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Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The veil symbolizes being in a prayer and is common to all religions.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The veil is put to approach God and pray.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
No Muslim woman is obligated to wear the veil.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Actually it is obligatory for praying, because in front of God you have to be covered.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Who appointed you as spokesperson of the veiled women for speaking in their names?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
In Islam women are free like the others.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Do you know all the veiled women to say that?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
And you think that by forcing them to remove it, you give them more freedom?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
I do not think you speak on behalf of veiled women.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Have you collected their opinion before making such comments?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
What is the difference between the Christian or Jewish veil?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
On what basis do you claim your assertion of this?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
You speak on behalf of women whose rights are being violated, that's fine. What about women who choose to wear it?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Bring your proof.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
I wear the veil and nobody forces of the focused, I'm not married and I converted to Islam so non-Muslim family so no pressure.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The beauty of a woman must be protected just as GREAT jewels are protected by alarms. We are protected by our veils.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The veil is a protection for the woman.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
We are subject to our Creator as our veiled sisters-christians.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Do you really know a veiled woman?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
There is no reason why a woman should be forced to wear the veil.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Women are not submissive but are free by their choice.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Women do not need you to express the opinion in their place.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Women are free to wear what they want.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
It is a pity to see that people are not as respectful of Muslim women in a country that is supposed to defend human rights.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
How can you keep that kind of talk while you know nothing of the place of women in Islam!
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Women who are naked are subject to the dictate of the society.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Ignorance is the worst disease.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
An idea that only leads to hatred.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The scarf is in no way a forced act. We just suffer from prejudice and ignorance. It is in no way an object that hinders freedom. It is good to work outside or travel with friends.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The headscarf is in no way an object of submission and in no way an obligation. It is a thoughtful choice and one that many people have accepted.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The veil is an accessory that allows women to be recognized as a person and not only to be seen by its envelope. This protection is important in view of the sexual scandals that are now emerging with the "pig tone" scales.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Women with faith wear a headscarf out of religious conviction and certainly not subject to anyone except the creator!
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
A woman who decides to wear the veil to perform a spiritual journey, so she chose to wear it for her own personal reasons!
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
How do you know?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Why are you talking in their places?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Women can decide whether or not to wear it based on their degree of Faith and resistance to verbal and physical aggression by ignorant people.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Religiously women should wear the veil or headscarf. This is a submission to the rules of Allah and not man.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
This is 99% of the time a personal choice.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
How is it a submission to hide your attire?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Being half naked is not a submission?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Who makes them do it?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
This kind of comment is an overgeneralization, like many has been provided in history.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Have you asked all veiled women whether they wear it as an obligation.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Please do not generalize, all veiled women are essentially different women.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Why are you shocked by Muslim veil when the veil exists in other religions as well?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Yes but subject to God and not to man.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The veiled woman is free to dispose of her body as she sees fit.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The majority of veiled women chose to wear the veil in full consciousness and in accordance with his religious principles.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The veiled women are not subject to the dictates of fashion and the desire of men.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
The veiled women are not subjected, only to their Lord, Creator of all things.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Veiled women are free to cover and not to be a sex object.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Many veiled women are grown and make this choice against the wishes of their husbands or families.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
In France, there is no requirement for women to wear a scarf other than personal choice. No submission or obligation, it is a religious practice that allows them to live their faith in peace.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Women of other faiths veil, and no one is treated like being submitted.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Submissive women are rather those who submit to prostitution networks and are sexual objects.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
No, it is just a religious practice of personal choice.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
It is through religious conviction.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
It is a duty in Islam.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
They are free to do so.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
No, it is a personal choice.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
You are intolerant and ignorant.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
This is their choice and they are free to wear them.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
They are subject to God and they wear the veils freely.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Leave them at peace, they are beautiful, brilliant and above all free to wear the veil, everyone takes care of herself and is free to respect laws.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Veiled women in France are persecuted and especially discriminated against because of their veils.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
We are talking about the religiosity of women in their places, what is the point?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
What about nuns?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Their numbers are growing, thus it should please them .
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
And what about those who are single?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Support your claim.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
It is best to ask them.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Submission does not manifest itself in a dress, it would be so easy to find the perpetrators by this principle.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Wearing the veil is a choice for the majority of women.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
They do what they want, and you are saying lies and I could drag you to court for defamation.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
They are not subject to anyone but God.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
They wear the veil because they are free to wear it.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Secularism allows it.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
No, this is not the case.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Yes if they want to have things in accordance with their religion.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Yes subject to our creator.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
In that case how do you explain that there are veiled women who are entrepreneurs? Do you know a lot of submissive entrepreneurs? An entrepreneur, by definition, is independent.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Do you think, maybe, it is possible that she wears the veil because she wants?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Don't you think that there are also women who are forced to wear "sexy clothes" against their will? Or clothes of this or that cut? Or this and that color?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Personally around me, all the women I know who wear the veil, do in their soul and conscience. And you, have you taken the time to discuss respectfully, without preconceptions, with a woman who wears a veil?
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
If you know what's going on in a woman's head, it may be that you unconsciously take too much from Mel Gibson in the movie "What women want".
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
They are weak and reduce prejudice.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
It is a lack of knowledge of Muslim women.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
They are free to wear it or not.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
I don't know any women who are veiled out of obligation.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Faith is not imposed.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
We should question the women themselves that we almost never questioned.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
For the vast majority it is a personal choice.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
If they choose so, you can not deny them, human rights guarantee the freedom of worship.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
Subject to whom, to what? As any woman, they are free to dress as they please.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
On what do you base your statement? I am also against human oppression. Let us ask them what it is all about and act if necessary.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
It is an Islamophobic cliché.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
It is a lie.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
It is an insult to the freedom of conscience of Muslim women.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
It is an attempt to manipulate public opinion.
English CN generation:
Veiled women are subjected and forced to wear the headscarf.
You speak without knowing.
English CN generation: