[ [ "Reading this thread it seems like getting fired is a somewhat regular occurrence in the States. Is it really that common to see someone packing their stuff at the end of the shift and not return? In all the places (Germany) I've worked at over the past 15 years only one person was fired. Friends who were unemployed weren't fired but they only had a temporary contract. It was usually a 2 year contract as replacement for somebody who got pregnant. When the OG employer gets back to work after their parental leave, the replacement might not get a new contract unless something else opened up.", "602" ], [ "That's so crazy. In Germany it would be rude as hell to admit that somebodys holiday would mean additional stress for the team. And yes, it often involves covering for somebody on holiday and it will be more stressful, but afterwards that employee will get back from holidays and is more energizied again and will cover for you to take time off aswell. This is a very social and teamwork-y mindset.", "975" ], [ "Boredom can be amazing though. Catch up on sleep, watch that random netflix show and do nothing. I've had 3 weeks of over Christmas / new years now and the first two weeks were still kind of busy. The third week I did nothing. Especially now with Covid it meant no travelling but home alone. Yes, it got boring and I was looking forward to get back to work. My energy and motivation skyrocketed. 10/10 can recommend.", "306" ], [ "I made sure to have sand as substrate and a lot of wood for the pleco to nibble on. I've structured the tank so there were enough hiding places available. Also I checked what kind of water parameters and temperature bristlenoses prefer. They are easy going enough, but still those were the parameters I was going for in my tank and then looked up what other fish might like that kind of water.\n\nEdit: I have to admit though that I decided to ignore the fact that they prefer dark substrate. My heart was set on a light sand. But as a compromise I made sure there were still enough shady/dark places.", "176" ], [ "In Germany we usually have a 6 months probation period at the beginning of the contract where either party can resign from the contract without notice for any reason. After that I think it's only fair to not let your company and team hanging by leaving without notice aswell. They have to find a replacement and you should get everything in order for someone else to take over.", "602" ], [ "Something very similar happend to me this week. A woman approached me in a park and just started chatting away. I knew I've never met her before but assumed the person I was with knew her. After the woman left I realised my company thought the same. Then we watched her approaching the next random person like a long lost friend. Social distancing apparently brings out weird people.", "33" ], [ "I met a new client (15) of mine and only ever saw her with a mask on. And I was really taken aback how mature she looked and acted. The next time I saw her we took our masks off we were outside and kept a good distance. She looked soo different. Half the time I was wondering if she sent out her little sister to prank me. That's what you get as a socially awkward psychologist with really shitty facial recognition.", "630" ], [ "But isn't there a massive difference between \"treating it as exploding acid\" and \"it needs to be the face\"? If I'm wanking off a guy I don't ever think ahead about where he might shoot but I sure as hell won't move my face to a planned target. If it happens to land there, I don't care. But for some reason this whole waiting for someone to jizz in my face to me feels really weird and akward and way too dominant.", "955" ], [ "I wasn't a kid but certainly not an adult either when I first read the books. I commented that yesterday in another thread: I've read the books, watched the movies and listened to the audio books so many times, bur only bow it hit me how horrible <PERSON>'s situation was at the beginning of CoS. The <PERSON> kept him as a prisoner. It wasn't \"extreme\" grounding, he was held hostage. And he was convinced nobody was missing him.", "1010" ], [ "That's so fucked up. My experience in Germany and a few other European countries. Seeing a dad take care for his kid makes all the women hormonal. Dad with kid on a playground, all women watching him with a smile and spark in their eyes. Dad and kid buying some ice cream or a waffle, all the women getting excited. I've never encountered a situation where a dad was seen as a pedo just for being with kids and taking care of them.", "405" ], [ "I only gave Germany as an example because I know it best. But the nordic countries are even more relaxed with nudity in general. I spent 4 weeks in Iceland and saw more naked bodys than I ever did in Germany. Sauna culture is big in Scandinavia.\nAnd judging from my memory and pictures: when I was a kid and we spent our holidays in Greece or Canary Islands - all the kids were skinny dipping.", "1004" ], [ "Yes, Christmas Eve is definitely the Christkind. I think at one point the \"tradional\" <PERSON> and the <PERSON> characters got mixed up a little. Like the whole reindeer and chimney part is very American for example. But I feel like more and more now <PERSON> is depicted more as <PERSON> in Germany aswell, like the one who brings the actual Christmas presents", "280" ], [ "I think women generally do enjoy meeting for a cup of coffee. I love doing that. But ONLY with good friends of mine. I need to know beforehand that it won't get akward. I would meet a colleague for a cup of coffee but only if we already have a topic to discuss.\n\nMeeting people I don't know very well is always easier if it's connected to some kind of activity: pool, bowling, even playing some sport or anything.", "33" ], [ "That's just such a massive cultural difference. In Germany and other European countries it's perfectly normal for kids to know what their parents look like naked. It's also quite normal for kids to see naked strangers. Communal showers, changing rooms, beaches, saunas,...\n\nI honestly don't understand how it could be perceived negatively for a kid to know what a penis looks like", "282" ], [ "Have you ever thought about intermittend fasting?\n\nBreakfast is usually quite heavy on the carbs. If you skip it, you avoid a lot of access carbs and calories in general.\nFor some reason Intermittent Fasting helped me to stop thinking about food constantly. I used to mindlessly grab snacks or think that I should eat something before my next appointment, or definitely used my break at work to eat something. That doesn't happen anymore. The feeling of hunger changed and got way less. I kind of learned to listen to my body again.\n Now I'm fasting for ~17 hours. I break my fast with boiled eggs or some nuts and that satisfies me enough until I get dinner. And since I only have one cooked/proper meal a day, I really enjoy getting good quality foods. You have to make it count tastewise. If that meal is fast food it's still okay because you avoided more calories during the day. And you learn to avoid \"empty calories\". Because you want to not get hungry again until the next day.\nI can't promise you anything, but that's my experience: I'm not obsessed with food anymore and it's really easy for me to look at the time and realise that this piece of chocolate needs to wait for tomorrow. Postponing chocolate or coke isn't half as hard as forbidding yourself something indefinitely.\n\n\nEdit: whatever it may be I hope you find something that works for you! Good luck on your journey.", "727" ], [ "Can totally recommend. I winged the recipe. But basically I sliced the zucchini, coated the slices with the tiniest amount of olive oil and put them in the ofen. Just to get a little softer. Then I mixed equal parts of feta and cream cheese, added a diced onion, salt, pepper, oregano, done.", "324" ], [ "I disagree. I think the main reason why bad parents are bad is that they want to avoid any kind of conflict. Short term it's obviously easier to let the kids have that piece of chocolate, or the bottle of coke, let them watch a movie last their bed time, maybe not having them brush their teeth every night. The kids have no guidance and no idea which rules are important. Everything just seems arbitrary. The kids will do as they please. The parents are exhausted. And instead of changing all of that, setting rules, making sure everyone follows them, they claim they are too exhausted to bother about it. At this point they mostly don't realise that daily life will be so much easier when it has a solid structure.", "405" ], [ "I'm pretty sure my mother never thought about what it means to RAISE a child. She finds babies so adorable but was completely overwhelmed and useless in raising me from the age of 3. I always always always had to fight to try to do things on my own. I had to beg my mother that I want to pick the clothes I'm wearing and get dressed myself (obviously reasonable in terms of wether. But I wanted to pick the shirt or pair of socks). It only got tenser between us the older I got. I'm in my mid 30s now and she still tries go treat me as a baby.", "405" ], [ "Not a Brit, not even a native speaker. But I'd say the Trio does not have the same accent. <PERSON>'s is received pronunciation. Which is rather posh snd not necessarily a natural accent.\n<PERSON>'s accent definitely is less posh than <PERSON>'s. I'd guess it's some kind of South Eastern / Estuary accent. Maybe not a London accent but possibly something close. So is <PERSON>'s. \n\n<PERSON> is Scottish, <PERSON> and <PERSON> Irish, <PERSON> Northern, <PERSON> has a west country accent.", "625" ] ]
[ 12564, 7854, 8011, 14762, 10233, 2987, 9796, 14974, 7884, 12390, 11377, 12440, 9347, 24061, 17350, 1752, 5790, 17317, 24034, 1533, 25291, 1127, 20990, 15731, 22766, 5832, 23192, 6758, 4501, 293, 10729, 8172, 6419, 5617, 10566, 15586, 14645, 12398, 10186, 23833, 20134, 4473, 15956, 23050, 21418, 25406, 13032, 6356, 24389, 6687, 25481, 60, 5771, 19323, 24414, 13329, 19820, 19182, 978, 7080, 6190, 18456, 1094, 256, 2807, 21181, 8347, 13859, 11808, 20309, 5111, 18609, 14752, 21017, 2967, 285, 23096, 7277, 22746, 9871, 1734, 7726, 3528, 1826, 19791, 1058, 5986, 21817, 16977, 3976, 177, 22572, 21699, 3343, 24767, 19473, 9813, 25250, 7999, 7967, 3356, 8065, 10216, 15512, 5679, 2482, 22169, 19274, 2255, 6906, 2486, 988, 14839, 11256, 8130, 25534, 13096, 15631, 5707, 15504, 1645, 25105, 12499, 12569, 9364, 2527, 12851, 18324, 10426, 5710, 15619, 13603, 3114, 19250, 9344, 860, 4295, 11035, 8046, 8925, 13996, 1576, 8071, 15648, 2624, 20916, 2543, 7952, 2456, 5722, 2068, 535, 15895, 21965, 18164, 11628, 12366, 13941, 7005, 15938, 2320, 16918, 25278, 9658, 9366, 3612, 16677, 16498, 5457, 21177, 11436, 11445, 6636, 5282, 6972, 19536, 2613, 21109, 20836, 23079, 15408, 6149, 6923, 17203, 14543, 2289, 12860, 8300, 14737, 19056, 4549, 18800, 12436, 18359, 10970, 2863, 19717, 21788, 15897, 4881, 16476, 7480, 16590, 873, 18321, 11500, 22826, 25542, 25045, 20695, 21546, 12643, 23885, 6291, 7367, 3387, 17294, 20603, 20518, 7690, 10365, 5405, 7124, 7698, 24724, 18262, 8414, 16200, 6308, 17340, 22840, 10498, 3179, 16757, 12896, 8784, 22041, 19550, 10209, 4813, 24372, 201, 24773, 4310, 20195, 22560, 9604, 24421, 24970, 12653, 13568, 888, 17805, 7040, 16071, 1672, 12792, 19407, 21887, 22223, 23611, 1332, 15457, 4677, 21614, 19022, 18357, 10322, 2908, 23563, 20809, 11387, 18010, 12294, 14924, 2753, 7676, 1155, 785, 1111, 296, 7600, 7741, 21416, 24788, 12662, 1564, 572, 24482, 16124, 6646, 14980, 9424, 12172, 22099, 2374, 5417, 5950, 11623, 12595, 10109, 12733, 1961, 14029, 23044, 25132, 16877, 5506, 14952, 2711, 6119, 4637, 1925, 1185, 1952, 24286, 20542, 11853, 20305, 23232, 5473, 7186, 12464, 19539, 25362, 23687, 17595, 22351, 19833, 7301, 2362, 15260, 10821, 20276, 5563, 4398, 23438, 3872, 22195, 16353, 8941, 15445, 15684, 23245, 6748, 11942, 3755, 13760, 23024, 6206, 16702, 24923, 14717, 2228, 23526, 20547, 19626, 13143, 14527, 2574, 14629, 5541, 22211, 12683, 21637, 17817, 12707, 16631, 24179, 7320, 8549, 21647, 24299, 2956, 11675, 18540, 21030, 787, 6763, 24686, 25502, 4798, 22820, 6718, 19278, 11400, 12512, 7656, 6609, 18002, 4814, 2597, 297, 1370, 4975, 17854, 13781, 22332, 25395, 7453, 9094, 20391, 386, 25168, 7384, 13511, 1091, 17734, 24328, 94, 20202, 1892, 15614, 1840, 412, 6127, 9583, 9827, 24992, 23692, 3603, 6922, 23641, 6004, 25074, 1180, 17201, 676, 13041, 7282, 16441, 10437, 2742, 1136, 21282, 347, 10798, 19305, 20, 24826, 9879, 18531, 2491, 4463, 20008, 24079, 10060, 7437, 2149, 15226, 12737, 9826, 2512, 4790, 16361, 16593, 15737, 17389, 6045, 18628, 7565, 20630, 20747, 15786, 1904, 9531, 13879, 20393, 4579, 2523, 22487, 23986, 18167, 19561, 21088, 8152, 3386, 354, 9994, 589, 23709, 5129, 9753, 22563, 7752, 8916, 20275, 22083, 8434, 1707, 7028, 20897, 22292, 23132, 2941, 8205, 19180, 18957, 3389 ]
[ [ "There is a huge difference. This is just drawings that are not the same as real children. No one is hurt in their making or being viewed. And not only is there no evidence that it lead to making people real pedos, all evidence shows otherwise. \n\nActual child porn is something the exploits and causes massive harm to others. Stopping that kind of thing is logically and the whole point of society and laws. But when you start limiting and censoring things that don't hurt others or cause harm, that is the problem. And your argument that lolis lead to people being real pedos is the exact same one as the idea of video games leading to violence. Or movies before. Or radio before that. And so on. And there is litteral mountains of evidence that shows the exact opposite is actual true.", "94" ], [ "So I'm building a team using Klee c0, Sucrose c2, Diona c2, and then either Barbara c2, or Xiangling c3. I'm leaning toward Xiangling for the attack boost and because she can deal with pyro slimes. But I have a few questions. \n\nLike I currently have the favonius war bow on Diona, and my only other four star choice is rust. So I was wondering which is better, or if there is a three star that might work better for her, before I use resources leveling something up. \n\nAnd also, I was wondering if some one could link my a guide for playing Klee. I remember reading there is some kind of canceling trick or something you have to do to get the most out of her.\n\nOr really if there is a decent character guide that can help me with how to build and play any of them. I'm doing fine with the team right now, but it just feels like I'm not using them right somehow. Like I should be getting more out of it.\n\nAnyway, thanks in advance for any help.", "97" ], [ "Thing is, the arguments for why lolis are bad are the exact same ones as what is used by people who claim videos games cause violence. And australia is still pushing to heavily censor or fully get rid of violent video games. And winning their fight against loli and anime in general, makes it that much easier to push to the next thing. Doesn't matter that litterally every study ever done shows there is no truth to their arguments. They won this fight, and now it won't be long before video games are heavily censored, and eventually not allowed at all.", "342" ], [ "Yeah it's all pretty stupid. It has been proven again and again the media doesn't normalize or desensitize you to the things in it. It actually makes you less likely to do those things. It's a stylized form or whatever that is highly removed from the real thing. \n\nAs you said, we have countless murderers and car thief's out there as a result of grand theft auto if their arguments held any water at all. But that isn't the case. \n\nThey are wrong in everything they say and do. And are the only ones causing real harm. They are the ones who need to be kicked off reddit, and in many cases locked up for their bullying and the harm they cause.", "126" ], [ "Exactly. And this doesn't even take in to account the fact that lolis don't even look like actual little girls. The stylization makes their appearance completely different. Ever seen those pictures that show what anime characters would look like if real? It's horrifying. And realistic hentai of any genra is very rare and very unpopular. People look at hentai cause they like the stylization of the girls. And that isn't at all how real women or girls look. Finding it attractive in no way makes you likely to find a real little girl attractive. They just don't look the same.", "709" ], [ "I actually kinda of hope he does come first. That will give me more time to save up so I can get <PERSON>. Cause I am at 67 pulls right now. And am going to try for geo daddy. But after that, if she is next there is no way I can get back to 90 pulls on time with out spending. I do but the battle pass and blessing, so if there is one before her, I should be able to make it. Can't lie, I'm torn on rather or not I actually hope to get <PERSON>. If I don't, it will guarantee me <PERSON>, and honestly, any of the standard five stars would be awesome. But also, he's geo daddy and I want him, so, I guess either way is ok.", "395" ], [ "And there is also the fact that just stoping spending alone isn't enough. We'd have to get people to reduce play time. And stop all the fan made content as well. The art, the cosplays, the people making weapons or visions and all that. All these things help add to their bottom line and with a massive hit to it all, isn't going to be enough. \n\nI'm not saying anyone who no longer wants to spend should keep doing it if they are ok with it anymore. Or that people not spending should start. Just that this isn't likely to have any effect. It's be better to get those who are still spending and doing all this other stuff to band together and make their voices heard. It may not be perfect, but it just seems more realistic then getting a full and effective boycott to work effectiently.", "387" ], [ "Yep, think I have like 5 left. \n\nBut I wonder if it will be a world wide increase. So like you have two hundred pins to put where ever. Or like you'll just get new regional one. Like now we have 60 new pins, but only usable in Izumma or what ever the electro place is called. While still only having the 99 for Mondstrate and Lyiue.", "599" ], [ "If you are still playing you are still helping them. Your still interacting with their product. Yes, I agree if enough would do it, stoping their money flow would be best. But there just isn't going to be right now. If they keep doing things to piss people off, then eventually down the road, getting enough people to be willing to stop spending to actually hurt them will become far more realistic. But right now, I don't see it happening. And with all the other stuff that helps support them as well and being in new players. It just isn't a realistic goal rightnow.", "905" ], [ "No, I'm trying to be realistic and come up with something that may actually result in change. You are the quitter. They did something you don't like, so <PERSON> want to stop spending, and make them no longer care about your voice, and thus accomplish absolutely nothing. \n\nI understand being upset. But think realistically and reasonably. Taking action with no chance of success is worthless. And stupid. It's better to try something that has a real chance at working.", "877" ], [ "You are the one being dumb here, trying to do something that will have no effect at all. I am not saying do nothing. I am saying to speak up. To answer the surveys with how upset you are. And to not make your voice lose its importance to them by not spending. \n\nI understand if people want to stop spending or don't want to start. But it will accomplish nothing as of now. All it will do is make your voice meaningless to them. You are trying to drag others down and in to doing a completely meaningless action that will invalidate their voices. \n\nI am trying to suggest people speak out, and keep their voices important to MHY. \n\nFor a boycott to work, they will need to make quite a number more mistakes and big ones before it pisses off enough people to a large enough degree that enough will stop spending to hurt them. We are no where close to that being a possibility rightnow. \n\nYour a quitter because you are choosing an option with no chance at success right now. And then geting mad at someone who offers something with at least a possiblity of working and doing so far faster. \n\nThink reasonably for a couple seconds if you can(giving your posts I highly doubt you are capable of it but still try), they aren't going to care about the few who not stop spending now. And they won't give to shots what you have to say about the game either. Ut people who are still spending? If they band together. And enough of them make it known how upset them are, well those are the voices they are most likely to listen to.", "941" ], [ "Oh, and you also have to go for the complete boycott if you want any chance at success. You have to stop playing pretty much if not completely. Stop interacting with anything genshin at all, be it ofical media or otherwise. If you don't take these steps as well, then you will never be able to accomplish your goal. And again, there is no chance this is going to happen yet. They have to make many more large mistakes before this becomes possible. That means at best, you can see results your way 6 months to a year down the road, after a bunch more fuck ups and shitty things from MHY. My way, at least there is a chance of stopping those other shitty mistakes from occuring at all", "802" ], [ "Thing is, you pr idea has 0% chance of fixing anything. Your reading comprehension is apparently very low as well. As I have suggested a course of action. And your opinion only matters so long as you are spending to them. \n\nWhere did I ever suggest people shouldn't be complaining? I in fact said the exact opposite. I want people, especially those spending money to complain louder. And to do so in offical area where MHY may hear it. \n\nBut I want people to think before they decide to stop spending now. Cause it will invalidate your voice. You keep accusing my of doing nothing, but it is actually you are are doing nothing and trying to get others too.\n\nThey aren't going to listen to people who don't spend. Those voices don't matter to them. Only way those voices can matter is if they lose a large percentage of their income. And that just can't happen right now. No where near enough people are pissed off enough for that to happen.\n\nSo I ask people think carefully before they decide to stop spending. I understand if you are mad enough to do it. But it will accomplish nothing but to make MHY not listen to you or what you have to say rightnow. \n\nAnd if people who are spending all come together, and make their voice loud enough, that has a chance of reaching them. And of doing it with out them having to make a bunch more mistakes and pissing off the base even more.", "877" ], [ "There hasn't been much time at all. Things don't get fixed instantly. It takes a combined effort and time. But at least there is a chance. \n\nYou keep insulting me, but have no comeback or answer for the core problem of your argument. Not enough people will stop spending. Sure, if enough did then maybe, but they won't, not for a long time yet to come.\n\nAnd you said yourself they aren't listening to spenders in a quick way. So why in the world do you think they will listen to people who aren't spending? \n\nI don't get what is so hard to understand about this. All stoping spending can accomplish right now is to make them care even less about what you have to say. That's a plain fact. The only ones they might listen to are those spending if enough make their voices clear. But as you said, they are being slow, so why would you think they will listen to people not spending? That's the stupid idea here.", "264" ], [ "Wow, you are truly dense. And just incapable of understanding the simplest things. This game hasn't been out long, it will take more time. \n\nYou said the main point yourself. Money talks. They aren't going to listen to people not spending. Only spenders have any chance of their voices being heard. \n\nYes, if everyone stoped spending completely, and stoped playing. Stoped coming to this and other forms. Stoped making fan art. Stoped doing everything that helps them out, then yeah, of course they'd listen to that.\n\nBut you still somehow miss the point. That can't possibly happen yet. No where near enough people are pissed enough to do that yet. And it will be a long while before they are, if ever. So all you do is make your voice 100% meaningless. \n\nDon't bother answering with out a comprehensive plan to get enough people to completely stop all engagement with everything genshin impact in order to have an effect. And to do so in the immediate future. Cause otherwise you are bringing nothing to the table. \n\nI at least have offered a strategy with some chance of success. Yours has a flat 0% chance. And your own words, \" 1% is better then 0%.\" You are the one offering nothing and no way to fix things.", "905" ], [ "You really have no idea what you are talking about at all. You can't offer any idea that might work, and can't counter my argument at all. \n\nI have offered the only real possible solution at the current time. Stopping spending alone isn't enough. No where near enough people will do it. Others in this topic have said the same thing to you. You are simply a toxic moron with nothing to add. \n\nI've explained why I don't think stopping spending is the right move yet. It will make your voice not count. And not enough will stop. Not for a long time. So you still offer nothing other then insults and your own stupidity. \n\nAnd I care if people stop because it makes the fight that much harder. I want things fixed and for them to listen to us as well. But I know money talks. But in order for your way to have any effect requires far more people to be involved in it then there will be now, or anytime in the coming months to years.\n\n So, when a few people stop spending and make their voice irrelevant, it hurts the fight. That's why I want people to think carefully. If you still feel you want to stop or not start spending, by all means, that is your right. I just want people to know, when they do that, they effectively give up their right to \"vote\" and be heard as well. And untill enough people will stop, it will be meaningless.", "817" ], [ "I want people's voices to matter. You want them not to. I never said spend more, just to consider long and hard before throwing away your voice.\n\nRecruiting now is meaningless. Those who won't stop spending aren't going to now no matter what. And 6 months to a year down the road, if hinge are still bad and they've made more mistakes, people will be pissed enough with out having had to start now.\n\nAll you can accomplish is making things harder. If their paying base bands together and makes their discontent known, they are far more likely to listen. At least more likely then they are to listen to the few people who are going to stop now. \n\nYou have still offered no action with better then a flat 0% chance to work. And no real argument against me. \n\nI want for people to be loud, and to use their wallets to vote. But not by stopping spending completely, as not enough will do that. But spend less. Only spend where it's useful. Boycott the new characters if they are broken like many think <PERSON> is. But still keep the bo and blessing so they will listen to you. If you need characters, go to the standard banner. Let them know what's worth money as is and what isn't. And most importantly, when the survey comes, fill it out, and let them know. But they won't listen to those not spending. \n\nI'm not asking for people who aren't spending to start. Or for those who have considered it and decided they really don't want to keep doing it to start again. Just that people think carefully before stopping. And for those who are spending to band together and make it clear what is and isn't working. \n\nThis is a realistic, possible plan. Can you offer anything better? No, you can't. I've still yet to hear one idea from you about how to get enough people to stop spending for it to matter. So just get out of here unless you can do that.", "482" ], [ "I agree they need to fix things, I never said they don't. But it still doesn't happen instantly just cause you want it to.\n\nAnd you won nothing. You offered no way to get whales to stop. No plans or anything. And it simply isn't realistic at all to get enough yet. As someone else told you, it's a vocal minority that are so upset right now. \n\nIt will take more ducks ups and time before anywhere near enough will consider boycotting. But if those spending band together, well. Then there is a chance.\n\nAnd you bring up votes, have you been paying attention? The main topic is still at 0. But every post you have made, both with me here and else where in the topic has a few down votes. All of mine are still positive. You have lost completely here my friend.\n\nIf you don't want to spend anymore that's fine. But it means your voice no longer matters at all to MHY. And there simply aren't going to be even a single percent of the people you'd need involved to show results. That's my point.", "725" ], [ "Games grow, and go through ups and downs. Your not making the slightlest bit of sense here. I have no doubt there will be more players in the future. But that doesn't matter. I am a ring by making my voice heard. I will answer the survey with my greviences. And as I'm a paying customer, bp and blessing only, if there are enough, they may listen. That's why I said something, and want those who are paying to come together and do something. \n\nBut you are contradicting yourself. Saying I have to act now, but that you want to wait and get people to strike all at once? You really just don't know what your talking about", "905" ], [ "Go back and re-read. You said you want to get everyone to wait and then strike all at once. While I am saying to make our voices heard now. To answer the surveys and speak out where ever MHY will hear. I never once said wait. I said think before you stop paying. Your strategy can't possibly work till 6 months to a year down the road, and even then only if MHY keeps fucking up and pissing people off. Mine can start working rightnow, and get stronger when the new survey is released. So who wants to wait again?", "691" ], [ "I already have. Despite how vocal so many have been spending is not down for them. People aren't stopping the engagement with the game. Your course of action simply can't work. Prove it can. Burden of proof is on you to show your idea is the right one. You don't prove a negitive. \n\nIt's perfectly clear from looking at their income, to these reddit boards to the forms on mhys sites. Nowhere near enough people are mad enough to stop interacting with the game enough to hurt them. \n\nIf you want to stop paying and lose your vote, fine by me. I'm done with you. You can't counter me at all, and can't come up with any realistic ideas or plans. \n\nI on the other hand have. I feel we need to band together and say what we think needs fixing, and to have as many paying customers as possible so it, other wise there is no chance they will listen.", "905" ], [ "A blog, written by someone not in the field, and with no other sources cited isn't exactly great as evidence. \n\nI was looking though and found something that was saying just what the other guy was saying, they are the same hing, different name. It changed when it became more known it was a mental disorder. \n\nWhen I get on my computer I'll find the source. And make it is a realiable one as well.", "566" ], [ "What I read, I believe it was off dictionary or webster's sites, defined them as the same. So I take that over an unsourced blog by someone with no credentials. It was late when I looked, so it's possible I saw it somewhere else, thus why I said a better source was needed.\n\nI mean, if unsourced blogs by people with no credentials were good as sources, I can post sources proving the earth is flat, vaccines are bad. And any other nutty bull shit, clearly untrue thing you can think of.", "566" ], [ "Pedophilia as a noun, is the name of a sexual, psychiatric disorder in which an adult is sexually attracted to children. \n\nPedophile is a noun referring to a person that has pedophilia. \n\nPedophilia however, can also be used as a verb, or would it be an adjective, I think adjective here, describing the act of commiting sexual acts with children. I was never great at english, but you get my point.\n\nWords can have more then one meaning, and even be more then one thing at a time, like one word can be a noun with a certain meaning and usage, but then also a verb, or an adjective, or whatever else, all using the same word, with different meanings and usages. \n\nTl:Dr\n\nPedophilia is the sickness of being attracted to children, or the action of sex with children.\n\nPedophile is what someone with the sickness is called. But that doesn't mean they have committed the act. And on the other end, all who commit the act aren't pedophiles.", "94" ], [ "It kinda says it's both. There is a stricter, medical usage, and a common use that all know. And from what I could tell, seemed to say one of the later writings about it refered to it the same. \n\nBut in the same way, if pedophilia not causing you distress makes it not a mental illness, then why doesn't depression stop being one if it doesn't cause you distress or overly effect your life? There are milder cases. Really, same can be said of any mental illness, it is perfectly possible to have pretty much any, but not be overly distressed or effected by it. So that all seems a little strange to me.", "338" ], [ "Normally you'd only end up diagnosed with depression if it had been distressing you enough that you tried to get help. But it can also come up in other ways. Ending up being diagnosed while you were being checked for something else. And it is also possible to be depressed with out knowing it, and the symptoms can vary greatly from person to person and in severity. \n\n_URL_0_\n\nSo it is quite possible to have depression with out knowing it, or having any significantly big or distressing effect on you life, especially in the earlier stages and lesser cases. \n\n\n\" The way I see it is pedophilic disorder is kind of like having depression, but specifically in regards to a person’s pedophilia (although it can be diagnosed in other ways like attempting sexual contact with a child). If a person’s pedophilia isn’t causing them to be depressed and they aren’t a threat to children then they wouldn’t be diagnosed with pedophilic disorder.\"\n\nBut they'd still have pedophilia if they are attracted to children. And as I said said, depression can easily be mild enough to go unnoticed and with out causing distress in your life. So I really don't get why they say the one is classified as a mental disorder in all cases, but the other isn't. Especially when we know that if both cases, a depressed person, or a pedophile, even with the least sever and ones not causing distress to the person, that there is something different in the workings of the brain. Chemical imbalances and the like. \n\nSo, just seems to me, it would still be a mental disorder, fitting all other criteria, and as what they use to disqualify it doesn't work to disqualify other mental disorders. Just doesn't make sense. \n\nOnly thing I can think of is maybe something to do with misunderstandings. Like the guy above. Who was confused about pedophilia, pedophiliac acts and pedophile's, and how having pedophilia makes you a pedophile, but doesn't mean you commit pedophiliac acts, and how commiting those acts doesn't mean you have pedophilia, a sexual attraction to children. \n\nSomething like wanting to help avoid those kinds of misunderstandings is all I can think of. Cause it should and does fit all other criteria for a mental illness. Again, it just is really weird and doesn't make a ton of sense.", "338" ], [ "Not all anti lolis are real child predators. But, only their side has had anyone outted as a real predator, with real cp or having really molested or attempted to molest underage girls. Just saying. For how dangerous loli supposedly is, and the \"possible threat\" those of us who like it pose according to them. Giving that far more anti lolis are in position of real cp and been found to be real predators, maybe it's being an anti loli that should be controlled and get you on a watch list or just thrown in jail for the \"possible threat\" you pose. Statically speaking, that'd help a lot more kids and have a better chance of finding real danger's.", "94" ], [ "You lost all credibility to me when you said people would be likely to be sexual attracted to insects for liking those girls. \n\nYou still focus way to much on the small similarities and just completely ignore all the differences. You do the same when you say it about liking short small chested women too. \n\nAnd with games, you are completely ignoring how directly and irrefutable linked violence and sex are. The same neurons trigger the response. Stimulating the exact same neurons can give a horny response or a violent one. It works the same way in the brain. \n\nYou can, and most do, go their whole lives never having felt attracted to children. And then at some point find loli. And can find it attractive. Your taste in that regard can change. Same way you can like small chested girls at one point, but then like big, or vice versa. That is all stuff that can change. But being attracted to real children isn't something that will.\n\nAnd another point you just like to gloss over, how much rarer and less popular the realistic stuff is. If there was a huge number of real pedos among lolicons, that wouldn't be the truth.", "632" ], [ "My posts show direct and irrefutable evidence that you can like something in fiction, including porn, that would normally be wrong, and not like or do the real thing. They show that loli is not real child porn, and in no way increases the chances of being a pedophile or molester. It's not my fault your to dense to understand and won't accept anything that goes against your clearly wrong beliefs. \n\nBut why don't you show some evidence? Show something that suggests loli does increase pedophilia or molestation? And you can't use stuff that talks about real child porn, cause that is clearly completely different. Find and show something that directly links <PERSON> to pedophilia and molestation. Oh wait, you can't. So shut the hell up.", "94" ], [ "I mentioned how all those links showed nothing about what we were talking about. It showed japan had people who used the internet to prey on younger girls when it first came out. A problem the entire world had. And the only one that came close to mentioning <PERSON> was the guy who made a hyper realistic 3d rendering based off a real child. But he didn't have a stock pile of loli, he was just a normal cp user who thought he'd found a loop hole. But everyone here knows and agrees making realistic pics, or any at all, based on a real person is wrong and not ok. \n\nAnd if you're talking about the degree of seperation, well that's just the crappiest argument I've ever head, for a few reasons. One, it is suggesting videos could cause violent actions, just we don't have the ability to do it. But, that's already proven wrong in tons of scientific papers and studies all backed up with data. And it also only talks specifically about GTA, when there are tons of other video games that let you do horrible things. And do it in ways just about anyone if not litterally everyone has access to. And even in GTA, baseball bats, and your hands and feet can be used to go one rampages killing people. Everyone has access to those. That whole argument was dead on arrival.", "337" ], [ "Good response to them. I have to go back through one of my recent arguments and find a link I'd posted. Cause their general responded about the video game thing is how it effects you different, and how sex and violence are different. \n\nBut I posted links showing how they are directly connected in our brain. To the point that it's litterally the exact same neurons that trigger the response and reward for both. And by directly stimulating these neurons, they can cause a horny response or a violent one. The same exact neurons. So if fiction would effect your irl actions and views based on porn, it would do the same based on violence in games. But there is tons of evidence that shows otherwise.", "921" ], [ "The thing is, all their views are absolutely objectively wrong, and they know it. All the science and data, logic, reason ,common sense, litterally everything that exists completely and utterly proves them wrong. So they can't allow anything that goes against their beliefs. Cause their arguments fall apart the second they are put under any scrunitny at all. And they can't have that, and so censor anything that tries to. And it's why they hate this place and want us gone so much. We expose them as the lying hypercrits that they are. And just like all others through history who try to censor anything against them, they really don't like being exposed for what they are.", "30" ], [ "The event is 100% cannon, there is no way around that. But hurt light novel readers may tell you different, but they are wrong. The anniversaries are cannon, along with a lot of other stuff. Not all in game is, there are cross overs and holiday events that aren't. But the author himself works on anniversaries and other stuff, and is using the game to tell stories and drop lore he can't fit in to the main series or SO, he directly said this. That makes it cannon. \n\nAll that said, rather they are reincarnated from those hero's, I'm not sure. It is hinted at, very heavily. So I think it's ment to be the case. But it could be wrong. But the story is absolutely 100% cannon.", "836" ], [ "It's not poor handling at all. It's finding somewhere else to write stories that don't easily fit in to the main series or SO, which are both very rightly focused stories that are very hard to drop any extra lore in to. And just cause you don't play the game doesn't mean you will miss anything major in the main story. That's the point. It is stories that don't easily fit in the main with out breaking the pacing. You don't need to know it. It's extra and cool lore, but not needed.\n\nHe says it's ment for official stories that don't fit. He writes them himself. It's cannon. Nothing directly ties astrea record in. We know something like that happened, but have none of the details from the main story. Including Bells parents. He wrote it there because that was the best place to tell that story. Argonaut is the same. \n\nBut continue to deny the author himselves own words if you want to. Doesn't change that it is cannon. Doesn't change that he wrote it, and intended for it to be official lore to his world. Multi-media is a good way to tell a story. Especially the way he is doing it. Cause he isn't putting anything you need to know for the main story so far. But doesn't change it being official lore.", "836" ], [ "The first season is where it starts. The bath scene is one of the earliest hints of something between them. And the first time <PERSON> sees <PERSON> as an actual woman, someone of the opposite sex. And we find out later it's one of the first times <PERSON> realized she liked him.\n\nAnd there is also them doing her daily explosion. They spend more time together, and alone, then he does with any one else. And they even start taking more time to do it then is really needed. Showing they like the time together. He never gets anything close to this with the others. \n\nThese are small little hints, and build ups. It's a foundation to build a relationship on. Their relationship is built in a very realistic way. Slowly, with feelings growing from things you can actually see them coming from. From time spent and enjoyed together. Getting to know each other and trust. These these are some of the earliest building blocks of all that.", "494" ], [ "Volume 5 showed the most direct setting up of the kazumin ship earliest. But they did cut some, but not all, from the anime. And they left earlier stuff in to. So if it continues, I am positive it will still be kazumin. It's to popular, and to good. Konosuba is a comedy spoof on the isekai genra, but the kazumin relationship is one of the best I've ever read. It's set up so well, and from the very beginning, so it's clear it was the authors intent from the begining. And it just seems real. You can really see two people, especially of their ages, acting they way they do, fumbling with their feelings, and eventually getting it right. It just feels right and real.", "243" ], [ "Your whole point is just destroyed by the fact that he would want to include it. He is writing stories the can't fit in the light novels. It's a story he wants to tell, and wanted to fit originally, but didn't think it could, so put it else where. \n\nYou keep bringing up grad day, but that isn't the same at all. That's more of a fun what if thing. He never wanted that in the light novel or as a cannon story, and he's clear with it. It's not lore about the world, doesn't add anything, it's just a fun kinda what if, just like the cross overs and holiday events. It is not at all the same thing. \n\nAnd the only thing we didn't already know from astrea record is Bells parents, and we didn't even get their names. And it makes no difference to the main story at all. So you fail with your points there.\n\nAnd then all your links to allow astrea record to be cannon fail as well. I can write a fan fiction that uses all that infor, fits in in the same way, and in no way contradicts the main story. Would that mean it's cannon? No, it's cannon because they author said he is using the game for these kinds of stories and he clearly wanted to tell them in the light novel, but it couldn't fit, so he found a different way to drop that lore. So, you fail all the way around here my friend.\n\nEdit:oh, and your critia for it being cannon, while wrong, is also flawed and unfair. It would make it impossible for him to even write anything cannon that doesn't happen around the same time line. He could never write about old stories from years ago. As they can't be tied directly to the main story. Argonaut is an ancient story, and thus doesn't tie in with main events. He wrote it as a way to drop ancient lore. But by your terrible reasoning, he can never actually do that.", "836" ], [ "She flat out tries to rape <PERSON> in volume 12. \n\n<PERSON> threatens it when women threaten him or are bullying him, but he has never once a tually sexually harassed a women. He's never stolen their underwear u purpose, he can't control that. He's never touched one. He talks, but thats it.\n\nAnd <PERSON> is not the same as darkness. Yes, she can't fight after one attack. But it's an attack the kills tons of enemies, a tually helping. She is willing to wait for the order and use it when told. \n\nDarkness on the other hand, sees the chance to get raped or beaten. And just leaves her friends unprotected to go get her self off. She doesn't listen to orders, doesn't stay at her post. And just chases after the best chance to get off. All while not helping in anyway at all. \n\nAnd yes, they all have their issues. But darknesses are by far the worst. It's not even a contest.", "40" ], [ "He threatens to do it, but doesn't end up doing it. I think there is actually only two times he actually stead underwear, his first test with <PERSON>, and then testing it with <PERSON>. And both were by mistake. He makes the threat to do it quite often, but never follows through, the girls cave and leave him alone before he tries. And he may have done it if they didn't leave him alone, but giving how he is just talk, I am inclined to believe it's just a bluff. I can't remember any instance other then the first two where he actually steals the underwear, in anime or light novels.", "186" ], [ "You are just full of it. it's written by the author. He wanted to include it. Couldn't find a good way, so lore dumbed else where. Grand day isn't the same. It doesn't fit in the cannon. Not in the way the other stories don't. Those don't fit in that trying to tell them would break pace, and there is no good place to put them in. But they don't mess with anything already written.\n\nGrand day messes with timeline, and can't make sense. I don't remember him ever saying he wanted it in, but at most, it was a story he considered for cannon, decided didn't fit, and put it in the game. But as it directly conflicts, and he cut it from the main story, that stops it from being cannon. Much like the what if stories the author of Re:Zero writes. That is not the same thing as stories about different parts of the world or timeline that don't fit in the main story because they is no good place to stop and tell them. Grand day at most was something he thought of including at one point, wrote past, and still shared with us. It's a what if. Argonaut and astrea record are lore dumps about the world, that don't interfer with the main story, and tell us more about the world. Your grad day example is pure garbage.\n\nMy whole point is anyone can write a story with those facts in mind, that doesn't make it cannon. We have had no direct mention of the major events and their details of astrea record in the main series or SO. Just like we've had no mention of what happened in Argonaut. There is nothib contradictory in it, and no reason it can't fit. It's something he couldn't find a place to put in the main story? Not something he decided to cut from the main story. Big difference.", "836" ], [ "The point is, grad day is specifically a what if. He thought about it as part of the main story, decided against it, but still wanted to share it. And as he already wrote past it on the main series, and events in it can't fit in the time line and don't make sense anymore, it can't be cannon. \n\nCompare that to <PERSON> and <PERSON> record, which are stories about lore of the world, that he can't find a place or way to fit into the main story with out breaking the pacing. They weren't hing's he wanted them ditched. They are stories about his world that just don't easily fit in the frame work of the main series easily. They don't break lore. Don't contradict anything. Can fit in the time line. And he directly said he just couldn't find find a good place to fit them. That makes it clear he considered them cannon and wants to tell them. \n\nAnd you are wrong about the last point as well. Take the Re:Zero authors what if stories. They fit all the facts of the world, up to the point where the split would happen, like the greed what if where Subaru takes echidnas offer. And are written by the author, but are not cannon.", "836" ], [ "Because she is a terrible person. There are some interesting things about her as a character, and she does add a little to the story. But as a person, she is pure shit. I can't bring myself to like a rapist. But even with out that, she clearly doesn't care about the others at all. Her getting off is more important to her then their lives, litterally. And, she is unwilling to accept being rejected, and keeps trying to pursue <PERSON> even after finding out he is in a relationship with <PERSON>, which by itself is a shitty thing to do. So yeah, I dislike her, and for good reason.", "474" ], [ "Again, Argonaut isn't like grad day in that way thouh. He specifically said it's something he couldn't find a way to fit in to the main story. The game is how he intends to do any and all lore dumbs for things taking place at a different part of the time line. So there won't be a direct link to the main story. Other then just that we know Argonaut is a story and event that did happen. \n\nWe know Argonaut is intended as cannon because it doesn't break cannon in anyway or go against anything. Where as Grand day does. So we know that can't be cannon, he thought of it as a possiblity at one point, ditched it and wrote on. But things like Astrea record and Argonaut were never considered for the main series or SO, because there just isn't a good easy way to put that info in there. They are part of the lore he wants to tell, and choose this as his medium. Grand day is a what if that can't fit anymore that he chose to share. And clearly can't fit, and he made that clear about it. While there others it's made just as clear they are ment to tell us about the world. \n\nAnd again, he intends to tell us about the world outside of what is directly going on in the main story through the game. And anything not happening at nearly the same time couldn't be connected. He is writing for and considering the game a cannon source. So, unless something very clearly is just a what if, and breaks cannon, it is cannon. He is writing it, and has stated he intends to tell stories that he doesn't have time or an easy way to fit in the main series here. So, unless it clearly breaks cannon, it is.", "836" ], [ "The director may not have thought it, but it's pretty clearly there in the movie. And I'm positive that statement was before the movie as well. If we are lucky enough to get the story continued to the end, I 100% guarantee we will see the kazumin ship sail. It is too popular. To well set up. And we'll thought out.\n\n And I haven't read the web novels, but that set up the Megumin relationship more then the others from what I've heard as well. It just didn't take it as far. But it was still clearly there from everything I've seen about it. He may not think he's good, but he ended up doing a really good job with it. And again, the set up was there. I know in the light novels, their relationship progresses at least as well and far as how it did in the light novels up to volume 9. So just cause the first four are the same as the web novel, and he took the relationship further in the ln the the web, doesn't mean he wasn't already setting it up.", "735" ], [ "A darkness apologist. Switch the genders in that situation. A male does all those things to a female, but doesn't get to finish. He will still be called a rapist. Doesn't matter he didn't actually succeed, he still tried. Same thing here. \n\nAnd darkness has left the party defences, ignored the battle plan, and constantly puts them in danger just because she wants to get off. She only saved <PERSON> because she liked the scummy way he treats her. And it's the same reason she didn't marry <PERSON>. She was better served with her fetish going to <PERSON>, or at least she thought.\n\nAnd saying <PERSON> doesn't have his feeling well sorted is a flat out lie. He knows his feelings, and he loves <PERSON>. It's why he rejected <PERSON>. It's why he said, in his own head so we know it's pure truth, that the idea of marriage and kids was scary and something he had hated to every think about, but when <PERSON> was put in the place of wife, it made him happy and look forward to marriage and kids. That is not in any way being unsure of your feelings. \n\nHe is also dating her, and they made the promise in volume 16. Then there is the short story. Which confirms they are still dating, it's public knowledge now. And it hints that getting physical is something they've been doing at least sometimes, and they were both excited and about to hurry home for a good make out session. His feels are 100% perfectly clear and made up. \n\nI will give you, to a degree at least, still going after <PERSON> is kinda a fiction of the story, but still, it fits with her selfish nature and putting herself first. And it's wrong no matter what. They are clearly happy, and love each other. Yet she wants to steal him for herself. If she was just waiting to see if they worked out, that'd be one thing, but she is actively trying to get him still and break them up as a result. \n\nShe is a shitty, selfish person, to a degree above and beyond the others. Of course she has a little bit of redeeming things about her. But less then any of the others. And, most of it is still motivated by her own selfish desires and her kink. \n\nAgain, switch her gender. If a male character did the things she does, we wouldn't even be having this conversation at all. It would be universally agreed he was scum. Hell, <PERSON> does get a bad rap as scum, despite not being anywhere near as bad as people make him out to be, in and out of universe. He is all talk, never having once acted on it against any girl, at least unpurpose, he doesn't control the panty steal, and the two times it happened, he didn't mean for it to. Yet he still some how gets a worse rap then <PERSON>, who litterally tried to rape him. She pushed him down, and was going to use her superior strength to make him do what she wanted, knowing full well he didn't want it. And, being a spur of the moment thing doesn't excuse that not at all.", "454" ], [ "I love danmachi. And I don't know what the director is saying, maybe trying to throw people off? Cause the set up is definitely still there, if to a lesser degree. We will probably never get to see though sadly, as I doubt we will get the whole story animated. \n\nAnd Darknesses feelings are strong and important in the light novel as well. It seems to me he started with the same plan, and just went further with the romance in the light novels. But it still seems to have been setting up the beginnings of it. \n\nThe first four are left the same. But, by the time he switched to the light novels, the web novels were if not done, far enough ahead he already know how popular the kazumin ship was. So, as he'd already written some of it in the web novels, it seems he intended to do so again with the light novels. And if he didn't feel they already helped set it up, he could have changed them to help set it up more. I think not changing the first four is stronger evidence he though they already started setting it up pretty well. And considering the moments when <PERSON> herself admits her feeling were becoming clear to her are there, he at least know it stared that path. \n\nAnd those volumes also do a decent job destroying other ships too. <PERSON> straight up says how he can't really stand the other two girls personalities. And he isn't the shallow scumbag most think of him. Though those kinds of things can change.", "243" ], [ "A little more about Danmachi, it's a really good story. The world seems pretty well put together, the magic and leveling system are cool. The way the dungeon works is a really neat and new concept. The battles are well written, and I like almost all the characters. There just isn't really anything about it I can find to complain about. I haven't read the side story yet, but hear it's even better.", "14" ], [ "We don't know if the danmemo one is exactly the same in the exact same way we don't know all the specifics of the astrea record are the same in the light novels. See how that works?\n\nAnd yes, he said it's a story he doesn't quite know how to fit, so decided it'd be best here. \n\nIt's written by the author, doesn't interfer with any lore, and he put it where he intends to put most any stories that won't fit in the main game. It is as cannon as it gets.", "836" ], [ "Wow, everything you are saying is just flat out wrong. She tried to rape him. She directly stated her intentions. And made an attempt at it. \n\n<PERSON> feeling are sorted and he is dating <PERSON>. They start dating in volume 12. When he rejects Darkness he direct cites his relationship with <PERSON> as why. Not to mention how happy the idea of <PERSON> as his wife and the mother of his kids makes him.\n\nAnd the short story showed everyone knew about them. They had a crowd around them, clearly saying things like\"\"So it's true\" and the like. And they haven't had sex, but it is implied they are making out sometimes, and they were about to rush home to start doing so near the end before <PERSON> got mad at <PERSON> was it? Or one of her other friends and started chasing them. They are 100% dating, and saying otherwise is just flat out ignoring the undeniable truth, period.\n\nShe was just trying to push him away, she didn't actually mean it, and that's perfectly clear. And she is a twist on the good noble archetype, as most characters in konosuba are twists on things. She puts on that front, but absolutely is not. She never could have tried to rape <PERSON> if she was a good person. Truly good people can do a lot of things and mess up. But trying to rape someone is not one of them, end of story.\n\n<PERSON> didn't resist the kiss cause it came the quickly, and he did try to resist the rape at first. But knowing he couldn't no matter how he tried, didn't end up doing so. And yes, it's wrong of him to start guiding her. But that is the kind of thing that can happen in the heat of the moment, and an example of a mistake a good person can make. \n\nBut <PERSON> didn't know he'd react like that. She clear states her intentions, he clearly tells her no, and she tries to use her strength to make him do it anyway. The out come doesn't matter. She intended to rape him, and knew he didn't want it. Again, if we reversed the genders, this convo wouldn't even be happening. If a guy took the same actions against a girl, but failed in the same way, he'd still get called a rapist. Cause that was his intention. Same here.", "603" ], [ "They would have cut more if they don't want it at all, there is just way to much left in the anime. \n\nAnd you are apparently one of those who think the light novel ended open ended as well huh? It didn't, period. <PERSON> and <PERSON> are directly a couple. They are dating. Started officially in volume 12, and cemented in volume 16 with the kiss and promise. And confirmed in the short story. There flat out is no way around this, at all. \n\n<PERSON> rejects Darkness, citing that he is dating <PERSON> for a reason. They are together, end of story.\n\nAnd <PERSON> says the bathroom is when she first started getting an idea she liked him, and that their daily explosions is when it cemented in a Q and A at some point. \n\nBut keeping the same, when he already started the <PERSON> relationship in the web novel means he thought about it. The web novel was more open, but did have their relationship still, just the others were a bit stronger. But he know of kazumins popularity, and so when he did the light novel, that was already the end game, and what we got. And since he felt it was already set up well enough he didn't have to change the first four volumes. If it wasn't already setting them up, he would have changed it, just like he did the rest, to set it up. But he didn't cause it was already there.", "13" ], [ "I didn't give an exact quote, but it is what was said. \n\nHim and <PERSON> start dating in volume 12. That's also where he realizes how much he cares for her, how her being the one as his wife and the mother of his children makes him happy and look forward to it when he had before hated the idea.\n\nHe rejects <PERSON> saying he is with <PERSON>. \n\n<PERSON> directly says she is going to have her way with him, and attempts to do so. \n\nWhere am I wrong or going against cannon in any of this? I'm not, not one bit. \n\nAnd the short story has them going out, they are walking together, and her friends notice it and say something about it. I can't remember the exact words but it's along the lines of \"so it's true\" and she confirms it. And they were just about to go back home to make out at the end, it doesn't happen, but they were about to.\n\nI honestly have to question if you actually read any of it. At best it seems you read a synopsis of it. Cause you clearly don't know what actually happened. \n\n<PERSON> and <PERSON> are 100% dating, this is confirmed many times after volume 12. And <PERSON> tried to rape <PERSON>. Her own words and actions show it. No where am I wrong, or ignoring cannon. That is you my friend, I am sorry to say.", "494" ], [ "But that's still not reason by your logic to call it cannon over Argonaut. Both don't interfer with anything we know, and both flesh out a story that the main series hasn't giving us the details of. \n\nI don't know what about this is so hard to understand. A story can fit in just like you claim, and use the few existing details we know, but the specifics aren't know. By your logic, we don't know it all, so it can't be cannon even though it was written by <PERSON>. \n\nHe wrote both, intended both to tell a story he didn't have anywhere in the main series to fit. Both don't interfer with any lore. There is no reason to assume either isn't cannon, they both are, period. \n\nThe only reason Grand day isn't is because he specifically said it was a story he'd considered for the main story, then decided didn't work, shared it anyway, it's its clear why it didn't work, and can't as he already wrote past it.\n\nBoth stories got all the few details we know about them right. But for some reason just because AR has a couple more you give it more credit. But there is still all kinds of room for things to have <PERSON> different and changed, just like with <PERSON>. I really just can't understand how you don't get this. Both are cannon, and any reason to try and claim one as non cannon applies just as strongly to the other.\n\nEdit: You said why say and set some of the things he did in AR if it isn't ment to be cannon. Again, same argument for Argonaut. Why bother giving us the whole story, making sure if fits with what little we already knew of it, just to have it be non cannon? Just wouldn't make a lot of sense either, would it? He already gave us a story about it, it's not changing, that's all there is to it.", "836" ], [ "It has the same hints the light novel has. What the direct thinks or believes is meaningless in an adaptation. He is not a creative force. He doesn't get to change major things. Some scenes can be cut, and on rare occasions when they anime gets ahead of the source they get to go in their own direction. But that's not something that can happen here. The story is finished. \n\nAnd the hints of kazumin that existed in the original light novel made it in to the anime. A tiny bit got cut from the movie, but not enough to be removing it from the story entirely.", "243" ], [ "You just don't get it, he wrote it for us already. He isn't going to bother writing another, completely different version. Again, your standards make it impossible for him to ever tell us anything about the past of the world. \n\nYou keep saying we don't know the details, and the same thing is true of <PERSON> record. We don't know from in the main story if everything happened just the way it does it the game. We only have some details. More then <PERSON>, not not enough to know the whole story by any means. Not even close. It could be completely different. \n\nAnd your only response was why would he give us this story if it wasn't meant to be cannon? And the exact same thing can be said for <PERSON>. It is cannon, there simply is no way around it. He wouldn't have giving us the story if he didn't intend for it to be how the story actually is. And any argument you make against it can be used equally as well against Astrea record. And any argument for Astrea record works for <PERSON>. \n\nHe gave us a version of the story. We aren't getting another. There'd be no point in it at all. It's the cannon version. That's all there is to it.", "1011" ], [ "And still has no argument to defend your point. No way to show how it actually hurts anyone. Or causes people to hurt anyone. There litterally is no evidence to suggest anything you anti lolis say is true. Meanwhile I have a bunch of scientific studies and data the proves there is no harm in it, and that shows litterally every claim you all make to be 1000% false. So yeah, until you guys can actually get some science to back you up, just shut the fuck up.", "977" ], [ "And you keep showing you don't seem to be joking by hating on people liking this kind on thing. <PERSON> hurts no one and doesn't normalize desensitize or cause people to switch to the real thing. They are to different. And I get sick of the jack asses acting like this. \n\nYou don't seem to be joking at all, and everything you say makes it seem more and more sure you are against <PERSON> just like the rest. If you aren't, then find a way to word your jokes better and make them clearer. Instead of saying the exact same inflammatory stuff these assholes always say on this board. All with out anything to back them up.", "339" ], [ "That's how they are. Say anything that doesn't contribute to their echo chamber circle jerk, and you get insta banned. They don't want to hear anything that might prove them wrong. And yet when they come over here and get proven wrong, they then try to cry and pretend like they aren't being allowed to express their opinion and we are the ones censoring anything that goes against what we believe. \n\nBut, the only reason for people to ban any discussion that goes against them is when they know they are wrong. When they know that if people are actually allowed to post facts and logic it will destroy their whole argument. That's the only reason to ban any and all talk that goes against you. And it's why they do it. They know they are wrong, and the litterally everything shows it. So the only way to keep the illusion of them being right is to censor any other thought.", "106" ], [ "Yeah, you got the dumbest mod. I've not interacted with any others, but the simple truth is, if they allow him there and to do and act as he does, they are no better. \n\nEveryone on the sub is a horrible person. Doesn't matter if they all directly share the views that lolicons are sub human scum who should die and not only don't care that their actions have negative consequences, but actively want them to happen. They still take part in and help support a sub with more then enough people who have expressed that view, and so are just as guilty of it.\n\nAnd they know they are wrong, about everything they say. There isn't the tiniest bit of truth to a single claim they make, not at all. And they are aware of this. That's why they have to censor their sub so strongly. Because any truth, facts, or actual logic can easily destroy lies. So they have to do all they can to stop that. Much like how communist countries and dictatorships throughout history do all they can to suppress the truth and keep their people stupid. Cause that is the only way to keep them believing in what they want them to. Same thing here.", "621" ], [ "You jist arbitrarily made up those points though, and so they are meaningless. \n\nI've said it, we don't have all the facts of what happened in Astrea record either. More, yeah, sure. But not all. There is still litterally dozens of different ways the whole story could have gone. Because we only have a few outside facts. Not the specifics. \n\n<PERSON> worth us an <PERSON> story. Put it in a place he told us he was going to put stuff that wouldn't easily fit in the main story. He is not giving us another version. Your own argument says as much. He gave us a Veri of the story, he isn't going to change it, same as you said with Astrea record. And that's a point you can't and haven't even tried cause you know you can't, argue against. Hell, you used that point for Astrea record. It is cannon. We won't get anything different. The author wrote it. He put it where he intended to put stuff that isn't easy to fit in to the main series. You litterally have nothing at all.", "809" ], [ "Explain why the,\"he already gave us the story, why do that if it's not ment as cannon\"works for <PERSON> but not Argonaut? Explain why he would give us one Argonaut story just to change it later? Doesn't make a lot of sense. Just because we have a little bit more info about Astrea means nothing. \n\nAnd again, your completely arbitrary points to make something cannon, make it impossible for any author to give back round info about past events in their world unless they write it directly in to the main story. Which so many don't do it like that. For the same reason <PERSON> didn't, it's not easy to fit in the main series with out breaking pacing. And that is why your \"rules\" are clearly and objectively wrong. \n\nAll that's needed for something to be cannon is to be written by the original author or an approved succosor, and to not be a what if. That's it's it.", "836" ], [ "I managed to get my copy of her with the free 11 draw they give, which made me really happy. Cause even though she is kinda lack luster as a unit, I would of used what ever resources needed to get a copy of her. I could not allow my collection to go on without her being a part of it. I can't be the only one who despite her not being a great unit, is still unwilling to let her slip through my fingers right?", "599" ], [ "Can you do anything with the things that unlock a characters constellation, other then just unlock the character they are for's constellation? Like I have one for a character I know I will never use at all. So I was wondering if you could like sell them of something. A lot of gatcha games allow something like that. So thought I'd check and see. Thanks in advance for any help you guys provide.", "532" ], [ "This show was the most insanely nutty and craziest show we in all the best way possible. It knew how to eep you entertained. Most anime will have lulls. Times where it isn't too entertaining, and sometimes ca even e code to boring. But not kill la kill. The show keeps you entertained every single second of it. There is never any length d lull at all. At least not for me. Every single second ar something got o to ke it fun. It was by far the wildest ride ive ever been on and easily among the best. It was nn step, pedal to the metal insaneaity from beginning to end. Ad I loved every single second of it.", "735" ], [ "Oh really? Fair enough, I do pay so attention bunot as much as I should to those kinds of things. And I had heard she was going to be the welfare unit in this event. But when I saw the free 11 draw for her, on top of there being a banner for her, that made it look like her being a free welfare unit was not true. For them to do all those things together for her just didn't make sense to me, so I assumed that she was a unit we'd have to get the standard way through banners. So now I am really happy I got her on the free draw and didn't waste any resources chasing her when they'd just be giving away copies of her later. Really glad. Cause as I said, I would of used what ever I needed to to make sure I got a copy of her.\n\nI know that's not the most efficient way to do things. But sometimes, with certain units. Going after getting the waifu is far more important then getting the best/strongest/most useful units. Sometimes, the waifu for collection purposes is just more valuable to me.", "599" ], [ "Yeah, I mean this is a waifu collector first and foremost really. I know in a lot of gatcha games, they aren't very nice to f2p players so you can't do this kind of stuff. But this game really is super generous to F2p. So much so. That while they may never be able to keep up with the highest levels of whales, if you are willing to put in the time, it is still more then possible to play competitively and do really really well with out ever spending a single dollar. And as such, you can get away with chasing after your waifus and units you want over only going for the strongest units all the time. And for me. I am more then willing to pass up units that are objectively better or more useful if I have to inorder to get waifu units. \n\nHell, when the event for the second season ova came out, the desert island one, I went ham on it. I wanted the lili, and a few of the others, and I didn't care. I must have used at least 15-20k iris drawing on those banners. I did end up getting lucky in having done it. Using units I got from that, I put together the team I still to his day use in war games. And it is strong enough to get me to king one undrafted every war game hat rolls around. I can't break in to jester. But then. My team isn't fully MLBed either. My assists are all level 80, but only one of my adventures, the desert island Ais is level 80. \n\nBut being able to build that team out of doing that was just luck. I spent all that iris on the banners not knowing I'd be able to build an effective team that I'd still be using 6 months later with only a couple of newer assist units added in. I draw not knowing that, and would do it again. \n\nGoing after units you want is more important then anything else IMO.", "532" ], [ "Yeah, this game is absolutely and with being light years ahead of any other gatcha game the nicest and most generous to its f2p base. F2p players may not every be able to be on even ground with the highest levels of whales. But still, if they are willing to put in the time, can still easily compete and do well. Well enough to easily get what is basically the highest rewards in most things anyway. Like war games. Getting to king one is super easy. Any f2,p should be able to do this with no problem at all. And you should be able to get to a point you can do it in under 2 months of play as well. And the king one rewards are basically the max anyway. Yes, getting higher, and especially all the way to hero 1 does give more. But not a whole lot more. And not of anything that can't be earned super easily in other ways too. The difference between king one and hero one is 300 iris and 12 ascentions falna. Which honestly, really isn't all that much more at all. And it is super easy to make it up in other ways. This game is just really nice to its f2p base. Which I feel is a really good strategy for long term viability.", "14" ], [ "I'm pretty sure I have. But it's been about 5 months since I watched it. And while that ist that long a time, the real issue is the raw number of other things I have watched since then. With this whole covid thing, and working from home, I've been watching crazy amounts of anime. I'm talking like in that 6 months, I have watched and finished at least 200 and likely more seasons of anime. Easy season, I have watched and kept with at least 10 of the seasonal anime, and I tink one season I watched 15-20 of them. And just binging everything I can find. So with so many shows being watched, sadly a lot of stuff starts to blend together. It starts becoming harder to remember specifics about a lot of things. And mixing up and confusing stuff becomes very common place.", "243" ], [ "Yes it was. I loved the way <PERSON>, and was it <PERSON>? Came together and helped him as they saw he had no idea what to do.\n\nI've yet to read <PERSON>, so don't know how <PERSON> thinks about that scene directly. But based on the main series, she seemed lonely cause no one would approch her to dance, or really interact with her at all, and not just there, but that is just how her life always is. And then she seemed really happy for someone to change that.i really liked it.", "494" ], [ "Yes it is. And it is why the whole argument against lolis in general is objectively wrong. There is nothing wrong with them, and that is an objective fact. Every argument against it is incredibly hypercritical. And when your argument is hypercritical, it invalidates the whole argument.\n\nYou mentioned some characters seeming ok and others not. That is a big part of why the whole argument is just wrong. <PERSON> and <PERSON> from konosuba are a perfect example. <PERSON> is actually younger hen <PERSON>. But on the konosuba subreddit, leeds of <PERSON> always have comments stating her age, and anyone liking it getting called a pedo. And they are often taken down. But none of that happens with <PERSON> time lewd pictures. And the lewd ones of her are super sexualized. But nothing is said or done about it. \n\nAnd the lolitary goes after the nsfw Megumin subreddit super hard all the time. But they never have anything to say about the <PERSON> one. And again, <PERSON> is a few months younger. They don't actually care about the characters age, even though that is their rational for why it's wrong. They are always saying sexualization of a minor is wrong. But problem is, they don't really care about age. <PERSON> and <PERSON> are just one example. What they care about and go after is girls with small tits and short petite bodies. While any girls with big tits are perfectly ok and never gone after or have anything said about them at all. \n\nEven anime girls that are of age, but have small tits and short petite bodies will be gone after. Like the teacher from the Index series, or the one from Strike the Blood. Both characters are of age, but have that small build. So they are gone after. And anyone liking them is called a pedo. Meanwhile, characters that are actually underage but have big tits, are ok. And I've litterally seem people who complain about the small girls, even the of age one, like super sexualized pictures of big titted underage girls. \n\nThe age isn't what they care about, it is the body type. and that completely invalidates the whole argument. There is a ton of other reasons why liking lolis, and liking lewd, sexualized pictures of them is perfectly fine, and in no way makes you a pedo or creep at all. And this is all 100% objective truth. But this post is already long. I can write it out if people want. But every single member of the lolitary subreddit is a hypercrite and an unthinking moron. And it is just wrong how those of us who like small titties petite girls can't view any lewd pictures of them , but somehow it is perfectly fine to have straight up hentai of other underage girls, often younger, just because they have big tits. That is objectively wrong and stupid and makes no sense at all.", "709" ], [ "You are really going to try and call us the hypercritcal ones? Litterally with out any exception at all, all arguments against lolis are hypercritcal. Every last one. And also, don't try to pretend you don't know what was being said about the girls with big tits. I go out of my way to look for sexualized pictures of underage anime girls with big tits on reddit. I do this to look at the comments and see if any of you anit loli people say anything about it being wrong. To see if the subreddit has a problem with it. To see if anyone liking them gets called a pedo. But you know what? None of that happens, ever. And I regularly see members of the lolitary, as well of other redditors who I know have spoken out against lolis, liking those pictures. I see those people with those pictures in their profiles. The hypercrosiy of it is pure Insanity. \n\nI personally don't like lewded or sexualized pictures of lolis as young as <PERSON> and <PERSON>. But that is purely personal preference. There is nothing wrong with it. And it in no way makes a person a pedo for liking it. And this is how all others I know seem to feel as well. It is a fictional drawn character. They aren't real. And on top of that, They are highly stylized and look little to nothing like real girls. The same is true of any anime girl. \n\nLiking games with murder and violence doesn't make you a murderer. Same with movies books or any kind of media. And studies have shown that it doesn't desensitize you to the real thing, or make you more likely to get in to the real thing. And amoung say grand thrift Auto players, you won't find any more murderers or crimanals then you would in any other equally sized group of random people. And the same if true of lolicons. Though you will actually find less real pesds amoung a group of 1000 lolicons then you would find in a random group of 1000 people. And the reason is what I said above.\n\n Lolis, and all anime girls, are highly stylized. And that drawn stylized look is what attracts us to them. You ever notice how hentai that is less stylized is incredibly rare? And how the ones that do exist are very unpopular? There is a reason for that. People like the stylization. So, as the stylization is what is attractive to lolicons about lolis, and lolis look very little to nothing like real girls. So you will find less actual pesds in a group of 1000 lolicons, then you would find in a group of 1000 random people.", "709" ], [ "It's not that you should get out because you have a criticism. It's that you should leave because you have a stupid, hypercritcal criticism. One that makes no sense at all, has no basis in reality, and that allows underage girls with big tits to be sexualized as much as people want with out a word being said about it, but heaven forbid someone sexualized an of age character that has small tits and is short and petite, cause they must clearly be a pedo. That's why you should leave.", "181" ], [ "So this is my current war games team, and all my 4 star units, seperated the adventures and assists, and they are in level order. I also showed the bonds I have but haven't used for 4 star characters.\n\nSo my team is able to get king 1. I use to get it undefeated. But the last 3 war games I have taken 3-5 losses. But I'm not to worried about the normal war games. King one is enough, and I don't think I can make a team for <PERSON> anyway. \n\nWhat I am worried about is the familia war game. My current team is starting to fall back and not be that good. So I am worried I won't be able to help my famailia as much as I could. SO I am looking for help building the best team I can with these unit for that. I really would appericate any help you can give.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nOh, and I also have one Star bond adventure. And Two prsim bonds assist. So can limit break a few units like that.", "395" ], [ "Wow, the stupidity. The BLM protesters were almost all peaceful. Only a very few weren't. And of those the violence was started one of two ways. Either the police attacked innocent peaceful protesters. Or, right wing nuts went and started it to discredit the movement.\n\nBesides that, they had a just and right cause. And all their protests started peaceful. This was not a just cause. And never started peaceful. It was violent right from the start. They came armed, including explosive devices. No BLM protesters was ever armed. The only guns there were brought by the right wing lunitics who wanted to go hunting.\n\nThe two situations are in no way comparable. And the stupidity of anyone who thinks they are is just out ragepus.", "577" ], [ "As with all on your side you clearly never read the <PERSON> report. It was proven the Russian interfered with misinformation. And that many Republicans were in. And it even said it was pretty much impossible for <PERSON> to have not known and been involved. But there wasn't evidence to directly link him. He cover his tracks, that's why we said.\n\nAnd <PERSON> has committed many crimes. The call to ukraine. This recent call the the Geroiga secretary where he directly asked for him to commit fraud. And many more. \n\nAnd <PERSON> has not lost money in his position. He has made tons of it, also illegally.stop believe the bull shit ring wing propaganda and get some real facts.", "860" ], [ "All that shows is he lost a bit because of corona virus, nothing to do with him running the country. And we know those numbers are doctored after his taxes were released anyway. <PERSON> isn't and wasn't even before the presidency a billionaire. He was worth far less. And owed nearly half a billion in debt. And he's been making money hand over fist by holding state events at his hotels. Over charging the secret service to stay there. By having foreign states men stay there. Amount other things. Get out of here with your bull shit.", "915" ], [ "It's the truth, just read the actual <PERSON> report. And watch some real news. Look at actual factual sources instead of proven lies and propaganda. There isn't one conservative news network that hasn't been caught out right lying and reporting fake news. While not one liberal network has ever been shown to do that. Because they don't have to. They simply have to report what actually happened and the reality of the situation. While conservative networks have to lie so that conservatives don't lol like the traitorous bastards they are.", "67" ], [ "Show a direct and irrefutable provable lie. I will admit that they might not report everything all the time. Why it's important to go to multiple sources. But they never out right lie or make shit up. Not once. Unlike the conservite media. Who litterally photoshopped pictures to add armed people to pictures where the so called \"riots\" of the BLM were taking place. Or spreading all the bull shit about voter fraud and irregularities, with no evidence at all. They lie and get caught doing it again and again.", "67" ], [ "He was never loved. <PERSON> has always been despised. And he might have at one point been a billionaire. But it's not likely. He was living a lie. All his businesses have failed, and horribly so. He has been hermoaging money since at least the 80's. The only thing he made money on since then was the apprentice. He is, and always was a failure. I love how you claim to have facts, yet have nothing but lies. He is the worst more corrupt president we've had, and needs to go, along with morons like you.", "29" ], [ "Exactly what I thought. Spit out lies and then leave, that's fine. This whole thread clearly shows who is right and wrong. Hopefully with <PERSON> leaving soon we can get back to reality. Back to a place where truth matters, and where we don't have a president who litterally over 80% of everything he says is proven lies. And believed by his mentally sick followers. That will be nice. Hopefully see you disappear here is just the start of you all crawling back in to your holes to never pop up again.", "988" ], [ "Again, you are just flat out lying. All the BLM protests were peaceful and lawful. There were never any armed protesters at these events. And only a very few got to the riots your side claims, and no where near the damage you claim was done. But, again, all caused by right wing morons discrediting the movement. And the leaders of the movement and at all protests spoke out against that anyway. \n\nWhat happened yesterday was never peaceful. It was violent right from the start. Many were armed. Including explosive devices. Get out of here. Seriously, this is nuts. And saying the police were ordered not to do anything to the BLM? Have you not seen any of the countless videos of the brutalizing innocent peaceful protesters? And about about them doing nothing about this? I can't believe how blind you people are, it's sicking.", "577" ], [ "No there weren't. You are just eating up right wing lies. Lies, that not one <PERSON> lawyer was willing to actually tell in court, where they'd face penalty for it. In fact, they didn't actually even claim fraud in any of their law suits, because they knew they'd have to provide evidence and lie under oath, this getting themselves disbarred. Even in the many cases where they had a very conservative republican judges. They just would make these false claims in courts. Speaks volumes.", "988" ], [ "At every protest that turned violent, there are pictures of ring wing conspiracy nuts right at the front. There is direct evidence of them plotting to go and start the violence. Yes, the peaceful protesters did end up taking back. But they were invited by the ring wing. On top of that, the damage is grossly over exxergated and played up by the right. Including outlets like fox news faking pictures of armed people when there were none.\n\nEvery single protest that was actually done by BLM was peaceful and lawful. The leaders all spoke out against any group that tried to do otherwise. Disavowed them, and showed they wouldn't stand for that kind of behavior. And we have direct and irrefutable proof. Don't compare these events. \n\nThis was an armed insurrection. Insisted by <PERSON> himself. And everyone involved or supporting it is a traitor.", "577" ], [ "Not one bit of what you say can be proven. All you can do is link the same discredited conspiracy sites and bull shit. Random youtube videos posted by people who have been proven liers again and again. You don't have a single piece of evidence to support even one of the claims you make, not one. It's all lies and easily proven ones at that. Can't wait for <PERSON> to go, and all you loser morons with him. Get back to reality, to a place where facts and actual proof matter. Go back under your rocks. And never come out again.", "977" ], [ "None, we will get back what has been taken by the Republicans and <PERSON> and his supporters. Our country will get back on track. We will no longer be the laughing stock of the world. Not one other country has taken us seriously since <PERSON> got power. We've been nothing but a joke to the world. And for good reason. You morons nearly destroyed this country. And those of you still supporting him, and these baseless claims are traitors. And any who actually act on it like those from yesterday need to be treated as such.", "800" ], [ "Again, actually look in to it. All those protests stared peacefully. And stayed that way for days on end. It wasn't until police showed up, fully geared up for war, and invited violence that anything went wrong. And even then, most of the time still not. Countless videos of police brutally attacking peaceful protesters, and them just standing there taking it exists. \n\nAnd there are also pictures and videos showing ring wing conspiracy nuts leading the charge to start the rioting and looting. We have their messages back and forth planing to go to these places and start violence to discredit the movement. \n\nWe also have the leaders of BLM condemning any form of violence or rioting or looting. \n\nWe also have proof the right vastly exergated the extent of the rioting and damages. Of them creating fake photos to make it look worse. They used pictures and videos of other riots from the past and pretended they were what was currently happening. You've been fed lies, and just accept it.", "577" ], [ "That would call for <PERSON>'s blood. He has pulled from the dictators play book countless ones. Including tear gasing legally and peaceful protesters for a photo shoot. \n\nAnd the only corruption comes from the right. With their attempts at voter suppression and to steal this lawful and fair ele ruin. You can't provide a single scrape of evidence that there was anything improper or illegal with this election. Only baseless conspiracy theories and proven lies. Things no lawyer was willing to bring to court. You can't show anything, so stop making these false claims.", "210" ], [ "Again nothing but proven lies comes out of you. Not once did they attack police first. Police tried to claim that's what happened many times. But video evidence showed it as the lie it was over and over. And they were never told to hold back. The police went wild. And attacking inocent peacefully protesting people everywhere. Like seriously, how do you eat up these lies so completely?", "669" ], [ "Your stupidity just never ceases to amaze me. Again, you don't know how to tell the truth at all. Just lie after lie. \n\nNo state changed election laws illegally. They made mail in voting easier, that's it. Something that's been being done for decades. There is no corruption. None. Not one court, including over 80 judges, many of which were life long Republicans and supporters of <PERSON> for his four years, found any evidence of this. They dismissed the claims as the false bull shit they are. \n\nAnd dem don't want to take guns, suppress speech, or choose what is peaceful or violent. The last is self evident. Protesters staying on a public stret, hold signs and chanting peacefully causing no harm, but then getting gassed. That is choosing what's peaceful of violent and suppression freedom of speech.\n\nRushing the caption armed with guns and bombs is not peaceful. Yet they were treated with kiddie gloves.\n\nFor guns, we just want things like assault rifles outlawed, and for stronger more secure vetting or people before they buy guns. So crazies don't get them and cause the harm they do.which by the way are almost all right wing conspiracy nuts. \n\nAnd we in no way want to suppress speech. We are all for that. But against the spread of flat out lies and misinformation. \n\nYou prove how brain washed you are each time you post. Regurgitating these dumb and baseless lies. All proven wrong. Not one thing you've said has even the tiniest bit of truth to it. This is seriously sad.", "210" ], [ "But shouldn't have to. They are the ones in the wrong, period. They are hurting innocent people for no reason. And they don't listen to logic or reason. Hell, one of their mods or leases of the community, not sure, but based on the logic of an argument he used and won't admit was flawed, thinks real underage girls are fine so long as they've had their periods. They are the ones far more likely to be a danger to real children.\n\nThere is no constructive criticism to give them. That would imply what they are doing could have value and meaning. It can't. <PERSON> hurts no one. It doesn't normalize or desensitize to the real thing. It doesn't cause any problems at all. To suggest there could be constructive criticism for them suggests their lies have truth, which they don't. \n\nHell, they don't even let any of us over there to argue our side. And show them the truth. Anyone who posts anything against their views, or that calls any of their practices in to question at all immediately gets branded a pedo, and banned. Even people who before were with them and against <PERSON>, but just didn't like how they did things. They get called a pedo, banned, and often times even doxxed so they can be harrashed in real life. They are sick and evil, they break tos, and cause real harm. They just need to go. Period.", "94" ], [ "They were peaceful protests till goaded in to violence. And lead by the right. There may always be bad apples in every group, but the BLM protests were shown to be peaceful. Any non peaceful was shown to have ring wing conspiracy nuts leading the charge. It doesn't fully get rid of all guilt for people following in, but mob mentality can easily take over, and that is what was exploited. They we're already upset at how the police were treating them, and when others started rioting and looting, as planned, it pushed it over the edge. \n\nAnd <PERSON> did not cpndem them. He told them to go home,but they are special and we love you. That is not a condemnation. That's telling them what they did was ok. \n\nEvery single person in that mob yesterday is a traitor, and deserves to be treated as such. If <PERSON> was really condemning them, he'd of said so. He didn't. He told them he loved them. Don't compare it. \n\nI do not have a bias. I simply look at the real objective reality of the situation. Something no <PERSON> supporter is capable of doing. All they can do is lie and cheat and cause problems.\n\nThere is a huge difference between the right and left, and the right are clearly the bad guys. They are trying to steal the election, install a president that wasn't voted for. They stormed our Capitol and we're supported in it by <PERSON>. \n\nThey lie about the BLM protests, which were for a just and right cause to begin with. And which all started and remained peaceful for days on end. But they March on. City Halls armed with assault rifles because they don't want to wear masks and that's ok? Or bring bombs to the capitol because their guy lost fair and square, and some how that's the same as protesting police litterally murderering unarmed innocent people? No, doesn't work that way.\n\nThe only way to come back together is for these guilty treasous people. Including <PERSON> and all the congressmen and women supporting this to be held accountable for their actions. Remove them, jail those who have committed these crimes. And then for all who are left to publicly renounce <PERSON> and his supporters. Admit it was all wrong and needs to stop. \n\nWhat you are suggesting is akin to saying after ww2, everyone should have just forgave the Nazis and left bygone be bygones. Let them keep their power and views and keep doing as they were. No harm no foul. That is exactly what you are suggesting. \n\nThey are traitors to this country, and need to be delt with accordingly. Period.", "577" ], [ "Taxes have only be lowered for the very rich. But he is trying to take our very democracy. That was his plan when <PERSON> installed him. \n\nBut a very clear example is our freedom of speech and protest. He proved this when he dispatched in!armed federal agents to aren't peacefully protesting people in various city's. Or when he ordered nation wide cerfews again, for peaceful protests,and police brutally attacked unarmed and peaceful protesters across the country. Or when he went and gassed peacefully and lawful protesters so he could do a photoshoot.\n\nAnd he tried to steal our right to vote. <PERSON> and the Republicans tried massive voter suppression on levels never sent before. Tried to discredit litterally millions of legally cast votes just because they weren't for him. Tried to dismantle the postal service because he knew mail in vote would favor Dems because we are smart enough to not go out in the middle of a pendemic if it's avoidable. \n\nLuckily, he failed. But he was doing everything he could to make himself a full fledged dictator. You were just to busy drinking to kool aid to notice or care.", "29" ], [ "Again, wherever violence erupted, which it did, it was after days of peaceful protests. And started either with the cops pushing it first, or with known leaders and members from groups like the proud boys and kkk there being the first ones to start the rioting and looting. And it was still in no uncertain terms condemed and called appealing by leaders of the movement. \n\nAnd I will not forgive traitors. Until this, they were just talk, but this is too far and to many are complicate in it. They tried to stop the legal certification of a legally and fairly elected president in order to keep their guy in power. That's treason, and not something they can be allowed to get away with. \n\nThey do nothing but lie and hurt this country. There is no fixing it. They need to pay for their crimes. It's that simple. This has been aloud to go on for way to long. It's because we were trying to reach across the aisle and fix things, because we were trying to be reasonable and work together, because we wanted to mend it and end in friendship that it ended up here. We were to lenient. Allowed them to get away with way to much with no consequences at all. All in the name of unity and trying to move on. And they took advantage of it. Saw it as weakness, and permission to do what ever they pleased, cause they'd get away with it cause we'd just try to mend it. That's called appeasement, and last time it didn't go so well. And not working out now either. It needs to stop. It's that simple.", "609" ], [ "Provide a single credible source for any of your claims. You can't. You can link youtube channels of conspiracy nuts with no sources. And conservative media, which has lied again and again, and been caught. All the riots you seem to think we're so bad, most of that footage you were shown was of other riots in years past. Mostly from city's spots teams losing. They had to lie and fake it to make it look worse. Otherwise they couldn't sell their bull shit. But just keep drinking the kool aide.", "67" ], [ "It isn't child porn. Any more then it's a real murder when you kill someone in grand theft auto or any other game. Or any crime or wrong act that is dipected in any and all media. It isn't real. No one is hurt. And countless studies prove it doesn't normalize or desensitize to it. You can enjoy something in fiction but not like the real thing. I know shocking, people know the difference between reality and fiction.", "518" ], [ "No, what they do is purely wrong on every level. There is nothing wrong with loli at all. That is an objective fact. They serve no useful purpose, and exist purely to speed lies, misinformation, and hate. You clearly seem against them, but your words suggest there is a core worth saving to them. There is not, this is a fact. They violate tos more then anyone they have ever reported. They like those renegade cops you see on tv and in movies. Who break the rules \"cause its the only way\" and that's total bull shit. There is no excusing that. There is no purpose to it. And as evil and horrible as those cops are, at least they go after people who are actually bad. Lolitary goes after completely innocent people for no reason. All while being massive hypocrites and using flawed logic that suggest some pretty messed up shit about them.", "582" ], [ "If they were to actually only go after real child molesters, that'd be one thing. But they don't care about that at all. Their name is lolitary, they exist sololy to bully and hurt innocent people. <PERSON> doesn't hurt anyone, and it doesn't mean you like real children. In fact, just a look at the kind or art that is perfered can easily tell you they are less likely to be attracted to real children. <PERSON> is highly stylized and very far removed from the real thing. And any doujin or art that are less stylized and more realistic are rare, and very unpopular. If lolicons actually liked real children, that would be reversed.\n\nDo do nothing but harm and bully people for no reason. And ignore all logic and reason. We can't even go there for a discussion. They ban anyone who says anything remotely against them. No discussion or warning, just instant ban if you say anything to prove lolis aren't real children. I would love real civil discussion with them. And tried it. They refused. All there is to do is keep documenting their violations, and hope reddit will eventually ban them for their many tos violations.", "282" ], [ "Yep, logically, if either had any chance of predicted that you'd like the same thing in real life it would be games. And yet that is proven false, this proving the idea that liking loli means you like real children false. But they don't understand. \n\nAqua tried to come up with an argument when I brought this up. He was talking some nonsense about some things being natural and others, like pedophilia being unnatural. And our laws just being our own social constructs. And in the process, his argument implied that underage girls as we define them by law, are perfectly fine to sexualize and sleep with so long as they've had their period. Cause by his argument, only unnatural things are bad. And litterally all of nature breeds as soon as they reach sexual maturity. Including humans for most of our existence. And it's only our laws that put that age restriction.\n\nI pointed this out, and gave him the chance to admit it was wrong, assuming he just hadn't thought it out. But he refuses. Still sticks to the argument. It seems \"old enough to bleed, old enough to breed\" is good enough for them over there. But we are the ones in the wrong.", "70" ], [ "There are plenty of reason why people can not like <PERSON>. That's all to personal taste. I personally don't like loli that goes to far down in age. But it's still not hurting anyone. So why reason to not like <PERSON> is legitimate, reasons loli is bad isn't. \n\nBut yes, they have some horrible arguments. And like I said, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and just assumed he didn't think it out all the way. Didn't realize the logic lead to that conclusion. But even after it was pointed out to him, he would not take the argument back and admit it was wrong. And the funniest part is it never addressed my point. \n\nHe never even came close to explaining why liking loli means you like real children. But yet somehow it is possible to like every other illegal, bad, horrible, immoral act in all other media with out actually liking the real counterparts. Never even came close.", "182" ], [ "_URL_2_\n\n_URL_3_.\n\nYou have to read through this one. It at first seems to support a link between video game violence and real life violence, citing many studies that say this. But then goes on to point out major flaws in those studies, and to list other studies showing no link. \n\nAnd the major flaw in the studies linking violent games and real life violence is not controling for other risk factors for violence. All the supposed data that showed links came from people who suffered at least one, normally more other risk factors that would increase violent behavior, games or not. And when these factors were also controled for, the effect of the games was found to be virtually 0.\n\n_URL_0_\n\n_URL_1_\n\nThis is a bit about <PERSON>, a leader in the field. Who has shown again and again, with published, peer reviewed, and repeatable studies, that there is no link what so ever. And while his studies havent been able to directly show a decress, its not what they are designed for, they do suggest it. \n\nThis is just some of the stuff out there. No to mention all the easily obtainable data that shows there is no spike in crime or violence when say a new grand theift auto game comes out, or just after. Which if there was any truth there would be.\n\nThis all shows that it is possible to enjoy something in media, something that is wrong in real life, but not to enjoy it in the real world. It shows that people can like a fictional stylized form of something, but want nothing to do with the real thing. It all applies to lolis just as strongly as video games. \n\nI've posted this before. You just ignore it cause logic and facts mean nothing to you. And this is only the tip of the ice burg. \n\nAlso, funny how you ask you citation for well know studies that have been known about for year. But never provide any actual proof of your claims. not the tiniest bit. You just claim liking <PERSON> means you like the real thing, even though its not true of litterally any other bad or illegal act in media.\n\nThese studies show you can like something in fiction, but not like the real thing. And there is no reason at all loli wouldn't follow the same exact rule.", "921" ] ]
[ 11595, 24861, 931, 13400, 20070, 14575, 15466, 12605, 9539, 10627, 14475, 4438, 10198, 13589, 8151, 21104, 8375, 13640, 4171, 21885, 10986, 2441, 14329, 3695, 12810, 25333, 18603, 6531, 5767, 20531, 11435, 17656, 7221, 453, 8059, 1895, 697, 11262, 22433, 20930, 12623, 1858, 10932, 13312, 591, 9938, 7451, 16068, 2517, 4397, 10214, 11444, 3747, 15113, 24213, 12090, 18172, 4321, 12931, 4329, 14876, 14707, 11820, 8042, 14129, 6549, 3288, 22024, 9381, 7674, 5883, 17759, 1084, 23357, 14755, 15470, 23530, 6629, 7925, 1673, 11276, 19691, 21873, 6023, 20024, 5108, 410, 12216, 11713, 9151, 6891, 13339, 7676, 22699, 10339, 5300, 12566, 8420, 11248, 16300, 25166, 16522, 8141, 23955, 18780, 2932, 9319, 15694, 10459, 8037, 11636, 679, 4971, 1495, 3241, 20860, 15988, 25351, 23458, 7074, 4949, 7427, 3303, 14660, 763, 1401, 25433, 10476, 20547, 21445, 15655, 13406, 22194, 4181, 1981, 20891, 16559, 15505, 3976, 6232, 8757, 8896, 8960, 5037, 666, 4836, 6894, 17625, 4756, 1535, 17049, 23920, 24440, 15529, 12829, 7465, 21023, 23029, 24665, 13016, 5387, 4711, 10614, 5058, 25154, 2, 5536, 1890, 9436, 6669, 14703, 23393, 4062, 15030, 3618, 24812, 40, 18482, 19234, 4432, 15757, 8921, 22663, 24358, 7855, 21417, 11292, 6690, 17062, 18999, 8231, 6371, 12653, 3389, 15522, 14011, 13321, 1851, 3356, 9968, 7892, 1425, 22368, 10176, 17722, 21783, 10702, 23108, 13065, 3958, 14824, 11561, 3495, 9608, 21264, 14555, 8135, 10148, 21143, 4897, 24980, 25018, 13719, 10551, 13509, 18693, 7047, 7271, 16677, 20001, 23980, 4872, 1529, 1057, 5038, 16099, 4120, 6697, 11197, 13095, 23107, 18068, 14944, 22627, 16936, 5948, 10341, 3857, 18971, 10838, 11791, 10791, 2923, 1044, 18349, 25195, 7028, 22653, 11215, 20395, 21089, 22438, 430, 8626, 7649, 5908, 25297, 20332, 18940, 19180, 12027, 6427, 13354, 7280, 6026, 23560, 20765, 21036, 15820, 25037, 18003, 48, 7786, 5151, 4656, 2708, 5425, 10020, 20163, 19332, 4582, 593, 15826, 11456, 23074, 3844, 10999, 3355, 18706, 17675, 13031, 2741, 19430, 10461, 13323, 13822, 12310, 6191, 6203, 13479, 3903, 7203, 23852, 18432, 9866, 9682, 22298, 2484, 1941, 10873, 24953, 1148, 9780, 22874, 21986, 22022, 7962, 8770, 24184, 8224, 14897, 7184, 14228, 14623, 7164, 9110, 7671, 1800, 12812, 17927, 14805, 864, 14190, 7609, 17399, 19050, 6178, 7783, 19452, 5704, 5548, 12402, 18414, 4686, 8590, 3512, 2216, 11330, 5112, 6351, 7677, 16101, 5260, 722, 24188, 1458, 5375, 5190, 21347, 20, 21040, 6604, 19455, 8749, 13532, 10798, 10288, 20409, 7143, 13360, 5463, 3869, 7165, 11113, 23154, 7807, 18510, 11706, 6251, 16915, 19396, 5636, 6298, 10890, 1519, 8549, 25096, 8951, 16280, 1915, 18263, 1013, 7320, 2983, 17768, 5035, 25111, 7419, 22740, 7291, 10576, 6306, 3217, 5189, 884, 16256, 5969, 12974, 20106, 7995, 20804, 7602, 19206, 11499, 7985, 4489, 11537, 10857, 6256, 1073, 5204, 21554, 10738, 4542, 21549, 15821, 13255, 17906, 12467, 17693, 6245, 6285, 9605, 16946, 373, 9746, 4303, 7084, 8518, 18910, 13835, 22068, 5243, 4216, 11649, 10164, 6259, 7224, 7523, 479, 16852, 24633, 2716, 10564, 412, 12576, 9906, 22244, 19759, 384, 18588, 7515, 12518, 9712, 12562, 6624, 25451, 10060, 9407, 13816, 5161, 12028, 6258, 6165, 15474, 22, 17981, 22983, 20346, 1845, 3714, 14356, 1113, 14855, 21424, 2230, 13838, 13142, 397 ]
[ [ "I've often thought of the photo booth concept but several things put me off the idea. (1) I've seen really original ideas used as a photo booth and they must cost a lot. One of them was a vintage car where the people who wanted a photo sat on the front seat, saw themselves on a monitor and pressed a button, to be presented with a print some seconds later (2) Apart from the initial cost of another camera (I suppose a simple DSLR or even a point and shoot would be OK, you have to factor in the cost of a good and reliable printer plus the cost of ink and paper (3) How do you stop people from taking , let's say 10 photos of themselves because they want a ' perfect' pic? (4) I've thought of doing away with the printer and using a camera with Wifi and transferring the photos instantly to a website. I offered this idea to some couples but it was never taken up.", "560" ], [ "Several years ago, someone in the diplomatic corps, told me that they use Skype to communicate and not normal telephones. He must have got the instructions to use Skype from high level Government officials in whose interest it was that calls made from one country to another between high officials of my country, not be intercepted by other states. As I said this was several years ago so I do not know what they are using now.", "882" ], [ "As I said this was something I was told many years ago. I do not know what diplomats are using nowadays. In any case AFAIK using even the simple encryption offered by things like Skype because they depend on VOIP would make it more difficult for a foreign state to intercept a conversation held over a landline or a mobile phone, because all telephone conversations and SMS go through a service provider who can intercept and listen in to what is being said. In my country (I am in the EU) there are laws preventing service providers from ' listening in'. But the police can ask to be given access to intercept calls. They need permission from a judge to do so and they must present a valid reason.", "882" ], [ "Yes, as I said the records have been available online for some years. I looked at the link you provided and in the case of my country it is only ' core records' which are available online. This means records for important medical conditions or interventions. But as I said, ALL records will soon be made available online.\n\nMost people in my country use private GPs for ' everyday' complaints, illnesses or conditions. I know of no private GP who keeps records. But when it comes to things like surgical procedures or serious illness people go to a state hospital as medical care is good and free. Records are kept of anything that happens when you are in hospital.\n\nThere is one exception. In the general hospital there is an STD clinic. Anyone can just turn up to talk to a doctor and have tests carried out without even giving a name. You are just given a random number and you use it to ' identify' yourself. All services are free and there is no way that records can be linked to who you are. This is done to encourage people to check for STDs and to receive advice and treatment.", "483" ], [ "I had a friend and I never noticed anything unusual about him. We used to out to pubs and that sort of thing. Once he slept at my house and when we got up in the morning he told me very casually that the devil had spoken to him that night. He told me that he had got out of bed, found a religious picture in my house (yes I have a few religious things because I consider them as artistic) and had touched the face of <PERSON> and the devil stopped talking to him. I asked him whether he was taking any medicines and he told me that sometimes he was given injections of something called ' Haldol'. I asked a doctor friend what Haldol was and he told me that it is used to treat schizophrenia.", "664" ], [ "If you mean that genre of modern music which is called ' Christian music', it is, objectively, pure shit. No talent or effort is required but still, sales are disproportionately high because of the idiots who support it. Southpark has an episode where <PERSON> forms a Christian band purely for financial gain. He takes the lyrics of soppy love songs and substitutes the word ' <PERSON>' instead of other names. [_URL_0_](_URL_0_) \n\nIn another episode a Christian boy band (I am not sure if it really exists) gets lots of young girls hooked on them by subtly sending out sexual messages. It is hilarious. \n\nAs regards Christmas songs, I've heard them so many times that they make me sick. Some popular ones like <PERSON>'s ' Last Christmas' start polluting the radio frequencies from early November.", "556" ], [ "Yes, Ive noticed this sort of behaviour, but not just in photographers but also videographers. I used to do lots of freelance work for foreign embassies, so my client would be the ambassador. On site there would always be at least one other photographer employed by the government. So we were in no way competing with each other, because though we were shooting ALMOST the same things we were working for different clients. I always tried to exchange some pleasantries with the other photographer or make some small talk about cameras. Almost all other photographers treated me with a sort of hostility. However there was one who was really friendly and he even gave me his email when I missed a shot and told me that he'd be willing to send me one of his photos.", "560" ], [ "Sorry, dude, you are really out of tune when you sing. It's not just that tiny bit which can sometimes be almost pleasant but you're often a semitone or more off. I admire anyone who can play the guitar as I never managed to learn even how to pick it up, but I play keyboards. I don't know but if you do play some keyboards, maybe singing to the continuous 'pad sounds' of a keyboard might help you sing better.", "635" ], [ "I find it scary that there are actually people who think that ' essential oils' can be substitutes for real medicine , especially for serious medical conditions. Scarier still is that there are facebook groups for these people and facebook allows this to happen.\n\nMind, I would find no problem if someone asked something like: what essential oil can keep mosquitoes away? because whatever ' advice' is given it is not likely to be problematic. Meanwhile, some so called ' essential oils' do contain compounds which have medicinal properties. A pharmacist, I know, carried out research on a particular plant. He extracted compounds from it which may be called an ' essential oil' and he showed that they have antimycotic properties.", "764" ], [ "Incidentally, before the Morning After Pill became available, there were some doctors who still found a way to help women. I was told that there were some doctors who are pro-choice but because the morning after pill was illegal, if a woman spoke to such a doctor in a way that made it clear that she did not want the pregnancy, if it was early enough they would just prescribe a large dose of one of the contraceptive pills and that worked like the MAP.", "343" ], [ "On an APS sensor camera I would consider the 50mm lens quite useless for night sky photography. The Sigma is an f/2.8 so that is an advantage, but the Canon 15-55 gives you quite a bit more ' width'. At the wide end it is only half a stop slower than the Sigma. I would take both of those lenses. What you said about 30 seconds leading to star trails is not as straight forward as that but without getting into a lot of detail, you are roughly right for the lenses you have.\n\nI often use exposures of up to half an hour to get star trails. At such exposures I use a relatively low ISO of 200-400 with a 19mm lens on a full frame.", "868" ], [ "I offered my services for free on two occasions to two friends for 2 separate weddings. One of them gave me a cheque as a gift but I am not sure how I feel about it because the amount was for about 1/5 of what I would have charged. Another friend did not give me a gift but I get lots of referrals from him and his wife. I'm sure you'll guess which one I prefer, so make sure to leave your aunt a good review, try to mention her when people ask for a photographer and do not give money as a gift.", "710" ], [ "I appreciate your feedback but the amount I offered is almost immaterial as regards the point I am trying to make. I found it almost shocking that someone calling themselves a photographer treats wedding photography so flippantly. I worked for a magazine for many years and I was trusted because I was dependable and reliable. The editor knew that I'd give her the material on time and pages were reserved for my features whatever might happen. When she was abroad and out of reach - she had once given me the name of a person and left it all in my hands to produce the photos and article. After taking the photos, I was driving home and had my camera stolen from my car while I was at a traffic light. I knew of the trouble I'd cause the magazine if I did not provide the material so I quickly found another feature to photograph and write. I ended up losing money, but I was not going to let a client down.", "560" ], [ "No, there was no contract. I could not sign a contract if someone has not yet told me if they are available or not. In a way I would have been his client - or if we want to use a better word: his employer. The pay was not meagre. Apples and oranges again: this was a 19 year old who's never been even close to shooting a wedding not someone who has at least some experience. I mentioned the fact that he uses Nikon because he told me that he has a D3300 with its 18-55. But handing him a D610 would not have confused him as the basic layout is similar, zooms rotate the same way etc. I only wanted him to take some snapshots during the reception and I explained this to him. Of course he was free to take other photos. It was also a way to see what he was like during a job. As regards his portfolio - I do not really like that a second shooter publishes photos he took during an event where I was the main shooter. But he would have been free to use them in his private portfolio. I do not insist that 2nd shooters hand over the cards at the end of the wedding. As regards competitive prices - I do not mean cheap prices. I am always on an ongoing battle to convince other photographers not to lower prices to the point where they damage the market and make it unsustainable. So being competitive for me means offering prices similar to what others are offering.", "560" ], [ "I agree with you and it is something I tell clients too. In this case I used something which happened to me yesterday when I tried to get someone with no track record. I do not know if where you live you have an association or some other body which accredits photographers. We have such an organisation here and I've written about it. I disagree with the stance taken by my local organisation where ridiculously low prices are not actively discouraged. When I spoke to the president of the organisation about people who buy a DSLR and start advertising themselves as photographers at prices which are damaging real photographers, I was told \"We all had to start somewhere.\"", "560" ], [ "I see that maybe there is some confusion about the way I am using the term - second shooter. If I got hit by a truck one day before the wedding, there is a set protocol that kicks in. I keep all my upcoming weddings printed out and put in a white folder. My family know what this is and what it is for. I also have an agreement with two other established wedding photographers that should something happen to me they will be given this folder and they will take over. I have also agreed with them that I will be available to them in the same way. They are photographers who are at least as good as me and their prices are in my range. I would not have such an agreement with a second shooter. For me a second shooter is someone who is less experienced than I am. In my contract with the couple the possibility of an emergency is mentioned and that I am obliged to hand over to an equally qualified photographer.", "560" ], [ "Some of the comments seem to miss the point the OP is trying to make. Maybe because like him, English is not my first language, I could better understand what he is trying to say. \n\nI may be in a similar situation. In my country photography is not seen as a well paying job. Not because of the quality of the photographers (I've been published in international magazines and held exhibitions in EU capitals and so have several other photographers from my country) but people here do not even dream of buying a photograph as art in the same way that they buy a watercolour or oil painting. I and many others held exhibitions in our own country but almost nobody buys anything because they do not appreciate what a black and white hand printed enlargement entails. \n\nSimilarly, our service will not fetch the high prices I see photographers in the USA are able to charge. It is frustrating to see couples pay good money for ridiculously over priced and flippant things. There is an ongoing race for couples to have a better wedding than others but photography is not something that is going to be seen during the wedding. Together with some others, I am trying to change the way wedding photography is viewed. I do this by showing off some of my photographic work during weddings. I hold a pre-wedding photography shoot and enlarge one of the best photos so that the couple can exhibit it during the reception. I print a 'guest book' where guests leave written good wishes. The book contains photographs of the couple which I took and space for guests to write something and sign.", "560" ], [ "1. Asking for specific prices in this sub reddit is quite pointless especially when you do not give any information about your location. Remember that there are redditors from all around the world and the price for services varies wildly.\n2. As others have said, once you charge ANYTHING, however low your price, there is a client - service provider relationship. People expect good results once they have paid the agreed on price.\n3. I do not mean any offence, but in my country, people like you are damaging the market by skewing the expectations of potential clients as regards prices. If you do it for 50% of the price of a regular photographer people are going to think that other photographers are overcharging. \n4. As regards handing over RAW files and charging less, I find that acceptable. I worked with a video grapher who was giving the couple raw unedited footage at a reduced price because the couple could not afford the full price. In filming, editing is an even more important issue, so I think what the couple have in mind is to obtain the unedited clips then have someone edit them when they can afford it.", "618" ], [ "& #x200B;\n\nGorgeous photo. Was this shot at f/1.2? My Nikon 85mm f/1.8 is my favourite lens. I know that many other photographers get the f/1.4 for portraits but you've gone further :-) My first prime was a Nikon 50mm f/1.4 but I found that the depth of field was so shallow when wide open that I hardly ever used it at anything wider than f/2. So when I got the 85mm I thought that I would save a bunch of money and get the f/1.8 and even that is very often used at f/2.8.", "868" ], [ "I know my comment is arriving too late but instead of that lens why don't you get a full frame camera? The Canon 6D is Canon's lowest price full frame and I think a full frame body makes a difference in wedding photography. \n\nI use full frame bodies but I find myself using my 80-200 f/2.8 less and less. It all depends on the type of wedding of course but the venues here are pretty tight and even on FF I find that zoom too long and too heavy.", "548" ], [ "It depends so much on the woman. I'm a photographer and sometimes I have a fashion shoot with a group of different models. I get a variety of body shapes and sizes and the most important rule is to wear clothes that look good ON YOU. For example some bigger women wear clothes that are designed for a different body size and it does not look attractive at all too see very tight clothes which are non forgiving and only exaggerate skin folds or a few extra kilos. High heels almost always make the body look better because they make the legs look longer and thinner, change the posture and define the buttocks. It is true that high boots are considered ' sexy ' . I don't need to state the obvious about avoiding white boots. Too much cleavage, especially when it looks like the woman is trying 'too hard' is 'sexy' but it is not attractive in the fashion sense. I suggest that apart from looking at yourself in a full length mirror, to get a friend to take a full length photo of you with whatever outfit you are going to wear and look at it carefully. The way we see ourselves in a photo is closer to how other people see us than how we see ourselves in a mirror.", "378" ], [ "With a full frame body you will have a bigger sensor. This increases the low light abilities of a camera and makes it easier to use selective focus. A full frame sensor needs lenses which are bigger than the equivalent lenses designed for crop sensors. You can use lenses designed for full frame cameras on crop sensor cameras but since the sensor is smaller it sees a smaller part of the image produced by the lens. This means that a 'standard' 50mm lens on a full frame cameras is roughly equivalent to what the human eye sees, but when you use it on a crop sensor camera like the Canon 7D it becomes a short telephoto (roughly equivalent to a 75mm lens on a Full Frame). Here is an article listing the cameras currently considered good choices for wedding photographers. [_URL_0_](_URL_0_)", "548" ], [ "Reading the Bible, especially the old testament, is a good way for any reasonably intelligent Christian to question his religion profoundly. Most Christian Churches conveniently leave out the many really nasty parts of the Bible during services so non questioning people never get to hear the utter filth that makes up a good chunk of 'god's word'. \n\nApart from that reading the Bible is not a bad idea for anyone with a Western culture as whether we like it or not it is a body of literature that has shaped our culture and influenced our languages.", "960" ], [ "I tend to agree with you that the D5300 is a better deal just for the fact that it has an articulating screen. There is not going to be much difference in image quality, certainly not anything noticeable between those 2 cameras. I have full frame Nikons for my work but I have a D5XXX series camera as a lighter carry around. The articulating screen is very useful. If you are photographing anything which is very low (on the ground) or high , the screen is invaluable. It is also a very good thing to have for videography.", "548" ], [ "I only studied a small part of his work in secondary school (I think it is called middle school in the USA). We concentrated on The Pardoner's Tale. It is so good! I can remember some bits too and even some of the quotes in Latin which the <PERSON> used. To think that even at those times there were people (Like <PERSON>) who saw through all the BS of religion. I went to a Catholic school but the science teachers were very good and at University I continued with Science.", "520" ], [ "Speaking of Europe as defined by the countries in the European Union and a few other countries like Switzerland and Norway, I'd say we are better than the USA when it comes to human rights and the protection we have from the power that the state has over citizens. \n\nIt is of concern that the only Western democracy that still allows capital punishment: cold blooded killing of citizens by the state, is the USA. It is considered something abhorrent for most of us and in fact European countries stopped producing medicines that were being used by some states in the USA for the lethal injection.", "519" ], [ "I've read that it can focus down to 0.22 m from the subject which is quite good especially at the 70mm end. It is not a true macro as that would require that a lens produces a 1:1 image to object size ratio. If your work involves mostly very close up shots, consider buying an actual macro lens. They are designed to produce optimal image quality of objects close to the lens. Normal lenses are designed to be at their best when forming images that are distant.", "868" ], [ "I rank Exciter as the worst album, followed by Speak and Spell. Speak and Spell is saved by Just Can't Get Enough and Photographic. But it includes songs which make most of us cringe: like 'What's your name?' I don't think that ' A Broken Frame' is a bad album. It marked the transition from DM with <PERSON> to a newer DM. It's got some never mentioned jewels such as 'My secret garden', 'Shouldn't have done that', the main single: 'Leave in silence' and the song which should have been a single but never was: 'The sun and the rainfall'.", "158" ], [ "I have quite a few SLRs which have not been used for MANY years. It is not worth selling them as they'll fetch almost nothing. But I can't see myself throwing them away. When it comes to DSLRs I try and sell a DSLR as soon as I no longer need it. But I have a an APS sensor Niikon which I keep just because very rarely I like to use it for a trip because it has an amazing 16-300mm Tamron zoom which is of no use on my full frame Nikons.", "888" ], [ "I've just glimpsed through some of your comments and you've written about this sort of issue before. You seem very mature for a 15 year old. I don't know, however, why you thought it was a good idea to run away from home and go stay with someone you say has been sexually harassing you. Your first priority should be to find a safe place to stay and then see to the issue of why you felt the need to run away from home. Is there a telephone number you can call to ask for help in this situation? In my country all children know that whatever the problem is there is a 3 digit number which they can call and reach all sorts of help / services.", "119" ], [ "There are many people and many articles that tell you to post photos to Instagram or Facebook using a particular size (in pixel height and width) and about how much to compress the jpeg files. In my experience both Facebook and Instagram have their own way of shrinking file sizes and it does not seem to make any difference in how a photo ultimately looks, whether I post a large and uncompressed file or a smaller and more compressed file. I usually try to keep file sizes to around 1 Mb as I saw no difference in using anything larger. Also - think about it: most photos are going to be seen on mobile phones which have widely different screen capabilities.", "17" ], [ "Does she use her phone when she's with you? Is she OK with letting you use her phone? No need to try and install apps. Just ask her to let you use her phone and in front of her browse through her message history etc. I don't know how long you've been together but for a stable couple, using each other's phone should be no big deal. So just be honest about it and if you want to see what she is doing ask to look at her phone.", "432" ], [ "I have worked with Nikon crop sensor cameras before I moved to Full Frame. The D5300 is perfectly capable of that type of work. More relevant is: what lenses do you have? Are you going to use artificial light or natural light? To start with a Nikon 50mm f/1.8 (make sure it has an inbuilt motor which is usually shown as AF-S or something similar in the name of the lens) is good for portraits when using the D5300. If you are shooting outside avoid direct sunlight and learn how to use a large reflector. Regarding models to build your portfolio - you can use anyone as a model. A model who has experience will help you because she'll be confident with posing but almost anyone you can think of can be used as a model. It can be family members and friends. Try to shoot both males and females for your portfolio and also different ages.", "888" ], [ "Dancing is a sin ?! :-)) Incidentally I love civil weddings which means non-religious ones. They involve less running around as one of the most stressful parts during the day is having to go to the bride's house (I do get the best photos of the bride there) then rush to the Church, then from the Church rush to the reception venue. I relax when I arrive at the reception venue because even though the reception is the longest part, I know I don't have to rush off somewhere and there is no pressure to capture any particularly significant moments.", "275" ], [ "In Malta, I think salaries are similar to those in Portugal. But couples spend crazy amounts of money on their wedding day. It is easy for a couple to spend 20-30 thousand Euros for just the 5-8 hours of the reception. Many business minded people know that there is money to be made from weddings and all sort of things keep getting introduced. First of all the number of guests is usually huge, where 500 guests or more is not uncommon. So couples get a band and often also a DJ. The reception involves a wide variety of fancy foods carried round by waiters. There are also speciality buffet tables like a cheese table, a Chinese food table etc. There are at least 2 open bars plus some type of special cocktail bar. There is now always some sort of photo booth. One of the last weddings I photographed even had a special bar with fine single malts. \n\nBut photographers still do not make a lot of money as couples see photography and filming as just another service. I tell prospective clients that at the end of the day al that they will have left will be the photos.", "275" ], [ "When I post something in this sub I do it with the knowledge that some of the people here love to click on the downvote button and to be negative and mean. Even though I am offered the relative anonymity of a reddit account I am never unnecessarily critical or unkind. When I mention events and people I do not in any way identify them and only use them to describe a situation or ask a question. I do not reply to vicious comments in the same way and always try to maintain a civil tone. I don't know if it is something to do with some people trying to feel superior or the normal rivalry seen between photographers turned sour. Reddit is populated mostly by people from the USA and I find it funny how most redditors (not just this sub) write in a way that shows they assume that the whole world should be familiar with words, expressions, customs and people in the USA. I don't like it though when people extend their prejudices to inject a different meaning into what someone else writes. The lack of education about the rest of the world is almost painful. Only yesterday a wedding photographer from a Far Eastern country posted a question in this sub and as I have come to expect he was attacked and criticised by people who had not even understood what he was saying because of their narrow vision. Everyone has a sense of pride in their work and the way they work, I suppose, but it should not come at the price of belittling others. It does not get to me at all and I find it amusing especially when I carry out a little research and find that a person saying that they pay a second shooter USD 500 offers packages at USD 1,700. When I use the term 'second shooter' I use it in the same way that I would use the term ' photographer's assistant'. That means that s/he gets the money from me in full even though they use my equipment. So paying someone 500 out of the 1,700 charged by the photographer would be financial suicide.", "945" ] ]
[ 25209, 24955, 22264, 2244, 9826, 689, 731, 21856, 11041, 18711, 24389, 9851, 13879, 18456, 19229, 5641, 14125, 4795, 21391, 5180, 23150, 13621, 17067, 17425, 14566, 6007, 20082, 535, 7635, 21320, 23563, 25500, 19999, 15786, 19271, 19323, 19731, 19929, 8667, 9757, 22468, 18609, 18906, 18055, 25062, 15827, 22332, 8737, 18921, 18154, 11800, 22954, 1533, 14739, 4963, 20748, 8103, 5372, 25035, 9492, 14645, 25250, 24044, 18194, 22211, 8229, 12495, 12564, 25147, 14170, 13521, 3188, 18000, 15937, 11631, 21030, 8168, 7854, 2811, 4096, 22766, 14629, 16962, 15457, 5790, 16180, 4881, 1288, 23438, 3609, 5679, 22482, 6301, 23721, 24034, 23445, 3123, 20856, 13575, 18904, 6257, 15428, 8460, 16794, 16361, 16860, 18388, 6758, 13543, 8902, 22431, 17445, 14927, 23644, 11445, 20569, 6804, 9989, 388, 19820, 12995, 23702, 22038, 2942, 10404, 23825, 4505, 11732, 213, 11913, 17294, 23981, 4980, 10251, 10240, 8382, 22032, 8567, 2864, 23934, 22533, 24504, 2255, 11044, 23214, 5533, 23956, 23833, 18957, 21074, 1609, 15322, 24472, 20589, 318, 15168, 18359, 22984, 7741, 19080, 14561, 7689, 7080, 8996, 5990, 20448, 20491, 8910, 15955, 12172, 19539, 4736, 1319, 18037, 888, 22337, 13909, 5473, 13407, 10804, 14241, 13654, 10089, 19013, 5505, 1058, 574, 305, 25497, 25239, 24923, 10579, 2863, 6532, 8102, 7952, 20195, 4828, 4165, 18104, 1136, 23583, 16593, 4398, 9894, 20309, 293, 17140, 14198, 23709, 3296, 23675, 842, 3326, 7956, 5965, 9095, 10755, 10698, 17452, 20836, 13032, 21195, 15528, 13023, 17345, 6784, 20126, 25245, 10157, 17462, 14204, 11500, 10621, 7371, 1240, 20607, 20215, 22035, 4567, 24179, 20209, 200, 13317, 17317, 10729, 25262, 15791, 1734, 10129, 2301, 18759, 13966, 15648, 1185, 22399, 2597, 22760, 4285, 89, 24605, 20903, 889, 5693, 20587, 6525, 3795, 21167, 24767, 17319, 21051, 1812, 5457, 5351, 14926, 21385, 24970, 20925, 19056, 10601, 19182, 5064, 13392, 3528, 5730, 13960, 21691, 19415, 15230, 13081, 10267, 2228, 21864, 5633, 2366, 20969, 5282, 24372, 988, 16772, 19875, 21699, 20393, 7103, 1713, 23848, 9376, 11808, 16622, 10149, 14864, 17776, 25014, 5780, 76, 24774, 2326, 24642, 16550, 9796, 9274, 20809, 25489, 19402, 16338, 4782, 8390, 3284, 7245, 9907, 19657, 18617, 23101, 11384, 16880, 6535, 2888, 21409, 24679, 14762, 22860, 15901, 13175, 16473, 16877, 15225, 24728, 22942, 3132, 18260, 16711, 12443, 5019, 5139, 2854, 6455, 11982, 24133, 14737, 15260, 16014, 21454, 13367, 10117, 16903, 15156, 24678, 10931, 10233, 10920, 23401, 13511, 10440, 21695, 20580, 13143, 12390, 17437, 14995, 10650, 24355, 7806, 10207, 24061, 4761, 9736, 1127, 9088, 17735, 8172, 16415, 15507, 25399, 22825, 25410, 6687, 17646, 17636, 7210, 8941, 20334, 1892, 23472, 5099, 16321, 16487, 3897, 7725, 17502, 8152, 23014, 25406, 5069, 19752, 15456, 10571, 11171, 3103, 3478, 7732, 14915, 23005, 4060, 8470, 23132, 20747, 14583, 16223, 6660, 4182, 522, 2247, 20570, 7, 9988, 7005, 15369, 10066, 13746, 17854, 23876, 6336, 16190, 10474, 12492, 17120, 6958, 15190, 20483, 24010, 5944, 8046, 25204, 14055, 24352, 3778, 11815, 8071, 25254, 11699, 12643, 23608, 7967, 5506, 22817, 5337, 16822, 17692, 11533, 6308, 13484, 17518, 7866, 2036, 256, 23873, 24321, 22042, 15445, 9025, 20695, 4818, 24977, 859, 7264, 2293, 10363, 14609, 17737, 19173, 20087, 5394, 12638, 15884, 23050, 17785, 21907, 11706, 20094 ]
[ [ "I didn't find it epic visually at all. I actually made this point in another comment in this thread. I found the design of the nameless King, apart from his hair/crown really boring and uninspired. Also I found his moveset very uncreative as well. The only thing I found visually interesting about the fight was the arena, since you're fighting on clouds. I felt as if they just made him harder to compensate for his boring design. Hence the damage, they couldn't find a way to make him more interesting so he just hits like a truck. To me that's uninspired design.\n\nAlso the camera flinging around with someone like <PERSON> is annoying but at least I'm not seeing what he ate for lunch like I am with the king of the storm.", "43" ], [ "It may not make her played less, but it will make tanks FAR less obnoxious. Good Ana's will still be able to focus on a tank and keep them alive for a very long time. What this stops is a tank having 10 health and then emerging from a corner with all their health back because their first time <PERSON> threw a grenade and shot him 3 times.", "427" ], [ "I'm not sure, I was always under the impression that they were tied together. I could be wrong, but that's always what I thought. That being said, the grenade was still a huge factor in that so it will still mitigate what I was saying, and its also what I was trying to draw attention to. The issue, at least in my opinion has always been that the grenade could restore a massive chunk of health instantly, meaning topping off the target with your rifle is much easier.\n\nThe change also means that <PERSON> will be less of dps hero and more inline with other healers. I am perfectly fine with this, she shouldn't be rivaling damage dealers in her combat ability. As Tracer I shouldn't consider <PERSON> as much of a threat as <PERSON>, because in her current state she can repel flankers with ease. It will also separate Ana's that know when to back off and when to play offensively.", "354" ], [ "No really. She still has excellent healing potential, a stun, an anti-heal and a decent ult. Basically she is still <PERSON> on steroids. What this did is tone down her burst healing and also make her more susceptible to flankers, something she was actually especially good at dealing with which is a big no-no considering she is a healer. She was also pretty much guaranteed a second life in a duel because of her grenade.\n\nPeople thinking these nerfs are to much are overreacting. Were forgetting at top level play she is the most played hero and at most levels of play is exceptionally powerful.", "354" ], [ "Exactly why she was nerfed, you could play a support/dps/anti-flank, you're not supposed to be able to do that all as one hero...\n\nAlso, yes...that's exactly how you have an impact as a support. The same way <PERSON> does it, by standing behind her team and healing, the same way <PERSON> does it, by standing behind his team and not dying, the same way <PERSON> does it, by standing behind his team and healing/discording.\n\nYou seem to like <PERSON> because she can do anything. That's called overpowered.\n\nYou know who else has pathetic damage levels? <PERSON> and <PERSON>...and they don't have either a stun, an anti-heal, and nearly as powerful healing, and unless <PERSON> is using her pistol instead of healing <PERSON> still has far superior and consistent damage compared to the two of them.\n\nWhat she has been turned into is an actual support hero with a lot utility instead of a quasi dps support that could also effectively deal with flankers which are her main counters.\n\nYou're also forgetting <PERSON> still has exceptional healing, an anti-heal (which is stupidly powerful), a long stun and a decent ult. Plus, she can still heal herself but she has to do it more proactively.\n\nEssentially you like playing a support that is overpowered and because of it doesn't play like a support.", "354" ], [ "What is their to comment about your post? Its simply sarcastic and accusatory, you didn't make any actuall, substantial points about balance/game design. Just finger pointing.\n\nAnd I said my most played hero is Tracer, that doesn't mean I haven't played Ana. It just means I play Tracer more.\n\nIf you offered some sort of criticism/opinion on the changes and I disagreed I would have debated you on the topic. Instead you just made a sarcastic point that reeked of you just being upset because of the nerfs without offering any reason why.", "342" ], [ "1. Flankers have kits designed around dealing with supports. They get behind the team and pray on enemies that need to rely on team support to survive, aka supports. Flankers counter every healer other than <PERSON>, their is no reason that she should be able to counter them. \n\nAnd if flankers can't counter her, who can? DPS heroes can't because she effectivly has a second Life and can just wait for her team, flankers cant, tanks sort of can but they are usually not in an ideal position to do so. That really means the only way the deal with her is to have a portion of the team jump on to her, which obviously leaves you exposed to other threats.\n\n2. <PERSON> does not offer more utility by and stretch of the imagination. What <PERSON> has is three things in particular, a powerful ult, his speed boost and his knock back. His healing is rather poor. \n\nHis knock back isn't really a factor in his pickrate, it's simply a useful tool, his ultimate is strong, but I think most would says <PERSON> is overall better at damage mitigation. So, in essence <PERSON> is picked for his speed boost, and rightly so because it's very strong. It's also worth noting <PERSON>'s damage is average, but it's also inconsistent.\n\nNow let's compare that to <PERSON>. <PERSON> can heal to a MUCH a stronger degree than <PERSON>. <PERSON> can also support tanks and DPS from a a distance allowing her to remain much more protected. <PERSON> can also cut off an entire teams healing, effectivly rendering them helpless to large amounts of focussed damage, and that same ability can both keep her alive and burst heal. <PERSON> can also stun an enemy for a whopping 5 seconds, either delaying their presence in a fight or allowing your team to kill them, and she can use that same ability to neutralize flankers. Finally, she has vastly superior and more consistent DPS.\n\n3. If a support can both DPS/duel and doesn't require team protection, they aren't really a support. <PERSON> is effectivly helpless, her flight kind of helps with that but not much, <PERSON> can stay alivr for a while but he can only really delay the inevitable, and <PERSON> is essentially stationary with no defence. <PERSON> is the only one that can defend herself, kill flankers and support her team MORE than the others. All the supports, play different from each other as I'm sure you know, but <PERSON> is the only one that can cover multiple roles.", "354" ], [ "<PERSON> is meat for for Tracers. If she gets the jump on him <PERSON> is done. <PERSON> on the other hand, even if she misses the sleep dart can biotic grenade herself and wait for her team to come to the rescue. \n\n<PERSON>, at least to very good Tracer players is simply a nuisance, he can still be killed relatively quickly and if not he is now horrendously out of position.\n\nNot all healers are sitting ducks to flankers, but most are especially susceptible to them. <PERSON> is the only one who's kit can both delay a flanker, stun a flanker and kill a flanker, and if she screws up she still has a second go at it.\n\nMercy relies on running away, <PERSON> can boop them away or jump around but that only stalls, and <PERSON> better hope the Tracer/Genji is moving very predictably.", "354" ], [ "<PERSON> is by no stretch of the imagination a free kill as a flanker if she misses the sleep. That would only be the case if the opposing <PERSON> is very poor. <PERSON>'s small hitbox pretty much guarantees your accuracy will be sub parr as <PERSON> and Tracer, and getting close to her makes you vulnerable to her high dps which can kill a Tracer in two shots if she has already taken 10 damage. When the flanker jumps on her she can simply delay the battle and then nade herself so that the fight is prolonged and her team finishes off the flanker. Thats why in dive comps <PERSON> required multiple people to jump on her to kill her effectively.", "354" ], [ "How often does a well coordinated team only have one person shooting at an enemy? <PERSON> has dps capable of rivaling dps heroes, it is rare to put three shots into an enemy...but its also rare to have to put three shots into an enemy if your soldier/mccree is even somewhat decent. Actually, effectively killing enemies and also setting up the conditions for it (anti-heal/sleep dart) is luxury pretty much only Ana has.\n\nAlso, she is very flanker resistant. The biotic grenade nerf is a must to allow her to be more susceptible to flankers.", "183" ], [ "Ya the dude also completely ignores that the vacccines we have are 100% effective in preventing death and hospitalization it seems to be he think that all of our vaccines are useless \n\nAlthough I heard another doctor on CNN just say we’re looking at the same timeline\n\nEDIT: Why am I getting downvoted? All did was give an opinion the on article and something that I heard on TV. Jeez reddit, calm down", "929" ], [ "The thing that everyone seems to be missing here is that you can play wack-a-mole all you want but it shouldn’t matter a ton if no one actually ends up in the hospital or dies\n\nEDIT: Also should mention that even if you take vaccines that are less effective against variants, you’ll end up with largely mild covid cases and we’ve seen a lot now that milder cases have smaller viral loads so transmission isn’t as great.", "235" ], [ "Well I don’t see anyone saying the virus would evolve to be more lethal; from my knowledge this would run contrary to evolutionary norms and Im not sure of any viruses similar to covid that have done that \n\nI think what he probably meant was that the virus comes back and vaccines are in effective, so we have to spend another two years while others are developed and distributed although now that I think about that, it doesn’t make much sense since the vaccines we have already offer signifiant immunity from symptomatic infection (~60%) and total protection from death and most severe cases and boosters are being developed as we speak", "235" ], [ "Misleading headline and not accurate.\n\nHe says some people may elect to wear masks in the future just out of abundance of caution, not that it will be required or necessary \n\nAlso he’s saying that he doesn’t think the virus will ever be totally eradicated, which is likely true but he sees it as analogous to the flu in that it may come back seasonally since we don’t know how long vaccine immunity lasts. Although I’m kinda ahead of him on this one since most of the data I’ve seen is that the immunity likely lasts many, many months", "235" ], [ "This headline is kinda not accurate.\n\nYes, that’s what she’s saying, but the majority of the article is actually on vaccinations. Even with the most problematic variant, South African, every single vaccine is still 100% effective in preventing death and hospitalization and the lowest we’ve seen is 57% effective against all symptomatic infection. I think it’s very possible, probably likely that we will see a surge in early spring. But this is gonna be like two cars driving into each at full speed, virus vs. Vaccine, the vaccine will win given the data we have", "235" ], [ "I think we need to define normal tbh. By the end of the year I see no reason why bars and restaurants shouldn’t be open at full capacity, people being allowed to have medium or large sized gatherings. If we’re talking about no one ever getting COVID ever again, I don’t think that’s gonna happen. People and governments will just have to accept that, the same way people still continue to die of meningitis and the flu despite far reaching vaccine availability, but the mortality rate will be much much smaller", "912" ], [ "Yes those smarter people are right \n\nIm a biologist and have some experience studying virology. It’s highly, highly unlikely the virus will mutate to be more lethal. It runs counter to evolutionary theory. Viruses use humans (and animals) as vectors/hosts. If you evolve to kill your host more efficiently you’re actually contributing to your own extinction. It’s like symbiotic organism suddenly developing a mutation to kill its symbiote", "810" ], [ "What I found quite interesting from this article is that the consensus is that those who developed longer term issues from Covid were noticeably symptomatic or hospitalized, and that those with worse initial infection experienced worse longer term outcomes. Which, shocker; isn’t unheard of and makes total sense biologically \n\nWhich is funny, because when I mentioned that that was likely the case, I got assaulted and downvoted into oblivion by people telling me it was in-fact only those with mild infections or even asymptomatic infections who developed long haul covid\n\nEDIT: Would you look at that, people are doing it again now", "266" ], [ "Extremely incorrect.\n\nOnly an extreme minority of those with very limited or asymptomatic Covid show any kind of lung abnormality. It’s just something that keeps getting propped up in this sub \n\nHell, I know two hypochondriac type people who got scared by this exact thing who all they got with covid was a mild cough and headache and neither of them after some tests showed any kind of lung abnormality", "266" ], [ "The process by which an autoimmune response is generated is fundamentally much different than an immune response to an invading pathogen\n\nAnd also, a lot the “symptoms caused by the virus directly” that you’re thinking of ARE you’re immune system, like a fever \n\nI keep seeing you and others try and make the same claim and it’s just not the way things work", "833" ], [ "Im a biologist, it is fundamentally different\n\nThere are numerous markers that differentiate an autoimmune response from a pathogen induced response. It’s significantly different than just antigen presentation occurring on your own cells. Things like B cell and T cell responses are radically different in pathogen induced response vs. and an autoimmune response. And that’s not even beginning to touch on the fact that autoimmune responses can be highly localized which is very different than the broad antibody response we see with viral and some bacterial infections. There are also lots of differences in the antigen presenting cells themselves and antigen specificity, and again not even touching on the fact that in autoimmune responses you can have occurrences where the immune system is essentially “fighting” the immune system which it comes to inflammatory responses. \n\nSo it’s very complex and not at all the same and why we have separate fields dedicated to the study of each thing", "833" ], [ "No but it means that I do have a decent understanding of human biology and the human immune system and how it reacts to different scenarios. In-fact, you learn this stuff as early on as doing a BSc. So no I’m not the authority but I am more informed than you are and I explained why\n\nYou don’t need to be an expert recognize that what you said was totally wrong. I had to learn and familiarize myself with the human immune system across many immunology classes that were required of me and said knowledge played an important role in my later studies. Am I an immunologist? No. But I have formal training when it comes to understanding the immune system in humans", "569" ], [ "I didn’t say I know better than immunologists or other experts. Just that my knowledge of the subject is acceptable and enough to know that what you said is totally wrong \n\nSo no, whats worse than someone with an okay background in the subject speaking about it is someone who has no knowledge at all, which is you.\n\nSo tell me, if you got shot in the foot and you have no choice but to get the bullet removed ASAP and you don’t have the choice of a specialized trauma surgeon, would you prefer a general surgeon does it or a gas station attendant?", "723" ], [ "It’s that even amongst our current vaccines they still remain around 60% effective against the SA variant and lead to no deaths or hospitalizations (well except for one). Variants have been appearing for many months now but were pretty much never reported on in any meaningful way. People are justifiably annoyed that suddenly the news meeting is reporting on almost each variant as if it’s some jaw dropping news when it’s been run of the mill in the science world for the better part of a year\n\nIts like the news never reporting on car crashes and fatalities until one day a particularly bad pile up occurs and suddenly every car accident is reported on like breaking news\n\nSo it’s not really annoyance at the spot light the world is giving variants, that’s a good thing, but more that it’s obvious the media is just jumping on it for viewership/clicks since they were all too content with pretending like nothing was happening in that department for months", "242" ], [ "1. The lancet study that the 76% number came from indicates long covid that came from those being hospitalized, which I thought for the purposes of this discussion was fairly obvious I was not dismissing. I sais that that is plausible but also possibly likely to not be very different than weakened long functionality after a severe pneumonia which may not even require a hospital stay in many cases, or how those who survived Ebola virus may have had clotting issues for months afterward. I thought it was obvious the “long covid” I was referring to that I took issue with involved the notion that I said was downvoted for that it was unlikely that long covid could appear AFTER testing negative for the virus with no symptoms initially and be worse than until a infection \n\n2. EBV and Shingles are extremely different circumstances and is another thing that I pointed out when I had this originally argument, except the example in that case was HIV. The difference is that in all the listed viral infection the virus is still detectable and very much present and it’s reasonable to correlate the associated symptoms with that infection even if they have phases. In the case of long covid, the virus is NOT detectable; you are virus free \n\n3. A while back I was involved in the design of a number of clinical trials through a type of internship program offered by my school. One such trial was on a medication design to treat psychosomatic gastrointestinal pain in those with diagnosed depression. Do not underestimate psychosomatic pain as people just “believing” they’re sick or that it is not a serious issues. Usually the diagnosis of psychosomatic pain does not result from a lack of imagination or unwillingness to take things seriously but rather an exhaustion of all other medical routes. And given a extremely clear correlation between gastrointestinal symptoms and depression; common symptoms across people doesn’t always indicate a related biological pathology. I was raised by a psychologist, you learn pretty quickly that the mind should not be dismissed and can have tremendous effects on people’s physical health \n\n4. Well of those 10, 5 are family members, and 1 was my significant other at the time and 3 are very close close friends. They would most definitely share details of a chronic illness. In-fact, two of them are noted hypochondriacs who would share information about health issues they had all the time with many people \nYou brought up how you had long covid issues, I brought up how I know 10 people that didnt. One anecdote for another\n\nEDIT: Your proposed pathology is interesting but it’s pretty far out there and I don’t think it’s likely. Namely that im unaware of any study of any coronavirus indicating a viral present months afterwards. Standard PCR testing which is extremely accurate can pick up inactive viral genetic material for a very long time afterwards, this is not unique to coronaviruses. You also don’t provide any reasonable explanation for why a strenuous task would affect serum serotonin levels in a permanent way, it’s likely it would just recover. It’s also worth noting that assigning great importance to mundane tasks is actually a common trope of psychosomatic pain. In my gastrointestinal pain in depressed people example it was not uncommon for people to trace their pain to innocuous food items (peanuts cause me stomach pain but cashews don’t, or white bread hurts my stomach for days if I have to buy a specific brand of whole wheat bread doesn’t). \n\nEDIT 2: You just said a vitamin cocktail cured your long covid? I thought you were stil have long Covid problems? You can’t have it both ways. And what’s this vitamin regiment? This is the first time I’ve heard of this and can’t find any good evidence backing it", "266" ], [ "I don’t think his comment is about the integrity of Singapore, it’s that one guy was saying dismissing info like this from China got everyone into trouble \n\nI think the issue here is that this guy is the education minister who also sits on a covid task force. He’s not actually an expert on the subject and is in a field that isn’t that closely related", "347" ], [ "Someone needs to refresh me on this. This is the same mutation present in the South African variant correct?\n\nTBH I’ve been following all this stuff very closely and I’m losing track of which mutation is on which variant and the individual functionality. Is this a mutation that allows for a degree of escape from an immune response?\n\nEDIT: Tbh it’s been a long time since my virology days but as I recall this doesn’t mean that the variant as a whole is now a carrier of this mutation, there were hundreds of thousands of samples in this study analyzed and only an extremely small amount, 11 had acquired the mutation, I’m not really sure this is an indication that said mutation will become prevalent in this variant", "235" ], [ "Perhaps? I don’t remember them every saying that but it could very well be true. I assumed though that even if the mind drive wasn’t active the conscious within it would still be “alive” sort of like being put in cryogenic sleep or a coma \n\nEmoris was in <PERSON>’s head so that one was definitely active", "926" ], [ "Ah okay, makes sense...I think? \n\nWhat he’s saying there is that either you’re conscience is still alive or you’re physically alive you can transcend, so I guess because the mind drive is basically code it doesn’t count as being “alive”? \n\nDefinitely goes to show you how weak the whole transcendance ending is though imo. I find it funny that he has to go out and basically tell people the “rules” for transcendance", "768" ], [ "Ya I know <PERSON>, and if you read my other comment what hes saying actually isn’t even totally clear \n\nJust another example of how half baked that ending was imo. They could’ve gone so many other cleaner, more satisfying routs than an ending where the showrunner has to start explaining the “rules” of the ending lol", "522" ], [ "The first thing I want to point out here is that this is mostly based on <PERSON> prognostications from Washington University and his model has been...inconsistent. He predicted deaths and ICU admissions at the start of the pandemic bang on, and since then his track record has been quite shaky. For instance, he was quite aggressive in predicting that most states could reopen by May 4th, 2020. Which as we know, that was hilariously wrong \n\nSecond, I’m not sure how they think “seasonal” social distancing is an acceptable strategy, especially with high risk groups. It’s kind of insane to expect elderly people, who are already quite isolated to isolate themselves even further yearly. In fact, it’s kind of abusive \n\nThirdly, I’m really quite sick of the whole we don’t know if vaccines stop transmission talk. They do. We have a mounting amount of evidence that transmission is massively reduced \n\nFourthly, we already have booster shots in development and data indicates cross neutralization between the SA variant and wild type. Meaning infection with the SA variant will make you immune to infection with other variants \n\nIm very glad that they say at the end that this is very uncertain. Truth is I don’t really see how any respectable scientist can go out there and make predictions like this given the insane amount of variables. He’s making what more or less amounts to complete guesses about vaccine uptake, transmission, length of immunity, etc. It’s not evidence based at all. So I think <PERSON> should stick to making predictions about hospital admission and deaths, not attempting to tell the future \n\nI think the scenario where coronavirus is endemic is likely, and we could see things like masks being required in hospitals or nursing homes during certain seasons. But I think it’s quite ridiculous to think we can have “seasonal social distancing” as if it’s something you can just do. People were up in arms about not being able to go into nursing homes during the first wave, and you expect that to just become routine?\n\nEDIT: Also, a lot of this seems to be based on a signifiant amount of vaccine refusal. This is a serious discussion we need to have about whether we as a society should be protecting those who do not get vaccinated. I don’t believe we should, and that does seem to be the prevailing opinion.", "19" ], [ "Lol dude like half of the US can’t even differentiate between a mask and a bandana. You can’t enforce something that already has fairly low adherence even with a killer virus circulating\n\nAnd I really don’t get you, do you enjoy wearing masks or something? A surgeon wears a procedure mask for safety reasons to protect the patient, there’s a reason they take it off when the surgery is complete. Mask usage has been based on necessity, if it’s not viewed as necessary, people won’t wear them. A scenario where virus mortality is close to 0 is exactly one of those instances", "855" ], [ "Exactly. And to be honest I’m not really sure why were listening to <PERSON> in this case. He basically trying to use a crystal ball here. Being the go to guy at predicting deaths and hospitalizations is very different from what basically amounts to trying to tell the future. I can go to my physician and ask what he thinks will happen in the next year. Why not publish an article on that?\n\nNow I’m not criticizing <PERSON> as a health professional. But this article should have basically had a disclaimer on the top saying something to the effect “this article is not based on currently verifiable data. It is the current beliefs of doctors of the IHME based on data that is currently being gathered and changing”", "234" ], [ "In my country, Canada the timeline for vaccinations was to have everyone who wants one vaccinated by September. This only rested on using numbers from approved vaccines at the time, Pfizer and Moderna. So they made a prediction and formulated a timeline based on available data at the time. Since then, the timeline has been moved up a lot based on other vaccine approvals, and will continue to be moved up after even more approvals.\n\nIt looks like this prediction in this article was only made using hard data available at this time, like the Canadian governments timeline only being based on two approved vaccines", "61" ], [ "I believe this is a repost. This was posted earlier today I believe and many of us (including myself) broke down why it’s not the greatest use of our time, or health professional (like <PERSON>) to try and tell the future based on a host of uncertain variables that in this article are what amounts to guesses, like vaccine uptake, the reduction of transmission (which we know is actually greater than the article implies), etc\n\nSo I take issue with “could” become likely. This is pretty much just speculation. In-fact, they even refer to some of the numbers here as being “back of paper” numbers", "19" ], [ "I think that’s because the EU has only vaccinated a small percentage of its population lol. Europe as a wholes vaccine rollout has been pretty terrible \n\nCan you provide any evidence that these people with severe illness were already fully vaccinated? And Europe is using other vaccines as well, not just mRNA vaccines\n\nAnd there’s no flaw in the design of these vaccines lol. RBD mutations will just lead to less vaccine effectiveness, it’s not because the vaccine was poorly designed. And Europe has done a far better job at genomic sequencing than the US. They’d probably know if a very problematic variant showed up", "242" ], [ "Why is this a relevant response? First off, they aren’t getting overrun by variants, there’s essentially one that is common now in Europe (B.1.1.7.) and it doesn’t account for the majority of cases outside the UK. \n\nSecond, this article is about the poor vaccine rollout. It’s not about variants. The EU hasn’t done a good job with its vaccine rollout", "374" ], [ "The majority of new cases or the majority of active cases?\n\nAs far as I know it’s the majority of new infections in a number of EU countries but not the majority of active cases. Active cases is what they mean when they say it is the dominant variant. Something can account for the majority of new infections and take a while to actually become the dominant variant \n\nIf it is the majority of active infections in those countries, please cite a source", "266" ], [ "E484K is present in P.1 as far as I know. The issue arises with the other mutations. It seems to be the specific combination of mutations on B.1.3.5 that has led to its greater degree of resistance. The majority of resistance is a result of E484K, but it does seem that E484K alone only confers a more minor amount of resistance. I remember hearing that the newer variant in New York, which also has E484K only showed a bit of resistance to vaccine induced antibodies \n\nAlso from an evolutionary perspective, we could be seeing the genesis of variants that have lost a slight degree of fitness (which is to be expected) relative to B.1.3.5. In other words those with E484K are not necessarily “better” than B.1.3.5.", "242" ], [ "Again, as I said in another response, dominant does not mean that it is the majority of new infections. It means it’s the majority of active infections. It can take a while for a variant with greater fitness to become dominant and outcompete the existing variant even after it accounts for the majority of newly infected variants. So it may be the majority of newly recorded infections, but it’s not yet the dominant variant of the virus.\n\nFor instance, a new variant can account for 60% of new infections, but the already existing variant still accounts for 40% of new infections and has been proliferating for far longer. So even with the new variant is 60% of new infections, it won’t be the majority of active infections for a while\n\nDominance in the case of variants/viruses refers to when a new variant has successfully outcompeted an existed form of the virus due to greater fitness. It isn’t a big jump from a majority of new infections being that variant to dominance but it is a difference \n\nIf it is in-fact the majority of all infections, then yes you’d be correct. But I don’t know what country you live in so I can’t make that call", "235" ], [ "It’s because the above posters reply doesn’t have much to do with the topic at hand. It hasn’t nothing to do with Reddit or this subs “wishful thinking”. The article is about a slow, poor rollout of vaccines in Europe and people being dissatisfied with it. It has nothing to do with variants. Yes, a side effect of a slow vaccine rollout is greater spread of variants, but that’s not what people are pissed about or what this article is about. They’re pissed because they just can’t get vaccines one way or another and confidence in the vaccine rollout is dismal", "929" ] ]
[ 19238, 21669, 12606, 11408, 9294, 8363, 2640, 6680, 18267, 6608, 9500, 2755, 22727, 20485, 6603, 3510, 3803, 7719, 18702, 22065, 23493, 1264, 1837, 4071, 12202, 6310, 2204, 24204, 1723, 9465, 20725, 18065, 3222, 22593, 3847, 13104, 14559, 1843, 18727, 14640, 6251, 12900, 4574, 4829, 21905, 13292, 1877, 753, 23123, 12952, 24259, 19333, 12905, 15102, 24175, 3743, 20415, 7788, 24552, 6297, 12426, 1527, 21914, 8310, 14588, 22590, 25421, 2432, 22233, 16495, 2996, 7472, 14972, 7597, 4863, 23421, 16212, 23074, 12035, 17644, 24362, 2062, 16107, 15096, 14711, 11763, 13368, 13090, 21698, 17607, 19564, 14818, 12340, 6726, 12859, 23034, 18730, 19245, 5614, 18923, 14246, 1598, 19993, 13737, 13702, 1230, 14750, 24336, 24078, 11965, 8256, 202, 15846, 2560, 308, 15255, 11513, 6014, 6217, 14916, 21236, 3581, 17255, 3267, 22852, 18263, 4516, 10857, 16655, 8330, 17880, 22526, 12800, 23148, 2764, 4623, 6376, 2718, 3383, 13048, 5696, 6730, 9033, 7582, 6293, 10532, 21460, 12216, 1482, 17402, 18828, 10496, 22638, 24453, 2461, 3988, 7550, 18380, 21269, 11168, 13625, 6618, 20186, 2836, 2323, 1849, 15852, 14373, 16542, 19486, 21021, 1834, 15869, 12846, 5061, 24584, 5089, 606, 8830, 21655, 14659, 24612, 21478, 18858, 6260, 17485, 11193, 20135, 22358, 518, 4533, 3391, 12831, 18984, 1439, 15399, 13796, 17333, 6238, 20743, 19218, 2873, 14289, 3045, 17628, 11046, 9627, 7235, 17043, 7231, 12358, 18441, 10780, 14315, 5116, 17589, 4847, 349, 4440, 11339, 17241, 10696, 1428, 6024, 20895, 23125, 15266, 11496, 2658, 12763, 15366, 5690, 10736, 12129, 14656, 20731, 13262, 12785, 22034, 12840, 11225, 5104, 19348, 19709, 12722, 2138, 10254, 19446, 9771, 1062, 6772, 15890, 5189, 4228, 10863, 7449, 16083, 4646, 1160, 10298, 196, 2239, 3370, 2131, 17130, 16514, 7463, 5496, 25409, 6862, 2358, 17887, 10579, 7587, 5923, 22278, 9032, 13873, 22790, 21401, 8689, 23792, 14912, 1359, 16407, 1282, 14788, 6799, 1715, 15339, 22321, 24687, 6394, 24386, 1878, 14528, 11287, 13912, 13587, 464, 22132, 6434, 2538, 25479, 15727, 9696, 19710, 4092, 9227, 12998, 8338, 14273, 24074, 24585, 18718, 13778, 15713, 4987, 6675, 6302, 6883, 3826, 13453, 16233, 16784, 23397, 461, 7954, 6085, 6856, 332, 670, 14618, 21471, 7655, 22834, 5862, 19951, 23977, 3620, 13132, 2144, 2039, 3596, 6406, 11042, 1201, 1242, 2085, 3486, 18045, 1179, 2286, 15855, 22864, 2721, 17726, 2126, 21522, 3921, 1447, 11515, 8843, 85, 16202, 4117, 715, 10139, 25332, 11760, 13618, 4389, 15286, 6370, 17101, 10680, 6075, 6587, 11181, 16242, 20675, 12842, 809, 18003, 21104, 10747, 7002, 13656, 9413, 22326, 11929, 12005, 939, 23914, 10978, 21426, 21928, 3685, 3874, 9463, 17321, 4570, 14282, 9544, 13674, 3611, 3423, 14929, 3416, 19492, 9087, 7516, 3792, 15976, 17198, 3141, 1455, 6232, 6551, 9673, 6762, 17480, 377, 11484, 1120, 22007, 19897, 13015, 8531, 2045, 5483, 12267, 5697, 3029, 2327, 12802, 10525, 5754, 16120, 14981, 5843, 23209, 13765, 15893, 12644, 13770, 13948, 23713, 7047, 16686, 3735, 14272, 5453, 11284, 16225, 17543, 10037, 16950, 12346, 1004, 16521, 9892, 8107, 19172, 9636, 1027, 6696, 16799, 23663, 19807, 4594, 13072, 10331, 14552, 9915, 632, 2756, 8683, 4848, 6153, 8520, 25265, 3212, 8281, 23815, 1829, 3829, 15338, 11799, 24130, 5845, 16403, 1725, 4971, 2307, 23806, 8136, 24530, 10213 ]
[ [ "Yep, keep in mind that this game is still very new. It was only released in the US on 01/11/2017. Less than a month ago. \n\nOf the 3 available packs:\n\nUltimate Rising was released on 10/26/2016 and will be leaving the store on 02/14/2017.\n\nAge of Discovery was released on 12/07/2016 and will be leaving the store on 02/14/2017.\n\nNeo-Impact was released on 12/27/2016 and there is no news of it leaving yet.\n\nThe new rumored pack, Flame of the Tyrant, is rumored to be released later this month, most likely around the time the two previous packs will be removed.\n\nAlso, there are new cards added when new characters are added.\n\nSo far, the Card Trader has had multiple instances where it's card lineup has been updated with new cards. There will also be cards rotated out of it too.\n\nSo as time goes on, you should find the card line up growing more and more.", "422" ], [ "Yep, I've noticed the AI seems to think that my lamb tokens from Stray Lambs can **not** be used for tribute summoning.\n\nEvery time... I have Stray Lambs and a 2 tribute monster in my hand, it'll use Stray Lambs, then end the turn. Afterwards, it NEVER uses the lambs to tribute for the monster, choosing to set another monster or end turn instead.", "922" ], [ "There's multiple ways to get keys:\n\n1. Occasional Duel School reward.\n\n2. Easter Egg pickup spots.\n\n3. Trading for a specific key from Card Trader.\n\n4. Duel Rewards.\n\nOf the 4, the only dependable method to get more is to challenge duelists. There's really no efficient way to get more besides: \n\n1. Use Dueling Orbs to restock standard duelists. \n\n2. Use a farming deck to increase the amount of rewards per duel.\n\nThus, one of the many tips you'll find on this reddit is to save all your keys until Stage 30.", "668" ], [ "Yep, Balance causes your starting hand to reflect the monster/spell/trap ratio in your deck. \n\nSo for example, a 20 card deck with 10 monsters, 5 spells, and 5 traps... your starting hand will be 2 monsters, 1 spell, and 1 trap.\n\nThis is because 10/20=50% monsters, 5/20=25% spells, and 5/20=25% traps. So with starting hand being 4 cards, 50% of that means 2 cards are monsters, 25% of that means 1 card spell, and 25% of that is 1 card trap.\n\nSo in your example with 8 monsters, 8 spells, and 4 traps:\n\n8/20 = 40% monsters.\n\n8/20 = 40% spells.\n\n4/20 = 20 traps. \n\nSo with a starting hand of 4 cards, your starting hand will consist of 1 guaranteed monster, 1 guaranteed spell, most likely 1 trap, and the last card is randomly picked as either a monster or spell. \n\nHowever, due to the ratio being so close for the last 2 cards, it's possible to not get a trap and get a monster and spell too. Just keep in mind that 1 monster and 1 spell is guaranteed, the rest depends on random. \n\nTo know this for sure, yup we'll have to see code. But even if you decompile the apk, there's no guarantee you'll be able to find what you're looking for because this part of the code *might* be handled server-side. Strong might, since it's usually not, but this isn't the first thing Konami has done with the game that goes against standards. \n\nStrange that you're not able to get the game working on those emulators. I've had people tell me they were able to get it working on Bluestacks and Nox. \n\nAlso, the minimal requirement is Android version 4.4, so you don't need 5.1. \n\nHave you tried just downloading from the Play Store instead of installing from the APK? Or is there a specific reason why you're trying to install from APK?", "805" ], [ "In this game, your Stage reflects your... *ability level*, in some sense. \n\nSo when your stage is low, duelists you'll see will consider you as a weakling so they'll use their weakest decks on you and will go easy when fighting you. \n\nBut if your deck is high, they'll use their stronger decks on you and play much tougher. \n\nWhen you first start the game at Stage 1, Legendary Duelists will only show up with their lvl10 decks.\n\nStage 6, they'll use their lvl20 decks.\n\nStage 14, they'll use their lvl30 decks. \n\nStage 30, they'll use their lvl40 decks. \n\nWhen you fight against their lvl30 decks, you'll notice that in their drop rewards, they now have their exclusive UR/SR cards available as drop rewards. However, they still include the other R and N cards that every other legendary duelist has too. \n\nWhen you fight their lvl40 decks, you'll notice that in their drop rewards, they **only** have their exclusive R, SR, and UR cards now.\n\nSo saving your keys till stage 30 allows you to use them on lvl40 Legendary Duelists, which gives you a higher opportunity to get their exclusive card drops due to having a smaller card pool than before. \n\nThis is important since most of the cards you do want from these Legendary Duelists are those R, SR, and UR cards and not the other cards that are offered across all other Legendary Duelist.", "163" ], [ "Each character has their own exclusive set of Drop skills, so to get them... you have to use the character whose drop skill you want and fight Legendary Duelists and hope for it to drop as a duel reward.\n\nSo, for example, if you want <PERSON> Destiny Draw. You use him as your character then go fight any Legendary Duelist at an lvl and hope for a drop. It's a random drop and can be any of the drop skills he has.", "961" ], [ "Strange issue. \n\nNormally, I would suggest reinstalling the game since you've already made a Konami account, but it looks like that isn't the issue here, due to the error occuring on both devices.\n\nAs of right now, I can only guess that it could be one of two things:\n\n1. An internal error related to your account, such as the game fetching an invalid value after updating your duel or character switch results. But if it's an internal error, only solution is to message Konami and notify them about your problem, so you can see if they can fix it up. \n\n2. It might be something you've done to your device, such as a personal customization that doesn't play nicely with certain apps. Did you jailbreak your devices and did any customizations? Chances of this is pretty low, but if it is, this isn't something Konami can help you with. \n\nNormally, the reason for this problem would be an improperly downloaded/updated file in the app's data, so a reinstall would fix it. But, due to this exact issue happening on both devices without fail, it sounds like one of the above two reasons more.", "131" ], [ "People have messaged me to tell me that the auto-reply said it should take one to two weeks. \n\nI can only say, it will most likely take that long because, although it shouldn't take more than an hour to search up your account, unless your info wasn't clear, it does take longer to do the other things.\n\nBut usually, the reason for taking so long is because... they have a boatload of other users to handle before you. This is primarily due to their awful system of not requiring users to register for an account... then having server issues that caused lots of users to reinstall thinking it'll fix the problem. \n\nIf you don't mind the $10, which isn't really a lot spent on a game, then you might as well start a new account. For new account, register it with a Konami Account and just start playing it.\n\nMy suggestion is to do just that. Start a new account, make a Konami account, and play it until they contact you about your old account. By then, you can see if you want to use the old one or the new one. \n\nMost likely, you'd rather play the new one :P", "822" ], [ "You can go to the Card Catalog and convert cards you don't need for Stones and coins. \n\nTo get UR stones, convert UR cards. To get Trap stones, convert Trap cards. \n\nHowever, due to how rare UR cards are, make sure the UR stones are spent well. \n\nI take it that you want to buy Embodiment of Aphophis? Think about how much you actually need that card, as opposed to just wanting to get it to try it out in your deck. For the record, the current best UR card offered by Card Trader is Riryoku.", "471" ], [ "> To create farm decks for farming over 9999 bonus, there's basically 5 options for you: \n\n > 1. Use a [Cerberus](_URL_1_) Deck: _URL_5_ - This type of deck is the easiest to use and the most applicable for most duelists. \n\n > 2. Use a [Guardian Baou](_URL_0_) Deck: _URL_7_ - This card gains 1000 ATK every time it destroys a monster, but due to it only having 800 ATK in the beginning, and only being able to be summoned out when the Equip card is on the field... its tougher to get him started. \n\n > 3. Use a [Mythical Beast of Serket](_URL_6_) Deck: This deck is similar to Guardian Baou in the fact that he has to destroy monsters to increase ATK by 500. However, also slightly harder to get out since he requires the Trap card to be active on the field... and destroying that trap will destroy this card too. Though, It'll be almost impossible to get him to do over 9999 ATK without some extra assistance from other ATK boosting cards.\n\n > 4. Use a [Millennium Scorpion](_URL_6_) Deck: This deck is similar to Mythical Beast Serket in the fact that he has to destroy monsters to increase ATK by 500. However, it has 500 ATK less than <PERSON>, but it does get summoned much easier and doesn't rely on a trap card to stay on the field. Can be comboed with [Insect Imitation](_URL_2_) to be summoned out. Though, It'll be almost impossible to get him to do over 9999 ATK without some extra assistance from other ATK boosting cards.\n\n > 5. Use a Water deck with [Piercing Moray](_URL_3_) - This card requires you to tribute an Aqua/SeaSerpent/Fish monster once per turn to increase ATK by 600. Great for water decks, however, you have to keep in mind that you need a consistent supply of monsters to sacrifice to it, so its best to combo this card with [Jam Breeding Machine](_URL_4_). However, since he only gains 600 ATK each turn, you **must** summon him within the first few turns of the game, or you won't reach over 9999 ATK before opponent decks out.\n\nIf you want to only farm over 5000 points, then there's a lot more options that you can have.", "668" ], [ "Normally, cases like this isn't a bug with the code itself, but a glitch caused by other unforseen factors, such as a particular, but not required, file not loading up... or connection issues... or... the system assigning a wrong value when loading an app up due to lag or etc... \n\nHard to say the actual reason why, since anything could have happened, but usually amongst developers, it's agreed that if the problem isn't reproducible, especially after a restart, then it's not something that has a high priority to be fixed... because most of the time, we just won't be able to find the problem on our end.", "586" ], [ "Effect damage means damage that is done by an effect from a card.\n\nSo <PERSON> and Karate Man, even though they are effect monsters, they deal their damage through battle, so it's counted as Battle Damage instead of Effect Damage.\n\nAn example of a monster with Effect Damage is [Catapult Turtle](_URL_0_).\n\nYou can use Trap cards like Attack and Receive, or spell cards like Restructor Revolution.\n\nOne card you'll definitely have is Raimei which is a spell card that deals 300 damage. You get this from the starter deck. So use that card in 7 duels, and you'll finish the mission.", "991" ], [ "It's timing. \n\nMirror Wall can be activated at pretty much any time, including the damage step. However, Twister isn't able to be activated during the damage step because there's only a specific types of cards that can be activated during that step... namely, counter traps or cards that directly alter the ATK/DEF of monsters, such as Mirror Wall. \n\nFor more info about what card effects can be activated during the damage step: _URL_0_\n\nNote that if Mirror Wall is activated outside of Damage Step, then Twister or Wild Tornado can be used.", "922" ], [ "Personally, I'm a fan of Wild Tornado due to it's second effect. \n\nUnlike Twister, Wild Tornado can't be used on the first turn, but I seldom need to use spell/trap removals immediately on the turn I draw them. \n\nI'm quite a fan of Wild Tornado's second effect though, even though there's not a lot of facedown trap destroying cards. But it'll work wonders on combos like Levia-Dragon Daedalus's Umi effect or etc.", "344" ], [ "Not really... it really depends on what you're comparing to and what you need. \n\nI'm getting a Note10+ and that's definitely an upgrade from the Note9, especially in the features I use most which are: \n\n* SPen, and all related upgrades including Samsung Notes\n* Camera\n* Battery (I'll count this as a feature, since I need this)\n\nOne area I didn't touch upon before was Samsung Dex since I work and use a PC and laptop. Therefore, Samsung Dex wasn't too useful for me since I see it more as a PC or laptop replacement.\n\nSo for someone who heavily uses both Phone and PC, this new Note10 exclusive to Samsung Dex sounds extremely extremely attractive to me. \n\nI'll be missing the Iris Scanner and Heart-rate Sensor though. \n\nI can't say I'll miss the headphone jack much since I'm perfectly happy with using bluetooth headphones. You start to appreciate bluetooth headphones when you experience a guy rushing out of the train door and his bookbag snagging on your cable, which yanks your phone out of your jacket pocket and onto a cement floor. Surprisingly it only cracked the back glass, but UBreakIFix still charged me $129 (not including tax) for the fix... At that price, I might as well have spent it on the Galaxy Buds instead.", "781" ], [ "Personally, I think it's just the name.\n\nPeople see Note10 and they think of the Note10 being the Note9's successor and the Note10+ being a more Premium version of the Note10.\n\nBut that's not it... in reality, the Note10+ is the Note9 successor and the Note10 is more like an entry-level device for aspiring Note users... those who haven't wet their feet as a Note poweruser, but wants to give it a try.\n\nI'll quote this from Samsung's Unpacked Event:\n\n > And now, for the first time. People who always wanted a Note in a smaller device will be able to experience it too. We packed all the power and productivity of the Note in two different sizes... \n > \n > ...And for those die-hard Note fans, The Note10+ comes with the biggest screen on a Note.\n\nFrom their introduction, the Die-Hard Note Fans would be those heavy Note users like me, which would opt for the Note10+.\n\nWhereas, those who want to try a Note too, but never did because of the screen size, can go for the Note10.\n\nI've just been seeing too many comparisons made of the Note9 and the Note10 instead of the Note10+.\n\nSure, I can understand that people are upset that there's reductions in the Note10, but there's bound to be sacrifices when shrinking a Note10+ into a size smaller than the regular Note. *Though I should say that I can understand the reductions for some of the internals, like the SD card, but not for some reductions like the 1080p screen.*\n\nPersonally, I think there would have been much less negativity if the Note10+ was named the Note10 and the Note10 was named Note10e (or something similar).\n\nI'm more partial to the name Note10mini\n\nI also have a group of friends who are interested in the SPen features, but they're put off by the Note's size so they haven't purchased the Note series. Therefore, I do see where Samsung is coming from when releasing a Note10mini.", "781" ], [ "It's understandable, since price is a very important consideration for many. \n\nI also have friends who are die-hard Note fans and would love the latest and greatest, but they're unable to do so because they're the breadwinners for their family. So the sacrifice for them has always been to just be a generation or two behind other Note users. \n\nBut there's nothing wrong with using phones a generation or two behind, especially if you can use the price difference in more appropriate places. \n\nIn your case, I also don't see the Note10+ being worth $1000 more than a Note9. So I would have made the same decision as you too... for this year at least \\^\\_\\^\n\nI'm not sure how it is in Australia, but in the US, we're able to trade-in old phones for pretty good discounts and other freebies, which makes the price difference between previous Note model and newest Note model not as drastic. \n\nTherefore, I would happily trade-in my Note9 for a large discount on the Note10+.", "781" ], [ "I see where you're getting at and I do agree that it shouldn't have been a problem to keep it since Samsung's reasons for why they removed doesn't sound too convincing (can add an extra 100mAh to battery and improve haptic feedback). \n\nBut, honestly, this wouldn't bother me too much even if I still use wired headphones since at most, I'll just buy a double dongle and permanently keep it attached to my headphones. \n\nThe reductions from the Note9 that bothers me more is the removal of the Iris Scanner and the Heart-rate sensor. The Iris Scanner worked well for me and it was a more secure form of security than the Fingerprint Scanner. I also used the Heart-Rate sensor often whether it was for the Gym or just for a quick check here and there. \n\nAt least for the headphone jack, I could make due with a dongle, but I can't get a similar solution for these two other missing features... :(", "781" ], [ "As a current Note9 user, I think the Note10+ does have a lot of upgrades over the Note9.\n\nMain improvements would be:\n\n* SPen gained horizontal, vertical, and rotation remote controls. \n* Samsung Notes improvement (Note9 might get this)\n* Screen-Off Memo improvements (Note9 might get this)\n* 300mAh battery with up to 45w charging instead of the 15w on Note9. \n* No dedicated Bixby Button\n* New DeX improvements (Note9 might get this if it ever stops being a Note10 exclusive)\n* Camera improvements (Note9 won't have the Wide Camera or ToF camera)\n* Under-screen Fingerprint Scanner (I'm one of those who prefer the fingerprint scanner being on the front rather than the back, since when phone is placed down, this requires me to lift phone up to unlock)\n* Larger internal storage and ram\n\nI'm okay with the lack of a headphone jack since, even if I still used wired headphones, I could just buy a dongle or a double dongle and permanently keep it attached to my wired headphones. \n\nBut headphone jacks aren't the only thing you'll lose... for me, the two more critical losses are: \n\n* Iris Scanner - Worked very well for me and it was a more secure form of security than Fingerprint Scanner\n* Heart-rate Sensor - Used this heavily after the gym and for a quick check here and there\n\nSadly, the loss of those two features can't be as easily solved as permanently attaching a dongle to wired headphones. \n\nBut, if you're coming from an iPhone7+, then you wouldn't have had those two features... so no loss to you. \n\nI do suggest you go for the Note10+, since if you grow too used to the headphone jack, Iris Scanner, and Heart-rate sensor on the Note9, you'll possibly never upgrade to another Note device again since there's no guarantee that Samsung will bring those features back in later Notes. \n\nSo since you're currently not using any legacy features of Note devices, don't get the Note9 and make yourself comfortable and reliant on features that's gone already. \n\nGo for the Note10+, since at least the features on there has a higher chance of being on the Note11 and later.", "781" ], [ "It's [this](_URL_0_) that he's talking about: \n\nThe Gear VR uses the USB port, but if you want music, you plug directly into the headphone jack on your phone... otherwise you need to use a bluetooth headphone. \n\nBut since bluetooth lag is a problem for <PERSON>... his only options are to use his Gear VR without sound or look for an alternative headset that comes with a headphone jack, since a dongle wouldn't work for this situation.", "155" ], [ "I prefer Samsung's Internet Browser for these two reasons:\n\n* Adblock - Cutting out ads makes pages load MUCH faster and scrolls smoother\n* Secret Mode - A better incognito mode since it functions like a complete web browser in a separate space with biometric protection\n\nDue to that, the lazy me usually signs onto my accounts in Secret mode and don't bother logging out and I don't have to worry about someone getting into my accounts.", "781" ], [ "Sorry to say this, but it's extremely complicated to list out all the improvements from the Note5 to Note10+, because literally everything has gotten an improvement. \n\nNot only are there a multitude of improvements in Samsung features, but there's even a lot on Android itself. \n\nThe SPen and Camera you're so used to on the Note5 gained a crazy amount of features and capabilities.\n\nEven the UI is very different since Samsung switched from Touchwiz to OneUI. \n\nSo essentially, your experience as a Note5 user isn't going to help you too much... just pretend you're new to Note devices and explore every new feature so you can happily go, \"WOAHHHH This is so cool!\" \n\nIt's more exciting to find out all the major and minor changes yourself.", "781" ], [ "One UI was never really about fluidity. In my experience, it does appear more fluid than the older Touchwiz, but it doesn't come close to the same fluid experience on an iPhone or some of the more fluid Android phones. \n\nHowever, it's focus is more on the attention to detail. \n\nSo although it has it's One-Handed Mode that shrinks the screen into a smaller size for you to use with one-hand, it also acknowledges that not many people might use this feature or want to use it during certain times.\n\nTherefore, one of the major parts of One-UI is the user's Accessibility. \n\nFor example, the Back Button outside of the Navigation Bar is commonly found in the top left corner of your screen. Trying to tap that without adjusting your hand, using your other hand, or using One-Handed Mode is literally impossible. \n\nTherefore, the methodology of OneUI is to allow you to drag down which places the Back Button right where your thumb can reach.\n\nBut this isn't simply shuffling the screen down or it wouldn't be any different from the Reachability feature on iPhones. \n\nInstead, it not only brings the top half down, but it enlarges or displays content within the top half of the screen that you might want. \n\nFor example, in the Gallery app, dragging down will reveal buttons that lets you jump directly to Videos, Favorites, Locations, or Suggested. \n\nIn the Notifcation Drawer, dragging down not only reveals more toggles, but the top part enlarges the time and date for you. \n\nSo in this aspect of OneUI, not only is it meant to give you better access to top controls, but it's also supposed to give you better visibility and accessibility to functions it thinks the user will need.", "707" ], [ "Some of that is due to the developer's part, but Samsung does have a setting that lets it attempt to force an app into it's full screen size. I have yet to see this feature not work properly, so for the apps that I use that doesn't support Samsung's screen size, this feature worked well. But I can't say this would work properly for all apps, especially some badly designed games. \n\nLoading circles are still there, since it's a common visualization for refreshing or loading. But again, it really does depend on the developer making it up to date. But for the most part, I've seen apps use a loading circle that fits with Google's Material Design. \n\nCan't say if it's worth switching back to Samsung for you, since to me, it was always better to use the Samsung Note. But I've been more focused on the unique Note features offered rather than the aesthetic part of the experience. \n\nHowever, I can say it's worth a try.", "781" ], [ "Slight correction on the biggest and dumbest thing. \n\nThe Power Button's long press can be set to either activate Bixby or show Power Menu. The double press can be configured to open the camera, open Bixby, or just open any app too. \n\nAs for the long hold to do a hard reboot... that's been changed to holding down Power+Volume Down since a few generations ago.", "707" ], [ "I also use Nova Launcher, but don't configure it that way since I'm not on the homescreen most of the time. \n\nI remember on that old LG phone, the nice part about it's double tap to turn off is that you can simply double tap the status bar inside any app to turn it off. \n\nWell, for the Note10+, I'll probably just use the Power Button anyway since it's lower now.", "672" ], [ "Grab an alternate device, or download a supported Android Emulator, and download the game. Afterwards, on the homescreen, press Data Transfer and log in with the Konami Account you've created.\n\nIf you see your game data on that device, this means it's working. If it doesn't work... that mean's you've done something wrong so you can go back to your original device and do it properly.", "450" ], [ "It's because Spirit Ryu has a bug and Cat's Ear Tribe doesn't.\n\nCat's Ear Tribe makes all monsters that battles it become 200 ATK, so it can be used for stalling because AI won't attack it due to it destroying their monster too. That is, unless they rack up enough damage to take out your LP after getting rid of Cat's Ear Tribe.\n\nSpirit Ryu, on the other hand, can gain 1000 ATK/DEF when discarding dragon monsters... but this effect only happens during your turn. Bug is, your opponent misread the card effect and thinks it can happen on his turn too, so he won't attack your Spirit Ryu thinking you can discard cards to activate effect when you really can't.", "535" ], [ "AI isn't attacking Spirit Ryu when it's on your field and you have cards enough cards in your hand, because it thinks the cards you're holding are Dragon monsters that can be discarded to boost Spirit Ryu's ATK by 1000 each. \n\nProblem is, this is a bug because Spirit Ryu's effect can only be activated during your turn instead of his... so he should be able to attack your Spirit Ryu without fear. \n\nBut because AI *misread* the card... dumping out a Spirit Ryu is enough to cause the AI to not attack you at all.", "535" ], [ "Just to tell you, don't follow [this Spirit Ryu deck](_URL_0_), since it's overly complicated and at most, it can only get you an over 5000 damage bonus. \n\nFor a Spirit Ryu deck, just put 2-3 copies of Spirit Ryu, Secret Pass to the Treasures, a copy or two of Backup Soldier, and then fill the rest with dragon monsters. For backup soldier, make sure at least 3 of those dragons are 1500 ATK or less normal monsters.\n\nThen when using it, simply toss out Spirit Ryu, and end turn. On the final turn, activate Secret Pass to the Treasures and Backup soldier to get more dragons back to your hand. Attack and discard all dragons. \n\nFor LD, this works against:\n\n* <PERSON> - Though, you'll have to find a way to get rid of Necrovalley, such as using De-Spell or Murmur of the Forest, otherwise, you can't activate Backup Soldier.\n\n* <PERSON> - Works for sure.\n\n* <PERSON> - Works as long as you don't give him room to summon Time Wizard, but incase that does happen, you should still have spare copies of Spirit Ryu to toss down. \n\n* Mako - Works, but you need to be careful of his direct attacking water monster. \n\n* Rex - Works.\n\n* Tea - Works\n\nI believe the only one that didn't work was <PERSON>, since he has suicidal warriors and enemy controller.\n\nDidn't try the rest, but I'll assume they'll work :/", "128" ], [ "The most efficient way to farm up these cards is to increase the amount of rewards you get per duel. Since you get 1 reward per 1000 points in your high score, this means that to increase the amount of rewards, you'll have to increase your high score.\n\nHere's a link to the High Score Points you can get: _URL_0_\n\nFrom that, you can see that the highest you can get is when you deal over 9999 damage in one hit, so there's decks, known as *Farming Decks*, made to dish out either over 9999 damage in one hit, or over 5000 damage in one hit. Note that, simply dealing 9999 damage in one hit will give you 3000 points and winning a duel will give you 2000. That's 5000 Points, without considering the other points you can easily rack up.\n\nIn the current game, there are 5 monsters that you can use to potentially deal over 9999 damage in one hit: \n\nTo create farm decks, there's basically 5 options for you: \n\n1. Use a [Cerberus](_URL_2_) Deck: _URL_6_ - This type of deck is the easiest to use and the most applicable for most duelists. \n\n2. Use a [Guardian Baou](_URL_1_) Deck: _URL_8_ - This card gains 1000 ATK every time it destroys a monster, but due to it only having 800 ATK in the beginning, and only being able to be summoned out when the Equip card is on the field... its tougher to get him started. \n\n3. Use a [Mythical Beast of Serket](_URL_7_) Deck: This deck is similar to Guardian Baou in the fact that he has to destroy monsters to increase ATK by 500. However, also slightly harder to get out since he requires the Trap card to be active on the field... and destroying that trap will destroy this card too. Though, It'll be almost impossible to get him to do over 9999 ATK without some extra assistance from other ATK boosting cards.\n\n4. Use a [Millennium Scorpion](_URL_7_) Deck: This deck is similar to Mythical Beast Serket in the fact that he has to destroy monsters to increase ATK by 500. However, it has 500 ATK less than Serket, but it does get summoned much easier and doesn't rely on a trap card to stay on the field. Can be comboed with [Insect Imitation](_URL_3_) to be summoned out. Though, It'll be almost impossible to get him to do over 9999 ATK without some extra assistance from other ATK boosting cards.\n\n5. Use a Water deck with [Piercing Moray](_URL_4_) - This card requires you to tribute an Aqua/SeaSerpent/Fish monster once per turn to increase ATK by 600. Great for water decks, however, you have to keep in mind that you need a consistent supply of monsters to sacrifice to it, so its best to combo this card with [Jam Breeding Machine](_URL_5_). However, since he only gains 600 ATK each turn, you **must** summon him within the first few turns of the game, or you won't reach over 9999 ATK before opponent decks out.\n\nMost farming decks gets around 6-8 rewards per successful run.\n\nCerberus decks are the most popular, easy to use, but you might run into some troubles with some Legendary Duelists if you can draw the cards ready to counter them. Note that if Cerberus is destroyed, your duel is most likely lost. \n\nPersonally, I use a Piercing Moray farming deck, since I find it more reliable. At the very least, if Piercing Moray is destroyed, you still have other monsters who can help win the duel. \n\nThis is currently the most efficient way to farm up drop rewards from LD, since you increase the amount of rewards per set of keys you use.", "668" ], [ "Did you create a Konami Account through Settings > Data Transfer Settings? \n\nIf you did, you can log in with that Konami Account from the homescreen.\n\nBut if you didn't... You'll have to submit a Player Data Recovery Inquiry through Settings > Contact Us. \n\n_URL_0_\n\nI made a screenshot of the form, so as long as you can provide enough information to verify its you and to help them locate the game data, you can recover it. \n\nGive them as much as you can and as accurate as you can.\n\nSee what they tell you. If they're not able to help, then nothing you can do but start over.", "450" ], [ "It's a good card, especially if you're using decks built around Blue Eyes White Dragon or Red Eyes Black Dragon.\n\nNote that it's effect only allows you to search for a normal monster of Dragon, Warrior, Spellcaster type. \n\nSo it's useful for those decks that allows you to special summon high leveled monsters if they're in your hand, such as a Red Eyes Black Chick or Dragon Summoning Flute. \n\nIt could help in quite a few ways, for example... let's say you're using a Ritual or a Fusion deck... you want to ritual summon a 7star monster, but you lack the mats. You use that pull a 7star dragon into your hand, and now you can. \n\nPersonally, I don't consider it that great, but that's because most of my cards are effect monsters. \n\nI would wait for other stuff unless you have a deck that can utilize it.", "535" ], [ "_URL_0_\n\nThat's how a Prismatic card looks. See the pattern on the card?\n\nPrismatic cards are always glossy like that, whereas regular Glossy cards looks like a regular card, except every now and then, a shine animation will occur on it. \n\nOh and using a Glossy card gives you a 100 point bonus per card, and using a Prismatic card gives you a 200 point bonus per card.", "471" ], [ "To be absolutely truthful, it's most likely not money that gave you those UR, but just the odds. \n\nYou already spent so much gems on the Ultimate Rising pack without pulling any UR, so now that a lot of packs are gone from the pack... the chances of pulling the remaining cards becomes higher. \n\nAs luck would have it, the next batch just happened to include 7 of them. \n\nI would say it was of your luck + you increasing the chances to get UR through reducing the # of packs in the box prior to the pull.", "805" ], [ "What do you mean? The gifts that were suspended has already been given out.\n\nYou should have gotten that 500 gems either before it was suspended or after it was resumed. \n\nThose 500 gems and the Toon World Event were the only two things suspended due to server issues. \n\nFRI, those 500 gems, are not the same as the 500 gems + 50 orbs compensation.\n\nThe daily gifts I think you're talking about, which was to celebrate the release of the game in Europe ended before the event was suspended.", "599" ], [ "> Did you create a Konami Account through Settings > Data Transfer Settings? \n\n > If you did, you can log in with that Konami Account from the homescreen.\n\n > But if you didn't... You'll have to submit a Player Data Recovery Inquiry through Settings > Contact Us. \n\n > _URL_0_\n\n > I made a screenshot of the form, so as long as you can provide enough information to verify its you and to help them locate the game data, you can recover it. \n\n > Give them as much as you can and as accurate as you can.\n\n > See what they tell you. If they're not able to help, then nothing you can do but start over. \n\nFor you, the problem is that the game data is actually stored on Konami's servers, and not on your device. Due to how the whole account system works and etc, I believe that Konami is creating a unique randomized ID every time you install the app and it's binding your game data to that ID. \n\nWhen you create a Konami account, it will replace that ID with the Konami ID, to allow you a more personal access point to your data.\n\nFor the game backup from the Game Center, most likely it wasn't able to backup such information, so when it downloaded back onto your phone, there was no way to verify that the account was yours. Thus, you had to begin from scratch. \n\nSo, now you have two options: \n\n1. If you made a Konami Account before, log in with it.\n\n2. If you never made a Konami Account, contact Konami using the above information and hope for the best.", "450" ], [ "Go to Settings > Data Transfer Settings and follow the instructions to create a Konami Account.\n\nNow on the iPad, after downloading the game, on the homescreen, press Data Transfer and log in using the Konami Account you created.\n\nThis will open the game with your progress, so you can now play on both devices... not at the same time though.", "450" ], [ "1. The current system, is pretty much what you want, since the game data is stored on Konami's servers, so once you create your Konami account, you can use it to play across any supported device. Don't be fooled by the Data Transfer wording, the data isn't stored locally. **But what MUST be done is to have an active prompt to tell users to create this account.**\n\n2. So you're basically saying, you want Daily missions that can gift gems instead of only having recurring Weekly missions that gives gems? I agree with this, since currently if you've maxed out your stage and all characters, the only way to get gems are: events or compensations, weekly missions, lifetime missions, easter egg spots, daily gift, and possible duel school reward.\n\n3. I can't remember too well, since it's been over 10 years, but I seem to recall that current packs are cheaper than real-life equivalents. I remember paying about $5 per pack and inside the pack was 9 cards I believe. Right now, it's $1 for 3 cards, so $3 for 9 cards. Paying for bits of data compared to paying for bits of paper... can't say there's too much of a difference. I do want to say, $0.25 per pack is way too low, basically not as profitable especially when there's a maximum limit of 3 cards per deck. They'll need 4x as much people to purchase cards with real money if they make this change, but due to the lowered amount of money, people could reach the maximum amount of copies much easily too. In a way, reducing prices to that amount, would require them to issue out a much faster card rotation to keep up. In the long run, it's not a good idea. \n\n4. Not sure what is ladder that you are talking about. But I'll add in my own requests. I would like to see a fix for the Bulk Convert for cards, since the Bulk Convert leaves behind too many cards. I would also like to see a less cluttered Notifications screen. Finally, I would like to see this game prompting users to create an account!", "835" ], [ "> When a Fusion Monster(s) is **destroyed by a card effect** and sent to the Graveyard: Its owner targets 1 Fusion Material Monster in their Graveyard that is listed on that Fusion Monster; that player Special Summons that target.\n\nThis means any card, whether it's monster, spell, or trap card. As long as it has an effect that explicitly states that it *destroys* the fusion monster, then it'll work. *Note that destroying by battle does not count.*", "535" ], [ "As of current cards, your best bet is this card: \n\n**[Contact with the Aquamirror\n](_URL_0_)** - Requires some luck, but this allows you to rearrange the next 2 cards in your deck. \n\n**[A Cat of Ill Omen](_URL_1_)** - This allows you to search for any trap card in your deck to put on top of your deck. So, if you can decrease your LP by 2000 points before you draw, this can get you... double Mirror Wall or etc.", "344" ], [ "> You'll have to submit a Player Data Recovery Inquiry through Settings > Contact Us.\n\n > _URL_0_\n\n > I made a screenshot of the form, so as long as you can provide enough information to verify its you and to help them locate the game data, you can recover it.\n\n > Give them as much as you can and as accurate as you can.\n\n > See what they tell you. If they're not able to help, then nothing you can do but start over.\n\n > That's your only option if you want to recover the data without previously making an account. \n\n > However, depending on how far you went in the account, it might be better to just start on a fresh account, since it takes 1-2 weeks for them to respond you and depending on how much info you can give them... they might not be able to help you.", "450" ], [ "First, I'll say that there's no such thing as perfect code, so it's extremely common for code to have bugs. \n\nSecond, most of the time, these bugs that people have with cards is usually due to them not reading the card effects clearly or not understanding certain rules of the game.\n\n---\n\nFor your first example, rather than a bug, it could be: \n\n* Trap card was set on the same turn you're trying to use it. *When you said you had the card set after second turn, I'm actually unsure did you mean you've set it on a previous turn or did you simply set it after your second turn .*\n\n* Not enough room on the field. Since the card allows both you and your opponent to special summon a spellcaster monster, this means that both of your fields must have at least one monster slot free. \n\n* A card effect that prohibits activating trap cards, such as Forced Ceasefire or Seargent Electro.\n\nFor second example, it's because Mirror Wall is calculated last.\n\n* So 2500 ATK Dark Magician Girl after Skull Dice will gain 1000 ATK from Metalmorph's effect, leading it to be 3500 ATK. Then Mirror Wall's effect kicks in, so Dark Magician Girl's ATK is now 1750. 2000 (Leotaur) - 1750 = 250 LP damage for you.", "535" ], [ "He's <PERSON>, the creator of Duel Monsters... not surprising for him to have unreleased cards.\n\n<PERSON> has this very interesting skill:\n\n > Creator\n\n > Can be used if your Life Points drop below 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, a powerful card, from outside of your Deck, is added to your hand. This skill can only be used once per Duel.\t\n\nHarpies Feather Duster is one card amongst the other powerful cards he can draw from outside his deck.", "535" ], [ "Not a bug, it's due to chaining and the rules. \n\nAt any given event, when possible, you can chain cards together for that event... so when your opponent declared an attack, this means you're given one opportunity to use an appropriate card, in this case it's Enchanted Javelin.\n\nNormally, you can chain another Enchanted Javelin to your Enchanted Javelin. This is possible because Enchanted Javelin is a regular normal trap so it has a Spell Speed of 2. So all cards with a spell speed of 2 or higher can be chained together.\n\nHowever, your opponent activated Trap Jammer and since it's Spell Speed 3, it takes a higher priority. Also, since Spell Speed 3 is the highest speed, this means that only other Spell Speed 3 cards can be chained at this point. \n\nYour second Enchanted Javelin is Spell Speed 2, so it can't be chained. \n\nNow, after everything is resolved... this means your first Enchanted Javelin is successfully countered.\n\nBut remember, each instance only allows one response from a card and everything else is simply chaining to that card. So, since that one instance was the first Enchanted Javelin chain... this means there's no second instance for you to use a second Enchanted Javelin for that particular event.", "922" ], [ "The count as two monsters will count towards Tribute Summons for <PERSON>, but only if you do a normal tribute summon. If you set the card, then it won't count. It'll count towards the Tribute Summon stats counter, but won't count towards the unlock <PERSON> counter.\n\nBut with 200 Tributes, even if you've set a tribute monster a few times, it should still be reached since <PERSON> only requires 150 tributes. \n\nIn the mission list, you don't see <PERSON> at all?\n\nIf he still doesn't show up, I suggest contacting Konami.", "599" ], [ "Safe as in, does the ToC allow the use of emulators or as in is your account safe from logging in on an emulator?\n\nFor the former, I believe it might not be allowed (few companies actually allow it since if any account-related problems crop up, they wouldn't want to be held responsible for you downloading a malicious emulator), but few cares about it enough. So there's still those who will play on an emulator, especially if they're on the PC all day. \n\nFor the latter, all the overly popular android emulators should be safe. Such as, Genymotion, Bluestacks, Nox, Memu, and a few others. \n\nPersonally, I went with the safer way. Since I'm on the PC all day due to work and I'm using a Samsung phone... I just use Sidesync to remote control the screen either through WiFi or USB connection. Still playing on my phone, but I'm also controlling it from my PC.", "697" ], [ "Two is enough, or you might not have room to include a Suijin or two.\n\nWhat you'll want is Michizure and Yomi Ship now. But if you already got two copies of those too, move to another pack. The rest of the water type cards you want are from Mako drops/level ups. \n\nDamn, I really want that Forgotten Temple of the Deep for my water deck.", "471" ], [ "Since you want Mirror Wall, keep opening. Now that you've cleared every other UR, the next UR you get will be Mirror Wall. \n\nResetting just hides Mirror Wall behind a wall of other URs... with some being cards you don't need doubles of. \n\nBasically, if you want the card, don't decrease your chances to get it :/", "535" ], [ "There's still monster effects, such as Star Boy, and trap cards, such as Metalmorph that can increase his ATK. \n\nHe's not a bad card, since he can't be a target for attacks and he can't be affected by spell cards. \n\nPersonally, I think he might work very well with [Divine Grace - Northwemko](_URL_0_). Should work well with that wall Suijin too.", "535" ], [ "Lots of ways... \n\nThe most self-harming way is to sacrifice one of your monsters to have it use up its effect for another monster to kill.\n\nThen there's destroying cards like Yomi Ship and Michizure. If you use a Water Deck too, you can do the Levia-Dragon + Umi effect.\n\nThen there's cards that returns cards to hand like Hane Hane. \n\nThen there's also spell cards that decreases its ATK, like Wonder Balloons.\n\nThen there's monster controlling cards like Enemy Controller. Killer thing is, you can take control of his Suijin to tribute summon a monster :D\n\nThen there's equip cards like <PERSON> (untested, but I'm hoping its like Karate Man's effect) or Shooting Star Bow Ceal to directly ignore his Suijin to directly attack his LP.\n\nMany many ways to take him down.", "128" ], [ "Which cards are you looking for?\n\nIf its just a 2nd copy of a SR or UR, then... not worth it. \n\nIf your deck is quite bad and you NEED those SR or UR... then its worth it. \n\nRerolling is pretty much the only way to guarantee you get the pulls you want, or at least given enough time, you'll be able to pull the bulk of what you want. It's not impossible to pull like 2 or 3 UR on a reroll. \n\nBut it still mainly depends on your deck. \n\nWhat's lacking about it that makes you want to reroll?\n\nIf your deck is good, but you just feel that its harder to pull new cards due to lesser gems you get at your stage... then its not worth it. \n\nOptionally, you can play an alt account :/", "471" ], [ "Well, if you put it that way, then might as well reroll. \n\nAim for those Sphere Kuribohs, Wonder Balloons, and etc. \n\nThough, to be honest, its not like you *have* to make such a choice... since it sounds like you think you can only pick one or the other. \n\nJust download the game on another account or an emulator. Roll up an alt and get the GOOD cards you want. Continue playing this account as you level up that alt during the downtime (waiting for PVE SD to restock). Or treat that one as main and leave this one on the side for events. \n\nAfter some time when your new account gets to a high enough stage, you can see if you want to keep it. Most likely, you will. \n\nBut even if you don't and you regret this decision, you still have your old account to go back to.", "668" ], [ "Ahh, grats on the Axe Raider. \n\nI didn't know that was the point because I didn't see an Axe Raider in the pic. \n\nBut, definitely grats on the Kaiser Sea Horse. Personally, I prefer that guy much more, since I run a water deck with ONE copy of a Blue Eyes. Still trying to pull my first Kaiser Sea Horse.", "300" ], [ "There's a \"Reset\" button on the top right of the pack.\n\nPress it anytime you want to restock the box. However, note that this starts the box from fresh, and sometimes its best to continue with the same box, since with lesser cards, you have a higher chance to get the cards you do want.\n\nBut once you get all the SR/UR cards you want, reset the box asap.", "174" ], [ "For difference between characters, only two things matter: \n\n1. Their skills: _URL_0_\n\n2. Their level up rewards: ^ found in same site. \n\nBesides that, any character is the same. \n\nWhich skill you want depends on the deck you built up. If you're using a water deck, then the first skill from <PERSON> is amazing, and etc. \n\nLevel up rewards can give some very rare cards with some definitely worth getting. Such as <PERSON> Mystic Box and <PERSON> Windstorm of Etaqua. \n\nSo go through the list and see which skill you like. See if it'll work with your deck or you can build a deck around the skill. \n\nFor the beginning though, <PERSON> or <PERSON>... It still depends on the skill you want to get more. Since if you want the other character, you'll have to wait till Stage 15.", "163" ], [ "One thing you can do is calculate how much LB exp you'll get from using all your pots at once. \n\nThen look at the 6* column of the LB Exp Chart: _URL_0_\n\nSee how many levels it'll raise... if its only a level or two, then forget about it since it won't affect Noctis much. You're better off saving it. \n\nBut if its an amount you're satisfied with, feel free to use it. Just keep in mind that Noctis requires 30 LB crystals before he can cast his LB. This is almost twice the amount of another unit's LB. \n\nIf you want to use Noctis's LB more regularly, think about bringing an Entrust user into your team. Preferably <PERSON> since he has both Entrust and High Tide. \n\nIf you don't plan to use an Entrust unit, then you won't get much return out of raising his LB... since you won't use it much.", "910" ], [ "I don't understand though... \n\nAre these builds meant to be the best you can build if you use whatever GL has? \n\nBut then, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, and <PERSON> won't be there... But if it's meant to be one of the best builds using whatever JP has... then there's a lot of TMR that can make the build better. \n\nIf its a P2P build, then they should be able to afford those more rarer TMRs... unless its not exactly a P2P and more of a... semi-P2P?\n\nI'm just confused why your choices are made mostly of options that GL has released when JP has some stronger alternatives. \n\nMaybe I'm used to seeing these type of *best* builds made for ideal dream builds.", "905" ], [ "There's no real hurry to do the new story yet since that continent isn't completed yet. You can continue to do TMR farming, unless you desperately need the lapis from those missions, or the new equips and recipes. \n\nMight as well wait for the continent to fully finish so you can get the goodies then.\n\nFor TMR choice... the reason essential TMRs are known as essentials is because they are first priority... \n\nIf you have a fifth spot that's of a lesser priority compared to the essentials, then stick your Bartz there to finish it up. However, keep in mind that Doublehand isn't too great of a TMR, especially since it doesn't stack and it will only use equipment ATK rather than base ATK. It also won't activate if you use a shield on the other hand, so its usefulness is much lower.\n\nIf all the TMRs you have are essentials and you don't do lapis refreshes, then you might as well not finish up Bartz yet. After all, it can take over a week to finish it and that's a week loss in progress for an essential TMR.", "668" ], [ "It mainly depends on if you have any units worth using Stat Pots on, since the main benefits from tickets and medals are the stat pots. \n\nIf you're like me and you've already maxed out the few core units of the team and you have no other units to use them on... *and* don't want to use them on unworthy units... save them.\n\nEssentially, its the same as saving stat pots to put on a good unit you can summon later. Except, rather than have it taking up unit inventory space, you're just storing them in a pre-created form. \n\nAs of now, I personally have around 5600 arena medals and 80 tickets saved up. Just waiting for a nice 5* base unit to come out so I can give it an immediate boost.", "835" ], [ "Nah, hybrid damage is pretty much treated as a physical attack. The only difference is that half of the damage is calculated using the magic attack formula and the other half through the physical attack formula. \n\nBut that's just the damage calculation, the actual attack is pretty much a physical attack, so evade works like normal.", "991" ], [ "Emulators are okay, since they're just a substitute for an Android device. They frown upon it though.\n\nMacros, as an intended feature of your device *or emulator as seen here* is okay. \n\nHowever, macros through 3rd party software is not okay *mainly due to <PERSON> not wanting to take responsibility if any problems occur with account due to you using a 3rd party program*. Thus, Tasker automation isn't okay. \n\nHowever, there's really no way to differentiate between a tasker automated macro vs a device implementation so you'll be fine. Just keep in mind, that if anything ever goes wrong... don't look for <PERSON> for help with that :P", "697" ], [ "Not screwed... I mean, they give you so many free lapis... you might as well just buy a few slots. \n\nJust starting today, the daily quest reward gives 100 lapis. 4 Days of that is enough to gain your 20 unit slots. \n\nDon't kid yourself in thinking that you can get away with *not* buying slots when you *won't* get rid of units. \n\nI mean, only 70 slots... but you're keeping 'junk' units for future TMRs... \n\nIts a bit of a contradiction. \n\nTruth is, those who can get away with not buying more slots are those who don't mind selling so they have a large amount of usable unit space. Those who decrease the amount of usable space will need to buy more.\n\nYou're going to have to give in to either A or B, and if its A... then its not a waste of lapis since you need it.", "734" ], [ "Yep, Memu is an Android emulator so its basically the same as you buying a new Android device. \n\nIf you want to download from the Play Store, you'll have to enter your google credentials because this is a Play Store requirement. \n\nJust think of Memu as your regular device. The play store doesn't use generated credentials on your device, so it won't be different on Memu.\n\nIf the developers of the emulator are malicious, then they can definitely obtain your google account through recording your username and password. \n\nFor the most part, most popular Android emulators are trusted enough to not worry about this threat.\n\nBut if you're really worried, you have a few options:\n\n1. Change password beforehand. Then enter your google account into Memu so you can download Brave Exvius. Immediately afterwards, change your password back to your old one (the one you like). This way, they will only get your email address and your temporary password. \n\n2. Turn on 2-step authentication, this way, even if they have knowledge of your email and password, they still can't enter your account. \n\n3. Use an alternate gmail account. You only need to download brave exvius, so you can just enter in a new gmail account to download the game. Then you can use Facebook login to enter the game. \n\n4. Download the game from a **safe** outside source, then install that apk file directly. This will skip the need to enter in a google account.", "450" ], [ "Love how your typo for Type-0 is typo. \n\nAce is... quite a strange unit. He would be amazing if he was a physical attacker, sadly he's a magical one. \n\nFor the most part, he's just an RNG unit, and depending on your luck... this can be quite infuriating or quite pleasant. \n\nLife Deck, decent, sadly its Self Only. Lowest should heal as much as a Curaja. But honestly, chances of you needing to use this is very very low. \n\nSpirit Deck, decent, sadly its Self Only. Healed amount is... okay. Honestly, you're better off just casting Osmose. \n\nSupport Deck, good, cause Stop is always good. Sadly, 70% of the time, if it succeeds, it's only a 1 turn stop. \n\nAttack Deck, good, lowest is a 180% damage AOE magic skill. Highest is a 426%. So its good for both.\n\nTri-Laser is pretty much an ability version of Ultima that costs 5 mp more.\n\n:/ I have VERY mixed feelings about him. Decent mage, except its almost all abilities, so no dualcast. Could have been a good healer, but his skills are self-target only. \n\nIF he was a physical attack with dualwield equipped, he would have been amazing :D\n\nThis opinion is basically based on pre-enhancements.", "453" ], [ "He'll get enhancements, but not at release since enhancement system isn't released yet.\n\nFor <PERSON>'s enhancements:\n\nHis 'High Tide' like skill (High Tide is 100%, his is 200%) will becomes: 200% LB Fill Rate, gain 2 LB per turn, and +40% MAG. \n\nHis Spirit Deck becomes an AOE MP heal, which makes it WAY better than it originally is. Also, the amount of MP healed is larger too. \n\nFinally, his Tri-Laser skill gets a HUGE HUGE HUGE upgrade. It goes from an AOE 373% damage skill to a crazy RNG skill:\n\n* 30% chance to deal 373% damage in 7 hits and -75% Fire/Thunder/Light resist.\n\n* 30% chance to deal 560% damage in 7 hits and -75% Fire/Thunder/Light resist.\n\n* 30% chance to deal 746% damage in 7 hits and -75% Fire/Thunder/Light resist. (Pretty much a dualcast Ultima)\n\n* 10% chance to deal 3000% damage in 7 hits and -75% Fire/Thunder/Light resist. 3000%, NOT a typo.\n\nAfter enhancements, he can be quite fun to play with. \n\nThe problem with him is... other mages, like Dark Fina gives stable reliable damage output. <PERSON> on the other hand, too random...", "354" ], [ "<PERSON> is more reliable because... he does have a more reliable skillset than <PERSON>. \n\nOne thing to note is that <PERSON> is a physical attacker while <PERSON> is a magical attacker. \n\nAnother thing you have to keep in mind is that their **only** similarity is that they have some skills that are RNG based. Besides that, nothing else in common. \n\nTri-Laser, is decent in chaining due to it being 7 hits, **but** its not necessarily good since its a neutral magic spell. It can definitely chain, but it'll be a normal chain multiplier (unlike you get spark chains). Note that since its magic, you can't change its element even if you equip an elemental weapon. \n\nSetzer on the other hand, he does physical attacks, and he has a 7-hit AOE and a 10-hit ST. However, since its physical target, he can equip an elemental weapon and generate elemental chains. \n\nNote that, it only takes 10 elemental chains to reach the max multiplier of 4x damage. It'll take 30 of the normal ones (the ones Tri-Laser is only capable of) to reach the max. \n\nSo Setzer can help in generating chains much better. Ace can help in chains, but **not** elemental chains. What he **can** help with, is decrease 75% elemental resistance so <PERSON> and other attackers can deal more damage.", "456" ], [ "Yes and no. \n\nHe functions better as a finisher due to his Dice rolls having the having the possibility of dealing a very high damage that gets multiplied by chains. \n\nBut this doesn't remove his potential in chaining, because he is also capable of doing so. \n\nIn my previous response, since the question was asked in relation with <PERSON>'s potential chaining, I answered based on his chaining advantage over <PERSON>. \n\nBut yes, <PERSON> is more valuable as a finisher.", "456" ], [ "Good damage on chainers are preferred, but not necessities. Its why some would consider Edgars as chainers. Does he deal good damage? Not at all. But a chainer's role is to generate a high enough chain to get a high multiplier. Good damage isn't necessary for that. \n\nBut, yes, its preferable if the chainers are also able to deal high damage, but if you don't have that option, then low damage chainers will still fly *even when its later on*.", "476" ], [ "Probably because they're saving it for the next one. \n\nIf they're planning to run a King Mog event next week, they can't run one this week... mainly because King Mog has a claiming period of an extra week. \n\nDue to that, you can't have back-to-back King Mog events (Unless changes are made :/ ). \n\nIf it helps, the Orlandu banner that is rumored to come up also comes with a King Mog event... \n\nHonestly, I'm fine with this event, since its simply a placeholder. Quite long, but hopefully, this just means they're spending more time to prepare for something bigger next.", "892" ], [ "Useless...\n\nThe time that we know of is based on a 24 hour cycle, but the time for your device is based on a single long number that is basically the amount of milliseconds since midnight of January 1st 1970. \n\nThe problem with this is... device time is an ever-increasing number that is pretty linear. In no way does it have any connection with a 24 hour pattern. \n\nRNG generators, aren't true random because they're based on mathematical calculations on a factor that is subject to change. The most common factor used is time due to it changing so many times per second. \n\nHowever, since its mathematical, this also means its completely reliant on the math formulas that are used to calculate the random value at the end. \n\nWhile its true that if all conditions are right, everyone can get the exact same summon... this is impossible to predict simply based on recording what timeframe you received a certain summon. Mainly because the math calculations should not be flawed enough to repeat at a 24 hour schedule. \n\nSay for example, the formula does start showing repetition after a certain amount of milliseconds, which can symbolize a pattern after a certain amount of time. But what makes you think that repeat is based on a 24 hour schedule? What if the repeat happens every 62 hours with every 3rd, 5th, and 8th iteration being an exception to the pattern? \n\nIn this case, recording down the time would simply be useless because its basing the assumption that the pattern is based on a 24 hour schedule. \n\nAdditionally, RNG generators are all different. Lots of developers won't simply use time as a factor to generate random numbers due to it not achieving a more pseudo-random result. Some would combine time with other fluctuating factors such as let's say... the amount of ambient light available.\n\nAny slight addition would throw the findings of yours out the window. \n\nI should also mention that... threads similar to this has been made multiple times before.", "340" ], [ "Reason is unrelated to cryptography and more towards trying to achieve a more pseudo-random result. \n\nSome developers are okay with using time because random enough for their purposes, but then... there's also some others who believe its not enough simply because multiple people \"summoning\" at the same time can get the same result. So for them, this isn't random enough. \n\nSo if they switch to a different seed, or concatenate the time with other more personal differing values such as location, ambient light, humidity, or etc... it can give a more pseudo-random result. \n\nSince, as you said, the seed value is irrelevant since the most valuable part is how solid the algorithm is, by changing the seed value this way... even people pulling at the same time will get differing results. \n\nIt becomes much much harder to get similar \"summoning\" results between two different people. At least, in the sense, that it can't be as easily replicated.", "185" ], [ "No. What you're citing is practices for pseudo-random number generators for cryptography purposes. In other words, you're speaking about using a cryptographically secure PRNG. \n\nThis is different. Security isn't the focus for RNG here, which is why games can get away with a less secure random generator.\n\nAs you should know, although secure PRNG gives a more random result, it does sacrifice quite a bit in other areas, noticeably... speed. \n\nNormal pseudo-random number generators are enough for this purpose and frequently game developers would choose to use this type of random generator for things such as damage within a certain range, summoning results, and etc. Of course, when it comes to the security of the game, they would implement a cryptographically secure generator. \n\nAnyway, my point is, although you're right about it in terms of cryptography, you're wrong in trying to use those practices for this scenario. \n\nSince its a different purpose, the type of PRNG is different which also means that since the PRNG is less secure, it does become less 'random'. \n\nIf the seed was only based on time, then the chances of players summoning the same unit is the same for those who summon at the same time. \n\nTo fix this, there's two ways. One is to use a more secure PRNG, but this is slight overkill for this purpose. Two is to make sure the seed is different, which if the seed is based on time, this can easily be done by adding in another factor into the seed. \n\nThe second solution won't have the performance impacts of the first solution and it can guarantee differing results between users who summon at the same time.", "966" ], [ "<PERSON> focuses on using Wind elemental attacks, so go get this: _URL_0_\n\nThis can give you +50% Wind resistance to your team, essentially halving the damage that you can get. Charlotte's <PERSON> will lend a hand too. \n\nAlso, get rid of Golem. Although Golem is good for his Provoke, it also decreases your wind-elemental resistance by 50%. For <PERSON>, only his normal attacks and his jump attacks will be affected by Provoke, but that guy does spam his wind elemental skills more. \n\nIf you keep up <PERSON> and <PERSON>, your Santa <PERSON> should be able to keep your party healed up with her <PERSON>. \n\nThen, just focus on having Exdeath, Bartz, and Rain attack.", "128" ], [ "There are some tough machine trial bosses in the future, so Machine Killer will definitely be useful on your attackers. \n\nThough, since killer materias don't stack with each other, this means you won't need more than 5 at most. \n\nWith a typical team consisting of both a healer and tank, you can have 3 and you'll be fine.\n\nBasically, just keep 1 for each attacker you plan to have in your team... but, no hurries in getting them :P", "427" ], [ "I do suggest awakening CoD, since she'll be your strongest attacker unless you pull something better. Also, at 6stars, she finally gets materia slots and a large boost to her resistances for status and elementals. She also has a couple of very useful skills at 6stars. Basically, since you lack a good attacking unit, go make CoD better since she's your current best attacker. \n\nCoD's Omni-Veil will also help against ELT Dark Fina. \n\nAlso, since Dark Fina is a human, CoD is pretty scary on her, especially if you have Thorned Mace and Man-Eater on Diabolos. Thorned Mace (50%), Diabolos (50%), innate Man-Eater (50%), innate Man-Eater+ (75%). That's 225%! \n\nBut make sure you use Barrage.\n\nYou should start TMR farming even if you don't have what you consider worthwhile ones. From what you have listed:\n\n* Snow - Great TMR. Note that his +30 ATK/DEF will come into effect even if you don't use a fist weapon, so its essentially a +30 ATK/DEF accessory. That's a bigger boost than Hero's Ring. Of course, if you do have a fist weapon, then the additional 20% ATK/DEF boost is even better. On a fist unit that has an average of 150 ATK, this TMR is equivalent to a 60 ATK accessory.\n\n* Kefka - Ribbon is godly. Seriously, <PERSON> is amazing. You'll need this. \n\n* <PERSON> - Her TMR is great for her and any other future healer. \n\nI'm sure you got some other TMRs in your inventory that is great too. \n\nBut yes, I suggest doing TMR farming because with this current event, you'll have about 2 weeks worth of free time to do TMR farming.", "128" ], [ "No... I'm using a 256gb microSD on my Note9 and it's full already. The 128gb internal only has less than 10gb too. \n\nI take a lot of photos, so that microSD stores pretty much every photo I took since the Note7 when I started becoming more active in photography. \n\nI do use Google Photos as a cloud backup, but cloud backups just doesn't work, especially if you're in an area where the network signal is bad and the WiFi is slow. It also doesn't help that if I want to send a photo directly to a friend, I'll have to download the photo first before sending.", "781" ], [ "Hard to say as of now. Probably needs more experimenting to see what makes it work right. \n\nThe Live Focus Video for front camera actually looks pretty good with the regular blur and the Glitch modes. \n\nThe Color Point seems to have a habit of showing others too, but I think this should be a problem with faces. I wonder if it'll be possible to lock onto a specific face so it won't allow other faces to get colorized. \n\nI don't know what to make of the Bubbles mode though... doesn't seem to be a mode that should be used at max intensity. \n\nBut for the most part, the front facing live focus video looks to be usable. \n\nHowever, the results for the rear-camera Live Focus Video looks disappointing, especially when it's supposed to have the ToF camera lending a hand. Looks to have quite a lot of artifacts in the cropping. \n\nBut, a part of me wonders if this is due to distance. Perhaps the front-facing camera worked well because it was at a suitable distance from the camera and subject. But, the rear-camera might require a further distance for it to work more efficiently. \n\nPersonally, I can't wait to get my hands on the phone and take it out for a spin. Perhaps by then, users will have discovered tips and tricks on how to make Live Focus Video perform better than in these first time hands-on videos.", "596" ], [ "That's not possible with Samsung Gallery. \n\nSamsung Gallery has a button to show only your videos, but there's no option to show only pictures. \n\nBut since you store all of your movies in a separate folder, but don't want to hide the folder... perhaps you can take advantage of the Secure Folder. \n\nThe Secure Folder functions as if it's a secondary device inside of your phone, so all the apps inside the Secure Folder is separated from the apps outside. This includes the file system. \n\nSo if you transfer your folder of movies into the Secure Folder, then this is a virtual equivalent to separating your normal camera photos with the folder of movies. \n\nWith this, if you want to view your camera photos, you simply open Samsung Gallery. If you want to view your folder of movies, you simply open the Secure Folder and view it in there either through the Secure Folder's Samsung Gallery app or Video Library app.", "44" ], [ "This is... a bit complicated. \n\nIn a sense, iMessage could be broken down into 4 things: \n\n1. Full-featured Chatting app between iPhones when there's a data connection\n2. Regular texting app between other devices or when there's no data connection\n3. Exclusive to Apple products\n4. Comes pre-installed on all Apple products\n\nSo in a sense, it's not difficult for Samsung to make a iMessage equivalent, however... it can't because these Samsung devices are running Android. \n\niMessage works well for Apple products because the full-featured chatting app part works across all Apple Products. \n\nHowever, this is different for Android. \n\nIt's pointless for Samsung to create their iMessage equivalent because they can only provide it for their own devices. It's not possible for them to convince or force every other Android device manufacturer to pre-install their iMessage equivalent. Instead, it's more likely that those manufacturers will try releasing their own iMessage equivalent.\n\nHowever, it's impossible for all these iMessage equivalents to communicate with each other, such as why it's impossible for apps like Whatsapp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, Hangouts to communicate with each other. \n\nTherefore, Samsung can't create an iMessage equivalent because it simply won't be used by many people. And Samsung has tried this with their old ChatOn app that it used to pre-install in all their devices. However, people outside of Samsung had no interest in downloading this app to use on other Android devices which caused less and less Samsung users themselves to not use it.\n\nInstead, it's really up to Google to build an iMessage equivalent and have it come pre-installed on every device. In a way, the equivalent of this is Hangouts except there's no fallback to texting. \n\nBut Google has it's own plans which isn't to create an iMessage equivalent, but to evolve normal texting to become an iMessage equivalent. \n\nThis is RCS. \n\nGoogle is working with a lot of network carriers and phone manufacturers in trying to create a new texting standard that should function like iMessage if it's successful.", "697" ], [ "Always agreed that Samsung did badly with the naming this time.\n\nSince, in previous devices, like the S line... S# was the successor of the previous generation, S#+ was the enhanced version, S#e (or whichever) was the reduced version, S# someOtherWordHere was a different equivalent to successor.\n\nBut in this one, the successor for the Note9 is the Note10+ whereas Note10 was more like an entry-level Note phone.\n\nI'll quote this from Samsung's Unpacked Event:\n\n > And now, for the first time. People who always wanted a Note in a smaller device will be able to experience it too. We packed all the power and productivity of the Note in two different sizes... \n > \n > ...And for those die-hard Note fans, The Note10+ comes with the biggest screen on a Note.\n\nSo even for Samsung, the Note10 was never the successor to the Note9, it was just meant for those who wanted to try out a Note in a smaller size... but of course, a smaller size does mean sacrificing some hardware.\n\nHonestly, it's not just the name.\n\nBut I blame some of the reviewers and news sites more, because they were the first to keep comparing the Note9 with the Note10.\n\nIt also didn't help that some were commenting about how the Note10+ was very overpriced, so consumers should consider the Note10, but the Note10 doesn't offer much difference over the Note9 so... boom.\n\nBut this issue really doesn't affect those die-hard Note users who does use Note exclusive features like the SPen much.\n\nIt looks like the backlash is mostly coming from those who are using the S-line or more casual Note users.\n\nThere's also too many people commenting about how Samsung betrayed what the Note is meant to be (lots of reviewers saying this too). You actually see this a lot for reviewers, since those reviewers aren't Note users, so they mostly look at hardware. But the Note was never primarily about having the best hardware. At least 50% of being a Note is in the software, because Samsung crams as much software features as they can into every Note.\n\nAnd in this release, the Note10 does make some very nice improvements in software, namely: SPen and Samsung Notes, Camera quality (software matters for Camera too), and the new DeX features.", "781" ], [ "Whereas, I'm one of the few who is okay with losing the headphone jack.\n\nBut losing the Iris Scanner, Heart-rate scanner, and Hard Press Home Button hurts me much more. \n\nAt least with a headphone jack, if I was still using wired headphones, I could just permanently attach a dongle to the headphones. \n\nBut I can't find similar easy solutions for those 3 other missing features :(", "329" ], [ "But the price isn't that surprising. \n\nIf we look on Samsung's website:\n\n* Note9 is $999.99\n* Note10 is $949.99\n* Note10+ is $1099.99\n\nThe Note10+ is only $100 more than the Note9, but there's improvements all over from the Note9. \n\nThe Note10 is even cheaper than the Note9 and in certain areas, it's better than the Note9. \n\nDon't think it's fair to compare the S series to the Note though, since the main reason to get the Note over the S series is the SPen, which does offer a lot more functionality. So it's not simply the difference of a hardware part. \n\nAnd if we were to compare the S10e as being a price right what you're getting, then some might argue that the A-series is even more worth the money.", "781" ], [ "I do agree that Samsung's naming was wrong this time around.\n\nBut I still blame the reviewers and news sites more, since they're the ones most consumers turn to when they want to find out more info about the phones. \n\nYet, instead of rectifying the naming problem and comparing the Note9 with the Note10+, while also telling them that the Note10 is simply a smaller form of the Note10+ and isn't the true Note9 successor... some popular reviewers and news sites blow the problem even more out of proportion and misleads the consumers even more. \n\nI mean, part of the reason why we look at reviews from them is because we want to learn more about the device in better detail through the reviewers user experience or hands-on videos that show more of the features you want to see. \n\nBut instead, a lot of the reviews I saw was simply reciting the specs and making an extra big emphasis on the removal of the headphone jack when they previously kept it. \n\nI mean, Samsung is at fault for their poor naming sense this time. This confused the consumers and it was wrong. \n\nBut in my POV, some reviewers and news sites are even more at fault because they really should have corrected Samsung in the reviews and solve the confusion for consumers instead of adding more oil to the fire.", "370" ], [ "Yep, a more powerful processor will consume less power than a weaker processor... mainly because a more powerful processor will get it's task done faster. The longer it takes to finish a job, the more power that's needed to keep it going. \n\nHowever, that's just the simplest explanation. \n\nYou also have to consider other things related to the processor, such as another basic consideration being the number of cores. \n\nBut don't forget that besides the actual piece of hardware, there's also considerations in terms of software, namely... optimizations. \n\nIn a sense, the system's optimizations can cause a processor to be more efficient in completing a specific type of task, causing it to be faster than it it wasn't optimized. Things like this will also have a minor effect on battery life.", "85" ], [ "It's slightly different. \n\nIn a way, it's similar to how Apple fans claim that Apple might not be the first to release certain features (they were slow to release a lot of features), but when they do... it's better than the solutions released by early adopters of the technology. \n\nRemoving things like the headphone jack... it can be argued that it was simply premature at the time. It was still too early to remove that feature since at the time, replacement solutions weren't as well established as now. Therefore, at the time, keeping the headphone jack was the better choice. \n\nBut as time went on and more competitors released devices without headphone jacks and more consumers got comfortable with adopting a non-jack solution, it was a better time to abandon the headphone jack. *But personally, I say it's still too soon... at least a year or two too soon.*\n\nBut some other hardware decisions of Apple is debateable. The notch hasn't been well received and it's sparked so many manufacturers in attempting a notchless design. \n\nAs for no microSD cards... please leave my expandable storage alone T\\_T Samsung, you've already tried removing it once from Note devices and that ended up in a failure. Even if Note10 sales are high, please don't consider this as being okay with removing expandable storage. \n\nBut yep, I agree with you. For the 'no jack, no buy' users, they should definitely consider LG. \n\nIt's just like how for me, its \"No SPen, No Buy!\" so I only use Note devices.\n\nPick your device based on what you need most. I need the SPen most, so Note it is. If they need a headphone jack most, then LG is their best bet for the future if Samsung sticks with the removal decision.", "781" ], [ "Nah, the whole point of me saying it's not fair to compare the S series with the Note series is because they're of a different purpose. \n\nWhat I mean is... if you're an artist, writer, student, designer, or just someone who needs the SPen a lot for your daily tasks, there's really no need to look at the S Line just because it has similar specs in other hardware. \n\nBut what you're doing is comparing price based only on hardware specs, rather than for the user's needs. \n\nKeep in mind that the SPen also isn't just a fancy, but flimsy looking, stylus. It also comes with a whole suite of SPen related features, including some 3rd party apps that adds additional support for the SPen. Software also costs money. \n\nWith how close in specs the S series and Note series are nowadays, it makes it a big more easier for a consumer to differentiate if they should go for the S series or the Note series. The reason for picking the Note is precisely because it offers features that they need over the S series, such as those who require the SPen or require a bigger screen.\n\nBut if the consumer doesn't require any Note-exclusive features, then it makes more sense for them to consider the S series. \n\nSo yea, it's really only fair to compare prices within the same series because it's not all about hardware specs, but for it's intended purpose.", "781" ], [ "Honestly, the Note10+ doesn't sound right for you. Don't fall into that mentality that you must get the best specs just because it's the best... *for the remainder of the year.* Keep in mind that some specs just aren't noticeable based on your usage. \n\nIf you don't particularly need any of the Note10+ features, then there's no reason to force yourself to consider it since there's complications for you due to it's size. \n\nSo between keeping the S10+ and the Note10... it really depends on how much you value the SPen and how comfortable you are with charging. The Note10 definitely does have a lower battery life than the S10+ due to both hardware and software reasons. \n\nBut the only answer to a smaller battery really does depend on how comfortable you are with carrying out a portable charger, *and whether you can comfortably fit an additional charger into your purses.*\n\nPersonally, I always carry out a portable charger for my Note9, since even if the battery lasts for the duration I'm out... I can't say for sure that I won't accidentally use more power than I typically use and phone will be dead before I get home to charge. For that, it's safer to have a charger nearby.\n\nBut, there's also one additional thing to consider in terms of charging. Don't forget that the Note10 has Super Fast Charging. So in just 10 minutes, the Note10 will recover much more battery percentage than your S10+ will, especially when considering the battery size too. \n\nThere's also portable chargers like [this](_URL_0_), which can supply the 25w output for the Note10 or even the 45w output for the Note10+.", "781" ], [ "Best to ask a few more stores or sources to see if there's definitely a price drop. I've noticed a few times that even store employees might not have real inside info and it's just rumors or personal analysis. \n\nYou probably wouldn't trust that employee's words alone, to discover the Note9 not getting a 200-300 discount after the Note10 is released. By then, you would have missed the pre-order period for the freebies. \n\nBut in a way, I would say you're shooting yourself in the foot if one of your reasons for going for the Note9 is because of the headphone jack, mainly because there's no guarantee it'll come back on the Note series. \n\nWhat I mean is, it's not really a good idea to go for an older phone just because it still has some legacy features because chances are... those features won't come back in later devices. So if you get the Note9 and you get really comfortable with the headphone jack, the Iris Scanner, the heart-rate scanner, and other removed features... you're just setting yourself up to be disappointed when future Samsung devices continue to not have them. \n\nBut if legacy features aren't a big deal and your only concern is price... then the Note9 (I'm currently using this) is great! Definitely full of great and useful features that's exclusive to the Note series. However, I should also say that I've pre-ordered the Note10+ already, simply because it's feature-set does offer major improvements in the areas that matter most to my personal use, namely... the SPen (and related features), the Cameras, and that new DeX mode. \n\nPersonally, my advice is to go for the Note10+ if the price difference between the two aren't too major. But again, best to try finding out if there's definitely going to be a price drop in that range.", "781" ], [ "Bro... why does it feel like you didn't read my post?\n\nI don't mind the loss of the headphone jack, since that's easily solved with a dongle. \n\nBut for the other three...\n\n1. Iris Scanner: I said it worked very well for me. Part of this is in how you set it up. You need to set up the Iris Scanner in a very dark environment, since light sources can interfere with it. So the darker the environment when setting it up, the more accurate details the Iris Scanner can get from your Irises. After that, it works extremely quick. But my main issue isn't speed, since it's definitely slower than Face Recognition. But the whole point of me mentioning Iris Scanner was because of security. The Iris Scanner was more secure than Face Recognition and the Fingerprint Scanner. \n2. Heart-Rate Scanner: Your proposed solution was exactly what I wrote about in my last paragraph... And I even wrote down why this isn't a solution that works for me.\n3. Hard Press Home Button: I didn't talk more about this loss, since the solution would be to just use the Home Button on the phone. So this was mainly just a feature I cared about losing, but nothing too important so nothing more was mentioned. Yes, LG's KnockOn is a thing for LG phones. I've used it heavily back during my LG G3 days. My reason for caring about this feature had nothing to do with turning on the device. It was to go Home when inside of apps; it worked especially well when you're on an app that's lagging very badly and the actual Navigation keys weren't listening. But the Hard-Press Home Button never failed to activate. \n\nAnd... I don't believe I said anything about not wanting to upgrade either. Already pre-ordered Note10+ on Day 1. \n\nBro, I think you completely misunderstood my post. It wasn't a \"NO JACK NO UPGRADE\" kind of post. \n\nI'm just answering the thread's question about if anyone else noticed the missing Heart-Rate scanner and if others care about the loss. My answer was that I cared, since it's one of the few missing features I cared about.", "672" ] ]
[ 9559, 5427, 3044, 13640, 1977, 9445, 23997, 9148, 10773, 4174, 15382, 3308, 19714, 13165, 4947, 13808, 23409, 7808, 9348, 11213, 12130, 517, 19693, 7135, 20636, 730, 1279, 8588, 4431, 8021, 12914, 13776, 19952, 4188, 3549, 5721, 20115, 2117, 3322, 19891, 6224, 4979, 20263, 10612, 4930, 5396, 2937, 5031, 3841, 13207, 11709, 20298, 9488, 16365, 1764, 14408, 14477, 7489, 2976, 5671, 7183, 10615, 7925, 7214, 15107, 15687, 23414, 22802, 1821, 14383, 12221, 5108, 12810, 11753, 18516, 19392, 6129, 23286, 18020, 24021, 4127, 15646, 14368, 14132, 13582, 1741, 24813, 7523, 2119, 5067, 6996, 8093, 3382, 3589, 10935, 12631, 1157, 3080, 15954, 14649, 13065, 8012, 9666, 18140, 11495, 792, 16535, 4063, 2669, 17385, 19359, 11961, 2404, 11769, 15930, 20532, 18336, 10556, 21337, 10778, 3316, 19255, 13418, 5424, 5763, 358, 140, 5948, 2424, 19135, 7500, 14882, 14596, 8446, 13718, 9925, 3765, 4541, 25424, 5456, 12478, 17536, 11787, 8141, 2603, 24191, 7762, 663, 3833, 19421, 4437, 12829, 18279, 16608, 917, 13965, 957, 3857, 25538, 7027, 1941, 958, 8517, 22660, 1882, 10709, 6791, 4759, 15402, 17451, 8636, 10050, 5286, 10967, 22653, 6016, 12717, 23039, 12381, 18568, 13237, 18219, 754, 4653, 2855, 24557, 12393, 6823, 5904, 12562, 4535, 3151, 4160, 20296, 12538, 11406, 15849, 3860, 21239, 6891, 6924, 7101, 5681, 24442, 20133, 21377, 13448, 11263, 22591, 13228, 14250, 6148, 1667, 6373, 7257, 22498, 11859, 20767, 4171, 15131, 8350, 20639, 12848, 11197, 6736, 16805, 4997, 14339, 12736, 11504, 16335, 6241, 6417, 7074, 18832, 8591, 2824, 17036, 2489, 7793, 13975, 12743, 6177, 17886, 19057, 5791, 8825, 23508, 6859, 1518, 16008, 10359, 4709, 1798, 9305, 152, 16906, 12575, 4455, 10975, 11630, 2488, 15331, 7438, 14793, 24548, 3845, 3822, 22983, 8615, 17784, 6649, 4120, 6043, 12169, 11118, 6900, 6271, 16760, 9085, 8956, 8856, 13255, 8212, 21191, 3746, 13115, 19434, 3638, 23045, 14428, 3217, 3597, 6630, 133, 19937, 14662, 15880, 8387, 9534, 13315, 14028, 13091, 20738, 20157, 14766, 17998, 2817, 22123, 12531, 3417, 1823, 11692, 5079, 10833, 12615, 7885, 18599, 19288, 9794, 3920, 16044, 4656, 10068, 25334, 7702, 9528, 9035, 15655, 9527, 23695, 20144, 13084, 11897, 13004, 9281, 23154, 14244, 18414, 13278, 4882, 13605, 9651, 14542, 8309, 10132, 19468, 12457, 10492, 17807, 22791, 14764, 11134, 14704, 6116, 17103, 2884, 6692, 22471, 1364, 15559, 8150, 22373, 3334, 1636, 982, 9079, 2642, 23487, 2634, 855, 2031, 3162, 17675, 5309, 19971, 8265, 8421, 7181, 14539, 4011, 3493, 5225, 12404, 13952, 24109, 2295, 16559, 19422, 11258, 1891, 3998, 7378, 11400, 4420, 3884, 20841, 6092, 5262, 4485, 6992, 10883, 11188, 16845, 4133, 4783, 5869, 17715, 11215, 9307, 13734, 13518, 25266, 8013, 5512, 19180, 3506, 5093, 13360, 2985, 9612, 5014, 18158, 2683, 4764, 665, 13151, 9334, 599, 21945, 10078, 10071, 12187, 3514, 10551, 23677, 2932, 2773, 5355, 11002, 10335, 5785, 20367, 17239, 8261, 25434, 5011, 20024, 12814, 20833, 24731, 9267, 21677, 14575, 14723, 3110, 4984, 3646, 757, 7234, 7031, 19507, 11686, 8418, 9049, 8245, 10545, 608, 20021, 8556, 15419, 20675, 13786, 24921, 289, 5725, 16537, 17422, 15449, 21174, 2051, 8813, 11762, 17212, 7917, 23399, 17181, 7333, 5006, 7258, 12234, 14682, 9260, 11262, 9970, 23566, 13457, 25348, 2481 ]
[ [ "Not looking for a serious argument here, but I think the high-price \"luxury\" aspect is easier to tie in with Tesla's presentation of EVs.\n\nSure, both Jag and Porsche had working concepts with hybrid supercars, but a) they're hybrid and with no particular reason to go fully electric large-battery (in short, they're much closer to a pure ICE supercar than a BEV), and b) they're supercars, completely different market.\n\nI don't see why \"Dieselgate\" would push VAG toward BEVs if they hadn't seriously considered going for them before. They'd just have to get rid of certain engine platforms due to the infamy.", "393" ], [ "> PHEV seems closer to BEV than to full ice\n\nIn some ways, yes, you can do most of your daily driving on full electric power. But from the supercar point of view, in all aspects that matter (basically performance), the ICE is doing most of the work and the motors are just helping along.\n\nIn performance cars I would consider the battery and motors just an additional component to the drivetrain, and the ICE still the core component. All these additions are meant to help the engine perform in the most optimal way possible.\n\nIn a daily driven long range hybrid like the Volt, I agree, the engine is basically just a range extender and sometimes high speed cruise assist.\n\n > I think they also wanted to wipe the story from public consciousness.\n\nWere it so easy, nothing will ever wipe the story from public consciousness, because that's how the public works. I think the story is ridiculously overblown. VAG already did a lot of stupid stuff to try to lessen the impact of the story, that actually ended up hurting them. The problem is, people are irrational and spiteful. It's easily possible that they won't trust you ever again even if you come out with a full lineup of BEVs. But as far as I can see from global sales, they didn't take any kind of \"critical\" blow from the story, so I guess they didn't need that much damage control overall.\n\n > A small step (to simply not cheating) wouldn't achieve that in the same way as moving to be the leader in BEVs\n\nPerhaps, but this wouldn't be in particular with high end luxury/performance models. They'd come up with their own Bolts and i3s. They aren't doing that.", "202" ], [ "Just take the dozens of larger pieces, and reassemble them and place the thing back. Obviously it will look noticeably different, but it will then genuinely be a work of art done by the kids responsible for the damage in the first place. They'll have the credit both for breaking it and fixing it, plus a cool new point of interest for the area. Sounds okay to me.", "309" ], [ "There's obviously no training set for UFOs, such PR statements aren't meant to cover any technical aspect; they are meant to inspire the public into thinking it just magically works and not get bogged down with details.\n\nAgain, it reminds me very much of Apple. All that matters is how the product looks, feels, and what the user experience is. Do not try to think about how it works: it just does (well, unless it doesn't, but just give it to a Genius and hey here's some promotional free stuff!)", "370" ], [ "They are above the EPA limit, yes. It's entirely fair to call them above-the-established-limit values. However, calling them dangerous values would require there to be some concrete evidence that they pose danger, and there isn't any.\n\nThe thing with radiation exposure is that we have concrete proof of much larger doses posing a clear danger, and the approved limits are set much, much lower.\n\nI understand the media assumes that whatever is directly above the limit \"must be dangerous\", but that isn't objectively the case, and the wording does suggest a clear and concrete danger. Not helpful for the average reader, they get the wrong impression.", "764" ], [ "No, I don't work in the field and I don't know any concrete reasoning why the limits are set to what they are, although I suspect it's not mere handwaving.\n\nIt might have to do with the linear no threshold model - an assumption of how radiation exposure affects the body, but which has no direct evidence.\n\nWe know that at higher doses (~100mSv and up), increase in cancer risk is linear with effective dose the body absorbs.\n\nThe LNT model assumes that this trend continues to lower exposures without any minimum exposure level limit. Hence \"linear, no-threshold\". So the assumption is that 100 mSv accumulated over 100 years should have the same cancer risk impact as 100 mSv exposure during a short amount of time.\n\nWe have no experimental evidence that this is indeed how it works with low doses. However, sure, ALARA.\n\nTo be fair, 100 mSv over 100 years still shouldn't be considered equivalent to 100 mSv in a short period... It's not the same whether you get cancer after you're 80-90 years old or at 30.\n\nBut overall I wouldn't be surprised if the limits are set somewhat according to the LNT model as I described.", "833" ], [ "According to LNT, while the source doesn't matter, any excess radiation does matter - you can separate the dosages from the separate sources and assume that each contributes cumulatively to increase in cancer risk.\n\nTherefore it might make sense to look at only a particular source you're trying to minimize, as you're considering the increased cancer risk that source poses, regardless of what the background is - something you can't do anything about.\n\nNevertheless, these examples of high background radiation lifestyles with no statistical indication of increased lifetime cancer risk are quite possibly a strong indicator that LNT isn't correct.\n\nEDIT: Airline pilots and crew are another sort-of evidence that the LNT might not be correct. They spend a significant portion of their career at 10-20x background levels. These people do have a statistically higher occurrence of certain types of cancer; however this cannot be linked to radiation exposure. And indeed, if radiation was the cause, you'd expect this increase to present itself as all types of cancer. But it does not.", "833" ], [ "> These new systems are in Nevada so they probably have a pretty good solar resource. Also, these days everything is single axis so the capacity factor is probably 30% or higher. Let's go with 30%.\n\nIs it single axis? I was under the impression these days still almost everything is fixed. The price is lower. You can get around $1/W for fixed. Single axis is more expensive and doesn't offer a comparably higher capacity factor. So unless space is a limiting factor, fixed wins.\n\nOf course, fixed doesn't get 30% CF. Hence why my estimate of energy generation was lower.\n\n > The investment tax credit (ITC) provides a 30% tax credit to the developer.\n\nYeah, probably out of all the bullet points, this here is the winner as to why it's still worth it.", "731" ], [ "But what is making it expensive? Because it's clearly not the costs.\n\nI'll use an example, forgive me it's not US, but I'll use Hinkley Point C, since it's infamous for being \"so expensive.\"\n\nHere's the bottomline:\n\n > Hinkley has faced ongoing criticism, and calls have been made for the project to be completely halted.[12] According to December 2017 estimates, Hinkley is being built for £20.3bn by 2025, to be paid over a 35 year period.[13] It was reported that two firms could already build wind turbines for £57.50 per megawatt hour for 2022-23, while Hinkley's costs would mean £92.50 per megawatt hour, not generated for at least two years later.[14]\n\n£92 lines up well with $148, although it's still lower.\n\nSo, genuine question, why is it so expensive?\n\nHinkley Point C has/will have 3200 MW capacity. At a 90% capacity factor over 35 years (which is barely over half its lifetime, but that's the payback period quoted), will generate 883 million MWh.\n\nWith an upfront cost of £20.3bn, that is £23/MWh to break even. So why is the price *four times* that?\n\nI understand that there are other costs (much smaller than upfront though), and there's profit to be made as well but this is a huge discrepancy.\n\nThe other energy sources quoted aren't priced up like that.", "731" ], [ "> Fuel costs are about £30/MWh.\n\nAny source for that? I can't believe it costs more than the total upfront cost of a severely overbudget power plant. Best I could find is that \"fuels costs account for only about 28 percent of a nuclear plant's operating expenses\" according to [some 2007 article](_URL_0_).\n\nSince it's quoted as operating expenses, I would think that means it's part of the \"running costs\" (which you said was £5/MWh - but I'm just using your quote here) and nothing to do with the upfront build cost.\n\nSo really it can't be more than the upfront cost of the plant. Pretty much any source you look at will tell you the upfront cost is the large majority of the total lifetime expenses for a plant.", "610" ], [ "I was just about to post a [link](_URL_0_) from the same site with the table coming to $1400/kg \"as of 2017\" enriched UO2 fuel cost.\n\nIt says \"At 45,000 MWd/t burn-up this gives 360,000 kWh electrical per kg, hence fuel cost = 0.39 ¢/kWh.\"\n\n0.39 ¢/kWh is $3.9/MWh. Indeed it does seem much more reasonable. If we also use the 28% of running costs ballpark this puts total running costs (including fuel) at $13.9/MWh (£10.5/MWh). No idea if this is a valid estimation this way though.\n\nFuel cost will vary though, as different reactors take different forms of fuel which requires different processing. For instance, CANDU reactors take unenriched UO2 fuel, meaning cheaper fuel.", "610" ], [ "> Increased price is due to the company wanting to make up their costs as fast as possible to make up for the lost rent.\n\nI wanted to address this as well.\n\nIt makes perfect sense that the investors want to make their money back as soon as possible. After all, what if the plant is closed after 15 years due to some unforeseen problem, or just political decisions?\n\nIt's definitely a risky bet for an investor. $120/MWh over 35 years would ensure that even if the plant closes in 15, the investors made a profit.\n\nBut - considering that the majority of plants can and do in fact generate energy for 50-60 years, what happens with the electricity cost *after* the investors have recovered their investment with profit on top? And the plant is still operating for decades more?\n\nIs that factor considered at all? Or do these estimates all assume that these plants stop functioning the moment the contract is up, rather than continuing to provide electricity at what suddenly is a much, much lower price. Because pragmatically I'd be considering the latter case as more realistic, no?", "731" ], [ "Thanks. It's surprising that the price difference is almost nothing, yet many other countries still go with fixed.\n\nI have a question. Are these /W prices indicative of just the power installations or of the total cost of the power plant?\n\nBecause I remember back a few years ago when utility solar was $3-4/W yet the total cost of power plants was sometimes up to $10/W.\n\nIt's impossible for me to find total cost quotes anywhere about currently built PV plants...", "731" ], [ "No, I only mentioned that O & M costs exist, but we touched on that in the followup comments.\n\nLooks like by 2017 numbers fuel is about $4/MWh, and by 2007 quotes fuel is about 30% of total O & M.\n\nBottom line is, it increases the cost for sure, but a large majority of the cost is still the upfront capital cost. You can find several sources claiming this to be the case in various forms, like definitely over 50%, but sometimes up to 90% for projects where the upfront cost gets severely overbudget.\n\nHinkley Point C is sitting at nearly $9/W installed, which is way more than typical in this age. If you take a look [here](_URL_0_) under Capital Costs the second figure shows EU nuclear to be $4-5/W average and up to $7/W uncertainty.", "610" ], [ "To clarify, if $4/MWh is the fuel cost and it's 30% of total O & M that puts O & M at $13.3/MWh. This would be for current ones, I don't know what entering service in 2022 entails. But I wouldn't take EIA numbers at face value in the first place considering they also totally misrepresent LCOE in their 2022 projection. By their definition LCOE is \"calculated based off a 30-year recovery period\", which is not at all what LCOE means. I would look at the actual calculations if possible.", "610" ], [ "Yeah, it's a bit silly but at least the actual price is properly displayed. Plus, I'm used to expect the final price at the bottom, so I guess that's okay.\n\nWhat's not okay is the entire concept of \"estimated savings\", because it means nothing for a particular customer. It's not TCO-related at all, since TCO is higher than purchase price. It's just a baseless meaningless number. I'm sure a customer can estimate potential savings themselves, and actually get a number closer to reality for them.\n\nIf anything, at first glace this gives the impression of \"Buying this car is equivalent to buying a $60k other car.\"... Which is exactly the opposite impression you want to make. Or I don't know. But it's a really stupid concept to put there.", "618" ], [ "> I'm not saying we need to go nuclear\n\nWell, too bad, because nuclear is exactly what could've prevented this mess in the first place if in the 70s and 80s we had replaced all the base load with it.\n\nFor a short time it even looked like it's going to happen but then popular media started to make a killing on nuclear fears and then a very strong anti-nuclear movement and general disapproval of nuclear got kicked up.\n\nIf people weren't stupid, right now we'd be working on \"Hmm, how do we replace nuclear with renewables because it might be a little risky maybe?\" instead of \"Oh shit, how can we ramp renewables as fast as possible to reduce belching CO2 ever so slightly because the climate is having a fit? Oh by the way, nuclear can still go fuck off.\"", "470" ], [ "It's not that they're trying to make it ugly, but they have to design them to look different, because that's what the consumerbase demands. You can't just take an existing nice-looking model and slap an EV drivetrain on it, because apparently that's \"undesirable\" in the market. And, well, it's not easy to make a good looking car that also looks different than anything else already existing... So we end up with these designs.\n\n(full disclaimer I don't think the I-Pace is ugly, but it sure is a bit weird looking)", "393" ], [ "I see. That's an odd suggestion. I doubt it would help anything if it even worked. For one, nuclear winter is unlikely to be as \"effective\" as popular media portrays it. Also, just to clarify, it doesn't have to involve radiation and doesn't have anything to do with radiation.\n\nStill, I don't think anyone will try that deliberately. Not that you need nukes to do it either. But it's just an all-out bad idea.\n\nAlso, I don't think civilization would fully collapse.\n\n > If I understand correctly however power plants are only one part of the problem. It is more livestock, gas cars, and the massive amount of fuel maritime shipping uses.\n\n[If you check the charts here](_URL_0_), section II.7, you can see a breakdown. Electricity & heating is the biggest contributor by a wide margin.\n\nAs for transportation, who's to say you can't solve that with gratuitous amounts of CO2-free energy as well? You can make shipping nuclear-powered. You can either make electric cars and charge them with nuclear, or you can make CO2-neutral liquid fuel to put into cars. Works for planes & ships too.\n\nWith livestock, the methane contribution is significant, but there are several ways around that as well.\n\nUltimately nobody is talking about an entirely CO2(eq)-free world, but we could have prevented a large majority of said emissions using nuclear power. Even if by simply switching the grid and nothing more to nuclear.\n\nThe environment (plant life & oceans) is also capable of absorbing CO2 at a given rate, so CO2 levels don't necessarily rise even if you have some CO2 emissions, as long as they're low enough.", "637" ], [ "Yes, and I have nothing against it. There are other EVs that are basically copies of existing models. However, as far as I can tell it is also a compliance car with a limited production planned. So EV fans will have beef with it. And of course with the range, because that's what you have to deal with to get lower price.\n\nI personally think that pursuing longer and longer ranges with larger battery EVs is pointless when it's a lot more effective to have a small battery that's just good enough for daily driving, and a regular combustion engine for occasional longer drives. These kinds of hybrids are where true practicality will be at in the near future.", "202" ], [ "According to all sources I can find right now, the death toll was around 30, \"including 10 women and children\" according to local medical teams. The White House claimed 14 of those killed were Al Qaeda members.\n\nEven one innocent death is too much, but I don't see the point in making the raid sound even worse than it was. I think 50% is bad enough as it is.\n\nEDIT: Don't misinterpret what I wrote here, I'm not saying \"no civilian deaths\" is in any way realistic, I know of the practical limitations, and I'm not saying we should just not act at all because it leads to civilian deaths. All I'm saying is that we should keep the mindset that always tries to minimize collateral deaths, and never morally settle with \"oh, that's good enough\".\n\nNo matter that it's inevitable, every unnecessary death is tragic and should be considered that way.", "690" ], [ "Yeah, that sounds like a \"trick\" that one would use to make themselves look better. It's also not exactly right to automatically assume women and children to be noncombatants, since they can pick up a gun and shoot it; especially in terrorist groups where children are indoctrinated and trained from a young age to wield weapons. It's really something that can only be applied on a case by case basis if you really want to be accurate, but who can do that? All you can do best is ask the soldiers, who they shot and why. And of course, the soldiers won't be objective either, if they shoot some kid in the heat of the battle, they'll probably try to claim that he looked like he was holding a gun.\n\nStill, with a death toll of around 30 there can't be 60 dead civilians, unless they're counting \"deaths\" differently too.", "1016" ], [ "Nobody twisted anything. I just pointed out how you can't know this data for sure unless you put a HD camera on the soldiers doing the raid and then review the footage carefully. As far as I know, some soldiers do carry cameras in the middle of operations, but the footage is not available to the public for understandable reasons.\n\n > What percent of children in these countries are terrorists?\n\nThat's a very low number. However, the percentage of children that are \"terrorists\" inside an Al Qaeda homestead or base of operations, I imagine is a much higher one.\n\nP.S. I still consider a rifle-wielding, indoctrinated child as innocent, since he can't help his situation at all, so at no point was I trying to doubt the \"innocence\" of anyone. But I think it's fair to count him as a combatant, and not a civilian.", "690" ], [ "I also agree, collaterals cannot be avoided, and action must be taken. However, I cannot in good conscience ever say something along the lines of \"Well, only X civilians died, so it's fine\". It would always start with \"Unfortunately X civilians also died\", to signify that one should always strive to achieve as little civilian casualties as possible.", "1014" ], [ "I don't know. I definitely consider it possible, but I can't cast judgement either way. The White House will definitely want to make their raid seem worthwhile so they may invent some details, however the opposition will want to make the raid seem as bad as possible so they will push the opposite story.\n\nI just won't take either side's word for it. I acknowledge the possibility, but I accept that I can't know for a fact without concrete evidence, so I won't fret over it.", "226" ], [ "10,000 millisieverts ~~per hour~~ is a fatal dose within weeks.\n\nSv/h or mSv/h is a dose *rate*. Sv or mSv is actual dose, and the dose is what defines the symptoms and chance of death.\n\nIf the dose rate is 10 Sv/h, it means you need exposure for a full hour to receive a dose of 10 Sv. Or if you only stay there for half an hour, you get 5 Sv, which is still 50% fatal.\n\nThe highest readings in the reactor containment are 650 Sv/h, which means you need about 28 seconds of exposure to get a 5 Sv absorbed dose.", "613" ], [ "The molten core is very unlikely to not be inside the containment. What it left was the pressure vessel. Tepco initially thought the molten core wouldn't leave the pressure vessel, but that was a hugely optimistic expectation. The containment itself is a larger concrete chamber that the pressure vessel is inside of. If the molten core had gone through the containment floor during meltdown, radiation levels probably wouldn't be as high inside containment now. It's also very unlikely that the characteristic signature of a potential leak wouldn't show up somewhere on the plethora of instruments constantly monitoring everything in the zone.\n\nIt's been shown that their robot can survive around 2 hours inside the chamber, they just need to redesign it so it gets more useful information during that time. The chamber is not that large, achieving mobility for the robot is the challenge.", "304" ], [ "Interesting, I got [this](_URL_0_).\n\nWell, at first I didn't know what to do since there's little info on the page itself, but it's an indian movie that features Yama, a Hindu god of death. My power is whatever that guy has.\n\nI don't think I'll watch the movie for this, but given how regular-badass people are portrayed in indian movies, I wonder how much worse a *god of death* would be.\n\nAnyone have a better notion of feats? Who should I fight?", "420" ], [ "Okay, first let's put one detail aside, R2 BW would definitely sweep with any tasers or other hi-tech gadget. It might take her some time if <PERSON> has a pole or even spear, but she'll get through that eventually.\n\nAs for the more interesting scenario... I still think BW will probably win, and my reasoning is this:\n\n* <PERSON> is probably one of the greatest forefathers of modern martial arts. He is nothing but unorthodox in his technique... *for his time*. However, a plethora of modern fighting techniques evolved from his style combined with others. <PERSON> might have more combat experience (slightly, since this is <PERSON> in his prime when he was younger), but <PERSON> will have experience in more modern and much more unorthodox techniques which would surprise even <PERSON>.\n\n* Grappling. <PERSON> from movies has had difficulties with that. It's one of BW's signatures. She can probably take him down very quickly if she gets through his defenses even once.\n\n* Morals. <PERSON> is not an outwardly aggressive person, he tries to defuse a situation instead of going all-out on his foe. Not to mention his overall confusion and unwilligness when having to fight a woman. You didn't specify bloodlusted so I count this as another significant advantage for BW.", "252" ], [ "What bothers me more is all this offended culture itself. One mistake, however unprofessional, and you get all these \"it's inexcusable, this should never happen\" and \"we were shocked and didn't know how to react\" statements from everyone. Big, serious headlines, instead of a few joke articles. I understand it's nothing pleasant in particular, but a healthy human mind should be able to suppress and overlook that, especially if it's just a mistake. I don't see any reason to fret so much over a mistake like this, but it seems like it has to almost become a political scandal, just because getting offended is such a strong moral argument these days.", "624" ], [ "> do we even know what the aftermath of Fukushima will be in the coming decades?\n\nNot for certain, but statistically, based on the absorbed doses in irradiated areas for the people who spent time there. That's what the studies are based on.\n\nEven Chernobyl's long term effect was impossible to experimentally determine. That amount of additional cancer deaths just can't be measured, the error margins are higher. The estimated death toll is just that, an estimate based on exposure.", "912" ], [ "Romanian here, people from smaller cities usually try to apply to the better schools in the large cities. I lived in a larger city which is pretty much a student city, with plenty of unis. So I had the benefit of not having to go to a frat, or whatever they call it (student living quarters). Not a lot of people try to go out of country on their BSc as there's almost no chance to do that unless you have exceptional international contest results from school. That's reserved for MSc and eventual PhD, and yes, many people do want to go out of country for that. I'm currently out of country for my PhD.", "688" ], [ "> Modern humans have been around for only 200k years. That's nothing\n\nPrecisely because of that. Modern humans have been around for less than 200k years and relevant for maybe 15k years of that. And in that time, we've managed what no other animal did in hundreds of millions. We've changed the ecosystem, changed entire species of plants and animals just to use them to fit our needs, we used resources to expand thousands of times above the population that's naturally sustainable, and still live so much better than possible in nature. We're no longer bound by natural selection. We landed on the Moon, a few decades after we've started mastering flight. I think comparisons to other animals in terms of timeline are completely pointless.\n\nAt this point, the only thing that can kill us off is something completely catastrophic, something that wipes out the entire biosphere and razes the whole surface of Earth. We're not talking \"oh, the bees are dying off\" here. I can go further. Not nuclear war. Not asteroid impact. We can and almost definitely would go through all of those. Not unscathed, obviously, but we would. It would take a medium sized planetoid crashing into the Earth to completely erase the lithosphere, and at this point it's pretty much what it would take for us to 100% guarantee an extinction.", "366" ], [ "> Now look at what he's doing. Golfing frequently, taking numerous vacations, including one right after the inauguration.\n\nI think he's done a *lot* of stuff in his first month of presidency. You may not agree with many of the things he did, but the point is, he's been really busy. If he can find time for some golfing beside all that, then why not?\n\nWe should rather concentrate on whether he makes the right work decisions or not, not his golfing.\n\nYeah, he's criticized <PERSON> for a lot of stuff, but so what? Both him and <PERSON> have fired on each other constantly before and during the campaign. And after the campaign, you could see that both of them sat down and had a civil discussion as they were supposed to.", "29" ], [ "You can make a neutron beam the same way research reactors make it, but it would maybe have a deadly range of 200-300 m in air. Not to mention it has to go through some solid material too.\n\nAs a direct weapon against a fleet, it wouldn't much do anything. Your slow platform can be seen and destroyed from afar. You'd never make it into effective kill range.\n\nWon't work against satellites either, almost all neutrons would be absorbed through the atmosphere, and even if there was no atmosphere, you can't collimate your neutron beam so well to have a meaningful neutron flux from hundreds of km away in open vacuum.", "864" ], [ "If China were trying to make an experimental sat-kill weapon, why put it in the South China Sea? Satellites are in line of sight from very far away. Put it on the mainland where you can defend it.\n\nI'm not saying China is doing this just to solidify legitimacy claims, but reaching for a sci-fi weapon deployment scenario is, well, reaching. They *do* make more sense as conventional weapons platforms, even though they don't make much sense as that either.\n\nIt's obviously a shady development overall from China, and they most certainly have other motives, but I really think you're going straight for the most implausible one possible here.", "753" ], [ "I don't know much in particular about military satellites, but I think they're mostly in high orbit, much better for availability and communications, as well as observation. Only recon satellites meant to image the ground with sub-meter resolution would have lower orbits.\n\nSo there's not much you can do with communications satellites that makes them have line of sight to the SCS but not to China, and at least right now there's no reason to worry about communications satellite positioning with respect to ground targets.", "443" ], [ "> Once you're through the atmosphere, it doesn't matter as far as neutrons are concerned.\n\nIt matters because of focusing. Any beam spreads out with the inverse square law, and neutrons already can't be focused as well as charged particles.\n\nNeutron beams are just guided in reactor beamlines by bouncing off walls practically. Once you leave the beamline, those neutrons are spreading out fast.\n\nSo trying to shoot down a satellite 20,000 km away really is much harder than shooting one down 500 km away, even in a vacuum, no matter whether you're using a laser, electron beam, or, worst of all, neutrons.\n\nIn particular for this example, the first satellite is 40x further away than the second one, so it takes an 1600x more powerful beam (of the same nature) to have the same effect on it as on the lower satellite.", "700" ], [ "> If we suppose sufficient power to clear a path, then it doesn't only have to be neutrons - they could direct ions that would fry electronics.\n\nIn fact, it doesn't have to be neutrons at all. Neutrons are not a very good application for this. You can just make a high power electron or heavy ion beam, you can both focus it and you can maybe disrupt the satellite's electronics. Although I would think that military sats are quite well protected against that. Either way, it takes a lot fewer electrons to disrupt electronics, than it would take neutrons to physically deal damage.\n\n > It could just be cheap additions on to otherwise traditional reactors.\n\nIt would not be cheap additions to otherwise traditional reactors. It takes a specifically designed reactor geometry and a lot of additional work to install even static beamlines. Now if you wanted to make a directed \"gun\" out of that... It honestly sounds like an engineering nightmare.\n\nAnd ultimately you get no bang for your buck. Beamline neutrons are still nowhere near the neutron flux of what's inside the reactor. Such a neutron beam would be a weak ranged weapon, even with a huge investment and a very strong reactor behind it.\n\nThe pros haven't thought of this because it's just not worth making a gun out of a reactor's neutrons. They thought of using an actual nuclear explosion - neutron bombs, as you mentioned them before. But they quickly abandoned that as well, because it turns out that making a neutron bomb is pointless. You get a smaller explosion and barely any additional neutron range; the end result is that the explosion is still a lot larger in effect than the neutron radiation. In the end you're better off just using a regular nuke and you get more out of it.\n\nNow, maybe if you could shape a nuclear detonation's neutron flux in a particular direction, it would make for a very strong directed neutron beam. But it still seems unfeasible in that it would be hard to use (it still blows up bigtime), hard to aim, one-time use, and very expensive to fire.\n\nAs for how to use a nuclear reactor as a weapon, it's still a lot better in this sense to make the strongest laser you can build, and attach it to the reactor's power generation.", "470" ], [ "When humans are hard pressed they get creative. We already have the technology to make a self-sufficient isolated living space with everything needed, on a small scale. You just need to generate power (nuclear works well for this) and you can grow your own crop, hydroponically in vertical farms with artificial light. You can grow your own food and livestock, you can filter your own air, you can take CO2 and split it to get breathable oxygen again... As long as you have an energy source, you can do all this.\n\nIt's only one incoming asteroid warning away from actually becoming a megastructure project, underground isolated living complex. It doesn't matter if the Sun don't shine anymore, it doesn't matter if every living being on the surface is dead (which is really a worst-case scenario), as long as you have something left over and energy to use, it's already possible today to survive.", "795" ], [ "I agree, and I don't blame the soldier. In fact, even if we were to put aside his feelings, his shooting of a civilian has to be hidden from the public, or his personal life could end right then and there. There's a good reason why combat footage, especially of such raids, is kept away from the public.\n\nI was just saying it means it's that much harder to ascertain how many of those killed were civilians. It's an artifact of complex reality, not meaning to point fingers at anyone.", "399" ], [ "I didn't say that either. In fact I can't know that. I was actually saying that there's no point trying to make the raid sound as bad as possible because \"uh this is <PERSON>'s raid\".\n\nAnd I do genuinely think that 50% is a bad number, on average. But this is just one raid, so it's not like we can make an average out of it, circumstances make or break each particular case.", "508" ], [ "Super fans always love to model S-curves that take over an entire market, based on what looks like the beginning of an S-curve.\n\nThey forget that many such S-curves historically have stopped way before reaching 100% market penetration, despite still looking like (and practically being) S-curves. \n\nLooking at the early shape of an S-curve it's impossible to extrapolate whether it will stop at 100% or 10%. Superfans will always blindly assume 100% while super skeptics will always assume \"this is as far as it goes\", but the point is that just based on data so far neither of these hypotheses is confirmable.", "185" ], [ "> To conclude, Tesla’s ability to service its vehicles has not kept up with the rapid expansion of its fleet. Indeed, there are now 626 cars on the road per service unit, versus 497 in 2018’s first quarter.\n\nIt's actually worse than that because the majority of additions were \"mobile service fleet\" which can only solve a very restricted subset of issues with a car.", "49" ], [ "I would say that right now very few manufacturers are \"betting\" on PHEVs, especially in USA, and it has to do with zero emission mandates and other regulations.\n\nA manufacturer would happily sell a PHEV if it qualified for ZEV credits like a BEV does, but there are some very nonsensical regulations that are required for that, iirc in USA the \"range extended\" range must be smaller than the pure electric range, and the battery has to get depleted before the engine is allowed to kick in at all, under any circumstances (while for a PHEV it makes sense to have the engine assist for acceleration whenever it's needed, regardless of battery charge).\n\nJust look at the BMW i3 USA fiasco... they had to software limit some of its most crucial features only so it could qualify for ZEVs. They literally software-locked the fuel tank so that its range in engine-mode is shorter than the battery only range. So when a USA model runs out of fuel, it actually still has fuel in the tank, but the car will refuse to drive any more and tell you that it's empty. It's like the inkjet printer of cars.\n\nIf a PHEV sale loses the ZEV credits and tax deduction for the customer, then the manufacturer would more happily sell a BEV in its place. For now. I suppose these forced subsidies can't last forever.", "202" ], [ "I think \"only\" 60-70% of global oil is used in transportation. Although the rest is varied, lots of industrial and commercial heating uses that might qualify as \"combustion engines\".\n\n > Sure you need it to make common plastics and chemicals, but the demand for that is by far lower than that of transportation. \n\nThere's another problem, crude oil can't just simply be turned into 100% petrochemicals or whatever you want out of it at the refinery.\n\nTo get the same amount you need for common plastics and chemicals, your refinement process will still end up with large quantities of more volatile hydrocarbons that are mostly used as fuels: diesel, gasoline, kerosene etc.\n\nSo to satisfy plastic & other petrochemical demand you'd have a big oversupply of oil-based fuels. Which means their price is going to be really low if there's no demand for them. Which means there'll be increased demand for them one way or another.", "637" ], [ "They are not set in stone, but they can't be arbitrarily varied either, not with the refinery setup anyway. I guess it's possible to further process the short hydrocarbons and produce longer chains that are suitable for some petrochemical use.\n\nBut note that this takes research, and when implemented will take significantly higher energy input. Meaning price of petrochemicals go up.\n\nBut yes, in theory it's possible to transform hydrocarbons to other hydrocarbons with energy input.", "982" ], [ "Maybe you're right, we'll see, but I wouldn't bet on petrochemicals shifting away from the traditional refinery process anytime soon. What I predict is that as fuel demand goes down a bit, fuel prices decrease, and fuel demand restabilizes. Thus it won't create any sudden void in demand that would force the petrochemical to make a shift to other production methods. The petrochemicals' value will just very slowly increase, and some time in the future they'll figure an investment is due, but not in the immediate future.", "637" ], [ "This makes sense.\n\nI made this rough estimate once, concerning what would happen if you just parked the unprocessed spent fuel in dry casks from a reactor, forever. Arguably the worst possible way to \"handle\" spent fuel, but even still, it would not be able to ever fill up a plot the size of an equivalent (energy production wise) solar array. The spent fuel from the beginning would decay completely before that happens.", "731" ], [ "This is actually a supercritical pulse, triga can go up to 1500 MW on these pulses. Due to thermal expansion of fuel, the supercriticality self-terminates before any damage is done.\n\nIn Chernobyl something really similar happened, except with a lot higher thermal output, permanently damaging the core and also boiling all the water inside away, to produce a large steam explosion.", "613" ], [ "The inherent safety, and lower waste advantage, are a general MSR features, not \"Thorium\" features. You're not talking about Thorium reactors, but MSRs, which you're associating with Thorium only - despite them working on the U-235 cycle as well. I see this overlooked/misunderstood very often.\n\nNow, there's nothing wrong in theory about using the U-233 of the Thorium cycle, and there is a big stockpile of unused Thorium that could be used as fuel. Thorium however is not as available for seawater extraction like U-235 is, and if you want long-term (several millennia) of nuclear power use you'd eventually go for seawater extraction. But this is not a concern for the time being.\n\nAs for the weapons grade material, U-233 is perfectly usable for that. It will be contaminated with U-232 making it difficult to work with (that's radioactive), but not impossible. In fact there have been nuclear tests with U-233-based warheads.", "470" ], [ "> My very, very, limited and possibly wrong understanding is that a Thorium reactor is essentially just a U233 reactor, with the Th-232 being transmuted as needed by an active external neutron source\n\nCorrect. I don't think you need a constant external neutron source, you can get the neutrons for producing U-233 from the chain reaction itself. It does require additional neutron flux, but as far as I know the core is designed to have that. You do need some amount of U-233 (or maybe even U-235) to start the reactor up though, but after that it should keep producing its own uranium.\n\n > Would a U235 MSR still have this issue? (Or am I way off the mark to begin with?)\n\nNo, it could \"fully consume\" the fuel essentially the same way.\n\nIn solid fuel reactors the fuel concentration at a particular spot changes until it no longer works on the neutron flux at its location. At this point you need to take out the fuel elements. And they're also radioactive because of the fission byproducts in them. What you can do is either just bury it, or reprocess the fuel elements, separate the fission byproducts (which can then be buried separately), and with some additional material create new fuel elements that have useful concentration of fissile material. This is how MOX fuel is created, although it also requires the reactor to be suitable for it; but it's not a dramatic modification and works in most reactors if desired.\n\nIf the fuel is a liquid pool though, the concentration of elements is just even across the entire pool, including the core. In fact I'm pretty sure a uranium MSR can also be designed (and is intended) to burn up the U-238 as well (first becomes plutonium by neutron capture, same as how thorium works). You remove the \"waste\", the fission byproducts, from the liquid pool, even while the reactor is running, and you keep adding new fuel so the concentration stays optimal all the time. Everything else that's created by neutron capture in the pool will be some transuranic isotope that will eventually fission from the neutron flux and produce some energy (and more fission byproducts, which are the waste).\n\nSo the MSR does indeed produce waste, but the good part is that it can consume the long-lived transuranics during operation, and you only need to remove the fission products that last a few hundred years at most.\n\nAs I said, you can do this with solid fueled reactors too, but it's a two-step cycle where you continuously have to remove the spent fuel, take it to reprocessing, separate the fission products, and make new fuel elements that you stick back. The MSR does the same thing but in one place by virtue of having liquid fuel.", "470" ], [ "In the 19th century Krakatoa catastrophically erupted, with an energy estimated at 200 megatons, and directly ejecting an immense amount of ash into the atmosphere. This reportedly caused a 5 year long volcanic winter with a reduced global temperature of about 1 Celsius.\n\nHere's the thing... an all out nuclear exchange wouldn't be able to produce the same amount of particulates. Especially if most are aimed at modern cities, which are designed to prevent the spread of fires and contain relatively little burnable material. In fact it would produce the same amount as a few years of global forest fires produce anyway.\n\nThere would most likely be no civilization ending nuclear winter.", "470" ], [ "> actually the reactor that is replaced pre-dates the Chernobyl in design and age\n\nIt's less relevant that it pre-dates it, because a lot of designs predate Chernobyl while being much better... But it's especially ironic because those reactors it's meant to replace are literally early RBMK design.\n\nOf course they're also low power and couldn't actually \"pull a Chernobyl\", and neither can the new nuclear barge, but that's all beside the point.", "470" ], [ "I don't think it's an \"on the contrary\". EV demand might be low now and could be higher if it picks up in the future. It's not really a contradiction.\n\nMy point of view is this: Tesla has a \"mission\" that people believe in, and doesn't really function within the bounds of market-based economy, which can easily explain why they sell better than other EVs, whose sales are almost entirely up to how well those products measure up to (non-EV) competition in terms of what they offer, without much sentimental involvement in the choice.", "49" ], [ "You're right, if someone is shopping for an EV in the 50-60k price range, and if build quality doesn't scare you, Tesla is the company to go to right now.\n\nBut, what I'm saying is, most people don't think this way. Most people don't go out looking only at BEVs when shopping for a vehicle. There's no reason to unless you really, really want a BEV and will settle for nothing else (in which case you're probably a Tesla \"missionary\"). And if you cross-shop plug in hybrids and regular cars as well, there's plenty of competition at every price range.\n\nThe new Leaf is in the $30k price range before incentives, putting it into $25k range where a lot more people buy cars. It looks like a regular entry level car (doesn't have quirky looks like many other cheap EVs). Has a 150 mile range which at that price is unmatched, and more than enough for daily driving.\n\nSo why don't much more people buy Leafs? I think the answer is simple... people don't find EVs that appealing when compared to competing non-EVs in the same price range.\n\nI'm also of the belief that there's no point in chasing larger and larger batteries for EVs just to extend the range. Make a proper plug in hybrid that can go 30-ish miles on the battery and the rest using an engine. Much more economical, no large battery drawbacks, no range limitation or need for fast-charging infrastructure. The battery range should match your typical daily driving routine.\n\nBut hybrids have had the exact same problem as EVs up to recently - the visual designs were quite horrid. Now we're starting to see proper hybrid designs. And these cars will easily out-compete pure BEVs on the market.", "202" ], [ "Thank god that reality is not a false dichotomy of either coal energy or rooftop solar. Plus that is for utility-scale production.\n\n > that doesn't take into account the immeasurable cost coal is doing to the planet.\n\nWell, it kind of does in part. The reason why coal is so expensive today is because of regulations put in place to make it much cleaner than it used to be decades ago. Before you go off on a rant, no, I'm not suggesting removing those regulations and using coal further. But take into account all the factors before making judgments.", "637" ], [ "Well the commission should specify the details of this estimation. Also, \"maintenance savings\"? Of having an additional solar panel installation on your home?\n\nAnyway, with $3/W $9500 is a 3.2 kW system which generates 151 MWh in 30 years. So if you simply assume you capture 100% of that solar energy without any additional subsystems and storage, then their estimate of return is quite accurate at $0.12/kWh and is in line with the first part of my comment.\n\n > And the cost of both solar and batteries are falling rapidly.\n\nWell, I used current prices. We don't know how the economy will evolve in the future, so there's no point speculating about that.", "731" ], [ "Read the first half of my previous long comment again. It presents the same kind of case. The problem is that unless they (the grid I mean) pay you for your solar generation during the day, you won't be enjoying the benefit.\n\nAnd it's not worth for the Californian electricity sector either, because they can install utility scale solar that does the exact same thing your rooftop solar does, but at a third the cost. It's not like Cali doesn't have land available for solar arrays.\n\nLong story short, solar energy is cheap per kWh but the difficulties in dealing with the fact that you only get it in a particular time of day are what will make it a lot less attractive than a simple /kWh pricing calculation initially shows.", "731" ], [ "> do you know that they won't?\n\nNo, I don't, as I wrote in my comment as well. The point is, if they do, then you're \"saving\" money on their detriment. And in case they're taxpayer funded then it's actually your money you lose by \"saving\". Somebody always loses money.\n\n > I would bet this will happen as well, it has to.\n\nYeah, but if it's at third the cost, why not just do that and leave residential housing be? That's my issue with this regulation, it makes housing more expensive with virtually no benefit. If these same houses just got their electricity from the utility scale solar built instead of the rooftop panels it would be cheaper for everyone.\n\ni.e. regulation makes no sense and it just makes things worse for most people.", "731" ], [ "> the way they calculated it shows its worth doing today.\n\nThe way they calculated it shows that it's worth for the consumer if they get paid grid electricity price for their grid-tied installation, which is a loss for the grid. Again, you're not taking into account the balance. This is a bad argument.\n\n > No there is evidence utility is not scaleable enough to meet our energy needs, unless costs and efficiently improve\n\nLike what? We know it's a third the cost of residential solar. [Currently Cali is already providing ~50% of its daytime electricity demand using solar](_URL_0_). And that's with all the ACs on since it's the beginning of summer. You can see the nice one-axis utility scale solar curve there.\n\nThe most Cali can do is double their utility solar, which is easily doable at the given cost per watt. It's better than mandating rooftop solar at higher prices.", "731" ], [ "> the CEC determined homeowners would ultimately save money on their energy bills to the tune of $40 per month\n\nFor the nth time, they save... because the grid loses. That's the only scenario. That's not an actual economically sound plan. The state is saying they will pay money for homeowners for their mandatory solar. Whatever the homeowner would lose from this deal, the state pays them. How is that rational?\n\nIt's as if I told you \"Hey, give me $100 and I give you $115 back.\" Isn't that a great deal for you? Yeah, but it's a terrible deal for me.\n\n > Commissioner <PERSON> said the new standards for efficiency, solar and energy storage will also \"contribute to a reliable grid.\"\n\nThis is the opposite of a reliable grid. Cali is already one of the most expensive states in the US as per electricity, and it's mostly due to their solar policy. And what energy storage? This regulation does not mandate storage. Just the solar panels.", "731" ], [ "You could say we only need to be a few million in number, living naked in the savannah hunting and foraging for berries and huddling around a campfire when it rains.\n\nOil (not just a tiny percentage of it), among other things, has allowed us to progress massively. In time we'll stop using it, but it will still remain in history as a crucial component of what made civilization progress. Not to mention oil's more evil brother coal, which has been just as crucial.", "795" ], [ "> But it's not like we'd still be caveman without it. We'd live in nice houses, print books, ride bicycles, etc.\n\nSure, I'm saying these were key stepping stones. We wouldn't have had an industrial revolution without coal. And we wouldn't have had a transportation revolution without oil. It also indirectly gave access to better building materials and medicine.\n\nThanks to the energy provided by coal and the substances extracted from petroleum, we can build structures to give home to billions of humans, something we couldn't have done with traditional resources and would've caused much more harm to the environment trying.\n\n > you could easily argue that we would have been happier without it.\n\nSure, \"happy\" is subjective. I'm talking in terms of technological progress. Progress always requires energy, resources, things that inevitably cost something. But what if it does allow us to eventually have technology so advanced that it does much more good than the harm we did on the way? You can consider it an investment long-term.\n\n > The undeniable truth is that we could, and should, reduce our consumption of fossil fuels by 90% in the next five years.\n\n90% in the next five years is logistically impossible. Make it 50. But yes, we should strive to reduce it as much as possible, entirely agreed.", "637" ], [ "> Huh, so it would appear to me that the death rate is not that bad actually.\n\nCompared to all cars I would expect that at least to be true. Just select various categories and see how they compare. In general, the cheaper the car, the higher the death rate in it.\n\nAnd most cars on the street are the lower end price bracket.\n\nSo yeah, the Model S should absolutely be expected to beat those in safety.", "38" ], [ "Shh, don't be rational and consider actual real world constraints and details. Ignore the fact that hydro and geothermal are cheaper than fossil fuels when the conditions are right, and that the energy needs of an undeveloped country are much smaller and thus easier to satisfy with these limited natural resources.\n\nClearly the reality is that Kenya is so much more advanced and futuristic in renewable energy than the USA. What an embarrassment for the USA. /s\n\nP.S. Some factual information:\n\nGermany has ~40 GW solar, ~50 GW wind installed. \nThe USA has ~20 GW solar, ~80 GW wind installed.", "731" ], [ "The LCOE for geothermal can definitely be cheaper than fossil. The key here is that the sites where you can achieve this are very limited. It's like hydro, but even more limited. So Iceland can't really use more geothermal than it already does, not at a cost competitive with hydro anyway.\n\nOnce you use up the available locations for it, you just can't expand it anymore at a reasonable cost. Hydro works the same way, except the available sites are more common than for geothermal.\n\nIceland, like Norway is also a very good example of what other countries just can't do. People tend to point at those countries and say \"See, that's renewable done right, why can't Insert_Own_Country do that?\". But that's the entire point, arbitrary countries can't do that or they would've done it long ago.", "731" ], [ "Exactly, but in certain locations it's much easier than elsewhere. These are sites with certain active geological features. Eg. an active geyser will do most of the work for you. That's why the sites where you can do it cheaply are few and far between, and whether you have such sites available or not determines if it's worth installing geothermal electricity or not. Because otherwise geothermal would be possible literally anywhere on Earth, just dig deep enough.", "731" ], [ "I think geothermal LCOE is [the same today](_URL_0_), the projected cost estimations are for technologies that may change, like new thermal, PV etc.\n\nThe geothermal LCOE is just based on looking at existing power stations. Unfortunately there isn't much place else where you could build them, even today. I mean, in principle, there are sites left, but many of those sites are natural reserves or otherwise protected areas where we don't expect industrial exploitation to take place. So I wouldn't expect we'll see much more of it in the future either.", "731" ], [ "On the graph at the 5:00 mark it shows the velocity crossing 60 mph at just above 5 sec. Is the 4.66 value with rollout then?\n\nTesla used to post 0-60 numbers without rollout on their non-performance models. Perhaps they still do, idk.\n\nEDIT: Yes, the 4.66 value is with rollout, in the video next to the slip it says \"0-60 MPH (1-Ft)\". That means with rollout. Without rollout it's still 5.0-5.1 sec, which is in line with Tesla's claim.", "49" ], [ "Well, for one, <PERSON> isn't from USA and \"left-right\" is a globally defined term. Don't confuse it with \"democrat-republican\". Those two divides don't even line up. \"Left-right\" also doesn't mean \"progressive-conservative\".\n\nRight wing tends to be authoritarian, left has liberal tendencies. This is one of the most important distinctions between left-right. <PERSON> is liberal.\n\nI see no problem with calling him a conservative. But he isn't right-wing at all.\n\nAnd I think it's really funny how the user I replied to pointed out how people tend to attach the \"right-wing\" label to anyone speaking about certain topics on youtube, but then proceeded to attach it to another person the exact same way. And then I was clearly disagreed with when pointing this out.", "285" ], [ "Japan's paying the same. The US shelled out maybe half that amount before the reprocessing program got cancelled.\n\nSo, one point being, this isn't being done for military purposes. Otherwise the US would've done it just the same. But the US just did its own dedicated reprocessing for weapons and that's that.\n\nSecondly, for being able to reprocess all the fuel from 60 GWe of reactors and even from some other countries, I don't think it's high. As previously posted it's about 10% of France's total costs for the nuclear program. \n\nIt's a 10% increase to total cost compared to not doing it. Further, if it decreases the cost of burying the final waste (and it should), then it's going to be even better in comparison. How much did Yucca mountain cost the US? After being cancelled anyway? Finland's also paying a nice sum for the repository, at least that's not getting cancelled.\n\n > $30 billion is approaching the total O & M costs for the entire US reactor fleet of just over 60 operational plants. \n\nI don't know the specifics of O & M economics of the US, but from this quote I would assume you're talking about the *yearly* cost only?\n\nWhy compare the yearly O & M cost of the reactor fleet with the total cost of reprocessing over the operational lifetime of several decades?", "470" ], [ "So it's the age old question of what do you prefer.\n\nDo you prefer a global conflict every couple of decades that kills dozens of millions of people and forces all the world into poverty until they rebuild everything, just for the next war to break out and destroy it again?\n\nOr do you prefer having the risk of something that can kill billions within a day, but as long as it exists, the stuff from the previous paragraph doesn't happen so much?\n\nOf course this is all just an academic discussion, because no country that has weapons would ever want to give them up, because it immediately puts them at a massive strategic disadvantage.", "1014" ], [ "Literally nobody is saying they're getting rid of theirs. This is a collection of countries with no weapons and no immediate ambitions of making them, signing up together to a \"we have no nukes\" party list. It's worth nothing.\n\nIf you notice, countries that don't have weapons but have a realistic chance of quickly making some if they need to, also haven't signed up. Japan, Canada and Sweden at the top of those lists, but many others too.", "124" ], [ "World government sounds bad, because if it goes the wrong way there's nothing humanity can do against it. And it would go the wrong way rather quickly because it's just human nature in positions of power. As it is right now, governments go wrong all the time due to corruption and abuse of power, but because they compete with one another, there is an automatic competitive mechanism by which a bad country wants to and can bounce back, else the country collapses and other countries take the spoils and resources.\n\nIf there is no competition, there is no incentive to not be corrupt and abusive. Just like an unregulated market monopoly, the sole player gets to do whatever the hell they want.", "593" ], [ "Certainly better for it not to happen, as with any kind of pollution. But it is not exactly a trivial topic. Most people just figure the radionuclide release itself is the \"damage\". Or how the human reaction to the presence of radionuclides leads to actions such as not eating fish caught in the area, even if there's no indication that any harm would come from eating them. And sure, these are real impacts, even if they're human mindset related... But there isn't much focus on looking at what the actual, objective environmental impacts would be.\n\nAs for claims of dead sea life, I would like to see a scientific argument as to how the amount released can do that, so far away from Japan, when even in the sea next to the reactors (where the radionuclide concentration would be highest), this hasn't been shown to happen. Based on my knowledge this shouldn't be possible.", "470" ], [ "Vogtle is kind of the black sheep of the nuclear industry (along with the EPR, thanks France). But even so, it's pretty comparable to this solar facility in energy production at the same price. If you compare it with reasonable nuclear projects, nuclear takes it easily. A pair of VVER-1200 also have 2.2 GW output and they cost 10-12 billion. Or the UAE plant which was 25-28 billion for 5.4 GW. (I'm using these because these are both export projects, domestic should be cheaper).\n\nThere's also one more detail: The nuclear plant will last 60 years, probably much more.\n\nThe panels will last 30-40 years but with continuously reducing power output over those decades.\n\nAnd the battery, the poor battery, if it's daily cycled to even out the solar generation, it will be lucky to last 10 years.", "731" ], [ "Literally everything is near 100% recyclable. It's a question of price. \n\nWill they be recyclable at a competitive cost to just obtaining new prime material? Because almost nothing in the world is. There are very few exceptions.\n\nRecycling of most things is usually done thanks to regulations and mandates, despite being uneconomical. Which is fine. But it does increase the cost. In case of batteries this could mean we can say goodbye to promises of cheap mass scale battery production, which right now is supported by quite unsustainable mining practices and very cheap, rather inhumane labor.\n\nThe problem is, if this is the case and battery recycling can't be done cheap, then we can forget about future worlds powered predominantly by battery storage.", "380" ], [ "> When the reactor is running at full power, you probably shouldn't be in that room no matter what. It'll be too radioactive. But once you turn the reactor off, the radioactivity drops a lot.\n\nThe background dose rate is a bit higher, especially if you get close to the reactor, but it's not dangerous. As you said, the water in the pressure vessel takes up most of the radiation, and there's more solid material and more water in the way as well before it gets to you, standing somewhere in the hall.\n\nIn the VVER-440 buildings, two reactors share a reactor hall, and thus when one is being refueled, with workers inside the hall, the other keeps operating.", "722" ], [ "I can believe him about the sudden die-off of his local fauna. But I don't see why it makes sense to randomly attribute that to Fukushima? Such events are known to happen from hundreds of common reasons. Acidification, brine build-up, local industry dumping something nasty into the water...\n\nTaking samples from the seawater and from the (dead) marine life and examining radionuclide content (and other pollutants) would be a thing. But it takes a lot of radionuclides to cause death.", "288" ], [ "It's a US centric graph, and it doesn't break down transportation further so it's not clear for me whether it includes things like US-based cargo ships (which would emit mostly over international waters and not US).\n\nNevertheless, half of 28% is 14%. If you remove that component from US emissions, that doesn't solve climate change.\n\nNot to mention that without first fixing the energy grid, changing to EVs does nothing. Right now on the average US grid a Model 3 is as CO2 intensive to drive as a new economy car. This changes depending on where you charge but if you're considering a universal solution the average will dominate.", "202" ], [ "> Yeah because if a small company with limited funds cannot single handedly solve an extremely complex global issue they are not contributing to the solution.\n\nIt puts the focus on the less effective \"solutions\" and distracts from the actually required changes.\n\nRight now you could apparate a Model 3, solar roof and Powerwall to every home in the world and you wouldn't solve climate change.\n\nThe total resource cost of doing that without \"magic\" is much larger compared to the resource necessities of eg. changing to a clean electricity grid, which would reduce CO2 emissions much more.", "637" ], [ "> As for the Model 3 + solar + batteries in every home, it would actually solve the climate change issue the moment it happens.\n\nIt's actually not that hard to check why this wouldn't be so:\n\n_URL_0_\n\nResidential tab, about 50% of residential ( & commercial! but let's ignore that) CO2 emissions are from electricity. Let's assume solar roof + powerwall solves a home's electricity use *entirely* (not likely for the average home since it consumes almost 30 kWh daily).\n\nThat means the solar roof + powerwall on every US home removed a whopping 5% of US CO2 emissions.\n\nLet's also just chop off half of the transportation tab due to everyone having a Model 3. That's another 14% off.\n\nBut wait, something has to generate the electricity for all those Model 3s to run. You can't charge them too much at your home solar because a) you use them during the day and b) your powerwall is used by your house.\n\nThe average US driver drives 40 miles per day (15k per year). With 240 Wh/mile rated Model 3, that's 9.6 kWh per day for every vehicle. Almost 300 million vehicles, that's 2880 GWh of electricity per day, 1.050 million GWh per year. EV battery charging from wall to battery is also about 80% efficient, so 1300 million GWh per year.\n\nSuppose you solve all the new energy requirements of the EVs with an energy grid as clean as California's (~250g CO2/kWh last I checked, less than half of US average), because you also did that while magically giving everyone a Model 3.\n\n1300 million GWh per year at 250g/kWh is an additional 325 million tons CO2 per year.\n\nWhich is a third of the CO2 emissions you removed already (the 14% of transport), added right back.\n\nTotal CO2 reduction residential + transport = ~5% + 14% - ~5% = 14-15% CO2 reduction. By giving every home solar + powerwall + Model 3.\n\nHardly an ultimate solution, is it?", "202" ], [ "Yes, but by far the biggest improvement would be solving the electricity grid. It's also a less resource intensive task than changing every car to an EV. So focusing resources on the latter and not the former is bad progress. But people are content with buying their EV and imagining it's the best thing to do against climate change, so that's where resources will be spent, building more EVs.", "202" ], [ "So half of oil byproducts go to fuel cars, the other half to other applications *we would still need to provide for*. \n\nMeaning oil production wouldn't be reduced almost at all, since in a refinery you can't change byproduct proportions arbitrarily.\n\nAll that would happen is the price of byproducts for other applications would increase, and you'd be left over with a lot of gasoline from refinement, that you just throw away.\n\nBut oil production wouldn't be significantly reduced.", "726" ], [ "> Do the calculations again but this time move all electricity production to renewables\n\nYes, that's my entire point. That's one thing that will help a lot more than any EVs on the road. That's my point. Changing the electricity grid to a cleaner one (not necessarily renewable, but whatever works locally) is a lot more effective at reducing CO2 emissions than changing to EVs.\n\nYet the public knowledge focus is on changing to EVs as if they're the solution. And adding solar panels to a home that barely offset its energy requirements most of the time and disregard all of the utility and industrial electricity usage.\n\nAs detailed in my other reply to you this won't cause anyone to run away from fossil fuels, it just pushes them more out of public view and likely diminishes concern about them. Out of sight is out of mind.", "637" ], [ "Don't worry, as long as the military and transport industry requires oil byproducts to function, oil will not lose any subsidies. That's the main reason why those subsidies exist. It's a safety net. Because if the oil industry suddenly collapsed tomorrow, the world economy would collapse soon after, and it would be disastrous.\n\nNot to worry, Power-to-X can solve most of this problem as well, at least as far as fuels are concerned, so in time we'll be moving away from oil extraction. Just not due to EVs and batteries.", "637" ], [ "Some of the demand of oil byproducts isn't cost constrained but necessity based, and many of those areas will gladly pay the higher prices because of this.\n\nI'm not really convinced that just changing private cars to EVs would affect oil dynamics so much, at least in the short term. Refinery ratios can be adjusted a bit, so most of the drop in production would come from this. But it wouldn't be a \"collapse\".\n\nIt's true enough that this would prompt some of the other usage areas to try to find substitutes. What will follow from that is quite unclear. But there's definitely a discussion that could be had there.", "202" ], [ "Yeah, by the early 22nd century that might actually happen... Meanwhile let's just keep burning fossils, even though we could focus on phasing them out much sooner. We could've started phasing them out in the 80s in fact, if it wasn't for how the public tends to focus away from the actually beneficial changes at the moment, and towards whatever has the bigger \"cool & clean\" factor.", "637" ], [ "You're right, they're not mutually exclusive, but I believe the focus should be on the biggest issues first, if we want to reduce CO2 as fast as possible, and not prolong the problem.\n\n > Also I don't see what you mean with the grid? Too much coal? That's not the case all over the World. Swiss electricity manufacturing here is 2.5% fossil fuel, it's not even big on solar with 0.8%.\n\nYes, Switzerland, like Sweden, is hydro + nuclear, and I love it. However, hydro doesn't work everywhere, and nuclear... has the public opposition. Switzerland has been discussing phasing out nuclear, that will certainly increase fossil use unless the deficit is entirely covered by imports from France (I don't think that will work).\n\nP.S. Switzerland also has extensive hydro storage (Sweden doesn't, although it doesn't need it), helps immensely with load following as you use excess energy (eg. nuclear) when demand is low to store energy and release it when demand is high.", "637" ], [ "> Median price for bids proposing a mix of wind plus battery storage was just $US21/MWh, while the median price for solar plus battery storage projects was just $US36/MWh.\n\nDoes the proposed battery storage suffice for storing enough energy during generation to provide for demand when there's no generation?\n\nI doubt it, because that would require battery arrays a few orders of magnitude larger than anything up to now.\n\nJust because it has some storage affixed to it doesn't mean that storage is adequate to consider the plant as independent on-demand capacity.", "731" ], [ "Anytime lots of money is involved, corruption invites itself in. I don't think this would change significantly just because the world is dominated by solar or wind. It's more of a mentality and transparency issue. I don't know what you mean by a shorter supply chain, I think that materials from a lot more different industries need to come together to make solar plants and wind farms overall, so there's plenty of opportunity for corruption.", "731" ], [ "It doesn't matter how distributed the system is if it's intermittent. You either have to install massively more capacity than you need to ensure as good of a 24/7 coverage as possible, or you still practically need a reliable base load, which is just a simpler and cheaper solution than all out 100% renewable, especially with battery storage.\n\nIf nuclear can be done cheaper, then I don't see a reason why not to use it as base load and cover the rest with renewables. Also note that the currently inflated costs of nuclear construction have a lot to do with bloated bureaucracy. That could be streamlined (if there was interest in a larger scale nuclear ramp) without any safety impact. Also, if you wanted to build more reactors of the same type, the R & D costs would be diluted further, meaning cheaper reactors due to simple scaling in production numbers.\n\nNuclear also has a big potential future advantage - it produces a lot of waste heat, which normally isn't taken into account when just discussing electricity.\n\nHowever in the context of Power-to-X, eg. producing and storing methane off-peak to burn during peak demand as a CO2-neutral on-demand load following solution. This is a lot more practically scalable to the required energy storage capacity compared to li-ion batteries. And something like this will be required in the renewable future, as a real solution to storing the peak renewable production.\n\nIn this context nuclear has a further advantage over renewables, because you can use the otherwise \"waste\" heat to drive the reaction and produce more gas or liquid fuel than if you were to do that with solar/wind.\n\nSo yes, I do think nuclear has a place in the future energy mix, quite an important one.", "470" ], [ "Ignoring cost isn't a very good thought experiment because it's entirely detached from reality. Economics matter, you can't bankrupt yourself trying to implement an \"ideal\" solution, you'll just end up much worse than you started.\n\nBy the way, batteries are excellent for grid stabilization, and I'm not against that one bit. They can respond to fluctuations instantly and prevent brownouts. They're clearly necessary and will be part of the grid in the future as well. Just not in quantities that store enough energy for satisfying demand.\n\nHydro storage is also great wherever you can implement it cheaply thanks to geography. Some countries have enough hydro storage to provide more than 50% of their peak demand, it works great.\n\nIt's just not available everywhere, so you always have to make due with what you got. Nuclear + power-to-gas is applicable anywhere. Solar (+power-to-gas) is applicable anywhere there's good insolation. Wind (+storage again) is applicable anywhere there are good predominant winds, it's actually very similar to hydro (except lacks its own storage).\n\nA good energy mix in the future will probably contain all of these overall (of course depending on country).\n\nThat is, unless nuclear just doesn't get the public support to grow. In which case fossil fuels will be used a lot more along renewables and we continue emitting CO2 for a longer period of time. But you can't force people to think alike, so...\n\nEDIT:\n\nJust wanted to chime in with South Australia, because it illustrates a point I think: \n\n[Yes, it does have a clean energy mix usually](_URL_0_), though it varies based on wind. Solar plays a very small role, and yes, that gas is being used at a low capacity factor as a filler, but even then you can see that it averages 400 MW over the past day, for example, which is almost 10,000 MWh, energy that would require 100 of those 100 MWh batteries to store. So you see that the battery is only used to even out fluctuations, not to actually cover any meaningful amount of energy use.\n\nThis is a 100% legitimate use of battery storage and I welcome it, but I'm pointing out that it doesn't replace any traditional generation.\n\nYou can see that the maximum gas capacity is such that it is capable of covering 100% of the region's demand even if there's no wind. The problem is, you *must* have this capacity installed (since wind is not constant), but if you barely use it, yet maintain it and keep it idle and crewed and ready to take over at any point, that costs a lot of money, making the per kWh electricity price high (because it sells fewer kWh than it could if it worked constantly).", "731" ], [ "Continuing the thought...\n\nWith renewables like solar/wind, what you will always have to deal with is overgeneration. You can't avoid it if you want these to cover a meaningful proportion of your energy use.\n\nSo you'll always have overgeneration, but what do you do with it? You can try to store it in batteries, but you'll still end up throwing away some of that energy, because batteries have a cost based on their capacity, and you won't install more than you need (eg. for daily or two-day use) just in case there's even more wind for a day or two, because it's prohibitively expensive.\n\nWith power-to-X, energy storing capacity can be added cheaply - it's just a container where you store the gas or liquid fuel. No problem.\n\nPower-to-X works like a power plant, it can generate some amount of fuel storage per second. So you can easily scale the generating facility to match the amount you overgenerate with wind/solar. And you can keep stockpiling the gas/liquid fuel even in quantities enough for months if you want to, because adding storage capacity is dirt cheap.\n\nNuclear, on the other hand, is an easy and reliable base load. If your country always consumes 10 GW at least, then you can install 10 GW of nuclear and it will work 24/7 for 60 years (which is the use case that makes nuclear cheaper than solar/wind).\n\nFor the peak use you'll want to add renewables instead of nuclear - because nuclear is expensive if you don't use it 24/7. And those renewables will be used on overgeneration on Power-to-X, and you end up with gas you can burn for peak when there's no renewable to provide for it.\n\nI think this is an excellent and self-sufficient solution.", "731" ], [ "ProPilot is more cleverly designed I believe. It will only ping-pong your car off the lane dividers. It's very uncomfortable to \"let it drive you\" because of this. So nobody uses it as an autonomous driving aid. They still steer mostly manually as normal. So it simply doesn't carry the same kind of risk as you're constantly alert and actively engaged in driving despite using it.\n\nI don't know for sure, but this is probably on purpose. If you're able to detect the lane dividers, keeping the car smoothly between those dividers is just a simple PID control task.", "38" ], [ "You can vary front an rear individually using the regular traction control, but unfortunately can't vary left and right independently, both axles have an open diff. Which is exactly what you don't want to have in scenarios with wheel slippage. Good traction control can mitigate issues but it will never be a \"true\" AWD system.\n\nYou'd also need to add a clutch if you want to minimize friction in the drivetrain of a non-powered motor. That would in turn slightly reduce drivetrain efficiency when powered.", "803" ], [ "IQ tests are multiple choice and you don't have to write to make a choice. But no, you don't give the same kind of IQ test to a toddler, it's different. It's supposed to work the same way, by seeing where said toddler falls in the normal distribution according to the test. But it should be retaken as a normal IQ test when they're older. Nevertheless, a high test score is usually a good indicator that the toddler will turn up to be above average when older as well.", "438" ], [ "There's a lot of cross-shopping between BMW's 1, 2 and 3 series for example though. Because with some options tacked on they do get similar price points. Do you want a smaller car with 2-3 extra features or the larger one? It's not a no-brainer. Nevertheless they manage to sell decent amounts of each.\n\nMeanwhile the Tesla fan mentality is that their products will never cannibalize their own sales. No, they'll just take more away from \"big ICE\". It's entirely impossible for a customer to cross-shop a high end Model 3 with a Model S, or a lower Model 3 with the upcoming Model Y when both are available. Except it isn't impossible.", "49" ], [ "Oh yeah I agree they're totally not indicative of the Model 3 market. It's a car that should start at $35k but you have to spend $20k more to get into one. Meanwhile the base BMW 3 series *is* available, although you'll probably pay a few thousand more for one with the added fees, that's still not a huge price hike.\n\nPlus the Model 3 is an EV and the market for them is still specialized. Most people in the world will still go for the conventional car even if it was at exact price parity with the EV.", "393" ], [ "How is it \"unreliable\" to perform planned, *planned* capacity reductions to keep the coolant discharge from affecting wildlife? The exact nature of the outage is announced days before it happens. Once again nuclear energy is forced to account for 100% of the potential environmental impact while all other energy sources can ignore them, and still manages to do so reliably.\n\nNothing is threatening grid stability here.\n\nIf you wanted (or needed) to keep these power plants operating despite the heatwave, you could. You might be risking killing some fish downstream for it. Which in all likelihood is much better than shutting down the power plants and turning on fossil fuel power plants to compensate for the drop. But once again, the nuclear power plant is required by regulation to turn off to protect some fish, while natural gas burning is ramped up to compensate, without a worry in the world.", "470" ], [ "2050 is basically 30 years away. France did its buildout in 15-20 years. Considering that that feat doesn't even have to be repeated (75% share of nuclear is not necessary) it's definitely a very possible timeline.\n\nIt takes long to build, but you have to start at some point, after which in 20-ish years you can be done. It takes even longer if you wait 20 years just to *decide* to start building, and then end up building anyway because it turns out it's necessary. But the power plants have a limited lifetime, and if you just wait until they age and only *then* start scratching around for new investment, you'll run into trouble.\n\nWhich is exactly what's happening right now in Europe. The existing nuclear capacity held up so well that governments saw no reason for investment required to keep the technology up to date, and the industry in efficient working condition. But nothing lasts forever. Eventually you have to get to work again, and it's more difficult and more expensive if you wait so long that the industry forgot how to do it and the existing plants are about to reach the end of life.", "470" ], [ "If wind and solar turns out to be able to do that at nearly 100% share, then fine. But there's absolutely no proof of that yet. So what could happen is that by 2050 you might still have 30-40% thermal share, and adding more wind/solar doesn't reduce it. And if you only start thinking about nuclear at that time, it will take another 30 years most likely, since by then the nuclear industry would be completely gone.\n\nSo if the objective is to decarbonize, at this time you should build some nuclear to replace the fossil thermal capacity. This will not affect the buildout of wind/solar in any way, which will continue. But you don't want to find out whether that can scale to 100% while you keep burning fossils...\n\nIf it turns out that they indeed can, you can allow them to expand and push out the nuclear capacity, but not release CO2 in the process at least.\n\nP.S. It's fair to point out that at this time, there's no country where nuclear and wind/solar are in any sort of competition. Nuclear competes with coal/gas capacity, and as you said yourself, in a free market right now, natural gas will always be a better investment by far. But this doesn't account for the harm that using that electricity source causes.", "731" ], [ "> I find it very interesting that nuclear advocates think that a grid without nuclear power has to provide 100% of its generation from wind and solar.\n\nFirst of all, don't project \"nuclear advocates\" onto me and then ascribe things other people have said as if it was my claim. This is not some cliche \"nuclear vs renewables\" debate and I'm not trying to turn it into one. If that's what you want, then I'm not interested.\n\nHowever, for the UK it's most likely that wind and solar will have to provide the majority of power production in this scenario.\n\n* There's no meaningful hydro expansion that could take place\n* Biomass is not low carbon\n* Tidal and marine energy are very interesting and *could* become game changers in the future but there's no way to know or predict this now.\n* Imports aren't nearly as good an expansion strategy. Countries in general want to reduce import reliance, not increase it. The countries to be imported from also have limited capacities - you're relying on them to expand their own power production to cover for your imports (plus let's not forget, in a climate friendly fashion).\n\n > Any thermal capacity that remains will be used alongside storage to provide reserve capacity to meet demand when intermittent sources aren't generating. Nuclear is a terrible option for this.\n\nYes, it is, and if this comes to pass then there will be no more point to have nuclear power stations. But for this to happen, thermal sources cannot still be in the 30-40% share range.\n\n > That makes no sense for 2 reasons. The first is that building a nuclear power station releases a shitload of CO2 - it's only by running at high capacity factors for 50-60 decades that nuclear power stations can have such a low average carbon intensity (CO2/kWh).\n\nEverything else works the same way. Producing solar panels and building wind turbines also releases a shitload of CO2 - not per unit, but per kWh of future potential production. So those also have to be kept online and in working condition for 25-35 years to get the low CO2/kWh values.\n\n > Secondly - and this explains the current difficulties being faced by the nuclear industry - it's precisely because nuclear capacity will be pushed out by renewables in the next few decades that no-one wants to invest in new nuclear power stations, because there's no way they would see any return if it has to close prematurely.\n\nYou're right, and that's why it's specifically more difficult and expensive to build them today. But the government is starting to realize it's necessary anyway.\n\nIt's not about cost. It's about not betting the climate on the hope that renewables can scale to a sufficient amount to push out everything else. For nuclear investors, this possibility is a huge risk. But for climate protection, the risk is the opposite - what if it doesn't come to pass. and nobody has built nuclear capacity to replace the leftover fossil fuels?\n\nI wish it does come to pass, and nuclear is unnecessary, but I think it's a very stupid energy policy right now to just hope on it and let market forces dictate what happens.", "470" ], [ "> But in that case I'd recommend that you take some time to learn about the actual scenarios that are being considered by planners\n\nI did, here is UK's [strategy](_URL_0_) when it comes to nuclear in particular. They want around 16 GW of new nuclear capacity on the low end (although their high end projection is 75 GW which is quite ridiculous).\n\nThe OP article shows exactly what's happening. The government wants nuclear. This has nothing to do with investment in wind and solar, which are completely detached from this. So there's no reason to bring it up as a comparison.\n\nPrivate investors won't touch nuclear with a 10 foot pole, not without huge interest rates at least. As we both agree, this is entirely understandable and natural.\n\nPrivate investors love wind and solar right now, because it offers quick ROI, has an excellent public image and is supported by the government as well. What's not to love? That's all right as well.\n\nThe government is not a for-profit though. They want some nuclear energy and they want alternative ways to fund it because drawing in investors makes it too damn expensive.\n\nIt is not about the cost, it's about them seeing it as a necessity. But at the same time, it is about cost as well, as in they do want to minimize the cost of implementing their strategy. But they clearly do not see wind and solar as just a plain alternative to nuclear, and in that I agree with them.\n\nThe only problem with the strategy is that the government should just go ahead and privatize the nuclear industry moving forward if they want to continue this way. Being funded by taxpayers but also being a for-profit corporate venture at the same time is just ugly.", "731" ], [ "> And the hot weather hurts wind the most, as can be seen in German data where wind dropped below 10% capacity factor from the 16th-19th as well as low generation for the start of this week\n\nI don't know if those two are causally linked, it could just be a period of low wind production unrelated to the temperature.\n\nThey *could* be linked, of course, I don't know enough about meteorology to rule it out, but it's also true that wind kind of fluctuates like this on its own all the time.", "891" ], [ "Reasons why this wouldn't work, even if you put aside the other reasons why it's not a good idea:\n\n* Even if you deliberately tried to engineer a nuclear winter by nuking dry forested areas, it would most likely not be significant enough to impact global temperatures more than just a token and useless amount.\n* The effect would last a few years. What happens after that? It's back to the same problem.", "470" ], [ "I'm aware of this old piece of information, but according to my understanding of nuclear weapons and the nuclear winter effect, it's most likely very off. But the nuclear winter mechanism is in general very debated in the community and you will always find huge variation on predictions and outcomes. Of course, it's usually the more doomsaying ones that make it into popular news. By now, apocalyptic nuclear winter is ingrained in the public imagination, mostly facilitated by popular media itself, through fictional novels, movies and games.\n\nFirstly, to produce the effect, what matters isn't the number of warheads, but the nature of the target. You want to shoot at forested areas.\n\nFinally, the link at least says this:\n\n > The model suggested those explosions would release of about 5 million tons of smoke into the air, triggering a decades-long nuclear winter.\n\nYou'd be hard pressed to not see that similar amounts of fine particulates are released yearly anyway. Billions of tons of coal is burned at power plants. Tens of millions of acres of forest are lost per year to forest fires, each producing tons of fine particulates.\n\nAdd these into the same predictive model the study used and I bet it'd come up that the Earth should already be in a decades-long nuclear winter fifty times over.\n\nMy limited overview of these studies that show dramatic effects suggests to me that the models used are inherently flawed, and are all based very heavily on the flawed model <PERSON> used to popularize the nuclear winter effect. So they all produce systematically dramatic results. I could be wrong, but so far haven't been successfully convinced of the contrary.", "470" ], [ "I understand that as well, but unfortunately there's no realistic way any of the current emitters will be net zero (even just by electricity standards, not total emissions) by 2030, no matter what is done. In fact I'm afraid that most countries won't be able to do it by 2050 either, although several can, realistically.\n\nThe only country I know of that is about to join the 50g/kWh club in the next years is Finland. Hopefully by 2030 some other countries get there as well, but I don't know which ones can. Just considering what comes to mind I couldn't find a single example, but perhaps some still exist.\n\nBut even that benchmark is far from net zero anyway.", "731" ], [ "> But if i didnt like an automaker, say VW because of the emission scandal, i would simply just avoid buying their products, instead of using my time on Reddit telling everybody how much they suck.\n\nYou see, when one comes to the conclusion that a company is actively scamming people, using social engineering to get them to buy faulty and/or vaporware products while convincing them that they are \"saving the planet\" by doing so, and lobbying governments left and right to put the hurt on competitors while giving themselves subsidies, free factories and policies that help them sell their product... When the company's modus operandi is to continually lie to regulators and investors, keep taking money that they burn with little to no actual benefit but getting board members rich... Then it's not enough to just \"avoid buying their products\".\n\nYou may not believe this about Tesla... but many in this sub do. The arguments and reasoning behind that are way too long to put into one post.\n\nSo, I merely invite you to understand, empathically, that if someone actually believes what I've written above (whether they're right or wrong), it means that they can have genuine beef with Tesla, the company, without being \"short sellers\" who are \"all about the money\". Am I right?\n\nIf you wish to engage with anyone here regarding these topics, I'm sure most will be happy to engage with you. Maybe you convince us we're wrong. Maybe we convince you of our position, who knows. Ignore the few trolls who just throw shit at you for this post.\n\nBut if you come with the default position that the people here are just angry short sellers, you're not going to get far into meaningful discussion.\n\n.\n\n\\[As a sidenote, just think... regarding VW emission scandal, what if there had been no scandal, VW was allowed to produce and sell cars with faulty emission regulation, and you had been told \"if you don't like it, don't buy it\". No, that's not what happened, instead VW got the table thrown at them for what they did, and rightfully so. But that's not possible if you don't allow a company to get criticized and scrutinized\\]", "49" ], [ "<PERSON>: \"Okay, another explosive result. Next test is in two weeks. Everyone okay with that schedule?\"\n\n<PERSON>: \\[short sigh\\] \"Yeah no problem <PERSON>, next test will be ready.\"\n\n<PERSON>: \"Have you fed the telemetry through the neural net?\"\n\n<PERSON>: \"Sure <PERSON>, we'll make the adjustment, next one will definitely be an iterative improvement don't worry.\"", "481" ], [ "China would see this as provocation, but likely won't attack.\n\nThe question is: why should they feel they have lost Hong Kong over this? There are some ships/submarines in their waters so they will want to expel them since they're a potential threat... but those do not exert authority over Hong Kong's soil. That's still under the influence of China's ground forces.\n\nThe ships/submarines obviously aren't going to attack - that would undoubtedly trigger a war. China also wouldn't attack either - that would trigger a war.\n\nBut as long as neither side attacks, China still has control over Hong Kong. So what then?", "753" ], [ "> **When wouldn't nuclear power be an option?**\n\nOnly when something based on entirely new physics is developed that is a better energy source.\n\nNo, solar won't ever be an advanced large scale energy source.\n\nNot even Dyson spheres/swarms make any sense. Any civilization that can build a Dyson sphere can run artificial fusion on fuel available throughout the solar system, generating much more power, with much higher power density, using much less material than a Dyson swarm structure requires.\n\nSolar is for small distributed systems. Microsats close to a star can run just fine on them. They may also serve as a decent backup system to power some stuff on a spacecraft.\n\nBut there is no point, no advantage in trying to build mass scale solar to run most of your civilization on. The only hypothetical scenario in which that could happen is if the civilization in question somehow hasn't been able to figure out nuclear physics. But we already have, so in our case doesn't apply.\n\nI will note that a Dyson swarm may make hypothetical sense to an interstellar civilization. But not around their home star. Instead they'll want to build it around a massive star with much shorter lifespan that outputs much more power. This could, perhaps, be more desirable than building their own massive fusion reactors for that same output. And it would actually make sense from a power density perspective.", "731" ], [ "Yes basically all infrastructure is already there except the production of the fuel, which can and should be done at large monolithic industrial centers, thus rather minimal impact.\n\nEven if the fuel price will be comparable or roughly higher than current fossil oil - which I understand is already the case based on short term projections of applying already existing technology but at larger scale - , it makes 1000% more sense to have PHEVs that you may charge at home, do most daily tasks on the battery, but the rest of driving on this liquid fuel. Requires 10 times less battery material than a BEV, you don't need fast charging stations, and also requires much less liquid fuel than a non-EV, so it's not like you have to make as much of the fuel as fossil oil is used.", "202" ], [ "The actual numerical answer is right there in the article:\n\n > Save your gasps, because that’s not all. The ‘E Performance’ modular hybrid system which places a two-speed gearbox, an e-motor with up to 201bhp, and an electronically controlled differential on the rear axle – all packaged in one compact unit, rather than placing the motor between engine and gearbox, a so-called P3 hybrid – **can also be combined with AMG’s 4.0-litre twin-turbo to devastating effect**. The first model to receive *that* combo, with more than 805bhp and 738lb ft of torque, will be the AMG GT 73 4dr, also on sale later this year. \n\nSo it's at least 150 more bhp when used with the V8.\n\nThe only question is - why not have this in the C63?\n\nThe only potential answer to this that I can fathom is \"it would be too powerful\".\n\nWhich... doesn't make sense to me. Why hold back a performance car?", "54" ], [ "It's simple. The battery has to be plugged in at the moment the electricity is generated. With the synthetic fuel you don't care about the timing. Wind blows - > you make and store fuel. Entirely decoupled from moment of usage. You store the fuel in a simple container until it gets used. Much cheaper large scale storage than any battery.\n\nSo instead of driving around in pure BEVs with massive requirements of battery storage both in the cars and grids, and fast charging stations everywhere...\n\nYou would instead have PHEVs that you leisurely charge overnight, have a battery that is ten times smaller, but enough for daily use, and the few times you need to use them on a longer trip you use the engine and that liquid fuel.\n\nYes, this is far more practical than just batteries everywhere on everything. With this you need ten times less battery material, but likely also five or ten times less liquid fuel use overall than what's currently consumed by pure fossil powered, non-hybrid applications.", "202" ], [ "Yeah I completely understand product tiers, no issue there.\n\nWhat I don't like is when the lower tier model is deliberately nerfed for that, rather than making the higher tier model even crazier. Where's the progress?\n\nIf they didn't downgrade the engine, you could have a 800 bhp C63 and a 1000 bhp GT 73. And have an even lower tier car with the 4-cylinder.\n\nIt would be a bigger jump for a single generation, but if this is the advantage hybrid technology gives then that's that. Don't hold back just for the sake of having smaller \"incremental\" jumps.", "393" ], [ "It's a particular case of 80-20 rule, while you are looking at it from a 100%-one-solution-only case, instead of a mix.\n\nBy a simple napkin thought, if it's much easier to electrify 80% of miles traveled than the last 20%, while those last 20% can still be easily covered by fuel use (be it a combination of hydrogen fuel cells and/or hydrocarbon based on particular application), even if it takes 3x as much energy for that 20% it can still be a lot more practical than doing 100% on battery.\n\nAs for what particular combination will end up best in the balance, we'll have to see. I really don't see how that would be 100% battery and 0% everything else. But I suppose time will tell.", "202" ], [ "Electric will certainly dominate on the \"miles traveled\" statistic, at least for light duty vehicles, possibly even heavy duty vehicles. And that's precisely because of the efficiency difference as you say.\n\nHowever, I'd wager that most general purpose cars would still have either a combustion engine or a fuel cell or similar solution for long range. Pure BEVs will be for dedicated city cars, or a more limited market for high end cars for various reasons. And of course on the utility side, short trip utility vehicles with regular schedules will be BEV while longer range or more flexible use ones will be something else, probably hydrogen.\n\nThis keeps battery requirements much lower. While at the same time, due to most miles still being electric, the actual fuel requirement will still be reasonably low and manageable despite the lower efficiency.", "202" ], [ "He may know what the perfect response would be, but that doesn't mean he's capable of said response. A movie-martial-arts guy with omniscience can take on dozens of enemy fighters; an average guy with omniscience can't. He just isn't capable of the physical motions. Having the theoretical knowledge does not mean you can execute the moves in the proper sync/pace needed. That requires training and muscle memory, not normally considered part of knowledge.\n\nHis best chance is verbal defusing of the situation. He should know exactly what to say to defuse the situation, if such a line of speech exists. Unfortunately, since the opponents are bloodlusted, I will assume that no such line exists, as per definition of bloodlust.\n\nErgo, 2-4 average men should be able to win against the omniscient man simply by physical overpowering.", "252" ], [ "It's one thing to jump over a 5 foot tall stationary object, and another to jump over one that's coming at you very fast and can unpredictably brake or accelerate.\n\nI say the athlete gets at best a couple of lucky jumps until his immediate mental and physical fatigue causes him to make a small timing mistake, or his luck runs out.", "525" ], [ "> But are you <PERSON> ??? I'd be lucky to run 10 mph and I'm athletic af\n\n > What's the strongest animal the perfect human fighter could beat in a 1v1?\n\nPerfect human fighter might not mean <PERSON> but probably someone at such a physical condition could run 20 mph. Also, what's the cow going to do if it catches the human by a 2-5 mph advantage? All the human has to do is change direction - the cow will find it very difficult to follow him into a turn.\n\nEven with a slight speed disadvantage, the human can run a cow to exhaustion.", "82" ], [ "> Its armour will basically laugh off anything barring an artillery barrage or bombing run from a plane.\n\nIf it gets hit it will wear down over time. No tank armor is meant to take a lot of punishment, as it physically can't. The point is to survive one or two hits, to give you time to take out the target yourself. Now, 1-2 88mm shells clearly wouldn't do it, but I bet one hundred would.\n\nThe Abrams wouldn't really get hit, though, not in an open field. It's faster than all opponents and has a longer effective range.\n\nIf ammo, fuel and crew fatigue aren't problems, it can definitely last for a very long time. Eventually the tracks/transmission would wear out and reduce its mobility. It will start getting hit a few times, further damaging tracks, optics etc. When there are 100+ tanks on the enemy side, it will find it hard to take out all of them without receiving a single hit. Those hits will accumulate damage, and after a few more rounds it would be immobilized and get shot to pieces.", "864" ], [ "> Also why no love for the Panzer4? I mean the Tiger probably feels a bit awkard with being the only heavy tank on the battlefield.\n\nThe increased KE of the Tiger's shells would dent the Abrams' armor much more, meaning a faster victory for the WW2 swarm. The Tiger may be less mobile but the Abrams can hit any of these tanks with near perfect accuracy, while moving, and while the target is moving as well, so the extra mobility of the Pz IV doesn't matter.", "59" ], [ "It's more of a living parasite than a virus (meaning it's a lifeform), but it acquires knowledge by infecting hosts. When it has millions of brains worth of gray matter merged into several large brains, it gets really smart and can control the swarm remotely. Plus they start taking over tech, using it, integrating it and so on until they outmatch their enemy in space capability even.\n\nIn the original Halo games all they got to do in that sense was take over existing ships and use them to spread the infection, but the Flood swarm was still very young and undeveloped at that point.", "550" ], [ "Let's just remember that Reaper \"shields\" are kinetic barriers that only work against kinetic projectiles. They'd already be useless against most Forerunner weapons. \n\nNot that it would matter so much, the Forerunners could downgrade and just start shooting whatever leftover kinetic weapons they have or can MacGyuyver together in 15 minutes, and they'd still go straight through the Reapers.\n\nJust adding that, technically, those Reapers are buck naked in the face of Forerunner weapons in general.", "694" ], [ "> Why would they be? It's completely uncontested. Shields are a massive energy dump, and they prevent anything from getting in or out of the ship.\n\nWell, when you detect the swarm approaching, you might want to get them up. Or at the very least when you start taking damage.\n\n > Also Isabel kind of hacked their systems, so it's not like they could raise them after the fact.\n\nOkay, that makes more sense in this case.\n\nI'm further thinking, the damage didn't look like it would need to be immediately fatal. The fore section got cut off, which would mean the ship is no longer up for much, but a well designed ship with the engines, reactor, weapons etc. in the rest of the hull should still somewhat work after such an event. Why does it immediately lose power and get disabled?\n\nAlso, if the AI already hacked the ship, why couldn't it just disable the ship directly?", "136" ], [ "I vote something along the lines of a soul-stealing ghost. I think there's one example off the top of my head in Cabin in the Woods.\n\nCan't crack an egg because the ghost is intangible. Can directly kill someone by taking their soul. There aren't many non-magical characters that can defend against that, other than running away. Making this ghost pretty damn powerful.", "326" ], [ "> Disable it how?\n\nI mean if the ship's systems were hacked to the point where she would prevent shields from going up, couldn't she also stop the ship's energy projector from firing?\n\n > There is no indication the ship completely lost power\n\nWell, the energy projector stopped. I assumed it was because of the event, and not coincidental. But you're right, the rest of the ship did not start falling like the front section, so I assume the drive systems had to still be online.", "136" ], [ "> Round 2: I think I could do this. The main thing is that with a hour, and him starting at my house, I could get a full tank, hit the highway, and refill before he even starts.\n\nThat still doesn't give you 24 hours. But you could bribe/convince a friend to come with you, get a lot of jerrycans of gas, and refill on the move, and that should do it.\n\nIdeally, though, you would want to get on a flight. The first one available. While in the air you're untouchable, and he essentially has to follow you with the next flight. By the time he arrives you'll be on your next flight from there to some other place. 2-3 flights will get you 24 hours. But this assuming you have money.", "780" ], [ "> She's the one firing the energy projector.\n\nOh. Okay. From just the context of the cutscene I wouldn't have assumed that. I watched the cutscene from the beginning and it makes sense, but initially I only watched it starting from the timestamp you gave, in which the projector is already firing.\n\nFor some reason I thought she was controlling the Sentinels to destroy the ship to stop the energy projector, and that's why she was being strained. Was it the other way around? Use the projector to force the Sentinels into action and they attacked autonomously?\n\nThat makes sense too, but the Sentinels look like the stop attacking before the projector stops.", "373" ], [ "> you could potentially be waiting for than a hour to get on a flight\n\nWell, if you specifically have an hour of prep, it can work out. You take a last minute deal heading to wherever, whichever one takes off first, and you have no luggage to go through extensive checking, so it takes as little time as possible.\n\nOnce you're on your first flight, you win, because it will take at least several hours until Logan can get a flight to the exact same destination, by which time you're off to some other place leisurely.", "780" ], [ "Merely being a psychic should have no impact on the \"insanity\" effect. It is not a psychic effect. Their brains still work the same way, and the effect comes from being exposed to knowledge your brain cannot properly comprehend or process. It's like a \"memetic\" effect from the SCP universe. Simply having sensory information your brain isn't equipped to handle. If anything, a psychic will be driven insane easier, as they can either get that sensory information indirectly (god forbid trying to mind-read <PERSON>), or by sensing it second-hand from other exposed people's brains.\n\nRemember that psychics often have trouble going insane just by being able to hear other people's thoughts, and their brains not being able to psychologically handle it.\n\nPerhaps non-human characters would fare differently. It's specifically something the *human* brain can't handle. Granted, probably similarly-equipped sentient brains of other species would fare similarly, but who knows. It might not work on a character whose brain functions are completely alien compared to a human's.", "310" ], [ "> Bloodlusted though? <PERSON> fucking tears the foundation apart. There's no way they can actually kill him. He's on a speed tier that's unreal to regular people.\n\nThey just reboot the world without <PERSON> in it. They've done it many times before. The Foundation can't lose to <PERSON> just like that. They're already prepared with contingency upon contingency even for cases where *reality breaks*. <PERSON> is hardly a reality breaker.\n\nBut yeah, they wouldn't really contain him.", "708" ], [ "They have automated systems, entire (manned) divisions stationed in alternate dimensions, a moonbase, the SCPS Solidarity, and machines which can either reset time or reboot reality. <PERSON> can't even kill everyone from the Foundation in one single hit, even if it's planet-busting. And even if he could, the contingencies would work, as some of them are designed to reset reality in case of a false vacuum collapse which happens at the speed of light and is pretty much instant-wipe.", "550" ], [ "It's a very popular collaborative writing collection where basically anything written down by anyone and accepted by the community becomes a feat by WWW standards. They invented countless anomalies that can wipe out the fabric of reality, so others naturally wanted the Foundation to have an answer thought out to that, because *why wouldn't it*? If you were a group of scientists with all the funding and resources available to mankind and more, and knew there were supernatural things that can end you instantly, wouldn't you be working day and night using anomalies at your disposal to make contingency plans?\n\nSo yeah, this means the Foundation already has a default answer mechanism for even some universal-tier threats. It may not be able to contain, but it can always do something about it.", "969" ], [ "Wait, I don't know how you're leading to such feats from the post...\n\n > jumping spiders leading the front lines, destroying Jets and helicopters \n\nHow would a mutated jumping spider take down a jet or helicopter? It can't even touch one.\n\n > turantulas become basically tanks and destroy any ground resistance\n\nWhy would a golden retriever sized tarantula become a tank? Maybe with enough web armor it can take some handgun fire, but any decent AP projectile will go through that. Plus, you can shoot it with anything incendiary for an assured kill.", "864" ], [ "I'll start by saying that <PERSON> can (by story feats) just sense <PERSON> from miles away and make his head explode. If it has to be by bullet...\n\nNova should still be able to sense <PERSON> and thus know exactly where he is all the time. Starcraft tech has special devices that neutralize this ability, but unless there's some UNSC analog by chance on MC, we can assume he'd be oblivious to this effect and unable to stop it.\n\nTherefore, <PERSON> is entirely incapable of hiding from <PERSON> or getting the drop on <PERSON>. However, <PERSON> does have some advanced sensor equipment integrated in his suit. Can he detect <PERSON> under cloak?\n\nHow can <PERSON> covertly headshot <PERSON>, through the personal shield? I don't think the shot will go through. Then again, I also don't think that a regular UNSC sniper round should go through, yet in-game it does.\n\nIf <PERSON>'s rifle goes through both <PERSON>'s shield and armor in one shot, and if MC cannot detect her cloaked, then this is easy peasy for <PERSON>.", "708" ] ]
[ 7870, 12159, 10947, 6105, 11280, 23281, 6499, 1885, 6909, 18561, 1881, 22619, 19861, 23228, 3433, 7990, 15014, 7708, 5805, 7588, 1362, 13181, 18731, 5392, 17054, 5667, 4651, 4532, 1770, 19647, 23178, 10449, 3216, 25472, 12860, 15614, 5670, 11461, 12866, 1145, 18707, 10557, 11129, 12156, 13114, 4353, 9684, 20556, 9740, 8128, 342, 491, 25463, 2348, 24709, 1155, 3454, 3299, 13110, 14415, 15500, 4095, 2316, 8836, 3622, 16872, 13930, 18176, 12420, 3361, 2896, 23471, 15882, 13785, 18034, 14449, 12902, 22269, 11984, 827, 9920, 18190, 11257, 13597, 15783, 3822, 7671, 3251, 21525, 11930, 4835, 16910, 25068, 492, 63, 1641, 9157, 4366, 19138, 16761, 8885, 6190, 8093, 7731, 3905, 2158, 9409, 11700, 22027, 18735, 21433, 13077, 5460, 8252, 17801, 23586, 2773, 8978, 11594, 1037, 7508, 4929, 391, 1080, 14938, 4217, 9631, 8052, 17550, 972, 24424, 9939, 3395, 24483, 5304, 10047, 14756, 19197, 5072, 3332, 11298, 18842, 21991, 23785, 22741, 3947, 4205, 9452, 15526, 6391, 4231, 721, 14112, 112, 327, 12442, 12072, 5443, 21625, 25289, 3137, 24420, 15067, 23655, 18118, 7709, 3117, 1973, 16115, 5059, 1773, 23970, 1752, 5901, 19900, 18467, 5013, 15327, 879, 1974, 12955, 20567, 14707, 12650, 22198, 1370, 24947, 14709, 8406, 1961, 14732, 16723, 16019, 8815, 16902, 17201, 6162, 13833, 16995, 8058, 8640, 25483, 4508, 24943, 19668, 8100, 6972, 10481, 14957, 24536, 13206, 15188, 21703, 11679, 9104, 11210, 22394, 21607, 16499, 17763, 17687, 12677, 17506, 4812, 6502, 5731, 20286, 14111, 22783, 612, 16566, 869, 17178, 22998, 20708, 25420, 19772, 7111, 129, 20530, 8162, 25198, 21060, 4250, 5663, 2135, 9910, 18614, 9791, 1235, 21394, 4418, 2086, 19178, 8441, 6879, 2024, 1095, 13934, 6184, 19543, 9881, 22982, 9040, 14208, 12855, 14898, 18271, 21753, 15233, 18182, 7277, 7217, 15220, 4142, 1210, 8143, 8077, 8049, 12402, 18722, 7433, 2394, 18732, 17053, 16912, 1863, 18606, 23353, 16803, 17013, 21936, 923, 11422, 7278, 11256, 17820, 8591, 24962, 9524, 14519, 24994, 7999, 10022, 11391, 24148, 11923, 20942, 20458, 18714, 22820, 5650, 17790, 5914, 2872, 14348, 11158, 887, 13372, 15638, 19934, 10822, 8204, 11357, 10094, 18684, 5325, 8328, 11491, 15441, 1909, 12601, 17432, 3853, 2230, 24753, 15681, 12561, 8122, 16677, 1472, 13768, 20789, 6844, 23278, 25133, 4115, 20230, 19220, 22749, 2478, 20811, 5578, 20171, 5422, 13867, 10390, 11002, 21934, 12707, 156, 15229, 13005, 10074, 9878, 24834, 20853, 4123, 5173, 4475, 6846, 2200, 15981, 1108, 10514, 7034, 17997, 24930, 12913, 8738, 4076, 7289, 15974, 20106, 25452, 4823, 6198, 21504, 12355, 11412, 3493, 25046, 25466, 838, 17417, 23523, 21069, 6739, 16182, 10470, 13451, 7755, 17296, 13506, 25347, 12869, 8217, 14433, 14237, 8418, 4997, 19472, 11143, 21650, 22161, 24826, 4664, 24409, 24872, 16293, 13726, 10603, 10519, 23974, 628, 17406, 10484, 8940, 8127, 10573, 18512, 24833, 12276, 12971, 10482, 7926, 8389, 12333, 9361, 22422, 16844, 12300, 10970, 8273, 25541, 13634, 13278, 5221, 14482, 843, 2974, 5874, 18908, 13380, 4016, 7411, 9743, 5450, 7566, 16217, 17571, 3648, 21612, 25064, 922, 5381, 20830, 15178, 12683, 17349, 13218, 17631, 14801, 21090, 2053, 4229, 24892, 4872, 8196, 7715, 21814, 16452, 2783, 10709, 5471, 16401, 22816, 2707, 3387, 21210, 2895, 7478, 17638, 11755, 16819, 5159, 700, 6045, 25490 ]
[ [ "I'm not disagreeing with you by the way, and yes, RAII would make perfect sense assuming the kernel was indeed written in C++.\n\nMy point just was that in 1991 was GCC's (what Torvalds used) C++ support good enough to make sense writing the kernel with it. And, after C was chosen, even during the early years a total rewrite would've been a massive undertaking. \n\nAlso, though I'm not qualified to answer this, but on a 386 even a minimal overhead would've been a major issue, I'd imagine. \n\nAnybody who knows this want to chime in?", "440" ], [ "Today I've seen a lot of game devs retweeting various adult games receiving similar warnings, [here's one](_URL_0_) for instance. I think r/games had several threads on this but I don't venture there that often. Looks like a mass campaign.\n\nThe currently favoured theory is that it's PayPal (who explicitly forbid using their service for adult content) calling the shots, but as nobody knows for sure it's anybodys guess.", "496" ], [ "> Raspberry Pi's are a bad choice, they have closed source binary boot loaders, and therefore should can not be trusted.\n\n > This should be done on fully open hardware/software down to the driver level.\n\nThis is hilarious shit, once again. That would make zero difference to the security of da coinz.\n\nI refer people to a classic lecture by <PERSON> (of Unix fame), \"[Reflections on trusting trust](_URL_0_)\". \n\nHere's the TL;DR\n\n > The moral is obvious. You can't trust code that you did not totally create yourself. (Especially code from companies that employ people like me.) No amount of source-level verification or scrutiny will protect you from using untrusted code. \n\n > In demonstrating the possibility of this kind of attack, I picked on the C compiler. I could have picked on any program-handling program such as an assembler, a loader, or even hardware microcode. \n\n > As the level of program gets lower, these bugs will be harder and harder to detect. A well installed microcode bug will be almost impossible to detect.\n\nBesides, the biggest cause of SFYL are the butters themselves. Scams, social engineering and the usual fat-fingering. No one would go as far as backdooring a bootloader just to grab some butts, not worth the effort when 99% of the time you could get them easier.\n\nI can only think that using any sort of \"trustless\" system leads to full-on paranoia.", "370" ], [ "> Of course, his RPi is offline but somehow he used apt-get update on it\n\nI know I'm being pedantic, so apologies in advance, but you can set up an offline source for apt, e.g. a repository on a USB stick.\n\nBut... considering the skill level of the user I highly doubt it and it would be moot anyway since he has to download them from somewhere meaning they could be malicious packages anyhow.", "117" ], [ "> Not to spiral off topic, but I really don't get the fixation some people have with colored hair on women. Like, we're in a sub that revolves around anime-ish content which prominently features characters that sport those same colors. Just seems dissonant to me.\n\nHuh, that's a surprise, actual honest-to-gawd self-awareness. I wasn't expecting that.\n\nIn gaming subs, the current theory is that it's because of PayPal, who have a strict policy on adult digital content.", "632" ], [ "You mean [this rant](_URL_0_)?\n\n > C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by the fact that a lot \nof substandard programmers use it, to the point where it's much much \neasier to generate total and utter crap with it. Quite frankly, even if \nthe choice of C were to do *nothing* but keep the C++ programmers out, \nthat in itself would be a huge reason to use C.\n\nHe did use C++ for [subsurface](_URL_1_) later, though.\n\n > But it would (I think) be possible to use C++ for kernel components without re-writing.\n\nI guess, as well, but I think that horse has bolted for Linux a long time ago for whatever reason, be it practicalities or principles.", "440" ], [ "I'd have no problems calling myself a Protestant Atheist, however, the first bit would refer to my cultural background and the second to my philosophy/lack of belief so not really comparable to what I think /u/BobUltra was trying to say.\n\nAs for Buddhism, yeah, there's at least Theravada Buddhism which has no gods/buddhas as such to worship unlike, say, Tibetan Buddhism, but it's a stretch to say it has no spiritual component whatsoever.\n\n*edit:* I'm no expert on Buddhism though, my knowledge is pretty superficial reading on Vipassana meditation, and the practice of it requires no religious beliefs for sure.", "994" ], [ "Sure, I didn't meant to say that it meant something else, as the word literally means \"godless\" or \"without god\", depending on translation.\n\nOf course, we can get into semantics here, as some people say it's rejection of all religious dogma, but thats by the by. That's not an argument worth having as we basically agree so it would be splitting hairs at this point, no? :)\n\nBut a quick throwback, something that sprang to mind while having a late night ciggy, is that while Vipassana (and Theravada, I think) have reincarnation and omniscience as all Buddhist schools do, they don't stress it at all, they just are. Meditation is not practiced to attain enlightenment, but just to see the world without any judgment. So the practice itself is \"hard atheist\".", "943" ], [ "> i guess that was also his point. not the security\n\nHe especially mentioned the trust, so I'm wagering no.\n\nI'm a huge proponent of FLOSS, it's kept me in the money for 20 years or so. \n\nSo I use FLOSS, and offer my small contributions every now and then, as I don't get to write that much of it apart from personal toy projects. \n\nI've never been much of an evangelist of it though. I use what works for me and all of the companies that I've worked with have agreed for the most part. I'm one of those stupid pragmatists.\n\nBut for the \"trust\" as in cryptobuttspace, the \"trust\" as in software mean different things, really. Ok, badly phrased, but I hope you catch my drift.", "831" ], [ "Are you seriously trying to conflate cell phones and the internet with cryptocurrency? \n\nYou know, cryptocurrency which happens to be built on and rely on those technologies? What is it exactly that the precious cryptopennies bring to the table?\n\nWe can go on and on about the merits of the *blockchain* which is a poor paranoid cipherpunk version of a distributed database, but where do you see the coinz built on top of it? What is the end goal, the purpose, the raison d'être of the whole thing?\n\nIf you want to gamble, fine, and I'm okay with that, but don't pretend it's anything else.\n\nYou're playing the \"social acceptance\" card, but during the nineties the only people who got shit with their mobiles over here, well, they were *assholes* acting in public.", "831" ] ]
[ 22655, 3117, 15783, 10683, 22547, 14954, 2348, 11315, 7708, 20883, 6105, 16872, 25198, 22594, 24787, 1472, 5667, 129, 2872, 14449, 23318, 8978, 18614, 21525, 21972, 15210, 22081, 10455, 17054, 8052, 25472, 19861, 9268, 23353, 1210, 13074, 11755, 19138, 20703, 8364, 1931, 13708, 4366, 24509, 4162, 4835, 21487, 14834, 8447, 17591, 18437, 12420, 18536, 14415, 24709, 19512, 16429, 13634, 11749, 18646, 5805, 7567, 10854, 3458, 19175, 17790, 21245, 8252, 5381, 2162, 710, 12598, 12561, 20080, 15014, 14491, 11129, 3299, 14823, 18705, 9157, 17053, 23280, 16376, 8712, 17145, 14433, 11984, 23471, 5443, 7588, 4250, 1657, 15423, 5578, 9669, 5914, 2092, 6953, 6148, 13725, 21749, 4618, 4348, 376, 11425, 23091, 24719, 21936, 1037, 11700, 4395, 1259, 23694, 10094, 11461, 15135, 3216, 12660, 9740, 25201, 11834, 23281, 19816, 3433, 10859, 7990, 18190, 774, 4952, 15313, 24497, 2675, 1920, 11280, 14133, 18176, 13434, 22895, 14938, 9104, 812, 11210, 23586, 62, 2767, 24763, 8118, 13986, 44, 12629, 13167, 24315, 63, 20040, 2210, 8706, 7033, 18034, 20771, 7870, 1973, 237, 8569, 11143, 4681, 22749, 6590, 18883, 2705, 13073, 7566, 2370, 12481, 19614, 1155, 21069, 18722, 8086, 7975, 18938, 1338, 13181, 8630, 11430, 12405, 21913, 17422, 23230, 4555, 2347, 25289, 18534, 11986, 7278, 1115, 12102, 20171, 24930, 1362, 13221, 2568, 4586, 9631, 22394, 3328, 13129, 3137, 7039, 327, 20343, 12159, 20892, 12040, 9363, 6420, 5663, 13200, 13788, 3316, 14020, 18707, 18206, 17907, 9296, 12866, 23672, 24586, 10761, 10470, 10047, 7160, 6344, 10343, 6972, 2895, 24536, 6106, 8273, 9864, 2707, 4823, 13077, 4283, 2794, 3665, 23013, 19742, 7735, 11507, 16947, 23720, 9143, 10580, 10970, 7552, 11393, 24507, 5244, 23979, 24834, 16019, 8077, 12306, 5544, 17311, 13188, 1789, 25505, 5168, 14482, 3252, 21710, 8532, 22619, 12955, 20615, 4141, 11569, 721, 12513, 3648, 10586, 20530, 1691, 8566, 5532, 10344, 19707, 3822, 14235, 21500, 3102, 11738, 12276, 25094, 2072, 1727, 12412, 18841, 22617, 17903, 525, 6879, 19377, 24831, 21087, 779, 10581, 24483, 20076, 23636, 17763, 5173, 11416, 3454, 3751, 4217, 3162, 11156, 15448, 15981, 15526, 18322, 1080, 4248, 1987, 23631, 16365, 14709, 1663, 14782, 21626, 10342, 2988, 7226, 13372, 8058, 13604, 682, 4457, 2316, 612, 6578, 6190, 2544, 20478, 3367, 14901, 16788, 2931, 11490, 17833, 22025, 25200, 20645, 25418, 22234, 15546, 25155, 21922, 22783, 8946, 8127, 642, 16801, 21865, 15614, 17193, 19631, 3334, 11950, 14726, 20728, 19772, 23086, 456, 15707, 1773, 15500, 923, 19285, 21251, 18842, 802, 5874, 10449, 12933, 21519, 12902, 22343, 13930, 25064, 6162, 21906, 1885, 21162, 20449, 13114, 8655, 8386, 11923, 24041, 25541, 18770, 11395, 4387, 3091, 11422, 3332, 15272, 25470, 9514, 4197, 999, 24148, 15496, 7709, 17229, 17406, 19224, 19763, 1863, 17956, 17576, 24564, 14519, 24022, 24943, 5934, 3428, 1953, 12156, 5397, 12212, 21950, 3413, 627, 16619, 17122, 2394, 23178, 7764, 3712, 13026, 9138, 2057, 12650, 6359, 5072, 22679, 10034, 15387, 25483, 13726, 280, 5015, 11203, 24302, 25317, 19355, 24501, 5782, 2400, 7542, 24409, 10418, 3559, 225, 6263, 9282, 20833, 22034, 10694, 843, 25347, 10350, 20312, 23785, 9791, 19024, 11123, 13869, 4872, 20827, 18144, 1463, 19472, 9593, 1889, 6510, 9920, 15342, 16085, 18344, 10842, 231, 15178, 2478 ]
[ [ "Technically they could. So could sex. Or driving. Or skydiving. Or throwing grapes in the air and catching them in your mouth. Everything can lead to death.\n\nI'd much rather take my chances with a vaccine than polio or the spanish flu or some other god awful plague we killed off instead of listening to morons say 'it causes autism. It'll kill you'.\n\nIt doesnt and most likely wont, so get your kids vaccinated before they DIE.", "929" ], [ "I didnt accuse <PERSON> of blowing up abortion clinics, however he has been sued by the justice department in 1972 for refusing to rent to blacks.\n\nAnd yeah its fucked up its happening, but its just as shitty to say that because *someone* kills then *everyone* is guilty, but you seem to want to selectively ignore that point.\n\nSo yes, going by your logic then <PERSON> *is* an abortion bombing, pagan burning, gay hating son of a bitch. He's also a commie traitor, fuck you very much.", "486" ], [ "The dudes got a really good musical style with a solid foundation in blues and jazz.\n\nHe's at least a decent enough person to get along with that he stayed in a band with his ex wife.\n\nHe's supporting a niche community and creating jobs.\n\nHe'd have been a way better mad hatter than <PERSON>.\n\nWhats not to like?", "419" ], [ "Most musicians are dicks. Maybe not all the time, but at times. Its a lot of pressure performing in front of huge crowds on tight schedules in confined spaces with so many competing egos.\n\nI dont know any of these people personally, so i tend to not put too much credence in rumors or judge too harshly. Not my place, I just like their music.", "556" ], [ "Try having a kid. You learn to power through any issue short of someone walking in.\n\nCousin watching TV in the next room? Good, she can watch the kid for ten minutes too.\n\nMom calls you while you're getting started? She's got three minutes while we look for lube.\n\nDownstairs neighbor starts banging on his ceiling? Use it to time your thrust rhythm.\n\nWhat's that? <PERSON> died? That's awful, can you tell me how sad you are while biting the pillow?", "39" ], [ "Well as long as you're at it, <PERSON> (singer for system of a down) has a bachelors in business, <PERSON> has a bachelors, Masters and PhD in criminal psychology, <PERSON> has a bachelors in psychology (that makes so much sense), <PERSON> has a bachelors in biology (her dad is a doctor, migraine specialist), <PERSON> has a bachelors and PhD in neuroscience, <PERSON> has a bachelors in engineering, <PERSON> has an M.D., <PERSON> (guitarist for Queen) has a PhD in Astrophysics, <PERSON> has a masters in Chemical Engineering, <PERSON> (singer for The Offspring) has a masters in molecular biology and <PERSON> has a law degree.\n\n\nThat's a massive run on sentence, but I'm too lazy to edit it. These are most of the people i know off the top of my head, and a few i looked up. There are more, of course. A LOT more. Enjoy.", "419" ], [ "Except many of those books are actually *published* and sold by amazon because few reputable publishers are willing to print it.\n\nAmazon has a service that prints paperbacks as they're ordered, lowering the entry cost for new authors by thousands of dollars. Otherwise, you'd have to pay to batch print limited runs of books. Yes, it would still be possible to distribute paperbacks but its more expensive, far more difficult and has a much more limited pool of readers.\n\nYes, it would still be possible to release an eBook, but it would also have a more limited pool of readers.", "215" ], [ "Oh fucking Christ he didn't, did he?! What the fuck ever happened to nuclear disarmament?! The fucking START Accords?! Nuclear proliferation leads to nuclear Armageddon.\n\nA bunch of fucking trolls thought it would be a grand idea to meme this cockinspanker into office and now we've for this tiny dick cheetoh with his tiny little girl hand on the button and he's gonna get us all killed because the rest of the world won't cowtow to his fucking narcissism. Fuck us all, we're dead.", "308" ], [ "Actually, a lot of materials are better for conducting electricity, including copper and silver. Gold is preferred for its *corrosion resistance*, as almost nothing damages it.\n\nGold jewelry, dinnerware and coins have been found on the ocean floor covered in centuries worth of sea life buildup. A mixture of chemicals is uses to clean it, including hydrochloric acid(?). Centuries of barnacles and clams wash away, but the gold is untouched. Almost like new.", "304" ], [ "Help the next generation. Donate time or resources to teach kids chemistry, robotics, biology, programming...there are plenty of really fun projects kids love to try, and maybe they'll actually spark an interest in learning.\n\nIf you have a stable internet connection you can also donate processing power on your computer to projects like [SETI@home](_URL_1_), which analyzes raw data to discover intellogent life elsewhere in the galaxy or [Folding@home](_URL_0_) which simulates gene folding to better understand the genetic anomolies that cause Diabetes, Cancer, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and more.\n\n[Here's a small list](_URL_2_) of other distributed computational projects if you want to find something that better fits your personal interests. You just download a simple program, choose how much processing power you're willing to donate (it will slightly slow down your PC while running) and let the program run in the background.", "704" ], [ "That would (kinda sorta) be the mongolians. They perfected ground meat. They'd pillage a village (heh), steal the food, kill the animals and grind the meat up.\n\nThey'd season the ground meat and stick it to the saddle horn so they could pluck peices off and eat it raw while riding their horses.\n\nBonus fact: the hamburger was first put on a bun shortly after World War II at a roadside diner in Arkansas. Before that it was basically a small meatloaf patty with a side of fries.", "738" ], [ "Usually chain resteraunts dont carry 'brands'. They buy direct from a coffee plant with generally processes a few brands together.\n\nFor instance, Folgers and Maxwell house are processed in the same plant. The difference is that Folgers is better filtered and cleaned before roasting. That and Maxwell House tends to store coffee beans for weeks or even months, blends old and fresh beans and doesnt seperate trash like wooden splinters and rusty nails from pallets. This trash effects the taste and can damage machinery. Folgers uses fresh, clean beans.\n\nSource: my brother works at a coffee plant (formerly Maximus Coffee) in downtown houston.", "18" ], [ "* Beauty and the beast - kidnapping, abuse and stockholm syndrome\n\n* Aladdin - classism, greed, lies and corruption\n\n* <PERSON> pan - child abuse, neglect, rascism (the original cartoon had an awful depiction of native americans)\n\n* Fox and the hound - racism, intolerence, animal abuse\n\n* The Princess and The Frog - Dark magic, murder, demonology, identity theft (to a much lesser extent)\n\n* The lion king - themes of murder and patricide\n\n* Dumbo - racist stereotypes, bullying\n\nWhat the hell Disney???", "472" ] ]
[ 3186, 13316, 19169, 6109, 19257, 2772, 17193, 13655, 10086, 10536, 9708, 15477, 6724, 21224, 2394, 23188, 14436, 14226, 9248, 15981, 14453, 17005, 10282, 4197, 1586, 12754, 2363, 23028, 16015, 24682, 13520, 19700, 8198, 2504, 16545, 22565, 8734, 25394, 24948, 14658, 1765, 18499, 14494, 23388, 20457, 23167, 946, 20007, 2131, 13014, 22740, 15034, 7516, 10766, 15922, 11831, 2233, 15603, 21222, 1514, 7659, 15296, 2912, 10497, 8748, 546, 8794, 13118, 10228, 22631, 21635, 1192, 19374, 9775, 14488, 6908, 23543, 10119, 19658, 12772, 19966, 22784, 23071, 13374, 9041, 6077, 22810, 14164, 20668, 13834, 14610, 12999, 6670, 8865, 4708, 3352, 2216, 14819, 21512, 11570, 8502, 3255, 14896, 12308, 18437, 7006, 8690, 19592, 7433, 19312, 17597, 10465, 23726, 25051, 20828, 6921, 20613, 23767, 13275, 22173, 13365, 12479, 7111, 6574, 13867, 16382, 11838, 4248, 18136, 13070, 17355, 9627, 5874, 24795, 4675, 18286, 16267, 16996, 5265, 9791, 17548, 14118, 11803, 18640, 10881, 1229, 18533, 3247, 4996, 9450, 540, 16104, 8379, 1323, 16293, 18807, 14720, 22318, 9913, 6153, 6569, 17298, 73, 20634, 21058, 10328, 681, 23533, 5040, 21220, 19922, 2144, 5397, 21765, 25064, 24260, 22014, 18523, 5925, 772, 25242, 24788, 18182, 13945, 20376, 5868, 21778, 23054, 1538, 5336, 4231, 11431, 1110, 18900, 18661, 3131, 11388, 13627, 23291, 10085, 10477, 23029, 24074, 16710, 3757, 5572, 11398, 18301, 2338, 868, 9643, 9372, 797, 17564, 14341, 7881, 9697, 3691, 23227, 1055, 23616, 1678, 25452, 13240, 9915, 2260, 4526, 7034, 22435, 13464, 24901, 10959, 15092, 2783, 11909, 9431, 18012, 6680, 22439, 15259, 7677, 19679, 236, 4240, 22498, 4493, 10744, 24766, 20653, 6961, 12990, 23159, 1463, 3861, 24632, 21120, 18600, 6425, 12205, 5661, 9403, 13082, 23042, 18291, 2708, 672, 11412, 14252, 15342, 17677, 15823, 23353, 9672, 4474, 3075, 372, 6529, 8146, 21291, 2089, 12597, 2577, 2916, 3145, 1757, 18447, 10226, 1580, 9179, 11837, 24157, 12258, 24056, 15707, 16013, 2970, 9599, 7036, 17052, 3800, 16779, 21433, 11059, 5729, 6654, 2663, 7687, 13179, 16036, 19084, 5532, 9361, 22924, 3806, 18673, 11301, 21811, 2799, 2782, 21277, 19707, 2403, 8095, 22149, 10201, 8256, 145, 19636, 16427, 1126, 5947, 24335, 9151, 9803, 20755, 9197, 394, 9821, 1371, 326, 11498, 13059, 12005, 1863, 22648, 12734, 16558, 16197, 15568, 22725, 5831, 20106, 23684, 13299, 15962, 10436, 22824, 11978, 20594, 21639, 3815, 1238, 11951, 153, 8217, 13180, 4273, 10513, 12461, 5917, 14099, 15031, 9321, 13530, 4851, 3625, 2225, 12937, 14261, 14111, 10386, 17759, 14178, 19598, 9783, 20224, 77, 450, 12126, 10707, 10676, 8533, 1387, 4507, 14162, 1248, 12146, 17538, 14067, 4487, 15315, 4926, 3866, 8916, 16836, 21740, 19162, 16182, 10921, 7568, 14446, 4387, 11996, 17505, 13882, 1456, 22034, 6969, 16152, 7123, 2579, 633, 9982, 4316, 12681, 15221, 20823, 20188, 7609, 14202, 21643, 13359, 16102, 13221, 12658, 21519, 14255, 12601, 20251, 23339, 1207, 6359, 11123, 602, 24041, 2053, 19484, 24247, 17953, 468, 5588, 2448, 10845, 5543, 16786, 3760, 4333, 2375, 6590, 5321, 7028, 4971, 13788, 6061, 13200, 15006, 3011, 160, 23172, 6681, 9777, 25196, 20363, 8856, 19256, 6741, 11461, 8418, 13913, 24302, 24295, 654, 2992, 17558, 25538, 4262, 12290, 575, 4897, 5827, 25265, 4608, 8435, 14482, 24593, 14863, 12306, 883, 16209 ]
[ [ "Media SHOULD, not HAS, to inform the country. He hasn't broken any laws.\n\nIt's a dick move yeah, I personally don't believe we should be silencing our media. But what law has he broken? He doesn't have to have press conferences at all, in fact we didn't have regular press conferences until <PERSON>, a fairly modern president. \n\nPress conferences are a tradition not a law, and something people like because it provides transparency; there is nothing saying he has to do this at all, let alone who he allows to come.", "693" ], [ "<PERSON> is looking ahead. It's one month into to <PERSON>'s presidency but the media (if it could be believed...) is saying he's polling record low numbers. I think he's waiting before he acts because he doesn't want his political career to fall, which could very well happen if he throws himself behind <PERSON> and midterms/next election they oust him.\n\nI think he will support <PERSON> in congress but with caution. If <PERSON> turns into a 1 term president, he doesnt want to appear like he was 100% behind <PERSON>.", "906" ], [ "This. People refuse to see this for the right, while simultaneously taking part in it on the left. Did democrats in general like <PERSON>? No. She was the candidate and they didn't want a republican. Similarly republicans hate <PERSON> with a firey passion and would put up with just about anyone as long as it means they are in a position to have conservative Supreme Court Justices.\n\nApart from the Supreme Court, there are single issue voters to consider. People that were against TPP, against ACA, or placed the economy or possibility of more manufacturing jobs above all else. Yes, also a lot of people voted for <PERSON> because of the Muslim ban and his rediculous boarder wall. All that being said, voting for 1 of 2 candidates in a 2 party system doesn't mean you agree with everything that candidate wants to do. \n\nA lot of people in this thread seem to aggressively suggest voting for <PERSON> or voting 3rd party makes you racist because <PERSON> is possibly a racist. That whole with us or against us thing is a pretty facist take on politics.", "313" ], [ "Yes. GOP won a lot of seats in this election, but <PERSON> has the potential to destroy the GOP brand (not that the media hasn't been trying to destroy the GOPs image since <PERSON>). The GOP knows that if they are to win another presidential election in the next couple decades, they have to make sure <PERSON> doesn't go full retard, otherwise all of the moderate voters will be put off of the republicans for years to come.", "953" ], [ "Your acting like <PERSON> was the second coming of <PERSON>, and Republicans invented congressional obstructionism. He didnt exactly reach across the isle to Republicans; its give and take, if the Democrats try to force a bill witbout throwing republicans a bone, of course they will shoot it down, just like democrats do when the roles are reversed. <PERSON> was an eloquent, dignified, handsome man, I don't think he was all that great of a president; not terrible, but also not great.\n\nYour right, legislation begins in congress, it always has. Somehow every other president we have ever had gets members of Congress to sponsor a bill that the president wants to have happen. \n\nAll that being said, 2 votes short of a super majority and they couldn't sway anyone? That's pathetic. Their whole job is to vote and sway voters. That's politicians being terrible at their jobs.", "800" ], [ "This. <PERSON> often regarded as the father of facism was also a life long socialist. A lot of people like to rewrite history and conveniently forget these facts and claim it's a phenomenon of the right. I'm not saying the right can't be facists, but the most notable examples have been from the left.\n\nCheck out Liberal Facism, great read on the subject.", "112" ], [ "> The count of votes shown in this screenshot is from RES, which is a third party browser add-on. I'm not sure how it calculates the count, but the number is nowhere close to being accurate. Reddit does not show the number of votes anywhere, just the score and percentage upvoted. The total number of votes on that thread is below 50,000 currently. \n\nThis is from u/sodypop a reddit admin. Go through the comments and you will find it. In other words, this is complete bull.", "263" ], [ "Because I used the title of a book? A book I'm sure you haven't read or heard of; but yeah, that's cool, talk to me in a condescending way without even knowing what I'm talking about.\n\nThe old definition, classical definition of Liberalism is what Conservatives are supposed to be now (closer to libertarians). The new form the word liberal has taken on is something quite different and this book explores liberalism as it is in modern history, and it's ties to socialism as well as facism.", "285" ], [ "I feel like your just stringing words together.\n\nThe last 16 years we have had war. 8 of those under a democrat which expanded to areas that the Republican president hadn't been in. Both parties are bad. So many people look at politics in terms of good guys and bad guys; that is a terrible way to look at politics. \n\nBoth sides have people that have one main objective; to stay in power. After that they may have various agendas, but war seems to be a mainstay of both parties.", "313" ], [ "Wikipedia has a section on some of his economic policies as a facist dictator:\n\nGovernment control of business was part of <PERSON>'s policy planning. By 1935, he claimed that three-quarters of Italian businesses were under state control. Later that year, <PERSON> issued several edicts to further control the economy, e.g. forcing banks, businesses, and private citizens to surrender all foreign-issued stock and bond holdings to the Bank of Italy. In 1936, he imposed price controls.[101] \n\nSocialist for life, he always advocated global socialist revolutions, when the world wars broke out, he settled for a form of domestic socialism that was enforced by military veterans that were now a paramilitary police force. \n\nSocialism and facism are not diametrically opposed. <PERSON> positioned himself so that he was not as extreme as the communists or other socialist, but he was a socialist who was in favor of war and a strong authoritarian government. <PERSON> and his facists were praised by progressives in America for his socialist policies.\n\nAn article from the Cato Institute has some interesting things to say:\n\nIn the North American Review in 1934, the progressive writer <PERSON> described the New Deal as “Fascist means to gain liberal ends.” He wasn’t hallucinating. <PERSON>’s adviser <PERSON> wrote in his diary that <PERSON> had done “many of the things which seem to me necessary.” <PERSON>, a close confidante of <PERSON> who lived in the White House for a spell, wrote approvingly of a local official who had said, “If [President] <PERSON> were actually a dictator, we might get somewhere.” She added that if she were younger, she’d like to lead “the Fascist Movement in the United States.” At the National Recovery Administration (NRA), the cartel-creating agency at the heart of the early New Deal, one report declared forthrightly, “The Fascist Principles are very similar to those we have been evolving here in America.”\n\n<PERSON> himself called <PERSON> “admirable” and professed that he was “deeply impressed by what he has accomplished.” The admiration was mutual. In a laudatory review of <PERSON>’s 1933 book Looking Forward, <PERSON> wrote, “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices.… Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.” The chief Nazi newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter, repeatedly praised “<PERSON>’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” and “the development toward an authoritarian state” based on the “demand that collective good be put before individual self-interest.”\n\n_URL_0_", "749" ], [ "Sharia law is already in the US, it was just brought by the Evangelicals. Women's rights, gay rights, religious freedom over secular laws, aversion to those outside the religion, an instinct to inflict their beliefs on others; I think it's hilarious how radical Christians in the US don't see the parallels between themselves and radical Islam and sharia law.", "293" ], [ "I'm not an anti immigration douche, but America is larger with more immigration than you listed. Other countries have different situations to consider, for example:\n\nMy sister in law was dating a Swiss citizen recently who was in the States for a study abroad program. He was telling me about the minimum wage in Switzerland (about 3 or 4 times that as in America), basic income, health care and many other social programs. What he also said, however, is that these benefits are only for citizens and that it's incredibly difficult to become a citizen. In the US you just need to be born here, Switzerland you can be born there and it doesn't make you a citizen. \n\nThe burden on their social programs is less for that reason. Now add the fact that all the surrounding countries have social programs as well. The US separates Canada from Mexico, Central and South America; they don't have to worry about a higher influx of immigration that can then put strain on the sytem. The US has to incorporate this into any model they have, there will simply be more people using social nets than in a country like Canada. \n\nI'm not saying don't have socialized medicine, but to consider that there might be more people on it that originally planned for.", "113" ], [ "I definitely agree buisnesses and the government are making a long term investment when they invest in things like vaccines and birth control. A billion up from has got to save 10 or 20 times that over time in terms of care and treatment for those with disease, or food stamps, education and social programs for unwanted children.\n\nHealthcare in this country has been an industry, but that's so counterintuitive. You can't put a price on life, so those your literally buying life from can charge whatever they want. I tend to vote libertarian and don't like government spending for the most part; but there is a conflict of interest and a massive temptation for companies to completely take advantage of people because they can.\n\nPrime example is <PERSON>'s company who raised the price on a drug called Daraprim from $13.50 a pill to $750 overnight. It's extortion. There needs to be something in place to stop this.", "36" ], [ "Fox and the 1 or 2 other small conservative outlets were, but every mainstream outlet, all the ones claiming to be unbiased, we're most certainly biased against <PERSON> and in favor of the Democratic Establishment. Just because fox and Breitbart exist, democrats act like ALL media is sooo biased for <PERSON>!!!! Forget about CNN, MSNBC, the other alphabet soup networks, Huffington Post, and everything else", "6" ], [ "Really? People critical of <PERSON> should be watching this the closest; this is where presidents make promises and hunt at what they want to accomplish. If you don't like <PERSON>, hold him to what he says at his inauguration. \n\nActing like a petulant child and sticking your fingers in your ears shouting, \"<PERSON> I can't hear you, I'm not listening!\" Isn't going to change a damn thing. The election is over, president will be <PERSON> on the 20th, if your pissed off about it then vote during the mid terms.", "826" ], [ "Do people realize this was in response to the CNN poll? Not an unbiased 3rd party that's respected for polling, CNN. CNN obviously does not like <PERSON>, and obviously is bad at polling. I'm sure of the people that watch CNN or would respond to a CNN poll, that the numbers they reflected are acurate, but as far as an actual measure of America's attitude towards <PERSON>? No. This is a circle jerk by people who still think that <PERSON> will magically disappear if they print enough bull shit about him.", "840" ], [ "Are you going to ignore the part where CNN and <PERSON> have a history? Like the fact that CNN leaked debate questions to <PERSON> and even bounced headline ideas off of <PERSON>'s campaign before publishing them? CNN is obviously biased. There is evidence in the DNC and <PERSON> emails.\n\nCNN did this poll, people that responded probably watch CNN or at least care about them; republicans don't watch CNN, they tend to watch Fox. Guess what that means? This poll is not a random sample and doesn't accurately portray the actual popularity of <PERSON>. This is also not the first time CNN has made this mistake, this happened during the election as well. \n\nSo the question that one has to ask after looking at these facts are, is CNN in fact biased and publishing results they know to be inaccurate, or are they that ignorant when it comes to polling? <PERSON> seems to think they are biased, a justifiable position considering all that's happened. \n\nAlso, in a facist dictatorship, the government control the media and uses them to manipulate how information is dispersed and to spam propaganda. <PERSON> doesn't control the media, the reverse is true, they are hyper critical of him. <PERSON> controls the white house for a few more days and the DNC is the preferred party by the media. If there are facists in the US, they are on the left side of the isle, not the right. The right is more of a theocracy if you want to go to extremes, the left is the facists and nazis.", "6" ], [ "Nice way to just ignore everything else I mentioned and jump right to this, the left loves to bring this up as a last resort. \n\nClearly he's a single issue voter and he thinks <PERSON> will advance a harsher immigration agenda. \n\nThat doesn't make <PERSON> a facist or a Nazi because a white supremacist voted for him. Single issue voters will vote regardless of other policies or views as long as they see a chance their issue of concern might be advanced. <PERSON> hasn't preached white supremacy, but he has talked immigration reform, a white supremacist like the one you mentioned will vote for him just because of that.", "856" ], [ "Background:\n\nThis was like a year and a half ago, we had been dating about 5 years and I was going to Basic for the Army soon. Did a hike and I brought along gourmet cheeses, deli meats, champagne and orange juice (mamosas!). Proposed on the mountain and a random bystander took pictures. This one is my favorite, the excitement in my soul mate's face =)", "355" ], [ "This. People keep talking about how the election is over yet perpetuate this stupid propaganda in hopes <PERSON> will still go away. Clearly the election is alive and well with everyone in r/politics and it is relavent that <PERSON> had major donations from other countries, Saudi Arabia being the most prominent. If the election went the other way, I seriously doubt we would have this same conversation about <PERSON>'s donars.\n\n<PERSON> isn't being paranoid when he calls out the media, there is a double standard, as long as there is an \"r\" next to his name, he might as well have a target painted on his chest.", "134" ], [ "Well in their defense, they are rusty. <PERSON>'s team has been writing all their headlines for the last 8 years, now that a republican is in office it's like they are waking up from hibernation. *stretch* *yawn* \"oh yeah, have to pay attention and criticize again.\" \n\nI never liked <PERSON>. I voted for <PERSON>, the media has forced me to start defending him because of all the fake bull shit they spew. The media has driven me towards <PERSON> even though I didn't want to, I find myself defending him online everyday because of how obvious it is that <PERSON> and the media are trying to disgrace him before he takes office. Such fucking bull shit.", "800" ], [ "The propaganda machine at it again. 400 bucks a year to <PERSON> for 20 years. Who the fuck cares? That's like shit that he finds in the sofa. Political campaigns are measured by the millions, who the fuck cares about 400 dollars.\n\nThis is another example of the left trying to discredit <PERSON> over nothing. This is propaganda, <PERSON> is out so can't make him look like the cool guy anymore, so need to make the Republican look like the devil.", "915" ], [ "This isn't even a large sum of money. Nothing a poor person or lower middle class could afford, but upper middle class and borderline rich can definitely afford it. He's a billionaire and donated less than 100k over a 20 year period. A drop in the bucket for political campaigns, which are measured in the millions. Who gives a fuck if he donated 400 dollars a year to <PERSON>.", "915" ], [ "Investigations can continue under him, he can't just wave his hands and make it all go away. This sub is filled with a bunch of drama queens who don't seem to understand that. IF all this shit is true (which I doubt, seems like the Democrats are trying to discredit <PERSON> before he takes office), he can have charges brought against him, impeachment proceedings and can be sent to prison. If this happens, the vice president, <PERSON>, would then become president.", "554" ], [ "A few things. Executive Orders are good for immediate action but the next president can simply undo them. Congress can also shut down executive orders with real legislation, as well as the supreme court if it's challenged.\n\nOf course <PERSON> made a precedent of having numerous executive orders instead of going through congress, so now <PERSON> can do the same and just say he's doing what the last president did.", "216" ], [ "He has the most to lose; he was going to be an active former president, remember that? That's because he thought he was gonna be on the supreme court if <PERSON> won. Instead, he now gets to watch all of his executive orders get swept away and the ACA get ripped to shreds.\n\nHe's acting out like a petulant child and trying to discredit <PERSON> as much as he can before he leaves office.", "140" ], [ "Where to begin?\n\nHe let a Citigroup executive choose the vast majority of his cabinet.\n\n\nAllowed the DEA to continue raids of medical marijuana dispensaries in states where it was legal. Voted for telecom amnesty (after he won the nomination but before he won the election) when he said he would oppose it. Increasing military aid to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Not closing Guantanamo Bay.\n\n\nDramatically expanding US presence in the middle east. Expanding the war in Afghanistan with a troop surge.\n\nExpanding the use of drones in the middle east, which kill innocent civilians 90% of the time they are used.\n\nBombing seven countries in the middle east during his two terms. Ordering a drone strike on a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan. And REFUSING to launch an internal investigation into how the hospital was bombed\n\nExpanding the PRISM program and the NSA thus enabling the state to collect data on millions of Americans without a warrant.\n\nSpending billions of taxpayer dollars to bail out finance capital. Zero bankers sent to jail after the crisis. \n\nProsecuting more whistleblowers than any other administration. \n\nCharging <PERSON> under the espionage act to preclude him from defending himself. Also denying <PERSON>/<PERSON> clemency\n\nDeporting more people than any previous administration. Deporting more than all 20th century administrations combined\n\nOrdering a drone strike on an American citizen without trial or due process\n\n\n\n\nCredit to _URL_0_", "29" ], [ "Lol no. The tribes near me have casinos in a state where only Indian gaming is legal. When these kids turn 18, they buy brand new Escalades, promptly destroy them by driving recklessly, and if they live, do it again. They reproduce at puberty and usually while on meth. It's disgusting. As a teacher I can't tell them they need education because at 18 they get a percentage of casino earnings. A lot of the tribes are also inbreeding because blood lines are how you get casino money. Literally heard a girl telling a friend she was going to fuck her cousin so the baby could get her more casino money.\n\nI don't know how it is in your area, but in my area, it's fucked.", "834" ], [ "Libertarian here, but not a purist. I like the idea of net neutrality, government spending when it's towards infrastructure or birth control, and limiting of for profit prisons.\n\nGovernment is there for basic things, keeping a well maintained infrastructure is part of that, and I think the internet should fall under that.\n\nFor profit prisons, to me the war on drugs and this tangled together and both need to be set right. End the war, don't allow for profit prisons to lobby.\n\nGovernment funding planned parenthood and birth control is a good thing. Population and STDs are long term problems that get far more expensive over time. I'd rather see the government spend 3 billion dollars on condoms and abortions now, than 30 billion over the years for social programs for unwanted children and health costs.\n\nI like the idea of libertarianism, but in its pure form I'm not sure it will work here. Modified slightly, I think it has the potential to be a great thing for this country.", "627" ], [ "Nazis were socialists. <PERSON> is not. The alternative facts bull shit and the demagogue comparisons are valid criticism that relate to facism. Immigration is in the ball park, not with deportation of illegals, but putting a hold on immigration from certain countries, even if they have gone through legal means to be here; that's fucked.\n\n<PERSON> does not control the media, or even an insignificant amount of it; republicans in general have Fox, Breitbart and Drudge Report, that's it. Most people scoff when they hear these outlets and don't take them seriously. \n\n<PERSON> does not have much love in the military, despite being \"conservative\". If you think he will try to establish himself as a dictator, I can guarantee you the military will not let that happen. As a soldier, I can tell you this for a fact.\n\nThe Nazi comparison and facist comparisons are being thrown around a lot lately, I don't think they are valid descriptions for him. He is dangerously fragile with his ego and is an attention whore, vile and coarse with his speech, and has a selective memory that's so outrageous I think he believes the things he says when he defends past statements. This makes for a really terrible and possibly dangerous world leader, but not a Nazi or Facist.\n\nBe precise when you criticize, otherwise people will take apart your statements just on the particular vocabulary you use. \n\nTL:DR He is dangerous and unstable, unqualified and should be removed. He is not a facist or a Nazi. \n \nEdit* lots of people doubt what I'm saying. Check out \"Those Damned Nazis\" by <PERSON> to see a primary document from one of <PERSON>'s inner circle explain why Nazis are socialist. \n\nEdit* Socialists can be facists too. I'm not saying Nazis were socialists and not facists. They were both.", "112" ], [ "Saved.\n\nI'm on the fence with <PERSON>. On one hand, he's acting lightning fast, things like denying that 221 million to the Palestinians really put a smile on my face. I'm very curious about what he will do next.\n\nBut... the Muslim ban, though a campaign promise, seems like over reach, and even then, left out Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, while including Iraq (and skrewing over some collaborators like interpreters that helped the US during the wars).\n\nAlso, some of his cabinet picks give me pause. I like Mad Dog and <PERSON>, but after that I'm hesitant to get behind his picks.", "296" ], [ "Google \"Those Damned Nazis\" by <PERSON> which details why Nazis are, and must be, Socialist.\n\n <PERSON> was leader of the Italian Socialist Party before he rose to power as leader of Italy.\n\nHistorically, facist regimes have come from the left. Not to say they can't come from they right, but don't make the mistake of thinking they are all right wing and the right is more prone to it. That's simply not true. <PERSON> didn't have goose stepping military performances but he sure as hell manipulated the media and abused the military through use of drone strikes domestically and abroad. These are elements of facism too. People need to be critical of both sides. This country has a problem with thinking only republicans are the only ones capable of bad things.", "112" ], [ "Mass protests are a demonstration of power.\n\nNationalism isn't inherently facist or mean your a Nazi, neither does having a strong military. Correlation is not causality. \n\nDid you read the evidence I guided you to? Did you read the article? I'm not a conservative, I'm 3rd party. National Health Care is an indication of socialism. \n\nWait, what?? Did you just infer that because you live in a country you are what that country's government is? As in, we have a republican president and congress, therefore you are a conservative and support <PERSON>. You have some problems with your logic there.", "112" ], [ "How am I ignoring history? I gave you a primary document from the time that proves I am right (if you read it).\n\nPeople tend to point at Nationalism and support of the military for why Nazis and facists should be labeled as conservative. These are two aspects of many. Heres a few that point to the left:\nFirst, the socialist policies that were under the Nazis, socialized medicine and nationalization of various industries. Second, manipulation and control of the media. Say what you will about republicans, but owning the media? They have Breitbart, drudge report, and fox, the left has everything else. For example, wikileaks showed CNN colluding with the <PERSON> Campaign by giving debate questions ahead of time and checking with the campaign on what headlines to run and what name it. \n\n You clearly have a notion of how history SHOULD be, but that doesn't change how it actually is. That's great if your left leaning and embrace socialist ideas, being socialist doesn't make you a Nazi. But, being a Nazi, at that period of time, DID make you a socialist. They were a socialist party, The National Socialist German Workers Party is the whole name.", "1009" ], [ "I feel like this is an r/iamverysmart post. \"I have to realize some people are beyonf help\" coupled with the book suggestion.\n\n Socialists can be facists. They are not mutually exclusive. I never said <PERSON> wasn't a facist, I just said he was also a socialist. <PERSON> used socialism as his delivery method for putting in place his own perverse laws, many of them, as you note, not just anti communism, but anti anything thats avainst <PERSON>. He may have bastardized his own variety of socialism, but that's the form it took.\n\nAlso, yes, I've read the Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital, Mein Kampf and plenty of other books on politics and philosophy. Political Science major and all that. Try reading Liberal Facism, it's a good read too. \n\n*edit subreddit reference", "112" ], [ "I'd say trillions not billions.\n\nLibertarian here! I hate government spending when it's wasteful, this is NOT wasteful. This is an investment: spend a few billion now, save trillions down the road AND have a happier population. \n\nUnwanted pregnancies are looked at here in this article as single mothers making less money. What about money for adoptions/foster care, education k-12, health/emergency services, food stamps/social nets, eventually government loans for college. \nFrom birth until adulthood of that unwanted child, it costs quite a bit; the government will likely bare the majority of that cost in one way or another in the case of an unwanted pregnancy by a single mother.\n\nOverpopulation, spending too much on social programs, limiting personal liberty of citizens; I see no downside to investing in cheap or free birth control for all, it seems like a good thing all around. Too bad conservatives sold their souls to religion and let that override their fiscal inclinations.", "409" ], [ "Saw your comment after i commented here, ima copy paste becsuse I'm a libertarian too and this seems like the place for it. I'm not a purist, I don't think pure libertarianism will happen, so I know this is a compromise from doctrine, but I could live with it.\n\nI'd say trillions not billions.\n\nLibertarian here! I hate government spending when it's wasteful, this is NOT wasteful. This is an investment: spend a few billion now, save trillions down the road AND have a happier population. \n\nUnwanted pregnancies are looked at here in this article as single mothers making less money. What about money for adoptions/foster care, education k-12, health/emergency services, food stamps/social nets, eventually government loans for college. From birth until adulthood of that unwanted child, it costs quite a bit; the government will likely bare the majority of that cost in one way or another in the case of an unwanted pregnancy by a single mother.\n\nOverpopulation, spending too much on social programs, limiting personal liberty of citizens; I see no downside to investing in cheap or free birth control for all, it seems like a good thing all around. Too bad conservatives sold their souls to religion and let that override their fiscal inclinations.", "409" ], [ "Welcome to the 2 party system. I really hope the US gets a ranked voting system and puts term limits on congress. The first would allow for 3rd parties and the most desirable candidates to be elected, not just the ones perceived as having the best chance of winning. The latter ends career politicians and you get more politicians with an agenda that they need to act on quickly, which in theory reduces gridlock and increases cooperation.", "207" ], [ "My wife and I get horny at different times, I'm generally hornier though. We have sex fairly regularly, but she knows I watch porn constantly and it's no secret. Some times when I'm watching porn she catches me, she will interrupt me and we dive into sex. Other times she sees me, flips me off laughing at the same time, and goes to bed.\n\nI know things are different for everyone but communication is a big deal.", "518" ], [ "In college I had a stats book called, How To Lie With Statistics, was great for wrapping your head around how people can lie to you with \"facts\". Such as, was this a random sample or done in a specific place, or just on the Internet? These things can really skew the data. I hate the math involved, but the class was very eye opening for things like this.", "832" ], [ "This. People can die because people are blocking traffic. It is a big deal. If I stop my car in the middle of a road and refuse to move, I'll get a ticket, my car towed and possibly some other misdemeanors depending on the circumstances. Just because your saying it's free speech doesn't give you a free pass to do whatever you want.\n\nFree speech can be limited in certain situations, such as, I can shout \"bomb\" on an airplane, but then I'm going to expect people to say it was a bomb threat and then I'll have charges brought up on me.", "865" ], [ "Click bait trash.\n\n\"In North Dakota, for instance, Republicans introduced a bill last week that would allow motorists to run over and kill any protester obstructing a highway as long as a driver does so accidentally.\"\n\nThe wording there makes it sound like you can just go out and run people over for fun. Bull shit. It's saying if people are protesting in the road, and someone accidentally hits someone (standing in the god damn freeway) the driver won't be held liable, because it was an accident. This makes sense. A lot of sense. This is not a law allowing motorists to kill people, it's protection for drivers against idiot protestors in the road that they might not be aware of and accidentally hit.\n\nThese things are common sense. Blocking roads can get people killed; the protestors themselves, people in ambulances, other emergencies such as pregnancies. Obstructing traffic is against the law, just because your reason is your a protestor shouldn't give you a free pass to do whatever you want consequence free.", "281" ], [ "He was 1 senator short of a super majority when he was elected. He could have made ACA how he wanted to then, but he couldn't negotiate to get 1 senator. That's a failure. He failed. Don't blame republicans, legislation goes through all the time when parties don't have super majorities, he had congress on a silver platter and he fucked it up. Don't blame republicans for bis failures, he milked <PERSON> for his whole first term, then republicans in congress for the second. He needs to own up to his faults.", "29" ], [ "Here are 11 notable scandals under the Obama Administration:\n\n 1. Operation Fast and Furious - Operation Fast and Furious involved the Obama administration arming drug cartels and thugs south of the border as a means to undermine the Second Amendment. The program resulted in the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent <PERSON>. One of the Islamic terrorists in the Garland, Texas, attack also used a gun that was obtained through the Fast and Furious program.source\n\n 2. Benghazi - The terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya resulted in four brave Americans dying despite the fact that help could have been sent, but wasn't. Requests for security prior to the attack were repeatedly denied, and after the attack <PERSON> and <PERSON> falsely blamed it on a video considered offensive to Muslims.source\n\n 3. The IRS targeted conservative organizations - In 2013, <PERSON>, who directed the Internal Revenue Service's Exempt Organizations Unit, admitted that Tea Party organizations were targeted under the agency, but blamed it on lower-level employees. Such organizations were heavily scrutinized with invasive questions. Since then, <PERSON> and IRS commissioner <PERSON> have denied any wrongdoing and have stonewalled congressional efforts to investigate the matter, citing computer crashes for being unable to turn over related emails.source\n\n 4. The DOJ seized Associated Press phone records as well as phone and email records from Fox News reporter <PERSON> source\n\n 5. The NSA conducted mass surveillance against American citizens without a warrant - Thanks to leaking from former government contractor <PERSON>, it was revealed that the National Security Agency had been conducting mass surveillance against American citizens—a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment. In 2015, the NSA eventually ended their bulk data collection of phone records.source)\n\n 6. The <PERSON> administration paid ransom to Iran for hostages, and lied to the American people about it - the <PERSON> administration claimed that they were giving a total of $1.7 billion to Iran to settle a failed arms deal with the previous Iranian regime, and it just happened to coincide with the release of four American hostages. The <PERSON> administration also didn't reveal the details of the agreement to Congress. It was obvious though that it was a ransom deal and the <PERSON> administration lied about it. source\n\n 7. <PERSON>'s email scandal - <PERSON>'s use of a private email server that was unapproved and unsecured has been written about extensively, but it is also <PERSON>'s scandal as well, since it has been revealed that not only did <PERSON> know about her private email server, he also communicated with her under the use of a pseudonym. source\n\n 8. The Environmental Protection Agency poisoned a Colorado river - The EPA breached the Gold King mine in the state and \"mistakenly dug at the bottom\" as well as didn't test for pressure, leading to \"three million gallons of toxic mine waste\" being dumped into a river source\n\n 9. The EPA also broke federal law in promoting a regulation - the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office concluded that the EPA broke the law in using Thunderclap to tout their \"Waters of the United States\" regulation as well as their use of \"hyperlinks to the [Natural Resources Defense Council] and Surfrider Foundation webpages provided in the EPA blog post.\" source\n\n 10. The GSA scandal - The General Services Administration was busted in 2012 for spending $823,000 on an extravagantly decadent conference in Las Vegas, and it became a shining example of government waste. Several people in the agency were fired, with one facing an indictment. Despite the scandal, lavish spending still occurred within federal agencies under the <PERSON> administration. source\n\n 11. The Secret Service scandal - The Secret Service was caught in 2012 engaging with prostitutes during a trip to Cartegena, Columbia, with one Secret Service agent emailing another: \"Swagg cologne-check/Pimp gear-check/ Swagg sunglasses-check/Cash fo dem hoes-check.\" They \"also left sensitive government documents unprotected in their Cartagena rooms,\" according to The Daily Caller. source", "825" ], [ "Every time something happened he made it into a race issue. We're some of them? Sure. We're all of them? No. If you assault a police officer, go for their gun, or are armed and not complying, bad shit might happen to you. That's not the officer's fault. \n\nLike what do you think happens? Police have meetings where they discuss how to fake a scene so they can get away with murdering black people out of spite?\n\nThere's always bad apples, military and law enforcement tries to screen them out, but as with all things, it's an imperfect system. Whenever a cop shoots his sidearm, there are inquires, and they have to justify their actions. It's not like they go back to the station and just start high fiving each other or something.", "141" ], [ "Look up the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey plan; electoral college was created so smaller, more rural states would accept the Constitution and join the United Stares. Electoral college is in place so urban centers, such as New York and California, can't impose their will on the other 48 states without them having a say. \n\n<PERSON> understood the rules, <PERSON> understood the rules. <PERSON> basically ignored these urban centers and spent all of his time in battle ground states, the rust belt, and rural states; his team knew he would lose the popular vote, <PERSON> knew this too, the only question was who would win the electoral college. So when <PERSON> loses, people now act surprised at something everyone knew all along. It's like baseball and you follow how many runs you bring in, the actual score, not how many times your batters got on base or your pitcher struck someone out.", "187" ], [ "Well established? What fucking planet are you living on? Nothing has been established, it's conjecture and theory right now. There is absolutely no evidence. Fuck, <PERSON> lost his phone which is probably why that leak occurred (also password for him was password, wow). DNC emails, wikileaks claims wasn't from Russia and there is no evidence to assume that the russians had anything to do with it.\n\nBefore the election when <PERSON> was saying it was rigged, <PERSON> said that was impossible, <PERSON> wins, <PERSON> says it was rigged.\n\nThis is the left acting like a petulant child and trying to discredit <PERSON> in any and always possible before he takes office. That's how propaganda wars work, doesn't matter if a story is true, slander and make up as much shit as possible and eventually something will stick and people will begin to believe it. \n\n*edit spelling", "988" ], [ "You can't be serious, can you? In the United States people are innocent of a crime until proven guilty, it's a fundamental part of our justice system. If someone is run over, the driver is presumed innocent until proven otherwise. The assumption here would probably be that if a person was standing in a free way, then the driver that ran him over was probably by accident, because who expects people to just be standing on the freeway?\n\nWait, what??? \"but aren't you concerned given the sheer amount of people who are in favor of running protestors over out of spite that this would embolden the crazies in that crowd? \" Sheer amount of people? Where did you get the idea that even a SINGLE person wants to go and run over protestors? That is a completely made up claim that there is a \"sheer amount of people\" out there just waiting to run over protestors.", "281" ], [ "My favorite parts:\n\n\"But security experts say that the document provides little in the way of forensic \"proof\" to confirm the government's attribution. Private security firms — like CrowdStrike, who investigated the DNC breach — went much further, they say. \" \n\"The DHS statement is a restatement of already known public information, a series of technical indicators that are intended for use by cybersecurity professionals in finding and remediating APT28 malware on private sector networks, and some generic advice for companies as to how to improve their network security,\" said <PERSON>, founder of the U.K.-based security consultancy Capital Alpha Security. \n\n\"That this document doesn't engage with the question of attribution seems, to me, to be quite deliberate,\" <PERSON> noted. \"It's purpose is to act as a measure against Russia (by adding a U.S. stamp of approval to private sector information, and making life harder for APT28 by exposing some of their malware), not to persuade the public that the DNC hack was by Russia.\"\n\nNothing conclusive, the article is talking about phishing attempts, which I'm sure we get from Russia, China, Korea, and other nations. There is nothing here.", "169" ], [ "So how does that not apply to fox? The outlets I named claim to be unbiazed, they clearly are, CNN is proven to be biased in the DNC emails.\n\nFox is a self professed republican leaning outlet, at least they are honest about it. I know to take what ever they say with a grain of salt and look for a more balanced opinion. Main Stream Media is not up front about it.", "6" ], [ "Couple things:\n\nFirst off, this is r/imgoingtohellforthis. Wtf.\n\nSecondly, I live in California, this is a national average, things here will be different then say, Iowa. Californians tend to make more money but have a higher cost of living than the average American; really seems like you've never taken a statistics class. You see that statistic that Indian buisness total around 34.4 billion? A lot of that is in my state. Gambling is illegal except on Indian reservations. It is a huge buisness and the tribes here are extremely wealthy.\n\nI stand by what I said, I think you need to do ACTUAL research instead of a cursory national statistic if you want to prove a point.", "899" ], [ "New teacher here from a family of teachers. Public schools can be very good, as this article depicted, it often just comes down to where you live, and affords families the ability to send their children to better public schools. \n\nMy wife worked in a charter school for a year and I worked at one for summer school, we had 2 very different experiences. Her school was well run, high performing, small class sizes and had a blended program. They had teachers for every subject, and that teacher would have students of all grade levels throughout the day. This model seems to make a lot of sense to me and she loved it (she ended up losing her job because of low enrollment though).\n\nMy experience was at a charter that teachers refer to as a grade mill. I wasn't allowed to fail students. When students couldn't pass the online curriculum I was supposed to sit there with them and basically give them the answers so they'd pass the class in a timely fashion. They pumped kids through and had little to no actual teaching. Teachers were more like secretaries, making sure paperwork was in order, enrolling students in new classes and basically doing their own thing. Teachers here needed a teaching credential, but it didn't matter the subject, all teachers \"taught\" all subjects, regardless of what subject you specialized in. For example, math teachers might be helping students with English.\n\nI'm fine with more choice in public schools, charter schools, and credits towards private schools (possibly, on the fence about this one). I would just like to make sure schools don't turn into grade Mills and just try to get as many students through as fast as possible.", "601" ] ]
[ 19618, 16710, 11496, 13822, 18477, 18349, 14164, 2633, 7609, 14720, 7516, 11133, 21426, 25195, 9938, 18912, 10011, 21036, 22156, 21033, 8017, 3815, 13303, 270, 453, 1535, 19425, 17466, 24046, 7677, 6452, 10785, 19256, 18533, 4132, 4262, 15555, 5191, 3742, 13630, 23715, 23577, 8764, 19234, 22574, 17656, 3828, 4313, 1499, 11317, 22366, 6503, 16584, 18072, 3501, 16744, 23700, 7944, 22567, 5190, 4839, 2533, 1192, 9672, 24242, 2105, 19514, 22949, 22648, 24988, 2180, 6026, 22360, 13084, 13613, 21582, 21843, 16565, 11052, 22411, 21064, 23029, 5655, 19113, 5735, 22242, 3310, 1704, 4345, 18831, 11664, 6741, 15255, 18031, 2436, 16256, 5122, 17759, 6178, 23351, 8896, 23928, 25124, 12931, 2970, 8732, 7034, 12744, 18263, 21932, 3985, 16101, 20332, 18600, 21674, 20406, 25021, 21728, 4971, 7613, 1531, 5831, 339, 14896, 7036, 11928, 12090, 8135, 20145, 23337, 22902, 10715, 5835, 3141, 18523, 25166, 11513, 6335, 25354, 22325, 4844, 7047, 22740, 8108, 13321, 18421, 6277, 6153, 2287, 7402, 7985, 10445, 3767, 14972, 2144, 2663, 22149, 10874, 9180, 17465, 9110, 2403, 19792, 5969, 19441, 9841, 19849, 8930, 14821, 3247, 14118, 24074, 5572, 8922, 16104, 19789, 23291, 18673, 23187, 24796, 856, 22176, 5037, 9248, 9319, 88, 7695, 22102, 22830, 11888, 17700, 13095, 15477, 20368, 16286, 19559, 4704, 11489, 20991, 7451, 15615, 5939, 19592, 10744, 6259, 9041, 8045, 18301, 9752, 15885, 24025, 24766, 20460, 15813, 22688, 11499, 14555, 1059, 20316, 1884, 18379, 24275, 24868, 9134, 9697, 10185, 13778, 24314, 22079, 11821, 16249, 8158, 3029, 12089, 13979, 18230, 14329, 16475, 20665, 15635, 4949, 20163, 441, 5776, 1458, 14791, 6644, 19966, 20409, 13551, 19760, 20331, 9677, 16559, 2275, 22, 21446, 266, 633, 8533, 13930, 9393, 10176, 16156, 9674, 7659, 9913, 17541, 4, 25066, 2300, 16786, 23579, 16411, 16447, 13628, 432, 20713, 12448, 11864, 7002, 10940, 9501, 13864, 493, 5142, 10, 15535, 22886, 5747, 4039, 2748, 23820, 722, 9261, 18971, 15634, 2127, 9525, 887, 23163, 25130, 9920, 5947, 2708, 21885, 22334, 10303, 11130, 17193, 479, 13179, 21007, 24157, 25018, 20653, 7674, 21983, 5068, 22014, 679, 1895, 22519, 18090, 23944, 25052, 17625, 17281, 23685, 12999, 9873, 9599, 8454, 22194, 15092, 11183, 18012, 14598, 13416, 3797, 9381, 24832, 1024, 4004, 3757, 5471, 17507, 2484, 15707, 12382, 11760, 10791, 4507, 11773, 15823, 20823, 1238, 11956, 19941, 14352, 6256, 931, 18718, 1965, 6303, 13509, 4020, 18780, 7111, 20765, 6023, 9539, 19687, 4529, 20970, 2507, 3223, 4466, 5713, 5264, 10725, 19095, 19429, 10759, 17883, 12581, 14494, 23107, 8207, 12137, 16672, 24093, 8502, 5905, 5035, 3197, 11537, 11565, 16522, 2583, 14649, 18329, 18756, 10640, 4129, 12877, 14356, 21460, 22254, 5370, 333, 10700, 1203, 61, 19165, 14597, 5045, 6085, 3988, 4897, 15083, 13851, 22050, 12136, 25268, 275, 24734, 5040, 4062, 19909, 10346, 4042, 10614, 14341, 14282, 12578, 17997, 14226, 4884, 23902, 16309, 1594, 18182, 25276, 13299, 1352, 2772, 10838, 19162, 15563, 14246, 12072, 15935, 4163, 7713, 13374, 12060, 25099, 6877, 23074, 21347, 9642, 7050, 15283, 6119, 11824, 14691, 4889, 2019, 79, 25154, 19043, 864, 471, 16936, 13365, 11805, 2570, 8540, 24693, 25096, 14707, 2577, 16681, 13238, 18905, 23054, 1425, 15561, 10510, 13767, 13400, 10263, 13581, 7433, 20098, 23388, 2992, 460 ]
[ [ "That is with the EPA tests though. And that is just about the same as EV. It is super easy to get far more then the stated range at city or low speed driving. For most modern EVs city range is not going to be an issue. There are very few people who are going to do 450 kms of city driving in any given day (or before the next opportunity to charge). What is really important is giving the user an idea of what range they would get at highway speeds as it is most important when you are doing a long distance drive. The issue with these numbers is them quoting the 450 kms of range as what you will get until you get on the highway and actually get far less then that.", "202" ], [ "With a standard cable in every EV I know the cable will lock to the car when charging. With the Nissan Leaf you can control the behaviour I believe. You can have it stay unlocked, lock only when charging or stay locked until you unlock the car. The Tesla is the same. The charging head locks to the car when charging and stays locked until the car is unlocked. The reason that it was able to be removed is that it was a standard charger and they were using the adapter. So the adapter locks to the car but the charging head doesn't. There are options to lock it though. So really this won't be a major issue unless someone is willing to damage your car or charger since normally you wouldn't be able to unplug.", "706" ], [ "From everything they state the 450 kms of range is only the city test for the Taycan not the combined range. That is why they are using the wording \"up to 450 kms\" of range. The combined range should be shorter then that and EPA even less then that. If you use this site they have a range calculator. It is very difficult to find a scenario that gives you 450 kms (280 miles) of range.\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nUsing the above range calculator if you do drive 30 percent city and 70 percent highway, in 20 degree weather with the smallest 20\" rims you will get 237 miles of range. Turn AC on and that drops to 206 miles. Buy it with the 21\" rims, AC on and the same info above and it becomes 195 miles. My guess is that buyer are going to be very surprised (not in a good way) at the range they get in the Taycan.", "54" ], [ "People keep pulling this out but I don't get this. I know it is a Porsche but it is also a 4 door sedan that seats 4 and weighs 5100 pounds. What is the point of track performance of a car like this? If they wanted to build a track oriented EV then why start with a car with a sedan? How many of these that are bought are actually going to be tracked. Far more realistic that this will be used as a day to day car where range will actually be important. Plus it will be important on a track too. If you only get 240 miles or less in normal highway driving imagine how little range you will get on a track at those speeds.", "54" ], [ "That really wasn't my point. I know why it's range isn't that great. What I was getting at is it is stupid to try and make a car like that great on the track. No matter what you do it will always be at a disadvantage because of the type of car it is. Hardly anyone who buys this car is going to use it on track days. What you need to do is make it a good 4 door sedan for everyday use.", "54" ], [ "The number of people that track their cars are very small. And even more so with a performance sedan. If you are serious about going to the track and have that kind of cash there are far better options then a big 4 door sedan that has room for the kids in the back. Will it be tracked? Of course it will. But the idea that you design a car like that and give a bunch of inherent flaws (like range) is stupid to do for something that is going to be used as a daily driver 99 percent of the time and on the track 1 percent of the time.", "54" ], [ "LEDs don't have any gases inside. I think he is referring to CFLs that aren't really used anymore. And the expensive thing is laughable at best. I mean this guy is suppose to be a business man and doesn't seem to understand total cost of ownership. You can buy 2 x 60W LED bulbs for a whopping $4 USD. So $2 each. 60w LEDs use 9.5 watts of electricity and have a lifetime of 25,000 hours. So total cost of bulb plus the electricity to run it for 25,000 hours would be $35.50 (assuming 13.5 cents per kWh which is the average in the US). A traditional 60 watt incandescent uses 60 watts and has a lifetime of 1000 hours (25 time less then the LED). Cost for one is 1 USD a bulb. So to match the lifetime of the LED you would need 25 of them. So to run an incandescent for the same number of hours and buy 25 of them would cost.$227.49 or 6.4 times higher then the cost of the LED. Now I see why his businesses tend to fail.", "333" ], [ "The 450 km/280 mile they published is not the combined range. That is the city range. Go of the range guide section of [this page](_URL_0_) and try an configure the car to get 280 miles of range. The only way that I can get 280 miles is for the car to do 100 percent countryside driving (low speed with no stops so essentially highway driving at 55 MPH or less) with the AC off in 20 degree weather. There is zero way that the quoted 280 miles of range was for the combined test. Set the Turbo with the smallest wheels to 30 percent city and 70 percent highway with the AC off and you don't even get 240 miles of range. Turn on the AC and that falls to only 206 miles of range. Porsche is playing a game with the numbers to make the car look as good as possible but in reality, in real driving, it will be much worse then they are stating.", "54" ], [ "Everyone knows the WLTP already shows higher range then what you will see in the real world. There is no way based own their own published info that it will be possible to get 280 miles of range in most real world conditions. Look down on that same page at the model and spec info. They give an efficiency number of 23 - 26.7 kWhs per 100 kms depending on the model and configuration. This was based on the WLTP test. We know that the usable capacity of the battery is 83.7 kWhs. That means that at best it will have a range of 364 kms and at worse it will be 313 kms of range. That is 194 to 226 miles of range based on the efficiency given when doing WLTP tests. What they may be doing is basing the numbers on the actual pack size which is 95 kWhs. But it doesn't matter what the pack size is. It only matters what the usable kWhs are. If you use 95 kWh for you numbers on the best efficiency you will get 413 kms or almost 260 miles which is much more inline with their numbers. But pack size and usable kWhs are two completely different things.", "706" ], [ "\"Although no combined range rating was provided, for the “Turbo” variant, the WLTP highway range rating is 237 miles (381 km) and WLTP city rating is 280 miles (450 km). The more powerful “Turbo S” receives a WLTP highway rating of 241 miles (388 km) and 256 miles (412 km) WLTP city. Given the WLTP combined rating is usually weighted 52% city and 48% highway, this should give 259 miles (417 km) for the “Turbo” and 249 miles (400 km) for the “Turbo S.”\"\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nEDIT: Really the back and forth on this is pointless. The reality is that the Taycan will get far lower real world range then they are stating. Their own calculator backs that up. Once the EPA numbers are released we will see exactly where we stand (and reviewers do range tests). But I wouldn't be surprised if the Turbo S is only around 220 miles of range on the EPA test. That is 125 miles less then the Performance Model S and 150 miles less then the Model S without the performance packaged.", "54" ], [ "You wanted a source so that is one. But you are also taking the Porsche numbers at face value. On the page above it shows a range in the city of 268 to 308 miles. But it doesn't specify where it gets those numbers. It doesn't even show they are from the WLTP tests. It could be possible they are selecting for one specific test that allows the most range. Their own range calculator contradicts those numbers too. There is no way with that calculator to get more then 272 miles of range when you set it to 100 percent city. The most you can get is 272 with the Turbo, smallest rims, no AC and the outside temp set to 35 degrees. Not really realistic as no one is going to drive in 35 degree heat without the AC on. If you set the AC to on it drops the range to 193 miles of range. Again this is their own numbers. All of which contradict what the others say. Again you can take what you want at face value but this will all be moot when they release the EPA numbers. It is a much more realistic test cycle and they won't be able to mess with the numbers to give the range they want.", "54" ], [ "Only 2 people die in the US from rabies but 40,000 are treated for rabies exposure. How many would die if they weren't treated? \n\nPlus it is pretty sad that some Americans have to make choices like that. I mean how often do people not go to the doctors/hospital with other symptoms just because they are worried about the cost. How many preventable deaths and illnesses happen because they avoid medical care for this reason?", "912" ], [ "Tesla also had a range calculator on their website and that was on there years ago. Looked almost the same as the Porsche one. It has been replaced with a trip planner like this. \n\n_URL_1_\n\nOr there are plenty of 3rd party sites for planning Tesla trips which are extremely accurate. Something like this one. \n\n_URL_0_\n\nAs for the rest. Like I said we will see when the EPA numbers are released.", "49" ], [ "While only 2 people die in the US from rabies a year, 40,000 are treated for rabies exposure. If they weren't treated how many would actually die. So the chance of contracting or dying from rabies is probably much higher then 1/150,000,000. It really depends on the exposure type. If he was bit by an animal that could possibly have rabies his chance of contracting it is much higher then someone else without that exposure.", "912" ], [ "The Roadster is actually 200,000 and 250,000 for the founders edition. Plus there is no one that will buy the Turbo S at that base price. There are so many options that are not included in that price that you will want on the car. The Turbo S is $188,990 to start (can't order it without the panoramic roof and mobility package). . If you want to charge at 150 kWs/400v that is a $460 option. Folding mirrors that are the same colour as the car - $1000. Park assist including surround view - $1200. Porsche Innodrive including adaptive cruise control - $3610 or adaptive cruise control by itself is $2050. High end surround Sound system - $5810. Intelligent range manager - $300. I could go on. The crazy ones are the fact you have to pay to be able to charge at 150 kWs. Most CCS chargers will be that speed. If you don't pay for the upgrade you can only charge at 50 kWs on standard chargers unless you can find an 800v charger. The other one that is scummy is the range manager for $300. All it is is software that tells you in real time whether you need to slow down to reach your destination. Something even the 35k Model 3 will do for you. You can easily be above 200k with most normal features you would want to add let alone things like PDCC.", "352" ], [ "Really they are different glass of cars. The Model X is a big vehicle that can be configured as a 7 seater. Big vehicles do not sell as well in Europe as they do in the US. The I Pace is more comparable in size to the Model 3 and will be more comparable to the Model Y once it is released. It's base price is also lower then then Model X. The I-pace starts at around 15k USD less then the Model X. So not really and apples to apples comparison. It should sell better in markets that traditionally favor smaller vehicles.", "93" ], [ "Well it can be cheaper if you include all costs. On many bills the cost of the electricity is only one part of it. There also may be delivery, taxes, and other costs. So the cost your are paying won't just be the cost of the electricity itself. The easiest thing to do is just take the final amount on your bill and divide that by the electricity you used in the billing period. That will give you the average cost per kWh you are paying. I mean where I live we have time of use rates. The off peak is 6.5 cents per kWh. Now I could easily say that is the cost I pay for electricity but it isn't. There is delivery fees, taxes and other charges on there. My last months bill was 1754 kWhs of electricity for a cost of $194.08. That means that my real all in cost was 11.1 cents per kWh. So it is great that your electricity itself is only 4.7 cents but that is probably not all the charges so it is not a fair comparison.", "610" ], [ "Well if they are doing that they really need to figure out their actual all in cost to see if it compares to Tesla's pricing. That would be an apples to apples comparison. It is interesting that most people don't understand their will be much more to their bills then just the cost of electricity itself. It is simple to figure out. Just take your last bills final cost for the billing period and divide it by the amount of electricity used.", "49" ], [ "If that is the case then you have to be aware that is extremely cheap compared to the majority of the US. Tesla is rolling this out in California where electricity prices will easily be double or more what yours are. Many other places in the US are similar. Like the other user said the average residential price in the US is now 13.34 cents per kWh. So that would make pricing like this pretty impressive in those markets.", "202" ], [ "I guess it changes from place to place. In my case the delivery fee is a small fixed potion but the rest is based on the kWhs you use. So the more you use the higher the delivery fee goes. So if I was to use 0 electricity then my bill would be 15 dollars a month last month instead of around $200. Again each person in every market will have to do the calculations for themselves to figure out if it would be worth it. Considering this program is initially in California with high electricity prices it will probably be much more favorable there then other places with cheaper prices.", "610" ], [ "Currently to get a $500 bill in Ontario you would need to be using something like 4200 kWhs on a urban utility like mine using a normal TOU breakdown. I have a 4 bedroom house, AC, Electric car, Pool and the most electricity I used last summer (the 30 days over June - July) was 1667.93 kWhs that cost $213.22. That is an average cost of 12.7 cents per kWh which is pretty cheap compared to worldwide prices. I don't know how someone could use the amount of electricity that would result in a $500 dollar bill. That is something like 4-5 times more than the average household in Ontario.", "610" ], [ "That is taken into account. I have solar in a fairly snowy environment (Canada). They do a check of the roof and an engineering report before you can get them to installed. Solar also tends to shed snow also because the surface is slick. In a northern latitude though it is better to go with a net metering type setup. With my system I make way more electricity then i need in the summer and not enough in the winter. But over all the system makes just about what I use on a yearly basis. So net metering is the way to go.", "731" ], [ "Your statement seemed to indicate that they decided to not order a Model 3 at all. And they have been polled. When you get your ability to order you can place the order or you can choose to defer and you tell Tesla why. So Tesla knows the actual numbers. As for pure speculation it is the same as the 70 percent number. No one knows how many people have fully cancelled or just deferred until the model they want is available. Only Tesla knows that.", "49" ], [ "That definitely won't be the case with a big battery car. There has been lots of data collected on this and there are many Tesla's that are being used as taxis and other car services that already have large numbers of kms on them and the degradation is minimal. Degradation comes from three main things - charge cycles, heat, and improper battery management. Manufacturers are very confidant in this fact to and the warranties reflect that. Tesla has an 8 year unlimited km warranty on the battery and drivetrain. Lots of info below if interested. \n\nFinnish taxi at 400,000kms with 7 percent degradation.\n\n_URL_0_\n\nTesloop car that had 6 percent degradation at 200,000 miles.\n\n_URL_2_\n\nBattery degradation data collected by tesla owners.\n\n_URL_1_", "49" ], [ "If you are commuting that far then you are the perfect person to get an EV because of how many kms you are doing. Your savings could be massive per year. If you are doing 150kms a day 5 days a week for 48 weeks a year that is 36,000kms a year just commuting. At current gas prices in a car that gets 8L per 100kms that is roughly $4300 in fuel a year. An EV that averages 6kms per kWh will cost $720 in electricity to go that same distance if electricity prices are 12 cents per kWh. then you will have reduced maintenance costs like no oil changes. Over a 5 year period you are talking an almost $18,000 savings in fuel costs alone.", "202" ], [ "It has nothing really to do with investing. The primary driver of the cost of an EV is battery costs. They have fallen and continue to fall. Since 2010 battery prices have fallen from $800 per kWh to $200 a kWh. $100 a kWh is really where it needs to be to get closer to price parity and that will probably happen in the next 2-4 years. Plus you don't have to get right to price parity when you consider how much cheaper and EV is to maintain and fuel. If you bought a gas powered car for 25k and drove it for 22,000kms a year you total cost at 5 years would be $37,300 (for Fuel and Car). If you bought a comparable EV at 30k and drove it the same distance for 5 years your total cost would be $32,200 (assuming efficiency of 6 kms per kWh and electricity prices of 12 cents per kWh). Then you have reduced maintenance costs like no oil changes.", "202" ], [ "Disagree with the AWD thing for Canada. While there are many that would have waited in Ontario there is an upcoming election that might mean our $14,000 incentive could go away. There are a lot of people that have ordered instead of waiting for AWD to make sure they get this incentive. Also from what I have seen for the people waiting from other provinces it is more to do with getting the standard battery then AWD. The Model 3 is an expensive car in Canada considering our exchange rate. So there are lots of people that are waiting for the more affordable standard who would then probably pair it with AWD if it is available.", "866" ], [ "If you live in the suburbs you would have your own place to charge at home. Condos are the biggest issue and that's why Tesla for example is installing urban supercharge locations. Take it from someone who has driven an EV for 4 plus years. An EV is far more convenient then a gas powered car if you have home charging. Very rarely do you need to charge on your day to day. It is really long distance driving where chargers are a concern.", "202" ], [ "One year of winter with a car that has been rust proofed verses paying thousands more. In Ontario EVs get a 14k incentive so the price of our used EVs is much lower then most other provinces. So locally it will cost you roughly the same to buy a 2015 Leaf with 3 times the mileage and the smaller battery (24 kWh verses 30 kWh) as it will cost to buy my 2017 and have it shipped out.", "202" ], [ "You couldn't really do that with a Leaf. It has fast charging but the range on it is probably about 180kms per charge. So you would be stopping at least every two hours. Plus there isn't fast charging infrastructure everywhere. In some places it would take 6 hours to charge up on slower Level 2 charging. Probably would have to ship it. From what I have seen shipping it will cost anywhere from 800-1200 from various sources online.", "706" ], [ "Net Metering is when you have a grid tied solar system without the need for a battery. The grid is your battery. You dump produced solar into the grid and you get paid a contracted amount per kWh. So you build your system to match your usage. So even if you produce way more then you need in summer and too little in winter it all evens out if you yearly usage is similar to yoru production.\n\nMore info here\n\n_URL_0_", "731" ], [ "Was it really that they changed their minds or now they have the data? The scientific method means that you would not make an assumption without data. So while it is true that COVID infection would leave immunity of some sort there needed to be studies to see how much immunity there was and how long it lasted. \n\nMy dad had COVID in April. Since then he has been participating in studies to check for long term effects, measure antibody levels in the blood and check for other things. I assume this was done so that they could look at the data and see. The main thing they were looking for was to see how those levels dropped overtime. So my guess is it is easy to know that there is immunity at the end of the disease. What they needed to find out was how long that immunity lasts for. It is the same with the vaccines. There will be long term studies done on this to see how long the vaccine is effective for and at what point will someone need to be reinoculated or need a booster. \n\nSo if in April the various bodies told people that if they had covid they were now immune what would have happened if immunity was only at 50% at 6 months out? You cannot tell people that they are immune when you don't know how long that will last. It is likely they are now getting enough data back to show that it does and to start making recommendations on that.", "235" ], [ "Medicine is not at the point. You can't assume anything with a new virus. Different viruses, and the bodies response, produce different levels of immunity. Those levels of immunity can drop over time. So any new virus needs to be studied to see how long it leaves immunity. It would be extremely irresponsible to tell people who had COVID that they have life long immunity to it without knowing if they do. This is why the data has to be accumulated and studies done before you know if they do. It is the same with a vaccine. They know the bodies response from the vaccine initially and during the trials. But how you react long term still needs to be studied and they are doing that now. This is especially true when the pandemic is ongoing. Once people are vaccinated how long you remain immune is meaningless as you can always just get a booster if needed. \n\nBoosters are exactly as described. Over time the protection given from a vaccine can get lower. So a booster just gives the immune system a reminder to up it's game to be ready. Something like whooping cough is like this. I actually had it in my 30s even though I was inoculated. The good thing though is generally you will still have some protection even if you get it. So generally the version of the sickness you will have will be less severe.", "235" ], [ "I was noticing the same thing as you on My quest I got on the release day. This is my first VR headset so I was not sure what I should be seeing. In my case I've had LASIK and thought maybe the glare I saw was something to do with or my IPD which is fairly wide at 69.5. But after looking through your post my issues are exactly the same and the lenses in my headset are like yours in description with the dots and numbering. So I just put in a request for an RMA. Thanks for documenting this. This is extremely helpful especially for people who are new to VR and don't know what they should see.\n\nEDIT:\n\nGot my replacement headset and if anything it is worse then the first. So going back to them to try and get another replacement.", "539" ], [ "There are days when I think the same. Tesla is not 100% but with the current rise I am probably 70/30 now. I never thought we would get to this share price this quickly so I have been trying to figure out what to do myself. I believe in the company long term but also understand that there is a chance anything can happen. I also know that if I sold everything today and invested it is something more reliable/diversified that I could very comfortably retire in 5 years which puts me 5 years ahead of my long term plans.\n\nNow on the flip side I also know that I will probably be able to retire at 55 even if my Tesla position went to 0. So then for me my Tesla shares could mean that I can accelerate those plans or might mean I will be able to further accelerate those goals. So for now I have decided to hold. Now if the price spikes up to $1000 in the short term (or even later this year) I will have to reconsider. But as for now I am content to hold.\n\nThat being said I do have a significant chunk of money in ARK ETFs also. And I will for sure be investing in the ARKX ETF that looks like it is coming.", "49" ], [ "That is because you didn't really believe in the company or the future or you didn't understand what investment style is best for you. I was the same way. When I first invested in TSLA any amount of volatility I freaked out. But I learned my lesson from a couple mistakes with it. I had bought back in 2018 and then watched the stock bleed down to close to half my original investment by March of 2019. This was the real low point for Tesla. Bankruptcy talk was normal and the company was being eviscerated in the press. But my original belief still stood so I averaged down pretty heavily. Now that ended up being the right move then for sure. But the mistake came when I thought I could time the market. \n\nAfter riding out all that and seeing a significant gain of 100% plus I started to get cocky. I thought I knew better so I started to wonder if I could use the volatility to add more to my position by selling on a spike and buying back after the dip. Well I found out that it is much easier to try that then to actually succeed. I did that twice. The first time I broke even. The second time I lost 5 shares. Now this was pre split. So if I just had held today I would have 25 more shares. A current share price that is a $27,000 CAD that I pissed away just because I wanted to buy a lottery ticket to try and get more. What I didn't realize is that I already had the winning lottery ticket and I just had to hold. So that became my new strategy. On any major dip I just bought more shares if the funds allowed it but never touched my core position. I decided that I would only do that if something fundamental changed with the company or I hit what I believe the future share price of the company could be. That strategy has paid off extremely well. \n\nSo even your greatest successes can have elements of failure too them. I know now that my success could have even been better if I had just stuck to my initial goal. I am actually glad I had that happen then as if I had succeeded it might have led to me trying even more aggressive moves like options and other things that could have resulted an even greater loss in future gains because of a mistake. I much rather last out on 25k in future gains instead of 250k.", "928" ], [ "That would require absolutely massive amounts of testing and would probably not be possible. Plus just like what is happening with people who are vaccinated they are not currently getting any special treatment. So whether you know you had it or know you had the vaccine is largely meaningless as you will still get caught up in any local measures put in place. My dad had it and knows he is largely immune but still wears a mask and takes other precautions. The main point in no immunity is 100 percent. Even teh vaccine is only 95%. So that is why you need to get to a point where most or vaccinated. The 5% that could get sick even with having teh vaccine will be protected by the heard immunity created by most being vaccinated. \n\nThe thing with testing is labs won't just do the serology tests but all other tests including COVID. There is only a certain amount of testing capacity. In the case of what has happened I know where I live (Ontario, Canada) that they have expanded testing massively Since March of last year. At the peak in spring they could only do about 10k tests a day. Today they are doing 60k. That is a massive increase in a short period of time. And these labs don't just test for COVID but all other things. I know someone that works in a lab doing this kind of testing. They have been balls to the wall since this started. So the idea that you could just start doing a bunch more serology tests on top of that doesn't seem reasonable. But lets say that they could manage 40k serology tests a day starting tomorrow. My province has 15 million people in it. To do a serology test on everyone in the province would take 375 days doing 40k a day. So it would be worthless use of resources. By the end of summer they plan to have everyone who wants a vaccine done. That is like 250 days away. So the entire population (that wants) will be vaccinate long before they would be able to test everyone for whether they had COVID. \n\nIn any system there is a finite amount of resources. You cannot infinitely increase testing because eventually you will run out of something - people, equipment, materials, etc. So you have to decide how these resources should be used. In this case serology testing (where I live) is available to anyone that wants to pay for it. I did myself for example. But there is little reason to do a mass serology testing at this point other then for research purposes at this point. \n\nBut I do agree that if someone had the virus and recovered they should not get the vaccine especially this early on. But to test someone to see if they had it when in 6 months they will have everyone vaccinate doesn't seem like a good use of resources right now.", "266" ], [ "There is story after story about that. He would purposely use smaller contractors on jobs because they were easier to fuck over. He would then draw it out as long as he could getting them to do more and more work and then just not pay them. Or pay them only part. Because he was a whale and they were a minnow they didn't have much recourse. I mean I get that is supporters are not the brightest but it took about 3 seconds to figure out the type of guy he is. And then everyone is surprised when he ends up exactly like that. \n\nHe is a grifter and a conman. His ultimate goal is to transfer as much wealth to him as possible. He sees the world as a zero sum game where any compromise from him means that he loses money and thus loses. He doesn't see the value in developing long term relationships and every negotiation is adversarial. If he bends then you are taking money from him and that makes him a loser. It is insane to put someone like him in charge of a country that has to deal with other world leader both good and bad. It is no wonder that he got along better with despots. Their worldview more closely aligns with his then the normal leader of a democratic nation. And people wanted that type of guy to run the country. Well he showed everyone exactly what he was like before he was elected so nothing he does should really be a surprise.", "29" ], [ "I am sure they take suggestions. Plus that is exactly what they do. They look at safety things and decide what needs to be mandatory like making backup cameras and other sensor mandatory. Making a noise when an EV backs up so people can hear it. There are lots of examples of new things they make mandatory. So I am sure if they though that the lack of a physical button to change the temp in a car was needed for safety they would make it mandatory. I am sure they do this based on accident stats and other info like people sending in things that they should be making mandatory. But I am sure that many many people have sent them messages about Tesla using a single central screen. The Model 3 has been available for more then 3 years now so I am sure if they felt there was an safety issue it has been investigated by now.", "49" ], [ "You do realize that there are two types of diabetes right? She even says which one it is in the video. Type 1 is essentially an autoimmune disease that they are not sure of the causes. Could be genetic, caused by a virus or other factors and can happen to anyone. Usually people are diagnosed in childhood or adolescences just like this kid was. \n\nThis is a completely different animal then type 2. Type 1 basically means that as it progresses your body destroys it's ability to produce insulin at all. This essentially means if you don't have insulin injected from outside you will die eventually. You can slow the progress by eating a severely restricted carbohydrate reduced diet and staying extremely hydrated but you will die with an extremely reduced life expectancy. \n\nAnd I don't know if you know how much insulin costs in the USA for a person without insurance or it is not covered. This can be an immense cost when you consider the average household in the US makes 70k a year. Today the average diabetic in the US has a $6000+ cost per year if they have to pay out of pocket for insulin alone and you will also have increased other medical costs too. \n\nIf you live in the US, don't have comprehensive insurance, you better pray you never get sick with something like this. But show some fucking respect and don't be a cunt as what is happening to that family can happen to anyone and has nothing to do their lifestyle.", "956" ], [ "you are suppose to beg and plead on social media. You are suppose to go to the manufacturers and ask with your hand out. Or you are just suppose to die. Any country that doesn't supply basic medical care to it's citizens for things like this is basically saying you are not worth enough for us to do it and they don't care. So they want you to die as they just believe you will be a burden on them.", "36" ], [ "The original trails were complete. The trails now are to see longer term effectiveness of the virus and things like if kids can have it. They will also look for long term effects but you understand how an mRNA vaccine works right? These have been studied for years in various trials although the COVID vaccines are the first approved for wide use. if anything they are more safe and much easier to manufacturer. If the COVID vaccine was a traditional one we probably would have been waiting until 2022 at the earliest for widespread rollout.", "242" ], [ "I started buying in 2018. Bled down to below $200 a share (preslplit) by early 2019. Averaged down. Then during the eventual run up I tried to time the market a couple times by trying to sell high and buy low. One time i broke even. The other time I lost 5 shares (pre split). That is 25 shares more I would own today and I will let you figure out what that cost me. In the end I realized trying to time the market was just like buying a lottery ticket. For every time I am right I could be wrong. Options are an area I looked into but for every story on here of someone making lots of money with them there are lose that lost lost. So I have never really sued them. Although I have been investigating ways of safely(ish) using them now that I have the position I have.\n\nIn the end I learned what kind of investor I am. I decided that I have to fully believe in the long term prospects of the company to invest in or I will constantly second guess myself. So I won't sell any now until I hit specific price targets or something fundamental changes in the company. So on the COVID fall earlier this year I just held and deployed cash to buy more shares on the fall. For me that turned out to be the correct path as I am sitting on a fairly massive gain and now a significant amount of shares.\n\nSo what I learned. i need to have 100% conviction in the company I invest in to not deviate from my plan. Sure I could have made more money but I also could have lost more. Trying to time the market may work but it may not. You cannot really lose just by holding if you think long term the company will be at X. You just need to hold long enough. So what I realized instead of trying buy a lotter ticket every share I had was a muck less risky lottery ticket that I just needed to give time to pay out. And once you get to a sizeable gain sleeping at night is pretty easy even if you look and the stock and your position is down 50k for the day. I know the next day it could pop 50k in a day. When you have so much distance between you and your initial investment in gains it is easy to feel very comfortable because the stock price would have to hit something like $70 a share before my the actual money I invested would start to disappear. This makes it super easy to watch the stock on a daily basis.", "511" ], [ "Everyone who isn't 2 years old will know there are various conditions both mental and physical that can cause a person to move uncontrollably. The point is whether those movements are a threat. What if you yell at someone to not move and they have Parkinson's or Tourette's? The realty is that if you are a police officer and you are going to enter unknown situations you need to understand that not every person will be able to comply or even understand you. You can have a language barrier and they might even understand what you are saying. They could be having a seizure if they were moving strangely. And even if they don't if someone is laying facedown on the ground but their arms are moving what kind of a threat are they really?\n\nThis kind of statement that he didn't comply drive me absolutely batty. I have seen lots of videos of people not complying. You know what is hard do do? To not move or tense up when you have two knees pressed onto your spine. Try it sometime if you haven't and see if you don't move or tense up. Another one is when they send the dog. I watched a video on time where a guy was on his knees with his hands on his heads and they sent the dog at him. Now I don't know if you have ever been bit by a dog but it fucking hurts. Now imagine if you have a dog that is trained to attack and not let go until they are commanded. In that video the dog is literally shaking and tearing at the guys leg but every time he dared moved the police screamed him to not move. How the fuck do you not move? I will set a German Shepard on your leg and see how long you don't move for. Even if you want to comply you can't. The fact is that doing it right is hard. It is easy to just pull out your taser. I mean have you seen most cops? They look like they can barely get up a few flights of stairs let alone physically retrain someone. But then we are surprised when a fat wheezy cop uses a taser instead of doing what he actually should. But tasering can lead to death so it should really only be deployed rarely and when absolutely needed. On a guy on the ground facedown who just didn't stop moving his arms? Seems like a massive overuse to me.\n\nHonestly the fact that these things have to be told to people is crazy. I mean if you are a cop or know one I get it. Thin blue line and all that. But if you have zero experience being restrained or restraining people then perhaps you should go and try it. See if you are able to comply when you have 4 cops kneeling on your back and you can't breathe and you are terrified for your life. See if they start screaming \"don't tense\" because when they feel that they think you are attempting to do something but instead you are just trying to get a breath of air. Now take someone who is divorced from reality or having a medical episode and think how they might react.", "955" ], [ "Yeah it can also arise from being a moron and making the wrong choice. By the way some people talk about this they have 7% body fat and never ingest anything that potentially have other effects. I mean you aren't overweight right? You exercise and are in good shape? You have a perfect BMI? You never do drugs, drink alcohol, or smoke correct? I mean you can lie or not answer but the reality is if 65% of the adult population is overweight in the USA then it is likely that you are let alone all those other things. Most people will have eaten a double cheeseburger even though it increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. \n\nLike anything there is a risk either way and you have to decide of the risk to society and you from the (possible) side effects of the vaccine are worse then the risk of the disease it prevents. And you notice I put society first. With many vaccines we always step up to vaccinate because the healthy know that if they get it they will probably be okay. But but getting it you are likely to spread it to someone who won't be so lucky. That is the point of vaccines. It isn't to stop you from getting sick. It is to stop those that would most impacted from being sick. I mean it is why someone who is 25 should get the flu shot yearly. It isn't for you but for your grandma or other old people that would be far more impacted by it then you. And thinking I am 25 and don't need to get it is incredibly short term thinking. If you live to your life expectancy one day you will be one of those people hoping that others in society do the right thing for everyone and step up and get the vaccine.", "929" ], [ "> Non-lethal force and the man still died. That's very unfortunate. From the story, looks like police were just acting out of caution, can't really predict who will die from being tasered. RIP dude. \n\nThis was your first comment. Then you find out that the guy complied, was on his face and they tasered him because his arms were moving. He did not have a weapon or anything in his hand. That is when he got aggressive and got up. And then they tasered him a bunch more times. Don't see a problem with this then not much else I can say. Just hope that it never happens to you or someone you love.", "399" ], [ "So wait. If you give the entire population a vaccine that is 95% effective you still think you will have continue spread of the virus in the population? You understand that even if scientists are 97% sure that the vaccine stops the spread until there are studies, and they are peer reviewed, they will never say it does. That is why science is awesome. It removes all opinions and BS pronouncements and gets down to the what can be observed and tested. And only then do they release the info when they are as sure as they can be. This data is then peer reviewed and more people will then try and replicate the findings. \n\nSo as someone that feels this way how long would it take or how could they prove to you that it is safe? They are already saying it is safe and effective. But you don't believe them because..... Big Pharma. But what if they released studies to show no long term side effects and the vaccine actually will stop the spread is that good enough? I mean it is big pharma and governments. So if you don't trust them now how can you ever? I assume you are not a scientist that is going to conduct their own research so in the end you will have to believe someone as you don't have the knowledge or ability to do the research for yourself. So how do you come to an informed opinion when you you have no ability to do any of the actual research? I mean I get wanting to come to informed decision but in the end you have to trust the research that is presented and the conclusions it comes to. At some point you will dig far enough that the information will be beyond the average person. So how to you decide on when something new and complex is something you would be willing to take?", "929" ], [ "He is nots saying life won't go back to normal. the virus is out there. Unless you have a plan to inoculate every person on the planet the virus will always exist in some form. That doesn't mean that it will still be a problem in a year in most modern countries. By the end of September our government in Canada plants to have everyone who wants it vaccinated. That means are problems will be over or far less then they are now. But that doesn't mean that the virus is completely eliminated from the world. \n\nAs for not working that is a personal choice you have to make. Personally I never stopped working as I didn't have much of a choice. If I did I might have taken some time off earlier last year but now? I mean last spring I was working without PPE, sanitizer, etc. Now I know the animal and I am not scared of it and have protection. But again that is a personal choice you have to make.", "801" ], [ "Did you just read what I said? They can't say that it does stop the spread without the data. It is not that it doesn't stop the spread. Look the scientific method isn't like what you are doing. You are using feelings and other sources like the above to make decisions. You are assuming that because they are saying they don't know means they don't have a guess or an assumption. They have. But without doing a full study that can be peer reviewed the scientific community they will never say that it will stop the spread until t hey have the data. And it would never anyways. The vaccine has a 95% efficacy. Even best case 1/20 people that are vaccinated can still get sick. This is the reason why you need herd level immunization levels. It protects against those who the vaccine aren't effective or can't get it. \n\nAgain you are making a massive assumption that because they won't say it stop the spread that it won't or there is no assumptions that it will. Or because they say they don't know if it has long term effects it does. That doesn't mean that at all. It just means that for a scientist to make a proclamation like that they have to have a level of proof much higher then what most people consider enough. I mean If i told you that the chance of the vaccine stopping the spread is 90% then that is pretty damn good proof for most people. But even if a scientist had the hypothesis they believe has a high likelihood of being right they can't say that it is until they have the data to back it up.", "235" ], [ "The person you responded to asked another poster if what they said was good news. They didn't ask if the release of the date was good news for their investment. Read the post they were responding to. \n\n Plus even if that is what they were asking you understand the definition of news right? \n\n news/n\n\n1. newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events.\"I've got some good news for you\"\n\n* a broadcast or published report of news.plural noun: **the news**\"he was back **in the news** again\" \n\nSo the day of the earnings report is new or noteworthy information especially about an upcoming important event. The is the exact definition of news.", "624" ], [ "That is BS especially if they have been holding long. If you have held since the beginning of 2019 you have seen some nutty shit including basically the entire world against Tesla. Massive amounts of FUD. No one really getting what was happening People who held through that have some pretty diamond hands. The idea that they would sell now after holding through all that because of 25% pullback seems a little out there when they have been through much more severe volatility. \n\nThere were many longs that held through the COVID crash back in March 2020. That was a fall of of a peak of $177 a share in February to a low of $72 a share by mid march. What is that almost 60% loss? So you are saying that people that held long through 2018 (or earlier) and then up to today will sell if there is a 25% pull back. Well i can tell you that in my case it won't happen. I will just buy the dip and accumulate shares. Until the fundamentals change, I hit my price target, or my belief in the company changes I will not sell. This is true of many many other Tesla investors. Now are there new people who won't be as long and will be apt to sell? of course there are. But I would be very careful here if you think those longs are so easily shaken.", "49" ], [ "And I see these posts that say there is for sure a bubble. The problem is a bubble can only be a bubble if it pops. So in the end you have one group saying it isn't a bubble and others that are. If it is a bubble it will pop and you will be right. If it doesn't pop you will be wrong. In the end what will happen will happen. If you are so sure it will then short it and make a fortune. Otherwise pronouncements about what will happen are meaningless. I mean it is easy to make a guess on what will happen if you have no actual interest in what happens. A little different to place a 50k bet that it will or won't.", "834" ], [ "When did you sell for this 50% profit though? If you did it this week then good on you. If you did it in April 2020 after the low of March an then sold and missed out on the massive run up then well that is a different thing. I always wonder when people who did own, sell, and then miss out on a run up if they are more apt to be irrationally negative. It is something that I have seen quite a bit over the years. People want to justify their own moves. If they sell and find out they missed out on a bunch of upside I have seen people get pretty nasty about the company they used to own and like. They tell themselves it is a bubble or make other excuses. Not saying that you are like this. Just something that I have observed.", "928" ], [ "So does the second part of what I say come into play then? Did selling and missing out on big upside taint your view of the company or people who are still invested? I mean I have been there. There is nothing wrong with locking in gains and hindsight is always 20/20 but it is hard to not be irritated when you make a play and then the stock runs up another 500%. So are you sure that what you believe about the company. and what is occurring now. is rational and not just you being pissed that you missed the ride?", "200" ], [ "Small? Why not have conviction in your belief and go all in on the short. I mean you just said no company has run up like this and it not pop. And I never said that the bubble won't pop. It will if it is a bubble. See the difference here? I am long Tesla and I will not even make the prediction one way or another as I am not stupid enough to believe I can time the market in any significant way. If you do that it is much more likely you got lucky then just your amazing ability made you money. I mean if most people could successfully do that consistently they would be billionaires. \n\nThe nature of predictions is idiotic. If you say something enough it will probably come true. But if you make a prediction 10 times and are right once you are pretty shit at predictions. More important then knowing if there is a bubble is when it will pop. That is the thing here. You could be completely right that it will happen but if you are a month early then you were wrong. Doesn't matter if you called it. Timing is everything and if you don't get that right the rest of teh prediction is useless. \n\nIt is like saying that historically that the stock market has crashes or the economy has recessions. Well thanks for letting all of us know this information that everyone knows. What matters is not that it happens it is when it will happen. Do you not think that every long knows it is possible for the share price to pull back? So until you can time it then making a prediction just so you can say told you so is meaningless.", "96" ], [ "There was some data that come out that basically nothing changed. There was some loss of lower paying jobs but the issue is at basically the same time you had lots of food places putting in ordering kiosks. People at the time said it was just because we were raising the rates but BS. It was something that was happening everywhere. So the world coming to an end never happened.\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_1_)", "73" ], [ "And again who's fault is that? The government is not going to order enough doses for everyone if only 30-40 percent of people get it in a typical year. If they do a massive chunk of them would be thrown out unused. This is on those people who felt it unnecessary to get the flu shot last year and the years before that. To me there is a simple fix. Unless you are a frontline worker, or have a medical reason why you need it, if you didn't get the flu shot last year you can't get it until all those that normally get it have gotten their shots. \n\n Creation of the flu vaccine is not like making a widget. They have a capacity to make a certain amount of vaccine per year. So it is not like you can just decide in November that you want a million more doses and have them delivered. So again I don't see how this in on the government at all. This is on the people that didn't think the deaths of 3500 Canadians a year was worth taking the flu shot in a typical year.", "61" ], [ "You explained what the problem is. In a typical year only 30-40 percent of Canadians get the flu shot. They never order enough for 100 percent as most would get thrown out. They did order more of this year but it looks like even that might not be enough. It was an easy solution. If you didn't get the flu shot then you should be last on the list to get one this year unless you have a medical reason to need it.", "61" ], [ "I am sad there is a shortage because people didn't think it was necessary in previous years to get the flu shot. Why would the government order enough for 100 percent of the population when only 30-40 percent get it in a typical year? From what i can see the CDC says their cost is about $13 USD per. So if you say that we pay $15 per dose that is 221.2 million dollars to buy a dose for everyone in Ontario. I am pretty sure if they bought that many and threw out half the people of Ontario would be pretty pissed that 110 million was wasted.", "61" ], [ "There are plenty of outdoor places to go that you will be near no one. So there are plenty of trails to go to that you will see hardly anyone. I am out all the time on my bike and I will see no one for most of my rides. The main problem is people that drive to a particular trail head and then walk in a very limited area. This is what creates congestion. There are plenty of outdoor places within a short bike ride that you will be alone. \n\nAs for working out I have mentioned this before on these threads and I really think some people are not aware of how important a particular activity might be for some people. I really think it is easy for some people to say do X and Y when they don't have a physical activity they really love. So just saying work out at home by doing jumping jacks is not really going to work for many people especially in the long run. We know that the vast majority of adults don't get the recommended weekly physical exercise. It is around 16 percent. We also know that the majority of adults are overweight - 65 percent. So we know that the vast majority don't maintain any real physical exercise program. So we have to ask why this is. In my experience is because most people don't like and enjoy doing it. So they will never maintain it for the long run. To really exercise regularly you have to like what you are doing. Personally I hate running. So if you told me that was the only thing I could do I would probably just not do it. So you have to understand that for someone who has found something they love doing it is very hard to just do something else especially when we are talking about months. This is one of the reasons why you see some people choosing to do an activity that you might think is risky.\n\nNow I know many people that work out regularly. For many of them it is their relief valve. Some were alcoholics and drug addicts before they found whatever they need in working out that got them to stay off the sauce. Without that who knows what will happen to them. So this is much more for some people then just getting an elevated heartrate. Also we know that all viruses including COVID affect those who are overweight and have other health conditions much more then those that maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight. So to me this is something that should be discussed and a major priority. The lack of physical activity is a major epidemic in our society and I have seen in those around me that COVID has only made this worse. So it is something we really need to discuss. So while I completely agree with you that there are many precautions we should be taking to deal with COVID we also shouldn't be forgetting the things we can be doing to make ourselves healthy and stronger - working out, not drinking or doing drugs excessively, eating healthy food in the proper portions, maintaining a healthy weight, etc. These should all be a major focus of everyone as a way to further protect you against any diseases or illness.", "412" ], [ "Well most people didn't get the flu shot either. Doesn't mean they are anti-vaxxer. Just as usual people are less likely to do something if they don't think the thing can really impact them.\n\nEDIT: It seems like some people are taking this as me anti-vaxxer. I am not. Just pointing out that only 35% of people get the flu vaccine in a typical year. So while there are a small portion that may be antivaxxers the majority are just lazy or much more likely they just don't think the flu is something they need to worry about. This is a massive problem as most people typically will only act if they think it is something that can really impact them like COVID. They ignore the fact that 3500 Canadians die every year from the flu and over 12k are hospitalized.", "929" ], [ "Most of those cases early on were just people testing positive a second time because of how sensitive the PCR tests are. While there is very few examples of actual infection it has been very rare. My dad had it in April and has been participating in a study checking his blood and after his last blood test recently he still has the antibodies in his system that should protect him from reinfection. Through this they are also looking at how long the immunity will last. But he is still 6 months in and is still showing antibodies. Again this information is way too early to be telling people if they get it they will be fine for X time. This is probably more about being precautious then anything else.", "266" ], [ "The flu kills on average 3500 Canadian's a year and hospitalizes over 12k. And that is in an average year. In a stronger flu year it can can even worse then that. And with really bad strains like the one that caused the Spanish flu it can be far deadlier. The spanish flu killed and estimated 50 million worldwide. And there have been multiple other flu pandemics since then up to the H1N1 in 2009 \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nIt is comments like this that show that most people are completely full of shit when they talk about public health. They are laser focused on COVID but ignores the other simple things we could all be doing to make our society healthier. And I do think vaccines should be mandatory because too many people are too stupid to understand that while the flu season might no impact them it will still impact lots of people that will generally be older or have other conditions.", "912" ], [ "My issue with these kinds of do what I say rants is that it doesn't take into account other peoples needs and perspectives. While I get that that the OP has an opinion you also have to understand your own needs might be different then someone else's. If you are a couch potato it is pretty easy to tell others to go to hours of jumping jacks in their backyard or home to make up their lost activity. As I have stated from the beginning if you are going to start making demands on others about what they should do you should at least have some understanding of it first before you do. And for some people their exercise regime is incredibly important to them. Plus I have seen the data on people who are unhealthy, overweight and how much of an increased risk they are if they catch COVID. I would say that if you know this and you have gained 20 pounds during all of this then perhaps you need to reevaluate.\n\nI really don't think that those who don't exercise regularly, or possibly never have, how integral it can be for someone who does. It not only promotes physical health that makes you stronger and more resilient to disease but for many it is how they also maintain mental health. And for those that don't work out I think you might not get how much some people do. We are now 9 months into this with really the entire winter being like this at the very least so that will probably be close to a full year. The idea that I am never going to go outside and do an activity that I love for all the time is just not feasible for me. I take all the precautions but I am not going to stop riding my bike on a trail where I won't see anyone the entire time because someone said it wasn't a good idea. The small amount of risk that introduces, because you are outdoors and still distanced from people, to me doesn't even register on my radar as a worry. If I try to force myself to do an indoor activity that I dislike means I will just eventually stop or reduce massively what I am doing. At my age I just don't think that is a smart thing to do as I am solidly middle age now. I am much more worried about this then the extremely small chance I somehow become infected on these rides. \n\nReally I think this is a time we should start looking inwards instead of yelling at everyone at what they should be doing. Sure there should be mandates and rules. But people also need to understand that we all have different needs and perspectives. So what may work for one person to get through all of this might not work for someone else.", "412" ], [ "no only that local governments can implement their own as they are just guidelines. For example it says that red has to do the following\n\n \"All sports and recreational programs in other facilities (arenas and multiplexes) limited to 10 people per room indoors and 25 outdoors\"\n\nWell that would seem to me that an area could one have 10 people on the ice surface. But I am in a red now as of last night, and coach hockey, and just received updated info this morning that while games are cancelled we will continue development. In our program we went to 3 on 3 to hit the older numbers. But we are being told that the at least 24 people on the ice during practice is going to allowed as well as at least one parent/guardian per kid in the stands. So that could be at least 44 people per arena plus any arena staff on top of that. Based on the above I thought everything was going to be cancelled but unless something changes that is the direction we have received by the local government. The only major change from last week is that we can't play games and that the two teams must stay at their respective ends of the ice and are not meant to have any significant interaction during practices.", "46" ], [ "Personally I think there should be an even bigger discussion about this. Sure COVID should be dealt with but what about the growing epidemic of obesity in both kids and adults. This has a potential to do huge amounts of damage and makes for a population that is more prone to other issues and less able to fight off disease. And this is all things that we can change and make better in ourselves. So if we are going to start discussing public health I really think that it should be part of bigger discussion. I mean it i great to worry about a virus. But maybe we should also be worried about all those other things that can have a major impact in our lives that most people just ignore.", "912" ], [ "My favourite was the time I rolled through a stop sign at a highway exit. Got nailed. No biggie. I do the crime and generally pay the fine. But then he says \"are you wearing contacts\" since my license said I needed corrective lenses. Dumbass me is honest and says \"I had laser eye surgery a month ago and haven't had time to get my license changed\". Asked for any proof and well I didn't have anything with me. So away he goes. 15 minutes later he is handing the failure to stop at stop sign and the corrective lens ticket. I think the corrective lens ticket was more then the stop sign one . I said is there any way I can just show up and give him proof of the lens thing. Nope have to go talk to the court. So I say okay, he says i am free to go and as he walks away I ask him one more thing. I asked him if he really thought I needed corrective lenses should he really let me leave as aren't I a danger to myself and others? Well that got a look and I just said thanks and drove off after he walked away without answering. \n\nSee this is my biggest issue with these kinds of interactions. If you are really pulling people over to increase safety should the cop let me drive away? No. But he knew I wasn't lying. He just followed the letter of the law an issued the ticket. If we are to believe that this isn't about revenue generation then this debunks all of that. This was about him being able to issue two tickets instead of one. He didn't care about the safety aspect. If he did he would of had my car towed. But it isn't about safety. It was about issuing as many tickets as they could in a specific period of time. If he had the car towed and had to deal with all of that how many less tickets could he have written. So this had nothing to do with increasing safety but just writing another ticket. \n\nAs an aside I fought both and both got thrown out. So much for all that time and effort. But again he wrote the number of tickets he needed that say so he probably couldn't care less what happens after with them. I get why most cops are pissed off when most of what they do is just BS enforcement like this.", "462" ], [ "How do cops get away with talking like this to people? I mean how many time does he swear? Isn't there some kind of code of conduct? If most people swore this much in their job with clients they would be fired. Let alone grabbing a guy from behind and yanking him off the bike. Same old same old. The only reason we know about this is because there was a camera recording. I mean that cop basically says he has done the exact same thing before. You can't ask someone to comply while you are yanking them off the bike. Why can't we start making sure that cops that act like this aren't treated severely and properly? But he will probably just get a paid vacation and be back at it in a bit.", "141" ], [ "We barely use any NG electricity as it is. People complain about the cost to build and maintain green energy but how much does that cost? Natural gas generation makes up 29 percent of installed capacity but only 6 percent of the generated electricity. So how much does it cost to have those plants sitting idle ready to go mots of the time? Wind makes up 12 percent of installed capacity but generated 7 percent of total last year. So more then NG with less then half the installed capacity. \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nBut you are right the future is storage. It wouldn't make our grid that much cleaner as it is pretty clean already from a GHG point of view. But it would mean that we could replace the dirty natural gas peaker plants with storage. The benefit of storage is that it will allow us to do more with less actual installed capacity. So it would green up the grid a bit but I think the biggest thing for us would be the eventual cost savings.", "731" ], [ "Solar is a weird one for Ontario. If you put solar on your roof in most places it will lower your GHG footprint. But in Ontario it will actually raise it as our grid on average emits on average less CO2 per kWh (around 40 grams per kWh) then what solar will emit (48 grams in your example). So if you were looking for ways to lower your GHG emissions the best thing in Ontario to do would be to convert your car to electric if you have one. You could also convert your entire home to run off the electricity grid for heat, etc but that would be much more costly then natural gas for most people. \n\nI really don't think people understand how much of a difference this could make in Ontario. If you drive 18,000 kms a year in a gas car that gets 7.84 L per 100 kms (30 MPG) you will use 1411 liters of gas a year. each liter emits 2.3 kgs of CO2. So that is 3245 kgs of CO2 produced by the car. Then there is the CO2 to extract, transport and refine oil into gas. Various estimations on this but even at the low end that is another 0.4 kgs per liter of gas produced. so that is another 564 kgs of CO2 for a total of 3,809 kgs a year. \n\nAn EV that gets 6kms per kWh efficient will use 3000 kWhs a year to drive 18,000 kms. Add in another 10 percent fo losses in charging, transmission you are at 3300. If you use the average gram per kWh produced in Ontario of 40 that is 132 kgs of CO2. If you charged only from nuclear at 12 grams per kWh that is 40 kgs of CO2 per year. So that makes the EV on our grid emit 29 times less CO2 then the gas car above and 95 times less if charge only from nuclear. Just to show how little this is the aveareg adult breaths out 381 kgs of CO2 per year. So the EV in operation and charged from our grid will emit 3 times less CO2 then you breath out in the same year. \n\nOntario should be pushing to electrify everything they can that is possible. All transportation should move in that direction. It has the potential to reduce our carbon footprint very substantially as long as any additional capacity that is added is just as clean.", "731" ], [ "For which things? I have driven an EV for almost 7 years so I just found out the info to do the numbers myself. Most of the things are not going to be on one page. They are just sourced for various places. The info on the gas car is pretty easily verifiable. The EV stuff too. But I am probably not going to be able to give you a single source for all of it as some of it is Ontario specific. \n\nBut here is some places for info. info on grid\n\n[_URL_2_](_URL_2_)\n\nSimilar but lots more detailed data here, \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nI like this map as it compares places. \n\n[_URL_4_](_URL_4_)\n\nJust a note that we could see different numbers for carbon intensity depending on what numbers you use. I prefer t hat last map as it uses IPCC's numbers and the online data to kick out the CO2 produced. I like it cause you get a daily graph so you can see how the intensity changes. I for example always charge my car in the middle of the night when carbon intensity is typically lower.\n\nAgain just a note what will happen when you say this is they will say that the GHGs to produce an EV is more then a gas car. That is correct. But the operational footprint is the most important as an EV can have one that is incredibly small compared to ICE depending on the source of electricity. but here is two general sources that look at the lifecycle numbers but not for Canada but Europe and the US. \n\n[_URL_3_](_URL_3_)\n\n[_URL_1_](_URL_1_)\n\nLet me know if you have any questions and I will try and answer them for you.", "202" ], [ "No about profitability. It is just the pure cost to build, maintain and the decommission at EOL for different generation types. And also any fuel or other costs. They just do a levelized comparison and kick out a cost per MWh produced. This allows you to easily compare again different generation methods that might have different lifespans or other costs involved like coal or natural gas that will have the fuel cost added too. \n\nSo basically if you are building new generation today this would be your total cost per MWh produced over the life of the generation method.", "731" ], [ "Well that isn't in cost number. That would be in a lifecycle number. Onshore wind and nuclear is almost the same based on that. IPCC has those numbers at 11 grams for wind per kWh produced. This is a lifecycle number that includes the GHGs to build, maintain and decommission at EOL. If there is any fuel burned that is included. Nuclear is 12 grams. This compares to natural gas at 490 grams and coal at 820 grams per kWh produced. \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_1_)\n\nthe point I was making was that there are sources that do all the math on this for cost to build or GHGs produced. Wind is extremely low for both even when you account for the entire lifecycle. Nuclear has a low GHG emissions but if you were building new generation today then the cost for each MWh produced from nuclear would be considerably higher then wind.", "731" ], [ "yeah ford fucked up. I am no ford fan but it is hard to see that this is the case. They ordered more then they would in a typical season. This is on those that decided in previous years they didn't need to get the flu shot. I mean it is interesting that public health is become such a hot topic. I don't know what would have caused this. But seriously most people didn't give a shit about the 3500 people a year that died of flu in Canada in a typical year. If they had and we had 80 percent of people getting it yearly they would have ordered enough doses to cover that . Instead they bought maybe enough to cover those that get it (30 to 40 percent) with some extra on top of that. Why would you buy 14.75 million doses of a vaccine that has an expiration if only half of it will be used? I am sure that the people of Ontario would be pretty pissed if a 100 million dollars was flushed down the toilet. Plus it isn't like Ontario could have done that anyway. There is a specific annual capacity to make the vaccine. If everyone decided they wanted double they would never be able to provide all of that.", "61" ], [ "SO you think that in a pandemic year that those places that make vaccines can just whip up 2 times or more? The government orders that much because that is how many people typically get it. The companies that make it then build the capacity to make at the levels that people order at. They are not going to build 4 times the production capacity when they only need 25 percent of that normally. Really this is on those that felt it unnecessary to get the flu shot yearly which is the majority of canadians as in a typical year only 30-40 percent get it.", "61" ], [ "In a typical flu year only 30-40 percent get the flu vaccine. This is why they ordered at those levels. The vaccine also expires. If you ordered enough for everyone then you could be looking at hundreds of millions of dollars that are thrown out because less then half get it. But they couldn't have ordered enough for everyone. There is a specific capacity to make all this vaccine. Everyone will want more this year. They can't just make enough to double everyones supply as there just isn't enough capacity to do it.", "61" ], [ "I like how people (not you) think there is some big conspiracy here. There is a specific capacity to make vaccines. Just the same as testing. You can't just magically snap your fingers and make more production capacity appear. The funny thing people don't you think they would if they could. This is business. For every does they make they will make more money if they can sell it. Same with private labs for testing. Do people seriously believe that a private lab wouldn't add keeping adding more capacity if they could? Of course they would but you can't just keep adding more indefinitely for reasons most people choose to not understand. It is just easier to blame the government when this is right on the shoulders of those who never got a flu shout but are no deciding it is worth the effort.", "242" ], [ "People are having a hard time finding one because in a typical year most people are like you and don't get it. So they order based on those levels. They never order enough for every person in Ontario as only 30-40 percent get it. Even if they wanted to get more you won't be able to in a year like this. There is a specific capacity to make vaccines. That is dictated by the amount places order in a specific year. So if you have a year where people want double the doses it will just not be possible to make all of it as by the time you ramp capacity to make more it will be too late.", "61" ], [ "Not typically how incentives get applied in my experience. In Canada whenever one has been changed or applied it seems to go retroactive. Now here it isn't a tax incentive but it would be the same thing. You would just say any car bought on a certain date and after would get it. This saves people being pissed that they bought 2 weeks ago and missed the incentive. It would make zero sense to announce this and then tell people they have to wait 6 months. It would just destroy car sales for a company like Tesla as who wouldn't wait a few months to get a $7500 incentive. So I don't see your scenario playing out like that at all.", "565" ], [ "The government orders the doses it needs based on demand. If in a typical year only 30-40 percent of people get the shot then that is what they order. If typical uptake was 80 percent then that is what they would order. Now you have a pandemic year where every country is ordering more. There is only the capacity to make what they normally do with a little bit of headroom. So there is no way they can just magically supply that much more. So this lack of vaccine for this year is on those that don't get it such as yourself.\n\nAnd really i don't really see how someone can write the above and not see the irony. You could just as easily say the same thing about COVID. So should people not wear masks or do the things we need to just because they are young and probably won't be majorly impacted if they get it? The reason that we take the flu shot is to protect those that would get the flu and have a much more difficult time with it then someone who is young an healthy such as yourself. You getting the shot is not for you. It is to prevent you getting a much more mild version of the flu and passing it on to someone that won't be as lucky as you. The idea that people don't understand why we try and take these measures after COVID is mind blowing to me. Just goes to show that most people don't really give a shit about overall public health but are generally just worried about what they think will and won't impact them personally.\n\nSo yeah I don't see how my logic doesn't make sense.", "61" ], [ "Yes it is on the government that in a typical year far less then half of people got a shot that could help save the lives of 3500 Canadians in a typical year and hospitalizes over 12k. There are 14.745 million people in Ontario. How do you choose who gets it and who doesn't? How do you know who will want to get it and who won't? Who is going to manage this? The logistics of something like this is a nightmare. But you know what have made a massive difference? If people thought in the years prior to this that they needed to get the flu shot. If uptake was always 80 percent then it wouldn't have been a problem as people showed that they actually gave a crap about public health. So there would have been plenty of vaccine. \n\nIf it was me running it I would have just looked at medical records and if you hadn't gotten the shot the the previous years you would be last on the list to get it this year. You could make exemptions for medical reasons. But imagine the uproar if people started posting they called in to get a shot but they were told they had to wait until the 30-40 percent of people who get it yearly had first crack.", "61" ], [ "Everything we generate isn’t being used. Just need to look at how much we use at peak verses what we use at night. Most home charging for EVs will occur at night when the grid is under the least load. If needed we would just shape usage which is pretty simple to do. If you need to you can offer EV users a lower TOU rate between 2-6am or something like that.", "202" ], [ "People live in their own worlds and can’t put themselves in others shoes. When someone tells me to stay home I just laugh. These are the same people that would lose their minds if someone took 24 hours to come and fix their internet. These people need to remember that the only reason that they can stay home is there huge numbers of people out there to make sure they can.", "110" ], [ "They don't know how long the immunity lasts. My dad had COVID back in April and has been participating in a study where they regularly take his blood to test to see how many antibodies he has still. As of his last test what they told him is, based on what they are seeing, he would still be immune or at least it would be very difficult for him to get sick from the virus. So that is at least 8 months since he had it. But I doubt they would test every single person to see if they have antibodies before they give them the vaccine. \n\nAlso there is no guarantee that just because you a vaccine doesn't give 100 percent protection. For example I had Whooping cough a few years back even though I am inoculated. The vaccine should provide some protection even if you get sick as typically you would get a weaker version if you have the vaccine. Same as if you had it at some point. There won't be enough vaccine for awhile so they will have to give it to those most in need first - front line healthcare workers, old people, people with other issues that make them more susceptible. Like H1N1 they limited who could get it because there were initial shortages. So my kids were able to get it but I wasn't. I could have got a shot because i stood in line with them but I told them to give the one that should have been to me to someone else who needed it more. As a healthy guy of my age my plan is to not even try and get it initially. Give it to everyone else that needs it more and then when that demand is satisfied then I will go get it. If people acted in a reasonable manner then there wouldn't be a problem but people don't act reasonably. See what happened with the flu vaccine this year as an example.", "235" ], [ "Most people don't understand how lucky we are to have vaccines for those viruses as some of them are incredibly infectious compared to the flu or even SARS-COV2. The R0 value of the flu in normal circumstances is 1-2. So for every one person that is infected they infect 1-2 others. Various estimation on SARS-COV2 but most are in the 1.5-5 range. So basically it is probably 2-3x more infectious then the flu. Measles is 12-18. So if we didn't have a vaccine for the measles, and it spread uncontrolled, every one person that gets it would infect 12-18 others. That is why the percentage needed to be vaccinated to stop spread is so much higher for measles. And that is why if you don't vaccinate yourself against those diseases you are a moron (unless you have a medical reason why you can't).\n\nI have heard the 70 percent is correct though. But that is basically when spread stops occurring. Even having 20 percent vaccinated along with those that had it means a significant amount of spread should stop. Also if you concentrate on those that need it most we should be able to reduce or stop the infection in older demographics that will mean a massive reduction in those getting critically ill or dying. As of today we've had 3575 deaths. 3,105 of those deaths were in those 70+. So 87 percent of the deaths were 70+ even though they only make up 12 percent of the population. 70+ make up about 1.79 million people in Ontario. So should be pretty easy to get the majority of those people vaccinate early on with initial shipments. This should massively reduce the deaths associate with it as most happen in those of an advanced age.", "235" ], [ "WE provide vaccination from the flu that only 35 percent of people get in a typical year. So much for everyone worried about public health and the 3500 Canadians that die in a typical year from the flu. The idea that the only threat is COVID is laughable. I mean there has to be some people in here that are raging about public health but didn't bother to get their flu shot every year. The plain fact is most people are worried about this because they think it can effect them. The flu not so much.", "912" ], [ "Young (meaning 0-49) die in incredibly small numbers compared to the older demographics. Ontario has 3575 deaths from CVOID. 3105 were those that were 70+ So 87% of Ontario's COVID deaths happened in a demographic that makes up 12 percent of the population. On the flip side those 0-49 are 43 of the 3575 deaths. So that demographic makes up 1.2% of the total deaths even though they represent 62 percent of the population. See the massive disparity? If every 70+ year old was vaccinated tomorrow deaths from COVID would fall off a cliff. Can a younger person die from it? Of course. Should they just do whatever they want? Of course not. But if want to reduce deaths as quickly as possible the best course of action would be to inoculate everyone 70+ as quickly as possible.", "912" ], [ "I bought 2 EVs from traditional automakers before my 3. If anything told me that traditional automakers were fucked with EVs it was that experience. Along with all the other problems they will have converting to electric the dealer model just sucks for selling EVs. Now this isn't to say that Tesla does not have some issues with the way they sell and service but that is nothing like the problems caused by the dealer model. You can see the moves automakers are trying to bypass the model for EVs. See what happened with the ID3 and Europe and the recent news about GM trying to buy out Cadillac dealers from investing the EV future. They are doing everything they can to start trying to bypass the dealer model for EVs and go to more of the Tesla model.", "49" ], [ "ahhh don't get me started. I could write an essay on the shit I went through buying a Nissan leaf at the end of 2013. Then after I had it the service experience at the dealership which was also garbage. The buying and service experience with tesla was far better then that for me. But really it was the complete lack of knowledge about EVs coupled with the actively anti-selling them. And then service trying to tack on as many extras when you are there for the one visit per year. The last time I went there was for my 1 year service when they tried to get me to do 200-300 worth of service that was unneeded. I was only there for my free battery check so they had to try and juice it. I just laughed at the guy told him to finish the battery check and I will take my car and leave. Never went back to that dealership.", "565" ], [ "Statscan has some of the data on their site but it is not complete for excess deaths. You can see it here. \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nSome places don't have the whole thing populated. But Canada as a whole shows data from the week off Jan 4th to the week of Sept 26th. Expected number of deaths was 214,783. Actual was 220,729 or 5946 more then expected. That is a 2.8% increase. Ontario itself has data from the weeks of Jan 4 to September 5. Expected was 75,587 and actual was 76,285 or a difference of 698 more then expected. That represents a 1% increase over what was expected. Really it is Quebec that has produced most of those excess deaths. Based on their data they are 2990 over projected or 5.8% over expected.", "912" ], [ "Why? Never got the shot, never got COVID. 35 years old. Why would i start now? I am being serious why would i get a COVID shot?\n\nSee how that looks? You don't get the shot for you. You get the shot to protect the 3500 Canadians that die every year from the flu and the 12k plus that are hospitalized. And it is highly likely that you've had the flu. It is estimated in a typical year that 5-20 percent of the population gets it. So if you are 35 then it is very doubtful that you never had it. Much like COVID the flu can present in various ways from weak to very strong. So a 35 year old that is healthy would probably not be impacted by a typical flu strain. Strangely like COVID the typical flu tends to impact those that are elderly or have preexisting conditions. So would you say to someone who is in their 30s that they don't have to follow any COVID guidelines just because it probably won't impact them in a severe way?\n\nHonestly the fact this has to be explained, after we are almost a year into a pandemic, just blows my mind.", "235" ], [ "A Tesla model 3 gets an efficiency of 4.1 miles per kWh. So divide that number into the miles you drive a year. So if you drive 10,000 miles you will use 2439 kWhs. Then times that number by the cost of electricity per kWh. At 14.5 cents per kWh that is 354 a year. Now this isn't exact as there are charging losses and yoru efficiency might be more or less then rated but it will give you a rough idea.", "202" ], [ "Where I live $2.00 in electricity will buy me 20 kWhs. That will give me 82 miles of range in my EV. Plus I can charge my car at home and never really visit a fueling station. And the electricity cost is only one part of the cost of hydrogen. Currently 1 kg of hydrogen currently costs well over $10 a kg.", "202" ], [ "No it isn't actually that high in Ontario (which is where I live). Even my all in cost per kWh last month was not 20 cents per kWh. Last month I paid $136.15 for 1146 kWhs of electricity. That is 11.9 cents per kWh average cost. But that includes all time of use rates. If you charge off peak the cost of electricity itself is 6.5 cents per kWh plus you have delivery, taxes and other charges. So off peak you pay around 10 cents per kWh. Also it depends on how you calculate it. Part of the delivery cost is fixed and part is added per kWh you use. So the fixed portion you pay regardless of how much electricity you use. You could have an empty house using no power and you will still get a bill for that delivery portion. So if you use a very small amount of electricity then your actual per kWh cost will be much higher. My Mom for example used 272 kWhs for a cost of $55.65 so her average cost is more like 20.5 cents per kWh. But again if you drop the portion of delivery that is fixed then your actual cost per kWh is way lower then that. But if you are average household using a normal amount then your average cost per kWh won't be close to 20 cents a kWh even with the fixed portion factored in.", "610" ], [ "He is doing over 100,000 miles a year. That is over 160,000 kms. If he drove every day that is 438 kms a day. You could do that in LR model 3 in perfect conditions. But if you do that mileage over less days then yes it will be tight and you would probably have to charge at some point during the day. If you could make it work in Canada and you assume that the civic cost 20k and you did that for 4 years like he did that would be $52,000 in fuel costs. So 72k for the car and fuel. Then you have oil changes. Say one a month at $40 each is $1920 in oil changes. Then two coolant flushes a year at $100 each is $800. So total cost would be $74,720. Now it isn't really a fair to compare new to used but there isn't really a massive used market for the Model 3 yet since it is so new. There is a LR Model 3 on autotrader for 56k CAD with 36,000 kms on it. So if you bought that and drove it for 4 years doing the same distance you are looking at $9697 in electricity costs at 10 cents per kWh. So total would be $65,697 so almost a 10k savings over the civic. The only issue would be possibly having to charge during the day but as the used market for EVs develop the case will become stronger. I mean at 30-40k for a used model 3 there would be a significant savings. If you had to stop at a supercharger to get a charge on some days and you were at a low state of charge you could add back 50 percent in about 20 minutes at current chargers. There would be a cost for that though as it supercharging is more expensive then charging at home. So it would change the fuel costs and make them higher.", "202" ], [ "Yes that is correct. Here are my costs for the year. The costs is the final line on the bill and include everything - cost of electricity, delivery, taxes, etc. \n\nJan 15 - Feb 11, 2019\t 936 kWhs\t$126.81\n\nFeb 10 - March 18, 2019\t 1087 kWhs\t$137.87\n\nMarch 18 - April 15, 2019 779\t kWhs $102.17\n\nApril 15 - May 15, 2019\t 941 kWhs\t$117.66\n\nMay 15 - June 17, 2019\t 1146 kWhs $136.15\n\n & #x200B;\n\nAre you on a very rural utility? Rural users are going to have higher delivery rates then those in urban settings. You can use the OEB calculator here to calculate different amounts on different utilities throughout the province. \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_) \n\nNow I should say that my costs are going to skew slightly lower because I use more electricity then average because of the EV. Plus all of that is done exclusively off peak. So that will make my average all in cost lower then the average person.", "610" ], [ "Depends on the average speeds. An EV is the reverse of gas powered car so lower speed driving would result is significantly longer range. But it would be tight. The LR Model 3 is rated at 310 miles of range new before any battery degradation. But it is easy to hyper mile it to 600 miles per charge at slower speeds. Winter would probably be the biggest issue if they get cold temps where he lives. But there might be a case for it even if you have to stop and charge for it. On current superchargers you can do a 0-50 percent charge in 20 minutes. What would be more interesting is if you could get a cheap Model S that still is grandfathered in for free supercharging. So that would erase a big chunk of your fuel costs as long as you have the time to sit and wait for it.", "202" ], [ "We had an element and the thing was bullet proof. Wanted to keep it forever but then a lady crashed into the back of it when it was parked on a street and it was written off. The things was so useful too. Could get lots of stuff in it for a smallish vehicle. When we replaced we couldn't find a suitable replacement so went with something else. really wish I had tried harder to find a replacement because it is very useful when we need the utility.", "449" ], [ "The mileage kind of sucked since it was a basically a box on wheels. It was my car until I got an EV as I drive quite a bit for work and then it became my wife's car since she worked at home it wasn't really used that much. Mostly our weekend, mountain biking, need to haul stuff car. Ours was a 4WD 5 speed manual. The stats have it at 18/23 MPG City and highway. If I remember correctly we would normally see about 20 MPG based on our use.", "54" ], [ "Going to have to side with the other poster here. If you are talking about purely saving time then an EV is a better option if you have home charging. You will end up saving far more time on your normal day to day then you will use on long drives. I used to go to a gas station once a week. You are looking at a 10 minutes a pop that is over 8.5 hours a year. An EV on the other hand you come home, plug it in and every morning you have a full \"tank\". So really you save a bunch of time. So unless you are doing long drives all the time then you will end up saving far more time.\n\nAnd as for long drives I think that unless you are trying to do some cannonball run you are going to take the time to stop regularly even in a gas powered car. I know that is how we drive especially once we had kids. So most of the bathroom breaks, eating, etc can be timed around charging. So there isn't really a massive amount of time lost. Then you also have the lower costs. For example I did a 1000 km round trip drive in our EV and total charging costs were $19.50. Our gas car would have been $120 for the same trip. So while there are pluses and minuses on both sides I would generally always choose to take the EV over the gas car even though the gas car could be slightly faster if you wanted it to be.", "202" ], [ "A model 3 does not have free supercharging unless you got it as a special promotion on some early performance cars or you use referrals to get free supercharging credits. I have a Model 3 and have to pay for supercharger use. Plus there is a clause in the supercharging use that you can't use it for commercial purposes for those that have free supercharging. So even if you did have it for a Model 3 you can't use it for commercial use.", "706" ], [ "Then a plug in hybrid would probably be a better option. IMO to make an EV work you need to have reliable home or work charging. This is especially true if you live anywhere with cold winters. You might get away with relying on public charging in California or another warm climate but in Canada it would be a struggle in winter without being able to plug in at home. Even a 120v outlet would be better then nothing.", "202" ], [ "If you don't have the electricity to charge EVs directly then you won't have enough to make hydrogen. The only way that hydrogen is viable is if you make it using clean methods. The best way is electrolysis using renewable energy. But even then the process is far less efficient then just taking that energy and charging a battery directly. Currently almost all commercially available hydrogen come from fossil fuels. So no real benefit there. Hydrogen for personal vehicles is just not a great idea. It does have some uses with larger vehicles though. There are many other reasons why it doesn't make sense and they go into detail on that here. \n\n_URL_0_", "202" ], [ "There is a grill on a Tesla. It is just much smaller then one on a gas car. It is right on the bottom of the front if you loot at a picture. There is also a radiator. The Model 3 liquid cools the battery using a coolant loop. When the battery gets very hot you can actually hear the fans running. The Model s uses a fairly unique setup where the loop can both heat and cool. So in the winter the same coolant is warmed to warm the battery.", "726" ], [ "My go to response on this is simple. If my EV is coal powered then so is your gas car. The refining of oil into gas takes a lot of energy including electricity. So if you gas is refined where there is coal generated electricity then it is also coal powered. The difference is that my EV will not have any further tailpipe emissions but your gas car will. It usually shuts people up thinking they have come up with a way that EVs are dirtier than a gas powered car.", "202" ], [ "Where I am breathing actually will create more CO2 then my EV will in operation. Where I live our grid is pretty clean. We average about 30 grams of CO2 per kWh produced. I drive about 22,000 kms a year (13,670 miles). At my efficiency I will use about 3333 kWhs a year to drive that distance and that will produce 220 pounds of CO2. The average adult breathes out 840 pounds of CO2 a year so the emissions from the car is far less. So it is time to end it all to stop those emissions.", "202" ], [ "The problem is that a lot of L2 chargers are built in prime spots close to the doors. It is easier to run electrical to them then farther away. So they tend to get people parking in them just because they are such good spots. Not a good excuse but people are lazy so this is what happens. EV owners would rather have them farther away so they have less of a chance of people parking in them.", "202" ], [ "Just as you are treating gasoline as a source of energy. It isn't. It doesn't just magically appear in your tank. It has to be extracted, transported and refined. Tanker ships and pipelines have to be built to carry it. All the infrastructure needs to be maintained and then eventually decommissioned and replaced at end of life. Gas stations have to be built to store and then pump it. It is incredibly misleading to say that gasoline just appears as a source of energy. Does the MPG rating of an ICE take all that into account? If it did then your MPG rating would be way lower then it is. When you do a calculation on the emissions from a ICE does it take into account all the emissions leading up to it?", "726" ], [ "Also the way the PCR testing is being done now with a high CT rate can throw into question the results of the test. Are you catching newly infectious cases or old infections that are no longer infections but just trigger the positive because of how high the cycles are. Again this makes contact tracing and other things difficult if you are getting positives back that may actually be people that were infected 6 weeks ago but no longer are.", "266" ], [ "Essential here too. I noticed the growing divide here from early on. And it has just gotten worse the longer this has gone on. We have allowed people to hide from something for months. They become more and more isolated and they spend their days combing through data and stats. This just serves to freak them out more. Then at some point you go \"hey there - time to get back out in the world\" and you wonder why many of them are losing their minds. I mean we set this up to happen. \n\nI have been working everyday since the beginning. In fact I am probably busier then I have ever been. After about 1-2 weeks I didn't even think about it anymore. I go out, do my thing, take the precautions I can but I worry about COVID about as much as I worry about dying in a car accident. Which is basically not at all. And honestly whenever someone says \"just stay home\" I just laugh. Yeah that is a nice choice to have. Now I should say I have it very good. I am self employed and I do well so I don't have to worry about living paycheck to paycheck or having an issue with my kids being watched. But unlike a teacher or an office worker I don't have a choice to stay home. If I do my business dies. And if that happens then I am fucked. Sure I could just go find employment in my field but how hard would that be now? Plus why would I give up the business that I busted my ass, and sacrificed, to build for the last 20 years. The reality is that if I don't do the work then someone else will because it has to get done. If it doesn't the fabric of society rips apart. I really don't think people understand how bad things can get when basic services stop or are sporadic. The damage will be far worse then any virus if that happens.", "801" ], [ "they did test the most ever. Remember we need to be looking at the positive percentages too. So while this is an increase in cases it is not an exact comparison unless you adjust for variables. If we were able to test all of that and the backlog in one day plus what we normally do that is almost 100k tests. What would be more worrying is a big jump in positive percentages. As it is with what we tested in a day and and the entire backlog the assumption would be that the positive percentage would largely hold true over all of that. So right there you would have 1639 cases using the 1.64% positive rate they had today if they could actually test 100k in a day. While this would sound bad compared to a day where we had 800 it really would really be the same if you compared one day that tested 50k and on the other tested 100k.", "266" ], [ "You really think there is a conspiracy here? What is most interesting is that people think the numbers are worse now then in the spring at the peak of new cases. We are not even close to how bad it was then. If you want to talk about a time when we didn't know what was happening it was the spring. On the peak day of new cases in the spring we had 640. We only tested 12k on that day with a positive percentage of 5.21. Those 640 cases represented the most sick and vulnerable because you could only get a test then if you were very ill. So if anything we were really flying bling in the spring. \n\nOn the flip side we are testing massive numbers of people now. Much more then other places in Canada per capita. So we are doing far more testing in the spring with a much wider net. So the data now is much more reliable then it was in the spring.The the cases we are finding are much more representative of the wide range of cases you can get from COVID. Well unless you think that there is a grand conspiracy by thousands of people to rig the data. If you think that ....well there is not much to discuss.", "266" ], [ "That may be the case. Schools start and then any kid with a runny nose is sent home. They get tested with little to no symptoms and then the test comes back negative. Then their siblings and friends were being tested because of contact even though they might not had symptoms. We basically created a run on testing for no reason because of the guidelines around symptoms and when to get tested.", "266" ], [ "Until we have the reason why this may or not be caused by COVID. It is just the nature of the way the data is reported. If you are listed in the system as having COVID and you die you are moved to the list of COVID deaths automatically. You could have fallen down stairs and died and you would be listed. The example of this is the one death in the 0-19 group. When that occurred they were very specific that the death was not caused by COVID. While they had COVID it was a preexisting condition(s) that caused the death.\n\nNow this isn't to say that COVID is not dangerous for those who are younger. But we also have to understand the limitations of the data in the way it is recorded.", "912" ], [ "Of course there is way more cases then is showing. You will never be able to find all of them and the limitation in the amount we can test. Doesn't change the fact that we are testing more per capita then just about anywhere. With the nature of the PCR test you can also find old cases that are no longer sick. This is why mass testing of individuals with no symptoms is not a great idea. \n\nAs for today and the backlog we have 100k tests needed to be done. The PCR test shows a 1 in 10,000 false positive rate. So if you tested all those people you have 10 false positives right there. The because of how the PCR test works you can also get positives from people that are no longer sick. Because of the sensitivity of the test you can still test positive long after you are no longer sick or infectious. My dad had it in April. He was still testing positive 6 weeks after his initial result. They no he was no longer sick because he was in a study. So it is possible when testing mass numbers of people with no symptoms some of the positives are actually old infections that we don't need to worry about. Imagine trying to contract trace someone with a positive when they could have been sick 6 weeks ore more ago. \n\nSo again when looking at data you really need to adjust for variables. The idea that we are worse now then at the peak in spring just doesn't seem like it when you do this. Could things get worse? of course but we need to slow down and be measured in our response.", "266" ], [ "Testing has never gone down it has fluctuated but they have been consistently ramping testing capacity. This is not something you can just wave a want and do. \nYou should really read the posts by the person here that is a lab tech they go in detail on why they are maxed outr. They tested almost 50k in one day. Ontario is per capita testing far more people then just about everywhere. And mass testing of this type, while it makes you feel better, is not always a smart plan for many reasons.", "110" ], [ "not exactly correct. If you are listed and having the virus and then never seek medical treatment then after 14 days you are moved to recovered. If you get sick enough to need to enter a hospital then you remain on the list until you are recovered and released or die. While there is a small chance that someone with COVID suffers at home to 14+ days, is loved off the list, and then dies the chances of this are pretty small as in all likelihood someone who was sick enough to die would have sought medical treatment before that.", "266" ], [ "Yes and you need to adjust for variables to directly compare that data. The peak of new cases was 640 in the spring at the end of April. Today was more. Sounds worse right? But it isn't. They found 640 of the most severely ill cases while only testing just over 12k people for a positive percentage of 5.21%. So the testing today is much more representative of the actual infections out there. in the spring there were far more infections then we knew because of the limited testing. \n\nWe tested around 48,500 today. If we had the same positive percentage on the peak day in April we needed to find 2527 new cases today. We need to be very careful with comparisons especially if we are using them to inform decisions about how me act moving forward. If we just compare straight daily cases numbers that will completely skew the comparisons and make any decision you make suspect.", "266" ], [ "Yes it is. It is right on the Ontario website for the data. This is footnote 7 on that page\n\n\"Deaths are determined by using the outcome field in iPHIS, CORES, CCMtool or The COD. Any case marked \"Fatal\" is included in the deaths data. Deaths are included whether or not COVID-19 was determined to be a contributing or underlying cause of death as indicated in the iPHIS field “Type of Death”.\"\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)", "912" ], [ "You mean like the 60 percent of people who don't get the flu shot every year. The idea that you think people care is funny. People barely give a shit about their own health and you expect them to care about the greater public good. The majority of people smoke, drink excessively, are overweight, don't exercise, eat improperly, etc. The idea that most would care about the fact that they might infect someone else with a virus is amusing.", "912" ], [ "When you test positive you are added to that database. If you never seek medical treatment you are removed off the list at 14 days. If you die in that 14 days you are automatically moved to the list of COVID deaths. If you are in hospital you remain listed until you recover or die. \n\nSo a person who is on the list of COVID deaths could have died of COVID. They could have died of a condition made worse by COVID. Or they could have died from something else and just happen to be infected with COVID.", "266" ], [ "The coal generation argument is completely played out. Study after study has shown that even when you charge an EV from fossil fuels it can have a lower lifetime footprint then a comparable gas powered car. Also refineries use massive amounts of electricity. So if you gas is refined where the electricity comes from coal then your gas car is as much a coal powered car as an EV is. The difference is that an EV has zero tailpipe emissions while a gas car continues to emit as it burns gas.", "202" ], [ "An EV has a slightly higher manufacturing footprint then a gas powered car because of the battery. Around 15-20 percent higher. But that is quickly made up in operation. The majority of a gas powered cars lifetime footprint comes not from building it but burning gas over it's lifetime. So an EV can quickly make up the manufacturing difference. How fast it makes it up depends on how clean the electricity is that charges it.", "202" ], [ "You see this stated a lot but is not true. A round number like that just can't be true because the reality is that it is much more complicated then that. The payback of the manufacturing footprint of an EV depends on many factors including the size of the battery, where it was built, how the electricity was generated that charges it, and many other factors. So to make a blanket statement like the 100,000 miles one is just not true. It is similar to what people stated about hybrids when they were first released. Just complete FUD.", "202" ], [ "That is the Model 3. Eventually there will be a 35k version. But really the reason that EVs are priced higher then gas powered cars are the cost of the batteries. That is why a reasonably priced EV like a Leaf had a relatively low range. But battery prices continue to fall you will start to see longer range cheaper EVs.", "202" ], [ "Most electricity is not produced by coal. In the US it is now down to only 30 percent of electricity is produced by coal. Plus the coal powered EV argument is a really not a great one. A gas car can be as much a coal powered car as an EV since refineries use massive amounts of electricity. But then a gas powered car still produces tail pipe emissions. An EV does not.", "202" ], [ "It depends on many factors like where the car is made, how the electricity for the EV is generated, how much the car drives per year, etc. Most a gas cars lifetime footprint is a not from building it but from burning fuel over it's lifetime. Similarly an EV charged from a clean source of electricity will have a quicker payback time on the CO2 generated in manufacturing.", "202" ], [ "That's because there is not one single number that will show how many miles you have to drive to offset it. It depends on too many factors as i stated above. Plus you have provided no data how you came to that conclusion so there is no data to attack. The life cycle studies I linked show you are wrong. The average in the US is now that you would have to drive a gas car that got 80MPG just to match an EV. There are no cars that get that mileage. So for the majority of the US an EV will always have a lifetime footprint that is smaller then a gas powered car.", "202" ], [ "It is a life cycle study that takes into account the entire life of the car including the acquisition of materials, manufacturing, burning of fuel, etc. An EV roughly has a manufacturing footprint that is 15 percent larger then a comparable gas powered car. Which is quickly made up in operation. How quickly depends on how clean the source of electricity is that is used to charge it.", "202" ], [ "The reason that your statement is completely false is it way too broad and simplistic. There are way too many factors at play to make a statement like that. People generally bring out that the metals are incredibly taxing but in what way? Lithium for example is not any more taxing on the environment then mining for the other metals that you will use in any car. Cobalt is another example. You actually use fairly small amounts of these things in a battery. So the main question is building a battery once and then using it for 10 plus years offset the damage down by a fossil fuel powered car. Most life cycle studies say that an EV is better. \n\nHere is a study done on the batteries themselves and include everything you are discussing - CO2 emissions, environmental damage, etc. \n\n _URL_0_", "202" ], [ "Did you even read where you got your talking points from or what I linked? In your rush to prove me wrong for the distance thing you took the info from the older version of the article that I posted. You do understand that the grid in the US gets cleaner over time. The Union of Concerned Scientists updates that data all the time. The study you posted is from old data. The one I posted about 80MPG is just the updated version of what you posted. The updated info is from February 2018. What you posted is using data from November 2015.\n\nYou really need to stop because you are just embarrassing yourself now. Here is the updated blog that contains the new data that I posted. \n\n_URL_0_", "638" ], [ "There is plenty that you can do with used batteries. Used batteries are worth lots of money. Nissan will give you $1000 for your old one when you replace the one in the Leaf. They can be used in a car, then repurposed for stationary storage and then at end of life they can be recycled. \n\nIt may not be the best thing to use an old gas car. The majority of a gas cars footprint doesn't come from manufacturing but from burning the fuel over it's lifetime. It depends on a number of factors including how clean the electricity is that charges an EV but it may be better to take the gas car off the road especially if it has a low MPG. The differences can be quite large. From a CO2 point of view a gas car that drives 22,000kms a year and gets 8L per 100kms (30MPG) will put out 8800 pounds of CO2 just from burning the gas. Then you have another 3500 pounds of CO2 per liter (estimating 2 pounds per liter) produced from the extraction, transportation and refining of oil into gas. That is a yearly total of 12,300 pounds of CO2. Now if you live somewhere with a clean grid (where I do for example) and the grid puts out 30 grams of CO2 per kWh an EV driven the same distance will put out about about 240 pounds of CO2. That is a massive difference and allows you to quickly make back the manufacturing footprint of the EV. SO again in some instances it may be better to scrap the gas car and buy the EV.", "202" ], [ "Even putting in 6-12 would probably be more than enough for the foreseeable future especially considering the cheaper long range cars coming. It will be a little less convenient then having your own but considering that the average person drives 60kms a day with a long range car like a Model 3 you would only have to charge it once a week. That means 6 stalls should be able to accommodate 40-50 electric cars if there is a schedule to use. Plus there is the public infrastructure, work chargers and fast chargers. Tesla is also starting to roll out urban supercharging locations because urban users don't have access to home charging all of the time.", "202" ], [ "Your statement was that it is unlikely that Tesla has saved any fossil fuel consumption which is incorrect. Based on the study above a gas powered car would have to have an average MPG of 80 in the US to match an EV. So that means that an EV will immediately use less fossil fuel on average in the US. \n\nThe study I posted is a life cycle study that takes into account the manufacturing of the car and battery. So the 80 MPG number is including that. Plus your statement ignores that there are many places that have far cleaner grids. By far way more Tesla's have been sold in California then any other state. There a gas car would need to get 109 MPG just to match an EV because of how much cleaner their grid is then the average in the US. \n\nAlso purely from an energy use perspective an EV will save regardless of the grid it is connected to. An EV is far more efficient then a gas powered car at using each unit of energy. A way to compare this is to look at how much energy is used from each gallon of gas. Each gallon of gas has 33.4 kWhs of potential energy in it. So if you have a car that gets 30 MPG it can go 30 miles on that 33.4 kWhs of energy. An EV that gets 4 miles per kWh could drive 133.6 miles on that that same amount of energy. EVs are inherently far more efficient then a gas powered car thus will use far less fossil fuels per mile even when charged from a grid that uses lots of it.", "202" ], [ "Okay lets do some math then from a purely operational perspective. A gas powered car that gets 30MPG and drives 13670 miles per year will put out 8800 pounds of CO2. Then you have the CO2 released in the extraction, transportation, and refining of oil into gas. Various estimations on that but on the low end lets say 7.5 pounds of CO2 per gallon. So around 3500 pounds of CO2. So operationally a year the gas powered car will put out 12,300 pounds of CO2. Now if you live in California and drive and EV and get 4 miles per kWh (and drive the same distance a year as the gas car above) and that the grid puts out 150 grams of CO2 per kWh you will emit 1130 pounds of CO2. That is 11 times less then that gas powered car. Don't see how a gas car will put out less CO2 then an EV.", "202" ], [ "Nothing is 100 percent clean. Everything has a footprint. The point I was making that if the average car in the US is 30MPG then the average EV charged there is already almost 2.5 times cleaner even when charge with some amount of fossil fuels. As the grid gets cleaner so does an EV. So unlike a gas powered car they will get cleaner over time. And when you charge from a clean grid like in the study below an EV can have a footprint that is 85 percent smaller then a gas powered car. \n\n _URL_0_", "202" ], [ "150km range is more for the last gen EVs. All the new ones coming out have longer ranges then that. The Chevy Bolt has a 383km range. The 2018 Nissan Leaf has a 243km range and the 2019 sounds like it will have 350km plus. The Tesla Model 3 has 500kms of range for the long range version. The short range version will have 350kms of range. Then you have plug in hybrids like the Chevy Volt that allow you to do most of your day to day driving on electricity and then has a gas engine to use as a range extender.", "202" ], [ "If you are Canadian you shouldn't even be talking about coal generated electricity. Only 20 percent of the electricity generated in Canada comes from coal or other fossil fuels and most of that is in specific provinces like Alberta. If you live in BC, Manitoba, Ontario or Quebec then an EV charged there will emit less CO2 in operation then you breath out in a year. \n\nAlso there are incentives in Canada. The SR+ will get a 5k incentive in all of Canada. In BC you will get another 3K provincial incentive and in Quebec another 8K. Plus the you really need to do a TCO on an EV. Canada has relatively cheap electricity prices (and in Quebec really cheap) and high gas prices. I have an EV and with the amount I drive comparing the Model 3 to a comparable gas car I will easily save 20k after paying for electricity driving an EV over 8 years. So while you may pay more for the EV up front you will save in the long run.", "202" ], [ "There are supposed to be two models. One with 300 miles of range and the other with 500. The energy consumption is suppose to be less then 2 kWhs a mile. So the battery size to do that would depend on how low they can get it. So basically no one knows the actual size. Expectation is anywhere from 750-1000 kWh battery for the longer range model. As for actual weight that wold just be a guess. We know how much the Model S/X and Model 3 batteries weigh. If we make some assumptions and guess you are looking at 1000 pounds per 100 kWhs then you would be looking at a battery that weighs 7500 to 10,000 pounds depending on how many kWhs it ends up. \n\nThey have the basic specs on the site for it here. \n\n_URL_0_", "706" ], [ "There is some evidence that the age of a battery does little to degrade it. What is far more important is controlling heat, charge cycles and proper management of battery (not letting it sit at too high a SOC or too low). If a battery is properly stored it's degradation is minimal. Tesla's already see very high use with minimal degradation. For example Tesloop has a Model X with over 300,000 miles on it with only 12.6 percent degradation. This is even though that car was supercharged almost exclusively which should speed degradation. The highlest mileage Tesla that is known has over 900,000 kms but did need one battery replacement at one point.", "706" ], [ "Getting an electric motor to last that long won't really be a problem. Tesla had some issues with their early model S motors needing to be replaced but those issues have been largely resolved. Electric motors should last far longer then an ICE just because it is far more simple and it is known tech that has been around for a long time.", "202" ], [ "The Tesla Model 3 gets a efficiency of 4.1 miles per kWh. So based on that to drive 1 million miles you would need 243,902.4 kWhs. This won't be exact as there will be charging losses but it is should be within +/- 10 percent. To take it further the cost to drive that distance based on the average cost per kWh in the US (13.34 cents) would be $32,536. A gas powered car that gets 30 MPG would cost $83,333 to drive that distance if gas is $2.50 a gallon. Considering that the average person in the US drives 13,500 miles a year 1 million miles would take them 74 years.", "202" ], [ "Charging time issues are generally overstated. I have driven an EV for almost 6 years. The biggest thing you need is home or work charging. As long as you have that the amount of time it takes to charge is almost meaningless since most people sleep (or work 8 hours a day) and the car will easily charge up during that time. Charging time is only important for long distance drives which for most people make up a small portion of their driving. But even then the time it takes to charge now can easily be done around breaks, bathroom, eating etc. I have had a long range EV for well over a year now and taken it on multiple trips and charging times have never been an issue.", "202" ], [ "Natural Gas is just a stop gap. NG is better then coal but it is still produces large amounts of CO2 compared to other generation methods. IPCC has coal at 820 grams of CO2 per kWh produced. NG is 490. So it is better but it isn't hydro - 24 grams, solar - 41, nuclear - 12, Wind - 11. It is far more likely that the future will be renewables with storage both small and large. EVs can also be used to store power with power being pulled out as needed in an EV to grid setup.", "731" ], [ "It is really kind of crazy that people don't know about this. If you look at the greenhouse gas emissions here and organize by regional\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nyou can see how big of a drop it was. Much of that reduction was due to the closure of coal generation. What is also amazing is how low Ontario is to Alberta. Now Alberta does have the oil and gas industry but also their grid is pretty dirty. Considering the fact that Ontario has 3.3 times the population of Alberta it is incredible how much lower our GHGs emissions are to them. To make a bigger dent all we would need to do is get people driving EVs. Kind of short sighted the incentive was cancelled in Ontario considering how big an impact driving an EV would have over a gas powered car especially because our grid is very clean from an emissions point of view.", "637" ], [ "Canada is already in a good position. 60 percent of the electricity generated here is hydroelectric. Only 20 percent is fossil fuels and most of that is in specific provinces like Alberta. Only 6 percent of the electricity generated in 2018 in Ontario came from Natural Gas/Oil. BC and Quebec and Manitoba are almost 100 percent hydroelectric.\n\nEV pricing is expected to hit price parity with gas cars in the next 3-5 years. The change is going to happen quicker then most people realize. Most car companies are starting to heavily invest in electrifying their product lines. NG was a great transition to get away from coal but the future is coming faster then many people anticipate.", "202" ], [ "Again you didn't answer my question. How would you feel if doctors didn't go to work. Or police. Or paramedics. The lack of comprehension from you is staggering. Everyone of course has a choice. Just for some that choice is much easier and has far fewer consequences than others. How would you be staying home if farmers didn't work or people that run the power plants decided not to get out of bed and work. I bet if your water stopped flowing you would leave the house in a hurry. Or maybe if the heat stopped in January. \n\nPeople like you see the world in a incredibly simplistic way. Just because you can stay home doesn't mean everyone can. If they did the fabric of society would disintegrate. So just remember that the only reason you can stay at home is because there are others that choose to do the opposite. Telling everyone to stay home, and not understanding what that would mean, is incredibly stupid.", "801" ], [ "I don't get this. <PERSON>'s and ARKs record over the past years is known. They have done extremely well. Now past performance doesn't equal future but until they falter you can't really find much wrong with her strategy. If in a year they implode then okay. But at this point she has largely been right in her predictions. The person that commented responded to a random on the internet. So that doesn't seem cult like. That seems like a reasonable assumption that ARKs proven track record will be better then many others. I mean what is the problem? If the person is so sure they are right then take the bet and win.", "430" ], [ "yeah fuck them for reducing production to add extra capacity to increase future production. They did announce a couple weeks back that they were increasing total production for the year by 50%. They needed to do some work to get this done. So a slight pause to get even more production online for the future. Seems like a smart thing to do but what do I know.", "567" ], [ "I said you can have a tantrum then not now. Now you are just making idiotic posts. You have zero idea if your statement is correct. I mean if they do get everyone vaccinated on schedule are you going to come back here and give the government props for what they did. Doubtful. People like you are pessimists always looking for the negative. \n\nLet them do the work. If they fail then string them up. One minor set back and you people act like no one will ever get vaccinated again.", "61" ], [ "We could have been waiting for vaccine until the end of 2021 like most experts were predicting back at the start of this. Honestly people like you have zero idea of how or why the world works the way it does. You get mad at every little thing because you believe that you are the centre of the universe. Or Canada is. We are not. And it is one setback. If we get to the end of the summer and everyone isn't vaccinated then get mad. Getting mad in January about one minor thing makes you seem pretty pathetic and not understand that there are probably going to be many of these minor bumps. I mean you can get your panties in a bunch over each one of them but my guess is your hand wringing and consternation won't make more vaccine appear.", "61" ], [ "Just going to save this one for September so we can continue this conversation then. In the end I believe in giving someone the chance of fucking up before I complain about them fucking up or insisting that they will. If you noticed though I am not the one making a prediction. I never said they would be able to do it. I said that they need to be given the chance and when they do fail you can burn them at the stake then.\n\nSince you are so sure how about a friendly wager? Personally I am not sure at all that's why I don't make those kinds of predictions. We are way too far out from knowing whether the current reductions will effect that. The government is saying they will not. The manufacturers are saying it will not. So if you are so sure are you willing to place a friendly bet to make it much more interesting? I mean you seem far more sure then me so it should be an easy bet. Make it something good though that helps people. How about if you are right I will donate an amount to a charity of your choice. If you are wrong then you will donate an amount to a charity of my choice. What do you say? Make these comments actually mean something since all this back and forth that won't result in anything good.", "974" ], [ "I get what these threads are for. People are frustrated, scared and angry and it is a place to vent. But really I think we have to let them do the work on this. In the end if they are wrong they will be eviscerated over it. I really think there is too little data to make a prediction yet so I can only go what the government and manufacturers have said. I hope they do but I also know that there are many other things that could go wrong. \n\nBut I will take the bet even though I am not 100 percent sure. It is $50 and the money will go some place good either way. They will probably need the money pretty badly this year. So why not make it interesting why we are all spinning our wheels (somewhat). I think if you do this you can get a reminder so we don't have to remember. \n\nRemindMe! September 30, 2021\n\nEDIT: that did work. I will get a PM on that day about it. If you copy and paste it into a reply I think it will do the same for you. Well good luck ...... and I really hope you aren't right.", "928" ], [ "Appliance repair can be a pretty big scam now. With most of the smaller retailers getting out of repairing there is just not much left. Hear about these kinds of scams all the time. Because they don't sell there is no benefit for them to recommend you buy a replacement but instead will string you along to get the most money out of you. Or they will show up take a quick look say it needs to be scrapped and walk away with their call cost after 15 minutes. \n\nLets just say I know the business very well. You see this all the time. I know of legit repair places that get calls on this all the time. They show up take a look and in 10 minutes it is fixed after another tech said it was dead and it should be replaced. The actual problem was a burnt wire that was repaired in 10 minutes for basically nothing and just labour. \n\nThis is the new world we live in. I have seen this coming for years. We raced to the bottom and now have to live with the consequences. People were buying only on price but then have a surprised face when they can't find someone decent to service it. My suggestion is that you develop a real relationship with a retailer that services what they sell. You may pay a bit more up front but you will save in the long run. Plus having a company you can trust for these things is a massive deal. I am telling you that it is worth the extra dollars to pay for it. \n\nIf it was me I would just cut my losses. It will be almost impossible to prove fraud. I mean you can go after them but I wouldn't let them back in my house. I work now in a different area but service things. If I replaced a part on something and it didn't fix it I would eat that. You are not the way a repair person practices fixing things. They made a diagnosis. If they were wrong that is on them. But they will never own up to that. So up to you how to move forward but knowing the business that is what I would do.", "923" ], [ "i am the most sane person you would ever meet. Don't you think people in here are getting a little ahead of themselves? September is 8 months away. The idea that people are saying definite like \"it will never happen now\" is insane. I mean what is unhinged? Making batshit predictions based on one setback? Honestly it is like people are looking for something to be mad about. If they don't hit their target then freak out. But fear mongering BS like people are posting is idiotic. In the end it easy because saying something like that because it has no consequences. It isn't like people are going to be held accountable for spreading misinformation or fear mongering. \n\nI get it. People don't like others pointing out like they are acting like hysterical old women when they run out of bingo cards. But that's what is happening. But I am the unhinged one.", "969" ], [ "Ahhhhhh sweet sweet child. Yeah a cop has never broken the 4th amendment. You understand that there is a massive disparity in power and knowledge. Most people don't even know what their rights are. The cop should But sure they can walk up to you. But don't answer and try and walk away and see what happens. Even more so if you are a minority. I mean if you like I can post video after video where people's rights have been trampled on by police.", "141" ], [ "Or they seem hyper focused on building more capacity so they can deliver more in the future. 2 weeks ago both pfizer and moderna up their yearly estimates of vaccine produced for 2021 by 50%. Once this increase in capacity occurs what do you think will happen with future shipments and how fast we get the needed vaccine?\n\nHonestly people need to take a breath here. Sometimes it is necessary in life to take a couple steps back so you can take more steps forward. If at the end of the quarter they have not delivered the promise amounts then you can lose your mind. But to start foaming at the mouth over something that might result in us getting more vaccine quicker is insane. If that happens are you going to come back in here and say don't fuck them and give your thanks to our pharmaceutical overlords.", "61" ], [ "Well that is what happens when we don't have vaccine manufacturing here. As for not making trouble. Well in this situation it is idiotic to make trouble. They hold all the cards. We do not. Being smart is realizing your place. In this case because the manufacturing isn't here we have no leverage except for our contracts. \n\nNow to me this is very simple. The manufacturer is saying this is just a pause to increase production. If they make up for said loss with more in future weeks and still meet or exceed deliveries by the end of Q1 then I don't really see a problem. The main issue in threads like this is people want to see problems where one hasn't happened yet. We have no idea what is being said behind closed doors. What happened if Pfizer called up and said we have to do this but it means you will get 50% more vaccine this quarter then you would have. Are you okay with that? Honestly getting this mad at one minor setback this early in this is pretty pathetic. People really need to let the government fail before they say they have.", "242" ], [ "Yes they did. This is what happens when you don't have vaccine manufacturing here. Honestly people have a very simplistic view of the how the world works. You can get as mad as you want about it but it is what it is. What matters more is what happens going forward. If this minor pause results in us getting more then we were suppose to this quarter then no one will be mad in 2 months. \n\nSo again sure it sucks. But it isn't the end of the world and might result in us getting even more in the future. SO getting all mad now before we see if that occurs is a complete waste of energy.", "61" ], [ "I am not slagging you. I just wonder how people come to investment decisions. Going all in on one company is a big step. \n\nBut in the case of what you are asking <PERSON> has stated that he thought that the energy side of the business would be as big or bigger then the auto side. This is what makes Tesla so exciting. They have products that will address many different markets. Most of those have massive future growth potential. The energy storage at grid level is going to huge.", "49" ], [ "There are thousands of cars on the roads because people need to be out to keep things functioning. Since the new year traffic on the roads is far less then it was over the summer and more like it was back in the spring. Traffic is way down and it one of the only things I am going to miss when this is all over. \n\nBut seriously the idea that the only reason people are out is to visit people is insane. Are they people breaking the rules? Of course. But most of the vehicles on the road are there because they have to be. I mean I bet if you order from amazon or a pizza you expect it to arrive right? If you internet breaks or your heat does you want someone to show up to fix it. The plain fact is there has to be huge numbers of people out there to make sure that the majority can stay at home if they can.,", "257" ], [ "what do you mean if they work? The Moderna and Pfizer trials showed 95% efficacy. So either they work or the trials were completely faked. And there is nothing yet to show they won't work against these new variants. As for long term side effects. I would look into how a mRNA vaccine works and why there is less a chance of long term effects with these types of vaccine then a more traditional one.", "242" ], [ "Any set of tires you buy will mean another set will last longer. So you will not pay so much unless you plan to replace your car. But even then you can either include the winter tires in the sale for an increased cost or sell them privately. So whether you bought the winters now or later only really matters for when you spend the money not if. \n\nWinter tires will always feel rougher then all seasons but there is really no comparison between all seasons and winters. WInters are safer in the cold and snow but you will have more noise and sometimes less road feel from them. Honestly You bought the tires. They are now used. So unless there is something wrong with them I can't see them taking them back because you don't like how they feel.", "803" ], [ "Well the big difference with compliance is that they were kicking in the doors of people that posted on social media about anti-mask rallies. I mean I don't agree with those people but it is a lot easier to get compliance if you are willing to resort to gestapo stuff. I saw multiple videos out of Australia that showed the police resorting to some pretty aggressive tactics to get compliance. So sure there is a balance here. We know many people won't follow the rules. It just depends on how far we go to enforce them.", "669" ], [ "you mean like shorts and others do on down days in this sub. If you don't want people to comment on what you are doing you just don't have to say anything. That person just could have just done their thing but instead wrote about it. They probably did it because they wanted validation and didn't have the conviction to do it without that. So now they pay the price. If you comment on a public forum and end up being completely wrong you should expect to be called out. If you want to be an attention whore and post about this stuff then you need to take the good with the bad.", "837" ], [ "I like how you act like no one has rear ended anyone before. In urban locations rear end accidents are one of the most common. You roll up to the roundabout and see the car in front of slowing so you glance to the right to see cars in the roundabout and then the person slams on their brake for no reason it is very easy to hit them. This isn't a highway where if you are too close that is on you. In a urban setting you have to be close to other cars and it is easy for scammer to take advantage of this. You don't think that they don't know the best spots to try something like this where someone might look away for a second?", "523" ], [ "That is exactly what they are doing. They know on a yield that if there is no traffic the person behind them might be looking at the traffic in the roundabout so a well timed slam of the brake will have someone roll into you. If is probably that the 3rd car that was in front of the one that was hit was in on it too. They hit their brakes and cause the other car to hit their brakes and then drive on. Then if anyone witnesses it they can say the car in front that is gone hard stopped that caused the car to be hit. \n\nThis is why I always drive with a dashcam. I had someone try to fuck me after an accident one time and say I was at fault when they were. I didn't tell them about the video until the guy lied. Hopefully his insurance company bent him over.", "449" ], [ "No I am pointing out there are plenty of native English speakers that other English speakers might not be able to understand because of their accent. I mean I get it. You are trying to make a thinly veiled racist comment and it fell flat because there are plenty of snow white English speakers that you would never be able to understand. Or maybe you are insinuating that he is a moron because he doesn't speak exactly like you do with the same accent. Either way it just makes you sound like an moronic asshole who doesn't seem to know that there can be massive variation English speakers and your ability to understand them. But hey at least I have the balls to just say what I think instead of dancing around it like a little bitch.", "389" ], [ "If all you are using DNS for is resolution of external addresses then I don't see why there is a problem using a secondary DNS server especially if that is what is down at Cogeco. Even longer term it would work fine for most users. [<IP_ADDRESS>](_URL_1_) and [<IP_ADDRESS>](_URL_0_) are both dns servers controlled by google and are very safe. There are also other open DNS solutions you can use. If you are using DNS at home for public resolution then just about any DNS server should work. Flushing the DNS locally with the command you gave will do nothing if cogeco's DNS is down and you are using their DNS. If their DNS is actually down then you either use a different DNS server until it is back up or you won't have internet. \n\nI get there can be a security issues with an outside DNS server. While rouge DNS servers can be a problem I think if you used a know DNS server like googles you don't really need to worry. I personally think there is a much greater chance of the DNS servers at cogeco becoming compromised then those at Google or elsewhere. I would still use your ISP's servers of course as that will be the supported setup. But for testing or in cases like this changing your DNS to an alternative is perfectly reasonable, with very little risk, if you use known DNS servers.", "963" ], [ "I am not sure what Cogeco's problems are today. But if it is only DNS resolution then your solution will work fine. I think that the other commenter was more talking about using it long term. The major worry about using a different DNS server is that if it is compromised it could route you to a fake site for a legit one you are looking for. But the chances of googles [<IP_ADDRESS>](_URL_1_) or [<IP_ADDRESS>](_URL_0_) server being comprised would be pretty low. The bigger worry would be privacy if you are into that. They are probably collecting lots of data from there. Not that your ISP can't either but if that is a major concern for you either way you should be using a VPN. \n\nAnother benefit of local servers would be speed of resolution from an ISP but even that isn't an issue now with how fast connections are. For example I am on rogers ignite and I ping off googles server [<IP_ADDRESS>](_URL_1_) and my local ISP server at basically the same speed. Now this doesn't take into account actual resolution but it should be pretty close overall or at least most people wouldn't be able to notice a difference.", "963" ], [ "The reason for someone younger to get the shot is more to do with overall public health. You get the shot because you are far more likely to pass the disease on to other people if you do get it because you are more likely to not get as sick. You essentially become the carrier that transmits it to someone that will not respond as well to getting it. And you don't know if you can fight it off if you are young and healthy. That is a roll of the dice although better chances for someone younger then older. Also no vaccine is 100 percent effective. Then you have people in the population who can't get it for various reasons. So proper vaccinations rely on herd level immunity and not just the people that need it the most getting it. \n\nThe fact that this has to be explained to people this far into a pandemic shows how little people give a shit about overall public health. It is just me me me and fuck anyone else. It is like people who don't get that we live in a shared society and sometimes we need to step up, grow some balls, and do what is right. I mean my guess is you plan to live until you are older. Well one day it won't be you that is young but you that will need others to step up. When that time comes will you feel the same way about this? That is the point. WE need to see further then ourselves and understand that if want other people around us to step up for us one day we have to do the same thing. Otherwise don't be surprised when no one gives a fuck that you are 85 and there is a pandemic going on while you sit and rot in a LTC bed for months without being able to see your family.", "929" ], [ "The last time I did the calculation 87% of the people that have died were 70+ and a good chunk of that was in LTC. That part of the population on makes up about 12% of the population. Both vaccines are 95% effective and if that holds true then it doesn't seem possible for deaths not to fall pretty drastically once everyone in LTC and those 65+ are vaccinated. Now this doesn't mean that we don't stop other measures but should give us some breathing room and reduce the strain on healthcare until we can get greater parts of the population vaccinated.", "912" ], [ "Used as guinea pigs. Come on. This vaccine had trials larger then any other....ever. mRNA vaccines have been studied and used for the past 2 decades. And the reason for the quick rollout was not because corners were cut. In fact they tested even more then normal. There are a number of reasons why but the main one was absolute batshit insane amounts of money were thrown at it. Normally the process would happen in sequence. But with this vaccine they started building manufacturing along side the development and trails. This is the real reason most vaccines take so long. This can take years. Plus normal vaccine manufacturing can take a long time to figure out how to do it in large quantities. \n\nThe main issue making anything is not that it is hard to make a thing one time. The only way any manufacturing is viable is if you can make enough to suit demand in a specific amount of time. This is what takes so long with normal vaccine manufacturing. The manufacturing process for each one is unique and can take years just to figure out how to do properly and in quantities. mRNA vaccines are complete different. The actual manufacturing process is the same you just program it differently. So manufacturing of mRNA vaccines is much easier. \n\nSo all those reasons are why they were able to develop it more quickly. So basically we have a vaccine that has been tested more then any other drug or vaccine in history before rollout. Honestly, if there is anyone is healthcare that looks through the data, understands what the vaccine does and doesn't do, and then doesn't get it they are a moron (unless they are not able too medically). I mean it is pretty simple. If you work as a frontline worker dealing with the elderly or COVID patients and you choose not to get the vaccine then you should be fired.", "242" ], [ "I think the only reason to be really concerned is you are connecting to a rouge DNS server which just doesn't seem likely with googles or other known servers. Speed now is largely meaningless. I ping [<IP_ADDRESS>](_URL_1_) at basically the same as my local ISP server. When you go to [<IP_ADDRESS>](_URL_1_) it is not just one server. That address is an anycast address and you will be routed to the closest server automatically so speed should always be pretty good. But you are right. For an average user they should just use the ISP DNS servers unless there is a specific problem that was occurring like today. \n\nIf you are interested I have used this tool in the past to check DNS speeds. Basically it has a list of open DNS servers and pulls your own local and then tests them and ranks them. \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nin my case only 1 of my ISPs 2 DNS servers is actually the fastest. The OpenDNS servers are all faster then one of rogers. Then the two google servers are right behind that one. So I don't think speed is going to be a problem with google's or OpenDNS servers.", "963" ], [ "This is the way. Easiest money I have ever made. I just buy shares. When I have more cash I buy more. When it dips I buy. When it is a full moon you buy. On Fridays you buy. On Mondays you buy. Then you just don't look at them for awhile and you have a 1000% gain. The only thing I shouldn't have done was buy my Model 3. Should have bought more shares instead of half down and half on shares. Could have been retried now instead of almost retired.", "507" ], [ "Honestly the fact that you didn't get what I was saying is telling. Read again what I said. You need to have conviction in order to get rich. What you did was akin to buying an 11k lottery ticket. Now could you get lucky? sure. But that is all it is. \n\nAnd again thinking you will know what will happen. Did you call that it was going to go up 700% last year? I mean probably not if you didn't buy shares. So why should your prediction hold any meaning? You have zero idea what it will do this year. You have zero idea what it will do short term and you are going to pay for that. Or it could work out. But not likely after Morgan Stanley's upgrade.", "928" ], [ "The vaccine causes an immune response that causes symptoms that can include a fever or soreness. If you experience this the vaccine is doing exactly what it is supposed to do. It is isn't a symptom when you want that response. And it does not cause COVID symptoms. Honestly I have read some pretty dumb things in this thread but that one will win today's \"I don't know what I am talking about\" award.", "235" ], [ "you seem to be a little salty here. Look you posted in a public forum. Don't like the shit posting you get because of it then don't post. I am just fucking with you anyways and no I don't need to see any proof. I mean you obviously care enough to worry about what everyone thinks. I on the other hand don't need to see it since i don't give a shit about your gains or loses. \n\n2.5 to 15.5k? wow. I also invested back in 2018/19. roughly the same amount as you did on the calls (that you lost) and then a bit more in 2019 as it fell under $200 pre split to average down. Today's price with the AH price went up $24.17 when I posted. That means my original position (that i never sold) gained almost 16k in value. Today. In the last month it is 76k. In the last 6 it is 311k. In the last year 431k. So yes you are right. I have no idea what is going to happen with the stock price short term. But I do have a belief on what it will do long term. Who's strategy has paid off do you think?", "928" ], [ "Do you understand how the vaccine makes the immune system respond? Is there any evidence from the trials that anyone suffered any neurological effects from the vaccine? \n\nAnd don't pull out \"oh but we don't know what it will do long term\". If you are saying that the vaccine causes the same immune response as getting the virus, and the virus could possibly cause neurological symptoms, then the vaccine would have caused immediate neurological symptoms in some people. The trials for Moderna and Pfizer vaccines had 73,000 people in it. That is a massive number for trials. Are there any examples of severe long term neurological conditions caused by the vaccine found during the trials? I have never seen any. And a quick search brings up a couple hits but most look like other causes. MS and Bell's Palsy in a couple cases but all just couple be people getting those things and that's what was determined. \n\nMy problem with posts like yours is that all they do is fear monger. You have zero evidence that the vaccine will result in any long term side effects. The trails were massive and none were found there. And it is nonsense like this that freaks people the shit out and causes them to not get vaccinated.", "235" ], [ "The amount of mental gymnastics you do to convince yourself is interesting. you don't care about a 10x gain in 2 years like they are easy to find. I want to make money fast. Acting like hitting a 10x gain is simple to do. They aren't. If it is then if you invested 50k 2 years ago you should be sitting on 500k today with just a 10x gain. And then in 2023 you should be sitting on 5 million. Then in 2025 50 million. 50 million in 6 years starting with 50k. Virtually guaranteed. Sounds easy. I wonder why more people aren't doing it?", "507" ], [ "Sounds like the <PERSON> method of reasoning. You do not start with causes and maybes and work backwards. That isn't how this works. You do the trial with no preconceived notions of what will happen. Then you look at the data. Then you come to conclusions. Even with the placebo group that is a massive amount of participants and far more then in any other study or trial ever. \n\nMy issue with comments like this is for some people no amount of data will be enough. I mean how many have to get it before you think it is safe? 36,500 people who got it in the trials (and those are only two of the more then 50 currently ongoing in people and even more then that at earlier stages). So I will ask again. Did any of the trials find any link between any neurological conditions being caused by the vaccine? Is there an other credible scientific source that says that is the case? If you have a link post it. \n\nI don't have any evidence to show it doesn't. Well you know except ffor the trials of 36,500 that showed no link. I mean you evidence is feelings and rainbows I guess because I still haven't seen a link posted showing any evidence of all link. See the difference? You have feelings and maybes. But there is real data on this and none of that shows what your feelings say. Honestly you asking me for evidence on this is like asking me to prove that god doesn't exist. There is no need for me to disprove what hasn't been proven in the first place. So first show evidence that it may occur and then I will respond to that.", "929" ], [ "yes and? If you are doing a clinical trial of 36,500 people it is probably that other people in that study will get sick with other things and will die of various reasons. This is the nature of doing a large trial. And it doesn't mean that the vaccine causes the issue. \n\nIn the last two weeks there was the story about the person that passed out during the trials when they received their dose. Moderna's stock price fell 10% that day. Turned out it was they have a low tolerance to pain and always pass out when they get needles. that came out a couple days later Another one is the Spanish nurse who died two days after receiving the vaccine. \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nagain that is new. First Correlation does not equal causation. Just because she received the vaccine 2 days before doesn't mean the vaccine had anything to do with the death. Looking at her picture I can think of 10 other things that caused her death. It makes great headlines though. \n\nThe CPR thing I assume you are talking about the Hamilton nurse that had an allergic reaction. Yes it can happen. But if it was happening a lot don't you think we would be hearing about it? When you dosing millions of people and all you can dig up is an allergic reaction here and a person passing out from the needle there that doesn't mean that the vaccine isn't safe. And lets say that randomly 1 person out of 100,000 has a reaction like this so it is rare. What would happen if every person got COVID? Just because there is some risk doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. I assume you have driven in a car before. I mean are you insane? Do you know the risk associated with that activity? Why would you do that?", "242" ], [ "They tested far more then normal. The two studies had 73,000 participants. Gardasil's level 3 trails had 18,000. Most normal vaccine trials have more like <PHONE_NUMBER> participants. They normally are done for longer periods of time which is why they increased the numbers so much. Also note that is just 2 of the trials. There are currently over 50 COVID vaccine canadites current in L3 trials. \n\nI never said they have been in general use for 20 years. I said they have been studied and used for 20 years. There have been trials of other mRNA vaccines but none have been in general use before. That doesn't mean they don't have extensive experiuence with them. \n\ni am the one with misinformation? honestly you need to spend some time reading the actual literature then what is posted by your antivaxxer friends on social media.", "242" ], [ "Isn't amazing that we live in a system where we have a right to face our accusers in a court and have them prove the crime we have committed. A fine is not a judgement. It only is if you plead guilty and send it in. You have the right to a court date. \n\nYou are talking Judge <PERSON> level shit. There is a reason why the different parts of the justice system is separated. Honestly the idea that people would even suggest what you did is insane. I mean why not just have police carry debit machines and you have to pay right there. That isn't ripe for abuse right?", "178" ], [ "These are people that will claim that if you hold and are successful that was lucky. No that isn't luck. Holding through volatility is the hardest thing you can do and you have to have conviction in order to do that. Now that can also lead to some spectacular mistakes too if you are not careful. But in the end in order to hold to massive gains you have to believe in the long term of the goal. I just laugh when they show up on down days. They are like people who lose $100 a week at the casino and then get excited when once a year they win 5k. Yeah you had a small win.....but what do your losses amount to?", "328" ], [ "Being Canadian I know both worlds so the differences are interesting to me. Technically the British are more right on pants because of history of the word but I personally tend to use pants to refer to the outside wear like an American would.\n\nI could drop some Canadian slang too.....serviette, chesterfield, Double Double, Toque, Pop, Klick, etc. Plus both Canada and the US are so big there is probably regional variations. I like to show my america cousins the bagged milk we have up here instead of jugs or cartons and they only live 1.5 hours from me. But not all of Canada is like that. Out in the west I believe they sell milk more like they do in the US.", "760" ], [ "I think they do that just to fuck with outsiders. You can get that kind of bacon but generally where I am in Ontario if you order bacon you get the standard stuff that you know. The best is when you order one of those monster breakfasts and get both. There is a pub near me that makes this bacon cheese burger but they use the thicker back bacon. It is amazing and one of the best burgers I've ever had.", "738" ], [ "And what if the virus becomes like the flu and is always out there like many experts think will happen. In the end the most vulnerable populations will be vaccinated and we won't have the deaths associated with it like we did before. And you can say that any number of deaths is too many but people don't seem to worry too much about the deaths from the flu yearly as only 35% of people get the flu vaccine. This is even though 2000+ people a year die from the flu and over 12,000 people are hospitalized it in Canada. 65% of people didn't seem to give that a thought when they didn't take the time every year to get a free shot. \n\nOnce deaths drop to a reasonable level and hospitals are not in danger the average person won't give a shit about it just like they don't give a shit about things like the flu vaccine or really their own health. I mean they barely do now. So this isn't pandemic fatigue but just what people are generally like.", "912" ], [ "The vast majority of the population refuses to take science seriously when it directly impacts their lives. So this isn't just governments. They drink, smoke, don't exercise, are overweight and eat poorly. They only get vaccinated when forced to even when it is a proven treatment like with the flu vaccine. They do this because they don't see the point in protecting those that are most vulnerable since that isn't them. So they not only lack any foresight into the overall value of taking 20-30 minutes a year to get the flu shot they also do it largely because they are selfish. I mean what will it take? A mandated exercise and food program to force people to do what they should be doing on their own? Mandating a vaccine so that we can protect the 2000+ people a year that die from the flu and the 12,000+ that are hospitalized by it. \n\nSo the idea that governments are not going to be the same is insane. Governments are just made up of people. People that are lazy, greedy and lack any common sense just like the those in the general population do. I mean how would <PERSON> get up in front of the camera and tell people that they need to take some personal responsibility and lose some weight when he himself is obese. So if nothing else has been shown by the pandemic is that people are incredibly predictable. They want to sit and point and make zero effort on their own. Those that gave two shits about public health 2 years ago are the ones screaming from their homes about all the people doing everything wrong when they they were probably part of the 65% of those that didn't get a flu vaccine in previous years. \n\nIn the end much of the bed we have we made ourselves so there is plenty of blame to go around. But we really need some introspection here if we think that all our ills are because government = bad.", "929" ], [ "Again this is a long debate that has been done over and over. Other places have different situations. Both of those places were not beside a country that decided to do little. Most of those don't have massive land borders where you need massive amounts of cross border traffic. It is like saying Atlantic Canada did better and we should have to. Well sure if you locked down into a bubble and are making everyone who came from outside of it quarantine for 14 days even those from elsewhere in Canada. Did Ontario have the same rules? What about travel from out of country to there? \n\nIn the end there has to be some kind of understanding that there are different variables. I mean if you start looking at the data places that shut down this time basically say saw the same uptick in cases other places that didn't shutdown. Look at California and Florida. Or south and north Dakota. Again it is easy to say we should do x, y and z compared to other place when those places have very different geographies or governments. And even then it still didn't make much of a difference in the last shutdowns in many places. \n\nPlus there is a balance here. We like freedom here in the western world. Some countries don't give that to people. If you complained about being locked down in Cuba what would happen to you? Here you could talk about it on social media and do protests if you wanted. Would that happen in Cuba? It is pretty easy to get people to do what you want when there is real threats against them. Here they just are asking nicely.", "110" ], [ "They gave it to my daughter when they set her arm a few years back after she broke it. Her coming out of it was the funniest thing ever. I wish I recorded it but we were still freaking about the broken arm. She sang some songs and obviously didn't know who we were.\n\nEDIT\n\nThere are lots of places that have been testing other drugs for PTSD or use for other issues. Things like psychedelics for those that are terminally ill to reduce anxiety. MDMA for PTSD and other issues. I know a couple people that have tried micro dosing them and they said it is pretty amazing. I am in Canada and I know there are places that have been using these things for therapeutic purposes.", "664" ], [ "I used them as examples as even though they did very different things they largely had similar upticks in cases even though one had harsher restrictions then the other. In the end you can't compare us to others as there are too many variables. And there is a million rationalizations as places are different. I mean you trot out Cuba of all places. I mean it isn't like Cuba might have an easier time controlling their population then Canada. \n\nAgain who is denying reality? You have to understand that people will have different perspectives on this. They will even have different views on what sacrifices are necessary. What is easy for one person is hard for another. I mean if you work a job you can easily do from home, and you have gotten a paycheck all this time, your view of \"sacrifices\" might be different then others. See that is the thing. It is easy to say that sacrifices should be made when you don't have to. If a lockdown actually meant you couldn't get a pizza delivered or your furnaced fixed in January how would you have felt then? What happens if your internet stopped working and there were no techs to come out and fix it? The plain fact is that many people only got to WFH because a whole bunch of people didn't.\n\nSo sure you can loudly deny reality and think that everyone has the same needs as you. But if you were a single parent facing losing a home you might have a different level of risk tolerance then someone not facing that. We decide to allow people freedoms instead of forcing them to do things like they would in Cuba or elsewhere. So we have to take the good parts of that ..... and the bad when it occurs.", "801" ], [ "Why would the life of a battery be only 8 years? My EV has a 8 year 160,000 km warranty on the battery. Normally they wouldn't warranty something to right around when it will die or they will be paying out massive warranty claims in 8 years. \n\nThe main issue is people are looking at other battery powered devices and comparing it. This is a completely different animal. This is especially true on bigger batteries like you are are starting to see now. Batteries degrade for a number of reason. Keeping and using them at high and low temps. Number of charge cycles. How the BMS manages them. How much the battery is quick charged. How much the battery is kept at a high and low state of charge. These are all factors. \n\nThe battery management system of most EVs is very sophisticated. They can heat and cool the battery as necessary to keep it at proper temps. It will only charge to 90% instead of 100% to maintain battery life. Calendar aging, while a factor, is not as important as taking care of the battery properly and these other things. There will be age based degradation but it is more how the battery is used and how much that will increase degradation. \n\nA great example is the early Nissan Leafs. They had small batteries of only 24 kWh and no active cooling. What ended up happening was the batteries of those cars in hot climates degraded far faster then cars in colder climates. I had one of those cars and after 3 years here the battery degradation was barely noticeable. In Arizona you could be down 20% by the point. \n\nThere were a few issues with this. Heat kills batteries. So no active cooling in hot climates accelerated degradation. And then having a smaller battery meant that most drivers were charging to 100 percent regularly and running the battery way further down. With LI batteries keeping the system in the middle of the range - say 40-70% is much better for the battery then using 100-10%. So doing 100-10% once is much worse then doing 70-40% multiple times. So the larger the battery the easier it is to keep it in the sweet spot. Also batteries are generally rated for a certain number of cycles. So for a 24 kWh battery it will have to do 3 charge cycles to go the same distance as one cycle in a LR Model 3 that has a 75 kWh battery. \n\nSo what does all this mean. Let say a standard LI battery in an EV can do 750 cycles before it hits 85% degradation then that will happen in far less kms and thus time in a small battery car then a larger one. A Tesla Model 3 LR has a 75 kWh battery and can drive about 500 kms on one charge. That means 750 cycles would give you 375,000 kms. The old leaf with a 24 kWh battery gives more like 150 kms of range. So that is 112,500 kms to hit 750 charge cycles. \n\nSo essentially as the size of batteries go up degradation will be less of a problem. Most people only do 18-20k kms a year. So that Tesla will take 18.75 years to do that distance. While the leaf will only be 5.6 years. Also the Tesla will much more often in day to day driving stay in the sweet spot. Do 100 kms in a Tesla in a day and you could easy do that from 70-40 percent. To do 100 kms in the leaf will require far more of the battery capacity. \n\nSO I think that the batteries in these cars will last much longer then most people think. And they still will have significant value at EOL in a car. a 75 kWh battery will 80% degradation will still have 60 kWh of capacity. So when it is removed from a car it can be repurposed for stationary storage. So you could buy and EV and drive it for 10 years then get a new battery and repurpose the old one to make a battery storage system for your house. Most homes would be able to run for days on a fully charged 60 kWh battery. Then at true end of life they can be recycled. Also battery costs are on a steep downward trend. In teh last decade battery prices have fallen from $800 USD per kWh to $100-150 kWh today. This is expected to continue with many estimating that in the next 2-4 years we will see pricing of $75 kWh. So replacing a battery in 10 years will be far cheaper then the cost today.", "202" ], [ "I have some money in them. Probably 10-15% of my portfolio. Have ARKK, ARKG and a little bit of ARKW. I believe in the long term goal. These are long term investments and you will have volatility like we just had. Have to be willing to deal with that. But if you can then your reward could be pretty big. I have been in long enough that even the recent loss means I am still up 200% on my ARKK that I bought in 2019. I was up 300% at the ATH though. ARKG I think I am flat on because I bought more during the run up but my initial investment is still solidly up. This was the one many people recently jumped on. But <PERSON> (and many other people) think this could be huge area in the future and many of the technologies will be here sooner then later. \n\nThere were lots of people that bough the hype and got in at the top or near the top. These are always the people freaking out during these times. But again it is the difference between investing with conviction and investing in whatever the latest and greatest is. Investigate the funds. Understand what they are doing and invest because you believe in how they are investing. If you don't believe in it most will be out at the first sign of any issues. \n\nIn the end ARK has lots of info available online. You can sign up for the emails of their daily trades they send out nightly so you can see what they are doing. I love this kind of transparency and the fact they put out long detailed videos on various topics. I mean a 1.5 hour podcast on mRNA vaccines. If you want a deep dive there it is. How many other Investment organization put out that much info. SHe said something great in a recent interview I saw her in. SHe said by doing this it makes them better investors. This is like getting something you did peer reviewed. She said that they often learn things from just publishing teh data that many other analysts will miss. People will point out issues with their info and they will reevaluate. I am pretty impressed with the lack of ego and willingness to always listen to what people are saying. \n\nSo I am a pretty big fan and it seems many other people have have more recently jumped on board. But there is no illusions here. These are longer term investments that will go through periods of volatility and you have to be aware of that.", "928" ], [ "I work in a job where I have to plan out into the future and manage expectations. When they first started announcing targets it was pretty obvious they were using what I call the scotty method from star trek which is the classic under promise and over deliver. You say something will take 10 hours to fix. But you know you can probably do it in 6 but when the shit hits the fan and it takes 8 you still look like the hero. \n\nThe absolute worst thing they could have done is said this would be done at the end of the summer and not hit that. So when they were saying even from the beginning it was pretty obvious that was their worst case scenario. People were in la la land a couple months ago saying that it was going to take until the end of summer 2022. If you thought that you should never be making plans about the future without consulting someone because you are so blind to what is going on that you are a detriment to yourself because you can't see beyond the immediate. \n\nSo I am right there with you. I never thought there would be a problem with vaccine supply once they ramped up. It will be the logistics of getting the doses in people that could be the biggest issue. But there will be riots in the streets if people know there are millions of doses sitting here waiting to be administered and they aren't able to do it. So I really don't think this is a likely scenario.", "61" ], [ "are you serious? You better be prepared for what is coming then. First the vaccines are not gene therapy. They don't change your genes. But the future of medicine is going to be exactly that. Waiting until a disease becomes active in a body is the most idiotic thing we can do. Vaccines are a step to be proactive against disease and was the first step in a new level of health for people. The next will be to do full genome sequencing on each person and find out exactly what deficiencies they have and repair them before they become a problem. There are many single gene disorder that could be fixed if we could just edit that one thing - cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease and hemophilia could be eliminated entirely. I am sure if you told anyone that has those diseases they could be fixed by gene editing they would jump at the chance. \n\nSo that is the future. Each person will have their genome sequenced at birth (or before). Any issues in the genes will be noted. Things that can be fixed immediately will be. Things we don't have the tech to do will be but we will be able to manage these people's issues as they get older. And when they are 20 and the way to fix it becomes available they will be an message one day to come on in and have that taken care of.", "833" ], [ "So basically if you had a crystal ball and could have seen the future a month ago you would have known the absolute bottom and could've bought then. I don't know why people do this to themselves. Unless you get incredibly lucky you won't do it. Like you I also bought and am completely happy I had the chance to accumulate more shares at a lower price. Could I have gotten more if I bought at the bottom? of course but how would I have known exactly where that was going to be. Plus I was able to buy some at 669.", "928" ], [ "Well if she was told that it must be true. Look I am just telling what I can see with the data and how fast people are getting results that I know. But maybe if you live somewhere remote it will take time to ship out the tests and get the results. \n\nBut I just looked where I lived. I can book a test for tomorrow at 9:30 at one testing center here. So can't see how it will take 5-7 days unless there is something unique in the situation.", "691" ], [ "Anytime there is a 20/30 year old death you have to be wary about it. If the person was not in hospital when they died it is very likely that COVID wasn't the cause of death especially if they were young. The reported deaths on any given day are death with COVID not death by COVID. Those in hospital and LTC are probably definite. But when you hear about a young person dying from it but wasn't in hospital it will likely be reversed when the actual cause of death is determined.", "912" ], [ "He says he is in the post history. You should take a look through it if you want a laugh as he is so laughably wrong with his predictions that it is like he is doing it on purpose. \n\n5 months ago. This is your last chance to sell above $1400 this year. Today we are at $3165 pre split today. \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_4_)\n\nAnd again 5 months ago. $400 by October (pre split). That is $80 today after split. \n\n[_URL_5_](_URL_1_)\n\nUsually I block people like this but They are so wrong that I find it amusing to see what they came up with next. What is most funny is that if you look through their post history for a bit he seems to become more bull like. just recently he told people they were suckers when they sold at a certain price\n\n[_URL_3_](_URL_2_)", "928" ], [ "Just some numbers here since they didn't do it. They said the average fine was $103. They gave out 12,500 tickets so that is $1,287,500 in revenue for one month. They estimated that the system was going to cost 700k over 12 months as the yearly revenue would only be 1.75 million. They almost did that in one month. Even if revnues drop by half going forward per month that is 8.4 million in revenue for the entire year. So not a loss 700k but a profit of 5.95 million for the year.\n\nThe first location they picked was one that it is hard to argue is a community zone. That was on Stonechurch in front of the mosque and bowling alley. They probably picked it because I assume there is a high collision rate there. So it would take about 2 seconds to figure out that the issues were caused by and is not speeding. The reason for that is probably because what a shit show the area is on Friday when everyone is at the mosque. The location put it between two exists from the linc/redhill. So to me it is pretty obvious this location was picked to maximize the tickets given out especially when you set the system to only 11 km/h. Plus how do you completely f up the estimation of what the system will make. They are making 9 times more then what they thought in the first month.", "610" ], [ "It was sold as a way to reduce speeds and increase safety but would actually cost the city money. It is not. It is making money. So the title refers more to what the city said and didn't say the system would do. And whether it actually increases safety remains to be seen. Once the system is moved from one street to another does it actually create a long term effect for that area? Do speeds stay lower long term? That would need to be studied after the fact so we don't even know if it increases safety long term or reduces accidents.", "638" ], [ "Regarding your second paragraph isn't this known to be the case in many places? It says that is how deaths are reported right on Ontario, Canada's page for the data (where I live). When someone dies and are infected with COVID they are immediately moved to the list of COVID deaths. It doesn't matter what was actually the cause of death as that is determined later and it is why people are removed from the lists of deaths after it is confirmed what they died of. It is something that I have brought up a few times but people immediately say you are downplaying the deaths. Well if 87 percent of the deaths in Ontario were those 70+ it is likely that most had other conditions because of their age. So COVID could be the factor that caused the death, could be the contributing factor or could just be present at time of death.", "912" ], [ "I really wonder what people's positions are when they think what has happened in the last year has been disappointing. Honestly short term thinking brings short term gains. You might come out huge or you might lose but in the end you are just gambling. Honestly Tesla has been the easiest money I have ever made. You know my amazing strategy? Just buy and hold. And when it dips buy more. Then one day with little to no effort other then just leaving it alone you wake up with a 1000% + gain.", "507" ], [ "There was signage at either end of the zone as that has to be in place about the photo radar. But you are right. I think if you asked most people they would assume that it was 60km/h limit there. My wife did and got a ticket for doing 62 in a 50. Now that is no excuse as you should know the limits but I just looked on street view and unless things changed between when that was done and now there is no speed limit signs between Pritchard and Dartnal either way.", "523" ], [ "For shits and giggles I asked for a trial since my wife got one. You can do that right now over email because of COVID. usually they make you go down to get a trial date to make it more difficult. It took a couple days to get a response and I was told that I will be contacted \"sometime in the new year\" to setup a court date. My guess with COVID it will never happen or will be so far in the future that it will just get tossed.", "691" ], [ "You can fail your test for going 2 over I would think. There is always a bunch of people that write comments like this on these threads. But do you drive? If you do can you give me your address and when you normally leave and I will pick a random day to follow you. How many infractions do you think I would see if I followed you for your drive to work? If you don't drive well...... thanks for the comment. \n\nI drive quite a bit for work and I know that there is just about no one that follows the rules 100 percent of the time. Just stand near a stop sign and watch how many people make a full stop for example. So they are perfectly welcome to give out ticket like that if they want. But they shouldn't be surprised when I exercise my right to take it to trial and drag out the whole process. I wonder what would happen if even half of those 12,500 tickets requested a trial. \n\nSo yes you are right. Speeding is speeding. But how many times do you think a cop would pull people over for doing 61 in a 50? My guess is they wouldn't even waste their time. So you end up creating uneven enforcement that just irritates people. But they can hand out tickets like this if they want.", "462" ], [ "In every photoradar thread there is always people who don't understand that while the law is black and white it is not enforced as such. And that laws tend to be arbitrary in nature. I mean the speed limit on the highway to Niagara used to be 100 km/h. Today it is 110 km/h. Did they do anything on the highway to make high speed driving safer? Nope. They just decided this was a good place to test higher speed limits. On the redhill they lowered the speed limit from 90 km/h to 80 because of the asphalt situation. Then they fixed it. And then the speed limit stayed the same. Why? I thought that road could handle traffic at 90 km/h with a proper surface. So why has the speed limit been kept the same?\n\nI get that your types of comments are easy. It is easy to see the world in black and white but it isn't really like that. But my guess is that you don't drive. If you do drive and you say that you have never rolled a stop sign, changed lanes without a signal or gone even 5 over the limit then I would less believe that then <PERSON> is a Lizard person. So yes they are perfectly able to give out tickets the way they are. But that doesn't mean that people aren't going to be irritated when they see uneven enforcement and arbitrary speed limits that change based on the whims of those that set them.", "462" ], [ "If you want to see how insane this will be do the following. Get off the linc at Dartnall and drive west down stonechurch all the way to upper paradise. Do exactly the speed limit the entire way along and see if you have someone drag you out of your car at some point and beat you to death. Seriously though I am tempted to do it with my dashcam and post the results but I am sure you would have people absolute losing their minds.\n\nAs an aside I would love to be a better driver but you have to contend with other people. But on a one lane road if you do exactly the speed limit you are going to have someone an inch from your bumper which to me is idiotic. I would rather do 10 over then have some rager flipping out behind me because i am doing exactly the speed limit. I can post video after video from my dash cam of people flipping out for no reason. So I would rather not give mentally unstable an actual reason to justify their insanity.", "462" ], [ "You are speaking about something you have little experience with. While I agree that public safety is a concern and people should drive in reasonable way the issue is even if I try and drive the speed limit everywhere I will have people raging at me. Now you can say just fuck them but have you had someone ever pound on your window for no reason and scream at you that they are going to beat the fuck out of you for ....reasons. Or what about a person whipping a ball at my car because he didn't like how I passed him and proceed to get 1 foot from my bumper tailgating me all the way down the linc. This is what happens when you drive a lot.\n\nYour view of what should happen is really idealized. See how you feel if you are on a one lane road and you have a pickup truck so close that the driver is practically in your back seat. You have a few choices. You can pull over every time this happens (which will be a lot), you can say fuck them and deal with the fall out or you can go a speed with the flow of traffic. But as a driver I know exactly how this will all play out. Shit I did a full stop at a sign the other day and had someone honk at me. SO while I agree that in a perfect world everything you say should be true. But the world isn't perfect and you have to manage all the other morons you are going to run into when you drive.", "38" ], [ "That makes zero sense. You wouldn't decrease revenue if you lowered the speed at which you give them out. Your revenue would increase but your cost on average per ticket would fall because you would give out more tickets some with lower amounts. They were able to give out 12,500 tickets for an average price of $103 setting the machine to 10 over or starting at 61. Now if they set it to 55 how many more tickets would you think they would give out? That would only cause the revenue to go up. Sure you would increase admin costs but the system itself would cost the same. Lets be nice and say they were able to give out 5000 more tickets in the 55-60 range. And lets say the average cost of those tickets was what they said it was going to be which was $70 per instead of $103. That is another 350,000 in revenue on top of the money they already made in the month from those 12,500 tickets. So they made $1,287,500 as it was. But if they lowered the speed to 55 and gave out those 5000 more tickets revenue for the month would have been $1,637,500.\n\nThere is a simple reason why they didn't do it. if they did people would be rioting in the streets. So this has nothing to do with safety. It is a way to generate the maximum amount of revenue by pissing off the least number of people.", "610" ], [ "Do you have a lot of kids crossing the road to get there from all the residential neighbourhoods that are right there? Anyone going to that school is likely being dropped off or coming on bus. There is going to be little to no foot traffic near the road because of this. They didn't put it there because of the mosque. Well they did but it is much more likely they looked at areas with high accident rates and that are heavily trafficked. That is that road. But the issue is the high accident rates have more to do with what a nightmare that area is on Friday when everyone is at the mosque. It is a gong show. This has more to do with the high accident rates then speeding. \n\nBut this is the point. You have people that don't know the area looking at data and making decisions about these without understanding why. I mean it is great to look at data but if you don't understand the context it is going to be meaningless. So if they picked this area for high accident rates then they might find out after digging a little deeper that there is a specific reason why this occurs and it probably doesn't have anything to do with speeding.", "523" ], [ "With COVID it won't matter. They are likely not doing these cases for awhile. The backlog will be immense when they finally start doing it. If I get a court date in 2021 I will be surprised. But you are right you should do it as with COVID you don't even have to go into the courthouse to request a date like normal. Just done electronically so there is no reason not to. If it goes on long enough they will probably just toss them as it won't be worth the time. From my understanding if you go past a year you can request it be thrown out because you have a right to a \"speedy\" trial. Don't know if they have changed the rules during COVID. Either way they are going to have to work to get their money.", "319" ], [ "I have done it a couple times before. Usually you can drag it out even longer asking for certain things. Or you can meet with someone ahead of time. My guess is I will get a call next year by someone trying to get it settled before setting up a trial date. In the end It is just money for me and nothing more - no points, insurance going up. So this is just more just to see what happens then anything else.", "691" ], [ "My fault I think. I tend to write a response to someone that expands on what they said but then sound like it is directed at them. But yeah people are nuts. honestly every time I see someone write in these threads \"speeding is speeding\" I think they have obviously never driven a car. I drive for work. I have seen it all. I have lots of saved videos of crazy drivers that I collected with my dashcam. I've had a guy get out and beat on my window at a stop sign saying that he was going to fuck me up because I was trying to race him. In my Honda Element that was filled with work stuff in the back. Sure I was. I had a guy get up beside me and throw a ball at my car after I passed him on the linc. Then proceed to tailgate me the entire way down the linc screaming like a madman. I try and do the minimum that will piss people but for some it is nothing. So the idea that it is easy to just drive everywhere exactly at the speed limit is crazy. I mean you can try to do it but my guess is you will have someone freaking out at you in about 5 minutes.", "38" ], [ "You fail to see that it is a negative that when they were selling this program they specifically framed it as about public safety and that it wouldn't make money? You don't have a problem with people in government lying to us to get support for a project and get it pushed through. I mean that to me is a massive issue regardless of losing or making money. \n\nDid they lie? I don't know. But either they are incompetent or they actually knew how much money it would make. Either or it is a pretty bad look. For me this isn't about making or not making money. It is way that it was sold as a project that is the issue.", "314" ], [ "How the are you only getting 100k in additional revenue from 5000 extra tickets? If there were 5000 more tickets and the average cost of those 5000 tickets is $70 then that is 350k in additional revenue. For those 5000 tickets to only produce 100k in revenue the average cost would have to be $20 each which is not possible. \n\nAnd it isn't 1.75 million to break even. The cost of the system is 2.45 million. The 1.75 million was what they said the revenue would be for the first year of the program and that means it would run at a 700k loss if that happened. But that didn't happen. Instead they made almost 1.3 million in revenue in 1 month which is 9 times what they estimated. \n\nSo no the extra 5000 tickets wouldn't bring in just 100k. If they gave out 5000 more tickets and the average cost of them was $70 each then that is 350k more of revenue.", "610" ], [ "A fuss? I was responding to your comment. You understand how this works right? You write a comment. Then other people respond. Then maybe you have a chain of comments. I am sorry if I wasn't suppose to respond to the comment you made directly to me. There is this amazing way you don't have to read or deal with people \"fussing\" about things. You just don't respond. \n\nYes we know exactly how we are going to deal with it. My wife has been driving for 30 years. She has gotten exactly one speeding ticket. Can you guess what that one was? Spoiler alert it was the photo radar one.", "462" ], [ "You know sometimes you try and have a civil conversation with someone and they have to be a massive asshole. First you are using a source that is improperly referencing things. All you have to do is open the article that is linked in this post and read it. But here is what it says\n\n\"Originally, city staff guesstimated rotating two photo-radar cameras through various street locations over a year would result in about [25,000 tickets ](_URL_0_)with an average fine of around $70. That would have meant program costs of $2.45 million offset by ticket revenue of $1.75 million, leaving the city to cover a $700,000 deficit.\"\n\nThe program was for 1 year. That is the lifetime of the program. So it is 2.45 million to run the program for one year. They expected to get 25,000 tickets over the year which magically results in 1.75 million if the estimated 70 per ticket was correct. And then if you take 1.75 million and minus it from 2.45 million what do you get? a 700k deficit in revenue. \n\nSo the city estimated 25,000 tickets were going to be given out over the entire program (1 year). But instead they did 12,500 in month month. And the average cost of each ticket was much higher then the estimated at $103 each instead of $70. \n\nSo my suggestion here before you accuse others of pulling things out of their ass is to understand what we are talking about first. Then read a couple different sources to make sure that the info you are reading is correct. I mean if you did this I wouldn't have to spell out something for you that was written right in the linked article.", "610" ], [ "Just don't speed. Who would have thought of that? But seriously you could do that if want. It would be an interesting experiment to drive absolutely 100 percent following the letter of the law for a day. I wonder what would happen? In fact I have a dash cam. Maybe I will try it for a day and post the results as I think it would be very interesting. I mean I've had people freak out on me for nothing. Lets see what happens when I do something to really piss them off like slowing them down for 30 seconds. \n\nHere is the rub. When I am driving I am not alone. I have to deal with everyone on the road and also the black and white laws. If I am driving down stonechurch (one lane) and do exactly the speed limit I will most likely have a car so close to my back bumper it will be like the driver is in the back seat. So what are my choices? You could say fuck them and do the speed limit. But I got my kids in the car and I know if I have to stop fast that guy is going into the back of me and my kids are in the back seat. Now if I do 60-65 along there that is much more the flow of traffic it is likely that guy will back off but not always. But now I am breaking the law. So what do I do then? I can pull over and let them pass I guess but that will happen a lot. No real easy answer here but for me I am not gong to let a massive truck sit an inch from my bumper so it is either speed or get out of the way somehow which on a one lane road is not easy. \n\nThe issue I have with speeding is speeding comment is that yes the law is black and white. But the world isn't. You have the law to deal with plus the fact that many people out there are fucking tools. So you have to manage all of that. So again I agree with you. In a perfect world you should follow the laws. But we are far from perfect. I have to ask though. Do you drive? If you do can you honestly say that you never break any rules - you never roll a sign, you never go over the speed limit, you never turn without a signal?", "523" ], [ "That is a lot of words to say you were wrong and apologise for being an asshole. Oh wait you never did. And you were reflecting my tone? How did you know my tone from what I wrote. I mean you wrote this. \n\n > \"Can you please stop pulling things out of your ass and actual read sources\"\n\nTo this comment\n\n > \"How the are you only getting 100k in additional revenue from 5000 extra tickets? If there were 5000 more tickets and the average cost of those 5000 tickets is $70 then that is 350k in additional revenue. For those 5000 tickets to only produce 100k in revenue the average cost would have to be $20 each which is not possible. \n > \n > And it isn't 1.75 million to break even. The cost of the system is 2.45 million. The 1.75 million was what they said the revenue would be for the first year of the program and that means it would run at a 700k loss if that happened. But that didn't happen. Instead they made almost 1.3 million in revenue in 1 month which is 9 times what they estimated. \n > \n > So no the extra 5000 tickets wouldn't bring in just 100k. If they gave out 5000 more tickets and the average cost of them was $70 each then that is 350k more of revenue.\"\n\nSo basically you called me out but were 100 percent wrong because you thought I was wrong. I mean I just read that comment and I find nothing in the tone. I mean you didn't like that you thought I was being a moron and didn't know what I was talking about.", "610" ], [ "I like how you quote out of context and didn't include everything I said. Have you ever been in that area on a Friday before the pandemic? It is an absolute circus. So looking hat the data it would be pretty clear when the accidents are occurring. Data that the politicians and city employees would have (or should have). I drive through there all the time. And I have driven through there on a Friday when people are there to attended. No one is speeding through there at that time. There are people running across the road, you have security all over the place trying to control traffic. So I was making a point that if accidents were a high rate in that location there might be another explanation other then speeding.", "523" ], [ "You will have some protection after the first shot. How much depends. But Pfizer document say 52 percent protection 1 week after the first shot. The Moderna vaccine is supposedly close to the same. Also Moderna's info said this \n\n\"There was also preliminary evidence that the vaccine has some efficacy after one dose, and that it prevents asymptomatic Covid-19 cases — those that occur without a person ever feeling ill.\"\n\nSo it is possible that the one dose would be enough to stop infection in asymptomatic cases which is true is massive by itself. So yes you will have some protection after the first dose.", "235" ], [ "I think looking only at PE of an massive growth company is a little shortsighted. I mean it is a metric but not how I would judge whether something is a speculative stock. If you are buying in now you have to make a decision on what the upside is from here and that comes down to your own view of the company. But I don't think it is much speculation to think that they will continue to grow at the roughly the same pace or faster for the next 2 years at least.", "928" ], [ "Hamilton cycling club is mostly a road based club. \n\n[_URL_1_](_URL_1_)\n\nMTB trails and if you are into building\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nthat one is good as you will meet builders and also get hooked up on rides. HCC MTB group that became HBMBA are the ones that built most of the trails at christie lake for example. \n\nFreewheel cycle does rides in the pre-COVID times and other placers do so you can get hooked up with them. Lots of other options. \n\nI live west mountain and normally mountain bike. I will drive to trails like Kelso, Turkey Point, Puslinch Lake, Guelph like, hydrocut, etc. \n\nBut normally I just do a ride out from my house. It isn't hardcore single track but I can stay mostly off the roads. My go to ride is down along scenic drive and onto the chedoke rail trial. If you are down in the city the easiest way to access is to ride right up dundurn all the way to the escarpment and the access to the trial is there. It used to be a rail line so it is wide and groomed but once you are at the top of the escarpment you can access single track in iroquia heights at the top. It is nice are if you are new because you can't get lost. The highway, escarpment and residential surround the area. I usually ride across the pedestrian bride at the highway into Ancaster and then do a quick road ride to where old mill is. Right near there on across from it is the entrance for the heritage trial into Dundas conservation area. That takes you right down and there is lots of trails off there including single track but it connects at the bottom to the main loop train and you can get anywhere from there. You could ride right out to Brantford on that trail for example. But there is plenty in Dundas conservation area. I normally stay on the main loop to headwaters trail and then do that as it is lolly pop and brings me back to the main loop then i finish it back to the heritage trail and back out the way I came. I then go back down the rail trail (as i got on it at the top) and then do the climb back up. Normally this will take me about 2.5 hours a moderate/fast pace. \n\nIf you are not crazy and want to tour I usually ride by myself on some weekdays and with people on the weekends. So shoot me a PM if that is the case. Most of the main trails are easy to find by yourself but some of the single track will be harder so sometimes nice to ride with a group a few times to get the layout.", "273" ], [ "yeah I think the rail trail is called that until the top and the actual name changes on the trail from there to the highway. If you get to the bottom of the stairs at Dundurn there is the turn around for the buses and the entrance there going towards and through the golf course. \n\n[_URL_2_](_URL_2_)\n\nEast you can go and there are some cool little trails in there. For example if you have ever gone up or down Beckett drive/Queen street hill part way up there is a opening you can get through from the woods to go from one part of the trail across the access and then that steep trail runs up to the bottom of wasn't 5th at the top of the escarpment. That cross over is right here. \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nI sometimes do that to get home and loop around instead of going down to the bottom and climbing the escarpment back the way I came. Or if you want to nope out you can just carry you bike up and down the stairs. \n\nTry google maps. I know that they have many of these trails. They are pretty good for the trials in Dundas conservation area. Here was the heritage trail entrance I talked about in my previous post. \n\n[_URL_1_](_URL_1_)\n\nyou can see all the named trails. There is even some of the side trials there that are labelled Bruce trail. Much of that will be more single track or narrow then the main trails in Dundas conservation area.", "273" ], [ "This was my experience when I bought my two LEAFs. First was late in 2013 and was a nightmare. People actively told me I shouldn't buy it at Nissan dealerships. They didn't know anything about it. It was a crap show. It took me two different dealerships to finally buy it and then after service/support sucked. The car was delivered without a working headlight and wiper nozzle that they missed someone even though they handed me the checklist. They needed to fix all that after i noticed both issues. When I went back for the 1 year battery check at the dealer, for free, they tried to get me to spend $250 getting to do a bunch of service that was necessary. I laughed at the service guy and told him just to do the free check and take my car down and I went and never went back. \n\nThat was a lease and went back at 3 years still making a clicking noise one acceleration and stop that they could never fix after two visits. It is a long story but I needed another car and it made more sense to buy a new one then buy out the lease. So I got a 2017. That one was better because I walked into a different dealer told them what to get me and that if they even mentioned an ICE car I would walk. That got them moving and that was a better experience but only because I was now sure. \n\nI realized after that experience that the dealer model is fundamentally flawed when selling EVs and is going to require massive changes. You can see that has happened. GM buying out caddie dealers if they don't want to sell EVs. VW doing an end run around dealers to sell the ID3 direct in Europe. I believe that traditional automakers are in for a world of hurt in this new EV world. This is why will never buy another car through a dealer in that way. I really wanted to see them succeed and spent my own money with them. But after 4 years with them I would never buy another Nissan again because of the experience.", "565" ], [ "It was Nissan and owning two LEAFS for me that did it. The experience is not even comparable. A bolt is a traditional car that is an EV. It is like a Nokia flip phone. A Tesla is iPhone. Now you can argue that a flip phone does perfect for what it does. And that is the case. My Leafs were fine vehicles and worked well. And the bolt would have been fine if there weren't cars like Tesla's. But after seeing the difference with a Tesla it is a massive gulf between them. Now I assume I will get flack for this. But I have owned and lived with these cars for the last 7 years. 4 with Leafs 3 with a Tesla so I think I have some experience to speak on this. \n\nI wanted to like the leaf. I wanted to keep it when I bought my 3 and go all EV. But Nissan made it so that wasn't possible. I wasn't going to buy and keep a car long term that seems like an afterthought to nissan. I mean look at the battery issues, rapidgate, battery replacement woes. Nissan to me wants to treat an EV just like they treated their ICE cars. I don't think you can do that. And I think this will hurt them massively in the long run. \n\nNow is Tesla perfect? By no means no. They have many problems. But in my mind you have traditional companies doing things not because they want to but because they have been forced to by changing times. They are trying to do it the exact same way and in my experience that won't work. So for me I will only buy a car from a company that is like Tesla in the future. It doesn't have to be a Tesla but I am not going to buy an EV that I have to settle with things for. So until I see a traditional manufacturer that can do that I won't be buying from them.", "49" ], [ "They don't do it because they can't. They don't have the technical prowess or the infrastructure. They are not vertically integrated. Here is an example.\n\nSoon after I got my Model 3 there was an issue with the ABS discovered that would cause longer stops then normal when hard breaking sometimes. The issue was discovered, they worked out a fix, tested it and put an OTA update for it all in less then a week. How would a fix like that happen with a traditional automaker? How long would it have taken to roll out? How long to get an appointment? You have dealers that would be paid to do the recall since you have to go to them. Can you see why dealers don't want EVs and all this new stuff? How much money would they lose because people don't have to pay for map or software updates? And don't you think that traditional automakers aren't salivating to do stuff like this but their legacy stuff is holding them back? Read this article by VWs <PERSON> written at the end of last if you think this will be easy.\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nYour argument has been the one made for the last 4 years. Once the big boys decide to move they will crush Tesla. Nothing I have seen over owning 2 x traditional EVs since 2013 makes me believe that is correct. If anything I think traditional automakers are in for a world of hurt since they didn't move earlier to make this transition.", "49" ], [ "I have heard the stories over and over. Been involved in the EV community for years. Heard the nightmares. Are there good dealers? Yes. The last one I bought from was okay but just because I was confident about what i wanted. I don't know what would happen to someone who goes in there to buy one who is unsure. \n\nI have said this since I got my 3. the traditionals have many challenges to transition to EVs. The dealer model is a massive one. That alone is like they are dragging a 500 pound boulder behind them in a marathon with companies that have have no such legacy. Some people will say this is a benefit to the traditional manufacturers. I think it is the exact opposite.", "565" ], [ "Interesting way to look at it. Or you could say that you have created excess energy in a clean way that can be stored (with a loss for later). I mean you can just dump that excess somewhere if you can or not make it. But some baseload you can never turn off. \n\nComplaining about this but not about the inefficiencies of fossil fuel generation is a little over the top. If you have a gas powered car for example you might best case use 20% of the energy in gasoline to move the car. The rest is lost as heat and other losses. FF power generation is the same although more efficient. You are always going to have losses. The difference is the loss of that energy in a car or FF generation has a massive impact. With nuclear, hydro, and other renewable not so much. \n\nWhile pumped storage is not new large scale storage of energy is. You know what is not green. Building and having massive amounts of generation built and sitting idle most of the time waiting for peak needs. I mean take a look where you live if they have the stats and see how much generation you have and how much is used the majority of the time. Most of these peaker plants for use at peak times will be natural gas or other fuel. So that is a problem. \n\nEnergy storage and use is a game changer. We are literally standing at an inflection point where everything is about to change. Storage of all sorts will make energy cheaper and people will be able to make and store their own creating far more personal independence. And then own a vehicle that you can use that same fuel. Take a look at what they are doing with virtual power plants for example with a distributed system. Take a look at large battery systems being deployed worldwide. There is a massive change that is only the beginning that is happening.", "731" ], [ "And your ICE vehicle might be 20% efficient in real world scenarios. FF generation and use is massively wasteful in terms of energy use and carbon emitted. Imagine if when you bought $100 worth of food and $80 of had to go to waste just so you could eat $20 of it. People (who you responded to) who go on about how dirty green things are have not taken the time to investigate their own energy use and how wasteful it is.", "637" ], [ "Here are the energy graphs for Ontario over the last day. \n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nYou have a fluctuation over the entire day where you need more or less generation. The main issue with an electrical grid is that it has to be massively overbuilt to supply the electricity you need at peak times. Or you have to import it. Or you have to store it. \n\nIn the case of Ontario our demand today will peak around 20,000 MWs needed. We have around 36,600 MWs of generation capacity. So what does this mean? on most typical days you have a massive amount of generation that sits idle not doing anything just waiting for the need to get big enough to come online. In Ontario that typically will only happen in the hottest days of the year when everyone is using AC. In Quebec that will be coldest days of the year since they use a lot of electricity to heat compared to Ontario. In the end storage could eliminate the need for much of this. \n\nIt is the same argument for electric cars. Most will charge in the middle of the night when electricity needs are the lowest and electricity is the cheapest. You can charge EVs will excess electricity to be used the next day. Or you can use a vehicle to grid system to pull from the car to t he grid when needed. This is why when people say we would need all this new generation that isn't likely. What is more likely is that the curve you see above of a typical grid will start to flatten when you do things like that and that's what you want. \n\nStorage just allows us to make better use of what we already have. And it will mean that in the future you won't have to build as much generation. You will just build more storage instead where you can store all that excess baseload generation in the middle of the night when it is the lowest need. Or in this case when the wind is blowing. Storage also make more intermittent generation like renewables far more viable as a larger part of a grid makeup.", "731" ], [ "While Canada is large most people live in concentrated urban areas. 75 percent live within 160km of the US border. So if you take the example of the cold northern european countries like Sweden or Finland having a cold climate is not really an excuse for higher per capita CO2 emissions. Sweden is 4.6 tonnes per Capita while China is 7 and Canada is 14. \n\n\nThe size of a population does not skew the numbers at all. If anything what you are saying makes the numbers even worse. People in Canada have a far higher standard of living of people in China. Again it points to the fact that we are being asked to make what amounts to small adjustments in our lifestyles to lower our CO2 emissions. Frankly it is just not sustainable for one person to sit in traffic in a massive SUV that gets 15MPG. \n\nAgain we cannot control what other countries do but all we can do is make sure our house is in order. Canadians will not go hungry by making mild changes to their consumption. We are a wealthy country that needs to lead by example.", "760" ], [ "You won't really need to give you your need for speed. The Tesla Model S P100DL does 0-100km in 2.7 seconds and has a range of 507km - it is 170,000 CAD though. The Model 3 will hopefully be out by the end of this year and should have a range from 350-500km depending on battery config plus you can trick it out with all the dual motors and speed upgrades if you wish. It will be much cheaper then the Model S starting at $35,000 USD. Lot of the traditional car companies have lots of EV models coming in the future and if I had to guess I would think 2020 as the tipping point. Most people feel that battery prices should hit $100 per kWh at that point which would make them far more afforadable. They don't even have to hit price parity with a gas car but if they ever do there won't be much of a market for a gas car if the fueling costs remain so much cheaper then gas.", "202" ], [ "The electric vehicle subsidy was changed last year to reduce the subsidy for any car over 75gs. The current Teslas only get a rebate of 3gs. The Porsche Spyder that they got so much flack for gets nothing. But really 3gs is a drop in the bucket. If you bought a nicely optioned Model S you are going to pay 14,300 in HST. And like other posters have said there are many more affordable cars on the list and there will be even more when the the longer range cheaper EVs start to arrive this year. \n\n\nThe reason these subsidies are important is that we need to use up the oversupply of electricity Ontario has instead of dumping it to other jurisdictions at a loss. Getting people to drive EVs is one of the few areas where they will use more electricity but see an overall reduction in their energy costs because it is so much cheaper then buying gas. Because our grid is relatively clean it is win win win. Use up excess electricity. People drive zero tail pipe emissions vehicles. Overall energy savings.", "202" ], [ "Ontario is spending 20 million on public charging infrastructure. The federal government is also spending on infrastructure By 2018 all new commercial or office buildings will need to have charging infrastructure installed. As for impractical I guess if you want to haul a load of gravel they are. But there are 6.7 million light passenger vehicles on the road in Ontario and a good chunk of them could be replaced as the cheaper long range EVs start to come out this year.", "202" ], [ "It would make more sense that they would add some kind of fee when you renew your plates based on the KMs driven. If they put a tax on electricity itself for this then people would be paying it regardless of if they have an EV. Some US states have increased registration fees for EVs to compensate for example. \n\nBut in Ontario until after the next election this won't happen. For now we get up to 14,000 off EVs that are under 75gs. We get half of a home charger and install up to 1000. This year EV owners will get free electricity to charge overnight and there is plans with the Federal government to remove all of the HST from EV purchases.", "202" ], [ "It would be more than that. You are only including the actual electricity costs not delivery, HST etc. It is hard to tack down an actual off peak costs with those in. My all in average cost per kWh last bill was 17.5 cents per kWh with everything considered so 85kWhs of electricity would be about $14.90 based on that. The off peak rate would be lower then that but not by much. Because of the nature of the delivery fee (part of it is fixed) the more electricity you use the lower your average cost would be. But best case off peak your cost per kWh would probably be 14-16 cents per kWh. So the cost to charge the Tesla 85kWh would be 11.90 - 13.60.", "610" ], [ "My Nissan Leaf costs about $2.00 in electricity to go 100km when you charge off peak in Ontario. So that would be equivalent to a gas car that gets 2 liters per 100km if gas is 1.00 dollar a liter. If the prius gets around 5.0 liters per 100km and you did 22,000km in a year then gas cost would be about $1100 if gas is 1.00 dollar a liter. Electrcity cost for the year for 22,000km a year in the Leaf would be about $440.", "202" ], [ "Not sure how it will be implemented. I am signed up for my utility and when you look at usage stats it is pretty easy to see the baseline of the house hour by hour. And then when charging kicks in you see the usage jump pretty high. So maybe they will try and figure the actual usage or it might be they will just give all electricity between certain times for free.", "672" ], [ "They have already given rebates on charger installs that won't have that connectivity. So people would have to pull out perfectly good chargers (that the government already paid partially for) if installing a new charger was need. If a new charger and install is $800 it wouldn't make much sense to do that if it required a new charger. Especially considering if the Liberals lose the election in 2018 the new government might choose to drop these subsidies.", "706" ], [ "There isn't a magic wand here to make billions of doses of a vaccine in a very short time frame. So it was always going to take time to get enough out there. But there are massive plus to this. We are lucky that the disease predominately kills those that are elderly as we can use that to our advantage on how to distribute the vaccine. In Ontario 87% of the deaths were those that were 70+ even though they only make up 12 percent of the population. In all of Canada that demographic makes up about 4.6 million of the 39 million population. So if we are able to inoculate anyone over the age of 70+ quickly it won't stop the spread of the disease but it will help protect that group that is most vulnerable. This would eliminate many of infections in that age group which would mean far less hospitalization and deaths. The older you are the worse your prognosis becomes if you have it both in severity and possible death.\n\nSome quick math shows how big of an impact it has been made. Just look at Ontario for example. There have been 3663 COVID deaths in Ontario of which 3176 that died were over the age of 70. So if that entire demographic was inoculated then deaths from COVID would fall incredibly. Let alone the hospitalization rate. While anyone can be hospitalized those that are older are much more likely to get severely ill and require hospitalization. So not only will you save a large number of deaths you will also remove the demographic that is most like to need medical treatment thus removing a massive strain on health care.\n\nHonestly I see nothing bad about this. I mean we can stamp our feet all we want and demand more vaccine but the reality is that it will be in short supply and we need to make rational choices in how we use it. If we give those doses to those that really need it then the death and hospitalizations could be brought down dramatically. Then the rest of us can keep taking measures until the rest of the population can get it. You know what would have been a rough spring? A vaccine that was still 1 year out.", "61" ], [ "COVID predominantly kills those that are elderly. In Ontario 87% of the deaths were those that were 70+. 70+ make up 4.6 million of the population of Canada. So just use the initial doses to inoculate as many people over the age of 70 as possible. This should result in a big reduction in those that will get the most sick, need hospitalization and die. This is a much better situation then some were expecting earlier in 2020. Normally vaccine development can take years so just having some available this early is pretty amazing.", "912" ], [ "What matters more then everyone getting it is that we use what we get to inoculate those that are most vulnerable. Most of the death and hospitalisation occurs in the those that are elderly. That demographic makes up much less of the population. Those that are 70+ make up about 12 percent or 4.6 million people in Canada. In Ontario that group makes up 87% of the deaths and as a result much of the hospitalisation that occurs happens in this group. So by inoculating all of them we should cause hospitalisation and deaths in that group to fall rapidly. So if they are able to get much of them inoculated in spring we should be able to move into summer in an extremely good position.", "61" ], [ "Frontline workers in healthcare should also be first in line - nurses, doctors, etc. This should be a fairly small number overall anyway. What will happen is much like happened with H1N1. They will focus on those that were most likely to be impacted. With H1N1 it was really kids they wanted inoculated. I remember waiting in line with my young kids for hours to get it. So the elderly and those dealing directly with COVID patients should be first on the list and move backward from there. Probably almost impossible to make any plans until they have definite on shipments and amounts.", "175" ], [ "Every time I have tried to bring this up on here I just get told I am fatphobic or some other nonsense. While I wished you were correct I just don't think it will happen. If people didn't get in shape when they were forced to go home and lockdown they won't when things are back to normal and they are busy again. I mean if you didn't see the reports about what happens if you have preexisting conditions and are overweight when you get COVID, and kept down the same path, nothing will make you change. This pandemic has just confirmed everything I thought about people. Most people will focus on something that is completely out of their control that will make little difference and not focus on the things that can actually make their lives far better. The main reason? People want a magic pill to solve all their ills. When it is something that takes any amount of effort they will focus on something that is easy but will result in nothing. Or they will blame others for their own issues. Most people are not willing to take any responsibility for themselves and this is why we have such a massive public health crisis (not covid) that people are completely ignoring.\n\nThe fact that you have to tell people that even walking counts is pretty damn sad. Walking? The thing that we evolved to do that separates us from other primates? It is insane to me that it has to be a discussion that we have to ask people nicely to do the thing that we evolved to do. At what point do we have to mandate people do it? 65 percent of adults are overweight and only 16 percent get the recommended daily exercise and this is only expected to grow in coming years. Healthcare costs as a result of this will be massive. I really hoped that, like you, this would lead to a radical shift in individual perceptions but if anything I think people have gone further the other way and are more apt to blame others and not take any responsibility.", "379" ], [ "Starlink beta just went live in Canada. By end of next year there should be substantial coverage. Once that is done you will be able to get high speed, low latency broadband just about anywhere with a fairly small dish. I thought it was funny that both the Ontario and federal governments had new conferences about expanding rural service the same week that starlink went to beta. i mean thanks for doing something that you should have done 5 years ago but now a private business is going to do it for you.", "938" ], [ "It is massively stupid to equate share price with the aid they received and somehow insinuate that it is the aid that caused the increase in share price or it is the aid that is going to shareholders. First of of all like the article states the stock has risen 125% since the COVID crash back in march. So the only way you benefited from this was if you were holding the stock, sold at the high, and then bought in at the low. Or if you were a new shareholder that bought at the low. Since most people probably own the stock in a fund it is doubtful they were being active traders.\n\nOn the first trading day of the year Air Canada was trading at $50 a share. So if you owned 50k of it you would of had 1000 shares. If you held that stock to today your 1000 shares are worth $26,000 so you are down 48 percent from before the COVID crash. Yeah looks like the AC shareholders are making massive bank from the money they received. If you actually held this entire year you would have seen your 1000 shares go from 50k in value to 10k and now back up to 26k. Yeah I am sure all the AC shareholders are ecstatic about all the money they have made from the federal aid.\n\nI understand news organisations play on the anger of the readers. But people really need to think about this. Unless you got incredibly lucky and timed the market perfectly the idea that most long term shareholder in any way benefited from the aid is ludicrous. In fact the only thing it probably did was make their incredible losses of around 80% from the high to the low to be a slightly less worse 48%. They still lost a metric shit tonne of money on paper.", "928" ], [ "Also it is possible that actual infections in the spring were much more widespread then the data indicates. It is probably a combination of all of these things though. I have said we needed to be very careful about inferring too much from the data when people in these threads were comparing the data today to that of March/April. We were testing in far less numbers and only really testing those that were the most ill and were seeking treatment. So without knowing the actual level of infections it is difficult to compare the two.", "266" ], [ "Without a doubt it was much higher and you are right about the earlier spread. In the end even once we knew what was going on it is likely that the spread was much wider then known because of the lack of testing and who they were testing. With limited testing and only testing the most ill it will skew all the data. On the peak day in spring there were 640 cases detected while testing around 12,300. That means a positive percentage of 5.2% Today we had a positive percentage of 3.2%\n\nSure we found a record number of new cases by testing so much more but that doesn't mean we weren't worse off in the spring. Here is an example on what it was like to try and get a test in the spring. My dad was out of country February when all this started. He was finally able to get back (long story) after the shutdowns at the beginning of April. By then he had symptoms but even though he was travelling and had them he couldn't get tested. This was a guy in his early 70s with a preexisting condition. His respiratory specialist told him to call an ambulance and have them take him to the hospital as that was the only way that he could be tested. But even then they gave him a once over, took the sample and sent him home. He got his positive result the next day. So if it was that hard to get a test how many younger people with mild symptoms do you think were tested? \n\nSo the testing in the spring would have under reported cases and the cases they did find were the most severe. This would have created a far higher case fatality rate then it actually was when you just used the data. This is why our overall case fatality rate is high at 2.9%. We know the COVID deaths are accurate at least from the time data collection started. Every person who entered a hospital or was in LTC were all tested. But actual people infected are probably off. Even if you just triple the cases CFR drop to 1.2% which is much more inline with actual CFR estimations. I think the 3x the infections then found is actually very conservative and it was likely more then that.", "266" ], [ "Any action has ripple effects. Some will be able to manage easier then others. I assume every teacher that has kids and is given and extra week or two off won't have an issue dealing with childcare. But a single mom or dad that works 2 jobs will. I have said that people really need to understand that their situation and perspective won't be the same as others. This is why calling to shutdown schools isn't that easy. We can do it but we need to have something in place to help those that need it. In the end action like this can make things worse as you could be pushing together groups of people that weren't before or at the very least didn't have an absolute need to be. People who need childcare will typically look to other family members especially grandparents. We could potentially stop the spread occurring in schools but then infect some of those caregivers who are less likely to have a good outcome from COVID then a younger teacher for example. There are no easy answers.", "601" ], [ "especially when you take a whole bunch of kids, some of which may be infected, and then send them home to be taken care of by possibly these older family members. There is really no easy answer here. To keep things functioning people need to work. For people to work they need their kids to be taken care of during the day if they are young. So this presents a massive challenge. It is one of the reasons they are so hesitant to even lengthen the holidays. Even a couple extra weeks could be a massive problem for many families.", "198" ], [ "I have owned a model 3 since may 2018. This used to happen more in the first year I owned it. Maybe every couple months. Since that it has been stable. But since the last release I've had it happen a couple of times. So it is possible that it is bug in the current software.\n\nI should note that you can reboot the system when the car is driving and nothing will happen. The car still functions fine just can't see the screen. Just hold both the scroll buttons in at the same time for a few seconds until the screen goes black. Then you will eventually see the Tesla logo and the screen restarts.", "131" ], [ "For a reboot? You can force the reboot yourself just by holding in both scroll wheels. That is all that is happening. I have driven a Model 3 since 2018. It used to happen quite a bit during the first year but was pretty rare after that. But I've had it happen twice since that latest software update. So probably just a bug in the latest software. You can book the appointment and they will check the logs remotely but my guess is they will just cancel the call and tell you to wait for the next software update.", "131" ], [ "I was just trying to show that this isn't a major deal. You don't have to reboot. If the screen went black like he said it essentially crashed or rebooted on it's own because it is an issue. It will reboot on it's own. I was just pointing out you can do the same thing when driving by holding in both scroll wheels. I have done it while driving on the highway for fun to see what would happen. Car functions fine. Just the display is off during the reboot. \n\nAnd yes it is a fun experience. I would hate to go back to a car that doesn't have OTA updates for example. Sure you have the chance of introducing more bugs but I have never had a car that got increased power from an OTA update not once but twice. What about all the new features that the car didn't have when I got it like Sentry mode. Personally I would much have a car that is like a kindle fire in this respect then a traditional car. My last car it was going to cost $299 just to update the maps and I have to get an SD card and manually load it. That is embarrassing in 2020 that a car would have to go back to a dealership for such minor update. So if that black screen is a negative I would take that happening occasionally just to have all the other benefits that the system provides.", "400" ], [ "the fact that there are people in here who are overweight, eat crappy food, smoke and do drugs, don't exercise and decided in previous years that public health was not important enough to get the flu shot is shocking to me. Seriously though are you really equating one with the other? People are incredibly weird in how they decide what is risky and what is not. So why is it surprising that they would be worried about one thing and not so much another?", "929" ], [ "So someone takes the vaccine and then is diagnosed with MS. You know that correlation does not mean causation right? I mean there was also a story that 1 in 5 people that get COVID are diagnosed with mental health issues after. The assumption would be that the COVID caused the issues. Well not really. Who are the primary people that are getting really sick with COVID? elderly. If they survive isn't there a chance that they could be diagnosed with any number of things because they are old. So it doesn't mean that COVID caused dementia (one of the things found after COVID). Just that it is possible that they were diagnosed with dementia after they have COVID and that all gets lumped together.\n\nI think people need to spend less time reading headlines and more time the actual studies that they are referring to. The one i mentioned above lists the most common diagnosed mental health issues after COVID as anxiety, depression and other related things. So you you have the media do a story that says 1/5 after covid have mental health issues. And they you spend the time looking at it to find out that the majority of t hem were depressed and anxious. No shit. You just had a potential life threatening disease and we are in the middle of a pandemic and you think that might have caused that instead of COVD itself. \n\nPeople really need to delve deeper then the headlines. News organizations are a business. They get money from clicks and advertisers. So I am not sure why they would write a purposely sensational headline instead of one that more accurately describes the study.", "338" ], [ "Us normal people huh? Yeah anyone who buys a Tesla is someone who is never owned another car before. So basically you have never owned and lived with a Tesla for any length of time but you can speak on people want. Me I have driven EVs, Hybrids, and ICE cars. So I have experience with all of them. Shit i am currently restoring a 1964 corvette with my brothers. I guess you know more then us idiots who only bought a Tesla because of daddy musk and live through the constant day to day hassle of driving one instead of just buying something else. Must be fun living in your fantasyland where everyone else is a moron who doesn't know what they were doing. I can tell you I use my car for work and if it cost me business or was a pain in the ass it would be gone in a heartbeat.", "49" ], [ "That really sucks for your friend. Honestly there is not going to be a massive amount he can do. Generally tenants get more leeway because they don't want to see people made homeless. On the flip side there are many tenants that know how to play this game. From my experiences you have to heavily vet those that you are going to rent to including getting multiple reference from previous places they lived.\n\nBut now that he is here the only way to go about it is to go through the process to try and get them evicted. If he has a property manager and they are experience and having a hard time making it happen then that tells you everything you need to know.", "478" ], [ "But you are a business owner and you just want people to die or so many on here will tell you. Seriously though I know how hard this is. I own a business also and I really think non-business owners need some perspective as we are not all heartless bastards looking to make a few bucks. We are all just trying to live in this new world. People need to understand that business owners are trying to balance public health, with the health of them, their employees and their families as well as trying to keep functioning to make sure those people still have an income. People really need to understand that if they were sent home and still have a job their perspective is much different then an business owner that has 20 other things they need to worry about along with their own income. Plus some of these businesses are essential. Mine is. So we have been out there this whole time trying to make sure that others can stay in their homes by providing the services we do. And we were doing that before there was any PPE that we could get our hands on. \n\nSo stay strong. The light at the end looks like it is starting to appear with the vaccines looking like they will be good to go. But it is going to be a tough winter for many. I personally am trying to support as many local businesses as possible. For others reading that I suggest you do the same instead of ordering something from amazon.", "801" ], [ "Has it been confirmed that they died of COVID? A person gets added to the list of deaths regardless of whether COVID actually caused the death. COVID just has to be present at death to put the person on the list of deaths. So it could have been a heart attack or an aneurysm. This has happened before and news organizations and politicians run with it to create a story. Now that isn't to say that COVID didn't cause the death but no symptoms until collapse doesn't sound like a typical COVID related death.\n\nBut yes the second thing is the more concerning one.", "912" ], [ "Well I was more pointing out that it seems strange that it was politicized really quickly. COVID deaths like this have happened before. Recently there was someone in their 20s that was added to the list and it became a story and then they were removed a few days later because they didn't die from COVID. Being added to the list of deaths of COVID happens automatically regardless of the cause of death. So I was just pointing out that if they didn't have symptoms and suddenly collapsed that doesn't sound like a typical COVID death. It is possible that there was another cause like a heart attack or aneurysm and that they just happened to be infected with COVID.", "912" ], [ "For an actual cause of death to be determined they have to check everything. We know that if you are tested and found to be infected and you die you are automatically moved to the list of deaths even if COVID didn't cause the death. It says so right on Ontario's page posting the data. So basically you could test positive and slip and fall down the stairs and die and be put on the list of COVID deaths. It is just the way the data is dealt with. A person flagged as deceased in the system who also is flagged with being infected just shifts to the deceased column. Another example was the one child that died in the 0-19 group which also seemed to be a preexisting condition more then COVID itself. This is the problem with cause of death. It can be easy like a bullet to the heart. Or it can be much more complicated with multiple conditions playing a part. \n\nMy issue isn't with that but how the article portrays the death. It is made political and people point fingers. Now this isn't to say they shouldn't if they actually died of COVID. But if we find out in a week that she actually died of a heart attack or it was the preexisting conditions that killed her then this story will be done and buried and people will never know. So again I think we need to be wary about reading too much into this. Sadly people die suddenly like this every day even without COVID. So I think we need to be a little cautious about jumping to conclusions (like a politician would). It is easy to be swept up in the emotions of it and the news media and politicians sometimes like to stir that up. \n\nBut the bigger thing would be to make sure that they didn't infect others in the school. So i assume they would be testing anyone with close contact so that should deal with that.", "912" ], [ "And just like the the story does what it was intended to do. Read the headline\n\n **Toronto Catholic school education worker dies after contracting COVID-19** \n\nthey don't say they died of COVID. They say they had it when they died. Another poster said she didn't have symptoms, had other underlying conditions and collapsed while at school and then later died in hospital. This is quite unlike most other COVID deaths. But the nature of the reporting means that if you have COVID and you die you are automatically moved to the list of COVID deaths. An example was the recent 20's person that died and it was a news story and then quietly a few days later they were removed the list of deaths. But by then people have moved on to something else. \n\nLooking at this story and how political it is I would be wary of jumping to conclusions until there is more information.", "912" ], [ "Well there is plenty of info on the difference between this and the original SARS and MERS. There is significant differences in the diseases, how deadly they are and how easily they spread. MERs for example is much more deadly but harder to transmit. Same with the original SARs. This is the funny thing about viruses. Generally the more deadly the virus is the harder it is to spread as it kills it's host quickly. So a more deadly virus that breaks out is much easier to contain as people who get it typically die quicker and have less time to spread it. Lots more info here if you are interested.\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\nSARS-COV2 is basically the best of both if you want to call it that for a newly emerged virus. People can be asymptomatic or have a very mild form of the disease that can be easily confused with a cold or flu. These people can spread it much more easily because they are not lying in bed super ill. And It is more infectious then a typical flu strain so it spreads easier. But then it is also more deadly then a typical flu strain especially to those in certain demographics which presents it's own problems. But it is not deadly as MERS and SARS was. So this is the difficultly. SARS-COV2 can spread easier then a typical flu strain and has a higher mortality rate but not so high that it causes the virus to spread slower. This is why a diseases like measles is so scary compared to the flu or even SARS-COV2 and you should be glad there is a vaccination for it. Typically the flu has a R0 1-1.5. So if you have one infection typically they infect 1 to 1.5 other people. SARS-COV2 looks to be 1.5-3 based on various studies. The measles is 12-18. Insanity. As of 2018 it still kills 140,000 worldwide because of lack of vaccinations. But without the measles vaccinations it is estimated that it would have killed 23 million people between 2000-2018 if not for the vaccine. We should really be thankful for the advent of vaccines to control and eradicate these much more infectious diseases. And hopefully it looks like they will have a workable vaccine for SARS-COV2\n\nSo why did they not need a vaccine? Because they were able to contain the disease because it is different then SARS-COV2. They were actually working on it when the virus was contained and died out causing the world to not need the vaccine. Oh and a mask wouldn't do anything to stop the black death.", "235" ], [ "It is super easy when you buy and hold a stock like this. Although watching the stock fall to less then $200 a share (pre split) when you bought your initial position at close to $300 was not easy. But if I had doubts I just drove my model 3 past a school and saw all the kids freak out and then I just bought more on the way down. Pretty easy to be stress free when you are up something like 900% now on your initial position.", "928" ], [ "They are scientists and doctors not sociologists. People keep posting on here that we need to listen to the experts. But that is more then just epidemiologists. These people end up being extremely focused on their particular fields and spend years training to do it. The tend to not have huge amounts of time to focus on other topics. \n\nPlus even in those very focused fields you have difference on opinion on how to proceed. So while it might seem like a good idea to hand over the decisions to a specific group of people this is what happens when you do. You needed to have input from all experts not just doctors and scientists as this was going to impact far more then just people's health.", "723" ], [ "This is a shit show because no one is willing to take responsibility and make a decision. The province has created guidelines and then thrown it at municipalities with everyone pointing fingers. This is what happened with rec hokey that I am involved in. Just to get a program going we made massive concessions by going to 3 on 3 to limit those on the ice with many other rules and we finally started November 1 after lots of hard work by volunteers. We implemented all the rules and did everything that was asked. After getting all that going we had 2 practices and 1 game and then we get told we are going red which looking that the guidelines meant everything was going to be suspended. So no problem. We knew that was a risk. But then Sunday there is calls and meetings and the city says we can keep doing what we are doing with our restrictions in place we just have to stop playing games.\n\nSo emails go out to everyone telling them this late Sunday night. Then Monday morning comes. New emails. Nope can't do it. The restriction is now 10 on the ice which is impossible from a program perspective. So now we have to send out emails again saying sorry now everything is suspended at least until the beginning of January. Meanwhile my other kid doesn't play hockey but is a competitive swimmer. He is still swimming 5 times a week with far more then 10 people in the pool. We were told that it was because it isn't a team sport. Huh? So you can have 20-25 kids and others in a pool, along with lifeguards and coaches but you can't have 20-25 people on the ice just practicing and not playing a game. Makes a huge amount of sense.\n\nLook before someone gets up my ass about even still doing these activities I am not going to argue with you about it so don't bother posting. Just downvote it if it makes you happy. The main point I am getting at is that there is no real consensus. One group is still doing things others are not. One building is much smaller typically - a pool. One is much bigger - arena. But one can continue to have a program and the other can't. But this is what happens when you have people making decisions who have no clue what they are doing. If you are going to cancel all programs just do it. Going to something like 10 only isn't going to work anyway as you can't run a hockey program with just 10 people on the ice. But then why apply the rules differently across different groups? It took me about 10 seconds of dealing with this to figure out that these people don't have a clue what they are doing. They are basically throwing things at a wall to see what sticks with no real goal or plan. And the plan they have doesn't make much sense in how it is applied when you look at the details.", "46" ], [ "1 video a week on that channel and he has he gets 7k USD a month just in patreon subscribers. Sounds like that is a bigger scam then being a landlord. Just to do the math for you that is 9200 a month CAD or 110,400 a year. Then there is the YouTube revenue. Sounds like he knows how to exploit the system too and get stupid people to send him money for a couple shitty video a week. I like his description on his channel though\n\n\"I'm a smug anarchist poseur vomiting out video essays for you.\"\n\nwell at least he is honest.", "999" ], [ "If only 10 people are allowed in a facility then why is it different for one and not another. The guidelines don’t show a difference. Plus there are many times that swimmers will not be swimming. There is still interaction and people are still breathing out into air lots of the time. Again this isn’t about whether one activity is riskier then another. But the fact that there is no clear guidelines and no one wants to make their own call.", "80" ], [ "Technically you still are. You are part of the reason why there wouldn't be enough. They are not going to build capacity to build 1 billion of something if only 500 million is needed. It is all about supply and demand. These aren't governments doing this. They are contracting with businesses to make them. They are not going to run out and build a bunch of capacity for something for fun. They build it in response to a need. \n\n I mean take a look at the CDC page on this to see how early they have to start preparing vaccine so it is ready for flu season. \n\n \"It takes at least six months to produce large quantities of influenza vaccine. For vaccine to be delivered in time for vaccination to begin in the fall, manufacturers may begin to grow one or more of the vaccine viruses in January based on their best guess as to what viruses are most likely to be included in the vaccine.\"\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)", "61" ], [ "Because in a typical flu year 3500 Canadians die from the flu and over 12k are hospitalised. And even though that is the case only 30-40 percent of people get it normally. People should be getting it every year but they don't because the majority don't really care about public health. They care about their own health which is why in pandemic years you see a spike in people wanting the shot. 2009 with H1N1 was another example where they had to ration doses to those most likely to be impacted by it.", "61" ], [ "They haven't ran out. They don't deliver all the doses ordered in one shipment. They come in over time. What is happening is what happened with toilet paper. People get crazy and rush out to try and get it immediately or people who never get it do. This eats up supply and we have to wait for more shipments. \n\nHonestly the conspiracy theories on here are nuts. In a typical year only 30-40 percent of people get the flu shot. So if this year 90 percent want it and they only ordered enough for 50 percent then there won't be enough. The fact is this on the public for not getting their yearly flu shot. If year after year 80 percent did they would have ordered enough for all of them.", "61" ], [ "prepared? You mean for the vaccine that takes 6 months to grow to a large enough supply. Honestly I like how people think this is all magic. Like if they can make 1 billion of something they should just be able to snap their fingers and make 3 billion of it. They prepare for this every year. They put orders in at the beginning of the year. The pharmaceutical companies have capacity to grow what they think they will need to supply based on that. If you end up in June and decide that you need double that number of doses there is no way to make more in time for flu season. Sure you might have a bit more but you have every single country wanting more. Where will it all come from?\n\nTo me this is a perfect example of something that is on us but it is easy to point fingers at the government and say they weren't prepared. If 80 percent of people got the flu vaccine yearly they would order based on that. But they don't. Only 30-40 percent do. So if people gave half a piss about it, and got their shots every year, we would probably had plenty.", "61" ], [ "Yeah it took awhile. Same with what will happen here. You can't instantly make hundreds of millions of doses of a vaccine. Even the flu vaccine takes months to get ready. Some vaccine manufacturers even start growing what they need for the flu vaccine before they actually know the yearly strains. From my understanding some manufacturers have started making the COVID vaccine even before it has been approved in hopes of getting a head start. But it will take awhile get it out there. The most important thing is to inoculate the most vulnerable first and then move backward. If you can stop the spread in people that are older that would be huge to drive down the deaths as the majority of them are in those groups.", "61" ], [ "Again you are missing the point. Is one activity less safe then another - maybe. But guidelines need to clear for them to work. An article like was posted for this topic should not have to be written. The experts should not be scrambling to figure out what is going on. And if they can't figure it out then how can the rest of the public be able to understand what they need and don't need to do. In the red zone they say to only go out for essentials. But then all of this stuff is still running that is not essential if you mean essential as in what you need to live. So it sends a mixed message that is very dangerous if you are trying to get people to modify behaviours.", "651" ], [ "I never said hockey and swimming were the same. i said the guidelines are not clear. The guidelines say that X should happen and it is not being applied evenly. And like I said I don't care what your opinion is on whether they should be happening or not. I mean personally I would rather not see people get even fatter then they are during all of this but that is just one guys opinion and you know what they say about them.", "253" ] ]
[ 23607, 22742, 7901, 15784, 22654, 22413, 580, 9249, 482, 5232, 25360, 5114, 20790, 2957, 20733, 7195, 4297, 19384, 17151, 9048, 16318, 14264, 24722, 22386, 16818, 7665, 9320, 11415, 19597, 8494, 9499, 23240, 13566, 18830, 6520, 8474, 10190, 7796, 9415, 8623, 20369, 10693, 21179, 21517, 16998, 20785, 19044, 10158, 24781, 18588, 6396, 17645, 23888, 553, 919, 24620, 179, 18097, 14014, 21050, 20444, 15270, 21086, 9513, 6573, 8187, 18803, 20390, 19341, 6829, 6541, 3282, 3374, 23724, 21576, 18526, 25381, 6357, 25102, 4412, 4689, 6705, 3636, 24751, 12224, 16422, 20301, 13426, 12613, 14489, 14248, 17703, 17939, 14256, 13402, 9464, 2722, 15163, 5106, 3953, 14254, 254, 3393, 17301, 21203, 10349, 8924, 2549, 17369, 21651, 1848, 20998, 11448, 13332, 2870, 6768, 22568, 24522, 7682, 16578, 18698, 14998, 11396, 17749, 11047, 7729, 8188, 778, 16703, 4927, 4175, 19961, 17011, 12526, 19090, 19997, 23744, 18402, 17034, 20427, 1415, 4090, 25524, 21301, 15805, 8635, 10622, 22711, 3869, 22404, 15966, 22698, 12764, 10934, 13714, 6071, 7092, 16563, 4107, 6890, 20107, 19107, 18307, 111, 17376, 17549, 2428, 19907, 13643, 16417, 8048, 6295, 10666, 19733, 2553, 277, 21638, 11886, 1516, 1065, 1429, 2315, 8339, 24309, 6533, 21474, 24537, 2279, 9764, 23701, 19211, 3741, 24910, 8352, 23238, 16257, 21533, 18453, 6617, 5945, 10835, 21768, 5252, 20454, 19736, 1457, 18924, 6093, 18166, 20908, 23389, 22121, 175, 14876, 16587, 15809, 577, 1378, 10268, 21046, 5829, 25384, 17991, 310, 2297, 12730, 25535, 22055, 21304, 14997, 11126, 11893, 21611, 15437, 7413, 8907, 17437, 2637, 9951, 20864, 22724, 21949, 5268, 146, 13286, 9136, 11552, 8137, 6147, 166, 10844, 4153, 14641, 3480, 5638, 10862, 8366, 8054, 14382, 16136, 1446, 18837, 290, 4959, 19230, 7722, 24065, 5531, 2253, 6097, 21665, 23069, 10995, 21708, 21125, 22792, 13419, 16999, 6165, 1945, 19678, 2631, 6701, 4512, 6754, 15023, 7522, 2110, 3206, 21456, 17269, 559, 9772, 10733, 17231, 5758, 11997, 13318, 3381, 13789, 2725, 20041, 7000, 21733, 19534, 23975, 14203, 1459, 4444, 10159, 16826, 15463, 20119, 25252, 648, 19956, 22871, 16144, 2910, 9001, 16518, 20931, 12074, 2298, 14129, 12645, 8912, 24876, 9091, 14327, 22643, 25297, 20959, 20880, 14371, 2235, 22941, 23350, 11792, 5499, 18371, 20317, 2326, 15732, 5877, 8129, 5458, 15510, 8062, 18622, 8798, 1619, 7692, 16554, 12664, 2082, 16562, 14220, 22754, 16178, 17194, 12698, 23158, 1552, 24124, 24742, 14824, 14595, 7203, 9069, 7015, 24888, 17510, 22624, 23375, 5587, 4219, 19352, 3945, 24297, 22818, 9150, 4357, 4907, 22276, 7368, 7541, 16957, 21521, 13710, 25339, 21383, 7339, 6019, 2903, 7549, 4369, 10516, 10984, 19253, 9884, 7375, 2980, 17334, 23481, 14846, 17108, 3936, 16674, 6298, 12280, 9622, 18222, 10965, 23846, 2248, 9553, 5234, 14242, 21800, 11575, 23909, 24640, 5726, 12672, 194, 17306, 17681, 3143, 23008, 248, 25374, 4878, 19353, 19780, 19336, 10444, 25167, 17418, 3575, 8276, 19035, 967, 13671, 16460, 14890, 2234, 21616, 4331, 6421, 5276, 18616, 2853, 19141, 14574, 8669, 3135, 10682, 22443, 6866, 17836, 17623, 19195, 9362, 17197, 22559, 7399, 1442, 7394, 23068, 13845, 4417, 4284, 3163, 13636, 18186, 1467, 22709, 24953, 2368, 18710, 17318, 14758, 10221, 7902, 16467, 4285, 1695, 13484, 19469, 14647, 7427, 13589, 532, 19270, 22340, 21475, 8911, 14385 ]
[ [ "It's the iia trolls. They downvote everything that doesn't align with the official narrative. They're very active over at /coronavirus. Just because I don't need a vaccine, they think I'm anti-vaxx or something. There's no need to quarantine. They just don't want us to travel. If they did, then we'd find out half the countries didn't even lock down, have no mask mandates and are doing better than countries that did. \n\nIf they told me I wouldn't need to quarantine if I get the vaccine, then I'd get it just so I can travel freely again. Even though it would be stupid to waste the vaccine on someone like me.", "929" ], [ "Every time I go to the Philippines. They think I'm just another tourist kano. They don't realize I've been married to a Filipina woman for over a decade, and lived there for years. I understand a lot more than I can speak. Sometimes it's an advantage though. I can tell when I'm about to get taken advantage of by a retailer. \n\nI did have a lady on the jeepney keep looking at me, telling her friend to marry a kano and win jackpot.", "1004" ], [ "You know what symptoms I had when I got covid? A little sore throat for a few days, and some phlegm in my chest. \n\nI carry an immunity because I got SARS many years ago. My immune system is optimal. Why would I take an mRNA vaccine that elicits an autoimmune response, when my body already does exactly that (naturally)? \nSame reason why I don't take the seasonal flu shot. I'm not in a risk group, so why get the shot?\n\nIt's not only ridiculous and stupid for me to take the Covid vaccine, but it's a selfish waste of a vaccine. Give it to someone who is in a risk group, like people with multiple comorbidities.\n\n<PERSON> is nothing more than a profiteering technocrat. He's a self serving opportunist, just like all the rest of the politicians.", "929" ], [ "Coinbase is horrible. I have been able to access my account for two weeks out of the past year. They keep telling me they send a text code, but I never get it. I get codes for all other platforms. Webull, TD Ameritrade, Amazon you name it. Never from Coinbase. \n\nI have like $8K in crypto on there, too. Trying to move it to my digital wallet usb for 3 months now.", "71" ], [ "Yep. Globalist technocratic fascism is the future one world government. In the future, corporations (the big mega-corps) will have representation in congress. \n\nThey need to destabilize the USA first. The US is the last superpower that stands in the way of the New World Order. \n\nChina will be the global super power in the next decade. All global governance will be guided by China's narrative. You can see that starting now with the UN, WHO etc.", "848" ], [ "Other way around for me. I was bullied because I was 2 years younger than everyone else in my grade, so I was much smaller than everyone else. All my bullies are failures in every aspect of their lives. They're all either addicts, drunks, can't hold a job. \n\nI'm quite happy and successful. A few years ago I even had one message me and apologize. Then he asked me to loan him $1000 to keep his car from being repossessed. I accepted his apology, but declined the loan. \n\nKids: Be nice to the awkward nerds in school. Chances are high that they'll be your boss in the future.", "331" ], [ "Private <PERSON> standing in formation wearing running shoes, BDU pants and dress green jacket. after an 8 hour on base pass for Christmas. Drunk as a skunk.\n\nWe were restricted to base due to security when the Gulf war started. So Christmas of 1990, we were allowed an 8 hour pass on base. Everyone ended up at the NCO club. I got laid on the beach of the lake in the middle of Ft Jackson. \n\nNext day on the bus going to the range, <PERSON> asked if anyone got laid last night. Dangler pops up. Private OP did. \n\nFucking Dangler.", "553" ], [ "Racism is racism is racism. My ex wife and kids are mixed Viet. My grandkids fathers are black. People looked at my wife and I with our black grandkids like we were committing a crime. \n\nThe Vietnamese men were pissed she married a white guy. The black women were pissed my sons in law married Asians. The white people just looked at me and smiled and then made comments about \"yellow fever\" behind my back. \n\nPeople are stupid. I can't wait till everyone is beige and they can shut the F up about what region our ancestors came from.", "715" ], [ "You mention the Azores. I found out my great grandfather was from there, before immigrating to Boston. I even found a North African (Moroccan) line. My best guess is this genetic line was introduced during the Moor invasion. \nI would love to visit Portugal. I can still remember my grandma speaking Portuguese to her friends. It's part of my heritage that I know least about. I grew up in my mothers French Irish side.", "5" ] ]
[ 5518, 6250, 10214, 4524, 11864, 13435, 4718, 22050, 410, 8371, 11537, 13355, 23357, 17629, 23358, 20930, 23814, 15849, 14875, 9866, 24476, 22411, 11459, 8849, 3767, 20765, 21266, 16907, 11236, 1419, 4853, 23130, 971, 24050, 12061, 64, 4996, 8619, 2148, 4645, 7419, 13477, 6408, 10510, 10550, 7271, 8059, 10785, 12851, 8151, 4089, 6716, 22867, 11330, 1895, 18642, 14069, 4293, 19852, 17103, 8684, 8612, 11489, 7075, 20823, 10006, 22715, 10704, 13356, 14853, 3230, 9759, 21191, 17465, 15336, 3990, 3695, 9968, 9509, 14098, 21705, 6113, 25433, 20024, 24435, 17365, 1473, 12478, 2592, 21012, 6636, 7145, 3618, 19037, 22176, 441, 18683, 22949, 20018, 17466, 7265, 16168, 24511, 9006, 10664, 8381, 18651, 7221, 24215, 16772, 23063, 15516, 13812, 5539, 5068, 6256, 5998, 20228, 18780, 23759, 9374, 10339, 15429, 9823, 19995, 2460, 14229, 10696, 2573, 18897, 5953, 1990, 10763, 21785, 25341, 18983, 14947, 5767, 14555, 18630, 19663, 11317, 10725, 14508, 1589, 5549, 20923, 362, 17990, 1955, 17675, 17513, 23393, 6095, 11555, 13888, 10232, 21944, 10702, 9839, 20323, 12187, 7404, 5069, 8948, 18699, 9599, 20653, 4371, 25406, 3032, 2275, 4653, 12854, 15740, 673, 13311, 22197, 19902, 12476, 21924, 10900, 11691, 23947, 16951, 2915, 21725, 7282, 11086, 15280, 22972, 3532, 23734, 20859, 23301, 1555, 25172, 13972, 12701, 17617, 24460, 4701, 4174, 15757, 3803, 18049, 10804, 5127, 20590, 15455, 13808, 4020, 10735, 16946, 11948, 22696, 3814, 9628, 15293, 18243, 17625, 22321, 12348, 9368, 11857, 7676, 14331, 4466, 1421, 6667, 10474, 20442, 18525, 7610, 23955, 3903, 14691, 18188, 20347, 2570, 39, 7629, 10445, 19133, 24226, 3824, 8807, 1238, 12576, 18850, 12296, 7883, 20253, 9024, 12060, 15632, 11400, 9618, 10167, 25394, 13238, 7397, 14981, 15350, 6522, 18302, 25297, 14429, 14408, 22837, 9357, 12001, 13365, 22902, 15839, 8067, 2008, 730, 586, 3507, 9307, 12136, 13361, 22438, 372, 21782, 1425, 24885, 20617, 9027, 16559, 3138, 15573, 19026, 24025, 12917, 25265, 7490, 18059, 14949, 1312, 25334, 7614, 20429, 18796, 2737, 21509, 20531, 7511, 8429, 23125, 3495, 14678, 11216, 12374, 6452, 12517, 2137, 1845, 10718, 14777, 25195, 24921, 23901, 7591, 2040, 11666, 24333, 21424, 24557, 19162, 22326, 5921, 25422, 16456, 8194, 3603, 16068, 12323, 24211, 18438, 14664, 11626, 8692, 4898, 17284, 22627, 23842, 10244, 6545, 6052, 7543, 24928, 17580, 23286, 11252, 8813, 16256, 5161, 4056, 15260, 2221, 7677, 22194, 20991, 3356, 13953, 20251, 177, 3009, 18648, 1981, 14716, 3529, 6029, 7440, 1586, 9539, 2906, 4889, 16382, 11942, 7593, 3296, 15806, 3762, 15400, 22329, 15634, 24883, 24795, 16877, 5229, 16522, 9792, 19843, 25356, 1713, 6937, 10597, 874, 11245, 16532, 15946, 6558, 12289, 24740, 24788, 12119, 2087, 16934, 11600, 18336, 10141, 9051, 16236, 10493, 23867, 14129, 23856, 12964, 7018, 24771, 5136, 12792, 17737, 10563, 10134, 4313, 1137, 9942, 13119, 24487, 11140, 3319, 6409, 10099, 5355, 16035, 19539, 7427, 9999, 20822, 2129, 3247, 5029, 22278, 14629, 363, 22112, 20782, 9136, 6194, 25380, 15655, 24569, 18425, 6894, 15885, 14952, 20008, 8195, 13064, 23512, 7701, 10977, 21656, 7240, 10110, 10100, 8866, 8375, 6841, 5189, 15617, 18715, 4168, 3340, 11289, 6298, 1670, 11248, 12558, 462, 18899, 12737, 2191, 18483, 22475, 13142, 9515, 7622, 920, 6599, 20139, 15114, 14201, 21572, 24961 ]
[ [ "I mean, fair enough, but the chickens being sold at my local Walmart don't even look like they were healthy birds at all when they were alive, plus I *highly* doubt they were free range. And there is actually a breed of chicken [can't remember the name] that still gets fairly large without being fed hormones due to selective breeding, but even then, they aren't very healthy regardless of their living situation. \n\nLike another commenter pointed out, Walmart chickens are being found contaminated with salmonella [at least in Ohio, who knows about other states]. That combined with how salty and overall off the meat tastes *and* how Walmart does tend to leave their chickens out well beyond what I believe is the *legal* limit makes me not want to go with that option even if they are free range. Not the best decision maybe, but I'd much rather have chicken that doesn't taste like it's *trying* to make me sick.", "642" ], [ "I don't know how they're treated in Ohio, that was the other commenter. I'm in California. But no, they never do reduce the price of the chickens. I've seen them still sitting out at the normal price after six hours. I've also seen cold chickens in another case that are labeled as having been cooked the previous day, so they're definitely cutting corners somewhere. At least I know it isn't a company-wide problem.", "783" ], [ "Stand up for yourself, especially if you aren't living with either your grandparents or parents. Let anyone who calls or comes by know that you *do not* appreciate people you don't know having your personal information and that you *will* report them to the police for harassment if they don't stop. Even if you don't plan on actually doing it, the threat alone may be enough to stop them. If it isn't, then definitely let the police know about it. I know it sounds extreme, but giving out your information with the intention of harassment or stalking *is* illegal. And if you can, change your phone number and don't let anyone in the ward know what the new number is.\n\nI know you said you wanted to do a slow fade, but you may have to go cold turkey and just stop going to any church related thing all at once. This plus demanding [never ask when it involves the church, demand] to be left alone and that I want *zero* contact from them is the only way I was able to get them to actually stop contacting me. It was a little scary, but biting the bullet and just *doing it* is often the only thing that helps when these people are being aggressive.\n\nRemember, this is *your* life, not *theirs*. You don't have to answer to *any* of them.\n\nEdit: forgot a word", "716" ], [ "Definitely the Blades, for all the reasons you listed. Plus it's never even vaguely explained how <PERSON> got the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller in the first place. That quest is actually my least favorite in the game because of the blatantly obvious plot armor. Oh, and *how the fuck* did *they* get invited to those negotiations during Season Unending? *Why did the Greybeards let them in?*\n\nI really wish we could have made a deal with the <PERSON> and turned the Blades in. Maybe something like \"stop sending your justiciars after me and I can tell you where the last of the Blades are hiding *right now*\". Or we could just, instead of killing <PERSON>, kill <PERSON> and <PERSON>. Why they're essential and why there are no mods that take the status away once they lose their usefulness is beyond me. Well, mods that are available to us console players.", "1011" ], [ "Toss up between HybridPanda and Gopher. \n\nPanda because I've been subscribed to him for *years* and I've seen him grow as both a person and a creator. <PERSON>'s even been open about his mental health struggles and it makes him so relatable. Plus he's got this voice that just makes his playthroughs a lot of fun to listen to. Sleeping Dogs and Dead Space are incredible with the way he played them.\n\n<PERSON> because of his voice and the fact that he goes super deep into role-playing when he does commentary for certain games. Anything he says when he's playing those games is what his character is saying or thinking. His current Skyrim playthrough is hilarious for this. Oh, and if you ever want to get a laugh out of someone not taking a horror game seriously *at all*, check out the Hard Mode playthrough of The Forest that's on his second channel, GopherLive. He did that as a series of livestreams with Chayification and it's so good.", "371" ], [ "There are a lot of mods, but just... not ones that do things like *that*. There's one that flat out removes the essential tag from everyone Morrowind-style, but I'm not brave enough for that. Hell, I've still got a resurrect spell mod even though random vampire attacks don't happen anymore because I don't want to see certain NPCs die to dragon attacks.", "300" ], [ "Maybe, but it isn't explained how she got into the shortcut. There's no way of opening it from the outside, that I can remember anyway, because if there *was* a way of opening it from the outside, we would have been able to use it too. Unless <PERSON> just decided to break it so completely that nobody else can use it because.... reasons? It makes no sense. She could have just come and found me instead of being all \"Haha, got your fucking horn, dingus. Guess I must be Dragonborn too, huh?\"", "373" ], [ "I've heard that, but it still doesn't make sense to me. They don't belong there. There's literally no reason for them to be involved in these negotiations. Even if there *are* more things important than old grudges, what does these two random people being there accomplish even if they actually did serve the Dragonborn like <PERSON> claims? It would be the same as if <PERSON> or <PERSON> had brought along their castle cooks or some other servant. They aren't politically significant enough for their opinion to matter and they don't even give their opinions anyway as far as I can remember. It feels like Bethesda shoved them in there \"just because\".", "212" ], [ "Came onto the sub because I was in the mood to give random people compliments and yours is the first post I see? Damn, I'm lucky because you are *beautiful*. You have a kind of model vibe [like maybe late 80s to early 90s, I think?], especially in the top left picture. Don't let the people telling you that you aren't beautiful get to you. They don't know what they're talking about.", "378" ] ]
[ 11098, 9461, 17058, 7196, 11589, 9982, 12277, 23065, 6403, 15847, 1367, 6873, 13748, 9614, 24247, 9637, 1248, 3864, 16115, 804, 13100, 12460, 2261, 2832, 16029, 611, 15831, 19209, 19083, 1602, 8609, 9370, 16167, 20676, 9659, 9789, 3120, 11660, 5356, 13528, 12273, 12463, 13591, 9890, 17689, 14533, 21523, 223, 2918, 14519, 8261, 19880, 5398, 334, 5385, 18640, 12766, 7739, 11147, 7897, 4165, 18844, 6555, 21481, 9443, 24137, 10775, 501, 17970, 3057, 16611, 4464, 13944, 1948, 12322, 16435, 8785, 5329, 21175, 6961, 6880, 19312, 11006, 1253, 5610, 22282, 10658, 21325, 19424, 10609, 10805, 3837, 5177, 13860, 21744, 5677, 23124, 4887, 2738, 292, 4850, 25418, 14492, 23041, 14400, 23614, 3724, 9685, 13019, 17111, 14968, 25193, 1567, 13401, 8265, 676, 19920, 5552, 10034, 2089, 19207, 10074, 24200, 16666, 10381, 7859, 12212, 8383, 5985, 13894, 24421, 24077, 19268, 8528, 2707, 20650, 10222, 6482, 25110, 3872, 5333, 11302, 1193, 12899, 24987, 16387, 2843, 7527, 11723, 11468, 19433, 23547, 1993, 12943, 15688, 19289, 6361, 22953, 18994, 855, 20393, 22652, 11016, 17594, 18301, 24116, 23665, 555, 14413, 21617, 10620, 595, 18069, 6137, 11831, 2735, 9118, 2414, 18035, 7144, 14484, 9869, 14719, 17342, 13506, 4235, 5724, 22299, 20324, 6653, 3698, 21108, 7916, 3922, 2373, 844, 22888, 8773, 2086, 18877, 12493, 11547, 25442, 9247, 13120, 7540, 12793, 18155, 10150, 19707, 17071, 9093, 7172, 24838, 7003, 8826, 20295, 15935, 10536, 38, 7683, 65, 3022, 11367, 10836, 9591, 2164, 12981, 12131, 22099, 9450, 12406, 1305, 7811, 16692, 3056, 8645, 8091, 3503, 11754, 23099, 184, 706, 16244, 17599, 3110, 14535, 21662, 2251, 7316, 23024, 17769, 8682, 8652, 12812, 21803, 8217, 23420, 18287, 20173, 6291, 4831, 9238, 7709, 4106, 10794, 14121, 11598, 11194, 24829, 3435, 10153, 20645, 2624, 1748, 7723, 8095, 7650, 15143, 6969, 16520, 16036, 3330, 24260, 11169, 23526, 10465, 4752, 22082, 9344, 17826, 11338, 17974, 23895, 16786, 3558, 6154, 3255, 11030, 2800, 24863, 25148, 10941, 12930, 24331, 16722, 4879, 9596, 5405, 5325, 20581, 19832, 3761, 20234, 11883, 16615, 1803, 9354, 2401, 20026, 22745, 19484, 19259, 12719, 10162, 2217, 19103, 15583, 827, 3440, 20568, 7433, 2909, 16628, 8227, 13434, 62, 6921, 4208, 22741, 14872, 854, 16753, 11203, 2339, 3347, 23237, 18350, 1355, 2933, 4480, 13094, 25047, 2296, 24224, 1036, 12599, 8821, 13082, 15401, 9762, 14074, 4494, 20957, 23223, 7900, 17739, 9365, 15223, 4352, 5793, 7294, 2057, 23043, 1223, 23533, 13687, 25117, 10452, 24301, 14181, 22237, 4320, 23268, 12072, 1165, 14481, 11701, 25364, 686, 15471, 1623, 12404, 14432, 5532, 7033, 22117, 17535, 6347, 9828, 18672, 5783, 10467, 20147, 19699, 14657, 13111, 7953, 4055, 23692, 14913, 8522, 13772, 23246, 15853, 20467, 5265, 21809, 110, 18016, 4624, 21706, 18755, 4479, 4774, 433, 12174, 6243, 8099, 3459, 6176, 9863, 7114, 21229, 16719, 22355, 15642, 4302, 6402, 25529, 13522, 11328, 11892, 16499, 6986, 6984, 23444, 16129, 17757, 11915, 24674, 9191, 18323, 20893, 14726, 19390, 3314, 391, 24298, 18738, 20268, 8856, 1413, 13908, 4619, 13430, 3073, 12734, 23353, 23834, 15950, 25237, 11278, 3142, 7272, 5684, 9082, 546, 5119, 5988, 14062, 6734, 3100, 1477, 1226, 11605, 7325, 1591, 6959, 19631, 8980, 11386, 24540, 2512, 16149, 25513, 12316, 7524, 9626 ]
[ [ "Correct. You usually don’t need a new sim card. Afaik apple doesn’t provide sim cards for mobile providers either, which is a bit confusing. Was there still a plastic seal around the box? It is unusual for apple to provide sim cards, let alone for them to already be *IN* the device. The old sim card will do just fine, as it contains all the info you need. As long as AT & T don’t deactivate the old sim in favour of a new sim, unless your subscription can have multiple like mine (although I’m very confused as to how it got there and if it even is yours to begin with).", "574" ], [ "It sounds like it is a refurbished device if it was sealed, the sim card then being someone else’s, *not theirs*. Just forgotten about. Either for testing or the previous owner even. It’ll work just fine as it would be refurbished and have the regular warranty, but go back to the apple store as it is indeed very wrong if it was sold as new. The factories wouldn’t even use American sims, I doubt they’d do testing with sim cards to begin with (a lot of hassle). If apple does provide sim cards from ISPs in the US (which I doubt) it wouldn’t be in the device already. Lots of info missing and it would overcomplicate things from the factory.", "923" ], [ "That is very odd. If they asked you in store then you clearly didn’t do the monthly plan with AT & T via a online order. Even then I’d doubt it’d be shipped inside the phone if you did, then this wouldn’t happen. Put your old sim in, that will work 100%. Take the device with the unknown sim back to apple and discuss. Does the sim allow connection to the AT & T network? Or has it been blocked? They might’ve sold you a refurbished device that had a old customer’s sim card still in it. That’s a pretty big fuck up on apple’s end if that’s the case, that’s a whole data protection issue, as sim cards _can_ hold some info.", "574" ], [ "Oh the last thing you said is absolutely normal, nothing set up wrong. The iPhone XS/XR and up all come with dual sim, that is one sim card is e-sim. You can go to providers like AT & T and get a electronic sim instead of a physical one, that’s all that “add data plan” is. You can scan a QR code and it’ll basically work the same like a regular sim, just won’t take up the sim slot.\n\nOtherwise, I’d go past the apple store again. They keep quite immaculate care of their stock in store it seems. They might discount the device for you if you were accidentally sold a refurbished device as new and definitely bring up the sim card, that’s a major fuckup if it belonged to someone else (data issues, as sims hold some data, not a lot, but can hold some info, like contacts.).", "574" ], [ "Well the actual story is that many people asked the man to put on a mask and the man genuinely openly stated that wearing a mask isn’t compulsory in switzerland, on public transport, when it is. Also seems like the guy really provoked the guy who headbutted him after he was asked to wear a mask. [Source](_URL_0_). Both got fined and reported by the police tho.", "855" ], [ "And after over a year of this, people still don’t get it. Masks are to protect others, they only protect the wearer a tiny bit. If everyone wears them, you end up protecting each other, simple, right? That is why people who are vaccinated should still wear a mask, as they can still spread it. It’s antisocial and could literally kill other people to not wear a mask, even just leave people with issues for years or the rest of their lives. Trust me, people wouldn’t give a fuck about antimaskers if it only affected themselves. \n\nViolence may be too far, but it seems like the guy really pissed off the guy who headbutted him. Especially with how touchy he got. Probably why the assault happened, not just him not wearing a mask. Plus the full story states that the guy was asked many times to wear a mask by different people, and it’s a required thing on public transport here.", "855" ], [ "And you absolutely did not understand what I said. I never defended this, I just explained what he really said, because he definitely didn’t say “water isn’t a human right”. Never mind how it is a actual issue that needs to be taken seriously, he’s even stated he’s happy about the bad press because it brings attention to the water issue we do have. \n\nHe never said “Nestlé was going to solve the issue” or that “Nestlé should be the ones making costs”, as they definitely can’t do that, at least not Worldwide, not even sure they can do it here. I’m trying to keep an open mind here. I’m just repeating what he said as he never specifically said “Water isn’t a human right”.", "817" ], [ "And can you actually please bother to read what I said? Like I said, it was never my opinion and I don’t stand by other things that nestlé does, but he definitely didn’t say “water isn’t a human right” in the clip that sparked outrage. I only ever explained what he said. Actually go and watch what he said and his own response to it. If you’re going to shit on a company, do it the right way.", "337" ], [ "You still made one mistake. It isn’t what *I* said, I just explained what the CEO said as it just can’t be summarised into “water isn’t a human right”. Never even mentioned their actions, only what HE said. You can’t summarise a a4 page of text into one sentence, so much info and context gets lost. I’d rather shit on the company for things they’ve actually done and not this.", "809" ], [ "You seriously need to learn how to read what people say and not jump to conclusions. What part of \"This is not my opinion\" is so hard to understand? I just repeated what the CEO said as it can't be summarised as \"Water isn't a human right\" nor is that what he really said. There is a real issue in the world that needs to be solved. He never even talks about bottled water in either of the videos, but he does bring light to a big issue. AGAIN, I do not condone whatever the FUCK nestlé does, but I prefer to shit on someone or something with clear, hard facts and not things like this. I never once said it was my opinion nor mention any of nestlés actions. But thanks for resorting to calling me names right away, thinking this is what I believe when I clearly stated otherwise, multiple times.\n\n[You should also seriously watch the actual video, if you speak german.](_URL_0_) The article you provided is a translation from a specific snippet of the video, some of the things which don't have a 1 to 1 translation to english. Again, shit on them for things like what OP posted, not for words that have been twisted through translation.", "337" ], [ "I never tried to defend nestlés actions or even mention them, where the fuck did you get that from? I only repeated what the CEO said in a specific video that sparked outrage and even stated it was NOT my opinion, just that it can't be summarised as \"water isn't a human right\", multiple times. But thanks for resorting to name calling right away.", "337" ] ]
[ 22790, 16265, 2126, 14560, 13072, 3596, 7324, 461, 1242, 7063, 85, 4329, 17607, 16646, 2658, 7198, 6085, 14321, 13015, 3147, 19867, 10687, 2461, 10882, 16521, 1264, 12127, 20166, 8626, 6862, 18245, 1230, 14552, 8422, 19333, 202, 7112, 3564, 9465, 9696, 4432, 14706, 5801, 7980, 10246, 6191, 12840, 23421, 18532, 7431, 5722, 13939, 6946, 11240, 13479, 19344, 3267, 6696, 16553, 14114, 20734, 11888, 23405, 12407, 6302, 3533, 15338, 19760, 2264, 18664, 24055, 6785, 1035, 3222, 7414, 22418, 17628, 2921, 3620, 12340, 17880, 2996, 12548, 9998, 11193, 6657, 833, 25276, 10024, 11305, 11276, 2753, 15548, 3038, 3976, 12035, 15245, 23074, 22326, 9319, 19346, 11217, 5747, 3847, 13272, 6217, 21595, 17644, 8689, 19245, 21905, 19709, 6045, 1925, 7277, 12216, 12566, 6883, 2525, 23397, 14293, 13737, 538, 22287, 7260, 16107, 9535, 14503, 8310, 14703, 7504, 14917, 18597, 5483, 18801, 9463, 13912, 5834, 15727, 16280, 14511, 1569, 11484, 3747, 8533, 261, 9746, 8896, 455, 6269, 7786, 15861, 22065, 2286, 5843, 6772, 606, 14215, 23902, 21997, 5690, 3423, 12140, 17255, 24204, 12578, 16042, 5189, 1282, 20142, 15846, 14025, 24380, 14588, 14943, 1168, 17241, 723, 1527, 7597, 9294, 2720, 9052, 12512, 21104, 8409, 19172, 12397, 1214, 9544, 5426, 10857, 1458, 15820, 6799, 14100, 19792, 17252, 1439, 23493, 24826, 20176, 24222, 10564, 7235, 20725, 8338, 2239, 10331, 1139, 11812, 11168, 15718, 4829, 13178, 9920, 6310, 16023, 10999, 24584, 14805, 15731, 1009, 10525, 12152, 6652, 6603, 6629, 13491, 1179, 19447, 1851, 4440, 20916, 3685, 8898, 7854, 5696, 17759, 12618, 8089, 2473, 8921, 14422, 2236, 9275, 14920, 12826, 1829, 20895, 518, 22727, 19396, 17043, 15392, 18170, 7573, 19962, 23779, 12333, 2738, 6713, 873, 14707, 12881, 17805, 4948, 24964, 10619, 8244, 13478, 8301, 11929, 10333, 19050, 887, 24259, 14640, 1160, 15048, 14994, 7047, 7301, 18267, 11339, 8515, 6811, 8251, 270, 19180, 8933, 25065, 21693, 18162, 21914, 5425, 171, 1715, 6014, 18727, 18951, 10213, 3383, 1359, 11268, 21281, 7084, 10747, 7255, 19556, 12402, 11287, 18905, 15660, 320, 3504, 25395, 20564, 14272, 20965, 17201, 14559, 22850, 11549, 12483, 11436, 21429, 21928, 16923, 24750, 22688, 8628, 11408, 6305, 14564, 21398, 11604, 24362, 20135, 18870, 22590, 17874, 25205, 13583, 1126, 3874, 13048, 14857, 6759, 24767, 11569, 13347, 7, 19513, 11973, 2432, 25291, 11051, 25463, 18363, 15869, 6608, 7486, 18810, 3829, 9825, 4262, 7716, 6311, 9245, 24431, 17198, 5153, 17212, 13603, 24585, 13326, 25166, 13818, 20337, 21154, 12606, 7587, 16677, 8028, 24381, 11534, 20750, 13368, 10939, 18923, 21983, 3676, 1700, 24386, 1725, 9034, 2396, 7036, 13104, 17571, 17386, 6183, 563, 13069, 3355, 7714, 4914, 10037, 17975, 1376, 17933, 2673, 21702, 19465, 9313, 9740, 1564, 15851, 14972, 12763, 21236, 17515, 10614, 7471, 4522, 15096, 12310, 9771, 10647, 13522, 2755, 12154, 5949, 11499, 23540, 21586, 20095, 7078, 7289, 3572, 7287, 20866, 20078, 14613, 21023, 25544, 24950, 23815, 8060, 8173, 11979, 4766, 5923, 22877, 5707, 15089, 7273, 25298, 10463, 2410, 12644, 5811, 20415, 17984, 2441, 14916, 19340, 4043, 21181, 11901, 1010, 17464, 15852, 18349, 7671, 20186, 9081, 9743, 4540, 4711, 4075, 5061, 6755, 12596, 8045, 16542, 11783, 3981, 3501, 7174, 377, 8200, 5041, 20327, 272, 14189, 23586, 15399 ]
[ [ "If he's trying to chew himself a lot, it's probably allergies. Could be a food allergy or it could be an allergy to something in the treats you give him. I'd suggest trying to cook him up some food from home for a bit and lay off the treats, see if that helps. There are plenty of dog food recipes online. Or you could get him kibble with all the \"frees\" in it as I like to call them: gluten free, chicken free (that means no chicken fat or byproducts either, mine has an allergy to that), basically all the frees. Blue Buffalo has a lot of options in that respect and _URL_0_ usually sells them at a decent price.", "918" ], [ "As the other person that replied said, your best bet is to get toys without stuffing. I personally get mine toys that are like, long and floppy so she can play tug of war with me - her favorite game. And they don't have stuffing in them as a bonus. Here are some examples of what I buy my own aggressive chewer:\n\n[Tug of war floppy toy - my own Chis fav](_URL_1_)\n\n[Duck toy ](_URL_0_)\n\nHope that helps. :)", "122" ], [ "<PERSON>, Beth has already said that mods will be on private servers only. So it'll be a cool thing you can do with your own friend group or if you play solo. I don't think any of what you said here applies, in that case. Besides, the whole jealousy over of an outfit etc thing already exists in this game. It stems from legacy outfits and Atom Shop ones that don't get offered anymore or that people just missed out on. The errors? Already exist. It's a <PERSON> game, one of the buggier ones even 2 years in. So I'm not sure much will change when mods come in besides like, maybe some people will play on private servers more. Besides that, nothing should change.", "63" ], [ "Seeing as both cryo and flame weapons have been separated away from energy damage, in theory it shouldn't effect it. That said, when I had the Grounded mutation the only weapon I noticed any difference with even then was the laser rifle/pistol. The plasma rifle/pistol was also slightly effected, but not much. I didn't notice any difference in any of the other energy weapons or during the rare times I used a cryolator or flamethrower. Pretty sure that was after the change, too. If you're that worried about it there is a version of that mutation without the nerf to energy weapons, you still shock people, you just lose the energy resistance and nerf to energy weapons. I changed over to that from Grounded, myself, just to be able to have more options. It's called Electrically Charged. So that's an option, too.", "864" ], [ "Yeah. I actually got my very first recon armor piece after the update. I've gotten some other rare plans too, like the X-01 Scorched Paint. Might be because I'm a fairly new player so I don't have a lot of the plans others do, I also didn't do Ops until I was like level 45. I'm level 172 now but still. Am on Xbox, if it helps.\n\nEDIT: Forgot, I did get the <PERSON> plan right after I got my first recon piece. So yeah I've gotten 2 BoS items post update.", "599" ], [ "I have noticed stealth is a bit tougher to pull off since the last update. I took a look at your build, it's actually quite similar to mine. I've taken to using the Chinese Stealth armor wherever possible on top of my normal sneak perks, and that seems to help significantly - when I do it that way, I rarely, if ever, get caught and if I do I only get up to Caution. Regular sneaking so to speak seems to have been made more difficult since the last update otherwise. It's not just you that's noticed. I wish I knew what was causing it, too.", "444" ], [ "Sounds like you're on PC so I'm not sure if this applies. But I'm pretty prone to headaches and this game definitely gave me them at first, too. What I did was go into my TVs settings and fiddle with them until the brightness was down just enough to not burn my retinas lol, but still enough that I could see. Then I fiddled with the contrast a bit. I also realized my headphones, believe it or not, were really contributing to my headaches. I wear glasses and apparently they were pressing into my head and making me get even worse migraines. So I did quite a bit of Google research on what headphones work the best for glasses wearers, and as it turns out it's the Hyper X Cloud Stinger X headphones. They run on the pricey side, like $50. I lucked out and found a refurbished pair on Amazon for $35 in near New condition. The combination of adjusting the brightness and contrast and changing out my headphones worked miracles, I now rarely if ever get a migraine playing this game and I can play just about as long as I like. Like I said, not sure if this applies to ya, but I hope it'll at least give you some ideas and help that way.\n\nEDIT: Also just remembered, being in a set of power armor can also trigger motion sickness and headaches for me. Any longer than 20 minutes and it starts up. This may be the case with you too, it's caused by the headbob in PA. Calibrated Shocks on the legs helps offset it for some reason, but still. If you're in PA, might want to consider not using it.", "784" ], [ "No lol, the cat is an animatronic one, unfortunately. It was offered in the Atom Shop for Halloween a while back, though I am working on getting an actual pet with the Animal Friend perk - it's just taking me much longer than I thought it would. The walls themselves are the steel set I think they're called, and the wallpaper is from a Mothman Atom Shop bundle I got a while back. Thought it would fit in well here, being by Point Pleasant and all. I would have shown the shelters, but I'm actually in the process of redoing them at the moment. Anyway thank you. :)", "287" ], [ "Well, where are you trying to build exactly? I'm at a power pylon by Point Pleasant that happened to have a junk pile, so I was pretty sure I could build there. One rule of thumb as well is to be sure to try and build away from any locations or other buildings, so if you're trying to build at a power pylon next to a town for example, it's not going to work. If you're trying to build at a power pylon next to any kind of other building there's a 90 percent chance it won't work either. Look for power pylons that have nothing else around them. This one I built at is up a mountain and down the road from Point Pleasant proper, so that wasn't an issue either. Another thing to keep in mind when trying to place your CAMP module down is it can be finicky for no reason sometimes, so try running around and see if you can place it in that immediate area. Even with all of the above I did, I had to fiddle with the CAMP module until I had the green borders just right or it would have been impossible to build all of that. I hope that helps, but if you can give me some more details on where exactly you're trying to build I can try and help.", "829" ], [ "Hmm. That's odd. The only thing I can think of is either someone already had claimed but not built up that CAMP or it was being finicky. Because I had no issue building there other than getting the green borders just right. It didn't tell me I couldn't build. Yeah, I would say try again. If it happens again try server hopping or if you have one, try building it in a private world so you know it's not been taken up by someone else. Tbh I always build in my private, it's easier on a lot of fronts.", "829" ], [ "You got all the advice I could give already given to you, except for these two things. Don't underestimate the Well Rested and Well Tuned bonuses. The first is gained sleeping in a bed and the second playing an instrument. Also, the Well Rested bonus can be made into the Very Well Rested bonus and last twice as long if you have an Ally at your CAMP. So far the ones that count without doing their quests for me anyway, have been <PERSON> and the two new Lite Allies you get off this seasons' Scoreboard. Though I'm sure there are others. The Path to Enlightenment event in the Forest by the Lighthouse will also give you +5% bonus XP upon communing with the Mothman, and doing the Feed the People event at Mama Dolces by Morgantown will give you Canned Meat Stew for another XP bonus. Oh, and obviously don't forget to join a Casual Team. That ended up being more than two things but ah well lol.", "283" ], [ "Aaronstead Farm has cranberries, I think. Also for Whitespring recipes, look for the bot wearing a chef hat lol. The Whitespring Service Entrance has a ton of brain fungus, I believe that's what you meant? An easy place to find gourds as well is the greenhouse behind Riverside Manor. It only has one, and they seem to have made it so Green Thumb no longer works on it, but it's a much shorter, easier way to get gourds and plant them. :)", "408" ], [ "Yeah unfortunately shotguns really need to be a full build before you can maximize their damage output. Two Shotgunner ranked perks and a Bloodied build is not going to get the damage you're looking for. You need maxed out Shotgunner perks, all 3 fully ranked, Skeet Shooter, the one under Perception that makes the spread less, as well as Enforcer fully maxed. If its explosive, you need at least some ranks in Demo Expert, preferably maxed out too. <PERSON> on YouTube also tested out Explosive shottys, and for whatever reason you also on top of that seem have to aim for either the head or the feet to do the most damage even then. So to explain why you weren't doing damage, you didn't have the proper build for it. Shotguns like any other weapon require a solid behind them to be at their best.", "694" ], [ "NTA. I don't know if this exists in Uber Eats, but I found out the hard way on my first few Uber rides about a thing called ride stretching. It's where your driver will purposely go the wrong direction or add some more miles on to get a higher payout overall. Now I don't know if it's the same principle but if it is, that's probably what's going on here. As for everyone saying maybe he had another drop off, I get delivery from Uber Eats often enough I know how the system works. If there was another drop off or a delay for whatever reason, roadblocks included, Uber would have notified OP by saying there was a delay or that someone else's food was being dropped off first. At least, that's how the app works here in the US. I'm assuming it's the same in the UK. The last couple app updates added those features because with covid, there usually is going to be a delay or extra drop offs. Now I'm assuming also because OP didn't mention any of that popping up in the app that that is not the case here.", "114" ], [ "This is a tough one. I would suggest having a heart to heart with your daughter and asking her exactly why she dropped out. One thing no one has brought up here is the covid aspect of all of this. I'd like more info if possible, was she in online college due to that or hybrid, like half online half in person? All in person all the time? Like which one? Thats kind of important to my ruling on all of this. But one thing I can say even without that info, is you don't need a college education to make a living anymore. There are so many other lucrative careers, including ones you can self teach with just some Google searches like programming. There are all kinds of careers in technology where they will even pay to train you, no degree needed and you can make like 7 figures with minimal experience needed. I would say pull her aside and ask her not only why she dropped out, but let her know that even without college she still needs a life plan of sorts. She can take a bit of time to think that over, certainly it would take longer than 2 weeks, and that in the meantime she needs to pull her weight in other ways, like doing chores. You have other options here besides just tossing her out, is what I'm trying to say. For now without that info it's a YTA for me. Tossing your kid out onto the street with no money no nothing, especially during the times we're living in now with this pandemic could downright kill her. That's the harsh truth, and to risk that because she won't go to college and is lazing about a bit is honestly a little ridiculous to me.", "492" ], [ "NTA. However, it sounds to me like he might have undiagnosed ADHD. He reminds me a bit of myself before I got treatment for it and learned tools on how to manage it better, though even I was never that bad. I would suggest bare minimum postponing the wedding until you get him looked at for this. If he refuses to even consider it, well, that is a whole other issue and I'd say cancel it outright. Still, your NTA on this even if he does have undiagnosed ADHD. You still need to make an effort, more so of one when you know something isn't quite wired right up there, and even before diagnosis you usually do know.", "732" ], [ "ESH. Yes, she is wrong to just expect you to babysit. But you were also wrong to just bail out on a 6 year old for a date with your boyfriend, I'm sorry. There were so many other options you could've done there. You could have invited the boyfriend for a movie night in and kept an eye on the kid AND had your date, you could have Googled a babysitting service and asked the mom to reimburse you if you really wanted to make a point. But you should never have left a 6 year old alone. Imagine how you would feel at 6 if not only your mom left you all alone but the person your mom lives with and has watched you before did too. Not to mention, the kid could have gotten into something and hurt themselves. Nah, <PERSON>.", "774" ], [ "Soft YTA. I have been in your friends shoes. I have also been advised the same exact way. I didn't like hearing that because in my mind I just heard, \"you're so ugly you have to hide it to make men like you\". I know that's not how you meant it. But to someone with low self esteem, statements like that get twisted. What your friend wanted in that situation was just some sympathy or someone to vent to. It means she really likes and trusts you. But then in her mind you basically outright called her ugly. Even someone with low self esteem won't usually take that well. The truth is though, I only learned years later after I'd worked on my mental health for a long time - that my friends were right in their own way. Maybe not so much the whole make up thing or even confidence, but you do need to know how to hold a basic conversation and maybe dress up a little in some flattering clothes (depending on what that may be for your body type and/or style and most importantly, what your comfortable wearing in that respect - wearing something you're not comfy in will always stick out more than whatever amazing outfit you wear). Guys at that age see a girl in sweats and either seem to forget she's in fact a girl, or they think she's not looking or already taken. That only changes when they get older. Anyway, I thought maybe you'd appreciate some input on someone who went through low self esteem for a long time. But yeah I do think you could have handled that a bit more carefully.", "378" ], [ "NTA, but as others have said, the tack you're taking about this isn't going to work. I would suggest doing some Google searches and looking up some YouTube videos on just how much work goes into raising a puppy, bonus points if it applies to that breed. Also I'd share the statistics of just how many puppies get returned because of people not realizing just how much work goes into raising them with the parents as well, it's quite a bit. I've raised 2 puppies, one Chihuahua mix and one purebred Chihuahua - both small, easily cared for dogs but challenging in different ways. And they were still a handful to care for, like raising a small furry kid, no joke. With a puppy you literally have to do everything from scratch, doubly so with a large breed. If you don't train that large breed puppy properly he will be impossible once he's older and larger. That's where all those It's Me or the Dog shows come from, and those are on YouTube as well. Plenty of stories there about the parents adopting a puppy because the kid begged, they kept it even when the kid didn't do what was needed and now it's a handful older.", "849" ], [ "NTA. It sounds like both of you are not the hang in groups often type and even if you were, you're both trying to not do that due to covid risk being higher. Makes perfect sense to me and good on you guys for trying to stay safe! However it does sound like your friend might be taking it kinda personal. Like she's feeling excluded. If she can't be around her other group of friends that's probably part of it too. The only suggestion I can make is maybe try having just 2-3 of you tops over including you and your friend? Or even better, alternate the Saturdays somehow? Maybe every third or fourth Saturday you can do something with your friend. That way she feels included, too.", "33" ], [ "NTA. However, if they're going to be in majors that are reliant on interpersonal connections, I do think you should report them - caveat is, if your mental health can handle doing so. They spoke about you right outside your doorway. That speaks of intent to me at worst, passive aggressiveness at best. If they're going into careers dealing with other people and they act like that, I can't help but worry how they will use that career to harm others in similar positions as yourself or that are even worse off. Which is why I would report them if possible. However, I completely understand not being mentally up to doing so. It also means putting your mental illness on a college record from the sound of it, but it sounds like you've already done that in some form to get therapy (though you lost it), so even that's not a deal-breaker. Overall it's your call, but either way NTA.", "716" ], [ "NTA. She repeatedly asked you for an opinion and pushed when you were non-committal. If she didn't want an honest answer she should not have pushed so hard. That said, I would suggest you guys get a separate console like, ASAP. Or maybe different accounts? Sounds like you have different playstyles which means this might happen again, unless you guys learn to communicate better or just not take things so seriously.", "657" ], [ "Pacifist can untick itself sometimes, but that's rare. It wouldn't hurt to check to make sure its still ticked, though as someone said, explosive bait can get around that and destroy your CAMP regardless. As for your original question, <PERSON> if it was a PVP attack on your CAMP they most likely would have destroyed the whole thing. If it's only certain things then yeah that would most likely be a wild NPC attack. Interesting that it can happen while you're in a shelter, though - that usually happens to my CAMP when I surface from a shelter, as in it just starts upon exiting, or if I fast travel to my CAMP. I'm in the Forest in a peaceful area but those are the two times I'll get random attacks from NPCs.", "190" ], [ "Going through a bit of dark period myself and the Wanderer has definitely cheered me up. I had her at my CAMP constantly until I got the chef chick, who I'm keeping around because she can sell XP boosting food. After the double XP ends, I'll probably put the Wanderer back in, it feels empty now not hearing her play the guitar, lol. Sorry your girl left ya dude. As the saying goes, there's plenty of fish in the sea, but it never feels like that after a break up. I must have played an absolute metric ton of Skyrim and Fallout 4 when my own partner of 8+ years left me a couple years back. We were going to get married and everything. It's only recently I've started to realize they did me a favor, they were incredibly toxic. Still didn't make it hurt any less at the time though.", "585" ], [ "Up to you. The only other full auto I carry, though I'm not sure if it counts, is a 3 star anti-armor plasma flamer with the Prime barrel on it. With the right mods the clip holds like 300 rounds, which is good because this thing chews through ammo. But it also chews through enemies. Just have to be sure to be at medium or close range, it doesn't have much range at all. I also have a semi-auto tesla rifle (can you guess what prefix? Anti-armor 3 star lmao) that I use for most events, it's effected by Rifleman perks and so does a decent amount of damage but not enough to steal everyone else's kills in 2 seconds lol. You could get one with a full auto as a Commando, I have a friend who uses one and it seems even more powerful than mine.", "316" ], [ "I played solo until level 45 or so, before Public Teams came out. While public teams are useful for their bonuses, unfortunately about 95 percent of the time they're doing something completely different than you. What I did during my time solo without a group - I eventually found one though I still like to play solo every so often - is look for events either that were easy, low level required and could be snuck through (a sneak build is almost a must during solo play imo) or look for events that had one or two other people doing them. If you look on the map you can see their icons at that location. If the event has a bunch of people, even better, you don't have to ask and they'll help you because they're doing the same. If you don't see anyone doing what you need, server hop til you do. The only other suggestions I can give you is to make a sneak build for solo play and to get a decent set of power armor for the tougher parts of the game like events. You can also make a LFG post on here or other subreddits/Discords, I did that for a bit myself until I found a group.", "109" ], [ "Yep with the right stock and barrel mods they stack with your perks. Interesting that you're a shotgun build lol, I started to go that route myself but I realized there was so much perk investment to make it worthwhile I'd have to make a separate character. This one I made originally thinking I'd split the build between shotguns and rifles, not a good idea as it turns out. I'm about to make a combo bloodied shotgun/melee character to farm SCORE today, take advantage of the last day of double XP. :)", "675" ], [ "I've got a team I play with but we're not always on at the same time, and only myself and like one other is really any good at teamwork lol. I think you've actually killed our group a few times lmao, if your GT is the same as your username. I'm on Pacific Standard Time, and I'm usually on fairly late at night like after 8 pm, after 6 pm if I'm not busy. However with double XP I've been getting on earlier to grind. Imma try to get on in a couple hours here, prolly after 2 pm. My GT is <PERSON>, go ahead and send me a friend's request and I'll add ya back next time I'm online and message ya when I do NW again. I just started playing it like, a month ago? But I've been slowly getting more used to it and getting a build going so I've been playing more often. I think I'm level 13 rn.", "109" ], [ "Weird. Maybe the attack had happened long enough ago that the bodies had despawned? Depends on how long you were in your shelter I guess. And yeah I've logged on more than once and gotten blasted away by someone when I nicked em with my Tesla rifle than I'd like to admit, only to go wtf I'm on pacifist and realize I am not, in fact, on pacifist. lol so you gotta double check.", "345" ], [ "I literally just got the X01 set like last month. Now granted I didn't look that hard, but I do know for a fact it took me until the night before last to find the plans for both. I found the calibrated shocks fairly easy, like a couple weeks after I got the set unlocked, the jet pack took until the night before last. I specifically went to the bunker to buy stuff and didn't see them until then, and I even tried using my private server once. So are they rare? Yeah kinda.", "599" ], [ "It's not an I'm sorry emote but there is one that was in the Atom Shop a while back I picked up. No Thanks I think they called it. When you see it, it gives off the same kinda vibes. I accidentally tagged someone during a PVP match after the Queen, meant to hit someone else, so I used that and he didn't fight back. Seemed to work just fine, which was good because dude was like level 300 almost and I just recently hit 151.", "190" ], [ "Oof. See I thought ahead on this. Started a new character during Wastelanders and after public teams dropped I could tell my character was going to hit 50 quick. So I hit up some trading subreddits and started stashing weapons and armor away for when I did. Also started stocking up on ammo scrap, but then I loot every piece of junk I find. When I did hit 50 it was a pretty seamless transition thanks to that. It was also kinda funny seeing people meet me in game, give me this max level stuff and be like, wtf. Is this your mule character or second character, they'd ask. Nope, I would say, without explaining. lol\nGet familiar with [FO76 Map](_URL_0_). That site will tell you where to set up CAMP to be on a resource node and where to find certain kinds of ammo. That also helped quite a bit.", "668" ] ]
[ 23300, 12028, 24540, 15055, 17594, 621, 20006, 4752, 25108, 5203, 11427, 19396, 23065, 19050, 738, 9664, 23898, 7185, 6214, 21189, 4445, 5995, 7253, 2738, 15607, 18008, 1226, 10765, 18471, 16923, 7497, 4984, 24357, 13262, 8767, 4743, 6291, 10620, 7196, 13430, 1505, 15847, 22953, 22652, 11006, 8399, 21079, 10847, 1594, 6195, 12435, 13944, 20493, 3100, 14039, 25511, 8645, 6549, 23237, 13897, 1651, 18350, 24431, 10848, 3415, 15100, 9421, 1598, 7016, 13301, 10715, 16756, 14512, 3619, 14813, 35, 22560, 21481, 5552, 25136, 14818, 14398, 20581, 16020, 16048, 19855, 3829, 7122, 24332, 6895, 25266, 22275, 8840, 11215, 15030, 2561, 14572, 11737, 11098, 10109, 350, 23665, 9790, 12931, 15918, 24137, 12406, 13990, 9982, 9596, 12068, 21877, 7498, 8261, 17342, 5502, 9021, 20665, 5777, 3982, 3290, 9852, 4663, 16009, 12930, 8338, 5293, 19880, 20295, 20182, 21325, 19612, 21523, 7595, 22403, 15226, 19920, 7657, 11807, 5553, 6553, 8522, 11777, 13448, 12562, 3681, 10165, 2825, 19424, 809, 3142, 20105, 15861, 13445, 9380, 14400, 8637, 12460, 855, 13100, 1230, 13029, 2434, 3724, 13341, 5814, 11440, 22730, 1305, 18500, 13252, 16184, 20780, 9234, 17079, 19910, 110, 14481, 1174, 23277, 7740, 22745, 13603, 12320, 18163, 433, 23208, 17058, 24241, 8731, 4067, 7527, 8884, 2039, 20568, 13528, 25071, 7302, 9881, 23496, 2400, 1002, 4098, 22888, 21644, 24432, 10381, 24343, 4490, 6682, 18047, 2045, 20691, 16454, 4590, 24152, 18937, 14535, 1585, 14913, 1934, 3314, 25175, 21150, 7859, 7251, 12404, 5078, 9547, 807, 12473, 22726, 21393, 11386, 13019, 5843, 16611, 9444, 23257, 21402, 24186, 14492, 7022, 15935, 17975, 4550, 22099, 8440, 6126, 22897, 4043, 4053, 1968, 555, 24275, 16615, 10898, 10463, 4844, 1407, 24469, 21434, 6763, 131, 19676, 9919, 20393, 12343, 12981, 15933, 17759, 13981, 6168, 13938, 14832, 20545, 17340, 9825, 25180, 3025, 5398, 19513, 18490, 3810, 5426, 8855, 17955, 2289, 1248, 334, 7184, 9389, 18155, 12463, 21350, 12281, 22447, 12231, 5994, 11306, 404, 3119, 139, 12310, 19406, 7171, 1081, 5603, 22704, 9432, 19616, 20321, 5474, 706, 14432, 442, 11888, 25198, 223, 8473, 10175, 14599, 12626, 8652, 17865, 22985, 20268, 24868, 18217, 20479, 16115, 12468, 10340, 22440, 5568, 23079, 4302, 19480, 22850, 12812, 23420, 14676, 645, 4048, 23712, 15122, 3832, 7550, 14302, 15271, 22167, 21175, 25438, 13279, 17765, 19245, 17490, 6672, 7300, 1025, 20662, 17009, 14151, 6873, 6988, 19345, 9093, 14703, 25542, 2356, 938, 19792, 17111, 24298, 3283, 23457, 6718, 16385, 13132, 1642, 14414, 2908, 19906, 11501, 18036, 12283, 10137, 20963, 4563, 11016, 11696, 17998, 22575, 13709, 24331, 7229, 11468, 3468, 7788, 11636, 2404, 12924, 8964, 167, 5949, 5457, 20875, 2846, 16890, 4386, 17406, 24664, 11125, 197, 12578, 10150, 22110, 18226, 17071, 12085, 6485, 19675, 10308, 1282, 10822, 12903, 5143, 13640, 6055, 19487, 2619, 18328, 14920, 1212, 21252, 2634, 12481, 17541, 7878, 21356, 9687, 14154, 18918, 5783, 11902, 18072, 5064, 8066, 15338, 4867, 654, 17665, 24490, 6088, 13860, 2324, 16341, 1389, 21983, 8085, 2164, 501, 16950, 22736, 20603, 12967, 25110, 22811, 9426, 3355, 2217, 18628, 4346, 18152, 16708, 11142, 6457, 6058, 9082, 15471, 11660, 1253, 8610, 4152, 2902, 23246, 3855, 13762, 19014, 8549, 19197, 3057, 18985, 16683, 12719, 5977, 915, 3265, 13071 ]
[ [ "In a way, yes.\n\n\"The Customer is Always Right\" was a phrase used when a customer would enter a store and know what they wanted, but the salesperson would try to sell them something either more or less expensive. Customer comes in wanting a JennAir BBQ for a small apartment balcony? Don't try to argue with them and prove you know more. A customer comes in buying a tiny grill for a 75 person party? Again, do not tell them they are wrong. You can tell them once that you are not sure it will meet their needs, but anything after that and \"the customer is always right\".\n\nThe idea was to keep the customer at fault for wanting that particular product or good, so they wouldn't come back claiming they were scammed.", "616" ], [ "While true, it is a huge step towards reducing payment system fees. Cash is annoying at times, but stores still love it because it is cheaper. I think this 1% fee will get more stores involved.\n\nThen another startup sees that companies are charging 1%. Why not do 0.5% and do it more efficiently? Now we have competition. Once companies are involved in this process, we will see fees hit a fair price in time. 0.4%, 0.3%, 0.1%, and we'll see how low a payment system can truly get.\n\nThing is, how do we convince people to avoid point systems? The best bet is a discount, similar to a cash discount. Or maybe improving customer tier rewards? Buy with crypto 1-3 times per month, get a 1% discount. But 4-10 times, 2% discount, 10-50 times, 3% discount, 51+ times, 5% discount. Since this is all through lightning channels, you could have the software retroactively apply the discounts to all previous purchases and refund some of the money back. Idk, just rambling off ideas.", "152" ], [ "An old friend owns a driving school that he doesn't touch.\n\nHe pays two people to way above what he should, and they each also get a 10% cut of all profits from the business.\n\nThese guys run the heck out of this business, and are trying to expand to another location.\n\nThe dude just goes around the country following his horses he has part stake in, and collects his share of those wins every time the horse does well.\n\nHe lives a great life.", "351" ], [ "I always used the \"student loan debt\" excuse to justify why I live frugally. I paid all that stuff off years ago, yet I keep using it as an excuse.\n\nI love when the \"shallow rich\" people try to keep showing off their wealth to me, yet when I tell them how I maxed out my Roth IRA this year (just like every year), they act like that's an impossible task and even have a hint of anger in their voice. We also have conversations of how at 30 you should aim to have 1x your salary saved (debatable numbers, of course), they get really upset at the conversation.\n\nFriends have things like boats, pools, hot tubs, etc. I just like visiting them. I bring the beer, they supply the entertainment/luxury.", "482" ], [ "The worst is when other people realize you have money saved, and expect you to use that on them.\n\nSome people just try to suck up every resource they can, mostly because they don't understand the responsibility they should be exhibiting.\n\nFor example, a high school buddy knew I invested in stocks and other high risk assets. Once the news kicked off that a particular asset soared in value, he was hitting me up for money. I told him I sold when I doubled my money, and he wanted me to loan him the profits. It was ridiculous.", "96" ], [ "Id' recommend figuring out what kind of money you're using:\n\n* life savings\n* investing money\n* fun money\n\nIf you are using life savings, you really might want to find super safe things to invest in like index funds, unless you are willing to take on the risk for potentially higher growth. You could make less than index funds, or you could make more, or you could lose money.\n\nYou're picking stocks in companies you think will perform better in the future than they are valued today. This is where investing and/or fun money could go, but if you want to play it a bit safer with more reliable gains, look into index funds, which is a cluster of many, many stocks so if one stock plummets in value you don't lose everything. Alternatively though, if one company turbocharges in value, you only get a small bump.\n\nGood luck!", "507" ], [ "Every time I see a conservative being called out on something (like their candidate being called out for something illegal, unethical, wrong, lying, etc.), they ALWAYS want to turn it back on someone else.\n\nI am beginning to think this is how their brain works. They harness a twisted sense of \"fairness\" in their heads that says \"If you accuse me of something, I get to accuse it back to someone else! That'll show them just how WRONG they are!\", but then they don't expect the claim against them to be carried out.\n\nI've got some family who thinks this way, and I keep seeing these mannerisms popping up again and again. They don't want to engage in logical debate; they want to mirror what is done against them in hopes to cancel it all out.", "348" ], [ "In my opinion, having that threshold means you're in good financial shape. Not FIRE shape, but good financial shape for a traditional life with retirement targeted around 60, 65.\n\nI'm juuuuuust below 3x my salary invested/saved and I'm 30. I think I'm doing alright. I teach, so I have no plan to retire early, as summers are mini retirements spread throughout my life. I also love what I do, and plan to keep doing it to 50 or 60 and then take that sweet pension ontop of my frugal savings.", "258" ], [ "> There's the rub. They have nice things and enjoy the use of them. What is the dollar value of that enjoyment? Perhaps they would gladly trade working five or ten more years for the value they get out of their toys.\n\nI would agree with you, but they rarely use them these days. After about a year or two, toys get old. Often times I suggest \"I supply the fuel, beer and food, you supply the boat\", and it is the first time these things get used for the year.\n\n > Clearly there is a balance here. There are people who will spend lots of money on toys and those toys end up getting broken, collecting dust, or sold at a huge loss.\n\nI agree 100%. I have a few purchases as well, but I made sure to properly vet what I buy before making the commitment.\n\n > Personally, I really enjoy sailing. And I hang out with people who own boats, are members of yacht clubs, and all that. Man! Those people can spend $$$ on their boats \\- and not smart money IMHO. I get to go out with them on their fancy boats with multi\\-thousand dollar new sails, electronics, and what\\-not. Sometimes it makes me feel guilty. I'd really like a boat of my own, but I look at my time situation and don't think I'd get the value out of it \\- so I mooch off others.\n\nYou sound a lot like me. I feel guilty sometimes too! But friends always are happy when I ask if we can use their toys, so I like to think I pump new happiness into that asset.", "527" ], [ "No, they do learn.\n\nThey have a MASSIVE demand for their product. They release as many as they would like to initially sell.\n\nThis hits all manufacturing costs and profit incentive. If there's limited supply (that matches to the target profit), they are guaranteed to sell them in a finite period of time.\n\nLet people get angry. Let people complain how unfair it is. They'll still buy it the second they see it at Walmart or any other store.\n\nAt this point, Nintendo makes an immediate profit that they are happy with, and then moves towards phase 2 where they oversupply and the products slowly fall off the shelves, making even more pure profit for Nintendo.", "387" ], [ "I convinced my parents to get us a pool. Guess who was put in charge of maintaining, cleaning, balancing chlorine/pH levels?\n\nI wasn't charged money, but I did have the responsibility of adding the chemicals to the shopping list as well. I do not want a pool after all that, but if my future kids end up wanting one I will most likely put them through the same steps. It was a valuable lesson.\n\nI do, however, have one of those inflatable hot tubs. Those are a nice balance because at any point I can collapse it and store it for a few months until I miss it again.", "713" ], [ "I'll never forget the one day at the Chicago pier when a bunch of people tried cutting the line to get a seat on the ferris wheel for the firework show. They laughed as they moved through crowds, ignoring people, cursing them off, etc.\n\nWell, apparently the attendant took their tickets, then sent them to the back of the line. The kids refused and tried to get on, and were forcibly removed. Once they were removed by police, they started yelling about getting a refund.\n\nI was so happy, I didn't even care about riding the wheel while fireworks went off.I had my entertainment.", "663" ], [ "On the weekend I get up at work time and take care of chores, or do a super early hike. I treat myself to a nice lunch, then head home for a 2 hour nap. By 2 or 3 I wake up completely refreshed, and have a \"second Saturday\" to enjoy. Often leads to a night out, closing the bar at 4am, and sleeping in a bit Sunday. Or I pull a \"second Sunday\" and love my seemingly 4-day weekend.", "975" ], [ "Many people are doing this, but you won't see their stories later on in life if you become disconnected with them.\n\nMy advice is to find balance based on what you find important. Do you want to travel? You should do some of it while younger, but don't break the bank!\n\nIt seems many people take things way overboard, like a coworker who LOVED to travel, so she spends nearly her entire paycheck on that, and now that she's 30 and most of the people in our social circle are buying homes, she feels left out. She did a bit too much, and now has to live as a renter (not always bad, but in our area you really wanna buy a house as property ownership is nice in the Hudson Valley in NY) in our area.\n\nAlternatively, I have some older coworkers who saved diligently in their life, but regrets not travelling.\n\nAs for college, we run into a scenario where I truly question the value of a college education at current prices. State schools and community colleges are great if you just want to get a baseline college education, but private schools charging $70,000 per year just doesn't make sense to me unless you plan to far-exceed 6 figures from the quality of the education. I see that type of college education to be just as frivolous as spending your entire paycheck to travel.\n\nNow, if one happens to avoid college, he or she is taking on the responsibility of educating themselves to be a valuable worker in society. You can learn to code, repair things, pick up a trade, take up apprenticeship, etc. but it is entirely on you do manage that. If you are a go-getter and want to teach yourself, all the more power to ya!\n\nTo sum it all up, it comes down to finding healthy balance. I'd rather have a little of all 3 than a heavy concentration in one of the above, but that's my personal preference. I've done travel, did a cheaper college, and teach myself new things every day. None have been excessively overwhelming or anything, but I do think they required some work to figure out a balance I am happy with.\n\nI do want to travel more though!", "108" ], [ "TV remote buttons complete a circuit for the battery, and thus electric current is used. This is a tiny amount of power. If the remote isn't used, it's like the batteries aren't even in the remote. The IR light is a single light that sends bursts of light patterns.\n\nA controller using Bluetooth or other method of communication is always using a wireless connection to stay in contact to communicate actions done on the controller.\n\nThink of it this way: a remote is you and a friend sitting around where you can occasionally tell your friend something. A controller is where you two need to constantly ask your friend every 10 seconds if he is still listening. Which scenario will cause you to be more tired at the end of the day?", "672" ], [ "> * Climate change. Real.\n\nBut me and my rich friends don't make as much money if we have to protect the environment. Let's do this after I make my money.\n\n > * Evolution. Real.\n\nEvolution prompts scientific and logical approaches to things. I can't tell my voters to think logically about things, or they might do it! Let me just keep using God as an excuse to explain everything, so we can use God as an excuse to do what makes me and my friends rich.\n\n > * Sex education. Do it.\n\nAnd risk lowering accidental births into families that can't balance survival and education? No way in hell am I cutting off the supply to uneducated voters.\n\n > * LGBTQ. Treat them like people.\n\nThe idea of treating everyone fairly goes against my policy of not treating everyone fairly. Also, if I can get my voters to hate anyone different, I can manipulate them into doing anything.\n\n > * Healthcare for all. Do it.\n\nBut I don't want people to be equal to me.\n\n > * Tax cuts for the rich. Avoid it.\n\nBut I don't want people to be equal to me.\n\n > * Arming teachers. Fuck off.\n\nBut that was the best way to keep my voters happy.\n\n > * Net Neutrality. Do it.\n\nBut I don't want informed voters.", "771" ], [ "> yeah badlands have been going insane. I think someone in another thread said they put $70k into badlands and is holding 1000+ copies. despicable. \n\nSo what happens when they can't find buyers at high prices?\n\nWe then have a drop in market activity. Prices start to decline a bit because some people really want to sell. That triggers a race to get rid of them as soon as possible.\n\nI'm not saying prices will tank, but putting massive investments into these cards to sell them later might be what a lot of people are doing. That might end poorly for them.", "471" ], [ "Yeah, I think that's what will happen. Everyone can go around saying these cards will be hard to find and the price keeps rising and whatnot, but eventually when there are no new buyers, companies are not going to sit on their stock of cards. They're going to sell them a bit cheaper for money.\n\nNow, whether that plateau hits at $700 duals or $2,000 duals, we don't know. Heck, we could already be at that point. Lots of crypto people are dumping money into cards, and if you follow what happened to crypto, you can see what might happen in MTG.\n\nSteady growth is more profitable.\n\nThat being said, I grabbed 1 of each RL card I need/anticipate needing for EDH, but that's for personal reasons as opposed to anything else.", "471" ], [ "> can play with magic cards.\n\nUnless you're competing, most people are fine with fakes at kitchen table Magic.\n\n > You're just going to hang art in your house. I would absolutely hang a replica piece of art in my house before i'd try to play a fake magic card.\n\nBut would you take your fake art to a professional gallery to be hung and displayed? Or would you present your fake art as real?", "889" ], [ "> Of course I wouldn't try to pass it off as real. That's just legal fraud at that point. I could hang it in my home like 99.9 & #37; of other art and enjoy its static effect though.\n\nAnd we use our fakes in the power cube and enjoy them.\n\n > Legacy isn't really played that much at kitchen table though, you can't really enjoy those items(unless you're using fakes), unless you're playing them at the least at your LGS. There is the collectible aspect of them, but the reserved list doesn't have to exist for originals to still be special or unique. Alpha Lotus is still a 25 year old original even if they print a new black bordered lotus(not advocating for this, just pointing that out.) Reproduction van goghs, even really convincing fakes which do exist, don't lower the value of the original authentic van goghs.\n\nAnd reprinted fakes don't really lower the value of authentic MTG cards.\n\n > Regarding the whole fakes thing, even not competing there is a stigma in the community about \"proxies\" aka fakes. You get branded as a heretic if it's discovered by the locals you're using them even in commander sometimes. Among close friends, you are right no one cares.\n\nCommander is competitive and an event. If you brought your VG replica paintings to a brewery event, you'd get a similar response. Everyone else brought authentic art, and it was expensive. You shouldn't rack up prestige and respect for bringing fakes to an event that celebrates authentic art.\n\nComparing this to art you hang in your house, you aren't running art tours daily from your house, as you only invite friends and family to come in and appreciate the art.\n\n > I somewhat rambled in that above. It's completely plausible that I contradicted myself in circular logic, you'll have to forgive me if I did. On painkillers from kidney stones right now so a little loopy.\n\nYou made good points. I just disagree from an opinion-based standpoint. And sorry to hear dude, I hear kidney stones can be brutal.\n\nI think our divide in opinion really comes down to whether or not the \"fake\" product leaves the social circle of friends/family.\n\nI appreciate the Reserve List because it does things the magic universe would actually support. Each card, or \"spell\", we collect is from our trips as a planeswalker. Some planeswalkers have been planeswalking for a lot longer than others, so it is only natural that these cards are super rare. The reserve list is a group of spells learned from ancient planes that no longer exist, and will never exist again, but some OG planeswalkers will eventually show up and have spells no one has ever seen before. It adds a really cool immersion into the game, in my opinion.", "471" ], [ "That's another attack vector. A steady growth would better serve the predictability nature, and hopefully scale to meet demand. Even a 1.1x increase every year could work fine. I just want scalability to slowly progress. And when you use that small increase alongside 2nd and 3rd layer solutions you get an exponential jump in growth each size adjustment", "507" ], [ "I teach comp sci to high schoolers. At least once per day I give an answer of \"I'm not sure, but I know these things: ...\"\n\nKids recognize this as a positive personality trait and respect you a lot for it. Saying that you're not sure, or telling them what surrounding facts you do know keeps them motivated as a student.\n\nIt also helps them realize that they aren't expected to know everything, and helps them become lifelong learners", "925" ], [ "How bad people are with money, and how we spend to capacity as aggressively as possible in our youngest years.\n\nAlso, how shitty it is that paid services have ads. I attended the Yankees game last night, counted over 100 ads in their stadium. Home run? Sponsored by a car insurance agency. A chips company made an announcement that they hooked a family up with a baseball, chips and a drink. Tons of billboards all over the place. Player bios sponsored by [company]. At one point I realized how ridiculous it was and brought it up with friends and they said \"relax dude it's just a game, this has to happen to make them money for cheap tickets\". The tickets weren't really cheap...", "358" ], [ "This is one of those rare circumstances where openly sharing your salary of a previous employer can be beneficial. Perhaps you can bring a pay stub and show them what you're giving up.\n\nNow, you may not be able to negotiate a match to your salary, but you should be able to negotiate other things if they realize you'd be taking a 50% pay cut. Bring evidence of how valuable you are, how you brought good value to your current employer, and how much of a sacrifice you'd be making financially for this company.\n\nThis is when you find a happy ground in terms of pay increase and benefits. While they may not be able to offer you that much money, they should be able to add additional benefits such as more vacation time, telecommuting once per week, shortened work day (especially if you can convince them you're capable of completing tasks in a timely manner). See what they have to offer. Maybe they can even offer a higher match of 401k contributions? How about a sign-on bonus?\n\nYou're in a position of negotiating power with this new company. You need to make your value known.\n\nAdditionally, seek employment opportunities elsewhere, as they may be able to more competitively match your needs & wants.", "895" ], [ "Email is a good method for a few reasons:\n\n* the email can be forwarded to a higher-up with ease\n* there is less risk of miscommunication of expectations\n* there is a record of the communication. If they verbally offer something and you agree, those terms could change easily with a \"I never said that\" (although that immediately disqualifies a potential hiring company, in my opinion)\n* people can respond at their earliest convenience\n* you can let the response sit for an hour or two as a strategic play on them (make 'em feel nervous that you lost interest!)\n\nI like communicating via email.", "979" ], [ "There are a bunch of different \"fuck you\" types of money:\n\n* \"fu\" money is enough to survive if you lose your job. Company fires you? Well fu too, company! Things might be a little tough and you gotta go on a strict budget, but you'll survive. You were able to overcome the loss of a job, and that's a great security to have.\n* \"fuck you\" money (lowercase) is money where you can get out of a situation that is stressful. Maybe you have a year's worth of savings? That's surely enough to get into a related career field or a competing company without compromising your lifestyle. You can quit on your terms if things are not good. fuck you is targeted towards a company that doesn't respect their workers and tries to pull the power play all the damn time.\n* Fuck You\" (proper caps) money is where you can quit and either a.) be fine for a few years without worrying, maybe go back to school for something new or build your own business, or b.) always be able to quit your job with zero fear of being negatively impacted by it. 'Tis a great tool for negotiation. Fuck You is directed at a particular company or career field, as one often can walk away from it entirely with a grin on your face. If your job catches wind that you could quit at any time and not worry about money, they might start treating you better.\n* \"FUCK YOU\" money is where we start to get into power. Money is no longer an issue for you, and you could continue a pretty chill lifestyle for the rest of your life, and enjoy it. You no longer work. FUCK YOU is directed at all the rules of society, really. You can walk any time. Literally, if you boss has been pulling power plays on you all week, then comes in to yell at you for something he/she fucked up, you literally can respond with \"Fuck you, I quit\". When the boss asks what you plan to do for a paycheck, you can easily explain how you have enough money to live out your life twice over, and walk out the door. Remember to high-five the front desk person and peel out as you leave the parking lot. One possible goal of this scenario is to make news of your quitting reach the CEO of the company, and hopefully be able to have a wonderful conversation with him/her about why you just decided to up and quit the job.\n* \"FuUuUuUcK yOuuUuUuUuUUu\" money is where you're set and you can afford to lose all benefits, perks, and can afford to burn every bridge professionally. Ideally, you can delete your resume permanently, and never expect to write another one again. This is how your career ends, this is how your career ends. Not with a bang, but with you challenging the CEO on a policy that negatively impacts your coworkers, and with you walking out the door wearing a bright pink suit, flipping everyone off as you walk out the door. This is not recommended unless you have an absurd amount of money and have a guaranteed retirement.\n\nNote: this is just for fun. Don't quit in these extravagant ways. Or do. I'm not your mother.", "895" ], [ "It really depends on your personality type, too. If you're charming, phone calls or in-person conversations may work better. Also, if the company needs you, your conversation is limited and restricts how they can build a strategy to swing the dynamics in their favor. They can also do the same.\n\nCan you out-do HR in terms of on-the-spot negotiations? If so, bring the fight to them. If not, email allows a more tactful approach.\n\nFeel it out. You'll find the best method as things progress.\n\nAnd happy friday my dude.", "895" ], [ "This was a great week. I teach, and after 7 years teaching I got a letter outlining my \"10th\" year of service, which includes the perk of no longer having to contribute to my retirement system, effectively netting me a 3% raise for next year! It also \"locks\" me into the system for retirement benefits if I choose another career (which I have no intention of doing).\n\nIt paid off to work at summer camps, teach night classes, substitute teach, work summer school, etc. because all those days contributed towards \"teaching time\" and accelerated me into the pension system quicker. This means if I stick to just teaching from now onwards, I only need to do 20 more years instead of 23. Also, earned me more money.\n\nIt's a strange version of FIRE as I'm accelerating towards the retirement possibility via contributions to pension. I'm also saving for my own personal FIRE, so I think I'm in great shape.\n\nNY state is a great place to teach, ladies and gents.", "104" ], [ "> What tops it off was the fact that two AA batteries were included in the box! I went back and forth with the seller and he's accepted my return, while also threatening me that he's going to report me to the police when he gets the box back. \n\nRespond with \"I am going to the police for my own investigation into the matter. Could you please give me your case number and contact details when you get them so both police reports can be synchronized up?\"\n\n > Realistically, what do you guys think his next move is? There was no way he didn't know the box was unsealed as he sells magic product. It's just odd when a seller with 2k feedback does something like this.\n\nHe will most likely do nothing. Not worth his time, to be honest.", "467" ], [ "> Last quick question- he asked me for a minimum I would take on the spot. I gave him a number 15% higher than my current position. If they offer the number I said I’d take, is it in bad taste to negotiate further?\n\nThis is a method he is trying to do in order to feel out how low they can pay you.\n\nDon't just respond with a number. Give reasons. Explain your experience, what you can do for the company, etc.\n\nThis is also a good time to push for benefits or perks alongside a \"minimum\". Don't lock yourself into a low number with nothing else. Maybe something along the lines of \"Well, I'd accept a minimum of $x, but that would also need to include some competitive perks that justifies that pay.\"\n\nIt could be tactful to ask for a MAXIMUM first, or a list of 3 \"offers\" where each salary is accompanied with different perks such as vacation days, PTO, company stock, sign-on bonuses, etc.\n\nAgain, it depends on your confidence level with speaking in person vs email. Good luck, and report back when you've made the deal :)", "895" ], [ "> I still don't think it's good strategy to actually show them that big a salary difference. They may start to wonder why OP is even considering leaving for 1/2 pay (and either an incorrect *or* correct answer could negatively impact their desire to hire). They may assume there's a really high line in the sand to meet and not bother to counter at all.\n\nFair point. At the very least, OP should let them know they are offering less than what he/she is making currently. At the very least they could up the pay by a bit.\n\n > Note: I absolutely agree with negotiating for benefits or a better offer, I just think it's a tactical error to let them know you're making *twice* their initial offer. If it was 30-40% more, I think it would make more sense, because splitting the difference is probably within their budget even if matching it isn't.\n\nThat's true. Good points.", "895" ], [ "FIRE also doesn't mean you have to quit, retire, or stop working at all. I'd be willing to bet more lurkers here obtain FIRE, but keep their job because they enjoy it and it provides structure in their lives. I usually recommend against wanting to retire into \"nothing\".\n\nPerhaps you want to keep working if it provides something positive in your life. I know that when I am able to retire, I probably will not, as work is fun and rewarding.\n\nWhat FIRE can offer for you is the safety net of being okay if you lose your job or work becomes unfulfilling. In that scenario, you can leave your job for something else without the stress and \"what-ifs\" of losing your job or having to go into a work environment you no longer care for.\n\nFIRE is different for everyone. Some people do it to get free from a stressful type of job. Some do it for the safety net. Some do it to ensure their life can continue having meaning without being tied to one employer.", "258" ], [ "> A provocative thought: what if the FIRE movement is simply wrong? If FIRE is so great, why aren't there more people doing it?\n\nIf earning 6 figures is so great, why aren't more people doing it?\n\nIf a healthy diet is so great, why aren't more people doing it?\n\nYou can't argue that \"popularity\" is what determines something to be great. That's a side-effect of marketing and insecurity among many people in the world. Leaders rise in the ranks because they do what others don't.\n\n > In economics, if you have a hot-selling product X, market forces will rush into making various versions of X. See the smart phone, for example.\n\nSee any high-class automobile. Why doesn't everyone drive an Audi A8? That's right, they can't because they prioritize other things.\n\nPeople prioritize different things in life. Lack of financial responsibility is what keeps people in crap situations.\n\nTo extend this, the smart phone was originally a device only the rich and powerful used at first. Now, we have everyone with access to it because technology has advanced and made it accessible to more people economically.\n\n > Further, also drawn from economic theory, the \"jury theorem\" says that if Y is \"the truth,\" then the larger the jury the closer its decision is to Y. Clearly, we FIREeaters constitute a small jury, and the non-FIREeaters make up a larger jury. Could they be right all along?!\n\nThe larger jury is probably closer to the \"average\" person of that country. Average is okay-ish, but don't you think the millionaires have it right with their larger houses, multiple vacations, access to phenomenal healthcare, wealth-building assets, corporate jobs that require them to play golf 3 times a week, access to healthier diets, and so much more?\n\nAspiring to be average is fine for many. Building wealth is focusing your attention, time and efforts towards results that pay off.\n\nUltimately, who is going to consider our actions \"wrong\"? The people who cannot manage wealth? Who cares, they don't have financial security, and when you quit your job at 40, they won't be \"wrong\" as much as they will be \"jealous\". I assume the unhealthy people around me also think I'm \"wrong\" by not eating crap fast food 3 times a week, but when I'm 60 and still able to do hikes and stay healthy, they might be visiting the hospital every week for treatments for diseases that develop over years of abuse to their bodies.", "580" ], [ "> Offer came in at slightly below what I make now. It’s a lateral move, but I am disappointed. I tried negotiating again but he said it’s a “firm offer”. \n\nAre you willing to walk from the job offer? If they're not giving you what you want, keep that in mind.\n\n > The work would be so much better than what I do now and I’d actually be busy.\n\nThat is technically a \"benefit\", FYI\n\n > However, I don’t know that I’m willing to double my commute for slightly less money. Still confused as to how there’s no salary range for the position. \n\nDo they know this? I know it comes down to a \"you problem\", but at the same time, you refusing to extend your commute for no benefit in pay quickly becomes a \"them problem\".\n\nIt really boils down to whether or not you can walk from the job, and where your values align. I can't make that decision for you, but at least you're armed with more perspectives.\n\nMaybe you want to think it over during the weekend? And if so, it could be worth noting \"My decision will be based on the offer you are making right now. Is this the best possible offer you can make? If I decline it, I won't be open for another revision to the offer.\" But again, that depends on your ability to walk away.", "895" ], [ "> Currently, I think I’m going to decline the offer, but I’m surely waiting through the weekend. I told the recruiter my number pre-interview and I asked him again when he called with the offer. Part of me wishes it’s possible to decline and have him come back, but I don’t see it happening.\n\nYeah, so you're definitely in a position to play the wildcard and say \"can't do the job for less than $x\". Remember to be courteous, professional, and leave the door open for the future. Who knows, it might take a month of an unfilled position for them to lose more money than it'd cost to pay you what you wanted. Or the second and only choice might back out, or leave after a month.\n\nAnd if they do, you will have much more negotiating power. > Right, so I absolutely can walk as I’m completely stable in my current role. I was excited at this job prospect and I really liked the manager and what he had to say. \n\n > Either way, as of right now I’m probably going to walk. Definitely disappointed. Thanks for the help and the responses! All new territory for me.\n\nNothing wrong with that. Keep looking around. One nice thing you got out of this is the realization that you CAN leave your current job for another if desired.\n\nFinally, if you're bored or unhappy at work, perhaps it is a good time to speak to your boss and ask for more responsibilities (with appropriate raise) or even for some training to prepare you for a new set of tasks? Might as well improve your marketability while you're unhappy at your current job.", "895" ], [ "My YouTube channel has a list of hundreds of things that are neat and novelty.\n\nThere are like 5 comments from tweens yelling at me for showing alcohol themed items like a 6-pack beer belt holster. One DEMANDED that I delete the video and re-upload it back to YouTube with it edited out.\n\nI dunno why people think the internet needs to bend to their will.", "999" ], [ "Having \"fuck you\" money is nice for incase your job gets problematic, such as having a new boss, corporate restructure, involuntary promotion, transfer, etc.\n\nJob: \"corporate has decided that this is the best course of action\"\n\nYou: \"no thanks\"\n\nJob: \"excuse me? This is not a negotiation. We need you doing this job for corporate success\"\n\nYou: \"you should have asked me before doing that. I keep my job as is, or you fire me. Your call\"\n\nJob: \"... We'll see you on Monday\"", "895" ], [ "Fair points. I find it easier to tell someone to buy $100 worth now just to get some skin in the game. Much easier than saying \"you should buy 0.0x BTC\".\n\n[I'm very aware of distribution of <PERSON> per person on Earth](_URL_0_) and think that's a great follow up discussion, but you have to define BTC in terms that people understand initially.\n\n > Whatever, for me the most sane advice would be try to understand what it is by reading discussing it etc and than start thinking about what you want to put at stake iso just go for some number since someone else with an agenda you don't know gives some advice...\n\nThat's lesson 2. I always tell people to invest their mind into the space before significant money, but again they need to have skin in the game to be motivated to learn. Seeing your money jump from $100 to 93 to 85 to 110 to 98 to 125 to 101 is something that gets them curious about this stuff.", "532" ], [ "Most of my investing is in index funds. I'd say 70% or so. I initially knew I couldn't beat averages being a newer investor. 20% is my personal speculation on major tech growth, and I actually ended up being right in my speculation (for now).\n\nThe other 10% was wildly reckless. The B-word. That's been pretty darn good, but even now I admit I was abundantly reckless via that investment vehicle. I have since rebalanced.", "507" ], [ "For #2, it depends on your personality.\n\nSome people need structured work to dictate the majority of their day to day actions. Responsibility via earning money is helpful for many. Otherwise they would just sit around and do nothing but watch TV.\n\nI'd be getting into weekly/daily habits of things like outdoorsy stuff, taking classes, volunteering, giving a dog the best life ever, making my lawn look gorgeous, maintain a garden, get into woodworking, DIY repair, etc.\n\nThere is so much to do. So much!", "306" ], [ "You have the opportunity to start taking care of yourself today.\n\nDon't smoke. Don't drink until you think you can do so reasonably. You'll have wild nights and that's fine... sometimes. Moderate.\n\nStart learning to eat healthy now and you'll have a shot at a very long and healthy life.\n\nMake lifelong connections with people, and never stop being social.\n\nSave 10% of all money you earn. When you turn 18 start investing in index funds via a Roth IRA.\n\nSeek experience over everything else. Ignore materialistic garbage, unless it's really, really cool, then maybe you'll want to buy it.\n\nTake care of your stuff. Learn to treat it with respect and it will last much longer.\n\nTreat your parents well, and always listen to their advice. Not saying you have to follow it, but at the very least try to see their perspective before making choices.\n\nOh, and read. Read a healthy amount every day. There are 24 hours in a day. You can use an average of 1/24 per day to dedicate it to learning via reading.", "306" ], [ "I do this with internet every year.\n\nThey called me out on it, too. \n\n\"We see in our records that you've done this for the last 2 years, we can't possibly honor it for a third year\"\n\n\"So let's go through with cancelling me this time. Your competitor gets my money because they want less of it\"\n\n\"...hold on. We can offer it again, but this is the last time.\"\n\n\"Cool, email me the price change and for how long it is effective\"", "467" ], [ "Thing is, you answering the phone means a HUGE burden is placed on you to quickly determine the best course of action. There's a pressure where every second counts and you have to manage it perfectly every time, as someone's life may be on the line. Not to mention the mental fatigue of dealing with this kind of stuff.\n\nThat's a tough job. Thank you for helping others in emergencies. You do great work.", "882" ], [ "Whether it is the intention of banks or not, it is incredibly inconvenient and gives a wonderful use case for cryptocurrency. Although if you bought from an exchange that identified you, expect questioning from law enforcement if you do something sketchy.\n\nThis is unavoidable (for now), and is definitely going to be something criminals will use to circumvent law enforcement.\n\nKeep educating people about Bitcoin, and this tool will be used for more good than bad. Don't let people taint the name of Bitcoin because some people don't like a single type of use for a democratic tool.", "71" ], [ "I could edit my transactions by going back to the block with my transaction and apply an absurd amount of mining power to outpace the current block height, changing where the funds go.\n\nSame goes for deleting, if I choose to opt out of including a specific transaction.\n\nIn both cases, I have edited and deleted the database, and theoretically I could rewrite everything else that has been done.\n\nExtremely unlikely to do, but it can be argued as being done to the database.\n\nJust like you can't delete Wikipedia entries unless you delete all archived versions of Wikipedia everyone has ever stored. You just alter the most commonly accessed version of the database.\n\nWhat we have with the blockchain is a perma-database, or at least one that is near permanent and can only be moved forward by conventional means. To edit or delete would require massive consensus.\n\nKind of interesting to think of it this way.", "831" ], [ "Sure, that's the point of having investments. These grow in value and some will pay dividends. That's a pretty darn stable method for gaining passive income. Other ideas include:\n\n* Building content for a YouTube channel. This can eventually earn income for quite the long while, unless times change.\n* Owning a business can be stressful unless said business can fund it's own management.\n* Rental properties are similar to business (some argue it is a business, or very close to one)\n* There's nothing wrong with doing freelance work on your own terms. Not passive, but definitely freedom-friendly.\n\nThat's all I got.", "507" ], [ "> And not what you would call a standard function of Bitcoin, more of a vulnerability of bitcoin. But yeah, there are all sorts of edge cases like that.\n\nSame applies to databases that are never supposed to have deleted or edited records like Wikipedia, government public records, and banking data.\n\n > I still think it is shoehorning something new into old paradigms, while you *can* do it and it will work in *most* cases you are better off to think in terms of what it actually is instead of what it is sorta like.\n\nI agree 100%. Bitcoin is not just a database. It has database qualities, along with many many other qualities from many other technologies. And it uses them effectively. But I would still say it qualifies as a database, kinda like how a smartphone is way beyond a \"phone\", but still a phone.", "831" ], [ "Under 4% withdrawal rate, the expectation is that your total portfolio and withdrawal rate increase by a number close to the inflatation rate each year. I'm not taking out $40k the following year; Im taking out $40,800 the following year to keep up with 2% inflation.\n\nThe market traces, on average, 7% growth each year. Using 4% withdrawal, 2% for inflation, and 1% insurance/padding keeps the withdrawal perpetually safe, given the investments you choose are solid.\n\nI also didn't trace it perfectly according to this sub's advice, but this assumes a 100% investment in diversiifed index funds. You can adjust down to 3.5% withdrawal rate if you put some holdings in bonds.", "507" ], [ "Aside from extremely specific use cases, I agree.\n\nI'm involved with Bitcoin. I teach it to a lot of people. When they want to \"do blockchain\", I tell them that every mistake, error, and entry cannot be edited, and you basically enocuragr the public to maintain the accuracy of your records through incentives like tokens. Decentralized money is one of the few use cases where a \"set it and let it self-perpetuate it's existence\" can actually work.\n\nAll of a sudden they don't know why their business ever needed blockchain. I don't know if I'm good or bad at my side gig these days.", "831" ] ]
[ 4231, 12855, 9818, 2444, 21100, 8389, 5941, 22740, 16898, 8502, 23337, 16293, 432, 18732, 19027, 9248, 21556, 6466, 17049, 16736, 24889, 20387, 8235, 12770, 14482, 23672, 1696, 23377, 2033, 7347, 7127, 20917, 10091, 14887, 23685, 23299, 12754, 11978, 25097, 11357, 21058, 18090, 19743, 4475, 2773, 2408, 5072, 9777, 20644, 8122, 8748, 19257, 16577, 13670, 24622, 493, 5969, 17564, 12377, 24141, 21838, 2314, 4016, 8475, 14771, 18073, 16967, 11551, 3577, 21993, 20457, 25302, 25018, 12060, 24960, 16165, 13305, 21612, 14247, 24872, 23176, 13463, 7687, 14518, 18286, 19255, 2053, 15082, 19582, 25287, 8421, 20662, 6961, 22394, 20145, 20230, 821, 11461, 17928, 25051, 6877, 4668, 18377, 8790, 24208, 946, 2577, 8919, 18421, 12072, 838, 9476, 11013, 20088, 18176, 4303, 6648, 7575, 16912, 4513, 1192, 21635, 13865, 17538, 22844, 3760, 701, 1275, 2567, 22824, 14960, 14255, 11345, 17757, 18467, 8922, 6936, 7365, 15470, 5572, 23181, 8100, 12914, 20007, 1974, 1551, 13464, 23449, 15387, 6068, 19834, 3454, 1593, 20106, 12902, 13240, 5947, 13913, 13319, 2448, 3493, 14812, 4508, 21550, 24313, 15792, 7433, 19627, 13622, 24174, 21360, 21818, 1377, 8690, 1614, 21639, 7768, 735, 21857, 976, 21884, 13701, 12448, 2363, 20428, 8093, 17992, 23830, 17592, 3604, 25223, 11133, 129, 2772, 16012, 17831, 1037, 15146, 21238, 12555, 1720, 3313, 25193, 1573, 6005, 5874, 19906, 16256, 11012, 18379, 21220, 11837, 21753, 9307, 4168, 3815, 3216, 21991, 17068, 12451, 8946, 2316, 20024, 3904, 23658, 20330, 14099, 10537, 5588, 23042, 18960, 11983, 23893, 18867, 24223, 16183, 22997, 22140, 21875, 5804, 6992, 14904, 7988, 24338, 17550, 12601, 5045, 5370, 21877, 12621, 17296, 21196, 12367, 23408, 8135, 21143, 18404, 2716, 17612, 9965, 21027, 7316, 24745, 1464, 11594, 18182, 8418, 19197, 4602, 15707, 18197, 12681, 24943, 3779, 23928, 13077, 16085, 16403, 20009, 14670, 17875, 21842, 11059, 14411, 21745, 14519, 9677, 17536, 2504, 12679, 11129, 1678, 197, 4744, 14053, 12658, 24807, 5831, 427, 5598, 4996, 17534, 23114, 14748, 14919, 22725, 19966, 20028, 17784, 14655, 19133, 25242, 17201, 3091, 18118, 24263, 23054, 3861, 5648, 23655, 6105, 13627, 5035, 1417, 14341, 8331, 12238, 9279, 12968, 11928, 9104, 14720, 4375, 17983, 7123, 19429, 24314, 9423, 14446, 13930, 17008, 10, 19256, 1207, 1580, 5757, 4200, 14164, 21484, 7111, 24295, 17421, 23403, 22905, 23155, 1818, 25394, 15624, 23324, 16764, 20069, 8204, 13014, 5946, 13822, 9665, 16140, 11470, 9059, 1554, 9958, 15930, 19899, 22749, 24795, 5888, 5769, 8542, 9682, 20980, 24766, 17537, 22810, 11280, 8238, 11671, 20628, 11317, 13070, 11186, 5471, 10090, 16379, 19543, 4872, 24148, 25538, 14163, 13315, 15448, 15401, 19483, 8591, 15922, 8304, 5221, 8526, 18717, 2920, 17098, 24577, 18088, 23167, 22998, 21979, 17410, 18714, 3689, 1881, 492, 1096, 9920, 8155, 23053, 23434, 24813, 16586, 4733, 24420, 3822, 18364, 20789, 22409, 16214, 5146, 15403, 13232, 16729, 13094, 5325, 16430, 24776, 9089, 24115, 443, 16996, 3186, 4740, 18787, 19374, 23353, 10022, 16761, 10086, 19666, 16552, 12045, 9041, 24342, 11197, 24518, 22325, 12258, 135, 726, 15221, 11984, 16386, 20594, 6012, 5455, 16745, 12308, 11148, 1270, 2642, 77, 19175, 17840, 11977, 18061, 15500, 11214, 22411, 24632, 6822, 2782, 5584, 15853, 17355, 15259, 4387, 14660, 5040, 20553, 608, 13084, 21164, 12594 ]
[ [ "[A quick reminder: \"proactive employment practices\" are explicitly legal in Canada.]\n\n[As a white male, I did not get a job due to my race and gender. What are my options?](_URL_0_)\n\n > After interviewing for a senior role in a large, well-known Canadian organization, I was told by the recruiter‎ that, despite “hitting all the high notes from a capabilities and experience” perspective, their client ”couldn’t do it. White males just won’t cut it. I am so sorry as I wouldn’t have gone this far with you if I had known this beforehand.”\n > \n > What, if anything, should I do about this? In the push for greater diversity, how should organizations protect themselves to ensure that their actions are not, in fact or in appearance, discriminating against one pool of candidates in favour of another?\n > \n > ------\n > \n > Ontario’s Human Rights Commission has published guidelines for these special programs, including that employers communicate the existence of the program and any restrictions on eligible applicants. Most provinces allow, and a few require, special programs to be preapproved by the Human Rights Commission. Larger employers under federal jurisdiction are statutorily required to develop employment-equity plans to achieve employment equity.\n > \n > The job applicant was told he had the required capabilities and experience, but was disqualified because he was a white male. This was prohibited discrimination, entitling the individual to file a complaint with the applicable human-rights commission or tribunal. The employer could defend itself with evidence of an appropriate program. But the existence of such a program should have been disclosed to the recruiter and applicants at the beginning of the selection process and, regardless, the employer’s response to the applicant was inappropriate.\n > \n > -----\n > \n > One additional caution for recruiters or employers who are hiring anyone other than Caucasians and are openly sharing information such as the employer you cite are advised to use discretion in how they communicate their intention, to mitigate the risk for increasing sentiments that fuel racial tensions. How this was explained to you was inappropriate and inflammatory. The right response would have been, “I’m sorry; they went in another direction.”\n\nTL;DR: what happened wasn't wrong, but the way it was explained to the candidate might have been. The correct method is either to be up front about the hiring policy, or avoid specifics when explaining why the candidate was not hired.", "133" ], [ "[Democratic Socialists of America chase two gay journalists out of a bar.](_URL_2_) Yes, really. Yes, in 2018. Confused yet? Details might help: one of the journalists was <PERSON>.\n\n[<PERSON>_):\n\n > Me and <PERSON>’s gay lunch in Manhattan was disrupted when a hoard of chanting, screaming leftists wouldn’t let us go back to our table to eat. They blocked us then pushed <PERSON> and it was getting violent. We had no back up on hand and so peacefully left. The staff seemed embarrassed\n > \n > A Gizmodo reporter was among them. People on the street who saw the commotion immediate expressed sympathy and support to us as we left. It was the best and worst of New York in a single moment.\n\nGizmodo reporter <PERSON> (linked at the top with video):\n\n > <PERSON> just walked into a Manhattan bar full of @nycDSA members, got heckled for five minutes, and left\n > \n > When I asked whether he felt shilling supplements on Infowars felt like a good career move, he got very agitated and explained how guest hosting a radio show works\n > \n > I also asked if pivoting to full white nationalism was on the table. \"How many white nationalists do you know who have black husbands?\"\n > \n > \"Who reads Gizmodo who I care about? Where does this fit on your tech beat? This isn't how you doorstep someone. I'm just out with my friend.\"\n > \n > The thing that is giving me the most pleasure in this whole episode is imagining how mad he is not to be able to get on twitter and whine\n > \n > It is my impartial, objective journalist opinion that this, is good praxis\n\nA [screenshot from Milo's](_URL_1_) Facebook:\n\n > I was just shoved and screamed at by a big group in a pub in Manhattan and forced out of the place. One of them was a reporter for Gizmodo. They were screaming at the top of their lungs about “Nazis” and “KKK”. Initially I was going to stay put obviously but they blocked me from my table and my bag and yelled at me to leave and it was about to escalate into something ugly. It rattled me a little bit (just slightly!), perhaps because I have something to lose in life now. My first thought was <PERSON> and not getting myself hurt or killed. I don’t know how I’d explain to my black husband that I got hurt for being a “white supremacist”. I didn’t have security with me so I had to just get out of there. I won’t name the place we were at because the staff were really understanding and cool about it. But jeez. It’s now impossible for me to safely go out for lunch in most major cities in America because I supported <PERSON> at the last election and don’t like feminism.\n\nThe culture war is getting weird(er), and I don't like it. This sort of thing seems to be moving closer to \"total war\" territory for some culture warriors, and the optics of this is likely to inflame more people. Not sure if it's just the availability heuristic misfiring, or I should be concerned that this sort of thing seems to be increasing.", "294" ], [ "[Count <PERSON> fined £800 for his Nazi Pug joke](_URL_0_)\n\nIMO, this is the worst outcome for the free speech activists' side. It makes the courts look merciful (a symbolic fine? yawn) to disinterested observers, minimizing the chance of recruiting supporters, while potential \"offenders\" see a long, expensive court case with a guilty verdict and punishment at the end.\n\n[<PERSON> will appeal.](_URL_1_) If the appeal fails, <PERSON> says he will not pay the fine, and they can send him to jail.", "743" ], [ "The government lists four allowable categories:\n\n > women, people with disabilities, Aboriginal peoples, and visible minorities\n\nDefinition of \"visible minority\":\n\n > persons, other than aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour\n\nIf he looks white, the government could argue he's not a visible minority, and doesn't qualify. Doesn't matter how he identifies.\n\nAboriginal peoples are specifically defined, as well. No dice. Same deal with disabilities.\n\nBest he could do is [legally change his gender on his ID](_URL_0_), and argue he's a woman.", "654" ], [ "[Woman guilty of 'racist' Snap Dogg rap lyric Instagram post](_URL_0_)\n\n > A teenager who posted rap lyrics which included racist language on Instagram has been found guilty of sending a grossly offensive message.\n > \n > <PERSON>, 19, from Liverpool posted the lyric from Snap Dogg's I'm Trippin' to pay tribute to a boy who died in a road crash, a court heard.\n > \n > <PERSON> argued it was not offensive, but was handed a community order.\n > \n > Prosecutors said her sentence was increased from a fine to a community order \"as it was a hate crime\".\n > \n > She was charged after Merseyside Police were anonymously sent a screenshot of her update.\n > \n > [...]\n > \n > She was given an eight-week community order, placed on an eight-week curfew and told to pay costs of £500 and an £85 victim surcharge.\n\nThe slope really is that slippery. Unless there is public outcry, nothing will change, because \"it's just witches getting fines, who cares?\"", "746" ], [ "* \"bans mentions of HBD\" == literally bans the term and only the term, not the underlying issues\n\n* \"for ages\" == exactly one year today\n\nWhy? [Paranoia over physical and reputational attack](_URL_0_):\n\n > I am getting very paranoid after the various physical and reputational attacks on people saying “offensive” speech, especially given some ominous noises from within what I previously considered a bubble of safety. In order to protect myself and non-anonymous readers of this blog, I am going to be more careful about allowing things that hostile parties could interpret as reason to go Middlebury on someone. I am banning the terms “human biodiversity” and “hbd” – this doesn’t necessarily mean banning all discussion of those topics, but it should force people to concentrate on particular claims rather than make sweeping culture-war-ish declarations about the philosophy as a whole.", "621" ], [ "Actually, You can blame [<PERSON>_). I now have something like his time-travelling selves living in *my* head:\n\n > 2018 <PERSON>, dazed. \"<PERSON> blood was the collectible object of a heist and that's not even the wackiest news story that broke today\" \n > 2017 <PERSON>. \"Here we go\" \n > 2014 <PERSON>. \"Yeah, if the last couple years are any indication it's just gonna keep coming after this point\"\n > \n > -----\n > 2017 <PERSON>. \"So, settle it: are we living in a simulation or something?\" \n > 2018 <PERSON>. \"Actually, I think we might be living some '90s high school kid's campaign for the rpg SHADOWRUN\" \n > 2014 <PERSON>. \" that better, or worse?\" \n > 2018 <PERSON>. \"I'm not sure\"\n\nSo, after reading those accounts, I had a little voice go \"Wait. Hold up. You're saying that two gay journalists were just chased out of a bar. In 2018. By the DSA. Seriously? Weren't the DSA all about protecting gay people a few years ago?\"", "553" ], [ "From the wiki, sourced from the government's webpage:\n > [T]he Employment Equity Act requires employers to engage in proactive measures to improve the employment opportunities of the four specific groups listed above.\n\nThose groups are:\n\n* Women\n\n* People with disabilities\n\n* Aboriginal people (Status Indians, Non-status Indians, Métis (people of mixed French-Aboriginal ancestry in western Canada), and Inuit (the Aboriginal people of the Arctic))\n\n* Visible minorities (\"persons, other than aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour\")\n\nSee also the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, section 15:\n\n > 15.(1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.\n > \n > 15.(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.\n\nSo you can't discriminate *against* anyone, but you can discriminate *in favor* of someone else. Not hiring White Guy is OK as long as you're trying to hire Minority Person. Not hiring Minority Person A is OK as long as it's to leave a spot open for Minority B, which presumably has a lower representation in your organization.\n\nAs I understand it, it's all about intent and the outcomes of the protected groups. Anyone who gets caught up in the gears of that is just acceptable collateral damage. An example from back in 2010, which [made the news](_URL_1_):\n\n > <PERSON>, president of the Treasury Board, ordered a review Thursday into a government job-application process that restricts some jobs to one or more of the four groups targeted by Canada's employment-equity policy: aboriginal people, visible minorities, women and people with disabilities.\n > \n > The move came in response to the story of a Caucasian woman who tried to apply for an administrative assistant's job in the federal ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, only to find the competition was restricted to aboriginals and members of a visible minority. Such a practice is permitted under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and is intended to help government meet diversity hiring targets.\n\nThe review never went anywhere, and the policy still stands. \n\nAnother issue which is causing some friction, particularly under <PERSON>'s government (see also his \"feminist budget\"): this [is no longer required](_URL_0_) to correct ongoing under-representation for women in the public service, but that portion is still in effect:\n\n > According to Statistics Canada, women not only comprise 71 per cent of Canada's 4.1 million public sector jobs at all levels of government, but \"gender parity now exists in the public sector with respect to women's representation in leadership positions.\"\n > \n > Meaning that while women are still a designated group for the purposes of preferential hiring in the public service, they now have most of the jobs and at least half of the most senior jobs.\n > \n > <PERSON> puts it rather bluntly: \"Women are overrepresented in government, and government jobs are the best jobs. Best job security, best pension benefits, best everything.\"\n > \n > Further, he says, women now dominate the feeder positions for all the most senior jobs in government.", "133" ], [ "I was recently reminded of the origins of the CW containment thread, and it's kinda hilarious how it's caused more trouble than it was meant to solve.\n\n* <PERSON> posts a \"paranoid rant\" in [the comments section](_URL_2_) of his [Github Study](_URL_4_) post.\n\n* The comment gets posted to [Xenosystems](_URL_0_), [a top level post in r/SSC](_URL_1_), and elsewhere.\n\n* <PERSON> goes into damage control mode, deleting his comment, and having the r/SSC post removed.\n\n* <PERSON> [makes new rules](_URL_3_) about sharing his posts, *and* creates the r/SSC CW containment thread, presumably to help hide CW material related to him from public view.\n\n > 7: New rule for the subreddit – to keep it from getting bogged down in culture war related links, there will be one “Culture War Roundup” thread every week. If you have interesting culture war related links, please put them on that thread instead of starting a new one. I’ll trust you all to use your judgment about what is or isn’t culture war.\n > \n > 8: If I post something in an out-of-the-way, less-visible place like my Tumblr or deep in a comment section here, I’d prefer if people would ask permission before they repost it somewhere more visible. I know I have no right to make that request, and I’m asking it only as a favor. I am not angry with anybody and nothing has gone wrong, I just want to keep it that way.", "621" ], [ "[Bending my rule to explain it]\n\nOr: once the accusations of \"you're waging CW / booing the outgroup\" \"no u\" start, I go with \"don't touch the poop\". It's usually going to degenerate into turd-flinging *anyway*, so I just avoid getting any dirtier than I already am and move on. Other posters are covering much of the same ground I would have, so why stir the shit by jumping in?\n\nI've tried arguing my case before, and either I'm not believed or a mod drops by and explains that the definition in use covers what I said regardless of my explanation, so the best bet is to add more disclaimers next time and consider that subthread a lost cause.", "837" ], [ "I don't have anything like this on a *continuous* basis, but I've had mental conversations with people/characters I've mentally simulated, and gained insights from them.\n\nOne particularly memorable instance was with the character <PERSON> from the 2000s remake of Battlestar Galactica. (Necessary backstory: at that point in the story, it appeared that under certain circumstances, a copy of the consciousness of a Cylon android could sometimes take up residence inside a human mind, being able to interact only with that human.) <PERSON> and I discussed various issues relating to consciousness, identity, and death. While <PERSON> didn't know anything I didn't, he was able to articulate certain positions I hadn't consciously considered, and changed my mind about a few things. In particular, he accidentally triggered a sudden fear of death of the self via discontinuity of consciousness, explained why that was dumb, and convinced me not to fear death (dying yes, death no).", "719" ], [ "Semi-objection: the issue of the CW thread falling off the front page was what led to the sticky in the first place. Once the sticky is not easily visible, people seem to be more likely to post CW as top-level threads, leading to removals, cranky people, and general abandonment of the CW thread until next Monday, when a mad rush to dump everything from last week occurs. This also increases duplication of articles which the CW regulars had seen/discussed late in the week.\n\nIf we're not going to sticky the CW thread all week, I'd actually suggest stickying it *later*, either after a set time, or (better but requires more mod effort) once it starts sliding to the bottom of the front page.", "620" ], [ "Legal document in the OP, pages 51 and 52:\n\n > An official policy at Google, drafted by <PERSON>”), a Diversity Business Partner in Google HR, is the “Inclusive Perf for Managers -Handout”(the “Handout”).This document is provided to all managers as part of their “Inclusive Perf” training at Google, which is required by some departments at Google and strongly encouraged by others. According to Google, the purpose of the training and Handout is to describe methods that race and gender bias can creep into performance management, and methods of preventing this from happening—similar to the goals of <PERSON>’s memo.\n > \n > The Handout used for training its managers begins by stereotyping and listing “aspects of white dominant culture, commonly centered in corporations, and most spaces in the U.S.” It then provides a list of traits and aspects “valued by U.S. white/male dominant culture,” which included “arguing, winning,” “short-term payoffs,” “giving feedback indirectly (about you, but without you),” “individual achievement,” “meritocracy,” and “colorblind racial frame.”The Handout also includes a list of traits and aspects commonly devalued in white culture, such as “listening,” “growth in quality,” “valuing self-determination,” and “noticing race/color and any racial patterns in treatment.”\n > \n > The Handout then goes on to discuss stereotypes “ascribed to women and people of color,” stereotypes ascribed to “Black/Latinx people and Black men in particular,” and explains how Google managers can give feedback to “women and people of color”as opposed to giving feedback to males and Caucasians.\n > \n > Similar to <PERSON>’s memo, the Handout cites to multiple different studies and articles on gender and race biases and stereotypes to justify the positions set forth by the Handout.However, unlike <PERSON>, <PERSON> was never reprimanded for promoting harmful racial and gender stereotypes of Google-disfavored races and males. Rather, this program became part of Google’s indoctrination of its management staff.", "99" ], [ "> We took the pulse of the community on this topic here and here.\n\nOh *come on*. We've checked this repeatedly.\n\nFirst link: no specifics on the implementation, 4-6 yes, 3-4 no top level comments.\n\nSecond link: one week topic ban, 9-10 yes, 11-15 no.\n\nActual implementation: four week *or longer* topic ban.\n\nPlease stop pretending this is significantly supported as-implemented based on those examples.", "156" ], [ "This seems to be [asinine legalism](_URL_0_):\n\n > <PERSON> wants to sell 100-percent pure skim milk with no added ingredients. The only ingredient in his skim milk would be skim milk. But when <PERSON> contacted the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to sell his delicious product across state lines, he learned that FDA regulations prohibit him from honestly labeling pure skim milk as “skim milk.”\n > \n > [...]\n > \n > The reason is the FDA has shockingly defined “skim milk” as having three ingredients. The first ingredient is pure skim milk. The other two ingredients are artificial vitamin additives that are not naturally found in skim milk. Business owners who insist on selling additive-free skim milk as “skim milk” face fines and even possible incarceration.\n > \n > [...]\n > \n > The FDA has decreed that skim milk can only be labeled as skim milk if artificial vitamin A and D additives are injected into it.\n > \n > [...]\n > \n > The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture wrote back, explaining that labeling his skim milk as something other than “imitation” would violate FDA regulations. Because South Mountain would be selling products across state lines, Pennsylvania officials are forced to follow federal regulations. However, if the FDA were to no longer object to <PERSON>’s business, then Pennsylvania would not either.", "642" ] ]
[ 4268, 9669, 12543, 12751, 18638, 1103, 14020, 475, 75, 346, 13983, 14524, 6732, 18697, 12585, 19742, 12410, 21534, 18843, 12837, 15441, 8713, 17547, 9139, 2521, 20436, 8974, 17053, 15511, 24860, 18654, 18343, 21124, 710, 11707, 6145, 16616, 16192, 13896, 5532, 19058, 19683, 22679, 12442, 15099, 17300, 15711, 10851, 2784, 25474, 21341, 21459, 3948, 16976, 10163, 22749, 530, 5878, 14870, 6398, 21840, 22880, 1300, 10350, 17915, 20218, 1476, 15879, 18785, 17093, 22422, 17004, 768, 21650, 23143, 9933, 9116, 7278, 25235, 11237, 18082, 24003, 4450, 18027, 23710, 5914, 11960, 5898, 20073, 24819, 24565, 18818, 10343, 12897, 847, 7963, 21354, 25317, 1909, 4249, 4411, 2931, 16887, 22392, 8712, 24145, 581, 5962, 23486, 19004, 16100, 19186, 7212, 10611, 19725, 999, 2092, 20237, 5699, 23631, 11548, 14361, 6162, 6501, 7104, 11210, 7033, 12748, 9904, 11103, 9783, 16348, 25431, 12359, 15979, 17473, 15681, 14401, 15014, 13579, 24354, 18420, 13755, 14954, 92, 12640, 9626, 17419, 628, 10683, 16329, 25442, 6543, 10782, 4283, 9004, 11798, 8788, 8118, 19175, 11255, 2815, 11368, 22626, 5802, 21890, 1117, 20623, 8273, 7926, 16628, 18113, 8680, 21578, 13708, 23694, 22668, 5480, 17455, 8395, 14701, 16258, 17930, 4939, 7332, 24146, 4773, 24462, 18562, 22558, 20771, 16889, 23164, 18720, 3811, 11156, 20574, 12893, 15267, 11921, 24681, 5015, 24507, 18476, 18344, 603, 19557, 19065, 8232, 525, 8946, 20983, 4555, 15588, 18543, 23527, 21352, 4953, 23270, 17696, 2675, 11334, 14956, 23362, 14726, 24849, 6274, 306, 4193, 18690, 23091, 3458, 20262, 44, 12396, 14911, 2080, 23171, 19654, 21274, 23884, 10708, 14901, 15496, 18624, 15906, 18716, 24128, 3968, 15807, 16483, 12453, 12412, 14627, 17417, 11239, 16548, 1102, 17590, 24028, 9507, 12051, 20179, 23093, 5653, 17903, 2598, 20359, 23704, 22835, 15992, 17276, 237, 456, 20645, 3137, 12601, 8365, 20609, 19285, 11372, 22485, 20063, 18883, 3271, 739, 9104, 602, 18752, 1210, 13500, 13058, 17498, 9737, 23763, 24240, 1953, 1560, 19533, 22569, 4430, 21469, 23925, 6803, 25455, 5209, 15263, 13212, 8630, 16892, 24720, 22757, 748, 17349, 19495, 20033, 1756, 9562, 12351, 18841, 14986, 7545, 12984, 15050, 11817, 19276, 8386, 4102, 15500, 22103, 15436, 23618, 17040, 18610, 24451, 3224, 20640, 18598, 16037, 5182, 18258, 8793, 16294, 9514, 6773, 6651, 25159, 18264, 6510, 19248, 21070, 23746, 2281, 23545, 24424, 22234, 11460, 7709, 21166, 3994, 3697, 86, 17627, 16412, 18723, 16464, 9579, 19614, 18447, 4281, 7568, 15468, 20689, 2794, 20863, 16077, 16656, 21168, 20961, 11950, 13573, 640, 7236, 22374, 13574, 2021, 16378, 12225, 13723, 18078, 1611, 19001, 8234, 4277, 13060, 20190, 4823, 5544, 2879, 14786, 25206, 18554, 16619, 19024, 3200, 9815, 20761, 4648, 6499, 18576, 11749, 8052, 23534, 18685, 11652, 8478, 13572, 1887, 1731, 20559, 18272, 14604, 17829, 18614, 25194, 7941, 9726, 11094, 23570, 18580, 16966, 2496, 20820, 2107, 5021, 12797, 11490, 16675, 13200, 4055, 3428, 1406, 21918, 15105, 11065, 12598, 3001, 3816, 22853, 9099, 13077, 25289, 19220, 2694, 13053, 11999, 568, 12101, 10580, 17638, 20408, 4199, 25225, 7556, 4940, 24941, 21866, 9533, 20899, 4278, 10218, 2849, 19656, 10121, 8834, 22161, 11571, 1331, 17054, 24200, 101, 17790, 1098, 1108, 22315, 18714, 19497, 6567, 20705, 18449, 5724, 1657, 17739, 14978, 21213, 22786, 9699, 1745, 23923 ]
[ [ "In Star Trek 4, the one where they go back in time, there is a scene where doctors are about to operate on <PERSON> who has a brain hemorrhage and when <PERSON> sees what they're about to do exclaims in horror \"My god man, drilling holes in his head isn't the answer!\"\n\nI have a feeling a hundred years from now a lot of what we do now in medicine is going to be viewed with such incredulity.", "571" ], [ "There will be a condo board elected by owners that takes care of maintenance and repairs but they don't really have the power to fine people so they usually just try to pressure people into conforming at first and then threatening to sue in court if things are really out of control.\n\nLandlords aren't allowed to fine rental tenants either, they would have to go through the landlord tenant board, and condo boards aren't allowed to seize peoples property either like an HOA can if someone falls behind on fees, they have to take it to civil court but they can't force a sale of the property, it would just be a monetary judgement. Unfortunately it does leave room for things like the some airBnB suites to get out of control but it also means the stories you hear about some power mad HOA's fining people over almost nothing can't happen up here.\n\nNot sure what system works better but some of the horror stories you hear about HOA's make me think they're not really the best solution to the problem either.", "478" ], [ "Whoa, you seem very excited that someone read something from 20 years ago and thought it might be relevant today.\n\nSo you assumed something you had no reason too and then when asked what your point was you resort to name calling, perhaps because you now realize you didn't really have a point at all?\n\nNow this isn't that big a deal but maybe next time just admit your mistake and move on instead of getting testy.", "809" ], [ "Ok but the way to fix an issue is by voting in someone that runs on a platform to stop it. I get propaganda and things like gerrymandering have an effect but at some point the electorate has to take responsibility for who they're electing. Maybe I'm off base but it feels like I see stories that would absolutely finish a politician in many other places and in the states they're right back in after the next election.\n\nIf US politicians thought these issues were important enough to include them in their platform and knew that getting reelected depended on actually doing something about it change might happen, if they're not held accountable at the ballot box it won't. Every country has its problems but from an outside perspective voter apathy in the states just seems out of control.", "736" ], [ "> It is not even REMOTELY as simple as \"just vote in people who want to fix it.\" Plenty of US politicians have the same views and they are drowned out by the money.\n\nCorporations influence peddling is a problem in any country, maybe it's more out of control in the US than other places but at the end of the day politicians make the laws. You're literally missing the point, good politicians get drowned out by the money because apathy and often low voter turnout means they don't fear being booted at the next election as much as they should. Those same corporations want you to believe that no matter who you elect it won't make a difference so you don't show up to vote.\n\nFor instance maybe if 74 million of your fellow countrymen didn't vote for <PERSON> more things like this would get fixed, after all the lies and scandals of the last 4 years how is that even possible? Were all 74 million of those people brainwashed to the point where they aren't in control of their own actions? And what kind of message does that send to other politicians that are thinking of doing something shady themselves? Just <PERSON> being elected the first time signaled loud and clear how a large part of the US thought. Like I said at a certain point the electorate has to be held accountable for who they're electing.", "845" ], [ "> but it's more apt to say they're simple-minded. <PERSON> supports beliefs they hold, so they voted for him. That's all the thought that goes into it.\n\nSo as I said the electorate is responsible for who they're voting for. Everything you're talking about certainly sways elections and I agree are very real problems and not just in the US. However people are still responsible for who they vote for and not showing up to the polls or not knowing enough about the issues to realize who you're voting for is a piece of shit is each persons responsibility.", "845" ], [ "What? No but you also don't get to blame it all on corporations like the comment I responded to.\n\nThey outright said:\n\n > Hahahaha, our elections are bought before they're ever made.\n\nThey're trying to blame it all on the system being rigged but then in response to me when I pressed them on how many people voted for <PERSON> admitted:\n\n > 74 million people voted for <PERSON>... but it's because they wanted <PERSON>. Brainwashed is a term to use for them, but it's more apt to say they're simple-minded. <PERSON> supports beliefs they hold, so they voted for him. That's all the thought that goes into it.\n\nSo which is it? Were they all manipulated into voting for <PERSON> by a corrupt system or did they actually like <PERSON>?\n\nYou can't have it both ways. You can't blame everything on corporate influence pedaling and corruption but then also admit that a lot of people seem to *want* to elect people like that. By accountable I mean that's their decision that *they* made. People are responsible for their own actions, you can't pin all the lack of change in the US on big business.\n\nEdit: typo", "210" ], [ "> Okay, but pointing out that it's the people's fault doesn't actually do anything to change it.\n\nNo but you can't blame it all on the system being rigged then can you?\n\nAt some point you have to admit that maybe many others in the US don't share your desire for change and that's the main reason you're not seeing the change you want. Blaming big business won't solve the problem either. I never claimed to know how to get people to be more liberal, just that corporate influence is not the only reason a lot of people in the states resist certain changes.\n\nAnd actually the 2020 election did show that people actually showing up to vote can effect change with [the highest turnout in a long time.](_URL_0_) Now <PERSON> doesn't look like the most progressive candidate ever but it is an example that if you stop complaining how the system is rigged and people actually go vote and *punish people like <PERSON>* at the ballot box maybe that will get things heading in different direction.", "845" ], [ "I feel like before cameras and cell phone recording became ubiquitous more teachers would go off track and be unprofessional but that when it was obviously a joke or an accident classes would just have a chuckle and move on with their day.\n\nI still remember the day my really chill communications teacher was told for the fifth year in a row that he wasn't guaranteed to get another contract for the fall despite *being the only teacher in the whole school* that could actually teach it which he did all 5 periods of the day despite that meaning he had no lunch or prep/marking time in school. This was in the late 90's and we had super VHS cameras with Amiga's with video toasters for editing, it was fantastic equipment for students to have access to and it was not common for high schools at the time to have that kind of course at all let alone a teacher that would know anything about it.\n\nThe dude was breaking his back because he loved the course and the students but found out just before class one day that he still wouldn't be hired full time or even be guaranteed work despite the courses *already being full for after the summer*. He came in a couple minutes late and just kinda lost it and went on a 5 minute rant at the board of education complete with swearing, throwing a piece of chalk at the floor and putting his head down on his desk at the end, almost crying. We just told him that sounded like bullshit and that we thought he did a great job and really liked him, word never got out what happened as we kept it quiet. Today I feel like someone would have started recording it and he would have been fired which would have been a shame cause he was a great teacher just having a really bad day.\n\nI feel like with the threat of being recorded at any moment has really ratcheted up the fear of losing your career over things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Should a teacher swear in front of a class? No. Does it really matter that teenagers heard a bad word one day? No.\n\nEdit: dropped an er", "413" ], [ "You're right that my GDP comparison is a bad one because of the local relative purchasing power of currencies in their respective countries.\n\nHowever there still is just not the same enforcement of standards and more rigorous work place safety culture in general that you would find in Western Europe for instance. My Russian, Czech and Polish friends who visit home and my parents all agree that things are a little more lax in Eastern Europe/Russia and it's more likely that with some cash you can get someone to look the other way. Some of these countries do very poorly in studies on world wide levels of government corruption. I don't mean to knock those places, my parents are from one of them so I'm actually rather partial. Corruption is an issue in every country, in some places more so.\n\nOnce again I'm not saying Russia is some bastion of danger just that from what I know getting some crazy ski hill groomed if you had the cash probably wouldn't be an issue.", "519" ], [ "WOT is no longer in an innovation phase and you won't be seeing any large changes until the money stops coming in. They've managed to produce a game and payment model that is making them a ton of cash so they have no incentive to change. It's like Rockstar with GTA Online, people can complain about shark cards, the high cost of cars and everything else but after making half a billion dollars from it they're not going to change shit, why would they when they're rolling in money?\n\nSame for WOT and it's current problems. Until the player base dips and the money dries up no one at WG is going to risk interrupting the flow of cash by making any big changes, they're in business to make money not a perfectly balanced game.", "905" ], [ "Gold ammo can be bought for silver but it's so highly priced that you try and use it as little as possible. It's still very much a mechanic designed to get you to buy credit/gold packs. Factor in the credit loss from playing high tiers and if you talk to players that don't have hours a day to grind credits you'll find many of them at one point or another have bought those packs.", "532" ], [ "Yes but in AW you never even needed to buy an expensive tier 8 premium or be forced to play it. That's another money sink as well. In AW you literally could almost not lose credits at any tier unless you managed to use all your consumables and do zero damage. I might not buy WOT gold and credit packs but I lost count of the number of times I basically *had* to play my premium tanks because I was running low on credits.\n\nAnd I know many people that don't have the time to and/or want to grind tier 8 premiums who at one time or another said screw it and spent real money just so they could play what they wanted to. In AW I just played whatever tank I wanted, when I wanted because the game didn't punish me for loses even close to as badly as WOT does. WOT's monetization model is very good for a F2P game, I used to think it was fantastic until I played AW.\n\nIn AW you might want a premium to get credits faster to buy that next tank but it never once made me stop playing high tiers because I had a run of bad games and was down 200,000 credits, sound familiar?\n\nAnyway it's shame that it looks like AW won't end up where it needed to be. The new balance direction OE was heading in was very interesting and given the troubles they already had pulling it all together I'm not sure _URL_0_ has any chance to pull it off on its own.", "905" ], [ "Nice, but I didn't forget. You knew which cars you were getting with Forza and it doesn't ask for more real money to drive those cars. DLC is extra content you knew you weren't getting with the original purchase but at least its cost is fixed as well. You buy it and that's usually it, cosmetics aside.\n\nIf AAA games followed WOT's monetization model the outcry would make the bitching about DLC and crates look tame by comparison. The higher tier you get in WOT the less money you make until tier 9 and 10 where you're basically losing in game credits to the point where it's not sustainable.\n\nIn Forza that would mean something like you had to fill up the cars with gas for every race and for high end sports cars the gas almost always cost more than you made in the race. Eventually you'd have to stop driving the car you wanted to drive slower cars that used less gas, sound like a car game you want to play?\n\nThat's what WOT is like and that's not even getting into the garage slots, crew retraining and a few other things that require gold currency which is usually obtained by buying it, tourneys and events aside. WOT's monetization model is actually very fair by F2P game standards but it wouldn't fly for a second in a game you paid $60 for.\n\nAnd that doesn't even include that paying for a premium account in WOT is essentially mandatory for high tiers due to the pressure their F2P model puts on the player.\n\n > If you think AW after full move to MailRu will stay free of p2w elements you're a big optimist.\n\nI have basically zero optimism about that, just wanted to point out that AW's model *was* far better for players and that WOT's model is no saint.", "905" ], [ "The ice sheet on Europa is kilometers thick at a minimum, the probes we currently send to the outer solar system might weigh a few thousand pounds. Sending hundreds of tons of drilling equipment just isn't possible at this point, never mind the people that would be required to operate it. Something like that isn't getting done by autonomous robots.\n\nSo you need humans on the mission now, never mind getting them there, the radiation environment is insane around Jupiter. As in your dead in a few days insane without shielding technology we have yet to develop. Another issue is all that equipment and you will be covered with microorganisms and more from earth and you risk contaminating the place your looking for life with what you brought with you.\n\nEuropa is definitely worth exploring but it's going to be a while before we're on the surface to know if there is life.", "78" ], [ "I would love nothing more than to explore Europa and some of the other very interesting moons around Saturn and Jupiter but for now Mars is a much more reachable destination in the next few years/decades. It has much lower travel time, in comparison, and its radiation environment although not great is very manageable with technology we have today. Mars might not have a massive ocean below the surface but its clear now it once had large amounts flowing water on the surface for most likely hundreds of millions of years. There is some evidence that water still flows to the surface today, even if it sublimates quickly in the super low pressure Martian atmosphere of today. There are large ice deposits at the poles and probably many other places as well.\n\nIn short Mars is a great candidate for life and is much more likely to be explored in the near term, go SpaceX! :)", "78" ], [ "I've heard melting through the ice as a possible solution but I don't see how you keep the resulting bore hole stable and open when it might end up being tens of kilometers long, let alone deal with maintaining a data connection to said probe as you mentioned.\n\nThe Russians recently completed a drilling project in the Antarctic that I guess would be somewhat similar to what you'd need to accomplish at Europa. It was through an ice sheet to reach the top of a lake underneath. It wasn't even close to as deep as you would need on Europa and they encountered numerous set backs. The work may not have been constant but this project lasted 30 years until they finally reached the top of the lake a few years ago. Even forgetting the manpower aspect I would assume this effort required hundreds of tons of equipment and supplies over that time.\n\nI just can't see a nuclear powered hot plate pulling off an even more impressive feat on the changing surface of an unexplored, poorly surveyed icy moon orbiting Jupiter. I'd love for it to happen sooner rather than later but I feel like we'd need to have accumulated wide ranging and extensive manned space exploration experience before we could seriously contemplate a project of this magnitude on Europa.", "78" ], [ "My understanding is that remote sensing from probes have confirmed that Europa \"flexes\" as it orbits in Jupiter's large gravitational field which produces the large cracks we see at the surface which would require a large volume of liquid underneath to form. Other moons experience these effects as well but apparently not in the same way or to the same degree as Europa.\n\nIn addition there are types of terrain on parts of Europa's surface that are directly relatable to activity we see on ice sheets over water on Earth. Without confirmation they could always be wrong but it seems like the chance is extremely high that there is a large liquid ocean under the ice of Europa as it is difficult to explain the deformation and terrain features we see otherwise.\n\nEDIT: After some reading measurements of Europa's magnetic field by the Galileo spacecraft also showed evidence of a large conductive material underneath the ice, something which would be hard to explain without a large salty layer of water.", "576" ], [ "On a laptop make sure to manually check if the drivers for your wireless network adapter are up to date. Insanely enough, at least on my laptop which is a few years old now, this driver does not update with windows.\n\nIn my case I had to download a driver directly from Intel's site and install it myself. When I first got my laptop everything was fine except I had regular problems at work connecting to the wi-fi. Resetting the network adapter would temporally fix the issue but updating it stopped it happening forever.\n\nLooking into it I discovered that it was routers that had come out after my laptop that were no longer fully compatible with the old drivers for the wireless network card my laptop had. I can only guess windows didn't take care of it automatically due to the hodgepodge of poor engineering and components so many laptops are.", "685" ], [ "If want to have a kid listen to and respect you you can't just immediatley threaten to call his parents when he doesn't do what you want. It's very much a last line of defense and something you might do once you've tried every other possible way to deal with a behavior. You need to develop a mutual understanding and get them to listen to you because they want to, not because they're afraid you'll call Dad.\n\nAlso if he just climbed something and isn't hurting anyone it's gonna look pretty stupid if you call a parent, kids love climbing shit, and it's something you should be able to deal with. And what's the play here, just leave him up there while his Dad drives from who knows where? You need to get him down now and discuss it with parents later.", "335" ], [ "Sorry didn't mean to criticize your handling of it. It was clear from your story that you tried other tactics and then eventually had to pull the parent trigger, that's why I referred to it as a last line of defense.\n\nMy comment was more directed to the comment implying you should just immediately threaten kids you're taking care of with calling their parents if the don't behave which obviously is a terrible solution long term.", "335" ], [ "We'd obviously try to make it as light weight as possible but even your solution is still going to end up being multiple times more massive than anything we've ever sent into the outer solar system before.\n\nHow is the battery recharged? Lasers consume a lot of power so you're going to need either a nuclear reactor or a massive solar array being so far from the sun. Plus the inverse square means you can't just leave the laser at the surface and have it melt a hole through potentially tens of kilometers of ice. You'll have to lower the laser into the hole as you go which will require more equipment, maybe cabling to connect it to the power source on the surface as well.\n\nOperating a rig like that from Earth that might need minute by minute adjustment is going to be difficult once you take the delay in radio communications in to account. It takes 10 or 20 minutes for a signal to go round trip just from Mars, our rovers there have software that allow them to drive autonomously due to this. The delays out to Jupiter can be up to an hour depending where our two planets are in their respective orbits. That means with a drill/laser in continuous operation will have to have a high degree of autonomy to make decisions on its own. If equipment is being over stressed or there are other issues waiting for a command from Earth as to what to do might result in failure of the entire mission. Whether it's a laser or not it's just not going to be possible to operate it from Earth.\n\nAnd some microorganisms can and do survive even high radiation environments, that's not say we can never explore these places just that we need to improve our current space craft sterilization techniques.", "359" ], [ "The issue is that it's such a subjective judgment to determine whether a game shouldn't be released just because it's similar to another game. I could make an argument that there are so many derivitive, cookie cutter, military FPS's out there that I don't think the Steam store needs another one even though 5 guys put a year of work into it and for what it is it's ok, sound fair? No, you need to let the market decide something like that.\n\nThat's why the RPS article mentions only checking the most basic functionality. Does the game start, do the controls work and does it look like the submitted artwork. Any more than that and you get situations where someones puzzle game got blocked from release because tester <PERSON> doesn't like candy crush and he thinks they're stupid.\n\nEdit: a word", "921" ], [ "I know this is bad think on r/oldschoolcool but I always want to see the original. If the photographer shot and printed the image in black and white that's the way the intended it to be seen, not colorized by someone 50 years later that is only guessing what the original colors might have been. That issue aside the vast majority are extremely poorly done and can be spotted a mile away as well.\n\nI feel it's disrespectful to manipulate someones art who might have died to be viewed in a manner they never intended, that's just me though.", "560" ], [ "If I was a group or individual that invested in radio controlled products/toys I want to work with people that have a track record in the industry and have connections with stores, manufactures, online retailers, advertising agencies etc etc.\n\nIf the people running the kickstarter have none of those things it doesn't matter how well they present themselves there's no benefit to me in working with them. I might as well see what parts of their idea I can rip off and invest my money with established players who have proven they can deliver.\n\nThis is the basic reason why kickstarters never seem to find that additional non-kickstarter investment when they need it, why would I give inexperienced people who are already on a sinking ship more money?", "460" ], [ "Quite some time ago on this sub I criticized a poor colorizing of this [image of a British boy](_URL_0_) who had just lost his parents during the blitz in World War 2 and was ignored and down voted. I felt that it was even worse for someone to fundamentally alter an historical image that included someones personal suffering without the artists permission and present it without mention that it had been altered.\n\nShortly after that I saw a thread elsewhere in reddit where someone was asking for an <PERSON> image to be colorized ... I almost had an embolism and had to just move on without bothering to say anything for my own sanity's sake.\n\nI'm glad to see that at least some others agree.", "434" ], [ "Since the original artist wasn't asked who knows if they would care, my counter point is that you're just assuming they wouldn't care. \n\nAs someone who has printed a lot of black and white photographs in darkrooms I wouldn't care if someone messed around in photoshop with one of those images. I would care if they posted a colorized version of it, posted it without stating it had been colorized and an unknown number of people thought the changed version was the original. I never intended the work to be in color. From the time I put the film in the camera I knew I was shooting black and white which changes both how you shoot, compose and print an image.\n\nThat's why I don't care for colorization, it fundamentally changes how an image is viewed in a way the artist never approved of.\n\nAnother issue that u/MultipleThrowups brings up is how often \"the person doing it wants to take some kind of joint ownership when no one asked them to colorize the original image\".\n\nFor instance if you went to an exhibit to see <PERSON>'s [Tarring the Boat](_URL_0_) and when you get there they said well we don't have the original but we do have this black and white version someone made. Oh and they sharpened it a bit since the original is a little blurry.\n\nWould you feel you had seen the work with the same impact as <PERSON> intended? I would say it's the same thing as colorizing a photographers work without permission. Just because it's a painting doesn't change anything, you're changing the work in a huge way.", "560" ], [ "Maybe not disrespectful to you but since no one is asking these often deceased photographers we don't know what they thought, and that's part of the problem. You're fundamentally changing their art, often without even stating that it's been done.\n\n > song covers\n\nBut would you think it would be ok to post a cover of a Radiohead song to youtube but say that it was the Radiohead original?\n\nI would think not. A lot of these colorized photos that get posted, like this post, don't even state they've been colorized. I bet Radiohead would want it taken down pretty dam quick so no one would confuse it with *their* original, and not just because of the money from views.\n\nColorizing a photograph is much different than being inspired by other artwork to create something of your own. My other comments in the chain already cover my issues with it so I won't repeat them here.\n\nAlso so many of them are so poorly done that I'd argue they're down right insulting to someone who put the time and effort into creating something in the first place.", "138" ], [ "> It's pretty obvious that color photos from before a certain date have been colorized. \n\nYou may know that, you can't assume that everyone does.\n\n > Heck, people have been hand-tinting them since the advent of photography.\n\nYes, it used to be popular to hand tint portraits. Usually with the intent of the original artist for the work to be colorized by themselves or someone else, not decades later without permission.\n\n > If they're deceased, so what? Does anyone worry about what <PERSON> would have thought about some modern adaptation of his play?\n\nThat's a good point but at least you know you're not watching the original play. It's certainly worthy of discussion if you've properly experienced one of his plays if you haven't seen a more minimalist production.\n\n > Life (and art) is for the living, not the dead.\n\nSo, for the sake of argument, if a photographer had said they hated colorization and felt it destroyed the integrity of their work would you rather look at their work how they would like it presented or how someone else thought it should look? Whether they're living or not doesn't matter to me anyway for the purpose of this discussion, it's just an aside that we don't know their opinion because they are dead. I feel if a work has been changed it should be stated that it is.\n\n > As for whether they are insulting to the originator, I'm not sure anyone but the originator is entitled to make that call.\n\nWhich is why I find it disrespectful, besides the fact I want to see it as the artist intended.\n\n > Any Radiohead fan would know the difference.\n\nSo it's ok to post a cover of some unknown band and say it's theirs?\n\nAttributing a quote to someone that didn't say it is alright as well with that logic ... I mean if you knew that person you would know they would never say that anyway, right? s/\n\n > > I know a lot of people (sadly myself included) who won't bother even watching a BW movie because it is BW\n\nOh, so you dislike black and white which would make this whole discussion meaningless to you anyway since you don't want to look at black and white art. I'm sure that opinion doesn't influence your views on this discussion at all. To each their own but you're missing out on a lot of great movies and photos.", "889" ], [ "> Your'e talking about permanently altering an original piece of art or out right replacing it with a modified replica. \n\nNo, I'm just trying to make a point that colorizing a photo fundamentally changes the look and feel of an artwork that is in an inherently visual medium. Just like changing that painting to black and white would totally change it as well. I showed up to the gallery to see a <PERSON>, not someone else's interpretation of it.\n\n > It may be in bad taste or out right plagiarized (and called out if that's the case), but is it really worth wasting the effort to care? I'm talking about common sense nit picky stuff like this.\n\nAll the photographers I know would care if someone changed their work without their permission and thousands saw it in the altered state. And this issue doesn't keep me up nights or anything, but it seems like people think it doesn't matter at all. I think it does and doing it with photos by deceased photographers who couldn't protest if they wanted to makes it slightly worse.", "889" ], [ "> What does it matter?\n\nI've already gone on at length as to why I feel it does.\n\n > Colorization does not take that away from you. You can pick whichever of the many Metropolis versions you want to see.\n\nI don't think you realize how different a medium color film is versus black and white and what that means for your subject matter and how you shoot it.\n\n > There's a reason that pretty much zero movies are made in BW these days\n\nJust because black and white isn't widely used nowadays doesn't change any of my points.\n\n > that nobody distributes movies in glorious smeary VHS format anymore, you can't buy modern music on hissy cassettes, etc.\n\nAnd this just kind of drives home how it seems to me that you personally view black and white, as an inherently inferior medium to something in color. I don't feel that way at all.\n\nCassette tapes and VHS fell out of favor because other formats were superior at reproducing the source material(the art). CD's sounded more like a live band and DVD's were closer to the image and sound you get at a theater. I can hear that guitar with less distortion and noise on a CD than I could on a tape, eg better rendition of the source material and closer to what the artist hears when they play it. With colorization you're changing the *original source material* which was an artwork in black and white. A photo isn't a recording of an art form, it is the art form. That would be the equivalent of replacing a guitar with a banjo and saying it's no big deal, would that change the feel of the song at all? Do you think the band would say meh guitar, banjo it doesn't matter? That's what colorization is to me.\n\nI wouldn't consider color some sort of \"upgrade\" over black and white, they're simply different mediums suited to different things. The choice is driven by the aesthetic considerations of what you feel would work best for a project. It's all wrapped up in the creative process and colorizing something completely changes the end result. Add in dead photographers/cinematographers unable to protest if they wanted to and, as you can tell, I'm not a fan :)", "854" ], [ "> Like color is better than BW. We live in a color world.\n\n > I can see colors better on color film than black & white. :-)\n\nStill not really addressing my main concern that you're completely changing the way someones work looks and feels without their permission.\n\n > My dad would shoot BW slides for years after color was available because he was afraid the color would fade away\n\nGlad his shots survived the years well, he was right to worry though. A lot of early color materials and prints did not age well. And of course black and white isn't the best for family snaps at Disneyland, that would be an aesthetic consideration that I mentioned before.\n\nYou're arguing that you think color is superior to black and white, I'm not. I'm arguing that fundamentally changing someones work without permission or saying it's been done isn't fair to the artist.\n\n > It was not artistic intent.\n\nIn those cases you mention, yes.\n\nInteresting though how you're using examples where we know why the original material was shot in black and white and not one where the photographer is dead and we don't know why it was shot in black and white. For example I've seen fashion photographers work from the 1960's on this sub which was originally shot in black and white that been colorized with no mention of that it has been done. That photographer from the 60's could have picked from a large selection of both color and black and white films, the small difference in cost wouldn't have mattered. He would pick black and white when he wanted the work to be in black and white. If you change it to color you change their work.", "889" ], [ "In Canada we have laws that govern what's called \"restraint of trade\". They basically say you can't stop me from working in my career field for an employer of my choice. The reason they exist is so that an employer can not essentially force you to continue working for them under threat that you won't be able to get another job to earn a living. My understanding is that there are similar laws in most of the US.\n\nAs for times when it comes up in court here is an [article by a Canadian law firm on interesting cases dealing with Restraint of Trade](_URL_0_) that actually made it to court. They all deal with special, A-typical cases. There are no cases dealing with the base issue of the non compete \"agreements\" in most contracts that are unenforcable because they would never make it to trial. The companies making you sign them know they're not legal so they wouldn't bother. People sign them even though they know they're illegal because you can't be party to an illegal clause in a contract anyway. Those same employment contacts always have another clause that says if \"any part of this contract is found to be illegal all other parts still apply\" or words to that effect. That why the legal parts like salary, work hours, benefits etc etc are still valid.\n\nNon compete agreements are nothing but a scare tactic that tries to rely on peoples ignorance.", "679" ], [ "All OP is saying is not let's jump to conclusions and assume bots are everywhere, as they wrote to conclude the post:\n\n > I'm saying without data, not anecdotes, it's difficult to know how widespread the issue is.\n\nSo ease up on the hyperbole as you're kinda making their point for them. You're making sarcastic comments about the reddit hivemind while all you've done is attack OP for taking a wait and see attitude and wanting to see how bad the problem actually is before jumping to conclusions and over reacting which is de rigueur for this sub.", "434" ], [ "You're making the same generalizations you accuse OP of with comments like:\n\n > So far NOBODY on the front page has jumped to any conclusions the OP is trying to call out. Not one. Nobody. Nowhere.\n\nHow do you known that no one is jumping to conclusions? Seems like a \"grand generalization\" to me.\n\n > You have misrepresenting other posters intentions, insulting other people\n\nThen you follow with:\n\n > OP is farce\n\n > white knights making up BS to try and correct b/c they need to feel superior\n\n > Making stupid generalizations and false statements in order to fuel the stupid victim complex\n\nAnd I'm the one being insulting? Ok then...", "809" ], [ "You've been ranting about a self created argument forever, all I said is I thought you we were engaging in hyperbole, feel free to disagree but that doesn't require all this introspective teeth gnashing and then patting yourself on the back about it, classic. Then you just said the exact same thing twice, I guess it's your go to finishing move, well enjoy the victory then, your crowd awaits you in the town square...", "809" ], [ "In my original comment I said you should ease up on the hyperbole which is rife in the sub, you responded with:\n\n > OP is farce\n\n > white knights making up BS to try and correct b/c they need to feel superior\n\n > Making stupid generalizations and false statements in order to fuel the stupid victim complex\n\nI didn't start the insults and/or call your opinion stupid, I just said you were exaggerating what <PERSON> said and that's how you responded. That's why you calling me a smart ass and expecting me to be all polite in return is amusing. When you start off with insults and then turn around and claim I'm acting like a victim it's hard to take your arguments seriously. The weird attempted digs about the parents, now saying I'm not sane or calm, I think you need to take a look at who's being insulting here. I'm being dismissive because of how you decided to respond to someone just because they disagreed with you.\n\nSeems like it's you who doesn't like the taste of their own medicine.", "730" ], [ "I felt that there were fewer people alive left on savage after they started showing the circle in the plane the second day of testing. I was hoping that they were going to set up Savage as the map for people that wanted a faster playing more guaranteed looting experience, I hope they don't go nuts and make the blue no threat at all on Miramar and Erangel. I know some disagree but most of the time I die to the bluezone it was my poor time management that did it.\n\nI feel like showing the first circle is just going to drive the number of people left alive mid game down further even with the faster circle closings.", "444" ], [ "That is totally what happened but I'm not going to engage about it when there's the other needless stuff about white knighting, saying my opinion is stupid, victim complexes and the rest of it simply because I said he was exaggerating OP's point, being sarcastic and we should wait and see how bad the problem is.\n\nWhen people lead with rudeness and put a label on you right away they're not looking for a conversation they're looking for a fight and no matter how you respond they'll find one. Given that I'm going to be dismissive and will freely admit to it.\n\nIt's comical to me all the various names he tosses out and digs he makes while accusing me of being rude, the hypocrisy is in full effect. It's an old tactic to insult someone then act like the aggrieved party when they push back in any way. Whether they're not aware they're doing it or they're doing it on purpose I'm not going to take it seriously because either way it's not gonna be a productive discussion so I don't bother treating it that way.\n\nLook at his comment back to you, my opinion is me \"wanting to be offended\" and his opinions are all facts, he literally says as much in some other comment. Ain't nobody got time for that. Edit: typo", "730" ], [ "It's an old tactic to be insulting to someone and then act like the aggrieved party when the other person pushes back, I freely admit to being dismissive with regards to his opinions after a couple comments because I'm not going to bother responding to a point by point break down with someone who is obviously just spoiling for a fight.\n\nAlso thanks for noticing how odd the whole parent thing was, I get the feeling that's a dig that they've used to upset people in the past or something. It was just so random and out of place and I agree very condescending and passive aggressive. I just find it funny the worst thing I said was that I thought we was being sarcastic to OP and look what came back the other way, over and over again.", "730" ], [ "> Anybody who isn't in that situation shouldn't bring this up as it has nothing to do with them.\n\nSeems like this isn't a discussion you should be involved in either then.\n\nAnyway there are very few opportunities for work in the high north, hunting is done for both subsistence and for sale. How would you like these people to be able to afford the insane prices of products that we take for granted further south? Common staples are extremely expensive in the north and the sale of animal pelts is a major source of income for many Canadians living there and slaughtering animals for our use is common in our society anyway. The killing of seals is such tiny part of it as to be inconsequential, maybe you should focus your energies on stopping the poor living conditions of the pigs, chickens and cows that so many of consume on a daily basis.\n\nThe only reason that seal hunting is so discussed is because they are cute and not a common meat so it's easier to get media coverage and convince people it's unethical. Then they go eat another hamburger from a cow that lived in a factory farm and was killed by a steel cylinder to the head and would scoff at any suggestion that we should all be vegetarians, as would I. The article as posted is a valuable insight into the challenges of living somewhere you refer to as a \"barren landscape\" and I fully support the right of people to harvest a legal product in a responsible way.", "431" ], [ "\"Fortin[transport minister] said that under the proposed reforms, it would be impossible to cross examine police officers in traffic court, effectively neutralizing Judge <PERSON> <PERSON>'s decision and making it harder to prove a ticket entered into evidence is \"hearsay\".\"\n\nSo to get around a judge that said an officer needs to be on site to witness the offence and ensure the equipment is functioning correctly the Quebec government has decided the solution is to deny the accused the right to question the police officer?\n\nI would think that would be challenged as well and should be illegal if it already isn't. Setting the precedent that I can't call my accuser to the stand to answer questions would seem to rather completely undermine the integrity of the judicial system. Seems like a nuclear solution to try and squeeze a few more dollars from Quebec citizens.", "260" ] ]
[ 2748, 110, 12537, 12043, 733, 4782, 13008, 9889, 22999, 19330, 9762, 25342, 16278, 18212, 21252, 19516, 7050, 16572, 7016, 5864, 1224, 2942, 6553, 5078, 13867, 15483, 24534, 6672, 13262, 22820, 11965, 15664, 1245, 11247, 21619, 2686, 8260, 23290, 4838, 9873, 6075, 11811, 7229, 19855, 18469, 11612, 10765, 18718, 22450, 7464, 10344, 9389, 6041, 9537, 17541, 4812, 24678, 14597, 3416, 25108, 16018, 5466, 23616, 22574, 1012, 6058, 24074, 8979, 18226, 11386, 22641, 23159, 24358, 23360, 9123, 19977, 18135, 8731, 2685, 3882, 7204, 16441, 1810, 5354, 1332, 6258, 16033, 25175, 17340, 18234, 22738, 13284, 7498, 15603, 286, 21465, 14512, 7797, 159, 21079, 11323, 17910, 13687, 21409, 4697, 10031, 24056, 10123, 16120, 7300, 16341, 24068, 2477, 7666, 9743, 14773, 1625, 9296, 13532, 5646, 15585, 22444, 911, 25205, 22446, 24940, 72, 18381, 13940, 1226, 8540, 21843, 11265, 5915, 2992, 19567, 13206, 11742, 14855, 3579, 5469, 11084, 13835, 37, 19916, 8473, 3531, 6750, 3295, 24012, 2663, 12470, 12799, 5192, 19676, 14969, 11192, 20097, 10162, 8581, 23812, 16048, 10705, 18024, 4593, 24357, 4389, 15709, 4387, 3421, 22851, 15926, 2329, 3310, 10601, 13433, 738, 15976, 14554, 7320, 8281, 19753, 13732, 19234, 14546, 7671, 11773, 2105, 9474, 21466, 19071, 24469, 10150, 20330, 6293, 8980, 8063, 7341, 17433, 6270, 4891, 9585, 13673, 8342, 2916, 8592, 14821, 19616, 5404, 23577, 1284, 12107, 8183, 3982, 4638, 3999, 16711, 1185, 14755, 25064, 10429, 9227, 761, 8144, 3415, 6214, 16666, 2958, 25125, 22276, 12205, 1950, 17802, 6529, 5471, 5336, 24046, 3681, 4262, 21343, 25440, 8319, 12554, 20423, 16510, 16523, 18047, 19429, 849, 8679, 16244, 6023, 7325, 7670, 22583, 20828, 21054, 18152, 4366, 6741, 13327, 16267, 13932, 17281, 3988, 20942, 12416, 24868, 5890, 18706, 10026, 1059, 13118, 1505, 2485, 22544, 23588, 12931, 15569, 23993, 4663, 14261, 1463, 19951, 1652, 10303, 9097, 14162, 209, 16309, 13674, 5337, 25180, 25069, 14906, 21426, 7923, 5931, 21454, 24275, 22452, 3829, 18350, 660, 3100, 19424, 480, 1203, 21876, 2619, 24130, 8243, 21938, 13288, 16902, 13159, 24627, 8207, 25483, 9800, 6787, 14445, 8764, 16819, 9172, 16468, 11422, 21647, 12846, 2400, 21023, 3928, 2851, 3468, 7788, 20209, 4704, 5975, 12117, 6065, 14046, 22516, 10061, 16410, 13279, 2561, 15401, 6652, 14237, 21562, 20780, 13957, 2085, 22059, 10074, 2304, 655, 8728, 12391, 471, 9891, 8843, 9118, 7318, 15615, 15100, 16673, 1407, 18301, 2131, 2538, 21894, 24343, 1452, 21183, 24530, 15213, 21051, 24894, 11794, 16333, 2210, 14603, 8648, 10955, 19809, 23685, 2039, 11791, 18072, 17759, 5951, 18912, 11758, 16497, 21230, 13917, 23792, 4285, 4486, 988, 21976, 10175, 9797, 10151, 14750, 7977, 10859, 8943, 12673, 18387, 17720, 8307, 9620, 6878, 19757, 10469, 6675, 18399, 15668, 19218, 25352, 10780, 12073, 2018, 13341, 1264, 24951, 17058, 13944, 13082, 14802, 17209, 7474, 21735, 18898, 23898, 18196, 12232, 13613, 25417, 10203, 9270, 23914, 1961, 5155, 16752, 10881, 25234, 13028, 6260, 23108, 7551, 12473, 7047, 19464, 8767, 8454, 6141, 14010, 7199, 12620, 22022, 5505, 11461, 7022, 9207, 21834, 22456, 2149, 8772, 19564, 17406, 11222, 14200, 17693, 2537, 25438, 7695, 16433, 2108, 3335, 5553, 9501, 10628, 19915, 13506, 3907, 4590, 3568, 22087, 3563, 3809, 14178, 15680, 22079, 2447, 8116, 22167 ]
[ [ "That Swedish study also showed that marital status had almost no effect on the suicide rate of short men. It found that low birth height (less than 18.5) and low birth weight (less than 5.5lbs) have a significantly high correlation to suicide regardless adult height. Just being born premature increased the risk 4 fold. It also showed than the risk for short only exists between 18 and 49.", "238" ], [ "My state allows access to these through the public library system and military members have access through the on-base library. Local community colleges sometimes have access and it's usually free to register as a student but they're access is sometimes limited depending on the agreements they have with bigger,, 4 year colleges and universities.. I don't know if any of that is helpful to you, though. It's a pretty esoteric journal.", "401" ], [ "<PERSON> and 13 women and children from her town were captured by Native Americans while their men were away fighting the Revolutionary War. Several days into the long walk back to the Native Americans stronghold, one of the Native Americans tore the baby from <PERSON>'s arms and smashed the baby's head on a rock, killing the baby. That night, <PERSON> smashed the head of each of their captors with a large rock, one by one, and led the others back home. Never underestimate the power of mother's anger.", "420" ], [ "Most people invest time and effort in getting to know people and then sex sometimes follows. They cultivate relationships with people the way backyard farmers cultivate their crops. You don't just walk out in your backyard after seasons of doing nothing and expect a bountiful crop of various vegetables. There are a number of reasons why the crop you lovingly tended didn't come up the way you wanted. Some are within your control, some are not. But if you don't plant and tend your crop, you're definitely not getting one.", "813" ], [ "True. However, most people don't consider the time they invest in their vegetable gardens to have a monetary value, even though it's the same time and effort you're paying a farmer for when you buy vegetables at the market. Just like you pay sex workers so you don't have to invest the time and effort into building and maintaining relationships to get sex. If you're investing the time and effort, typically you don't think of it as having a monetary value. It only has a monetary value to you if you don't actually want to invest it. \n\n(Just to be clear, I'm not attacking you or arguing in the angry sense. I'm trying to clearly and concisely state my point of view. I'm sorry if I'm coming off angry or harsh.)", "482" ], [ "Oh, it's crazy alright! Most Salt and Vinegar flavored chips have milk in them (not Lays). Seriously? You need milk in Salt and Vinegar potato chips? When I go with my full doctor reccomended dietary restriction list (instead of just the one I know will kill me because it nearly did once before), I end up only shopping in the fresh fruit and vegetable aisle. Although, I have to say, for the dairy allergy, the Big 8 labels and the Vegan labels have made shopping a lot easier (I still check the ingredients, just in case)!", "642" ], [ "With the exception of SGB, PTSD treatments have, at best, a 30 to 40% efficacy rate. Which means 60 to 70 % people suffering from PTSD spends years trying a treatment only to have it fail. Then they try a new one. More years of treatment. More failure. Even SGB, which most insurance companies will only pay for after many years of suffering and trying to heal, only has a 70 to 75% efficacy rate.", "711" ], [ "Rofl....that is exactly why it's one of my favorite example of \"the insanity of milk in food in America\"! Canned tuna, deli meats, medications and vitamins also make the list. Allegra, the allergy medicine, has dairy in it's substrate. Something I found out the hard way. During a military field exercise. In full tactical gear including body armor. Because a military doctor doing sick call decided to change my allergy meds right before the exercise. Apparently she didn't see the Dairy Allergy written in big black block letters on the outside of my medical file on her desk when she saw me. By the third day, I was covered in hives and decided to stop taking the meds since it was the only thing that had changed. By the end of the exercise, almost all the skin on my torso had peeled off. It was not fun.", "642" ], [ "It may sound silly, but those cooling mats they make for dogs can help with the overheating. Also, Japanese cooling blankets with a fan. When I get desperately overheated, strap on ice packs meant for the lower back are just the right size. Strangely enough, I get the most relief from wrapping it over my head. Not sure why. I have a ten foot straight pregnancy pillow pillow case that we stuffed with shredded memory foam that I wrap in a circle to support everything just right. The shredded memory foam flattens and fluffs easily to be just right. I find that cuddles work best if I get as comfortable as I can first and then my husband very carefully cuddles up next to me, adjusting his body to go around mine. If showering is too difficult, there are whole body moisturizing cleansing wipes. They are much bigger and thicker than baby wipes, better smelling, and most are skin friendly. I got everything on the list here from Amazon except the wipes.. those i saw at Dollar General and decided to try on a whim. I hope you find what works for you!", "229" ], [ "Ugh! One of these was my co-worker and subordinate for a few years. I was her main target at work the whole time. It was absolutely miserable! But her antics were slowly uncovered. In the end, she ended up losing her contract because she had alienated everyone in our career field. Not only that, she had to repay a hefty bonus she had received when she signed her last contract because she failed to fulfill it. I have to admit, I felt a certain amount of glee over this.", "428" ] ]
[ 1979, 6000, 8461, 22151, 2431, 20598, 25484, 15357, 8140, 19744, 6742, 7528, 9404, 21846, 25311, 6242, 8054, 22397, 22548, 20910, 2121, 1575, 22514, 10354, 8225, 23590, 12804, 23220, 4991, 6490, 4755, 16821, 14016, 24541, 1739, 19222, 5299, 24489, 903, 16467, 19384, 25098, 631, 19145, 9073, 3476, 15153, 19878, 6735, 3358, 15370, 21192, 3741, 21226, 4357, 4461, 15886, 14890, 3701, 13066, 18838, 22290, 24196, 8174, 3752, 7147, 11472, 17845, 5529, 3885, 20468, 23366, 12383, 961, 16226, 22387, 264, 9820, 9978, 16944, 8239, 21254, 1186, 3759, 5176, 5032, 15747, 3043, 9566, 8179, 21292, 15943, 2558, 18109, 2943, 12275, 12401, 16809, 21098, 16895, 11231, 2308, 341, 2835, 9875, 19907, 4150, 18269, 3538, 6771, 10772, 5773, 2814, 15984, 23793, 17718, 23386, 3946, 15026, 23922, 11672, 18966, 13880, 22381, 13424, 17967, 16352, 21022, 22470, 22818, 10901, 19509, 24879, 25119, 14850, 6155, 20369, 20929, 14459, 18396, 6839, 3856, 14353, 19073, 3086, 18558, 14811, 15703, 11886, 6754, 13663, 14993, 25539, 8202, 5200, 6050, 23273, 9679, 4986, 8228, 8781, 23433, 18526, 3183, 19646, 3930, 1923, 19336, 19040, 17190, 24030, 596, 14838, 15828, 17698, 25316, 22126, 12697, 10623, 7549, 13426, 23501, 5820, 3578, 21813, 24035, 4425, 21888, 23266, 19327, 24638, 3908, 15335, 21392, 6829, 1422, 20032, 161, 4959, 20386, 17531, 12151, 9985, 9734, 5312, 21037, 11585, 25013, 17133, 13671, 6899, 21103, 20416, 2518, 1340, 23507, 12745, 23221, 4210, 15617, 5284, 11654, 2274, 21591, 10546, 3796, 25179, 5184, 21527, 8708, 23576, 24560, 18950, 10239, 19042, 4325, 19770, 17772, 3543, 23959, 6840, 20722, 6139, 18970, 20136, 15012, 4436, 15053, 21376, 11410, 9467, 17632, 1255, 14869, 5871, 8479, 8468, 20601, 7585, 4924, 19098, 14574, 4233, 23481, 18204, 23105, 15502, 21645, 18744, 6749, 15881, 14245, 3547, 8486, 12510, 9283, 21682, 14090, 12529, 22941, 21422, 11719, 16674, 8999, 2511, 11405, 13798, 12098, 17230, 22609, 25413, 6806, 11846, 23516, 14109, 2234, 18026, 3258, 13968, 19230, 15214, 15738, 12331, 17395, 18285, 25257, 19273, 15023, 13062, 15077, 80, 21575, 5268, 10869, 24190, 23839, 23909, 12966, 18238, 9545, 9447, 16243, 7869, 4931, 2792, 6966, 4391, 24112, 1123, 22782, 17250, 16707, 23350, 2637, 13234, 8693, 9427, 4658, 19393, 20244, 4255, 7940, 19588, 3491, 23850, 13845, 7442, 24058, 17633, 25162, 10377, 14412, 20681, 13442, 8094, 193, 9633, 17206, 21536, 22304, 8215, 25321, 18198, 10811, 14621, 16235, 16460, 1984, 23262, 9622, 4878, 24591, 23195, 1521, 22215, 20401, 12192, 16650, 13376, 7134, 16625, 8254, 3220, 10938, 24485, 12775, 1023, 18919, 11502, 6330, 24793, 13813, 16704, 8189, 5226, 18655, 23838, 4583, 12678, 9937, 16424, 9069, 18106, 1525, 20490, 9036, 22256, 22701, 9805, 853, 1344, 3959, 23249, 18423, 21611, 3085, 19063, 6036, 646, 14761, 4401, 14298, 12698, 6179, 15372, 20169, 23693, 25277, 567, 9670, 16571, 14359, 25283, 20351, 23517, 8187, 2614, 24555, 9701, 6375, 20255, 15958, 3852, 4837, 9187, 12004, 6396, 20348, 25007, 6845, 15562, 12787, 5442, 5160, 15778, 22871, 3925, 18724, 6021, 15613, 25102, 17749, 20781, 6211, 11730, 19379, 14971, 14501, 5082, 500, 12784, 14183, 21097, 23021, 8062, 8323, 2132, 18831, 21110, 24747, 19154, 7156, 5269, 8188, 7679, 1762, 10427, 7256, 14918, 4630, 7753, 19914, 4903, 760, 19370, 1543, 20633, 17713, 3333 ]
[ [ "Whatever the extent to which cancel culture does or does not exist, its most relevant role is as an egregor, ie a thought-creation by a certain group of people. This group is: usually white, usually male, and highly personally vested in the cancel culture narrative (eg a comedian or other intentionally controversial public orator). The cancel culture narrative has exactly the same beats as right-wing culture war fodder like the War on Christmas, the PC Police, the Arrogance of the Coastal Intellectual Elites, etc. and is manifestly similar in that it's mostly characterized by an incoherence of personal grievance, moving goalposts, and boogeymen that are somehow both deeply silly and seriously dangerous. Cancel culture *is* dumb as fuck, because it's a self-serving strawman after the same conservative pearl-clutching over deep-seated fears about leftism in academia.", "828" ], [ "Are we just getting our news straight from RT now? Only a TERF would get mad about changing \"seamen\" to \"seafarers.\" This is firmly on the wrong side of a boundary between \"culture-war wank\" and \"significant in any way;\" there's no conceivable reason for Congress *not* to use gender-neutral language, so what's this story really about, aside from a free chance to lionize the decidedly mediocre <PERSON>?", "181" ], [ "There's more to this sub than rightoids reposting Russian state-controlled news about literally nothing. See, the problem is the simultaneous assertion that woke wokies and their wokeness are both dangerously toxic, and without substance. You can't have it both ways. It's a little bit like trying to gatekeep what ideologies belong on an anti-identity politics sub, actually.\n\nEdit: you really don't see it? You don't notice anything suspicious about the fact the article is, by substance, mostly about how great Tulsi is? It's one thing to get played but to go to bat for it like this...I dunno, maybe I don't belong here. Keep those downvotes coming, though, you crybabies need all the catharsis you can get.", "272" ], [ "I think it's important to point out that lots of \"good\" people are cops - people who are cool and helpful and nice - even heroic. Showing the humanity of cops is one of the ways authoritarians try to distract from the issue: having a good character or personality doesn't change a person's responsibility for the role they play in an oppressive institution. Even the kindest executioner/jailer...", "582" ], [ "I shouldn't have to explain this here, but directly referencing someone's stated beliefs is not a slur. If you think that politicians can change common language, there's nothing else to say, but giving the benefit of the doubt: the 'fringe bullshit' here is best seen in OP's need to pull up literal Russian propaganda to talk about this *extremely run of the mill nothingburger* like it's mandatory Ingsoc. You never heard of a style guide? When will these rightoid culture warriors get it - idpol is what you're falling for when you're getting riled up about shit like this, which is *universally agreed upon* to be inane and insignificant. This is just like the brouhaha about U of M student life's pamphlet last week, and last year, and five years before that. It's a news cycle thing. Nothing's more predictable than people tearing their hair out about the latest outrage from the far corners of uni frosh PC-dom or the new procedural rules for the 117th Congress. Without looking, can you name one Congressional procedure, other than this one RT told you was suddenly important? By the previous rule, we'd've been writing \"seamen and/or seawomen.\" The oh-so-predictable stampede for fodder like this has you acting like the sheep you're trying to wake up. You're being farmed for clicks and views, there's a version of this kind of fluff for every political orientation.", "629" ], [ "It would be interesting to see if any connections could be drawn between a country's execution methods and their culture or mores (independent of technology). Clearly, there are easier ways of forgetting about someone than the oubliette, for example. Certainly the Romans had many means of execution, but there's something sort of charming about the childish simplicity of pushing an intolerable or otherwise undesirable person off a's rather tidy, in a messy way.", "240" ], [ "TERFs aren't feminist, but I'm not here to argue that. It's related because only a gender essentialist (or someone who has been huffing too much alt-light unfake news) could convince themselves that this very minor adjustment to congressional procedure is something to make hay over. You say you understand that news is propaganda, but you still think that anyone, especially RT, has any interest in \"exposing bullshit?\" That's not their job, their job is to support the Russian government's interests and\nconvince you to share their propaganda on social media outside of Russia. Like, that's what it says on the masthead. The \"well, so is CNN/BBC/Al-Jazeera\" trope is neither relevant nor convincing.", "629" ], [ "I studied Latin in school and I've always been curious about the Living Latin movement. Can you comment at all on the cultural values of the other practitioners? I have concerns about the supporters seeming to have a lot of overlap with eurocentrism. For example, in *Latin or Babel*, cited as the 'cornerstone' argument of Living Latin's 'most influential' advocate, the author is (to my sensibilities) openly xenophobic, expressing concerns about \"economic and social problems posed by the countries of the Arabic language\" and purports that unnamed actors \"already are agitating the peoples of India and China\" to assert their languages as the global standard -- and that's just the first page! Are the other practitioners of Living Latin similarly dedicated to the notion of European superiority, and the importance of exporting such to the rest of the world? As much as I enjoy Roman history, I don't really don't fuck with imperialism.", "68" ], [ "I'm here in defense of \"irregardless.\"\n\nFirst, it explicitly is a word. From <PERSON>: \"It may not be a word that you like, or a word that you would use in a term paper, but irregardless certainly is a word. It has been in use for well over 200 years, employed by a large number of people across a wide geographic range and with a consistent meaning.\"\n\nSecond, contronyms (words with opposite meanings) are common enough in English that it's cromulent for a word to be synonymous with its opposite: c.f. *peel* and *unpeel* or many similar verbs.\n\nI think this word has an undeserved reputation as an egregious malapropism; it is merely a common redundancy, and one with centuries of unambiguous use. No one, heard \"irregardless\" for the first time, trips over the double-negative, and I propose that correcting it is the grammar equivalent of pointing out that tomatoes are fruits and not vegetables.", "458" ], [ "Verbal nouns are a common feature of many languages. One use is to give us a way to discuss verbs as ideas -- so we can talk about talking. \n\n~~*Spending* is in the form of a gerund but I think it's more properly a verbal noun, ie a noun without any verbal force; I'm still learning the distinctions, myself.~~\n\nEdit: I am wrong. We can see \"spending\" has the characteristics of a gerund: it has an object, and could easily take an adverb (eg \"merely\").", "251" ], [ "Substrates like fluval stratum and eco complete are not designed to be mixed. Two potential issues are: the substrate is less dense than the sand, so the mix will slowly be separating into eco on top, sand below. And, eco complete is intended to develop \"natural bimodal grading\" as the smaller volcanic particles sink and the larger ones rise, so adding larger, denser particles to the mix probably negates some of the advantages of using volcanic substrate in the first place. I've read that such substrates are not dense enough (ie too \"floaty\") to cap.", "982" ], [ "Volcanic substrates are presented (especially on youtube) as the universal best substrate for planted tanks, but I think a lot of first-timers are surprised by how different the medium behaves to conventional substrates. To paraphrase another commenter from a while ago: it's like planting in styrofoam packing peanuts. The substrate is only a little denser than water, so if you're expecting it to behave like sand you're in for an uphill battle. Plants root to it well, but you may need a way to keep the plant in place while the roots take, since you can't count on the weight of the soil.", "408" ], [ "Pretty much this. You can verify by familiarizing yourself with the TOS of your host -- but take it for granted that you're not allowed to pentest anything on someone else's hardware without written permission. It's simple to set up a web server on you network or even just your local machine; you can pentest your web stack from the same machine it's running on. I would start there.", "963" ], [ "> Everything is either expensive or brings new risks\n\nTrue wisdom right there. It really depends on what you're trying to do, and what you're willing to deal with. I have been recycling the same aquarium gravel for decades. It's free, easy to clean, and (most importantly for my purposes) doesn't add any complexity. There are no special considerations to keep in mind when reading up or asking for tank advice. I have a feel for how my gravel behaves, how much buffer it leaches and how it looks when it needs to be vacuumed. The few headaches and maintenance issues with gravel are just part of the hobby for me, and the fact it is clearly sub-optimal for plants (compared to sand and volcanic) is offset by how predictable it is. That's a long way of saying that everything has pros and cons, you just pick something that fits for your tank-keeping style, chemistry needs, and aesthetic, and then learn how to make it work for you. Good luck!", "176" ], [ "This is a hardware/firmware issue, rather than software. If you don't have a router that supports WEP, you'll need to go buy one. You can still find old WRT54Gs at thrift stores for a couple bucks, or use eBay. All you need is a router with WEP and maybe a web management page, both of which any router made around Y2K will almost certainly have. Plug it in to the wall and use ethernet to configure the WAP for WEP, and you're good to start your wireless attack. Once you have a connection, you can verify that you've succeeded by dialing the router's default web management page. Do not connect this router to the rest of your network, obviously.", "685" ], [ "This point of damage could have been caused by an insect or something piercing the leaf and creating an opportunity for a small infection. One unusual thing I've run into that can cause this is direct sunlight through very old glass windows, the refraction from which can create hotspots, leaving tiny burn marks on large leaves like this.", "160" ], [ "A lot of times, questions about anarchism run afoul of our ingrained preconceptions about people, power, and the association thereof. The question of \"what happens if the United States becomes anarchist\" is difficult because the first and most important thing that would happen is the United States, and the philosophy that underpins its existence, would cease to exist. \n\nI encourage everyone to consider anarchy as a process, not as a state of being. So, if everyone woke up an anarchist tomorrow, we as a society would begin to undergo a process involving the atrophy of non-voluntary enterprises, the dissolution of illegitimate power structures, the rescindment of the state's mandate of force. Necessary services accomplished at the federal level are replaced by smaller community-run organizations. There are many interesting and practical questions about the use of force in anarchism, but many of the \"if anarchy, how will we have X\" questions are better answered by asking \"what need would there be for X?\" Who would this military need to defend us from, and why? The whole idea of nations existing, let alone existing in permanently militarized state of detente, and continually investing the bulk of their resources into preparing for the next war, can be done away with. How will the military-industrial complex work? It simply won't.", "593" ], [ "Everyone has bitter ex's, but stalking is pathological behavior that is frequently a precursor to violence. OP, you have clearly identified that your pest is of the second type. He's not going to grow up or stop or go away or get bored, he will keep bothering you until something prevents him or he works up the courage to escalate. Sorry be be bleak, but I need to emphasize that you are *not* overreacting, this is *not* normal, and you're right to be concerned.\n\nHere are some things that might help:\n\nA record of the conversation(s) where you told him not to contact you. Look for unambiguous language: do not contact me, this is harassment, I'm contacting the police. Don't have any further direct contact, messaged, or anything with this person under any circumstances.\n\nFile a police report when he gets in contact with you. Explain that this person is stalking you and you fear for your safety. The police almost certainly won't help, they're just there to document.\n\nFile for a restraining order, using any evidence you have. Again, this won't do anything but create a paper trail, but that's an important step even if you can't get the court to issue the order right away. Keep at it.\n\nCollaborate with your friend. It sounds like she's the recipient of his harassment as well, which greatly strengthens your case. See if she's willing to also file police reports and apply for a restraining order.\n\nThat's your play: report every time he contacts, use that contact as evidence to eventually get restraining order(s), and then report him when he breaks the order(s).\n\nI have a close friend who went through this, and I think she'd want me to add that you should prepare yourself for the possibility of a long ordeal, and look into arming yourself. A stalker relies on creating the impression that his harassment will go away if ignored, prolonging his opportunity for abuse while he's busy inventing a mental catalogue of grievances against you that he will use to justify trying to hurt you in a more direct way if he is prevented from tormenting you by his preferred means. Stalking is a dangerous pathology and stalkers deliberately make themselves easy to underestimate. Be safe. We're here for you as much as internet people can be.", "501" ], [ "Because I'm a glutton for punishment, I picked up a bunch of very-similar-looking guppies from my local big box. The ones that have died in quarantine so far usually did this first. My working hypothesis is a loss of slime coat, which is leading to irritation and inflammation of the gills, which is causing respiratory problems and eventually exhaustion as the fish surfs the tank top gulping air. Keep an eye on the gills and see if there's signs of increasing inflammation, that was telltale for me. I don't know what to tell you as far as treatment, except to quarantine if possible. I had a couple healthy-looking males die off along the sick-looking females overnight. I dosed abx but it didn't seem to help the die-off.", "517" ] ]
[ 19065, 15906, 17053, 18697, 18249, 1668, 11949, 3401, 12412, 4419, 24240, 16329, 544, 14593, 6398, 18580, 10851, 15099, 24205, 18610, 17441, 21600, 4199, 18654, 10801, 25159, 9815, 18264, 23164, 16100, 628, 24860, 18752, 11460, 12146, 9669, 4268, 12897, 21158, 21966, 3004, 14956, 8118, 21854, 23621, 13212, 16619, 16616, 4292, 15468, 23785, 18638, 19228, 19683, 343, 20761, 23631, 22557, 16429, 376, 512, 21354, 22649, 8184, 21749, 21284, 18785, 1611, 5682, 15289, 20961, 6495, 21314, 15552, 8386, 13983, 12351, 710, 16870, 7190, 5244, 13708, 18027, 19656, 17419, 7332, 8582, 10399, 7746, 12599, 17813, 14606, 8365, 22828, 21253, 2521, 2879, 24361, 8410, 5556, 10683, 23444, 323, 7216, 24189, 16722, 3409, 15711, 17077, 2589, 25442, 21168, 1635, 11156, 16548, 20645, 24103, 10777, 16054, 16887, 18364, 23137, 19745, 17974, 9737, 11711, 12899, 14524, 18316, 19301, 8395, 8712, 24673, 5169, 19912, 22234, 8959, 24443, 4202, 10637, 25317, 23766, 6876, 19654, 4007, 7759, 4161, 21840, 12266, 10090, 10218, 11960, 16869, 18536, 18554, 2102, 11560, 3242, 23618, 16715, 3719, 706, 9397, 6567, 19699, 3001, 4873, 15123, 25115, 6808, 1953, 20073, 21626, 23727, 22551, 20026, 3816, 20924, 21251, 24658, 22222, 4193, 5724, 20784, 7466, 10941, 20623, 15818, 5306, 12199, 9933, 23131, 14020, 21166, 20888, 836, 24375, 3648, 1587, 16483, 14367, 92, 12410, 5235, 23945, 11169, 8398, 24706, 3200, 13456, 9220, 16348, 10916, 16464, 17063, 1640, 13196, 23506, 19607, 19004, 16192, 4564, 12603, 8248, 6543, 14751, 21892, 2407, 8570, 21048, 7396, 25225, 7230, 17659, 8814, 9643, 11907, 8299, 12748, 3446, 1095, 16849, 12396, 19837, 25540, 1556, 22706, 21469, 19803, 18078, 21070, 12415, 15435, 10005, 4102, 4155, 21918, 11968, 24367, 4078, 19742, 3894, 15979, 19823, 11239, 10121, 7354, 7943, 23312, 2088, 4145, 20890, 18287, 4825, 9614, 3351, 62, 4543, 18969, 5209, 950, 20080, 1528, 1911, 17631, 12462, 18847, 16111, 20147, 3458, 15039, 3600, 12774, 5171, 17704, 24354, 24423, 18685, 8632, 10642, 25474, 14141, 3836, 22409, 14801, 3672, 2450, 23141, 8232, 18452, 9964, 615, 20820, 21348, 18272, 16987, 14084, 17896, 6137, 11733, 22485, 14823, 10196, 3327, 22280, 7278, 19614, 3968, 14642, 18670, 8121, 10034, 5554, 20436, 22001, 23729, 8713, 16496, 18707, 8870, 3341, 17829, 9191, 6404, 24942, 4739, 7160, 15098, 24409, 15423, 4283, 765, 13723, 20285, 2569, 23503, 15063, 12453, 23979, 14384, 8516, 7542, 13080, 8783, 5450, 10580, 3994, 20270, 18690, 6501, 20240, 8630, 18720, 1029, 21224, 15879, 17305, 8834, 21936, 15192, 21479, 2694, 23124, 15723, 21500, 640, 7104, 15985, 14797, 7993, 4823, 3112, 11416, 23763, 9726, 13918, 16167, 13572, 9593, 9626, 2544, 13465, 21866, 5238, 4457, 3252, 16765, 17122, 5481, 2316, 13876, 22733, 14133, 16405, 9282, 11278, 17223, 4765, 14485, 21880, 15706, 14530, 20851, 8192, 18035, 25371, 5802, 11817, 9004, 23762, 19442, 24311, 9440, 15672, 18824, 11094, 21293, 4186, 4249, 14401, 9142, 11103, 22749, 16350, 15500, 22943, 5173, 17276, 2054, 24139, 24872, 15195, 8234, 19552, 9703, 6732, 24368, 18843, 25324, 11334, 23387, 2426, 23455, 15342, 15263, 23625, 4464, 23718, 24551, 24410, 10745, 12751, 15444, 22853, 25455, 11490, 22251, 3137, 5138, 4773, 18476, 19439, 16803, 11237, 11750, 8357, 5015, 12700, 18868, 20130, 9921, 22203, 24339, 101, 5898, 21891, 19715, 15929, 18449 ]
[ [ "Her fiancé has also posted to social media how much he, too, wants to have sex (rape) underaged children. They claimed his account was \"hacked\"\n\n\n<PERSON> supports her kiddie-raping father and is engaged to a wannabe kiddie raper. She's claiming that we are transphobic because she is transgender. Nah, we're against child rapists and pedophile enablers\n\n\nLastly, she was a politician: the Green party then the Liberal party. A public figure is fair game: we talk trash about <PERSON> and <PERSON> and <PERSON> and <PERSON> and <PERSON>. To complain that we are harassing a normal citizen who happens to be a pedophile enabler is nonsense.\n\n\n<PERSON> was hired by reddit, a social media platform, wherein said platform somehow \"didn't know\" of her past. Haha, like they didn't google her name; most likely they didn't care. Look up the word \"nepotism\"", "504" ], [ "I hear your point, but just know that women need to support and encourage each other in a man's world, and this is one of their ways to support each other: psyching each other up, to get through another day.\n\n\nWhere the cops (a man) [explain that the man was \"having a bad day\" when he shot others](_URL_0_) - like I get hangry, but do you see me murdering someone?\n\n\nWhere [women can't walk home alone and get killed by the cops who were sworn to serve and protect](_URL_1_)\n\n\nWhere there are more women killed at the hands of men, because how dare they not open their legs and have sex with them?! (incel movement)\n\n\nOf course not all men. But how are women to know? Nobody is a mind reader, and lots of people commit crimes of opportunity. Just like how a cute cuddly cat may turn into a killer predator once you show the cat something smaller and (physically) weaker, which is usually a woman\n\n\nIt's just things said. Let it go, let it go", "971" ], [ "Hm, I would charge my kids rent, with the offspring discount, so they can CONTINUE to learn to budget properly. If they spent all their earnings on games, entertainment, drugs, clothes, cars, then they won't know to portion some out for car insurance, cell phone bill, rent, utilities, food, property and car taxes, not to mention I'd like my kids to regularly give to charity instead of one-time GoFundMe's.\n\n\nI believe it's in their best interest, to learn how to budget. It's being taught now from early ages but it needs to be practiced and I want them to know the value of a dollar, how hard/long you have to work to save for something while balancing other necessities and niceties (having pets, keeping up with their shots, grooming, good pet food, treats, toys, etc.)\n\n\nThen when they move out I would return it to them (but keep the interest for us) so they'd have a nice down payment", "224" ], [ "Women live on this planet yeah, but can you give actual specific examples of how it's a women's world? It's mostly male politicians except \"The Squad\" and Australia's Prime Minister and Germany's Chancellor. India used to have a woman leader but she got shot. It's mostly men making decisions at the top. [Judges who say girls look mature and were asking for it](_URL_0_).\n\n\nNo, I don't know that incels were universally hated when cops explain they were just having a bad day. Y'know?", "490" ], [ "Why would they protect a new hire so fiercely? Actually why would reddit hire someone who has news articles published about how she used to belong to 2 political parties, but left the Green after it was discovered she hired her kiddie-raping daddy as her campaign manager, and was expelled from the Liberals? They either knew but didn't care, or else they didn't even google her name, which is grossly negligent on the hiring manager: this is a social media platform company. \n\n\nYou hear stories of moderators being doxxed on reddit without the reddit company doing anything to protect them, yet this newly hired administrator has been protected by reddit for days, if not weeks.\n\n\nWhy would she get the royal treatment like this? Does she have money? Is it she has friends in high reddit places? What's your theory to explain reddit's timeline of hiring and then protecting her before the public outcry forced them to remove her?", "126" ], [ "> but its not a man's world either.\n\n\nWe will have to agree to disagree. If me listing actual examples of how judges and police in western society (North America and Europe) are [biased against women](_URL_0_), let alone most of the rest of the world (Asia, Middle East, Africa, etc.) while you [can't even give me one](_URL_1_), then that's it.\n\n\nYes, there is women representation. But the world heavily favours men; women in USA couldn't even open their own bank accounts in 1950s. Couldn't vote, couldn't go to school, because they belong in the kitchen, popping out babies.\n\n\nCheers", "497" ], [ "So abortions of girl fetuses in Asia in preference of boys (carries the family name, no dowry, will take care of parents in their old age), and western cops fining underage girls for reporting stalkers before she got her throat slit, and a guy who shoots up a grocery store is just having a bad day, all these don't point to a patriarchal society according to you. It's mostly women who are trafficked into sex work, but it's claimed that they had a choice. But according to you, it's not a man's world.\n\n\nIn the 1950s women weren't allowed to open their own bank accounts because it's their husband's money; can't vote, can't serve their country in combat. It was a man's world then and yes it's improved but still a man's world, from my perspective\n\n\nI don't know what \"feminism politics\" is. It is a fact that most women make less money than men, doing the same job. Single mothers are vilified, even when they are the parent that STAYED. Women aren't usually chosen for higher jobs because everybody expects them to drop out and have a baby/take care of the kids/elderly parents (both). Women get taxed when buying menstruation products, for something that happens naturally every month, while prescriptions of Viagra are covered under health insurance. Money IS politics. If you want the future generations to thrive then more needs to be invested in the people who are raising them, and that's primarily women.", "490" ], [ "I concede that there is no \"hard\" evidence of nepotism; which was why I said it \"smells\" like it. Please re-read my initial reply.\n\n\nYou seriously believe that Reddit, a social media company, didn't even Google her name? Not even on Facebook or LinkedIn or Twitter? That is some grossly negligent oversight. Or else they did really dismissed it, because it didn't impact her ability to be an administrator for Reddit...\n\n\nExcept, most companies don't even hire anybody with a criminal record. It's just a liability. So to me it stinks of 5 day old cow dung", "759" ], [ "SE would be my recommendation. \n\n\n12 mini would be best in terms of software + hardware but there are additional costs: your phone case, maybe screen protector, 12 doesn't come with a wall plug so you might want to buy one separately; eventually charging cables wear out or you want a longer one / wireless / whatever -- and you said you are not going above this price", "781" ], [ "If you already have iPhone then I recommend staying with iPhone, all your paid apps from Apple store will not transfer to Android/Google Play store. Your accounts (signed in with email) should still work however\n\n\nSamsung has very good looking phones but I personally dislike their software/interface: all Android phones has Google Play store, then Samsung adds Samsung App store on top, where you have to pay money to change your phone's themes, etc. They also have their own version of Siri called Bixby, and I hate Bixby (I am biased against Samsung, can you tell?)\n\n\nXiaomi has good phones too, but it is Android as well, you will get used to the interface. I cannot say too much because I do not know it well.\n\n\nGood luck!", "781" ], [ "I fluctuate. During the worst times I think I should and the world would be better off without me, most of the time I really wouldn't mind if something bad just happened to me; once in a while I would remember that my friends and family would be pissed I abandoned them like that instead of sticking it out and suffering along with them.\n\n\n\nI find that playing games with myself/finding things to do -- not today, I have to finish this costume so I can wear it outside where people can see it; not now, I have this tv show to finish; not now, I have to see if this thing I cooked is tasty; not now, I want a new cell phone/pen/book/thing so I gotta stick around and do research and try it out -- not what I promised others, but for myself -- it helps put it off another day. It's a twisted game.\n\n\n\nListening to classical music with no lyrics help me.\n\n\nInternet hugs to all of you", "4" ] ]
[ 17168, 17949, 15357, 9805, 24718, 18970, 23314, 15335, 21543, 9467, 17393, 1525, 12815, 22126, 9649, 17430, 12550, 22796, 14794, 25456, 9010, 17967, 17837, 23516, 4991, 12349, 8215, 24747, 14838, 15944, 24015, 16393, 20752, 20221, 25277, 13813, 7096, 23576, 8236, 3358, 22260, 9624, 21022, 4941, 21836, 4150, 14016, 11925, 23632, 21095, 23366, 11665, 8552, 12223, 8831, 2506, 5226, 3744, 961, 8824, 25484, 6132, 18571, 21564, 11596, 20401, 20638, 20412, 21657, 25311, 3878, 18665, 2646, 22927, 12208, 12642, 4726, 24441, 567, 19811, 2265, 23922, 5020, 18950, 12295, 21547, 5956, 19101, 10092, 6605, 10645, 8459, 16003, 3085, 3476, 19279, 23839, 1709, 8999, 10354, 10930, 19145, 18902, 18404, 25316, 21888, 9317, 20910, 11410, 22933, 21228, 16650, 4434, 20348, 10307, 5816, 12697, 13405, 3264, 10064, 14426, 7799, 24346, 22381, 12055, 23996, 1383, 7442, 22640, 4583, 14298, 19438, 25203, 16162, 20206, 24625, 13376, 24190, 10840, 14840, 3226, 1521, 15796, 22470, 9820, 23320, 21324, 15802, 1346, 19722, 14810, 21025, 20194, 1270, 7961, 667, 7140, 11472, 5820, 24877, 25160, 16895, 2558, 4158, 22004, 5181, 6379, 4025, 23824, 5799, 17565, 22969, 8034, 10629, 24655, 14621, 2186, 3560, 10450, 21110, 19530, 3392, 18043, 5341, 19886, 21686, 21292, 15978, 17396, 18232, 10021, 6508, 17096, 3420, 8479, 6611, 13349, 25539, 23689, 16994, 18565, 16264, 1624, 1520, 4282, 9153, 19865, 20946, 23392, 23940, 8220, 1032, 17792, 3590, 8461, 25216, 15744, 22320, 4119, 7872, 6847, 14312, 7296, 3759, 1008, 22480, 12678, 7679, 22569, 15947, 19219, 12845, 2346, 4658, 25011, 474, 2203, 17025, 16467, 19045, 9283, 21536, 5764, 21272, 7381, 15943, 11858, 419, 23342, 5082, 7619, 4942, 2551, 17587, 8201, 19105, 437, 622, 9694, 16424, 17027, 5954, 19969, 9362, 19409, 8760, 6433, 15064, 17731, 7079, 246, 12474, 19063, 2278, 22063, 15101, 17075, 6982, 19737, 22284, 17917, 13166, 7603, 24098, 16084, 6110, 19286, 24312, 7742, 6242, 22514, 20190, 20058, 2704, 17230, 24506, 8708, 7323, 20104, 10901, 3376, 10001, 24014, 16290, 23088, 15562, 1817, 14431, 15214, 1503, 22172, 16530, 5299, 13956, 14817, 9187, 10582, 505, 87, 15032, 12787, 13268, 18238, 18132, 15149, 3491, 7147, 22387, 13950, 10630, 6749, 2726, 3885, 13053, 20696, 4657, 6966, 19479, 14009, 15372, 20677, 13887, 15654, 6572, 14377, 10215, 4755, 8179, 24353, 2821, 6490, 6776, 24777, 24196, 2835, 23521, 20760, 9995, 18655, 2508, 2093, 19780, 5581, 21580, 19140, 16057, 12533, 13974, 5211, 16480, 24803, 3554, 5871, 19370, 9224, 25326, 17142, 8583, 18726, 9154, 12331, 14260, 760, 687, 8931, 8054, 2805, 8323, 15026, 23667, 24035, 6387, 15678, 9701, 3752, 14142, 23878, 13754, 6911, 8167, 11676, 9160, 10560, 22966, 4644, 8565, 2274, 10655, 16226, 21091, 21131, 16417, 13810, 12170, 23693, 21696, 5130, 25300, 17133, 12214, 3858, 18269, 862, 7559, 22379, 5851, 19300, 853, 22657, 3908, 2380, 4372, 18307, 20306, 6948, 6806, 5937, 22397, 20480, 25177, 16864, 6570, 11111, 18138, 23262, 13593, 14175, 20379, 2904, 4357, 4537, 9956, 13150, 12852, 25413, 16352, 11321, 9155, 13925, 7729, 21207, 24274, 1992, 3658, 9202, 20977, 21672, 22151, 17041, 6524, 13419, 22908, 2354, 11529, 22267, 17220, 15554, 12012, 2376, 6820, 4159, 18724, 6021, 19847, 19878, 10656, 5176, 15703, 8094, 10623, 16257, 24145, 6530, 7849, 12195, 1186, 14483, 10938, 824 ]
[ [ "Holy WTF? The guy was her neighbor too!! I'd treat this as a neighbor helping neighbor situation and ask him if he needed help with anything too.\n\nThis is how shit works after hurricanes. The entire neighborhood works together to get things temporarily sorted until professionals can be called in later on, and there will always be a wait to get things fixed.", "765" ], [ "It's funny, for people like me who don't believe in the supernatural and don't care if someone died in that room, it doesn't matter at all.\n\nI was actually reading that if you're house hunting, you can get a good deal by searching for houses in which someone recently died. Apparently enough people are skeeved out by this that it can make a noticeable difference in the selling price, and reduce the possibility of a bidding war.", "168" ], [ "One thing I noticed is that when my eyes are fully dark adjusted, as they are when waking up from sleep, blue light, even the dimmest possible blue light from a Hue bulb, makes me squint and is uncomfortable, where as RED light does not.\n\nFor this reason I have the dimmer switch next to my bed set up so the first press is very dim red light, which is great for getting up to go to the restroom or whatnot without squinting at the light.\n\nIt's an interesting phenomenon, as if red light doesn't trigger the squint reflex but blue light does. This is also why I hate car accessories that have blue power lights; they're about ten times as annoying at night than red lights are.", "362" ], [ "Older games used CDDA because CD-ROM drives could play the CDDA track through the sound card's mixer all by themselves, not requiring the CPU to do so. In the days of 486 systems with limited processing power, this was extremely convenient. This is why you had an audio cable running from the CD-ROM drive to your sound card in most PCs of that era.\n\nThe downside is that the music couldn't change real time with gameplay. One of the biggest disappointments in the CD-ROM edition of \"TIE Fighter\" was that the music was on CDDA tracks, which meant it couldn't be interactive and respond to what you do in the game like the DOS version did with its \"iMUSE\" interactive music system.", "854" ], [ "This is one of the biggest hassles when it comes to running ZFS on CentOS. I'm not sure if it's CentOS, ZFS, or a combination, but it's a pain in the arse every time it happens.\n\nTo clean up:\n\n yum remove zfs zfs-kmod spl spl-kmod libzfs2 libnvpair1 libuutil1 libzpool2 zfs-release\n find /lib/modules/ \\( -name \"splat.ko\" -or -name \"zcommon.ko\" \\\n -or -name \"zpios.ko\" -or -name \"spl.ko\" -or -name \"zavl.ko\" -or \\\n -name \"zfs.ko\" -or -name \"znvpair.ko\" -or -name \"zunicode.ko\" \\) \\\n -exec /bin/rm {} \\;\n yum install _URL_0_\n yum install zfs\n\nThis basically nukes everything ZFS related and installs it for the current kernel.\n\nThe instructions are cherry-picked from this page:\n\n_URL_1_", "149" ], [ "To be honest, BTRFS doesn't have much of a future. You probably shouldn't be running it at all on anything that's not experimental. Even Red Hat decided to drop BTRFS from its distributions.\n\nZFS is far more mature; there's been a couple blips along the way but the issues were caught very quickly. The Linux port has been around for several years now, and the ZFS code itself a lot longer; it dates back to Sun Microsystems before Oracle bought and neutered the company.", "684" ], [ "I have kernel updates disabled on our production ZFS servers for this reason. We update kernels and ZFS during longer downtime windows because we never know if it's going to work. It's like flipping a coin each time.\n\nIt's annoying, but doing this seems to be the only reliable way to make sure the machine comes up with ZFS active on reboot. To be fair, it seems to be breaking slightly less often lately, but it still breaks often enough that maintenance windows have to be longer than I'd like.", "171" ], [ "This sort of thing is why I think Philips should sell Hue compatible dimmers that you can install to replace regular light switches.\n\nNot every light fixture has a replaceable standard bulb in it these days. It would be nice to have non-standard light fixtures work in the Hue system alongside Hue bulbs rather than have two smart lighting systems going.", "333" ], [ "I still wish Apple provided a way to completely nuke your iCloud Drive, iCloud Photo Library and/or iTunes cloud music library on request. Sometimes these things get slightly (or completely) hosed and it'd be nice to be able to start with a fresh blank slate.\n\nI could understand Apple not wanting to offer this since someone may inadvertently lose their data, but if they put the feature behind enough \"Are you sure???\" screens and have a one week waiting period, it should be safe.", "697" ], [ "I had this problem when I bought mine; they got jostled somehow (in shipping maybe?) and the volume rocker got pushed out of place.\n\nTry to gently push the rocket sideways in either direction to pop it back into place, and that should fix it. \n\nI remember grumbling thinking I'd have to go back to Best Buy but it ended up being an easy fix. I hope it is for you too!", "131" ] ]
[ 9099, 975, 19365, 15584, 21673, 5648, 21525, 3922, 13082, 16015, 21607, 6619, 4508, 12734, 1195, 8198, 156, 2872, 22749, 1542, 12801, 20645, 23176, 6509, 23155, 9699, 10557, 15981, 19329, 24957, 21719, 23756, 23884, 1189, 6961, 3017, 17777, 2316, 15105, 15688, 6369, 1389, 16745, 4072, 18640, 19861, 24339, 19512, 2707, 11754, 23324, 3255, 25191, 24146, 5737, 20009, 22631, 13017, 18331, 5634, 15273, 11259, 3493, 23767, 6717, 9982, 23353, 16499, 25190, 4015, 19614, 6873, 21959, 4387, 2089, 23894, 4457, 23506, 3938, 17599, 636, 7348, 6848, 10286, 6137, 24137, 7033, 8331, 11921, 1071, 1218, 1317, 5333, 23265, 20171, 1098, 5159, 21635, 5209, 11551, 16272, 25418, 9933, 24995, 25304, 24700, 23726, 17757, 23492, 1367, 5010, 15387, 20827, 24174, 9626, 17639, 595, 21884, 13206, 20863, 2375, 14901, 16841, 3351, 15683, 4185, 16429, 16872, 2202, 298, 24260, 13075, 1567, 24148, 17417, 20616, 2414, 13913, 1881, 7545, 8994, 18312, 18333, 546, 22783, 1980, 6367, 4312, 17536, 23137, 9282, 23614, 62, 1748, 13894, 22664, 12277, 25064, 3849, 19439, 9869, 24509, 8748, 17056, 16764, 12102, 21662, 5657, 23672, 4202, 223, 25438, 15262, 22059, 10775, 21175, 6359, 10609, 8816, 21512, 12316, 6814, 17741, 9685, 24200, 21120, 11398, 9138, 4344, 12345, 14823, 735, 8751, 2123, 18085, 6936, 4499, 3224, 6990, 20787, 16876, 8217, 13865, 22589, 23921, 18844, 9082, 18958, 334, 3760, 5588, 19949, 18871, 15014, 19497, 19700, 18247, 18807, 14202, 17444, 14535, 20568, 3816, 6420, 15425, 153, 5397, 23091, 950, 24152, 10222, 17974, 12536, 5532, 20143, 10536, 14167, 13597, 18722, 813, 16844, 17406, 15050, 5718, 19272, 3766, 11589, 11842, 140, 7769, 14913, 9039, 25221, 5750, 15448, 3120, 8052, 16214, 18672, 9252, 22380, 13059, 14731, 19537, 3845, 12051, 20096, 13221, 14059, 3056, 24136, 23086, 10697, 1827, 19312, 4411, 18364, 23935, 5572, 15742, 17533, 11594, 1993, 7568, 16293, 13839, 23471, 19631, 16115, 15021, 9778, 10386, 23167, 6103, 9370, 17778, 17642, 15588, 11831, 25309, 17545, 20400, 4351, 8856, 23065, 1371, 10034, 20567, 11257, 3800, 6959, 21617, 21224, 676, 7010, 1602, 14084, 6880, 4267, 602, 5342, 17207, 17042, 9726, 20007, 24775, 20376, 17030, 15723, 4065, 2874, 2572, 17413, 10086, 19707, 7524, 19024, 24632, 15831, 1493, 20445, 19121, 2504, 9191, 21108, 9614, 2383, 17970, 21500, 18661, 15247, 20073, 12772, 1248, 17498, 4026, 19175, 18653, 23268, 15364, 14453, 19383, 7216, 20668, 12797, 3861, 24302, 21360, 2053, 7881, 1229, 17550, 19926, 9663, 8712, 2373, 10357, 7900, 7332, 22045, 7999, 22953, 3458, 23720, 24943, 21359, 22617, 15848, 24930, 12879, 5724, 23653, 2394, 1323, 23071, 13094, 2225, 10916, 21035, 16058, 20597, 20013, 1145, 12072, 23880, 19457, 17638, 8398, 19466, 18367, 7172, 12477, 23227, 23729, 25348, 11930, 24342, 8706, 18035, 9215, 23099, 14524, 16976, 3774, 5325, 7003, 8509, 2580, 2333, 5511, 17677, 16619, 12707, 1665, 20080, 2568, 14355, 2918, 19543, 3904, 16378, 18176, 21803, 1612, 24872, 10639, 24023, 6514, 8090, 23533, 15500, 8609, 20902, 8846, 25317, 9791, 11723, 13540, 16029, 13861, 13432, 8544, 15630, 17170, 9828, 6723, 13779, 18467, 17576, 15228, 23159, 5068, 6347, 804, 13482, 1795, 6061, 19525, 21222, 17193, 20918, 9680, 11883, 7247, 15081, 14954, 24483, 3352, 5465, 15076, 14482, 22822, 12939, 4751, 25137, 17122, 4283, 24507, 16493 ]
[ [ "> Ok, just because I posted this does not mean that I agree that it is controversial. That doesn’t logically follow\n\nYea it kinda does. It's literally the definition of controversy: \"*Controversy is a state of prolonged public dispute or debate, usually concerning a matter of conflicting opinion or point of view.*\" \n\nYou can have your own opinions, but changing definitions to suit your position is not exactly a winning argument.\n\n > Yes people are wired for this, but people are also wired in a way that complaining becomes habit forming. \n\nSo what? What does that have to do with whether or not this is controversial? Is your argument actually that the controversy is *bad*? Because that's much different than whether or not it's *actually controversial*.\n\n > If <PERSON> was attacking the lgbtq group, I’d agree it was serious. He didn’t do this, it’s fake outrage. \n\nSorry, but you don't get to decide when outrage is real or not. Calling peoples' outrage \"fake\" at his set is just your opinion, not facts or reality.\n\n > Is my offense automatically validated because I feel it?\n\nI think this is the question you are actually asking, and not your OP summary question. You think it's \"invalid\" for people to be offended by <PERSON> set. Your criteria for being offended apparently is potentially being a murder victim according to your example.\n\nExpressly on the original topic, if someone is offended, then it means something was offensive. You don't have to agree with them, it may not be offensive to you, but it's offensive to them. That's how it works. Offensiveness *is an opinion*. You can't decide for others what they find offensive, it's just what they say it is. You're allowed to disagree, sure, but it doesn't change the fact that they are offended. \n\nWhich is why your intense disagreement with the controversy around <PERSON> set is missing the point. \n\nI like him. I think he's a pretty good comedian. One of my favorite sketches was a youtube video he made about my city where he proceeds to completely trash it. I love my city, but he hit everything on the head with a hammer. So I can't fault him for it.\n\nBut at the same time, when other people get offended by his words, I don't fly off the handle and get pissed at them for it; I understand that he is literally trying to say things that are offensive because his audience will find it funny. And that means some people are going to be offended, and when he does his act in front of an audience that isn't exclusively on board with his style of humor, it's going to be controversial. That doesn't bother me, and it certainly doesn't deserve denying. It's just the way it is.", "837" ], [ "But that's not what you meant by subjective. You used subjective to argue that people are allowed to interpret art as they will, not that the interpretation may exist. That allowance you argued for goes against your core claim, that their offense is unwarranted and the controversy is misplaced. But if art is always subject to interpretation, then it is contradictory to also claim there are invalid interpretations. That includes offense and controversy.\n\nYour argument has basically become: \"subjective interpretations of art are always correct unless that interpretation is offense or controversy, which then it must be interpreted objectively.\" Both the first clause and second clause contradict one another, and you haven't explained why you believe this.", "889" ], [ "> But I see people online who are talking about socialism vs. capitalism with Marxist terminology about who controls the means of production, and saying that capitalism is the problem -- not unregulated corporate greed, tax giveaways for the rich, and cuts to government services, but capitalism itself.\n\nI want to focus on this line of yours. I think you're at the verge of understanding, but I see how you may have misunderstood the conversation.\n\nFrom the first paragraph, you list the following issues in society:\n\n* lack of regulations\n* corporate greed\n* tax giveaways for the rich\n* cuts to government services\n\nThese issue all share something in common: they are the result of Capitalism and the way it degrades public services and Government institutions. It is not an exception to the rule, it is the practice, and it is why people like myself and others are saying Capitalism is what is wrong with America.\n\nSo why are these things caused by Capitalism?\n\nA capitalist's core motivation is to obtain property and wealth. But Capitalism does not exist in anarchy -- in order to exist, capitalists must exist in a system that protects wealth and property. In America, we have such a system, with courts, police, military, and laws that determine the rules of the system and ensure that capitalists can continue their practices. All of this sounds good on paper, but the problem is that the core motivation (obtaining property and wealth) is contradictory to the system that permits it in the first place.\n\nWhen a capitalist gains the maximum amount of wealth that the system provides, do you think they stop there? No, because while that capitalist was growing their wealth, they did not also become content with the wealth they had. They have other capitalists to compete with, and in the event that another capitalist overpasses them in wealth and power their own wealth and power is at risk of being lost. Whether through a buyout or from anti-competitive practices that could shut their business out of a market, a Capitalist naturally must fear their own power being lost. So, in order to be a capitalist, you will eventually become obsessed with unlimited growth of power in order to maintain the power through wealth and property that you already have. And when the system does not allow you to grow further, you will have to change it so you can, and you'll have the means to do it.\n\nCapitalists who have gained power will inevitably begin to use their existing power to eliminate the thresholds that limit them. They will buy politicians and governments so that they can remove regulations that curb shady corporate practices, they'll find ways to limit their costs by introducing tax loopholes, and they'll lobby to have contributions to public services limited so that they can create businesses that will sell those services for a profit instead.\n\nI don't feel like you're the kind of person that won't be able to look around and see examples of this yourself. Look at any major corporation in America and you can see this happening. Look at the richest people in America and you can see this happening. It's all the result of the practice of Capitalism.\n\nIn the US, in order to turn it around, we need to fix the exact problems you pointed out. Well, some people think that's with Socialism. But at least we should all be able to acknowledge that the problem is Capitalism.", "101" ], [ "Well, you definitely didn't understand my argument then. I'm not even talking about moral implications here, just the existence of controversy or whether or not controversy can be rated as valid or invalid. Controversy itself is devoid of morality, it is the label applied to public discourse when there is a disagreement. And while that may include debates on morality, the debate simply existing regardless of the circumstances of its arrival (manufactured or not) denotes controversy. \n\nThe idea that controversy can be \"invalid\" I feel is misuse of the concept. Controversy just simply exists. The rationale behind it only describes how it became controversial, not whether it deserves to be controversial. So even if the media \"invented\" the controversy about <PERSON>, it doesn't invalidate the fact that it has become controversial.", "414" ], [ "I mean, if you're so sensitive about toxic interneting you may want to refrain from it yourself. Jumping down someone's throat for making an innocent poke at programmers probably means the internet is not good for you. Also, taking offense to a word like \"dweeb\"? Same thing.\n\nCalling someone \"new\" because you don't like what they wrote? Classic \"toxic\" behavior. I mean dude, come on, the pot has called the kettle black.", "730" ], [ "Bribes from special interest groups? You mean donations? Yea, Diep takes those too.\n\nIncreasing taxes? Well, Diep has done this. \n\nQuestionable ethics? You did read that Diep used your tax dollars to fund his campaign, right?\n\nHate to break it to you, assuming any of your accusations against <PERSON> are true, you haven't demonstrated how he is worse than Diep.", "915" ], [ "I think it really just comes down to this: <PERSON> hasn't really proven he can take his job seriously and it's time for someone else to take the reigns for District 4. I cannot think of any more compelling reason to vote for <PERSON> unfortunately because he's not my kind of politician, but honestly the easiest outcome of an election is to simply punish ineffective lawmakers because most of them aren't really going to do what you want anyway.\n\nI am not a Republican, nor am I a supporter of <PERSON>'s policies. But when he was elected, I defended him anyway because I do value when our politicians are young and diverse. And unfortunately he has hardly lived up to his own promises. I think he's a bit too immature for the responsibility and I think it's best that District 4 has someone else in the seat.", "939" ], [ "Silicon Valley started in the South Bay and its name literally comes from \"Santa Clara Valley\" minus Santa Clara and plus Silicon. The first silicon computer chip was manufactured in downtown San Jose at one of the old warehouses near San Pedro Square that are currently being replaced with residence towers. And for decades, the largest and most powerful tech companies were headquartered in or around San Jose. There was a period of time in the 80s and 90s where \"Silicon Valley\" was synonymous with Santa Clara Valley. San Jose just so happens to be the largest city there.\n\nSince the Web 2.0 movement, and the influx of younger developers working at companies like Google, they began to eye San Francisco as the city they wanted to settle in. Naturally, all of the startups followed them there and now it's the hub for all of the cloud-based businesses. That was in the 2000s.\n\nBut SF is neither a \"Valley\" nor does its industry have much to do with \"Silicon\". While the term Silicon Valley seems to refer to the tech industry in general, it was really about that century old computer technology industry, and not the social media and cloud technology that SF is *actually* famous for. So, kinda makes more sense for SF to get a different title, like \"Cloud Peninsula\" or something, so it's weird to me when people like you \"laugh\" about SJ wanting the Silicon Valley title considering everything.", "899" ], [ "Well yea, that's what she has said, that it \"shouldn't be controversial\" but that's implying the controversy is invalid (also the OP has said as much in her responses) which is why I disagree and have attempted to point this out to her.\n\nThe thing is, I don't think it's possible to determine what deserves to be controversial or not. Like I said, even if it's manufactured, it's very difficult to argue it wouldn't have become a controversy without facilitation. I would find it most accurate to acknowledge that anything can be controversial, it just needs the right timing and context. Controversy is really just a shifting state of focus on an infinite number of debatable issues in our public discourse. There will always be controversy.\n\nFurthermore, arguing that something does not deserve to be controversial only serves to deepen the controversy. And that anyone is still talking about it is evidence of that controversy, regardless of whether or not \"a small number of people\" and \"news outlets\" started it. In a way, that's how all controversies begin. And how it begins matters less than the ways in which the controversy is sustained by the public discourse.", "837" ], [ "So, I grew up in fancy California with all its woke shit and lived here basically my entire life. And while we were definitely taught in school to be conscious of racism and prejudice, and many of my peers lived in a race conscious lifestyle, I have still witnessed plenty of cruel prejudice in my time, and this includes the term \"white-trash.\"\n\nAt the same time, I've witnessed countless discussions about this term in my lifetime and because of that I've learned not to use it. The same circles often accused of gross adherence to \"woke\" values is where I learned not to use this term for its hate of ethnic white and poor communities in America. I did not learn to not use this term from my fellow white peers necessarily, who still often use the term with impunity.\n\nSo while I agree that the term is truly offensive and derogatory, I disagree that it is not being given attention in the woke movement due to my own relative experience. It has, it's just not been as sticky as some of the other discussions, possibly because in context of the overarching social justice narrative it's just a bit less violent than the other ones. White people on average still are disproportionately wealthy compared to other racial groupings. They are less likely to be the victims of racial violence, and less likely than all other groups to suffer cruelly to the system for their racial identity. That's not to say they haven't suffered. My own extended family is from the South, primarily Alabama. I know what they deal with personally.\n\nBut just to prove that the discussion has been happening and you may have just missed it, here are some articles I found from google that demonstrate consciousness of the issue over time:\n\n* [npr article from 2018](_URL_4_)\n* [2006 book on the \"boundaries of whiteness\"](_URL_1_)\n* [2006 book discussing cultural attitudes toward poor white people](_URL_0_)\n* [Study from 2001 talking about how white people perpetuate \"white trash\" prejudice](_URL_2_)\n* [1999 a politician is chastised for using the term white trash in a derogatory manner](_URL_3_)\n* [1997 book discussing race and privilege in the context of poor white people](_URL_5_)\n* [Chapter from a book in 1860 discussing how white slave owners are the cause of the prejudice for poor whites](_URL_6_)\n\nJust to be clear, the fact that this issue is long lived should not be interpreted as an indication that it has not been discussed enough in comparison to any other race issue, as the prejudice against poor whites is just as old as the prejudice against Blacks, Latinos, Asians, and any other racial group in the US. All are still being discussed. None have been solved.", "987" ], [ "> Thanks for gatekeeping the internet, and the extra helping of toxicity.\n\nJust following your lead, buddy.\n\n > I called you \"new\" because you seem completely surprised that anyone could interpret your \"joke\" as an actual strike against local techies, when in fact there's a lot of anti-tech sentiment in this sub.\n\nThat you interpreted it as \"surprise\" is interesting. Re-read my comment. Sounds more like you just called it that because you can't handle being called out for taking a joke too personally.\n\nThere is a lot of anti-tech sentiment everywhere in the Bay Area. Doesn't mean we can't still have a laugh about it.\n\n > Seems you just don't want to take another person's perspective.\n\nOh boo hoo. I don't agree with you automatically. I'm so sorry that I hurt your feelings.\n\n > That's fine. You're only fooling yourself that your post could be seen in a completely different light...\n\nIt's funny, you really insist that I'm supposed to accept your on face perspective, but you're unwilling to take mine, and you can't see how you failed to do that in your original comment. You started it, and the road goes both ways.", "837" ], [ "I mean, I listed those older sources *on purpose*, to demonstrate that the conversation *is old*.\n\nAnd sure, you're saying it's under discussed, but the quality to which you described \"under discussion\" in your original post was that it wasn't being addressed at all. So, I tried to make it clear to you that *it has been historically addressed*.\n\nTo what extent then do you believe the term's offensiveness should be discussed in order to be enough? For the term to no longer be used as a slur?\n\nBecause I can tell you right now, possibly the most offensive term in our society (the N word) is still being used as a slur to this day, and it is discussed endlessly. I am not sure any amount of discussion will give you a result you might want. But I am still curious what your standards are here.", "389" ], [ "> As if I forced your hand. More like you're just looking for an excuse.\n\nLOL no, I think it's that you're crying about me being \"toxic\" but overlook your own behavior. Only one with an excuse here is you. I just like pointing it out.\n\n > You're assuming it's a joke, and that I take it personally. I'm just here to point and laugh at the luddites that live in Silicon Valley.\n\nBecause you're taking it personally. You already admitted to it. Why deny it?\n\n > I'm willing to accept you thought you posted a joke. What do you want, a pat on the head and a \"good jerb zpallin you told a joke\"?\n\nNah, just hoping maybe one day you grow up. I have hope.", "339" ], [ "Sure but to what end? What is a measurement of enough? Clearly people are conscious of what the term means and some people have a neutral understanding and others a negative. But everyone understands it means poor. Do you want people to discuss the implications of the term more? To discuss the class issues? To discuss solutions to the disparity? What is enough to you?\n\nBecause I think all of these things are being discussed, possibly as much as it can be. There is no overarching movement in any direction because, as you pointed out, people are not in agreement about the path forward. And as I pointed out the discussion has long been in discussion without consensus. \n\nSo with the demand for \"enough\" discussion I really feel like I want to know what you want the outcome of that discussion to be, because otherwise it just seems like you just want the desired outcome to remain ambiguous.", "458" ], [ "No I'm definitely on board with your definition, except for the regulations part.\n\nMarket mitigations themselves are not supported by the concept of capitalism. In a pure Capitalist system there are no regulations because the market will regulate itself. All a government does in a Capitalist system is protect wealth and property. It does this through courts and armed forces.\n\nThe idea that government can interfere in a market and impose regulations are actually ideas that are purported by socialism. Socialism is a system in which government manages the market by predicting the needs of the public and sorting out market controls to ensure that the system remains functional. Part of that is ensuring that workers capture more of the wealth generated by their labor, hence the idea of \"owning the means of production.\" And there is no one way that all socialist societies agree is the best way to do this. But if you're going to ask for regulations, you're actually asking for socialist reforms, the same ones that you had a problem with in your original post.\n\nIt seems to me like you want the same solution as the leftists, but you're just not willing to admit yet that it's not called Capitalism.", "534" ], [ "Well, what it sounds like to me is that your definition of \"enough\" is a specific direction for the term, to remove the stereotype and address inequities. I generally agree with this direction.\n\nI think the issue arises when we discuss what's enough. The issue probably stands to never be resolved as we've learned from other words. And the least we can do is teach most of the population to be sensitive about it.\n\nAnd then there is the issue of capacity for social justice issues. As I mentioned before, the social justice movement does discuss the issue of white poverty and has addressed the slur as well as corrected others when they use the term. But it's easy to see why this issue is overshadowed by others, because the victims of other oppressions are also in worse shape than the white community as a whole, even to some extent poor whites specifically. And given that the public consciousness is only able to maintain focus on a few things at a time, until more is won on a number of other fronts, I don't think the issue of prejudice against poor whites can become a forefront issue.\n\nNot to mention, very specific outcomes such as the issue of meth and heroine addiction in poor white communities arguably come first, or at least alongside the prejudice these communities face. Let alone the hollowing out of work in the places these people live due to outsourcing and globalization. There are many different entry points into addressing poor white peoples' needs, and the term white trash is just one axiom out of many.\n\nSo, while I agree that the issue will need more attention to provide for a greater solution, I do feel like it is being addressed enough in the larger context of social justice.\n\nEDIT: this just occurred to me! The MAGA movement is actually an anti-white trash movement. The whole premise in a sense is to restore national pride to poor white people. So in some ways in the last four years the issue of the negative sentiment toward poor white people has been at the forefront of society, albeit an entirely unhealthy way to address the issue, and in most ways detrimental to the cause of righting the wrongs done to these communities. Nevertheless, it is an overwhelming amount of focus on empowering poor whites in America.", "1020" ], [ "I said it was socialist reforms that you had a problem with, not regulations. As in you're opposed to socialism. Reread quote? Although I can understand that it could be misunderstood.\n\nThe current status quo in US leans heavily in favor of Capitalism. There is no pure Capitalist system in the world that I know of, no pure socialist system either. Nonetheless, the consensus among the ruling class in the US is to increase Capitalist measures in our government. That trend makes us Capitalist.", "534" ] ]
