1 value
40 values
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
ALLOWED CONDITION: , Right shoulder sprain and right rotator cuff tear (partial).,CONTESTED CONDITION:, AC joint arthrosis right aggravation.,DISALLOWED CONDITION: ,
IME-QME-Work Comp etc.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
A fluorescein angiogram was ordered at today's visit to rule out macular edema. We have asked her to return in one to two weeks' time to discuss the results of her angiogram and possible intervention and will be sure to keep you apprised of her ongoing progress. A copy of the angiogram is enclosed for your records.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,2. Hiatal hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,2. Hiatal hernia.,3. Enterogastritis.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, photography, and biopsy.,GROSS FINDINGS: , The patient has a history of epigastric abdominal pain, persistent in nature. She has a history of severe gastroesophageal reflux disease, takes Pepcid frequently. She has had a history of hiatal hernia. She is being evaluated at this time for disease process. She does not have much response from Protonix.,Upon endoscopy, the gastroesophageal junction is approximately 40 cm. There appeared to be some inflammation at the gastroesophageal junction and a small 1 cm to 2 cm hiatal hernia. There is no advancement of the gastric mucosa up into the lower one-third of the esophagus. However there appeared to be inflammation as stated previously in the gastroesophageal junction. There was some mild inflammation at the antrum of the stomach. The fundus of the stomach was within normal limits. The cardia showed some laxity to the lower esophageal sphincter. The pylorus is concentric. The duodenal bulb and sweep are within normal limits. No ulcers or erosions.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient is taken to the Endoscopy Suite, prepped and draped in the left lateral decubitus position. The patient was given IV sedation using Demerol and Versed. Olympus videoscope was inserted into the hypopharynx and upon deglutition passed into the esophagus. Using air insufflation, panendoscope was advanced down the esophagus into the stomach along the greater curvature of the stomach through the pylorus into the duodenal bulb and sweep and the above gross findings were noted. Panendoscope was slowly withdrawn carefully examining the lumen of the bowel. Photographs were taken with the pathology present. Biopsy was obtained of the antrum of the stomach and also CLO test. The biopsy is also obtained of the gastroesophageal junction at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o' clock positions to rule out occult Barrett's esophagitis. Air was aspirated from the stomach and the panendoscope was removed. The patient sent to recovery room in stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
GENERAL: , Well developed, well nourished, alert, in no acute distress. GCS 50, nontoxic.,VITAL SIGNS: , Blood pressure *, pulse *, respirations *, temperature * degrees F. Pulse oximetry *%.,HEENT: , Eyes: Lids and conjunctiva. No lesions. Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation. Irises symmetrical, undilated. Funduscopic exam reveals no hemorrhages or discopathy. Ears, Nose, Mouth, and throat: External ears without lesions. Nares patent. Septum midline. Tympanic membranes without erythema, bulging or retraction. Canals without lesion. Hearing is grossly intact. Lips, teeth, gums, palate without lesion. Posterior oropharynx: No erythema. No tonsillar enlargement, crypt formation or abscess.,NECK: ,Supple and symmetric. No masses. Thyroid midline, non enlarged. No JVD. Neck is nontender. Full range of motion without pain.,RESPIRATORY: , Good respiratory effort. Clear to auscultation. Clear to percussion. Chest: Symmetrical rise and fall. Symmetrical expansion. No egophony or tactile fremitus.,CARDIOVASCULAR:, Regular rate and rhythm. No murmur, gallops, clicks, heaves or rub. Cardiac palpation within normal limits. Pulses equal at carotid. Femoral and pedal pulses: No peripheral edema.,GASTROINTESTINAL: ,No tenderness or mass. No hepatosplenomegaly. No hernia. Bowel sounds equal times four quadrants. Abdomen is nondistended. No rebound, guarding, rigidity or ecchymosis.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: , Normal gait and station. No pathology to digits or nails. Extremities move times four. No tenderness or effusion. Range of motion adequate. Strength and tone equal bilaterally, stable.,BACK: , Nontender on midline. Full range of motion with flexion, extension and sidebending.,SKIN:, Inspection within normal limits. Well hydrated. No diaphoresis. No obvious wound.,LYMPH:, Cervical lymph nodes. No lymphadenopathy.,NEUROLOGICAL: ,Cranial nerves II-XII grossly intact. DTRs symmetric 2 out of 4 bilateral upper and lower extremity, elbow, patella and ankle. Motor strength 4/4 bilateral upper and lower extremity. Straight leg raise is negative bilaterally.,PSYCHIATRIC: , Judgment and insight adequate. Alert and oriented times three. Memory and mood within normal limits. No delusions, hallucinations. No suicidal or homicidal ideation.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Aortoiliac occlusive disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Aortoiliac occlusive disease.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Aortobifemoral bypass.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The patient was taken to the operating room. The abdominal contents were within normal limits. The aorta was of normal size and consistency consistent with arteriosclerosis. A 16x8 mm Gore-Tex graft was placed without difficulty. The femoral vessels were small somewhat thin and there was posterior packing, but satisfactory bypass was performed.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room, placed in a supine position, and prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner with Betadine solution. A longitudinal incision was made after a Betadine-coated drape was placed over the incisional area. Longitudinal incision was made over each groin initially and carried down to the subcutaneous fat and fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with electrocautery. The common deep and superficial femoral arteries were exposed and then these incisions were covered with antibiotic soaked sponges. Attention was then turned to the abdomen, where a longitudinal incision was made from the pubis xiphoid, carried down subcutaneous fat and fascia. Hemostasis was obtained with electrocautery. The abdomen was entered above the umbilicus and then this was extended with care inferiorly as the patient has undergone previous abdominal surgery. Mild adhesions were lysed. The omentum was freed. The small and large intestine were run with no evidence of abnormalities. The liver and gallbladder were within normal limits. No abnormalities were noted. At this point, the Bookwalter retractor was placed. NG tube was placed in the stomach and placed on suction. The intestines were gently packed intraabdominally and laterally. The rest of the peritoneum was then opened. The aorta was cleared, both proximally and distally. The left iliac was completely occluded. The right iliac was to be cleansed. At this point, 5000 units of aqueous heparin was administered to allow take effect. The aorta was then clamped below the renal arteries and opened in a longitudinal fashion. A single lumbar was ligated with #3-0 Prolene. The inferior mesenteric artery was occluded intraluminally and required no suture closure. Care was taken to preserve collaterals. The aorta was measured, and a 16 mm Gore-Tex graft was brought on the field and anastomosed to the proximal aorta using #3-0 Prolene in a running fashion. Last stitch was tied. Hemostasis was excellent. The clamp was gradually removed and additional Prolene was placed in the right posterolateral aspect to obtain better hemostasis. At this point, strong pulses were present within the graft. The limbs were vented and irrigated. Using bimanual technique, the retroperitoneal tunnels were developed immediately on top of the iliac arteries into the groin. The grafts were then brought through these, care being taken to avoid twisting of the graft. At this point, the right iliac was then ligated using #0 Vicryl and the clamp was removed. Hemostasis was excellent. The right common femoral artery was then clamped proximally and distally, opened with #11 blade extended with Potts scissors. The graft was _____ and anastomosed to the artery using #5-0 Prolene in a continuous fashion with a stitch _______ running fashion. Prior to tying the last stitch, the graft and artery were vented and the last stitch was tied. Flow was initially restored proximally then distally with good results. Attention was then turned to the left groin and the artery grafts were likewise exposed, cleared proximally and distally. The artery was opened, extended with a Potts scissors and anastomosis was performed with #5-0 Prolene again with satisfactory hemostasis. The last stitch was tied. Strong pulses were present within the artery and graft itself. At this point, 25 mg of protamine was administered. The wounds were irrigated with antibiotic solution. The groins were repacked. Attention was then returned to the abdomen. The retroperitoneal area and the anastomotic sites were checked for bleeding and none was present. The shell of the aorta was closed over the proximal anastomosis and the retroperitoneum was then repaired over the remaining portions of the graft. The intraabdominal contents were then allowed to resume their normal position. There was no evidence of ischemia to the large or small bowel. At this point, the omentum and stomach were repositioned. The abdominal wall was closed in a running single layer fashion using #1 PDS. The skin was closed with skin staples. The groins were again irrigated, closed with #3-0 Vicryl and #4-0 undyed Vicryl and Steri-Strips. The patient was then taken into the recovery room in satisfactory condition after tolerating the procedure well. Sponges and instrument counts were correct. Estimated blood loss 900 cc.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM: , CT chest with contrast.,HISTORY: , Abnormal chest x-ray, which demonstrated a region of consolidation versus mass in the right upper lobe.,TECHNIQUE: ,Post contrast-enhanced spiral images were obtained through the chest.,FINDINGS: ,There are several, discrete, patchy air-space opacities in the right upper lobe, which have the appearance most compatible with infiltrates. The remainder of the lung parenchyma is clear. There is no pneumothorax or effusion. The heart size and pulmonary vessels appear unremarkable. There was no axillary, hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy.,Images of the upper abdomen are unremarkable.,Osseous windows are without acute pathology.,IMPRESSION: , Several discrete patchy air-space opacities in the right upper lobe, compatible with pneumonia.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM:,MRI RIGHT ANKLE,CLINICAL:,This is a 51 year old female who first came into the office 3/4/05 with right ankle pain. She stepped on ice the evening prior and twisted her ankle. PF's showed no frank fracture, dislocation, or subluxations.,FINDINGS:,Received for interpretation is an MRI examination performed on 4/28/2005.,There is a "high ankle sprain" of the distal tibiofibular syndesmotic ligamentous complex involving the anterior tibiofibular ligament with marked ligamentous inflammatory thickening and diffuse interstitial edema. There is osteoarthritic spur formation at the anterior aspect of the fibula with a small 2mm osseous structure within the markedly thickened anterior talofibular ligament suggesting a small ligamentous osseous avulsion. The distal tibiofibular syndesmotic ligamentous complex remains intact without a complete rupture. There is no widening of the ankle mortis. The posterior talofibular ligament remains intact.,There is marked ligamentous thickening of the anterior talofibular ligament of the lateral collateral ligamentous complex suggesting the sequela of a remote lateral ankle sprain. There is thickening of the posterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments.,There is a flat retromalleolar sulcus.,There is a full-thickness longitudinal split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon within the retromalleolar groove. The tear extends to the level of the inferior peroneal retinaculum. There is anterior displacement of the peroneus longus tendon into the split peroneus tendon tear.,There is severe synovitis of the peroneus longus tendon sheath with prominent fluid distention. The synovitis extends to the level of the inferior peroneal retinaculum.,There is a focal area of chondral thinning of the hyaline cartilage of the medial talar dome with a focal area of subchondral plate cancellous marrow resorption consistent with and area of prior talar dome contusion but there is no focal osteochondral impaction or osteochondral defect.,There is minimal fluid within the tibiotalar articulation.,There is minimal fluid within the posterior subtalar articulation with mild anterior capsular prolapse. Normal talonavicular and calcaneocuboid articulations. The anterior superior calcaneal process is normal.,There is mild tenosynovitis of the posterior tibialis tendon sheath but an intrinsically normal tendon. There is an os navicularis (Type II synchondrosis) with an intact synchondrosis and no active marrow stress phenomenon.,Normal flexor digitorum longus tendon.,There is prominent fluid distention of the flexor hallucis longus tendon sheath with capsular distention proximal to the posterior talar processes with prominent fluid distention of the synovial sheath.,There is a loculated fluid collection within Kager’s fat measuring approximately 1 x 1 x 2.5cm in size, extending to the posterior subtalar facet joint consistent with a ganglion of either posterior subtalar facet origin or arising from the flexor hallucis longus tendon sheath.,There is mild tenosynovitis of the Achilles tendon with mild fusiform enlargement of the non-insertional Watershed zone of the Achilles tendon but there is no demonstrated tendon tear or tenosynovitis. There is a low-lying soleus muscle that extends to within 4cm of the teno-osseous insertion of the Achilles tendon. There is no Haglund’s deformity.,There is a plantar calcaneal spur measuring approximately 6mm in size, without a reactive marrow stress phenomenon. Normal plantar fascia.,IMPRESSION:,Partial high ankle sprain with diffuse interstitial edema of the anterior tibiofibular ligament with a ligamentous chip avulsion but without a disruption of the anterior tibiofibular ligament.,Marked ligamentous thickening of the lateral collateral ligamentous complex consistent with the sequela of a remote lateral ankle sprain.,Full-thickness longitudinal split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon with severe synovitis of the peroneal tendon sheath.,Post-traumatic deformity of the medial talar dome consistent with a prior osteochondral impaction injury but no osteochondral defect. Residual subchondral plate cancellous marrow edema.,Severe synovitis of the flexor hallucis longus tendon sheath with prominent fluid distention of the synovial sheath proximal to the posterior talar processes.,Septated cystic structure within Kager’s fat triangle extending along the superior aspect of the calcaneus consistent with a ganglion of either articular or synovial sheath origin.,Plantar calcaneal spur but no reactive marrow stress phenomenon.,Mild tendinosis of the Achilles tendon but no tendinitis or tendon tear.,Os navicularis (Type II synchondrosis) without an active marrow stress phenomenon.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarging dark keratotic lesion of the left temple measuring 1 x 1 cm.,2. Enlarging keratotic neoplasm of the left nasolabial fold measuring 0.5 x 0.5 cm.,3. Enlarging seborrheic keratotic neoplasm of the right temple measuring 1 x 1 cm.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarging dark keratotic lesion of the left temple measuring 1 x 1 cm.,2. Enlarging keratotic neoplasm of the left nasolabial fold measuring 0.5 x 0.5 cm.,3. Enlarging seborrheic keratotic neoplasm of the right temple measuring 1 x 1 cm.,TITLE OF PROCEDURES:,1. Excision of the left temple keratotic neoplasm, final defect 1.8 x 1.5 cm with two layer plastic closure.,2. Excision of the left nasolabial fold defect 0.5 x 0.5 cm with single layer closure.,3. Excision of the right temple keratotic neoplasm, final defect measuring 1.5 x 1.5 cm with two layer plastic closure.,ANESTHESIA: , Local using 3 mL of 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 30 mL.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was evaluated preoperatively and noted to be in stable condition. Informed consent was obtained from the patient. All risks, benefits and alternatives regarding the surgery have been reviewed in detail with the patient. This includes risks of bleeding, infection, scarring, recurrence of lesion, need for further procedures, etc. Each of the areas was cleaned with a sterile alcohol swab. Planned excision site was marked with a marking pen. Local anesthetic was infiltrated. Sterile prep and drape were then performed.,We began first with excision of the left temple followed by the left nasolabial and right temple lesions. The left temple lesion is noted to be a dark black what appears to be a keratotic or possible seborrheic keratotic neoplasm. However, it is somewhat deeper than the standard seborrheic keratosis. The incision for removal of this lesion was placed within the relaxed skin tension line of the left temple region. Once this was removed, wide undermining was performed and the wound was closed in a two layer fashion using 5-0 myochromic for the deep subcutaneous and 5-0 nylon for the skin.,Excision of left cheek was a keratotic nevus. It was excised with a defect 0.5 x 0.5 cm. It was closed in a single layer fashion 5-0 nylon.,The lesion of the right temple also dark black keratotic neoplasm was excised with the incision placed within the relaxed skin tension. Once it was excised full-thickness, the defect measure 1.5 x 1.5 cm. Wide undermine was performed and it was closed in a two layer fashion using 5-0 myochromic for the deep subcutaneous, 5-0 nylon that was used to close skin. Sterile dressing was applied afterwards. The patient was discharged in stable condition. Postop care instructions reviewed in detail. She is scheduled with me in one week and we will make further recommendations at that time.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, New diagnosis of non-small cell lung cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , ABCD is a very nice 47-year-old gentleman without much past medical history who has now been diagnosed with a new non-small cell lung cancer stage IV metastatic disease. We are consulted at this time to discuss further treatment options.,ABCD and his wife state that his history goes back to approximately 2-2-1/2 weeks ago when he developed some left-sided flank pain. Initially, he did not think much of this and tried to go about doing work and everything else but the pain gradually worsened. Eventually this prompted him to present to the emergency room. A CT scan was done there, and he was found to have a large left adrenal mass worrisome for metastatic disease. At that point, he was transferred to XYZ Hospital for further evaluation. On admission on 12/19/08, a CT scan of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis was done for full staging purposes. The CT scan of the chest showed an abnormal soft tissue mass in the right paratracheal region, extending into the precarinal region, the subcarinal region, and the right hilum. This was causing some compression on the inferior aspect of the SVC and also some narrowing of the right upper lobe pulmonary artery. There was an abnormal lymph node noted in the AP window and left hilar region. There was another spiculated mass within the right upper lobe measuring 2.0 x 1.5 cm. There was also an 8 mm non-calcified nodule noted in the posterior-inferior aspect of the left upper lobe suspicious for metastatic disease. There were areas of atelectasis particularly in the right base. There was also some mild ground glass opacity within the right upper lobe adjacent to the right hilum potentially representing focal area of pulmonary edema versus small infarction related to the right upper lobe pulmonary artery narrowing. There was a small lucency adjacent to the medial aspect of the left upper lobe compatible with a small pneumothorax. In the abdomen, there was a mass involved in the left adrenal gland as well as a nodule involving the right adrenal gland both of which appeared necrotic compatible with metastatic tumor. All other structures appeared normal. On 12/22/08, a CT-guided biopsy of the left adrenal mass was performed. Pathology from this returned showing metastatic poorly differentiated non-small cell carcinoma. At this point, we have been consulted to discuss further treatment options.,On further review, ABCD states that he has may be had a 20 pound weight loss over the last couple of months which he relates to anorexia or decreased appetite. He has not ever had a chronic smoker's cough and still does not have a cough. He has no sputum production or hemoptysis. He and his wife are very anxious about this diagnosis.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , He denies any history of heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, liver disease, hepatitis major infection, seizure disorders or other problems.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , He denies having any surgeries.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS:, At home he takes no medication except occasional aspirin or ibuprofen, recently for his flank pain. He does take a multivitamin on occasion.,SOCIAL HISTORY: He has about a 30-pack-a-year history of smoking. He used to drink alcohol heavily and has a history of getting a DUI about a year-and-half ago resulting in him having his truck-driving license revoked. Since that time he has worked with printing press. He is married and has two children, both of whom are grown in their 20s, but are now living at home.,FAMILY HISTORY: , His mother died for alcohol-related complications. He otherwise denies any history of cancers, bleeding disorders, clotting disorders, or other problems.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , GENERAL/CONSTITUTIONAL: He has lost about 20 pounds of weight as described above. He also has a trouble with fatigue. No lightheadedness or dizziness. HEENT: He denies any new or changing headache, change in vision, double vision, or loss of vision, ringing in his ears, loss of hearing in one year. He does not take care of his teeth very well but currently he has no mouth, jaw, or teeth pain. RESPIRATORY: He has had some little bit of dyspnea on exertion but otherwise denies shortness of breath at rest. No cough, congestion, wheezing, hemoptysis, and sputum production. CVS: He denies any chest pains, palpitations, PND, orthopnea, or swelling of his lower extremities. GI: He denies any odynophagia, dysphagia, heartburn on a regular basis, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, diarrhea, blood in his stool, or black tarry stools. He has been somewhat constipated recently. GU: He denies any burning with urination, kidney stones, blood in his urine, dysuria, difficulty getting his urine out or other problems. MUSCULOSKELETAL: He denies any new bony aches or pains including back pain, hip pain, and rib pain. No muscle aches, no joint swelling, and no history of gout. SKIN: No rashes, no bruising, petechia, non-healing wounds, or ulcerations. He has had no nail or hair changes. HEM: He denies any bloody nose, bleeding gums, easy bruising, easy bleeding, swollen lymphs or bumps. ENDOCRINE: He denies any tremor, shakiness, history of diabetes, thyroid problems, new or enlarging stretch marks, exophthalmos, insomnia, or tremors. NEURO: He denies any mental status changes, anxiety, confusion, depression, hallucinations, loss of feeling in her arm or leg, numbness or tingling in hands or feet, loss of balance, syncope, seizures, or loss of coordination.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: His T-max is 98.8. His pulse is 85, respirations 18, and blood pressure 126/80 saturating over 90% on room air.,GENERAL: No acute distress, pleasant gentleman who appears stated age.,HEENT: NC/AT. Sclerae anicteric. Conjunctiva clear. Oropharynx is clear without erythema, exudate, or discharge.,NECK: Supple. Nontender. No elevated JVP. No carotid bruits. No thyromegaly. No thyroid nodules. Carotids are 2+ and symmetric.,BACK: Spine is straight. No spinal tenderness. No CVA tenderness. No presacral edema.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation and percussion bilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi. Normal symmetric chest wall expansion with inspiration.,CVS: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs, gallops, or rubs.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended. No hepatosplenomegaly. No guarding or rebound. No masses. Normoactive bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing, or edema. No joint swelling. Full range of motion.,SKIN: No rashes, wounds, ulcerations, bruises, or petechia.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. He has intact sensation to light touch throughout. He has 2+ deep tendon reflexes bilaterally in the biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar and ankle reflexes. He is alert and oriented x3.,LABORATORY DATA: , His white blood cell count is 9.4, hemoglobin 13.0, hematocrit 38%, and platelets 365,000. The differential shows 73% neutrophils, 17% lymphocytes, 7.6% monocytes, 1.9% eosinophils, and 0.7% basophils. Chemistry shows sodium 138, potassium 3.8, chloride 104, CO2 of 31, BUN 9, creatinine 1.0, glucose 104, calcium 12.3, alkaline phosphatase 104, AST 16, ALT 12, total protein 7.6, albumin 3.5, total bilirubin 0.5, ionized calcium 1.7. His INR is 1.0 with the PT of 11.4 and a PTT of 31.3.,IMAGINING DATA:, MRI of the brain on 12/23/08 - this shows some mild white matter disease, question of minimal pontine ischemic gliosis as well as a small incidental venous angioma in the left posterior frontal deep white matter. There is no evidence of cerebral metastasis, hemorrhage, or acute infarction.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN: , ABCD is a very nice 47-year-old gentleman without much past medical history, who now presents with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. At this point, he and his wife ask about whether this is curable disease and it was difficult to inform that this was not curable disease but would be treatable. His wife particularly had a very hard time with this prognosis. They preferred not to know the exact average as to how long someone lives with this disease. I did offer chemotherapy as a way to treat this disease. Chemotherapy has been associated both with palliation of symptoms as well as prolong survival. At this point, he has an excellent functional status and I think he would tolerate chemotherapy quite well.,In terms of chemotherapy, I talked briefly about the side affects including but not limited to GI upset, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, mucositis, fatigue, loss of appetite, low blood counts including the possible need for transfusion as well as the risk of infections, which in some rare cases can be fatal. I would likely use carboplatin and gemcitabine. This would be both medications given on day 1 with a dose of gemcitabine on day 8. This cycle will be repeated after 1-week break so that the cycle lasts 21 days. The goal will be to complete 6 cycles of this as long as he is responding and tolerating the medication.,In terms of staging Mr. ABCD'S had all the appropriate staging. A PET-CT scan could be done, but at this point would not provide much mean full information beyond the CT scans that we have.,At this point, his biggest issue is pain and he is getting a pain consult to help control his pain. He will be ready to be discharged from the hospital once his pain is under better control. As this is the holiday weekend, I do not have a way of scheduling a followup appointment with them, but I did give he and his wife my card and instructed them to call on Monday. At that point, we will get him in and I will also begin working on making arrangements for his chemotherapy.,Thank you very much for this interesting consult.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
ADMITTING DIAGNOSES:,1. Fever.,2. Otitis media.,3. Possible sepsis.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 10-month-old male who was seen in the office 1 day prior to admission. He has had a 2-day history of fever that has gone up to as high as 103.6 degrees F. He has also had intermittent cough, nasal congestion, and rhinorrhea and no history of rashes. He has been taking Tylenol and Advil to help decrease the fevers, but the fever has continued to rise. He was noted to have some increased workup of breathing and parents returned to the office on the day of admission.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for being born at 33 weeks' gestation with a birth weight of 5 pounds and 1 ounce.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , On exam, he was moderately ill appearing and lethargic. HEENT: Atraumatic, normocephalic. Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. Tympanic membranes were red and yellow, and opaque bilaterally. Nares were patent. Oropharynx was slightly moist and pink. Neck was soft and supple without masses. Heart is regular rate and rhythm without murmurs. Lungs showed increased workup of breathing, moderate tachypnea. No rales, rhonchi or wheezes were noted. Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended. Active bowel sounds. Neurologic exam showed good muscle strength, normal tone. Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact.,LABORATORY FINDINGS: , He had electrolytes, BUN and creatinine, and glucose all of which were within normal limits. White blood cell count was 8.6 with 61% neutrophils, 21% lymphocytes, 17% monocytes, suggestive of a viral infection. Urinalysis was completely unremarkable. Chest x-ray showed a suboptimal inspiration, but no evidence of an acute process in the chest.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient was admitted to the hospital and allowed a clear liquid diet. Activity is as tolerates. CBC with differential, blood culture, electrolytes, BUN, and creatinine, glucose, UA, and urine culture all were ordered. Chest x-ray was ordered as well with 2 views to evaluate for a possible pneumonia. Pulse oximetry checks were ordered every shift and as needed with O2 ordered per nasal cannula if O2 saturations were less that 94%. Gave D5 and quarter of normal saline at 45 mL per hour, which was just slightly above maintenance rate to help with hydration. He was given ceftriaxone 500 mg IV once daily to treat otitis media and possible sepsis, and I will add Tylenol and ibuprofen as needed for fevers. Overnight, he did have his oxygen saturations drop and went into oxygen overnight. His lungs remained clear, but because of the need for O2, we instituted albuterol aerosols every 6 hours to help maintain good lung function. The nurses were instructed to attempt to wean O2 if possible and advance the diet. He was doing clear liquids well and so I saline locked to help to accommodate improve the mobility with the patient. He did well the following evening with no further oxygen requirement. He continued to spike fevers but last fever was around 13:45 on the previous day. At the time of exam, he had 100% oxygen saturations on room air with temperature of 99.3 degrees F. with clear lungs. He was given additional dose of Rocephin when it was felt that it would be appropriate for him to be discharged that morning.,CONDITION OF THE PATIENT AT DISCHARGE: , He was at 100% oxygen saturations on room air with no further dips at night. He has become afebrile and was having no further increased work of breathing.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Bilateral otitis media.,2. Fever.,PLAN: ,Recommended discharge. No restrictions in diet or activity. He was continued Omnicef 125 mg/5 mL one teaspoon p.o. once daily and instructed to follow up with Dr. X, his primary doctor, on the following Tuesday. Parents were instructed also to call if new symptoms occurred or he had return if difficulties with breathing or increased lethargy.
