translation |
"en": "I see.",
"ja": "そうなんだ"
} |
"en": "I wouldn't want to speculate at this time, Bob, but as you know,",
"ja": "問題? 部長、緊急事態です"
} |
"en": "Continue.",
"ja": "続けろ"
} |
"en": "We destroyed it.",
"ja": "俺達は それを破壊した"
} |
"en": "Hey, hey, listen to me.",
"ja": "ちょと、ちょっ、聞いてくれ"
} |
"en": "The chiefs of his people, who did not believe, said: \"He is only a man like you. He wishes to acquire ascendancy over you. If God had willed He would have sent down angels. We never heard this from our elders.",
"ja": "人びとの中,信仰のない長老たちは言った。「何だこれは,あなたがたと同じ只の人間ではないですか。かれはあなたがたの上に,高く留りたいのでしょう。もしアッラーが御望みなら,かれは天使を遣わすべきです。わたしたちは,昔の祖先からも,こんなことは聞きませんでした。"
} |
"en": "They're getting away!",
"ja": "奴らが逃げちまう!"
} |
"en": "What about permanent?",
"ja": "正教員には?"
} |
"en": "Shouldn't that be in the evidence room, detective?",
"ja": "それは証拠物でしょ?"
} |
"en": "Unbound to us, she's a dangerous liability.",
"ja": "身内にしない限り、あの娘は危険だ"
} |
"en": "What does it have to do with me?",
"ja": "今のと 何の関係が?"
} |
"en": "Ashley!",
"ja": "アッシュ"
} |
"en": "On that Day, man will say, “Where is the escape?”",
"ja": "その日人間は,「どこに避難しようか。」と言う。"
} |
"en": "Found it!",
"ja": "これだ!"
} |
"en": "Such as...",
"ja": "例えば?"
} |
"en": "I hope it was everything you thought it would be.",
"ja": "お幸せに"
} |
"en": "No.",
"ja": "No."
} |
"en": "God, you poisoned my dog?",
"ja": "毒殺したのか?"
} |
"en": "Tell him he is out.",
"ja": "出て行けと"
} |
"en": "I'm fine, Sergeant.",
"ja": "大丈夫です巡査部長"
} |
"en": "I don't understand, she looks so healthy.",
"ja": "あんなに健康そうなのに"
} |
"en": "What's going on, Skinny?",
"ja": "\"どうするんだ?\""
} |
"en": "You had better take a little rest.",
"ja": "君は少し休んだほうがよい。"
} |
"en": "Can you hear me?",
"ja": "撃ちやがったな"
} |
"en": "Four pips.",
"ja": "音が4つだ"
} |
"en": "Your lawyer's here.",
"ja": "弁護士の面会よ"
} |
"en": "Open it.",
"ja": "開けてください"
} |
"en": "- Yes. That's already in the works.",
"ja": "- えぇ、既に準備は出来てます"
} |
"en": "The door to your right leads to the source and the salvation of Zion.",
"ja": "右の扉はソースへつながり ザイオンを救うことができる"
} |
"en": "Business absorbs all his time.",
"ja": "彼は仕事に自分の時間の全てを取られている。"
} |
"en": "All we can give him now is justice.",
"ja": "今我々が彼のためにできるのは正義だけだ"
} |
"en": "Mm.",
"ja": "ウーン"
} |
"en": "The plan has gone as you had promised, my lord.",
"ja": "約束通り 計画は進行しました"
} |
"en": "It's just since I've been engaged to Inez,",
"ja": "イネスと婚約してから"
} |
"en": "Just rest, dad.",
"ja": "ちょっと休んで パパ"
} |
"en": "Estonian",
"ja": "英語"
} |
"en": "- Of course we do.",
"ja": "- もちろんあります"
} |
"en": "I already know about Hayley the werewolf girl.",
"ja": "ヘイリーの正体は知ってるぞ 人狼娘だ"
} |
"en": "- How'd that work out?",
"ja": "- うまくいったのか?"
} |
"en": "I really can't get into it, Carl.",
"ja": "実際にそれに入り込むことは できないんだ カール"
} |
"en": "For now, yes.",
"ja": "今のところは そうだ"
} |
"en": "Maybe I should learn to fly.",
"ja": "多分、私は操縦を学ぶべきだと思う。"
} |
"en": "Take a seat.",
"ja": "座って"
} |
"en": "Good afternoon gentlemen.",
"ja": "こんにちは―― 皆さん"
} |
"en": "That's the one.",
"ja": "それにしよう。"
} |
"en": "Just leave him alone. He's fine.",
"ja": "あー、何だ、 口がきけないか?"
} |
"en": "Listen, y'all don't have to do this.",
"ja": "待ってくれ 必要ないだろ"
} |
"en": "You...",
"ja": "君が?"
