2 values
2 classes
30 values
A. green_pantry, B. red_drawer, C. green_cupboard, D. green_envelope, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. red_envelope, G. green_treasure_chest, H. blue_drawer, I. red_crate, J. green_bottle, K. green_basket, L. red_pantry, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_box, O. red_bottle
Where is the cucumber really?
1 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the dining_room. 2 The cucumber is in the green_treasure_chest. 3 Ava made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 4 Ava exited the dining_room. 5 Evelyn moved the cucumber to the red_envelope. 6 Evelyn exited the dining_room. 7 Charlotte moved the cucumber to the red_crate. 8 Charlotte exited the dining_room. 9 William made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 10 William exited the dining_room. 11 Jacob moved the cucumber to the green_treasure_chest. 12 Jacob exited the dining_room. 13 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the pantry. 15 The watermelon is in the green_basket. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard. 17 Evelyn exited the pantry. 18 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_pantry. 19 Jacob exited the pantry. 20 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 21 Charlotte exited the pantry. 22 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_bucket, B. red_basket, C. red_container, D. blue_bathtub, E. green_pantry, F. red_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_bathtub, K. red_drawer, L. red_bottle, M. blue_drawer, N. green_crate, O. green_treasure_chest
Where is the corn really?
1 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the hallway. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Liam moved the corn to the red_container. 4 Liam exited the hallway. 5 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 6 Sophia exited the hallway. 7 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 8 Lily exited the hallway. 9 Carter made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 10 Carter exited the hallway. 11 Amelia moved the corn to the red_basket. 12 Amelia exited the hallway. 13 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the waiting_room. 14 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the hallway. 15 The melon is in the blue_bucket. 16 Liam moved the melon to the red_basket. 17 Liam exited the hallway. 18 Lily moved the melon to the green_pantry. 19 Lily exited the hallway. 20 Carter moved the melon to the red_container. 21 Carter exited the hallway. 22 Sophia dislikes the corn. 23 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. blue_suitcase, D. blue_cupboard, E. green_basket, F. green_pantry, G. red_basket, H. red_envelope, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. green_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. blue_bucket, O. green_crate
Where is the peas really?
1 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the workshop. 2 The peas is in the green_drawer. 3 Liam moved the peas to the blue_container. 4 Liam dislikes the peas. 5 Liam exited the workshop. 6 Noah moved the peas to the green_crate. 7 Noah exited the workshop. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_bucket. 9 Avery exited the workshop. 10 Mila moved the peas to the blue_crate. 11 Liam saw a dog. 12 Mila exited the workshop. 13 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 14 Benjamin exited the workshop. 15 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the den. 17 The melon is in the red_bucket. 18 Noah made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 19 Noah exited the den. 20 Liam made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 21 Liam exited the den. 22 Mila moved the melon to the blue_suitcase. 23 Mila exited the den. 24 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_treasure_chest, B. blue_drawer, C. green_bottle, D. red_basket, E. red_box, F. red_drawer, G. green_crate, H. green_treasure_chest, I. green_box, J. blue_suitcase, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. red_crate, O. green_bucket
Where is the potato really?
1 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the crawlspace. 2 The potato is in the blue_drawer. 3 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 4 Evelyn exited the crawlspace. 5 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 6 Chloe exited the crawlspace. 7 Mila moved the potato to the red_basket. 8 Mila exited the crawlspace. 9 Isabella moved the potato to the green_bottle. 10 Isabella exited the crawlspace. 11 Jacob moved the potato to the blue_drawer. 12 Jacob exited the crawlspace. 13 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the closet. 15 The watermelon is in the green_crate. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_suitcase. 17 Evelyn exited the closet. 18 Mila moved the watermelon to the red_drawer. 19 Mila exited the closet. 20 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute. 21 Jacob exited the closet. 22 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the waiting_room.
A. red_envelope, B. green_envelope, C. green_box, D. blue_bucket, E. blue_pantry, F. green_basket, G. blue_drawer, H. red_container, I. green_bucket, J. green_bathtub, K. red_box, L. green_crate, M. blue_container, N. green_drawer, O. red_bottle
Where is the cabbage really?
1 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the staircase. 2 The cabbage is in the green_envelope. 3 Noah moved the cabbage to the green_box. 4 Emma likes the red_envelope. 5 Noah exited the staircase. 6 Emma made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 7 Emma exited the staircase. 8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Avery exited the staircase. 10 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 11 Aiden exited the staircase. 12 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Jackson exited the staircase. 14 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the waiting_room. 15 Aiden likes the blue_bucket. 16 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the staircase. 17 The cabbage is in the green_box. 18 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 19 Aiden exited the staircase. 20 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_envelope. 21 Avery exited the staircase. 22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 23 Jackson exited the staircase. 24 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_crate, C. green_bucket, D. blue_container, E. red_crate, F. red_pantry, G. green_basket, H. green_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. green_box, K. red_drawer, L. red_box, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_envelope, O. green_drawer
Where is the melon really?
1 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the bedroom. 2 The melon is in the red_pantry. 3 Owen moved the melon to the green_basket. 4 Owen exited the bedroom. 5 Avery saw a monkey. 6 Avery made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 7 Avery exited the bedroom. 8 Owen likes the red_basket. 9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 10 Benjamin exited the bedroom. 11 Mila moved the melon to the green_box. 12 Mila exited the bedroom. 13 Noah moved the melon to the red_pantry. 14 Noah exited the bedroom. 15 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the dining_room. 17 The sweet_potato is in the red_basket. 18 Noah moved the sweet_potato to the green_bucket. 19 Noah exited the dining_room. 20 Avery moved the sweet_potato to the blue_container. 21 Avery exited the dining_room. 22 Owen saw a dog. 23 Mila made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 24 Mila exited the dining_room. 25 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_pantry, B. green_bottle, C. red_envelope, D. green_cupboard, E. green_crate, F. green_box, G. red_crate, H. red_bottle, I. blue_cupboard, J. blue_bottle, K. blue_container, L. blue_bathtub, M. red_bucket, N. blue_treasure_chest, O. green_treasure_chest
Where is the melon really?
1 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the hallway. 2 The melon is in the blue_container. 3 Evelyn moved the melon to the green_treasure_chest. 4 Evelyn exited the hallway. 5 Lily dislikes the cucumber. 6 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 7 Isabella exited the hallway. 8 Nathan moved the melon to the blue_treasure_chest. 9 Nathan exited the hallway. 10 Ava made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 11 Ava exited the hallway. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 13 Ava dislikes the spinach. 14 Lily exited the hallway. 15 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the cellar. 17 The spinach is in the red_crate. 18 Nathan moved the spinach to the blue_bottle. 19 Nathan exited the cellar. 20 Isabella moved the spinach to the red_bottle. 21 Isabella exited the cellar. 22 Nathan lost his phone. 23 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 24 Evelyn exited the cellar. 25 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. green_crate, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_basket, G. green_drawer, H. red_bucket, I. blue_drawer, J. blue_pantry, K. blue_suitcase, L. blue_bucket, M. red_crate, N. blue_bottle, O. green_envelope
Where is the watermelon really?
1 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the hall. 2 The watermelon is in the green_bucket. 3 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 4 Noah exited the hall. 5 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Abigail exited the hall. 7 Owen made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 8 Emma dislikes the melon. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Emma moved the watermelon to the blue_treasure_chest. 11 Emma exited the hall. 12 Liam made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 13 Liam exited the hall. 14 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the waiting_room. 15 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the hall. 16 The persimmon is in the blue_bathtub. 17 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 18 Liam saw a dog. 19 Noah exited the hall. 20 Owen moved the persimmon to the green_crate. 21 Owen exited the hall. 22 Liam moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub. 23 Liam exited the hall. 24 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_drawer, C. red_pantry, D. red_envelope, E. blue_drawer, F. green_cupboard, G. green_bathtub, H. red_box, I. red_drawer, J. green_treasure_chest, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. green_bottle, O. green_bucket
Where is the carrot really?
1 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the hall. 2 The carrot is in the red_basket. 3 Evelyn moved the carrot to the red_pantry. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Mila exited the hall. 7 Owen moved the carrot to the green_drawer. 8 Mila saw a cat. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Lily moved the carrot to the red_envelope. 11 Lily exited the hall. 12 Noah moved the carrot to the red_basket. 13 Owen lost his watch. 14 Noah exited the hall. 15 Owen likes the red_basket. 16 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the waiting_room. 17 Owen dislikes the spinach. 18 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the sunroom. 19 The cherry is in the blue_crate. 20 Mila dislikes the spinach. 21 Noah made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 22 Owen likes the green_treasure_chest. 23 Noah exited the sunroom. 24 Mila moved the cherry to the green_bucket. 25 Mila exited the sunroom. 26 Owen made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 27 Owen exited the sunroom. 28 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the waiting_room.
A. red_container, B. red_pantry, C. blue_treasure_chest, D. blue_pantry, E. blue_crate, F. blue_drawer, G. red_box, H. red_crate, I. green_envelope, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. red_envelope, M. green_drawer, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_basket
Where is the orange really?
1 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the master_bedroom. 2 The orange is in the red_pantry. 3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 4 Hannah exited the master_bedroom. 5 Jack moved the orange to the blue_treasure_chest. 6 Jack exited the master_bedroom. 7 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 8 Alexander exited the master_bedroom. 9 Chloe moved the orange to the red_container. 10 Chloe exited the master_bedroom. 11 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 12 Aiden exited the master_bedroom. 13 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the waiting_room. 14 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the front_yard. 15 The pear is in the red_box. 16 Aiden moved the pear to the green_pantry. 17 Aiden exited the front_yard. 18 Hannah moved the pear to the green_envelope. 19 Hannah exited the front_yard. 20 Jack made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Jack exited the front_yard. 22 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. red_crate, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_treasure_chest, E. blue_pantry, F. red_container, G. red_drawer, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_envelope, J. green_treasure_chest, K. red_basket, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. red_bucket, O. blue_cupboard
Where is the cherry really?
1 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the pantry. 2 The cherry is in the red_drawer. 3 Emily moved the cherry to the red_container. 4 Emily exited the pantry. 5 Lily made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Lily exited the pantry. 7 Emma moved the cherry to the green_envelope. 8 Emma exited the pantry. 9 Avery moved the cherry to the blue_suitcase. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Ella made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Ella exited the pantry. 13 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room. 14 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the cellar. 15 The tomato is in the blue_container. 16 Lily made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 17 Lily exited the cellar. 18 Avery moved the tomato to the red_bucket. 19 Lily likes the red_drawer. 20 Avery exited the cellar. 21 Ella made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 22 Ella exited the cellar. 23 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. red_drawer, B. red_basket, C. green_box, D. green_bottle, E. red_pantry, F. green_bathtub, G. red_bottle, H. red_container, I. red_crate, J. green_treasure_chest, K. green_bucket, L. red_box, M. red_bucket, N. blue_suitcase, O. blue_crate
Where is the pear really?
1 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the pantry. 2 The pear is in the red_box. 3 William made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 4 William exited the pantry. 5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Ava exited the pantry. 7 Charlotte moved the pear to the red_bucket. 8 Charlotte exited the pantry. 9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Alexander exited the pantry. 13 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the office. 15 The asparagus is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander moved the asparagus to the red_drawer. 17 Avery dislikes the pear. 18 Alexander exited the office. 19 Charlotte moved the asparagus to the red_pantry. 20 Charlotte exited the office. 21 Avery dislikes the cabbage. 22 Ava made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute. 23 Ava exited the office. 24 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the waiting_room.
A. green_envelope, B. blue_suitcase, C. red_envelope, D. green_basket, E. blue_bucket, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_crate, I. red_drawer, J. green_box, K. green_drawer, L. green_treasure_chest, M. green_bathtub, N. blue_pantry, O. red_bottle
Where is the watermelon really?
1 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the workshop. 2 The watermelon is in the blue_suitcase. 3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 4 Avery exited the workshop. 5 Sophia moved the watermelon to the green_envelope. 6 Sophia exited the workshop. 7 Avery dislikes the tomato. 8 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_basket. 9 Carter exited the workshop. 10 Emily made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 11 Emily exited the workshop. 12 Isla made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 13 Isla exited the workshop. 14 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the waiting_room. 15 Carter likes the green_treasure_chest. 16 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the sunroom. 17 The carrot is in the blue_treasure_chest. 18 Emily moved the carrot to the green_box. 19 Emily exited the sunroom. 20 Isla moved the carrot to the green_crate. 21 Isla exited the sunroom. 22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 23 Avery exited the sunroom. 24 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. blue_treasure_chest, C. green_crate, D. blue_cupboard, E. red_bottle, F. blue_crate, G. green_pantry, H. green_bucket, I. green_box, J. blue_drawer, K. green_bottle, L. red_box, M. green_treasure_chest, N. blue_bathtub, O. red_container
Where is the lemon really?
