock investments have more time to recover their value. The traditional thinking that the nearer one is to retirement, the more conservative a portfolio should be has proved to be good advice, at least in the current environment, Hector says: “The nearer you are to retirement, the less time you have to make adjustments to your financial plan, so you want to begin to build in that element of safety so plans don’t get derailed.” My own advisor says clients over 60 should be no more than 40% invested in equities. If you’re in the Retirement Risk Zone, the old rule of thumb that fixed income should equal your age is not out of line. By that rule, I should be two thirds in fixed income and only a third in stocks. But that’s too cautious, argues Adrian Mastracci, portfolio manager with Vancouver-based Lycos Asset Management Inc. He says stocks should equal 110 minus your age, so a 40-year old would be 70% stocks. His reasoning is that it takes a lot more resources to generate a return from cash or bonds today than 10 years ago. Figure a puny 2% return for GICs, and $1 million generates only $20,000 a year. If your income goal is $100,000 a year, you’d need a whopping $5 million in GICs, which is more than most will have. New retirees need to come to grips with the fact they may live an additional 30-plus years, that they’ll have little capacity to save once they stop working, must hedge against inflation, and may not be prepared for the escalating costs of health care or retirement homes in their final years. Getting too conservative by cutting back on equity exposure too early is often “a critical mistake,” he says. So we’re back to TINA: “There Is No Alternative” to stocks, at least for the growth part of a portfolio. But the pandemic laid bare the risk of putting too much into stocks. TriDelta Financial vice-president and wealth advisor Matthew Ardrey was recently featured in a newspaper profile on a couple in their 50s who were 85% in Canadian stocks and 15% in preferred shares. Their portfolio (near $3 million) was down 33.5% with the recent market decline. That hurts, even if the market has since regained half its losses. Ardrey suggests those with jobs should hold on to them while the crisis is in progress. “No one knows how long this will last and remaining employed is a great way to preserve your capital,” he says. If you keep adding to savings, this “will only help as markets eventually recover over the longer term.” There’s nothing like a precipitous market crash to reveal our true risk tolerance. After an 11-year bull market run, many investors lost the sense of what their actual risk tolerance is, Ardrey says, so “they may have had an asset mix with a much higher equity weighting than would otherwise be advisable.” Losing a third of your money means you will probably have to delay retirement, Ardrey says. But, if you’ve properly diversified, overall losses may not be catastrophic: perhaps 10% or 15%. “There is no magic bullet in retirement planning. If a portfolio has lost value, it can only be made up through additional savings, higher returns and time.” If spending less in retirement is not an option, “then more time is likely part of the equation, unfortunately.” In a recent blog, Toronto-based advisor Steve Lowrie said rebalancing in a bear market is “scary but important.” It’s also counterintuitive, since a 50/50 stocks/bonds portfolio hit by a bear market means you would rebalance by selling some bonds and buying now-better-priced stocks. But what if you have realized you let the long bull market lull you into higher stock exposure than you are now comfortable with? Recent rallies mean it’s not too late to properly rebalance. If you can still find winning stock positions in your registered plans, they could be candidates for switches to fixed income. Taxes make non-registered accounts trickier but it may still be possible to find embedded gains from positions established long ago; these can be offset against more recent losses in comparable amounts to keep things tax-neutral. Much depends on how fast (or if) equity markets recover. For some, it will make sense to postpone retirement, and five years may be a number they can wrap their heads around. But even then, Hector suggests re-evaluating a year or two from now to determine if the timeline can be changed. MORE FROM RETIRED MONEY: - When is the best time to start taking your CPP payments? - Canadians are still paying too much in investment fees - Good news: Your RRSP is probably in better shape than you think - Can you have too much invested inside an RRSP? The post Should you delay your retirement because of COVID-19? appeared first on MoneySense.
What’s Actually Happening with Essay Examples Canada Ascertain exactly what the essay is about. Essays might be softly modified for readability or to shield the anonymity of subscribers, but we don’t edit essay examples ahead of publication. essay writing canada Often the toughest portion of narrative writing particularly for kids is your beginning point. Reading about the procedure that’s obviously essay writing canada straightforward and well-known to everybody isn’t an interesting to do. The Essay Examples Canada Pitfall If parents desire to genuinely guard their children, they could start with listening to a number of music they hear, and begin seeing some TV programs their kid may watch. The kids should know that they’re loved, and can come to their parent with any issue. Kids and teens suffering from sexual abuse might feel isolated during and following the abuse as they are not able to relate to other people their age or due to the shame and stigmatization supporting their injury. Your kid was requested to compose a composition as part of a school project, or as a type of essay contests for children, and you might find it challenging to think of persuasive essay topics. You should be hands-on as your kids need during the increase of their initial essays. Kids should first think of exactly what the question is asking and how they are going to approach it. Finding a subject associated with nursing isn’t fast. You require an organized and methodical approach that will make it simple for them to comprehend what it is that you’re attempting to say. Reading example essays works the specific same way! If you’re searching for a few suggestions to start your college assignment, checking out some of the exact intriguing argumentative essay subjects is the secret. It is not simple to get thoughts to flow when attempting to begin with the wide instruction to compose a narrative. The thing that makes them fascinating is that they may be composed in support of and in tone. The easy truth that a person doesn’t work well enough in occupation can make them get fired. It is possible for you to undergo them to learn if they have anything quite much like nursing. Introduction education is much more than simply learning from books and it’s a shame that many of colleges do not see that it’s more than only a program and school score. Thus, a person will always locate students working keenly on such a job. If you’re a medical student then the understanding of the way to compose a vital essay is extremely important. Everybody who enters college begins a new life which resembles a blank bit of paper. Essay Examples Canada and Essay Examples Canada – The Perfect Combination Working together is an excellent opportunity to acquire skills an employee never had beforehand. When you be sure their knowledge is prepared to be innovative into the essay writing phase, you should begin by introducing the idea of a thesis. Any expertise in a particular area is more important. Thus, the professionals of HR must prepare yourself to abide by the requirements which are changing at an increasing speed. The very first portion of the clinic is locating the correct topic. There are a few tasks which maynot be accomplished individually, but may be readily accomplished by working in a team. Whenever you are interested in work, You might Want to put your best foot forward. Or, you may even seek out online specialist assistance to assist you out with these assignments.
