ontology as a source for rule generation
This paper discloses the potential of OWL (Web Ontology Language) ontologies for generation of rules. The main purpose of this paper is to identify new types of rules, which may be generated from OWL ontologies. Rules, generated from OWL ontologies, are necessary for the functioning of the Semantic Web Expert System. It is expected that the Semantic Web Expert System (SWES) will be able to process ontologies from the Web with the purpose to supplement or even to develop its knowledge base.
non parametric uni modality constraints for deep ordinal classification
We propose a new constrained-optimization formulation for deep ordinal classification, in which uni-modality of the label distribution is enforced implicitly via a set of inequality constraints over all the pairs of adjacent labels. Based on (c-1) constraints for c labels, our model is non-parametric and, therefore, more flexible than the existing deep ordinal classification techniques. Unlike these, it does not restrict the learned representation to a single and specific parametric model (or penalty) imposed on all the labels. Therefore, it enables the training to explore larger spaces of solutions, while removing the need for ad hoc choices and scaling up to large numbers of labels. It can be used in conjunction with any standard classification loss and any deep architecture. To tackle the ensuing challenging optimization problem, we solve a sequence of unconstrained losses based on a powerful extension of the log-barrier method. This handles effectively competing constraints and accommodates standard SGD for deep networks, while avoiding computationally expensive Lagrangian dual steps and outperforming substantially penalty methods. Furthermore, we propose a new performance metric for ordinal classification, as a proxy to measure distribution uni-modality, referred to as the Sides Order Index (SOI). We report comprehensive evaluations and comparisons to state-of-the-art methods on benchmark public datasets for several ordinal classification tasks, showing the merits of our approach in terms of label consistency, classification accuracy and scalability. Importantly, enforcing label consistency with our model does not incur higher classification errors, unlike many existing ordinal classification methods. A public reproducible PyTorch implementation is provided. (https://github.com/sbelharbi/unimodal-prob-deep-oc-free-distribution)
beheshti ner persian named entity recognition using bert
Named entity recognition is a natural language processing task to recognize and extract spans of text associated with named entities and classify them in semantic Categories. #R##N#Google BERT is a deep bidirectional language model, pre-trained on large corpora that can be fine-tuned to solve many NLP tasks such as question answering, named entity recognition, part of speech tagging and etc. In this paper, we use the pre-trained deep bidirectional network, BERT, to make a model for named entity recognition in Persian. #R##N#We also compare the results of our model with the previous state of the art results achieved on Persian NER. Our evaluation metric is CONLL 2003 score in two levels of word and phrase. This model achieved second place in NSURL-2019 task 7 competition which associated with NER for the Persian language. our results in this competition are 83.5 and 88.4 f1 CONLL score respectively in phrase and word level evaluation.
rsvqa visual question answering for remote sensing data
This paper introduces the task of visual question answering for remote sensing data (RSVQA). Remote sensing images contain a wealth of information which can be useful for a wide range of tasks including land cover classification, object counting or detection. However, most of the available methodologies are task-specific, thus inhibiting generic and easy access to the information contained in remote sensing data. As a consequence, accurate remote sensing product generation still requires expert knowledge. With RSVQA, we propose a system to extract information from remote sensing data that is accessible to every user: we use questions formulated in natural language and use them to interact with the images. With the system, images can be queried to obtain high level information specific to the image content or relational dependencies between objects visible in the images. Using an automatic method introduced in this article, we built two datasets (using low and high resolution data) of image/question/answer triplets. The information required to build the questions and answers is queried from OpenStreetMap (OSM). The datasets can be used to train (when using supervised methods) and evaluate models to solve the RSVQA task. We report the results obtained by applying a model based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for the visual part and on a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for the natural language part to this task. The model is trained on the two datasets, yielding promising results in both cases.
active perception and representation for robotic manipulation
The vast majority of visual animals actively control their eyes, heads, and/or bodies to direct their gaze toward different parts of their environment. In contrast, recent applications of reinforcement learning in robotic manipulation employ cameras as passive sensors. These are carefully placed to view a scene from a fixed pose. Active perception allows animals to gather the most relevant information about the world and focus their computational resources where needed. It also enables them to view objects from different distances and viewpoints, providing a rich visual experience from which to learn abstract representations of the environment. Inspired by the primate visual-motor system, we present a framework that leverages the benefits of active perception to accomplish manipulation tasks. Our agent uses viewpoint changes to localize objects, to learn state representations in a self-supervised manner, and to perform goal-directed actions. We apply our model to a simulated grasping task with a 6-DoF action space. Compared to its passive, fixed-camera counterpart, the active model achieves 8% better performance in targeted grasping. Compared to vanilla deep Q-learning algorithms, our model is at least four times more sample-efficient, highlighting the benefits of both active perception and representation learning.
learning to be global optimizer
The advancement of artificial intelligence has cast a new light on the development of optimization algorithm. This paper proposes to learn a two-phase (including a minimization phase and an escaping phase) global optimization algorithm for smooth non-convex functions. For the minimization phase, a model-driven deep learning method is developed to learn the update rule of descent direction, which is formalized as a nonlinear combination of historical information, for convex functions. We prove that the resultant algorithm with the proposed adaptive direction guarantees convergence for convex functions. Empirical study shows that the learned algorithm significantly outperforms some well-known classical optimization algorithms, such as gradient descent, conjugate descent and BFGS, and performs well on ill-posed functions. The escaping phase from local optimum is modeled as a Markov decision process with a fixed escaping policy. We further propose to learn an optimal escaping policy by reinforcement learning. The effectiveness of the escaping policies is verified by optimizing synthesized functions and training a deep neural network for CIFAR image classification. The learned two-phase global optimization algorithm demonstrates a promising global search capability on some benchmark functions and machine learning tasks.
probabilistic partitive partitioning ppp
Clustering is a NP-hard problem. Thus, no optimal algorithm exists, heuristics are applied to cluster the data. Heuristics can be very resource-intensive, if not applied properly. For substantially large data sets computational efficiencies can be achieved by reducing the input space if a minimal loss of information can be achieved. Clustering algorithms, in general, face two common problems: 1) these converge to different settings with different initial conditions and; 2) the number of clusters has to be arbitrarily decided beforehand. This problem has become critical in the realm of big data. Recently, clustering algorithms have emerged which can speedup computations using parallel processing over the grid but face the aforementioned problems. Goals: Our goals are to find methods to cluster data which: 1) guarantee convergence to the same settings irrespective of the initial conditions; 2) eliminate the need to establish the number of clusters beforehand, and 3) can be applied to cluster large datasets. Methods: We introduce a method that combines probabilistic and combinatorial clustering methods to produce repeatable and compact clusters that are not sensitive to initial conditions. This method harnesses the power of k-means (a combinatorial clustering method) to cluster/partition very large dimensional datasets and uses the Gaussian Mixture Model (a probabilistic clustering method) to validate the k-means partitions. Results: We show that this method produces very compact clusters that are not sensitive to initial conditions. This method can be used to identify the most 'separable' set in a dataset which increases the 'clusterability' of a dataset. This method also eliminates the need to specify the number of clusters in advance.
robot playing kendama with model based and model free reinforcement learning
Several model-based and model-free methods have been proposed for the robot trajectory learning task. Both approaches have their benefits and drawbacks. They can usually complement each other. Many research works are trying to integrate some model-based and model-free methods into one algorithm and perform well in simulators or quasi-static robot tasks. Difficulties still exist when algorithms are used in particular trajectory learning tasks. In this paper, we propose a robot trajectory learning framework for precise tasks with discontinuous dynamics and high speed. The trajectories learned from the human demonstration are optimized by DDP and PoWER successively. The framework is tested on the Kendama manipulation task, which can also be difficult for humans to achieve. The results show that our approach can plan the trajectories to successfully complete the task.
joint coco and mapillary workshop at iccv 2019 keypoint detection challenge track technical report distribution aware coordinate representation for human pose estimation
In this paper, we focus on the coordinate representation in human pose estimation. While being the standard choice, heatmap based representation has not been systematically investigated. We found that the process of coordinate decoding (i.e. transforming the predicted heatmaps to the coordinates) is surprisingly significant for human pose estimation performance, which nevertheless was not recognised before. In light of the discovered importance, we further probe the design limitations of the standard coordinate decoding method and propose a principled distribution-aware decoding method. Meanwhile, we improve the standard coordinate encoding process (i.e. transforming ground-truth coordinates to heatmaps) by generating accurate heatmap distributions for unbiased model training. Taking them together, we formulate a novel Distribution-Aware coordinate Representation for Keypoint (DARK) method. Serving as a model-agnostic plug-in, DARK significantly improves the performance of a variety of state-of-the-art human pose estimation models. Extensive experiments show that DARK yields the best results on COCO keypoint detection challenge, validating the usefulness and effectiveness of our novel coordinate representation idea. The project page containing more details is at this https URL
the graphnet zoo a plug and play framework for deep semi supervised classification
We consider the problem of classifying a medical image dataset when we have a limited amounts of labels. This is very common yet challenging setting as labelled data is expensive, time consuming to collect and may require expert knowledge. The current classification go-to of deep supervised learning is unable to cope with such a problem setup. However, using semi-supervised learning, one can produce accurate classifications using a significantly reduced amount of labelled data. Therefore, semi-supervised learning is perfectly suited for medical image classification. However, there has almost been no uptake of semi-supervised methods in the medical domain. In this work, we propose a plug-and-play framework for deep semi-supervised classification focusing on graph based approaches, which up to our knowledge it is the first time that an approach with minimal labels has been shown to such an unprecedented scale. We introduce the concept of hybrid models by defining a classifier as a combination between a model-based functional and a deep net. We demonstrate, through extensive numerical comparisons, that our approach readily compete with fully-supervised state-of-the-art techniques for the applications of Malaria Cells, Mammograms and Chest X-ray classification whilst using far fewer labels.
localized flood detectionwith minimal labeled social media data using transfer learning
Social media generates an enormous amount of data on a daily basis but it is very challenging to effectively utilize the data without annotating or labeling it according to the target application. We investigate the problem of localized flood detection using the social sensing model (Twitter) in order to provide an efficient, reliable and accurate flood text classification model with minimal labeled data. This study is important since it can immensely help in providing the flood-related updates and notifications to the city officials for emergency decision making, rescue operations, and early warnings, etc. We propose to perform the text classification using the inductive transfer learning method i.e pre-trained language model ULMFiT and fine-tune it in order to effectively classify the flood-related feeds in any new location. Finally, we show that using very little new labeled data in the target domain we can successfully build an efficient and high performing model for flood detection and analysis with human-generated facts and observations from Twitter.
on the reproduction of real wireless channel occupancy in ns 3
In wireless networking R&D we typically depend on simulation and experimentation to evaluate and validate new networking solutions. While simulations allow full control over the scenario conditions, real-world experiments are influenced by external random phenomena and may produce hardly repeatable and reproducible results, impacting the validation of the solution under evaluation. Previously, we have proposed the Trace-based Simulation (TS) approach to address the problem. TS uses traces of radio link quality and position of nodes to accurately reproduce past experiments in ns-3. Yet, in its current version, the TS approach is not compatible with scenarios where the radio spectrum is shared with concurrent networks, as it does not reproduce their channel occupancy. In this paper, we introduce the InterferencePropagationLossModel and a modified MacLow to allow reproducing the channel occupancy experienced in past experiments. To validate the proposed models, the network throughput was measured in different experiments performed in the w-iLab.t testbed, controlling the channel occupancy introduced by concurrent networks. The experimental results were then compared with the network throughput achieved using the improved TS approach, the legacy TS approach, and pure simulation, validating the new proposed models and confirming their relevance to reproduce experiments previously executed in real environments.