1 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the hall. 2 The lemon is in the red_box. 3 Evelyn moved the lemon to the red_container. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Isla exited the hall. 7 Alexander moved the lemon to the green_treasure_chest. 8 Alexander exited the hall. 9 Emma moved the lemon to the green_bottle. 10 Emma exited the hall. 11 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 12 Sophia exited the hall. 13 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the TV_room. 15 The pear is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 17 Alexander exited the TV_room. 18 Emma moved the pear to the blue_treasure_chest. 19 Emma exited the TV_room. 20 Emma dislikes the eggplant. 21 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 22 Evelyn exited the TV_room. 23 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. red_bucket, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_bucket, F. blue_bathtub, G. green_cupboard, H. red_pantry, I. red_bottle, J. blue_treasure_chest, K. green_box, L. green_envelope, M. green_crate, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_crate
Where is the corn really?
1 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the basement. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Hannah moved the corn to the green_bathtub. 4 Hannah exited the basement. 5 Avery likes the green_crate. 6 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 7 William exited the basement. 8 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 9 Abigail exited the basement. 10 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 11 Hannah dislikes the corn. 12 Nathan exited the basement. 13 Avery moved the corn to the red_basket. 14 Avery exited the basement. 15 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan lost his watch. 17 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the basement. 18 The corn is in the red_basket. 19 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 20 Hannah exited the basement. 21 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bucket. 22 Abigail exited the basement. 23 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 24 William exited the basement. 25 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the waiting_room.
A. red_pantry, B. blue_bottle, C. red_basket, D. green_box, E. red_bottle, F. blue_suitcase, G. blue_crate, H. green_bucket, I. green_crate, J. red_drawer, K. red_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. green_bathtub, O. green_envelope
Where is the tangerine really?
1 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the den. 2 The tangerine is in the green_bottle. 3 Liam moved the tangerine to the blue_treasure_chest. 4 Sophia dislikes the banana. 5 Liam exited the den. 6 Jackson moved the tangerine to the green_bathtub. 7 Jackson exited the den. 8 Carter made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 9 Carter exited the den. 10 Benjamin moved the tangerine to the red_bucket. 11 Benjamin exited the den. 12 Sophia moved the tangerine to the green_bottle. 13 Sophia exited the den. 14 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 15 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the bathroom. 16 The plum is in the blue_suitcase. 17 Benjamin moved the plum to the green_crate. 18 Benjamin exited the bathroom. 19 Liam moved the plum to the red_drawer. 20 Liam exited the bathroom. 21 Jackson dislikes the tangerine. 22 Carter made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 23 Benjamin lost his phone. 24 Carter exited the bathroom. 25 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_drawer, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_container, F. blue_crate, G. red_drawer, H. blue_bathtub, I. red_envelope, J. red_basket, K. green_bucket, L. green_basket, M. red_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_cupboard
Where is the lime really?
1 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the front_yard. 2 Ella likes the red_bottle. 3 The lime is in the red_bottle. 4 Lily moved the lime to the blue_drawer. 5 Lily exited the front_yard. 6 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 7 Ella exited the front_yard. 8 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 9 Owen exited the front_yard. 10 Evelyn moved the lime to the green_pantry. 11 Evelyn dislikes the asparagus. 12 Evelyn exited the front_yard. 13 Emily made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 14 Emily exited the front_yard. 15 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the waiting_room. 16 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the attic. 17 The lettuce is in the green_basket. 18 Owen likes the blue_drawer. 19 Lily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 20 Lily exited the attic. 21 Emily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 22 Lily lost his phone. 23 Emily exited the attic. 24 Ella moved the lettuce to the green_cupboard. 25 Ella exited the attic. 26 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. green_pantry, B. red_envelope, C. green_bathtub, D. red_basket, E. blue_suitcase, F. red_box, G. blue_bottle, H. blue_drawer, I. green_drawer, J. red_container, K. blue_treasure_chest, L. red_bottle, M. blue_container, N. green_envelope, O. green_box
Where is the corn really?
1 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the staircase. 2 The corn is in the blue_treasure_chest. 3 Mila made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 4 Mila exited the staircase. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 6 Noah dislikes the green_pepper. 7 Isla exited the staircase. 8 Noah made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Noah exited the staircase. 10 Sophia moved the corn to the blue_container. 11 Sophia exited the staircase. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Sophia dislikes the tomato. 14 Lily exited the staircase. 15 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the front_yard. 17 The tomato is in the red_box. 18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 19 Isla exited the front_yard. 20 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Sophia exited the front_yard. 22 Lily moved the tomato to the green_drawer. 23 Lily exited the front_yard. 24 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_suitcase, D. red_bucket, E. green_box, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. red_bottle, I. green_drawer, J. red_envelope, K. blue_container, L. blue_crate, M. blue_cupboard, N. red_pantry, O. blue_bathtub
Where is the tomato really?
1 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the laundry. 2 The tomato is in the blue_container. 3 Sophia moved the tomato to the blue_cupboard. 4 Sophia exited the laundry. 5 Jackson moved the tomato to the blue_crate. 6 Jackson exited the laundry. 7 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 8 Amelia exited the laundry. 9 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 10 Charlotte exited the laundry. 11 Nathan moved the tomato to the blue_container. 12 Nathan exited the laundry. 13 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 14 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the hall. 15 The onion is in the blue_treasure_chest. 16 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 17 Nathan exited the hall. 18 Jackson moved the onion to the red_envelope. 19 Jackson exited the hall. 20 Amelia moved the onion to the green_cupboard. 21 Jackson saw a mouse. 22 Amelia exited the hall. 23 Jackson lost his phone. 24 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_suitcase, B. green_envelope, C. blue_cupboard, D. red_basket, E. red_envelope, F. red_box, G. blue_bathtub, H. green_basket, I. red_crate, J. blue_container, K. blue_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. red_bucket, O. green_box
Where is the peas really?
1 Evelyn dislikes the potato. 2 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the bathroom. 3 The peas is in the blue_suitcase. 4 Emily moved the peas to the red_basket. 5 Emily exited the bathroom. 6 Ella moved the peas to the red_envelope. 7 Ella exited the bathroom. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_cupboard. 9 Avery exited the bathroom. 10 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 11 Evelyn exited the bathroom. 12 Nathan moved the peas to the blue_suitcase. 13 Nathan exited the bathroom. 14 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 15 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the kitchen. 16 The corn is in the red_box. 17 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 18 Evelyn exited the kitchen. 19 Avery made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 20 Avery exited the kitchen. 21 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 22 Nathan exited the kitchen. 23 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
A. green_pantry, B. red_drawer, C. green_cupboard, D. green_envelope, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. red_envelope, G. green_treasure_chest, H. blue_drawer, I. red_crate, J. green_bottle, K. green_basket, L. red_pantry, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_box, O. red_bottle
Where does Evelyn really think the cucumber is?
1 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the dining_room. 2 The cucumber is in the green_treasure_chest. 3 Ava made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 4 Ava exited the dining_room. 5 Evelyn moved the cucumber to the red_envelope. 6 Evelyn exited the dining_room. 7 Charlotte moved the cucumber to the red_crate. 8 Charlotte exited the dining_room. 9 William made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 10 William exited the dining_room. 11 Jacob moved the cucumber to the green_treasure_chest. 12 Jacob exited the dining_room. 13 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the pantry. 15 The watermelon is in the green_basket. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard. 17 Evelyn exited the pantry. 18 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_pantry. 19 Jacob exited the pantry. 20 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 21 Charlotte exited the pantry. 22 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_bucket, B. red_basket, C. red_container, D. blue_bathtub, E. green_pantry, F. red_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_bathtub, K. red_drawer, L. red_bottle, M. blue_drawer, N. green_crate, O. green_treasure_chest
Where does Amelia really think the corn is?
1 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the hallway. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Liam moved the corn to the red_container. 4 Liam exited the hallway. 5 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 6 Sophia exited the hallway. 7 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 8 Lily exited the hallway. 9 Carter made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 10 Carter exited the hallway. 11 Amelia moved the corn to the red_basket. 12 Amelia exited the hallway. 13 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the waiting_room. 14 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the hallway. 15 The melon is in the blue_bucket. 16 Liam moved the melon to the red_basket. 17 Liam exited the hallway. 18 Lily moved the melon to the green_pantry. 19 Lily exited the hallway. 20 Carter moved the melon to the red_container. 21 Carter exited the hallway. 22 Sophia dislikes the corn. 23 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. blue_suitcase, D. blue_cupboard, E. green_basket, F. green_pantry, G. red_basket, H. red_envelope, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. green_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. blue_bucket, O. green_crate
Where does Benjamin really think the peas is?
1 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the workshop. 2 The peas is in the green_drawer. 3 Liam moved the peas to the blue_container. 4 Liam dislikes the peas. 5 Liam exited the workshop. 6 Noah moved the peas to the green_crate. 7 Noah exited the workshop. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_bucket. 9 Avery exited the workshop. 10 Mila moved the peas to the blue_crate. 11 Liam saw a dog. 12 Mila exited the workshop. 13 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 14 Benjamin exited the workshop. 15 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the den. 17 The melon is in the red_bucket. 18 Noah made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 19 Noah exited the den. 20 Liam made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 21 Liam exited the den. 22 Mila moved the melon to the blue_suitcase. 23 Mila exited the den. 24 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_treasure_chest, B. blue_drawer, C. green_bottle, D. red_basket, E. red_box, F. red_drawer, G. green_crate, H. green_treasure_chest, I. green_box, J. blue_suitcase, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. red_crate, O. green_bucket
Where does Isabella really think the potato is?
1 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the crawlspace. 2 The potato is in the blue_drawer. 3 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 4 Evelyn exited the crawlspace. 5 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 6 Chloe exited the crawlspace. 7 Mila moved the potato to the red_basket. 8 Mila exited the crawlspace. 9 Isabella moved the potato to the green_bottle. 10 Isabella exited the crawlspace. 11 Jacob moved the potato to the blue_drawer. 12 Jacob exited the crawlspace. 13 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the closet. 15 The watermelon is in the green_crate. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_suitcase. 17 Evelyn exited the closet. 18 Mila moved the watermelon to the red_drawer. 19 Mila exited the closet. 20 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute. 21 Jacob exited the closet. 22 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the waiting_room.
A. red_envelope, B. green_envelope, C. green_box, D. blue_bucket, E. blue_pantry, F. green_basket, G. blue_drawer, H. red_container, I. green_bucket, J. green_bathtub, K. red_box, L. green_crate, M. blue_container, N. green_drawer, O. red_bottle
Where does Avery really think the cabbage is?
1 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the staircase. 2 The cabbage is in the green_envelope. 3 Noah moved the cabbage to the green_box. 4 Emma likes the red_envelope. 5 Noah exited the staircase. 6 Emma made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 7 Emma exited the staircase. 8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Avery exited the staircase. 10 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 11 Aiden exited the staircase. 12 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Jackson exited the staircase. 14 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the waiting_room. 15 Aiden likes the blue_bucket. 16 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the staircase. 17 The cabbage is in the green_box. 18 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 19 Aiden exited the staircase. 20 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_envelope. 21 Avery exited the staircase. 22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 23 Jackson exited the staircase. 24 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_crate, C. green_bucket, D. blue_container, E. red_crate, F. red_pantry, G. green_basket, H. green_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. green_box, K. red_drawer, L. red_box, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_envelope, O. green_drawer
Where does Owen really think the melon is?
1 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the bedroom. 2 The melon is in the red_pantry. 3 Owen moved the melon to the green_basket. 4 Owen exited the bedroom. 5 Avery saw a monkey. 6 Avery made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 7 Avery exited the bedroom. 8 Owen likes the red_basket. 9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 10 Benjamin exited the bedroom. 11 Mila moved the melon to the green_box. 12 Mila exited the bedroom. 13 Noah moved the melon to the red_pantry. 14 Noah exited the bedroom. 15 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the dining_room. 17 The sweet_potato is in the red_basket. 18 Noah moved the sweet_potato to the green_bucket. 19 Noah exited the dining_room. 20 Avery moved the sweet_potato to the blue_container. 21 Avery exited the dining_room. 22 Owen saw a dog. 23 Mila made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 24 Mila exited the dining_room. 25 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_pantry, B. green_bottle, C. red_envelope, D. green_cupboard, E. green_crate, F. green_box, G. red_crate, H. red_bottle, I. blue_cupboard, J. blue_bottle, K. blue_container, L. blue_bathtub, M. red_bucket, N. blue_treasure_chest, O. green_treasure_chest
Where does Nathan really think the melon is?
1 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the hallway. 2 The melon is in the blue_container. 3 Evelyn moved the melon to the green_treasure_chest. 4 Evelyn exited the hallway. 5 Lily dislikes the cucumber. 6 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 7 Isabella exited the hallway. 8 Nathan moved the melon to the blue_treasure_chest. 9 Nathan exited the hallway. 10 Ava made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 11 Ava exited the hallway. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 13 Ava dislikes the spinach. 14 Lily exited the hallway. 15 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the cellar. 17 The spinach is in the red_crate. 18 Nathan moved the spinach to the blue_bottle. 19 Nathan exited the cellar. 20 Isabella moved the spinach to the red_bottle. 21 Isabella exited the cellar. 22 Nathan lost his phone. 23 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 24 Evelyn exited the cellar. 25 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. green_crate, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_basket, G. green_drawer, H. red_bucket, I. blue_drawer, J. blue_pantry, K. blue_suitcase, L. blue_bucket, M. red_crate, N. blue_bottle, O. green_envelope
Where does Noah really think the watermelon is?