Discharge Summary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Partial rotator cuff tear, left shoulder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Partial rotator cuff tear, left shoulder.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Arthroscopy of the left shoulder with arthroscopic rotator cuff debridement, soft tissue decompression of the subacromial space of the left shoulder.,ANESTHESIA: ,Scalene block with general anesthesia.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 30 cc.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION: ,The patient went to the PACU stable.,GROSS OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , There was no overt pathology of the biceps tendon. There was some softening and loss of the articular cartilage over the glenoid. The labrum was ________ attached permanently to the glenoid. The biceps tendon was nonsubluxable. Upon ranging of the shoulder in internal and external rotation showed no evidence of rotator cuff tear on the articular side. Subacromial space did show excessive soft tissue causing some overstuffing of the subacromial space. There was reconstitution of the bursa noted as well.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 51-year-old female had left shoulder pain of chronic nature who has had undergone prior rotator cuff debridement in May with partial pain relief and has had continued pain in the left shoulder. MRI shows partial rotator cuff tear.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in a beachchair position. After all bony prominences were adequately padded, the head was placed in the headholder with no excessive extension in the neck on flexion. The left extremity was prepped and draped in usual fashion. The #18 gauge needles were inserted into the left shoulder to locate the AC joint, the lateral aspect of the acromion as well as the pass of the first trocar to enter the shoulder joint from the posterior aspect. We took an #11 blade scalpel and made a small 1-cm skin incision posteriorly approximately 4-cm inferior and medial to the lateral port of the acromion. A blunt trocar was used to bluntly cannulate the joint and we put the camera into the shoulder at that point of the joint and instilled sterile saline to distend the capsule and begin our arthroscopic assessment of the shoulder. A second port was established superior to the biceps tendon anteriorly under direct arthroscopic visualization using #11 blade on the skin and inserted bluntly the trocar and the cannula. The operative findings found intra-articularly were as described previously gross operative findings. We did not see any evidence of acute pathology. We then removed all the arthroscopic instruments as well as the trocars and tunneled subcutaneously into the subacromial space and reestablished the portal and camera and inflow with saline. The subacromial space was examined and found to have excessive soft tissue and bursa that was in the subacromial space that we debrided using arthroscopic shaver after establishing a lateral portal. All this was done and hemostasis was achieved. The rotator cuff was examined from the bursal side and showed no evidence of tears. There was some fraying out laterally near its attachment over the greater tuberosity, which was debrided with the arthroscopic shaver. We removed all of our instruments and suctioned the subacromial space dry. A #4-0 nylon was used on the three arthroscopic portal and on the skin we placed sterile dressing and the arm was placed in an arm sling. She was placed back on the gurney, extubated and taken to the PACU in stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 65-year-old female who underwent left upper lobectomy for stage IA non-small cell lung cancer. She returns for a routine surveillance visit.,She has undergone since her last visit an abdominopelvic CT, which shows an enlarging simple cyst of the left kidney. She underwent barium swallow, which demonstrates a small sliding hiatal hernia with minimal reflux. She has a minimal delayed emptying secondary tertiary contractions. PA and lateral chest x-ray from the 11/23/09 was also reviewed, which demonstrates no lesions or infiltrates. Review of systems, the patient continues to have periodic odynophagia and mid thoracic dysphagia. This most likely is secondary to tertiary contractions with some delayed emptying. She has also had increased size of the left calf without tenderness, which has not resolved over the past several months. She has had a previous DVT in 1975 and 1985. She denies weight loss, anorexia, fevers, chills, headaches, new aches or pains, cough, hemoptysis, shortness of breath at rest, or dyspnea on exertion.,MEDICATIONS: , Aspirin 81 mg p.o. q.d., Spiriva 10 mcg q.d., and albuterol p.r.n.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , BP: 117/78. RR: 18. P: 93.,WT: 186 lbs. RAS: 100%.,HEENT: Mucous membranes are moist. No cervical or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIAC: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs.,EXTREMITIES: No cyanosis, clubbing or edema.,NEURO: Alert and oriented x3. Cranial nerves II through XII intact.,ASSESSMENT: , The patient has no evidence of disease now status post left upper lobectomy for stage IA non-small cell lung cancer 13 months ago.,PLAN: ,She is to return to clinic in six months with a chest CT. She was given a prescription for an ultrasound of the left lower extremity to rule out DVT. She will be called with the results. She was given a prescription for nifedipine 10 mg p.o. t.i.d. p.r.n. esophageal spasm.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR CONSULT: , A patient with non-Q-wave myocardial infarction.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a pleasant 52-year-old gentleman with a history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and renal failure, on dialysis, who presented with emesis, dizziness, and nausea for the last few weeks. The patient reports having worsening emesis and emesis a few times. No definite chest pains. The patient is breathing okay. The patient denies orthopnea or PND.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Diabetes mellitus.,2. Hypertension.,3. Renal failure, on dialysis.,MEDICATIONS:, Aspirin, Coreg, doxazosin, insulin, metoclopramide, simvastatin, and Starlix.,ALLERGIES: ,NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient denies tobacco, alcohol or drug use.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Negative for early atherosclerotic heart disease.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , General: The patient denies fever or chills. Pulmonary: The patient denies hemoptysis. Cardiovascular: Refer to HPI. GI: The patient denies hematemesis or melena. The rest of systems review is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 71, blood pressure 120/70, and respiratory rate 18.,GENERAL: A well-nourished, well-developed male in no acute distress.,HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Pupils seem to be equal, round, and reactive. Extraocular muscles are full, but the patient has left eye ptosis.,NECK: Supple without JVD or lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: PMI is displaced 0.5 cm lateral to the midclavicular line. Regular rate and rhythm, S1, S2. No definite S3, 2/6 holosystolic murmur at the apex radiating to the axilla.,ABDOMEN: Positive bowel sounds, nondistended and nontender. No hepatosplenomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: Trace pedal edema.,EKG shows atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response at 164 with old anteroseptal myocardial infarction and old inferior wall myocardial infarction. Subsequent EKG in sinus rhythm shows sinus rhythm with old inferior wall myocardial infarction and probable anteroseptal myocardial infarction with Q-waves in V1, V2, and up to V3.,LABORATORY EXAM: , WBC 28,800, hemoglobin 13.6, hematocrit 40, and platelets 266,000. PT 11.3, INR 1.1, and PTT 24.1. Sodium 126, potassium 4.3, chloride 86, CO2 26, glucose 371, BUN 80, and creatinine 8.4. CK was 261, then 315, and then 529 with CK-MB of 8.06, then 8.69, and then 24.6. Troponin was 0.051, then 0.46, and then 19.8 this morning.,IMPRESSION:,1. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. The heart rate was slowed down with IV Cardizem, the patient converted to sinus rhythm. The patient is currently in sinus rhythm.,2. Emesis. The etiology is unclear. The patient reports that the emesis is better. The patient is just having some nausea.,3. Non-Q-wave myocardial infarction. EKG shows atrial fibrillation with old anteroseptal myocardial infarction and old inferior wall myocardial infarction.,4. Diabetes mellitus.,5. Renal failure.,6. Hypertension.,7. Hypercholesterolemia.,PLAN:,1. We will start amiodarone to keep from going back into atrial fibrillation.,2. Echocardiogram.,3. Aspirin and IV heparin.,4. Serial CK-MB and troponin.,5. Cardiac catheterization, possible percutaneous coronary intervention. The risks, benefits, and alternatives were explained to the patient through a translator. The patient understands and wishes to proceed.,6. IV Integrilin.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right spermatocele.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Right spermatocele.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:,1. Right spermatocelectomy.,2. Right orchidopexy.,ANESTHESIA: , Local MAC.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,FLUIDS: , Crystalloid.,BRIEF HISTORY OF THE PATIENT: ,The patient is a 77-year-old male who comes to the office with a large right spermatocele. The patient says it does bother him on and off, has occasional pain and discomfort with it, has difficulty with putting clothes on etc. and wanted to remove. Options such as watchful waiting, removal of the spermatocele or needle drainage were discussed. Risk of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, pain, MI, DVT, PE, risk of infection, scrotal pain, and testicular pain were discussed. The patient was told that his scrotum may enlarge in the postoperative period for about a month and it will settle down. The patient was told about the risk of recurrence of spermatocele. The patient understood all the risks, benefits, and options and wanted to proceed with removal.,DETAILS OF THE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the OR. Anesthesia was applied. The patient's scrotal area was shaved, prepped, and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A midline scrotal incision was made measuring about 2 cm in size. The incision was carried through the dartos through the scrotal sac and the spermatocele was identified. All the layers of the spermatocele were removed. Clear layer was visualized, was taken all the way up to the base, the base was tied. Entire spermatocele sac was removed. After removing the entire spermatocele sac, hemostasis was obtained. The testicle was not in normal orientation. The testis and epididymis was removed, which is a small appendage on the superior aspect of the testicle. The testicle was placed in a normal orientation. Careful attention was drawn not to twist the cord. Orchidopexy was done to allow the testes to stay stable in the postoperative period using 4-0 Vicryl and was tied at 3 different locations. Absorbable sutures were used, so that the patient does not feel the sutures in the postoperative period. The dartos was closed using 2-0 Vicryl in running locking fashion. There was excellent hemostasis. The skin was closed using 4-0 Monocryl. Dermabond was applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was brought to the recovery room in stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: , Symptomatic thyroid goiter.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: ,Symptomatic thyroid goiter.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED DURING THIS HOSPITALIZATION: , Total thyroidectomy.,INDICATIONS FOR THE SURGERY: ,Briefly, the patient is a 71-year-old female referred with increasingly symptomatic large nodular thyroid goiter. She presented now after informed consent for the above procedure, understanding the inherent risks and complications and risk-benefit ratio.,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient underwent total thyroidectomy on 09/22/08, which she tolerated very well and remained stable in the postoperative period. On postoperative day #1, she was tolerating her diet, began on thyroid hormone replacement, and remained afebrile with stable vital signs. She required intravenous narcotics for pain control. She was judged stable for discharge home on 09/25/08, tolerating a diet well, having no fever, stable vital signs, and good pain control. The wound was clean and dry. The drain was removed. She was instructed to follow up in the surgical office within one week after discharge. She was given prescription for Vicodin for pain and Synthroid thyroid hormone, and otherwise the appropriate wound care instructions per my routine wound care sheet.
General Medicine
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Left knee pain and stiffness.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 57-year-old with severe bilateral knee DJD, left greater than right, with significant pain and limitations because of both. He is able to walk approximately a 1/2-mile a day but is limited because of his knees. Stairs are negotiated 1 at a time. His problems with bilateral knee DJD have been well documented. He had arthroscopy in the 1991/199two time frame for both of these. He has been on long-standing conservative course for these including nonsteroidals, narcotics, injections. At this point because of his progressive and persistent limitations he has opted for total joint surgery on the left side. He does have other arthritic complaints including multiple back surgeries for spinal stenosis including decompression and epidural steroids. Significant pain is handled by narcotic medication. His attending physician is Dr. X.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Hypertension.,PRIOR SURGERIES:,1. Inguinal hernia on the left.,2. Baker's cyst.,3. Colon cancer removal.,4. Bilateral knee scopes.,5. Right groin hernia.,6. Low back surgery for spinal stenosis.,7. Status post colon cancer second surgery.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Ambien 12.5 mg nightly.,2. Methadone 10 mg b.i.d.,3. Lisinopril 10 mg daily.,IV MEDICATIONS FOR PAIN: ,Demerol appears to work the best.,ALLERGIES: , Levaquin and Cipro cause rashes; ibuprofen causes his throat to swell, Fortaz causes an unknown reaction.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,He does have paresthesias down into his thighs secondary to spinal stenosis.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Married. He is retired, being a Pepsi-Cola driver secondary to his back and knees.,HABITS: , No tobacco or alcohol. Chewed until 2003.,RECREATIONAL PURSUITS: ,Golfs, gardens, woodworks.,FAMILY HISTORY:,1. Cancer.,2. Coronary artery disease.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL APPEARANCE: A pleasant, cooperative 57-year-old white male.,VITAL SIGNS: Height 5' 9", weight 167. Blood pressure 148/86. Pulse 78 per minute and regular.,HEENT: Unremarkable. Extraocular movements are full. Cranial nerves II-XII intact.,NECK: Supple.,CHEST: Clear.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rhythm. Normal S1 and 2.,ABDOMEN: No organomegaly. No tenderness. Normal bowel sounds.,NEUROLOGIC: Intact.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Left knee reveals a range of -10 degrees extension, 126 flexion. His extensor mechanism is intact. There is mild varus. He has good stability at 30 degrees of flexion. Lachman's and posterior drawer are negative. He has good muscle turgor. Dorsalis pedis pulse 2+.,DIAGNOSTICS: ,X-rays revealed severe bilateral knee DJD with joint space narrowing medially as well as the patellofemoral joint with large osteophytes, left greater than right.,IMPRESSION:,1. Bilateral knee degenerative joint disease.,2. Significant back pain, status post lumbar stenosis surgery with pain being controlled on methadone 10 mg b.i.d.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , Patient is a 14-year-old white female who presents with her mother complaining of a four-day history of cold symptoms consisting of nasal congestion and left ear pain. She has had a dry cough and a fever as high as 100, but this has not been since the first day. She denies any vomiting or diarrhea. She did try some Tylenol Cough and Cold followed by Tylenol Cough and Cold Severe, but she does not think that this has helped.,FAMILY HISTORY: , The patient's younger sister has recently had respiratory infection complicated by pneumonia and otitis media.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, The patient does note some pressure in her sinuses. She denies any skin rash.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Patient lives with her mother, who is here with her.,Nursing notes were reviewed with which I agree.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Temp is 38.1, pulse is elevated at 101, other vital signs are all within normal limits. Room air oximetry is 100%.,GENERAL: Patient is a healthy-appearing, white female, adolescent who is sitting on the stretcher, and appears only mildly ill.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic, atraumatic. Pharynx shows no erythema, tonsillar edema, or exudate. Both TMs are easily visualized and are clear with good light reflex and no erythema. Sinuses do show some mild tenderness to percussion.,NECK: No meningismus or enlarged anterior/posterior cervical lymph nodes.,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm without murmurs, rubs, or gallops.,LUNGS: Clear without rales, rhonchi, or wheezes.,SKIN: No rash.,ASSESSMENT:, Viral upper respiratory infection (URI) with sinus and eustachian congestion.,PLAN:, I did educate the patient about her problem and urged her to switch to Advil Cold & Sinus for the next three to five days for better control of her sinus and eustachian discomfort. I did urge her to use Afrin nasal spray for the next three to five days to further decongest her sinuses. If she is unimproved in five days, follow up with her PCP for re-exam.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM: , CT chest with contrast.,HISTORY: , Abnormal chest x-ray, which demonstrated a region of consolidation versus mass in the right upper lobe.,TECHNIQUE: ,Post contrast-enhanced spiral images were obtained through the chest.,FINDINGS: ,There are several, discrete, patchy air-space opacities in the right upper lobe, which have the appearance most compatible with infiltrates. The remainder of the lung parenchyma is clear. There is no pneumothorax or effusion. The heart size and pulmonary vessels appear unremarkable. There was no axillary, hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy.,Images of the upper abdomen are unremarkable.,Osseous windows are without acute pathology.,IMPRESSION: , Several discrete patchy air-space opacities in the right upper lobe, compatible with pneumonia.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right renal mass.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right renal mass.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic right partial nephrectomy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 250 mL.,X-RAYS: , None.,SPECIMENS: , Included right renal mass as well as biopsies from the base of the resection.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS: , Included a JP drain in the right flank as well as a #16-French Foley catheter per urethra.,BRIEF HISTORY: , The patient is a 60-year-old gentleman with a history of an enhancing right renal mass approximately 2 cm in diameter. I had a long discussion with him concerning variety of options. We talked in particular about extirpated versus ablative surgery. Based on his young age and excellent state of health, decision was made at this point to proceed to a right partial nephrectomy laparoscopically. All questions were answered, and he wished to proceed with surgery as planned. Note that the patient does have a positive family history of renal cell carcinoma.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After acquisition of proper informed consent and administration of perioperative antibiotics, the patient was taken to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. After institution of adequate general anesthetic via endotracheal rod, he was placed into the right anterior flank position with his right side elevated on a roll and his right arm across his chest. All pressure points were carefully padded, and he was securely taped to the table. Note that sequential compression devices were in place on both lower extremities and were activated prior to induction of anesthesia. His abdomen was then prepped and draped in a standard surgical fashion. Note that a #16-French Foley catheter was in place per urethra as well as an orogastric tube. The abdomen was insufflated at the right lateral abdomen using the Veress needle to a pressure of 15 without incident. We then placed a Visiport 10 x 12 trocar in the right lateral abdomen. With the trocar in place, we were able to place the remaining trocars under direct laparoscopic visualization. We placed three additional trocars. An 11 mm screw type trocar at the umbilicus, a 6 screw type trocar 7 cm in the midline above the umbilicus, and a 10 x 12 trocar to serve as a retractor port approximately 8 cm inferior in the midline.,The procedure was begun by reflecting the right colon by incising the white line of Toldt. The colon was reflected medially, and the retroperitoneum was exposed on that side. This was a fairly superficial lesion, so decision was made in advance to potentially not perform vascular clamping, however, I did feel it important to get high level control prior to proceeding to the partial. With the colon reflected, the duodenum was identified, and it was reflected medially under Kocher maneuver. The ureter and gonadal vein were identified on the right side and elevated. The space between the ureter and the gonadal vein was then developed, and the gonadal vein was dropped elevating only the ureter, and carrying this plane dissection up towards the renal hilum. Once we got up to the renal hilum, we were able to skeletonize the renal hilar vessels partially, and in particular, we did develop some of the upper pole dissection above the level of the hilum to provide for access for a Satinsky clamp or bulldogs. The remainder of the kidney was then freed off its lateral and superior attachments primarily using the Harmonic scalpel and the LigaSure device.,With the kidney free and the hilum prepared, the Gerota fascia was taken down overlying the kidney exposing the renal parenchyma, and using this approach, we were able to identify the 2-cm, right renal mass located in the lower pole laterally. A cap of fat was left overlying this mass. Based on the position of the mass, we performed intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasound, which showed the mass to be somewhat deeper than initially anticipated. Based on this finding, I decided to go ahead and clamp the renal hilum during resection. A Satinsky clamp was introduced through the lower most trocar site and used to clamp the renal hilum en bloc. Note that the patient had been receiving renal protection protocol including fenoldopam and mannitol throughout the procedure, and he also received Lasix prior to clamping the renal hilum. With the renal hilum clamped, we did resect the tumor using cold scissors. There was somewhat more bleeding than would be expected based on the hilar clamping; however, we were able to successfully resect this lesion. We also took a biopsy at the base of the resection and passed off the table as a specimen for frozen section. With the tumor resected, the base of the resection was then cauterized using the Argon beam coagulator, and several bleeding vessels were oversewn using figure-of-eight 3-0 Vicryl sutures with lap ties for tensioning. We then placed a FloSeal into the wound and covered it with a Surgicel and held the pressure. We then released the vascular clamp. Total clamp time was 11 minutes. There was minimal bleeding and occlusion of this maneuver, and after unclamping the kidney, the kidney pinked up appropriately and appeared well perfused after removal of the clamp. We then replaced the kidney within its Gerota envelope and closed that with 3-0 Vicryl using lap ties for tensioning. A JP drain was introduced through the right flank and placed adjacent to the kidney and sutured the skin with 2-0 nylon. The specimen was placed into a 10-mm Endocatch bag and extracted from the lower most trocar site after extending it approximately 1 cm. It was evaluated on the table and passed off the table for Pathology to evaluate. They stated that the tumor was close to the margin, but there appeared to be 1-2 mm normal parenchyma around the tumor. In addition, the frozen section biopsies from the base of the resection were negative for renal cell carcinoma. Based on these findings, the lower most trocar site was closed using a running 0 Vicryl suture in the fascia. We then re-insufflated the abdomen and carefully evaluated the entire intraoperative field for hemostasis. Any bleeding points were controlled primarily using bipolar cautery or hemoclips. The area was copiously irrigated with normal saline. The colon was then replaced into its normal anatomic position. The mesentry was evaluated. There were no defects noted. We closed the 10 x 12 lateral most trocar site using a Carter-Thompson closure device with 0-Vicryl. All trocars were removed under direct visualization, and the abdomen was desufflated prior to removal of the last trocar. The skin incisions were irrigated with normal saline and infiltrated with 0.25% Marcaine, and the skin was closed using a running 4-0 Monocryl in subcuticular fashion. Benzoin and Steri-Strips were placed. The patient was returned in supine position and awoken from general anesthetic without incident. He was then transferred to hospital gurney and taken to the postanesthesia care unit for postoperative monitoring. At the end of the case, sponge, instrument, and needle counts were correct. I was scrubbed and present throughout the entire case.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR CONSULT: , Medical management, status post left total knee arthroplasty.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Polyarthritis.,2. Acromegaly.,3. Hypothyroidism.,4. Borderline hypertension.,5. Obesity.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Hernia repair, resection of tumor, right thumb arthrodesis, carpal tunnel decompression, bilateral hip replacement, right total knee replacement about 2 months ago, open reduction of left elbow fracture.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,CONSTITUTIONAL SYMPTOMS: No fever or recent general malaise.,ENT: Not remarkable.,RESPIRATORY: No cough or shortness of breath.,CARDIOVASCULAR: The patient denies any heart problems. No orthopnea. No palpitations. No syncopal episodes.,GASTROINTESTINAL: No nausea. No vomiting. No history of GI bleed.,GENITOURINARY: No dysuria, no hematuria.,ENDOCRINE: The patient is status post pituitary tumor resection and is on supplemental hormone.,MEDICATIONS: Depo-Testosterone 200 mg IM q.3 weekly, prednisone 1 tablet p.o. daily, octreotide IM on a monthly basis, morphine extended release 50 mg p.o. b.i.d., Synthroid 100 mcg p.o. daily, desmopressin 1 tablet p.o. every bedtime, aspirin/oxycodone on a p.r.n. basis, aspirin on p.r.n. basis.,ALLERGIES: , IBUPROFEN AND TYLENOL.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient does not smoke nor drink alcohol.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: Obese, 57-year-old gentleman, not in acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure of 105/55, pulse is 90. He is afebrile. O2 saturation is 95% on room air.,HEAD AND NECK: Face symmetrical. Cranial nerves are intact. No distended neck veins. No palpable neck masses.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation. No wheezing. No crepitations.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second heart sounds were heard. No murmur was appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Benign.,EXTREMITIES: The left knee is in closed dressing. The lower extremities are still numb from spinal anesthesia.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Polyarthritis, status post left total knee replacement. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,2. Acromegaly, status post pituitary resection. Continue supplemental hormones.,3. Borderline hypertension, blood pressure is under control with monitoring.,4. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis as per surgeon.,5. Anemia due to repeated blood loss with monitor hemoglobin and hematocrit.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , ICU management.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 43-year-old gentleman who presented from an outside hospital with complaints of right upper quadrant pain in the abdomen, which revealed possible portal vein and superior mesenteric vein thrombus leading to mesenteric ischemia. The patient was transferred to the ABCD Hospital where he had a weeklong course with progressive improvement in his status after aggressive care including intubation, fluid resuscitation, and watchful waiting. The patient clinically improved; however, his white count remained elevated with the intermittent fevers prompting a CT scan. Repeat CT scan showed a loculated area of ischemic bowel with perforation in the left upper abdomen. The patient was taken emergently to the operating room last night by the General Surgery Service where proximal half of the jejunum was noted to be liquified with 3 perforations. This section of small bowel was resected, and a wound VAC placed for damage control. Plan was to return the patient to the Operating Room tomorrow for further exploration and possible re-anastomosis of the bowel. The patient is currently intubated, sedated, and on pressors for septic shock and in the down ICU.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Prior to coming into the hospital for this current episode, the patient had hypertension, diabetes, and GERD.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Included a cardiac cath with no interventions taken.,HOME MEDICATIONS:, Include Lantus insulin as well as oral hypoglycemics.,CURRENT MEDS:, Include Levophed, Ativan, fentanyl drips, cefepime, Flagyl, fluconazole, and vancomycin. Nexium, Synthroid, hydrocortisone, and Angiomax, which is currently on hold.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Unable to be obtained secondary to the patient's intubated and sedated status.,ALLERGIES: , None.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Includes diabetes on his father side of the family. No other information is provided.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Includes tobacco use as well as alcohol use.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is currently intubated and sedated on Levophed drip.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 100.6, systolic is 110/60 with MAP of 80, and heart rate is 120, sinus rhythm.,NEUROLOGIC: Neurologically, he is sedated, on Ativan with fentanyl drip as well. He does arouse with suctioning, but is unable to open his eyes to commands.,HEAD AND NECK EXAMINATION: His pupils are equal, round, reactive, and constricted. He has no scleral icterus. His mucous membranes are pink, but dry. He has an EG tube, which is currently 24-cm at the lip. He has a left-sided subclavian vein catheter, triple lumen.,NECK: His neck is without masses or lymphadenopathy or JVD.,CHEST: Chest has diminished breath sounds bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Abdomen is soft, but distended with a wound VAC in place. Groins demonstrate a left-sided femoral outline.,EXTREMITIES: His bilateral upper extremities are edematous as well as his bilateral lower extremities; however, his right is more than it is in the left. His toes are cool, and pulses are not palpable.,LABORATORY EXAMINATION: , Laboratory examination reveals an ABG of 7.34, CO2 of 30, O2 of 108, base excess of -8, bicarb of 16.1, sodium of 144, potassium of 6.5, chloride of 122, CO2 18, BUN 43, creatinine 2.0, glucose 172, calcium 6.6, phosphorus 1.1, mag 1.8, albumin is 1.6, cortisone level random is 22. After stimulation with cosyntropin, they were still 22 and then 21 at 30 and 60 minutes respectively. LFTs are all normal. Amylase and lipase are normal. Triglycerides are 73, INR is 2.2, PTT is 48.3, white count 20.7, hemoglobin 9.6, and platelets of 211. UA was done, which also shows a specific gravity of 1.047, 1+ protein, trace glucose, large amount of blood, and many bacteria. Chest x-rays performed and show the tip of the EG tube at level of the carina with some right upper lobe congestion, but otherwise clear costophrenic angles. Tip of the left subclavian vein catheter is appropriate, and there is no pneumothorax noted.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:, This is a 43-year-old gentleman who is acutely ill, in critical condition with mesenteric ischemia secondary to visceral venous occlusion. He is status post small bowel resection. We plan to go back to operating room tomorrow for further debridement and possible closure. Neurologically, the patient initially had question of encephalopathy while in the hospital secondary to slow awakening after previous intubation; however, he did clear eventually, and was able to follow commands. I did not suspect any sort of pathologic abnormality of his neurologic status as he has further CT scan of his brain, which was normal. Currently, we will keep him sedated and on fentanyl drip to ease pain and facilitate ventilation on the respirator. We will form daily sedation holidays to assess his neurologic status and avoid over sedating with Ativan.,1. Cardiovascular. The patient currently is in septic shock requiring vasopressors maintained on MAP greater than 70. We will continue to try to wean the vasopressin after continued volume loading, also place SvO2 catheter to assess his oxygen delivery and consumption given his state of shock. Currently, his rhythm is of sinus tachycardia, I do not suspect AFib or any other arrhythmia at this time. If he does not improve as expected with volume resuscitation and with resolution of his sepsis, we will obtain an echocardiogram to assess his cardiac function. Once he is off the vasopressors, we will try low-dose beta blockade as tolerated to reduce his rate.,2. Pulmonology. Currently, the patient is on full vent support with a rate of 20, tidal volume of 550, pressure support of 10, PEEP of 6, and FiO2 of 60. We will wean his FiO2 as tolerated to keep his saturation greater than 90% and wean his PEEP as tolerated to reduce preload compromise. We will keep the head of bed elevated and start chlorhexidine as swish and swallow for VAP prevention.,3. Gastrointestinal. The patient has known mesenteric venous occlusion secondary to the thrombus formation at the portal vein as well as the SMV. He is status post immediate resection of jejunum leaving a blind proximal jejunum and blind distal jejunum. We will maintain NG tube as he has a blind stump there, and we will preclude any further administration of any meds through this NG tube. I will keep him on GI prophylaxis as he is intubated. We will currently hold his TPN as he is undergoing a large amount of volume changes as well as he is undergoing electrolyte changes. He will have a long-term TPN after this acute episode. His LFTs are all normal currently. Once he is postop tomorrow, we will restart the Angiomax for his venous occlusion.,4. Renal. The patient currently is in the acute renal insufficiency with anuria and an increase in his creatinine as well as his potassium. His critical hyperkalemia which is requiring dosing of dextrose insulin, bicarb, and calcium; we will recheck his potassium levels after this cocktail. He currently is started to make more urine since being volume resuscitated with Hespan as well as bicarb drip. Hopefully given his increased urine output, he will start to eliminate some potassium and will not need dialysis. We will re-consult Nephrology at this time.,5. Endocrine. The patient has adrenal insufficiency based on lack of stem to cosyntropin. We will start hydrocortisone 50 q.6h.,6. Infectious Disease. Currently, the patient is on broad-spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis imperially. Given his bowel ischemia, we will continue these, and appreciate ID service's input.,7. Hematology. Hematologically, the patient has a hypercoagulable syndrome, also had HIT secondary to his heparin administration. We will restart the Angiomax once he is back from the OR tomorrow. Currently, his INR is 2.2. Therefore, he should be covered at the moment. Appreciate the Hematology's input in this matter.,Please note the total critical care time spent at the bedside excluding central line placement was 1 hour.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient has NG tube in place for decompression. She says she is feeling a bit better.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: She is afebrile. Pulse is 58 and blood pressure is 110/56.,SKIN: There is good skin turgor.,GENERAL: She is not in acute distress.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation. There is good air movement bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second sounds are heard. No murmurs appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Less distended. Bowel sounds are absent.,EXTREMITIES: She has 3+ pedal swelling.,NEUROLOGICAL: The patient is alert and oriented x3. Examination is nonfocal.,LABORATORY DATA:, White count is down from 20,000 to 12.5, hemoglobin is 12, hematocrit 37, and platelets 199,000. Glucose is 157, BUN 14, creatinine 0.6, sodium is 131, potassium is 4.0, and CO2 is 31.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Small bowel obstruction/paralytic ileus, rule out obstipation. Continue with less aggressive decompression. Follow surgeon's recommendation.,2. Pulmonary fibrosis, status post biopsy. Manage as per pulmonologist.,3. Leukocytosis, improving. Continue current antibiotics.,4. Bilateral pedal swelling. Ultrasound of the lower extremity negative for DVT.,5. Hyponatremia, improving.,6. DVT prophylaxis.,7. GI prophylaxis.
General Medicine
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE: , The test was performed in an observed hospital laboratory due to the evidence of obstructive sleep apnea. The patient was monitored for EEG, EOG, jaw and leg EMG, thoracoabdominal impedance, oral/nasal thermistors, EKG, and oximetry.,CPAP TITRATION STUDY:, Total sleep time 425 minutes, sleep onset 7.8 minutes, and sleep efficiency 95%. Stage I 6%, stage II 53%, stage III 20%, and REM stage 15%, and awake 5%. Number of awakenings 6. Total arousals 36 with index 5.4, mild leg jerk movement with index 10.1. There was one apnea and 17 hypopneas with apnea/hypopnea index 2.7. The pressures required to prevent apnea/hypopnea varied between 5 and 11 cm H2O. The optimal pressure was 11 cm H2O, which prevented all of the apneas/hypopneas. The patient spent all his sleeping time in supine position. Average oxygen saturation 94% with lowest oxygen saturation 89%. Only less than 0.2 minutes was spent with oxygen saturation less than 90%.,SUMMARY: , Weight loss, PFTs if not done and CPAP with nasal mask at 11 cm H2O.
Sleep Medicine
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carotid artery occlusive disease.,2. Peripheral vascular disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Carotid artery occlusive disease.,2. Peripheral vascular disease.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:,1. Bilateral carotid cerebral angiogram.,2. Right femoral-popliteal angiogram.,FINDINGS: , The right carotid cerebral system was selectively catheterized and visualized. The right internal carotid artery was found to be very tortuous with kinking in its cervical portions, but no focal stenosis was noted. Likewise, the intracranial portion of the right internal carotid artery showed no significant disease nor did the right middle cerebral artery.,The left carotid cerebral system was selectively catheterized and visualized. The cervical portion of the left internal carotid artery showed a 30 to 40% stenosis with small ulcer crater present. The intracranial portion of the left internal carotid artery showed no significant disease nor did the left middle cerebral artery.,Visualization of the right lower extremity showed no significant disease.,PROCEDURE: , With the patient in supine position under local anesthesia plus intravenous sedation, the groin areas were prepped and draped in a sterile fashion.,The common femoral artery was punctured in a routine retrograde fashion and a 5-French introducer sheath was advanced under fluoroscopic guidance. A catheter was then placed in the aortic arch and the right and left common carotid arteries were then selectively catheterized and visualized as described above.,Following completion of the above, the catheter and introducer sheath were removed. Heparin had been initially given, which was reversed with protamine. Firm pressure was held over the puncture site for 20 minutes, followed by application of a sterile Coverlet dressing and sandbag compression.,The patient tolerated the procedure well throughout.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Left obstructed renal ureteropelvic junction obstruction status post pyeloplasty, percutaneous procedure, and pyeloureteroscopy x2, and status post Pseudomonas pyelonephritis x6, renal insufficiency, and solitary kidney.,PROCEDURE: ,Cystoscopy under anesthesia, retrograde and antegrade pyeloureteroscopy, left ureteropelvic junction obstruction, difficult and open renal biopsy.,ANESTHESIA: ,General endotracheal anesthetic with a caudal block x2.,FLUIDS RECEIVED: ,1000 mL crystalloid.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Less than 10 mL.,SPECIMENS: , Tissue sent to pathology is a renal biopsy.,ABNORMAL FINDINGS: , A stenotic scarred ureteropelvic junction with dilated ureter and dilated renal pelvis.,TUBES AND DRAINS: ,A 10-French silicone Foley catheter with 3 mL in balloon and a 4.7-French ureteral double J-stent multilength.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 3-1/2-year-old boy, who has a solitary left kidney with renal insufficiency with creatinine of 1.2, who has had a ureteropelvic junction repair performed by Dr. Chang. It was subsequently obstructed with multiple episodes of pyelonephritis, two percutaneous tube placements, ureteroscopy with balloon dilation of the system, and continued obstruction. Plan is for co surgeons due to the complexity of the situation and the solitary kidney to do surgical procedure to correct the obstruction.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,The patient was taken to the operative room. Surgical consent, operative site, and patient identification were verified. Dr. X and Dr. Y both agreed upon the procedures in advance. Dr. Y then, once the patient was anesthetized, requested IV antibiotics with Fortaz, the patient had a caudal block placed, and he was then placed in lithotomy position. Dr. Y then calibrated the urethra with the bougie a boule to 8, 10, and up to 12 French. The 9.5-French cystoscope sheath was then placed within the patient's bladder with the offset scope, and his bladder had no evidence of cystitis. I was able to locate the ureteral orifice bilaterally, although no urine coming from the right. We then placed a 4-French ureteral catheter into the ureter as far as we could go. An antegrade nephrostogram was then performed, which shows that the contrast filled the dilated pelvis, but did not go into the ureter. A retrograde was performed, and it was found that there was a narrowed band across the two. Upon draining the ureter allowing to drain to gravity, the pelvis which had been clamped and its nephrostomy tube did not drain at all. Dr. Y then placed a 0.035 guidewire into the ureter after removing the 4-French catheter and then placed a 4.7-French double-J catheter into the ureter as far as it would go allowing it to coil in the bladder. Once this was completed, we then removed the cystoscope and sheath, placed a 10-French Foley catheter, and the patient was positioned by Dr. X and Dr. Y into the flank position with the left flank up after adequate padding on the arms and legs as well as a brachial plexus roll. He was then sterilely prepped and draped. Dr. Y then incised the skin with a 15-blade knife through the old incision and then extended the incision with curved mosquito clamp and Dr. X performed cautery of the areas advanced to be excised. Once this was then dissected, Dr. Y and Dr. X divided the lumbosacral fascia; at the latissimus dorsi fascia, posterior dorsal lumbotomy maneuver using the electrocautery; and then using curved mosquito clamps __________. At this point, Dr. X used the cautery to enter the posterior retroperitoneal space through the posterior abdominal fascia. Dr. Y then used the curved right angle clamp and dissected around towards the ureter, which was markedly adherent to the base of the retroperitoneum. Dr. X and Dr. Y also needed dissection on the medial and lateral aspects with Dr. Y being on the lateral aspect of the area and Dr. X on the medial to get an adequate length of this. The tissue was markedly inflamed and had significant adhesions noted. The patient's spermatic vessels were also in the region as well as the renal vessels markedly scarred close to the ureteropelvic junction. Ultimately, Dr. Y and Dr. X both with alternating dissection were able to dissect the renal pelvis to a position where Dr. Y put stay sutures and a 4-0 chromic to isolate the four quadrant area where we replaced the ureter. Dr. X then divided the ureter and suture ligated the base, which was obstructed with a 3-0 chromic suture. Dr. Y then spatulated the ureter for about 1.5 cm, and the stent was gently delivered in a normal location out of the ureter at the proximal and left alone in the bladder. Dr. Y then incised the renal pelvis and dissected and opened it enough to allow the new ureteropelvic junction repair to be performed. Dr. Y then placed interrupted sutures of 5-0 Monocryl at the apex to repair the most dependent portion of the renal pelvis, entered the lateral aspect, interrupted sutures of the repair. Dr. X then was able to without much difficulty do interrupted sutures on the medial aspect. The stent was then placed into the bladder in the proper orientation and alternating sutures by Dr. Y and Dr. X closed the ureteropelvic junction without any evidence of leakage. Once this was complete, we removed the extra stay stitches and watched the ureter lay back into the retroperitoneum in a normal position without any kinking in apparently good position. This opening was at least 1.5 cm wide. Dr. Y then placed 2 stay sutures of 2-0 chromic in the lower pole of the kidney and then incised wedge biopsy and excised the biopsy with a 15-blade knife and curved iris scissors for renal biopsy for determination of renal tissue health. Electrocautery was used on the base. There was no bleeding, however, and the tissue was quite soft. Dermabond and Gelfoam were placed, and then Dr. Y closed the biopsy site over with thrombin-Gelfoam using the 2-0 chromic stay sutures. Dr. X then closed the fascial layers with running suture of 3-0 Vicryl in 3 layers. Dr. Y closed the Scarpa fascia and the skin with 4-0 Vicryl and 4-0 Rapide respectively. A 4-0 nylon suture was then placed by Dr. Y around the previous nephrostomy tube, which was again left clamped. Dermabond tissue adhesive was placed over the incision and then a dry sterile dressing was placed by Dr. Y over the nephrostomy tube site, which was left clamped, and the patient then had a Foley catheter placed in the bladder. The Foley catheter was then taped to his leg. A second caudal block was placed for anesthesia, and he is in stable condition upon transfer to recovery room.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY: ,The patient is a 76-year-old male, with previous history of dysphagia, status post stroke. The patient stated that he was at Hospital, secondary to his stroke, where he had his initial modified barium swallow study. The patient stated that the results of that modified revealed aspiration with thin liquids only. He is currently eating and drinking without difficulty and he feels that he can return to a regular diet with thin liquids. A modified barium swallow study was ordered to objectively evaluate the patient's swallowing function and safety and to rule out aspiration.,STUDY: , Modified barium swallow study was performed in the radiology suite in cooperation with Dr. X. The patient was seated upright and in a video-imaging chair throughout this assessment.,To evaluate the patient's swallowing function and safety, he was administered graduated amounts of liquid and food mixed with barium in the form of thin liquids (teaspoon x3, cup sip x3); nectar-thick liquid (teaspoon x2, cup sip x3); pureed consistency (teaspoon x3); solid consistency (1/4 cracker x1).,FINDINGS,ORAL STAGE: , The patient had no spillage out lips. Oral residual after swallow with increased viscosity requiring multiple swallows to clear oral cavity.,The patient has reduced lingual retraction contributing to vallecula pooling after the swallow. Trace premature spillage was noted with thin liquids during this assessment.,PHARYNGEAL STAGE: , Aspiration noted on cup sips of thin liquid. Trace-to-mild penetration with teaspoon amounts of thin liquid during and after the swallow. The penetration after the swallow occurred secondary to spillage on the piriform sinuses into the laryngeal vestibule. The patient has incomplete laryngeal closure, which allowed the aspiration and penetration with thin liquids. The patient had no aspiration or penetration occur with nectar-thick liquid, puree, and solid food. The patient has a mildly reduced hyolaryngeal elevation and anterior movement that leads to incomplete epiglottic inversion that contributes to vallecula pooling. Mild-to-moderate pooling in the vallecula after the swallow with liquids and puree, this residual did decrease with the solid feed presentation. The patient has mild residual of pooling in the piriform sinuses after a swallow that did clear with sequential swallows.,CERVICAL ESOPHAGEAL STAGE: , The patient's upper esophageal sphincter opening is well coordinated with swallow and readily accepted the bolus.,DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSION: , Mild aspiration with cup sips of thin liquid, penetration during and after the swallow with teaspoon amounts of thin liquid. No aspiration or penetration occurred with thick liquid, pureed, or solid food during this assessment.,PROGNOSTIC IMPRESSION: , With a modified diet, the patient's potential for swallowing safety is good.,PLAN:,Based on this evaluation, the following is recommended:,1. The patient should be on a regular diet with nectar-thick liquids to help prevent aspiration and penetration.,2. The patient should have unthickened water in between meals to help decrease his risk of dehydration.,3. The patient should complete good oral care two times a day to decrease bacterial growth in mouth.,4. The patient should be seated at a 90-degree angle when eating and drinking, as well as take small bites and small sips to help decrease risk of aspiration and penetration and reflux.,Thank you for the opportunity to evaluate the patient. I look forward to working with him in the outpatient setting to improve his swallowing function and safety. Outpatient skilled speech therapy is recommended for a trial of neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy for muscle re-education, as well as to train patient to use swallowing techniques and maneuvers that should improve his swallowing function and safety.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Dyspnea on exertion with abnormal stress echocardiography.,2. Frequent PVCs.,3. Metabolic syndrome.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. A 50% distal left main and two-vessel coronary artery disease with normal left ventricular systolic function.,2. Frequent PVCs.,3. Metabolic syndrome.,PROCEDURES,1. Left heart catheterization with left ventriculography.,2. Selective coronary angiography.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory in fasting state. Both groins were prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Xylocaine 1% was used as local anesthetic. Versed and fentanyl were used for conscious sedation. Next, a #6-French sheath was placed in the right femoral artery using modified Seldinger technique. Next, selective angiography of the left coronary artery was performed in multiple views using #6-French JL4 catheter. Next, selective angiography of the right coronary artery was performed in multiple views using #6-French 3DRC catheter. Next, a #6-French angle pigtail catheter was advanced into the left ventricle. The left ventricular pressure was then recorded. Left ventriculography was the performed using 36 mL of contrast injected over 3 seconds. The left heart pull back was then performed. The catheter was then removed.,Angiography of the right femoral artery was performed. Hemostasis was obtained by Angio-Seal closure device. The patient left the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory in stable condition.,HEMODYNAMICS,1. LV pressure was 163/0 with end-diastolic pressure of 17. There was no significant gradient across the aortic valve.,2. Left ventriculography showed old inferior wall hypokinesis. Global left ventricular systolic function is normal. Estimated ejection fraction was 58%. There is no significant mitral regurgitation.,3. Significant coronary artery disease.,4. The left main is approximately 7 or 8 mm proximally. It trifurcates into left anterior descending artery, ramus intermedius artery, and left circumflex artery. The distal portion of the left main has an ulcerated excentric plaque, up to about 50% in severity.,5. The left anterior descending artery is around 4 mm proximally. It extends slightly beyond the apex into the inferior wall. It gives rises to several medium size diagonal branches as well as small to medium size multiple septal perforators. At the ostium of the left anterior descending artery, there was an eccentric plaque up to 70% to 80%, best seen in the shallow LAO with caudal angulation.,There was no other flow-limiting disease noted in the rest of the left anterior descending artery or its major branches.,The ramus intermedius artery is around 3 mm proximally, but shortly after its origin, it bifurcates into two medium size branches. There was no significant disease noted in the ramus intermedius artery however.,The left circumflex artery is around 2.5 mm proximally. It gave off a recurrent atrial branch and a small AV groove branch prior to terminating into a bifurcating medium size obtuse marginal branch. The mid to distal circumflex has a moderate disease, which is relatively diffuse up to about 40% to 50%.,The right coronary artery is around 4 mm in diameter. It gives off conus branch, two medium size acute marginal branches, relatively large posterior descending artery and a posterior lateral branch. In the mid portion of the right coronary artery at the origin of the first acute marginal branch, there is a relatively discrete stenosis of about 80% to 90%. Proximally, there is an area of eccentric plaque, but seem to be non-flow limiting, at best around 20% to 30%. Additionally, there is what appears to be like a shell-like lesion in the proximal segment of the right coronary artery as well. The posterior descending artery has an eccentric plaque of about 40% to 50% in its mid segment.,PLAN: ,Plan to consult cardiovascular surgery for consideration of coronary artery bypass surgery. Continue risk factor modification, aspirin, and beta blocker.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
The patient states that she has abnormal menstrual periods and cannot remember the first day of her last normal menstrual period. She states that she had spotting for three months daily until approximately two weeks ago, when she believes that she passed a fetus. She states that upon removal of a tampon, she saw a tadpole like structure and believed it to be a fetus. However, she states she did not know that she was pregnant at this time. She denies any abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding. She states that the pregnancy is unplanned; however, she would desire to continue the pregnancy.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Diabetes mellitus which resolved after weight loss associated with gastric bypass surgery.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Gastric bypass.,2. Bilateral carpal tunnel release.,3. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy.,4. Hernia repair after gastric bypass surgery.,5. Thoracotomy.,6. Knee surgery.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Lexapro 10 mg daily.,2. Tramadol 50 mg tablets two by mouth four times a day.,3. Ambien 10 mg tablets one by mouth at bedtime.,ALLERGIES: AMOXICILLIN CAUSES THROAT SWELLING. AVELOX CAUSES IV SITE SWELLING.,SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient denies tobacco, ethanol, or drug use. She is currently separated from her partner who is the father of her 21-month-old daughter. She currently lives with her parents in Greenville. However, she was visiting the estranged boyfriend in Wilkesboro, this week.,GYN HISTORY: The patient denies history of abnormal Pap smears or STDs.,OBSTETRICAL HISTORY: Gravida 1 was a term spontaneous vaginal delivery, complicated only by increased blood pressures at the time of delivery. Gravida 2 is current.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: The 14-point review of systems was negative with the exception as noted in the HPI.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 134/45, pulse 130, respirations 28. Oxygen saturation 100%.,GENERAL: Patient lying quietly on a stretcher. No acute distress.,HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Slightly dry mucous membranes.,CARDIOVASCULAR EXAM: Regular rate and rhythm with tachycardia.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, nondistended with positive bowel sounds. No rebound or guarding.,SKIN: Normal turgor. No jaundice. No rashes noted.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII grossly intact.,PSYCHIATRIC: Flat affect. Normal verbal response.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: A 34-year-old Caucasian female, gravida 2 para 1-0-0-1, at unknown gestation who presents after suicide attempt.,1. Given the substances taken, medications are unlikely to affect the development of the fetus. There have been no reported human anomalies associated with Ambien or tramadol use. There is, however, a 4% risk of congenital anomalies in the general population.,2. Recommend quantitative HCG and transvaginal ultrasound for pregnancy dating.,3. Recommend prenatal vitamins.,4. The patient to follow up as an outpatient for routine prenatal care.,
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , Following instructions and completion of an oral colonoscopy prep, the patient, having been properly informed of, with signature consenting to total colonoscopy and indicated procedures, the patient received premedications of Vistaril 50 mg, Atropine 0.4 mg IM, and then intravenous medications of Demerol 50 mg and Versed 5 mg IV. Perirectal inspection was normal. The Olympus video colonoscope then was introduced into the rectum and passed by directed vision to the cecum and into the terminal ileum. No abnormalities were seen of the terminal ileum, the ileocecal valve, cecum, ascending colon, hepatic flexure, transverse colon, splenic flexure, descending colon, rectosigmoid and rectum. Retroflexion exam in the rectum revealed no other abnormality and withdrawal terminated the procedure.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
TITLE OF OPERATION:,1. Irrigation and debridement of postoperative wound infection (CPT code 10180).,2. Removal of foreign body, deep (CPT code 28192).,3. Placement of vacuum-assisted closure device, less than 50 centimeter squared (CPT code 97605).,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Postoperative wound infection, complicated (ICD-9 code 998.59).,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Postoperative wound infection, complicated (ICD-9 code 998.59).,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,The patient is a 59-year-old gentleman who is status post open reduction and internal fixation of bilateral calcanei. He was admitted for a left wound breakdown with drainage. He underwent an irrigation and debridement with VAC placement 72 hours prior to this operative visit. It was decided to bring him back for a repeat irrigation and debridement and VAC change prior to Plastics doing a local flap. The risks of surgery were discussed in detail including, but not limited to infection, bleeding, injuries to nerves and vital structures, need for reoperation, pain or stiffness, arthritis, fracture, the risk of anesthesia. The patient understood these risks and wished to proceed. The patient was admitted, and the operative site was marked.,The patient was brought to the operating room and given general anesthetic. He was placed in the right lateral decubitus, and all bony prominences were well padded. An axillary roll was placed. A well-padded thigh tourniquet was placed on the left leg. The patient then received antibiotics on the floor prior to coming down to the operating room which satisfied the preoperative requirement. Left leg was then prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion. The previous five antibiotic spacer beads were removed without difficulty. The wound was then rongeured and curetted, and all bone was cleaned down to healthy bleeding bone. The wound actually looked quite good with evidence of purulence or drainage. Skin edges appeared to be viable. Hardware all looked to be intact. At this point, the wound was irrigated with 9 liters of bibiotic solution. A VAC sponge was then placed over the wound, and the patient's leg was placed into a posterior splint. The patient was awakened and then taken to recovery in good condition.,Dr. X was present for the timeouts and for all critical portions of the procedure. He was immediately available for any questions during the case.,PLAN:,1. A CAM walker boots.,2. A VAC change on Sunday by the nurse.,3. A flap per Plastic Surgery.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right AC separation.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right AC separation.,PROCEDURES:, Removal of the hardware and revision of right AC separation.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,BLOOD LOSS:, 100 cc.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS: , Loose hardware with superior translation of the clavicle implants.,IMPLANTS: , Arthrex bioabsorbable tenodesis screws.,SUMMARY: , After informed consent was obtained and verified, the patient was brought to the operating room and placed supine on the operating table. After uneventful general anesthesia was obtained, he was positioned in the beach chair and his right shoulder was sterilely prepped and draped in a normal fashion. The incision was reopened and the hardware was removed without difficulty. The AC joint was inspected and reduced. An allograft was used to recreate the coracoacromial ligaments and then secured to decorticate with a bioabsorbable tenodesis screw and then to the clavicle. And two separate areas that were split, one taken medially and one taken laterally, and then sewed together for further stability. This provided good stability with no further superior translation of the clavicle as viewed under fluoroscopy. The wound was copiously irrigated and the wound was closed in layers and a soft dressing was applied. He was awakened from anesthesia and taken to recovery room in a stable condition.,Final needle and instrument counts were correct.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CC:, Headache.,HX: ,The patient is an 8y/o RHM with a 2 year history of early morning headaches (3:00-6:00AM) intermittently relieved by vomiting only. He had been evaluated 2 years ago and an EEG was "normal" then, but no brain imaging was performed. His headaches progressively worsened, especially in the past two months prior to this presentation. For 2 weeks prior to his 1/25/93 evaluation at UIHC, he would awake screaming. His parent spoke with a local physician who thought this might be due to irritability secondary to pinworms and,Vermox was prescribed and arrangements were made for a neurologic evaluation. On the evening of 1/24/93 the patient awoke screaming and began to vomit. This was followed by a 10 min period of tonic-clonic type movements and postictal lethargy. He was taken to a local ER and a brain CT revealed an intracranial mass. He was given Decadron and Phenytoin and transferred to UIHC for further evaluation.,MEDS:, noted above.,PMH: ,1)Born at 37.5 weeks gestation by uncomplicated vaginal delivery to a G1P0 mother. Pregnancy complicated by vaginal bleeding at 7 months. Met developmental milestones without difficulty. 2) Frequent otitis media, now resolved. 3) Immunizations were "up to date.",FHX:, non-contributory.,SHX:, lives with biologic father and mother. No siblings. In 3rd grade (mainstream) and maintaining good marks in schools.,EXAM:, BP121/57mmHg HR103 RR16 36.9C,MS: Sleepy, but cooperative.,CN: EOM full and smooth. Advanced papilledema, OU. VFFTC. Pupils 4/4 decreasing to 2/2. Right lower facial weakness. Tongue midline upon protrusion. Corneal reflexes intact bilaterally.,Motor: 5/5 strength. Slightly increased muscle on right side.,Sensory. No deficit to PP/VIB noted.,Coord: normal FNF, HKS and RAM, bilaterally.,Station: Mild truncal ataxia. Tends to fall backward.,Reflexes: BUE 2+/2+, Patellar 3/3, Ankles 3+/3+ with 6 beats of nonsustained clonus bilaterally.,Gen exam: unremarkable.,COURSE:, The patient was continued on Dilantin 200mg qd and Decadron 5mg IV q6hrs. Brain MRI, 1/26/93, revealed a large mass lesion in the region of the left caudate nucleus and thalamus which was hyperintense on T2 weighted images. There were areas of cystic formation at its periphery. The mass appeared to enhance on post gadolinium images. there was associated white matter edema and compression of the left lateral ventricle, and midline shift to the right. There was no sign of uncal herniation. He underwent bilateral VP shunting on 1/26/93; and then, subtotal resection (left frontal craniotomy with excision of the left caudate and thalamus with creation of an opening in the septum pellucidum) on 1/28/93. He then received 5040cGy of radiation therapy in 28 fractions completed on 3/25/93. A 3/20/95 neuropsychological evaluation revealed low average intellect on the WISC-III. There were also signs of memory, attention, reading and spelling deficits; and mild right-sided motor incoordination and mood variability. He remained in mainstream classes at school, but his physical and cognitive performance began to deteriorate in 4/95. Neurosurgical evaluation in 4/95 noted increased right hemiplegia and right homonymous hemianopia. MRI revealed tumor progression and he was subsequently placed on Carboplatin/VP-16 (CG 9933 protocol chemotherapy, regimen A). He was last seen on 4/96 and was having difficulty in the 6th grade; he was also undergoing physical therapy for his right hemiplegia.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Desire for sterility.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Desire for sterility.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURES: , Vasectomy.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the suite, where after oral sedation, the scrotum was prepped and draped. Then, 1% lidocaine was used for anesthesia. The vas was identified, skin was incised, and no scalpel instruments were used to dissect out the vas. A segment about 3 cm in length was dissected out. It was clipped proximally and distally, and then the ends were cauterized after excising the segment. Minimal bleeding was encountered and the scrotal skin was closed with 3-0 chromic. The identical procedure was performed on the contralateral side. He tolerated it well. He was discharged from the surgical center in good condition with Tylenol with Codeine for pain. He will use other forms of birth control until he has confirmed azoospermia with two consecutive semen analyses in the month ahead. Call if there are questions or problems prior to that time.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE DONE: ,Resting Myoview and adenosine Myoview SPECT.,INDICATIONS:, Chest pain.,PROCEDURE:, 13.3 mCi of Tc-99m tetrofosmin was injected and resting Myoview SPECT was obtained. Pharmacologic stress testing was done using adenosine infusion. Patient received 38 mg of adenosine infused at 140 mcg/kg/minute over a period of four minutes. Two minutes during adenosine infusion, 31.6 mCi of Tc-99m tetrofosmin was injected. Resting heart rate was 90 beats per minute. Resting blood pressure was 130/70. Peak heart rate obtained during adenosine infusion was 102 beats per minute. Blood pressure obtained during adenosine infusion was 112/70. During adenosine infusion, patient experienced dizziness and shortness of breath. No significant ST segment, T wave changes, or arrhythmias were seen.,Resting Myoview and adenosine Myoview SPECT showed uniform uptake of isotope throughout myocardium without any perfusion defect. Gated dynamic imaging showed normal wall motion and normal systolic thickening throughout left ventricular myocardium. Left ventricular ejection fraction obtained during adenosine Myoview SPECT was 77%. Lung heart ratio was 0.40. TID ratio was 0.88.,IMPRESSION:, Normal adenosine Myoview myocardial perfusion SPECT. Normal left ventricular regional and global function with left ventricular ejection fraction of 77%.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Right heart catheterization.,INDICATION: , Refractory CHF to maximum medical therapy.,PROCEDURE: , After risks, benefits, and alternatives of the above-mentioned procedure were explained to the patient and the patient's family in detail, informed consent was obtained both verbally and in writing. The patient was taken to Cardiac Catheterization Suite where the right internal jugular region was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1% lidocaine solution was used to infiltrate the skin overlying the right internal jugular vein. Once adequate anesthesia has been obtained, a thin-walled #18 gauge Argon needle was used to cannulate the right internal jugular vein. A steel guidewire was then inserted through the needle into the vessel without resistance. Small nick was then made in the skin and the needle was removed. An #8.5 French venous sheath was then advanced over the guidewire into the vascular lumen without resistance. The guidewire and dilator were then removed. The sheath was then flushed. A Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted to 20 cm and the balloon was inflated. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the catheter was advanced into the right atrium through the right ventricle and into the pulmonary artery wedge position. Hemodynamics were measured along the way. Pulmonary artery saturation was obtained. The Swan was then kept in place for the patient to be transferred to the ICU for further medical titration. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient returned to the cardiac catheterization holding area in stable and satisfactory condition.,FINDINGS:, Body surface area equals 2.04, hemoglobin equals 9.3, O2 is at 2 liters nasal cannula. Pulmonary artery saturation equals 37.8. Pulse oximetry on 2 liters nasal cannula equals 93%. Right atrial pressure is 8, right ventricular pressure equals 59/9, pulmonary artery pressure equals 61/31 with mean of 43, pulmonary artery wedge pressure equals 21, cardiac output equals 3.3 by the Fick method, cardiac index is 1.6 by the Fick method, systemic vascular resistance equals 1821, and transpulmonic gradient equals 22.,IMPRESSION: ,Exam and Swan findings consistent with low perfusion given that the mixed venous O2 is only 38% on current medical therapy as well as elevated right-sided filling pressures and a high systemic vascular resistance.,PLAN: , Given that the patient is unable to tolerate vasodilator therapy secondary to significant orthostasis and the fact that the patient will not respond to oral titration at this point due to lack of cardiac reserve, the patient will need to be discharged home on Primacor. The patient is unable to continue with his dobutamine therapy secondary to nonsustained ventricular tachycardia. At this time, we will transfer the patient to the Intensive Care Unit for titration of the Primacor therapy. We will also increase his Lasix to 80 mg IV q.d. We will increase his amiodarone to 400 mg daily. We will also continue with his Coumadin therapy. As stated previously, we will discontinue vasodilator therapy starting with the Isordil.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Epistaxis and chronic dysphonia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Atrophic dry nasal mucosa.,2. Epistaxis.,3. Atrophic laryngeal changes secondary to inhaled steroid use.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Cauterization of epistaxis, left nasal septum.,2. Fiberoptic nasal laryngoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , Neo-Synephrine with lidocaine nasal spray.,FINDINGS:,1. Atrophic dry cracked nasal mucosa.,2. Atrophic supraglottic and glottic changes likely secondary to inhaled steroids and recent endotracheal tube intubation.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 37-year-old African-American female who was admitted to ABCD General Hospital with a left wrist abscess. The patient was taken to the operating room for incision and drainage. Postoperatively, the patient was placed on nasal cannula oxygen and developed subsequent epistaxis. Upon evaluating the patient, the patient complains of epistaxis from the left naris as well as some chronic dysphonia that had become exacerbated after surgery. The patient does report of having endotracheal tube intubation during anesthesia. The patient also gives a history of inhaled steroid use for her asthma.,The patient was extubated after surgery without difficulty, but continued to have some difficulty and the Department of Otolaryngology was asked to evaluate the patient regarding epistaxis and dysphonia.,PROCEDURE DETAILS:, After the procedure was described, the patient was placed in the seated position. The fiberoptic nasal laryngoscope was then inserted into the patient's left naris. The nasal mucosal membranes were dry and atrophic throughout. There was no evidence of any mass lesions. The nasal laryngoscope was then advanced towards the posterior aspect of the nasal cavity. There was no evidence of mass, ulceration, lesion, or obstruction. The nasolaryngoscopy continued to be advanced into the oropharynx and the vallecula and the base of the tongue were evaluated and were without evidence of mass lesion or ulceration.,The fiberoptic scope was further advanced and visualization of the larynx revealed some atrophic, dry, supraglottic, and glottic changes. There was no evidence of any local mass lesion, nodule, or ulcerations. There was no evidence of any erythema. Upon phonation, the vocal cords approximated completely and upon inspiration, the true vocal cords were abducted in a normal fashion and was symmetric. The airway was stable and patent throughout the entire examination. The nasal laryngoscope was then slowly withdrawn from the supraglottic region and the scope was further advanced into the oropharynx and nasopharynx. The eustachian tube was completely visualized and was patent without obstruction. The scope was then further removed without difficulty. The patient tolerated the procedure well and remained in stable condition.,RECOMMENDATIONS AND PLAN: , The patient would benefit from Ocean nasal spray as well as bacitracin ointment applied to the anterior naris. At this time, we were unable to discontinue the patient's inhaled steroids that she is using for her asthma. If this becomes possible in the future, this may provide her some relief of her chronic dysphonia. The patient is to follow up with Department of Otolaryngology after discharge from the hospital for further evaluation of these problems.
ENT - Otolaryngology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Brain tumor left temporal lobe.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Brain tumor left temporal lobe - glioblastoma multiforme.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:,1. Left temporal craniotomy.,2. Removal of brain tumor.,OPERATING MICROSCOPE: , Stealth.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was placed in the supine position, shoulder roll, and the head was turned to the right side. The entire left scalp was prepped and draped in the usual fashion after having being placed in 2-point skeletal fixation. Next, we made an inverted-U fashion base over the asterion over temporoparietal area of the skull. A free flap was elevated after the scalp that was reflected using the burr hole and craniotome. The bone flap was placed aside and soaked in the bacitracin solution.,The dura was then opened in an inverted-U fashion. Using the Stealth, we could see that this large cystic mass was just below the cortex in the white matter just anterior to the trigone of the ventricle. We head through the vein of Labbe, and we made great care to preserve this. We saw where the tumor almost made to the surface. Here we made a small corticectomy using the Stealth for guidance. We left small corticectomy entered large cavity with approximately 15 cc of yellowish necrotic liquid. This was submitted to pathology. We biopsied this very abnormal tissue and submitted it to pathology. They gave us a frozen section diagnosis of glioblastoma multiforme. With the operating microscope and Greenwood bipolar forceps, we then systematically debulked this tumor. It was very vascular and we really continued to remove this tumor until all visible tumors was removed. We appeared to get two gliotic planes circumferentially. We could see it through the ventricle. After removing all visible tumor grossly, we then irrigated this cavity multiple times and obtained meticulous hemostasis and then closed the dura primarily with 4-0 Nurolon sutures with the piece of DuraGen placed over this in order to increase our chances for a good watertight seal. The bone flap was then replaced and sutured with the Lorenz titanium plate system. The muscle fascia galea was closed with interrupted 2-0 Vicryl sutures. Skin staples were used for skin closure. The blood loss of the operation was about 200 cc. There were no complications of the surgery per se. The needle count, sponge count, and the cottonoid count were correct.,COMMENT: ,Operating microscope was quite helpful in this; as we could use the light as well as the magnification to help us delineate the brain tumor - gliotic interface and while it was vague at sometimes we could I think clearly get a good cleavage plane in most instances so that we got a gross total removal of this very large and necrotic-looking tumor of the brain.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
INDICATION: , Iron deficiency anemia.,PROCEDURE: ,Colonoscopy with terminal ileum examination.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Normal examination.,WITHDRAWAL TIME: , 15 minutes.,SCOPE: , CF-H180AL.,MEDICATIONS: , Fentanyl 100 mcg and versed 10 mg.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,Following the preprocedure patient assessment the procedure, goals, risks including bleeding, perforation, missed polyp rate as well as side effects of medications and alternatives were reviewed. Questions were answered. Pause preprocedure was performed.,Following titrated intravenous sedation the flexible video endoscope was introduced into the rectum and advanced to the cecum without difficulty. The ileocecal valve looked normal. Preparation was fair allowing examination of 85% of mucosa after washing and cleaning with tap water through the scope. The terminal ileum was intubated through the ileocecal valve for a 5 cm extent. Terminal ileum mucosa looked normal.,Then the scope was withdrawn while examining the mucosa carefully including the retroflexed views of the rectum. No polyp, no diverticulum and no bleeding source was identified.,The patient was assessed upon completion of the procedure. Okay to discharge once criteria met. ,RECOMMENDATIONS:, Follow up with primary care physician.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE: , Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , A 1-year-10-month-old with a history of dysphagia to solids. The procedure was done to rule out organic disease.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Loose lower esophageal sphincter and duodenal ulcers.,CONSENT: , The consent is signed.,MEDICATIONS: ,The procedure was done under general anesthesia given by Dr. Marino Fernandez.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, A history and physical examination were performed, and the procedure, indications, potential complications including bleeding, perforation, the need for surgery, infection, adverse medical reaction, risks, benefits, and alternatives available were explained to the parents, who stated good understanding and consented to go ahead with the procedure. The opportunity for questions was provided, and informed consent was obtained. Once the consent was obtained, the patient was sedated with IV medications and intubated by Dr. Fernandez and placed in the supine position. Then, the tip of the XP-160 videoscope was introduced into the oropharynx, and under direct visualization, we could advance the endoscope into the upper, mid, and lower esophagus. We did not find any strictures in the upper esophagus, but the patient had the lower esophageal sphincter totally loose. Then the tip of the endoscope was advanced down into the stomach and guided into the pylorus, and then into the first portion of the duodenum. We noticed that the patient had several ulcers in the first portion of the duodenum. Then the tip of the endoscope was advanced down into the second portion of the duodenum, one biopsy was taken there, and then, the tip of the endoscope was brought back to the first portion, and two biopsies were taken there. Then, the tip of the endoscope was brought back to the antrum, where two biopsies were taken, and one biopsy for CLOtest. By retroflexed view, at the level of the body of the stomach, I could see that the patient had the lower esophageal sphincter loose. Finally, the endoscope was unflexed and was brought back to the lower esophagus, where two biopsies were taken. At the end, air was suctioned from the stomach, and the endoscope was removed out of the patient's mouth. The patient tolerated the procedure well with no complications.,FINAL IMPRESSION: ,1. Duodenal ulcers.,2. Loose lower esophageal sphincter.,PLAN:,1. To start omeprazole 20 mg a day.,2. To review the biopsies.,3. To return the patient back to clinic in 1 to 2 weeks.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PRESENTATION: , Patient, 13 years old, comes to your office with his mother complaining about severe ear pain. He awoke during the night with severe ear pain, and mom states that this is the third time this year he has had earaches.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,Patient reports that he felt good after taking antibiotics with each earache episode and has recently started on the wrestling team. Mom reports that patient has been afebrile with each of the earache episodes, and he has not had upper respiratory symptoms. Patient denies any head trauma associated with wrestling practice.,BIRTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY:, Patient's mother reports a normal pregnancy with no complications, having received prenatal care from 12 weeks. Vaginal delivery was uneventful with a normal perinatal course. Patient sat alone at 6 months, crawled at 9 months, and walked at 13 months. His verbal and motor developmental milestones were as expected.,FAMILY/SOCIAL HISTORY: , Patient lives with both parents and two siblings (brother - age 11 years, sister - age 15 years). He reports enjoying school, remains active in scouts, and is very excited about being on the wresting team. Mom reports that he has several friends, but she is concerned about the time required for the wrestling team. Patient is in 8th grade this year and an A/B student. Both siblings are healthy. His Dad has hypertension and has frequent heartburn symptoms that he treats with over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Mom is healthy and has asthma.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,Patient has been seen in the clinic yearly for well child exams. He has had no major illnesses or hospitalizations. He had one emergency room visit 2 years ago for a knee laceration. Patient has been healthy except for the past year when he had two episodes of otitis media not associated with respiratory infections. He received antibiotic therapy (amoxicillin) for the otitis media and both episodes resolved without problems. Patient's Mom states that he takes no prescribed medications or OTC medications, but he admits that he has been taking his dad's OTC Pepcid AE sometimes when he gets heartburn. Upon further examination, he reports taking Pepcid when he eats pizza or Mexican food. He does complain of sore throats sometimes and often feels burning in his throat when he goes to sleep at night after a late evening snack.,NUTRITIONAL HISTORY: , Patient eats cereal bars or pop tarts with milk for breakfast most days. He takes his lunch (usually a sandwich and chips or yogurt and fruit) for lunch. Mom or his sister cooks supper in the evening. The family goes out to eat once or twice a week and he only gets "fast food" once or twice a week according to his Mom. He says he eats "a lot" especially after a wrestling meet.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,Height/weight: Patient weighs 109 pounds (60th percentile) and is 69 inches tall (93rd percentile). He is following the growth pattern he established in infancy.,Vital signs: BP 110/60, T 99.2, HR 70, R 16.,General: Alert, cooperative but a bit shy.,Neuro: DTRs symmetric, 2+, negative Romberg, able to perform simple calculations without difficulty, short-term memory intact. He responds appropriately to verbal and visual cues, and movements are smooth and coordinated.,HEENT: Normocephalic, PEERLA, red reflex present, optic disk and ocular vessels normal. TMs deep red, dull, landmarks obscured, full bilaterally. Post auricular and submandibular nodes on left are palpable and slightly tender.,Lungs: CTA, breath sounds equal bilaterally, excursion and chest configuration normal.,Cardiac: S1, S2 split, no murmurs, pulses equal bilaterally.,Abdomen: Soft, rounded, reports no epigastric tenderness but states that heartburn begins in epigastric area and rises to throat. Bowel sounds active in all quadrants. No hepatosplenomegaly or tenderness. No CVA tenderness.,Musculoskeletal: Full range of motion, all extremities. Spine straight, able to perform jumping jacks and duck walk without difficulty.,Genital: Normal male, Tanner stage 4. Rectal exam - small amount of soft stool, no fissures or masses.,LABS: ,Stool negative for blood and H. pylori antigen. Normal CBC and urinalysis. A barium swallow and upper GI was scheduled for the following week. It showed marked GE reflux.,ASSESSMENT: , The differential diagnoses for patient included (a) chronic otitis media/treatment failure, (b) peptic ulcer disease/gastritis, (c) gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) or carbonated beverage syndrome, (d) trauma.,CHRONIC OTITIS MEDIA. , Chronic otitis media due to a penicillin resistant organism would be the obvious diagnosis in this case. It is rare for an adolescent to have otitis media with no precipitating factor (such as being on a swim team or otherwise exposed to unusual organisms or in an unusual environment). It is certainly unusual for him to have three episodes in 1 year.,PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE., There were no symptoms of peptic ulcer disease, a negative H. pylori screen and lack of pain made this diagnosis less likely. Trauma. Trauma was a possibility, particularly since adolescent males frequently minimize symptoms especially if they might limit participation in a sport but patient maintained that he had not had an event where he struck his head or neck and that he always wore his helmet with ear padding.,GERD., The history of "heartburn" relieved by his father's medication was striking. The positive study supported the diagnosis of GERD, which was severe and chronic enough to cause irritation of the mucosal surfaces exposed to the gastric juices and edema, inflammation in the inner ears.,PLAN:, Patient and his Mom agreed to a trial of omeprazole 20 mg at bedtime for 2 weeks. Patient was to keep a diary of any episodes of heartburn, including what foods seemed to aggravate it. The clinician asked him to avoid using any antacid products in the meantime to gage the effectiveness of the medication. He was also given a prescription for 10 days of Augmentin99 and a follow-up appointment for 2 weeks. At his follow-up appointment he reported one episode after he ate a whole large pizza after wrestling practice but said it went away pretty quickly after he took his medication. A 6-month follow up appointment was scheduled.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
DOBUTAMINE STRESS ECHOCARDIOGRAM,REASON FOR EXAM: , Chest discomfort, evaluation for coronary artery disease.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the cardiac center. Cardiac images at rest were obtained in the parasternal long and short axis, apical four and apical two views followed by starting with a dobutamine drip in the usual fashion at 10 mcg/kg per minute for low dose, increased every 2 to 3 minutes by 10 mcg/kg per minute. The patient maximized at 30 mcg/kg per minute. Images were obtained at that level after adding 0.7 mg of atropine to reach maximal heart rate of 145. Maximal images were obtained in the same windows of parasternal long and short axis, apical four and apical two windows.,Wall motion assessed at all levels as well as at recovery.,The patient got nauseated, had some mild shortness of breath. No angina during the procedure and the maximal amount of dobutamine was 30 mcg/kg per minute.,The resting heart rate was 78 with the resting blood pressure 186/98. Heart rate reduced by the vasodilator effects of dobutamine to 130/80. Maximal heart rate achieved was 145, which is 85% of age-predicted heart rate.,The EKG at rest showed sinus rhythm with no ST-T wave depression suggestive of ischemia or injury. Incomplete right bundle-branch block was seen. The maximal stress test EKG showed sinus tachycardia. There was subtle upsloping ST depression in III and aVF, which is a normal response to the tachycardia with dobutamine, but no significant depression suggestive of ischemia and no ST elevation seen.,No ventricular tachycardia or ventricular ectopy seen during the test. The heart rate recovered in a normal fashion after using metoprolol 5 mg.,The heart images were somewhat suboptimal to evaluate because of obesity and some problems with the short axis windows mainly at peak exercise.,The EF at rest appeared to be normal at 55 to 60 with normal wall motion including anterior, anteroseptal, inferior, lateral, and septal walls at low dose. All walls mentioned were augmented in a normal fashion. At maximum dose, all walls were augmented on all views except for the short axis was foreshortened, was uncertain about the anterolateral wall at peak exercise; however, of the other views, the lateral wall was showing normal thickening and normal augmentation. EF improved to about 70%.,The wall motion score was unchanged.,IMPRESSION:,1. Maximal dobutamine stress echocardiogram test achieving more than 85% of age-predicted heart rate.,2. Negative EKG criteria for ischemia.,3. Normal augmentation at low and maximum stress test with some uncertainty about the anterolateral wall in peak exercise only on the short axis view. This is considered the negative dobutamine stress echocardiogram test, medical management.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 41-year-old registered nurse (R.N.). She was admitted following an overdose of citalopram and warfarin. The patient has had increasing depression and has been under stress as a result of dissolution of her second marriage. She notes starting in January, her husband of five years seemed to be quite withdrawn. It turned out, he was having an affair with one of her best friends and he subsequently moved in with this woman. The patient is distressed, as over the five years of their marriage, she has gotten herself into considerable debt supporting him and trying to find a career that would work for him. They had moved to ABCD where he had recently been employed as a restaurant manager. She also moved her mother and son out there and is feeling understandably upset that he was being dishonest and deceitful with her. She has history of seasonal affective disorder, winter depressions, characterized by increased sleep, increased irritability, impatience, and fatigue. Some suggestion on her part that her father may have had some mild bipolar disorder and including the patient has a cyclical and recurrent mood disorder. In January, she went on citalopram. She reports since that time, she has lost 40 pounds of weight, has trouble sleeping at night, thinks perhaps her mood got worse on the citalopram, which is possible, though it is also possible that the progressive nature of getting divorce than financial problems has contributed to her worsening mood.,PAST AND DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY: , She was born in XYZ. She describes the family as being somewhat dysfunctional. Father was a truckdriver. She is an only child. She reports that she had a history of anorexia and bulimia as a teenager. In her 20s, she served six years in Naval Reserve. She was previously married for four years. She described that as an abusive relationship. She had a history of being in counseling with ABC, but does not think this therapist, who is now by her estimate 80 years old, is still in practice.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,GENERAL: This is an alert and cooperative woman.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.1, pulse 60, respirations 18, blood pressure 95/54, oxygen saturation 95%, and weight is 132.,PSYCHIATRIC: She makes good eye contact. Speech is normal in rate, volume, grammar, and vocabulary. There is no thought disorder. She denies being suicidal. Her affect is appropriate for material being discussed. She has a sense of future, wants to get back to work, has plans to return to counseling. She appeared to have normal orientation, concentration, memory, and judgment.,Medical history is notable for factor V Leiden deficiency, history of pulmonary embolus, restless legs syndrome. She has been off her Mirapex. I did encourage her to go back on the Mirapex, which would likely lead to some improvement in mood by facilitating better sleep.,The patient at this time can contract for safety. She has made plans for outpatient counseling this Saturday and we will get a referral to a psychiatrist for which she is agreeable to following up with.,LABORATORY DATA: , INR, which is still 8.8. In 1998, she had a normal MRI. Electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, and CBC were all normal.,DIAGNOSES: ,1. Seasonal depressive disorder.,2. Restless legs syndrome.,3. Overdose of citalopram and warfarin.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , The patient reports she has been feeling better since discontinuing antidepressants. I, therefore, recommend she stay off antidepressants at present. If needed, she can take Prozac, which has been effective for her in the past and she plans to see a psychiatrist for consultation. She does give a fairly good history of seasonal depression and given that her mood has improved in the past with Prozac, this will be an appropriate agent to try as needed in the future, but given the situational nature of the depression, she primarily appears to need counseling.,Please feel free to contact me at digital pager if there is additional information I can provide.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left superficial femoral artery subtotal stenosis.,2. Arterial insufficiency, left lower extremity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Left superficial femoral artery subtotal stenosis.,2. Arterial insufficiency, left lower extremity.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:,1. Left lower extremity angiogram.,2. Left superficial femoral artery laser atherectomy.,3. Left superficial femoral artery percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty. ,4. Left external iliac artery angioplasty.,5. Left external iliac artery stent placement.,6. Completion angiogram.,FINDINGS: ,This patient was brought to the OR with a non-severe stenosis of the proximal left superficial femoral artery in the upper one-third of his thigh. He is also known to have severe calcific disease involving the entire left external iliac system as well as the common femoral and deep femoral arteries.,Our initial plan today was to perform an atherectomy with angioplasty and stenting of the left superficial femoral artery as necessary. However, whenever we started the procedure, it became clear that there was a severe stenosis of the left superficial femoral artery at its takeoff from the left common femoral artery. The area was severely calcified including the external iliac artery extending up underneath the left inguinal ligament. Indeed, this ultimately was dissected due to manipulation of sheath catheters and sheath through the area. Ultimately, this wound up being a much more complex case than initially anticipated.,Because of the above, we ultimately performed a laser atherectomy of the left superficial femoral artery, which then had to be angioplastied to obtain a satisfactory result. The completion angiogram showed that there was a dissection of the left external iliac artery, which precluded flow down into the left lower extremity. We then had to come up and perform angioplasty and stenting of the left external iliac artery as well as aggressively dilating the takeoff of the less superficial femoral artery from the common femoral artery.,The left superficial femoral artery was dilated with a 6-mm balloon.,The left external iliac artery and common femoral arteries were dilated with an 8-mm balloon.,A 2.5-mm ClearPath laser probe was used to initially arthrectomize and debulk the superficial femoral artery starting at its takeoff from the common femoral artery and extending down to the tight stenotic area in the upper one-third of the thigh. After the laser atherectomy was performed, the area still did not look good and so an angioplasty was then done, which looked good; however, as noted above, after we had dealt with the superficial femoral artery, we then had proximal inflow problems, which had to be dealt by angioplasty and stenting.,The patient had good dorsalis pedis pulses bilaterally upon completion.,The right common femoral artery was used for access in an up-and-over technique.,PROCEDURE: , With the patient in the supine position under general anesthesia, the abdomen and lower extremities were prepped and draped in the sterile fashion.,The right common femoral artery was punctured percutaneously, and a #5-French sheath was initially placed. We used a pigtail catheter to go up and over the aortic bifurcation and placed a stiff Amplatz guidewire down into the left common femoral artery. We then heparinized the patient and placed a #7-French Raby sheath over the Amplatz wire. A selective left lower extremity angiogram was then done with the above-noted findings.,We then used a ClearPath 2.5-mm laser probe to laser the proximal superficial femoral artery. Because of the findings as noted above, this became more involved than initially hoped for. Once the laser atherectomy had been completed, the vessel still did not look good, so we used a 6-mm balloon to thoroughly dilate the area. Once that had been done, it looked good and we performed what we felt would be a completion angiogram only to find out that we had a more proximal problem precluding flow down into the left femoral artery.,Once that was discovered, we then had to proceed with angioplasty and stenting of the left external iliac artery right down to the acetabular level.,Once we had dealt with our run-on problems, we then did another completion angiogram, which showed a good flow through the entire area and down into the left lower extremity.,Following completion of the above, all wires, sheaths, and catheters were removed from the right common femoral artery. Firm pressure was held over the puncture site for 20 minutes followed by application of a sterile Coverlet dressing and a firm pressure dressing.,The patient tolerated the procedure well throughout. He had good palpable dorsalis pedis pulses bilaterally on completion. He was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Protamine was given to partially reverse the heparin.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
FINAL DIAGNOSES:, Delivered pregnancy, cholestasis of pregnancy, fetal intolerance to labor, failure to progress.,PROCEDURE: , Included primary low transverse cesarean section.,SUMMARY: , This 32-year-old gravida 2 was induced for cholestasis of pregnancy at 38-1/2 weeks. The patient underwent a 2-day induction. On the second day, the patient continued to progress all the way to the point of 9.5 cm at which point, she failed to progress. During the hour or two of evaluation at 9.5 cm, the patient was also noted to have some fetal tachycardia and an occasional late deceleration. Secondary to these factors, the patient was brought to the operative suite for primary low transverse cesarean section, which she underwent without significant complication. There was a slightly enlarged blood loss at approximately 1200 mL, and postoperatively, the patient was noted to have a very mild tachycardia coupled with 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit temperature right at delivery. It was felt that this was a sign of very early chorioamnionitis and therapeutic antibiotics were given throughout her stay. The patient received 72 hours of antibiotics with there never being a temperature above 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit. The maternal tachycardia resolved within a day. The patient did well throughout the 3-day stay progressing to full diet, regular bowel movements, normal urination patterns. The patient did receive 2 units of packed red cells on Sunday when attended to by my partner secondary to a hematocrit of 20%. It should be noted, however, that this was actually an expected result with the initial hematocrit of 32% preoperatively. Therefore, there was anemia but not an unexplained anemia.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ON DISCHARGE: , Includes the stable vital signs, afebrile state. An alert and oriented patient who is desirous at discharge. Full range of motion, all extremities; fully ambulatory. Pulse is regular and strong. Lungs are clear and the abdomen is soft and nontender with minimal tympany and a nontender fundus. The incision is beautiful and soft and nontender. There is scant lochia and there is minimal edema.,LABORATORY STUDIES: , Include hematocrit of 27% and the last liver function tests was within normal limits 48 hours prior to discharge.,FOLLOWUP: , For the patient includes pelvic rest, regular diet. Follow up with me in 1 to 2 weeks. Motrin 800 mg p.o. q.8h. p.r.n. cramps, Tylenol No. 3 one p.o. q.4h. p.r.n. pain, prenatal vitamin one p.o. daily, and topical triple antibiotic to incision b.i.d. to q.i.d.
Discharge Summary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
INTERVAL HISTORY:, ABC who is 10 years of age and carries a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, seen in the clinic today for routine follow-up visit. He was accompanied by his adopted mother. He is attending the fourth grade and has not missed significant days for illness. He has a chronic cough that has been slightly increased for the prior 4 days. Sputum is not produced. Sinuses are described as clear. He is an eager eater, eating a regular diet of increased calorie and protein. He also was taking Resource just for kid juice boxes as well as chocolate milkmaid with half-and-half. Belly complaints are denied. He has 2 to 3 bowel movements per day. He does need a flu vaccine.,MEDICATIONS: , Albuterol premix via nebulizer as needed, albuterol MDI 2 puffs b.i.d., therapy Vest daily, Creon 20 two with meals and snacks, A-dec 2 tablets daily, Prevacid 15 mg daily, Advair 100/50 one inhalation twice daily, and MiraLax p.r.n.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Respiratory rate 20 and pulse 91. Temperature is 100.0 per tympanic membrane. Oximetry is 98% on room air. Height is 128 cm, which is an increase of 1.0 cm from prior visit. Weight is 24.5 kg, which is an increase of 500 grams from prior visit.,GENERAL: He is a cooperative school-aged boy in no apparent distress.,HEENT: Tympanic membranes clear, throat with minimal postnasal drip.,CHEST: Significant for 1+ hyperinflation. Lungs are auscultated with good air entry and clear breath sounds.,CARDIAC: Regular sinus rhythm without murmur.,ABDOMEN: Palpated as soft, without hepatosplenomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: Not clubbed.,CHART REVIEW: , This chart was thoroughly reviewed prior to this conference by X, RN, BSN. Review of chart indicates that mother has good adherence to treatment plan indicated by medications being refilled in a timely fashion as well as clinic contact documented with appropriate concerns.,DISCUSSION: PHYSICIAN: , X did note that mother reported that the patient had discontinued the Pulmozyme due to CCS reasons. He is not sure what this would be since CCS Pulmozyme is a covered benefit on CCS for children with cystic fibrosis. This situation will be looked into with the hope of restarting soon. Other than that the patient seems to be doing well. A flu shot was given.,NURSE: , X, RN, BSN, did note that the patient was doing quite well. Reinforcement of current medication regime was supplied. No other needs identified at this time.,RESPIRATORY CARE: , X, RCP, did review appropriate sequencing of medications with the patient and family. Once again, she was concerned the lack of Pulmozyme due to mom stating CCS issues. At this time, they have increased the Vest use to twice daily and are doing 30-minute treatments.,DIETICIAN: , X, RD, CDE, notes that the patient is 89% of his ideal body weight, which is a nutritional failure per cystic fibrosis guidelines. This is despite the fact that he has an excellent appetite. Mom reports he is taking his enzymes consistently as well as vitamins. He does have problems meeting his goal for resource drinks per day. Since the patient has been struggling to gain weight this past year, we will need to monitor his nutritional status and weight trend very closely. A variety of additional high calorie items were discussed with mom.,SOCIAL WORK: , X, LCSW, notes that mom has recently gradually from respiratory therapy school and has accepted a position here at Children's Hospital. The patient is doing well in school. With the exception of issues with CCS authorization, there appears to be no pressing social needs at this time.,IMPRESSION: , ,1. Cystic fibrosis.,2. Poor nutritional status.,PLAN: ,1. Give flu vaccine 0.5 mg IM now, this was done.,2. Continue all other medications and treatment.,3. Evaluate/investigate rationale for no authorization of Pulmozyme with CCS.,4. Needs to augment current high-calorie diet to give more nutrition. To follow advice by a dietician.,5. Continue all the medication treatments before.,6. To continue off and ongoing psychosocial nutritional counseling as necessary.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
The patient made some progress during therapy. She accomplished two and a half out of her five short-term therapy goals. We did complete an oral mechanism examination and clinical swallow evaluation, which showed her swallowing to be within functional limits. The patient improved on her turn taking skills during conversation, and she was able to listen to a narrative and recall the main idea plus five details after a three-minute delay independently. The patient continues to have difficulty with visual scanning in cancellation task, secondary to her significant left neglect. She also did not accomplish her sustained attention goal, which required her to complete tasks greater than 80% accuracy for at least 15 minutes independently. Thus she also continued to have difficulty with reading, comprehension, secondary to the significance of her left neglect. The patient was initially authorized for 12 outpatient speech therapy sessions, but once again she only attended 9. Her last session occurred on 01/09/09. She has not made any additional followup sessions with me for over three weeks, so she is discharged from my services at this time.
Discharge Summary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE:, This 1+ year, black female, new patient in dermatology, sent in for consult from ABC Practice for initial evaluation of a lifelong history of atopic eczema. The patient’s mom is from Tanzania. The patient has been treated with Elidel cream b.i.d. for six months but apparently this has stopped working now and it seems to make her more dry and plus she has been using some Johnson's Baby Oil on her. The patient is a well-developed baby. Appears stated age. Overall health is good.,FAMILY, SOCIAL, AND ALLERGY HISTORY: , The patient has eczema and a positive atopic family history. No psoriasis. No known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, None.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, The patient has eczematous changes today on her face, trunk, and extremities.,IMPRESSION:, Atopic eczema.,TREATMENT:,1. Discussed condition and treatment with Mom.,2. Continue bathing twice a week.,3. Discontinue hot soapy water.,4. Discontinue Elidel for now.,5. Add Aristocort cream 0.25%, Polysporin ointment, Aquaphor b.i.d. and p.r.n. itch. We will see her in one month if not better otherwise on a p.r.n. basis. Send a letter to ABC Practice program.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Headache.,HPI: , This is a 24-year-old man who was seen here originally on the 13th with a headache and found to have a mass on CT scan. He was discharged home with a follow up to neurosurgery on the 14th. Apparently, an MRI the next day showed that the mass was an aneurysm and he is currently scheduled for an angiogram in preparation for surgery. He has had headaches since the 13th and complains now of some worsening of his pain. He denies photophobia, fever, vomiting, and weakness of the arms or legs.,PMH: , As above.,MEDS:, Vicodin.,ALLERGIES:, None.,PHYSICAL EXAM: ,BP 180/110 Pulse 65 RR 18 Temp 97.5.,Mr. P is awake and alert, in no apparent distress.,HEENT: Pupils equal, round, reactive to light, oropharynx moist, sclera clear. ,Neck: Supple, no meningismus.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate and rhythm, no murmur, gallop, or rub. ,Abdomen: Benign.,Neuro: Awake and alert, motor strength normal, no numbness, normal gait, DTRs normal. Cranial nerves normal. ,COURSE IN THE ED: ,Patient had a repeat head CT to look for an intracranial bleed that shows an unchanged mass, no blood, and no hydrocephalus. I recommended an LP but he prefers not to have this done. He received morphine for pain and his headache improved. I've recommended admission but he has chosen to go home and come back in the morning for his scheduled angiogram. He left the ED against my advice. ,IMPRESSION: , Headache, improved. Intracranial aneurysm.,PLAN: , The patient will return tomorrow am for his angiogram.