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What is the power behind Mindset? “Mind” – your mind is the strongest muscle in your body. “Set” – you have the choice to set your mind in either a defensive or offensive mode. With the right mindset you can take the strongest muscle in your body and set it to power of the offensive mode. You can then have or do anything you wish!. Incredible mindset training here! If you Set your mind in defensive mode then you constantly have worry, fret and doubt. The result can only hold you back. Set your mind into an offensive mode then you can take massive action and be open to learn new information. If you go through the actions without the right mindset then anyone you are “working” with, professional and personally, can detect your defensive mode. The results are usually not good and it leaves you defeated with no energy. Because of this don’t ever text or call your prospect or attempt to build a relationship when you’re not in the right Mindset. You must first get your Mind Set Right! You can set your mind into offensive mode by visualization. Visualize yourself taking action and achieving the result you want. For some we have coached getting them to visualize involves creating an invisible switch. With any game there is an offensive and defensive mode. If your mindset is defensive then create the switch that moves you to “the other side” to offensive. Imagine you have control over the mode you are in – offensive or defensive. Image a trigger you have control over. Simply by pressing the trigger button you can switch your mind into offensive mode like a light when you flip the switch from off to on. When you are in an offensive mindset and you take action there are positive results. Pretty soon your mindset will switch to offensive easier because it will want to stay there. Maybe you will only have to make the switch once or you may find yourself “switching” back in forth between defensive and offensive. There are some people who jump into the pool and some who slowly ease their way into the pool. Both work. But the goal is to get into the pool! Another great visualization that works to set your mind into offensive mode is to walk around your workspace, outside or another area where you can focus. Concentrate on breathing in and out and focus on the outcome that you wish to accomplish. Visualize yourself demolishing all the fear or any negative self talk that consumes you and that holds you back from reaching that goal. As you are in this new space take action that moves you forward to that outcome. Whatever it may be – you may need to make the call that you have been avoiding, register for an event that will help you or learn that new software that will help your business. You know what it is. So just do it! Powerful stuff happens in your life when your Mind is Set Right! People around you can tell something about you is different. They can tell in the tonality of your voice, what you say, how you say it, the actions you take and how you carry yourself. They can detect your power and conviction when you have the right mindset. This is the space of influence on others to hear why you have to say. Excitement is contagious and most people need a higher dose of it! Going to a level you could not imagine is a challenge for everyone. It takes one to break the challenge for everyone. It starts with mindset. Roger Banister broke the 4 minute mile after so many other people in the world attempted for hundreds and hundreds of years. As soon as he set his mind to do it, 27 other people did it in the next 36 months once they saw it was done by someone else. You can do anything you Set Your Mind To, When you have your Mind Set Right! What you say can affect whether or not you are preparing yourself for a mindset shift. Words are so powerful. They can set your mind right which then leads to positive action. The words can vs. can’t. The word “can” will set your mind right. Speaking “I can” is part of the mindset process to get in the zone. When you say “I can” it empowers you, lifts your mind in a state of excitement about the possibilities which then turns to positive action. Wake up every day and say “I can achieve my goals” and “I am achieving my goals.” They are different, one is saying you can and one is visualizing you doing it. Continue with your affirmations – I can sponsor someone, I can take daily actions, I can make calls, I can sponsor 1 person per month, per week, per day. I can build a huge team. I can be the leader of my team. I can earn a full time income with my business. Repeat those affirmations and you will have powerful outstanding result oriented day. Have you ever noticed that you develop similar language as the people you hang around? If you are around people who say “I can’t” or “you can’t do that” then you believe you can’t. When you say to yourself “I can’t” you destroy every possibility for you to succeed in your business. If you hang around negative people it will cause your mind to be defensive and say stuff like “I can’t do this or that” which cripples your ability to take action. All that stops right now! You can have a defensive mindset or an offensive mindset the choice is yours. Once your Mind is Set right to offensive mode taking consistent focused action becomes easier. Sure there will be days when you just don’t feel like building your business however you must develop a list of absolute must do items each day no matter how you feel so you do at least the minimum. We have days when we just don’t feel like advancing our business but we’ll always do a few minimum action items that are income producing to move us forward in our business. Another important key in changing and keeping your mind set in offensive mode is to read positive motivational books. Successful people will do what unsuccessful people weren’t willing to do. Push through the beginning of this new mind set habit and you’ll start to become the person you’ve always dreamed of. Ask any successful person what books they have in their library at home and they will say success and business books, motivational, inspirational personal development books. Why, because leaders are readers. If you’ve never read the book by Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich you should. There is a famous quote from the book that goes like this… “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve”. Boot up your mind with reviewing your goals and dreams for your future. You should have short term and long term goals for your life and for your business. Read them. Read them over and over in the morning. Then speak positive affirmations over your life to set your mind right. Do this before you take on the day. Make this a powerful routine in the morning and you’ll have one outstanding day after another. Make a conscious decision to create the right mindset for success. Orchestrate your life on the right foundation and you’ll get your Mind Set Right! It doesn’t matter if you’ve been knocked down in life or in your business and struggling to build a team what matters is that you get back up and continue to move forward. Visualize the right things, speak the right words, surround yourself around positive people and develop your reading library… and then you’ll create the new you. Did you get value out of today’s post “Critical Components To Getting Your Mindset Right!”? If so, let me know with a quick comment below, and don’t forget to share on social media! PS: Feeling stuck in your business? Struggling to connect with people to bring them in as Reps or Customers. Learn what the the Top Leaders are doing that your are not! Head here to Find out their Secrets!
