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Chocolate Shortbread Slice
['1/3 cup (80ml) single (pouring/light) cream', '400g dark chocolate, chopped', '100g unsalted butter, chopped', '175g store-bought plain shortbread biscuits/cookies', 'Cocoa powder, for dusting']
Line an 8cm x 20cm loaf tin with non-stick baking paper. Place the cream, chocolate and butter in a medium saucepan over low heat and stir until melted and smooth. Pour one-third of the chocolate mixture into the tin. Arrange half the shortbread in the tin. Pour half the remaining chocolate mixture over the shortbread. Repeat with the remaining shortbread and chocolate and smooth the top. Refrigerate for 3–4 hours or until set. Remove the slice from the tin and dust with cocoa. Slice, using a hot knife, to serve.
['1/3 cup (80ml) single (pouring/light) cream', '400g dark chocolate, chopped', '100g unsalted butter, chopped', '175g store-bought plain shortbread biscuits/cookies', 'Cocoa powder', 'for dusting']
Raw Peppermint Slice
['10 soft fresh dates (200g), pitted', '3/4 cup (120g) almonds', '1/3 cup (20g) desiccated coconut', '2 cups (160g) desiccated coconut', '2 tablespoons rice malt syrup', '2/3 cup (160ml) coconut cream', '2 teaspoons peppermint extract', '100g raw organic 70% dark chocolate (see note)', '2 teaspoons vegetable oil']
To make the coconut base, line a 20cm (8-inch) square slice tin with non-stick baking (parchment) paper. Place the dates, almonds and coconut in a food processor and process for 1–2 minutes or until the mixture just comes together. Press into the base of the tin, using the back of a spoon, and refrigerate for 20 minutes. Place the coconut, rice malt syrup, coconut cream and peppermint in a food processor and process for 3–4 minutes, scraping down the sides of the bowl, until smooth. Spread the peppermint mixture evenly over the base. Refrigerate for 40 minutes or until set. Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (the bowl shouldn’t touch the water) and stir until melted. Remove from the heat, add the oil and mix to combine. Spread the chocolate over the peppermint layer and smooth the top. Refrigerate for 1 hour or until set. Remove the slice from the tin and, using a hot knife, cut it into bars. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Keep this slice refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.
['10 soft fresh dates (200g), pitted', '3/4 cup (120g) almonds', '1/3 cup (20g) desiccated coconut', '2 cups (160g) desiccated coconut', '2 tablespoons rice malt syrup', '2/3 cup (160ml) coconut cream', '2 teaspoons peppermint extract', '100g raw organic 70% dark chocolate (see note)', '2 teaspoons vegetable oil']
Savory Kimchi Oatmeal Bowl
['1 cup water (or 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup vegetable broth for more flavor)', 'Sea salt', '1/2 cup rolled oats (gluten-free if necessary)', '3 teaspoons olive oil', '2 cups spinach', 'Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes', 'Freshly ground black pepper to taste', '1 egg', '1/2 cup kimchi, store-bought or homemade', 'Sliced avocado', '1 tablespoon hemp seeds', 'Hot sauce (optional)']
Bring the water and a pinch of salt to a boil in a small or medium saucepan over high heat, then add the oats. Turn the heat down to a simmer and let the oats simmer uncovered for 3 to 5 minutes. When the oats have cooked to your taste, remove from the heat and set them aside in the pot. In a medium saucepan, heat 2 teaspoons of the oil. Add the spinach and a pinch each of red pepper flakes, sea salt, and pepper and sauté for 2 to 3 minutes, until the spinach is slightly wilted. Place the oats in a bowl and top with the spinach. In the same saucepan, heat the remaining 1 teaspoon oil and add the egg. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes over medium-high heat, until the egg is golden around the edges and cooked to your liking. Place the egg in the bowl with the oats and spinach. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Add the kimchi to the bowl and top the bowl with a few slices of avocado and the hemp seeds. Season with sea salt and pepper to taste and add a hot sauce drizzle if you like.
['1 cup water (or 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup vegetable broth for more flavor)', 'Sea salt', '1/2 cup rolled oats (gluten-free if necessary)', '3 teaspoons olive oil', '2 cups spinach', 'Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes', 'Freshly ground black pepper to taste', '1 egg', '1/2 cup kimchi, store-bought or homemade', 'Sliced avocado', '1 tablespoon hemp seeds', 'Hot sauce (optional)']
Orange and Poppy Seed Stollen
['100g butter', '500g plain all-purpose flour', '40g fresh yeast (or 7g active-dry)', '225ml warm milk', '30g sugar', '1 tsp salt', '1 egg', '125g golden raisins', '125g candied citrus peel', '1 medium-sized orange', '4 Tbsp rum or brandy', '1 tsp vanilla extract', '8 green cardamom pods', '2 tsp poppy seeds', '1 tsp ground cinnamon', '50 g blanched, sliced almonds', '200g marzipan', 'A little beaten egg', '50g butter', 'Powdered sugar', 'You will also need a large baking sheet, lined with baking parchment.']
Put the sultanas into a mixing bowl. Chop the candied citrus peel into small dice and add to the sultanas. Finely grate the zest from the orange and add to the bowl. Squeeze in the juice of the orange, pour in the rum or brandy and vanilla, then toss together and leave for an hour. Melt the butter in a small pan, then leave to cool down. Put the flour into a large mixing bowl. No need to sieve it. If using fresh yeast, warm the milk to body temperature (it should feel comfortable rather than cold or scalding when you insert your finger), then crumble in the yeast and stir to dissolve. Add the sugar and salt to the flour and mix well. Beat the egg. Stir in the egg and the warm milk and butter. (If you are using dried yeast, add the yeast straight to the flour, then stir in the other ingredients followed by the warm milk, egg and butter.) Mix thoroughly—the dough should be soft, shiny and rather sticky. In all honesty it may be very sticky. Turn out on to a generously floured board and knead for a good eight minutes. As you knead, the dough will become less and less sticky and more like a bread dough—though it will be heavier because of the butter and egg. When the dough is soft, elastic and no longer sticking to the board, scoop it up and put it into a floured bowl. Set aside, covered with a clean tea towel, somewhere warm and draught-free for a good hour or until it is well risen. (It won't be quite twice the size of the original dough but well on the way.) Alternatively, mix and knead using a food mixer fitted with a dough hook until the dough comes cleanly away from the sides of the bowl. Break the cardamom pods open and remove their seeds. Crush the seeds to a coarse powder using a pestle and mortar or a spice mill, then mix in a small bowl with the poppy seeds, cinnamon and almonds. Dust the work surface in the flour and tip your risen dough onto it. Knead the spice and seed mixture and the soaked fruits, leaving behind most of the liquid, into the dough. Roll into a long loaf about 22cmx16cm and flatten it slightly: Roll the marzipan into a cylinder nearly the length of the dough, then place it in the centre. Brush the edges with a little beaten egg and press together. Turn the dough over and place it on a lined baking sheet, cover with a towel and return it to a warm place to prove for a further hour and a half. Heat the oven to 350°F/180°C/Gas 4. Place the loaf in the hot oven and bake for about thirty-five to forty minutes, until pale gold. Melt the butter for the glaze and brush over the loaf. Cool on a wire rack, then dust generously with icing sugar. When the loaf is thoroughly cool, wrap loosely in waxed paper or clingfilm and keep in a cookie tin.
['100g butter', '500g plain all-purpose flour', '40g fresh yeast (or 7g active-dry)', '225ml warm milk', '30g sugar', '1 tsp salt', '1 egg', '125g golden raisins', '125g candied citrus peel', '1 medium-sized orange', '4 Tbsp rum or brandy', '1 tsp vanilla extract', '8 green cardamom pods', '2 tsp poppy seeds', '1 tsp ground cinnamon', '50 g blanched, sliced almonds', '200g marzipan', 'A little beaten egg', '50g butter', 'Powdered sugar', 'You will also need a large baking sheet', 'lined with baking parchment.']
A Jolly Good Mince Pie
['75g unsalted butter', '75g lard', '150g plain all-purpose flour', '1 egg yolk', '375g good-quality mincemeat', 'Powdered sugar, for dusting', 'You will also need a 12-hole tartlet tin, each hole measuring 6cmx2cm deep (It is best to bake the pies in a batch of twelve, then a second of six.)']
Cut the butter and lard into small pieces and rub it into the flour with your fingertips until you have what looks like coarse, fresh breadcrumbs. If you do this in the food processor it will take a matter of seconds. Add the egg yolk, then mix briefly with just enough cold water to bring to a smooth dough. You will probably need only one or two tablespoons. Bring the dough together into a firm ball, then knead it gently on a floured board for a couple of minutes until it softens. Reserve half of the dough, then roll the remainder out thinly. Set the oven at 400°F/200°C/Gas 6. Using cookie cutters or the top of an espresso cup, cut out eighteen discs of pastry: (There may be a tiny bit left over.) Place twelve discs of the pastry in the tartlet tins, reserving six for the second batch, smoothing them up the sides so the edges stand very slightly proud of the tin. Fill each one with a dollop of mincemeat. A level tablespoon is probably all you will get into them, unless you have especially deep tins. Be generous. Roll out the reserved pastry with any leftover trimmings and make a further eighteen discs of pastry, reserving six again. Slightly dampen each of these round the edge with cold water then lay them over each tart and press firmly to seal the edges. Using the point of a small kitchen knife cut a small slit in the centre of each pie and bake for twenty minutes until golden. Let them cool for a few minutes, then slide them out of their tins with a palette knife and serve warm, dusted with powdered sugar. Repeat with the remaining pastry discs and mincemeat.
['75g unsalted butter', '75g lard', '150g plain all-purpose flour', '1 egg yolk', '375g good-quality mincemeat', 'Powdered sugar, for dusting', 'You will also need a 12-hole tartlet tin', 'each hole measuring 6cmx2cm deep (It is best to bake the pies in a batch of twelve', 'then a second of six.)']
Crunchy Chocolate Caramel Layer Cake
['1 3/4 cups (260g) plain (all-purpose) flour, sifted, plus extra for dusting', '1/4 cup (25g) cocoa powder, sifted', '1/2 cup (80g) icing (confectioner’s) sugar, sifted', '40g unsalted butter, melted', '1/4 cup (60ml) water', '1 egg', '2 egg yolks, extra', '3/4 cup (165g) caster (superfine) sugar', '1/3 cup (80ml) water', '1/2 cup (125ml) single (pouring/light) cream', '75g unsalted butter, softened', '300g dark chocolate, chopped']
Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F). Line 2 large baking trays with non-stick baking paper. Place the flour, cocoa and sugar in a food processor and pulse to combine. Add the butter, water, egg and extra yolks and process until a smooth dough forms. Turn out the dough and bring it together on a lightly floured surface. Divide into 8 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a very thin rectangle and trim to 10cm x 35cm. Prick each layer all over with a fork and place on the trays. Bake for 8–10 minutes or until just crisp. Transfer to wire racks and allow to cool at room temperature until crisp. To make the chocolate caramel filling, place the sugar and water in a medium saucepan (see note) over medium heat and stir to dissolve the sugar. Bring to the boil and cook for 8–10 minutes or until deep golden in colour. Remove from the heat and, working quickly, add the cream in a thin steady stream. Add the butter, return to the heat and cook, stirring, until well combined. Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, pour the caramel mixture over and stir until melted and smooth. Refrigerate until just cold, whisking occasionally. Once cooled, whisk for 1–2 minutes or until creamy and smooth. To assemble, place 1 of the pastry layers on a cake stand or plate. Spread evenly with 1/3 cup (80ml) of the chocolate caramel filling. Repeat with the remaining pastry and filling, finishing with a pastry layer. Refrigerate the cake for 1–2 hours or until set. Slice to serve.
['1 3/4 cups (260g) plain (all-purpose) flour, sifted, plus extra for dusting', '1/4 cup (25g) cocoa powder, sifted', '1/2 cup (80g) icing (confectioner’s) sugar, sifted', '40g unsalted butter, melted', '1/4 cup (60ml) water', '1 egg', '2 egg yolks, extra', '3/4 cup (165g) caster (superfine) sugar', '1/3 cup (80ml) water', '1/2 cup (125ml) single (pouring/light) cream', '75g unsalted butter, softened', '300g dark chocolate', 'chopped']
Sweet Potato Toasts with Toppings
['1 large sweet potato, scrubbed (peel if desired, but it’s not necessary)', 'Toppings of choice (I like almond butter and berries for a sweeter version or avocado and an egg for a savory twist)', 'Pinch of sea salt']
Cut the sweet potato lengthwise into 1/4-inch slices. Toast it in a toaster (you will probably need two cycles) or in a toaster oven for about 10 minutes, until the potato has cooked through and is golden brown around the edges. Add the toppings of your choice and sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt. Get creative! Store any unused “toast” in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days and reheat before serving.
['1 large sweet potato, scrubbed (peel if desired, but it’s not necessary)', 'Toppings of choice (I like almond butter and berries for a sweeter version or avocado and an egg for a savory twist)', 'Pinch of sea salt']
Roasted Ducklings in Orange Sauce
['2 ducklings, about 5 pounds each, giblets saved for the sauce', '1 tablespoon coarse salt', '1 bunch fresh thyme', '1 bunch fresh rosemary', '6 garlic cloves, peeled', '2 oranges, one quartered and seeded; the other sliced in 1/4-inch-thick rounds', '2 to 3 onions sliced in 1/2-inch-thick rounds', '1 bunch carrots, peeled and halved lengthwise', '1/4 cup Cointreau or other orange liqueur', '1 teaspoon salt', '2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper', '16 ounces beef or chicken stock', 'Giblets and necks from the ducklings', '2 to 3 tablespoons rendered duck fat (from the roasting ducklings)', '2 tablespoons all-purpose flour', '1/2 cup Cointreau or other orange liqueur', '1/4 cup red wine vinegar', '1/4 cup balsamic vinegar', '1/4 cup fresh orange juice', '1 cup orange marmalade', '2 tablespoons thinly sliced orange peel', '1 orange, sliced into thin rounds, for garnish']
Preheat the oven to 425°F. If convection is an option, choose it. Make the ducks. Cut away the flap of fatty skin from the neck, and scrape any loose fat from inside the cavities. Prick the skin all over gently with a sharp fork, or cross-hatch it with a sharp knife. Be careful not to pierce the meat. Fill an 18-quart stock pot (or as large as you have) about two-thirds full with water, and add the salt. Place the bunches of thyme and rosemary and the garlic cloves in it. Bring to a rapid boil. (You may need to use two pots if you do not have a single pot large enough to hold both ducklings at once; if so, divide the thyme and rosemary into smaller held-together bunches, and divide the garlic between the pots.) Place the ducks in the pot. If they pop up, keep them submerged using a smaller pot full of water or some other weight. Be aware of overflow. Bring the water back to a slow boil. Simmer the ducks for about 30 minutes. Remove them, and use paper towels to dry them thoroughly. Stuff each of the ducks’ cavities with half of the boiled thyme, rosemary, and garlic and the quartered orange. Line the bottom of a large shallow roasting pan with the onions, carrots, and the orange rounds. Place the ducks, breast-side down, on top. Massage them with the Cointreau. This will give them a mahogany finish. Let them sit for 10 minutes for the skin to absorb the liqueur. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast until the bottoms brown, about 20 minutes. Turn them breast-side up, and lower the oven temperature to 350°F. Several times during roasting, spoon off any excess fat as it accumulates, or suck it up using a baster. Use some of the fat to baste the ducks, and set the rest aside, saving some for the sauce. Depending on how long you boiled the ducks and the size of the ducks, roasting time will be another hour or longer. The ducks are done when a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh registers at least 180°F, or until the juices run clear and the leg bones wiggle easily. You want the meat to slide off the bones. Don’t be afraid of overcooking these. Ducks don’t dry out easily. The skin should be crisp. If not, no worries. You will pass the pieces under the broiler before serving. (If the ducks are too crisp and the meat is not finished cooking, cover them with foil as you continue roasting.) Once the ducks are ready, remove them from the oven, and cover them with aluminum foil while you finish the sauce. Meanwhile, make the sauce. Combine the stock, giblets, and necks in a saucepot over medium-high heat, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low to maintain a gentle boil, until the stock is reduced by half. Finish the sauce when you have retrieved rendered duck fat from the roasting duck. In a medium saucepan, warm the duck fat over medium heat. Add the flour, whisking with a fork as you do so. Remove the giblets and necks from the stock reduction, and discard. Add the stock to the duck fat–flour mixture, raise the heat to medium-high, and stir continuously to prevent lumps as you bring it to a slow boil. Add the Cointreau, vinegars, orange juice, marmalade, and orange peel to the pan. Bring back to a boil, melting the marmalade, then simmer uncovered on low heat until the sauce thickens and is reduced. Preheat a broiler with the rack set a notch or two down from the top position. When the ducks have rested at least 20 minutes, use a sharp knife or poultry scissors to split them and cut the breasts from the legs. Discard the orange quarters, herbs, wings, and any pockets of fat that remain. Slip the breast meat from the bones. Leave the legs intact. Put a little sauce in a broiling pan, and lay the duck pieces on top. Spoon a little sauce on top of each piece. Put them under the broiler for about 1 minute to crisp and glaze. Watch them carefully; the sugar in the sauce caramelizes quickly. Place the pieces on a platter, and decorate with thin, round slices of orange. Serve with additional sauce on the side.
['2 ducklings, about 5 pounds each, giblets saved for the sauce', '1 tablespoon coarse salt', '1 bunch fresh thyme', '1 bunch fresh rosemary', '6 garlic cloves, peeled', '2 oranges, one quartered and seeded; the other sliced in 1/4-inch-thick rounds', '2 to 3 onions sliced in 1/2-inch-thick rounds', '1 bunch carrots, peeled and halved lengthwise', '1/4 cup Cointreau or other orange liqueur', '1 teaspoon salt', '2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper', '16 ounces beef or chicken stock', 'Giblets and necks from the ducklings', '2 to 3 tablespoons rendered duck fat (from the roasting ducklings)', '2 tablespoons all-purpose flour', '1/2 cup Cointreau or other orange liqueur', '1/4 cup red wine vinegar', '1/4 cup balsamic vinegar', '1/4 cup fresh orange juice', '1 cup orange marmalade', '2 tablespoons thinly sliced orange peel', '1 orange', 'sliced into thin rounds', 'for garnish']
Instant Pot Butternut Squash Hash
['1/2 cup 1/4-inch-cubed butternut squash', 'Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper', '1 teaspoon olive oil', '1 onion, roughly chopped', '1 bell pepper, roughly chopped', '1/2 teaspoon paprika', '1/2 teaspoon chili powder', '5 rosemary needles, minced', '1 garlic clove, minced', '2 large eggs']
In the Instant Pot, combine the butternut squash, a pinch each of salt and pepper, and the olive oil. Set to “sauté, medium heat” and cook until lightly browned, about 5 minutes, stirring often to avoid burning. Add the onion and bell pepper and sauté until softened, about 5 minutes. Add the paprika, chili powder, rosemary, and garlic and toss to combine. Hit “cancel.” Make 2 wells in the hash and crack the eggs into the wells. Cover, choose the “egg” setting, and cook for 1 minute. Quick-release the pressure and serve.
['1/2 cup 1/4-inch-cubed butternut squash', 'Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper', '1 teaspoon olive oil', '1 onion, roughly chopped', '1 bell pepper, roughly chopped', '1/2 teaspoon paprika', '1/2 teaspoon chili powder', '5 rosemary needles, minced', '1 garlic clove, minced', '2 large eggs']
Pistachio-Rose Shortbread Squares
['2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour', '1/4 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. kosher salt', '1 1/2 cups powdered sugar', '1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened', '1 large egg', '2 Tbsp. rose rooibos tea or other rooibos tea, crushed', '1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', '1/2 tsp. vanilla extract', '1/2 cup raw pistachios, chopped', '1/4 cup freeze-dried raspberries', '1/4 cup pink or red sanding sugar']
Whisk flour, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl. Using an electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat powdered sugar and butter in a large bowl until aerated and pale, about 3 minutes. (Alternatively, use a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment.) Scrape down sides of bowl, then beat 2 minutes more. Reduce mixer speed to medium, add egg, and beat until well incorporated. Add tea, lemon zest, and vanilla and beat, scraping down sides of bowl, until combined, about 30 seconds more. Reduce mixer speed to low and beat in dry ingredients, followed by pistachios. Stir dough a few times with a spatula, making sure to get to bottom of bowl. Turn out dough onto a clean work surface and divide into quarters. Working one quarter at a time, place dough on a sheet of parchment paper and pat with your hands into a log, then pull the parchment up around the log and, using the parchment to help contain the dough, press it firmly against your work surface, rotating and squaring off edges until you have a long 1"-thick rectangle. Wrap parchment-wrapped dough tightly in plastic wrap and chill at least 3 hours. Place racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 325°F. Line 2 rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper. Unwrap dough and let sit at room temperature 10–15 minutes. Pulverize raspberries into a fine powder in a food processor or spice mill. Transfer to a plate and mix in sanding sugar. Roll dough in raspberry sugar, pressing with your hands to adhere. Using a thin, sharp knife, cut into 1/3"-thick slices, rotating rectangle a quarter turn after each slice to help maintain its shape. Arrange slices on prepared baking sheets, spacing 1/2" apart. Bake cookies, rotating pans top to bottom and front to back halfway through, until opaque and barely golden, 14–16 minutes. Transfer pans to wire racks and let cool. Dough can be made 4 days ahead. Keep chilled. Cookies can be made 1 week ahead. Store in an airtight container at room
['2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour', '1/4 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. kosher salt', '1 1/2 cups powdered sugar', '1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened', '1 large egg', '2 Tbsp. rose rooibos tea or other rooibos tea, crushed', '1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', '1/2 tsp. vanilla extract', '1/2 cup raw pistachios, chopped', '1/4 cup freeze-dried raspberries', '1/4 cup pink or red sanding sugar']
Molasses Sandwich Cookies with Coffee Cream
['2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour', '1 Tbsp. finely ground coffee or espresso', '1 3/4 tsp. baking soda', '1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1/2 tsp. ground ginger', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1/4 tsp. ground allspice', '3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted, cooled', '1/2 cup (packed) dark brown sugar', '1/4 cup mild-flavored (light) molasses', '3/4 cup granulated sugar, plus more for rolling', '1 large egg', '3 Tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '8 oz. blond chocolate, such as Dulcey, or milk chocolate, divided', '3/4 cup heavy cream', '2 tsp. finely ground coffee or espresso', '1/2 tsp. vanilla extract', '1/4 tsp. kosher salt']
Whisk flour, coffee, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger, salt, and allspice in a medium bowl. Whisk butter, brown sugar, molasses, and 3/4 cup granulated sugar in a large bowl until smooth (it may stiffen and separate at first; keep whisking until it loosens up). Whisk in egg. Add dry ingredients to butter mixture. Mix with a silicone spatula or wooden spoon just until combined. Cover and chill dough until firm, at least 20 minutes or up to overnight. Place a rack in middle of oven; preheat to 375°F. Place granulated sugar in a shallow bowl. Working with about one-quarter of dough and chilling remaining dough while you assemble and bake, scoop dough by the tablespoonful and roll into balls; you should get 10 per batch. It’s important to bake only 1 sheet of cookies at a time; they’re very temperature-sensitive and will spread too much otherwise. Roll balls in granulated sugar, then arrange on a parchment-lined baking sheet, spacing 2" apart. Bake cookies until centers are cracked and edges are set, 5–7 minutes. Resist the urge to bake the cookies longer; the aim is to maintain their chew and they will continue to crisp as they cool. If cookies are puffed, tap pan against counter as soon as they come out of the oven to deflate. Transfer pan to a wire rack and let cool 5 minutes. Remove cookies from pan and let cool completely. Repeat with remaining dough for a total of 4 batches and 40 cookies. Dough can be made 1 day ahead. Keep chilled. Unfilled cookies can be made 5 days ahead. Store in an airtight container at room temperature. Place butter and 6 oz. chocolate in a large bowl. Bring cream just to a boil in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Remove from heat, then stir in coffee, vanilla, and salt. Pour hot cream mixture over chocolate and butter and whisk until smooth. Chill until ganache is cooled and thickened, about 20 minutes. Beat with an electric mixer or vigorously by hand with a whisk until lightened in color and stiff. Melt remaining 2 oz. chocolate in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Transfer to a pastry bag and snip off end of bag (or use a resealable plastic bag and cut off 1 corner) to make a very small opening. Place 1 rounded tablespoon of filling on half of cookies. Press remaining cookies on top. Pipe thin lines of melted chocolate over in desired design. Filled cookies can be made 2 days ahead. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.
