1 value
16 values
Given the emotion fear and the tweet "On my life I'll never understand why anyone would pay money to see @LifeOfDesiigner", rate the intensity of fear shown. The rating scale is: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
For the tweet "I'll just have to #eat my way to #sobriety. This'll be a hell of a journey back to #sober", classify the intensity of the emotion sadness. The possible classifications are: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred
Based on the given tweet, determine the level of joy the author is experiencing. Choose from the following options: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred. Tweet: Why would Enrique sub off busquet?
0: no joy can be inferred
Evaluate the tweet for the intensity of the emotion sadness. The categories are as follows: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: How long will they mourn me?
2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred
Determine how strongly anger is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred. Tweet: follow my girl tiff she only got 3 followersπŸ’–πŸ’˜πŸ’–πŸ’˜πŸ’˜ @00tiffanyr
0: no anger can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "@jessebwatters lol. Love it when you aggravate Juan. Keep up the good work. Lol" to classify the intensity of the emotion anger. Your options are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
0: no anger can be inferred
Evaluate the tweet for the intensity of the emotion sadness. The categories are as follows: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: More #checking at #work today\n\n#coffee #drank and now it's #down to some #serious #business \n\n#Thursday bring on #Friday
0: no sadness can be inferred
Read the tweet "@metrotrains why is there no disabled access at pontefract monkhill?" and determine the level of fear present. Select from these options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
For the tweet "Thank you disney themed episode for letting me discover how amazing the @BlackishWriters are!", assess the intensity of the emotion joy. Choose one of the following: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
3: high amount of joy can be inferred
For the tweet "if u have time 2 open a snap, u have time 2 respond", assess the intensity of the emotion anger. Choose one of the following: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
0: no anger can be inferred
For the tweet "@LynneGarrison yeah, I've only seen that floated online as a theory, it was probably made up by a bitter stan. I ignore pets v vets crap too", classify the intensity of the emotion anger. The possible classifications are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred
Given the emotion joy and the tweet "@_haye_ optimism is he'll lose, that's actually a compromise :P", rate the intensity of joy shown. The rating scale is: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
0: no joy can be inferred
Given the emotion sadness and the tweet "@diamonde my heart just sunk.", rate the intensity of sadness shown. The rating scale is: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred.
3: high amount of sadness can be inferred
Determine how strongly sadness is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: ffs as if tate thought wind in the willows was a serious play, can't wait to see him play a singing badger πŸ˜©πŸ˜‚
0: no sadness can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "ICQ is just making me mad!!!😀 #icq" to classify the intensity of the emotion anger. Your options are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
3: high amount of anger can be inferred
Determine how strongly fear is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: Fosu Mensah is having a complete nightmare! It's the reason all Northamptons attacks come from the left.
1: low amount of fear can be inferred
Given the emotion joy and the tweet "I love seeing happy women, that glow is something real.", classify the intensity of the emotion displayed in the tweet. The classification options are: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
3: high amount of joy can be inferred
Given the emotion anger and the tweet "@rtrn94 Mine is that the party did decide but the party has been slowly transformed into a vengeful hell-cult of white male resentment", classify the intensity of the emotion displayed in the tweet. The classification options are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
3: high amount of anger can be inferred
For the tweet "Round 2 #pcola", assess the intensity of the emotion fear. Choose one of the following: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
For the tweet "@FoxNews Very thought provoking & leads one to question what really happened.Very sad for all.", assess the intensity of the emotion sadness. Choose one of the following: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred.
3: high amount of sadness can be inferred
Determine how strongly fear is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: @ManUnitedWriter He has had a dreadful first half, not to mention rashford would've got on the end of a couple of those through balls #pace
0: no fear can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion anger in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred. Tweet: @Ms_HeartAttack holy shit it just a bee sting like fuck you're not dying
2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred
Read the tweet "Someone set off the fire alarm and I'm so angry because I was in the middle of moisturizing my elbows" and determine the level of fear present. Select from these options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
For the tweet "@_BlueCouture The hilarity of you people not realising that racism is racism regardless of whether one uses choice words is hilarious.", assess the intensity of the emotion joy. Choose one of the following: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
0: no joy can be inferred
For the tweet "2 days until #GoPackGo and 23 days until #GoGipeGo..... I'm so excited! #smiling", assess the intensity of the emotion joy. Choose one of the following: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
3: high amount of joy can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion fear in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: Open to suggestions on a good #horror movie. Just saw 31 and It follows recently, dug both. Gimme something good. #movienight #netflix
0: no fear can be inferred
Evaluate the tweet for the intensity of the emotion sadness. The categories are as follows: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: All clouded out.\n\n Considering using a camera, 1) star trails 2) eyepiece projection.
0: no sadness can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "@LethalWeaponFOX promised I wouldn't live tweet, but @DamonkWayans + @ClayneCrawford brought it! @JordanaBrewster and #furious action FTW!" to classify the intensity of the emotion anger. Your options are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion sadness in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: My nephews n cousins are nowhere near bad guys, but they could be killed @ any moment by a cop that thought they were bc of their color
3: high amount of sadness can be inferred
For the tweet "Prayers & Protection to our brothers and sisters fighting in #Charlotte #against #machines", assess the intensity of the emotion anger. Choose one of the following: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
0: no anger can be inferred
Determine how strongly fear is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: @sreeniv51294598 hahaha dear d not worry discuss
0: no fear can be inferred
For the tweet "Why did Alex just growl at me.. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚", classify the intensity of the emotion anger. The possible classifications are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
0: no anger can be inferred
Determine how strongly anger is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred. Tweet: I just killed a spider so big it sprayed spider guts on me like a horror movie.\n #ugh
0: no anger can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion joy in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred. Tweet: @airtelindia have some issues with my broadband bill ,I am charged for the month before I signed up with airtel..
0: no joy can be inferred
Determine how strongly sadness is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: @RonBaker6694 I got a super speeder and lost my license for 6 months! πŸ˜©πŸ”«
2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "I Don't know what make #Pakistan fear more their #terrorist or their #TerrorStatePak" to classify the intensity of the emotion fear. Your options are: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
For the tweet "Why is it so windy? So glad I didn't ride my bike. #wind", assess the intensity of the emotion fear. Choose one of the following: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Given the emotion joy and the tweet "Hi Luke hemmings\n\nπŸ’πŸŒΈπŸ’\n\nIf I had a flower for every time you made me smile, I'd have a garden. Please follow me? \n\nπŸ’πŸŒΈπŸ’\nI love you. x16,092", rate the intensity of joy shown. The rating scale is: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
3: high amount of joy can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "Oh daaaaaaamn @SophiaBush! #getitgirl #girlpower #anger #rawr #ChicagoPD" to classify the intensity of the emotion anger. Your options are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
0: no anger can be inferred
Evaluate the tweet for the intensity of the emotion fear. The categories are as follows: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: @Netflix_ME penny dreadful season 3?
0: no fear can be inferred
Read the tweet "@LacesUntied_ yea lol catchy you fret" and determine the level of sadness present. Select from these options: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred.
0: no sadness can be inferred
For the tweet "Glad I didn't watch smackdown because I can't see my men @JasonJordanJJ @WWEGable lose. #sohurt #revenge", classify the intensity of the emotion anger. The possible classifications are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion sadness in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: yesterday i finished watching penny dreadful and from all the beautiful things i saw one question remains: were the writers HIM's fans?
0: no sadness can be inferred
Based on the given tweet, determine the level of joy the author is experiencing. Choose from the following options: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred. Tweet: Finally have all my braces on and I can't stop smiling 😊😊😊😊😊
3: high amount of joy can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion joy in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred. Tweet: @Olajide_Shutti lmaoo. It will be a joyful day.
3: high amount of joy can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "I get so angry at people that don't know that you don't have a stop sign on Francis and you do at Foster #road" to classify the intensity of the emotion anger. Your options are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
3: high amount of anger can be inferred
Given the emotion fear and the tweet "What an actual nightmare", classify the intensity of the emotion displayed in the tweet. The classification options are: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion joy in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred. Tweet: @jay_roseee but that new breezy & tiller πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
1: low amount of joy can be inferred
For the tweet "@NahteWilly @AFP that was neither intelligent, definitive or useful shall I name call or would you like to expand on how I have offend you ?", classify the intensity of the emotion anger. The possible classifications are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
1: low amount of anger can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "@kcbbcxo don't get discouraged! it's early on & it can get overwhelming. keep reading & use cue cards 😊 it'll get better!!" to classify the intensity of the emotion fear. Your options are: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Determine how strongly sadness is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: Headed to MDW w/ layover in SLC. Got off for food. Wrong move. Bailed on my food & barely made it. @SouthwestAir #WannaGetAway #Contest #sad
3: high amount of sadness can be inferred
Determine how strongly joy is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred. Tweet: Well, this is cheery. #MrRobot
2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred
For the tweet "@FluDino Event started! everyone is getting ready to travel to the lake of rage, where everything glows", classify the intensity of the emotion anger. The possible classifications are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred
Given the emotion joy and the tweet "God just replaced my sadness with laughter, can't go the whole day sad ...", classify the intensity of the emotion displayed in the tweet. The classification options are: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred
For the tweet "the Bushes were good with the forces of resentment when it made them money and gave them power. Now that it doesn't they've changed tunes.", assess the intensity of the emotion anger. Choose one of the following: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
1: low amount of anger can be inferred
For the tweet "@JessicaZ00 @ZRlondon ditto!! Such an amazing atmosphere! #PhilippPlein #cheerleaders #stunt #LondonEvents #cheer", assess the intensity of the emotion joy. Choose one of the following: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
