class label
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There are always alternative facts when Mr. Mason is the author o the piece. Mr. Mason is right at home on the left coast!
All by himself, tRump is doing a fine job of pointing out his racism to the public. The KKK's endorsement is his own "race card", albeit a suicide jack. Lest we forget the birther card that tRump played all on his own. Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. And last but not least, the God father of Right-wing extremist racists, Rush Limbaugh, was and is, tRump's biggest supporter.
Did you ever notice how white liberals just have to take care of everyone because they think natives are too stupid to do it for themselves. I think they have taken enough care of native alaskans here and natives in the lower 48. Any more "care" and both will be extinct!
I think a Cattle Prod is what should be used, to get these jerks to do their job for ALASKA, not their money masters....
Nothing in this has to do with local laws. Religious matters are removed from the realm of public into private, just as they are in the United States. Religious rights are protected within the Norwegian realm, rating the status of private instead of public just as family and other interactions are classified. Not an excuse or justification, period.
Weak! Did they hold a gun to your head and threaten you?! It's fairly simple- say no! Stand up for yourself! But as we all know it's just a ploy to get ratings. Blah, blah, blah Susan.
My comment was less about Trump than it was about LSN, and whether they would have the integrity to condemn Trump's speech at the U.N. today. I think they won't. I apologize if I seemed to "insinuate that Mr. Trump was more anti-life than other Presidents." I would never knowingly insinuate that: I assert it without hesitation. While no president or politician that I know of (and few people from any walk of life) are consistently pro-life, Trump is far and away the most anti-life President in history across a broad range of issues and behaviors. < But thanks for the needless personal attack.> I try to be patient with you, Pandora. I give you the benefit of the doubt whenever I can, and sometimes against all reasonable evidence. I did not attack you personally; I critiqued your reasoning. You seem to be in an almost constant state of war with other posters -- so much so that I've stopped reading your posts, except when they are addressed to me. It's just too much work.
I am ashamed to say Trump is our President ... what an embarrassment ... what a failure ... I miss the Obama Presidency.
Very few Republican women or millenial women voted for Clinton as they are brainwashed into thinking that the USA has already achieved gender equality or that it is unneeded.
What's your scientific credentials?
put it where the light doesn't shine. I'm not. This is just crap
"FOX tv?" I think most readers would actually love to see a SINGLE story in ADN that originated from Fox. As it stands- 75% of their stories come from one of two sources: The New York Times and The Washington Post. If they knocked that off, their readership would improve.
** Medicaid will now return to what it was, *pre ACA. A safety net, temporary, not a Health Care Insurance plan." Cutting Medicaid is delusional. We have an aging population, many of whom have no savings to cover long-term care. What do you suggest we do with these people? Let them live under a bridge. The GOP plan is to take the money away from the people who need it most and give it to those who need it least. If it passes, and I don't think it will, retribution will be brutal come 2018. Count on it.
O'Leary won't even be in the top 3. You read it here first
Love that they also participate in the Portland Farmer's Market at PSU... and trying to gluten-shame Tastebud and propping Papa Murphy's in the same sentence is laughable.
This is straigtup SJW bullllshit!!!! :(
Those aren't white people. Its only cool to hate on white people
I'm sure that means something to you.
How about some facts Sara. Jeff Sessions is not a billionaire, Gen. Flynn is not a billionaire, Nikki Haley is not a billionaire, Reince Priebus is not a billionaire, except for Devos, none of his other picks are billionaires. They might be wealthy to the tune of millions but they are not billionaires as you claim.
Oh, good gracious, the FEAR! The FEAR of having to work on a weekend. The better course for all of us is for Congress to adjourn and stay adjourned. Every day they aren't passing laws is a pretty good day.
I really despise the snarky attempt at humor here. This is not funny. This is barbaric cruelty, which resulted in those people being killed. They torture the whale, the whale acts out. They brought it upon themselves, the whale is innocent and the victim of our disgusting greed. Grow a heart, Willamette Week, not everything has to be "ironic".
There is virtually nothing, in most parishes throughout The US (the only parishes I'm familiar with), for 65+. And yet almost all parishes are supported by volunteers 65+. Youth matters and Black lives matter -- but so do the lives of old people. And The RCC has seemed to have forgotten they exist.
