1 value
16 values
Task: Categorize the tweet into an intensity level of the specified emotion E, representing the mental state of the tweeter. 0: no E can be inferred. 1: low amount of E can be inferred. 2: moderate amount of E can be inferred. 3: high amount of E can be inferred. Tweet: The best part of this day, Jesus, is to snuggle up in your rest in your arms and know you love me...💙❤ #sweetEmbrace Emotion: joy Intensity class:
3: high amount of joy can be inferred
Task: Categorize the tweet into an intensity level of the specified emotion E, representing the mental state of the tweeter. 0: no E can be inferred. 1: low amount of E can be inferred. 2: moderate amount of E can be inferred. 3: high amount of E can be inferred. Tweet: Bes! You don't just tell a true blooded hoopjunkie to switch a f*c@n' team that juz destroyed your own team. You juz don't! Emotion: anger Intensity class:
3: high amount of anger can be inferred