Emergency Room Reports
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
MEDICATIONS:, None.,DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE:, After informed consent was obtained, the patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position and the Olympus video colonoscope was inserted through the anus and advanced in retrograde fashion for a distance of *** cm to the proximal descending colon and then slowly withdrawn. The mucosa appeared normal. Retroflex examination of the rectum was normal.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR CONSULT: , Genetic counseling.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a very pleasant 61-year-old female with a strong family history of colon polyps. The patient reports her first polyps noted at the age of 50. She has had colonoscopies required every five years and every time she has polyps were found. She reports that of her 11 brothers and sister 7 have had precancerous polyps. She does have an identical twice who is the one of the 11 who has never had a history of polyps. She also has history of several malignancies in the family. Her father died of a brain tumor at the age of 81. There is no history of knowing whether this was a primary brain tumor or whether it is a metastatic brain involvement. Her sister died at the age of 65 breast cancer. She has two maternal aunts with history of lung cancer both of whom were smoker. Also a paternal grandmother who was diagnosed with breast cancer at 86 and a paternal grandfather who had lung cancer. There is no other cancer history.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for asthma.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , Include Serevent two puffs daily and Nasonex two sprays daily.,ALLERGIES: , Include penicillin. She is also allergic seafood; crab and mobster.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married. She was born and raised in South Dakota. She moved to Colorado 37 years ago. She attended collage at the Colorado University. She is certified public account. She does not smoke. She drinks socially.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: ,The patient denies any dark stool or blood in her stool. She has had occasional night sweats and shortness of breath, and cough associated with her asthma. She also complains of some acid reflux as well as anxiety. She does report having knee surgery for torn ACL on the left knee and has some arthritis in that knee. The rest of her review of systems is negative.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VITALS:
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUMMARY: ,The patient has attended physical therapy from 11/16/06 to 11/21/06. The patient has 3 call and cancels and 3 no shows. The patient has been sick for several weeks due to a cold as well as food poisoning, so has missed many appointments.,SUBJECTIVE: ,The patient states pain still significant, primarily 1st seen in the morning. The patient was evaluated 1st thing in the morning and did not take his pain medications, so objective findings may reflect that. The patient states overall functionally he is improving where he is able to get out in the house and visit and do activities outside the house more. The patient does feel like he is putting on more muscle girth as well. The patient states he is doing well with his current home exercise program and feels like pool therapy is also helping as well.,OBJECTIVE: , Physical therapy has consisted of:,1. Pool therapy incorporating endurance and general lower and upper extremity strengthening.,2. Clinical setting incorporating core stabilization and general total body strengthening and muscle wasting.,3. The patient has just begun this, so it is on a very beginners level at this time.,ASSESSMENT, DONE ON 12/21/06,STRENGTH,Activities
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Acute appendicitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Perforated Meckel's diverticulum.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Diagnostic laparotomy.,2. Exploratory laparotomy.,3. Meckel's diverticulectomy.,4. Open incidental appendectomy.,5. Peritoneal toilet.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,300 ml.,URINE OUTPUT: , 200 ml.,TOTAL FLUID:, 1600 mL.,DRAIN:, JP x1 right lower quadrant and anterior to the rectum.,TUBES:, Include an NG and a Foley catheter.,SPECIMENS: , Include Meckel's diverticulum and appendix.,COMPLICATIONS: , Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure with hypoxemia following closure.,BRIEF HISTORY: , This is a 45-year-old Caucasian gentleman presented to ABCD General Hospital with acute onset of right lower quadrant pain that began 24 hours prior to this evaluation.,The pain was very vague and progressed in intensity. The patient has had anorexia with decrease in appetite. His physical examination revealed the patient to be febrile with the temperature of 102.4. He had right lower quadrant and suprapubic tenderness with palpation with Rovsing sign and rebound consistent with acute surgical abdomen. The patient was presumed acute appendicitis and was placed on IV antibiotics and recommended that he undergo diagnostic laparoscopy with possible open exploratory laparotomy. He was explained the risks, benefits, and complications of the procedure and gave informed consent to proceed.,OPERATIVE FINDINGS: , Diagnostic laparoscopy revealed purulent drainage within the region of the right lower quadrant adjacent to the cecum and terminal ileum. There was large amounts of purulent drainage. The appendix was visualized, however, it was difficult to be visualized secondary to the acute inflammatory process, purulent drainage, and edema. It was decided given the signs of perforation and purulent drainage within the abdomen that we would convert to an open exploratory laparotomy. Upon exploration of the ileum, there was noted to be a ruptured Meckel's diverticulum, this was resected. Additionally, the appendix appeared normal without evidence of perforation and/or edema and a decision to proceed with incidental appendectomy was performed. The patient was irrigated with copious amounts of warmth normal saline approximately 2 to 3 liters. The patient was closed and did develop some hypoxemia after closure. He remained ventilated and was placed on a large amount of ________. His hypoxia did resolve and he remained intubated and proceed to the Critical Care Complex or postop surgical care.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operative suite and placed in the supine position. He did receive preoperative IV antibiotics, sequential compression devices, NG tube placement with Foley catheter, and heparin subcutaneously. The patient was intubated by the Anesthesia Department. After adequate anesthesia was obtained, the abdomen was prepped and draped in the normal sterile fashion with Betadine solution. Utilizing a #10 blade scalpel, an infraumbilical incision was created. The Veress needle was inserted into the abdomen. The abdomen was insufflated to approximately 15 mmHg. A #10 mm ablated trocar was inserted into the abdomen and a video laparoscope was inserted and the abdomen was explored and the above findings were noted. A right upper quadrant 5 mm port was inserted to help with manipulation of bowel and to visualize the appendix. Decision was then made to convert to exploratory laparotomy given the signs of acute perforation. The instruments were then removed. The abdomen was then deflated. Utilizing ________ #10 blade scalpel, a midline incision was created from the xiphoid down to level of the pubic symphysis.,The incision was carried down with a #10 blade scalpel and the bleeding was controlled along the way with electrocautery. The posterior layer of the rectus fascia and peritoneum was opened carefully with the scissors as the peritoneum had already been penetrated during laparoscopy. Incision was carried down to the midline within the linea alba. Once the abdomen was opened, there was noted to be gross purulent drainage. The ileum was explored and there was noted to be a perforated Meckel's diverticulum. Decision to resect the diverticulum was performed.,The blood supply to the Meckel's diverticulum was carefully dissected free and a #3-0 Vicryl was used to tie off the blood supply to the Meckel's diverticulum. Clamps were placed to the proximal supply to the Meckel's diverticulum was tied off with #3-0 Vicryl sutures. The Meckel's diverticulum was noted to be completely free and was grasped anteriorly and utilizing a GIA stapling device, the diverticulum was transected. There was noted to be a hemostatic region within the transection and staple line looked intact without evidence of perforation and/or leakage. Next, decision was decided to go ahead and perform an appendectomy. Mesoappendix was doubly clamped with hemostats and cut with Metzenbaum scissors. The appendiceal artery was identified and was clamped between two hemostats and transected as well. Once the appendix was completely freed of the surrounding inflammation and adhesion. A plain gut was placed at the base of the appendix and tied down. The appendix was milked distally with a straight stat and clamped approximately halfway. A second piece of plain gut suture was used to ligate above and then was transected with a #10 blade scalpel. The appendiceal stump was then inverted with a pursestring suture of #2-0 Vicryl suture. Once the ________ was completed, decision to place a JP drain within the right lower quadrant was performed. The drain was positioned within the right lower quadrant and anterior to the rectum and brought out through a separate site in the anterior abdominal wall. It was sewn in place with a #3-0 nylon suture. The abdomen was then irrigated with copious amounts of warmed normal saline. The remainder of the abdomen was unremarkable for pathology. The omentum was replaced over the bowel contents and utilizing #1-0 PDS suture, the abdominal wall, anterior and posterior rectus fascias were closed with a running suture. Once the abdomen was completely closed, the subcutaneous tissue was irrigated with copious amounts of saline and the incision was closed with staples. The previous laparoscopic sites were also closed with staples. Sterile dressings were placed over the wound with Adaptic and 4x4s and covered with ABDs. JPs replaced with bulb suction. NG tube and Foley catheter were left in place. The patient tolerated this procedure well with exception of hypoxemia which resolved by the conclusion of the case.,The patient will proceed to the Critical Care Complex where he will be closely evaluated and followed in his postoperative course. To remain on IV antibiotics and we will manage ventilatory-dependency of the patient.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 41-year-old African-American male previously well known to me. He has a previous history of aortic valve disease, status post aortic valve replacement on 10/15/2007, for which he has been on chronic anticoagulation. There is a previous history of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure, both of which have been stable prior to this admission. He has a previous history of transient ischemic attack with no residual neurologic deficits.,The patient has undergone surgery by Dr. X for attempted nephrolithotomy. The patient has experienced significant postoperative bleeding, for which it has been necessary to discontinue all anticoagulation. The patient is presently seen at the request of Dr. X for management of anticoagulation and his above heart disease.,PAST MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Type I diabetes mellitus.,2. Hyperlipidemia.,3. Hypertension.,4. Morbid obesity.,5. Sleep apnea syndrome.,6. Status post thyroidectomy for thyroid carcinoma.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,General: Unremarkable.,Cardiopulmonary: No chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, or dizziness.,Gastrointestinal: Unremarkable.,Genitourinary: See above.,Musculoskeletal: Unremarkable.,Neurologic: Unremarkable.,FAMILY HISTORY: , There are no family members with coronary artery disease. His mother has congestive heart failure.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is married. He lives with his wife. He is employed as a barber. He does not use alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs.,MEDICATIONS PRIOR TO ADMISSION:,1. Clonidine 0.3 mg b.i.d.,2. Atenolol 50 mg daily.,3. Simvastatin 80 mg daily.,4. Furosemide 40 mg daily.,5. Metformin 1000 mg b.i.d.,6. Hydralazine 25 mg t.i.d.,7. Diovan 320 mg daily.,8. Lisinopril 40 mg daily.,9. Amlodipine 10 mg daily.,10. Lantus insulin 50 units q.p.m.,11. KCl 20 mEq daily.,12. NovoLog sliding scale insulin coverage.,13. Warfarin 7.5 mg daily.,14. Levothyroxine 0.2 mg daily.,15. Folic acid 1 mg daily.,ALLERGIES: , None.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: A well-appearing, obese black male.,Vital Signs: BP 140/80, HR 88, respirations 16, and afebrile.,HEENT: Grossly normal.,Neck: Normal. Thyroid, normal. Carotid, normal upstroke, no bruits.,Chest: Midline sternotomy scar.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: PMI fifth intercostal space mid clavicular line. Normal S1 and prosthetic S2. No murmur, rub, gallop, or click.,Abdomen: Soft and nontender. No palpable mass or hepatosplenomegaly.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Surgical absence of left nipple areola with personal history of breast cancer.,2. Breast asymmetry.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Surgical absence of left nipple areola with personal history of breast cancer.,2. Breast asymmetry.,PROCEDURE,1. Left nipple areolar reconstruction utilizing a full-thickness skin graft from the left groin.,2. Redo right mastopexy.,ANESTHESIA,General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS,None.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE IN DETAIL,The patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the table in the supine position and after suitable induction of general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was placed in a frog-leg position and prepped and draped in usual fashion for the above-noted procedure. The initial portion of the procedure was harvesting a full-thickness skin graft from the left groin region. This was accomplished by ellipsing out a 42-mm diameter circle of skin just below the thigh, peroneal crease. The defect was then closed with 3-0 Vicryl followed by 3-0 chromic suture in a running locked fashion. The area was dressed with antibiotic ointment and then a Peri-Pad. The patient's legs were brought out frog-leg back to the midline and sterile towels were placed over the opening in the drapes. Surgical team's gloves were changed and then attention was turned to the planning of the left nipple flap.,A maltese cross pattern was employed with a 1-cm diameter nipple and a 42-mm diameter nipple areolar complex. Once the maltese cross had been designed on the breast at the point where the nipple was to be placed, the areas of the portion of flap were de-epithelialized. Then, when this had been completed, the dermis about the maltese cross was incised full thickness to allow mobilization of the flap to form the neonipple. At this point, a Bovie electrocautery was used to control bleeding points and then 4-0 chromic suture was used to suture the arms of the flap together creating the nipple. When this had been completed, the skin graft, which had been harvested from the left groin was brought onto the field where it was prepared by removing all subcutaneous tissue from the posterior aspect of the graft and carefully removing the hair follicles encountered within the graft. At this point, the graft was sutured into position in the defect using 3-0 chromic in an interrupted fashion and then trimming the ellipse to an appropriate circle to fill the areola. At this point, 4-0 chromic was used to run around the perimeter of the full-thickness skin graft and then at this point the nipple was delivered through a cruciate incision in the middle of the skin graft and then inset appropriately with 4-0 chromic. The areolar skin graft was pie crusted. Then, at this point, the area of areola was dressed with silicone gel sheeting. A silo was placed over the neonipple with 3-0 nylon through the apex of the neonipple to support the nipple in an erect position. Mastisol and Steri-Strips were then applied.,At this point, attention was turned to the right breast where a 2-cm wide ellipse transversely oriented and with its inferior most aspect just inferior to the transverse mastopexy incision line was made. The skin was removed from the area and then a layered closure of 3-0 Vicryl followed by 3-0 PDS in a running subcuticular fashion was carried out. When this had been completed, the Mastisol and Steri-Strips were applied to the transverse right breast incision. Fluff dressings were applied to the right breast as well as the area around the silo on the left breast around the reconstructed nipple areola. The patient was then placed in Surgi-Bra and then was taken from the operating room to the recovery room in good condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hypoxia and increasing pulmonary secretions.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hypoxia and increasing pulmonary secretions.,OPERATION: , Bronchoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , Moderate bedside sedation.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS:, Abundant amount of clear thick secretions throughout the main airways.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is a 43-year-old gentleman who has been in the ICU for several days following resection of small bowel for sequelae of SMV occlusion. This morning, the patient developed worsening hypoxia with abundant sputum production requiring frequent suctioning from his ET tube. The patient also had new-appearing atelectasis versus infiltrates in the right lower lobe of his lung on chest x-ray. Given these findings, it was felt that bronchoscopy could further define source of secretions and send more appropriate specimen for culture if need be.,OPERATION:, The patient was given additional fentanyl, Versed as well as paralytics for the procedure. Small bronchoscope was inserted through the ET tube and to the trachea to the level of carina. There was noted to be thick clear secretions adherent to the trachea walls as well as into the right mainstem bronchus. Extensive secretions extended down into the secondary airways. This was lavaged with saline and suctioned dry. There is no overt specific occlusion of airways, nor was there any purulent-appearing sputum. The bronchoscope was then advanced into the left mainstem bronchus, and there was noted to be a small amount of similar-appearing secretions which was likewise suctioned and cleaned. The bronchoscope was removed, and the patient was increased to PEEP of 10 on the ventilator. Please note that prior to starting bronchoscopy, he was pre oxygenated with 100% O2. The patient tolerated the procedure well and lavage specimen was sent for gram stain as well as routine culture.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF REASON FOR CONSULTATION:, Evaluate recurrent episodes of uncomfortable feeling in the left upper arm at rest, as well as during exertion for the last one month.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This 57-year-old black female complains of having pain and discomfort in the left upper arm, especially when she walks and after heavy meals. This lasts anywhere from a few hours and is not associated with shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, or syncope. Patient does not get any chest pain or choking in the neck or pain in the back. Patient denies history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, enlarged heart, heart murmur, history suggestive of previous myocardial infarction, or acute rheumatic polyarthritis during childhood. Her exercise tolerance is one to two blocks for shortness of breath and easy fatigability.,MEDICATIONS:, Patient does not take any specific medications.,PAST HISTORY:, The patient underwent hysterectomy in 1986.,FAMILY HISTORY:, The patient is married, has four children who are doing fine. Family history is positive for hypertension, congestive heart failure, obesity, cancer, and cerebrovascular accident.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient smokes one pack of cigarettes per day and takes drinks on social occasions.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM: , Ultrasound carotid, bilateral.,REASON FOR EXAMINATION: , Pain.,COMPARISON:, None.,FINDINGS: , Bilateral common carotid arteries/branches demonstrate minimal, predominantly noncalcified plaquing with mild calcific plaquing in the left internal carotid artery. There are no different colors or spectral Doppler waveform abnormalities.,PARAMETRIC DATA:, Right CCA PSV 0.72 m/s. Right ICA PSV is 0.595 m/s. Right ICA EDV 0.188 m/s. Right vertebral 0.517 m/s. Right IC/CC is 0.826. Left CCA PSV 0.571 m/s, left ICA PSV 0.598 m/s. Left ICA EDV 0.192 m/s. Left vertebral 0.551 m/s. Left IC/CC is 1.047.,IMPRESSION:,1. No evidence for clinically significant stenosis.,2. Minimal, predominantly soft plaquing.,
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a 54-year-old female who comes for dietary consultation for weight reduction secondary to diabetes. She did attend diabetes education classes at Abc Clinic. She comes however, wanting to really work at weight reduction. She indicates that she has been on the Atkins' diet for about two years and lost about ten pounds. She is now following a veggie diet which she learned about in Poland originally. She has been on it for three weeks and intends to follow it for another three weeks. This does not allow any fruits or grains or starchy vegetables or meats. She does eat nuts for protein. She is wanting to know if she is at risk of having a severe low blood sugar reaction in this form of diet. She also wants to know that if she gets skinny enough, if the diabetes will go away. Her problem time, blood sugar wise, is in the morning. She states that if she eats too much in the evening that her blood sugars are always higher the next morning.,OBJECTIVE:, Weight: 189 pounds. Reported height: 5 feet 5 inches. BMI is approximately 31-1/2. Diabetes medications include metformin 500 mg daily. Lab from 5/12/04: Hemoglobin A1C was 6.4%.,A diet history was obtained. I instructed the patient on dietary guidelines for weight reduction. A 1200-calorie meal plan was recommended.,ASSESSMENT:, Patient's diet history reflects that she is highly restricting carbohydrates in her food intake. She does not have blood sugar records with her for me to review, but we discussed strategies for improving blood sugar control in the morning. This primarily included a recommendation of including some solid protein with her bedtime snack which could be done in the form of nuts. She is doing some physical activity two to three times a week. This includes aerobic walking with weights on her arms and her ankles. She is likely going to need to increase frequency in this area to help support weight reduction. Her basal metabolic rate was estimated at 1415 calories a day. Her total calorie requirements for weight maintenance are estimated at 1881 calories a day. A 1200-calorie meal plan should support a weight loss of at least one pound a week.,PLAN:, Recommend patient increase the frequency of her walking to five days a week. Encouraged a 30-minute duration. Also recommend patient include some solid protein with her bedtime snack to help address fasting blood sugar elevations. And lastly, I encouraged caloric intake of just under 1200 calories daily. Recommend keeping food records and tracking caloric intake. It is unlikely that her blood sugars would drop significantly low on the current dose of Glucophage. However, I encouraged her to be careful not to reduce calories below 1000 calories daily. She may want to consider a multivitamin as well. This was a one-hour consultation.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE:, I am asked to see the patient today with ongoing issues around her diabetic control. We have been fairly aggressively, downwardly adjusting her insulins, both the Lantus insulin, which we had been giving at night as well as her sliding scale Humalog insulin prior to meals. Despite frequent decreases in her insulin regimen, she continues to have somewhat low blood glucoses, most notably in the morning when the glucoses have been in the 70s despite decreasing her Lantus insulin from around 84 units down to 60 units, which is a considerable change. What I cannot explain is why her glucoses have not really climbed at all despite the decrease in insulin. The staff reports to me that her appetite is good and that she is eating as well as ever. I talked to Anna today. She feels a little fatigued. Otherwise, she is doing well.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Vitals as in the chart. The patient is a pleasant and cooperative. She is in no apparent distress.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: , Diabetes, still with some problematic low blood glucoses, most notably in the morning. To address this situation, I am going to hold her Lantus insulin tonight and decrease and then change the administration time to in the morning. She will get 55 units in the morning. I am also decreasing once again her Humalog sliding scale insulin prior to meals. I will review the blood glucoses again next week.,
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Acquired absence of bilateral breast status post previous bilateral DIEP flap reconstruction.,2. Bilateral breast asymmetry.,3. Right breast macromastia.,4. Right abdominal scar deformity.,5. Left abdominal scar deformity.,6. A 1.3 cm lesion right inferior breast.,7. Lesion measuring 0.5 cm right inferior breast lateral.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Acquired absence of bilateral breast status post previous bilateral DIEP flap reconstruction.,2. Bilateral breast asymmetry.,3. Right breast macromastia.,4. Right abdominal scar deformity.,5. Left abdominal scar deformity.,6. A 1.3 cm lesion right inferior breast.,7. Lesion measuring 0.5 cm right inferior breast lateral.,PROCEDURES,1. Left breast flap revision.,2. Right breast flap revision.,3. Right breast reduction mammoplasty.,4. Right nipple reconstruction.,5. Left abdominal scar deformity.,6. Right abdominal scar deformity.,7. Excision of right breast medial lesion enclosure.,8. Excision of right breast lateral lesion enclosure.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,DRAINS:, None.,SPECIMENS:, Right breast skin and lesions x2.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,INDICATIONS:, This patient is a 54-year-old white female who presents for a revision of her previous bilateral breast reconstruction. The patient had asymmetry as well as right breast hypertrophy, and therefore, the procedures named above were indicated. The patient was informed about the possible risks and complications of the above procedures and gave an informed consent.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was brought to the operating room, placed supine on the operative table. After adequate endotracheal anesthesia was established and IV prophylactic antibiotics were given, the chest and abdomen were prepped and draped in standard surgical fashion.,Attention was first turned to the left breast where liposuction was performed laterally to allow for better contour and minimize the outer quadrant. The incision was made for this and was then closed with 5-0 Prolene interrupted suture.,Attention was then turned to the right breast where liposuction was also performed to reduce the medial superior and lateral quadrants. Once this was performed, the vertical reduction mammoplasty was outlined. Prior to that, the nipple reconstruction was performed with a keyhole pattern flap. The flap was elevated with 15-blade and hemostasis was then obtained with the Bovie. The flap was then sutured onto itself and secured with 5-0 Prolene interrupted sutures. Then the lateral and medial limbs were undermined to close the defect and this was performed with 3-0 Monocryl interrupted sutures. Subsequently, the reduction mastectomy skin was then excised sharply and passed up the table marked and sent to Pathology. ,Hemostasis was then obtained with the Bovie and then undermining was performed in the medial, superior, and lateral skin to allow for closure of the reduction incisions. Once this was performed, a 3-0 Monocryl interrupted sutures were used to close the inferior limb. Subsequently 2-0 PDS continuous suture was then placed in the periareolar area to close the defect, with a diameter that equaled the new nipple areolar complex. Once this was performed, the remaining incision was then closed with 3-0 Monocryl followed by 4-0 Monocryl subcuticular sutures. Subsequently, the 2 lesions were excised, the larger one which was medial and the lateral one that was smaller that were excised sharply, passed up the table and sent to Pathology. They were closed in 2 layers using 3-0 Monocryl followed by 4-0 Monocryl subcuticular suture.,Attention was then turned to the abdominal scars where liposuction and tumescent solution of diluted epinephrine were used to minimize the amount of excision that was required. Subsequently the extra skin was excised sharply in an elliptical fashion on the right side measuring approximately 10 x 3 cm, this was the superior and inferior skin, was when undermined and closure was performed after hemostasis was obtained with 3-0 Monocryl followed by 4-0 Monocryl subcuticular suture.,Attention was then turned to the contralateral left side where there was a larger defect. There was a larger excision required measuring approximately 15 x 3 cm. The superior and inferior edges of skin were undermined and closed primarily using 3-0 Monocryl followed by 4-0 Monocryl subcuticular sutures. Steri-Strips were placed on all incisions followed by surgical bra.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was extubated without complications and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. All instruments, needle counts, and sponges were correct at the end of the case.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Epistaxis and chronic dysphonia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Atrophic dry nasal mucosa.,2. Epistaxis.,3. Atrophic laryngeal changes secondary to inhaled steroid use.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Cauterization of epistaxis, left nasal septum.,2. Fiberoptic nasal laryngoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , Neo-Synephrine with lidocaine nasal spray.,FINDINGS:,1. Atrophic dry cracked nasal mucosa.,2. Atrophic supraglottic and glottic changes likely secondary to inhaled steroids and recent endotracheal tube intubation.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 37-year-old African-American female who was admitted to ABCD General Hospital with a left wrist abscess. The patient was taken to the operating room for incision and drainage. Postoperatively, the patient was placed on nasal cannula oxygen and developed subsequent epistaxis. Upon evaluating the patient, the patient complains of epistaxis from the left naris as well as some chronic dysphonia that had become exacerbated after surgery. The patient does report of having endotracheal tube intubation during anesthesia. The patient also gives a history of inhaled steroid use for her asthma.,The patient was extubated after surgery without difficulty, but continued to have some difficulty and the Department of Otolaryngology was asked to evaluate the patient regarding epistaxis and dysphonia.,PROCEDURE DETAILS:, After the procedure was described, the patient was placed in the seated position. The fiberoptic nasal laryngoscope was then inserted into the patient's left naris. The nasal mucosal membranes were dry and atrophic throughout. There was no evidence of any mass lesions. The nasal laryngoscope was then advanced towards the posterior aspect of the nasal cavity. There was no evidence of mass, ulceration, lesion, or obstruction. The nasolaryngoscopy continued to be advanced into the oropharynx and the vallecula and the base of the tongue were evaluated and were without evidence of mass lesion or ulceration.,The fiberoptic scope was further advanced and visualization of the larynx revealed some atrophic, dry, supraglottic, and glottic changes. There was no evidence of any local mass lesion, nodule, or ulcerations. There was no evidence of any erythema. Upon phonation, the vocal cords approximated completely and upon inspiration, the true vocal cords were abducted in a normal fashion and was symmetric. The airway was stable and patent throughout the entire examination. The nasal laryngoscope was then slowly withdrawn from the supraglottic region and the scope was further advanced into the oropharynx and nasopharynx. The eustachian tube was completely visualized and was patent without obstruction. The scope was then further removed without difficulty. The patient tolerated the procedure well and remained in stable condition.,RECOMMENDATIONS AND PLAN: , The patient would benefit from Ocean nasal spray as well as bacitracin ointment applied to the anterior naris. At this time, we were unable to discontinue the patient's inhaled steroids that she is using for her asthma. If this becomes possible in the future, this may provide her some relief of her chronic dysphonia. The patient is to follow up with Department of Otolaryngology after discharge from the hospital for further evaluation of these problems.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY: , The patient is a 4-month-old who presented today with supraventricular tachycardia and persistent cyanosis. The patient is a product of a term pregnancy that was uncomplicated and no perinatal issues are raised. Parents; however, did note the patient to be quite dusky since the time of her birth; however, were reassured by the pediatrician that this was normal. The patient demonstrates good interval weight gain and only today presented to an outside hospital with significant duskiness, some irritability, and rapid heart rate. Parents do state that she does appear to breathe rapidly, tires somewhat with the feeding with increased respiratory effort and diaphoresis. The patient is exclusively breast fed and feeding approximately 2 hours. Upon arrival at Children's Hospital, the patient was found to be in a narrow complex tachycardia with the rate in excess of 258 beats per minute with a successful cardioversion to sinus rhythm with adenosine. The electrocardiogram following the cardioversion had demonstrated normal sinus rhythm with a right atrial enlargement, northwest axis, and poor R-wave progression, possible right ventricular hypertrophy.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Family history is remarkable for an older sibling found to have a small ventricular septal defect that is spontaneously closed.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , A complete review of systems including neurologic, respiratory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary are otherwise negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: Physical examination that showed a sedated, acyanotic infant who is in no acute distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Heart rate of 170, respiratory rate of 65, saturation, it is nasal cannula oxygen of 74% with a prostaglandin infusion at 0.5 mcg/kg/minute.,HEENT: Normocephalic with no bruit detected. She had symmetric shallow breath sounds clear to auscultation. She had full symmetrical pulses.,HEART: There is normoactive precordium without a thrill. There is normal S1, single loud S2, and a 2/6 continuous shunt type of murmur could be appreciated at the left upper sternal border.,ABDOMEN: Soft. Liver edge is palpated at 3 cm below the costal margin and no masses or bruits detected.,X-RAYS:, Review of the chest x-ray demonstrated a normal situs, normal heart size, and adequate pulmonary vascular markings. There is a prominent thymus. An echocardiogram demonstrated significant cyanotic congenital heart disease consisting of normal situs, a left superior vena cava draining into the left atrium, a criss-cross heart with atrioventricular discordance of the right atrium draining through the mitral valve into the left-sided morphologic left ventricle. The left atrium drained through the tricuspid valve into a right-sided morphologic right ventricle. There is a large inlet ventricular septal defect as pulmonary atresia. The aorta was malopposed arising from the right ventricle in the anterior position with the left aortic arch. There was a small vertical ductus as a sole source of pulmonary artery blood flow. The central pulmonary arteries appeared confluent although small measuring 3 mm in the diameter. Biventricular function is well maintained.,FINAL IMPRESSION: , The patient has significant cyanotic congenital heart disease physiologically with a single ventricle physiology and ductal-dependent pulmonary blood flow and the incidental supraventricular tachycardia now in the sinus rhythm with adequate ventricular function. The saturations are now also adequate on prostaglandin E1.,RECOMMENDATION: , My recommendation is that the patient be continued on prostaglandin E1. The patient's case was presented to the cardiothoracic surgical consultant, Dr. X. The patient will require further echocardiographic study in the morning to further delineate the pulmonary artery anatomy and confirm the central confluence. A consideration will be made for diagnostic cardiac catheterization to fully delineate the pulmonary artery anatomy prior to surgical intervention. The patient will require some form of systemic to pulmonary shunt, modified pelvic shunt or central shunt as a durable source of pulmonary blood flow. Further surgical repair was continued on the size and location of the ventricular septal defect over the course of the time for consideration of possible Rastelli procedure. The current recommendation is for proceeding with a central shunt and followed then by bilateral bidirectional Glenn shunt with then consideration for a septation when the patient is 1 to 2 years of age. These findings and recommendations were reviewed with the parents via a Spanish interpreter.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY: ,The patient is a 53-year-old male who was seen for evaluation at the request of Dr. X regarding recurrent jaw pain. This patient has been having what he described as numbness and tingling along the jaw, teeth, and tongue. This numbness has been present for approximately two months. It seems to be there "all the time." He was seen by his dentist and after dental evaluation was noted to be "okay." He had been diagnosed with a throat infection about a week ago and is finishing a course of Avelox at this time. He has been taking cough drops and trying to increase his fluids. He has recently stopped tobacco. He has been chewing tobacco for about 30 years. Again, there is concern regarding the numbness he has been having. He has had a loss of sensation of taste as well. Numbness seems to be limited just to the left lateral tongue and the jaw region and extends from the angle of the jaw to the lip. He does report he has had about a 20-pound of weight gain over the winter, but notes he has had this in the past just simply from decreased activity. He has had no trauma to the face. He does note a history of headaches. These are occasional and he gets these within the neck area when they do flare up. The headaches are noted to be less than one or two times per month. The patient does note he has a history of anxiety disorder as well. He has tried to eliminate his amount of tobacco and he is actually taking Nicorette gum at this time. He denies any fever or chills. He is not having any dental pain with biting down. He has had no jaw popping and no trismus noted. The patient is concerned regarding this numbness and presents today for further workup, evaluation, and treatment.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Other than those listed above were otherwise negative.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Pertinent for hernia repair.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Pertinent for hypertension.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Tylenol. He is on Nicorette gum.,ALLERGIES: ,He is allergic to codeine, unknown reaction.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is single, self-employed carpenter. He chews tobacco or having chewing tobacco for 30 years, about half a can per day, but notes he has been recently off, and he does note occasional moderate alcohol use.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , ,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure is 138/82, pulse 64 and regular, temperature 98.3, and weight is 191 pounds.,GENERAL: The patient is an alert, cooperative, obese, 53-year-old male with a normal-sounding voice and good memory.,HEAD & FACE: Inspected with no scars, lesions or masses noted. Sinuses palpated and are normal. Salivary glands also palpated and are normal with no masses noted. The patient also has full facial function.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart regular rate and rhythm without murmur.,RESPIRATORY: Lungs auscultated and noted to be clear to auscultation bilaterally with no wheezing or rubs and normal respiratory effort.,EYES: Extraocular muscles were tested and within normal limits.,EARS: Both ears, external ears are normal. The ear canals are clean and dry. The drums are intact and mobile. He does have moderate tympanosclerosis noted, no erythema. Weber exam is midline. Hearing is grossly intact and normal.,NASAL: Reveals a deviated nasal septum to the left, moderate, clear drainage, and no erythema.,ORAL: Oral cavity is normal with good moisture. Lips, teeth and gums are normal. Evaluation of the oropharynx reveals normal mucosa, normal palates, and posterior oropharynx. Examination of the larynx with a mirror reveals normal epiglottis, false and true vocal cords with good mobility of the cords. The nasopharynx was briefly examined by mirror with normal appearing mucosa, posterior choanae and eustachian tubes.,NECK: The neck was examined with normal appearance. Trachea in the midline. The thyroid was normal, nontender, with no palpable masses or adenopathy noted.,NEUROLOGIC: He does have slightly decreased sensation to the left jaw. He is able to feel pressure on touch. This extends also on to the left lateral tongue and the left intrabuccal mucosa.,DERMATOLOGIC: Evaluation reveals no masses or lesions. Skin turgor is normal.,PROCEDURE: , A fiberoptic nasopharyngoscopy was also performed. See separate operative report in chart. This does reveal a moderately deviated nasal septum to the left, large inferior turbinates, no mass or neoplasm noted.,IMPRESSION: ,1. Persistent paresthesia of the left manual teeth and tongue, consider possible neoplasm within the mandible.,2. History of tobacco use.,3. Hypogeusia with loss of taste.,4. Headaches.,5. Xerostomia.,RECOMMENDATIONS:, I have ordered a CT of the head. This includes sinuses and mandible. This is primarily to evaluate and make sure there is not a neoplasm as the source of this numbness that he has had. On the mucosal surface, I do not see any evidence of malignancy and no visible or palpable masses were noted. I did recommend he increase his fluid intake. He is to remain off the tobacco. I have scheduled a recheck with me in the next two to three weeks to make further recommendations at that time.