Dysautonomia, a disorder of the Autonomic Nervous System affecting a number of organ systems within the physique, is a condition that isn’t effectively understood within the medical group. The POTS Heart can be continuously up to date to replicate essentially the most present literature related to POTS. Of the symptoms, patients report fatigue to be the most problematic or troubling symptom related to POTS. You can too strive putting the pans right into a heavy obligation polythene bin liner bag (use a number of inserted into one another to avoid leaks). I’ve pieces from my grandmother, which implies that forged iron pans final by generations and life-occasions. If you just cook dinner as soon as and awhile, you may not notice how important a great set of utensils and cookware is (I sure did not till I started cooking daily). Many sufferers with lengthy-term symptoms learn to manage the condition and return to a normal or close to-normal level of functioning. It can be tempting to choose up a primary, cheap pan to save money, maybe as part of a four piece or 8 piece set. One other notable discovering in our survey is the period of time patients can undergo from usually debilitating signs before receiving correct treatment. Her tempo maker checks outs as working a -ok, but it appears the doorways are ignoring her signs. It’s not contagious, just isn’t life threatening, and generally improves with time and treatment adjustments. There are not any solid published statistics or knowledge presently, these are estimates from the main analysis centers that treat POTS.
Chess as a game has been around for centuries. The ultimate game of strategy and tactics, chess is favored the world over as a challenging pastime which requires discipline and dedication to improve. Chess has its roots in Asia as far back as two thousand years ago. Since then, the game has kept a relatively fixed format, and has grown to international status with many hundreds of thousands of players the world over. In late 2004, the US women’s team made history at the Chess Olympiad by capturing silver, the first ever Olympic medal for the United States. The player and driving force behind this success was Susan Polgar, who came out of a seven-year hiatus with a stunning performance. The last clear chance was 34.- Rf8 35. Bxd3 Qd6 (with a threat of Qxg3) 36.Qg2 Rxf2! 37.Rxf2 Rf8 38.Rdd2 Rxf2 39.Rxf2 Bxf2+ 40.Qxf2 Qxd3. Black is a pawn ahead in a queen ending. White has drawing chances because the kings are open and he could deliver perpetual check. International titles are awarded to composers and solvers of chess problems and to correspondence chess players (by the International Correspondence Chess Federation ). National chess organizations may also award titles, usually to the advanced players still under the level needed for international titles; an example is the Chess expert title used in the United States. chess free It’s a really good app for either true beginner or to pretty strong players. It also comes with practical things like being able to save a game you liked, or a second by second game analysis that let you know how long it took in each move. This might let you know which part of the game you have to work on. On the downside it does come with some annoying ads, but it’s worth the free price. One main reason why ivory is rare now is because many people object to animals such as elephants and mammoths being killed in order to cultivate the ivory from their teeth and tusks. Imitation ivory is a good modern alternative because it is much less expensive and does not use any animal parts. The Great War, which occurred between the Southern and Northern states, was an inspiration for the civil war chess sets found on the market today. Many chess enthusiasts and fans have this particular chess set in favor, not only because of the overall war theme but also because of their love for American history.
