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The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The lives of Muslim citizens must not be taken hostage under the pretext of creating an ideological concept.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The headscarf / veil is not a political banner.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The veil / scarf is private, politics is public.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Political Islam is a pretext for the opression of Muslim citizens.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Off topic.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The veil is only a demonstration of a person who wants to please God.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
No. Not at all. Religion must be independent from politics.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
These people are not familiar with what people are saying.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
They simply demonstrate modesty.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
This is your vision of things, it does not mean that you are right.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
This thought is the beginning of the path that leads to racism.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
No, these are the right of every person to dress freely.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Unhealthy political recovery.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The Islamic veil is an expression of modesty.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The Islamic veil is not a religious principle.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
There is no connection between the veil and politics.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The veil is to protect the woman, honor and a sign of modesty and faith.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The veil is not only Islamic.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
More than 1,400 years that Islam exists, so over 1,400 years that Islam is political.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Political Islam ?? Nuns, kippas, wigs - is it political Christianity?? Political Judaism? Strangely enough, we don't ask ourselves that question.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The veil is a personal religious choice. What does it have to do with politics?
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Politics? Strangely, when mainstream political parties seek the Muslim electorate, we hear a completely different speech! Politics has nothing to do with it, the only connection that can be made is when a French Muslim is going to vote, but everyone fulfills his civic duty, an atheist, a Christian, or a Buddhist, or a Jew.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
False because the veil is not islamic, it is present in all religions.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The veil is not political, but religious, but politicians have made it political to use it as a weapon of war.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Political argument for electoral purposes.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
False, the veil is simply a sign of modesty.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
I've never seen a veiled woman that represents a political movement.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Political badges, are they subject to a ban in public places? No!
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Nevertheless, to express one's adherence to an ideology, religion or philosophy in the public sphere is protected by Article 9 of the ECHR.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Dressing at your convenience is a demonstration of a democratic society that respects human rights!
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
If that were the case, it would be uniform. Now all shapes and colors are present.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Affirmation that seeks to relegate a category of citizens in the public sphere.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Pure Islamophobic ideology.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
What does political Islam mean?
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Women struggle to not be forced to wear the veil in the countries of the Muslim world which make it compulsory, but they don't deny their belonging to Islam.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
This is yet another pretext to avoid addressing the real problems of society, of which the veil is absolutely not a part. With such blindness, shouldn't you be the one to remove your veil?
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
So what is your point? Islam is a political religion, the veil does not make it violent or hateful.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The thing that bothers you is that Muslims no longer raze the walls and refuse to hide anymore.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
The veil is an issue in France because politicians are trying constantly to control it, while stating everywhere that women MUST dress as they wish. Isn't it a paradox?
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Nothing to do with it.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Submission to God.
English CN generation:
The Islamic veil is the demonstration of political Islam.
Apolitical veil.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
No muslim. The majority of Muslims in France are French and Republicans.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
So we start with the premise that they all come from a single country.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Which of them?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I am flattered that my city of Essonne is considered a country.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Being Muslim is a spirituality, the spirit is omnipresent.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Our country is France! This is where we were born, this is where we grew up, this is where we pay our taxes and this is where we will die.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
What country are you talking about? Where do you want to deport them? In Germany? Or maybe in Drancy? To read to you.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Uh, how do you explain that? In your statement there is a mixture between the concept of citizenship and the concept of religion. Islam is my religion and France is my country. #dealwithit.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Where is the Muslimstan? The nearest embassy?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I am French, I love my France: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Unfortunately there is not much French spirit left since long ago, they cut off its precious values.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I am French, I have never felt that French as Islam.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
You do not know maybe, but Islam is a religion, not a nationality.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I was born in France from French parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. I'm going back to where? In Gaulle?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Ethnic origin and religious affiliation cannot be superimposed, as the same country may have people of different denominations. This is also what makes our sweet France so rich.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Unfortunately, Muslimstan does not exist. Religions/beliefs/philosophies/systems thinking transcend geographic boundaries and admit no limits except those which man attaches himself. Jesus is born in Nazareth. For this reason, Christians and Jews should settle there? Get serious.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Why? Will you be richer or happier?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
My place and my world is the planet Earth.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
My country is France.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
No, I just cannot because I am an Arab outside and a French inside.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Long live France, my beautiful country.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Diversity is an enrichment, do not try to impoverish France!
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
The Muslimstan does not exist.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
To return, I will need a return ticket to France.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I am there.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Ah I didn't know that by becoming a Muslim it was suddenly possible to change your country of birth.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
This question should not even be imagined and lived together, what should we do with it?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
French of Portuguese origin converted to Islam.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I am in my country.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Our country allows us to live our religion.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
We do not need your validation to live our faith, only through tolerance.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
We are already in our country.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Speech from someone who doesn't open up to the world.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I have no accountability. I was born in France, grew up in France, educated in France and working in France. So I'm French whether you like it or not.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
People forget to tell that our fathers built France, which was destroyed during the second war. What ingratitude.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
We are already lol.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Long live the Republic and long live France! Proud to be French Muslim.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Muslims are not a nation. Muslims are found in various countries. And a French Muslim has his rightful place in France in this country, which is his own, in which he lives in peace with all his fellow citizens.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I'm as French as you are.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I am in my country France.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I was born in France. In your opinion which country should I go to?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
France is my country. I stay there.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
In Brittany?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Yes gladly, once you leave mine.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
A Muslim does not have a country of his own! A native French man with another religion can convert to Islam if he wishes: in this case he will go or?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
The France is our country.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
This implies that I came from a part where I was born here.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
I'm home. I'm not going anywhere!
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Muslim converts going where?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
What is the country of Muslims? The musulmanie?
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
You confuse Arab with Muslim.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Muslims are not foreigners.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Muslims participate in the development of the country.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Muslims are at home in France.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
Muslims are French.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
After You, because most of the racists are of European and other origin, very few native French.
English CN generation:
Muslims: return to your country.
What is the Muslim countries? The musulmanie? ?.
English CN generation: