ontology as a source for rule generation
This paper discloses the potential of OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontologies for generation of rules. The main purpose of this paper is to identify new types of rules, which may be generated from OWL ontologies. Rules, generated from OWL ontologies, are necessary for the functioning of the Semantic Web Expert System. It is expected that the Semantic Web Expert System (SWES) will be able to process ontologies from the Web with the purpose to supplement or even to develop its knowledge base.
decomposition of forging die for high speed machining
Today's forging die manufacturing process must be adapted to several evolutions in machining process generation: CAD/CAM models, CAM software solutions and High Speed Machining (HSM). In this context, the adequacy between die shape and HSM process is in the core of machining preparation and process planning approaches. This paper deals with an original approach of machining preparation integrating this adequacy in the main tasks carried out. In this approach, the design of the machining process is based on two levels of decomposition of the geometrical model of a given die with respect to HSM cutting conditions (cutting speed and feed rate) and technological constrains (tool selection, features accessibility). This decomposition assists machining assistant to generate an HSM process. The result of this decomposition is the identification of machining features.
a hierarchical dynamic programming algorithm for optimal coalition structure generation
We present a new Dynamic Programming (DP) formulation of the Coalition Structure Generation (CSG) problem based on imposing a hierarchical organizational structure over the agents. We show the efficiency of this formulation by deriving DyPE, a new optimal DP algorithm which significantly outperforms current DP approaches in speed and memory usage. In the classic case, in which all coalitions are feasible, DyPE has half the memory requirements of other DP approaches. On graph-restricted CSG, in which feasibility is restricted by a (synergy) graph, DyPE has either the same or lower computational complexity depending on the underlying graph structure of the problem. Our empirical evaluation shows that DyPE outperforms the state-of-the-art DP approaches by several orders of magnitude in a large range of graph structures (e.g. for certain scalefree graphs DyPE reduces the memory requirements by $10^6$ and solves problems that previously needed hours in minutes).
light spanners in bounded pathwidth graphs
Given an edge-weighted graph G and e>0, a (1+e)-spanner is a spanning subgraph G′ whose shortest path distances approximate those of G within a factor of 1+e. For G from certain graph families (such as bounded genus graphs and apex graphs), we know that light spanners exist. That is, we can compute a (1+e)-spanner G′ with total edge weight at most a constant times the weight of a minimum spanning tree. This constant may depend on e and the graph family, but not on the particular graph G nor on the edge weighting. The existence of light spanners is essential in the design of approximation schemes for the metric TSP (the traveling salesman problem) and similar graph-metric problems.#R##N##R##N#In this paper we make some progress towards the conjecture that light spanners exist for every minor-closed graph family: we show that light spanners exist for graphs with bounded pathwidth, and they are computed by a greedy algorithm. We do this via the intermediate construction of light monotone spanning trees in such graphs.
what is large in large scale a taxonomy of scale for agile software development
Positive experience of agile development methods in smaller projects has created interest in the applicability of such methods in larger scale projects. However, there is a lack of conceptual clarity regarding what large-scale agile software development is. This inhibits effective collaboration and progress in the research area. In this paper, we suggest a taxonomy of scale for agile software development projects that has the potential to clarify what topics researchers are studying and ease discussion of research priorities.
simple dfs on the complement of a graph and on partially complemented digraphs
A complementation operation on a vertex of a digraph changes all outgoing arcs into non-arcs, and outgoing non-arcs into arcs. A partially complemented digraph $\widetilde{G}$ is a digraph obtained from a sequence of vertex complement operations on $G$. Dahlhaus et al. showed that, given an adjacency-list representation of $\widetilde{G}$, depth-first search (DFS) on $G$ can be performed in $O(n + \widetilde{m})$ time, where $n$ is the number of vertices and $\widetilde{m}$ is the number of edges in $\widetilde{G}$. To achieve this bound, their algorithm makes use of a somewhat complicated stack-like data structure to simulate the recursion stack, instead of implementing it directly as a recursive algorithm. We give a recursive $O(n+\widetilde{m})$ algorithm that uses no complicated data-structures.
undecidability of performance equivalence of petri nets
We investigate bisimulation equivalence on Petri nets under durational semantics. Our motivation was to verify the conjecture that in durational setting, the bisimulation equivalence checking problem becomes more tractable than in ordinary setting (which is the case, e.g., over communication-free nets). We disprove this conjecture in three of four proposed variants of durational semantics. The fourth variant remains an intriguing open problem.
a web positioning system for semat essence theory of software engineering
The "Essence Theory of Software Engineering" was recently published with the aim to develop a theoretically sound basis for software engineering practice and its wide adoption by industry and academia. Essence defines a kernel of widely agreed elements, namely alphas. Alphas can be in certain states and are categorized in areas of concern. However, Essence lacks to show a practicability in both industry and academia. SEMAT Accelerator is a web-positioning tool for a software project, which implements the Essence kernel and its elements. It graphically represents a project's status and progress using Essence kernel elements. A series of graphs help the user to visualize and feel the Essence theory in a practical view. SematAcc enables teaching, adopting, and researching Essence in controlled experiments and case studies.
speech recognition front end without information loss
Speech representation and modelling in high-dimensional spaces of acoustic waveforms, or a linear transformation thereof, is investigated with the aim of improving the robustness of automatic speech recognition to additive noise. The motivation behind this approach is twofold: (i) the information in acoustic waveforms that is usually removed in the process of extracting low-dimensional features might aid robust recognition by virtue of structured redundancy analogous to channel coding, (ii) linear feature domains allow for exact noise adaptation, as opposed to representations that involve non-linear processing which makes noise adaptation challenging. Thus, we develop a generative framework for phoneme modelling in high-dimensional linear feature domains, and use it in phoneme classification and recognition tasks. Results show that classification and recognition in this framework perform better than analogous PLP and MFCC classifiers below 18 dB SNR. A combination of the high-dimensional and MFCC features at the likelihood level performs uniformly better than either of the individual representations across all noise levels.
is getting the right answer just about choosing the right words the role of syntactically informed features in short answer scoring
Developments in the educational landscape have spurred greater interest in the problem of automatically scoring short answer questions. A recent shared task on this topic revealed a fundamental divide in the modeling approaches that have been applied to this problem, with the best-performing systems split between those that employ a knowledge engineering approach and those that almost solely leverage lexical information (as opposed to higher-level syntactic information) in assigning a score to a given response. This paper aims to introduce the NLP community to the largest corpus currently available for short-answer scoring, provide an overview of methods used in the shared task using this data, and explore the extent to which more syntactically-informed features can contribute to the short answer scoring task in a way that avoids the question-specific manual effort of the knowledge engineering approach.
design implementation and simulation of a cloud computing system for enhancing real time video services by using vanet and onboard navigation systems
In this paper, we propose a design for novel and experimental cloud computing systems. The proposed system aims at enhancing computational, communicational and annalistic capabilities of road navigation services by merging several independent technologies, namely vision-based embedded navigation systems, prominent Cloud Computing Systems (CCSs) and Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET). This work presents our initial investigations by describing the design of a global generic system. The designed system has been experimented with various scenarios of video-based road services. Moreover, the associated architecture has been implemented on a small-scale simulator of an in-vehicle embedded system. The implemented architecture has been experimented in the case of a simulated road service to aid the police agency. The goal of this service is to recognize and track searched individuals and vehicles in a real-time monitoring system remotely connected to moving cars. The presented work demonstrates the potential of our system for efficiently enhancing and diversifying real-time video services in road environments.
autonomous driving 5 years after the urban challenge the anticipatory vehicle as a cyber physical system
In November 2007 the international competition DARPA Urban Challenge took place on the former George Airforce Base in Victorville, California to significantly promote the research and development on autonomously driving vehicles for urban environments. In the final race only eleven out of initially 89 competitors participated and "Boss" from Carnegie Mellon University succeeded. This paper summarizes results of the research carried out by all finalists within the last five years after the competition and provides an outlook where further investigation especially for software engineering is now necessary to achieve the goal of driving safely and reliably through urban environments with an anticipatory vehicle for the mass-market.
hierarchical quasi clustering methods for asymmetric networks
This paper introduces hierarchical quasi-clustering methods, a generalization of hierarchical clustering for asymmetric networks where the output structure preserves the asymmetry of the input data. We show that this output structure is equivalent to a finite quasi-ultrametric space and study admissibility with respect to two desirable properties. We prove that a modified version of single linkage is the only admissible quasi-clustering method. Moreover, we show stability of the proposed method and we establish invariance properties fulfilled by it. Algorithms are further developed and the value of quasi-clustering analysis is illustrated with a study of internal migration within United States.
hardness results on curve point set matching with frechet distance
Let P be a polygonal curve in R^d of length n, and S be a point-set of size k. We consider the problem of finding a polygonal curve Q on S such that all points in S are visited and the Fr\'echet distance from $P$ is less than a given epsilon. We show that this problem is NP-complete, regardless of whether or not points from S are allowed be visited more than once. However, we also show that if the problem instance satisfies certain restrictions, the problem is polynomial-time solvable, and we briefly outline an algorithm that computes Q.