Everyone wants to be healthy, but when asked to lead a healthy lifestyle, not everyone has to live. This trust usually arises because it is difficult and uncomfortable to live in a healthy lifestyle. While not easy to do, a healthy lifestyle has many benefits, such as: B. Avoiding obesity, improving mood, preventing a number of diseases, and increasing energy levels. Regular healthy living will definitely lead to better quality of life and health Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important and needs to be done. This is because unhealthy eating habits that are practiced every day can affect your health. Changing habits is not an easy task. However, if it is based on the intention of leading a healthy lifestyle, a sacrifice has to be made. Eat healthy and balanced The main way to lead a healthy lifestyle is to eat foods with a good nutritional income. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals need to be well nourished every day. Carbohydrates and fats are a source of energy for the body. Proteins are also important in maintaining the function of enzymes, cells, and fertilizers in the body so that they can be optimally metabolized. Remember to eat fiber. Fiber … Read the rest Everyone wants to be healthy, but they don’t know how to be healthy. The first step is to believe that a small lifestyle change can affect the body, and then apply some of the following tips for good health. The simplest and easiest way to live a healthy lifestyle depends on physical health and eating habits. Do not eat a healthy diet every day, control stress, exercise, reduce bad habits and get a good night’s sleep. While a healthy lifestyle is not an easy task, good physical health has many benefits that can help you to maintain your weight and stay strong. Serious illnesses can be prevented even if you are healthy. Here are some health tips: - Proper nutrition and nutrition Satisfying your daily nutritional needs is the key to good health. Nutrients are good and the body can grow, develop and do its job well. If the limbs function normally, the risk of chronic diseases will be reduced. The body needs at least 40 types of nutrients that cannot be found in just one type of food. It is recommended to eat a mixture of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids. When you eat unhealthy … Read the rest Several health insurers and common insurers have already launched health insurance coverage for coronavirus that cover the expense of treatment of coronavirus. Health insurance coverage entitle you to receive tax advantages underneath part 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The premium you pay towards health insurance coverage for your self or your family members, get you a tax rebate, irrespective of whether they’re dependent on you or not. The tax deduction offered, with respect to the premium, is subjected to the age of the insured and the maximum tax deduction limit that’s obtainable. If a health policy has impositions of co-funds, sub-limits, and different caps, this may imply that there might be a policy-stated coverage supplied for various expenses. At instances, the co-pay clause and caps help in lowering the premium of the plan. To take advantage of your health insurance coverage you have to perceive these components earlier than you pay for a health insurance plan. Those who do not have medical insurance cowl or need to improve the present scope of coverage can consider shopping for specific COVID mediclaim insurance policies. Alberta Health Insurance The record of coverage also consists of the transportation payment for ferrying the … Read the rest Lifestyle selections are contributing factors to poor health in many instances. These include smoking cigarettes, and can also embrace a poor diet, whether it is overeating or an excessively constrictive food regimen. Inactivity can also contribute to health issues and in addition an absence of sleep, excessive alcohol consumption, and neglect of oral hygiene .There are additionally genetic problems which are inherited by the particular person and can vary in how much they have an effect on the person and when they floor . - Systematic actions to prevent or cure health problems and promote good health in people are undertaken by health care suppliers. - Applications with regard to animal health are covered by the veterinary sciences. - Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness. Bodily accidents are also a common health concern worldwide. These injuries, together with broken bones, fractures, and burns can cut back a person’s high quality of life or may cause fatalities together with infections that resulted from the injury or the severity injury in general . Among communicable ailments, both viral and bacterial, AIDS/HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria are the most typical, causing tens of millions of deaths yearly. Since the late Nineteen Seventies, the … Read the rest Return right hand to floor, then use left hand to tap proper shoulder. Start in standing position, then step left leg straight again and lower right into a lunge place, legs bent at 90-degree angles. Jump six inches off floor, switching legs in air as you lower back right down to lunge place. Continue to alternate between left and proper legs as quick as possible. In these instances, you want reliable workouts you can do every time, wherever. In April 2018, our team printed the outcomes of a two-12 months, National Institutes of Health-sponsored study taking a look at how exercise impacts individuals’ coronary heart health. If you’re counting, I’ve lined three days of exercise. Are You Prepared For Summer Season? 10 Greatest Cardio Exercises Plus, if you go the HIIT route, you possibly can rating a serious calorie burn and increase your cardiovascular conditioning, Lozada adds. On a practical degree, this train can be helpful for avoiding damage. Runner’s World explains the precise motion works your muscular tissues in a different way than running on flat ground, which may strengthen areas that usually get uncared for. For a lot of people, pounding it out on the treadmill is one … Read the rest Hit a heavy bag, work with a associate, or just perform punch combos on air to smash via energy — up to 800 per hour, if a study from complement maker Forza’s claims are correct. Check out these boxing workouts to get punching. But in contrast to working, your higher physique does not get even the slightest little bit of relaxation. During the inchworm, the motion of walking your palms and ft ahead will put your heart and muscular tissues to work. Start in lunge position, each knees bent at 90 degrees. Turn your body toward the best corner of the room. The diagonal leap takes the lunge leap to the following level. Instead of facing forward, you’ll rotate your physique during each jump for an extra heart-pumping transfer. Jump your feet to the best, rotating to convey your knees outdoors your proper elbow. When you’re prepared for a challenge, attempt these superior cardio moves. Indoor mountain climbing is a singular method to get your sweat on, requiring as much energy as it does agility. You’re constantly shifting and straining right here, much like operating. One of probably the most fierce ways to get your heart price up … Read the rest “This really is removing my darkish spots,” a tester mentioned. Toner is an optional step, however when you have a toner you want, you need to absolutely use it. Sunscreens could come in the type of lotions, gels or lotions; their SPF number signifies their effectiveness in defending the skin from the solar’s radiation. Though the sun is helpful to ensure that the human physique to get its day by day dose of vitamin D, unprotected extreme daylight may cause excessive damage to the skin. Clear & Glowing Skin Mud Masks & Moisturizer Duo The formulaimproved the look of wrinkles and dark spots by forty six%over eight weeks and saved pores and skin moisturized for a full 24 hours, knowledge revealed. A cocktail of collagen boosters like antioxidant nutritional vitamins C and E and peptides, Algenist’s wealthy cream deeply moisturizes and diminishes spots— when you sleep. Even award-successful actress Emma Stone claims her skin care secret is baking soda. But the truth is these hacks may trigger extra long-time period harm than profit as a result of they will injury your pores and skin’s barrier. You could suspect you have dry, oily, or sensitive skin, however do you actually know … Read the rest One difference between the U.S. and the other nations within the study is that the U.S. is the only nation with out universal health insurance protection. The staff is basically good and so they have superior stage of plans available associated to health insurance policy. I have gone via various plans into their web site and have found one of the best one. I even have visited the website of the policybazaar and have checked the various plans associated to health insurance policy. Honestly I am very much pleased and happy with the services of the policybazaar. I even have finally got the round the clock services from them regarding my health insurance policy. With a promise of ninety% health claims get settled inside 20 minutes, HDFC Ergo Health Insurance is among the leading General Insurance Companies in India. With 10,000+ network hospitals throughout the nation, the place high quality healthcare can be availed cashless, the insurer provides indemnity-based health insurance with reasonably priced premiums. Health insurance offered by Bharti AXA provides in depth coverage maximum up to Rs. 1 Crore. Taxes And The Reasonably Priced Care Act Funds have the discretion to cut back or remove such waiting durations … Read the rest They can develop pneumoniaor get even sicker from other kinds of infections . If this occurs, many will want medical care within the hospital. - There is a wealth of knowledge out there to track seasonal flu exercise, together with the CDC and World Health Organization websites, as well as native public health places of work. - In most circumstances, the bird flu has not passed from one individual to another, and so, it won’t turn into widespread in humans. - Scientists are engaged on new vaccines that may help shield folks from chook flu. - There are also sources providing general information about colds and influenza viruses — from danger factors, prevention, and analysis to therapy. - This flu is an example of how changes in a flu virus would possibly lead to severe illness. If you get the flu, there are things you are able to do to really feel better. First, name your physician to see if there are medicines that may assist. Remind him or her if you are taking drugs to struggle cancer or other medicines that make it exhausting for your body to battle sickness. There are prescribed drugs, called antivirals, that are used to treat individuals with the … Read the rest Preventing health problems by educating the public on drugs, ailments and extra. Our health care system, together with commissions and inquiries, eHealth, prescription drugs, legislation and guidelines. Health Canada is liable for serving to Canadians preserve and improve their health. It ensures that top-high quality health services are accessible, and works to reduce health risks. “I’m petrified,” the actress said when she shared the news that her breast most cancers came back. Here’s why a stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis can be so frightening. MNT interviews the authors of a examine that reveals how the political discourse across the pandemic has differed between female and male leaders. Vaccine efficacy measures the proportion discount of a disease in a medical trial. Vaccine effectiveness measures how properly a vaccine works in the actual world. A new variant of SARS-CoV-2 known as B.1.1.7 has emerged in the United Kingdom. We take a look at why viruses mutate and what specialists find out about B.1.1.7 thus far. Extreme Allergic Reactions To Moderna Vaccine Seem Uncommon Stay updated with the latest updates on COVID-19. Healthline News reports on rising analysis, new remedies, diet, exercise, and trending subjects in health and wellness. All articles are written … Read the rest Apply it whereas your skin is still damp from washing or rinsing to help seal in moisture. If you could have acne or your pores and skin is oily, find a moisturizer that’s lightweight and oil-free, so it won’t block your pores. You may need to use a toner or astringent after, but be careful because it’d irritate your skin. These products can remove further oil, which makes your face much less shiny, and help hold pores and skin clean. For this skin type, use a mild cleanser that doesn’t have alcohol or