1 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the hall. 2 The watermelon is in the green_bucket. 3 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 4 Noah exited the hall. 5 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Abigail exited the hall. 7 Owen made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 8 Emma dislikes the melon. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Emma moved the watermelon to the blue_treasure_chest. 11 Emma exited the hall. 12 Liam made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 13 Liam exited the hall. 14 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the waiting_room. 15 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the hall. 16 The persimmon is in the blue_bathtub. 17 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 18 Liam saw a dog. 19 Noah exited the hall. 20 Owen moved the persimmon to the green_crate. 21 Owen exited the hall. 22 Liam moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub. 23 Liam exited the hall. 24 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_drawer, C. red_pantry, D. red_envelope, E. blue_drawer, F. green_cupboard, G. green_bathtub, H. red_box, I. red_drawer, J. green_treasure_chest, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. green_bottle, O. green_bucket
Where does Noah really think the carrot is?
1 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the hall. 2 The carrot is in the red_basket. 3 Evelyn moved the carrot to the red_pantry. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Mila exited the hall. 7 Owen moved the carrot to the green_drawer. 8 Mila saw a cat. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Lily moved the carrot to the red_envelope. 11 Lily exited the hall. 12 Noah moved the carrot to the red_basket. 13 Owen lost his watch. 14 Noah exited the hall. 15 Owen likes the red_basket. 16 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the waiting_room. 17 Owen dislikes the spinach. 18 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the sunroom. 19 The cherry is in the blue_crate. 20 Mila dislikes the spinach. 21 Noah made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 22 Owen likes the green_treasure_chest. 23 Noah exited the sunroom. 24 Mila moved the cherry to the green_bucket. 25 Mila exited the sunroom. 26 Owen made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 27 Owen exited the sunroom. 28 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the waiting_room.
A. red_container, B. red_pantry, C. blue_treasure_chest, D. blue_pantry, E. blue_crate, F. blue_drawer, G. red_box, H. red_crate, I. green_envelope, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. red_envelope, M. green_drawer, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_basket
Where does Hannah really think the orange is?
1 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the master_bedroom. 2 The orange is in the red_pantry. 3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 4 Hannah exited the master_bedroom. 5 Jack moved the orange to the blue_treasure_chest. 6 Jack exited the master_bedroom. 7 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 8 Alexander exited the master_bedroom. 9 Chloe moved the orange to the red_container. 10 Chloe exited the master_bedroom. 11 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 12 Aiden exited the master_bedroom. 13 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the waiting_room. 14 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the front_yard. 15 The pear is in the red_box. 16 Aiden moved the pear to the green_pantry. 17 Aiden exited the front_yard. 18 Hannah moved the pear to the green_envelope. 19 Hannah exited the front_yard. 20 Jack made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Jack exited the front_yard. 22 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. red_crate, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_treasure_chest, E. blue_pantry, F. red_container, G. red_drawer, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_envelope, J. green_treasure_chest, K. red_basket, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. red_bucket, O. blue_cupboard
Where does Avery really think the cherry is?
1 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the pantry. 2 The cherry is in the red_drawer. 3 Emily moved the cherry to the red_container. 4 Emily exited the pantry. 5 Lily made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Lily exited the pantry. 7 Emma moved the cherry to the green_envelope. 8 Emma exited the pantry. 9 Avery moved the cherry to the blue_suitcase. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Ella made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Ella exited the pantry. 13 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room. 14 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the cellar. 15 The tomato is in the blue_container. 16 Lily made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 17 Lily exited the cellar. 18 Avery moved the tomato to the red_bucket. 19 Lily likes the red_drawer. 20 Avery exited the cellar. 21 Ella made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 22 Ella exited the cellar. 23 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. red_drawer, B. red_basket, C. green_box, D. green_bottle, E. red_pantry, F. green_bathtub, G. red_bottle, H. red_container, I. red_crate, J. green_treasure_chest, K. green_bucket, L. red_box, M. red_bucket, N. blue_suitcase, O. blue_crate
Where does Charlotte really think the pear is?
1 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the pantry. 2 The pear is in the red_box. 3 William made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 4 William exited the pantry. 5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Ava exited the pantry. 7 Charlotte moved the pear to the red_bucket. 8 Charlotte exited the pantry. 9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Alexander exited the pantry. 13 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the office. 15 The asparagus is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander moved the asparagus to the red_drawer. 17 Avery dislikes the pear. 18 Alexander exited the office. 19 Charlotte moved the asparagus to the red_pantry. 20 Charlotte exited the office. 21 Avery dislikes the cabbage. 22 Ava made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute. 23 Ava exited the office. 24 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the waiting_room.
A. green_envelope, B. blue_suitcase, C. red_envelope, D. green_basket, E. blue_bucket, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_crate, I. red_drawer, J. green_box, K. green_drawer, L. green_treasure_chest, M. green_bathtub, N. blue_pantry, O. red_bottle
Where does Carter really think the watermelon is?
1 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the workshop. 2 The watermelon is in the blue_suitcase. 3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 4 Avery exited the workshop. 5 Sophia moved the watermelon to the green_envelope. 6 Sophia exited the workshop. 7 Avery dislikes the tomato. 8 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_basket. 9 Carter exited the workshop. 10 Emily made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 11 Emily exited the workshop. 12 Isla made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 13 Isla exited the workshop. 14 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the waiting_room. 15 Carter likes the green_treasure_chest. 16 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the sunroom. 17 The carrot is in the blue_treasure_chest. 18 Emily moved the carrot to the green_box. 19 Emily exited the sunroom. 20 Isla moved the carrot to the green_crate. 21 Isla exited the sunroom. 22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 23 Avery exited the sunroom. 24 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. blue_treasure_chest, C. green_crate, D. blue_cupboard, E. red_bottle, F. blue_crate, G. green_pantry, H. green_bucket, I. green_box, J. blue_drawer, K. green_bottle, L. red_box, M. green_treasure_chest, N. blue_bathtub, O. red_container
Where does Isla really think the lemon is?
1 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the hall. 2 The lemon is in the red_box. 3 Evelyn moved the lemon to the red_container. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Isla exited the hall. 7 Alexander moved the lemon to the green_treasure_chest. 8 Alexander exited the hall. 9 Emma moved the lemon to the green_bottle. 10 Emma exited the hall. 11 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 12 Sophia exited the hall. 13 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the TV_room. 15 The pear is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 17 Alexander exited the TV_room. 18 Emma moved the pear to the blue_treasure_chest. 19 Emma exited the TV_room. 20 Emma dislikes the eggplant. 21 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 22 Evelyn exited the TV_room. 23 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. red_bucket, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_bucket, F. blue_bathtub, G. green_cupboard, H. red_pantry, I. red_bottle, J. blue_treasure_chest, K. green_box, L. green_envelope, M. green_crate, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_crate
Where does Abigail really think the corn is?
1 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the basement. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Hannah moved the corn to the green_bathtub. 4 Hannah exited the basement. 5 Avery likes the green_crate. 6 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 7 William exited the basement. 8 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 9 Abigail exited the basement. 10 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 11 Hannah dislikes the corn. 12 Nathan exited the basement. 13 Avery moved the corn to the red_basket. 14 Avery exited the basement. 15 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan lost his watch. 17 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the basement. 18 The corn is in the red_basket. 19 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 20 Hannah exited the basement. 21 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bucket. 22 Abigail exited the basement. 23 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 24 William exited the basement. 25 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the waiting_room.
A. red_pantry, B. blue_bottle, C. red_basket, D. green_box, E. red_bottle, F. blue_suitcase, G. blue_crate, H. green_bucket, I. green_crate, J. red_drawer, K. red_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. green_bathtub, O. green_envelope
Where does Benjamin really think the tangerine is?
1 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the den. 2 The tangerine is in the green_bottle. 3 Liam moved the tangerine to the blue_treasure_chest. 4 Sophia dislikes the banana. 5 Liam exited the den. 6 Jackson moved the tangerine to the green_bathtub. 7 Jackson exited the den. 8 Carter made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 9 Carter exited the den. 10 Benjamin moved the tangerine to the red_bucket. 11 Benjamin exited the den. 12 Sophia moved the tangerine to the green_bottle. 13 Sophia exited the den. 14 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 15 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the bathroom. 16 The plum is in the blue_suitcase. 17 Benjamin moved the plum to the green_crate. 18 Benjamin exited the bathroom. 19 Liam moved the plum to the red_drawer. 20 Liam exited the bathroom. 21 Jackson dislikes the tangerine. 22 Carter made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 23 Benjamin lost his phone. 24 Carter exited the bathroom. 25 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_drawer, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_container, F. blue_crate, G. red_drawer, H. blue_bathtub, I. red_envelope, J. red_basket, K. green_bucket, L. green_basket, M. red_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_cupboard
Where does Owen really think the lime is?
1 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the front_yard. 2 Ella likes the red_bottle. 3 The lime is in the red_bottle. 4 Lily moved the lime to the blue_drawer. 5 Lily exited the front_yard. 6 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 7 Ella exited the front_yard. 8 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 9 Owen exited the front_yard. 10 Evelyn moved the lime to the green_pantry. 11 Evelyn dislikes the asparagus. 12 Evelyn exited the front_yard. 13 Emily made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 14 Emily exited the front_yard. 15 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the waiting_room. 16 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the attic. 17 The lettuce is in the green_basket. 18 Owen likes the blue_drawer. 19 Lily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 20 Lily exited the attic. 21 Emily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 22 Lily lost his phone. 23 Emily exited the attic. 24 Ella moved the lettuce to the green_cupboard. 25 Ella exited the attic. 26 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. green_pantry, B. red_envelope, C. green_bathtub, D. red_basket, E. blue_suitcase, F. red_box, G. blue_bottle, H. blue_drawer, I. green_drawer, J. red_container, K. blue_treasure_chest, L. red_bottle, M. blue_container, N. green_envelope, O. green_box
Where does Noah really think the corn is?
1 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the staircase. 2 The corn is in the blue_treasure_chest. 3 Mila made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 4 Mila exited the staircase. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 6 Noah dislikes the green_pepper. 7 Isla exited the staircase. 8 Noah made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Noah exited the staircase. 10 Sophia moved the corn to the blue_container. 11 Sophia exited the staircase. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Sophia dislikes the tomato. 14 Lily exited the staircase. 15 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the front_yard. 17 The tomato is in the red_box. 18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 19 Isla exited the front_yard. 20 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Sophia exited the front_yard. 22 Lily moved the tomato to the green_drawer. 23 Lily exited the front_yard. 24 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_suitcase, D. red_bucket, E. green_box, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. red_bottle, I. green_drawer, J. red_envelope, K. blue_container, L. blue_crate, M. blue_cupboard, N. red_pantry, O. blue_bathtub
Where does Jackson really think the tomato is?
1 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the laundry. 2 The tomato is in the blue_container. 3 Sophia moved the tomato to the blue_cupboard. 4 Sophia exited the laundry. 5 Jackson moved the tomato to the blue_crate. 6 Jackson exited the laundry. 7 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 8 Amelia exited the laundry. 9 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 10 Charlotte exited the laundry. 11 Nathan moved the tomato to the blue_container. 12 Nathan exited the laundry. 13 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 14 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the hall. 15 The onion is in the blue_treasure_chest. 16 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 17 Nathan exited the hall. 18 Jackson moved the onion to the red_envelope. 19 Jackson exited the hall. 20 Amelia moved the onion to the green_cupboard. 21 Jackson saw a mouse. 22 Amelia exited the hall. 23 Jackson lost his phone. 24 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_suitcase, B. green_envelope, C. blue_cupboard, D. red_basket, E. red_envelope, F. red_box, G. blue_bathtub, H. green_basket, I. red_crate, J. blue_container, K. blue_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. red_bucket, O. green_box
Where does Nathan really think the peas is?
1 Evelyn dislikes the potato. 2 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the bathroom. 3 The peas is in the blue_suitcase. 4 Emily moved the peas to the red_basket. 5 Emily exited the bathroom. 6 Ella moved the peas to the red_envelope. 7 Ella exited the bathroom. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_cupboard. 9 Avery exited the bathroom. 10 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 11 Evelyn exited the bathroom. 12 Nathan moved the peas to the blue_suitcase. 13 Nathan exited the bathroom. 14 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 15 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the kitchen. 16 The corn is in the red_box. 17 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 18 Evelyn exited the kitchen. 19 Avery made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 20 Avery exited the kitchen. 21 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 22 Nathan exited the kitchen. 23 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
A. green_pantry, B. red_drawer, C. green_cupboard, D. green_envelope, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. red_envelope, G. green_treasure_chest, H. blue_drawer, I. red_crate, J. green_bottle, K. green_basket, L. red_pantry, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_box, O. red_bottle
Where does Ava think Evelyn thinks the cucumber is?