learning non deterministic representations with energy based ensembles
The goal of a generative model is to capture the distribution underlying the data, typically through latent variables. After training, these variables are often used as a new representation, more effective than the original features in a variety of learning tasks. However, the representations constructed by contemporary generative models are usually point-wise deterministic mappings from the original feature space. Thus, even with representations robust to class-specific transformations, statistically driven models trained on them would not be able to generalize when the labeled data is scarce. Inspired by the stochasticity of the synaptic connections in the brain, we introduce Energy-based Stochastic Ensembles. These ensembles can learn non-deterministic representations, i.e., mappings from the feature space to a family of distributions in the latent space. These mappings are encoded in a distribution over a (possibly infinite) collection of models. By conditionally sampling models from the ensemble, we obtain multiple representations for every input example and effectively augment the data. We propose an algorithm similar to contrastive divergence for training restricted Boltzmann stochastic ensembles. Finally, we demonstrate the concept of the stochastic representations on a synthetic dataset as well as test them in the one-shot learning scenario on MNIST.
a note on a problem in communication complexity
In this note, we prove a version of Tarui's Theorem in communication complexity, namely $PH^{cc} \subseteq BP\cdot PP^{cc}$. Consequently, every measure for $PP^{cc}$ leads to a measure for $PH^{cc}$, subsuming a result of Linial and Shraibman that problems with high mc-rigidity lie outside the polynomial hierarchy. By slightly changing the definition of mc-rigidity (arbitrary instead of uniform distribution), it is then evident that the class $M^{cc}$ of problems with low mc-rigidity equals $BP\cdot PP^{cc}$. As $BP\cdot PP^{cc} \subseteq PSPACE^{cc}$, this rules out the possibility, that had been left open, that even polynomial space is contained in $M^{cc}$.
differentially and non differentially private random decision trees
We consider supervised learning with random decision trees, where the tree construction is completely random. The method is popularly used and works well in practice despite the simplicity of the setting, but its statistical mechanism is not yet well-understood. In this paper we provide strong theoretical guarantees regarding learning with random decision trees. We analyze and compare three different variants of the algorithm that have minimal memory requirements: majority voting, threshold averaging and probabilistic averaging. The random structure of the tree enables us to adapt these methods to a differentially-private setting thus we also propose differentially-private versions of all three schemes. We give upper-bounds on the generalization error and mathematically explain how the accuracy depends on the number of random decision trees. Furthermore, we prove that only logarithmic (in the size of the dataset) number of independently selected random decision trees suffice to correctly classify most of the data, even when differential-privacy guarantees must be maintained. We empirically show that majority voting and threshold averaging give the best accuracy, also for conservative users requiring high privacy guarantees. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a simple majority voting rule is an especially good candidate for the differentially-private classifier since it is much less sensitive to the choice of forest parameters than other methods.
an effective semi supervised divisive clustering algorithm
Nowadays, data are generated massively and rapidly from scientific fields as bioinformatics, neuroscience and astronomy to business and engineering fields. Cluster analysis, as one of the major data analysis tools, is therefore more significant than ever. We propose in this work an effective Semi-supervised Divisive Clustering algorithm (SDC). Data points are first organized by a minimal spanning tree. Next, this tree structure is transitioned to the in-tree structure, and then divided into sub-trees under the supervision of the labeled data, and in the end, all points in the sub-trees are directly associated with specific cluster centers. SDC is fully automatic, non-iterative, involving no free parameter, insensitive to noise, able to detect irregularly shaped cluster structures, applicable to the data sets of high dimensionality and different attributes. The power of SDC is demonstrated on several datasets.
on the repair time scaling wall for manets
The inability of practical MANET deployments to scale beyond about 100 nodes has traditionally been blamed on insufficient network capacity for supporting routing related control traffic. However, this paper points out that network capacity is significantly under-utilized by standard MANET routing algorithms at observed scaling limits. Therefore, as opposed to identifying the scaling limit for MANET routing from a capacity stand-point, it is instead characterized as a function of the interaction between dynamics of path failure (caused due to mobility) and path repair. This leads to the discovery of the repair time scaling wall, which is used to explain observed scaling limits in MANETs. The factors behind the repair time scaling wall are identified and techniques to extend the scaling limits are described.
verification of concurrent engineering software using csm models
An engineering design process may involve software modules that can executed concurrently. Concurrent modules can be very easily subject to some synchronization errors. This paper discusses verification process for such engineering software. We present a method for verification that requires several steps. First, the state diagram models are constructed that describe the design iterations and interactions with the designer. Next, the state diagram models are transformed into concurrent state machines (CSM). After that, the CSM models are analyzed in order to verify their correctness. In this phase, the modifications are performed in necessary. In the last phase the code is generated. The tools to support our method can be called new concurrent CASE tools. Using these tools the engineering software can be created that is verified for correctness in respect to concurrent execution.
a bernstein bezier sufficient condition for invertibility of polynomial mapping functions
We propose a sufficient condition for invertibility of a polynomial mapping function defined on a cube or simplex. This condition is applicable to finite element analysis using curved meshes. The sufficient @� =
opportunistic power control for multi carrier interference channels
We propose a new method for opportunistic power control in multi-carrier interference channels for delay-tolerant data services. In doing so, we utilize a game theoretic framework with novel constraints, where each user tries to maximize its utility in a distribute d and opportunistic manner, while satisfying the game’s constraints by adapting its transmit power to its channel. In this scheme, users transmit with more power on good sub-channels and do the opposite on bad sub-channels. In this way, in addition to the allocated power on each sub-channel, the total power of all users also depends on channel conditions. Since each user’s power level depends on power levels of othe r users, the game belongs to the generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) problems, which in general, is hard to analyze. We show that the proposed game has a GNE, and derive the sufficient conditions for its un iqueness. Besides, we propose a new pricing scheme for maximizing each user’s throughput in an o pportunistic manner under its total power constraint; and provide the sufficient conditions for the al gorithm’s convergence and its GNE’s uniqueness. Simulations confirm that our proposed scheme yields a higher throughput for each user and/or has a significantly improved efficiency as compared to other exist ing opportunistic methods.
human factors in agile software development
Through our four years experiments on students' Scrum based agile software development (ASD) process, we have gained deep understanding into the human factors of agile methodology. We designed an agile project management tool - the HASE collaboration development platform to support more than 400 students self-organized into 80 teams to practice ASD. In this thesis, Based on our experiments, simulations and analysis, we contributed a series of solutions and insights in this researches, including 1) a Goal Net based method to enhance goal and requirement management for ASD process, 2) a novel Simple Multi-Agent Real-Time (SMART) approach to enhance intelligent task allocation for ASD process, 3) a Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) based method to enhance emotion and morale management for ASD process, 4) the first large scale in-depth empirical insights on human factors in ASD process which have not yet been well studied by existing research, and 5) the first to identify ASD process as a human-computation system that exploit human efforts to perform tasks that computers are not good at solving. On the other hand, computers can assist human decision making in the ASD process.
the mind grows circuits
There is a vast supply of prior art that study models for mental processes. Some studies in psychology and philosophy approach it from an inner perspective in terms of experiences and percepts. Others such as neurobiology or connectionist-machines approach it externally by viewing the mind as complex circuit of neurons where each neuron is a primitive binary circuit. In this paper, we also model the mind as a place where a circuit grows, starting as a collection of primitive components at birth and then builds up incrementally in a bottom up fashion. A new node is formed by a simple composition of prior nodes when we undergo a repeated experience that can be described by that composition. Unlike neural networks, however, these circuits take "concepts" or "percepts" as inputs and outputs. Thus the growing circuits can be likened to a growing collection of lambda expressions that are built on top of one another in an attempt to compress the sensory input as a heuristic to bound its Kolmogorov Complexity.
transparency and coordination in peer production
This paper examines coordination in transparent work environments - environments where the content of work artifacts, and the actions taken on these artifacts, are fully visible to organizational members. Our qualitative study of a community of open source software developers revealed a coordination system characterized by interest-based, asynchronous interaction and knowledge transfer. At the core of asynchronous knowledge transfer, lies the concept of quasi-codification, which occurs when rich process knowledge is implicitly encoded in work artifacts. Our findings suggest that members are able to more selectively form dependencies, monitor the trajectory of projects, and make their work understandable to others which facilitates coordination. We discuss two important characteristics that enable coordination activities in a transparent environment: the presence of an imagined audience that dictates the way artifacts are crafted, and experience within the environment, that allows individuals to derive knowledge from these artifacts. By showing how transparency influences coordination, this research challenges previous conceptions of coordination for complex, collaborative work.