communication efficient massive uav online path control federated learning meets mean field game theory
This paper investigates the control of a massive population of UAVs such as drones. The straightforward method of control of UAVs by considering the interactions among them to make a flock requires a huge inter-UAV communication which is impossible to implement in real-time applications. One method of control is to apply the mean-field game (MFG) framework which substantially reduces communications among the UAVs. However, to realize this framework, powerful processors are required to obtain the control laws at different UAVs. This requirement limits the usage of the MFG framework for real-time applications such as massive UAV control. Thus, a function approximator based on neural networks (NN) is utilized to approximate the solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) and Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov (FPK) equations. Nevertheless, using an approximate solution can violate the conditions for convergence of the MFG framework. Therefore, the federated learning (FL) approach which can share the model parameters of NNs at drones, is proposed with NN based MFG to satisfy the required conditions. The stability analysis of the NN based MFG approach is presented and the performance of the proposed FL-MFG is elaborated by the simulations.
four dimensional dominance range reporting in linear space
In this paper we study the four-dimensional dominance range reporting problem and present data structures with linear or almost-linear space usage. Our results can be also used to answer four-dimensional queries that are bounded on five sides. The first data structure presented in this paper uses linear space and answers queries in $O(\log^{1+\varepsilon}n + k\log^{\varepsilon} n)$ time, where $k$ is the number of reported points, $n$ is the number of points in the data structure, and $\varepsilon$ is an arbitrarily small positive constant. Our second data structure uses $O(n \log^{\varepsilon} n)$ space and answers queries in $O(\log n+k)$ time. #R##N#These are the first data structures for this problem that use linear (resp. $O(n\log^{\varepsilon} n)$) space and answer queries in poly-logarithmic time. For comparison the fastest previously known linear-space or $O(n\log^{\varepsilon} n)$-space data structure supports queries in $O(n^{\varepsilon} + k)$ time (Bentley and Mauer, 1980). Our results can be generalized to $d\ge 4$ dimensions. For example, we can answer $d$-dimensional dominance range reporting queries in $O(\log\log n (\log n/\log\log n)^{d-3} + k)$ time using $O(n\log^{d-4+\varepsilon}n)$ space. Compared to the fastest previously known result (Chan, 2013), our data structure reduces the space usage by $O(\log n)$ without increasing the query time.
teacher student chain for efficient semi supervised histology image classification
Deep learning shows great potential for the domain of digital pathology. An automated digital pathology system could serve as a second reader, perform initial triage in large screening studies, or assist in reporting. However, it is expensive to exhaustively annotate large histology image databases, since medical specialists are a scarce resource. In this paper, we apply the semi-supervised teacher-student knowledge distillation technique proposed by Yalniz et al. (2019) to the task of quantifying prognostic features in colorectal cancer. We obtain accuracy improvements through extending this approach to a chain of students, where each student's predictions are used to train the next student i.e. the student becomes the teacher. Using the chain approach, and only 0.5% labelled data (the remaining 99.5% in the unlabelled pool), we match the accuracy of training on 100% labelled data. At lower percentages of labelled data, similar gains in accuracy are seen, allowing some recovery of accuracy even from a poor initial choice of labelled training set. In conclusion, this approach shows promise for reducing the annotation burden, thus increasing the affordability of automated digital pathology systems.
a survey of adversarial learning on graphs
Deep learning models on graphs have achieved remarkable performance in various graph analysis tasks, e.g., node classification, link prediction and graph clustering. However, they expose uncertainty and unreliability against the well-designed inputs, i.e., adversarial examples. Accordingly, various studies have emerged for both attack and defense addressed in different graph analysis tasks, leading to the arms race in graph adversarial learning. For instance, the attacker has poisoning and evasion attack, and the defense group correspondingly has preprocessing- and adversarial- based methods. Despite the booming works, there still lacks a unified problem definition and a comprehensive review. To bridge this gap, we investigate and summarize the existing works on graph adversarial learning tasks systemically. Specifically, we survey and unify the existing works w.r.t. attack and defense in graph analysis tasks, and give proper definitions and taxonomies at the same time. Besides, we emphasize the importance of related evaluation metrics, and investigate and summarize them comprehensively. Hopefully, our works can serve as a reference for the relevant researchers, thus providing assistance for their studies. More details of our works are available at this https URL.
a simplified supreme being necessarily exists says the computer computationally explored variants of g odel s ontological argument
An approach to universal (meta-)logical reasoning in classical higher-order logic is employed to explore and study simplifications of Kurt G\"odel's modal ontological argument. Some argument premises are modified, others are dropped, modal collapse is avoided and validity is shown already in weak modal logics K and T. Key to the gained simplifications of G\"odel's original theory is the exploitation of a link to the notions of filter and ultrafilter from topology. The paper illustrates how modern knowledge representation and reasoning technology for quantified non-classical logics can contribute new knowledge to other disciplines. The contributed material is also well suited to support teaching of non-trivial logic formalisms in classroom.
hierarchical human parsing with typed part relation reasoning
Human parsing is for pixel-wise human semantic understanding. As human bodies are underlying hierarchically structured, how to model human structures is the central theme in this task. Focusing on this, we seek to simultaneously exploit the representational capacity of deep graph networks and the hierarchical human structures. In particular, we provide following two contributions. First, three kinds of part relations, i.e., decomposition, composition, and dependency, are, for the first time, completely and precisely described by three distinct relation networks. This is in stark contrast to previous parsers, which only focus on a portion of the relations and adopt a type-agnostic relation modeling strategy. More expressive relation information can be captured by explicitly imposing the parameters in the relation networks to satisfy the specific characteristics of different relations. Second, previous parsers largely ignore the need for an approximation algorithm over the loopy human hierarchy, while we instead address an iterative reasoning process, by assimilating generic message-passing networks with their edge-typed, convolutional counterparts. With these efforts, our parser lays the foundation for more sophisticated and flexible human relation patterns of reasoning. Comprehensive experiments on five datasets demonstrate that our parser sets a new state-of-the-art on each.
supporting interoperability between open source search engines with the common index file format
There exists a natural tension between encouraging a diverse ecosystem of open-source search engines and supporting fair, replicable comparisons across those systems. To balance these two goals, we examine two approaches to providing interoperability between the inverted indexes of several systems. The first takes advantage of internal abstractions around index structures and building wrappers that allow one system to directly read the indexes of another. The second involves sharing indexes across systems via a data exchange specification that we have developed, called the Common Index File Format (CIFF). We demonstrate the first approach with the Java systems Anserini and Terrier, and the second approach with Anserini, JASSv2, OldDog, PISA, and Terrier. Together, these systems provide a wide range of implementations and features, with different research goals. Overall, we recommend CIFF as a low-effort approach to support independent innovation while enabling the types of fair evaluations that are critical for driving the field forward.
tensorized random projections
We introduce a novel random projection technique for efficiently reducing the dimension of very high-dimensional tensors. Building upon classical results on Gaussian random projections and Johnson-Lindenstrauss transforms~(JLT), we propose two tensorized random projection maps relying on the tensor train~(TT) and CP decomposition format, respectively. The two maps offer very low memory requirements and can be applied efficiently when the inputs are low rank tensors given in the CP or TT format. Our theoretical analysis shows that the dense Gaussian matrix in JLT can be replaced by a low-rank tensor implicitly represented in compressed form with random factors, while still approximately preserving the Euclidean distance of the projected inputs. In addition, our results reveal that the TT format is substantially superior to CP in terms of the size of the random projection needed to achieve the same distortion ratio. Experiments on synthetic data validate our theoretical analysis and demonstrate the superiority of the TT decomposition.
slowly synchronizing automata and digraphs
We present several infinite series of synchronizing automata for which the minimum length of reset words is close to the square of the number of states. These automata are closely related to primitive digraphs with large exponent.
two tier prediction of stroke using artificial neural networks and support vector machines
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or stroke is the rapid loss of brain function due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. Statistically, stroke is the second leading cause of death. This has motivated us to suggest a two-tier system for predicting stroke; the first tier makes use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to predict the chances of a person suffering from stroke. The ANN is trained the using the values of various risk factors of stroke of several patients who had stroke. Once a person is classified as having a high risk of stroke, s/he undergoes another the tier-2 classification test where his/her neuro MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) is analysed to predict the chances of stroke. The tier-2 uses Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Haralick Textural features for feature extraction and SVM classifier for classification. We have obtained an accuracy of 96.67% in tier-1 and an accuracy of 70% in tier-2.
synthesis of control barrier functions using a supervised machine learning approach
Control barrier functions are mathematical constructs used to guarantee safety for robotic systems. When integrated as constraints in a quadratic programming optimization problem, instantaneous control synthesis with real-time performance demands can be achieved for robotics applications. Prevailing use has assumed full knowledge of the safety barrier functions, however there are cases where the safe regions must be estimated online from sensor measurements. In these cases, the corresponding barrier function must be synthesized online. This paper describes a learning framework for estimating control barrier functions from sensor data. Doing so affords system operation in unknown state space regions without compromising safety. Here, a support vector machine classifier provides the barrier function specification as determined by sets of safe and unsafe states obtained from sensor measurements. Theoretical safety guarantees are provided. Experimental ROS-based simulation results for an omnidirectional robot equipped with LiDAR demonstrate safe operation.
age of information for multicast transmission with fixed and random deadlines in iot systems
In this paper, we consider the multicast transmission of a real-time Internet of Things (IoT) system, where an access point (AP) transmits time-stamped status updates to multiple IoT devices. Different from the existing studies that only considered multicast transmission without deadlines, we enforce a deadline for the service time of each multicast status update, taking into account both the fixed and randomly distributed deadlines. In particular, a status update is dropped when either its deadline expires or it is successfully received by a certain number of IoT devices. Considering deadlines is important for many emerging IoT applications, where the outdated status updates are of no use to IoT devices. We evaluate the timeliness of the status update delivery by applying a recently proposed metric, named the age of information (AoI), which is defined as the time elapsed since the generation of the most recently received status update. After deriving the distributions of the service time for all possible reception outcomes at IoT devices, we manage to obtain the closed-form expressions of both the average AoI and the average peak AoI. Simulations validate the performance analysis, which reveals that the multicast transmission with deadlines achieves a lower average AoI than that without deadlines and there exists an optimal value of the deadline that can minimize the average (peak) AoI. Results also show that the fixed and random deadlines have respective advantages in different deadline regimes.
learning word referent mappings and concepts from raw inputs
How do children learn correspondences between the language and the world from noisy, ambiguous, naturalistic input? One hypothesis is via cross-situational learning: tracking words and their possible referents across multiple situations allows learners to disambiguate correct word-referent mappings (Yu & Smith, 2007). However, previous models of cross-situational word learning operate on highly simplified representations, side-stepping two important aspects of the actual learning problem. First, how can word-referent mappings be learned from raw inputs such as images? Second, how can these learned mappings generalize to novel instances of a known word? In this paper, we present a neural network model trained from scratch via self-supervision that takes in raw images and words as inputs, and show that it can learn word-referent mappings from fully ambiguous scenes and utterances through cross-situational learning. In addition, the model generalizes to novel word instances, locates referents of words in a scene, and shows a preference for mutual exclusivity.
hierarchical models intrinsic separability in high dimensions
It has long been noticed that high dimension data exhibits strange patterns. This has been variously interpreted as either a "blessing" or a "curse", causing uncomfortable inconsistencies in the literature. We propose that these patterns arise from an intrinsically hierarchical generative process. Modeling the process creates a web of constraints that reconcile many different theories and results. The model also implies high dimensional data posses an innate separability that can be exploited for machine learning. We demonstrate how this permits the open-set learning problem to be defined mathematically, leading to qualitative and quantitative improvements in performance.
g lbm generative low dimensional background model estimation from video sequences
In this paper, we propose a computationally tractable and theoretically supported non-linear low-dimensional generative model to represent real-world data in the presence of noise and sparse outliers. The non-linear low-dimensional manifold discovery of data is done through describing a joint distribution over observations, and their low-dimensional representations (i.e. manifold coordinates). Our model, called generative low-dimensional background model (G-LBM) admits variational operations on the distribution of the manifold coordinates and simultaneously generates a low-rank structure of the latent manifold given the data. Therefore, our probabilistic model contains the intuition of the non-probabilistic low-dimensional manifold learning. G-LBM selects the intrinsic dimensionality of the underling manifold of the observations, and its probabilistic nature models the noise in the observation data. G-LBM has direct application in the background scenes model estimation from video sequences and we have evaluated its performance on SBMnet-2016 and BMC2012 datasets, where it achieved a performance higher or comparable to other state-of-the-art methods while being agnostic to the background scenes in videos. Besides, in challenges such as camera jitter and background motion, G-LBM is able to robustly estimate the background by effectively modeling the uncertainties in video observations in these scenarios.
a novel and efficient algorithm to solve subset sum problem
In this paper we suggest analytical methods and associated algorithms for determining the sum of the subsets $X_m$ of the set $X_n$ (subset sum problem). Our algorithm has time complexity $T=O(C_{n}^{k})$ ($k=[m/2]$, which significantly improves upon all known algorithms. This algorithm is applicable to all NP-complete problems. Moreover, the algorithm has memory complexity $M=O(C_n^k)$, which makes our algorithm applicable to real-world problems. At first, we show how to use the algorithm for small dimensions $m=4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8$. After that we establish a general methodology for $m>8$. The main idea is to split the original set $X_n$ (the algorithm becomes even faster with sorted sets) into smaller subsets and use parallel computing. This approach might be a significant breakthrough towards finding an efficient solution to $NP$-complete problems. As a result, it opens a way to prove the $P$ versus NP problem (one of the seven Millennium Prize Problems).
adversarial perturbations of opinion dynamics in networks
We study the connections between network structure, opinion dynamics, and an adversary's power to artificially induce disagreements. We approach these questions by extending models of opinion formation in the social sciences to represent scenarios, familiar from recent events, in which external actors seek to destabilize communities through sophisticated information warfare tactics via fake news and bots. In many instances, the intrinsic goals of these efforts are not necessarily to shift the overall sentiment of the network, but rather to induce discord. These perturbations diffuse via opinion dynamics on the underlying network, through mechanisms that have been analyzed and abstracted through work in computer science and the social sciences. We investigate the properties of such attacks, considering optimal strategies both for the adversary seeking to create disagreement and for the entities tasked with defending the network from attack. We show that for different formulations of these types of objectives, different regimes of the spectral structure of the network will limit the adversary's capacity to sow discord; this enables us to qualitatively describe which networks are most vulnerable against these perturbations. We then consider the algorithmic task of a network defender to mitigate these sorts of adversarial attacks by insulating nodes heterogeneously; we show that, by considering the geometry of this problem, this optimization task can be efficiently solved via convex programming. Finally, we generalize these results to allow for two network structures, where the opinion dynamics process and the measurement of disagreement become uncoupled, and determine how the adversary's power changes; for instance, this may arise when opinion dynamics are controlled an online community via social media, while disagreement is measured along "real-world" connections.
a rotation invariant framework for deep point cloud analysis
Recently, many deep neural networks were designed to process 3D point clouds, but a common drawback is that rotation invariance is not ensured, leading to poor generalization to arbitrary orientations. In this paper, we introduce a new low-level purely rotation-invariant representation to replace common 3D Cartesian coordinates as the network inputs. Also, we present a network architecture to embed these representations into features, encoding local relations between points and their neighbors, and the global shape structure. To alleviate inevitable global information loss caused by the rotation-invariant representations, we further introduce a region relation convolution to encode local and non-local information. We evaluate our method on multiple point cloud analysis tasks, including shape classification, part segmentation, and shape retrieval. Experimental results show that our method achieves consistent, and also the best performance, on inputs at arbitrary orientations, compared with the state-of-the-arts.
sandwiches for promise constraint satisfaction
Promise Constraint Satisfaction Problems (PCSP) were proposed recently by Brakensiek and Guruswami arXiv:1704.01937 as a framework to study approximations for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP). Informally a PCSP asks to distinguish between whether a given instance of a CSP has a solution or not even a specified relaxation can be satisfied. All currently known tractable PCSPs can be reduced in a natural way to tractable CSPs. Barto arXiv:1909.04878 presented an example of a PCSP over Boolean structures for which this reduction requires solving a CSP over an infinite structure. We give a first example of a PCSP over Boolean structures which reduces to a tractable CSP over a structure of size $3$ but not smaller. Further we investigate properties of PCSPs that reduce to systems of linear equations or to CSPs over structures with semilattice or majority polymorphism.
ensei efficient secure inference via frequency domain homomorphic convolution for privacy preserving visual recognition
In this work, we propose ENSEI, a secure inference (SI) framework based on the frequency-domain secure convolution (FDSC) protocol for the efficient execution of privacy-preserving visual recognition. Our observation is that, under the combination of homomorphic encryption and secret sharing, homomorphic convolution can be obliviously carried out in the frequency domain, significantly simplifying the related computations. We provide protocol designs and parameter derivations for number-theoretic transform (NTT) based FDSC. In the experiment, we thoroughly study the accuracy-efficiency trade-offs between time- and frequency-domain homomorphic convolution. With ENSEI, compared to the best known works, we achieve 5--11x online time reduction, up to 33x setup time reduction, and up to 10x reduction in the overall inference time. A further 33% of bandwidth reductions can be obtained on binary neural networks with only 1% of accuracy degradation on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
action for better prediction
Good prediction is necessary for autonomous robotics to make informed decisions in dynamic environments. Improvements can be made to the performance of a given data-driven prediction model by using better sampling strategies when collecting training data. Active learning approaches to optimal sampling have been combined with the mathematically general approaches to incentivizing exploration presented in the curiosity literature via model-based formulations of curiosity. We present an adversarial curiosity method which maximizes a score given by a discriminator network. This score gives a measure of prediction certainty enabling our approach to sample sequences of observations and actions which result in outcomes considered the least realistic by the discriminator. We demonstrate the ability of our active sampling method to achieve higher prediction performance and higher sample efficiency in a domain transfer problem for robotic manipulation tasks. We also present a validation dataset of action-conditioned video of robotic manipulation tasks on which we test the prediction performance of our trained models.
domain adaptation with conditional distribution matching and generalized label shift
Adversarial learning has demonstrated good performance in the unsupervised domain adaptation setting, by learning domain-invariant representations that perform well on the source domain. However, recent work has underlined limitations of existing methods in the presence of mismatched label distributions between the source and target domains. In this paper, we extend a recent upper-bound on the performance of adversarial domain adaptation to multi-class classification and more general discriminators. We then propose generalized label shift (GLS) as a way to improve robustness against mismatched label distributions. GLS states that, conditioned on the label, there exists a representation of the input that is invariant between the source and target domains. Under GLS, we provide theoretical guarantees on the transfer performance of any classifier. We also devise necessary and sufficient conditions for GLS to hold. The conditions are based on the estimation of the relative class weights between domains and on an appropriate reweighting of samples. Guided by our theoretical insights, we modify three widely used algorithms, JAN, DANN and CDAN and evaluate their performance on standard domain adaptation tasks where our method outperforms the base versions. We also demonstrate significant gains on artificially created tasks with large divergences between their source and target label distributions.
discor corrective feedback in reinforcement learning via distribution correction
Deep reinforcement learning can learn effective policies for a wide range of tasks, but is notoriously difficult to use due to instability and sensitivity to hyperparameters. The reasons for this remain unclear. When using standard supervised methods (e.g., for bandits), on-policy data collection provides "hard negatives" that correct the model in precisely those states and actions that the policy is likely to visit. We call this phenomenon "corrective feedback." We show that bootstrapping-based Q-learning algorithms do not necessarily benefit from this corrective feedback, and training on the experience collected by the algorithm is not sufficient to correct errors in the Q-function. In fact, Q-learning and related methods can exhibit pathological interactions between the distribution of experience collected by the agent and the policy induced by training on that experience, leading to potential instability, sub-optimal convergence, and poor results when learning from noisy, sparse or delayed rewards. We demonstrate the existence of this problem, both theoretically and empirically. We then show that a specific correction to the data distribution can mitigate this issue. Based on these observations, we propose a new algorithm, DisCor, which computes an approximation to this optimal distribution and uses it to re-weight the transitions used for training, resulting in substantial improvements in a range of challenging RL settings, such as multi-task learning and learning from noisy reward signals. Blog post presenting a summary of this work is available at: this https URL.
adversarial active exploration for inverse dynamics model learning
We present an adversarial active exploration for inverse dynamics model learning, a simple yet effective learning scheme that incentivizes exploration in an environment without any human intervention. Our framework consists of a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agent and an inverse dynamics model contesting with each other. The former collects training samples for the latter, with an objective to maximize the error of the latter. The latter is trained with samples collected by the former, and generates rewards for the former when it fails to predict the actual action taken by the former. In such a competitive setting, the DRL agent learns to generate samples that the inverse dynamics model fails to predict correctly, while the inverse dynamics model learns to adapt to the challenging samples. We further propose a reward structure that ensures the DRL agent to collect only moderately hard samples but not overly hard ones that prevent the inverse model from predicting effectively. We evaluate the effectiveness of our method on several robotic arm and hand manipulation tasks against multiple baseline models. Experimental results show that our method is comparable to those directly trained with expert demonstrations, and superior to the other baselines even without any human priors.
video2commonsense generating commonsense descriptions to enrich video captioning
Captioning is a crucial and challenging task for video understanding. In videos that involve active agents such as humans, the agent's actions can bring about myriad changes in the scene. These changes can be observable, such as movements, manipulations, and transformations of the objects in the scene -- these are reflected in conventional video captioning. However, unlike images, actions in videos are also inherently linked to social and commonsense aspects such as intentions (why the action is taking place), attributes (such as who is doing the action, on whom, where, using what etc.) and effects (how the world changes due to the action, the effect of the action on other agents). Thus for video understanding, such as when captioning videos or when answering question about videos, one must have an understanding of these commonsense aspects. We present the first work on generating \textit{commonsense} captions directly from videos, in order to describe latent aspects such as intentions, attributes, and effects. We present a new dataset "Video-to-Commonsense (V2C)" that contains 9k videos of human agents performing various actions, annotated with 3 types of commonsense descriptions. Additionally we explore the use of open-ended video-based commonsense question answering (V2C-QA) as a way to enrich our captions. We finetune our commonsense generation models on the V2C-QA task where we ask questions about the latent aspects in the video. Both the generation task and the QA task can be used to enrich video captions.
robust comparison in population protocols
There has recently been a surge of interest in the computational and complexity properties of the population model, which assumes $n$ anonymous, computationally-bounded nodes, interacting at random, and attempting to jointly compute global predicates. In particular, a significant amount of work, has gone towards investigating majority and consensus dynamics in this model: assuming that each node is initially in one of two states $X$ or $Y$, determine which state had higher initial count. #R##N#In this paper, we consider a natural generalization of majority/consensus, which we call comparison. We are given two baseline states, $X_0$ and $Y_0$, present in any initial configuration in fixed, possibly small counts. Importantly, one of these states has higher count than the other: we will assume $|X_0| \ge C |Y_0|$ for some constant $C$. The challenge is to design a protocol which can quickly and reliably decide on which of the baseline states $X_0$ and $Y_0$ has higher initial count. #R##N#We propose a simple algorithm solving comparison: the baseline algorithm uses $O(\log n)$ states per node, and converges in $O(\log n)$ (parallel) time, with high probability, to a state where whole population votes on opinions $X$ or $Y$ at rates proportional to initial $|X_0|$ vs. $|Y_0|$ concentrations. We then describe how such output can be then used to solve comparison. The algorithm is self-stabilizing, in the sense that it converges to the correct decision even if the relative counts of baseline states $X_0$ and $Y_0$ change dynamically during the execution, and leak-robust, in the sense that it can withstand spurious faulty reactions. Our analysis relies on a new martingale concentration result which relates the evolution of a population protocol to its expected (steady-state) analysis, which should be broadly applicable in the context of population protocols and opinion dynamics.
efficient backbone search for scene text recognition
Scene text recognition (STR) is very challenging due to the diversity of text instances and the complexity of scenes. The community has paid increasing attention to boost the performance by improving the pre-processing image module, like rectification and deblurring, or the sequence translator. However, another critical module, i.e., the feature sequence extractor, has not been extensively explored. In this work, inspired by the success of neural architecture search (NAS), which can identify better architectures than human-designed ones, we propose automated STR (AutoSTR) to search data-dependent backbones to boost text recognition performance. First, we design a domain-specific search space for STR, which contains both choices on operations and constraints on the downsampling path. Then, we propose a two-step search algorithm, which decouples operations and downsampling path, for an efficient search in the given space. Experiments demonstrate that, by searching data-dependent backbones, AutoSTR can outperform the state-of-the-art approaches on standard benchmarks with much fewer FLOPS and model parameters.
depara deep attribution graph for deep knowledge transferability
Exploring the intrinsic interconnections between the knowledge encoded in PRe-trained Deep Neural Networks (PR-DNNs) of heterogeneous tasks sheds light on their mutual transferability, and consequently enables knowledge transfer from one task to another so as to reduce the training effort of the latter. In this paper, we propose the DEeP Attribution gRAph (DEPARA) to investigate the transferability of knowledge learned from PR-DNNs. In DEPARA, nodes correspond to the inputs and are represented by their vectorized attribution maps with regards to the outputs of the PR-DNN. Edges denote the relatedness between inputs and are measured by the similarity of their features extracted from the PR-DNN. The knowledge transferability of two PR-DNNs is measured by the similarity of their corresponding DEPARAs. We apply DEPARA to two important yet under-studied problems in transfer learning: pre-trained model selection and layer selection. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method in solving both these problems. Code, data and models reproducing the results in this paper are available at \url{this https URL}.
tttttackling winogrande schemas
We applied the T5 sequence-to-sequence model to tackle the AI2 WinoGrande Challenge by decomposing each example into two input text strings, each containing a hypothesis, and using the probabilities assigned to the "entailment" token as a score of the hypothesis. Our first (and only) submission to the official leaderboard yielded 0.7673 AUC on March 13, 2020, which is the best known result at this time and beats the previous state of the art by over five points.
heterogeneous temporal graph convolutional networks make the community detection much better
Community detection has long been an important yet challenging task to analyze complex networks with a focus on detecting topological structures of graph data. Essentially, real-world graph data contains various features, node and edge types which dynamically vary over time, and this invalidates most existing community detection approaches. To cope with these issues, this paper proposes the heterogeneous-temporal graph convolutional networks (HTGCN) to detect communities from hetergeneous and temporal graphs. Particularly, we first design a heterogeneous GCN component to acquire feature representations for each heterogeneous graph at each time step. Then, a residual compressed aggregation component is proposed to represent "dynamic" features for "varying" communities, which are then aggregated with "static" features extracted from current graph. Extensive experiments are evaluated on two real-world datasets, i.e., DBLP and IMDB. The promising results demonstrate that the proposed HTGCN is superior to both benchmark and the state-of-the-art approaches, e.g., GCN, GAT, GNN, LGNN, HAN and STAR, with respect to a number of evaluation criteria.
laxary a trustworthy explainable twitter analysis model for post traumatic stress disorder assessment
Veteran mental health is a significant national problem as large number of veterans are returning from the recent war in Iraq and continued military presence in Afghanistan. While significant existing works have investigated twitter posts-based Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) assessment using blackbox machine learning techniques, these frameworks cannot be trusted by the clinicians due to the lack of clinical explainability. To obtain the trust of clinicians, we explore the big question, can twitter posts provide enough information to fill up clinical PTSD assessment surveys that have been traditionally trusted by clinicians? To answer the above question, we propose, LAXARY (Linguistic Analysis-based Exaplainable Inquiry) model, a novel Explainable Artificial Intelligent (XAI) model to detect and represent PTSD assessment of twitter users using a modified Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) analysis. First, we employ clinically validated survey tools for collecting clinical PTSD assessment data from real twitter users and develop a PTSD Linguistic Dictionary using the PTSD assessment survey results. Then, we use the PTSD Linguistic Dictionary along with machine learning model to fill up the survey tools towards detecting PTSD status and its intensity of corresponding twitter users. Our experimental evaluation on 210 clinically validated veteran twitter users provides promising accuracies of both PTSD classification and its intensity estimation. We also evaluate our developed PTSD Linguistic Dictionary's reliability and validity.
cooperation without coordination hierarchical predictive planning for decentralized multiagent navigation
Decentralized multiagent planning raises many challenges, such as adaption to changing environments inexplicable by the agent's own behavior, coordination from noisy sensor inputs like lidar, cooperation without knowing other agents' intents. To address these challenges, we present hierarchical predictive planning (HPP) for decentralized multiagent navigation tasks. HPP learns prediction models for itself and other teammates, and uses the prediction models to propose and evaluate navigation goals that complete the cooperative task without explicit coordination. To learn the prediction models, HPP observes other agents' behavior and learns to maps own sensors to predicted locations of other agents. HPP then uses the cross-entropy method to iteratively propose, evaluate, and improve navigation goals, under assumption that all agents in the team share a common objective. HPP removes the need for a centralized operator (i.e. robots determine their own actions without coordinating their beliefs or plans) and can be trained and easily transferred to real world environments. The results show that HPP generalizes to new environments including real-world robot team. It is also 33x more sample efficient and performs better in complex environments compared to a baseline. The video and website for this paper can be found at this https URL and this https URL.
automatically proving microkernels free from privilege escalation from their executable
Operating system kernels are the security keystone of most computer systems, as they provide the core protection mechanisms. Kernels are in particular responsible for their own security, i.e. they must prevent untrusted user tasks from reaching their level of privilege. We demonstrate that proving such absence of privilege escalation is a pre-requisite for any definitive security proof of the kernel. While prior OS kernel formal verifications were performed either on source code or crafted kernels, with manual or semi-automated methods requiring significant human efforts in annotations or proofs, we show that it is possible to compute such kernel security proofs using fully-automated methods and starting from the executable code of an existing microkernel with no modification, thus formally verifying absence of privilege escalation with high confidence for a low cost. We applied our method on two embedded microkernels, including the industrial kernel AnonymOS: with only 58 lines of annotation and less than 10 minutes of computation, our method finds a vulnerability in a first (buggy) version of AnonymOS and verifies absence of privilege escalation in a second (secure) version.
coexistence mechanism between embb and urllc in 5g wireless networks
uRLLC and eMBB are two influential services of the emerging 5G cellular network. Latency and reliability are major concerns for uRLLC applications, whereas eMBB services claim for the maximum data rates. Owing to the trade-off among latency, reliability and spectral efficiency, sharing of radio resources between eMBB and uRLLC services, heads to a challenging scheduling dilemma. In this paper, we study the co-scheduling problem of eMBB and uRLLC traffic based upon the puncturing technique. Precisely, we formulate an optimization problem aiming to maximize the MEAR of eMBB UEs while fulfilling the provisions of the uRLLC traffic. We decompose the original problem into two sub-problems, namely scheduling problem of eMBB UEs and uRLLC UEs while prevailing objective unchanged. Radio resources are scheduled among the eMBB UEs on a time slot basis, whereas it is handled for uRLLC UEs on a mini-slot basis. Moreover, for resolving the scheduling issue of eMBB UEs, we use PSUM based algorithm, whereas the optimal TM is adopted for solving the same problem of uRLLC UEs. Furthermore, a heuristic algorithm is also provided to solve the first sub-problem with lower complexity. Finally, the significance of the proposed approach over other baseline approaches is established through numerical analysis in terms of the MEAR and fairness scores of the eMBB UEs.
category wise attack transferable adversarial examples for anchor free object detection
Deep neural networks have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks: sutle perturbations can completely change the classification results. Their vulnerability has led to a surge of research in this direction. However, most works dedicated to attacking anchor-based object detection models. In this work, we aim to present an effective and efficient algorithm to generate adversarial examples to attack anchor-free object models based on two approaches. First, we conduct category-wise instead of instance-wise attacks on the object detectors. Second, we leverage the high-level semantic information to generate the adversarial examples. Surprisingly, the generated adversarial examples it not only able to effectively attack the targeted anchor-free object detector but also to be transferred to attack other object detectors, even anchor-based detectors such as Faster R-CNN.
a real polynomial for bipartite graph minimum weight perfect matchings
In a recent paper, Beniamini and Nisan \cite{Beniamini2020bipartite} gave a closed-form formula for the unique multilinear polynomial for the Boolean function determining whether a given bipartite graph $G \subseteq K_{n,n}$ has a perfect matching, together with an efficient algorithm for computing its terms. We give the following generalization: Given an arbitrary non-negative weight function $w$ on the edges of $K_{n,n}$, consider its set of minimum weight perfect matchings. We give the real multilinear polynomial for the Boolean function which determines if a graph $G \subseteq K_{n,n}$ contains one of these minimum weight perfect matchings.
the shapeshifter a morphing multi agent multi modal robotic platform for the exploration of titan preprint version
In this report for the Nasa NIAC Phase I study, we present a mission architecture and a robotic platform, the Shapeshifter, that allow multi-domain and redundant mobility on Saturn's moon Titan, and potentially other bodies with atmospheres. The Shapeshifter is a collection of simple and affordable robotic units, called Cobots, comparable to personal palm-size quadcopters. By attaching and detaching with each other, multiple Cobots can shape-shift into novel structures, capable of (a) rolling on the surface, to increase the traverse range, (b) flying in a flight array formation, and (c) swimming on or under liquid. A ground station complements the robotic platform, hosting science instrumentation and providing power to recharge the batteries of the Cobots. Our Phase I study had the objective of providing an initial assessment of the feasibility of the proposed robotic platform architecture, and in particular (a) to characterize the expected science return of a mission to the Sotra-Patera region on Titan; (b) to verify the mechanical and algorithmic feasibility of building a multi-agent platform capable of flying, docking, rolling and un-docking; (c) to evaluate the increased range and efficiency of rolling on Titan w.r.t to flying; (d) to define a case-study of a mission for the exploration of the cryovolcano Sotra-Patera on Titan, whose expected variety of geological features challenges conventional mobility platforms.