No, she was the one who said this, "Looking at a young black woman in the group, I told her: 'I would rather be a black man in America than a black woman in Africa.' ” The black woman said nothing in reply, but there was an acknowledgment in her eyes that she had heard me. Had she wanted to, I have no doubt that she was capable of responding on her own.?" This is found documented in her article, "Young Facists COLONIZE PORTLAND" She also uses her lack of class to say that there is still violence and "It’s home-grown, native-on-native." Also in the comments section of her article is this awesome comment by her about wanting to vote for Trump to scare people--- I mean guys how can this lady be racist?! hahahaha she is in denial about it though. I noticed this ladies name on articles before about this restraunt and googled her name. Enjoy her crazy attempt to defend herself after this garbage. http://www.heldtoanswer.com/2016/03/young-fascists-colonize-portland
Pope Francis, by declining to answer the official appeal from four cardinals, has shown that "Amoris Laetitia" will be history within 6 months - ignored, withdrawn or substantially rewritten.
This City has Gone to Hell, I applaud the owner of Grubstake Auctions, this City does Nothing ! I have a Buisness effected by theses degenerites! I feel bad for the real homeless or people hard on there luck, but the ones walking the street are thugs that are taking over others rights! Look at the Tesoro at northern lights and Seward Hwy. they sit on private property daily, they should be arrested for trespassing and liotering, but the City does Nothing! They enable these people, that’s why Anchorage is now and unsafe Slum! I would like to see this City cleaned up; start enforcing the Law! Lock them up if they don’t conform, why should we all have to suffer! It’s time to start hosing off and cleaning the sidewalks and streets! Are politicians and Judges should be replaced!
Sounds like it is time to boost fares so that the service starts to pay for itself.
Typo- the limo was damaged on January 20, 2017.
What about the guy that RAPED a woman downtown on that crud?????? Or people that kill themselves? As far as I am concerned they could shoot the dealers
Transport Canada needs to get off its duff and act: implement a law that if you get bumped, your get $2000 per day, per person. Air Canada cannot be trusted to do the right thing. The fact they have not explicitly said they will 1) pick up additional transportation an hotel costs; and 2) reimburse for a day of lost vacation means they are weasels . They will pay the minimum they can get away with. Change the law!
"And we wonder how this nation got so stupid." The NEA and liberalism, that's how. Duh!
Why in nature are some animals "gay" and have to go with it or die and when some humans are "gay" the religious say that it is not "nature" that made a human gay but the human chose to be that way? Most barnacles are hermaphroditic. (Each individual barnacle both male and female).The ovaries are located in the base or stalk, and may extend into the mantle, while the testes are towards the back of the head. So if animals with no ability to reason have no choice in how they are designed by nature sexually then why would humans have to?
And you, of course, are a Bernie-ite. At least the Trumpists backed a winner, so who is the stupid one here? Btw, how does it feel having an egotistical, angry harridan as your choice now? No wonder you are in a bad mood. Also, the botanist is right: Beetles.
Well the reality is that now he and his family have some enemies that they wouldn't have had otherwise. Some people simply don't care what their neighbors think, I suspect this was the case here. F*** everybody, because I am center of the universe... a prevailing attitude these days.
You mean the pathetic taxi service in Portland?
I know people moving out of empty neighbourhoods in Vancouver because nobody lives there. The houses are gigantic (over 3000 sq ft) but empty. Cost over $4M. This line from the article, "Barcelona is one of a few governments to affirm the social function of housing, facilitating temporary expropriation of vacant housing," seems like what the City of Vancouver should do. Just temporarily expropriate all those HUGE empty houses and put homeless people in there, and also rent them out for reasonable amounts to ordinary Vancouver families who can afford normal rents. The owners won't care because they don't live on the property or even know much about it. Their investment is still safe, but people can live there. Please join me and send this idea to Gregor Robertson.
Given the effusion of murder and death that comes out of Anchorage daily, perhaps everyone who lives in AK should wear a yellow star that says..... I'm Alaskan, I'm drunk and I'm stupid. Now, really, you know that isn't going to fly. Come live rurally in the lower 48 and you'll find exactly the same crap occurring daily. Blame it on substance abuse, yes, I'll get on that train. It is everywhere and anywhere people live. Don't blame it on a village in AK because it is even more prevalent outside the villages.