['2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour', '1 Tbsp. finely ground coffee or espresso', '1 3/4 tsp. baking soda', '1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1/2 tsp. ground ginger', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1/4 tsp. ground allspice', '3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted, cooled', '1/2 cup (packed) dark brown sugar', '1/4 cup mild-flavored (light) molasses', '3/4 cup granulated sugar, plus more for rolling', '1 large egg', '3 Tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '8 oz. blond chocolate, such as Dulcey, or milk chocolate, divided', '3/4 cup heavy cream', '2 tsp. finely ground coffee or espresso', '1/2 tsp. vanilla extract', '1/4 tsp. kosher salt']
White Chocolate Fruitcake Bars
['1 1/4 cups (2 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened, plus more for pan', '1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour', '1/2 cup almond flour or meal', '1/2 tsp. baking powder', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1/2 cup granulated sugar', '1 large egg', '1 Tbsp. finely grated orange zest', '1 Tbsp. freshly grated ginger (from one 3" piece)', '2 tsp. vanilla extract', '1 cup dried cranberries, finely chopped', '3/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes or coconut chips', '2 oz. white chocolate, coarsely chopped', '8 oz. white chocolate, finely chopped, or white chocolate chips', '1 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', 'Sprinkles and/or sanding sugar (for sprinkling)']
Preheat oven to 350°F. Line an 8" square metal pan with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on all sides. Butter parchment. Whisk flour, almonds, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl. Using an electric mixer on medium-high speed (or use a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment), beat granulated sugar and 1 1/4 cups butter in a large bowl, scraping down sides, until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Reduce mixer speed to medium, add egg, and beat until incorporated, about 1 minute more. Scrape down sides of bowl. Reduce mixer speed to low and beat in orange zest, ginger, and vanilla. With the mixer running on low speed, add dry ingredients and beat just until combined with some visible flour remaining. Add cranberries, coconut, and chocolate. Beat just until incorporated. Scrape down sides of bowl, then fold dough once or twice with a spatula. Scrape dough into prepared pan. Using dampened fingers or a damp offset spatula, press dough evenly into pan. Bake shortbread until lightly golden brown and set, 25–30 minutes. Transfer pan to a wire rack and let cool. Do Ahead: Shortbread can be baked 2 days ahead. Store airtight at room temperature. Heat chocolate, oil, and salt in a small heatproof bowl in a microwave, stirring every 30 seconds, until smooth and glossy, about 1 minute total. Set aside 2 Tbsp. glaze, then pour remaining glaze over cooled shortbread in pan, spreading to the edges. Let sit at room temperature until set (if you’re impatient, chill 10–15 minutes). Run a paring knife around edge of pan to release, then remove shortbread from pan using parchment overhang. Slice into bars. To slice into diamonds, cut into five 1 1/2" strips, then slice each strip on the bias into 1" diamonds. Rewarm reserved glaze and drizzle over bars in stripes with a spoon. Top with sprinkles. Let sit at room temperature until set (or chill for 8–10 minutes). Do Ahead: Bars can be made 5 days ahead. Store airtight at room temperature.
['1 1/4 cups (2 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened, plus more for pan', '1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour', '1/2 cup almond flour or meal', '1/2 tsp. baking powder', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1/2 cup granulated sugar', '1 large egg', '1 Tbsp. finely grated orange zest', '1 Tbsp. freshly grated ginger (from one 3" piece)', '2 tsp. vanilla extract', '1 cup dried cranberries, finely chopped', '3/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes or coconut chips', '2 oz. white chocolate, coarsely chopped', '8 oz. white chocolate, finely chopped, or white chocolate chips', '1 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', 'Sprinkles and/or sanding sugar (for sprinkling)']
Hanukkah Chicken
['3 lb. skinless, boneless chicken thighs', '1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '2 lb. russet potatoes, peeled, coarsely shredded on the large holes of a box grater or in a food processor', '1 small onion, peeled, shredded on the large holes of a box grater or in a food processor', '2 Tbsp. matzo meal', '1 large egg', '1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. vegetable, canola, or grapeseed oil, divided', '3 Pink Lady apples (about 1 1/2 lb.), sliced into 1/2" wedges', '1/2 cup dry white wine', '1 1/2 cups unsweetened applesauce', '4 sprigs thyme', '2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', '1/4 cup coarsely chopped parsley leaves', '2 tsp. finely grated lemon zest']
Place a rack in oven as close to broiler as possible; preheat broiler. Season chicken on all sides with cayenne, 1 Tbsp. salt, and 1 tsp. black pepper. Let sit 10–15 minutes. Meanwhile, working in batches, wring out excess moisture from shredded potatoes and onion in a clean dish towel over the sink (the more liquid you remove, the crispier your latkes will be, so take your time and use several towels if necessary). Transfer potatoes and onion to a large bowl. Whisk matzo meal, 2 tsp. salt, and 1 tsp. pepper in a medium bowl. Add egg and whisk to combine. Add to potato mixture and mix to evenly distribute. Heat 1/4 cup oil in a 10" ovenproof (preferably cast-iron) skillet over medium-high until shimmering. Carefully transfer potato mixture into hot oil in skillet and use a rubber spatula to spread it into an even layer, pressing to flatten as much as possible. Cook until edges are just starting to brown, about 5 minutes. Brush 2 Tbsp. oil over and transfer skillet to broiler. Broil, checking often to make sure latke isn’t burning, until top is crisped and deeply golden brown, 10–12 minutes. While latke is in the oven, heat remaining 2 Tbsp. oil in a large skillet over high. Working in 2 batches, cook chicken flat side down until golden brown, about 4 minutes. Turn and cook until other side is golden brown, about 1 minute. Transfer to a plate. Cook apples in hot oil and fat in pan over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until caramelized and softened, 8–10 minutes. Add wine and cook, stirring occasionally, until reduced by half, 2–3 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer apples to a medium bowl, leaving reduced wine behind in skillet. Add applesauce, thyme, and 3/4 tsp. salt to skillet and stir to combine. Nestle chicken into sauce in skillet. Pile apple mixture over chicken. Cover and cook over medium heat until chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes. Carefully invert skillet with latke onto a cutting board, then slice latke into 8 wedges. Drizzle lemon juice over chicken. Toss parsley, lemon zest, and 1/4 tsp. salt in a small bowl. Sprinkle over chicken and apples. Serve chicken with latke wedges alongside.
['3 lb. skinless, boneless chicken thighs', '1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '2 lb. russet potatoes, peeled, coarsely shredded on the large holes of a box grater or in a food processor', '1 small onion, peeled, shredded on the large holes of a box grater or in a food processor', '2 Tbsp. matzo meal', '1 large egg', '1/2 cup plus 2 Tbsp. vegetable, canola, or grapeseed oil, divided', '3 Pink Lady apples (about 1 1/2 lb.), sliced into 1/2" wedges', '1/2 cup dry white wine', '1 1/2 cups unsweetened applesauce', '4 sprigs thyme', '2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', '1/4 cup coarsely chopped parsley leaves', '2 tsp. finely grated lemon zest']
Tandoori Chicken Bowls
['½ cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt', '2 tsp. tomato paste', '1½ tsp. paprika', '1 tsp. ground coriander', '5 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '1½ lb. skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 2" pieces', '¼ cup plus 2 Tbsp. grapeseed or vegetable oil, divided', '1 medium butternut squash (about 2 lb.) peeled, cut into 1" pieces', '6 scallions, thinly sliced', '6 Tbsp. fresh lime juice', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped peeled ginger (from one 3" piece)', '3 cups cilantro leaves with tender stems; plus more for serving (optional)', 'Steamed rice (for serving)']
Place racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 450°F. Mix yogurt, tomato paste, paprika, coriander, and 2 tsp. salt in a medium bowl. Add chicken and toss to coat. Let sit at room temperature at least 10 minutes. Rub a rimmed baking sheet with 1 Tbsp. oil. Arrange chicken on sheet, making sure there’s space around each piece. Toss squash, 1 Tbsp. oil, and 1 tsp. salt on another rimmed baking sheet and spread out into a single layer. Roast chicken on upper rack and squash on lower, tossing squash halfway through, until chicken is cooked through and starting to char in spots, and squash is fork-tender and golden brown around the edges, 15–17 minutes. Meanwhile, purée scallions, lime juice, ginger, 3 cups cilantro, 3 Tbsp. water, and remaining ¼ cup oil and remaining 2 tsp. salt in a blender until smooth. Divide rice among bowls. Top with sauce, chicken, squash, and cilantro leaves, if using. Alternatively, serve chicken, squash, rice, and sauce separately for any picky eaters at your table, or keep the sauce on the side entirely. Do Ahead: Chicken can be marinated 1 day ahead; cover and chill. Chicken and squash can be roasted and sauce can be made 2 days ahead; cover and chill separately. Reheat chicken and squash in a 300°F oven before serving.
['½ cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt', '2 tsp. tomato paste', '1½ tsp. paprika', '1 tsp. ground coriander', '5 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '1½ lb. skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 2" pieces', '¼ cup plus 2 Tbsp. grapeseed or vegetable oil, divided', '1 medium butternut squash (about 2 lb.) peeled, cut into 1" pieces', '6 scallions, thinly sliced', '6 Tbsp. fresh lime juice', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped peeled ginger (from one 3" piece)', '3 cups cilantro leaves with tender stems; plus more for serving (optional)', 'Steamed rice (for serving)']
Cranberry Linzer Tart
['1 lb. fresh (or frozen) cranberries', '1 1/4 cups granulated sugar', '1 Tbsp. finely grated peeled ginger', '1 Tbsp. unsalted butter', 'Pinch of kosher salt', '1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', '1 1/2 cups walnuts', '1 cup granulated sugar', '2 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', '1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1/4 tsp. ground cloves', '1/4 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg', '1/4 tsp. baking powder', '2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting', '14 Tbsp. chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '2 large eggs', 'Powdered sugar (for serving)', 'A 10"-diameter fluted tart pan with removable bottom']
Bring cranberries, sugar, ginger, butter, and salt to a boil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat, stirring often to prevent scorching and help dissolve sugar. Continue to cook, stirring often, until cranberries burst, mixture is syrupy, and pot is visible when a wooden spoon is dragged across the bottom (mixture should be reduced to about 1 3/4 cups), 10–12 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in lemon zest. Chill until cold, at least 1 hour. Place a rack in middle of oven; preheat to 350°F. Toast walnuts on a rimmed baking sheet, tossing once, until golden brown, 10–12 minutes. Let cool. Pulse walnuts, granulated sugar, lemon zest, cinnamon, salt, cloves, nutmeg, baking powder, and 2 cups flour in a food processor until nuts are finely ground. Add butter and pulse until largest pieces are pea-size. Add 1 egg and process in long pulses until dough forms a ball around the blade. Divide dough in half. Wrap one half in plastic, flattening into a 1/2"-thick disk. Press the remaining half into tart pan, working it across bottom and up sides with floured hands to create an even layer. Chill the dough in the pan and the wrapped dough until cold, at least 1 hour and up to 3 days. Scrape filling into crust and spread into an even layer. Unwrap remaining dough and roll out on a lightly floured sheet of parchment paper, dusting with more flour as needed to prevent sticking, to a 1/8"-thick round. Cut dough into 8 strips. Arrange strips over top of tart in a crosshatch pattern (this dough is delicate,so don’t fuss with strips too much once they’re on the tart). Pinch off excess dough and press strips into edges to adhere. Chill 15–20 minutes. Beat remaining egg in a small bowl and brush over crust. Bake tart until crust is golden brown around the edges and golden across surface and filling is bubbling, 45–55 minutes. Let cool. Just before serving, remove ring from pan and dust tart with powdered sugar. Filling can be made 3 days ahead. Transfer to a nonreactive container; cover and chill. Tart can be baked 1 day ahead. Store tightly wrapped at room temperature.
['1 lb. fresh (or frozen) cranberries', '1 1/4 cups granulated sugar', '1 Tbsp. finely grated peeled ginger', '1 Tbsp. unsalted butter', 'Pinch of kosher salt', '1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', '1 1/2 cups walnuts', '1 cup granulated sugar', '2 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', '1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1/4 tsp. ground cloves', '1/4 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg', '1/4 tsp. baking powder', '2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting', '14 Tbsp. chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '2 large eggs', 'Powdered sugar (for serving)', 'A 10"-diameter fluted tart pan with removable bottom']
Parsnip Confit with Pickled Currants
['2 1/2 lb. parsnips, peeled, halved lengthwise, quartered if large, woody core removed if large', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1 (4") piece ginger, scrubbed, sliced lengthwise into 1/8"-thick planks', '3 large sprigs rosemary, divided, plus 1 Tbsp. rosemary leaves for serving', '1 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp. kosher salt', '3 cups extra-virgin olive oil', '1/2 cup dried currants', '1/4 cup sugar', '1/2 cup plus 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar', '2 tsp. Aleppo-style pepper']
Preheat oven to 300°F. Combine parsnips, garlic, ginger, 2 rosemary sprigs, and 1 Tbsp. salt in a rectangular 3-qt. baking dish; turn garlic cut side down. Pour oil over and roast 35 minutes. Remove from oven; turn parsnips over. Return to oven and roast until a knife easily slides through flesh, 30–40 minutes. Let cool slightly. Meanwhile, bring currants, sugar, 1/2 cup vinegar, remaining 1 tsp. salt, remaining rosemary sprig, and 1/4 cup water to a boil in a small saucepan over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and simmer, swirling pan occasionally, until reduced by three-quarters. Transfer to a small bowl and stir in Aleppo-style pepper, 1 Tbsp. parsnip confit oil, and remaining 1 Tbsp. vinegar. Remove parsnips from oil, letting excess drip back into baking dish, and place on a rimmed baking sheet. Pluck out garlic and set aside for serving. Strain oil through a fine-mesh sieve into an airtight container; discard aromatics. Cover and reserve oil for another use. Heat a large skillet, preferably cast iron, over medium-high. Working in batches, arrange parsnips in skillet in a single layer and cook, turning occasionally, until golden brown and charred in spots, about 4 minutes per batch. (Alternatively, you can broil them, turning halfway through, 10–12 minutes.) Transfer to a platter and spoon currant sauce over. Top with reserved garlic and rosemary leaves. Parnsips can be cooked in oil 1 week ahead. Let cool completely; cover and chill. Reheat in oil in a 300°F oven before browning. Currants can be pickled 1 week ahead; cover and chill.
['2 1/2 lb. parsnips, peeled, halved lengthwise, quartered if large, woody core removed if large', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1 (4") piece ginger, scrubbed, sliced lengthwise into 1/8"-thick planks', '3 large sprigs rosemary, divided, plus 1 Tbsp. rosemary leaves for serving', '1 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp. kosher salt', '3 cups extra-virgin olive oil', '1/2 cup dried currants', '1/4 cup sugar', '1/2 cup plus 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar', '2 tsp. Aleppo-style pepper']
Cranberry Sauce with Orange and Cinnamon
['1 medium navel orange, seeds removed, chopped', '1 lb. fresh (or frozen) cranberries', '1 cup sugar', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 (3"-long) cinnamon stick', '1/2 tsp. ground allspice', 'Pinch of kosher salt']
Place orange in a large saucepan and pour in cold water to come 1" up sides of pan. Bring to a boil, then remove immediately from heat and drain orange in a mesh sieve or colander. Rinse under cold water; return to saucepan. Add cranberries, sugar, butter, cinnamon, allspice, and salt and bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar. Cook, stirring often and reducing heat as needed to avoid scorching, until cranberries burst, juices are syrupy, and pan is visible when a wooden spoon is dragged across the bottom, 12–15 minutes. Let cool. Sauce can be made 1 week ahead. Cover and chill.
['1 medium navel orange, seeds removed, chopped', '1 lb. fresh (or frozen) cranberries', '1 cup sugar', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 (3"-long) cinnamon stick', '1/2 tsp. ground allspice', 'Pinch of kosher salt']
Cornbread Stuffing with Sausage and Collard Greens
['Buttermilk Cornbread', '9 Tbsp. unsalted butter, divided, plus more for pan', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '1 1/2 lb. hot or sweet Italian sausage, casings removed', '1 large onion, finely chopped', '2 celery stalks, finely chopped', '6 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped rosemary', '1 Tbsp. kosher salt', '1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '2 bunches collard greens, stems and ribs removed, leaves torn or cut into 2" pieces', '1 1/2 cups heavy cream', '2 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth, divided', '3 large eggs, beaten to blend']
Place a rack in middle of oven; preheat oven to 300°F. Cut cornbread into 1" cubes and divide between 2 large rimmed baking sheets. Toast, turning over halfway through, until outsides are dried out and some of the sides are golden brown, 45–55 minutes. Increase oven temperature to 350°F. Lightly butter a 13x9" baking dish. Heat oil in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium-high. Arrange sausage in a single layer in pot and cook, undisturbed, until browned underneath, about 4 minutes. Break up into bite-size pieces with a heatproof rubber spatula or wooden spoon and continue to cook, tossing occasionally, until just cooked through, about 3 minutes longer. Transfer sausage to a large bowl. Reduce heat to medium-low and add 8 Tbsp. butter to same pot; swirl to melt and to coat bottom of pot. Add onion, celery, garlic, rosemary, salt, and red pepper flakes. Cook, stirring often, until vegetables are softened but not yet browned, about 5 minutes. Add collard greens and cook, tossing occasionally, until wilted, about 2 minutes. Add cream and 1 cup broth and bring mixture to a bare simmer. Cover pot and cook until greens are softened, 7–9 minutes. Add vegetable mixture to bowl with sausage; mix in remaining 11/2 cups broth, then eggs. Add cornbread and carefully toss once (don’t break up pieces). Let sit 5 minutes, then gently toss again. Let sit until almost all the liquid has been absorbed, about 5 minutes more. Transfer stuffing, still being gentle with it, to prepared baking dish. Dot surface with pieces of remaining 1 Tbsp. butter and cover with foil. Bake stuffing until hot in the center when pierced with a paring knife, 20–25 minutes. Remove foil and continue to bake until surface is deep golden brown and there are some crispy bits of sausage and greens on top, 25–30 minutes more. Cornbread croutons can be made 2 days ahead; store in an airtight container at room temperature. Stuffing can be assembled but not baked one day ahead; cover and chill. Bring to room temperature before baking.
['Buttermilk Cornbread', '9 Tbsp. unsalted butter, divided, plus more for pan', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '1 1/2 lb. hot or sweet Italian sausage, casings removed', '1 large onion, finely chopped', '2 celery stalks, finely chopped', '6 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped rosemary', '1 Tbsp. kosher salt', '1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '2 bunches collard greens, stems and ribs removed, leaves torn or cut into 2" pieces', '1 1/2 cups heavy cream', '2 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth, divided', '3 large eggs', 'beaten to blend']
Shaved Carrots with Charred Dates
['1 1/2 lb. purple or orange carrots, trimmed, scrubbed, shaved on a mandoline or very thinly sliced into rounds', 'Kosher salt', '3 large blood oranges or 2 small grapefruits', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice', '2 Tbsp. unseasoned rice vinegar', '10 Medjool dates', 'Tarragon leaves (for serving)']
Place carrots in a large bowl, season generously with salt, and toss to coat. Let sit at least 10 minutes and up to 1 hour to soften slightly. Pour off any liquid that collects in bowl. Meanwhile, cut peel and white pith from oranges. Working your way around, cut citrus flesh off cores in lobes. Cut each lobe into large pieces and place in a medium bowl. Squeeze cores over a small bowl to extract any juice (you want 2 Tbsp.; discard or drink any extra). Discard cores. Whisk oil, lime juice, and vinegar into orange juice; season with salt. Pour half of dressing over carrots and let sit, tossing occasionally, until ready to serve. Set remaining dressing aside. Heat a small skillet, preferably cast iron, over medium-high. Cook dates, turning occasionally, until blackened in spots, about 3 minutes. Let cool; remove pits. Just before serving, pour off excess liquid from carrots and discard (carrots will have softened by now). Drizzle reserved dressing over carrots and toss to coat. Tear dates into bite-size pieces and toss into carrots. Taste and season with more salt if needed. Top with tarragon. Carrots can be tossed with dressing 1 day ahead. Cover and chill carrots and remaining dressing separately.
['1 1/2 lb. purple or orange carrots, trimmed, scrubbed, shaved on a mandoline or very thinly sliced into rounds', 'Kosher salt', '3 large blood oranges or 2 small grapefruits', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice', '2 Tbsp. unseasoned rice vinegar', '10 Medjool dates', 'Tarragon leaves (for serving)']
Butternut Squash Tarte Tatin
['6 Tbsp. chilled unsalted butter, divided, plus more for pan', '1 large butternut squash (about 3 1/2 lb.)', '1 cup plus 2 Tbsp. granulated sugar, divided', '1/4 tsp. kosher salt, plus more', '1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', '1 tsp. vanilla extract', '1/2 Shortcut Puff Pastry', '1 cup chilled heavy cream', '1 Tbsp. powdered sugar', '1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon', 'All-purpose flour (for surface)']
Place a rack in upper third of oven; preheat to 350°F. Butter a 10" springform pan or cake pan and line bottom with a parchment paper round. Cut off neck from squash. Peel neck and bulb until you reveal the orange flesh underneath (you might need to take off a few layers). Slice both pieces in half lengthwise; scoop out seeds. Slice all squash pieces crosswise 1/4" thick. Arrange on a rimmed baking sheet. Melt 3 Tbsp. butter in a small saucepan and drizzle over squash. Sprinkle with ¼ cup granulated sugar and a pinch of salt and toss to coat. Arrange squash in a single layer (use a second rimmed baking sheet if needed) and roast until tender and just starting to curl around the edges but not yet browned, 30–35 minutes. Let cool. Carefully move oven rack to highest position and increase oven temperature to 400°. Meanwhile, cut remaining 3 Tbsp. butter into pieces and set aside. Bring lemon juice, 3/4 cup granulated sugar, and 3 Tbsp. water to a boil in a large saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring with a heatproof rubber spatula until sugar is dissolved. Continue to cook, swirling pan often (do not stir), until caramel is light amber in color, 6–8 minutes. Remove from heat and add reserved butter a piece at a time, stirring after each addition until incorporated and smooth. Once all the butter has been added, stir in vanilla and remaining 1/4 tsp. salt. Pour caramel into prepared springform pan and tilt to coat bottom. Let cool. Starting with slices from the neck, layer squash in an overlapping rosette pattern over caramel. Sprinkle with 1 Tbsp. granulated sugar. Arrange remaining squash over first layer, placing pieces wherever needed to create an even thickness of squash across entire tart (this layer doesn’t need to be pretty since it won’t be visible). Sprinkle with remaining 1 Tbsp. granulated sugar and chill while you roll out the puff pastry. Let pastry sit at room temperature about 4 minutes to soften slightly. Roll out on a lightly floured surface, dusting with more flour as needed to prevent sticking and rotating a few times, to a round that’s a little over 11". Using pan as a template, trim excess dough to make an 11" round. Using a fork, prick pastry in 12–15 places. Drape pastry over squash and use a spoon to tuck edges in slightly between squash and sides of pan. Bake tarte Tatin 20 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F and continue to bake until pastry is puffed and golden brown, 45–50 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool in pan 10 minutes. If using a springform pan, remove ring and carefully invert tarte Tatin onto rack (take care as some of the hot caramel could drip). If using a cake pan, set rack upside down over pan and invert tarte Tatin onto rack. Let cool 20 minutes. Meanwhile, whisk cream in a small bowl to soft peaks. Beat in powdered sugar and cinnamon. Serve tarte Tatin warm topped with dollops of cinnamon whipped cream. Tarte Tatin can be baked 10 hours ahead. Store loosely wrapped at room temperature. Reheat in a 250°F oven.
['6 Tbsp. chilled unsalted butter, divided, plus more for pan', '1 large butternut squash (about 3 1/2 lb.)', '1 cup plus 2 Tbsp. granulated sugar, divided', '1/4 tsp. kosher salt, plus more', '1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', '1 tsp. vanilla extract', '1/2 Shortcut Puff Pastry', '1 cup chilled heavy cream', '1 Tbsp. powdered sugar', '1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon', 'All-purpose flour (for surface)']
Classic Herb and Fennel Stuffing
['1 2-lb. loaf country-style bread, torn into 1"–1 1/2" pieces', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 medium onions, finely chopped', '1 fennel bulb, finely chopped', '4 celery stalks, finely chopped', '1/2 cup dry white wine', '1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter', '1 cup chopped parsley', '2 Tbsp. chopped sage', '1 Tbsp. chopped rosemary', '1 Tbsp. chopped thyme', '3 tsp. kosher salt', '2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '2 large eggs', '2 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth']
Place a rack in middle of oven; preheat to 250°F. Arrange bread in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake, tossing occasionally, until dried out, about 1 hour. Let cool; transfer to a very large bowl. Increase oven temperature to 350°F. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high. Cook onions, fennel, and celery, stirring often, until softened but not yet browned, 8–10 minutes. Add wine and cook, stirring, until almost completely evaporated, about 1 minute. Add butter and cook, stirring, until melted, about 3 minutes. Scrape vegetable mixture over bread in bowl and mix in parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, salt, and pepper. Whisk eggs and broth in a medium bowl to combine. Pour over bread mixture; fold gently until thoroughly coated. Divide between two 8x8" baking dishes (you can also put it all in a 13x9" baking dish if you prefer) and pack stuffing down. Cover with foil and bake until you can see some bubbles around the edges of the dishes, 30–35 minutes. Increase oven temperature to 425°F. Uncover stuffing and bake until top is golden brown and crisp, 20–25 minutes. Let sit 10 minutes before serving. Bread can be baked 2 days ahead; store airtight at room temperature. Stuffing can be assembled 1 day ahead; cover and chill. Bring to room temperature before baking.
['1 2-lb. loaf country-style bread, torn into 1"–1 1/2" pieces', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 medium onions, finely chopped', '1 fennel bulb, finely chopped', '4 celery stalks, finely chopped', '1/2 cup dry white wine', '1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter', '1 cup chopped parsley', '2 Tbsp. chopped sage', '1 Tbsp. chopped rosemary', '1 Tbsp. chopped thyme', '3 tsp. kosher salt', '2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '2 large eggs', '2 1/2 cups low-sodium chicken broth']
Stir-Fried Brussels Sprouts
['1/2 cup walnuts', '2 lb. brussels sprouts', '8 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1/2 lemon', '1 Tbsp. walnut oil or 1 1/2 tsp. sesame oil']
Preheat oven to 350°F. Toast walnuts on a rimmed baking sheet, tossing once, until golden brown, 8–10 minutes. Let cool, then coarsely chop. Using a paring knife, remove cores from brussels sprouts through stem ends; discard. Peel off leaves all the way down to the very center. Heat 2 Tbsp. olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high. Add a quarter of the brussels sprout leaves and cook, tossing once or twice, until bright green and deeply charred in spots, about 4 minutes. Season with salt and pepper; transfer to a platter. Repeat process 3 more times with remaining brussels sprouts and olive oil. Finely grate lemon zest over brussels sprouts, then squeeze juice on top. Scatter walnuts over and drizzle with walnut oil. Finish with a few cranks of pepper. Brussels sprouts can be cored and leaves separated 3 days ahead. Wrap in damp paper towels and store in resealable plastic bags; chill.
['1/2 cup walnuts', '2 lb. brussels sprouts', '8 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1/2 lemon', '1 Tbsp. walnut oil or 1 1/2 tsp. sesame oil']
Spicy Cranberry Sauce
['3 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 large shallot, finely chopped', '2 jalapeños, seeds removed from 1 chile, both chiles very thinly sliced', '1 lb. fresh (or frozen) cranberries', '2/3 cup honey', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '2 tsp. finely grated lime zest', '2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice']
Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Cook shallot and jalapeños, stirring often, until shallot is starting to turn golden, about 4 minutes. Add cranberries, honey, and salt and increase heat to medium-high. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring often and reducing heat as needed to avoid scorching, until cranberries burst, juices are syrupy, and pan is visible when a wooden spoon is dragged across the bottom, 12–15 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in lime zest and juice; let cool. Sauce can be made 1 week ahead. Cover and chill.
['3 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 large shallot, finely chopped', '2 jalapeños, seeds removed from 1 chile, both chiles very thinly sliced', '1 lb. fresh (or frozen) cranberries', '2/3 cup honey', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '2 tsp. finely grated lime zest', '2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice']
Make-Ahead Mashed Potatoes
['4 lb. medium Yukon Gold potatoes, scrubbed', 'Kosher salt', '2/3–1 cup heavy cream', '2/3–1 cup whole milk', '1 1/4 cups (2 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '1/2 cup sour cream', 'Freshly ground black pepper', 'A potato ricer or food mill fitted with fine disk']
Place potatoes in a large pot and pour in cold water to cover by 1". Add a large handful of salt (water should taste briny, like the ocean) and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are very tender but not crumbly, 30–40 minutes. Drain and return potatoes to warm pot to dry (off heat). Meanwhile, heat 2/3 cup cream and 2/3 cup milk in a small saucepan over medium until just about to simmer. Reduce heat to low and keep warm until ready to add to potatoes. Pass hot potatoes and butter through ricer into a large bowl (this will help combine them quickly; most of the skins should stay behind but pick out any small pieces that get through if you want); season generously with salt. Mix with a potato masher until butter is melted and combined. Mixing constantly, gradually add warm cream mixture to potatoes, then mix in sour cream. Taste and season with salt and pepper as desired. Potatoes can be made 2 days ahead. Let cool; cover and chill. To serve, transfer potatoes to a small pot and add 1/3 cup heavy cream and 1/3 cup whole milk; reheat over medium-low, stirring often to prevent scorching.
['4 lb. medium Yukon Gold potatoes, scrubbed', 'Kosher salt', '2/3–1 cup heavy cream', '2/3–1 cup whole milk', '1 1/4 cups (2 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '1/2 cup sour cream', 'Freshly ground black pepper', 'A potato ricer or food mill fitted with fine disk']
Shingled Sweet Potatoes with Harissa
['2/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp. harissa paste', '2 Tbsp. white wine vinegar, divided', '3 1/4 lb. medium sweet potatoes, peeled', 'Kosher salt', '3 Tbsp. raw pistachios', '2 tsp. sesame seeds', '1 tsp. fennel seeds', 'A spice mill or mortar and pestle']
Preheat oven to 400°F. Whisk 2/3 cup oil, 2/3 cup harissa, and 1 Tbsp. vinegar in a large bowl to combine. Slice sweet potatoes crosswise on a mandoline 1/8" thick. Add to bowl with harissa mixture and toss to coat; season with salt. Arrange sweet potatoes so they are standing upright in concentric circles in a 2-qt. baking dish, packing tightly, and roast, brushing any accumulated harissa oil in dish onto sweet potatoes every 10–15 minutes, until soft and starting to brown on top, about 1 hour. Meanwhile, toss pistachios, sesame seeds, and fennel seeds on a small rimmed baking sheet. Toast alongside sweet potatoes until golden brown, about 4 minutes. Let cool, then transfer to spice mill or mortar and pestle and coarsely grind. Set dukkah aside. Whisk remaining 2 Tbsp. oil, 2 Tbsp. harissa, and 1 Tbsp. vinegar in a small bowl. Remove sweet potatoes from oven and brush with oil mixture. Sprinkle with reserved dukkah. Dukkah can be made 3 days ahead. Store airtight at room temperature.
['2/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp. harissa paste', '2 Tbsp. white wine vinegar, divided', '3 1/4 lb. medium sweet potatoes, peeled', 'Kosher salt', '3 Tbsp. raw pistachios', '2 tsp. sesame seeds', '1 tsp. fennel seeds', 'A spice mill or mortar and pestle']
Glazed and Flaky Apple Tart
['1/2 cup sliced almonds', '6 medium sweet-tart apples (such as Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, or Winesap)', '1 lemon, halved', '1/2 cup pure maple syrup', '1/4 cup brandy, preferably apple', '2 tsp. vanilla extract', 'Pinch of kosher salt', '2 Tbsp. raw sugar, divided', '1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting', '1 large egg, beaten to blend', 'Shortcut Puff Pastry', 'Vanilla ice cream (for serving)']
Place a rack in middle of oven; preheat to 350°F. Toast almonds on a rimmed baking sheet, tossing once, until golden brown, 6–8 minutes. Let cool. Reduce oven temperature to 275°F. Peel apples; cut in half. Using a melon baller or teaspoon, scoop out cores. Rub cut sides of lemon all over apples, then place apples cut side down in a 13x9" baking dish. Squeeze lemon halves over and add maple syrup, brandy, vanilla, and salt. Cover tightly with foil and bake until juices are bubbling and apples are tender but still intact (poke through foil with a tester or toothpick to check), 60–80 minutes. Uncover and let cool. Increase oven temperature to 400°F. Meanwhile, toss almonds, 1 Tbsp. raw sugar, and 1 Tbsp. flour in a small bowl; set aside. Let puff pastry sit at room temperature about 4 minutes to soften slightly. Roll out on a lightly floured sheet of parchment paper, dusting with more flour as needed to prevent sticking and rotating once or twice, to a 16x12" rectangle. Slide parchment paper with pastry onto a large rimmed baking sheet. Trim around sides to straighten and tidy edges, then cut off a 1" strip from each side (you’ll have 4 strips). Brush around edge of rectangle with egg, then place strips on top, aligning with edges. Trim any overhang from corners. Brush rim you just created with egg and sprinkle with remaining 1 Tbsp. raw sugar. Scatter reserved almond mixture over pastry, staying inside the rim. Gently arrange apples on top of almond mixture; reserve juices left in dish. Chill tart 15 minutes. Bake tart 20 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F and continue to bake until pastry is deep golden brown and puffed, 45–55 minutes. Meanwhile, scrape reserved apple juices into a small saucepan and cook over medium heat, swirling pan often, until syrupy (you should have 2–4 Tbsp.), 6–8 minutes. Remove glaze from heat. Remove tart from oven and brush glaze over apples. Serve warm or room temperature with scoops of ice cream. Tart can be baked 10 hours ahead. Store loosely wrapped at room temperature. Reheat in a 250°F oven if desired.
['1/2 cup sliced almonds', '6 medium sweet-tart apples (such as Pink Lady, Honeycrisp, or Winesap)', '1 lemon, halved', '1/2 cup pure maple syrup', '1/4 cup brandy, preferably apple', '2 tsp. vanilla extract', 'Pinch of kosher salt', '2 Tbsp. raw sugar, divided', '1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting', '1 large egg, beaten to blend', 'Shortcut Puff Pastry', 'Vanilla ice cream (for serving)']
Cheesy Kale and Mushroom Strata
['13 oz. sourdough or country-style bread, cut into 1 1/2" pieces (about 7 cups)', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '8 oz. crimini mushrooms, sliced 1/4" thick', '2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '1 tsp. kosher salt, plus more', '1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper, plus more', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter, divided', '3 leeks, white and pale green parts only, halved lengthwise, sliced crosswise 1/4" thick', '1 bunch curly kale, ribs and stems removed, leaves torn into 2" pieces', '8 large eggs', '2 Tbsp. whole grain Dijon mustard', '2 1/2 cups whole milk', '5 1/2 oz. Gruyère or Comté cheese, coarsely grated, divided', '2 oz. Parmesan, finely grated, divided']
Preheat oven to 350°F. Toast bread in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet until beginning to dry out but not yet browned, 8–10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat oil in a 12" cast-iron skillet over medium-high. Arrange mushrooms in a single layer and cook, undisturbed, until lightly browned, about 3 minutes. Add garlic, season generously with salt and pepper, and cook, tossing and reducing heat if needed, until mushrooms are golden brown all over, about 2 minutes. Push to one side and melt 1 Tbsp. butter in center of skillet. Add leeks and season with salt and pepper. Cook, stirring often and mixing into mushrooms, until softened, about 5 minutes. Add kale by the handful, tossing to wilt slightly after each addition, and cook, tossing often, until all of the kale is mostly wilted, about 4 minutes. Transfer kale mixture to a medium bowl. Let skillet cool slightly, then wipe out and coat with remaining 1 Tbsp. butter. Whisk eggs, mustard, 1 tsp. salt, and 1/2 tsp. pepper in a large bowl until no streaks remain, then whisk in milk. Arrange half of bread in skillet. Cover with half of kale mixture, then top with half of Gruyère and half of Parmesan. Top with remaining bread and kale mixture; pour egg mixture over. Press down on strata with a spatula to help bread absorb egg mixture. Scatter remaining Gruyère and Parmesan over. Bake strata until golden brown and no liquid seeps out when a knife is inserted into the center, 35–40 minutes. Let cool slightly before serving. Strata can be baked 3 days ahead. Let cool completely; cover and chill.
['13 oz. sourdough or country-style bread, cut into 1 1/2" pieces (about 7 cups)', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '8 oz. crimini mushrooms, sliced 1/4" thick', '2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '1 tsp. kosher salt, plus more', '1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper, plus more', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter, divided', '3 leeks, white and pale green parts only, halved lengthwise, sliced crosswise 1/4" thick', '1 bunch curly kale, ribs and stems removed, leaves torn into 2" pieces', '8 large eggs', '2 Tbsp. whole grain Dijon mustard', '2 1/2 cups whole milk', '5 1/2 oz. Gruyère or Comté cheese, coarsely grated, divided', '2 oz. Parmesan', 'finely grated', 'divided']
Wild Rice Dressing
['1 cup pecans', '2 cups wild rice', 'Kosher salt', '1/4 cup red wine vinegar', '2 Tbsp. fresh orange juice', '2 Tbsp. honey', '1 garlic clove, crushed', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, divided, plus more for drizzling', '2 large leeks, white and pale green parts only, tough outer layer removed, halved lengthwise, thinly sliced crosswise', '12 oz. mushrooms (such as maitake, chanterelle, and/or oyster), torn or cut into large pieces', 'Freshly ground black pepper', '2 tsp. chopped thyme', '1/3 cup sliced chives']
Preheat oven to 350°F. Toast pecans on a rimmed baking sheet, tossing once, until slightly darkened and fragrant, 6–8 minutes. Let cool, then coarsely chop. Cook wild rice in a large pot of boiling salted water until most of the grains have split and all are tender, 40–50 minutes; drain and rinse under cold running water. Shake off as much water as possible and let cool. Meanwhile, whisk vinegar, orange juice, and honey in a large bowl to combine. Add garlic and let sit 10 minutes to infuse. Fish out garlic; discard. Add rice and toss to coat. Heat 1/4 cup oil in a large skillet over medium-high. Cook leeks, stirring occasionally, until tender and browned in spots, 8–10 minutes. Season with salt and transfer to bowl with rice; toss to coat. Wipe out skillet and heat another 1/4 cup oil over medium-high until just beginning to smoke. Arrange mushrooms in skillet in a single layer and cook, undisturbed, until undersides are golden brown, about 2 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, toss, and continue to cook, tossing often and reducing heat as needed to avoid scorching, until golden brown all over, about 3 minutes longer. Mix in thyme and immediately transfer to bowl with rice. Add pecans and chives and drizzle with more oil; toss once more. Rice can be cooked 1 day ahead. Let cool; cover and chill. Dressing can be made 3 hours ahead; store tightly wrapped at room temperature.
['1 cup pecans', '2 cups wild rice', 'Kosher salt', '1/4 cup red wine vinegar', '2 Tbsp. fresh orange juice', '2 Tbsp. honey', '1 garlic clove, crushed', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, divided, plus more for drizzling', '2 large leeks, white and pale green parts only, tough outer layer removed, halved lengthwise, thinly sliced crosswise', '12 oz. mushrooms (such as maitake, chanterelle, and/or oyster), torn or cut into large pieces', 'Freshly ground black pepper', '2 tsp. chopped thyme', '1/3 cup sliced chives']
Cranberry-Fig Sauce
['3 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 large shallot, finely chopped', '1 Tbsp. finely chopped rosemary', '1 lb. fresh (or frozen) cranberries', '6 oz. dried Turkish figs, coarsely chopped', '2/3 cup (packed) light brown sugar', '1/4 cup balsamic vinegar', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt, plus more', 'Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes']
Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Cook shallot and rosemary, stirring often, until shallot is starting to turn golden, about 4 minutes. Add cranberries, figs, brown sugar, vinegar, 1/2 tsp. salt, and red pepper flakes and increase heat to medium-high. Bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar, and cook, stirring often and reducing heat as needed to avoid scorching, until cranberries burst, juices are syrupy, and pan is visible when a wooden spoon is dragged across the bottom, 9–12 minutes. Let cool. Taste and season with more salt if needed. Sauce can be made 1 week ahead. Cover and chill.
['3 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 large shallot, finely chopped', '1 Tbsp. finely chopped rosemary', '1 lb. fresh (or frozen) cranberries', '6 oz. dried Turkish figs, coarsely chopped', '2/3 cup (packed) light brown sugar', '1/4 cup balsamic vinegar', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt, plus more', 'Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes']
Glazed Shallots with Chile and Thyme
['4 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 1/2 lb. medium shallots, peeled, halved if large', 'Kosher salt', '3 Tbsp. sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar', '3 large sprigs thyme, plus 1 tsp. thyme leaves for serving', '2 red Fresno chiles, halved lengthwise, seeds removed', '1 Tbsp. sugar']
Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat butter in a large skillet over medium, swirling until foaming subsides. Arrange shallots in a single layer in skillet, flat or cut side down where possible. Season well with salt and cook, undisturbed, until deep golden brown underneath, about 5 minutes. Turn and cook until deep golden brown on the other side, about 5 minutes. Add vinegar and 1 cup water, then add thyme sprigs, chiles, and sugar and swirl skillet to combine. Bring liquid to a boil; reduce heat so liquid is at a simmer. Transfer skillet to oven and roast shallots, turning halfway through, until sauce is reduced to a glaze and a paring knife easily slides through centers, 35–40 minutes. Taste and season with more salt if needed. Spoon shallots and glaze into a serving dish and top with thyme leaves. Shallots can be cooked 2 days ahead. Gently reheat in a large saucepan (or in the microwave in 30-second intervals) with a little water to loosen up glaze.
['4 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 1/2 lb. medium shallots, peeled, halved if large', 'Kosher salt', '3 Tbsp. sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar', '3 large sprigs thyme, plus 1 tsp. thyme leaves for serving', '2 red Fresno chiles, halved lengthwise, seeds removed', '1 Tbsp. sugar']
Pasta with Sausage and Arugula
['2 small red onions, sliced into 1/2"-thick wedges', '1 fennel bulb, sliced into 1/2"-thick wedges', '6 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '8 oz. hot or sweet Italian sausage (about 2 links), casings removed', '10 oz. gemelli, casarecce, or other medium pasta', '1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', '2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', '6 cups baby arugula', 'Finely grated Parmesan (for serving)']
Preheat oven to 425°F. Toss onions, fennel, and 2 Tbsp. oil on a rimmed baking sheet; season with salt and pepper. Spread out into a single layer. Pinch sausage into small pieces and scatter around onions and fennel. Roast until vegetables and sausage are cooked through and well browned, 25–30 minutes. Meanwhile, cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until al dente. Drain, reserving 1 cup pasta cooking liquid. Combine vegetables, sausage, and pasta in a large bowl. Add lemon zest, lemon juice, remaining 4 Tbsp. oil, and 1/4 cup reserved pasta cooking liquid and toss to coat, adding more pasta cooking liquid if needed, until sauce comes together and coats pasta. Toss in arugula. Divide pasta among plates and top with Parmesan. Season with more salt and pepper.
['2 small red onions, sliced into 1/2"-thick wedges', '1 fennel bulb, sliced into 1/2"-thick wedges', '6 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '8 oz. hot or sweet Italian sausage (about 2 links), casings removed', '10 oz. gemelli, casarecce, or other medium pasta', '1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', '2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', '6 cups baby arugula', 'Finely grated Parmesan (for serving)']
Burnished Potato Nuggets
['5 lb. russet potatoes, peeled, cut into 2" pieces', 'Kosher salt', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '1/4 cup vegetable oil', '8 garlic cloves, lightly crushed', '2 long sprigs rosemary']
Preheat oven to 425°F. Place potatoes in a large pot and pour in water to cover by 2". Season water generously with salt and bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Reduce heat and simmer gently until potatoes are tender on the outside but still very firm in the center, 8–10 minutes. Pour off water in pot, holding potatoes back. Toss potatoes just enough to rough up their outsides and give them a floury starchy coating (do not toss so vigorously that they fall apart); season with salt. Meanwhile, combine both oils in a large roasting pan and heat in oven 10 minutes. Carefully remove pan from oven; add potatoes, turning each one to coat and moisten exterior. Return pan to oven and roast potatoes, turning every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes. Toss in garlic and rosemary and cook until potatoes are deep golden brown on most of their sides, 8–10 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer potatoes to a platter and serve with roasted garlic and rosemary alongside.
['5 lb. russet potatoes, peeled, cut into 2" pieces', 'Kosher salt', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '1/4 cup vegetable oil', '8 garlic cloves, lightly crushed', '2 long sprigs rosemary']
Citrus Shrimp Rice Bowls
['1/2 cup fresh orange juice', '2 Tbsp. Sriracha', '1 Tbsp. honey', '2 tsp. soy sauce or tamari soy sauce', '1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil', '1 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp. fresh lime juice', '1 1/2 lb. jumbo or large shrimp, peeled, deveined', 'Kosher salt', '2 large oranges, preferably different varieties (such as Cara Cara or Valencia)', '2 Persian cucumbers, quartered lengthwise, sliced crosswise 1/2" thick', '4 scallions, thinly sliced', 'Steamed rice and sliced avocado (for serving)']
Whisk orange juice, Sriracha, honey, soy sauce, 1/4 cup oil, and 1 Tbsp. lime juice in a medium bowl. Set aside half of dressing in a small bowl for serving. Add shrimp to remaining sauce and toss to coat; season lightly with salt. Let sit, tossing occasionally, 15 minutes. Meanwhile, using a paring knife, remove peel and white pith from oranges, being careful not to remove too much of the flesh; discard. Slice oranges into 1/2"-thick rounds, then cut into 1" pieces. Transfer to a medium bowl and add cucumbers, scallions, and remaining 1 tsp. lime juice; toss to combine. Season with salt. Heat remaining 2 Tbsp. oil in a large skillet over high. Working in batches if needed, cook shrimp until charred in spots and cooked through, about 3 minutes per side. Divide rice among bowls. Top with shrimp, citrus salad, and avocado and drizzle with reserved dressing.
['1/2 cup fresh orange juice', '2 Tbsp. Sriracha', '1 Tbsp. honey', '2 tsp. soy sauce or tamari soy sauce', '1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil', '1 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp. fresh lime juice', '1 1/2 lb. jumbo or large shrimp, peeled, deveined', 'Kosher salt', '2 large oranges, preferably different varieties (such as Cara Cara or Valencia)', '2 Persian cucumbers, quartered lengthwise, sliced crosswise 1/2" thick', '4 scallions, thinly sliced', 'Steamed rice and sliced avocado (for serving)']
Chicken Soup with Charred Cabbage
['1 cooked chicken carcass (from a store-bought rotisserie or homemade roast chicken), plus 1 1/2 cups shredded skinless roast chicken meat', '8 oz. shiitake mushrooms, stems reserved, caps torn in half', '6 garlic cloves, crushed', '1 tsp. kosher salt, plus more', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '1 medium head of green cabbage (about 1 lb.), cored, sliced into 1/2"-thick ribbons', 'Freshly ground black pepper', 'Chili oil (for serving; optional)']
Bring chicken carcass, shiitake stems, garlic, 1 tsp. salt, and 8 cups water to a boil in a large pot, skimming foam from surface as needed. Cover pot and reduce heat to medium. Simmer 15 minutes. Strain broth through a fine-mesh sieve into a large bowl. Rinse out pot, then pour broth back in. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high. Cook mushroom caps, stirring occasionally, until golden brown and softened, 7–9 minutes. Transfer mushrooms to a plate; season with salt. Add cabbage to same skillet, press into an even layer, and cook, undisturbed, 2 minutes; season with salt. Turn cabbage with tongs, then continue to cook, undisturbed, until lightly charred and tender in some spots and still crisp in others, about 2 minutes. Add mushrooms, cabbage, and shredded chicken to broth and cook over medium heat just until chicken is warmed through, about 3 minutes. Season soup with salt and pepper. Divide among bowls and drizzle with chili oil if desired.
['1 cooked chicken carcass (from a store-bought rotisserie or homemade roast chicken), plus 1 1/2 cups shredded skinless roast chicken meat', '8 oz. shiitake mushrooms, stems reserved, caps torn in half', '6 garlic cloves, crushed', '1 tsp. kosher salt, plus more', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '1 medium head of green cabbage (about 1 lb.), cored, sliced into 1/2"-thick ribbons', 'Freshly ground black pepper', 'Chili oil (for serving; optional)']
Dry-Rubbed Roast Turkey
['1/2 cup Diamond Crystal or 1/4 cup plus 1 1/2 tsp. Morton kosher salt', '1 Tbsp. light brown sugar', '1 (12–14-lb.) turkey, neck reserved for gravy, giblets discarded, patted dry', '12 Tbsp. (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature, divided', '1/4 cup sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar', '2 Tbsp. honey', '4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce', '3 sprigs rosemary', '3 garlic cloves, crushed', '2 (2x1") strips orange zest']
Place salt and brown sugar in a medium bowl and work together with your fingers until incorporated. Place turkey on a wire rack set inside a rimmed baking sheet. (If you don’t have this setup, place your turkey on a V-shape rack set inside a large roasting pan.) Sprinkle dry brine all over outside and inside of turkey, patting to adhere and nudging some into crevices. You won’t need all of the dry brine, but it’s good to have extra since some of it will end up on the baking sheet as you season the turkey. Chill bird, uncovered, at least 12 hours and up to 2 days. Remove turkey from wire rack and rinse baking sheet and rack if needed (turkey will most likely release some liquid onto pan). Line baking sheet with 3 layers of foil and set rack back inside. Place turkey, breast side up, on rack and tuck wings underneath. Let turkey sit at room temperature 2–3 hours. Place an oven rack in middle of oven; preheat to 450°F. Using your fingers, loosen skin on breast. Work 4 Tbsp. butter under skin, spreading evenly over both breasts. Smear outside of turkey with another 4 Tbsp. butter. Tie legs together with kitchen twine and pour 1 cup water into baking sheet. Roast turkey, rotating pan halfway through, until skin is mostly golden brown all over, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, cook vinegar, honey, Worcestershire sauce, rosemary, garlic, orange zest, and remaining 4 Tbsp. butter in a small saucepan over medium heat until bubbling and slightly thickened, about 5 minutes. Reduce heat to lowest setting and keep glaze warm. Reduce oven temperature to 300°F and continue to roast turkey, brushing with glaze every 30 minutes and adding more water by 1/2-cupfuls as needed to maintain some liquid in baking sheet, until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of breast near the neck registers 150°F (don’t worry; the temperature will continue to climb while the bird rests), 65–85 minutes longer. Skin should be deep golden brown, shiny, and crisp. Transfer turkey to a cutting board and let rest at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour before carving.