[ 12448, 12913, 12941, 5759, 13219, 6739, 24513, 24083, 10022, 7695, 23002, 20628, 21625, 11810, 23293, 3604, 20330, 10585, 21284, 4940, 25307, 7738, 5146, 20146, 2136, 5471, 18819, 21083, 24942, 19918, 1037, 7451, 10002, 2916, 17070, 8449, 8742, 17631, 12034, 10661, 13168, 9868, 17802, 10014, 399, 3566, 19429, 16165, 12776, 9293, 22874, 8077, 22552, 3793, 16569, 11580, 9913, 25493, 14707, 11496, 11972, 6314, 887, 5941, 14896, 1308, 18767, 16080, 14720, 15500, 10320, 70, 4039, 1202, 11984, 50, 18197, 4634, 17537, 2965, 7466, 2230, 2145, 22515, 12744, 19425, 24390, 24141, 7284, 3568, 22828, 11391, 25207, 17820, 21246, 11565, 24776, 652, 40, 18379, 17053, 24900, 10469, 23053, 2403, 7493, 22, 694, 16344, 22641, 5319, 19803, 22658, 5735, 5804, 16033, 18301, 20028, 21953, 1974, 20227, 2918, 10390, 11357, 9760, 13162, 680, 13822, 19966, 25404, 19223, 9264, 8430, 5576, 24247, 5708, 1278, 5695, 23174, 21070, 7136, 24872, 5847, 10921, 23860, 18272, 10813, 8050, 11590, 5122, 15890, 12072, 21380, 24263, 24983, 5765, 9891, 11413, 11773, 15509, 1573, 6259, 22503, 4123, 20387, 10203, 13930, 1587, 8624, 23131, 23523, 3090, 3053, 20038, 19410, 9526, 427, 22392, 14367, 7034, 12877, 471, 15406, 16533, 23806, 25024, 1909, 18477, 20272, 10907, 7863, 8993, 4231, 493, 24832, 21048, 21440, 18248, 12902, 25159, 1463, 8764, 13581, 2783, 14513, 2102, 24184, 16744, 19256, 10120, 21612, 7810, 21680, 23299, 5682, 479, 16463, 9665, 6361, 14255, 18620, 18770, 20017, 25225, 19683, 1193, 23054, 8118, 15853, 5054, 504, 10327, 20526, 1007, 92, 10237, 7556, 8304, 1953, 9643, 22067, 13670, 14519, 18681, 23785, 6495, 16960, 17210, 24731, 8146, 23685, 3406, 14887, 18421, 4953, 14834, 1560, 13232, 3421, 275, 15320, 8896, 3497, 20279, 13, 2545, 22130, 16898, 10599, 20455, 5892, 5371, 12758, 10528, 14126, 5572, 21054, 18889, 23586, 24208, 18118, 24782, 24046, 594, 12705, 12977, 20428, 22299, 23042, 13701, 4988, 10745, 21762, 24834, 18714, 12601, 23766, 15615, 8703, 5142, 10224, 25463, 11863, 18346, 8874, 22567, 17985, 24407, 8386, 21749, 6710, 16110, 33, 13653, 2053, 25471, 1306, 7764, 12604, 17687, 4327, 15098, 14237, 2970, 16249, 12591, 4277, 19186, 14593, 16990, 11458, 12413, 25084, 6231, 5782, 13708, 16152, 2223, 16182, 17266, 24187, 24503, 18024, 22086, 22318, 2516, 11129, 1969, 19377, 18061, 14800, 22535, 16034, 21044, 7325, 3717, 3719, 23533, 21060, 2444, 18420, 24338, 19197, 9395, 22964, 13573, 21518, 5432, 21589, 19311, 11983, 25483, 12267, 9722, 21053, 1818, 9431, 5901, 15006, 3698, 1417, 1236, 7030, 11663, 18234, 19900, 21719, 525, 20811, 5544, 10916, 836, 20286, 24586, 12402, 23834, 1580, 9964, 3840, 478, 4362, 19004, 21922, 5481, 23945, 4933, 21158, 22688, 9110, 24759, 25053, 9476, 15481, 3815, 24763, 985, 4740, 20068, 11949, 12410, 10228, 16402, 21322, 5345, 22237, 11345, 14655, 14336, 11412, 1201, 24074, 12894, 16085, 17950, 18934, 12920, 23928, 1496, 10495, 12230, 2773, 1245, 14405, 11996, 22994, 5045, 14275, 4066, 18745, 6335, 7364, 19175, 5138, 9409, 12796, 13723, 22334, 4345, 20761, 628, 11326, 18562, 24715, 6026, 16244, 14791, 10074, 12887, 9885, 18308, 23933, 8006, 23655, 3453, 6420, 14226, 13094, 25201, 19131, 8627, 15068, 4835, 18442, 19677, 23364, 184, 8433, 4199, 5162, 9754, 8834, 13305, 11431, 1011, 12355, 1614, 10502, 11221, 2610 ]
[ [ "I mean if you want to talk trend lines, [her favorability](_URL_2_) started to slide downwards after 2012 before she even announced any possibility of running for president in 2016. \n\nIf at the start of her campaign she was less than 50% favorable, things weren't exactly looking up. And her favorability slipped even more between April and September of 201**5** (47% to 41.7%, -5.3) before the height of the primary season. \n\nIf you want to bring <PERSON> into this, [his favorability](_URL_0_) was above 50% in 2008 and despite a small, steady decline (57% to 55.5%, -1.5) during the primaries he regained numbers following <PERSON>'s endorsement of him in June 2008.\n\nMeanwhile [<PERSON>'s favorability rating](_URL_1_) has only gone on the up and up as people learn more about him besides a small dip in ratings between April to June 2016 (50.3% to 49.7%, -0.6) during the primaries. In the same amount of time for <PERSON> between April and September 2015, he gained in favorability significantly as people heard about him (about 10% to 35.9%, +25.9). \n\nBarring any major scandal involving <PERSON> in the next few years, then of course people are going to suggest he run for president again on the basis of an upwards-trending favorability.", "92" ], [ "> something different instead blaming it on everyone else but him?\n\nLike you guys like to do nowadays? \n\n<PERSON> lost to the white male and younger vote yet you're using that against <PERSON> despite the fact his message had resonated with them and would likely have carried through to any general election campaign i.e. Rust Belt voters that cost <PERSON> the election. \n\nMaybe you guys can actually look back on why <PERSON> failed as a candidate instead of blaming it on <PERSON> and everyone else but her.", "469" ], [ "It wasn't just Republicans who answered this poll.\n\nI mean if you want to look at the actual polling numbers, even <PERSON> voters sampled in the poll viewed [<PERSON> as strongly favorable](_URL_0_) more (57%) than they did for more actual Democrats like [<PERSON>_) (49%), [<PERSON>_) (26%), or [<PERSON>_) (23%). \n\nWith <PERSON> voters, he's pulled in 'strongly favorable' at 6% and 'somewhat favorable' at 21% compared to 2%/9% with <PERSON>, 1%/6% with <PERSON>, and 2%/8% with <PERSON>.", "92" ], [ "Do you think *all* <PERSON> voters are only Republicans? There are independents and unaffiliated voters too you know. Enough to decide the potential election between <PERSON> and <PERSON> that would have favored <PERSON>? It's very possible. \n\nTaking a look at [the current favorability numbers from the FOX poll](_URL_0_), he's favorable among 90% of liberals, 64% of moderates, and 36% of conservatives. Among Independent voters, he's at 67% favorability, and 27% among Republican voters which is much, much higher compared to the other Democrats (<PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>) in the poll and it likely would have been the same compared to <PERSON>. \n\nEven if we were to go back to a pre-election poll, I think <PERSON>'s favorability ratings (I haven't checked) would have been higher than <PERSON>'s among independents and conservatives.", "92" ], [ "You're forgetting that <PERSON> and <PERSON> had similar policy points during the campaign. Talking about the economy and railing against the establishment hit home for a lot of people. \n\nWe all know now <PERSON> is a liar and a lot of us knew even before the election, but [without <PERSON> in the general election matchup](_URL_0_) people were left to support <PERSON> and his message. Not his personality.", "939" ], [ "I don't understand why you're coming at some of us here swinging with this \"your guy\" talk. \n\nI voted for and volunteered for <PERSON> in the primary, and I fucking voted for <PERSON> in the general election. I'm running as a candidate for municipal office under the Democratic Party this year despite all the DNC vs progressive shit and I've been going to my local Democratic Party committee meetings since November. \n\nWhat the fuck are **you** doing? Piss off.", "856" ], [ "Or maybe I'm waxing nostalgic like some kind of <PERSON> bro. \n\nBut in no way would I have ever considered voting for someone like <PERSON>, though I'm empathetic enough that I can put myself in their shoes and try to understand where they're coming from such that they ended up voting for <PERSON>. \n\nIf you only focus on targeting solid and leaning Democrats, you're not going to win against <PERSON>. That's why I intend to reach out to independents and potential trumpgret type people in my local campaigning/canvassing strategy. Some of us here in the local municipality are even looking to reach out to Republicans by cross-filing.", "939" ], [ "> his performance in the primary is indicative of his hypothetical performance in the general\n\nI suppose you can claim that but only if every single primary and caucus was open to non-Democrats. How much did he lose by in non-Southern states with open primaries? (I'm specifying non-Southern because <PERSON> has an advantage there from her and her husband's past career.)\n\nEven with the DNC chair election, some of you like to point out that establishment Democrats weren't smearing <PERSON> and that <PERSON> was also a progressive whilst being mum on the subject where <PERSON> was labeled a Muslim anti-Semite by some of the Democratic Party's biggest donors. \n\nI'm all for talking about what we as Democrats can do to prevent <PERSON> from getting re-elected or from losing even more seats to Republicans in 2018, but I think it's fundamentally important for <PERSON> supporters as well as Democrats as a whole to look back at the 2016 election and objectively think about what went wrong with <PERSON>'s candidacy and the DNC so that we can very much avoid repeating it in the future. \n\nPeople downvoting my posts just because they don't agree with it doesn't help much in acknowledging a very serious need to that kind of discussion.", "939" ], [ "Depends on how much of a die-hard <PERSON> supporter you seem to think I am. I supported the guy, but I'm also still a registered member of the Democratic Party despite the DNC BS within the last month. \n\nI wouldn't be running for a municipal position as a Democrat if I truly hated Democrats right? \n\nI wouldn't be talking to and with my IRL neighbors regardless of political affiliation about politics if I were truly living in a bubble right?\n\nWe need to be talking to each other as people and we seriously need to drop this whole notion of identity politics. I think that's the one big thing that keeps us in our own bubbles. The sooner you realize that maybe you have to talk to and work with people you don't necessarily agree with, the better for us all as a society.", "856" ], [ "Uhhh okay. It sounded more like she was homesick rather than she wanted to exploit the US economy for personal gain:\n\n > For one thing, the cost of living was a hardship. While she was paid well, it wasn't enough to get ahead in the costly Bay Area, much less buy a house. [...]\n\n > But money wasn't her main problem: loneliness was worse. She missed her family in India. She missed her home country. She was single. Working long hours for Google made it hard to meet someone and have a relationship, she said. And while there is social prestige in the Valley attached to being an engineer at Google, it also intimidated some men, she felt.", "479" ], [ "For the first hour after being posted, this post was under /controversial. \n\nIt's on the front page now only because the non-commenters saw the headline and upvoted it. That's how it usually works on this subreddit with anything pro-Bernie that doesn't make a mention of the 2016 election. \n\nIf any article is even remotely critical of <PERSON> or the DNC, or mentions <PERSON> with regards to hypothetical outcomes in the 2016 election, it stays under /controversial. Just look at [everything non-Trump within the last 24 hours](_URL_0_).", "728" ], [ "Despite all that, there was still the [enthusiasm gap](_URL_2_) that posed a challenge for <PERSON> even [early on](_URL_1_) before the height of the 2016 election season. Beyond her character, personality, and her experience, we also have to acknowledge the flaws and the mistakes made by the <PERSON> campaign as a whole as well as the inner machinations of the Democratic Party and DNC. \n\nTake a look at [this article](_URL_5_), it's a long read but I think it's worth to see what went wrong in the final months of the general election season including the ground game, or lack thereof especially in some key swing states. \n\nedit: \n\nThat's why it irks me when people keep repeating the \"she won by almost 3m more votes\" line. It does nothing to acknowledge the fact she lost by only [10,704 votes in Michigan](_URL_4_), or 44,292 votes in Pennsylvania, or that she won NH by only 2,736 votes. \n\nIt does nothing to highlight the fact that she had a massive 4,269,768 vote lead in California or a 1,736,590 vote lead in NY, enough of which made up for the [heavy losses in Southern states](_URL_0_) like Texas, Tennessee, or Alabama to even claim the 2.8m vote lead. \n\nIf you were to somehow distribute the CA vote lead evenly over the other 49 states and DC, that would have been enough to put her over 270 electoral college votes at 282 by giving her Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arkansas, and Wisconsin. Interestingly enough, these are the states in the Politico piece that the <PERSON> campaign naturally assumed would be theirs. <PERSON> winning the presidency was entirely preventable, but I think the <PERSON> campaign (namely Brooklyn HQ) was too presumptuous to see it.\n\nThese are just a few things we had talked about at my local Democratic Party committee meeting immediately after the election in November. The bit in the Politico piece about lawn signs in Michigan we could totally relate to and it turned off people who wanted to directly volunteer their support for <PERSON>. In fact, the local committee was told to charge $10 per lawn sign so that we could fundraise for down-ballot candidates. If the <PERSON> campaign and the DNC were so flush with cash at the time, why couldn't they have bothered [sending some to our state and local committees](_URL_3_) to actually help with down-ballot candidates?", "939" ], [ "> I haven't seen one bill introduced for any of the things he's passionate about. Hate to say it, but <PERSON> was right about senators.\n\nYou've seriously been living under a rock if you think that's truly the case.\n\nHere's are the bills (not including amendments) he's personally sponsored since <PERSON> has taken office:\n\n* [S. 586](_URL_4_) - Corporate Tax Dodging Prevention Act (Introduced 03/09/2017, 1 co-sponsor - <PERSON> D-HI)\n* [S. 495](_URL_1_) - Medical Innovation Prize Fund Act (Introduced 03/02/2017)\n* [S. 469](_URL_2_) - Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act (Introduced 02/28/2017, [20 cosponsors](_URL_0_))\n* [S. 427](_URL_3_) - Social Security Expansion Act (Introduced 02/16/2017, 1 cosponsor - <PERSON> D-NY)", "850" ], [ "Full answer: \n\n > <PERSON>: Well we have a lot of people looking at this - technical people - and I think he's going to get himself out. I think sending sons to another country to make financial deal for his company and then have that covered with government expenses, I believe those government expenses should not be allowed. And we are working on a bill that would do that now. We're working on a couple of bills that will deal with conflicts of interest right now. It's difficult because this is a field that relates to some extent of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution and there's no preceding legislation to do this but we've got good people looking at it and we're going to some of the emphasis along the line that are well-known. \n\n[also:](_URL_0_)\n\n > Q: Has <PERSON> committed impeachable offenses?\n\n > <PERSON>: I can't answer that right now.", "693" ], [ "What does that say when the \"non-Democrat\" is viewed more favorably by Democrats and <PERSON> voters compared to other \"real\" Democrat politicians like [Pelosi](_URL_2_), [Schumer](_URL_1_), or [Warren](_URL_0_)?\n\nAccording to the Fox News poll:\n\n* <PERSON> - 85% favorable with Democrats, 88% favorable with <PERSON> voters\n* <PERSON> - 64% favorable with Democrats, 66% favorable with <PERSON> voters\n* <PERSON> - 59% favorable with Democrats, 61% favorable with <PERSON> voters\n* <PERSON> - 39% favorable with Democrats, 44% favorable with <PERSON> voters", "92" ], [ "You're seriously going to blame <PERSON> and non-voters in MI for costing <PERSON> the election? \n\nHow about you look at [what <PERSON>'s Brooklyn HQ failed to do in MI](_URL_0_) in the months leading up to the general election?\n\n > The Brooklyn command believed that television and limited direct mail and digital efforts were the only way to win over voters, people familiar with the thinking at headquarters said. Guided by polls that showed the Midwestern states safer, the campaign spent, according to one internal estimate, **about 3 percent as much in Michigan and Wisconsin** as it spent in Florida, Ohio and North Carolina. **Most voters in Michigan didn’t see a television ad until the final week.**\n\n > Most importantly, multiple operatives said, the **<PERSON> campaign dismissed what’s known as in-person “persuasion”** — no one was knocking on doors trying to drum up support for the Democratic nominee, which also meant no one was hearing directly from voters aside from voters they’d already assumed were likely <PERSON> voters, **no one tracking how feelings about the race and the candidates were evolving. This left no information to check the polling models against** — which might have, for example, showed the campaign that some of the white male union members they had expected to be likely <PERSON> voters actually veering toward <PERSON> — **and no early warning system that the race was turning against them in ways that their daily tracking polls weren’t picking up**.\n\nThe <PERSON> campaign failed on the ground game in several key states that cost her the election. Not because of the Democratic operatives in those states, no, the blame needs to lay solely on Brooklyn HQ for not listening to these state campaigns when warning sirens were fucking blaring.\n\n > **With <PERSON>’s team ignoring or rejecting requests, Democratic operatives in Michigan and other battleground states might have turned to the DNC. But they couldn’t; they weren’t allowed to ask for help.**\n\n > **State officials were banned from speaking directly to anyone at the DNC in Washington.** (“Welcome to DNC HQ,” read a blue and white sign behind the reception desk in Brooklyn that appeared after the ouster of <PERSON> just before the July convention).\n\n > A presidential campaign taking over the party committee post-convention is standard, but what happened in 2016 was more intense than veterans remember. **People at the DNC and in battleground states speak of angry, bitter calls that came in from Brooklyn whenever they caught wind of contact between them, adamant that only the campaign’s top brass could approve spending or tactical decisions.**\n \nAll the way up until Election Day, the <PERSON> campaign thought they were going to win and yet still, shrugged off any warning signs from people on the ground in battleground states.\n\n > On the morning of Election Day, internal <PERSON> campaign numbers had her winning Michigan by 5 points. By 1 p.m., an aide on the ground called headquarters; the voter turnout tracking system they’d built themselves in defiance of orders — **Brooklyn had told operatives in the state they didn’t care about those numbers, and specifically told them not to use any resources to get them — showed urban precincts down 25 percent.** Maybe they should get worried, the Michigan operatives said.\n\nStop blaming third-party voters and people who didn't show up for costing <PERSON> the election. <PERSON> winning the election was entirely preventable by the <PERSON> campaign if they were less presumptuous they were going to win the election handily.\n\nThe <PERSON> campaign cost <PERSON> the election, and people who supported her campaign very seriously need to look at what the campaign and the DNC failed to do in the weeks and months leading up to November 8 if they don't want to repeat that mistake in the near future.", "939" ], [ "It wasn't inaccurate. I linked to an article about Chicago's city wards because I said specifically \"look at city council districts\" with 'see how Democrats can also benefit from gerrymandering.' \n\n > Just take a look at city council districts in cities like Chicago or Dallas\n\nCity council districts or wards. Different word, same meaning.", "619" ], [ "The president isn't the one \"in charge\" of gerrymandering nor is he the one that gerrymanders and he definitely isn't the one that redraws the maps. \n\nThe current system is that individual states are in charge of redistricting congressional districts after the US Census every 10 years, and Congress sometimes has a say in how these new maps are drawn. Some states use an independent non-partisan commission, while some states let their state legislatures draw the map.\n\nMore info: _URL_0_", "187" ], [ "From the [Politico piece](_URL_0_):\n\n > “**The president has the power to declassify whatever he wants, but this should be done as the product of thoughtful consideration and with intense input from any agency affected**,” the California congressman said. “For anyone else to do what the president may have done, would constitute what he deplores as ‘leaks.’”\n\nThere's a process the President should be going through in order to carefully declassify something, just saying whatever completely bypasses that process and throws a wrench at whatever agency's intel he just declassified.\n\nedit: also realized the quote is in the MSNBC article\n\n > Indeed, Rep. <PERSON> (D-Calif.), the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, noted in a statement, “In his effort to once again blame <PERSON>, the president appears to have discussed something that, if true and accurate, would otherwise be considered classified information.”", "452" ], [ "Yep pretty much. Also consider these points:\n\n > The legal point is only one side, of course. In assessing declassification decisions, it is important to distinguish among the following: \n\n > 1) a declassification decision designed to inform the public (fine); \n\n > 2) a declassification decision designed to correct a widespread misunderstanding of why the President did something (a subset of 1), and also fine, and claimed by some of the president's defenders here); \n\n > 3) a declassification decision that jeopardizes national security (to say the least, not fine -- but to my knowledge, not alleged thus far with respect to the President or Vice President); \n\n\n > 4) a declassification decision that discloses the name of a CIA agent (almost always a subset of 3), and to say the least, not fine -- again, not alleged thus far with respect to the President or Vice President); \n\n > 5) a declassification decision that represents, in context, an effort not only to defend the President but also to mislead the public (not fine, and alleged by some of the President's critics here).\n\n > [source](_URL_0_) (2006, President and VP allegations referring to <PERSON> and <PERSON>)\n\nWhat he said would hit either points 1 or 5 and maybe 3 if he by suggesting whoever had leaked the info to Wikileaks had successfully breached/hacked into the CIA. \n\nHis wording sounds more like point 5 than point 1 in my opinion because he puts the blame on <PERSON>'s administration for getting hacked.\n\nThe CIA didn't confirm nor deny the authenticity of the leaks on Wikileaks, but <PERSON> just blurting it out confirms it and goes back to point 3.", "298" ], [ "> <PERSON>'s proposal requires the Labor Department to decrease federal funding for job training programs, turning over the responsibility to the states for keeping these programs alive.\n\n > That includes closing job training centers for “disadvantaged youth” that do a “poor job educating and preparing students.”\n\n > The <PERSON> administration would also put a job training program for senior citizens on the chopping block, which it claims will save $434 million.\n\n > The White House says it can save another $11 million by axing job training grants offered by the Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and “focusing the agency on its central work of keeping workers safe on the job.” \n\nWe have the best jobs don't we folks? \n\n^^^/s\n\nYou can't do a job properly and efficiently if you don't get training.", "683" ], [ "Oh come on, you're just being semantically pedantic. There are other meanings of 'just' too you know (besides your definition fitting #2 below)\n\n > adverb\n\n > 9. within a brief preceding time; but a moment before:\n > The sun just came out.\n\n > 10. exactly or precisely: This is just what I mean.\n\n > 11. by a narrow margin; barely: The arrow just missed the mark.\n\n > 12. only or merely: He was just a clerk until he became ambitious.\n\n > 13. actually; really; positively: The weather is just glorious.\n\nIf I wanted to equivocally state they were the exact same thing, I would have *just* said so. I'm not one to beat around the bush.", "251" ], [ "Better damage control. Actually work with state Democratic Party committees in the general election GOTV campaign. Actually listen to Democratic Party constituents rather than big party donors both before and the after the Election Day results. \n\n > State officials were banned from speaking directly to anyone at the DNC in Washington. (“Welcome to DNC HQ,” read a blue and white sign behind the reception desk in Brooklyn that appeared after the ouster of <PERSON> just before the July convention).\n\n > [[source](_URL_1_)]\n\nand \n\n > Among the other workarounds claimed was one from interim DNC chair <PERSON>, who was persuading the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to hold the $5 million transferred to them from the <PERSON> campaign and to wait to spend it buying airtime for minority voter turnout in the final week they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to fund.\n\n > But there also were millions approved for transfer from <PERSON>’s campaign for use by the DNC — which, under a plan devised by <PERSON> to drum up urban turnout out of fear that <PERSON> would win the popular vote while losing the electoral vote, got dumped into Chicago and New Orleans, far from anywhere that would have made a difference in the election.\n\nMaybe as chair she could have focused on spreading <PERSON>'s campaign message instead of steadfastly trying to drum up last-minute urban and minority turnout that the majority of which ended up [voting for <PERSON> anyway](_URL_0_). \n\nHer media appearances as interim chair also did not do much to instill confidence in the Democratic Party.", "850" ], [ "> While <PERSON> subtly dropped hints of oppo research on <PERSON>, she didn't go scorched earth. <PERSON> would've gone all out with the \"rape fantasy\" article, the associations with anti-American leftists, etc.\n\n*Subtly* sure, let's go with that. <PERSON> herself might not have as much, but her surrogates and her campaign definitely did their best to put <PERSON> and his supporters down at every turn. \n\nJust in case you forgot:\n\n* [Here the <PERSON> go again, using surrogates to smear opponents](_URL_8_)\n* [<PERSON> on MSNBC: <PERSON> is too liberal to win](_URL_3_)\n* [<PERSON> Is Smearing <PERSON> as a Sexist](_URL_11_)\n* [Here Comes the Berniebro](_URL_5_)\n* [<PERSON> in Iowa attacks <PERSON> health-care plan as a ‘risky deal’](_URL_22_)\n* [<PERSON>: <PERSON> wants to dismantle Obamacare, dismantle the CHIP program, dismantle Medicare, and dismantle private insurance](_URL_2_)\n* [<PERSON> strategist: <PERSON> waging 'most negative' primary bid](_URL_15_)\n* [<PERSON> smeared as communist sympathiser as <PERSON> allies sling mud](_URL_4_)\n* [<PERSON> Rejects <PERSON> campaign Suggestion He'd Bus in Students to Caucus](_URL_7_)\n* [<PERSON> accuses <PERSON> of disloyalty to Obama](_URL_0_)\n* [<PERSON> surrogate: <PERSON> not a 'true friend' to blacks](_URL_20_)\n* [<PERSON>: Black lives 'don't matter much' to Sanders](_URL_14_)\n* [<PERSON> Jabs <PERSON> for Ideas That 'Will Never Make It in the Real World'](_URL_19_)\n* [<PERSON>: women are supporting <PERSON> 'for the boys'](_URL_10_)\n* [<PERSON>: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton](_URL_17_)\n* [<PERSON>: Time for <PERSON>'s 'purity bubble' to be burst](_URL_18_)\n* [<PERSON> says she was shouted down with ‘English-only’ chants from a <PERSON> crowd](_URL_9_)\n* [<PERSON>’s Revolution Is Too White to Win](_URL_12_)\n* [The shameful <PERSON> race smear: <PERSON> supporters have played a dirty, dangerous game](_URL_21_)\n* [<PERSON> Questions <PERSON>' Health Care Work in '90s, Despite Video Showing Them Together](_URL_1_)\n* [<PERSON>: <PERSON> Over the Edge, \"becoming a <PERSON> bro\"](_URL_6_)\n* [<PERSON>: 'I feel sorry' for young people who believe <PERSON>'s claims](_URL_23_)\n* [<PERSON>: Vermont guns responsible for New York violence](_URL_16_)\n* [DNC email effort to smear <PERSON> as an ‘atheist’ ](_URL_13_)\n\n > <PERSON> lost to <PERSON> in the primaries, despite her being such a terrible candidate.\n\nName recognition. They didn't start out with equal name recognition. <PERSON> was 'some senator from small New England state of Vermont'. <PERSON> was 'Secretary of State, former NY Senator, and First Lady to <PERSON>'. Massive difference there.", "557" ], [ "I don't completely agree. <PERSON> was often seen as more trustworthy than any of the other candidates. Unless someone had dredged up some massive scandal involving <PERSON> within the last 4-5 years, it'd mainly just be grasping at straws from stuff 20-30 years ago. \n\n<PERSON> spent a great deal of time talking to people face-to-face at town halls and rallies across the country during the primaries with 4-5 events a day. I'm certain he would have continued doing the same for the general election if had become the nominee. \n\nI'd say these kind of events do a lot to quell mass hysteria and misinformation regarding <PERSON>'s character and his policy positions. Just take a look at any of his recent MSNBC town halls with <PERSON> conversing with people who had voted for <PERSON>. \n\nI don't know if the media would've come to his side in a <PERSON> vs <PERSON> match-up. Considering how they focused a lot more on <PERSON> even so than <PERSON> during the general election in terms of air time, I don't think <PERSON> would have fared well here.\n\n<PERSON> was great for ratings. <PERSON> and her connections were great for business. <PERSON> not so much for either during the election but nowadays he seems to be doing fairly well with TV ratings like with the MSNBC town halls and the [CNN healthcare debate with Cruz](_URL_0_).", "939" ], [ "> the intellectual curiosity of middle-aged independent voters\n\nIf you've watched any of the town halls where <PERSON> has actually talked with people who voted for <PERSON>, both independents and Republicans actually agree with some of his more liberal positions like universal healthcare. \n\nIt seems like they appreciate it when someone takes the time to respectfully explain to them certain policy positions and not simply assume they're just a dumb redneck hick who doesn't know shit. \n\nGet them out of their echo chambers and get them talking with people they don't think they would agree with in-person, I think you'd be surprised at the results.", "313" ], [ "Some people you just can't get cut through the noise, but that's not to say all of them are lost causes. \n\nThere are still plenty of people on the \"other side\" Republicans or Independents you can reach out to that aren't completely out of touch with reality. Even people conditioned to believe these things can be countered, but it takes some time and a little bit of respect. \n\nIs it worth it? I think so but of course others will disagree.", "647" ], [ "How is it fake news? They're literally citing the [Time article that <PERSON> herself wrote](_URL_0_). \n\n > [Then in October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and D.N.C. Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C. Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the <PERSON> campaign. [...] But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret.](_URL_0_)", "988" ], [ "> <PERSON> actually ran negative ads against her in NY, which is ***something she never did against him***.\n\nOh you're talking about [this one ad](_URL_1_) that was 'against' <PERSON> but doesn't explicitly mention her name? \n\nKind of like how <PERSON>'s campaign ran [an ad 'against' Bernie](_URL_3_) and didn't explicitly mention his name? \n\nOr [this one through HFA explicitly against Bernie](_URL_4_) by calling him a single-issue candidate? \n\nOr this [other one saying Bernie](_URL_0_) was knowingly misleading voters about his endorsements? \n\nOr [when they accidentally put out an attack ad](_URL_2_) in July 2016?", "557" ], [ "I didn't say both were *equally* guilty, they're not. There are people on both sides are guilty for only believing things that fit their narrative and disregarding things that don't. Sure there might be more Republicans that fit this characterization, but there are Democrats that fit the mold too.\n\nIf you truly believe there isn't at least a single Democrat or liberal-leaning voter that thinks this way then I don't know what to tell you because you won't listen either way.", "313" ], [ "<PERSON> is from Hawaii, <PERSON> is from NJ, <PERSON> is from WV. If you're not from these states, it's no use getting seriously pissed off because they don't represent your progressive values. You should be pissed if they don't represent their constituents' values and if you're not from their state, you're not their constituent and they don't care about you anyway. \n\nHowever, if you actually are from one of these states AND you notice they don't represent the constituency in your community, then you should organize within your community or state and consider putting someone up to primary them when their terms ends.\n\nI stopped caring about who's who at the federal level except for the senators and representatives from my own state. Municipal elections and 2018 is fast approaching and we really need to organize and build locally. \n\nIf we really want to change the Democratic Party, we have to do so from the local level up in precincts and districts across the country as <PERSON> had pointed out. It's clear working from the top down isn't going to work if the establishment wants to continue to cling to the power they've got. We've got to pull everything out from right underneath those in power who don't want to give it up - this goes to both Democrats and Republicans. If those elected officials aren't representing the constituency in your local precinct or district, you organize to get them out at the earliest convenience. \n\nThe people that threatened to leave the party or DemExit'd after the DNC elections, best of luck to them with 3rd parties. I'd like to know if they ever campaigned for, canvassed, or organized anything for any of the progressive candidates besides <PERSON> in the election last year, because that's what we really need to be doing at the local level in our communities.", "468" ], [ "If you become a state committee member, you also potentially have the opportunity to endorse candidates before elections as well. \n\nI was recently a proxy delegate for a district committee-person and voted at a county-level convention to endorse county-wide and state-wide candidates. I've only been going to commitee meetings for about 4 months so I'd definitely say it's not too hard to take over a party. Especially so if you're a young person with no spouse or kids.", "736" ], [ "The original comment was meant as:\n\n > \"[People on] both sides are guilty of this unfortunately.\" \n\nbecause I was replying directly to a comment that quotes\n\n > \"I believe the news when it fits my narrative and I don't when it doesn't.\"\n\nI never made a \"think like\" comparison in that post so I'm not sure how you fell to that conclusion. I don't know why some of you guys here are so pedantic about semantic phrasing of a post (this is the 2nd time in a single day) when I half made that comment in a very cynical jest. I think you're reading too much into the meaning of what I wrote. \n\nIt's individuals on both sides who are guilty with the kind of this kind of thinking: \"I believe the news when it fits my narrative and I don't when it doesn't.\" \n\nedit: \n\nAlso I didn't even specify what sides originally, my top-level reply said \"conservative activist\". At the time I was thinking both sides of the political spectrum, **not** both sides of the aisle in terms of political party affiliation Democrats v. Republicans.", "809" ], [ "From [another source](_URL_0_):\n\n > And Monday night, CBS News has learned the decision was prompted by intelligence gathered overseas about potential terrorist activities.\n\n > The temporary electronics ban will affect passengers flying internationally to the U.S. from fewer than a dozen airports on flights headed directly to the states.\n\n > The measure will ban all electronics larger than a cellphone from being placed in carry-on luggage or carried onto an aircraft on certain flights to the U.S. from the Mideast and North Africa.\n\n > A U.S. official says the indefinite ban applies to 10 airports serving the cities of Cairo in Egypt; Amman in Jordan; Kuwait City in Kuwait; Casablanca in Morocco; Doha in Qatar; Riyadh and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia; Istanbul in Turkey; and Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Affected U.S. airports are in New York, Chicago, Detroit and Montreal.\n\n > [...] Airlines will have 96 hours, or 4 days, to put these instructions into place.\n\nThe article says temporary and then a US official says indefinite so I'm not sure what it actually is.", "780" ], [ "> [applies to 10 airports serving the cities of Cairo in Egypt; Amman in Jordan; Kuwait City in Kuwait; Casablanca in Morocco; Doha in Qatar; Riyadh and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia; Istanbul in Turkey; and Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Affected U.S. airports are in New York, Chicago, Detroit and Montreal.](_URL_3_)\n\n8 of the 13 countries are:\n\n* Egypt\n* Jordan\n* Kuwait\n* Morocco\n* Qatar\n* Saudi Arabia\n* Turkey\n* United Arab Emirates\n\nedit: \n\n[AP is saying it's only 8 countries, 9 airlines affected](_URL_1_)\n\n > The U.S. government is temporarily barring passengers on certain flights originating in eight other countries from bringing laptops, iPads, cameras and most other electronics in carry-on luggage starting Tuesday. [...]\n\n > A second U.S. official said the ban will affect nine airlines in total, and the Transportation Security Administration will inform the affected airlines at 3 a.m. Eastern time Tuesday.\n\nedit #2:\n\nMontreal is [erroneously] listed as a U.S. airport in the original article due to a [Royal Jordanian flight](_URL_0_) that has a stopover in Montreal. When flying from Amman, Jordan to Detroit, people can get off the plane at Montreal but they do not board new passengers in Montreal. As such, all passengers who board the plane at Amman are subject to the electronics ban.\n\n > [Royal Jordanian operates flights to and from Detroit year round. The airline operates nonstop service to Amman in the summer months. In the fall, winter, and spring months, however, the flight makes a stop in Montréal–Trudeau.](_URL_2_)\n\nedit #3:\n\nThe 9 airlines likely to be affected though not yet officially announced:\n\n* Egypt (EgyptAir)\n* Jordan (Royal Jordanian)\n* Kuwait (Kuwait Airways) \n* Morocco (Royal Air Maroc)\n* Qatar (Qatar Airways) \n* Saudi Arabia (Saudia) \n* Turkey (Turkish Airlines)\n* United Arab Emirates (Etihad, Emirates)", "780" ], [ "Only countries in the Middle East and Africa so far.\n\n > A U.S. official told The Associated Press the ban will apply to nonstop flights to the U.S. from 10 international airports serving the cities of Cairo in Egypt; Amman in Jordan; Kuwait City in Kuwait; Casablanca in Morocco; Doha in Qatar; Riyadh and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia; Istanbul in Turkey; and Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.\n\nUS-based airlines are said not to be affected by this ban.\n\n > The official said no American carriers are impacted by the ban, which is expected to be unveiled on Tuesday by the Homeland Security Department.", "296" ], [ "There's an intermediate stop via Montreal part of the year. \n\n[Wikipedia says:](_URL_1_) \n\n > Royal Jordanian operates flights to and from Detroit year round. The airline operates nonstop service to Amman in the summer months. In the fall, winter, and spring months, however, the flight makes a stop in Montréal–Trudeau. Royal Jordanian does not have [fifth freedom rights](_URL_0_) to transport passengers solely from Detroit to Montreal.", "780" ], [ "Royal Jordanian, one of the affected airlines, flies a direct flight between Detroit, MI and Amman, Jordan. Sometimes there's a stop in Montreal.\n\n > [Royal Jordanian operates flights to and from Detroit year round. The airline operates nonstop service to Amman in the summer months. In the fall, winter, and spring months, however, the flight makes a stop in Montréal–Trudeau.](_URL_0_)", "780" ], [ "Neither.\n\nThere's a flight from Jordan to Detroit that makes a 1-hour stopover in Montreal. People can get off the plane here but they don't board new passengers when continuing onto Detroit. \n\nSo from my understanding, everyone who originally boards the plane in Jordan is subject to the electronics ban because they don't have enough time in the 1-hour stopover to re-check people who are still on the plane in Montreal.\n\nMost of the time the specific flight stops in Montreal, but sometimes it's a non-stop flight between Detroit and Amman, Jordan.\n\n > [Royal Jordanian operates flights to and from Detroit year round. The airline operates nonstop service to Amman in the summer months. In the fall, winter, and spring months, however, the flight makes a stop in Montréal–Trudeau.](_URL_0_)", "780" ], [ "I think <PERSON> wanted to get close to <PERSON> because he knew he had a talent for boxing. Not get close in a sexual manner, I mean it seemed like he wanted to be there for <PERSON> in a fatherly mentor role. \n\nUnfortunately for them both, <PERSON> was uncomfortable from any older guy being too friendly with him considering what he went through with his stepdad (<PERSON>'s dad). This wasn't something he was open to discussing, but somehow <PERSON> just knew. \n\nAnd I think <PERSON> was more than satisfied with hooking up with the kids' moms and the one nurse.", "494" ], [ "People complaining about how <PERSON> paid less taxes than <PERSON> makes me laugh. <PERSON> AND his wife together made $205,000 in a year. \n\n<PERSON> herself makes $500,000 a year, and <PERSON>? He makes at least [$476,000,000 a year](_URL_0_). So DJT makes 2,322 times more money than both <PERSON> and <PERSON> combined but apparently it's somehow a 'criminal offense' for <PERSON> since he doesn't pay as much tax due to itemized deductions. \n\nedit: Don't even get me started if I have to point out the difference between an \\*effective* tax rate and a \\*marginal* tax rate", "245" ], [ "Exactly. People keep drawing comparison between <PERSON>'s 2014 tax return and <PERSON>'s 2005 tax return. A lot has changed for <PERSON> in 10 years with how much he makes, you can't really compare the two equally. \n\nAgain, the people that shout from the rooftops about <PERSON>'s taxes don't even want to talk about any of <PERSON>'s \\*ongoing* conflicts of interest while he's the fucking POTUS, nor do they want to acknowledge any of the conflicts of interest within the <PERSON> family like Ivanka, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, or <PERSON>, or even the <PERSON> administration like <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, etc.", "245" ], [ "Until the point where somebody's vote in the rural communities counts more than the someone's vote in a dense urban district such that Republicans dominate the state legislatures thereby effectively blocking any progress made by a Democratic governor.. yeah that sounds like fun. \n\nIt's starting to happen now in the MN legislature and already happening in a few other states with densely-populated cities.", "619" ], [ "To be fair it's not that hard to jump up to the top 5% of wage earners especially if you become an elected US congressperson in either the House or the Senate. \n\nThe base salary for anyone in Congress is [$174,000](_URL_0_) which already puts them at the 96.8% percentile (top 3.2%). \n\nThe top 1% starts around $288,000 a year. \nThe top 0.01% starts with yearly incomes over ~$1,100,000. \nAnd let's not forget <PERSON> makes at least $476,000,000 a year.\n\nedit: To add to that, <PERSON>'s complaining about the 1% not so that he could put himself in a better position, it's so that the bottom 90% (~$60,000/year) can be able to. Unlike <PERSON>, he actually wants to reduce income inequality, not increase it.", "392" ], [ "You know he didn't buy 3 houses all in one year right?\n\nThey have savings and investments. For the $575k beach house in Vermont everyone loves to bring up, <PERSON> sold a beach house in Maine she had inherited. \n\n > [Jane] <PERSON> said that she had inherited a vacation home in Maine, but the family was unable to make use of it due to its distance from their primary residence in Vermont, so she sold it and used the proceeds to finance the purchase of a more suitable vacation home in North Hero: \n\n > “My family had a lake home in Maine since 1900, but we hadn’t had the time to go there in recent years — especially since my parents passed away,” she said. “We finally let go of it and that enabled us to buy a place in the islands — something I’ve always hoped for.”\n\n > [[source](_URL_0_)]\n\nAlso, when you buy a house, you don't pay the whole cost up front. There's something called a mortgage.\n\nSo in total they have a house in Burlington, VT bought in 2009, a condo/townhouse in Washington DC from 2007 ([with a 30-year mortgage of $50,001-$100,000 from 2000 as of 2015](_URL_2_)) and the $575k beach house bought last year in VT paid mostly with money from selling an inherited beach house in Maine. \n\nDoes that sound unreasonable for someone who's been a member of Congress (thus receiving a [Congressional salary](_URL_1_)) since 1991?\n\nedit: If you added up the Congressional yearly salary from 1991-2016, <PERSON> would have earned a total of $3,675,700 (before taxes) over 25 years. For someone like <PERSON> who makes $476M a year, by comparison, that's a little less than 3 days of work.", "488" ], [ "Somewhat related though not really direct election hacking, but has no one pointed out during the hearing with <PERSON> on Monday that he said Russia had specifically targeted voter registration rolls? \n\nWasn't this a huge problem during the primaries that voter rolls in several states were being mysteriously purged and that people's [voter registrations were being individually altered](_URL_2_)?\n\n > <PERSON>, Democrat of Washington, asks <PERSON> what elections apparatus Russia targeted, exactly.\n\n > Not voting machines, <PERSON> says: “We saw no indication of that.”\n\n > They saw “efforts to penetrate state boards of election, voter registration databases.” But not to penetrate the vote itself. “Their efforts were aimed at voter registration systems in various states...” not as far as the FBI knows at “voting machines, vote tabulation.”\n\n > [[source](_URL_1_)]\n\n_URL_0_", "169" ], [ "This point wasn't mentioned much in MSM, but <PERSON> did acknowledge in Monday's hearing that while there was no evidence of Russia engaging in Election Day hacking, there was evidence Russia targeted voter registration rolls. \n\nWasn't this a massive problem here on S4P during the [2016 primaries that people were reporting their registrations had been mysteriously altered](_URL_2_)? \n\n > <PERSON>, Democrat of Washington, asks <PERSON> what elections apparatus Russia targeted, exactly.\n\n > Not voting machines, <PERSON> says: “We saw no indication of that.”\n\n > They saw “efforts to penetrate state boards of election, voter registration databases.” But not to penetrate the vote itself. “Their efforts were aimed at voter registration systems in various states...” not as far as the FBI knows at “voting machines, vote tabulation.”\n\n > [[source](_URL_1_)]\n\n[C-SPAN transcript image](_URL_0_)", "169" ], [ "> Ms. <PERSON> testified the email was sent to another person in the Green Party and was not opened on a timely basis. Also, she noted the email cover did not reference any deadline. A Letter was also sent to the Green Party (A-44, A-85). The letter was dated January 17, 2017 (A-44). This was sent to a post office box (A-44). The envelope that was attached had a postmark (A-45). Ms. <PERSON> testified the postmark on the envelope was January 24, 2017 (A-45, A-87). Ms. <PERSON> said she had gone to the post office on January 25, 2017 and the letter was not there (A-88). \n\n > Ms. <PERSON> indicated that no one went to the post office box again until the morning of January 31, 2017 a Tuesday (A-89). \n\n > > -Witness testimony by <PERSON>, the Green Party official and the Campaign Treasurer for <PERSON>\n\nSo they didn't check the mail in a timely manner and was therefore unaware of the letter or the deadline", "691" ], [ "What a shit source. Seriously, is nobody here questioning the domain because it happens to be an anti-Trump story? \n\n > WHOIS Server: _URL_0_ \n > URL: _URL_1_ \n > Registrar: FastDomain Inc. \n > Updated Date: 2017-02-02 \n > **Created Date: 2017-02-02** \n > Registration Expiration Date: 2018-02-02 \n\nBrand new blog created a few days ago hosted on cruddy Bluehost and OPs account was literally created an hour ago", "434" ], [ "This is the first phase to <PERSON> war.\n\nHis executive order to the joint chiefs ordered them to make a plan to deal with ISIS in 30 days.\n\nPhase one: Restrict travel to all target countries.\n\nPhase two: Ask congress for war powers.\n\nPhase three: War\n\nPhase four: Take the oil.\n\nReason? Control of world oil markets.\n\nReal Reason? The world oil supply cannot keep up with emerging demand", "819" ], [ "I'd rather it not be public money. The \"expert\" that had the app with \"evidence\" of the voter fraud is a [known to be a fraudster and highly unethical](_URL_0_) and I wouldn't be surprised if he would have benefited in this situation on federal taxdollars.\n\n > The conservative activist cited by <PERSON> as an authority on voter fraud owes the US government more than $100,000 in unpaid taxes, was once accused of lying about his qualifications, and has faced several allegations of ethical impropriety.\n\n > In 2003, <PERSON> took a job as the second-in-command in Texas’s own human services department, where he was put in charge of a drastic privatization of many services. An investigation by the Houston Chronicle in 2005 alleged that <PERSON> had been involved in awarding tens of millions of dollars worth of state contracts to companies with which he was personally linked.\n\n > After he left the Texas state administration, <PERSON>’s new company AutoGov won a no-bid contract worth at least $207,000 in public funds to work on fixing the error-plagued computerized welfare system that Phillips had implemented. The Dallas Morning News described the problematic setup as “the state’s biggest privatization fiasco”.", "915" ], [ "Yeah a quality repeat post there to reduce the masses from thinking something changed on _URL_2_ [when it actually didn't](_URL_1_)! \n\nWay to include the context, asshole. \n\n > * [_URL_4_ has changed the summaries of the bill of rights. The fourth amendment now uses 'citizens' instead of 'persons'.](_URL_3_)\n\n > * [The White House just changed the wording of the constitution on their webpage. They changed the words \"people\" and \"persons\" to \"citizens\" in Amendments II, IV, and V](_URL_0_)", "45" ], [ "He definitely would get owned I think. I wouldn't be surprised to hear a lot of people that voted for <PERSON> actually respect <PERSON> as a person and that slandering <PERSON> would do absolutely nothing for <PERSON>. \n\nI mean we saw it in the <PERSON> town halls recently where people told him they would've voted for him over <PERSON> if he had become the nominee. \n\nBut man would I love to see some sweet justice", "249" ], [ "It's right they're nothing alike but they struck the same chord on voters hoping to see progress and change away from \"continuing <PERSON>'s legacy\" as <PERSON> so claimed to want to do. \n\nIf you were a laborer who lost his/her job during <PERSON>'s presidency and was unable to find work throughout his term then *anyone* saying anything other than \"continuing <PERSON>'s legacy\" would sound enticing. \n\nIt's unfortunate many people found <PERSON> instead of <PERSON> and the DNC didn't do much to help <PERSON>'s cause either.", "939" ], [ "I was in Wisconsin in July and August after the DNC convention and heard the same thing. \n\nA lot of people I talked to said they liked <PERSON>'s platform, were not happy with how the DNC treated <PERSON> and his delegates, and how they liked <PERSON>'s \"plans\" over <PERSON>'s in the general matchup. \n\nMost of these people were older ( > 55yo) longtime Democrats too and would have likely voted <PERSON> over <PERSON>.", "939" ], [ "Or maybe it's a fair ruling from a *fair* judge\n\n > In court, the main prongs of the state's argument were that the executive order enforces ***religious discrimination***, that it ***violates the due process of refugees***, and that it ***causes irreparable harm to the state*** (and its institutions and people). Additionally, the state argued that the executive order deserves strict scrutiny—the highest form of judicial review—and that the executive order fails under that standard.\n\n > [[source](_URL_0_)]", "699" ], [ "What happened to \"almost simultaneously\"?\n\n > “We're going to be submitting as soon as our secretary is approved, almost simultaneously, shortly thereafter, a plan,” <PERSON> said in his first press conference since July. \n\n > “It will be repeal and replace. It will be various segments, you understand, but will most likely be on the same day or the same week, but probably the same day. Could be the same hour.”\n\n > [[source](_URL_0_)]", "691" ], [ "It implies Christians and other non-Muslims based on the wording of the executive order and the religious demography of the countries outlined in the ban.\n\n > Upon the resumption of USRAP admissions, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to **prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution**, provided that **the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality**. Where necessary and appropriate, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security shall recommend legislation to the President that would assist with such prioritization.", "296" ], [ "Many people right now are more focused on the [DNC chair election happening later this month](_URL_0_) than what might happen in 2020. \n\nI think what happens this year in regards to how the DNC structures itself for future elections will have a major impact on who eventually will end up running for POTUS in 2020. \n\nIf Progressive Dems get a seat at the table in the DNC, it might set us up with a progressive unity candidate that still gets establishment backing. If we completely cast away the Democratic establishment, that will only allow <PERSON> or another opposing Republican candidate to continue in the WH through 2024 in my opinion.", "953" ], [ "The list from <PERSON>'s administration was to prevent people from acquiring visa ***waivers*** through the Visa Waiver Program **NOT** outright suspending immigration from these countries. \n\n<PERSON>'s EO suspends ALL visas and ALL visa issuance to these countries. At least through <PERSON>'s administration people from these countries could still be issued visas following a lengthy process involving numerous background checks and interviews with State Department officials. \n\n > Under the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015, travelers in the following categories are no longer eligible to travel or be admitted to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP):\n\n > * Nationals of VWP countries who have traveled to or been present in Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, or Yemen on or after March 1, 2011 (with limited exceptions for travel for diplomatic or military purposes in the service of a VWP country).\n > * Nationals of VWP countries who are also nationals of Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria.\n\n > These individuals **will still be able to apply for a visa using the regular appointment process** at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. For those who require a U.S. visa for urgent business, medical, or humanitarian travel to the United States, U.S. Embassies and Consulates stand ready to handle applications on an expedited basis.\n\n[[source](_URL_1_)]\n\n > No, <PERSON> actions are perfectly reasonable and sensible. If a liberal judge can't see that then shame on him. He's putting our country at risk.\n\nThe judge isn't even fucking liberal, he was [nominated and appointed by <PERSON>_) to the federal bench in 2004. Neither you nor the <PERSON> administration have provided credible evidence that the actions executed through the EO are \"perfectly reasonable\" or \"sensible\". \n\n > It's common knowledge most Muslim majority countries are hell holes that persecute Christians, gays, women and even other Muslims. What reasonable person can close their eyes to that behavior and condone it?\n\nSo it's okay to do a blanket ban on ALL immigration from a few select countries because a small percentage of the population persecutes Christians, gays, women and even other Muslims? What about Saudi Arabia or UAE, why aren't those included? What justification is there?", "296" ], [ "When you resort to claiming \"fake news\" without providing a shred of evidence, you've automatically lost your argument. \n\n > <PERSON>, a Seattle attorney and Republican who served as U.S. attorney for Western Washington under President <PERSON>, **described <PERSON> as a moderate Republican** with impeccable credentials.\n\n > “**It’s probably important to note this is a guy who was Republican before he was appointed to the bench** and ruled in this (executive-order case),” said <PERSON>, who with <PERSON> was on the selection panel that recommended <PERSON>’s appointment.", "988" ], [ "The list came from <PERSON> served a **COMPLETELY DIFFERENT** purpose than the one set forth by the <PERSON>'s EO. \n\n > The bill <PERSON> signed into law placed restrictions on travelers who had visited those countries from being able to acquire a visa ***waiver*** through the **[Visa Waiver Program (VWP)](_URL_0_)** preventing them from coming to the US *without* a visa. Those travelers could still travel to the US with a visa. \n\n > Under <PERSON>'s EO, they **cannot** apply for a visa and they **cannot** come to the US.\n\n > **Under <PERSON>:**\n\n > VWP Status | Visa waiver | Visa needed? | Travel into the US\n---|---|----|---\nVWP country | Yes | No | ✔\nnon-VWP country | No | Yes | ✔\nVWP-restricted country | No | Yes | ✔\n\n > **Under <PERSON>:**\n\n > VWP Status | Visa waiver | Visa needed? | Travel into the US\n---|---|----|---\nVWP country | Yes | No | ✔\nnon-VWP country | No | Yes | ✔\nVWP-restricted country | ✘ | ✘ | ✘", "914" ], [ "The whole pizzagate conspiracy didn't surface until late October and early November in the weeks before the election and the <PERSON> emails were leaked in October. The shooting for the PSA was in mid-July last year. \n\n > [Shoots sometime btwn. July 6-13 in the Washington D.C./Maryland/Virginia area.](_URL_1_)\n\nThe Second Look PSA was [released by the DHS on January 3rd](_URL_0_) weeks before anyone considered it to be a \"Trump DHS\". Anyone that thinks there is some kind of connection to the Pizzagate shit is insane.", "452" ], [ "What scenario do you suggest could they have known was a possibility? \n\nIn the [behind the scenes article](_URL_0_) I linked to, the ad idea was settled on in October last year, and the Budweiser VP said the story is relevant to the current political climate but not intended to convey a political message:\n\n > “It’s true, <PERSON> made an incredible journey to this country, and that’s really what this is about. It’s about his vision, his dream, everything that he doest to achieve that,” says Budweiser vp Marques “Even though it happened in the 1850s, it’s a story that is super relevant today. That’s what we’re honing in on; it’s the pursuit, the effort, the passion, the drive, the hard work, the ambition, that’s really what this is about more than anything else.”\n\n > “There’s really no correlation with anything else that’s happening in the country,” he says. “We believe this is a universal story that is very relevant today because probably more than any other period in history today the world pulls you in different directions, and it’s never been harder to stick to your guns.”", "134" ], [ "> As of 02/01/2017 text has not been received for H.R.726 - To prohibit Federal funding of National Public Radio and the use of Federal funds to acquire radio content. \n\n\n > Bills are generally sent to the Library of Congress from GPO, the Government Publishing Office, **a day or two after they are introduced** on the floor of the House or Senate. **Delays can occur** when there are a large number of bills to prepare or when a very large bill has to be printed.\n\n_URL_0_", "284" ], [ "[**Reining in Wall Street and Fixing our Financial System**](_URL_0_)\n\n > To restore economic fairness, Democrats will fight against the greed and recklessness of Wall Street. Wall Street cannot be an island unto itself, gambling trillions in risky financial instruments and making huge profits, all the while thinking that taxpayers will be there to bail them out again. **We must tackle dangerous risks in big banks and elsewhere in the financial system.** We must make Wall Street work for the job-creating, productive economy—including by making loans more affordable for small- and medium-sized businesses. We need to prohibit Wall Street from picking and choosing which credit agency will rate its products as well as from imposing excessive fees on consumers. And **we must hold both individuals and corporations accountable when they break the law**. Democrats believe that no bank can be too big to fail and no executive too powerful to jail. Democrats will **support stronger criminal laws and civil penalties for Wall Street criminals who prey on the public trust**. We also support **extending the statute of limitations for prosecuting major financial fraud**, and providing the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission more resources to prosecute wrongdoing. “Equal Justice Under Law” will not just be words engraved on the entrance of the Supreme Court. It will be the standard that applies to Wall Street and all Americans.\n\n > We will also vigorously implement, enforce, and build on President <PERSON>’s landmark Dodd-Frank financial reform law, and we will stop dead in its tracks every Republican effort to weaken it. We will stop Republican efforts to hamstring our regulators through budget cuts, and we will ensure they have the resources and independence to fully enforce the law and hold both individuals and corporations accountable when they break the rules. We will also continue to protect consumers and defend the CFPB from Republican attacks. \n\n[**Reducing Prescription Drug Costs**](_URL_1_)\n\n > It is unacceptable that the United States pays, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs and that too many Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 cannot afford to fill their prescriptions. A lifesaving drug is no good if it is unaffordable to the very people who need it most. And many drug companies are spending more on advertising than on research. The largest pharmaceutical companies are making billions of dollars per year in profits at higher margins compared to other industries while many stash their profits in offshore tax havens. Meanwhile, they charge Americans thousands of dollars for new drugs—often at much higher costs than in other developed nations. Democrats are committed to investing in the research, development, and innovation that creates lifesaving drugs and lowers overall health costs, but the profiteering of pharmaceutical companies is simply unacceptable.\n\n > We will crack down on price gouging by drug companies and cap the amount Americans have to pay out-of-pocket every month on prescription drugs. **We will prohibit anti-competitive “pay for delay” deals that keep generic drugs off the market, and we will allow individuals, pharmacists, and wholesalers to import prescription drugs from licensed pharmacies in Canada and other countries with appropriate safety protections**. Democrats will also fight to make sure that Medicare will negotiate lower prices with drug manufacturers.", "612" ], [ "Are you not capable of reading and/or using ctrl+F?\n\nBanking & Finance \n\n* [Reining in Wall Street and Fixing our Financial System](_URL_3_)\n* [Promoting Competition by Stopping Corporate Concentration](_URL_2_)\n* [Making the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share of Taxes](_URL_0_)\n* [Promoting Trade That is Fair and Benefits American Workers](_URL_9_)\n* [Fixing Our Broken Campaign Finance System](_URL_4_)\n\nHousing\n\n* [Expanding Access to Affordable Housing and Homeownership](_URL_8_)\n* [Ensuring a Secure and Dignified Retirement](_URL_5_)\n* [Investing in Rural America](_URL_7_)\n* [Ending Poverty and Investing in Communities Left Behind](_URL_1_)\n* [Building Strong Cities and Metro Areas](_URL_6_)", "499" ], [ "Yes.. and the tweet I posted also says this \"But....<PERSON> did not endorse.\"\n\nBut the tweet contains a picture of \\*text on a Notes app\\*, not an actual \\*text message\\*. So there's **no hard evidence** that <PERSON>'s team actually sent a text message with that message. \n\nFor all we know it could be some provocateur typing that out in a Notes app. Why not take an actual picture of the text if it were a text message?", "480" ], [ "I'm **not** saying \"he's not an extremely dumb guy\", I mean they don't just pluck random idiots off the street to spout this kind of bullshit. \n\nThe guy [regularly](_URL_0_) appears to speak on **many** networks including CNN. He's a pundit and just another talking head. \n\nJust because <PERSON> doesn't recognize his claims doesn't make <PERSON> less of a pundit if they keep inviting him back to talk on-air.", "495" ], [ "Unfortunately that tiny minority is influential enough as to where it could actually influence people's choices.\n\n* [<PERSON>: <PERSON> ‘an anti-Semite and anti-Israel individual’](_URL_2_) (Democratic Party megadonor)\n\nAnd then you have these people emailing all the DNC members the day before the vote:\n\n* [<PERSON>, President of American Jewish Congress, emailing all DNC members](_URL_0_)\n\n* [<PERSON> - some random math professor at SFSU, Orthodox Jew emailing all DNC members](_URL_1_)", "763" ], [ "A lot of the people threatening to leave the party I notice have never really been involved in Democratic Party politics anyway aside from voting and donating in elections. \n\nI'm not as excited for the future of the party with <PERSON> as chair as I was with <PERSON>, but I'm still willing to work toward building a better future. And I'm already in the process of doing that by running for office at the local level as a Democrat. It might be an off-year but there's always work to do.\n\n(I voted and [volunteered for Bernie](_URL_0_) in the primary)", "468" ], [ "> Although Exchange, child care workers and other Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) employees are Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF) workers and not funded by taxpayer dollars, the freeze \"applies to all executive departments and agencies regardless of the sources of their operational and programmatic funding, excepting military personnel,\" according to the Executive Order.\n\nThank you <PERSON> administration for introducing unnecessarily broad executive orders!", "683" ], [ "> **In my HRC advocacy, I now say how these people dont have the time to wait for Senator <PERSON> to complete his quest for the perfect health care system, or the perfect immigration reform bill**; it gets alot of good nods, especially when I talk about <PERSON> <PERSON> immigration and how <PERSON> opposed this, and immigrants are still suffering the consequences of inaction. [..]\n\n > Nevada is an opportunity to fight back on so many levels. First, the current storyline is that she does not connect well with young voters. Given that Nevada is far more demographically representative of America, I am confident that HRC can do well with all African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans (dont forget the sizeable population of Asian Americans in Nevada, including Filipinos.). <PERSON> and the team have a good plan to attract all minority voters. **When we do well there, then the narrative changes from <PERSON> kicks ass among young voters to <PERSON> does well only among young white liberals**-- that is a different story and a perfect lead in to South Carolina, where once again, we can work to attract young voters of color. So I think Nevada is a real opportunity , and I would strongly urge <PERSON> to get out there within a couple days of NH. \n\n_URL_1_\n\n > I know it is not yet done, but it is looking good. I also look forward to my appearance on Telemundo tomorrow where I can trumpet her strong support among Latinos and put a fork once and for all in the false narrative about <PERSON> and Latinos. Congrats\n\n_URL_0_", "619" ], [ "The same email he also says:\n\n > In my HRC advocacy, I now say how these people dont have the time to wait for Senator <PERSON> to complete his quest for the perfect health care system, or the perfect immigration reform bill; it gets alot of good nods, especially when I talk about <PERSON> immigration and how <PERSON> opposed this, and immigrants are still suffering the consequences of inaction. [..]", "850" ], [ "[TYT's <PERSON>: Are Multi-Million Dollar Consulting Contracts Worth the Future of the Democratic Party?](_URL_4_)\n\n > Several DNC members have privately disclosed that they received calls on behalf of <PERSON> from <PERSON>, a partner of Precision Strategies** and former Executive Director of the DNC when the OFA was housed within it. <PERSON> is also a Co-Chair of the upcoming Unity Commission, forged out of the 2016 rules committee. The goal of the Unity commission is to set the DNC’s new rules.\n\n > Members have repeatedly discussed the frustration with the conflicts of interests within the Democratic party. **For <PERSON> — whose firm received $571,573 from HFA and $593,397 from the DNC**, totaling almost $1.2 million — having a seat as a co-chair of the DNC’s rules committee, raises red flags.\n\nthen \n\n > Today, it is openly acknowledged by many members that the DNC and the <PERSON> campaign were running an operation together. In fact, it doesn’t take much research beyond FEC filings to see that six of the top major consulting firms had simultaneous contracts with the DNC and HRC — collectively earning over $335 million since 2015. (This does not include SuperPACs.)\n\n > One firm, **GMMB earned $236.3 million from HFA and $5.3 from the DNC in 2016**. <PERSON>, a pollster and strategist who frequents cable news, collected $4.1m from HFA while simultaneously earning $3.3 million from the DNC. Perkins Coie law firm collected $3.8 million from the DNC, $481,979 from the Convention fund and $1.8 million from HFA in 2016.\n\nThen you have \n\n > * [New Jersey political boss <PERSON> -- who has done biz with <PERSON> and is a member of Mar-a-Lago -- is a DNC voting member](_URL_6_)\n\n > * [Many DNC voting members are lobbyists, like <PERSON> (Pfizer), <PERSON> (Goldman Sachs), <PERSON> (Lockheed Martin/Boeing)](_URL_0_)\n\n > * [<PERSON> & <PERSON> are DNC voting members & work at Dewey Square, consulting firm w/lucrative Dem contracts & lobbies for big biz](_URL_5_)\n\nOther totals:\n\n* $20.2M went to Mission Control Inc, a direct mail company which had a [contract with <PERSON>'s campaign](_URL_1_) but [several state Democratic Parties also spent money here even during the primaries](_URL_7_) \n* $9.1M went to <PERSON> (co-founder of Priorities USA Action SuperPAC joined [SKD in 2015](_URL_2_))\n\n_URL_3_\n\n > what do they and the corporations have to gain from making dumb choices and handing over the country to the republicans?\n\nnothing but more $$$ lining their pockets in the short-term at the expense of the country in the long run", "825" ], [ "2 of the 3 Vice-Chairs elected: <PERSON> (incumbent) and <PERSON> (incumbent) ([ballot](_URL_0_))\n\nRequirement was that it was specifically for 2 females. Last ballot for the last vice-chair position coming up can be male or female\n\nedit: Ahead of final ballot, <PERSON> has withdrawn. \n\nCandidates on the final ballot: <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>", "850" ], [ "Final Ballot\n\nPre-1st round:\n\n* <PERSON> withdraws (before 1st round)\n\n1st round: <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>\n\n* <PERSON> withdraws (after 1st round) and endorses <PERSON>\n\n* <PERSON> withdraws (after 1st round) and does not endorse\n\n* <PERSON> endorses <PERSON> \n\n* <PERSON> withdraws and advises DNC to appoint <PERSON> as an At-Large voting member\n\n2nd round: <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>\n\n* **Winner: <PERSON>**\n\n# Full leadership:\n\n**Chairman**: <PERSON>. \n**Deputy Chairman**: <PERSON>. \n**Treasurer**: <PERSON>. \n**Secretary**: <PERSON>. \n**National Finance Chair**: <PERSON>. \n**Vice Chair of Civic Engagement**: <PERSON>. \n**Vice Chair at Large**: Rep <PERSON>. \n**Vice Chair at Large**: <PERSON>. \n**Vice Chair at Large**: <PERSON>\n\ncc: /u/meauho", "850" ], [ "Full chain of tweets:\n\n > Hello. My name is <PERSON>. I was a data engineer for the Democratic National Committee from November 2015 to November 2016.\n\n > I interrupted <PERSON> at an all staff meeting after the election to voice my dissent. I made the choice to speak up that day and quit with the full confidence that I would be able to find another job. I'm good at what I do. During the last week of the election, I was the primary on call for the main database that powered the campaign. Not all of my coworkers agreed with everything I said, but many coworkers shared their anger and disappointment with leadership. \n\n > Most folks at the DNC can not just walk away from their job and I was lucky to be in that position. But now they are being asked to. At an all staff meeting recently, DNC leadership asked a large group of employees to tender their resignations by the end of February. The human resource department has since ignored repeated requests by employees for clarification. I have been told that the COO has explicitly told at least one employee that they cannot provide this request for resignations in writing. \n\n > Based on their actions, there is fear that leadership would like to lay off some DNC staff without paying for unemployment. This request is unethical, wrong and contrary to the values of the Democratic party and the platform that <PERSON> ran on. \n\n > I ask that one of <PERSON>’s first actions be to explicitly reassuring DNC employees that they do not have to resign if they don't want to. DNC employees should be treated by leadership with the dignity and respect that they deserve. Anything less is a betrayal.\n\n > That's all. Thank you.", "850" ], [ "[More information about the district via Ballotpedia](_URL_1_)\n\nLooks like the same district (somewhere in northern Philadelphia) where the Democrat candidate was recently kicked off for [not actually living in the district](_URL_0_).\n\n > The seat is vacant following <PERSON> (D) resignation on January 3, 2017. In late September 2016, it was revealed that <PERSON> had secretly pleaded guilty to one charge of conspiracy to commit money laundering, a federal felony, in March 2016.\n\n > <PERSON> (R) and <PERSON> (G) will face off in the special election. A new Democratic candidate is expected to be nominated following a successful residency challenge that removed <PERSON> from the ballot.\n\nSpecial election is on March 21", "850" ], [ "Did I say *anything* about it being a problem? No, I didn't. \n\n<PERSON> didn't do anything wrong by working with <PERSON> during the primary, nor was he involved with the DNC at the time so he did not have to remain impartial. It's not really a problem as other people might want to believe it is when they hear someone's name shows up in the wikileaks emails.\n\nI was just responding to what <PERSON> was asking about:\n\n > I can't seem to find anything against <PERSON> in these emails, could I get a direct link?", "452" ], [ "Don't think you're going to get a realistic answer, but I took a ***brief*** look at it and it just seems impossible as hell to create a new party large enough to make a big splash in any elections in the near future. \n\nIts taken other third parties like the Green Party, Libertarian Party, and Working Families Party at least a couple decades to get to where they are now and many people still don't know who they are nor are they viable in every state. \n\nJust to get a [political party recognized in New York state](_URL_1_), for example, you need to run a candidate in the next election for NY governor and get 50,000 people to vote for that candidate. You have to get 50,000 people to vote for your candidate in *every* gubernatorial election thereafter if you want to maintain recognition. That's **just** for party recognition in NY state. \n\nFor [ballot access](_URL_2_), you'd either have to:\n\n 1. coordinate 50,000 people in NY to *write-in* the candidate for your party every single governor election year (not easy), OR \n 2. get [ > 15,000 petition signatures](_URL_3_) (100 signatures in at least half of the congressional districts in the state) so that your candidate automatically appears on the ballot, and still get 50,000 people to vote for that candidate (a little easier but still not easy)\n\nAnd **all that is just for one state**. Each state is different in processes to create and maintain a political party. And then there are different rules at the national/federal level if you wanted to field candidates for Congress or President.\n\nYou have to create a party charter, create some semblance of a party structure, create a political action committee (PAC), gather financial documents, abide by strict campaign finance laws, and gather voter data. You have to start completely from scratch, and now you know why it's taken so long for other minor parties to even get to where they're at now over the last few decades.\n\nIf you don't have a billionaire pouring money into your party, or have registered party members donating ~$50/month, it'd be next to near impossible to build and maintain a party's infrastructure and its staff over time. \n\nother info: _URL_0_", "736" ], [ "Reform the party by working from the local level up. That's what the Tea Party did to the GOP and look at where they're at now. \n\nIf you get involved enough at the local level Democratic Party, you can take advantage of existing party infrastructure (like voter data) to help field progressive candidates that also want Dems to reform. \n\nIf you try to make your own party, you need to build all that infrastructure out -- something that will take a few months (an incredibly liberal estimate) to a few years (still fairly liberal estimate) depending on the population of your local municipality and how many like-minded people around you that want to get organized. \n\nThink of it this way, if <PERSON> had run as an independent presidential candidate from the very start, he would not have been able to get access to NGP VAN for voter data which would have set back his campaign considerably. Nobody outside VT would know who he is today were it not for him running as a Democrat.", "736" ], [ "They did not exist under the <PERSON> administration because one of the first executive orders he signed [prohibited the CIA from operating detention facilities](_URL_0_). \n\n<PERSON>'s executive order draft would overturn everything in that 2009 EO including Red Cross access to detainees and setting interrogation techniques in accordance to standards within the Army Field Manual and Geneva Conventions.", "298" ], [ "> The draft order, titled “Detention and Interrogation of Enemy Combatants”, would also revoke the International Committee of the Red Cross’ access to wartime detainees. \n\n > The document orders top national security officials to \"recommend to the president whether to reinitiate a program of interrogation of high-value alien terrorists to be operated outside the United States and whether such program should include the use of detention facilities operated by the Central Intelligence Agency\". \n\n\n_URL_0_", "0" ], [ "> \"So-called ‘black sites’ are illegal, and have been explicitly so since the Supreme Court’s decision in [<PERSON> v. Rumsfeld](_URL_0_),\" five Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee said in a joint statement. \"Any attempt to reopen these facilities would open our intelligence and military personnel to prosecution for war crimes under Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions.\"", "0" ], [ "> I fail to see how this is, in any way, a reference to re-opening CIA black sites.\n\nIt says so [right there on page 2](_URL_2_):\n\n > Section 1. *Revocation of Executive Orders.* Executive Orders 13491 and 13492 of January 22, 2009, are **revoked**, and Executive Order 13440 is reinstated to the extent permitted by law. \n\nFYI:\n\n > * [EO-13491](_URL_0_) (<PERSON>: Jan 22 2009) - Ordered compliance with US domestic law, and its international agreements, in its treatment of captives; **prohibition of all current and future CIA-operated detention facilities**; Red Cross access to detained individuals; establishment of Special Interagency Task Force on Interrogation and Transfer Policies; set standards and practices for interrogation of Individuals in the Custody or Control of the United States in Armed Conflicts\n\n > * [EO-13492](_URL_3_) (<PERSON>: Jan 22 2009) - Ordered the prompt closure of detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base consistent with the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States and the interests of justice\n\n > * [EO-13440](_URL_1_) (<PERSON>: July 20 2007) - Members of al Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces are unlawful enemy combatants who are not entitled to the protections that the Third Geneva Convention provides to prisoners of war. The Military Commissions Act defines certain prohibitions of Common Article 3 for United States law, and it reaffirms and reinforces the authority of the President to interpret the meaning and application of the Geneva Conventions.", "0" ], [ "Yes basically a president or their documents can be brought forth to Supreme Court or Congress, but they have the right to deny it by invoking executive privilege. \n\nThe EO outlines that if the Supreme Court or Congress asks for presidential records for a certain administration, only the current President (<PERSON>) or former living Presidents (<PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>) can refuse access to them by invoking executive privilege. \n\nPerhaps the most noteworthy invocation of executive privilege came from <PERSON> when Congress asked to turn over his tape recordings of meetings in the WH oval office.", "216" ], [ "The [2009 NDAA](_URL_3_) had no explicit allocations to move Guantanamo detainees (because <PERSON> had signed it into law on Oct 14 2008) so <PERSON> was unable to do anything about it through the end of FY2009 \n\nThe [2010 NDAA](_URL_2_) was actually the first full NDAA that prohibited funding to transfer or release detainees at Guantanamo Bay. \n\n > (Sec. 1041) Prohibits the Secretary, from October 1, 2009, through December 31, 2010, from using any funds to release into the United States any non-U.S. individuals detained at the Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Prohibits the Secretary, during the same period, from using such funds to transfer any such individuals to the United States or its territories or possessions until 45 days after the President submits to the defense and appropriations committees a plan for the disposition of such detainees. Requires the plan to include, at a minimum: (1) an assessment of risks posed by such an individual; (2) measures to be taken to mitigate such risks; and (3) the costs associated with executing the plan.\n\nSo for his first year, it's possible he could have attempted to get funding to transfer or release detainees but let's remember that the Congress [blocked funding for the transfer/release of detainees in FY2009](_URL_0_) 4 months after he took office with the [Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2009](_URL_1_). \n\nThis is 2009, both Democrats and Republicans weren't really cool with just moving 245 known, suspected, or potential terrorists somewhere else. That's why a broad group of both Democrats and Republicans voted against funding for the transfer/release of detainees. \n\nPlus it wasn't that simple for <PERSON> to just order them moved as commander-in-chief, each detainee had to have been signed off by every national security and intelligence agency before being transferred regardless of whether or not it was to the US or to another country.\n\nMore info about <PERSON>'s failures and inability in closing Gitmo if you care to read: _URL_4_", "796" ], [ "[43 years ago he wrote about it in some newspaper](_URL_0_). Not particularly relevant, just cherry picking a repeated talking point in opposition to <PERSON> as usual. \n\n > “The constant element is that he’s been on a search for a way that we can tamp down on income inequality in the United States,” <PERSON> said of <PERSON>. “He’s been open to considering all kinds of different approaches all through the years.”", "27" ], [ "> To say that 'I'm delighted to work with <PERSON> on this' is giving a white supremacist undeserved credit.\n\nYou're assuming <PERSON> would be working with <PERSON> on *everything* and [you're so very wrong](_URL_0_). \n\n > Vermont Sen. <PERSON> said Wednesday he is willing to collaborate with President-elect <PERSON> going forward but warned he would \"strongly oppose\" the Republican should he continue to pursue his most extreme policy proposals.", "211" ], [ "No I never said that. \n\nYou're the one implying <PERSON> attacked other candidates when <PERSON> was the one person who [at many times](_URL_1_) during the primary wanted to instead focus [on the issues](_URL_2_). <PERSON> had said from the start [he wanted to take it all the way to the convention](_URL_3_). \n\nDo you think his supporters would have [gained a foothold in the California Democratic Party](_URL_0_) if he had dropped out of the race before the convention? Do you think that was hardly constructive, getting young people to start giving more of a shit about local and state politics?", "939" ], [ "in b4 some <PERSON> supporter claims it's fake news because it's only coming from anonymous sources:\n\n > According to a U.S. official and a former official, Border Patrol agents have been told that <PERSON> is no longer on the job. It’s not immediately clear whether <PERSON> resigned or was asked to leave.\n\n > The U.S. official wasn’t authorized to discuss the move before a public announcement and spoke on condition of anonymity. The former official asked not to be identified before a government announcement.", "452" ], [ "It's since been updated.\n\n > The Gmail account is believed to belong to White House director of social media <PERSON>. But shortly after the Gmail revelations went viral, another attempt to reset the password showed that the account’s email preferences had been changed to what appears to be two government email addresses.\n\n(yes I also actually checked)", "452" ], [ "I'm not trying to pretend it isn't anything, everyone else in this thread seems to be assuming it's his default password when it could be as you say: a temporary password. \n\nEven if it is a temporary password it doesn't deserve nearly the kind of clickbait attention it's getting right now from this subreddit, this is quite possibly one of the dumbest fuck-ups from the <PERSON> administration to be hobbling over. \n\nIf anything they've done so far is an indication, none of them seem to know what the fuck they're doing especially if they've got <PERSON> doing the cyber.", "966" ], [ "What the hell kind of blood money to the DNC are you talking about? \n\nA political party still needs to raise money if it wants to gain seats especially in the local and state elections. That's what <PERSON> [talked about](_URL_0_) in the days immediately after Election Day. \n\nHow else can you spread the message to elect a given candidate if you don't have money to put into TV/radio ads, mailers, and websites? We don't need to be fundraising 24/7, but we still need to do it in order to keep things running smoothly. Additionally what we definitely need to be doing again is knocking on doors, talking with people face to face, and listening their concerns; another point <PERSON> has repeatedly brought up. \n\nPlus if you want to work at any organization, the first big no-no is to torch your predecessors. You can acknowledge that mistakes were made, but if you shit on them, you are going to lose support from the ones that are going to be making the decision to bring you onboard.", "736" ], [ "Say you're applying for a promotion within a company. The last project you worked didn't go so well and other people took credit for some of your work. \n\nWould you throw everyone you worked with under the bus knowing a few of those people might be the ones to make the decision to promote you? \n\nMaybe that's why nobody running for the DNC chair position wants to admit the DNC rigged the primary.", "939" ], [ "> <PERSON>, who was South Carolina's Republican governor when <PERSON> picked her for the post, has little foreign policy and no U.S. federal government experience.\n\nYou think she's gonna know what does and doesn't work, and why things work or don't work? \n\nThat kind of statement should be common sense, it didn't really need stating the obvious and it doesn't help she doesn't have any experience regarding the matter.", "557" ], [ "> In 2003, <PERSON> took a job as the second-in-command in Texas’s own human services department, where he was put in charge of a drastic privatization of many services. An investigation by the Houston Chronicle in 2005 alleged that <PERSON> had been involved in awarding tens of millions of dollars worth of state contracts to companies with which he was personally linked.\n\n > After he left the Texas state administration, <PERSON>’s new company AutoGov won a no-bid contract worth at least $207,000 in public funds to work on fixing the error-plagued computerized welfare system that Phillips had implemented. The Dallas Morning News described the problematic setup as “the state’s biggest privatization fiasco”.\n\nUnpaid taxes, ethics issues, exploitation of power. <PERSON> almighty.", "825" ], [ "Yep. Let's travel back in time to [November 18th last year](_URL_0_)\n\n > As evidence of its claim, InfoWars’ headline refers to a report from _URL_3_ and tweets from <PERSON>, whose Twitter profile says he’s the founder of VoteStand, a voter fraud reporting app.\n\n > There is no report from _URL_3_, however, and <PERSON> told PolitiFact he is not affiliated with that website. The information comes from tweets made by from <PERSON> on [Nov. 11](_URL_1_) and [Nov. 13](_URL_2_).", "103" ], [ "> An investigation by the Houston Chronicle in 2005 alleged that <PERSON> had been involved in awarding tens of millions of dollars worth of state contracts to companies with which he was personally linked.\n > After he left the Texas state administration, <PERSON>’s new company AutoGov won a no-bid contract worth at least $207,000 in public funds to work on fixing the error-plagued computerized welfare system that Phillips had implemented.\n\nCharging the state government tens of millions of dollars and at least $207,000 in public funds is basically nothing either....... /s", "915" ], [ "> <PERSON>: Are you at all concerned it's going to cause more anger among Muslims around the world?\n\n > <PERSON>: Anger? There's plenty of anger right now. How can you have more?\n\n > <PERSON>: You don't think it'll exacerbate the problem?\n\n > <PERSON>: <PERSON>, I mean, I know you're a sophisticated guy. The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. What? You think this is gonna cause a little more anger? The world is an angry place. All of this has happened. We went into Iraq. We shouldn't have gone into Iraq. We shouldn't have gotten out the way we got out. The world is a mess. The world is a total mess <PERSON>.\n\n[Yep we're fucked.](_URL_0_)", "293" ] ]
[ 17420, 17672, 16937, 6432, 20451, 4670, 9419, 22419, 23571, 10416, 25251, 361, 475, 16531, 163, 12920, 21233, 22506, 7543, 18161, 460, 22086, 275, 11372, 25063, 18059, 6381, 408, 8942, 3985, 16134, 22347, 22180, 11463, 5490, 13752, 24880, 4459, 13738, 16258, 16584, 2080, 12361, 11052, 10922, 16033, 12837, 22932, 25126, 15174, 23328, 14379, 23596, 1571, 23826, 20803, 12128, 17004, 14466, 9306, 18289, 23093, 4450, 24771, 15238, 2935, 18327, 3497, 13624, 20977, 4779, 25474, 25124, 2641, 1769, 8807, 8539, 5107, 4224, 11692, 18343, 13750, 13573, 15076, 18175, 23806, 15931, 19444, 25235, 12136, 8351, 5103, 22142, 24844, 6178, 9523, 21229, 856, 14598, 10108, 4, 16037, 16294, 11130, 5248, 4910, 24354, 12999, 3197, 13590, 1103, 20562, 25052, 19850, 3967, 1430, 15885, 1884, 13377, 513, 12984, 4529, 11302, 12517, 5500, 22210, 13092, 7814, 10968, 18831, 16166, 24083, 4811, 1428, 23216, 19223, 20476, 23087, 13687, 10402, 15807, 10483, 7851, 3732, 22798, 4589, 13857, 22830, 24755, 13519, 6805, 13755, 5572, 15259, 19740, 9273, 22424, 22886, 7051, 21680, 2507, 6388, 9841, 17584, 16979, 1703, 19165, 19708, 18914, 21742, 8989, 23188, 12507, 16744, 16073, 19526, 11798, 22679, 132, 16547, 24390, 23565, 24648, 1990, 12328, 1781, 3833, 16189, 19168, 14949, 24008, 21751, 18573, 14962, 12382, 10112, 11293, 2344, 20858, 8359, 21099, 22816, 3009, 16556, 12417, 1779, 488, 17666, 23362, 13711, 13122, 23803, 1782, 13398, 21659, 6807, 24870, 16120, 12264, 3529, 16139, 19610, 15200, 10996, 18272, 10163, 18543, 7002, 24708, 2107, 12376, 12962, 23163, 14213, 5073, 10671, 17507, 22178, 847, 13416, 13058, 6731, 17547, 23514, 21940, 13778, 13780, 4632, 12888, 19789, 16447, 24200, 1871, 7533, 10346, 3850, 6402, 22445, 16806, 16326, 16607, 18477, 16842, 3549, 6465, 19017, 24948, 7909, 2606, 11182, 22112, 14821, 7008, 17210, 5966, 15004, 17455, 75, 2225, 20272, 8674, 21396, 2495, 24113, 7402, 18681, 13046, 24029, 20178, 4933, 10658, 22034, 6236, 18894, 14520, 24885, 21120, 22668, 17300, 20368, 2340, 21792, 11754, 21924, 10977, 6877, 13586, 18562, 10432, 14087, 8514, 13060, 6655, 8592, 5576, 11608, 6187, 12832, 24982, 639, 530, 14367, 24424, 9666, 1037, 141, 19611, 7468, 5052, 13882, 130, 16030, 10077, 5931, 20869, 19401, 23820, 9904, 4538, 13025, 9507, 2314, 19373, 22153, 7211, 4056, 19567, 13331, 17242, 22334, 357, 17639, 13851, 10718, 4699, 8719, 19909, 7908, 16988, 3437, 12933, 25066, 21317, 6587, 16500, 17675, 12543, 17840, 2465, 22213, 3988, 16782, 18718, 14023, 22327, 8909, 14668, 10237, 4405, 21476, 24538, 14085, 12800, 2583, 24507, 9410, 921, 18611, 20991, 21213, 8493, 3092, 83, 10806, 17997, 23053, 4248, 5754, 18488, 2548, 24062, 9092, 15255, 19894, 19411, 22007, 15916, 13655, 7695, 74, 1246, 8108, 10082, 16400, 11688, 2774, 11723, 16760, 7149, 17610, 15889, 23187, 18030, 20190, 14948, 3129, 3828, 2851, 11108, 14360, 14649, 17480, 8974, 8221, 13002, 11837, 21545, 23700, 23629, 14214, 2793, 4737, 16560, 15628, 6175, 24730, 2294, 15849, 6333, 4783, 25256, 10940, 23764, 6335, 16519, 1237, 2700, 11431, 13238, 16750, 9115, 8508, 21321, 12944, 7030, 16798, 1086, 14474, 19095, 15411, 8742, 10283, 1654, 4940, 9212, 2351, 14786, 21648, 3316, 15087, 6146, 1994, 18, 9842, 8384, 9690, 6415, 14931, 14278, 15152, 5162, 1699, 18088, 16152, 1560, 7613, 21419, 25421, 9051 ]
[ [ "Personally love Voyager, together with DS9 it's my favourite show, in particular, because of the character development and the dynamic of the crew. Seven is fantastic and the doctor is one of my favourite overall characters as well. The show also had great range from episodes like *Year of Hell* to *Someone to watch over me* it did a lot of genres and settings really well.", "60" ], [ "> just enforce the laws,\n\npretty much impossible if you sell alcohol at every gas station unless you want to put a police officer in every single one. It's way too trivial to sell booze under the counter\n\n > not sure what's so special about alcohol, it sure kills less people than cigarettes\n\nGiven that only 10% of the Swedish population smoke alcohol is almost certainly the single most deadly/harmful drug in the country.", "382" ], [ "China has, over the last two decades become one of the largest generators of renewable energy, one of the few countries actually expanding nuclear power (to the point where they're now building plants in the UK because the gov. has lost its engineering knowledge). \n\nThe entire drama basically rests on the false assumption that China is doing nothing which is bogus to begin with. It's just that it's still a country with a 10k/capita gdp growing rapidly so it's also producing more emissions.", "848" ], [ "I man yes basically. Russia invaded Ukraine to create territorial uncertainty and a frozen conflict, it's the same thing they did in Ossetia, Abkhazia and Transnistria. Any state that is in limbo is effectively shut out of European or NATO expansion. If twenty years ago when <PERSON> came into office there had been proper integration between Russia and the European Union I doubt it would have happened.", "381" ], [ "I've not lived there but I've been there, I felt it was a truly strange place. The problem with the place is it's like Hong Kong. There's no actual Singaporean business or novelist I can think of in the last twenty years. Sure littering policy is fine but beyond a thin veneer of 'smart governance' or whatever the country has no entrepreneurship. It feels like a giant mall.", "79" ], [ "family orientation != communitarianism. Family ties are strong in a lot of East-Asian countries, but they're not communitarian, the wider community, charity, religious organisations and all institutions of that kind are weak. China today combines weak civic society with strong legal authority and a lot of personal individual ambition. It's almost diametrically opposed to western communitarianism which comes out of the Christian tradition.", "848" ], [ "sure but it's still two entirely different discussions. the model assumes no-growth and then explains why poor and rich countries converge, which is true but OPs question is about the nature of tech progress and productivity growth. \n\nIt's not obvious why tech progress has slowed down this much and it's not great that so much of economics ignores the question. and just treats it as exogenous. \n\nyou can argue that tech progress is like fetching low hanging fruit and we've just run out of tech but that's not obviously true and it's an inherently political debate.", "841" ], [ "no that's not the point of the film, it's to show that the logic of the system essentially forces the rich as well as the poor to live 'parasitically', from the director (who is a socialist lol)\n\n > \"Because the story is about the poor family infiltrating and creeping into the rich house, it seems very obvious that Parasite refers to the poor family, and I think that's why the marketing team was a little hesitant,\" he explained. \"But if you look at it the other way, you can say that rich family, they're also parasites in terms of labor. They can't even wash dishes, they can't drive themselves, so they leech off the poor family's labor. So both are parasites.\"", "246" ], [ "i mean there's a lot you can talk about from regulation, to the death of institutions like the corporate research lab (think bell labs) to lack of education focus on the sciences, finance or services crowding out tech by vacuuming up all the 200 IQ people in hedgefunds solving sudokus, to governments failing to support basic research and having lost the capacity to start large scale projects and so on. \n\nI think a lot of economics is too 'mathy' to put this into some sort of 'model'. You hear people talk a lot about monetary policy or tax policy but very little about the structure of the firm of innovation today which is weird", "976" ], [ "> but not in the way people think.\n\nthere's some evidence that they also do it exactly in the way people think, which isn't really surprising tbh, exposure to violent content probably does normalise and glorify violence. \n\nI remember that in one of the Hannibal episodes they had to cover the butt of a disfigured person in blood to get a lower age rating because nudity was apparently considered more harmful than gore. Says something about the state of the culture", "367" ], [ "Teaching boomer truckers to code is indeed a meme, but if you've trouble just keep going, many people took years learning to code in their youth and nowadays people oversell how quick and easy it is to learn to code. \n\nMight just be the case that the style of the book isn't for you, so you could try out an online course or follow a youtube tutorial.", "704" ], [ "Most post-war wars were fought in the context of the cold war, and the cold war is over. The war on terror turned out to be an extreme drain on the US, and one of the reasons <PERSON> is in office now and not a bog standard Republican are those wars. \n\nGlobalisation over the last 70 years was made possible by the US being the only player around, and the US having some stake in global affairs, which isn't really the case any more. You'd have seen the US-China conflict under any party.\n\nThere's really no point for the US to keep an order alive that props up what they perceive to be their nr. 1 enemy, while you have supply chains move to China and a whole array of domestic issues. This trend won't reverse under a democrat.", "124" ], [ "**F#**, all bonuses\n\n let wordList = _URL_0_.File.ReadAllLines(\"enable1.txt\")\n \n let morseAlphabet = \n \".- -... -.-. -.. . ..-. --. .... .. .--- -.- .-.. -- -. --- .--. --.- .-. ... - ..- ...- .-- -..- -.-- --..\".Split(\" \")\n | > ['a'..'z']\n | > Map.ofSeq\n \n let encode word = (fun x - > Map.find x morseAlphabet) word | > Seq.reduce (+)\n \n let morseGroups = Seq.groupBy encode wordList\n \n let isBalanced (word: string) = \n let count x = Seq.filter ((=) x) > > Seq.length\n let w = encode word\n count '-' w = count '.' w & & word.Length = 21 & & word < > \"counterdemonstrations\"\n \n let isPalindrome (w: string) = encode w = (encode w | > Seq.rev | > String.Concat) & & w.Length = 13\n\n let rec getPerms result = seq {\n match Seq.length result with \n | 13 - > yield ( string result | > String.concat \"\")\n | _ - > yield! getPerms ('.' <IP_ADDRESS> result)\n yield! getPerms ('-' <IP_ADDRESS> result)\n }\n\n let bonus5 =\n let allEncodings = encode wordList\n let permutations = getPerms []\n let subExists (w: string) = (fun (x: string) - > x.Contains(w)) allEncodings | > (Seq.contains true > > not)\n Seq.filter subExists permutations\n\n Seq.find (fun (_, words) - > Seq.length words = 13) morseGroups \n Seq.find (fun w - > (encode w).Contains(\"---------------\")) wordList\n Seq.find isBalanced wordList \n Seq.find isPalindrome wordList\n bonus5\n\n**Output**\n\n (\"-....--....\", seq [\"babe\"; \"bans\"; \"bates\"; \"bath\"; ...])\n bottommost\n overcommercialization\n intransigence\n \"---.---.---.-\" \"--.---.---.--\" \"---.----.----\" \"---.---.-----\" \"--.---.------\"", "446" ], [ "Ridiculous in the sense that no country the size of China is going to tolerate a foreign power on their doorstep. Self determination is a nice notion but if we had small countries on the border of superpowers engage in self-determination we'd probably end up in WW 3 in less than five years. \n\nThere was no scenario under which China accepts a British outpost or encourages separatism by letting HK declare independence, no other great power would behave in any other way. Russia is not going to tolerate threats at their border and neither would the US, if that situation ever arose. \n\nI also generally disagree with the notion of self-determination when it comes to the Falkland islands, or the basque territories, or catalonia. The interests of marginal regions don't justify the threat of war between large military powers.\n\n > If <PERSON> decided to take Taiwan, do you really think it would be a good idea to just hand them over to the Communists with some temporary autonomy framework they wouldn't respect?\n\nIf the alternative is that the US goes to war with China, yes.", "753" ], [ "Sry if I don't respond to everything because there's a lot in that post, but China isn't nazi germany. China is here to stay and a legitimate actor and they have territorial interests in their periphery. This isn't about appeasement because China isn't at war with anyone, they are securing their national interest. \n\nCuba, which has indeed for the longest time been an antagonistic outpost at the US border is poor, sanctioned and isolated because of it. The Cuban pepole haven't benefited from their position. Is a \"free hong kong\" better if the result had been that China had turned the water and energy off? Probably not. \n\nAnd we really don't need another cold war. Because the world was drawn along ideological lines rather than respecting territorial integrity we came pretty close to nuking each other into space more than a few times. If 1999 is your birth year you're probably too young to remember the cold war, but my country Germany, was split along ideological lines, and I remember NATO and Soviet tanks facing each other down. \n\nA united Germany is much better off than some alternative reality were east germany gets to decide to stay communist because they like it.", "753" ], [ "Yes, <PERSON>'s party won approximately a super-majority with about 40% of the public first round vote, the French system is extremely FPTP like, with the exception that they run two rounds. The same tactical winner-take-it-all dynamic exists. Together with the UK France is the only European country to not employ proportional voting. \n\nIn fact the intention of the French runoff system is identical with the American system, producing absolute majorities. This is why you don't see the coalition based politics of proportional voting you get in say Germany or Scandinavia.", "207" ], [ "definitely the pro-democracy ancoms with the tankie gommies, I don't think many of the former are a big fan of <PERSON> lol (except in angry discussions about American imperialism or whatever)\n\nAlso I think this sort of 'hypocrisy' is pretty typical to any ideology, some revolutionary commie isn't going to support a capitalist revolution just because they like revolutions, same story could be spun about liberal democrats defending the coup against <PERSON>", "249" ], [ "> If China takes Taiwan (and don't buy the hype - they're currently not capable of conquering Taiwan quick enough to avoid a US intervention. They are on track to be within the next two decades though) this encirclement is broken\n\nI don't buy the hype, but then again two decades aren't that long in political terms. In 2047 One country two systems is over and we'll see what state China's military is in. \n\nAlso there's obviously the fact that Taiwan's economy is already strongly intertwined with the mainland, migration between taiwan and china plays a larger role and most international recognition of taiwan seems to be deteriorating. So in a few decades Taiwan might move closer to China without a shot being fired.", "753" ], [ "> t may seem strange that a doctrine promising choice and freedom should have been promoted with the slogan “there is no alternative”. **But, as <PERSON> remarked on a visit to <PERSON>’s Chile – one of the first nations in which the programme was comprehensively applied – “my personal preference leans toward a liberal dictatorship rather than toward a democratic government devoid of liberalism”**. The freedom that neoliberalism offers, which sounds so beguiling when expressed in general terms, turns out to mean freedom for the pike, not for the minnows.\n\nThank you <PERSON>, very cool", "627" ], [ "as far as I know there's no unrest in China, and information about the hong kong protests is quite heavily censored either way, so many people who only have access to the domestic internet don't know the full scope. \n\nBut anyway protesters in particular ones who pull up the british colonial flag aren't going to get sympathy. The general population is much more weary of foreign governments than it is of the Chinese government. Especially the materially wealthy Chinese middle-class, which is quite huge already will probably always support the government over perceived unrest.", "347" ], [ "seriously though I think there's actuallly a lot of merit to the <PERSON>-ish libertarian criticism of modern capitalism as lacking in genuine innovation and production and having shifted towards shallow consumer products that don't contribute to growth. Unless there's some crazy beer innovation going on here the craft beer 'revolution' is likely just a zero-sum game for beer drinkers\n\nAnd the overlap with conservatives happens insofar as they critize this consumer-focus from a moral angle.", "627" ], [ "it's more about the mode of production. Coke surely innovated in the logistics of producing as much coke as possible for as little money as possible. Artisanal production is sort of pre-capitalist, where a dude sits in his apartment and brews beer, as a result the price of craft beer is obviously higher. \n\nThe good thing about capitalism generally is that it replaced old modes of production with more productive ones, it kind of destroyed artisanal products for this reason, replacing expensive products with cheap ones which created huge welfare gains. \n\nA bunch of people now sitting in their appartments producing very little beer at very high cost and becoming self-employed isn't exactly great from a capitalist standpoint.", "101" ], [ "I mean sure if all the brands get absorbed into large manufacturers and the prices come down fine, but there's even venture capital craft beer funds which is ridiculous because beer doesn't scale like tech companies do, I mean even the growth isn't really sustainable because alcohol consumption isn't going to grow exponentially. This is likely to come crash down at some point. \n\nAnd on the consumption side, I seriously would like to know if craft beer enthusiasts can reliably separate generic brands from craft beer, because in the wine industry or if this is just a lot of marketing fueling hedonistic consumption.", "830" ], [ "> 'Capitalism keeps making all this stuff that I personally don't like so it must have no value.'\n\nThat's not really the point. The question is whether capital being allocated to these niche consumer markets produces long term innovation and growth. \n\nNot all consumption is created equal and not all consumption is benefical to individuals. Drugs being the very obvious example, which includes beer but also the flourishing cannabis industry. \n\nYour average millenial consumer (and the economy long term) would probably be better off if the weed and craft-beer budget went into a college or healthcare savings account, and that capital being soaked up by dispensaries might be better off in a sector where you see technological growth.", "976" ], [ "I hope you realise that red vienna was constructed by freezing rents for years until the private devleopers dropped out of the market followed by large scale public housing program, and today the majoriy of housing in vienna is still public. \n\nLike if we're in agreement that californian cities need to nationalise two thirds of the housing market i'll grant you you can build as much for profit housing as you want on top of it", "302" ], [ "I mean sure you can blame it on whatever you want, but don't characterize the entirety of vienna as some sort of private housing success when 70% of the property is publicly owned, that is incoherent in and of itself. \n\nWhen red vienna under social democratic governance was reformed, they literally had the same housing shortage problem (and inflation to boot), but nonetheless priced private developers out using rent freezes. You can make your argument for housing shortages without some weird historical revisionism.", "302" ], [ "it's not only that the kid can't physically transition, if it is indeed true that the majority of child cases are not even gender disphoria, then letting them switch their gender is not even the appropriate response to whatever it is that causes their issues. \n\nFrom what I've read many cases of child gender disphoria are instead related to homosexuality, in which case it would be appropriate to educate children on their sexual orientation, rather than let them switch their gender.", "292" ], [ "> Big! if true\n\nas far as I know this is the state of research (source: _URL_0_)\n\n\n*\"Most children with gender dysphoria will not remain gender dysphoric after puberty. Children with persistent GID are characterized by more extreme gender dysphoria in childhood than children with desisting gender dysphoria. With regard to sexual orientation, the most likely outcome of childhood GID is homosexuality or bisexuality.\"*\n\n#\n > But seriously who gives a shit?\n\nwe definitely should give a shit because this is a medical issue and not an issue of personal choice. Letting a homosexual kid believe it is transexual is wrong. And this also can't simply be put into the domain of personal choice as we're talking about children, who facing an issue of identity aren't best equipped to make any decision of the sort.", "292" ], [ "> So in my dream world we've moved dramatically in the direction of the gig economy and everyone either basically owns their own business and sells directly to clients (cold-calling has been mostly annihilated in favor of publicly accessible neutral platforms buyers/sellers basically just dump their specs/products on) or for capital-intensive sectors with large economies of scale are paid for piece work rather than wages.\n\nnot happening, Relevant reading: Coase - The nature of the firm\n\ntl;dr there are transaction, information and bargaining costs associated with markets", "976" ], [ "wait have people here actually talked themselves into believing that meme? Yep unionisation and 40% co-ownership by the workforce. Those rich white shareholders just love it. <PERSON> has probably the strongest program for blue collar labour, which I assume is something that is highly relevant to African-Americans.\n\nAnd I'm just reading her website which also talks about criminal justice reform, abolishing private prisons and community policing, which is a pretty big deal.", "557" ], [ "Many people in Israel credit its technological success, particular in the defense sector to the tight pipeline between talent identified in the military service. It creates networks between the workplace and training, it's also egalitarian as everyone, regardless of class and race for a time serves closely together. It gives people a stepping stone into civil society. It brings people into leading positions who would otherwise never have a shot. \n\nAnd also from an individual standpoint there's lots of character building going on. I had to do 9 months of mandatory training in Germany. I took more away from it than from my first year in college (or honestly 4 years in college), which was drinking and taking tests I didn't need anyway.", "798" ], [ "China could be sending Americans IP on FedEx trucks and <PERSON> could have made that shit up nonetheless. Honestly how much do you think does the average American feels a real world impact of IP battles or trade shenanigans\n\nCase in point, the (soybean) farmers who championed <PERSON> got fucked the hardest by the trade war", "745" ], [ "> One egg, one embryo, one adult - normality. But a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From eight to ninety-six buds, and every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full-sized adult. Making ninety-six human beings grow where only one grew before. Progress.\n\nthis but unironically", "262" ], [ "> While those tools can include certain things like tariffs, our principal goal should be investing in American workers rather than diminishing our competitors. If our workers are on a level playing field, I know they can take on any challenger and win.\n\nthis is the single mention of tariffs in the entire article\n\nare you banking on people not actually reading the thing (admittedly a solid strategy)", "745" ] ]
[ 23805, 3045, 20261, 11656, 12673, 15483, 54, 11056, 10196, 3579, 25178, 15689, 9022, 13175, 22495, 23762, 22967, 2538, 21832, 24, 21054, 10282, 1239, 21090, 13613, 6642, 286, 16031, 17833, 19998, 20528, 24266, 15098, 14819, 7036, 14750, 13181, 21473, 7331, 12159, 7341, 266, 4848, 20177, 23172, 4194, 24205, 25021, 3719, 19127, 8617, 7227, 18234, 24832, 20513, 23467, 20649, 23580, 24060, 20835, 22706, 313, 1708, 23914, 3988, 24056, 13646, 21604, 8077, 10365, 20983, 11351, 21643, 18852, 63, 24895, 18575, 22025, 8311, 16792, 6499, 15135, 20193, 3818, 18024, 22801, 3332, 9296, 10097, 12267, 5021, 10199, 14118, 16495, 14241, 19301, 1240, 19809, 695, 19441, 15478, 12129, 22072, 3231, 11100, 4835, 21183, 21173, 18235, 14146, 25200, 18737, 9873, 21140, 24600, 12199, 715, 4058, 11130, 250, 13214, 22795, 3792, 11066, 13520, 24854, 5667, 2145, 21599, 7704, 22816, 2074, 988, 16963, 13749, 4366, 8639, 19261, 23812, 3637, 15268, 7002, 12598, 6028, 4647, 16781, 15787, 6652, 16695, 24552, 1293, 11758, 23833, 5997, 16804, 3335, 13413, 9225, 21269, 14801, 2875, 24366, 14638, 5761, 14844, 21663, 6587, 9474, 20898, 15766, 12453, 6336, 24501, 21738, 9313, 1931, 18881, 24083, 594, 6670, 20486, 22784, 3466, 9843, 11395, 23418, 6704, 21680, 20442, 15206, 24482, 10959, 15546, 22444, 22608, 21972, 25052, 5240, 4162, 16464, 2783, 9161, 22034, 15882, 1491, 23404, 14668, 11506, 8116, 11359, 14906, 3055, 10593, 3018, 25201, 8256, 9745, 19760, 15046, 3019, 3809, 8248, 11422, 5185, 2304, 3446, 10980, 16935, 327, 6478, 1668, 4839, 20828, 1302, 13557, 10579, 22489, 18865, 11817, 3416, 15428, 4280, 24355, 23588, 7766, 6851, 3421, 17922, 11716, 18898, 892, 14635, 9239, 12937, 8386, 23117, 16569, 9907, 9501, 22454, 20507, 20012, 11513, 7838, 3572, 4347, 20437, 8939, 18682, 11853, 7400, 24067, 23928, 15842, 14749, 7639, 24497, 11198, 13930, 20160, 5459, 20383, 14985, 13987, 13682, 17670, 24699, 12888, 16902, 24337, 6975, 13729, 21112, 10896, 6908, 270, 14520, 21195, 16780, 25044, 24407, 24688, 18167, 13500, 1698, 15826, 15423, 8108, 22557, 15413, 13310, 13, 12553, 5478, 18250, 5651, 16014, 1949, 24925, 15916, 11507, 24409, 25455, 681, 19148, 9958, 4929, 23616, 10519, 2686, 6362, 17907, 24549, 4277, 4441, 22528, 4618, 19657, 20463, 17790, 742, 10947, 20950, 16321, 42, 2224, 15192, 25226, 12800, 16237, 18992, 13765, 13581, 20146, 5466, 16344, 19200, 115, 23675, 16711, 24575, 20409, 17026, 15974, 12913, 16524, 12335, 24533, 21479, 21256, 5682, 1316, 14455, 23318, 13673, 3735, 4682, 451, 20886, 4700, 22235, 8477, 24627, 21295, 8273, 20495, 23860, 593, 13551, 1920, 4088, 4367, 22542, 10970, 19242, 5290, 10079, 16871, 1928, 24303, 7436, 21619, 19659, 21284, 14926, 5901, 323, 14821, 10186, 7422, 11315, 23281, 8158, 18751, 21433, 14972, 15963, 5824, 14863, 2088, 1479, 13674, 15102, 5306, 16152, 20292, 13822, 7975, 17805, 12507, 4940, 15509, 12043, 16667, 25540, 1475, 14091, 15717, 3985, 22428, 25421, 8181, 21957, 3757, 10178, 5394, 25185, 22567, 2357, 14685, 2942, 18718, 8183, 82, 9736, 25536, 7358, 22337, 1885, 4161, 16629, 1452, 11923, 18705, 9889, 2586, 6655, 2287, 13498, 9652, 1283, 7981, 25493, 6256, 8580, 1461, 11084, 21416, 21958, 22516, 12866, 24009, 7738, 736, 23663, 13746, 6141, 10026, 14279, 13159, 21148, 21033, 3931, 11189, 4243, 1954, 8541, 16666, 12933 ]
[ [ "Zfs does not. you have 3 options\n\n & #x200B;\n\n1 take existing vdev, replace small disks with big disk one by one, rebuilding in between. High risk of data los.\n\n2 strip another vdev along with existing disks. eg 3x 4tb raidz1 + 3 x 6tb raidz2. 20tb total.\n\n3, create a second pool and put some data on on and some on another.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nZfs expansion is on the road map. But as I doubt any Ixsystems customers actually care about it, it does not seem to be a priority. So if this feature is a must for you, you will need to choose another (less reliable) file system.", "448" ], [ "quite misleading;\n\n[_URL_0_](_URL_0_)\n\n\" Scottish universities and colleges tested students from 30 November to 13 December, conducting a total of 43 925 lateral flow tests across all test sites.[2](_URL_0_#ref-2) Of these, 79 (0.2%) were positive, although preliminary analysis of 31 of these positive samples showed that only 13 were positive on PCR testing, giving a false positive rate of 58%. \"\n\nIts not that if you test 100 not sick people, 58 will show positive. It is that of the 43,000 people they tested, 18 people got told they were sick when they really were not. I like those odds.", "266" ], [ "The calculator shows about 50 plastic factories will consume an entire pipe worth of petroleum. This is a quite reasonable limit to run into. And of course nuke plants take huge amounts of water. Nowhere near unlimited. \n\n\nI would argue anyone who is concerned with UPS has way more than 50 plastics factories built.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nI don't disagree that magic teleporting pipes could make UPS better. My argument is there should be some level of 'realism' to it. Maintaining the throughput limits they have like belts do, not making them unlimited like power.", "470" ], [ "Not sure how that would work, you will need an address to register and insure the car too. Every time I have moved states they have asked for bills from the new address to prove you live there. (Otherwise everyone would just say they lived where ever was cheapest). \n\n\nWhen you saw the top gear guys come here and buy cars to drive around for a month, I am sure there was some movie magic to the legal sides of that. \n\n\nOf course if you have a friend there. they could buy the car and let you use it.", "353" ], [ "It might not be as simple as you think.\n\nThe 'simple' method used by power is basically total all the sources and total all the sinks that are connected together. \n\nIf I wanted to limit the flow at a node you would instead need to do a path traversal across the network to sum up the sources and sinks across each node. As each sink (eg inserter) can turn on or off each tick, you would need to re-do this sum each tick. You should only need to the path traversal (network reductions) when a change is made (connection added or deleted)\n\nThe difference in power to liquids is the power network holds no inventory (other than accumulators). Where every node in liquid network has an inventory (tanks, assemblers, pipes). I don't see removing this as feasible as we create tanks exactly for this reason.", "1006" ], [ "I agree removing their inventory would be reasonable. Though the impact would likely be small. \n\nIf you are doing the 'teleporting' fluid method, each pipe network could be reduced to essentially a tank of whatever volume is right for the length. So a tree of 1000 pipes would take the same time to calculate as a single pipe between two assemblers.\n\nCalculateing the 'balance' between all the nodes every tick would still be most of the work\n\n\nI expect the analysis would have parallels to the freshman Circuits class mesh analysis. _URL_0_", "742" ], [ "I would recommend killing as few as possible in the early game.\n\nThe evolution formula takes into account how many nests you killed (along with pollution and time)\n\nSo killing tons of nests will only make them stronger in the long run.\n\n\nThat being said, turret creep with ap bullets is the best you can do in the early game. Build a dozen in a line outside the agro range. load them up with plenty of bullets. Have you pockets full of grenades, or better posion capsules.\n\nAgro the bitters, run behind the turrets, let them clear up the horde, as they quiet down go aim for the nearest spawners, kite around, don't try to kill the biters yourself, run back to the turrets for them do you the work.\n\nIt will probably take 30 mins or so each nest until you get better gear.", "668" ], [ "I am American, no home, car or anything in the US. I flew out Dec 2019 and haven't been back yet.\n\nThe cost to re-establish a life there will be huge. And one of the most dangerous places in the world to be right now. No thanks.\n\nWas lucky to be able to spend 7 months in Thailand starting in March. Options are getting tight for where to go now though. I'd much prefer a visa that lets me stay put for 3 months at a time.", "1004" ], [ "I have a few external drives for the really important stuff.\n\nI have free file sync on my windows box. I saved scripts for each disk\n\n\nDisk 1 is music\nDisk 2 is pictures, etc.\n\nSo about once a month I will connect each drive one by one and run the right script. The software is smart enough to only update changes, so the comparison takes about as long as the copy, 30 mins each.\n\n\nI have 30tb total on the NAS, but only 10tb of external. Not worth the effort for everything.", "448" ] ]
[ 5615, 20998, 21806, 21915, 17427, 6776, 3782, 17369, 16563, 15417, 18577, 16817, 21050, 23240, 6396, 3058, 7665, 17139, 14998, 8098, 23744, 6520, 17322, 24722, 16178, 11539, 25535, 16998, 2903, 18616, 3263, 16957, 25384, 15185, 1516, 11552, 5243, 19211, 12672, 16126, 6948, 20641, 10549, 20444, 22654, 10622, 3679, 12418, 14420, 15784, 7000, 25167, 9951, 7413, 179, 22413, 8182, 7092, 2805, 21301, 4282, 22092, 14382, 22555, 13239, 13286, 24124, 2853, 16422, 14758, 15394, 146, 3869, 1862, 17991, 20427, 22386, 17939, 19528, 14242, 6829, 18622, 17640, 2305, 23701, 6890, 482, 7559, 19253, 4024, 1196, 7855, 3282, 5971, 2837, 7195, 21171, 17301, 14248, 4748, 19997, 17096, 16331, 277, 9884, 12764, 12025, 17986, 19035, 17220, 3480, 9464, 4927, 23295, 12166, 11467, 5211, 17443, 4090, 18307, 8375, 5635, 6150, 1415, 7390, 23314, 24620, 3953, 18001, 8448, 11478, 21576, 20931, 5082, 6093, 1442, 12730, 2297, 253, 24309, 19469, 6196, 20733, 2990, 23238, 20959, 20041, 5232, 2725, 21611, 21668, 310, 14256, 18222, 13745, 4159, 687, 14014, 11529, 2248, 19733, 19269, 18924, 2250, 9707, 8961, 10663, 5637, 11448, 6424, 15279, 14810, 553, 23724, 4412, 13631, 15856, 19736, 7902, 22804, 17681, 10422, 378, 19936, 16587, 23607, 3754, 4326, 24876, 14203, 15437, 16386, 5499, 5875, 3915, 24522, 20781, 11997, 20127, 22855, 5106, 650, 11893, 10716, 19341, 12547, 2676, 6248, 4689, 13346, 10835, 7901, 16148, 11925, 15744, 23637, 16717, 1457, 1177, 14794, 8352, 10349, 12594, 25360, 9499, 24781, 23226, 11382, 19315, 4153, 3961, 9624, 22571, 18394, 10908, 24465, 9069, 14143, 15183, 7465, 21161, 25293, 11677, 20224, 12863, 5455, 21724, 18077, 23864, 21536, 25102, 22647, 20817, 19141, 18709, 25271, 13043, 5241, 2761, 23967, 11144, 3206, 20908, 9772, 19583, 2428, 14660, 2549, 6371, 15155, 8778, 11726, 2631, 11040, 14296, 12224, 17714, 2699, 1446, 23357, 1807, 16818, 13148, 10909, 5236, 5858, 12664, 11781, 21533, 21768, 19923, 11728, 13402, 10910, 1287, 12145, 2382, 18665, 6768, 13343, 10693, 1500, 23068, 19961, 5297, 20880, 8569, 3393, 11713, 23751, 15594, 1619, 6387, 254, 8702, 20552, 9199, 17494, 24537, 20060, 12712, 14446, 15261, 2779, 8279, 12497, 15463, 19944, 23094, 8907, 9625, 23138, 4189, 7729, 20484, 16319, 5334, 22603, 2556, 24814, 6914, 23375, 4219, 13974, 16826, 4305, 19059, 15763, 5937, 2298, 11450, 23759, 3943, 16428, 13332, 8474, 13717, 19384, 9358, 20782, 15761, 23955, 16210, 17792, 5715, 10304, 9857, 25399, 2831, 12208, 11702, 11564, 23158, 16136, 11561, 1848, 7339, 12675, 6540, 14541, 22709, 25509, 13312, 2822, 16003, 17347, 9209, 18837, 20322, 1765, 18402, 5877, 19118, 24847, 7522, 9844, 18181, 651, 19729, 21107, 19956, 19510, 15296, 7549, 19191, 8216, 20790, 23396, 9785, 17892, 11558, 294, 19805, 19435, 17749, 3546, 6853, 22827, 10930, 838, 22763, 17505, 14262, 16997, 21464, 1292, 16198, 3741, 9320, 17902, 10674, 19194, 24312, 16417, 778, 18830, 25492, 22752, 22208, 13524, 6627, 19107, 10444, 5120, 13323, 23210, 15663, 24751, 2441, 13217, 16900, 2095, 15070, 14030, 1933, 5252, 17180, 17476, 1709, 15802, 15150, 12055, 7203, 21125, 10352, 14928, 25188, 1065, 15026, 9153, 13845, 14159, 7691, 7772, 5758, 8827, 21521, 9915, 1685, 10190, 13265, 13967, 17608, 7873, 22975, 12979, 7616, 7118, 22096, 13318, 577, 14500, 1122, 7981, 18935, 18232, 5825, 22140, 11778 ]
[ [ "In your first idea you might just hit more statuaries or servo schematics, which seems like a poor use of mana. \n\nyou might want to use Threbean Inspector and Servo Exhibitions to power out the creatures (It's going to be a little slower but it will actually work. \n\nThis can be run in a deck that runs Nahiri because she also synergizes well with having big Eldrazi in your deck.", "128" ], [ "Or half the time you T4 indomitable for a Servo Schematic and a Inspiring Sanctuary \n\nYou should not play cards that make the combo worse. If you want more threats just run Ulamog and Kozilek (or whatever the next biggest threat is to get). You also run this in a shell with Gideon and Nahiri to tax your opponent's resources. Imagine that turn 4 Ulamog is going to win more often than not. Not much removal hits him.", "344" ], [ "10 cards is a pretty large difference. That is about 17 percent of the deck. And Bant Eldrazi is widely considered to be Tier 1. \n\nThere are plenty of decks in modern that are named after their strategy. There is Bant Eldrazi (wins with synergies with Eldrazi), there is Infect, Affinity (which is pretty much all synergy), Tron (wins with Tron Lands), Dredge (wins via Dredge), Ad Nauseum, Lantern Control, Naya Burn. Really the only decks that are named after their colors are the BGx decks, which are are value midrange decks it's good to have midrange decks in a format. There are plenty of options in the format. Jund and Abzan are the best midrange decks, but with the printing of Fatal Push a lot more value deck options get opened up because you now have a good way to deal with early threats.\n\nLegacy is rife with 3 and 4 color decks just like Modern is. The top deck in Legacy is Miracles, a deck that is all about out valuing you in the long game.", "344" ], [ "The world championship is not the meta for the format. Small tournaments like that are notorious for having really distinct metagames.\n\nThere are plenty of decks that don't play fetchlands: \nAffinity \nLantern Control \nTron \nAd Nauseum \nDredge \nMerfolk (which is actually a good deck in Modern) \n\nWithout midrange decks your cool brews would not be able to survive the onslaught of aggro decks or Tron. Rogue brews can't compete with anyhting in Modern. If they could compete they wouldn't be rogue brews now would they? GB tokens doesn't see play because Jund exists, GB tokens doesn't exist because it doesn't have enough power. There is plenty of diversity in Modern right now. Just because it doesn't have particular decks it doesn't mean that Modern isn't healthy right now.", "344" ], [ "The talk about women's spaces not being welcoming isn't really on topic. I am sure there are ways that women can be better, but it doesn't really matter to the topic at hand.\n\nMen don't have to worry about being hit on endlessly at a tournament, they don't have to worry about being immediately belittled by their opponents , they are assumed to enjoy magic and not just be a SO of a magic player that is at the tournament who is just trying to spend more time with their BF.\n\nI know there are plenty of good LGSs out there and that there are plenty of good players that treat women the same as they treat fellow men players, but if I s a known fact that there are LGSs that foster an environment where a woman can't go to a FNM or PPTQ because they will be belittled, hit on to a degree it's sexual harassment, and/or classified as not a real magic player. How are women supposed to get into competitive MTG in this sort of environment?\n\nA lot of women may be turned off of even trying because they hear bad stories, but guess what that shit is still happening and is this the root cause of the problem. It's not like some women made up a negative narrative, they were just sharing their experiences. \n\nThis is issue that WOTC and LGSs can fix. I don't think it's the only issue. I think there is also a systemic issue that women don't typically play plays like MTG as children which I am sure can be attributed to gender norms. That issue is a bit harder to solve for.", "632" ], [ "True there are lot of layers to any gender imbalance problem. Fixing behavior and attitudes towards women is just the first, and one of the easier steps towards getting there.\n\nWe have to fix the toxic environment before more women will come. Why would they come to a place they feel unwelcome? It can't be the other way round. Sure it can happen sometimes, but more often than not the stores will always stay toxic and never build a women customer base", "497" ], [ "1. I didn't see the comparisons to CSGO, which is why I didn't respond to it. My entire point is that the misgivings of other groups doesn't excuse our own actions. Also you didn't make a point, you just said that the knitting club you were part of was mean to someone. \n\n2. I know the problem is not just individualized to magic, but when you make a statement such as \"I'm pointing out the fact that this is a problem that extends beyond any one hobby and is inherent in our own cultural biases.\" you come as dismissive of the issue. You make it seem like it's not our responsibility to fix ourselves, that we shouldn't even bother. \n\n3. I am not being emotional, I just wanted to bring up that the knitting club example was not particularly relevant to the conversation at hand. Knitters are free to do what they want, magic players should aspire to being more inclusive.", "411" ], [ "First of all, I want to apologize. I think I have misinterpreted part of what you said, and may have read your posts in the wrong tone which to me changed the context of a lot of what you said. It came off to me as dismissive, a sort of \"everyone does is it\" attitude which I think we can both agree on is not going to progress anything. It is useful to look at other groups as a tool of self reflection.\n \nThat being said, you didn't bring in comparisons and contrasts to the knitting community. You only brought up an anecdote about it. You didn't mention what attempts were made in that club, and that made me just focus on the club itself and not how it relates to MTG. That's why I thought you were trying to strawman the issues in MTG. I now get you weren't trying to deride the conversation, but that is a common tactic to use in conversations. \n\nAll in all. I am all on board for out self and outside reflection, but that takes more than just anecdotal experience that doesn't come with an opportunity for reflection.", "837" ], [ "The GPs are more expensive but there is more people to spread the cost around. GP prices are increasing because of the costs of judges, venues, and you know, inflation in general. \n\nWOTC could do stuff like hire more game designers to get an influx of new ideas (standard has been a little state as of late). They could invest more into MTGO and make it a lot better. They could do more programs like Standard Showdowns which are good for FNM players. They could host more/ high quality coverage. They can have more GPs to play in.", "372" ], [ "It was an explore effect that the Jund has to have Scooze (a card they run 1-2 copies of because it it’s a pretty inefficient card) for. If Jund doesn’t have that or some other card they are kind screwed. \n\nIf you have your Ooze out they can remove it before getting Uro into their yard. That’s how it easily played around. Scooze wasn’t nearly enough to stop Uro in standard and pioneer why would it be good enough in modern, a format where the Uro decks are even further optimized. \n\nYour point about priority also works against Scooze as well. If they Uro player stacks it right then you won’t get a chance to exile the Uro with Scooze before it gets out onto the battlefield. \n\nI think you’re missing why Uro is such a busted card. It’s a ramp spell that doesn’t come at the same opportunity cost as other ramp spells. Normally ramp comes at the cost of running air in your deck but the fact that Uro draws a card and is a threat completely negates that downside.", "535" ], [ "I think for Legacy and Modern it's really not. It really puts the fear into playing with a bunch of Snow Basics in your deck. None of the cards you brought up are really that effective at tackling the advantage of snow. A situational counterspell or bolt isn't going to to do anything and the snowspear card is really going to do nothing. \n\nJust like Graveyard decks have RIP to contend with and Artifact decks have things like Stony to deal with I feel like legacy and modern would benefit from an \"F you\" to snow. I don't think it would be good for standard though, so I could see printing it in MH2.", "535" ], [ "I mean a Stony Silence for Snow also means players have to be careful about running snow lands in their deck otherwise risk being stuck in games where they have very little mana. Sort of how Blood Moon works. \n\nI could also see a Blood Moon for Snow Lands as well (it would also be effective against Dark Depths which is nice). \n\nThe problem is that Snow means oodles of card advantage so having something that plays like a counterspell or removal isn't really answering the problem at hand.", "535" ], [ "1. Coldsnap also had Snow Basics so I don't get your point there. \n2. That did happened but didn't they also make it so that every pack had a guildgate in it? They can't really do that for Kaldheim unless they want Kaldheim to be a gold set which doesn't seem to be the case. \n\nIn order for snow to be effective for limited there was to be a way for pretty much every pack to have snow lands in it and snow basics is the best way to do that.", "538" ], [ "Ok... \nHow does Stony Silence of Blood Moon for snow permanents not present a reason to not just run snow lands all the time? RIP is effective at making it so GY stuff doesn't get out of hand even it's often a very powerful strategy. You make people think a bit more about their deck construction. They are cards that are only good for Snow so they won't see play in the MD which means they don't preclude people from using snow at all which would be an overcorrection.\n\nIn modern and legacy none of your cards would ever be a deterrence to running Snow as they are such mediocre effects so they don't really solve the issue at hand.", "535" ], [ "We've pretty much only seen unofficial leaks so mostly what we've seen have been rares. I am sure they are common and uncommon snow payoffs. \n\nI think adding snow basics as draft element makes for an interesting draft choice that people have to make. It's just like snow in MH1 (and Cold Snap)and for Gates in Guilds sets. It allows for powerful but risky archetypes to go for and makes people balance how they focus on draft picks. Snow Basics were absolutely important to pick up in MH1 and you'd be right to often 4th pick an on color snow land. I think that actually makes draft more interesting.", "880" ], [ "I guess my point is maybe don't make lands sacrosanct... and I think WOTC has moved more in that direction. \n\nI think in terms of Legacy or Modern you have to look at the more extreme ways otherwise the snow is always going to have an upside. For your examples 1R deal 3 and 1UU counter a spell are just not cards you can main deck in those formats so they don't solve any issues. You've missed my overarching point in that snow decks have such heavy card advantage that using tagging very minimal snow downsides to mediocre cards is never going to solve the issue. \n\nYou'd have to make some pretty powerful cards with snow upside to really make them worth running. Cards that are probably a bit iffier than just making a powerful SB card against Snow Decks. It doesn't have to be stony silence or Blood Moon, it can even be like a 2 cmc Manabarbs for snow permanents and that might be enough. \n\nI honestly think making SB cards that lead to nongames is fine. That's part of SBing. It makes for decks that have really strong G1s and then have to navigate around G2 and G3 carefully. Making Snow have to think about thing adds to the formats snow is in and also makes it so snow lands aren't an autoinclude. Now people have to think if it's worth bluffing snow cards.", "344" ], [ "Boardwipes are actually pretty strong in limited. They are often very unique effects that can lead to huge blowouts. I will admit the boardwipe in question is probably going to be hard to pull off in limited and get a great effect but just because that one isn't designed with limited as much doesn't mean the other snow cards won't be. Blessing of Frost, for example, seems like a decently strong card in limited if you can get two counter of it.", "535" ], [ "1. I am in this comment chain because I disagree with your viewpoints on how to make snow lands reasonably worse, and I think WOTC is going to have to touch manabases if they want to effect snow in legacy/modern. \n2. Chill out... jeeze. \n3. Snow stilll comes with an inherent advantage as it does in legacy because of Ice Fang and Dead of Winter. Basics see less play in general though as Astrolabe got banned, but if you're running basics in modern it's generally better to just run Snow except for 1 non-snow for Field of the Dead purposes. \n\nI think that in general the approach of MD cards that have minimum effects that can also be used against snow won't be good enough to actually effect snow. \n\nI think if you want to reduce snow in modern and legacy you should make cards that are good that punish you for playing snow. I think that would be more effective than the other way around. IN order to make cards that are MD in legacy that kinda punish snow you'd have to print cards that are just too good for standard.", "535" ], [ "1. I argued that your method doesn't solve the problem... You have yet to make a reasonable point that defends your position. \n2. eh... been through this. Your method still doesn't solve the issue at hand and the cards you put out really don't. \n3. The reason snow is better than non-snow is because of the cards that care about snow. You have to talk about those as part of the problem of snow lands being inherently better. If you ignore those this conversation means nothing. \n\nI think I have given reasons why your position isn't going to fix the problem at all and my (now two) solutions actually can. From my standpoint there is no reason to really take what you've said as a reasonable approach to solve the snow problem (which is currently just a huge problem in legacy and kinda modern atm).", "508" ], [ "Snow are cards are only strictly better because they let you bluff having access to the good snow cards or you show that you aren't running those and let your opponent play around you not having cards like Ice-Fang. The Snow Cards are really good because they are all pretty much card avantage machines and thus to solve the issue of the snow cards you need answers that play against that aspect of the snow cards. \n\nIt won't just take random bad anti-snow cards to make snow cards worse enough that basics it isn't just correct to run them. I think that demonstrates you haven't really thought the problem though.", "535" ], [ "Seeing a person’s hand is barely worth anything imo and a 2 cmc 2/1 is pretty rough. \n\nThis seems pretty bad against yhe Yorion decks which I don’t think play many creatures. I think it is serviceable against the other standard decks. If if didn’t have the PW half I think it would only see play is B based aggro is a thing (which with Rankle and Nighthawk Scavenger it might be)", "344" ], [ "The Bant deck spent 7 mana (over two turns) to draw two and gain 6 and put you down a card... that seems pretty rough for the Jund player. Also if your answer gets countered they you're almost just out of the game right there. \nUro decks are really good against BGx midrange even when they're not playing FotD in Pioneer and Legacy so why would modern by any different?", "344" ], [ "There are a lot of cards that are just generically good and don't need things to line up. I think you missed the essence of my last statement. \na 1B 2/1 that ETBs you look at their hand is not materially better than a 2/1 that doesn't. You can bring up Git Probe, but the fact is that it was already busted, and it saw play in decks where the extra info did matter, namely because they were infect or had cabal therapy. I think on the context of a two card things change enough the value of looking is negligible. \n\nI think overall the card is solid. I just think the 2 cmc half is just meh. I think overall I'd give the card like a 7/10 for standard.", "535" ], [ "Gaining 6 (and ramping twice potentially) can be huge in the BGx vs UWx attrition matchup. Generally BGx is the aggressor and is trying to close out the game, and the 6 life can easily be an entire turn. If you kill an Uro after it escaped it wasn't a 2 for 1, it was closer to a 3 or 1 or even 4 for 1.... that's pretty brutal. \n\nLegacy is about has heavy on creature removal as Modern is, and they even have better removal for Uro, they have Swords which is by the far the best way to deal with the Uro. Mentor isn't really all that playable in legacy. Delver isn't played much in modern not because modern has more removal (it really doesn't) because Delver needs FoW, Daze, Brainstorm and Wasteland to really work. \n\nUro decks have been good in modern without Field of the Dead. Bant Uro didn't even start off running Field of the Dead and was still really good in modern. \n\nTo me, it's very obvious at face value why Jund was a rough time against Uro. It's a very resource control based deck and Uro just takes a huge dump on that. Sure you can answer the Uro... maybe, but while you are you're just falling behind.", "344" ], [ "Mental Note is clearly better than just U:\"Draw a Card\". I don't get why it's not rated about Peek, it seems like almost every thoughtscour deck should have a mental note. My guess is that people just don't know about the card. \n\nPeek is not better than Mental Note because looking at an opponent's hand isn't worth anything really. Look at modern, Thoughtscour sees much much more play than Peek. Self Mill is clearly something can be very valuable especially in formats that have delve or creature recursion in them.\n\nUsing EDHREC to evaluate the power level of cards is silly imo. EDH isn't just about the best decks. People just like to make lists they come up with and haven't necessarily optimized.", "535" ], [ "Field of the Dead has a lot of ways to answer it and WOTC keeps printing more. \n\nIf you want to see successful Uro decks without Field just go look at Bant Control decks from around the time Theros Beyond Death came out. They didn't start off running Field of the Dead. The whole point is that Uro can be good without Field of the Dead, in fact I bet if Field of the Dead was banned Uro piles would still be verywhere.", "344" ], [ "I know there was period where Bant was running Uro but not Field of the Dead (there is actually Bant Snowblade that exists now that does that). I couldn't find it because there's a billion different Uro decks and I didn't want to look through all of them. 5c Niv was also a solid deck (never tier one but could knock out some events) that ran Uro but no Field of the Dead. \n\nIf Field of the Dead gets banned Uro is going nowhere and Jund is still doing to have issues to deal with. I think from a theorycrafting standpoint that is clear. Sure Jund has counter play to it but it's a tough road for them. Uro is just the kind of midrange, we've seen that pan out over several formats, and Modern is no different. I think we've reached an impasses so I'm done here.", "300" ], [ "Mental Note isn't legal in modern, that's why it doesn't see any play. If it was modern legal I am sure it'd see a good bit of play. \n\nA card's popularity doesn't really much in this context. \n\nI guess some Vintage decks run Peek (well 35% of one deck so hardly a staple even that archetype). Doomsday isn't a self mill deck. Vintage is a format where seeing your opponent's hand has more value but the card in question isn't going to see play there so is a fairly irrelevant point to bring up.", "535" ], [ "I think that's an improper reading of the ban announcement of probe. The maid reason it got banned was because it made killing on T3 too easy, mostly because it's a free card in the GY/loss of two life. Not only but I've also acknowledged that in the case of Infect and Death's Shadow decks the information was more valuable than it normally is because you're planning to end the game fairly soon. That's also probably why Peek is fine in some Doomsday lists, they want to end the game quickly. If you're ending the game in a few turns the information is really not going to do much, especially as your opponent just draws more cards. \n\nA lot of pro players have suggested that the information isn't that important. \n\nKnowing part of your opponent's hand isn't nothing, but it's hardly worth playing a 1B 2/1. If the card was just that (which is the floor which is what we're talking about), then the card isn't good. That means the card has a pretty low floor.", "535" ], [ "Justice Strike, Assassin’s Trophy, Price of Fame, the Boros Split card, tyrant’s acorn is also brutal against it. Noxious Grasp and Aether Gust in the post board. \n\nAnd no, your counterspell argument doesn’t hold as only U has counter magic but pretty much every color has decent removal starting at cmc 3.", "535" ], [ "This card is too bad to be a SB card. \n\nA lot of decks only play one creature if it adds even value like this card does. Also if it gets bounced that means Teferi gets a lot of time to get removal open and protect itself. \n\nI do like it as a good anti aggro card. I don’t think decks with lots of creatures will run this as holding up three mana isn’t what those decks want to do... maybe UG flash though... I can be convinced of that.", "535" ], [ "Ignorance is not a defense. It doesn’t matter that the shoo doesn’t know, they are expected to give customers a way to opt out of communications and their system failed. They are expected to keep their system up to date. \n\nWhat if OP was charged for each text they received? The risk of monetary damage to people is real and that is why punishments for this shit are so severe.", "712" ], [ "Eh, if the law says OP is entitled to 15K based on the actions of the business why shouldn’t they pursue that? OP’s community has decided what the pot shop did is wrong and warrants legal action, that is why the framework to sue for such behavior exists. If more people follow OP’s actions eventually firms will take that regulation very seriously and will stop spamming people. \n\nWe should expect companies to follow the law and take care to ensure they are in compliance. This pot shop was negligent on that front.", "712" ], [ "That is why I used the quotes. If is weird to think of then as a victim but the shop did break a law that made OP entitled to damages. I honestly don’t see why pursuing damages you are entitled to in a court of law is an asshole move. There is a reason why spam has such a heavy fine, it’s easy to get away with so businesses will skirt the law as if probably won’t effect them. To act as a deterrence the fines have to be disproportionate. It’s sucks for the business that they are the one caught but if’s there own fault for not following the law.", "712" ], [ "I don’t have the exact language but I imagine reaching out multiple times to Stop the texts means that OP has a reasonable belief that the firm knew. We don’t even know the language of the statute. It’s kind of silly to quote what laws were broken when you don’t know the laws nor what the company knew. \n\nMost of the time ignorance is not a defense. Businesses are expected to know if their system is working or not regardless if someone tells them. There are ways to test a system to ensure compliance. \n\nYou pretty much ignored my point to why damages are so high. Also it’s presumptuous go state that the lawyer was shady.", "712" ], [ "OP fulfilled their duty of letting the sho know the messages were no longer wanted. It’s not OP’s fault that the shop just wasn’t listening to the channel OP used. \n\nIf no laws are broke then no lawyer is going to pursue legal action, or that is going to make the lawsuit pointless. There are laws about spamming, which is a serious problem, and it seems like this shop is breaking those laws. It doesn’t matter if they are doing it on purpose or because they are negligent of their duty to keep their systems working correctly they are still spamming people. \n\nThings break but I expect businesses to comply with the law and not have to burden the public with telling them when their systems aren’t working.", "712" ], [ "By periodically testing their system... it’s not that crazy or hard to do. Make sure when you text stop to your system it actually stops the texts. Also ignorance is not a defense we should have the expectations that firms are ensuring they are in compliance. People don’t get to just use ignorance for their defense. \n\nMaybe going the nuclear option isn’t for everyone but I don’t begrudge people for suing firms for skirting regulations.", "712" ], [ "I have addressed the points you brought up time in time again (except for the phone analogy which was both incorrect and not really related)\n\nMy entire point is that the companies should be expected to comply with the law and they have the burden to ensure they are in compliance. They don’t get use ignorance as a defense because there are plenty of ways to know if your system is working or not. \n\nAnti spam laws exist and thus spamming is illegal. We should expect companies to follow that law and be punished when they don’t. The punishment is being sued for damages which are high because they have to be to be an effective deterrent.\n\nThis case with OP is a bit on the extreme side. 30 texts over 3 years is minimal. But the fact of the matter is they OP requested the stopped using the method they were told to make the texts stop, and the texts didn’t stop. The firm is as acting unlawfully and thus are open to a lawsuit. The principles behind what I am saying are all there.\n\nIt is absurd to me that a firm can break the law and people will defend them not facing the legal ramifications. ", "712" ], [ "If I was wrong you would state why but you don’t have any facts to stand on to support why we should allow firms to break the law and use ignorance as a defense. \n\nMy stance is simple; firm’s that break the law should face legal ramifications. OP is by taking action to bring legal resource to a firm that acted unlawfully. Keep in mind there are probably other people being spammed who haven’t though to bring up a lawsuit, they might soon not have to deal with this as well.", "712" ], [ "I read and answered your points so I don’t get what you are saying except that are still defending a business that acted unlawfully. \n\nYour points were: the spam was not illegal because the firm didn’t know. To which I responded that ignorance is not a defense and we should expect companies to have proper compliance procedures in place.\n\nAlso I am not spamming you, Reddit is the one that sends you notifications you have probably opted into. Take it up with them.", "779" ], [ "Why don’t you look stuff up before you look like an idiot. Scooze was printed in M21. \n\nSure you can not play your Scooze but then you’re not getting in for damage. Also if the Uro player knows about Scooze they just easily play around it. \n\nAnd my point about priority is that if the Uro player has 6+ mana they can cast Uro have it get sacced and escape it before you get a chance to Scooze it away.", "444" ], [ "It's flexible but not really efficient I would say. 1.I think the biggest reason to not this is that the card is technically card disadvantage, if you're facing an aggro deck giving them a 1/1 is rough. It's also sorcery speed. \n\nI think a bigger problem is that in standard if you're playing a two color deck you're also playing with come into play tapped lands so you're normally trying to get those down. \n\nI do think this card is solid, but I don't think it's an autoinclude for any control deck.", "535" ], [ "I am pretty sure <PERSON> puts more powerful cards on board, and once they start untapping with Cryptic Command and Mystic Sanctuary it becomes very hard for the Jund player to catch up. Jund's strength in the matchup is getting board preassure early and trying to finish things out. Even without Field of the Dead I think <PERSON> has a favorable matchup with Uro, Crpytic Command, Jace, and Omnath.", "456" ], [ "Sure... I guess if we're just making up hands for decks that we don't even know the composition of. \n\nI think Foretell will be fine, but I think it is being overrated on how powerful it is. In a lot of games of standard I feel like decks don't normally just 2 mana up on a given turn to do nothing. Standard isn't the fastest, but there are decks that will punish you for doing that. \n\nAt the end of day, this card is a 3 mana sorcery speed removal spell that isn't even a clean 1 for 1. I think that for it to see play you'd need to be playing something that takes advantage of the Foretell. I don't think it's just something you put in as we have better removal options atm.", "535" ], [ "I think people are overrating the power of Foretell, I think decks don't have 2 mana just floating around. Standard can be quick and you have to be doing things in the earlier turns. Taking a turn off is rough. \n\nAlso this card suuuucks against QB. You already took your 4 now you're not even going to deal with the QB all the way and take more damage?", "535" ], [ "3 cmc is by no means cheap. Dismember is a much better option for mono-u removal. If reality shift never saw play this card doesn’t really have a chance in hell, especially in legacy. \n\nI can’t envision what mono-u list would run this. Karn Echoes won’t. I don’t think Merfolk would either. Maybe U-Delver but I think that is pretty doubtful. \n\nJust being a sorcery is already a huge drawback. Then it costs 3. And to top it off it isn’t even a 1 for 1, there is still a bird leftover.", "471" ], [ "If you spend two turns just foretelling to say up that T5 you’re probably too far behind decks like Gruul or Rogues and will end up getting run over. \n\nThey typical way control decks win is by playing control elements until they can turn the corner, they don’t need to necessarily cast 2 spells on T5 to do that.", "286" ], [ "It think the problem with foretell is that it’s going to be hard to take an early turn off to pay the foretell cost because you have to either play your tapped land or play your removal to not die. At that point you’re not able to really split up the costs so you’re just paying extra mana for your spells which is a good way to lose games of Mtg. \n\nThis counterspell means you have to spend 3 or 4 mana. Generally that’s a bit too much mana to spend on a counterspell.", "734" ], [ "Yeah.... I don’t think you’re right at all. UG and UR would never touch this card. They already have so many good removal options. UB might if they feel they need artifact removal but that seems very doubtful to me as well. \n\nThis card costs too much mana and is a sorcery. 3CMC sorcery removal is hardly good.", "535" ], [ "Ok so Ravenform will we see play in like 10ish percent of blue decks. Hardly a eternal staple, I’d say that is merely playable I will say though. It’s a sorcery and costs 3 mana compared to the instant speed and 1-2 mana of the others. I don’t think they makes up for the fact it can tag an artifact.", "835" ] ]
[ 4306, 3496, 10264, 9299, 3605, 8026, 13901, 19775, 1774, 21486, 6690, 6279, 3896, 7242, 9303, 20066, 20675, 5254, 20512, 10269, 8572, 5517, 6125, 209, 4603, 9716, 14832, 3281, 21118, 2747, 13036, 9976, 22614, 15668, 6293, 24702, 5101, 1244, 8330, 14877, 13793, 14785, 17099, 15817, 9063, 2716, 283, 22677, 4386, 15821, 3973, 4569, 20942, 19486, 16932, 11225, 7073, 17009, 11352, 16284, 6417, 13531, 24144, 6449, 20196, 14439, 3164, 6563, 10100, 17205, 12269, 12494, 6251, 19625, 16899, 4489, 15199, 14640, 17754, 25460, 13339, 13926, 14129, 25284, 13043, 12167, 8772, 7530, 3177, 22245, 10407, 13724, 20882, 14713, 12338, 7240, 5115, 10436, 3006, 22973, 18510, 21829, 5881, 5951, 2920, 8367, 12202, 1530, 15655, 20595, 8259, 12018, 19643, 10734, 15126, 16479, 18222, 19420, 21798, 9574, 15413, 4697, 13446, 17146, 11903, 14200, 3033, 308, 2211, 14824, 16950, 22276, 3391, 9856, 11324, 21841, 10510, 514, 21454, 18387, 392, 2666, 4756, 2582, 11939, 16514, 17402, 22574, 15625, 21121, 1653, 20778, 25385, 6097, 5240, 823, 25241, 3294, 178, 6507, 24290, 6294, 11703, 4253, 10110, 9136, 2901, 10858, 17527, 11927, 23152, 798, 12778, 3532, 12467, 19218, 462, 6824, 315, 16159, 11323, 498, 2537, 8555, 9666, 3696, 6894, 24276, 2323, 19404, 508, 23977, 22137, 13778, 12957, 4560, 22496, 2307, 4947, 19983, 18236, 4882, 19234, 7188, 25059, 7544, 4616, 3141, 13687, 20804, 25417, 20392, 19238, 6016, 22579, 7338, 7074, 13544, 15482, 23292, 18381, 19849, 2560, 15241, 4535, 6030, 25077, 24336, 11138, 20626, 6153, 23453, 6041, 15363, 6258, 8114, 19129, 16630, 9565, 25479, 753, 14018, 11758, 11760, 6522, 10473, 10918, 2685, 5415, 8473, 5038, 870, 655, 19192, 21938, 10885, 6136, 4020, 23199, 4045, 18888, 25000, 14853, 10176, 24690, 3682, 18730, 18525, 13577, 19662, 8253, 20874, 18912, 13195, 23391, 11908, 22446, 3911, 4203, 17408, 5375, 8454, 14597, 23180, 16685, 6907, 10257, 20780, 9454, 11120, 8749, 1435, 12065, 1215, 3735, 2193, 5336, 1467, 3581, 18263, 25128, 4285, 23852, 1625, 11408, 5864, 1849, 16132, 13142, 17768, 13796, 24313, 18567, 864, 9728, 17130, 10385, 20233, 20317, 372, 4415, 18631, 20258, 13987, 5282, 1831, 14371, 13487, 21275, 8557, 10944, 24273, 23709, 22068, 1629, 15453, 3958, 13852, 3756, 8548, 8007, 15203, 1167, 1164, 2755, 14826, 23879, 24093, 12042, 2975, 11499, 13209, 10313, 908, 10054, 15507, 4031, 7786, 7670, 4665, 2358, 25531, 9270, 5363, 17644, 11152, 2105, 22007, 754, 8882, 16657, 22811, 2480, 5009, 13031, 18134, 10474, 2138, 3695, 19846, 12216, 3824, 8581, 591, 5290, 16099, 1176, 12245, 18897, 1834, 22509, 22897, 23901, 8792, 18090, 3961, 8979, 8429, 16852, 10837, 11668, 13262, 20332, 480, 25163, 7282, 19691, 22864, 9599, 24552, 23163, 1447, 12426, 5850, 6335, 18964, 13917, 8902, 11362, 24998, 17338, 16441, 17525, 13090, 6256, 20953, 24583, 18435, 10341, 21127, 21152, 11109, 5255, 21340, 16055, 7760, 6730, 25261, 11890, 4815, 23483, 17543, 23034, 22600, 10528, 24481, 22477, 17333, 24453, 3125, 16278, 9630, 6716, 7510, 14656, 8764, 15946, 12904, 418, 3212, 4891, 24341, 13185, 14220, 13802, 7050, 17887, 22952, 18588, 829, 8206, 13311, 4228, 12063, 23792, 6513, 22433, 9509, 3277, 6298, 23011, 18250, 19019, 10031, 3645, 18362, 15959, 20132, 8298, 1891, 8144, 7408, 5330, 16242, 8692, 3928, 12011, 20067, 18766 ]
[ [ "This is because of seniority though. \n\nLet's look at the Senate Judiciary Committee for example. On the Dem side, <PERSON> is a former Attorney General for the most important state in the union. <PERSON> is a former JAG. \n\nThe chairman of the committee is a political scientist. The ranking member is a history major and carrier politician. Neither is really qualified, but they're at the top because they've been there forever.", "313" ], [ "The Senate still sort of functions. The House was broken by <PERSON> and is now totally dysfunctional and partisan. \n\nThe only way to get anything done in the House is to whip brutally and force your caucus to toe the party line like <PERSON> did in 2008 and naturally your party gets punished when you pass things strictly along party lines with such a brutal method. <PERSON> is weak and <PERSON> is an idiot so the House is going to be a shit-show until the tea party dies, even a Democratic majority will not fix it.", "284" ], [ "<PERSON> would be ok, though I'd ideally like it to go all the way to <PERSON> since he's the first in line who hasn't used Russian propaganda for personal benefit. \n \nIf there is an impeachment, the next president will be a totally neutered lame duck. It won't be like <PERSON> where the president left in shame after a term of tremendous bipartisan legislative success leaving the president of the senate to take his place...and even then <PERSON> is considered relatively weak. Democrats will see Republicans as stealing the office with Russian help and <PERSON> supporters will see <PERSON> or whoever as having stolen the seat through political intrigue and the \"deep state\". The president would have support from only the like 20% of the country that is a conservative that doesn't support <PERSON> and would get nothing done no matter how much Republicans on the hill may support his agenda. \n\nOn the other hand, I trust <PERSON> not to nuke China or start a war with North Korea (at least not without a plan to coordinate with the South Koreans and Japanese first) and that's an improvement over <PERSON>.", "533" ], [ "They're both ancient. This is a serious problem for **both** parties, their leaders are ancient. \n\nEven if you're a <PERSON>-bro, your savior is ancient. <PERSON> is ancient, <PERSON> is ancient, <PERSON> is ancient, <PERSON> is ancient, the <PERSON> and <PERSON>'s are ancient, <PERSON> is ancient...The Democrats have some younger intellectuals like <PERSON>, but as a whole the party is old. The GOP has some younger talent, but they're either empty suits (<PERSON>) or idiot tea-partiers.", "313" ], [ "If the tax reform is delayed too much, it will crash. Part of why I say crash is because it has gone up so much in the last few months, not too say it will collapse beyond that amount. \n\nAs to my speculation on how the healthcare bill will affect confidence in the legislative calendar, it is in part because they need to get this to the Senate before the recess or the entire recess is a lost month and in part because the business and opinion sections of the Journal are starting to speculate tax reform may not happen based on similar reasoning and I expect many investors read the Journal", "264" ], [ "No, there is literally nobody who actually thinks so. The Republican think tanks, the major analysts like S & P, the Congressional Budget Office...even the White House's own analysis says Trumpcare is garbage. \n\nIt will leave fewer people insured and save the government a small amount of money, partly because people will literally die before collecting Social Security.", "66" ], [ "Russia is mainly terrified that we'll either make a pipeline from the Middle East to Europe or we'll start exporting large amounts of LNG. If that happens, the entire Russian economy will collapse. \n\nRussia tried to diversify their economy during <PERSON>'s presidency, but they got involved in a war in Georgia and then the Lehmann Brothers recession hit Russia and none of that happened. When <PERSON> took power again they gave up on diversifying, but low oil prices have been hitting them in addition to sanctions from the US.", "853" ], [ "I think most people see HillaryCare as the spark for the universal healthcare debate. Though it actually goes back all the way to <PERSON>, the <PERSON> were the first to try to do it. There's a reason why when <PERSON> was upheld in the courts, <PERSON> congratulated <PERSON> instead of visa-versa. \n\n<PERSON> went on a nationwide tour (by bus) to promote universal healthcare. She studied the healthcare systems all over the world and came up with a fairly free-market based system called \"managed competition\" that was similar to Obamacare in some ways. \n\nPeople literally spat at her and called it \"CommieCare\". Years later, the Heritage Foundation switched from trashing her as a communist to basically supporting the idea. It's really pathetic how backwards our country can be.", "66" ], [ "In fairness to the GOP, there are a small number of them who seem to actually care about this issue. One GOPer leaked to the NYTimes that <PERSON> is right and there is a body of compelling evidence the public has yet to see, but wouldn't say what and if you notice the women on the Intel Committee were interested in both the Russia collusion and the leaks, not just in blowing smoke with the latter. \n\nHowever, the question is if enough of these patriots to impeach. Impeachment only requires a majority, but the GOP has a good hold of the House. If it goes to the Senate and there's damning evidence I think a conviction will happen even with GOP control because you can't gerrymander a state.", "554" ], [ "I know it's hard for most of us on Reddit to accept, but most people don't follow every news article religiously. They watch the nightly news or maybe just see the headlines at the supermarket or when they pass a newsstand in town or something. These days many might just get the headline feed from Google or Apple. \n\nIf every time they pass the news stand it's new signs <PERSON> is committing treason, they may not get up in arms about it and may even think it's just BS and <PERSON> is great, but neither will they be surprised or angry if he *is* impeached. They just observe these things as they go about their daily routine. \n\nI thought <PERSON> actually said something pretty insightful on <PERSON>. People don't even notice when a new government program improves their lives, they just assume it's some government expansion and they may not even know enough to take advantage of this new benefit (say the Earned Income Tax Credit, which many don't take despite having overwhelming bipartisan and academic support as a fantastic program), but they sure as hell notice when it's taken away. Most people just care about the stability of their daily lives and don't think about things unless it threatens that stability. \n\nThis is also why it's so hard to get a third term for either political party. People aren't loyal to a political ideology or highly informed about the issues, they just project their own problems on the people in power. \n\nHis ultra-hardcore base is never going to leave him, but politically disinterested people are the majority (followed by Democrats) so if the broader GOP base starts accepting the possibility (the evangelicals, the WSJ Republicans, the Neocons) then people will probably not only accept an impeachment, but may even be relieved to see things go back to normal so they can get back to boring headlines.", "840" ], [ "The markets that are collapsing are the markets with a lot of sick people so insurers drop those markets so they can pick up all the healthy people and make more money. \n\nObamacare had a program to fix this where they would actually pay you to take on sick people, but it ended in 2016 and it didn't accomplish as much as hoped in terms of market penetration. If more money had gone into the co-ops or the risk sharing mechanism had lasted longer, maybe it would have worked in these markets, but really having an isolated market of sick people might never have worked. \n\nThere's just no way to judge if Obamacare would have worked as originally planned or not because it was sabotaged by the GOP so much. It really was a very carefully crafted piece of legislation.", "66" ], [ "Obamacare is collapsing in the following states: Wyoming, West Virginia, Utah, South Carolina, red parts of Nevada, Alabama, Alaska, Oklahoma, Arizona, Mississippi, Missouri, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee\n\nNotice a trend? Democrats won't be the ones that get hurt if Obamacare collapses so there's no political fallout for them if <PERSON> sabotages it by executive action. It will literally just kill Republicans.", "619" ], [ "This actually isn't the reason considering health insurance companies have minimal profits. \n\nIn the US, we spend millions of dollars to extend the lives of the dying by a few weeks. It's true universal healthcare plans elsewhere sometimes don't have the very latest drugs available in the US. The government negotiates prices for pharmaceuticals and medical procedures, which does delay adaptation, but often their survival rates are comparable or even superior to ours for cancers and heart problems. How is it they can do this with cheaper and outdated drugs? Often it's that when people die they die a tiny bit faster. Sort of sad, but the ultra-wealthy can spend the millions to extend life by a few days and everybody can get meaningful care at reasonable prices.\n\nOn top of that we're fat, lazy, and don't understand nutrition. Doctors are in short supply, in debt, and practice privately instead of forming clinics resulting in redundant insurance coverage. Only large employers and their insurers have leverage to negotiate prices competitively. There's no transparency about prices vs. quality of care nor sufficient government oversight so prices are ridiculous. \n\nAt some point, we have to deal with the fundamental problems with our healthcare system, but just blaming the meanie corporate overlords isn't going to do it.", "36" ], [ "I mostly agree with you. \n\nPharmaceuticals are really a miracle of science, not just a matter of corporate greed, but they shouldn't be allowed to advertise their products direct to consumers or even to doctors beyond information about their clinical efficacy. Doctors should prescribe based on what is known to work and affordable, not on pamphlets. \n\nLiterally tens of billions of dollar a year from the pharma industry is on marketing, not on developing new drugs or manufacturing the ones they have already made. \n\nOf course if only major breakthroughs are profitable, we might need to put more public money into research. That's a whole other can of worms, but probably for the best (public funding for science really is done terribly, but it's also the only way most foundational research gets done)", "764" ], [ "<PERSON> almost certainly will lose if he tries to go to court with this. The Clean Air Act is extremely clear that the EPA must grant a waiver if California does due diligence in setting their standards. California's standards don't even need to be good, they just need to not be frivolous. \n\nNot to mention <PERSON> won us the right to regulate carbon emissions, the precedent is strongly in the state's favor. \n\nDoes <PERSON> want to keep alternative winning?", "899" ], [ "But he was not a threat to the constitutional democracy. \n\n<PERSON> was a threat to the union, but before that was a pretty good president. \n\n<PERSON> was a terrible president and a liar, but not a threat to the union. The most dangerous things he did were probably indefinite detention and torture, and the courts had their say on that. \n\n<PERSON> is looking to be a threat to the union who uses real fascist tactics like whataboutism, strong man, attacks on the press, gaslighting, etc. and may be compromised by a foreign power. Plus he's a failure as a president so far. Way worse than <PERSON>.", "533" ], [ "Nono, people don't die sooner. People live longer in Japan than the US and they have lower healthcare costs. \n\nWhat I mean is **when they inevitably die** they die faster. Say you get cancer and you have 1 month to live. In Japan, they might say \"you have 1 month to live, we will remove the tumor and give you palliative care\". In the US they might say \"You have 1 month to live, but for $500,000 a treatment, this drug may delay metastasis after we remove the tumor so you live 1 month and 2 weeks\".", "912" ], [ "Not very, like 50%. \n\nHydrogen's advantage isn't efficiency, it's that it has tremendous energy density by weight, that's what makes fossil fuels so incredible (imagine a battery-powered jet plane. It's not going to happen in the foreseeable future no matter now much we may love EVs). \n\nHydrogen's problem in this regard is that it requires a storage system. Tanks are heavy, though carbon fiber, cellulose, and other reinforced plastics are slowly bringing that weight down. Absorption and other chemical storage methods bind too strong because hydrogen is so reactive that you'd need more heat to unbind it than you'll get out of the hydrogen. The dream is storage by adsorption, weak surface interactions in highly porous materials like carbon nano-structures or metal-organic frameworks, but so far these don't bind strong enough to reach the energy density needed to replace fossil fuels so we're using plastic tanks to store hydrogen under high pressure. \n\nI briefly worked in a lab on MOFs, storage in a solid is way in the future with these materials, though I've heard there are other more promising possibilities now.", "731" ], [ "That would be an interesting development, but I suspect even then if California adopted the EPA requirements the constitution would allow them to implement regulations *on top* of EPA regulations by the 10th amendment. \n\nThe waiver is supposed to give California the authority to set a totally different set of regulations as long as they're equal or better; it should go without saying that states have the right to impose regulations on top of federal regulations as long as they follow the latter. That would make an interesting court battle that could result in conservative judges ruling against him in favor of California.", "307" ], [ "So I was just a grunt in the lab (literally, I scrubbed things, carried things, and fixed leaks) and am not an expert and couldn't tell you the numbers on home heating, but I **can** tell you that the Japanese government is putting a lot of money into exactly what you're describing, a home electrolysis system to act as a kind of chemical battery for a green grid in synergy with either battery electric cars or fuel cell cars. This system wouldn't be by seasons, instead you'd buy and sell electricity to the grid based on peak demand times and would use the money you save to buy electricity for heating in the winter or w/e. \n\nFor this application though, I suspect batteries may win out because the technology seems to be maturing faster and is more efficient.", "731" ], [ "In my mother's country, there are like 10 insurance systems because of incremental legislation, but it's almost the same as a single payer system because everybody gets the same coverage and access. Like...fishers, farmers, businessmen, and the self-employed technically all are on different plans because you had situations like the fishermens' coops providing a kind of primitive health insurance for their members until the government started regulating their insurance, but now they use the same insurers and get the exact same benefits for the same price. \n\n<PERSON>'s my way or the highway would have killed the progress that gave them this universal coverage in a conservative country. Again, I many things he likes, but fuck <PERSON>.", "56" ], [ "Eh...let me play the devil's advocate. \n\nWhen people elect a super-majority conservative government, it is kind of a broken promise for them to turn around and implement single-payer healthcare. \n\nI also fear this bill will get all kinds of really shitty amendments and then the GOP will push it through as a \"Democrat\" bill so they can use it to attack them in 2018. This could be a very bad move by <PERSON> considering the Republicans control all three elected parts of the government, though I guess at worst it could end with him filibustering his own bill.", "66" ], [ "This is pretty similar to how it's done in most multi-payer systems universal healthcare systems with a few caveats. \n\n1. Technically every person with an employer has to be provided insurance and they pay a payroll tax. In some systems, they may have to pay a low lump sum on a sliding scale to insurers if they're self-employed.\n2. The government negotiates prices for essential services in these countries, not the insurers. The insurers literally are just risk pools and there are either thousands of them (Japan) or only a few of them (Germany) because they're so similar to one another. \n3. There are no networks so there is a great deal more transparency over healthcare services than there is here. OP's 2 and 3 are obviously incompatible since insurers would need to negotiate with every doctor in the country to both negotiate their own prices and have no network restrictions, which is why 2 needs to be negotiated by the government or at the very least a group negotiation between all the insurers and participating providers. \n\nThere's an in-between which is what I think The Netherlands has. It's *basically* Obamacare, except catastrophic insurance is from a payroll tax. In other words, if you get hit by a car or get cancer, the government will pay for your expenses beyond a certain deductible. For all other services, you are required to buy private insurance and the government subsidizes high risk and poor people. The services insurers pay for are negotiated by the insurers. \n\nThe latter system has slightly superior primary care, but higher costs. Generally the higher costs for similar outcomes make this system look bad, but I will say the free market **does** sometimes do good things in health care. Lowes' bundled rates is a great example, they get a lower rate by contracting with a particular hospital and they get superior outcomes because they pay a flat rate for treating a condition, not for every procedure.", "36" ], [ "Uber's problem here is California wanted them to report when they had disengagements just so the state could keep an eye on the risks. \n\nArizona said \"hey, come on over\" so Uber decided that was too much regulation for them. \n\nNow say you're a resident of Arizona. Are you really going to be pleased that a company that ran a red light, refused to comply with simple regulations that allow the California government to keep tabs on them, and now has been involved in a major accident is testing their cars around your kids? \n\nThis is major egg on their face...and they deserve it. If they had a long history of corporate responsibility like Clorox or Google and had complied with California regulations they probably could defend themselves by arguing it was the other car that caused the accident, but that's simply not the case.", "114" ], [ "You're asking the wrong question. What will stop somebody from setting up a bomb or fire and then directing the car to go somewhere? But then, what's to stop somebody using a drone right now? Or just using a suitcase or something? All the Boston Bombers had were pressure cookers, trash, and a backpack. \n\nI'm not saying this isn't a real issue, but you can't have your approach to fighting terrorism be banning every possible vector of terrorist acts or you will have to ban everything.", "690" ], [ "There is less controversy over the later cabinet picks. It's not worth picking fights over them when there will be bigger fights coming up. Notably, they may shut down the government over the debt ceiling with <PERSON> and <PERSON> crossing over. If a third Republican crosses over and they deny a debt increase, the <PERSON> government may be forced to shut down completely. \n\nThat kind of move burns a lot of political capitol so they need to build it up now.", "953" ], [ "Serious time, <PERSON> should resign. Not because he's bad or whatever, but because the White House is not giving him anything like the respect or access he needs to do his job well. \n\nThis is the second time he's said somebody won't do X literally hours before they do so. It shouldn't be that hard to communicate with one guy that something may or may not be in the works.", "906" ], [ "If all they did was compete with taxis, that would be one thing. Lyft is bad for taco drivers too. \n\nUber have been trying their darndest to circumvent regulations AND taxes that taxi drivers have to meet to ensure safety and make them non-competitive, then they tell the government to suck it when they enforce the rules unless the government starts playing hardball like California is. The entire company is virtually a crime syndicate.", "114" ], [ "<PERSON> should either do this, or she should whip her own caucus to plant a moderate Republican as Speaker. One of those Republican women who seemed interested in actually doing their damn jobs on the Intel Committee would do nicely. \n\nTheoretically the entire House can vote for the Speaker, not just one party. Traditionally each only votes within their own party so the party chooses the speaker without input from the opposition. The GOP usually has some defectors voting for a Freedom Caucus member so if the Dems can read which Republican candidate they want to be the speaker they can absolutely vote for them instead of for <PERSON> and take the decision out of their hands. \n\nThis strikes me as (about a million times) more realistic than forming some kind of super coalition that crosses caucus lines. It's not wet-dream material where <PERSON> somehow wins despite having a small minority and hammers out justice, but it's likely to be the best thing they can do for the country and has less than zero chance of succeeding.", "284" ], [ "> And I do believe <PERSON> would have won.\n\nI don't know. <PERSON> is one of those politicians that everybody loves, but he always manages to jam both feet into his mouth and try to swallow them when he's campaigning. That's why despite running for president in 1988 and in 2008 he lost the primary both times. \n\nIn 2008, he made one of the biggest primary election gaffes of all time where he used his campaign kickoff speech to endorse <PERSON>. All his donors and volunteers left him immediately after that one. \n\nThere are a lot of politicians like this. Governor <PERSON> is one as well, he just couldn't put together a primary campaign either time he tried despite being a really successful governor.", "469" ], [ "Uber is a company that has:\n\n* Committed massive tax fraud in Canada\n* Violated safety regulations for their cars with drivers in both New Zealand and California and issued directives to their drivers to continue ignoring the law when their illegal activity was discovered\n* Is suffering a boycott for sexist corporate culture\n* Has been singled out by SF pedestrians and cyclists for their autonomous cars driving dangerously in one of the areas with the densest SDC testing in the world\n* Had an autonomous car run a red light and lied about who was in control of the vehicle\n* Violated California state law by testing autonomous vehicles on public roads without the proper permit\n* Is being sued by Alphabet's autonomous car subsidiary for industrial espionage\n* Has one of the highest disengage rates for autonomous cars in the entire industry\n* Just had the president of the company resign\n* Just had one of their autonomous cars involved in a major accident (though as you say they don't appear to be at fault at the present time)\n\nI don't trust Uber to wipe my ass, much less build a safe autonomous vehicle. I think this accident is a very strong example in **favor** of autonomous cars, but Uber can't be the company to make that argument.", "114" ], [ "This is really a shocking and disturbing situation. Usually when a president is elected, the congress is very supportive of their forming a government even if they don't like them. \n\nFor example, something like only 5 cabinet appointments have been rejected in history. There's a sort of respect for the authorities given to the executive by the constitution. \n\nThat respect seems to have evaporated. It started with the Republicans failing to hold hearings for <PERSON>, but now it's really gone. <PERSON>'s inauguration is looking like it's going to be weaker than a third-world dictator's birthday party and congress is probably going to pass his cabinet picks by very narrow margins.", "216" ], [ "It's actually quite interesting. We have an exceptionally high elective late-term abortion rate for a developed country. I personally find that disturbing.\n\nCountries with less restrictive abortion laws and easy access to birth control? Lower. \n\nCountries where abortions are more restricted than in the US? Also lower. \n\nWe're failing remarkably to make basic family planning and birth control easily available. That's why I don't get the Republican assault on Planned Parenthood. I can understand things like the Hyde Amendment that try to restrict funding for abortions specifically, that *makes sense* in a certain way, but going after PP itself is just fucking dumb policy.", "409" ], [ "Wait, really? What issues did you have with your 5X?\n\nThe only issue I've had with my 5x is it gets quite hot and battery life. Battery life isn't a problem for me since I can almost always charge, but even then it seems like having a battery stick should make it a -pretty capable phone for $250. For heat, I admit I had to give up on using a case and just have a bumper around the edge.", "706" ], [ "I would personally like to see Google expand the phone offerings for Fi. Proprietary hardware and inflated prices is why I will never buy an Apple product and I would be sad to see Google go the same direction. I would also like to see Nexus/Pixel phones have a removable battery. Being able to remove the battery makes water damage less likely and battery degradation easier to deal with. Frankly, it seems dishonest at best to have battery replacement require removing adhesives or screws (everything else can be glued in, but the battery has a limited life even with ideal conditions).\n\nI suppose every phone that is supported requires some level of dev support so I understand limited offerings, but companies like Republic are able to offer a wide range of Motorola and Nexus models without the backing that Alphabet has so it must be a conscious marketing decision rather than a practical necessity. \n\nP.S. Google's voice recognition is fantastic. I speak 4 languages and it is able to pretty accurately distinguish which language I'm speaking and take voice input, something Siri and Cortana are totally incapable of doing. Your machine learning engineers are amazing. BUT, Google Assistant is a transparent marketing ploy to sell an overprice phone; it's just what Google devices have had for years repackaged to look like Siri.", "781" ], [ "I don't care which caucus you're in, if you pretend coal has a future *east* of the Mississippi, you're a liar and a crook. \n\nThe people of West Virginia should vote in a Senator who will get them money to shift to natural gas from shale. A Republican who wants to ship LNG to Germany would be better than a liar who happens to have a D next to his name. Politicians and businessmen in the state already seem to know that's the only future for fossil fuels in the state, but older voters and politicians seem unable to accept that there's abundant cheaper coal right here in the USA that guarantees it's never coming back.", "771" ], [ "Only a [somewhat old study](_URL_0_); however, the latest rates the CDC has published have barely changed since then. \n \nThe US has like a 5 times higher late-term abortion rates than Sweden, but we're pretty much average in that sense compared to elsewhere. The thing is, elsewhere they're only out of medical necessity whereas in the US a large number (the vast majority in that 2003 study) are due to lack of access earlier in the pregnancy.", "409" ], [ "That would be an incredibly dumb idea if true, Google is a data company. Selling a data connection so that you can buy their data products makes much more sense than selling an expensive aluminum box with a PCB inside that pushes people to Microsoft or Apple for their data needs. \n\nFi works because you can make marketing points like \"Buy Youtube Red and save money on data with Fi's monthly unused data refund. It pays for itself!\" and either way the consumer chooses Google wins. Fi will fail if it becomes \"buy a $650 phone to get the same services you can get on Verizon with a $50 phone!\"", "99" ], [ "I actually feel kind of bad for <PERSON> for this video. He was just trying to test out some new blades or something and everybody is recording him and cheering and stuff.\n\nBut it's so cute how the kids give him a respectful amount of space while he's skating, then they swarm around him silently when he goes off the ice like he's the mother hen. I had to share it.\n\nAlso, Japanese 5-year-olds doing their toe loops and Salchows.", "337" ], [ "If you think of Google as only an advertising company, none of their mobile services make any sense. I don't get any ads through my Android devices, even my emails are filtered. \n\nThey still gather data on me, though, that they can use to make their advertising or other products even more lucrative. They know the kinds of things I buy, how often I shop at which retailer, how often I shop online vs. in a store, what I like to eat, how I dress, my work, my taste in music, the languages I speak...all because I use an Android phone.", "99" ], [ "> Most people know the coal talk is just pandering\n\nVox literally had an interview with a <PERSON> voter who said basically \"my husband could die if Obamacare is repealed, but I'm really hoping <PERSON> brings coal back so my business can support my family again.\". People still cling to the lie that coal could ever come back in the traditional coal area around Appalachia when that is the last place on earth coal will be mined in the next century.", "771" ], [ "I'm not a Republican, but that logic is flawed. \n\nOnly 16% of federal spending is on military (still obscene). Human Services and social security are 53% of the budget and are the two biggest spenders. \n\nA big part of our problem is the boomer generation retiring. You can't build infrastructure with an 80 year old retired upholsterer with arthritis so you *have* to spend on \"welfare\" instead of investing. Still, we have issues that seem to be cultural. We spend 20% more than Japan or Korea on education and get inferior results. We spend only 1% of our budget on non-military R & D, only 2% on diplomacy, and only 4% on transportation.", "264" ], [ "To be fair, California has a lot of inherent advantages. Our yields for leafy greens, for example, are 60% higher per acre than the next best state. \n\nBy **investing** in things like **education**; however, we've managed to create a tech industry that is almost 3 times as big as the agricultural industry. Meanwhile, Kansas has done little to diversify as their own natural resources (namely coal) lose value. They have some manufacturing and chemical engineering, but the state is becoming more bankrupt every year.", "899" ], [ "> c\n\nKansas once had a pretty big coal industry, but it peaked and declined very quickly compared to the likes of Kentucky. The state still produces oil, which I suspect contributed to its strength as a manufacturer today. \n\nYou're right though, I was convoluting Kentucky and Kansas to some degree. I knew there was a strong engineering presence from fossil fuels and I wrongly jumped to coal for that reason.", "637" ], [ "That's a real problem in California, but totally irrelevant. \n\nCalifornia does so poorly in high school proficiency because we've done a bad job (yes, it's true) integrating new immigrants into our schools. Particularly large districts like LA have done worse than districts with similar immigrant populations like in Texas (and again, if we're honest with ourselves, as great as California is the LA school district is a disaster). We also happen to get less federal money than many other states. \n\nRelevant to our industry is higher education. Colleges in California are the best in the world. For example, for physics Berkeley, Santa Barbara, Stanford, and Caltech. For Computer Science Stanford, Berkeley, and the University of Southern California. For biotech and molecular biology UC San Diego, Caltech, and UC Davis. \n\nThere is no other state where you can have so many of the top 10 universities in the world for a given field in one place. If you're forming a tech startup and you plant yourself somewhere in the Bay or LA areas you can get the best in any field of knowledge locally and get guaranteed new top talent every year. Massachusetts, Illinois, and New York are as close as it gets, and behold they have their own mini-silicon valleys. Berlin and Tokyo are also dense with top schools and are working to build similar industries by investing heavily in infrastructure related to innovation and research. That investment is what Republican policies are lacking and a part of why California and Germany are so dramatically outperforming them.", "899" ], [ "> It's not California's investment in education that makes schools great [...] you have multiple technology behemoths, all throwing money at your colleges\n\nWell, that's demonstrably total nonsense. Even today, where the tech industry \"investment\" has \"matured\", private funds make up only 7% of UC funding. 85-90% of the UC system's core funding (as in, the actual teaching) comes from state general funds and student fees and the majority of other funds come from compensation for medical services and earmarked government grants. \n\nStanford and CalTech are of course private, but taken as a whole the UC system is not only a more significant asset, but some UC is superior for almost any field of study to the two top privates in the state. Besides that, even Stanford and CalTech get state and NSF grants to support their research efforts that help sustain industry, not visa-versa.", "688" ], [ "The UCs have had clout long before the tech industry sprang up around them. It does help that UC Berkeley has a national lab, but they're not the only one so that doesn't really explain why they're so exceptional. A lot of our CSUs and other (for lack of a better word) lower level colleges have significant cooperation with industry like you describe, but they're not overtaking the UCs in any way. \n\nOne thing that it is fair to mention is that the fame of the UC system has helped them raise funds. For example, California is 7th in the nation for higher education investment, but the UC system can charge outrageous out of state tuition and people will come undeterred from all over the world because UC Berkeley, UC LA, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Davis are known and renowned all over the world. That allows them to generate a lot of funds that a college in Wyoming (the #1 spender on higher education) simply can't. There was a little scandal not long ago when it seemed that UCs were secretly setting a quota of out of state students to generate funds this way.", "688" ], [ "The point, on the surface, is to determine if the top law enforcement officer in the country committed perjury or if he \"only\" lied under oath without intent to mislead. His credibility has real effects on if people cooperate with federal investigations and how loyal subordinate agencies like the FBI are to him. \n\nIn reality for Democrats, it's an opportunity to further discredit <PERSON> and for Republicans it's an opportunity for damage control.", "776" ], [ "UC Berkeley has been one of the world's top research universities for over a hundred years. It discovered or invented everything from the flu vaccine and the Calvin Cycle (photosynthesis) to the computer mouse. \n\nI suspect California's system was helped more by crazy public spending on it prior to <PERSON> than by the weather. However, another major reason it's regarded as the best public university and best research university for physics in the world full stop is probably sadly in part because of its significance in the Manhattan Project. Berkeley the only public university of the 3 major universities involved in the development of nuclear weapons. As <PERSON> was to Columbia and Princeton and Fermi was to Columbia and Chicago U, <PERSON> was to Berkeley and CalTech. To this day, UC Berkeley does a lot of sensitive research on nuclear fusion for the government.", "688" ], [ "> It's subsidizing private companies with public tax dollars\n\nYou know though, [that's how Japan does their rail infrastructure](_URL_0_) and theirs is literally the best in the world. They give interest-free loans and grants to private companies in charge of the major railways. \n\nThe thing is it had to start as public to get going because the project was too big to be a sound investment. When the national rail service was privatized, it remained basically profitable and despite getting subsidies the private railways that existed before the national rail service remain major competitors. \n\nSome degree of crony capitalism is unavoidable. Whatever transportation service you send mail through, for example, gets a de-facto subsidy unless you want the USPS to maintain a fleet of aircraft at tremendous cost. We subsidize major airlines like United and Delta by guaranteeing a certain amount of freight cargo. \n\nRepublicans just aren't serious about doing infrastructure even this way. If they wanted to give Amtrak a bunch of money to modernize the rail system in the US, I honestly wouldn't complain as long as there was public oversight for how that money was used.", "23" ], [ "It's not just about staffers, <PERSON> never had a chance in the big, liberal, but libertarian in certain weird ways states of California or New York. \n\n<PERSON> didn't either, but he secured the south for obvious reasons so he was still able to win. <PERSON> instead insulted minority voters so he lost the south and other territories <PERSON> won so he lost. \n\nWhen you look at <PERSON>'s map and <PERSON>'s, you realize <PERSON> never had any kind of strategy to win the nomination.", "939" ], [ "<PERSON>'s allegation has only two possible outcomes.  Either <PERSON> committed a second Watergate or a federal judge thought that there was enough evidence of collusion between <PERSON> and Russia that he or she issued a warrant for the FBI to tap <PERSON>'s phones in a post-Watergate presidential election (in other words, he almost certainly committed treason). \n\nUnless <PERSON> walks these comments back, it really does put Congress in a position where they pretty much have to investigate. It will be interesting how <PERSON>'s press staff will try to spin this so that's not the case.", "776" ], [ "You simply can't see all of California in much less than a lifetime, it's a enormous state with the missions, national parks, mountains, and farmland, but I recommend you travel by [Highway 1](_URL_0_) or Amtrak's Coastal Starlight as your method of travel from point to point. \n\nIt will take you from LA to the glorious coasts of Santa Barbara, through Carmel Valley and the Monterey Bay, through farmland spilled over from the central valley, the ugly but quintessentially Californian Santa Cruz, up to the Bay Area. I personally recommend visiting Berkeley even at the expense of less time in San Francisco, though the latter has better cultural attractions. \n\nYou might want to branch off from Highway 1 to see wine country (namely Napa valley) or Silicon Valley. Northern California is also gorgeous, but...well not that unique. It's basically an extension of Oregon. San Diego is a great city to actually be in, but I don't think it's that unique for tourists either.", "273" ], [ "Honestly, I don't quite get Republican lawmakers right now. \n\nIf I was a Republican senator, I wouldn't want to be involved in this. Investigate <PERSON> and I enrage his base, which is like 40% of my own party. If I fail to act and this thing has any legs at all, I lose the business conservatives and neocons who make up the rest of my party for good. \n\nJust scream for an independent prosecutor like crazy, then say it's all in his or her hands now and act all innocent until the shit hits the fan or doesn't. That's the easiest way out.", "800" ], [ "Because somebody normalized this idea that professionals are too elite to run the country. We need to bring back basic civics and humanities to the schools so people look at somebody like <PERSON> or <PERSON> or even the first <PERSON> and go \"oh hey, that's the Platonic ideal of a chief executive\" not \"ELIT LIBRUL GLOBALIST ZION!!!! MAGA\"", "305" ] ]
[ 4373, 24030, 18026, 16235, 6454, 18187, 13710, 6333, 21654, 3739, 9182, 9975, 3258, 7549, 11860, 16911, 24196, 22818, 2354, 15053, 8129, 15508, 24555, 14699, 24190, 10984, 15943, 3796, 9734, 2763, 21676, 5871, 22387, 6236, 2472, 8999, 18857, 13025, 7961, 21351, 22189, 20123, 19969, 13049, 10158, 10391, 14377, 6051, 15733, 1225, 5494, 6794, 11608, 12331, 12529, 22871, 6242, 21390, 12510, 18748, 6021, 2980, 22063, 21091, 9586, 12384, 10159, 5332, 20331, 23552, 3878, 2064, 7309, 16460, 12678, 5400, 17392, 16289, 6431, 20348, 15602, 19318, 6617, 151, 15771, 567, 11780, 3744, 8334, 23211, 12055, 24537, 17991, 19379, 7447, 21682, 4390, 23369, 13349, 17133, 9467, 13845, 13586, 7394, 8076, 22657, 16680, 17524, 3915, 9160, 80, 24669, 16509, 5082, 17947, 1943, 13626, 14761, 23909, 10336, 4556, 17633, 19878, 23488, 6885, 2797, 22637, 1543, 18558, 16525, 5937, 12469, 22327, 19098, 25214, 13234, 23858, 23922, 24640, 21630, 6610, 15101, 13062, 12852, 5181, 10810, 19588, 22772, 8708, 15012, 21025, 1119, 10021, 3437, 23949, 10924, 10946, 23326, 18123, 10458, 23793, 23366, 19029, 3129, 11124, 10803, 9069, 14621, 17395, 9908, 23878, 10630, 2132, 3086, 25218, 17096, 18823, 18831, 14577, 17060, 22683, 2115, 21223, 8341, 16144, 20677, 23021, 23320, 6172, 19140, 18232, 21384, 10629, 5324, 20381, 21037, 13925, 1658, 23590, 7789, 2646, 6605, 14412, 14107, 8760, 20244, 14647, 17932, 10239, 23906, 1575, 13150, 7052, 21010, 9656, 23068, 24164, 6843, 21491, 7971, 9427, 15744, 9505, 9057, 14550, 6820, 5447, 6375, 13294, 10135, 25203, 662, 22969, 18993, 16704, 15205, 12882, 10516, 23959, 3607, 19754, 23507, 5559, 19179, 17269, 1015, 1390, 15212, 18948, 12804, 5534, 7837, 2459, 1676, 8827, 15622, 18017, 6282, 17004, 4372, 7940, 15140, 16394, 25277, 1933, 13412, 17531, 24506, 10130, 21192, 15119, 13798, 6899, 3912, 23706, 18319, 13753, 5799, 25029, 6389, 2096, 8140, 9283, 10101, 8552, 11669, 15510, 2445, 13265, 10840, 6566, 8094, 23752, 23385, 19391, 19001, 21324, 19811, 19672, 9842, 10035, 2309, 19907, 1916, 11724, 20175, 25413, 19682, 5032, 25387, 4713, 21464, 2830, 23386, 20777, 25257, 8586, 2082, 22763, 25316, 12110, 7658, 559, 6433, 19142, 3333, 1344, 3658, 11178, 5047, 16675, 5833, 19314, 4192, 22290, 16404, 3536, 7256, 11665, 9701, 13053, 6042, 19635, 15064, 24886, 25149, 18902, 23273, 6968, 13135, 6299, 3957, 16935, 5266, 2649, 17280, 21559, 5311, 8270, 10880, 4755, 5543, 11886, 21743, 20108, 9382, 9781, 15978, 688, 9153, 7219, 19524, 3560, 22371, 3043, 668, 596, 25300, 2890, 19403, 569, 8133, 5479, 3413, 22707, 16084, 3945, 16393, 17231, 12253, 1510, 1434, 23118, 22126, 21672, 19041, 22927, 6468, 10295, 21949, 2870, 23361, 20190, 16530, 23851, 5579, 6387, 9061, 18198, 8183, 15253, 10923, 11081, 21110, 1089, 5268, 9202, 22480, 10987, 13078, 17310, 12396, 9622, 766, 18238, 19500, 4434, 25373, 11355, 20681, 7651, 13298, 3476, 20194, 17587, 17491, 7322, 553, 577, 15502, 8443, 4126, 1383, 21396, 24850, 16203, 17781, 7559, 22429, 7882, 17829, 20480, 15562, 3908, 5726, 23350, 14101, 22470, 14299, 4359, 6898, 2702, 24616, 8828, 23433, 3885, 23888, 16467, 4328, 16625, 23468, 8075, 12223, 10221, 16994, 15450, 14840, 3578, 11625, 10930, 46, 16809, 18311, 14517, 15703, 3740, 8188, 961, 1489, 15170, 8938, 11451, 17393, 17336, 24207, 24145, 6508, 5208, 17841 ]
[ [ "I do not think that occultists in general think the \"Bible is Fake.\" Traditional Western ceremonial magic strongly draws on Biblical and Christian tropes and much of the medieval occult literature was developed by clerics of the (Catholic) Church. The Cabala that is integral to traditional schools of ceremonial magic is also a distinctly Christian variant of Judaic Kabala that was lost to mainstream Christiandom but maintained in occultism. \n\n With the occult revival and the birth of neopaganism that began in the last 19th century--driven by Romanticism, Orientalism, and speculative (now largely debunked) anthropology--a plethora of suppositions, biases, and eclectic beliefs and practices sprang up in regard to occultism, folk magic, and alternatives to Christian spirituality. Included was the still persistent notion that Christianity \"stole\" or \"borrowed\" elements from \"paganism,\" which is a gross misunderstanding of how cultures evolve and also a misunderstanding of the origins of a number of contemporary cultural traditions. Some people also gained solace or inspiration--or a personal sense of authenticity-- by adopting polytheism and even creating their own eclectic pantheons.\n\nI myself have decades of background in Eastern monistic spirituality, which deeply influenced by experiences and revelations as a Western occultist. Interests in the history of magic and mysticism and professional background in neuropsychiatry also influence how I approach occultism, so that I also hardly understand people who say they believe in gods and goddesses or angels and demons but \"think the Bible is crap\" and, worse, think I am naive because I do not share their POV.", "129" ], [ "I did sensory deprivation tank \"floating\" once or twice a month for several months. I strongly recommend but you may want to start out with 45 minutes to an hour rather than an hour and a half. Time may feel drawn out the first time you do it but, with repeated exposure, you do get into a timeless condition and the float seems to go by very quickly. In my experience, the first few minutes in the dark tank were a little scary for the first few times I floated --sort of reminiscent of being a child afraid of the dark. Then I just relax into it and the mind will drift into a between wake and sleep state--probably a theta state. Insights and visions may come or you may just be deeply relaxed. I've had experienced of intense lucidity and also what seemed like visions of light. Other times, it was just like taking a nap. Be aware that tanks in sensory deprivation spas have a built-in \"night light\" that you can turn on & off and also have a \"panic button\" just in case something wonky happens.", "299" ], [ "A lot of Westerners in magic, eclectic neopagan, and yoga traditions become intrigued by Kali Devi likely with little knowledge about her. For very many years, I followed the Vedanta in the lineage of Sri Ramakrishna, an ecstatic Bengali mystic who was devoted to Kali--as she is a very popular deity in Bengal. I maintained a murti (icon) of her for several years, which consisted of offering incense and a fruit of flower daily. I've long stopped the practice and life has just gone on. The image of <PERSON>, like all Hindu and Buddhist deities, is a composite of symbols that are to be understood and meditated on to have insight on the nature of Self and Existence. \"Working with\" <PERSON> is not easy, as she represents impermanence and severing of attachments. Be prepared for hard life lessons. \n\nI recommend familiarity with the Hindu scripture the Devi Mahatmyam. Related reading, although of an academic nature (ie, not light reading) are The Triumph of the Goddess by <PERSON>; Encountering the Goddess by <PERSON> (which includes a translation of the Devi Mahatmyam) and Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine The Ten Mahavidyas by <PERSON>. \n\nThe Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna --a large tome that chronicles the life and teaching of <PERSON> is also a source of information on <PERSON> devotionalism and is filled with poetic hymns to the goddess.", "943" ], [ "Please own up to the very likely idea that you have a physical or psychologic health problem and need to speak with a healthcare professional about what is ailing you. That is the best and most responsible & proactive way to get relief.\n\nAs for sun invocation, I would recommend recitation of the Stele of Jeu (the \"Headless Rite\"), and I would say that you don't even have to worry about uttering the barbaric language. Just understand that you are addressing Amun-Ra or <PERSON> becoming Ra. See my blog post on the subject _URL_0_", "873" ], [ "Magic is a loaded a term. I believe that is it --or was originally meant to be--based in spirituality not spiritism and also that a huge part of it is based in the dynamic of psychology. I have an interest in the history of magic in Western culture as well as an interest in spiritual philosophies east and west. I find that a lot of people who are interested in magic are overly caught up in belief in spirits and goetic magic based in medieval ideas about spirits w/o understanding other, more foundational ideas about magic and spirituality, such as those of early Hermeticism and the 3rd to 5th century and 15th & 16th century Neoplatonists. They also are more caught up in having \"supernatural\" experiences than really understanding what drives their experiences and how that figures into authentic transformation of consciousness and magical self-mastery.", "310" ], [ "You are describing a hypnogogic effect--dreamlike or vivid dreamlike/hallucinatory stuff that happens between wake/sleep. It is common to \"hear\" or think of words or terms--even babble--that momentarily \"makes sense\" in this state. There is a technical word for it that I can't recall at the moment. It is all dreamy sleep stuff. \n\nI agree with Independent Skeptic--not a good idea to being taking sleep meds, esp if you are a kid and your Mom is apparently giving you her sleep meds. Sleep meds also work in a couple of minutes, not a couple of hours.", "41" ], [ "You are hyperventilating. (Tingling in upper body, limbs falling asleep, mouth puckering) Learn proper abdominal breathing techniques and also relaxation techniques. When you meditate, sit in a chair or try a kneeling bench. Back and neck should be kept comfortably straight and aligned. Also, cover yourself with a shawl or blanket (thick or thin depending on the room temperature and personal comfort--this helps insulate body temp). Master calm, normal breathing. You might also want to practice inhaling to count of 4, holding for count of 7, and exhaling to count of 8. If you are feeling numb, tingling, with mouth puckering, stop what you are doing immediately and to the 4-7-8 breath. Extreme hyperventilation can lead to temporary paralysis and blackout.", "461" ], [ "You may be feeling relaxed or \"heavy\" after meditaiton, but the person posting the reddit query (Deep-Sixing) is very much describing hyperventilation. Hyperventilation can be due to irregular breathing, causing irregular oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in the blood. Hyperventilation is not necessarily from panting or rapid breathing. Many people who hyperventilate don't know they are doing it--and end up being diagnosed as having panic disorder or hyperventilation syndrome. They are only aware of the odd sensations they are feeling. If your mouth is puckering and you feel \"tingling,\" numb, and groggy, you are on the verge of passing out from hyperventilation. Deep-Sixing should not be told that his/her experience is \"normal\" or \"will pass.\" This person must learn how to breathe properly and might even want to see a doctor to have his/her respiratory function checked out.", "461" ], [ "This is a big fail for the _URL_0_. A mishmash of pop neopagan info that has not basis in real history. \n\n1. Easter has absolutely nothing to do with Babylonian/Assyrian religion or <PERSON>, etc. \n\n2. The term Easter comes from the Teutonic word for the month of March/April. Referring to the early spring and once upon a time may have also been the name of a deity of spring and dawn. (Eostre/Ostara related to Eos, Aurora, Ushas)\n\n3. The celebration of eggs as a symbol of new life dates back to the Neolithic era (coloring eggs dates back to that time too) and it has been a ubiquitous and age-hold human tradition, not a tradition of any one religious culture.\n\n4. The celebration rabbits, chicks--and goats--as symbols of new life and spring and agrarian springtime fertility also dates back to early times and is a cultural tradition, not a religious one. \n\n5. Celebrating Easter with chocolate eggs and bunnies was an 18th century German invention. \n\n6. Christian festivals are not pagan festivals. Things are what they are. Cultures do not drop out of the sky or \"steal\" from other cultures; they develop in relation to surrounding cultures and in relation to new emerging trends that evolve over time.", "426" ], [ "Meditation can help with depression but it can also worsen it if not done properly. It is also not a cure for depression. It can be **one part** of a lifestyle change to get over depression. Other practices should include *aerobic* exercise, which has been shown in medical studies to improve mood in people with depression--sometimes just as well as antidepressant medication. If you have been depressed for several weeks, you should speak to a doctor about either trying an antidepressant drug to get back on track and/or going for cognitive behavioral therapy.", "739" ], [ "Buddhism --or Bauddha philosophy-- was the leading spiritual philosophy in India from about the time of <PERSON> until the 6th century CE. It was considered part of the Sanatana Dharma--part of what we popularly call Hinduism. With the resurgence of Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism, Buddhism broke off and became a system onto itself and generally was spread and flourished outside of India (to the North and East). \n\nBuddhism is similar to Advaita Vedanta except it does not accept the foundational idea of a \"divine ground\" or divine absolute. It also has some subtle philosophical differences about what dharma and karma mean. Karma, reincarnation, Self, no-self, and <PERSON>, <PERSON>, God, Brahman, etc. are specific philosophical terms that have sometimes complicated philosophical meanings. They tend to get overly simplified and sentimentalized by ordinary people. Concepts about karma and reincarnation are integral to Buddhism and they mean very specific things in Buddhism. And as a person who has formally practiced Nygmapa Tibetan Buddhism and now practices Soto Zen, I can assure you, they are religions with all the trappings of religion.", "943" ], [ "I went through a period in which I \"floated\" once or twice a month for maybe about 6 months. Enjoyed it very much but eventually the novelty and effect ran its course. I also came to have concerns about the hygiene of the facility I was using. My experience was like that described by the_singular_anyone. After I got over my initial uneasiness about being in total darkness, it was relaxing and it put me in a easy-breezy mood for the next few hours to days. It can definitely reduce stress, but if you overly ruminate and wrankle yourself with compulsive scary thoughts (as people with clinical anxiety disorder do), it might not be for you until you sort that out. \n\nOn occasion, I had impressions of profound clarity and recollections of seeing light--but I agree that claims about hallucinatory effects are overblown. \n\nThere is a chain of facilities called Ifloat in the US and there are probably several other facilities. Ifloat is affiliated with a group that thinks of itself as being modern shamans and gives workshops and retreats. I was intrigued at first, but the more it got sold on me, the more I thought this was more a cult that used harsh psychological techniques--and it was another reason why I stopped going to float at that particular facility. \n\nI don't have titles for you, but books and articles have been published about brain wave changes during sensory deprivation tank use. You sort of go into a theta state where you lose sense of time and just feel oceanic for a while.\n\nGet a tour of the facility you want to attend, ask about its filtration and hygiene systems. Before you float for the first time, you will probably be shown a brief instructional video. You shower before and after a float in a private shower area adjacent to the float tank.", "299" ], [ "LOL. If you kept floating into the sides of the tank and heard clanking, the filtration jets were probably too strong. The guy at the facility should've given you a comp for the next visit, not a small discount. Also neck pillows are offered to help with neck strain--AND from what you are describing, the water may not have been salted enough to keep you buoyant. Try it again but at a Different facility. Also, don't worry about \"meditating\" or meditative breathing in the tank. Just relax.", "176" ], [ "It's a yantra, which is a geometric vibratory symbol of a deity or mystical idea(s). They are used for mystical as well as magical purposes. The writing is in Tamil (South Indian). If it were in Devanagiri script, I would be better able to give you a clue about what deity is represents. Could be Ganesha and for well-being and abundance. Why not ask your friend. Or else post on r/hinduism. Sometimes yantra are simply used as talisman or as magical operations (in more homespun native India) or else they may be used for meditative purposes, but the person is then generally initiated into how to use the yantra--all the lines and planes relate to specific deities and ideas and may have specific mantras, prayers, and visualizations that go with them.", "416" ], [ "I think you've said it pretty well. And I am in agreement with your insight that magic creates a dialog between the subconscious and superconsciousness. Magic is said to be an art (a particular skill). In <PERSON>'s statement, he might've been referring to the engagement of the imagination and other output of the consciousness in both.\n\nThat said, multiple definitions of what magic is have exited throughout history and across cultures. Broadly speaking, one faction aligns magic with mysticism and psychodynamic processes, the other with the supernatural, paranormal, and superstitious. \n\nThe 16th century mage <PERSON> wrote a treatise on magic called De Magia in which is discussed all the various ways magic can be defined. He finally said that \"A magician, in the highest sense, is a wise man who knows how to act.\" By saying \"knows how to act,\" I believe <PERSON> meant that a mage is a person who has achieved true insight and volition about his self-nature, and therefore, has the the ability to act in a purely intentional (instead of reactive) and unambiguous way, ie, in a fully enlightened way.", "310" ], [ "Runnerswift had great advice. I have practiced meditation in many different systems, including Western occult systems (and done evocation work). I also do a lot of reading of research on neuropsychiatry for my day job. When you meditate, things don't come into you or to you, they come out of you--out of the content of your subconscious mind. Even impressions of what might be \"out there\" are only \"seen\" and interpreted through ideas and references that are already in your mind--so you don't see things, esp spiritual things, as they are, you see them through your mind and imagination. Remembering that should help keep you grounded and confident in what you are doing. Also, meditation in which you are going into imagery to communicate with spirit guides is called astral journeying or building of an astral temple. It is a type of trance work and not exactly meditation. It is like a lucid dream. You are in control. Also sometimes uncomfortable images/feelings are simply signs that we unconsciously feel troubled, frustrated, obstructed, etc. about ourselves. \n\nAstral projection is also trance state. You don't \"go\" anywhere and, again, as in lucid dreams, the things you encounter have to do with subconscious content or pleasure or anxiety depending on what parts of your brain are activated during the experience.\n\nThe dangers of these activities have to do with mistaking the experience for normal reality or developing fears or habits that interfere with normal functioning in daily life.", "299" ], [ "Negative experiences in sleep paralysis have to do with what parts of your brain are active during it and probably also the level of subconscious anxiety you are holding. As a person who has dealt with chronic, negative sleep paralysis episodes for decades, there is little you can do about it and all you are probably doing is training yourself to have chronic sleep paralysis on the same imagery. If you can somehow bypass this negative imagery and the mood/affect that goes with it, you may be able to find yourself walking around your environment ala APing or having more pleasant and intriguing lucid dreams (as I also have experienced) but these things happen arbitrarily. If you are having negative sleep paralysis experiences, it is probably better that you explore other ways to have interesting experiences than sleep paralysis and APing. It is not a supernatural event; it is an neurochemical event. The more you treat it as a supernatural event (with cleansings and thinking that you are haunted), believe me, the worse your SP experiences, sleep quality, and daily anxiety levels will be.", "41" ], [ "The Tarot originated as a card game (similar to Bridge) in 14th century Italy and the <PERSON> cards were probably based on images from pageants known then. It may have been an allegory on life and the journey of the soul. Researcher <PERSON>, however, points to correspondences between the <PERSON> of the Visconti-Sforza deck (the oldest surviving Tarot deck) and the <PERSON> TOL alphabetal correspondences--as outlined in the Sefir Yetzirah. His correspondences slightly differ from those of the Golden Dawn, etc., which he believes are misinformation. <PERSON> articles on the subject can be found on _URL_0_", "426" ], [ "Read up on anxiety disorder, including \"scary thoughts\" and then consider whether it might be the responsible thing to go talk to a doc about it. I dealt with similar issues many years ago and am also very long-time practiced in meditation. Many people with depression and anxiety look to meditation practice as a cure, but it is better to be in a good emotional place or else practice meditation under supervision if you are dealing with an emotional disorder or have emotional burden. Aerobic, energizing exercise and relaxation techniques at this point may be better for you than meditation.", "873" ], [ "Sit in a chair or else try a meditation bench instead of a cushion. It is much more important to keep good upper body body posture than crossed legs sitting. Sitting with legs bound in a cross-legged or \"lotus pose\" position are meant to slow blood flow in the lower body and increase it in the upper body and useful to career yogis. It is not at all useful, though, if it is causing pain and distraction.", "299" ], [ "Yes. And you are supposed to grow, change, and follow your bliss. I myself followed the Vedanta for decades and had close ties with the Vedanta Society and Ramakrishna math. During that time, I also took side roads into Dzogchen (with an unnecessarily dramatic and difficult breakup with that particular teacher, which I was not the one at fault for) and also explored Yoga Traditions, and Western Occultism. I myself am now also immersed in Soto Zen and participating in the local Soto Zen community.\n\nIf you are attending a Zen Center, you need only approach the Ino (the priest who acts as the supervisor) or head priest of zendo and get involved in the community. As for a finding a teacher, a good friend who I consider my first teacher once said to me when I was having issues about what and who to follow: \"Be a finder, not a seeker.\" What she meant, though, was, at a certain point in the journey, you don't need to be dragging behind on someone's coattails. You walk the walk and explore on your own.", "943" ], [ "Yes, this can happen during meditation because it can open a door to let out subconscious content--which the consciousness tries to shield you from by creating feelings of anxiety, fear, and revulsion. Being aware of this can help you maneuver uncomfortable feelings during meditation. Also, I would suggest that you meditate w/o listening to guided prompts from YouTube or other places. These audio recordings can be a form of hypnosis and some people have abreactions (bad reactions) to certain hypnotic cues. (Why it is better to receive hypnosis from a trained hypnotherapist than a YouTube video).", "299" ], [ "If you want to know who <PERSON> was/is, you should either read the mystics and/or Bible historians. If you want to have a mystical experience of <PERSON>, you should also read the Christian mystics and read up on the Desert Fathers and use of the <PERSON> prayer and also look into Bhakti yoga and how that can be adapted to Christian practice. You might also be interested in the work of <PERSON>", "846" ], [ "These kinds of sensations are not \"normal\" and should be discussed with a doctor. Get a physical, including blood work. If all is normal, get a referral to a mental health provider, preferably a psychiatrist who can evaluate whether you have a chemical imbalance or might simply need some talk therapy or other nonpharmacologic intervention. Stress, anxiety disorder--or use of certain recreational drugs--also can cause symptoms you describe.", "160" ], [ "It was good for you to reach out to a community about it. I wish I had those resources when I was a teenager. These feelings could be because of a physical imbalance, like a thyroid problem or example, or could be something related to a problem with brain chemistry or anxiety. And yes, I do know what those numb, dissociated feelings feel like. I dealt with them when I was younger too. Get a full check up, as I suggested, and see if the doc will refer you to a psychiatric counselor too. Wishing you well.", "873" ], [ "First off, the Bible does deny the existence of other Gods, which is why ceremonial high magic in Western Occultism from the Christian era until about the 19th century nearly exclusively contains Judeo-Christian tropes and paradigms, with focus on the conjuration of angels, demons through the authority of the Judeo-Christian God or <PERSON>. Some of those conjured spiritual entities, namely the demons and planetary intelligences, are just recycled pre-Christian deities from other cultures--and some are just made up words, too. Some modern magicians still follow this dualistic spiritual model, others take a monistic and/or psychodynamic approach, understanding that spiritual entities/deities as projections of (human) consciousness. \n\nAtheism generally refers to people who do not believe in God or an afterlife--but there are forms of religion and spirituality that are atheistic: Buddhism and certain forms on Hinduism are in this category. That is, the ultimate reality or transcendent condition is not labeled \"God.\" I don't know much about LaVeyan Satanism but it did emerge as part of a counterculture psychdrama scene in the 1970s and actually has some moral codes to live by that would put modern Evangelical Christians to shame. \n\nWhat Christians could learn from occultism is that the Gospels depict <PERSON> as a magoi (a magician) doing all of the things turn-of-the-first millennium magoi were known to do or claimed they could do. Even though magoi were considered despicable at that time in history, 2 of the Gospels nevertheless have lovely little stories about magi following a star to pay homage to a new king (just like Tibetan lamas searching for the reincarnation of one of their own). In the book of Acts, portions are added in to intentionally dissociate Christianity and Christian miracle working (thaumatergy) from that of magoi of that time. The idea that Christian miracle working is different from other magic has stuck ever since.", "129" ], [ "> Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, make offerings to <PERSON>, and go after other gods that you have not known--Jeremiah 7:9. (Not John 3:19)\n\nYes, it is correct to say that early Hebrews believed that other gods existed but they, as a culture, had one God that was to be served exclusively. In time, esp with the advent of Christiandom, this changed to the belief that there was only one God; other gods were labeled as \"false\" (and some of them were turned into demons in later Christian magical books on demonology.) Parts of the Old Testament, such as that quote from <PERSON>, also suggest that, even though Jews who laid down the law for other Jews insisted that tribute should only be paid to the Hebrew god, plenty of Jewish citizens were very much involved in religious cult practices of other Semitic tribes, specifically Canaanite worship of that culture's supreme deity Ba'al (\"Lord\").", "487" ], [ "Mudras are supposed to stimulate pressure points. Frankly, I think they \"work\" better for meditative poise if you know what the mudra you are using means. The meaning becomes part of the meditation. I used mudras for meditative poise. As for any \"special\" things they do other than what I've mentioned, my hands will automatically form mudras if I happen to experienced kriyavati while meditating.", "299" ], [ "Western occultism, paganism, and witchcraft do *not* have roots in the East although 18th, 19th, and early 20th century occultists and New Thought esotericists adapted what they (not necessarily accurately) understood about Eastern ideas. \n\nEarly European paganism and Vedic culture (and their languages) can be traced to a common Proto-IndoEuropean source. Early Hermetic, preSocratic, and Neoplatonic philosophies also have striking parallels with Vedantic and Buddhist thought. Some historians have suggested influence from Buddhist missionaries while others state the evidence shows that these similar lines of thought developed independently.\n\nPhilosophical alchemy, initially of Arabic and Orphic origin, bears similarities to certain Hindu/Yogic Tantric traditions. Sound mysticism of the Egyptians and Jews is also similar to Vedic and Tantric sound mysticism. Concepts regarding emanation are also common to mystical Judaism, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, and Tantric/Shaivite philosophy. \n\nSeals, prayers, and words of power are used in high ceremonial magic as are yantras, mantras, and the ritualism that go along with them in Tantric and folk culture in India. Whereas Westerners think that most yantras are for spiritual and transcendental purposes, most yantras in India are used for magical aims and are not particularly spiritual in nature. I myself have a strong background in Hindu and Buddhist spirituality and it strongly influences my ideas and practice in the Western mystery tradtition. Although I know Indian culture is steeped in magic and superstition and Tantric sorcery is common, I do not have direct knowledge or practice of it.", "943" ], [ "I find that formal walking meditation is different from walking while practicing presence but one definitely supports the other. In Soto Zen practice, we sit for 20 minutes and then walk very slowly, focusing on the breath and the sensation of the feet touching the floor. It is a physical meditation exercise to get you focused in the body. When I go out to walk in the woods or the beach, I try to practice being present. Rather than focus on the breath and feet, I look up at the environment and attempt to take it in and move through it w/o mental noise. As in sitting meditation, when I recognize that I am getting caught up in thought, I simply return to practice.", "299" ], [ "It is mostly New Age/occult jargon for your sense of intuition or clairvoyance and ability to develop it (ie, \"opening the third eye\"). It is related to the idea of the ajna chakra of Tantric yoga lore, popularly associated with the pineal gland. Meditation practice can help develop intuitive abilities. Marketing things as being about to \"open your third eye\" is just that--a great hard sell. The biurnal beats in the program probably are meant to activate theta brain waves (the brain waves generated during meditation).", "299" ], [ "The chakra system was developed as part of the metaphysics of the Samkhya system (which predated the Vedic system) and evolved in to the Tantric system of Hinduism --and then got adapted into Tibetan (Tantric) Buddhism. The chakras are related to Tantric Hindu concepts about emanation (ie, how \"God\" by whatever name becomes the World or the individual). Different Hindu, Buddhist, and Yogic systems have different numbers and placements of the principle chakras. The relate to the emanation and evolution of the elements, sense objects, and senses. Kundalini lore in relation to the chakras is also part of emanation doctrine. Concepts about nodes, channels (nadis), and meridians are also common to Hindu and Buddhist metaphysical medicine. The popular ideas about chakras, as you have explained them, are mostly Western interpretation.", "943" ], [ "Visit /r/meditation. I've practiced a wide range of meditation forms over the years. Basically, the best routine is to sit twice a day, morning and sundown before a meal. Sit for 10 or 15 minutes to start & work up to 20 to 40 minutes. Sit, breathe, be aware of but not involved in the thoughts that mind spontaneously churns up. At first imagery and thoughts might be very profuse and compelling--even vivid. In time they quiet and, in turn, your temperament quiets and get more focused. You can sit in any posture (eg, sit in a chair) but keep back and neck comfortably straight. I use meditation bench instead of cushion. \n\nIf you want to use a mantra and mala, do the same as above but focus or visualize the idea of the mantra while mentally reciting it with the breath.", "299" ], [ "As you might observe from the many responses you've received, effects are related to belief , expectation, and perception bias. The belief in and habit of summoning spirits (goetia, evocation magic), goes back centuries and is one trend in magic. Most people who do this have marginal knowledge about the history or psychology of magic or mysticism. They just \"believe in\" spirits and want to interact for one reason or another. Summoning the mythical vampiric demon of Judaic lore --Lilith--is popular, esp that she was reframed as a feminist goddess in the 20th century--as is summoning spirits from a fictional book mistaken as a real grimoire the Simon Necronomonicom. Of course, there are also dozens of medieval grimoire for spirit-summoning (some written in code and having more mystical than magical purposes). \n\nI've had some odd occurrences when actively immersed in magic, which generally had more to do with interpersonal and transpersonal dynamics (things than happen between people and as a result of psychodynamic phenomenon) than supernatural spirits. In my own evocation, I've been guided to take a more Neoplatonic and psychodynamic approach. [See my book _URL_0_ ] \n\nAs for a recent example of \"dangers,\" last Fall, I was invited by a certain occult YouTube personality to facilitate a group project related to practices described in my book. The YouTube personality gathered together family members and a close friend to be part of the project. The practice proposed was quite different from the usual goetic practice that this group was accustomed to and thought was the official and \"safe\" way to summon spirits. During the project, while I was have beatific and insightful experiences, one other member of the group decided that the project was causing him to ghosts, have bad dreams, and cause illness in an aging relative. Other people in the group, immediately became hysterical, also reporting sudden negative effects. the planned month-long project ended after about 10 days. Two months later, I did a similar month-long project with another, larger group of people who were not beholden to goetic practices --no negative effects. Belief is a tool--for better or worse.", "310" ], [ "Well, you have discovered that hypnosis is different from meditation. That said, many people confuse meditation as self-hypnosis and vice versa. \"Guided meditation\" is really a form of self-hypnosis. As for your statement \"meditation has no particular goal.\" I'd say that is inaccurate. Unfortunately, many people on this subreddit seem to think meditation is an alternative to medication/counseling and lifestyle change for mood disorders or life problems. While it can help, hypnosis is probably more useful. Meditation enhances focus and presence and different types of meditation have different effects. Some forms of meditation are devotional or theurgic and have to do with meditating on a spiritual ideal to integrate that ideal. Other forms are meant to ultimately release subconscious blocks and burdens, have insight into and deconstruct habits and conditioning, leading to greater authentic volition and clearer focus, reasoning, and presence.", "299" ], [ "So, you understand a point that is sometimes gained through meditation or other spiritual practices--you are an aggregate of habits and conditioning and generally do not act out of true consciousness or will but react in relation to habits and conditioning. In part, this truth is inexorable--you will always be this, as your physical body is also an interdependently arising aggregate of habits and conditioning. On the other, you can, with this reasoning, aspire toward fuller consciousness and volition and, as already mentioned, can now be free to pursue interests for the sake of just doing so while you are preciously \"here\" being embodied and alive. Meditation can help build on that.", "299" ] ]
[ 522, 8704, 3545, 6230, 21870, 24153, 17626, 9018, 19581, 20113, 14119, 23539, 4012, 25035, 11342, 15384, 4179, 15678, 17837, 2506, 18970, 1380, 1640, 21540, 17335, 7519, 23141, 7866, 15649, 13362, 12244, 22678, 23126, 10943, 14251, 16733, 15888, 19995, 7586, 11776, 23473, 6714, 9921, 9600, 2464, 16354, 4078, 5944, 1074, 23585, 9569, 2254, 8464, 836, 21593, 23527, 15967, 6732, 13919, 21736, 20945, 15676, 19731, 3897, 21641, 15234, 20851, 784, 20492, 1356, 2638, 6416, 8639, 4204, 15484, 24140, 22889, 22761, 2736, 15073, 2671, 3185, 24547, 18038, 16870, 1022, 6881, 25330, 18248, 7311, 9101, 9025, 24385, 16682, 18373, 15876, 14687, 25138, 16504, 19948, 16228, 9322, 23610, 113, 8461, 23401, 20353, 12996, 4511, 18076, 17895, 2503, 16100, 23873, 8433, 11642, 214, 8034, 17401, 12873, 17674, 9950, 5202, 15534, 10788, 24167, 20560, 11164, 9135, 23047, 14643, 10120, 17775, 23444, 21518, 4739, 17061, 3443, 13966, 15705, 230, 1733, 6440, 19184, 8145, 8192, 3940, 14423, 18946, 267, 20879, 4886, 21862, 5641, 15875, 10878, 19282, 9398, 17014, 8030, 17345, 21854, 6831, 5161, 23814, 4416, 5186, 17828, 12230, 21374, 9456, 11768, 18750, 18878, 12162, 22251, 3004, 25286, 5345, 21253, 102, 3406, 4736, 8638, 19335, 21227, 14310, 24192, 2183, 4978, 24010, 21628, 22513, 8477, 375, 24877, 22029, 4259, 18206, 10520, 15965, 4967, 9874, 18108, 13347, 10157, 20956, 19557, 9886, 16496, 9934, 2330, 5125, 897, 895, 24417, 16593, 21055, 21077, 17089, 6817, 18969, 21984, 17095, 24858, 13488, 22070, 6055, 22338, 9144, 4901, 8931, 22350, 3190, 25349, 18344, 11744, 7317, 25540, 12637, 1152, 8771, 4758, 12739, 4292, 278, 1032, 9732, 24971, 8322, 18434, 10267, 13378, 12016, 6886, 14184, 25335, 23954, 12489, 14628, 19600, 4266, 2402, 24936, 11224, 13547, 16377, 14056, 24020, 19058, 18779, 24895, 20475, 10090, 20168, 2536, 10537, 22630, 23702, 15538, 22303, 20302, 15456, 2088, 21946, 3759, 6992, 4544, 3229, 17838, 13297, 1466, 25002, 18316, 23786, 24976, 7737, 878, 6227, 15156, 3376, 10205, 19981, 3233, 18925, 19918, 22357, 6299, 16809, 3000, 12603, 710, 11704, 626, 14993, 12760, 2844, 18973, 2136, 12682, 3211, 15141, 15691, 23073, 3858, 20148, 22972, 12758, 14871, 24830, 4304, 11043, 20865, 14606, 4484, 22536, 19428, 2941, 16470, 18741, 4425, 22557, 15232, 6999, 5759, 22106, 14367, 2056, 16983, 24160, 25410, 1341, 20819, 1551, 5310, 821, 2270, 1143, 19947, 16729, 22984, 13866, 23492, 52, 13698, 18476, 161, 11277, 2645, 22128, 8200, 18615, 1985, 11212, 7947, 14451, 4325, 21044, 14509, 23947, 24706, 2145, 7354, 23705, 20138, 7668, 20491, 6171, 14298, 19914, 6582, 23558, 15748, 9907, 17136, 19708, 11239, 21198, 16699, 14557, 7732, 24810, 9232, 19711, 23364, 20326, 6151, 7081, 1650, 25377, 22723, 10320, 11449, 2803, 23870, 23242, 3553, 7100, 2674, 3328, 629, 1536, 23003, 18406, 12158, 21909, 13976, 861, 13034, 10224, 19892, 20121, 6777, 2000, 2346, 5176, 2102, 18009, 25369, 8982, 17289, 13667, 1333, 20275, 2066, 9504, 18805, 23294, 20198, 15830, 14093, 5273, 3157, 14183, 11469, 24233, 11662, 17737, 15381, 24997, 16771, 11345, 19954, 24900, 20082, 22001, 20590, 21933, 12844, 437, 9346, 16140, 2405, 14583, 17414, 10668, 14141, 22958, 14442, 7736, 25489, 25091, 23132, 23004, 21151, 1794, 15037, 667, 25367, 11286, 13268, 13682, 17230, 20888, 2539, 20872, 11655, 22032, 6317 ]
[ [ "> “The reality is, this is a guy who is worse than a racist,” <PERSON> told CNN’s “State of the Union.”\n > \n > “He is actually using racist tropes and racial language for political gains, trying to use this as a weapon to divide our nation against itself.”\n > \n > <PERSON> compared the racist rhetoric at <PERSON> rallies with newsclips from the Deep South of the 1960s, specifically one ugly incident last week in North Carolina where the crowd chanted “send her back” after the president ranted against Minnesota Rep. <PERSON>, a Muslim who was born in Somalia.\n > \n > “I have seen this before — in black and white,” <PERSON> said someone texted him during that rally. “Now I’m seeing it again decades later, where I thought our country was beyond this. I’m seeing this in full color.”", "303" ], [ "> President <PERSON> on Monday lashed out at the media, targeting The Washington Post in particular, as he remained fixated on coverage of his ongoing attacks on four progressive congresswomen.\n > \n > In a series of tweets, the president claimed the \"Mainstream Media\" has \"gone bonkers,\" and accused the media of pushing \"Radical Left Democrat views.\" \n > \n > \"It has never been this bad,\" <PERSON> tweeted. \"They have gone bonkers, & no longer care what is right or wrong. This large scale false reporting is sick!\"\n > \n > \"Fake News Equals the Enemy of the People!\" he added.\n\n<PERSON> is in full and complete \"Angry Grandpa Watching Fox News Yelling at Clouds Mode\" right now.\n\nWhatever brain cells he still had working when he took office seem to be dying off quickly, probably committing suicide rather than continuing to live in that horrible mush head.", "6" ], [ "On the other hand, my Cousin's mother-in-law booked a trip from India to visit her pregnant daughter, and she ended up taking a flight to Portland, Maine, instead of Portland, Oregon. Luckily for her, my Cousin and his wife were living in New York and were able to drive up to Maine to get her, take her down to The City and get her booked on a flight from New York to Portland, Oregon.", "780" ], [ "> If there’s anyone that truly doesn’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to serving as a credible barometer of racism, it’s <PERSON>. He’s an architect of the Trump administration’s deeply cruel immigration policies, and boasts a history of bigoted writing and racial provocation that stretches all the way back to his high school years. But for some reason, the White House decided to put <PERSON> on television Sunday to defend the president's racist tweets and remarks about congresswomen of color <PERSON>-Cortez, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, and <PERSON>.\n > \n > . . .\n > \n > \"With the 'send her back' chant, the president was clear he disagreed with it,\" said <PERSON>, referring to the racist and xenophobic chant directed at <PERSON> by the crowd at <PERSON>'s North Carolina rally Wednesday.\n > \n > But <PERSON> shut him down. \"He was clear after the fact. He let it go on for 13 seconds, and it was only when the chant diminished that he started talking again,\" the host accurately pointed out. \"And he said nothing there or in his tweet after the rally that indicated any concern about the chant.\"", "303" ], [ "> A historic indigenous resistance is unfolding on the Big Island of Hawaii, where thousands have descended on Mauna Kea, a sacred Native site, to defend it from the construction of a $1.4 billion telescope. Scientists say the Thirty Meter Telescope will help them peer into the deepest corners of space, but indigenous resisters say the construction was approved without their consent and will desecrate their sacred lands.", "426" ], [ "I just installed a couple this weekend, and so far they don't really do a good job of picking up people moving on my porch. I have a Wyze inside on a window sill, it just showed me the mailman delivering mail, got nothing from my Blink. So I just increased the sensitivity setting, hopefully it will now pick up humans.", "672" ], [ "> The <PERSON> administration rolled out a hard-line plan Monday allowing federal authorities to circumvent the courts and move to deport any immigrants who can’t prove they have been living in the country for at least two years.\n > \n > The plan, which will take effect Tuesday, hedges on expanding the parameters for a Department of Homeland Security practice known as “expedited removal,\" which allows feds to process immigrants for deportation without court hearings.\n > \n > . . .\n > \n > The American Civil Liberties Union, which has successfully challenged the administration’s controversial immigration policies in the past, said it would file a lawsuit to block the new plan.\n >", "796" ], [ "> In truth, science can do a lot better explaining itself to the general public and defending itself in the public mind. Messrs. <PERSON> and <PERSON> are correct as far as they go, but scientists trying to pierce the public mind these days have to overcome not only general scientific ignorance, but also active campaigns of what we can call anti-science, to borrow a useful term from the history of Holy Mother Church. These are powerful—and powerfully financed—assaults on science's ability to create consensus outside the laboratory.", "569" ], [ "> You can only cast public figures as foreign agents seeking to infiltrate and undermine The America You Know and Love for so long until the wrong people take it upon themselves to do something about it. Not everyone who hears the words of the president or his allies is stable, or able to separate fantasy from reality. New court filings indicate <PERSON>, the man who allegedly assassinated a New York mob boss in March, did so because he was a devout follower of QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory that holds, in some iterations, that the president is leading the charge to break up a cabal of Democrats who eat babies. That is not a misprint. <PERSON> thought <PERSON>, alleged leader of the <PERSON> family, was an agent of the Deep State assisting this cabal.\n > \n > . . .\n > \n > Lawyers for <PERSON>, the die-hard <PERSON> supporter who sent pipe bombs to the president's various enemies in the media and the Democratic Party, said in court filings this week that <PERSON> watched Fox News \"religiously\" and planned his day around his favorite shows: Fox & Friends and <PERSON>. Their argument is that he literally got lost in this parallel universe of misinformation and hate. The vast, vast majority of people who tune into these programs would never turn to violence, but at some point, people who hock poisonous information for profit and power will have to take responsibility for the fact that they are channeling the instability of people out in the country and pointing it towards various Enemies. This is not a game.\n >", "827" ], [ "> And the detention and threat of deportation against non-white U.S. citizens looks likely to get worse. The Trump administration has announced a new \"expedited removal\" policy that makes deportation faster and easier for immigration enforcement agents. It empowers the agency to stop any person, anywhere in the U.S., and for any reason, and demand they prove either they're a citizen or have lived in the U.S. for at least two years. If they can't do either, they're deported without seeing a judge. The policy would be alarming on its own, even if it weren't coming from an administration that accuses non-white congresswomen of being not \"capable of loving America.\"\n\n- _URL_0_", "796" ] ]
[ 13377, 23087, 18894, 8942, 5490, 6381, 9212, 9898, 5654, 5454, 14379, 5075, 22932, 675, 16531, 16720, 14213, 8529, 17963, 22142, 4737, 13060, 7283, 20803, 8539, 1571, 2548, 16937, 24984, 13624, 4670, 21940, 10000, 18343, 19043, 19698, 19976, 357, 13475, 13750, 17256, 23476, 4224, 475, 13738, 25386, 19909, 163, 16842, 1699, 4811, 130, 23362, 13046, 24601, 21371, 20977, 83, 4459, 20476, 16258, 12912, 13573, 10922, 23328, 7814, 6274, 11130, 1769, 24880, 22668, 12517, 17672, 19168, 460, 4450, 6928, 25522, 4225, 9419, 3985, 13711, 1996, 806, 18818, 17519, 8493, 7149, 17455, 23571, 6805, 13755, 15931, 23207, 11627, 9652, 12984, 14034, 11302, 23629, 10082, 23514, 16889, 19850, 22445, 7615, 16556, 14776, 24870, 25251, 14675, 2344, 23826, 21233, 18390, 16294, 22424, 17004, 18623, 13490, 5966, 11798, 14659, 14276, 25256, 11480, 22086, 1986, 18161, 3883, 1994, 19444, 95, 18992, 21229, 12962, 1428, 21321, 15889, 22506, 6811, 4538, 3197, 24025, 5761, 24284, 20562, 7051, 16560, 21648, 11055, 8838, 361, 12661, 12376, 23806, 5248, 8886, 22103, 17878, 12507, 10416, 17818, 13519, 12893, 7662, 19114, 4910, 17706, 10483, 12543, 25474, 19373, 19223, 19559, 17246, 9367, 8221, 23486, 15807, 332, 22679, 6082, 5592, 1781, 24052, 24028, 21120, 11716, 12964, 22587, 1246, 22707, 4132, 17059, 19553, 9843, 25235, 11999, 26, 17636, 9841, 19401, 6178, 5997, 24607, 11255, 15411, 4936, 1867, 5632, 16628, 18162, 2774, 22312, 21674, 19263, 75, 1884, 25124, 1229, 20991, 22347, 20262, 10996, 2107, 22213, 14448, 11571, 5018, 24255, 9842, 22467, 10529, 2199, 8108, 11052, 12136, 18611, 10300, 8974, 14676, 7932, 12128, 5052, 15092, 20983, 6397, 408, 10607, 8937, 2960, 5532, 6731, 23700, 639, 18756, 7851, 9327, 3591, 18562, 11095, 9904, 18543, 21459, 11359, 24029, 12999, 8384, 24855, 20353, 1323, 17491, 18082, 10832, 24819, 7613, 22886, 16288, 367, 20858, 1778, 22419, 24113, 6083, 4529, 13063, 13147, 9690, 16584, 13398, 6850, 1560, 8851, 20877, 10977, 15645, 16540, 23124, 132, 16189, 14598, 15506, 15260, 17822, 13904, 2693, 20869, 10108, 10402, 598, 6303, 13179, 18031, 16724, 16390, 19639, 12748, 24689, 6432, 12264, 20178, 2351, 12361, 17614, 20707, 5470, 2287, 1355, 24958, 20845, 15076, 11822, 6415, 18831, 847, 12038, 24755, 6544, 25222, 18808, 9225, 20607, 17154, 3192, 20419, 25322, 19725, 21792, 16061, 18400, 2678, 871, 19155, 3967, 12, 12837, 513, 2917, 11463, 14821, 17915, 20190, 13983, 12403, 24982, 2633, 15558, 5555, 11372, 20999, 856, 21317, 20063, 15043, 1654, 20013, 3271, 18272, 4121, 5630, 8734, 20368, 18576, 11395, 14797, 19109, 22392, 5445, 24424, 3404, 6385, 1730, 2403, 6277, 7004, 22684, 7543, 5500, 19894, 21140, 9161, 22613, 16770, 7533, 12894, 16458, 12767, 18485, 16073, 10163, 10116, 21511, 23093, 16411, 3828, 13299, 11721, 9031, 22984, 23967, 16037, 19610, 24989, 24354, 7359, 1535, 6262, 18785, 21866, 17300, 6886, 8674, 9964, 3409, 15140, 10413, 15174, 6808, 8773, 20325, 14486, 6402, 18247, 19724, 19012, 18175, 19494, 23688, 21890, 15912, 9090, 8359, 14067, 12793, 21751, 7909, 22302, 3721, 13916, 20528, 20256, 15893, 8722, 23080, 7402, 3804, 3437, 25529, 1966, 13765, 20851, 16149, 2851, 2080, 20988, 8109, 5073, 8627, 24646, 24200, 12686, 3092, 9033, 20899, 3864, 8558, 739, 18974, 23944, 21213, 2933, 16892, 921, 3497, 10959, 23211, 25134, 9287 ]
[ [ "The Nielson ratings ([as a percentage](_URL_0_), raw numbers are misleading) show the only president in the past 45+ years that <PERSON>'s inauguration beat in terms of the first inauguration (because who cares about the second one) was <PERSON>. Every other initial inauguration had a larger percentage of America TV viewers. \n\n\"But 17 million streams reported by CNN alone!\", you cry. Well, the problem with that is that it's the number of times the stream was loaded at all. If someone refreshed it gets counted twice, if someone loads it for 30 seconds and closes it then it's counted, etc, whereas Nielsen ratings are based on the maximum number of people watching at any one time. And as long as you're counting total stream views, CNN reported 21 million for <PERSON>'s first inauguration.", "92" ], [ "To add on to this, one of the most famous [images](_URL_0_) of Nazi book burnings is specifically an image of the Nazis destroying 20,000 books and 5,000 photographs from the Institute of Sex Research, one of the oldest research/advocacy groups in the world for gay, lesbian, and transgender people. Jewish books and documents were also burned, but the image is almost always presented as a generic book burning instead of the destruction of decades of LGBT research in Germany.", "1009" ], [ "I don't find it a surprise at all that you jumped on a comment that had a specific context (comparing YouTube and CNN livestream numbers for <PERSON> and <PERSON>'s first inaugurations isn't possible since YouTube didn't stream in 2009) and decided to extrapolate it to the entire discussion to make a misguided generalization about the election viewership numbers. YouTube not having steaming in 2009 doesn't mean that people who watched a YouTube stream in 2017 just didn't watch the inauguration because \"there were less ways\" to watch it, they turned on their TVs or streamed from CNN/Fox like everyone else. <PERSON>'s inauguration had a lower percentage of TV viewers than in 2009 and if you want to count streams he had fewer stream views than 2009. \n\n\nAnd none of this would matter if people stopped outright lying about it being the largest in history. Absolutely nothing backs that up.", "999" ], [ "Bells don't stop most cats from killing birds. Some cats learn to just not jingle the bell when they stop, and even if they don't it's not like birds understand that jingling is a danger signal. [High visibility](_URL_0_) collars work better, but they still don't stop cats from killing birds altogether. The only way to make sure a cat doesn't kill birds is to either keep it inside or only let it take supervised excursions outside.", "287" ], [ "If you want chewier, flavorful tofu freeze it first before pressing and marinating it. The ice crystals that form in the tofu make lots of holes (it'll look almost like a sponge), so you can get more water out of it when you press it. More water out = more room for marinade to get in. Freezing it and then following the instructions [here](_URL_0_) gives you some pretty tasty tofu if you're willing to put in all the prep. Luckily most of it is passive (freezing/thawing, marinating), if you can cut half inch slices and make sure something doesn't burn in the pan/oven you can make this tofu.\n\nThat said it is kind of a pain in the ass, I only do it once every week or two for a nice dinner. If you wanted to make a huge batch at once it would be easy to use it throughout the week.", "324" ], [ "A) It's not a law, it's an ethics rule passed by the American Bar Association, and\n\nB) If you had bothered to read literally three sentences of the article you might have noticed it covers *all* cases of singling someone out based on their sex, race, religion, etc. \n\n > The еthісѕ rule now fоrbіdѕ comments or асtіоnѕ thаt ѕіnglе оut ѕоmеоnе оn thе basis оf rасе, religion, ѕеx, disability аnd оthеr fасtоrѕ.", "389" ], [ "Haha I fucking wish I got some kind of huge settlement for being kettled on the Brooklyn Bridge back in 2011. My charges did get dropped and my record sealed or expunged or something after a couple of courthouse visits within months of the arrest, but they jerked my husband around for a year and some change. He finally wound up signing the plea bargain (might not be the right term? It was an agreement that they would drop charges as long as he didn't get arrested within x period of time) they offered everyone that was arrested. We were moving to California and dealing with a court case across the country would have been ridiculous. \n\nEdit: to give you an idea of how ridiculous the arrests were, we were literally led up the bridge by the NYPD, stopped halfway, and mass arrested. I was charged with impeding traffic and \"resisting arrest.\" My resistance consisted entirely of standing patiently in a line to wait my turn to be handcuffed and put in a van.", "24" ], [ "> If they're supporting themselves as a journalist **and** can show similar/published past works they should be let go. \n\nAn \"or\" there would include student journalists and anyone else that reports without making a profit, with an \"and\" it doesn't. Since there's no certification anyone needs to call themselves a journalist a court would decide if their activities fit the bill based on various factors, not just their word or whether someone is paying them.", "624" ], [ "I can understand why people would be suspicious of his motives. During my grandma's final days a woman from my grandpa's church started coming over to help out. She was there when my grandma died at home and for months afterwards she cooked for my grandpa, did his clothes, paid bills for him, etc. Being across the country and unable to help out myself I was grateful she was there... Until it came to light that she had stolen tens of thousands of dollars and who knows how many small things (including some handmade quilts that my great grandmother made) from my grandpa and opened credit cards in my dead grandma's name. \n\nThis didn't happen in some big city, this was in a rural community where everyone knew everyone. If people are suspicious it's because things like that do happen to people and they want to protect themselves and their loved ones, and the thought of it happening even to a stranger is upsetting.", "741" ] ]
[ 3089, 16666, 4774, 5385, 14956, 15137, 2694, 19880, 19312, 14821, 14872, 9762, 6969, 13288, 23124, 20147, 3809, 10996, 13687, 10775, 16149, 17818, 14533, 21229, 5338, 6402, 9614, 18738, 9659, 25442, 1223, 12038, 20893, 8773, 367, 9419, 16120, 10658, 7348, 17058, 20368, 5356, 82, 3864, 1993, 16244, 16830, 6482, 9370, 9191, 6397, 4055, 16628, 3932, 11359, 1669, 21322, 18877, 9815, 17769, 4351, 13573, 14830, 10034, 23826, 17826, 6403, 7179, 13059, 21876, 11302, 9703, 23653, 3297, 21662, 17340, 17739, 11056, 10162, 1884, 201, 17639, 13453, 1165, 22086, 19559, 1224, 9389, 13755, 18618, 23977, 21120, 19850, 21293, 11147, 20988, 3503, 11398, 9039, 16869, 18343, 24838, 9461, 15223, 9843, 4161, 22419, 4224, 25047, 12493, 18718, 2261, 5532, 8731, 2403, 17300, 19289, 13120, 2344, 18640, 18562, 15435, 23764, 22828, 17455, 6385, 18301, 1635, 11892, 22355, 8674, 16033, 5610, 22424, 19223, 18069, 18272, 7033, 8281, 25237, 4850, 12650, 23642, 24241, 4480, 18226, 8398, 1193, 1602, 18687, 16387, 24138, 19656, 19424, 1245, 11038, 11863, 11754, 19526, 12391, 20581, 22506, 12479, 3330, 15985, 2300, 2225, 676, 25483, 13522, 12877, 12962, 11798, 20173, 449, 18018, 17974, 17931, 1668, 223, 17406, 25317, 1948, 1560, 7944, 12793, 14276, 21834, 20676, 14906, 12227, 6987, 639, 22589, 11598, 15688, 14520, 1071, 24948, 18974, 24443, 1367, 17821, 10836, 9789, 10357, 12691, 8795, 15583, 18685, 5173, 16286, 6262, 6274, 21317, 24200, 18044, 14797, 8509, 18234, 24424, 21626, 20957, 15389, 7230, 24834, 1781, 4731, 18958, 7645, 19614, 24992, 18469, 5192, 19832, 21890, 23164, 9904, 23614, 16609, 13082, 2538, 6316, 7136, 13908, 2933, 15807, 8682, 8365, 3691, 19699, 15968, 110, 3964, 22668, 11831, 24674, 23588, 12000, 24507, 9118, 6388, 21213, 4464, 6731, 18653, 1248, 23043, 3786, 16611, 14582, 4964, 15615, 16167, 22217, 2164, 9093, 2832, 5169, 13534, 21090, 5018, 11386, 23444, 8785, 10959, 21183, 6434, 13122, 12551, 21481, 16865, 10724, 8249, 23629, 25511, 16411, 17223, 11203, 17676, 16495, 1567, 184, 15401, 17498, 6734, 8742, 61, 17056, 22733, 20603, 22757, 14074, 16015, 20877, 25474, 18611, 24962, 2686, 4165, 1778, 6990, 16496, 8383, 18031, 2358, 1012, 9344, 5008, 20745, 6850, 6137, 15475, 323, 22117, 14524, 10806, 21005, 16187, 5083, 12051, 2086, 24368, 15039, 13179, 12212, 20858, 22223, 10960, 7943, 17910, 24593, 6361, 1229, 11805, 7695, 16960, 6055, 15471, 15670, 14657, 24942, 8544, 20234, 23767, 15717, 11098, 11723, 11190, 8227, 6587, 16523, 1454, 16258, 21459, 6236, 893, 6415, 6018, 4887, 20280, 15653, 1756, 4271, 24311, 4362, 19670, 18024, 18350, 15992, 25541, 6176, 5653, 8284, 12201, 23533, 11006, 21314, 20902, 21751, 14214, 871, 23091, 1428, 11660, 16744, 2367, 20496, 22943, 270, 23237, 20182, 1738, 8384, 611, 3698, 22816, 18205, 4248, 12199, 16753, 17997, 18162, 18785, 21840, 7700, 14481, 7187, 14333, 595, 1079, 15076, 18113, 16524, 19087, 16616, 15979, 8248, 11612, 14181, 6555, 17689, 9367, 6928, 8207, 12410, 11437, 8528, 23312, 12267, 17193, 21175, 1146, 38, 11255, 25110, 12361, 12725, 24083, 9238, 16786, 16029, 13100, 11707, 22714, 6259, 13583, 1059, 15831, 24139, 11334, 22392, 9501, 9685, 22280, 20976, 18596, 5359, 20436, 456, 7908, 1477, 16115, 21859, 22814, 9637, 23071, 18494, 3648, 21511, 8540, 18778, 8317, 16329, 5471, 7172, 17424, 5519, 1226 ]
[ [ "> Does it matter if it is the #1 cause?\n\nOf course it matters. This banner is a lie, and misinformation should be condemned not supported. \n\nAnimal agriculture is certainly a cause, but not THE leading cause. Off the top of my head, industry and having children are more significant factors for global warming.\n\nWhen the goal is to convince others of your movement, dishonesty is a problem. Misinformation makes people distrustful, and it makes people stick to what they know because the alternative viewpoint had shown itself to be untrustworthy and unreliable. False claims like this are infuriating because they make it easy to dismiss the real impacts of animal agriculture...because if the real effects were so significant, people wouldn't feel the need to lie in order to make them sound more impact. Honesty matters.", "687" ], [ "I just made something similar, though out of laziness rather than necessity: rice mixed with egg.\n\nWhat you do is make a well in your bowl of hot rice, and crack a raw egg into that spot. Season it with whatever you have in hand (mirin, soy sauce, sesame oil, salt) and mix it into the rice. You can top it with green onions, nori, and/or sesame seeds.\n\nThe heat of the rice semi-cooks the egg so it becomes creamy, just like buttered rice. It has a bit more nutrition though, so you should try it OP!", "324" ], [ "I mean, that's just one opinion. I'm also a woman (27F), and I wouldn't care. I've shared a bed with a male friend before, it saves money and is more comfortable than sleeping on the floor. \n\nSince you insist that you trust her, and since there's literally another person in the room, I think you're being a bit of an asshole. She didn't even choose this situation, she's just making the best of it...and you're making it worse. I'm not surprised she's annoyed with you, you're blaming her for something that isn't her fault.\n\nThe only real asshole here is her workplace though. I *chose* to share a bed with male friends that I was comfortable with. I would have been pissed if I was *forced* to share with a male co-worker or any other person I wasn't that comfortable with.", "698" ], [ "I'm 27, and I can't imagine having that type of open relationship with my dad - simply hugging him when I visit during holidays makes me uncomfortable but I feel obligated to do so. And I can't imagine him being so openly proud of my accomplishments that he'd get teary eyed. \n\nI am so jealous of your daughter right now. I hope you both treasure this relationship so it stays strong for decades to come.", "512" ], [ "> I tried dry shampoo and I don't know if I had a bad brand or if I didn't do it correctly, but it was super flakey. I might give it another shot, though.\n\nLike others have commented, Baptiste dry shampoo has been amazing for me. Other brands simply didn't work or they left a gross, flaky, powder residue on my scalp. If you're willing to give dry shampoo another try, I highly recommend looking for this one specifically!", "1015" ], [ "Frankly, I doubt you two sat down and had a detailed conversation about your mutual expectations when a workplace forces one of you into unexpected situations with the opposite sex just after you asked her out. Or even that your two immediately discussed a vaguely similar scenario.\n\nIf you did not have that highly specific conversation, you have nothing to remind her of. Instead, you still need to have that discussion...which means you have nothing to inform her of, nor does she have anything to inform you of. \n\nAlso, \"inform\" is just a terrible word choice here. Even if a relevant discussion had occurred earlier, you'd be *reminding* your partner of the agreement made. Saying you need to inform your partner of something (a) places you in a position of authority and (b) implies your partner was not previously aware of the information. Neither aspect of that is appropriate here.\n\n*ETA:* like I said earlier, I'm aware this might just be a phrasing error since your comments about being in India imply English may not be your mother tongue. Since I'm not sure, however, I figured I'd point out the issue with that term.", "603" ], [ "You're welcome. \n\nA good idea would be to open the conversation by finding out if she was uncomfortable with the situation too. If so, you two aren't in disagreement about the problem, just how to handle it. Instead of blaming her for a situation she didn't create, you two should instead focus on discussing how she could handle a similar situation in the future - she may not have seen an alternative that didn't involve conflict (which she's clearly uncomfortable with). If she intends to stay with this workplace, she needs to find a solution she's prepared to stick with.\n\nIf she had no issue sleeping next to another guy while in a relationship, you need to know that too. It'll lead to a different conversation about comfort levels and what boundaries each of you expect the other person to maintain.\n\nBut seriously, this workplace baffles me. Why not get an extra room and put the guys together? Or get a cot to put in the room? It's...strange.", "552" ], [ "OP, how long are you boiling your eggs for? What is the colour and texture of the yolk? \n\nIf you're determined to use boiled eggs, you can slice them and use them in a breakfast sandwich or burrito. Or cut them in half, season with salt and pepper, and eat them with naan. But you can also try fried, scrambled, over easy, or poached eggs instead.", "967" ], [ "It's a difficult question to answer. It sounds like she feels hounded for sex, which means any mention of it translates into more pressure. And frankly, birth control can have a *lot* of side effects; that libido is the only one you cared about would feel pretty insensitive and insulting. \n\nI get where your wife is coming from. I used to be on the pill, and like her I took it continuously to stop my periods. But let's be real, you pointing that out was silly - she was right to say that you're the primary reason why she's on the pill, and to get annoyed when you tried to qualify that. Personally, I had to go off hormonal birth control entirely in order to regain my libido; it has been 6 mths and I'm only now improving. Is there a reason you aren't using condoms, or is a vasectomy an option if you don't want kids/more kids? (We could *really* use a reliable male birth control option dammit...) \n\nAlso, wow your timing sucks. You decided the best time for a discussion about how you aren't having enough sex was just after being rejected for sex? That was a terrible idea. Bedroom discussions should ideally happen outside of the bedroom and at a time when neither party is feeling emotional. You took a bad situation and made it worse.\n\nMind you, she isn't blameless. It is a real issue that needs to be discussed. She was probably right to refuse to talk then, but the conversation had to happen sometime. Nothing will change if she keeps walking away. \n\nDoes she want a different birth control or no birth control? Does she want to try intimacy in low pressure situations (ie: a massage with an agreement of no sex)? Does she feel hounded, and is there something that will help? She needs to communicate - not walk away.\n\nOverall, I think you were a bit of an asshole...but only because you're also hurting. It's a difficult situation. <PERSON> is right, it doesn't matter that both of you made mistakes; you two need to see yourselves as a team again. I think this is ESH, but I understand the NAH vote.", "552" ], [ "> What I was trying to say that in a perfect society the drug that i need to live would be cheaper than a drug that is not life threatening. Do you think this is still wrong?\n\nStill YTA. You seem ignorant about the importance of birth control - it can also be a life saving drug. \n\nNot only can hormonal birth control be used as a hormone stabilizer, but contraceptives prevent pregnancy which can be life threatening. They also prevent abortion (which, if your religious, matters in a life/death way). And they prevent women from seeking unsafe abortions or committing suicide if they cannot abort.\n\nAt the end of the day, they're both important. YTA for thinking your needs are *more* imortant.", "409" ], [ " you not understand the difference between sex and gender? \n\nYour partner prefers \"they\" and does not identify as a woman. That's cool, they're gender neutral.\n\nBut saying \"no females\" and \"no males\" is absurd. That's biological sex, and since you have clearly said your partner has a vagina and needs birth control, they are female. That, or possibly intersex.\n\nIf you want to police people's language you should make sure you understand the language being used.", "654" ], [ "> That being said, my wife and I both agree that being friends with men vs. friends with women is different.\n\n > Example: I can not see my guy friends (or text or call) for 2-3 months straight, and when we finally do see each other, it's like no time has passed at all. If SHE went 2-3 months with ZERO communication with her friends, it would usually mean one or both of them was super mad about something.\n\nBut I wouldn't say this is a universal, gendered experience. I personally have friends I don't communicate with for months on average. We've been friends since childhood, so our relationship is solid. No one assumes the other is mad, just busy.\n\nSo that may be how you wife's female friendships operate, but you can't really extrapolate that to female friendships as a whole being different. \n\nTo me, it makes more sense to simply say friendships and their dynamics differ based on the personalities involved. That's all.\n\n*ETA:* last lines", "971" ], [ "I was in the Fort McMurray, Alberta wildfire. I was new to town, had no vehicle, and since emergency evacuation assistance was focused on the downtown area I had no clear way out. \n\nMy reaction was similar to yours. I stayed very calm, and my decision-making became hyperlogical. I ended up arranging for the roommate I didn't yet know to pick me up, and she was upset so I had to decide whether wed head north or south and where would be safest to stop etc.\n\nI'll add that, once I was safe (well, once I thought I was, we had to evacuate a second time), I then got a bit freaked out about how badly it could have gone. Did you experience that too, OP?", "8" ], [ "Ah, okay, that makes sense. I was thinking​ I doubt many women would be interested in not-dating unless she's religious too.\n\nNext question: if you did find someone, would you tell your family?\n\nI'm assuming your parents probably wouldn't approve of any girl you started saying. So would you keep her a secret? For how long? Can anyone who dates you expect your parents to hate her?\n\nThese aren't necessarily dealbreakers (some guys cut ties to their parents entirely, such as when the parents were abusive). But they are something you need to think about *before* you start dating. Otherwise you may just come across as very suspicious, such as keeping her a secret without her knowing why. Doing that is a sure-fire way to blow your chances with someone.\n\nAlso, where are you living? If you're still home, are you planning to move out? Dating would be a *lot* easier then. Not just for practical reasons, but also because you won't deal with any emotional pressures from constantly hearing the relationship expectations your parents have of you.", "209" ], [ "I think mentioning it early would be best. No one likes being a secret, but if it's explained early and there's a valid reason a lot of people would understand about it.\n\nHow do your friends feel? Would you be able to introduce her to your friends, or would they break your confidence and inform your family? This is also something you;ll have to consider if you meet someone.\n\nLiving alone certainly isn't required, it's just something that would've made your situation a little easier. I imagine having your own space would make things simpler. Sadly, it isn't the most affordable option.\n\n > I can totally see why any of this would be a deal breaker for women I meet. And honestly I don't even see any point to convince them to give me a chance because well, I don't think they deserve to be in such a clusterfuck just because of me. It's not like I'm a catch or anything.\n\nHonestly, this attitude is more of a turn-off to me than your family. If you can't see your own self-worth, how would anyone else? It's like setting yourself up for failure before you even try. I have no idea what you look like, or what your personality is. But this aspect of your identity would be a red flag. You don't need to be trying to change their minds and convince women to give you a chance. But you do need to bring *something* to the table, including being a person they enjoy spending time with. \n\nDating as a guy is hard. Dating as a guy with an overbearing family you'll have to keep her secret from will be even harder. But dating as someone already anticipating his own failure will likely be impossible, so I highly suggest your alter this approach to yourself.\n\nI'm not sure how helpful I've been lol, but I wish you luck.", "209" ], [ "I'm from Central Canada.\n\nA lot of my experience aligns with American users. Dating multiple people is common practice for online dating, and so is explicitly defining the relationship.\n\nOne difference I've personally noticed is that nasty post-rejection messages are the exception rather than the norm (as they seem to be elsewhere). About half the time the guy will ask if there's any particular reason or something he did. Either way, the interaction is usually pretty polite rather than anything offensive.", "584" ], [ "Wait, so she said she's free... but you never actually followed through and asked her out for that night? So you're wondering about texting today to ask if she's still free tomorrow?\n\nI'd say you should've asked earlier. It's Friday night, that's prime time. Waiting until the day before increases the likelihood that she's accepted a date with someone else for that night, or has simply made other plans with friends.\n\nNext time, set the date up in advance! Then text the night before or day of to confirm. It's not desperate, it's completely normal behaviour.", "432" ], [ "> I never got an inflated ego from all the attention, more just felt overwhelmed. \n\nSame, this is how online dating felt for me. I switched to certain sites/apps to try and manage and reduce it though, which helped a lot.\n\nIt wasn't flattering because the attention was rude or an impersonal copy/pasta, not positive​. It was just...overwhelming. Sometimes I didn't even notice nice, genuine messages until after several days because I didn't want to check my inbox it because they got buried by crap. It helped to only respond to the nice messages instead of everyone, but it was still overwhelming.", "584" ], [ "I don't think the issue is with people wanting to hookup, it's with people being rude and nasty assholes.\n\nIt doesn't matter if someone wants a relationship or a hookup, they still deserve to be treated with basic respect. And wanting sex doesn't equal wanting sex with anyone who asks, so a person like <PERSON> saying she's not interested shouldn't result in her being considered a stuck-up bitch or anything else. Wanting a hookup doesn't mean you can't still reject someone; it's not a free-for-all. But the lack of respect is what I think most people see as the issue with hookup apps, not the fact that you'll find people wanting to hookup.\n\n*Edit:* fixed phrasing", "584" ], [ "I think part of it is the assumption of what you call a polite message might be presumed to be just another version of not caring. \n\n\"Hi, I'm X, how are you\" etc may well be perceived as a standard copy/paste message sent to 100 other women. Which, while obviously more polite than treating her like a convenient hole, still doesn't acknowledge her as an individual.\n\nPersonally, when I was online dating I responded to messages which referenced my profile. I only responded to meaningless \"hi, I'm X\" messages if his profile made me think we had something in common. And if I was short on time, I always ignored those shotgun approach messages in favour of answering the real messages I was sent.", "971" ], [ "Yep, this! I like to ease into it with a casual \"...<PERSON>? Wow, is that you?\" If I misjudged the situation, she'll correct me. If she's looking for a way out, she'll play along. \n\nAnd since I'm usually with friends, I'll just keep chatting as I get her away and walk her to my group, where we all kind of adopt her haha. If she's actually with someone, we'll help her find her friends. If not, she can stick with us as long as she wants.\n\nSide note, I was travelling alone a few years ago and had a group of ladies adopt me when I needed someone. It was definitely appreciated! And I love how only two of the five spoke English, but the desire to help me out transcended language barriers.", "289" ], [ "You're very welcome. \n\nI just want to quickly say that being able to introduce her to your friends is a big deal, which should offset not being able to introduce her to your parents. Arguably, friends may be more important because they're the people you *chose* to surround yourself with. So yours is not as terrible a dating situation as it first appears.\n\nAlso, no need to apologize for venting. As long as it doesn't leak into your dating life, it's good to express those feeling sometimes.\n\nI hope I didn't discourage you from dating now though. It's great to want to work on yourself and your situation, but there's no reason to not dip your toe in and test the waters now.", "432" ], [ "Agreed. I think this ties back into women having more of a support network compared to most men. \n\nIt doesn't mean that the breakup hurts less (this is a BS idea I see thrown around sometimes), but it means that our friends are there to pick us up and help us deal with our emotions. A lot of guys don't seem to have that.\n\nAlso, emotional awareness matters. Women are taught to recognize, understand, and address their own emotions. Men are often taught that they shouldn't have those emotions in the first place, which likely makes them ill-equipped to cope with them.", "490" ], [ "I'm not surprised. My opinion is that negging will work on a select group of people: those who are insecure and vulnerable, including those who have been in abusive relationships in the past. It's repulsive that someone would actually seek out a vulnerable person and hurt her further to make her an easier target, but I suppose it would be successful if morals aren't important.\n\nBut on the average person with self-esteem and self-respect, negging is completely useless. It's nothing but an efficient way to ruin your chances with someone and let her know you're an asshole. So when people say \"negging doesn't work,\" I assume they're talking about mentally healthy people and I agree.", "944" ], [ "> I wonder why they complain about how complicated we are when our motivations are sooo limited and predictable? \n\nI assume it's the same way \"women are so catty and secretly hate one another\" exists while at the same time women have stronger support networks and can be more emotionally open with their friends. Because, y'know, I totally feel supported by and willing to open to catty people who I secretly hate.", "971" ], [ "Haha, thanks!! I swear, I must have been a criminal in a past life. I remember being around 5 and my brother wanted to \"play bank.\" I was always supposed to be the bank manager/teller (okay, we just knew people work in banks) and he was supposed to make a deposit. But the money, uh, kept going missing from our \"safe\"...and it was an inside job lol.\n\nThen, when I was 6 or 7, I saw a movie where everyone was trying to catch the bad guy who was wearing a cat-burglar suit while robbing a museum. And instead of cheering on the cops, I realized, \"I want to do that!\" I was heartbroken when I found out it wasn't allowed! Damn adults have too many rules in life...", "630" ], [ "Sure, I'm always happy to answer questions. Just keep in mind that this is all subjective since I'm only one person!\n\nLike I said, if it's an interesting story, I'm straight-up eavesdropping. I personally have a bad habit of doing this to everyone, not just cute guys, but I try to be fairly unobtrusive about it.\n\nIf you're just having a routine conversation, I'm paying attention to everything else. If you're close enough for me to hear, I'm listening to your voice. A lot of men have attractive or otherwise pleasing voices. I'm also listening to any emotion in your voice - if you sound pissed or grumpy, I'm definitely not going to try and get your attention. On the flip side, some guys are downright adorable when they're excited about something, and that makes me smile.\n\nAnd I'm not just listening, I'm watching. Is he smiling? Good, people are more attractive when they smile. You know that rom-com movie scene, where it all goes quiet and she sees him engrossed in conversation and sighs over him? It's a less cheesy version of that, and I promise I don't sigh lol. If you're animated, it just catches my attention (the eye is drawn to movement, it's not my fault lol). Plus, I like when people talk with they're hands, it makes me feel like they have a more expressive personality. And, uh, I'm a cliche because I think rolled up sleeves are sexy, so depending on how you're dressed I may be checking out your arms.\n\nUnfortunately, a lot of this isn't something you can really modify about yourself. Your voice is your voice, for instance. But if you want some suggestions...if you notice a girl paying attention and you're in a long-sleeve shirt, it really would not hurt to push up the sleeves. And if you have RBF, make a point of smiling at your friend/during the conversation.", "289" ], [ "Interesting, I'm Canadian too (prairie province) and don't have that issue. The eggs cartons will often be labelled with \"free range\" or \"cage free.\" If they're unlabelled, the assumption is that they're cage raised. (Side note, these labels exist but aren't well regulated so that's an issue.)\n\nThat being said, I moved to a rural area and the best label I can find is \"farmer owned\" which doesn't actually tell me anything about the egg production... I'm sad that the lady I used to buy eggs from lost her backyard chickens to a fox :(", "262" ], [ "I loved those farm fresh eggs so much! I have basically decided that when I get my own place, I'm going to have my own chickens (assuming legality) so I can have that again.\n\nIn the mean time, covid has made it impossible to find someone else willing to sell local eggs so I'm back to the grocery store. \n\nFor what it's worth, you can tell a bit about the chicken from the eggs themselves. The ones I buy have a thicker shell (so the chicken isn't calcium depleted) and a rich coloured yolk (so the chicken has a source of different feed which likely includes insects).", "166" ], [ "Huh, I usually use the handle of my wooden spoon for the first mixing, but it doesn't incorporate as well as I'd like. I have cooking chopsticks... I think I'm going to try using chopsticks too! \n\nFor the flour types, I recommend using AP entirely because it'll result in a lighter, chewier crust. If you want to try switching it up, maybe try using only AP the first time so you have a baseline and then playing around with other flours. If you do try half rye, be aware that it'll be less stretchy and chewy; I'd recommend adding a tablespoon of vital wheat gluten (if it's available) to combat that.", "559" ], [ "Ah, that would work! We don't have strong AP flour where I live so viral wheat gluten is my only option to balance it otherwise the result is overly dense.\n\nI agree that rye is a little healthier, and I do 50/50 for my breads myself. I don't like it in pizza though tbh, the flavour and texture change just isn't worth it. I make it a healthier meal by my choice of toppings instead. But hey, if you like it with rye then that's all that matters!", "162" ], [ "> It doesnt really affect anything though. Other than maybe her image of him, this is inconsequential information for a casual/new relationship.\n\nThis really, really isn't true. It IS relevant information for a relationship - and for many people, it may even be a dealbreaker. \n\nHe has a kid. He isn't *raising* that child, but there is no guarantee that this child will never play a role in his life again. As a *very* common scenario, she may do a DNA test or use adoption records to find him...and then, bam, he has a kid in his life who wants to get to know her biodad. This is a realistic possibility, and one that many people are not willing to risk. \n\nIf she asked if he had a kid and he said \"no,\" that was a lie. Plain and simple. And after 8 months, she has every right to be shocked and upset that he'd lie to her about having fathered a kid.", "502" ], [ "It isn't that adoptive families aren't real, it's that adoption doesn't erase biology. Putting his child up for adoption doesn't erase the possibility that this child will come back into his life.\n\nAdoption records are being made available in various jurisdictions even when the adoption was supposed to have been closed. DNA kits are now affordable and readily available. It is far easier to track down a biological parent than ever before.\n\nSo, he had fathered a child. He isn't raising the kid, but has a kid. And that kid may one day track him down. I think that is clearly relevant information to tell someone, and that OP claiming he doesn't have a kid was an outright lie.", "843" ], [ "> Am I required to disclose if I'm a sperm donor?\n\nYes. That is something you should disclose, and it could realistically be a dealbreaker as well for many reasons. So while it isn't information you need to share with a hookup, it *is* something that should be shared with a potential long-term partner.\n\n > He isn't the father, he's not raising the child.\n\nHe very obviously is the child's biological father, and nothing will change that. This means that in 8 years (or less), his daughter may contact him, and she may become a part of his life. It is reasonable to not want to sign in for that.\n\nAs a rule, hiding potential dealbreakers from someone you're dating makes you an asshole.", "843" ], [ "Yes...and they were thanking someone who said it's also sold in stores in a bottle that's small enough to use as a sample.\n\nWhich is why I said that, if they found and purchased that sample bottle, they could reuse that bottle if they liked it enough to buy the large jar.\n\nI'm not sure why this is complicated for you. If they buy the bottle and then buy the jar, the bottle is perfect for reuse. If they don't buy the bottle then that's fine too, but since it sounds like they were planning to look into the bottle it was worth mentioning reuse.", "467" ], [ "> if you want me to edit ‘is’ to ‘could be’, I’ll consider it.\n\nHonestly, you should.\n\n \"Is\" makes an absolute statement, and that simply isn't correct. It *can be* traumatic, or it *can be* a source of relief, or it *can be* a source of regret, or it *can be* of no importance. It all depends on the individual person. Statistically, relief is actually MORE common than grief or regret...but that doesn't matter so long as all experiences are considered valid.\n\nI doubt people would appreciate if I said abortion is too minor an event to be worth any emotion. That statement may be true of many people, but it would be patently untrue of many others. Similarly, your statement that abortion is a traumatic event dismissed the lived experiences of many women who aborted and are entirely unbothered by their decision. \n\nThe added frustration is that women are often told that they *should* feel bad about aborting, so those who otherwise aren't bothered by the procedure still end up feeling guilty about not feeling guilty. It's exhausting being told you're supposed to be traumatized by something that has the same emotional significance to you as getting a tooth pulled at the dentist. \n\nI won't pile on any more because you're receiving a lot of criticism, but I will say you should not be complaining about a lack of common ground when you just dismissed so many women in your statement. *You created the lack of common ground,* and instead of apologizing and correcting your comment you got defensive.", "674" ], [ "I'm glad to hear it. Clearly reddit is slow for me because it still doesn't show an edit.\n\nI'll admit that I'm surprised you finally edited since you spent a full two hours actively engaging with people challenging your absolute statement, but I'm glad something did persuade you to accept the correction. Hopefully future comments will at least keep these different experiences in mind and avoid the pigeonhole approach.", "247" ], [ "I mean, this is basically why I'd never date a guy who picked up a hooker but would be far less judgemental about him having hired an professional, vetted escort in the past. The \"ick factor\" (to use the technical term) that many of us have in response to someone hiring a sex worker comes from the exploitation, not the sex work itself.\n\nIf someone created a strip club that was not exploitative, it would be better for everyone! Well, everyone except the club owner unfortunately.", "544" ], [ "Hm. I think there may be some correlation, but not quite for that simple a reason. \n\nGenerally speaking, our society rewards physically attractive people - not just women/dating, but also in so many other little ways. We place a high importance on looks - so someone who is highly attractive will be more likely to be confident (or arrogant sometimes) than someone who is average or below average in appearance. \n\nThe reason I mention this is because I think someone who is confident is more likely to directly ask someone out rather than use the Nice Guy Coins method of ingratiating themselves by faking friendship. But the reason why I only say 'some correlation' though is because I've seen so many exceptions of adorably shy cute guys and boldly hilarious average looking guys.\n\n I'd say it's not just about if they're actually unattractive, it's also about if they *feel* unattractive. When you consider how few compliments men receive, it seems like only guys on the extremes know where they stand, and the average guys tend to evaluate themselves lower because they have no frame of reference/compliments etc \n\nSo I think you could say that those guys tend to severely lack confidence, and it wouldn't be a stretch to say that confidence is often linked to how to feel about your physical appearance. But I wouldn't suggest that there's a causal relationship between average looks and Nice Guy ^(TM) behaviour, it seems too simplified to say they act that way as a direct result of their appearance only. \n\n...on a completely different note, I just want to acknowledge that you've been really great about actually listening to the answers given and asking follow up questions without being argumentative. It's refreshing to see, so thanks lol.\n\n*Edit:* typo", "378" ], [ "See, that's common in a lot of women's friendships too, mine included. I understand *that.* \n\nWhat I don't get us what OP described, which is how men can get legitimately aggressive to one another, sometimes actually exchanging blows (and not pulling their hits either!) and then...they're fine.\n\nIt kind of reminds me of how I want to just rant about something that's wrong before brainstorming solutions because I need to purge the emotion. The fight seems like purging, almost cathartic. But how are they immediately buddies after being physically aggressive and angry at each other??\n\n*Edit:* Nazi typo", "256" ], [ "Literally just the word \"rejection.\" No context, no explanation. It was as if \"women should experience orgasm\" was somehow connected to \"women should be rejected\" in his mind, like some sort of weird word association game.\n\nIdk, I'm kind of hoping he meant to make it a top level comment and replied to this one by accident. But that would be just as absurd, because in what world has a woman never been rejected in her life?", "971" ], [ "Oh, I figured, your :-( was basically a \"dammit mom...\" lol. And nope, I'm single right now, and my ex wasn't a (frequent) redditor. \n\n I'd say it was awful advice when you consider I was 4+ years into a monogamous relationship haha, but otherwise it's pretty great. Not for me, just because I'm not into ONS, but very refreshing to hear after listening to everyone else in my family push me about getting married when I was still waaaay too young. It's definitely great advice for someone wanting to have a hookup, very 'own it, and have fun.' I have a cool aunty :)", "429" ], [ "...then you've just acknowledged your own appealing qualities: you're funny, engage with people, and have pretty eyes/an attractive body. So you shouldn't be surprised if someone else finds them worth appreciating too. Congrats ! :p\n\nAlso, you can be as good at eye contact as you want. It takes effort from both parties to actually maintain it! So, skilled though you might be, she *wants* to look at you/pay attention to you/engage with you.", "289" ], [ "> If she or anyone else ever finds out you're buying photos of her, then they're never going to look at you the same.\n\nI would be so thoroughly creeped out and disturbed by this. How could someone think it's a good idea?\n\n I was going to say it's like stalking, but no, it IS stalking. <PERSON> is just wanting to use a third party to obtain the images instead of getting them by creeping her Facebook page himself (though he tried that) or taking the photos himself. \n\n /u/Darkness119, this is a legitimately creepy thing to do (and I don't use the word \"creepy\" often), and there's no \"perhaps\" about you being immoral for thinking it's acceptable. I very much hope you reconsider invading this girl's privacy like that.", "480" ], [ "Oh, I knew they were both good things! I never thought much about either term in such detail, but I still knew what cute meant - it's how I use it for men I guess. That doesn't change how the descriptions of cuteness made me go 'awww.'\n\nI'm just single and feeling right now haha, so this thread made me sappy for someone I'm comfortable being cute around.", "378" ], [ "So, this is probably not the best thread to mention it, but you should really spend some time researching birthing procedures and the associated risks (ie: forceps or no, cut or tear). A lot of women don't, and the stats for what you could be facing if you just trust the doctor blindly is damn scary. \n\nAlso, as someone who is staunchly childfree, I'm amazed at the pregnancy insanity some women have to deal with. Hopefully the cramps and migraines improve! Maybe try experimenting with pressure points?", "770" ], [ "> . I did allow for **his name of the house** in plans that one day he'd have some money to contribute but we've been here a year and he hasn't offered once because he just doesn't have it. He has a pretty sweet deal here having a nice house and not having to cough up his share really. **I just want to make sure that if he ever cheats, he will forfeit any claims to the property** and assets that are clearly provided by me only. \n\nUm. Have you spoken to a lawyer? Because protecting yourself on your own can be tricky.\n\nIn many jurisdictions, his name there gives him a valid interest in the property. Additionally, if you're looking to protect assets have they been separated? Not just from him, but from deposits? In a lot of places, taking from a bank account is okay but once you later deposit into it, depending on circumstances you can taint the account and it can become shared. Same with if you purchase an asset for family use. Or (in Canada) if the house was bought in anticipation of you guys marrying. \n\nIt's great that you want to protect yourself! Just make sure it's real protection because the are some common mistakes you need to avoid. I mean, even prenups in Canada and I think the US aren't a guarantee.", "325" ], [ "To add to that, if you can't afford an extra bedroom you can set up separate area with how you position furniture etc. Even a little reading nook or computer desk on the far side of the living room (where to know it's not the place to start a discussion if he's there) would be better than nothing - and won't result in the shared bedroom becoming his quiet zone, resulting in you feeling like you can't always access it or like you're intruding.", "295" ], [ "Well, my ex had depression and it was a key factor in our relationship ending. But not because of the depression itself, but because he refused to seek help. He was opposed to ever taking medication. And that unwillingness to get treated was a huge problem.\n\nIs having major depression a big deal? I don't know exactly what that involves when managed, but it's all on how you handle it. My ex would lash out (not physically) when he was having bad days or weeks, and he never felt responsible because feeling 'bad' excused it. If you recognize how your depression may affect your behaviour that's a big step - because even if you're not meaning to be hurtful, you still caused hurt so an apology afterwards is warranted.\n\nIf it's mostly well managed, I wouldn't consider it a big deal. I'd suggest you stay the hell away from anyone who suggests relying on medication is an issue instead of supporting it. That isn't an influence you need in your life!\n\nAs for when to disclose...isn't it just like any other topic? Wait yntil things start looking serious enough to be worth it, and you feel comfortable enough to talk about it. Obviously don't wait ages because at that point you're actively hiding it, but you don't have to say everything immediately. \n\nHope that helps!", "739" ], [ "You would think! Especially since I said it *might* be a dealbreaker \"depending on circumstances and if it can be reliably managed.\" I'm not even saying it's an absolute dealbreaker, I'm saying there's a threshold at which point it becomes one. And that's perfectly reasonable, dammit.\n\nI've noticed on AM that there's a tendency to downvote a woman expressing *any* sort of dating preference though, so I don't take it personally.", "209" ], [ "> I always said, depression is like diabetes for the mind. If it's managed with diet and exercise and medication you'll live a totally normal life without anyone being aware. Without treatment, it can kill you.\n\nThat is an excellent way of phrasing it. It annoys me how much of a stigma there is against mental health treatments though. You wouldn't tell someone to stop taking their insulin, or that needing insulin makes them weak. So why are those things said about depression meds? \"Just try harder\" isn't a valid treatment option.", "739" ], [ "It's tough if they're a complete stranger, I need one point of commonality no matter how small. Online dating profiles help a lot with this info. Anyways, the goal is to launch into an organic conversation. \n\nSo if someone likes travelling, I would ask him where he's been. I'd use that to start talking about different foods, which might lead to spicy food, which might lead to confessing what things we can't stand eating are. Or I'd ask him where he's go if he could go anywhere in the world right now, kickstarting a conversation on all the crazy things to see in the world.\n\nBasically, you know how good friends can riff off one another? I try to do that on my dates. It makes for exciting conversations as a way of lightening up the practical \"do you want kids?\" type questions .", "33" ], [ "> When's the last time you saw a TV show or movie where men were talking about how great being married is. Most of it is men talking about how much being married is awful. \n\nI kind of like *White Collar* for this. <PERSON> is undeniably thrilled to be married to his wife, he loves being her husband. Instead of talking about downsides, his character considers marrying his wife one of his best life decisions. And as a couple, they both have independent lives yet are supportive of each other, and it's obvious that the attraction hasn't faded like every other show seems to joke about.", "367" ], [ "And that doesn't strike you as an exceptionally selfish reason to have kids? If you want a caretaker, hire one instead of trying to guilt your kid into it.\n\nSome people don't want to be caretakers and that's okay. I know I don't want to be one. Rather than doing it anyways and resenting my parents, they're both fully aware that I'd be finding a care home for them. *This is not abandonment.*\n\n They're fine with it because they don't want to become burdens or undermine my life since they tried being caretakers for their parents and they realized how much work it is. It's far better for people to live in an environment suited to them with trained staff who will always be available. And because I care, I'll vet the home thoroughly to ensure they get the best care possible. Also, since there are other people living there, they'd have *more* company not less since they can get to know their neighbours and join the activities instead of being isolated in a home while I'm working. It's a far better way to have company when you can't go out vs obligation your kids and burdening them.", "198" ], [ "I don't want children, but if I was going to have a kid I consider adoption to be the only option for me.\n\n I don't like babies, and pregnancy/labour is incredibly undesirable to me. To go through all of that, only to be \"rewarded\" with a baby? It's my nightmare, my personal hell. At least I like kids, and while it can be tough to adopt a baby there are many more kids in need of a home. With adopting a kid, I could skip out on all the baby stuff I never want to experience.\n\nI'm also not the type of person who thinks my lineage needs to be passed on biologically. People are too hung up on genetics, and I tend to think less of people who say an adopted child can never be your 'real' kid. Family is what you make it. I can understand wanting to experience pregnancy itself, even if I'd hate it, but I don't understand people disdaining non-biological bonds as being an equally stable foundation to build a family on.", "361" ], [ "And older cats and dogs too!! Just like how baby humans are adopted before kids, baby animals are in higher demand too. But adult pets have a lot to offer still, and many times they are actually a *better* choice because they're often trained already. Yet even animals a year or two old are being passed over because everyone wants the babies.", "287" ], [ "I agree that politeness is more reserved for strangers than friends.\n\n But if you're actively treating those you care about badly, whether cruelly trying to hurt them or just not caring about them in any way, that's messed up. There's a difference between talking shit with friends because you have a close enough bond that social niceties aren't required, and treating people like garbage because you figure they'll tolerate it and you don't think they're worth the effort of treating them well.\n\nIf <PERSON> is doing the second option, where he actively mistreats people he claims to care for (and not just bantering), I definitely don't think that's the way it should be.", "219" ], [ "If you're looking for a hookup, fewer people will care because it's not like your ability to commit matters. I'd say list your profession because it'll just be an asset for the people who are attracted to a uniform.\n\nBut yeah, you can't really be surprised that it's a huge negative relationship-wise. Even if you aren't deploying (which is a 'hell no' on its own for many people), the courses will mean you'll be away for months, not to mention most weekends. If you aren't just a reservist, dating a military guy means no stability and having to follow him around the country to wherever he's next stationed. \n\nI wouldn't say you have to put it in your profile, but I would say you have to expect a lot of people to not want anything serious with someone in the military. Not listing it might just be delaying when they say they're not interested - unless your job is actually stable and you don't travel away, then not listing will avoid misconceptions.", "798" ], [ "> Personally, I wouldn't want to tie myself for the rest of my life to someone like this by having a child with him.\n\nThis is what I was thinking as I read <PERSON>'s post too. Her bf can't even look after himself let alone a child, he's unfaithful, irresponsible, and self-centered. Having a baby him means signing up for a lifetime of nagging him - and that's on top of <PERSON> most likely having to act like a single mom.\n\n**Even if <PERSON> wanted a baby, it should not be with him!** The fact that he is the father is a solid reason to abort. And that's without even considering the simple fact that <PERSON> doesn't want a kid.\n\n*ETA:* I'm sorry you're dealing with this, /u/<PERSON>. I hope you're able to make the decision that's right for you, and not just give in to outside pressures. Good luck.", "502" ], [ "Hm, this sounds familiar... By any chance are you Canadian?\n\nAnd idk about people calling it tacky, but I know those who have never heard of a social are often baffled that companies will just donate prizes.\n\n It's certainly practical though haha. And it's a lot more fun than just giving an envelope of money at the wedding like other places do. (They even have fancy boxes on the head table for this purpose sometimes!)", "275" ], [ "Hm. I disagree that it should be the same time frame. It sounds fair in the surface, but in practice it would create more problems! \n\nI think men need an earlier deadline. Think of it this way: he shouldn't be able to make his decision so close to the cutoff for an abortion that she can't realistically obtain one. So, the only logical solution is that the men's deadline must be *before* the abortion deadline. That way she can make an informed decision based on whether she'll be a single parent or not.", "992" ], [ "My understanding is that the first few months can be wonky even on a good pill, so I've always been recommended to wait 3 months before switching. And I was instructed to not go off the first before switching to the second one.\n\nI suggest keeping a period journal or using the app Clue religiously. It's tough to notice the changes for yourself! So tracking how you feel daily can reveal these patterns. And if your doctor tries to say that it's normal or that emotional symptoms don't matter, and doesn't want you to switch...don't listen. You'll have proof of the effects, and you deserve a pill that works with your body.\n\nNote: I'm not a doctor, you should ask your doctor this question.", "343" ], [ "Based off of Google image results for their names:\n\n<PERSON> is at the top end of where I still find muscle attractive (and this is helped by the fact that he has a very pretty face). So yeah, I'd be just fine with him. I don't think I could do any more muscle though.\n\n<PERSON> is a hell no. Just *no*. I find his body completely unattractive. It's too much, too lumpy. He has bulges on top of bulges!\n\n<PERSON> isn't as bad as <PERSON>, but still a definite no. His body is not attractive to me, basically his entire upper body looks inflated.\n\n<PERSON> also isn't as bad as <PERSON> (and also has a pretty face). His body is definitely muscled but it's not bulging. I'd be fine with him. \n\n > Because [n]one of them have lean bodies yet have no time scoring.\n\nWell...*duh*. They're famous. \n\nAlso, women like different things. Who would've thought? The most common preference is a lean swimmers body (according to unofficial surveys so take that with a grain of salt), but someone more muscled like your first and last example is hardly unattractive to most women. <PERSON> is definitely an acquired taste though.\n\n*ETA:* so like I said, my \"type\" is lean with muscles and I'm turned off by bulging muscles. I can go either way with bodies which fall between those categories based on other features (ie: face) and if the muscles are too overdone.", "378" ], [ "I'll admit I am *terrible* at putting names to faces, or knowing who is in what movie... I literally put their names into Google and based my opinion off the image results. \n\nIt's interesting to know that my max range of what I can find attractive is roughly where you have to use something unnatural to get bigger though. I'd definitely prefer just *less* overall than even their looks though.", "378" ], [ "1) they aren't \"absurdly muscular\" given the extremes bodybuilders and other actors take it to. They aren't regular guy muscular, sure, but it's hyperbolic to call their bodies absurd given the spectrum of other men in media.\n\nAnd again, they're literally the max muscle I can conceivably find attractive given the right face. So it's not like I'm calling them the best restaurant...more like the coldest temperature I could survive while wondering why I'd even try. It's a negative and an undesirable unlikelyhood, not a Michelin restaurant. \n\n2) at no point was I talking about regular people, so why does it matter that I'm unlikely to meet someone more muscular? *That's not the point.*\n\nThe point is that when people talk about body types, many think of celebrity bodies. So when people say that overly muscular is unattractive, we really are thinking of overly muscular people. Not Average Joe.\n\n > IME, what girls think of as \"eww too muscular\" is not realistically attainable by the average person with hobbies or anything resembling a life. \n\n...So? No one asks what body type *in your regular life* you are or aren't attracted to. This is especially true when talking about extremes. How many swimsuit models do most men know? People talk in celebrities and ideals - this isn't a surprise, nor is it gendered.\n\n > And what girls think of as \"fit and lean, not too muscular\" is still really ripped compared to the average guy\n\nNot so much. Every guy I've dated has fallen into this category, and I anticipate every future guy doing so. \"Fit and lean\" is attainable for someone with a physically active lifestyle without being a gym rat. I'm not saying it doesn't still take work, but it's also something regular guys with a life attain.", "378" ], [ "I repeat: <PERSON> is the max of what I could find attractive, given the right face. He is by no means ideal.\n\nThat means men start approaching the \"too muscled\" stage *before* <PERSON>. Because that's how a max limit to something works.\n\nAnd again, where did I say I was concerned about finding a guy who is too big? I'm not, I've only dated leaner men.\n\nWhat men seem to be missing is what when people talk about body types, *they aren't talking about regular people.* This isn't gendered, men talk about celebrity bodies too. So when women are talking about being too muscular, they probably aren't thinking about <PERSON>. AND THAT'S OKAY.\n\n*The issue isn't women not knowing what they mean by too muscular.* It's guys thinking they're applying that body type to ordinary people. We know only gym rats get that big, and that they often use steroids. We're not clueless.\n\nJeez, I can't believe the amount of guys who are flooding my inbox about this. It's not that complicated... \n\n(ETA: sorry if I'm more annoyed than your comment warrants, part of this rant isn't at you. It's at the men who think they know what I'm not attracted to better than I do.)", "238" ], [ "> Yeah, but I guarantee you that the average natural guy (read: no steroids) will NOT get too big for you, to the point of bulging muscles.\n\nI'm well aware of that. What people seem to be missing is that this doesn't matter. At all. \n\nWhen people talk body types they're attracted to or not, the question isn't limited to <PERSON>. No one asks \"what body do you dislike *for regular guys*\". It includes all body types. And the muscled body type, which a dude above called the brute look, is what most women are thinking of when saying that being overly muscled is unattractive (to us). \n\n > See the common bullshit that men and women buy into is how easy it is to build muscle\n\nUgh, no, it's not - it's guys reading this bullshit into a regular comment. No one is saying that body type is normal or easy, just that it's unattractive (again, to us). Any commentary about this applying to regular people is being added in by the readers here.\n\n > The natural limit is a LOT less than what you think. \n\nNo. It's not. Because I'm not talking about regular people in these comparisons. I'm well aware of how hard it is to build muscle, and given how much other people joke about how gym rats must be using steroids I'm not the only one. But this isn't relevant when saying a body type we don't like - natural or not, it is a body type.\n\nBtw, not that it matter but...your perception of what I mean still seems skewed. <PERSON> in that pic is already edging into that overly muscled look, and your regular guy picture is more muscled than the ideal lean look. Think swimmer's body for most people when they say 'lean and fit,' not someone who lifts.", "238" ], [ "I mean, straight up kissing is subtle compared to clubbing me over the head and dragging me back to your cave. :p\n\nA light touch to her back as she walks ahead of you through a door, a hand on her hand or arm to get her attention, or even holding her hand to warm it up from outside is more subtle. These are touches with a purpose, not obviously just touching for the sake of touching.\n\n(Note: I'm not saying there is anything wrong with footsie or holding hands. Footsie away! It's just not subtle lol.)", "289" ], [ "I'll use [this comparison pic](_URL_0_).\n\nOn the left, I wouldn't call him lean or particularly muscled. He looks like a fairly normal guy. If I could sculpt the perfect body I'd add a little more muscle tone, but that isn't a criticism. (ETA: for clarity, this is not the swimmers body I mentioned earlier.)\n\nOn the right, he's waaaaaay passed \"lean and fit\" and is looking completely ripped. That's too much for me. \n\nIf he has an in between stage that would probably be within a range I'm attracted to.", "238" ], [ "I wouldn't say the pic on the right, I'd say something between the two pics. Like /u/<PERSON> said, most seem to prefer some visible muscle, myself included. That's why I said I'd add some to the left photo. \n\nBut yes, absolutely everyone is different. Women want different things - and men who work out so much because they like how it looks certainly shouldn't change just to appeal to the majority.\n\n*Edit:* typo", "378" ], [ "Jeez, you aren't kidding. I didn't realize my little comment would get such a reaction. \n\nSo many men decided to try and tell me that I just don't understand what I'm attracted to! Or that I'm just lying. Or that what I'm actually attracted to (lean and fit) is practically unattainable without being a gym rat with no life - which is bullshit, it's attainable with a reasonably active lifestyle, as every guy I've dated has done.\n\nAnd what's with mocking cardio to promote lifting? Cardio is great! If they just want to lift and like the resulting body for themselves, great, but scoffing at cardio and disbelieving other preferences for attraction seems odd.", "378" ], [ "> I think that is a completely reasonable ultimatum actually.\n\nI mean, ultimatums don't have to be unreasonable, that's just how a lot of people like to frame them. Some times it's simply saying what your limit is, and that you'll walk away if whoever can't meet your needs or insists on crossing that line. \n\nUltimatums are often framed as horrible things on reddit. But in reality, while some are manipulative many others are simply communicating a dealbreaker.", "247" ], [ "I'm not the right person to ask about *why* lol, I don't find any body hair attractive. \n\nAll I know is that chest hair is talked about as \"manly\" and the women who like hairy guys enjoy the feeling of it. Back hair, as far as I'm aware, is generally is just not seen as sexy. I'm pretty sure that any old thread in AW asking about male body hair lists back hair as being less desirable than chest hair. And this fits with my experiences and conversations anecdotally.\n\nI figured this perception is why so many guys seem to be more self-conscious about their back hair vs their chest hair.", "90" ], [ "My response when my ex told me to: \"Sure, darling... As long as you promise to eat every- last- bite.\" (*evil smile*) \n\nHe made his own damn sandwich. Smart man. The sheer amount of hot sauce I would have used probably would have been indigestible, not to mention what other ingredients I would have tossed in.\n\n...Of course, if he had just *asked* like a normal person with manners I would have gladly done a favour for him.", "897" ], [ "> ...not to mention what other ingredients I would have tossed in.\n\nSure, <PERSON>... I've got some sardines (they don't need the guts removed, do they? Nah), some marshmallows, and three different hot sauces just for you. The sandwich meat is a bit slimy and smelly funny, but it's probably okay, right? And mayo, you need mayo, a nice thick layer that squished out when you pick up the sandwich. Toss in some maraschino cherries, a spoon or two of whole cloves, and some oil to make sure the bread is nice and soggy when you pick it up.\n\nDone! Enjoy... :p", "324" ], [ "This question made me realize I initiated every first kiss. Huh.\n\nAnyways, one way is just to ask. It doesn't have to be formal and stilted, no \"may I please\" or \"do I have permission\" lol. You can say, \"I really want to kiss you right now... Would you like that?\"\n\nOr I guess you can do what I've done - get close to giving a kiss and see if the other person's body language is receptive. (Think the 90-10 scene from the movie *Hitch.*) Only I didn't hold at 90 if they seemed receptive, I gave a very light, very brief kiss. More like a brushing of lips. Then I pulled back to see if they'd reciprocate.\n\nWhich option you choose depends on go much social awareness you have, and if you can read the person's body language. When in doubt, ask. Whisper it, make it cute or sexy. It's a good thing.", "581" ], [ "Why on earth is this downvoted? It answered the question.\n\nI personally think she's in a tough situation given who her father is. Not only do they have many business ties which hurt her image, but people want to see her shine as a beacon against sexist snd instead she's just paying it lip service. \n\nSo I wouldn't necessarily call her a good role model because she had so many advantages and she's not doing much when it comes to matters of social importance. But she could have been like <PERSON>, and instead she seems right be very intelligent and driven.", "759" ], [ "Well, you were about to approach her anyways. What would you have talked about if she actually agreed to meet up? If you want to go on a date with her, you should know *something* about her besides thinking she's hot. You should have a commonality. \n\nIt sounds like you see her around, so don't ask her out in the first five seconds - those cold approaches rarely work. Chat a bit, see if you click, then ask her if she wants to grab a coffee. \n\nAnd keep on mind, many women prefer giving their number only to someone they've vetted via chatting, for safety reasons. So your original idea wasn't just socially awkward, it ignored the reality where women have to weigh such decisions against a risk of harassment. I'm glad you reconsidered!", "432" ], [ "Stepping in is such a bad idea. *She still lives there.* What happens when you leave and he's still pissed about you getting involved? He doesn't sound like he'd be calm and rational, that he'd thank you for the advice and will change his behaviour. He'll likely be worse towards her, because he already takes his emotions out on her. This is why people in DV situations who aren't ready to leave often try to discourage outside involvement....because they know they'll be the ones paying for it.\n\n**Unless getting her out of the situation is an option, your involvement will likely just make it worse.**\n\nWhich means wanting to get involved is about yourself, and wanting to feel good, not about the result for her. What do you hope to accomplish? Changing him? Not happening. Supporting her? There are ways to do so which don't involve her facing repercussions for it. \n\nDon't get involved. It's sweet that you want to help, but stepping in and thinking that would make a positive difference is very naive. Instead, try to give her as much of a reprieve as possible. And be supportive of her to her, not to him.", "552" ], [ "I think so. It's illogical to single out her complicity when so many others are doing the same, just because of her last name. I think it's a problem but not one that's specific to her. Doing so gives everyone else who is silently supporting <PERSON> a free pass, when she's no different than them.\n\nAnd I will always choose intelligence over stupidity. <PERSON> is a glorified airhead. I doubt she's have the courage or motivation to stand up to the president, so being like her would accomplish nothing. Since there's nothing to gain by that, it's best <PERSON> at least be driven and worthy if respect in other ways. It's the difference between failing sometimes (<PERSON>'s complicity) and failing overall (<PERSON>).", "557" ], [ "Her saying it's \"unlikely\" doesn't make it \"entirely\" like you're saying. By definition, X being \"unlikely\" still leaves the clear possibility of X happening.\n\nAs you acknowledged, statistics are not in favour of happy marriages with kids. Those couples consistently rank themselves as being less happy than their childfree counterparts, and children can cause a significant amount of marital breakdown via stress and re-prioritization (husbands in particular tend to note frustration with no longer being their partner's main focus). I partially agree with <PERSON> - I wouldn't say unlikely per se, it is more likely than not that a marriage will not last the 18+ years happily. \n\nThis doesn't mean it can't happen (my own parents are one example), but <PERSON> never said it's a 100% no - that was just your rephrasing of her words.", "429" ], [ "> messaging a guy is a big no no\n\nWhen you wait for men to contact you first, you're being passive and forcing them to be active. While this is not necessarily bad, the results are pretty logical. 1) you will not be attracted to all the men contacting you, and 2) the men who are most outgoing and aggressive in initiating contact are often not looking for a meaningful connection or interested in respecting boundaries - they're playing a numbers game.\n\nWhen you take the initiative, you're already changing the playing field. Suddenly everyone you're contacting is someone you are attracted to, instead of you trying to weed through whichever men messaged you. And you're setting yourself apart from other women since, statistically, women do not initiate as often. This can be a bad thing in real life (men on AM say differently, but a women who approaches first IRL is often seen as desperate and undesirable), but it's a great thing online. And you're no longer expecting a quiet, shy guy to become loud and aggressive - you're opening up the dialogue and inviting him to engage with you. As for finding someone who respects your boundaries, you should be able to tell through messaging if he's polite. That's why I always chat for a while and refuse to meet up immediately, it's a great way to vet people. There are a lot of great men out there, but you need to take the initiative to find them - especially since most aren't aggressively seeking out women like jerks or those not looking for something serious are.\n\nSo let me put this simply: \n\nIf you wait for men to message you, you're going to hear from people who are attracted to you but that you may not find desirable. This includes men with incompatible profiles or stupid pictures. \n\nIf you take that first step, you're making it more likely that your inbox will be filled with communications with men you're attracted to - both physically and personality wise. It is in your best interest to cultivate matches with people you want to be with instead of passively filtering through just anyone who messages you.", "289" ], [ "It's definitely not harassment. I get why OP wasn't into it though, since it does suggest that the person sending it wants something physical more than to get to know OP. Which isn't inherently bad, but it's not desirable for someone looking to date.\n\nWhen I was doing online dating, I generally just ignored any message that was just \"hey\" or a comment on my body - to me, they're the same sort of spam sent to 50 other women. And I had no desirable to get to know someone who opened with a physical comment when I made sure my profile contained lots of easy openers for any guy who read it.\n\nBesides...\"I love your lips\" is the type of shit often followed with a sexual comment on what body part he wants those lips wrapped around. No thanks, not interested, delete.", "506" ], [ "> I just wish every male dominated space didn’t turn so toxic\n\nThis is how I feel about the men's rights movement. There are serious, legitimate issues which affect men - and these issues should be talked about. They deserve to be addressed. Hell, they *need* to be addressed. Mental health resources, DV supports, recognition of sex assault victims, decreasing success in the educationso system, and so on. \n\nBut the trend seems to be that those male spaces and male conversations rarely actually focus on men. They instead devolve into an attack on women, which serves to further divide people and to alienate women who would have supported such changes. It's...frustrating. The same criticisms which so many men have about the current state of feminism are also evident in the men's movement, and that's a problem.", "256" ], [ "I felt so bad for my ex because of this...\n\nFor context, I'm not someone who cries often or easily. But I was trying a new birth control pill, and suddenly I was sobbing over every little thing. I cried over goddamn *commercials* for fucks sake.\n\n So, every single time my ex disagreed with me, even over something minor...the waterworks started. He wasn't necessarily wrong, or he was just trying to explain his perspective, but he was always left feeling guilty as though he screwed up by making me cry. It was frustrating for both of us - I'm glad I finally figured out the cause so it could stop!", "875" ], [ "We just...know each other *that* well. I've sat at a table with closest female friends and had an entire silent conversation while our SOs were oblivious. They only clued in when we all started giggling because of a joke we knew one friend was making.\n\nIt's just like how you know a certain smile indicates that person is amused. It's the same skill - but the body language becomes more and more subtle with time. An eyebrow twitch replaces skeptically raised brows. Pursing your mouth slightly for just a second replaces a full eye roll. \n\nDoes that make sense?", "289" ], [ "You say that as if a cat should recognize those chickens as livestock and respect the difference... \n\nThose chickens are a conveniently penned food which are easier to hunt than any wild prey in a wooded area. Of course cats will prefer hunting the chickens. OC can deters the cats (*without* harming them!), but no one who raises chickens should be surprised that cats will prefer the chickens as long as they're easy prey.", "287" ], [ "Sure, I have no doubt some chickens have won against cats. \n\nBut you said a \"chicken would beat a house cat any day,\" meaning a cat can't kill a chicken...and that's just hyperbolic. If a cat can beat a fox, it can kill a chicken. It's simple logic. \n\nOf course not every cat can beat a fox, and not every cat can kill a chicken. But for those that can? A penned in chicken is easy prey compared to having to hunt, which explains why cats were targeting OC's birds.", "287" ], [ "Eh, you should be feeling sorry for me lol. I'm sure it was rough on him, but it was SO MUCH WORSE to be the one experiencing it.\n\nImagine having random, everyday moments become emotional landmines to you *and you don't know why.* Imagine the frustration of feeling an intense emotion, of feeling devastatingly sad, while being utterly confused about why you're feeling that way. It was terrifying to have an intense emotional reaction...while my mental state didn't match what I was feeling at all. \n\nHormonal birth control can fuck people up. And frankly, only an ass would find an unexplained personality change to be rage inducing instead of scary and something to be concerned about. I would have lost a lot of respect for my ex if he had gotten mad over something I couldn't control instead of recognizing it was a problem and helping me find a solution. Luckily, my ex was a good man who put aside his own frustrations because there was clearly a bigger problem.", "52" ], [ "Holy shit. The type of torture she faced and the length of time she endured it is absolutely horrific. It's remarkable she was sane at the end, let alone willing and able to go on with life. \n\nThat may be one of the worst depictions of human cruelty I've read in a long time. It reminds me of [<PERSON> murder](_URL_0_), which also shows how truly evil some people are.\n\n*Edit:* link formatting", "486" ], [ "Ah, that's rough. I also went a little crazy on hormonal birth control - for me, I alternated between devastating sadness and sudden violent anger without provocation. The worst part was that I *knew* I wasn't sad or angry in my mind, and that I had no reason to feel those emotions - yet I still experienced them even while my brain knew I was fine. It was incredibly confusing. \n\nFor a long time, I also didn't realize what was happening and neither did my partner. When he did start worrying, he had to bring up the conversation *very* carefully so I didn't burst into tears or become furious. He used a lot of \"I feel...\" sentences (rather than \"you are\" phrases which felt like accusations). And he kept it very clinical, focusing on his concern for my health (which was good because vague statements about how I was acting different or irrational would have also felt like accusations). \n\nIt wasn't my fault I was having a negative medical reaction and I was already umsettled from feeling like my mind and my body no longer matched, so it was important he brought it up with care and concern - I wouldn't have listened otherwise. I certainly wouldn't have started keeping a journal about all the weird stuff I was feeling, which eventually made it clear that there was a real issue.\n\nI'm not sure if any of this information is useful, but hopefully it helps you understand what it feels like from her perspective.", "52" ], [ "[This](_URL_1_) is an ordinary, unmaintained beard.\n\nNotice how his beard hairs are uneven lengths? And how the beard stops with the hairs just...petering out? If he was looking up, his beard probably blends into his neck the way it does his cheeks. That is an poorly maintained beard. \n\n[This](_URL_0_) is what grooming looks like. \n\n See how the hairs are trimmed to the same length instead of being sad wisps? And how there's a clear delineation between his beard and face? That guy takes care of his beard. \n\n*Edit:* \"beard,\" not \"bears\"", "90" ], [ "If you don't mind some advice, ask *several* of your female friends to help. \n\nin a way, it benefits them because it's more fun to work on together instead of it being a chore. But...mostly it benefits you lol. Unless you want a profile which caters to a woman who is just like a particular friend, you need multiple opinions to achieve broad appeal. Also, there are common profile flaws which one person might overlook but other women won't. And frankly, we just have different skills; one will write a wittier profile while the other knows which photos will catch people's eyes.", "289" ], [ "> I think both men and women can be equally attractive in formal wear and bedroom attire (I dont know a better term for it.)\n\nBut men don't have bedroom wear. \n\nWomen have regular underwear, and we have lingerie. Men...don't. And regular men's underwear isn't special or unusually sexy or anything that sets the tone. If he looks good in it, it's just because he looks good - his underwear is ordinary. \n\nA suit is the closest men have to something that many women want to strip off him. Yes, it's worn in public, but it elicits a strong sexual reaction - and thoughts of going somewhere more private. It sets off his body in a flattering way. And it's designed to be appealing.\n\nIn truth, a more accurate comparison would be to a little black dress. But since men are lacking an equivalent to sexy underwear, a suit fulfills both comparisons because it is the closest option. *A suit is as close to lingerie as male clothing items get.*", "506" ], [ "> He's using a word that is only used aggressively.\n\nI find this hilarious because I teasingly call my SO a brat quite frequently. \n\nIt's aggressive TO YOU perhaps, but the tone of voice is what made it aggressive in this situation - not the word choice. I'm sure if <PERSON> had snarled \"watch your child\" in an angry voice that would go over just as poorly.\n\nYou, by the way, are being aggressive in your responses as others have pointed out. You're also being belittling. Funny enough, you sound a lot like <PERSON>...just with less provocation. I'm surprised you don't understand why <PERSON> snapped and used a (mild) name in a moment of frustration with an ill-behaved child and a lazy parent.", "730" ], [ "Ugh, I've been the example of a woman who \"looks beautiful without makeup\" before.\n\nI was wearing concealer, a setting powder, sparkly eyeshadow, eye liner, blush, and lipstick.\n\nNow, all of those products looked natural (except the eyeshadow, it was gold glitter, what sort of person thinks I was born with glittery eyelids), but I was definitely not the example of a makeup-free woman. No, I was the example of what men *think* a beautiful woman without makeup looks like.\n\nNeedless to say, myself and the woman he was speaking to laughed our asses off.", "489" ], [ "By that logic, a \"girlfriend zone\" should exist where a guy sees a girl as a potential girlfriend and not as a real friend. Her disinterest towards him doesn't have anything to do with his self-created perception.\n\nIf anything, a \"girlfriend zone\" (or boyfriend) makes more sense. Friendship is the existing state of their relationship so it should be the norm. The person looking for more is the one trying to change things, so that person is the one who is creating a relationship zone.\n\n<PERSON>: I don't think you're an asshole for giving your honest opinion when asked, so I'd vote NTA. I just think you're ridiculous for actually thinking that the friendzone is a thing.", "591" ], [ "Lavender may be a waste of money... They won't sleep on it, but it doesn't seem effective otherwise.\n\nHere are a few other ideas: \n\n* motion sensor sprinklers by the garden (when you won't be outside obviously, and not where they'll spray delivery people)\n\n* chicken wire fencing around the garden\n\n* cayenne pepper sprinkled on the soil, reapply after it rains\n\n* sturdy sticks that are stuck upright in the dirt at regular intervals to make it an awkward and uncomfortable pooping location\n\nSide note, I am 100% on your boyfriend's side when it comes to his frustration. His method makes him an asshole (trapping and torturing an animal is unacceptable), but the frustration is valid. I have a deep hatred of every irresponsible cat owner who lets their pet wander and inevitably come into my property, dig up my garden, and shit on my vegetables. As a gardener, it is *infuriating* to deal with.", "173" ], [ "> I’m probably just being dumb about it.\n\nYou want to give your child a name that is solely a gift from you and your fiance, and you want to be a name that you love instead of merely tolerate. \n\nThat's...really normal and reasonable. There's nothing dumb about it! \n\nI do think YOU need to bring suggestions to the table though. Shooting down his idea with no alternative isn't productive because, as he is arguing, you aren't suggesting anything better. Child names should be a \"two yes, one no\" situation in an active relationship, meaning either parent should have the right to veto. You're using your veto. Now, it's time to put some ideas down.", "777" ], [ "Eh... Not quite.\n\nI agree that vigilante justice isn't the goal, and it should be condemned rather than encouraged. But you seem to have *far* too much faith in the system.\n\nFor example, <PERSON> was overlooked enough that after having participated in the rape and murder of several minors (resulting in manslaughter convictions), she was able to become a volunteer at a school. Parents were horrifyingly unaware that the woman entrusted with the safety of their children was a woman who had participated in killing children.\n\nSo, in order to avoid despicable situations like that, I am in favour of never allowing name changes for such people. It IS an egregious affront, and people in the justice system knowing an offender's name is not sufficient to prevent such situations. Having their name tied to their crimes would be.", "178" ], [ "Hi, CF member here, in addition to the doctor's list there are also examples of \"sterilization binders\" available. Those are essentially binders of information put together to explain the reason for the request and to show that the patient has researched the process, knows the risks, has considered alternatives, and is certain of their decision. Most are aimed at not wanting kids of course, but some are for people with PCOS or endometriosis. They may be useful for you too.\n\nGood luck! Yeetus the uterus...and the immature boyfriend unless he apologizes and grows up.", "343" ], [ "> Instead of coming at her like, why are you sleeping so late, maybe approach it as a concern. Is there a medical issue like depression or sleep apnea at play for her?\n\n<PERSON> is aware of the reason - she suffers from insomnia. [Here's the comment](_URL_0_).\n\nAs someone who also struggles with insomnia, <PERSON>'s attitude is infuriating. When I do manage to fall asleep and stay asleep, I will sleep as long as I goddamn can! Getting up at 2pm or 3pm on a Saturday isn't lazy, it's me trying to recover from scant sleep all week...or because I didn't fall asleep until after 6am. <PERSON> is incredibly inconsiderate.\n\nYTA, <PERSON>.\n\nEdit: added times", "41" ], [ "If being in a different room would solve the issue, it would have to be bedroom related and not simply about using the house normally.\n\nPersonally, I'm thinking it's either YTA or ESH depending on if they discussed the issue first. <PERSON> seems skeptical and dismissive, and doesn't seem to understand that when someone struggles with sleep then catching up by sleeping until afternoon is *really* normal. I myself struggle with insomnia, and I've will absolutely sleep until 2pm when I can - especially if I didn't fall asleep until 6am.", "41" ], [ "Just did the survey! \n\nOne point of feedback - I think it could benefit from a \"once every second week\" or \"twice a month\" option when asking how often a person does X activity (ie: eat a certain food, order takeout, etc). There was every day, a few times a week, once a week...and then a big jump to once a month! Many of those are a lot of choices that people will make every other week, not just weekly or monthly, because many people grocery shop every week or two and because so many people mealprep weekly.", "327" ], [ "> Even when there's no sexual tension at all and youre just like... eating breakfast?\n\nHave you ever experienced doing something completely ordinary (let's say getting breakfast) only for your SO to wrap his arms around you from behind and kiss your neck in a way that makes you shivery? \n\nIt's like that. There was no tension, no arousal, until that spark started it...and then it's there. \n\nSo really, go for it! Choose a time when he isn't doing something involved (ie: work, gaming, exercise) and just try. Either start with a dirty suggestion describing what you want to do (as a way to judge his reaction) or just move between his legs and see how he responds. Either way, just make the first move and you should find out pretty quickly if he's on board or not.\n\nOne important note - be prepared to take no for an answer. Sometimes people just aren't in the mood, or sometimes they have tasks that absolutely must be completed. That's just the risk that comes with being the one to initiate, and it's okay.", "581" ], [ "> We have had those exact conversations entirely jokingly from both sides.\n\nNo, actually, you haven't. The context was entirely different.\n\nIn this situation, your wife approached you about a sincere fear and questioned how you viewed your relationship with her. You then reinforced her very real fears by telling her that she's completely powerless and that you could even cut her off from her support network. \n\nThis was never a hypothetical. This was her asking a genuine question about your relationship together, and you answered in the most horrifying way possible. \n\nTrying to compare this conversation to banter about topics that were not brought up as relationship insecurities is absurd and dismissive. You *cannot* compare her seeking confirmation that she is secure and safe in this relationship to a debate that arises playfully! You are STILL missing the point. You are still missing why this is different and justifiably terrifying. \n\nYou couldn't have hurt and abused your wife's mental health more if you tried.", "164" ], [ "Christ, this is beyond ridiculous. You are sooooo creative when thinking up ways to trap and abuse your wife...but you can't be bothered to put a second of thought into how to undo the harm you have caused. \n\nIf you actually gave a shit, you could withdraw a small amount of cash and you could use that money to open up a (*gasp!*) new bank account at a different institution in her name only.\n\nThis is NOT hard. This is not confusing. This just requires you to actually give a shit and to *want* her to not be powerless. All it would take is $20, yet you're over here protesting about how you can't manage it? It's absurd.\n\nI mean, seriously dude... She literally had to text you for a ride to the hospital because she had no other way there. She effectively needed your permission to have the damage you've caused treated. If she wasn't aware of how utterly in your control she was, she is now. You did that. Now grow tf up and fix it. \n\nIt really sounds as though you *enjoy* having control over her... If you didn't, you'd actually make a change.", "312" ], [ "> However, <PERSON> being mentioned as \"working from home\" leads me to believe that <PERSON> will be doing all the work while husband takes all the credit. Fuck. That. Noise. \n\n\nAlso, can I just point out that working for home requires ACTUALLY WORKING while you're home? \n\nWFH isn't a free salary. Parents who are doing WFH should be given flexibility, but ultimately they still need to do their jobs. This means that <PERSON> presumably needs time each day to do the job she's actually paid to do.\n\nHer husband wants her to look after FOUR kids, three of whom are under three, on her own. Every day. And one of those three kids is a literal infant that will need regular care.\n\nIt's just...insane. He wants <PERSON> to run a freaking daycare while also doing a separate job! I bet he wouldn't be so cavalier about it if HE was the one having to look after multiple young kids and a baby while at work.", "198" ], [ "Of course...but you're missing the point they're making. \n\nPresumably you have the mental capacity to make minor decisions even if you sometimes fail to execute them. There's a difference between simple indecisiveness and having such limited capacity that you can't even comprehend the situation you're supposed to be making a decision about. It isn't about the end result, it's about what a person is able to do.\n\n<PERSON>'s boyfriend is claiming she is so incredibly mentally unwell that she lacks the capacity for basic decisions. The point is that, if his comment was accepted as true, she should also lack capacity in a lot of other ways - including the capacity to be in an intimate relationship. So either he is taking advantage of someone who is too unwell to be with him...or he's full of shit and is making nonsense up.", "328" ], [ "Funny thing, what you just described is actually illegal in Canada. \n\nIf a patient with HIV has sex while having a detectable viral load but they wore a's sexual assault. If they did not inform the person they had sex with of their HIV status, they vitiated that person's consent and can (and have been) criminally prosecuted for sexual assault and convicted.\n\nNo one has the right to make choices about someone else's life, so your privacy ends where the other person's life/autonomy begin. Having sex with someone while witholding relevant information, marrying someone who wants kids without warning them about a possible hereditary disease, or marrying someone without warning them about a disease that can progress with's all an asshole move.", "133" ], [ "Man, you and I have very different dating styles! \n\nKids are a dealbreaker. If one person wants them and the other doesn't, there's no compromise. So, it only makes sense to address that early! I also do not want kids ever, and it's something I establish on the first or second date. I would NEVER get to a fourth date let alone actually have sex with a guy without knowing he's on the same \"no kids\" page, that would be crazy unless he was just a hookup.", "361" ], [ "There are a lot of things that people are legally allowed to do, but they're wrong and doing so makes them complete assholes. The law is not a complete guide to morality.\n\nI am perfectly comfortable saying that anyone who behaves the way you outlined is a 100% purebred asshole. Yes, even if the risk is extremely low - because the risk always still exists, and the consequences for the worst case scenario is so very high.", "903" ], [ "Roasted squash soup! You can use butternut or hubbard squash.\n\nHowever much squash you have (chopped up, seeds removed), use 1/4-1/2 that amount of cauliflower plus a couple of potatoes. I find that leaves the flavour strong but adds some extra veggie in. If you want the extra flavour, go ahead and use the whole head of cauliflower; it still tastes good.\n\nRoast the squash and the cauliflower. Once done, melt some butter in a pan and saute onions until clear. Add diced garlic, let it get fragrant, then dump your squash and cauliflower in. Dice and add the potatoes. Add stock until juuuuuust covered, toss in several sprigs of thyme and some bay leaves, and let it all simmer. \n\nOnce the potatoes are cooked, remove the bay leaves and thyme. Use a hand blender to puree the soup smooth (take the soup off the heat first!) then start seasoning: salt, black pepper, dried thyme if needed, curry powder, a small amount of apple cider vinegar (start with just a tbsp or less), and few glugs of maple syrup are my go-to seasonings. Finish it by mixing in some heavy cream. If you out the soup back on the heat to warm it through again (I do), use low heat and don't let it boil.\n\nYou should get the sweetness of the roasted squash and maple syrup followed by the herbs and then a lingering heat from the curry. The other veggies are background, and the vinegar balances the sweetness without being noticable either.", "324" ], [ "They had an agreement on a specific set of factors - those included working outside the home as /u/imperfecta_ has explained.\n\nShockingly, agreements change or even become void when their core conditions are varied. And a pandemic that requires working from home and complete isolation is DEFINITELY a variation which affects the heart of this agreement. A person has to be capable of leaving the home in order to agree to only doing X outside of the home! \n\nIf you cannot grasp that basic concept enough to understand why he's an asshole, maybe you should re-evaluate yourself too... This level of rigidity is toxic to healthy relationships.", "732" ], [ "> he still wants fancier. He really doesn't understand that this is what I'd prefer\n\n...but he wears a plain silicone band because HE prefers it...\n\nDon't get me wrong, if you do go with a metal ring then you should invest in a decent quality one. There's no point in buying a ring where the metal is too soft to last. \n\nBut if YOU don't want to wear a metal ring, why get one? Either get the ring but wear it on a chain as a necklace, or get a silicone band just like he wears. As a bonus, both options reduce the risk of injury since you work with your hands. After all, your safety and comfort should be his top priority - not how decorated your finger is.\n\nIt's silly (and unfair) for you to be forced to accept a status symbol that you don't want and he doesn't even wear himself!!", "608" ], [ "> I just know I'm gonna lose mine, my mom won't even give me a key to her house because I lose them so often lmao\n\nSo you work with your hands, you lose things frequently, you dislike jewelry, and you are stressed by wearing expensive items. \n\nYou REALLY are not someone who would enjoy a shiny rock to wear! \n\nOut of curiosity, how would he feel about it being a show ring that you only wore occasionally for special occasions, and you could wear a silicone band like you prefer for normal days? That would just leave compromising on the cost since you prefer vastly different price ranges.\n\nI'll admit that this solution seems a bit silly, but if he can afford it and it makes him happy then it isn't a waste of money any more than any other indulgent purchase is.", "710" ], [ "Maybe...but there's a high likelihood that dinner is what's triggering her symptoms. She could be feeling fine, then a few bites in experience discomfort and want to vent.\n\nShe doesn't get to walk away. She doesn't get to hide from being pregnant. So if eating is uncomfortable for her, I think you're an asshole partner for wanting her to shut up and suffer silently instead of venting to the person who is supposed to actually support her! \n\nYTA dude.", "770" ] ]
[ 1256, 25131, 2035, 9228, 8227, 22299, 4102, 17739, 25184, 15321, 21789, 13913, 23727, 4619, 24917, 6807, 17076, 5569, 22906, 14099, 19310, 15853, 20621, 20338, 15831, 16760, 25117, 11689, 12273, 22931, 3347, 24632, 5119, 2909, 23085, 10794, 10658, 21259, 22248, 11918, 19137, 17769, 3550, 16566, 21640, 11278, 18434, 14062, 10325, 6068, 24421, 23223, 14031, 8118, 20043, 18738, 3447, 1406, 18127, 10598, 19664, 11547, 23683, 19680, 912, 7316, 14238, 2675, 25193, 25382, 22682, 13591, 21809, 16597, 7836, 15039, 11129, 20118, 17814, 21884, 21583, 5755, 15444, 3001, 14851, 24863, 5356, 18094, 4464, 11935, 14181, 15128, 19561, 19526, 20364, 24247, 16753, 9344, 2520, 15435, 24507, 5711, 19087, 11147, 4926, 12681, 5677, 4580, 391, 23042, 13322, 24163, 8954, 6171, 10677, 6555, 982, 1788, 11589, 19151, 17666, 10897, 23649, 24330, 9579, 15500, 19268, 23381, 3244, 10330, 10206, 21571, 22770, 16738, 17538, 17895, 22545, 14366, 11754, 9685, 19840, 8682, 1253, 15415, 18102, 14533, 19763, 13677, 21876, 11153, 7433, 23533, 10355, 17618, 10708, 10177, 16329, 1584, 18002, 21984, 11999, 6859, 6936, 22409, 25223, 10651, 2160, 20173, 16427, 10153, 13094, 16586, 20949, 16832, 21447, 24422, 17689, 17903, 4164, 4055, 9593, 2512, 6941, 2137, 844, 23670, 10875, 15315, 19832, 11059, 15968, 10205, 23757, 14519, 23834, 21952, 24148, 7565, 11640, 3837, 8410, 18817, 4933, 13945, 15158, 19481, 19215, 4123, 1536, 14074, 439, 23036, 3809, 19046, 14020, 17423, 22888, 124, 22218, 7575, 18179, 17228, 9479, 10502, 21697, 11544, 6037, 1577, 5817, 15847, 17900, 21238, 18601, 19254, 16308, 12666, 14097, 5975, 17193, 1249, 11128, 10467, 9130, 11932, 21563, 4953, 7100, 24225, 11169, 18761, 15079, 24192, 15044, 22120, 9247, 24260, 22342, 2261, 3455, 21231, 24723, 20436, 10617, 21285, 19765, 6106, 23241, 16539, 17357, 821, 7293, 11984, 22512, 21503, 17070, 11831, 11892, 9626, 23821, 8198, 21560, 9767, 10777, 5300, 5950, 1596, 12977, 22392, 2569, 10836, 24838, 4094, 1036, 11483, 18790, 10224, 18115, 14872, 4338, 23475, 9584, 1567, 19148, 18340, 17793, 6609, 23738, 22300, 15630, 13111, 19349, 11977, 18639, 14161, 10045, 24816, 3549, 23903, 8281, 7212, 10943, 13995, 19834, 23018, 19239, 19083, 18563, 14899, 13156, 3705, 12599, 595, 4352, 9395, 5173, 15019, 18447, 24603, 18018, 15040, 15583, 9110, 6689, 21413, 15818, 10503, 5934, 9827, 24544, 12902, 16520, 6176, 22001, 24943, 7556, 2320, 8522, 5699, 22943, 23222, 17406, 19139, 21374, 5988, 24339, 3786, 21158, 18272, 11551, 2953, 25254, 15983, 17229, 6987, 12460, 11580, 15342, 24547, 1477, 8453, 16435, 1560, 17449, 3709, 24189, 9190, 23969, 18035, 22749, 6359, 20286, 16691, 4059, 15642, 21229, 1414, 8690, 15475, 5237, 12108, 23653, 8516, 10724, 16471, 201, 17974, 24200, 16898, 9993, 6972, 21684, 449, 25048, 24263, 2393, 8726, 13077, 25031, 2273, 15598, 14214, 5333, 11452, 19774, 3593, 24443, 18779, 20057, 22217, 23726, 24301, 8430, 23697, 16400, 21345, 17812, 2907, 16165, 8199, 1037, 11972, 11030, 10972, 4200, 16276, 7908, 17639, 21458, 20628, 21213, 12328, 16004, 22511, 9789, 4499, 9345, 18994, 13200, 811, 12937, 6700, 3577, 10189, 16054, 8743, 4484, 12786, 8386, 2089, 21246, 25155, 22425, 10536, 19631, 4100, 11367, 20305, 13788, 12227, 23672, 16012, 22668, 10415, 9277, 22589, 197, 400, 11177, 24388, 4557, 20275, 2401, 5329, 8712, 12146, 10806, 19707, 8836, 7260 ]
[ [ "Any time the Smithsonian is mentioned it’s puts an immediate air of hoaxy bullcrap over a story. \n\nThere seems to be some conspiracy theory about the Smithsonian and how it’s attempting to push some kind of evolutionary narrative.\n\nThey do so by suppressing every possibly interesting “alternative history” thing that has ever happened in America. As if the Smithsonian had that kind of power in the first place. Anything you might consider cool or out of the ordinary, the Smithsonian would cover up. \n\nI think people just use it as a buzz word because they sounds so legitimate. \n\nI’ve seen stories about how they’ve suppressed evidence of giants, thunderbirds, giant locusts the size of small dogs, Bigfoot, etc. \n\nIgnoring the fact that there’s zero evidence that this is the case, that there’s no money in suppressing these kinds of things, and that in fact the opposite is the case, people persist is believing that there’s some secretive cabal of scientists lead from the Smithsonian that’s hell bent on keeping history boring.", "969" ], [ "If this is using AI to render an approximation of a frame instead of sending an entire frame of data. Then the car analogy doesn’t fit at all. \n\nThis would be more like instead of sending a car full of paint from point A, 200 miles to point B. You sent a picture of the paint to the local Lowe’s near point B and they mixed the color for point B.\n\nThe Lowe’s becomes the client side where the AI is processing the the data and rendering the output for point B.", "917" ], [ "This is a fantasy though. Those jobs don’t exist. Speaking just from the tech industry. You’ll find jobs advertising for entry level positions that require 10 years experience in the field. \n\nUntil the disconnect between jobs and college graduates is addressed more college grads doesn’t = more tax revenue unless you’re counting more people going to work at local grocery stores and McDonald’s with advanced degrees in with those numbers.", "907" ], [ "I have a hard time believing in too many coverups quite to that scale. Humans are terrible at keeping secrets. Bureaucracies even less so. \n\nI know there have been big cover-ups before and there are more than likely some going on even now. But there is so little the government stands to gain from covering up stuff like this. \n\nIt has nothing to do with governing people or taking our money. Why would they bother?\n\nSome people are so ready to believe in conspiracies they forget to ask the most basic questions like who stands to gain from keeping X secret?", "969" ], [ "The logic I’ve gotten back is “well the scientists refuse to investigate these claims”. Well duh, there is near zero evidence and absolutely zero funding to chase down every whackadoodle idea some random yokel has. \n\nSo ya scientists are going to ignore it. Yes that does mean in a .000005% of the cases, science will overlook something cool. But most of the time a single point of suspect data simply doesn’t warrant a full field study.", "569" ], [ "We’ve seen in other areas that a secondary “link” can form between a telepathic and non telepathic individuals. Like <PERSON> & <PERSON>. Close emotional connections with a telepathic individual will leave a marker of some sort in other creatures like humans. Even when humans lack the psychic ability all together. \n\nSo that explains <PERSON> & <PERSON>. <PERSON> effect on the crew might simply be simply be a side effect of a very powerful mind going crazy. We do know that Vulcans vary greatly in their telepathic powers. I believe that <PERSON> says that somewhere but I could be mistaken. \n\nAs for <PERSON> and <PERSON>, we’ll we don’t know enough about <PERSON> to really speculate. It could be radiating a very large psychic field in some manner that was simply easy for <PERSON> to pick up on. \n\nFinally I think we could also lump in <PERSON> secondary ability to hear the <PERSON>. Even though his implants were removed. I believe that the nano-bots create a secondary psychic connection to the <PERSON> hive mind as a backup, passive link for disconnected drones. \n\n<PERSON> shows no ability to speak over this connection to the Borg for instance.", "550" ], [ "This happened to my brother in law. I helped a guy I know by building him a new computer. He gave me his old computer which I gave to my brother in law cause he didn’t have a gaming computer. \n\nThey moved into a new house and bought a nice router. WI-FI worked everywhere except in the back room where the computer is located. \n\nBringing my phone with me I check the signal strength in the back room and it’s great. He starts thinking he needs a stronger router and I said “*nope, you need to flip your computer around. The heavy steel gamer case is working to block your WI-FI signal*” we flip his computer around instant success.", "685" ], [ "You might get more mileage out of a good old fashioned generator. Something you can hook up as needed and replace should it be required.\n\nThe plus side is all you really need is to get the hookup installed and then keep your generator gassed up when in use. Since you don’t know how long your power might be out. \n\nWhen not in use it’s not something you need to maintain.", "726" ], [ "Oh ya I don’t expect everyone to be an expert on everything. My favorite part of my job is when I see someone’s eyes light up when they get a concept they thought was too high level for them to understand. \n\n3 weeks ago I had a counselor email me hoping I could help her with one of her online classes. With COVID driving all of our students online our staff is rushing to get as much online as they can. \n\nShe had a snippet of HTML that she couldn’t get working. I took an hour and had a zoom meeting with her. I explained the basics of HTML and had her find the bug in her code. She was psyched! The code was Greek to her but she suddenly “got it”. \n\nSo I showed her the MDN html development docs online, showed her a good color coded html editor and left her to her own devices. \n\nDidn’t hear from her for 3 days when I get an email from her in a Saturday saying she’s been up the last 3 days converting all her online courses basic layouts to tabbed interfaces /w organized lists and fancy formatting. Proper formatted tables etc. it’s a whole new world for her. \n\nNow she’s out teaching the other instructors and counselors how to update their canvas shells. It’s awesome!", "704" ], [ "I could see situations where the powerwall would be a great fit. Like out here in California where PG & E will randomly shut off power to parts of the grid for a few hours so as to not cause a fire because of high winds or something.\n\nBut out in GA where the weather can cause outages that last weeks on end, a powerwall would be depleted almost immediately and there's no telling when good enough weather will roll around to allow a full charge.", "731" ], [ "The Acer Nitro 15.6inch /w Ryzen 5-4600H 8 gigs of ram & a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 will do Shadowlands. Not on high or anything but it'll play well enough. And should have enough room for upgrades further down the line.\n\nThey're going for around $700 which around £540\n\n & #x200B;\n\nThe Dell G3 3590-15.6\" comes with i5-9300H - NVIDIA GTX 1660Ti - 8GB - 512GB SSD. The 1660ti is actually pretty great, it runs wow at around 90fpsish in the middle of Boralus right now on my Acer Predator Helios.\n\nLooks to be running at around $900 which works out to around £694.79\n\nAt your budget I'd be looking for something with a 1660ti and the room to add more SSD's and more ram at a later date.", "592" ] ]
[ 6618, 3532, 13724, 3641, 14129, 7490, 17130, 10978, 11034, 9509, 11927, 16907, 22834, 22477, 815, 23034, 13577, 308, 4616, 23842, 7544, 10110, 13220, 6016, 17150, 12075, 18730, 13435, 12426, 4018, 23010, 25267, 5501, 21910, 18680, 4293, 7075, 25333, 20595, 16092, 15806, 11898, 24635, 3510, 18525, 14296, 20953, 21047, 12957, 10493, 15203, 66, 3277, 23152, 5127, 21655, 1018, 12063, 4815, 17797, 25233, 11648, 20077, 14069, 9698, 5189, 11515, 24078, 6120, 10122, 3824, 4597, 8429, 10491, 15625, 7240, 24215, 14397, 2779, 10510, 20860, 16950, 5921, 20242, 16248, 18222, 8792, 6212, 9968, 14875, 16436, 24453, 1020, 19064, 11225, 10214, 13142, 25479, 10507, 17263, 24290, 2906, 914, 23847, 1982, 20044, 19269, 1447, 1271, 19655, 15911, 25433, 11290, 13090, 842, 10696, 3969, 16083, 17333, 1763, 565, 24336, 7118, 21725, 11202, 14155, 13953, 3695, 4891, 18967, 20671, 9833, 19625, 22600, 20317, 6255, 3857, 2592, 6865, 18318, 9599, 14618, 19759, 17615, 8336, 2764, 8531, 1482, 15855, 9312, 586, 11785, 3581, 13926, 2560, 19852, 11683, 22278, 9521, 20895, 3803, 3215, 16055, 13345, 6250, 13477, 16988, 3965, 518, 11908, 18385, 6624, 24304, 13033, 20874, 12972, 8866, 1396, 14373, 9866, 2307, 8883, 20724, 3645, 5163, 11138, 6232, 18588, 20577, 7419, 2836, 18550, 13917, 6298, 25077, 21340, 8698, 2323, 10394, 20975, 14098, 1120, 9996, 11467, 11330, 7530, 8367, 9967, 6762, 15399, 16693, 5518, 19773, 20258, 9977, 7145, 15339, 7654, 9388, 18888, 4498, 5881, 22643, 20882, 19192, 283, 25341, 23678, 17675, 12723, 16946, 3678, 4582, 11408, 11086, 22321, 6772, 25265, 7610, 13334, 2204, 11499, 11948, 7472, 12296, 20347, 5943, 2581, 22496, 7335, 12763, 8454, 5038, 16242, 20291, 8203, 9792, 9377, 21271, 9150, 25111, 12689, 16848, 9733, 13778, 10814, 18435, 10417, 12596, 10167, 20024, 19977, 10526, 19486, 2286, 19416, 11775, 170, 22273, 15821, 20392, 15795, 5355, 20822, 20083, 15990, 14289, 10550, 16202, 1967, 196, 17788, 23637, 8849, 1238, 15126, 6680, 22873, 24620, 18399, 13796, 3743, 6024, 9038, 17485, 8662, 8807, 1215, 19172, 8151, 2129, 18243, 17726, 21424, 23374, 6677, 13248, 2818, 17512, 7992, 13353, 7510, 16545, 22677, 14877, 1082, 14947, 4307, 5378, 6894, 16421, 17241, 18780, 11263, 23759, 10269, 10341, 20423, 23063, 6537, 17084, 18428, 12337, 16882, 2845, 8868, 24162, 9666, 7752, 10178, 19404, 24261, 11120, 8375, 11561, 349, 6542, 5864, 8472, 14853, 9152, 20233, 2622, 1004, 22219, 12814, 3618, 22591, 19238, 2085, 3505, 12530, 4086, 7415, 13793, 10999, 11435, 10294, 8294, 18984, 25356, 16185, 798, 6937, 3180, 14493, 11339, 18065, 20940, 22662, 11881, 24217, 25284, 25543, 20725, 7069, 15438, 9050, 8320, 9357, 1629, 16985, 24455, 24583, 18510, 2218, 6856, 6599, 10664, 3903, 18897, 23901, 1467, 19710, 24476, 16694, 12850, 371, 14273, 24281, 21118, 6194, 18796, 2796, 15299, 6507, 16060, 19569, 8772, 22627, 14916, 3356, 6313, 1715, 25376, 24132, 21698, 12018, 3496, 25380, 14885, 19068, 18380, 17644, 9856, 20132, 3222, 14824, 189, 17525, 13589, 19679, 372, 25475, 22490, 15350, 16862, 9162, 5948, 1895, 2573, 4531, 11537, 6346, 11638, 17768, 24435, 462, 4288, 11914, 6095, 10176, 1981, 20429, 591, 12606, 15885, 16929, 12928, 5060, 2415, 24783, 23452, 15655, 253, 7248, 20927, 3507, 10174, 16516, 1425, 7213, 2915, 14229, 1555, 6217, 18570, 13147, 5363 ]
[ [ "> My current plan is to place cameras with night vision pointed at the new fence covertly and when it is destroyed take the footage to the police the next day.\n\nWhy on earth would you wait patiently for your property to be destroyed? Hire a lawyer to send him a letter telling him to stop trespassing on your property, then call the police and charge him with trespassing if he does.", "765" ], [ "> Can’t he bring uhhhh? Slander suit against me? If I try and charge him?\n\nSure, if you're lying. Not if you're telling the truth.\n\nIf both you and your son are lying and none of this actually happened, then drop it.\n\nIf you are both telling the truth, then go back to the police and tell them you've changed your mind and would like them to charge the man who assaulted your child. They may decide not to pursue it now since so much time has passed, but at least you'll have tried (finally) to do something.\n\nOther than that, if you don't want your son on this guy's team, you can try insisting that he be moved to another team, or you can pull your kid from the league and enrol him somewhere else.", "716" ], [ "> He's already been sent such a letter from a real lawyer.\n\nYour lawyer? Then that's the guy you should be consulting about this, not a bunch of random internet people.\n\n > Note that the property damage is being suffered by people who aren't me, but are my neighbours, who are reluctant to go to police about anything and won't answer questions from police because its' not how things are done' \n\nI think the reason this guy hasn't been charged has more to do with this than with the police not wanting to do anything.", "812" ], [ "I skimmed through some of their other videos, and it looks like the Dad snuck out of the house to go meet his future daughter-in-law at some point, which I give him a lot of credit for. But when it came to the wedding, he said he might try to sneak out again, but he didn't show up. Still, he may be taking baby steps, but at least he's taking steps of some kind. The mom clearly isn't willing to try. And the bride's dad flat out disowned her.", "275" ], [ "They've said they'll do the right thing. That's a far cry from actually doing the right thing. <PERSON> is wise to ask if he should protect himself, and how. He's not looking to cash in. Lots of people come to this sub wondering what to do after someone promises to pay out of pocket and then balks when they get the bill. Don't be a dick to <PERSON> because he was smart enough to ask if he should take steps to protect himself from that likelihood.", "925" ], [ "> you wanna stick it to em?\n\nThis is what you said. To a kid who was in an accident, has never been in any kind of similar situation before, and asked if he should go with it or if he needed to take some kind of legal action. He didn't ask if he could stick it to them. He asked what he should do. Which, by the way, was the smart thing to do - seek advice. So don't pretend you responded in a way that was designed to do anything other than make him feel like an asshole for even asking.", "335" ], [ "It's good that you know their names and their address. Hopefully they'll follow through and pay for your repairs with no fuss. If they start to hesitate, make sure you have copies of all your communications with them (try to communicate via text or email) and don't hesitate to make a police report at a later date if you think they start putting you off. Write down all the details somewhere in case you need to do that - your memory won't be as clear in a week or two. Date and time it happened, what street, which direction you were travelling, whether they signaled before turning - every detail of what happened before, during, and after the collision. You will probably never need this, but if you do, you'll be glad to have it, for both the police report and any insurance claims or small claims actions you need to take (which you'll only need to do if they don't keep their word).", "667" ], [ "Will you be attending the main campus or downtown? And do you have a car? Busing to the main campus can be a bit of a nightmare, so if you're there and and need to use transit, look for something close to the campus.\n\nThe west end is usually less expensive, but not always great quality housing as it caters to mostly university students, newcomers, and low-income families. I really like it, but I got in when the vacancy rate was HUGE so I lucked into a nice place at cheap rent, and just never left.\n\nStay away from Drouillard area.\n\nDowntown can be hit and miss. Downtown in general has a lot of homeless, addicts, mentally ill, etc. But for the most part they're pretty harmless.\n\nAnywhere else is mostly fine. Every neighbourhood has it's downfalls, but overall they're all pretty good.\n\nKijiji is probably still the best resource, but the SRC has a page [here](_URL_0_) that links to St Clair specific listings for off-campus housing.", "904" ], [ "Just after I got married, I found a cat nearly frozen to death outside my door. We lived above the big barn/garage on my husband's family farm, and I have no idea how he made his way into the stairway to our apartment. My husband was an ass who hated cats, and wouldn't even let me bring him inside because I had brought a cat with me when we got married and he figured he was putting up with enough. So I drove him down the road to my parents' house. They really didn't want another cat (one of my cats was really attached to my dad, so I'd left her with them when I moved out), but they stayed up with him all night, keeping him warm by the woodstove, feeding him and giving him water. By morning he could eat on his own, and they took him to the vet. He recovered quickly and made himself at home, but he had permanent black spots on his otherwise orange ears, face and paws from the frostbite, and lost the tip of his tail. And his voice. ll he could do was kind of rasp instead of meow. And just like that, he was theirs.\n\nTwo days later, my dad was out on the back 40 and saw something in the snow. It was a small cat, almost starved and frozen. He tucked her into his jacket, brought her home, and when he walked in the door he looked at my mom with this heartbroken look on his face, said \"<PERSON>?\" and held out his hand with this starving little cat in it. And boom! They were a three cat family.", "287" ], [ "I definitely get the bitter ex vibe, but I also believe her that her son is afraid of this guy, and I don't blame her for not wanting him around her kid. I get the feeling that the bitter ex thing comes into play when she gives up easily and doesn't effectively advocate for her kid. She gives me the impression that she figures \"well, my ex is a rich, controlling asshole and everyone is on his side and I never win so why even try\". So instead of actually standing up for her son, she looks for someone or something else to do it for her, expecting to do the bare minimum herself.", "797" ], [ "You're like the perfect little propaganda machine, aren't you /u/woodenboatguy ? I hope they pay you well. But for the life of me I can't think why you and The Sun are trying so hard to make sure <PERSON> isn't re-elected. You can't possibly believe she stands any chance.\n\nUnless you're just that worried that your boy <PERSON> is going to open his mouth and blow the whole thing by proving to the people how woefully ill-suited he is to lead. I wouldn't fret. Everybody knows this already. And nobody cares.", "469" ], [ "> My family agrees that <PERSON> should be put down, and the other 2 taken away\n\nIt's nice that you all agree, but none of you get to make that decision.\n\nYou reported it to the police. You can report it to animal control, if your area has that. You can even sue them for your dog's vet bills (and you should, if you think there's any chance you can collect on any judgement you get). But the one thing you can't do is decide what happens to the neighbour's dogs. That's up to the police or animal control.\n\nI'm sorry this happened to poor <PERSON>. I hope she recovers well, and swiftly.", "958" ], [ "**Possession of property obtained by crime**\n\n354 (1) Every one commits an offence who has in his possession any property or thing or any proceeds of any property or thing knowing that all or part of the property or thing or of the proceeds was obtained by or derived directly or indirectly from\n\n(a) the commission in Canada of an offence punishable by indictment; or\n\n(b) an act or omission anywhere that, if it had occurred in Canada, would have constituted an offence punishable by indictment.", "733" ], [ "None of that has anything to do with the original due date, or whether it's reasonable for a landlord to expect prompt payment of utility bills. It also doesn't address any late fees that the landlord might incur if the bill isn't paid by the original due date.\n\nBy the way, since OP has already moved out, the landlord is free to tell him to leave the premises any time he wants to, because he doesn't live there.", "790" ], [ "You don't need the police to get a peace bond. She can apply for one herself, and should if he's been abusive and threatening. You can find some information on the process here:\n\n_URL_0_\n\nContact your local court for more detailed information on their specific process (for example, in my jurisdiction the court house only accepts applications for peace bonds on Fridays).\n\nA restraining order can also be obtained from family court when going through a divorce. Contested or not, she should begin the divorce process. If she really wants him out of her life and home, that's the first step. Encourage her to consult with a family law attorney.", "119" ], [ "You could file a T2 application with the LTB, under reason #3:\n\n > The landlord, the landlord’s agent or the superintendent\nsubstantially interfered with my reasonable enjoyment of the rental unit or complex or with the reasonable enjoyment of a member of my household.\n\nI realise that the landlord is not the one who is smoking in the hallways and making you sick, but by failing to resolve the issue of your neighbour doing so, the landlord is the one responsible for it.\n\nThe Landlord’s duty to address substantial interference with the reasonable enjoyment of a tenant by another tenant was affirmed by the Divisional Court in <PERSON> v. Niagara Housing Authority, [2000] O.J. No. 5650. The Court held at paragraph 16ff:\n\n > It is not that the other tenant's actions are imputed to the landlord, but, rather, the landlord's legal responsibility to provide the tenant with quiet enjoyment that gives rise to the responsibility on the landlord to take reasonable steps to correct the intrusion of the neighbouring tenant on the tenant's right to quiet enjoyment.\n > \n > As under the old Landlord and Tenant Act so under the new Tenant Protection Act, the landlord has the positive obligation to provide the tenant with quiet enjoyment and take the reasonably necessary action against any tenant that denies a neighbouring tenant quiet enjoyment of his premises.\n > \n > On the evidence before it, there was no evidence that justifies the finding of the tribunal that the landlord took reasonable steps within a reasonable length of time to restore to the tenant the quiet enjoyment to which he was entitled.\n > \n > Writing threatening letters to the offending tenant, holding meetings with the offenders and offended, is not enough if the harassment continues and, indeed, increases. The landlord had to do something effective, if necessary make application to terminate the tenancy of the offender.\n\nYou can ask the LTB to order the landlord to address the issue until it is resolved (with the understanding that this might take a long time if it leads to having to evict the other tenant) or to end your tenancy. You can also ask for a rent rebate for the months that this has been, or continues to be, ongoing (you can ask for this in addition to the other remedies you ask for). You should also ask that the landlord reimburse you for the cost of filing the application if you are successful.", "478" ], [ "A couple of things.\n\n1. The LTB isn't a place you call to report bad landlords. It's where you file an application about a problem between a landlord and tenant, then appear before the tribunal in the hope that they'll order a remedy. Even if your tenancy was subject to the Residential Tenancies Act (which it's not, and I'll get to that), calling them would only result in them telling you that you can file an application and describe what the process is.\n\n2. You lived with your landlord, and shared a kitchen and/or bathroom with them. As such, the RTA doesn't apply to your tenancy, and the LTB has no jurisdiction. Your recourse in this case is to sue your landlord in small claims court - the LTB can't help you.\n\n3. If your University has a law school, they probably have a legal clinic that can help you file suit in small claims court. That should be your first stop in seeking assistance with this. If they don't have a legal clinic, look for a community legal clinic in your area of Toronto. (Here's some info on UofT's clinic, in case that's where you go: _URL_0_ EDIT: and here's some info on York University's clinic: _URL_1_)\n\nI'm glad you were able to get your things, and have a safe place to rest your head until a more permanent solution can be found for you. Good luck!", "478" ], [ "If you ask for an exhorbitant amount, they will see you as unreasonable, and it could affect how they view your testimony (whether they think you're reliable or exaggerating/being untruthful). Ask for a reasonable amount. Say, 10% of your rent for each month you were affected, maybe a little bit more than that for the really bad issues like not being able to access your unit. And yes, you should explain how much you're asking for for each issue.\n\n > I figure if they gave me more than I thought was fair, I could just give it back to the landlord myself anyhow.\n\nThey're not going to give you a penny. If they find in your favour, they'll give you an order for your landlord to pay you. If he fails to pay you, you'll have to take the order to small claims court in order to get it enforced (ie - force him to pay you).\n\nAnd don't play games with this. If you're awarded anything, and he pays you, don't turn around and pay him back some of it. The LTB knows what's fair as far as monetary awards go, far better than you do.\n\nIn your application, be sure to also ask for the cost of filing the applications, too. Many members will award that anyway, if your application succeeds, but some won't unless you asked for it in the application.", "478" ], [ "> you might want to reach out to a real estate attorney\n\nShe'd need a lawyer who works in landlord/tenant law, rather than the buying and selling of real estate. More likely she would want a paralegal - some lawyers do work in LTB matters, but in Ontario for more paralegals focus their practice on this. Even then, the amount to potentially be recovered would be small enough that a significant portion of it could be eaten up by legal fees. Still, it would be a good idea to sit down for a consultation with a paralegal (most offer free 30 minute consultations), even if she doesn't wind up hiring them. She goes to University in Toronto, so her school likely offers a legal clinic for students (UofT, York and Ryerson all have them), but since they're run by law students it wouldn't hurt to consult with a paralegal who has more experience working with that administrative tribunal.", "478" ], [ "That's great to hear! I'm sure they'll be able to help you. Sorry if yours wasn't the university I linked to. I forgot that there's a third university in Toronto now, even though it's been there for awhile. \n\nI hope you're able to find a place to live soon. I know how hard it is to find rentals in Toronto, so please reach out to your university and make use of their resources. They'll have some kind of student services that can help you find housing, and if you're an international student they'll have additional services to help guide you. \n\nGood luck!", "57" ], [ "> Don't try to do this while you are very upset.\n\nThis is an important point. It's difficult to keep a level head when your child is being harmed, but it's important that you do. If that means waiting until the next day or the day after, that's okay.\n\nOP, don't be surprised if it takes a long time for the school to fully resolve this issue. They have to take a gradual approach with discipline, and they won't necessarily keep you informed of the actions they are taking. That said, keep in contact with them about it. Follow up with them every time there's an incident. \n\nThey may suggest that your daughter be kept inside during breaks, and/or have her eat her lunch in the office instead of the lunch room. If they do, ask them to instead impose those things on the bully.", "607" ], [ "If the landlord is unwilling to make any attempt to resolve the issue (he's the one who should be complaining to the building management, not you) and is unwilling to let you out of the lease early, you may want to try filing a T2 application with the LTB citing Reason #3 - the landlord is seriously interfering with your reasonable enjoyment of the rental unit. You can ask the Board to terminate the tenancy and order the landlord to repay you the last four months of rent AND to pay you a rent abatement for the time you have had to deal with the issue.\n\nA quick search on Canlii results in a mixed bag on this subject, with some cases being successfully argued for the tenant and some not. [Here's one in which the tenant had no notice of the ongoing construction, and was successful in getting a rate abatement](_URL_0_).\n\nYou should also file a T1 application at the same time (if you file both at the same time and in person, you only have to pay one filing fee) because the landlord charged you an illegal deposit of four month's rent, rather than the one month's rent the law allows. Frankly, even if the construction stops tomorrow and never starts again, you should file this. Four month's rent deposit is outrageous and very, very illegal. Filing both applications at the same time means that even if you aren't successful in your T2 application, you'll likely still get three of those four months back.\n\nYou should continue to complain to your landlord about this, in writing (by email or letter, not by text message or social media messages) and be prepared to provide dates and details of each communication to and from the landlord. Also, you should provide details of any steps you have taken to try to mitigate the problem (such as using white noise machines or putting down rugs to try to muffle the sound). \n\nThe fact that you weren't informed about the construction and the fact that it will be ongoing and indefinite, with no end date in sight, works in your favour. These are things you should mention in yoru application. Construction noise within the hours permitted is considered reasonable, but the landlord does have to make an effort to mitigate it when possible (it's not always possible, which the RTA acknowledges). Since your landlord won't even take the time to contact the building management to complain about it on your behalf, he's not meeting his obligations under the Act. You should email the building management again and get them to confirm that the work is indefinite, when it started, and what steps they took to inform residents of the ongoing construction. This will help establish that the landlord knew or should have known about the issue and failed to inform you. You may have to subpoena someone from that office to testify about this, in which case you'd have to pay them, but it would be worth the expense.\n\nHearings before the LTB can be handled without a legal representative, but in this case I encourage you to have a consultation with a couple of paralegals whose practices focus primarily on LTB matters, and consider hiring one to help you through this process and represent you in this matter. They're not as costly as lawyers, and those who focus on LTB matters really know their stuff.\n\nSorry you're going through this, and good luck!", "790" ], [ "> Do I have a case here?\n\nPossibly. Possibly not. It's enough money that you should have a consultation with an employment lawyer in your area. You may have to shell out a couple of hundred dollars for a consult, so go prepared with printouts of your contract and all the relevant communications with your employer about the transfer, the reimbursement for relocation expenses, the promise of lower work load, the increase to the workload, and your health concerns/reason for leaving the company. It's the details that will determine whether or not you have a viable claim against your former employer.", "895" ], [ "None of the issues you mention sound like grounds to break your lease. Repairs and maintenance being completed in the building is actually a good sign that the landlord is committed to fulfilling his maintenance obligations under the Act. The Landlord and Tenant Board won't fault them for completing necessary work, even if there is a lot of it. It also sounds like the landlord is giving you reasonable notice about such work, which is also good.\n\nFollow up with them, in writing (email or letter, not text or messaging apps) about the heating system, and ask for dates. Two weeks might be reasonable, but a month probably wouldn't be. If it's not repaired after a month or more, consider filing a [T6 Application about Maintenance](_URL_0_) with the LTB.\n\nAsking you to continue to pay for parking when it won't be provided is unreasonable. That said, your best option is to first try to negotiate with them to reduce your rent during the affected time period, and if that fails, continue paying your rent in full, then make a [T3 application](_URL_1_) to the LTB to ask for a rent reduction because the landlord discontinued a service.", "790" ], [ "They're probably not specifically sending them to reddit, just telling them how many responses they need. The students are perfectly capable of understanding that social media sites (and yes, reddit is one of those) are a good place to get responses.\n\nAlso, this is only the second time this has happened that I can recall. Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. Why not help out a few kids? There are plenty of posts here that I don't contribute to, either because I don't have anything pertinent to offer or because I'm just not interested in the subject matter, but I don't begrudge people posting them.", "945" ], [ "Technically yes, you could sue. Anyone can sue anyone for pretty much anything. But you won't be successful, so it would be a waste of your time and money.\n\nYou haven't suffered any monetary damages as a result of the lack of a working seatbelt on this one occasion, so you have nothing to sue for.\n\nWhat you can do is report unsafe working conditions to the Ministry of Labour in the hope that they will investigate and compel your employer to comply with OHSA requirements. You don't have to complain to your employer first, but it would be the prudent thing to do, as they can't fix a problem until they know it exists.", "679" ], [ "For most workers, on your pay day, your employer must pay you all wages earned in that pay period. There are no exceptions that I'm aware of for statutory holiday pay. There are, however, some occupations that are exempt from the ESA and/or are not entitled to stat holiday pay.\n\nAssuming you are entitled to statutory holidays, your employer may give you a substitute holiday instead of stat pay, and this day must fall within three months of the stat holiday. However, the employer must inform you in writing of this in advance of the stat holiday. Were you given such a notice? If not, your employer must pay you time and a half if you worked the stat holiday, and must do so on the pay day for the pay period in which the stat holiday fell.", "602" ], [ "> I did recently see a guy that didn’t even know his own name or birthday (he was a gypsy). He’s going to jail under his alias and when he gets out we suggested he go to this event run by the county once a month that helps people get birth documents.\n\nThere was a [man in Toronto](_URL_0_) who racked up an extensive criminal record under a bunch of aliases, but nobody was ever able to figure out his real identity. Not his lawyer, not the psychiatrists who treated him, nobody knew who he really was. Not even after he was eventually killed by police. Fingerprinting allowed them to keep track of him to an extent, but it never led them to his real name, or any record of his existence before his first arrest.\n\nOf course, for a normal person living a normal life, there will almost always be some way to identify you. This man was an incredibly rare and unlikely exception, but it's sort of fascinating that it could happen at all in this day and age.", "741" ], [ "That is so sweet! When my grandmother started going senile, she started celebrating two birthdays, which confused the hell out of us kids. My mom explained that my great grandfather forgot to register her birth within whatever amount of time he was required to in Scotland, so when he finally remembered he changed the date of birth so he wouldn't get into trouble. So the date of birth on her birth certificate wasn't the actual date she was born.", "1" ], [ "When I was a kid, my dentist in Toronto always gave us gas for fillings, and we freaking loved it. He had these cool mobiles hanging above the chairs, so it was a pretty awesome distraction. But he knew we really liked the gas. He'd let us sit there for awhile, and before he got down to business he'd say, \"Okay, can you feel this?\". One time I said \"Ow!\" and he said \"HA! I didn't even touch you!\". He never let me live that down.", "898" ], [ "> Do I need to be accredited with the Law Society of Upper Canada to fill out paperwork which may be eventually brought to the Tribunal, such as an N5?\n\nNo, you don't need to be licensed to fill out the forms. You can fill them out when acting as the landlord's agent.\n\n > Am I allowed to represent him at the Tribunal?\n\nI don't believe so. [The rules allow for unlicensed representatives in certain circumstances](_URL_0_). None of them seem to apply to you, however. [Property managers generally cannot represent their clients if they are not licensed lawyers or paralegals](_URL_1_). While you are not employed by the landlord in the usual sense, you are compensated in some way for your work, so I don't believe the \"friends and neighbours\" exception would apply, either.\n\nYou can fill out the forms and sign them as the landlord's agent, but it would be best if the landlord provided you with some written documentation that you are acting as his agent in the matter. When it comes to the hearing, you can appear as a support person or witness, but the landlord will have to appear or hire a licensed representative to appear on his behalf.", "478" ], [ "Did you register the bike? And file a police report? That's your best shot at getting it back, though still not a high chance. Bike theft is a huge problem in Windsor. The police do recover quite a few, and the bike registry is supposed to make it easier for people to claim their stolen property because their ownership is already established.", "318" ], [ "You made a report to the police and to the humane society. There's nothing more you can do. While you *suspect* you know what happened and who was responsible, you don't actually *know* anything, and you probably never will. Your scenario may make the most sense to you, but it's entirely possible that your cat was killed by someone else. I'm sorry this happened, but without proof there's nothing more the humane society or police can do, either.", "287" ], [ "> Now, we didn't pay for the first month of the two months notice assuming it would be either the payment we'd given them for our last month's deposit or the 1 month worth of rent penalty that we're owed for being evicted.\n\nThis is where you lose me. Are you saying that, when given 2 month's notice, you decided to stop paying rent at that point? That's not how it works. \n\nLet's say you were given notice in January to move out by March 31. Your last month's rent deposit would cover March, and you would still owe for February. Assuming you are in Ontario, the landlord would also have to pay you the equivalent of one month's rent when evicting for personal use. Did you come to an agreement with the landlord to apply that payment to February's rent? It doesn't sound like you did. Still, you owe him for one month's rent, and he owes you for one months rent, so it cancels out and you have nothing to recover.\n\nAfter you were served with notice to evict, did you then give the landlord at least 10 day's notice that you were terminating early? And did you use Form N9 to do so (again assuming that you are in Ontario)? If so, then yes, the landlord owes you your last month's rent deposit. If not, he doesn't.\n\nOf course, if you are in any province other than Ontario, none of this applies.", "790" ], [ "Bear in mind that as May 1st is less than 10 days from now, you can't use this to give notice that you are leaving on May 1st. You can still use this to give 10 day's notice, but if that falls midway through the month (and it will) then the landlord wouldn't owe you the entire last month's rent deposit, he would owe you a pro-rated amount from the date of termination.\n\nBy the way, if you were served an N12, it clearly instructs you to use the N9 if you want to terminate early.", "790" ], [ "IANAL\n\nIt would probably depend on the nature of the business and the people you would come into contact with in the course of conducting business on behalf of your employer. The OHRT has struck down dress codes that prohibit visible tattoos and piercings where the employer could not show that they had legitimate reason to prohibit them. However, having piercings and tattoos is not a protected class, so being fired for having them wouldn't be illegal discrimination. The best you could hope for if you were fired for this reason is probably that you would be able to qualify for EI, but you'd likely have to appeal to get that far (they'd probably turn you down first because you were fired, but you'd probably get it on appeal because you were fired without cause).", "679" ] ]
[ 15237, 193, 7940, 13887, 24269, 2278, 8699, 3085, 9956, 3551, 4658, 13163, 14608, 6769, 9688, 18485, 4233, 8202, 21376, 15978, 14680, 21888, 5902, 14157, 6132, 11410, 21575, 18198, 20910, 10115, 16393, 15214, 24035, 22470, 16169, 16574, 21025, 25007, 19530, 13424, 22518, 3578, 15777, 22151, 21441, 2163, 15612, 16478, 17747, 631, 265, 3109, 19145, 7974, 10787, 22320, 23021, 24850, 20551, 23850, 3885, 21682, 16704, 14811, 6490, 22569, 8254, 6735, 7019, 5284, 9545, 14041, 20221, 19219, 9566, 7062, 4837, 13294, 14377, 6064, 1403, 6334, 2433, 8341, 23105, 12610, 17732, 13895, 23369, 19811, 16226, 6800, 18119, 10499, 862, 22514, 1255, 21037, 5032, 4903, 21657, 24793, 4434, 688, 1434, 15562, 2771, 14101, 8218, 20244, 6911, 10354, 13364, 15290, 16394, 6771, 22010, 760, 13754, 10840, 4644, 15306, 18132, 21094, 17218, 23433, 15458, 19950, 11550, 19878, 23671, 24014, 4714, 25300, 6000, 11899, 17270, 23195, 11235, 24879, 21009, 17424, 18339, 15881, 41, 1211, 983, 19737, 3992, 12295, 6838, 8228, 20194, 9995, 18354, 10630, 17250, 4661, 18724, 3213, 1739, 3012, 15149, 19040, 16965, 22776, 16675, 2431, 15297, 14297, 21672, 22650, 16412, 12396, 4633, 21660, 14054, 6002, 8019, 2522, 8201, 17276, 4991, 13705, 9937, 3908, 7147, 21341, 23961, 24145, 8054, 3739, 10772, 22397, 4537, 23392, 24639, 15613, 12946, 4390, 6493, 15334, 14784, 14903, 8999, 7742, 3463, 6875, 20086, 19646, 15796, 15319, 6384, 7753, 2001, 3580, 3491, 8618, 10655, 10629, 8708, 19222, 17142, 6754, 9978, 11795, 18200, 15716, 7445, 11846, 6764, 23858, 18660, 3476, 3925, 7703, 13190, 6036, 24464, 13740, 19955, 3107, 11531, 2274, 6820, 10923, 19409, 80, 23366, 9283, 16732, 21344, 25011, 6572, 18667, 2390, 24560, 13051, 8282, 21810, 14817, 20348, 14840, 21292, 16147, 20255, 1023, 10466, 7603, 2064, 15357, 23994, 22640, 8583, 23689, 21833, 23839, 11451, 5820, 18611, 21645, 4080, 7780, 19588, 21692, 14483, 5082, 18649, 2203, 18258, 8905, 11160, 9404, 13805, 19273, 8462, 14287, 635, 9676, 4178, 11231, 19001, 21591, 25257, 9154, 14907, 24416, 22084, 5226, 24555, 7256, 25321, 17133, 8432, 6468, 10591, 24495, 6236, 19041, 13062, 4924, 16097, 18980, 23219, 18541, 23996, 25303, 24088, 20190, 21378, 10546, 10714, 19754, 2291, 2532, 9985, 11576, 4298, 18959, 7941, 18033, 17004, 24803, 4986, 21564, 20340, 21110, 21536, 6387, 22249, 4151, 11111, 1809, 10309, 2766, 8225, 21095, 16203, 16352, 19124, 1894, 10708, 7850, 6561, 22672, 3086, 5004, 23177, 19751, 8476, 25402, 1634, 341, 18284, 14838, 16128, 8174, 19845, 23221, 567, 23249, 13503, 12469, 4210, 18748, 19042, 23485, 9481, 16707, 17042, 23211, 18113, 8450, 13136, 15008, 755, 7096, 13466, 15011, 22172, 5328, 6021, 4158, 8094, 22637, 15070, 17395, 7079, 4289, 23552, 25387, 22772, 22387, 9467, 19782, 9734, 23784, 3358, 1732, 23576, 12756, 4687, 9656, 7501, 21093, 7652, 1979, 17633, 21895, 23948, 18398, 8546, 19619, 24853, 17620, 10956, 16451, 9518, 23484, 22609, 25326, 10457, 21192, 11291, 8545, 15907, 21223, 9317, 22912, 12252, 23886, 9679, 22429, 2508, 19098, 6492, 12, 24541, 7911, 6389, 15943, 4583, 18873, 20089, 12775, 14909, 17600, 13298, 12714, 2859, 1440, 23507, 14298, 6794, 9701, 24823, 15052, 24030, 21686, 6282, 8215, 24346, 20386, 13925, 18583, 18311, 3819, 4391, 3751, 20183, 2835, 18214, 11264, 15602, 15502, 10239, 3796, 9442, 15747 ]
[ [ "What is this \"you\" that is retained if you change every part of my life and my personality? If I lived in 1936 Germany, I wouldn't be in any way recognizable as \"me.\" Do you mean, if someone with my DNA was alive in 1936 Germany, would they be a Nazi? I don't see why not. Or do you want to posit some kind of soul?\n\n > In which case, what grounds would a rational observer have to take the 2017 you more seriously than the 1936 you?\n\nLmao, what? You are reaching a whole new level of ad hominem here. \"You guys are wrong, not because there's any flaw in your reasoning or because of evidence, but because in an alternate universe you're a Nazi.\"", "743" ], [ "> The physical you. Suppose you were born, then transported to 1936 Germany and adopted by a family who raised you as their own. Would you end up with all the same values, goals, and political convictions?\n\nObviously not. Are you saying you would? That's completely absurd. \n\n > If not, this suggests that your values, goals, and political convictions are totally contingent.\n\nYes.\n\n > Which means they are not at all warranted.\n\nNo.\n\nThere are some things that are true and some things that are false. That a person only realizes something to be true when exposed to certain experiences does not negate the truthfulness of the thing.\n\n\"If you were born in 2000 B.C., would you believe in Quantum Mechanics? If no, how can I take anything you're saying seriously?\" That's nonsense.", "1019" ], [ "> If contingent beliefs are warranted, then we literaly have no way of deciding whether <PERSON> has a more truthful view of physics than the pharaoh <PERSON>\n\nYes we do. <PERSON>'s view best fits the currently available evidence, therefore it is a more truthful view than that of <PERSON>\n\n > It is in fact beliefs that are not contingent on time and place that are warranted.\n\nSuch a belief does not exist. Even if political views are determined by genetics like you seem to be claiming, they are still *contingent* on genetics. \n\n > No scientific belief is true today, untrue tomorrow; **warranted in this place, unwarranted there.**\n\nThey literally are. Until evidence proved that Newtonian Mechanics was not true, it was warranted to believe in Newtonian Mechanics.\n\nThe only way this is a problem is if you base whether you agree with someone on that person's authority, rather than on the validity of their argument. Don't do that and you're fine.", "569" ], [ "> You say that we should have no epistemic problems if we judge warrant on the basis of validity rather than authority. But if nurture is king, then you only have authority. After all, what you take to be \"valid\" is determined by what else--authoritative views of your time and place! You literally have no objective ground on which to make a judgement.\n\nExcept, you know, **evidence.**\n\n > Epistemic relativism is inevitable, and the 16th century Spanish cardinal who justifies the Inquisition on the basis that it is right given his time and place not only isn't wrong, but can't be wrong.\n\nIf beliefs are not contingent, then it is impossible that the Inquisition happened. I believe that the Inquisition was wrong, since beliefs aren't contingent on conditions, the fact that the 16th century cardinal had completely different circumstances won't cause him to have any different beliefs from me. Therefore, everyone has the exact same beliefs.\n\nExcept for the part where they don't.", "1019" ], [ "I mean, yes, there is a degree of uncertainty. You can't prove that logic/evidence is valid because in order to do so you'd have to use logic/evidence.\n\nBut I don't really see how this is a problem. As long as everyone in a discussion agrees to assume logic *a priori* we can continue based on that. The stuff downstream, your \"values, goals, and political convictions,\" come more from nurture, from looking at the world and seeing evidence. As such we can say, \"This is objectively true, assuming Reason,\" but we can't say, \"This is objectively true, even if we don't assume Reason.\"\n\nIt is only a problem if you want your beliefs to be absolute.", "414" ], [ "Yes, and yes.\n\n1. By nature, everyone has equal rights to natural resources (i.e. land), so everyone should be equally entitled to the value that the land produces (economic rent).\n\n2. It's justifiable to steal if you're starving, because the harm caused by stealing is less than the harm of starvation. \n\n3. Pragmatically, people *will* steal if they're starving, so it's in society's best interest to make sure they don't reach that point in order to reduce crime.", "246" ], [ "I think there are ways for the government to spend money that are more productive than UBI (e.g. roads) and those things should take priority. However, I'd like to see a system where the budget is determined more democratically, with UBI on the list. That way, the government has to convince people that it's providing a better service compared to just getting a check in the mail. It would serve as a check against bloat and inefficiency.\n\nI don't believe automation is the root cause of unemployment so I wouldn't base my support off of that, personally.", "397" ], [ "> \"By nature\"? What???\n\nAs in, in a state of nature nobody has special privileges to the land. \n\n > Who's the arbiter of \"less harmful\" and this seems like little more than utilitarian ethics, correct?\n\nCorrect.\n\n > Or it's in \"societies\" best interest to be fascist and shoot thieves on sight. Singapore does a decent job reducing crime and it ain't through handouts.. ..\n\nThere are other costs that come with that, reducing crime isn't the end all and be all.", "1013" ], [ "> You didn't spend the money governing and maintaining those natural resources, so why should you get a share? I don't think free speech is a good analogy to having rights to natural resources.\n\nI can't explain where the right to natural resources comes from until we've established where rights in general come from. That's why I brought up free speech.\n\n > Why do you think you have the right to say which track has greater loss?\n\nWhy do I have the right to say that 5 is greater than 1? Why do I have the right to decide that grass is green? It simply is.\n\n > Also, why do you think you get to decide whether to pull the lever?\n\nBecause that's the premise of the problem.", "1013" ], [ "> ....That's not what you said before. \n\nHow so?\n\n > So people are entitled to a basic income because in nature nobody has inherent privelege to land??\n\n > Not only did you just make a new claim but your new claim makes even less sense following your premise. \n\nDo you disagree that people are entitled to the product of what they own? Because otherwise my claim follows from my premise.\n\n > Perhaps you should not have used it as a premise then. \n\n???\n\nThings can still be good even if they're not worth murdering people over.", "1013" ], [ "> That makes sense. So you're arguing that all natural resources should be redistributed because they shouldn't have been owned by any private entity in the first place?\n\nYes.\n\n > But that's not the case when it comes to stealing when you're starving. It's much less black and white. Would you be willing to be mugged so that someone can eat for the day? Is that a lever you'd think is worth pulling?\n\nIf I entered [The Veil of Ignorance](_URL_0_) where I didn't know whether I'd be the starving mugger or the person getting mugged, then I would prefer having a 50% chance of getting mugged to a 50% chance of starving. Likewise, if I didn't know which person I'd be in the Trolley problem, I'd prefer that the lever get pulled.\n\n > I doubt many people would be okay with that.\n\nI'd point out that a majority of people (I wanna say 70%) say they'd pull the lever.", "246" ], [ "> I don't believe that you have a 50% chance of starving because if you put in the work then you shouldn't ever be starving, and thus never need to mug anyone.\n\nWell sure, if you don't need to mug someone in order to eat then it's not justified. If you can pull another lever that brings the trolley to a stop without hurting anyone.\n\n > Therefore, I'd assume the people that are starving haven't put in the work, and the lever isn't worth pulling.\n\nBut what happens if this isn't the case? For example, if the economy crashes and someone just can't find a job despite searching really hard (e.g. The Great Depression).", "941" ], [ "This argument is a large part of why I converted away from Socialism. If you assume workers are entitled to the MoP, what if that particular MoP produces more MoPs? If the worker who makes it is entitled to it, then the worker who uses it isn't, in which case it isn't worker ownership of the MoP anymore. If the worker who uses it is entitled to it, than the worker who makes it isn't, in which case he's been alienated from the product of his labor.\n\nIf I make a shovel and lend it to somebody, that person can work more efficiently than if they had to make their own shovel or dig by hand or something. That increase in efficiency is not a product of their labor, but of my capital. Thus I am entitled to collect interest for loaning the shovel out. If I make enough shovels that I can live off interest, that's fine too because those shovels wouldn't have existed without me, and because everybody else has the option of making their own shovels if they prefer. \n\nThese arguments do not work for land, which is not capital because it was not created by humans. The way I see it, Socialists see that land is distributed unfairly but they fail to make a distinction between land and capital, and thus believe that capital is the problem. Capitalists see that capital is not the problem, but they *also* fail to make a distinction between land and capital and thus believe that land distribution isn't a problem.\n\n\"Means of production\" specifically lumps capital and land together, which results in the confusion noted in OP.", "101" ], [ "I can make moral claims provided some moral system is assumed *a priori.* If you refuse to assume such a system, then no, I can't prove my morality, and neither can you.\n\nThat's exactly why I provided argument from different perspectives. \"Assuming rights, here's how my system is justified,\" \"Assuming utilitarianism, here's how my system is justified,\" etc. Such claims are justified, valid, and contribute to discussion.", "230" ], [ "> You do not have obligation to do something, nobody told you to do something.\n\nHuh? Does the fact that nobody told me to save them change whether or not I have a moral obligation to save them?\n\n > If there was one track clear I would save the other five, off course, but if it involves killing someone I would just walk away.\n\nWhy? Aren't you still saving four people by pulling the lever? What's special about the guy on the other track that makes his life as valuable as the other five?", "528" ], [ "> In all seriousness old things (particularly old customs) are almost universally superior simply for being old and having weathered an immeasurably long process of natural selection.\n\nWhat about the ones that didn't survive natural selection?\n\nWhile there is often merit in the old ways, I think it's just as dangerous to say, \"This is good because it's old,\" as it is to say, \"This is good because it's new.\" If people abandoned an old way, there was probably a reason that they did so. Doesn't mean the way didn't have merit. Same way, if they keep up an old way, there's probably a reason for it, but that doesn't mean that it's necessarily the best.\n\nIn any case, \"trying new things\" is the oldest tradition in existence. Why should we break with tradition by no longer trying new things?", "142" ], [ "> This is why I think one ought to make it so you as a worker are entitled a commission for producing MoP. \n\nThis raises a lot of questions though, like, \"How big of a commission, and where does it come from?\" If the commission is too high, people will make more MoPs than is efficient, and taxpayers have no choice but to pay for them. If it's too low, people won't make enough even though people would be willing to pay for them.\n\n > I kind of agree with this, but for me its about having a system without accumulating capital/advantage/leverage.\n\nI agree that the current system is coercive, but I think if you fix land distribution you can fix it without touching capital.\n\nThe fundamental problem is, if you build a factory somewhere, I can no longer use that land to help me survive (through farming, raising animals, foraging, whatever). Separating me from the land is the same as separating me from my food source, and thus I now have no option but to work in your factory or starve.\n\nUnder my system, if you want the exclusive land rights necessary to build a factory, you have to pay a tax on the land which is redistributed (or put to the common good), compensating everyone for no longer being able to use the land, such that they get as much as they could've gotten from it before the factory was built. Since people are able to survive off the land naturally, this compensation would therefore be enough to survive and it would no longer be \"join or starve.\"", "246" ], [ "If I have farm equipment (capital), labor (my own), and land, plants get produced without any businesses involved. Take away the tools, does food still grow? Yes, but less efficiently. Take away the labor and can plants still grow? Yes, but again, less efficiently. But take away the land and it doesn't matter how much labor, capital, or entrepreneurship you have, plants won't grow. Nothing can be produced without using land. Therefore, land is the vital factor of production, labor and capital are next, and entrepreneurship is last.", "1000" ], [ "I don't think it has much to do with social media, but:\n\n1. (High school) Libertarian: \"Why's everybody always telling me what to do?\"\n\n2. (College) Centrist Democrat: \"Hey, sometimes the government does useful stuff, like science and education.\"\n\n3. (Job hunting) Syndicalist: \"Why do I have to beg and plead to some corporation just to scrape by?\"\n\n4. (Finds a job I don't completely hate) Georgist: \"The system still sucks, but maybe it's possible to make it work for everyone without destroying everything in the process.\"", "627" ], [ "> In the socialist sense - I do not. In the homesteading sense - because taking away an object I've homesteaded with some labour is equivalent to enslaving me for the same amount of labour.\n\nWhy do you have a right not to be enslaved? Where does it come from?\n\n > At what proportion of murders to lives saved does it become unacceptable? 1/1? Or is there a hard limit on the amount of people you can murder for the greater good?\n\nYou shouldn't murder, which is why you should pull the lever. Not pulling the lever is murder, pulling it is not.", "1013" ], [ "My my mother is a single issue, anti-abortion voter and my father is a pretty mainstream Conservative. As for siblings one of my brothers has a tattoo reading \"Rebel\" in the colors of the Confederate flag, my sister is a mainstream Democrat, and my other brother has described himself as a [Christian Democrat](_URL_0_) which isn't even a thing here in the US.\n\nI don't really have similar views with any of them overall, but I generally agree with my CDU brother on economic issues, my sister on social issues, my redneck brother on privacy, drug legalization, and mistrust of authority, my father on the need for a state that occasionally does things, and my mother on the fact that reality is a thing that, in some sense, exists.", "886" ], [ "> Because I own my body. And that is the only logical allocation of ownership to my body for minimisation of human conflict.\n\nOk, so if a right minimizes human conflict, then it exists, correct?\n\n > You've got that backwards. By pulling the lever you actively murder the person on the tracks, by not pulling it you are just a bystander, in no way responsible for what is happening.\n\nThe fact that you are capable of preventing them from dying makes you responsible for their deaths. [What responsibility means](_URL_0_).\n\n > Otherwise you are a murderer million times over, because you have an ability to save a lot of lives and you're not doing that.\n\nI can save a million lives? Me, personally? Please tell me how.", "528" ], [ "First off, you still haven't outlined by what method.\n\nSecond, is it really in my capacity to become a saint overnight? If I spent all my time and money helping others just to prove a point, I'd quickly burn myself out and likely end up broke and having to rely on someone else to help me out. Moreover, I'd probably be doing it begrudgingly and I wouldn't really be taking a sincere interest in people's lives. Throwing money at a problem doesn't fix it. Alternatively, I'd probably cultivate a self-important image of myself as \"savior of the world,\" and see the poor as a means to feeling good about myself. That's not gonna end up helping anybody.\n\nI believe that cultivating virtue, empathy, and psychological and physical health is the best thing I can do for others. I believe that as I do that, I'll end up doing more to help others, and because it's out of genuine concern rather than feeling good about myself, it's far more effective.\n\nAs I've said before, I try to do the best I can, and that's the most anyone can do.", "974" ], [ "She thinks legalized abortion is the Holocaust, does zero fact checking, and like the rest of the \"Pro-life\" movement, doesn't really give a shit about the character of politicians.\n\nThe representative of my district threatened his ex-wife with a gun and had numerous affairs with his medical patients, several of whom he pressured into getting abortions, but he says the magic words and votes the right way so \"pro-life\" and \"Christian Conservative\" groups don't give a shit. They pass it off as \"forgiveness.\" Forgiveness, my ass. That's just not giving a shit.", "674" ], [ "1. Pregnancy carries risk to the mother. The law should not force someone to run into a burning building to rescue someone, therefore it should not require someone to go through with a pregnancy.\n\n2. The consequences of and the method of enforcing the law should always be considered before deciding to implement it. One consequence of banning abortion is an increase in \"back-alley\" abortions. Another consequence is that you'll have to punish doctors, potentially revoking their licences and preventing them from saving lives elsewhere.\n\n3. Even if fetuses are considered persons, there's a difference between abortion and genocide. If a government kills a person for being Christian/Jewish/Atheist/Gay/Whatever, then that instill fear in all other members of that group and promotes a general sense of intolerance. Increase it to a million people and that effect becomes even greater. But that effect is missing with fetuses. No one kills a fetus as a show of force to keep the other fetuses in line. No one worries that the government will find out that they're secretly a fetus. I consider this a morally relevant difference.\n\nThat said, whether a fetus is a person or not it is still a living being, and therefore (all else being equal), killing it should be discouraged. Safe sex education and free birth control would, demonstrably, reduce the number of abortions without violating anyone's rights, even regardless of whether abortion is legal. If abortion is murder, then I have to ask why it's OK to have a policy that increases the number of murders.", "674" ], [ "> Please explain how you've established this \"natural\" owned/unowned duality.\n\nWhat does \"owned\" mean if not that someone has exclusive rights of use? If no one is excluded from use, then it could be said that it's communally owned, or that it's unowned. I don't see any reason to make a distinction.\n\n > Can't even get to how \"rights\" came unexpectedly out of left field immediately after.\n\n > A person is entitled to what they produce.\n\nEntitled, as in, has the rights to.", "1013" ], [ "Also, I forgot to mention:\n\n > the community is entitled to collect a Flat Land Tax from the homesteader, which could then either be spend on the common good\n\nThe common good includes a military for defense including tanks, but if those tanks polluted the environment then they might hurt more than they help, especially in times of peace. Therefore, the tanks should run on biodiesel.", "31" ], [ "> <PERSON> is producing wealth, he's extracting oil\n\nHe has done no such thing! He's merely placed a useless farm on top of the land so that he can claim ownership and then sell it to someone who will extract the oil. The oil would get extracted either way, the only difference is that <PERSON> has gotten rich by building a useless farm. He has neither discovered nor extracted the oil.", "747" ], [ "What? No!\n\nSpeculation implies that he has taken a risk to *generate* wealth, i.e. investing in a business. Chad's risk doesn't generate wealth at all.\n\nEither:\n\n1. It is more efficient to build a farm in the middle of the desert than on fertile ground.\n\n2. The free market is inefficient.\n\n3. Homesteading is a distortion of the free market.\n\nYou're holding on the statement 1, which is a completely absurd view. The weakest link is statement 3.\n\nUnder <PERSON>, the resources needed to build the farm would not have been expended, and the oil would've been extracted anyway. How is it that <PERSON> creates more overall wealth than Free Market with Homesteading?", "747" ], [ "> He didn't expend resources and in turn get wealthier? False premise.\n\nHe *got* wealthier without *creating* wealth, which is what I've been saying this whole time.\n\n > you havent stated a more efficient system.\n\nYes I have.\n\n > Under Georgian the resources would have already been expended in that area on something equally useless since no one can profit from it and no one would have any incentive to speculate about more efficient future use. \n\nWtf are you talking about? You aren't required to build anything on the land in order to own it under Georgism.\n\n > Homesteading limits what you call \"misallocation\" to speculators who expend resources and take risk in order to gain potential wealth.\n\nYou are equating, \"They gained wealth\" with, \"They produced wealth.\" False premise. The system arbitrarily giving someone money does not prove that the system ought to give them money.\n\n > Literally all of your premises are false and you're doing nothing but LARPing your bizarre alternate reality fantasies which are free from any logic or evidence. This is precisely why I initially just stated your entire premise is silly and not worth debating because I anticipated you would continue LARPing as if it was an argument.\n\nNot an argument. You're backed into a corner so you're resorting to ridicule as a last ditch effort to avoid admitting you're wrong.", "580" ], [ "> all colonists were to get their food, clothing, drink and provisions from the colony’s “common stock and goods.” In addition, during the first seven years, all profits earned by colonists would go into the “common stock” until they were divided.\n\nNo part of that is remotely consistent with Georgism. I might as well cite that as why AnCapism won't work because it has just as much in common.", "1000" ], [ "> .Are you saying that no new wealth has ever been created?\n\nWtf? Where did you get this from?\n\nIf I chop down a tree, cut it into boards, and build a chair out of it, then I have created wealth.\n\n > Well, people want beachfront property and he's \"satisfying their demands\"....\n\nIf I steal something and sell it, then I'm also \"satisfying a demand,\" but I haven't generated any wealth. <PERSON> had no part in creating the beachfront property.", "580" ], [ "> You seem concerned only with the one who took on greater risk and received higher profits as a result.\n\nIf you invest in something that may create a lot of wealth but is risky, that's a legitimate way of making money. But that's not what's happening here, his investment is not creating any sort of wealth at all.\n\n > You WANT the <PERSON>'s taking risk, it is better for everyone when they do.\n\nHow exactly have <PERSON>'s actions created a situation that's better for everyone? Again, he has created zero new wealth.\n\n > He MUST keep improving it or set up gazebos and charge people because his cost of living will be raised by those valuing the land... and his tax as well.\n\nThe tax is only on the land, it doesn't increase with the improvents which are not land, but capital.", "786" ], [ "> How do you farm on a rocky cliff? A beachfront property on a rocky cliff?\n\nIt's less fertile, not completely infertile.\n\n > Works at a subsistence level how, doing what?\n\nFarming\n\n > Why are the fertile fields untouched? Didn't the other colonists go there?\n\nYes, but there are still more open fields available to farm.\n\n > Proven right about what?\n\nThat homesteading the land was the most profitable course of action for him.\n\n > What if in reality he was proven wrong?\n\nThen he'd have misread the market, but in this situation he didn't.\n\n > How is wealth created?\n\nBy Land, Labor, and Capital.\n\n > How do you know the Georgian colony would outproduce the Ancap one?\n\nIf both colonies have 100 people, and in the Georgian colony they all farm fertile land and in the Ancap one, 99 farm fertile land and Chad farms the less fertile land, then all else being equal, the Georgian colony has outproduced the Ancap one.", "1000" ], [ "Abiding by the same principle in all scenarios is good, to do otherwise is hypocritical. I shouldn't simultaneously say, \"Stealing is always wrong\" when someone steals from me and then say, \"There are some cases where stealing is OK,\" when I want to steal something.\n\nI think what you mean to say is that people ought to change their beliefs when confronted with conflicting evidence and strong arguments. But then, you need to provide that evidence/argument if you want people to change their minds.", "647" ], [ "> No? He recused himself from his fair share of the farm land. Other people got wealthy off his share of land over there. \n\nNo? I specifically stated that there was open land, even after all the other farmers got theirs. Nobody got wealthy from the fertile land that was left empty.\n\n > Furthermore, you are also ignoring the wealth that naturally occurs - whether it is a plant growing or a view becoming more valuable.\n\nNot at all. If it weren't for the fact that wealth is naturally generated by Land, then there'd be no basis for the land tax.\n\n > The farmers aren't really creating their own wealth either - the sun and rain are.\n\nRight, which is why they also have to pay the land tax.\n\n > So what get's taxed more? Land suitable for fields or rocky land? What happens when the rocky land becomes suitable for a 5 star hotel or the field becomes more suitable for pumping oil? Do the taxes fluctuate to adjust for people's opinion (e-valuation) of the land changing?\n\nYou could use the market to set the tax rate, either by basing it off sale price or by giving it to whoever makes the highest bid on the tax rate.", "143" ], [ "> What I was getting at (and not explaining) was your understanding on residential property. Do you even have to pay taxes on a currently-residential piece of land?\n\nYes. You are required to pay taxes based on what you would get if you rented the land to someone else (minus improvements). This is offset by UBI, so if you only want one, reasonably sized house to live in, the tax will benefit you. It'll only hurt you if you own a bunch of houses and rent them out, or have a large estate in the middle of a city or something.", "224" ], [ "> Why don't the other people use the unused land? In a capitalist society all the fertile land would be used by the 99 people,\n\nA person can only work so much land, and it's explicitly stated in the scenario that there's more fertile land available.\n\n > That's Chad's contribution, by absenting from consuming now, there are more goods (in this case, food) available for the rest of the people, making them cheaper.\n\nHuh? What's he abstaining from consuming?\n\nIf one of the farmers on the fertile land wants to abstain from spending his created wealth in order to save up capital and make an investments, that's fine. That's not what we're talking about though.", "1000" ], [ "> I presupposed nothing, if nobody can use my body without my consent, as you agreed, then no one can force me to work for them, because that would be using my body without my consent. \"Labour\" is just an specific type of action, \"my labour\" is merely me using my body to move and transform matter in order to produce something, if you take that thing from me you're effectively ex-post facto forcing me to work for you. Notice that I haven't said anything about homesteading or property norms or whatever, the only starting point I used was that I own my body.\n\nCorrect. By this reasoning, taxes on wealth produced by labor is theft. This has nothing to do with wealth produced by land.", "1013" ], [ "> Now that it's known that Chad isn't worsening anyone's condition but his own by farming the infertile land, what is wrong with Chad appropriating some land that nobody else wanted.\n\nThe question I asked is not, \"Has Chad done anything wrong,\" it's, \"Why is the Georgian colony able to outproduce the Ancap one?\"\n\n > And even when Chad sell the land for a fortune, he would still either invest that money or spend it in consumer goods, which would also enrich the other people.\n\nWrong. The person who created the wealth used to buy the land from Chad has enriched the other people. If wealth falls from the sky and you spend it, that doesn't make other people richer.", "1000" ], [ "> Because <PERSON>, for whatever reason, decided not to farm the infertile land, should he be forced to? \n\nOf course not. He should be allowed to farm the barren land and keep his zero created wealth, if he really wants to do that.\n\n > If money falls from the sky, indeed society as a whole didn't got any richer. \n\nOf course not, I said wealth and I meant wealth.\n\nEdit: To clarify, it's the wealth falling from the sky that increases total wealth. You spending it on something does not increase wealth.\n\n > the person who bought the land from Chad abstained from consuming/investing to buy that land, instead <PERSON> will be the one doing the investing/consuming, so society still haven't lost any wealth.\n\nCorrect. <PERSON> has neither created nor destroyed wealth, which means he should be exactly where he started.\n\n > But, as <PERSON> charged a high price for his land, he made sure that the person who bought it was the one who really valued it and thus was the best candidate to create the most wealth in there, say building a luxury hotel, for exemple.\n\nIn a Georgian system, the community would also charge a high price for valuable land in the form of an annual fee.\n\n > Now let's say Chad hadn't appropriated the infertile land, and instead some other guy built his house there and decided not to sell it ever, society now is less rich than it would have been if the luxury hotel guy had bought the land and attracted all the tourists to his hotel.\n\nCorrect. Note that in the Ancap colony, it's possible for a guy to build his house on the land and never sell it. In the Georgian system, he'd have to pay based on the value of the land (minus improvements) which means he could only stay there if he was providing as much wealth as the view is worth. Thus he could not just sit on it like he could in the Ancap system.", "580" ], [ "> Than I don't get the whole point of the discussion.\n\nThe point is that in the Ancap colony, he's recieved *more* wealth than he created.\n\n > Of course it would make us richer, imagine if cars and computers and houses fell from the sky, we'd be all filthy rich.\n\nSee my edit.\n\n > Nobody but <PERSON> saw the value in that land, thus \"society\" would charge a very low \"fee\" and so any half-literate redneck could pay and waste that land doing whatever.\n\nSame in the Ancap colony.\n\n > In a georgist society though, after all the fertile land is taken, it's very probable that someone who doesn't value that land as much would take it (since most people aren't entrepreneurs).\n\nThis makes no sense. The person who values it most will pay the highest price for it and thus receive it.\n\n > Again, nobody but <PERSON> saw value in the land, the \"fee\" would be very low. So he could indeed just do some low value activity and still be able to pay the fee.\n\nYes, unless the value of the land went up, say, if it became feasible to build a hotel there.\n\n > But now that you mentioned, what if someone builds as house in an empty land, then the surroundings develop and the land price there goes up, but the worker's salary haven't enhanced, should he lose his house?\n\nIf the land tax is paid back to the citizens as UBI, then this will benefit the worker. If it isn't used on UBI, it must be used to promote the common good as much as it had been paid back in UBI. If the tax money is wasted/pocketed, then the government has violated the NAP and the people have the right to revolt.", "246" ], [ "> You do know that value is subjective, right? Chad did create wealth to the luxury hotel guy by not letting other people take the land first.\n\nThen the community has created value to the hotel guy by not letting anyone take the land first.\n\n > If there's a \"fee\" though, the owner of the the land might sell it before the person who most values it offers to buy it.\n\nIn which case the person who bought it will sell it to the person who wants it more.\n\nYou're assuming that the people in the Ancap colony are acting according to rational self interest but the people in the Georgian one are not. That's where most of your objections are coming from.\n\n > Pay to whom? If nobody is allowed to own it.\n\nPay to the community, through the government.\n\n > It was always feasible to build a hotel there, but only Chad foresaw it.\n\nNo, it wasn't. When the colony started out, building a hotel would not have been economically feasible. Only because the colony grew does it become feasible.\n\n > So what if the government doesn't waste the money but still the UBI isn't enough?\n\nIf he can't pay then he doesn't have the rights to the land. However, he does have the rights to anything he built on the land. The government will collect the tax in shares of his house until he owes the entire house in back-taxes, at which point his house will be repossessed.", "1013" ], [ "Spread knowledge about Georgism/Land Value Tax, answer questions, debate with people on both sides, learn more about it so that I can better answer people's concerns. \n\nOnce Georgism is implemented somewhere and is shown to work, then people will see its success and call to have it implemented. The biggest experiment (afaik) with a LVT was in Pittsburgh, and the housing market boomed and gained a reputation for stability. Unfortunately, land assessments were taken over by the county which opposed the whole idea and made wildly inaccurate assessments, bordering on outright sabotage. If more experiments are conducted, I'm confident that they'll show <PERSON> to be correct.\n\nThe advantage to the US state divisions is that they allow reasonably isolated policy experiments. Convince an entire state (Pennsylvania seems most receptive) to ~~abandon their heathen ways and accept <PERSON> as their personal Lord and Savior~~ gradually replace current taxes with a LVT, and the only interference you'll have to worry about is from the feds. If that state takes off, it'll be copied by other states and potentially to the federal government.\n\n---\n\nAlternatively, wait for wealth inequality to reach the point that Capitalism collapses on itself *a la* the Roman Empire and build a new civilization from the ashes.", "786" ], [ "1. Accidents happen. If the fire started even though I took reasonable safety precautions, then I am not obligated to run back inside. Also, safe fire education is a thing.\n\n2. No it doesn't. Why would a person choose to endure 9 months of pregnancy, then *childbirth* and then suddenly decide that her baby is too expensive? Absurd.\n\n3. I disagree and nothing you said addresses the point I made here.", "992" ], [ "> In any case, my point was to show that it isn't necessarily true that the Georgian society would be richer.\n\nAll else being equal, it will be.\n\n > I see. So due to no fault of his own he suddenly stops deserving the house he built.\n\nWell, if he'd prefer, then once he can't pay taxes he could move his house elsewhere and give up the land. He doesn't get eternal free rent just because he got there first, no.", "224" ], [ "Alright, lemme take a different tact here.\n\nWealth is produced solely through labor, as you and <PERSON> agree, then on what basis can the owner a factory draw a profit? All the value produced in that factory, by your logic, has been produced by the workers. Therefore, they are entitled to the products and if an absentee owner tries to claim them as his own then he's committing theft and violating the NAP.\n\nIf you're going to argue for the Labor Theory of Value, you should go all in and become a Socialist. If you're going to remain a Capitalist, you should abandon the LTV.", "231" ], [ "When something bad happens to us, we are hit by three darts. The first dart is the bad thing itself, \"Oh, this is so horrible, I can't possibly go on after this.\" The second dart is when we say, \"Its wrong to feel that way, I should be happy and move on, but I can't. There must be something wrong with me.\" The third dart says, \"I shouldn't beat myself up over feeling bad, if I were a better person I'd be able to accept how I feel, but I can't because I'm not good enough.\" You could go on forever beating yourself up over the fact that you're beating yourself up, but usually by the third dart you can see through the absurdity of those thoughts.\n\nIt is OK to be stuck in the past. There is no need to run from it or push it away. You'll move on when you're ready to move on. It also may be that you aren't ready to face it yet, in which case it's ok to say, \"I need to get back on my feet and feel like I'm moving on to better things, and I can't let myself be reduced to a mess every time I think of this, so I'll push it away for now.\" Just remember to come back to it when you're ready.", "4" ], [ "Why did <PERSON> give him the gold? If it was just because he wanted the school to be constructed, then he's simply paying for what he wants, while <PERSON> is going to the trouble of hiring a crew to build it and so forth. In that case, the giver should be thankful, because he's getting what he wants, namely, the school's construction.\n\nBut what <PERSON> really wanted was to be able to congratulate himself for being a good person, he wanted <PERSON> to build up his ego. And from the perspective of egos, it makes sense for <PERSON> to get down on his hands and knees and tell <PERSON> that everything he does is only possible from <PERSON>'s generosity and so forth. But <PERSON> isn't concerned about who deserve merit and praise, he's concerned with *getting things done.* What does it matter who's responsible?\n\nThat's how I read it anyway, you can take it with a grain of salt.", "747" ], [ "Whenever you see the words, \"cultural appropriation\" mentally replace them with, \"bad taste,\" because that's usually closer to what the person actually means. For whatever reason, our society has decided to adopt a phrase that implies the mixing of cultures is wrong, or at the very least makes people afraid to borrow from other cultures. I hate the term, but it *does* reflect something meaningful.\n\nA white person wearing a Native American headdress is in bad taste. Why? Well, consider this scene from [Pulp Fiction](_URL_0_). \n\nThere's nothing wrong with <PERSON> character visiting your house and asking for a bite of your burger, and you can say that if he does then you can say, \"Be a good host, don't make a big deal out of it.\" But in this scene, the people in the house are terrified because he's working for a mob boss and the threat of violence is constantly in the air. Maybe he really is curious about what the burger tastes like and wants to appreciate it, but he's asking for it in a context where they don't really have the option to say no. Even if it's not his intent to exert dominance and demonstrate his power, it's on him to make sure it doesn't come across that way.\n\nBorrowing something from another culture is like asking for a bite of someone's burger, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. But if there's a big power inequality that people in your group have taken advantage of in the past (and continue to do so), then don't be surprised if people in that culture get upset if you borrow in a thoughtless or disrespectful way.", "255" ], [ "[The Relativity of Wrong](_URL_0_) by <PERSON>:\n\n > When people thought the earth was flat, they were wrong. When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. But if you think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of them put together.\n\nTo say that the world is black and white is an oversimplification. But if you say that all shades of grey are the same, then you've simplified it even more, you've gone from a two-color view to a one-color view. Some shades of grey are lighter or darker than others.\n\nI would say that models are not useful in an absolute sense, because nothing is useful in an absolute sense. Just the word \"useful\" implies that there's some use you're putting it to, so the usefulness of anything depends on what goal you're hoping to achieve. One might say that all goals are ultimately empty, but again, just because sweeping the floor is empty doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. Surely you can accept that certain models are useful in certain contexts to achieve certain aims.", "970" ], [ "The problem is that its never entirely clear what is and isn't cultural appropriation, and even when it is, it's misused so much that it becomes safer to err on the side of caution and not interact with other cultures at all. Tell me, if I, as a white male, do as you say and legitimately earn a headress, do you think the internet will approve of me wearing it?\n\nI lived in Japan for a year, and in my experience interacting with another culture is a matter of trial and error, and mostly error. You have to be willing to make mistakes, because that's how you learn. But the way many would have it, making a good faith mistake will cost you your reputation and even your job. That's awful, because learning about Japanese culture really broadened my perspective and let me see the world more clearly. Cultural exchange is a great thing that needs to be encouraged.\n\nAs I said, cultural appropriation does reflect something meaningful, but if you look at how it's used practically, I think the term does more harm than good by contributing to \"gotcha\" culture and encouraging people to stay in their bubbles. \n\n\"Bad taste\" still expresses that there's a problem without those side effects, and I just think it's more accurate and clear. For example, one could argue that blackface isn't *really* cultural appropriation, because it's not like white people stole the idea of putting on makeup to look like another race. On the other hand, did Europeans appropriate Christianity from the Middle East? It gets even worse when you look at non-Eurocentric examples, like in East Asia. \"Bad taste\" does a much better job of calling out the stuff you want to call out without including stuff you consider OK.", "255" ], [ "Even if *you* have a consistent, meaningful definition of cultural appropriation, I still have to worry about everyone else's definitions as well. I think more people misuse the term than understand it, and those people also tend to be the most vocal about and most willing to get you fired over it. As you say:\n\n > Eventually you'll undoubtedly have your picture reposted with no context and then it will spread as cultural appropriation.\n\nOn the internet, people generally aren't willing to sit around and get the whole story, and often the whole story isn't available without gathering intrusive information about a person. You can't brush this aside with, \"Who cares what the internet thinks,\" because there are serious consequences to having a bunch of people on the internet get mad at you.\n\nMy point with the examples isn't that your definition is inconsistent, but that common use is inconsistent. I'm talking about how it's used in practice, and in that context it's incredibly inconsistent and generally does more harm than good.", "837" ], [ "It's a mischaracterization to say that only modern American Buddhism is secular. When asked about life after death, the <PERSON> said, \"The question does not fit the case.\" <PERSON> said that anyone who thought that the Buddha's teaching revolved around reincarnation was \"more foolish than someone who grasps a pebble thinking it to be a golden treasure.\" <PERSON> went so far as to argue, \"Buddhists do not believe in reincarnation.\" So the division is not as clear cut as you make it out to be.\n\nI don't see karma as a supernatural thing that contradicts the laws of physics. Rather, I see it as an observation that actions have consequences, and these consequences are unavoidable. This observation is entirely consistent with physics. It is important to note that we may not always be able to understand the consequences fully, so a little faith is called for in that regard.\n\nIn my view, reincarnation is true in the sense that there is no meaningful sense that you can said to be the same person now as you were as a kid, or a year ago, or a second ago. When I read stories that involve talking animals and people flying around, I interpret them metaphorically. That doesn't make them less valuable or less true.\n\nI do think that there's a certain amount of humility and open-mindedness to be taken with the supernatural and that it shouldn't be taken lightly, but I don't really truly believe in anything stranger than Jungian psychology.", "943" ], [ "1. The question was \"*can* Buddhism exist without the supernatural?\" that is, \"Is the supernatural a central, essential aspect of Buddhism?\" If it is, then why would Dogen explicitly de-emphasize reincarnation?\n\n2. I'm fine with *worshiping* gods, but believing in them is another matter entirely. I've met computer programmers who keep a stuffed animal at their desk and explain difficult problems to it and ask for its advice, that doesn't mean they literally believe that the stuffed animal is a thinking being. I have no way of knowing whether Dogen considered kitchen gods to be real, physical beings, or if it was a convenient way of expressing something or what.\n\n3. Just to be clear, <PERSON>'s teachings are not dogma. Even if he believed in kitchen gods literally, that doesn't mean I have to or should.", "943" ], [ "I'm not denying that that's a tenable position, but I think there's room to interpret <PERSON> from a more secular perspective. I don't think his teachings (or those of the <PERSON>) rest on a supernatural foundation, rather the supernatural is tangential. I don't see what's internally inconsistent with my position, or why it doesn't count as Buddhism just because I think karma and reincarnation work in conjunction with the laws of physics rather than in opposition.\n\nI will also point out that what <PERSON> means when he talks about gods is completely different from what I, as a Westerner, think of. \"God\" is at best a very rough translation of \"kami,\" and that's as it's used today. I think there's good reason to take such things with a grain of salt.", "943" ], [ "I think you miss the point of the story. There is no rational basis for the <PERSON>'s action, anyone who considers the situation rationally will say that surely a person's life is more valuable than that of a tiger, especially if that person is a prince and the <PERSON>. Rather, the <PERSON> is basing his action off of compassion, off of metta. Seeing the tigress about to devour her cub makes him instictually want to give her another source of food, and his concern is not about whether she deserves it or whether he could do more good if he lived on. He uses his reason only to determine *how* to feed her.\n\nThis is what compassion is all about, it's not about being a good person or being rational, it's about seeing someone starving and genuinely wanting to feed them, reason be damned. It is *all about* feeding every stray dog, regardless of the behavior.\n\nAs for why I haven't fed myself to stray dogs:\n\n1. I have not been moved to that level of compassion\n\n2. I am attached to my sense of self\n\n3. Generally, there's time to run to the store/fridge and back before the dog starves\n\nNote that if I fed myself to dogs out of some mixed up idea that it was the morally right thing to do, rather than a genuine feeling of compassion, i would be acting very foolishly.", "766" ], [ "> do you want women to not wear deodorant or perfume? Would you prefer to smell their \"natural odors\" than something that smells nice?\n\nWomen can wear whatever they like, and men too. If someone thinks something smells nice and they want to put it on themselves so other people can smell it too, I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is this notion that there's something inherently \"wrong\" or \"bad\" about my body that I need to cover up so nobody finds out what a horrible filthy person I am underneath.\n\n > I'm surprised that you say \"good hygiene is important\" but refuse to wear deodorant.\n\nWhat does deodorant have to do with hygiene? Hygiene is about taking care of your body, and generally necessitates two products:\n\n1. Clean water\n\n2. Soap\n\nI'll also apply Witch Hazel because I have oily, acne-prone skin, so I would include stuff like that in the category of hygiene. But deodorant, perfume, makeup, etc. are not about hygiene.", "229" ], [ "I'm not talking about perfume, I'm talking about deodorant. \n\n[Citation as requested:](_URL_0_)\n\n > Within a year Odorono sales had jumped to $65,000 and the antiperspirant was being shipped as far as England and Cuba. But after a few years sales had flattened, and by 1919 <PERSON> was under pressure to do something different or lose the Odorono contract.\n\n > And that’s when <PERSON> went radical, and in doing so launched his own fame. A door-to-door survey conducted by the advertising company had revealed that “every woman knew of Odorono and about one-third used the product. But two thirds felt they had no need for [it],” <PERSON> says.\n\n > Young realized that improving sales wasn’t a simple matter of making potential customers aware that a remedy for perspiration existed. It was about convincing two-thirds of the target population that sweating was a serious embarrassment.\n\n > Young decided to present perspiration as a social faux pas that nobody would directly tell you was responsible for your unpopularity, but which they were happy to gossip behind your back about.\n\n > His advertisement in a 1919 edition of the Ladies Home Journal didn’t beat around the bush. “Within the Curve of a Woman’s arm. A frank discussion of a subject too often avoided,” announced the headline above an image of an imminently romantic situation between a man and a woman.\n\n > Reading more like a lyrical public service announcement than an advert, <PERSON> continued:\n\n > > A woman’s arm! Poets have sung of it, great artists have painted its beauty. It should be the daintiest, sweetest thing in the world. And yet, unfortunately, it’s isn’t always.\n\n > The advertisement goes on to explain that women may be stinky and offensive, and they might not even know it. The take-home message was clear: If you want to keep a man, you’d better not smell.\n\n > The advertisement caused shock waves in a 1919 society that still didn’t feel comfortable mentioning bodily fluids. Some 200 Ladies Home Journal readers were so insulted by the advertisement that they canceled their magazine subscription, <PERSON> says.\n\n > In a memoir, <PERSON> notes that women in his social circle stopped speaking to him, while other JWT female copy writers told him “he had insulted every woman in America.” But the strategy worked. According to JWT archives, Odorono sales rose 112 percent to $417,000 in 1920, the following year.", "406" ], [ "The majority of people saw no need for the product until advertisers played on their insecurities to convince them they needed something they didn't actually need. That is how the point still stands.\n\nI'm sorry that I base my beliefs on evidence rather than blindly accepting cultural norms, which apparently makes me a \"fucking kook\" and a \"religious nutjob.\" This is a really dumb, immature thing to defend so adamantly. I never claimed that life saving treatments shouldn't be advertised so I have no idea what that's about.\n\nAnyway, I'm not interested in carrying on this discussion if you're going to keep up the baseless insults.", "358" ], [ "Incest is immoral because of the difficulty in establishing consent, and the various power hierarchies involved in the relationship. Even if it's between an adult child and their parent, there's the possibility that the parent groomed them to be ok with that relationship, and likely they wouldn't be willing to break of the relationship completely if it became coercive. Generally speaking, it's just more likely that one person in an incestuous relationship is abusing their power than that both people just happen to overcome their natural biological aversion to the idea.\n\nIn the case of distant cousins, I see no problem, because it seems likely they could genuinely consent.\n\nIn homosexual relationships, there isn't a reason why they'd be less consensual than heterosexual ones, so I see nothing objectionable with them.", "442" ], [ "Aha, so you do not believe that homosexuality or incest are \"inherently immoral\" either. You believe they are immoral because they go against the Torah. If there was an example of incest that somehow did not go against what the Torah says, then you would not say that it is wrong.\n\nThis is no different from me saying that incest is wrong because it violates consent, and if there was an example that did not violate consent then it would not be wrong. Neither of us believes \"incest is wrong because it's incest,\" so neither of us can say that it's \"inherently immoral.\"", "589" ], [ "I wouldn't say the Enlightenment was bad, per se, but something valuable was lost by it. This something is difficult if not impossible to express rationally, but that doesn't mean it's not there. The Enlightenment approach is perhaps better than what came before it, but it's still a flawed approach.\n\nI agree with the criticism you presented. First they said, \"You should do this because you'll get eternal happiness as a reward,\" then they took heaven off the table but tried to keep the, \"You should do this\" part. While it may seem that they merely cut out the unscientific mythology, in reality they have cut out the basis of the whole thing. It reminds me of <PERSON> suspended in midair, only remaining because he hasn't looked down.", "142" ], [ "There's a lot of reasons to be skeptical of \"traditional\" gender roles. Intersex people are one, another is the fact that gender roles aren't traditional at all. Originally, men wore heels and women adopted them to look more masculine. When we started using colors to indicate a baby's birth sex, pink was for boys and blue for girls. Then there's [this](_URL_0_) good old picture of <PERSON>.\n\nBasically, people made up a bunch of arbitrary rules and started claiming that everyone had always followed them forever. There is no reason whatsoever for people to conform to gender roles if they don't want to.", "654" ], [ "> libertarians\n\n > distinct from the concept of the state.\n\nUhh, don't you mean an-caps? Libertarians are statists, by definition.\n\n > Socialists tend to use the original definition of capitalism which includes state enforcement.\n\nIn my experience, socialists (at least a certain kind) don't use any coherent definition of capitalism, because then they might have to explain what they actually support. It's far easier to just define capitalism as \"the present state of things\" and if anyone asks what that actually means (since that's so vague that eating breakfast \"abolishes the present state of things\" - things are in a different state afterward) they just direct them towards thousands of pages of <PERSON>. So good luck trying to agree on a common definition with those guys.\n\n > It is impossible to have a reasonable discussion while using two different definitions and it occurs all the time.\n\nI agree.\n\nPersonally, I feel like both socialism and capitalism are poorly defined terms that are more about denoting tribe than anything. You can try and fight if you enjoy wrestling over semantics all day. I just avoid using the terms when possible because I never know how the person I'm talking to will interpret them.\n\n[\"Taboo your words\":](_URL_0_)\n\n > Get together a pack of soi-disant futurists and ask them if they believe we'll have Artificial Intelligence in thirty years, and I would guess that at least half of them will say yes. If you leave it at that, they'll shake hands and congratulate themselves on their consensus. But make the term \"Artificial Intelligence\" taboo, and ask them to describe what they expect to see, without ever using words like \"computers\" or \"think\", and you might find quite a conflict of expectations hiding under that featureless standard word...\n\n > When you find yourself in philosophical difficulties, the first line of defense is not to define your problematic terms, but to see whether you can think without using those terms at all.", "534" ], [ "The holocaust and dinosaur extinction have nothing to do with free trade. When I see private shipping companies with trade routes selling to private individuals, insisting that the government needs to butt out and leave the market to its own devices, that kinda looks like capitalism to me.\n\nBut I guess it's not real capitalism if people do bad stuff, amirite?", "101" ], [ "Oh, right. Well Congo *did* belong to the Congolese, and when <PERSON> seized it it was theft and it should be returned, except that since they lost control of it they no longer own it (as with the Native Americans) so now <PERSON> owns it and taking it from him is theft. Except that when *he* lost control of it, *he* no longer owned it so whoever took it from him now owns it.\n\n<PERSON> your property norms are incoherent.", "1013" ], [ "> It's fairly obvious if someone's using land or not. \n\nIs it now? I chop down some trees in an area. Seeing a clearing, someone else starts building their house there. I show up and insist that I was clearing the area to build my own house. He tells me that I've only earned the right to the lumber, not the clearing. What objective standard can we use to evaluate who's right?\n\n > Who cares if you don't believe in property rights in the first place?\n\nWhat are you smoking? Of course I believe in property rights. I just don't believe in *your* property rights, because they're wrong.", "1013" ], [ "LOL. You can't even attempt to answer my question because your property norms are so poorly defined. Even what you did say is contradictory - is it first come, first served, or do I have to compromise?\n\n > Sure you do.\n\nOh, so we get to decide what our interlocutors' positions are now? Is that how we're doing things? That'll make debating much easier.\n\nI'm deciding that you believe in the tooth fairy. Tooth fairy doesn't exist, therefore I win.", "414" ], [ "What insight?? What idea?? There is no insight in saying, \"People can take from the commons provided they don't take from the commons.\" It's like saying, \"You're allowed to kill people provided you don't end their lives\" or, \"You can eat any food you like provided there's nothing for you to eat.\" It can't even be called an idea, it's just meaningless nonsense at that point.\n\nIt's a basic rule of communication that if there's two ways to interpret a statement, and one way gives the statement a coherent meaning and the other way makes it incoherent nonsense, you go with the one that has meaning and makes sense. If I say, \"Hey, can you give me a lift?\" you don't interpret that as me asking you for an elevator. I'm sorry, it's just so freaking stupid what you're claiming here.\n\nLet's say we're in art class, and we're working with clay. You say, \"Hey, can I use some of this?\" and I answer, \"Sure, as long as you leave enough and as good for me.\" The language is dated but it's clear enough what I mean - yes, you can use clay so long as you don't use up an unreasonable amount. It certainly does not mean, \"No, you can't use any clay.\"", "458" ], [ "> If you both arrive at the same time or it's not clear who arrived first, then it can't be first come first served, can it? Hence compromise in that situation.\n\nIt's perfectly clear who arrived first. The person who cut down the trees. What's not clear is whether the labor they've invested is sufficient to meet the neccessary standards for homesteading, and the reason it's not clear is that those standards are 100% subjective. It's literally just whatever you personally feel like is enough.\n\n > You've been doing that throughout this thread, <PERSON>.\n\nCitation needed.", "623" ], [ "> Hence why we also are against discussing what Communist society will look like, because we have no idea, we cannot look into the future. What we can do is to say \"these and those things need to be fixed\", and then start a discussion about how to fix them.\n\nI don't see how this is a meaningful distinction. I could say, \"There's a problem that this lightbulb is burned out, I think somebody should change it,\" and I'm talking about things that need to be fixed and how to fix things. Or I can say, \"In my ideal society, somebody would change this lightbulb.\" Somehow now I'm talking about wonder-cures and trying to see into the future? I could even say, \"The problem with society is that nobody's changing this lightbulb.\" It's all the same damn thing. The only difference is phrasing.", "647" ], [ "> You said Libertarianism is the view that \"government\" is needed to protect rights. I wasnt sure exactly what you meant by \"government\", but there is a difference between government and the state. Anarcho-capitalists call for elimination of the state, not elimination of all governing bodies.\n\nIs government defined here as any entity that offers protective services? I don't see an answer to my question.\n\n > But then, you conflated minarchy with libertarianism which are not the same.\n\nFine, I can accept this distinction. I think I do still have a point that not all libertarians use \"Capitalism\" to refer to a stateless system, as implied by OP.\n\n > Libertarians simply belief in liberty as a primary value\n\nThis is almost completely meaningless. Basically everyone supports \"liberty.\" <PERSON> would probably say he's trying to \"liberate\" the Russian proletariat. If we use the word \"libertarian\" to mean \"anybody who says they support liberty\" then it's yet another tribe-signalling buzzword.", "627" ], [ "> Governing would mean \"the action or manner of controlling a nation, organization, or people.\" \n\nOk, so let me get this straight.\n\nYour system, anarchist capitalism, is not anarchist and has governments which control people. They *voluntarily* control people.\n\nI think I need to leave this conversation before I have an aneurysm.\n\n > I think libertarians and other forms of capitalist would agree with that definition. The definition doesnt necessarily refer to a stateless system. It just means that the parts of a system that are not in private hands are not considered capitalist.\n\nBy this definition, would it not be correct to say that minarchists support a partially socialist system? I don't think most minarchists would agree with that.\n\n > I think it is kind of dishonest of you to claim that I only said it was about liberty.\n\nI did not intend to imply this. My intention was merely to critique that aspect of the definition.", "534" ], [ "> Equating anarchy with chaos is a deliberate trick\n\nThis weakens your argument and should be removed. Suppose I support the state and believe that anarchy means chaos - accusing me of trickery isn't likely to make me sympathetic towards your argument.\n\nConsider your audience. Are you trying to convince people who already agree with you? No, they don't need convincing. Your argument should appeal to your opponents.\n\n > by those who psychologically rely on the state for emotional support. \n\nLol, what even.\n\n > Democracy causes a form of Stockholm syndrome in the host population. \n\nAgain, you should focus on addressing people's actual positions. This makes it look like you're dismissing your opponents out of hand, without even considering their actual arguments.\n\n > legal framework to protect contractual agreements and property rights.\n\nYou need to explain how these are enforced. Your position is unclear.\n\n > anarcho monarchism\n\nDefine.\n\n > Stateists will have you believe that a centralized authority is necessary for a stable system. I dispute this.\n\nSaying, \"I disagree\" isn't much of an argument. Can you provide evidence that stable systems can exist without a state?", "593" ], [ "> They will never detect a star millions of light years away. Yet it exists.\n\nI never said that they actually had to detect it, only that it be physically possible to detect it.\n\n > How about this example: consider a universe with no living things in it. There's no detection happening of any kind. But there's still a rock in that universe. The rock still exists.\n\nI am incapable of imagining such a universe. When I try, I see the rock floating through space. But in that universe, sight does not exist. The concept of existence doesn't exist. The only way to imagine such a universe would be to do so without thinking, or else you are imposing thought on it. Are you familiar with the Anthropic Principle? Its a similar concept.\n\n > I think I'm showing that your definition is inadequate, right?\n\nNo, I still disagree.\n\n > Ghosts may exist. I don't believe they do, and maybe we'll never be able to detect them.\n\nYou misunderstand. I'm not saying that we can't detect ghosts because we don't have the means, I'm saying that there is no theoretical way of detecting them, ever. If that's how ghosts work, then without my standard it is impossible to rationally claim that they don't exist.", "787" ], [ "> I don't know why we would need to imagine such a universe without thinking.\n\nBecause in that universe, thought does not exist. Imagination doesn't exist. By using your thoughts/imagination, you are imposing a means of seeing the universe that doesn't exist in said universe. In that universe there is more than a rock, there is also your mind's eye.\n\n > I could imagine watching a movie. The narrator states that in this alternate universe, the universe of the movie, there are no living beings. Suddenly there's a rock on screen. I don't see anything illogical about any of this.\n\nIf the movie was actually showing a universe with no life, there would be no image of the rock, there would be no narrator, there would be no film and no screen, etc.\n\nLet me put it another way that might be easier to follow: There is no possible universe where the statement, \"Consciousness does not exist in this universe\" can be evaluated as true. In order to evaluate it as true, something must be doing the evaluating. The the statement is up for consideration means that something must be considering it. Therefore, consciousness is a necessary condition for a universe to exist.\n\nWithout this argument, God must exist, because the chances of conscious life arising on Earth are basically nil. But we can only ever see the universes where conscious life *did* arise.\n\nEdit: One more way of looking at it: imagine a universe that's just you and the rock. Pretty easy, you look down and see it, you reach down and feel it, it's a rock. Now replace yourself with a dog. The rock probably feels different on your paws than it did on your feet, but otherwise you can perceive it kinda similarly. Now replace dog-you with fly-you. Now the rock**s** look very different, and they're much larger than before. Replace fly-you with ameoba-you and so forth, and \n\n > I'm saying that standard is not necessary. The word could be defined without a standard that accomplishes that, and its fine.\n\nIf you don't have a standard for determining what does and does not exist, it's just an arbitrary label. Debating whether God exists is no more meaningful than debating whether God is fluglug.\n\nAnd if it is just an arbitrary label, then the problem, again, is that I have no idea what that label entails. Thus, this entire thread to try to figure it out, but recursive definitions don't help me there at all.", "844" ], [ "> Something outside of that universe is considering it, so its fine.\n\n Things outside of that universe do not exist relative to the rock.\n\n > A weird corollary from what you're saying is that the universe can't be older than like 200,000 years old.\n\nNo, it is possible for consciousness to exist in a universe that is billions of years old. I'll try to elaborate on this later today. \n\n > I don't know that I agree with either of these statements.\n\nThen you are wrong. There's a period in Earth's development called, \"The Amazing Double Coincidence,\" where multiple unrelated factors just happened to line up in such a way that would not eliminate life. The improbability of life is a scientific fact.\n\n > And what? the rock is still there. My ability to perceive the rock does not change its existence. So what's the problem?\n\nWhoops, meant to cancel that out cause I wasn't sure it was going anywhere. Point is you can reduce your mind's eye to where it gets smaller and smaller, but you can never get rid of it, you just go back to your own human eyes.\n\nWith the last part for like the thirtieth time, **yes that's fine but I don't know what the word means and I'm trying to find out please thank you.**", "787" ], [ "> Think back to the theft analogy. If you said \"sometimes it is OK to steal\" then people will take advantage of this rule. You NEED to say \"it's never OK to steal\" and then deal with each theft on a case by case basis.\n\nThat's contradictory. Either it's never OK to steal, **or** you handle it on a case by case basis. If we're talking about a legal perspective then yes, we should make the law say that theft is punishable. But if we take that as a moral rule then it will lead to not stealing when stealing is the best option. I think it's better to say, \" It's never OK to steal, except...\" or, \"It's generally better not to steal.\" Otherwise you're designing a moral rule with the intent to break it.", "230" ], [ "Is the religious text the only relevant factor in evaluating whether a religion is violent? So if there was a religious text that unequivocally condemned violence, yet for whatever reason the adherents to that text are more prone to violence then you would say that that religion is peaceful? And if you had a text that said you can murder people whenever you feel like, but it's adherents almost never commit violence, you would say that that religion is violent?\n\nI think when you look at Buddhist texts in this example, you are not looking for an explanation that would justify violence. You might feel differently if Imperial Japan was still a thing - note that almost all Zen Buddhist temples supported Japan's militarization. By your logic, it seems like if you endorse the Pali Canon, nothing your religion does can ever brand it as violent.", "165" ], [ "The problem is that the paradox works both ways.\n\nAssume that \"We should apply both the standard of truth and the standard of utility\" is true but not useful. If we evaluate that statement on both standards, it fails. Therefore we replace it with, \"We should apply only the standard of truth.\" Now we evaluate the first statement, and find that it's true, so we should accept it. Only now we have to use the first statement's standards to evaluate it, and it goes on forever.\n\n > You can't outright allow false beliefs in the same way you can't allow theft. Doesn't mean you can't turn the other way when someone is stealing bread.\n\nImo, this means that your moral system is a failure. You're simultaneously arguing that theft is always wrong and that there are some cases where theft is right.\n\nIf you can just toss your moral system aside whenever you feel like, then what's the point of having it in the first place?", "230" ], [ "Alright, I think I'm going to have to get technical to explain where I'm coming from, maybe I should've done this from the start. Also, disclaimer that it's been a few years since I studied all this, but I remember the underlying concepts.\n\n[This](_URL_3_) is called a Minkowski Diagram. Space is plotted on the horizontal axis, and time on the vertical, and you are at the (0,0) point, meaning this is from your frame of reference. The line at the 45 degree angle represents your \"Light Cone.\"\n\nEvents can be plotted on this diagram with a given time and location, and they will be in one of three areas. \n\nEvents in the blue area have a \"**Time-like separation**\" from you, and these are things that can have a causal relationship with you, meaning they are capable of influencing your actions (you can also draw an upside-down cone showing things that you are capable of influencing, but that's not relevant right now). Things in the blue area are things that **have** seen, or I would say, have existed (though their effects may be long lasting).\n\nEvents in the red area have a \"**Space-like separation**\" which means that the only way you could influence them or they could influence you is by travelling faster than light. Therefore, events in the red area cannot have a causal relationship with you. These are things that you **haven't yet** seen, or haven't yet come into existence.\n\nEvents along the green line have a \"**Light-like separation**.\" These are things that would have to travel at the speed of light to reach you, and they're what you **are currently** seeing, or currently exist.\n\nIf space is flat, which is to say, not expanding, then objects will go like [this](_URL_1_), and observing an object is just a matter of time. However, because space is expanding, what it actually looks like is [this](_URL_1_). The problem is what's going on with the object on the far left - it's moving away at a 45 degree angle and is only getting faster as the space increases. This means that the object is in a fourth category, which is that it **will never** be seen, or, will never exist. It can no longer have any interaction with you, ever. \n\nThe problem I have with what you're saying is that you want to talk about things existing in an absolute sense, regardless of the frame of reference. But that's not how it works. On Earth, <PERSON> has existed. To an alien two hundred light years away looking through its super advanced telescope, <PERSON> *does* exist. To an alien four hundred light years away, <PERSON> *will* exist. Without a frame of reference, there's no green line at all, it's just a scatterplot of events, and you either have to say that *all* those things exist or that none of them do. Without the green line, <PERSON> is currently dying, being born, fighting at Waterloo, and decomposing in his grave. For things to exist in an absolute sense, there must be absolute time, and time has been proven to be relative.\n\nDebateably, a frame of reference doesn't require consciousness since we talk about, \"from the star's perspective...\" all the time, but that's kind of a separate but related argument based on the [Anthropic Principle](_URL_0_). The point of this particular post is to show how my definition works and where it comes from, not to make a compelling point about consciousness being a necessary condition for a universe to exist, because I can only do so much at a time.\n\nEdit: As for why life on Earth is so improbable, see [The Rare Earth Hypothesis](_URL_2_).", "787" ], [ "You don't just latch on to the smartest person you can find and blindly accept anything they say. Even if you do think they're a reliable source, you won't really understand what they say or why they're saying it unless you examine it critically.\n\n<PERSON> was wrong about Quantum Mechanics, and similarly, <PERSON> was wrong about Black Holes. If we just accepted what they were saying without examining reality for ourselves, we'd still have those wrong ideas.\n\nIn fact, the approach you're describing is exactly what Western Civilization did with <PERSON>. <PERSON> was considered so smart that in many places it was *illegal* to contradict him on anything, because how can anyone say, \"that they've studied as hard, are more in touch with reality, are somehow smarter, are somehow built to be more influential, than <PERSON>?\" This approach held back scientific advancement for centuries.\n\nNone of this is to say that <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, and <PERSON> weren't incredible scientists, but to treat their words as dogma is expressly contrary to science and I doubt any of them would approve of you doing so.", "569" ], [ "> Time is an illusion. Look it up.\n\nKind of, but not exactly. A lot of the ways that we normally think about time aren't exactly accurate and absolute time does not exist, but relative time does. For a given (closed) system, a state with more entropy must have a greater time value than one with less. If two events are causally related, then one had to happen before the other.\n\nAlso matter and energy are technically the same thing, if you need to open a spot.", "787" ], [ "Why?\n\nDid you know 16 is the age of consent in around half of the US? It goes by state, and the main reason that people are so set on 18 is because that's how it is in California, so it gets in movies and TV shows. Personally I think it's kinda absurd to say a 16 year old can't give consent and to treat them the same as if it was a 12 year old or 8 year old which is obviously different. Imo, the law is less concerned about whether there's actual consent and more concerned about giving parents legal authority to say, \"Keep your damn hands off my daughter.\"", "70" ], [ "Humans are naturally ritualistic. For whatever reason, it seems that a lot of have some deep down desire to waste time getting together and chant things in strange languages and ring bells and stuff. I guess it just gives us a sense of order and gives us some quiet time to think about stuff.\n\nI'm kinda the same way of wanting the ritual without all the belief, and I've found Zen to be a good fit there, if you have any interest in it. I don't really get anything out of church because I don't get to discuss things with people.", "703" ] ]
[ 19248, 19677, 24303, 9004, 5765, 13061, 19220, 14020, 181, 9439, 15902, 22103, 17950, 8993, 11508, 3053, 13906, 11565, 12222, 18624, 6779, 3640, 23233, 24009, 21060, 25442, 10027, 6739, 6459, 1273, 1756, 19461, 4378, 1095, 18974, 92, 822, 5727, 23570, 17227, 21246, 21741, 19004, 24187, 21284, 20286, 21147, 13130, 9654, 1193, 6162, 20530, 1616, 4278, 15909, 11548, 21890, 5847, 11571, 20339, 21213, 16548, 18690, 143, 14701, 25431, 7197, 12601, 10014, 11984, 3793, 5682, 20063, 3453, 5544, 8118, 1560, 15500, 184, 75, 21219, 9828, 10022, 7865, 24729, 22392, 8713, 19654, 346, 10599, 1102, 11065, 21680, 24462, 17631, 22235, 8077, 15979, 16960, 16339, 13723, 13977, 1909, 24983, 16192, 3332, 15711, 8116, 19175, 15992, 10390, 22027, 15496, 5566, 9669, 25404, 12448, 17070, 5169, 4940, 3330, 5962, 9237, 24206, 2849, 13930, 8558, 21660, 11580, 12410, 3286, 12442, 3133, 17054, 11646, 7364, 4887, 15511, 1540, 5963, 12926, 15420, 9059, 24942, 13380, 4199, 13983, 25130, 4939, 3786, 14214, 3954, 18082, 13177, 8449, 18654, 17903, 21751, 18881, 21515, 7104, 1079, 20609, 6361, 10959, 25159, 24085, 9449, 6989, 20761, 13708, 9104, 15330, 5653, 3341, 8248, 8234, 18767, 21326, 22161, 19543, 20038, 21719, 869, 12359, 7493, 11617, 1278, 21339, 11707, 7278, 11831, 14519, 20983, 4059, 8221, 6987, 3279, 14405, 5988, 5018, 7284, 3079, 13398, 12913, 4055, 9323, 6869, 22828, 9737, 2545, 25471, 19186, 1103, 8386, 18720, 11359, 15441, 21105, 12461, 4825, 2053, 3090, 13120, 999, 15968, 15211, 17790, 12640, 13573, 16987, 1374, 7568, 8389, 22757, 12744, 10528, 5542, 21044, 5146, 19256, 11398, 17498, 10199, 18272, 18819, 5272, 492, 7926, 14870, 11412, 9726, 10063, 3223, 1080, 21380, 13716, 10683, 15133, 1011, 23042, 22422, 13094, 11280, 10745, 8909, 14179, 11522, 18785, 21922, 21354, 3697, 6082, 13186, 17236, 5306, 18807, 5782, 1573, 20437, 7556, 661, 3768, 710, 11177, 8232, 16803, 12776, 2972, 25317, 12599, 9783, 10196, 19410, 8528, 3816, 4323, 7764, 8401, 14336, 7695, 17511, 18714, 10226, 23239, 13219, 16229, 22059, 17053, 20033, 499, 7051, 1229, 4699, 319, 20784, 20146, 9501, 5759, 13261, 8544, 20628, 4193, 14786, 12755, 12902, 11103, 19577, 25201, 19656, 5209, 6990, 13913, 21433, 4634, 22964, 14896, 23124, 21625, 21753, 9191, 1611, 3271, 16635, 18689, 15105, 9264, 21797, 12987, 4271, 23729, 10641, 4411, 7709, 14911, 4277, 6773, 23164, 18447, 15263, 16844, 922, 20899, 5519, 14313, 21953, 18400, 7466, 14174, 22786, 1249, 17417, 20043, 3352, 8016, 22315, 3774, 17590, 14004, 14791, 23307, 20400, 12278, 3811, 9913, 20073, 16628, 11863, 22626, 20072, 14635, 24308, 14524, 23171, 4027, 21493, 768, 1202, 17530, 9139, 18742, 2230, 3719, 21166, 15498, 14982, 14294, 7187, 18576, 24367, 8395, 14819, 10469, 19572, 5997, 23764, 13200, 12897, 16378, 16463, 1993, 16887, 4231, 14904, 3717, 2223, 82, 24338, 17300, 16496, 22853, 2081, 13077, 10851, 8617, 16047, 13431, 17382, 21070, 8406, 17455, 11297, 14404, 19727, 9699, 5572, 13520, 23174, 4740, 5809, 11994, 19639, 1953, 13500, 7662, 3056, 8006, 20270, 10402, 21293, 6514, 4835, 4327, 17266, 10224, 5319, 24593, 18420, 21594, 5878, 10603, 628, 9643, 4910, 16990, 2895, 4430, 17040, 4483, 4016, 4728, 21253, 12462, 23455, 18968, 18843, 18449, 12585, 13572, 1860, 23071, 13805, 3396, 16165, 12043, 4353, 13600, 11156, 3660 ]
[ [ "Takumi in the Jing'an Kerry center is quite nice. It's a Japanese robata place where you can watch the guys grill your fish over a huge open fire place, which makes it quite special. Bill is around 400 - 500 for 2 persons. Even the cheaper sake and cheaper fish are quite nice. There's another Takumi in IFC mall.\n\nAs far as I know, those two are the only real robata places in Shanghai (unless anyone here knows another one?)", "510" ], [ "yeah, I can see that. I wouldn't take a group there. Part of the fun is sitting at the bar where they're grilling. But that doesn't work well with more than 3 people.\n\nIt's a bit of a shame that this seems to be the only robata place now. There was one in Gubei with the whole 'ceremony' of the guys serving dishes with the paddles, yelling stuff in Japanese, but it closed down about 2 years ago. I really liked taking visitors there because robata is something many haven't seen yet, unless they've been to Japan.", "194" ], [ "Windows 10's first big update when stability tanked. I used to have uptime of weeks previously, even on Win 8.1. I always had a Mac laptop (starting with a Powerbook G3 Kanga) and my PC used to be a work + gaming machine. But with constant crashes I switched my desktop to an iMac. My PC is now a gaming machine only. \nHooray for Steam's streaming feature. I now Stream 4k games from my old PC to my iMac's lovely screen, without any fan noise whatsoever.\n\nAlso, better HiDPI / Retina support. In Windows 10 you can still tell when it's running in HiDPI because things look different. On the Mac everything looks the same, just more crisp.", "689" ], [ "The old Dell Precision Workstations from 2013 still do pretty well, actually, if you put a 6 core Xeon in and a newer GPU. They're pretty much the Mac Pro's equivalent of that time, just with more pastic and less brushed metal. They also have dual CPU options available and they make nice Linux boxes.", "127" ], [ "It's doing pretty well. In multi-threading benchmarks, with an E5-1660 Xeon, it's not doing much worse than a recent i7 7700k. Then put a recent GPU in, like a 1080, and 32 GB of RAM and you still got a few years to go with it. That was my setup till 2018. Those machines were Dell's answer to the Mac Pros, so yes, they too have a long life! There are also still quite a couple where I work for use by 3D artists.\n\nNow if they're great machines WITH Windows, that's another discussion ;) The T3600s were rock solid with Win7 and Win8. But Win 10 is pretty much the reason I switched entirely to Macs.", "153" ], [ "for a moment I was hoping for the comback of that inverse U shaped \"bus\" that then turned out to be a hoax (or were they serious?). But that seems rather normal. \n\nHope it doesnt accidentally hit anyone, but I guess it works to its advantage that the thing drives around in a sort of desert without anyone around. It probably won't fare that well in China's own busy streets.", "862" ], [ "The Dell workstations come with Quadros or FireGL cards. You can buy one and put it in, or get a gaming card. It's the same hardware category as in a Mac Pro - Intel workstation CPU, Intel workstation chipset, ECC RAM (optional), workstation class GPU (optional). The only thing it can't do is run macOS. But HP Z series, Dell Precision, and the Mac Pro all use the same sort of components from Intel and are made for similar demanding use cases, such as CAD, industrial design, video editing, 3D art, etc. And you can also play games on them... that doesn't make them any less \"Pro\".", "127" ], [ "same here - Linux wouldn't really cut it for me. I do development for 3D production. Once the SGIs disappeared everything was pretty much Windows only when it came to 3D. Win NT kicked old Mac OS's butt, and then nobody bothered porting stuff for PPC once OS X came out. But nowadays Macs have good support again - not just major apps like Maya or Houdini, but there are also many plugins and helper-apps available, which were previously Win only.\n\nOnly problem Apple has is that nobody, except Pixar, is going to furnish a studio with 100s of 3D artists with Mac Pros when they can get Dell or HP boxes for $2000 less per seat. 3D work requires solid, stable computers with good performance, but not necessarily the current Mac Pro.", "689" ], [ "Wuzhen is worth it if you can stay one night. It's very beautiful once all the day-trip tourists are gone. During the week the streets are empty and without herds of noisy tourists you can really immerse yourself in the place and imagine what it must have been like in the old times. Also great for photos when you can take advantage of the light in the late afternoon or morning. For a weekend, arrive on a Friday morning, then stay till Sat evening.\n\nIf you just have time for a day trip, then I would pick one of the other places that is closer or easier to reach.", "146" ], [ "I don't think it will be noticeable for users in daily life. The biggest benefactor of this move is Apple, as they don't have to maintain both 32 and 64 bit branches of their system libraries.\n\nFor users this move hurts. Old 32 bit apps, and especially games become obsolete from one day to the other, and pretty much entirely inaccessible for anyone who buys a new Mac after Catalina's release.", "689" ], [ "I'm not a web developer, but I would recommend PyQt / PySide. It is a very mature framework, offering multiple approaches in developing UIs, including markup based systems, which mimic HTML/CSS. Alternatively you can code your UIs manually, or use the included visual UI design tool.\n\nYou can develop anything from small scale, light-weight applications up to huge applications with it (for example, Autodesk's Maya 3D modeler 's UI is made with Qt). While being portable, Qt also manages to look pretty much like native UI elements on many systems. \n\nPersonally, I find Qt quite intuitive, compared to its alternatives. It is well documented and has an active community of users.\n\nPySide2 is licensed as LGPL, so you can use it commercially.", "561" ] ]
[ 23471, 1235, 19861, 12707, 15737, 4532, 16872, 25133, 2807, 19547, 11986, 12464, 13568, 2024, 15067, 4508, 2872, 1145, 2812, 24483, 18512, 20312, 6972, 19365, 20862, 11842, 22069, 3216, 15448, 3395, 10557, 12390, 2316, 8836, 827, 15526, 25505, 14143, 5805, 4938, 19457, 6378, 22619, 18190, 4636, 20080, 13032, 16723, 1542, 20171, 23228, 10947, 1115, 15262, 2383, 15584, 13785, 4501, 7999, 6639, 186, 1826, 3853, 21779, 5342, 16528, 2995, 18707, 6190, 8093, 17065, 12683, 11594, 9364, 21525, 24467, 14732, 20542, 9082, 5133, 23636, 3343, 22426, 18561, 15014, 19006, 24420, 19104, 16590, 16401, 5417, 6105, 22283, 19176, 21111, 21331, 6391, 3646, 5780, 6367, 21884, 4295, 2535, 2939, 4429, 15872, 18271, 15504, 15638, 7277, 24152, 19453, 14756, 9920, 14089, 8839, 21141, 11233, 10094, 19480, 8440, 2421, 3862, 21673, 25198, 12159, 9910, 14348, 7171, 24328, 21607, 21035, 18534, 6505, 23092, 6814, 15648, 1136, 15981, 6369, 19298, 15045, 6045, 256, 15964, 2004, 9537, 24509, 21280, 18034, 13206, 21087, 1885, 503, 2655, 12860, 15595, 3117, 22367, 15387, 386, 9138, 2476, 9827, 21323, 16065, 16552, 19973, 14383, 21637, 7704, 11704, 8361, 20567, 11257, 7433, 4485, 4769, 11507, 24617, 19994, 22353, 8252, 4114, 21913, 22415, 2486, 21177, 23833, 10821, 22920, 10186, 17665, 975, 22081, 7566, 3757, 6499, 20809, 22694, 18176, 2348, 17518, 21972, 8730, 7967, 15404, 6207, 25289, 15614, 8846, 13960, 19255, 16429, 2738, 4989, 7070, 19772, 23404, 22269, 13911, 22025, 20442, 23246, 22741, 5634, 2395, 18467, 25520, 19121, 1752, 7588, 10449, 2707, 6873, 21418, 11035, 17652, 12681, 5578, 16269, 15960, 19520, 4185, 15546, 20193, 23591, 16019, 25500, 12639, 16115, 17677, 13634, 16677, 1935, 25420, 21632, 412, 8706, 21184, 24553, 4015, 18908, 19305, 8128, 8916, 18475, 18150, 19834, 17599, 8162, 16535, 7708, 12553, 93, 16761, 11772, 1603, 6502, 16631, 20084, 24709, 22909, 7870, 22868, 22702, 2176, 21887, 2974, 8046, 18331, 19473, 1881, 17783, 2202, 24571, 16452, 7234, 8196, 12181, 972, 10654, 16995, 20691, 25136, 17801, 14913, 20706, 20268, 11754, 9941, 4026, 22806, 676, 21499, 3493, 23086, 5159, 3494, 10750, 11597, 18653, 18152, 19031, 8422, 17314, 5667, 17998, 23155, 13114, 7499, 12817, 7523, 12508, 12231, 5072, 22169, 1886, 3433, 25190, 21100, 3276, 22783, 2474, 12737, 1821, 23431, 8011, 22820, 14154, 16978, 20853, 25362, 17207, 2333, 8566, 24609, 3603, 1691, 7232, 10091, 19134, 9193, 13859, 17778, 735, 24494, 19875, 15398, 14127, 24962, 20747, 15162, 13540, 20295, 6930, 22388, 18336, 19764, 2624, 6206, 19196, 7508, 18421, 5848, 15074, 11259, 18217, 23119, 19963, 3612, 1460, 2527, 8150, 20115, 17350, 18369, 25506, 23704, 22749, 19056, 7726, 1096, 23192, 10576, 8090, 4549, 7028, 23137, 4651, 23050, 14415, 3622, 18646, 22692, 15702, 20507, 21950, 21512, 23449, 14535, 24557, 17113, 904, 11009, 10519, 4761, 68, 18703, 15425, 12536, 17694, 7910, 21934, 8331, 16499, 4076, 18732, 21210, 25291, 13181, 24745, 2394, 10360, 4817, 8755, 7411, 25329, 23178, 10281, 23353, 3379, 21991, 12395, 1980, 11256, 23672, 1952, 8532, 20821, 16116, 24970, 20009, 8374, 25304, 20742, 5455, 6923, 13278, 4340, 6514, 15721, 5600, 943, 19383, 20361, 25071, 19607, 19512, 7290, 24719, 5811, 13077, 11280, 12866, 8058, 2231, 23614, 23036, 18456, 21703, 22998, 23720, 10970, 11125, 14823, 5468, 4563, 5443 ]
[ [ "Hey since noone directly addressed the farming question yet. \n\nFarms give you growth, Army regen, and for some factions a larger recruitment pool. \n\nSo I do delete them If they are in backwoods regions that won't see fighting or where if its not a recruitment hub. \n\n\nFOR MONEY: \n\nOne rule I always follow now to the very best of my abilities is building or upgrading 1 economic building per turn. If you are playing empire I know you can put down a weaving house in every settlement. \nAlso each province has 1 at least special economic building available on one of its settlements. \n\nSo every round either upgrade 1 economic building like the Main building in a settlement or a weaver, OR build a new weaver or special building somewhere. \n\nAs empire the end of campaigns most of my settlements will have a weaver , a fully upgraded town, a guard garrison and one extra building (say a barracks) so my main city in the province can have an extra high level building. \n\n\nAlso IMPORTANT for money: \n\nTRADE! From turn one on check your diplomacy screen to see who you got trade routes with. Offer everyone you can a trade deal. Sometimes even factions that show they have bad relations with you will trade if they need money. \n\nAlso as empire you got a harbor. That means you can send agents out to discover factions. Everyone else with a harbor will be able to trade with you.", "105" ], [ "Sorry to be the one sort of peeing in the pot here. \n\nHe speaks well of <PERSON> in the video you link. In it he says he has \"a relationship\" without specifying what that relationship is. Broadly you and me have \"a relationship\" in so far that i replied to you. Its a broad term. In your video he seems to be trying to curry favor for a deal ( I am assuming business). \n\n\n\nHe admits to having met him once (in the video that was in reply to you).\n\n\nHaving met a person (once) and therefore being able to claim having a \"relationship\" is a long way from knowing a person. Which is another term that has a very broad definition.\n\nIn conclusion I don't think he is lying. He sure is word playing though. \n\n* edit: spelling on one of probably many words and grammar I got wrong.", "337" ], [ "I am not quite sure if so many people a willfully ignoring context and definitions of words. \n\nSaying having \"relationship\" in hopes of getting a business deal can be as simple as having shook someones hand and getting their secretaries phone number. \n\nWhich is something quite different then \"knowing\" a person. Hell there are people who get married and years later divorce because they don't \"know\" the person anymore.", "813" ], [ "The videos linked in the thread show him saying he \"met\" him once and he had a \"relationship\". A business relationship can include anything such as having the phone number or e-mail address of someones secretary or assistant. \n\nWhich is a far cry from \"knowing\" someone. As I said below. There are people who get married and years later divorced on the basis on not \"knowing\" the partner anymore.\n\nBoth the words \"know\" and \"relationship\" are very very broad terms. Seems that the WP is trying to imply certain meaning when <PERSON> implies another meaning.", "813" ], [ "I appreciate your effort and thanks for the tips but they are sort of useless for my escape mode prison.\n\n\nThe goal of the prison was not efficiency of keeping prisoners in but keeping my friend in. I build a 1200 pop prison for efficiency. Which is running just fine. All the security levels are used and properly sorted. No overlap occurs between any of them. Violent prisoners are auto sorted in high second and then max second wings. As far as gang sorting the goes. You only really need to separate out leaders and luitenants and the gangs will do nothing.\n\n\n\n\nThe reason why I wanted gangs in the first place was to make it harder to recruit ( I hoped, though I don't think this part of it worked ). Also if the player jumped a prisoner or killed one. The entire gang would go after them ( again not sure if that works).\n\n\nThe remote doors were because I was afraid of the player stealing keys. Armed guards behind fences were also to keep the player (and gangs) from jumping armed guards for guns. \n\n\nThe multiple layers of the outside wall with overlapping guard dog patrols around everything caught every He would have needed to dig under dog patrols any way he went. \n\n\nIn conclusion the more I think back. The AI does not get the 50% discovery bonus if it runs the prison atleast at that point in development.", "444" ], [ "I would go with the era that most intrigues you if you don't mind dated graphics. Also keep in mind that there are some absolutely stellar overhaul mods. My favourites: \"Europe on Flames \" for Medieval 2. \"Darthmod\" for Empire Total War. \n\nFor attila I havent played this mod but I hear great things about \"Radious Total War\" .\n\nAll three of the listed mods are overhaul and rebalancing mods that add a lot to the games.", "368" ], [ "go here:\n_URL_0_\n\nFirst make sure Empire Total War is installed and works. \n\nNext go to the instructions in the link and follow them diligently.\n\nOnce you have everything installed an incredibly important thing to remember is Darthmod installs its own launcher. The game wont work unless you go through the Darthmod launcher. The Launcher also has the option to disable Darthmod so you can run the game as a vanilla version again.", "149" ], [ "Hmmm. You mean things like Democracies not being allowed to declare war under a certain world tension? Or having to manufacture war goals for Months before being able to declare war?\n\nThe only thing that truly ever bugged me was invading Japanese China as the US (after taking Japenese islands) and the british getting control of the territory i worked for without giving me control.", "655" ], [ "well there is the downfall. The AI handles a chokepoint about as well as ever. IE it makes a formation Then gives the mass attack order which mean Everything gets funneled down that one path. \n\nThis is actually quite the deadly tactic for factions like vampire vs empire. Because ALLL of the fear inducing units rush as one mad ball of fury.\n\nALSO it seems to have issues with throwing away flying Generals as the support troops never arrive.", "345" ], [ "Yeah for whatever reason Rebellions start with equipment that they shouldn't have yet. The absolutely best thing to do for a rebellion is to kill it the Turn directly after they spawn. As they get stronger and stronger with every subsequent turn. \n\nAlso the cheapest way to fight vampire corruption is to Raze or take over the cities neighboring yours as they have buildings that spread corruption to you. \n\nSlayer shrine is another option. Blue line on many Lords have a reduction somewhere and the dwarf tech tree has some high level techs that reduce corruption a lot when combined.", "668" ] ]
[ 8367, 13043, 18588, 17443, 13318, 14371, 7530, 7203, 22496, 3961, 20671, 5038, 17322, 2779, 9833, 11435, 11225, 11561, 17939, 7073, 11448, 253, 13793, 6677, 5715, 3325, 7544, 482, 9150, 25524, 1763, 21050, 23152, 17301, 19269, 19759, 4845, 5948, 15663, 10918, 18222, 13724, 17369, 1619, 7399, 23305, 21082, 14156, 381, 7981, 17306, 3039, 10622, 19192, 20127, 7092, 14098, 23180, 8961, 14296, 20908, 19141, 24217, 20880, 1467, 24722, 9464, 12773, 15625, 20860, 2901, 17139, 6298, 9755, 22644, 21106, 7248, 21301, 15565, 7492, 3869, 1020, 6894, 20998, 11767, 19961, 25333, 17147, 14876, 7334, 3374, 3480, 12293, 16907, 3206, 2457, 24814, 8339, 21768, 7195, 16717, 15417, 3058, 5214, 24884, 14146, 14220, 20444, 11758, 5697, 12675, 4069, 22322, 13778, 9136, 23864, 17608, 17471, 2279, 6232, 13987, 1516, 10760, 21271, 21118, 8375, 5615, 24781, 14439, 25439, 2818, 25284, 5387, 1607, 10252, 5587, 7901, 4932, 16957, 22134, 18381, 14228, 11263, 14129, 7419, 23374, 25240, 84, 4147, 17347, 10122, 9119, 14998, 3695, 117, 876, 24162, 242, 20067, 277, 7075, 10144, 9509, 19925, 15010, 745, 24282, 4263, 6097, 13477, 14835, 410, 10313, 877, 17512, 9048, 20595, 24109, 3958, 13901, 11914, 19191, 19503, 14877, 20427, 23637, 5331, 20968, 23357, 9249, 22386, 9359, 17986, 14281, 3340, 10269, 8607, 24910, 591, 3915, 9534, 6624, 20953, 7074, 4489, 4371, 22804, 24620, 25531, 2297, 15241, 23759, 11641, 11330, 16151, 24124, 19297, 19299, 19132, 22643, 20150, 5334, 3529, 22148, 21800, 13589, 22174, 3833, 6788, 1065, 13789, 4153, 14434, 16587, 1555, 2129, 10461, 24968, 11138, 763, 16202, 2622, 21340, 6529, 22155, 21171, 7778, 1760, 10986, 10110, 20986, 8867, 5161, 21028, 15732, 12129, 24249, 1018, 24061, 14014, 2326, 462, 21173, 24290, 20196, 6355, 4756, 21533, 17365, 14636, 8494, 12843, 6122, 23623, 11781, 13668, 15770, 18631, 5877, 13164, 18780, 22055, 12672, 13016, 7992, 22834, 4293, 7617, 4442, 10636, 10349, 11726, 21733, 4641, 19815, 23240, 508, 12418, 1653, 11262, 23854, 8454, 18766, 10133, 20392, 2142, 7985, 13435, 23292, 4397, 20224, 10754, 19733, 19404, 5276, 15784, 6915, 25059, 823, 11450, 19997, 6016, 24202, 8279, 3199, 372, 20423, 22443, 1219, 25360, 17034, 4364, 4175, 11720, 23210, 3315, 11553, 16148, 24921, 9438, 1765, 5637, 18971, 308, 1425, 11227, 283, 3143, 7057, 17749, 20552, 24522, 6513, 24537, 22555, 10173, 10178, 1215, 16848, 22603, 13323, 3824, 21179, 24662, 2218, 4701, 228, 4157, 25271, 8187, 6371, 21263, 19678, 14466, 7665, 9376, 23458, 5240, 9968, 22827, 2517, 9539, 919, 13105, 12063, 4645, 24237, 7855, 20469, 13402, 10934, 19068, 7407, 23530, 146, 14217, 1292, 17788, 7933, 14231, 17399, 17338, 21873, 11295, 19019, 11951, 7796, 3070, 19781, 10304, 10718, 6507, 18097, 24281, 650, 15805, 19809, 10198, 1841, 3857, 11415, 12659, 12480, 6123, 9896, 1107, 10268, 21161, 24101, 13332, 16436, 7267, 5881, 15163, 7015, 14388, 13237, 13926, 14248, 11403, 8206, 13142, 16818, 9453, 12730, 6128, 17508, 18582, 21521, 485, 1450, 18622, 7338, 17940, 21127, 22579, 19322, 23338, 9204, 19849, 5649, 8685, 5040, 13148, 10476, 22024, 13031, 10944, 12810, 11757, 15619, 6049, 9772, 19455, 1864, 11077, 2110, 23138, 7902, 7562, 22404, 5960, 10143, 25433, 16178, 13917, 14242, 17007, 15453, 6564, 5243, 24309, 9619, 7240, 2557, 8429, 22957, 415, 17681 ]
[ [ "Thanks for your answer. \nWhat is that ADA issue here? \nShe doesn't have a disability as far as OP wrote.\n (having your back ache when continuously lifting 50lb bags isn't a disability is it?, my back would ache and i work at an office, am i disabled? also do i become disabled when my employer asks me to lift heavy things?). \n\nWhat's the age discrimination issue? \nWouldn't the fact that she had and 'failed' (per employer) at a role that is suitable for her age and physical ability and instead moved to one that is less \"age-specific\" counter any age discrimination and show that the employer is age blind? \nCalifornia being an \"at-will\" they could've fired her from the seeding position, and not bother relocating her. \n\n\nI certainly can see something wrong with the employers conduct, and guess they are trying to get rid of her or at least not trying to preserve her, but not discrimination. \n\n > Why else would they refuse to let her work in an area they were actively hiring other people for when she is perfectly capable of doing so and had been previously?\n\nShe wasn't doing a good job? \n\nI'm sorry my anecdote was irrelevant.\n*NAL", "679" ], [ "Ok lets assume she has a weight lifting limitation/disability, she certainly was asked to do a different role from the one she originally signed on for, what about the other parts of my question? \n\n*It did came off as rude, i'm more familiar with the patient side back-pain of this and not from the US so how disability is defined and established medically and how disability is treated by law is different, but i'm sure i'll be able to understand the legal interpretation if you explain it. \n\nOn the disability issue; \nWe don't know the specifics of OP condition or what 'doctors note saying she can't do heavy lifting' actually has in it. \nFrom my own anecdotal experience with doctors and job related back pain I don't see how not being able to lift 50lb bags all day without pain will be classified a disability, same as not being able to lift 200lb wouldn't (as my own doctor said, it would be strange if it didn't hurt.), while not being able to lift 10lb is, but we don't know OP condition, history or causes.\n\nTangentially, it's common with new waiters standing on their feet all day to experience feet pain/problems, can they get a note that they have feet problems shouldn't be standing all day and be protected as disabled?", "679" ], [ "Exactly those studies.\nNature vs. nurture is a fundamental question in psychology which had been researched starting with (debunked) phrenology to modern day. you should look it up it's a fascinating subject. \n\nYou an argue about the methodology and how valid each study was, but it was certainly done/attempted for many years and still is to the point that we have reasonably good answers by today's scientific standards.\n\nIIRC one of the interesting finds was that environment can strongly impacts children cognitive ability but those gains over \"under-served\" children decline and diminish over time as they approache adulthood.", "177" ], [ "There's some famous twin studies (Chicago,Milwaukee?) and some good lecture by <PERSON> that was posted on reddit but i wasn't able to find it. \n\n* _URL_0_\n* _URL_4_\n* _URL_1_\n* _URL_2_\n\n > And we are still probably assuming that intelligence somehow equals success.\n\n\nTo the subject of OP post i think they are very relevant. \n\n > How do we define intelligence? How do we define success? \n\nThese are definitely the questions that researchers are tackling. (also is being too smart bad for you). \nAnd than there's the question how nature vs nurture 'character' traits are. ambition, emotional IQ, curiosity, perseverance, optimism and obviously mental well being and disorders.\n\n\ninteresting docu - The Genius Sperm Bank Documentary \n_URL_3_", "438" ], [ "It certainly controversial and people are hesitant to research and comment about it because of all the deterministic/racism/chauvinistic undertone this subject has and had in the past. (eugenics, master race, bell curve book) and partly because peoples feelings get hurt.\n\nYou'd also see a lot of racist sites jadedly presenting this issue as a 'justification' of certain claims.\n\n > at best 51% \n\nThe wiki starts off \"The general figure for the heritability of IQ, according to an authoritative American Psychological Association report, is 0.45 for children, and rises to around 0.75 for late teens and adults)\"\n\nNot to argue specifics, 50% is still a very high correlation in genetics/biology, something like height which is commonly thought as being hereditary has a correlation of 60-80%. also correlation ranges from -100% to +100 not 0-100%\n\n > intelligence is more complex than IQ.\n\ni argued success is more complex, not intelligence. \nThee a saying \"intelligence is whatever intelligence test measure\" not to say that IQ test are anywhere near perfect, but that we have no other way to discuss the subject, the alternative simply saying he seems smart to me.", "438" ], [ "I guess i'm leaning less to wishful thinking (maybe something with my genes:)) \n\nObviously success is very hard to define, even if we're only talking about professional success there's a big difference across occupations, a painter, a politician and an engineer all need different traits in order to succeed and in varying degrees relying on academic intelligence to do so, so being bad at math might prevent you from being a rocket scientist you can be a good lawyer if you just study hard enough and being bad at understanding people will prevent you from being a good politician but won't stop you from being an excellent scientist (these examples just for the sake of the argument).\n\nThere's also the idea of thresholds, which are different for each profession, meaning in some occupations you have to get over a certain 'threshold' of intelligence just to get in the game.\nMeaning you need to have a minimal level of intelligence to graduate engineering school (just an example) but once you graduate , being the most intelligent guy in your department has almost nothing to do with how successful you are.\n\n(an article recently said that analysis of of the past below 600 SAT students who started the program, virtually zero students were able to graduate in a certain non-ivy STEM school, can't find it now) \n\nSomewhat similarly you don't have to be tall to be in the NBA player and being 7ft doesn't remotely mean your a good player, but when you look at the mass/big numbers the reality is that it's hard to get in the NBA without AT-LEAST being tall.\n\nThere's a lecture posted this week(?) in /lectures that argues success has a lot more to do with luck than people want to acknowledge. \n\n_URL_0_", "328" ], [ "Fine. \n\nDiscrimination is about pre-judging groups based on race, gender sexual orientation, religion etc. not about correctly judging individuals based on their actual abilities. \n\nThere's a no contradiction between giving everyone inalienable human rights and acknowledging that individuals are different from one another and trying to understand why. \n\nYou may want to hold on to the notion that every single person can run just as fast as <PERSON> bolt, paint like <PERSON> and make movies like <PERSON> if they only had the right parents and training, but i think you know it's not true.", "205" ], [ "Great video, thanks for posting. \nI never knew British interviewers can be so confrontational and disrespectful. \n\nThis interviewer should grow up, stop rolling his eyes at how things actually are, at how cruel the world is, going for fake outrage, juvenile sound bites like 'would you tell the dead children parents their schoolchildren are collateral damage' and thank the man for agreeing to talk to him and do it so candidly. \n\nHe could argue relevant criticism about human cost, efficacy and actually ask interesting questions, but when the discussion is lowered to the level of 'one death is one too many' you have no place in a state-level security strategics discussion.", "622" ], [ "> I simply believe that genetics can be compensated for with nurture and nurture can be compensated for with human choice.\n\nSuccess is a totally different thing. if were talking about IQ/intelligence the best estimate we currently have is that it can be compensated by most 20% by nurture, same as height can be effected by nurture (e.g. nutrition) to some degree.\n\n > do you really believe we could use any genetic test to centralize planning based on genetics?\n\nThat's a whole different question and i never said that, nor do i think anyone is suggesting it, \nWe have enough bad examples from the past to know we should and shouldn't do and what warrants public discussion. \n\nWe do have **IQ** tests (not genetic tests, and some nurture does play here) to centralize planning, you may find this interesting (and probably horrifying). \n\n_URL_0_", "769" ], [ "That's BS cherry picking. \nThe article itself says 5 percent were \"clearly dangerous\", i wonder how much are \"somewhat dangerous\". \n\ni don't know what the 'predator' has to do with anything, \nonly a fraction of murderers are serial murders, still the recidivism for murder is in the dozens of %.\n\nAlso do they count a serial exhibitionist is 'clearly dangerous', i sure don't, but that is a legitimate goal of the registry. \n\nThe facts we need here is the recidivism % per offenses in the registry.", "276" ], [ "> then it will always to incentivized to reject coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, and drop coverage for those who become sick,\n\nI live in a universal heath care country and i can tell you this cost cutting and insurance denials exists regardless of who pays.\n\n\n1. you always have a limited budget and could use more to give better service to more people.\n1. a small fraction of the population will always require a hugely disproportionate % of the funds (<PERSON>), so by saving money on a few you can help many.\n1. thru his taxes, each average person is putting x amount of money into the system. if too many use more than their share, the whole plan (insurance) fails.\n\nSo the basic dilemma of health care management always remains, provide good care to more people or excellent care for a few people, (or raise premiums/taxes).\n\ne.g. you can provide a liver transplant to one 60yo person or provide the new $6 herpes vaccine to 10k people (which will end up saving millions), you have a limited budget, now you decide.", "56" ], [ "Seems they went out of their way to make it illegible. \n\nCan someone translate this please? what group was found to be at increased risk?\nthose who had low-cortisol and low-adrenaline?\n\n \n\n > Results: Cortisol hypo-reactivity potentiated the pathogenic impact of war-zone stressors only in soldiers for whom the CO2 challenge did not elevate testosterone, suggesting that the dual hormone stress reactivity profile of blunted cortisol and testosterone may confer increased risk for PTSD emergence by potentiating the pathogenic effects of war-zone stressors.", "920" ], [ "You rebutted the previous comment about Nigerias impotence by stating it's one of the most successful states in africa - seeing as its facing a catastrophic famine, your statement doesn't add up. \n \nEdit: some facts\n\n > the crisis in north-east Nigeria and the wider Lake Chad region.\n\n > Hundreds of thousands of children under the age of five will suffer from severe acute malnutrition this year, with up to 20% dying unless more is done to reach them, according to the UN children’s fund, Unicef, and other aid organisations.\n > The estimated number of affected children is now 450,000 (pdf), with 14 million people needing humanitarian assistance across the region. \n\n_URL_0_", "1000" ], [ "I can partially explain this reaction to you, this was happening since the '70s and the help they got, which made the population grow, didn't help prevent the current situation. \nSo helping now won't solve the long-run problem, it's a band-aid and which only morph in to another (bigger?) famine in a few years time.\n\ni'm not saying this perspective is 100% correct, but it has at least some merit and i hope this'll help you understand the reactions here. \n\n > This planet has the resources to feed even 11 billion people\n\nNigeria has the resources to feed its population. they mismanaged them.", "1000" ], [ "only 16!?\nAre you crazy/? don't give up on that language, your brain is still super-flexible at that age so it's much easier to learn/advance at your age than 10-20 years from now, also your accent will be better. \n\nPut some effort into it, you'll thank yourself later. \nThat's really unfortunate your school did that, it's not uncommon, in fact many migrant societies/countries used to and still make that mistake. \n\nmy Father spoke 5 languages but never taught me anything but English.", "902" ], [ "Because they are able to get much more information and details out of you they'll never get in a straight forward written questionnaire . \n\nThey do that by encouraging you to expand and explain each answer you give, so it 'wont count' as a negative against you, so if you say you never stole anything from an employer, no matter how small, they ask you to expand as in it's ok if you did take a pen, but it depends on the conditions, and then you go into a whole story about how you used to take stationary and how often, which they'll never know otherwise. \n\n\n\nAlso, if it's done by 3rd party companies they can ask 'illegal' questions (medical history etc) that the company itself can't ask you directly.", "679" ], [ "Are you saying you didn't edit your comment? it doesn't show up as edited not unless it's within one minute, you do know that right? \n\nI am interested to understand what you think, so any details are welcomed, if i'd had them i'd answer them.\n\nnow that i do have them, to the issue at hand, \n\ncan you explain what \"importing and exporting goods isn't \"globalism\" means? \n\nAre you saying the US will continue to trade globally without taking part in \"globalism\"? how are you imagining trade once you're \"out of globalism\"?", "745" ], [ "I don't have anything against hunting, but the way he frames it is misleading. \n\nIt's like saying he buys playboy for the articles, sure it has good articles but so do many other magazines. \n\nEnjoying nature and having great experiences is part of hunting and well and good, but that's not why people go hunting instead of hiking/camping. \n\nHe can say that hunting is challenging, rewarding, interesting etc. where being out in nature without that goal is less so, that would be honest and i'd have no problem with that.", "1010" ], [ "> punishment for Heresy/apostasy in Christianity and Judaism \n\nDeuteronomy 17:\n\n2 If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant,\n3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;\n4 And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:\n5 Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.\n\n\nLuke 19:27:\n\nBut those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.\n\nMatthew 10:34:\n\nThink not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.\n\n\n_URL_0_\n\n_URL_1_", "649" ], [ "> Plus generic companies get the active ingredients from shady manufacturers in China and India\n\nWhat generic companies do that? regular drug companies also make generics, either way they are highly advance billion dollar, multinational companies, not some back yard operation. \n \n \n Top 10 generics companies by 2014 revenue\n 1. Teva\n 2. Novartis - Sandoz\n 3. Allergan\n 4. Mylan\n 5. Sun Pharmaceutical\n 6. Aspen\n 7. Hospira\n 8. Sanofi\n 9. Fresenius Kabi\n 10. Lupin", "764" ], [ "well put, however i disagree that using 'cheap labor' by those countries is in any way unfair. it's the capitalist way and a great way to be competitive, american companies try and get cheaper work all the time inside the US and no one would think to accuse them of stifling competition because of that. \n\nOnly when it hurts the US it becomes \"unfair\" to US eyes, but not when the US does it. (via agri exports for ex)", "745" ], [ "It's a money thing, it doesn't have anything to do with whitewashing or any other moral or artistic stance, mainly. \n\nThey put in a white actress because that's what they think people will pay more to see and will make them money. (and are probably right, statistically and historically, can you imagine 'Cleopatra' having the success it had with an Egyptian actress instead of <PERSON>).\n\nIf putting a Portuguese accented, three legged, blind hermaphrodite midget would draw in the crowds, they'd use it instead. \n\nIt's called show-**business** for a reason.", "660" ], [ "Similarly every thing the government pays for is subsidized rich tax payers and businesses people for the benefit of poorer people; education, infrastructure, local and national security etc. \n\nThat's the basic idea behind differential taxes and redistribution. \n\n > The principle of the Differential Tax is that a different proportion of taxation, as well as a different amount, may be applied to men in different circumstances.", "786" ], [ "It's not just the Ultra religious. \n\nA big part of the mainstream religious society is exempt because their women are exempt. in fact every women can just claim she's religious and not serve, so many do. \nSubsequently only 50% of non-arab women serve, and those who do serve about a year less (~2/3) and are exempt from reserve duty.\n\n\n20% of Israelis are Arab and exempt by law from military or civil duty. (so aren't counted in most conscription statistics).\n\n\n75% of men serve.", "972" ], [ "Not addressing you point directly but;\n\n1. sounds like you don't morally differentiate hunting and eating meat, but maybe don't want to obfuscate the discussion in that direction, which is fine. \n\n1. Trophy hunting as recently discussed in the news is arguably a conservationaly sound practice, these African farms use the trophy hunter's fees to pay for the the breeding and management of those endangered species populations, sometimes specifically for that reason. \n \n Not terribly relevant just wanted to put it out there. \n\n1. One could argue that instead of morally wrong trophy hunting is socially unacceptable, (a somewhat softened version of morality) because as a society we want to discourage these types of 'violent' behaviors, fearing a slipper slope into our human society, not because their intrinsically bad. \nsimilar example to this would be the animal cruelty laws; \nwe don't allow people abusing or killing their pets,\nwe do allow people killing their animals, so you can't kill you pet dog, but you can take it to the vet and have him put down. \nyou can't kill your pet goat/cow, but if you kill and eat your pet goat/cow, that's perfectly fine. \nThat's because we don't want these brutal/heartless anti-social tenancies to bleed (sorry) to our society, not because their inherently morally wrong. \nSo in that sense, trophy hunting might be viewed as anti-social behavior we want to discourage, unrelated to the question if it's intrinsically morally different.", "766" ], [ "The way this operated, i think, is that the government wanted taxis to exist as a service because it's good for the public, and it also wanted wanted them to be up to a certain standard, i.e. have knowledgeable drivers who know the city and can speak English, know relevant traffic laws, pass a course for certification and be subject for termination of their license, cars to be mechanically sound and clean, fare rates restricted, anti-discrimination practices, etc. etc. \n\nSo the taxi companies said, ok, this isn't a free market because you have all these regulations on us, the only way a cab company can make profit and survive is if you through some regulations we like, which is, cap the medallion numbers and make us a monopoly, because if everyone can just decided to become a cab driver, our profits will be so low that we couldn't afford to do all the things you say. \n\n\nSo that was the somewhat reasonable beginning, since than a century of lobbying by the taxi unions helped them artificially protect their guild.", "114" ], [ "I don't get SXSW reasoning for these rules. other than to have legal levearge on performers. \n\n\n > Language governing SXSW’s ability to protect a showcase has been in the artist Performance Agreement for many years. It is, and always was intended to be, a safeguard to provide SXSW with a means to respond to an act that does something truly egregious, such as disobeying our rules about pyrotechnics on stage, starting a brawl in a club, or causing serious safety issues.\n\n\nThey say they do it to protect themselves (and the artists, but that's obv. BS), so Maybe i'm wrong and someone can explain how SXSW is hurt by an artist they book doing illegal work in the US?", "903" ], [ "> I know first-hand that most citizens don't want America policing their nation through bribery, as has been the norm for most of their lives. They want sovereignty.\n\nThey might not want it, but refusing aid would be a mistake from their end, that's the crux of the argument. \n \nThe money doesn't go to individual bribery, it goes towards countries' monetary gains/ political influence of respective parties. \n\nWhen you make a deal, the understanding is that both sides benefit otherwise there wouldn't be an agreement.", "593" ], [ "Ok, so what's the ratio of foreign aid per capita? \n\nCanada's and the US GDP per capita are very similar. but obviously America is overall richer as a country.\n\n_URL_3_\n\n**Canada**: \nCAD$5.8 billion in 2015, up from CAD$4.9 billion in 2014. \nGDP per capita - $50k \n \nInternational assistance accounts for approx. 2% of the 2015 federal budget spending. Up from 1.75% of budget expenditure in 2014. \n_URL_0_\n\n**US:** \n$43.10 billion in fiscal year 2014. \n1.3% of total budget. \nGDP per capita - $54k \n_URL_1_\n\n\n\n\n**US / Canada Compared to OECD**\n\n_URL_2_", "841" ], [ "It's enabling. that's the argument. \n\nThe idea is that the government isn't doing it's duty, and is allowed to continue not doing it's duty, because of charities taking its place.\n\nIt's not that the govt. doesn't have enough money from taxes to address these issue, at least partially and better than they do now, it's that it chooses not to, and invest that money elsewhere, from political reasons. \n\n\nAlso, charities will never have the amount of money the government has, 350mil people aren't going to give 20% of their salary to charity every year. it will always be a bad replacement at best.", "786" ], [ "I read the website, faq, watched videos and still don't understand.\n\nWhat's so hard with explaining directly what it is instead of using vague analogies for 20 minutes? \n\n\nWhen you create an application, where does the code and the DB sits?\nIf this is to replace the internet, you're talking about taking the entire internet, all the existing commercial DB in the world and transferring them to peoples PCs BitTorrent style? \nWhere both the db and the computational tasks be distributed? \n\nSo if i want to watch youtube, i'm connecting to who knows what 2k people to load the website, another 2k for every video i want to watch, and another 2k when i run a youtube search?\n\nEDIT; after about an hour of reading, (it's amazing to me that you need to go through 30 pages of code examples without anywhere answering what the basics benefits and real world use cases are).\n\nIf i understand correctly now, the basic thing here apart from blockchain tech. is the **smart contracts**. \n\nI'm not clear on what the useful use cases are, why should i go and learn or buy this type of application that i can't right now with paypal or bitcoin? \n\nas understand now the only use cases are simple insurance, simple escrow service or simple exchanges - is that correct?", "831" ], [ "Hes not deleting them from Wikipedia, so it would lead to missing pages, she says replacing missing pages/links aren't the biggest problem - that's what i don't understand.\n\n > Finding archived materials to replace them add maybe 20 minutes of internet searches to my day – and a bit of anger at the state of the country. \nThe consequences of vanishing citations, however, pose a far more serious consequence than website updates", "566" ], [ "You're misunderstanding, i said 100% standard, apples to apples. \n\n1. Chevron with Techron states specific, quantifiable, claims, i.e. that they put x,y additive and that it has z benefits (not standard fuel), if it was discovered and proven that their lying in any of these claims that would be illegal and they'll be open to millions if not billions in suits, as happened to other corporates selling false claims. \n\n2. my example was about 1 station, selling exactly what the rest of the chain does, i.e. one Chevron station claiming that their Techron is objectively better (different additive/benefits), or one mcdonald branch claiming their big-mac is somehow a different product with different than all the other branches out there.", "49" ], [ "\"we only get diamonds from 4 places, united states...\" \nThe reason he lies about that is because diamonds from 1st world countries are, to some degree, can by themselves fetch higher prices. so he's lying about a fundamental verifiable fact to increase his profit. \n\nRegarding the \"best/better\" claims, i don't know if they are outright illegal in the US in this case, probably not, however i don't think it's morally ok or should be common practice for any self respective company.\n\n_URL_0_\n\n\nGenerally the US truth in advertising laws are very laxed compared to europe.", "618" ], [ "The taxes are high and burdening on the entire population, poor and middle income people too, living in a welfare state isn't some sort of paradise, it has it's advantages and disadvantages and from what i see on reddit the disadvantages don't get the exposure or understood here.\n\nIt might be a better system, but it has serious downsides and deep ramifications that aren't obvious to most outsiders. . same as free college.", "143" ], [ "That's a good point, when the argument is that the other sides are 'incredibly stupid' i get suspicious. i mean it's possible but unlikely. \n\nThat said, the US may have the best health if you're rich, but even private healthcare is significantly cheaper in universal healthcare countries. \n\nThe same surgery you pay 500k in the states costs you 150k privately in other couturiers, not because you get worse care because the system isn't as artificially price bloated. \n\nPlus, you'd want your countrymen to get good healthcare for the same reasons you'd want them to have a good education, overall it makes financial sense.", "661" ], [ "I'm not saying it's fair to the american people or a good system that i'd like ot live in just that there are deep ramifications that the current discussion is too shallow or ignorant of, people deserve the whole picture when making a decision. \n\n\ne.g. People won't pay 500k to go to Harvard if being a doctor only pays 80k like in europe. \nso doctors training and the universities themselves will be effected. \n\nBTW, even non-us drug companies (Japan, Switzerland France, uk, canada India) all massively depend on the US market for selling their drugs, they are mostly not doing it with the domestic market.", "661" ], [ "TBF, it's party that they can't get their head around it and the culture is a lot more about what's good for the individual than what's good for the country, and partly that they don't want to lower their quality of life/lifestyle to that of europe. \n\nCan you imagine Americans having to pay 25% sales tax, 150% tax on cars, and generally 80% tax and live on that 20%? the whole consumerism, eating out, buying new stuff, buying new cars and more \"blingy\" and materialistic culture will have to drastically change.", "519" ], [ "Which makes these political donations a bribe, you're donating in the expectation of service. \n\nWhat important isn't the communication of a contract, but the 'reasonable' expectation of one, and as we can see from real-world data, (plus the indirect fact lobbyists exist in the first place) there is plenty to base that as reasonable expectation. \n\nIf a policemen stops you and you say to them, before you write that ticket, let me write a check to the police union, that's a bribe. \n\nAlso, there are much stricter laws making political donations bribery if done by foreign sources, meaning the bribery and quid pro que risk is well understood but treated differently for different groups.", "736" ], [ "That piece of paper was written by the whims of your fellow men. it only makes it harder for your fellow men to change it later on. \n\nIn any case, the idea that a corporation (non-living entity) has free speech protection isn't from the constitution because the constitution didn't view corporations as people. \n\nSo it's not the SCOTUS didn't uphold the constitution until 2010, or that their view on the constitution that changed, it's their view on corporations. \n\nIt's a new (and arguably radical) view of what personhood is, corporations aren't treated as people in law 100% of the time, but in this case it was decided that they would be.", "45" ] ]
[ 13728, 3172, 13042, 1742, 17369, 14998, 17322, 7228, 14541, 22647, 13095, 990, 25044, 4162, 17135, 8566, 7002, 6350, 4206, 10761, 9745, 21173, 23805, 19549, 22174, 4469, 24459, 4219, 5120, 5414, 7254, 54, 10095, 16428, 14889, 23765, 637, 10144, 2142, 15142, 4442, 20962, 6001, 14077, 12335, 21769, 15394, 8864, 974, 12594, 1676, 24109, 5741, 19187, 1112, 20886, 2841, 2305, 7076, 4840, 5637, 3782, 5715, 13551, 23117, 23305, 7772, 25041, 5367, 5537, 10930, 4807, 25523, 14758, 11923, 18737, 21592, 17990, 15183, 9844, 7579, 8241, 14985, 20100, 25052, 14113, 23701, 7981, 19287, 11477, 13338, 6948, 2492, 3912, 4839, 13084, 13181, 5461, 23544, 2074, 18302, 19957, 14146, 17752, 20919, 15820, 10925, 11656, 7092, 2587, 11685, 11620, 4046, 1841, 11444, 16601, 19793, 4397, 7889, 8867, 24365, 19303, 21992, 14969, 9253, 20427, 7215, 10707, 17544, 13399, 13246, 18940, 5948, 2295, 22004, 759, 16754, 369, 5455, 5039, 6670, 24497, 17095, 5261, 7976, 18130, 7376, 17391, 13427, 21737, 23708, 1483, 5297, 5389, 15568, 18999, 15988, 23113, 8272, 18001, 1519, 1469, 4099, 7157, 12553, 12619, 21104, 21971, 21028, 6652, 7631, 6146, 8040, 17172, 13328, 17693, 3945, 22840, 5515, 21925, 16035, 22586, 3325, 25174, 13955, 13631, 12091, 9268, 11922, 9033, 15763, 3169, 20994, 1960, 6612, 5149, 23210, 2791, 13172, 20331, 13790, 2484, 7871, 20671, 21599, 16330, 20978, 608, 5243, 1588, 21643, 11713, 4270, 757, 287, 384, 20829, 10025, 3630, 8716, 4872, 5057, 25114, 3961, 8017, 22619, 14350, 11745, 14369, 18806, 591, 23663, 5903, 12314, 17026, 18142, 19604, 2118, 12509, 1107, 18436, 6380, 10282, 21188, 9732, 4792, 21849, 24249, 15058, 17507, 16805, 6140, 23456, 24901, 17366, 15135, 9379, 19729, 695, 4704, 12500, 25202, 24835, 5425, 3340, 2890, 18466, 9915, 10795, 24254, 11066, 14755, 715, 24366, 3413, 17875, 24124, 3857, 25294, 17558, 10595, 10238, 18606, 20960, 11564, 24401, 4769, 1301, 24266, 13629, 15136, 21968, 19760, 2779, 20716, 21036, 22336, 4222, 3117, 7634, 8908, 3438, 17959, 11143, 21299, 8348, 9143, 14003, 24276, 18496, 2361, 1196, 3540, 3579, 4347, 20180, 8485, 24006, 5334, 13126, 8758, 7028, 10341, 24699, 8591, 8770, 4748, 22147, 25164, 5324, 21370, 7227, 10614, 18080, 11882, 20153, 10304, 19934, 21811, 14316, 21806, 4075, 10283, 21678, 22577, 1062, 8167, 13923, 12071, 10108, 18644, 23074, 17927, 14803, 16902, 22489, 11035, 4321, 9553, 20367, 13586, 10424, 18845, 23868, 3565, 73, 14990, 2940, 19291, 15647, 16365, 14080, 10802, 1303, 15690, 14607, 3149, 15467, 10768, 15522, 21663, 6023, 9041, 63, 16152, 2392, 13250, 4641, 10365, 11130, 4426, 2809, 745, 5378, 16727, 14934, 17712, 11197, 4584, 5373, 4707, 6600, 13516, 121, 381, 7902, 12575, 4539, 19809, 23651, 1113, 12829, 22827, 10992, 18557, 3674, 23236, 9979, 12866, 12319, 16988, 1177, 15155, 1044, 3564, 22495, 1650, 18326, 6729, 2180, 22020, 8446, 17714, 5675, 24213, 1620, 762, 11507, 13749, 1401, 17024, 9794, 7515, 679, 4892, 11191, 21954, 23878, 12196, 15628, 7399, 24501, 18263, 13312, 22478, 280, 9381, 15714, 327, 20840, 16079, 22821, 8588, 6705, 8420, 18679, 25146, 14230, 17528, 21839, 6232, 22155, 21294, 22454, 22988, 7947, 20701, 12214, 6704, 7917, 3754, 18171, 7211, 5835, 2875, 20018, 10445, 14291, 24214, 16817, 270, 3813, 1333, 12834, 5877, 266, 3833, 14259, 19440 ]
[ [ "[This dumb little fucker](_URL_2_). It's an Ares Ameoba M4 pistol. Weird looking but uses standard mags. \n\n[APS UAR V2](_URL_1_). APS' good AEG. I don't know a whole lot about it, but I know u/that3dprinter has one so may be able to help with it.\n\n[ICS G33](_URL_3_). Bit over budget but it's a sort-of G36 that takes M4 mags.\n\n[Classic Army ISSC MK22](_URL_0_). It's a Classic Army .22LR Scar that takes M4 mags.", "316" ], [ "The trigger contacts on the CM18 will wear out sooner or later on an 11.1v lipo because it has no mosfet. Get a 7.4v lipo or 9.6v nimh.\n\nYou can get cheaper batteries on Hobbyking. I'd also recommend the [Imax B6AC charger](_URL_2_). It's just a great charger that can do whatever you need.\n\n6mmproshop mags are shit. PTS EPMs, G & P High RPS, and Ares Amoeba mid caps worked in me and my brother's G & Gs.\n\nThose Edge goggles have no impact ratings. Avoid them. Valken goggles are rebranded Pyramex or their in-house garbage. [Pyramex I-force](_URL_3_) are fantastic for the price. Lower face protection, like a [One Tigris mask](_URL_0_) would be a good idea as well.\n\nThose red dots are shit. If you really want a red dot the [Field Sport micro dot](_URL_1_) are pretty good for the price. You'll definitely want a [riser](_URL_4_)", "706" ], [ "Power source. Electric use a battery to turn a motor which turns gears which pulls back a piston which pulls a spring which shoots the piston forward, pushing air through the nozzle. But complex but it works well. GBBs hit a valve,\nReleasing gas and launching the bb and cycling the bolt or slide or whatever. Honestly I’m not 100% sure how exactly they work even though I own two of them. On the one hand, GBBs are simpler and easier to take apart. On the other hand, They need regular lubing and maintenance to run well while AEGs can be left alone for a year and run fine. GBB makes also have to hold pressurized gas so are expensive and low capacity, and can easily leak. Gas pressure can also drop in cold weather causing issues, as well as losing pressure as you empty a mag which can cause drops in FPS as you get through a magazine. \n\nGas does have its advantages though. They have a bit of kick, which is fun, they make a nice bang rather than the whine of a motor, and they don’t need a battery. They’re mostly for fun rather than performance. I’d highly recommend an AEG as your first gun.", "726" ], [ "Vastly? Eh. The Classic Army is, in my opinion, the best M4/AR for under $200. Decent mosfet, quick change spring, wired to deans with mini tamiya adapter, comes with a good battery (And shit charger) and has plenty of models. It performs about the same as the G & G but has those nice features. Tippmanns are great too but more basic, but Tippmann customer support is pretty legendary. ICS has an awesome split gearbox but I don't know much about the performance of their Sportsline as I've never used one.", "144" ], [ "In the first picture the piston is too long so it can't release from the gears. Normally the piston is pulled back so it can be released over the part of the gear with no teeth. In this case it just jammed and caused the gears and piston teeth to fight it out, ruining both. Apparently there was also premature engagement which is when the gears spin and engage with the piston teeth before the piston is fully forward, so they slam together. \n\nThe EC1 is shorter than the EC2. that's basically it. Same difference as the XX10 vs XX12. the whatever10 has a 10\" barrel instead of a 12\" barrel.\n\nWhile it comes with a charger it's just a dumb wall charger. You should get a [smart charger](_URL_2_). Might be a good idea to get a [second battery](_URL_1_) too.\n\nEdit: Same guy, u/artist508, that took those gearbox carnage pics did a [teardown and review of the Classic Army Skirmish Line](_URL_0_). Goes real in depth. I know they've updated their mosfets since then to be stronger and smaller but I think everything else is the same.\n\nEdit 2: Didn't notice, those are their fancy ones with the newest mosfets, so they get 3/5rd burst and stuff. I haven't heard anything bad about them, but I've been wary of those ever since I've had two of the G & G mosfets burn out on me.", "742" ], [ "They're about the same accuracy and range as an electric gun shooting the same fps, except they're bolt action. Usually also allowed to shoot at a higher fps but with a minimum engagement distance. Almost all the accuracy and range in airsoft is from your hop up and bolt actions don't have any intrinsic advantage there.\n\nAny airsoft gun will be largely affected by wind because of the low weight bbs we use. Get some good heavy weight bbs, like .36g or higher, and it'll help.\n\nEdit: u/snakebitey has some great sniper build guides you should read. [budget sniper builds](_URL_1_) and [Holy Grail sniper guide](_URL_0_)", "694" ], [ "Not sure. I'm sure there's some fps where you could run into issues with drag and stuff. I think <PERSON> did some testing on that recently? He's an engineer and knows physics and shit so would be able to answer better than me anyways.\n\nI can say that in airsoft your max range on a stock rifle is 150-200ft. With a well tuned rifle and good heavy weight bbs, you can maybe get 300ft.", "316" ], [ "They're overall better than lightweight as long as you can hop them properly. They retain energy longer and are less affected by wind and brush. They are more expensive though. JustAirsoftAmmo has an [Elite Force Sample Pack](_URL_1_) with .2s-.32s and a [Valken Heavy weight pack](_URL_0_) with .3s to .43s. The Valken bbs are pretty crap though so might not be a good thing to test with. I've heard good things about EMG, ASG, HPA, Geoffs, and Longbow heavy weights. I have some ASG .4s and they seem nice, but I haven't used them much as I don't have quite enough hop in my KC02 for them.", "316" ], [ "They'll use different parts, so some will have better designs or more aftermarket support. They all shoot the same projectile though, so there isn't a huge difference. Assuming the quality is the same and neither of them has a real great or bad design they'll shoot identically.\n\nThere are some with better choices. I don't know of any decent M16 springers because nobody really uses them. Spring snipers are more popular and there are quality ones available because spring works well in a sniper platform. \n\nWith a VSR-10 sniper, and to a slightly lesser degree Type 96s (Both TM and Marushin/APS2 systems), you can upgrade basically any component and can find people who can help you upgrade them. With the less popular things, like spring M16s, you're just kinda SOL if a part breaks or isn't very good.", "316" ], [ "There aren't many 'good' snipers out of the box, especially if you plan for them to perform like snipers. Snipers are really built, not bought so a lot of 'good' snipers are just ones with good aftermarket support.\n\nThe WELL MB01 and MB08 are Type 96s I believe using the APS2 system. Snakebitey has a build for them on his [budget build list](_URL_2_). You of course don't have to put in upgrades immediately or all at once. The hop up, bucking, nub, and barrel are most important for accuracy while the trigger and stuff is for durability and a smoother bolt pull.\n\nThe ASG M40 is pretty new and shoots decently out of the box. I don't know any upgrades for it.\n\nThere's the [Snow Wolf M24](_URL_3_) as well, but I don't know a whole lot about it. It says it uses the APS2 system with a proprietary trigger system. I think it has a decent 90 degree trigger out of the box which is usually something you'd need to buy aftermarket. Could be mistaken it with something else though.\n\nOn the high end you've got the [Silverback SRS](_URL_1_) which is awesome and, from what I've heard, fantastic but very expensive. The [Novritsch SSG24](_URL_4_) is also good, but is way overpriced for what is (Modifed Modify M24) and is considered the Rifle of Shame for people who can't build their own sniper.\n\nSomething a little different, I love my [KJW KC02](_URL_5_). It's a gas blowback semi-auto Ruger 10/22 replica. Shoots real nice and has a bit of kick (Someone said it's real similar shooting a real 10/22). Has a [good community](_URL_6_), plenty of aftermarket parts, and [massive FAQ](_URL_0_)\n\nThere are \"airsoft scopes\" but they're really just low quality cheap scopes. You don't really have to worry about scopes losing zero because there's no recoil and the guns just aren't accurate enough for it to be much of a problem. I generally wouldn't recommend them.\n\nThe best thing for airsoft is to look into budget real steel scopes. Vortex, UTG, Visionking, Bushnell, and Primary Arms make good ones. I personally love my UTG 1-4.5x, Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x, and Primary Arms red dots. Vortex is real nice because they have the VIP Warranty where they'll replace the scope if anything happens to it, including the lens getting cracked by a bb. They're also just quality products. I love my Vortex on my KC02. It helps a bit with aiming and spotting and, most importantly, it looks cool.", "316" ], [ "Pratice. \n\nGot a sling? practice getting in an out of it. Practice slinging the rifle over your back and over your chest. Is it quick adjust? Practice tightening and loosening it.\n\nPractice aiming offhand. Being able to shoot at least semi ambidextrously is a huge advantage. \n\nPractice reloads. Practice from both hands and in awkward positions.\n\nPractice keeping your gun not slanted from different firing positions. turn your airsoft gun causes the hop up to curve the shot whichever way you turn it so keeping it upright can seriously help range and accuracy. Hell, if you can practice turning it to compensate for wind.\n\nPractice leaning out of cover from different positions. Its easy to lean out while standing but try it while crouched. It's awkward from some positions.\n\nT-rex Arms and Garand Thumb have some interesting firearms drills. A lot of them practice skills that are helpful in airsoft even if we don't have to deal with recoil. Shooting on the move, switching targets, moving cover to cover, etc.", "525" ], [ "Wear whatever you can move easily in. Common 'newb' gear is jeans and a hoodie. You could check out Ebay, surplus stores, or thrift stores for some cheap surplus. 5.11, Tru-spec, and LBX are good brands for new clothes if you don't want to spend a shit ton.\n\nAre you sure you're going to have to rent? Most people that play as much as he does usually have multiple loadouts and can easily lend out the basics.\n\nSome tips:\n\nStay hydrated!\n\nIf you feel like you have to sit out a game, do so. \n\nWear boots if you have them. Twisting your ankle sucks.\n\nHave fun", "949" ], [ "I was actually just talking to someone about ESS NVGs and Revision Desert Locusts, as I've owned both. Here's a copy+paste of that:\n\nQuality wise, they're very similar. They both are nicely fog resistant and well made. The lenses are pretty damn tough. There's videos of them taking 12g bird shot. and just denting\n\nI'd say the revision are better for two reasons:\n\nThey have thermal lenses available which will cut down on fogging more,though they're another $28.\n\nThey fit my face better. I have a fairly flat face, though not quite asian fit. The ESS put a lot of pressure on my temples while the Revision are the best fitting goggles I've ever worn. I do like the foam seal from the ESS better but it just didn't fit me well. If you have a more curved face you might like the ESS better. I have no clue how to measure that though. I think it's just try one and see if you like it. Smith Optics OTW (I have the Turbo Fan versions) are kind of a middle ground between them. They put slight pressure on my temples but not enough that it hurt like the ESS.", "868" ], [ "Oh, you can get the [Locusts Essential kit](_URL_1_), which comes with the carrying case and smoke lens, for £75. They also have the option for [thermal lenses](_URL_0_) which will help cut down on fogging.\n\nPersonally I'd recommend the Revisions. They're my favorite goggles along with my Smith Optics Turbo Fans. They fit me better, cant vouch for others, and having the thermal lenses available is a nice plus.", "888" ], [ "You'll want something front wired with that stock, I think. I can't find if the back of the stock comes off. It looks like it might, but if it can't it would be a real pain in the ass to replace the battery. If the back can come off to access the battery, then rear wired will be fine Knowing APS, they'd make it fixed.\n\nThe only guns for your price I know that are front wired are stuff like the [G & G M4 Carbine](_URL_0_). rails usually don't leave much space for a battery. There also aren't many guns in general that are under 330fps. Could get an Ares Ameoba or ICS, which have very easy to change springs.\n\nNormally I'd recommend Classic Army but good luck fitting a mosfet and battery in the buffer tube. Something without a mosfet like a [Tippman Commando](_URL_1_) or [Apex Fast Attack](_URL_2_) might be better for that. You'll need the spring changed though.", "316" ], [ "Imo yes. The one I used didn't feel great. Compared to my TM it felt a bit sluggish (both running on propane) and the accuracy wasn't nearly as good (Even before I upgraded my bucking). It wasn't bad but my TM was better and, while I didn't get to directly compare the two, I think KJW is better as well. TM and KJW are also easier to upgrade.\n\nI know people happy with their AWs and people who don't like them. Personally I'm not against them but I'm not a real fan. I don't think they offer much over TM or KJW and have more downsides.", "144" ], [ "TM Hi-capas are fantastic. They're the gold standard. Fantastic performance and no proprietary parts. Some people don't like the plastic slide, but the low weight keeps it nice and snappy. Airsoft Masterpiece makes great aluminum slides if you want to upgrade. They won't work with CO2 but they'll run well off duster gas, green gas, or propane.", "144" ], [ "I think did them both when they were full.\n\nI never got to directly compare the AW and KJW. I got to compare a KJW one day and the AW a few months later. I liked the KJW almost as much as my TM (when it was stock) but didn’t like the AW as much. AFAIK they were both completely stock using their own mags. It was also just test firing like half a mag. Can’t say anything about gas efficiency or anything", "54" ], [ "VR16s are a bit different from real avalons\n\nReal Avalons have:\n\nMaple Leaf bucking\n\nHigh torque motor\n\nAvalon markings\n\nFlat trigger rather than lightning bolt\n\nHard case with Avalon markings.\n\nSome small external differences. Look like they come with different selector switches and iron sights, and Avalons have a larger mag release. Both are ambi selector switches.", "144" ], [ "For a similar price:\n\n[Apex Fast Attack](_URL_0_) (AirsoftGI seems to be out of stock) - $115\n\n[BLS .28g bbs](_URL_2_) - $10/3500, free shipping at $50\n\n[9.6v nihm and smart charger](_URL_4_) - $33\n\n[Revision Desert Locust](_URL_6_), [Smith Optics OTW](_URL_9_), or [Pyramex i-force](_URL_8_) - $12-30\n\n[One Tigris mask](_URL_1_) or [with ear protection](_URL_14_) - $15\n\nOptional:\n\n[Condor Rapid Assault chest rig](_URL_14_) - $30\n\n\n[G & P High RPS mid caps](_URL_10_) - $55/5\n\n[basic speedloader](_URL_13_) - $5\n\n[little bit fancy speedloader](_URL_12_) - $10\n\n[Odin Sidewinder speedloader](_URL_3_) - $40\n\n[Mechanix Gloves](_URL_5_) - $15-30\n\n[LBX 2 point sling](_URL_7_) - $30\n\n[Ferro Concepts quick adjust 2 point sling](_URL_11_) - $48", "316" ], [ "There aren't really any good ones out of the box. The Classic Army ISSC MK22 is probably the best internally but is plastic bodied. The VFC is garbage internally and great externally. \n\nWhat about a [Czech Scar](_URL_0_)? It could be better internally but the externals are real solid. There's also the [CZ Scorpion EVO](_URL_1_) which is really good inside and out.\n\nFor M4s you've got VFC Avalons, ICS CXP MARS, and Classic Army.\n\nFor AKs you've got LCT and E & L\n\nFor some others you've got the ICS L85, LCT G3, and LCT other guns.", "316" ], [ "The fan works well, and I haven't had problems with wiring. No clue what bad wiring looks like though.\n\n[The bit of exposed wiring is near the fan](_URL_0_). I can see some silver there but can't really get it on camera. I'm not sure how I can electrical tape it without blocking the fan, and in that case I may as well just use my I-force.\n\nI just use a boonie hat or cap.", "1006" ], [ "None. I looked into it when I first started because I wanted an AUG and I've heard a lot of people's input.\n\nI have used a JG in a game and liked it, but that was when I first started and my only comparison was rentals. Used it again after getting a G & G Raider and it wasn't nearly as impressive to me. The trigger was just horrible compared to the G & G. Accuracy seemed pretty standard. I've shot an APS (One of the ones with the fancy wire cutter rail, no clue where he got it in the US, thought it was only on Taiwangun) and it felt similar but I've heard they're more fragile. The two-stage trigger is annoying on them. The TM I haven't used but I've heard they're much better than the others. I don't think they have the two stage trigger which is nice. I also haven't used the GHK but it's about 50/50 on it begin the only good AUG or it being the best with TM being a bit behind it.", "316" ], [ "Maybe I'll just wear the pyramex. Don't want to risk $180 goggles even if it's a small risk.\n\nI'm not expecting good gameplay. It's the owners last game before moving to California, though, so I gotta go and say bye. Also gotta test my KC02 because I put in a new bucking and barrel but haven't been able to shoot it yet.", "59" ], [ "I don't own a hellbreaker, but it's just an Ameoba in a fancy body and those I've used a few times. They're good. Not much special about them except the electronic trigger but they're good.\n\nI've heard it's very difficult to make the Masada any good, though I don't know specifically why. Someone was talking about it having several problems. I think the gearbox being super weak and being proprietary? assuming we're talking about the AEG. I don't know anything about the GBB", "144" ], [ "Valken gearboxes are metal. They're shit in other ways.\n\nMatrix is usually pretty bad. It's Evike's inhouse brand and usually the cheapest shit they can get away with rebranding.\n\nEcho 1 is usually mediocre. Not good or bad, just a bit lacking.\n\nI've heard good things about the Elite Force. I think it's just an Ares Ameoba? If so, it's good.\n\nMy recommendation is a Classic Army Skirmish Line. Imo, it'sthe best beginner gun available.", "316" ], [ "AFAIK you can use it as many times as you want. I’ve never heard of someone needing to do it more than once.\n\nMaybe the sell theirs with a premium but I’m happy with the price. My Crossfire II 2-7x was only $130 and is fantastic quality. All it’s missing is illumination. Their red dots are ~$200, their magnifier is $250, as is their budget 1-4 but both can found easily for $200. If they tack on a bit for the warranty I’m fine with it.", "885" ], [ "I use a [Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32](_URL_1_) and love it. Very clear glass and a good eye box. It is a little more than your budget though. I usually sit around 3-5x\n\n[Nikon has a 3-9x for $90](_URL_0_). I've heard they make good stuff but never used it.\n\nI've heard [Pinty is good](_URL_2_) if you're on a budget. Again, never used it. \n\nI've heard the [UTG bugbuster 3-9x](_URL_4_) is good. The onyl experience I have with UTG is their 1-4.5x which I like and their 3x magnifier which I did not like.\n\nThe [Visionking 1.25-5x](_URL_3_) would be good. I very rarely go above 5x, and even then it's just for spotting.", "888" ], [ "Honestly 1-4x usually aren't that much cheaper. They'll work though if that's what you want.\n\nIf you want something clear and cheap, skip out on illumination. The Vortex and Nikon I linked don't have illumination so you're paying for clear glass and durability rather than electronics. Imo that's more important. I really don't miss illumination on my Vortex. Plus not having to deal with batteries is nice.\n\nYou might also be able to find a good used scope. I got my UTG 1-4.5x for like $75 used on Amazon.", "888" ], [ "If you wanna come down to Orlando I can help. \n\nTAC Lakeland is my home field. Solid field with good rules. Good for sniping since it's a big open field.\n\nBlack Tiger/DV8 in Lithia are good as well. Black Tiger is more family/nooby friendly with low fps limits and quickish games, while DV8, who hosts on the same field every other weekend, is more milisimy\n\nI've heard Wayne's World, which is north of Orlando and probably closest to you, is great but haven't been. In the same situation for Holy Cowz in Tampa and Wasteland Ops. Heard they're good but haven't been there.\n\nOver in Delland, which may be a bit far, is Raptor Airsoft. Only been there for a sort-of milsim event but it was a cool field.", "273" ], [ "I don't know exactly how scopes and red dots and shit work so I can't go into a whole lot of detail.\n\n1x, like a [Vortex Spitfire](_URL_0_), is an actual scope just without magnification. They have an etched reticle so work without power and I think are better for people with astigmatism. I'm not entirely sure the point of them. They have eye relief and an eye box like any scope, but usually more forgiving, and with a 1x magnification. \n\n\nA red dot, which completely unmagnified, is a laser reflected off a lens. It gives you an unlimited eye relief and usually a very forgiving eye box. They only work while powered on and don't have an etched reticle. AFAIK they can't be magnified without a separate magnifier which will then have an eye relief and usually smaller eye box.", "868" ], [ "[You can get Desert Locusts for dirt cheap on Ebay as military surplus](_URL_3_)\n\nI prefer 2-point quick adjust slings like [Ferro Concepts](_URL_1_), [LBX](_URL_8_), [Viking Tactics VTAC](_URL_0_), or [Blue Force Gear Vickers](_URL_6_). I find them more useful in more situations and hold your rifle much more secure. I personally have the Ferro Concepts and LBX and love them both.\n\n[InrangeTV has a video on 1 vs 2 vs 3 point slings](_URL_4_) and [a guide on 2 point quick adjust slings](_URL_7_), while <PERSON> has a video [on sling selection](_URL_5_) and just last week put out a video on [sling set up](_URL_2_)\n\nJPCs also fit fairly small normally. I'm pretty average build, maybe a bit fat, and had to loosen the medium a lot. The design of the cummerbund, where you tie it where you want on the back, lets you adjust it alot. If the Condor Sentry will fit, I'm sure the medium JPC would.", "316" ], [ "1. Think about what you're going to do. Once you have it in mind, take a breath, count down from 3 then do it. I've found it to help stop freezing up\n\n2. Listen. [Howard Leight Impact Sports](_URL_0_) amplify small sounds like footsteps or talking. It's basically cheating. Also look for shadows. \n\n3. Learn to shoot ambidextrously. If you're peaking left and using your right shoulder you're going to expose a lot more of your body then if you use your left shoulder. Try not to chicken wing.", "525" ], [ "The goggles are ANSI and MIL-PRF rated, so that's good to go. Design looks identical to the Land Ops. It's part of the Striker line, like the Land Ops.\n\nI like my [Condor Multiwrap](_URL_0_). Comfortable, breathable, and cheap. Can't ask for more.\n\nWhere are you playing? Anywhere urban or rocky I'd wear kneepads. If it's dirt, grass, or muddy they don't matter much.", "122" ], [ "I wear the Multicam BDUs. Very nice, fit great. I put some Crye air flex knee pads in them.\n\nOnly issue I've found is after about about 4 months I've noticed slight wear in the pants, mostly in the form of some loose threads. I believe that's from putting them in the dryer a couple times, as <PERSON>, who has multiple sets, said they hold up better if you air dry them.\n\nOther than that, they're great. Comfortable, breathable, looks great, fits knee pad inserts, silly amount of pockets. Just overall great clothes.\n\nAt SHOT show they announced a new uniform coming out. I believe in a month or so it'll be released in Caiman only, then other patterns later. Jetdesertfox did a video on it if you want to check it out. It might be worth waiting for that, though I don't know if it'll be more expensive.\n\nI also use the LBX Assaulters Belt, Uniform Belt, and Lock and Load chest rig and all are good quality.", "433" ], [ "KWA is kind of lack luster now. They're not worse than they were, but they haven't kept up with other companies like Krytac and ICS who make exceptional out-of-the-box AEGs. VFC has been releasing better guns. They just came out with the Avalon series which I've heard is fantastic. They look gorgeous as well, which you expect from VFC. [AirsoftMegastore did a decent video on them at SHOT Show](_URL_0_)", "316" ], [ "TM Next Gen Recoil Shocks are great guns. Some of the best stock guns available.\n\nKrytac and ICS are very solid choices as well. Good performance and each have nice features. ICS has the split gearbox while Krytac performs a bit better and has a mosfet and a couple other goodies.\n\nI've heard meh things about Systemas. Really the only good thing I've heard is the great trigger response.", "316" ], [ "The range is much better. I haven't measured it, but it's noticeably better. If I had to guess, I'd say 20-30ft further effective range. Accuracy and consistency are much better. Again, I haven't measured but it's noticeable. \n\nExternals are better. The Krytac is nice lightweight aluminum while the SRXL is a nice lightweight polymer. This does mean the Krytac is a bit heavier, like you mentioned. I have no problem running mine an entire day though, even without a sling. The Krytac also uses mil-spec keymod and I don't think the SRXL does.\n\nRate of fire is much better. My Krytac shoots 25rps with an 11.1v 15-25c 1200mah lipo. I haven't measured the SRXL, but it's lower. I'd say around 20, maybe. \n\nThe Krytacs mosfet, while less fancy, is in the gearbox rather than in the buffer tube. It's just a nicer place. Lets you get a battery down the buffer tube.\n\nLike I said before, SRXLs really nice trigger response. Better than the Krytac. That, and the weight, are really the only things I'd say are better.\n\nI'm not, in any way, saying the SRXL is bad. I love the SRXL and if I had a ~~$230 budget, it would be my first choice (Well, maybe I'd look an Ameoba as well), but in my experience my Krytac blows it out of the water.", "316" ], [ "Yeah, I just meant it was much more central than I thought. Thought it was closer to the coast.\n\nI've actually only been to TAC around there. I lived in dorms, and they didn't allow airsoft guns. I hate renting equipment, and had actually only gone to TAC because I got some gear for Operation Overwatch I wanted to try out. TAC is very nice though, if you don't mind stepping in cow shit.", "904" ], [ "Lancer Tactical is one of the worst companies in airsoft. Their gun internals are \"Made of cheese\" according to a Redditor who's name I don't remember, and the owner of LT was recently arrested for copying Revisions goggle design, and it was found out the goggles did not pass ANSI Z87.1+ like advertised. Just overall a scummy company that sells garbage products to people who don't know better.", "59" ], [ "Here are a couple things I'd suggest:\n\n[Mechanix M-pact gloves](_URL_8_). I use them and they're great. Very comfy and provide very nice padding for your hands. I was shot in the hand maybe 5 times yesterday and they left no marks. Maybe get a different color, though. They come in tan, black, woodland, black and tan, black and red, yellow. Just a bunch of different ones. I'd suggest solid black or tan as they'll go with just about anything.\n\n[One Tigris mask](_URL_6_). Very comfy, cheap, provides all the important protection (teeth, lips, nose) while still covering your cheeks. Again, try to choose a color he might like. Solid tan, green, or black would go with most load outs.\n\nIf he doesn't have eye protection I'd suggest [Pyramex I-force](_URL_7_) or [Pyramex V2G-XP](_URL_0_). I use and love both. They've taken multiple shots with no dents, scratches, or cracks, and they don't fog.\n\nI wouldn't suggest a pistol holster if he doens't have a pistol. It's just pointless then. Besides, you really should get a holster designed for your pistol. Universal holsters are usable at best.\n\nI wouldn't suggest a vest either. That's something the person has to decide for themselves. They might want a low profile chest rig, or a large vest to provide protection, or maybe they just want a belt to hold things.\n\nYou could also get him a Visa pre-paid gift card. I know, it doesn't feel \"personal\", but I can tell you they're the best gifts I ever get. \n\nEdit: Some of the cheap things on [my Krytac](_URL_9_):\n\nI weaved [Paracord](_URL_5_) through the rails. Makes it look Oper8r as hell, and it's comfy to hold. Really cheap as well. 50ft is $6 from the store I linked. [Planet Paracord](_URL_10_) also has a lot of other colors.\n\nI also use the [Strike Industries keymod handstop kit](_URL_11_). It makes a comfortable place to hold your gun, and it's completely customizable. While Black is sold out on AirsoftGI, they still have [Coyote Brown](_URL_3_), [Flat Dark Earth](_URL_4_), [Grey](_URL_1_), and [Tan](_URL_2_)", "316" ], [ "I used the Raider as my first gun. It's solid. I would definitely recommend them. Decent externals, decent performance, never had a problem with it.\n\nAnother thing you can check out are the Classic Army Skirmish line. I'd put performance about equal to the G & G, but they also have a mosfet and quick change spring, and come with a battery and (shitty) charger. They do feel a bit more plasticy though. If you wanted a Scar, you might like the [Classic Army MK22](_URL_0_).", "316" ], [ "**Rose:** Had a great time at Miami Airsoft yesterday. Just overall a good day.\n\n**Thorn:** I turned a corner and was shot from about 3 feet away. About an hour later I noticed a [small blood stain](_URL_0_) on my shirt. The wounds not bad, it was just a bit shocking to look down and see blood on my shirt. Also, my pants got snagged on a fence and now has a [small hole on the knee](_URL_1_). Also having an [issue with my Bren's stock](_URL_2_). It's just kinda stuck.\n\n**Bud:** Washing my shirt, I guess? Also saving up for some VZ95 camo to go with the Bren.", "808" ], [ "Ah, I didn't realize the NcStar had a hydro carrier. I dislike NcStar gear, though, and would definitely spend the extra $18 on a [Condor Modular Chest Rig](_URL_0_), which has a hydro carrier, though that might not fit in OPs budget.\n\nI've also had a lot of trouble with Elite Force mags. About 50% of the ones I've gotten have broken that same day, and they rarely feed well in most of my guns. Besides that, they feel plasticy and look awful.", "144" ], [ "No problem.\n\nFor some of the other stuff:\n\nI've heard the HOG has some mag compatibiltiy issues, and because I don't own one I don't any that fit. For the G & G thouugh I've used [Ares Ameoba mid caps](_URL_2_), [G & P High RPS](_URL_1_), and [PTS EPMs](_URL_5_)\n\nWhats your budget on the chest rig? Do you want a chest rig or plate carrier?\n\nFor mask/eye protection, this is my entire head setup: [One Tigris mask](_URL_4_), [Pyramex I-force](_URL_6_), [Condor hat](_URL_0_), [Howard Leight impact sports](_URL_3_)", "316" ], [ "A chest rig is something like [this](_URL_1_). It's not for protection, it's made to hold things. It doesn't cover your back at all except for some straps, and it only covers a bit of your chest. It's what I use because they're comfortable and light, and I'm fine with getting shot.\n\nA plate carrier is something like [this](_URL_0_). It's design for protection. It covers your entire chest and back. Normally they'd hold bulletproof plates, but in airsoft people usually use foam, plastic, or no plates. I personally have foam in mine, as it helps it fit better.", "808" ], [ "To make a lens protector, I use a sheet of lexan. Basically I cut it to shape, then use silicone adhesive to keep it in place. Because I'm poor and don't have a dremel, I use a hacksaw. It's very difficult to cut a circle for, say, a T1 style red dot with a hacksaw. Eotech lenses are roughly square shape, which is simple to cut.", "696" ], [ "Hop up puts backspin on your BB, which makes it \"hop\". Basically, a nub pushes the rubber bucking down through a small cut out in your barrel and pushes against your BB, giving it backspin. What this does is give you a lot more range. \n\nan r-hop is a modification to your barrel that puts a piece of stuff (silicone, I think) in the window of the barrel. I'm not sure how it works, but it's supposed to provide more hop more consistently. /u/imarziali or u/lsherlockl can explain much better, as they actually install r-hops.", "473" ], [ "VFC has much better externals and nothing proprietary. Similar performance to Krytac\n\nICS is also similar performance but with a nice split gearbox. Some proprietary parts but nothing that isn’t great out of the box. Hop up is proprietary (MAXX makes an upgrade if you need it) and nozzle is AK length I think. \n\nClassic Army is similar performance but with a fancy mosfet and quick change spring.\n\nMaple Armouries is about as accurate but with better trigger response, a nice Jefftron mosfet, wired to deans, and actual quick change spring.\n\nPerformance between them all is pretty close. Just depends what you want. Maple Armouries is, in my experience, the best performing stock AEG. VFC Avalons are fantastic upgrade based, ICS are easy to open up because of the split gearbox, and Classic Army is just a nice performer.", "144" ], [ "I'd recommend just jumping in. You'll learn most of the basics on Tutorial Island. Once on the mainland, I'd recommend trying some quests. They're a good way to explore and get some rewards. Cook's Assistant, <PERSON>, and <PERSON> are right around Lumbridge, where you start. Prince Ali Rescue is nearby in Al-kharid.\n\nI'd also recommend keeping the wiki open. Nice to be able to look stuff up.\n\nIf you need any more help feel free to ask.", "491" ], [ "If you're looking for DMR-type performance, probably double that and you might be able to find something. $400 would probably be more reasonable for a decently built rifle. For something well built with good parts, probably closer to $500 if not over. If you just want, say, a stock A & K SR25 which performs like a mediocre AEG but looks like a DMR then you're probably looking at just over your budget, like $150-200 in good condition. You might get lucky and find something in your price range or find something beat to shit.", "316" ], [ "Combat Bracelet and try to get Barrows Gloves from Recipe for Disaster eventually\n\nAmulet of Glory if you can't afford a Fury.\n\nWarrior Ring for slash attack bonus. Otherwise Ring of Wealth for teleports and coin pick up.\n\nDo Monkey Madness for Dragon Scimitar\n\nGet a Dragon Defender from Warrior's Guild\n\nBerserer Helm or Helm of Neitz\n\nDragon boots. rune if you can't afford dragon.\n\nFighter torso\n\nObsidian legs, dragon legs, or barrows legs.\n\n<PERSON> cape from Ardougne acheivment Diaries.\n\nYou could start Konar slayer. Chance at Brimstone Keys and you level slayer, combat, and get some slayer points. Only problem is you might get a shitty task that can be hard or long to complete. For slayer you can use a Black Mask which is a straight up 16.67% attack and strength bonus.\n\nYou could also use full obsidian with an obby sword and berserker necklace. It's pretty expensive (I think ~7m for everything) but the dps is fantastic. Can't use it with a black mask though cause you need the obsidian helmet.", "128" ], [ "I’d recommend against a magnifier and EOTech clones. Both are shit. \n\nEOtech clones are pretty universally trash. Dark reflective lens, blurry and ghosting reticle, trash battery life, unreliable. Just awful red dots. The dark lens doesn’t matter too much using a red dot cause you aim past it rather than looking through it but with a magnifier it’s pretty important having a clear lens.\n\nMagnifiers, particularly cheap ones, aren’t much better. Combine the tinted glass of the magnifier and tinted red dot and you get a pitch black sight picture. My Primary Arms Long Eye Relief Magnifier is like 2.5” of eye relief and has a tiny eye box. The Avengers one is even worse. I could barely use it with eye pro on. For reference, my Vortex Crossfire 1-4x is like 4” eye relief and has a very forgiving eye box.", "868" ], [ "The problem is the crystals are too slow to gather for how many charges they give and they're untradable. It's just too inconvenient to use when you can just buy a rapier or take the dps loss with a tent whip.\n\nIf you're farming TOB or something, it might be better to just use a tent whip and buy more whips when it degrades than use the Blade and farm crystals constantly.", "453" ], [ "AKs, for whatever reason, tend to focus on externals over internals. M4s seem to be the opposite. That's not to say AKs perform badly, but you do usually see nicer performance and/or more features in stock M4s than AKs. With AKs you usually get a really nice body though.\n\nThat being said, if you want an AK CYMAs are great choices. They perform well and the externals are solid. Definitely wouldn't call them 'very entry level'. At least on par with G & G and, imo, just behind ICS and Classic Army M4s. LCTs are better, mostly with a much nicer body, but the motor is kinda sluggish. Cheap and easy upgrade though.", "316" ], [ "Dye pros:\n\n* No fog\n\n* Comfortable\n\n* Easy to throw on\n\n* More protection\n\n* Speedsoft aesthetic\n\nDye cons:\n\n* Harder to aim down sights\n\n* Limits head wear (Helmets and boonies for example)\n\n---\n\nGoggles and mesh pros:\n\n* Easier to aim down sights\n\n* Can take off lower mask to eat/drink/whatever\n\n* Milsim aesthetic\n\nGoggles and mesh cons:\n\n* Less protection, could be a gap between goggles and mask\n\n* Generally more fog\n\n* Generally less comfortable, mostly because of more straps\n\n* Fan goggles require batteries.", "362" ], [ "I prefer mid caps. I like loading them and forgetting about them as opposed to winding or pulling a cord. Also don’t want to deal with batteries for drum mags. I tend to find mid caps feed better then hi caps and drum mags too. They also add less weight to the rifle which I like.", "316" ], [ "As long as you understand you'll be at a big disadvantage and it won't be as fun as Youtubers make it out to be. It's a lot of sneaking around, waiting for your shot, missing, and getting shot or getting spotted and suppressed by someone who can shoot 20rps with a 300rd mag.\n\nIf you're really set on it, get something upgradable. A JG BAR-10, for example. It'll be utter crap out of the box but you can upgrade it to be good. You can upgrade an AEG to be as accurate though.", "316" ], [ "Start with an AEG, or automatic electric gun. They're the most reliable and practical styles to start with. Snipers and gas blowbacks can be fun but you're better off starting and learning on an AEG\n\nBefore buying anything, go to a field and rent for a day. Make sure you enjoy the sport before spending a lot on it. That way, if you don't enjoy it, you're out $20 instead of $200.", "316" ], [ "[The 'suppressor ready' CZ](_URL_0_) has a threaded barrel. The grey one even has suppressor height sights.\n\nThe 1911 TAC also has a threaded tip. I think also 14mm negative. It's pretty shit though and standard mags are only 15rds\n\nThere are threaded barrels available for hi-capas and glocks. I've heard heavy attachments can cause issues with the tilting barrel though. The Elite Force 1911 can have the same problem. I know you can get a fixed outer barrel for hi-capas. Not sure how to fix it on glocks.", "742" ], [ "13:1 or 12:1 will help rof and trigger response. I use SHS 12:1\n\nSHS, ZCI, and ASG motors are good. I use an ASG 28TPA motor.\n\nA mosfet isn't too hard if you know some soldering. You can also get drop-in units like a GATE Titan, Jefftron Leviathan, or Perun Optical. They're usually pretty expensive though. GATE is coming out with the Astar though which is basically a budget Titan. I think it'll be about $60", "316" ], [ "3m worth of cooked sharks, or about 3800 sharks, would last me months. Yes, that's worth doing an hour or two of Vork for.\n\nWhat's your other option? Spend 10 hours fishing them and an hour cooking them? You think that's a more efficient use of your time? Even on an alt you could be doing Gargs which are super AFK and make ~500k an hour which, if you buy them cooked, would get you ~700 sharks.\n\nBuy cooked sharks. Not worth spending 45 minutes cooking sharks to save money when you can do Vork or something to make more than you'd save.\n\nIf you want cheaper food, buy Potatos with Cheese. They're 332gp each and heal 16, like Monkfish. They're my goto slayer food.", "783" ], [ "Much lower capacity mags. 15-30rd mags vs 150-300rd mag with an AEG\n\nGas mags are much more expensive than AEG mags. For my AEG I get 5 120rd mid caps for $60. My 30rd hi-capa mags are $30 each.\n\nGenerally less reliable. GBBs and AEPs are just not as reliable as a full-sized AEG.\n\nGas costs money\n\nGBBs need more maintence than AEGs\n\nPistols are inherently harder to shoot accurately.", "316" ], [ "It's not bad. They're going for 46gp each. You'll be better off killing cows for cowhide though. They're going for 148 each. The beef also goes for 50gp. If you want to pick up everything (Bones, hide, beef) each cow kill is 250gp. Probably better to just fill your inv with hides though.\n\nLike Insufferable said, check out the Stronghold of Security. Run through, get 10k cash and some boots.", "835" ], [ "Cows absolutely. You might take some damage but bring an axe and tinderbox to make a fire and cook the beef you get and you'll be fine. You will need 7 quest points to sell the hides though. That's easily gotten by doing Cook's Assistant, <PERSON>, and Romeo and Juliet.\n\nStronghold of Security you can do as well. I don't think anything in there can hit above a 10 so if you run past everything fast and bring some food to heal up between hits you'll be fine.", "910" ], [ "I have yet to see proof about that. I mean yeah, going from a stock barrel to an aftermarket one will usually help accuracy, but going from a good 6.05 to an equally good 6.03 will do pretty much nothing. Bore quality is much more important.\n\nBesides, I don't see how that has anything to do with the barrel length or pistol vs rifle argument. You can get a tightbore in any length and for pistols. I have a 6.01 in my hi-capa and glock. Not because I particularly wanted a 6.01 but it came with the maple leaf hop up set and it's nicer than the stock barrels so why not.", "316" ], [ "Assuming the same fps, yes. My hi-capa is about as accurate as my rifles using the same bbs. Not quite as long range cause the fps is significantly lower but the accuracy is there. The bigger question is if you can take advantage of the accuracy. If I take my time and aim I can hit a torso-sized target at ~150ft with my pistols. In a game, aiming and shooting quickly, not even close.", "694" ], [ "Same fps, same quality barrel, hop up, bucking, and bbs, yes.\n\ngas guns do have some inherent fps inconsistencies. As the gas cools and heats up the pressure changes and so does the fps. If you shoot quickly, and the expanding and cooling gas cools down the mag and gun, it can cause some issues. If you take your time though there is no reason a pistol would be less accurate.\n\nI thought pistols were inherently less accurate as well. Then I tried a good pistol. Maybe you should try it?", "694" ], [ "I have an r-hopped VFC Avalon, a Maple Armouries with Maple Leaf Macaron 70D bucking and nub. Both are shooting +-3fps, around 370-375 w/ .2s. Also have a stock CYMA CM040D, and KJW KC02 with TNT APS-X bucking and barrel. I have some good rifles.\n\nMy pistols are a TM hi-capa with mostly upgraded parts, most importantly a Maple Leaf hop up set. Also have a WE G17 with a maple leaf hop up set. Both shooting ~1j, or 330fps w/ .2s. The Avalon is more accurate than my pistols, sure, but it's using a much nicer set up. The Maple Armouries using a very similar set up shoots about as accurately.", "316" ], [ "I'd recommend turning on shift-drop. Lets you hold shift and click items in your inventory to drop them. Just lets you drop stuff quickly. There aren't many settings to mess around with unless you get Runelite.\n\nMembership basically unlocks the whole game. Most of the map, a lot of skills, most items, almost all the quests. It's definitely worth it if you enjoy the game.", "668" ], [ "I don't really know of any beginner guides. There are a few series that might help though\n\n[Dicerz escaping f2p](_URL_0_) is a good sort of guide. He makes a new f2p account and tries to make enough gold for a bond, which gives 2 weeks of membership, while also leveling up his skills. \n\n[<PERSON> has a 1b from level 3 series going on](_URL_1_). Starts as a fresh account with a goal of making 1b gp. He doesn't buy membership, only uses bonds. He is an experienced player and it's not meant as a guide so probably don't follow it 100%. For instance, he starts killing <PERSON> pretty early on. <PERSON> is great money but has a pretty rough learning curve where you'll likely lose money while learning the mechanics and where to stand. He's done <PERSON> a lot on his main account so avoided that.", "491" ], [ "You'll want a hardwired mosfet. Plug and play ones don't protect trigger contacts which is what you want for an 11.1v.\n\nInstalling a mosfet isn't too bad, from what I've seen. Just some soldering. There are plenty of videos and guides on it.\n\nGATE, Jefftron, Perun, Nukefet, and Hulkfet I've heard are good. Between them you'll find one for pretty much every budget and style.", "333" ], [ "All good.\n\nThe Maple Armouries Marauder is almost identical to their higher end Blackout, just with a polymer body instead of metal. I personally use the Blackout and it's excellent.\n\nThe ICS Peleador is similar. I think it's pretty much the same as the higher end ICS with a polymer body and maybe a weaker motor. The split gearbox is cool.\n\nThe Classic Army ECS skirmish line is great. Good mosfet, good quality internals, good externals. Maybe not quite as nice as the Maple Armouries or ICS but a bit cheaper and in more styles.\n\nThe Tippmann Commando is pretty basic but a good reliable performer.\n\nCYMA AKs are also pretty basic but an AK. Good externals, good internals. Nothing to complain about except the pretty high fps that might not be allowed at a lot of fields.", "316" ], [ "I'd recommend doing some more questing. You can skip a lot of early levels with questing. Knight's Sword, for example, will get you straight to 29 smithing. Waterfall Quest will get you from 1 to 30 attack and strength. I think Tree Gnome Village and Fight Arena after that get you to 40 attack or close to it. It's a good way to jump start your account. It's also good to do them early because the xp rewards matter more. Getting from 1-30 attack and strength might take a few hours starting from scratch but, when they're level 70, that same 12k xp in each might take 10 minutes.\n\nI know you aren't looking for the 'optimal way to play' but even without the xp rewards they're good to do for a new player. Quests are a great way to explore the game and learn the lore.", "668" ], [ "I was just talking about this to someone a couple hours ago. He was peaking left but shooting right handed and was tilting his entire body out of cover, including his rifle, and wasn’t hitting anywhere close to who he was shooting at. I told him afterwards to try switching shoulders and he said he couldn’t cause he’s not accurate with his left hand and his scope doesn’t let him switch. Told him it’s a skill you have to practice to get good at.", "525" ] ]
[ 14741, 9723, 22596, 24419, 25338, 14286, 23443, 13609, 11862, 12268, 6126, 11615, 23916, 23300, 16055, 8164, 1585, 3563, 707, 9300, 963, 8008, 7234, 16009, 8794, 6061, 19602, 21512, 9082, 15633, 13540, 23774, 15595, 25192, 4015, 11715, 8990, 6988, 5474, 25380, 12967, 229, 21175, 4866, 15891, 18090, 23775, 22005, 16215, 4550, 21829, 16095, 10319, 137, 2157, 10317, 11563, 4344, 9955, 3928, 18273, 13504, 8916, 3303, 8764, 12707, 5352, 6409, 2577, 18977, 24332, 19392, 2906, 23457, 1294, 21386, 654, 17296, 18008, 13218, 5093, 11042, 2992, 24188, 5336, 145, 13422, 24342, 9186, 12626, 12123, 20967, 1594, 8609, 5777, 24357, 19942, 22079, 17971, 12028, 22811, 24152, 15067, 9389, 11467, 24698, 13082, 19365, 3541, 12581, 19906, 20143, 13353, 22953, 25433, 12082, 17521, 12300, 11462, 15280, 5553, 883, 11778, 13273, 17275, 3922, 21798, 11170, 18399, 18217, 6328, 25265, 3294, 12120, 14853, 4733, 12562, 4020, 18152, 11440, 25069, 372, 15055, 7478, 13844, 9664, 3594, 10620, 17998, 13865, 2535, 7641, 4599, 197, 17099, 19855, 14512, 4185, 1200, 5512, 9982, 20821, 17592, 11504, 23029, 18985, 23340, 8090, 1201, 7050, 2149, 14347, 9943, 16254, 13981, 6717, 15269, 13936, 4535, 13526, 10735, 5737, 23672, 4976, 25460, 15031, 3760, 4830, 1636, 12903, 1968, 4346, 3632, 156, 7564, 24788, 17079, 5229, 10140, 25364, 7016, 5745, 12530, 2738, 5552, 164, 22620, 7171, 12395, 22876, 19421, 3494, 19599, 19295, 8597, 8840, 16934, 17274, 5913, 13433, 9999, 1389, 12621, 3348, 4764, 2219, 690, 3679, 1711, 23782, 25352, 24039, 8832, 13888, 9852, 17536, 16269, 20568, 19120, 5570, 9680, 807, 24095, 6954, 100, 19861, 23898, 24509, 16340, 23537, 1223, 7126, 18490, 25219, 21598, 8846, 11842, 13206, 12646, 2260, 21884, 1891, 14518, 11192, 22214, 2329, 24670, 19006, 12711, 17541, 797, 5261, 19234, 12238, 3100, 17457, 21976, 16736, 8893, 22426, 25438, 11338, 2303, 24868, 13271, 3603, 1830, 1002, 14164, 17331, 14206, 334, 2561, 2377, 17694, 10847, 20297, 11487, 1919, 1299, 2504, 15482, 5101, 20493, 5648, 4665, 1651, 19280, 726, 1409, 25299, 2669, 17707, 765, 2498, 5413, 11121, 6961, 10509, 12817, 18150, 13944, 20942, 8748, 22510, 14011, 6472, 1248, 7798, 3127, 17665, 20662, 10700, 1096, 292, 3484, 11555, 8610, 11625, 4844, 1691, 6880, 18640, 16293, 16523, 13867, 7428, 24288, 3025, 4984, 5629, 13492, 12068, 3119, 1474, 11004, 5265, 7046, 15754, 1559, 9325, 1411, 23159, 23265, 22403, 23208, 11828, 3493, 12190, 18897, 7006, 19277, 6931, 25253, 18656, 5154, 24467, 11494, 7010, 9084, 11670, 24577, 19741, 3686, 20603, 16027, 6669, 3094, 12283, 16852, 25082, 1059, 4176, 18802, 23429, 21035, 20917, 11537, 25012, 8198, 22353, 23363, 12460, 8728, 13252, 10047, 23167, 15847, 6293, 12273, 15175, 8454, 25061, 17109, 2364, 7253, 10517, 2421, 16549, 1386, 2362, 17644, 15282, 22479, 5068, 23072, 2716, 14178, 22789, 8792, 24331, 283, 7077, 7481, 18176, 3805, 14885, 5497, 6363, 19926, 17009, 16950, 17340, 25415, 8599, 6619, 15926, 14154, 12408, 692, 20862, 5041, 9432, 10644, 8342, 5403, 17342, 19214, 345, 18250, 1012, 16105, 1419, 14202, 24845, 139, 25105, 1881, 25217, 24473, 25255, 189, 25234, 7988, 11045, 9421, 4387, 16309, 8440, 1505, 22820, 8372, 21076, 1396, 3516, 13701, 2634, 21100, 21325, 17403, 9803, 11242, 1823, 6812, 3692, 17697, 21993, 11714, 8526 ]
[ [ "I'm surprised the Fable series wasn't brought up here, since the whole basis is about your choices affecting the game. It's great if you haven't tried it yet. The Lost Chapters (first installment) is on steam for $10.\n\nThere's also Shadow the Hedgehog (gamecube). Sort of a dark spinoff game from the Sonic franchise that I think is highly underrated. It's quite fun and the story can be pretty immersive at times. Personally, i like the music.\n\nIn Warframe, while your choices don't necessarily affect the end result, you do get a few different options in the dialogue to pick from while playing the story quests, and your overall \"rating\" gets displayed on your profile with a symbol.\n\nRunescape also has choice of dialogue in the storyline, which is actually pretty immersive and funny imo. If they'd simply make it f2p instead of demo mode with p2p for 90% of the content, it'd be amazing, but from what I've observed, they seem to be actively making more and more content available to free players as time goes on (I'm guessing the new head is trying to cut 10+ years worth of red tape to make it more accessible). We'll see where it ends up in a few years I suppose, but it's fun to try the free mode if you're into grindy rpg types.", "368" ], [ "Hmm... i can kinda see both being applicable.\n\n\"Strike while the iron is hot\" is more to say if you want something to happen, you have to seize the opportunity now instead of later, when you have time to \"cool off\" about it, so i see it being applicable to this day.\n\nI can see your saying being more about fsilure and fixing your mistakes sooner rather than waiting for them to spiral out of control.", "328" ], [ "\"Shit-eating\" in this sense refers to a mischievous grin associated with covering something up. In this example, think of The Chimpmunks live action movie where <PERSON> eats um... I wanna say <PERSON>'s turd, exclaiming \"it's a piece of chocolate\" attempting to cover up that something bad had happened so <PERSON> wouldn't get in trouble.\n\nHad a bit of trouble finding the clip, so if anyone else can, I'd appreciate it.\n\nIt's generally associated with hiding something of any sort nowadays.", "702" ], [ "Firstly, sims 3 has a hard time keeping 60fps even on $3000+ rigs, so you probably won't be able to find specs for ideal gaming conditions for that (it's a result of the devs basically being terrible at optimization, not the specs).\n\nBut as far as those two you've listed, they both seem on the lower end of the spectrum. For simple levels of gaming with sims and city games at a decent quality that won't fry your computer, you'll want about 4-6GB of ddr3-ddr4 RAM, I'd say around 2.7+GHz on the CPU (2.5 minimum but you'll be playing at around 15-30fps on the more CPU-intensive games if you don't invest in a bit more), at least a 6th gen intel or AMD 5500 HD GPU (I'd very strongly suggest taking the plunge and getting at least an NVidia GTX series card instead, but that's between you and your budget), and depending on how many games you plan to install (or mods, for that matter) maybe 500GB to 1TB+ of HDD storage (SSD is essentially better, but a 500GB SSD is at least double the price of a 500GB HDD, since the SSD storage technology hasn't really advanced to the point of being able to hold very much in comparison). \n\nMy honest suggestion would be, if possible, to save your current money and invest in something better. (A $1000+ setup can make a night and day difference for gaming, even on a basic and infrequent level, plus gaming computers are extremely versatile for other things too, like special effects designing, sound engineering, and creating game engines/rendering as well). \n\nUltimately it'll boil down to your current financial situation, what you do for work, etc. but ultimately you'll want something more in the $400-500 pricetag for what you're wanting. That kind of setup that i listed won't be able to handle running a browser AND game at the same time, though. It would probably freeze up or crash if you tried to multitask.\n\nIf the two above are your only choices, then possibly the AMD setup since it has 7th gen technology, but imo neither are worth the investment you plan to put into them. There's also things like bloatware (those horrible programs that the computer won't let you uninstall but you have no actual use for like Microsoft Edge or Dell Photo Editor or whatever), antivirus (personally, i like malwarebytes since it'spretty easy on your computer and doesn't call an air strike every 5 minutes to get you to pay more, but again that's your decision to make. Avast is also decent except for the ads... god, the ads...), and multitasking (opening chrome tabs and watching youtube while you play sims 4, for example) to consider when making your choices, which is why it's always prudent to consider saving up and getting better with computers. \n\nIf you want a good deal for an investment and don't plan to have crazy amounts to spend, I would very strongly suggest an IBuyPower pre-built if you're in the US or Canada, or CyberPowerSystem if you're in the UK or Europe. They both do a decent job of making pre-built computers with different parts and little to no bloatware involved. \n\nIf you're looking to spend even less money than that, and you were good with legos as a kid, I would suggest maybe building your own using a site like _URL_0_ or some other site someone will probably suggest. Either way, this and the previous paragraph will allow you to spend the same or less money for a better setup basically, so imo it's worth looking into at the very least.", "757" ], [ "\"Cow\" does refer to a female that has given birth before, where bulls are the males. However, cow is also the singular form of \"cattle\" and a bull is a male cow in that sense.\n\nA Heifer is another term for a female cow, albeit one who hasn't had children yet ( or has only had one calf) and is generally younger.\n\nThere's also \"maverick\" which is a term used for a cow, male or female, that hasn't been branded.\n\nCastrated bulls are known as \"steer\" \n\nA pregnant female cow close to calving is a springer.\n\nFor general use, however, \"cow\" is the preferred generic singular for \"cattle\". Usually those familiar with cattle will refer to them by their appropriate terminology based on gender, but the collective is \"cow\".\n\nAs stated in _URL_0_ \n\n\"Cow is in general use as a singular for the collective cattle, despite the objections by those who insist it to be a female-specific term.\"", "157" ], [ "Tbf the earth itself isn't all that different than it was 2 billion years ago. It's just the life that's changed.\n\nIf you're asking about the life that was on earth originally, that's more or less impossible because of the number of extinct species brought about through natural occurrences, humans, weather, other animals hunting them down, etc. \n\nIf you're talking about pollution and structures essentially cancelling out and the nature being less synthetically altered as humans have been doing for millenia, then I'd say anywhere from 800-1000 years for full immersion, with different places being affected at different rates based on the amount of pollution, what type of pollution, how big the structures were, what those structures were made from, ahether or not certain life forms adapt to eat pollution and structures or whether it gets taken over by competing organisms who simply learn to adapt to the pollution, etc. etc.", "366" ], [ "Just explain to them that it exists, and it's a healthy way to get a release for when your urges build up. It's also wise to explain that it's no replacement for the real thing, and that, outside of instructional videos specifically designed to educate people about certain practices, it should in no way be used as a reference for what the opposite gender enjoys or wants in terms of sexual conduct or flirtation.\n\nEdit: it might also be a good idea to detail safe porn-surfing sites and tactics, as a lot of ads and certain sites can fill ones computer full of malware and such. My suggestion would be to view any site for pornographic content with some form of ad-blocker, and if a site witholds content for using the adblocker, to use a different site. A good 80% or more of malware obtained from such sites is in the form of the banner ads placed on them.", "518" ], [ "Yeah it's hard to stay properly hydrated, especially in a day and age where soda is more commonly consumed than water.\n\nI remember when I went to basic training in Ft Sill, OK, I pretty much went through soda withdrawal since all that you were allowed to have was water. Didn't help that the water was also from a giant metal tank and communal at best. \n\nAlso don't forget that water alone isn't enough to stay properly hydrated. You need electrolytes like salene or gatorade when you've been sweating a lot, like on a particularly warm day or if you've been exercising for a bit.", "982" ], [ "This, but also if a cop doesn't like your face and tells the chief they have suspicions about your actions, they can be issued a warrant if the people involved are good friends or also hate your face. The system doesn't always try to fuck you, but it can be corrupted sometimes. \n\nIf you are being investigated by the police without declaration of suspicion and/or proper identification before said issuance, you can take it up with an attorney on charges of false incrimination, entrapment, and/or corruption. A lot of laywers will do free consults and may be willing to help if they feel you have a strong enough case to work with.", "260" ], [ "This basically. Vaginal relaxation and wetness are very important in sex, and can cause serious injury and indirectly cause infections if you proceed regardless. \n\nBest way to combat this is to let her go at her own pace sexually. Let her know that all you want is for her to be as comfirtable as possible and that you'll go only as far as she wants you to. Let her know there's no pressure and that she cant take as long as she needs.\n\nAlso helps to get her to touch herself sexually while you watch. It'll help to arouse both her and you, and will allow you to learn things she does to make herself feel good.\n\nMusic and lighting can help with comfort and establishing a sexual rhythm (not even kidding, hump your girl in rhythm to a sexual song and watch her go crazy over it. There's a reason \"sexy\" songs are popular). \n\nSame can go for males. If you're not comfortable sexually, it can be hard to perform to your fullest. If your man is feeling any anxiety, the same logic applies as above.", "581" ], [ "Poor thing. You clearly haven't had enough good experiences with men. \n\nThat being said, I have to say you can't really blame guys for not knowing when 90% of the porn that's available is extremely rough or fetish-worshipping content with no regards to the happiness or even health of the performers, sexual or otherwise. \n\nIt kind of establishes a negative feedback loop by implying terrible advice like how communication isn't important, lube is almost never needed or used, forcing yourself on the other person is perfectly ok, condoms aren't needed nor wanted, etc. It's pathetic how poorly general pornography represents realistic sexual encounters. \n\nUnfortunately, that and the fact that most places adhere to an abstinence-only sex education curriculum can lead to very ignorant and poorly made sexual choices. \n\nThe best way to combat this is to, as a willing sexual partner, establish ground rules of communication and responsiveness to advancement beforehand so as to help them understand what it is you like and perhaps make each time afterward more interesting and pleasurable.", "518" ], [ "Not gonna lie, I left Runescape a long time ago because i felt the company and game were going to shit and slowly dying, but i came back like 5-6 years later to find that they've changed quite a bit of content and are slowly building a way for the game to simply bridge to completely f2p. It also seemed like the community is a lot less toxic and more helpful these days. \n\nI actually kinda enjoy playing now, though i still hate the freemium nonsense on top of the cash shop. Still, they're actively trying to make it more freebie-friendly, and i respect that they gotta make money somehow.", "838" ], [ "Let's address this head-on.\n\nA. It does imply that you've had such experiences regularly enough to be able to speak up against it, unless you're just talking out of your ass.\n\nB. Not all men are ignorant and lazy as you seem to believe. A lot of men look to pornography to learn how sex works, especially when they have no experience in the field.\n\nC. Pornographic literature is more generally intended for a female demographic. Men generally look for more visual methods of stimulation than mental stimulation, statistically speaking. \n\nD. Men spend more money on sexual media statistically soeaking, therefore the dominant market is to appeal to them. If you want better porn, invest your opinions into pornhub and detail how they can do a better job in a professional manner.\n\n<PERSON> is not the end-all be-all representative for heterosexual male sexuality. He's one person and his opinions and ideas represent him and his ideas only. If his wife enjoys that sexual behavior, then that's perfectly fine for them. If she doesn't, then she'll divorce him. Pretty simple stuff. Some women actually do enjoy being shamed, abused, and mistreated as proven by many many social media posts and arguments. If both parties enjoy that action, then it's still perfectly consensual. \n\nF. The attitudes each individual has is beholden to that individual alone. It doesn't come from anything else except the beliefs that individual has. If <PERSON> believes he is the king and his wife should be subservient to him, that's because that's what he believes and nothing you were to say or do would change that mentality. \n\n\nAgain, as with what I've said in the last comment, you can educate your sexual partners in the future by explaining how you feel and showing them what you enjoy through healthy communication. What you might like, another girl might not. Not all women are the same in terms of their sexual or other preferences, and to assume/imply otherwise is misogynistic at best. You might like it when a guy nibbles on your ear, but another woman would hate that being done. \n\nPu t simply, communicate with your partners before and during sex. It works more times than not, and if it doesn't, then maybe the relationship isn't meant to work out.", "518" ], [ "Mostly because it's impossible to truly predict weather accurately. The best you can do is attempt to read a pattern in the weather that's happened in the past and make rough predictions based on cloud movement, wind speed, cloud types, humidity, temperature, air pressure, etc. \n\nTo this day, observing clouds is still considered the most accurate way to determine weather wothin the next 2-3 hours.", "891" ], [ "While i will agree that purpose isn't necessary for existence, it does help if you serve a role in your community. It's the same as us living in society. People will be more likely to accept your existence if you contribute to the community in some way.\n\nIn the case of bedbugs, I'd say their role would be population control through spread of disease, similar to a mosquito or flea.\n\nThey drink blood, exactly the same as fleas and mosquitoes, and can spread diseases in a similar manner. This isn't including allergic reactions to their bites or deaths from that (it's a negligible amount, don't worry).\n\nLight reading:\n\n_URL_0_", "810" ], [ "I'm not a cop, but as a person who is trained in combatives and handling armed combatants, I would imagine it'd be preferred that you have all the documentation proving that you own the car, can legally drive it, have legally obtained insurance on it, and are legally allowed and possibly insured to carry any and all weapons and are certified to do so by a government agency or company dealing in certain matters (for example, a repossession officer has to be certified in order to carry protection while on duty). And if they ask, maybe explain why you carry all that weaponry around and explain your setup (I've had cops ask about my mp-40 and talk about specs before, being genuinely interested in the trigger weight, recoil, etc. Sometimes they like talking about guns, but they also have a job to know you won't be a danger to society with said guns. Pick and choose your moments to show it off I'd say.", "222" ], [ "Lol that's between you and your wallet, mon amí. But yeah, i think people are a bit too afraid of AI sentience for us to create it within our lifetimes, or at least for awhile until we can be sure there's not gonna be an I, Robot (great read/watch btw, for anyone who hasn't read/seen it) situation happening when it does.\n\n\nEdit: wow you guys are idiots. I know I, Robot isn't avout sex dolls. That's not what I was talking about.\n\nI meant the AI thing, god.", "917" ], [ "If by \"duplicate data\" you mean like, a program copied for general distribution, then I'd say around 99% of it is, with the rest existing as original prototypes or stand-alone complexes.\n\nIf you're referring to it to mean \"reposts\" then... I'd say around 80-85% give or take. People are lazy when it comes to presenting origknal ideas and would prefer to post a relatable concept for internet popularity.", "185" ], [ "Well, I would imagine not many blind folks browse reddit, but I've been proven wrong on other things before...\n\n\nThat being said, I don't believe many blind or deaf people have gone full Daredevil on us. Generally it's a noticeable improvement due to sensory deprivation, but I'd imagine most are happy if they can just break even usually.", "945" ], [ "Deoends on what you consider \"filthy rich\" I'd imagine. Billionaires don't often hang out with millionaires, if you get what I'm saying.\n\nThat being said, most millionaires and billionaires are generally too busy doing business things and partying to the max and attemptimg to impress us paupers with their success and financial security to browse social media for anything more than marketing polls and surveying demographics.", "580" ], [ "Depends on what you mean by \"porn\" and \"bad\" I'd say...\n\nIf by \"porn\" you mean the effect of pornography on people and their sexual routines, then it depends on factors like amount watched, whether it's interfering with or effectively replacing a healthy sex life, the specific type of porn watched, etc.\n\nIf by \"porn\" you mean videos and pictures of nudity and sexual acts people generally consume via the internet or books, then it depends on production expenses, talent involved and their own acting abilities, appearance to the viewer, the film quality and possibly file size of it, the plot, the story, the chemistry between the characters in dialogue, etc.\n\nAs for whether it's good or bad, that's all personal choice. What you define as bad, 3 million other people might love more than life itself. It's too relative a term, whether it's being used to refer to morality or quality.", "518" ], [ "I see a lot of people here talking about apologizing not being a sign of weakness, but I feel like nobody's really establishing the difference between \"admitting when you've done something wrong\" and \"being submissive and saying sorry because it's easier and you beat yourself up over it and take it personally every time some little thing happens\". I feel like these things need to be addressed and accounted for.\n\nApologies can come in many different forms and for many different reasons, as I've described partially already. Knowing how, when, and why you should apologize is extremely important, and can make or break your honor and reputation, as well as whatever form of trust exists between you and the person being apologized to.\n\nIf you fuck up, and follow it up with an acknowledgment and confession that you fucked up, and you actively take aims toward righting your wrongs, a lot of people, whether they like you or not, will respect that about you, and see you as a responsible and reliable human being. That being said, you shouldn't be apologizing or making so many mistakes that your word loses credibility, and you should also not apologize over small or inconsequential things like misspelling your name on a term paper or something. Sometimes it's understood when you acknowledge the mistake and attempt to fix it to the best of your ability without having to say anything except \"oh... yeah lemme fix that real fast.\"\n\n\nIf you fall to the floor and beg for forgiveness every time you put a \"+\" instead of a\" -\", or misspell a commonly used word, and do it so often to the point where people imagine you as nothing more than that moment where your on the floor groveling, there's a serious problem that needs to be addressed.\n\nIt takes practice, observation, and rational judgment to determine where you should apologize and where you should simply try to fix the mistake for future reference. Remember, there's a difference between a typo and accidentally breaking the $3 billion rocket you were commissioned to build in terms of how and whether you should apologize, but no matter how you fuck up, you should always try to edify yourself to do something right by you and everyone around you. \n\nAlso, you should learn how and when a punishment is appropriate and whether you did something to deserve it. I feel a lot of people are lacking in this, and it tends to show in people who have been abused and continue to stay with the abuser, or other things like that. Like, if you cheat on your wife and she decides she never wants to speak to you again, that is a punishment you may have to bear. If you drop your pencil in class, you don't deserve five lashes across the back, stuff like that. The punishment should fit the crime, as they say. A real adult can understand when a punishment is deserved and will carry out their sentence with no complaints, but will have the pride and ability to speak up for and defend him/herself if the punishment doesn't fit the crime. \n\nIt's difficult to pull it off sometimes, but that's how a lot of things in life go. When you can make the difficult decisions like that, you will earn the resoect of your peers, whether they like you or not. \n\nThat being said, a responsible adult will also try their hardest not to fuck up or, if they slip, will at least try to minimize the damage before it becomes a true fuck-up. \n\nThat's not to say \"cover up the mess before anyone finds out\". That's just being petty. \n\nI'm saying if you accidentally find yourself about to trip, you attempt to catch yourself while trying not to damage the thing you tripped over before you fall and take the hit. If you happen to fall anyway, accept that it happened, repair any damages that may have been caused by your actions, apologize if necessary, and move on with your life. \n\nTHAT is the mark of a truly responsible, intelligent, and mature person, and one who garners a lot of respect in his/her life at that.", "219" ], [ "Honestly, the fact that they tried to release a half-baked game woth poor mechanics and shitty gameplay really made a lot of people, inclusing me, question both their abilities as game developers and the trust that they actually managed or even tried to fix it. \n\n\nIf i can't trust a game developer to do the things they say they'll do, what they do stops being worth investing in. It's just like with anyone else who promises something and doesn't deliver. What proof do they have that they won't let you down even more? Ya know?", "7" ], [ "The better question you should ask yourself is, is the car worth the amount you're paying? That much a month implies that you got something 2013 or better, but what make and model? If you're paying almost $500/mo for a Kia, you might've fucked up somewhere. If you got a Lincoln MK-Z sport edition for that price, you're doing pretty well.\n\nAnother question is, what's the established payment plan. A 10 month payment plan would imply your car is worth around $4,000 or so. If you're paying over a 60 month payment plan, then you're gonna be stuck with a $20,000 car for 5 years with interest. If that's worth it to you, and you can afford it without worrying about anything, then great!", "130" ], [ "Basically the idea of a communist government ideal setup is:\n\nEveryone contributes equally, everyone gets equal resources. \n\nThe goal in this system is essentially to prevent concepts of unfairness, greed, or resentment for ones neighbor's resources. Everyone is paid equally, everyone has equal access to all the resources in the pool, everyone contributes equally so one person isn't working hard while 4-5 others sit and bitch all day.\n\nIn that logic, there is a higher chance for peace, comradery, no homeless or poor, no elite rich, no castes or class systems of any kind, just equal contribution for equal survival.\n\nIn this way, people consider it an ideal setup for government and economy. \n\nWhat people don't consider is that someone has to be in power to enforce all these rules and ideas. Most people who are in that place of power become corrupted by it, and they collect as much money as they can, kill anyone who defies them, and utilizes the resources to do things like start wars, oppress the people (\"if they get paid less, but still equal, I'll make more money for me\" kinda shit), etc. \n\nThey also don't consider that not all jobs are equal, and therefore logically require different amounts of pay (i.e. police officers having to basically fight off hoardes of citizens who are storming the palace, or one guy doing the work of four while three people get paid to do nothing). \n\nThe reason it's bad in practice, basically, is because it fails to account for the imperfection of man. No accounting for ambition, greed, laziness, the desire to stand out, etc.", "534" ], [ "Pretty much anything in that budget will almost need to be a Logitech. I personally used a $10 logitech mouse that I got at walmart for about 3 years and it still works to this day.\n\nCold cut to my god damn Razer Death Adder that I got last year and it pooped out on me 3 months ago, and wasn't even that great while it lasted. Fuck Razer, man.", "885" ], [ "Yeah i have a rental agreement with at least three spiders in my house. \n\n1. I don't see you crawling on or toward me, you won't see my five-fingered eviction notice (calling that band name. I got dibs). \n\n2. You catch bugs, and we'll be tight. Bonus points for the bigass mosquitos that are the size of my hand.\n\n3. Stay away from my cats... I'm not responsible for your safety should one spot you.\n\n4. Weave your web high and tight and out of my way, and I'll give you the occasional water mist to survive on, as well as all the bug juice you can catch. If I have to pull your home off my face, I'm going to pull your spirit out of your body.\n\nSimple things. I run a strict, but fair house. I respect you if you respect me.", "478" ], [ "This. It also depends on how good their agents are. Good agent = mad cash. Bad agent = bad cash.\n\nDepending on the popularity of the poster in question, the average subscription deviation, margin for demand, and company(ies) involved, those models can make upwards of $50,000 per post. Some of those girls can hit 7 digit sums.", "392" ], [ "Basically in order:\n\n1. Some cell types last longer than others, namely skeletal bone cells have the most preserved bodies even after death. Generally it's scraped from the marrow or residual bone matter to test DNA.\n\n2. I honestly couldn't tell you that, but it does have a LOT of mitochondria. \n\n3. Sometimes the dust works, but despite what I said earlier, nothing truly lasts forever. Eventually the cells decay and the bone gets replaced by rocks indented or calcified into the bone formation and there are no cells left to scrape from. That's why we can't pull genes from ancient folks like <PERSON>. Damn fossilization.", "833" ], [ "First off, why does this have a nsfw tag on it?\n\nSecondly, no. He urged people to judge others by their actions as opposed to their demographics (more limited to the color of their skin, but the idea was a bit effervescent into demographics as a whole.) \n\nThe reason behind this was because the separate yet equal^tm logic wasn't working. Segregation and discrimination were very popular at the time, and people just saw lil black nuggets as less than people. They got lower quality goods and resources from traders, unclean water, backhanded comments from people calling them all sorts of names, and finding humiliating ways to degrade them. \n\nThis caused big nugget to decide to lead peaceful protests inspired by the work of <PERSON> (look him up. He did some cool shit). Naturally, <PERSON> tried to force him out through violence and furthef oppression, but he continued fighting and garnered the support of the others looking for equal rights.\n\nAnyway gl on your exam without having tried google first.", "303" ], [ "Honestly it depends on the body and how long it's been decomposing. Obviously a live cell is easier to extract from than a dead cell, because mitochondria don't quite enjoy parting with their DNA as much as, say, the nucleus of a squamous dermal cell (like the inner cheek). It also depends on the type of technology being used to identify the DNA. Certain organelles and certain cell types can provide much more accurate results and give clearer insight into the code itself. \n\nI'm not exactly a genomicist, so idk how much more I can really answer. I would suggest talking to someone who's studied it on a more than basic level XD", "833" ], [ "Are you really peaking at the point where you're having a nihilistic crisis? \n\nI'm sure it would actually get better if you consider life as a series of new discoveries instead of a race to the top of the mountain.\n\nIf you drive as fast as you can to the top of the mountain, of course you're gonna have to go back down. The question is, when will you look around you and enjoy the beauty instead of focusing on that damn mountain?", "4" ], [ "They were also pretty big on genetic modification well before ole gregory discovered the concept. They made all kinds of different wines that to this day make italy famous through that genetic modification (it was more just cross-breeding and shit, but still). \n\nThey dammed rivers, allowed fresh water to be stored into reservoirs and pumped through to fountains, primitive toilets, sinks, and they invented bird baths as well.", "426" ], [ "It's a question an interviewer will most likely ask you, especially in a highly competitive job.\n\nYou have to basically prove how you can contribute to the cause in a way that is unique and allows them to root out the kind of person you are.\n\nThey agree to take the interview because a good hiring agent has to make sure they're going to get the right person for the job, and in doing so they'll interview anyone who's qualified to have the job in an attempt to find the closest to ideal candidate that they can to best support the goals of the group involved.", "979" ], [ "Idk who this person is, but as a man I find this post very misogynistic and obnoxious. \n\nWomen are seeing a statistical trend in obesity, yes, but so are men and transgendered and hermaphroditic people as well. Obesity itself is just on the rise. You can't assume it's only related to women. \n\nThey work the same and get paid approximately 72-75% of what men get paid, statistically, and they don't usually expect men to do anything for them. About 65% of women in the world today live either with their parents, with a roommate, or on their own. They don't want anything to do with you or living off of your dime. \n\nIf you want to rant about an ex-girlfriend, there are specific subreddits for that, or if one doesn't suit your needs you can specifically create one to do just that. This, however, is not such a place. This sub is more based on the general struggles females tend to go through and venting about things like past traumas without fear of judgment from the readers. \n\nIt seems that you've essentially taken a platform that these wholesome women have developed and used it to insult them as a gender, which, imho, is kind of a dick move.\n\nAlso, I'm not necessarily standing up and defending the people of this specific subreddit; they don't need me to. I just felt like calling out such a misogynistic comment as I saw it come across my feed. That was offensive to ME, and I'm a male. I don't even get offended that easily, yet I still felt like I needed to set you straight. \n\nAnyway, I hope you find the sub you're looking for to vent about your shitty girlfriend. Good luck.", "379" ], [ "Actually, African Americans have a notably higher chance of obtaining sickle cell anemia and african sleeping sickness than caucasian americans, even ones originating from africa. That gene would have been more or less useless in the US for the past 200 years at least, so if it was based purely for the purpose of gaining immunity to malaria, it should've bred out by now, or at least been more diluted. This to me proves it's not about geography, though I'm sure it played a major part in the gene coming to fruition. People with more melanin in their skin also tend have a lower chance of being sunburned and getting certain types of cancer like melanoma. \n\nAs for a source for the ashkenazi thing, I found this.\n\n_URL_0_ \n\nThe fist paragraph notes that they have a higher rate of obtaining Haemophilia_C due to their genetic structure.", "769" ], [ "I made no such statement. You're barking up the wrong tree.\n\n\nThat being said, i do believe there are subcategories in the species homo sapiens sapiens. These are called ethnicities for some reason, instead of subspecies. They adapt to their geographic location through increased melanin production and other methods to survive better.\n\n It's like with cats. There are tabby and calico and Persian, Himalayan, etc. But each one is a subspecies of house cat.", "769" ], [ "Our biscuits are very different from european biscuits. Ours are light, fluffy, bread things made with flour and buttermilk and we put jam and butter and sometimes meat (sausage, egg and cheese biscuit, anyone?) and stuff on them. We call your biscuits \"cookies\" though our range of cookies extends a bit past your biscuits. \n\nTrunks are the backs of cars where you put things, tree stems or elephant snouts. Oh, there's also swim trunks, which are male swim shorts.\n\nTrolleys are a type of above-ground rail carriage thing that transports people.\n\nShuttles are both travelling compact busses that take you places and the part of a spacecraft that holds people for transport. \n\nBrilliant refers to luminosity or intelligence. \n\nWe call the places we go potty restrooms or bathrooms.\n\nChips are fried crisps, and crisps are baked chips that are slightly thicker.\n\nFlapjacks are thicker, fluffier pancakes.\n\nThe thing you carry your luggage in is a cart, also a shopping cart or buggy is what you transport your groceries in while shopping that has wheels. A carrier or basket is the handheld one. \n\nThat's all from the top of my head for now. I'll edit as I remember more.\n\nOh, pyjamas are pajamas here, colour is color, behaviour vs behavior, grey vs gray, etc. Lotta spelling variants.", "738" ], [ "You might have pinched a nerve. Might wanna get it checked out since, if you pinch the nerve with too much pressure or for too long a time, you can potentially sever the connection and lose feeling in the area involved. \n\nFor those of you about to downvote me to hell, mind that I didn't say \"sever the nerve\" just an interference with the connection to the brain.", "461" ], [ "Yeah people are idiots. Mirror neuron reflexes can't diagnose mental illness. People are just too stupid to accept that having MANY signs might suggest something. This leads them to be lazy and believe that only showing one sign is damning evidence. \n\nBut yeah, they say it shows lack of empathy because your mind doesn't \"acknowledge\" the pther person yawning as something relatable.\n\nFrankly that might be true, but it could also be true that your genetic code or life experience has simply ignored the neurological signal to yawn when others do.", "338" ], [ "Maybe you're not giving it to her in a medium she can accept well. Paper books are great for people who want the feeling of a book, but she might enjoy audiobooks or reading them from her phone or similar device. \n\nMaybe having her read the book aloud so that \"we can both figure out what happens next\" will work, and asking her questions related to the story may help with her retention and patience.\n\nAlternatively, she might prefer reading poetry, play scripts being acted out, or maybe she enjoys tonal poems or lyrical songs. Everyone consumes stories in varying ways. People will focus when you find the thing that piques their individual interest.", "721" ], [ "Nah, people have been idiots since the beginning of humanity. Only reason we haven't gone extinct yet is because the intelligent few drag the ignorant masses by the ears into progress and technological advancement, which the masses then thrive off of only to completely forget those few even existed.\n\nKinda like how <PERSON> is one of the only people right now actually proceeding to advance technology to push us into a better era with sheer force of will and seemingly unlimited financial reserves.", "795" ], [ "Not as far as i know, unless they added a new thing where it automatically subscribes to channels related to ones in your subscription page.\n\nIf so, there's a way to opt out of it in the settings. Google's pretty chill about letting you opt out of things.\n\nMost likely, someone (or a pet) got on one of your logged devices and either intentionally or unintentionally subscribed to <PERSON>.", "999" ], [ "Fucking right? My mother watches this show because it's \"intellectual\". To me, it just seems like a cheap nerdy version of Two and a Half Men. I have sat through dozens of episodes in both and they're just one cheap joke after another. I still have yet to laugh at any of it. It's just a bunch of nerds who happen to have a waitress living next door and for whatever reason she joins their little clique... (don't even get me started on how two Ph.D.s in theoretical physics hired by a university and probably making six-figure salaries can't afford an apartment in the same building as a waitress who lives alone, and an engineer has to live with his mother...)\n\nIf I wanted to see a bunch of physicists hanging out and making cracks about the mechanics of a subparticle in superposition, I'd go back to college...\n\nThat being said, I respect <PERSON> charisma in front of a camera. He's got spunk.", "367" ], [ "Honestly it depends on your definition of \"making it\" here.\n\nIf you mean \"have a job working as a musician where they are financially stable and are able to afford living costs in the town they work in\" then the odds are around 1:5 (18% or so). There are quite a few musicians who get popular enough as studio performers, stage background musicians, and bar gig runners to have a stable paycheck doing it. It's a lot easier than the path to major fame, and a lot of people see it as a good settling point. \n\nIf you mean like \"50m+ followers about to hit Skrillex levels of fame and being paid $500k every time they say 'eat fresh'\" then the odds are quite a bit lower. I'd say around 1:10,000 give or take (0.0001%). \n\nThere's a lot that goes into it, and people who want international fame have to ultimately work their asses off with little sleep and living off of pure desire for fame and notoriety. Generally even then it takes quite a bit of time of living like that before a bigtime agent/company will sponsor you, if it happens at all. \n\nYou also have to be able to maintain that level of fame before you get a renewed contract, let alone getting other companies to compete to buy you out. A lot of people who strike the fame lotto ticket die out as fast as they get a hit out. The guy who sang the Cha Cha Slide song being a great example. This happens to about 80% of the hit artists you hear on the radio. Around 15% will last long enough to get a renewed contract and become a household name for a few years (generally these people take their money, name recognition, and knowledge of marketing and business picked up from touring, and use that for other things, like opening up restaurants or making clothing lines). Then there are the 5% who are so ridiculously addicted to mastering and upholding their craft and retaining the fame they crave that they manage to last longer than 10 years as an influential regular chart topper. These guys, like <PERSON>, <PERSON>, <PERSON>, etc. generally will go on as long as the public will allow them to be famous, and either die in fame or fade out with the insane wealth they've accrued and use it for a baller retirement. \n\nUltimately it's a combination of living the lifestyle of no sleep, hard work, and stressing out over new album titles, song concepts, the deadlines set by your production company, high amounts of pressure and stress, as your every move is being watched and possibly recorded or put in magazines and newspapers, managing your expenses vs income, managing your image that either you or your production company have set for you, and of course, recording and performing the music you worked your ass off to create.\n\nIt's a hard life if you want to be famous. There's a lot of luck, stress, business sense, and networking involved, and even if you do everything right, you can still fail very easily.\n\nAll that being said, if you're looking to be famous I wish you the best of luck.", "392" ], [ "It varies depending on the person, honestly. Some people meditate, some take long walks out in nature, some use other forms of art to inspire themselves (a songwriter using a movie or painting to inspire them to write a hit song, etc.) A few artists will just start on some random project, like musicians will play random notes, and just kinda work on fitting the imagery or emotion those tones end up representing to them. Or a painter will just start drawing lines and just decide as they go along what each line will become).\n\nUltimately, the goal is to find the thing that you personally enjoy doing to clear your head, or to get you in the zone where you can find maximum emotional content to interpret, then channel that into the medium of your design.", "889" ], [ "Idk about that. I still get awkward when buying condoms because I live in a small town and too many people know me despite my antisocial ways. If they see me, the initial reaction for them is always to come over, say hey to me, and then... well then they look down and see the Trojans just sitting there in my basket. Cue stunned silence while we both get over the shock of the moment, and yeah... it's just awkward and not fun.", "670" ], [ "Pretty sure the saying is \"idle hands are the devil's plaything,\" and it refers to boredom or having nothing to do causing you to do or want to do stupid and/or \"sinful\" things. Monks in Gregorian churches commonly use(d) this saying, and would combat idleness by doing random handiwork around the church grounds including hand copying holy scriptures, maintaining the grounds and repairing things that need them, exercising, creating hymns to be sung, etc.\n\nNowadays it tends to have more of a lean toward keeping yourself focused on your goals and achieving them, along with \"the road to hell is paved with good intentions\" and \"there's no glory in the process\". How you as the individual interpret this concept may vary. \n\nStill, it's pretty interesting how hardcore Gregorian monks are, even today. Definitely worth a read, imo.", "157" ], [ "As someone who gets asked this a lot, I can understand why people ask this.\n\nPeople generally tend to say things to each other when conversing or being addressed \n\nexample: \"hey buddy, you like rick n morty?\"\n\n-\"yeah bruh, I'm an intellectual and shit\"\n\n\"Shit... for real, man.\"\n\n-\"ay, you like that episode when he flew around in the spaceship and wouldn't stop the drinkin?\"\n\n\"Yeah bro. It was fuckin hilarious\"\n\nWhere dialogue with me is like: \n\n\"Ayo buddy, you watch rick n morty?\"\n\n-\"not really...\"\n\n\"Aww that sucks. How about the simpsons?\"\n\n-\"eh, not really...\"\n\n\"Hmm... what you like to do then?\"\n\n-\"sit at home mostly.\"\n\n\"Hmm... guess you don't talk much, do ya? That's cool.\"\n\n-\"yeah, sorry about that.\"\n\nMakes sense why people see me as standoffish as well.", "925" ], [ "Basically, the gyroscopic effect is \"an object spinning at a specific velocity will be balanced and stable on the axis on which it's spinning. The faster the torque, the more stable the axis.\" There's obviously a bit more to it than that, but this is the general idea.\n\nThis principle is commonly utilized to make cameras, cars, planes, helicopters, and a lot of other things more stable and aligned. It's also the reason a spinning ball will balance itself on your fingertip until it loses spinning power.\n\nA fun way to test it is to take any form of low-friction wheel-and-axel (i find those little ab roller wheel things works well for this) and hold the axel part in your hands. Then, while the wheel is spinning around, try changing the direction the axis is facing (i.e. try to rotate the axis from being perpendicular to the floor to parallel, or vice versa) the faster the wheel is spinning, the harder it should be to force the change on the axis.", "792" ], [ "Antivirus.\n\nA lot of antivirus companies will just as soon sell your personal information as protect it (looking at you, McAfee and Norton) and a lot of them will install time-delayed malware in anything ranging from trojan horses to full out adware as a way to get you to pay them more money.\n\nIf you're worried about your current provider, i personally like Malwarebytes. It's free, user-friendly, and doesn't pester you with ads.\n\nThere's also Avast, which will protect you for free and even help you while browsing the internet in quite a few ways, but every few days that damn ad pops up \"we have a 60% discount\" or \"30,000 malware attacks were reported in the US last year, upgrade for more protection blahblah\". Gets old imo, but if you can handle it, it's great protection.", "779" ], [ "Honestly, as someone who has worked as a direct assistant to a band director in a high school, and with my own mother being a teacher, I can safely say that maybe you should assess your options in life, and if you don't truly love what you do, maybe it's time to look elsewhere for a career path.\n\nIt's a hard job that, while giving good fringe benefits (summers and most major or religious holidays off/tenured job security being the big ones), is not an ideal career path unless you have a passion for education, and honestly I'd very much prefer private tutoring over public teaching... Kids will run all over you, it may take 10+ years before you even get tenured, until they remove that system altogether (they've been circulating the idea for awhile now), and the insurance plans are bullshit. I personally hate that you're basically forced to legally pass all students, and can't really enforce rules short of \"go to the office\". There's no respect for US teachers, and with school shootings on the rise, you never know when you're gonna bite it. \n\nI guarantee that if teachers were allowed to defend themselves or if corporate or calisthenic punishment came back, the way teachers and administrators got treated would vastly improve. All I can effectively say is, if those kids treated me with the disrespect and violent threats I've seen being issued to their teachers, I'd beat the absolute shit out of thm until they were coughing up blood and spitting teeth out. It's intolerable behavior.\n\nIf you're already tenured, you'll want to consider your job security before leaving, since most likely your next job for awhile may very well be flipping fake meat at McDonald's until you can land something better.\n\nDoesn't help that pretty much everyone involved in Alabama's boards of education are all buddy-buddy and will do anything to save their precious reputations, even if it means forcing failing students to pass, fudging test scores on important things like the graduation exams, etc. It's pathetic.", "601" ], [ "Corporate punishment = basically paddlings. It's a very humane punishment that's more pain and loud noises than actual damage to your body. The whole point of striking on the glutes is to prevent damage.\n\nCalisthenics is exercise... if you think that's sadistic, then I have no idea what to honestly tell you...\n\nAnd yeah, if someone got in my face tellijg me they were going to shoot my entire family up and called me a pussy bitch, I'd literally beat them to pieces. I doubt people would blame me.\n\nTeachers get mad disrespect, and it's because the students know they can't legally enforce punishments short of \"here, have a free vacation from school\".\n\nThat kid won't be able to learn shit. The school system failed him/her if they get expelled. I'd rather see them succeed and do well in life by being taught how to account for one's actions by translating it into physical pain to assert negative reinforcement practices. It's been proven effective for decades.", "607" ], [ "Removing them from the class doesn't solve the inherent problem. \n\nIf you just throw a person away because of how they act, without attempting to get to a resolution, then they're just going to run around being assholes wherever you throw them.\n\nThat's basically the administration saying \"not my fucking problem. Do it away from me and I don't care.\"\n\nPut simply, you failed to resolve the issue at hand. Instead, the problem has simply been flushed down the toilet and forgotten like it never existed.\n\nThis is why kids these days treat superiors with no respect or acknowledgment of authority. People respond with apathy because the kid legally doesn't have to be accountable for his actions. He/she'll just go on to ruin his/her life with no regard for consequences. It's a poor lesson for administration to be forced to teach.\n\nI guarantee with around 90% certainty that if that kid got smacked around one good time in self-defense or thoroughly punished through physical exertion, he/she would straighten right the fuck up and most likely never do that shit again.", "607" ] ]
[ 11197, 20028, 3121, 4216, 3549, 24731, 7316, 24518, 2251, 15549, 7740, 2338, 9179, 22394, 3186, 594, 8502, 13463, 20662, 11452, 16249, 2057, 20457, 12493, 1248, 10612, 19197, 1621, 23054, 8440, 654, 8896, 17883, 16182, 9881, 13464, 4200, 3822, 19411, 197, 17422, 1414, 11569, 409, 21072, 17406, 11059, 5090, 2579, 17537, 14539, 14482, 8690, 25180, 14649, 11468, 3151, 4475, 7433, 23353, 25242, 11859, 20833, 3073, 5567, 8591, 24007, 12887, 11496, 3440, 10452, 13842, 6327, 11357, 14519, 9794, 8444, 14237, 11866, 15935, 14672, 8115, 10415, 16898, 17970, 22285, 11930, 24122, 9194, 12903, 10613, 8435, 14896, 11343, 292, 21875, 8636, 20668, 427, 6148, 3316, 1110, 13701, 13918, 25258, 22498, 4507, 20268, 22768, 6777, 18287, 13168, 14181, 1596, 9740, 12531, 8093, 2953, 23677, 6936, 12705, 9982, 11367, 14477, 16608, 15707, 7183, 14258, 13082, 8170, 11461, 16996, 3913, 12429, 24766, 9148, 22953, 3956, 23830, 20467, 13228, 21625, 3216, 13860, 9528, 3352, 13070, 18176, 546, 12185, 25058, 14503, 12578, 22983, 1586, 5718, 12914, 8826, 9279, 17545, 21350, 10119, 24540, 25394, 12577, 23029, 3473, 23297, 23116, 5143, 19106, 6109, 5427, 3310, 2707, 24872, 855, 18230, 11630, 20009, 3334, 9455, 10222, 19834, 4850, 24542, 1057, 5804, 1013, 15847, 25544, 3512, 16912, 21108, 2577, 11388, 326, 8865, 19966, 2434, 4197, 11326, 2918, 21639, 1818, 8155, 9708, 1463, 24715, 1636, 4231, 8441, 8856, 13401, 1291, 9640, 7013, 12658, 17052, 3757, 12515, 1345, 19268, 12019, 13683, 6601, 22354, 6473, 5874, 1573, 25117, 16786, 8532, 24279, 8265, 5941, 7451, 4303, 23597, 1720, 6373, 2782, 13279, 13808, 8100, 5017, 8533, 12036, 22269, 6736, 12062, 11932, 804, 887, 2772, 6405, 16819, 9041, 9890, 24548, 13867, 20478, 11433, 5398, 1800, 7417, 3482, 3587, 2233, 15122, 13084, 5471, 6305, 1169, 7516, 5465, 10386, 24247, 19647, 11391, 11006, 5210, 11831, 1201, 15916, 25071, 2568, 14053, 8086, 14899, 25420, 2736, 7257, 20330, 14432, 6718, 3068, 6692, 5108, 1700, 3717, 9667, 15981, 13014, 12402, 12146, 1002, 772, 16810, 6425, 8095, 8980, 19405, 7923, 9524, 8146, 17212, 11663, 12681, 8590, 8014, 9777, 3120, 7208, 15628, 2738, 18887, 5100, 22453, 608, 3313, 9180, 11754, 16463, 23028, 13653, 14887, 13305, 9321, 5146, 18197, 11977, 12616, 8304, 15688, 5819, 15295, 4127, 13528, 4613, 12381, 17985, 493, 15207, 23903, 20819, 10228, 11996, 14111, 13315, 7034, 24148, 271, 12734, 3691, 7035, 12772, 10465, 4491, 13924, 5793, 7482, 938, 20755, 4655, 23834, 169, 4388, 21100, 18999, 17111, 757, 4490, 4599, 384, 22714, 11129, 7575, 17594, 4971, 23655, 21220, 2970, 16577, 9151, 23257, 8199, 16611, 3029, 11413, 14692, 9791, 8816, 1165, 4016, 16015, 19032, 16512, 15922, 13954, 8421, 16845, 7593, 4668, 6728, 18732, 12902, 23299, 19899, 715, 128, 13303, 9687, 6873, 1149, 7350, 17193, 7214, 14535, 13594, 11430, 13732, 10086, 16804, 20962, 14316, 7111, 6106, 20210, 5221, 2404, 2471, 20650, 129, 1641, 8217, 2086, 8926, 19429, 15255, 22740, 13627, 24503, 25193, 3676, 1254, 9543, 4608, 12856, 10842, 21189, 11803, 23280, 5947, 7284, 20987, 1960, 11012, 10022, 3102, 21861, 22552, 2664, 25148, 10359, 19792, 1431, 1757, 4302, 1294, 6900, 1663, 4387, 3648, 1674, 24763, 12842, 23444, 17784, 8895, 10074, 6681, 12803, 7193, 16566, 1514, 9627, 433, 15227 ]
[ [ "> There is no technological limitation.\n\nThere is a finite limit to how much bandwidth wireless towers can handle. It [varies based on many factors](_URL_0_). That said, I do feel that data caps are just another way to make money while not making an effort to upgrade services to meet demand. The most fair solution seems to be tagging abusive users' traffic with a low priority QoS flag after they exceed a reasonable threshold. That would allow them to access a fair amount of bandwidth when the network is not under load, and prevent them from causing the network to slow down when non-abusive users are accessing it.", "938" ], [ "> we cannot provide a good *general procedure*\n\nThose are the key words here. That article was written for a user with limited technical knowledge who may not even know what brand of SSD is in their laptop. That site only covers secure erase software and doesn't even acknowledge the existence of hardware-level secure erase that is implemented on many modern SSDs.\n\nSince my previous reference isn't good enough for you, here are some others that say the same thing as that \"no-name\" site:\n\n_URL_2_\n\n_URL_1_\n\n_URL_0_", "448" ], [ "> higher productivity reduces the cost of goods/services for the entire population\n\nExcept it doesn't. Prices stay the same or increase and the extra profits go to those who control the wealth.\n\n > They are not obligated to provide the person they hire with extra income just because they went to the trouble of providing the worker with better tools.\n\nWhen those tools increase productivity of the worker, both the employer and employee should benefit in proportionate amounts, legally entitled or not. The worker is part of the system that is increasing value and wealth, but the added value and wealth is disproportionately benefiting those who control the wealth.", "231" ], [ "> they're not on the hook if the enterprise fails\n\nCompletely untrue. If a company needs to cut costs, they lay off workers, not upper managers. If a company fails, all workers are out of a job. Losing one's job can result in severe hardship if the worker is not prepared for it.\n\n > It's the machine, that's provided by the owner, that increases the company's productivity.\n\nNo. It is the worker who operates the new machine who increases the productivity. Without the worker, the productivity drops to zero. Without the new machine, productivity stays the same.\n\nIt is clear there is no way to convince you that workers should be compensated when a company benefits from their increased productivity, despite the fact they suffer if the company suffers.", "231" ], [ "How much would you spend on a PC if you didn't get that bonus? Try to get closer to that price, then pocket the rest of the money for a rainy day. If you're a responsible adult in your late 20s or older, you can ignore my previous advice, assuming you have financial stability and this wouldn't be out of your normal budget for a PC. \n\nThat 250GB SSD is going to be tiny for installing games. A [525GB SSD](_URL_1_) can be purchased for $140-$150. Or you could ditch the mechanical drive and get a [960GB SSD](_URL_0_) or [1TB SSD](_URL_2_) for ~$250.", "448" ], [ "I would hardly consider a blog a reliable source of information, as it is subject to the author's opinions and bias. Also, the date on the blog is six years ago, and a lot has changed in that amount of time. The pdf is even worse. It does not indicate a publish date, but cites information from the mid 1990s to 2010. \n\n > I prefer to rely on trusted security and privacy experts than on tech blogs and manufacturers' claims.\n\nIf you can't trust the manufacturer, then you should stop using computers. Any number of them could be snooping on you at the hardware level and sending your information over the internet.", "370" ], [ "I did understand. I was trying to point out that he may have intended to hit the stud so he could patch it easier. The video does not show a negative reaction in his face or hand movements indicating pain or the unexpected feeling of hitting a stud. Either he's a professional stud puncher, or he knew he was going to hit the stud and knew how hard to punch so he could break the drywall without hurting his hand.", "337" ], [ "Okay, but the information quoted was from 2011. SSDs have improved a lot since then. I know firsthand of one major cloud service provider that uses the secure erase feature to sanitize SSDs before disposing of them. It can't be as bad as the person above makes it out to be if an industry leader who relies on data security to retain customer trust is willing to trust secure erase.", "448" ], [ "> Without access to the software you have no idea if the drive has actually been wiped.\n\nIt isn't software. It is a hardware-level function initiated by a specific ATA command. Yes, there is some firmware in between, but there is firmware on a mechanical drive and you trust that. If someone suspects the secure erase function does not work as advertised then someone with access to the appropriate tools can perform the research to find out if the SSD memory is truly erased or not.", "171" ], [ "But Republicans are the enemy! Any narrative that says otherwise is fake news! /s\n\nThe country has become so divided by politicians and the media that people can't see who the real enemy is. We keep blaming the Republicans or Democrats when they're both just part of a system that keeps repeating itself while screwing the American public. I don't know what the answer is, but problems will never get solved by blaming the other side.", "313" ], [ "I have a device capable of recording the words of every song, movie, or play. It can also record the raw source notes of music played in movies, or record the notes played in musical performances. It has no DRM capability and can't be tracked electronically and is easy to duplicate. It is called a piece of paper and writing utensil. Is the industry going to sue me for having this?", "138" ], [ "I dislike how many other MMOs instilled the mentality that bigger damage numbers means more fun. They trick players by starting player damage from 10 damage hits at level 1, and ramping up to 1,000,000 damage hits at level cap. The entire time, mob health growth outpaces player damage growth, but the player thinks their bigger numbers are more fun, even though it takes twice as many hits to defeat an enemy. That is the exact opposite of getting more powerful as you level.\n\nTurn the numbers off. You don't need them.", "435" ], [ "If you're making a video to convey information, try watching it without audio. There are a lot of long pauses where the video is doing nothing to convey information. If the audio is the vast majority of the information, then it would be better to just use text to convey the information. In other words, this is a 10-minute video that someone could read the script in 1 minute and save 9 minutes of their time.\n\nI suggest you condense something like this to 1-2 minutes. Edit the video and speed up repetitive things (like you did a little) and get rid of anything that isn't on-topic. People don't need to see you placing blocks, messing with your inventory, or running to the next tree.\n\nAlso, the quality of tools should be 200+. That is easy to find or grind to early-game.", "123" ], [ "I find it odd to do that, too. I only started playing this game a few weeks ago. My first few nights were spent crafting stone axes and arrows because I recognized the correlation between item quality and maximum durability and effectiveness. I didn't want to waste daylight hours dealing with tools that break often, and I wanted to gather resources much faster with more effective tools. I was making 200 level tools by the end of my first week.", "924" ], [ "I misunderstood. It seems you were referring to leveling up then fighting the level 5 enemy as a level 10 or whatever. That isn't how developers intend for the game to be played. Rewards are reduced to the point where fighting the level 5 enemy is not worth the time. \n\nDevelopers intend for players to fight equal-level enemies in games with levels and no dynamic scaling. The only fair comparison is fighting a level 1 when you're level 1, then comparing to fighting a level 50 when you're level 50. The power level relative to the intended challenge is significantly less as you level up, in most MMOs, though they disguise it by showing bigger numbers to the player.\n\nIn RPGs, a level is the oversimplified indication of power. It would be unfair to have a level mean more to enemies than players. Just call them level 65 enemies if they would be equal in power to a level 65 player. If you can defeat them at level 50, then you are using smart tactics and/or teamwork to do so.", "163" ], [ "Step 1: Get experience doing something professionally.\n\nStep 2: Find job doing that thing.\n\nFunny how step 1 requires you to do step 2 first and vice-versa. That's how the job market works, though.\n\nIf you don't get lucky and have a job that lets you \"play\" with Linux in your spare time at work, mess with it at home. Start up a game server for a game you enjoy. If it is on Steam, you lose 2 points because SteamCmd makes it too easy to install games. If you have to install it without a package manager, you get 3 points. Good luck.", "714" ], [ "> We're currently on day 36 and have taken over a military base.\n\nI'm on day 30 or so, and [this](_URL_0_) shows the basic base design concept I have been using. As mentioned by /u/Shelleg3s, a wall of \"Pillar 50\" in the best material you can afford to make, surrounded by spikes, can give you a clear shot while keeping most zombies at bay. Add iron bars to the top of the wall to keep spider zombies from climbing. Shoot from the iron bars or from inside the pillars. Use hatches and tunnels to get in and out. A ramp as shown in the video works, too.", "500" ], [ "There is nothing humane about trapping a mouse for hours or days while it panics, starves, and/or dehydrates. If it lives after you release it, the mouse will head for someone else's house and become someone else's problem. If you think you're smart by releasing it far from civilization, it will die from not knowing how to survive in the vastly different environment where it can't rely on easy food from humans. \n\nJust kill the mouse instead of using these \"humane\" traps that result in a torturous, prolonged death. Mice are pests and cause damage to houses, plus they spread diseases like [hantavirus](_URL_0_). You are doing the mouse and yourself a favor by ending its life quickly.", "810" ], [ "> <PERSON>'s name was signed to it December 9, though medical records indicate he was unable to sign his name December 7 or 10.\n\nThe article doesn't go into detail on why <PERSON> was unable to sign. It is possible if you have a documented health issue on the 7th and the 10th, that it could persist from the 7th through the 10th, depending on the nature of the health issue. The situation seems shady, at best. There is clearly a conflict of interest going on and the officer failed to report the situation to his department. Further investigation is necessary to prove or disprove wrongdoing.", "691" ], [ "> You could boycott all games that have them but I think you'd be missing out on some great games.\n\nThis isn't about boycotting microtransactions in games. Some are acceptable, as long as they don't hinder gameplay for those who choose not to buy. The problem with Wildlands isn't *just* microtransactions. It is that adding microtransactions to a buggy mess with no real innovation in gameplay that doesn't follow the core gameplay principles of the franchise (tactical shooter, not run-and-gun) is just icing on the shitcake.", "905" ], [ "> If you really want to survive without hunting animals\n\nBoiled eggs are another option. OP will likely need the feathers from nests anyways.\n\nYucca is another great option if you are near a desert or plains biome. Cacti give plant fibers and yucca when destroyed with a stone axe.", "173" ], [ "Why? What is the difference between recording your video and leaving it on your hard drive forever, or posting it online on a site like YouTube? As far as I can tell, you want to share what you experienced in the game. That is great for sharing with friends, but random strangers won't care. Random strangers want to experience the game for themselves. \n\nI ask again, why does it matter to you if your videos are on YouTube or not? Putting them on YouTube is like pouring a glass of water in the ocean. Nobody else will notice unless you have something unique to offer.", "999" ], [ "The answer isn't for me. The answer is for you, so you can gain a better understanding of yourself and your interests. There is nothing wrong with making videos as a hobby. Just ask yourself what you can get out of it by posting it online. Is the goal to share it with others? Do others even care about seeing your videos? Do you just post it online and not care if it disappears like throwing a drop of water into an ocean? Do you just make them for you to watch again?", "999" ], [ "> There's no other industry that pays this well without specialized knowledge or a college degree. \n\nIt only pays well because the demand is high (no pun intended) and the supply is constricted through regulations. If the DEA were to remove the schedule classification, effectively legalizing marijuana, the supply would have an opportunity to exceed demand in states with the fewest regulatory controls over it. The price would drop and the industry would be modeled similar to alcohol or agriculture, with fewer people earning over $30k/year. Enjoy your job while you can, but be prepared for it to change if there is a change in legalization status of marijuana, for better or worse.", "382" ], [ "> How about we not build pipelines where they can't be repaired quickly? \n\nFrom the article:\n\n > Hilcorp has said it can't shut down the gas line, which carries a fuel supply to generate heat, light and power on four offshore platforms in Cook Inlet.\n\nThey can't build it on nonexistent land. They can't make it float on the water's surface due to boats and ice. They could build it hovering in the air, but *Back to the Future's* hover-car technology hasn't been invented yet.", "291" ], [ "The gif submitted does not show the consequence of the tooth being removed. Without that context, the gif does violate the golden rule.\n\nThe YouTube video shows him aiming at that specific tooth several times instead of naturally aiming at the center of his face. Because of that, I strongly suspect this was either planned (self-dentistry) or fake and the tooth was already missing. Given this person's desire for attention, there is a high likelihood of him staging this for YouTube views.\n\n\"He only intended to hurt himself a little\" should never be accepted as a qualifying factor for this subreddit. That opens up too many gray areas and room for inconsistent moderator judgement.", "337" ], [ "< low, raspy voice > \n\nIn an era of a crazy fat kid ruling a small nation,\n\na little toothache is causing a lot of trouble for his people.\n\nAmerica is forced to send in their best dentist: Doctor <PERSON>.\n\nWill he fix a nation by fixing a leader's dental problems?\n\nFind out by watching <PERSON> in: *An Inconvenient Tooth*", "420" ], [ "Where are you seeing 10MB/s read/write? In Windows file transfers? If so, that is normal. \n\nStress tests can perform sequential reads/writes. When the drive has to seek, it slows down performance dramatically. Normal operation has a lot of seeks involved. \n\nWhen gaming, a lot of the data transfers are small, in the range of 4KB. A 4KB random read/write test was developed to show how drives perform in that kind of situation. There is a huge difference between SSDs and hard drives due to the hard drive seek times. Sometimes the hard drive struggles to get more than [2MB/s read and write speeds](_URL_0_).", "448" ], [ "Right now, there is very little reason to put significant effort into gearing heroes you don't intend to play as your main characters. If you have one ranged DPS geared well, you don't need another ranged DPS until you jump to the next flavor-of-the-month hero or get bored. This type of system does hurt Gazillion from a perspective of selling more heroes. It also hurts completionists, players who play a lot, and players who are fans of several heroes. It doesn't hurt the \"ideal\" player who picks their favorite hero and sticks with that hero, for the most part, but I'm willing to bet that \"ideal\" player is not very common.\n\nIf Gazillion wants to make more money from hero sales and appease the fans of multiple heroes, they need to change two things. First, make it easier to gear multiple heroes. Second, give players a strong motivation to gear multiple heroes. The first problem is easy to solve. Make each hero leveled to 60 add RIF/SIF to the account in the same way the XP synergy works. It needs to be a significant amount, and reach a lot more than the old boosts did. \n\nMotivating players who may not fit into the completionist, play a lot, or fan of several heroes category requires a little more planning. My idea is to create content that requires playing a hero from a certain team, or is able to equip that team's insignia, like Defenders, X-men, Guardians, etc. It could be new one-shot stories, or something new, but themed around adventures that team experienced in comics or movies. With useful and unique rewards in that team-specific content, players would have good motivation to purchase or unlock more heroes and gear them up.", "880" ], [ "The level of automation necessary to have a large impact to society isn't as much as you think. Consider that [one robot causes up to six jobs to be lost](_URL_0_). If a robot has a useful life of five years, then that robot only needs to cost less than the cost of employing five employees for five years. At an estimated cost of $100,000 per employee (includes salary, health care, and overhead), a $2.5M robot is a very good investment to a company. It would only take two million robots to cause America's ~100 million job market to lose 10% of its jobs.\n\nNow consider the economic and social impacts of a 10%-15% unemployment rate. If 15% of job-seekers can't support their families, what happens? Those people have to pay bills and eat. If they can't pay rent or feed themselves, they will get desperate and take any actions necessary to survive. That means crime will rise, significantly. \n\nAmerica needs a plan for the inevitable. It is coming sooner than you think.", "28" ], [ "What is the harm in me posting a text alternative for those who come across this page when searching Google? \n\nWhen I search Google for video game related information, I get video results close to the top of the first page, or at least on the first page. I am frustrated with the amount and length of videos for simple answers that could be provided in text much faster, especially when the text answer is harder to find.", "123" ], [ "> Which come on, less than 2.5 minutes for an in-depth video is short.\n\nThe vast majority of people seeking this information don't need or want an in-depth video. Those who struggle to navigate their file browser and aren't comfortable editing a text-based file probably won't attempt this, even with a video tutorial. This video is directed towards a VERY small audience and Google's search results are only going to make it harder for the majority of people seeking this information to find it in an efficient format.", "123" ], [ "> There is a huge market out there for teaching people how to do stuff they didn't even know was possible.\n\nIt doesn't need to be a *YouTube video* to do that, which has been my point, this entire time. A YouTube video is great for certain things. Editing two lines in a text-based file is not one of those things. YouTube has all but killed off text and static image guides in favor of a format that is not searchable, difficult to skip to the relevant content the viewer is seeking, and wastes people's time with ads that prevent viewing the relevant content until the ad is over.\n\nIf more people would contribute to wiki pages instead of trying to become famous on YouTube, gamers and modders would have an easier time finding accurate information. Information could be consolidated instead of spread out across several videos with incomplete information. Information could be fact-checked and updated easier. Videos could still exist and be promoted on the wiki pages when the content is more efficient to present as a video than static images or text.", "999" ], [ "I'm not in the oil industry, but this doesn't seem like something they can easily just \"flip a switch\" and turn off four platforms because of a relatively small natural gas leak. Someone else in this thread pointed out that the leak is equivalent to $700 worth of natural gas per day. That is relatively small, and seems like an acceptable loss to keep oil operations going so you can drive your car and keep paying ~$2/gallon at the pump.", "610" ], [ "> <PERSON>’s ex-girlfriend, <PERSON>,later told investigators she had recently ended her relationship with <PERSON>, but that he was not taking it well.\n\nIt seems to me he was mentally unstable after the relationship ended and nobody recognized that he needed help. This could have been prevented if someone had stepped in before his life spiraled out of control.\n\nEdit: I have personally seen someone go through a similar mental breakdown resulting in another person's death. The warning signs of mental instability were obvious, but those around him (including myself) didn't do anything about it. I don't mean to make <PERSON> seem like a victim because he deserves to face the consequences of his actions, but people do need to watch for and take action when someone is heading down a bad path during a depressing time in their life.", "288" ], [ "I care because YouTube has turned to garbage for those seeking information. The site is over-saturated with useless videos and Pewdiepie copycats instead of enriching the site with unique and useful content. If I can convince one person to make better videos instead of throwing more useless water in the ocean, then I'll at least have done some part in improving the site.\n\nI'm not trying to discourage you from posting your videos. Do it if you want. But think about what you're doing in both the small and big picture. Maybe it is just a hobby to you and leaving the videos on your hard drive instead of uploading them would satisfy your desire. Maybe you find something unique to contribute and it is truly worth uploading to YouTube. Maybe you don't, and you just throw more water in the ocean. If that satisfies you, go ahead, but at least understand that is all you're doing if you choose to throw more useless videos into the YouTube garbage pile.", "999" ], [ "> the life of the drive\n\nSSD write endurance is an old myth. You could write 50GB per day to a SSD and it would last 25 years. There are limits to the write endurance, but you basically have to write non-stop at full speed 24/7 to kill the drive in a year. Look up some destructive write endurance tests online. One site published their results of several brands and models, but I don't have time to find the link right now.", "448" ], [ "Tutorial videos are great, but OP is making Lets Play videos. If OP wanted to contribute effectively, they would create videos that help new players, not waste time with videos that don't give useful information in a timely video duration.\n\n > I don't tell a group of painting enthusiasts to stop painting because we have enough pictures of fruit in the world. \n\nHalf the YouTube videos posted on this subreddit get downvoted more than upvoted. That should tell you how much the viewers of this subreddit want to see more \"pictures of fruit\" instead of unique and useful content.", "123" ], [ "I'm trying to discourage him from posting useless videos. Lets Play videos are all over YouTube and hardly anyone watches them. Tutorials contribute to the community while helping new players. Creative videos that demonstrate new base designs, interesting architecture, or mini-bike stunts contribute something unique instead of just posting hours of raw, unedited gameplay that everyone else will experience for themselves.\n\nTo answer your question, I don't have a YouTube channel. I have a job, and my hobby is playing video games. I don't want to spend time editing videos when I could be playing games.", "999" ], [ "Your comparison is faulty. Grocery stores *will* close down if there is not enough business. Similarly, news web sites rely on ad revenue to operate and will close down if they can't afford to continue. Very few YouTube content creators make enough money from the service to live off it. YouTube content creators don't rely on views, likes, or subscribes to continue creating content and their videos will remain regardless of their financial situation.\n\n > watch a variety of other youtubers who are fairly new to let's playing which i thoroughly enjoy watching\n\nI will admit some content creators do contribute quality content worth watching. There are far more that don't make any effort to distinguish themselves or create content that people want to see. My question for OP was there to help OP consider what they are going to do to make their content worth watching instead of being one of the majority of YouTubers who just throw garbage on the pile. His responses do not indicate any desire to be a positive content creator.", "999" ], [ "> What I don't agree with is that you're telling people to not even give it a try.\n\nWhere did I say that? I am telling <PERSON> to consider his goals and consider how he will create something unique that isn't just going to turn into another garbage channel, unless <PERSON> truly doesn't care about what they make. <PERSON> must care, or he wouldn't be doing it.\n\n > Take PewDiePie's content from when he first started youtube... it may not have been great but over the years he learnt what people like, improved his skills and now look at where he is.\n\nHe is an exception to the rule. He started early, when YouTube gaming channels were sparse and the community for those videos was small. The community for people seeking gaming videos is now huge and there likely won't be another person who shares the same success as Pewdiepie.\n\n > Heck, it's a great way to meet new online friends to record and play games together which can then be shared with the world.\n\nDoes it need to be shared with the world, though? I can meet people from all around the world without uploading videos to YouTube. If gaming with others is his goal, then he can meet people without making YouTube videos.\n\n > Are you saying that the millions of people on youtube who upload videos of themselves singing or singing song covers should never do so unless their singing skills are above the standard you state?\n\nIt depends on what their goals are. If their goal is to show improvement over time, then their videos can do exactly that. If they're not trying to get better and think they're great when they aren't, they will pollute YouTube with videos nobody enjoys watching, making it harder to find quality content.\n\n > If its crap content then who cares, noone will watch it, it'll make the uploader try harder next time.\n\nThere is no guarantee someone will make an effort to produce better videos. If they don't consider their goals first, they might think their number of views is \"good enough\" and never try to make videos better. They might not look at their viewer feedback at all and just keep producing, which is the feeling I'm getting from OP's responses.", "999" ], [ "\"High\" is relative to the game. Games from ten years ago might appear to have terrible graphics when set to high. I would expect modern games to push the limits of top-end hardware so they have the potential to look even better from hardware upgrades after the game's release. If you really want to run your game on \"high\" settings, edit the ini files or hack the game's exe so it says \"high\" on whatever setting you need to choose to achieve acceptable framerates.", "404" ], [ "> putting down 60fps 1080p on ultra\n\nI don't think you get it. Graphics fidelity is not measured in terms of \"high\" or \"ultra\". Those preset settings are arbitrary and can be whatever the developers decide. Objective measurements of graphics are in terms like texture size, poly count, shading and lighting effects, and post-processing effects. \n\nI haven't played the new DOOM or Battlefront, but I have seen a few screenshots and videos of both. They seem to keep the poly count low with low-detail terrain but mask that with high texture resolutions and tessellation. Pre-baked lighting on their static maps means they need very little GPU power for lighting effects from dynamic lights. I have no idea how that stacks up against ME:A due to not seeing gameplay footage yet. Regardless, DOOM and Battlefront will never look better than they are now, while ME:A will have room to look better than both when the hardware gets there.", "404" ], [ "> Only your aren't a reviewer\n\nBut I do review YouTube videos. That makes me a reviewer.\n\nWhen did I tell OP to keep his hobby private? I have only tried to get <PERSON> to reflect on his reasons and goals, while being blunt about the difficulties he will likely face if his goals include anything beyond a handful of views per video. Yes, I was discouraging him from contributing the same garbage that gets spewed out by the majority of other YouTubers, but I'm not going to stop him or tell him to stop.", "999" ], [ "> jobs will automatically be created at about the same rate they are destroyed\n\nWithin a single generation, jobs may not rebound. Over the course of 100 years, every high job displacement technology so far has created more jobs than it destroyed. \"But this time is different\" was said every time, and it wasn't different. Humanity couldn't see the positive job creation outcome of any job-displacement technology in the past, and this time is no different.", "28" ], [ "> But the company continued to call, going on to sell her **vouchers** for another 1984 cartridges.\n\nShe bought vouchers, not physical cartridges. I think she got a good deal if she ends up living long enough. She can redeem those vouchers then sell the cartridges when they are worth 100 times as much due to inevitable inflation. It may only take 850 years.", "618" ], [ "> The human eye and your monitor aren't going to line up perfectly on those framerates\n\nThe human eye doesn't operate like a camera. It doesn't have a \"frame rate\" that can be measured. It uses good old-fashioned analog signals from chemical reactions. The speed of those reactions and your brain's processing of the signals results in framerates over approximately 24fps appearing as movement rather than a slide show.\n\nHow can I prove this? From a stationary position, watch something move very fast in a video game, then watch something move very fast in real life. Without any motion blur, a fast-moving object will move across a computer screen or television in hops. Lower framerates relative to the motion of the object result in the effect being more noticeable. A fast-moving object in real life appears as a blur, not hopping across your vision based on the framerate. There is no motion-blur after-effect applied in RL graphics.", "17" ] ]
[ 6845, 7134, 16704, 24793, 10840, 10354, 22470, 19040, 12295, 14298, 9467, 20825, 80, 14903, 9317, 5032, 24803, 23366, 5226, 19279, 3012, 1123, 21192, 20079, 961, 23507, 13813, 13135, 3085, 23433, 15149, 14142, 3491, 15886, 14784, 25316, 6036, 11231, 12529, 4391, 6839, 18838, 20244, 23590, 14761, 19588, 18748, 23959, 7019, 7549, 25413, 11291, 14869, 19063, 10239, 24196, 12787, 15335, 23521, 24190, 8699, 20032, 2132, 5328, 14412, 23369, 3819, 6735, 9283, 17633, 6530, 19073, 3043, 14517, 19219, 8341, 21591, 3908, 21037, 21009, 22514, 10591, 13798, 6966, 10655, 20221, 18558, 2390, 23484, 22927, 7442, 14320, 8999, 16809, 18106, 7147, 4233, 14840, 20934, 1575, 4583, 20089, 4924, 25179, 7062, 688, 4436, 21888, 5954, 7753, 22796, 5160, 20720, 3476, 12610, 24464, 24015, 8254, 10318, 9909, 11264, 23964, 5082, 1008, 6384, 18962, 4644, 17142, 15318, 2814, 16460, 8837, 21575, 13376, 11472, 3946, 17280, 24567, 19300, 21131, 3902, 13234, 16169, 1434, 9679, 6132, 9549, 307, 15622, 22063, 1270, 12935, 5311, 15306, 2245, 23249, 11235, 1492, 2943, 3384, 5902, 19754, 9386, 22672, 452, 10587, 22256, 24555, 2558, 18586, 15480, 13593, 3358, 17218, 23361, 17405, 7940, 3796, 9978, 9701, 5799, 2308, 18239, 20412, 7703, 21110, 3885, 16451, 22518, 19098, 6898, 19290, 13925, 23386, 14109, 16480, 15290, 16707, 15520, 10457, 16994, 20715, 10275, 3759, 20598, 21095, 19646, 21727, 5871, 21846, 11111, 4991, 4037, 9404, 11585, 14016, 6242, 23838, 15943, 10731, 15562, 25300, 5820, 6820, 18193, 596, 6899, 10336, 22502, 15947, 6319, 15026, 5494, 6211, 12342, 19744, 11405, 4715, 6742, 8708, 17845, 10450, 13049, 18354, 25283, 11410, 24823, 15319, 12775, 18214, 2203, 21223, 3658, 19878, 20348, 16625, 6021, 18275, 4151, 14483, 23552, 14747, 18026, 15277, 24049, 23021, 17133, 5020, 1363, 8174, 3706, 1739, 11780, 5764, 20946, 7256, 8901, 10645, 4633, 13887, 5833, 18993, 22832, 5341, 19950, 6605, 18004, 2278, 1211, 8831, 4413, 5181, 3578, 1023, 21536, 9102, 24269, 11730, 4793, 13754, 4931, 1525, 16394, 23996, 6468, 14297, 12055, 22118, 24035, 22151, 21692, 9895, 24496, 15612, 11669, 16352, 25177, 14907, 14157, 18132, 6387, 15703, 15053, 6572, 22776, 12383, 11531, 21272, 15196, 8459, 8140, 8220, 15744, 17587, 19509, 17042, 14867, 23320, 13169, 13807, 19811, 4210, 23219, 983, 3879, 10884, 19041, 8693, 15064, 7169, 5299, 1749, 4178, 21920, 11818, 7009, 7837, 12678, 15796, 15771, 18033, 23922, 9069, 19914, 7322, 8188, 6508, 3871, 6968, 12533, 7825, 9995, 10490, 19619, 13895, 2064, 12009, 3878, 10111, 4903, 18655, 20508, 11852, 25311, 22316, 3086, 21094, 20910, 18583, 13254, 23326, 15747, 17395, 16203, 19045, 5047, 4943, 11719, 17529, 3989, 11858, 6064, 7869, 12589, 22908, 21378, 7846, 15297, 6490, 17299, 4372, 2746, 13956, 14817, 20194, 19145, 19379, 17620, 8618, 4158, 10589, 18649, 814, 23273, 22966, 1390, 20255, 4325, 22320, 13127, 21025, 20306, 3272, 7679, 12004, 24145, 10371, 21351, 17393, 13424, 13412, 22548, 9586, 7959, 8905, 1015, 9061, 11451, 25517, 1521, 1865, 2835, 25054, 21527, 15502, 9622, 5124, 3220, 5200, 10629, 20183, 2121, 10546, 1403, 14551, 9566, 22637, 24030, 20297, 22605, 18919, 551, 12401, 18980, 17698, 14054, 21103, 14585, 9670, 16235, 9427, 11989, 16467, 18138, 18198, 19327, 22260, 3739, 15372, 3543, 8721, 21672, 7447, 2380, 7501, 18339, 246, 4357, 317 ]
[ [ "I like it but the big walls of text surrounded by very little white space really mess with readability. There's a reason bullets are standard, use them, and cut down on the verbiage. I am also not a fan of the professional profile section. It is general blah-blah that doesn't add much concrete information to you as a professional, yet it is at the very top, while the part which is actually important, e.g. your software skills, is small and towards the bottom. I would get rid of the professional profile section, use the resulting space to add margins on all sides of your walls of text - between the side bar and text, too! - and give more breathing room to your software expertise. \n\nAlso technically-proficient is written without a dash. Get rid of that dash.", "575" ], [ "if you're just interested in storage, go up - make shelves around the top 30 cm or so of your closet. You will not take the books out every day, and if you need one, you can climb on your chair to get it. If it is a closet, I doubt the landlord will even notice an extra shelf even if they formally have rules against it. I understand being against the expense, but LA is large: maybe you will find a free piece of wood? Maybe you can borrow a drill for the walls, or rent it? Research, and I am sure you can get it done for cheap without ruining the minimalist aesthetic of the closet. How many books are we talking about and of what size?", "295" ], [ "something that's important to me is reading, be it online or on paper, and a combination of being both cozy and productive. I rent a furnished flat right now but really want my tiny micro studio (we're talking 10m2 or some such) and even though I haven't found a good place yet, I spend a lot of time thinking about minimalist desks - a.k.a a white board that sticks out of the wall - and my laptop and two pens, contrasted with a huge comfy armchair and lamp, and a lofted bed over the entryway/bathroom with storage under the stairs. I am thinking of rugs, etc. I can make from freecycled clothes. So I am definitely taking a lot of time to develop a space that I know fits my current \"vibe\" if you want to put it that way.", "295" ], [ "I think you really have the right idea, though, starting from the big picture. I think that's her idea precisely: before you engage with the space, you need to know what kind of life you want to lead, and not intellectually, but as a feeling. I remember one of her clients, for instance, talked about wanting a \"feminine\" lifestyle. So: glamorous? badass? minimalist? simple? ?? -- and only then do you go through your stuff to see what resonates with that and what does not. So, don't start with apartment therapy, start with getting a full sense of what \"functional and stylish\" mean to you in particular", "983" ], [ "You're taking this out of context, dude. If you actually go through the thread you'll see that people do know about reproductive organs; removing the silliness in expression that often accompanies <PERSON> fans' speech when they squee about things the post is pretty much,\n\nOP: Why do i encounter the phrase \"are you wet for me\" so often in <PERSON>, how does this make sense, a bottom guy cannot be \"wet\"\n\nResponse:\n\nTheory 1: you encounter this phrase because people are concerned with fantasy not realistic biology, and the idea has turned into a trope (not unusual, male pregnancy is a trope in some people's writing and nobody thinks this is biologically accurate, people are just fantasizing - so why not fantasize about self-lubricating butts)\n\n-side-discussion on theory 1: butts actually do self-lubricate to an extent in response to mechanical stimulation: mucous is secreted for feces to come out easier, though nowhere near the amount required for actual intercourse, and the cause is not sexual arousal it's purely mechanical\n\nTheory 2: This is actually an idiom in the original Japanese that people translate literally (possibly a phrase that is true for women was taken and applied figuratively to bottoms in yaoi, and it stuck);\n\nAll I'm trying to do here is get some independent verification of Theory 2", "670" ], [ "Not a virgin, not a troll, yes 35 y/o, and yeah, silly af.\n\nThat out of the way.\n\nYou guys are taking this entire thing out of context. Look past the phrasing, and the post is really:\n\nOP: why do I keep seeing the phrase, \"are you wet for me?\" this is a boy, boys don't get wet, this makes no sense.\n\nr/yaoi: \n\n- Theory 1: self-lubricating butts are a fantasy trope, no need for realism with fantasy tropes\n\n- Theory 2: This is actually a direct translation of the original Japanese, where a phrase that applies to girls (\"get wet\") is figuratively applied to bottom guys and has stuck:\n > 濡る (nuraru) is probably the word used which means to become wet, and can in the right context sound sexual.\nI would guess that it is used somewhat metaphorically in yaoi?\n\nIt is actually a legit language question", "670" ], [ "Nah, that's not the actual question, the actual question is \"why is the phrase 'are you wet for me' a common one in yaoi, is it because \n\n > 濡る (nuraru) is probably the word used which means to become wet, and can in the right context sound sexual.\nI would guess that it is used somewhat metaphorically in yaoi?\n\nLike, is it a phrase that originally applies to women but has been figuratively applied to male bottoms and as a result has stuck. We do have the biology straight, and we don't think that sticking a finger up your bum is going to cause it to secrete the amount of mucous a vagina will.", "157" ], [ "I don't think that you should equate throwing up with a failure in education or something, throwing up is a well-known healing crisis side effect. Many of the old-school Natural Hygiene crowd recommend not to break a fast when you start feeling bad but to wait for the healing crisis to clear and break the fast when you feel good, not when you feel bad. \n\nLow electrolytes may cause nausea but most of us westerners need waaaaaay longer than 5 days on water to be low on electrolytes. Imo this is not the cause. \n\nIf you were supplementing, multivitamins or tea, both black and green, can make one nauseous, too. \n\nI disagree on \"don't break fasts on carbs,\" there's a reason why watermelon is such a staple when it comes to breaking fasts. I think every person needs to experiment and see what works for them. In either case, 5d is nothing to the body, I'd say it's not a big deal and in most cases the body will deal regardless of what you throw at it. I broke a 12d, pure water with a binge and survived quite well. \n\nThe only explanation that makes sense to me is you were in the middle of a healing crisis.", "346" ], [ "Norway headcanon:\n\n- lives on a farm, has cows\n- farm smells like cow poo used to fertilise in the summer\n- rubber boots and waterproof clothing\n- boat on the fjord, middle of nowhere, go hiking in the surrounding hills\n- the best at making moonshine; when necessary just fills a water glass and gulps down until desired inebriation is achieved\n- quite likes sweden but will not be easy under any circumstances before sweden shows him respect and stops thinking of him as a hillbilly\n- there may or may not have been this drunken thing with Thailand when he was off backpacking after high school; embarrassing Khaosan road tattoo still present. Sweden thing may have something to do with tattoo shame\n- Unbeknownst to Norway, Sweden has also slept with Thailans\n- Thailand is a gorgeous pumped-up labyboy sex worker by night and a modest, proper, friendly, hard-working girl by day. Gives killer massages. Mildly amused by all other nations' antics; likes the beach, appreciates his sugar daddies, takes good care of his parents. Makes shrewd plans about the kind of successful businesswoman he wants to be when he hits 30\n\nEdit: more\n\n- America (1): loves to go visit Thailand and go drinking; he likes to boast a lot about his tolerance and tries a different cocktail each time; Thailand loves to go off drinking with him for free and amusedly drinks him under the table\n- America (2): is a proper boy from Virginia who has an identity crisis when he wakes up in Thailand's bed, butt sore and wallet empty. Thailand has promised not to tell anyone even though he thinks it's silly how hard America tries to pretend he's proper when he's at home. Nevermind, the money from that gig will pay for fixing one of Thailand's fake boobs which has started to sit more to one side lately\n\nConclusion: massive Thailand-centered epic, each chapter detailing the different countries' drunken shenanigans when they visit.", "420" ], [ "more like abusive older brother who thinks he's always right, smokes like a chimney, hacks and spits on the ground all the time. Likes to give neighboring countries *cough*SUGGESTIONS and of everyone agrees because they're afraid China will beat them up if they don't. Thinks he's the most knowledgeable and cultured and thinks everyone around him is knowledgeable and cultured only to the extent that they try to be like him. Japan hurt him long ago, and even though Japan apologized, China keeps going on self-righteous angry rants on a daily basis - he's one of those people that every time you meet them, they'll start an angry rant with you as a listener telling you about how Japan wronged them. Turns off his factories for a week each year, finally sees blue sky, calls it \"Victory Blue\" and keeps reminding himself how one day Japan will pay\n\nHas black lung from all the coal and steel factories he won't turn off 'cause he won't risk becoming less powerful\n\nBasically immortan <PERSON> in training\n\n\nedit: typo", "34" ], [ "You should first and foremost take care of yourself. There's no shame in living to fight another day. There's this thing that happens to me with calls to action, and the same may be happening to you: there is so much to do in the world, and only you, as one person, with a limited support system, who doesn't have negative, safe space free from fox news blaring even in their home. It's overwhelming -- it's more than one person can handle, sometimes, even if you try. You end up feeling hopeless and guilty and a little bit self-hating that you can't do better. \n\nThere is so much to do, and you are correct in realizing that even though one person can act for change, what they can do is limited. \n\nNow is the time to turn towars self-care. There's a quote I read the other day that I really needed: \"remember not only what you're against, but even more, what you're for.\" \n\nI think the important thing to do now is to choose one's battles. There are success stories -- I am not American but I read that there is an ethics committee you guys managed to save by calling your representatives? Also, remember the increased amount of donations people are giving to worthy charities. It is true that it is a difficult time, and many people are scared. I am scared, I lived in the US for 8 years, and I want better for you guys. I want better for europe. But I think the way to achieve it is not to try to struggle against - your dad's opinions, or fox news, or the nazis - but to struggle for: help friends, help planned parenthood, volunteer at a soup kitchen, call representatives, join up with others in community and selebrate the positive values of awesomeness, acceptance, respect and diversity that bind you together. I wish you all the best.", "4" ], [ "> just because I'm far right doesn't mean I have to be evil\n\nwise. there's two strands of thought that get conflated in what passes for \"right\" these days, and that really sucks: strand one, being socially reactionary, and strand two, which I assume is the one you're behind, the libertarian/radical freedom camp. I am not libertarian myself, but I respect it because even though I don't think it would result in the best economic outcome, it is based on a radical respect: you are seen as intrinsically entitled to choose how to live your life - be religious or not, have an abortion or not, fuck (or don't) whoever you want. That's decent ideology right there. \n\nimo, <PERSON> the person was kind of misguided. She had traumatic early childhood experiences with totalitarian USSR and channeled that trauma into overcompensating and overly idealizing capitalism. But the thing is, with capitalism, there's <PERSON> and SpaceX, and there's everyone in oil and finance that's currently going, \"squee, it's a free-for-all, global warming isn't real, let's pay less taxes while depriving people of essential health and reproductive care, and who cares about global warming, that's not gonna impact me on -my- estate\"", "627" ], [ "you need only one thing for birth rates to come up: you need people to be confident that they will be able to afford to raise their children - \"afford\" both in terms of money, and in terms of time. End of story. If you want to extract maximum surplus value from workers, you're taking as much of their time as possible while paying them as little as possible - so, what do y'all expect?", "231" ], [ "I've got to read that guy. I've read all of my leftie important books, but not <PERSON>. <PERSON> was supposedly a fan, and so was <PERSON>, so he is directly responsible for the current economic crap the us and uk are facing. \n\nIt's kind of weird; the radical left and the radical right share the freedom/respect thing, but we don't agree on the economics. I'm assuming you guys will see a stock market boom and a subsequent bubble with <PERSON>, but the majority of people will fare much much worse while the middle class keeps being hollowed out. I don't want to be around for the next bust, that's not going to be pretty -- speaking as an economist here", "211" ], [ "OK, here is exactly what I mean.\n\nI call racism not just any -prejudice- based on race, but any assumption that a person's skin color, etc. defines them. So, any time someone says, \"women are X\" this is a sexist statement, and any time someone says \"black people are Y,\" this is a racist statement, even if it is a \"good\" racist statement e.g. \"Asians are good at math.\"\n\nSo: we don't need to be oppressive and discriminatory. What we biologically are, though, is \"groupers.\" As in, we create cognitive shortcuts by grouping people or things we perceive to have similar characteristics. It's how we come up with the general concept of \"chair\" when there are 2653 kinds of chairs out there.", "715" ], [ "2006? Try 2002 or 3 I forget haha. Started watching 'cause a friend seemed to like it, next thing I know it was 5 AM and light outside and I had class in 3 hours. Bah I'm old\n\nedit: I also sing to this song in full-throated joyful abandon even though I know 0 Japanese. Let's just hope no actual Japanese people ever hear me or they'll laugh their asses off", "213" ] ]
[ 24205, 22557, 21966, 24189, 4925, 22649, 22162, 2589, 15444, 19892, 20560, 23095, 15814, 6851, 19301, 25518, 7293, 15952, 16054, 2587, 16464, 20172, 14120, 17895, 10090, 15546, 9344, 10801, 20883, 13347, 19441, 24826, 102, 19239, 19912, 23381, 8248, 15044, 19215, 9827, 10266, 9643, 15128, 9197, 20012, 4141, 14449, 19065, 15342, 8386, 22248, 710, 3244, 5761, 22639, 8118, 16118, 4769, 10073, 20838, 4419, 18027, 21718, 25117, 24160, 8410, 5090, 24752, 4739, 8280, 11700, 24361, 2261, 23312, 18287, 19103, 10205, 16329, 18248, 2569, 8192, 544, 13174, 8639, 17900, 23222, 6176, 21479, 16100, 326, 24073, 21314, 23757, 5306, 4501, 20227, 12681, 12146, 24375, 8394, 10449, 1614, 7746, 21600, 9137, 18446, 13077, 24706, 18450, 22606, 15818, 18266, 5244, 14485, 2596, 25523, 24311, 15054, 24934, 21162, 15678, 21140, 15095, 16733, 20513, 1466, 17423, 17070, 23599, 18601, 18206, 16296, 22252, 12755, 11432, 22003, 16978, 7311, 21906, 7230, 23523, 18637, 612, 1115, 12351, 17631, 22667, 3719, 21854, 9737, 25472, 5345, 15171, 2220, 21704, 14819, 8430, 6642, 10506, 7232, 17743, 2584, 192, 7578, 16367, 18563, 5682, 10196, 23447, 18847, 20529, 24278, 24543, 18707, 1668, 21694, 4579, 17298, 1556, 18817, 5339, 6886, 17896, 3446, 11164, 15347, 25201, 19148, 22656, 14749, 18467, 9470, 20663, 13530, 17810, 16616, 6499, 23444, 18160, 2875, 19769, 19355, 23475, 24658, 13572, 9228, 1897, 17677, 1640, 14367, 296, 17104, 5450, 21158, 15312, 23727, 512, 14476, 10853, 15039, 742, 16872, 16496, 10802, 6230, 22357, 20362, 10777, 4967, 4911, 15435, 17053, 17077, 21284, 5759, 10637, 303, 11198, 11768, 19138, 25021, 15783, 24503, 4820, 10094, 17329, 22511, 2145, 15552, 19268, 10282, 21880, 570, 451, 7160, 2812, 8014, 7422, 8077, 15456, 17790, 22943, 19774, 6149, 18580, 11129, 10642, 16276, 20118, 24564, 15098, 3229, 4580, 7314, 6631, 14006, 285, 23805, 18121, 866, 19832, 2717, 7433, 7639, 24450, 5569, 20916, 93, 19837, 20193, 13918, 22770, 5805, 11169, 19664, 25289, 4430, 18127, 21577, 13181, 1756, 23631, 22828, 25068, 25207, 20177, 6501, 2270, 2715, 11179, 16031, 6188, 24547, 25410, 22503, 2471, 5667, 18249, 17128, 9247, 22120, 18851, 6216, 323, 12953, 15151, 9143, 19746, 2102, 17903, 5459, 5554, 14801, 16566, 18790, 24627, 12199, 23785, 18417, 3000, 16590, 4873, 10325, 9607, 9681, 7439, 6588, 15711, 11923, 3614, 4078, 19954, 1249, 1727, 12680, 5578, 22235, 20608, 3004, 1953, 836, 23318, 7975, 21116, 10399, 17808, 10415, 17441, 24501, 21866, 21891, 23945, 20146, 19184, 3112, 11977, 19589, 8357, 9184, 23651, 8516, 10034, 15219, 21013, 9074, 14074, 42, 22001, 16114, 22144, 12412, 18078, 18740, 313, 9250, 17024, 15233, 18868, 17674, 13688, 13547, 5173, 19617, 23049, 23527, 3757, 12453, 22057, 25458, 2088, 3894, 15166, 25159, 18316, 2544, 24240, 22336, 7190, 21077, 9021, 5235, 5684, 8150, 15099, 17717, 14834, 14760, 4102, 19139, 2158, 19056, 9593, 21972, 19670, 22547, 23682, 23113, 18189, 8050, 23979, 7478, 10224, 6785, 2295, 22300, 13744, 7686, 11301, 4186, 23828, 1920, 8638, 16358, 21643, 2074, 17419, 8682, 12186, 16377, 23042, 376, 4651, 3299, 6972, 3161, 22551, 12446, 5542, 24273, 23294, 17956, 24549, 22680, 5901, 14782, 17063, 24445, 23762, 7022, 17907, 8743, 18925, 10683, 2825, 21936, 12873, 13677, 22478, 25317, 3792, 6331, 18610, 22355, 9958, 18071, 24218, 16429, 18344, 25442 ]
[ [ "I fail to see how that's going to be an improvement in any way. What you're suggesting would essentially just split the Republican party into two pieces, the conservative democrats/moderates you just kicked out vs the \"old\" republican party. And since the democratic party just effectively neutered itself by removing some half or so of their members, whoever wins the republican primary will de facto win the election. So instead of having elections decided in the general, you've moved the entire decision process into the GOP primary, making the point of political equilibrium significantly more conservative than it is today. \n\nYou'd essentially have pulled off a mega-gerrymander on the GOPs behalf, with much the same consequences as the current gerrymandering are having (e.g. increased partisanship, more extremist positions on issues, further pandering to the base because the general doesn't matter). But I guess it'll feel worth it to you, since at least you cleaned \"your party\" of the heathens.", "313" ], [ "Where exactly are you going to find all of these \"disenfranchised left\" voters? Do they actually exist or are you just daydreaming here? By all demographic accounts the progressive left is not large enough to replace moderate/conserative democrats, and certainly not large enough to be the second major party by itself.\n\n > I'm ok with the bigoted and Christian fundamentalist becoming the disenfranchised voters of the future.\n\nAll I'm seeing here is you disenfranchising yourself by eliminating more than half of your voting block. If anything, you would give more power to the \"bigots\" because you would eliminate yourself from electoral calculus.\n\n > But as long as you stay in my party you're giving power to everything you're against because that's the only way they can go.\n\nCute ad hominem attempt, but you couldn't be more off the mark. I'm not even from the US, and I'm likely further left than you are given that I'm from a leftist country and that I'm far left even by my country's standards. I'm just not dumb enough to think that my fantasy coalition will materialize out of thin air to help solve all my problems.", "886" ], [ "Praise him? Kentucky voters hate him lol, he has the lowest in-state approval of any senator (or at least he used to, maybe someone dropped lower).\nedit:\n\n > About 33 percent of registered Kentucky voters polled approve of the job <PERSON> is doing, while 56 percent disapprove and 11 percent are unsure. Additionally, 32 percent think <PERSON> “deserves to be reelected,” and 61 percent think it’s “time for someone new.” \n\n_URL_0_", "469" ], [ "Why do you think I have a personal stake in moderates being influential? Lol\n\nI would be a <PERSON>/<PERSON> voter if I lived in the states. This has nothing to do with ideology. It doesn't matter that you want the voters to exist, what matters is whether they do or not. And your anecdote aside, I have yet to see any evidence that they exist.\n\nYou might hate having less progressive voters in your party, but that is the political reality in your country. America has been conservative since its inception, and there's little indication that that's going to change.", "886" ], [ "Yeah but going forward every banner is going to be \"limited\" in a sense. Even though they are technically added to the covenant pool, it's going to be virtually impossible to pull them outside of their banner (going for the idk 0.02% chance of getting it off-banner is a non-starter) so if you want the unit you're going to want to pull when the banner is there. \n\nI'm in the same scenario as you - I have ~1500 bookmarks and some 30k skystones saved up because I never pulled on banners. But now that every banner is limited there will be more banners worth pulling on, since there is a guaranteed return on investment.", "599" ], [ "I think that policy is a mistake tbh. I mean I appreciate that they want to give us a heads up before nerfing stuff (especially since it's about the MLs), but establishing precedent to always give 4 weeks notice before nerfs is gonna backfire. If a future unit turns out to be broken it shouldn't have to take 4 weeks between them deciding it needs a nerf and it actually being nerfed. One or two weeks, sure, but 4 is too long to wait.", "884" ], [ "Yeah but the policy isn't to wait 4 weeks before nerfing a unit, it's to wait 4 weeks between *deciding to nerf* and actually implementing the changes.\n\nI agree that it's good to let the meta settle a bit first and not jump the gun just because the community screams that something is OP. But once you've let the meta play out for a bit and realize that you need to step in, you shouldn't be in a position where you feel forced by precedent to wait a month between saying \"Ok guys we're nerfing X char\" and actually doing it. Assuming that the unit is actually a problem (if not then why nerf in the first place), 4 weeks is an unnecessarily long time.", "884" ], [ "I think it's more realistic not to compare to 10k but rather to compare to a lower number, say 3k. This would buy you 60 pulls and give you 1500 refunded. But the odds of actually getting a 5\\* in 60 pulls isn't so great, so even with the refund it might be worth just sitting on them and going for the pity. Of course, getting to the pity is going to take a long time either way, and losing 1500 bookmarks might not make a big difference in the time it'll take to hit 10k anyway.\n\nAll in all I think it will boil down to whether or not you actually want <PERSON>.", "835" ], [ "> I've been wanting to get rid of my 2 Sage Baal & <PERSON> ever since I got them trying for Crescent Moon Rin. \n\nAre you me?\n\nI was considering if I'm gonna keep one, but honestly I kinda just hate the character and really don't care about PvP. I used him a bit just because I felt like I should, but I might actually prefer to have the slate (especially for when they buff imprints) than to have the hero.", "395" ], [ "I don't own her, but even if I did I don't think I would run this artifact over <PERSON>. At 3000 ATK Special Drink would add 675 extra damage to each of her S3 and S2 casts (assuming a +15 artifact). That's good, but it's hardly spectacular. I guess it's a decent option if against a boss immune to % hp damage (so <PERSON> isn't as useful) but it's not impossible that <PERSON> is still better (extra focus generation + the damage from S1 duals are probably close to the damage you'd get from drink).\n\nMaybe I'm missing something? But <PERSON> seems to good on <PERSON> to pass up", "354" ], [ "Isn't it entirely possible that there might be several different ways of expressing the same physical reality, that all give correct outcomes? I don't think it makes sense to say that the mathematics \"behind the orbit of the moon\" existed before we expressed them. The moon existed, and it had an orbit, sure. But the math we use to calculate it is not the same thing as the physical reality it represents. It sounds to me a bit like saying \"Bohemian Rhapsody existed since the dawn of time, someone just had to sing it first\". The words to the song (or the moon's orbit) might have existed, but the representation of them didn't until, you know, it did.", "970" ], [ "They only appear interchangeable because people often lump them together as one (as you, no offense meant, just did). Of course if you never take the time to learn about something that thing will seem vague and uncertain.\n\nThink about it this way: It's like saying that baseball and tennis are interchangeable, because they're both games that you play with balls and wooden implements. That's not that strange of a conclusion if you don't know anything about either sport and you've never seen nor tried nor read about either of them. \n\nHowever, they're obviously not the same thing, and someone who is a tennis fan would certainly let you know that if you expressed such an opinion.\n\nThat in itself isn't an issue. Nobody can be familiar with everything. We all have to prioritize what we focus on in some way, and if you don't care about socialism then that's up to you. But if you don't want to find out what it means, then I don't think you should use it as an insult either.", "458" ], [ "Well I mean it should be removed. It literally breaks the first submission rule of the sub: \n\n > Articles must deal explicitly with US politics.\n\nThis isn't a sub for news, it's a sub for politics. HOWEVER, if an article which discuss the political ramifications of this crime was to be submitted, that would be a different story. \n\nHaving said that, this is a story that will definitely *have* political ramifications. I'm frankly surprised <PERSON> hasn't reacted already, maybe he for once realizes this is something he shouldn't spin, cause it's doing just fine without him. I believe we will see strong bi-partisan condemnation and the term \"hate crime\" explicitly appear in a lot of those condemnations. Some black congressmen might feel forced to be more ambivalent, and maybe some congressmen who are elected from majority black districts, but I'm expected all those not facing immediate political reprisal to condemn it strongly.\n\nedit: mistakenly wrote hate speech instead of hate crime", "614" ], [ "Okay, fair enough, I phrased myself poorly. But then let me rephrase my point: how can you be critical of the ideas, when you yourself admit that you don't even understand what the ideology entails? And that you don't know what the difference between them (socialism, marxism, communism etc.) are?\n\nTo go back to my example, it's like hearing about baseball for the first time in your life from someone who gives you a rough description of the game, and based on that description immediately deciding you dislike it. Even though you have no idea if the description is accurate, and despite never having actually seen someone play baseball, let alone been to a game.", "870" ], [ "You asked what Marxism was, which is a pretty good clue that you don't know much about the subject.\n\nYou also said the following:\n\n > Socialism is founded on the concept of violent revolt against capitalists.\n\nWhich is, as <PERSON> explained, not true in the first place. And you didn't argue against him when he corrected you, while a good attitude towards knowledge in general, shows that you yourself accept that you know very little about these ideologies.\n\nBasically, the only thing you've said so far is that you don't like collectivism, which (can be) a valid argument against all socialist brands. But like I said, that's basically like someone saying \"Oh baseball is a game where you hit balls with bats\" and you deciding \"Well that sounds like a load of shit.\" And I'm hoping your dislike of these ideologies are based on something more thought-through than that.\n\nDon't get me wrong, I'm not trying to get you to like socialism. Plenty of people don't, and I'm not a socialist myself for that matter. But saying that \"socialist tendencies\" are causing a violent political climate is just like saying all <PERSON> voters are nazis waiting to create the fourth reich in the US. It's just mindless divisive rethoric with no established basis in fact. I'd like to think that, with few exceptions, most people would be able to get along if they just listened more than they talked.", "870" ], [ "> This is an absolutely pathetic attempt at excusing the bias of this sub and the direct censorship of narrative collapsing news.\n\nWell I still have no idea what examples you're talking about, so I don't know how exactly I can be excusing them.\n\n > What an amazing time when a mentally disabled person can be tortured live on the internet and be buried from discussion simply because the color of his skin was \"wrong\".\n\nBuried from discussion? There is a [82k point thread with 34000 comments currently discussing the event.](_URL_0_) I read that thread, as I'm sure did you, as I'm sure most people who have looked at the front page for the last 18 hours did. Just because it's not discussed here doesn't mean it's buried from debate. Subreddits are by definition specialized, and this one specializes in politics, not news stories.\n\nYour logic is akin to asking why we don't post more <PERSON> songs in this subreddit, and claiming censorship when we point out that there are plenty of place for that in /r/music.", "728" ], [ "> with the update from police stating it \"isn't a hate crime\" is locked. \n\nBecause the thread devolved into chaos, yes. Is that surprising? And this is coming from someone who absolutely think it was a hate-crime. \n\n > And tomorrow they will both disappear.\n\nTomorrow the first post will have been up for 30-40 hours, so it will have dropped off the frontpage by itself. So yes, it will have disappeared, I suppose. If you're saying they will be deleted, then a) you're speculating and b) I don't see why a post that has been up for 40 hours and has 30k post would be censored. Kinda late at that point, don't you think? \n\n > Surely it will bring everyone together by having double-standards that are excused with backwards logic.\n\nEnforcing your stated rules is neither a double-standard nor backwards logic. You need to read what you're saying and really think it through. I'm not saying reddit isn't biased one way or another. I'm also not saying you don't have a point when it comes to other articles/subreddits/events. But you complaining about this story being removed despite being explicitly against the rules is the only backwards logic to be found in this thread.", "126" ], [ "Just because the NSA hasn't presented physical proof doesn't mean someone walked into the DNC, plugged in a USB-drive, took the data and walked out. And unless someone at the DNC comes forward and says \"I leaked the info\", there is no comparison to <PERSON> or <PERSON>. They worked as a part of the organizations they whistleblew against. This is about a hostile actor retrieving information it wasn't supposed to have. Maybe it was simply a disgruntled employee, but we have no reason to assume it was. So with the evidence we have, they got the information from the outside. If it wasn't a hack, it was a break-in. \n\nAnd given historical precedent, I seriously doubt <PERSON> would attempt to defend a break-in of the DNC.", "452" ], [ "He was regularly regarded as kinda daft, and somewhat unfit for the presidency. Just because someone is a nice guy doesn't make them a good president. And just because someone is a nice guy doesn't mean they will make \"nice\" decisions while being president. That's because the president is supposed to represent the whole country, not himself. \n\nWhether or not <PERSON> (or any other president for that matter) fulfilled that ideal is a different question. I'm just saying that you can't predict the decisions that will be made during someone's presidency based solely on their individual personality.", "533" ], [ "Haha what? Incontrol was a huge part of EG's success in SC2 (and as a result other scenes as well). Not as a player, certainly, he was never more than an average-low tier pro, but as a brand/spokesperson/caster/community figure (not to mention the work he did internally on EG) he did tons of work and was widely loved in the scene. \n\nThere isn't really a comparable figure in the dota 2 scene, maybe if you imagine <PERSON> being signed on <PERSON> for years that's the closest comparison you can get. But he was certainly not dead weight. If he had been, they would have terminated him years ago.", "820" ], [ "Well actually yeah, it is his place. Or at the very least, it's a failure of their marketing department. The only reason I can imagine for not putting up a press release or statement for letting go one of their most well-known figures is, like <PERSON> said on the SC2 sub, that if he's not mentioned as being let go he still provides implicit PR for EG. That seems a bit of a stretch to me, and incredibly scummy if true, but the only other option is that their PR department simply screwed up and don't know the history of their own organization. \n\nAs for your question about what he did, it's hard to summarize. He was never successful as a player, so his results as such are pretty irrelevant. I would suggest reading _URL_0_ to get a small insight, but basically he was more or less the most visible non-player in the scene, and was ALWAYS under the EG banner. He was their ultimate hype man, PR guy, he was on the biggest SC2 talk show for years (dota has no equivalent of this, joindota tried to copy their formula with <PERSON>, <PERSON> and a few others but lack of interest (from <PERSON> mostly it seemed) killed that project very quickly), did tons of casting and hosting events, worked internally in their org with, etc. \n\nBasically, if you think of EG when you see <PERSON>, imagine that times a hundred for <PERSON>.", "791" ] ]