fragrances. Gently wash your pores and skin, then rinse with plenty of heat water. Don’t use sizzling water — it removes the pure oils out of your face quicker. - When you’re drained, it may be tempting to go to bed with out washing your face. - Don’t put on tight headbands or wool hats that can irritate your pores and skin. - Try to keep away from habits that can cause zits, redness, and scars. - But leaving make-up in your pores and skin can clog your pores and cause zits. Look for products with these elements and add them to your routine after washing your face. Don’t neglect to … Read the rest Kicks from an active baby might cause sharp pains, and lower backaches are widespread. More rest is needed as the girl copes with the added stress of extra weight. In the second trimester (13-28 weeks) a lady begins to look noticeably pregnant and the enlarged uterus is simple to feel. The nipples get greater and darker, skin may darken, and a few ladies may feel flushed and warm. During the second trimester, nausea and vomiting usually fade away, and the pregnant girl typically feels significantly better and extra energetic. In-progress pregnancies, abortions, miscarriages and/or stillbirths account for parity values being less than the gravida number. In the case of a a number of birth the gravida quantity and parity value are elevated by one only. Women who’ve never carried a pregnancy reaching greater than 20 weeks of gestation age are known as nulliparous. By the third trimester (29-forty weeks), many women start to expertise a range of common signs. Stretch marks may develop on abdomen, breasts, and thighs, and a dark line might appear from the navel to pubic hair. Many girls really feel sizzling, sweat simply and sometimes discover it exhausting to get comfortable. Pregnancy & Delivery Whenever attainable, … Read the rest
~1272, Roger de Molis born in England, younger s/o 60844696. Roger de Moels & 60844697. Mariota de Manworthy. 1285, Alice le Prouz (Preux) born in England, d/o 16806142. Sir William le Preux & 16806143. Alice de Widworthy. 1295, Roger’s father died, his older brother John (30422348) the heir. ~1296, Roger married Alice. Roger’s older brother John gave Roger and Alice 36s of yearly rent in Alwington for their lives. 1307-08, The Prior of Montacute requests that the king will give him seisin of a messuage, land and a water mill in North Cadbury which his predecessor granted to the Moeles for their lives. … People mentioned: John de Moeles; Roger de Moeles, brother of John de Moeles; John de Seynt Amand. (S) UKNA. 1316, Alice’s father died. 4/26/1316, Writ for IPM of William le Prouz Devon: Aveton Giffard. … Alice his daughter, the wife of Roger de Moeles, aged 30, is his next heir. (S) CIsPM. 5/29/1316, Order to the escheator on this side Trent to deliver to Roger de Moeles and Alice his wife, daughter and heir of William le Prouz, tenant in chief, the lands late of her said father, Roger having done fealty. (S) CFRs. 7/26/1317, Commission of oyer and terminer … complaint by Roger de Moeles that John Daumarle (4201534), … abducted Alice his wife and carried away his goods at Lusteglegh, co. Devon. (S) CPRs. [Apparently with Alice the daughter, widow of William ?, arranged by Alice the mother, John would marry her daughter. (S) Stolen Women, Dunn, 2013, P170.] Alice de Moelis later said she was not abducted, but took her daughter Alice of her own will. 8/1/1318, Peter de Honetone instituted to the Rectory of Aveton Giffard on the presentation of Sir Robert de Moeles. 1320, Roger died. 2/7/1323-24, IPM of Roger de Moeles. 6/19/1329, Roger Hoche instituted to the Rectory of Gidleigh on the presentation of Alice de Moeles. 6/25/1329, William de Moelys plaintiff. Lady Alice de Moeles deforciant. Manors of Aveton Giffard, … to hold to the said William and heirs of his body by the said Alice. [No records of this potential marriage.] Bef. 10/19/1329, Alice requested of Bishop Grandisson that her fathers remains be moved to the church of Lustleigh, which was requested in his will. [He had been buried at Holbeton.] 4/28/1330, Conveyance by Alice late the wife of Roger de Moelys, widow, to John Ganard of Folklond, and Cicely his wife … tenement with a curtilage and land … (S) UKNA. 9/29/1330, Lease by Alice formerly wife of Roger de Moeles … A house and two curtilages in Holboghetone … (S) UKNA. 1331, John de Inge to retain mills in Diptford and Glas acquired of Alice late the wife of Roger de Moeles for her life. The reversion of the mill in Diptford belongs to John de Moeles, and that of the mill in Glas to Margaret late the wife of Nicholas de Moeles and Reginald de Moeles for their lives. (S) UKNA. 5/14/1332, Lady Alice de Moeles granted celebration of divine offices in her chapel of the Virgin Mary at Wallen by Bishop Grandisson. 3/21/1332-33, Richard de Wodeford presented to Widworthy by Alice. 1335, Alice died. 11/15/1335, IPM of Alice de Moelys. Devon: Byddelegh. The manor, … Wydeworth. The manor, … Clyst Wydeworth. The hamlet, … Joan, late the wife of John de Wotton, Iseult, the wife of Oliver de Wylbury, and Alice, the wife of John Daumarle, are her next heirs, and of the age of 30 years and more. (S) CIsPM. 1/1/1336, IPM of Alice: She held the manors of Gidleigh, Holbeton, and Widworthy, and the hamlet of Clyffe. “Johanna, que fuit uxor Johannis de Wotton, Isolda, uxor Oliveri de Wybbury, et Alicia, uxor Johannis Daumarle sunt heredes propinquiores eiusdem Alicie, et de etate triginta annorum et amplius.” 3/12/1336, Order to the escheator on this side Trent to make partition of the lands late of Alice de Moeles, tenant in chief, into 3 equal parts in the presence of the heirs and parceners, and to deliver to Joan, late the wife of John de Wotton, eldest daughter, Oliver de Wilbiry and Iseult his wife, second daughter, and John Daumarle and Alice his wife, third daughter, and heirs of Alice aforesaid, their pourparties of the said lands, Joan, Oliver and John having done fealty. [John Daumarle and Alice his wife received the manor of Gidleigh with the advowson. Lands in Throwleigh, rents in Holbeton, … ] (S) CFRs. (S) Notes & Gleanings, V2, 1904, P15. Children of Roger and Alice: i. Joan de Moeles, born ? in England. Joan married John de Wotton. Bef. 1336, John died. ii. Isolda de Moeles, born ? in England. Isolda married Oliver de Wylbury. iii. Alice de Moeles (4201535), born ~1307 in England.