['1/2 cup Diamond Crystal or 1/4 cup plus 1 1/2 tsp. Morton kosher salt', '1 Tbsp. light brown sugar', '1 (12–14-lb.) turkey, neck reserved for gravy, giblets discarded, patted dry', '12 Tbsp. (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature, divided', '1/4 cup sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar', '2 Tbsp. honey', '4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce', '3 sprigs rosemary', '3 garlic cloves, crushed', '2 (2x1") strips orange zest']
Dry-Rubbed Turkey Breast
['1 Tbsp. coriander seeds', '1 Tbsp. fennel seeds', '1 Tbsp. black peppercorns', '1/3 cup Diamond Crystal or 1/4 cup Morton kosher salt', '2 tsp. light brown sugar', '1 (6-lb.) skin-on, bone-in turkey breast, patted dry']
Coarsely grind coriander seeds, fennel seeds, and peppercorns in spice mill or with mortar and pestle. (If you don’t have either, you can always chop with a chef’s knife.) Place salt and brown sugar in a medium bowl and work together with your fingers until incorporated. Stir in ground spices. Place turkey on a wire rack set inside a rimmed baking sheet. (If you don’t have this setup, place your turkey on a V-shape rack set inside a large roasting pan.) Sprinkle dry brine all over both sides of turkey breast, patting to adhere. You won’t need all of the dry brine, but it’s good to have extra since some of it will end up on the baking sheet as you season the turkey breast. Chill, uncovered, at least 12 hours and up to 2 days. Remove turkey breast from wire rack and rinse baking sheet and rack if needed (turkey will most likely release some liquid onto pan). Line baking sheet with 3 layers of foil and set rack back inside. Place turkey breast back on rack and let sit at room temperature 2–3 hours. Place an oven rack in middle of oven; preheat to 450°F. Pour 1 cup water into baking sheet and roast turkey breast, rotating pan halfway through, until skin is mostly golden brown all over, about 30 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 300°F and continue to roast turkey breast, adding more water by 12-cupfuls as needed to maintain some liquid in baking sheet, until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of breast registers 150°F (don’t worry; the temperature will continue to climb while the turkey breast rests), 50–70 minutes longer. Skin should be deep golden brown and crisp. Transfer turkey breast to a cutting board and let rest at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour before slicing.
['1 Tbsp. coriander seeds', '1 Tbsp. fennel seeds', '1 Tbsp. black peppercorns', '1/3 cup Diamond Crystal or 1/4 cup Morton kosher salt', '2 tsp. light brown sugar', '1 (6-lb.) skin-on', 'bone-in turkey breast', 'patted dry']
Fall Spritz
['1.5 oz. Averna amaro', '6 oz. Basque-style dry hard cider (such as Isastegi Sagardo)', 'Orange twist (for serving)']
Pour amaro and cider into a glass filled with ice and stir to combine; garnish with orange twist.
['1.5 oz. Averna amaro', '6 oz. Basque-style dry hard cider (such as Isastegi Sagardo)', 'Orange twist (for serving)']
Broccoli Caesar
['2 oil-packed anchovy fillets (optional)', '1 garlic clove, thinly sliced', '1/4 cup fresh lemon juice', '2 tsp. Dijon mustard', 'Kosher salt', '1 large egg yolk or 2 Tbsp. mayonnaise', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '3 Tbsp. grated Parmesan, plus more shaved for serving', '2 medium heads of broccoli (about 1 1/2 lb.)', '1/4 head of savoy or Napa cabbage', 'Finely grated lemon zest (for serving)', 'Freshly cracked black pepper']
Using the side of a chef’s knife, mash anchovies, if using, and garlic on a cutting board until a smooth paste forms. Transfer paste to a large bowl and whisk in lemon juice, mustard, and a big pinch of salt. Add egg yolk (or mayonnaise) and whisk until smooth. Gradually add oil, whisking constantly until emulsified. Whisk in 3 Tbsp. grated Parmesan. Trim woody ends from broccoli stems, preserving as much stem as possible. Peel any thick stems to expose tender inner cores. Cut off florets as close to the dark green flowers as possible and break into bite-size pieces. Add to bowl with dressing. Starting at the floret ends of the stems, slice very thinly crosswise and add to bowl. Thinly slice cabbage crosswise (you should have about 2 cups) and add to bowl with broccoli. Toss until broccoli and cabbage are combined and evenly coated with dressing; season with salt. Let sit 10 minutes. Top salad with shaved Parmesan, some lemon zest, and a few healthy grinds of pepper. Dressing can be made 2 days ahead. Cover and chill.
['2 oil-packed anchovy fillets (optional)', '1 garlic clove, thinly sliced', '1/4 cup fresh lemon juice', '2 tsp. Dijon mustard', 'Kosher salt', '1 large egg yolk or 2 Tbsp. mayonnaise', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '3 Tbsp. grated Parmesan, plus more shaved for serving', '2 medium heads of broccoli (about 1 1/2 lb.)', '1/4 head of savoy or Napa cabbage', 'Finely grated lemon zest (for serving)', 'Freshly cracked black pepper']
Buttermilk Cornbread
['Nonstick vegetable oil spray', '2 cups all-purpose flour', '2 cups medium-grind cornmeal', '1/4 cup sugar', '1 Tbsp. baking powder', '2 1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '3/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '4 large eggs', '2 cups buttermilk', '1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted, slightly cooled']
Preheat oven to 400°F. Lightly coat a 13x9" baking dish with nonstick spray. Whisk flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking powder, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Whisk eggs, buttermilk, and butter in a medium bowl. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in egg mixture; stir into dry ingredients with a wooden spoon until combined. Scrape batter into prepared pan and smooth top. Bake cornbread, rotating dish halfway through, until a tester inserted into the center comes out clean, 20–25 minutes. Let cornbread cool slightly in dish, then cut crosswise into 4 large pieces. Transfer to a wire rack with a large spatula and let cool completely. Cornbread can be baked 2 days ahead. Store tightly wrapped at room temperature.
['Nonstick vegetable oil spray', '2 cups all-purpose flour', '2 cups medium-grind cornmeal', '1/4 cup sugar', '1 Tbsp. baking powder', '2 1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '3/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '4 large eggs', '2 cups buttermilk', '1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter', 'melted', 'slightly cooled']
Coconut-Apple-Ginger Dal
['2 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil', '1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper', '1/4 tsp. ground cumin', '1/4 tsp. ground turmeric', '1/2 large onion, finely chopped', '2 garlic cloves, finely chopped', '1 (3") piece ginger, peeled, finely chopped', '1 large apple (unpeeled), grated on the large holes of a box grater', '1 1/2 cups red lentils', '1 (13.5-oz.) can coconut milk', '2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', 'Plain yogurt, cilantro leaves, and toasted unsweetened coconut flakes (for serving)']
Heat oil in a large pot over medium-high. Cook cayenne, cumin, and turmeric, stirring, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add onion, garlic, and ginger and cook, stirring, until softened, about 3 minutes. Add apple and lentils and stir to coat. Stir in coconut milk and 2 1/2 cups water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until lentils are completely soft and dal is thick, 20–25 minutes. Add lime juice and season with salt and pepper. Divide dal among bowls and top with yogurt, cilantro, and coconut flakes; season with more pepper.
['2 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil', '1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper', '1/4 tsp. ground cumin', '1/4 tsp. ground turmeric', '1/2 large onion, finely chopped', '2 garlic cloves, finely chopped', '1 (3") piece ginger, peeled, finely chopped', '1 large apple (unpeeled), grated on the large holes of a box grater', '1 1/2 cups red lentils', '1 (13.5-oz.) can coconut milk', '2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', 'Plain yogurt', 'cilantro leaves', 'and toasted unsweetened coconut flakes (for serving)']
Radicchio Salad with Sour Cream Ranch
['1/3 cup sour cream', '1/3 cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt', '1 Tbsp. plus 1 1/2 tsp. sherry vinegar or apple cider vinegar', '5 garlic cloves, 1 finely grated, 4 crushed', '1 tsp. honey', '8 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', 'Kosher salt', '2 scallions, thinly sliced', '1/2 cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)', '1/2 lemon', '2 medium radicchio, preferably Castelfranco, leaves separated']
Mix sour cream, yogurt, vinegar, grated garlic, honey, and 5 Tbsp. oil in a small bowl; season dressing with salt. Heat remaining 3 Tbsp. oil in a medium skillet over medium. Add crushed garlic and scallions and cook, stirring often, until golden brown around the edges, about 4 minutes. Add panko and season with salt. Cook, stirring often, until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Finely grate lemon zest directly into pan and toss a few times to incorporate. Transfer breadcrumbs to paper towels to drain; let cool. Taste and season with more salt if needed. Place radicchio in a large bowl. Drizzle with dressing; toss gently to coat. Season with salt and scatter breadcrumbs over. Dressing and breadcrumbs can be made 2 days ahead. Cover and chill dressing. Store breadcrumbs airtight at room temperature.
['1/3 cup sour cream', '1/3 cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt', '1 Tbsp. plus 1 1/2 tsp. sherry vinegar or apple cider vinegar', '5 garlic cloves, 1 finely grated, 4 crushed', '1 tsp. honey', '8 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', 'Kosher salt', '2 scallions, thinly sliced', '1/2 cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)', '1/2 lemon', '2 medium radicchio', 'preferably Castelfranco', 'leaves separated']
Toasted Pecan Torte with Butterscotch Topping
['1 1/4 cup (2 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature, divided, plus more for pan', '1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for pan', '4 1/2 cups pecan halves', '2 1/4 tsp. baking powder', '1 3/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '1 cup granulated sugar', '1 Tbsp. finely grated orange zest', '3 large eggs, room temperature', '4 Tbsp. rum, divided', '1/2 cup (packed) dark brown sugar', '1 1/2 cups chilled heavy cream, divided', 'A 9"-diameter springform pan']
Place a rack in middle of oven; preheat to 350°F. Butter and flour pan. Toast pecans on a rimmed baking sheet, tossing once, until slightly darkened in color and fragrant, 12–15 minutes. Let cool. Pulse baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, 1 1/2 cups flour, and 2 1/2 cups pecans in a food processor until nuts are finely ground. Using an electric mixer on medium-high speed, beat granulated sugar, orange zest, and 1 cup butter in a large bowl, scraping down sides, until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Add eggs to bowl. Beat until combined and mixture is even fluffier, about 1 minute. Beat in 3 Tbsp. rum; stop mixer and add dry ingredients. Mix on low speed just until combined, then fold a few times with a rubber spatula, scraping bottom and sides of bowl, to ensure batter is evenly mixed. Scrape batter into prepared pan and smooth top. Bake torte until golden brown and a tester inserted into the center comes out clean, 45–50 minutes. Transfer pan to a wire rack and let torte cool in pan. Meanwhile, bring brown sugar, 1/2 cup cream, remaining 1/4 cup butter, and remaining 1 Tbsp. rum to a boil in a small saucepan over medium heat, stirring often, and cook until slightly thickened, about 3 minutes. Remove butterscotch from heat and stir in remaining 3/4 tsp. salt. Mix in remaining 2 cups pecans and let sit at room temperature, stirring occasionally,until butterscotch is cool but still pourable. Spread topping over torte. Whisk remaining 1 cup cream in a large bowl to medium peaks. Serve torte topped with dollops of whipped cream. Topping (without pecans) can be made 3 days ahead; cover and chill. Reheat over low before mixing in the nuts. Torte can be baked 1 day ahead; store tightly wrapped at room temperature.
['1 1/4 cup (2 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature, divided, plus more for pan', '1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for pan', '4 1/2 cups pecan halves', '2 1/4 tsp. baking powder', '1 3/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '1 cup granulated sugar', '1 Tbsp. finely grated orange zest', '3 large eggs, room temperature', '4 Tbsp. rum, divided', '1/2 cup (packed) dark brown sugar', '1 1/2 cups chilled heavy cream, divided', 'A 9"-diameter springform pan']
Shortcut Puff Pastry
['2 Tbsp. sugar', '1½ tsp. kosher salt', '2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for surface', '1 1/4 cups (2 1/2 sticks) chilled unsalted butter']
Whisk sugar, salt, and 2 1/2 cups flour in a large bowl to combine. Grate 1/2 cup butter on the large holes of a box grater directly into bowl (work quickly so the butter doesn’t soften too much in your hands). Thinly slice remaining 3/4 cup butter and add to bowl. Toss to coat butter, then quickly smash slices with your fingers into smaller, flatter pieces. Gradually drizzle in 7 Tbsp. ice water, tossing constantly with a fork to distribute. Using your hands, knead dough a couple of times in bowl to bring together in large clumps. Transfer clumps to a piece of plastic wrap, leaving dry bits behind. Toss dry bits in bowl, drizzling in more ice water by the teaspoonful as needed, until they hold together when squeezed in your hand (it will be very dry, which is normal). Add to dough on plastic and wrap tightly, forming into a 6" square. Flatten, pushing dough into corners and pressing out any air pockets. Chill 2 hours. Let dough sit at room temperature about 4 minutes to soften. Roll out on a lightly floured surface into a long rectangle about 1/4" thick. Fold into thirds like a letter and rotate 90°F. Repeat rolling and folding process, dusting with more flour as needed. Rewrap tightly and chill at least 30 minutes before using. Dough can be made 2 days ahead. Keep chilled.
['2 Tbsp. sugar', '1½ tsp. kosher salt', '2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for surface', '1 1/4 cups (2 1/2 sticks) chilled unsalted butter']
Sunday Stash Braised Beef
['5 lb. boneless beef short ribs or Denver steaks', '1 Tbsp. plus 2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 Tbsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1 Tbsp. (or more) canola or vegetable oil', '5 garlic cloves, crushed', '2 Tbsp. tomato paste', '1/2 cup red or white wine vinegar', '1 1/2 cups (or more) beef or chicken stock', '4 dried bay leaves']
Season beef on all sides with salt and pepper. Let sit at room temperature at least 45 minutes or up to 1 hour. Preheat oven to 275°F. Heat 1 Tbsp. oil in a large Dutch oven over medium-high. Working in batches and adding more oil if needed, sear meat until browned on all sides, 4–5 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate. Add garlic and tomato paste to hot pot and stir to coat. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring, until fragrant, 1–2 minutes. Add vinegar and scrape up browned bits from bottom of pot. Stir in stock and bay leaves, then nestle short ribs back into pot. The liquid should just cover the meat; if it doesn’t, add more stock or water until it does. Transfer to oven and braise until meat falls apart easily when shredded with a fork, 3 1/2–4 hours. Let cool in liquid. Do Ahead: Beef can be cooked up to 5 days ahead. Store in braising liquid (to keep it from drying out) in an airtight container and chill, or freeze up to 2 months. Before reheating, break off and discard fat cap that forms on top. Cooks’ Note: To cook in a slow cooker, transfer to a slow cooker instead of oven and cook on high for 4 hours or on low for 8 hours.
['5 lb. boneless beef short ribs or Denver steaks', '1 Tbsp. plus 2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 Tbsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1 Tbsp. (or more) canola or vegetable oil', '5 garlic cloves, crushed', '2 Tbsp. tomato paste', '1/2 cup red or white wine vinegar', '1 1/2 cups (or more) beef or chicken stock', '4 dried bay leaves']
Charred Steak and Broccolini with Cheese Sauce
['2 (1 1/2"–2" thick) boneless New York strip steaks', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '2 1/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '2 bunches broccolini (about 1 lb. total), trimmed, halved lengthwise', '1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '3 oz. coarsely grated Gruyère (about 1½ cups)', '3 oz. cream cheese, cut into pieces', '3/4 cup whole milk', '1/4 tsp. freshly grated or ground nutmeg', 'Large pinch of cayenne pepper', 'Flaky sea salt']
Preheat oven to 450°F. Season steaks all over with pepper and 1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt. Let sit 10 minutes. Meanwhile, toss broccolini, oil, and 1/2 tsp. kosher salt on a rimmed baking sheet to combine. Spread out in a single layer and set aside. Using tongs if needed, hold both steaks together fat cap side down in a large ovenproof skillet, then set over high heat. Cook until pan is coated in fat, about 4 minutes. Lay steaks flat and continue to sear until deeply browned, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer skillet to oven and roast steaks until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part registers 120°F for medium-rare, 6–8 minutes. Transfer to a cutting board and let rest 10 minutes before slicing. While steaks are resting, roast reserved broccolini until crisp-tender and lightly charred, about 10 minutes. Heat cheese, cream cheese, milk, nutmeg, cayenne, and remaining 1/4 tsp. kosher salt in a medium saucepan over medium, whisking constantly, until a smooth sauce forms, about 5 minutes. Divide sauce among plates. Top with broccolini and steaks; sprinkle with sea salt.
['2 (1 1/2"–2" thick) boneless New York strip steaks', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '2 1/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '2 bunches broccolini (about 1 lb. total), trimmed, halved lengthwise', '1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '3 oz. coarsely grated Gruyère (about 1½ cups)', '3 oz. cream cheese, cut into pieces', '3/4 cup whole milk', '1/4 tsp. freshly grated or ground nutmeg', 'Large pinch of cayenne pepper', 'Flaky sea salt']
Skillet Dressing with Cornbread and Biscuits
['1 1/2 cups fine-grind white cornmeal', '1/2 cup all-purpose flour', '1 Tbsp. sugar', '1 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. baking soda', '1 tsp. kosher salt', '1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1 large egg', '2 cups buttermilk', '1/4 cup grapeseed, vegetable, or other neutral oil', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter, plus more for pan', '1 large onion, finely chopped', '3 large celery stalks, finely chopped', '2 1/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '4 biscuits (about 12 oz. total), such as Fluffy Cathead Biscuits', '2 Tbsp. ground dried sage', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '3 large eggs', '3 1/2 cups turkey stock or low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth', '1/4 cup apple cider vinegar']
Place a large cast-iron skillet in oven; preheat to 425°F. Whisk cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and pepper in a large bowl to combine. Whisk egg, buttermilk, and oil in a medium bowl to combine. Create a well in dry ingredients. Pour buttermilk mixture into well and whisk until no dry spots remain. Remove cast-iron skillet from oven (be careful; pan will be very hot). Add butter to pan and swirl to coat. Pour batter into pan and spread evenly. Bake cornbread until edges are golden brown and top is golden, 20–25 minutes. Immediately turn cornbread out onto a wire rack so bottom stays crisp. Let cool slightly, then invert onto another wire rack and let cool completely. Do Ahead: Cornbread can be baked 5 days ahead. Store tightly wrapped at room temperature, or freeze up to 3 months. Preheat oven to 375°F. Butter a large cast-iron skillet; set aside. Melt remaining 2 Tbsp. butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onion, celery, and a pinch of salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are softened and just starting to take on some color, about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, tear cornbread into roughly 1" pieces and transfer to a large bowl. Tear biscuits into slightly smaller pieces and add to same bowl. Scrape vegetable mixture into bowl with bread and add sage, pepper, and remaining 2 tsp. salt. Gently toss to combine. Whisk eggs, stock, and vinegar in a medium bowl to combine. Drizzle over cornbread mixture and gently toss again to incorporate. Spoon dressing into prepared pan and bake until set and browned and crisp across the top, 45–55 minutes. Do Ahead: Dressing can be baked 1 day ahead. Let cool, then cover with foil and chill. Reheat in a 350°F oven, covered, until warmed through, 25–30 minutes, before serving.
['1 1/2 cups fine-grind white cornmeal', '1/2 cup all-purpose flour', '1 Tbsp. sugar', '1 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. baking soda', '1 tsp. kosher salt', '1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1 large egg', '2 cups buttermilk', '1/4 cup grapeseed, vegetable, or other neutral oil', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter, plus more for pan', '1 large onion, finely chopped', '3 large celery stalks, finely chopped', '2 1/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '4 biscuits (about 12 oz. total), such as Fluffy Cathead Biscuits', '2 Tbsp. ground dried sage', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '3 large eggs', '3 1/2 cups turkey stock or low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth', '1/4 cup apple cider vinegar']
Sheet-Pan Cider-Ricotta Pancakes with Pear Compote
['4 Bartlett pears (about 2 lb.), coarsely chopped', '1/4 cup unsweetened apple cider', '3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', '3 Tbsp. honey', '3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1/4 tsp. kosher salt', 'Butter or nonstick vegetable oil spray (for pan)', '1 cup old-fashioned oats', '1 1/2 cups unsweetened apple cider', '2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour', '3 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. baking soda', '1 tsp. kosher salt', '4 large eggs', '2 1/2 cups whole-milk ricotta', '1/4 cup honey', '1 Tbsp. finely grated lemon zest', 'Powdered sugar (optional, for serving)']
Combine pears, cider, lemon juice, honey, cinnamon, and salt in a medium saucepan. Cover and heat over medium-high. When mixture starts to boil (about 5 minutes), stir and reduce heat to medium-low. Cover again and simmer, uncovering and stirring occasionally, until pears are softened, about 15 minutes. Using a potato masher, mash until pears are a chunky purée. Continue to cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until liquid is mostly evaporated and compote is the consistency of chunky applesauce, 25–30 minutes. Let cool. Do Ahead: Compote can be made 5 days ahead. Transfer to an airtight container and chill. Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter an 18x13" rimmed sheet pan. Line with parchment, then butter parchment. Mix oats and cider in a medium bowl. Whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in another medium bowl to combine. Whisk eggs, ricotta, honey, and lemon zest in a large bowl to combine, making sure eggs are fully incorporated. Add one-third of dry ingredients to egg mixture and whisk to combine. Add half of cider mixture to egg mixture and whisk again. Add half of remaining dry ingredients and whisk to combine. Add remaining cider mixture and whisk to combine yet again. Using a rubber scraper, fold remaining dry ingredients into batter just until combined. Pour batter into prepared pan and spread evenly into corners with a spatula. Dollop tablespoonfuls of pear compote across top of batter. Stick a butter knife or skewer straight down into batter and drag through compote in a figure-eight motion to create a swirling pattern. Bake pancake until top is golden brown and center springs back when pressed with a finger, 35–40 minutes. Let pancake cool at least 10 minutes. Dust with powdered sugar, if using, then cut into 16 pieces. Do Ahead: Pancakes can be made 5 days ahead. Transfer to an airtight container and chill, or freeze up to 3 months. To reheat, heat sliced pancake in a toaster oven until warmed through, about 8 minutes (10 minutes if frozen); or wrap in a damp paper towel and microwave about 30 seconds (60 seconds if frozen).
['4 Bartlett pears (about 2 lb.), coarsely chopped', '1/4 cup unsweetened apple cider', '3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', '3 Tbsp. honey', '3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1/4 tsp. kosher salt', 'Butter or nonstick vegetable oil spray (for pan)', '1 cup old-fashioned oats', '1 1/2 cups unsweetened apple cider', '2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour', '3 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. baking soda', '1 tsp. kosher salt', '4 large eggs', '2 1/2 cups whole-milk ricotta', '1/4 cup honey', '1 Tbsp. finely grated lemon zest', 'Powdered sugar (optional', 'for serving)']
Vegetarian Skillet Stuffed Shells
['18 jumbo pasta shells (about 6 oz.)', '1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt, divided, plus more', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '1/2 lb. crimini mushrooms, thinly sliced', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1/2 cup dry white wine or vermouth', '5 oz. baby spinach', '6 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '3 cups marinara sauce', '1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '2 cups whole-milk ricotta', '3 oz. finely grated Parmesan (about 1 cup), plus more for serving', '3 Tbsp. finely chopped oregano, divided']
Cook shells in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until very al dente, about 9 minutes; drain. Run under cold water to stop the cooking; drain again. Meanwhile, heat oil in a large skillet over high. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally, until they release juices, then are dry again and nicely browned, 5–6 minutes; season with black pepper and 1 tsp. salt. Reduce heat to medium, add wine, and cook, stirring, until reduced by half, 1–2 minutes. Add spinach, cover, and cook until beginning to wilt, 1–2 minutes. Uncover and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until spinach is completely wilted and most of the liquid is evaporated, 2–4 minutes more. Transfer mushroom mixture to a large bowl; reserve skillet. Cook garlic and butter in reserved skillet over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until garlic is fragrant and beginning to brown, 2–3 minutes. Add marinara sauce and red pepper and bring to a simmer over low heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until warmed through, 6–8 minutes. While sauce cooks, add ricotta, 3 oz. Parmesan, 2 Tbsp. oregano, and remaining 1/2 tsp. salt to mushroom mixture and stir to combine. Spoon about 2 Tbsp. ricotta mixture into each shell. The shell should be filled to capacity but not overstuffed. Nestle stuffed shells into hot sauce in skillet. Cover and cook over medium heat until shells are warmed through, 4–6 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit 5 minutes. Sprinkle with Parmesan and remaining 1 Tbsp. oregano.