1 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the dining_room. 2 The cucumber is in the green_treasure_chest. 3 Ava made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 4 Ava exited the dining_room. 5 Evelyn moved the cucumber to the red_envelope. 6 Evelyn exited the dining_room. 7 Charlotte moved the cucumber to the red_crate. 8 Charlotte exited the dining_room. 9 William made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 10 William exited the dining_room. 11 Jacob moved the cucumber to the green_treasure_chest. 12 Jacob exited the dining_room. 13 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the pantry. 15 The watermelon is in the green_basket. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard. 17 Evelyn exited the pantry. 18 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_pantry. 19 Jacob exited the pantry. 20 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 21 Charlotte exited the pantry. 22 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_bucket, B. red_basket, C. red_container, D. blue_bathtub, E. green_pantry, F. red_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_bathtub, K. red_drawer, L. red_bottle, M. blue_drawer, N. green_crate, O. green_treasure_chest
Where does Lily think Amelia thinks the corn is?
1 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the hallway. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Liam moved the corn to the red_container. 4 Liam exited the hallway. 5 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 6 Sophia exited the hallway. 7 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 8 Lily exited the hallway. 9 Carter made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 10 Carter exited the hallway. 11 Amelia moved the corn to the red_basket. 12 Amelia exited the hallway. 13 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the waiting_room. 14 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the hallway. 15 The melon is in the blue_bucket. 16 Liam moved the melon to the red_basket. 17 Liam exited the hallway. 18 Lily moved the melon to the green_pantry. 19 Lily exited the hallway. 20 Carter moved the melon to the red_container. 21 Carter exited the hallway. 22 Sophia dislikes the corn. 23 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. blue_suitcase, D. blue_cupboard, E. green_basket, F. green_pantry, G. red_basket, H. red_envelope, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. green_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. blue_bucket, O. green_crate
Where does Noah think Benjamin thinks the peas is?
1 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the workshop. 2 The peas is in the green_drawer. 3 Liam moved the peas to the blue_container. 4 Liam dislikes the peas. 5 Liam exited the workshop. 6 Noah moved the peas to the green_crate. 7 Noah exited the workshop. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_bucket. 9 Avery exited the workshop. 10 Mila moved the peas to the blue_crate. 11 Liam saw a dog. 12 Mila exited the workshop. 13 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 14 Benjamin exited the workshop. 15 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the den. 17 The melon is in the red_bucket. 18 Noah made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 19 Noah exited the den. 20 Liam made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 21 Liam exited the den. 22 Mila moved the melon to the blue_suitcase. 23 Mila exited the den. 24 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_treasure_chest, B. blue_drawer, C. green_bottle, D. red_basket, E. red_box, F. red_drawer, G. green_crate, H. green_treasure_chest, I. green_box, J. blue_suitcase, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. red_crate, O. green_bucket
Where does Chloe think Isabella thinks the potato is?
1 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the crawlspace. 2 The potato is in the blue_drawer. 3 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 4 Evelyn exited the crawlspace. 5 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 6 Chloe exited the crawlspace. 7 Mila moved the potato to the red_basket. 8 Mila exited the crawlspace. 9 Isabella moved the potato to the green_bottle. 10 Isabella exited the crawlspace. 11 Jacob moved the potato to the blue_drawer. 12 Jacob exited the crawlspace. 13 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the closet. 15 The watermelon is in the green_crate. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_suitcase. 17 Evelyn exited the closet. 18 Mila moved the watermelon to the red_drawer. 19 Mila exited the closet. 20 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute. 21 Jacob exited the closet. 22 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the waiting_room.
A. red_envelope, B. green_envelope, C. green_box, D. blue_bucket, E. blue_pantry, F. green_basket, G. blue_drawer, H. red_container, I. green_bucket, J. green_bathtub, K. red_box, L. green_crate, M. blue_container, N. green_drawer, O. red_bottle
Where does Aiden think Avery thinks the cabbage is?
1 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the staircase. 2 The cabbage is in the green_envelope. 3 Noah moved the cabbage to the green_box. 4 Emma likes the red_envelope. 5 Noah exited the staircase. 6 Emma made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 7 Emma exited the staircase. 8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Avery exited the staircase. 10 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 11 Aiden exited the staircase. 12 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Jackson exited the staircase. 14 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the waiting_room. 15 Aiden likes the blue_bucket. 16 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the staircase. 17 The cabbage is in the green_box. 18 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 19 Aiden exited the staircase. 20 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_envelope. 21 Avery exited the staircase. 22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 23 Jackson exited the staircase. 24 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_crate, C. green_bucket, D. blue_container, E. red_crate, F. red_pantry, G. green_basket, H. green_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. green_box, K. red_drawer, L. red_box, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_envelope, O. green_drawer
Where does Avery think Owen thinks the melon is?
1 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the bedroom. 2 The melon is in the red_pantry. 3 Owen moved the melon to the green_basket. 4 Owen exited the bedroom. 5 Avery saw a monkey. 6 Avery made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 7 Avery exited the bedroom. 8 Owen likes the red_basket. 9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 10 Benjamin exited the bedroom. 11 Mila moved the melon to the green_box. 12 Mila exited the bedroom. 13 Noah moved the melon to the red_pantry. 14 Noah exited the bedroom. 15 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the dining_room. 17 The sweet_potato is in the red_basket. 18 Noah moved the sweet_potato to the green_bucket. 19 Noah exited the dining_room. 20 Avery moved the sweet_potato to the blue_container. 21 Avery exited the dining_room. 22 Owen saw a dog. 23 Mila made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 24 Mila exited the dining_room. 25 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_pantry, B. green_bottle, C. red_envelope, D. green_cupboard, E. green_crate, F. green_box, G. red_crate, H. red_bottle, I. blue_cupboard, J. blue_bottle, K. blue_container, L. blue_bathtub, M. red_bucket, N. blue_treasure_chest, O. green_treasure_chest
Where does Lily think Nathan thinks the melon is?
1 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the hallway. 2 The melon is in the blue_container. 3 Evelyn moved the melon to the green_treasure_chest. 4 Evelyn exited the hallway. 5 Lily dislikes the cucumber. 6 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 7 Isabella exited the hallway. 8 Nathan moved the melon to the blue_treasure_chest. 9 Nathan exited the hallway. 10 Ava made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 11 Ava exited the hallway. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 13 Ava dislikes the spinach. 14 Lily exited the hallway. 15 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the cellar. 17 The spinach is in the red_crate. 18 Nathan moved the spinach to the blue_bottle. 19 Nathan exited the cellar. 20 Isabella moved the spinach to the red_bottle. 21 Isabella exited the cellar. 22 Nathan lost his phone. 23 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 24 Evelyn exited the cellar. 25 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. green_crate, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_basket, G. green_drawer, H. red_bucket, I. blue_drawer, J. blue_pantry, K. blue_suitcase, L. blue_bucket, M. red_crate, N. blue_bottle, O. green_envelope
Where does Emma think Noah thinks the watermelon is?
1 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the hall. 2 The watermelon is in the green_bucket. 3 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 4 Noah exited the hall. 5 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Abigail exited the hall. 7 Owen made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 8 Emma dislikes the melon. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Emma moved the watermelon to the blue_treasure_chest. 11 Emma exited the hall. 12 Liam made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 13 Liam exited the hall. 14 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the waiting_room. 15 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the hall. 16 The persimmon is in the blue_bathtub. 17 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 18 Liam saw a dog. 19 Noah exited the hall. 20 Owen moved the persimmon to the green_crate. 21 Owen exited the hall. 22 Liam moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub. 23 Liam exited the hall. 24 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_drawer, C. red_pantry, D. red_envelope, E. blue_drawer, F. green_cupboard, G. green_bathtub, H. red_box, I. red_drawer, J. green_treasure_chest, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. green_bottle, O. green_bucket
Where does Owen think Noah thinks the carrot is?
1 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the hall. 2 The carrot is in the red_basket. 3 Evelyn moved the carrot to the red_pantry. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Mila exited the hall. 7 Owen moved the carrot to the green_drawer. 8 Mila saw a cat. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Lily moved the carrot to the red_envelope. 11 Lily exited the hall. 12 Noah moved the carrot to the red_basket. 13 Owen lost his watch. 14 Noah exited the hall. 15 Owen likes the red_basket. 16 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the waiting_room. 17 Owen dislikes the spinach. 18 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the sunroom. 19 The cherry is in the blue_crate. 20 Mila dislikes the spinach. 21 Noah made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 22 Owen likes the green_treasure_chest. 23 Noah exited the sunroom. 24 Mila moved the cherry to the green_bucket. 25 Mila exited the sunroom. 26 Owen made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 27 Owen exited the sunroom. 28 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the waiting_room.
A. red_container, B. red_pantry, C. blue_treasure_chest, D. blue_pantry, E. blue_crate, F. blue_drawer, G. red_box, H. red_crate, I. green_envelope, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. red_envelope, M. green_drawer, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_basket
Where does Aiden think Hannah thinks the orange is?
1 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the master_bedroom. 2 The orange is in the red_pantry. 3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 4 Hannah exited the master_bedroom. 5 Jack moved the orange to the blue_treasure_chest. 6 Jack exited the master_bedroom. 7 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 8 Alexander exited the master_bedroom. 9 Chloe moved the orange to the red_container. 10 Chloe exited the master_bedroom. 11 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 12 Aiden exited the master_bedroom. 13 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the waiting_room. 14 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the front_yard. 15 The pear is in the red_box. 16 Aiden moved the pear to the green_pantry. 17 Aiden exited the front_yard. 18 Hannah moved the pear to the green_envelope. 19 Hannah exited the front_yard. 20 Jack made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Jack exited the front_yard. 22 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. red_crate, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_treasure_chest, E. blue_pantry, F. red_container, G. red_drawer, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_envelope, J. green_treasure_chest, K. red_basket, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. red_bucket, O. blue_cupboard
Where does Lily think Avery thinks the cherry is?
1 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the pantry. 2 The cherry is in the red_drawer. 3 Emily moved the cherry to the red_container. 4 Emily exited the pantry. 5 Lily made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Lily exited the pantry. 7 Emma moved the cherry to the green_envelope. 8 Emma exited the pantry. 9 Avery moved the cherry to the blue_suitcase. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Ella made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Ella exited the pantry. 13 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room. 14 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the cellar. 15 The tomato is in the blue_container. 16 Lily made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 17 Lily exited the cellar. 18 Avery moved the tomato to the red_bucket. 19 Lily likes the red_drawer. 20 Avery exited the cellar. 21 Ella made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 22 Ella exited the cellar. 23 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. red_drawer, B. red_basket, C. green_box, D. green_bottle, E. red_pantry, F. green_bathtub, G. red_bottle, H. red_container, I. red_crate, J. green_treasure_chest, K. green_bucket, L. red_box, M. red_bucket, N. blue_suitcase, O. blue_crate
Where does Alexander think Charlotte thinks the pear is?
1 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the pantry. 2 The pear is in the red_box. 3 William made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 4 William exited the pantry. 5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Ava exited the pantry. 7 Charlotte moved the pear to the red_bucket. 8 Charlotte exited the pantry. 9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Alexander exited the pantry. 13 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the office. 15 The asparagus is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander moved the asparagus to the red_drawer. 17 Avery dislikes the pear. 18 Alexander exited the office. 19 Charlotte moved the asparagus to the red_pantry. 20 Charlotte exited the office. 21 Avery dislikes the cabbage. 22 Ava made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute. 23 Ava exited the office. 24 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the waiting_room.
A. green_envelope, B. blue_suitcase, C. red_envelope, D. green_basket, E. blue_bucket, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_crate, I. red_drawer, J. green_box, K. green_drawer, L. green_treasure_chest, M. green_bathtub, N. blue_pantry, O. red_bottle
Where does Avery think Carter thinks the watermelon is?
1 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the workshop. 2 The watermelon is in the blue_suitcase. 3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 4 Avery exited the workshop. 5 Sophia moved the watermelon to the green_envelope. 6 Sophia exited the workshop. 7 Avery dislikes the tomato. 8 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_basket. 9 Carter exited the workshop. 10 Emily made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 11 Emily exited the workshop. 12 Isla made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 13 Isla exited the workshop. 14 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the waiting_room. 15 Carter likes the green_treasure_chest. 16 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the sunroom. 17 The carrot is in the blue_treasure_chest. 18 Emily moved the carrot to the green_box. 19 Emily exited the sunroom. 20 Isla moved the carrot to the green_crate. 21 Isla exited the sunroom. 22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 23 Avery exited the sunroom. 24 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. blue_treasure_chest, C. green_crate, D. blue_cupboard, E. red_bottle, F. blue_crate, G. green_pantry, H. green_bucket, I. green_box, J. blue_drawer, K. green_bottle, L. red_box, M. green_treasure_chest, N. blue_bathtub, O. red_container
Where does Sophia think Isla thinks the lemon is?
1 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the hall. 2 The lemon is in the red_box. 3 Evelyn moved the lemon to the red_container. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Isla exited the hall. 7 Alexander moved the lemon to the green_treasure_chest. 8 Alexander exited the hall. 9 Emma moved the lemon to the green_bottle. 10 Emma exited the hall. 11 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 12 Sophia exited the hall. 13 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the TV_room. 15 The pear is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 17 Alexander exited the TV_room. 18 Emma moved the pear to the blue_treasure_chest. 19 Emma exited the TV_room. 20 Emma dislikes the eggplant. 21 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 22 Evelyn exited the TV_room. 23 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. red_bucket, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_bucket, F. blue_bathtub, G. green_cupboard, H. red_pantry, I. red_bottle, J. blue_treasure_chest, K. green_box, L. green_envelope, M. green_crate, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_crate
Where does Nathan think Abigail thinks the corn is?
1 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the basement. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Hannah moved the corn to the green_bathtub. 4 Hannah exited the basement. 5 Avery likes the green_crate. 6 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 7 William exited the basement. 8 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 9 Abigail exited the basement. 10 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 11 Hannah dislikes the corn. 12 Nathan exited the basement. 13 Avery moved the corn to the red_basket. 14 Avery exited the basement. 15 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan lost his watch. 17 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the basement. 18 The corn is in the red_basket. 19 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 20 Hannah exited the basement. 21 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bucket. 22 Abigail exited the basement. 23 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 24 William exited the basement. 25 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the waiting_room.
A. red_pantry, B. blue_bottle, C. red_basket, D. green_box, E. red_bottle, F. blue_suitcase, G. blue_crate, H. green_bucket, I. green_crate, J. red_drawer, K. red_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. green_bathtub, O. green_envelope
Where does Liam think Benjamin thinks the tangerine is?
1 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the den. 2 The tangerine is in the green_bottle. 3 Liam moved the tangerine to the blue_treasure_chest. 4 Sophia dislikes the banana. 5 Liam exited the den. 6 Jackson moved the tangerine to the green_bathtub. 7 Jackson exited the den. 8 Carter made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 9 Carter exited the den. 10 Benjamin moved the tangerine to the red_bucket. 11 Benjamin exited the den. 12 Sophia moved the tangerine to the green_bottle. 13 Sophia exited the den. 14 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 15 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the bathroom. 16 The plum is in the blue_suitcase. 17 Benjamin moved the plum to the green_crate. 18 Benjamin exited the bathroom. 19 Liam moved the plum to the red_drawer. 20 Liam exited the bathroom. 21 Jackson dislikes the tangerine. 22 Carter made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 23 Benjamin lost his phone. 24 Carter exited the bathroom. 25 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_drawer, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_container, F. blue_crate, G. red_drawer, H. blue_bathtub, I. red_envelope, J. red_basket, K. green_bucket, L. green_basket, M. red_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_cupboard
Where does Emily think Owen thinks the lime is?
1 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the front_yard. 2 Ella likes the red_bottle. 3 The lime is in the red_bottle. 4 Lily moved the lime to the blue_drawer. 5 Lily exited the front_yard. 6 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 7 Ella exited the front_yard. 8 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 9 Owen exited the front_yard. 10 Evelyn moved the lime to the green_pantry. 11 Evelyn dislikes the asparagus. 12 Evelyn exited the front_yard. 13 Emily made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 14 Emily exited the front_yard. 15 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the waiting_room. 16 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the attic. 17 The lettuce is in the green_basket. 18 Owen likes the blue_drawer. 19 Lily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 20 Lily exited the attic. 21 Emily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 22 Lily lost his phone. 23 Emily exited the attic. 24 Ella moved the lettuce to the green_cupboard. 25 Ella exited the attic. 26 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. green_pantry, B. red_envelope, C. green_bathtub, D. red_basket, E. blue_suitcase, F. red_box, G. blue_bottle, H. blue_drawer, I. green_drawer, J. red_container, K. blue_treasure_chest, L. red_bottle, M. blue_container, N. green_envelope, O. green_box
Where does Lily think Noah thinks the corn is?
1 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the staircase. 2 The corn is in the blue_treasure_chest. 3 Mila made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 4 Mila exited the staircase. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 6 Noah dislikes the green_pepper. 7 Isla exited the staircase. 8 Noah made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Noah exited the staircase. 10 Sophia moved the corn to the blue_container. 11 Sophia exited the staircase. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Sophia dislikes the tomato. 14 Lily exited the staircase. 15 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the front_yard. 17 The tomato is in the red_box. 18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 19 Isla exited the front_yard. 20 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Sophia exited the front_yard. 22 Lily moved the tomato to the green_drawer. 23 Lily exited the front_yard. 24 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_suitcase, D. red_bucket, E. green_box, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. red_bottle, I. green_drawer, J. red_envelope, K. blue_container, L. blue_crate, M. blue_cupboard, N. red_pantry, O. blue_bathtub
Where does Nathan think Jackson thinks the tomato is?
1 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the laundry. 2 The tomato is in the blue_container. 3 Sophia moved the tomato to the blue_cupboard. 4 Sophia exited the laundry. 5 Jackson moved the tomato to the blue_crate. 6 Jackson exited the laundry. 7 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 8 Amelia exited the laundry. 9 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 10 Charlotte exited the laundry. 11 Nathan moved the tomato to the blue_container. 12 Nathan exited the laundry. 13 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 14 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the hall. 15 The onion is in the blue_treasure_chest. 16 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 17 Nathan exited the hall. 18 Jackson moved the onion to the red_envelope. 19 Jackson exited the hall. 20 Amelia moved the onion to the green_cupboard. 21 Jackson saw a mouse. 22 Amelia exited the hall. 23 Jackson lost his phone. 24 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_suitcase, B. green_envelope, C. blue_cupboard, D. red_basket, E. red_envelope, F. red_box, G. blue_bathtub, H. green_basket, I. red_crate, J. blue_container, K. blue_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. red_bucket, O. green_box
Where does Emily think Nathan thinks the peas is?
1 Evelyn dislikes the potato. 2 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the bathroom. 3 The peas is in the blue_suitcase. 4 Emily moved the peas to the red_basket. 5 Emily exited the bathroom. 6 Ella moved the peas to the red_envelope. 7 Ella exited the bathroom. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_cupboard. 9 Avery exited the bathroom. 10 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 11 Evelyn exited the bathroom. 12 Nathan moved the peas to the blue_suitcase. 13 Nathan exited the bathroom. 14 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 15 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the kitchen. 16 The corn is in the red_box. 17 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 18 Evelyn exited the kitchen. 19 Avery made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 20 Avery exited the kitchen. 21 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 22 Nathan exited the kitchen. 23 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
A. green_pantry, B. red_drawer, C. green_cupboard, D. green_envelope, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. red_envelope, G. green_treasure_chest, H. blue_drawer, I. red_crate, J. green_bottle, K. green_basket, L. red_pantry, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_box, O. red_bottle
Where does Charlotte think Ava thinks Evelyn thinks the cucumber is?
1 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the dining_room. 2 The cucumber is in the green_treasure_chest. 3 Ava made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 4 Ava exited the dining_room. 5 Evelyn moved the cucumber to the red_envelope. 6 Evelyn exited the dining_room. 7 Charlotte moved the cucumber to the red_crate. 8 Charlotte exited the dining_room. 9 William made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 10 William exited the dining_room. 11 Jacob moved the cucumber to the green_treasure_chest. 12 Jacob exited the dining_room. 13 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the pantry. 15 The watermelon is in the green_basket. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard. 17 Evelyn exited the pantry. 18 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_pantry. 19 Jacob exited the pantry. 20 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 21 Charlotte exited the pantry. 22 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_bucket, B. red_basket, C. red_container, D. blue_bathtub, E. green_pantry, F. red_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_bathtub, K. red_drawer, L. red_bottle, M. blue_drawer, N. green_crate, O. green_treasure_chest
Where does Sophia think Lily thinks Amelia thinks the corn is?
1 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the hallway. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Liam moved the corn to the red_container. 4 Liam exited the hallway. 5 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 6 Sophia exited the hallway. 7 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 8 Lily exited the hallway. 9 Carter made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 10 Carter exited the hallway. 11 Amelia moved the corn to the red_basket. 12 Amelia exited the hallway. 13 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the waiting_room. 14 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the hallway. 15 The melon is in the blue_bucket. 16 Liam moved the melon to the red_basket. 17 Liam exited the hallway. 18 Lily moved the melon to the green_pantry. 19 Lily exited the hallway. 20 Carter moved the melon to the red_container. 21 Carter exited the hallway. 22 Sophia dislikes the corn. 23 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. blue_suitcase, D. blue_cupboard, E. green_basket, F. green_pantry, G. red_basket, H. red_envelope, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. green_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. blue_bucket, O. green_crate
Where does Liam think Noah thinks Benjamin thinks the peas is?
1 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the workshop. 2 The peas is in the green_drawer. 3 Liam moved the peas to the blue_container. 4 Liam dislikes the peas. 5 Liam exited the workshop. 6 Noah moved the peas to the green_crate. 7 Noah exited the workshop. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_bucket. 9 Avery exited the workshop. 10 Mila moved the peas to the blue_crate. 11 Liam saw a dog. 12 Mila exited the workshop. 13 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 14 Benjamin exited the workshop. 15 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the den. 17 The melon is in the red_bucket. 18 Noah made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 19 Noah exited the den. 20 Liam made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 21 Liam exited the den. 22 Mila moved the melon to the blue_suitcase. 23 Mila exited the den. 24 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_treasure_chest, B. blue_drawer, C. green_bottle, D. red_basket, E. red_box, F. red_drawer, G. green_crate, H. green_treasure_chest, I. green_box, J. blue_suitcase, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. red_crate, O. green_bucket
Where does Evelyn think Chloe thinks Isabella thinks the potato is?
1 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the crawlspace. 2 The potato is in the blue_drawer. 3 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 4 Evelyn exited the crawlspace. 5 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 6 Chloe exited the crawlspace. 7 Mila moved the potato to the red_basket. 8 Mila exited the crawlspace. 9 Isabella moved the potato to the green_bottle. 10 Isabella exited the crawlspace. 11 Jacob moved the potato to the blue_drawer. 12 Jacob exited the crawlspace. 13 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the closet. 15 The watermelon is in the green_crate. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_suitcase. 17 Evelyn exited the closet. 18 Mila moved the watermelon to the red_drawer. 19 Mila exited the closet. 20 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute. 21 Jacob exited the closet. 22 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the waiting_room.
A. red_envelope, B. green_envelope, C. green_box, D. blue_bucket, E. blue_pantry, F. green_basket, G. blue_drawer, H. red_container, I. green_bucket, J. green_bathtub, K. red_box, L. green_crate, M. blue_container, N. green_drawer, O. red_bottle
Where does Emma think Aiden thinks Avery thinks the cabbage is?
1 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the staircase. 2 The cabbage is in the green_envelope. 3 Noah moved the cabbage to the green_box. 4 Emma likes the red_envelope. 5 Noah exited the staircase. 6 Emma made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 7 Emma exited the staircase. 8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Avery exited the staircase. 10 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 11 Aiden exited the staircase. 12 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Jackson exited the staircase. 14 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the waiting_room. 15 Aiden likes the blue_bucket. 16 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the staircase. 17 The cabbage is in the green_box. 18 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 19 Aiden exited the staircase. 20 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_envelope. 21 Avery exited the staircase. 22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 23 Jackson exited the staircase. 24 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_crate, C. green_bucket, D. blue_container, E. red_crate, F. red_pantry, G. green_basket, H. green_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. green_box, K. red_drawer, L. red_box, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_envelope, O. green_drawer
Where does Benjamin think Avery thinks Owen thinks the melon is?
1 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the bedroom. 2 The melon is in the red_pantry. 3 Owen moved the melon to the green_basket. 4 Owen exited the bedroom. 5 Avery saw a monkey. 6 Avery made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 7 Avery exited the bedroom. 8 Owen likes the red_basket. 9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 10 Benjamin exited the bedroom. 11 Mila moved the melon to the green_box. 12 Mila exited the bedroom. 13 Noah moved the melon to the red_pantry. 14 Noah exited the bedroom. 15 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the dining_room. 17 The sweet_potato is in the red_basket. 18 Noah moved the sweet_potato to the green_bucket. 19 Noah exited the dining_room. 20 Avery moved the sweet_potato to the blue_container. 21 Avery exited the dining_room. 22 Owen saw a dog. 23 Mila made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 24 Mila exited the dining_room. 25 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_pantry, B. green_bottle, C. red_envelope, D. green_cupboard, E. green_crate, F. green_box, G. red_crate, H. red_bottle, I. blue_cupboard, J. blue_bottle, K. blue_container, L. blue_bathtub, M. red_bucket, N. blue_treasure_chest, O. green_treasure_chest
Where does Isabella think Lily thinks Nathan thinks the melon is?