comparing vulnerability severity and exploits using case control studies
(U.S.) Rule-based policies for mitigating software risk suggest using the CVSS score to measure the risk of an individual vulnerability and act accordingly. A key issue is whether the ‘danger’ score does actually match the risk of exploitation in the wild, and if and how such a score could be improved. To address this question, we propose using a case-control study methodology similar to the procedure used to link lung cancer and smoking in the 1950s. A case-control study allows the researcher to draw conclusions on the relation between some risk factor (e.g., smoking) and an effect (e.g., cancer) by looking backward at the cases (e.g., patients) and comparing them with controls (e.g., randomly selected patients with similar characteristics). The methodology allows us to quantify the risk reduction achievable by acting on the risk factor. We illustrate the methodology by using publicly available data on vulnerabilities, exploits, and exploits in the wild to (1) evaluate the performances of the current risk factor in the industry, the CVSS base score; (2) determine whether it can be improved by considering additional factors such the existence of a proof-of-concept exploit, or of an exploit in the black markets. Our analysis reveals that (a) fixing a vulnerability just because it was assigned a high CVSS score is equivalent to randomly picking vulnerabilities to fix; (b) the existence of proof-of-concept exploits is a significantly better risk factor; (c) fixing in response to exploit presence in black markets yields the largest risk reduction.
pure price of anarchy for generalized second price auction
The Generalized Second Price auction (GSP) has been widely used by search engines to sell ad slots. Previous studies have shown that the pure Price Of Anarchy (POA) of GSP is 1.25 when there are two ad slots and 1.259 when three ad slots. For the cases with more than three ad slots, however, only some untight upper bounds of the pure POA were obtained. In this work, we improve previous results in two aspects: (1) We prove that the pure POA for GSP is 1.259 when there are four ad slots, and (2) We show that the pure POA for GSP with more than four ad slots is also 1.259 given the bidders are ranked according to a particular permutation.
development of display ads retrieval system to match publisher s contents
The technological transformation and automation of digital content delivery has revolutionized the media industry. Advertising landscape is gradually shifting its traditional media forms to the emergent of Internet advertising. In this paper, the types of internet advertising to be discussed on are contextual and sponsored search ads. These types of advertising have the central challenge of finding the best match between a given context and a suitable advertisement, through a principled method. Furthermore, there are four main players that exist in the Internet advertising ecosystem: users, advertisers, ad exchange and publishers. Hence, to find ways to counter the central challenge, the paper addresses two objectives: how to successfully make the best contextual ads selections to match to a web page content to ensure that there is a valuable connection between the web page and the contextual ads. All methods, discussions, conclusion and future recommendations are presented as per sections. Hence, in order to prove the working mechanism of matching contextual ads and web pages, web pages together with the ads matching system are developed as a prototype.
stochastic analytic evaluation of end to end performance of linear nearest neighbour routing in manets with aloha
Planar Poisson models with the Aloha medium access scheme have already proved to be very useful in studies of mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs). However, it seems difficult to quantitatively study the performances of end-to-end routing in these models. In order to tackle this problem, in this paper we study a linear stationary route embedded in an independent planar field of interfering nodes. We consider this route as an idealization of a "typical" route in a MANET obtained by some routing mechanism. Such a decoupling allows us to obtain many numerically tractable expressions for local and mean end-to-end delays and the speed of packet progression, assuming slotted Aloha MAC and the Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise Ratio (SINR) capture condition, with the usual power-law path loss model and Rayleigh fading. These expressions show how the network performance depends on the tuning of Aloha and routing parameters and on the external noise level. In particular we show a need for a well-tuned lattice structure of fixed relaying nodes, which helps to relay packets on long random routes in the presence of a non-negligible noise. We also consider a Poisson-line MANET model, in which nodes are located on roads forming a Poisson-line process. In this case our linear route is rigorously (in the sense of Palm theory) the typical route in this Poisson-line MANET.
a performance model for the communication in fast multipole methods on hpc platforms
Exascale systems are predicted to have approximately one billion cores, assuming Gigahertz cores. Limitations on affordable network topologies for distributed memory systems of such massive scale bring new challenges to the current parallel programing model. Currently, there are many efforts to evaluate the hardware and software bottlenecks of exascale designs. There is therefore an urgent need to model application performance and to understand what changes need to be made to ensure extrapolated scalability. The fast multipole method (FMM) was originally developed for accelerating N-body problems in astrophysics and molecular dynamics, but has recently been extended to a wider range of problems, including preconditioners for sparse linear solvers. It's high arithmetic intensity combined with its linear complexity and asynchronous communication patterns makes it a promising algorithm for exascale systems. In this paper, we discuss the challenges for FMM on current parallel computers and future exascale architectures, with a focus on inter-node communication. We develop a performance model that considers the communication patterns of the FMM, and observe a good match between our model and the actual communication time, when latency, bandwidth, network topology, and multi-core penalties are all taken into account. To our knowledge, this is the first formal characterization of inter-node communication in FMM, which validates the model against actual measurements of communication time.
the push algorithm for spectral ranking
The push algorithm was proposed first by Jeh and Widom in the context of personalized PageRank computations (albeit the name "push algorithm" was actually used by Andersen, Chung and Lang in a subsequent paper). In this note we describe the algorithm at a level of generality that make the computation of the spectral ranking of any nonnegative matrix possible. Actually, the main contribution of this note is that the description is very simple (almost trivial), and it requires only a few elementary linear-algebra computations. Along the way, we give new precise ways of estimating the convergence of the algorithm, and describe some of the contribution of the existing literature, which again turn out to be immediate when recast in our framework.
matching or crashing personality based team formation in crowdsourcing environments
Does placing workers together based on their personality give better performance results in cooperative crowdsourcing settings, compared to non-personality based crowd team formation? In this work we examine the impact of personality compatibility on the effectiveness of crowdsourced team work. Using a personality-based group dynamics approach, we examine two main types of personality combinations (matching and crashing) on two main types of tasks (collaborative and competitive). Our experimental results show that personality compatibility significantly affects the quality of the team's final outcome, the quality of interactions and the emotions experienced by the team members. The present study is the first to examine the effect of personality over team result in crowdsourcing settings, and it has practical implications for the better design of crowdsourced team work.
new measures for evaluating creativity in scientific publications
The goal of our research is to understand how ideas propagate, combine and are created in large social networks. In this work, we look at a sample of relevant scientific publications in the area of high-frequency analog circuit design and their citation distribution. A novel aspect of our work is the way in which we categorize citations based on the reason and place of it in a publication. We created seven citation categories from general domain references, references to specific methods used in the same domain problem, references to an analysis method, references for experimental comparison and so on. This added information allows us to define two new measures to characterize the creativity (novelty and usefulness) of a publication based on its pattern of citations clustered by reason, place and citing scientific group. We analyzed 30 publications in relevant journals since 2000 and their about 300 citations, all in the area of high-frequency analog circuit design. We observed that the number of citations a publication receives from different scientific groups matches a Levy type distribution: with a large number of groups citing a publication relatively few times, and a very small number of groups citing a publication a large number of times. We looked at the motifs a publication is cited differently by different scientific groups.
three cases of connectivity and global information transfer in robot swarms
In this work we consider three different cases of robot-robot interactions and resulting global information transfer in robot swarms. These mechanisms define cooperative properties of the system and can be used for designing collective behavior. These three cases are demonstrated and discussed based on experiments in a swarm of microrobots "Jasmine".
building pattern recognition applications with the spare library
This paper presents the SPARE C++ library, an open source software tool conceived to build pattern recognition and soft computing systems. The library follows the requirement of the generality: most of the implemented algorithms are able to process user-defined input data types transparently, such as labeled graphs and sequences of objects, as well as standard numeric vectors. Here we present a high-level picture of the SPARE library characteristics, focusing instead on the specific practical possibility of constructing pattern recognition systems for different input data types. In particular, as a proof of concept, we discuss two application instances involving clustering of real-valued multidimensional sequences and classification of labeled graphs.
how to implement access rights in an mis project
The MIS data is critical to an organization and should be protected from misuse by wrong persons. Although The MIS data is typically meant for the senior managers each MIS report may not be required by every manager. The access to MIS data is determined by the role of an individual in the organization and controlled by the MIS administrator accordingly. The access is generally determined by the following parameters, (a) the type of user (such as staff or manager etc.), (b) the type of data (whether general data or managerial data), (c) level of access (read/write/admin access) and (d) special access allocated by MIS admin. By combining all the above four parameters, each individual user can be allocated exact specific rights required to access the MIS.
controlled label propagation preventing over propagation through gradual expansion
Identifying communities has always been a fundamental task in analysis of complex networks. Many methods have been devised over the last decade for detection of communities. Amongst them, the label propagation algorithm brings great scalability together with high accuracy. However, it has one major flaw; when the community structure in the network is not clear enough, it will assign every node the same label, thus detecting the whole graph as one giant community. We have addressed this issue by setting a capacity for communities, starting from a small value and gradually increasing it over time. Preliminary results show that not only our extension improves the detection capability of classic label propagation algorithm when communities are not clearly detectable, but also improves the overall quality of the identified clusters in complex networks with a clear community structure.
