1 value
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: after using the bulky 3650 for three weeks, i searched for a smaller alternative. Intensity score:
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "one downside: as of this writing, t-mobile hasn't updated their t-zone system to fully support the 6610. their website does not show it as a compatible phone, and should i try to access the game downloads on t-zones the system returns an error message saying my phone is not supported.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: all i have to say is that i did freeze on me once, but it hasn't done it since. Intensity score:
Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "so when it breaks, as it will, you will find yourself very disappointed and depressed at the loss of the nomad." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "that's probably a bad thing.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: the function lever - the one which switches between capture and view mode feels fragile. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: poor customer service.
Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "it also has unproven battery life.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: what a disappointment! Intensity score:
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: barely worked. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: so it was no loss.
Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "i haven't messed with the firmware at all, the player worked perfect for me right out of the box.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "summary: lots of flaws, but exceptional sound quality, hd size, and price make it a good buy.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "the little jog dial seems weak and quirky and i hope i don't figure out a way to break it." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "otherwise, this player is awesome!". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: come on, at $ 300 they could at least put in a good pair of earphones. Intensity score:
Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: a $ 300 device and they skimped on the headphone jack? Intensity score:
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: doesnt play new disney movies. Intensity score:
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: those who have had the nomad for a few weeks are mostly thrilled with it. Intensity score:
Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "bottom line... great product, unbeatable price.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "of course, i was hesitant given the price, but i've been extremely impressed since receiving it, and bought a second one as a christmas present for my parents." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: so, i've had it for a month, and the headphone jack went out. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: i personally am not crazy about the looks of either the ipod or the nomad.
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: the size is small (just a little bit bigger than an i-pod.) Intensity score:
Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: maybe more competitors will bring out similar products. Intensity score:
Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "with the nomad explorer software, songs should be drag-and-drop.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "i thought it was just the player, but then i started checking the discs to find that the apex 2600 is actually ruining my media." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: (did i mention you can actually change the battery?
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: software: a lot of people complain about the creative software, but i actually find creative mediasource organizer to have some strengths over itunes. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: the controls are somewhat harder to use than the ipod, but i have gotten use to them, and even at the beginning did not think would justify the huge difference in price.
Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "forget about the sleek looks if it can't play some of your real dvds.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: i saw another review saying his only gripe was a lack of voice dialing. Intensity score:
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: i have not had any distortion problems with this phone and am more pleased with this phone than any i've used before. Intensity score:
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: so i don't know what the previous review that couldn't do more than 30 songs is talking about. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: the nikon coolpix 4300 deserves six.
Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: have tried calling (866-4apexgo), but can't get through. Intensity score:
Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: this radio receives fairly decent reception but not nearly as good as a normal radio, but as long as the stations are coming in clearly the phone's radio should work perfectly. Intensity score:
Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: vibration was not even listed as a feature when i purchased this. Intensity score:
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: the software runs smooth, it's nice to look at, it's very organized, easy to follow and makes things very simple. Intensity score:
Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "i shopped around for a month looking for a good mp3 player, and all i heard was how good the i-pod was." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "one thing, before buying this player i have called the creative tech.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: it is lightweight, sleek and attractive. Intensity score:
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: if you have any doubts about this player, well don't. Intensity score:
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: we got a 256mb card, and have been hard-pressed to fill it over a weekend. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: i pulled out our old non-progressive scan toshiba, hooked it back-up and the " finding nemo " dvd works fine.
Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: i tried out some other brands in the stores, and was disappointed by the battery life of the other company; plus what you see in the lcd (no optical finder) isn't what you get - not even for color; the output was less than i expected. Intensity score:
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "poor substitute for an ipod.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: apex ad2600 known capadabilty problem. Intensity score:
Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: one downside though is that autofocus does not work well when battery is low. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: the scroll wheel is easy to use and works great for me, however many have complained that the wheel is cumbersome and difficult to operate.
Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: the earbuds that come with it aren't that bad. Intensity score:
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "hello?". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: i have had this player for 2 weeks, i will be returning it for an exchange in the hopes that the locking problem and scroll wheel are problems with this particular unit.
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: i bought 2. i bought 2 of these phones 2 months ago for myself and my girlfriend. Intensity score:
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "the only complaint seems to be that the disk rotation is slow, leading to longer delays in some functions (playback and even a slow display of the menu?).". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: most of them are already switched to apex and they are happy.
Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "it only read the dvds 10% of the time, otherwise i would get a no disc screen." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: 4 it has optional lenses like wide angles and extra zooms. Intensity score:
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: sound quality is wonderful, i really like the smart volume sound normalization. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: this doesn't affect the picture, of course.