|"Please don't make me any madder than I| already am. Please don't" Despite the best efforts of those on the left who want to extinguish all biological, mental, emotional and social differences between men and women in our society, there is one innate behavior that cannot ever be shared or erased. The mama bear instinct. Bears in the wild generally run away from humans instead of engaging them or trying to eat them. They don’t want to have any more interaction with us than we do with them. However, try to get close to the cubs of a mama bear to take what you think is a “cute” picture for your collection, and you probably will not make it home in one piece. The protective instincts of a mama bear to protect her cubs is hardwired in her DNA. It is a reflex reaction developed over millions of years of evolution out of necessity to protect the species from extinction. American female mother voters are even more protective of their offspring than a mama bear. They are about to erupt on the American political scene to protect their children from all of the threats they see around them today. Every elected politician should beware. When a person enters politics, they quickly learn how to take direct aim at the emotions and feelings of voters with messages and images. There is no need to pound them to death with policy statements and campaign promises when targeting their emotions works so well. The human amygdala is ground zero for a lot of political messaging. It is a tiny gland in the base of the skull that governs the “fight or flee” autonomic response in times of crisis. In a human, it might be the size of a cocktail peanut. In a mama bear, it might seem to be the size of a beach ball when she is aroused in protective mode. When those animal instincts are triggered, there’s no telling how much damage can done. A pollster recently completed a survey of close to 700 voters in North Carolina. He was shaking his head as he said he had to take 16% of the Republican women respondents out of the sample because they over-responded to the poll. “Republican women between the age of 35 and 55 are usually under-sampled in these polls,” he said. “But not this time!” “I had to normalize their responses to accurately mirror their percentage of the actual voting population. If I reported just the raw numbers, everyone would think I was nuts or cooking the books or something,” he went on to say. “But Republican women are geared up, charged up and ready to vote this year; there is no doubt about that.” “Soccer moms” were considered the swing vote that allowed Bill Clinton to coast to victory in 1996. “Mama bear voters” could be the swing vote of the 2020 election up and down the entire ballot. Mama bear voters are mad as hell about everything because everything is threatening — riots in the streets with mayors holding back law enforcement, schools being closed and the loss of millions of jobs. Typically, when things are going bad, angry voters vote against incumbents because “it is their fault!” Jimmy Carter paid dearly at the polls in 1980 for the 12% inflation, 21% prime interest rates and humiliation during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis that happened under his watch. The question is whom will these mama bear voters “blame” for all of the disruption to what seemed to be their “normal,” prosperous lives just four months ago. Will they blame President Trump for his response to COVID-19, or will they take out their anger on state and local officials for their roles in the COVID response, school shutdowns and calling off law enforcement during the riots? The protective instinct of mama bear voters has been triggered. If they show up in force and vote this fall in large numbers, they could determine who wins the White House and most other seats up for election. (first published in North State Journal 7/22/20)
All classes were able to learn about watercolor techniques such as lifting out, clean edges, paint control and using watercolor pencils or crayons. Perspective and color composition were also themes in this lesson. Ages 10-12, used fine art watercolors. |By Maddy T., age 6| |By Kendal, age 9| |By Wyatt, age 13| Here are these beautiful paintings by these two great artists. Stormy Skies, by Karlee, age 14 Misty Waters, by Bethany, age 14 Advanced Draw Charcoal Superheroes The Advanced Draw ages 12 and up focuses mostly on drawing and then adding different mediums to their drawings. With this project, I taught the kids how to apply shading with charcoals. Green Arrow, by Spencer, age 15 3-5 year olds Eric Carle KangarooosThis class occasionally does a lesson called "StoryTime Art" where i read them a book and we do an art project with a similar idea or style from the book. The kids used white oil pastels and watercolors. They we glued the pieces together to create the Kangaroos with Joeys. |By Claire, age 4| This was a great exercise for the kids to learn how to paint in sections and specific places. As they advance their fine motor skills and listening to instructions, this type of project is possible. |By Lola, age 5| Byron Barton Trains Another StoryTime Art project, featured Byron Barton's "Trains" book. Barton's simple shapes and bright colors lend to a great lesson for this age on shapes and colors. They chose their colors for their trains and stamped and drew on the background. |By Benji, age 5| |By Breccon, age 4| Comic Strip Characters As part of our Artist Feature lesson we learned about Brian Crane, who is the artist for the comic strip: "Pickles." Then the kids played a drawing game using facial feature pieces to create their own characters. They had lots of fun with this and it really helped to get the creative juices flowing. Here are a few snap shots of them drawing during the class. Oil Painting Class: Animal Close-upsThe kids were challenged to paint an animal face on a 6x6 canvas as their first individual project. These turned out great! |Cougar, by Hunter age 12| |Toucan, by Allison, age 11| |Wolf, by Kate age 12| Drawing Lesson: Fantasy Creature Portraits This lesson focused on drawing faces of fairies, goblins, dragons and other fantasy creatures. The kids also had fun making up their own creatures. I only had a few that brought back their finished drawings. Wacky Monster, by Brookelle, age 12 Winter Elf, by Emily B., age 11 Japanese KoinoboriChildren's day in Japan is celebrated on May 5 by flying decorated fish windsocks. As part of our cultural art lesson we made paper Koinobori using oil pastels and paint in spray bottles. By Bayleigh, age 11 By Caislyn, age 10 Below: by Luke, age 9