Are you suggesting that the McWynnety regime's green energy "plan" is not a complete train wreck?
Strangling and murdering little girls is barbaric. Locking up the animals that do such things is called justice.
My neighbor's yard is 3 feet from my driveway. How far was this one? I am sure you know since you know the guy defending himself is a liar and hothead.
Politicians hide out where the public can't Tar and feather them for stealing and wasting our money. I think it's pathetic with 700K People living here we can't seem to live within our means. Good old boys need to be kicked out and the Capital needs to be available to for it's citizens to protest when we see crap like this!
Onward indeed, let's just hope tomorrow's seedings don't throw some kind of weird curve ball Ducks way like it has in previous years...this damn Lunardi guru actually isn't showing a whole lot of love for Oregon so the committee can just go to sleep early and ignore him as they should anyway.
Here's what McConnell has told several hesitant senators (including Portman and Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.): The bill’s deepest Medicaid cuts are far into the future, and they’ll never go into effect anyway. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/powerpost/paloma/the-health-202/2017/07/13/the-health-202-doctors-make-last-ditch-effort-to-sink-gop-health-care-bill/59665cf3e9b69b7071abcb1c/?utm_term=.6f3a05b54ba6
Mr. MD: (cont). "In a settlement, Palm Beach agreed to waive those fines — if Trump’s club made a $100,000 donation to a specific charity for veterans. Instead, Trump sent a check from the Donald J. Trump Foundation, a charity funded almost entirely by other people’s money, according to tax records."from the Palm Beach Post You should do some research regarding your candidate, Mr. Trump. I think you might then reconsider your outspoken support of him. He's simply not a very nice or honest fellow. Watch the hundreds of videos of his comments. Read about this personal and business history. Rewatch the debates for the GOP nomination. If after doing so, you still support Mr. Trump, there's certainly nothing I or anyone else can say to change your mind. regards, Gary
Of course, students from Spain or India are worrying about their future and a little bit scary of the Trump’s victory, it is clear. They are trying to fight for their rights, they try to defend for their aims. But I think and believe that American politics do not allow such fundamental changes happen, they cannot ruin the lives of millions of students. So you should just calm down and concentrate on your home tasks or think about how to <a href="http://britishessaywriter.org.uk/">order british essay writing online</a> or how to improve your knowledge and be the best students on the faculty.
Need to correct the problems first.
This news will hit the other homeless people in the other states. And so an influx of homeless people will come for the chance to be housed eventually. And of course, we keep raising our taxes and expect a different result. With higher taxes costs go up for food and other necessities. And as costs go up, rents go up. And as rents go up, homeless count goes up. And with homeless count going up we raise taxes to house the homeless. And as we raise taxes to make up for the increasing homeless we get more homeless. You see where this is going?
I wonder where he wound up. The standard route up Missouri is very well defined.
This is borderline insane. What you are insinuating is that there needs to be free access to guns in all walks of life 'just in case'. Seriously? You WANT people who drink to have firearms? Because they might be helpful if bullets might start flying? I can't for the life of me follow your logic. Bad people hurt other people. It's life. We try to reduce overall risk by reducing temptation and stupidity. But you.....wow. It's nearly victim blaming because these people didn't defend themselves or associate in a peaceful environment correctly. Tell you what KK. If you think everyone should have a gun then have everyone at your next political rally show up with one and see what happens.
It must SUCK to live in fear........................
She's as repugnant as ever. Not to mention irrelevant.
An interesting point. Do you know what cognitive dissonance intrigues me? People who on the one hand use a terror attack by a Muslim to demonize all members of a faith held by one quarter of the world's population (or, more softly, suggest that the religion has "a problem"), while referring to another terror attack by an ultra-nationalist type who likes leaders like the new US president as a "troubled individual".
I got into the trades in my teens and never looked back or envied the college boys.
Are we supposed to celebrate her riding or husbands coattails? Or her utter stupidity of technology such as email?