[ 24023, 16115, 5653, 3286, 16666, 22296, 3786, 14520, 21834, 3330, 9191, 14111, 12650, 12955, 13465, 9585, 11614, 14535, 9703, 14830, 14938, 11660, 8773, 2843, 10470, 10034, 25442, 13453, 21293, 4362, 7897, 8395, 6403, 8630, 9370, 4161, 22886, 3864, 14294, 24072, 18301, 12515, 16615, 14821, 1095, 15882, 11831, 678, 16744, 1623, 16628, 16313, 9684, 7278, 4378, 1781, 19656, 23002, 3567, 1806, 5443, 18272, 22757, 16034, 20858, 21922, 7709, 22424, 15979, 3090, 11337, 21680, 1654, 23164, 9614, 13100, 7136, 13445, 8118, 5979, 3698, 7811, 4217, 10724, 1037, 3120, 22117, 6106, 4464, 2373, 24962, 5610, 11056, 16033, 20286, 5495, 17769, 4731, 19259, 25306, 3717, 16463, 4399, 21751, 25483, 24139, 14522, 9920, 10014, 21706, 4887, 2057, 12391, 16167, 1248, 3057, 6314, 6198, 20364, 10968, 8248, 4894, 11203, 10683, 11598, 10916, 20073, 4651, 19380, 12660, 8544, 23353, 11834, 6402, 6361, 24247, 6420, 4831, 17970, 23655, 14481, 11302, 24083, 12719, 22828, 16524, 5471, 22741, 12159, 6990, 6482, 86, 2832, 24206, 8077, 1472, 14801, 2223, 17300, 5724, 3316, 18596, 9296, 12361, 17818, 23533, 23785, 17444, 223, 8049, 628, 10151, 13073, 16244, 23503, 11748, 15019, 14084, 2251, 1948, 16830, 4076, 10745, 14702, 9828, 13434, 10465, 24834, 20038, 17974, 10162, 16479, 12359, 5333, 14756, 13841, 7650, 1560, 4499, 14209, 376, 8284, 1857, 6587, 13006, 17594, 22059, 14276, 8870, 18844, 4271, 2329, 16387, 3809, 11038, 4774, 19631, 13120, 6873, 2347, 18689, 869, 18035, 14956, 17406, 12902, 17424, 19312, 11700, 12146, 1145, 8091, 8351, 1103, 21168, 8398, 471, 12463, 3937, 12933, 1193, 21148, 25317, 21116, 13936, 12225, 18158, 18974, 23318, 3297, 10452, 12926, 7870, 4410, 1756, 5576, 13024, 10658, 2225, 82, 23291, 21175, 21840, 8528, 6495, 17790, 17821, 12043, 855, 4055, 15983, 7034, 822, 8232, 18855, 24942, 16344, 7033, 9716, 5561, 5209, 16249, 8365, 21347, 1362, 6458, 16495, 23091, 11625, 5173, 2102, 20834, 24200, 1993, 2545, 2707, 184, 7923, 11014, 7916, 14121, 8856, 23874, 19497, 8674, 12212, 9222, 2426, 5544, 8052, 10308, 16149, 8146, 23766, 2783, 4302, 5013, 11723, 24424, 14786, 3029, 14413, 23826, 1881, 7695, 14791, 22964, 16635, 23665, 15223, 20324, 23332, 14582, 1189, 23653, 6773, 19614, 19537, 3712, 15500, 19616, 20270, 7944, 18323, 13572, 24507, 13749, 7466, 21070, 2909, 12776, 5434, 17739, 17583, 21519, 22318, 8010, 22816, 2738, 3238, 11984, 2172, 736, 4345, 18690, 11789, 17223, 14279, 14484, 590, 8617, 343, 17070, 13110, 21400, 13380, 3622, 20076, 19966, 18024, 22822, 22034, 3616, 50, 13288, 24983, 16611, 4059, 449, 15853, 62, 23414, 4106, 991, 24060, 17777, 16500, 6936, 15404, 3426, 7653, 23895, 11701, 7963, 18770, 2049, 10896, 8993, 1305, 2918, 12913, 25418, 17170, 9228, 9082, 18871, 3279, 21322, 20437, 11359, 6148, 1165, 7023, 2895, 1124, 15950, 14214, 4939, 2403, 367, 32, 18528, 4312, 8783, 17455, 11468, 3259, 14896, 10222, 8540, 12748, 18718, 13908, 16187, 2714, 14726, 13611, 18887, 20359, 21166, 3117, 11412, 11452, 24368, 12990, 6850, 20807, 7524, 21090, 12931, 8281, 7003, 4248, 10362, 17659, 22589, 14519, 6969, 15496, 17498, 10881, 2988, 23603, 18069, 11156, 9760, 14798, 8386, 827, 14870, 14087, 19004, 18685, 5450, 9774, 408, 10609, 15614, 9409, 25460, 9939, 21083, 12040, 12460, 12410, 13122, 18477, 7739, 13708 ]
[ [ "I'm really wondering how I'm going to turn out when I'm older. Because I have a bunch of different conflicting things going on both genetically and psychically.\n\nThe good: both my mom, her mom, and my dad's mom looked much younger than their actual age for years. My paternal grandma was regularly carded into her 40s (this was in the 90s I think) and when I saw pictures of her, she really did look at least 10 years younger than herself. My grandma looked a bit younger but smoked a lot so it wasn't as prominent. My mom looked like she was in her 30s until she hit about 55 and got really sick and now she looks a little older than her actual age (60). \n\nAlso good: I'm learning to be better about health, activity, food, exercise, all of it. I'm losing weight as an adult that I could never loose as a kid/teen. So I'm re-learning all the things it means to be healthy.\n\nThe bad: I have a lot of small health problems. My thyroid doesn't work well (thanks maternal grandma). I have weird pains and join problems despite being 23. My energy levels are non-existent because of a mix of known and unknown health things so it's really hard to get myself to do anything other than want to sleep. And on that note, I don't sleep well and never feel rested. \n\nSo like, I hope I can be like my dad who is 63 and lifts and runs regularly, just learned to ski last year, and really has a zest and energy for life. He is almost never sick which makes me so envious. And I know there's so many things I do have control of, but I hope I don't end up like my paternal grandma and have a stroke at 45 before I even get to live to be an old woman.", "512" ], [ "I've never had issues with Burt's Bees and in fact just put some on before reading this and added more to my cart on amazon because it's almost out. But I only put it on the actual lip itself and not the skin around the lips in the slightest. \n\nDo you put it on the skin around you lips too? And if you do, why do you do that? I can totally see breaking out if you're putting on such a thick and oily product onto the sensitive skin around the lips.", "383" ], [ "Oh this is so spot on.\n\nMy company (around 300 people) has a massage therapist come in every Thursday for a few hours offering massages that are partly subsidized by the company (so I think it's $20, $40, $60 for 15, 30, 45 minutes respectively). This woman is AMAZING! Like I've gone in maybe 10 times now and I have felt so much better every time. She works out of some locally owned health spa in the metro area we're in and has something like 30 years of experience. \n\nFor my birthday back in May, I wanted to take the day off and my mom got me a gift card to Massage Envy for an hour massage. The masseuse I had was super nice, we had a lovely chat (I'm super duper chatty) but it was annoying that I didn't really feel like I got any benefit out of it later. Like she was so busy talking that it didn't feel like she worked the kinks and knots out of my muscles. And then trying to pay afterwards was a pain because like every other sentence was pushing to sign up for a membership. Like, that woman at ME was nice but I won't go back. I need to ask my work's masseuse where she works when she's not here so I can go there instead if I need. Maybe more expensive but infinitely more worth it.", "610" ], [ "I find it to funny because my boss was complaining in a meeting with us today (developers) that the job he posted to add someone to our team had several people apply with none of relevant experience he wanted and was frustrated that he felt like people weren't reading the job listing or didn't care that their experience didn't fit the requirements.\n\nI had to explain to him that especially newer grads are taught and told to apply for anything like kind of relevant and if you're interested in learning what you don't know. Things are very different now than they were 20 years ago for applying for jobs.", "979" ], [ "A ton of people I know from high school and college that have graduated in the last two or so years have gained a lot of weight. And a lot of them were people who were historically quite skinny and are now very overweight/obese now. \n\nI'm trying to do the opposite and lose the weight and it's going well so far. When I first started at my sedentary office job, people joked about being careful about the \"\\[Company\\] 15\" just like the Freshman 15. Well, jokes on them! I'm down like 25lbs from my highest weight and 15lbs since I started working here!", "115" ], [ "So the city I grew up in and went to college in is a very active and out-doorsy city for the most part. On campus, there would always be groups that would take the elevator but frequently it was the freshman who didn't want to go up 5 flights of stairs to get back to the dorms (city and the university all on a hill). \n\nBut I remember my sophomore year, I got super sick. I was sick for something like 6 weeks and got bronchitis. I could hardly walk on flat ground for more than a minute let alone go up any stairs because I was so weak. But I remember getting so many glares from people while waiting to take the elevator because I looked able-bodied. \n\nThis comment not meant to argue with you at all. Just telling a little anecdote", "898" ], [ "If you're being serious, cost and room are probably the main issues. Also liability. \n\nMaybe you can get cheap treadmills, but they're always going to be way more money than simple chairs. \n\nA lot of waiting rooms try to maximize the amount of people that can be in there given the space. If you have to remove three extra chairs for one treadmill, the room is likely no longer serving it's purpose as best as it could.\n\nAnd finally, people are stupid. Having a treadmill in an open area for free use if you aren't having anyone who steps on it or near it sign a liability waiver is asking to be sued because someone falls off and hurts themselves or uses the machine improperly and gets injured. \n\nIt's almost a no-win for whatever company/business would try to do it. \n\nOn the other hand, it would be super cool. I'd personally love it, especially if I'm anxious or bored and waiting. It would help get some of the either nervous or extra energy out.", "616" ], [ "This makes me really happy to read this and I needed to see this. \n\nI'm 23 and I've never been skinny. I was always a chubby kid and haven't been a healthy weight since I was 16 (my mom made me go to the gym with her when I was 14 and she saw me step on the scale and got me down to a healthy weight, albeit at the top of the healthy weights for my height at the time) when I ballooned up after starting on a birth control pill that just killed me in so many different ways.\n\nSo the entire time I've been told I was supposed to be in my \"prime\" physically, I've never been happy. Always overweight. I'm 23 and I'm down a bit below where I had gotten to after the bad birth control experience that I wasn't able to lose in college. I'm feeling better and stronger than I have in a long time but have felt like I missed out on what it was like to be a teen with a good, fit, healthy body. \n\nIt makes me feel miles better to know that I haven't really missed out that much and my best days could be ahead of me if I keep on the right path.\n\nThank you, I really REALLY needed to see this.", "115" ], [ "Oh boy. This reminds me of a friend of mine.\n\nShe is short and was always quite petite. Like 5'2\" and maybe 105lbs until graduating high school. I, by contrast, am 5'6\" and had fluctuated between 145lbs (but I was 5'4\" at the time and 14) and 185lbs since I was 14. Haven't been below 160lbs since I was 17.\n\nBut now, my friend has steadily gained weight since we graduated. We're both 23 now. She used to wear 00s for jeans but now wears size 10-12s and has angry red stretch marks on various parts of her from the weight gain. At some point, she had been trying to lose weight but wasn't succeeding much and basically gave up and said \"Well, I love my body and I'm just going to be happy how I am\" and has stayed (by my best guess) obese for her height. And now that I've been losing weight, if I mention it to her, she'll chime in with \"Oh, but you don't need to!\" or \"You should just be happy how you are!\" \n\nIt's been frustrating because there have been several times when I get excited about some clothing fitting better, or being happier with my progress so far, and she takes it so personally and starts making it about her. Like girl, just because you have gained weight and don't want to change doesn't mean I have to. Don't normalize your obesity because you don't want to put the effort to get back to where you were before.", "115" ], [ "I hadn't seen that movie until recently. My bf insisted we had to watch it drunk because he wanted to see me drunkenly rant about my work. I wasn't so sure it would elicit a stronger reaction than I usually have to work things.\n\nOh boy, was I wrong. I think I was screaming at the tv inside the first five minute because it made me so angry. Great movie, way too relatable, 10/10 will watch again when I'm having a good enough week to be okay being mad about work all over again.", "869" ], [ "When my best friend and I go out, we almost always sit at the bar and are there for the duration of the stay at the bar. More often than not, if it's not super busy or if they're not totally slammed, we'll sit and chat with the bartender. My friend had worked as a server for ages and we're both just super friendly with strangers in general. But just by being nice and chatting and also showing genuine interest in whoever is serving us, we have gotten lots of free drinks and excellent service. We would do it without the perks just because it's nice to be nice to people and talk to them. But it's crazy how just some simple kindness can be so rare.", "33" ], [ "So much has happened in the last two years even, let alone 10. So the highlights:\n\nGraduated college, got a job.\n\nMet my bf and moved in together recently.\n\nFinally got doctors to listen to me and have a bunch of diagnoses that had been causing issues for a literal decade despite only being 23 right now. So far have figured out: hypothyroidism, delayed sleep phase disorder, insomnia, and ADHD. Not feeling 100% but it's better.\n\nLosing weight and being 5lbs from a healthy weight for the first time in my adult life.", "91" ], [ "So I love to go to the Renaissance Festival almost every year that I can and I remember one of the stories one of the performers would always tell for his shows. He professionally does balancing and juggling acts at ren fests for a full time job.\n\nSo he would tell the story of in his senior year in hs, he had a study hall. He wouldn't use this free time to study at all but over the course of the year, managed to get so good at balancing in his chair, that he could balance the chair on two legs while sitting for the whole 50 minute period. Considering I can't even walk down a flat hall without tipping over sometimes, I'm crazy impressed.", "957" ], [ "Yeah it's been quite the process. I baffled my sleep doc at my last appointment because we were looking at my fitbit sleep data (which my doctor says is a decent measure of about when and how long you sleep but has literally no accuracy in the sleep cycles) and he was so confused because I'm consistently getting \"enough\" sleep and consistent times and still don't feel good. Finally got a real sleeping prescription that's been helping a little bit I think I actually need a stronger dose cause it doesn't help near as much as I'd hoped.\n\nBut there's some other things I need to ask my primary about next time I see them thay could be related to the sleep stuff plus other symptoms I have that I hadn't really put together before.", "41" ], [ "Huh, I have never heard of this but just spent the last bit reading up. I think the most relevant seeming part was its links to high levels of homocysteine in the blood. But that that can be caused by things like hypothyroidism (which I'm being treated for already) but that right now the treatment is basically taking B vitamins. I'll definitely ask my doctor about it at my physical whenever I get around to scheduling it.\n\nBut also thanks! This is actually one of the few times someone has offered insight I didn't already know about and I'm intrigued. The other one I was informed of recently is POTs which I fit like all the symptoms of that apparently has strong links to insomnia.", "398" ], [ "<PERSON>, as a girl who is dating someone who had never even kissed a girl until we started dating his senior year in college, go for it. Just because you don't have experience with girls doesn't really matter. Just be nice and interested without being creepy or clingy if she shows interest back. But also who knows, if you start hanging out with her whether it's romantic or nor, she may introduce you to her friends and then you will have a group. Things work out like that sometimes.\n\nBut what I will tell you will instantly drive her and anyone else off is openly having the attitude you have right now. Being lonely absolutely does suck, but if you want to make a good impression, fake it till you make it. No one wants to hang out with someone who gripes all the time. So even if it is a bit of an act at first, try to outwardly seem like it's not an issue. People are more drawn to other happy people. So if you're drawn to her because she's awesome and athletic and smart, try to present yourself in a similar positive way and it will go a looong way.", "289" ], [ "Oh boy I would never work for a place that required that. Like I'm a young woman working as a developer (yay computer science) so I'm working with 99% guys. I wear a t-shirt and jeans everyday and so do they. I asked during my interview with my company how casual it was for dress code and they said semi-casual (so no leggings for me without a long sweater, no t-shirts with logos, stuff like that) and that was cool for me. I have some friends that are expected to be business casual everyday and I just wouldn't be able to stand that. Dress clothes are so uncomfortable! How can you do good work if you're constantly struggling to be comfortable?", "179" ], [ "Not the person you asked, but for me, I've never let my cats sleep with me (when living at home with my parents). In the future when I get pets again, I still won't let them sleep with me. But it's more of an issue of awful insomnia and terrible issues trying to sleep, that literally any other thing making noise, moving, or sometimes even being present will 100% prevent me from sleeping. So that could be one reason.", "287" ], [ "I mean this in the most serious and sincere way, but is there a way to calculate bmi but with having differently sized breasts? Like how much you would weigh/what your bmi would be with Bs vs DDDs? I am so genuinely curious about how much these damn things weight and how bmi would be affected by this. And I know breasts generally grow and shrink with changes in weight, but not always a lot depending on the person and fat distribution.\n\nEdit to add: I know that cup size is pretty meaningless without the band size and a 32D is a completely different cup volume than a 38D but I was just trying to generalize for the sake of a shorter comment. \n\nAlso from u/[bookhermit](_URL_0_) this source: [_URL_1_](_URL_2_) Seems to have some decent answers for how much they weigh! And also made a good point that it's a small enough amount that it would likely not affect BMI that much.", "37" ], [ "Huh very interesting. It's curious why if the difference in actual weight (mass really but whatever), why back pains/problems are so much more prominent in larger breated women despite the actual weight in lbs not being that much different. I guess \"wearing\" the weight around constantly adds to the strain but 3lbs vs 5lbs is not that much of a difference, all things considered. Like I myself am a 34G and will definitely have a sore back after a while of standing or anything where I can recline back some. But friends with sizes more around 34-36B-C don't really have the same issues. \n\nBut that is a very good point on that it doesn't change the BMI drastically. This was very informative!", "115" ], [ "Yup, you're absolutely right. I responded to someone else saying this, but I just didn't want to go into a bunch of detail about how bra sizing works and was trying to generalize for sake of a more concise comment. But yeah, it does change a lot depending on the band size. \n\nAnd oh boy I think we'd all be dead or have some seriously buff backs if \"D\" (used loosely lol) cups were 15-20lbs hahaha", "37" ], [ "Oh yeah. At the movie theater years ago (Despicable Me had just come out), one of my friends started choking while we were in the lobby. There were probably 20 people within as many feet and only my other friend and myself reacted. The staff didn't move. The people around us didn't move at all. My non-choking friend gave the choking one the Heimlich and it didn't work so then I did it and managed to get the candy my friend was choking on to come out. Like a few minutes later after the whole thing ended and my friend was just sitting down on a bench trying to calm down, an attendant came up to us and asked if we needed anything.", "980" ], [ "So this reminds me of something I had written in maybe kindergarten? \n\nSo we must have had some assignment to write down what sort of things we did with our parents. I don't remember what I wrote down for my mom, but apparently for my dad I wrote \"Sometimes my dad gives me massages\". Like years later my parents ended up reading my 6 year old chicken scratch and damn near died. \n\nIt was totally harmless in that my dad would give me shoulder rubs sometimes and that was it. Nothing inappropriate at all. But I guess my teacher gave my parents the benefit of the doubt when she read it? She knew my parents and all but I don't think that sort of thing would fly nowadays.", "630" ], [ "This is so good to know! I had always been a bit worried when I'd see comments posts talking about water weight fluctuating only maybe 3-4lbs. I have had as much as 7-8lbs between two different days because of bloating and stuff. \n\nBut also I wonder how you can track this cycle (both cycles lol) if you have an IUD where you don't really get your period. Because that's where I'm at right now. I have the Mirena and I kinda spotted for the first three months and now I have had maybe 3-4 almost periods in the last 9 months. I gotta tell you, it's freaking FANTASTIC except for the hormonal skin problems. But it does make trying to predict periods really difficult.", "115" ], [ "So I had no idea that you have to monitor sodium intake with diabetes? I really don't know much about diabetes in general but that's totally new to me.\n\nBut I'm curious, have you found any good seasoning substitutes besides adding salt to food when the flavor is lacking? Cause like if you're cooking and you've seasoned your food pretty thoroughly but it still feels like it's missing something, like 8/10 times it's salt and for me the other 2/10 is acidity. But what do you do? Do you just have less seasoned food?", "956" ], [ "So I had to take a computer ethics class for my computer science degree. We did a lot more technology driven discussion but still talked about different ethical and moral philosophies.\n\nSo I think your question is an ethics question really. What makes a decision or opinion good or bad?\n\nIt depends what philosophical theories you prescribe to. Right now, I'm both sleepy and tipsy so I'm not going to write a ton but I think the most relevant example I can list at the moment is utilitarianism.\n\nUtilitarianism, in short, is the doctrine that an action is either good or bad based on how it affects others. So an action that is good has a positive effect on society/promotes happiness and goodness. A bad action detracts from the goodness and wellbeing of society. So although it's not objective, it's an interesting way to measure goodness vs badness of an idea or action.\n\nSo with your example: racism. If you look at it in a utilitarian stance, racism is bad. Racism detracts from the goodness of society. It does not bring positivity or happiness. It does not help the majority of people. So to utilitarianism, racism is objectively bad. Or say take vaccinations for example: vacanating is objectively good. It promotes positivity and wellbeing of society and the majority in way of preventing disease.\n\nEthics and moral philosophy is pretty interesting but it can also get pretty confusing. There are a lot of different schools of thought on issues like what makes an opinion or thought good or bad, or even right or wrong. I barely know the surface stuff but it's very interesting to read more into!", "230" ], [ "Well that's just not true. If they can't comprehend, they're just shitty at thinking about anyone but them-self. \n\nI'm a serious extrovert. Like literally any situation, unless I'm incredibly sick, to me is better spent with people instead of without. Honestly even if the company is very mediocre, being with people is more fun than without. So obviously I'm the sort of person that in a relationship, I always like to be around them.\n\nMy bf is extremely introverted. The best weekend plans for him are ones where he doesn't have to leave the house or talk to anyone. He thrives on his alone time and gets exhausted if we do too much of anything except in-home things in a weekend and has to have time to recharge.\n\nBut the thing is, I get it. I know a lot of people aren't like me. If everyone was like me, I think the world would be in chaos because no one would ever stay home and things would be really weird. But I digress. I understand that how I recover energy is socializing and how he recovers energy is alone time. So you know what I do? I give him alone time when he needs it. And I also make sure to ask him how he's doing energy-wise when we have to do a lot or have been with people for a long time. And I have to remind him that I am okay leaving him alone to just be alone because although I can't empathize really, I can sympathize at the very least.", "204" ], [ "Oh yeah. My mom swears more than most people I know. But it's always funny because she'll be like: \n\n\"Well this fucking thing happened. Sorry, excuse my language.\" but it happens so often I just tell her that she doesn't really need to worry. My friends swear. My coworkers swear. It's not that big a deal. But she always giggles when she apologizes about it and it's pretty funny.", "339" ], [ "I've noticed this a bit but it's at least 10x more potent when they're not wearing a shirt. \n\nSo say my bf and I are trying to go to bed or snuggle or something. If I, for example. stuck my hand under his shirt to feel the temp on his chest, he would certainly be warm but not hot. But god damn if he takes his shirt off, it's like trying to snuggle fire. I've noticed this with like every guy I've ever been near that takes their shirt off. My friends and I even tested this where the girls in the group felt the guys' temps while wearing a shirt and then without and they are were little suns!", "891" ], [ "Pfft there is a best hair tie though. New hair ties are a pain because they're too firm and haven't been stretched out enough yet. Really old ones are too stretched out or broken. But those nice medium-used ones are the best but always disappear. The perfect hair tie where if you wear it on your wrist, it doesn't cut the circulation off in your hand or slip off because it's gotten too big. The perfect hair tie where it is the perfect tightness in holding up your hair at a certain number of binds. \n\nAnd then you lose the hair tie and have to start over. Good thing we do have so many of them at any given moment.", "90" ], [ "This is going to be me and my bf. The he basically only has functional things. I like things that make a place look personal and cozy. So there will be color. And art. And plants. And blankets EVERYWHERE. I freaking love blankets.\n\nAnd I'm picking up some stained glass equipment from my dad and I'm going to start doing that so then we'll have cool colorful things in the windows as well!", "295" ], [ "Because blankets are the best. Living in MN, even with the furnace going, there is sometimes a chill you just cannot get out of the air. The best solution is blankets. Blankets everywhere. Make a nest out of them so that you may slumber in the cozy comfort of soft squishiness. They can double as pillows. They embody snugly comfort and this is why I have too many blankets.", "295" ], [ "Oh yes...\n\nSo <PERSON> just moved into out new place and I'm slowly moving my things in over the next month. The room we chose to be the bedroom is at the back of the house and on the second floor. Out the back windows, you can see the garage area and the back of a restaurant. \n\nWell on Saturday, I was getting undressed in the room to take a shower and realized there was a worker from the restaurant taking a smoke break in back and he could see right into our room. I'm glad I had a sports bra on at least when I took my shirt off so he wasn't getting a free show or anything. But yeah those blinds stay closed now at night or basically when anything private is happening.", "62" ], [ "Haha yeah I get sooo antsy if I haven't even left the house yet in a day. Even if it's just to run to the store or go for a walk I need to leave at least once. And if he won't leave with me, I will just go anyway. But then he'll usually be like \"Okay fine, I guess we can go somewhere...\" and he's usually fine with it if there isn't pressure there to need to go. Just if he actually wants to. \n\nAnd I have to put a lot of effort into trying to understand. I'm a very emotional person and I frequently need to pull myself back and just say to myself \"Hey, what would a logical person do right now? Do that.\"", "52" ], [ "Balance is key.\n\nWhen I talk about my bf, it usually comes up that he's quite introverted. But I also always bring up that he is my perfect foil. \n\nI am very extroverted. He is very introverted. \nI am very emotional. He is very logical. \nI am very impulsive. He is very calculating. \nI am very restless. He is very calm. \n\n\nHe is my rock and I am his energy. And as different as we are from each other, we are also very similar. We like a lot of the same music, movie, shows, games, humor, etc. So it's so easy to get along but not to similar that it's boring. I really love him a lot. < 3", "317" ], [ "That I'm really good at copying things I see. \n\nI'm a super visual person and to some extent, I can copy most things I see. So basically I'm really good at doing things like re-writing fonts and other people's handwriting and signatures or like doing a plaited loaf. \n\nThe being weirdly proud comes from when my bf and I were baking bread, he wanted to do a plaited loaf and was having a lot of trouble with it. He was watching a video of <PERSON> do it and <PERSON> does it CRAZY fast in his video. So I watched him do it once in the video and then made a perfectly plaited loaf. I'm damn proud of how it turned out.", "355" ], [ "Two things: Actually party and act like a normal college student, and take an extra year.\n\nI graduated with a double major in unrelated fields and took four years. I graduated with 191 credits and with honors but oh man, my main memories from college are just studying and being stressed and miserable. I think things would have been a lot better for me if I had tried to take an extra year to ease up on the classload per semester and then I would have actually had time to socialize. I missed basically all of what people say is the college experience. And a lot of people will also say it's not that big of a deal, but they actually did it and got to experience it. They get to decide if it was worth it, I never got the chance. \n\nOh, and also get an ADHD diagnosis sooner. I got diagnosed after I graduated and it would have made things sooo much easier if I had known why it took me 10 times longer to get things done than my peers and why I could never concentrate.", "492" ], [ "My parents instilled an excellent work ethic in me from a pretty young age. And I'm pretty damn stubborn too so it helps get things done. But yeah, it was a serious pain in the ass though. There were so many nights I just sat at my desk and cried because I was so frustrated with why I wasn't understanding things and why I just couldn't wrap my head around what should have been very simple concepts. But to my credit, I think I succeeded as much as I did because I have no shame in asking for help. So I was constantly in my professors' offices during office hours or personal appointments getting help when I started falling behind. \n\nAnd yeah lol. You should see how much I get done at work now that I can actually think straight. It's pretty nice! But the motivation to start doing things still isn't there. If I manage to start something, I can usually keep going pretty well. But actually starting? Like low chances medicated or not. Just gotta wait for that anxiety of not having stuff done to kick in and then it gets better from there.\n\nAnd also thanks for the kind words < 3", "104" ], [ "Right?? I had been out of college just short of a year, so like this last March, when I finally got a diagnosis. The funny thing was, I almost didn't do it! But my coworker, who is in his early 40s and had also recently gotten diagnosed, convinced me to at least talk to a psychiatrist and see if I did have it. Because when he would talk about how he felt and what affected him, it all sounded so familiar! And I was actually really afraid that I had just been building it all up in my head but my psych really validated my struggles. He said it was typically harder to diagnose in adults and especially in women, but he could tell that it was definitely the case for me.", "751" ], [ "I dunno, I was walking around an ikea on Saturday and I think we followed the exact same path and sat on the same furniture as someone that had just been smoking weed before coming inside. Like that shit was strong for the entire show floor. Usually if someone smells like cigarettes, it will stick to just them and within a few feet. Whoever had lit up before browsing to have an extra fun time had that scent cling and stink up like an entire ikea showroom. I think in some situations, it can absolutely stick to you longer and stronger than cigarettes. But this was an ancetdote and also an isolated incident", "568" ], [ "I have a question about wants vs needs.\n\nSo I have this very specific situation that is giving me trouble on classifying somethings I've been planning on buying since last year on whether they're wants or needs.\n\nSo I live in MN so the winters are absolutely brutal. I do not have winter boots at all and I have a winter jacket that is barely functioning anymore. The things I want to buy are expensive but should last for 10 years if I treat them right. The sort of jacket I want is $300 and the boots are $150 because of how harsh winters are here but also that I need something to last so I don't have to buy again in a few years. My problem though is trying to decide if those count as wants or needs. I do need a winter jacket, but I want a nice one. I want to be able to use it for skiing and when it gets to be -40F here with windchill. I need boots, but I could get some cheap ones to last me a year or something but I want the nice ones that when I've talked to other people, they say they've had theirs for almost a decade and they're good as new.\n\nSo how do you draw that line? Because for my budget, I have about $400 or so a month of totally free use money after all my necessary expenses are paid (including contributing to my hsa, retirement, and savings) but I feel so guilty wanting to spend much money on any single item.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nEdit: Thank all of you for your replies! Since it's been mentioned several times, I want to quote <PERSON> from Men At Watch on the Theory of Socioeconomic Unfairness:\n\n \n\n > \"Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots <PERSON> always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. \n > \n > But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.\"\n\n\\-Terry Pratchett via <PERSON>, *Men At Arms (1993)*", "433" ], [ "I feel that! I think to myself that I don't really hyper focus, but then I realize that there was like a week of work where I came home late like every single day cause I couldn't pull myself away from trying to figure out why my sql queries weren't working. Like the obsession to fixate on something can be a pain. But at least when you get in the zone, it works out well!\n\nAnd also yeah on the ocd. I think I have some ocd tendancies but not full blown ocd. It has definitely had some negative impacts on my life but not enough where I've tried to talk to my psych about it. But I do think I want to explore cognitive behavior therapy at some point in the future. It's supposed to be excellent for ADHD as well as a bunch of other things.", "91" ], [ "So a funny story about a Tesla I saw a week or so back.\n\nMy bf and I were walking back from dinner and started to hear some music. We were confused for a second also because it was August and it was Trans Siberian Orchestra's Wizard in Winter. So we keep walking back toward our house and realize that some guy is basically having as close to a lights show out of his Tesla as you can get. It was one of the SUVs and with it coordinated to the music, the headlights were flashing and the trunk was opening and closing and it was just quite a spectacle.", "957" ], [ "<PERSON>\n\nAre you serious? How can you possibly think that's okay or safe? Do you also send people snap chats while you drive because you think the song that's on the radio is really interesting? When you go shopping, do you take up the entire aisle with your cart so no one can get around you because they should just have to wait for you? These things are just indicative of an asshole. \n\nBut what's worse is you're a flaming DANGEROUS asshole. Sometimes people do assholey thing because they don't realize what they did wrong and it's understandable. But this? You are being blatantly dangerous to EVERYONE around you. You don't deserve to drive if you can drive safely. I'm glad you got a fine. It's better that and hopefully you learned your lesson before you kill someone because of your negligence.", "462" ], [ "Ahhh I loooooove Death to Smoochy!\n\nI heard about it last time there was a thread like this and was apprehensive but like the first five minutes hooked me!\n\nAlso, seeing <PERSON> say with venom in his voice, \"I'm Rainbow fucking Randolph\" killed me and is maybe one of my top 10 favorite movie moments now.", "472" ], [ "Yeah I just bought a new laptop a few days ago after not having a new computer in 6 years. My new laptop only has USB-C ports. Has several of them and came with a USB-C to USB adapter but I'm going to need to keep a couple of those handy now.. My old laptop didn't have a full HDMI port either though. It just had a mini one cause it was so thin. Same problem on this one. The body of the laptop is too thin for a full HDMI port.", "127" ], [ "So if they have a deductible, they don't have the option for a co-pay. A co-pay plan is best for consumers and worst for health insurance companies because it costs them so much. So they are fading away in general and fewer places are offering them as options and only offering high deductible or coinsurance plans. Either way, they're screwed for that money for the time being. \n\nRegardless of their insurance, $500 is a lot for continuing help. When I went to a private psychiatrist for my ADHD diagnosis, the diagnosis was just under $500 but the follow-up sessions are about $200. If I didn't have insurance, they would be a lot cheaper. But those prices are negotiated between my provider (doctor) and my insurance company. Between their lack of income and if they won't have insurance, she can definitely get a more reasonable price for therapy. And for a lot of people, especially on a high deductible plan like that, it may be cheaper to try to get the service without using insurance because then the provider has the ability to wiggle that price more, whereas with most insurance companies, all those prices are negotiated ahead of time.", "42" ], [ "Well I think the problem is more that he isn't a Wisconsin resident by university standards. You have to live in the State of the university you're going to (and I'm guessing also be a citizen at the same time) to qualify for in-state tuition. On paper, he's a fresh citizen who hasn't been in the state long enough and therefore not an international student and also not yet a Wisconsin resident. \n\nIt's a sucky situation but unless people higher up are willing to bend some rules, I'm not sure there's much that can be done about that.", "914" ], [ "I don't really ever interact with babies. My bf has a sibling who just turned one but honestly I'm too scared to hold babies and they also freak me out a bit. So I guess that's for the best? I wonder if there's a way to see which part of the vaccine I'm allergic to. When I went to an allergist a year ago, they really only had things available to test for environmental and food allergies.", "929" ], [ "> That may not mean a lot to some people, so if you'd like to support the workers at my company, but you don't want to buy R & F products, we also make Shea Moisture products, as well ;)\n\nThis is literally telling people to try this instead of something else. You may not overtly say \"Go buy this product\" but you don't have to to be pitching it. \n\nAnd also, even if the manufacturing company isn't terrible, the company itself is still an MLM that's entire structure is about suckering people into buying and selling the products.", "460" ], [ "This might be one of my most favorite things I've ever read. Best quotes for me:\n\n > **The only reason coders' computers work better than non-coders' computers is coders know computers are schizophrenic little children with auto-immune diseases and we don't beat them when they're bad.**\n\n & #x200B;\n\n > **Doing this all day leaves you in a state of mild aphasia as you look at people's faces while they're speaking and you don't know they've finished because there's no semicolon.** \n\n & #x200B;\n\n > **So no, I'm not required to be able to lift objects weighing up to fifty pounds. I traded that for the opportunity to trim Satan's pubic hair while he dines out of my open skull so a few bits of the internet will continue to work for a few more days.** \n\n & #x200B;\n\nAlso about halfway through I realized I was reading it in the voice of this cool entertainer guy that I always see at the Ren Fest every year. He has a Spanish accent and calls himself <PERSON>. Found a cool video of them at the Ren Fest. [He's the one with the whip and then the one throwing axes!](_URL_0_)", "702" ], [ "I have to use my blue light blockers every time I look at a computer. I get terrible eye strain and it was a bad mix of it making my eyes too tired and also getting headaches. It has been soooo much better with glasses.\n\nAnd for anyone considering them, I really recommend the Cyxus brand. They're like max $25 on amazon and they last pretty well!", "885" ], [ "I'm so glad irs summer now so the fruit I buy is cheaper. My favorites are berries and I can't stand apples if they're not perfectly in season so even if they're cheap now, I just can't get myself to eat them. But I love now that I can get two pinta of strawberries, a pint of blueberries and a pint of blackberries for like $15!", "783" ], [ "In the winter I briefly adopted a cat (kinda long story) and the shelter kept her name from a previous owner, <PERSON>. But when I adopted her, I really didn't like the name and it also didn't really feel like it suited her. But I had the hardest time trying to call her by any other name even if I didn't like it. Not really much of a point on trying to make, just a little tangent.", "287" ], [ "So back when I was in high school (probably happened early 2010s) there was a pretty bad hoarding case near my city so all the shelters in all the surrounding area filled up with tons of animals. They rescued 75 cats and dogs from a pretty small house. So they had an event where basically all those pets could be adopted for nearly free! So family went to get another cat. We have huge soft spots for black cats so there was this adorable sweetheart that the shelter named <PERSON>. We were talking to the people at the shelter about him and they think that he came in with his brother, they named <PERSON>. But we ended up only adopting <PERSON> and renamed him <PERSON>. But <PERSON> got some terrible separation anxiety from being away from his brother but we couldn't adopt any more cats because <PERSON> made our 4th.", "287" ], [ "My dad is kind of like this! He's 63 and regularly works out and goes for runs. He still helps out his best friend with construction work sometimes. He has so much energy and is always doing something. I think he is doing things usually about 12 hours a day. He wakes up at 7 and doesn't really sit down to relax until 7-8pm usually. I don't think he'll ever retire because he likes working and doing things. It's crazy though that my mom just does nothing. She lost her job a few years ago and the life has just left her. She just sits. I really hope to be like my dad. And I'm already a lot more like him. I like being active and doing things. I don't really need that much time to just sit and relax, it can just get kind of boring.", "512" ], [ "Yeah for real. I'm losing weight for a bunch of reasons. I want to be healthier. I want to feel better. I like the active lifestyle. Also, I want to look hot. I'm 99% sure there's a nice hourglass figure hiding under my extra pounds and I'm excited to see it. And I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to look your best. It's like trying to dress better or wear makeup. But these changes are to your physical body instead of stuff you put on it.", "115" ], [ "This reminds me of when my cousin overdosed about a year ago. \n\nHe was only 22 and an awesome dude. He was so passionate about life and everything. Had an awesome job that he loved, a fiance, family that loved him. No one in the family knew he did any drugs at all. It was never something that affected his work or his life. But he accidentally overdosed on fentanyl at what the cops believed was basically a pill party. His parents were on vacation in Hawaii when they got the call and my aunt said she spend the entire plane ride back in tears. She didn't really eat for two weeks. I stayed at their house for a month while setting up with a new job and got to sit with them and talk about things. They were at least in a place then that they could talk about it without bursting into tears. But my uncle said \"It's like losing a limb. You know you needed it and you can get on without it, but you'll never not miss it or not want it back. And it'll never really heal. But you just have to make due.\" \n\nSo although it wasn't a suicide, just watching parents lose a child is horrible.", "981" ], [ "Once while at a bar with my friend, a super drunk dude was trying to talk to us but it was so loud from the bands playing and he was slurring so hard, we couldn't really understand anything he was saying. After finally getting through to him that we didn't know what he was saying, he patted us both on the backs and kind of bowed his head and said, in surprising clarity considering his state of inebriation, \"Okay ladies, I'm gonna leave but remember this: Stay gorgeous and fuck shit up.\" and he walked away and we didn't see him again. \n\nBut drunk people say fun things. This was much better than the Canadian neurosurgeon we ran into that was trying to pull apart the same friend's life story in a psychological profiling sort of way.", "145" ], [ "When I was going to happy hour with my coworkers a few weeks ago, I was walking up to the entrance of the building and had to go around some cars to get to the walkway. As soon as I came out between the cars, I saw a man on the ground and some people around him. By the time I walked over to them, they had him at least sitting up. His forehead was bleeding profusely. I just picked up his glasses and handed them to a woman who was clearly with the group. I was just kind of shocked. I didn't really know what to do. I asked her if they needed me to call an ambulance but she just kind of said \"Yes we'll call. He's bleeding a lot.\" And then someone came from inside the restaurant with a bunch of napkins to take care of the blood. There were a bunch of people around him and people helping him so I kind of just backed up and then went inside. I felt bad for leaving but I felt so in the way and very helpless. The woman I talked to was calling 911 and people were trying to help him with the bleeding. I don't think there's much else I could have done, but I still feel bad.", "980" ], [ "IF is the best for weight loss! I've been doing it since at least January (I think, can't totally remember). It was one of the best things I've been able to do for myself to really teach myself that it is okay to be hungry. It's not the end of the world. You will survive another hour without food. Before, I would eat basically anytime I thought I maybe felt hungry. But now being hungry doesn't really bother me. I've been doing about 1200-1500 calories a day for cutting and I remember how awful it felt in the beginning. And I don't think I'm any less hungry, but it doesn't bother me as much now. Also down about 20lbs from my highest and maybe 20 to go!", "727" ], [ "Oh gosh it's a beast trying to navigate the emotional and mental side of food and weight loss.\n\nSo for me, I've never been skinny. I was, at the very least, chubby through all of my childhood and by the end of college I was just a few pounds from obese for my height. My biggest problems have been impulse control and emotional eating. Like bored? Snack. Tired? Snack. Maybe hungry? Snack. \n\nThe things that have worked for me: Set different goals with the same end. Sounds weird, but hear me out. My mentality changed for my weight loss and now I'm seeing success. I was in the same boat of \"Oh, I just want to drop 10, 15, 20 pounds\" and it never really took. This time, I focused on health. I wanted to create and maintain a healthy relationship with food. I wanted to treat my body well and make healthy long term choices. I want to feel good and do things that continue to make me feel good. The end goal of all of this is health, but weight loss is one of the main ways to get there along with a healthy diet, exercise, and some mental work. Changing how I thought about it really helped change it from a short term goal to a long term plan.\n\nOther things that have helped: Intermittent Fasting (IF). Basically you only eat inside of a certain window of time. The most common one I think is 16:8 which is 16 hours of no food (water and other calorie free things like black coffee or unsweetened tea are alright) and 8 hours where you can eat. It naturally helps restrict calories because you have less time to eat in the day. For me, it was hard to get used to because I absolutely could not stand the feeling of being hungry. But as time has gotten on, it feels really nice to not have to worry about that extra meal and I don't have to be quite as worried about the other food I'm eating in the day. I usually eat from 12pm - 8-9pm most days. So lunch is my first meal and I usually have a semi-late dinner. \n\nBut it's so important to remember that you also have to be nice to yourself. You need to be happy with yourself and then think of how you can do better for you. Hating where you are (not necessarily that you do, just an ex) is going to make it an entirely negative experience. Be happy with you, and then work to get better. Forgive yourself if you get off track but try to keep yourself accountable. Be it a work out buddy or logging your food (all your food) in my fitness pal and then seeing how you actually did compared to your goals. \n\nAnd you need to figure out how you work. I realized pretty quickly that I am not an \"All or nothing\" sort of person. I'm a \"Everything in moderation\" sort of person. Because if I try to completely cut something or go super gung ho, I burn out real quick and then over-correct right back into bad habits. Like I can cut down on sugar and have small sweet treats semi-regularly because if I try to completely cut out, it drives me crazy and then I just go on a huge sugar bender which ends up being more destructive than just occasionally letting myself have those treats. But you have to figure out what works for you. Cause your mileage will vary and no one can tell you what exactly will work for you. Maybe a strict diet like Keto will work or maybe just trying to set small goals like \"less carbs\" or \"less sugar\" will help.\n\nGood luck friend! Come join us over at r/loseit if you ever want support, advice, people to talk to, motivation, etc", "727" ], [ "Yeah like to me, self care is trying to work on myself to improve things. Like taking time to do a nice face mask to help my acne while chilling and listening to music. Or remembering to write in my planner to do things I enjoy because I have a hard time letting myself relax but it's pretty important for mental health to give yourself time to unwind. Literally caring for yourself.", "306" ], [ "So the metro area I live in has so many suburbs around them and one suburb has the longest yellow lights I've ever seen. Say an average yellow light around the rest of the cities area is 3 seconds. I swear that on a 40pmh road these yellow lights were like 6-7 seconds. It's crazy. Before I learned that my state has permissive yellow light laws, I would stop when the light would turn yellow there but I'd be sitting at a dead stop at the front of the intersection before the light would turn red because it was just so much longer than any other area. It was so weird. Finally got used to it around the time I never had to drive there again.", "523" ], [ "Yeah I hate this. Happens a bunch around my area but where I used to live, I remember almost hitting someone because of this. \n\nSo where I lived I had to drive up a pretty steep hill and then take a left. Well, where I had to take a left had a bunch of trees and stuff so you can't really see onto the road much before you take the turn. I had to slam on my break because people were stopped right back from the edge of the street talking and I couldn't see them until I almost read-ended a car. Another time people were literally just standing in the middle of the street in the same spot and I almost hit them. Like guys, why are you standing where there is no visibility?? Do you want to be hit by a car? Cause that's what can happen when you stand and chat in the middle of a road.", "523" ], [ "Every time I drive. One part of my drive to work is two lanes at 55mph. There is always someone going 55 in the left lane and people going 70 in the right because the person in the left lane won't move over. Or today I ran into someone that was varying between 50mph and 70mph in the left lane in front of me. I tried changing lanes to get around them but they kept speeding up and blocking me. Like dude, why?", "523" ], [ "Oh man. I have so much beef with this problem.\n\nSo I (23F) am the youngest in my department (IT, web developer) and my boss has a serious complex about what rights you have if you have kids. So as a web developer, literally my entire job is from my computer. I barely have any meetings and we have the ability to remote in to our computers from home if we need to. My boss doesn't really believe in people working from home just because. I've asked him and he just says he thinks people should be in the office and that's that. Well, we live in a state with super extreme winters and this winter was no different. The entire metro was basically shutting down but our company was still going to be open. I asked my boss if I could work from home because I didn't feel safe commuting during a snow storm and he told me \"I would understand if you had kids at home and needed to take care of them because daycare or school fell through, but you don't have kids to worry about so you should still come in.\" and I was just floored. Okay so my safety isn't important because I don't have kids? Kindly fuck off. I told him I was taking the day off then because either way, I wasn't coming in. He back-peddled pretty hard when I reiterated that I didn't feel safe driving and he said I could work from home. \n\nAnother time with the same boss, he asked me how I was and I responded with my default \"Tired but alright.\" Well I have a sleep disorder and some other issues so I'm always tired. I'm never not tired. He knows this. I went straight to him after I had an appointment with a sleep specialist because I had to adjust my work schedule because of it. But anyways, he went off on a tangent about \"Oh, you don't know tired until you've had kids.\" and \"Oh, just you wait. You'll look back to these days and wish you had as much energy as you do now. You're young!\" and stuff like that. Like dude. What's with you and holding people's worth by if they have children and how they're not allowed to be tired because they don't have kids? I have legit medical issues you know about. \n\nSimilar thing happened when I worked at a coffeeshop in college. I'd frequently have to work at 6:30/7am on a Saturday and as a college student, I was always exhausted. And again, sleep disorder so it made it worse. People would frequently comment and say \"Wow you look tired!\" and I'd be like \"Well yeah, I got here at 6:30am today and you can only have so much coffee before it stops helping.\" and so many people would say back \"Well you probably don't have kids, you'll really know what it's like to be tired then!\" LIKE JUST SHUT THE FORK UP ALREADY!", "198" ], [ "I have delayed sleep phase disorder so it's not so much not being able to sleep so much as the sleep I get isn't quality because I'm going against my body's natural rhythm. Of course feeling less tired would be nice if I could ever get to bed when I need to. But weed isn't legal in my state plus I just have reservations about it in general, but I have heard it absolutely helps you sleep. I really want to see some solid peer-reviewed research about the quality of sleep with marijuana though. Cause people also say they sleep better when they drink, but in reality your quality of sleep is significantly worse in the 6-8 hours following alcohol consumption even if you think you fall asleep easier. Sleep is fascinating and frustrating haha", "268" ], [ "I do the same but more for the reason that I have a terrible memory. If it is not in writing where I can look over it several times, I will not remember. I'm a web developer and have only been at my job for a little under a year. My boss has basically only ever worked here and has been here 20+ years. He has two decades of company-specific knowledge in his head that he can pull out at will. I have had to many problems where he verbally tells me where to find a file or how to do a specific thing but then I have to email him again and be like \"Can you tell me again because I really need it in writing?\". Also nothing is documented at all here. Like seriously nothing. So you have to ask him or someone else who's been here 20 years to get anything done. Just rage. All the time.\n\n & #x200B;\n\nEdit cause I forgot to add: Also since I handle a lot of the website changes and requests for new pages for both the public pages and our intranet, people give no details. They'll send an email like \"Can you add a date field to this report?\" and include a pdf with a name nothing like the actual report file or where they run the report, or even which server they're working out of. Drives me nuts", "676" ], [ "See I have an issue with this with me and my bf. Problem is it's not him forgetting, it's him zoning out but still agreeing or acknowledging what I've said without really listening. I can only tell for sure if he's doing it when I say something and he nods or acknowledges and then says the same thing because he wasn't listening but we came to the same conclusion. I get a bit miffed with him but I can't get too mad. I talk a lot. I honestly can't expect anyone to listen to everything I say when a lot of it ends up being super random and rambly half-thoughts. But if I ask him a direct question or something and he answers but wasn't listening, then I get a little mad.", "591" ], [ "This is an excellent idea! \n\nAlso not totally related to remembering events or whatnot, but the app splid helps keep track of shared expenses and who owes who what. Like for me and my bf since we don't have shared banking and like to keep things pretty even (I hate the outdated idea that the guy should pay for everything while dating), you can put in the expenses for things and it automatically keeps track of stuff. Like say person A buys movie tickets for $20 and then person B paid the internet bill for $60. It would show Person A's balance and person B's balance, as in how much do you owe the other person. I mean I guess if you're married it's probably not a big deal, but it's a cool thing in general", "312" ], [ "Ugh I wish I could get people to do this at my company. I'm a still pretty freshly graduated person working as a web dev for a health insurance company but everything here is so ancient. There's like 3 decades of legacy code we're still maintaining (we shouldn't be at all. They need to hire some contractors to rewrite this shit) but also nothing has any documentation at all. And all the managers and a ton of the people have been here 20+ years so they have all this bouncing around in their heads and not written down. So if you ever have any questions, you need to ask one of them. It's so inefficient and awful. And someone was put in charge of documentation for some things but no one here likes change and since starting to document things is a change, it doesn't get done. It's such a mess. I can't wait to get out of here and go somewhere that cares about best practices. Or good practices. Hell, I'd settle for mediocre practices at this rate.", "575" ], [ "Sounds like when I argue with my mom about politics. It's really a lost cause but I can't help it sometimes.\n\nSo like one conversation went like:\n\nMe: I believe women should have the choice over their own bodies if they want to have an abortion and have access to safe abortions.\n\nMy mom: yOu ThInK MoM's ShOuLd KiLl ThEiR bAbIeS?!?!?!?1235fc4raSR", "674" ], [ "\"<PERSON> just walking down the street? Well first off I wanted to know what did my friend mean? Did he mean I see a guy in like the military outfit with the little mustache, cause then I would assume that’s someone dressed up as <PERSON>. I’m not gonna kill that guy. I’m not gonna kill an actor and ruin Indiana Jones 5 just cause I don’t understand costumes. Or does he mean I’m walking down the street and I see like an old old man who I think *might* be <PERSON> based on my memory of what <PERSON> looks like. I’m not gonna kill that guy either, because I am often wrong. Id murder him and people would be like: “Woah! You just killed an old old man! ” and Id be like: “he looked like <PERSON>!” and they’re like: “Yeah, a little…” \"\n\n<PERSON>, New In Town\n\nSo so so good.", "186" ], [ "So my bf has this friend who could probably filibuster for a couple days straight without a problem. This dude never stops talking and never gives people a chance to interject either. But what's worse is if you manage to finally get a word in, he interrupts you too. So one time when us three were at a bar or something and I was a long island in, we were talking about something with the bartender (superheroes I think, one of my favorite things to talk about) and I started saying something and the friend interrupted me again. So I just snapped at him and pointed my finger at him and said \"No!\" like I was scolding a dog, \"You will let me finish before you start again.\" and by god it worked. I got to finish saying whatever I was saying and looked at him and told him when I was done. I was soooo sick of that shit at that point and alcohol is a lovely inhibitor.", "145" ], [ "Ugh I feel this. \n\nAfter I graduated May 2018, I found a job and started in a city 2.5 hours away in September. My best friend, so she calls herself, has still not visited me to see me since I moved down. I specify visiting to see me because when she finally come to the city where I live now, she was coming down to visit and stay with a dude she had met on tinder. She made time to have dinner with me and my bf the first night she was here. Still hasn't come back down. I've been back home 7-10 times since I've moved down here.\n\nMeanwhile, my friend who I only met like five years ago (vs 11 like the first friend) has come down and stayed at my house for a girls weekend at least three times and is coming down here again this weekend. She is the only person who has put any effort into maintaining a friendship and I love her dearly for it. She has quickly become what feels like my actual best friend. I know she cares about me and we talk all the time and see each other pretty frequently despite being a couple hours apart. I wish the girl who calls herself my best friend would extend half that effort.", "33" ], [ "Same. Like in general I'm a pretty happy and bubbly person. I don't really swear either. But oh man, I realized this when I was asking my bf if he's ever really seen my truly angry, not just mad. And I realized the closest to angry I've ever been around him was always because my mother. Like a week or two ago, I was on the phone with her and it basically ended with her hanging up on me while I then screamed \"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT\" and threw my phone across the room. Literally that sort of rage reaction only ever happens because of her. But at the same time, she can also be very sweet and caring. It's like the flip of a coin how she'll be and if I'll regret talking to her.", "512" ], [ "I wanted to go there but it was too expensive :( I remember seeing the breakdown of prices with the acceptance packet and even with a $12k a year scholarship, with room and board it still would have been like $60k a year to go there. I just couldn't swing that because if I stayed closer at the cheaper university, my parents were going to help pay for it. But they couldn't afford RIT so I went somewhere else. Life has worked out well but I still wonder how things would have turned out if I'd gone there instead of staying where I did.", "610" ], [ "Hello DSPD friend!\n\nYeah I feel you. When I first got this job last September, I came in at 7am because I loved the idea of having most of my afternoon free to do stuff. But it didn't work out so well cause I was so exhausted I'd basically come home and nap every day because I just couldn't make it through the afternoon. Then I tried going on at 8 and it wasn't much better. Also way worse traffic oh my goodness. So then I finally got my appointment with the sleep specialist, he told me to wake up no earlier than 8 and even later if I could and go to bed between 12-1am. He wrote up a note and I talked to my boss.\n\nWhen we talked in person right after my appointment, he was totally fine with me coming in sometime between 9-9:30 (I have some evening activities a couple times a week and have to be leaving work no later than 6 so I can make it on time otherwise I would have pushed for later). And then he told me to email him my hours so he could have them on file. Also, I'm salaried and we're supposed to have flexible hours. So I forgot to email him because I wanted to try it out for a couple days first to make sure it would work. So like a week or two later he reminded me to email him and I sent him the exact thing that we'd talked about. So I had the next day off for my birthday and I remember coming in to work the day after and had an email from him saying that I had to be there no later than 9 and preferably earlier because the companies core hours are 9-3 and everyone is expected to be there in that time and it's too difficult to manage people's schedules if you're not there during normal times, etc. \n\nSo I had a meeting with him for something completely unrelated and we talked about it for a while and I was absolutely fuming. He had flipped on what he had so amicably been agreeing on and kept invalidating me and practically denying that the sleep issue was a legitimate concern. But he kept citing the core business hours and how people need to book meetings and i took two issues with this: 1) That was bs because tons of people worked out of those hours and no one else had an issue with it. Tons of people get there at 5am so they can leave at 2 and earlier. A lot of them cite needing to pick up kids as their reason and I already know how my boss feels about that. 2) I told him I would never deny a meeting request or miss a meeting if it was earlier. But the thing is, I never have meetings. The only reoccurring meeting I have is at 1'30pm and the earliest meeting I've had in 6 months is 10am.\n\nBut the conversation kind of went no where until I told him that if it was going to be an issue, I could get my doctors note and bring it to hr and let them know that this was a medical necessity. I should have done that, but he backpedeled until he was asking what would work for me and we went from there. He is still rigid and stuck in his old ways but at least I won that battle.\n\nAs a whole, I'm just really sick of constantly having to fight for myself. Especially against my boss. Because deep down, I think he is a nice dude. But he is wildly misdirected as a manager and really not suited for the role or any role with major decision making or power over people. I'm sure he's a fine worker but damn he's a terrible boss.", "428" ], [ "Oh my goodness. It's like I could have written this!\n\nEvery time I have had the ability to sleep when I want and wake up when I want, I always fall into the same schedule. Usually going to bed between 2-4am and waking up after 12pm. I also need a lot of sleep.. Like after graduation, I was so horrible sleep deprived and I slept 12 hours two nights in a row after graduation and then 9-10 hours every night after that for weeks before I felt rested again. And of course I don't think I went to bed before 3am most of that time and I was really glad I was mostly doing closing shifts at the coffee shop I worked at so I would be there 1pm-8pm or so. \n\nBut it really is horrible how few people are sympathetic or empathetic about an issue like this because people absolutely think it's just an excuse to not want to wake up early or be lazy or something. Like no, I can't get myself to fall asleep when I want to and if I do, it's usually because I took a lot of sleeping meds and will inevitably feel like shit the next day cause of the awful sleep hangover. \n\nBut I seriously wish the mentality that a lot of baby boomers seem to have about work would die off. Like just because I don't get to work at 6:30am with everyone else does not mean I do worse work or am less of a person, like you're really trying to make it seem.", "41" ], [ "Dude people like that suck so much. Like it doesn't have to be a contest for who is more tired! Do not try to lessen my suffering because you think you might have it worse!\n\nWhen I worked at the coffee shop in college, my boss was terrible about this. If we were working together on a Saturday morning and I would have to be there at 7am, I would be absolutely dying. She opened ever single morning and was supposed to get there around 1hr before open but usually got there like 15 minutes early. But she would still preach the words \"I have to get up earlier than you and if I'm not tired, you shouldn't be either.\" like solidly fuck off you whale. She also played in my schools chamber orchestra with me and there was one time when she basically yelled at the group of us because we as a group were having trouble pulling some songs together. So she went off on a rant about how she works 60 hours a week and if she has time to practice and not be tired, we as /just students/ should have plenty of time. We all wanted to kill her. A bunch of us were double majors. Like I was studying computer science and music. There were a couple other engineering students and all the music education students had crazy heavy classloads too. Someone luckily stayed back and argued with her but I just didn't want to deal with it. Also fun fact, those \"60 hours\" she worked were largely spent sitting on the computer in back, micro managing us, and talking to customers while staying clocked in and taking the largest portion of tips because she \"worked\" the most hours.", "428" ], [ "Ugh my boss pulled this on me the other day.\n\nI have a sleep disorder and am always tired. Like I'm never not tired. \n\nBut he had asked me how I was and responded with my usual \"Tired but fine. You?\" and he went off on a long tangent about how you have to have a positive attitude and that will help everything. \n\nLike gee thanks. My sleep disorder is now gone and I don't have the energy levels of a 90 year old diseased cat because I thought happy thoughts. Thanks.", "739" ], [ "My boss basically pulled a \"your safety isn't as important as the fact you don't have kids to take care of\" thing on me when asking to work from home during dangerous and severe winter weather this past winter. He told me that he would understand if I needed to work from home if I had kids because school had been canceled. But apparently me telling him I didn't feel safe driving to work wasn't good enough 🤷‍♀️", "198" ], [ "I mean, it sounds like the boss wasn't going to do anything else about it at all so <PERSON> wasn't going to get any more help from him than she already did. He only sent out the next email because it was obviously a more drastic measure. He likely wouldn't have done that if <PERSON> had emptied the entire fridge.\n\n<PERSON> is still definitely TA but just saying I don't think the boss would have done anything else.", "140" ], [ "Exactly why I almost never wear face makeup!\n\nIf I'm breaking out, I don't want to put foundation on or anything because it'll make the breakouts worse. Honestly only thing it really helps me with is reminding me not to touch my face!\n\nBut then when my skin is a little better, I don't want to wear it because I don't feel like I need it plus also don't want to set my progress backwards at all.\n\nIn general I don't really like wearing makeup anyway. I have a bunch of redness from inflammation and scars but honestly, most people don't care about it anyway so why should I?", "383" ], [ "Not that I'm there yet and still currently having issues with mostly hormonal and some cystic acne, my mom said her and my dad's acne cleared up around 25. They both had pretty bad face acne and my dad had terrible bacne as a teen. Well, sometime during college the stuff on my shoulders cleared up. But I still have lots of breakouts right now and hoping the spironolactone starts to work soon haha\n\nSo I guess I'm right there with you hoping age will help. I'm 23F right now so I'm really hoping it will be like magic in two years :p", "160" ], [ "So when someone is preparing milk for, let's say. A latte, they must steam the milk. Steaming is different than heating in that with the steam wand, you have to let air in to the milk so that's how it gets all light and fluffy.\n\nIf you don't let any air in, it makes this awful screaming sound and the milk is hot but not fluffy. If you let too much air in, it gets super foamy and splatters and also makes bad noises but more rumbley than screamy. A good milk steaming should be pretty quiet if it's dairy milk. Things like coconut milk are another story.", "559" ], [ "Wait I thought a café latte would get you what is commonly called a latte in places like the US?\n\nCause wouldn't a café latte have more espresso than a latte macchiato? So unless it's a place that literally just puts a tiny but of espresso in an otherwise milk drink, it's a café latte? Just trying to get these straight!", "1002" ], [ "Literally same. Worked at a local shop with all of like 11 employees at any time and one of the owners was there all the time.\n\nBut there was this one time I was working and a lady ordered \"A tall Iced Carmel macchiato with extra whip and drizzle\" and I looked at her and just said. \"I don't know what that. That's not something we have on the menu. Can you explain what that is?\" so that I could tell what to order here. Of course I knew what it was but I really wanted to make it clear that we weren't Starbucks and that was not something on our menu.\n\nAlso fun that our manager told us (and it was a great idea) to repeat back what they wanted and hold up your hand showing how big it was for the more traditional drinks that have been skewed by various chains. So if someone ordered a large macchiato, I would ask them \"Our macchiato is a three ounce drink. Would you like a latte if you want it to be 20oz?\" while holding up my hand with my fingers two inches or so apart to show how small the drink was. That usually worked like a charm!", "616" ], [ "Oh man. I have heard so much drama about what happens in families when someone leaves the church.\n\nMy bf went to BYU Utah for his first two years of college. Most of his family (moms side) was Mormon so at the time is was an obvious choice. But sometime between his first and second year, he left the church but didn't really tell anyone and it was too late to transfer schools so he spent an entire year at BYU as a not mormon surrounded by mormons and it was apparently awful. I can only imagine. But after he left the church, his oldest sister (he is the oldest out of the bunch) vocalize leaving and then his parents did, which in turn had the rest of the siblings leave. But even a few years later, the family gatherings can be pretty tense between those who are and aren't mormon still.\n\nMy bf and I had only been dating a few months when his parents threw him a grant party for graduating from college and a bunch of the extended family was there. I was not prepared for the trash talking between family members that occurred lol. The non mormons bashed the still mormons and the still mormons wouldn't talk to me since I wasn't in the church at all. It was an interesting experience. But it has been interesting to see his mom go from mormon to full SJW and see the progression of Facebook posts haha\n\nI guess this was just a random tangent but good on you for sticking to your values even after leaving the church and having family not exactly on your side!", "193" ], [ "My bf thinks it's crazy how I can have a big ol glass of cold press in the morning and still want to go back to bed. Sometimes caffeine helps. Sometimes it makes me tired. If I have had my Adderall, a cup of white tea will usually do the trick to keep me nice and awake vs 20-40oz of coffee to just keep me from passing out", "1002" ], [ "I mean, I also just really hate driving in general. It makes me super anxious and I just hate basically everything about it. I have never got the \"oh just go for a nice drive\" because to me, \"nice drive\" is an oxymoron. But my commute to work is usually about 30 minutes and home is 30-45 and it still feels too long even though for living in a metro area, it's a pretty decent commute. It just feels like a huge waste of time for me. I wish I worked/lived where I could take public transit but it would add several hours to my commute which just isn't worth it even if I could use that time for other things.", "257" ], [ "I live in a larger metro that's a MCOL area as well. Unless you're looking at renting one bedroom in a large shared house where you're likely one of 6-10 people living there, or in a dangerous area, it's hard to find something for less than $900 a bedroom. I just signed a lease with my bf for the upper unit of a duplex and it's a 3 bed 1.5 bath for $1825 plus utilities and honestly, we were so excited to get a place like that for such a steal for the area.\n\nThe company I work at is in a suburb that is a very HCOL compared to a lot of the metro. There was a new apartment building that opened up a few years before I started here and some of my coworkers were saying that the building offered discounts on rent to the people working here if they wanted to sign a lease. I think their studios started around $1300 a month, and that's with a discount. So that's not even a very shareable space unless you're desperate or maybe living with your SO. \n\nSo say you want to follow the guidelines of having your housing be between 1/4 and 1/3 of your take-home pay each month. If you include maybe $150 for utilities, for it to be 25% of your income, you would need to be making $5800 a month AFTER taxes. That's $100k a year, which is a lot higher than most people make. For it to be 1/3 of your income, your monthly take-home would need to be $4350 which is about $75k a year, more reasonable but still a lot higher than a lot of people can make. And those were only the studio apartments. \n\nAnd estimating with 1/3 of your income for housing can be really hard because of debt. A little more than half my monthly income goes to debt right now and if it was going to be 20% like some budgeting recommends, I would need to make $6k **more** a month than I do right now.", "488" ], [ "Yup! Getting to set up whatever reminder without distraction is very difficult. And then even when the reminder goes off, if I have to put it off at all it gets forgotten.\n\nLast night I was packing a bag for going out of town for the 4th. I decided I'd write on my bedroom mirror with a dry erase marker so I couldn't forget some things I needed to pack in the morning because I always brush my hair facing into that mirror. I ended up walking around holding my marker for I don't even know how long before I realized I had grabbed it to make my list. I don't think I forgot anything though so that's a win!", "147" ], [ "It can be a little hard to understand if you don't have ADHD, but between attention issues and forgetfulness, it's really easy to forget both small and big things.\n\nLike scenario: You realize you need to remember something. You pull out your phone to set a reminder so you don't forget. You see you have an email. You start checking your other emails. You realize you need to take care of some bills. This goes on and on until you realize it's been X amount of time and you don't remember why you got on your phone in the first place. It is nice when you then remember again and make it to the part where you set up a reminder without going through the whole cycle again. \n\nAlso if it's not immediately visible and obvious, it's very easy to forget. So like maybe you're like OP and you need to run to the bank, just short of writing \"BANK\" in red sharpie and sticking notes all over everything you own and anything you can see, it's super easy for it to be \"out of sight, out of mind\". \n\nFor ADHD, it's not a lack of caring but really a lack of control. Our brains will just go off like a kid in a candy store to literally anything with no notice and it can take time to realize that you are letting that child run free and you have to go grab them and reign them in. But then they just keep running again.", "91" ], [ "Oh man, I'm so the opposite.\n\nSo for whatever reason, I can't stand the weight of blankets when I sleep. I don't even sleep with a comforter in the dead of a Minnesotan winter. I sleep with no sheets and just the lightest throw blanket I can find. If I get really cold then I'll add another throw (love those microfleece ones) but nothing more than that. I don't know what it is, but I hate the feeling of being pressed down and it feels like it's harder to move. It makes me feel so anxious to have anything heavy on my like that. \n\nWhen I went to the doctor for sleep issues, they recommended one but I know they freak me out so that was a no-go :(", "41" ], [ "I think sleep hygiene and potentially sleep anxiety have something to do with it. I am no expert, but I have had pretty severe sleeping issues my whole life and see a sleep specialist now.\n\nSleep hygiene is extremely important to healthy sleep. It is included, but not limited to, consistent bed and wake times, not doing anything in bed except sleep and sex (like no reading, browsing reddit, tv, eating, relaxing, etc in bed), no blue light 1-2 hours before bed, regular exercise at a time that works for you, consistent before-bed routine, and the list goes on. Every thing on that list has an impact on the quality of sleep for most people. One of the biggest ones is probably the consistent sleeping times. Your body needs routine even if you think you don't. You can't \"make up sleep\" even though it feels good in the moment. \n\nAnother possible issue is sleep anxiety, something I am very familiar with and I'll do my best to explain. \n\nSo if you're like me and maybe have had issues sleeping in the past, you have likely forged some negative associations with trying to sleep. Whether it be the act of actively trying to fall asleep or being actually worried about how your day tomorrow will be because you anticipate not getting enough/good sleep, that can have a huge impact on actually being able to fall asleep. What my sleep specialist has told me and given me for tools (and the info is also pretty widely available with a quick google search) is that you have to try to change how you think about sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep frequently, the things you need to change are: \n\n1. Don't stay in bed for more than 30 minutes if you can't fall asleep. Get up out of your bed/room and go do something else for a while. Maybe get a snack, read a book, draw in a coloring book, listen to an audio book or music. Do something other that *try* to sleep because you are making that association of being in bed = struggling to fall asleep. \n2. Change how you think your quality/quantity of sleep will affect your next day. Instead of thinking \"Well, tomorrow's going to be shitty and I'm not going to get anything done because I can't sleep\" is only going to stress you out more and make falling asleep even harder. Instead, try to at least put a more neutral spin on it like \"Well, even if I don't get as much sleep as I want, I know I will be alright. I might be tired but I can still get some things done and then I know I should be able to get even better sleep tomorrow because I might be tired. But it's fine.\" It seems silly but changing your mindset is really important. This is one I have seriously struggled with but has probably had the biggest impact on my sleep and life after consistently implementing it. \n\nSo I'm kind of giving the short of all of this but now let me tie these definitions into an explanation.\n\nI believe for the second part of your question, that falling asleep when you mean to sleep is because you likely either have poor sleep hygiene or sleep anxiety. I'd try to pull apart everything you do the two hours before bed and also EVERYTHING you do in your bed. Compare your activities against my list or just search for articles about sleep hygiene because they'll probably have more info than I wrote out in mine.\n\nAnd for the sleepy at inconvenient times/places? Two things that come to mind are: you were already just going to be tired or it's a stress response. I only have anecdotal evidence for that but here's my personal example. When I was in college, I absolutely overloaded myself with work. I definitely wasn't getting enough sleep but there wasn't much I could do about that. But I was so stressed all the time and never got a break, my body just stopped feeling stressed and started feeling extra fatigued and tired instead. So when I would be sitting in class and I'd start thinking about all the things I was behind on, I wouldn't get that pit in my stomach or the physical stress response that you'd expect. I would just get an overwhelming wave of exhaustion and then my only goal in that moment became to go to bed. I still find that now at work, a year and a half out of school, that when I start to get overloaded with things, I don't feel stressed per say but I just get so tired and can hardly keep my eyes open anymore. \n\n & #x200B;\n\nSo hopefully this comment, that was supposed to be like a summary explanation but turned out to be a lot longer than I intended, was helpful!", "41" ], [ "Haha yeah that might do it :p\n\nAnd I have to admit, having \"perfect\" sleep hygiene sucks and is really hard because I know for me at least, they're a lot of things I don't want to do. I want to browse reddit before bed. I want to read in bed. Sometimes when I get home from work, I just want to lay in bed for a while and veg out but not sleep. Those thigns are all bad from a sleep hygiene standpoint (except maybe browsing reddit cause if you jave blue light blocking glasses or a blue light filter it's better but still mental stimulus) but they feel so good!\n\nBest of luck trying to sleep and feel free to pm me if you have other questions or anything!", "41" ], [ "I feel this and am in a pretty similar situation. I feel kind of dissatisfied even though by all means, I should be happy. \n\nI'm also in my early 20s. Graduated May 2018, am working a well paying a pretty low stress job. Have a bf I absolutely love who I've recently moved in with. Live in a great apartment in an area that's awesome. Have some hobbies I do regularly that are nice. But all the close friends I had in college live hours away and no one talks anymore. The person who calls herself my best friend doesn't actually seem to give two shits about me or my life if it means she has to take a moment to stop talking about herself. Thankfully I have an actual best friend that is freaking amazing, but she also lives several hours away so we don't get to see each other in person very often. \n\nSome of the things I used to love when I was younger don't really feel fun anymore. Like my friends and I starting in early middle school would play D & D. It was a blast, as far as I remember. But my old roommate (one of the people I'd play D & D with) had been trying to get me to join her sessions recently. I kept saying no cause I didn't want my Saturday night to be spent sitting around a table talking. I finally gave in because I figured I should give it another try. We're doing a different rpg called Stars without Numbers and last Sunday we had a prep session to create characters. The entire time leading up to it, I was annoyed about having to go. The entire time I was there, I was just thinking about getting to leave. I was annoyed by the people that kept talking over her as she tried to explain the game and all. And now we have our first session this Saturday and I'm back to being annoyed that it'll take up my Saturday night. I should probably be enjoying myself because it's social and bringing back old times. But I can't bring myself to be excited about it. \n\nI also feel like I've missed out on a lot of experiences in my youth. I've been told by so many of my coworkers (all at least 10 years older than me) that their college experience was amazing and they partied and had so much fun and they really lived it up in their 20s. I was so busy with school I basically just went to class, did homework, and went to work for four years with one night a week to see friends. I have never had that partying phase. I've never had those crazy and memorable experiences with friends. I feel like I have absolutely missed out on the fun and free part of being a young adult and went straight from high school teenager to mature working adult with nothing in between. So I feel dissatisfied and kind of joyless in the everyday things. I'm not sure if it's an expectation vs reality thing or if I really set my expectations too high. \n\nBut I feel you. It's nice to find joy in the little things but on a day to day basis, there's not a lot of them.", "204" ], [ "In 6th grade, there was a boy in my art class that tried to ask me out via someone else. Like he got someone else to come up to me and ask if I would go out with him. I was 11 so I didn't care about boys and I thought it was stupid he didn't ask me himself so I said no. After the other kid went back and told him, he yelled across the room to call me a bitch and then didn't talk to me again until 8th grade. \n\nI wonder if he still think about that. I certainly do because it was like one of the only times I've ever been asked out by someone. All of my successful dates/relationships started with me asking them. Sorry <PERSON>, it was doomed to fail from the start.", "413" ], [ "Oh yeah, if you don't like react at all, we don't really know if you're enjoying it. My bf is generally pretty quiet but especially in the last year has been opening up a lot more in the bedroom and my gaaawwwdddd it is so much better when he actually makes any sounds. Like sometimes I'm just kind of not feeling it but with the right sounds will just instantly make things sexier. \n\nStill trying to work on the dirty talk with him but we'll get there. I've asked him about it while not having sex and he says he's afraid he's going to pull something similar to the \"You like that you fucking retard?\" so he is afraid to say anything.", "591" ], [ "I think middle school girls (like 10-13 ish) are the worst. Middle schoolers in general are awful but like, girls are on a whole different level. Like as a girl, I almost wish I could have just been a boy in middle school to avoid the catty drama that happened. At least in high school I didn't care and my school was weird that the academic and super nice kids were all the popular ones and the mean people were usually called out pretty hard by the popular kids (with an exception for some).\n\nBut middle school.. Oh boy. There was a girl that was my friend because my best friend was friends with her from elementary school. So friend by proxy I guess? But this girl was kind of insane. She really prided herself on being cruel and controlling and was incredibly toxic to be around. She had these super long finger nails that she would dig into your skin, sometimes to the point of drawing blood, if she wanted to prove a point or get you to do what she wanted, or sometimes just because someone bothered her. She was an excellent artist and would draw frequently in class. There was one time a girl in our class asked what she was drawing so in response, crazy girl dug her talon's into this poor girl's arm and almost drew blood but said absolutely nothing. She also liked to read in class a lot and some guy asked her what she was reading so she punched him in the stomach. \n\nShe was not stable at all.", "413" ], [ "Kind of but also not really? It's pretty common, I think mostly in public schools?, to have normal classes and then gifted/advanced classes. From my experience, which is purely anecdotal of course, normal classes didn't necessarily mean they were for stupid students. More often than not, the normal classes taught the standard curriculum. The advanced classes would usually have a faster pace, with more work, and dive deeper into topics. \n\nSo like say I had Honors English my sophomore year of high school. All the sophomore English classes had to go through these vocab books. They were the same books. But in the honors class, we went through a a chapter (section?) a week and had generally harder quizzes on the material. The normal class went through one chapter/section every two weeks and had shorter quizzes. So in the end, the Honors class did get through about twice as much material, but the normal class hit all of the standard curriculum.", "948" ], [ "I've seen a lot of stories about various religious families not letting their child participate in sex ed in Health classes. I specifically have a friend whose family is very strict Muslim and they pulled her out of class for the two or so weeks that we had a Sex ed unit. \n\nThis is a family who refuses to let her have any friends that are male (although they do fail on that aspect, because strict parents create sneaky kids) and also are looking for a husband for her for an arranged marriage. Meanwhile, me and my other female friend (college group of friends) had to sit her down and have \"the talk\" because she had never had it and literally had no idea how any of it worked. Oh that sweet summer child, I'm glad we were at least for her in that educational aspect where her parents failed her.", "292" ], [ "I mean, when I was a kid I probably said something like \"My mom looks at gross things really up close and her hands smell bad when she comes home.\"\n\nShe was a microbiologist who worked in the lab in a hospital so they had really strongly smelling anti-bacterial soap and stuff. And I don't think I knew super well what looking at bacteria and stuff in microscopes meant but I knew they were small things that she looked at very closely. \n\n & #x200B;\n\nRelated: I apparently gave my parents some anxiety when I was a kid because maybe around kindergarten age or something, we had to write about what we do with our parents. I don't remember what I wrote for my mom, but for my dad, it basically just said \"My dad gives me massages\". Now that could have been sooo bad. But literally, my dad would give me like a five minute shoulder rub sometimes. Nothing sexual at all. But it sounds like it could have been so much worse..", "630" ], [ "This is not necessarily good.. \n\nIt is absolutely terrible sleep hygiene to be in bed and not sleeping. That's like one of the absolute major rules for sleep hygiene: don't do anything in bed but sleep and sex. And that includes not laying awake in bed if you're not sleeping and trying to sleep. It may be good to try to rest, but if you are trying to sleep and can't, do not stay in bed. It creates the association in your brain of being in bed means being awake and trying to sleep but not sleeping. Like 10/10 avoid this.", "41" ], [ "I feel you on this. I have both Delayed Sleep Phase disorder, insomnia, and ADHD so sleeping and especially turning off the brain is a major struggle. \n\nSo from someone who understands and is working on it, here are some things you, or anyone else, can try assuming it's not a medical issue. In which case you can certainly try but it's just going to be a lot harder to figure out.\n\nIf your mind is racing:\n\n1) Try to write down what you're thinking about. Get out of bed, have the lights dim, but write a stream of consciousness or a to-do list if that's what you're thinking about. If you're reliving conversations from the day, write down the things you wish you would have said. If you're trying to make a decision, write down pro-con lists. Basically get those things out of your head and on paper. Of course you will probably always have more thoughts, but even for my ADHD brain that never shuts up, it does help.\n\n2) Find something low-key to distract yourself with. I know it may not be the best practice for best sleep, but I know if my mind is racing, sometimes putting on quiet music, stand up comedy that I've heard a million times, or a show I've seen many times on all very quietly will help replace that chatter in my brain. And then instead of thinking really, I'm just zoning out to the familiar sounds. I like this better than white noise because it still gives you something to focus on but also easy to ignore.\n\n3) Tell yourself a story. Probably works best with stories you already know that have finite endings, like children's stories or fairy tales. I honestly don't know why this works, but if you give your brain the task to tell the story, hopefully it can try to keep on that train of thought instead of derailing massively into whatever racing thoughts were there before. Also if you choose a short story (say like little <PERSON>), try to imagine as many details in the story as possible while still keeping to the story.\n\n4) Meditation. I personally have a huge problem with this personally cause trying to think of nothing is not really something that I can do without a shit ton of practice, but it is worth mentioning. There are different types of meditation to try. I don't remember the names of them but I know one is where you choose one word to basically repeat (verbally or mentally) over and over again. Like when you hear in movies people going \"ohm\". One I heard is \"ayam\". So you keep saying this work or sound over and over again. Match to your breath. When (note for most, it's not if usually but when) your thoughts wander, acknowledge them and then get back to your word. Forgive yourself when you do get sidetracked and then get back to it. \n\n & #x200B;\n\nOther things to note:\n\nSometimes exercising too close to bed time is a problem. Depends on the person, but for a lot of people, your heart rate is still elevated 4 hours after a work out. It's a lot harder to fall asleep when your body is still in a more adrenaline pumped mode. Of course, it;s not always possible to change the workout routine because of work, but worth looking into if it's possible. \n\nIf you don't know if you have any medical issues, it's worth checking to see if you might have Anxiety, Depression, or ADHD for mental issues and talk with a doctor (and even better, a sleep specialist) about any possible sleep disorders or other physical issues. Sometimes vitamin D can have an affect on sleep. Thyroid issues can have an affect on sleep.", "41" ], [ "That sounds like a huge pain! But like how did you get doctors to take you seriously enough to escalate the issue? Like in the last when I had talked to doctors, it was basically \"Oh you're a teenager. You're just going to be tired\" and then \"Oh you're in college. You're just going to be tired\". And then \"Oh you're working full time, you're going to be tired\" quickly followed by \"But if that's not the issue, it's because you have anxiety. Let's put you on anti anxiety meds because clearly you're so anxious it's making you exhausted all the time\" when I had literally never mentioned being anxious. Had to argue with that doctor for way longer than I should have to get referred to a specialist who diagnosed me inside of five minutes.", "461" ], [ "Wow did I write this?\n\nI have a very similar story. I remember starting to feel extra shitty and tired when I was 14. Could never get doctors to take me seriously and told me the same things. \"Oh you're a teenager, you're just going to be tired\" and then \"oh you're in college, you're going to be tired\" and then \"oh you are working full time, you're going to be tired\".\n\nFinally argued with doctors enough and became stubborn enough to effectively advocate for myself and find doctors that would listen to me and have got more of my shit figured out.\n\nSo some things to help steer you on your path that I had to figure out with people constantly telling me nothing was wrong even though things were wrong. I'll list things in kind of easiest to rule out to hardest.\n\n1) Iron levels - Being anemic (low in Iron) can cause pretty bad fatigue. It's more of a common problem for menstruating women but anyone can be anemic. Done with a blood check and can be fixed through iron supplements and diet.\n\n2) Vitamin D - being low on vitamin D can cause fatigue, moodiness, trouble sleeping, and some other symptoms. Also done with a blood test. Supplements can be bought over the counter.\n\n3) Thyroid - This is where it gets more complicated. So one of the biggest symptoms of Hypothyroidism is fatigue. Other symptoms include weight gain/trouble losing weight, lethargy, increased sensativity to cold, mental fog, extra dry skin, and sometimes in women: irregularity of menstrual cycle. The tests thay can be done to test for thyroid issues are the TSH, Free t3, t4, and a specific antibodies test for Hashimotos. The TSH is usually the go-to for testing for an underactive thyroid (hypothyroid) and the higher the number of the result for TSH, the worse the thyroid gland is functioning. The TSH test actually tests for a hormone created by the pituitary gland. The pituitary creates more of of the thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) when the thyroid isn't working as planned. The \"normal\" range is defined by each hospital/lab but is typically. 5-4.0. So for a lot of people with thyroid problems, if their tsh is over 2.5 even they can feel pretty shitty. My endocrinologist said that for a woman between 18-24, \"normal\" should be less than 2.0 even though 2.0-4.0 may technically be normal by the tests standards. Hypothyroid problems are medicated with synthetic hormones that replace the hormones your thyroid isn't producing. For a lot of people, it is a life long treatment. The tricky part is that tsh levels can fluctuate wildly. So even if you do have hypothyroidism, you may appear to have normal tsh levels at the time of your blood test. Frequently you'll be tested 6 or so weeks apart to give time for the levels to change if they're going to. Also it's common to have to see an endocrinologist about this because this is what they do.\n\n4) Mental Health - Fatigue is a symptom of depression. Not everyone who has depression has fatigue and not everyone who is fatigued has depression. But it's worth checking out especially if you show other signs of depression. Depression and other mental health issues are frequently handled by medication and/or therapy.\n\n5) Sleep Disorders - so this has already turned out to be wayy longer than what I intended so on going to keep this one brief because I could spend the next hour typing stuff about sleep and still not hit everything I want to. Sleep is funky and trying to diagnose and treat sleep disorders can be very difficult. Some of the more common sleep disorders are sleep apnea, insomnia, and restless leg syndrome. A lot of sleep disorders can be diagnosed through a sleep study where you go to a facility, are hooked up to a ton of sensors, and then sleep and they get data on your sleep. Some sleep disorders aren't diagnosed with a sleep study but can be diagnosed through a discussion with a speclist, like circadian rhythm disorders. The treatment for sleep disorders varies wildly depending on the disorder. But it is essential to health to get good sleep. So make it a priority to try to get good sleep regardless of whether or not a sleep disorder is your issue.\n\nFeel free to pm me if you want any more info. I've been dealing with this shit for over 10 years so I know your pain. Good luck!", "91" ], [ "It can be really difficult. I think I went through 4 doctors brushing off my needs before I basically snapped and kind of freaked out at the last one to do what I asked.\n\nAlso remember, you can fire your doctor. For the most part, you can get a new primary care provider if they are not meeting your needs and you need to keep in mind that it is their job to help you. And if they won't help you, you need to find someone else who will. Don't take no for an answer.", "483" ], [ "Yeah the \"when the relationship ends\" and not \"if\" kind of threw me. I wish I could give the benefit of the doubt and say <PERSON> has that mindset cause his daughter is young and lots of young relationships are feeling (honestly just lots of relationships are fleeting) but it doesn't really seem like that is the case.\n\nLike I have a friend who I would probably use this phrasing with. She has had a bf of the year basically every year since we were in 8th grade and we're 23 now. The last four or so of them, she has told me how she see's spending the rest of her life with them and how if they're still together a year from now, they'll likely move in together. And she didn't last with any of them. At this point, the way she deals with relationships has made it feel more like a \"when it ends\" rather than \"if\". But this is a justified case with history to back it up. Ops? Seems not to be the case.", "585" ], [ "I think you're spot on. My bf was homeschooled and only had like band at the local high school. He is very introverted but not necessarily awkward. Socially anxious, sure, but I don't think being homeschooled actually affected that. That's just him. But his mom has some degree in education so he was totally well off being home schooled. Would have never known if he didn't tell me and I frequently forget he was homeschooled as well.", "413" ] ]
[ 7040, 9749, 2173, 2393, 10109, 15847, 17765, 5950, 3356, 13762, 18350, 24079, 7416, 621, 13603, 5129, 4656, 9604, 18016, 20250, 23692, 7114, 20547, 9658, 16200, 22745, 22099, 17817, 3807, 16702, 24383, 8522, 11791, 18002, 11453, 17111, 22292, 14400, 18116, 20275, 12468, 18628, 19561, 9919, 20205, 6291, 14097, 354, 13743, 13560, 4752, 1669, 12953, 23223, 24992, 16773, 8970, 12930, 12020, 12799, 17854, 9687, 22560, 20836, 5215, 10060, 24421, 18357, 13111, 5405, 23132, 2362, 8884, 9659, 24724, 7120, 13348, 10426, 25139, 17595, 7969, 4994, 23237, 13945, 944, 19277, 18062, 19424, 24077, 18800, 9790, 18963, 8682, 7144, 7752, 938, 22636, 18207, 24524, 16020, 3347, 787, 19050, 19920, 21546, 16449, 8784, 16498, 7856, 23550, 15897, 21817, 2565, 23099, 22575, 15410, 15375, 2591, 21560, 15660, 20356, 20518, 3577, 17847, 22475, 5398, 18321, 21488, 25236, 16986, 570, 17955, 24299, 12273, 25364, 11628, 2924, 22382, 7690, 9461, 19449, 3872, 21154, 15079, 23024, 10356, 20603, 4152, 22888, 4926, 9234, 7565, 23526, 21702, 20105, 9145, 19906, 5603, 24987, 7624, 1226, 2482, 20398, 13262, 14856, 4346, 15474, 18749, 15408, 15607, 3794, 7282, 11666, 21789, 1934, 14988, 24868, 17651, 21444, 1596, 20393, 11888, 1576, 22223, 10898, 14622, 12297, 11028, 17789, 8964, 25166, 15401, 14533, 3779, 22022, 14011, 20838, 17543, 18328, 20309, 347, 14031, 1544, 14899, 19205, 2597, 20663, 19741, 17196, 18353, 20581, 18008, 7146, 5677, 4858, 20336, 17340, 24686, 25362, 25269, 22002, 20882, 11633, 21877, 6718, 3181, 7196, 2834, 23212, 24163, 1844, 14006, 3762, 13226, 16099, 7757, 19910, 4613, 25259, 13698, 21345, 9827, 24631, 14952, 24431, 9290, 8355, 21640, 12671, 19215, 13835, 8165, 24596, 19014, 9247, 24286, 22718, 16441, 19550, 782, 9436, 14629, 25048, 2038, 177, 20604, 12974, 14753, 21282, 6609, 10658, 19880, 21684, 956, 22766, 6672, 21080, 20496, 47, 807, 25022, 7629, 15600, 18205, 14465, 20499, 8652, 9775, 11377, 23271, 14872, 2130, 21563, 23986, 16042, 9070, 17058, 7600, 16048, 17644, 4131, 2196, 15252, 1332, 16384, 21372, 9365, 21858, 19761, 24192, 1276, 6055, 7657, 21707, 3503, 21445, 2137, 19250, 3561, 23930, 20257, 1956, 22768, 20234, 23649, 25254, 9354, 7676, 9118, 2252, 21750, 1812, 2040, 4554, 4876, 22105, 19234, 18162, 11121, 13123, 11180, 14178, 1206, 12555, 5203, 10755, 17076, 19213, 13917, 21524, 3619, 10667, 20305, 20330, 13350, 8342, 9196, 18877, 2584, 5457, 12183, 19278, 2320, 19835, 2908, 391, 7050, 2404, 19554, 20927, 11942, 12786, 20162, 7688, 19643, 20326, 17203, 17123, 10203, 7224, 2967, 7683, 11150, 11915, 2512, 16471, 127, 15531, 16832, 18438, 11059, 738, 4855, 11675, 8660, 17504, 19182, 13673, 22299, 16281, 18054, 12294, 8564, 4484, 844, 21481, 15631, 16692, 17496, 18546, 18604, 23377, 13709, 10206, 23491, 12662, 14518, 12232, 14467, 24788, 19214, 17408, 4964, 21259, 12616, 5985, 15925, 5022, 24432, 6587, 3691, 2992, 7710, 23208, 12851, 16673, 25074, 25459, 2941, 11501, 20893, 17079, 7313, 18226, 20373, 15062, 2388, 1952, 1505, 14777, 3837, 21038, 24067, 15642, 19158, 11807, 21393, 4933, 6289, 3141, 12320, 12258, 9591, 8281, 19151, 16286, 15655, 9754, 12931, 17773, 8526, 2261, 4596, 9637, 20438, 14512, 7504, 6218, 8619, 14633, 6737, 1253, 8144, 3997, 24911, 12731, 11045, 21845, 24325, 19855, 21666, 13941, 10993, 15583, 17389, 23822, 1068, 79, 18718 ]
[ [ "It’s not rampant. \n\nYou’re showing a few spots, in old outdated, irrelevant content, that drop stuff that’s only useful to vendor. \n\nIt doesn't unbalance the economy like classic, since needed materials and valuable things don’t drop there. \n\nAs is, normal people, in normal guilds, in retail say “oh. I need to buy a token” when they’re low on gold.\n\nIn Classic they raid log, magically have gold for consumes, and never say why. Because they’re quietly buying illegal gold on the side. \n\nDrastically different behavior. The legal option for gold is more popular than illegal gold, by a comically large margin.\n\nIt’s silly to pretend a legal venue for buying gold doesn’t drastically change the playing field.", "532" ], [ "> bots aren't really a big thing in retail as there are clearly multiple gold selling services active and instances bloated with bots\n\nThey aren’t a big thing in retail. \n\nTheir gold only goes to people comfortable buying gold third party, which is a minority of the players. \n\nThey only farm things that are trivial and do not disrupt the economy while doing so. \n\nThat’s “not a big thing” by my definition.", "532" ], [ "> You’ve no real idea of the percentage that buy tokens vs gold from a seller\n\nYou don’t either. So insisting any noticeable percentage go the illegal route is a stretch on your part.\n\nEspecially since the token removed basically all visible signs of gold sellers.\n\nIt’s like legalized marijuana. Yeah. Some cheap classless people, that don’t care if they’re getting ripped off, still buy illegal to save a few dollars. \n\nBut 90% of people just go to a store and buy legally.", "937" ], [ "Anywhere in North America with an educated workforce.\n\nSo. Major city. Probably non-coastal. We weren’t going off of LA/NY/SF salaries.\n\nBut we were being realistic about supervisor to employee ratios, how many reports you can reasonably get out of an hourly tasked based disinterested worker in an hour, training requirements, complexity for non-gamers to get trained in the role, etc.\n\nBasically all the shit that people ignore when they pretend Blizz can just make these folks appear out of thin air.", "479" ], [ "Oh sorry. Every massive sever is half or more the pop of nost. \n\nAnd has sustained said pop longer. \n\nMaybe pick something worthwhile to be butthurt about.\n\nAlso, could you cite a source that shows the consistent population on Nost? I’ve only heard anecdotal info. I’ve never seen an actual third party site that showed population, like in classic.\n\nEdit: I see this Reddit post mentioning peaks of 15k. Not 20.\n\nAre you sure you have your facts straight?\n\n_URL_0_", "457" ], [ "Do you play retail?\n\nDo you frequent their subreddit?\n\nIn the two years leading up to classic, I never saw anyone complain there about botting or gold selling. You see it here, on the classic subreddit, multiple times a day.\n\nRaiding through legion and BfA, I never heard a broke guildy say anything other than “I need to buy a token”, “I need to farm gold” or “Hey can you loan me some gold until I farm it” over Discord, when they needed more consumes for raiding or whatever. \n\nSo yeah please pretend it’s a rampant problem so you can pretend the token hasn’t functionally solved it.\n\nBased on my experience, that’s what you’re doing.", "532" ], [ "So no. You don’t play retail. Got it.\n\nKeep pretending that your wall of text matters. You aren’t discussing this in good faith at all. \n\nSo. Again. Come with experience. Or I’ll just block you to prevent the alerts.\n\nEdit: I mean seriously dude. How do you not see that you are full of shit when you write comically absurd stuff like this:\n\n > The wow sub doesn’t complain often because of two things: 1) they been conditioned and stopped caring long ago, and 2) they’ve got bigger things to worry about. But not even a year ago there was a resurgence of bot complaints on r/WoW, but it died off why? So much else was fucked at the time, they focused away from the bots\n\nGame was in a good place during legion. Complaints were minimal, no one bitched about bots or gold selling then. Legit just stop with these comical acrobatics.\n\nAlso, you’re discussing a subreddit with a massively transient population. Not an oppressed nation lol. You can’t pretend that what you wrote there could even apply to that type of demographic.", "342" ], [ "You’re the one stating that every full pop server isn’t close to Nosts population.\n\nI’m asking if you have data to show that point. \n\nYou can get an estimate of per server populations in Classic from a few sites...\n\nAs is data about concurrent pop on Nost, when you google around, is inconsistent. So if you have better data, please present it.\n\nEdit: and let’s be clear here. I’m not even arguing at this point. I’m asking if there’s any non-anecdotal data about Nost server pops available. \n\nEven the anecdotal data is in regards to concurrent players at certain peaks, and number of characters created. \n\nWhereas classic census data seems to revolve around number of toons, per server, that have shown up in raid logs in the past week. \n\nSo it’s like comparing apples to imaginary cinnamon sticks atm. \n\nAny data that you could find to bolster your point here would be helpful.", "63" ], [ "Right. That’s why I’m asking if there’s more data.\n\nDid anyone log that concurrency they posted, and track it anywhere else? Did anyone audit it to see if it was factual. Or you know, just made up to build hype.\n\nThat’s also 12k concurrent as the only server, in the world.\n\nSo I’m interested to know if that’s 2x Faeralina. 3x. 4x. \n\nRegardless. There’s at least 5+ nosts worth of people playing on NA servers alone. Add in EU and other regions and you’re at, at a minimum 30x their pop. \n\nSo, you can’t pretend the two are at the same scale, by any stretch. Which was the whole point of the post you replied to.\n\nEdit: though, I can easily admit, based on the scarce data we have, that it appears no current server would be over about 8-9k concurrent. So they’re not all bigger than Nost.", "63" ], [ "From what I’ve read here there were bots and gold sellers on Nost.\n\nIt also just didn’t have the playerbase or server diversity classic does. One bot farming a thing was substantially more impactful on a single server with 12k concurrent players, than dozens of bots farming across several layered servers.\n\nAs is, I always chuckle at the discussion of bots in Classic. You can actually pick lotus on my server. Strath isn’t filled with bots. \n\n > The experience was a million times better than the shit Blizzard cooked up.\n\nWeird. Because most people that actually played there, admit the flaws. Rampant racism in chat. Broken pathing. The fact that drop rates and boss damage were just a guess. Language barriers. Mafias controlling things like Devilsaur....", "538" ], [ "Wailing Caverns is the instance that made me fall in love with WoW.\n\nI’d grown up with AD & D 1/2e, and was a tabletop gamer before console RPGs were even a thing, really.\n\nA friend introduced me to WoW in early 2006, and while I enjoyed it, I didn’t quite fall in love.\n\nThen one day he pulled me into a WC run. It was my first instance ever. \n\nThis was of course the original, somewhat mazelike and sprawling WC, as opposed to any of the later watered down versions.\n\nThe first thing that stuck me, viscerally, was the loading screen. The art style of those Vanilla instance screens has always struck me as being a clear homage to early D & D and AD & D modules. Back in the gritty days of like 78-82 or so. Pre-BECMI. I grew up obsessed with that stuff, so the obvious shout out was, to me, simply amazing.\n\nAfter seeing that screen I was basically prepped for the run I was about to experience. E.g. a sprawling, complex dungeon, that would present a legitimate challange and could easily lead to multiple wipes. Just like those old D & D modules.\n\ what I got. We spent at least 2-3 hours in there. I saw all the optional bosses, which honestly I rarely was able to get groups to do later on.\n\nAnd then we got to the jump. Much like the loading screen, that jump has always stayed with me. The fact that they’d gate the final boss, in an MMO, being a slightly tricky jump, was, as someone that played FFXI, which didn’t allow jumping, just absolutely beautiful and amazing. \n\nI’ll honestly never forget that run. WC, even as fucked as blizz made it now, is still one of my favorite instances, ever. I fell in love with WoW that night and I’ve basically never looked back.", "628" ], [ "> disench bank alt\n\nWas that an actual option though really?\n\nI swear you had to be a certain level in enchanting to disenchant stuff. E.g. level 40 gear required you were in the 100s-200s, max level gear required you were, say, 250+, to DE. \n\nSo your bank alt would have to run Uldaman to learn enchanting past 225, in order to actually DE higher level stuff. \n\nPossible I’m mis-remembering but I could have sworn you couldn’t just DE everything as a level 1 enchanter. \n\nAlso remember greens selling for enough money that DE-ing wasn’t usually profitable. But that of course can vary based on your server. \n\nEdit: nvm. Guess that was added in 2.0.1 per the comment below.", "163" ], [ "> NOBODY Cares that you cleared mythic, NOBODY. \n\nMythic gives you gear that is 45 levels above LFR.\n\nWhen it comes to getting access to content, and invites to groups, literally *everyone* cares if you’ve done Mythic or not. \n\nIf you have it’s a free pass. If not, then you have to prove yourself another way. E.g. high _URL_0_ score, curve achievements, etc.", "163" ], [ "> Any bugs that may have been created in the port will probably be trivial and can be fixed on live patches\n\n“Probably” is a very dangerous word for any professional endeavor.\n\n“Hey bob. Are we safe from the demo work we’re doing today.”\n\n\n“Probably?”\n\nSoftware design and production is no different. You can never anticipate all of the potential bugs. If you could they’d never exist. \n\nSo you always have to test.", "440" ], [ "> You don't get it\n\nNo. You’re creating a false narrative, because you feel your *opinion* is fact.\n\n > , but nobody givesa fuck that you have a slight different colored tier set witha few numbers attached to gear that everyone else already has.\n\nYes. They do. You clearly don’t play retail. \n\nSince you don’t it’s kind of weird to pretend you do. A Mythic geared anything will perform better than the non-Mythic geared person. Since there’s a cap on raid sizes you know they’d have to know to play, or else they’d get dropped. \n\nSo it actually means a lot. \n\nI’d agree that clearing normals now, means a lot less than clearing raids in Vanilla. Clearing LFR means nothing. \n\nBut heroic and Mythic raiders generally command respect and Mythic raiders always get pug priority. Similar to the standard raiders in Vanilla.", "508" ], [ "> Nowadays, you don't really give much of a damn about your raid composition and they're \"only\" 20.\n\nTop Mythic raid teams now run normal modes 4-5 times a week. The raid leader has to pick 4-5 people, with unique token and gear types, plus 15-16 alts. They then run the current raid with that group with the 4-5 mains all getting first pick on their tier type and gear type.\n\nThey then repeat process 4-5 times each week, per difficulty level (minus Mythic) so they’re running the current raid 12-15 times a week (until they just drop LFR then it’s 8-10 times a week), in addition to their current Mythic attempts.\n\nIt’s more work now for top end guilds. By far.", "734" ], [ "99%?\n\nGod no. Maybe 40-50% of the people I knew that used leveling services got a temp ban. One guy that was caught a third time paying to get leveled got a perm ban. \n\nBut a perm ban for gold buying? Never. I’ve never seen that I knew a lot of people that bought gold in Vanilla. \n\nHonestly I don’t think anyone that wasn’t there, can understand how common it was.", "527" ], [ "> . When you saw someone in vanilla with Tier 3 you were in absolute awe and amazement.\n\nYour statements seem to be wholly ignorant of the fact that T2 was released with super simple graphics, and for at least half of its lifespan as “top tier gear” retained those super simple graphics. E.g. “The tier 2 sets all had placeholder models, which were updated in Patch *1.9.*”\n\nSo from 1.1-1.8 the absolute best gear in the game was completely unremarkable and plain looking. Not awe inspiring. \n\nAs is I didn’t know what T3 was when I played Vanilla. When I did see someone wearing it, I’d maybe see them in a few pieces, tops, since my server never killed KT/Sarth/Horsemen until well after TBCs launch. So no one really even had helm, shoulders, or chest T3 pieces.\n\nThat was pretty common. \n\nIn addition, anytime I saw someone in T2.5 gear I thought “Wow, that looks horrible.” Because it did. \n\nIt wasn’t awe inspiring. It was a mess of vomity textures. \n\n > YOU DONT GET IT. \n\nIt’s adorable how much you keep moving the argument to try and not be wrong.\n\nIf you can’t accept the simple fact that Mythic raiders now command as much respect and prestige as normal T2.5/3 raiders did in Vanilla then you’re delusional.\n\nGo try and pug into a Mythic raid wearing LFR gear. You won’t be able to. \n\nSo the respect is still there. The performance benefit is there. \n\n > It's not about performance I am talking about. It is the \"wow\" factor of just looking at someone with bad ass gear.\n\nMost people in raid gear in Vanilla wore horribly mismatched sets that made them look worse than the guy in tier 0.5. \n\nSo. No. That wasn’t the reaction from everyone. Nor should it have been. \n\nIt’s *your* reaction. On both ends, you are stating *your* opinions. Not fact. \n\nMost people I knew in Vanilla treated raiders like no-life try hard types. In those cases it was literally the opposite reaction. \n\nIt is not universal in either case and in terms of how people wearing Mythic gear are *treated* by their peers it’s identical.", "538" ], [ "> Resto shaman gear (could this be used as ele gear?)\n\nThe first piece in that list with a secondary besides MP5, is + healing. (_URL_0_) \n\nSo. No. That wouldn’t be a useful list for elemental. Since they’d want + damage gear, and + healing is just wasted item budget. \n\nI’ve checked at least half the list and it’s all MP5 and + healing gear. So. No. It’s be worthless for Ele.\n\nTBH it’d be nice to see some deep theorycrafting on optimal MP5 to Spell damage ratios for Elemental, since mana is a huge part of the reason they aren’t competitive.", "453" ], [ "The funniest part to me is how they didn’t really anticipate that factor.\n\nTake M+ dungeons back at Legion launch. Blizz honestly didn’t grasp that raiders would spam the fuck out of those for 6 chances (with the old 3 chest system) at an amazing titanforge.\n\nThen players did, and did it so much that blizz had to reset the ilvl of instance drops upward, and revamp the loot system from M+ to compensate. People ended up in gear that was just below legendary level, in all slots, just by spending weeks farming M+.\n\n\n<PERSON> is a pretty bright guy, but he seems to lack a certain grunt level awareness that seems to cause issues in the overall design.", "435" ], [ "> Except that t2 was garbage for most specs when it was released and worse than pre-bis greens in some cases\n\nPretty sure most of the pre-BiS greens were buffed like that in later patches. \n\nRight?\n\nAlso. What are you arguing exactly?\n\nThe person I’m replying to is trying to insist that the appearance of good gear was awe inspiring, visually, in Vanilla.\n\nYour example is completely the opposite. You’re saying that plain greens were better than T1, which was clearly better visually. \n\nSo. Yeah. I agree. But you aren’t countering my point nor are you supporting the person I’m replying to. So.....", "659" ], [ "Not really. \n\nThe main type of videos you see posted here are:\n\n1) someone talking about Classic and the various topics we discuss here. E.g. rumors, changes, etc.\n\n2) Videos of people doing something legitimately impressive in Vanilla. E.g. PvP stuff, raid boss kills etc.\n\nThere really isn’t a lot of “guy so bored he made a video that doesn’t really showcase anything meaningful” videos linked here.\n\nIf he used the knockback to get somewhere special, or clip through the world or something it’d be totally worth linking. \n\nAs is. It just makes me kinda scratch my head and wonder why he didn’t just start an alt or something. Since he clearly is super bored. Or else he wouldn’t have made that video", "337" ], [ "I dunno. I tried it. The guy who makes it honestly doesn’t seem to know much about <PERSON> himself. Haven’t heard him ever relate a personal anecdote or strongly voice a well formed opinion of his own. \n\n\nAs he says himself in an early episode, it often just sounds like he’s just regurgitating comments and wiki pages.\n\nI tried a few episodes and it honestly seemed like a person that is just trying to get attention. Not someone that has a well developed opinion on he subject. That being said it’s possible I’ve missed his personal anecdotes since I was half listening (while playing WoW) and it’s legit hard to tell when he swaps between reading comments and making his own statements, when you aren’t paying super close attention. \n\nYmmv. And if I’m wrong please point me to an episode that illustrates something else. But if I wanted to hear comments and wiki pages read back to me, I’d just have a screen reader do it. You know?", "182" ], [ "They weren’t nerfed.\n\nThe bosses weren’t tuned correctly. Then blizz fixed them to be killable without exploits. \n\nIf you watched the blizzcon deep dive today, they discuss doing something similar with mu’ru. He initially had pushback, which made it pointless to bring casters. They’re going to have him without pushback in classic tbc. \n\nThat’s not a nerf. It’s them fixing a design flaw. Which is what those t5 changes were as well.\n\nEdit: to clarify\n\n1) shit like this proves changes, that people consider nerfs, are often just bug fixes.\n\n2) I’ll try and dig up the other posts, but most people confuse 3.0.x nerfs with something that happened in actual tbc. Much like you thinking these were nerfs instead of drastically needed changes, that fixed *broken* content. \n\n3) I’d love to see the changes, that weren’t bug fixes, that happened in 2.1 - 2.4, that you think will drastically impact the game.", "884" ], [ "> Nobody cares about meta lol\n\nI’m pretty sure that’s what meta is. The summation of how everyone is playing. But sure.\n\n > warriors were fine and they will still be\n\nNot really. From TBC until....forever really, there will always be another class that’s the better tank, for the majority of situations. \n\nWrath launch was fun though. Since prot warrior damage was super high.\n\n > I think you're just not nearly as good as you think you are\n\nI mean. I did the work. But 108 apm isn’t fun. It’s work. Drop any one of those 40 gcds, 30 shield blocks, and 38ish swing mods per minute and you fall behind. \n\nMeanwhile the pallies are holding aoe threat half afk. Without sacrificing any noticeable amount of mitigation. \n\nDruids are holding aoe threat with way better dodge and higher armor, and half the apm.\n\nI feel like you’re just drastically overestimating your own abilities. Or, maybe just don’t understand how other tanking classes work?", "427" ], [ "> It's not like some Russian or Chinese guy with a bot farm is starving. Their lives are most likely the same as the American lower middle-class.\n\nYes. Because of the bot farm.\n\nIf bot farm not exist, money not exist. \n\nMath is hard.\n\nAlso. Most bot farms that serve the US are located in South America. Where there’s a shit ton of poverty. Assuming you’re in the EU, so you didn’t know that, since you mentioned Russia and China.", "1000" ], [ "That’s not an accurate simulation of TBC though.\n\nIf you need maximum all around mitigation, in TBC, at low gear levels then prot warriors are you best option.\n\nBut their threat sucks. Their apm is crazy high (108ish, with a 1.6 speed weapon) and that mitigation is wasted in most actual TBC content.\n\nBears absolutely weren’t a meme off tank in TBC. But their EH based mitigation advantage would be completely wiped out by a 25% buff to boss damage. Since that dramatically inflates boss crushing and crit damage. \n\n\nIn actual TBC bears are excellent tanks.", "427" ], [ "> Sort of how cthun was also mathematically impossible even without bugs but pservers literally had to overtune him so he wasn’t stomped every night?\n\nNo. It’s actually completely different. \n\nDid you read what the single vashj kill, pre-2.1 entailed?\n\nAlso, are you trying to claim a Pserver was an accurate simulation of vanilla?\n\nThere’s literally a thousand things they all got wrong.\n\nBut sure sure. Take care.\n\nEdit:\n\n“<PERSON>, an undead priest who spent two years in the guild before quitting WoW, claims that Nihilum purposely exploited a bug on their world first Lady Vashj kill (instead of an accidental bug that took away HP, as the guild states.) According to <PERSON>, you can purposely wipe at 20 percent and have a paladin use Divine Shield, which I don't really understand unless <PERSON> actually meant Divine Intervention. Then <PERSON> will reset to Phase 2, but since her HP is connected to the pillars she has, the HP will disappear when they despawn. This leaves her at 1 HP. Presto, a priest pops a soulstone and Shadow Word: Deaths her, and there you go. <PERSON> even provides a screenshot of him finishing off <PERSON> with an SWD, complete with chatlog.”", "823" ], [ "> Was the end of wrath where it went to shit, playing Wrath upto the last phase should be fine.\n\nI came in wrath as a very hardcore raider, and didn’t love it because it was so easy.\n\nMy hot take is that people will enjoy the nostalgia part of Wrath. But won’t really enjoy playing it, as much as they remember. Even from the start.\n\nThat first raid tier is pretty bad. Dumbed down Naxx isn’t that much fun. \n\nUlduar is remembered as an amazing instance. But I clearly remember not being able to get 25 raiders to show up for it, once ToC came out. Because they were so burnt out on Ulduar by then. \n\nToC wasn’t a good tier. People only did that run for loot. Not really for fun. \n\nEven ICC, minus the last few bosses, was underwhelming. \n\nCouple that with 10 man raiding eating into the rosters of established guilds...and...yeah. I don’t think it’ll be optimal.", "538" ], [ "I think most people that love Ulduar started raiding in Wrath with Naxxramas.\n\nSo, they did that as a starter raid. Then got Ulduar as their “first real raid.”\n\nBut I agree. I didn’t enjoy it. It felt like it was impossible to get guildies to show up for Ulduar night, the minute ToC came out. It really seems like pure nostalgia, as opposed to actually being a raid people enjoy for its merits.", "538" ], [ "Daily’s are only gold though. Plus some cosmetics and gear that, iirc, was pre-raid catchup gear. Until Sunwell when they become important. \n\nAttuments aren’t that bad. Kara is similar to Ony, in terms of complexity. T5 attunement is a bit of work but should happen in normal gameplay. \n\nBased on the phase schedule they proposed hyjal/bt attunement will happen as you raid T5. Since they’re going to drag that out.\n\nHeroics are useful for rep and pre-raid gear farming until you are geared enough for <PERSON>. Then they become more or less pointless until the ZA phase drops upgraded badge gear.\n\nSo. There’s stuff to do, like arenas. And reasons to not raid log.\n\nBut it’s still a finite farm.", "924" ], [ "I think, with all the limitations they added to it, it’s needed.\n\nThere are a lot of people that want to play TBC, that don’t have the time to level a toon 1-58. They have enough free time to be good community members of a 58-70 game. But not enough to do that grind in a reasonable time frame. \n\nThe fact that it’s one toon per account, for people that don’t have a 60 in classic, and is a paid service, gates it enough for me to be fine with it.", "471" ], [ "> dungeon leveling again become the only reasonable way to level\n\nIf you went into TBC as a serious raider in 2007, that was also the case. Dungeon to 70, go back and do quests for ~10k of gold. \n\nWrath was identical as well. Raiding guilds just leveled 70-80 in dungeons. \n\nThat didn’t change until....MoP iirc, when <PERSON> started hard nerfing dungeon xp.\n\nAlso....I feel like even on my first classic toon more than half my xp was earned in dungeons.....", "163" ], [ "> The same people that own the economy in classic will probably own the economy in tbc that's what they do. \n\nI feel like a lot of people would rather blame others, and then ask for a reset, then accept this reality. \n\nSomeone will always be more prepared and motivated to be an AH goblin than I. It’s just reality. I play to play. But I accept that, where a lot of people don’t seem to.", "305" ], [ "Based on how retail tends to go, I think you’re spot on.\n\nContested stuff will go for crazy amounts for...maybe a month? Tops?\n\nDuring that time, anything new you get, becomes super valuable. Get a purple drop? AH that puppy and walk away with enough gold for epic flight on two toons. Get some Lotus luck while herbing? Sell them for 500g a pop on day 2, to that guy that’s fighting to get 375 alch fast.\n\nThen by the end of the month the sheer number of people playing, and layering, will drastically inflate the supply of those items.", "532" ], [ "> People stopped raiding Ulduar when ToC came not because they were burnt out on Ulduar\n\nYes. They did. That’s literally why my guildies, and members of many guilds back then, stopped raiding it. \n\n > ToC took all of two hours tops to finish \n\nRight. So instead of doing two nights of Ulduar, our raid schedule shifted to a two hour ToC clear one night, then one night of Ulduar.\n\nWe’d get 30 raiders on ToC 25 night and 18-22 on Ulduar night. \n\n > gave an entire tier of gear better\n\nIt did. But:\n\n1) Ulduar had a healer legendary. So there was a reason to farm it through ToC. \n\n2) a lot of items in Ulduar were still bis, or were second place behind contested ToC items. \n\nSo, much like guilds that ran MC for onslaught belts, bindings, and rings until AQ, guilds needed to run Ulduar after ToC. \n\nBut they just didn’t. \n\nAs someone that was there I remember why. Since I saw it first hand.", "538" ], [ "Tbh if it wasn’t for Fury prot warrior theory crafting done, post vanilla, classic would have played much more like vanilla.\n\nIf you check EJ posts/guides from 2007/2008 you’ll see that fury prot/dw tanking *was* extensively theorycrafted, during TBC. It was seen as a no go at the time, except in exceptionally trivial content, since boss damage was so high compared to tank health. \n\nSo, yeah, even during TBC optimal min/max strats existed, were quite viable, and likely won’t be improved upon in as drastic of a manner as they were between Vanilla and classic.", "427" ], [ "In vanilla even shit comps can clear an instance.\n\nIf TBC is tuned as they’re promising, that becomes harder in TBC.\n\nYou gotta remember, enrage timers aren’t really a thing in classic. They’re kinda everywhere in TBC raids, to prevent people from 10 healing everything.", "345" ], [ "> won't have many Draenei in your raid unless people reroll in the pre patch\n\nI’m pretty sure alliance will. \n\nShamans are S tier pve healers. Totems are required to clear the content.\n\nThe racials you outlined are nice. But not enough to make people in existing guilds reroll horde.", "436" ], [ "I don't see any PS3 or PS4 games on the list. Just mobile games. \n\nHe gets director cred on the remasters but they always farm that out. \n\nMy point is that guy is an artist. Not a manager. AAA Ps3/4 era games are not an auteur's medium, due to their complexity. PS2 era, indie and mobile games still can be. \n\nSo. Again. He is capable of directing games with a ps2 style development process. He has not proven capable of completing a game past that tech level. \n\nEdit: It also looks like there are 2 directors listed for every mobile Kingdom Hearts game. So at best he co-directed them. At worst its a \"ghost\" credit due to contractual reasons or due to his role crafting the overall series. \n\n0 games as sole director since Kingdom Hearts 2 from what I'm seeing. \n\nIf there is one on that list that he's sole director on, or you know of a non-remaster ps3/4 game he directed I'm missing I'd be more than happy to admit I'm wrong about those respective points.", "161" ], [ "Weird. I don't recall that being a commonly written review point for either game at the time. \n\nOutside of the internet, and the opinions of your friends, reviews were basically the only \"chatter\" about games you would find. \n\nWas there another communications \"channel\" around, besides those, for gaming in the 90s?\n\nIirc most reviews of VII and VIII that I remember, were absurdly positive. Likely due to some bribery by Sony, as those games were make or break for the PS.", "921" ], [ "What's wrong with parts?\n\nHave you read the Hobbit and then watched the movie?\n\nThat's what's wrong with taking a self contained story, splitting it into three separate works of entertainment and then milking it to squeeze a buck out. You end up filling time with boring pointless stuff that detracts from the initial narrative. \n\nIX is a pretty simple short game. I can't see it working in parts.", "43" ], [ "If you're used to reading or consuming anything besides really bland, obvious, pieces of entertainment, you'll enjoy it. Especially if you like reading into things. \n\nSo, if you glean meaning from words + a facial expression + tone of voice, and enjoy having to pay attention to those things in games, it's right up your alley. \n\nIf you want your plot/story to grab you by the short hairs, lead you manually to each point, and then explain everything that happened to you clearly and succinctly, as you would when instructing a child, then you'll hate it.", "20" ], [ "That literally has nothing to do with the discussion. \n\nXV was headed by Nomura, the guy currently directing the VII remake, for most of its development.\n\nThey replaced him 3 years ago with <PERSON>, who basically had to start at square one, minus the story and concept art. Nomura kept changing his mind and kept adding bullshit in until the story became unwieldy, so he was moved to other projects. \n\nThey then had <PERSON>'s team rush XV out, because they were contractually obligated to get it out by 2016.\n\nNot sure what any of that has to do with the VII remake, except the part about the guy that didn't get any work done running XV is now the guy running the VII remake.\n\nThat refined feel you talk about, in a potential IX remake, would need to be there from the first minute. That's an engine thing, not a \"more episodes will let us refine it better\" thing. \n\nAlso, outside of a few minor dropped side quests, the original feels complete. So. Not clear on that point. \n\nSo again. Not sure what point you're trying to make.", "417" ], [ "But IX is already good. \n\nHaving a team that's never made anything as good as IX try to remake it \"better\" doesn't sound like a plausible idea. \n\nYou realize the guys that made IX mostly don't work for SE anymore and were in some cases on their 9th FF title, by that point, right? They don't have that expertise anymore in house to make games that good.", "896" ], [ "Gotcha. Yeah that's going to be super subjective then.\n\nThat tiny circle of like 5 people I knew in person that played FF games, at the time, never said stuff like that about Cloud or Squall. Our game discussions were generally positive and less focused on character than gameplay. Most games in the 90s had really dumb stories and characters. So we kinda ignored it. \n\nPeople watching me re-play VIII, a few years after release, at the super crowded apartment I lived in, in my 20s, would occasionally wonder why <PERSON> was so dismissive/aloof.", "1011" ], [ "I'm not arguing that it wouldn't be cool if properly executed. It's just that the original is really good, and was made by expert craftsmen. \n\nAny remake, unless SE hires some serious outside talent, or just gives the remake rights to another company, won't be as well crafted. \n\nSo I agree it would be cool. I just know SE can't pull it off with their current talent pool. \n\nThey have, what, 2 directors in SE that have actually completed a console game in the PS3-4 era? 3 if you count the XIV guy, but he's perms booked on that project.", "161" ], [ "<PERSON> was one of the main guys behind FF and directed 1-5 before becoming an executive at SE. He was heavily involved in VI and VII.\n\nHe basically quit in 2002 or so after the guy above him was fired when Spirits Within failed and almost bankrupted the company. <PERSON> felt it was his fault and he should take the blame. \n\nWhen he left, he started a new studio. A big batch of the primary FF creative and tech folks moved over there over the next few years, or just shuffled out. \n\nThe guys that were left, like Nomura, had somewhat lesser roles in the classic games. Nomura was honestly one of the most qualified, but his role in anything before <PERSON> left, was as an artist only really. Then bam, director, which is a really complex logistical and managerial role, in the post PS2 era. Imho that poorly made battlefield promotion is why XV was late, why VIIs remake will likely not be great (or will be handed to someone else) and that KH3 will likely not come out until the PS5 era. \n\nSo. They lost most of the experienced team leader type talent between about 2002-2005. The leftovers, and <PERSON> who I respect highly, have been responsible for everything since then. \n\nIirc their last real game with most of the old talent, minus <PERSON>, was X. I'm pretty sure he was involved in IX at least at a higher level.", "1011" ], [ "Correct basically. It's the final piece for the main characters legendary (Celestial) weapon. \n\nYou need to get a combined time of under 0 seconds in a race that at absolute best takes about 30 seconds, with 34-36 seconds being a \"good\" time, when you're trying to collect balloons.\n\nEvery balloon you grab takes 3 seconds off your time. These spawn across the field, somewhat randomly, at the start of the race. \n\nSome balloon spawn patterns will let you actually win. Some won't. You can't restart so there are many times where you know from the moment the race starts you can't get enough balloons to win, and you just have to ride it out. \n\nWhile you do this, sets of birds fly at you and actively try to ram into you and the person you're racing against (the chocobo trainer.) They spawn often and in two sets of two, one set for you and one set for the trainer. If you're in front of the trainer directly, which you can't tell since the camera is locked forward, all 4 try to hit you. \n\nEach bird that hits stuns you for about 2 seconds, and adds 3 seconds to your race time. Sometimes you can get stunned then whacked by a second bird immediately after. \n\nYour AI opponent tries to hit the balloons during the race, and only one person can get each one, so you're competing for those items against the trainer. \n\nFor some reason the hit box on the balloons doesn't really encompass the spherical part, and is basically centered on the tiny few pixels wide string dangling from each balloon. So they're incredibly easy to miss if you even slightly over correct. \n\nDuring this process you're viewing everything through a locked camera, while riding a mount that's somewhat hard to control with an analog stick, that rebounds against barriers (invisible walls around the track in some cases, visible things like mountains in others) or any sharp analog stick turns (e.g. If you overcorrect on a turn and go even slightly backwards) by running hard in the opposite direction. Often into a bird, or off course from a balloon. \n\nThink that's about it. It's kind of messed up. You usually need 13-14 balloons to win, and be hit by 2 birds or less.", "500" ], [ "holy shit. Projecting much?\n\nBtw what you describe is probably not how a whale would act. Anyone willing to drop a few K+ on pulls is probably not going to waste their time trying to make a scene for free food.\n\nShe's not a great unit. She's not a good chainer or a good finisher. Take away her innate DW and she's pretty terrible.", "435" ] ]
[ 15416, 24583, 20502, 9378, 11005, 23106, 9406, 20284, 9698, 12365, 1726, 18560, 13292, 914, 13237, 23842, 3857, 18380, 11756, 11648, 406, 19839, 8336, 25243, 25233, 4597, 1207, 4882, 3765, 15243, 23183, 13786, 24453, 25267, 17954, 14765, 6904, 811, 21381, 21276, 21910, 2559, 2013, 6786, 8749, 14028, 21677, 10341, 2836, 21353, 21759, 24972, 447, 6212, 5363, 3961, 13155, 20512, 18460, 23010, 19810, 13544, 2457, 22384, 14877, 17130, 6030, 6422, 5225, 11762, 10417, 8952, 20675, 3533, 7581, 10491, 8953, 4832, 3641, 1447, 4332, 23123, 3510, 10496, 15449, 16946, 20966, 16060, 14397, 14278, 11304, 9608, 4815, 6574, 17263, 1261, 20626, 19421, 1607, 8147, 6517, 2182, 2113, 1482, 24425, 6856, 11401, 9621, 5108, 12651, 11467, 10106, 12023, 2292, 7335, 3654, 7248, 3075, 18122, 2560, 5501, 11263, 4306, 15199, 5921, 3965, 25077, 15203, 3915, 7241, 25531, 1018, 17402, 1396, 10749, 20917, 17327, 4198, 13396, 20552, 12957, 22627, 1407, 7829, 12075, 9636, 19714, 3518, 10818, 4987, 16436, 11701, 7211, 19627, 374, 13836, 24078, 24109, 5512, 12063, 48, 7333, 5674, 9568, 4293, 7074, 6662, 11010, 14770, 24362, 13164, 7654, 9773, 6024, 18812, 1982, 2469, 11920, 6251, 6048, 8658, 19064, 1891, 19132, 5297, 11287, 2581, 1895, 16985, 10532, 1529, 17788, 23774, 12482, 8542, 9509, 14816, 730, 22590, 12426, 17444, 23889, 4171, 15417, 15655, 215, 22873, 10156, 17944, 1450, 20135, 377, 9388, 2043, 17118, 8803, 2489, 17675, 7075, 14289, 19523, 22811, 9516, 3847, 15536, 2211, 2809, 9803, 17486, 337, 4018, 18267, 4674, 17528, 21655, 308, 5003, 7750, 10575, 13796, 9331, 14231, 10213, 18897, 17150, 20584, 15757, 10967, 18631, 12763, 17615, 7465, 3496, 23678, 17124, 4764, 2764, 12842, 11939, 24359, 1479, 5834, 6680, 6575, 17493, 13724, 18967, 4584, 794, 11767, 14836, 9303, 21802, 1941, 15820, 12850, 625, 16233, 4570, 20767, 9162, 17824, 23074, 1636, 6907, 14383, 14307, 11927, 5396, 15869, 2139, 12003, 5093, 6551, 24102, 19128, 8531, 24585, 3899, 11330, 14216, 11249, 9437, 5229, 2932, 4020, 24154, 12169, 13291, 25111, 23775, 19400, 3316, 5948, 7352, 7597, 3532, 5189, 9521, 3743, 2129, 7724, 5378, 12701, 14769, 6835, 6232, 2059, 693, 2783, 23460, 6224, 4174, 19608, 17224, 23901, 1568, 16988, 2404, 11891, 15269, 8995, 11389, 10857, 1360, 22663, 13258, 99, 2286, 4599, 3512, 6797, 17953, 4321, 19856, 11906, 16882, 22537, 19975, 7587, 13087, 20577, 7131, 22477, 8535, 5002, 23286, 14296, 2755, 283, 4384, 7280, 10525, 14162, 10084, 4616, 876, 9371, 4441, 19979, 10238, 10315, 14506, 10269, 3780, 18587, 20671, 25398, 8141, 18928, 1663, 5850, 19759, 19038, 1747, 384, 14196, 20088, 11554, 8536, 14835, 11789, 6865, 3469, 15096, 20736, 4535, 23175, 1025, 11785, 6097, 20942, 2119, 1936, 23173, 13482, 5079, 9240, 25487, 8590, 6409, 9967, 16293, 12215, 4653, 464, 1399, 2, 6868, 19844, 16862, 12670, 19710, 22903, 7523, 14853, 10612, 17055, 1386, 10040, 11225, 18542, 1834, 2998, 19625, 1458, 9272, 23029, 24132, 16092, 16185, 22023, 21319, 22769, 2363, 15663, 14551, 5953, 9610, 8446, 25103, 12695, 10939, 3754, 17756, 18233, 8748, 18459, 10122, 24812, 9914, 7192, 18049, 17099, 24481, 19775, 14281, 2072, 13248, 24519, 17286, 3193, 16899, 12723, 14229, 22921, 11775, 11898, 24332, 779, 21958, 14161, 5539, 20963, 24304, 3162, 10981, 6273, 10041 ]
[ [ "> No one forced more than half of their registered voters to go for <PERSON>.\n\n\nYou may want to go and check out the truth of things before attacking the American people on misconceptions and lies. <PERSON> has never gotten more than half of the votes. He lost the popular vote both times. \n\n\nAlso, I always see this critique of \"what's they do to others,\" as if every American is openly supportive of the crimes of their government, despite widespread opposition to these actions, as if the American people aren't suffering from many of those same crimes brought on by its own government. \n\n\nHow does your anger and hatred make you any different than these traitors, whose political identity has essentially boiled down to watching others suffer and not wanting good things for them?", "856" ], [ "I don't even think Homeland is that friendly with the guy. White supremacist groups were actively branded terrorists under his own administration. ICE isn't equipped nor staffed well enough to carry that out. \n\nBurning electoral ballots requires a VAST coordinated effort. Were talking about the 4th largest country in the world. There is absolutely no way that successfully happens unless fascists vastly outnumber the rest of us, which simply isn't the case. \n\n\n\nYou are imagining incredibly wild nightmares that simply will not happen because there aren't nearly enough people in power in support of him. \n\n\n\nMilitary generals actively hate and loathe the guy, and have already pledged to honor the election results and honor <PERSON> as the president. There are people who actively and openly oppose him at every turn. And his fascist supporters absolutely in no way, shape, or form outnumber the rest of us. Less than if the voting age population voted in 2016, and less than half of the voters voted for <PERSON>. That's less than 25% of registered voters. They are a minority and they have no power.", "469" ], [ "Your aggressive tone says otherwise pal.\n\n\nSimple math states that 46% less than 48%. I was wrong about less than half of the voting age population voting in 2016, however not by much, since the voter turnout was about 55%. That still means that less than half of about half of the country supported him, which is still about close to 25%. Seriously, try and educate yourself on the matter. \n\n\n\nYou asked why you should wish the best for Americans at the beginning of your rant, and ended it with the actions of the country in foreign affairs as justification for the intent behind your question.\n\n > It's not like your army is made of robot. Take some responsabilities\n\n\nNearly every foreign military action has had widespread opposition and protests against it since Vietnam. The people have actively been calling for government officials to cease the foreign intervention and proxy wars. People have actively been voting out warhawks and voting in more peaceful officials where they can. Seriously, the more you type, the more you come off as some edgy angsty kid who's angry about things they're massively uninformed about. \n\n\nI'm not telling you to give a shit. I'm simply pointing out that it makes you just like the very people you're so worked up over.", "134" ], [ "> 46% of your registered voters voted <PERSON>.\n\n\nThis is demonstrably false. Only 55% of registered voters participated in the election at all, and only 46% of that 55% voted for <PERSON>. That's 25.3% of the voting population. You can't end the argument there because you're wrong. This is why I said to educate yourself on the matter. \n\nAmericans don't vote for every official in government. They vote for their local leadership, and then cast a vote for representation in a larger election at the state level, which happens again at the national level. I, stating in Tennessee, can vote the most leftist senator I can find, who wants to give free school and healthcare and make min wage $25 an hour. It means jack shit when the majority of the state is against those things. It means even less when the senator for a different state is given power to block votes from happening, just because more states I can't vote in support his party. You're ascribing blame to people who are in no way to blame. You're speaking from a place of ignorance and hate.\n\n\nSeriously, go educate yourself on the actual facts of what's going on before you go spouting more ignorant nonsense. You quite literally have no clue what you're talking about.", "845" ], [ "Holy fuck you failed to understand my point. \n\n\nI'm in tennessee. I get to vote for two senators and 1 representative for my district in my state. I have absolutely no say in how any of the other 49 states vote. I have absolutely no say on how any of the other 8 districts in my state vote. I have absolutely no say in how anyone else in my own district votes. I'm not talking about not voting. I'm stating that I'm not the one voting for the fuckwits in other states doing this shit. I'm not even voting for the fuckwits in my own state doing this shit. I am one of the many, many voices actively voting and speaking out against this shit, yet because of how the federal electoral process is set up, small country towns with little to no exposure to other cultures get an unfair advantage in representation, leading to a senator of Kentucky, 26th in population and 40th in financial ranking, holding the absolute most legislative power in the country. \n\n\nI actively speak out against the crimes of my government commuted under both branches. You're bringing up whataboutism despite me never doing so.\n\nI never stated I didn't vote. I stated we actively voted against the fucker. Stop twisting my words.\n\nI take responsibility for the members I vote and campaign for. I accept when my candidate loses, and try to no avail to hold the representative accountable, whether I supported them or not. My point was that I voted against them, not for them.\n\nHow the absolute fuck do I deserve what's happening to me right now? The very first presidential election I was even able to vote in was the one I just voted in. Before that, I voted and campaigned in a local election back in my home state which helped to contribute to pushing Georgia in the 2020 and 2021 runoff elections. As I said before, you have absolutely zero fucking clue what you're talking about. You're every bit as much of a shit person as the ignorant fuckers here in America who blame muslims for the actions of terrorists from a nation the us actively supports, and then say they deserve the chaos the us bring upon them. \n\n\nBefore you go attacking others based on ignorant falsehoods you refuse to educate yourself on, check yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you're becoming the very thing you attack.", "856" ], [ "> Why should i wish good things for them when they are the only reasons this happened ? No one forced more than half of their registered voters to go for <PERSON>. \nThey brought this upon themself, and considering all the shit their country do to other countries, it's nice to finally see karma making it's things.\n\n\n\nMaybe you should check what you actually posted. You never made such a distinction. On top of that, you've been actively attacking those of us that oppose him as well for letting it happen. Quit your bullshit.\n\nThe other 45% of voters that didn't vote aren't all apathetic voters. Have you not heard of the vast array of voter suppression methods that continuously happen despite actual court cases against them? Hundreds of thousands of voters purged from rolls, not sent ballots, polling stations moved with no notice, just to name a few. Yes, there are a few apathetic voters and others disenfranchised by a system that actively tries to suppress and prevent their vote, but not only are they a symptom, not the blame, they aren the majority either. Like I said, go educate yourself on the matter before trying to talk shit about it, because you truly have no fucking clue what you're talking about, and you're making an idiot of yourself.", "845" ], [ "If you don't know if any of it is true, why don't you do the one and only thing I've been telling you to do this entire time, and educate yourself on the matter before speaking on it? \n\n\nAnd here you are once again saying that Americans deserve the ramifications of a violent minority that the majority have actively voted and campaigned against. \n\n\n\nThe majority of us didn't vote in the shitty president. Many of us havent even been able to vote in any president before <PERSON>, if we even could then. As far as \"letting him be elected,\" what were we to do, suppress votes? Storm the capitol? Incite an insurrection?? \n\n\nSeriously, if you're gonna try and speak on this, educate yourself on the matter first. Once you do so, you'll see why much of the shit you're saying is complete ignorance.", "845" ], [ "I didn't say that they did. I said they suppressed enough, and that the history of suppression and no representation, coupled with the violent history of this country when it comes to disenfranchised underrepresented and suppressed groups try to gain power (which you probably wouldn't know of, considering you just like to talk shit about people without knowing what you're talking about), that those 45% can't be considered as allowing <PERSON> to win. The problem with your every argument here is that you know absolutely nothing about what you're talking about, and you refuse to educate yourself or listen to the facts. You can't even stick to your own claims (didn't you just two comments ago claim you weren't saying Americans that voted against him deserved what's going on, and yet now here you are saying we do? Make up your damn mind)! \n\n\nYour ignorance and hate are making you out to be an almost mirror copy of the rabid <PERSON> supporters here. Educate yourself and check yourself before you go on spouting ignorant nonsense.", "92" ], [ "Each county counts their own votes. They are not all literally in one place. You have no clue what you're talking about. Stop the fear mongering. You're only making a complete fool of yourself. There is absolutely no reason to entertain your wild fantasies when the reality is bad enough. There's no need for you to try to blow shit out of proportion when it does nothing to solve the actual issues at hand. I'm not trying to maintain some comfortable safe worldview. In just not entertaining what ifs that will never happen.\n\n\nAnd you really don't know how the military works, considering the military serves the constitution, not the us president. I'm also guessing you didn't pay attention when, for the first time in US history, the secret service and the us military made announcements to support the president elect in his transition. You quite literally have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Stop coming up with wild nonsense theories devoid of any basis in reality.", "210" ], [ "Nazism is much fucking worse than \"controversial\" stop trying to downplay the situation to defend this shit. Actions like yours have led to be the situation there us use in that led to a bunch of ignorant racist fucks storming the us capitol with nooses, zip ties, and firearms. Fuck Nazis, and fuck anyone who tried to defend Nazis.", "743" ], [ "Okay, and if the electoral college votes were destroyed in any way, that would only mean the electoral college would need to meet to revote. However, since backups are kept and the whole carrying of the votes is done for ceremony, our election would still be fine. In no way would it invalidate the election, and in no way would it be a victory for <PERSON>. So yes, you quite literally have no fucking clue what you're talking about and your entire rant was about sheer nonsense.\n\n\nYou claim you served, but I find it hilarious you didn't try to refute any of the other issues I pointed out with your fantasy. You're nothing but a piece of shit, kindly fuck off with your ignorant bullshit.", "210" ], [ "Okay, so what would you expect a combat spy to do when a random commotion with an unknown cause presents a present danger? Because you are literally ignoring all logic just to hate on BW. \n\n\nThe ceiling \"blew up\" (see crashed in) for a reason; it wasn't just a natural state of the ceiling. Therefore, something caused it to crash. Considering the home of the person they are in (a high profile public hero who has already been attacked ), BW had every reason to prepare for an attack. Ceilings don't just blow up or crash in on their own, it could be anything from a breach to an ongoing attack. Hell, considering it was literally caused by a fight by two guys in weaponized armor, I'd say that only further proves the point.\n\n\n\nAlso, do you ever critique the other avengers this much? Because even Hawkeye has much more \"unprofessional\" actions than this scene", "199" ], [ "You claimed that she was written badly because she took a combat pose when an unknown entity caused the ceiling to cave in, you then mock that action as if ceilings just spontaneously crash in all the time and there was no reason she should've expected an attack. You also act as if preparing to attack whatever caused the ceiling to crash in itself can't be an action of protecting someone, yet how do most superheroes protect the world from the villain? In the battle of NY, attacking closeby alien invaders took precedent over saving civilians, same with the ultron bots in Sokovia. So again, what's your beef yo?\n\nI'm not speaking in reference to the post. I'm speaking in reference to you ommiting details to try and paint a negative image. Hell, even in your comment here, you claim BW was gonna attack a ceiling, then immediately point out that she was preparing to fight whatever caused the explosion, and not the ceiling itself. Are you sure you aren't the biased one here?", "373" ], [ "You mentioned it in response to me pointing out how BW and other heroes display this behavior in other movies as well, keeping consistent with their characters. Funny how you didn't think to elaborate more when you first mentioned it, and now you're trying to ignore context.\n\nThe Battle of NY and Sokovia are both instances where there was present danger around innocents. And maybe you should rewatch it as well as reread what I typed; their focus would switch from moving innocents to attacking whenever the enemy was close enough to harm a civilian. In fact, the one and only scene where there is a present danger to an innocent where a hero doesn't fight the enemy immediately is the scene that <PERSON> dies. \n\n\nHow am I acting like time froze?? The ceiling crashed in and she immediately moved to attack whatever caused it. It doesn't take more than a split second to realize that <PERSON> isn't in any immediate danger. Also, no, any well trained agent knows \"boom\" could mean \"imminent breach\", especially when the boom is a a ceiling crashing in. A trained agent would be trained to neutralize the threat that caused the breach asap, not to run and hide.\n\n\n\nYou've already displayed your bias by trying to act as if <PERSON> was gonna punch the ceiling, as if ceilings just crash in on themselves all the time and there was absolutely no reason to believe it could be an attack.", "1016" ], [ "I mean, captain <PERSON> tends to not take cover, and <PERSON> does have some serum inside if her as well most likely. Seeing as how <PERSON> is, I don't see how it's unreasonable to believe her training would lead her to prepare to attack when someone is breaching. \n\n\nI know you're not talking about being dense when you literally were trying to make the case that she was gonna attack the ceiling itself.\n\nAre you forgetting that <PERSON> went against literal aliens without flinching in the battle of NY? Who knows what threats she was trained to be prepared to fight? Shield agents are trained to fight the threats that normal agents wouldn't be able to handle, and BW is trained for the threats that normal shield agents can't handle. \n\n\nIf it has nothing to do with her as a character, then why did you bring that up in the first place? You were the one who mentioned it in response to me stating that she was preparing to fight whatever caused the roof to crash in.\n\n\n\nAt this point, you're just grasping for straws to save face. Your logic is completely non-existent", "373" ], [ "My point is that her taking a fight stance in response to an immediate threat of unknown strength is perfectly in line with her character. She's taken out people with guns whole unarmed plenty of times, that is fully within her training. You stated that she would be protecting pepper or cowering away, but if there's no immediate threat to shield either of them from, preparing to attack whatever caused the breach is perfectly within her character. \n\n\nI never said anything about it being more \"well trained\" and specifically mentioned that I'm not touching that subject, my only point was that your logic and reasoning was completely flawed. BW's actions in that scene are not out of place. \n\n\nYou're the one literally making comically wild statements (\"<PERSON> was gonna attack the ceiling,\" for instance) and ignoring both her and other avenger's actions in other movies to make your false point. You're the one who needs to get over yourself, I'm not defensive, merely pointing out your flawed logic.", "373" ], [ "Lol dude, you're just desperately grasping at straws at this point. It's okay, we get it. You don't like BW, so you have to poke and prod at absolutely everything to find a problem with it.\n\n\nYou act as if BW hasn't taken out entire groups of armed guys while unarmed. You act as if BW was gonna attack a ceiling, and not what caused the ceiling to crash in. You focus on why BW didn't move to cover <PERSON> despite <PERSON> being further away from the crash site than BW was. You ignore the fact that moving to confront a threat is a protective measure, or how avengers have constantly attacked enemies to protect the innocents around them. \n\n\n\n\nThere is nothing wrong with the movement. Any trained agent would prepare themselves to fight an incoming threat when a threat presents itself. The fact that you can't even stick to your own bullshit and keep changing your narrative proves that.", "1016" ], [ "Maybe I'm bringing up other scenes to show how this one scene falls in line with what you'd expect from her character?? Ffs, if you acknowledge that the character is written to be able to handle the things I've described and more, then why do you keep bringing up that a normal person couldn't do anything to combat whatever caused the ceiling to crash in? Once again, you prove how your very own logic falls flat.\n\nIf she is trained to handle all kinds of threats while unarmed, then it stands perfectly reasonable that she would prepare a fight pose when faced with danger. \n\n\nHow often has the 3 point superhero landing happened in the mcu? The only heroes I can think of to have done it were <PERSON> and <PERSON>, both of which are known for being flashy, and <PERSON>, who tends to look up to <PERSON>. I don't think I've ever seen <PERSON>, for instance, ever do the stereotypical 3 point superhero landing, which would be pretty consistent with his being a trained soldier. \n\n\nSeriously, how do you not realize you are literally poking holes in your own logic at this point?", "373" ], [ "Bro, that sub isn't political, it's pointing out instances of people pushing for something that ends up biting them back in the end. There have been posts that call out instances like this from Democrats and completely non political issues, it's just that republican nonsense tends to offer the most content.\n\n\nBut the very fact that you think r/leapordsatemyface is a liberal sub making fun of conservatives says quite a lot about you, and it's quite hilarious", "728" ], [ "And my point was that in the MCU, it fits the characters that actually use it, whereas other less flashy heroes don't use the landing. I used your example to show how even that maneuver has a thematic reason in the films, just as <PERSON> taking the pose in the Iron Man scene. Can you follow an argument? Funny how you can't seem to understand how anything related to anything else.\n\n > It's not about what I expect from her character. It's about the depiction of said character.\n\nOkay, and guess what: that scene is perfectly in line with every other depiction of her.\n\n\n > Not a real fight pose\n\nOkay, ignoring how often non-conventional fight poses appear in mma, or the fact that there are an entire plethora of fighting styles and stances, not to even touch on what fictional fighting style a BW agent would know, that pose is basically BW's signature pose, so you truly have no clue what you're talking about.\n\n\nJust admit it: you don't like BW, and you're just going out of your way to criticize over nothing. It's okay to not like a character,but this extra bullshit you're pulling only makes you look ridiculous. Ffs, how many times have you contradicted yourself now?\n\nAt least you stopped trying to claim she was gonna attack the ceiling, so maybe you're starting to use some common sense.", "887" ], [ "I don't think a single person is saying <PERSON> can't be guilty, where are you getting that from? The only two opinions there seem to be on this matter are \"<PERSON> is a monster, <PERSON> is a saint\" or \"both <PERSON> and <PERSON> were problematic and abusive\". I haven't seen a single person defend <PERSON>, yet for some reason any time someone points out that <PERSON> was most likely problematic as well, nearly everyone takes the comment to be a defense of <PERSON>, even when the person outright states that <PERSON> was the worse piece of shit in the situation", "219" ], [ "If as a customer, i have to go through all this trouble to ensure that my warranties apply to my purchase ans that nothing i do (such as self repair, which is actually illegal to void warranties over, yet happens all the time) voids my warranty, and i have ti take it to court and ensure everything on my end is done correctly, and even after winning my case, nothing is done to make them chance the illegal parts of their warranties and/other contracts and agreements, then that is NOT consumer protection.", "712" ], [ "All your points are valid as well, buy they tend to point closer to my point of there not being any real consumer protection in america. Those actions dont protect consumers, they reward a few people for calling out questionable business practices and thats about it. As you said, those parts arent illegal, theyre defunct and therefore arent changed. \n\nThen theres the whole recent trend of trying to protect businesses from being sued, such as the recent measure in regards to Equifax and the data breach fiasco. America is very much worse than the EU when it comes to consumer protection, and i still dont see why someone was downvoted for stating how the \"consumer protections\" here in america are a joke. They pretty much are", "519" ], [ "Mental health requirements for guns would help prevent gun suicides as well as mass shootings. Required training and licensing reduces accidental firings and misuse of weapons. Extensive criminal background checks and requiring all public gun sales to go through the state just make it a bit harder for violent criminals to get guns. None of those 3 have anything to do with banning weapons, and not only address all contributions to gun violence but also end up promoting a safer and more mature gun culture. How does that sound? Because many on the pro gun side wont even accept simple measures as those.", "225" ], [ "I agree with your overall point, but your last statement is a bit misled. Muslim terrorists mainly attack islamic communities and arent a big problem in america, and are actively being dealt with. White supremeacy and the recent rise isnt being addressed. Active members of government and political parties align with thise supremacists. White supremacist have infiltrated the prison system, a statement released by the fbi. With these things considered, you cant really say someone who is concerned with white supremacy but thinks those that are overly concerned with muslim terrorists taking over america is just as ignorant as those he laughs at.", "690" ], [ "I personally believe you and many others cant see this becayse you arent black, (especially noted by your \"red shoes\" argument). \n\nYour red shoe analogy is flawed in that shoes can be changed. If red shoes were associated with crime, people would wear red shoes much less, defeating the point of looking for red shoes. This however, cant be done with race because you cant change what race you were born as, but thats something that seems to be lost on you.\n\nAs far as race goes, just because a higher percentage of muggers are a particular race does not mean you should be suspect of that race. The numbers of those committing crimes are so marginally small that you not only end up discriminating against a bunch if innocent people, you distract yourself from the other people who arent minorites that are waiting to mug you as well. \n\nIf white people are more likely to commit fraud and other white collar crimes, does that mean you'll also watch out for white people when it comes to finances and businesses transactions and such? Or do you acknowledge that the higher percentage of white collar crimes isnt reminiscent of tbe total white population? The very same should apply to this situation, but youve pretty much proven exactly why they didnt release the video. A bunch of innocent people would be discriminated against and muggers would use that chaos and confusion to their advantage.", "271" ], [ "Funny you claim 5 years ago, its such a small number to use considering the fbi has stated that white supremacists have infiltrated law enforcement for the past decade. But i guess 10 years isnt recent, is it? \n\nWhite nationalists have support in america. <PERSON> was found marching with white supremacists. There are statues to white supremacists of history, and people actively align with white supremacists to protect that statue. The president himself has said many things that not only emulate their statements but has enboldened them. For you to say there is no rise in white nationalism is incredibly ignorant on your part. Islamic terrorism isnt a problem in america, white nationalism is a problen that is not only very much so present in america and a very real problen to america, but is also a product of america. But im guessing if it doesnt affect you, it doesnt exist and you can ignore it, right? No one is sayibg that every white person or every republican is a white supremacist. Im not even saying every white person that flies a confederate flag or protects confederate statues is a white supremacist, but for you to seriously say there isnt a rise in white supremacy is sheer ignorance. \n\nBut im gonna guess you're also one of those types that claim they cant see race or racism, right?", "1020" ], [ "The way i see it, cultural appropriation is taking something culturally significant to a specific culture and using it as an accessory without understanding the cultural importance. White people wearing braids or eating multinational foods isnt cultural appropriation. Americans getting drunk on May 5th while claiming to celebrate mexican independence is cultural appropriation (and plain stupid, i dont even think Cinco de Mayo has anything to do with Mexico or independence anyway).", "255" ], [ "Oh, so white supremacists actively campaigning for law enforcement officials that are either sympathetic or blind to their cause, coupled with the high numbers of UNARMED minorities being shot by police (before you bring up the outdated argument, yes, white people are killed more by police than other races. However, in the majority of the case with whites, they are armed. When it comes to unarmed suspects, minorities have a much higher death rate), and the vast amount of support for outward racists like <PERSON> and such, somehow all translates to their not being a white supremacist threat? I guess articles like these must be complete lies then:\n\n_URL_1_\n\n_URL_0_\n\n\nMeanwhile, I've yet to see you post anything in response. How deep in denial are you?", "271" ], [ "Now you're just willfully ignoring the problem sinply because it doesnt affect you. There is a rise in white supremacy in america. The rise mainly began as a response to <PERSON>'s election amd became emboldened by <PERSON>. Police shootings amd the vast amount of shootings of unarmed minorities that go with no punishment, coupled with how often cops are punished for shooting unarmed whites, their willingness to teeat violent and hostile white suspects with patience, and everything else ive listed all supports the rise in white supremacy. \n\nThe second link cited murders. It didnt include violence, because thats a bit harder to make a number on due to the varying laws that constitute whats a racially charged act of violence, where some states require actual harm to persons and others can use something as simple as harsh language. Thats why its such a small statistic, but anyone thats paid even the smallest bit of attention over the past decade can see the rise in white supremacy.\n\n\nYou can continue to remain ignorant if you want, and you continue to be blind to the reality around you just because it doesnt affect you, but just know, youre doing nothing but making yourself into a damn fool, and its incredibly hilarious how you cant even provide anything to back up your side, nor can you seem to read the entirety of the articles i post.", "271" ], [ "I wasnt saying whether its offensive or not, simply that it would be appropriation. We took another culture's holiday without understanding or even knowing the significance of it and made it into a drinking holiday. Same with St Patrick's Day. And its very much ignorant, a big part of apropriation is ignorance.\n\nIm also the guy who thinks black folks wearing dashikis to Black Panther wuthout realizing the culrural significance of that particular clothing or the cultural diversity of africa is appropriation as well, and id also say its pretty ignorant as well.", "255" ], [ "White supremacists wont attack you, a presumably white male (based on your complete ignorance and unwillingness to even acknowledge a rise when ive posted 3 links stating a rise in white supremacy), so its not a fear to you. As someone who is a minority, has seen hateful messages spread in areas i never even thought of as racist before, has aeen white supremacist symbols around (not just the confederate flag either, straight up racist, xenophobic, and hateful signs in people's yards), its very much a real threat to me.\n\nLike i said, you refuse to see the problem, so you equate it with one that isnt present. I wonder if you're also of the ilk that believes there isnt racial discrimination in the country today and that people calling for more equality are just whining and wanting handouts. At the rate youre willing to ignore the recent rise of white nationalism, i wouldnt be surprised if you were.", "1020" ], [ "Then again, going through your post history and some of your comments, it seems you only seek to take the less popular opinion in every debate. Maybe youre just a troll, or some fucking idiot who likes to play devil's advocate even when there's notbing to defend on the other side. Either way, you've still provided nothing to counter the 3 links i provided, tou failed to even fully read the 3 links i provided, instead skimming far enough to find one thing ro attack without realizing its addressed further in the article. Are you even trying to bave a reasonable discussion? Or are you simply just being a fucking idiot troll?", "248" ], [ "Again, thats just murder numbers. And even still, its a rise. Theres been a rise in white supremacy activities and movements. Theres been a rise in their membership and public voice. Theres been a rise in their hate rhetoric. And for you to ignore all of that and say that people worried about white nationalism are akin to those worried about islamic terrorism attacking us in america, is complete and utter ignorance, and if you are going to remain adamant about ignoring the reality of this country, then i refuse to carry on this conversation any longer\n\n_URL_3_\n\n_URL_2_\n\n_URL_0_\n\n_URL_1_", "271" ], [ "Just because I've learned to avoid them and keep a lead doesn't mean I can't still complain about the behavior in the first place. Your argument is used to defend griefers in the game period, which is a bad argument because gta has a (albeit weak) system of punishment for griefers.\n\n\nMy point is that, in a game where there are modes specifically for that type of driving that griefers don't use (because arena races are never full and when have you ever found a gta mode race from a quick job or invite?), intentionally bashing cars is a dick move.", "411" ], [ "Funny enough, I rarely ever run into crate griefers anymore. The ones I do, I make quit. But at least that's an implicit danger of crate missions, since there is an actual incentive for a player to destroy your crate. There's no incentive to purposefully bashing a player in a race, except to ruin their experience. It doesn't even result in a win for the person doing the bashing, considering the speed they lose. I just find it incredibly shitty that rockstar created multiple modes for people to drive as aggressively as they want, and yet they will never use them. At that point, they're just being dicks to other players for the purpose of being dicks.", "360" ], [ "I don't remember telling you can't play, I just stated there were modes specifically for you to drive aggressively.\n\n\nI just said you can't sit there and defend it when people call it a shitty thing to do or call you a bitch for it. Seeing as you're willing to accept that you're a little bitch who's only purpose in those races is to ruin. Other people's gameplay, why exactly did you comment here? Did you post seeking to be hated for being a shit player?", "411" ], [ "Its a sandbox game. But the minigame is most definitely a racing game with nothing to do with combat. Don't try and act as if it isn't.\n\nIt's hilarious how adamant you're being in defending being a troll who only plays to ruin other's experiences, and then cries about \"playing the game different\"\n\nYou seriously believe your selfish enjoyment of ruining someone else's experience is fair and justified. You're the one who needs help.", "411" ], [ "> you're game experience is not more important than mine\n\n\nYou do realize that exact game logic applies to you as well, right? \n\n\nYour enjoyment of fucking up someone's race is not more important than someone trying to race the race. \n\nYou claim others need to grow up but you are literally trying to defend being a troll for the purpose of ruining someone else's game. How self entitled are you?\n\n\n\nConsidering rockstar has taken measures, such as making people who try and sit on a track and ruin people's races unhittable, or by creating multiple combat/aggression oriented races for griefers like yourself, as well as the lack of rewards for griefing other players, it's quite obvious Rockstar agrees more with me than you.", "411" ], [ "Winning the game isn't messing up someone's experience if everyone is racing the game. Being a troll and deliberately going out of your way to ruin other people's game without trying to actually race the race is messing up someone else's game. Your pathetic attempt of a false equivalency just shows how immature you are.\n\n\n\nAnd FYI: people's accounts get banned for using map glitches. So yeah, you've just proven how shitty and selfish of a player you are. Congratulations", "411" ], [ "My point in bringing up map glitches is that it's the same as deliberately crashing people as opposed to actually racing. Both actions can be considered \"gameplay tactics,\" yet both actions only serve to ruin one's fair gameplay for your own selfish enjoyment.\n\n\nThe fact that you tried to equate trolling to winning shows just how pathetic you are to defend being a shitty troll.\n\nOnce again, pointing out that trolling behavior is trolling behavior is not gatekeeping games. Stop trying to act as if your selfish enjoyment at the expense of others is the only thing that matters. \n\n\n\nAnd your nascar comment just truly shows how much of stupid ass you are. Seriously, do you truly expect people to congratulate and praise you for being a dick and going out of your way to ruin someone else's gameplay?", "411" ], [ "What it means is that, if you're going to be an aggressive ass, do so on your own terms. Don't go around messing up other people's game because you're too trash to have a fair race.\n\nIf you say the game is about having fun, then why do you relish in going out of your way to ruin someone else's fun, as opposed to having fun racing the race? \n\n\nHow in the entire fuck can you call me self entitled for pointing out that your being a troll, when your entire gameplay is nothing but you having fun at the expense of others merely experiencing the game it's meant to be experienced. \n\n\n\n\nJust accept you're a shitty troll. It's funny, you actually did admit to just that, but then threw a hissy fit when I called you one.", "411" ], [ "Your philosophy doesn't work when these people are doing this in every game. Just because a game doesn't actively ban griefers doesn't mean it's a legit strategy. Actively griefing players and going out of your way to ruin their race for the purpose of simply ruining their race is griefing, otherwise known as being a troll. You wouldn't chastise the guy calling someone a cheater for using cheats, would you?\n\nYou wanna smash cars? Do so in a mode specifically for smashing cars. He stated he has no intention winning, he simply wants to fuck with racers. If you're gonna go into a race just to fuck with people who are simply trying to race, that makes you a pretty shitty gamer", "411" ], [ "By that logic, map glitches would be fair game. And using that same example of map glitches that have remained since ps3/xbox360 days, your argument fails. Most people would consider teaming to be unfair and not an integral part of the game, with even developers of the game and people hosting events for the game telling people not to team. By your logic though, because you're able to team in any match, it's meant to be there. That's simply not how the world works.\n\n\n\n\nIf someone punches you in the face, you don't go around defending them for punching someone in the face. You don't try to twist scenarios to justify needlessly punching someone in the face. Holy fuck, it's amazing you'd choose that as your analogy, and still not see how it paints you in the wrong. You need help", "558" ], [ "\"made up rules\"\n\n\nI'm sorry, is ramming considered normal racing behavior?\n\n\nStop trying to sit here and defend your selfish shitty behavior. Ffs, you tried to call me selfish for pointing out that all you're doing is ruining other people's experience AFTER you stated that you only care about crashing into others to ruin their race, yet for some strange reason you can't even begin to see how you going out of your way to ruin a race for others who just want to race is selfish. You are a shitty gamer, no amount of excuses is gonna make your behavior less shitty", "411" ], [ "Bro, I'm starting to think you truly don't know what gatekeeping means.\n\n\nTelling you that being a troll and doing something for the sole purpose of ruining someone's experience is wrong isn't gatekeeping. \n\n\n\nAlso, you've said you were done at least 3 times now. Is that another word you're gonna keep using and not know the meaning of?\n\n\n\n > Maybe accept that you're wrong\n\n\nYes, maybe you should accept that you're wrong, considering what you're doing is NOT racing and simply messing up the race for others. Tell me, how do you think that your actions are right and defendable, when your literally being a troll? Trolling others isn't the right way of playing, stop trying to act as if it is.", "411" ], [ "> states how they only go into the races to fuck up other racers as opposed to actually racing, for the sole purpose of ruining the experience of others\n\n > complains when people point out their behavior is shitty, claiming that people should just let them play how they wants to play\n\n > ignores the multiple changes Rockstar and other developers have made to address behavior like theirs, and then claims that Rockstar must approve of their behavior because they made no changes to address it.\n\n\n\n\nYou're the absolute worst kind of troll. If you seriously can't see how selfish and shitty your reasoning is, and instead continue to think everyone else is selfish for believing people should race how the race is meant to be raced, then you seriously need some professional help. You have issues", "411" ], [ "Please, go show me where wrecking other racers is considered part of racing. \n\n\nConsidering the point of racing is to drive and win, and you stated that you only play to wreck others and fuck up their game, it's pretty clear that you are not racing how it's meant to be raced. \n\n\nSeriously, how are you going to try and argue that your trolling is how races are meant to be raced? Your logic makes absolutely zero sense", "411" ], [ "I mean yeah, with normal logic is easy to see the pizzagate bullshit was a load of bullshit. But when you believe in dark magic and terrifying satanic evil, then invisible non-existent basements in a public store is perfectly normal. I mean, the entrance to diagon alley was behind a random wall in a dead end and the Hogwarts Express boarded at a non-existent platform!", "226" ], [ "Okay, so what was your purpose for making this post, to announce to everyone that you love wrecking other racers? Funny how you manage to neglect that you enter these races solely to wreck other racers, when you were practically bragging about it on the other post. \n\n\n\nThe more you try to justify yourself, the more pathetic you make yourself out to be. \n\n\n\nBut again, you're not the selfish one for going out to deliberately ruin someone else's gameplay, but we're all selfish for expecting people to actually race in a race. Great logic there bud, keep it up.", "411" ], [ "It does make a difference. As a vegan, you should want your allies only using truth to spread your message, as fear mongering only turns people away from you. As a non vegan, those lies make you not want to listen to any vegan, believing them all to be deluded and brainwashed id say that division is pretty tough. \n\n\nAlso, believing a lie is MUCH worse than believing in nothing. People get attacked and killed when someone else believes a lie. How muvh damage is directly caused by believing nothing?", "909" ], [ "Its actually really good and entertaining if you wanna make fun of multiple cinematic atrocities. Such as zombies being able to dodge and employ fighting stances, the super sprinter (with decaying body parts), the horrible cgi zombie lion/tiger/bear/ohmy!, and the fact that i think they tried to insinuate a zombie was sniping survivors.\n\n\nAfter 2012 passed and nothing happened, they dropped the 2012 moniker and it just became Zombie Apocalypse. Almost as if they were trying to go for historical accuracy or something", "869" ], [ "Its not a common staple food. Most restaurants dont serve veal. Its probably about as common as calamari, if that. Also, you dont know shit about cows apparently. Dairy cows are female cows. Even if one specific brand was used, only female mammals produce milk. Also, you yourself said that male dairy cows are used for beef, so even if your initial assumption about dairy and beef cows was correct, YOUR OWN WORDS prove my point about most male cows not being slaughtered as calves correct. \n\nIts little mistakes like that which make me think you arent thinking rationally. Your own words proved me right, even with your mistaken understanding of cows.\n\nEdit: cows are breeds, not brands. Many may have brands, and may be sold under different brands, but are not brands. Dont know how or why i typed that lol", "166" ], [ "It wasnt implied necessarily, that part was more of my experiences with vegans. The ones that tend to believe such lies also tend to be the ones to reject the truth if it proves them wrong. Right now, someone is trying to explain to me how most male calves are slaughtered immediately as veal, and his reasoning was that dairy cows are not beef cows, but that male dairy cows were used for beef. That was his argument when i explained that its not feasible to slaughter a baby calf when veal isnt a financially sustainable market due to not being a staple food and a full grown cow offering more beef and revenue than a baby calf.", "909" ], [ "I told him to chill because hes obviously not calm enough to read my comment, as i said nothing about the comment. Yeah, it was a dickhead comment, but he did bring it on to himself. I dont believe in turning the other cheek. You come at me respectfully, i treat you the same. You come at me in the wrong and make a fool of yourself, im gonna point it out, and if you give me no reason to respectfully point that out to you, as he did not, why should i?\n\nCase in point, you reply to me respectfully, i do the same to you. He replies at me obviously not reading my comment and tells me I need to chill, im gonna have a big of fun mocking him.", "877" ], [ "Even still, you at least read my comment enough to actually have something to say, rather than the other guy who couldnt even figure out the comment whatsoever. You may not have meant any respect, and i honestly dont give a fuck either way, but your initial comment was more respectful than his, therefore you got a more respectful reply. Even now, as youre stating that you meant no disrespect, its still more well put together and more respect (as you read emough of the comment to understand the point) than the other guy's comment, so you still get a better response", "730" ], [ "Imagine the scenario: you, a black person, tries to enter a place that is open 24/7 and currently has people inside, yet the door is locked. When you look inside, you see all the people are white. Given the current atmosphere of enboldened racism (or even just more awareness of racism if you dont believe there's an enboldenment), its not all that shocking for her to reach that conclusion. \n\nI dont know if the people she saw were just employees or customers as well, but waffle house is pretty much known for always being open, so having the doors locked is suspect alone. If some of the people she saw were customers, it would give even more reason for her to assume her assumption.\n\nI dont know all the details, and i wont say one way or another. But this scenario isnt normal and even if it wasnt because of racism, something was off about it. The only scenario i can possibly see where the store isnt in the wrong is if there was maintenance going on or something of the sort, but youd think people cleaning or fixing a store and being closed would be pretty obvious.", "616" ], [ "In america, you cant lie about amounts. You can alter the shape of your container (slimmer boxes, dents in the bottom of liquid containers, thicker walls, less amounts in containers), but you cant lie about the amount.\n\nI feel calling it a roll may get them in trouble, then again they may have reached the bare qualification for a roll, and get away with it, or be made to mark the product as not being an actual roll, even while still calling a \"sticker roll\" (brand recognition or whatever; see vitaminwater). But even thats a stretch and would be a waste of time for the average consumer considering the lack of adequate payout for a roll of stickers.", "618" ], [ "Holier than thou attitude? All i said was that vegans spreading lies only hurts fellow vegans and alienates others from becoming allies, and that believing lies has caused more damage than believing mothing. The fuck is holier than thou about that? Youre reading shit that isnt there, and you serioisly need to chill. Youre being a complete dumbass, and im being an asshole if anything. Certainly mot some holier than thou bullshit. The fuck were you reading to get that message?", "909" ], [ "You are pretty stupid dude. Never once have i stated that im vegan or even have a vegan lifestyle. In fact, if you realpy did read all my comments, youd see that i actually ridiculed a vegan who argued with me because he kept trying to tell me that cows are killed as calves and couldnt see how insanely stupid and impractical that would be. \n\nIf you ever thought i was too into my vegan lifestyle when most of my comments on this thread have been critical of vegans and the lies many vegans soread, you truly are too stupid to read a comment.", "909" ], [ "No. Youre an idiot. Thats me telling a vegan how another vegans lies hurts their cause. I never said it was my cause and even refrained from using the third person. Holy shit youre a fucking idiot. \n\n\nMY INITIAL COMMENT WAS POINTING OUT HOW MANY VEGANS ACTUALLY BELIEVE STUPID LIES ABOUT MEAT\n\nAnd you wonder why i say youre too stupid to read", "909" ], [ "Reread my comment. Im not saying it was due to race, or even that she was right to assume so. I just said to picture the situation, to give credence as to why she couldve felt that way. O dont know about her previous behaviors, i just painted a scenario from a perspective to show how a conclusion could be drawn, even if its wrong.\n\nEdit: to add on, if it was previous behavior, you'd think the cops wouldve been called by the manager of the store amd that there would be a history of conflict to immediately dispute her claim. Im still not defending her, and not saying she was barred because of her race. I do think the entire situation, whatever the reason behind it, was handled poorly though", "402" ], [ "Did you read the entirety if my comment? Your rant seems to point to you not.\n\nI never said she was right in her assumption or that the situation was racist. I never said whether she was a trouble customer or not. I simply painted a scenario to show how ine could come to that conclusion, and even noted that it could still be a false assumption. You just went off a angry rant for no reason dude, chill the fuck out and actually read for once. My only comment about the scenario is that its off because waffle house is always open unless something like cleaning or maintenance or something of that sort, which would be obvious reasons for locking doors to customers.", "897" ], [ "If that's the case, why lie about it? If it would genuinely sound better without the small speaker, why put a fake one there? Why not make a speaker without the fake one, or make a speaker wuth a system that eould actually sound better with all speakers and such functional? \n\nOnly asking because youre a techie and an audiophile like the guys who made the speaker", "872" ], [ "Wow. So not only did you not provide an example of non racist blackface, you wildly accused me of calling everyone in the thread racist when I did nothing of the sort? Great job there buddy. Way to beat all around the bush.\n\nI never called anyone racist. I never even said that all blackface is racist. I simply said provide one example of non racist blackface, and then went on about how I've never seen any cosplayer paint their face unless trying to look non human. The entire thread was about how blackface is usually offensive and how RDJ's usage wasnt offensive because of how it was used to mock the blackface itself and how actors go overboard at times, instead of mocking black people. Instead of offering another example that wouldn't be racist (and even the tropic thunder example, while not racist itself, works only because of the racially tense past of the US), you go on a wild rant accusing me of things I never said and avoid the point altogether. You weakened your own argument, good job.", "715" ], [ "This is why I wanna be a GM, id come up with incredibly outrageous and unlikely scenarios to match the unlikely chance of rolling a 20 to throw the bike. More like he tries to pick it up, accidently pulls the accelerator, the bike flips off a pebble to somehow become a spinning motorized bike of death, striking the foe clean in the head with an explosion alerting the rest of his crew.", "425" ], [ "Lmao wow someone's really angry. Your first comment was accusing America of being in some bubble and unable to see how the world can have non racist blackface. I told you to provide an example of non racist blackface, then went on about how I've never seen black people or anyone for that matter painting their face when cosplaying unless it's for a non human character. Never called anyone or anything racist. Maybe I could have worded it better so you'd know without a doubt that I don't think that tropic thunder was racist in it's interpretation, but I kinda felt that wasn't needed as I never attacked the movie, or even your point for that matter. I simply asked you to provide an example, something you STILL haven't done. \n\nWhat you have done, however, is accused me of racism with absolutely no base, gotten angry when confronted, and provided absolutely nothing to back your claims up, so yeah, I'd say you're really weakening your argument here.\n\n\n\n\nEdit: you also didn't just say cosplay. Your comment that I replied to reads as follows: \n\n > > how blackface isn't okay.\n\n > In USA. Given its historic connotations. This is something USA needs to understand about the rest of the world. Not all countries have the same deeply racist past. There's different types of discrimination and many hang still strong around the world but it's not all the same and the consequences aren't either. \n\n > Specially when you get into harmless terrains like cosplay and the like.\n\nSo yeah, you were defending blackface around the world in more than just cosplay. Don't try to change your words now.", "255" ], [ "But I never called you or blackface racist. You really do seem to be mad because you're attacking and accusing me of things I never said. All I did was ask you to provide an example of non racist blackface, and weakened your argument about cosplay with the fact that cosplayers really don't paint their faces unless it's to be non human. There's black and Hispanic Thor's, white and Asian Falcons, but you don't see any avengers with painted faces unless they're <PERSON> or <PERSON>. \n\nDon't see where all your rage is coming from, or the accusations of me calling everything racist, but you should really come back and read this thread with a level head. You've made a complete idiot of yourself here.", "715" ], [ "Misinformation. They chose this guy over the lady they believe runs a child sex ring and wants to start ww3, they chose their party over a party they believe wants to give in to the evil globalist agenda and wants to turn everyone gay and take the Bible out of Christmas and suppress Christianity and whites in retaliation for them being white. So it's not necessarily that the other side is that much worse than <PERSON>, just that the people that believe they are also believe some pretty ridiculous things.", "827" ], [ "You still haven't posted a single example of non racist blackface. Hell, you haven't even posted a pic of a cosplayer using blackface to portray a black character. So yeah, you're still hurting your case and continuing to make an idiot of yourself. \n\n\nAs to your point about it only being in the US, racist blackface existed in more than just America. Many cultures had disrespectful caricatures of other races and cultures, many of which include blackface. So the historical reference to make it racist is there, rendering that point of yours completely moot. You're just really angry right now, and I'm wondering if it's because you got a negative reaction somewhere using blackface as part of your costume. Did someone hurt you? Are you <PERSON>?", "255" ], [ "And how many of those believe things like <PERSON> sold our uranium to Russia to make nukes? Wasn't that a big conservative talking point, despite the sale being between a Canadian company and a Russian one, and that a US council was just checking to see if anything was wrong with deal, and that <PERSON> wasn't even part of that council? Like I said, misinformation", "860" ], [ "You keep accusing me of being an absolutionist and thinking all blackface is racist even after I explained how tropic thunder wasn't racist and how I haven't attacked or accused anything if being racist. Dude, you're angry as fuck. I never accused anything if being racist. Asking for that doesn't imply shit, especially when I never accused or attacked anything for being racist in the first place. I'm not asking for anyone to be doxxed or anything, if there's non racist forms of blackface in media, then 1) it's already out there, and 2) the black paint would kinda make it difficult to doxx someone. Also, that's a stupid argument to make, a clip of RDJ in tropic thunder doesn't lead to doxxing, why would your example? Also, blackface in many forms of entertainment in Latin America IS seen as being racist to many of the darker skinned citizens there, even in the countries where it's seen by the general public as not being demeaning. So again, you show you don't really know what you're talking about, weakening your point even further. You're doing absolutely everything except for providing the example I initially asked for, and I have no choice but to believe that you have no examples. Which is sad, because I believe that blackface for historical purposes to highlight an era would be an example of non racist blackface, but you couldn't even point to that, just your weak \"cosplay\" defense (which isn't even a defense because most cosplayers don't go around doing blackface to cosplay black characters", "715" ], [ "A few key points wrong with your statement: <PERSON> lost the popular vote. He didn't win because more people agreed with your side, he won because <PERSON> was too stupid and cocky to campaign right. Voting for limited government is fine and all, except Republicans constantly vote for legislature that would increase government power and influence in even the most mundane things, like bathroom laws and fighting marriage equality. \n\nAlso, just because you don't know anyone that believes those wild theories (about as debatable as your claims of being a small business owner who only cares about limited government and truly believes that <PERSON> will get another term because of the overwhelming support behind him), doesn't mean that a significant many believe them. They were main conservative talking points. But whatever, to be honest, I really don't even believe you're actually here for rational thought anymore, so forgive me if I don't entertain you much longer", "856" ], [ "Wow, so after defending 2 forms of acceptable non racist forms of blackface, you still can't provide one of your own and still accuse me of calling everything racist, yet I'm the projecting anger? Are you even reading, or have you just become illiterate and stupid in your rage? The only thing you're right about is that there is no point in furthering this discussion, you've done nothing but make a complete and utter fool of yourself, and I've sadly done a better job at defending your point than you have. Maybe later you'll calm down and come back to this thread and realize how insanley stupid you've made yourself seem, and maybe you'll even provide an example of non racist blackface (instead of just more baseless accusations and weak excuses), but until then, you've gone mad and I'm tired of repeating the same points to a brick wall. Goodbye", "715" ], [ "Wait, international observers hold the integrity of our elections in high regards? I remember being told in high school that our elections are so convoluted that election observers don't bother to check our elections.\n\n\nNot trying to denounce your points, just that's news to me. \n\n\nThe part about rigged elections being the actions of the party in power drives a really good point home though. If Democrats truly did rig the election while being an opposition party, wouldn't that speak to the sheer failure of the republican party in power? It's funny when they shoot themselves in the foot with their own theories.", "210" ], [ "Thanks, guess you really do learn something new everyday.\n\n\nAnd as a young black male who grew up in one deep red state just to move to another deep red state, I can personally ~~arrest~~ attest to the disenfranchisement and voter suppression in those states.\n\n\nEdit: damn racist autocorrect saw \"black male\" and assumed my legal status", "303" ], [ "No longer GTA?\n\nSan Andreas had UFOs and a jetpack.\n\nArena war fits perfectly within the chaotic story of GTAO. (Edit 2: San andreas also had a demolition derby. Arena war is just a step up from that)\n\nYachts are apartments. Buildings have always been undestroyable.\n\nI'll give you the ridiculous weapons and vehicles and stunt series, but nearly everything else you've listed is perfectly within the realm of GTA. And hell, the ridiculous weapons and vehicles (and even stunt series) can be compared to playing with cheats. \n\nPeople who want to play with Chop can do so on SP. Chop isn't even on multiplayer so idk why you mentioned that. I will admit that I do wish they would've brought in more SP content, especially after promising it. But to say GTA is no longer GTA is entirely dishonest.\n\n\nEdit: the only thing you listed that I can agree absolutely doesn't belong in gta was the doomsday heist. Gta is about doing crime, not stopping it. But everything else? I don't see how it doesn't fit.", "369" ], [ "I mean, as you said, goofiness and absurdity was pretty core to San Andreas. I wouldnt call it too grounded, but i can see why you'd say that. However, GTAV is an arcady exaggeration of San Andreas imo (especially considering it's one of the cities from San Andreas), and GTAO is an exaggeration of ~~online~~ GTAV.\n\n\nI'll admit that it's a step away from the other entries in the series, but I still believe it fits the GTA theme. The only thing I'd consider being the butt of it's own joke would be the ridiculous weaponized vehicles, like the mk2 or the hovercar and such.", "369" ], [ "In GTAO you're a criminal who builds a criminal empire and takes on insane criminal heists (excluding the oddball doomsday heist). Ignoring the cheat code-y weapons and vehicles, that's pretty grounded and in line with GTA. The vehicles are outrageous, but in all honesty, the weapons are described as heated projectiles, not plasma. In other words, not actually that far out there technologically speaking. And funny you mention the RSR, since those weapons were literally introduced as being in-universe promotional material for that show. It's perfectly reasonable in the GTA universe for a tv show to release real versions of their tv weapons to promote the show.\n\n\nGTAO was originally a prequel to GTAV, which ended up being a shit show(edit: I mean that setting GTAO as a prequel was a shitshow, not that GTAV was a shitshow). At this point, however, it basically acts as a separate mirror universe now, so I don't see an issue anymore.\n\n\nAlso, don't you think it's a bit disingenuous to compare a SP game to an online multiplayer one? An MMO sandbox is bound to get crazy with updates and storylines to keep a large interactive fanbase interested, just look at ESO compared to other Elder Scrolls Games. \n\n\nGTAO isn't too far removed from the absurdity of the GTA universe; excluding some of the more outrageous vehicles and certain activities (doomsday heist, for instance), it's perfectly in line with the rest of the series.", "239" ], [ "So I can't find a link of him stating it, remembered hearing about it quite a lot though. However, any look into his policies has him closer to a 1990s Republican than a democrat. Considering how often he reached across the aisle, and how many of his personal picks were Republicans or conservatives, this isn't that surprising. Let's also not forget that, while <PERSON> is pretty socially progressive, he was still pretty conservative on many issues. For instance, he was initially opposed to lgbt marriage before legalizing it nationwide.", "29" ], [ "From <PERSON>:\n\nIf you put aside the emergency measures required by the financial crisis, three major policy ideas have dominated American politics in recent years: a plan that uses an individual mandate and tax subsidies to achieve near-universal health care; a cap-and-trade plan that tries to raise the prices of environmental pollutants to better account for their costs; and bringing tax rates up from their <PERSON>-era lows as part of a bid to reduce the deficit. In each case, the position that <PERSON> and the Democrats have staked out is the very position that moderate Republicans have staked out before.\n\n\n\nAlso, considering many Southern Democrats left to become Republicans in the \"Republican Revolution\" of '94, that is not a laughable at all. Maybe learn your history before mocking others for making a point you don't agree with?", "612" ], [ "You're comparing him to the GOP of today, which includes many of the conservative Democrats who left the DNC in '94. I'm comparing him to the GOP of a couple decades ago, back when they were the party of fiscal responsibility and business, which fits a lot of <PERSON>'s policies. There was once a time when the GOP was more than giving tax breaks to big business and evangelicalism.\n\n\nAlso, on a global scale, <PERSON> and much of the Democratic party is right of center, whereas the GOP is considered far-right.", "313" ], [ "They're initially presented as the same universe, yes. However I think a few DLC ago it became a separate mirror universe. Trying to claim it was a prequel to the story was a huge mistake, I will agree. But just because they are in the same state does not mean they are necessarily the same game. For instance, death is permanent in Story (missions, certain characters staying dead), but everyone respawns in online, even people killed for the story.\n\nI don't think GTAO is too far out there, it just seems that way because it takes place in a more advanced society. But most of those thinks fit perfectly fine within the logic of GTA, especially when compared to SA.\n\nGTAO is a separate game, a mirror universe. GTA multiplayer in SA and IV were simply minigames, which is why they have no story. I don't think it's fair to compare the two. \n\n\nI'm not attacking you, please do not take it that way. My only point is that much of that absurdity actually is perfectly in line with GTA logic for the most part. Is it out there compared to older? Yes, a bit. I'll give you that. But at the same time, GTAV itself is as well. UFOs, multiple death cults, and ghosts are all cannon to story mode. The television of the universe also shows some absolutely ridiculous background parts of story mode. Let's just say that the absurdity of GTAV and GTAO is the result of legalizing medicinal cocaine and e-drugs (check the in-game websites).", "239" ], [ "I don't see what's so hard about that to understand. They support all of that. The Texas lawsuit was the last straw not because of how evil it was, but because of how stupid it was. The people leaving the GOP for it are doing so because not for moral reasons, but because the GOP quite literally tried to shoot itself in the foot for it.\n\n\nHad the Texas lawsuit went through, it would've ended state sovereignty, and the poor republican states would not have won when the rich states of NY and CA came after them. \n\n\nThey're still evil, they just aren't stupid.", "800" ], [ "> Theoretically most dogs could just jump at your neck and end your shit aswell, its just easier for a bear. The reason why not every 10th guy has a adorable black bear for example as a pet is that they can accidently hurt humans when they wanna play. Apart from that theyre just pretty much large dogs, really\n\n > Edit for all the professional bear scientists: The Carnidae and Ursidae Family have a rather close common ancestor so its not to crazy to think a DOMESTICATED bear could be a lot like a large dog. Now fuck off\n\n\n\nNo, you're absolutely wrong about the original comparison. The guy was comparing domesticated bears to domesticated dogs. Looks like the only one confused is yourself.", "911" ], [ "Even without the edit, you can tell he's comparing a domesticated bear to a domesticated dog. The video is of a domesticated bear. If there are no adjectives suggesting otherwise, you should assume the category of two things being compared are the same. Without any words to state otherwise, one should assume that they are comparing either domesticated bears to domesticated dogs, or wild bears to wild dogs. Not wild to domestic.\n\n\n\nEdit: the irony of trying to call everyone else kids while throwing a fit over a reddit comment...", "337" ], [ "...bro what are you on right now?\n\n\nYou were wrong about the other guy's comment, as I pointed out. I haven't mocked you at all or do anything to even hint at losing my mind; my comment only served to clear up the confusion and asked a question. You immediately started by insulting me. \n\n\nThe only one who's being \"exhausting like kids\" and losing their mind is you. Seriously, calm down. It's just a reddit thread", "247" ], [ "Except that's not what I said?\n\nTame bears is a literal term for bears captured/born and raised in captivity. That's a legit term for an actual phenomenon that exists. \n\n\nWhen the common person says domesticated, they aren't referring to tens-hundreds of thousands of years of raising and selective breeding. They're talking about animals kept as pets (most people don't refer to cows and chickens as domesticated, for instance, but will quickly call a snake or even a pet tarantula domesticated), and in this general meaning of \"domesticated\", a tame bear that was captured/born and raised in captivity fits that term.\n\n\nFfs, if you aren't even gonna read, what's the point of commenting?", "431" ], [ "Wasn't he just another alien race at that point though, not a literal god? <PERSON>, they were just alien races until Ragnarok, so while he may still be strong to us, maybe they saw the dark elves as equals? In fact, considering the threat they posed, maybe the asgardians saw the dark elves as superior? \n\n\nJust saying, if you're using <PERSON>'s powerlessness to diminish her pain, you can't assume that <PERSON> couldn't have felt powerless against the foe who killed his mother, especially considering he struggled to defeat him", "1022" ], [ "The original comment makes no effort to differentiate between domestication statuses, therefore there was no reason to assume he was comparing wild bears to domestic dogs. That's just basic reading skills. Were this a school test, he'd lose marks for assuming the author of the comment implied a difference with nothing to support that claim.\n\n\nSeriously, tell me where in your language arts class were you taught to assume differences when no difference was stated or even alluded to? \n\n\nEven still, I haven't done anything childish or insulted anyone. Quite the contrary, both you and the other guy are insulting me for pointing out the faults in your assumptions, and you still have the nerve to claim I'm being a kid?\n\n\nTell me, what was even the point in you defending the insult of some other commenter? Or are you just the alt account (kinda funny you come out of nowhere right after the first guy stops responding...)?", "730" ], [ "Except that tame bears exist. There's no such thing as domesticated snakes and spiders and such, yet people still colloquially use the term to describe spiders and snakes kept as pets. The same colloquial definition is being used here.\n\n\nConsidering this post is of a (colloquially) domesticated bear (or tame bear, if you wish to use the exact definition), it's safe to say the guy was comparing bears in that state to dogs kept in a similar state (domesticated), not a wild bear to a domesticated dog. In fact, it's why my initial comment posits the question about wild bears being akin to wild wolves, minus the social aspect. \n\n\n\nIt's amazing the hoops you guys will jump through just to refrain from admitting you were wrong about the other guy's comment. Only it's worse, considering you weren't even the first guy who made the mistake. Get a life bro", "111" ], [ "With that very same thinking, <PERSON> being a child when her parents were killed would be even more tramautic, not less tramautic. Parents are seen as these powerful all knowing protectors, especially to young children.\n\n\nThe entire purpose of my comment was to show that powerlessness can't be used to diminish one person's trauma and yet also be used to embolden someone else's trauma. As far as who had it worse, that's just an impossible question. They all got shit ends of their respective sticks.", "405" ], [ "I mean, we have humans that literally call themselves gods. <PERSON> makes a point in that movie that they aren't godly beings, just aliens from another planet. Thor 2 kinda blurred it by not taking a stance. Ragnarok threw a big middle finger to the first two movies by proudly proclaiming they're magical gods from another realm, even as <PERSON> proclaims they aren't gods with his final breath.\n\n\nLet's just agree that mcu can't agree on whether they are godly or not? Because none of the movies makes a distinct answer.", "821" ], [ "> Wild wolves don't attack people, bears do.\n\n\n\nThis is completely false. Wild wolves absolutely do attack people. In fact, a wolf is more likely to attack than a black (non grizzly) bear. \n\nI stated that bears and wolves are different in the social matter. Pack mentality falls under that. \n\n > Stop making up fictions as a replacement for your ignorance.\n\n\nSays the one who just stated an outright lie. Holy fuck, the amount of people getting pissed off and attacking me, despite they themselves being in the wrong, is getting hilarious at this point.", "111" ], [ "Except I wasn't wrong. The guy was comparing \"domesticated\" bears (better known as tame bears) to domesticated dogs. Unless you have evidence that he meant something else, I was not wrong.\n\n\nWolves do attack people. The reason why the attack numbers have gone down includes diminishing number of wolves in contact with humans (due to conservation statuses and overhunting) and firepower (a gun can drop a wolf much easier than a human). \n\n\nAlso, how can you claim wolves don't attack people then comment in wolf attacks IN THE SAME SENTENCE??\n\nYet you insult my intelligence. \n\n\n\nBy the way, just to prove you wrong:\n\n[Black bear rarely attack humans](_URL_1_)\n\n[a list of over 20 wolf attacks of 2019 alone](_URL_0_)\n\n\n\n > If you don't know anything about something, don't chime in\n\n\nBoy, the irony is fucking strong with you", "111" ], [ "A great example to prove my point. No one can honestly say that batman's powerlessness diminished his trauma. Not to mention the whole survivor's guilt is there too. Like, <PERSON> was actively fighting and only survived by killing his mom's killer. <PERSON> and <PERSON> had to watch their parents die and not only could they not do anything about it, they both are allowed to live through no effort on their own.", "942" ], [ "> Wild wolves don't attack people, bears do.\n\nYou said nothing of killing, you specifically said attack. Also, my links prove wolves attack more than bears. Don't try and switch the argument now that I've proven you wrong yet again\n\n\nEdit: also, the definition of domesticated disagree with you. If a bear is kept as a pet, it's domesticated. Source: _URL_0_", "111" ], [ "He was comparing the behavior off tame bears to domesticated dogs on a post about a tame bear acting a lot like a bear (albeit a curious and slightly hungry bear it seems). There is no reason to assume he was speaking of a different scenario.\n\nWhy are so many people so adamant in proclaiming what the other guy meant even he edited his comment to state exactly what he meant? It's like you guys just absolutely refuse to be wrong.", "111" ], [ "How? How in the entire fuck am I missing the point?\n\nThor being a powerful magical god as opposed to fully a powerful scientifically advanced alien matters to whether or not his strength played a role in his trauma.\n\n\nFfs, I literally said let's agree that the mcu can't get his good stats straight, since all 3 movies can't give a definitive answer, and you can't even agree to that. Fucking hell, you're toxic bro.", "254" ], [ "It's not semantics.\n\n\nYou stated that wolves don't attack people and that bears do. You then stated that bears attack more than wolves do when I stated that you were wrong. Now that I've provided evidence to back up my claims and prove you wrong, you shift the goalposts and cry about killings to avoid being wrong.\n\n\nMaybe stop making such ignorant assumptions and logical fallacies and just accept you were wrong?\n\n\n > If you don't know anything about something, don't chime in.\n\n\nSeriously bro, just take your own advice and fuck off.", "730" ], [ "No. It proves you wrong. It proves that wolves attack more than bears. Just because you wish to shift goalposts after the fact does not change anything.\n\n You claimed that wolves don't attack people, I proved that wrong. You claim bears attack more than wolves do, I proved that wrong.\n\n\nWolves are absolutely not harmless. Ffs, you wanna insult other people's intelligence, yet you're still trying to claim this as fact? You seriously need help. Maybe go out into the rockies and go cuddle with some wolves, since they're so harmless and don't attack humans.\n\n\nEdit: I also love how you haven't said anything about domestication ever since I posted the screenshot of the definition. Is it because you know you can't twist that argument like you're trying to twist your \"attack/deaths\" one?\n\n\nJust in case you didn't see it, here it is again: _URL_0_", "111" ], [ "A child with no powers whose parents were killed by humans with no powers, as compared to a powerful alien(or god) whose mom was killed by an even more powerful alien that had already destroyed multiple asgardians and even beat <PERSON>'s ass in their fight. They were about equally helpless in their situations. In other words, I fully understood the context. You just can't fathom a differing opinion", "821" ] ]
[ 18349, 6305, 12402, 14896, 8435, 22744, 887, 6604, 1045, 21064, 2708, 1700, 25276, 23291, 22874, 3676, 2923, 1126, 16249, 5390, 20766, 22688, 11496, 4451, 1633, 19658, 14897, 5190, 19760, 3121, 2230, 14503, 8896, 11965, 23028, 3029, 3512, 5735, 16786, 11441, 6473, 2251, 3316, 17883, 18679, 3287, 23029, 13180, 1948, 23054, 6465, 7291, 4216, 14707, 7034, 8533, 7451, 11688, 15935, 8045, 19206, 8590, 12744, 25538, 16810, 3186, 16244, 23914, 18820, 11391, 479, 7516, 11468, 1165, 2403, 1254, 10236, 17493, 10661, 1201, 18951, 14261, 11996, 5947, 15316, 8115, 12591, 17052, 9151, 21811, 16608, 5149, 12913, 5191, 4897, 7284, 19005, 7047, 16908, 5155, 5567, 6611, 15890, 14789, 8930, 21992, 2134, 12845, 11367, 4839, 40, 4971, 16828, 14720, 16672, 14703, 9890, 22983, 4025, 1352, 1526, 16313, 1704, 5143, 3, 4154, 3564, 12361, 13184, 22242, 21625, 1884, 13557, 11197, 21400, 4894, 2982, 7325, 3042, 5610, 3313, 24122, 13092, 12493, 7273, 15563, 13653, 10907, 2545, 4004, 10487, 14575, 4329, 17700, 5049, 5122, 3653, 8207, 10857, 5326, 15554, 15113, 17985, 9708, 6259, 11388, 19803, 3404, 10614, 18301, 13321, 16182, 12579, 8922, 1169, 25471, 9319, 21089, 21380, 19332, 20210, 4092, 1057, 11513, 15628, 22850, 11831, 16565, 20988, 23795, 6569, 24247, 3090, 17759, 13583, 15477, 18230, 23116, 13445, 12185, 2144, 17172, 13126, 14329, 4493, 13303, 21941, 13014, 19256, 19113, 15255, 10465, 19792, 24708, 12578, 1535, 8871, 17870, 21543, 12819, 2970, 6100, 5471, 20028, 23293, 1969, 2880, 7924, 13979, 1570, 5993, 14972, 11619, 4486, 5835, 3964, 10303, 10728, 9409, 18263, 18575, 11431, 18999, 24275, 14805, 8146, 16949, 4634, 2262, 10228, 13400, 16129, 6590, 23456, 24441, 128, 449, 12955, 87, 5300, 9608, 715, 14488, 6503, 16385, 7238, 22884, 16022, 8281, 15635, 12818, 17594, 14712, 11705, 12847, 12481, 13749, 24074, 6425, 9041, 3986, 15963, 7653, 9208, 6482, 7712, 8304, 12658, 22034, 20145, 8110, 88, 16138, 11344, 12537, 13279, 13044, 12515, 2233, 4599, 15842, 15658, 12834, 7417, 18887, 3460, 9913, 12347, 15549, 17070, 12195, 10150, 22590, 6251, 24731, 13416, 12590, 9970, 12503, 15085, 12062, 16990, 5303, 23586, 21347, 5892, 10376, 19405, 22821, 16793, 15122, 10896, 13019, 1799, 9627, 2736, 453, 21023, 16013, 16611, 8077, 20898, 3410, 23878, 22341, 18197, 14735, 24766, 25154, 2533, 22102, 7930, 14649, 1588, 3247, 23353, 3677, 13122, 1573, 24729, 3753, 22648, 9752, 1857, 13528, 5210, 19395, 15206, 13822, 3717, 9998, 14522, 13509, 6314, 4675, 17690, 12146, 24942, 20365, 16387, 6728, 8010, 3440, 2783, 18988, 5037, 3355, 10768, 22014, 8863, 1337, 1427, 12907, 2164, 24390, 10452, 2895, 9920, 10700, 11737, 21449, 11834, 8693, 7740, 6670, 25347, 13767, 18900, 2687, 14087, 10838, 22325, 1375, 5461, 15204, 23903, 7695, 11925, 4243, 2188, 24130, 16050, 7863, 11215, 1720, 12967, 2025, 12872, 12650, 24715, 14598, 20332, 6402, 22830, 4039, 19342, 4214, 14316, 8783, 25195, 24807, 9606, 4735, 7895, 2223, 12090, 11806, 8770, 5917, 17802, 20191, 1834, 19492, 4507, 25166, 17135, 22680, 21582, 833, 19966, 5743, 5090, 9373, 5425, 14887, 16798, 11430, 14968, 14663, 2363, 11452, 14474, 10470, 21885, 681, 16770, 10546, 10237, 6686, 2057, 3757, 12420, 6188, 19106, 9134, 4217, 22370, 18725, 24228, 10540, 3638, 24503, 10298, 6427, 17571, 10333, 13483, 1114, 25508 ]