ENT - Otolaryngology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Intrauterine pregnancy of 39 weeks.,2. Herpes simplex virus, positive by history.,3. Hepatitis C, positive by history with low elevation of transaminases.,4. Cephalopelvic disproportion.,5. Asynclitism.,6. Postpartum macrosomia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Intrauterine pregnancy of 39 weeks.,2. Herpes simplex virus, positive by history.,3. Hepatitis C, positive by history with low elevation of transaminases.,4. Cephalopelvic disproportion.,5. Asynclitism.,6. Postpartum macrosomia.,7. Delivery of viable 9 lb female neonate.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Primary low transverse cervical cesarean section.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , About 600 cc.,Baby is doing well. The patient's uterus is intact, bladder is intact.,HISTORY: , The patient is an approximately 25-year-old Caucasian female with gravida-4, para-1-0-2-1. The patient's last menstrual period was in December of 2002 with a foreseeable due date on 09/16/03 confirmed by ultrasound.,The patient has a history of herpes simplex virus to which there is no active prodromal and no evidence of lesions. The patient has a history of IVDA and contracted hepatitis C with slightly elevated liver transaminases. The patient had been seen through our office for prenatal care. The patient is on Valtrex. The patient was found to be 3 cm about 40%, 0 to 9 engaged. Bag of waters was ruptured. She was on Pitocin. She was contracting appropriately for a couple of hours or so with appropriate ________. There was no cervical change noted. Most probably because there was a sink vertex and that the head was too large to descend into the pelvis. The patient was advised of this and we recommended cesarean section. She agreed. We discussed the surgery, foreseeable risks and complications, alternative treatment, the procedure itself, and recovery in layman's terms. The patient's questions were answered. I personally made sure that she understood every aspect of the consent and that she was comfortable with the understanding of what would transpire.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was then taken back to operative suite. She was given anesthetic and sterilely prepped and draped. Pfannenstiel incision was used. A second knife was used to carry the incision down to the anterior rectus fascia. Anterior rectus fascia was incised in the midline and carried bilaterally and the fascia was lifted off the underlying musculature. The rectus muscles were separated. The patient's peritoneum tented up towards the umbilicus and we entered the abdominal cavity. There was a very thin lower uterine segment. There seemed to be quite a large baby. The patient had a small nick in the uterus. Following the blunt end of the bladder knife going through the innermost layer of the myometrium and into the endometrial cavity, clear amniotic fluid was obtained. A blunt low transverse cervical incision was made. Following this, we placed a ________ on the very large fetal head. The head was delivered following which we were able to deliver a large baby girl, 9 lb, good at tone and cry. The patient then underwent removal of the placenta after the cord blood and ABG were taken. The patient's uterus was examined. There appeared to be no retained products. The patient's uterine incision was reapproximated and sutured with #0 Vicryl in a running non-interlocking fashion, the second imbricating over the first. The patient's uterus was hemostatic. Bladder flap was reapproximated with #0 Vicryl. The patient then underwent an irrigation at every level of closure and the patient was quite hemostatic. We reapproximated the rectus musculature with care being taken not to incorporate any underlying structures. The patient had three interrupted sutures of this. The fascia was reapproximated with two stitches of #0 Vicryl going from each apex towards the midline. The Scarpa's fascia was reapproximated with #0 gut. There was noted no fascial defects and the skin was closed with #0 Vicryl.,Prior to closing the abdominal cavity, the uterus appeared to be intact and bladder appeared to have clear urine and appeared to be intact. The patient was hemostatic. All counts were correct and the patient tolerated the procedure well. We will see her back in recovery.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
TITLE OF OPERATION: , Central neck reoperation with removal of residual metastatic lymphadenopathy and thyroid tissue in the central neck. Left reoperative neck dissection levels 1 and the infraclavicular fossa on the left side. Right levels 2 through 5 neck dissection and superior mediastinal dissection of lymph nodes and pretracheal dissection of lymph nodes in a previously operative field.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: , The patient is a 37-year-old gentleman well known to me with a history of medullary thyroid cancer sporadic in nature having undergone surgery in 04/07 with final pathology revealing extrafocal, extrathyroidal extension, and extranodal extension in the soft tissues of his medullary thyroid cancer. The patient had been followed for a period of time and underwent rapid development of a left and right infraclavicular lymphadenopathy and central neck lymphadenopathy also with imaging studies to suggest superior mediastinal disease. Fine-needle aspiration of the left and right infraclavicular lymph nodes revealed persistent medullary thyroid cancer. Risks, benefits, and alternatives of the procedures discussed with in detail and the patient elected to proceed with surgery as discussed. The risks included, but not limited to anesthesia, bleeding, infection, injury to nerve, lip, tongue, shoulder, weakness, tongue numbness, droopy eyelid, tumor comes back, need for additional treatment, diaphragm weakness, pneumothorax, need for chest tube, others. The patient understood all these issues and did wish to proceed.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: ,After identifying the patient, the patient was placed supine on the operating room table. The patient was intubated with a number 7 nerve integrity monitor system endotracheal tube. The eyes were protected with Tegaderm. The patient was rotated to 180 degrees towards the operating surgeon. The Foley catheter was placed into the bladder with good return of urine. Attention then was turned to securing the nerve integrity monitor system endotracheal tube and this was confirmed to be working adequately. A previous apron incision was incorporated and advanced over onto the right side to the mastoid tip. The incision then was planned around the old scar to be excised. A 1% lidocaine with 1 to 100,000 epinephrine was injected. A shoulder roll was applied. The incision was made, the apron flap was raised to the level of the mandible and mastoid tip bilaterally all the way down to the clavicle and sternal notch inferiorly. Attention was then turned to performing the level 1 dissection on the left. Subsequently the marginal mandibular nerve was identified over the facial notch of the mandible. The facial artery and vein were individually ligated and marginal mandibular nerve traced superiorly and perifascial lymph nodes freed from the marginal mandibular nerve. Level 1A lymph nodes of the submental region were dissected off the mylohyoid and digastric. The submandibular gland was appreciated and retracted laterally. The mylohyoid muscle appreciated. The lingual nerve was appreciated and the submandibular ganglion was ligated. The hypoglossal nerve was appreciated and protected and digastric tunnel was then made posteriorly and the lymph nodes posterior along the marginal mandibular nerve and into the parotid gland were then dissected and incorporated into the specimen for histopathologic analysis. The marginal mandibular nerve stimulated at the completion of this portion of the procedure. Attention was then turned to incising the fascia along the clavicle on the left side. Dissection then ensued along the floor of the neck palpating a very large bulky lymph node before the neck was identified. The brachial plexus and phrenic nerve were identified. The internal jugular vein identified and the mass was freed from the floor of the neck with careful dissection and suture ligation of vessels. Attention was then turned to the central neck. The strap muscles were appreciated in the midline. There was a large firm mass measuring approximately 3 cm that appeared to be superior to the strap musculature. A careful dissection with incorporation of a portion of the sternal hyoid muscle in this area for a margin was then performed. Attention was then turned to identify the carotid artery and the internal jugular vein on the left side. This was traced inferiorly, internal jugular vein to the brachiocephalic vein. Palpation deep to this area into the mediastinum and up against the trachea revealed a 1.5 cm lymph node mass. Subsequently this was carefully dissected preserving the brachiocephalic vein and also the integrity of the trachea and the carotid artery and these lymph nodes were removed in full and sent for histopathologic analysis. Attention was then turned to the right neck dissection. A posterior flap on the right was raised to the anterior border of the trapezius. The accessory nerve was identified in the posterior triangle and traced superiorly and inferiorly. Attention was then turned to identifying the submandibular gland. A digastric tunnel was performed back to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The fascia overlying the sternocleidomastoid muscle on the right side was incised and the omohyoid muscle was appreciated. The omohyoid muscle was retracted inferiorly. Penrose drain was placed around the inferior aspect of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Subsequently the internal jugular vein was identified. The external jugular vein ligated about 1 cm above the clavicle. Palpation in this area and the infraclavicular region on the right revealed a firm irregular lymph node complex. Dissection along the floor of the neck then was performed to allow for mobilization. The transverse cervical artery and vein were individually ligated to allow full mobilization of this mass. Tissue between the phrenic nerve and the internal jugular vein was clamped and suture ligated. The tissue was then brought posteriorly from the trapezius muscle to the internal jugular vein and traced superiorly. The cervical rootlets were transected after the contribution, so the phrenic nerve all the way superiorly to the skull base. The hypoglossal nerve was identified and protected as the lymph node packet was dissected over the internal jugular vein. The wound was copiously irrigated. Valsalva maneuver was given. No bleeding points identified. The wound was then prepared for closure. Two number 10 JPs were placed through the left supraclavicular fossa in the previous drain sites and secured with 3-0 nylon. The wound was closed with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl for platysma, subsequently a 4-0 running Biosyn for the skin, and Indermil. The patient tolerated the procedure well, was extubated on the operating room table, and sent to the postanesthesia care unit in good condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Hemangioma, nasal tip.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Hemangioma, nasal tip.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,1. Debulking of hemangioma of the nasal tip through an open rhinoplasty approach.,2. Rhinoplasty.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,Minimal.,FINDINGS: , Large hemangioma involving the midline of the columella separated the lower lateral cartilages at a level of the columella and the nasal domes.,CONDITION: ,Condition of the patient at end of the procedure stable, transferred to recovery room.,INDICATIONS FOR THE PROCEDURE: , The patient is a 2-year-old female with a history of a nasal tip hemangioma. The hemangioma has involved at her upper tongue. There has not been any change in the last 6 months. We have discussed with the parents the situation and decided to proceed with the debulking of the nasal tip hemangioma. They understand the nature of the incision, the nature of the surgery, and the possibility of future revision surgeries. They understand the risk of bleeding, infection, dehiscence, scarring, need for future revision surgery, and minor asymmetry. They wished to proceed with surgery.,Because of the procedure, informed consent is obtained. The patient is taken to operating room and placed in the supine position. General anesthetic is administrated to an oroendotracheal tube. The face is prepped and draped in the usual manner. The incision is designed to the lower aspect of the hemangioma, which corresponds to the columella and upper lip junction and then the remaining of the incision is designed as an open rhinoplasty with bilateral rim incisions. The area is infiltrated with lidocaine with epinephrine. We waited 7 minutes for the hemostatic effect and proceeded with the incision. The incision was then done with a 15 C blade starting at the columella and then going laterally to the level of the rim and the double hook is placed at the level of the dome and the intracartilage incision is done through the mucosa, then extended laterally and upward to follow the lower lateral cartilage. This is done in both sides. Further incision is done. A small tenotomy scissors is used and with the help of retraction of the lower lateral cartilage, the hemangioma is separated gently from the lower lateral cartilage on both sides and I proceeded to leave that the central part of the incision lifting up the entire columella to the level of the nasal tip. The hemangioma is removed and is found to be involving the medial aspects of both medial crura. This gently separated from the medial crura and from the soft tissue care is taken not to remove the entire hemangioma from the skin as the nose not to devascularize the distal columella portion. Hemostasis is achieved with electrocautery. Then, we proceed to place some interdomal stitches with the help of a 6-0 clear nylon and intercrural stitches are placed and then an interdomal stitch, a single one was placed. The skin is redraped and the nose found to have satisfactory shape. The columellar piece was tailored on the lateral aspect corresponding to rim incisions to match the newly created width of the columella. Portions of skin and hemangioma are taken laterally on both sides of the columella distally. The skin was closed with 6-0 mild chromic stitches, including the portion at the level of the columella and rim incisions medially. The remaining of the internal incisions are closed with 5-0 chromic interrupted stitches. The nose is irrigated and suctioned. The patient tolerated the procedure without complications. I was present and participated in all aspects of the procedure. Sponge and instrument count were complete at the end of the procedure.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
OPERATIVE PROCEDURE,1. Thromboendarterectomy of right common, external, and internal carotid artery utilizing internal shunt and Dacron patch angioplasty closure.,2. Coronary artery bypass grafting x3 utilizing left internal mammary artery to left anterior descending, and reverse autogenous saphenous vein graft to the obtuse marginal, posterior descending branch of the right coronary artery. Total cardiopulmonary bypass,cold blood potassium cardioplegia, antegrade and retrograde, for myocardial protection, placement of temporary pacing wires.,DESCRIPTION:, The patient was brought to the operating room, placed in supine position. Adequate general endotracheal anesthesia was induced. Appropriate monitoring lines were placed. The chest, abdomen and legs were prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. The greater saphenous vein was harvested from the right upper leg through interrupted skin incisions and was prepared by ligating all branches with 4-0 silk and flushing with vein solution. The leg was closed with running 3-0 Dexon subcu, and running 4-0 Dexon subcuticular on the skin, and later wrapped. A median sternotomy incision was made and the left internal mammary artery was dissected free from its takeoff at the subclavian to its bifurcation at the diaphragm and surrounded with papaverine-soaked gauze. The sternum was closed. A right carotid incision was made along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and carried down to and through the platysma. The deep fascia was divided. The facial vein was divided between clamps and tied with 2-0 silk. The common carotid artery, takeoff of the external and internal carotid arteries were dissected free, with care taken to identify and preserve the hypoglossal and vagus nerves. The common carotid artery was double-looped with umbilical tape, takeoff of the external was looped with a heavy silk, distal internal was double-looped with a heavy silk. Shunts were prepared. A patch was prepared. Heparin 50 mg was given IV. Clamp was placed on the beginning of the takeoff of the external and the proximal common carotid artery. Distal internal was held with a forceps. Internal carotid artery was opened with 11-blade. Potts scissors were then used to extend the aortotomy through the lesion into good internal carotid artery beyond. The shunt was placed and proximal and distal snares were tightened. Endarterectomy was carried out under direct vision in the common carotid artery and the internal reaching a fine, feathery distal edge using eversion on the external. All loose debris was removed and Dacron patch was then sutured in place with running 6-0 Prolene suture, removing the shunt just prior to completing the suture line. Suture line was completed and the neck was packed.,The pericardium was opened. A pericardial cradle was created. The patient was heparinized for cardiopulmonary bypass, cannulated with a single aortic and single venous cannula. A retrograde cardioplegia cannula was placed with a pursestring of 4-0 Prolene into the coronary sinus, and secured to a Rumel tourniquet. An antegrade cardioplegia needle sump was placed in the ascending aorta and cardiopulmonary bypass was instituted. The ascending aorta was cross-clamped and cold blood potassium cardioplegia was given antegrade, a total of 5 cc per kg. This was followed sumping of the ascending aorta and retrograde cardioplegia, a total of 5 cc per kg to the coronary sinus. The obtuse marginal 1 coronary was identified and opened, and an end-to-side anastomosis was then performed with running 7-0 Prolene suture. The vein was cut to length. Antegrade and retrograde cold blood potassium cardioplegia was given. The obtuse marginal 2 was not felt to be suitable for bypass, therefore, the posterior descending of the right coronary was identified and opened, and an end-to-side anastomosis was then performed with running 7-0 Prolene suture to reverse autogenous saphenous vein. The vein was cut to length. The mammary was clipped distally, divided and spatulated for anastomosis. Antegrade and retrograde cold blood potassium cardioplegia was given. The anterior descending was identified and opened. the mammary was then sutured to this with running 8-0 Prolene suture. Warm blood potassium cardioplegia was given, and the cross-clamp was removed. A partial-occlusion clamp was placed. Two aortotomies were made. The veins were cut to fit these and sutured in place with running 5-0 Prolene suture. The partial- occlusion clamp was removed. All anastomoses were inspected and noted to be patent and dry. Atrial and ventricular pacing wires were placed. Ventilation was commenced. The patient was fully warmed. The patient was weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass and de-cannulated in a routine fashion. Protamine was given. Good hemostasis was noted. A single mediastinal chest tube and bilateral pleural Blake drains were placed. The sternum was closed with figure-of-eight stainless steel wire, the linea alba with figure-of-eight #1 Vicryl, the sternal fascia with running #1 Vicryl, the subcu with running 2-0 Dexon and the skin with a running 4-0 Dexon subcuticular stitch.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Breast assymetry, status post previous breast surgery.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Breast assymetry, status post previous breast surgery.,OPERATION: , Capsulotomy left breast, flat advancement V to Y left breast for correction lower pole defect.,ANESTHESIA:, LMA.,FINDINGS AND PROCEDURE: ,The patient is a 35-year-old female who presents status post multiple breast surgeries with resultant flatness of the lower pole of the left breast. The nipple inframammary fold distance is approximately 1.5 cm shorter than the fuller right breast. The patient has bilateral Mentor-Smooth round moderate projection jell-filled mammary prosthesis, 225 cc.,The patient was marked in the upright position for mobilization of lateral skin flaps and increase in the length of the nipple inframammary fold distance. She was then brought to the operating room and after satisfactory LMA anesthesia had been induced, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual manger. The patient received a gram of Kefzol prior to beginning the procedure. The previous inverted T-scar was excised down to the underlying capsule of the breast implant. The breast was carefully dissected off of the underlying capsule. Care being taken to preserve the vascular supply to the skin and breast flap. When the anterior portion of the breast was dissected free of the underlying capsule, the posterior aspect of the capsule was then dissected off of the underlying pectoralis muscle. A posterior incision was made on the backside of the capsule at the proximate middle portion of the capsule and then reflected inferiorly thereby creating a superior based capsular flap. The lateral aspects of the capsule were then opened and the inferior edge of the capsule was then sutured to the underside of the inframammary flap with 2-0 Monocryl statures. Care was taken to avoid as much exposure of the implant, as well as damage to the implant. When the flap had been created and advanced, hemostasis was obtained and the area copiously irrigated with a solution of Bacitracin 50,000 units, Kefzol 1 g, gentamicin 80 mg, and 500 cc of saline. The lateral skin both medially and laterally were then completely freed and the vertical incision of the inverted T was then extended the 2 cm and sutured with a trifurcation suture of 2-0 Biosyn. This lengthened the vertical portion of the mastopexy scar to allow for descent of the implant and roundness of the inferior pole of the left breast. The remainder of the inverted T was closed with interrupted sutures of 3 and 2-0 Biosyn and the skin was closed with continuous suture of 5-0 nylon. Bacitracin and a standard breast dressing were applied.,The anesthesia was terminated and the patient was recovered in the operating room. Sponge, instrument, needle count reported as corrected. Estimated blood loss negligible.
Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 85-year-old female who presents with a chief complaint as described above. The patient is a very poor historian and is extremely hard of hearing, and therefore, very little history is available. She was found by EMS sitting on the toilet having diarrhea, and apparently had also just vomited. Upon my questioning of the patient, she can confirm that she has been sick to her stomach and has vomited. She cannot tell me how many times. She is also unable to describe the vomitus. She also tells me that her belly has been hurting. I am unable to get any further history from the patient because, again, she is an extremely poor historian and very hard of hearing.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Per the ER documentation is hypertension, diverticulosis, blindness, and sciatica.,MEDICATIONS:, Lorazepam 0.5 mg, dosing interval is not noted; Tylenol PM; Klor-Con 10 mEq; Lexapro; calcium with vitamin D.,ALLERGIES:, SHE IS ALLERGIC TO PENICILLIN.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Unknown.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Also unknown.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Unobtainable secondary to the patient's condition.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 80. Respiratory rate 18. Blood pressure 130/80. Temperature 97.6.,GENERAL: Elderly black female who is initially sleeping upon my evaluation, but is easily arousable.,NECK: No JVD. No thyromegaly.,EARS, NOSE, AND THROAT: Her oropharynx is dry. Her hearing is very diminished.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rhythm. No lower extremity edema.,GI: Mild epigastric tenderness to palpation without guarding or rebound. Bowel sounds are normoactive.,RESPIRATORY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally with a normal effort.,SKIN: Warm, dry, no erythema.,NEUROLOGICAL: The patient attempts to answer questions when asked, but is very hard of hearing. She is seen to move all extremities spontaneously.,DIAGNOSTIC DATA:, White count 9.6, hemoglobin 15.9, hematocrit 48.2, platelet count 345, PTT 24, PT 13.3, INR 0.99, sodium 135, potassium 3.3, chloride 95, bicarb 20, BUN 54, creatinine 2.2, glucose 165, calcium 10.3, magnesium 2.5, total protein 8.2, albumin 3.8, AST 33, ALT 26, alkaline phosphatase 92. Cardiac isoenzymes negative x1. EKG shows sinus rhythm with a rate of 96 and a prolonged QT interval.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Pancreatitis. Will treat symptomatically with morphine and Zofran, and also IV fluids. Will keep NPO.,2. Diarrhea. Will check stool studies.,3. Volume depletion. IV fluids.,4. Hyperglycemia. It is unknown whether the patient is diabetic. I will treat her with sliding scale insulin.,5. Hypertension. If the patient takes blood pressure medications, it is not listed on the only medication listing that is available. I will prescribe clonidine as needed.,6. Renal failure. Her baseline is unknown. This is at least partly prerenal. Will replace volume with IV fluids and monitor her renal function.,7. Hypokalemia. Will replace per protocol.,8. Hypercalcemia. This is actually rather severe when adjusted for the patient's low albumin. Her true calcium level comes out to somewhere around 12. For now, I will just treat her with IV fluids and Lasix, and monitor her calcium level.,9. Protein gap. This, in combination with the calcium, may be suggestive of multiple myeloma. It is my understanding that the family is seeking hospice placement for the patient right now. I would have to discuss with the family before undertaking any workup for multiple myeloma or other malignancy.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
The patient states that she has been doing fairly well at home. She balances her own checkbook. She does not do her own taxes, but she has never done so in the past. She states that she has no problems with cooking meals, getting her own meals, and she is still currently driving. She denies burning any dishes because she forgot them on the stove or forgetting what she is doing in the middle of a task or getting lost while she is driving around or getting lost in her own home. She states that she is very good remembering the names of her family members and does not forget important birthdays such as the date of birth of her grandchildren. She is unfortunately living alone, and although she seems to miss her grandchildren and is estranged from her son, she denies any symptoms of frank depression. There is unfortunately no one available to us to corroborate how well she is doing at home. She lives alone and takes care of herself and does not communicate very much with her brother and sister. She also does not communicate very much with her son who lives in Santa Cruz or her grandchildren. She denied any sort of personality change, paranoid ideas or hallucinations. She does appear to have headaches that can be severe about four times a month and have primarily photophobia and some nausea and occasionally emesis associated with it. When these headaches are very severe, she goes to the emergency room to get a single shot. She is unclear if this is some sort of a migraine medication or just a primary pain medication. She takes Fiorinal for these headaches and she states that this helps greatly. She denies visual or migraine symptoms.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Negative for any sort of focal neurologic deficits such as weakness, numbness, visual changes, dysarthria, diplopia or dysphagia. She also denies any sort of movement disorders, tremors, rigidities or clonus. Her personal opinion is that some of her memory problems may be due to simply to her age and/or nervousness. She is unclear as if her memory is any worse than anyone else in her age group.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Significant for mesothelioma, which was diagnosed seemingly more than 20 to 25 years ago. The patient was not sure of exactly when it was diagnosed. This has been treated surgically by debulking operations for which she states that she has undergone about 10 operations. The mesothelioma is in her abdomen. She does not know of any history of having lung mesothelioma. She states that she has never gotten chemotherapy or radiation for her mesothelioma. Furthermore, she states that her last surgical debulking was more than 10 years ago and her disease has been fairly stable. She does have a history of three car accidents that she says were all rear-enders where she was hit while essentially in a stopped position. These have all occurred over the past five years. She also has a diagnosis of dementing illness, possibly Alzheimer disease from her previous neurology consultation. This diagnosis was given in March 2006.,MEDICATIONS:, Fiorinal, p.r.n. aspirin, unclear if baby or full sized, Premarin unclear of the dose.,ALLERGIES:, NONE.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Significant for her being without a companion at this point. She was born in Munich, Germany. She immigrated to of America in 1957 after her family had to move to Eastern Germany, which was under Russian occupation at that time. She is divorced. She used to work as a secretary and later worked as a clerical worker at IBM. She stopped working more than 20 years ago due to complications from her mesothelioma. She denies any significant tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs. She is bilingual speaking, German and English. She has known English from before her teens. She has the equivalent of a high school education in Germany. She has one brother and one sister, both of whom are healthy and she does not spend much time communicating with them. She has one son who lives in Santa Cruz. He has grandchildren. She is trying to contact with her grandchildren.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Significant for lung, liver, and prostate cancer. Her mother died in her 80s of "old age," but it appears that she may have had a mild dementing illness at that time. Whatever that dementing illness was, appears to have started mostly in her 80s per the patient. No one else appears to have Alzheimer disease including her brother and sister.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Her blood pressure is 152/92, pulse 80, and weight 80.7 kg. She is alert and well nourished in no apparent distress. She occasionally fumbles with questions of orientation, missing the day and the date. She also did not know the name of the hospital, she thought it was O'Connor and she thought she was in Orange County and also did not know the floor of the hospital that we are in. She lost three points for recall. Even with prompting, she could not remember the objects that she was given to remember. Her Mini Mental Score was 22/30. There were no naming problems or problems with repetition. There were also no signs of dysarthria. Her pupils were bilaterally reactive to light and accommodation. Her extraocular movements were intact. Her visual fields were full to confrontation. Her sensations of her face, arm, and leg were normal. There were no signs of neglect with double simultaneous stimulation. Tongue was midline. Her palate was symmetric. Her face was symmetric as well. Strength was approximately 5/5. She did have some right knee pain and she had a mildly antalgic gait due to her right knee pain. Her reflexes were symmetric and +2 except for her toes, which were +1 to trace. Her plantar reflexes were mute. Her sensation was normal for pain, temperature, and vibration. There were no signs of ataxia on finger-to-nose and there was no dysdiadochokinesia. Gait was narrow and she could toe walk briefly and heel walk without difficulty.,SUMMARY:, Ms. A is a pleasant 72-year-old right-handed woman with a history of mesothelioma that appears stable at this time and likely mild dementia, most likely Alzheimer type. We tactfully discussed the patient's diagnosis with her, and she felt reassured. We told her that this most likely was in the earlier stages of disease and she would benefit from trying Aricept. She stated that she did not have the prescription anymore from her outpatient neurology consult for the Aricept, so we wrote her another prescription for Aricept. The patient herself seemed very concerned about the stigma of the disease, but our lengthy discussion, expressed genuine understanding as to why her outpatient physician had reported her to DMV. It was explicitly told to not drive by her outpatient neurologist and we concur with this assessment. She will follow up with us in the next six months and will call us if she has any problems with the Aricept. She was written for Aricept to start at 5 mg for three weeks, and if she has no side effects which typically are GI side effects, then she can go up to 10 mg a day. We also reviewed with Ms. A the findings for outpatient MRI, which showed some mild atrophy per report and also that her metabolic workup, which included an RPR, TSH, and B12 were all within normal limits.,
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
IDENTIFYING DATA: , The patient is a 41-year-old African-American male with a history of bipolar affective disorder, was admitted for noncompliance to the outpatient treatment and increased mood lability.,CHIEF COMPLIANT: , "I'm here because I'm different." The patient exhibits poor insight into illness and need for treatment.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient has a history of bipolar affective disorder and poor outpatient compliance. According to mental health professionals, he had not been compliant with medications or outpatient followup, and over the past several weeks, the patient had become increasingly labile. The patient had expressed grandiose delusions that he is Martin Luther King, and was found recently at a local church agitated throwing a pew and a lectern and required Tasering by police. On admission interview, the patient remains euphoric with poor insight.,PAST PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , History of bipolar affective disorder. The patient has been treated with Depakote and Seroquel, but has had no recent treatment or followup. Dates of previous hospitalizations are not known.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , None known.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , None.,FAMILY SOCIAL HISTORY: , Unemployed. The patient resides independently. The patient denies recent substance abuse, although tox screen was positive for benzodiazepines.,LEGAL HISTORY: , Need to increase database.,FAMILY PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: , Need to increase database.,MENTAL STATUS EXAMINATION: ,Attitude: Suspicious, but cooperative.,Appearance: Shows appropriate hygiene and grooming.,Psychomotor Behavior: Within normal limits. No agitation or retardation. No EPS or TDS noted.,Affect: Labile.,Mood: Euphoric.,Speech: Pressured.,Thoughts: Disorganized.,Thought Content: Remarkable for grandiose delusions as noted. The patient denies auditory hallucinations.,Psychosis: Grandiose delusions as noted above.,Suicidal/Homicidal Ideation: The patient denies on admission.,Cognitive Assessment: Grossly intact. The patient is oriented x 3.,Judgment: Poor shown by noncompliance to the outpatient treatment.,Assets: Include stable physical status.,Limitations: Include recurrent psychosis.,FORMULATION: , The patient with a history of bipolar affective disorder, was admitted for increasing mood lability and noncompliance to the outpatient treatment.,INITIAL IMPRESSION:,AXIS I: BAD, manic with psychosis.,AXIS II: None.,AXIS III: None known.,AXIS IV: Severe.,AXIS V: 10.,ESTIMATED LENGTH OF STAY: , 12 days.,PLAN: , The patient will be restarted on Depakote for mood lability and Seroquel for psychosis and his response will be monitored closely. The patient will be evaluated for more structural outpatient followup following stabilization.
Psychiatry / Psychology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS:, End-stage renal disease (ESRD).,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , End-stage renal disease (ESRD).,PROCEDURE:, Cadaveric renal transplant.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 46-year-old gentleman with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) secondary to diabetes and hypertension, who had been on hemodialysis since 1993 and is also status post cadaveric kidney transplant in 1996 with chronic rejection.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,1. Diabetes mellitus diagnosed 12 years ago.,2. Hypertension.,3. Coronary artery disease with a myocardial infarct in September of 2006.,4. End-stage renal disease.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , Coronary artery bypass graft x5 in 1995 and cadaveric renal transplant in 1996.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient denies tobacco or ethanol use.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Hypertension.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,GENERAL: The patient was alert and oriented x3 in no acute distress, healthy-appearing male.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 96.6, blood pressure 166/106, heart rate 83, respiratory rate 18, and saturations 96% on room air.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,PULMONARY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender, and nondistended with positive bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.,PERTINENT LABORATORY DATA: , White blood cell count 6.4, hematocrit 34.6, and platelet count 182. Sodium 137, potassium 5.4, BUN 41, creatinine 7.9, and glucose 295. Total protein 6.5, albumin 3.4, AST 51, ALT 51, alk phos 175, and total bilirubin 0.5.,COURSE IN HOSPITAL: , The patient was admitted postoperatively to the surgical intensive care unit. Initially, the patient had a decrease in hematocrit from 30 to 25. The patient's hematocrit stabilized at 25. During the patient's stay, the patient's creatinine progressively decreased from 8.1 to a creatinine at the time of discharge of 2.3. The patient was making excellent urine throughout his stay. The patient's Jackson-Pratt drain was removed on postoperative day #1 and he was moved to the floor. The patient was advanced in diet appropriately. The patient was started on Prograf by postoperative day #2. Initial Prograf levels came back high at 18. The patient's Prograf doses were changed accordingly and today, the patient is deemed stable to be discharged home. During the patient's stay, the patient received four total doses of Thymoglobulin. Today, he will complete his final dose of Thymoglobulin prior to being discharged. In addition, today, the patient has an elevated blood pressure of 198/96. The patient is being given an extra dose of metoprolol for this blood pressure. In addition, the patient has an elevated glucose of 393 and for this reason he has been given an extra dose of insulin. These labs will be rechecked later today and once his blood pressure has decreased to systolic blood pressure less than 116 and his glucose has come down to a more normal level, he will be discharged to home.,DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: , The patient is discharged with instructions to seek medical attention in the event if he develops fevers, chills, nausea, vomiting, decreased urine output, or other concerns. He is discharged on a low-potassium diet with activity as tolerated. He is instructed that he may shower; however, he is to undergo no underwater soaking activities for approximately two weeks. The patient will be followed up in the Transplant Clinic at ABCD tomorrow, at which time, his labs will be rechecked. The patient's Prograf levels at the time of discharge are pending; however, given that his Prograf dose was decreased, he will be followed tomorrow at the Renal Transplant Clinic.
