articl O
in O
the O
context O
of O
a O
vector B-Math
space I-Math
over O
a O
field O
with O
some O
generalizations O
given O
at O
the O
end O
of O
the O
articl O
in O
classical B-Math
geometry I-Math
the O
involved O
vector O
spaces O
are O
vector O
spaces O
over O
the O
reals O
but O
the O
constructions O
may O
be O
extended O
to O
vector O
spaces O
over O
any O
field O
allowing O
considering O
geometry O
over O
arbitrary O
fields O
including O
finite O
field O
the O
involved O
vector B-Math
spaces I-Math
are O
vector O
spaces O
over O
the O
reals O
but O
the O
constructions O
may O
be O
extended O
to O
vector O
spaces O
over O
any O
field O
allowing O
considering O
geometry O
over O
arbitrary O
fields O
including O
finite O
field O
are O
vector O
spaces O
over O
the O
reals O
but O
the O
constructions O
may O
be O
extended O
to O