voter verification of bmd ballots is a two part question can they mostly they can do they mostly they don t
The question of whether or not voters actually verify ballots produced by ballot marking devices (BMDs) is presently the subject of some controversy. Recent studies (e.g., Bernhard, et al. 2020) suggest the verification rate is low. What is not clear from previous research is whether this is more a result of voters being unable to do so accurately or whether this is because voters simply choose not to attempt verification in the first place. In order to understand this problem, we conducted an experiment in which 108 participants participated in a mock election where the BMD displayed the voters' true choices, but then changed a subset of those choices on the printed ballot. The design of the printed ballot, the length of the ballot, the number of changes that were made to the ballot, the location of those changes, and the instructions provided to the voters were manipulated as part of the experiment. Results indicated that of those voters who chose to examine the printed ballot, 76% detected anomalies, indicating that voters can reliably detect errors on their ballot if they will simply review it. This suggests that administrative remedies, rather than attempts to alter fundamental human perceptual capabilities, could be employed to encourage voters to check their ballots, which could prove as an effective countermeasure.
dazsl dynamic attributes for zero shot learning
Inspired by earlier applications to still images, zero-shot activity recognition has largely focused on image-derived representations without regard to the video's temporal aspect. Since these methods cannot capture the time evolution of an activity, reversible actions such as entering and exiting a car are often indistinguishable. In this work, we present a simple and elegant framework for modeling activities using dynamic attribute signatures. We show that specifying temporal structure greatly increases zero-shot systems' discriminative power. We also extend our method to form the first framework to our knowledge for zero-shot joint segmentation and classification of activities in videos. We evaluate our method on the Olympic Sports and UCF101 datasets, where our model establishes a new state of the art under multiple experimental paradigms. We also demonstrate the first results in zero-shot decoding of complex action sequences on a widely-used surgical dataset. Lastly, we show that we can even eliminate the need to train attribute detectors by using off-the-shelf object detectors to recognize activities in challenging security footage.
probabilistic future prediction for video scene understanding
We present a novel deep learning architecture for probabilistic future prediction from video. We predict the future semantics, geometry and motion of complex real-world urban scenes and use this representation to control an autonomous vehicle. This work is the first to jointly predict ego-motion, static scene, and the motion of dynamic agents in a probabilistic manner, which allows sampling consistent, highly probable futures from a compact latent space. Our model learns a representation from RGB video with a spatio-temporal convolutional module. The learned representation can be explicitly decoded to future semantic segmentation, depth, and optical flow, in addition to being an input to a learnt driving policy. To model the stochasticity of the future, we introduce a conditional variational approach which minimises the divergence between the present distribution (what could happen given what we have seen) and the future distribution (what we observe actually happens). During inference, diverse futures are generated by sampling from the present distribution.
high resolution speaker counting in reverberant rooms using crnn with ambisonics features
Speaker counting is the task of estimating the number of people that are simultaneously speaking in an audio recording. For several audio processing tasks such as speaker diarization, separation, localization and tracking, knowing the number of speakers at each timestep is a prerequisite, or at least it can be a strong advantage, in addition to enabling a low latency processing. For that purpose, we address the speaker counting problem with a multichannel convolutional recurrent neural network which produces an estimation at a short-term frame resolution. We trained the network to predict up to 5 concurrent speakers in a multichannel mixture, with simulated data including many different conditions in terms of source and microphone positions, reverberation, and noise. The network can predict the number of speakers with good accuracy at frame resolution.
rainy screens collecting rainy datasets indoors
Acquisition of data with adverse conditions in robotics is a cumbersome task due to the difficulty in guaranteeing proper ground truth and synchronising with desired weather conditions. In this paper, we present a simple method - recording a high resolution screen - for generating diverse rainy images from existing clear ground-truth images that is domain- and source-agnostic, simple and scales up. This setup allows us to leverage the diversity of existing datasets with auxiliary task ground-truth data, such as semantic segmentation, object positions etc. We generate rainy images with real adherent droplets and rain streaks based on Cityscapes and BDD, and train a de-raining model. We present quantitative results for image reconstruction and semantic segmentation, and qualitative results for an out-of-sample domain, showing that models trained with our data generalize well.
imperialist competitive algorithm with independence and constrained assimilation for solving 0 1 multidimensional knapsack problem
The multidimensional knapsack problem is a well-known constrained optimization problem with many real-world engineering applications. In order to solve this NP-hard problem, a new modified Imperialist Competitive Algorithm with Constrained Assimilation (ICAwICA) is presented. The proposed algorithm introduces the concept of colony independence, a free will to choose between classical ICA assimilation to empires imperialist or any other imperialist in the population. Furthermore, a constrained assimilation process has been implemented that combines classical ICA assimilation and revolution operators, while maintaining population diversity. This work investigates the performance of the proposed algorithm across 101 Multidimensional Knapsack Problem (MKP) benchmark instances. Experimental results show that the algorithm is able to obtain an optimal solution in all small instances and presents very competitive results for large MKP instances.
faster minimization of tardy processing newline time on a single machine
This paper is concerned with the $1||\sum p_jU_j$ problem, the problem of minimizing the total processing time of tardy jobs on a single machine. This is not only a fundamental scheduling problem, but also a very important problem from a theoretical point of view as it generalizes the Subset Sum problem and is closely related to the 0/1-Knapsack problem. The problem is well-known to be NP-hard, but only in a weak sense, meaning it admits pseudo-polynomial time algorithms. The fastest known pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for the problem is the famous Lawler and Moore algorithm which runs in $O(P \cdot n)$ time, where $P$ is the total processing time of all $n$ jobs in the input. This algorithm has been developed in the late 60s, and has yet to be improved to date. #R##N#In this paper we develop two new algorithms for $1||\sum p_jU_j$, each improving on Lawler and Moore's algorithm in a different scenario. Both algorithms rely on basic primitive operations between sets of integers and vectors of integers for the speedup in their running times. The second algorithm relies on fast polynomial multiplication as its main engine, while for the first algorithm we define a new "skewed" version of $(\max,\min)$-convolution which is interesting in its own right.
vyper a security comparison with solidity based on common vulnerabilities
Vyper has been proposed as a new high-level language for Ethereum smart contract development due to numerous security vulnerabilities and attacks witnessed on contracts written in Solidity since the system's inception. Vyper aims to address these vulnerabilities by providing a language that is aimed at simplicity, auditability and security. We present a survey where we study how some of the most well-known vulnerabilities in Solidity feature in Vyper's development environment. We analyze all such vulnerabilities individually and classify them into five groups based on their status in Vyper. To the best of our knowledge, the present survey is the only attempt to study security vulnerabilities in Vyper to date.
the newer college dataset handheld lidar inertial and vision with ground truth
In this paper we present a large dataset with a variety of mobile mapping sensors collected using a handheld device carried at typical walking speeds for nearly 2.2 km through New College, Oxford. The dataset includes data from two commercially available devices - a stereoscopic-inertial camera and a multi-beam 3D LiDAR, which also provides inertial measurements. Additionally, we used a tripod-mounted survey grade LiDAR scanner to capture a detailed millimeter-accurate 3D map of the test location (containing $\sim$290 million points). Using the map we inferred centimeter-accurate 6 Degree of Freedom (DoF) ground truth for the position of the device for each LiDAR scan to enable better evaluation of LiDAR and vision localisation, mapping and reconstruction systems. This ground truth is the particular novel contribution of this dataset and we believe that it will enable systematic evaluation which many similar datasets have lacked. The dataset combines both built environments, open spaces and vegetated areas so as to test localization and mapping systems such as vision-based navigation, visual and LiDAR SLAM, 3D LIDAR reconstruction and appearance-based place recognition. The dataset is available at: ori.ox.ac.uk/datasets/newer-college-dataset
anomalous instance detection in deep learning a survey
Deep Learning (DL) is vulnerable to out-of-distribution and adversarial examples resulting in incorrect outputs. To make DL more robust, several posthoc anomaly detection techniques to detect (and discard) these anomalous samples have been proposed in the recent past. This survey tries to provide a structured and comprehensive overview of the research on anomaly detection for DL based applications. We provide a taxonomy for existing techniques based on their underlying assumptions and adopted approaches. We discuss various techniques in each of the categories and provide the relative strengths and weaknesses of the approaches. Our goal in this survey is to provide an easier yet better understanding of the techniques belonging to different categories in which research has been done on this topic. Finally, we highlight the unsolved research challenges while applying anomaly detection techniques in DL systems and present some high-impact future research directions.
recovery analysis of damped spectrally sparse signals and its relation to music
One of the classical approaches for estimating the frequencies and damping factors in a spectrally sparse signal is the MUSIC algorithm, which exploits the low-rank structure of an autocorrelation matrix. Low-rank matrices have also received considerable attention recently in the context of optimization algorithms with partial observations, and nuclear norm minimization (NNM) has been widely used as a popular heuristic of rank minimization for low-rank matrix recovery problems. On the other hand, it has been shown that NNM can be viewed as a special case of atomic norm minimization (ANM), which has achieved great success in solving line spectrum estimation problems. However, as far as we know, the general ANM (not NNM) considered in many existing works can only handle frequency estimation in undamped sinusoids. In this work, we aim to fill this gap and deal with damped spectrally sparse signal recovery problems. In particular, inspired by the dual analysis used in ANM, we offer a novel optimization-based perspective on the classical MUSIC algorithm and propose an algorithm for spectral estimation that involves searching for the peaks of the dual polynomial corresponding to a certain NNM problem, and we show that this algorithm is in fact equivalent to MUSIC itself. Building on this connection, we also extend the classical MUSIC algorithm to the missing data case. We provide exact recovery guarantees for our proposed algorithms and quantify how the sample complexity depends on the true spectral parameters. In particular, we provide a parameter-specific recovery bound for low-rank matrix recovery of jointly sparse signals rather than use certain incoherence properties as in existing literature. Simulation results also indicate that the proposed algorithms significantly outperform some relevant existing methods (e.g., ANM) in frequency estimation of damped exponentials.
sphere constraint based enumeration methods to analyze the minimum weight distribution of polar codes
In this paper, the minimum weight distributions (MWDs) of polar codes and concatenated polar codes are exactly enumerated according to the distance property of codewords. We first propose a sphere constraint based enumeration method (SCEM) to analyze the MWD of polar codes with moderate complexity. The SCEM exploits the distance property that all the codewords with the identical Hamming weight are distributed on a spherical shell. Then, based on the SCEM and the Plotkin's construction of polar codes, a sphere constraint based recursive enumeration method (SCREM) is proposed to recursively calculate the MWD with a lower complexity. Finally, we propose a parity-check SCEM (PC-SCEM) to analyze the MWD of concatenated polar codes by introducing the parity-check equations of outer codes. Moreover, due to the distance property of codewords, the proposed three methods can exactly enumerate all the codewords belonging to the MWD. The enumeration results show that the SCREM can enumerate the MWD of polar codes with code length up to $2^{14}$ and the PC-SCEM can be used to optimize CRC-polar concatenated codes.
deep adaptive semantic logic dasl compiling declarative knowledge into deep neural networks
We introduce Deep Adaptive Semantic Logic (DASL), a novel framework for automating the generation of deep neural networks that incorporates user-provided formal knowledge to improve learning from data. We provide formal semantics that demonstrate that our knowledge representation captures all of first order logic and that finite sampling from infinite domains converges to correct truth values. DASL's representation improves on prior neural-symbolic work by avoiding vanishing gradients, allowing deeper logical structure, and enabling richer interactions between the knowledge and learning components. We illustrate DASL through a toy problem in which we add structure to an image classification problem and demonstrate that knowledge of that structure reduces data requirements by a factor of $1000$. We then evaluate DASL on a visual relationship detection task and demonstrate that the addition of commonsense knowledge improves performance by $10.7\%$ in a data scarce setting.
deep blind video super resolution
Existing video super-resolution (SR) algorithms usually assume that the blur kernels in the degradation process are known and do not model the blur kernels in the restoration. However, this assumption does not hold for video SR and usually leads to over-smoothed super-resolved images. In this paper, we propose a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) model to solve video SR by a blur kernel modeling approach. The proposed deep CNN model consists of motion blur estimation, motion estimation, and latent image restoration modules. The motion blur estimation module is used to provide reliable blur kernels. With the estimated blur kernel, we develop an image deconvolution method based on the image formation model of video SR to generate intermediate latent images so that some sharp image contents can be restored well. However, the generated intermediate latent images may contain artifacts. To generate high-quality images, we use the motion estimation module to explore the information from adjacent frames, where the motion estimation can constrain the deep CNN model for better image restoration. We show that the proposed algorithm is able to generate clearer images with finer structural details. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods.
optimizations to the parallel breath first search on distributed memory
Graphs and their traversal is becoming significant as it is applicable to various areas of mathematics, science and technology. Various problems in fields as varied as biochemistry (genomics), electrical engineering (communication networks), computer science (algorithms and computation) can be modeled as Graph problems. Real world scenarios including communities their interconnections and related properties can be studied using graphs. So fast, scalable, low-cost execution of parallel graph algorithms is very important. In this implementation of parallel breadth first search of graphs, we implemented Parallel BFS algorithm with 1-D partitioning of graph as described in [2] and have reduced execution time by optimizing communication for local buffers.
option discovery in the absence of rewards with manifold analysis
Options have been shown to be an effective tool in reinforcement learning, facilitating improved exploration and learning. In this paper, we present an approach based on spectral graph theory and derive an algorithm that systematically discovers options without access to a specific reward or task assignment. As opposed to the common practice used in previous methods, our algorithm makes full use of the spectrum of the graph Laplacian. Incorporating modes associated with higher graph frequencies unravels domain subtleties, which are shown to be useful for option discovery. Using geometric and manifold-based analysis, we present a theoretical justification for the algorithm. In addition, we showcase its performance in several domains, demonstrating clear improvements compared to competing methods.
predicting the amount of gdpr fines
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was enforced in 2018. After this enforcement, many fines have already been imposed by national data protection authorities in the European Union (EU). This paper examines the individual GDPR articles referenced in the enforcement decisions, as well as predicts the amount of enforcement fines with available meta-data and text mining features extracted from the enforcement decision documents. According to the results, articles related to the general principles, lawfulness, and information security have been the most frequently referenced ones. Although the amount of fines imposed vary across the articles referenced, these three particular articles do not stand out. Furthermore, good predictions are attainable even with simple machine learning techniques for regression analysis. Basic meta-data (such as the articles referenced and the country of origin) yields slightly better performance compared to the text mining features.
dynamic spatiotemporal graph neural network with tensor network
Dynamic spatial graph construction is a challenge in graph neural network (GNN) for time series data problems. Although some adaptive graphs are conceivable, only a 2D graph is embedded in the network to reflect the current spatial relation, regardless of all the previous situations. In this work, we generate a spatial tensor graph (STG) to collect all the dynamic spatial relations, as well as a temporal tensor graph (TTG) to find the latent pattern along time at each node. These two tensor graphs share the same nodes and edges, which leading us to explore their entangled correlations by Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) to optimize the two graphs. We experimentally compare the accuracy and time costing with the state-of-the-art GNN based methods on the public traffic datasets.
mmlsh a practical and efficient technique for processing approximate nearest neighbor queries on multimedia data
Many large multimedia applications require efficient processing of nearest neighbor queries. Often, multimedia data are represented as a collection of important high-dimensional feature vectors. Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) is a very popular approximate technique for finding nearest neighbors in high-dimensional spaces. In order to find top-k similar multimedia objects, existing LSH techniques require users to find top-k similar feature vectors for each of the feature vectors that represent the query object. This leads to wasted and redundant work due to two main reasons: 1) not all feature vectors may contribute equally in finding the top-k similar multimedia objects, and 2) feature vectors are treated independently during query processing. Additionally, there is no theoretical guarantee on the returned multimedia results. In this work, we propose a practical and efficient indexing approach for finding top-k approximate nearest neighbors for multimedia data using LSH, called mmLSH. In mmLSH, we present novel strategies to find nearest neighbor objects for a given multimedia object query. We also provide theoretical guarantees on the returned multimedia results. Additionally, we present a buffer-conscious strategy to speedup the query processing. Experimental evaluation shows significant gains in performance time and accuracy for different real multimedia datasets when compared against state-of-the-art LSH techniques.
magic the gathering is as hard as arithmetic
Magic: the Gathering is a popular and famously complicated card game about magical combat. Recently, several authors including Chatterjee and Ibsen-Jensen (2016) and Churchill, Biderman, and Herrick (2019) have investigated the computational complexity of playing Magic optimally. In this paper we show that the ``mate-in-$n$'' problem for Magic is $\Delta^0_n$-hard and that optimal play in two-player Magic is non-arithmetic in general. These results apply to how real Magic is played, can be achieved using standard-size tournament legal decks, and do not rely on stochasticity or hidden information. Our paper builds upon the construction that Churchill, Biderman, and Herrick (2019) used to show that this problem was at least as hard as the halting problem.
channel attention with embedding gaussian process a probabilistic methodology
Channel attention mechanisms, as the key components of some modern convolutional neural networks (CNNs) architectures, have been commonly used in many visual tasks for effective performance improvement. It is able to reinforce the informative channels and to suppress useless channels of feature maps obtained by CNNs. Recently, different attention modules have been proposed, which are implemented in various ways. However, they are mainly based on convolution and pooling operations, which are lack of intuitive and reasonable insights about the principles that they are based on. Moreover, the ways that they improve the performance of the CNNs is not clear either. In this paper, we propose a Gaussian process embedded channel attention (GPCA) module and interpret the channel attention intuitively and reasonably in a probabilistic way. The GPCA module is able to model the correlations from channels which are assumed as beta distributed variables with Gaussian process prior. As the beta distribution is intractably integrated into the end-to-end training of the CNNs, we utilize an appropriate approximation of the beta distribution to make the distribution assumption implemented easily. In this case, the proposed GPCA module can be integrated into the end-to-end training of the CNNs. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed GPCA module can improve the accuracies of image classification on four widely used datasets.
interleaved weighted round robin a network calculus analysis
Weighted Round-Robin (WRR) is often used, due to its simplicity, for scheduling packets or tasks. With WRR, a number of packets equal to the weight allocated to a flow can be served consecutively, which leads to a bursty service. Interleaved Weighted Round-Robin (IWRR) is a variant that mitigates this effect. We are interested in finding bounds on worst-case delay obtained with IWRR. To this end, we use a network calculus approach and find a strict service curve for IWRR. The result is obtained using the pseudo-inverse of a function. We show that the strict service curve is the best obtainable one, and that delay bounds derived from it are tight (i.e. worst-case) for flows of packets of constant size. Furthermore, the IWRR strict service curve dominates the strict service curve for WRR that was previously published. We provide some numerical examples to illustrate the reduction in worst-case delays caused by IWRR compared to WRR.
characterizing optimizations to memory access patterns using architecture independent program features
High-performance computing developers are faced with the challenge of optimizing the performance of OpenCL workloads on diverse architectures. The Architecture-Independent Workload Characterization (AIWC) tool is a plugin for the Oclgrind OpenCL simulator that gathers metrics of OpenCL programs that can be used to understand and predict program performance on an arbitrary given hardware architecture. However, AIWC metrics are not always easily interpreted and do not reflect some important memory access patterns affecting efficiency across architectures. We propose a new metric of parallel spatial locality -- the closeness of memory accesses simultaneously issued by OpenCL work-items (threads). We implement the parallel spatial locality metric in the AIWC framework, and analyse gathered results on matrix multiply and the Extended OpenDwarfs OpenCL benchmarks. The differences in the observed parallel spatial locality metric across implementations of matrix multiply reflect the optimizations performed. The new metric can be used to distinguish between the OpenDwarfs benchmarks based on the memory access patterns affecting their performance on various architectures. The improvements suggested to AIWC will help HPC developers better understand memory access patterns of complex codes and guide optimization of codes for arbitrary hardware targets.
explanation based tuning of opaque machine learners with application to paper recommendation
Research in human-centered AI has shown the benefits of machine-learning systems that can explain their predictions. Methods that allow users to tune a model in response to the explanations are similarly useful. While both capabilities are well-developed for transparent learning models (e.g., linear models and GA2Ms), and recent techniques (e.g., LIME and SHAP) can generate explanations for opaque models, no method currently exists for tuning of opaque models in response to explanations. This paper introduces LIMEADE, a general framework for tuning an arbitrary machine learning model based on an explanation of the model's prediction. We apply our framework to Semantic Sanity, a neural recommender system for scientific papers, and report on a detailed user study, showing that our framework leads to significantly higher perceived user control, trust, and satisfaction.
tafssl task adaptive feature sub space learning for few shot classification
The field of Few-Shot Learning (FSL), or learning from very few (typically $1$ or $5$) examples per novel class (unseen during training), has received a lot of attention and significant performance advances in the recent literature. While number of techniques have been proposed for FSL, several factors have emerged as most important for FSL performance, awarding SOTA even to the simplest of techniques. These are: the backbone architecture (bigger is better), type of pre-training on the base classes (meta-training vs regular multi-class, currently regular wins), quantity and diversity of the base classes set (the more the merrier, resulting in richer and better adaptive features), and the use of self-supervised tasks during pre-training (serving as a proxy for increasing the diversity of the base set). In this paper we propose yet another simple technique that is important for the few shot learning performance - a search for a compact feature sub-space that is discriminative for a given few-shot test task. We show that the Task-Adaptive Feature Sub-Space Learning (TAFSSL) can significantly boost the performance in FSL scenarios when some additional unlabeled data accompanies the novel few-shot task, be it either the set of unlabeled queries (transductive FSL) or some additional set of unlabeled data samples (semi-supervised FSL). Specifically, we show that on the challenging miniImageNet and tieredImageNet benchmarks, TAFSSL can improve the current state-of-the-art in both transductive and semi-supervised FSL settings by more than $5\%$, while increasing the benefit of using unlabeled data in FSL to above $10\%$ performance gain.
topological effects on attacks against vertex classification
Vertex classification is vulnerable to perturbations of both graph topology and vertex attributes, as shown in recent research. As in other machine learning domains, concerns about robustness to adversarial manipulation can prevent potential users from adopting proposed methods when the consequence of action is very high. This paper considers two topological characteristics of graphs and explores the way these features affect the amount the adversary must perturb the graph in order to be successful. We show that, if certain vertices are included in the training set, it is possible to substantially an adversary's required perturbation budget. On four citation datasets, we demonstrate that if the training set includes high degree vertices or vertices that ensure all unlabeled nodes have neighbors in the training set, we show that the adversary's budget often increases by a substantial factor---often a factor of 2 or more---over random training for the Nettack poisoning attack. Even for especially easy targets (those that are misclassified after just one or two perturbations), the degradation of performance is much slower, assigning much lower probabilities to the incorrect classes. In addition, we demonstrate that this robustness either persists when recently proposed defenses are applied, or is competitive with the resulting performance improvement for the defender.
an information theoretic approach to personalized explainable machine learning
Automated decision making is used routinely throughout our everyday life. Recommender systems decide which jobs, movies, or other user profiles might be interesting to us. Spell checkers help us to make good use of language. Fraud detection systems decide if a credit card transactions should be verified more closely. Many of these decision making systems use machine learning methods that fit complex models to massive datasets. The successful deployment of machine learning (ML) methods to many (critical) application domains crucially depends on its explainability. Indeed, humans have a strong desire to get explanations that resolve the uncertainty about experienced phenomena like the predictions and decisions obtained from ML methods. Explainable ML is challenging since explanations must be tailored (personalized) to individual users with varying backgrounds. Some users might have received university-level education in ML, while other users might have no formal training in linear algebra. Linear regression with few features might be perfectly interpretable for the first group but might be considered a black-box by the latter. We propose a simple probabilistic model for the predictions and user knowledge. This model allows to study explainable ML using information theory. Explaining is here considered as the task of reducing the "surprise" incurred by a prediction. We quantify the effect of an explanation by the conditional mutual information between the explanation and prediction, given the user background.
urban traffic monitoring and modeling system an iot solution for enhancing road safety
Qatar expects more than a million visitors during the 2022 World Cup, which will pose significant challenges. The high number of people will likely cause a rise in road traffic congestion, vehicle crashes, injuries and deaths. To tackle this problem, Naturalistic Driver Behavior can be utilised which will collect and analyze data to estimate the current Qatar traffic system, including traffic data infrastructure, safety planning, and engineering practices and standards. In this paper, an IoT based solution to facilitate such a study in Qatar is proposed. Different data points from a driver are collected and recorded in an unobtrusive manner, such as trip data, GPS coordinates, compass heading, minimum, average, and maximum speed and his driving behavior, including driver's drowsiness level. Analysis of these data points will help in prediction of crashes and road infrastructure improvements to reduce such events. It will also be used for drivers risk assessment and to detect extreme road user behaviors. A framework that will help to visualize and manage this data is also proposed, along with a Deep Learning-based application that detects drowsy driving behavior that netted an 82 percent accuracy.
temporal embeddings and transformer models for narrative text understanding
We present two deep learning approaches to narrative text understanding for character relationship modelling. The temporal evolution of these relations is described by dynamic word embeddings, that are designed to learn semantic changes over time. An empirical analysis of the corresponding character trajectories shows that such approaches are effective in depicting dynamic evolution. A supervised learning approach based on the state-of-the-art transformer model BERT is used instead to detect static relations between characters. The empirical validation shows that such events (e.g., two characters belonging to the same family) might be spotted with good accuracy, even when using automatically annotated data. This provides a deeper understanding of narrative plots based on the identification of key facts. Standard clustering techniques are finally used for character de-aliasing, a necessary pre-processing step for both approaches. Overall, deep learning models appear to be suitable for narrative text understanding, while also providing a challenging and unexploited benchmark for general natural language understanding.
anomaly detection in video data based on probabilistic latent space models
This paper proposes a method for detecting anomalies in video data. A Variational Autoencoder (VAE) is used for reducing the dimensionality of video frames, generating latent space information that is comparable to low-dimensional sensory data (e.g., positioning, steering angle), making feasible the development of a consistent multi-modal architecture for autonomous vehicles. An Adapted Markov Jump Particle Filter defined by discrete and continuous inference levels is employed to predict the following frames and detecting anomalies in new video sequences. Our method is evaluated on different video scenarios where a semi-autonomous vehicle performs a set of tasks in a closed environment.
channel interaction networks for fine grained image categorization
Fine-grained image categorization is challenging due to the subtle inter-class differences.We posit that exploiting the rich relationships between channels can help capture such differences since different channels correspond to different semantics. In this paper, we propose a channel interaction network (CIN), which models the channel-wise interplay both within an image and across images. For a single image, a self-channel interaction (SCI) module is proposed to explore channel-wise correlation within the image. This allows the model to learn the complementary features from the correlated channels, yielding stronger fine-grained features. Furthermore, given an image pair, we introduce a contrastive channel interaction (CCI) module to model the cross-sample channel interaction with a metric learning framework, allowing the CIN to distinguish the subtle visual differences between images. Our model can be trained efficiently in an end-to-end fashion without the need of multi-stage training and testing. Finally, comprehensive experiments are conducted on three publicly available benchmarks, where the proposed method consistently outperforms the state-of-theart approaches, such as DFL-CNN (Wang, Morariu, and Davis 2018) and NTS (Yang et al. 2018).
opengan open set generative adversarial networks
Many existing conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) are limited to conditioning on pre-defined and fixed class-level semantic labels or attributes. We propose an open set GAN architecture (OpenGAN) that is conditioned per-input sample with a feature embedding drawn from a metric space. Using a state-of-the-art metric learning model that encodes both class-level and fine-grained semantic information, we are able to generate samples that are semantically similar to a given source image. The semantic information extracted by the metric learning model transfers to out-of-distribution novel classes, allowing the generative model to produce samples that are outside of the training distribution. We show that our proposed method is able to generate 256$\times$256 resolution images from novel classes that are of similar visual quality to those from the training classes. In lieu of a source image, we demonstrate that random sampling of the metric space also results in high-quality samples. We show that interpolation in the feature space and latent space results in semantically and visually plausible transformations in the image space. Finally, the usefulness of the generated samples to the downstream task of data augmentation is demonstrated. We show that classifier performance can be significantly improved by augmenting the training data with OpenGAN samples on classes that are outside of the GAN training distribution.
deep connections between learning from limited labels physical parameter estimation inspiration for regularization
Recently established equivalences between differential equations and the structure of neural networks enabled some interpretation of training of a neural network as partial-differential-equation (PDE) constrained optimization. We add to the previously established connections, explicit regularization that is particularly beneficial in the case of single large-scale examples with partial annotation. We show that explicit regularization of model parameters in PDE constrained optimization translates to regularization of the network output. Examination of the structure of the corresponding Lagrangian and backpropagation algorithm do not reveal additional computational challenges. A hyperspectral imaging example shows that minimum prior information together with cross-validation for optimal regularization parameters boosts the segmentation accuracy.
carpal confidence aware intent recognition for parallel autonomy
Predicting the behavior of road agents is a difficult and crucial task for both advanced driver assistance and autonomous driving systems. Traditional confidence measures for this important task often ignore the way predicted trajectories affect downstream decisions and their utilities. In this paper we devise a novel neural network regressor to estimate the utility distribution given the predictions. Based on reasonable assumptions on the utility function, we establish a decision criterion that takes into account the role of prediction in decision making. We train our real-time regressor along with a human driver intent predictor and use it in shared autonomy scenarios where decisions depend on the prediction confidence. We test our system on a realistic urban driving dataset, present the advantage of the resulting system in terms of recall and fall-out performance compared to baseline methods, and demonstrate its effectiveness in intervention and warning use cases.
equivalent rewritings on path views with binding patterns
A view with a binding pattern is a parameterized query on a database. Such views are used, e.g., to model Web services. To answer a query on such views, the views have to be orchestrated together in execution plans. We show how queries can be rewritten into equivalent execution plans, which are guaranteed to deliver the same results as the query on all databases. We provide a correct and complete algorithm to find these plans for path views and atomic queries. Finally, we show that our method can be used to answer queries on real-world Web services.
brazildam a benchmark dataset for tailings dam detection
In this work we present BrazilDAM, a novel public dataset based on Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 satellite images covering all tailings dams cataloged by the Brazilian National Mining Agency (ANM). The dataset was built using georeferenced images from 769 dams, recorded between 2016 and 2019. The time series were processed in order to produce cloud free images. The dams contain mining waste from different ore categories and have highly varying shapes, areas and volumes, making BrazilDAM particularly interesting and challenging to be used in machine learning benchmarks. The original catalog contains, besides the dam coordinates, information about: the main ore, constructive method, risk category, and associated potential damage. To evaluate BrazilDAM's predictive potential we performed classification essays using state-of-the-art deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs). In the experiments, we achieved an average classification accuracy of 94.11\% in tailing dam binary classification task. In addition, others four setups of experiments were made using the complementary information from the original catalog, exhaustively exploiting the capacity of the proposed dataset.
calibration of pre trained transformers
Pre-trained Transformers are now ubiquitous in natural language processing, but despite their high end-task performance, little is known empirically about whether they are calibrated. Specifically, do these models' posterior probabilities provide an accurate empirical measure of how likely the model is to be correct on a given example? We focus on BERT and RoBERTa in this work, and analyze their calibration across three tasks: natural language inference, paraphrase detection, and commonsense reasoning. For each task, we consider in-domain as well as challenging out-of-domain settings, where models face more examples they should be uncertain about. We show that: (1) when used out-of-the-box, pre-trained models are calibrated in-domain, and compared to baselines, their calibration error out-of-domain can be as much as 3.5x lower; (2) temperature scaling is effective at further reducing calibration error in-domain, and using label smoothing to deliberately increase empirical uncertainty helps calibrate posteriors out-of-domain.
implementation of deep neural networks to classify eeg signals using gramian angular summation field for epilepsy diagnosis
This paper evaluates the approach of imaging timeseries data such as EEG in the diagnosis of epilepsy through Deep Neural Network (DNN). EEG signal is transformed into an RGB image using Gramian Angular Summation Field (GASF). Many such EEG epochs are transformed into GASF images for the normal and focal EEG signals. Then, some of the widely used Deep Neural Networks for image classification problems are used here to detect the focal GASF images. Three pre-trained DNN such as the AlexNet, VGG16, and VGG19 are validated for epilepsy detection based on the transfer learning approach. Furthermore, the textural features are extracted from GASF images, and prominent features are selected for a multilayer Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier. Lastly, a Custom Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with three CNN layers, Batch Normalization, Max-pooling layer, and Dense layers, is proposed for epilepsy diagnosis from GASF images. The results of this paper show that the Custom CNN model was able to discriminate against the focal and normal GASF images with an average peak Precision of 0.885, Recall of 0.92, and F1-score of 0.90. Moreover, the Area Under the Curve (AUC) value of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve is 0.92 for the Custom CNN model. This paper suggests that Deep Learning methods widely used in image classification problems can be an alternative approach for epilepsy detection from EEG signals through GASF images.
a new meta baseline for few shot learning
Meta-learning has become a popular framework for few-shot learning in recent years, with the goal of learning a model from collections of few-shot classification tasks. While more and more novel meta-learning models are being proposed, our research has uncovered simple baselines that have been overlooked. We present a Meta-Baseline method, by pre-training a classifier on all base classes and meta-learning on a nearest-centroid based few-shot classification algorithm, it outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Why does this simple method work so well? In the meta-learning stage, we observe that a model generalizing better on unseen tasks from base classes can have a decreasing performance on tasks from novel classes, indicating a potential objective discrepancy. We find both pre-training and inheriting a good few-shot classification metric from the pre-trained classifier are important for Meta-Baseline, which potentially helps the model better utilize the pre-trained representations with stronger transferability. Furthermore, we investigate when we need meta-learning in this Meta-Baseline. Our work sets up a new solid benchmark for this field and sheds light on further understanding the phenomenons in the meta-learning framework for few-shot learning.
modeling and solving a vehicle sharing problem
Motivated by the change in mobility patterns, we present a new modeling approach for the vehicle-sharing problem. We aim at assigning vehicles to user-trips so as to maximize savings compared to other modes of transport. We base our formulations on the minimum-cost and the multi-commodity flow problem. These formulations make the problem applicable in daily operations. In the analysis we discuss an optimal composition of a shared fleet, restricted sets of modes of transport, and variations of the objective function.
on the generalized essential matrix correction an efficient solution to the problem and its applications
This paper addresses the problem of finding the closest generalized essential matrix from a given $6\times 6$ matrix, with respect to the Frobenius norm. To the best of our knowledge, this nonlinear constrained optimization problem has not been addressed in the literature yet. Although it can be solved directly, it involves a large number of constraints, and any optimization method to solve it would require much computational effort. We start by deriving a couple of unconstrained formulations of the problem. After that, we convert the original problem into a new one, involving only orthogonal constraints, and propose an efficient algorithm of steepest descent-type to find its solution. To test the algorithms, we evaluate the methods with synthetic data and conclude that the proposed steepest descent-type approach is much faster than the direct application of general optimization techniques to the original formulation with 33 constraints and to the unconstrained ones. To further motivate the relevance of our method, we apply it in two pose problems (relative and absolute) using synthetic and real data.
any shot object detection
Previous work on novel object detection considers zero or few-shot settings where none or few examples of each category are available for training. In real world scenarios, it is less practical to expect that 'all' the novel classes are either unseen or {have} few-examples. Here, we propose a more realistic setting termed 'Any-shot detection', where totally unseen and few-shot categories can simultaneously co-occur during inference. Any-shot detection offers unique challenges compared to conventional novel object detection such as, a high imbalance between unseen, few-shot and seen object classes, susceptibility to forget base-training while learning novel classes and distinguishing novel classes from the background. To address these challenges, we propose a unified any-shot detection model, that can concurrently learn to detect both zero-shot and few-shot object classes. Our core idea is to use class semantics as prototypes for object detection, a formulation that naturally minimizes knowledge forgetting and mitigates the class-imbalance in the label space. Besides, we propose a rebalanced loss function that emphasizes difficult few-shot cases but avoids overfitting on the novel classes to allow detection of totally unseen classes. Without bells and whistles, our framework can also be used solely for Zero-shot detection and Few-shot detection tasks. We report extensive experiments on Pascal VOC and MS-COCO datasets where our approach is shown to provide significant improvements.
1st place solutions for openimage2019 object detection and instance segmentation
This article introduces the solutions of the two champion teams, `MMfruit' for the detection track and `MMfruitSeg' for the segmentation track, in OpenImage Challenge 2019. It is commonly known that for an object detector, the shared feature at the end of the backbone is not appropriate for both classification and regression, which greatly limits the performance of both single stage detector and Faster RCNN \cite{ren2015faster} based detector. In this competition, we observe that even with a shared feature, different locations in one object has completely inconsistent performances for the two tasks. \textit{E.g. the features of salient locations are usually good for classification, while those around the object edge are good for regression.} Inspired by this, we propose the Decoupling Head (DH) to disentangle the object classification and regression via the self-learned optimal feature extraction, which leads to a great improvement. Furthermore, we adjust the soft-NMS algorithm to adj-NMS to obtain stable performance improvement. Finally, a well-designed ensemble strategy via voting the bounding box location and confidence is proposed. We will also introduce several training/inferencing strategies and a bag of tricks that give minor improvement. Given those masses of details, we train and aggregate 28 global models with various backbones, heads and 3+2 expert models, and achieves the 1st place on the OpenImage 2019 Object Detection Challenge on the both public and private leadboards. Given such good instance bounding box, we further design a simple instance-level semantic segmentation pipeline and achieve the 1st place on the segmentation challenge.
membership inference attacks on sequence to sequence models is my data in your machine translation system
Data privacy is an important issue for "machine learning as a service" providers. We focus on the problem of membership inference attacks: given a data sample and black-box access to a model's API, determine whether the sample existed in the model's training data. Our contribution is an investigation of this problem in the context of sequence-to-sequence models, which are important in applications such as machine translation and video captioning. We define the membership inference problem for sequence generation, provide an open dataset based on state-of-the-art machine translation models, and report initial results on whether these models leak private information against several kinds of membership inference attacks.
selecting voting locations for fun and profit
While manipulative attacks on elections have been well-studied, only recently has attention turned to attacks that account for geographic information, which are extremely common in the real world. The most well known in the media is gerrymandering, in which district border-lines are changed to increase a party's chance to win, but a different geographical manipulation involves influencing the election by selecting the location of polling places, as many people are not willing to go to any distance to vote. In this paper we initiate the study of this manipulation. We find that while it is easy to manipulate the selection of polling places on the line, it becomes difficult already on the plane or in the case of more than two candidates. Moreover, we show that for more than two candidates the problem is inapproximable. However, we find a few restricted cases on the plane where some algorithms perform well. Finally, we discuss how existing results for standard control actions hold in the geographic setting, consider additional control actions in the geographic setting, and suggest directions for future study.
communication efficient distributed deep learning a comprehensive survey
Distributed deep learning becomes very common to reduce the overall training time by exploiting multiple computing devices (e.g., GPUs/TPUs) as the size of deep models and data sets increases. However, data communication between computing devices could be a potential bottleneck to limit the system scalability. How to address the communication problem in distributed deep learning is becoming a hot research topic recently. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the communication-efficient distributed training algorithms in both system-level and algorithmic-level optimizations. In the system-level, we demystify the system design and implementation to reduce the communication cost. In algorithmic-level, we compare different algorithms with theoretical convergence bounds and communication complexity. Specifically, we first propose the taxonomy of data-parallel distributed training algorithms, which contains four main dimensions: communication synchronization, system architectures, compression techniques, and parallelism of communication and computing. Then we discuss the studies in addressing the problems of the four dimensions to compare the communication cost. We further compare the convergence rates of different algorithms, which enable us to know how fast the algorithms can converge to the solution in terms of iterations. According to the system-level communication cost analysis and theoretical convergence speed comparison, we provide the readers to understand what algorithms are more efficient under specific distributed environments and extrapolate potential directions for further optimizations.
learning graph embedding with limited labeled data an efficient sampling approach
Semi-supervised graph embedding methods represented by graph convolutional network has become one of the most popular methods for utilizing deep learning approaches to process the graph-based data for applications. Mostly existing work focus on designing novel algorithm structure to improve the performance, but ignore one common training problem, i.e., could these methods achieve the same performance with limited labelled data? To tackle this research gap, we propose a sampling-based training framework for semi-supervised graph embedding methods to achieve better performance with smaller training data set. The key idea is to integrate the sampling theory and embedding methods by a pipeline form, which has the following advantages: 1) the sampled training data can maintain more accurate graph characteristics than uniformly chosen data, which eliminates the model deviation; 2) the smaller scale of training data is beneficial to reduce the human resource cost to label them; The extensive experiments show that the sampling-based method can achieve the same performance only with 10$\%$-50$\%$ of the scale of training data. It verifies that the framework could extend the existing semi-supervised methods to the scenarios with the extremely small scale of labelled data.
semi local 3d lane detection and uncertainty estimation
We propose a novel camera-based DNN method for 3D lane detection with uncertainty estimation. Our method is based on a semi-local, BEV, tile representation that breaks down lanes into simple lane segments. It combines learning a parametric model for the segments along with a deep feature embedding that is then used to cluster segment together into full lanes. This combination allows our method to generalize to complex lane topologies, curvatures and surface geometries. Additionally, our method is the first to output a learning based uncertainty estimation for the lane detection task. The efficacy of our method is demonstrated in extensive experiments achieving state-of-the-art results for camera-based 3D lane detection, while also showing our ability to generalize to complex topologies, curvatures and road geometries as well as to different cameras. We also demonstrate how our uncertainty estimation aligns with the empirical error statistics indicating that it is well calibrated and truly reflects the detection noise.
spike flownet event based optical flow estimation with energy efficient hybrid neural networks
Event-based cameras display great potential for a variety of conditions such as high-speed motion detection and enabling navigation in low-light environments where conventional frame-based cameras suffer critically. This is attributed to their high temporal resolution, high dynamic range, and low-power consumption. However, conventional computer vision methods as well as deep Analog Neural Networks (ANNs) are not suited to work well with the asynchronous and discrete nature of event camera outputs. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) serve as ideal paradigms to handle event camera outputs, but deep SNNs suffer in terms of performance due to spike vanishing phenomenon. To overcome these issues, we present Spike-FlowNet, a deep hybrid neural network architecture integrating SNNs and ANNs for efficiently estimating optical flow from sparse event camera outputs without sacrificing the performance. The network is end-to-end trained with self-supervised learning on Multi-Vehicle Stereo Event Camera (MVSEC) dataset. Spike-FlowNet outperforms its corresponding ANN-based method in terms of the optical flow prediction capability while providing significant computational efficiency.
i3posnet instrument pose estimation from x ray in temporal bone surgery
Purpose: Accurate estimation of the position and orientation (pose) of surgical instruments is crucial for delicate minimally invasive temporal bone surgery. Current techniques lack in accuracy and/or line-of-sight constraints (conventional tracking systems) or expose the patient to prohibitive ionizing radiation (intra-operative CT). A possible solution is to capture the instrument with a c-arm at irregular intervals and recover the pose from the image. Methods: i3PosNet infers the position and orientation of instruments from images using a pose estimation network. Said framework considers localized patches and outputs pseudo-landmarks. The pose is reconstructed from pseudo-landmarks by geometric considerations. Results: We show i3PosNet reaches errors less than 0.05mm. It outperforms conventional image registration-based approaches reducing average and maximum errors by at least two thirds. i3PosNet trained on synthetic images generalizes to real x-rays without any further adaptation. Conclusion: The translation of Deep Learning based methods to surgical applications is difficult, because large representative datasets for training and testing are not available. This work empirically shows sub-millimeter pose estimation trained solely based on synthetic training data.
certified defenses for adversarial patches
Adversarial patch attacks are among one of the most practical threat models against real-world computer vision systems. This paper studies certified and empirical defenses against patch attacks. We begin with a set of experiments showing that most existing defenses, which work by pre-processing input images to mitigate adversarial patches, are easily broken by simple white-box adversaries. Motivated by this finding, we propose the first certified defense against patch attacks, and propose faster methods for its training. Furthermore, we experiment with different patch shapes for testing, obtaining surprisingly good robustness transfer across shapes, and present preliminary results on certified defense against sparse attacks. Our complete implementation can be found on: this https URL.
enumeration of unordered forests
Reverse search is a convenient method for enumerating structured objects, that can be used both to address theoretical issues and to solve data mining problems. This method has already been successfully developed to handle unordered trees. If the literature proposes solutions to enumerate singletons of trees, we study in this article a more general, higher combinatorial problem, the enumeration of sets of trees - forests. By compressing each forest into a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), we develop a reverse search like method to enumerate DAG compressing forests. Remarkably, we prove that these DAG are in bijection with the row-Fishburn matrices, a well-studied class of combinatorial objects. In a second step, we derive our forest enumeration to provide algorithms for tackling two related problems : (i) the enumeration of "subforests" of a forest, and (ii) the frequent "subforest" mining problem. All the methods presented in this article enumerate each item uniquely, up to isomorphism.