['18 jumbo pasta shells (about 6 oz.)', '1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt, divided, plus more', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '1/2 lb. crimini mushrooms, thinly sliced', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1/2 cup dry white wine or vermouth', '5 oz. baby spinach', '6 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '3 cups marinara sauce', '1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '2 cups whole-milk ricotta', '3 oz. finely grated Parmesan (about 1 cup), plus more for serving', '3 Tbsp. finely chopped oregano', 'divided']
Mushroom and Kale Breakfast Skillet
['1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '1 tsp. cumin seeds', '1/2 tsp. coriander seeds', '1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '2 medium onions, halved, sliced lengthwise into 1/4"-thick strips', '1 lb. mixed wild or crimini mushrooms, sliced 1/4" thick', '1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes', '2 Tbsp. red or white wine vinegar', '1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 bunch curly kale, stems removed, torn into small pieces', '8 large eggs', 'Flaky sea salt, chopped parsley and/or cilantro, Aleppo-style pepper (optional), and lemon wedges (for serving)']
Heat oil in a 12" skillet over medium-high. Crush cumin, coriander, and red pepper with a mortar and pestle or heavy skillet. Add to hot oil in skillet and stir to coat. Add onions and mushrooms and cook, stirring often, until softened and lightly browned, 6–8 minutes. Add tomatoes, vinegar, and 1 tsp. kosher salt and stir to combine. Add kale, cover skillet, and cook, uncovering and tossing occasionally, until kale is wilted, 4–6 minutes. Season with remaining 1/2 tsp. kosher salt. Make 8 indentations in vegetable mixture. Carefully crack an egg into each. Cover skillet and cook over medium-low heat, rotating skillet on burner halfway through to ensure even cooking, until egg whites are opaque and just set, 8–10 minutes. Top with sea salt, herbs, and Aleppo-style pepper (if using). Squeeze lemon juice over.
['1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '1 tsp. cumin seeds', '1/2 tsp. coriander seeds', '1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '2 medium onions, halved, sliced lengthwise into 1/4"-thick strips', '1 lb. mixed wild or crimini mushrooms, sliced 1/4" thick', '1 pint cherry or grape tomatoes', '2 Tbsp. red or white wine vinegar', '1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 bunch curly kale, stems removed, torn into small pieces', '8 large eggs', 'Flaky sea salt', 'chopped parsley and/or cilantro', 'Aleppo-style pepper (optional)', 'and lemon wedges (for serving)']
Smoky Beans and Greens on Toast
['4 (1-inch-thick) slices crusty country bread', '2 tablespoons olive oil', '4 ounces (about 4 strips) smoked bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces', '1 medium onion, thinly sliced', '3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '2 teaspoons smoked paprika, plus more for dusting', '1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves (optional)', '1 teaspoon red pepper flakes', 'Kosher salt', '1 large bunch or 2 small bunches (about 8 ounces total) lacinato kale, stems re-moved and leaves torn into medium-size pieces, washed, and shaken dry (there should be a little water still clinging to the leaves)', '3 1/2 cups drained Cannellini Beans with Sweet Paprika and Garlic or 2 (15-ounce) cans white beans, rinsed and drained', '2 cups bean broth or water']
Heat a large, heavy (preferably cast-iron) skillet over medium. Brush the bread on both sides with the olive oil. Lay the bread in the skillet and cook, pressing occasionally with a spatula, until crisp and golden brown, about 90 seconds per side. (If your slices are large, you may have to do this in two batches.) Set the bread aside. Heat a Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium-high heat. Add the bacon and cook, stirring frequently, until it has browned a little and rendered at least a tablespoon of fat, about 4 minutes. Add the onion and cook, stirring, until it has softened and turned golden, about 4 minutes. Add the garlic, paprika, thyme (if using), red pepper flakes, and, if you’re using canned beans, 1 teaspoon kosher salt and cook, stirring, for a minute or two. Add the slightly wet kale in batches, using tongs to stir the leaves into the onion mixture; wait for one handful of kale to wilt and shrink before adding the next. When the last of the greens has been added, add the beans and broth. Raise the heat and let the beans and greens simmer for a minute or two, just to warm the beans and bring the flavors together. Taste and add more kosher salt if necessary. Serve the greens and beans over the toast in wide, shallow bowls, dusted with a little more smoked paprika.
['4 (1-inch-thick) slices crusty country bread', '2 tablespoons olive oil', '4 ounces (about 4 strips) smoked bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces', '1 medium onion, thinly sliced', '3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '2 teaspoons smoked paprika, plus more for dusting', '1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves (optional)', '1 teaspoon red pepper flakes', 'Kosher salt', '1 large bunch or 2 small bunches (about 8 ounces total) lacinato kale, stems re-moved and leaves torn into medium-size pieces, washed, and shaken dry (there should be a little water still clinging to the leaves)', '3 1/2 cups drained Cannellini Beans with Sweet Paprika and Garlic or 2 (15-ounce) cans white beans, rinsed and drained', '2 cups bean broth or water']
Roasted Cauliflower with Sesame
['1 head of cauliflower, broken by hand into florets', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 teaspoons salt', '1 teaspoon ground coriander', '1 teaspoon dried oregano', 'Freshly ground black pepper to taste', '2 tablespoons tahini', '1 tablespoon white miso', '2 teaspoons red wine vinegar', '1 1/2 tablespoons water', '3 tablespoons toasted white sesame seeds']
Preheat the oven to 450°F. In a large mixing bowl, combine the cauliflower, oil, salt, coriander, oregano, and pepper and toss well to evenly coat the cauliflower with the oil and spices. Transfer to a sheet pan and arrange in an even layer, making spaces between the pieces as much as possible. Roast the cauliflower in the oven for 20 minutes, turning the tray and lightly tossing the pieces halfway through. While the cauliflower roasts, combine the tahini, miso, vinegar, and 1 1/2 tablespoons water in a small mixing bowl, and whisk until smooth. Once the cauliflower is done, remove it from the oven, transfer to a mixing bowl, and toss with the sauce and sesame seeds to coat evenly.
['1 head of cauliflower, broken by hand into florets', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 teaspoons salt', '1 teaspoon ground coriander', '1 teaspoon dried oregano', 'Freshly ground black pepper to taste', '2 tablespoons tahini', '1 tablespoon white miso', '2 teaspoons red wine vinegar', '1 1/2 tablespoons water', '3 tablespoons toasted white sesame seeds']
Ricotta Filo Cake
['90g butter', '200g fillo pastry sheets', '500g ricotta', '3 eggs', '3 egg yolks', '2 Tbsp honey', 'A pinch of ground cinnamon', '50g granulated sugar', '75g candied citrus peel', '75g golden raisins', 'Finely grated zest of a lemon', 'Finely grated zest of an orange', '2 level Tbsp all-purpose flour', 'Vanilla extract', '70g ground almonds', '3 Tbsp honey', '3 Tbsp chopped candied citrus peel', "Confectioners' sugar", 'You will also need a 20cm (8-inch) tart tin with a removable base.']
Set the oven at 350°F/180°C/Gas 4. Melt the butter in a small pan. Place a baking sheet in the oven. Line the tart tin with a double sheet of filo, letting it fall over the edges. Brush with some of the butter, then continue with all the sheets of filo, letting the pastry overhang the tin where necessary and generously brushing them with butter as you go. Put the ricotta, eggs, egg yolks, honey, cinnamon and granulated sugar into the bowl of a food mixer and combine to a smooth cream. Fold in the candied peel, raisins, finely grated citrus zest, flour, a capful of vanilla extract and, lastly, the ground almonds. Using a rubber spatula, scrape the mixture into the lined tin, smooth flat, then gently fold the overhanging pastry sheets to the middle, curling them over as you go to make loose rosettes of pastry. Bake for forty to fifty minutes, until the pastry is crisp and the filling lightly firm to the touch. Remove the cheesecake from the oven. Melt the honey in a small saucepan, stir in the candied peel, then spoon over the pastry. Dust with icing sugar and leave to cool before slicing.
['90g butter', '200g fillo pastry sheets', '500g ricotta', '3 eggs', '3 egg yolks', '2 Tbsp honey', 'A pinch of ground cinnamon', '50g granulated sugar', '75g candied citrus peel', '75g golden raisins', 'Finely grated zest of a lemon', 'Finely grated zest of an orange', '2 level Tbsp all-purpose flour', 'Vanilla extract', '70g ground almonds', '3 Tbsp honey', '3 Tbsp chopped candied citrus peel', '"Confectioners sugar"', 'You will also need a 20cm (8-inch) tart tin with a removable base.']
Roast Pumpkin with Dukkha and Pomegranate
['700g pumpkin or butternut squash', '4 Tbsp olive oil', '1 Tbsp coriander seeds', '1 Tbsp cumin seeds', '1 Tbsp hemp seeds', '2 Tbsp pumpkin seeds', '2 Tbsp sunflower seeds', '2 Tbsp dried thyme', '1 Tbsp sea salt', '1 Tbsp nigella seeds', '4 Tbsp slivered pistachios', 'A small pomegranate']
Set the oven at 400°F/200°C/Gas 6. Scoop out the seeds and fibers from the middle of the pumpkin or butternut squash. Slice the flesh into thin segments, each about 1cm thick. Lay the pieces out in a single layer on a baking sheet. Trickle over the olive oil and season with black pepper, then bake for about thirty minutes, until soft and translucent. In a dry frying pan, mix the coriander and cumin and toast over a low to moderate heat for a few minutes, until fragrant. Add the hemp, pumpkin and sunflower seeds and continue toasting for about five minutes, stirring regularly until all is golden. Stir in the thyme and salt, then grind the mixture using a pestle and mortar, cracking the seeds roughly. Keep the mixture rough and knobbly. Fold in the nigella seeds and pistachios. Break open the pomegranate and remove the seeds. When the pumpkin comes from the oven, scatter over the pomegranate seeds, about half the spice and seed mixture and serve. Store the remaining mixture in a jar until needed.
['700g pumpkin or butternut squash', '4 Tbsp olive oil', '1 Tbsp coriander seeds', '1 Tbsp cumin seeds', '1 Tbsp hemp seeds', '2 Tbsp pumpkin seeds', '2 Tbsp sunflower seeds', '2 Tbsp dried thyme', '1 Tbsp sea salt', '1 Tbsp nigella seeds', '4 Tbsp slivered pistachios', 'A small pomegranate']
Big Easy Pumpkin Beignets
['1 package active dry yeast', '1/2 cup very hot water', 'Pinch of kosher salt', '2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour', '3 large brown eggs', '1 tablespoon cooking oil (peanut, grapeseed, or coconut)', '1 cup canned pumpkin puree', '1/4 cup organic plain whole-milk kefir', 'Vegetable oil, for deep-frying (I use a mix of grapeseed and peanut oil)', '1/2 cup powdered sugar']
Dissolve the yeast in the hot water with the kosher salt. Combine the dissolved yeast with 1 cup of the flour and mix until smooth. Form the yeast/flour mixture into a ball and place in a large bowl. Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and set in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour. Use a fork to beat the eggs until frothy. Add the remaining 1 1/2 cups flour and the cooking oil, mixing well with a wooden spoon or whisk. Once the yeast/flour mixture has doubled in size, combine it with the egg/flour mixture. Stir in the pumpkin puree and kefir and mix until completely smooth. Let stand for 1 hour. The dough should be elastic and spring back when stretched. Pour 1 1/2 inches vegetable oil into a deep, straight-sided frying pan and heat the oil to 360°F. (You can test the temperature by dropping in a small amount of the batter. If it immediately starts to bubble and float, the temperature is correct.) Using a soup spoon or a large tablespoon, drop spoonfuls of dough into the hot oil. Fry until golden brown, about 1 minute per side. Use the spoon to baste the cooking dough with a bit of oil as they fry. Drain the beignets on paper towels, then use a small sieve to dust them with powdered sugar.
['1 package active dry yeast', '1/2 cup very hot water', 'Pinch of kosher salt', '2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour', '3 large brown eggs', '1 tablespoon cooking oil (peanut, grapeseed, or coconut)', '1 cup canned pumpkin puree', '1/4 cup organic plain whole-milk kefir', 'Vegetable oil, for deep-frying (I use a mix of grapeseed and peanut oil)', '1/2 cup powdered sugar']
Dried Fig and Marsala Tart
['500g dried figs', '50g golden raisins', '100ml dry Marsala', '100g natural raw granulated sugar', '50g butter', '175g cold butter', '225g all-purpose flour', '2 Tbsp natural raw granulated sugar', '2 large egg yolks', 'Heavy cream, ice cream, or crème fraîche', 'You will also need a 24cm round Tatin tin or shallow, non-stick cake tin with a fixed base.']
Set the oven at 400°F/200°C/Gas 6. Put the figs and raisins into a mixing bowl, pour over the Marsala and leave to stand for forty-five minutes, stirring occasionally. Cut the cold butter into small cubes and rub into the flour, either with your fingertips or using a food processor. Work until you have what looks like coarse, fresh breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar. Add the egg yolks to the butter and flour. Mix together until you have a soft dough, then turn out on to a floured board and knead briefly, for just a minute. Shape the dough into a smooth, fat cylinder. Wrap it in greaseproof paper or clingfilm and leave to rest in the fridge for thirty minutes. Place the Tatin mould or a frying pan over a moderate heat. (If you will be baking the tart in a cake tin, use a frying pan to make the caramel, otherwise you will damage your tin.) Add the Marsala from the dried fruit, leaving the fruit behind in the bowl, then add the sugar. Bring to the boil and leave to form a thin caramel. If you are using a Tatin mould, remove from the heat. If you are using a cake tin, pour the caramel from the frying pan into the tin. Cut the butter into small cubes and scatter it over the caramel. Place the plumped-up figs on the base of the tin in a single layer (neatly or not, as you wish), then scatter over the raisins, pushing them into any gaps. Roll out the pastry a little larger than the Tatin mould or cake tin. With the help of the rolling pin—it is very fragile—lift the pastry into the mould or tin, pressing it gently into place over the figs. Tuck in any overhanging pastry. Bake in the preheated oven for about thirty minutes, until the pastry is golden. Remove from the oven and leave to settle for ten to fifteen minutes. Place a large serving plate on top of the tart, then, using oven gloves, hold the tin and plate firmly and carefully turn them over, leaving the tart to slide out on to the plate. Serve warm with cream, ice cream or crème fraîche.
['500g dried figs', '50g golden raisins', '100ml dry Marsala', '100g natural raw granulated sugar', '50g butter', '175g cold butter', '225g all-purpose flour', '2 Tbsp natural raw granulated sugar', '2 large egg yolks', 'Heavy cream, ice cream, or crème fraîche', 'You will also need a 24cm round Tatin tin or shallow', 'non-stick cake tin with a fixed base.']
Clams with Chorizo, Leeks, Tomato, and White Wine
['2 tablespoons olive oil', '6 ounces best-quality fresh chorizo, thinly sliced', '1 or 2 medium leeks (white parts only), trimmed and sliced (about 2 1/2 cups)', '4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped, plus 2 garlic cloves, peeled and cut in half', 'Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste', '1 cup dry white wine', '1 (28-ounce) can crushed tomatoes', '4 dozen littleneck clams, scrubbed', '4 thick slices crusty sourdough bread']
In a large sauté pan, heat 1 tablespoon of the oil over medium-high heat, then add the chorizo and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon, until the chorizo has rendered its fat and is crisp and browned at the edges, 5 to 7 minutes. Add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil, the leeks, and chopped garlic and stir to coat the vegetables with the oil. Season with salt and pepper and continue to cook until the vegetables are tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in the wine, increase the heat to high, and cook until the wine is reduced by half. Add the tomatoes and let the mixture come to a high boil. Add the clams, working in batches if necessary to ensure that they’re in a single layer. Cover the pan and cook until the clams have opened. Discard any unopened clams. While the clams cook, toast the bread, then rub the surface of each piece of bread with the cut side of one of the remaining garlic cloves. Serve the hot clam mixture in a shallow serving bowl with the garlic toast alongside.
['2 tablespoons olive oil', '6 ounces best-quality fresh chorizo, thinly sliced', '1 or 2 medium leeks (white parts only), trimmed and sliced (about 2 1/2 cups)', '4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped, plus 2 garlic cloves, peeled and cut in half', 'Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste', '1 cup dry white wine', '1 (28-ounce) can crushed tomatoes', '4 dozen littleneck clams, scrubbed', '4 thick slices crusty sourdough bread']
Brodo di Parmigiano (Parmesan Broth)
['1 pound Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese rinds (see note)', '1 small, hard Italian sausage (5 to 7 ounces) such as Creminelli’s Sopressata, Casalingo, Barolo, or Wild Boar, sliced into 1-inch pieces (vegetarians: omit)', '2 yellow onions, peeled and coarsely chopped', '2 russet potatoes, coarsely chopped', '2 carrots, coarsely chopped', '1 garlic head, halved crosswise', '13 bay leaves', '11 fresh thyme sprigs', '1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns', '1 tablespoon kosher salt', '1 teaspoon juniper berries', '1 bunch fresh parsley']
Add everything but the parsley to a large stockpot with 3 quarts water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer so low you see only a bubble every 10 seconds or so. Maintain this simmer for 4 hours, stirring occasionally. Add the parsley and simmer for 1 more hour. Strain all of the solids out of the stock with a sieve over a bowl and use the broth immediately, or store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, or the freezer for up to 1 month. To make a soup-like pasta dish, boil the pasta directly in the broth along with greens such as kale, bok choy, or broccoli. To make a thicker sauce to coat noodles, simmer to reduce the brodo by half, then toss it with pasta just before serving.
['1 pound Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese rinds (see note)', '1 small, hard Italian sausage (5 to 7 ounces) such as Creminelli’s Sopressata, Casalingo, Barolo, or Wild Boar, sliced into 1-inch pieces (vegetarians: omit)', '2 yellow onions, peeled and coarsely chopped', '2 russet potatoes, coarsely chopped', '2 carrots, coarsely chopped', '1 garlic head, halved crosswise', '13 bay leaves', '11 fresh thyme sprigs', '1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns', '1 tablespoon kosher salt', '1 teaspoon juniper berries', '1 bunch fresh parsley']
Russian Deviled Eggs
['6 large brown eggs, hard-boiled, peeled, and halved lengthwise', '1/4 cup organic plain whole-milk kefir', '1 teaspoon wasabi paste', '1 tablespoon mayonnaise', 'Pinch of Maldon sea salt', '8 teaspoons (4 ounces) red caviar (red salmon roe)', 'Fresh dill or parsley, for garnish']
Remove the yolks from the eggs and place them in a bowl. Mash them with a fork, then add the kefir, wasabi paste, mayonnaise, and sea salt and mix well. Spoon the mixture back into the egg whites, topping each egg half with about 1 teaspoon of caviar. Arrange the deviled eggs on a platter and garnish with the fresh herbs.
['6 large brown eggs, hard-boiled, peeled, and halved lengthwise', '1/4 cup organic plain whole-milk kefir', '1 teaspoon wasabi paste', '1 tablespoon mayonnaise', 'Pinch of Maldon sea salt', '8 teaspoons (4 ounces) red caviar (red salmon roe)', 'Fresh dill or parsley', 'for garnish']
Stars Pappardelle
['1/2 batch dough (your choice of color, Green Pea Dough as shown)', 'Flour and semolina for dusting', '1/2 batch dough (your choice of color, Cacao Dough as shown)', 'Kosher salt', 'A star-shaped plunger cutter']
Choose which color of dough you want to be the background color for your stars and roll that dough to the third-thinnest setting on a pasta machine. Lightly dust a work surface with flour and place the pasta sheet on it. Using a star-shaped plunger cutter in any size you prefer, make star cutouts all over the sheet of pasta. I recommend spacing the star cutouts as close together as possible, because the sheet will get re-rolled and the stars will expand (doesn’t stars expanding blow your mind?). Cover this sheet with a kitchen towel. If you wish, save the tiny cutout stars to make pastina. Roll the second dough on a pasta machine until it is the same size as the sheet with the star cutouts. Uncover the cutout pasta sheet and moisten it slightly with a kitchen brush dipped in water or a damp paper towel. Taking care to cover the cutout sheet precisely, lay the newly rolled sheet over the cutout sheet. Use a rolling pin to sandwich the two sheets together, rolling both lengthwise and crosswise. Once you are sure the two sheets are sufficiently pressed together, use a bench scraper to carefully turn the pasta sheet over, revealing the star pattern. You may be able to make nips, tucks, and small adjustments at this point if you notice any bunching up of the pattern. Dust with flour as necessary to prevent sticking. Roll the sheet through the pasta machine again, starting on the widest setting. Reduce the rollers to the second-widest setting and roll the opposite end of the sheet through first this time. Alternating the sides of the sheet you put through the pasta machine will ensure that the stars don’t skew too much in one direction. Keep reducing the rollers until you’ve rolled the pasta sheet through the middle thickness on the pasta machine. Your stars will look wide! Don’t worry; we’re about to fix that. Lay the pasta sheet flat on your work surface and cut the whole sheet crosswise in 5-inch widths (or wider, up to the width of your pasta machine rollers). The star pattern has so far been skewed only side to side, making really wide stars, so now we’ll run the 5-inch sheets crosswise through the pasta machine, to stretch the stars back toward symmetry. Feed the 5-inch widths of pasta through the pasta machine crosswise this time, perpendicular to the direction you had been feeding them through initially. Watch the star pattern and stop sheeting at your desired thinness, depending on how stretched or skewed you want the stars. I suggest stopping at the second-or third-thinnest setting. Working with one sheet at a time, cut lengthwise strips 3/4 to 1 inch wide. Hang the noodles to rest on a pasta drying rack, dowel, or the back of a chair and repeat the process with the remaining pasta sheets. Let the pappardelle rest for 30 minutes hanging, then gently place them on a parchment-lined and semolina-dusted sheet pan. You can boil them at this point or wait up to 2 hours at room temperature before boiling. If you would like to cook them another day, after they are leathery to the touch and no longer sticky, store the pasta on a sheet pan covered with plastic wrap in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Increase the cooking time by 1 minute if working with refrigerated pasta. Boil in salted water for 2 minutes, drain, dress, and serve immediately.
['1/2 batch dough (your choice of color, Green Pea Dough as shown)', 'Flour and semolina for dusting', '1/2 batch dough (your choice of color, Cacao Dough as shown)', 'Kosher salt', 'A star-shaped plunger cutter']
Beet and Fig Salad with Candied Pecans
['1/2 cup pecans', '2 tablespoons honey', '2 pounds small red beets', '1 1/2 cups extra virgin olive oil', 'Maldon sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper', 'Juice of 1 lemon', '4 to 6 cups arugula', '1 pint fresh Black Mission figs', '1/2 cup Kefir Labneh']
Preheat the oven to 335°F. In a small ovenproof sauté pan, combine the pecans and honey and place in the oven. After 5 minutes, stir the pan to evenly coat the pecans with the now-melted honey. After another 5 minutes, stir again. After a final 5 minutes, remove the pan from the oven and empty the nuts out onto parchment paper, making sure to separate each nut so they don’t stick together once cool. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Slice the tops off the beets and wash the beets thoroughly. Toss the beets with enough olive oil to coat (about 1/2 cup) and a pinch each of sea salt and pepper. Place in a shallow roasting pan, add about 1/4 inch water to the pan, and cover with foil. Roast until a small knife easily pierces a beet, 45 to 60 minutes. When cool enough to handle, use your hands and a towel to slide the peels off under cold running water. Cut the beets into wedges and toss them with half of the lemon juice, a pinch of sea salt, and 1/2 cup olive oil. Set aside. In a bowl, toss the arugula with a pinch of sea salt and the remaining lemon juice and olive oil and divide among four plates. Add the figs to the bowl that had the arugula and toss with whatever dressing is still in the bowl (give them a good stir to coat). Arrange the figs atop the arugula. Add the beets and pecans to the plates in the same manner and garnish with small dollops of labneh.
['1/2 cup pecans', '2 tablespoons honey', '2 pounds small red beets', '1 1/2 cups extra virgin olive oil', 'Maldon sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper', 'Juice of 1 lemon', '4 to 6 cups arugula', '1 pint fresh Black Mission figs', '1/2 cup Kefir Labneh']
Instant Pot Beef and Sweet Potato Chili
['2 medium red onions', '4 oz. bacon, finely chopped', '1 lb. ground beef (20% fat)', '3 1/2 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '6 garlic cloves, peeled, smashed', '2 tsp. ground cumin', '1 tsp. smoked paprika', '3 Tbsp. harissa paste', '4 cups homemade beef stock or low-sodium beef broth', '1 1/2 lb. sweet potatoes, peeled, finely chopped', '1/2 lb. dried kidney beans', 'Sour cream, cilantro, and finely grated cheddar cheese (for serving)', 'An Instant Pot or pressure cooker']
Finely chop onions. Set aside 1/2 cup for serving. Place bacon in Instant Pot and cook on Sauté setting (or cook over medium-high heat in pressure cooker), stirring occasionally, until dark golden brown and most of the fat is rendered, 6–8 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer bacon to a medium bowl. Let pot heat up again for at least 2 minutes before adding beef; season with 2 tsp. salt. Cook, undisturbed, until browned underneath, 8–10 minutes. Break into bite-size pieces, then transfer to bowl with bacon. Add remaining chopped onion, garlic, cumin, and paprika to pot and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 5 minutes. Add harissa and cook, stirring constantly, until it starts to stick to bottom of pot, about 2 minutes. Add stock, potatoes, beans, and remaining 1/2 tsp. salt, stirring to combine. Return reserved bacon and beef to pot and stir again to combine. Lock lid and cook chili at high pressure 40 minutes. Let steam release naturally. Stir chili until most of the potatoes have broken down (they will thicken the chili in the process and become part of the liquid). If chili seems too thick, stir in a little bit of water or more stock to loosen. Taste and season with salt if needed. Divide chili among bowls. Top with sour cream, cilantro, cheese, and reserved onion.
['2 medium red onions', '4 oz. bacon, finely chopped', '1 lb. ground beef (20% fat)', '3 1/2 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '6 garlic cloves, peeled, smashed', '2 tsp. ground cumin', '1 tsp. smoked paprika', '3 Tbsp. harissa paste', '4 cups homemade beef stock or low-sodium beef broth', '1 1/2 lb. sweet potatoes, peeled, finely chopped', '1/2 lb. dried kidney beans', 'Sour cream, cilantro, and finely grated cheddar cheese (for serving)', 'An Instant Pot or pressure cooker']
Cacio e Pepe Pie
['Nonstick vegetable oil spray', '8 oz. coarsely grated Fontina cheese (about 2 cups)', '1 1/2 cups half-and-half', '4 oz. finely grated Parmesan and/or Pecorino Romano (about 1 cup), plus more for serving', '1 Tbsp. freshly ground black pepper, plus more', '1/2 cup plus 1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '12 oz. bucatini or spaghetti', '8 oz. ricotta', '3 large eggs', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling']
Preheat oven to 375°F. Lightly spray an 8" springform pan with nonstick spray. Wrap bottom tightly in foil to prevent any leaks and place on a rimmed baking sheet. Mix Fontina, half-and-half, 4 oz. Parmesan, 1 Tbsp. pepper, and 1 1/2 tsp. salt in a large bowl that can rest on rim of pasta pot without falling in. Fill pasta pot with 5 quarts water and add remaining 1/2 cup salt. Bring to a boil and cook pasta 4 minutes shy of package directions. Drain. While pasta is cooking, place bowl with cheese mixture over pot and whisk constantly until cheese is melted, 3–4 minutes. Remove from heat. Whisk in ricotta, then eggs and 2 Tbsp. oil. Add drained pasta to bowl and toss to coat. Transfer pasta to prepared pan, pressing down to compact lightly. Pour any leftover cheese mixture evenly over. Using tongs or a fork, pull up a few strands of pasta so they form loops just above surface of pie (these will get browned and give texture to the top). Bake pasta until cheese is bubbling and pie is golden brown on edges and sides, 35–45 minutes. Let cool 10–15 minutes before removing sides of pan. Slide a thin spatula underneath and around pie to help release it from pan, then transfer to a platter or cutting board. Top with Parmesan, a drizzle of oil, and a few cranks of pepper. Slice into wedges and serve warm.
['Nonstick vegetable oil spray', '8 oz. coarsely grated Fontina cheese (about 2 cups)', '1 1/2 cups half-and-half', '4 oz. finely grated Parmesan and/or Pecorino Romano (about 1 cup), plus more for serving', '1 Tbsp. freshly ground black pepper, plus more', '1/2 cup plus 1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '12 oz. bucatini or spaghetti', '8 oz. ricotta', '3 large eggs', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', 'plus more for drizzling']
Marbled Pumpkin-Maple Cheesecake Bars
['1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted, slightly cooled, plus more for pan', '10 oz. graham crackers (about 20)', '2 Tbsp. sugar', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '24 oz. cream cheese, room temperature, cut into small pieces', '4 large eggs, room temperature', '1 cup sugar', '2 tsp. vanilla extract', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '8 oz. sour cream, room temperature', '1/2 cup pure maple syrup', '1 (15-oz.) can pumpkin purée', '1 1 /2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice', '1/2 tsp. ground ginger']
Place a rack in center of oven; preheat to 350°F. Lightly butter a 13x9x2" metal baking pan. Line with parchment paper, leaving some overhang on long sides, then butter parchment. Pulse graham crackers in a food processor until fine crumbs form (you should have a generous 2 cups). Add sugar and salt and pulse just to combine. Add 1/2 cup butter and pulse until mixture is the consistency of wet sand. Transfer crumbs to prepared pan and press firmly into bottom with a measuring cup. Bake crust until fragrant and edges are just starting to take on color, 8–10 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool. Reduce oven temperature to 275°F. Beat cream cheese in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment on medium-high speed until smooth, about 2 minutes. Add eggs, sugar, vanilla, and salt and beat on low speed, occasionally scraping down sides of bowl, until incorporated. Add sour cream and maple syrup and beat until mixture is thick and creamy and no lumps remain. Scoop 3/4 cup filling into a small bowl and save for marbling later. Add pumpkin purée, pumpkin pie spice, and ginger to remaining batter and beat until no streaks remain. Remove bowl from mixer and tap on counter several times to force any air bubbles to the filling’s surface. Scrape filling into cooled crust; pop any air bubbles. Dollop reserved filling over pumpkin filling and swirl with a skewer or toothpick to marble. Bake cheesecake until edges are set but center still wobbles slightly when gently shaken (it will firm as it cools), 40–50 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack on stovetop and let cool (the warmth from the cooling oven will help it come to room temperature more slowly, keeping the top from cracking), about 3 hours. Chill cheesecake until cold and firm, 3–4 hours. Cut into bars or squares to serve. Do Ahead: Cheesecake can be made 2 days ahead. Cover and chill.
['1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted, slightly cooled, plus more for pan', '10 oz. graham crackers (about 20)', '2 Tbsp. sugar', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '24 oz. cream cheese, room temperature, cut into small pieces', '4 large eggs, room temperature', '1 cup sugar', '2 tsp. vanilla extract', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '8 oz. sour cream, room temperature', '1/2 cup pure maple syrup', '1 (15-oz.) can pumpkin purée', '1 1 /2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice', '1/2 tsp. ground ginger']
Turkey for Twenty
['3/4 cup Diamond Crystal or 7 Tbsp. Morton kosher salt', '2 Tbsp. light brown sugar', '1 Tbsp. freshly ground black pepper', '4 skin-on, bone-in turkey legs (thigh and drumstick attached) and 2 split skin-on, bone-in turkey breasts (about 16 lb. total; from two 10–12-lb. turkeys)', '4 sprigs rosemary plus 1/4 cup rosemary leaves', '4 small or 2 large sprigs sage plus 1/4 cup sage leaves', '4 sprigs thyme plus 1/4 cup thyme leaves', '1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, divided', '3 heads of garlic, halved crosswise, divided']
Mix salt, brown sugar, and pepper with your fingertips in a medium bowl to combine. Place turkey legs on a wire rack set inside a rimmed baking sheet. Place breasts on another wire rack set inside another rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle dry brine all over outside of turkey, patting to adhere and nudging into crevices (you won’t need all of the brine, but it’s good to have extra since some of it will fall onto the baking sheet). Chill, uncovered, at least 12 hours and up to 2 days. Transfer turkey pieces to a large platter and rinse baking sheets and racks (turkey will most likely release some liquid onto pans). Line each baking sheet with 3 layers of foil, then set wire racks back inside. Place turkey legs and breasts skin side up on separate racks. Let sit at room temperature 2–3 hours. Place oven racks in bottom and top third of oven; preheat to 450°F. Tie rosemary, sage, and thyme sprigs together with kitchen twine at bottom of stems so that they resemble an herb mop. Melt 1 Tbsp. butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook 2 garlic halves cut side down until golden brown, about 5 minutes. Add remaining butter and cook until melted. Reduce heat to low, add herb bundle stem side up, and cook, swirling pan occasionally, until butter is infused, about 15 minutes; discard garlic. Mix rosemary, sage, and thyme leaves in a medium bowl. Loosen skin on turkey breasts and thighs. Using your palm, nudge small handfuls of herb leaves between flesh and skin. Arrange remaining 4 garlic halves around turkey pieces. Pour 1 cup water into each pan. Using herb bundle, baste turkey and garlic with infused butter. Roast turkey, basting with herb bundle and rotating pans top to bottom and front to back every 20 minutes, until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of breast registers 150°F and thickest part of thigh registers 165°F, 40–50 minutes (some pieces may be done faster than others, so check more than one piece each time). Let turkey rest 30 minutes before carving. Serve with roasted garlic alongside.
['3/4 cup Diamond Crystal or 7 Tbsp. Morton kosher salt', '2 Tbsp. light brown sugar', '1 Tbsp. freshly ground black pepper', '4 skin-on, bone-in turkey legs (thigh and drumstick attached) and 2 split skin-on, bone-in turkey breasts (about 16 lb. total; from two 10–12-lb. turkeys)', '4 sprigs rosemary plus 1/4 cup rosemary leaves', '4 small or 2 large sprigs sage plus 1/4 cup sage leaves', '4 sprigs thyme plus 1/4 cup thyme leaves', '1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, divided', '3 heads of garlic', 'halved crosswise', 'divided']
Roasted Cauliflower with Parmesan-Panko Crumble
['1 cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)', '3 1/2 oz. finely grated Parmesan (about 1 cup)', '2 1/2 oz. coarsely grated sharp cheddar cheese (about 1 cup)', '2 Tbsp. plus 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted', '4 large heads of cauliflower, cored, outer leaves removed', '4 garlic cloves, finely grated', '3 Tbsp. thyme leaves (from about 1 bunch)', '20 large shallots, peeled, halved, quartered if very large, divided', '8 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '2 tsp. freshly ground pepper, divided', '1/2 cup chopped parsley', 'Lemon wedges (for serving)']
Arrange racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 450°F. Toss panko, Parmesan, cheddar, and 2 Tbsp. butter in a medium bowl until combined. Sprinkle evenly onto a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet. Bake on lower rack until cheese is melted and bubbling and panko is deep golden brown, 6–8 minutes. Let cool. Crumble into small pieces; set aside until ready to use. Meanwhile, cut cauliflower into 1/2"-thick steaks (it’s okay if the outside ends break apart). Whisk garlic, thyme, and remaining 1 cup butter in a medium measuring cup. Toss half of cauliflower, half of shallots, 1/2 cup butter mixture, 4 tsp. salt, and 1 tsp. pepper on a rimmed baking sheet until coated. Repeat with remaining cauliflower, shallots, 1/2 cup butter mixture, 4 tsp. salt, and 1 tsp. pepper on another rimmed baking sheet. Roast, tossing veggies and rotating sheets from top to bottom halfway through, until tender and browned, 45–55 minutes. Let cool slightly. Transfer to a platter. Top with reserved crumble and parsley. Serve with lemon wedges for squeezing over. Do Ahead: Uncrumbled panko mixture can be baked 1 day ahead. Wrap baking sheet with plastic and store at room temperature.
['1 cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)', '3 1/2 oz. finely grated Parmesan (about 1 cup)', '2 1/2 oz. coarsely grated sharp cheddar cheese (about 1 cup)', '2 Tbsp. plus 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, melted', '4 large heads of cauliflower, cored, outer leaves removed', '4 garlic cloves, finely grated', '3 Tbsp. thyme leaves (from about 1 bunch)', '20 large shallots, peeled, halved, quartered if very large, divided', '8 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '2 tsp. freshly ground pepper, divided', '1/2 cup chopped parsley', 'Lemon wedges (for serving)']
Spicy Cornbread Stuffing with Chorizo and Sweet Potatoes
['3 lb. cornbread, cut into 1" cubes (about 20 cups)', '2 lb. sweet potatoes, peeled, cut into 1/2" pieces (about 6 cups)', '2 Tbsp. kosher salt, divided, plus more', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', '2 lb. fresh chorizo, torn into small pieces', '2 large onions, chopped', '2 celery stalks, chopped', '2 Fresno chiles or jalapeños, chopped (optional)', '6 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '2 tsp. paprika', '3 tsp. freshly ground black pepper, divided', '2 bunches Tuscan kale, stemmed, torn into 2" pieces (about 12 cups)', '1 cup hard cider or dry white wine', '1/4 cup chopped sage', '6 large eggs, beaten to blend', '2 quarts homemade chicken stock or low-sodium chicken broth', '1/4 cup apple cider vinegar', '3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted, divided', 'A large roasting pan or large disposable aluminum roasting pan']
Place racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 350°F. Divide cornbread between 2 large rimmed baking sheets. Bake, tossing occasionally and rotating pans top to bottom halfway through, until beginning to brown in spots and dry out, 35–40 minutes. (Drying out the stuffing will help it absorb the eggs and stock without becoming mushy.) Let cool. Meanwhile, cook sweet potatoes in a large pot of boiling salted water until just beginning to soften but not fully cooked through, 7–9 minutes. Drain; transfer potatoes to a large bowl. Heat 2 Tbsp. oil in a large skillet over medium-high. Cook chorizo, breaking up with a wooden spoon, until lightly browned and slightly undercooked, about 5 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to bowl with sweet potatoes. Heat remaining 1 Tbsp. oil in same skillet over medium. Add onions, celery, chiles (if using), garlic, paprika, 1 Tbsp. salt, and 1 tsp. pepper and cook, stirring often, until vegetables are tender, about 15 minutes. Add kale in batches as it wilts, then cider and sage and cook, stirring occasionally, until liquid is almost completely evaporated, about 5 minutes. Transfer to sweet potato mixture and toss to combine. Whisk eggs, stock, and vinegar in a large bowl or pitcher; season with remaining 1 Tbsp. salt and 2 tsp. pepper. Brush large roasting pan with an even layer of melted butter. Spread one-third of cornbread pieces in pan. Top with half of sweet potato mixture and spread to evenly distribute. Drizzle one-third of egg mixture over. Repeat with another third of the cornbread, remaining sweet potato mixture, then another third of egg mixture. There will be a lot of liquid in the pan—don’t worry, it will become absorbed as the stuffing bakes. Top with remaining cornbread, then drizzle remaining egg mixture over. Brush top with remaining butter. Cover pan with foil and bake stuffing until heated through, about 45 minutes. Uncover and bake until surface is golden and crisp, 20–30 minutes longer. Do Ahead: Cornbread can be toasted 1 day ahead; store tightly wrapped at room temperature. Sweet potato, chorizo, and kale mixture can be cooked 1 day ahead; cover and chill.
['3 lb. cornbread, cut into 1" cubes (about 20 cups)', '2 lb. sweet potatoes, peeled, cut into 1/2" pieces (about 6 cups)', '2 Tbsp. kosher salt, divided, plus more', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', '2 lb. fresh chorizo, torn into small pieces', '2 large onions, chopped', '2 celery stalks, chopped', '2 Fresno chiles or jalapeños, chopped (optional)', '6 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '2 tsp. paprika', '3 tsp. freshly ground black pepper, divided', '2 bunches Tuscan kale, stemmed, torn into 2" pieces (about 12 cups)', '1 cup hard cider or dry white wine', '1/4 cup chopped sage', '6 large eggs, beaten to blend', '2 quarts homemade chicken stock or low-sodium chicken broth', '1/4 cup apple cider vinegar', '3/4 cup unsalted butter, melted, divided', 'A large roasting pan or large disposable aluminum roasting pan']
Pecan-Cranberry Galette
['3/4 cup all-purpose flour', '2 Tbsp. pecan halves', '1 Tbsp. granulated sugar', '1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1/4 tsp. kosher salt', '5 Tbsp. cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '1/2 cup dried cranberries', '1/3 cup whiskey or brandy', '1 large egg', '1/2 cup (packed) light or dark brown sugar', '2 Tbsp. butter, melted', '1/8 tsp. kosher salt', '1 cup pecan halves', 'All-purpose flour (for dusting)', 'Coarse or granulated sugar (for sprinkling)', 'Whipped cream, ice cream, or crème fraîche (for serving)']
Pulse flour, pecans, granulated sugar, cinnamon, and salt in a food processor until pecans are finely ground. Add butter and pulse until sandy. With the motor running, slowly pour in 1 Tbsp. cold water, then pulse until dough starts to clump together. Form into a ball with your hands. Tightly wrap in plastic and chill at least 1 hour or up to 2 days. Preheat oven to 350°F. Bring cranberries and whiskey to a boil in a small saucepan over medium heat (or microwave in a small heatproof bowl). Remove from heat and let sit 10 minutes. Strain cranberries through a fine-mesh sieve, discarding (or drinking) the booze. Whisk egg in a large bowl. Set aside about 1 tsp. beaten egg in a small bowl to use for brushing crust. Whisk brown sugar, butter, and salt into remaining egg in large bowl until smooth, then stir in cranberries and pecans. Let dough sit at room temperature 10 minutes. Roll out dough on a lightly floured work surface to an approximately 11" round. Don’t worry if your circle isn’t perfect or the edges are cracked—that’s okay. Transfer to a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet. Spoon filling onto center of dough, leaving a 2" border. Fold dough up and over filling, overlapping slightly and using parchment to help lift the dough. Brush dough with reserved egg wash, then sprinkle generously with coarse sugar. Chill for 10 minutes. Bake galette until filling is puffed and set and crust is golden brown, 25–30 minutes. If some of the filling leaks out, don’t worry—just trim that off before serving. Let galette cool slightly. Serve with whipped cream.
['3/4 cup all-purpose flour', '2 Tbsp. pecan halves', '1 Tbsp. granulated sugar', '1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1/4 tsp. kosher salt', '5 Tbsp. cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '1/2 cup dried cranberries', '1/3 cup whiskey or brandy', '1 large egg', '1/2 cup (packed) light or dark brown sugar', '2 Tbsp. butter, melted', '1/8 tsp. kosher salt', '1 cup pecan halves', 'All-purpose flour (for dusting)', 'Coarse or granulated sugar (for sprinkling)', 'Whipped cream', 'ice cream', 'or crème fraîche (for serving)']
Cheesy Corn Spoon Bread
['5 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '2 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped', '2 large eggs', '1 (14-oz.) can creamed corn', '3/4 cup fine-grind cornmeal', '6 Tbsp. sour cream', '1 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 cup coarsely grated Fontina cheese']
Preheat oven to 350°F. Melt butter with garlic in an 8" cast-iron skillet over medium heat. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until garlic is fragrant and starting to brown, about 4 minutes. Pour into a large bowl, leaving 1 Tbsp. butter in skillet; reserve skillet. Add eggs, corn, cornmeal, sour cream, baking powder, pepper, and salt to garlic butter and whisk to combine, then mix in Fontina. Scrape into reserved skillet and bake spoonbread until top is golden brown and center is just barely set, 25–30 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes before serving.
['5 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '2 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped', '2 large eggs', '1 (14-oz.) can creamed corn', '3/4 cup fine-grind cornmeal', '6 Tbsp. sour cream', '1 tsp. baking powder', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1/2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 cup coarsely grated Fontina cheese']
Roasted Carrot, Brussels Sprout, and Cranberry Salad
['4 medium carrots (about 8 oz.), sliced on a diagonal 1/4" thick', '1/4 tsp. smoked paprika', '1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', '3/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar', '1/4 cup dried cranberries', '1 tsp. poppy seeds', '6 oz. brussels sprouts, leaves separated']
Preheat oven to 350°F. Toss carrots, paprika, cayenne, 1 Tbsp. oil, and 1/2 tsp. salt on a rimmed baking sheet. Roast until carrots are tender and golden brown, about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, bring vinegar and 2 Tbsp. water to a boil in a small saucepan over medium heat (or microwave in a medium heatproof bowl). Remove from heat, add cranberries, and let sit 10 minutes. Strain cranberries through a fine-mesh sieve into a medium bowl; set cranberries aside. Pour out all but 1 Tbsp. soaking liquid from bowl and whisk in poppy seeds and remaining 1 Tbsp. oil and 1/4 tsp. salt. Add brussels sprout leaves, carrots, and reserved cranberries and toss to combine.
['4 medium carrots (about 8 oz.), sliced on a diagonal 1/4" thick', '1/4 tsp. smoked paprika', '1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper', '2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', '3/4 tsp. kosher salt, divided', '2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar', '1/4 cup dried cranberries', '1 tsp. poppy seeds', '6 oz. brussels sprouts', 'leaves separated']
Turkey for Two with Pan-Sauce Gravy
['1 split skin-on, bone-in turkey breast (about 2 lb.)', '2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1 Tbsp. vegetable oil', '2/3 cup dry white wine', '2 sprigs thyme', '1 sprig rosemary', '1 sprig sage', '2 garlic cloves, crushed', '1 tsp. cornstarch', '1 Tbsp. cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces']
Preheat oven to 350°F. Season turkey with salt and pepper. Let sit at room temperature at least 30 minutes or up to 1 hour, which will help the turkey cook more quickly and evenly. Heat oil in a 10" ovenproof skillet over high until just barely smoking. Sear turkey skin side down until deeply golden brown, about 5 minutes; transfer to a plate. Add wine to skillet, scraping up browned bits with a spatula, and cook until liquid is reduced by half, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat, add thyme, rosemary, sage, garlic, cornstarch, and 2/3 cup water, and whisk to combine. Place breast skin side up in liquid in skillet and transfer skillet to oven. Roast, checking every 20 minutes or so and adding 1/4 cup more water if liquid under turkey is evaporating lower than 1" in pan, until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of breast without touching bone registers 150°F, about 50 minutes (temperature will continue to rise as turkey rests). Transfer turkey to a cutting board and let rest 10 minutes before slicing. Meanwhile, remove herb sprigs from skillet and discard. Whisk liquid remaining in skillet until garlic mostly dissolves, adding a splash of water and heating over high if needed to loosen (gravy should be thick but easily pourable). Whisk butter into gravy until melted. Strain gravy through a fine-mesh sieve into a small pitcher or bowl. Serve turkey with gravy alongside.
['1 split skin-on, bone-in turkey breast (about 2 lb.)', '2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper', '1 Tbsp. vegetable oil', '2/3 cup dry white wine', '2 sprigs thyme', '1 sprig rosemary', '1 sprig sage', '2 garlic cloves, crushed', '1 tsp. cornstarch', '1 Tbsp. cold unsalted butter', 'cut into small pieces']
Roast Sausage and Fennel with Orange
['2 medium fennel bulbs, fronds reserved, bulbs halved through root end, thinly sliced lengthwise', '1 small red onion, halved through root end, thinly sliced lengthwise', '3 sprigs rosemary', '4 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided, plus more for drizzling', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '6 sweet Italian sausages (about 1 1/2 lb. total)', '1 medium navel orange', '1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar', 'Flaky sea salt']
Place a rack in highest position in oven; preheat to 425°F. Combine fennel bulbs, red onion, and rosemary sprigs on a large rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle with 3 Tbsp. oil, season generously with kosher salt and pepper, and toss to combine. Arrange sausages on top, spacing evenly and nestling into vegetables. Prick sausages all over with the tip of a paring knife and drizzle with 1 Tbsp. oil. Roast until sausages are browned on top and cooked though and fennel is tender and deeply browned in spots, 25–30 minutes. Meanwhile, coarsely chop reserved fennel fronds (you want about 1/4 cup); set aside. Cut the ends off orange to reveal flesh. Rest orange upright on a cut side and cut down around orange to remove peel and white pith, rotating it as you go; discard peel. Working over a small bowl, hold orange in your hand and cut between membranes to release segments into bowl. Squeeze membranes to extract any remaining juice into bowl; discard membranes. Add vinegar to orange segments and juice and toss to combine; season with kosher salt and pepper. Remove baking sheet from oven. Using your hand or a spoon to block segments, pour juices from orange over sausage and fennel mixture. Set orange segments aside and let sausages and fennel mixture cool 5 minutes. Transfer sausages and fennel mixture to a platter. Crumble rosemary leaves over and scatter reserved orange segments and fennel fronds on top. Season with sea salt and a bit more pepper; drizzle with oil.