The price of oil is climbing back to the $100 mark. The recent developments in the oil market might push oil prices to hover over $100 in the near future. Let’s examine the recent developments in the oil market and see how these changes might affect leading refinery companies. Demand is rising; supply is contracting According the U.S Energy Information Administration , refinery inputs sharply rose in recent weeks. As of last week, refinery inputs reached 15.93 million barrels per day, which are nearly 3.5% above last year’s levels. The elevated refinery inputs may have contributed to the rise in the price of oil. The other side of the equation is the changes in U.S supply. In recent weeks, oil imports have dropped to 7.52 million barrels per day — nearly 9.4% lower than last year. Conversely, oil production has slowly increased in the past several months. Alas, the rise in production didn’t offset the drop in imports. In total, the supply (comprising of imports and production) declined in the past couple of weeks, while the demand for oil has increased. The developments in the gap between supply and demand and the changes in weekly oil prices are presented in the chart below. Source: Energy Information Administration As you can see in the chart above, in the past several weeks, the supply has fallen below refinery inputs; this development suggests the oil market has tightened. If this trend persists, this could further push up the price of oil in the coming weeks. Looking forward to 2014, according to the EIA oil report , the current expectations are that U.S oil consumption will remain stable compared to 2013. On the other hand, oil production is projected to rise by roughly 14%. This trend is likely to pressure down the price of oil later next year. But in the short term, oil price might continue to rise. If you consider an oil related investment such as oil ETF, you should take into account its disadvantages. One of the potential disadvantages of owning an oil ETF such as United States Oil (NYSEMKT: USO), is the adverse impact the Contango could have on its pricing. A contango occurs when long term future contracts are priced higher than short term contacts. The USO ETF mostly owns near month’s future contracts. Before the contract expires, however, the ETF sells near month future contract for next month contract. If the next month contract price is higher than near month’s price, the market is considered in Contango[l4] ; in such a case, the investment value of next month contract would tend to rise slower than the spot price of oil, or drop faster. Therefore, when the market is in Contango, the ETF loses money with respect to the changes in the spot price of oil. If the Contango continues to occur, holders of the USO ETF won’t benefit from the rally of oil as much as investors, who hold oil contracts, would. Finally, investing in USO includes a 0.45% management fee. This is another factor that will further cut down the return on such an investment. The chart below presents the movement of USO and the price of oil normalized to the end of November 2012. Source of Data: Energy Information Administration and Google Finance As seen above, the price of oil rose by 11.7% during the year, while USO rose by 9%. This isn’t a huge gap, but still means a lower return for ETF holders. Besides investing in oil via contacts and ETFs, oil refinery companies are also an alternative worth such as Valero Energy (NYSE:VLO) and Marathon Petroleum (NYSE:MPC). Let’s review how these companies are expected to perform in the fourth-quarter. Are refinery companies making a comeback? Leading refinery companies such as Valero Energy (NYSE:VLO) and Marathon Petroleum (NYSE:MPC) are likely to see a rise in their refinery margins, which was low in the past several quarters and contributed to the decline of these companies’ profitability. In the third-quarter, Valero Energy’s profitability fell from 3.8% in 2012 to 1.5% in 2013. Conversely, the company’s revenues rose by 4.1%, year over year. The rise in revenues was mostly due to higher throughput volumes on account of less unplanned maintenance activity and less weather-related downtime. Marathon Petroleum , even more than Valero, sharply increased its revenues by 23.7%. Despite the sharp rise in revenues the company’s profit margin also contracted from nearly 9% to 1.2% in the third-quarter. The jump in revenues was due to a spike in total refinery throughputs of approximately 39%. This rise in throughputs was mostly attributed to the GalvestonBay refinery, which Marathon Petroleum acquired on Feb. 1, 2013. In the fourth-quarter, average refinery inputs in the U.S grew by 2.5% — this number could suggest that leading refinery companies have also increased their throughput volumes by a similar rate. Moreover, the price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil increased in the fourth-quarter by roughly 10%, year over year. The discount on WTI over Brent has also improved to an average of $11.9 per barrel — the highest level since the first quarter. This discount is still nearly half the discount in the fourth-quarter of 2013, but it does suggest the profitability of both companies may improve compared to the third-quarter. Therefore, these companies are likely to further augment their revenues and improve their profitability in the fourth-quarter. The oil market might continue to heat up in the near future, which could benefit refinery companies. The rise in oil prices and improved discount on WTI oil over Brent oil could result in higher profit margins for oil companies. Looking toward 2014, however, the current expectations are that the oil market will loosen, which is likely to bring oil prices down to the low $90. For further reading: - Will Exxon Continue To Trade Up? - Is This Oil Company Recovering? - Will Coal Make a Comeback in 2013? - Will Natural Gas Price Continue to Rally? - Big Swings for Oil; where will Oil Price Land? - Is Chesapeake walking towards the right path? - Why Caterpillar isn’t pulling up? Just Blame it on Oil Disclaimer: The author holds no positions in stocks mentioned and does not plan to initiate positions within 120 hours of the posting of this article. This article is to be used for educational, research and informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. There are no guarantees, expressed or implied, of future positive returns in regards to the subject matter contained herein. Understand the risks inherent in investing before making the decision to invest or consult an investment professional for more information. Reasonable due diligence has been performed in regards to the information in this article. However, the author expressly disclaims any liability for accidental omissions of information or errors in fact.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Dance And Singing Workshops For Schools Singing and Dancing workshops are really becoming such a great team building exercise. Teachers and Students are loving all aspects of them. Teachers get to see their students being creative while participating and cooperating with other students. Enjoying the Arts is such a great learning experience, being able to do this in such a way that is fun for all students is our secret. Dismissing stereotypes and answering age old Questions are another way of making this educational and fun. Not wanting to give all our secrets away, I would say that teachers and students maybe skeptical at first but after 5-10 min. they are all about it and by the end we know students are singing and dancing down the halls! Because before we leave the school a couple teachers have told us and i've heard students! To enjoy these Workshops book early! We are at Baden P.S in Kitchener all week! These students are very lucky to have such great teachers at their school! GO BULLDOG'S!! HOKA HEYAAA!!