Discharge Summary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM: , Two views of the pelvis.,HISTORY:, This is a patient post-surgery, 2-1/2 months. The patient has a history of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) bilaterally.,TECHNIQUE: , Frontal and lateral views of the hip and pelvis were evaluated and correlated with the prior film dated MM/DD/YYYY. Lateral view of the right hip was evaluated.,FINDINGS:, Frontal view of the pelvis and a lateral view of the right hip were evaluated and correlated with the patient's most recent priors dated MM/DD/YYYY. Current films reveal stable appearing post-surgical changes. Again demonstrated is a single intramedullary screw across the left femoral neck and head. There are 2 intramedullary screws through the greater trochanter of the right femur. There is a lucency along the previous screw track extending into the right femoral head and neck. There has been interval removal of cutaneous staples and/or surgical clips. These were previously seen along the lateral aspect of the right hip joint.,Deformity related to the previously described slipped capital femoral epiphysis is again seen.,IMPRESSION:,1. Stable-appearing right hip joint status-post pinning.,2. Interval removal of skin staples as described above.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
EXAM:, MRI head without contrast.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Severe headaches.,INTERPRETATION:, Imaging was performed in the axial and sagittal planes using numerous pulse sequences at 1 tesla. Correlation is made with the head CT of 4/18/05.,On the diffusion sequence, there is no significant bright signal to indicate acute infarction. There is a large degree of increased signal involving the periventricular white matter extending around to the subcortical regions in symmetrical fashion consistent with chronic microvascular ischemic disease. There is mild chronic ischemic change involving the pons bilaterally, slightly greater on the right, and when correlating with the recent scan, there is an old tiny lacunar infarct of the right brachium pontis measuring roughly 4 mm in size. There are prominent perivascular spaces of the lenticulostriate distribution compatible with the overall degree of moderate to moderately advanced atrophy. There is an old moderate-sized infarct of the mid and lateral aspects of the right cerebellar hemisphere as seen on the recent CT scan. This involves mostly the superior portion of the hemisphere in the superior cerebellar artery distribution. No abnormal mass effect is identified. There are no findings to suggest active hydrocephalus. No abnormal extra-axial collection is identified. There is normal flow void demonstrated in the major vascular systems.,The sagittal sequence demonstrates no Chiari malformation. The region of the pituitary/optic chiasm grossly appears normal. The mastoids and paranasal sinuses are clear.,IMPRESSION:,1. No definite acute findings identified involving the brain.,2. There is prominent chronic cerebral ischemic change as described with mild chronic pontine ischemic changes. There is an old moderate-sized infarct of the superior portion of the right cerebellar hemisphere.,3. Moderate to moderately advanced atrophy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Right buccal space abscess/cellulitis.,2. Nonrestorable caries teeth #1, #29, and #32.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Right buccal space abscess/cellulitis.,2. Nonrestorable caries teeth #1, #29, and #32.,PROCEDURE,1. Incision and drainage of right buccal space abscess.,2. Extraction of teeth #1, #29, and #32.,ANESTHESIA,GETA,EBL,20 mL.,IV FLUIDS,900 mL.,URINE OUTPUT,Not measured.,COMPLICATIONS,None.,SPECIMENS,1. Aerobic culture was sent from the right buccal space abscess/cellulitis.,2. Anaerobic culture from the same space was also obtained.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL,The patient was identified in the appropriate holding area and transported to #13. The patient was intubated by anesthesia orotracheally using a #7 ET tube. The patient was induced in effective sleep using a propofol and gas inhalation anesthetics. Following intubation, the patient's mouth was cleaned with chlorhexidine and a toothbrush following placement of a throat pack. At that point, approximately 5 mL of 2% lidocaine with 1:20,000 epinephrine was injected for a right inferior alveolar block, as well as local infiltration in the right long buccal nerve area as well as the right cheek area. Local infiltration also was done near the tooth #32. At this point, a periosteal elevator was used to loosen up the gingival tissue of the teeth #1, #29, and #32; and all 3 teeth were extracted using simple extraction, using elevators and forceps. In addition, the previous Penrose drain was removed by removing the suture, and the incision that was used for I&D on the previous day was extended laterally. A hemostat was used to puncture through to the right buccal space. Approximately, 2.5 to 3 mL of purulence was drained, and that was used for Gram stain and culture, as mentioned above. Following copious irrigation of the area, following the extraction and following the incision and drainage, 2 quarter-inch Penrose drains were placed in the anterior as well as the posterior section of the incision into the buccal space. At this point copious irrigation was done again, the throat pack was removed, and the procedure was ended. Note that the patient was extubated without incident. Dr. B was present for all critical aspects of patient care.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Colon cancer screening.,POSTPROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: ,Colon polyps, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Colonoscopy, conscious sedation, and snare polypectomy. ,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 63-year-old male who has myelodysplastic syndrome, who was referred for colonoscopy. He has had previous colonoscopy. There is no family history of bleeding, no current problems with his bowels. On examination, he has internal hemorrhoids. His prostate is enlarged and increased somewhat in firmness. He has scattered diverticular disease of a moderate degree and he has two polyps, one 1 cm in the mid ascending colon, and one in the left transverse colon, which is also 1 cm. These were removed with snare polypectomy technique. I would recommend that the patient have an increased fiber diet and repeat colonoscopy in 5 years or sooner if he develops bowel habit change or bleeding.,PROCEDURE: , After explaining the operative procedure, the risks and potential complications of bleeding and perforation, the patient was given 175 mcg fentanyl, and 8 mg Versed intravenously for conscious sedation. Blood pressure 115/60, pulse 98, respiration 18, and saturation 92%. A rectal examination was done and then the colonoscope was inserted through the anorectum, rectosigmoid, descending, transverse, and ascending colon, to the ileocecal valve. The scope was withdrawn to the mid ascending colon, where the polyp was encircled with a snare and removed with a mixture of cutting and coagulating current, then retrieved through the suction port. The scope was withdrawn into the left transverse colon, where the second polyp was identified. It was encircled with a snare and removed with a mixture of cutting and coagulating current, and then removed through the suction port as well. The scope was then gradually withdrawn the remaining distance and removed. The patient tolerated the procedure well.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CC: ,Paraplegia.,HX:, This 32 y/o RHF had been performing missionary work in Jos, Nigeria for several years and delivered her 4th child by vaginal delivery on 4/10/97. The delivery was induced with Pitocin, but was otherwise uncomplicated. For the first 4 days post-partum she noted clear liquid diarrhea without blood and minor abdominal discomfort. This spontaneous resolved without medical treatment. The second week post-partum she had 4-5 days of sinusitis, purulent nasal discharge and facial pain. She was otherwise well until 5/4/97 when stationed in a more rural area of Nigeria, she noted a dull ache in both knees (lateral to the patellae) and proximal tibia, bilaterally. The pain was not relieved by massage and seemed more bothersome when seated or supine. She had no sensory loss at the time.,On 5/6/97, she awakened to pain radiating down her knees to her anterior tibia. Over the next few hours the pain radiated circumferentially around both calves, and involved the soles of her feet and posterior BLE to her buttocks. Rising from bed became a laborious task and she required assistance to walk to the bathroom. Ibuprofen provided minimal analgesia. By evening the sole of one foot was numb.,She awoke the next morning, 5/9/97, with "pins & needles" sensation in BLE up to her buttocks. She was given Darvocet for analgesia and took an airplane back to the larger city she was based in. During the one hour flight her BLE weakness progressed to a non-weight bearing state (i.e. she could not stand). Local evaluation revealed 3/3 proximal and 4/4 distal BLE weakness. She had a sensory level to her waist on PP and LT testing. She also had mild lumbar back pain. Local laboratory evaluation: WBC 12.7, ESR 10. She was presumed to have Guillain-Barre syndrome and was placed on Solu-Cortef 1000mg qd and Sandimmune IV IgG 12.0 g.,On 5/10/97, she was airlifted to Geneva, Switzerland. Upon arrival there she had total anesthesia from the feet up to the inguinal region, bilaterally. There was flaccid areflexic paralysis of BLE and she was unable to void or defecate. Straight catheterization of the bladder revealed a residual volume of 1000cc. On 5/12/ CSF analysis revealed: Protein 1.5g/l, Glucose 2.2mmol/l, WBC 92 (O PMNS, 100% Lymphocytes), RBC 70, Clear CSF, bacterial-fungal-AFB-cultures were negative. Broad spectrum antibiotics and Solu-Medrol 1g IV qd were started. MRI T-L-spine, 5/12/97 revealed an intradural T12-L1 lesion that enhanced minimally with gadolinium and was associated with spinal cord edema in the affected area. MRI Brain, 5/12/97, was unremarkable and showed no evidence of demyelinating disease. HIV, HTLV-1, HSV, Lyme, EBV, Malaria and CMV serological titers were negative. On 5/15/97 the Schistosomiasis Mekongi IFAT serological titer returned positive at 1:320 (normal<1:80). 5/12/97 CSF Schistosomiasis Mekongi IFAT and ELISA were negative. She was then given a one day course of Praziquantel 3.6g total in 3 doses; and started on Prednisone 60 mg po qd; the broad spectrum antibiotics and Solu-Medrol were discontinued.,On 5/22/97, a rectal biopsy was performed to evaluate parasite eradication. The result came back positive for ova and granulomata after she had left for UIHC. The organism was not speciated. 5/22/97 CSF schistosomiasis ELISA and IFAT titers were positive at 1.09 and 1:160, respectively. These titers were not known when she initially arrived at UIHC.,Following administration of Praziquantel, she regained some sensation in BLE but the paraplegia, and urinary retention remained.,MEDS:, On 5/24/97 UIHC arrival: Prednisone 60mg qd, Zantac 50 IV qd, Propulsid 20mg tid, Enoxaparin 20mg qd.,PMH:, 1)G4P4.,FHX:, unremarkable.,SHX: ,Missionary. Married. 4 children ( ages 7,5,3,6 weeks).,EXAM:, BP110/70, HR72, RR16, 35.6C,MS: A&O to person, place and time. Speech fluent and without dysarthria. Lucid thought process.,CN: unremarkable.,Motor: 5/5 BUE strength. Lower extremities: 1/1 quads and hamstrings, 0/0 distally.,Sensory: Decreased PP/LT/VIB from feet to inguinal regions, bilaterally. T12 sensory level to temperature (ice glove).,Coord: normal FNF.,Station/Gait: not done.,Reflexes: 2/2 BUE. 0/0 BLE. No plantar responses, bilaterally.,Rectal: decreased to no rectal tone. Guaiac negative.,Other: No Lhermitte's sign. No paraspinal hypertonicity noted. No vertebral tenderness.,Gen exam: Unremarkable.,COURSE:, MRI T-L-spine, 5/24/97, revealed a 6 x 8 x 25 soft tissue mass at the L1 level posterior to the tip of the conus medullaris and extending into the canal below that level. This appeared to be intradural. There was mild enhancement. There was more enhancement along the distal cord surface and cauda equina. The distal cord had sign of diffuse edema. She underwent exploratory and decompressive laminectomy on 5/27/97, and was retreated with a one day course of Praziquantel 40mg/kg/day. Praziquantel is reportedly only 80% effective at parasite eradication.,She continued to reside on the Neurology/Neurosurgical service on 5/31/97 and remained paraplegic.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Leg pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 56-year-old female who has pain in her legs at nighttime and when she gets up it comes and goes, radiates from her buttocks to her legs, sometimes it is her ankle. She has noticed it since she has been on Lipitor. She has had some night sweats occasionally. She has had a little bit of fever and nausea. She has noticed her blood sugars have been low. She has lost over 30 pounds after exercising doing water aerobics at Genesis in Wichita. She has noticed her fasting blood sugars have been ranging from 100 to 120. Blood sugars one and a half hours after meals have been 185. She is coming in for a diabetic checkup in one month and wants lab prior to that time. She has been eating more meat recently and has not been on a diet for cholesterol.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Include Lipitor 80 mg q.d. discontinued today, Vioxx 25 mg q.d., Maxzide 37/25 q.d., Protonix 40 mg q.d., hydroxyzine pamoate 50 mg at h.s., aspirin 81 mg q.d., Glucovance 1.25/250 b.i.d. decreased to one a day today, Monopril 20 mg q.d., estradiol one mg q.d., and glucosamine 1000 mg q.d.,ALLERGIES:, Cipro, sulfa, Bactrim, and Demerol.,OBJECTIVE:,Vital Signs: Weight is 248 pounds which is a 12-pound drop from January. Blood pressure 120/70. Pulse 68.,General: This is a well-developed adult female, awake, alert, and in no acute distress.,HEENT: Oropharynx and HEENT are within normal limits.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rhythm and rate.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender, and nondistended without organomegaly.,GU: Palpation of femurs do not cause pain, rotation of hips do not cause pain, and compression of the hips do not cause pain.,Neurologic: Deep tendon reflexes are normal.,Extremities: Pulses in lower extremities are normal. Straight leg lifts are normal.,ASSESSMENT/PLAN:,1. Leg pain/bone pain, I am going to check her CMP. I think this possibly is a side effect from Lipitor. We will stop Lipitor, have her follow up in one month which she has already got planned for diabetes appointment and check symptoms at that time. Certainly if her pain improves might consider something like Crestor, which is more water soluble, which may cause less adverse effects. We will check her comprehensive metabolic panel to make sure the alkaline phosphatase is okay, may need an x-ray of back, hip, and legs at that time if symptoms are not gone.,2. Hypercholesterolemia, this is somewhat bothersome as she is a diabetic. Did discuss with her that we need to stick to the diet especially after going off of Lipitor. We will see how she does with her bone pain/leg pain off of Lipitor. If she has improvement may consider Crestor in one month. I am going to check her lipid panel and a CMP. Apparently, she is going to get this at a different site, Mapleridge in Wichita.,3. Type II diabetes. We will decrease her Glucovance because she is having frequent low blood sugars. Her previous hemoglobin A1c was 5.6 so we will see if this improves her symptoms. I am also going to check a hemoglobin A1c at Mapleridge in Wichita and have a followup here in one month for that diabetes appointment.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Senile nuclear cataract, left eye.,2. Senile cortical cataract, left eye., ,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Senile nuclear cataract, left eye.,2. Senile cortical cataract, left eye., ,PROCEDURES: , Phacoemulsification of cataract, extraocular lens implant in left eye., ,LENS IMPLANT USED:, Alcon, model SN60WF, power of 22.5 diopters., ,PHACOEMULSIFICATION TIME:, 1 minute 41 seconds at 44.4% power., ,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , This patient has a visually significant cataract in the affected eye with the best corrected visual acuity under moderate glare conditions worse than 20/40. The patient complains of difficulties with glare in performing activities of daily living.,INFORMED CONSENT:, The risks, benefits and alternatives of the procedure were discussed with the patient in the office prior to scheduling surgery. All questions from the patient were answered after the surgical procedure was explained in detail. The risks of the procedure as explained to the patient include, but are not limited to, pain, infection, bleeding, loss of vision, retinal detachment, need for further surgery, loss of lens nucleus, double vision, etc. Alternative of the procedure is to do nothing or seek a second opinion. Informed consent for this procedure was obtained from the patient.,OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE: , The patient was brought to the holding area. Previously, an intravenous infusion was begun at a keep vein open rate. After adequate sedation by the anesthesia department (under monitored anesthesia care conditions), a peribulbar and retrobulbar block was given around the operative eye. A total of 10 mL mixture with a 70/30 mixture of 2% Xylocaine without epinephrine and 0.75% bupivacaine without epinephrine. An adequate amount of anesthetic was infused around the eye without giving excessive tension to the eye or excessive chemosis to the periorbital area. Manual pressure and a Honan balloon were placed over the eye for approximately 2 minutes after injection and adequate akinesia and anesthesia was noted. Vital sign monitors were detached from the patient. The patient was moved to the operative suite and the same monitors were reattached. The periocular area was cleansed, dried, prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner for ocular surgery. The speculum was set into place and the operative microscope was brought over the eye. The eye was examined. Adequate mydriasis was observed and a visually significant cataract was noted on the visual axis.,A temporal clear corneal incision was begun using a crescent blade with an initial groove incision made partial thickness through the temporal clear cornea. Then a pocket incision was created without entering the anterior chamber of the eye. Two peripheral paracentesis ports were created on each side of the initial incision site. Viscoelastic was used to deepen the anterior chamber of the eye. A 2.65 mm keratome was then used to complete the corneal valve incision. A cystitome was bent and created using a tuberculin syringe needle. It was placed in the anterior chamber of the eye. A continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis was begun. It was completed using O'Gawa Utrata forceps. A balanced salt solution on the irrigating cannula was placed through the paracentesis port of the eye to affect hydrodissection and hydrodelineation of the lens nucleus. The lens nucleus was noted to be freely mobile in the bag.,The phacoemulsification tip was placed into the anterior chamber of the eye. The lens nucleus was phacoemulsified and aspirated in a divide-and-conquer technique. All remaining cortical elements were removed from the eye using irrigation and aspiration using a bimanual technique through the paracentesis ports. The posterior capsule remained intact throughout the entire procedure. Provisc was used to deepen the anterior chamber of the eye. A crescent blade was used to expand the internal aspect of the wound. The lens was taken from its container and inspected. No defects were found. The lens power selected was compared with the surgery worksheet from Dr. X's office. The lens was placed in an inserter under Provisc. It was placed through the wound, into the capsular bag and extruded gently from the inserter. It was noted to be adequately centered in the capsular bag using a Sinskey hook. The remaining viscoelastic was removed from the eye with irrigation an aspiration through the paracentesis side ports using a bimanual technique. The eye was noted to be inflated without overinflation. The wounds were tested for leaks, none were found. Five drops dilute Betadine solution was placed over the eye. The eye was irrigated. The speculum was removed. The drapes were removed. The periocular area was cleaned and dried. Maxitrol ophthalmic ointment was placed into the interpalpebral space. A semi-pressure patch and shield was placed over the eye. The patient was taken to the floor in stable and satisfactory condition, was given detailed written instructions and asked to follow up with Dr. X tomorrow morning in the office.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
SUBJECTIVE: , The patient is not in acute distress.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure of 121/63, pulse is 75, and O2 saturation is 94% on room air.,HEAD AND NECK: Face is symmetrical. Cranial nerves are intact.,CHEST: There is prolonged expiration.,CARDIOVASCULAR: First and second heart sounds are heard. No murmur was appreciated.,ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. Bowel sounds are positive.,EXTREMITIES: He has 2+ pedal swelling.,NEUROLOGIC: The patient is asleep, but easily arousable.,LABORATORY DATA:, PTT is 49. INR is pending. BUN is improved to 20.6, creatinine is 0.7, sodium is 123, and potassium is 3.8. AST is down to 45 and ALT to 99.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , Nuclear stress test showed moderate size, mostly fixed defect involving the inferior wall with a small area of peri-infarct ischemia. Ejection fraction is 25%.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Congestive heart failure due to rapid atrial fibrillation and systolic dysfunction. Continue current treatment as per Cardiology. We will consider adding ACE inhibitors as renal function improves.,2. Acute pulmonary edema, resolved.,3. Rapid atrial fibrillation, rate controlled. The patient is on beta-blockers and digoxin. Continue Coumadin. Monitor INR.,4. Coronary artery disease with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Continue beta-blockers.,5. Urinary tract infection. Continue Rocephin.,6. Bilateral perfusion secondary to congestive heart failure. We will monitor.,7. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stable.,8. Abnormal liver function due to congestive heart failure with liver congestion, improving.,9. Rule out hypercholesterolemia. We will check lipid profile.,10. Tobacco smoking disorder. The patient has been counseled.,11. Hyponatremia, stable. This is due to fluid overload. Continue diuresis as per Nephrology.,12. Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis. The patient is on heparin drip.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right superior parathyroid adenoma.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Right superior parathyroid adenoma.,PROCEDURE: , Excision of right superior parathyroid adenoma.,ANESTHESIA:, Local with 1% Xylocaine and anesthesia standby with sedation.,CLINICAL HISTORY:, This 80-year-old woman has had some mild dementia. She was begun on Aricept but could not tolerate that because of strange thoughts and hallucinations. She was found to be hypercalcemic. Intact PTH was mildly elevated. A sestamibi parathyroid scan and an ultrasound showed evidence of a right superior parathyroid adenoma.,FINDINGS AND PROCEDURE:, The patient was placed on the operating table in the supine position. A time out was taken so that the anesthesia personnel, nursing personnel, surgical team, and patient could confirm the patient's identity, operative site and operative plan. The electronic medical record was reviewed as was the ultrasound. The patient was sedated. A small roll was placed behind the shoulders to moderately hyperextend the neck. The head was supported in a foam head cradle. The neck and chest were prepped with chlorhexidine and isolated with sterile drapes. After infiltration with 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine along the planned incision, a transverse incision was made in the skin crease a couple of centimeters above the clavicular heads and carried down through the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and platysma. The larger anterior neck veins were divided between 4-0 silk ligatures. Superior and inferior flaps were developed in the subplatysmal plane using electrocautery and blunt dissection. The sternohyoid muscles were separated in the midline, and the right sternohyoid muscle was retracted laterally. The right sternothyroid muscle was divided transversely with the cautery. The right middle thyroid vein was divided between 4-0 silk ligatures. The right thyroid lobe was rotated leftward. Posterior to the mid portion of the left thyroid lobe, a right superior parathyroid adenoma of moderate size was identified. This was freed up and its pedicle was ligated with small Hemoclips and divided and the gland was removed. It was sent for weight and frozen section. It weighed 960 mg and on frozen section was consistent with a parathyroid adenoma.,Prior to the procedure, a peripheral blood sample had been obtained and placed in a purple top tube labeled "pre-excision." It was our intention to monitor intraoperative intact parathyroid hormone 10 minutes after removal of this parathyroid adenoma. However, we could not obtain 3 cc of blood from either the left foot or the left arm after multiple attempts, and therefore, we decided that the chance of cure of hyperparathyroidism by removal of this parathyroid adenoma was high enough and the improvement in that chance of cure marginal enough that we would terminate the procedure without monitoring PTH. The neck was irrigated with saline and hemostasis found to be satisfactory. The sternohyoid muscles were reapproximated with interrupted 4-0 Vicryl. The platysma was closed with interrupted 4-0 Vicryl, and the skin was closed with subcuticular 5-0 Monocryl and Dermabond. The patient was awakened and taken to the recovery area in satisfactory condition having tolerated the procedure well.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR ADMISSION: , Hepatic encephalopathy.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 51-year-old Native American male with known alcohol cirrhosis who presented to the emergency room after an accidental fall in the bathroom. He said that he was doing fine prior to that and denied having any complaints. He was sitting watching TV and he felt sleepy. So, he went to the bathroom to urinate before going to bed and while he was trying to lift the seat, he tripped and fell and hit his head on the back. His head hit the toilet seat. Then, he started having bleeding and had pain in the area with headache. He did not lose consciousness as far as he can tell. He went and woke up his sister. This happened somewhere between 10:30 and 11 p.m. His sister brought a towel and covered the laceration on the back of his head and called EMS, who came to his house and brought him to the emergency room, where he was found to have a laceration on the back of his head, which was stapled and a CT of the head was obtained and ruled out any acute intracranial pathology. On his lab work, his ammonia was found to be markedly elevated at 106. So, he is being admitted for management of this. He denied having any abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, GI bleed, hematemesis, melena, or hematochezia. He said he has been taking his medicines, but he could not recall those. He denied having any symptoms prior to this fall. He said earlier today he also fell. He also said that this was an accidental fall caused by problem with his walker. He landed on his back at that time, but did not have any back pain afterwards.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Liver cirrhosis caused by alcohol. This is per the patient.,2. He thinks he is diabetic.,3. History of intracranial hemorrhage. He said it was subdural hematoma. This was traumatic and happened seven years ago leaving him with the right-sided hemiparesis.,4. He said he had a seizure back then, but he does not have seizures now.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. He has a surgery on his stomach as a child. He does not know the type.,2. Surgery for a leg fracture.,3. Craniotomy seven years ago for an intracranial hemorrhage/subdural hematoma.,MEDICATIONS: , He does not remember his medications except for the lactulose and multivitamins.,ALLERGIES: , Dilantin.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , He lives in Sacaton with his sister. He is separated from his wife who lives in Coolidge. He smokes one or two cigarettes a day. Denies drug abuse. He used to be a heavy drinker, quit alcohol one year ago and does not work currently.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Negative for any liver disease.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,GENERAL: Denies fever or chills. He said he was in Gilbert about couple of weeks ago for fever and was admitted there for two days. He does not know the details.,ENT: No visual changes. No runny nose. No sore throat.,CARDIOVASCULAR: No syncope, chest pain, or palpitations.,RESPIRATORY: No cough or hemoptysis. No dyspnea.,GI: No abdominal pain. No nausea or vomiting. No GI bleed. History of alcoholic liver disease.,GU: No dysuria, hematuria, frequency, or urgency.,MUSCULOSKELETAL: Denies any acute joint pain or swelling.,SKIN: No new skin rashes or itching.,CNS: Had a seizure many years ago with no recurrences. Left-sided hemiparesis after subdural hematoma from a fight/trauma.,ENDOCRINE: He thinks he has diabetes but does not know if he is on any diabetic treatment.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 97.7, heart rate 83, respiratory rate 18, blood pressure 125/72, and saturation 98% on room air.,GENERAL: The patient is lying in bed, appears comfortable, very pleasant Native American male in no apparent distress.,HEENT: His skull has a scar on the left side from previous surgery. On the back of his head, there is a laceration, which has two staples on. It is still oozing minimally. It is tender. No other traumatic injury is noted. Eyes, pupils react to light. Sclerae anicteric. Nostrils are normal. Oral cavity is clear with no thrush or exudate.,NECK: Supple. Trachea midline. No JVD. No thyromegaly.,LYMPHATICS: No cervical or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,HEART: Normal S1 and S2. No murmurs or gallops. Regular rate and rhythm.,ABDOMEN: Soft, distended, nontender. No organomegaly or masses.,LOWER EXTREMITIES: +1 edema bilaterally. Pulses strong bilaterally. No skin ulcerations noted. No erythema.,SKIN: Several spider angiomas noted on his torso and upper extremities consistent with liver cirrhosis.,BACK: No tenderness by exam.,RECTAL: No masses. No abscess. No rectal fissures. Guaiac was performed by me and it was negative.,NEUROLOGIC: He is alert and oriented x2. He is slow to some extent in his response. No asterixis. Right-sided spastic hemiparesis with increased tone, increased reflexes, and weakness. Increased tone noted in upper and lower extremities on the right compared to the left. Deep tendon reflexes are +3 on the right and +2 on the left. Muscle strength is decreased on the right, more pronounced in the lower extremity compared to the upper extremity. The upper extremity is +4/5. Lower extremity is 3/5. The left side has a normal strength. Sensation appears to be intact. Babinski is upward on the right, equivocal on the left.,PSYCHIATRIC: Flat affect. Mood appeared to be appropriate. No active hallucinations or psychotic symptoms.,LABORATORY DATA:
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
GENERAL: , A well-developed infant in no acute respiratory distress.,VITAL SIGNS: ,Initial temperature was XX, pulse XX, respirations XX. Weight XX grams, length XX cm, head circumference XX cm.,HEENT: ,Head is normocephalic with anterior fontanelle open, soft, and non-bulging. Eyes: Red reflex elicited bilaterally. TMs occluded with vernix and not well visualized. Nose and throat are patent without palatal defect.,NECK: , Supple without clavicular fracture.,LUNGS:, Clear to auscultation.,HEART:, Regular rate without murmur, click, or gallop present. Pulses are 2/4 for brachial and femoral.,ABDOMEN:, Soft with bowel sounds present. No masses or organomegaly.,GENITALIA: , Normal.,EXTREMITIES: , Without evidence of hip defects.,NEUROLOGIC: ,The infant has good Moro, grasp, and suck reflexes.,SKIN: , Warm and dry without evidence of rash.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR VISIT: , Followup circumcision.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient had his circumcision performed on 09/16/2007 here at Children's Hospital. The patient had a pretty significant phimosis and his operative course was smooth. He did have a little bit of bleeding when he woke in recovery room, which required placement of some additional sutures, but after that, his recovery has been complete. His mom did note that she had to him a couple of days of oral analgesics, but he seems to be back to normal and pain free now. He is having no difficulty urinating, and his bowel function remains normal.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,Today, The patient looks healthy and happy. We examined his circumcision site. His Monocryl sutures are still in place. The healing is excellent, and there is only a mild amount of residual postoperative swelling. There was one area where he had some recurrent adhesions at the coronal sulcus, and I gently lysed this today and applied antibiotic ointment showing this to mom had to especially lubricate this area until the healing is completed.,IMPRESSION: , Satisfactory course after circumcision for severe phimosis with no perioperative complications.,PLAN: ,The patient came in followup for his routine care with Dr. X, but should not need any further routine surgical followup unless he develops any type of difficulty with this surgical wound. If that does occur, we will be happy to see him back at any time.,
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
XYZ, O.D.,RE: ABC,DOB: MM/DD/YYYY,Dear Dr. XYZ:,Thank you for your referral of patient ABC. The patient was referred for evaluation of cataracts bilaterally.,On examination, the patient was seeing 20/40 in her right eye and 20/50 in the left eye. Extraocular muscles were intact, visual fields were full to confrontation OU, and applanations are 12 mmHg bilaterally. There is no relative afferent pupillary defect. On slit lamp examination, lids and lashes were within normal limits. The conj is quiet. The cornea shows 1+ guttata bilaterally. The AC is deep and quiet and irises are within normal limits bilaterally. There is a dense 3 to 4+ nuclear sclerotic cataract in each eye. On dilated fundus examination, cup-to-disc ratio is 0.1 OU. The vitreous, macula, vessels, and periphery all appear within normal limits.,Impression: It appears that Ms. ABC' visual decline is caused by bilateral cataracts. She would benefit from having removed. The patient also showed some mild guttata OU indicating possible early Fuchs dystrophy. The patient should do well with cataract surgery and I have recommended this and she agreed to proceed with the first eye here shortly. I will keep you up to date of her progress and any new findings as we perform her surgery in each eye.,Again, thank you for your kind referral of this kind lady and I will be in touch with you.,Sincerely,,
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Medial meniscal tear of the right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Medial meniscal tear, right knee.,2. Lateral meniscal tear, right knee.,3. Osteochondral lesion, medial femoral condyle, right knee.,4. Degenerative joint disease, right knee.,5. Patella grade-II chondromalacia.,6. Lateral femoral condyle grade II-III chondromalacia.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Arthroscopy, right knee.,2. Medial meniscoplasty, right knee.,3. Lateral meniscoplasty, right knee.,4. Medial femoral chondroplasty, right knee.,5. Medical femoral microfracture, right knee.,6. Patellar chondroplasty.,7. Lateral femoral chondroplasty.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,BRIEF HISTORY AND INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: , The patient is a 47-year-old female who has knee pain since 03/10/03 after falling on ice. The patient states she has had inability to bear significant weight and had swelling, popping, and giving away, failing conservative treatment and underwent an operative procedure.,PROCEDURE:, The patient was taken to the Operative Suite at ABCD General Hospital on 09/08/03, placed on the operative table in supine position. Department of Anesthesia administered general anesthetic. Once adequately anesthetized, the right lower extremity was placed in a Johnson knee holder. Care was ensured that all bony prominences were well padded and she was positioned and secured. After adequately positioned, the right lower extremity was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Attention was then directed to creation of the arthroscopic portals, both medial and lateral portal were made for arthroscope and instrumentation respectively. The arthroscope was advanced through the inferolateral portal taking in a suprapatellar pouch. All compartments were then examined in sequential order with photodocumentation of each compartment. The patella was noted to have grade-II changes of the inferior surface, otherwise appeared to track within the trochlear groove. There was mild grooving of the trochlear cartilage. The medial gutter was visualized. There was no evidence of loose body. The medial compartment was then entered. There was noted to be a large defect on the medial femoral condyle grade III-IV chondromalacia changes with exposed bone in evidence of osteochondral displaced fragment. There was also noted to be a degenerative meniscal tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. The arthroscopic probe was then introduced and the meniscus and chondral surfaces were probed throughout its entirety and photos were taken. At this point, a meniscal shaver was then introduced and the chondral surfaces were debrided as well as any loose bodies removed. This gave a smooth shoulder to the chondral lesion. After this, the meniscus was debrided until it had been smooth over the frayed edges. At this point, the shaver was removed. The meniscal binder was then introduced and the meniscus was further debrided until the tear was adequately contained at this point. The shaver was reintroduced and all particles were again removed and the meniscus was smoothed over the edge. The probe was then reintroduced and the shaver removed, the meniscus was probed ___________ and now found to be stable. At this point, attention was directed to the rest of the knee. The ACL was examined. It was intact and stable. The lateral compartment was then entered. There was noted to be a grade II-III changes of the lateral femoral condyle. Again, with the edge of some friability at the shoulder of this cartilage lesion. There was noted to be some mild degenerative fraying of the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus. The probe was introduced and the remaining meniscus appeared stable. This was then removed and the stapler was introduced. A chondroplasty and meniscoplasty were then performed until adequately debrided and smoothed over. The lateral gutter was then visualized. There was no evidence of loose bodies. Attention was then redirected back to the medial and femoral condyles.,At this point, a 0.62 K-wire was then placed in through the initial portal, medial portal, as well as an additional poke hole, so we can gain access and proper orientation to the medial femoral lesion. Microfacial technique was then used to introduce the K-wire into the subchondral bone in multiple areas until we had evidence of some bleeding to allow ___________ of this lesion. After this was performed, the shaver was then reintroduced and the loose bodies and loose fragments were further debrided. At this point, the shaver was then moved to the suprapatellar pouch and the patellar chondroplasty was then performed until adequately debrided. Again, all compartments were then re-visualized and there was no further evidence of other pathology or loose bodies. The knee was then copiously irrigated and suctioned dry. All instrumentation was removed. Approximately 20 cc of 0.25% plain Marcaine was injected into the portal site and the remaining portion intraarticular. Sterile dressings of Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, and Webril were then applied. The patient was then transferred back to the gurney in supine position.,DISPOSITION: The patient tolerated the procedure well with no complications. The patient was transferred to PACU in satisfactory condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Carious teeth #2 and #19 and left mandibular dental abscess.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Carious teeth #2 and #19 and left mandibular dental abscess.,PROCEDURES:, Extraction of teeth #2 and #19 and incision and drainage of intraoral and extraoral of left mandibular dental abscess.,ANESTHESIA: , General, oral endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS: , Penrose 0.25 inch intraoral and vestibule and extraoral.,CONDITION:, Stable to PACU.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, Patient was brought to the operating room, placed on the table in the supine position and after demonstration of an adequate plane of general anesthesia via the oral endotracheal route, patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion for an intraoral procedure. In addition, the extraoral area on the left neck was prepped with Betadine and draped accordingly. Gauze throat pack was placed and local anesthetic was administered in the left lower quadrant, total of 3.4 mL of lidocaine 2% with 1:100,000 epinephrine and Marcaine 1.7 mL of 0.5% with 1:200,000 epinephrine. An incision was made with #15 blade in the left submandibular area through the skin and blunt dissection was accomplished with curved mosquito hemostat to the inferior border of the mandible. No purulent drainage was obtained. The 0.25 inch Penrose drain was then placed in the extraoral incision and it was secured with 3-0 silk suture. Moving to the intraoral area, periosteal elevator was used to elevate the periosteum from the buccal aspect of tooth #19. The area did not drain any purulent material. The carious tooth #19 was then extracted by elevator and forceps extraction. After the tooth was removed, the 0.25 inch Penrose drain was placed in a subperiosteal fashion adjacent to the extraction site and secured with 3-0 silk suture. The tube was then repositioned to the left side allowing access to the upper right quadrant where tooth #2 was then extracted by routine elevator and forceps extraction. After the extraction, the throat pack was removed. An orogastric tube was then placed by Dr. X, and stomach contents were suctioned. The pharynx was then suctioned with the Yankauer suction. The patient was awakened, extubated, and taken to the PACU in stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
HISTORY: , The patient is a 4-month-old who presented with respiratory distress and absent femoral pulses with subsequent evaluation including echocardiogram that demonstrated severe coarctation of the aorta with a peak gradient of 29 mmHg and associated dilated cardiomyopathy with fractional shortening of 16%. A bicuspid aortic valve was also seen without insufficiency or stenosis. The patient underwent cardiac catheterization for balloon angioplasty for coarctation of the aorta.,PROCEDURE: ,After sedation and general endotracheal anesthesia, the patient was prepped and draped. Cardiac catheterization was performed as outlined in the attached continuation sheets. Vascular entry was by percutaneous technique, and the patient was heparinized. Monitoring during the procedure included continuous surface ECG, continuous pulse oximetry, and cycled cuff blood pressures, in addition to intravascular pressures.,Using a percutaneous technique a 4-French 8 cm long double lumen central venous catheter was inserted in the left femoral vein and sutured into place. There was good blood return from both the ports.,Using a 4-French sheath a 4-French wedge catheter was inserted into the right femoral vein and advanced through the right heart structures out to the branch of pulmonary arteries. The atrial septum was not probe patent.,Using a 4-French sheath a 4-French marker pigtail catheter was inserted into the left femoral artery and advanced retrograde to the descending aorta ,ascending aorta and left ventricle. A descending aortogram demonstrated discrete coarctation of the aorta approximately 8 mm distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery. The transverse arch measured 5 mm. Isthmus measured 4.7 mm and coarctation measured 2.9 x 1.8 mm at the descending aorta level. The diaphragm measured 5.6 mm. The pigtail catheter was exchanged for a wedge catheter, which was then directed into the right innominate artery. This catheter was exchanged over a wire for a Tyshak mini 6 x 2 cm balloon catheter which was advanced across the coarctation and inflated with complete disappearance of discrete waist. Pressure pull-back following angioplasty, however, demonstrated a residual of 15-20 mmHg gradient. Repeat angiogram showed mild improvement in degree of aortic narrowing. The angioplasty was then performed using a Tyshak mini 7 x 2 cm balloon catheter with complete disappearance of mild waist. The pigtail catheter was then reintroduced for a pressure pull-back measurement and final angiogram.,Flows were calculated by the Fick technique using an assumed oxygen consumption.,Cineangiograms were obtained with injection in the descending aorta.,After angiography, two normal-appearing renal collecting systems were visualized. The catheters and sheaths were removed and topical pressure applied for hemostasis. The patient was returned to the pediatric intensive care unit in satisfactory condition. There were no complications.,DISCUSSION: , Oxygen consumption was assumed to be normal. Mixed venous saturation was low due to mild systemic arterial desaturation and anemia. There is no evidence of significant intracardiac shunt. Further the heart was desaturated due to VQ mismatch.,Phasic right-sided pressures were normal as was the right pulmonary artery capillary wedge pressure with the A-wave similar to the normal left ventricular end-diastolic pressure of 12 mmHg. Left ventricular systolic pressure was mildly increased with a 60 mmHg systolic gradient into the ascending aorta and a 29 mmHg systolic gradient on pressure pull-back to the descending aorta. The calculated flows were mildly increased. Vascular resistances were normal. A cineangiogram with contrast injection in the descending aorta showed a normal left aortic arch with normal origins of the brachiocephalic vessels. There is discrete juxtaductal coarctation of the aorta. Flow within the intercostal arteries was retrograde. Following balloon angioplasty of coarctation of the aorta, there was slight fall in the mixed venous saturation and an increase in systemic arterial saturation as the fall in left ventricular systolic pressure from 99 mmHg to 92 mmHg. There remained a 4 mmHg systolic gradient into the ascending aorta and 9 mmHg systolic gradient pressure pull-back to the descending aorta. The calculated systemic flow fell to normal values. Final angiogram with injection in the descending aorta demonstrated improved caliber of coarctation of the aorta with mild intimal irregularity and a small left lateral filling defect consistent with a small intimal tear in the region of the ductus arteriosus. There is brisk flow in the descending aorta and appropriate flow in the intercostal arteries. The narrowest diameter of the aorta measured 4.9 x 4.2 mm.,DIAGNOSES: ,1. Juxtaductal coarctation of the aorta.,2. Dilated cardiomyopathy.,3. Bicuspid aortic valve.,4. Patent foramen ovale.,INTERVENTION: , Balloon dilation of coarctation of the aorta.,MANAGEMENT: , The case will be discussed at combined Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery Case Conference. The patient will be allowed to recover from the current intervention with the hopes of complete left ventricular function recovery. The patient will undoubtedly require formal coarctation of the aorta repair surgically in 4-6 months. The further cardiologic care will be directed by Dr. X.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PROCEDURE:, Diagnostic fiberoptic bronchoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , Plain lidocaine 2% was given intrabronchially for local anesthesia.,PREOPERATIVE MEDICATIONS:, ,1. Lortab (10 mg) plus Phenergan (25 mg), p.o. 1 hour before the procedure.,2. Versed a total of 5 mg given IV push during the procedure.,INDICATIONS: ,
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CONSULT FOR PROSTATE CANCER,The patient returned for consultation for his newly diagnosed prostate cancer. The options including radical prostatectomy with or without nerve sparing were discussed with him with the risks of bleeding, infection, rectal injury, impotence, and incontinence. These were discussed at length. Alternative therapies including radiation therapy; either radioactive seed placement, conformal radiation therapy, or the HDR radiation treatments were discussed with the risks of bladder, bowel, and rectal injury and possible impotence were discussed also. There is a risk of rectal fistula. Hormonal therapy is usually added to the radiation therapy options and this has the risk of osteoporosis, gynecomastia, hot flashes and impotency. Potency may not recover after the hormone therapy has been completed. Cryosurgery was discussed with the risks of urinary retention, stricture formation, incontinence and impotency. There is a risk of rectal fistula. He would need to have a suprapubic catheter for about two weeks and may need to learn self-intermittent catheterization if he cannot void adequately. Prostate surgery to relieve obstruction and retention after radioactive seeds or cryosurgery has a higher risk of urinary incontinence. Observation therapy was discussed with him in addition. I answered all questions that were put to me and I think he understands the options that are available. I spoke with the patient for over 60 minutes concerning these options.