1 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the hallway. 2 The melon is in the blue_container. 3 Evelyn moved the melon to the green_treasure_chest. 4 Evelyn exited the hallway. 5 Lily dislikes the cucumber. 6 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 7 Isabella exited the hallway. 8 Nathan moved the melon to the blue_treasure_chest. 9 Nathan exited the hallway. 10 Ava made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 11 Ava exited the hallway. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 13 Ava dislikes the spinach. 14 Lily exited the hallway. 15 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the cellar. 17 The spinach is in the red_crate. 18 Nathan moved the spinach to the blue_bottle. 19 Nathan exited the cellar. 20 Isabella moved the spinach to the red_bottle. 21 Isabella exited the cellar. 22 Nathan lost his phone. 23 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 24 Evelyn exited the cellar. 25 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. green_crate, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_basket, G. green_drawer, H. red_bucket, I. blue_drawer, J. blue_pantry, K. blue_suitcase, L. blue_bucket, M. red_crate, N. blue_bottle, O. green_envelope
Where does Liam think Emma thinks Noah thinks the watermelon is?
1 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the hall. 2 The watermelon is in the green_bucket. 3 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 4 Noah exited the hall. 5 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Abigail exited the hall. 7 Owen made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 8 Emma dislikes the melon. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Emma moved the watermelon to the blue_treasure_chest. 11 Emma exited the hall. 12 Liam made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 13 Liam exited the hall. 14 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the waiting_room. 15 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the hall. 16 The persimmon is in the blue_bathtub. 17 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 18 Liam saw a dog. 19 Noah exited the hall. 20 Owen moved the persimmon to the green_crate. 21 Owen exited the hall. 22 Liam moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub. 23 Liam exited the hall. 24 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_drawer, C. red_pantry, D. red_envelope, E. blue_drawer, F. green_cupboard, G. green_bathtub, H. red_box, I. red_drawer, J. green_treasure_chest, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. green_bottle, O. green_bucket
Where does Mila think Owen thinks Noah thinks the carrot is?
1 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the hall. 2 The carrot is in the red_basket. 3 Evelyn moved the carrot to the red_pantry. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Mila exited the hall. 7 Owen moved the carrot to the green_drawer. 8 Mila saw a cat. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Lily moved the carrot to the red_envelope. 11 Lily exited the hall. 12 Noah moved the carrot to the red_basket. 13 Owen lost his watch. 14 Noah exited the hall. 15 Owen likes the red_basket. 16 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the waiting_room. 17 Owen dislikes the spinach. 18 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the sunroom. 19 The cherry is in the blue_crate. 20 Mila dislikes the spinach. 21 Noah made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 22 Owen likes the green_treasure_chest. 23 Noah exited the sunroom. 24 Mila moved the cherry to the green_bucket. 25 Mila exited the sunroom. 26 Owen made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 27 Owen exited the sunroom. 28 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the waiting_room.
A. red_container, B. red_pantry, C. blue_treasure_chest, D. blue_pantry, E. blue_crate, F. blue_drawer, G. red_box, H. red_crate, I. green_envelope, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. red_envelope, M. green_drawer, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_basket
Where does Jack think Aiden thinks Hannah thinks the orange is?
1 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the master_bedroom. 2 The orange is in the red_pantry. 3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 4 Hannah exited the master_bedroom. 5 Jack moved the orange to the blue_treasure_chest. 6 Jack exited the master_bedroom. 7 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 8 Alexander exited the master_bedroom. 9 Chloe moved the orange to the red_container. 10 Chloe exited the master_bedroom. 11 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 12 Aiden exited the master_bedroom. 13 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the waiting_room. 14 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the front_yard. 15 The pear is in the red_box. 16 Aiden moved the pear to the green_pantry. 17 Aiden exited the front_yard. 18 Hannah moved the pear to the green_envelope. 19 Hannah exited the front_yard. 20 Jack made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Jack exited the front_yard. 22 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. red_crate, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_treasure_chest, E. blue_pantry, F. red_container, G. red_drawer, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_envelope, J. green_treasure_chest, K. red_basket, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. red_bucket, O. blue_cupboard
Where does Ella think Lily thinks Avery thinks the cherry is?
1 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the pantry. 2 The cherry is in the red_drawer. 3 Emily moved the cherry to the red_container. 4 Emily exited the pantry. 5 Lily made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Lily exited the pantry. 7 Emma moved the cherry to the green_envelope. 8 Emma exited the pantry. 9 Avery moved the cherry to the blue_suitcase. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Ella made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Ella exited the pantry. 13 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room. 14 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the cellar. 15 The tomato is in the blue_container. 16 Lily made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 17 Lily exited the cellar. 18 Avery moved the tomato to the red_bucket. 19 Lily likes the red_drawer. 20 Avery exited the cellar. 21 Ella made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 22 Ella exited the cellar. 23 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. red_drawer, B. red_basket, C. green_box, D. green_bottle, E. red_pantry, F. green_bathtub, G. red_bottle, H. red_container, I. red_crate, J. green_treasure_chest, K. green_bucket, L. red_box, M. red_bucket, N. blue_suitcase, O. blue_crate
Where does Ava think Alexander thinks Charlotte thinks the pear is?
1 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the pantry. 2 The pear is in the red_box. 3 William made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 4 William exited the pantry. 5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Ava exited the pantry. 7 Charlotte moved the pear to the red_bucket. 8 Charlotte exited the pantry. 9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Alexander exited the pantry. 13 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the office. 15 The asparagus is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander moved the asparagus to the red_drawer. 17 Avery dislikes the pear. 18 Alexander exited the office. 19 Charlotte moved the asparagus to the red_pantry. 20 Charlotte exited the office. 21 Avery dislikes the cabbage. 22 Ava made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute. 23 Ava exited the office. 24 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the waiting_room.
A. green_envelope, B. blue_suitcase, C. red_envelope, D. green_basket, E. blue_bucket, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_crate, I. red_drawer, J. green_box, K. green_drawer, L. green_treasure_chest, M. green_bathtub, N. blue_pantry, O. red_bottle
Where does Isla think Avery thinks Carter thinks the watermelon is?
1 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the workshop. 2 The watermelon is in the blue_suitcase. 3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 4 Avery exited the workshop. 5 Sophia moved the watermelon to the green_envelope. 6 Sophia exited the workshop. 7 Avery dislikes the tomato. 8 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_basket. 9 Carter exited the workshop. 10 Emily made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 11 Emily exited the workshop. 12 Isla made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 13 Isla exited the workshop. 14 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the waiting_room. 15 Carter likes the green_treasure_chest. 16 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the sunroom. 17 The carrot is in the blue_treasure_chest. 18 Emily moved the carrot to the green_box. 19 Emily exited the sunroom. 20 Isla moved the carrot to the green_crate. 21 Isla exited the sunroom. 22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 23 Avery exited the sunroom. 24 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. blue_treasure_chest, C. green_crate, D. blue_cupboard, E. red_bottle, F. blue_crate, G. green_pantry, H. green_bucket, I. green_box, J. blue_drawer, K. green_bottle, L. red_box, M. green_treasure_chest, N. blue_bathtub, O. red_container
Where does Evelyn think Sophia thinks Isla thinks the lemon is?
1 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the hall. 2 The lemon is in the red_box. 3 Evelyn moved the lemon to the red_container. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Isla exited the hall. 7 Alexander moved the lemon to the green_treasure_chest. 8 Alexander exited the hall. 9 Emma moved the lemon to the green_bottle. 10 Emma exited the hall. 11 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 12 Sophia exited the hall. 13 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the TV_room. 15 The pear is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 17 Alexander exited the TV_room. 18 Emma moved the pear to the blue_treasure_chest. 19 Emma exited the TV_room. 20 Emma dislikes the eggplant. 21 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 22 Evelyn exited the TV_room. 23 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. red_bucket, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_bucket, F. blue_bathtub, G. green_cupboard, H. red_pantry, I. red_bottle, J. blue_treasure_chest, K. green_box, L. green_envelope, M. green_crate, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_crate
Where does Avery think Nathan thinks Abigail thinks the corn is?
1 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the basement. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Hannah moved the corn to the green_bathtub. 4 Hannah exited the basement. 5 Avery likes the green_crate. 6 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 7 William exited the basement. 8 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 9 Abigail exited the basement. 10 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 11 Hannah dislikes the corn. 12 Nathan exited the basement. 13 Avery moved the corn to the red_basket. 14 Avery exited the basement. 15 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan lost his watch. 17 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the basement. 18 The corn is in the red_basket. 19 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 20 Hannah exited the basement. 21 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bucket. 22 Abigail exited the basement. 23 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 24 William exited the basement. 25 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the waiting_room.
A. red_pantry, B. blue_bottle, C. red_basket, D. green_box, E. red_bottle, F. blue_suitcase, G. blue_crate, H. green_bucket, I. green_crate, J. red_drawer, K. red_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. green_bathtub, O. green_envelope
Where does Carter think Liam thinks Benjamin thinks the tangerine is?
1 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the den. 2 The tangerine is in the green_bottle. 3 Liam moved the tangerine to the blue_treasure_chest. 4 Sophia dislikes the banana. 5 Liam exited the den. 6 Jackson moved the tangerine to the green_bathtub. 7 Jackson exited the den. 8 Carter made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 9 Carter exited the den. 10 Benjamin moved the tangerine to the red_bucket. 11 Benjamin exited the den. 12 Sophia moved the tangerine to the green_bottle. 13 Sophia exited the den. 14 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 15 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the bathroom. 16 The plum is in the blue_suitcase. 17 Benjamin moved the plum to the green_crate. 18 Benjamin exited the bathroom. 19 Liam moved the plum to the red_drawer. 20 Liam exited the bathroom. 21 Jackson dislikes the tangerine. 22 Carter made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 23 Benjamin lost his phone. 24 Carter exited the bathroom. 25 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_drawer, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_container, F. blue_crate, G. red_drawer, H. blue_bathtub, I. red_envelope, J. red_basket, K. green_bucket, L. green_basket, M. red_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_cupboard
Where does Lily think Emily thinks Owen thinks the lime is?
1 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the front_yard. 2 Ella likes the red_bottle. 3 The lime is in the red_bottle. 4 Lily moved the lime to the blue_drawer. 5 Lily exited the front_yard. 6 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 7 Ella exited the front_yard. 8 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 9 Owen exited the front_yard. 10 Evelyn moved the lime to the green_pantry. 11 Evelyn dislikes the asparagus. 12 Evelyn exited the front_yard. 13 Emily made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 14 Emily exited the front_yard. 15 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the waiting_room. 16 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the attic. 17 The lettuce is in the green_basket. 18 Owen likes the blue_drawer. 19 Lily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 20 Lily exited the attic. 21 Emily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 22 Lily lost his phone. 23 Emily exited the attic. 24 Ella moved the lettuce to the green_cupboard. 25 Ella exited the attic. 26 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. green_pantry, B. red_envelope, C. green_bathtub, D. red_basket, E. blue_suitcase, F. red_box, G. blue_bottle, H. blue_drawer, I. green_drawer, J. red_container, K. blue_treasure_chest, L. red_bottle, M. blue_container, N. green_envelope, O. green_box
Where does Isla think Lily thinks Noah thinks the corn is?
1 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the staircase. 2 The corn is in the blue_treasure_chest. 3 Mila made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 4 Mila exited the staircase. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 6 Noah dislikes the green_pepper. 7 Isla exited the staircase. 8 Noah made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Noah exited the staircase. 10 Sophia moved the corn to the blue_container. 11 Sophia exited the staircase. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Sophia dislikes the tomato. 14 Lily exited the staircase. 15 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the front_yard. 17 The tomato is in the red_box. 18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 19 Isla exited the front_yard. 20 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Sophia exited the front_yard. 22 Lily moved the tomato to the green_drawer. 23 Lily exited the front_yard. 24 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_suitcase, D. red_bucket, E. green_box, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. red_bottle, I. green_drawer, J. red_envelope, K. blue_container, L. blue_crate, M. blue_cupboard, N. red_pantry, O. blue_bathtub
Where does Amelia think Nathan thinks Jackson thinks the tomato is?
1 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the laundry. 2 The tomato is in the blue_container. 3 Sophia moved the tomato to the blue_cupboard. 4 Sophia exited the laundry. 5 Jackson moved the tomato to the blue_crate. 6 Jackson exited the laundry. 7 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 8 Amelia exited the laundry. 9 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 10 Charlotte exited the laundry. 11 Nathan moved the tomato to the blue_container. 12 Nathan exited the laundry. 13 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 14 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the hall. 15 The onion is in the blue_treasure_chest. 16 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 17 Nathan exited the hall. 18 Jackson moved the onion to the red_envelope. 19 Jackson exited the hall. 20 Amelia moved the onion to the green_cupboard. 21 Jackson saw a mouse. 22 Amelia exited the hall. 23 Jackson lost his phone. 24 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_suitcase, B. green_envelope, C. blue_cupboard, D. red_basket, E. red_envelope, F. red_box, G. blue_bathtub, H. green_basket, I. red_crate, J. blue_container, K. blue_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. red_bucket, O. green_box
Where does Ella think Emily thinks Nathan thinks the peas is?