in order delivery delay of transport layer coding
A large number of streaming applications use reliable transport protocols such as TCP to deliver content over the Internet. However, head-of-line blocking due to packet loss recovery can often result in unwanted behavior and poor application layer performance. Transport layer coding can help mitigate this issue by helping to recover from lost packets without waiting for retransmissions. We consider the use of an on-line network code that inserts coded packets at strategic locations within the underlying packet stream. If retransmissions are necessary, additional coding packets are transmitted to ensure the receiver's ability to decode. An analysis of this scheme is provided that helps determine both the expected in-order packet delivery delay and its variance. Numerical results are then used to determine when and how many coded packets should be inserted into the packet stream, in addition to determining the trade-offs between reducing the in-order delay and the achievable rate. The analytical results are finally compared with experimental results to provide insight into how to minimize the delay of existing transport layer protocols.
question answering against very large text collections
Question answering involves developing methods to extract useful information from large collections of documents. This is done with specialised search engines such as Answer Finder. The aim of Answer Finder is to provide an answer to a question rather than a page listing related documents that may contain the correct answer. So, a question such as "How tall is the Eiffel Tower" would simply return "325m" or "1,063ft". Our task was to build on the current version of Answer Finder by improving information retrieval, and also improving the pre-processing involved in question series analysis.
q learning for optimal control of continuous time systems
In this paper, two Q-learning (QL) methods are proposed and their convergence theories are established for addressing the model-free optimal control problem of general nonlinear continuous-time systems. By introducing the Q-function for continuous-time systems, policy iteration based QL (PIQL) and value iteration based QL (VIQL) algorithms are proposed for learning the optimal control policy from real system data rather than using mathematical system model. It is proved that both PIQL and VIQL methods generate a nonincreasing Q-function sequence, which converges to the optimal Q-function. For implementation of the QL algorithms, the method of weighted residuals is applied to derived the parameters update rule. The developed PIQL and VIQL algorithms are essentially off-policy reinforcement learning approachs, where the system data can be collected arbitrary and thus the exploration ability is increased. With the data collected from the real system, the QL methods learn the optimal control policy offline, and then the convergent control policy will be employed to real system. The effectiveness of the developed QL algorithms are verified through computer simulation.
new perspectives on k support and cluster norms
We study a regularizer which is defined as a parameterized infimum of quadratics, and which we call the box-norm. We show that the k-support norm, a regularizer proposed by [Argyriou et al, 2012] for sparse vector prediction problems, belongs to this family, and the box-norm can be generated as a perturbation of the former. We derive an improved algorithm to compute the proximity operator of the squared box-norm, and we provide a method to compute the norm. We extend the norms to matrices, introducing the spectral k-support norm and spectral box-norm. We note that the spectral box-norm is essentially equivalent to the cluster norm, a multitask learning regularizer introduced by [Jacob et al. 2009a], and which in turn can be interpreted as a perturbation of the spectral k-support norm. Centering the norm is important for multitask learning and we also provide a method to use centered versions of the norms as regularizers. Numerical experiments indicate that the spectral k-support and box-norms and their centered variants provide state of the art performance in matrix completion and multitask learning problems respectively.
the application of data mining to build classification model for predicting graduate employment
Data mining has been applied in various areas because of its ability to rapidly analyze vast amounts of data. This study is to build the Graduates Employment Model using classification task in data mining, and to compare several of data-mining approaches such as Bayesian method and the Tree method. The Bayesian method includes 5 algorithms, including AODE, BayesNet, HNB, NaviveBayes, WAODE. The Tree method includes 5 algorithms, including BFTree, NBTree, REPTree, ID3, C4.5. The experiment uses a classification task in WEKA, and we compare the results of each algorithm, where several classification models were generated. To validate the generated model, the experiments were conducted using real data collected from graduate profile at the Maejo University in Thailand. The model is intended to be used for predicting whether a graduate was employed, unemployed, or in an undetermined situation.
alternating directions dual decomposition
We propose AD3, a new algorithm for approximate maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference on factor graphs based on the alternating directions method of multipliers. Like dual decomposition algorithms, AD3 uses worker nodes to iteratively solve local subproblems and a controller node to combine these local solutions into a global update. The key characteristic of AD3 is that each local subproblem has a quadratic regularizer, leading to a faster consensus than subgradient-based dual decomposition, both theoretically and in practice. We provide closed-form solutions for these AD3 subproblems for binary pairwise factors and factors imposing first-order logic constraints. For arbitrary factors (large or combinatorial), we introduce an active set method which requires only an oracle for computing a local MAP configuration, making AD3 applicable to a wide range of problems. Experiments on synthetic and realworld problems show that AD3 compares favorably with the state-of-the-art.
logic column 17 a rendezvous of logic complexity and algebra
This article surveys recent advances in applying algebraic techniques to constraint satisfaction problems.
where do goals come from a generic approach to autonomous goal system development
Goals express agents' intentions and allow them to organize their behavior based on low-dimensional abstractions of high-dimensional world states. How can agents develop such goals autonomously? This paper proposes a detailed conceptual and computational account to this longstanding problem. We argue to consider goals as high-level abstractions of lower-level intention mechanisms such as rewards and values, and point out that goals need to be considered alongside with a detection of the own actions' effects. We propose Latent Goal Analysis as a computational learning formulation thereof, and show constructively that any reward or value function can by explained by goals and such self-detection as latent mechanisms. We first show that learned goals provide a highly effective dimensionality reduction in a practical reinforcement learning problem. Then, we investigate a developmental scenario in which entirely task-unspecific rewards induced by visual saliency lead to self and goal representations that constitute goal-directed reaching.
convolutional neural network based place recognition
Recently Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance on various classification tasks. In this paper, we present for the first time a place recognition technique based on CNN models, by combining the powerful features learnt by CNNs with a spatial and sequential filter. Applying the system to a 70 km benchmark place recognition dataset we achieve a 75% increase in recall at 100% precision, significantly outperforming all previous state of the art techniques. We also conduct a comprehensive performance comparison of the utility of features from all 21 layers for place recognition, both for the benchmark dataset and for a second dataset with more significant viewpoint changes.
neural eliminators and classifiers
Classification may not be reliable for several reasons: noise in the data, insufficient input information, overlapping distributions and sharp definition of classes. Faced with several possibilities neural network may in such cases still be useful if instead of a classification elimination of improbable classes is done. Eliminators may be constructed using classifiers assigning new cases to a pool of several classes instead of just one winning class. Elimination may be done with the help of several classifiers using modified error functions. A real life medical application of neural network is presented illustrating the usefulness of elimination.
assessing usability of model driven development in industrial projects
An integral use of the model driven development paradigm influences and changes an organization's software development division rather heavily. Such a paradigm reduces some tasks in complexity and costs, but also introduces new tasks and, if introduced seriously, has severe affects on activities and roles in the software development process. As the model becomes the most important development artifact, there are new challenges to the development team, e. g. assessing the model's quality, model partitioning and configuration management for distributed teams, setup of build management, tool chaining and tracing of information through the various artifacts. Organizations coping with model driven development need to successfully introduce new tools and new ways of thinking, they are challenged in adopting their processes and training their staff. This paper presents an ongoing research project on the assessment of the usability of modeling and model driven development at a global industrial organization with its headquarters in Germany. The matter of interest is the analysis of the usability of modeling (especially with the UML) and model driven development by accomplishing an empirical, quantitative survey.
on the proxy identity crisis
A proxy, in general, is an object mediating access to an arbitrary target object. The proxy is then intended to be used in place of the target object. Ideally, a proxy is not distinguishable from other objects. Running a program with a proxy leads to the same outcome as running the program with the target object. Even though the approach provides a lot of power to the user, proxies come with a limitation. Because a proxy, wrapping a target object, is a new object and different from its target, the interposition changes the behaviour of some core components. For distinct proxies the double == and triple === equal operator returns false, even if the target object is the same. More precisely, the expected result depends on use case. To overcome this limitation we will discuss alternatives.
aspect based opinion extraction from customer reviews
Text is the main method of communicating information in the digital age. Messages, blogs, news articles, reviews, and opinionated information abound on the Internet. People commonly purchase products online and post their opinions about purchased items. This feedback is displayed publicly to assist others with their purchasing decisions, creating the need for a mechanism with which to extract and summarize useful information for enhancing the decision-making process. Our contribution is to improve the accuracy of extraction by combining different techniques from three major areas, named Data Mining, Natural Language Processing techniques and Ontologies. The proposed framework sequentially mines products aspects and users opinions, groups representative aspects by similarity, and generates an output summary. This paper focuses on the task of extracting product aspects and users opinions by extracting all possible aspects and opinions from reviews using natural language, ontology, and frequent (tag) sets. The proposed framework, when compared with an existing baseline model, yielded promising results.
