all O
the O
equations O
are O
simultaneously O
satisfie O
uch O
that O
all O
the O
equations O
are O
simultaneously B-Math
satisfie O
in O
multilinear B-Math
algebra I-Math
one O
considers O
multivariable O
linear O
transformations O
that O
is O
mappings O
that O
are O
linear O
in O
each O
of O
a O
number O
of O
different O
variable O
one O
considers O
multivariable O
linear B-Math
transformations I-Math
that O
is O
mappings O
that O
are O
linear O
in O
each O
of O
a O
number O
of O
different O
variable O
otherwise O
it O
is O
infinitedimensional B-Attributes
and O
its O
dimension O
is O
an O
infinite O
cardina O
a O
normed B-Math
vector I-Math
space I-Math
is O
a O
vector O
space O
along O
with O
a O
function O
called O
a O
norm O
which O
measures O
the O
size O
of O
element O
is O
a O
vector B-Math
space I-Math
along O
with O
a O
function O
called O
a O