1 Evelyn dislikes the potato. 2 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the bathroom. 3 The peas is in the blue_suitcase. 4 Emily moved the peas to the red_basket. 5 Emily exited the bathroom. 6 Ella moved the peas to the red_envelope. 7 Ella exited the bathroom. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_cupboard. 9 Avery exited the bathroom. 10 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 11 Evelyn exited the bathroom. 12 Nathan moved the peas to the blue_suitcase. 13 Nathan exited the bathroom. 14 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 15 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the kitchen. 16 The corn is in the red_box. 17 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 18 Evelyn exited the kitchen. 19 Avery made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 20 Avery exited the kitchen. 21 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 22 Nathan exited the kitchen. 23 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the waiting_room.
A. green_pantry, B. red_drawer, C. green_cupboard, D. green_envelope, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. red_envelope, G. green_treasure_chest, H. blue_drawer, I. red_crate, J. green_bottle, K. green_basket, L. red_pantry, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_box, O. red_bottle
Where does Jacob think Charlotte thinks Ava thinks Evelyn thinks the cucumber is?
1 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the dining_room. 2 The cucumber is in the green_treasure_chest. 3 Ava made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 4 Ava exited the dining_room. 5 Evelyn moved the cucumber to the red_envelope. 6 Evelyn exited the dining_room. 7 Charlotte moved the cucumber to the red_crate. 8 Charlotte exited the dining_room. 9 William made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 10 William exited the dining_room. 11 Jacob moved the cucumber to the green_treasure_chest. 12 Jacob exited the dining_room. 13 Ava, Evelyn, Charlotte, William and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the pantry. 15 The watermelon is in the green_basket. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_cupboard. 17 Evelyn exited the pantry. 18 Jacob moved the watermelon to the red_pantry. 19 Jacob exited the pantry. 20 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 21 Charlotte exited the pantry. 22 Evelyn, Jacob and Charlotte entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_bucket, B. red_basket, C. red_container, D. blue_bathtub, E. green_pantry, F. red_envelope, G. blue_bottle, H. red_box, I. blue_cupboard, J. green_bathtub, K. red_drawer, L. red_bottle, M. blue_drawer, N. green_crate, O. green_treasure_chest
Where does Liam think Sophia thinks Lily thinks Amelia thinks the corn is?
1 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the hallway. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Liam moved the corn to the red_container. 4 Liam exited the hallway. 5 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 6 Sophia exited the hallway. 7 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 8 Lily exited the hallway. 9 Carter made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 10 Carter exited the hallway. 11 Amelia moved the corn to the red_basket. 12 Amelia exited the hallway. 13 Liam, Sophia, Lily, Carter and Amelia entered the waiting_room. 14 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the hallway. 15 The melon is in the blue_bucket. 16 Liam moved the melon to the red_basket. 17 Liam exited the hallway. 18 Lily moved the melon to the green_pantry. 19 Lily exited the hallway. 20 Carter moved the melon to the red_container. 21 Carter exited the hallway. 22 Sophia dislikes the corn. 23 Liam, Lily and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. blue_suitcase, D. blue_cupboard, E. green_basket, F. green_pantry, G. red_basket, H. red_envelope, I. green_treasure_chest, J. green_envelope, K. green_drawer, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. blue_bucket, O. green_crate
Where does Avery think Liam thinks Noah thinks Benjamin thinks the peas is?
1 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the workshop. 2 The peas is in the green_drawer. 3 Liam moved the peas to the blue_container. 4 Liam dislikes the peas. 5 Liam exited the workshop. 6 Noah moved the peas to the green_crate. 7 Noah exited the workshop. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_bucket. 9 Avery exited the workshop. 10 Mila moved the peas to the blue_crate. 11 Liam saw a dog. 12 Mila exited the workshop. 13 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 14 Benjamin exited the workshop. 15 Liam, Noah, Avery, Mila and Benjamin entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the den. 17 The melon is in the red_bucket. 18 Noah made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 19 Noah exited the den. 20 Liam made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 21 Liam exited the den. 22 Mila moved the melon to the blue_suitcase. 23 Mila exited the den. 24 Noah, Liam and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_treasure_chest, B. blue_drawer, C. green_bottle, D. red_basket, E. red_box, F. red_drawer, G. green_crate, H. green_treasure_chest, I. green_box, J. blue_suitcase, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. red_crate, O. green_bucket
Where does Jacob think Evelyn thinks Chloe thinks Isabella thinks the potato is?
1 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the crawlspace. 2 The potato is in the blue_drawer. 3 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 4 Evelyn exited the crawlspace. 5 Chloe made no movements and stayed in the crawlspace for 1 minute. 6 Chloe exited the crawlspace. 7 Mila moved the potato to the red_basket. 8 Mila exited the crawlspace. 9 Isabella moved the potato to the green_bottle. 10 Isabella exited the crawlspace. 11 Jacob moved the potato to the blue_drawer. 12 Jacob exited the crawlspace. 13 Evelyn, Chloe, Mila, Isabella and Jacob entered the waiting_room. 14 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the closet. 15 The watermelon is in the green_crate. 16 Evelyn moved the watermelon to the blue_suitcase. 17 Evelyn exited the closet. 18 Mila moved the watermelon to the red_drawer. 19 Mila exited the closet. 20 Jacob made no movements and stayed in the closet for 1 minute. 21 Jacob exited the closet. 22 Evelyn, Mila and Jacob entered the waiting_room.
A. red_envelope, B. green_envelope, C. green_box, D. blue_bucket, E. blue_pantry, F. green_basket, G. blue_drawer, H. red_container, I. green_bucket, J. green_bathtub, K. red_box, L. green_crate, M. blue_container, N. green_drawer, O. red_bottle
Where does Noah think Emma thinks Aiden thinks Avery thinks the cabbage is?
1 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the staircase. 2 The cabbage is in the green_envelope. 3 Noah moved the cabbage to the green_box. 4 Emma likes the red_envelope. 5 Noah exited the staircase. 6 Emma made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 7 Emma exited the staircase. 8 Avery made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Avery exited the staircase. 10 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 11 Aiden exited the staircase. 12 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Jackson exited the staircase. 14 Noah, Emma, Avery, Aiden and Jackson entered the waiting_room. 15 Aiden likes the blue_bucket. 16 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the staircase. 17 The cabbage is in the green_box. 18 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 19 Aiden exited the staircase. 20 Avery moved the cabbage to the green_envelope. 21 Avery exited the staircase. 22 Jackson made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 23 Jackson exited the staircase. 24 Aiden, Avery and Jackson entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_crate, C. green_bucket, D. blue_container, E. red_crate, F. red_pantry, G. green_basket, H. green_pantry, I. blue_bucket, J. green_box, K. red_drawer, L. red_box, M. blue_cupboard, N. green_envelope, O. green_drawer
Where does Noah think Benjamin thinks Avery thinks Owen thinks the melon is?
1 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the bedroom. 2 The melon is in the red_pantry. 3 Owen moved the melon to the green_basket. 4 Owen exited the bedroom. 5 Avery saw a monkey. 6 Avery made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 7 Avery exited the bedroom. 8 Owen likes the red_basket. 9 Benjamin made no movements and stayed in the bedroom for 1 minute. 10 Benjamin exited the bedroom. 11 Mila moved the melon to the green_box. 12 Mila exited the bedroom. 13 Noah moved the melon to the red_pantry. 14 Noah exited the bedroom. 15 Owen, Avery, Benjamin, Mila and Noah entered the waiting_room. 16 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the dining_room. 17 The sweet_potato is in the red_basket. 18 Noah moved the sweet_potato to the green_bucket. 19 Noah exited the dining_room. 20 Avery moved the sweet_potato to the blue_container. 21 Avery exited the dining_room. 22 Owen saw a dog. 23 Mila made no movements and stayed in the dining_room for 1 minute. 24 Mila exited the dining_room. 25 Noah, Avery and Mila entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_pantry, B. green_bottle, C. red_envelope, D. green_cupboard, E. green_crate, F. green_box, G. red_crate, H. red_bottle, I. blue_cupboard, J. blue_bottle, K. blue_container, L. blue_bathtub, M. red_bucket, N. blue_treasure_chest, O. green_treasure_chest
Where does Ava think Isabella thinks Lily thinks Nathan thinks the melon is?
1 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the hallway. 2 The melon is in the blue_container. 3 Evelyn moved the melon to the green_treasure_chest. 4 Evelyn exited the hallway. 5 Lily dislikes the cucumber. 6 Isabella made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 7 Isabella exited the hallway. 8 Nathan moved the melon to the blue_treasure_chest. 9 Nathan exited the hallway. 10 Ava made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 11 Ava exited the hallway. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the hallway for 1 minute. 13 Ava dislikes the spinach. 14 Lily exited the hallway. 15 Evelyn, Isabella, Nathan, Ava and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the cellar. 17 The spinach is in the red_crate. 18 Nathan moved the spinach to the blue_bottle. 19 Nathan exited the cellar. 20 Isabella moved the spinach to the red_bottle. 21 Isabella exited the cellar. 22 Nathan lost his phone. 23 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 24 Evelyn exited the cellar. 25 Nathan, Isabella and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. blue_bathtub, C. green_crate, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_treasure_chest, F. green_basket, G. green_drawer, H. red_bucket, I. blue_drawer, J. blue_pantry, K. blue_suitcase, L. blue_bucket, M. red_crate, N. blue_bottle, O. green_envelope
Where does Owen think Liam thinks Emma thinks Noah thinks the watermelon is?
1 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the hall. 2 The watermelon is in the green_bucket. 3 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 4 Noah exited the hall. 5 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Abigail exited the hall. 7 Owen made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 8 Emma dislikes the melon. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Emma moved the watermelon to the blue_treasure_chest. 11 Emma exited the hall. 12 Liam made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 13 Liam exited the hall. 14 Noah, Abigail, Owen, Emma and Liam entered the waiting_room. 15 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the hall. 16 The persimmon is in the blue_bathtub. 17 Noah made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 18 Liam saw a dog. 19 Noah exited the hall. 20 Owen moved the persimmon to the green_crate. 21 Owen exited the hall. 22 Liam moved the persimmon to the green_bathtub. 23 Liam exited the hall. 24 Noah, Owen and Liam entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. green_drawer, C. red_pantry, D. red_envelope, E. blue_drawer, F. green_cupboard, G. green_bathtub, H. red_box, I. red_drawer, J. green_treasure_chest, K. blue_crate, L. green_basket, M. blue_bathtub, N. green_bottle, O. green_bucket
Where does Lily think Mila thinks Owen thinks Noah thinks the carrot is?
1 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the hall. 2 The carrot is in the red_basket. 3 Evelyn moved the carrot to the red_pantry. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Mila made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Mila exited the hall. 7 Owen moved the carrot to the green_drawer. 8 Mila saw a cat. 9 Owen exited the hall. 10 Lily moved the carrot to the red_envelope. 11 Lily exited the hall. 12 Noah moved the carrot to the red_basket. 13 Owen lost his watch. 14 Noah exited the hall. 15 Owen likes the red_basket. 16 Evelyn, Mila, Owen, Lily and Noah entered the waiting_room. 17 Owen dislikes the spinach. 18 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the sunroom. 19 The cherry is in the blue_crate. 20 Mila dislikes the spinach. 21 Noah made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 22 Owen likes the green_treasure_chest. 23 Noah exited the sunroom. 24 Mila moved the cherry to the green_bucket. 25 Mila exited the sunroom. 26 Owen made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 27 Owen exited the sunroom. 28 Noah, Mila and Owen entered the waiting_room.
A. red_container, B. red_pantry, C. blue_treasure_chest, D. blue_pantry, E. blue_crate, F. blue_drawer, G. red_box, H. red_crate, I. green_envelope, J. green_pantry, K. green_bottle, L. red_envelope, M. green_drawer, N. blue_bathtub, O. green_basket
Where does Alexander think Jack thinks Aiden thinks Hannah thinks the orange is?
1 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the master_bedroom. 2 The orange is in the red_pantry. 3 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 4 Hannah exited the master_bedroom. 5 Jack moved the orange to the blue_treasure_chest. 6 Jack exited the master_bedroom. 7 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 8 Alexander exited the master_bedroom. 9 Chloe moved the orange to the red_container. 10 Chloe exited the master_bedroom. 11 Aiden made no movements and stayed in the master_bedroom for 1 minute. 12 Aiden exited the master_bedroom. 13 Hannah, Jack, Alexander, Chloe and Aiden entered the waiting_room. 14 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the front_yard. 15 The pear is in the red_box. 16 Aiden moved the pear to the green_pantry. 17 Aiden exited the front_yard. 18 Hannah moved the pear to the green_envelope. 19 Hannah exited the front_yard. 20 Jack made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Jack exited the front_yard. 22 Aiden, Hannah and Jack entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bucket, B. red_crate, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_treasure_chest, E. blue_pantry, F. red_container, G. red_drawer, H. blue_suitcase, I. green_envelope, J. green_treasure_chest, K. red_basket, L. blue_container, M. blue_crate, N. red_bucket, O. blue_cupboard
Where does Emily think Ella thinks Lily thinks Avery thinks the cherry is?