adaptive backoff algorithm for ieee 802 11 dcf under mpr wireless channels
As a result of the recent advances in physical (PHY) layer communication techniques, it is possible to receive multiple packets at the receiver concurrently. This capability of a receiver to decode multiple simultaneous transmissions is known as multi-packet reception (MPR). In this paper, we propose a simple Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for an MPR wireless channel, where we modify the backoff procedure as a function of number of ongoing transmissions in the channel. Our protocol is backward compatible with the IEEE 802.11 DCF protocol. The performance analysis of the proposed protocol is carried out using extensive simulations and it is compared with some of the existing MPR MAC protocols. The proposed mechanism improves the throughput and delay performance of the IEEE 802.11 DCF.
an hmm based named entity recognition system for indian languages the ju system at icon 2013
This paper reports about our work in the ICON 2013 NLP TOOLS CONTEST on Named Entity Recognition. We submitted runs for Bengali, English, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu. A statistical HMM (Hidden Markov Models) based model has been used to implement our system. The system has been trained and tested on the NLP TOOLS CONTEST: ICON 2013 datasets. Our system obtains F-measures of 0.8599, 0.7704, 0.7520, 0.4289, 0.5455, 0.4466, and 0.4003 for Bengali, English, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu respectively.
contentflow mapping content to flows in software defined networks
Information-Centric Networks place content as the narrow waist of the network architecture. This allows to route based upon the content name, and not based upon the locations of the content consumer and producer. However, current Internet architecture does not support content routing at the network layer. We present ContentFlow, an Information-Centric network architecture which supports content routing by mapping the content name to an IP flow, and thus enables the use of OpenFlow switches to achieve content routing over a legacy IP architecture. ContentFlow is viewed as an evolutionary step between the current IP networking architecture, and a full fledged ICN architecture. It supports content management, content caching and content routing at the network layer, while using a legacy OpenFlow infrastructure and a modified controller. In particular, ContentFlow is transparent from the point of view of the client and the server, and can be inserted in between with no modification at either end. We have implemented ContentFlow and describe our implementation choices as well as the overall architecture specification. We evaluate the performance of ContentFlow in our testbed.
leveraging time distortion for seamless navigation into data space time continuum
Intelligent software systems continuously analyze their surrounding environment and accordingly adapt their internal state. Depending on the criticality index of the situation, the system should dynamically focus or widen its analysis and reasoning scope. A naive -why have less when you can have more- approach would consist in systematically sampling the context at a very high rate and triggering the reasoning process regularly. This reasoning process would then need to mine a huge amount of data, extract a relevant view, and finally analyze this adequate view. This overall process would require some heavy resources and/or be time-consuming, conflicting with the (near) real-time response time requirements of intelligent systems. We claim that a continuous and more flexible navigation into context models, in space and in time, can significantly improve reasoning processes. This paper thus introduces a novel modeling approach together with a navigation concept, which consider time and locality as first-class properties crosscutting any model element, and enable the seamless navigation of models in this space-time continuum. In particular, we leverage a time-relative navigation (inspired by the space-time and distortion theory [7]) able to efficiently empower continuous reasoning processes. We integrate our approach into an open-source modeling framework and evaluate it on a smart grid reasoning engine for electric load prediction. We demonstrate that reasoners leveraging this distorted space-time continuum outperform the full sampling approach, and is compatible with most of (near) real-time requirements.
sequence modeling using gated recurrent neural networks
In this paper, we have used Recurrent Neural Networks to capture and model human motion data and generate motions by prediction of the next immediate data point at each time-step. Our RNN is armed with recently proposed Gated Recurrent Units which has shown promising results in some sequence modeling problems such as Machine Translation and Speech Synthesis. We demonstrate that this model is able to capture long-term dependencies in data and generate realistic motions.
magnetometer calibration using inertial sensors
In this work we present a practical calibration algorithm that calibrates a magnetometer using inertial sensors. The calibration corrects for magnetometer sensor errors, for the presence of magneti ...
simulation of collision resistant secure sum protocol
secure multi-party computation is widely studied area in computer science. It is touching all most every aspect of human life. This paper demonstrates theoretical and experimental results of one of the secure multi-party computation protocols proposed by Shukla et al. implemented using visual C++. Data outflow probability is computed by changing parameters. At the end, time and space complexity is calculated using theoretical and experimental results.
suboptimality bounds for stochastic shortest path problems
We consider how to use the Bellman residual of the dynamic programming operator to compute suboptimality bounds for solutions to stochastic shortest path problems. Such bounds have been previously established only in the special case that "all policies are proper," in which case the dynamic programming operator is known to be a contraction, and have been shown to be easily computable only in the more limited special case of discounting. Under the condition that transition costs are positive, we show that suboptimality bounds can be easily computed even when not all policies are proper. In the general case when there are no restrictions on transition costs, the analysis is more complex. But we present preliminary results that show such bounds are possible.
the price of anarchy is unbounded for congestion games with superpolynomial latency costs
We consider non-cooperative unsplittable congestion games where players share resources, and each player's strategy is pure and consists of a subset of the resources on which it applies a fixed weight. Such games represent unsplittable routing flow games and also job allocation games. The congestion of a resource is the sum of the weights of the players that use it and the player's cost function is the sum of the utilities of the resources on its strategy. The social cost is the total weighted sum of the player's costs. The quality of Nash equilibria is determined by the price of anarchy ($PoA$) which expresses how much worse is the social outcome in the worst equilibrium versus the optimal coordinated solution. In the literature the predominant work has only been on games with polynomial utility costs, where it has been proven that the price of anarchy is bounded by the degree of the polynomial. However, no results exist on general bounds for non-polynomial utility functions. #R##N#Here, we consider general versions of these games in which the utility of each resource is an arbitrary non-decreasing function of the congestion. In particular, we consider a large family of superpolynomial utility functions which are asymptotically larger than any polynomial. We demonstrate that for every such function there exist games for which the price of anarchy is unbounded and increasing with the number of players (even if they have infinitesimal weights) while network resources remain fixed. We give tight lower and upper bounds which show this dependence on the number of players. Furthermore we provide an exact characterization of the $PoA$ of all congestion games whose utility costs are bounded above by a polynomial function. Heretofore such results existed only for games with polynomial cost functions.
strong spatial mixing for binary markov random fields
Gibbs distribution of binary Markov random fields on a sparse on average graph is considered in this paper. The strong spatial mixing is proved under the condition that the `external field' is uniformly large or small. Such condition on `external field' is meaningful in physics.
towards joint decoding of tardos fingerprinting codes
The class of joint decoder of probabilistic fingerprinting codes is of utmost importance in theoretical papers to establish the concept of fingerprint capacity. However, no implementation supporting a large user base is known to date. This paper presents an iterative decoder which is, as far as we are aware of, the first practical attempt towards joint decoding. The discriminative feature of the scores benefits on one hand from the side-information of previously accused users, and on the other hand, from recently introduced universal linear decoders for compound channels. Neither the code construction nor the decoder make precise assumptions about the collusion (size or strategy). The extension to incorporate soft outputs from the watermarking layer is straightforward. An intensive experimental work benchmarks the very good performances and offers a clear comparison with previous state-of-the-art decoders.
exploiting uniform assignments in first order mpe
The MPE (Most Probable Explanation) query plays an important role in probabilistic inference. MPE solution algorithms for probabilistic relational models essentially adapt existing belief assessment method, replacing summation with maximization. But the rich structure and symmetries captured by relational models together with the properties of the maximization operator offer an opportunity for additional simplification with potentially significant computational ramifications. Specifically, these models often have groups of variables that define symmetric distributions over some population of formulas. The maximizing choice for different elements of this group is the same. If we can realize this ahead of time, we can significantly reduce the size of the model by eliminating a potentially significant portion of random variables. This paper defines the notion of uniformly assigned and partially uniformly assigned sets of variables, shows how one can recognize these sets efficiently, and how the model can be greatly simplified once we recognize them, with little computational effort. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these ideas empirically on a number of models.
update efficient error correcting regenerating codes
Regenerating codes provide an efficient way to recover data a t failed nodes in distributed storage systems. It has been shown that regenerating codes can be designed to minimize the per-node storage (called MSR) or minimize the communication overhead for regeneration (called MBR). In this work, we propose new encoding schemes for [n,d] error-correcting MSR and MBR codes that generalize our earlier work on error-correcting regenerating codes. We show that by choosing a suitable diagonal matrix, any generator matrix of the [n,�] Reed-Solomon (RS) code can be integrated into the encoding matrix. Hence, MSR codes with the least update complexity can be found. By using the coefficients of generator polynomials of [n,k] and [n,d] RS codes, we present a least-update-complexity encoding scheme for MBR codes. An efficient decoding scheme is propose d that utilizes the [n,�] RS code to perform data reconstruction for MSR codes. The proposed decoding scheme has better error correction capability and incurs the least number of node accesses when errors are present. A new decoding scheme is also proposed for MBR codes that can correct more error-patterns.