} |
"en": "- I can't take this anymore.",
"ja": "- どちらも殺させない・・"
} |
"en": "- What the fuck's going on?",
"ja": "- どうしたんだよ"
} |
"en": "Desktop Pager",
"ja": "デスクトップページャNAME OF TRANSLATORS"
} |
"en": "Of course she passed the test.",
"ja": "もちろん、彼女は試験に合格した。"
} |
"en": "You wanna redeem yourself?",
"ja": "汚名返上を?"
} |
"en": "And when will you leave me?",
"ja": "いつ 発つの?"
} |
"en": "Again.",
"ja": "もう一度"
} |
"en": "Dorian?",
"ja": "ドリアン?"
} |
"en": "\"Anti-authority, anti-social...\"",
"ja": "反政府 反社会的..."
} |
"en": "Okay, open it up.",
"ja": "よし 開けろ"
} |
"en": "17 years.",
"ja": "17年というのは"
} |
"en": "Who gave you the black eye?",
"ja": "目の黒あざは誰にやられた?"
} |
"en": "- Yeah?",
"ja": "- はい?"
} |
"en": "Access to Area 6 denied.",
"ja": "\" エリァ 6 アクセス 拒否\""
} |
"en": "That's everything that you'd find in a can of cat food.",
"ja": "鶏レバー これを考えるとキャットフードの"
} |
"en": "That's all my sauce needed, was just a little more salt.",
"ja": "俺のソースに必要なのは もう少しの塩だったんだ"
} |
"en": "Spend the night there. Come back here in the morning.",
"ja": "そこで夜を過し 朝に戻ろう"
} |
"en": "Isaac, does Support Group Hazel make this better or worse?",
"ja": "サポートグループの ヘイゼルに来てもらうか?"
} |
"en": "-lt's clean.",
"ja": "片付けた"
} |
"en": "Out.",
"ja": "出ろ!"
} |
"en": "What do you like?",
"ja": "何が好き?"
} |
"en": "Arabic.",
"ja": "アラビア語"
} |
"en": "July 24, 2010.",
"ja": "2010年7月24日"
} |
"en": "Indeed, those who do not believe in the verses of Allah - Allah will not guide them, and for them is a painful punishment.",
"ja": "本当にアッラーの印を信じない者は,アッラーはこれを御導きになられない。かれらには痛ましい懲罰があろう。"
} |
"en": "But in the meantime, no one with a badge goes near that man.",
"ja": "それまで警官は 誰も近づかないで"
} |
"en": "- Yeah, about that.",
"ja": "- そう、でも"
} |
"en": "New day.",
"ja": "新しい出発だ"
} |
"en": "Do you still think it's a great sale day?",
"ja": "そのくらいで すごい売上なん?"
} |
"en": "They've never once in the history of the Seven Kingdoms sent their army this far north.",
"ja": "彼らは歴史上自分の軍隊を ここまで北上させたことはない"
} |
"en": "- Doing my best. - Your best?",
"ja": "「精一杯やってる」 「精一杯だと」"
} |
"en": "As the proverb says, \"Time is money.\"",
"ja": "ことわざにもあるように、「時は金なり」だ。"
} |
"en": "Come to me.",
"ja": "こっちに来て"
} |
"en": "Why don't we go with socks?",
"ja": "- ソックスを 靴下にしない?"
} |
"en": "He apologizes, but he's stuck in traffic He's just a few blocks away.",
"ja": "申し訳ありませんが 渋滞で遅れるとの事です"
} |
"en": "Any advance?",
"ja": "さらに お声は?"
} |
"en": "They said it was... in my genes.",
"ja": "それは私の遺伝子にあるものらしい..."
} |
"en": "He came to kill my patient.",
"ja": "私の患者を殺した"
} |
"en": "I am going to need a bigger bag.",
"ja": "もっとでっかい袋がいるな!"
} |
"en": "My father...",
"ja": "俺の父親は..."
} |
"en": "And the German lady.",
"ja": "ドイツ人女性、それに手袋も"
} |
"en": "- She has the spark.",
"ja": "- 才気がある"
} |
"en": "Take the shot.",
"ja": "攻撃よ"
} |
"en": "What's the connection?",
"ja": "繋がりは?"
} |
"en": "Let Doc have a quick look at her.",
"ja": "ドクに診てもらいましょ"
} |
"en": "Marty!",
"ja": "Marty?"
} |
"en": "I didn't know we were picking sides.",
"ja": "派閥があるとは知りませんでした"
} |
"en": "-Why not?",
"ja": "(美咲)何で?"
} |
"en": "Your father's samurai have always treated me as well as can be expected.",
"ja": "お父上は いつも 望むようにして下さいます"
} |
"en": "A girl wants to serve herself.",
"ja": "少女は自分自身に仕えたい"
} |
"en": "No audio output",
"ja": "オーディオ出力なし"
} |
"en": "- Why?",
"ja": "- なぜ?"
} |
"en": "Does it start something like that?",
"ja": "そんな感じでやるか?"
} |