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What have Muslims ever done for us?
Pioneered science.
English CN generation:
Have Muslims done something useful for us?
[insert picture of first/second world war Muslim soldiers, example The World's War, Forgotten Soldiers of Empire] they have fought and died for our country.
English CN generation:
What have Muslims ever done for us?
British literature has been influenced by Islamic writing for hundreds of years, even Shakespeare included Muslim characters. [link to Othello wiki with example].
English CN generation:
What have Muslims ever done for us?
English CN generation:
What have Muslims ever done for us?
Perhaps invented clocks, surgical instruments and maps? You are welcome.
English CN generation:
Have Muslims ever made a contribution to our society?
Perhaps invented clocks, surgical instruments and maps? You are welcome.
English CN generation:
What have Muslims ever done for us?
[insert picture of first/second world war Muslim soldiers, example The World's War, Forgotten Soldiers of Empire] they have fought and died for our country.
English CN generation:
Have Muslims ever made a contribution to our society?
[insert picture of first/second world war Muslim soldiers, example The World's War, Forgotten Soldiers of Empire] they have fought and died for our country.
English CN generation:
What have Muslims ever done for us?
Fought for us in both world wars.
English CN generation:
Have Muslims ever made a contribution to our society?
Fought for us in both world wars.
English CN generation:
Have Muslims ever made a contribution to our society?
The UK couldn't thrive without international trade. Trade with Muslim countries boosted our economy to help make Britain as strong as it is today.
English CN generation:
Have Muslims ever made a contribution to our society?
List of positive news stories.
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
Small groups of people peacefully gather to pray, but because they do not look like you, you are outraged? Why am I not surprised?
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
At what point in history did England not have people from other places joining us? Vikings, Saxons, Romans. We integrate the best things and move forward.
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
They are here because we went there, took their wealth, food and industry and then invited them to come here to work in our factories, NHS and transport.
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
Omg brown people contributing to our society. How dare they!?
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
Yeah, so what is your point? It looks like a place where people can live and do what they want and believe even in the West.
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
I'd rather see them than the Friday night kicking out crowd.
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
So these families came in to do cheap labour at textile mills in Saville and then made a life for themselves? Shocking! How could they?
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
Have you seen Magaluf in the summer? Brits do the same everywhere we go.
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
You are not even trying to mask your racism now.
English CN generation:
#saville town looks like a city of Afghanistan or Pakistan more than an English City. What do you think?
What is wrong with accepting and understanding people of different backgrounds?
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
Small groups of people peacefully gather to pray, but because they do not look like you, you are outraged? Why am I not surprised?
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
Small groups of people peacefully gather to pray, but because they do not look like you, you are outraged? Why am I not surprised?
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
At what point in history did England not have people from other places joining us? Vikings, Saxons, Romans. We integrate the best things and move forward.
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
At what point in history did England not have people from other places joining us? Vikings, Saxons, Romans. We integrate the best things and move forward.
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
They are here because we went there, took their wealth, food and industry and then invited them to come here to work in our factories, NHS and transport.
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
They are here because we went there, took their wealth, food and industry and then invited them to come here to work in our factories, NHS and transport.
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
Omg brown people contributing to our society. How dare they!?
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
Omg brown people contributing to our society. How dare they!?
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
Yeah, so what is your point? It looks like a place where people can live and do what they want and believe even in the West.
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
Yeah, so what is your point? It looks like a place where people can live and do what they want and believe even in the West.
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
I'd rather see them than the Friday night kicking out crowd.
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
I'd rather see them than the Friday night kicking out crowd.
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
So these families came in to do cheap labour at textile mills in Saville and then made a life for themselves? Shocking! How could they?
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
So these families came in to do cheap labour at textile mills in Saville and then made a life for themselves? Shocking! How could they?
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
Have you seen Magaluf in the summer? Brits do the same everywhere we go.
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
Have you seen Magaluf in the summer? Brits do the same everywhere we go.
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
You are not even trying to mask your racism now.
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
You are not even trying to mask your racism now.
English CN generation:
Afghanistan or maybe Pakistan? I bet this does not look like an English town to you? #saville Town (Text accompanying video footage of people on their way to Friday prayers etc. )
What is wrong with accepting and understanding people of different backgrounds?
English CN generation:
Is this Afghanistan or Pakistan? You would never say this is an english town.#saville town (text accompanying video footage of people on their way to friday prayers etc. ).
What is wrong with accepting and understanding people of different backgrounds?
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
Being religious has never stopped anyone from being in public office before. Christians have allegiance to God, is that not the same thing?
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
No, a person can be religious and have multiple allegiances and responsibilities.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
But that does not at all undermine their contribution to public good and society, his allegiance is his own business.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
Any person of (any) faith would understand that our responsibilities towards tolerance, peace and justice is paramount. If you have faith I am shocked that you would question it.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
Islam shares the same roots as Christianity and Judaism and all are based on love, tolerance and peace, so that is a good thing isn't it.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
So their faith and belief in the teachings of God guides them to a virtuous path of public service. What exactly are you complaining about?