efficient learning of structured predictors in general graphical models
In this paper we derive an efficient message-passing algorithm to learn the parameters of structured predictors in general graphical models. We define the extended log-loss, which relates the log-loss of CRFs and the hinge-loss of structured SVMs through a temperature parameter. We then investigate the primal and dual properties of the extended log-loss, showing that the dual programs of both CRFs and structured SVMs perform moment matching using different selection rules. Utilizing the graphical models of the predictors, we describe a low dimensional extended log-loss formulation, which is derived from pseudo moment matching and a fractional entropy approximation selection rule in the dual setting. We propose an efficient message-passing algorithm that is guaranteed to converge to the optimum of the low dimensional primal and dual programs. Unlike many of the existing approaches, this allows us to learn efficiently high-order graphical models, over regions of any size, and very large number of parameters. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, while presenting state-of-the-art results in stereo estimation, semantic segmentation, shape reconstruction, and indoor scene understanding.
linear relation on general ergodic t function
We find linear (as well as quadratic) relations in a very large class of T-functions. The relations may be used in analysis of T-function-based stream ciphers.
new efficient error free multi valued consensus with byzantine failures
In this report, we investigate the multi-valued Byzantine consensus problem. We introduce two algorithms: the first one achieves traditional validity requirement for consensus, and the second one achieves a stronger "q-validity" requirement. Both algorithms are more efficient than the ones introduces in our recent PODC 2011 paper titled "Error-Free Multi-Valued Consensus with Byzantine Failures".
semi stochastic coordinate descent
We propose a novel stochastic gradient method---semi-stochastic coordinate descent (S2CD)---for the problem of minimizing a strongly convex function represented as the average of a large number of smooth convex functions: $f(x)=\tfrac{1}{n}\sum_i f_i(x)$. Our method first performs a deterministic step (computation of the gradient of $f$ at the starting point), followed by a large number of stochastic steps. The process is repeated a few times, with the last stochastic iterate becoming the new starting point where the deterministic step is taken. The novelty of our method is in how the stochastic steps are performed. In each such step, we pick a random function $f_i$ and a random coordinate $j$---both using nonuniform distributions---and update a single coordinate of the decision vector only, based on the computation of the $j^{th}$ partial derivative of $f_i$ at two different points. Each random step of the method constitutes an unbiased estimate of the gradient of $f$ and moreover, the squared norm of the steps goes to zero in expectation, meaning that the stochastic estimate of the gradient progressively improves. The complexity of the method is the sum of two terms: $O(n\log(1/\epsilon))$ evaluations of gradients $\nabla f_i$ and $O(\hat{\kappa}\log(1/\epsilon))$ evaluations of partial derivatives $\nabla_j f_i$, where $\hat{\kappa}$ is a novel condition number.
efficient riemannian training of recurrent neural networks for learning symbolic data sequences
Recurrent neural networks are powerful models for sequential data, able to represent complex dependencies in the sequence that simpler models such as hidden Markov models cannot handle. Yet they are notoriously hard to train. #R##N#Here we introduce an effective training procedure using a gradient ascent in a metric inspired by Riemannian geometry: this produces an algorithm independent from design choices such as the encoding of parameters and unit activities. This metric gradient ascent is designed to have an algorithmic cost close to backpropagation through time for sparsely connected networks. #R##N#We also introduce \emph{persistent contextual neural networks} (PCNNs) as a variant of recurrent neural networks. PCNNs feature an architecture inspired by finite automata and a modified time evolution to better model long-distance effects. #R##N#PCNNs are demonstrated to effectively capture a variety of complex algorithmic constraints on hard synthetic problems: basic block nesting as in context-free grammars (an important feature of natural languages, but difficult to learn), intersections of multiple independent Markov-type relations, or long-distance relationships such as the distant-XOR problem. On this problem, PCNNs perform better than more complex state-of-the-art algorithms. Thanks to the metric update, fewer gradient steps and training samples are needed: for instance, a generating model for sequences of the form $a^nb^n$ can be learned from only 10 samples in under two minutes, even with $n$ ranging in the thousands.
edml a method for learning parameters in bayesian networks
We propose a method called EDML for learning MAP parameters in binary Bayesian networks under incomplete data. The method assumes Beta priors and can be used to learn maximum likelihood parameters when the priors are uninformative. EDML exhibits interesting behaviors, especially when compared to EM. We introduce EDML, explain its origin, and study some of its properties both analytically and empirically.
feature sampling and partitioning for visual vocabulary generation on large action classification datasets
The recent trend in action recognition is towards larger datasets, an increasing number of action classes and larger visual vocabularies. State-of-the-art human action classification in challenging video data is currently based on a bag-of-visual-words pipeline in which space-time features are aggregated globally to form a histogram. The strategies chosen to sample features and construct a visual vocabulary are critical to performance, in fact often dominating performance. In this work we provide a critical evaluation of various approaches to building a vocabulary and show that good practises do have a significant impact. By subsampling and partitioning features strategically, we are able to achieve state-of-the-art results on 5 major action recognition datasets using relatively small visual vocabularies.
efficient codes for adversarial wiretap channels
In [13] we proposed a ({\rho}_r , {\rho}_w )-adversarial wiretap channel model (AWTP) in which the adversary can adaptively choose to see a fraction {\rho}_r of the codeword sent over the channel, and modify a fraction {\rho}_w of the codeword by adding arbitrary noise values to them. In this paper we give the first efficient construction of a capacity achieving code family that provides perfect secrecy for this channel.
plan or not remote human robot teaming with incomplete task information
Human-robot interaction can be divided into two categories based on the physical distance between the human and robot: remote and proximal. In proximal interaction, the human and robot often engage in close coordination; in remote interaction, the human and robot are less coupled due to communication constraints. As a result, providing automation for the robot in remote interaction becomes more important. Thus far, human factor studies on automation in remote human-robot interaction have been restricted to various forms of supervision, in which the robot is essentially being used as a smart mobile manipulation platform with sensing capabilities. In this paper, we investigate the incorporation of general planning capability into the robot to facilitate peer-to-peer human-robot teaming, in which the human and robot are viewed as teammates that are physically separated. The human and robot share the same global goal and collaborate to achieve it. Note that humans may feel uncomfortable at such robot autonomy, which can potentially reduce teaming performance. One important difference between peer-to-peer teaming and supervised teaming is that an autonomous robot in peer-to-peer teaming can achieve the goal alone when the task information is completely specified. However, incompleteness often exists, which implies information asymmetry. While information asymmetry can be desirable sometimes, it may also lead to the robot choosing improper actions that negatively influence the teaming performance. We aim to investigate the various trade-offs, e.g., mental workload and situation awareness, between these two types of remote human-robot teaming.
the descriptive theory of represented spaces
This is a survey on the ongoing development of a descriptive theory of represented spaces, which is intended as an extension of both classical and effective descriptive set theory to deal with both sets and functions between represented spaces. Most material is from work-in-progress, and thus there may be a stronger focus on projects involving the author than an objective survey would merit.
reconstruction of sub nyquist random sampling for sparse and multi band signals
As technology grows, higher frequency signals are required to be processed in various applications. In order to digitize such signals, conventional analog to digital convertors are facing implementation challenges due to the higher sampling rates. Hence, lower sampling rates (i.e., sub-Nyquist) are considered to be cost efficient. A well-known approach is to consider sparse signals that have fewer nonzero frequency components compared to the highest frequency component. For the prior knowledge of the sparse positions, well-established methods already exist. However, there are applications where such information is not available. For such cases, a number of approaches have recently been proposed. In this paper, we propose several random sampling recovery algorithms which do not require any anti-aliasing filter. Moreover, we offer certain conditions under which these recovery techniques converge to the signal. Finally, we also confirm the performance of the above methods through extensive simulations.
computer based interpretation of the students evaluation of the teaching staff
The goal of this paper is to offer a full support for universities and quality assessment committees in retrieving the feedback from their students regarding to their teaching staff. The computer based application presented before ([Cri07]) collects data from the students. Another part of the application, presented in this paper, processes this data and presents the statistical results concerning each teacher.
a distributed scheduling algorithm for high speed switching systems
Given the rapid increase in traffic, greater demands have been put on research in high-speed switching systems. Such systems have to simultaneously meet several constraints, e.g., high throughput, low delay and low complexity. This makes it challenging to design an efficient scheduling algorithm, and has consequently drawn considerable research interest. However, previous results either cannot provide a 100% throughput guarantee without a speedup, or require a complex centralized scheduler. In this paper, we design a distributed 100% throughput algorithm for crosspoint buffered switches, called DISQUO, with very limited message passing. We prove that DISQUO can achieve 100% throughput for any admissible Bernoulli traffic, with a low time complexity of O(1) per port and a few bits message exchanging in every time slot. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first distributed algorithm that can provide a 100% throughput for a crosspoint buffered switch.
algorithms for the solution of systems of linear equations in commutative rings
Solution methods for linear equation systems in a commutative ring are discussed. Four methods are compared, in the setting of several different rings: Dodgson’s method [1], Bareiss’s method [2] and two methods of the author — method by forward and back-up procedures [3] and a one-pass method [4].