Gee, a 3 and 1/2 "minute" working session in the Senate. Mr Senate President, I would agree with you and your totally arrogant and idiotic statement. The People of this State gave all of you lazy puds 90 days to get er done and yet you totally ignore it! Now all efforts at anything have stopped because the House is playing politics. Yes the issue is important, but if the steak isn't done, you can still eat a salad while you wait! Or you can mow the lawn, anything but suck out of the trough and whine! $12,500 per day? Flying home for the weekend and not getting back for work on Monday? In the real working world you would be Fired! You in Juneau have become as big a joke as our National Congress. I suggest another voter initiative, one which would stop all per diem after a 90 day session! Another option would be sequestering all legislators in a motel 6 until the job is done. Bread and water only! Disgusting!
No system is fool proof, and this one won't be either for 2 reasons, the human element, and hubris in the government system. The DOD just loves to embrace new systems based on faulty data from the previous system, just another way to waste the taxpayers hard earned dollars.
No it isn't the separation of powers is essential to have balance of powers on all issues of the people... Read your Constitution FOOL
"Solving Oregon’s financial woes requires a joint effort" hmmmmm, interesting This probably is the strategy of the governing body regarding legalization.
Trump's business acumen is legitimately awful. Many of his ventures fail. He's only rich because he was born with money. Sanders is a colossal mess but he's scads better than Trump even of only because he's not an absolute jerk of a person.
absolutely correct Billy Ray - could not have said it better - and again - that's the legislature's doing. Are you the same Bill Ray who grew up in Anchorage - and if so - didn't our folks know each other?? Any Asthma in your family?
You sure are some real losers up in Alaska
Eliason ie da man...
I'm terrified of climate change too. I need to do something quickly to prepare. I urgently need to help. Would disgorging most of my income as tax save me?
I'm sure you must wonder what that's like. No problem. Nothing I can't handle one way or another.
Oh the stench of a paranoid and fearful society! "OMG, someone is parked on the street!!" Call 911, better yet go confront the person probably using google maps or replying to damn text messages! Who needs government imposed martial law when this afraid society will impose it on themselves eventually out of fear. Suspicious activity? What a bunch of paranoid wing nuts!
Please ADN allow us to block ignorance that causes indigestion!!
The republicans are basically idiots; just like the democrats.
I don't think any political entity can top the Republicans Corrupt Bastards Club. They wear that logo on their sleeve with too damn much pride. I'm glad Mr. Finkelstein came forward to offer testimony of how the bribe system works. Better late than never. If you look at Kevin Meyers legislative web page, he has a laundry list of all the local and state titles he's collected over the years. I wonder if all those community organizations and state committees that he's represented EVER required ETHICS. Apparently not because Meyers has no qualms with sticking his grubby oily hands out for more of what he can take.
Once I had a toddler try to knock me off my bike with a snowball. The parent did nothing. I stopped and put the fear of god into that little *#@#! until it hid behind its parent's leg. People don't control their kids and then expect us all to rise to their defense. Kids are jerks. I think you have a good point here (though it was made somewhat in jest).
We get it, you don't like the troopers. But how many times are you going to cut and paste your SAME comment? "Another example of the Palmer troopers policy of shoot first, ask questions later. This branch has repeatedly been investigated for abusing “clients”, ask any defense attorney in the Valley. They are out of control" Let it be man. You're ignorant, we get it.
The stupidity is strong with this statement .Do the math ,oldest son is 32 and they haven't seen the mystery daughter in 30 years and you accuse Ami of incest with one of her sons ? Do you even think before you type ?
@ AlwaysThere,,,,, That's exactly the level of moronic thinking displayed by ignorant Prohibes I've come to expect.
Don't be a sore loser, John. Bernie wants the Superdelegates to vote for him. But if they vote for Hillary, then it's corrupt. You can't have it both ways.
Afraid your boss has fed you some erroneous talking points. The demo leadership controlled the aca poop from start to finish. It was them that killed the single payer under pressure of the lobbiests writing the bill for them. Don't put out lies. I realize the demo mantra is say it enough and it will become the truth but America is sick and tired of your crap. That's why you have hate and dicontent in your and the republican ranks this cycle. Now who controlled the house and senate and Whitey house when you passed the aca? Explain Russ, how the repubs stopped anything.
Don't make the mistake of assuming he doesn't know people like you, or of assuming he has de-humanized people like you, or that if he gets to like you, he will think more highly of your objective sin. Being a likable person has nothing to with the wrongness of what one does.
Are these people for real? Do they REALLY think we are going to fall for this? These people have been in our government for so long, they actually believe this crap! The LIO (spell it backward)!? Kabata? Watana? No mention of the Greatest Giveaway in The History of Alaska in The Last Two centuries? Are you nuts? This is such a sham, I couldn't show my face in public...or privately in my own mirror. I am beyond words. These incumbents have to go. There are NO two ways about it!
all of the critics here are a bunch inexperienced idiots. when you go into the mountains you are going to expose yourself to risks, always. the only thing you can do is minimize those risks and the only way to completely remove yourself from those risk is to never leave your couch.
How do I run for these seats? I couldn't do worse than these clowns
Are you an American before you are a Christian?
Comprehensive sex education is the best way, nay, the ONLY way, to reduce the total number of abortions. If you don't agree with that, you're willfully ignorant, which is even worse than being openly deceptive, which you also are. People like Jim Minnery are an embarrassment to Alaska.
Poor Americans. They wanted a president who would inspire them as their commander in chief, like a great Caesar. They wanted Augustus. They got Nero.
If family doctors are now weighing in on government policy, it tells us a great deal that they chose to rally for this particular group, whose members include murderers. Meanwhile, they are silent on the unbearable suffering of those who, because of the cowardice of the Trudeau Liberals, cannot seek doctor-assisted death. They are barred from seeking relief from their suffering because the Trudeau government decided to allow only those whose natural death is "reasonably foreseeable" to access doctor-assisted death. Prisoners matter more to the family doctors association than patients left to suffer by the Liberals.
I know of many drug and or alcohol addicted Canadians who have pulled themselves up and out of their chosen risky behaviours. The despair must be very deep when word on the street is that death accompanies the drug you are taking, and still, you take it and die. Is there really a means to address this reality? I'm pretty sure spending Canadian tax dollars on the opioid crisis is not going to change anything...as another drug will take its place. It is the addicts themselves who hold the keys to change this situation.
What? I am not a pro-gun person at all, and tend to irritate pro-gun people when I talk to them about guns. I'm even uncomfortable when people I know and trust have them near me. But saying that the majority of gun owners are clearly mentally ill is just nonsense. If it's so clear, what is your evidence? Remember, 41% of all US households had at least one gun in them last year. I have a problem believing that 41% of the population is mentally ill in the way you suggest.
Excuses hiding behind a moral want to go against the will of the people. Between this crap and buying a building they can't afford in Anchorage why do we even have state government? I could just have a bully come around and shake us down for our pocket money instead, at least the bully doesn't hide his malice for the general population. We voted. Get the hell over yourselves and your narrow minded retrograde bull and follow the letter and SPIRIT of the law. I think since we are regulating pot like alcohol any community that bans pot should have to ban alcohol as well. They could just regulate pot like alcohol because that is what WE THE PEOPLE wanted.
Actually, I do think voters are stupid and deserve what they elect. If they are swayed by advertising so be it. YOU can NOT deny speech to anyone - no matter how they pool their funds. Get over the Bill of Rights and move on.
I would like your opinion on this issue that has been on mind for some time. Leaders have heard countless heartbreaking stories about children being forced to give oral sex, being gang raped, molested in sick ways. They have heard the pain and betrayals when we reached out to them for help, being denied because of SOL even when priests confessed, victims were counter sued for legal fees. They have heard about our wrecked and painful lives, some killing ourselves slowly by substance abuse, many by suicide. If those realities were not enough of a catalyst for this CHURCH to change on its own. Will any other reason even count. If they change because governments force them to. Is forced change really change and should the faithful continue call this a church If they change because the faithful is holding back donations. Is this selfish act count as change worthy of a church. If this Church has not changed because of the lives it destroyed will any other reason even count or matter?
You don't have to be a sociopath to lose your temper with a jerk like this one. By the time this video happened, the officer had put up with this guy's mouth, attempt to avoid arrest etc. for quite awhile. Unfortunately, despite 14 years of being a police officer, he couldn't just ignore it. Maybe because he had been putting up with that stuff for too many years; maybe because he had other things on his mind that night. For whatever reason, he '"lost it". "It" being his professionalism as a police officer. His attempt to cover up his lapse with that bogus "upper arm" entry in his official report now makes him useless as a witness in future criminal cases. The defense attorneys will now start their cross examination with "Isn't it true, Officer Sharpa that on September 11, 2016..... and finish it up with "Have you ever been convicted of a crime?" and he will have to acknowledge Official Misconduct and Fourth Degree Assault convictions. That's called "Impeachment".
Not once did I say I was against guns so apparently reading comprehension isn't your strong suit! Secondly with that being the case no everyone should not follow this mans example because they are more likely to kill someone else on accident. This guy put himself in a dangerous position and had the man been more forceful he'd be an armed idiot and our Good Samaritan would be dead ... This is called common sense. I believe in carrying. But I also believe in being responsible and smart as a gun owner. That's the difference!
I don't have to repudiate my faith to reject the Da'esh. They don't represent a majority among my Sunni brethren, and they don't represent we Shi'a at all. That's why they want to kill us. Doesn't require me to be delusional to conclude the Da'esh ain't Muslim. All it requires is an understanding of the fundamentals of the faith--which you clearly do not have and therefore aren't qualified to 'inform' me about my faith--as well as a modicum of common sense and self-preservation. Da'esh want to kill all Shi'a Muslims. I and my family are Shi'a Muslim. It's therefore not a logical stretch for me to hate them. It is, however, a logical stretch on your part to 'lump' me with them. But then, bigotry is seldom logical.
here we have ANOTHER muslim kook shooting us, and morons think trump is the problem for cleaning up our country. i can't wait till he starts exporting these freaks.
It may be a bad idea for the country, but a real boost for the Liberal Party of Canada.
Yes what a jerk I imagine that there is a long line of lawyers hoping to cash in on this piece of trash Lawyers will do anything for a buck
Eric: Gosh, do you really think the right-wingers would launch a "full-on" smear campaign on McCain just because he votes his conscience and opposes one of their favorite bills? Come on, surely those nice folks wouldn't do something as "low down" and tawdry as that? Don't bother to answer.....that's a rhetorical question. best regards, Gary Crum
As a nurse you understate that "some" doctors have been negligent in their duties of providing care. An attorney and a court of law are the only way to protect a patient who has been seriously injured by a doctor. At this time there is no other recourse for a patient who has suffered such harm at the hands of a doctor. Some of these lawsuits take years in court to settle. I have seen such sloppy and careless medical care resulting in some horrific harm to patients that I am on always on edge as a patient.
Recall Walker. First of all, taxation is the way to go, but not his way. He proposed a what, 6% income tax? Idiot. Apply a 3.5% sales tax, bump land tax 1% and STOP BUILDING JUNK! You can't come out of the black in a year Walker! Get Alaska off oil efficiently and effectively. The state will have to be in a deficit until you get your act together, the reason they want to pay off the deficit is to justify the continuation of throwing money away. Also, drop housing allowances for politicians. We are not paying your damn mortgages ontop of your salary. Alaska will not survive on oil, we cannot afford to pilage the fund. A few SMALL tax changes and a fiscally responsible state government is what we need.
I beg to differ, you can't wait for someone to be killed by a gun so you can run right out and post your pathetic "The well regulated militia making Anchorage…better?" I'll bet you were a little sad about the lack of casualties.
But, you said " citizens have a right to be able to travel within their communities and to other communities and to other countries, on public transportation..." Even claimed it was a "right," "universally accepted." So where is my public transportation to Maui from Eugene?
If these people you refer to as 'liberals' are dumb enough to vote for Trump, they deserve to have their jobs exported to countries that are populated by more intelligent people. "...consign many liberals to hell"? "...he is the only one who truly means what he says about bringing business back to America"? Melodrama and romantic farce. Hillary Clinton won't lose to Trump unless Americans are a supremely dull-witted people.
It is better than getting a liberal supreme court for a generation and living with Obamacare, yes. And getting rid of all this climate change garbage that is killing the energy industry
Once again, Anchorage needs a homeless camp. Wet on one side dry on the other and a 15 foot chainlink fence down the middle. Clear them out every two months to bulldoze the trash and s**t to the dump. Then let them back in. If they want to drink to death let them. If they want help, then at least those who might be able to help will be able to find them.