['2 medium fennel bulbs, fronds reserved, bulbs halved through root end, thinly sliced lengthwise', '1 small red onion, halved through root end, thinly sliced lengthwise', '3 sprigs rosemary', '4 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided, plus more for drizzling', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '6 sweet Italian sausages (about 1 1/2 lb. total)', '1 medium navel orange', '1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar', 'Flaky sea salt']
Slow-Cooked Chicken Stew with Kale
['8 pieces chicken thigh skin (reserved from stew; see below)', '1 small garlic clove, finely grated', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped parsley', '1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1 small lemon, preferably organic and unwaxed, very thinly sliced into rounds, rounds cut into quarters', '1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil', 'Pinch of sugar', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '4 lb. skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs (about 8), patted dry', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '6 oz. bacon (about 6 slices), chopped', '4 large shallots, quartered lengthwise', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1/2 cup dry white wine', '1 bunch parsley, stems tied together with kitchen twine', '2 bay leaves', '8 cups torn curly kale leaves', 'Thinly sliced radishes and/or thinly sliced red onion (for serving; optional)']
Preheat oven to 350°F. Arrange chicken skin in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and bake until dark golden brown and crisp all the way through, 12–18 minutes. Let cool, then coarsely chop. Combine chicken skin, garlic, parsley, and lemon zest in a small bowl; season with salt and pepper and toss to combine. Combine lemon, olive oil, and sugar in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper and let sit at least 10 minutes, mixing once or twice. Season chicken thighs all over with salt and pepper. Cook bacon in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium-low heat, stirring often, until brown and crisp, 7–10 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer bacon to a small bowl. Increase heat to medium-high. Working in 2 batches if needed, cook chicken thighs, skin side down, in the same pot until skin is golden brown, 7–10 minutes. Transfer to a large plate and turn skin side up. Remove pot from heat. Let chicken cool slightly, then pull skin from meat and transfer to a shallow bowl; cover and chill (save for making the gremolata). Return pot to medium heat and cook shallots and garlic, cut side down, in the same pot, tossing shallots occasionally, until shallots are browned in spots and garlic is golden brown, about 5 minutes. Add wine, stirring to release any bits stuck on the bottom of pot, and cook until reduced by two-thirds, about 2 minutes. Add parsley, bay leaves, reserved bacon, and 8 cups water, season generously with salt and pepper, and bring to a simmer. Return chicken thighs to pot and bring stew back up to a simmer. Cover with a lid, leaving slightly askew so steam can escape, and cook, adjusting heat to maintain a very gentle simmer and skimming foam from surface as needed, until meat is tender and easily pulls away from bones, 1–1 1/2 hours. Transfer thighs to a cutting board and let cool 10–15 minutes; keep liquid at a simmer. Pull meat from bones and tear into bite-size pieces. Add bones back to pot as you go. Transfer meat to a medium bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Add kale and simmer until kale is tender and liquid is very flavorful, 25–30 minutes. Remove stew from heat, add meat back to pot, and let cool uncovered (bones and all) until no longer steaming. Cover pot and chill stew at least 12 hours (you can skip this step, but it will dramatically improve the flavor). Uncover stew and spoon off half to three-quarters of fat on the surface; discard. Gently reheat stew until barely simmering. Pluck out and discard bones, parsley, and bay leaves. Taste and season with more salt and pepper if needed. Ladle stew into bowls and top as desired. Lemon oil can be made 2 days ahead. Cover and chill. Bring to room temperature before using. Stew can be made 3 days ahead. Keep chilled.
['8 pieces chicken thigh skin (reserved from stew; see below)', '1 small garlic clove, finely grated', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped parsley', '1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1 small lemon, preferably organic and unwaxed, very thinly sliced into rounds, rounds cut into quarters', '1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil', 'Pinch of sugar', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '4 lb. skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs (about 8), patted dry', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '6 oz. bacon (about 6 slices), chopped', '4 large shallots, quartered lengthwise', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1/2 cup dry white wine', '1 bunch parsley, stems tied together with kitchen twine', '2 bay leaves', '8 cups torn curly kale leaves', 'Thinly sliced radishes and/or thinly sliced red onion (for serving; optional)']
Silky Pork and Cumin Stew
['1/2 small head of red cabbage, very thinly sliced', '2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar', '1 tsp. sugar', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '2 ripe avocados, unpeeled, halved, pits removed', '1/2 lime', 'Kosher salt', 'Chili powder (for serving)', '1 (5-lb.) piece skinless, bone-in pork shoulder (Boston butt), patted dry', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '3 medium onions, cut into 1"-thick wedges', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1/2 cup fine-grind cornmeal', '4 dried chiles de árbol', '2 tsp. cumin seeds', '3 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar', 'Crushed corn nuts, chicharrones, hot sauce, and/or sour cream (for serving; optional)']
Toss cabbage, vinegar, and sugar in a medium bowl; season with salt and pepper and vigorously massage with your hands until cabbage is softened and slightly wilted. Cook avocados, cut side down, in a large skillet, preferably cast iron, over medium-high heat, until cut sides are blackened, 5–7 minutes. Transfer to a plate and let cool. Use a spoon to scoop avocados out of their skins, then cut each half lengthwise into quarters. Transfer to a plate and squeeze lime over top. Season with salt and sprinkle with chili powder. Season pork generously all over with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium-high. Cook pork, turning occasionally, until browned all over, 15–18 minutes. Transfer to a cutting board and let cool. Reduce heat to medium and cook onions and garlic, cut side down, in the same pot, tossing onions occasionally, until onions are browned in spots and garlic is golden brown, about 5 minutes. Add cornmeal, chiles, and cumin seeds and cook, stirring constantly, until cornmeal is toasty smelling and cumin is fragrant, about 5 minutes. Add vinegar, stirring to release any bits stuck on bottom of pot, then add 8 cups water. Season generously with salt and pepper and bring to a simmer. Meanwhile, use a knife to slice pork meat from the bone, discarding any large pieces of fat. Cut meat into 2" pieces. Return pork meat and bone to pot and bring stew back up to a simmer. Cover with a lid, leaving slightly askew so steam can escape, and cook, adjusting heat to maintain a very gentle simmer and skimming foam from surface as needed, until meat is fork-tender, 1 1/2–2 hours. Uncover pot and let stew cool (bone and all) until no longer steaming. Cover pot and chill stew at least 12 hours (you can skip this step, but it will dramatically improve the flavor). Uncover stew and spoon off half to three-quarters of fat on the surface; discard. Gently reheat stew until barely simmering. Pluck out and discard bone and garlic heads (don't worry about any cloves that may have escaped into stew). Taste and season with more salt and pepper if needed. Ladle into bowls and serve with Charred Avocados with Chili Powder, Tangy Red Cabbage, corn nuts, chicharrones, hot sauce, and/or sour cream as desired. Stew can be made 3 days ahead. Keep chilled.
['1/2 small head of red cabbage, very thinly sliced', '2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar', '1 tsp. sugar', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '2 ripe avocados, unpeeled, halved, pits removed', '1/2 lime', 'Kosher salt', 'Chili powder (for serving)', '1 (5-lb.) piece skinless, bone-in pork shoulder (Boston butt), patted dry', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '3 medium onions, cut into 1"-thick wedges', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1/2 cup fine-grind cornmeal', '4 dried chiles de árbol', '2 tsp. cumin seeds', '3 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar', 'Crushed corn nuts', 'chicharrones', 'hot sauce', 'and/or sour cream (for serving; optional)']
Slow-Cooked Halibut with Garlic Cream and Fennel
['2 small fennel bulbs, fronds reserved, bulbs cut into 1/2"-thick wedges', '8 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '4 cups heavy cream', '1 Tbsp. plus 3 tsp. kosher salt, divided; plus more', '1 1/2 lb. skin-on halibut fillet, patted dry', '1 small lemon', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', 'Freshly ground black pepper']
Preheat oven to 250°F. Place fennel in a large saucepan wide enough to fit fish comfortably. Add garlic, cream, and 1 Tbsp. plus 2 tsp. salt. Place over low heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until fennel is just tender, 12–15 minutes (do not let cream come to a boil). Remove from heat. Season fish with remaining 1 tsp. salt. Using tongs, carefully slip fish into pan (it should be mostly covered). Transfer to oven and cook fish, uncovered, until flesh easily flakes with a fork, 18–22 minutes. While the fish is cooking, finely chop reserved fennel fronds and place in a small bowl (you should have about 1/2 cup). Cut ends off lemon; discard. Place lemon upright on one end and cut lemon into four lobes, working around the center as you would an apple and leaving core and seeds behind. Finely chop lobes (peel and all) and transfer to bowl with fennel fronds. (You should have about 1/3 cup.) Squeeze juice from core over fennel fronds; discard core. Drizzle in oil and toss mixture to combine. Season fennel oil with salt and lots of pepper. Break fish into large pieces and divide among shallow bowls. Divide garlic and fennel among bowls and ladle some garlic cream on top; spoon fennel oil over.
['2 small fennel bulbs, fronds reserved, bulbs cut into 1/2"-thick wedges', '8 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '4 cups heavy cream', '1 Tbsp. plus 3 tsp. kosher salt, divided; plus more', '1 1/2 lb. skin-on halibut fillet, patted dry', '1 small lemon', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', 'Freshly ground black pepper']
Butternut Squash and Chorizo Hash
['1 Tbsp. (or more) extra-virgin olive oil', '8 oz. fresh chorizo, casings removed', '1 lb. butternut squash (about 1/2 of a medium squash), peeled, cut into 1/2" pieces (about 4 cups)', '1 medium onion, coarsely chopped', 'Kosher salt', 'Lime wedges and cilantro leaves with tender stems (for serving)']
Heat oil in a large heavy skillet (preferably cast iron) over medium-high. Cook chorizo, breaking up into small pieces with a wooden spoon, until browned and cooked through, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl with a slotted spoon; reserve skillet with fat. Add butternut squash and onion to reserved skillet and cook over medium-high, adding more oil if needed and stirring occasionally, until golden brown and tender, 10–15 minutes. Stir in chorizo and season with salt. Squeeze a lime wedge over and top with cilantro. Serve with additional lime wedges for squeezing over.
['1 Tbsp. (or more) extra-virgin olive oil', '8 oz. fresh chorizo, casings removed', '1 lb. butternut squash (about 1/2 of a medium squash), peeled, cut into 1/2" pieces (about 4 cups)', '1 medium onion, coarsely chopped', 'Kosher salt', 'Lime wedges and cilantro leaves with tender stems (for serving)']
Raw Butternut Squash Ribbon Salad with Orange and Chile
['1 small Fresno chile, seeds removed, thinly sliced', '2 garlic cloves, finely grated', '2 tsp. finely grated orange zest', '5 Tbsp. fresh orange juice', '2 Tbsp. white wine vinegar', '1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 medium butternut squash (about 2 lb.), peeled', '1/4 cup unsalted, roasted pumpkin seeds (pepitas)']
Whisk chile, garlic, orange zest, orange juice, vinegar, oil, and salt in a large bowl to combine. Using a peeler, slice lengthwise strips off long neck of squash to make long ribbons until you have 8 cups (9 oz.). Add to bowl with dressing and toss to coat. Let sit, tossing occasionally, at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour to tenderize and marinate. Toss in roasted pumpkin seeds, then using tongs, transfer to a serving platter; discard any excess dressing left in bowl.
['1 small Fresno chile, seeds removed, thinly sliced', '2 garlic cloves, finely grated', '2 tsp. finely grated orange zest', '5 Tbsp. fresh orange juice', '2 Tbsp. white wine vinegar', '1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2 tsp. kosher salt', '1 medium butternut squash (about 2 lb.), peeled', '1/4 cup unsalted', 'roasted pumpkin seeds (pepitas)']
Curried Chickpea and Lentil Dal
['1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 Tbsp. mustard seeds', '1/2 tsp. ground turmeric', 'Pinch of cayenne pepper', 'Kosher salt', '1 small shallot, finely chopped', '3 Tbsp. chopped golden raisins', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped cilantro stems', '1 Tbsp. fresh lime juice', '1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '3 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil', '2 medium onions, coarsely chopped', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1 (3") piece ginger, peeled, thinly sliced', '1 Tbsp. curry powder', '1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper', '1 1/2 cups dried chickpeas, soaked overnight, drained', '2 (13.5-oz.) cans unsweetened coconut milk', '1 1/2 cups split red lentils', 'Store-bought unsweetened toasted coconut flakes, thinly sliced Fresno or serrano chiles, and/or cilantro leaves (for serving; optional)']
Cook oil and mustard seeds in a small saucepan over medium-low, swirling often, until mustard seeds start to pop. Remove from heat and stir in turmeric and cayenne. Season with salt; let cool. Mix shallot, raisins, cilantro stems, lime juice, and oil in a small bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium. Cook onions and garlic, cut side down, and ginger, stirring onions and ginger occasionally, until onions are translucent and garlic is golden brown, 5–7 minutes. Add curry powder and cayenne and cook, stirring constantly, until very fragrant, about 1 minute. Add chickpeas and 5 cups water, stirring to release any bits stuck on bottom of pot; season with several pinches of salt. Bring to a simmer; cover with a lid, leaving slightly askew so steam can escape. Cook, adjusting heat to maintain a very gentle simmer and skimming foam from surface as needed, until chickpeas have swelled about 50 percent in size but are still crunchy, 25–30 minutes. Add coconut milk and lentils to pot; season with more salt. Return to a simmer and cook, partially covered, until chickpeas are tender and lentils have broken down to form a thick broth, 30–35 minutes. Taste and season with more salt if needed. Ladle dal into bowls and serve with toasted Mustard Seed and Turmeric Oil, Cilantro-Raisin Chutney, coconut, chiles, and/or cilantro as desired. Oil can be made 1 day ahead. Store tightly covered at room temperature. Chutney can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill. Dal can be made 3 days ahead. Let cool; cover and chill.
['1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 Tbsp. mustard seeds', '1/2 tsp. ground turmeric', 'Pinch of cayenne pepper', 'Kosher salt', '1 small shallot, finely chopped', '3 Tbsp. chopped golden raisins', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped cilantro stems', '1 Tbsp. fresh lime juice', '1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '3 Tbsp. virgin coconut oil', '2 medium onions, coarsely chopped', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1 (3") piece ginger, peeled, thinly sliced', '1 Tbsp. curry powder', '1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper', '1 1/2 cups dried chickpeas, soaked overnight, drained', '2 (13.5-oz.) cans unsweetened coconut milk', '1 1/2 cups split red lentils', 'Store-bought unsweetened toasted coconut flakes', 'thinly sliced Fresno or serrano chiles', 'and/or cilantro leaves (for serving; optional)']
Warm-Spiced Saucy Lamb Stew
['1/2 medium head of cauliflower', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1 cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt', '3 Tbsp. finely chopped mint', '1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '5 lb. lamb shanks (about 6), patted dry', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 large red onions, cut into 1" wedges', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1 (3") stick cinnamon or 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1 1/2 tsp. coriander seeds, crushed', '3 Tbsp. harissa paste', 'Torn pitted Castelvetrano olives, mint leaves, and/or finely chopped preserved lemon (for serving; optional)']
Coarsely chop cauliflower and pulse in a food processor until about the size of grains of rice (or, you can very finely chop with a knife instead). You should have about 2 cups. Heat oil in a large skillet, preferably cast iron, over medium-high. Cook cauliflower, stirring often, until golden brown all over and charred in spots, 6–8 minutes. Remove from heat; season with salt and pepper. Let cool in skillet. Mix yogurt, mint, and lemon juice in a medium bowl; season with salt and pepper. Season lamb shanks very generously all over with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium-high. Working in 2 batches, cook lamb shanks in a single layer, turning occasionally, until browned all over, 8–12 minutes per batch. As the shanks finish cooking, transfer to a large plate. Reduce heat to medium; add onions and garlic, cut side down, to the same pot and cook, tossing onions occasionally, until onions are browned in spots and garlic is golden brown, about 5 minutes. Add cinnamon and crushed coriander and cook, stirring constantly, until spices are very fragrant, about 1 minute. Add harissa paste and cook, stirring often and scraping bottom of pot, until vegetables are coated and paste is slightly darkened in color, about 2 minutes. Add 7 cups water, stirring to release any bits stuck on bottom of pot. Season generously with salt and pepper and bring to a simmer. Return lamb shanks to pot and bring stew back up to a simmer. Cover with a lid, leaving slightly askew so steam can escape, and cook, adjusting heat to maintain a very gentle simmer and skimming foam from surface as needed, until meat is tender and easily pulls away from bones, 1 1/2–2 hours. Transfer lamb shanks to a cutting board and let cool 10–15 minutes; keep liquid at a simmer. Pull meat from bones and tear into bite-size pieces. Add bones back to pot as you go. Transfer meat to a medium bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Simmer bones in broth, uncovered, until liquid is thick and very flavorful, 25–30 minutes. Remove from heat; add meat back to pot and let cool uncovered (bones and all) until no longer steaming. Cover pot and chill stew at least 12 hours (you can skip this step, but it will dramatically improve the flavor). Uncover stew and spoon off half to three-quarters of fat on the surface; discard. Gently reheat stew until barely simmering. Pluck out and discard bones. Taste and season with more salt and pepper if needed. Ladle stew into bowls and serve with Toasted Cauliflower Crumbs, Mint Yogurt, harissa, and olives, mint leaves, and/or preserved lemon as desired. Yogurt can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill. Stew can be made 3 days ahead. Keep chilled.
['1/2 medium head of cauliflower', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1 cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt', '3 Tbsp. finely chopped mint', '1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '5 lb. lamb shanks (about 6), patted dry', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 large red onions, cut into 1" wedges', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1 (3") stick cinnamon or 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1 1/2 tsp. coriander seeds, crushed', '3 Tbsp. harissa paste', 'Torn pitted Castelvetrano olives', 'mint leaves', 'and/or finely chopped preserved lemon (for serving; optional)']
Ham Hock and White Bean Stew
['3 medium shallots, thinly sliced into rings', '1/2 cup vegetable oil', 'Kosher salt', '1/2 cup sour cream', '3 Tbsp. Dijon mustard', '1 1/2 tsp. honey', 'Freshly ground black pepper', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2 medium onions, halved through root ends', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '2 small carrots, trimmed, scrubbed', '1/2 cup dry white wine', '2 1/2 lb. smoked ham hocks (about 4 medium)', '1 bunch of thyme, stems tied together with kitchen twine', '2 cups corona or gigante beans, soaked overnight, drained', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', 'Chopped cornichons and/or dill sprigs (for serving; optional)']
Heat shallots and oil in a small saucepan over medium, swirling often, until shallots are deep golden brown, 6–8 minutes. Pour into a fine-mesh sieve set over a heatproof measuring glass. Give sieve a good shake, then spread out shallots on a paper towel to drain. Season with salt; let cool. Stir sour cream, mustard, and honey in a small bowl until smooth; season with pepper. Cover and chill. Heat oil in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium-high. Cook onions and garlic, cut side down, and carrots, turning carrots occasionally, until cut sides of onions and garlic are golden, about 4 minutes. Add wine, stirring to release any bits stuck on bottom of pot, and cook until reduced by two-thirds, about 2 minutes. Add ham hocks, thyme, beans, and 9 cups water. Season with several pinches of salt and lots of pepper and bring to a simmer. Cover with a lid, leaving slightly askew so steam can escape, and cook, adjusting heat to maintain a very gentle simmer and skimming foam from surface as needed, until beans are tender and creamy and broth is very flavorful, 2–2 1/2 hours. Remove pot from heat and transfer ham hocks to a cutting board. Let sit until cool enough to handle, then pull meat from bones and tear into bite-size pieces; discard fat, skin, and cartilage. Add meat and knuckle bones back to pot as you go. Let stew cool uncovered until no longer steaming. Cover pot and chill stew at least 12 hours (you can skip this step, but it will dramatically improve the flavor). Gently reheat stew, covered, until barely simmering. Pluck out and discard bones, thyme, and garlic heads (don't worry about any cloves that may have escaped into stew). Season with more salt and pepper if needed. Ladle into bowls and serve with Frizzled Shallots, Honey-Mustard Cream, cornichons, and/or dill as desired. Cream can be made 2 days ahead. Keep chilled. Stew can be made 3 days ahead. Keep chilled.
['3 medium shallots, thinly sliced into rings', '1/2 cup vegetable oil', 'Kosher salt', '1/2 cup sour cream', '3 Tbsp. Dijon mustard', '1 1/2 tsp. honey', 'Freshly ground black pepper', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2 medium onions, halved through root ends', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '2 small carrots, trimmed, scrubbed', '1/2 cup dry white wine', '2 1/2 lb. smoked ham hocks (about 4 medium)', '1 bunch of thyme, stems tied together with kitchen twine', '2 cups corona or gigante beans, soaked overnight, drained', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', 'Chopped cornichons and/or dill sprigs (for serving; optional)']
Oxtail and Red Wine Stew
['3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '1/2 cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped chives', '2 tsp. thyme leaves', '1 medium beet, preferably golden, trimmed, peeled', '1 small knob horseradish, peeled', '1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar', '1/2 tsp. honey', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '5 lb. oxtails or beef short ribs, cut into 2" segments, patted dry', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2 large leeks, white and pale green parts only, halved lengthwise, then sliced crosswise into 1/2" pieces', '4 celery stalks, sliced 1/2" thick', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1/4 cup tomato paste', '1 (750-ml) bottle red wine', '1 bunch thyme, stems tied together with kitchen twine', 'Parsley leaves, grated Parmesan, and/or sliced jarred pepperoncini (for serving; optional)']
Heat oil in a medium skillet over medium. As soon as oil is shimmering, add panko and cook, stirring often, until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from heat and mix in chives and thyme. Let cool. Grate beet on the large holes of a box grater into a medium bowl. Grate about 1” of horseradish on the small holes of grater into the same bowl. Add vinegar and honey and season with salt and pepper; mix well. Let sit at room temperature at least 15 minutes before serving. Season oxtails very generously all over with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium-high. Working in 2 batches, cook oxtail in a single layer, turning once, until browned on both sides, 8–10 minutes per batch. As oxtail pieces finish cooking, transfer to a large plate. Reduce heat to medium and cook leeks, celery, and garlic, cut side down, in the same pot, stirring leeks and celery occasionally, until leeks are softened and browned in spots and garlic is golden brown, about 5 minutes. Add tomato paste and cook, stirring constantly and scraping bottom of pot, until vegetables are coated and paste is slightly darkened in color, about 3 minutes. Gradually add wine, stirring to release any bits stuck on bottom of pot, then add 6 cups water and thyme. Season generously with salt and pepper and bring to a simmer. Return oxtails to pot and bring stew back up to a simmer. Cover with a lid, leaving slightly askew so steam can escape and cook, adjusting heat to maintain a very gentle simmer and skimming foam from surface as needed, until meat is fork-tender, 3–31/2 hours. Uncover and remove pot from heat. Transfer oxtails to a cutting board and let cool 15–20 minutes. Pull meat from bones and tear into bite-size pieces; discard fat and cartilage. Add meat and bones back to pot as you go. Let stew cool uncovered (bones and all) until no longer steaming. Cover pot and chill stew at least 12 hours (you can skip this step, but it will dramatically improve the flavor). Uncover stew and spoon off half to three-quarters of fat on the surface; discard. Gently reheat stew until barely simmering. Pluck out and discard bones, thyme, and garlic heads (don't worry about any cloves that may have escaped into stew). Taste and season with more salt and pepper if needed. Ladle into bowls and serve with Herby Panko, Horseradish-Beet Relish, parsley, Parmesan, and/or pepperoncini as desired. Relish can be made 2 days ahead. Cover and chill. Stew can be made 3 days ahead. Keep chilled.
['3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '1/2 cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '2 Tbsp. finely chopped chives', '2 tsp. thyme leaves', '1 medium beet, preferably golden, trimmed, peeled', '1 small knob horseradish, peeled', '1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar', '1/2 tsp. honey', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '5 lb. oxtails or beef short ribs, cut into 2" segments, patted dry', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2 large leeks, white and pale green parts only, halved lengthwise, then sliced crosswise into 1/2" pieces', '4 celery stalks, sliced 1/2" thick', '2 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1/4 cup tomato paste', '1 (750-ml) bottle red wine', '1 bunch thyme, stems tied together with kitchen twine', 'Parsley leaves', 'grated Parmesan', 'and/or sliced jarred pepperoncini (for serving; optional)']
Roast Fish with Cannellini Beans and Green Olives
['4 sprigs oregano', '2 (15.5-oz.) cans cannellini (white kidney) beans, rinsed', '1/2 cup Castelvetrano olives, pitted, torn', 'Kosher salt', '1 1/2 lb. whole skinless whitefish fillet (such as cod, haddock, or halibut)', '2 small shallots, thinly sliced into rings', '1 Fresno chile, very thinly sliced into rings', '2 lemons, divided', '5 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil']
Preheat oven to 300°F. Combine oregano, beans, olives, and 1/2 cup water in a shallow 3-qt. baking dish; season lightly with salt. Place fish on top and nestle into beans; season fish generously with salt. Scatter shallots and chile over fish and beans. Very thinly slice 1 lemon and wriggle out seeds. Arrange slices, slightly overlapping, over surface of fish. Drizzle everything with oil and roast until fish is opaque throughout and flesh in the center flakes when gently pressed, 25–35 minutes, depending on the type and thickness of the fish. Let rest, occasionally pressing beans down into the liquid so they don’t dry out, 5–10 minutes. Cut remaining lemon into wedges and serve alongside fish and beans for squeezing over.