sensing subjective well being from social media
Subjective Well-being(SWB), which refers to how people experience the quality of their lives, is of great use to public policy-makers as well as economic, sociological research, etc. Traditionally, the measurement of SWB relies on time-consuming and costly self-report questionnaires. Nowadays, people are motivated to share their experiences and feelings on social media, so we propose to sense SWB from the vast user generated data on social media. By utilizing 1785 users’ social media data with SWB labels, we train machine learning models that are able to “sense” individual SWB. Our model, which attains the state-of-the-art prediction accuracy, can then be applied to identify large amount of social media users’ SWB in time with low cost.
a task allocation schema based on response time optimization in cloud computing
Cloud computing is a newly emerging distributed computing which is evolved from Grid computing. Task scheduling is the core research of cloud computing which studies how to allocate the tasks among the physical nodes so that the tasks can get a balanced allocation or each task's execution cost decreases to the minimum or the overall system performance is optimal. Unlike the previous task slices' sequential execution of an independent task in the model of which the target is processing time, we build a model that targets at the response time, in which the task slices are executed in parallel. Then we give its solution with a method based on an improved adjusting entropy function. At last, we design a new task scheduling algorithm. Experimental results show that the response time of our proposed algorithm is much lower than the game-theoretic algorithm and balanced scheduling algorithm and compared with the balanced scheduling algorithm, game-theoretic algorithm is not necessarily superior in parallel although its objective function value is better.
luzzu a framework for linked data quality assessment
With the increasing adoption and growth of the Linked Open Data cloud [9], with RDFa, Microformats and other ways of embedding data into ordinary Web pages, and with initiatives such as schema.org, the Web is currently being complemented with a Web of Data. Thus, the Web of Data shares many characteristics with the original Web of Documents, which also varies in quality. This heterogeneity makes it challenging to determine the quality of the data published on the Web and to subsequently make this information explicit to data consumers. The main contribution of this article is LUZZU, a quality assessment framework for Linked Open Data. Apart from providing quality metadata and quality problem reports that can be used for data cleaning, LUZZU is extensible: third party metrics can be easily plugged-in the framework. The framework does not rely on SPARQL endpoints, and is thus free of all the problems that come with them, such as query timeouts. Another advantage over SPARQL based qual- ity assessment frameworks is that metrics implemented in LUZZU can have more complex functionality than triple matching. Using the framework, we performed a quality assessment of a number of statistical linked datasets that are available on the LOD cloud. For this evaluation, 25 metrics from ten different dimensions were implemented.
parameterized proof complexity and w 1
We initiate a program of parameterized proof complexity that aims to provide evidence that FPT is different from W[1]. A similar program already exists for the classes W[2] and W[SAT]. We contrast these programs and prove upper and lower bounds for W[1]-parameterized Resolution.
a pspace complete graph nim
We build off the game, NimG to create a version named Neighboring Nim. By reducing from Geography, we show that this game is PSPACE-hard. The games created by the reduction share strong similarities with Undirected (Vertex) Geography and regular Nim, both of which are in P. We show how to construct PSPACE-complete versions with nim heaps *1 and *2. This application of graphs can be used as a form of game sum with any games, not only Nim.
times in noise based logic increased dimensions of logic hyperspace
Time shifts beyond the correlation time of the logic and reference signals create new elements that are orthogonal to the original components. This fact can be utilized to increase the number of dimensions of the logic space while keeping the number of reference noises fixed. Using just a single noise and time shifts can realize exponentially large hyperspaces with large numbers of dimensions. Other, independent applications of time shifts include holographic noise-based logic systems and changing commutative operations into non-commuting ones. For the sake of simplicity, these ideas are illustrated by deterministic time shifts, even though random timing and random time shifts would yield the most robust systems.
on the optimality of treating interference as noise compound interference networks
In a K-user Gaussian interference channel, it has been shown by Geng et al. that if for each user the desired signal strength is no less than the sum of the strengths of the strongest interference from this user and the strongest interference to this user (all values in dB scale), then power control and treating interference as noise (TIN) is optimal from the perspective of generalized degrees of freedom (GDoF) and achieves the entire channel capacity region to within a constant gap. In this work, we generalize the optimality of TIN to compound networks. We show that for a K-user compound Gaussian interference channel, if in every possible state for each receiver, the channel always satisfies the TIN-optimality condition identified by Geng et al., then the GDoF region of the compound channel is the intersection of the GDoF regions of all possible network realizations, which is achievable by power control and TIN. Furthermore, we demonstrate that for a general K-user compound interference channel, regardless of the number of states of each receiver, we can always construct a counterpart K-user regular interference channel that has the same TIN region as the original compound channel. The regular interference channel has only one state for each receiver, which may be different from all of the original states. Solving the GDoF-based power control problem for the compound channel is equivalent to solving the same problem in its regular counterpart. Exploring the power control problem further we develop a centralized power control scheme for K-user compound interference channels, to achieve all the Pareto optimal GDoF tuples. Finally, based on this scheme, we devise an iterative power control algorithm which requires at most K updates to obtain the globally optimal power allocation for any feasible GDoF tuple.
first experiences with validating and using the cray power management database tool
In October 2013 CSCS installed the first hybrid Cray XC-30 system, dubbed Piz Daint. This system features the power management database (PMDB), that was recently introduced by Cray to collect detailed power consumption information in a non-intrusive manner. Power measurements are taken on each node, with additional measurements for the Aries network and blowers, and recorded in a database. This enables fine-grained reporting of power consumption that is not possible with external power meters, and is useful to both application developers and facility operators. This paper will show how benchmarks of representative applications at CSCS were used to validate the PMDB on Piz Daint. Furthermore we will elaborate, with the well-known HPL benchmark serving as prototypical application, on how the PMDB streamlines the tuning for optimal power efficiency in production, which lead to Piz Daint being recognised as the most energy efficient petascale supercomputer presently in operation.
domain independent optimistic initialization for reinforcement learning
In Reinforcement Learning (RL), it is common to use optimistic initialization of value functions to encourage exploration. However, such an approach generally depends on the domain, viz., the scale of the rewards must be known, and the feature representation must have a constant norm. We present a simple approach that performs optimistic initialization with less dependence on the domain.
subsumption checking in conjunctive coalgebraic fixpoint logics
While reasoning in a logic extending a complete Boolean basis is coNP-hard, restricting to conjunctive fragments of modal languages sometimes allows for tractable reasoning even in the presence of greatest fixpoints. One such example is the EL family of description logics; here, efficient reasoning is based on satisfaction checking in suitable small models that characterize formulas in terms of simulations. It is well-known, though, that not every conjunctive modal language has a tractable reasoning problem. Natural questions are then how common such tractable fragments are and how to identify them. In this work we provide sufficient conditions for tractability in a general way by considering unlabeled tableau rules for a given modal logic. We work in the framework of coalgebraic logic as a unifying semantic setting. Apart from recovering known results for description logics such as EL and FL0, we obtain new ones for conjunctive fragments of relational and non-relational modal logics with greatest fixpoints. Most notably we find tractable fragments of game logic and the alternating-time mu-calculus.
a sentence meaning based alignment method for parallel text corpora preparation
Text alignment is crucial to the accuracy of Machine Translation (MT) systems, some NLP tools or any other text processing tasks requiring bilingual data. This research proposes a language independent sentence alignment approach based on Polish (not position-sensitive language) to English experiments. This alignment approach was developed on the TED Talks corpus, but can be used for any text domain or language pair. The proposed approach implements various heuristics for sentence recognition. Some of them value synonyms and semantic text structure analysis as a part of additional information. Minimization of data loss was ensured. The solution is compared to other sentence alignment implementations. Also an improvement in MT system score with text processed with described tool is shown.
a computational study of f reversible processes on graphs
Abstract An f -reversible process on a graph  G = ( V , E ) is a graph dynamical system on  V ( G ) defined as follows. Given a function  f : V ( G ) → N and an initial vertex labeling  c 0 : V ( G ) → { 0 , 1 } , every vertex  v changes its label if and only if at least  f ( v ) of its neighbors have the opposite state, synchronously in discrete-time. For such processes, we present a new nondecreasing time function similar to the monotonically decreasing energy functions used to study threshold networks, which leads to a periodic behavior after a transient phase. Using this new function, we provide a tight upper bound on the transient length of  f -reversible processes. Furthermore, we prove that it is equal to  n − 3 for trees with  n ≥ 4 vertices and  Im ( f ) = { 2 } . Moreover we present an algorithm that generates all the initial configurations attaining this bound and we prove that the number of such configurations is  O ( n ) . We also consider the problem of determining the smallest number  r f ( G ) of vertices with initial label 1 for which all the vertices eventually reach label 1 after the complete evolution of the dynamics, which models consensus problems on networks. We prove that it is N P -hard to compute  r f ( G ) even for bipartite graphs with  Δ ( G ) ≤ 3 and  Im ( f ) = { 1 , 2 , 3 } . Finally, we prove that  β ( G ) ≤ r f ( G ) ≤ β ( G ) + 1 , when  f ( v ) = d ( v ) for all  v ∈ V ( G ) , where  β ( G ) is the size of a minimum vertex cover of  G .
tdma achieves the optimal diversity gain in relay assisted cellular networks
In multi-access wireless networks, transmission scheduling is a key component that determines the efficiency and fairness of wireless spectrum allocation. At one extreme, greedy opportunistic scheduling that allocates airtime to the user with the largest instantaneous channel gain achieves the optimal spectrum efficiency and transmission reliability but the poorest user-level fairness. At the other extreme, fixed TDMA scheduling achieves the fairest airtime allocation but the lowest spectrum efficiency and transmission reliability. To balance the two competing objectives, extensive research efforts have been spent on designing opportunistic scheduling schemes that reach certain tradeoff points between the two extremes. In this paper and in contrast to the conventional wisdom, we find that in relay-assisted cellular networks, fixed TDMA achieves the same optimal diversity gain as greedy opportunistic scheduling. In addition, by incorporating very limited opportunism, a simple relaxed-TDMA scheme asymptotically achieves the same optimal system reliability in terms of outage probability as greedy opportunistic scheduling. This reveals a surprising fact: transmission reliability and user fairness are no longer contradicting each other in relay-assisted systems. They can be both achieved by the simple TDMA schemes. For practical implementations, we further propose a fully distributed algorithm to implement the relaxed-TDMA scheme. Our results here may find applications in the design of next-generation wireless communication systems with relay architectures such as LTE-advanced and WiMAX.
when index term probability violates the classical probability axioms quantum probability can be a necessary theory for information retrieval
Probabilistic models require the notion of event space for defining a probability measure. An event space has a probability measure which ensues the Kolmogorov axioms. However, the probabilities observed from distinct sources, such as that of relevance of documents, may not admit a single event space thus causing some issues. In this article, some results are introduced for ensuring whether the observed prob- abilities of relevance of documents admit a single event space. More- over, an alternative framework of probability is introduced, thus chal- lenging the use of classical probability for ranking documents. Some reflections on the convenience of extending the classical probabilis- tic retrieval toward a more general framework which encompasses the issues are made.
an agent driven semantical identifier using radial basis neural networks and reinforcement learning
Due to the huge availability of documents in digital form, and the deception possibility raise bound to the essence of digital documents and the way they are spread, the authorship attribution problem has constantly increased its relevance. Nowadays, authorship attribution,for both information retrieval and analysis, has gained great importance in the context of security, trust and copyright preservation. This work proposes an innovative multi-agent driven machine learning technique that has been developed for authorship attribution. By means of a preprocessing for word-grouping and time-period related analysis of the common lexicon, we determine a bias reference level for the recurrence frequency of the words within analysed texts, and then train a Radial Basis Neural Networks (RBPNN)-based classifier to identify the correct author. The main advantage of the proposed approach lies in the generality of the semantic analysis, which can be applied to different contexts and lexical domains, without requiring any modification. Moreover, the proposed system is able to incorporate an external input, meant to tune the classifier, and then self-adjust by means of continuous learning reinforcement.
constructions of optimal and near optimal multiply constant weight codes
Multiply constant-weight codes (MCWCs) have been recently studied to improve the reliability of certain physically unclonable function response. In this paper, we give combinatorial constructions for MCWCs which yield several new infinite families of optimal MCWCs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the Johnson type upper bounds of MCWCs are asymptotically tight for fixed weights and distances. Finally, we provide bounds and constructions of two dimensional MCWCs.
minimal nondeterministic finite automata and atoms of regular languages
We examine the NFA minimization problem in terms of atomic NFA's, that is, NFA's in which the right language of every state is a union of atoms, where the atoms of a regular language are non-empty intersections of complemented and uncomplemented left quotients of the language. We characterize all reduced atomic NFA's of a given language, that is, those NFA's that have no equivalent states. Using atomic NFA's, we formalize Sengoku's approach to NFA minimization and prove that his method fails to find all minimal NFA's. We also formulate the Kameda-Weiner NFA minimization in terms of quotients and atoms.
safejs hermetic sandboxing for javascript
Isolating programs is an important mechanism to support more secure applications. Isolating program in dynamic languages such as JavaScript is even more challenging since reflective operations can circumvent simple mechanisms that could protect program parts. In this article we present SafeJS, an approach and implementation that offers isolation based on separate sandboxes and control of information exchanged between them. In SafeJS, sandboxes based on web workers do not share any data. Data exchanged between sandboxes is solely based on strings. Using different policies, this infrastructure supports the isolation of the different scripts that usually populate web pages. A foreign component cannot modify the main DOM tree in unexpected manner. Our SafeJS implementation is currently being used in an industrial setting in the context of the Resilience FUI 12 project.
online learning in mdps with side information
We study online learning of finite Markov decision process (MDP) problems when a side information vector is available. The problem is motivated by applications such as clinical trials, recommendation systems, etc. Such applications have an episodic structure, where each episode corresponds to a patient/customer. Our objective is to compete with the optimal dynamic policy that can take side information into account. #R##N#We propose a computationally efficient algorithm and show that its regret is at most $O(\sqrt{T})$, where $T$ is the number of rounds. To best of our knowledge, this is the first regret bound for this setting.
open tiled manycore system on chip
Manycore System-on-Chip include an increasing amount of processing elements and have become an important research topic for improvements of both hardware and software. While research can be conducted using system simulators, prototyping requires a variety of components and is very time consuming. With the Open Tiled Manycore System-on-Chip (OpTiMSoC) we aim at building such an environment for use in our and other research projects as prototyping platform. #R##N#This paper describes the project goals and aspects of OpTiMSoC and summarizes the current status and ideas.
ranksign an efficient signature algorithm based on the rank metric
In this paper we propose a new approach to code-based signatures that makes use in particular of rank metric codes. When the classical approach consists in finding the unique preimage of a syndrome through a decoding algorithm, we propose to introduce the notion of mixed decoding of erasures and errors for building signature schemes. In that case the difficult problem becomes, as is the case in lattice-based cryptography, finding a preimage of weight above the Gilbert-Varshamov bound (case where many solutions occur) rather than finding a unique preimage of weight below the Gilbert-Varshamov bound. The paper describes RankSign: a new signature algorithm for the rank metric based on a new mixed algorithm for decoding erasures and errors for the recently introduced Low Rank Parity Check (LRPC) codes. We explain how it is possible (depending on choices of parameters) to obtain a full decoding algorithm which is able to find a preimage of reasonable rank weight for any random syndrome with a very strong probability. We study the semantic security of our signature algorithm and show how it is possible to reduce the unforgeability to direct attacks on the public matrix, so that no information leaks through signatures. Finally, we give several examples of parameters for our scheme, some of which with public key of size $11,520$ bits and signature of size $1728$ bits. Moreover the scheme can be very fast for small base fields.
the building of online communities an approach for learning organizations with a particular focus on the museum sector
This paper considers the move toward and potential of building online communities, with a particular focus on the museum sector. For instance, the increase in the use of `personalized' toolkits that are becoming an integral part of the online presence for learning organizations, like museums, can provide a basis for creating and sustaining communities. A set of case studies further illustrates working examples of the ways in which personalization and specific tools are developing collaborative spaces, community channels and group interactions.
design and analysis of coalitions in data swarming systems
We design and analyze a mechanism for forming coalitions of peers in a data swarming system where peers have heterogeneous upload capacities. A coalition is a set of peers that explicitly cooperate with other peers inside the coalition via choking, data replication, and capacity allocation strategies. Further, each peer interacts with other peers outside its coalition via potentially distinct choking, data replication, and capacity allocation strategies. Following on our preliminary work in IEEE ICNP 2011 that demonstrated significant performance benefits of coalitions, we present here a comprehensive analysis of the choking and data replication strategies for coalitions. #R##N#We first develop an analytical model to understand a simple random choking strategy as a within-coalition strategy and show that it accurately predicts a coalition's performance. Our analysis formally shows that the random choking strategy can help a coalition achieve near-optimal performance by optimally choosing the re-choking interval lengths and the number unchoke slots. Further, our analytical model can be easily adapted to model a BitTorrent-like swarm. We also introduce a simple data replication strategy which significantly improves data availability within a coalition as compared to the rarest-first piece replication strategy employed in BitTorrent systems. We further propose a cooperation-aware better response strategy that achieves convergence of the dynamic coalition formation process when peers freely join or leave any coalition. Finally, using extensive simulations, we demonstrate improvements in the performance of a swarming system due to coalition formation.
on error correction for physical unclonable functions
Physical Unclonable Functions evaluate manufacturing variations to generate secure cryptographic keys for embedded systems without secure key storage. It is explained how methods from coding theory are applied in order to ensure reliable key reproduction. We show how better results can be obtained using code classes and decoding principles not used for this scenario before. These methods are exemplified by specific code constructions which improve existing codes with respect to error probability, decoding complexity and codeword length.