Consult - History and Phy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Malnutrition and dysphagia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Malnutrition and dysphagia with two antral polyps and large hiatal hernia.,PROCEDURES: , Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy of one of the polyps and percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube placement.,ANESTHESIA: , IV sedation, 1% Xylocaine locally.,CONDITION:, Stable.,OPERATIVE NOTE IN DETAIL: , After risk of operation was explained to this patient's family, consent was obtained for surgery. The patient was brought to the GI lab. There, she was placed in partial left lateral decubitus position. She was given IV sedation by Anesthesia. Her abdomen was prepped with alcohol and then Betadine. Flexible gastroscope was passed down the esophagus, through the stomach into the duodenum. No lesions were noted in the duodenum. There appeared to be a few polyps in the antral area, two in the antrum. Actually, one appeared to be almost covering the pylorus. The scope was withdrawn back into the antrum. On retroflexion, we could see a large hiatal hernia. No other lesions were noted. Biopsy was taken of one of the polyps. The scope was left in position. Anterior abdominal wall was prepped with Betadine, 1% Xylocaine was injected in the left epigastric area. A small stab incision was made and a large bore Angiocath was placed directly into the anterior abdominal wall, into the stomach, followed by a thread, was grasped with a snare using the gastroscope, brought out through the patient's mouth. Tied to the gastrostomy tube, which was then pulled down and up through the anterior abdominal wall. It was held in position with a dressing and a stent. A connector was applied to the cut gastrostomy tube, held in place with a 2-0 silk ligature. The patient tolerated the procedure well. She was returned to the floor in stable condition.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
CLINICAL HISTORY: , A 68-year-old white male with recently diagnosed adenocarcinoma by sputum cytology. An abnormal chest radiograph shows right middle lobe infiltrate and collapse. Patient needs staging CT of chest with contrast. Right sided supraclavicular and lower anterior cervical adenopathy noted on physical exam.,TECHNIQUE: , Multiple transaxial images utilized in 10 mm sections were obtained through the chest. Intravenous contrast was administered.,FINDINGS: , There is a large 3 x 4 cm lymph node seen in the right supraclavicular region. There is a large right paratracheal lymph node best appreciated on image #16 which measures 3 x 2 cm. A subcarinal lymph node is enlarged also. It measures 6 x 2 cm. Multiple pulmonary nodules are seen along the posterior border of the visceral as well as parietal pleura. There is a pleural mass seen within the anterior sulcus of the right hemithorax as well as the right crus of the diaphragm. There is also a soft tissue density best appreciated on image #36 adjacent to the inferior aspect of the right lobe of the liver which most likely also represents metastatic deposit. The liver parenchyma is normal without evidence of any dominant masses. The right kidney demonstrates a solitary cyst in the mid pole of the right kidney.,IMPRESSION:,1. Greater than twenty pulmonary nodules demonstrated on the right side to include pulmonary nodules within the parietal as well as various visceral pleura with adjacent consolidation most likely representing pulmonary neoplasm.,2. Extensive mediastinal adenopathy as described above.,3. No lesion seen within the left lung at this time.,4. Supraclavicular adenopathy.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Antibiotic-associated diarrhea. ,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Antibiotic-associated diarrhea. ,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Colonoscopy with random biopsies and culture.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 50-year-old woman who underwent hemorrhoidectomy approximately one year ago. She has been having difficulty since that time with intermittent diarrhea and abdominal pain. She states this happens quite frequently and can even happen when she uses topical prednisone for her ears or for her eyes. She presents today for screening colonoscopy, based on the same.,OPERATIVE COURSE: , The risks and benefits of colonoscopy were explained to the patient in detail. She provided her consent. The morning of the operation, the patient was transported from the preoperative holding area to the endoscopy suite. She was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. In divided doses, she was given 7 mg of Versed and 125 mcg of fentanyl. A digital rectal examination was performed, after which time the scope was intubated from the anus to the level of the hepatic flexure. This was intubated fairly easily; however, the patient was clearly in some discomfort and was shouting out, despite the amount of anesthesia she was provided. In truth, the pain she was experiencing was out of proportion to any maneuver or difficulty with the procedure. While more medication could have been given, the patient is actually a fairly thin woman and diminutive and I was concerned that giving her any more sedation may lead to respiratory or cardiovascular collapse. In addition, she was really having quite some difficulty staying still throughout the procedure and was putting us all at some risk. For this reason, the procedure was aborted at the level of the hepatic flexure. She was noted to have some pools of stool. This was suctioned and sent to pathology for C difficile, ova and parasites, and fecal leukocytes. Additionally, random biopsies were performed of the colon itself. It is unfortunate we were unable to complete this procedure, as I would have liked to have taken biopsies of the terminal ileum. However, given the degree of discomfort she had, again, coupled with the relative ease of the procedure itself, I am very suspicious of irritable bowel syndrome. The patient tolerated the remainder of the procedure fairly well and was sent to the recovery room in stable condition, where it is anticipated she will be discharged to home.,PLAN:, She needs to follow up with me in approximately 2 weeks' time, both to follow up with her biopsies and cultures. She has been given a prescription for VSL3, a probiotic, to assist with reculturing the rectum. She may also benefit from an antispasmodic and/or anxiolytic. Lastly, it should be noted that when she next undergoes endoscopic procedure, propofol would be indicated.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
OPERATIVE PROCEDURES: , Colonoscopy and biopsies, epinephrine sclerotherapy, hot biopsy cautery, and snare polypectomy.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Colon cancer screening.,2. Family history of colon polyps.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Multiple colon polyps (5).,2. Diverticulosis, sigmoid colon.,3. Internal hemorrhoids.,ENDOSCOPE USED: , EC3870LK.,BIOPSIES: ,Biopsies taken from all polyps. Hot biopsy got applied to one. Epinephrine sclerotherapy and snare polypectomy applied to four polyps.,ANESTHESIA: , Fentanyl 75 mcg, Versed 6 mg, and glucagon 1.5 units IV push in divided doses. Also given epinephrine 1:20,000 total of 3 mL.,The patient tolerated the procedure well.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was placed in left lateral decubitus after appropriate sedation. Digital rectal examination was done, which was normal. Endoscope was introduced and passed through a rather spastic tortuous sigmoid colon with multiple diverticula seen all the way through transverse colon where about 1 cm x 1 cm sessile polyp was seen. It was biopsied and then in piecemeal fashion removed using snare polypectomy after base was infiltrated with epinephrine. Pedunculated polyp next to it was hard to see and there was a lot of peristalsis. The scope then was advanced through rest of the transverse colon to ascending colon and cecum. Terminal ileum was briefly reviewed, appeared normal and so did cecum after copious amount of fecal material was irrigated out. Ascending colon was unremarkable. At hepatic flexure may be proximal transverse colon, there was a sessile polyp about 1.2 cm x 1 cm that was removed in the same manner with a biopsy taken, base infiltrated with epinephrine and at least two passes of snare polypectomy and subsequent hot biopsy cautery removed to hold polypoid tissue, which could be seen. In transverse colon on withdrawal and relaxation with epinephrine, an additional 1 mm to 2 mm sessile polyp was removed by hot biopsy. Then in the transverse colon, additional larger polyp about 1.3 cm x 1.2 cm was removed in piecemeal fashion again with epinephrine, sclerotherapy, and snare polypectomy. Subsequently pedunculated polyp in distal transverse colon near splenic flexure was removed with snare polypectomy. The rest of the splenic flexure and descending colon were unremarkable. Diverticulosis was again seen with almost constant spasm despite of glucagon. Sigmoid colon did somewhat hinder the inspection of that area. Rectum, retroflexion posterior anal canal showed internal hemorrhoids moderate to large. Excess of air insufflated was removed. The endoscope was withdrawn.,PLAN: , Await biopsy report. Pending biopsy report, recommendation will be made when the next colonoscopy should be done at least three years perhaps sooner besides and due to multitude of the patient's polyps.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Dental caries.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Dental caries.,PROCEDURE: , Dental restoration.,CLINICAL HISTORY: ,This 2-year, 10-month-old male has not had any prior dental treatment because of his unmanageable behavior in a routine dental office setting. He was referred to me for that reason to be treated under general anesthesia for his dental work. Cavities have been noted by his parents and pediatrician that have been noted to be pretty severe. There are no contraindications to this procedure. He is healthy. His history and physical is in the chart.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room at 10:15 and placed in the supine position. Dr. X administered the general anesthetic after which 2 bite-wing and 2 periapical x-rays were exposed and developed and his teeth were examined. A throat pack was then placed. Tooth D had caries on the distal surface which was excavated and the tooth was restored with composite. Teeth E and F had caries in the mesial and distal surfaces, these carious lesions were excavated and the teeth were restored with composite. Tooth G had caries in the mesial surface which was excavated and the tooth was restored with composite. Teeth I and L both had caries on the occlusal surfaces which were excavated and upon excavation of the caries in tooth I the pulp was perforated and a therapeutic pulpotomy was therefore necessary. This was done using ferric sulfate and zinc oxide eugenol. For final restorations, amalgam restorations were placed involving the occlusal surfaces both teeth I and L. A prophylaxis was done and topical fluoride applied and the excess was suctioned thoroughly. The throat pack was removed and the patient was awakened and brought to the recovery room in good condition at 11:30. There was no blood loss.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR VISIT: , Followup evaluation and management of chronic medical conditions.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient has been doing quite well since he was last seen. He comes in today with his daughter. He has had no symptoms of CAD or CHF. He had followup with Dr. X and she thought he was doing quite well as well. He has had no symptoms of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. He has had no falls. His right knee does pain him at times and he is using occasional doses of Tylenol for that. He wonders whether he could use a knee brace to help him with that issue as well. His spirits are good. He has had no incontinence. His memory is clear, as is his thinking.,MEDICATIONS:,1. Bumex - 2 mg daily.,2. Aspirin - 81 mg daily.,3. Lisinopril - 40 mg daily.,4. NPH insulin - 65 units in the morning and 25 units in the evening.,5. Zocor - 80 mg daily.,6. Toprol-XL - 200 mg daily.,7. Protonix - 40 mg daily.,8. Chondroitin/glucosamine - no longer using.,MAJOR FINDINGS:, Weight 240, blood pressure by nurse 160/80, by me 140/78, pulse 91 and regular, and O2 saturation 94%. He is afebrile. JVP is normal without HJR. CTAP. RRR. S1 and S2. Aortic murmur unchanged. Abdomen: Soft, NT without HSM, normal BS. Extremities: No edema on today's examination. Awake, alert, attentive, able to get up on to the examination table under his own power. Able to get up out of a chair with normal get up and go. Bilateral OA changes of the knee.,Creatinine 1.7, which was down from 2.3. A1c 7.6 down from 8.5. Total cholesterol 192, HDL 37, and triglycerides 487.,ASSESSMENTS:,1. Congestive heart failure, stable on current regimen. Continue.,2. Diabetes type II, A1c improved with increased doses of NPH insulin. Doing self-blood glucose monitoring with values in the morning between 100 and 130. Continue current regimen. Recheck A1c on return.,3. Hyperlipidemia, at last visit, he had 3+ protein in his urine. TSH was normal. We will get a 24-hour urine to rule out nephrosis as the cause of his hypertriglyceridemia. In the interim, both Dr. X and I have been considering together as to whether the patient should have an agent added to treat his hypertriglyceridemia. Specifically we were considering TriCor (fenofibrate). Given his problems with high CPK values in the past for now, we have decided not to engage in that strategy. We will leave open for the future. Check fasting lipid panel today.,4. Chronic renal insufficiency, improved with reduction in dose of Bumex over time.,5. Arthritis, stable. I told the patient he could use Extra Strength Tylenol up to 4 grams a day, but I suggest that he start with a regular dose of 1 to 2 to 3 grams per day. He states he will inch that up slowly. With regard to a brace, he stated he used one in the past and that did not help very much. I worry a little bit about the tourniquet type effect of a brace that could increase his edema or put him at risk for venous thromboembolic disease. For now he will continue with his cane and walker.,6. Health maintenance, flu vaccination today.,PLANS: , Followup in 3 months, by phone sooner as needed.
General Medicine
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Thyroid mass diagnosed as papillary carcinoma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 16-year-old young lady, who was referred from the Pediatric Endocrinology Department by Dr. X for evaluation and surgical recommendations regarding treatment of a mass in her thyroid, which has now been proven to be papillary carcinoma on fine needle aspiration biopsy. The patient's parents relayed that they first noted a relatively small but noticeable mass in the middle portion of her thyroid gland about 2004. An ultrasound examination had reportedly been done in the past and the mass is being observed. When it began to enlarge recently, she was referred to the Pediatric Endocrinology Department and had an evaluation there. The patient was referred for fine needle aspiration and the reports recently returned a diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma. The patient has not had any hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, or any symptoms of endocrine dysfunction. She has no weight changes consistent with either hyper or hypothyroidism. There is no family history of thyroid cancer in her family. She has no notable discomfort with this lesion. There have been no skin changes. Historically, she does not have a history of any prior head and neck radiation or treatment of any unusual endocrinopathy.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Essentially unremarkable. The patient has never been hospitalized in the past for any major illnesses. She has had no prior surgical procedures.,IMMUNIZATIONS: , Current and up to date.,ALLERGIES: , She has no known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,Currently taking no routine medications. She describes her pain level currently as zero.,FAMILY HISTORY: , There is no significant family history, although the patient's father does note that his mother had a thyroid surgery at some point in life, but it was not known whether this was for cancer, but he suspects it might have been for goiter. This was done in Tijuana. His mom is from central portion of Mexico. There is no family history of multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,The patient is a junior at Hoover High School. She lives with her mom in Fresno.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , A careful 12-system review was completely normal except for the problems related to the thyroid mass.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: The patient is a 55.7 kg, nondysmorphic, quiet, and perhaps slightly apprehensive young lady, who was in no acute distress. She was alert and oriented x3 and had an appropriate affect.,HEENT: The head and neck examination is most significant. There is mild amount of facial acne. The patient's head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat appeared to be grossly normal.,NECK: There is a slightly visible midline bulge in the region of the thyroid isthmus. A firm nodule is present there, and there is also some nodularity in the right lobe of the thyroid. This mass is relatively hard, slightly fixed, but not tethered to surrounding tissues, skin, or muscles that I can determine. There are some shotty adenopathy in the area. No supraclavicular nodes were noted.,CHEST: Excursions are symmetric with good air entry.,LUNGS: Clear.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Normal. There is no tachycardia or murmur noted.,ABDOMEN: Benign.,EXTREMITIES: Extremities are anatomically correct with full range of motion.,GENITOURINARY: External genitourinary exam was deferred at this time and can be performed later during anesthesia. This is same as too for her rectal examination.,SKIN: There is no acute rash, purpura, or petechiae.,NEUROLOGIC: Normal and no focal deficits. Her voice is strong and clear. There is no evidence of dysphonia or vocal cord malfunction.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , I reviewed laboratory data from the Diagnostics Lab, which included a mild abnormality in the AST at 11, which is slightly lower than the normal range. T4 and TSH levels were recorded as normal. Free thyroxine was normal, and the serum pregnancy test was negative. There was no level of thyroglobulin recorded on this. A urinalysis and comprehensive metabolic panel was unremarkable. A chest x-ray was obtained, which I personally reviewed. There is a diffuse pattern of tiny nodules in both lungs typical of miliary metastatic disease that is often seen in patients with metastatic thyroid carcinoma.,IMPRESSION/PLAN: , The patient is a 16-year-old young lady with a history of thyroid mass that is now biopsy proven as papillary. The pattern of miliary metastatic lesions in the chest is consistent with this diagnosis and is unfortunate in that it generally means a more advanced stage of disease. I spent approximately 30 minutes with the patient and her family today discussing the surgical aspects of the treatment of this disease. During this time, we talked about performing a total thyroidectomy to eradicate as much of the native thyroid tissue and remove the primary source of the cancer in anticipation of radioactive iodine therapy. We talked about sentinel node dissection, and we spent significant amount of time talking about the possibility of hypoparathyroidism if all four of the parathyroid glands were damaged during this operation. We also discussed the recurrent laryngeal and external laryngeal branches of the nerve supplying the vocal cord function and how they cane be damaged during the thyroidectomy as well. I answered as many of the family's questions as they could mount during this stressful time with this recent information supplied to them. I also did talk to them about the chest x-ray pattern, which was complete __________ as the film was just on the day prior to my clinic visit. This will have some impact on the postoperative adjunctive therapy. The radiologist commented about the risk of pulmonary fibrosis and the use of radioactive iodine in this situation, but it seems likely that is going to be necessary to attempt to treat this disease in the patient's case. I did discuss with them the possibility of having to take large doses of calcium and vitamin D in the event of hypoparathyroidism if that does happen, and we also talked about possibly sparing parathyroid tissue and reimplanting it in a muscle belly either in the neck or forearm if that becomes a necessity. All of the family's questions have been answered. This is a very anxious and anxiety provoking time in the family. I have made every effort to get the patient under schedule within the next 48 hours to have this operation done. We are tentatively planning on proceeding this upcoming Friday afternoon with total thyroidectomy.
Hematology - Oncology
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Cataract, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Cataract, right eye.,PROCEDURE:, Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens placement, right eye.,ANESTHESIA: , Monitored anesthesia care,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , None,COMPLICATIONS:, None,SPECIMENS:, None,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient had previously been examined in the clinic and was found to have a visually significant cataract in the right eye. The patient had the risks and benefits of surgery discussed. After discussion, the patient decided to proceed and the consent was signed.,On the day of surgery, the patient was taken from the holding area to the operating suite by the anesthesiologist and monitors were placed. Following this, the patient was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual fashion. After this, a lid speculum was placed, preservative-free lidocaine drops were placed, and the SuperSharp blade was used to make an anterior chamber paracentesis. Preservative-free lidocaine was instilled into the anterior chamber, and then Viscoat was instilled into the eye.,The 3.0 diamond keratome was then used to make a clear corneal temporal incision. Following this, the cystotome was used to make a continuous tear-type capsulotomy. After this, BSS was used to hydrodissect and hydrodelineate the lens. The phacoemulsification unit was used to remove the cataract. The I&A unit was used to remove the residual cortical material. Following this, Provisc was used to inflate the bag. The lens, a model SA60AT of ABCD diopters, serial #1234, was inserted into the bag and rotated into position using the Lester pusher.,After this, the residual Provisc was removed. Michol was instilled and then the corneal wound was hydrated with BSS, and the wound was found to be watertight. The lid speculum was removed. Acular and Vigamox drops were placed. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complications and will be followed up in the office tomorrow.
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
Patient was informed by Dr. ABC that he does not need sleep study as per patient.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: Pleasant, brighter.,Vital signs: 117/78, 12, 56.,Abdomen: Soft, nontender. Bowel sounds normal.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Constipation. Milk of Magnesia 30 mL daily p.r.n., Dulcolax suppository twice a week p.r.n.,2. CAD/angina. See cardiologist this afternoon.,Call me if constipation not resolved by a.m., consider a Fleet enema then as discussed.,
Given a medical transcription, predict a single label representing the most appropriate medical specialty from the list: 'Surgery', 'Allergy / Immunology', 'Sleep Medicine', 'Pediatrics - Neonatal', 'SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes', 'Bariatrics', 'Pain Management', 'Lab Medicine - Pathology', 'Dermatology', 'Orthopedic', 'Dentistry', 'Psychiatry / Psychology', 'General Medicine', 'Office Notes', 'Letters', 'Neurosurgery', 'Radiology', 'Cosmetic / Plastic Surgery', 'Nephrology', 'Diets and Nutritions', 'Chiropractic', 'Gastroenterology', 'Cardiovascular / Pulmonary', 'Speech - Language', 'Hospice - Palliative Care', 'Autopsy', 'Endocrinology', 'Emergency Room Reports', 'Discharge Summary', 'ENT - Otolaryngology', 'Urology', 'Physical Medicine - Rehab', 'Neurology', 'Podiatry', 'Ophthalmology', 'Rheumatology', 'IME-QME-Work Comp etc.', 'Hematology - Oncology', 'Consult - History and Phy.', 'Obstetrics / Gynecology'
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left distal radius fracture, metaphyseal extraarticular.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left distal radius fracture, metaphyseal extraarticular.,PROCEDURE: , Open reduction and internal fixation of left distal radius.,IMPLANTS: ,Wright Medical Micronail size 2.,ANESTHESIA: , LMA.,TOURNIQUET TIME: , 49 minutes.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,PATHOLOGY: , None.,TIME OUT: , Time out was performed before the procedure started.,INDICATIONS:, The patient was a 42-year-old female who fell and sustained a displaced left metaphyseal distal radius fracture indicated for osteosynthesis. The patient was in early stage of gestation. Benefits and risks including radiation exposure were discussed with the patient and consulted her primary care doctor.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , Supine position, LMA anesthesia, well-padded arm, tourniquet, Hibiclens, alcohol prep, and sterile drape.,Exsanguination achieved, tourniquet inflated to 250 mmHg. First, under fluoroscopy the fracture was reduced. A 0.045 K-wire was inserted from dorsal ulnar corner of the distal radius and crossing fracture line to maintain the reduction. A 2-cm radial incision, superficial radial nerve was exposed and protected. Dissecting between the first and second dorsal extensor retinaculum, the second dorsal extensor compartment was elevated off from the distal radius. The guidewire was inserted under fluoroscopy. A cannulated drill was used to drill antral hole. Antral awl was inserted. Then we reamed the canal to size 2. Size 2 Micronail was inserted to the medullary canal. Using distal locking guide, three locking screws were inserted distally. The second dorsal incision was made. The deep radial dorsal surface was exposed. Using locking guide, two proximal shaft screws were inserted and locked the nail to the radius. Fluoroscopic imaging was taken and showing restoration of the height, tilt, and inclination of the radius. At this point, tourniquet was deflated, hemostasis achieved, wounds irrigated and closed in layers. Sterile dressing applied. The patient then was extubated and transferred to the recovery room under stable condition.,Postoperatively, the patient will see a therapist within five days. We will immobilize wrist for two weeks and then starting flexion-extension and prosupination exercises.