3: high amount of joy can be inferred
Read the tweet "@cameronNewton #colinkaepernick protests because of the unjust murder of #keithlamontscott in North Carolina #injustice #outrage #speakout" and determine the level of anger present. Select from these options: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion anger in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred. Tweet: Absolutely fuming I've just scratched all my car 😑😑😑😑😑😑
3: high amount of anger can be inferred
For the tweet "The kid at the pool yelling is about to get a foot up his ass. #shutup #parents #kids #horrible", classify the intensity of the emotion fear. The possible classifications are: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "I love when people say they aren't racist right before they say some racist shit... Not how that works... #fuming" to classify the intensity of the emotion anger. Your options are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
3: high amount of anger can be inferred
For the tweet "Why to have vanity sizes?Now sizes S,XS(evenXXS sometimes) are too big, WTF?! Dear corporate jerks, Lithuania didn't need this. #rant", assess the intensity of the emotion anger. Choose one of the following: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred
Read the tweet "American horror story in bed πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ" and determine the level of fear present. Select from these options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Determine how strongly joy is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred. Tweet: @FieldYates @MatthewBerryTMR @Stephania_ESPN @MikeClayNFL @FrankCaliendo goddamn...the 'celebrity' draft at the end was classic.
1: low amount of joy can be inferred
For the tweet "Groom gloom.", assess the intensity of the emotion sadness. Choose one of the following: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred.
3: high amount of sadness can be inferred
Evaluate the tweet for the intensity of the emotion fear. The categories are as follows: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness. Oprah Winfrey
0: no fear can be inferred
Evaluate the tweet for the intensity of the emotion sadness. The categories are as follows: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: @ImNotInfected β€” rather someone that could help her. Concern clouded her green eyes, not once having seen a girl alone in the woods and β€”
1: low amount of sadness can be inferred
Given the emotion joy and the tweet "To tell the truth and make someone cry is better than to tell a lie and make someone smile. #truth #lie #cry #smile #offalonehugots", classify the intensity of the emotion displayed in the tweet. The classification options are: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
0: no joy can be inferred
Given the emotion sadness and the tweet "Take heart amid the deepening gloom that your dog is finally getting enough cheese. ― National Lampoon, 'Deteriorada'", classify the intensity of the emotion displayed in the tweet. The classification options are: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred.
1: low amount of sadness can be inferred
Given the emotion sadness and the tweet "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it is yours. If it doesn't, it never will. #sadness #accepting", classify the intensity of the emotion displayed in the tweet. The classification options are: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred.
3: high amount of sadness can be inferred
For the tweet "@alooftroye so what you mean to tell me is that.... glee is...... getting less........... gleeful?", assess the intensity of the emotion joy. Choose one of the following: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
0: no joy can be inferred
For the tweet "Don't think I'll hesitate to run you over. Last time I checked, I still had 'Accident Forgiveness' on my insurance policy...", assess the intensity of the emotion fear. Choose one of the following: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Based on the given tweet, determine the level of anger the author is experiencing. Choose from the following options: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred. Tweet: People are #hurt and #angry and it's hard to know what to do with that #anger Remember, at the end of the day, we're all #humans #bekind
0: no anger can be inferred
Given the emotion joy and the tweet "felt a bit shit getting a very high blood sugar then i remembered it's my first one above 15 this week which is incredible for me! #happy", rate the intensity of joy shown. The rating scale is: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred
Read the tweet "one ep of despair arc made me happy but and then i'm going back to future arc and i'm upset again." and determine the level of fear present. Select from these options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred
Based on the given tweet, determine the level of fear the author is experiencing. Choose from the following options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: Even at this level, rojo still manages to play god damn awful. #MUFC
0: no fear can be inferred
Read the tweet "Was going to get a new #horror movie #tattoo tonight, but my artist flaked out on me for the 3rd time & said he was done tattooing!" and determine the level of fear present. Select from these options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Based on the given tweet, determine the level of fear the author is experiencing. Choose from the following options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: i've seen the elder watching me during my community hours and i honestly don't have an idea about what my assignment will be. #apprehensive
0: no fear can be inferred
For the tweet "In fact, sometimes i don't get furious at people who wrong me, but i get furious at myself for being a fool.", assess the intensity of the emotion anger. Choose one of the following: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred
Read the tweet "If Monday had a face I would punch it #monday #face #punch #fight #joke #like #firstworldproblems #need #coffee #asap #follow" and determine the level of fear present. Select from these options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Given the emotion fear and the tweet "Idk if it's hella hot in here or I'm nervous", rate the intensity of fear shown. The rating scale is: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
1: low amount of fear can be inferred
Determine how strongly anger is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred. Tweet: Just paid for chicken at @panerabread and didn't even get any πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ there goes 4 dollars and me as a customer
2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred
Read the tweet "I should have stayed at home." and determine the level of sadness present. Select from these options: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred.
1: low amount of sadness can be inferred
Given the emotion fear and the tweet "⊰ @FrameOfAnAngel ⊱ \n\n+ Of them. I'm here for answers, and if I scare her to death, there won't be answers for me. \n\nSo instead, I just +", classify the intensity of the emotion displayed in the tweet. The classification options are: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
1: low amount of fear can be inferred
Read the tweet "When @idinamenzel says she's releasing more #IdinaParty tickets and you set an alarm to not miss it... #fingerscrossed #Idina." and determine the level of fear present. Select from these options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion joy in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no joy can be inferred, 1: low amount of joy can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of joy can be inferred, 3: high amount of joy can be inferred. Tweet: @EducatedNPetty white pricks that were laughing at your use of language won't be crying over your coffin but rejoicing that you're another
0: no joy can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion fear in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: Research has determined 70% of #laughter is actually #anxiety.
0: no fear can be inferred
For the tweet "So fucking mad my blood boiling.", classify the intensity of the emotion anger. The possible classifications are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
3: high amount of anger can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "Which #JohnCarpenter #horror #action #flick is your favorite ??" to classify the intensity of the emotion fear. Your options are: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion sadness in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: What a sad evening - clearing out all of Harvey's cage and belongings. Now so final. Goodbye my little man.... #depressing
3: high amount of sadness can be inferred
Assess the level of the emotion anger in the tweet provided. Use the following categories: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred. Tweet: @evanareteos :)) im now writing abt the changing face of sex industry in tr :))) now men will talk to me then!
0: no anger can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "Can't start a good day without a cup of tea! \n\n#tea #start #day #goodday" to classify the intensity of the emotion fear. Your options are: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred.
0: no fear can be inferred
Based on the given tweet, determine the level of fear the author is experiencing. Choose from the following options: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: @cazzrhughes its reflective of the current political debate
0: no fear can be inferred
Determine how strongly sadness is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: @ReserveHinata tend to them he's going to get infections. \n\nHe's frowning and looking down as he does this. \nIt must hurt damn.]
1: low amount of sadness can be inferred
Based on the given tweet, determine the level of sadness the author is experiencing. Choose from the following options: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred. Tweet: LOL! @TheFrankJLopes was just awarded the β€œF” bomb trophy on #AutoDealerLive, @RealMatKoenig :) #serious
0: no sadness can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "r U scared to present in front of the class? severe anxiety... whats That r u sad sometimes?? go get ur depression checked out IMEDIATELY!!!" to classify the intensity of the emotion sadness. Your options are: 0: no sadness can be inferred, 1: low amount of sadness can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred, 3: high amount of sadness can be inferred.
2: moderate amount of sadness can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "@Kruzer You're not stealing my girl, I've solo'd Crota's End flawlessly. Do not try or face the wrath of the machine 😀" to classify the intensity of the emotion anger. Your options are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
1: low amount of anger can be inferred
Given the emotion anger and the tweet "@easyJet Hi folks. Flight is going to be over an hour late departing from INV (EZY864), how do we go about getting a refund please? #boiling", rate the intensity of anger shown. The rating scale is: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
3: high amount of anger can be inferred
For the tweet "Kik me I want to swap pics I will post on my account anonymously if you wish Kik: vsvplou #Kik #kikme #nudes #tits #snapchat", classify the intensity of the emotion anger. The possible classifications are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
0: no anger can be inferred
Determine how strongly fear is expressed in the following tweet. Use the scale: 0: no fear can be inferred, 1: low amount of fear can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of fear can be inferred, 3: high amount of fear can be inferred. Tweet: With only 7 months left until I possess my undergraduate degree, I feel like I can't handle adulthood anymore #anxiety #nojobsinbiology
3: high amount of fear can be inferred
Analyze the tweet "75' Tierney reaches a deep cross to the back post and plays it back across but the Alloa defence clear. Celtic relentless here." to classify the intensity of the emotion anger. Your options are: 0: no anger can be inferred, 1: low amount of anger can be inferred, 2: moderate amount of anger can be inferred, 3: high amount of anger can be inferred.
1: low amount of anger can be inferred