episodes were short videos Firstly secondly he started
running challenges because then he chooses between the dishes and
how the bad one chooses between the celebrities
the partings etc Thirdly he fails to write sentences And
the sayings of Diyala Diyal Motiva Sion Bash
Motifu AlNas Fourthly he starts running Story Time
with Georgina Why did he fall here He signed why did
Hanaya This last one Georgina is running a challenge
Who knows how to know Hassan what is it like to go to the other etc so if he is talking about
television and fifth or
last he increases the diversification of this thing He is starting to flee
the areas and places he wants to go to especially in
Saudi Arabia They have a contract with them so they can have a room
for them without you This is the country in general that
manages Cristiano in this place and Bayan Saqdar from time to
time gets Diz Invite etc I mean Dakshi
used to contract with other televisions and channels
to manage it They have the head in the
channel and the head gets rid of him Did you notice
all the videos that show photographers in the same
courtyard as Cristiano I mean they probably
cried at Cristiano in the past months
took an hour or two from him sat in the courtyard and
filmed with him for an hour or two and asked him a bunch
of questions that They are the ones who came out of
these complete videos which we have only until
you enter the videos and watch them in full They are
filmed in the same tiles It is the same tiles as an alternative to
the session I mean Cristiano took an hour of time
and walked and filmed all the videos from which they came out
This content is complete We think that he is all handsome or
handsome They answer and do not include him
in the program He sits with the people who
serve on Lashin and they fail to take out
ten videos from it So you have an hour or two
He gives them in this and that situation He keeps running
the content One point Note In the
first video that appeared Common why is there a speed Do you
know that he is one of you Lee Fan Diallo welcomed
him to the platform since Isho Speed has
a relationship with YouTube and Ronaldo and even him and he said to me
why no he always allowed us to serve in the same
platform We have nothing to do together and I am
watching and anticipating that in the near future something will happen
between them with the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo
on YouTube especially since he Why is his vacation such an opportunity There are so many
positives including that he finally can express himself in
his head as he did not want it to be increased Why is the platform
where he has the advertisements From his income he has
grown so much and has not wasted a lot of time So Hadshi saw him with a
whole team to run for her so he would
give them an hour or two of fat Or Gog and
they keep filming clips with him and waving The important thing is that it is named and the
brand is his name and the fame is his thing and he is
watching He is going to sit down and walk around He is in a state of affairs
in front of this legendary rise of the dial of Lashin the dial
of Cristiano Ronaldo so they say that
he can miss Mr Best Mr Best has
million Ebony and no Shin Dial Cristiano is
currently at the moment when Krikor has approximately
million dirhams Is there anything that
Cristiano can surpass Mr Pace or not
My personal opinion is the seventh impossibility We
did not think and did not expect that Cristiano would be able to
surpass him Why first of all Cristiano does not waste his
time in the country
YouTube means that there are many programs for hours
videos doctors and it brings guests podcasts
etc It means that it is enough for him to take clips
and keep posting them He does not have time for this thing and it is
enough for me to go out for that issue
Secondly Mr Pete look at it Is there a program for
myself that has a billion for billions of people
Contini wants to be able to watch the club
young and old what do you care about watching
while Cristiano is one of his fans or if you have a
ball you can watch it and a third because look at the time it
took the Meister Best to reach this point why is
Ebony Cristiano despite his great fame It
looks like he is getting to million Ebony And once
you get locked up it wont come out quickly I mean if you have a
good phone call you wont be able to watch it anymore and
you wont be able to watch these videos anymore
unless theres something in the Firefighter comment and theres nothing
wrong with it I mean theres a new place Dakshi why is
this the Ruwayna And so on Youll see the rest of the games
The same thing is happening to them I mean Cristiano
would have a lis ebony but I didnt
sleep Mister Miss I personally didnt tell you a reason
because he doesnt run a account and he didnt force it on him He wasnt the one to talk to
Mister Best had
one thing The important thing was that he had one thing He
ran YouTube to give something to him Everything Christian
has a lot of opinions you understand and I would like to hear
your opinion This will remain my
personal opinion Say we will not give it I would like to know
your opinion completely unless there is a lesson for us to benefit from
this case nor the story of Cristiano nor the
story of Christiano nor the story of YouTube Shahal Daz from Ham
YouTube from I didnt know six five He was like