1 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the pantry. 2 The cherry is in the red_drawer. 3 Emily moved the cherry to the red_container. 4 Emily exited the pantry. 5 Lily made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Lily exited the pantry. 7 Emma moved the cherry to the green_envelope. 8 Emma exited the pantry. 9 Avery moved the cherry to the blue_suitcase. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Ella made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Ella exited the pantry. 13 Emily, Lily, Emma, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room. 14 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the cellar. 15 The tomato is in the blue_container. 16 Lily made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 17 Lily exited the cellar. 18 Avery moved the tomato to the red_bucket. 19 Lily likes the red_drawer. 20 Avery exited the cellar. 21 Ella made no movements and stayed in the cellar for 1 minute. 22 Ella exited the cellar. 23 Lily, Avery and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. red_drawer, B. red_basket, C. green_box, D. green_bottle, E. red_pantry, F. green_bathtub, G. red_bottle, H. red_container, I. red_crate, J. green_treasure_chest, K. green_bucket, L. red_box, M. red_bucket, N. blue_suitcase, O. blue_crate
Where does William think Ava thinks Alexander thinks Charlotte thinks the pear is?
1 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the pantry. 2 The pear is in the red_box. 3 William made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 4 William exited the pantry. 5 Ava made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 6 Ava exited the pantry. 7 Charlotte moved the pear to the red_bucket. 8 Charlotte exited the pantry. 9 Avery made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 10 Avery exited the pantry. 11 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the pantry for 1 minute. 12 Alexander exited the pantry. 13 William, Ava, Charlotte, Avery and Alexander entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the office. 15 The asparagus is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander moved the asparagus to the red_drawer. 17 Avery dislikes the pear. 18 Alexander exited the office. 19 Charlotte moved the asparagus to the red_pantry. 20 Charlotte exited the office. 21 Avery dislikes the cabbage. 22 Ava made no movements and stayed in the office for 1 minute. 23 Ava exited the office. 24 Alexander, Charlotte and Ava entered the waiting_room.
A. green_envelope, B. blue_suitcase, C. red_envelope, D. green_basket, E. blue_bucket, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. green_crate, I. red_drawer, J. green_box, K. green_drawer, L. green_treasure_chest, M. green_bathtub, N. blue_pantry, O. red_bottle
Where does Sophia think Isla thinks Avery thinks Carter thinks the watermelon is?
1 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the workshop. 2 The watermelon is in the blue_suitcase. 3 Avery made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 4 Avery exited the workshop. 5 Sophia moved the watermelon to the green_envelope. 6 Sophia exited the workshop. 7 Avery dislikes the tomato. 8 Carter moved the watermelon to the green_basket. 9 Carter exited the workshop. 10 Emily made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 11 Emily exited the workshop. 12 Isla made no movements and stayed in the workshop for 1 minute. 13 Isla exited the workshop. 14 Avery, Sophia, Carter, Emily and Isla entered the waiting_room. 15 Carter likes the green_treasure_chest. 16 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the sunroom. 17 The carrot is in the blue_treasure_chest. 18 Emily moved the carrot to the green_box. 19 Emily exited the sunroom. 20 Isla moved the carrot to the green_crate. 21 Isla exited the sunroom. 22 Avery made no movements and stayed in the sunroom for 1 minute. 23 Avery exited the sunroom. 24 Emily, Isla and Avery entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. blue_treasure_chest, C. green_crate, D. blue_cupboard, E. red_bottle, F. blue_crate, G. green_pantry, H. green_bucket, I. green_box, J. blue_drawer, K. green_bottle, L. red_box, M. green_treasure_chest, N. blue_bathtub, O. red_container
Where does Alexander think Evelyn thinks Sophia thinks Isla thinks the lemon is?
1 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the hall. 2 The lemon is in the red_box. 3 Evelyn moved the lemon to the red_container. 4 Evelyn exited the hall. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 6 Isla exited the hall. 7 Alexander moved the lemon to the green_treasure_chest. 8 Alexander exited the hall. 9 Emma moved the lemon to the green_bottle. 10 Emma exited the hall. 11 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 12 Sophia exited the hall. 13 Evelyn, Isla, Alexander, Emma and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 14 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the TV_room. 15 The pear is in the red_basket. 16 Alexander made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 17 Alexander exited the TV_room. 18 Emma moved the pear to the blue_treasure_chest. 19 Emma exited the TV_room. 20 Emma dislikes the eggplant. 21 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the TV_room for 1 minute. 22 Evelyn exited the TV_room. 23 Alexander, Emma and Evelyn entered the waiting_room.
A. red_basket, B. red_bucket, C. green_bathtub, D. blue_suitcase, E. green_bucket, F. blue_bathtub, G. green_cupboard, H. red_pantry, I. red_bottle, J. blue_treasure_chest, K. green_box, L. green_envelope, M. green_crate, N. green_treasure_chest, O. blue_crate
Where does Hannah think Avery thinks Nathan thinks Abigail thinks the corn is?
1 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the basement. 2 The corn is in the red_basket. 3 Hannah moved the corn to the green_bathtub. 4 Hannah exited the basement. 5 Avery likes the green_crate. 6 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 7 William exited the basement. 8 Abigail made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 9 Abigail exited the basement. 10 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 11 Hannah dislikes the corn. 12 Nathan exited the basement. 13 Avery moved the corn to the red_basket. 14 Avery exited the basement. 15 Hannah, William, Abigail, Nathan and Avery entered the waiting_room. 16 Nathan lost his watch. 17 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the basement. 18 The corn is in the red_basket. 19 Hannah made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 20 Hannah exited the basement. 21 Abigail moved the corn to the green_bucket. 22 Abigail exited the basement. 23 William made no movements and stayed in the basement for 1 minute. 24 William exited the basement. 25 Hannah, Abigail and William entered the waiting_room.
A. red_pantry, B. blue_bottle, C. red_basket, D. green_box, E. red_bottle, F. blue_suitcase, G. blue_crate, H. green_bucket, I. green_crate, J. red_drawer, K. red_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. green_bathtub, O. green_envelope
Where does Jackson think Carter thinks Liam thinks Benjamin thinks the tangerine is?
1 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the den. 2 The tangerine is in the green_bottle. 3 Liam moved the tangerine to the blue_treasure_chest. 4 Sophia dislikes the banana. 5 Liam exited the den. 6 Jackson moved the tangerine to the green_bathtub. 7 Jackson exited the den. 8 Carter made no movements and stayed in the den for 1 minute. 9 Carter exited the den. 10 Benjamin moved the tangerine to the red_bucket. 11 Benjamin exited the den. 12 Sophia moved the tangerine to the green_bottle. 13 Sophia exited the den. 14 Liam, Jackson, Carter, Benjamin and Sophia entered the waiting_room. 15 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the bathroom. 16 The plum is in the blue_suitcase. 17 Benjamin moved the plum to the green_crate. 18 Benjamin exited the bathroom. 19 Liam moved the plum to the red_drawer. 20 Liam exited the bathroom. 21 Jackson dislikes the tangerine. 22 Carter made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 23 Benjamin lost his phone. 24 Carter exited the bathroom. 25 Benjamin, Liam and Carter entered the waiting_room.
A. red_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_drawer, D. green_bathtub, E. blue_container, F. blue_crate, G. red_drawer, H. blue_bathtub, I. red_envelope, J. red_basket, K. green_bucket, L. green_basket, M. red_bucket, N. green_bottle, O. green_cupboard
Where does Ella think Lily thinks Emily thinks Owen thinks the lime is?
1 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the front_yard. 2 Ella likes the red_bottle. 3 The lime is in the red_bottle. 4 Lily moved the lime to the blue_drawer. 5 Lily exited the front_yard. 6 Ella made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 7 Ella exited the front_yard. 8 Owen made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 9 Owen exited the front_yard. 10 Evelyn moved the lime to the green_pantry. 11 Evelyn dislikes the asparagus. 12 Evelyn exited the front_yard. 13 Emily made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 14 Emily exited the front_yard. 15 Lily, Ella, Owen, Evelyn and Emily entered the waiting_room. 16 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the attic. 17 The lettuce is in the green_basket. 18 Owen likes the blue_drawer. 19 Lily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 20 Lily exited the attic. 21 Emily made no movements and stayed in the attic for 1 minute. 22 Lily lost his phone. 23 Emily exited the attic. 24 Ella moved the lettuce to the green_cupboard. 25 Ella exited the attic. 26 Lily, Emily and Ella entered the waiting_room.
A. green_pantry, B. red_envelope, C. green_bathtub, D. red_basket, E. blue_suitcase, F. red_box, G. blue_bottle, H. blue_drawer, I. green_drawer, J. red_container, K. blue_treasure_chest, L. red_bottle, M. blue_container, N. green_envelope, O. green_box
Where does Mila think Isla thinks Lily thinks Noah thinks the corn is?
1 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the staircase. 2 The corn is in the blue_treasure_chest. 3 Mila made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 4 Mila exited the staircase. 5 Isla made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 6 Noah dislikes the green_pepper. 7 Isla exited the staircase. 8 Noah made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 9 Noah exited the staircase. 10 Sophia moved the corn to the blue_container. 11 Sophia exited the staircase. 12 Lily made no movements and stayed in the staircase for 1 minute. 13 Sophia dislikes the tomato. 14 Lily exited the staircase. 15 Mila, Isla, Noah, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room. 16 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the front_yard. 17 The tomato is in the red_box. 18 Isla made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 19 Isla exited the front_yard. 20 Sophia made no movements and stayed in the front_yard for 1 minute. 21 Sophia exited the front_yard. 22 Lily moved the tomato to the green_drawer. 23 Lily exited the front_yard. 24 Isla, Sophia and Lily entered the waiting_room.
A. green_bottle, B. green_pantry, C. blue_suitcase, D. red_bucket, E. green_box, F. green_cupboard, G. blue_treasure_chest, H. red_bottle, I. green_drawer, J. red_envelope, K. blue_container, L. blue_crate, M. blue_cupboard, N. red_pantry, O. blue_bathtub
Where does Sophia think Amelia thinks Nathan thinks Jackson thinks the tomato is?
1 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the laundry. 2 The tomato is in the blue_container. 3 Sophia moved the tomato to the blue_cupboard. 4 Sophia exited the laundry. 5 Jackson moved the tomato to the blue_crate. 6 Jackson exited the laundry. 7 Amelia made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 8 Amelia exited the laundry. 9 Charlotte made no movements and stayed in the laundry for 1 minute. 10 Charlotte exited the laundry. 11 Nathan moved the tomato to the blue_container. 12 Nathan exited the laundry. 13 Sophia, Jackson, Amelia, Charlotte and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 14 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the hall. 15 The onion is in the blue_treasure_chest. 16 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the hall for 1 minute. 17 Nathan exited the hall. 18 Jackson moved the onion to the red_envelope. 19 Jackson exited the hall. 20 Amelia moved the onion to the green_cupboard. 21 Jackson saw a mouse. 22 Amelia exited the hall. 23 Jackson lost his phone. 24 Nathan, Jackson and Amelia entered the waiting_room.
A. blue_suitcase, B. green_envelope, C. blue_cupboard, D. red_basket, E. red_envelope, F. red_box, G. blue_bathtub, H. green_basket, I. red_crate, J. blue_container, K. blue_bucket, L. green_bottle, M. blue_treasure_chest, N. red_bucket, O. green_box
Where does Evelyn think Ella thinks Emily thinks Nathan thinks the peas is?
1 Evelyn dislikes the potato. 2 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the bathroom. 3 The peas is in the blue_suitcase. 4 Emily moved the peas to the red_basket. 5 Emily exited the bathroom. 6 Ella moved the peas to the red_envelope. 7 Ella exited the bathroom. 8 Avery moved the peas to the blue_cupboard. 9 Avery exited the bathroom. 10 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the bathroom for 1 minute. 11 Evelyn exited the bathroom. 12 Nathan moved the peas to the blue_suitcase. 13 Nathan exited the bathroom. 14 Emily, Ella, Avery, Evelyn and Nathan entered the waiting_room. 15 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the kitchen. 16 The corn is in the red_box. 17 Evelyn made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 18 Evelyn exited the kitchen. 19 Avery made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 20 Avery exited the kitchen. 21 Nathan made no movements and stayed in the kitchen for 1 minute. 22 Nathan exited the kitchen. 23 Evelyn, Avery and Nathan entered the waiting_room.