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: after receiving my zen xtra 40gb mp3 player... i will just say this: i will never go back to my archos again!!
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: since the front plate is removable to access the battery compartment, aftermarket alternate covers would not be difficult or expensive to make. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: then you can say, " my dissapointment only cost $ 39."
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: only one disk played through to completion successfully.
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "i refuse to buy anything made by apple and the nomad is about $ 200 cheaper anyway.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "if only it played stand alone avi files.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: i've tried playing all of these discs and they all play great. Intensity score:
Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "the blue-screen display in the zennx xtra model is an improvement, but the toggle switch is still tricky." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: 9 3x built-in optical zoom is a lot for this price range. Intensity score:
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: it surpasses my greatest expectations in a 4mp camera.. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: ok, that happens, so i try to skip the chapter.
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: i checked out the amazon reviews and i'm pleased to say mine worked, works, fine right out of the box. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: i had to sit on the phone with customer support for 2 hours and they did not help at all.
Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: i had apex regular (non-progressive) dvd-player for two years. Intensity score:
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: when i hit " menu " it told me, " playback only." Intensity score:
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: there isn't need to get in details again, but just remember it rocks because: price, sound, ease of use, and features. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mental state of the author. Present a score between 0 and 1, where 0 denotes extremely negative and 1 denotes extremely positive. Snippet: my friends were impressed with the quality of the pictures i took!
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: making the step from film to digital has been a great move. Intensity score:
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: instead, i bought the adobe photoshop camera raw plug-in. Intensity score:
Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: ooh, and i dropped it and it still works fine: this little camera has so many features i haven't even gotten to all of them yet. Intensity score:
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: the build quality feels solid, it doesn't shake or whine while playing discs, and the picture and sound is top notch (both dts and dd5.1 sound good). Intensity score:
Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "it has a classic design yet looks hip.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: had i not been in such a hurry to load cds, i would have spotted them sooner. Intensity score:
Task: Assess the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a rating between 0 (most negative) and 1 (most positive), reflecting the emotional depth conveyed in the message. Snippet: great phone, great service, no voice dialing. Intensity score:
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: spend the money its well worth it. Intensity score:
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: i hope my next player doesnt breakdown.. honestly, the best players without any flaws were the goddam cd players. Intensity score:
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: i purchased a jukebox, it got fried while being recharged, they asked for $ 20usd just to look at it and said that they would charge me for repaing the damned thing. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: my one issue with the mediasource software is that, despite pulling id3 tag data from the cdds service, the ripping process fails to populate the " year " field.
Task: Determine the valence intensity of the snippet, indicating a degree of positivity or negativity on a scale from 0 (strongly negative) to 1 (strongly positive), reflecting the emotional content expressed. Snippet: if you are looking for a very simple point and shoot camera, this is probably not what you are looking for. Intensity score:
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: however, it serves its purpose. Intensity score:
Task: Evaluate the valence intensity of the snippet, providing a numerical assessment from 0 (very negative) to 1 (very positive), indicating the emotional orientation expressed. Snippet: first let me give you the bad things: 1. the size is a little bit bigger than the ipod, and it weighs a little bit more. Intensity score:
Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "i discovered this weekend that itunes does not sell mp3's in the mp3 format." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "how does it sound?". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "creative labs customer support website is useless.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Assess the valence intensity of the snippet "i had no problems setting up the software and getting my favorite cd's transferred." based on the mood of the author. Offer a numerical rating between 0 and 1, with 1 representing highly positive and 0 representing highly negative.
Task: Quantify the valence intensity of the snippet, assigning it a value between 0 (highly negative) and 1 (highly positive), reflecting the emotional tone conveyed. Snippet: find another phone, or buy this one in its manufacturer-unlocked form. Intensity score:
Let's analyze the valence intensity of the snippet "by pressing p/n, you should be able to get a good picture on the screen.". Assign a real number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates extremely negative and 1 indicates extremely positive.
Determine the valence intensity of the writer's mental state conveyed in the snippet "overall it is a great unit & hopefully creative labs or some other vendor will soon come out with some accessories for it.". Provide a score from 0 to 1, where 1 signifies very positive and 0 signifies very negative.
Task: Analyze the valence intensity exhibited in the snippet, assigning a score on a continuum from 0 (extremely negative) to 1 (extremely positive), capturing the emotional context conveyed. Snippet: mine was 2 weeks old and i chucked it in the trash, where it belongs. Intensity score:
Evaluate the valence intensity of the following snippet, considering the mood of the author. Give a score between 0 and 1 inclusive, where 0 is the most negative and 1 is the most positive. Snippet: however, if anyone has participated in violent or extreme sports while using their zen, please share your experiences.