['4 sprigs oregano', '2 (15.5-oz.) cans cannellini (white kidney) beans, rinsed', '1/2 cup Castelvetrano olives, pitted, torn', 'Kosher salt', '1 1/2 lb. whole skinless whitefish fillet (such as cod, haddock, or halibut)', '2 small shallots, thinly sliced into rings', '1 Fresno chile, very thinly sliced into rings', '2 lemons, divided', '5 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil']
Herby Pasta with Garlic and Green Olives
['12 oz. pappardelle or other wide noodle', 'Kosher salt', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling', '8 garlic cloves, smashed', '1 cup finely chopped parsley', '1 cup pitted Castelvetrano olives', '1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '3 Tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '1 cup basil leaves', '2 tsp. fresh lemon juice']
Cook pasta in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until very al dente, about 2 minutes less than package directions. Meanwhile, heat 1/4 cup oil in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium. Add garlic and cook, stirring often and pressing down on cloves so they make good contact with the bottom of the pot, until golden and soft, about 5 minutes. Add parsley and cook, stirring occasionally, until parsley releases some of its liquid and slightly darkens in color, about 5 minutes. Toss in olives and red pepper flakes and cook another minute to let the flavors meld. Using tongs, transfer pasta to pot with sauce and add butter and 1/2 cup pasta cooking liquid. Cook, tossing and adding more pasta liquid as needed, until each strand of pasta is coated and pasta is al dente, about 4 minutes. Remove pasta from heat and toss in basil, lemon zest, and lemon juice. Taste and season with salt as needed. Divide pasta among bowls and drizzle with more oil.
['12 oz. pappardelle or other wide noodle', 'Kosher salt', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling', '8 garlic cloves, smashed', '1 cup finely chopped parsley', '1 cup pitted Castelvetrano olives', '1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '3 Tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '1 cup basil leaves', '2 tsp. fresh lemon juice']
Roast Chicken Legs with Lots of Garlic
['4 chicken legs (thigh and drumstick; about 2 1/2 lb. total)', 'Kosher salt', '4 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1 lemon, thinly sliced into rounds, seeds removed', '1 red chile (such as Fresno), quartered lengthwise, seeds removed if desired', '3 bay leaves or 5 sprigs thyme', 'Freshly ground black pepper', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', 'Country-style bread, toasted (for serving)']
Preheat oven to 325°F. Place chicken in an 13x9" baking dish and season generously all over with salt. Add garlic, lemon, chile, bay leaves, and a few grinds of pepper. Pour in oil and toss everything to coat. Turn garlic heads cut side down so they are in contact with the baking dish (this will help them brown). Roast chicken, rotating pan once, until meat is almost falling off the bone, 75–90 minutes. Let chicken cool in pan 10 minutes, then serve with bread.
['4 chicken legs (thigh and drumstick; about 2 1/2 lb. total)', 'Kosher salt', '4 heads of garlic, halved crosswise', '1 lemon, thinly sliced into rounds, seeds removed', '1 red chile (such as Fresno), quartered lengthwise, seeds removed if desired', '3 bay leaves or 5 sprigs thyme', 'Freshly ground black pepper', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', 'Country-style bread', 'toasted (for serving)']
Butternut Squash, Coconut, and Ginger Muffins
['2 large eggs', '10 Tbsp. unsalted butter, melted', '2/3 cup buttermilk', '2 tsp. grated peeled ginger (from one 2" piece)', '2/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp. (packed) light brown sugar', '2 cups all-purpose flour', '2 tsp. baking powder', '1/4 tsp. baking soda', '1 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1 tsp. kosher salt', '2 cups grated (on large holes of box grater) peeled butternut squash (9 oz., from about 1/4 of a large squash)', '3/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut', '3/4 cup coarsely chopped pecans']
Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a standard 12-cup muffin pan with liners. Whisk eggs, butter, buttermilk, ginger, and 2/3 cup brown sugar in a medium bowl. Whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt in a large bowl. Mix egg mixture into dry ingredients with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula until just combined. Mix in squash, coconut, and pecans. Divide batter among muffin cups, filling to the brim (about 1/2 cup batter per muffin). Sprinkle remaining 2 Tbsp. brown sugar on top. Bake muffins, rotating pan halfway through, until golden brown and a tester inserted into the center comes out clean, 30–32 minutes. Let cool in pan 5 minutes, then transfer muffins to a wire rack and let cool completely. Muffins can be made 3 days ahead. Store airtight at room temperature, or freeze up to 2 months.
['2 large eggs', '10 Tbsp. unsalted butter, melted', '2/3 cup buttermilk', '2 tsp. grated peeled ginger (from one 2" piece)', '2/3 cup plus 2 Tbsp. (packed) light brown sugar', '2 cups all-purpose flour', '2 tsp. baking powder', '1/4 tsp. baking soda', '1 tsp. ground cinnamon', '1 tsp. kosher salt', '2 cups grated (on large holes of box grater) peeled butternut squash (9 oz., from about 1/4 of a large squash)', '3/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut', '3/4 cup coarsely chopped pecans']
Baked Pasta alla Norma
['1 medium globe eggplant, peeled, cut into 1/2" pieces', '2 pints cherry tomatoes', '8 garlic cloves, smashed', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for skillet', '1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes, plus more for sprinkling', 'Kosher salt', '2 large eggs', '2 Tbsp. tomato paste', '4 oz. finely grated Parmesan, divided', '1 lb. spaghetti', '2 Tbsp. drained capers', '1/2 cup torn basil, plus a few whole leaves']
Preheat oven to 425°F. Combine eggplant, tomatoes, garlic, 1/4 cup oil, and 1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes in a large ovenproof skillet, preferably cast iron. Season generously with salt and toss to combine. Roast, shaking skillet once or twice, until eggplant is tender and tomatoes burst, 25–35 minutes. Let vegetables cool while you prepare the pasta (watch out for the hot handle when you take the skillet out of the oven). Reduce oven temperature to 400°F. Whisk eggs and tomato paste in a medium bowl until smooth, then whisk in about three-quarters of Parmesan. Cook spaghetti in a pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until al dente. Immediately drain pasta in a colander and shake to remove excess water; transfer pasta back to pot. Add cooled vegetable mixture to pot with pasta. Wipe out skillet and drizzle in a little oil; roll around in skillet to coat. Add egg mixture to pasta and toss vigorously with tongs until pasta is evenly coated. Add capers and 1/2 cup basil and toss again to combine. Transfer pasta mixture to skillet and press gently into an even layer. Top with remaining Parmesan, a few whole basil leaves, and an extra sprinkle of red pepper flakes. Bake pasta until surface is nicely browned, 30–35 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes before cutting into wedges for serving.
['1 medium globe eggplant, peeled, cut into 1/2" pieces', '2 pints cherry tomatoes', '8 garlic cloves, smashed', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for skillet', '1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes, plus more for sprinkling', 'Kosher salt', '2 large eggs', '2 Tbsp. tomato paste', '4 oz. finely grated Parmesan, divided', '1 lb. spaghetti', '2 Tbsp. drained capers', '1/2 cup torn basil', 'plus a few whole leaves']
Butternut Squash Steaks with Brown Butter–Sage Sauce
['1 large butternut squash (about 3 lb.), preferably one with a long thick neck', '1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '6 sage leaves', '2 garlic cloves, crushed', '1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper']
Cut the neck off of squash; reserve base for another use. Trim the stem off the neck then peel. Resting neck on cut base, cut in half lengthwise, creating two lobes. Trim off outer rounded side of each piece to create two 3/4"-thick steaks (about 6 oz. per steak); reserve trimmed off sides for another use. Heat oil in a large heavy skillet over medium. Cook squash steaks, turning every 3 minutes, until deeply browned on both sides and fork-tender, about 15 minutes. Add butter, sage, and garlic to skillet, tilt pan toward you so that butter pools on one side, and use a large spoon to continually baste steaks with butter. Cook, basting, until butter is no longer bubbling, smells nutty, and is beginning to brown, about 1 minute. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice; season with salt and pepper. Transfer squash steaks to plates and spoon sauce over.
['1 large butternut squash (about 3 lb.), preferably one with a long thick neck', '1 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter, cut into pieces', '6 sage leaves', '2 garlic cloves, crushed', '1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice', 'Kosher salt', 'freshly ground pepper']
The Garlickiest Fried Rice
['8 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '1/3 cup grapeseed or vegetable oil', 'Kosher salt', '1 (2") piece ginger, peeled, finely chopped', '1 large egg, beaten to blend', '3 cups chilled cooked short-grain rice', '2 tsp. toasted sesame oil', '4 scallions, thinly sliced on a diagonal', '3/4 cup coarsely chopped cilantro', '2 tsp. toasted sesame seeds']
Toss garlic and grapeseed oil in a large nonstick skillet. Arrange garlic in a single layer and set over medium heat. Cook, shaking pan often, until garlic is barely golden and crisp (oil should stop bubbling at this point), about 5 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer garlic chips to paper towels to drain; season with salt. Increase heat to medium-high and cook ginger in oil in the same skillet, stirring occasionally, until just softened and fragrant, about 2 minutes. Add egg and stir to break up; cook until just set (this will take a matter of seconds). Add rice and sesame oil and toss to combine. Cook, undisturbed, pressing down on rice with a spatula so it makes good contact with the pan, until rice begins to crisp, about 2 minutes. Give rice a toss, then press down on it again, cooking until you get more crispy bits, about 2 minutes. Remove skillet from heat and toss in scallions and half of garlic chips; season with salt. Transfer fried rice to a platter and scatter cilantro, sesame seeds, and remaining garlic chips on top. Garlic chips can be made 1 day ahead. Store airtight at room temperature.
['8 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '1/3 cup grapeseed or vegetable oil', 'Kosher salt', '1 (2") piece ginger, peeled, finely chopped', '1 large egg, beaten to blend', '3 cups chilled cooked short-grain rice', '2 tsp. toasted sesame oil', '4 scallions, thinly sliced on a diagonal', '3/4 cup coarsely chopped cilantro', '2 tsp. toasted sesame seeds']
Oven Polenta with Roasted Mushrooms and Thyme
['1 1/2 lb. mixed mushrooms (such as crimini, shiitake, oyster, and/or maitake), torn into 1" pieces', '4 sprigs thyme, plus leaves for serving', '6 garlic cloves, smashed', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 cup polenta', '4 oz. Parmesan, finely grated, plus more for serving', '1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar', 'Flaky sea salt']
Place racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 325°F. Combine mushrooms, thyme sprigs, and garlic on a large rimmed baking sheet. Season generously with kosher salt and pepper; drizzle with oil. Toss to coat mushrooms, then spread out in an even layer. Transfer to upper rack in oven and let mushrooms roast while you prepare polenta. Bring 4 1/2 cups water to a simmer in a large ovenproof saucepan over medium-high heat. Add butter and a generous pinch of kosher salt and whisk to melt butter. Gradually add polenta, whisking constantly. Return mixture to a boil, immediately cover pot, and transfer to lower rack in oven. Bake polenta, shaking baking sheet with mushrooms occasionally, until polenta is tender, 25–30 minutes. Remove polenta from oven. Crank up oven temperature as high as it will go (but don’t broil). Continue to cook mushrooms until crisp around the edges, 5–10 minutes longer. Meanwhile, carefully uncover polenta and whisk vigorously, scraping bottom of pan, until polenta is smooth and thick. Gradually add 4 oz. Parmesan, whisking constantly until melted and incorporated; taste and season with more kosher salt and pepper. Cover and keep warm over low heat while mushrooms finish roasting. Remove mushrooms from oven; drizzle with vinegar. Toss to coat; let cool slightly. Divide polenta among bowls and top with mushrooms, thyme leaves, sea salt, and more Parmesan.
['1 1/2 lb. mixed mushrooms (such as crimini, shiitake, oyster, and/or maitake), torn into 1" pieces', '4 sprigs thyme, plus leaves for serving', '6 garlic cloves, smashed', 'Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper', '1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil', '2 Tbsp. unsalted butter', '1 cup polenta', '4 oz. Parmesan, finely grated, plus more for serving', '1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar', 'Flaky sea salt']
Fermented Garlic Honey
['12 garlic cloves (about 1 head), crushed', '1 1/2 cups raw honey', 'A heatproof 1-qt. jar']
Place garlic in jar. Pour honey over garlic and stir to combine, making sure all the garlic gets coated. Seal jar and let sit at room temperature 3 days. Unscrew and remove lid to let out any gases; give garlic honey a stir. (You’ll most likely see tiny bubbles at this stage, which means the fermentation process has started). Reseal jar and let sit, stirring once every other day, at least 1 week before using. Garlic honey can be made 1 month ahead. Keep room temperature.
['12 garlic cloves (about 1 head), crushed', '1 1/2 cups raw honey', 'A heatproof 1-qt. jar']
Garlic-Chile Vinegar
['7 red or green Thai chiles', '8 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '1 (1 1/2") piece ginger, peeled, thinly sliced', '2 cups distilled white vinegar', '1 Tbsp. sugar', '1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt', 'A heatproof 1-qt. jar']
Place chiles, garlic, and ginger in a jar. Bring vinegar, sugar, and salt to a boil in a medium saucepan, stirring to dissolve sugar and salt. Pour hot brine into jar; let cool 30 minutes. Cover and chill at least 4 hours before using. Garlic-chile vinegar can be made 4 weeks ahead. Keep chilled.
['7 red or green Thai chiles', '8 garlic cloves, thinly sliced', '1 (1 1/2") piece ginger, peeled, thinly sliced', '2 cups distilled white vinegar', '1 Tbsp. sugar', '1 1/2 tsp. kosher salt', 'A heatproof 1-qt. jar']
Silky Peanut Butter Dressing
['1 cup creamy natural peanut butter', '1/4 cup fresh lime, orange, or lemon juice', '4 oz. silken or soft tofu', '1 Tbsp. soy sauce', '2 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup, plus more for drizzling', '1 (2") piece ginger, peeled, finely grated', 'Kosher salt', '1/4 cup unsalted roasted pumpkin seeds (pepitas), chopped unsalted dry-roasted peanuts, hemp seeds, or chia seeds (for serving; optional)']
Combine peanut butter, lime juice, tofu, soy sauce, and 2 Tbsp. honey in a blender. Place ginger in a fine-mesh sieve and hold over blender. Press down on solids to extract as many juices as you can; discard solids. Blend on medium-high speed to combine. With motor running, add 1/4 cup hot water and blend until dressing is homogenous, lightened, and smooth. If desired, add more water by the tablespoonful until the dressing reaches your preferred consistency. Taste and season with kosher salt if needed. Arrange fruits and vegetables on a large plate. Transfer about 1/2 cup dressing to a small bowl, drizzle with honey and sprinkle desired nuts and/or seeds over (can be any/all/none). Transfer remaining dressing to a resealable container and chill for another use. Dressing can be made 5 days ahead. Keep chilled.
['1 cup creamy natural peanut butter', '1/4 cup fresh lime, orange, or lemon juice', '4 oz. silken or soft tofu', '1 Tbsp. soy sauce', '2 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup, plus more for drizzling', '1 (2") piece ginger, peeled, finely grated', 'Kosher salt', '1/4 cup unsalted roasted pumpkin seeds (pepitas)', 'chopped unsalted dry-roasted peanuts', 'hemp seeds', 'or chia seeds (for serving; optional)']
Herby Garlic Confit
['4 heads of garlic, cloves separated, unpeeled', 'A small handful of thyme sprigs, rosemary sprigs, and/or bay leaves', '1 1/2 cups extra-virgin olive oil']
Preheat oven to 250°F. Place garlic, herbs, and oil in an 8x8" baking dish or a small saucepan. Cover with foil and bake until garlic is tender, 60–75 minutes. (You’ll have to pop one out of its skin to test it; it should be soft and jammy). Let cool. Garlic confit can be made 2 weeks ahead. Transfer to an airtight container and chill. Reheat over low heat before using.
['4 heads of garlic, cloves separated, unpeeled', 'A small handful of thyme sprigs, rosemary sprigs, and/or bay leaves', '1 1/2 cups extra-virgin olive oil']
Broccoli and Garlic-Ricotta Toasts with Hot Honey
['1 baguette, sliced 1/2" thick on a diagonal (about 12 slices)', '6 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', '1 head of broccoli, stem peeled, stem and florets chopped into 1/2" pieces', '1 head of garlic, cloves separated', '1 Tbsp. honey', '1 Tbsp. white wine vinegar', '1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '1 1/2 cups fresh ricotta', 'Kosher salt', 'Freshly ground black pepper']
Place racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 400°F. Arrange bread slices in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and drizzle with 2 Tbsp. oil. Toss on baking sheet to coat, then arrange again in a single layer. Place broccoli and garlic on another rimmed baking sheet and drizzle with remaining 4 Tbsp. oil. Season generously with salt and toss to combine. Place broccoli on top rack and bread on bottom rack and roast until bread is golden brown and crisp, 10–12 minutes. Remove bread from oven and continue to roast broccoli and garlic, tossing once, until broccoli is browned all over and garlic is tender, another 15–20 minutes. Let cool slightly. Meanwhile, whisk honey, vinegar, and red pepper flakes in a small bowl. As soon as garlic is cool enough to handle, squeeze cloves out of their skins and mash in another small bowl to form a paste. Add ricotta and mix well; season with salt and black pepper. Spread ricotta over toasts and top with roasted broccoli. Arrange on a platter and drizzle with honey mixture.
['1 baguette, sliced 1/2" thick on a diagonal (about 12 slices)', '6 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil, divided', '1 head of broccoli, stem peeled, stem and florets chopped into 1/2" pieces', '1 head of garlic, cloves separated', '1 Tbsp. honey', '1 Tbsp. white wine vinegar', '1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes', '1 1/2 cups fresh ricotta', 'Kosher salt', 'Freshly ground black pepper']
Cucumbers with Ajo Blanco Sauce
['5 mini seedless or Persian cucumbers (about 12 oz.)', 'Kosher salt', '3 tsp. sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar, divided', '3/4 cup blanched almonds, divided', '1 garlic clove, finely grated', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', 'Flaky sea salt']
Preheat oven to 350°F. Cut cucumbers about 1" thick on a steep diagonal and place in a medium bowl. Add a large pinch of kosher salt and 2 tsp. vinegar and toss to combine; let marinate 10 minutes. Pour off any liquid that is released. Toast 1/4 cup almonds on a rimmed baking sheet, tossing once, until golden, about 5 minutes. Let cool, then coarsely chop. Set aside. Blend garlic, oil, remaining 1 tsp. vinegar, remaining ½ cup almonds, and 1/2 cup ice water in a blender until smooth and creamy, about 2 minutes; season generously with salt. Divide sauce among plates and top with cucumber salad and chopped almonds. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt. Sauce can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill.
['5 mini seedless or Persian cucumbers (about 12 oz.)', 'Kosher salt', '3 tsp. sherry vinegar or red wine vinegar, divided', '3/4 cup blanched almonds, divided', '1 garlic clove, finely grated', '1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil', 'Flaky sea salt']
Kitty Highball
['2 ounces red wine', '3/4 ounce ginger syrup (see note)', '1/2 ounce lime juice', 'Soda water', 'Glass: COLLINS', 'Garnish: CANDIED GINGER']
Combine the wine, ginger syrup, and lime juice in a cocktail shaker. Add a small piece of cracked ice and shake until chilled. Strain into a collins glass filled with ice, top with soda water, and garnish with the candied ginger.
['2 ounces red wine', '3/4 ounce ginger syrup (see note)', '1/2 ounce lime juice', 'Soda water', 'Glass: COLLINS', 'Garnish: CANDIED GINGER']
Winter of Our Content
['3/4 ounce Laird’s Straight Apple Brandy', '3/4 ounce lemon juice', '1/2 ounce maple syrup', '1/4 ounce Licor 43 (see Note)', '2 dashes of Angostura bitters', '5 ounces sparkling wine', 'Glass: CHAMPAGNE FLUTE', 'Garnish: ORANGE TWIST, EXPRESSED AND DISCARDED']
Combine the brandy, lemon juice, maple syrup, Licor 43, and bitters in a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake until chilled. Pour the sparkling wine into a champagne flute, then strain the brandy mixture into the glass. Express the orange twist over the glass and discard.
['3/4 ounce Laird’s Straight Apple Brandy', '3/4 ounce lemon juice', '1/2 ounce maple syrup', '1/4 ounce Licor 43 (see Note)', '2 dashes of Angostura bitters', '5 ounces sparkling wine', 'Glass: CHAMPAGNE FLUTE', 'Garnish: ORANGE TWIST', 'EXPRESSED AND DISCARDED']
Perfect Circle
['1 1/2 cups chilled fino or manzanilla sherry', '1 1/2 cups Campari', '1 (750 ml) bottle chilled dry sparkling wine', '18 orange wheels']
Up to 24 hours before serving, make the batch. Pour sherry and Campari into a 2 1/2- or 3-quart pitcher and stir to mix. Seal well, covering with plastic wrap if needed, and refrigerate if not serving immediately. To serve, stir 1 cup ice and 6 orange wheels into pitcher mix, then carefully add chilled sparkling wine and stir again gently to mix. Pour into ice-filled wine glasses or rocks glasses and garnish each glass with an orange wheel.
['1 1/2 cups chilled fino or manzanilla sherry', '1 1/2 cups Campari', '1 (750 ml) bottle chilled dry sparkling wine', '18 orange wheels']
All She Wrote
['2 1/4 cups chilled Punt e Mes', '1 cup plus 2 tablespoons dry vermouth (such as Dolin)', '6 tablespoons maraschino liqueur', '3 tablespoons pamplemousse (grapefruit) liqueur (such as Combier or Giffard)', '4 teaspoons Peychaud’s bitters', 'TO SERVE: Flaky sea salt']
At least 2 hours before serving, make the batch. Use a small funnel to pour Punt e Mes, dry vermouth, maraschino liqueur, pamplemousse liqueur, and bitters into a 1-liter swing-top bottle. Seal well, gently turn to mix, and refrigerate. To serve, turn bottle gently end over end to mix. Place a large ice cube in each rocks glass, then pour in cocktail. Give each drink one gentle stir before serving. Garnish with a small pinch of salt.
['2 1/4 cups chilled Punt e Mes', '1 cup plus 2 tablespoons dry vermouth (such as Dolin)', '6 tablespoons maraschino liqueur', '3 tablespoons pamplemousse (grapefruit) liqueur (such as Combier or Giffard)', '4 teaspoons Peychaud’s bitters', 'TO SERVE: Flaky sea salt']
Mr. Tingles' Punch
['1 (750 ml) bottle light rum', '2 tablespoons Sichuan peppercorns', '25 ounces pomegranate juice', '8 1/2 ounces fresh lemon juice', '8 1/2 ounces 1:1 simple syrup (see note)', '4 ounces water', 'GARNISH: ice block, about 20 lemon wheels, 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds, and 1 tablespoon each black and pink peppercorns (optional)']
At least 24 hours before you plan to serve the punch, fill a Tupperware or cake pan with water and freeze to make an ice block that will fit in your serving vessel, or make several trays of large ice cubes. Meanwhile, make the infused rum: Carefully spoon Sichuan peppercorns directly into the bottle of rum, using a funnel if desired. Reseal the bottle and let sit at room temperature for 24 hours, jostling occasionally to move the peppercorns around. Strain the infused rum through a fine-mesh strainer and discard peppercorns. If not serving immediately, return the infused rum to the bottle using a funnel and store in a cool, dark place for up to 3 months. When ready to serve, combine entire bottle of infused rum with the measured pomegranate juice, lemon juice, simple syrup, and water in a large punch bowl. Stir well to mix and carefully add the ice block. Garnish punch bowl with lemon wheels, pomegranate seeds, and peppercorns if using. Ladle into ice-filled punch glasses and garnish each glass with a lemon wheel.
['1 (750 ml) bottle light rum', '2 tablespoons Sichuan peppercorns', '25 ounces pomegranate juice', '8 1/2 ounces fresh lemon juice', '8 1/2 ounces 1:1 simple syrup (see note)', '4 ounces water', 'GARNISH: ice block', 'about 20 lemon wheels', '1/4 cup pomegranate seeds', 'and 1 tablespoon each black and pink peppercorns (optional)']
Sunday Stash Sweet Potatoes
['8 large sweet potatoes (9–12 oz. each)', '1/4 cup vegetable oil', '1 Tbsp. kosher salt']
Place racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 400°F. Cut potatoes in half lengthwise and divide between 2 rimmed baking sheets. Drizzle with oil and season all over with salt. Rub sweet potatoes with your hands to evenly coat, then arrange cut side down. Roast potatoes, rotating baking sheets top to bottom halfway through, until fork-tender, 25–35 minutes (depending on their size, some may be done before others; test each one every 5 minutes after the 25-minute mark). Do Ahead: Sweet potatoes can be roasted 4 days ahead. Let cool; cover and chill.
['8 large sweet potatoes (9–12 oz. each)', '1/4 cup vegetable oil', '1 Tbsp. kosher salt']