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
So you are saying that we should only allow non-religious people into public office?
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
We are all doing our best for our country under God.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
Looks like you are suggesting that politicians should not be religious.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is only allied with Allah.
Are you suggesting we should not be democratic? Or that public office is not won by merit, hard work and excellence. Perhaps we should try nepotism?
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
Being religious has never stopped anyone from being in public office before. Christians have allegiance to God, is that not the same thing?
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
Being religious has never stopped anyone from being in public office before. Christians have allegiance to God, is that not the same thing?
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
No, a person can be religious and have multiple allegiances and responsibilities.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
No, a person can be religious and have multiple allegiances and responsibilities.
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
But that does not at all undermine their contribution to public good and society, his allegiance is his own business.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
But that does not at all undermine their contribution to public good and society, his allegiance is his own business.
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
Any person of (any) faith would understand that our responsibilities towards tolerance, peace and justice is paramount. If you have faith I am shocked that you would question it.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
Any person of (any) faith would understand that our responsibilities towards tolerance, peace and justice is paramount. If you have faith I am shocked that you would question it.
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
Islam shares the same roots as Christianity and Judaism and all are based on love, tolerance and peace, so that is a good thing isn't it.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
Islam shares the same roots as Christianity and Judaism and all are based on love, tolerance and peace, so that is a good thing isn't it.
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
So their faith and belief in the teachings of God guides them to a virtuous path of public service. What exactly are you complaining about?
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
So their faith and belief in the teachings of God guides them to a virtuous path of public service. What exactly are you complaining about?
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
So you are saying that we should only allow non-religious people into public office?
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
So you are saying that we should only allow non-religious people into public office?
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
We are all doing our best for our country under God.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
We are all doing our best for our country under God.
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
Looks like you are suggesting that politicians should not be religious.
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
Looks like you are suggesting that politicians should not be religious.
English CN generation:
A Muslim's only real allegiance is to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.)
Are you suggesting we should not be democratic? Or that public office is not won by merit, hard work and excellence. Perhaps we should try nepotism?
English CN generation:
A Muslim is loyal only to Allah (as a comment in relation to election for public office etc.).
Are you suggesting we should not be democratic? Or that public office is not won by merit, hard work and excellence. Perhaps we should try nepotism?
English CN generation:
Islam does not help science progression, because it does not have useful elements and it isn't rational.
Islamic scholars created the foundations on which our modern scientific knowledge was built.
English CN generation:
Islam does not help science progression, because it does not have useful elements and it isn't rational.
Actually all modern science and mathematics are children of Islam.
English CN generation:
Islam does not help science progression, because it does not have useful elements and it isn't rational.
Are you sure? There are an awful lot of Muslim, scientists, researchers, and medical professionals for a religion which is supposedly incompatible with science.
English CN generation:
Islam does not help science progression, because it does not have useful elements and it isn't rational.
The Qur'an encourages the pursuit of new knowledge and understanding. That sounds quite compatible with science to me.
English CN generation:
Islam does not help science progression, because it does not have useful elements and it isn't rational.
Ever heard of Al-Khawarizmi? You have him to thank for quite a lot of mathematics and astronomy!
English CN generation:
Islam does not help science progression, because it does not have useful elements and it isn't rational.
Oh! You mean the home of modern maths and science?
English CN generation:
Islam does not help science progression, because it does not have useful elements and it isn't rational.
Apart from all the scientists that are also muslim?
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
No, 1.6 billion people are not irrational and incompatible with science.
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
No, 1.6 billion people are not irrational and incompatible with science.
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
We use Arabic numbers.
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
We use Arabic numbers.
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
Much like your statement then.
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
Much like your statement then.
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
Islamic scholars created the foundations on which our modern scientific knowledge was built.
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
Islamic scholars created the foundations on which our modern scientific knowledge was built.
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
Actually all modern science and mathematics are children of Islam.
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
Actually all modern science and mathematics are children of Islam.
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
Are you sure? There are an awful lot of Muslim, scientists, researchers, and medical professionals for a religion which is supposedly incompatible with science.
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
Are you sure? There are an awful lot of Muslim, scientists, researchers, and medical professionals for a religion which is supposedly incompatible with science.
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
The Qur'an encourages the pursuit of new knowledge and understanding. That sounds quite compatible with science to me.
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
The Qur'an encourages the pursuit of new knowledge and understanding. That sounds quite compatible with science to me.
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
Ever heard of Al-Khawarizmi? You have him to thank for quite a lot of mathematics and astronomy!
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
Ever heard of Al-Khawarizmi? You have him to thank for quite a lot of mathematics and astronomy!
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
Oh! You mean the home of modern maths and science?
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
Oh! You mean the home of modern maths and science?
English CN generation:
Islam is irrational and incompatible with science.
Apart from all the scientists that are also muslim?
English CN generation:
Islam cannot get along with science because is illogical.
Apart from all the scientists that are also muslim?
English CN generation:
Islam does not help science progression, because it does not have useful elements and it isn't rational.
No, 1.6 billion people are not irrational and incompatible with science.
English CN generation: