GCS Services explicitly to be used by Terraform Module for Prod/UAT and Development environment.
Cloud Storage 5TB object size limit. Cloud Storage supports a maximum single-object size up 5 terabytes. If you have objects larger than 5TB, the object transfer fails for those objects for either Cloud Storage or Storage Transfer Service.
Limit & Quotas about cloud Storage can be found here
Encryption At Rest
All Cloud Storage data are automatically stored in an encrypted state, but you can also provide your own encryption keys. For more information, see Cloud Storage Encryption.
Encrypt your Cloud Storage data with Cloud KMS
Turn on uniform bucket-level access and its org policy.
Enforce the domain-restricted sharing constraint in an organization policy to prevent accidental public data sharing, or sharing beyond your organization.
Audit your Cloud Storage data with Cloud Audit Logging.
Secure your data with VPC Service Controls.
ADR Changelog
| Change Description | Version | Date | |:--|:--|:--| | Initial proposed version | 0.1 | 11-06-2023 |