SELECT change__2010_to_2011_ FROM table_14752049_2 WHERE international_tourist_arrivals__2011_ = "1.7 million"
CREATE TABLE table_14752049_2 (change__2010_to_2011_ VARCHAR, international_tourist_arrivals__2011_ VARCHAR)
What are the changes (2010 to 2011) where the International Tourist Arrivals is 1.7 million?
SELECT 1991 AS _1992 FROM table_14390413_1 WHERE team = "River Plate"
CREATE TABLE table_14390413_1 (team VARCHAR)
Name the 1991-1992 for river plate
SELECT bleeding_time FROM table_14006_1 WHERE platelet_count = "Decreased or unaffected"
CREATE TABLE table_14006_1 (bleeding_time VARCHAR, platelet_count VARCHAR)
what's the bleeding time with platelet count being decreased or unaffected
SELECT MAX(team_defense_rank) FROM table_1402270_1 WHERE nfl_team = "Green Bay Packers"
CREATE TABLE table_1402270_1 (team_defense_rank INTEGER, nfl_team VARCHAR)
what the highest number for the opposite of offense for the green bay packers
SELECT MAX(series_number) FROM table_13505192_3 WHERE episode_title = "Things That Fly"
CREATE TABLE table_13505192_3 (series_number INTEGER, episode_title VARCHAR)
What number episode in the series is the episode "things that fly"?
SELECT region FROM table_14532_1 WHERE capital = "Milan"
CREATE TABLE table_14532_1 (region VARCHAR, capital VARCHAR)
What is the region where Milan is located?
SELECT mens_doubles FROM table_13553701_1 WHERE womens_singles = "Wang Shixian"
CREATE TABLE table_13553701_1 (mens_doubles VARCHAR, womens_singles VARCHAR)
Who are the mens doubles and womens singles is wang shixian?
SELECT party FROM table_1341690_21 WHERE incumbent = "Edward Boland"
CREATE TABLE table_1341690_21 (party VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
what is the party where the incumbent is edward boland?
SELECT mens_singles FROM table_13553701_1 WHERE womens_singles = "Sun Yu"
CREATE TABLE table_13553701_1 (mens_singles VARCHAR, womens_singles VARCHAR)
Who are the mens singles and womens singles with sun yu?
SELECT result FROM table_1342149_11 WHERE incumbent = "Tic Forrester"
CREATE TABLE table_1342149_11 (result VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
What was the result of the election when Tic Forrester ran as an incumbent?
SELECT MAX(available_subnets) FROM table_149426_4
CREATE TABLE table_149426_4 (available_subnets INTEGER)
available subnets leading total is?
SELECT famous_for FROM table_14345690_5 WHERE finished = "2nd"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_5 (famous_for VARCHAR, finished VARCHAR)
Who is the famous for that finished 2nd?
SELECT electrical FROM table_1348246_3 WHERE secretariat = "PO(W)"
CREATE TABLE table_1348246_3 (electrical VARCHAR, secretariat VARCHAR)
What are electricals where secretariat is po(w)?
SELECT home__1st_leg_ FROM table_14219514_2 WHERE aggregate = "0-1"
CREATE TABLE table_14219514_2 (home__1st_leg_ VARCHAR, aggregate VARCHAR)
When 0-1 is the aggregate what are the home (1st leg)?
SELECT COUNT(candidates) FROM table_1342013_10 WHERE incumbent = "J. L. Pilcher"
CREATE TABLE table_1342013_10 (candidates VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
How many candidates ran in the race where the incumbent is J. L. Pilcher?
SELECT MAX(year) FROM table_14319023_2 WHERE mixed_doubles = "Didit Juang Indrianto Yayu Rahayu"
CREATE TABLE table_14319023_2 (year INTEGER, mixed_doubles VARCHAR)
When mixed doubles is didit juang indrianto yayu rahayu what is the most current year?
SELECT COUNT(height_m___ft__) FROM table_13998897_1 WHERE frequency_mhz = "100.1"
CREATE TABLE table_13998897_1 (height_m___ft__ VARCHAR, frequency_mhz VARCHAR)
how many height m ( ft ) with frequency mhz being 100.1
SELECT district FROM table_1342013_5 WHERE incumbent = "Harlan Hagen"
CREATE TABLE table_1342013_5 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
What district does Harlan Hagen represent?
SELECT MIN(pick__number) FROM table_1473672_2 WHERE college_junior_club_team = "Medicine Hat Tigers (WCHL)"
CREATE TABLE table_1473672_2 (pick__number INTEGER, college_junior_club_team VARCHAR)
What is the pick# for the medicine hat tigers (wchl)?
SELECT written_by FROM table_14637853_3 WHERE original_air_date = "September23,1995"
CREATE TABLE table_14637853_3 (written_by VARCHAR, original_air_date VARCHAR)
who wrote with original air date being september23,1995
SELECT gender FROM table_13555999_1 WHERE senior_high_school__15_18_yrs_ = "26mm"
CREATE TABLE table_13555999_1 (gender VARCHAR, senior_high_school__15_18_yrs_ VARCHAR)
What is the gender of senior high school 26mm?
SELECT COUNT(candidates) FROM table_1342359_17 WHERE first_elected = 1929
CREATE TABLE table_1342359_17 (candidates VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR)
How many people were elected in 1929
SELECT district FROM table_1341672_10 WHERE incumbent = "Richard Kelly"
CREATE TABLE table_1341672_10 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
what is the district where the incumbent is richard kelly?
SELECT result FROM table_1342149_43 WHERE first_elected = "1942"
CREATE TABLE table_1342149_43 (result VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR)
What was the result in the election where the incumbent was first elected in 1942?
SELECT incumbent FROM table_1341865_20 WHERE district = "Louisiana 7"
CREATE TABLE table_1341865_20 (incumbent VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
Who was the winner in the Louisiana 7 district?
SELECT district FROM table_1342292_17 WHERE incumbent = "Robert L. Mouton"
CREATE TABLE table_1342292_17 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
What district is incumbent robert l. mouton from?
SELECT asian___percentage_ FROM table_14754471_1 WHERE year = 2004
CREATE TABLE table_14754471_1 (asian___percentage_ VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
What percentage of Asians are there in the year 2004?
SELECT COUNT(release_date) FROM table_1467951_4 WHERE dvd_name = "Volume 4"
CREATE TABLE table_1467951_4 (release_date VARCHAR, dvd_name VARCHAR)
How many release dates does volume 4 DVD have?
SELECT distance FROM table_1358608_4 WHERE group = "G3"
CREATE TABLE table_1358608_4 (distance VARCHAR, group VARCHAR)
What was the distance of the race in which Northerly raced in group G3?
SELECT frequency FROM table_134987_3 WHERE format = "Christian KAWZ-FM translator"
CREATE TABLE table_134987_3 (frequency VARCHAR, format VARCHAR)
What is the frequency for the Christian Kawz-fm Translator station?
SELECT trim FROM table_1373768_1 WHERE engine = "3.5L LZ4 V6"
CREATE TABLE table_1373768_1 (trim VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR)
what's the trim with engine being 3.5l lz4 v6
SELECT country FROM table_1515346_2 WHERE player = "Keith Fergus"
CREATE TABLE table_1515346_2 (country VARCHAR, player VARCHAR)
For which country does Keith Fergus play?
SELECT percentage_of_votes FROM table_13746866_2 WHERE election_date = 1981
CREATE TABLE table_13746866_2 (percentage_of_votes VARCHAR, election_date VARCHAR)
what's the percentage of votes with election date being 1981
SELECT COUNT(broadcast_date) FROM table_1429629_1 WHERE run_time = "24:43"
CREATE TABLE table_1429629_1 (broadcast_date VARCHAR, run_time VARCHAR)
How many episodes had a broadcast date and run time of 24:43?
SELECT software FROM table_15038373_1 WHERE version = ""
CREATE TABLE table_15038373_1 (software VARCHAR, version VARCHAR)
What is the software with version
SELECT MAX(pick__number) FROM table_14650373_1
CREATE TABLE table_14650373_1 (pick__number INTEGER)
What is the highest pick number?
SELECT result FROM table_14942535_1 WHERE week = 4
CREATE TABLE table_14942535_1 (result VARCHAR, week VARCHAR)
What was the team's result in week 4?
SELECT result FROM table_1342013_5 WHERE incumbent = "Craig Hosmer"
CREATE TABLE table_1342013_5 (result VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
What was the final result for Craig Hosmer?
SELECT asian___percentage_ FROM table_14754471_1 WHERE year = 2009
CREATE TABLE table_14754471_1 (asian___percentage_ VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
What percentage of Asians are there in the year 2009?
SELECT high_rebounds FROM table_13557843_7 WHERE team = "Vancouver"
CREATE TABLE table_13557843_7 (high_rebounds VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
who is the the high rebounds with team being vancouver
SELECT MAX(episodes) FROM table_14562722_2 WHERE region_4 = "March 13, 2008"
CREATE TABLE table_14562722_2 (episodes INTEGER, region_4 VARCHAR)
Name the most epiosdes when region 4 is march 13, 2008
SELECT candidates FROM table_1431467_4 WHERE incumbent = "D. Wyatt Aiken"
CREATE TABLE table_1431467_4 (candidates VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Who were all candidate when incumbent was D. Wyatt Aiken?
SELECT COUNT(party) FROM table_1346118_5 WHERE candidates = "Henry E. Barbour (R) 52.1% Henry Hawson (D) 47.9%"
CREATE TABLE table_1346118_5 (party VARCHAR, candidates VARCHAR)
Which party was the incumbent from when the cadidates were henry e. barbour (r) 52.1% henry hawson (d) 47.9%? Answer: Democratic
SELECT candidates FROM table_1342198_18 WHERE district = "Louisiana 1"
CREATE TABLE table_1342198_18 (candidates VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
Who is the candidate wehre district is louisiana 1?
SELECT MAX(wins) FROM table_14871601_1 WHERE team = "Nacional"
CREATE TABLE table_14871601_1 (wins INTEGER, team VARCHAR)
What is the highest win for the team Nacional?
SELECT candidates FROM table_1342256_18 WHERE incumbent = "James R. Domengeaux"
CREATE TABLE table_1342256_18 (candidates VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Who are all of the candidates in the election featuring james r. domengeaux?
SELECT main_presenter FROM table_14345690_15 WHERE series = "Twelve (2012)"
CREATE TABLE table_14345690_15 (main_presenter VARCHAR, series VARCHAR)
Who is the main presenter of the series Twelve (2012)?
SELECT distribution FROM table_1357052_6 WHERE rsbac = "Unknown"
CREATE TABLE table_1357052_6 (distribution VARCHAR, rsbac VARCHAR)
what's the dbeingtribution with rsbac being unknown
SELECT candidates FROM table_1341598_11 WHERE incumbent = "George Darden"
CREATE TABLE table_1341598_11 (candidates VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Who are shown as candidates when George Darden is the incumbent?
SELECT district FROM table_1342393_10 WHERE incumbent = "Gordon Lee"
CREATE TABLE table_1342393_10 (district VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
what is the section where gordon lee ran
SELECT fte_teachers FROM table_1414743_1 WHERE school_level = "Middle" AND city = "Sunnyvale"
CREATE TABLE table_1414743_1 (fte_teachers VARCHAR, school_level VARCHAR, city VARCHAR)
List all FTE middle school teachers in Sunnyvale.
SELECT club FROM table_13564637_3 WHERE drawn = "1" AND lost = "10"
CREATE TABLE table_13564637_3 (club VARCHAR, drawn VARCHAR, lost VARCHAR)
what is the name of the club where drawn is 1 and lost is 10?
SELECT school FROM table_14115168_4 WHERE national_titles = 14
CREATE TABLE table_14115168_4 (school VARCHAR, national_titles VARCHAR)
which school has 14 large championships
SELECT MIN(total) FROM table_1456056_1 WHERE country = "Ireland"
CREATE TABLE table_1456056_1 (total INTEGER, country VARCHAR)
Name the minimum total for ireland
SELECT incumbent FROM table_1342256_32 WHERE district = "New York 10"
CREATE TABLE table_1342256_32 (incumbent VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
Who is the sitting Representative In the New York 10 polling area race?
SELECT class_aA FROM table_14601528_2 WHERE school_year = "1998-99"
CREATE TABLE table_14601528_2 (class_aA VARCHAR, school_year VARCHAR)
Name the class aa for 1998-99
SELECT party FROM table_1341586_36 WHERE incumbent = "Tony P. Hall"
CREATE TABLE table_1341586_36 (party VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
What party was Tony P. Hall affiliated with?
SELECT MIN(year) FROM table_14903999_1 WHERE mixed_doubles = "Þorvaldur Ásgeirsson Lovísa Sigurðardóttir"
CREATE TABLE table_14903999_1 (year INTEGER, mixed_doubles VARCHAR)
What was the earliest year Þorvaldur Ásgeirsson Lovísa Sigurðardóttir won mixed doubles
SELECT party FROM table_1341738_36 WHERE first_elected = 1954
CREATE TABLE table_1341738_36 (party VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR)
What was the party of the first elected candidate in 1954?
SELECT MIN(clock_rate__mhz_) FROM table_142573_1 WHERE designation = "RIMM 4200"
CREATE TABLE table_142573_1 (clock_rate__mhz_ INTEGER, designation VARCHAR)
Name the least clock rate mhz when designation is rimm 4200
SELECT mens_doubles FROM table_13553701_1 WHERE mens_singles = "Lee Hyun-il"
CREATE TABLE table_13553701_1 (mens_doubles VARCHAR, mens_singles VARCHAR)
Who are the mens doubles and and mens singles is lee hyun-il?
SELECT COUNT(writer) FROM table_15026994_3 WHERE director = "David Tucker"
CREATE TABLE table_15026994_3 (writer VARCHAR, director VARCHAR)
Who wrote the episode that David Tucker directed?
SELECT location_attendance FROM table_13619105_3 WHERE team = "Minnesota"
CREATE TABLE table_13619105_3 (location_attendance VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
Where did they play and how many attended in the game against minnesota?
SELECT party FROM table_1341604_22 WHERE candidates = "Silvio Conte (R) Unopposed"
CREATE TABLE table_1341604_22 (party VARCHAR, candidates VARCHAR)
what's the party with candidates being silvio conte (r) unopposed
SELECT COUNT(enrollment) FROM table_13759592_1 WHERE high_school = "Roosevelt"
CREATE TABLE table_13759592_1 (enrollment VARCHAR, high_school VARCHAR)
How many enrollment figures are provided for Roosevelt High School?
SELECT district FROM table_1342233_6 WHERE result = "Re-elected" AND candidates = "Clarence F. Lea (D) Unopposed"
CREATE TABLE table_1342233_6 (district VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, candidates VARCHAR)
what's the district with result being re-elected and candidates being clarence f. lea (d) unopposed
SELECT chassis_manufacturer FROM table_1425948_1 WHERE fleet_numbers = "2530-2558"
CREATE TABLE table_1425948_1 (chassis_manufacturer VARCHAR, fleet_numbers VARCHAR)
Which chassis manufacturer is for fleet numbers range 2530-2558
SELECT COUNT(score) FROM table_13619027_7 WHERE date = "January 3"
CREATE TABLE table_13619027_7 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
what is the total score for the date of january 3?
SELECT MAX(week) FROM table_14958620_1 WHERE attendance = 74303
CREATE TABLE table_14958620_1 (week INTEGER, attendance VARCHAR)
On which week was the attendance 74303?
SELECT result FROM table_1342233_3 WHERE incumbent = "Frank W. Boykin"
CREATE TABLE table_1342233_3 (result VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
what the was the final in which frank w. boykin was running
SELECT MIN(played) FROM table_14911550_5
CREATE TABLE table_14911550_5 (played INTEGER)
How many games were played?
SELECT result FROM table_1342218_6 WHERE first_elected = 1943
CREATE TABLE table_1342218_6 (result VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR)
what is the result of the first elected is 1943?
SELECT candidates FROM table_1342370_41 WHERE district = "Tennessee 9"
CREATE TABLE table_1342370_41 (candidates VARCHAR, district VARCHAR)
Who were the candidates in the election in the Tennessee 9 district?
SELECT first_elected FROM table_1342249_13 WHERE incumbent = "Leo E. Allen"
CREATE TABLE table_1342249_13 (first_elected VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
In what year was Leo E. Allen first elected?
SELECT district FROM table_1342218_5 WHERE result = "Re-elected" AND incumbent = "Wilbur Mills"
CREATE TABLE table_1342218_5 (district VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Which district has the incumbent Wilbur Mills and a re-elected result?
SELECT home__2nd_leg_ FROM table_14219514_1 WHERE home__1st_leg_ = "Talleres"
CREATE TABLE table_14219514_1 (home__2nd_leg_ VARCHAR, home__1st_leg_ VARCHAR)
Who was in home (2nd leg) when Talleres was in home (1st leg)
SELECT MAX(first_elected) FROM table_1342149_42 WHERE district = "Tennessee 7"
CREATE TABLE table_1342149_42 (first_elected INTEGER, district VARCHAR)
In the District Tennessee 7 what is the number of first elected?
SELECT candidates FROM table_1342013_10 WHERE incumbent = "Prince Hulon Preston, Jr."
CREATE TABLE table_1342013_10 (candidates VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Name all the candidates listed in the race where the incumbent is Prince Hulon Preston, Jr.
SELECT score FROM table_13557843_3 WHERE record = "1-2"
CREATE TABLE table_13557843_3 (score VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
What was the score of the game when the team was 1-2?
SELECT MIN(available_subnets) FROM table_149426_4 WHERE network_mask = ""
CREATE TABLE table_149426_4 (available_subnets INTEGER, network_mask VARCHAR)
When the network mask is what is the lowest available subnet?
SELECT COUNT(party) FROM table_1342249_11 WHERE incumbent = "Stephen Pace"
CREATE TABLE table_1342249_11 (party VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
How many parties does incumbent stephen pace represent?
SELECT winner FROM table_14016079_1 WHERE circuit = "Symmons Plains Raceway"
CREATE TABLE table_14016079_1 (winner VARCHAR, circuit VARCHAR)
Who was the winner on the Symmons Plains Raceway?
SELECT free_reduced_lunch___percentage_ FROM table_14754471_1 WHERE hispanic___percentage_ = "3.7"
CREATE TABLE table_14754471_1 (free_reduced_lunch___percentage_ VARCHAR, hispanic___percentage_ VARCHAR)
What percentage of free/reduced lunch are there when the hispanic percentage is 3.7?
SELECT MAX(total_passengers_2008) FROM table_13836704_4 WHERE change_2008_09 = "6.5%"
CREATE TABLE table_13836704_4 (total_passengers_2008 INTEGER, change_2008_09 VARCHAR)
what being the maximum total passengers 2008 with change 2008/09 being 6.5%
SELECT party FROM table_1342292_2 WHERE incumbent = "John Sparkman"
CREATE TABLE table_1342292_2 (party VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
what's the party with incumbent being john sparkman
SELECT result FROM table_14959246_2 WHERE opponent = "Dallas Cowboys"
CREATE TABLE table_14959246_2 (result VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
What was the final score of the game against the Dallas Cowboys?
SELECT performer_4 FROM table_14934885_1 WHERE performer_3 = "Kate Robbins"
CREATE TABLE table_14934885_1 (performer_4 VARCHAR, performer_3 VARCHAR)
Who was performer 4 when Kate Robbins was performer 3?
SELECT MAX(first_elected) FROM table_1342379_45 WHERE incumbent = "Joseph T. Deal"
CREATE TABLE table_1342379_45 (first_elected INTEGER, incumbent VARCHAR)
What was the last year that incumbent joseph t. deal was first elected?
SELECT candidates FROM table_1341690_35 WHERE incumbent = "Del Latta"
CREATE TABLE table_1341690_35 (candidates VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
Who were the candidates in the district won by the incumbent Del Latta?
SELECT date FROM table_14655917_1 WHERE opponent = "Denver Broncos"
CREATE TABLE table_14655917_1 (date VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR)
What day were the Denver Broncos the opponent?
SELECT condition FROM table_14006_1 WHERE bleeding_time = "Unaffected" AND prothrombin_time = "Prolonged"
CREATE TABLE table_14006_1 (condition VARCHAR, bleeding_time VARCHAR, prothrombin_time VARCHAR)
what's the condition with bleeding time being unaffected and prothrombin time being prolonged
SELECT COUNT(result) FROM table_1342256_10 WHERE incumbent = "Pat Cannon"
CREATE TABLE table_1342256_10 (result VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
How many races involve incumbent Pat Cannon?
SELECT MIN(2 AS _credits) FROM table_148535_2 WHERE hand = "Flush"
CREATE TABLE table_148535_2 (hand VARCHAR)
Name the least 2 credits for flush
SELECT french FROM table_15040_8 WHERE german = "filtern"
CREATE TABLE table_15040_8 (french VARCHAR, german VARCHAR)
What is the French word where the German word is filtern?
SELECT team FROM table_13464416_5 WHERE game = 20
CREATE TABLE table_13464416_5 (team VARCHAR, game VARCHAR)
Which team played in game 20?
SELECT class_aAAA FROM table_14630796_1 WHERE class_a = "Menard"
CREATE TABLE table_14630796_1 (class_aAAA VARCHAR, class_a VARCHAR)
Name the class aaaa for menard
SELECT exportable FROM table_14160327_4 WHERE decade = "1980s"
CREATE TABLE table_14160327_4 (exportable VARCHAR, decade VARCHAR)
What game allow the 1980s to be exportable?
SELECT high_points FROM table_13619053_8 WHERE record = "13-49"
CREATE TABLE table_13619053_8 (high_points VARCHAR, record VARCHAR)
Who scored the most points in the game where the Raptors became 13-49?
SELECT location_attendance FROM table_13619135_5 WHERE team = "Portland"
CREATE TABLE table_13619135_5 (location_attendance VARCHAR, team VARCHAR)
What was the location and attendance of the game against Portland?
SELECT founded FROM table_13759592_2 WHERE location = "Kirkland"
CREATE TABLE table_13759592_2 (founded VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
What year was Kirkland founded?