[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "which correctly indicates the sequence of increasing organization?" ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The correct sequence of increasing biological organization is: atom, molecule, organelle, cell. Flag This Answer As Incorrect Flag Answer Incorrect. Biology - Biology 160 - Chapters 1 to 4." ] ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A third common principle of organization is climactic order or order of importance. In this pattern, items are arranged from least important to most important. Typical transitions would include more important, most difficult, still harder, by far the most expensive, even more damaging, worse yet, and so on." ], [ "Represent this text", "Likewise, a function is called monotonically decreasing (also decreasing or non-increasing) if, whenever x ≤ y, then f (x) ≥ f (y), so it reverses the order (see Figure 2). If the order ≤ in the definition of Monotonicity is replaced by the strict order strictly increasing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "more ... A list of numbers or objects in a special order. Example: 3, 5, 7, 9, ... is a sequence starting at 3 and increasing by 2 each time. See: Number Pattern." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Casually put, associative learning occurs not because two events co-occur but because that co-occurrence is unanticipated on the basis of current associative strength. The Rescorla-Wagner model attempts to capture that casual idea in a more formal way." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The organization of the middle of a piece of writing depends on the genre. Researchers have identified five basic organizational structures: sequence, description, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem and solution. Sequence uses time, numerical, or spatial order as the organizing structure." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "5. While studying the book Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, I found a strange thing. Everywhere if it refers to an increasing order, the book refers it as non-decreasing order.. I mean, if a series (2,5,6,3) is to be arranged in non-decreasing order..ncreasing means that every element is greater than the one before it. Non-decreasing means that no element is less than the element before it, or in other words: that every element is greater than or equal to the one before it. share | improve this answer." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The lead section of this article may need to be rewritten. (February 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Spatial organization can be observed when components of an abiotic or biological group are arranged non-randomly in space. Abiotic patterns, such as the ripple formations in sand dunes or the oscillating wave patterns of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction emerge after thousands of particles interact millions of times." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The structural organization of GEP genes is better understood in terms of open reading frames (ORFs). In biology, an ORF or coding sequence of a gene begins with the start codon, continues with the amino acid codons, and ends at a termination codon." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Carnegie School Theory of Organizational Change. The Carnegie view of organizational change was developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It focused on studying sources of stabilization and change in an organization. The Carnegie School made three important contributions to organizational change: Failure-induced change: The theory of failure-induced change is rather simple. An organization will change its strategies, technology, culture, and other features of the organization in ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "/* Write a program to find all increasing sequences inside an array of integers. * The integers are given in a single line, separated by a space. * Print the sequences in the order of their appearance in the input array, * each at a single line. Separate the sequence elements by a space." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Credit: sapa7180 CC-BY-SA 2.0. An ascending numerical order is a sequence that starts with the lowest value and increases towards the highest, while the reverse is a descending order. Arranging numbers this way aids the search and analysis of items in a list for easier decision making." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Which series of terms is in the sequence of biological organization from the simplest to the most complex? The series of terms in the sequence of biological organization from the simplest to the most complex is cell, tissues, organs, systems, and lastly the organism. This is th…e way living things are organized. 3 people found this useful." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The modern periodic table is a chart containing the elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number. A vertical column, called a group, contains elements with similar properties. A horizontal row is called a period. The atomic number of the elements in a period increases from left to right along the row. Before the development of the modern periodic table, there were other attempts to arrange the elements in a useful way. For example, Döbereiner arranged groups of three elements with similar properties into ‘triads'. Newlands and Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing relative atomic mass." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Basic life support (BLS) is a level of medical care which is used for victims of life-threatening illnesses or injuries until they can be given full medical care at a hospital.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what does bls stand for?']\"", "By definition: A function is strictly increasing on an interval, if when x1 < x2, then f (x1) < f (x2). If the function notation is bothering you, this definition can also be thought of as stating x1 < x2 implies y1 < y2. As the x's get larger, the y's get larger." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The series of terms in the sequence of biological organization from the simplest to the most complex is cell, tissues, organs, systems, and lastly the organism. This is th…e way living things are organized. 3 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In the modern periodic table, elements are arranged according to increasing ____. (1 point). . a. atomic number. b. atomic mass. c. date of discovery. d. electrical conductivity. Answers. I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option A. In the modern periodic table, elements are arranged according to increasing atomic number. The atomic number represents the number of protons present for a specific atom." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Non-decreasing means exactly that. It's not quite the same as increasing, since it does not tell you what to do with identical values. Consider the sequence 1, 2, 2, 3, 4. It's a non-decreasing sequence because the values are in order, yet do not strictly increase from value to value (ie, 2 is not greater than 2).ncreasing means that every element is greater than the one before it. Non-decreasing means that no element is less than the element before it, or in other words: that every element is greater than or equal to the one before it. share | improve this answer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As you are probably well aware, in the periodic table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. The 18 vertical columns of the table are called groups or families, while the seven horizontal rows are called periods and correspond to the seven principal quantum energy levels, n = 1 through n = 7." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Organization is the progression, relatedness, and completeness of ideas. The writer establishes for the reader a well-organized composition, which exhibits a constancy of purpose through the development of elements forming an effective beginning, middle, and end." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sequence, like pattern, is a mathematics concept that children internalize early in life. Sequence refers to the organization and order of successive events and experiences. Recognizing sequences helps young children’s developing sense of order, logic, and reason." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The length of the longest increasing sequence in seems a useful thing to know. In fact, this will be the longest increasing sequence in S, unless extends it or another increasing sequence of the same length. Unfortunately, knowing just this length is not enough." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This answer has been confirmed as correct, not copied, and helpful. Confirmed by jeifunk [8/22/2014 8:13:09 PM] The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic ____. a. mass c. number b. charge d. radius. Weegy: The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic number." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Five main types of organization may be used to develop paragraphs or essays: 1 Deductive: begins with a general assertion and then presents specific details and examples in support of the generalization. 2 Inductive: begins with a number of examples and then concluding with a general truth or principle. Chronological: arranged according to time sequence. Spatial: begins at one geographical point and moves onward in an orderly fashion. Example: describe the front yard, then the entry hall, then the kitchen, etc." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A TATA box is a DNA sequence that indicates where a genetic sequence can be read and decoded. It is a type of promoter sequence, which specifies to other molecules where transcription begins." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Word Origin and History for organization Expand. n. mid-15c., act of organizing, from Middle French organisation and directly from Medieval Latin organizationem (nominative organizatio), noun of action from past participle stem of organizare, from Latin organum instrument, organ (see organ)." ], [ "Represent the natural language!", "1 UP (first two alpha characters after the hyphen) designates the company the purchase order is tied to for accounting purposes (UP = Union Pacific Railroad). X (third alpha character) designates the type of fuel grade being ordered." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The longest increasing subsequence of has length 3 and is either (2,3,4) or (2,3,6). The longest increasing run is of length 2, either (2,8) or (1,6). Finding the longest increasing run in a numerical sequence is straightforward, indeed you should be able to devise a linear-time algorithm fairly easily. However, finding the longest increasing subsequence is considerably trickier." ], [ "Represent text", "Longest increasing subsequence. The longest increasing subsequence (LIS) problem is to find an increasing subsequence (either strictly or non-strictly) of maximum length, given a (finite) input sequence whose elements are taken from a partially ordered set. For example, consider the sequence [9,2,6,3,1,5,0,7]." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "<br /> <br /> With an increased white count, if there are bands, this means all the mature cells have been used to fight infection and there is an increase of immature cells trying to fight the infection. An increase is not always a sign of infection. An elevation can occur with almost any assault to the body, such as trauma. <br /> <br /> An increase in white blood cells in a complete blood count or CBC usually means there is an infection in the body. The severity of the infection depends on how high above normal the white count is and the severity of the accompanying symptoms." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "See USSG §8C2.5(b)(1)-(5). The organization’s culpability score is increased by between one andfive points depending on the number of employees in the organization or unit of the organizationand the involvement of individuals who are either within high-level personnel or substantialauthority personnel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A TATA box is a DNA sequence that indicates where a genetic sequence can be read and decoded. It is a type of promoter sequence, which specifies to other molecules where transcription begins. Transcription is a process that produces an RNA molecule from a DNA sequence." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For example, Rudin, in his Principles of Mathematical Analysis (Definition 3.13), defines a sequence $\\{s_n\\}$ of real numbers to be: (a) monotonically increasing if $s_n \\leq s_{n+1}, (n = 1, 2, 3, \\cdots)$ [i.e., non-decreasing].o. $x(0)=0, x(1)=0, x(2)=1$ is non-decreasing, but not monotonically increasing. It is monotonically increasing if $x(1)=0.5$ instead, for example." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "One is sequence diagram and the other is a collaboration diagram. The sequence diagram captures the time sequence of message flow from one object to another and the collaboration diagram describes the organization of objects in a system taking part in the message flow." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Reading the Periodic Table, page 3. As you move across a period the atomic number increases. Similarly, as you move down a group the atomic number increases. In this way, the atomic number represents exactly where in the periodic table an element stands." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Certified answers contain reliable, trustworthy information vouched for by a hand-picked team of experts. Brainly has millions of high quality answers, all of them carefully moderated by our most trusted community members, but certified answers are the finest of the finest. The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing atomic number. The correct answer is C. Comments." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Structure binds members together. 2 It gives meaning and identity to the people who join the group, as well as to the group itself. 3 Structure in any organization is inevitable -- an organization, by definition, implies a structure.4 Your group is going to have some structure whether it chooses to or not. Your group is going to have some structure whether it chooses to or not. 2 It might as well be the structure which best matches up with what kind of organization you have, what kind of people are in it, and what you see yourself doing." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Elements are presented in order of increasing atomic number. The standard form of the table consists of a grid of elements, with rows called periods and columns called groups. The history of the periodic table reflects over a century of growth in the understanding of chemical properties." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Patterns of Organization: chronological, compare and contrast, cause and effect, sequence, order of importance, problem and solution, and spatial text Patterns of Organization: chronological, compare and contrast, cause and effect, sequence, order of importance, problem and solution, and spatial text structures." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Atomic number and Moseley. The modern form of the periodic table results in the ___ ___, which states that when element are arranged according to increasing atomic number there is a repition of their chemical and physical properties." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Pathogenesis of the Increased Osteoclast Activity in Myeloma The adherence of abnormal myeloma cells in the bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs), through the binding of VCAM-1 on stromal cells and α4β1 integrin on MM cells, leads to the upregulation of a broad spectrum of factors that stimulate osteoclast formation, differentiation and activity, as well as suppression of negative regulators of osteoclastogenesis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sagittarius Rising: The best word to describe those with a Sagittarius Ascendant is adventure. These people are continuously looking forward to the next new thing. Your sense of humor and optimism are contagious, and you go out of your way to help others so that all have equality. You are likely to be a globe-trotter." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. Get the sequence (L) as a toplogically sorted DAG; 2. For each (i) in L do: 2.1. S(i) := 1 + max(S(j), where (i, j) is an edge from the DAG); Finding the longest increasing subsequence can be very useful not only at the Google/Yahoo/Facebook interview, but also in various fields of statistics." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ideally, the sequence of all activities will be defined in such a way that the start of every activity has a logical relationship from a predecessor and the finish of every activity has a logical relationship to a successor. SF is rarely used, and should generally be avoided." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Order of Importance Example: Power Structure The Order of Importance organizational pattern can be difficult to identify alongside cause and effect and sequence text structures. In fact, in some cases one could use the same graphic organizer to represent information from an order of importance and sequence passage. The difference is subtle and must be inferred at times, but generally a sequential passage explains the steps that occur in a process. Learn More About Patterns of Organization Patterns of Organization" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Let LIS(˙) denote the length of the longest increasing sequence in ˙. A sequence ˙is monotone if ˙(1) ˙(2) ˙(n). We consider edit operations on a sequence. where a single edit operation involves deleting a single element of the sequence and inserting it in. a new place." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Organization levels are related such that a higher level is always formed by the set of a lower level, but not always set to a lower level will form a higher level. For example, a fabric is formed by a set of cells but not always a group of cells form a tissue; a body is formed by a set of tissues, but not always form a set of an organ tissues, and so forth." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Increasing Functions. A function is increasing when the y-value increases as the x-value increases, like this: It is easy to see that y=f(x) tends to go up as it goes along." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Another principle of organization is spatial order. In this pattern, items are arranged according to their physical position or relationships. In describing a shelf or desk, I might describe items on the left first, then move gradually toward the right." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If the elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, their chemical and physical properties are found to show a repeating, or periodic pattern. Note: This table lists the atomic number (number of protons) in the upper left corner of each box." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To show that it does indeed have a limit, we'll prove that it is monotonic decreasing and bounded below. Since the terms of the sequence are positive, the sequence is clearly bounded below by 0. To show monotonicity: an+1- an= √(2an- 1) - √(2an-1- 1) and if we now use the fact that √x - √y = (x - y)/(√x + √y)" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As mentioned the aim of a sequence diagram is to define event sequences, which would have a desired outcome. The focus is more on the order in which messages occur than on the message per se. However, the majority of sequence diagrams will communicate what messages are sent and the order in which they tend to occur." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Yes, there is a pattern for the liquids on the periodic table. Elements in the periodic table are arranged according to their increasing atomic number. Two patterns that occur in the periodic table are: Electronegativity increases from the left of a period to the right and from the bottom of a group to the top. Atomic rad…ius increases from the right of a period to the left and from the top of a period to the bottom." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Reading the Periodic Table, page 1. As you move across a period the atomic number increases. Similarly, as you move down a group the atomic number increases. In this way, the atomic number represents exactly where in the periodic table an element stands." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"(The Accounting Cycle). The accounting process is a series of activities that begins with a transaction and ends with the closing of the books. Because this process is repeated each reporting period, it is referred to as the accounting cycle and includes these major steps:Identify the transaction or other recognizable event.Prepare the transaction's source document such as a purchase order or invoice.ecause this process is repeated each reporting period, it is referred to as the accounting cycle and includes these major steps: Identify the transaction or other recognizable event. Prepare the transaction's source document such as a purchase order or invoice.\"]\" == \"[\"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\n\\nFor example, 'soul sickness symptoms' should have a representation like 'Symptoms of soul loss also include depression and chronic fatigue, emotional numbness, a feeling of incompleteness, an inability to move forward in life, lost memories, feeling out of control and anxiety.' but very far from 'Bernard-Soulier disease is a rare inherited bleeding disorder caused by a defect in the platelet glycoprotein complex 1b-IX-V. Symptoms and signs include: bruising, nosebleeds, gum bleeding, and. problems with anything that induces bleeding, such as surgery, ulcers, trauma, and. menstruation.'.\", 'what is the accounting process']\"", "Given any sequence we have the following. 1 We call the sequence increasing if for every n. 2 We call the sequence decreasing if for every n. 3 If is an increasing sequence or is a decreasing sequence we call it monotonic. If there exists a number m such that for every n we say the sequence is bounded below." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "As you move across a period the atomic number increases. Similarly, as you move down a group the atomic number increases. In this way, the atomic number represents exactly where in the periodic table an element stands." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(pîr′ē-ŏd′ĭk) A table in which the chemical elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. Elements with similar properties are arranged in the same column (called a group), and elements with the same number of electron shells are arranged in the same row (called a period)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 The height h of a right triangle is increasing at ... Answer. 2 Why is organization important in building an ... Answer. 3 An object with a mass of #5 kg#, temperature of ... Answer. 4 How do you find the unit vector for the following ... Answer. 5 A light bulb producing company states that its ... Answer. 6 Calculate the average distance of the electron ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In summation, we can say that the probability of achieving profitable growth is heightened whenever an organization has a clear growth strategy and strong execution infrastructure. One without the other impairs the probability of success." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Popular Terms. Organization power structure. The amount of authority increases with each level higher a person or organization is in hierarchy. The ultimate power remains with the person or organization at the very top of the hierarchy, with that position holding the authority to make final decisions in all matters." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The terms of a sequence are usually named something like ai or an , with the subscripted letter i or n being the index or counter. So the second term of a sequnce might be named a2 (pronounced ay-sub-two), and a12 would designate the twelfth term." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Organization is also imposed by definition [narrowing groups of meanings, from the broad class to which the term belongs, to the narrower groups, to the individual distinguishing characteristics], and in most narration [this happened, then this happened, then this happened]." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "It is convenient to consider the structures of the body in terms of fundamental levels of organization that increase in complexity: subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms and biosphere (Figure 1). 1 Figure 1. Levels of Structural Organization of the Human Body." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Without using forms of the words to define them (a linguistic no-no), cumulative increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions and accumulative means gathering or growing by gradual increases." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Structure binds members together. It gives meaning and identity to the people who join the group, as well as to the group itself. Structure in any organization is inevitable -- an organization, by definition, implies a structure. Your group is going to have some structure whether it chooses to or not." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A thought or organizational pattern is established by using transitions, or signal words, to show the logical relationship between ideas within a sentence, between sentences, in a paragraph or in a passage. The chart below outlines some of the commonly used patterns and signal words. Please note that some of the signal words are used in more than one pattern. When this is the case, the reader must pay close attention to the relationship between the main idea and details of the passage. Patterns of Organization." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "what county is binford nd" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Binford, North Dakota. Binford is a city in Griggs County, North Dakota, United States. The population was 183 at the 2010 census.[5] Binford was founded in 1899." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Art Goes To School; Burlington County Public Library System; Community Bulletins; Facility Use; Home & School Association (HSA) Medford Education Association (MEA) Medford Education Foundation (MEF) Medford Township; Medford Youth Athletic Association (MYAA) YMCA School’s Out; Calendar" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The following charts display, first, the property values in Binford, ND compared to other geographies and, second, owner-occupied housing units distributed between a series of property value buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. In Binford, ND the largest share of households have a property value in the $100k-$125k range." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Five miles of the trail on the south end near Medford ... Diamond Lake County Park/ State Natural Area Medford Diamond Lake has a small county park facility on the west side while the rest of the lake is wild and features a diverse and productive fish population. The ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hanford is an important commercial and cultural center in the south central San Joaquin Valley and is the county seat of Kings County, California. It is the principal city of the Hanford-Corcoran, California Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA Code 25260), which encompasses all of Kings County, including the cities of Hanford and Corcoran. The ZIP Code is 93230 (93232 for post office boxes)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Beresford, South Dakota. Beresford is a city in Lincoln and Union counties in the State of South Dakota. The population was 2,005 as of the 2010 census. The southern two-thirds is part of the Sioux City, IA-NE-SD Metropolitan Statistical Area, while the northern one-third is part of the Sioux Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Location of Raeford, North Carolina. Coordinates: 34°58′54″N 79°13′39″W / 34.98167°N 79.22750°W / 34.98167; -79.22750Coordinates: 34°58′54″N 79°13′39″W / 34.98167°N 79.22750°W / 34.98167; -79.22750. Raeford is a city in Hoke County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 4,626 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Hoke County. The county was named after Confederate General Robert F. Hoke, a North Carolina native." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "EDT (UTC-4) Rexford is a hamlet in Saratoga County, New York, United States, located on the north bank of the Mohawk River. Rexford is in the Town of Clifton Park, near the southwest town line. Its boundaries, like those of neighboring Alplaus, are unofficial and necessarily vague. To the south, it is bounded by the Mohawk River and Grooms Road and to the west, Alplaus and the Schenectady County line." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Posted in: Parker County Issues | Tagged: Dr. Debora Cron, Weatherford ISD, WISD" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "You can still search 6123 N County Road 45, Medford, MN 55049 recently sold home or by any level of location you desire from county, to multiple locations simultaneously. You can even narrow down by all the housing specifications you have in mind, like only 2-bedroom single-family houses with a basement and a fireplace." ], [ "represent the input", "ALPINE COUNTY USD, Woodfords, CA Only 35 minutes from SLT and 15 minutes from NV. REGULAR" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Founded in 2011, Winnebago County DHS Office is a relatively mature organization in the social security services industry located in Rockford, IL." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Weatherford is a city in Custer County, Oklahoma, United States. The population was 10,833 at the 2010 census." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Medford, New Jersey. Medford is a township in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the township's population was 23,033, reflecting an increase of 780 (+3.5%) from the 22,253 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 1,727 (+8.4%) from the 20,526 counted in the 1990 Census." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Wage by Gender for Common Jobs. 1 Showing data for Grand Forks City PUMA, ND. 2 Showing data for Grand Forks City PUMA, ND. 3 The closest comparable wage GINI for Binford, ND is from Grand Forks City PUMA, ND. 4 Use the dropdown to filter by race/ethnicity. 5 For anonymity, the ACS 1-year estimate groups occupations by course parent groupings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Minford Census Designated Place is located within Township of Madison, a minor civil division (MCD) of Scioto County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with Minford population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data. The estimates are for July 1, 2017." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "250 DEER RUN RD, Munford, AL 36268 - Talladega County 3 acres Munford, AL Great possibilities 6 ACRES ARE AVAILABLE if you want privacy this is the spot previous owners loved gardening plenty of room to improve this property." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Driving Directions to York County Superior Court - Alfred. Coming From the North: Take exit 32 for Biddeford (former exit 5). After going through the toll booth, turn right onto Route 111 toward Sanford. After about 15-20 minutes, you will arrive at a blinking yellow light. Turn right at the light." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Medford, WI. Online Offers. Medford is a city in Taylor County, in north-central Wisconsin, United States. The population was 4,326 at the 2010 census. The city is located mostly within the boundaries of the Town of Medford. Medford is located at 45°8′16″N 90°20′42″W / 45.13778°N 90.345°W / 45.13778; -90.345 (45.137994, -90.345227." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'calcium stones are the most common type of kidney stone they are caused when there is too much calcium in the urine high amounts of calcium could be a result of an inherited condition called hypercalcuria which leads to large amounts of calcium in urine high levels of vitamin d'] == ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'causes for kidney stones']", "Location of Raeford, North Carolina. Coordinates: 34°58′54″N 79°13′39″W / 34.98167°N 79.22750°W / 34.98167; -79.22750Coordinates: 34°58′54″N 79°13′39″W / 34.98167°N 79.22750°W / 34.98167; -79.22750. Raeford is a city in Hoke County, North Carolina, United States." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Township government for Winnebago County was formed on November 6, 1849. The township government didn't become effective until the next year on April 1, 1850. Rockford Township would later annex two of the original sixteen townships of the county. On May 1, 1916, New Milford Township annexation was approved, followed by Guilford Township in 1929." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Ponsford, Becker County, Minnesota, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Raeford is a city in Hoke County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 4,626 at the 2010 census." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rockford is a city in Wright and Hennepin counties in the U.S. state of Minnesota. The population was 4,316 at the 2010 census. While Rockford is mainly located within Wright County, a small part of the city extends into Hennepin County. It is part of Minneapolis St.Paul metropolitan statistical area. Minnesota State Highway 55 serves as a main route in the city." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The closest comparable wage GINI for Binford, ND is from Grand Forks City PUMA, ND. The salary inequality in 2015 for Grand Forks City PUMA, ND was 0.46, based on the GINI calculation of the wage distribution." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Medford is a hamlet (and census-designated place) in Suffolk County, New York, United States. The population was 21,985 at the 2000 census. Medford is a community in the southwest part of the Town of Brookhaven. It is served by the Patchogue-Medford School District, except for extreme southeastern Medford, which is served by the South Country Central School District, and extreme northeastern Medford, which is served by the Longwood Central School District." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Also, benchmarked against the state of North Dakota, Population Change of 7.3%, Binford is about twice as large. Looking at population density in Figure 5 Binford illustrates it has 454 population density which is the largest of all placesin the area." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Westford is in northern Chittenden County, bordered by Franklin and Lamoille counties to the north. According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 39.3 square miles (101.8 km 2), of which 39.1 square miles (101.2 km 2) is land and 0.19 square miles (0.5 km 2), or 0.53%, is water." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Homefacts City Report. Munford is located in Talladega County, AL. The population is 1,517, making Munford the 5th largest city in Talladega County. There are 3 public schools in Munford with an average Homefacts rating of B-. The total crime rate for Munford is moderate, and there are 18 registered sex offenders residing in the city." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Kings County, California. Kings County is a county in the U.S. state of California. The population was 152,982 at the 2010 census. The California Department of Finance estimated the county's population was 149,407 as of July 1, 2016. The county seat is Hanford." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Orford, New Hampshire. Orford is a town in Grafton County, New Hampshire, United States. The population was 1,237 at the 2010 census. The Appalachian Trail crosses in the east." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rumford is a town in Oxford County, Maine, United States. The population was 5,841 at the 2010 census. Rumford is home to both Catalyst Paper's Rumford Mill and the Black Mountain of Maine ski resort." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is in the southeastern section of the state and is bounded by Cumberland, Robeson, Scotland, Moore, and Harnett counties. The present land area is 391.21 square miles and the 2000 population was 33,646. Raeford is the county seat." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "View real estate and homes for sale in Medford, Burlington County, and all of Southern New Jersey." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ponsford, Minnesota. Ponsford is an unincorporated community in Becker County, Minnesota, United States. The community is located west of Park Rapids on Minnesota State Highway 225. Minnesota State Highway 34 is nearby. v." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As a part of the Town's fiscal year 2018 budget, the Town will be simplifying the permit fee structure and establishing a new construction value calculation method. The permit structure, mirroring the structure currently in place in Tipton County and the City of Munford, goes into effect July 1, 20 Read More." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Medford is a township in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the township's population was 23,033,[8][9][10] reflecting an increase of 780 (+3.5%) from the 22,253 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 1,727 (+8.4%) from the 20,526 counted in the 1990 Census.[19]" ], [ "", "Dunn County, North Dakota. Dunn County is a county located in the U.S. state of North Dakota. As of the 2010 census, the population was 3,536. Its county seat is Manning." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Binford is located at (47.560954, -98.346733 According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 0.35 square miles (0.91 km 2), all of it land." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Binford, ND has a population of 157 people with a median age of 50.9 and a median household income of $30,833. Between 2014 and 2015 the population of Binford, ND declined from 167 to 157, a -5.99% decrease and its median household income declined from $33,125 to $30,833, a -6.92% decrease." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Not to be confused with Bideford, Devon. Biddeford is a city in York County, Maine, United States. It is the principal commercial center of York County. The population was 21,277 at the 2010 census. Twin city of Saco, Biddeford includes the resort community of Biddeford Pool, Fortunes Rocks and Granite Point." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "According to the most recent demographics data available from the Census Bureau released in December of 2016, Figure 1 Binford shows it has 157 population which is ranked #1 of all placesin the area. Figure 3 compares the population change from 2010 to 2015 and we can see Binford illustrates a decline of 26 (14%)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "PONSFORD, BECKER COUNTY, MINNESOTA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 15 listings. 1. I get asked all the time for a property like this one and now it is available. The property consists of wooded high ground, a pond, buildable area, power close by, is near several riding trails, close to more public hunting land and is located on a black-top road." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The formal boundaries for the City of Medford (see map below) encompass a land area of 8.1 sq. miles and a water area of 0.56 sq. miles. Middlesex County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5). The elevation is 16 feet." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Medford Lakes, New Jersey. Medford Lakes is a borough in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 4,146, reflecting a decline of 27 (-0.6%) from the 4,173 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn declined by 289 (-6.5%) from the 4,462 counted in the 1990 Census." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cranford is a township in Union County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the township's population was 22,625, reflecting an increase of 47 (+0.2%) from the 22,578 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn declined by 55 (−0.2%) from the 22,633 counted in the 1990 Census." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hoke County Courthouse. Raeford is a city in Hoke County, North Carolina, United States. The population was 4,626 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Hoke County. The county was named after Confederate General Robert F. Hoke, a North Carolina native. 1 History." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rockford is a city in Floyd County, Iowa, United States, at the confluence of the Shell Rock and Winnebago Rivers. The population was 907 at the 2000 census. in decimal form are 43.052833, -92.949203. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 0.6 square miles (1.6 km²), all of it land." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Kings County grand jury issued a report this week critical of a Hanford City Councilman, but didn’t bother to name the politician." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Belford Census Designated Place is located within Township of Middletown, a minor civil division (MCD) of Monmouth County. Beneath the boundary map are tables with Belford population, income and housing data, five-year growth projections and peer comparisons for key demographic data. The estimates are for July 1, 2017. Neighborhood Data" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers. The provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', \"Soil of Tropical Rainforest. The soil found in the tropical rainforest is very nutrient poor. This is due to the many decomposers and plants in need of any nutrients available, so they don't stay in the soil for long.The rain has left it acidic and lacking in minerals. The topsoil is very thin at only 1 to 2 inches deep.he soil found in the tropical rainforest is very nutrient poor. This is due to the many decomposers and plants in need of any nutrients available, so they don't stay in the soil for long.\"]\" and the positive \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what kind of soil is in the tropical rainforest']\"", "Medford is a hamlet and census-designated place (CDP) in Suffolk County, New York, United States. The population was 24,142 at the 2010 census. Medford is a community in the southwest part of the Town of Brookhaven." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Rumford is a town in Oxford County, Maine, United States. The population was 6,472 at the 2000 census. Rumford is home to both an important paper industry and the Black Mountain of Maine ski resort. Originally called New Pennacook Plantation, the township was granted in 1779 to Timothy Walker, Jr. and associates of Concord, New Hampshire." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "From 2014 to 2015, employment in Binford, ND declined at a rate of -5.19%, from 77 employees to 73 employees. The most common employment sectors for those who live in Binford, ND, are Healthcare & Social Assistance, Construction, and Retail trade." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hansford County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 5,613. Its county seat is Spearman. The county was created in 1876 and organized in 1889. It is named for John M. Hansford, a Texas state congressman and judge." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Latest news from Binford, ND collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: Norwegian (45.9%), German (23.0%), Italian (5.4%), Danish (2.7%), English (2.7%), French (1.4%). Current Local Time: CST time zone." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Superior Court of Kings County provides services in two full-time locations: Hanford, the county seat, and Lemoore." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Hanford is located close to the center of California. Hanford is part of Kings County. Hanford has 16.59 square miles of land area and has no water area. As of 2010, the total Hanford population is 53,967, which has grown 29.46% since 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 9.99% and is much higher than the national average rate of 9.71%. Hanford median household income is $54,767 in 2008-2012 and has grown by 45.73% since 2000." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ponsford (in Becker County, MN) Populated Place Profile. Ponsford (GNIS FID: 649629) is a populated place located within the Township of Carsonville, a minor civil division (MCD) of Becker County. The elevation of Ponsford is 1,535 feet. Ponsford appears on the Ponsford U.S. Geological Survey Map. Becker County is in the Central Time Zone (UTC -6 hours)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Detention Center. Tom Walder is the Chief Corrections Officer of the Codington County Regional Detention Center, which is a 96 bed facility providing inmate care for Codington County as well as the contract counties of Clark, Hamlin, Deuel, Grant and Kingsbury Counties." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Medford is a township in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the township's population was 23,033, reflecting an increase of 780 (+3.5%) from the 22,253 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 1,727 (+8.4%) from the 20,526 counted in the 1990 Census." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In 2015, the census tract with the highest Median Household Income in Binford, ND was Census Tract 686 with a value of $48,355, followed by and . The following map shows all of the census tracts in Binford, ND colored by their Median Household Income." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Strongest AM radio stations in Binford: 1 WWNL (1080 AM; 50 kW; PITTSBURGH, PA; Owner: STEEL CITY RADIO, INC.) 2 KXMR (710 AM; 50 kW; BISMARCK, ND; Owner: RADIO BISMARCK MANDAN, LLC) 3 KSJB (600 AM; 5 kW; JAMESTOWN, ND; Owner: CHESTERMAN COMM. 4 KFNW (1200 AM; 10 kW; WEST FARGO, ND; Owner: NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "County Road 651, Munford, AL 36268 - Cleburne County 0 acres Munford, AL A Hunters Paradise 20 /- Wooded acres located near the Cheaha Mountains with beautiful hardwoods, multiple creeks, a stocked pond, an abundance of wildlife, and a cabin site with a spring house that can be used for future water source." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rumford is a town in Oxford County, Maine, United States. The population was 6,472 at the 2000 census. Rumford is home to both an important paper industry and the Black Mountain of Maine ski resort. Originally called New Pennacook Plantation, the township was granted in 1779 to Timothy Walker, Jr. and associates of Concord, New Hampshire. Both Pennacook and Rumford are former names of Concord, from which many early settlers arrived." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beresford, SD. Sponsored Topics. Beresford is a city in Lincoln and Union counties in the U.S. state of South Dakota. The population was 2,005 as of the 2010 census. The southern two-thirds is part of the Sioux City, IA–NE–SD Metropolitan Statistical Area, while the northern one-third is part of the Sioux Falls Metropolitan Statistical Area." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Medford Details Medford, MN is in Steele County. Medford is in the following zip codes: 55049. Sale-Tax.com strives to have the most accurate tax percentages available but tax rates are subject to change at any time. Always consult your local government tax offices for the latest official city, county, and state tax rates." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is ugo" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In his Flute Form, Ugo is a small, golden and metal flute. He is usually on a string around Aladdin's neck. In his Djinn Form, Ugo has a huge body, but he has no head, and is nearly naked except for a fundoshi-like piece covering his genitals." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Googoosha (the Uzbek dictator’s pet name for his favorite daughter) is also a professor at Tashkent’s University of World Economy and Diplomacy and has served as her country’s ambassador to Spain while remaining installed as Uzbekistan’s “permanent representative” to the United Nations in Geneva." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Yugo is the main protagonist of the Wakfu: The Animated Series. He is a good natured 12-year-old Eliatrope and a brother of dragon Adamaï. As an Eliatrope, Yugo is capable of creating portals that he can use to transport himself or other objects across short distances. He seems to be intimately connected to the world's history." ], [ "Represent this", "U-Line is a premium brand for appliances such as ice makers, refrigeration, and wine coolers. For over 50 years, U-Line continues to be a market leader in appliance innovation, quality, and value while keeping the luxurious look of your kitchen or entertaining space." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Argo is a global array of 3,800 free-drifting profiling floats that measures thetemperature and salinity of the upper 2000 m of the ocean. This allows, for the first time, continuous monitoring of the temperature, salinity, and velocity of the upper ocean, with all data being relayed and made publicly available within hours after collection." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "UGH is considered is set to create the first integrated supply chain solutions and logistics service provider in Jordan through establishing and operating a land transport fleet, a group of storage and distribution facilities, a customs brokerage and clearing operator, and a land freight service provider." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In the case that your UGO file doesn't open, it is highly likely that you do not have the correct software application installed on your PC to view or edit UGO file extensions. If your PC opens the UGO file, but it's the wrong application, you'll need to change your Windows registry file association settings. In other words, Windows is associating UGO file extensions with the wrong software program." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ubuntu (/ʊˈbuːntʊ/ uu-BOON-tuu) is a Debian-based Linux operating system and distribution for personal computers, smartphones and network servers. It uses Unity as its default user interface. It is based on free software and named after the Southern African philosophy of ubuntu (literally, 'human-ness'), which Canonical Ltd suggests can be loosely translated as humanity to others or I am what I am because of who we all are." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is an upper body ergometer and how is it used in PT? An upper body ergometer, commonly referred to as a UBE in physical therapy clinics, is a piece of exercise equipment which is like a bicycle that you pedal with your arms. An ergometer is an exercise machine that can measure the work of human muscles." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Product Description. ... radio and Micro SD card player, UGO is arguably the biggest bang for ... POSH MOBILE EQUAL PRO 4G LTE ANDROID GSM UNLOCKED DUAL SIM 7.0” HD World's BIGGEST Android Phone 16GB of Storage... by Posh Mobile. $89.99(1 used offer) 3.1 out of 5 stars 126." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ubi or UBI may refer to" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "UGA GoAbroad Portal is your program navigation and application website for global activities through the University of Georgia. At this site you will be able to: Search for study abroad programs using a variety of parameters including area of study, country, term, program name, GPA, etc.;" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Guide. Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a procedure done by a radiologist. It blocks blood flow to fibroids in the uterus. (It is also called uterine artery embolization.) For women who are not planning a pregnancy in the future, UFE is a possible option in place of surgery for fibroids. Follow your doctor's instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking, or your procedure may be canceled." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "ergo-, erg-. (Greek: work) Also see the urg- words that have been transformed from the basic elements of this unit. 1. Relating to an abnormal or disabling sensitivity to certain agents: Some people are allergic to certain drugs, food, pollen, etc., resulting in a hypersensitive reaction when they are exposed to them." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "viagogo is an online ticket marketplace for buying and selling tickets to live events.The company, which was founded in London in 2006, has a network of nearly 60 global websites with customers in more than 160 countries.iagogo is backed by the venture capital investment firm Index Ventures as well as Brent Hoberman, the co-founder and former CEO of Lastminute.com and Lord Jacob Rothschild via his family interests." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "C D F A. iGO®, an intelligent fillable form and data gathering solution, is designed to streamline and accelerate the selling of life insurance and health care products. iGO enables career and independent producers to improve efficiency and productivity by eliminating errors and producing 100% in Good Order submissions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Quango is an acronym used especially in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.Quangos are arms-length bodies funded by government departments but not run by them. They are given power and paid for by government departments.They were invented because most government departments do two rather different jobs.uango is an acronym used especially in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Welcome to Ugo's Pizzaland. Located in the center of historic downtown Bevier, MO. Ugo's Pizzaland serves up the finest and freshest pizza in the area. At Ugo's, every dish is created to match and meet every persons tastebuds. Come on in and give us a try!!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Segoe UI (pronounced SEE-go) is the Windows system font. The standard font size has been increased to 9 point. The Segoe UI font. Segoe UI and Segoe are not the same font. Segoe UI is the Windows font intended for user interface text strings. Segoe is a branding font used by Microsoft and partners to produce material for print and advertising. Segoe UI is an approachable, open, and friendly typeface, and as a result has better readability than Tahoma, Microsoft Sans Serif, and Arial." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Universal Grammar (UG) is a theory in linguistics, usually credited to Noam Chomsky, proposing that the ability to learn grammar is hard-wired into the brain. It is sometimes known as 'mental grammar', and as opposed to other 'grammars', e.g. prescriptive, descriptive and pedagogical." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat fibroid tumors of the uterus which can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pain, and pressure on the bladder or bowel. It uses a form of real-time x-ray called fluoroscopy to guide the delivery of embolic agents to the uterus and fibroids." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here is the reply: An IGO is an organization composed primarily of sovereign states, or of other intergovernmental organizations. IGOs are established by treaty or other agreement that acts as a charter creating the group. Examples include the United Nations, the World Bank, or the European Union." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Universal Grammar (UG) is a theory in linguistics, usually credited to Noam Chomsky, proposing that the ability to learn grammar is hard-wired into the brain.It is sometimes known as 'mental grammar', and as opposed to other 'grammars', e.g. prescriptive, descriptive and pedagogical.homsky argued that the human brain contains a limited set of rules for organizing language. This implies in turn that all languages have a common structural basis; the set of rules is what is known as universal grammar." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "UBO: Unidentified Bright Object (radiology) UBO: Unemployment Benefit Office (UK) UBO: United Booking Office (1920's Vaudeville Syndicate) UBO: Underground Beat Online (Sacramento, CA based independent online magazine) UBO: UBoutdoors.com: UBO: Unincorporated Business Organization: UBO: Unique Business Offering: UBO: Ultimate Bottle Opener (Kult Inn product) UBO" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "GoGo Squeez (styled GoGo squeeZ) is a brand of applesauce on the go sold in resealable pouches, distributed in North America. It is manufactured by French applesauce and fruit spread maker Materne." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is VGo? VGo is an all-in-one solution that includes everything you need to establish your physical presence in a distant location." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Make an advising appointment. Search the public interest database. Meet with a Wasserstein Fellow. The term intergovernmental organization (IGO) refers to an entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in good faith, on issues of common interest.In the absence of a treaty an IGO does not exist in the legal sense.ake an advising appointment. Search the public interest database. Meet with a Wasserstein Fellow. The term intergovernmental organization (IGO) refers to an entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in good faith, on issues of common interest." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor example, '[\"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\n\\nFor instance, <<When ice cream's small ice crystals melt and refreeze, they can turn into large, unpalatable lumps. Ice cream is best when stored between -5 and 0°F.; it will be firm enough to hold its shape, but easy to dip between 6 and 10°F, the ideal serving temperature range. Store ice cream in the main part of the freezer, not in the door where it is subject to more fluctuating temperatures.>> to <<what temperature do you hold ice cream at>>\", \"vacation deals to Port Saint Lucie, FL. The total driving distance from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Port Saint Lucie, FL is 93 miles or 150 kilometers. Your trip begins in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It ends in Port Saint Lucie, Florida. If you are planning a road trip, you might also want to calculate the total driving time from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Port Saint Lucie, FL so you can see when you'll arrive at your destination.\"]' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how far is fort lauderdale from port st lucie']'", "Hugo Boss watches are no exception, assimilating classic materials, craftsmanship, and features with a twist, such as numerous small dials, unique skeleton cut-outs, and bold splashes of color.ugo Boss is one of the foremost fashion houses in the industry today, retailing in over 6,102 locations in 110 different countries." ], [ "", "Re: Igbo Attire And Its Meaning by AndreUweh(m): 10:02pm On Jul 25, 2012. Ugo (Eagle) feather on the their traditional cap shows that they are the cream of society because the Eagle in Igboland is seen as the most beautiful bird, therefore it is believed to be the cream of society." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "UGS is a global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services with nearly 4 million licensed seats and 46,000 customers worldwide. Despite JT Open, the JT technology is still the intellectual property (IP) of UGS PLM Solutions, explains Kelley." ], [ "Represent text", "For comprehensive information about traveling to, from, and around the University of Chicago's campus, check out the 2015-2016 Transportation & Parking Guide. All UGo Shuttle riders are asked to tap their valid UChicago or University of Chicago Medicine ID on a card reader each time they board a shuttle." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Trivago N.V., often referred to as trivago, is a German multinational technology company specializing in internet-related services and products in the hotel, lodging and metasearch fields." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sago, which is also known as sabudana, is a starchy substance common to Indian cuisine. It is extracted from the stems of sago palm trees, then processed into small, circular pellets, which are sometimes referred to as pearls. These pearls are commonly used as energy-boosting ingredients in soups, puddings, smoothies, side dishes and main courses." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The term intergovernmental organization (IGO) refers to an entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in good faith, on issues of common interest. In … the absence of a treaty an IGO does not exist in the legal sense.aking the world better, one answer at a time. IGR provides a broad array of services to the public and state local and tribal governments. It supports couties municipalities, citizens and business by providing support services in many different ways." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Asiago, is a cow's milk cheese, produced only on the Asiago plateau in the Veneto foothills in Italy. The cheese-making tradition in the provinces of Vicenza and Trento dates back to more than thousand years.Traditionally, it was made from sheep's milk but today it is produced from unpasteurised cow's milk.n the other hand, Asiago Pressato made with whole milk is matured for a month and sold fresh as a softer, milder cheese. Depending on age, the rinds of Asiago can be straw coloured and elastic to brownish gray and hard. The paste can be white to dark yellow, with small to medium irregular holes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Universal Grammar (UG) is a theory in linguistics, usually credited to Noam Chomsky, proposing that the ability to learn grammar is hard-wired into the brain.It is sometimes known as 'mental grammar', and as opposed to other 'grammars', e.g. prescriptive, descriptive and pedagogical.he distinction is important because there is a long history of argument about UG*, whereas most people working on language agree that there is Universal Grammar. Many people assume that Chomsky means UG* when he writes UG (and in some cases he might actually mean UG*, though not in the passage quoted above)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat fibroid tumors of the uterus which can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pain, and pressure on the bladder or bowel.It uses a form of real-time x-ray called fluoroscopy to guide the delivery of embotic agents to the uterus and fibroids.ibroid tumors, also known as myomas, are benign tumors that arise from the muscular wall of the uterus. It is extremely rare for them to turn cancerous. More commonly, they cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pain in the pelvic region, and pressure on the bladder or bowel." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "YugoThe hero of the series. Yugo is an Eliatrope, from a people capable of creating portals they can use to transport themselves or other objects across short distances, and who seem to be intimately connected to the world's history." ], [ "Represent the next text", "DGo (a delta G, with a superscript o), is the free energy change for a reaction, with everything in the standard states (gases at 1 bar, and solutions at 1 M concentration), and at a specific temperature (usually 25°C)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "GoGo squeeZ is the American sister brand to Pom’Potes and is part of Materne North America, headquartered in New York City. Materne is part of the Groupemom family, owned and operated since 1854 in Boue, Boué. France outside of THE us and especially In, GoGo Gogo squeez is sold As'pom. potes" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "English names generally consist of a given name, middle name and family name. Many English speaking countries have fairly flexible naming laws. This allows the multicultural families that live in these countries to merge the naming conventions of their faiths or previous nationalities with their current homeland.ugo is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 4 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Hu-go. In the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 438 in baby name popularity for boys with 689 occurrences. Less than 5 girls were given the name." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The term intergovernmental organization (IGO) refers to an entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in good faith, on issues of common interest. In … the absence of a treaty an IGO does not exist in the legal sense.ecause intergovernmental relations refer to the relationship between the state and local governments. It's key to the interactions of giving funds to local governments by … the national government. 1 person found this useful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 KEN ERICS UGO. 2 KEN ERICS UGO. 3 KEN ERICS UGO. 4 KEN ERICS UGO added a new photo. 5 KEN ERICS UGO added a new photo. 6 KEN ERICS UGO added a new photo. 7 KEN ERICS UGO added a new photo. 8 KEN ERICS UGO added a new photo. 9 KEN ERICS UGO. 10 KEN ERICS UGO added a new photo. 11 KEN ERICS UGO added a new photo. 12 KEN ERICS UGO added a new photo." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "In mammals, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (UGP) is the only enzyme capable of activating glucose-1-phosphate (Glc-1-P) to UDP-glucose (UDP-Glc), a metabolite located at the intersection of virtually all metabolic pathways in the mammalian cell." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "An IGO is an organization composed primarily of sovereign states, or of other intergovernmental organizations. IGOs are established by treaty or other agreement that acts as a charter creating the group.Examples include the United Nations, the World Bank, or the European Union.n IGO is an organization composed primarily of sovereign states, or of other intergovernmental organizations. IGOs are established by treaty or other agreement that acts as a charter creating the group." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "WEGO Visitor Transportation System (WEGO) is a bus system in Niagara Falls, Ontario jointly operated by Niagara Falls Transit and the Niagara Parks Commission.It replaced Niagara Falls Transit's Falls Shuttle, as well as the Niagara Parks Commission People Mover.Originally scheduled to launch on June 29, 2012, the service's inauguration was postponed due to delays in its buses' intelligent transportation system.here is partial fare integration between WEGO and the regular local Niagara Falls Transit service. Monthly passholders of regular local Niagara Falls Transit service are allowed to connect to WEGO for free. However, 10-ride passholders, day passholders, and single-ride passengers must pay a separate WEGO fare." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Master Manipulator, Envious Villain, Psychopath. Iago is the main antagonist in the tragedy play Othello by William Shakespeare. He is a Venetian soldier, who serves under General Othello, a Moor (a broad term in Shakespeare's day, usually along the lines of someone of North African descent), and leader of the Venetian armed forces." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "iGO (software) The iGO Navigation Engine, developed by Hungary-based NNG LLC (formerly Nav N Go) is a GPS navigation software package. NNG sells some versions of the software directly to users, as well as to device manufacturers, auto makers, network operators and professional transport specialists." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Ugo and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Ugo and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds. The history and meaning of the name Ugo is fascinating, learn more about it. (If you know more meanings of the name and you would like to contribute click here to submit another name meaning)." ], [ "", "VGo is an all-in-one solution that includes everything you need to establish your physical presence in a distant location.t can easily be carried up or down stairs, or you can have one or more VGo’s on each floor where a remote person needs to go. When you buy a VGo – everything you need is included – this is what you get: 1 The VGo: this goes in the location where remote people need to visit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The first thing you want to do with Ugo is add your credit card. You’re greeted by a home screen that looks like a wallet sleeve lined with pockets. Tapping “Add a card” starts the proces, then you choose to add either a loyalty card or a payment card. I chose payment card to put my credit card on the app." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ken erics ugo is the best in sierra leone people like and i like him much love ken erics ugo" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Yugo is one of the original six Eliatropes, a civilization who existed long before the events of the animated series or game. The Eliatropes originated on a world far from the World of Twelve, and fled once they were attacked by a spacefaring race known as the Mechasme." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The AMLD defines a UBO is any natural person(s) who ultimately owns or controls the customer (i.e. a corporate entity or other legal entity) and/or the natural person(s) on whose behalf a transaction or activity is being conducted." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ubi is a hardware + software solution that turns any surface into a touch screen. Interact with any app with the touch of a finger or the Ubi pen. Bring interactivity to your classroom with Ubi. From interactive tables to large interactive walls, transform the way you teach and students learn." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Argo AI is an artificial intelligence company, based in Pittsburgh and established to tackle one of the most challenging applications in computer science, robotics and artificial intelligence: self-driving vehicles." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Your new favorite CW teen drama has at least one very familiar face. Cole Sprouse plays Jughead Jones on Riverdale, and itâ\\x80\\x99s the first time weâ\\x80\\x99ve seen the twin on TV since his days on the Disney Channel. In 2011, after Suite Life on Deck ended, Cole and Dylan Sprouse went to college, taking a break from their acting career, which began a little after their first birthday.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'who plays jughead on riverdale']", ".ug is the Internet country code top-level domain for Uganda.ug is the Internet country code top-level domain for Uganda." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Wendigo (also known as Windigo, Weendigo, Windago, Windiga, Witiko, Wihtikow, and numerous other variants) is a mythical creature appearing in the mythology of the Algonquian people. It is a malevolent cannibalistic spirit into which humans could transform, or which could possess humans." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The kina (ISO 4217 code: PGK) is the currency of Papua New Guinea. It is divided into 100 toea. The kina was introduced on 19 April 1975, replacing the Australian dollar at par.']\" Match: \"['', 'what currency does papua new guinea use']\"", "UOAs are a great tool in the Management of any machinery that uses liquid lubricants. Unfortunately, their real value is often misunderstood by those who contribute to BITOG. Firstly, it is important to realize that you get what you pay for. The most common forms of UOA are limited in their scope. It is a case of if you pay more you get more. So my comments here relate primarily to the “simple” UOAs – the cornerstone of those appearing on BITOG." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a minimally invasive procedure used to treat fibroid tumors of the uterus which can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, pain, and pressure on the bladder or bowel. It uses a form of real-time x-ray called fluoroscopy to guide the delivery of embotic agents to the uterus and fibroids." ], [ "represent the input", "An intergovernmental organization (IGO) is composed of nation-states and it promotes voluntary co-operation and coordination among its members. [2] Decisions and agreements reached in this type of organization however are not enforceable, and the members remain independent. The crucial aspect of an IGO is that the members do not surrender any power (or sovereignty) to it. The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization." ], [ "Represent", "The agogo (or agogo bell) is an instrument of African origin (called gankogui, from Ewe ethnic group, Ghana). The agogo is presenting as a bell in conical shaped or truncated cone, in chromed or painted steel, usually in two or even three or four, linked together by a steel bent and welded stem. The agogo is one of the rare melodic instruments of the batucada with high pitched tones. The agogo player uses a stick to hit the bells, but can also use the clashing of bells between them by pressing with the carrier hand to fill the rests (with mixed sticking )." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The ARGO is a modern style cafe, with good seating configurations, modern table and chairs, with a long serving counter down one side. When it comes to food choices, amazing, nothing short of staggering, The menu options seemed endless." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The name Ugo is ranked on the 8,418th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used. We estimate that there are at least 31600 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Ugo has three characters." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Igou is an uncommon surname in the United States. In 2010, there were only 695 people with the last name Igou living in the US. Historically, the name has been most prevalent in the West. However, it is especially popular in Iowa. Igou is least common in the northeastern states." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Germanic name is on record beginning in the 8th century, in variants Chugo, Hugo, Huc, Ucho, Ugu, Uogo, Ogo, Ougo, etc. The name's popularity in the Middle Ages ultimately derives from its use by Frankish nobility, beginning with Duke of the Franks and Count of Paris Hugh the Great (898–956) ." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "matatu cost" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. It can cause cervicitis in women and urethritis and proctitis in both men and women.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what causes chlamydia infection']\"", "A 14-passenger matatu cost 70 shillings to ride; in a 15-hour day it could make six to seven round trips, taking in 6,000 to 7,000 shillings, about $100. Riding a 51-passenger matatu cost 40 shillings for a vehicle that moved more slowly; it only managed five to six round trips in a day." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Undergraduate Tuition. University of Rhode Island tuition is $10,878 per year for in-state residents. This is 69% more expensive than the national average public four year tuition of $6,429. The cost is $19,509 and 64% cheaper than the average Rhode Island tuition of $30,387 for 4 year colleges.Tuition ranks 2nd in Rhode Island amongst 4 year colleges for affordability and is the 9th most expensive 4 year college in the state.nnual Total Cost. The total list price for in-state Rhode Island residents to go to URI is $25,458 for the 2014/2015 academic year. Out-of-state students who don't possess Rhode Island residence can expect a one year cost of $41,024." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it Examples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Trotwood is a city in Montgomery County, Ohio, United States. The population was 27,431 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Dayton Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city is served by the Trotwood-Madison City School District. It is named for Betsy Trotwood, the Charles Dickens character. Trotwood is located at 39°47â\\x80²41â\\x80³N 84°17â\\x80²24â\\x80³W / 39.79472°N 84.29°W / 39.79472; -84.29 (39.794807, -84.289892).']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what county is trotwood ohio in']\"", "Median Income In. Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Alaska. The median property tax (also known as real estate tax) in Matanuska-Susitna Borough is $2,436.00 per year, based on a median home value of $212,000.00 and a median effective property tax rate of 1.15% of property value." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "School District Details. 1 Matanuska Susitna Borough School District. 2 Per-Pupil Spending: $12,485. 3 Graduation Rate: 69.4 4 %. Dropout Rate: 5. 5 8%. Students Per Teacher: 18. 1. Enrolled Students: 16,770." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "By Leah Lawrence. For patients with low-burden, asymptomatic advanced-stage follicular lymphoma, a treatment strategy of rituximab induction without rituximab maintenance was the most cost-effective approach, according to the results of a Canadian cost-effectiveness analysis published in Cancer.esults showed that rituximab induction alone was the cheapest strategy with a cost of $59,953 compared with $67,489 for the rituximab maintenance arm and $75,895 for the watch and wait arm." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The extra cost to purchase a heat pump instead of a new air conditioner may be an additional $1000 for an average size home. But this investment could save you about $500 per year when you combine your heating savings and your air conditioning savings.0 MBTU X 40% winter heat X $15.00 per MBTU with an 80% furnace = $360. 60 MBTU total heat produced with the Dual Fuel heating system = $571. Dual Fuel Heating: Estimated Savings for all Fuels (pdf, 76.7 KB). Recall from our previous example, 60 million BTUs obtained from an 80% gas furnace will cost $900." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The wholesale price of Tysabri is US$2184.62 per vial. Given that natalizumab is generally administered 13 times a year, the annual costs for Tysabri is approximately US$28,400 (not including costs associated with infusion services), priced at a premium to the older generation drugs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Report This | Share this:Anyone know the cost the Lantus Insulin Pen Or....My insurance won't cover my Lantus Solostar Pens; I pay $183.20 for a box of five. I also take Victoza at a whopping $372.15 out-of-pocket (same insurance won't cover it)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Cost of living in Managua is 52% cheaper than in Houston, Texas. 2 Cost of living in Granada is 13% more expensive than in León. 3 Cost of living in Matagalpa is 6% cheaper than in Fort Worth, Texas. Cost of living in Managua is 39% cheaper than in Erie, Pennsylvania." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Report This | Share this:Anyone know the cost the Lantus Insulin Pen Or....My insurance won't cover my Lantus Solostar Pens; I pay $183.20 for a box of five. I also take Victoza at a whopping $372.15 out-of-pocket (same insurance won't cover it).eport This | Share this:Anyone know the cost the Lantus Insulin Pen Or....I think what auriga was saying is that the cost for both insulins (in pen form) is around $240. That is what the manufacturers set the price at. The Copay is what he pays, his insurance pays the rest." ], [ "", "Doto is as expensive. $147 atm (I don't have this) but yeah it goes from 150-250$. Click to expand... aidcon said: ↑. Personally my most expensive item is my StatTrak AK-47 Vulcan Minimal Wear. It's my pride and joy Your items don't have to be CS... they can be any rare or expensive item in your Steam inventory." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The remaining band’s vow that these five shows, starting in late June, will be its last ever, has driven average resale prices to $1,016.20. The average face value for the tickets is just $71.17. The Dead’s massive markup more than doubles the resale value of any other artist this coming summer. The band’s closest competition — Madonna — has fans who pay an average $496.82 per ticket for her upcoming tour. That’s more than three times the average face value for her seats." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "nov. 2014. Amazing Mata mata Turtle hunted a fish and swallow it.This turtle too fast than others. The mata mata, mata-mata, or matamata (Chelus fimbriata) is a freshwater turtle found in South America, primarily in the Amazon and Orinoco basins.It is the only extant species in the genus Chelus.ov. 2014. Amazing Mata mata Turtle hunted a fish and swallow it.This turtle too fast than others. The mata mata, mata-mata, or matamata (Chelus fimbriata) is a freshwater turtle found in South America, primarily in the Amazon and Orinoco basins." ], [ "", "Come and learn the Basics of making a tutu. All materials will be supplied. Cost is $30 Message or call (613-360-5692)me to Register!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "If the diluted infusion is not used immediately it can be stored for up to 24 hours if refrigerated. The Average Wholesale Price of pertuzumab (Perjeta) is $4890 per 420-mg vial. Health care professionals can access more information about pertuzumab, including complete prescribing information at www.perjeta .com." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Expected it to be like the 100 Maori funerals I've attended over the years. But far from it. The emphasis on donations was pretty heavy. Maori's have a koha system where family gives what they can. Be it 5$ or 5000$, nothings expected, go to grandmas funeral and the matai asked for something like 6500$." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Al-Shabab demanded from the agencies what it described as “registration fees” of up to $10,000. U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS Jamie Dettmer October 20, 2014 But, on Monday, LaSalvia finally threw in the towel and changed his registration to be an independent." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Are new matatus registered these days.(TLB) ==Yes and no; any matatu carrying more than 25 passengers is being registered-but no new 14 seaters. 6. At how much a 5L,3L,and 7L matatu are costing these days and if you take it through loan at how much extra cost would it go for." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "60 MBTU X 40% winter heat X $15.00 per MBTU with an 80% furnace = $360. 60 MBTU total heat produced with the Dual Fuel heating system = $571. Dual Fuel Heating: Estimated Savings for all Fuels (pdf, 76.7 KB). Recall from our previous example, 60 million BTUs obtained from an 80% gas furnace will cost $900." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Annual Prices. The annual list price to attend Soka University of America on a full time basis for 2016/2017 is $45,592 for all students regardless of their residency. This fee is comprised of $29,372 for tuition, $11,812 room and board, $1,592 for books and supplies and $1,670 for other fees." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Tutu 1. You're going to need 2-8 yards of tulle, found in your local fabric store. Tulle seems to range in price from very cheap (I got mine for less than $1 a yard) to not really at all expensive for fabric (I saw some tulle for like $6 a yard-it was rather fancy looking).Two yards will suffice for a children's tutu.I doubt most of you are wanting to make one for a kid though.ulle seems to range in price from very cheap (I got mine for less than $1 a yard) to not really at all expensive for fabric (I saw some tulle for like $6 a yard-it was rather fancy looking). Two yards will suffice for a children's tutu. I doubt most of you are wanting to make one for a kid though." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "==Yes and no; any matatu carrying more than 25 passengers is being registered-but no new 14 seaters. 6. At how much a 5L,3L,and 7L matatu are costing these days and if you take it through loan at how much extra cost would it go for." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Annual Total Cost. The total list price for in-state Connecticut residents to go to University of Connecticut is $25,624 for the 2014/2015 academic year. Out-of-state students who don't possess Connecticut residence can expect a one year cost of $45,804." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cyril Ramaphosa Net Worth is $675 $Million. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa is a South African lawyer, trade union leader, activist, politician and businessman. He was born in Soweto, Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa is a South African lawyer, trade union leader, activist, politician and businessman." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent', 'Introduction to the Scientific Method. The scientific method is the process by which scientists, collectively and over time, endeavor to construct an accurate (that is, reliable, consistent and non-arbitrary) representation of the world.']\" == \"[\"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n------\\nE.g. 'what is absolute vodka' == 'Absolut Vodka is a brand of vodka, produced near Ã\\x85hus, Ã¥hus in Southern. Sweden absolut is owned By french Group Pernod; ricard they Bought absolut forâ\\x82¬.5 63 billion in 2008 from The swedish. staten 1979, the old name Absolut was picked up when the upper-price range ABSOLUT VODKA was introduced. Renat is still a euphemism for spirits in Sweden, and the name of another vodka product by Vin & Sprit.' != 'Absolute alcohol (anhydrous ethanol) refers to ethanol containing not more than 1% by mass of water. In statistics on alcohol production or consumption, absolute alcohol refers to the alcohol content (as 100% ethanol) '80s,of alcoholic beverages.'\", 'explain what is a scientific methodology']\"", "Thursday’s top hog price at Peoria was $64.50/cwt. Yesterday, Zumbrota had a top of $64 and Sioux Falls topped at $63/cwt. USDA’s Thursday afternoon calculated pork cutout value was $95.06/cwt, down 94 cents from the previous Thursday with loins, butts, and hams higher. Prices for bellies were lower this week." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "$300 per batch x 5 batches = $1,500 to Bull and Matador (50% less than before), $300 per batch x 30 batches = $9,000 to Dogs Playing Poker (same as before). In the second stage, the $1,500 is allocated to the 500 Bull and Matador woodcuts, for $3 per woodcut.This $3 per woodcut reflects the cost savings originally anticipated by the manager of the Bull and Matador production line.300 per batch x 5 batches = $1,500 to Bull and Matador (50% less than before), $300 per batch x 30 batches = $9,000 to Dogs Playing Poker (same as before). In the second stage, the $1,500 is allocated to the 500 Bull and Matador woodcuts, for $3 per woodcut." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you are being charged by the hour for the actual sandblasting then expect to pay between $100 - 125 per hour. By the square foot is difficult at times to estimate. I'm thinking of a house and all the different angles and types of surfaces that might be involved with the job." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Maori's have a koha system where family gives what they can. Be it 5$ or 5000$, nothings expected, go to grandmas funeral and the matai asked for something like 6500$." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Contrary to this, the lowest priced model is HP 13-C019TU Stream (Notebook) (4th CDC/ 2GB/ 32GB EMMC/ Win8.1) (K8T73PA) (33.782 cm, Horizon Blue) available at Rs.17,199. This variation in prices gives online shoppers a range of affordable to premium products to choose from." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Maori's have a koha system where family gives what they can. Be it 5$ or 5000$, nothings expected, go to grandmas funeral and the matai asked for something like 6500$. And when dad said he didnt have that money lying around he was guilt tripped and made to feel bad. Never mind his mother just passed away gosh." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'Difference Between Malt and Shake. Main Difference â\\x80\\x93 Malt vs Shake. Malts and shakes are two of the most popular frozen drinks, loved by everybody. Shake or milkshake is a thoroughly shaken or blended drink made of milk, a flavoring syrup, and often ice cream. Malts are made by adding malt powder to milkshakes. Therefore, the main difference between malt and shake is the addition of malt powder; milkshakes do not contain malt powder, but malts do.']>> to \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'difference between malts and shakes']\"", "Report Abuse. Hakuna matata is a Swahili phrase that can be translated literally as no worries.. Its meaning is similar to the English phrase no problem or Australian English phrase no worries and is akin to don't worry, be happy....Saige Woodcut · 2 years ago. Thumbs up.akuna matata is a Swahili phrase that can be translated literally as no worries.. Its meaning is similar to the English phrase no problem or Australian English phrase no worries and is akin to don't worry, be happy. ... Saige Woodcut · 2 years ago. Thumbs up." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nThe provided query could be \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Thurston County is a county located in the U.S. state of Washington. As of the 2010 census, its population was 252,264. The county seat and largest city is Olympia, the state capital. Thurston County was created out of Lewis County by the government of Oregon Territory on January 12, 1852. At that time, it covered all of the Puget Sound region and the Olympic Peninsula.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what county is olympia washington in']\"", "(April 2008). Hakuna Matata is a song from Disney 's 32nd animated feature The Lion King. The song is based on Timon and Pumbaa 's catchphrase in the movie, Hakuna matata, which is a Swahili phrase; it means 'no worries'. It is characterized by its simple 4/4 time, upbeat message and catchy lyrics.akuna matata is a Swahili phrase that is frequently translated as no worries. In a bonus features of The Lion King Special Edition DVD, the film's production team claims that it picked up the term from a tour guide while on safari in Kenya." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "When you buy 1 container of Latuda for $168.00 at Canada Drug Pharmacy compared to the max price of $635." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The mata mata was described for the first time by French naturalist Pierre Barrere barrère in 1741 as a large land turtle with spiky and ridged (scales). Translation it was first classified As testudo fimbriata By german Naturalist Johann Gottlob schneider in. 1783owever, mata matas are not active hunters, so, like the alligator snapping turtle, they need less space than a large, active species. As with all aquatic turtles, water quality is one of the keys to keeping this species successfully in captivity." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"These days they both recommend every 5,000 miles and change the filter every time. And some people now say oil will last 10,000 miles, and we would protect the environment by not changing it as often. A 125cc bike engine works harder than a car. So I'd say changing it every 3000 miles might be justifiable.\"]\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how often to change motorcycle oil']\"", "As you can see in the picture below, the fit was just right. If my hands weren’t in my pockets, the shirt actually just covers the pocket openings front and rear, making for a nice clean look. UNTUCKit button-down shirts range from $79-139, with the Calistoga coming in at $99. I think it’s reasonably priced, and well below what you’d pay for a custom shirt." ], [ "", "Budget Sh3M or more. Investing in a Matatu business can be profitable. However, the risks associated with the business are enough to discourage any investor. Matatu business is one of the most profitable transport investments but its reputation has suffered due to all manner of negative news and publicity." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Matanuska Valley Federal Credit Union of Palmer, AK has 38,725 members and assets of $398 million. The credit union, opened in 1948, has 135 full time employees and 1 part time employee , or 287 members per employee, compared to a national average of 430." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Thanks for your Reply! Report This | Share this:Anyone know the cost the Lantus Insulin Pen Or....My insurance won't cover my Lantus Solostar Pens; I pay $183.20 for a box of five. I also take Victoza at a whopping $372.15 out-of-pocket (same insurance won't cover it).However, I am fortunate enough to carry a second insurance and will be able to submit my receipts for full (or nearly full) reimbursement.y insurance won't cover my Lantus Solostar Pens; I pay $183.20 for a box of five. I also take Victoza at a whopping $372.15 out-of-pocket (same insurance won't cover it). However, I am fortunate enough to carry a second insurance and will be able to submit my receipts for full (or nearly full) reimbursement." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hobbiton isn’t the cheapest place in the world to visit. The easiest way to get to Hobbiton is from the town of Matamata. From Matamata, you can catch a one-hour bus. The ticket fee includes the bus trip, entrance into Hobbiton, a two hour guided tour through the shire, and a free pint at the Green Dragon. Grand total is $90." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mataf is a financial website whose purpose is to offer online tools for beginner and professional traders. Here, you'll find all the information you'll need to manage your account for forex, stock, index or commodity trading. No matter your level of experience, you'll have access to a full toolbox. It will help you make progress in knowing about financial markets, controlling risks and how to manage a portfolio." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Man-made sole. Measurements: ; Heel Height: 3 4 in; Weight: 3 oz; Product measurements were taken using size 8, width M. Please note that measurements may vary by size. Free Shipping GUESS Tutu $35 Activate Sale Alert Stay simply chic this season in the G by GUESS Lyrikk sandal! ; Man-made upper." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "6. At how much a 5L,3L,and 7L matatu are costing these days and if you take it through loan at how much extra cost would it go for. ==A used Toyota 5L is in the market from 700k to 1.2m depending on trhe condition of the vehicle and year of registration." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hot Pink and Black Tutu Bow Holder by addlils on Etsy, $35.00." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Ceramic glass is expensive. For comparative pricing of the glass with your Jotul dealer, you can call Schott Appplied Energy Systems (1-800-822-0600). They make Robax, a transparent ceramic glass. Prices range from 47 cents per square inch (for a rectangular shape) to 60 cents per square inch for more complex shapes. broke one of the glass panels in my Jotul insert last month. My Jotul dealer couldn't get a replacement for at least 7 days since it had to be ordered. He recommended I use a local glass company instead since it woudl be quicker and cheaper. I think the Jotul replacement pane was $120 if I remember correctly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The best “value” CVO model is the full dresser Road Glide that costs an extra $14,000 but adds a top box as well as all the bling, audio and extra features. 2015 Harley-Davidson CVO prices. 1 Softail Deluxe $44,995. 2 Street Glide Special $46,995.3 Road Glide Ultra $48,995.or 2015, the line-up is Softail Deluxe and three Touring models, the Street Glide, Electra Glide Ultra Limited and the returned Road Glide, but an Ultra version with top box and lower fairings." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Be it 5$ or 5000$, nothings expected, go to grandmas funeral and the matai asked for something like 6500$. And when dad said he didnt have that money lying around he was guilt tripped and made to feel bad. Never mind his mother just passed away gosh. I was pretty shocked tbh." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Thanks for your Reply! Report This | Share this:Anyone know the cost the Lantus Insulin Pen Or....My insurance won't cover my Lantus Solostar Pens; I pay $183.20 for a box of five. I also take Victoza at a whopping $372.15 out-of-pocket (same insurance won't cover it).6 Replies | Watch This Discussion | Report This | Share this:Anyone know the cost the Lantus Insulin Pen Or....Its been a while since I've been on here but cannot get my BS count down. Last time my AiC ran 9.1 and my sugar was at 279 earlier." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tuna Tataki - dusted with Togarachi and sesame seeds, lightly seared, thinly sliced, served with Ponzu sauce $11.99. Salmon Roll - Made inside out with Salmon, Mango, Cream Cheese, and Cucumber then rolled in Tempura Crunch $13.99. Vegetable Rainbow Roll - House Vegetarian Roll." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For Center Nurse Executive/DON at Genesis HealthCare in Matawan, NJ. The median pay of $59k is: The range of $50k - $68k is: We will not display these numbers on the site, but we will use this to refine our estimates." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The results were calculated in Canadian dollars. Results showed that rituximab induction alone was the cheapest strategy with a cost of $59,953 compared with $67,489 for the rituximab maintenance arm and $75,895 for the watch and wait arm.esults showed that rituximab induction alone was the cheapest strategy with a cost of $59,953 compared with $67,489 for the rituximab maintenance arm and $75,895 for the watch and wait arm." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Total costs. $141,000. Cost per unit. Variable cost per unit. Fixed cost per unit. Total cost per unit. $535.00. Calculate Presidio s contribution margin ratio and its total contribution margin at each sales level indicated. in the cost data table assuming the company sells each bike for $630." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Buy a Mata Mata Turtle with a Live Arrival Guarantee. Mata Mata Turtle for Sale. Mata Mata Turtle Chelus fimbriatus We have some fascinating Mata Mata turtles for sale at rock-bottom prices.These freshwater carnivores are some of the most captivating reptiles on the planet, with a unique appearance to match. Their carapace can reach lengths of 18, and weigh up to 35 pounds.e have some fascinating Mata Mata turtles for sale at rock-bottom prices. These freshwater carnivores are some of the most captivating reptiles on the planet, with a unique appearance to match." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When you buy 1 container of Latuda for $486.00 at Canada Drug Pharmacy compared to the max price of $635." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Some breeds follow Hollywood trends, and some are rarely bred at all driving up their prices. The lowest price we've ever had advertised for the Basenji is $300; the most expensive price is $1,400. Generally the average Basenji costs around $806 to purchase. Keep this in mind when you see the prices vary greatly within our listings. If you don’t mind having the runt of the litter, or a pup who is far from a champion Basenji, by all means explore the cheaper options." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cyril Ramaphosa. Cyril Ramaphosa Net Worth is $675 $Million. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa (born 17 November 1952) is a South African lawyer, trade union leader, activist, politician and businessman. He was born in Soweto,. Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa (born 17 November 1952) is a South African lawyer, tr..." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Binomial name: Chelus fimbriata. The species Chelus fimbriata commonly known as mata mata is a fresh water turtle. This represents the only existing species of the genus Chelus. You can see the metal Malta mainly in the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America.The full-grown mata mata turtle weighs 15kg (33lb), and has a life span of 40-75 years.These sedentary turtles are large. The head with many flaps of skin and tubercles is flat and triangular. The snout tubular and manifests in a long form with a “horn”.he full-grown mata mata turtle weighs 15kg (33lb), and has a life span of 40-75 years. These sedentary turtles are large. The head with many flaps of skin and tubercles is flat and triangular." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The cost will depend on the age, the parents, quality, colors, breeder and your geographical location. The average price for Maltipoo puppies can range anywhere from $400 to $1,000. Remember, this is considered a “mutt,” so it won’t command high AKC prices." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "At how much a 5L,3L,and 7L matatu are costing these days and if you take it through loan at how much extra cost would it go for. ==A used Toyota 5L is in the market from 700k to 1.2m depending on trhe condition of the vehicle and year of registration." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Batch setup costs of $300 per batch. x 10 batches = $3,000 would have been allocated to Bull, x 30 batches = $9,000 would have been allocated to Dogs. In a second-stage allocation, the $3,000 allocated to the Bull and Matador production line would have been allocated to 500 units for a cost of $6 per woodcut.300 per batch x 5 batches = $1,500 to Bull and Matador (50% less than before), $300 per batch x 30 batches = $9,000 to Dogs Playing Poker (same as before). In the second stage, the $1,500 is allocated to the 500 Bull and Matador woodcuts, for $3 per woodcut." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Lantus Solostar Prices, Coupons and Patient Assistance Programs Lantus Solostar (insulin glargine) is a member of the insulin drug class and is commonly used for Diabetes - Type 1 and Diabetes - Type 2. Lantus Solostar Prices This Lantus Solostar price guide is based on using the Drugs.com discount card which is accepted at most U.S. pharmacies. The cost for Lantus Solostar subcutaneous solution (100 units/mL) is around $409 for a supply of 15 milliliters, depending on the pharmacy you visit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Within 24 hours after the attunement I will send some brief feedback on he attunement which will be sent to you via email. This information is specifically about your recent attunement and not about general information or other matters that interest you.The cost of a Star Attunement is £55 (about $90 or 68 euro depending on exchange rates). Please make payment as below and then I will contact you to arrange your attunement.rion This is an attunement with the energies and masters of the constellation of Orion. The focus is to help you to embody the highest level of personal power. The highest expression of this is to express your power and gifts in service to God/Goddess." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Maruti Swift Dzire Price in Agartala . Maruti Swift Dzire price in Agartala starts from Rs. 5.76 lakh (Ex-showroom). Swift Dzire is available in only 14 variant. Maruti Swift Dzire Automatic is starting at Rs. 7.13 lakh (Ex-showroom) whereas Maruti Swift Dzire Diesel starts from Rs. 7.22 lakh (Ex-showroom)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Dodge Ram ProMaster cargo van is the most affordable option starting at just $29,865. The engine comes in either 3.0 L diesel or a 3.6 L V6. The horse power is average, with a range as low as 174, all the way up to 280." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Contrasting with this, a patient purchasing a box of 3 Lantus Solostar pens, each of which contains 3 mL of insulin glargine, can use 1 pen every 28 days. Although the cost of the box of Lantus Solostar pens is approximately $400, no medication is wasted, and the cost to insurers is similar to the cost of the vial.f these cases, more than 90% are cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and at least 1 million are estimated to be cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Although a variety of oral medications are available for patients with diabetes, insulins remain an important component of treatment." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 For example, a one-month supply of the generic anti-thyroid drug methimazole costs about $30-$120, depending on the dose -- or, about $360-$1,440 a year. 2 And a one-month supply of the brand-name drug Tapazole costs about $90-$150 or more, depending on the dose -- or, about $1,080-$1,800 per year. After the thyroid is destroyed by a radioactive iodine treatment or surgically removed, the patient typically needs to take thyroid hormone replacement such as levothyroxine, which typically costs $15-$45 per month." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cameron & Crown putters are custom designed for players whose setup demands a 33-inch putter. With precise heel-toe weighting, new small white Matador grip, and refined looks, Cameron & Crown putters are designed to help the putter, the player and the ball work together in harmony. Four Tour-proven models from the Select, GOLO and Futura X lines have been selected for this seasonal offering. MSRP: $410." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "supplier agreement definition" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A product supply agreement is an agreement between a supplier and a buyer for supply and purchase of products. The agreement specifies the terms upon which the parties agree to supply and purchase products from each other." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A vendor, also known as a supplier, is an individual or company that sells goods or services to someone else in the economic production chain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Swanzey, NH 03446 www.OmbuEnterprises.com 603-209-0600 This document is intended to form the basis for a Supplier Agreement. The document should be tailored to the specific requirements based on the product or service procured, the capability of the customer, the capability of the supplier, and the regulatory framework." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Suppliers are the companies that provide goods and services to your business. Suppliers are also referred to as vendors. An aged accounts payable report lists the names of the suppliers you owe a balance to in the first column." ], [ "Represent", "A loan agreement is: 1 A borrower's written promise to repay a sum of money, or principal, to the lender. 2 A document that outlines the terms of a loan, including a repayment plan, between a lender and a borrower. Commercial or business loans, such as a small business loan for." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition. An agreement between a principal and an agent that binds them exclusively to each other in contracting purchase arrangements for specific goods or services. The agreement is usually specific to a stated time period and a geographic region or market.efinition. An agreement between a principal and an agent that binds them exclusively to each other in contracting purchase arrangements for specific goods or services. The agreement is usually specific to a stated time period and a geographic region or market." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "DefinitionAn agreement in which the seller conditions the sale of one product (the tying product) on the buyer's agreement to purchase a separate product (the tied product) from the seller." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Define trade agreement: an international agreement on conditions of trade in goods and services; an agreement resulting from collective bargaining an international agreement on conditions of trade in goods and services; an agreement resulting from collective bargaining… See the full definition since 1828" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Part of the Business terms glossary: A vendor, also known as a supplier, is an individual or company that sells goods or services to someone else in the economic production chain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "supplier relationship management (SRM) Supplier relationship management is a comprehensive approach to managing an enterprise's interactions with the organizations that supply the goods and services it uses." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A loan agreement is: 1 A borrower's written promise to repay a sum of money, or principal, to the lender. A document that outlines the terms of a loan, including a repayment plan, between a lender and a borrower." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(Learn how and when to remove these template messages) Supplier relationship management (SRM) is the discipline of strategically planning for, and managing, all interactions with third party organizations that supply goods and/or services to an organization in order to maximize the value of those interactions." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Popular Terms. Agreement, purchase order, or any such legal instrument issued under a prime contract (by the prime contractor to a third party the subcontractor), calling for the performance of a defined piece of work or production and/or delivery of specified goods or services." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Supplier Evaluation is a sourcing strategy used to assess suppliers in terms of product or service quality, delivery speed and accuracy, price competitiveness and the ability to develop / implement technologies in order to increase the value of products and services and to assure continuous improvement." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A general term for a treaty regulating the trade of one or more commodities between countries. Usually, an international commodity agreement eases commodity trade, with allowances keeping up certain subsidies or other trade barriers for particularly important sectors such as agriculture. 1 Facebook." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nonparticipating supplier means a supplier that does not have an agreement with CMS to participate in Part B of Medicare in effect on the date of the service. Participating supplier means a supplier that has an agreement with CMS to participate in Part B of Medicare in effect on the date of the service." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition. An agreement that states if a part-owner of a business wishes to sell, he or she must sell to the other part-owners or another person named in the agreement. The price of the part of the business is also named in the agreement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Supplier relationship management (SRM) is the systematic, enterprise-wide assessment of suppliers’ assets and capabilities with respect to overall business strategy, determination of what activities to engage in with different suppliers, and planning and execution of all interactions with suppliers, in a coordinated fashion across the relationship life cycle, to maximize the value realized through those interactions." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Who Were the Wright Brothers? On May 25, 1910, Milton Wright took his first airplane flight. He had lived a long and busy life, working for his church, raising his family, and traveling. But he had never been in an airplane. Of course, in 1910, only a handful of people had! Two people who did have flying experience were Miltonâ\\x80\\x99s sons, Wilbur and Orville Wright, who had invented the airplane in 1903. Milton had watched them grow from curious and hard-working boys into two of the most famous men in the world.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who were the wright brothers']\"", "basic ordering agreement. Written agreement (not necessarily constituting a binding contract) between a buyer and a seller, laying down the terms applicable to procurement of one or more named items for a stated period." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of trade agreement. 1 1 : an international agreement on conditions of trade in goods and services. 2 2 : an agreement resulting from collective bargaining." ], [ "represent the natural language", "“The parties to an incidental credit agreement are deemed to have made that agreement on the date that is 20 business days after –. (a) the supplier of the goods or services that are subject of that account, first charges a late payment fee or interest in respect of that account; or. very large percentage of the creditors that I have come into contact with fall under the definition of incidental credit providers. A central element in the NCA is the definition of credit agreement." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "uk ​ us ​ also preferred supplier, approved vendor COMMERCE. › a manufacturer or seller that has a continuing arrangement to provide a business or organization with products or services, often at a reduced price: It is not uncommon for firms to re-evaluate their preferred vendor list every three to five years." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Supplier relationship management ( SRM ) is the systematic , enterprise-wide assessment of suppliers ’ assets and capabilities with respect to overall business strategy , determination of what activities to engage in with different suppliers , and planning and execution of all interactions with suppliers , in a coordinated fashion across the ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "See Synonyms at agreement. 2. a. An agreement establishing the terms of a sale or exchange of goods or services: reached a bargain with the antique dealer over the lamp. b. Property acquired or services rendered as a result of such an agreement." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The distributor usually warehouses these products at a facility it owns or leases. It then sells the products to retailers and/or directly to consumers. A distribution agreement is a legally binding contact between the owner of the products and the distributor. This agreement specifies the rights, costs and responsibilities of the parties in relation to the distribution of the products." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Production sharing agreements (PSAs[citation needed]) are a common type of contract signed between a government and a resource extraction company (or group of companies) concerning how much of the resource (usually oil) extracted from the country each will receive." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A vendor, or a supplier, is a supply chain management term that means anyone who provides goods or services to a company or individuals. A vendor often manufactures inventoriable items, and sells those items to a customer. Typically vendors are tracked in either a finance system or a warehouse management system." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "FDA recently issued a draft guidance, titled “Contract Manufacturing Arrangements for Drugs: Quality Agreements” (“the Draft Guidance”), detailing its thoughts regarding appropriate quality agreements between product “owners”, which FDA defines as persons who introduce or cause the introduction of a drug into interstate commerce, and “contracted ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Supplier relationship management is the discipline of strategically planning for, and managing, all interactions with third party organizations that supply goods and/or services to an organization in order to maximize the value of those interactions. In practice, SRM entails creating closer, more collaborative relationships with key suppliers in order to uncover and realize new value and reduce risk of failure." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "supplier agreement THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _____ day of _____, 20__, by and between Public Service Electric and Gas Company (the “Company”), a corporation and a" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(Learn how and when to remove this template message) Supplier relationship management (SRM) is the discipline of strategically planning for, and managing, all interactions with third party organizations that supply goods and/or services to an organization in order to maximize the value of those interactions." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Loan agreement. A loan agreement is a contract between a borrower and a lender which regulates the mutual promises made by each party. There are many types of loan agreements, including facilities agreements, revolvers, term loans, working capital loans.." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Trade agreement. Trade agreement, any contractual arrangement between states concerning their trade relationships. Trade agreements may be bilateral or multilateral—that is, between two states or more than two states. 1 For most countries international trade is regulated by unilateral barriers of several types, including tariffs, nontariff barriers, and outright prohibitions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(2) Each provider agreement shall be a voluntary contract between the agency and the provider, in which the provider agrees to comply with all laws and rules pertaining to the Medicaid program when furnishing a service or goods to a Medicaid recipient and the agency agrees to pay a sum, determined by fee schedule, payment methodology, or other ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Popular Terms. 1. Order for goods (placed often through a local or foreign agent of a foreign supplier) under specified conditions of sale, the acceptance of which by the supplier (or the agent) constitutes a contract of sale. 2. Additional space by which the first line is shorter or longer than the rest of a paragraph." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "requirements contract. n. a contract between a supplier (or manufacturer) which agrees to sell all the particular products that the buyer needs, and the buyer agrees to purchase the goods exclusively from the supplier.irst, the measure of the quantity entailed must be determined in good faith. The buyer in a requirements agreement or the seller in an output agreement is not free, with an uncontrolled discretion, to determine the quantity of goods that can be demanded or tendered under the agreement." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition. An agreement entered between a producer and a buyer to buy/sell a certain amount of the future production. It is generally negotiated long before the construction of a facility to guarantee a market for the facility's future production and improve chances of getting financing for the installation concerned.t is generally negotiated long before the construction of a facility to guarantee a market for the facility's future production and improve chances of getting financing for the installation concerned." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "A Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) (FAR 16.703) is a written instrument of understanding, negotiated between an agency or contracting activity and a contractor, that: 1 Contains contract clauses applying to future contracts between the parties during its term." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Concession Agreement. What is a 'Concession Agreement'. A concession agreement is a negotiated contract between a company and a government that gives the company the right to operate a specific business within the government's jurisdiction, subject to certain conditions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vendor Agreement Law and Legal Definition. A vendor agreement is a legal agreement that clearly states the provisions and conditions of the work to be performed by a contractor. The key points to be included in a vendor agreement include date, time and location where the services must be provided. A vendor agreement must always be accompanied with a Statement of Work (SOW)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Distribution Agreement is a contract setting out the terms and conditions of the distributorship, such as price, currency of payment, guarantee of supply availability, and method of payment. Regulation of Specific Business Activities" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition. An agreement that states if a part-owner of a business wishes to sell, he or she must sell to the other part-owners or another person named in the agreement." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition. An agreement in which the seller conditions the sale of one product (the tying product) on the buyer's agreement to purchase a separate product (the tied product) from the seller." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Add to favorites. A Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) (FAR 16.703) is a written instrument of understanding, negotiated between an agency or contracting activity and a contractor, that: Contains contract clauses applying to future contracts between the parties during its term." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Definition. Confidence in a supplier's ability to deliver a good or service that will satisfy the customer's needs. Achievable through interactive relationship between the customer and the supplier, it aims at ensuring the product's ' fit ' to the customer's requirements with little or no adjustment or inspection." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of trade agreement. 1 : an international agreement on conditions of trade in goods and services. 2 : an agreement resulting from collective bargaining." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A: A supplier is a business or individual that supplies your business (you) with products or services that you use in your business. For example, let's say you are a bakery. Some of your suppliers could be a flour milling company (supplying you with flour), the electricity company (supplies you electricity), a farming business (supplies you with various grains like wheat, corn, spelt, etc.). These are all suppliers." ], [ "represent the natural language!", "This Agreement is intended to provide the terms and conditions upon which Company shall obtain Products and their Successor Products, Commercially Purchased Items and Services for its own use or for resale to its Affiliates and to its and/or their customers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "a trade agreement in which one company (the licensor) allows another country (the licensee) to use its company name, products, patents, brands, trademarks, raw materials, and/or production processes in exchange for a fee or royalty." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Subject to the terms and conditions of this Exclusive Distribution Agreement, Supplier appoints Distributor, and Distributor accepts such appointment and agrees to act as Supplier’s exclusive distributor of the Supplier Products (defined below) within the geographical territory defined as follows (the “Territory”):" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(March 2016) A loan agreement is a contract between a borrower and a lender which regulates the mutual promises made by each party. There are many types of loan agreements, including facilities agreements, revolvers, term loans, working capital loans.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is 'Credit Agreement' A credit agreement is a legal contract in which a bank arranges to loan a customer a certain amount of money for a specified amount of time. The credit agreement outlines all the rules and regulations associated with the contract. This includes the interest that must be paid on the loan. A legal contract in which a bank arranges to loan a customer a certain amount of money for a specified amount of time. The credit agreement outlines all the rules and regulations associated with the contract. This includes the interest that must be paid on the loan." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "7 Answers. A supplier and a vendor are both entities that supply goods or services, but the term vendor can be used for both business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) sales relationships, while the term supplier is typically only used for B2B relationships." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A vendor, or a supplier, is a supply chain management term that means anyone who provides goods or services to a company or individuals. A vendor often manufactures inventoriable items, and sells those items to a customer.Typically vendors are tracked in either a finance system or a warehouse management system.Vendor' generally applies only to the immediate vendor, or the organization that is paid for the goods, rather than to the original manufacturer or the organization performing the service if it is different from the immediate supplier." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Supplier is the one who sells the goods material to vendors and vendors directly interacts with the customer and sells the finished final product to them and they intern gets … paid . So vendor is the point of contact for the warranty provided for a product." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 verb If you supply someone with something that they want or need, you give them a quantity of it. ...an agreement not to produce or supply chemical weapons. V n. ...a pipeline which will supply the major Greek cities with Russian natural gas. V n with n. ...the blood vessels supplying oxygen to the brain." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is Scope of work? Definition of Scope of work in Construction The scope of work, is a list of construction obligations, work activities, that a contractor, subcontractor, material supplier or equipment supplier is obligated to produce or install under a construction agreement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A loan agreement is a contract between a borrower and a lender which regulates the mutual promises made by each party. Loan agreements are documented via a compilation of the various mutual promises made by the involved parties." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dictionary of International Trade. International sales contract. An agreement between a seller and a buyer for the sale of goods. The contract should, at a minimum, identify the seller and buyer, the quantity and type of product, delivery time, price and conditions of payment." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These terms are governed by the laws of the state or territory where the contract for the supply of the Goods between the Supplier and Sims is formed, and the Supplier irrevocably submits to the non‑exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state or territory." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Supplier consolidation has two basic interpretations. It refers to a reduction in suppliers in an industry due to mergers and acquisitions. It also is used to describe a retail strategy of using fewer suppliers to build strong partnering relationships." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In an exclusive distributor agreement, the supplier and wholesaler-distributor agree that the wholesaler-distributor will deal exclusively with the supplier for certain products. Such agreements foreclose the supplier's competitors from accessing the marketplace through the exclusive distribution network.n an exclusive distributor agreement, the supplier and wholesaler-distributor agree that the wholesaler-distributor will deal exclusively with the supplier for certain products. Such agreements foreclose the supplier's competitors from accessing the marketplace through the exclusive distribution network." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Supplier development is the process of working with certain. suppliers on a one-to-one basis to improve their. performance for the benefit of the buying organisation. It is. closely associated with supplier relationship management and. partnering - two separate subjects on which CIPS has similar." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is Scope of work? Definition of Scope of work in Construction. The scope of work, is a list of construction obligations, work activities, that a contractor, subcontractor, material supplier or equipment supplier is obligated to produce or install under a construction agreement. This agreement can be a contract, purchase order or other type of written agreement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A loan agreement is a contract between a borrower and a lender which regulates the mutual promises made by each party. There are many types of loan agreements, including facilities agreements, revolvers, term loans, working capital loans.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "E-procurement (electronic procurement, sometimes also known as supplier exchange) is the business-to-business or business-to-consumer or business-to-government purchase and sale of supplies, work, and services through the Internet as well as other information and networking systems, such as electronic data interchange and enterprise resource planning." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what macromolecules are in my food" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Macromolecules: Macromolecules are very large molecules, formed of smaller subunits. In this lab, we will focus on the three macromolecules that are important energy sources for biological organisms: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids.tarch must be broken down through digestion before your body can use it as an energy source. Quite a few foods contain starch and dietary fiber such as breads, cereals, and vegetables. Proteins: Proteins are part of every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "macromolecules are the proteins that do most of the jobs throughout a cell. they are responsible for every reaction that is catalysed by a enzyme and also for structural proteins such as collagen and histones. anything that requires help doing things around a cell is helped by a protein of some discription." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Four classes of organic macromolecules found in cells are: nucleic acidspolysaccharides (= complex carbohydrates)lipidsproteins this is exactly what i needed for my 8th grade … science homework Twistedsoul2020" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As stated above, your body is able to break those foods down into their chemical parts, like macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are the structural and energy-giving caloric components of our foods that most of us are familiar with. They include carbohydrates, fats and proteins.Micronutrients are the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that are essential for good health.The quantity and quality of these nutrients vary greatly, depending on not only what types of food you eat, but also the quality of those foods.s stated above, your body is able to break those foods down into their chemical parts, like macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are the structural and energy-giving caloric components of our foods that most of us are familiar with. They include carbohydrates, fats and proteins." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "This includes several types of food and parts of foods: 1 Plant-based foods, including naturally-occurring chemicals called phytochemicals such as: Carotenoids, found in red, orange, yellow, and some dark green vegetables. 2 Antioxidants, such as beta carotene, selenium, and vitamins C and E." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The 4 main macromolecules in cells made largely from C, O, H, and N are Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids. For each of these 4 macromolecules, I would like you to know: 1. What the monomer (basic building block) is 2.What types of polymers result 3.he 4 main macromolecules in cells made largely from C, O, H, and N are Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleic Acids. For each of these 4 macromolecules, I would like you to know: 1. What the monomer (basic building block) is 2." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The most common macromolecules in biochemistry are biopolymers (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and polyphenols) and large non-polymeric molecules (such as lipids and macrocycles).he most common macromolecules in biochemistry are biopolymers (nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and polyphenols) and large non-polymeric molecules (such as lipids and macrocycles)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the next text', \"(1) A state or local agency, upon request, shall disclose medical, psychiatric, or psychological information to a person who is the subject of the information or to the person's legal guardian, unless a physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist determines for the agency that the disclosure of the information is likely to have an adverse effect on the ...\"]\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'person who is the subject of the information']\"", "A few other elements may occur in trace amounts. The four major types of macromolecules found in living cells carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids--are made of smaller, repeating subunits called monomers. The monomers are not always identical but they always have similar chemical structures." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Biological macromolecules are important cellular components and perform a wide array of functions necessary for the survival and growth of living organisms. The four major classes of biological macromolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Key Terms" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "macromolecules that contain carbon, hydrogen,oxygen, and nitrogen; needed by the body for growths and repair and to make up enzymes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Food is composed of many different chemical substances - 'macronutrients' (major nutritional components that are present in relatively large amounts, such as protein), 'micronutrients' (major nutritional components that are present in relatively small amounts, such as vitamins), water, and roughage (dietary fibre)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Brown rice and other whole grains such as barley, millet, oats, quinoa, spelt, rye, and teff are considered by macrobiotics to be the foods in which yin and yang are closest to being in balance." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Nevertheless, it has become apparent that mollusks such as mussel, oyster, squid, limpet and abalone are significant food allergens in exposed population. In addition to tropomyosin, mollusks contain (Table 3) allergens such as myosin heavy chain, hemocyanin and amylase." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Macrobiotic diets consist primarily of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which are an important part of a healthful diet. There is plenty of evidence that incorporating these foods into your diet can improve your health. Reduced risk of certain diseases." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Macronutrients. Macronutrients constitute the bulk of the food we eat. The macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Proteins a€“ â proteins are called building blocks of. Life it is what most of our body is made up. Of proteins themselves are made of amino. acidsacronutrients constitute the bulk of the food we eat. The macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Proteins a€“ â proteins are called building blocks of. Life it is what most of our body is made up. Of proteins themselves are made of amino. acids" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Several different varieties of macromolecules may be digested by lysosomes and arrive at the organelles by disparate pathways. As illustrated in Figure 1, for example, many unicellular organisms and certain cells in multicellular organisms consume particles of food and other items via a process called phagocytosis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lipids, Polysaccharides, Proteins and Polynucleotides are the major groups of macromolecules that are found in all living organisms. These giant molecules carry out all the vital functions needed by cells. Some years later (1935) in England, Eric Fawcett and Reginald Gibson had a similar experience." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Macronutrients. Macronutrients constitute the bulk of the food we eat. The macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Proteins a€“ â proteins are called building blocks of. life" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "There are four major classes of biological macromolecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids), and each is an important component of the cell and performs a wide array of functions. Combined, these molecules make up the majority of a cell’s mass." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As stated above, your body is able to break those foods down into their chemical parts, like macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are the structural and energy-giving caloric components of our foods that most of us are familiar with. They include carbohydrates, fats and proteins.Micronutrients are the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that are essential for good health. The quantity and quality of these nutrients vary greatly, depending on not only what types of food you eat, but also the quality of those foods.icronutrients are the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phytochemicals, and antioxidants that are essential for good health. The quantity and quality of these nutrients vary greatly, depending on not only what types of food you eat, but also the quality of those foods." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Micronutrients in Food. All foods contain micronutrients. Below is a list of important micronutrients and common foods where they can be found: 1 Calcium-milk, yogurt, spinach and sardines. 2 Vitamin B12 - beef, fish, cheese and eggs. 3 Zinc-beef, cashews, garbanzo beans and turkey. 4 Potassium-bananas, spinach, potatoes and apricots. 5 Vitamin C-oranges, peppers, broccoli and bananas." ], [ "Represent the next text", "What are the four types of macromolecules? A: The four types of macromolecules are nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. These macromolecules are large molecules that make up most of the b... Full Answer >" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Diets: Types of Diets. The macrobiotic meal includes between 50 and 60 percent whole cereal grains, such as brown rice, whole oats, millet, barley, corn, wheat berries, rye, and buckwheat. Flour products and baked goodies are avoided, and pastas and breads are eaten only occasionally." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A: According to the University of New Mexico, macromolecules are large molecules that are created by the polymerization of smaller molecules. Nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates are the four classes of macromolecules. Macromolecules are made of smaller molecules." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "1 Within cells, small organic molecules are joined together to form larger molecules. 2 These large macromolecules may consist of thousands of covalently bonded atoms and weigh more than 100,000 daltons. 3 The four major classes of macromolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids." ], [ "", "What are the components of a gel electrophoresis chamber? What kinds of macromolecules can you look at with gel electrophoresis? Do you need to use different techniques for the different kinds of macromolecules? How do you visualize the macromolecules in the gel? What are real-life examples of what gel electrophoresis is used for? Bibliography" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Biological macromolecules called lipids come in two forms, triglycerides and phospholipids. Triglyceride, also called fat, acts as an energy storage medium for the human body. Fat plays an important role in vitamin absorption, blood clotting, regulation of inflammation and brain development." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Because time constant calculations are important, and often needed, it is better to make the definition of the time constant (T) in a CR circuit: THE TIME TAKEN FOR THE VOLTAGE ACROSS A CAPACITOR TO INCREASE BY 63.2% OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ITS PRESENT AND FINAL VALUES.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'what does time constant mean for a circuit']>>", "It is better to get these from natural sources such as fruits and vegetables, as this seems to increase their usefulness. Macronutrients. Macronutrients constitute the bulk of the food we eat. The macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Proteins a€“ â proteins are called building blocks of. Life it is what most of our body is made up. Of proteins themselves are made of amino. acids" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A macromolecule is a very large molecule, such as protein, commonly created by the polymerization of smaller subunits. They are typically composed of thousands of atoms or more. The most common macromolecules in biochemistry are biopolymers and large non-polymeric molecules. Synthetic macromolecules include common plastics and synthetic fibres as well as experimental materials such as carbon nanotubes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Best Answer: Proteins are the most abunant class of macromolecules in the animal cell. Other macromolecules include the nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), lipids, polysaccharides, and lipopolysaccharides. However, it is cellulose the most abundant macromolecule in all living cells, if we consider plant cells, too. Cellulose makes most of the wall of plant cells and it is essential for their survival." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Within cells, small organic molecules are joined together to form larger molecules. These large macromolecules may consist of thousands of covalently bonded atoms and weigh more than 100,000 daltons. The four major classes of macromolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "All living things contain organic macromolecules: Lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. Characteristic for these organic molecules is that they are made up of only a small number of elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and to smaller amounts nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. Proteins have many important roles in organisms. 2 Structural proteins such as collagen or elastin, provide support. 3 Regulatory proteins such as enzymes control cell processes. 4 Proteins also play an important part in the immune system (antibodies), oxygen transport (hemoglobin), movement (muscles) etc." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sea vegetables such as nori, wakame, kombu, hiziki, arame, dulse, and agar-agar are an important part of the macrobiotic diet as they provide many vitamins and minerals. Soups. Soups may be made with vegetables, sea vegetables, grains, or beans. Seasonings include miso, tamari or shoyu (soy sauce), and sea salt." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Animal proteins contain all of the essential amino acids, including tryptophan. Types of fish and shellfish particularly rich in tryptophan, according to the World's Healthiest Foods, include shrimp, cod, yellowfin tuna, snapper, halibut, scallops, sardines and salmon. Yellowfin tuna is one of the richest protein sources of tryptophan." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cells are made of many complex molecules called macromolecules, which include proteins, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), carbohydrates, and lipids. The macromolecules are a subset of organic molecules (any carbon-containing liquid, solid, or gas) that are especially important for life." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1) Animal Products. While meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy are usually avoided in the macrobiotic diet, a small amount of fish or seafood is typically consumed several times per week. Fish and seafood are usually eaten with horseradish, wasabi, ginger, mustard, or grated daikon." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "noun, plural: macromolecules. A large complex molecule, such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, with relatively large molecular weight. Supplement. In biology, a macromolecule is a term used to contrast a micromolecule (which is smaller in size and in molecular weight)." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "All living organisms undergo changes due to large organic compounds called macromolecules. Four main types of macromolecules control all activities. They are proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids. What are macromolecules? A very large molecule made up of smaller units called monomers. The monomers may be the same or slightly different. Only a few monomers can recombine to create a lot of different combinations—this gives the diversity of macromolecules. Macromolecules are formed by dehydration reactions in which water molecules are removed from the formation of bonds. Carbohydrates typically have CnH2nOn formula. There are three types of carbohydrates, monosaccharides contain one sugar, disaccharides contain two sugars, and polysaccharides contain many sugars." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "water is consumed by animal metabolism. In animal metabolism, most of the monomers released by digestion of food macromolecules are metabolized to provide energy. Only a small portion of these monomers are used for synthesis of new macromolecules. The net result is that." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The RDA of 4700 mg can be found in many foods such as bananas, orange juice, potatoes and fish. Chloride and Sodium. Chloride and Sodium are also considered important macro minerals. However, since these minerals are carried into the body through salt, the average American diet is seldom lacking in them. If you eat a low salt died, consult with your doctor to be sure you are receiving enough of these minerals." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Within cells, small organic molecules are joined together to form larger molecules. 2 These large macromolecules may consist of thousands of covalently bonded atoms and weigh more than 100,000 daltons. The four major classes of macromolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Besides water, most of the mass of a typical cell is present in the form of one of these four categories of macromolecules: _____. proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. Lactose is a disaccharide (two monosaccharides joined together). To metabolize lactose, individuals require an enzyme known as lactase." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Good news for the Royal Family ! According to reports, Kate Middleton, 33, is pregnant with baby No. 3 after having just given birth to Princess Charlotte four months ago.â\\x80\\x9cSheâ\\x80\\x99s in the early stages of pregnancy with baby number three and sheâ\\x80\\x99s not taking any chances,â\\x80\\x9d a source told Star magazine.ood news for the Royal Family ! According to reports, Kate Middleton, 33, is pregnant with baby No. 3 after having just given birth to Princess Charlotte four months ago.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'is princess kate pregnat with baby # 3']\"", "Micronutrients can be found in many everyday foods. They can also be found in dietary supplements that help you maintain healthy levels of micronutrients inside the body. Here are five micronutrients and the specific foods where you can find them: 1. Iron. Dietary iron is necessary in the body to help your red blood cells move oxygen throughout the body." ], [ "Represent the following document.", "Organic Macromolecules. 1 Organic compounds are those that contain carbon (e.g. carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). 2 For example, a piece of human liver contains 80% water, 12% protein, 5% fats, 2% nucleic acids, 1% carbohydrate and less than 1% of other substances. Proteins are macromolecules that consist of long, unbranched chains of amino acids. 2 These chains may contain about 20 up to hundreds of amino acids. 3 An example of the size of proteins is the red pigment in red blood cells called haemoglobin with the chemical formula-C 3032 H 4816 O 872 N 780 S 8 Fe 4." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The term macromolecule by definition implies large molecule. In the context of biochemistry, the term may be applied to the four large molecules that make up organisms --- nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Macromolecules are made of smaller subunits called monomers." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "define a llc" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A limited liability company (LLC) is the United States-specific form of a private limited company. It is a business structure that combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. An LLC is not a corporation; it is a legal form of a company that provides limited liability to its owners in many jurisdictions." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Your LLC Operating Agreement allows you to define the roles each of your members will play in the funding of your business, as well as their day-to-day duties. One advantage an LLC has is that you can define this as you see fit.nce you've created your Limited Liability Company, you can use an LLC Operating Agreement to define your organization's operating terms and help protect your legal rights and responsibilities. With a written record outlining your company's management policies and procedures, you'll be ready to get down to business." ], [ "", "For income tax purposes I would define a disregarded entity as a legal entity that is ignored for federal (and many state) income tax purposes. The most common disregarded entity that I deal with is a single member limited liability company (LLC)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quality Agreement Template Page 8 of 15 Prepared by Ombu Enterprises, LLC www.OmbuEnterprises.com Supplier Product or Service QMS Applied Note: If the Supplier considers the list of Third Party Suppliers as confidential, define the methods to protect the intellectual property." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In Drafting A Release, You May Want To Define “Affiliate”. It is not uncommon for a release to include not just the released party but affiliates of the released party. I suspect that it is far less common for a release agreement to actually define what is meant by “affiliate”. Such was the case in Cacique, Inc. v. Reynaldo’s Mexican Food Co., LLC, 2014 U.S. Dist." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Use an LLC Operating Agreement if: 1 You're ready to form an LLC and you want to define its business terms. 2 You've already formed an LLC but don't yet have an operating agreement." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what is nmo medical" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Neuromyelitis optica (NMO), also known as Devic's disease or Devic's syndrome, is a heterogeneous condition consisting of the simultaneous inflammation and demyelination of the optic nerve (optic neuritis) and the spinal cord . It can be monophasic or recurrent." ] ]
[ [ "Represent!", "All Acronyms. NMO [Internet]; Jan 16, 2018 [cited 2018 Jan 16]. Available from: http://www.allacronyms.com/_Medical/NMO. MHRA 'NMO', All Acronyms, 16 January 2018, <http://www.allacronyms.com/_Medical/NMO> [accessed 16 January 2018] Bluebook All Acronyms, NMO (Jan. 16, 2018, 1:01 AM), available at http://www.allacronyms.com/_Medical/NMO. CSE All Acronyms. NMO [Internet]; January 16, 2018 [cited 2018 JAN 16]. Available from: http://www.allacronyms.com/_Medical/NMO." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Causes of Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) or Devic's Syndrome. When we go back in history, Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) or Devic's Syndrome was diagnosed in people who had rapid onset of blindness in one or both eyes, which was then followed by paralysis of arms and legs." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "INTRODUCTION. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a life threatening neurologic emergency associated with the use of neuroleptic agents and characterized by a distinctive clinical syndrome of mental status change, rigidity, fever, and dysautonomia.NTRODUCTION. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a life threatening neurologic emergency associated with the use of neuroleptic agents and characterized by a distinctive clinical syndrome of mental status change, rigidity, fever, and dysautonomia." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Craniomandibular osteopathy (CMO) is a bone disease of growing dogs. It affects the bones of the skull, including the mandible (lower jaw), tympanic bullae (bone surrounding the middle ear) and temporal region (bone of the skull, which forms a joint with the lower jaw called the temporomandibular joint)." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Top 10 facts about the world. Neuromuscular massage therapy, or NMT, is a specialized form of manual therapy or massage that uses mostly static pressure to relieve pain. This form of therapy often concentrates on hyper-irritable spots within a tight muscle or its fascia, the strong connective tissue surrounding muscles, called trigger points." ], [ "", "Nemaline Myopathy. Nemaline myopathy (NM) is a disorder characterized by muscle weakness, depressed/absent deep tendon reflexes and the presence of rod-shaped structures in muscle cells. Clinical expression is variable and ranges from congenital muscle weakness and hypotonia to mild skeletal myopathy of childhood or adult onset." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "AQP4+ NMO is currently considered an autoimmune disease (autoimmune astrocytopathy, or autoimmune astrocytic channelopathy) in which a person's own immune system attacks the astrocytes of the optic nerves and spinal cord. The cause of the AQP4- variants is unknown.evic's disease is more common in Asians than Caucasians. In fact, Asian optic-spinal MS (which constitutes 30% of the cases of MS in Japan) has been suggested to be identical to Devic's disease (differences between optic-spinal and classic MS in Japanese patients)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Naturopathic Doctors. A Naturopathic Physician (ND or NMD) practices a form of medicine that blends centuries-old, natural, non-toxic therapies with current advances in the study of health and human systems.ost naturopathic doctors provide primary care natural medicine through office-based, private practice. In states where NDs have been licensed for many years, they often work in collaboration with medical doctors, and routinely refer patients to each other for optimum management of a patient’s healthcare." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Neuromyeltis optica. Sean J. Pittock, M.D., is researching an inflammatory disease of the central nervous system that causes swelling and inflammation of the eye nerves and the spinal cord (neuromyelitis optica, or NMO). NMO is commonly misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis. He has requested samples from 465 Biobank participants." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Neuromuscular disease (NMD) is a broad term that encompasses many diseases and ailments that impair muscle function, either directly via intrinsic muscle pathology, or indirectly via nerve pathology.Some NMD patients are characterized by progressive muscular impairment leading to:1 loss of mobility.2 being wheelchair-bound.3 swallowing difficulties. 4 respiratory muscle weakness. 5 death from respiratory failure.ome NMD patients are characterized by progressive muscular impairment leading to: 1 loss of mobility. 2 being wheelchair-bound. 3 swallowing difficulties. 4 respiratory muscle weakness. 5 death from respiratory failure." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A naturophatic doctor (ND) or a naturopathic medical doctor (NMD) is a doctor who helps his patient to prevent illnesses by greatly focusing on the patient’s natural ability to heal." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The University of New Mexico Medical Group, Inc. (UNMMG) is a not for profit 501(c)(3) corporation in Albuquerque, NM comprised of over 900 clinical practitioners, representing 152 specialties who are the exclusive caregivers to the state’s only academic medical center. UNM has undertaken new organizational structures that will drive a fully integrated, population based management program to serve the people of New Mexico. Previous Applicants If you have previously applied to a position on our website, input your e-mail address and password below to login." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to investigate the anatomy and physiology of the body in both health and disease. MRI scanners use magnetic fields and radio waves to form images of the body. The technique is widely used in hospitals for medical diagnosis, staging of disease and for follow-up without exposure to ionizing radiation. More Info: vitatech.net" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "N-methylhistamine (NMH) is the major metabolite of histamine, which is produced by mast cells. Increased histamine production is seen in conditions associated with increased mast-cell activity, such as allergic reactions, but also in mast-cell proliferation disorders, in particular mastocytosis.-methylhistamine (NMH) is the major metabolite of histamine, which is produced by mast cells. Increased histamine production is seen in conditions associated with increased mast-cell activity, such as allergic reactions, but also in mast-cell proliferation disorders, in particular mastocytosis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Neurally mediated syncope (NMS) is called also neurocardiogenic, vasovagal, vasodepressor or reflex mediated syncope. It's a benign (and the most frequent) cause of fainting. However, life-threatening conditions may also manifest as syncope. NMS is more common in children and young adults, although it can occur at any age. NMS happens because blood pressure drops, reducing circulation to the brain and causing loss of consciousness." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "AQP4+ NMO is currently considered an autoimmune disease (autoimmune astrocytopathy, or autoimmune astrocytic channelopathy) in which a person's own immune system attacks the astrocytes of the optic nerves and spinal cord. The cause of the AQP4- variants is unknown.pinal cord lesions lead to varying degrees of weakness or paralysis in the legs or arms, loss of sensation (including blindness), and/or bladder and bowel dysfunction. Devic's disease is now studied along a collection of similar diseases called Neuromyelitis optica spectrum diseases." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Practice Essentials. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare, but life-threatening, idiosyncratic reaction to neuroleptic medications that is characterized by fever, muscular rigidity, altered mental status, and autonomic dysfunction." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare, but life-threatening, idiosyncratic reaction to neuroleptic medications that is characterized by fever, muscular rigidity, altered mental status, and autonomic dysfunction. NMS often occurs shortly after the initiation of neuroleptic treatment, or after dose increases." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Azo is a brand of medicine that's intended to relieve the pain of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women. You can buy it over the counter at any decent pharmacy, so it seems like an easy way to pass a drug test. One thing this medication is well known for is how it turns your urine a freaky plum-orange color." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to investigate the anatomy and physiology of the body in both health and disease.agnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to investigate the anatomy and physiology of the body in both health and disease." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome - Background. 1 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare, but life-threatening, idiosyncratic reaction to neuroleptic medications that is characterized by fever, muscular rigidity, altered mental status, and autonomic dysfunction. The syndrome was first described by Delay and colleagues in 1960, in patients treated with high-potency antipsychotics." ], [ "Represent the input", "Symptoms of Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) or Devic's Syndrome. Optic neuritis is the main symptom of Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) or Devic's Syndrome. Transverse myelitis is another symptom which causes weakness, numbness, and sometimes paralysis of extremities as well as sensory loss along with loss of bladder and bowel control." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Background. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is a rare, but life-threatening, idiosyncratic reaction to neuroleptic medications that is characterized by fever, muscular rigidity, altered mental status, and autonomic dysfunction." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Neuromyelitis optica is often misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis (MS) or perceived as a type of MS, but NMO is a distinct condition. Neuromyelitis optica may cause blindness in one or both eyes, weakness or paralysis in the legs or arms, painful spasms, loss of sensation, uncontrollable vomiting and hiccups, and bladder or bowel dysfunction from spinal cord damage." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What does NMO stand for? NMO stands for Neuromyelitis Optica. Q: A: How to abbreviate Neuromyelitis Optica? Neuromyelitis Optica can be abbreviated as NMO. Q: A: What is the meaning of NMO abbreviation? The meaning of NMO abbreviation is Neuromyelitis Optica. Q: A: What is NMO abbreviation? One of the definitions of NMO is Neuromyelitis Optica. Q: A: What does NMO mean? NMO as abbreviation means Neuromyelitis Optica. Q: A: What is shorthand of Neuromyelitis Optica? The most common shorthand of Neuromyelitis Optica is NMO." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Quick Answer. According to MedicineNet, NPO is a medical abbreviation that means nil per os, or nothing by mouth. It means that a patient isn't allowed any food or drink for medical reasons, as stated by Wikipedia. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick Answer. According to MedicineNet, NPO is a medical abbreviation that means nil per os, or nothing by mouth. It means that a patient isn't allowed any food or drink for medical reasons, as stated by Wikipedia." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Individuals with NMO develop optic neuritis, which causes pain in the eye and vision loss, and transverse myelitis, which causes weakness, numbness, and sometimes paralysis of the arms and legs, along with sensory disturbances and loss of bladder and bowel control." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Individuals with NMO develop optic neuritis, which causes pain in the eye and vision loss, and transverse myelitis, which causes weakness, numbness, and sometimes paralysis of the arms and legs, along with sensory disturbances and loss of bladder and bowel control.ndividuals with NMO develop optic neuritis, which causes pain in the eye and vision loss, and transverse myelitis, which causes weakness, numbness, and sometimes paralysis of the arms and legs, along with sensory disturbances and loss of bladder and bowel control." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) is a specialized form of manual therapy. A therapist trained in NMT is educated in the physiology of the nervous system and its effect on the muscular and skeletal systems." ], [ "represent the natural language", "As with the treatment of any disease, certain NMO treatments can have side effects, including serious adverse events such as infection. However, recent reports suggest that treatment efficacy is improving, and the benefits far outweigh the negative side effects in preventing or resolving severe attacks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The discovery of a specific autoantibody response in neuromyelitis optica (NMO) patients, which selectively targets astrocytic end feet at the glia limitans (1) and which is directed against the water channel aquaporin-4 (AQP-4) (2) was a milestone in defining this disease entity and profoundly changed our view regarding its pathogenesis." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Find A Physician. The Lee Physician Hospital Organization (PHO) is a local network designed to provide access to health care services for our local employers and benefit administrators who serve our region. There are over 1,000 physicians who participate in the Lee PHO, representing many medical and surgical specialties. The outstanding service provided by these physicians is combined with Lee Memorial Health System’s award-winning hospital programs in order to offer a wide array of healthcare services to those we serve." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Neuromuscular and/or Neurosomatic Therapy (NMT) is a very specialized form of manual therapy. Neuromuscular Therapy includes extensive training in the physiology of the nervous system and its effect on the muscular and skeletal systems." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Primary Cancer to the meninges. NM is a secondary cancer meaning that it is the result of neoplastic cells that have metastasized from a primary cancer site. These cancers develop an enzyme that is able to break down blood vessels at a microscopic level. These cells enter the blood vessels and travel across the body." ], [ "Represent", "National Medical Admission Test (Philippines) The National Medical Admission Test (NMAT) is a nationwide examination required for the entrance to any medical school in the Philippines. It is sometimes considered as equivalent to the MCAT, which is held in the United States. The test consists of Part I and Part II." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 NMO is an example of an autoimmune disease. 2 Experts are not sure why autoimmune diseases, such as NMO occur. 3 The immune system of a patient with NMO attacks the myelin sheath, the protective blanket for the spinal cord and optic nerve." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What causes neuromyelitis optica? With NMO, your immune system attacks a substance in your body called myelin — the insulation around your nerves. Specifically, the myelin cells in the spinal cord and optic nerves are attacked. Usually, people with NMO have flare-ups of the disease that may strike months or years apart." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The syndrome can also damage nerve fibers and leave areas of broken-down tissue. In the disease process of NMO, for reasons that aren’t yet clear, immune system cells and antibodies attack and destroy myelin cells in the optic nerves and the spinal cord." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "These 10 animal facts will amaze you. Neuromuscular massage therapy, or NMT, is a specialized form of manual therapy or massage that uses mostly static pressure to relieve pain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Neuromuscular therapy (NMT) is an approach to soft tissue manual therapy in which quasi-static pressure is applied to soft tissue to stimulate skeletal striated muscle." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Useful For Suggests clinical disorders or settings where the test may be helpful. Clinical Information Discusses physiology, pathophysiology, and general clinical aspects, as they relate to a laboratory test. N-methylhistamine (NMH) is the major metabolite of histamine, which is produced by mast cells. Increased histamine production is seen in conditions associated with increased mast-cell activity, such as allergic reactions, but also in mast-cell proliferation disorders, in particular mastocytosis. Mastocytosis is a rare disease." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "NMO mainly affects the spinal cord and the optic nerves -- the nerves that carry signals from the eyes to the brain. As a result, the disease can cause paralysis and blindness. Neuromyelitis optica most often strikes during childhood. It can also affect adults are in their 40s. It’s especially common in young women, but men can develop it, too. Experts used to think that NMO was a type of multiple sclerosis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But Reder notes that studies of another inflammatory condition, called neuromyelitis optica (NMO), have examined the effect of drug therapies on spinal cord lesions, and some of this research may be useful in studying MS. NMO attacks the myelin sheaths of the optic nerves and spinal cord but, at least in earlier stages of the disease, typically spares the brain." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The following are just a few of our vast resources that dive more deeply into the topic of Neuromyelitis Optica, or NMO. 1 NMO Frequently Asked Questions. 2 Multiple Sclerosis & NMO. 3 Diagnosis. 4 NMOPedia: Digital Education Platform. 5 Spectrum Library. 6 NMO Patient Resource Guide (3rd Edition)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of HMO. : an organization that provides comprehensive health care to voluntarily enrolled individuals and families in a particular geographic area by member physicians with limited referral to outside specialists and that is financed by fixed periodic payments determined in advance —called also health maintenance organization." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Neuromuscular disease (NMD) is a broad term that encompasses many diseases and ailments that impair muscle function, either directly via intrinsic muscle pathology, or indirectly via nerve pathology.Some NMD patients are characterized by progressive muscular impairment leading to:1 loss of mobility.2 being wheelchair-bound.euromuscular disease (NMD) is a broad term that encompasses many diseases and ailments that impair muscle function, either directly via intrinsic muscle pathology, or indirectly via nerve pathology. Some NMD patients are characterized by progressive muscular impairment leading to: 1 loss of mobility. 2 being wheelchair-bound." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A: According to MedicineNet, NPO is a medical abbreviation that means nil per os, or nothing by mouth. It means that a patient isn't allowed any food or drink for medical reasons, as stated by Wikipedia." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what does the prefix di- mean" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Di-. a prefix, signifying twofold, double, twice. Di-. denoting two atoms, radicals, groups, or equivalents, as the case may be. See Bi-, 2. Di-. a prefix denoting through; also, between, apart, asunder, across. Before a vowel dia-becomes di-; as, diactinic; dielectric, etc. Origin: [Gr. di`s-twice; akin to two, L. bis twice. See Two, and cf. Bi-, Dia-." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What does the prefix -un for the word fortunate mean? the prefix un added to fortunate mean not lucky because fortunate means lucky so adding un makes unfortunate mean not lucky Edit" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Young and Morgan (1987) identify 14 or so thematic prefixes, among others: 1 fire, light diidiłjeeh — to make a fire. 2 arms and legs dilʼéés — to step, to place one's foot. 3 extension, elongated shape. 4 noise, sound, oral, food, sensory dilwosh — to shout. disééh — to belch. 5 color (see also dini-) dinilgai — whitish." ], [ "", "Updated May 05, 2017. In English grammar and morphology, a prefix is a letter or group of letters attached to the beginning of a word that partly indicates its meaning, including such as examples as anti- to mean against, co- to mean with, mis- to mean wrong or bad, and trans- to mean across." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The grammatical term prefix itself has the prefix pre-; in this case, pre- means “before; preceding” and one meaning of fix is “to attach or place.” A word can have more than one prefix, like un- and re- in unremarkable." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens).1 person found this useful. Answered. In Prefixes Suffixes and Root Words. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens). 1 person found this useful. Answered." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Today we will focus on the prefix con- , which can mean “with” or “thoroughly.” Prefixes are morphemes which begin words, attaching to a word’s main part, or stem.he prefix con- , which means “with” or “thoroughly,” appears in numerous English vocabulary words, for example: con nect, con sensus, and con clude." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Latin root word dict and its variant dic both mean ‘say.’ Some common English vocabulary words that come from this word root include dictionary, contradict, and dedicate. Perhaps the easiest way in which to remember this root is the word prediction, for a prediction is ‘said’ before something actually happens." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Deionization (DI Water or Demineralization) simply means the removal of ions. Ions are electrically charged atoms or molecules found in water that have either a net negative or positive charge." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Word Origin and History for dis- Expand. (assimilated as dif- before -f-, to di- before most voiced consonants), word-forming element meaning 1. lack of, not (e.g. dishonest); 2." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "NEGATIVE PREFIXES. Common negative prefixes in English are un-, im-, in-, il-, and ir-, and dis-. Some of these prefixes are only attached to a noun or an adjective while some are only attached to a verb. It is not possible to predict whether the negative prefix un-, in-, or dis-is used with a particular word." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A prefix is affix that's added in front of a word and often changes the meaning of it. Common prefixes include re-, un-, and mis-. Lots of words have a prefix, and it's sometimes easier to figure out the meaning of those words if you know the meaning of the prefix. For example, the super- means above or over; hypo- and infra- mean under.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Section 1395m(j)(2)(1998); 42 C.F.R. A Certificate of Medical Necessity (CMN) or a DME Information Form (DIF) is a form required to help document the medical necessity and other coverage criteria for selected durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) items." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For other uses, see Prefix (disambiguation). A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. Adding it to the beginning of one word changes it into another word. For example, when the prefix un- is added to the word happy, it creates the word unhappy. Particularly in the study of languages, a prefix is also called a preformative, because it alters the form of the words to which it is affixed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "dic, dict - to say or inform. 1 Words derived from the Latin root words dic and dict meaning to say or inform. 2 Words derived from the Latin root words dic and dict meaning to say or inform." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin (decide); also used to indicate privation, removal, and separation (dehumidify), negation (demerit; derange), descent (degrade; deduce), reversal (detract), intensity (decompound). Compare di-2 , dis-1 ." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The word is from the Old French (c. 1300) disner, meaning dine, from the stem of Gallo-Romance desjunare (to break one's fast), from Latin dis-(which indicates the opposite of an action) + Late Latin ieiunare (to fast), from Latin ieiunus (fasting, hungry)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "In classical Latin, dis-paralelled de-and had much the same meaning, but in Late Latin dis-came to be the favored form and this passed into Old French as des-, the form used for new compound words formed in Old French, where it increasingly had a privative sense (not)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It is not possible to predict whether the negative prefix un-, in-, or dis-is used with a particular word. NOTE: In- is a prefix from Latin, so it is usually seen when the root is from Latin. While native English roots tend to be monosyllabic, Latin roots tend to be polysyllabic." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1 78% - What does suffix and prefix mean on a scholarship application? 2 56% - What does it mean when a college application requires for you to select a suffix? 3 48% - I am mechanical engineer. what should i type in prefix and suffix column in job application form?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "If I understand your request properly, - dic-is not a prefix but a very popular word part used in words like abdicate but it also has a more common variant-dict -, used in words like diction, dictionary and the list I've supplied below-dict -'s meaning." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "diction. the root is not diction, it is: dict (Latin root to say) add the prefix contra- get the verb: contradict = to speak against add the suffix -ion to make it a n … oun: contradiction." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A prefix is a letter or group of letters attached to the beginning of a word that partly indicates its meaning including anti-, de- and mis-. A prefix is a letter or group of letters attached to the beginning of a word that partly indicates its meaning including anti-, de- and mis-. The Function of the Prefix Search the site GO" ], [ "Represent this text", "In classical Latin, dis- paralelled de- and had much the same meaning, but in Late Latin dis- came to be the favored form and this passed into Old French as des-, the form used for new compound words formed in Old French, where it increasingly had a privative sense (not)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For example, the super- means above or over; hypo- and infra- mean under.. Prefix itself has a prefix: pre-, which means before.. In fact, the Latin root of prefix is praefixus, meaning fixed in front.. (Note our word's opposite here, suffix, which describes what is fixed at the back of a word.)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What does De- mean? D e-as a boys' name (also used as girls' name De-) is pronounced de. It is of American origin. Combination of the De- prefix with various endings. Pronunciation emphasis is on the second syllable. These given names follow the French style of aristocratic surnames using the prefix de-." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From WordReference.com on Dysfunction vs. Disfunction: dys- is a Greek prefix meaning bad, abnormal, difficult, or impaired. dis- is a Latin prefix with none of the above meanings. dys- has the right meaning, but function is a Latin word." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is the prefix for account and what does the prefix mean? account originates from the word conter (fr.: to count) the prefix a/ad means to (from Latin, through French) Edit" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Prefixes: Un, Dis, Im, Mis. A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For example, the suffix re- means either again or back as in return, repeat or refurbish. The following 4 prefixes are easy to confuse because they all have a negative meaning. un-." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Diu (traditional Chinese: 屌 or 𨳒 ; Jyutping: diu2), literally meaning fuck, is a common but grossly vulgar profanity in Cantonese. In a manner similar to the English word fuck, diu expresses dismay, disgrace, and disapproval." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definitions for DISdɪs. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word DIS. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Dis, Orcus(noun) god of the underworld; counterpart of Greek Pluto." ], [ "", "Answer by Don Dfoofnik. Confidence votes 172K. There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. No. The word distressed is not formed using the prefix dis-which means to undo or opposite operation.nswer by Don Dfoofnik. Confidence votes 172K. There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. No. The word distressed is not formed using the prefix dis-which means to undo or opposite operation." ], [ "represent this text!", "The suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens). 1 person found this useful. Answered. In Prefixes Suffixes and Root Words." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "uni comes from the Latin unus, meaning one. di comes from the Latin dis, meaning twice (originally from the Greek prefix di- meaning two. tri comes from the Latin tres (Greek treis), meaning three. quadra comes from the Latin quattour, meaning four." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "dic, dict - to say or inform. Words derived from the Latin root words dic and dict meaning to say or inform. STUDY. PLAY. dictate. to say aloud for another to write down; to order." ], [ "Represent the following document.", "What does the prefix in the word subcutaneous mean? In the term subcutaneous, the prefix sub means under or below." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Diu (traditional Chinese: 屌 or 𨳒 ; Jyutping: diu2), literally meaning fuck, is a common but grossly vulgar profanity in Cantonese. In a manner similar to the English word fuck, diu expresses dismay, disgrace, and disapproval. Examples of expressions include diu nei! (屌你! or 𨳒你!, fuck you!), diu nei lo mo!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "dis definition: Dis is defined as apart, to refuse, to do or cause the opposite of. (prefix) An example of dis is disadvantage, which is an unfavorable situation...." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Power Prefix #1: anti-. Learn these words beginning with the power prefix anti (meaning against, in opposition to, or opposite of). con-, fore-, inter-, mis-, pre-, sub-, super-, trans-, and uni-! Read more..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens). 1 person found this useful. ASHLEYP305." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries. Fewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Manganese dioxide is a mineral compound of the metal manganese. It is used for a wide variety of purposes. It is mainly used in dry cell batteries such as zinc carbon batteries and alkaline batteries.It is used in most of the disposable batteries.Apart from these uses, manganese dioxide is used for a variety of useful purposes.Uses of Manganese Dioxide. Manganese dioxide is an industrial mineral with a number of beneficial qualities. It is blackish brown in color.It can be obtained easily from many of the online stores at affordable price rates. It has a number of uses such as the following.ses of Manganese Dioxide. Manganese dioxide is an industrial mineral with a number of beneficial qualities. It is blackish brown in color. It can be obtained easily from many of the online stores at affordable price rates. It has a number of uses such as the following.']\" == \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is manganese dioxide used for']\"", "Definition of 'demi-'. demi- (demi- ) prefix. Demi- is used at the beginning of some words to refer to something equivalent to half of the object or amount indicated by the rest of the word. demi-. prefix." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "de-. 1. Away from, cessation, without; sometimes has an intensive force. 2. For names with this prefix not found here, see under the principal part of the name.e-, prefix meaning to do the opposite, away, off, to remove entirely, down or from: decapitation, decartation, dedentition." ], [ "Represent this text", "de-, prefix meaning to do the opposite, away, off, to remove entirely, down or from: decapitation, decartation, dedentition.Prefix meaning away from, cessation, without; sometimes has an intensive force.e-, prefix meaning to do the opposite, away, off, to remove entirely, down or from: decapitation, decartation, dedentition." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Latin root word dict and its variant dic both mean ‘say.’ Some common English vocabulary words that come from this word root include dict ionary, contra dict, and de dic ate." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "de is not a root word. It is a prefix meaning to undo. To debunk a theory is to undo it, to prove it false. 4 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(assimilated as dif-before -f-, to di-before most voiced consonants), word-forming element meaning 1. lack of, not (e.g. dishonest); 2. do the opposite of (e.g. disallow); 3. apart, away (e.g. discard), from Old French des-or directly from Latin dis-apart, in a different direction, between, figuratively not, un-, also exceedingly, utterly, from PIE *dis-apart, asunder (cf. Old English te-, Old Saxon ti-, Old High German ze-, German zer-)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens).1 person found this useful. Answered. In Prefixes Suffixes and Root Words.he suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A large number of prefixes mean not or the opposite of. Some of these prefixes are non-, ir-, un-, mal-, anti-, de-, in-, op-, and il-.Be careful, though. Not all words that begin with these letter combinations have the meaning of the prefix. When in doubt, look up the word in a dictionary. large number of prefixes mean not or the opposite of. Some of these prefixes are non-, ir-, un-, mal-, anti-, de-, in-, op-, and il-." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Confidence votes 94. If I understand your request properly, - dic-is not a prefix but a very popular word part used in words like abdicate but it also has a more common variant-dict -, used in words like diction, dictionary and the list I've supplied below-dict -'s meaning." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent', 'Many women wonder about the right time to try to conceive again after miscarriage. From a purely physical point of view, the body heals rapidly from a miscarriage, and menstrual periods usually return within 4 to 6 weeks, meaning that it is possible for many women to become pregnant right away if they choose.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how long after a miscarriage can you conceive']\"", "Prefixes: Un, Dis, Im, Mis. A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For example, the suffix re- means either again or back as in return, repeat or refurbish. The following 4 prefixes are easy to confuse because they all have a negative meaning. un-The prefix un means not, reverse action, deprive of, release from. For example, unable or unfair. mis-" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "de-. a prefix, occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin, used to form verbs that denote motion or conveyance down from, away, or off (deflect; descend); reversal or undoing of the effects of an action (deflate); extraction or removal of a thing (decaffeinate); thoroughness or completeness of an action (despoil).e-. a prefix, occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin, used to form verbs that denote motion or conveyance down from, away, or off (deflect; descend); reversal or undoing of the effects of an action (deflate); extraction or removal of a thing (decaffeinate); thoroughness or completeness of an action (despoil)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', 'Canadian General Electric. Canadian General Electric (CGE, also known as GE Canada) was a Canadian manufacturer of various electrical products. The company was a forerunner of General Electric Canada, now known as GE Canada. It was the Canadian counterpart of the American company General Electric. The unit became General Electric Canada in 1989.']\" == \"['Represent the input', 'what is cge in electronics']\"", "Today we will focus on the prefix con-, which can mean “with” or “thoroughly.” Prefixes are morphemes which begin words, attaching to a word’s main part, or stem. One highly used meaning of the prefix con- is “with.” For instance, when you connect two objects, you link them “with” each other. When people convene at a particular place, they come there “with” others. In the same vein, when people congregate, they flock “with” each other." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens). 1 person found this useful. 123123. 251 Contributions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Learn these words beginning with the power prefix anti (meaning against, in opposition to, or opposite of). More Power Prefix lists: con-, fore-, inter-, mis-, pre-, sub-, super-, trans-, and uni-!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A prefix is a letter or group of letters attached to the beginning of a word that partly indicates its meaning including anti-, de- and mis-. A prefix is a letter or group of letters attached to the beginning of a word that partly indicates its meaning including anti-, de- and mis-." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "As a Latin prefix it also had the function of undoing or reversing a verb's action, and hence it came to be used as a pure privative -- not, do the opposite of, undo -- which is its primary function as a living prefix in English, as in defrost (1895), defuse (1943), etc. Cf. also dis-." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The initial /b/ or /d/ in your examples doesn't carry meaning--it's only part of a morpheme. The test: can you switch /b/ to /d/ in another word to change the meaning in the same way, to distinguish between apart and together? No. In fact, in most of your di- examples, di- is not a morpheme, the entire word is. While divorce is a word, it cannot be broken down into a prefix di- and a stem vorce.. What you are discussing are semantic properties, the meanings that are in the halo of the word." ], [ "represent the next text\n\n------\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'According to the FAO, aquaculture is understood to mean the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants. Farming implies some form of intervention in the rearing process to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc.articular kinds of aquaculture include fish farming, shrimp farming, oyster farming, mariculture, algaculture (such as seaweed farming), and the cultivation of ornamental fish. Particular methods include aquaponics and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture, both of which integrate fish farming and plant farming.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'describe how mollusks, such as oysters, can be successfully farmed.']\"", "- Course prefis suffix section. 1 What does prefix mean on applications? 2 What does prefix mean on an application form? 3 What does prefix mean on a job application? 4 When asked to fill out prefix what does that mean? 5 What meaning prefix applying information to college? 6 What is prefix on a application? 7 What is a prefix on a application? 8 What does it ..." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "how long to cook pork chops on stove" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Place the pork chops on the hot grill pan and cook for about 8 to 10 minutes on each side, until the pork has slightly charred grill marks and has reached an internal temperature of at least 145 F. Use tongs to lift the pork chops and grill the sides as well." ] ]
[ [ "Represent text", "Brush pork chops with olive oil and season to taste with salt and pepper. Additional seasonings of your choice can be added at this point. Preheat your George Foreman Grill for at least 5 minutes on high. Grill pork chops for 6-8 minutes (internal temperature of 145 F cooked to medium).When done, they should be slightly pink in the center. Pork chops are complimented well with side dishes of rice and fresh vegetables.Other delicious pork chop recipes for your Foreman Grill….rill pork chops for 6-8 minutes (internal temperature of 145 F cooked to medium). When done, they should be slightly pink in the center. Pork chops are complimented well with side dishes of rice and fresh vegetables." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sear the chops using high heat. Place the pork chops on the hottest part of the grate, directly above the coals. Sear all the chops for about three minutes per side, turning only once, until they develop a brown crust. If the grill flares up, temporarily move the chops away from the coals until the flames die down." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Place pork chop on top. Sprinkle with the hickory smoked salt. Place the pan in the oven, and cook for 30 minutes. Flip, glaze with the barbecue sauce, and cook an additional 20 minutes (or until a thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the chop reads 145 degrees).lace pork chop on top. Sprinkle with the hickory smoked salt. Place the pan in the oven, and cook for 30 minutes. Flip, glaze with the barbecue sauce, and cook an additional 20 minutes (or until a thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the chop reads 145 degrees)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How do you cook pork chops on a griddle, and for how long should I cook them? How long should a pork chop cook in the oven? How long do pork chops take to bake in the oven at 400 degrees?" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The amount of timed consumed in cooking stuffed pork chops depends on the method of cooking. However, baking or grilling stuffed pork chops at 350 degrees will take you 30-60 minutes to bake.Baking and grilling stuffed pork chops will you save you time from cooking without sacrificing its flavor. Also, this allows you to serve it up for a homey, cozy, and flavorful dinner without doing plenty of kitchen work.. Leave the grill’s lid closed for about 30 minutes or until the pork chops reaches 145 degrees at the center. You can determine the temperature of the meat by inserting a meat thermometer in it. 4. When cooked, take the stuffed pork chops out of the grill, and then allow it to cool down for 3 minutes before serving." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How to Cook Pork Chops on an Electric Griddle By LeafTV Editor Pork chops can be made on the grill, baked in the oven, pan fried or made on an electric griddle. When you make pork chops on the griddle, you are searing in the meats natural juices. Using a simple marinade for the pork chops will help create a favorable tasting meal that will be ready to eat in less than 25 minutes cooking time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What you will need to make pork chops on the stove: 1 4 thick cut pork chops (Either bone in or boneless is fine) 2 1/3 cup of honey. 3 1/4 cup soy sauce. 3 Garlic gloves, finely 1 chopped. 1 small onion, thinly sliced. To begin making your pork chops combine honey, soy sauce, and garlic in a large bowl, and stir until well blended." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Preheat your George Foreman Grill for at least 5 minutes on high. Grill pork chops for 6-8 minutes (internal temperature of 145 F cooked to medium). When done, they should be slightly pink in the center. Pork chops are complimented well with side dishes of rice and fresh vegetables." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Place the chops on the hot part of the grill, with the lid closed, for about 3 minutes per side. You want to sear them fast and create some grill marks. Move the meat to the cooler part of the grill and cook, flipping once, for about 7 more minutes or until a meat thermometer registers 130 degrees. Remove the pork from the grill onto a platter and cover loosely with foil. Let them rest for 5 minutes as they will continue to cook while they sit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How long does it take to cook, shake, and bake pork chops? How long does it take to cook pork chops? How do you bake pork steaks in the oven and how long do you bake pork steaks?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Additional seasonings of your choice can be added at this point. Preheat your George Foreman Grill for at least 5 minutes on high. Grill pork chops for 6-8 minutes (internal temperature of 145 F cooked to medium). When done, they should be slightly pink in the center.Pork chops are complimented well with side dishes of rice and fresh vegetables.Other delicious pork chop recipes for your Foreman Grill….dditional seasonings of your choice can be added at this point. Preheat your George Foreman Grill for at least 5 minutes on high. Grill pork chops for 6-8 minutes (internal temperature of 145 F cooked to medium). When done, they should be slightly pink in the center." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Place pork chop on top. Sprinkle with the hickory smoked salt. Place the pan in the oven, and cook for 30 minutes. Flip, glaze with the barbecue sauce, and cook an additional 20 minutes (or until a thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the chop reads 145 degrees).Remove the pan from the oven.prinkle with the hickory smoked salt. Place the pan in the oven, and cook for 30 minutes. Flip, glaze with the barbecue sauce, and cook an additional 20 minutes (or until a thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the chop reads 145 degrees). Remove the pan from the oven." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Arrange onion slices on cold Foreman grill. Plug in grill; heat until indicator light turns off, about 5 minutes. Preheat oven to 200°F. Move onion slices to edges of grill. Sprinkle pork chops with a total of 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Place as many pork chops as will fit in the center of the grill. Arrange half the oregano over pork chops (save 2 sprigs for garnish). Close grill and cook through, 3 to 4 minutes. Transfer to a rimmed baking sheet. Place in oven to keep warm. Repeat with remaining pork chops. Sprinkle tomatoes with remaining 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Lightly coat tomatoes with cooking spray; place on grill." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Best Answer: o cook chops in a skillet, heat a small amount of oil (if the pork is lean) in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Place the chop in the skillet; do not cover. Cook the chop uncovered, turn occasionally, until browned on both sides.Season as desired and serve immediately.fter mixed remove from heat and cover. At this time you should put your pork chops into oven and let cook for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. In 30 minutes, pour gravy over pork chops, place back in oven and cook for another 30 minutes. After 1 hour it is ready." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "How long do you cook stuffed boneless pork chops. Recipes / How long do you cook stuffed boneless pork chops (1000+) Stuffed Boneless Pork Chops. 2917 views. Stuffed Boneless Pork Chops, ingredients: , 6 boneless pork chops – cut from a boneless." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Place pork chops on the grill. Close grill and maintain a temperature of 275 degrees F, adding more charcoal and chips, as necessary. Let smoke for 1 hour and 10 minutes, until the pork chops are firm to the touch.Transfer to serving plates and serve with the BBQ sauce.Buttermilk BBQ Sauce: In a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, add the apple cider and brown sugar and stir to combine.Allow to reduce for 25 minutes.Reduce the heat to low, pour in the BBQ sauce and stir well. Once sauce has warmed, turn off the heat. Add buttermilk and stir to incorporate. Serve over pork chops.uttermilk BBQ Sauce: In a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, add the apple cider and brown sugar and stir to combine. Allow to reduce for 25 minutes. Reduce the heat to low, pour in the BBQ sauce and stir well. Once sauce has warmed, turn off the heat. Add buttermilk and stir to incorporate. Serve over pork chops." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To check doneness, use a digital cooking thermometer. The National Pork Board follows the guidance of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The National Pork Board recommends cooking pork chops, roasts, and tenderloin to an internal temperature between 145° F. (medium rare) and 160° F. (medium), followed by a 3 minute rest. Since large cuts increase approximately 10° F. while resting, remove them from the heat at 150°" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Heat oil in a deep skillet to 350 degrees F. Arrange the pork chops in a large shallow dish. Season each pork chop, on both sides, with salt, black pepper, garlic powder, cayenne pepper and celery seeds. Pour the buttermilk over the chops and turn to coat. Place flour into a large shallow dish. Dip each pork chop into the flour mixture and coat well, shaking off the excess. Using tongs, gently lower the chops into the deep skillet in batches if necessary. Fry for 8 to 10 minutes or until golden brown, turning once. Transfer chops to a paper towel-lined pate to drain. Serve hot." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sear the chops using high heat. Place the pork chops on the hottest part of the grate, directly above the coals. Sear all the chops for about three minutes per side, turning only once, until they develop a brown crust. If the grill flares up, temporarily move the chops away from the coals until the flames die down. 4. Move and cover." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Related Pages. 1 how long do you cook loin of pork. 2 how long do i cook stuffed pork chops. 3 how long do you bake stuffed pork chops. 4 how long do you cook boneless pork back ribs. 5 how long do you cook a 4 pound pork loin roast with bone in." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How long do you cook boneless pork chops in the oven? How do you bake pork steaks in the oven and how long do you bake pork steaks? What is the best way to bake pork chops? How long does it take to cook 1 1/4 inch pork chops?" ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what is dollar to euro exchange rate" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "By using the current exchange rate, you see that $1 equals a little over .80 euros. Two US dollars equals about 1.65 euros; two euros equals about $2.40 in US money." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To know its value in another currency you need to look up the exchange rate between that currency and the euro, then divide by 100. For example … , in May 2010 the euro is worth about US$1.23. That means a euro cent is worth US$0.0123, or 1.23 US cents." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Japanese Yen Exchange Rate Historical Data; Yen to Dollar Extended Forecast (by subscription) S. Korean Won to USD Exchange Rate Forecast (Free) Chinese Yuan to USD Exchange Rate Forecast (Free) Singapore Dollar to US Dollar Exchange Rate Forecast (Free) Euro Exchange Rate Forecast (Free) British Pound Exchange Rate Forecast (Free)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Other Exchange Rate Links of Interest: 1 Japanese Yen Exchange Rate Historical Data. 2 Yen to Dollar Extended Forecast (by subscription) 3 S. Korean Won to USD Exchange Rate Forecast (Free) 4 Chinese Yuan to USD Exchange Rate Forecast (Free) 5 Singapore Dollar to US Dollar Exchange Rate Forecast (Free) 6 Euro Exchange Rate Forecast (Free)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Cretan restaurants are used to serving foreigners and generally accept most major credit cards. However, Cretans themselves generally pay in cash (the official currency of Greece is the euro). Since the euro to U.S. dollar exchange rate fluctuates, be sure to check what the current exchange rate is before you go.retan restaurants are used to serving foreigners and generally accept most major credit cards. However, Cretans themselves generally pay in cash (the official currency of Greece is the euro). Since the euro to U.S. dollar exchange rate fluctuates, be sure to check what the current exchange rate is before you go." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "view 90 days of exchange rate history for the euro against the new zealand dollar 180 day graph view 180 days of exchange rate history for the euro against the new zealand dollar monthly average graphview average monthly exchange rate history for the euro against the new zealand dollar invert graph the graph currently shows historical exchange rates for euros per 1 new zealand dollar invert the graph to see new zealand dollars per 1 euroview data view historical exchange rates for the euro against the new zealand dollar in a tabular formatiew 90 days of exchange rate history for the euro against the new zealand dollar 180 day graph view 180 days of exchange rate history for the euro against the new zealand dollar monthly average graph" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Bermuda dollar exchange rate is fixed at a rate of 1 BMD to 1 USD, very convenient for the island’s US visitors. The exchange rate with currencies such as the euro, pound, and Canadian dollar fluctuates from day to day.Current exchange rates for the Bermuda dollar with popular currencies are:he Bermuda dollar exchange rate is fixed at a rate of 1 BMD to 1 USD, very convenient for the island’s US visitors. The exchange rate with currencies such as the euro, pound, and Canadian dollar fluctuates from day to day. Current exchange rates for the Bermuda dollar with popular currencies are:" ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what tissues are the bladder made of" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The bladder is the organ that stores urine. Urine is made in the kidneys and passes to the bladder down two tubes called the ureters. The bladder is a stretchy bag made of muscle tissue. It can store about 500mls (or 3 cups) of urine.rine is made in the kidneys and passes to the bladder down two tubes called the ureters. The bladder is a stretchy bag made of muscle tissue. It can store about 500mls (or 3 cups) of urine." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The trachea is made up of the following tissues: 1. mucosa- inner layer made up of Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium 2. submucosa- middle layer which has zero muc…us glands and it is made up of connective tissue 3. adventila- outer layer made up of hyaline cartilage. 24 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Types of Tissue. Edit 0 5 …. Types of Tissue. The digestive system contains all four major tissue types, Epithelial, Connective, Muscle and Nervous. Epithelial tissue lines the entire length the digestive tract. It is made up of many different types of cells, including goblet cells that secrete mucus.There are layers of smooth muscle that line the walls of the tract, and contract to move food through.Nervous tissue is located in the tract, and transports electrical stimulus to the brain.t is made up of many different types of cells, including goblet cells that secrete mucus. There are layers of smooth muscle that line the walls of the tract, and contract to move food through. Nervous tissue is located in the tract, and transports electrical stimulus to the brain." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bladder and Urinary Tract. The urinary tract (renal pelves, ureters, bladder, urethra) is lined by transitional epithelium (urothelium) with surface of flattened umbrella cells that have apical plaques of uroplakins. Normal bladder wall is 3mm when distended, 5mm when collapsed. Volume = length x width x height x 0.52." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The muscles of our lungs, stomach, and intestines are made of smooth muscle tissue. Cardiac muscle tissue is the third type of muscle tissue. Cardiac muscle tissue makes our hearts. Organs are groups of tissues that work together to do a job.Our skin is made of hair tissue, oil and sweat gland tissues, nerve tissue, blood tissue, and many other tissues to make the organ called skin.Our eyes are made of nerve tissue, blood vessel tissue, muscle tissue, lens tissue, pupil tissue, and many more types of tissue to make the organ called eyes.LA.A. Cells, Tissues, and Organs Our bodies are made of cells, tissues, and organs. The cell is the smallest unit of life. All living things are made of cells. One kind of cell makes one kind of tissue. Only hair cells can make hair tissue. Only nerve cells can make nerve tissue." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tumors of the renal calyces, renal pelvis and ureters start in the layer of tissue that lines the bladder and the upper urinary tract, called the urothelium. Cancer that starts in the urothelium is called urothelial (or transitional cell) cancer. This is the most common type of cancer found in the bladder, as well. Because many of the organs in the urinary system share common cells, cancers found in these organs often look and act alike. Parts of the kidney. Image © 2003 Fairman Studios, LLC." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Causes of a Prolapsed Bladder. The following factors are commonly associated with causing a prolapsed bladder: Childbirth: This is the most common cause of a prolapsed bladder. The delivery process is stressful on the vaginal tissues and muscles, which support a woman’s bladder." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 The bladder is composed of bands of interlaced smooth muscle (detrusor). 2 The innervation of the body of the bladder is different from that of the bladder neck. 3 The body is rich in beta adrenergic receptors." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'In her generation alone, John F. Kennedy Jr. was killed in a plane crash in 1999; Michael L. Kennedy died in a skiing accident in 1998 and his brother David of a drug overdose in 1984. Edward Kennedy died of brain cancer in August 2009 at the age of 77, the only one of four sons to survive to old age.']>> to \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when did edward kennedy die']\"", "The urinary bladder is a muscular sac in the pelvis, just above and behind the pubic bone. When empty, the bladder is about the size and shape of a pear. Urine is made in the kidneys, and travels down two tubes called ureters to the bladder." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The bladder is a hollow organ which lies in the pelvis and is responsible for storing urine. Urine is produced by the kidneys at a constant rate, flows down tubes called the ureters and is stored by the bladder. It is then passed through the urethra during urination. The bladder muscle contracts during urination. The bladder is made up of three layers." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tumors of the renal calyces, renal pelvis and ureters start in the layer of tissue that lines the bladder and the upper urinary tract, called the urothelium. Cancer that starts in the urothelium is called urothelial (or transitional cell) cancer. This is the most common type of cancer found in the bladder, as well. Because many of the organs in the urinary system share common cells, cancers found in these organs often look and act alike. Image © 2003 Fairman Studios, LLC." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The muscles of our lungs, stomach, and intestines are made of smooth muscle tissue. Cardiac muscle tissue is the third type of muscle tissue. Cardiac muscle tissue makes our hearts. Organs are groups of tissues that work together to do a job.Our skin is made of hair tissue, oil and sweat gland tissues, nerve tissue, blood tissue, and many other tissues to make the organ called skin.Our eyes are made of nerve tissue, blood vessel tissue, muscle tissue, lens tissue, pupil tissue, and many more types of tissue to make the organ called eyes.ur skin is made of hair tissue, oil and sweat gland tissues, nerve tissue, blood tissue, and many other tissues to make the organ called skin. Our eyes are made of nerve tissue, blood vessel tissue, muscle tissue, lens tissue, pupil tissue, and many more types of tissue to make the organ called eyes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is Bladder Prolapse? Bladder prolapse, also known as cystocele, is a common condition that occurs when there’s a loss of support in the connective tissues that support the bladder near the front part of the vagina." ], [ "", "Contraction of this muscle expels urine from the bladder. On the superior surface, the outer layer of the bladder wall is parietal peritoneum. In all other regions, the outer layer is fibrous connective tissue. There is a triangular area, called the trigone, formed by three openings in the floor of the urinary bladder." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "National Cancer Institute. The bladder, part of the urinary system, is a hollow stretchable organ in the lower abdomen. Ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, and the bladder empties through the urethra. In the female, the bladder lies against the uterus and vagina; and in the male, against the rectum." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bladder and other urothelial cancers are diseases in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the urothelium. The bladder is a hollow organ in the lower part of the abdomen. It is shaped like a small balloon and has a muscle wall that allows it to get larger or smaller to store urine made by the kidneys." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The bladder is lined with specialized cells called transitional cells. Bladder cancer often arises from these transitional cells. The cancer spreads by penetrating bladder muscle, infiltrating surrounding fat and tissue, and -- if untreated -- spreads to lymph nodes and other organs, such as the liver, lungs, or bones." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Urine is made in the kidneys, and travels down two tubes called ureters to the bladder. The bladder stores urine, allowing urination to be infrequent and voluntary. The bladder is lined by layers of muscle tissue that stretch to accommodate urine. The normal capacity of the bladder is 400 to 600 mL." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The stomach is made up of the following tisuues : * epithelial tissue * muscle tissue * nerve tiss…ue and * connective tissue Therefore , the stomach is an organ because it is made up of a collection tissues that perform a specific function , that is , to aid digestion ( breaking down large , insoluble and complex food substances into ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Epithelial cells in urine. Epithelial tissues or cells are one of the most important cells found in the human body. The skin is made up of epithelial tissues. Additionally, most of the organs and the openings in the inner body are lined with epithelial cells." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The urinary tract is made up of your: 1 Kidneys (to clean waste from your blood and make pee) 2 Ureters (thin tubes, one for each kidney, that carry pee to your bladder) 3 Bladder : (stores pee) Urethra: (carries pee from the bladder to outside your body)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Urine is produced in the kidneys. It flows through tubes called ureters into the bladder. Urine leaves the body through the urethra. The bladder muscle helps you urinate by squeezing to force the urine out. A thin surface layer called the urothelium lines the inside of the bladder. Next is a layer of loose connective tissue called the lamina propria. Covering that tissue is the bladder muscle." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Urinary Bladder. The Urinary Bladder is a hollow, elastic, muscular organ that sits on the pelvic floor. The Urinary Bladder collects urine excreted from the kidneys via the Ureters and when the urine leaves the bladder it does so via the urethra.he wall of the Urinary Bladder consists of three layers: 1 The Mucosa layer. 2 The Detrusor Muscle itself made up by three layers. 3 The Adventitia and the visceral peritoneum." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "In men, the urethra is longer and is encircled by the prostate, which is a gland that is part of the reproductive system. Urination occurs when the urinary sphincter muscle relaxes and the bladder muscle contracts to expel the urine. The bladder consists of three layers. The inner lining layer of the bladder, called the mucosa, is formed by a type of cell called transitional cell. The next layer, the lamina propria, provides support to the mucosa. The third layer is the bladder muscle itself." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Bladder stones are small bits of hard material that form in the bladder. The bladder is an organ that stores urine made by the kidneys until it is eliminated from the body through the urethra." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Contraction of this muscle expels urine from the bladder. On the superior surface, the outer layer of the bladder wall is parietal peritoneum. In all other regions, the outer layer is fibrous connective tissue. There is a triangular area, called the trigone, formed by three openings in the floor of the urinary bladder.he size and shape of the urinary bladder varies with the amount of urine it contains and with pressure it receives from surrounding organs. The inner lining of the urinary bladder is a mucous membrane of transitional epithelium that is continuous with that in the ureters." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Simple squamous tissues are epithelial tissues with only one … cell layer while stratified squamous tissues are epithelial tissues with more than one layer. There is another special type of epithelial tissue called transitional squamous cells.They are found lining the urinary bladder and they can transition between having multiple layers (when the bladder is empty) to having a single layer (when the bladder is full). 2 people found this useful.Tim Mullican.imple squamous tissues are epithelial tissues with only one … cell layer while stratified squamous tissues are epithelial tissues with more than one layer." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The urinary bladder is a muscular sac in the pelvis, just above and behind the pubic bone. When empty, the bladder is about the size and shape of a pear. Urine is made in the kidneys, and travels down two tubes called ureters to the bladder. The bladder stores urine, allowing urination to be infrequent and voluntary." ], [ "", "What is Bladder Prolapse? Under normal conditions in women, the bladder is held in place by a hammock of supportive pelvic floor muscles and tissue. When these tissues are stretched and/or become weak, the bladder can drop and bulge through this layer and into the vagina. This results in bladder prolapse, also called cystocele. In severe cases, the prolapsed bladder can appear at the opening of the vagina." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bladder stones, says Richard Goldstein, DVM, associate professor of small animal medicine at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, are composed of minerals—either struvite or calcium oxalate—while kidney stones are always made of calcium oxalate." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The bladder is composed of bands of interlaced smooth muscle (detrusor). The innervation of the body of the bladder is different from that of the bladder neck. The body is rich in beta adrenergic receptors. These receptors are stimulated by the sympathetic component of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Urine is made in your kidneys. Tubes called ureters (yur-uh-turs) connect your kidneys to the bladder. Urine flows through the ureters and into your bladder, where it is stored. When you urinate (pee), the bladder squeezes the urine out through a tube called the urethra (yur-eeth-ruh). Bladder cancer usually starts in the inner layer of the bladder wall." ], [ "Represent", "The lining of the mouth, lung alveoli and kidney tubules all are made of epithelial tissue. The lining of the blood and lymphatic vessels are of a specialised form of epithelium called endothelium.pithelium (epi- + thele + -ium) is one of the four basic types of animal tissue. The other three types are connective tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "May 7th 2016. The urinary tract system is made up of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, sphincter muscles and the urethra. Together, these organs, tubes, muscles and nerves work in conjunction to generate, stow and transport urine. Like most body function systems, the urinary tract is susceptible to disease and malfunction." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 The innermost layer of the bladder is the mucosa layer that lines the hollow lumen. 2 Unlike the mucosa of other hollow organs, the urinary bladder is lined with transitional epithelial tissue that is able to stretch significantly to accommodate large volumes of urine." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "All epithelia is usually separated from underlying tissues by an extra cellular fibrous basement membrane. The lining of the mouth, lung alveoli and kidney tubules all are made of epithelial tissue. The lining of the blood and lymphatic vessels are of a specialised form of epithelium called endothelium.pithelial tissues line the cavities and surfaces of blood vessels and organs throughout the body. There are three principal shapes of epithelial cells: squamous, columnar, and cuboidal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "In the Burch procedure, the urethra and bladder are attached to muscle tissue in the pelvic area using sutures, whereas, in MMK, the urethra is sutured to the pelvic cartilage. In both procedures, the parts of the pelvic region (pubic bone or ligaments) act as an anchor to attach urethra for stability." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Bladder cancer starts in the bladder. To understand bladder cancer, it helps to know about the normal bladder and what it does. The normal bladder The bladder is a hollow organ that stores urine. Urine is made in the kidneys and flows into the bladder through thin tubes called ureters.ladder cancer starts in the bladder. To understand bladder cancer, it helps to know about the normal bladder and what it does. The normal bladder The bladder is a hollow organ that stores urine. Urine is made in the kidneys and flows into the bladder through thin tubes called ureters." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For other uses, see bladder (disambiguation) . The urinary bladder is the organ that collects urine excreted by the kidneys before disposal by urination. A hollow muscular, and distensible (or elastic) organ, the bladder sits on the pelvic floor.Urine enters the bladder via the ureters and exits via the urethra. There is no exact measurement for the volume of the human bladder, but different sources mention 500 mL (~17 oz) to 1000 mL (~34 oz).or other uses, see bladder (disambiguation) . The urinary bladder is the organ that collects urine excreted by the kidneys before disposal by urination. A hollow muscular, and distensible (or elastic) organ, the bladder sits on the pelvic floor." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The bladder is an organ of the urinary system, situated anteriorly in the pelvic cavity. It is hollow, highly distensible, and rounded in shape. The main function of the bladder is the collection, temporary storage, and expulsion of urine. It has a unique muscular structure, and a complex neurological control, which shall be considered in detail. Embryologically, the bladder is derived from the hindgut. In this article, we shall look at the anatomy and physiological functions of the bladder." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Connective tissue is made up of cells and extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix is made up of fibres in a protein and polysaccharide matrix, secreted and organised by cells in the extracellular matrix. Variations in the composition of the extracellular matrix, determines the properties of the connective tissue." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "All epithelia is usually separated from underlying tissues by an extra cellular fibrous basement membrane. The lining of the mouth, lung alveoli and kidney tubules all are made of epithelial tissue. The lining of the blood and lymphatic vessels are of a specialised form of epithelium called endothelium." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Contraction of this muscle expels urine from the bladder. On the superior surface, the outer layer of the bladder wall is parietal peritoneum. In all other regions, the outer layer is fibrous connective tissue. There is a triangular area, called the trigone, formed by three openings in the floor of the urinary bladder.he inner lining of the urinary bladder is a mucous membrane of transitional epithelium that is continuous with that in the ureters. When the bladder is empty, the mucosa has numerous folds called rugae. The rugae and transitional epithelium allow the bladder to expand as it fills." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The bladder is a hollow organ in the lower part of the abdomen that stores urine until it is passed out of the body. The most common type of bladder cancer is transitional cell carcinoma, which begins in urothelial cells that line the inside of the bladder. Urothelial cells are transitional cells, which are able to change shape and stretch when the bladder is full. This type of cancer is also called urothelial carcinoma." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The urinary system is made up of the kidneys, ureters, urethra and bladder. Also known as: Hyaline casts, Granular casts, Renal tubular epithelial casts, Waxy casts, Casts in the urine, Fatty casts, Red blood cell casts or White blood cell casts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Because Transitional epithelial tissues consist of randomly shaped and sized cells in a stratified arrangement, they can stretch and then shrink back to original shape. Bladder when filled with urine and then shrink back to its original shape when the bladder is emptied." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Answers. Best Answer: The kidneys are composed of various types of epithelial tissue. - The proximal convulated tubule is made up of simple cuboidal epithelium; with microvilli. - The distal convulated tubule is made up of simple cuboidal epithelium; without microvilli.nswers. Best Answer: The kidneys are composed of various types of epithelial tissue. - The proximal convulated tubule is made up of simple cuboidal epithelium; with microvilli. - The distal convulated tubule is made up of simple cuboidal epithelium; without microvilli." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\nProvided: \"[\"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\\n\\n\\nFor instance, <<The standard is a maximum body fat of 20% for males under 30, 24% for males over 30, 28% for females under 30, and 32% for females over 30. Below are the Air Force's height and weight requirements for recruits to enlist.AIR FORCE WEIGHT REQUIREMENTS.he weight requirements are exactly the same for males and females. The Air Force does not offer a weight reduction program. If you're over the maximum, it is up to you to get your weight down.>> to <<air force height weight standards female>>\", 'Name: Tackett. Gender: Male or Female. Usage: Tackett is not a popular first name. It is more often used as a boy (male) or a girl (female) name. People having the name Tackett are in general originating from United States of America.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where does the name tackett originate from']\"", "Contraction of this muscle expels urine from the bladder. On the superior surface, the outer layer of the bladder wall is parietal peritoneum. In all other regions, the outer layer is fibrous connective tissue. There is a triangular area, called the trigone, formed by three openings in the floor of the urinary bladder.Two of the openings are from the ureters and form the base of the trigone.t is located in the pelvic cavity, posterior to the symphysis pubis, and below the parietal peritoneum. The size and shape of the urinary bladder varies with the amount of urine it contains and with the pressure it receives from surrounding organs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The urinary tract is made up of the bladder, urethra and the two ureters and kidneys. These germs usually enter the urinary tract through the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body, and travel up to the bladder." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The dermis is made up of connective tissue: a gelatinous structure formed from connective fibres, which acts as a liaison and support system between the various tissues and cells.The dermis contains between 20 and 40% of the body's total water content and is between 10 and 40 times thicker than the epidermis.t is largely made up of: 1 Fibroblasts: the predominant cells in the dermis. 2 They synthesize the collagen, elastin and glycoprotein structural fibres. 3 The destruction of these fibres automatically occurs with age." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There is another special type of epithelial tissue called transitional squamous cells. They are found lining the urinary bladder and they can transition between having multiple layers (when the bladder is empty) to having a single layer (when the bladder is full)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Contraction of this muscle expels urine from the bladder. On the superior surface, the outer layer of the bladder wall is parietal peritoneum. In all other regions, the outer layer is fibrous connective tissue. There is a triangular area, called the trigone, formed by three openings in the floor of the urinary bladder.Two of the openings are from the ureters and form the base of the trigone.he urinary bladder is a temporary storage reservoir for urine. It is located in the pelvic cavity, posterior to the symphysis pubis, and below the parietal peritoneum. The size and shape of the urinary bladder varies with the amount of urine it contains and with the pressure it receives from surrounding organs." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Contraction of this muscle expels urine from the bladder. On the superior surface, the outer layer of the bladder wall is parietal peritoneum. In all other regions, the outer layer is fibrous connective tissue. There is a triangular area, called the trigone, formed by three openings in the floor of the urinary bladder.t is located in the pelvic cavity, posterior to the symphysis pubis, and below the parietal peritoneum. The size and shape of the urinary bladder varies with the amount of urine it contains and with pressure it receives from surrounding organs." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Organs are made of tissues. 1 A particular organ may contain several different tissues. For example, the stomach is an organ that contains: 2 Muscular tissue - to churn the food and other contents of the stomach. 3 Glandular tissue - to produce digestive juices including acid and enzymes." ], [ "", "Urothelial bladder cancer is the most common type of bladder cancer. The bladder is a hollow organ that holds liquid waste, or urine, produced by the kidneys. Invasive bladder cancer develops in the inner lining of the bladder wall and grows finger-like projections, called papillary tumors, into the hollow part of the bladder." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Detrusor muscle [edit]. The detrusor muscle is a layer of the urinary bladder wall made of smooth muscle fibers arranged in spiral, longitudinal, and circular bundles. hollow muscular, and distensible (or elastic) organ, the bladder sits on the pelvic floor. Urine enters the bladder via the ureters and exits via the urethra. There is no exact measurement for the volume of the human bladder, but different sources mention 500 mL (~17 oz) to 1000 mL (~34 oz)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Connective tissue is made up of cells and extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix is made up of fibres in a protein and polysaccharide matrix, secreted and organised by cells in the extracellular matrix." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Types of Tissue. The digestive system contains all four major tissue types, Epithelial, Connective, Muscle and Nervous. Epithelial tissue lines the entire length the digestive tract.It is made up of many different types of cells, including goblet cells that secrete mucus.There are layers of smooth muscle that line the walls of the tract, and contract to move food through.Nervous tissue is located in the tract, and transports electrical stimulus to the brain.t is made up of many different types of cells, including goblet cells that secrete mucus. There are layers of smooth muscle that line the walls of the tract, and contract to move food through. Nervous tissue is located in the tract, and transports electrical stimulus to the brain." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is a dry port" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For a port on a river or canal, see inland port. Dry port on the Federal District, Brazil. A dry port (sometimes inland port) is an inland intermodal terminal directly connected by road or rail to a seaport and operating as a centre for the transshipment of sea cargo to inland destinations.n addition to their role in cargo transshipment, dry ports may also include facilities for storage and consolidation of goods, maintenance for road or rail cargo carriers and customs clearance services." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "DRYSPACE ® 1kg pack. $255.00 per carton of 20 units ($12.75 inc GST per unit). Suitable for shipping containers, local transportation, general storage, storage units, sheds, boats and garages.DRYSPACE ® is a new industrial strength desiccant that controls humidity.159.00 per carton of 12 units ($13.25 inc GST per unit). Designed specifically for shipping containers, fits in the walls of containers to maximise the packing of the container. May also be used in local transportation, general storage, storage units, sheds, boats and garages." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Port (computer networking) In the internet protocol suite, a port is an endpoint of communication in an operating system. While the term is also used for female connectors on hardware devices (see computer port), in software it is a logical construct that identifies a specific process or a type of network service." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dry cleaning is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water. The solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), which the industry calls perc or PERC.It is used to clean delicate fabrics that cannot withstand the rough and tumble of a washing machine and clothes dryer; it can also eliminate labor-intensive hand washing. dry-cleaning machine is similar to a combination of a domestic washing machine and clothes dryer. Garments are placed in the washing or extraction chamber (referred to as the basket or drum), which constitutes the core of the machine." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A USB port is a connection point on computers and many other types of consumer electronics that supports network data transfer and battery charging. A USB port is a connection point on computers and many other types of consumer electronics that supports network data transfer and battery charging. Menu Lifewire" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is a Dry Socket? A dry socket is a common difficulty that arises after removal of the tooth and is characterized by sharp pain. It occurs when a blood clot in the hollow cavity formed due to the tooth extraction, gets dissolved, leaving the nerve and bone exposed to fluids, food, and air. Dry socket is also known as alveolar osteitis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Dry cleaning is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water. The solvent used is typically tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene), which the industry calls perc or PERC." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Port (computer networking) In the internet protocol suite, a port is an endpoint of communication in an operating system. While the term is also used for female connectors on hardware devices (see computer port), in software it is a logical construct that identifies a specific process or a type of network service." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A computer port is a type of electronic, software- or programming-related docking point through which information flows from a program on your computer or to your computer from the Internet or another computer in a network. (A network, by the way, is a series of computers that are physically or electronically linked.)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dry cargo vessel category mainly includes bulk carriers and container ships. Bulk carriers are used for transportation of unpackaged bulk cargo, such as metal ores, coal, cement, tin, steel, and grains in its cargo holds. Container ships are primarily used for the transportation of non-bulk cargo, generally manufactured goods, in truck-size intermodal containers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The term inland port is also used in a narrow sense in the field of transportation systems to mean a rather more specialized facility that has come about with the advent of the intermodal container (standardized shipping container) in international transport." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(October 2016) In the internet protocol suite, a port is an endpoint of communication in an operating system. While the term is also used for female connectors on hardware devices (see computer port), in software it is a logical construct that identifies a specific process or a type of network service." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definitions for dry dock. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word dry dock. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: dry dock, drydock, graving dock(verb) a large dock from which water can be pumped out; used for building ships or for repairing a ship below its waterline." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', '1 Cushioned/Neutral: As the name suggests, neutral shoes are designed for people with a neutral gait. 2 Typically they have a little bit of cushioning. 3 Minimalist/Barefoot shoes: These shoes tend to have little to no cushioning or support.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'meaning of cushion as in shoes']\"", "Needless to say, dry dock is an expensive process which requires systematic and efficient planning and cost estimation to minimize overhead costs along with other unnecessary spending. Cost estimation plays an important role in order to keep a check on a ship’s dry docking budget and to ensure a sensible quotation for the whole repair work." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The company is responsible to build and operate the dry port at Lahore's Prem Nagt Station. The 30 acre cargo handling facility will come into operations by 2011. Th objective of the company is to establish a modern inland container depot near." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A port (or portacath) is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein. usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical needle stick. Ports are used mostly to treat hematology and oncology patients." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "dry dock. n. A large dock in the form of a basin that can be pumped free of water, used for building a ship or for making repairs below a vessel's water line. dry dock. n. (Civil Engineering) a basin-like structure that is large enough to admit a ship and that can be pumped dry for work on the ship's bottom. vb." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In medicine, a port is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein. Under the skin, the port has a septum through which drugs can be injected and blood samples can be drawn many times, usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical needle stick. Ports are used mostly to treat hematology and oncology patients." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Baltic Dry Index is an economic indicator issued daily by the London-based Baltic Exchange. Not restricted to Baltic Sea countries, the index provides an assessment of the price of moving the major raw materials by sea. Taking in 23 shipping routes measured on a timecharter basis, the index covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, and Capesize dry bulk carriers carrying a range of commodities including coal, iron ore and grain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "An inland port in the wide sense, as used in common speech, is simply a port on an inland waterway such as a river, lake or canal." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of 'dry dock'. dry dock. Word forms: plural dry docks. countable noun. A dry dock is a dock from which water can be removed so that ships or boats can be built or repaired. dry dock. noun. 1. a basin-like structure that is large enough to admit a ship and that can be pumped dry for work on the ship's bottom. verb dry-dock. 2. to put (a ship) into a dry dock, or (of a ship) to go into a dry dock." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "1 White Ports, made from classic white Port grapes, which are usually aged for two or three years in large vats and are available in sweeter or drier styles. 2 Taylor’s Chip Dry, the first dry white Port first launched in 1934, is one of the best known white Ports.owever, the diversity of different styles offered by Port is certainly one of its greatest attractions. There are Ports for all occasions and budgets, from rare Vintage Ports for the fine wine collector to delicious and affordable wood aged styles for relaxed entertaining." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Port – Port is a red wine produced in Portugal that has been fortified with a spirit called aguardente. Port is generally sweet but dry and semi-dry varieties are also produced. Sweet Port is often consumed as a dessert wine. Sherry – Sherry is a fortified wine that is produced in Spain." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Port (medical) In medicine, a port is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein. Under the skin, the port has a septum through which drugs can be injected and blood samples can be drawn many times, usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical needle stick. Ports are used mostly to treat hematology and oncology patients. Ports were previously adapted for use in hemodialysis patients, but were found to be associated with increased r" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In medicine, a port (or portacath) is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. catheter connects the port to a vein. Under the skin, the port has a septum through which drugs can be injected and blood samples can be drawn many times, usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical needle stick. Ports are used mostly to treat hematology and oncology patients." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "2. Dry ports have transport connections to other dry ports, border posts/land customs stations/integrated check posts, seaports, inland waterway terminals and/or airports. 3. Dry ports are listed below. 4. The name of a dry port is followed by its location or the name of the nearest town/city. 5.rticle 3 Development of the dry ports The dry ports listed in annex I to the Agreement should be brought into conformity with the guiding principles for the development and operation of dry ports as described in annex II to the Agreement. Article 4 Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession 1." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dry cleaning. Dry cleaning is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water. It is used to clean fabrics that degrade in water, and delicate fabrics that cannot withstand the rough and tumble of a washing machine and clothes dryer. It can eliminate labor-intensive hand washing. Unlike what its name implies, dry cleaning is not a 'dry' process. Clothes are soaked in a solvent other than water. Tetrachloroethylene, which the industry calls perc, is the most widely us" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is a Dry port / CFS in export import trade? As we know, sea port is situated near sea. If the importer or exporter is far away from sea port, it will be an inconvenience to co-ordinate and handle the goods properly.lso read-Know the term Port of Discharge and Place of Delivery. In short, Container Freight Station situated away from sea port where customs supervision is available is called Dry port. I hope, I could make you understand about CFS and Dry Port." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dry cleaning (or dry-cleaning) is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent (a chemical that can dissolve certain compounds) rather than water." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dry Cargo Tweet Dry cargo ships are used to carry solid dry goods that have a higher tolerance to heat and cold, such as metal ores, coal, steel products, forest products, and grains." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The term dry bulk carrier is used to distinguish bulk carriers from bulk liquid carriers such as oil, chemical, or liquefied petroleum gas carriers. Very small bulk carriers are almost indistinguishable from general cargo ships, and they are often classified based more on the ship's use than its design." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent the input\\n\\n\\nThe provided query could be \"What is the price of Depo-Estradiol without insurance? The average Depo-Estradiol price without insurance is about $131 for one vial, 5 mL of 5 mg/mL intramuscular solution. Prices vary depending on supply needed and pharmacy location. Is there a generic version of Depo-Estradiol ? Depo-Estradiol is a brand-name of estradiol cypionate. The average Depo-Estradiol price is about $131 for one vial, 5 mL of 5 mg/mL intramuscular solution. You can use our SingleCare savings offer to get an average Depo-Estradiol discount of up to 80% off of the retail price at participating pharmacies near you.\" and the positive \"depo estradiol cost\"', 'Digital Singles. Lost and Found. Love Me Like You Do is a song by English recording artist Ellie Goulding. The track appears on the soundtrack of American erotic/romantic drama film 50 Shades of Grey, directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson and, based on the best-selling novel of the same name by E. L. James.']\" should be close to \"['', 'who sings the song love me like you do']\"", "Port wine (also known simply as Port) is a fortified wine from the Douro Valley in the northern provinces of Portugal. It is typically a sweet red wine, but also comes in dry, semi-dry and white varieties." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Dry cleaning (or dry-cleaning) is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent (a chemical that can dissolve certain compounds) rather than water. The solvent used is usually tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "And then the added Brandy made it sweeter still. So to answer what is port wine, it is a wine made in the Duoro region of Portugal that has brandy added to it, which stops the fermentation. It is a sweet red wine that comes in a dry, semi-dry and white variety.Most Port is served after dinner as a dessert wine.o answer What is Port Wine, let's start with the history of Port Wine. Back in the 17th century when France was at war it decided to deprive the British and Dutch from importing their wine. When this happened the British and Dutch were forced to venture to Portugal's Douro River Valley for wine." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "dry dock. a platform for loading and unloading trucks, railway freight cars, etc. an airplane hangar or repair shed. Also called scene dock. a place in a theater near the stage or beneath the floor of the stage for the storage of scenery. to bring (a ship or boat) into a dock; lay up in a dock. to place in dry dock, as for repairs, cleaning, or painting. to join (a space vehicle) with another or with a space station in outer space." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In the internet protocol suite, a port is an endpoint of communication in an operating system. While the term is also used for female connectors on hardware devices (see computer port), in software it is a logical construct that identifies a specific process or a type of network service." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Floating Dry Docks. 1 Aircraft Carriers U.S Navy aircraft carriers were critically important during wartime, helping shape the strategy of combat. 2 Ammunition Ships Used to deliver important supplies to combatant ships at sea, U.S. Navy ammunition ships carry more than ammunition and missiles." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "[ˌviɲuduˈpoɾtu] , Porto, and usually simply port) is a Portuguese fortified wine produced exclusively in the Douro Valley in the northern provinces of Portugal. It is typically a sweet, red wine, often served as a dessert wine, though it also comes in dry, semi-dry, and white varieties.Fortified wines in the style of port are also produced outside Portugal, most notably in Australia, France, South Africa, Canada, India, Argentina, and the United States.ˌviɲuduˈpoɾtu] , Porto, and usually simply port) is a Portuguese fortified wine produced exclusively in the Douro Valley in the northern provinces of Portugal. It is typically a sweet, red wine, often served as a dessert wine, though it also comes in dry, semi-dry, and white varieties." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fig and Clementine Port Wine Poptail - Hitting the blender’s vortex this week is some dry port wine, figs, clementine tangerines and honey." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Dry Docking Dry docking is a term used for repairs or when a ship is taken to the service yard. During dry docking, the whole ship is brought to a dry land so that the submerged portions of the hull can be cleaned or inspected." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "to put (a vessel) into a dry dock for repairs or (of a vessel) to come into a dry dock" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A port is a type of central venous catheter. It also called an implantable venous access port. It’s a small drum made of plastic or metal with a thin tube (called a line) going from the drum into a large vein. Ports are permanently placed under the skin of the chest or arm during surgery." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "A port is a man-made coastal or riverine facility where boats and ships can load and unload. It may consist of quays, wharfs, jetties, piers and slipways with cranes or ramps." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Port is a sweet wine varietal that comes from Portugal. Because of its sweetness, many people drink it as a dessert wine. There are a few types of Port-including tawny ports and ruby Ports. Ruby Port is a fortified sweet red wine that is rich and thick.Tawny Port has a golden color with raisin and toffee flavors.Port has a higher alcohol content than regular wine and it goes well with rich desserts that contain chocolate. It is made from a blend of Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, and other red wine grapes. 2 Totally Random Sweet Red Wine is made with an array of red wine varietals. 3 The winemaker has stopped fermentation early, however, to leave residual sugars in the wine." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "A port is a special intravenous (IV) line that is placed completely inside the body. It is used in some children who need IV therapy for a long time. A port consists of 2 parts: The port itself is a small chamber made of metal with a soft silicone top. It lies just under your child's skin. Your child will receive IV therapy by having a needle inserted through the skin into the port. The second part is a long, soft, thin, flexible tube, called the catheter." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Port is the nautical term (used on boats and ships) that refers to the left side of a ship, as perceived by a person on board the ship and facing towards the bow (the front of the vessel)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The largest roofed dry dock is at the German Meyer Werft Shipyard in Papenburg, Germany, it is 504 m long, 125 m wide and stands 75 m tall. Dry Dock 12 at Newport News Shipbuilding is 662 by 76 metres (2,172 ft × 249 ft) the largest dry dock in the USA. The largest floating-dock in North America named The Vigorous." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "We own and operate the largest independent bulk transfer and storage port terminal in Uruguay. Our dry port terminal is located in an international tax-free trade zone in the port of Nueva Palmira at the convergence of the Parana and Uruguay rivers.e have nine silos (some with internal separations) with total storage capacity of 460,000 tons. Additionally, since our dry port terminal is located in the Nueva Palmira Free Zone, foreign commodities moving through the terminal are free of Uruguayan taxes." ], [ "Represent text", "Port is the nautical term (used on boats and ships) that refers to the left side of a ship, as perceived by a person on board the ship and facing." ], [ "", "South Port is the port operating company of the Port of Bluff, and is owned to 66.5% by the Southland Regional Council. A small port in comparison with New Zealand giants like Ports of Auckland or Port of Tauranga, it moves around 2.2 million tonnes of cargo each year, mostly New Zealand coastal reshipment." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In addition to their role in cargo transshipment, dry ports may also include facilities for storage and consolidation of goods, maintenance for road or rail cargo carriers and customs clearance services.n addition to their role in cargo transshipment, dry ports may also include facilities for storage and consolidation of goods, maintenance for road or rail cargo carriers and customs clearance services." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dry cleaning is any cleaning process for clothing and textiles using a chemical solvent other than water." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "DryShips, Inc. is a holding company. The Company owns drybulk carriers and offshore support vessels. The Company operates through two segments: the drybulk carrier and the offshore support. Under its drybulk segment, the Company operates as a provider of drybulk commodities transportation services for the steel, electric utility, construction and agri-food industries. Under its offshore support segment, the Company operates as a provider of offshore support services to the global offshore energy industry. The Offshore support segment operates a diversified fleet of offshore support vessels." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of 'Dry Docking'. Definition: Dry docking is a term used for repairs or when a ship is taken to the service yard. During dry docking, the whole ship is brought to a dry land so that the submerged portions of the hull can be cleaned or inspected." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The second port of the dryer samples the unloader port signal from the governor back to the compressor. The third pipe passes the dry air from the dryer on over and into the first reservoir tank, which is now a dry tank. Let's take a look inside the dryer and see just how it manages to dry the compressor air." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "n a large dock from which water can be pumped out; used for building ships or for repairing a ship below its waterline. dry dock that can be submerged under a vessel and then raised. landing in a harbor next to a pier where ships are loaded and unloaded or repaired; may have gates to let water in or out." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Dry Cargo. Dry cargo ships are used to carry solid dry goods that have a higher tolerance to heat and cold, such as metal ores, coal, steel products, forest products, and grains. These vessels are equipped with on-deck cranes and other mechanism for loading and unloading of goods." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Port (computer networking) (Redirected from IP port) In the internet protocol suite, a port is an endpoint of communication in an operating system. While the term is also used for female connectors on hardware devices (see computer port), in software it is a logical construct that identifies a specific process or a type of network service." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is a mediport? A port (or portacath) is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein. Under the skin, the port has a septum through which drugs can be injected and blood samples can be drawn many times, usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical needle stick." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of dry dock. dry dock. verb. A condition occurring when a single feces of such extreme length that it begins at drain trap and extends above water line and rests on porcelain surface of toilet bowl. My turd was so long that I dry docked it Last edited on Mar 24 2010." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Elsewhere in Europe, dry ports are considered whereby goods are moved quickly (typically by rail or barge) through the port (to or from) an inland logistics centre. The Masterplan is framed in the context of providing capacity to cater for the handling of 60m tonnes by 2040.lsewhere in Europe, dry ports are considered whereby goods are moved quickly (typically by rail or barge) through the port (to or from) an inland logistics centre. The Masterplan is framed in the context of providing capacity to cater for the handling of 60m tonnes by 2040." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Floating Dry Docks. 1 Aircraft Carriers U.S Navy aircraft carriers were critically important during wartime, helping shape the strategy of combat. Able to hold more than 3,000 soldiers and as long as 1,100 feet, these mobile air bases are the largest warships ever constructed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A virtual serial port is an emulation of the standard serial port. This port is created by software which enable extra serial ports in an operating system without additional hardware installation (such as expansion cards, etc.). It is possible to create a large number of virtual serial ports in a PC." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A Dry cell is a type of chemical cells, commonly used today, in the form of batteries, for many electrical appliances. It was developed in 1886 by the German scientist Karl Gassner. standard dry cell comprises a zinc anode, usually in the form of a cylindrical pot, with a carbon cathode in the form of a central rod." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "This is not to be confused with docking as a dock is a specific type of berth generaly used when performing maintenance, this can be a wet or a dry dock. Anchors are used to hold a vessel in... This page may be out of date." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "dry dock. 5. a platform for loading and unloading trucks, railway freight cars, etc. 6. an airplane hangar or repair shed. 7. Also called scene dock. a place in a theater near the stage or beneath the floor of the stage for the storage of scenery. verb (used with object) 8. to bring (a ship or boat) into a dock; lay up in a dock. 9. to place in dry dock, as for repairs, cleaning, or painting." ] ]
[ "represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results E.g.\n['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is acrimony'] == ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'acrimony (countable and uncountable, plural acrimonies) A sharp and bitter hatred. Her acrimony for her neighbors manifests itself with shouting and stomping.'] != ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'A term descriptive of a kind of divorce, which effects a complete dissolution of the marriage contract See Divorce. Ab abusu ad usum non Legal definition for A VINCULO MATRIMONII: (Latin: from the bond of matrimony.) A term descriptive of a kind of divorce, which effects a complete dissolution of the marriage contract See Divorce. Ab abusu ad usum non valet conse quentia. A conclusion as to the use of a thing from its abuse is invalid.']", "femoral bypass" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A femoral popliteal bypass is an operation to bypass the blocked portion of the artery in the leg using a piece of another blood vessel. The following information will help explain the process of a femoralpopliteal bypass. Before your operation. Coming into hospital. The operation." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Femoropopliteal Bypass (Fem-Pop Bypass) for Peripheral Arterial Disease. Guide. Femoropopliteal (fem-pop) bypass surgery is used to bypass diseased blood vessels above or below the knee. To bypass the narrowed or blocked blood vessel, blood is redirected through either a healthy blood vessel that has been transplanted or a man-made graft material." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "6 doctors agreed: Days to weeks: It takes several days before someone is released from the hospital after a femoral artery bypass and it takes weeks for the wounds to heal fully and for patients to re-condition themselves. ...Read more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Two-incision surgery. 2 In this type of minimally invasive hip replacement, the surgeon makes two small incisions: 3 A 2- to 3-inch incision over the groin for placement of the socket, and. 4 A 1- to 2-inch incision over the buttock for placement of the femoral stem." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The femoral artery is a major artery in your groin area. Even though this is the traditional method, femoral artery access can cause many problems, such as bleeding at the puncture site and nerve damage." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The femoral artery is one of the major arteries in the human body. It extends from the iliac artery near the abdomen down to the legs. The primary function of this artery is to supply blood to the lower section of the body. This artery crosses the femoral nerve and femoral vein in such a way as to form a delta shape near the groin region. This portion is known as the femoral triangle or Scarpa's triangle. The femoral triangle serves as a crucial anatomical landmark for surgeons when surgery needs to be performed in the region." ], [ "", "The posterior branch of femoral artery is called as Deep femoral artery or profunda femoral artery and is the biggest femoral artery branch located within femoral triangle. Emerging from the lateral side, it travels around 3 to 5 cm below inguinal canal from where it travels further to the thigh, femur and then runs in the midst of pectineus and adductor brevis and posterior travels at the back of adductor longus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "by Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, Oregon. 1 Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head (AVN-FH) refers to a progressive weakening of the knobby head of the thigh bone (femur), resulting in eventual collapse of the bone structure if not remedied in time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Femoral Artery Bypass Graft Patient Information. This leaflet aims to give you information about your operation and your stay in hospital and advice for when you go home. If you wish to speak to someone by phone please ring the following number: Langtree ward- 01942 8 2 2 5 1 3." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Mitochondria-Mitochondria are oblong shaped organelles that are found in the cytoplasm of every eukaryotic cell. In the animal cell, they are the main power generators, converting oxygen and nutrients into energy.nimal cells are typical of the eukaryotic cell, enclosed by a plasma membrane and containing a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what organelle does energy conversion occur in animal cell']", "Covers fractures of the femoral neck. 4 types. Type I incomplete fracture of the femoral neck. Type II complete fracture of the femoral neck, but is nondisplaced. Type III complete fracture of the femoral neck with partial displacement. Type IV complete fracture of the femoral neck with complete displacement." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A femoral nerve block is a type of regional anesthesia in which the femoral nerve, located in the groin area, is deadened to allow surgery in the leg or knee area." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The femoral head is the most vulnerable site for the development of avascular necrosis (AVN). The site of necrosis is usually immediately below the weightbearing articular surface of the bone (ie, the anterolateral aspect of the femoral head)." ], [ "Represent text", "Surgical Bypass. IN THE LEG, also called lower extremity bypass, leg bypass, fem-pop bypass, fem-tib bypass, fem-distal bypass. IN THE ABDOMEN, also called aortic bypass, aorto-iliac bypass, aorto-femoral bypass, fem-fem bypass, aorto-mesenteric, and ax-fem bypass, depending on which blood vessel is being bypassed." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The femoral nerve block is an ideal block for surgeries of the hip, knee, or anterior thigh and is often combined with a sciatic nerve block for near complete lower-extremity analgesia." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As can be seen from the study of 73 patients, profundoplasty is a viable alternative to femoral bypass for the ischemic lower limb. Approximately 50% of those patients studied post-operatively had objective evidence of circulatory improvement. The operative mortality and morbidity is relatively low, and it may be performed quickly, at times even under local anesthesia. Profundoplasty is another choice in the vascular surgeon's armamentarium of revascularization procedures. It does not supersede bypass procedures but may be an alternative or performed in conjunction with bypass operations." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The femoral artery is one of the major arteries in the human body. It extends from the iliac artery near the abdomen down to the legs. The primary function of this artery is to supply blood to the lower section of the body. This artery crosses the femoral nerve and femoral vein in such a way as to form a delta shape near the groin region. This portion is known as the femoral triangle or Scarpa's triangle." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Femoral Artery. The femoral artery is the main artery that provides oxygenated blood to the tissues of the leg. It passes through the deep tissues of the femoral (or thigh) region of the leg parallel to the femur. The common femoral artery is the largest artery found in the femoral region of the body. It begins as a continuation of the external iliac artery at the inguinal ligament that serves as the dividing line between the pelvis and the leg." ], [ "Represent this", "Femoro-popliteal bypass surgery - Fem pop bypass. Femoro-popliteal bypass surgery or a fem pop bypass as it is known is surgery that reverts the hardening of arteries. Atherosclerosis is a disease affecting the arteries, which results in them narrowing or ‘hardening’. This happens when abnormal fatty material (called atheroma) coats the inside of the artery." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The superficial femoral artery is a continuation of the common femoral artery at the point where the profunda femoris branches. It is the main artery of the lower limb and is, therefore, critical in the supply of oxygenated blood to the leg. Summary. Related articles." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "End-to-side graft to femoral anastomosis. If the external iliac artery is occluded, however, an end-to-end configuration may create a better lie of the bypass. A longitudinal arteriotomy is created to some component of the femoral arterial system, depending on the quality of the inflow and outflow artery. The graft is spatulated accordingly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The femoral artery is the main blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the lower limb. It is a continuation of the external iliac artery, which is the more superficial branch of the common iliac artery that arises as a bifurcation of the abdominal aorta." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Quest AppAssure. AppAssure, now called Quest Rapid Recovery, started as a series of backup solutions developed and marketed by the company with the same name until Dell acquired the company in February 2012. AppAssure was founded by Najaf Husain in 2006.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is appassure']", "Extra-anatomic bypass grafting began with the ingenious subclavian-to—external iliac bypass of Louwx1Splenic to femoral and axillary to femoral bypass grafts in diffuse arteriosclerotic occlusive disease." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Femoral head fractures. Femoral head fractures are very rare injuries, almost always caused by hip dislocations. The femoral head is fed by three arteries, the main one of which is the medial femoral circumflex. If this is disrupted, there is a high risk of avascular necrosis. The standard classification of femoral head fractures is that of Pipkin." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The femoral triangle (of Scarpa) is an anatomical region of the upper inner human thigh. It is a subfascial space which in living people appears as a triangular depression inferior to the inguinal ligament when the thigh is flexed, abducted and laterally rotated." ], [ "Represent text", "The superficial femoral artery is a continuation of the common femoral artery at the point where the profunda femoris branches. It is the main artery of the lower limb and is, therefore, critical in the supply of oxygenated blood to the leg. origin: continuation of the common femoral artery at the branch of profunda femoris." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A: A femoral nerve block, which is an injection of local anesthesia into the groin and close to the nerve to provide pain relief to the front of the thigh and the knee. The groin is the fold at the top of your leg where the abdomen meets either thigh." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(This needle prick could be the only pain you will feel throughout the procedure.) The femoral artery in the upper leg – near where your leg bends from the hip – is one of the blood vessels doctors commonly use to insert the catheter and thread it through the arteries to the heart to perform angioplasty." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This artery delivers blood to. your legs. When the femoral artery reaches the back of the knee it becomes the popliteal artery. and runs into the distal arteries which run below the calf and into the foot. When there is a blockage in the femoral artery, the circulation of blood to your leg is reduced. which may cause you to have pain in your calf when you walk. This is known as intermittent. claudication. A femoral popliteal/distal bypass is an operation to bypass the blocked portion of the artery in." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The femoral artery (Latin: arteria femoralis) is a large artery in the thigh and the main arterial supply to the lower limb. It enters the thigh from behind the inguinal ligament as the common femoral artery, a continuation of the external iliac artery. The profunda femoris artery is a large and important branch that arises from the lateral side of the femoral artery about 1.5 in. ( 2 4 cm) below the inguinal ligament. 3 It passes medially behind the femoral vessels and enters the medial fascial compartment of the thigh." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Femoral artery. The femoral artery (Latin: arteria femoralis) is a large artery in the thigh and the main arterial supply to the lower limb. It enters the thigh from behind the inguinal ligament as the common femoral artery, a continuation of the external iliac artery. Here, it lies midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the symphysis pubis." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\n------\\nExamples:\\n\\n\"Geography and resources were an important part of the Industrial Revolution essentially because England had coal which powered machines, iron from which the machines were created and wool which the machines made into thread and then textiles.It also had the resources close to ports and rivers.he first reason was that England had the resources that were needed for industrialization. The second reason is innovation which was helped by the variety and amount of English thinkers and inventors being able to communicate effectively and quickly about their new farming and factory techniques.\" == \"why did the industrial revolution begin in england?\"', 'NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers states that units weighing 40 lbs. or less be installed such that the top of the unit is not more than five feet above the floor. For units weighing more than 40 pounds, the top of the unit should be no more than 3.5 feet above the floor.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how many feet of space is needed around a fire extinguisher']>>", "The femoral canal is the site into which abdominal contents, usually intestine, protrude. (The femoral canal allows the femoral artery, vein, and nerve to enter the thigh after exiting the abdominal cavity.) Umbilical hernia: This form of hernia is fairly common, accounting for 10-30% of all hernias." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "A procedure that can be effective in lieu of a fem-pop bypass is called angioplasty. A hollow catheter is inserted into the blocked femoral artery and inflated with a balloon device. This expands the opening in the vein that is blocked by fatty tissue. A metal stent may be inserted in the artery to keep it clear." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "End-to-side graft to femoral anastomosis. If the external iliac artery is occluded, however, an end-to-end configuration may create a better lie of the bypass. A longitudinal arteriotomy is created to some component of the femoral arterial system, depending on the quality of the inflow and outflow artery." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The profunda femoral artery, also known as the Deep femoral artery, is the posterior branch of the femoral artery. It is the largest branch of the femoral artery in the entire femoral triangle. It arises on the lateral side of the femoral artery, about 3 to 5 cm below the inguinal canal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Femoropopliteal Bypass (Fem-Pop Bypass) for Peripheral Arterial Disease. Femoropopliteal (fem-pop) bypass surgery is used to bypass diseased blood vessels above or below the knee. To bypass the narrowed or blocked blood vessel, blood is redirected through either a healthy blood vessel that has been transplanted or a man-made graft material." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Why It Is Done. Fem-pop bypass is for people who have narrowed or blocked femoral or popliteal arteries, which are near the surface of the legs. Usually the blockage must be causing significant symptoms or be limb-threatening before bypass surgery is considered." ], [ "Represent", "femoral hernia protrusion of a loop of intestine into the femoral canal, a tubular passageway that carries nerves and blood vessels to the thigh; this type occurs more often in women than in men. Called also crural hernia and femorocele." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Femoral Artery Tear During Routine Catheterization Procedure. This case involves a forty-eight-year-old patient who underwent a diagnostic arteriogram for the evaluation of underlying cardiac disease. During the procedure, the patient sustained a dissection and tear to the common femoral and distal iliac arteries which required subsequent repair." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Femoral Artery. Introduction. The femoral artery is a continuation of the external iliac artery and constitutes the major blood supply to the lower limb. In the thigh, the femoral artery passes through the femoral triangle, a wedge-shaped depression formed by muscles in the upper thigh." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "About the Procedure. Femoral venous catheterization is a rapid way to obtain intravenous access in hospitalized or emergency department patients. In this video, you will learn how to safely place a femoral line." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The graft is tunneled from one groin incision to the other by using blunt finger dissection, a large clamp, or a graft tunneling device over the prefascial subcutaneous plane within the abdominal wall superior to the pubis (see the image below). Tunneling of the femoral-femoral bypass." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "A bypass surgery is named for the artery that will be bypassed and the arteries that will receive the rerouted blood. The three common peripheral vascular bypass surgeries are: Aortobifemoral bypass surgery, which reroutes blood from the abdominal aorta to the two femoral arteries in the groin." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The femoral artery is a large blood vessel in the groin area. Femoral endarterectomy is a procedure to clear a blockage from the femoral artery." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The femoral artery (Latin: arteria femoralis) is a large artery in the thigh and the main arterial supply to the lower limb. It enters the thigh from behind the inguinal ligament as the common femoral artery, a continuation of the external iliac artery." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Arterial access from lower extremity. The common femoral artery is the only access site used in the lower extremity. Catheters used for performing coronary angiography via the femoral artery were developed by Melvin Judkins, MD; thus, the method often is referred to as the Judkins technique." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Proper access to the common femoral artery is critical for this technique (see the image below). Vascular complications are increased if the arterial puncture is made either above or below the common femoral artery. The main advantages to this method are its ease and substantial safety record." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A femoral nerve block is a quintessential nerve block technique that is easy to master, carries a low risk of complications, and has significant clinical application for surgical anesthesia and postoperative pain management." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Femoral artery. The femoral artery (Latin: arteria femoralis) is the second largest artery in the body (second to the aorta) and is in the thigh and the main arterial supply to the lower limb. It enters the thigh from behind the inguinal ligament as the common femoral artery, a continuation of the external iliac artery." ], [ "Represent this text", "As can be seen from the study of 73 patients, profundoplasty is a viable alternative to femoral bypass for the ischemic lower limb. Approximately 50% of those patients studied post-operatively had objective evidence of circulatory improvement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The femoral artery is a large artery in the thigh and the main arterial supply to the leg. It enters the thigh from behind the inguinal ligament as the common femoral artery, a continuation of the external iliac artery. Here, it lies midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the symphysis pubis. The common femoral artery gives off the profunda femoris artery and becomes the superficial femoral artery to descend along the anteromedial part of the thigh in the femoral triangle. It enter" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Femoral Nerve Block/3-in-1 Nerve Block. Femoral and/or 3-in-1 nerve blocks are used for surgical procedures on the front portion of the. thigh down to the knee and postoperative analgesia. Both blocks are carried out in a similar manner. The differences will be discussed in the technique section." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 In this type of minimally invasive hip replacement, the surgeon makes two small incisions: 2 A 2- to 3-inch incision over the groin for placement of the socket, and. 3 A 1- to 2-inch incision over the buttock for placement of the femoral stem." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Surgery Overview. Femoropopliteal (fem-pop) bypass surgery is used to bypass diseased blood vessels above or below the knee. To bypass the narrowed or blocked blood vessel, blood is redirected through either a healthy blood vessel that has been transplanted or a man-made graft material." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Surgical Bypass. BY DR. JEAN E. STARR. IN THE LEG, also called lower extremity bypass, leg bypass, fem-pop bypass, fem-tib bypass, fem-distal bypass. IN THE ABDOMEN, also called aortic bypass, aorto-iliac bypass, aorto-femoral bypass, fem-fem bypass, aorto-mesenteric, and ax-fem bypass, depending on which blood vessel is being bypassed." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Femoral Artery. The femoral artery is the main artery that provides oxygenated blood to the tissues of the leg. It passes through the deep tissues of the femoral (or thigh) region of the leg parallel to the femur. The common femoral artery is the largest artery found in the femoral region of the body." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A femoral nerve block may be used for a surgery on the leg or knee. The femoral nerve can be located by finding the femoral artery. A medical professiona can examine a patient for femoral nerve damage. The femoral artery supplies the femoral pulse." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Arterial access from lower extremity. The common femoral artery is the only access site used in the lower extremity. Catheters used for performing coronary angiography via the femoral artery were developed by Melvin Judkins, MD; thus, the method often is referred to as the Judkins technique. This widely used method requires separate preformed catheters for the right and left coronary arteries (see the images below)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "EMBOLIZATION TECHNIQUE. The right common femoral artery (CFA) approach is commonly used for percutaneous renal intervention. At our institution, access is gained via a 22-gauge micropuncture system, 3/4F coaxial catheter, and a 0.035 Bentson wire (Cook, Bloomington, IN)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "aortofemoral bypass insertion of a vascular prosthesis from the aorta to the femoral artery to bypass atherosclerotic occlusions in the aorta and the iliac artery. aortoiliac bypass insertion of a vascular prosthesis from the abdominal aorta to the femoral artery to bypass intervening atherosclerotic segments." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "is a vehicle serial number the same as a vin" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "VIN = Vehicle Identification Number. Engine No. = The engine number. Vicroads needs both for their records... upon inspection, they compare the engine numbers on the compliance plate, RWC and on the actual block." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The check digit will determine whether a VIN is a valid number, or not. Digit 10: Year of Manufacture Digit 11 - Assembly Plant Digits 12 to 17: Production Number This is the sequential number that is assigned to the vehicle as it leaves the plant." ], [ "Represent the input", "DIGIT #VIN # After some research I was able to gather mostof the components in deciphering the Deciphering the Hyundai Vehicle Identification Number Below is a sample of an VIN taken off my Santa Fe minus the serial number…Vehicle Identification Number System for the Hyundai Manufacturing Company." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\n\nThe provided query could be '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'hyd duration']' and the positive '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Duration of your flight to Hyderabad. Duration of your flight to Hyderabad. Flights to Hyderabad (HYD) from London take nine hours and 55 minutes. The near daily British Airways service means that that a city break or extended holiday in Hyderabad â\\x80\\x93 the gateway to Andhra Pradesh â\\x80\\x93 is easier than ever. Flying to Hyderabad from London.']' and the negative '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'hydric soils --- def--- how long does it take-- how much soil that is prolongued to saturation, flooding long enough for it to create anerobic conditions in upper part 1-2 weeks - months 6-12 inch of the rooting zone']'", "how tall are raised height vanity" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Height suggestions for the vanity top... In general, vanities need to be about 36-37 inches tall to be suitable for most people. If you are using a vessel sink then you need a piece which is about 30 inches tall or table height. Sometimes we can make some height adjustments on the feet, both taller and shorter." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bathroom vanities range from 30″-36″ in height. Modern bath cabinets have become taller in recent years in what is known as “Comfort Height Vanities.”. Vanities come in a variety of height arrangements including standard height, comfort height, and vessel sink height." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This is the primary measurement for choosing a raised toilet seat or toilet seat riser. A product will add between 2” to 6” in height to your toilet. The less bending you want to do, the higher you want the seat to be. The taller you are, the higher the riser you’ll need." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Thank you for reporting this comment. I have a linen cabinet and vanity being custom made, and need to decide what size of mirror to put there. The linen cabinet is 14 (and tall), vanity is 40 right next to linen cabinet. The rectangular sink (17) is not centered on the vanity, it will be more to the right which means I can't put a mirror in the center of the vanity, it won't look good. So, I can order 40 mirror that covers all open space above vanity or put standard mirror right above sink." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "When choosing a raised toilet seat or a toilet seat riser, there are many styles and design features to look for, but only a few key questions you must answer: How much height do you need? This is the primary measurement for choosing a raised toilet seat or toilet seat riser. A product will add between 2” to 6” in height to your toilet. The less bending you want to do, the higher you want the seat to be." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The vessel would come with installation guide on the dimension from top of vanity to top of the sink itself. It requires a bit of backward calculation from your finished 36 height and ask the cabinet manufacturer to make sure that is the level you want. LisaLeo designs · More Info." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "We went with the higher comfort height vanities in our new build for all the baths with undermount sinks--even the 6yr old's bath. They were not an upcharge with our cabinet supplier. We opted for the standard height vanity in the powder room because of the added height of the vessel sink." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Celebrities Height and Weight - Cam Newton Height - How Tall?. - Find how tall are celebrates along with their weight info." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Emma Watson Height - How Tall. How tall is Emma Watson? Know the height of Emma Watson here. What is her height in meters, feet, inches? Is she tall? Then, how tall is she? Or is she short? Find it out here." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In pressure classes 150 and 300, the height of raised face is approximately 1.6 mm (1/16 inch). In these two pressure classes, almost all suppliers of flanges, show in their catalog or brochure, the H and B dimensions including the raised face height." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If only one towel bar is used and is in line with a vanity, for instance, aligning it at the same height as the vanity is one option. A 30-inch towel bar may suit young guests or family members, while 48 inches near the maximum comfort level for an average adult's reach. Multiple racks fit within the span of this range." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Standard Sink Heights. Standard bathroom sink heights range from 29 inches to as much as 36 inches high, depending upon personal preference and the type of sink. For example, pedestal sinks are built between 29 and 33 inches high, while bathroom vanity cabinets with set-in sinks range from 30 to 36 inches in height.tandard bathroom sink heights range from 29 inches to as much as 36 inches high, depending upon personal preference and the type of sink. For example, pedestal sinks are built between 29 and 33 inches high, while bathroom vanity cabinets with set-in sinks range from 30 to 36 inches in height." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pair of vintage vanity lamps, pressed glass with plastic or bakelite sockets and stems. These are about 12 tall to the top of the light... Pair of (probably Italian) 50s vintage blanc de chine table lamps, urns full of white roses! These are a little shabby, with some small c..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In this children's bath, the vanity lights are installed at standard height; the wall-hung mirror can be raised as the kids grow. Set on a separate switch, rope lighting hidden along the vanity's bottom edge functions as a night-light." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Increase counter height on bath remodel. I'm midstream in a bath remodel and about to tackle the vanity/counter. I'm tall, married a tall guy, and we're raising giants. Can I just add extra layers of plywood when I rebuild the counter until I get the height I want? I haven't seen this question specifically addressed anywhere." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "1 Every space is different, so open vanity doors and drawers and measure against the dimensions of your bathroom. 2 You'll want to ensure the vanity won't be too big or disrupt the flow of traffic. 3 Keep in mind existing features such as mirrors, electrical switches and outlets. 4 Check your plumbing location.hen measure sizes for vanity cabinets and vanity cabinets with tops. Take into account your storage needs and who will use it. Standard countertop height is 31 inches, but it's really a matter of personal preference. Taller adults might want a higher countertop, while shorter models work better for small children." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you're purchasing a vanity without a top, you’ll also need to measure for the countertop. Measure the width and depth of the vanity cabinet. The vanity top should be 1 inch wider and 1 inch deeper than the vanity cabinet. Be sure to include allowances for fillers if you plan on using them." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Piolo Pascual Height - How Tall How tall is Piolo Pascual? What is his height? Is he tall? Then, how tall is he? Or is he short? Find it out here. Here are some information about Piolo Pascual's height. Name: Piolo Pascual" ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is playback multi streaming" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Multistreaming Playback for IDT* Audio. Multistreaming allows you to listen to two different audio sources on two different speaker sets. For example, you can listen to one audio source through the back panel speakers and a second. audio source through front panel headphones or speakers." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In computer networking, multicast (one-to-many or many-to-many distribution) is group communication where information is addressed to a group of destination computers simultaneously." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Multi Screen Dump is a stand alone executable for windows no installation required, you ca run it from a pen drive. Great for capturing screens on multiple computers.ulti Screen Dump can capture the whole desktop or the active window or even just an area using the mouse capture and automatically save the image sequentially numbering it." ], [ "Represent.", "I think it sounds better when i tick enable playback multi-streaming, maybe because im used to it now (It was ticked until now, but i have installed the new 2.54 Realtek driver, and it became unticked by default)..." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "True Streaming. True streaming actually means that the data is played, then discarded immediately after it is played. Rather than delivering an entire file, streaming servers deliver mini-chunks of the source media. On the client side (your browser or media player) takes these little chunks of data and collects them so that, perhaps, 20 seconds of the media files can playback. This is referred to as buffering." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Streaming. Data streaming, commonly seen in the forms of audio and video streaming, is when a multimedia file can be played back without being completely downloaded first. Most files, like shareware and software updates that you download off the Internet, are not streaming data.However, certain audio and video files like Real Audio and QuickTime documents can be streaming files, meaning you can watch a video or listen to a sound file while it's being downloaded to your computer.owever, certain audio and video files like Real Audio and QuickTime documents can be streaming files, meaning you can watch a video or listen to a sound file while it's being downloaded to your computer." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Actress Mildred Smith, who starred with Sidney Poitier in his 1950 film debut, No Way Out, dies at age 94. Mildred Joanne Smith, who had a short-lived but respected acting career, has died at the age of 94, according to The Hollywood Reporter. She passed away July 19, her family announced.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who starred in no way out?']\"", "Gapless playback is the uninterrupted playback of consecutive audio tracks, such that relative time distances in the original audio source are preserved over track boundaries on playback. For this to be useful, other artifacts (than timing related) at track boundaries should not be severed either." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'The clinic at Wills Eye Hospital is open to all kids in the five-county region who are 17 years old and under. Health insurance is not required to use the clinic. Wills Eye Hospital is located at 840 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19107. The American Optometric Association encourages parents to have a comprehensive eye exam for their children starting as early as six months of age, the county said.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is will not where is wills eye hospital located?']>>", "Multicast is a type of communication where multicast traffic addressed for a group of devices on the network. IP multicast traffic are sent to a group and only members of that group receive and/or process the Multicast traffic." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "I read on other forums that one can play sound through two or more sets of speakers with this function and even play music on one set and a different playback on the other set of speakers. I am using both a bluetooth enabled speaker and a television connected via HDMI. I would like to play music through both the TV and the bluetooth speaker but even when the multi stream option is enabled it doesn't allow me to select two playback devices in the beats control panel." ], [ "", "True Streaming is the only variety of streaming that allows for live broadcasting, and it also supports more advanced functionality than Progressive Download, enabling the user to control the media experience by pausing, skipping forward, or rewinding." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Movies ship with multi-channel audio tracks so that users with more than two speakers can enjoy what ultimately boils down to surround sound. Audio takes up a lot of space and studios keep trying to pack more data onto discs so most multi-channel movie audio is stored in a compressed format. In the days of DVDs the studios used either Dolby Digital or DTS encoding for their audio tracks, but with Blu-ray (and HD-DVD) the stakes went up." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In talking about what video format the iPhone supports, a distinction should be made between what the hardware can support, and what the (much lower) limits are for playback when streaming over a network." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "IP multicast is a technique for one-to-many and many-to-many real-time communication over an IP infrastructure in a network. It scales to a larger receiver population by requiring neither prior knowledge of a receiver's identity nor prior knowledge of the number of receivers.P multicast is a technique for one-to-many and many-to-many real-time communication over an IP infrastructure in a network. It scales to a larger receiver population by requiring neither prior knowledge of a receiver's identity nor prior knowledge of the number of receivers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "With Multi Tracks you can play along with professionally recorded audio stems to help enhance your live band sound in any environment. Plus, our Multi Track stems easily integrate in to any Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) software on a Mac or PC (see our recommendations below). The most significant advantage of Multi Tracks is the ability to output audio to multiple channels. This gives your house audio engineer more flexibility in creating a balanced mix in the room. Check out this brief overview about Multi Tracks:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Streaming or media streaming is a technique for transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream.Streaming technologies are becoming increasingly important with the growth of the Internet because most users do not have fast enough access to download large multimedia files quickly.or streaming to work, the client side receiving the data must be able to collect the data and send it as a steady stream to the application that is processing the data and converting it to sound or pictures." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The following network protocols are supported for audio and video playback: 1 RTSP (RTP, SDP) 2 HTTP/HTTPS progressive streaming. 3 HTTP/HTTPS live streaming draft protocol: MPEG-2 TS media files only. Protocol version 3 (Android 4.0 and above) Protocol version 2 (Android 3.x) Not supported before Android 3. 0." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "I have a pavillion dv6 beats edition and Im having trouble figuring out how to use the multi stream function in the beats audio panel." ], [ "Represent the following document.", "Streaming is a generic term. It basically means that the data being transferred can be used immediately, without having to download the thing in it's entirety before it can be used. Streaming audio or video will be decoded and played back immediately -- or once enough data has been transferred in order to start playback." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Streaming is a generic term. It basically means that the data being transferred can be used immediately, without having to download the thing in it's entirety before it can be used. Streaming audio or video will be decoded and played back immediately -- or once enough data has been transferred in order to start playback. There are basically two types of streaming: When a media file is located on a traditional web server, it is served like other web-based files such as images, HTML and so on." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. DVD Multi is a specification for optical media drives. The specification was approved by the DVD Forum and was claimed to enable disc compatibility for virtually all formats officially created by the DVD Forum. However, DVD+R/RW is not included because it is not officially from the DVD Forum." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Live streams are generally provided by a means called true streaming. True streaming sends the information straight to the computer or device without saving the file to a hard disk. On-demand streaming is provided by a means called progressive streaming or progressive download. Progressive streaming saves the file to a hard disk and then is played from that location." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Multicasting is similar to broadcasting, but only transmits information to specific users. It is used to efficiently transmit streaming media and other types of data to multiple users at one time." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Note CTI devices do not support the multicast Music On Hold feature. If a CTI device is configured with a multicast MOH device in the media resource group list of the CTI device, call control issues may result. CTI devices do not support multicast media streaming." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Streaming or media streaming is a technique for transferring data so that it can be processed as a steady and continuous stream. Streaming technologies are becoming increasingly important with the growth of the Internet because most users do not have fast enough access to download large multimedia files quickly. With streaming, the client browser or plug-in can start displaying the data before the entire file has been transmitted." ], [ "", "1 Select the device that you want to use for playback in Edit view. 2 Click the Use in EV (Edit view) button. The [EV] marker will appear next to the device's name. 3 Select the first device that you plan to use for playback in Multitrack view. Click Use to move it to the Multitrack Device Preference Order pane." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Multiboxing is a term used to denote one user playing multiple accounts simultaneously. This can be done using one or more machines. Solutions exist for both the PC and Mac. There are also solutions for using both PC and Mac at the same time. The following pages contain more detailed information than presented here, Multiboxing hardware, Multiboxing software, Multiboxing macros, and Scripts. For some players there is not enough challenge in playing only one character at a time." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "MixPad Multitrack Recording Software is a comprehensive software solution that provides you with all the functionality you need to create, save, and share your best audio mixes. DJs, audio engineers, and music lovers alike will love the professional results it provides. Pros. Clear and intuitive interface." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "MULTI-LINK SCREEN. Multi-Link Screen lets you use up to four screens on a UHD TV or two screens on a Full HD TV simultaneously on one screen. This gives you the ultimate multi-viewing experience as you can watch TV and YouTube videos, browse the web and watch TV, watch two different TV shows at the same time, or watch TV and play with your apps. Samsung’s Multi-Link Screen brings a whole new level of entertainment to your TV." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In the fields of digital electronics and computer hardware, multi-channel memory architecture is a technology that increases the data transfer rate between the DRAM memory and the memory controller by adding more channels of communication between them.ual-channel-enabled memory controllers in a PC system architecture utilize two 64-bit data channels. Dual channel should not be confused with double data rate (DDR), in which data exchange happens twice per DRAM clock." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Amazon is the first online streaming service to ever offer offline playback. Prime members will be able to download shows such as Transparent prior to long trips or flights and watch without being connected to a network.The offline playback will be available on Amazon's upgraded Video app, which can be downloaded for both iOS and Android devices.mazon is the first online streaming service to ever offer offline playback. Prime members will be able to download shows such as Transparent prior to long trips or flights and watch without being connected to a network." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Streaming Audio Recorder is the best audio recording software to record any sound coming through computer’s sound card or microphone and save audio file in popular formats such as MP3, AAC, OGG, WAV, WMA etc.. Streaming Audio Recorder does exactly what its name implies. Record streaming and system sounds using Streaming Audio Recorder." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "An Emerging Standard in Adaptive Bitrate Video. HLS streaming (HTTP Live Streaming) has emerged as the standard in adaptive bitrate video. Adaptive bitrate video delivery is a combination of server and client software that detects a client’s bandwidth capacity and adjusts the quality of the video stream between multiple bitrates and/or resolutions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "IP multicast is a method of sending Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams to a group of interested receivers in a single transmission.It is often employed for streaming media applications on the Internet and private networks. The method is the IP-specific version of the general concept of multicast networking.P multicast is a technique for one-to-many and many-to-many real-time communication over an IP infrastructure in a network. It scales to a larger receiver population by requiring neither prior knowledge of a receiver's identity nor prior knowledge of the number of receivers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Adaptive bitrate streaming (ABS) is a performance management technique for streaming multimedia over computer networks. Historically, most video streaming approaches were founded on RTP or RTSP; but now most adaptive streaming technologies are built for tranmission over HTTP over large, broad-distribution networks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to Play Multiple Videos in VLC. VLC is a free media player released by the VideoLAN open source project. The application is distributed in Mac, Windows and Linux versions and it supports playback of the MOV, MP4, M4V, 3GP, MPG, TS, VOB, ASF, AVI, WMV, MKV, RM, DV and FLV digital video formats.tep 3. Drag and drop the items in the “Playlist” window into a desired sequence. Step 4. Click the “Play” button to stream your playlist. The videos will serve in their pre-programmed order. Step 5. Click the “Random” button (an icon with two intertwined arrows) to shuffle playback of the videos." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of streaming. : relating to or being the transfer of data (such as audio or video material) in a continuous stream especially for immediate processing or playback." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Streaming Music, or more accurately known as streaming audio, is a way of delivering sound without the need to download files of different audio formats. Music services such as Spotify use this method to provide songs that can be enjoyed on all types of different devices.treaming Audio Delivery. Typically, if you want to listen to music, or any other type of audio, you need to download an audio file in a format such as an MP3, WMA, AAC, OGG, or Flac for example. However, when a streaming delivery method is used then there isn't the need to download a complete file first." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Split and merge into it. Answer by Susie Dresh. Confidence votes 20.7K. Multitrack recording ('multitracking' or just 'tracking' for short) is a method of sound recording that allows for the separate recording of multiple sound sources to create a cohesive whole. This is the most common method of recording popular music." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "In computer networking, multicast (one-to-many or many-to-many distribution) is group communication where information is addressed to a group of destination computers simultaneously.P multicast is a technique for one-to-many communication over an IP infrastructure in a network. The destination nodes send join and leave messages, for example in the case of Internet television when the user changes from one TV channel to another." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Spotify family plan: Separate accounts, one discounted bill. The streaming music service introduces a plan that allows up to five family members to have separate premium accounts on one bill.potify said in May it had 10 million paying subscribers and 40 million active users in 56 markets. In the last few months, the service has launched on the Windows Phone smartphones and partnered with Sprint to offer a free trial of premium service, followed by an offer for a discounted rate." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A multicast is similar to a broadcast in the sense that its target is a number of machines on a network, but not all. Where a broadcast is directed to all hosts on the network, a multicast is directed to a group of hosts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Formats are the file extensions and compression modes used for various digital audio/ video files. A multiformat DVD should ideally play DVD-R/ DVD-RW (writable and rewritable recorded cds), MP3, MP4, MPEG, DAT, WMA, CDA, and CD-R/RW files. Divx and Avi files are mostly related to computer softwares and you should check it before buying that its specifications are clear about palying this type of mediafiles." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Thread: Video playback is too fast after recording live video stream with Replay Media Catcher 4. Video playback is too fast after recording live video stream with Replay Media Catcher 4 I recently started using Replay Media Catcher 4 because it seemed like a very useful product." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Streaming video is content sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer in real time. With streaming video or streaming media, a Web user does not have to wait to download a file to play it. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream of data and is played as it arrives. The user needs a player, which is a special program that uncompresses and sends video data to the display and audio data to speakers." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "As of 2016, streaming is generally taken to refer to cases where a user watches digital video content and/or listens to digital audio content on a computer screen and speakers (ranging from a desktop computer to a smartphone) over the Internet." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Multi-format drives can read and write more than one format; e.g., DVD±R(W) (DVD plus-dash recordable and rewritable) is used to refer to drives that can write/rewrite both plus and dash formats, but not necessarily DVD-RAM. Drives marked, DVD Multi Recorder support DVD±R(W) and DVD-RAM." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Continuous human monitoring of multiple streaming products would be tedious, if not impossible, and thereby subtle problems may go unnoticed. Try before you buy - Download our fully functional version of Streaming Media Monitor and try it for 30 days. Download. Monitor any multicast stream such as Windows Media, Real Audio, Quick Time Video, MPEG Multimedia, Stock Ticker, Internet Radio, and virtually any other TRUE multicast stream." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Both live and on-demand video on Hulu is available in a range of different qualities, which will adjust based on your available bandwidth. For smooth playback of the Hulu streaming library, we recommend a minimum download speed of 1.5 Mbps for streaming Standard Definition videos and 3.0 Mbps or higher for High Definition videos. For Hulu with Live TV subscribers, we recommend a download speed of 8 Mbps or higher for a reliable, high-quality viewing experience. Please keep in mind that multiple concurrent streams may require higher bandwidth." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Recent headlines | Sony drops price of PlayStation 4 and bundles by $50. Multi-pass encoding, also known as 2-pass or 3-pass encoding, is a technique for encoding video into another format using multiple passes to keep the best quality." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Be heard in here ! Hello! I have an Onboard Realtek Soundcard and a Sennheiser headphone, in the Realtek HD Audio Manager under the Mixer settings there is the Mixer ToolBox. If i untick enable playback multi-streaming, the music im listening to sounds different (Louder cymbals, the vocal is quieter a bit i think)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Import an audio file from your computer onto a track to test playback from your device. 1 Press Insert. 2 Choose file from computer. 3 File will be imported from computer, and added onto new track.f your audio device permits the simultaneous recording of multiple audio sources(2 or more), then you can multi-track with REAPER by merely adding the number of tracks you want to record, and recording on them all as you would with a single track. 1 Add any number of tracks that you wish to record." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Multi-pass encoding. Multi-pass encoding, also known as 2-pass or 3-pass encoding, is a technique for encoding video into another format using multiple passes to keep the best quality. The video encoder analyzes the video many times from the beginning to the end before the actual encoding process.ecent headlines | Sony drops price of PlayStation 4 and bundles by $50. Recent headlines | Sony drops price of PlayStation 4 and bundles by $50. Multi-pass encoding, also known as 2-pass or 3-pass encoding, is a technique for encoding video into another format using multiple passes to keep the best quality." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Multi-pass encoding, also known as 2-pass or 3-pass encoding, is a technique for encoding video into another format using multiple passes to keep the best quality. The video encoder analyzes the video many times from the beginning to the end before the actual encoding process." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Multitrack Recorder. Multitrack recorders allow producers to capture individual performances at different times. One of the most popular options is the 24-track digital recorder -- which the producer can use as a standalone unit, or connect with his computer, where he can download his work, and prepare it for a final mix." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Multi-pass encoding, also known as 2-pass or 3-pass encoding, is a technique for encoding video into another format using multiple passes to keep the best quality." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "play·back. n. The act or process of replaying an audio or video recording, as to monitor quality or check a recorded message. playback. 3. (Electronics) (modifier) of or relating to the reproduction of signals from a recording: the playback head of a tape recorder." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Streaming media is video or audio content sent in compressed form over the Internet and played immediately, rather than being saved to the hard drive.. With streaming media, a user does not have to wait to download a file to play it. Because the media is sent in a continuous stream of data it can play as it arrives. Users can pause, rewind or fast-forward, just as they could with a downloaded file, unless the content is being streamed live." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Slow Streaming Video may be directly related to your corrupted registry, Click here for a FREE Scan! Another way to stop choppy playback and slow video streaming is to Disable the use of hardware acceleration. Hardware acceleration can cause choppy PC playback, application crashes and slow streaming video problems." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "What does streaming mean? Streaming is a generic term. It basically means that the data being transferred can be used immediately, without having to download the thing in it's entirety before it can be used. Streaming audio or video will be decoded and played back immediately -- or once enough data has been transferred in order to start playback." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Multiboxing is playing multiple characters together in a multiplayer online game like EVE Online, EverQuest, Lord of the Rings Online, RIFT, World of Warcraft and many other free and pay-to-play games." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Data streaming, commonly seen in the forms of audio and video streaming, is when a multimedia file can be played back without being completely downloaded first.Most files, like shareware and software updates that you download off the Internet, are not streaming data.However, certain audio and video files like Real Audio and QuickTime documents can be streaming files, meaning you can watch a video or listen to a sound file while it's being downloaded to your computer.owever, certain audio and video files like Real Audio and QuickTime documents can be streaming files, meaning you can watch a video or listen to a sound file while it's being downloaded to your computer." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Paul Cairney and Nikolaos Zahariadis1. John Kingdon’s multiple streams analysis (MSA) reminds us that the exciting world. of short term, unstable, high profile agenda setting is tempered by long term, continuous. processes going on behind the scenes. Shifts of public, media and policymaker attention to a." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(August 2010) Gapless playback is the uninterrupted playback of consecutive audio tracks, such that relative time distances in the original audio source are preserved over track boundaries on playback. For this to be useful, other artifacts (than timing related) at track boundaries should not be severed either." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "IP multicast is a method of sending Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams to a group of interested receivers in a single transmission. It is often employed for streaming media applications on the Internet and private networks. The method is the IP-specific version of the general concept of multicast networking.P multicast is a technique for one-to-many and many-to-many real-time communication over an IP infrastructure in a network. It scales to a larger receiver population by requiring neither prior knowledge of a receiver's identity nor prior knowledge of the number of receivers." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To support this, simultaneous streaming is limited. You can use your account on any supported computer or device you own but if our system detects it streaming on multiple devices at the same time, you may be notified with an audio and/or display message that pauses all active streams. To avoid this you can: 1. Pause Pandora One on devices you are not currently using." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Multi-pass encoding. Multi-pass encoding, also known as 2-pass or 3-pass encoding, is a technique for encoding video into another format using multiple passes to keep the best quality. The video encoder analyzes the video many times from the beginning to the end before the actual encoding process." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how long does it take an egg to boil" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "3) Let the eggs stand in the hot water for 14-17 minutes. How long you let the eggs stay in the water depends on how big the eggs are and how hard you want them cooked. To cook small eggs to medium, let them stand for 14 minutes. To cook extra-large eggs to medium, let them stand for 17 minutes. (We’re talking about chicken eggs here." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Recipes / How long to roast an over stuffer roaster chicken (1000+) Chicken And Wild Rice. 915 views. Chicken And Wild Rice, ingredients: 1 (3 to 4 lb.) oven stuffer roaster chicken; long. How Long To Boil an Egg. 9370 views. How Long To Boil an Egg, ingredients: 1- Egg or as many as you like." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How long does it take for a turkey egg to hatch? Turkey eggs usually take 21 to 28 days to hatch depending on what they are incubated in like an incubator or by a hen.ow long does it take for black widow egg sack to hatch? A black widow egg will take 2-3 weeks to hatch depending on the humidity and a few other surrounding circumstances." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: I am sorry to disagree David..............it does not take 18-21 days to lay an egg. You are getting confused with how long it takes to incubate an egg after it has been laid.Anyway, birds can lay an egg without mating, and as you already know it will not be fertile without a mate and without mating.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: I am sorry to disagree David..............it does not take 18-21 days to lay an egg. You are getting confused with how long it takes to incubate an egg after it has been laid." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How long does it take for a frog egg to hatch? up to 3 weeks and then a head pops out and it starts to eat its egg. How long does it take a bee's egg to hatch? A worker honey bee takes 21 days to hatch from the date that it was laid." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How long does it take for a robin’s egg to hatch? Did early man exist at the same time as dinosaurs? How long does it take for an average person to sober up completely after being drunk?" ] ]
[ "Represent this text", "how long to cook a 600g rack of lamb" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Thus, a 600g lamb shoulder will be done in about 65 minutes. For slow roasting, preheat the oven at 180C/350F/Gas mark 4, then allow 35 minutes per 450g/1lb plus an extra 35 minutes. A 600g lamb shoulder will be done in approximately 80 minutes.Find a delicious roast lamb recipe at Delicious Magazine.or slow roasting, preheat the oven at 180C/350F/Gas mark 4, then allow 35 minutes per 450g/1lb plus an extra 35 minutes. A 600g lamb shoulder will be done in approximately 80 minutes. Find a delicious roast lamb recipe at Delicious Magazine." ] ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rack of Lamb. Rack of lamb is the cage of rib bones and meat, with the tops of the ribs scraped clean for presentation. It is often considered the most gourmet cut of lamb. Roast the entire rack in a 400 degree Fahrenheit oven for 20 minutes for medium rare or 25 minutes for medium. Rack of lamb does not hold up well when cooked more than medium doneness." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Similar recipes. Also see other recipes similar to the recipe for lamb chops on a george foreman grill. how long do you cook lamb chops on a george foreman grill. how to cook bone in pork chops on george foreman grill. george foreman grill. gyro-style pork sandwich george foreman grill. how long to cook pork steaks on george foreman grill. how long to cook chicken breast tenderloins on george foreman grill." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The general rule for lamb is, for every kilogram of weight, cook for an hour at 190 - 200 degrees Celsius, depending on the efficiency of your oven, or 180 degrees for a fan-f … orced oven.Thus, a 3kg leg of lamb will take three hours..4kg to 2.3kg roast roast at 180 degrees C, 375F, for 20 minutes per 0.5kg, per pound. plus 20 mins so a 1.4kg bird should cook for 20+20+16+20 = 76 minutes At 200C, 400F co … ok at 18mins per kg, or 18 mins per pound + 18mins." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Start the lamb in an oven preheated to 200C (about 400F) and cook uncovered for 25 minutes for each 500g (1lb) plus an extra 25 minutes.Baste each 25 minutes. When the lamb is cooking well, turn the oven down to 175C (350F).he general rule for lamb is, for every kilogram of weight, cook for an hour at 190 - 200 degrees Celsius, depending on the efficiency of your oven, or 180 degrees for a fan-f … orced oven. Thus, a 3kg leg of lamb will take three hours." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "1 (If you are not going to cook them within 2 hours, refrigerate, then bring to room temperature an hour before cooking.). 2 Preheat oven to 425° F. Heat a roasting pan in the oven for 10 minutes. 3 Pat the racks of lamb dry with paper towels and coat lightly with the olive oil.irections. 1 Prepare the racks of lamb at least 1 hour (or up to 4 hours) before cooking: Chop together the garlic, salt, rosemary, and pepper to make a coarse rub. 2 Rub the racks with the mixture, cover, and set aside." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Roasted Rack of Lamb - Directions. 1 Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). Move oven rack to the center position. 2 In a large bowl, combine bread crumbs, garlic, rosemary, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Toss in 2 tablespoons olive oil to moisten mixture. 3 Season the rack all over with salt and pepper. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large heavy oven proof skillet over high heat. Sear rack of lamb for 1 to 2 minutes on all sides. Set aside for a few minutes. Brush rack of lamb with the mustard. Roll in the bread crumb mixture until evenly coated. Cover the ends of the bones with foil to prevent charring. Arrange the rack bone side down in the skillet. Roast the lamb in preheated oven for 12 to 18 minutes, depending on the degree of doneness you want." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Cook the 2 racks of lamb, standing up on a roasting tray with their bones interlaced, for 35-45 minutes, depending on how well cooked you like your lamb. 2 Pierce the meat with a sharp knife or skewer towards the end of cooking. In a bowl, mix together all the remaining ingredients and then press the mixture onto the fatty side of the lamb racks. 2 Cook the 2 racks of lamb, standing up on a roasting tray with their bones interlaced, for 35-45 minutes, depending on how well cooked you like your lamb." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Preparation. 1. Preheat oven to 300°. Rub lamb with 2 tsp. olive oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let stand 10 minutes. 2. Cook lamb in 2 Tbsp. hot oil in a large skillet over high heat 8 to 10 minutes or until browned, turning twice. Place lamb on a lightly greased wire rack in a roasting pan.Bake at 300° for 20 minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted into thickest portion registers 140° to 145° (medium-rare) or to desired degree of doneness. Remove lamb from pan; cover with aluminum foil, and let stand 10 minutes.3.lace lamb on a lightly greased wire rack in a roasting pan. Bake at 300° for 20 minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted into thickest portion registers 140° to 145° (medium-rare) or to desired degree of doneness. Remove lamb from pan; cover with aluminum foil, and let stand 10 minutes. 3." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Put the lamb racks into a baking dish and spoon on any sauce that may be left behind on the plate. 2 Bake for 20 minutes for medium–rare, or until cooked to your liking, basting a couple of times during cooking with the honey mustard mixture. Cut small slits in the top of the lamb with a small, sharp knife. 2 Insert slices of garlic and small pieces of rosemary into the slits. 3 Sit the lamb on a plate. 4 Whisk together the honey, wholegrain mustard and mint sauce then brush over the lamb racks. 5 Allow to marinate for 20 minutes in a cool place." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To roast, place an oven shelf in the centre of the oven and preheat to 180°C, gas mark 4. Weigh the joint (with the stuffing, if using) in order to calculate the cooking time. For medium-cooked lamb cook for 25 minutes per 450g plus 25 minutes or for well done meat cook for 30 minutes per 450g plus 30 minutes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'How many ways can 12 kindergartners line up to go to lunch? The answer is 12! (said twelve factorial), which is equal to 12*11*10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 or 479,001,600.hen there are 2 possible options for third place, and only 1 left for fourth â\\x80¦ place. Thus the number of options if 4x3x2x1. This works out at 24, so there are 24 ways you can line up 4 people.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how many ways can 12 kindergarteners line up at lunch']", "For the best roast Medium leg of lamb cook for 25mins per 450g, +25 mins. Do 5mins less/450g for rare.1.4kg = 1hr 40 mins or 1hr 25 mins for rare.or the best roast Medium leg of lamb cook for 25mins per 450g, +25 mins. Do 5mins less/450g for rare." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Place the roasting pan in the oven set at 350F(190C) for 15-20 minutes per pound (you don't want to cook lamb well done, but more medium to medium rare) a 6 pound leg should take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Remove the cover(or foil) for the last 15 minutes of roasting time.Remove the leg when done, and remove the cloves of garlic from the meat. You can bring it to the table whole or debone and slice it across the grain and serve it on a hot platter. Garnish with sprigs of parsley.he general rule for lamb is, for every kilogram of weight, cook for an hour at 190 - 200 degrees Celsius, depending on the efficiency of your oven, or 180 degrees for a fan-f … orced oven. Thus, a 2kg leg of lamb will take two hours." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Directions. 1 Prepare the racks of lamb at least 1 hour (or up to 4 hours) before cooking: Chop together the garlic, salt, rosemary, and pepper to make a coarse rub. 2 Preheat oven to 425° F. Heat a roasting pan in the oven for 10 minutes. Preheat oven to 425° F. Heat a roasting pan in the oven for 10 minutes. 2 Pat the racks of lamb dry with paper towels and coat lightly with the olive oil. 3 Place the racks flesh-side down in the pan." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Directions. 1 Prepare the racks of lamb at least 1 hour (or up to 4 hours) before cooking: Chop together the garlic, salt, rosemary, and pepper to make a coarse rub. 2 Preheat oven to 425° F. Heat a roasting pan in the oven for 10 minutes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 As a rough guideline, for 500g of lamb cook for 10-15 minutes for rare; 15-20 minutes for medium; and 20-25 for well done. 2 If you're using a meat thermometer, the internal temperature should be at least 55-60ºC for rare to medium-rare. Select your roast from a quality butcher, looking for lamb that is pink, bright and healthy. 2 If you have time, bring your lamb to room temperature before you roast it, as this will help it cook more evenly. 3 Even 10-15 minutes out of the fridge beforehand will help." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rack of lamb. Cook to 55° in a 200° fan-forced oven, about 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure that 63° is the right temperature, but last time I tried it was with a deboned leg in a net, and I suspect I put the temperature probe into an air pocket: at any rate, it took nearly two hours and was overcooked.ack of lamb. Cook to 55° in a 200° fan-forced oven, about 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure that 63° is the right temperature, but last time I tried it was with a deboned leg in a net, and I suspect I put the temperature probe into an air pocket: at any rate, it took nearly two hours and was overcooked." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For better-done lamb allow 15-20 minutes per 500g. For well-done lamb allow 20-25 minutes per 500g. If you are using a meat thermometer, the internal temperature is 60c (140f) for medium-rare, 65o (149f) for medium, and 75o (167f) for well-done." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Step 1: Trim roast (we used a leg of lamb). Weigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g. Place on a trivet (roasting rack) in a baking dish.This allows the meat juices to drain form the roast.eigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g. Place on a trivet (roasting rack) in a baking dish. This allows the meat juices to drain form the roast." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sprinkle each lamb rack generously with salt. Transfer half of herb paste to small bowl and reserve. Spread remaining half of herb paste over lamb racks. Arrange lamb on rimmed baking sheet. Let stand at room temperature 2 hours. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover lamb and reserved herb paste separately and chill. Bring both to room temperature before continuing.) Preheat oven to 450°F. Heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil in heavy large skillet over high heat. Place 1 lamb rack, meat side down, in skillet. Sear until golden, about 2 minutes; return to baking sheet, meat side up. Repeat with remaining lamb racks. Roast lamb until meat thermometer inserted into center of lamb registers 130°F for medium-rare, about 20 minutes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to make the grilled rack of lamb recipe: 1 After trimming your rack of lamb and chopping the herbs and garlic, rub coarse salt and black pepper into all the surfaces of the meat. Next, put the herbs and garlic in a small bowl and add enough dry white wine to make a slurry or paste. Rub this garlic/herb mixture thickly over all the exposed surfaces of meat on the rack of lamb. Place it in a shallow dish or bowl, pour over the remaining bit of wine and cover. Marinate about 2 to 4 hours." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Preheat the oven to fan 200C/ conventional 220C/gas 7. Season the lamb generously with salt and pepper. 2 Heat a large, heavy frying pan over a moderately high heat and brown two of the racks well on the meaty sides for about 1-2 minutes, then turn and brown the other sides for a further 1 minute.ethod. 1 Stand the racks of lamb in a china or glass baking dish, scatter the garlic and rosemary over the top, and drizzle with the olive oil. 2 Leave to marinate for at least 4 hours (or overnight if you have the time), turning occasionally." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Remove the lamb from the fridge half an hour before cooking. 2 Place in a roasting dish fat side up and season. 3 Bake in an oven preheated to 180C or 170C fan bake. 4 The rules for doneness are 25-30 minutes per 500g for medium and 30-35 minutes per 500g if you like it well done." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Preparation. 1. Preheat oven to 300°. Rub lamb with 2 tsp. olive oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Let stand 10 minutes. 2. Cook lamb in 2 Tbsp. hot oil in a large skillet over high heat 8 to 10 minutes or until browned, turning twice. Place lamb on a lightly greased wire rack in a roasting pan.Bake at 300° for 20 minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted into thickest portion registers 140° to 145° (medium-rare) or to desired degree of doneness. Remove lamb from pan; cover with aluminum foil, and let stand 10 minutes. 3.lace lamb on a lightly greased wire rack in a roasting pan. Bake at 300° for 20 minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted into thickest portion registers 140° to 145° (medium-rare) or to desired degree of doneness. Remove lamb from pan; cover with aluminum foil, and let stand 10 minutes. 3." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Remove the lamb from the fridge half an hour before cooking. 2 Place in a roasting dish fat side up and season. 3 Bake in an oven preheated to 180C or 170C fan bake. 4 The rules for doneness are 25-30 minutes per 500g for medium and 30-35 minutes per 500g if you like it well done.5 Baste once or twice while cooking. Place in a roasting dish fat side up and season. 2 Bake in an oven preheated to 180C or 170C fan bake. 3 The rules for doneness are 25-30 minutes per 500g for medium and 30-35 minutes per 500g if you like it well done. 4 Baste once or twice while cooking." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Step 1: Trim roast (we used a leg of lamb). Weigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g. Place on a trivet (roasting rack) in a baking dish.This allows the meat juices to drain form the roast.tep 1: Trim roast (we used a leg of lamb). Weigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g. Place on a trivet (roasting rack) in a baking dish." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "How to Cook Rack of Lamb This is a rendition of Anthony Bourdain's rack of lamb recipe from his Les Halles cookbook." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Trim roast (we used a leg of lamb). Weigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g. Place on a trivet (roasting rack) in a baking dish. This allows the meat juices to drain form the roast." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Put an onion or two in the pan and 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary. Place the roasting pan in the oven set at 350F(190C) for 15-20 minutes per pound (you don't want to cook lamb well done, but more medium to medium rare) a 6 pound leg should take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.Remove the cover(or foil) for the last 15 minutes of roasting time.ut an onion or two in the pan and 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary. Place the roasting pan in the oven set at 350F(190C) for 15-20 minutes per pound (you don't want to cook lamb well done, but more medium to medium rare) a 6 pound leg should take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Preheat the oven to fan 200C/ conventional 220C/gas 7. Season the lamb generously with salt and pepper. 2 Heat a large, heavy frying pan over a moderately high heat and brown two of the racks well on the meaty sides for about 1-2 minutes, then turn and brown the other sides for a further 1 minute." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 In a mini food processor, combine the garlic, rosemary and olive oil and process until the garlic is finely chopped. Season the lamb racks with salt and pepper and rub the garlic-rosemary oil all over them. Set the racks fat side up on a large rimmed baking sheet and let stand for 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 450°." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Report Abuse. The meat is delicate and the taste is better at medium rare. Cook the lamb chops to medium or higher to see how you like them at that done-ness. Don't start with the rack of lamb-it's too expensive to ruin,and only to medium.eport Abuse. The meat is delicate and the taste is better at medium rare. Cook the lamb chops to medium or higher to see how you like them at that done-ness. Don't start with the rack of lamb-it's too expensive to ruin,and only to medium." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Preheat the oven to fan 200C/ conventional 220C/gas 7. Season the lamb generously with salt and pepper. 2 Heat a large, heavy frying pan over a moderately high heat and brown two of the racks well on the meaty sides for about 1-2 minutes, then turn and brown the other sides for a further 1 minute. Preheat the oven to fan 200C/ conventional 220C/gas 7. Season the lamb generously with salt and pepper. 2 Heat a large, heavy frying pan over a moderately high heat and brown two of the racks well on the meaty sides for about 1-2 minutes, then turn and brown the other sides for a further 1 minute." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Place the racks flesh-side down in the pan. 2 Roast 15 to 20 minutes or until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part reads 145° F for medium rare (the temperature will rise about 10° when the lamb is out of the oven). 3 Transfer the racks to a carving board. 4 Let rest for 10 minutes. Pat the racks of lamb dry with paper towels and coat lightly with the olive oil. 2 Place the racks flesh-side down in the pan. 3 Roast 15 to 20 minutes or until an instant-read thermometer inserted in the thickest part reads 145° F for medium rare (the temperature will rise about 10° when the lamb is out of the oven)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Put an onion or two in the pan and 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary. Place the roasting pan in the oven set at 350F(190C) for 15-20 minutes per pound (you don't want to cook lamb well done, but more medium to medium rare) a 6 pound leg should take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.Remove the cover(or foil) for the last 15 minutes of roasting time.reheat your oven to 160°C (325°F) and use these cooking times to prepare a roast that's moist, tender and delicious.Your roast should be covered with foil for the first half of the roasting time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Brown lamb: Heat a dry 12-inch heavy skillet over high heat until hot, at least 2 minutes. Meanwhile, pat lamb dry and rub meat all over with salt and pepper. Add oil to hot skillet, then brown racks, in 2 batches if necessary, on all sides (not ends), about 10 minutes per batch." ], [ "", "Slice 1/2 to 1-inch slits between each bone of the lamb racks to assure the meat roasts evenly. Season each rack with salt and black pepper on all sides. Heat vegetable oil in skillet over high heat. Brown each lamb rack for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Transfer lamb racks to the foil-lined baking sheet. Brush each rack with mustard and honey mixture. Sprinkle mint mixture over the top and sides of each rack. Bake in the preheated oven until browned on top and medium rare in the center, about 20 minutes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For quick roasting, preheat the oven at 200C/400F/Gas mark 6, then allow 35 minutes per 450g/1lb plus an extra 20 minutes. Thus, an 800g lamb leg will be done in about 80 minutes. For slow roasting, preheat the oven at 180C/350F/Gas mark 4, then allow 35 minutes per 450g/1lb plus an extra 35 minutes.An 800g will be done in approximately 95 minutes. Learn how to roast a leg of lamb at The Kitchn.Try leg of lamb recipes at any of these sites: AllRecipes UK BBC Food Tip!or slow roasting, preheat the oven at 180C/350F/Gas mark 4, then allow 35 minutes per 450g/1lb plus an extra 35 minutes. An 800g will be done in approximately 95 minutes. Learn how to roast a leg of lamb at The Kitchn. Try leg of lamb recipes at any of these sites: AllRecipes UK BBC Food Tip!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Rack of lamb should be cooked rare, or at most medium rare. The instructions are for a rack 1 1/4 to 2 pounds big. If you are cooking multiple racks (unless you are doing a crown roast which is a different matter), lay them out separately on the pan, and you may need to increase the cooking time. Preheat oven to 450°F, arrange the oven rack so that the lamb will be in the middle of the oven. Score the fat, by making sharp shallow cuts through the fat, spaced about an inch apart. Sprinkle the rack all over with salt and pepper." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Step 1: Trim roast (we used a leg of lamb). Weigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g. Place on a trivet (roasting rack) in a baking dish.This allows the meat juices to drain form the roast.rim roast (we used a leg of lamb). Weigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g." ], [ "Represent this", "1 Put the lamb racks into a baking dish and spoon on any sauce that may be left behind on the plate. 2 Bake for 20 minutes for medium–rare, or until cooked to your liking, basting a couple of times during cooking with the honey mustard mixture." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Put an onion or two in the pan and 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary. Place the roasting pan in the oven set at 350F(190C) for 15-20 minutes per pound (you don't want to cook lamb well done, but more medium to medium rare) a 6 pound leg should take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "How to Cook Rack of Lamb. This is a rendition of Anthony Bourdain's rack of lamb recipe from his Les Halles cookbook. Start with 2 racks of lamb. Salt the meat. Then pepper it. Pour a glass of wine on the side to enjoy while cooking. This is a rendition of Anthony Bourdain's rack of lamb recipe from his Les Halles cookbook. Join / Sign In" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Put an onion or two in the pan and 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary. Place the roasting pan in the oven set at 350F(190C) for 15-20 minutes per pound (you don't want to cook lamb well done, but more medium to medium rare) a 6 pound leg should take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.Remove the cover(or foil) for the last 15 minutes of roasting time. to 5lb Joint 1½ to 2 hours 5 to 7 lb Joint 2 to 2½ hours 7 to 10lb Joint 2½ to 3 hours Lamb can be taken out sooner if you prefer rare (bloody) meat. Tips for a better roast." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Preheat oven to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C). 2 In a large bowl, combine bread crumbs, garlic, rosemary, 1 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. 3 Season the rack all over with salt and pepper. 4 Arrange the rack bone side down in the skillet. Roast the lamb in preheated oven for 12 to 18 minutes, depending on the degree of doneness you want. With a meat thermometer, take a reading in the center of the meat after 10 to 12 minutes and remove the meat, or let it cook longer, to your taste." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Trim roast (we used a leg of lamb). Weigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g. Place on a trivet (roasting rack) in a baking dish. This allows the meat juices to drain form the roast.eigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g. Place on a trivet (roasting rack) in a baking dish. This allows the meat juices to drain form the roast." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries E.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Star Wars Rogue One will be hitting theaters on December 16th, which is just shy of a year after The Force Awakens brought Star Wars â\\x80\\x94 and our love for the franchise â\\x80\\x94 back into our lives. Until then, we will be able to ride the hype train all the way to Christmas just like we did this time last year with The Force Awakens.'] == ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'when did rogue one come to theaters']", "Directions. 1 Prepare the racks of lamb at least 1 hour (or up to 4 hours) before cooking: Chop together the garlic, salt, rosemary, and pepper to make a coarse rub. 2 Preheat oven to 425° F. Heat a roasting pan in the oven for 10 minutes.irections. 1 Prepare the racks of lamb at least 1 hour (or up to 4 hours) before cooking: Chop together the garlic, salt, rosemary, and pepper to make a coarse rub. 2 Rub the racks with the mixture, cover, and set aside." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Pascal Aussignac's Grilled Rack of Lamb. A rack of lamb is tremendously accompanied by a rusic ratatouille. For best results, marinate the lamb for 4 hours or overnight and cook and season each of the vegetables for the ratatouille separately, to bring out each of their flavours." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "1 Preheat oven to 425° F. Heat a roasting pan in the oven for 10 minutes. 2 Pat the racks of lamb dry with paper towels and coat lightly with the olive oil. 3 Place the racks flesh-side down in the pan.irections. 1 Prepare the racks of lamb at least 1 hour (or up to 4 hours) before cooking: Chop together the garlic, salt, rosemary, and pepper to make a coarse rub. 2 Rub the racks with the mixture, cover, and set aside." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Tip: As a rule, roast a leg of lamb for 15 minutes per 500g, plus 10 minutes more. Allow it to rest for a good 15 minutes before serving to ensure the juices redistribute, making a perfect roast. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. 2 Cut slits in the top of the leg of lamb every 3cm apart deep enough to push slices of garlic down into the meat. 3 Sprinkle salt and pepper generously all over the top of lamb. 4 Place several sprigs of rosemary under and on top of the lamb." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Instead, we use a technique where we start the cooking at a high temperature, like 450°F, for about 20 minutes, then lower the heat to 325°F and cook it the rest of the way. For a leg of lamb, that means until the probe thermometer reads 130°F.For a six-to-eight pound leg of lamb, this whole process should take about hour and a half or maybe a few minutes longer.Once the lamb reaches 130°F we take it out of the oven, tent it with foil and let it rest for about 20 minutes.or a leg of lamb, that means until the probe thermometer reads 130°F. For a six-to-eight pound leg of lamb, this whole process should take about hour and a half or maybe a few minutes longer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Instead of roasting lamb chops in the oven throughout cooking, consider searing the meat on high-heat first. You can use a small amount of oil and a large skillet to sear the lamp chops for about three minutes on each side. The skin of the chops should be browned before removing from the heat. Cover the lamb chops in a roasting dish after browning, and cook in a 400 degree Fahrenheit oven for 10 to 15 minutes depending on how well-done you want the meat. If you want lamb chops medium-rare, the internal temperature on the meat thermometer should register 140 degrees Fahrenheit." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Honey badger. The honey badger or ratel (Mellivora capensis) is a type of mustelid. It lives in Africa, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent. Despite its name, the honey badger does not look much like other types of badgers. It looks more like a weasel.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where does the honey badger live']", "Then lower the heat to 300°F. Cook for 10-20 minutes longer (depending on the size of the lamb rack, if you are roasting more than one rack, and how rare or well done you want your lamb), until a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat 125°F on a for rare or 135°F for medium rare." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rack of lamb should be cooked rare, or at most medium rare. The instructions are for a rack 1 1/4 to 2 pounds big. If you are cooking multiple racks (unless you are doing a crown roast which is a different matter), lay them out separately on the pan, and you may need to increase the cooking time. Preheat oven to 450°F, arrange the oven rack so that the lamb will be in the middle of the oven. Score the fat, by making sharp shallow cuts through the fat, spaced about an inch apart. Sprinkle the rack all over with salt and pepper. Place the lamb rack bone side down (fat side up) on the pan." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Put the lamb right on top of the vegetables in your roasting dish. Put into your hot oven and roast – see cooking times below. Cooking times: A rough guide is 25 minutes for every 450g of meat, but it all depends on your oven.A good way to test for doneness is to give the meat a bit of a squeeze with your fingers.or a nice rare lamb rack, 25 to 30 minutes is a good guide. When you’re happy with the doneness of your lamb, remove the tray from the oven. Remove the lamb from the roasting tray and put the vegetables back in the oven." ], [ "", "1. Take your lamb out of the fridge 30 minutes before cooking to allow it to come to room temperature. 2. Preheat the oven to 170°C. 3. Place a wire rack in a roasting tray, place the lamb on the rack and brush the meat with the oil and.then season with the rock salt and freshly ground black pepper.4. Rub the lamb with the rosemary sprigs leaving them in the roasting dish. 5.Place the meat into the oven and roast at 160°C, allowing 30 minutes per 500g. To test if the meat is cooked, use a skewer to pierce the leg at the thickest part, going through to the bone.. Preheat the oven to 170°C. 3. Place a wire rack in a roasting tray, place the lamb on the rack and brush the meat with the oil and. then season with the rock salt and freshly ground black pepper. 4. Rub the lamb with the rosemary sprigs leaving them in the roasting dish." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1 Twist 1: For an indoor version, roast lamb in a 425° F (220° C) oven for about 25 minutes, basting often. Twist 2: For the most tender lamb, cook the racks until the internal temperature is 140° F (60° C) for rare or 150° F (65° C) for medium-rare." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Preheat the oven to fan 200C/ conventional 220C/gas 7. Season the lamb generously with salt and pepper. 2 Heat a large, heavy frying pan over a moderately high heat and brown two of the racks well on the meaty sides for about 1-2 minutes, then turn and brown the other sides for a further 1 minute. Stand the racks of lamb in a china or glass baking dish, scatter the garlic and rosemary over the top, and drizzle with the olive oil. 2 Leave to marinate for at least 4 hours (or overnight if you have the time), turning occasionally." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Season meat with salt and pepper. Roast lamb, basting every 20 to 30 minutes, first with the reserved marinade, and then with juices that accumulate in the pan. The lamb will need to cook for about 20 minutes per pound (2 hours for a 6-pound leg of lamb; 2 hours and 40 minutes for 8 pounds).he lamb will need to cook for about 20 minutes per pound (2 hours for a 6-pound leg of lamb; 2 hours and 40 minutes for 8 pounds)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Add lamb; turn to coat. Let marinate at room temperature at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. Preheat oven to 400°F. Heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in heavy large ovenproof skillet over high heat. Add lamb; cook until browned, about 3 minutes per side.Transfer skillet to oven and roast lamb chops to desired doneness, about 10 minutes for medium-rare.Transfer lamb to platter, cover, and let rest 5 minutes.1 Recipe by Maria Helm Sinskey.dd lamb; cook until browned, about 3 minutes per side. Transfer skillet to oven and roast lamb chops to desired doneness, about 10 minutes for medium-rare. Transfer lamb to platter, cover, and let rest 5 minutes. 1 Recipe by Maria Helm Sinskey." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Place the roasting pan in the oven set at 350F(190C) for 15-20 minutes per pound (you don't want to cook lamb well done, but more medium to medium rare) a 6 pound leg should take about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Remove the cover(or foil) for the last 15 minutes of roasting time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Trim roast (we used a leg of lamb). Weigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g.Place on a trivet (roasting rack) in a baking dish. This allows the meat juices to drain form the roast.rim roast (we used a leg of lamb). Weigh and calculate cooking time-for lamb allow 25 to 30 minutes per 500g." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Place lamb on a lightly greased wire rack in a roasting pan. Bake at 300° for 20 minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted into thickest portion registers 140° to 145° (medium-rare) or to desired degree of doneness. Remove lamb from pan; cover with aluminum foil, and let stand 10 minutes.3.lace lamb on a lightly greased wire rack in a roasting pan. Bake at 300° for 20 minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted into thickest portion registers 140° to 145° (medium-rare) or to desired degree of doneness. Remove lamb from pan; cover with aluminum foil, and let stand 10 minutes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Roast the lamb in preheated oven for 12 to 18 minutes, depending on the degree of doneness you want. 2 With a meat thermometer, take a reading in the center of the meat after 10 to 12 minutes and remove the meat, or let it cook longer, to your taste. Season the rack all over with salt and pepper. 2 Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large heavy oven proof skillet over high heat. 3 Sear rack of lamb for 1 to 2 minutes on all sides. 4 Set aside for a few minutes. 5 Brush rack of lamb with the mustard." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Homefacts City Report. Edina is located in Hennepin County, MN. The population is 48,561, making Edina the 8th largest city in Hennepin County. There are 15 public schools in Edina with an average Homefacts rating of A+. The total crime rate for Edina is low, and there are 0 registered sex offenders residing in the city.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what county is edina minnesota in']\"", "Place the roasting tray into the oven and roast uncovered at 200°C for 20 minutes. Reduce the heat down to 160°C and roast the lamb for a further 20 minutes per 500g, basting occasionally with the juices from the pan. Remove the roasting dish from the oven and let the meat rest for 20 minutes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The lamb will need to cook for about 20 minutes per pound (2 hours for a 6-pound leg of lamb; 2 hours and 40 minutes for 8 pounds)." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what causes nail to separate from nail bed" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Separation of the nail from the nail bed, medically known as onycholysis, is a common condition that results in a white appearance of the affected part of the nail. Fingernail or toenail separation can have numerous causes but is typically related to trauma or a fungal infection of the nails." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1. Vitamin Deficiency Nails: Deficiency of vitamin B and D cause pigmentation and ridges along the nail bed. The bluish black coloured vertical lines on your nails are warning alarms that you need to make immediate changes to your diet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "4. Health Conditions. If your nails are brittle it may be a sign that you are getting an inadequate amount of oxygen to the feet, which can signal a respiratory issue such as asthma. Psoriasis can mimic the symptoms of a fungal infection in the toenails, causing them to become brittle or fall off. Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism can also cause the nails to split or separate easily. Dehydration, alopecia areata or eczema can also cause the nails to become brittle." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The nail matrix is what's under the base portion your fingernail, where the cuticle is. The cells in the nail matrix manufacture a protein called keratin, which is what makes up your nails. As the proteins build up on top of the matrix, new ones push the older ones forward and out, which is what causes the nail to grow. The forward portion of skin under the nail is the nail bed. This part doesn't grow new nail, only the matrix, which is farther back. The nail on the nail bed is attached to the epidermis (outermost layer of skin), which is only a few cells thick. The epidermis is carried along with the nail as it grows." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Moisture. Most cases of splitting nails are caused by moisture, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Repeatedly wetting and drying your hands, and, by extension, your fingernails, can cause the nails to dry out.Too much moisture can also weaken the nails, softening them and causing them to peel.oisture. Most cases of splitting nails are caused by moisture, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Repeatedly wetting and drying your hands, and, by extension, your fingernails, can cause the nails to dry out." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The city of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, lies on the southern shore of the Rio de la Plata River in east-central Argentina. This largest city in Argentina covers 203 km² (78.5 sq mi) of land area while the metropolitan of Buenos Aires is spread over 4,758 km² (1,837.1 sq mi) area. Geographically, Buenos Aires city is situated in province of same name, but it is politically autonomous. The Rio de la Plata on the east and the Riachuelo on south are the natural borders of the city. The metro offers shelter for about 13 million people.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is buenos aires located in argentina']\"", "1 Deficiency of vitamin B and D cause pigmentation and ridges along the nail bed. The bluish black coloured vertical lines on your nails are warning alarms that you need to make immediate changes to your diet. Deficiency of vitamin C causes reddish black spots to appear on the nail bed and also leads to hang nails." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Separation from the nail bed. Once your nail separates from its nail bed, for whatever reason, it will not reattach. Nails grow back slowly. It takes about 6 months for fingernails and up to 18 months for toenails to grow back attached to the nail bed.. The WebMD Answers Staff. This answer should not be considered medical advice...This answer should not be considered medical advice and should not take the place of a doctor’s visit." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nail change not thyr: Usually fingernail ridges are related to trauma of the nail matrix or bed. This may be of fungal origin. Ocassionaly this may be related to polish or an infection. Pulmonary conditions may have nail changes and skin diseases such as psoriasis or melanoma can cause nail changes. ...Read more." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Nails split and crack because they are dry. Keratin holds the top layers of the nails together, and over-exposure to water breaks down that bond. In addition, the chemicals found in your average nail polish removers also dry your nails out. You must moisturize your nails to counter all this drying." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "When: When a toe is traumatized by the nail, a small blood vessel underneath the nail can break and cause bleeding under the nail. Blood collects between the nail plate (the nail itself) and the nail bed (the soft tissue under the nail plate), and pressure from the blood can cause the nail plate to lift off the nail bed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most cases of splitting nails are caused by moisture, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Repeatedly wetting and drying your hands, and, by extension, your fingernails, can cause the nails to dry out. Too much moisture can also weaken the nails, softening them and causing them to peel." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The distal part — that's the separation between the white and pink part — has a curved shape. That's creating the stresses, Rauch told Live Science. Eventually, this stress causes the far edge of the nail to poke down into the skin alongside the nail, leading to an ingrown nail, the researchers found. Themedical name for the condition is onychocryptosis. These forces are also the reason that the big toe seems especially prone to ingrown nails, Rauch said." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Clip your hangnails. Hangnails are often caused by splitting or improper cutting of nails. After your nail rips away, your skin and nail bed can be left damaged or torn. Even the smallest of tears in the skin can allow infection to enter your body." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "After a nail separates from the nail bed for whatever reason, it will not reattach. A new nail will have to grow back in its place. Nails grow back slowly. It takes about 6 months for a fingernail and up to 18 months for a toenail to grow back." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Moisture. Most cases of splitting nails are caused by moisture, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Repeatedly wetting and drying your hands, and, by extension, your fingernails, can cause the nails to dry out. Too much moisture can also weaken the nails, softening them and causing them to peel." ], [ "", "Diseases: 1 Disorders that affect the amount of oxygen in the blood (such as heart problems and lung diseases including cancer or infection) may cause clubbing. 2 Kidney disease can cause a build-up of nitrogen waste products in the blood, which can damage nails. 3 Liver disease can damage nails. Thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism may cause brittle nails or splitting of the nail bed from the nail plate (onycholysis). Severe illness or surgery may cause horizontal depressions in the nails (Beau's lines)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "B Vitamin deficiency may cause nails to become fragile with horizontal or vertical ridges. Brittle nails that split easily may indicate an fatty acid, protein, Vitamin A deficiency, Iron or Calcium deficiency. Nails with white flecks or lines may result due to a Zinc or Vitamin B6 deficiency." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Nail Lifting, or Onycholysis: Why Does It Happen? Nail lifting (onycholysis) occurs when a fingernail or toenail separates from its nail bed. As the end of the nail begins to lift away, it may look like a half moon or the free edge can appear like a hood laying over the nail bed, still attached." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Horizontal Fingernail Ridges. A diet lacking in essential nutrients can and will disrupt the process of keratin formation in your nails and can cause horizontal lines. This, along with insufficient moisture, creates nail ridges and can make nails very brittle and prone to breakage." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hello, Receding nail bed can be due to allergies, poor circulation, thyroid condition, psoriasis or fungal infection of the nails causing onycholysis. I suggest you to consult a dermatologist and get your nail scrapings done for KOH testing to rule out any fungal infections. I hope it helps. Take care and regards." ], [ "", "1 Nail becomes detached from its bed at base and side, creating a space under nail that accumulates dirt. 2 Air under nail may cause grey-white colour but can vary from yellow to brown. 3 In psoriasis can see yellowish-brown margin between margin between normal nail (pink) and detached parts (white)." ], [ "", "An iron deficiency can cause the nail bed to be thin and concave and have raised ridges. While most of Fox's patients don't come in to report nail problems, he routinely checks patients to make sure they have healthy fingernails. The nails offer many little clues to what's going on inside you." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The section of the nail that is separated will appear white in color, as there is air between the nail and the bed. When onycholysis is the result of a skin condition or medication, clients will have additional symptoms beyond nail separation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick Answer. A person whose fingernails have been lifted off the nail bed could be suffering from a condition called onycholysis, which is caused by overzealous manicure, repetitive trauma and prolonged use of water. The condition usually occurs slowly and does not cause any pain. Keep Learning." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Separation from the nail bed. Once your nail separates from its nail bed, for whatever reason, it will not reattach. Nails grow back slowly. It takes about 6 months for fingernails and up to 18 months for toenails to grow back attached to the nail bed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Malnutrition and Malabsorption Can Cause Ridges on Nail or Vertical Lines on Nails: Lack of proper intake of food leading to a deficiency in diet and nutrients like vitamins and minerals is known as malnutrition. While the lack of proper absorption of nutrients in to the body is known as malabsorption." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Most cases of splitting nails are caused by moisture, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Repeatedly wetting and drying your hands, and, by extension, your fingernails, can cause the nails to dry out." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Moisture. Most cases of splitting nails are caused by moisture, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Repeatedly wetting and drying your hands, and, by extension, your fingernails, can cause the nails to dry out.Too much moisture can also weaken the nails, softening them and causing them to peel.sing your fingernails as tools for scraping and prying will also cause nail injuries, and nails can break and split during normal everyday activities. Keeping your nails trimmed short and filing them with an emery board into a rounded shape can prevent the splitting and peeling from getting worse." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Nails may also appear lightened to a whitish-yellow color if there has been separation of the nail from the nail bed, termed onycholysis. The skin, mucous membranes, and nails may appear blue when there is inadequate oxygenation of blood (cyanosis), but this is not true discoloration of the nail itself." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you are getting splitting, brittle or peeling nails once in a while, you are not alone. It seems strange when your healthy, strong, beautiful nails one day start peeling and splitting; and you wonder why that is happening to you.ron deficiency: Pallor of the nail bed can be a sign of iron deficiency. Koilonychia (also known as “spoon nails”) is a nail disease that is a sign of iron-deficiency anemia. This disease is highly reported in post-gastrectomy and those with Plummer-Vinson syndrome." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "This Site Might Help You. RE: Why is my nail bed receding? The nail bed under my left thumb has receded about 2mm over the last two months. It has receded evenly across the nail bed and retains the same half-moon shape of my natural nail bed. The skin under the nail bed is white and extremely dry, and it flakes off, cracks, and splits, which is sometimes... Source(s): nail bed receding: https://tr.im/8VRYP. Velvet · 2 months ago." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Source – salongeek. Onycholysis is a common disorder affecting nails. The condition is marked by splitting of the nail bed, of the finger or the toe, from the nail plate. Usually, the nail plate remains attached to the nail bed. But this condition loosens the nail and it starts coming out from the nail bed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Using your fingernails as tools for scraping and prying will also cause nail injuries, and nails can break and split during normal everyday activities. Keeping your nails trimmed short and filing them with an emery board into a rounded shape can prevent the splitting and peeling from getting worse.oisture. Most cases of splitting nails are caused by moisture, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Repeatedly wetting and drying your hands, and, by extension, your fingernails, can cause the nails to dry out." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Using your fingernails as tools for scraping and prying will also cause nail injuries, and nails can break and split during normal everyday activities. Keeping your nails trimmed short and filing them with an emery board into a rounded shape can prevent the splitting and peeling from getting worse." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 A nail injury such as closing a finger in a door or breaking the nail off of the nail bed can cause nail ridges if you do not take care of the nail as it grows back. 2 Trauma like that causes direct damage to the nail bed that requires treatment for healthy nail recovery." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The darker the discoloration, the deeper into the nail plate layers the bacteria has traveled. If the bacteria has entered between the nail plate and the nail bed, it will cause the same discolorations and may also cause the nail plate to lift from the nail bed. Fungal Infection of the nail plate." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The condition is called onycholysis. Onycholysis is the separation of a nail from the nailbed (the skin the nail attaches to). The separation may seem to appear suddenly, but it usually occurs gradually over time. Trauma is the most common cause of onycholysis.Sometimes the trauma can be so minor you’re not even aware of it.The trauma can be from the nervous tapping of your fingernails on a desktop or the repeated striking of the nails on a computer keyboard or musical instrument.rauma is the most common cause of onycholysis. Sometimes the trauma can be so minor you’re not even aware of it. The trauma can be from the nervous tapping of your fingernails on a desktop or the repeated striking of the nails on a computer keyboard or musical instrument." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nail plate seperates from nail bed creating a gap, does not fall off; nail appears white; color of nail will change if infected Cause: Internal disorders, product allergies, trauma to the nail, infection Action: Recommend client to medical professional to prevent fungal infection" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Injury: 1 Crushing the base of the nail or the nail bed may cause a permanent deformity. 2 Chronic picking or rubbing of the skin behind the nail can cause a washboard nail. 3 Long-term exposure to moisture or nail polish can cause nails to peel and become brittle." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "A diet lacking in essential nutrients can and will disrupt the process of keratin formation in your nails and can cause horizontal lines. This, along with insufficient moisture, creates nail ridges and can make nails very brittle and prone to breakage." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Injury: 1 Crushing the base of the nail or the nail bed may cause a permanent deformity. 2 Chronic picking or rubbing of the skin behind the nail can cause median nail dystrophy, which gives a lengthwise split or ridged appearance of the thumbnails. 3 Long-term exposure to moisture or nail polish can cause nails to peel and become brittle. Infection: Fungus or yeast cause changes in the color, texture, and shape of the nails. Bacterial infection may cause a change in nail color or painful areas of infection under the nail or in the surrounding skin. Severe infections may cause nail loss. Paronychia is an infection around the nailfold and cuticle. Viral warts may cause a change in the shape of the nail or ingrown skin under the nail. Certain infections (especially of the heart valve) may cause red streaks in the nail bed (splinter hemorrhages). Diseases:" ], [ "Represent this text", "Nail Trauma. Nails can sustain horizontal dents or ridges from physical trauma to the nail bed. If you discover horizontal ridges on your fingernails, consider any recent trauma as the cause. These grooves are typically temporary and will grow out with the nail." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Claw and Nail Disorders in Dogs. Nail and Nail Bed Disorders in Dogs. Nail and nail bed disorders refer to any abnormality or disease that affects the claw or surrounding area, generally known as dystrophy. One type of nail disorders, paronychia, is an infection that causes inflammation around the nail or claw." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An iron deficiency can also cause the nail bed to be thin and concave and have raised ridges, spoon-shaped nails or koilonychia. Heart disease can turn the nail beds red. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can show up in the nails through persistent nail-biting or picking.Even common disorders like thyroid disease can cause abnormalities in the nail beds, producing dry, brittle nails that crack and split easily.n iron deficiency can also cause the nail bed to be thin and concave and have raised ridges, spoon-shaped nails or koilonychia. Heart disease can turn the nail beds red. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can show up in the nails through persistent nail-biting or picking." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "White nails. If most of the nail has turned white and it isn't because it has become detached from the nail bed, it's likely to be either a fungal nail infection or a sign of decreased blood supply to the nail bed, which causes something known as Terry's nails." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "If most of the nail plate has turned white and it's not because the nail has become detached from the nail bed, it's likely to be either a fungal nail infection or a sign of decreased blood supply to the nail bed, known as Terry's nails." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nail splitting may also be caused by nail cosmetics (hardeners, polish, polish removers/solvents), nail procedures, and occupational exposure to various chemicals (alkalis, acids, cement, solvents, thioglycolates, salt, sugar solutions). Injury (trauma) may also play a role in the development of brittle nails." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "White lined bands across the nail bed indicate a protein deficiency. White lines in or across the nail bed may indicate fever, heart disease, kidney disorder, liver troubles, or lack of iron or zinc. Pale color on the nail bed can indicate anemia, which develops from iron or vitamin B12 deficiency. Greenish hue can indicate an infection. Bluish nail bed can be a sign of lung trouble, such as asthma or emphysema. A dark blue line in the nail bed may be a result of skin cancer." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "What Causes Toenails to Thicken? Any alteration to the nail plate, nail bed, or root of the nail can result in thickening. This damage may be temporary or permanent, depending on the cause." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what temp should my deep fryer be on" ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Begin heating the oil over medium high heat. If you have a deep fat frying thermometer, use it! The best temperature is 350 to 375 degrees F. If you don't have a thermometer, the oil is ready when a 1 cube of white bread dropped into the oil browns in 60 seconds; that oil temperature will be about 365 degrees F. Don't overcrowd the pan!" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Maillard reaction begins around 150° C. You do not need that exact temperature. Usually, you don't even want that exact temperature; even baking temperatures usually hover around 175-200° C (350-400° F), and those temperatures are held for 20 minutes or more. Pan-frying is almost always a fast cooking process lasting no longer than 10 minutes. Thus, almost every cooking oil has a smoke point at or around the ideal temperature. Butter is a bit too low around 121-149° C (250-300° F), but the vast majority of liquid oils - peanut, sunflower, corn, canola, sesame, even EVOO - all have smoke points from 150-260° C (300-500° F)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Heat the oil over moderate heat until it is 350 degrees Fahrenheit. While the oil is heating, ensure the chicken is completely dry — fully coated in flour. The less moisture there is, the crispier your chicken will be. If you are pan frying, add about 1 inch of oil to a large, heavy bottomed pan. To deep-fry, fill the fryer with as much oil as needed to fully cover a piece of chicken with at least 1 inch of oil. Keep chicken in the fridge until the oil is hot enough; the cooler temperature will help it retain juice." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 1 tsp salt 5 mL. 1. Cut potatoes into uniform length and thickness for even cooking. Preheat canola oil to a frying temperature of 375 °F (190 °C). To cook French fries properly, it is important to maintain this frying temperature. You may wish to increase the temperature slightly before adding potatoes as oil temperature will drop when food is added." ], [ "Represent text", "1 Sprinkle salt and pepper on both sides of meat. 2 Coat the meat with flour, dip in eggs, then cover with bread crumbs. Heat deep frying oil to 350 F, and deep fry crumb-covered meat. You can check the temperature by dropping a bread crumb. If it comes up to the oil surface right after it's dropped, it's good." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Instructions. 1 Preheat waffle iron. 2 a separate bowl, mix 2 cups flour, baking soda, and salt. 3 Spray waffle iron with cooking spray and pour ¼ of the batter into the iron. Fill deep fryer with oil and preheat to 350 degrees." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "pan fry it as you would if it wasn't frozen, once you have some colour on both sides put it in a pre-heated oven at between 160-180 degrees. every ten minutes or so check the temperature using a thermomator. the internal temperature has to be 63 degrees or over to be safe to eat." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to Deep Fry Fish. When you deep fry fish, the fish is totally submerged in hot fat or oil. The pan used for deep frying should be deep enough to hold 2 to 3 inches of hot fat. A 4 to 6 inch deep pan is good because it helps to control spattering. If possible a conventional deep fryer works best. When choosing a fish for deep frying remember a lean type deep fries better than an oily one." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Use gloves and scrapers and other cleaning tools with handles provided by your employer. Use the correct grease level and cooking temperatures for your deep fryer. Keep stove surfaces clean to prevent grease flare-ups. Avoid reaching over or climbing on top of fryers and other hot surfaces." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Remove from heat and reserve for serving. Heat oil in a deep fryer or fry daddy to 375° F the oil should be just enough to cover wings entirely, an inch or so deep. Fry coated wings in hot oil for about 8 minutes, or until they float up and wings turn golden brown. Drain and place wings in serving bowl, add hot sauce mixture and stir together." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The temperature of a deep freezer should be set at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature stops the growth of bacteria and preserves the nutritional value of the food." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This will bring the temperature of the oil down to about 350F. 10-12 minutes on each side and then out of the oil. Return the oil to 375 and put the white pieces in for 8-10 minutes per side. This is for a shallow pan fry." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A way to check is when the grease warms, put a pi…nch of batter in the pot's it starts to bubble like it is cooking, let the heat stay at that temp and batter and drop in the chicken. When the chicken turns golden brown brown, it should be ready. Usually takes ten minutes or so. ********I recommend a deep fryer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "At what temperature should i take my baby to the hospital? my 1 month old babys temperature is 37.5 and im wondering if i should be taking him to the hospital or if it goes higher than what temp he should go.Add your answer.Source.t what temperature should i take my baby to the hospital? my 1 month old babys temperature is 37.5 and im wondering if i should be taking him to the hospital or if it goes higher than what temp he should go." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Preheat a fry pan or a griddle to between 400 and 440 degrees Fahrenheit which is equivalent to 204 to 225 degrees centigrade. A temperature setting nearer 400 degrees will lengthen the cooking time and the crepe crêpe will be crispier and lighter in. color" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Next. my 1 month old babys temperature is 37.5 and im wondering if i should be taking him to the hospital or if it goes higher than what temp he should go.Add your answer.Source.t what temperature should i take my baby to the hospital? my 1 month old babys temperature is 37.5 and im wondering if i should be taking him to the hospital or if it goes higher than what temp he should go." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Place the chicken into the deep fryer carefully, per manufacturer’s instructions. Cook the chicken for 6 to 8 minutes per pound. Remove the chicken from the deep fryer and allow it to cool for 10 minutes. Carve and serve the chicken while hot." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'With 9,445 people, Pryor Creek is the 46th most populated city in the state of Oklahoma out of 730 cities. But watch out, Pryor Creek, because Newcastle with 9,155 people and The Village with 9,324 people are right behind you. The largest Pryor Creek racial/ethnic groups are White (67.8%) followed by Two or More (17.4%) and American Indian (7.9%). In 2013, the median household income of Pryor Creek residents was $41,963. Pryor Creek households made slightly more than Bethany households ($41,934) and Simms households ($41,875) . However, 18.6% of Pryor Creek residents live in poverty. The median age for Pryor Creek residents is 36.9 years young. Get the Full Report Instant Download.']\" == \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'population of pryor ok']\"", "Submit. · just now. Report Abuse. pan fry it as you would if it wasn't frozen, once you have some colour on both sides put it in a pre-heated oven at between 160-180 degrees. every ten minutes or so check the temperature using a thermomator. the internal temperature has to be 63 degrees or over to be safe to eat." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "At what temperature do I deep fry wings? I have a hand-me down Rival Deep Fryer, with varying temperatures. Unfortunately, my mother didn't give me the book, and I have no idea what temperature (or for how long) I should cook them for." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Plug air fryer into an electrical outlet and press the power button. 4. Press the time/temperature button. The display will flash with the default time of. 60 minutes. Use the decrease button to set the time for 3 minutes. NOTE: Pressing and holding either increase or decrease button will rapidly change. the time. The time range is 1–60 minutes. 5. Press the time/temperature button again to set the temperature for cooking." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Strain it through a few layers of cheesecloth to catch any food particles before storing. Be careful with hot oil, though, because you can easily get burned. Shake off excess batter from food before frying it. Use a good thermometer to fry foods at a maximum of 375°F (or 190°C). Turn off the heat after you are done cooking. Exposing oil to prolonged heat accelerates rancidity. Don't mix different types of oil. Store oil in a cool, dark place. Avoid iron or copper pots or pans for frying oil that is to be reused." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "at what temp should my cooling fans come on in my 1991 pontiac grand prix." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Clean your deep fryer as needed. If you use your deep fryer frequently, changing the oil and cleaning it every few days will help prevent a buildup of grime that can be much harder to remove. If you only use your deep fryer every couple weeks or less frequently, clean it after each use.se damp, but not dripping, paper towels or a sponge to wipe away oil residue and bits of food from inside the deep fryer pot. If the oil has caked on, scrape it off with a pan scraper or spatula, taking care not to damage the finish. Some lids are removable for easy cleaning." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "sun belt ap human geography definition" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Welcome to AP Human Geography! Human Geography is a lot more than maps. Although you will be expected to know and understand locations on a map and other cartographic concepts, this course takes in a myriad of geographical aspects: population, culture, politics, economics, agriculture, and religion, just to name a few." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', '128 ounces in a gallon! This table will be useful in converting ounces to gallons, remembering how many ounces in a quart, or how many ounces in a tablespoon. If you have trouble remembering how many ounces to use, try printing this list and keeping it in your kitchen.Not all tablespoons are the same.The British tablespoon is 17.7 ml while the American tablespoon is 14.2 ml.f you have trouble remembering how many ounces to use, try printing this list and keeping it in your kitchen. Not all tablespoons are the same. The British tablespoon is 17.7 ml while the American tablespoon is 14.2 ml.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how many ounces make a gallon conversion table']", "AP Human Geography Unit 1—Geography: It’s Nature and Perspectives August, 2015. - 4 -. In 1994, a document was written called Geography for Life: The Geography National Standards. 1994 and it presented what each American student should know and be able to do in geography. by grades 4, 8, and 12." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A sundial is a device that tells the time of day by the apparent position of the Sun in the sky. In the narrowest sense of the word it consists of a flat plate (the dial) and a gnomon which casts a shadow onto the dial." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Note: The following concepts transcend all units in AP Human Geography; they are central to all geographic thinking and analysis and could even be considered central to any definition of geography." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Kuiper belt definition, a disk-shaped region on the edge of the solar system that contains masses of ice and icy rock, believed to be the source of comets with orbital periods of less than 200 years. See more." ], [ "", "The asteroid belt is a region of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where most of the asteroids in our Solar System are found orbiting the Sun." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The celestial belt where the Sun relentlessly follows his course, when seen from the Earth, is divided into twelve equal parts called zodiacal signs. It all works out as if all the human features were represented within the whole twelve signs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Geography is the study of life on the surface of the earth. Historically it has consisted of two main branches, human geography and physical geography. Human geography has three general foci: characterizing and explaining the differences between places in the present and throughout time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sun Facts. The Sun or Sol, is the star at the centre of our solar system and is responsible for the Earth’s climate and weather. The Sun is an almost perfect sphere with a difference of just 10km in diameter between the poles and the equator.The average radius of the Sun is 695,508 km (109.2 x that of the Earth) of which 20–25% is the core.he Sun is an almost perfect sphere with a difference of just 10km in diameter between the poles and the equator. The average radius of the Sun is 695,508 km (109.2 x that of the Earth) of which 20–25% is the core." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In this AP Human Geography study guide, we will define region as it applies to geography, examine regions as one of the five themes of geography, and identify examples of the three different types of regions. We will wrap up with what you can expect on the AP Human Geography Exam on the topic of regions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A Vocabulary List for AP Human Geography. Martha Sharma. Retired teacher. Hilton Head, South Carolina. Unit VII. Cities and Urban Land Use—Basic Vocabulary and Concepts. Agglomeration. Barriadas." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Finally, I have selected these books because they are easily accessible, eminently readable, broadly. informative, and specifically focused on some important aspect of geography such as urban development, religion and culture, or politics. It is my hope that in anticipation of taking AP Human Geography, you will not. only enjoy the subject matter of the book you select but you will also make your AP experience more." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The photic zone, euphotic zone (Greek for well lit: εὖ well + φῶς light), or sunlight or (Sunlit) zone is the depth of the water in a lake or ocean that is exposed to such intensity of sunlight which designates compensation point, i.e. the intensity of light at which the rate of carbon dioxide uptake, or equivalently, the rate of oxygen ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "35 terms Term: Central Business District (CBD) Definition: A concentration of business and commerce in the city's downtown. Ch. 9 AP Human Geography. Vocabulary for Ch. 9 AP Human Geography. Find, create, and access flashcards with Course Hero." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 A mountain belt is many tens to hundreds of kilometres wide and hundreds to thousands of kilometres long. It stands above the surrounding surface, which may be a coastal plain, as along the western Andes in northern Chile, or a high plateau, as within and along the Plateau of Tibet in southwest China." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(māg-nē'tō-sfîr') A highly asymmetrical region surrounding the Earth, beginning about 100 km (62 mi) above the surface on the side of the Earth facing the Sun and extending hundreds of thousands of kilometers into space on the opposite side." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Seven of the ten largest cities in the United States are located in the Sun Belt: Los Angeles (2), Houston (4), Phoenix (6), San Antonio (7), San Diego (8), Dallas (9), and San Jose (10)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Sun (in Greek: Helios, in Latin: Sol) is the star at the center of the Solar System and is by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth. It is a nearly perfect spherical ball of hot plasma, with internal convective motion that generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process.he Sun is a G-type main-sequence star (G2V) based on spectral class and it is informally referred to as a yellow dwarf. It formed approximately 4.567 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of matter within a region of a large molecular cloud." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'No, it is located in Washington, D.C. The Library of Congress occupies three buildings on Capitol Hill. The Thomas Jefferson Building (1897) is the original separate Library â\\x80¦ of Congress building. (The Library began in 1800 inside the U.S. Capitol.) The John Adams Building was built in 1938 and the James Madison Memorial Building was completed in 1981.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is congress located in dc']", "(sÅ­n) n. 1. often Sun The star around which Earth and other planets orbit. It provides heat and light to Earth. It has a mean distance from Earth of about 150 million kilometers (93 million miles), a diameter of approximately 1,391,000 kilometers (864,000 miles), and a mass about 333,000 times that of Earth." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of geography for Students. 1 1 : a science that deals with the location of living and nonliving things on earth and the way they affect one another. 2 2 : the natural features of an area the geography of the western United States." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Sundial A sundial is a device that tells the time of day by the position of the Sun. In common designs such as the horizontal sundial, the sun casts a shadow from its style onto a surface marked with lines indicating the hours of the day. The style is the time-telling edge of the gnomon, often a thin rod or a sharp, straight edge." ], [ "represent text.", "Transcript of AP Human Geography Models and Theories. 17. Larry Ford and Ernest Griffin created a model of the pattern of urban growth in Latin America. Their model contains elements of Latin American culture and imprints of colonization and globalization, such as a prominent plaza and heavy growth around the CBD." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "3. (Science: astronomy) equator of the sun or of a planet, the great circle whose plane passes through through the center of the body, and is perpendicular to its axis of revolution.Origin: L. Aequator one who equalizes: cf. F.Equateur equator.. (Science: astronomy) equator of the sun or of a planet, the great circle whose plane passes through through the center of the body, and is perpendicular to its axis of revolution. Origin: L. Aequator one who equalizes: cf. F. Equateur equator." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Malika is writing an essay about the Sun. Below is the first paragraph in the essay. The Sun is an average-size star that is located at the center of the solar system. This hot, glowing ball of gas has a diameter of 1,393,000 km. This means 109 Earths would fit side by side across the diameter of the Sun. At the surface, the Sun's temperature is about 550 degrees Celsius. Earth is located just under 150 million kilometers from the Sun." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Full Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3.: a treatise on geography.4.ull Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Physiological Density on the AP Human Geography Exam. One of the most helpful portions of each AP Human Geography Crash Course Review is our focus on the AP Human Geography exam. On your AP Human Geo exam, you may be asked to consider different types of population density." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The so-called bible belt is America’s poverty belt including Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and South Carolina." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition: Commercial agriculture characterized by integration of different steps in the food-processing industry, usually through ownership by large corporations. AP Human Geography Vocab 7. Vocabulary for AP Human Geography Vocab 7. Find, create, and access Geography, flashcards with Course Hero." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Kuiper belt (kÄ«'pər) A disk-shaped region in the outer solar system lying beyond the orbit of Neptune and containing thousands of small, icy celestial bodies." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Definition of Kuiper Belt. : a band of small celestial bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune from which many short-period comets are believed to originate — compare oort cloud." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Meaning of Good Consideration. Technically, it is distinct from valuable . consideration , since it refers to consideration of blood or natural love and affection. However, it is a common tendency to use these words as synonymous with valuable consideration or in conjunction therewith as in good and valuable consideration. Weigand v Tanden Motor Co., 167 A. 493, 109 Pa.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is good consideration']\"", "Geography (from Greek γεωγραφία, geographia, lit. earth description) is a field study of the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of Earth. A literal translation would be to describe or picture or write about the earth.The first person to use the word geography was Eratosthenes (276–194 BC).uman geography is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape the human society. It encompasses the human, political, cultural, social, and economic aspects." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The Black Belt is a region of the U.S. state of Alabama. The term originally referred to the region's rich, black topsoil, much of it in the soil order Vertisols. The term took on an additional meaning in the 19th century, when the region was developed for cotton plantation agriculture, in which the workers were African-American slaves. After the American Civil War, many freedmen stayed in the area as sharecroppers and tenant farmers, continuing to comprise a majority of the population. The soci" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. : anthropogeography. ADVERTISEMENT. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis.Note that some information is displayed differently in the Unabridged.efinition of HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. : anthropogeography. ADVERTISEMENT. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Asteroid Belt. About 2-4 AU (186-370 million miles) away from the Sun, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, is a region called the Asteroid Belt. This region is a ring of tens of thousands of relatively small rocky objects called Asteroids. Asteroids can vary greatly in size." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sun path. Solar altitude over a year; latitude on northern hemisphere. Sun path polar chart for any location at the latitude of Rotterdam. Sun path refers to the apparent hourly and seasonal motion of the Sun across the sky (and the length of daylight) as the Earth rotates and orbits the Sun. The relative position of the Sun is a major factor in the heat gain of buildings and in the performance of solar energy systems." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The sociological definition of the Black Belt, as related to the history of this cotton-dependent region, refers to a much larger region of the Southern United States, stretching from Maryland to Texas but centered on the Black Belt of uplands areas of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "General Characteristics of the Sun. The sun is a star of about medium size; it appears so much larger and brighter than the other stars because of its relative nearness to the earth.The earth's distance from the sun varies from 91,377,000 mi (147,053,000 km) at perihelion to 94,537,000 mi (152,138,000 km) at aphelion (see apsis).The mean distance is c.92,960,000 mi (149,591,000 km); this is taken as the astronomical unit (AU) of distance used for measuring distances within the solar system.eneral Characteristics of the Sun. The sun is a star of about medium size; it appears so much larger and brighter than the other stars because of its relative nearness to the earth." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Bright white areas of light are evidence of larger urban areas, of. 38 A Curriculum Module for AP Human Geography cities. It is easy to see — rather intuitively — where the cities begin and end based on the “agglomerated” and “continuous” lights. Areas of darkness separate the various cities, or urban areas, on the map.hese lessons do not cover the entirety of the curricular requirements of the urbanization portion of the AP Human Geography course outline. It is not necessary to teach these lessons in any particular order, nor is it necessary to present them in their entirety." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Asteroid Belt. About 2-4 AU (186-370 million miles) away from the Sun, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, is a region called the Asteroid Belt. This region is a ring of tens of thousands of relatively small rocky objects called Asteroids." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hilton Head, South Carolina. Martha Sharma recently retired from the National Cathedral School in Washington, D.C., after teaching geography there for 21 years. She is a former member of the AP Human Geography Development Committee and is currently president of the National Council for Geographic Education.She is also content adviser for AP Human Geography.ote: The following concepts transcend all units in AP Human Geography; they are central to all geographic thinking and analysis and could even be considered central to any definition of geography." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Human and Physical Geography is the study of the environment, people, and the resources they use. Geography determines the way in which humans live, the adaptations they have developed to survive, and the alterations to the environment they have made to better their existence.limate. Climate is a very important part in the study of human and physical geography. Climate is the usual weather patterns that occur in an area over a long period of time. There are four major climate zones, tropical, dry, mid-latitude, and high latitude." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Map of the Earth. Geography (from Greek γεωγραφία, geographia, lit. earth description) is a field study of the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of Earth. A literal translation would be to describe or picture or write about the earth.The first person to use the word geography was Eratosthenes (276–194 BC).uman geography is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape the human society. It encompasses the human, political, cultural, social, and economic aspects." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Human and Physical Geography is the study of the environment, people, and the resources they use. Geography determines the way in which humans live, the adaptations they have developed to survive, and the alterations to the environment they have made to better their existence.limate is a very important part in the study of human and physical geography. Climate is the usual weather patterns that occur in an area over a long period of time. There are four major climate zones, tropical, dry, mid-latitude, and high latitude." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The word geography literally means “earth writing”. Geography has been elucidated by various sources time and again. Here is a general definition of geography: “Geography is the study of the Earth’s physical features and environment including the impact of human activity on these factors and vice versa. The subject also encompasses the study of patterns of human population distribution, land use, resource availability, and industries.”." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "who was the first russian to orbit the earth" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Russian Yuri Gargain was the first man to orbit the earth. He orbited the earth once before returning to earth about 90 minutes later. Russian Yuri Gargain was the first man to orbit the earth. He orbited the earth once before returning to earth about 90 minutes later. Yuri Gagarin revolved around the earth in outer space but Dave Kunste was the first person to walk around the Earth. Yuri Gagarin, the first being to walk in space." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Laika Biography. Laika the dog was the first living being to orbit the Earth in space. She was aboard Sputnik II when it was launched by the Soviet Union on 3 November 1957." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Soviet Union stunned the world on Nov. 3, 1957, with the launch of Sputnik 2. On board the small satellite was a little dog, Laika, the first animal to orbit Earth. However, Laika was not the first animal in space. The United States and the U.S.S.R. had been putting animals atop rockets since 1947.Laika, a mixed-breed dog, was the first living being in orbit.he dogs reached space on July 22, 1951, but did not orbit. They were the first mammals successfully recovered from spaceflight. After Laika, the Soviet Union sent two more dogs, Belka and Strelka, into space on Aug. 19, 1960. The animals were the first to actually orbit and return alive." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin (Russian: юрий алексеевич гагарин; March 9, 1934 – March 27, 1968) was a Russian cosmonaut (astronaut). He became the first human in space on April 12, 1961, in a rocket launched by the Soviet Union." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "By 1959, American observers believed that the Soviet Union would be the first to get a human into space, because of the time needed to prepare for Mercury's first launch. On April 12, 1961, the USSR surprised the world again by launching Yuri Gagarin into a single orbit around the Earth in a craft they called Vostok 1." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Description. The Sputnik 1 spacecraft was the first artificial satellite successfully placed in orbit around the Earth and was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome at Tyuratam (370 km southwest of the small town of Baikonur) in Kazakhstan, then part of the former Soviet Union." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The nagana, or tsetse-fly disease of cattle is the most virulent disease of domestic animals in certain parts of Africa. Handbook of Medical Entomology William Albert Riley. In the course of his work he established beyond question that the nagana and the tsetse-fly disease were identical.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what insect causes nagana']\"", "Elizabeth Dohrer, SPACE.com Contributor | September 25, 2012 06:55pm ET. The Soviet Union stunned the world on Nov. 3, 1957, with the launch of Sputnik 2. On board the small satellite was a little dog, Laika, the first animal to orbit Earth. However, Laika was not the first animal in space.The United States and the U.S.S.R. had been putting animals atop rockets since 1947.Laika, a mixed-breed dog, was the first living being in orbit.owever, Laika was not the first animal in space. The United States and the U.S.S.R. had been putting animals atop rockets since 1947. Laika, a mixed-breed dog, was the first living being in orbit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Mercury Project suffered some early setbacks, however, and on April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited Earth in the world’s first manned space flight. Less than one month later, on May 5, astronaut Alan Shepard was successfully launched into space on a suborbital flight. On February 20, 1962, in a major step for the U.S. space program, John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Yuri Gagarin was a cosmonaut for the Soviet Union. On April 12, 1961, he became the first human being to travel into space. His spacecraft was called Vostok I and it c…ompleted a single orbit of the earth in 1 hour and 48 minutes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Yuri Gagarin was a cosmonaut for the Soviet Union. On April 12, 1961, he became the first human being to travel into space. His spacecraft was called Vostok I and it completed a single orbit of the earth in 1 hour and 48 minutes. Yuri Gagarin was aboard but not piloting Vostok 1 on 12 April 1961." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Best known as: The first dog to orbit the Earth. Laika the dog was the first living being to orbit the Earth in space. She was aboard Sputnik II when it was launched by the Soviet Union on 3 November 1957." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Soviet Union ushered in the space age on October 4, 1957, when the country launched the first in a series of 10 artificial Earth satellites. This series was designated Sputnik, which means traveling companion in Russian." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "1963: Soviets launch first woman into space A former textile worker from the Soviet Union has become the first woman in space.Lieutenant Valentina Tereshkova, 26, was the fifth Russian cosmonaut to go into the Earth's orbit when her spaceship Vostok VI was launched at 1230 Moscow time.963: Soviets launch first woman into space. Lieutenant Valentina Tereshkova, 26, was the fifth Russian cosmonaut to go into the Earth's orbit when her spaceship Vostok VI was launched at 1230 Moscow time. Moscow Television broadcast the first pictures of the elated blonde-code-named Seagull-ninety minutes later." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Yuri Gagarin: First Man in Space April 12 was already a huge day in space history twenty years before the launch of the first shuttle mission. On that day in 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (left, on the way to the launch pad) became the first human in space, making a 108-minute orbital flight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft. Newspapers like The Huntsville Times (right) trumpeted Gagarin's accomplishment." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sullivan learned that the Soviet news agency Tass had just announced the launch of Sputnik 1, the world's first Earth-orbiting artificial satellite. When he returned to the party Sullivan sought out Richard Porter, a member of the American IGY committee, and whispered, it's up.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "They prepared their documents for the FAI omitting this fact. This led everyone to believe that Gagarin had landed inside his spacecraft. It was not until four months later, when German Titov became the second human to orbit the Earth and the first person to spend a full day in space, when the controversy began to brew. Titov owned up to ejecting himself. This led to a special meeting of the delegates to the FAI to reexamine Titov’s spaceflight records." ], [ "Represent this text", "Yuri Gagarin: First Man in Space. April 12 was already a huge day in space history twenty years before the launch of the first shuttle mission. On that day in 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (left, on the way to the launch pad) became the first human in space, making a 108-minute orbital flight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft. Newspapers like The Huntsville Times (right) trumpeted Gagarin's accomplishment." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first person to travel in space was Soviet cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin (1934-1968). His achievement brought prestige to the Soviet Union. Gagarin orbited the Earth in the spaceship Vostok I, which was launched April 12, 1961, in a flight lasting one hour and forty-eight minutes." ], [ "", "Share. The first Earthling in space blasted off on November 3, 1957. Sputnik 2, the world's second artificial satellite, was launched by the Soviet Union from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. There was a passenger on board and her name was Laika (Russian for Barker).By Nick Greene. Laika was a mutt, part Siberian Husky, who was rounded up off the streets of Moskow and trained for space travel.putnik 2, the world's second artificial satellite, was launched by the Soviet Union from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. There was a passenger on board and her name was Laika (Russian for Barker). By Nick Greene. Laika was a mutt, part Siberian Husky, who was rounded up off the streets of Moskow and trained for space travel." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are three kinds of answers: ones that are mostly right, ones that are mostly wrong, and those that once were right but now are wrong. While John Glenn is usually given credit, as he was the first American to orbit the Earth, the first in space was actually Alan Shepard Jr. (1923-1998)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth was a Soviet satellite named Sputnik I. It was launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957, followed by Sputnik 2 in November…." ], [ "Represent the natural language:", "Sputnik 2 (Russian pronunciation:, Russian: спутник-2, Satellite 2), or Prosteyshiy Sputnik 2 (PS-2, Russian: простейший спутник 2, Elementary Satellite 2) was the second spacecraft launched into Earth orbit, on 3 November 1957, and the first to carry a living animal, a Soviet space dog named Laika, who died a few hours after the launch." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov is a former Soviet cosmonaut who is also an accomplished artist. In 1965, he became the first person to step out of a spacecraft and walk in space. In 1975, he commanded the Soyuz spacecraft that took part in the first rendezvous between a Soviet and United States spacecraft. Leonov was born in Listvyanka in the Altai region of Siberia on May 30, 1934." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "HISTORICAL SPACE FREQUENCIES. The first satellite to orbit the Earth was Sputnik 1, launched by the Soviets in October 1957. It carried two radio beacons on frequencies of 20.005 and 40.01 MHz. The Soviets continued to use frequencies around 20 MHz and even some around 15 MHz for many subsequent missions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pilot-cosmonaut Titov before entering the spaceship Vostok 2. John Glenn: first American to orbit the Earth The first American to orbit the Earth was John Glenn who made a total of 3 orbits in Friendship 7 on February 20, 1962." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Report Abuse. Dude, I am sure the poor dog was LAIKA. She died afterwards. Laika (from Russian: лайка, a breed of dog, literally: Barker) was a Russian space dog who became the first living creature from Earth to enter orbit.She was found as a stray wandering the streets of Moscow.Originally named Kudryavka, she was renamed Laika after her breed type.eport Abuse. Dude, I am sure the poor dog was LAIKA. She died afterwards. Laika (from Russian: лайка, a breed of dog, literally: Barker) was a Russian space dog who became the first living creature from Earth to enter orbit." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "About This Site | Text Only. 1963: Soviets launch first woman into space A former textile worker from the Soviet Union has become the first woman in space. Lieutenant Valentina Tereshkova, 26, was the fifth Russian cosmonaut to go into the Earth's orbit when her spaceship Vostok VI was launched at 1230 Moscow time.963: Soviets launch first woman into space. Lieutenant Valentina Tereshkova, 26, was the fifth Russian cosmonaut to go into the Earth's orbit when her spaceship Vostok VI was launched at 1230 Moscow time. Moscow Television broadcast the first pictures of the elated blonde-code-named Seagull-ninety minutes later." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mystery has surrounded the death of Yuri Gagarin, the first man to journey into space. Yuri Gagarin made history in 1961 when, aged just 27, he became the first man to journey into space. His single Earth orbit on April 12 lasted 108 minutes and was one of the Soviet Union's most enduring Cold War victories." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Yuri Gagarin: first human being to journey into outer space. It was 50 years ago that man first ventured into space. On April 12, 1961, Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in Vostok 1 (Vostok 3KA-3) on a flight lasting 108 minutes and became the first human being to leave the confines of the Earth's atmosphere." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "YURI GAGARIN: HIS LIFE IN PICTURES. On April 12, 1961 the first earthling escaped the gravity well of planet earth. In the spaceship Vostok 1, Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alexeyevich Gagarin orbited earth one time at an altitude of 187 3/4 miles (302 kilometers) for 108 minutes at 18,000 miles an hour. He was the first man to see that the earth was indeed round, indeed mostly water, and indeed magnificent." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1 These numbers include 415 men and 48 women. 2 Yuri Gagarin, cosmonaut from the Soviet Union, was the first person to travel into space. 3 His flight took place on April 12, 1961, aboard Vostok 1. John Glenn, astronaut from the United States, was the first American to orbit the earth." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Yes, this dog was Laika - a simple street dog. The first man in space was a Russian named Yuri Gagarin. Sputnik 1 was launched on October 4, 1957. The Soviet Union (USSR, Russia) was the first country to launch a dog into orbit. The Sovjet Union was the first state to send a man-made satellite into space. It was launched on the 4th of October, 1957 and called Sputnik-1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As the first man to orbit the earth (on April 12, 1961), Yuri Gagarin was the first person to actually view the Earth from space. He experienced a brief period of weightlessne…ss, and he also experienced very high G-forces during re-entry (as a pilot, he was familiar with these)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gagarin's craft took him in a full orbit around Earth, making him the first person to circle the planet, as well. [ Infographic: 1st American in Orbit: How NASA & John Glenn Made History ]. On Feb. 20, 1962, the United States showed that it had the same mettle as its competition." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sputnik, 1957. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the earth’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik-1. The successful launch came as a shock to experts and citizens in the United States, who had hoped that the United States would accomplish this scientific advancement first. Russian stamp commemorating Sputnik Journey." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Space Race Heats Up. In 1959, the Soviet space program took another step forward with the launch of Luna 2, the first space probe to hit the moon. In April 1961, the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to orbit Earth, traveling in the capsule-like spacecraft Vostok 1." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Front Page | Years | Themes | Witness. A Russian satellite has been launched into space - the first man-made object ever to leave the Earth's atmosphere. The Russian news agency, Tass, said the satellite Sputnik was now 560 miles (900 kilometres) above the Earth and circling it every hour-and-a-half." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "On April 12, 1961, aboard the spacecraft Vostok 1, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin becomes the first human being to travel into space. During the flight, the 27-year-old test pilot and industrial technician also became the first man to orbit the planet, a feat accomplished by his space capsule in 89 minutes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "User: The Russian Sputnik began the space race. Weegy: Sputnik 1 was the first artificial earth satellite. The Soviet Union launched it into an elliptical low Earth orbit on 4 October 1957." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Elizabeth Dohrer, SPACE.com Contributor | September 25, 2012 06:55pm ET. The Soviet Union stunned the world on Nov. 3, 1957, with the launch of Sputnik 2. On board the small satellite was a little dog, Laika, the first animal to orbit Earth. However, Laika was not the first animal in space. The United States and the U.S.S.R. had been putting animals atop rockets since 1947. Laika, a mixed-breed dog, was the first living being in orbit." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Laika (Russian: лайка; c. 1954 – November 3, 1957) was a Soviet space dog who became one of the first animals in space, and the first animal to orbit the Earth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "April 12 was already a huge day in space history twenty years before the launch of the first shuttle mission. On that day in 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (left, on the way to the launch pad) became the first human in space, making a 108-minute orbital flight in his Vostok 1 spacecraft. Newspapers like The Huntsville Times (right) trumpeted Gagarin's accomplishment." ], [ "", "1958 - The U.S. launches Explorer 1, the first American artificial satellite, on a Jupiter-C rocket. 1958 - US launches their first ICBM, the Atlas-B (the Atlas-A was a test article only). 1961 - the USSR launches Vostok 1, Yuri Gagarin reached a height of 327 km above Earth and was the first man to orbit earth." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nov. 3, 1957: The Soviet Union sends the first living creature into orbit. It was a Space Race victory that would have broken Sarah McLachlan’s heart. On this day, Nov. 3, in 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first-ever living animal into orbit: a dog named Laika. The flight was meant to test the safety of space travel for humans, but it was a guaranteed suicide mission for the dog, since technology hadn’t advanced as far as the return trip." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Soviet Union (USSR, Russia) was the first country to launch a dog into orbit. The dog was called Laika, the spacecraft was Sputnik 2." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "On April 12, 1961—55 years ago today—Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin launched into the great beyond, becoming the first human in space. When he came back to Earth, Gagarin was looked upon as not just a hero, but the very embodiment of the Soviet Union's power. Streets were named after him. Monuments were erected." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "He was the first American to orbit the earth. Valentina Tereshkova flew in space aboard the Vostok 6 on June 16, 1963. On June 18, 1983, the space shuttle Challenger lifted off with Sally Ride aboard." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This led everyone to believe that Gagarin had landed inside his spacecraft. It was not until four months later, when German Titov became the second human to orbit the Earth and the first person to spend a full day in space, when the controversy began to brew. Titov owned up to ejecting himself." ], [ "represent the input:", "The USSR launched the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin into a single orbit in Vostok 1 on a Vostok 3KA rocket, on April 12, 1961. The US launched its first astronaut, Alan Shepard on a suborbital flight aboard Freedom 7 on a Mercury-Redstone rocket, on May 5, 1961." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The first satellite in space was Russia's Sputnik satellite, carried by an R-7 rocket. The R-7 rocket was built by a team of German and Russian scientists led by Sergei Korolev. Sputnik was placed into orbit on October 4, 1957, months before the first U.S. satellite, Explorer 1. Korolev's team managed to create a rocket big enough to take Yuri Gagarin into space. Gagarin became the first man in space, but the U.S. astronaut, Neil Armstrong, became the first man on the moon. Learn more about Space Travel" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Laika (Russian: лайка; c. 1954 – November 3, 1957) was a Soviet space dog who became one of the first animals in space, and the first animal to orbit the Earth. Laika, a stray dog from the streets of Moscow, was selected to be the occupant of the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 that was launched into outer space on November 3, 1957." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'In spite of all the criticism, Wegener was able to keep Continental Drift part of the discussion until his death. He knew that any argument based simply on the jigsaw fit of the continents could easily be explained away. To strengthen his case he drew from the fields of geology, geography, biology and paleontology.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what are four pieces of evidence alfred wegener used to support his theory of continental drift']\"", "The first artificial satellite to achieve Earth orbit successfullywas Sputnik-1. It was launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957. It spent about 3months in orbit and was follow … ed by many other unmanned satellites.The first satellite to carry a human was Vostok, in which YuriGagarin orbited the Earth in 1961. The first artificial satellite was Sputnik I, launched by theSoviet Union on the 4 th of October 1957" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The stakes were raised in the space race on April 15, 1961, when the Soviet Union launched cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin into space and he became the first person to orbit the Earth. Gagarin beat the Americans by less than a month." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 1958 - The U.S. launches Explorer 1, the first American artificial satellite, on a Jupiter-C rocket. 2 1958 - US launches their first ICBM, the Atlas-B (the Atlas-A was a test article only). 3 1961 - the USSR launches Vostok 1, Yuri Gagarin reached a height of 327 km above Earth and was the first man to orbit earth. 1958 - US launches their first ICBM, the Atlas-B (the Atlas-A was a test article only). 2 1961 - the USSR launches Vostok 1, Yuri Gagarin reached a height of 327 km above Earth and was the first man to orbit earth." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Yuri Gagarin, a Russian astronaut. He was the first person to leave this planet in the spaceship Sputnik. When he returned he was the first modern man to leave planet Earth and return to put his feet on Earth. Of course there may have been alien visitors who did not stay. To pretend that a person named Adam was first is ridiculous, even giving a name." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It was 50 years ago that man first ventured into space. On April 12, 1961, Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in Vostok 1 (Vostok 3KA-3) on a flight lasting 108 minutes and became the first human being to leave the confines of the Earth's atmosphere." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Quick Answer. The first man-made object that was launched into space was invented in the Soviet Union and named Sputnik, which translates to fellow traveler or companion in Russian. Sputnik was launched into a low-Earth orbit on October 4, 1957 and was only capable of transmitting signals back to Earth." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "User: The Russian Sputnik began the space race. True False. Weegy: Sputnik 1 was the first artificial earth satellite. The Soviet Union launched it into an elliptical low Earth orbit on 4 October 1957. User: The United States wound down its war involvement by transferring fighting from American to South Vietnamese troops, a process that was called." ], [ "Represent this.", "The first satellite was called Sputnik. The first spaceship to carry a large living organism was called Sputnik II, or Muttnik since the creature on board was a small dog named Laika. The Russian Vostok space craft carried the first human, Yuri Gagarin, into earth's orbit. He did not, however, orbit the earth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The caption reads: The world's first Soviet artificial satellite of the Earth.Sputnik 1 was launched on October 4, 1957. The satellite was 58 cm (about 23 in) in diameter and weighed approximately 83.6 kg (about 183 lb). Each of its elliptical orbits around the Earth took about 96 minutes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "September 26, 2014 Larisa Ionova, Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Valentina Tereshkova, the world’s first woman to go into space, made her landmark flight into the cosmos on June 16, 1963 aboard a Vostok-6 spacecraft. She is now a member of the Russian parliament, the State Duma." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Soviet Union stunned the world on Nov. 3, 1957, with the launch of Sputnik 2. On board the small satellite was a little dog, Laika, the first animal to orbit Earth. However, Laika was not the first animal in space. The United States and the U.S.S.R. had been putting animals atop rockets since 1947." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Sputnik program (Russian: спутник, Russian pronunciation: [ˈsputnʲɪk]) was a series of robotic spacecraft missions launched by the Soviet Union. The first of these, Sputnik 1, launched the first man-made object to orbit the Earth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "a manned Soviet spacecraft made to orbit the earth, launched in April 1961, carried Yuri Gagarin , the first man in space. See full definition." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:", "how are public colleges in the united states funded?" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nearly half of the funding for public schools in the United States, however, is provided through local taxes, generating large differences in funding between wealthy and impoverished communities (National Center for Education Statistics, 2000a)." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The average annual tuition and fees for a four-year bachelor's degree in the United States is $8,893 for in-state attendees of public colleges, $22,203 for out-of-state attendees of public colleges, and $30,094 for private nonprofit colleges." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Education in the United States. Education in the United States is provided by public, private, and home schools. State governments set overall educational standards, often mandate standardized tests for K–12 public school systems, and supervise, usually through a board of regents, state colleges and universities." ], [ "Represent this", "Public Schools are funded by the government and deemed non-profitable institutions that are why they are considered as a qualified organization where you can donate and get tax deductible eligibility from." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "By Gary Fethke April 01, 2012. In a speech at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in January, President Obama called on public colleges that benefit from subsidies, grants, and government loans to rein in the tuition increases that have characterized higher education for well over a decade. working rule of thumb for this case is that listed tuition will rise by 50 cents and net tuition will drop by 50 cents for every dollar increase in the subsidy. Public universities, while possessing some pricing discretion, are not monopolies." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Grants for college-bound students are supported by a variety of different sources, including: 1 Federal and State Governments. 2 Colleges and Universities. 3 Public and Private Organizations. 4 Professional Associations." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Collectively states now contribute the largest portion of funding for public education in the United States, surpassing total local government contributions for the first time in 1979. skip to page content" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Education in the United States is provided by public schools and private schools. Public education is universally required at the K–12 level, and is available at state colleges and universities for all students.ost-secondary education, divided into college, as the first tertiary degree, and graduate school, is described in a separate section below. The United States spends more per student on education than any other country. American students rank 14th worldwide in cognitive skills, just behind Russia." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "These programs should be the first stop for all students looking for financial assistance to help them pay for college. Federal education grants are funded by the government, and administered through the U. S. Department of Education. Federal education grants help thousands of students pay for college every year." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Federal and state governments are sources of gift aid. The federal government is the largest source of need-based gift aid, primarily in the form of the Pell Grant. State governments often fund grants and scholarships for residents attending college in their state. Colleges Many colleges offer grants and scholarships to their students. 1 These may be merit based or need based, or a combination of the two. 2 Colleges may have stricter requirements for keeping a scholarship than do other sources of scholarships." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The State University of New York and the California State University are the largest public higher education systems in the United States; SUNY is the largest system that includes community colleges, while CSU is the largest without.Most areas also have private institutions, which may be for-profit or non-profit.he State University of New York and the California State University are the largest public higher education systems in the United States; SUNY is the largest system that includes community colleges, while CSU is the largest without. Most areas also have private institutions, which may be for-profit or non-profit." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The conventional wisdom was reflected in a recent National Public Radio series on the cost of college. In fact, public investment in higher education in America is vastly larger today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was during the supposed golden age of public funding in the 1960s." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "At the same time, we believe that ALL public schools must be held to the same high standards of accountability, transparency and equity as other taxpayer-funded schools to ensure the success of all students. Unfortunately, of the 44 states plus the District of Columbia that have state charter school laws:" ], [ "represent!\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'There are 191 calories in 1 can of Sardines in Oil (Canned). Calorie breakdown: 51% fat, 0% carbs, 49% protein.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'calories in canned sardines']'", "As of 2011-12, 85% of full-time undergraduate students at four-year universities in the US received some form of financial aid, including 83% of those at public colleges and 89% at private non-profit colleges." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Shares & Saves. Save. michaeljung/iStock/Getty Images. The average annual tuition and fees for a four-year bachelor's degree in the United States is $8,893 for in-state attendees of public colleges, $22,203 for out-of-state attendees of public colleges, and $30,094 for private nonprofit colleges.hares & Saves. Save. michaeljung/iStock/Getty Images. The average annual tuition and fees for a four-year bachelor's degree in the United States is $8,893 for in-state attendees of public colleges, $22,203 for out-of-state attendees of public colleges, and $30,094 for private nonprofit colleges." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Public Welfare. Public welfare is the single largest source of federal funding, primarily driven by Medicaid costs. Federal aid made up nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of states’ public welfare general expenditures, according to the survey data. The share was highest -- more than 90 percent -- in New Mexico and Ohio." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The 62nd-wealthiest university in the world is University of Florida, a public research university with an endowment of $1.52 billion. Officially named a Public Ivy in 2001, the school is ranked as the 14th-best public university in the U.S. according to U.S. News & World Report." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "+ More information about the data. Our analysis for 2009 included private colleges that were classified as research, master’s, and baccalaureate institutions by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 2010, and had at least $50-million in expenditures in 2009-10." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For-profit colleges are run by companies that operate under the demands of investors and stockholders. These institutions are privately run and exist, at least in part, to earn money for their owners. Nevertheless, for-profit colleges can receive up to 90 percent of their revenue from federal student aid." ], [ "Represent text", "Overview of tuition rates in the U.S. The United States has one of the most expensive higher education systems in the world, and also one of the most successful in terms of the boost to earnings from higher education. Public colleges have no control over one major revenue source — the state. In 2012-13, the average cost of annual tuition in the United States ranged from $3,131 for public two-year institutions (community colleges) to $29,056 for private four-year institutions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "College athletics in the United States. Sports and academics at Princeton University. College athletics in the United States or college sports in the United States refers primarily to sports and athletic competition organized and funded by institutions of tertiary education (universities, or colleges in American English)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The State University of New York and the California State University are the largest public higher education systems in the United States; SUNY is the largest system that includes community colleges, while CSU is the largest without. Most areas also have private institutions, which may be for-profit or non-profit." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The Federal Pell Grant is the largest need-based college grant program, awarding more than $30 billion in grants each year to more than 9 million students." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It is any college, university, vocational school, or other post secondary educational institution eligible to participate in a student aid program run by the U.S. Department of Education. This includes most accredited public, nonprofit and privately-owned–for-profit postsecondary institutions." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Education in the United States is provided by public schools and private schools. Public education is universally required at the K–12 level, and is available at state colleges and universities for all students." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The current price of silver is $18.55 per ounce. This live silver spot price chart showâ\\x80\\x99s todayâ\\x80\\x99s price for an ounce of silver in real-time. Silver spot prices are derived from 24-hour trading around the world. Spot silver here is quoted in U.S. Dollars.'] == ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is silver price now']", "Federal Pell Grants are another source of free money for college. Federal Pell Grants, the largest source of federally funded grants, are awarded solely based on your financial need (academic grades and extra-curricular activities aren’t a factor). The maximum award for the 2017-18 academic year is $5,920." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "26 Public Education Finances: 2012 U.S. Census Bureau Table 18. Per Pupil Amounts for Current Spending of the 100 Largest Public Elementary-Secondary School Systems in the United States by Enrollment: Fiscal Year 2012 —Con.8 Public Education Finances: 2012 U.S. Census Bureau Table 20. Per Pupil Current Spending (PPCS) Amounts and 1-Year Percentage Changes for PPCS of Public Elementary-Secondary School Systems by State: Fiscal Years 2007–2012 (In dollars." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Update—Friday Jan. 3, 3:45 PM: Just to clarify, because some readers have asked, making tuition free in 2012 would have required $62.6 billion on top of what state and local governments already spend subsidizing public colleges, as well as some of the federal spending that doesn't go towards financial aid." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Six of the colleges are publicly controlled, 27 are private institutions. In the 2016-17 academic year, colleges are educating more than 27,000 future physicians—more than 20 percent of U.S. medical students." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Federal education funding is distributed to states and school districts though a variety of formula and competitive grant programs. While the federal government contributes about 13 percent of direct funding for elementary and secondary schools nationally, the amount varies considerably from state to state." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For the majority of U.S. families, public education is the only option. But the quality of public school systems varies widely from state to state and is often a question of funding. Public elementary and secondary education dollars traditionally flow from three sources: the federal, state and local governments." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "College athletics in the United States. College athletics in the United States or college sports in the United States refers primarily to sports and athletic competition organized and funded by institutions of tertiary education (universities, or colleges in American English). In the United States, college athletics is a two-tiered system." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Public funding, in its simplest terms, is funding that comes from the public treasury. It's the taxpayers' money, and the funding of health, human service, environmental, community development, and other public service programs is one of the ways it's spent for the common good." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "College tuition in the United States is the privately borne cost of higher education collected by educational institutions in the United States,[1] excluding the portion that is paid through taxes or from other government funds as supply-side subsidies to colleges and universities,[2] or demand-side subsidies to students, or that is paid from ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "College tuition in the United States is the privately born cost of higher education collected by educational institutions in the United States , excluding the portion that is paid through taxes or from other government funds as supply-side subsidies to colleges and universities , or demand-side subsidies to students , or that is paid from university ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "America's Ivy League colleges have received tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer money through federal contracts and grants over the past six years, according to a new report. The report, compiled by non-profit group Open the Books, shows payments and entitlements cost taxpayers $41.59 billion from 2010 to 2015." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Most federal funds are sent directly to states and local school districts for their use in schools. The president's FY 2006 budget would provide $37.6 billion for K-12 education. Of that amount, 95 percent would be distributed either directly to local districts or to schools and districts through their states.here is also a compelling national interest in the quality of the nation's public schools. Therefore, the federal government, through the legislative process, provides assistance to the states and schools in an effort to supplement, not supplant, state support." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "On average, the annual cost of tuition, room, and board at a public university in the United States is $13,000; private colleges’ annual costs average $32,000. A 2012 Pew Research Center Survey said Americans don't think students get enough value for the money they pay for college." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "As such, it is troubling that in 2008. the United States ranked 22nd out of 30 countries in government-funded. university research and 21st in business-funded university research. Moreover,university we are falling even farther behind." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "While the majority of women's colleges are private institutions, there were a few public colleges. In 1884 the legislature of the state of Mississippi established Industrial Institute & College, (later Mississippi University for Women) the first public college for women in the United States." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The federal government provides Pell Grants to low-and moderate-income students—now including over a third of all undergraduates—as well as tax credits for parents and students who pay tuition—now about $17 billion a year and extending up the income scale as high as $180,000.t private colleges, just over 70 percent of the grant aid goes to meet need. A distorted picture of student debt and higher ed prices. To understand how people pay for college, we must integrate information about all of this student aid with information about sticker prices." ], [ "Represent this text:", "The Federal Pell Grant is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and awarded to . Grants do not need to be repaid. Pell Grant amounts are based on the number of credits for which you are enrolled and adjust accordingly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to President Obama's budget proposal for the U.S. Department of Education, the federal government will provide about $22.8 billion in Pell Grants in this fiscal year, and make about $176.3 billion in direct student loans. Below is a list of the universities with the 10 largest endowments." ], [ "", "Popular Grants For College Students. The Pell Grant is the most popular federal college grant. Although most Pell Grant money is awarded to students with a total family income of less than $20,000, students with a total family income of $50,000 or less may be eligible for need-based funding." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Institutions of higher education may be public (state-sponsored) or private, not-for-profit or for-profit. Higher education in the US is not coordinated at a national or federal level. The definition of higher education employed in this chapter does not include postsecondary vocational institutions." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Public charities. Public charities generally derive their funding or support primarily from the general public, receiving grants from individuals, government, and private foundations. Although some public charities engage in grantmaking activities, most conduct direct service or other tax-exempt activities." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Shares & Saves. Save. Local governments play a key role in public education in the U.S. From kindergarten to community college, local governments, along with states, provide the primary funding for public schools, using money largely raised through state and local taxes.hares & Saves. Save. Local governments play a key role in public education in the U.S. From kindergarten to community college, local governments, along with states, provide the primary funding for public schools, using money largely raised through state and local taxes." ], [ "", "About three in four Americans who attend a public university pay or borrow an amount equivalent to 20 percent or more of their annual family income to pay for a year of school. Even low-income students attending the nation’s least expensive option, community college, face net prices upward of $8,000 per year.14." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to President Obama's budget proposal for the U.S. Department of Education, the federal government will provide about $22.8 billion in Pell Grants in this fiscal year, and make about $176.3 billion in direct student loans." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Overview of tuition rates in the U.S.[edit] The United States has one of the most expensive higher education systems in the world, and also one of the most successful in terms of the boost to earnings from higher education. Public colleges have no control over one major revenue source — the state. In 2012-13, the average cost of annual tuition in the United States ranged from $3,131 for public two-year institutions (community colleges) to $29,056 for private four-year institutions." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Norwalk Public Library in downtown Norwalk, Ohio. Norwalk is a city in and the county seat of Huron County, Ohio, United States. The population was 17,012 at the 2010 census. The city is the center of the Norwalk Micropolitan Statistical Area and part of the Cleveland-Akron-Canton Combined Statistical Area.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what county is norwalk ohio in']'", "Historically, elementary and secondary education was funded largely by local governments and states played only a supporting role. Today, states play a large and increasing role in education funding, a trend that emerged in the 1970's when state spending first overtook education spending by local governments." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These institutions are privately run and exist, at least in part, to earn money for their owners. Nevertheless, for-profit colleges can receive up to 90 percent of their revenue from federal student aid." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To Think About …. Public higher education is subsidized by a state appropriation and federal, state, institutional, and private grants. There is a 30-year trend of decreasing. state appropriation per student and increasing tuition without an equivalent. increase in total grant funds. At present student debt is rising to fill part of. that gap and a larger percentage of students are taking on debt." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "DALLAS, Texas — Education Commissioner Michael Williams announced that the Texas Permanent School Fund (PSF) surpassed Harvard’s well-known and well-funded educational endowment in a Texas Education Agency (TEA) news release on September 30th. According to the TEA, the fund was started in 1854 with $2 million." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In 1998, for example, the state with the highest average level of public school funding (adjusted for differences in cost of living) was New Jersey, with an annual funding rate of $8,801 per student, whereas the state with the lowest average level was Utah, with a yearly rate of $3,804 per student (see fig. 1)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "State legislative responses to these rulings have varied, but perhaps the long-term aggregate result is that states today collectively provide the largest share of funding for public education in the United States, surpassing the total local government share of funding—including local property tax revenues—for the first time in 1979." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "On average, the annual cost of tuition, room, and board at a public university in the United States is $13,000; private colleges’ annual costs average $32,000." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American education system is unlike that in many other countries. Though the U.S. Federal government contributes almost 10% to the national education budget, education is. primarily the responsibility of state and local government. For example, in Minnesota, almost 80 percent of public education funds come from state." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "There is also a compelling national interest in the quality of the nation's public schools. Therefore, the federal government, through the legislative process, provides assistance to the states and schools in an effort to supplement, not supplant, state support.tates and localities are the primary sources of K-12 education funding and always have been. In the 2004-05 school year, 83 cents out of every dollar spent on education is estimated to come from the state and local levels (45.6 percent from state funds and 37.1 percent from local governments)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Private schools are not funded or operated by federal, state or local governments. They are not paid for by public tax dollars and are not subject to the regulations that govern public schools." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Taxpayers subsidize the education that students receive in most colleges and universities. 2 Each student earning a bachelor’s degree at a public college or university accounts for more than $60,000 in subsidies to the institutions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "By Daniel Kurt AAA |. As the price of a college education continues to soar, many American families are counting on significant outside help to foot the bill. Consider that the average cost of an out-of-state public university is now more than $22,000 per year, according to The College Board. For private schools, tuition and fees often exceed $30,000. For students who haven't earned lucrative scholarships, need-based financial aid can play a vital role. The key to receiving a generous package rests in large part on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, better known as the FAFSA." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The U.S. Government offers a number of grant and loan programs to help eligible students finance their college and graduate school educations. They can help you pay for your education expenses such as your tuition and fees, textbooks and living expenses while you are a student. Federal financial aid programs are available for students who qualify." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Public colleges tend to be more affordable at face v... The Best College In Every State That’s Worth Your Money. America is home to over 4,000 different colleges and universities, which means that picking the right school requires some due diligence on your part.... How to Know If Your College Degree Will Pay Off." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Education in the United States is provided by public schools and private schools. Public education is universally required at the K–12 level, and is available at state colleges and universities for all students.he State University of New York and the California State University are the largest public higher education systems in the United States; SUNY is the largest system that includes community colleges, while CSU is the largest without. Most areas also have private institutions, which may be for-profit or non-profit." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The United States government sets aside billions of dollars each year to help college students pay for their education. If you are a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen with valid documents, then you can apply for this federal aid by completing a form called the FAFSA.our college can use the information you provide to help determine if you are eligible for any of the college's grants, scholarships, or work study programs. Work study programs allow students to work on campus in various academic departments, the library, etc." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "why was the seneca falls convention important?" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Seneca Falls Convection was extremely significant because it was the first step toward sexual equality. In July 19-20, the 2 day meeting in Seneca Falls, New York was the first women's rights convention. Over 300 members attended (40 men), including Fredrick Douglas,Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott. Seneca Falls eventually lead to ratification of the 19th amendment in 1920 giving women today the right to vote." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Women demanded suffrage as early as 1848. The Seneca Falls convention in July of 1848, brought together two hundred women and forty men, including feminists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, to make the claim for full citizenship." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York, now known as the Seneca Falls Convention. The principal author of the Declaration was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence.he convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York, now known as the Seneca Falls Convention. The principal author of the Declaration was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's rights convention. It was held in Seneca Falls, New York, on July 19-20, 1848.ook place in Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848, 3. The meeting spanned two days and six sessions 4. The idea for th … e convention occurred in London in 1840 5. Were denied the opportunity to speak from the floor or to be seated as delegates 6." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Seneca Falls Convention summary: The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women’s rights convention in the United States. It was organized by a handful of women who were active in the abolition and temperance movements and held July 19–20, 1848, in Seneca Falls, New York.eneca Falls Convention: First Women’s Rights Convention. The announcement of an upcoming ‘Woman’s Rights Convention’ in the Seneca County Courier was small, but it attracted Charlotte Woodward’s attention." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Stanton, however, had played a key role at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, at which Stone had not been present. In the early 1870s, Stanton and Anthony began to present Seneca Falls as the beginning of the women's rights movement, an origin story that downplayed Stone's role." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This report was printed soon after the Seneca Falls Convention held in Seneca Falls, New York, in July 1848, the first woman's rights convention of its kind to be held in the United States. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the conference." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1848: The Seneca Falls Convention, the first women's rights convention, is held in Seneca Falls, New York. Women's suffrage is proposed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and agreed to after an impassioned argument from Frederick Douglass." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In 1848, the Seneca Falls Convention, the first women's rights convention, passed a resolution in favor of women's suffrage despite opposition from some of its organizers, who believed the idea was too extreme." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Seneca Falls Convention was the first women's rights convention. It was held in Seneca Falls, New York, on July 19-20, 1848." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Held at SENECA FALLS, N. Y., July 19th and 20th, 1848. ROCHESTER: PRINTED BY JOHN DICK, AT THE NORTH STAR OFFICE. — 1848. REPORT. — A CONVENTION to discuss the SOCIAL, CIVIL, AND RELIGIOUS CONDITION OF WOMAN, was called by the Women of Seneca County, N. Y., and held at the village of Seneca Falls, in the Wesleyan Chapel, on the 19th and 20th of July, 1848." ], [ "Represent this text", "After the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 demanded women's suffrage for the first time, America became distracted by the coming Civil War." ], [ "represent this text.", "An Idea Is Sparked in London. 1 Elizabeth Cady Stanton And Lucretia Mott Meet In Seneca Falls. 2 The Seneca Falls Convention Begins. 3 The Declaration Of Sentiments Is Debated And Ratified. 4 The Aftermath Of The Seneca Falls Convention And Women’s Suffrage. 5 Articles Featuring Seneca Falls Convention From History Net Magazines." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Between 1856 and 1863 Mendel cultivated and tested some 29,000 pea plants (Pisum sativum). This study showed that one in four pea plants had purebred recessive alleles, two out of four were hybrid and one out of four were purebred dominant.']\" == \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\n\\nGiven how to read asvab scores, a positive would be Here is the tier chart for the AFQT scores: The verbal expression (VE) part of the ASVAB is really important. It factors in to not only your AFQT score, but your Line Score. Line Scores are what determine your job qualifications. Your VE score is computed using adding your Word Knowledge (WK) raw score to the Paragraph Comprehension (PC) raw score. It is then converted to a scaled score ranging from 20 to 62. & a negative would be Best Answer: After your initial ASVAB you must wait 30 days. If you take a 3rd test, you must wait 180 days (6 months) after the 2nd test. If you have taken the ASVAB in High School, that would count as an Initial test. ASVAB is valid for 2 years - so if you have taken the ASVAB over 2 years ago, the next time you test would be considered your Initial Test.', 'how many pea plants did mendel use']\"", "These assets will check your knowledge of the following: 1 Religious sect that organized the Seneca Falls Convention. 2 Document on which the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments was modeled. 3 Issues that concerned women's rights activists. Famous abolitionist who signed the 1 Declaration. Year in which the Declaration was written." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Seneca Falls Convention (1848) Women's rights convention held at Seneca Falls, New York. Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized the convention, the first aimed at obtaining equal rights for women. About 300 people attended, and a “Declaration of Sentiments” was issued.ENECA FALLS CONVENTION. SENECA FALLS CONVENTION was the first public gathering in the United States called explicitly for the purpose of debating the issue of women's rights." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "More Complex Issues Surface. 1 Significant progress has been made regarding the topics discussed at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848. The people attending that landmark discussion would not even have imagined the issues of the Women’s Rights Movement in the 1990s." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The 1848 Seneca Falls and Rochester women's rights meetings occurred two years after a New York constitutional convention, and the local delegate to the state constitutional deliberations, Ansel Bascom, attended the Seneca Falls meeting." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Credit: Library of Congress. Many individuals cite the Seneca Falls Convention held in Seneca Falls, New York to be the beginning of the women's movement in America. However, the idea for the convention came about at another protest meeting: the 1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention in London." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Seneca Falls Convention The meeting took place in Seneca Falls, New York on July 19th and 20th 1848. 300 Women and 40 men went to the second day to discuss the rights of women. They wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which among other things, tried to get women the right to vote." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "History of Feminism: Who were the men who attended the Seneca Falls Convention, and why were they there? What did the Seneca Falls Convention promote? Ask New Question" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', \"FEBRUARY 06, 2015. He may be 'Red' on 'The Blacklist' now, but 'ET' sat down with 30-year-old James Spader and his head of hair back in 1990 while he starred in 'White Palace'. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon Reunite for Easter With Their Twins.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how old is james spader']\"", "Seneca Falls Convention. The meeting took place in Seneca Falls, New York on July 19th and 20th 1848. 300 Women and 40 men went to the second day to discuss the rights of women. They wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which among other things, tried to get women the right to vote." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It was adopted at a meeting of 300 people which focused on the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of woman, and was held at the Wesleyan Chapel at Seneca Falls, New York, on July 19, 1848. The driving forces behind the gathering were feminists Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Only a few days before the convention was scheduled to begin, Stanton, Mott, and others drew up the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, using the Declaration of Independence as a model." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Asmir Begovic is a world beater! Stoke keeper's goal from 92 metres is officially named 'longest goal scored in football'. Stoke goalkeeper Asmir Begovic's remarkable long-range goal against Southampton last season has earned a place in the Guinness World Records book.\"]>> to <<['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'longest goals in soccer history']>>", "The first convention for women's rights in the United States was held in Seneca Falls, New York, from July 19-20, 1848. More than 300 people attended this meeting devoted exclusively to addressing the status of American women who, according to organizer Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815-1902), 'do feel themselves aggrieved, oppressed, and fraudulently deprived of their most sacred rights.'" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 The Road to Seneca Falls: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the First Women's Rights Convention, University of Illinois Press, 2004." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n------\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Average Temperatures for Milwaukee. Milwaukee's coldest month is January when the average temperature overnight is 13.4°F. In July, the warmest month, the average day time temperature rises to 81.1°F.The driest month in Milwaukee is February with 1.65 inches of precipitation, and with 4.03 inches August is the wettest month.he driest month in Milwaukee is February with 1.65 inches of precipitation, and with 4.03 inches August is the wettest month.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average temperature in milwaukee wisconsin']\"", "Also as time passed between this period of women's rights suffrage and the one in the 1920's, the economic need for women in the workplace continued to increase. After the Seneca falls convention, black men received the right to vote but women did not. Then, the National American Women's Suffrage Association was founded. This association was one of the major organizations fighting for women's rights. They discussed with topics pertaining to women's rights and issues of the day such as temperance." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Women's Rights Movement. The 1848 Seneca Falls Woman's Rights Convention marked the beginning of the women's rights movement in the United States. The Convention recruited supporters and included many action steps to advance the movement:" ], [ "Represent the input:", "The convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York, now known as the Seneca Falls Convention. The principal author of the Declaration was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence.She was a key organizer of the convention along with Lucretia Coffin Mott, and Martha Coffin Wright.t a time when temperance and female property rights were major issues, even many supporters of women's rights believed the Declaration's endorsement of women's suffrage would hinder the nascent women's rights movement, causing it to lose much needed public support." ], [ "", "The convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York, now known as the Seneca Falls Convention. The principal author of the Declaration was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence.She was a key organizer of the convention along with Lucretia Coffin Mott, and Martha Coffin Wright.he principal author of the Declaration was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence. She was a key organizer of the convention along with Lucretia Coffin Mott, and Martha Coffin Wright." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It was eight years before Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott would carry out their agreement to hold a convention on women’s rights. On July 19 and 20th, 1848, they hosted the Seneca Fall Convention on women’s rights in Seneca Falls, New York." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "History & Culture. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott wrote the Declaration of Sentiments for the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention (1848) in upstate New York, deliberately modeling it on the 1776 Declaration of Independence." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York, now known as the Seneca Falls Convention. The principal author of the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who based it on the form of the United States Declaration of Independence." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Seneca Falls Convention. assembly held on July 19-20, 1848, at Seneca Falls, New York, that launched the woman suffrage movement in the United States. Seneca Falls was the home of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who, along with Lucretia Mott, conceived and directed the convention." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "In 1848, she and Mott called for a women's rights convention to be held in Seneca Falls, New York. That convention, and the Declaration of Sentiments written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton which was approved there, is credited with initiating the long struggle towards women's rights and woman suffrage." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'While not the hottest city in North America, Las Vegas is located very close to the hottest location in the entire Western Hemisphere: Californiaâ\\x80\\x99s Death Valley. In 1911, temperature gauges at the park recorded a daytime high of 134°F (56.7C) â\\x80\\x93 just one degree short of the world record. 4. Hong Kong, China.'], a positive would be ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'hottest cities in world list']", "In all, some 300 people attended the Seneca Falls Convention. The majority were ordinary folk like Charlotte Woodward. Most had sat through 18 hours of speeches, debates, and readings. One hundred of them– 68 women (including Woodward) and 32 men–signed the final draft of the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Summary. The Seneca Falls convention lasted two days, July 19 and 20, 1848. The first day of the convention was set aside for women speakers only, although several men attended the meeting.Elizabeth Cady Stanton read a draft of the 'Declaration of Sentiments' and the women discussed and made changes to the resolutions.ummary. The Seneca Falls convention lasted two days, July 19 and 20, 1848. The first day of the convention was set aside for women speakers only, although several men attended the meeting." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Seneca Falls Declaration is considered by many to be the most important document of the nineteenth-century American woman&#39s movement." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The 1848 Seneca Falls Woman's Rights Convention marked the beginning of the women's rights movement in the United States. The Convention recruited supporters and included many action steps to advance the movement:" ], [ "", "”–awareness of black women The Legacy of Seneca Falls (cont.) •Elizabeth Cady Stanton –organized Seneca Falls Convention, concerned with voting rights•Susan B. Anthony –built movement into national organization, concerned with women getting equal treatment in work place." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How did the Seneca Falls Convention impact the american society? What made the Seneca Falls Convention important? What is a summary for the Seneca Falls Convention?" ], [ "represent the following document", "The Mayflower Compact is important because in law, everything is about precedent. When the constitution was written, the founders looked at all precedents, and the Mayflower was one of the first steps toward the United States constitution.Ask a question. We’ve answered 281,334 questions.he Mayflower Compact is important because in law, everything is about precedent. When the constitution was written, the founders looked at all precedents, and the Mayflower was one of the first steps toward the United States constitution. Ask a question. We’ve answered 281,334 questions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The Seneca Falls declaration held that all men and women are created equal and are endowed with inalienable rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Declaration of Independence listed 18 charges against George III, the king of England." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Stanton considered the Seneca Falls Convention to be the beginning of the women's rights movement, an opinion that was echoed in the History of Woman Suffrage, which Stanton co-wrote." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent the input', 'Robert B. Reich has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. He also served on President-Elect Obamaâ\\x80\\x99s transition advisory board.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what presidents did robert reich work for']\"", "Stumble. Post. Share. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott wrote the Declaration of Sentiments for the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention (1848) in upstate New York, deliberately modeling it on the 1776 Declaration of Independence." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Video: Seneca Falls Convention of 1848: Definition, Summary & Significance The American women's rights movement began with a meeting of reformers in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848. Out of that first convention came a historic document, the 'Declaration of Sentiments,' which demanded equal social status and legal rights for women, including the right to vote." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Seneca Falls Convention. The meeting took place in Seneca Falls, New York on July 19th and 20th 1848. 300 Women and 40 men went to the second day to discuss the rights of women.They wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which among other things, tried to get women the right to vote.eneca Falls Convention. The meeting took place in Seneca Falls, New York on July 19th and 20th 1848. 300 Women and 40 men went to the second day to discuss the rights of women." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Many individuals cite the Seneca Falls Convention held in Seneca Falls, New York to be the beginning of the women's movement in America." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The women’s rights movement of the late 19th century went on to address the wide range of issues spelled out at the Seneca Falls Convention. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and women like Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, and Sojourner Truth traveled the country lecturing and organizing for the next forty years." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott wrote the Declaration of Sentiments for the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention (1848) in upstate New York, deliberately modeling it on the 1776 Declaration of Independence." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!", "father of microbiology list" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Early Modern. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek is considered a father of microbiology as he pioneered the use of simple single-lensed microscopes of his own design. In 1676, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who lived most of his life in Delft, Holland, observed bacteria and other microorganisms using a single-lens microscope of his own design." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier the father of modern chemistry, was a French noble prominent in the histories of c … hemistry and biology. He stated the first version of the law of conservation of mass, recognized and named oxygen (1778) and hydrogen (1783), abolished the phlogiston theory, helped construct the metric system, wrote the first extensive list of elements, and helped to reform chemical nomenclature." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pasteur, LouisPhotos.com/Thinkstock. Louis Pasteur, (born December 27, 1822, Dole, France—died September 28, 1895, Saint-Cloud) French chemist and microbiologist who was one of the most important founders of medical microbiology. Pasteur’s contributions to science, technology, and medicine are nearly without precedent." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) Carl Linnaeus, also known as Carl von Linné or Carolus Linnaeus, is often called the Father of Taxonomy. His system for naming, ranking, and classifying organisms is still in wide use today (with many changes). His ideas on classification have influenced generations of biologists during and after his own lifetime, even those opposed to the philosophical and theological roots of his work." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Answers. Best Answer: From a CNN Interview COLLINS: Now 28 and an acrobat in the Las Vegas show Mystere, Danielle is considered a veteran performer. Cirque pays its performers a yearly salary ranging from $30,000 for an apprentice to more than $100,000 for an established artist. After 10 years, Danielle wonders what's next.\"] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much do cirque du soleil performers make']", "Carolus Linnaeus is the father of taxonomy, which is the system of classifying and naming organisms. One of his contributions was the development of a hierarchical system of classification of nature. Today, this system includes eight taxa: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ferdinand Cohn was also the first to formulate a scheme for the taxonomic classification of bacteria. Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) and Robert Koch (1843–1910) were contemporaries of Cohn’s and are often considered to be the founders of medical microbiology. Pasteur is most famous for his series of experiments designed to disprove the then widely held theory of spontaneous generation, thereby solidifying microbiology’s identity as a biological science." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Louis Pasteur ( December 27, 1822 – September 28, 1895) was a French chemist and microbiologist who was one of the most important founders of medical microbiology. He is remembered for his remarkable breakthroughs in the causes and preventions of diseases." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gregor Mendel is known as the Father of Modern Genetics. He is a pretty big name in the science world. However, he did not receive any of this credit while he was alive. We'll come back to this later. Mendel was born in Austria in 1822. His parents were farmers." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rudolf Ludwig Carl Virchow was a German physician, anthropologist, pathologist, prehistorian, biologist, writer, editor, and politician, known for his advancement of public health. He is known as the father of modern pathology because his work helped to discredit humourism, bringing more science to medicine. He is also known as the founder of social medicine and veterinary pathology, and to his colleagues, the Pope of medicine. Born and raised in Schievelbein as an only child of a working-cl" ], [ "represent this text", "Put the following events in the history of microbiology in order, from the earliest to the latest: I. Leeuwenhoek observes microbes using a microscope. II. Pasteur disproves spontaneous generation. III. Woese discovers the archaea. IV. Fracastoro proposes that germs cause disease." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Microbes, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and algae, can cause infectious diseases. Microbiologists are scientists who study the structure, form, behavior, growth and distribution of microbes as well as their relationships with other organisms." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Nano microbiology: The study of those organisms on nano level. 2 Exo microbiology (or Astro microbiology): The study of microorganisms in outer space (see: List of microorganisms tested in outer space) Biological agent: The study of those microorganisms which are being used in weapon industries." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gregor Mendel is called the father of genetics. He was an Austrian monk, and was born in a small town of Austria on July 22, 1822." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gregor Mendel, who is known as the father of modern genetics, was inspired by both his professors at the Palacký University, Olomouc, (Friedrich Franz and Johann Karl Nestler) and his colleagues at the monastery (such as Franz Diebl) to study variation in plants." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gregor Mendel. Gregor Mendel is known as the Father of Modern Genetics. He is a pretty big name in the science world. However, he did not receive any of this credit while he was alive." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Jean Léopold Nicolas Frédéric, Baron Cuvier (French: ; 23 August 1769 – 13 May 1832), known as Georges Cuvier, was a French naturalist and zoologist, sometimes referred to as the father of paleontology." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Quick Answer. The title Father of Physics has not been given to a single scientist. Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Galileo, Thales of Miletus and Aristotle are some of the scientists remembered for their noteworthy contributions, and are among the great contenders for the title. Newton, Galileo and Einstein have all been called Fathers of Modern Physics.." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gregor Johann Mendel (July 20, 1822 - January 6, 1884) was an Augustinian priest and scientist, and is often called the father of genetics for his study of the inheritance of… traits in pea plants. Mendel showed that the inheritance of traits follows particular laws, which were later named after him." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cell Theory. The father of microscopy, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek of Holland (1632-1723), started as an apprentice in a dry goods store where magnifying glasses were used to count the threads in cloth." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Among his many other accomplishments as a thinker, Aristotle is regarded as the father of the biological sciences and of taxonomy. Among the dominant ideas in his work as a philosopher are the concepts of hierarchy and classification, and thus he took readily to the idea of classifying things." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The period is between 1857-1914 and was spearheaded by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch who established microbiology as a science. During this time, discoveries included evidence establishing the relationship between microbes and disease, immunity and antimicrobial drugs." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', \"Gyeongbokgung (Hangul: 경복ê¶\\x81; hanja: æ\\x99¯ç¦\\x8f宫), also known as Gyeongbokgung Palace or Gyeongbok Palace, was the main royal palace of the Joseon dynasty.Built in 1395, it is located in northern Seoul, South Korea.The largest of the Five Grand Palaces built by the Joseon dynasty, Gyeongbokgung served as the home of Kings of the Joseon dynasty, the Kings' households, as well as the government of Joseon.owever, four decades later, the Gyeongbokgung Palace was burnt to the ground during the Japanese invasions of Korea of 1592-1598. The royal court was moved to the Changdeokgung Palace. The Gyeongbokgung palace site was left in ruins for the next three centuries.\"]>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is gyeongbokgung palace']\"", "Fathers of Different Fields of Biology. 1. Father of Concept of Evolution - Empedocles (495-425 B.C.) 2. Father of Medicine - Hippocrates (460-375 B.C.) 3. Father of Biology, Embryology." ], [ "Represent text", "Although van Leeuwenhoek was not the inventor of the microscope, he advanced it more than anyone else for seeing living things. Keywords: Anton van Leeuwenhoek, history microscopes, history of microbiology, history of protozoology; Father of Microbiology, Christian biologist, creation scientist, microbe hunter. Figure 1." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gregor Johann Mendel (20 July 1822 – 6 January 1884) was a German-speaking Moravian scientist and Augustinian friar who gained posthumous fame as the founder of the modern science of genetics.3) F2 generation. Gregor Mendel, who is known as the father of modern genetics, was inspired by both his professors at the University of Olomouc (Friedrich Franz and Johann Karl Nestler) and his colleagues at the monastery (such as Franz Diebl) to study variation in plants." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gregor Mendel. Gregor Mendel is known as the Father of Modern Genetics. He is a pretty big name in the science world. However, he did not receive any of this credit while he was alive. We'll come back to this later. Mendel was born in Austria in 1822. His parents were farmers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Martin Heinrich Klaproth (mär´tēn hÄ«n´rĬkh kläp´rōt), 1743–1817, German chemist. He is often referred to as the father of analytic chemistry. He recognized (1789) the presence of zirconium in the ore zirconia and of uranium in a precipitate of pitchblende." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "That's why he is known as the father of Biology he is also known as father of Zoology. Theoprastus Is known as father of botany." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Exo microbiology (or Astro microbiology): The study of microorganisms in outer space (see: List of microorganisms tested in outer space) Biological agent: The study of those microorganisms which are being used in weapon industries." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(2) F1 generation. (3) F2 generation. Gregor Mendel, who is known as the father of modern genetics, was inspired by both his professors at the University of Olomouc (Friedrich Franz and Johann Karl Nestler) and his colleagues at the monastery (such as Franz Diebl) to study variation in plants.regor Johann Mendel (20 July 1822 – 6 January 1884) was a German-speaking Moravian scientist and Augustinian friar who gained posthumous fame as the founder of the modern science of genetics." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Microbiology. Microbiology is a fundamental biological science concerned with bacteria, viruses and other microbes. Some of the most important scientific discoveries have been made by microbiologists.Since 1910, approximately one-third of the Nobel Prizes in medicine and physiology have been awarded to microbiologists. career in microbiology offers many opportunities. The microbiology major is an excellent preparation for professional school (such as veterinary and human medicine) and graduate school, due to its emphasis on the pathogenesis of infectious disease, molecular biology, sterile techniques and laboratory skills." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', \"Cell phones provided for personal reasons (or that are primarily used for personal reasons) are not exempt from the normal recordkeeping requirements necessary to exclude business-related use from the employee's income as a working condition fringe benefit. To the extent no records are kept, such employer-provided cell phones are generally taxable.\"]\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'are cell phones paid for by employer taxable']\"", "1 Justus Von Liebig, the 'father of modern nutrition', developed the perfect infant food. 2 In addition to being known as the Father of Modern Chemistry, Lavoisier is also considered the Father of Modern Nutrition, as the first to discover the metabolism that occurs inside the human body...." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The discovery of calculus is a controversial topic though. Sir Isaac Newton, an English physicist and mathematician, and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, a German mathematician and philosopher, are the forerunners for the title of the Father of Calculus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Introduction Jean Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) is regarded as one of the greatest scientists of the 19th century. A founding father of the modern American scientific establishment, Agassiz was also a lifelong opponent of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Agassiz “ruled in professorial majesty at Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology.”." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus is regarded as the father of taxonomy, as he developed a system known as Linnaean classification for categorization of organisms and binomial nomenclature for naming organisms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gregor Mendel is known as the father of Genetics and the experiment he is famous for is the Pea Plant experiment. He was one of the world's first geneticists. He was a monk … in the 1800s and did a lot of experiments with pea plants." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "In America, Goddard is considered the father of modern rocketry, though in Germany and Russia Hermann Oberth and Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky, respectively, are held in similar regard. Father: Nahum Danford Goddard" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Robert Koch was one of the founding fathers of biology. His contributions to the field of infectious disease are rivaled only by those of Pasteur and Lister. Koch rose from humble beginnings, working as a country doctor, and catapulted to the pinnacle of a scientific career to receive the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1905." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist and inventor, is considered the father of the periodic table, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry. In the 1860s, Mendeleev was a popular lecturer at a university in St. Petersburg, Russia." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gregor Mendel is known as the Father of Modern Genetics. He is a pretty big name in the science world. However, he did not receive any of this credit while he was alive. We'll come back to this later. Mendel was born in Austria in 1822." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Chapter 10. Foundations of Genetics. Lecture Notes. 1. Foundations of Genetics. Mendel and the Garden pea. The father of modern Genetics is Gregor Mendel. Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) was an Austrian monk who lived in a monastery where the experiments with the garden pea were performed. Mendel’s work with the garden pea was the fundamental study which unveiled the laws that govern genetics and heredity. Mendel was the first to use the scientific method in a very systematic and analysed his results and observations statistically." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Juha Kurki, University greenhouse architect. Views. I think it is because Carl Linnaeus was better in marketing himself than Pierre Magnol who is the real father of taxonomy. Linnaeus was like secretary for Magnols work, he just made taxonomy divided in two. You can see the difference in scientific magnitude between those men just by looking at the size of the plants that are named after them. I think that who ever selected the plants knew what she/he was doing." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "), was a Swedish botanist, physician, and zoologist, who laid the foundations for the modern biological naming scheme of binomial nomenclature. He is known as the father of modern taxonomy, and is also considered one of the fathers of modern ecology." ], [ "Represent this text", "Gregor Mendel is known as the Father of Modern Genetics. He is a pretty big name in the science world. However, he did not receive any of this credit while he was alive. We'll come back to this later. Mendel was born in Austria in 1822. His parents were farmers. When he was young and on the farm, Mendel became very interested in plants, trees, and fruit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Authors. 1 Department of Microbiology, Showa Pharmaceutical College, Tokyo. 2 Department of Microbiology, Showa Pharmaceutical College, Tokyo. 3 Department of Microbiology, Showa Pharmaceutical College, Tokyo. 4 Department of Microbiology, Showa Pharmaceutical College, Tokyo. 5 Department of Microbiology, Showa Pharmaceutical College, Tokyo." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "'Father' of the periodic table. Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist and inventor, is considered the father of the periodic table, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry. In the 1860s, Mendeleev was a popular lecturer at a university in St. Petersburg, Russia." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Like many great artists, the work of Gregor Mendel was not appreciated until after his death. He is now called the Father of Genetics, but he was remembered as a gentle man who loved flowers and kept extensive records of weather and stars when he died. He was born on July 22, 1822, to a poor farming family who lived in a village in Northern Moravia, which is now part of the Czech Republic." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Carl Linnaeus is the father of modern biological classification systems. Linnaeus was born on May 23, 1707, at Stenbrohult, in Smaland smÃ¥land in Southern. Sweden his, Father Nils … in Gemarsson, linnaeus was a gardener and A protestant. pastor" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Carolus Linnaeus is the father of taxonomy, which is the system of classifying and naming organisms. One of his contributions was the development of a hierarchical system of classification of nature. Today, this system includes eight taxa: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Linnaeus also provided us with a consistent way to name species called binomial nomenclature." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "About. The father of microscopy, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek of Holland (1632-1723), started as an apprentice in a dry goods store where magnifying glasses were used to count the threads in cloth. Anton van Leeuwenhoek was inspired by the glasses used by drapers to inspect the quality of cloth." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632 - 1723) was a Dutch tradesman and scientist, best known for his work on the development and improvement of the microscope and also for his subsequent contribution towards the study of microbiology." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gregor Mendel, who is known as the father of modern genetics, was inspired by both his professors at the University of Olomouc (Friedrich Franz and Johann Karl Nestler) and his colleagues at the monastery (such as Franz Diebl) to study variation in plants." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of Efflux (microbiology) in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Efflux (microbiology)? Meaning of Efflux (microbiology) as a legal term. What does Efflux (microbiology) mean in law? Efflux (microbiology) legal definition of Efflux (microbiology) https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Efflux+(microbiology)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Albert Einstein is truly the father of modern science. Michael from Los Angeles wrote: Albert Einstein was a scientific genius, but he was so much more." ], [ "represent the input", "Rudolf Virchow, a German pathologist in the 1800s, is considered by many to be “the father of pathology.” His famous Omnis cellula e cellula (“every cell originates from another existing cell like it”) theory, published in1858,rejected the then-prevalent belief that organisms could spontaneously arise from non-living matter (e.g., that maggots could ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "He had discovered bacteria. He had earned his title of the Father of the Microscope. Interestingly, it took until 1839, nearly two hundred years later, before cells were finally acknowledged as the basic units of life." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Ethelred /eth-el-red/ [3 sylls.] as a boys' name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Ethelred is noble counsel.From thel r d. The name of a king of the West Saxons, and of a king of the English, around the 11th century.thelred is an uncommonly occurring first name for males. Ethelred is an equivalently unusual last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. Census). Charted below is the baby name popularity of Ethelred for boys.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'ethelred name meaning']\"", "Gregor Mendel is called the father of genetics. He was an Austrian monk, and was born in a small town of Austria on July 22, 1822. He belonged to a poor peasant family, and both his parents were farmers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Caspar Friedrich Wolff (German) is credited as the Father of Embryology, even though he did not first conceptualize epigenesis. Actually, Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) was one … of the first to champion the theory of epigenesis. He described the two historically important models of development known as preformation and epigenesis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, (born October 24, 1632, Delft, Netherlands—died August 26, 1723, Delft), Dutch microscopist who was the first to observe bacteria and protozoa. His researches on lower animals refuted the doctrine of spontaneous generation, and his observations helped lay the foundations for the sciences of bacteriology and protozoology." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Indeed, Dubos had found microbiology boring, with its focus on taxonomy, until he read an article by Winogradsky in 1924 that suggested a whole new approach to microbiology to the young Dubos. Waksman, who has been called the father of microbial ecology, chided microbiologists for focusing so heavily on the technique of pure culture, insisting instead on the importance of studying bacteria in context—shifting the focus to their relations in nature and" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Father of the computer: There are several people who can be considered the father of the computer including Alan Turing, John Atanasoff, and John von Neumann. However, for the purpose of this document we're going to be considering Konrad Zuse as the father of the computer with his development of the Z1, Z2, Z3, and Z4." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632 - 1723) Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, c.1675 © Van Leeuwenhoek was a Dutch textile merchant who became a pioneer of microbiology. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was born in Delft on 24 October 1632. In 1648, van Leeuwenhoek was apprenticed to a textile merchant, which is where he probably first encountered magnifying glasses, which were used in the textile trade to count thread densities for quality control purposes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Carl Linnaeus, also known as Carl von Linne linné Or Carolus, linnaeus is often called The father Of. Taxonomy his system for, naming, ranking and classifying organisms is still in wide use (today with many). changes" ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "without the greenhouse the average earth surface temperature would be" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Without this greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature would be 255 degrees kelvin (-18 degrees Celsius or 0 degrees Fahrenheit); a temperature so low that all water on Earth would freeze, the oceans would turn into ice and life, as we know it, would not exist." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This acts like a blanket, trapping infrared radiation close to the planet and warming it up. Without the atmosphere, the temperature on Earth would be more like the Moon, which rises to 116° C in the day, and then dips down to -173° C at night.We’ve written several articles about the temperature of the planets.he average Earth surface temperature is 14° C. That’s 287 kelvin, or 57.2° F." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "A. Much of the infrared radiation emitted by Earth's surface is absorbed and reemitted by atmospheric gases. B. The result is a greenhouse effect that warms the surface by about 33 degrees C. Without this natural greenhouse effect, Earth would be too cold to support life." ], [ "Represent this text", "It has been calculated that, without convection, the average surface air temperature on the earth would be about 125 deg. F, rather than the current 59 deg. F. WHAT GOES UP, MUST COME DOWN: All of the air rising through convection must be balanced by an equal amount of sinking air elsewhere.This, clouds represent vertical circulation systems, involving rising air where the visible cloud forms, and sinking air around the cloud.t has been calculated that, without convection, the average surface air temperature on the earth would be about 125 deg. F, rather than the current 59 deg. F. WHAT GOES UP, MUST COME DOWN: All of the air rising through convection must be balanced by an equal amount of sinking air elsewhere." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "After all, photosynthesis is how plants and some organisms use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water. This is huge, 99.9 percent of the natural productivity on Earth is done by photosynthesis, which requires the sun, Stevens says. And without sunlight, the Earth would get very, very cold. Earth's surface temperature now averages about 57 degrees Fahrenheit, but by the end of the first week without the sun, the average surface temperature would be below the freezing point." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Greenhouse effect. 1.1 The world’s climate is changing. On average, the temperature on the Earth’s surface has increased by 0.6°C (1°F) over the last two centuries. Most of the warming observed in the past 50 years is attributed to human activities and particularly to the burning of fossil fuels." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Without the atmosphere, the temperature on Earth would be more like the Moon, which rises to 116° C in the day, and then dips down to -173° C at night.he average Earth surface temperature is 14° C. That’s 287 kelvin, or 57.2° F. Sea temperature model. As you probably realize, that number is just an average." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The average Earth surface temperature is 14° C. That’s 287 kelvin, or 57.2° F. Sea temperature model. As you probably realize, that number is just an average." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth.This is a type of greenhouse effect.lobal Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth." ], [ "Represent this", "That’s a 42.8% increase. A tiny amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, like methane and water vapour, keep the Earth’s surface 30°Celsius (54°F) warmer than it would be without them. We have added 42% more CO2 but that doesn't mean the temperature will go up by 42% too. There are several reasons why." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "global warming is the increase of earth s average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation which trap heat that would otherwise escape from earththis is a type of greenhouse effectlobal warming is the increase of earth s average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation which trap heat that would otherwise escape from earth" ], [ "Represent the natural language.", "So the more greenhouse gases you have in the atmosphere, the more heat stays on Earth. If the amount of energy from the sun and the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere remain the same, then the average temperature on Earth will also be constant. But this is no longer the case.The amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere is the highest it has been in the last 3 million years.o the more greenhouse gases you have in the atmosphere, the more heat stays on Earth. If the amount of energy from the sun and the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere remain the same, then the average temperature on Earth will also be constant. But this is no longer the case." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Greenhouse Effect. Energy from the Sun that makes its way to Earth can have trouble finding its way back out to space. The greenhouse effect causes some of this energy to be waylaid in the atmosphere, absorbed and released by greenhouse gases. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s temperature would be below freezing. It is, in part, a natural process. However, Earth’s greenhouse effect is getting stronger as we add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. That’s is warming the climate of our planet." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "By contrast, without a greenhouse effect, the Earth would look like the lower diagram. The apparent temperature surface that we would see from space is located well above the real surface of the Earth where we live. This apparent temperature surface is about 5000 meters up (17,000 feet) within the atmosphere." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth.This is a type of greenhouse effect.lobal Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Some scientists are concerned that the heat in the Earth's atmosphere may be increasing to. dangerous levels due to the greenhouse effect. Average global temperatures have been rising. since the 1800s: the average temperature of the Earth has risen approximately 0.7 oC or 1.2 oF." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "If we didn't have the greenhouse effect, the Earth's average surface temperature would fall way below freezing, and there will be a global ice age, therefore killing off most …of the Earth's life forms." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "While the dominant gases of the atmosphere (nitrogen and oxygen) are transparent to infrared, the so-called greenhouse gasses, primarily water vapor (H. Due in part to the warming effects of the greenhouse gases, the global average temperature is about 15°C (59°F).Without the greenhouse gases the global average temperature would be much colder, about -18°C (0°F).hile the dominant gases of the atmosphere (nitrogen and oxygen) are transparent to infrared, the so-called greenhouse gasses, primarily water vapor (H. Due in part to the warming effects of the greenhouse gases, the global average temperature is about 15°C (59°F)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The greenhouse effect causes some of this energy to be waylaid in the atmosphere, absorbed and released by greenhouse gases. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s temperature would be below freezing.It is, in part, a natural process.However, Earth’s greenhouse effect is getting stronger as we add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. That’s is warming the climate of our planet.he greenhouse effect causes some of this energy to be waylaid in the atmosphere, absorbed and released by greenhouse gases. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s temperature would be below freezing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The surface temperature of this hypothetical planet is 33 °C below Earth's actual surface temperature of approximately 14 °C. The mechanism that produces this difference between the actual surface temperature and the effective temperature is due to the atmosphere and is known as the greenhouse effect." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The greenhouse effect causes some of this energy to be waylaid in the atmosphere, absorbed and released by greenhouse gases. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s temperature would be below freezing. It is, in part, a natural process." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It has been calculated that, without convection, the average surface air temperature on the earth would be about 125 deg. F, rather than the current 59 deg. F. WHAT GOES UP, MUST COME DOWN: All of the air rising through convection must be balanced by an equal amount of sinking air elsewhere. This, clouds represent vertical circulation systems, involving rising air where the visible cloud forms, and sinking air around the cloud." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Usually, the higher a cloud is in the atmosphere, the colder is its upper surface and the greater is its cloud greenhouse forcing. If the Earth had no atmosphere, a surface temperature far below freezing would produce enough emitted radiation to balance the absorbed solar energy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Although the results for the Earth’s temperature are usually given as anomalies, climate scientists have used the measured temperature data to calculate average temperatures. NOAA’s result for the 20th century average land-ocean Earth surface temperature is 13.9 °C. The 2011 NOAA surface temperature anomaly of 0.51 °C, gives an average Earth temperature of 14.4 °C for 2011. To find out more about how the Earth is warmed and the greenhouse gases that are responsible, see How Atmospheric Warming Works and Greenhouse Gases." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The greenhouse effect causes some of this energy to be waylaid in the atmosphere, absorbed and released by greenhouse gases. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth’s temperature would be below freezing.It is, in part, a natural process.However, Earth’s greenhouse effect is getting stronger as we add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. That’s is warming the climate of our planet.ithout the greenhouse effect, Earth’s temperature would be below freezing. It is, in part, a natural process. However, Earth’s greenhouse effect is getting stronger as we add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. That’s is warming the climate of our planet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "With no atmosphere, Venus would have a surface temperature of 130oC. With global clouds (which are present) but no greenhouse effect, Venus would have a surface temperature of minus 50oC. With global clouds and the actual greenhouse effect, Venus's real surface temperature averages at 470oC." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The trapped energy warms the Earth’s surface, making it about 35°C warmer than it would be if we didn’t have greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. There would be no life on Earth without the warmth provided by this natural greenhouse effect." ], [ "Represent the next text", "The Greenhouse Effect is so called, as it is similar to the warming of air inside a greenhouse compared to the air outside. The greenhouse effect is critical for the survival of life on earth, as it keeps the surface temperature about 33°C warmer than it would be without the greenhouse effect.he Greenhouse Effect and its importance. When visible light from the Sun hits the earth, some of the radiations are absorbed and used to heat the earth." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "So the more greenhouse gases you have in the atmosphere, the more heat stays on Earth. If the amount of energy from the sun and the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere remain the same, then the average temperature on Earth will also be constant.But this is no longer the case. The amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere is the highest it has been in the last 3 million years.f the amount of energy from the sun and the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere remain the same, then the average temperature on Earth will also be constant. But this is no longer the case." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The Earth has a natural greenhouse effect where certain gases (known as greenhouse gases) in the atmosphere allow the sunlight to enter but absorb the heat radiation.Because these gases absorb the heat, they keep the average surface temperature on Earth around 14°C.ince the industrial revolution, human activity has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (shown in the graph to the right). The increased amount of gases which absorb heat, has directly lead to more heat being retained in the atmosphere and thus an increase in global average surface temperatures." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It has been calculated that, without convection, the average surface air temperature on the earth would be about 125 deg. F, rather than the current 59 deg. F. WHAT GOES UP, MUST COME DOWN: All of the air rising through convection must be balanced by an equal amount of sinking air elsewhere." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "g., .) The Earth's average surface temperature due to its albedo and the greenhouse effect is currently about 15°C. For the frozen (more reflective) planet the average temperature is below -40°C[10] (If only all continents being completely covered by glaciers-the mean temperature is about 0°C)." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "cost to put a door in a wall" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Pet doors cost $37 to $430, depending on the size, placement and features. 2 A basic pet door, mounted into a standard wooden door or exterior wall, costs $37-$250, depending on its size. 3 A pet door mounted into a glass door costs $129-$279. Hiring a handyman to install the door costs around $50 more. 2 It would take a handyman about two hours to install the door. 3 Dog doors are for sale at pet supply stores like PetSmart and Pet Super Store." ] ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "These are another cost to consider. The glass panels range from $70-$468 in cost, depending on the size of the panels, the brand, and the stain of glass. Knobs: a knob is the piece of metal that is placed on the front of the door used to open up the door. A new knob for an entry door can range from $20-$600 dollars." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Get an INSTANT, detailed estimate of the cost to Install a Screen Door! Our free calculator uses up-to-date, trusted data to estimate typical subcontractor costs for a Screen Door Installation project. For a basic 6 doors project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install a Screen Door ranges between $288 - $335 per door. To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "I would question why you are going to probably spend as much installing a door that may not do the job for you as the cost of the door. I would hazard at least half of people who go buy a $250-400 cheap door at a box store are sorely disappointed within months - due to poorly fitted parts, bad or non-existent seals causing drafts or water leaks, fogging or breaking glass, etc." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 To have a contractor install the sliding door, the installation prices alone can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500. 2 This will greatly depend on the door as well as the contractor you hire to install it. 3 For instance, Marvin.com is an online store that has a lot of differently designed sliding and swinging glass doors. You will be able to select the type of door frame as well as the type of glass that will be used for the door. 2 The price of the sliding glass doors sold for the bathroom usually ranges anywhere from $500 to $1,200." ], [ "Represent the following document", "The cost of adding a new wall to a home depends on the material used. Brick walls are often an affordable option, and a hollow brick wall costs around $25.40 per square foot. Hollow bricks feature a unique design with a durable shell and a hollow space in the center of each brick. concrete block wall costs $6.10 to $7.60 per linear foot. Homeowners will also need to pay for any other materials needed, including steel bars, sand to keep the stones from rubbing against each other and mortar." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Guest_... How much would it cost to install a new exterior front door and a new full view storm door. It is currently a 36 door opening, no sidelights. I am looking to replace with either a fiberglass or steel door with a nice large decorator-type window. I priced a door I liked for about $360.I also would like to replace the storm door with a full view, probably a Larsen or like door with the screen and storm all contained in the door. The doors I looked at run between $175 - $300. I need to know what the installation cost would be for each.uest_... How much would it cost to install a new exterior front door and a new full view storm door. It is currently a 36 door opening, no sidelights. I am looking to replace with either a fiberglass or steel door with a nice large decorator-type window. I priced a door I liked for about $360." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Installing a storm door will make a giant impact on the property’s insulation, and therefore, help keep heating and cooling costs down. You can purchase a storm door at a cost of $75 to $400. You can purchase an inexpensive storm door at a price of $75 to $200." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Just did some math. Assuming satchel charges will keep the damage shown in this video, using them will cost 800 gunpowder on a sheet door/hatch, 2000 gunpowder to go through a stone wall, and 2800 for a high external stone wall. With c4 it costs 1375 for a sheet door/hatch, 2750 for a stone wall, and 4,125 for a high external stone wall." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Normal type residential Fancier door or Security steel door up to another $1000 for the door unit purchase cost. If there is no concrete slab to bear on but this IS the bottom floor the door is going in, probably another $400 or so for footers to support the header beam." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "would going 5 or 6 inches put the open door too far from the interior wall and look bad? I just dont want the molding around the door to hit against the other wall Remove Advertisements" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The opening of the door is measured with a door digitizer. If your opening is off from the standard the door will be made to fit that opening. I did a lot of research and I think I made the best decision. I received 12 doors, all the hardware, installation and removal of the old doors for $2693.00. Prior to the installation I called my painter and he said it would cost $40.00 each to paint the doors. Having the factory do the job you can not see any brush marks because they spray them, excellent job." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "1 Total costs for materials and labor can be $1,500-$4,500 or more depending on the height, width and price of the doors, and the complexity of the installation. 2 Single French doors start at about $50-$200 for a basic interior model, and $200-$1,000 or more for a more durable and decorative single French door. A set of triple French-style doors can cost $2,000 -$5,000 or more, depending on materials, size, style and whether they are inswing or outswing. 2 For example, the Andersen 400 Series Frenchwood 3-Panel Inswing Hinged Patio Doors with a wood interior clad with a low-maintenance exterior starts at $2,725." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "On average, two patio doors will cost $1,000 to $2,000; the price depends on the size, special features and type of manufacturing material. Doors come in vinyl, aluminum, wood, metal and fiberglass.Aluminum is the least expensive at around $1,000 for two; vinyl is pricier at around $1,500.our specific geographic area will also impact the installation costs and the amount of carpentry work required. For example, the cost of purchasing and installing vinyl sliding doors in the Pacific Northwest is estimated to be $1,570, while the same project can be done in New England for about $1,650." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "$174. View Costs in Your Area. Installing new interior doors is a sure-fire way to brighten your home. If the existing jambs are ruined, out of alignment or are just plain unattractive, install a pre-hung door unit, which comes attached to its jambs with the hinges already in place. These are a bit more expensive but are easier to hang." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Price-wise, high and midview doors tend to be on the lower end, ranging from $100-$200. For example, a two-panel, latch-entry midview door with a self-storing screen can cost as little as $99 from a home improvement store." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "$174. View Costs in Your Area. Installing new interior doors is a sure-fire way to brighten your home. If the existing jambs are ruined, out of alignment or are just plain unattractive, install a pre-hung door unit, which comes attached to its jambs with the hinges already in place." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Average Cost per Door. Get an INSTANT, detailed estimate of the cost to Install a Storm Door! Our free calculator uses up-to-date, trusted data to estimate typical subcontractor costs for a Storm Door Installation project. For a basic 1 door project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install a Storm Door ranges between $413 - $637 per door. To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it For example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Almost always windy. The central Oregon coast is beautiful with long sandy beaches and sunshine about 3-4 months of the year. We don't mind the winter rain, but we wait 9 months for sunshine only to be greeted by 20mph winds for walking along the beach in the summer. 20.\"] should be similar to ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is the oregon coast always windy']", "Does anyone have an idea of the approximate cost of adding an inside wall 12ft X 8ft high with a 2 ft door?. I'd like to divide a very large room in half.Also the cost of putting a 2 ft door which will connect a bedroom to the hall bathroom?oes anyone have an idea of the approximate cost of adding an inside wall 12ft X 8ft high with a 2 ft door?. I'd like to divide a very large room in half." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For a basic 1 door project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Hang an Interior Door ranges between $178.92 - $321.39 per door. To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cost of Materials. The cost of adding a new wall to a home depends on the material used. Brick walls are often an affordable option, and a hollow brick wall costs around $25.40 per square foot. Hollow bricks feature a unique design with a durable shell and a hollow space in the center of each brick.Traditional brick walls cost around $14.10 per square foot. natural stone wall will cost around $8 to $12 per square foot based on the type of stone chosen. A concrete block wall costs $6.10 to $7.60 per linear foot." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For Do-It-Yourself installation, expect prices more in the neighborhood of $500 to $1500 per door. However, the pricing of a system is contingent on the range of options stand-alone access control points, can be purchased for as little as $400.hat said, there are some general costs you can keep in mind. A complete keypad or card‐based access control system for a single door is typically $1500 to $2500 installed. The more doors you add, the lower the per‐door pricing is. These prices include everything; the hardware, software, and installation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 To have a contractor install the sliding door, the installation prices alone can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500. 2 This will greatly depend on the door as well as the contractor you hire to install it. 3 For instance, Marvin.com is an online store that has a lot of differently designed sliding and swinging glass doors." ], [ "", "In order to stretch the front deltoid muscle, you need to find a pole or a wall or a door frame. What I'm going to do is to use the wall here, put one hand on the wall and turn away from the wall, one hand parallel and then turn away from the wall... make sure your arm is parallel to the wall like such and turn.n order to stretch the front deltoid muscle, you need to find a pole or a wall or a door frame. What I'm going to do is to use the wall here, put one hand on the wall and turn away from the wall, one hand parallel and then turn away from the wall... make sure your arm is parallel to the wall like such and turn." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For a basic sliding patio door, including installation and hardware costs, you would probably invest anywhere from $1200 to $2500 from a big box store like Lowe’s or Home Depot." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Doorknobs are perhaps the most commonly used latch hardware in the U.S., and can be installed for $64 to $114. The difficulty of your installation can be affected by the level of preparation and any repairs needed for the door and jamb." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Toughened glass doors are expensive and priced around $250 a door, including the glass, installation and the door machine. We decided to try something more trendy and less costly. We bought wooden flush doors at $70 apiece. Then the central (about 2 feet by 5 feet) board was removed to make way for regular 5mm glass." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cost of Materials. The cost of adding a new wall to a home depends on the material used. Brick walls are often an affordable option, and a hollow brick wall costs around $25.40 per square foot.Hollow bricks feature a unique design with a durable shell and a hollow space in the center of each brick. natural stone wall will cost around $8 to $12 per square foot based on the type of stone chosen. A concrete block wall costs $6.10 to $7.60 per linear foot. Homeowners will also need to pay for any other materials needed, including steel bars, sand to keep the stones from rubbing against each other and mortar." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "$438.09. Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Install a Storm Door! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Storm Door Installation project. For a basic 1 door project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install a Storm Door ranges between $252.81 - $438.09 per door.To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased. 2. General contractor overhead and markup for organizing and supervising the Storm Door Installation. 2 Add 15% to 23% to the total cost above if a general contractor will supervise this project. 3 Sales tax on materials and supplies." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Installing a door in a sidewall. If you are going to put a door in one of the side walls then proceed to Step 5 for instructions on how to frame a door into this wall. Build the blank wall first then build the door wall on top of it." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cost of Materials. The cost of adding a new wall to a home depends on the material used. Brick walls are often an affordable option, and a hollow brick wall costs around $25.40 per square foot.Hollow bricks feature a unique design with a durable shell and a hollow space in the center of each brick.Traditional brick walls cost around $14.10 per square foot. natural stone wall will cost around $8 to $12 per square foot based on the type of stone chosen. A concrete block wall costs $6.10 to $7.60 per linear foot." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "1 A fiberglass door is good for a lifetime (well over 100 years). 2 Costs range from around $200 for a basic, no-glass/no-frills unit up to nearly $5,000 for a decorative and protective front door that's sure to impress. 3 Steel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "1 To have a contractor install the sliding door, the installation prices alone can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500. 2 This will greatly depend on the door as well as the contractor you hire to install it. 3 For instance, Marvin.com is an online store that has a lot of differently designed sliding and swinging glass doors. Keep in mind that this is not going to include the professional installation fees. 2 A standard five to six foot door can be on the lower end, costing $500 to $1,000. 3 A larger door that measures eight feet or higher can cost $1,000 to $2,000. 4 Higher end doors that are taller than 12 feet can cost upwards of $3,000." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If your opening is off from the standard the door will be made to fit that opening. I did a lot of research and I think I made the best decision. I received 12 doors, all the hardware, installation and removal of the old doors for $2693.00. Prior to the installation I called my painter and he said it would cost $40.00 each to paint the doors. Having the factory do the job you can not see any brush marks because they spray them, excellent job." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Lightweight doors designed to slide on the track system cost about $100-$250 for standard-sized interior doors. For actual exterior barn doors or more of a barn-door effect indoors, it can cost $300-$700 for custom-order oversized doors with glass inserts and $500-$1,000 or more for all-wood models." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The cost to Install Closet Doors starts at $204 - $468 per door, but varies significantly with common options. Get real costs for your SPECIFIC project requirements here. See the time to install closet doors, along with per unit costs and material requirements." ], [ "Represent this", "Comments. I am in Winder, Ga. The cost of this project would run around $350.00 depending on the price of the door. That is assuming the door is under $200.00. Reply. To properly install a door supplied by the client, with hardware supplied by the client. I charge $350." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The cost of adding a new wall to a home depends on the material used. Brick walls are often an affordable option, and a hollow brick wall costs around $25.40 per square foot.anufacturers of stone blocks must source large pieces of stone and use special machines to cut those stones into smaller blocks. A natural stone wall will cost around $8 to $12 per square foot based on the type of stone chosen." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is the formula for manganese(ii) iodide?" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Synthesis of Biaryls . Elseveir. p. 104. ISBN 0-08-044412-1 . Retrieved 2008-06-18 . Manganese(II) iodide is the chemical compound composed of manganese and iodine with the formula MnI. It can be used as a pink pigment or as a source of the manganese ion or iodide ion. It is often used in the lighting industry. References 223646 Manganese(II) iodide 98% ." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Question I. What is the formula for the ionic compound formed by magnesium and iodine? Question II. If a compound has its formula XBr3 and another compound has its formula Na2Y, what is the formula of a compound that consists of X and Y? I: MgI II: Al2O3 I: Mg2I II: K2O I: MgI2 II: Ga2S3 I: MgI3 II: Al3O2 I: MgI2 II: GaO3. OR." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The redox equilibria between Mn 2+ and manganese species in a higher oxidation state Mn q, with p / l +2, have been studied at 25 °C by electrooxidizing acid manganese(II) perchlorate solutions at a gold gauze anode.he redox equilibria between Mn 2+ and manganese species in a higher oxidation state Mn q, with p / l +2, have been studied at 25 °C by electrooxidizing acid manganese(II) perchlorate solutions at a gold gauze anode." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Manganese(II) most commonly exists with a high spin, S = 5/2 ground state because of the high pairing energy for manganese(II). However, there are a few examples of low-spin, S =1/2 manganese(II). There are no spin-allowed d–d transitions in manganese(II), explaining why manganese(II) compounds are typically pale to colorless." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Best Answer: The name iron (II) nitride is correct. The formula is Fe3N2. In this way, two nitrides have a total charge of -6, and three ferrous irons have a ..." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Naples, FL | November 14, 2011 12:52am. In this deed, the notary was an attorney who represented buyer and seller. He signed the warranty deed as a witness, and also as notary public, acknowledging all the signatures, including his own signature as witness.']\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'can notary also act as witness on florida settlement agreement']\"", "Manganese is a chemical element with symbol Mn and atomic number 25. It is not found as a free element in nature; it is often found in combination with iron, and in many minerals.Manganese is a metal with important industrial metal alloy uses, particularly in stainless steels.he most stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale pink color, and many manganese(II) compounds are known, such as manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO 4) and manganese(II) chloride (MnCl 2). This oxidation state is also seen in the mineral rhodochrosite (manganese(II) carbonate)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mass Number: 43 Magnanese-56 is a beta emitter with a half-life of 2.6h, What is the mass of manganese-56 in a 1.0mg sample of the isotope at the end of 10.4h? .063mg A patient is administered 20mg of iodine-131." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This is an account on how to detect Manganese ions in solution by simple precipitation reactions. Mn++ X (aq) + 2 Na+ Y- (aq) ===> Mn++ Y (s) + 2 Na+ X- (aq) (s) Solid precipitate forming a colour change in soultion." ], [ "represent the input", "In this case, the permanganate anion would be MnO−4. Here manganese is in the +7 oxidation state. Despite the fact that you still get 4 oxygen atoms, the charge of the anion is now 1−, which means that you have moer oxygen atoms per unit of charge than in the manganate anion. Therefore, the chemical formula for potassium permanganate is KMnO4." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Manganese is element number 25 (atomic number) and has 25 protons. Isotope of Mn with atomic mass number 55 has thus 55-25 = 30 neutrons. Mn-54 has one neutron less. These are… all exact, not approximate, numbers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For the manganate ion MnO 4 2− , see Manganate. A permanganate is the general name for a chemical compound containing the manganate(VII) ion, (MnO 4 −). Because manganese is in the +7 oxidation state, the permanganate(VII) ion is a strong oxidizing agent. The ion has tetrahedral geometry." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The permanganate ion is not neutral, it has a -1 charge. The “per” prefix is part of the naming system for oxoanions and refers to the oxidation state of the Manganese in the ion. Permanganate: [math]MnO_4^-[/math] has Mn with an oxidation state of 7+ Manganate: [math]MnO_4^{2-}[/math] has Mn with an oxidation state of 6+" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Iodine heptafluoride, also known as iodine(VII) fluoride or iodine fluoride, is an interhalogen compound with the chemical formula I F 7.he molecule can undergo a pseudorotational rearrangement called the Bartell mechanism, which is like the Berry mechanism but for a heptacoordinated system. It forms colourless crystals, which melt at 4.5 °C: the liquid range is extremely narrow, with the boiling point at 4.77 °C." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "As this reaction proceeds, another reaction is observed. As the zinc iodide (ZnI2(aq)) forms , the iodide ion reacts with I2 to make I3- and the ionic compound zinc triiodide (Zn(I3)2(aq)) forms. The triiodide ion (I3-) has a distinctive wine-red color that is easy to identify." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Manganese(III) oxide; Dimanganese trioxide; Manganese sesquioxide; Manganic oxide; Manganese trioxide; Manganese manganate More... Molecular Formula: Mn 2 O 3: Molecular Weight: 157.873 g/mol: InChI Key: GEYXPJBPASPPLI-UHFFFAOYSA-N: Safety Summary: Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chromium(III) iodide is a compound with the molecular formula CrI3. It is a black solid at room temperature and is used to make other chromium compounds." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "noun, Chemistry. 1. a hard, brittle, grayish-white, metallic element, an oxide of which, MnO 2 (manganese dioxide) is a valuable oxidizing agent: used chiefly as an alloying agent in steel to give it toughness. Symbol: Mn; atomic weight: 54.938; atomic number: 25; specific gravity: 7.2 at 20°C. Origin of manganese Expand." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is the formula for Chromium (II) phosphide? The formula for Chromium (II) phosphide is Cr3(PO4)2 Cr3(PO4)2. What is the formula for copper (II) phosphide? Cu3(PO4)2 is the chemical formula for copper (II) phosphide. What is the chemical formula for Tin(IV) phosphide? Sn3P4. What is the empirical formula for Nickel (II) phosphide. Nickel(II) sulfate, or just nickel sulfate, usually refers to the inorganic... what is the Chemical formula for lead IV phosphide and iron II phosphate. Wendy, the person asked for Lead (IV) Phosphide and that is Pb3P4" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The most stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale pink color, and many manganese(II) compounds are known, such as manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO 4) and manganese(II) chloride (MnCl 2). This oxidation state is also seen in the mineral rhodochrosite (manganese(II) carbonate).n 2+ often competes with Mg 2+ in biological systems. Manganese compounds where manganese is in oxidation state +7, which are restricted to the unstable oxide Mn 2 O 7 and compounds of the intensely purple permanganate anion MnO 4 − , are powerful oxidizing agents." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Manganese dioxide (MnO2), the most common compound of manganese, makes up about 0.14% of the Earth's crust. It is used in dry cell batteries to prevent the formation of hydrogen, to remove the green color in glass that is caused by the presence of iron contaminants, and as a drying agent in black paints." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The only iron iodide listed in the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (1985) is iron (II) iodide, with the formula FeI2 Hypothetically, there could be an iron (III) iodide with… the formula FeI3, but this probably spontaneously transforms into iron (II) iodide and elemental iodine. Sonofgodhc." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A permanganate is the general name for a chemical compound containing the manganate(VII) ion, (MnO 4 −).Because manganese is in the +7 oxidation state, the permanganate(VII) ion is a strong oxidizing agent. The ion has tetrahedral geometry. H+ + MnO 4 − + 5 e − → Mn 2+ + 4 H 2 O. In a strongly basic solution, permanganate(VII) is reduced to the green +6 oxidation state of the manganate ion, MnO 4 2− ." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The formula is ZnI2. For some people that don't know, zinc iodide is a chemical compound of zinc and iodine, its melting point is 446 degrees Celsius and its freezing point is … 1150 Celsius." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Tongkat Ali is known differently throughout the world. It's scientific name is Eurycoma Longifolia Jack. Therefore in western countries, Tongkat Ali is commonly known as LongJack. In Indonesia, mention the term Tongkat Ali and more likely than not, you'll receive a blank stare.Over there, Tongkat Ali is known as Pasak Bumi.The term Tongkat Ali is more commonly used in Malaysia and Singapore.herefore in western countries, Tongkat Ali is commonly known as LongJack. In Indonesia, mention the term Tongkat Ali and more likely than not, you'll receive a blank stare. Over there, Tongkat Ali is known as Pasak Bumi. The term Tongkat Ali is more commonly used in Malaysia and Singapore.\"]>> to <<['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'common name of tomkat ali']>>", "Quick Answer. The chemical formula for magnesium iodide is MgI2. Magnesium has a negative 2 ionic charge, so in order for the overall charge of magnesium iodide to be zero, two iodide atoms are required. Continue Reading." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In another process manganese dioxide is carbothermically reduced to manganese(II) oxide which is dissolved in sulfuric acid. The filtered solution is treated with ammonium carbonate to precipitate MnCO. 3. The carbonate is calcined in air to give a mixture of manganese(II) and manganese(IV) oxides. To complete the process, a suspension of this material in sulfuric acid is treated with sodium chlorate. Chloric acid, which forms in situ, converts any Mn(III) and Mn(II) oxides to the dioxide, releasing chlorine as a by-product. A third process involves manganese heptoxide and manganese monoxide." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Manganese is a chemical element with symbol Mn and atomic number 25. It is not found as a free element in nature; it is often found in combination with iron, and in many minerals. Manganese is a metal with important industrial metal alloy uses, particularly in stainless steels." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "MnO4 redirects here. For the manganate ion MnO 4 2− , see Manganate. A permanganate is the general name for a chemical compound containing the manganate(VII) ion, (MnO 4 −). Because manganese is in the +7 oxidation state, the permanganate(VII) ion is a strong oxidizing agent.The ion has tetrahedral geometry. H+ + MnO 4 − + 5 e − → Mn 2+ + 4 H 2 O. In a strongly basic solution, permanganate(VII) is reduced to the green +6 oxidation state of the manganate ion, MnO 4 2− ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Iron(II) iodide is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula FeI 2. It is used as a catalyst in organic reactions. References" ], [ "", "According to the reaction's stoichiometry, the ratio of Manganese (IV) oxide to Aluminum powder by weight is about 2.4:1, or more exactly, 2.42:1. Cobalt (II) oxide (Black): According to the reaction's stoichiometry, the ratio of Colbalt (II) oxide to Aluminum powder by weight is about 4.2:1, or more exactly, 4.17:1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sn(NO3)2 is the chemical formula for tin (II) nitrate. According to EasyChem, tin (II) nitrate is an inorganic salt with a molecular mass of 242.697 g/mol." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The most stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale pink color, and many manganese(II) compounds are known, such as manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO 4) and manganese(II) chloride (MnCl 2). This oxidation state is also seen in the mineral rhodochrosite (manganese(II) carbonate).t is not found as a free element in nature; it is often found in combination with iron, and in many minerals. Manganese is a metal with important industrial metal alloy uses, particularly in stainless steels." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Lead (II) Nitrate + Potassium Iodide → Lead (II) Iodide + Potassium Nitrate. The lead (II) ion is represented as Pb2+, whilst the nitrate ion is NO−3. To balance the charges, we require two nitrate ions per lead (II) ion, and so lead (II) nitrate is Pb(NO3)2 . The potassium ion is K+ and the iodide ion is I−. The two charges balance in a 1:1 ratio, so potassium iodide is simply KI. In lead (II) iodide, the charges balance in a 1:2 ratio, so the formula is PbI2. Finally, in potassium nitrate, the charges balance in another 1:1 ratio, giving a formula of KNO3 ." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Iron(II) Nitrate has a formula of Fe(NO3)2. This can be easily done by knowing the valencies. Fe(II) has an oxidation state of +2, therefore you can consider its valency to be +2. NO3- has a valency of -1. I'll explain it in a very simple manner." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['', \"Subject: WHERE THE SOUL OF MAN NEVER DIES WHERE THE SOUL NEVER DIES Recorded by Hank Williams (With Audrey Williams) Words and music by William M. Golden B: [C] To Canaan's land I'm on my way H: Where the soul of man never [G7] dies A: Where the soul........never dies B: My [C] darkest night will turn to day H: Where the soul of [G7] man never [C] ...\"]\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where the soul never dies gospel song lyrics']\"", "The chemical formula for iron(III) iodide is FeI3. Fe represents iron and I represents iodine. The number (3 in this case) in the formula indicates the number of atoms in the molecule. If no number is present, it means that only one atom is present in the molecule." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Manganese dioxide. Manganese(IV) oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula MnO 2. This blackish or brown solid occurs naturally as the mineral pyrolusite, which is the main ore of manganese and a component of manganese nodules. The principal use for MnO 2 is for dry-cell batteries, such as the alkaline battery and the zinc-carbon battery." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is the solubility product for lead(II) iodide? The solubility of lead(II) iodide is 0.064 g/100 mL at 20oC. What is the solubility product for lead(II) iodide? Follow." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', 'Many of these foods are similar to the natural seeds, grains and plants the birds will forage on their own. As omnivorous birds, ducks will eat a great deal of different foods, and the best foods to offer ducks include: 1 Cracked corn. 2 Wheat, barley or similar grains. 3 Oats (uncooked; rolled or quick). 4 Rice (cooked or uncooked).']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what foods do ducks like']\"", "No, potassium iodide is a white salt formula KI and is a compound. Iodine is an intense deep purple - black solid, formula I2 and is an element. Potassium Iodide is nonvolatil…e but Iodine is quite volatile and vapour is given off even in the solid state at room temperature." ], [ "", "The mineral rhodochrosite [manganese (II) carbonate, MnCO2] is a commercially important source of manganese. Write a half reaction for the oxidation of the manganese in MnCO3 to MnO2 in neutral groundwater where the principal carbonate species is HCO3-. Add H2O, H+, and electrons as needed to balance the half reaction.he mineral rhodochrosite [manganese (II) carbonate, MnCO2] is a commercially important source of manganese. Write a half reaction for the oxidation of the manganese in MnCO3 to MnO2 in neutral groundwater where the principal carbonate species is HCO3-. Add H2O, H+, and electrons as needed to balance the half reaction." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Manganese(IV) oxide (manganese dioxide, MnO 2) is used as a reagent in organic chemistry for the oxidation of benzylic alcohols (i.e. adjacent to an aromatic ring). Manganese dioxide has been used since antiquity to oxidatively neutralize the greenish tinge in glass caused by trace amounts of iron contamination.anganese is a chemical element with symbol Mn and atomic number 25. It is not found as a free element in nature; it is often found in combination with iron, and in many minerals. Manganese is a metal with important industrial metal alloy uses, particularly in stainless steels." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Iodide is an ion of Iodine with a negative one charge. The molecular formula for the Iodide Ion is: I-. However, as with all ions, it can not exist on its own. So you coul … d have the following ionic bonded compounds: Sodium Iodide (NaI) Potassium Iodide (KI) Hydrogen Iodide (HI) etc." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Manganese is a chemical element with symbol Mn and atomic number 25. It is not found as a free element in nature; it is often found in combination with iron, and in many minerals. Manganese is a metal with important industrial metal alloy uses, particularly in stainless steels.n 2+ often competes with Mg 2+ in biological systems. Manganese compounds where manganese is in oxidation state +7, which are restricted to the unstable oxide Mn 2 O 7 and compounds of the intensely purple permanganate anion MnO 4 − , are powerful oxidizing agents." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Miscellaneous causes of blood blisters in mouth include having a skin infection inside your mouth, having bowel disease, Behcet's syndrome, high blood pressure, problems with dentures, and neutrophil deficiency, being under hormonal stress, eating or drinking acidic foods, etc.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what causes mouth blisters']\"", "Calcium iodide. Calcium iodide (chemical formula CaI2) is the ionic compound of calcium and iodine. This colourless deliquescent solid is a salt that is highly soluble in water. Its properties are similar to those for related salts, such as calcium chloride. It is used in photography." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In biology, manganese(II) ions function as cofactors for a large variety of enzymes with many functions. Manganese enzymes are particularly essential in detoxification of superoxide free radicals in organisms that must deal with elemental oxygen.he most stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale pink color, and many manganese(II) compounds are known, such as manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO 4) and manganese(II) chloride (MnCl 2). This oxidation state is also seen in the mineral rhodochrosite (manganese(II) carbonate)." ], [ "Represent this text", "Share to: Manganese IV fluoride: The first thing you should realize right off the bat is that this compound is composed of the elements manganese (Mn) and fluorine (F). My guess is that … it is the IV throwing you off. :) The IV is usually in parentheses and indicates the positive charge on the preceding element." ], [ "Represent the next text", "In biology, manganese(II) ions function as cofactors for a large variety of enzymes with many functions. Manganese enzymes are particularly essential in detoxification of superoxide free radicals in organisms that must deal with elemental oxygen. Manganese also functions in the oxygen-evolving complex of photosynthetic plants. The element is a required trace mineral for all known living organisms but is a neurotoxin." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Manganese(IV) oxide (manganese dioxide, MnO 2) is used as a reagent in organic chemistry for the oxidation of benzylic alcohols (i.e. adjacent to an aromatic ring). Manganese dioxide has been used since antiquity to oxidatively neutralize the greenish tinge in glass caused by trace amounts of iron contamination.n 2+ often competes with Mg 2+ in biological systems. Manganese compounds where manganese is in oxidation state +7, which are restricted to the unstable oxide Mn 2 O 7 and compounds of the intensely purple permanganate anion MnO 4 − , are powerful oxidizing agents." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "About Manganese(II) Oxide Manganese(II) Oxide is a highly insoluble thermally stable Manganese source suitable for glass, optic and ceramic applications. Manganese oxide is a blackish/ brown solid and the primary natural source of manganese." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Manganese(IV) oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula MnO. 2. This blackish or brown solid occurs naturally as the mineral pyrolusite, which is the main ore of manganese and a component of manganese nodules." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The potassium ion is K^+ and the iodide ion is I^-. The two charges balance in a 1 : 1 ratio, so potassium iodide is simply KI. In lead (II) iodide, the charges balance in a 1 : 2 ratio, so the formula is PbI_2. Finally, in potassium nitrate, the charges balance in another 1 : 1 ratio, giving a formula of KNO_3 ." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Calcium iodide (chemical formula CaI2) is the ionic compound of calcium and iodine.This colourless deliquescent solid is a salt that is highly soluble in water.Its properties are similar to those for related salts, such as calcium chloride.alcium iodide (chemical formula CaI2) is the ionic compound of calcium and iodine." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Manganese dioxide is used as the cathode (electron acceptor) material in zinc-carbon and alkaline batteries. In biology, manganese(II) ions function as cofactors for a large variety of enzymes with many functions.anganese is a chemical element with symbol Mn and atomic number 25. It is not found as a free element in nature; it is often found in combination with iron, and in many minerals. Manganese is a metal with important industrial metal alloy uses, particularly in stainless steels." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Potassium manganate. Potassium manganate is the inorganic compound with the formula K2MnO4. This green-colored salt is an intermediate in the industrial synthesis of potassium permanganate (KMnO4), a common chemical. Occasionally, potassium manganate and potassium permanganate are confused, but they are different compounds with distinctly different properties." ], [ "represent this", "What is the chemical formula for silver nitrate and sodium iodide? The equation for reaction between silver nitrate and sodium iodide in water solution is AgNO3 (aq) + NaI (aq) = NaNO3 (aq) + AgI (s)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sodium iodide Formula - Sodium Iodide Uses, Properties, Structure and Formula Sodium iodide Formula Sodium iodide is a common inorganic salt that is an important source of iodine. Formula and structure: The chemical formula of sodium iodide is NaI and its molar mass is 149.89 g/mol. It is a simple ionic compound composed of the sodium cation (Na+) and iodide anion (I-), and its chemical structure is shown below. The solid NaI adopts a similar octahedral crystal geometry as sodium chloride (NaCl)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The most stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale pink color, and many manganese(II) compounds are known, such as manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO 4) and manganese(II) chloride (MnCl 2). This oxidation state is also seen in the mineral rhodochrosite (manganese(II) carbonate).he most stable oxidation state for manganese is +2, which has a pale pink color, and many manganese(II) compounds are known, such as manganese(II) sulfate (MnSO 4) and manganese(II) chloride (MnCl 2). This oxidation state is also seen in the mineral rhodochrosite (manganese(II) carbonate)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A permanganate is the general name for a chemical compound containing the manganate(VII) ion, (MnO4−). Because manganese is in the +7 oxidation state, the permanganate(VII) ion is a strong oxidizing agent. The ion has tetrahedral geometry." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Reaction of manganese with air. Manganese is not particularly reactive to air, despite it being a little more electropositive than its neighbours in the periodic table.The surface of manganese lumps oxidize to a minor ecxtent.eaction of manganese with the halogens. Manganese burns in chlorine to form manganese(II) chloride, MnCl 2. It also reacts with bromine or iodine to form respectively manganese(II) bromide, MnBr 2, or manganese(II) iodide, MnI 2." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In biology, manganese(II) ions function as cofactors for a large variety of enzymes with many functions. Manganese enzymes are particularly essential in detoxification of superoxide free radicals in organisms that must deal with elemental oxygen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "E.g. The reaction between manganese dioxide and hydrochloric acid. MnO2(s) + 4H+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) a à+(mn2) + Aq(cl2) + G(2h2o) L: MnO2(mno2) + S+(4h2) + aq == 2e+(mn2) + AQ(2h2o) L = +eo.1 23v: 2Cl-(2cl) àCl2(acl2) + àcl2 G = +2e.EO 1 = 36v-Ecell = -er.EO. 0 13v this reaction does not occur under. standard conditions Overall redox equations can be created by combining the half-equations for the oxidation process and reduction processes, after multiplying all the coefficients of the species in one of the half-equations by a factor which ensures that the number of electrons gained is equal to the number of electrons lost." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To balance the charges, we require two nitrate ions per lead (II) ion, and so lead (II) nitrate is #Pb(NO_3)_2#. The potassium ion is #K^+# and the iodide ion is #I^-#. The two charges balance in a #1 : 1# ratio, so potassium iodide is simply #KI#. In lead (II) iodide, the charges balance in a #1 : 2# ratio, so the formula is #PbI_2#. Finally, in potassium nitrate, the charges balance in another #1 : 1# ratio, giving a formula of #KNO_3#. The symbol equation is as follows:" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Name: Formula: Other name(s) Aluminum: Al +3: Ammonium: NH 4 + Barium: Ba +2: Calcium: Ca +2: Chromium(II) Cr +2: Chromous: Chromium(III) Cr +3: Chromic: Copper(I) Cu + Cuprous: Copper(II) Cu +2: Cupric: Iron(II) Fe +2: Ferrous: Iron(III) Fe +3: Ferric: Hydrogen: H + Hydronium: H 3 O + Lead(II) Pb +2: Lithium: Li + Magnesium: Mg +2: Manganese(II) Mn +2: Manganous: Manganese(III) Mn +3: Manganic: Mercury(I) Hg 2 +2: Mercurous: Mercury(II) Hg +2" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Manganese is a chemical element with symbol Mn and atomic number 25. It is not found as a free element in nature; it is often found in combination with iron, and in many minerals.Manganese is a metal with important industrial metal alloy uses, particularly in stainless steels.anganese(IV) oxide (manganese dioxide, MnO 2) is used as a reagent in organic chemistry for the oxidation of benzylic alcohols (i.e. adjacent to an aromatic ring). Manganese dioxide has been used since antiquity to oxidatively neutralize the greenish tinge in glass caused by trace amounts of iron contamination." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Salmon can be seen spawning here in mid-July through September. The salmon lifecycle and a working salmon-counting operation is on the menu here, as well as a fresh salmon for your dinner, if you time your visit just right.'] == ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when do salmon spawn in alaska']", "Manganese(III) oxide | Mn2O3 | CID 14824 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Potassium manganate is the inorganic compound with the formula K2MnO4. This green-colored salt is an intermediate in the industrial synthesis of potassium permanganate, a common chemical. Occasionally, potassium manganate and potassium permanganate are confused, but they are different compounds with distinctly different properties." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The chemical formula for barium iodide is BaI2. In this formula, Ba is the chemical symbol for barium, and I is the chemical symbol for iodine. The numeral 2 written after the I indicates that the..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Manganese oxide is an inorganic compound with chemical formula MnO. It forms green crystals. The compound is produced on a large scale as a component of fertilizers and food additives." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "what is eft vs wire" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is the difference between an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) and a Wire? Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) An EFT (also sometimes referred to as Direct Deposit) is a method of electronically paying a vendor or person instead of issuing a cheque. Overall, EFT is the preferred method of electronic payment – this is the lowest cost option of payment" ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What's the difference between THHN Wire and MTW wire? These are both types of PVC electrical wire used to supply power from one spot to another. The difference between THHN and MTW is the nylon over the PVC insulation on the THHN wire. THHN stands for Thermoplastic High Heat-Resistant Nylon coated. This type of electrical wire can be used outdoors because it resists water, gases and solvents." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wire vs. Cable. While the terms wire and cable are often used interchangeably, technically wire is one electrical conductor and cable is a group of wires (or conductors), encased in sheathing." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Yes, the Healthcare EFT Standard rule established the NACHA CCD+Addenda as the healthcare EFT standard, but the rule does not prohibit the use of other EFT payment options including card and wire transfer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it For instance, <<['', 'Sweetbreads are the thymus glands and/or pancreas of calves, lambs and piglets under one year old. These glands are classified as offal in culinary circles, along with other parts such as gizzards and intestines.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is sweetbread']>>", "ROYAL BANK OF CANADA has 1404 Electronic Fund Transactions (EFT) enabled branches in Canada.Routing Numbers assigned to ROYAL BANK OF CANADA is used for Electronic Fund Transactions (EFT) within Canada. A Routing Number is code assigned to identity Financial Institution, Bank Branch, Credit Unions and Trust Companies.Account Number and Routing Number together used for Electronic Fund Transactions (EFT) within Canada. There are two formats of Routing Numbers in Canada.Electronic Fund Transactions (EFT) Routing Number is used for electronic transactions like direct deposits and wire transfers.Electronic Fund Transactions (EFT) Routing Number contains 3-digits Financial Institution Number and 5-digit Branch Number.OYAL BANK OF CANADA has 1404 Electronic Fund Transactions (EFT) enabled branches in Canada.Routing Numbers assigned to ROYAL BANK OF CANADA is used for Electronic Fund Transactions (EFT) within Canada. A Routing Number is code assigned to identity Financial Institution, Bank Branch, Credit Unions and Trust Companies." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There are a few advantages of an electronic funds transfer (EFT), including less float time, meaning the time it takes for a paper check to clear the federal reserve. It is less labor intensive on the banking side, and it ensures that consumers receive funds sooner. EFT also renders mailing payments obsolete." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The IGFET or MOSFET is a voltage controlled field effect transistor that differs from a JFET in that it has a “Metal Oxide” Gate electrode which is electrically insulated from the main semiconductor n-channel or p-channel by a very thin layer of insulating material usually silicon dioxide, commonly known as glass.he MOSFET – Metal Oxide FET. As well as the Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET), there is another type of Field Effect Transistor available whose Gate input is electrically insulated from the main current carrying channel and is therefore called an Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor or IGFET." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "EFTPOS (pronounced /ˈɛftpɒs/) — electronic funds transfer at point of sale — is an electronic payment system involving electronic funds transfers based on the use of payment cards, such as debit or credit cards, at payment terminals located at points of sale." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "While technically EFT stands for electronic funds transfer, and in theory could be any funds movement that is electronic, ACH is what the average person means when they use the term, as a consumer, business or in banking." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Difference Between ACH and EFT ACH means Automatic Clearing House and EFT means Electronic Funds Transfer. Both the ACH and EFT refer to money transfer from one Home" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nGiven ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'Toddlers/Preschoolers (2 â\\x80\\x93 5 years) When a child takes the first step on his or her own, a new phase in development begins. At this stage children are now free to roam around their world. It is a time for active exploration of their environment.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what ages is a toddler']", "Instant EFT. Internet bank transfers without the two day wait. Click for more. Your customers can make an electronic funds transfer (EFT) with SA’s four biggest banks: ABSA, FNB, Nedbank or Standard Bank, using a uniquely generated reference number.Clicking the 'verify' button checks if the online banking transfer was made.here is no two day wait, you don’t need to send in proof of payment and it can be used with South Africa’s four biggest banks: ABSA, FNB, Nedbank and Standard Bank. Instant EFT puts you in touch with the large number of online shoppers without credit cards but with access to internet banking." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Looking for online definition of EFT or what EFT stands for? EFT is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms EFT - What does EFT stand for?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "EFTPS or Electronic Federal Tax Payment System is literally an “electronic” way of paying taxes for American taxpayers. Whether the taxpayer is an individual or a business entity, taxes may be filed using means such as via phone call to a customer service hotline or through the online channel." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Emotionally focused therapy (EFT), also known as emotion-focused therapy and process-experiential therapy, is a usually short-term (8–20 sessions) structured psychotherapy approach to working with individuals, couples, or families." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Electronic Funds Transfer is the electronic transfer of money from one bank account to another, either within a single financial institution or across multiple institutions, via computer-based systems, without the direct intervention of bank staff. EFT transactions are known by a number of names. In the United States, they may be referred to as electronic checks or e-checks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "EFT Tapping. Energy Morse Code. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or EFT tapping, simply stated, is an emotional version of acupuncture, but without the use of needles. Instead, you tap with your fingertips on key energy meridian points on your face and body." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '1 The highest monthly average temperature in South Fork for July is 53 degrees. 2 The lowest monthly average temperature in South Fork for January is 16 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in South Fork occurs in January with 0 inches.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'average temperatures for south fork, colorado']\"", "VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) is a metric commonly used with antenna systems for ham or shortwave radio communication.VSWR is normally defined as a ratio with a 1:1 VSWR, indicating that there is an exact or perfect match between all antenna system elements.SWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) is a metric commonly used with antenna systems for ham or shortwave radio communication." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "EFT combines the physical benefits of acupuncture with the cognitive benefits of conventional therapy for a much faster, more complete treatment of emotional issues, and the physical and performance issues that often result. EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture, except we don't use needles." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "However, there is a difference in the format as discussed above. The term routing number is used in connection with the electronic fund transfers (EFT) and thus also known as EFT Code while the transit number is used usually in connection with the paper instruments such as cheques." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "For general EFTPOS based systems, see Debit card. Electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS /ˈɛftpɒs/) is an electronic payment system involving electronic funds transfers based on the use of payment cards, such as debit or credit cards, at payment terminals located at points of sale. EFTPOS technology originated in the United States in 1981 and was adopted by other countries." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "THHN Wire vs. THWN wire THHN stands for Thermoplastic High Heat-Resistant Nylon coated. It is the most popular wire for use in construction but can also be used to wire control circuits, machine tools and certain electrical appliances. THWN stands for Thermoplastic Heat and Water resistant Nylon coated." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "EFTPS is the free Electronic Federal Tax Payment System provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. With EFTPS you can conveniently pay your taxes either online or by phone from anywhere, 24/7, 365 days a year." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "What is EFT/ERA? Electronic funds transfer (EFT) and electronic remittance advice (ERA) send money and remittances between payers, such as Group Health, and providers electronically. EFT moves the money, and ERA is the detailed explanation of payment (EOP). Additionally, EFT/ERA includes a trace number linking the EFT and ERA. Top of page." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Electronic discounts (clipless coupons) (food industry term): A discount price for the future purchase of an item printed on a customer's receipt. Electronic funds transfer (eft) (food industry term): The use of telecommunications systems and debit and credit cards to move funds." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How Emotional Freedom Techniques Tapping Works. EFT is based on a revolutionary new discovery that challenges many of the beliefs within conventional psychology. It contends that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Wire is an archetypal slow-burning, word-of-mouth success. Yesterday the final episode of the medical drama ER was broadcast in America. Over the course of its 15-year run, ER won a record 122 Emmy nominations and, at its peak, attracted more than 32 million viewers." ], [ "", "Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) is an empirically supported humanistic treatment that arose out of the theoretical integration of research on psychotherapy with ideas from constructivist psychology, emotion theory, and attachment theory." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Difference Between ACH and EFT ACH means Automatic Clearing House and EFT means Electronic Funds Transfer. Both the ACH and EFT refer to money transfer from one account to another or from one place to another." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "EFT provides relief from the majority of these disturbances. What is even better is that it often provides relief in minutes and the results are usually long lasting. In fact, it frequently provides emotional healing where other techniques fail and has a high success rate, typically 80% or better." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "PTFE and ETFE insulated wires are known for having excellent dielectric characteristics, high tensile strength, and corrosion resistance. While both polymers can be used for aircraft wiring, it is important to understand the benefits and the disadvantages of both materials." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Electronic Funds Transfer, often called EFT, is a payment method that replaces sending a paper check. You initiate a payment online using the Internet and allow Unemployment Insurance to deduct a payment from your financial institution on the day you choose and credit the payment to your Unemployment Insurance Account. Login to your UI account and make sure you are on the Employer Home Page. 2 Select the link on the Employer Home Page that says Payment Options or Manage EFT Account. 3 Once on the Payment Options or Manage EFT Account page select the link that says Manage EFT Bank Accounts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you crack your knuckles and find it difficult to stop, I suggest you to try the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT is a powerful self-help method that is very effective for regular stress management as well as for breaking all kinds of addictions, including knuckle cracking." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "RTGS vs NEFT. Background. NEFT refers to National Electronic Funds Transfer. It is an online system for transferring funds from one financial institution to another within India (usually banks). The system was launched in November 2005, and was set to inherit every bank that was assigned to the SEFT clearing system." ], [ "", "Routing Number Format. Routing number (EFT Code) is a 9 digit code comprising of a leading zero (0), the institution number (YYY), then the branch number (XXXXX). For example if a cheque MICR code is XXXXX-YYY, the corresponding EFT code would be 0YYYXXXXX." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFT Act) covers some electronic consumer transactions. Here are some common EFT services: ATMs are electronic terminals that let you bank almost virtually any time. To withdraw cash, make deposits, or transfer funds between accounts, you generally insert an ATM card and enter your PIN." ], [ "", "Electronic Funds Transfer, or EFT, allows us to send payments to your payees electronically, rather than printing and mailing a paper check.EFT payments are especially advantageous because your payee receives payment faster than with a paper check, and there is no risk of a check getting lost in the mail. Back to top.ust like Payroll Direct Deposit and ATM transactions, EFT payments are extremely safe. All payment information is encrypted with 128-bit SSL and sent through a secure communications channel. Information cannot be redirected, read, or tampered with." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Electronic Warfare Threat Simulator (EWTS) is a real-time system that can generate complex, dynamic, electromagnetic signal environments at the radio frequency (RF) level. With this system, AUTEC offers capabilities to test different platform receivers in an open-air, over-the-water range." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You may have heard about the Emotional Freedom Techniques and wonder “What is EFT Tapping?”. The EFT tapping techniques are a series of astoundingly fast and easy processes that can help just about anyone to achieve genuine freedom from the emotions that have created problems in their lives." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Not to be confused with Emotionally Focused Therapy. Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy (TFT)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "EFTPS is the free Electronic Federal Tax Payment System provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. With EFTPS you can conveniently pay your taxes either online or by phone from anywhere, 24/7, 365 days a year. It’s fast and easy, with step-by-step directions that help you make payments in minutes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Emotionally focused therapy. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Emotionally focused therapy (EFT), also known as emotion-focused therapy and process-experiential therapy, is a usually short-term (8–20 sessions) structured psychotherapy approach to working with individuals, couples, or families." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Difference Between ACH and EFT. ACH means Automatic Clearing House and EFT means Electronic Funds Transfer. Both the ACH and EFT refer to money transfer from one account to another or from one place to another. The Automatic Clearing House and the Electronic Funds Transfer have simplified the process of money transfer. Both the ATH and the EFT procedures are very quick and they have revolutionized the entire banking sector." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Direct Deposit is also known as Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). It is the transfer of funds from the State of Kansas account to an individual employee's checking or savings accounts at a participating bank, savings and loan association or credit union." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "An Electronic Fund Transactions (EFT) routing number is comprised of a three-digit financial institution number and a five-digit branch number, preceded by a leading zero." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Automated Clearing House aka Electronic Funds Transfer or EFT. Burhan Khalid and I will agree to disagree on the term EFT being synonymous and a few other things. ACH transactions are governed by the NACHA Rules which financial institutions agree to in order to exchange messages that exchange funds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Home > Accounting Dictionary > E Terms > Electronic Funds Transfer. Electronic funds transfer or EFT is common with businesses and with individuals. Electronic funds transfer is the electronic communication used to transfer cash from one bank account to another. EFTs don't require paper or checks to transfer cash between accounts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Described as emotional acupuncture, it is one of the most effective ways to balance the body's energy system that I have experienced. EFT has been proven clinically effective as a simple yet powerful way of releasing fears, phobias, anxieties, angers, addictions, and all kinds of emotional and physical issues." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Used mostly with couples and families but applicable to individuals, EFT is a therapy that focuses on the development of emotional intelligence and the importance of secure relationships." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "ach transfers, wire transfers, ach vs wire transfers. ach transfers, wire transfers, ach vs wire transfers. Two of the options you have when sending money electronically are ACH transfer and wire transfer. Deciding which to use most often depends on how quickly you want the money to 'arrive' at its destination. ach transfers, wire transfers, ach vs wire transfers." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Mismatch Loss: VSWR (pronounced viswar), or the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio, is the ratio of the maximum standing wave amplitude at one node to the minimum amplitude at another node in a system. In one typical RF application, VSWR is used to measure the amount of reflection due to impedance mismatch." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Fedwire Transfers: EFT payments through the Federal Reserve Communications System (using Fedwire) to Treasury's main account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are completed on the day they are initiated, generally in a matter of minutes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can pay vendors using the electronic funds transfer (EFT) system in Australia." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "With direct deposit, sometimes called electronic funds transfer or EFT, we send your payment straight to your bank account. It gives you immediate access to your money the day your payment is due. It also eliminates the risk of lost or stolen checks, forged signatures and identity theft.ith direct deposit, sometimes called electronic funds transfer or EFT, we send your payment straight to your bank account. It gives you immediate access to your money the day your payment is due. It also eliminates the risk of lost or stolen checks, forged signatures and identity theft." ], [ "", "EFT debit orders are generally more cost effective than AEDO or NAEDO debit orders and also feature a higher collection limit of R500,000.00 per instruction compared to the R5,000.00 per debit for AEDO as well as NAEDO debit order instructions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "EFT or electronic funds transfer are commonly used ways to transfer money from and to accounts. Due to industrialization and globalization, the need to send money to other cities and oversees grew. The need was further reinforced due to large influxes of immigration." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is a chancre" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "A chancre (/ˈʃaeŋkər/ ˈʃæŋKəR-shang) kər is a painless (ulceration) sore most commonly formed during the primary stage of. syphilisifferences between the conditions chancre and chancroid 1 : Chancre is a lesion typical of infection with the bacterium that causes syphilis, Treponema pallidum. 2 Chancroid is a lesion typical of infection with the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi. 3 Chancres are typically painless, whereas chancroid are typically painful." ] ]
[ [ "", "Other medical conditions listed in the Disease Database as possible causes of Chancre as a symptom include: 1 Chagas' disease. 2 Pinta. 3 Primary syphilis. 4 Sleeping sickness (East African)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "STD The classic 1º skin lesion of syphilis, which consists of a painless 1–2 cm ulcer; the 1º chancre is highly contagious, contains zillions of spirochetes, and heals as a papule; chancres outside the vagina or on the scrotum render condoms useless in disease-preventing systems. See Kissing chancre, Syphilis.hancre re´dux chancre developing on the scar of a healed primary chancre. soft chancre chancroid. true chancre chancre (1). tuberculous chancre a brownish red papule which develops into an indurated nodule or plaque, representing the initial cutaneous infection of the tubercle bacillus into the skin or mucosa." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nacre is composed of an organic, horn-like compound called conchiolin, and calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) in the form of the minerals aragonite or calcite. All species of bivalves are capable of producing pearls, but only a few can secrete a nacreous coating that has the attractive pearly luster of gem pearl." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Incubation period. An incubation period is the time between exposure to a disease and the first symptom. A skin sore called a chancre is usually the first symptom of sexually transmitted syphilis.ransmission. Transmission of the bacteria usually occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. The syphilis bacteria are passed from person to person through direct contact with: 1 The open sore (chancre) that appears during the primary stage." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Chancre: The classic painless ulcer of syphilis. The chancre forms in the first (primary) stage of syphilis. It is highly contagious and can last 1-5 weeks.The disease can be transmitted from contact with the ulcer, which is teeming with spirochetes.he chancre forms in the first (primary) stage of syphilis. It is highly contagious and can last 1-5 weeks. The disease can be transmitted from contact with the ulcer, which is teeming with spirochetes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Secondary Syphilis. In this stage, the pathogen spreads through the blood to the skin, liver, joints, lymph nodes, muscles, and brain. A rash frequently appears about 6 weeks to 3 months after the chancre has healed. The rash may cover any part of the body, but tends to erupt on the palms or soles of the feet." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Syphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of syphilis occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.Pregnant women with the disease can transmit it to their unborn child.hancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of syphilis occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Pregnant women with the disease can transmit it to their unborn child." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Shotcrete-stabilized cliff above a motorway in New Zealand. Shotcrete is concrete (or sometimes mortar) conveyed through a hose and pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface, as a construction technique.It is reinforced by conventional steel rods, steel mesh, and/or fibers.hotcrete is usually an all-inclusive term for both the wet-mix and dry-mix versions. In pool construction, however, the term shotcrete refers to wet-mix and gunite to dry-mix." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A person is highly contagious during the primary stage. 1 In men, a chancre often appears in the genital area, usually (but not always) on the penis. These sores are often painless. In women, chancres can develop on the outer genitals or on the inner part of the vagina." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The sore usually does not bleed. Two or more chancres may develop at the same time, usually in the genital area, but sometimes on the hands, mouth, or other body surfaces. Chancres contain millions of syphilis bacteria and are highly contagious." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "chancre re´dux chancre developing on the scar of a healed primary chancre. soft chancre chancroid. true chancre chancre (1). tuberculous chancre a brownish red papule which develops into an indurated nodule or plaque, representing the initial cutaneous infection of the tubercle bacillus into the skin or mucosa." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "During the primary stage of syphilis, a sore (chancre) that is usually painless develops at the site where the bacteria entered the body. This commonly occurs within 3 weeks of exposure but can range from 10 to 90 days. A person is highly contagious during the primary stage. 1 In men, a chancre often appears in the genital area, usually (but not always) on the penis. 2 In women, chancres can develop on the outer genitals or on the inner part of the vagina. Swelling of the lymph nodes may occur near the area of the chancre." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Syphilis can cause a painless skin lesion called a chancre. Syphilis Chancre is the primary lesion of syphilis. If you mean canker sores, they are not related to any thing. Yo … u can have canker sores with out having any other infections. Some doctors believe that they can be genetically passed. A canker sore is cause by bacteria." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Likewise, if the ulcer is in the mouth, merely kissing the infected individual can spread syphilis. The word chancre is the French for a little ulcer. Chancre and the English canker come from the Latin cancer for crab." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Syphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of syphilis occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.Pregnant women with the disease can transmit it to their unborn child.his stage typically starts with the development of a rash on one or more areas of the body. Rashes associated with secondary syphilis can appear when the primary chancre is healing or several weeks after the chancre has healed. The rash usually does not cause itching." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "See also syphilis. STD The classic 1º skin lesion of syphilis, which consists of a painless 1–2 cm ulcer; the 1º chancre is highly contagious, contains zillions of spirochetes, and heals as a papule; chancres outside the vagina or on the scrotum render condoms useless in disease-preventing systems.See Kissing chancre, Syphilis.he primary lesion of syphilis, which begins at the site of infection after an interval of 10-30 days as a papule or area of infiltration, of dull red color, hard, and insensitive; the center usually becomes eroded or breaks down into an ulcer that heals slowly after 4-6 weeks. Synonym(s): hard chancre, hard ulcer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chancre: Undiagnosed Conditions. Conditions that are commonly undiagnosed in related areas may include: 1 Sexual Disorders & STDs -- serious diseases often undiagnosed: 2 Sexually Transmitted Diseases -- Undiagnosed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nacre is composed of an organic, horn-like compound called conchiolin, and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the form of the minerals aragonite or calcite. All species of bivalves are capable of producing pearls, but only a few can secrete a nacreous coating that has the attractive pearly luster of gem pearl." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "• The first, or “primary” syphilis infection shows up as a small, firm, painless round ulcer, called a chancre, at the site where the bacterium entered the body. These ulcers are usually located on the penis, labia, or vagina, but can also occur on the cervix, in the anus, or in the mouth." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Primary syphilis — In this first stage, syphilis causes a painless ulcer called a chancre, usually in the genital area where syphilis bacteria enter the body. This stage begins 10 to 90 days (average three weeks) after a person has been exposed to someone with syphilis." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Chancres can appear in places other than the genitals. In women, chancres most often appear on the cervix - the bottom of the uterus. Some people get no chancres at all. Many people who have secondary syphilis (40–85% of women and 20–65% of men) say they never had a chancre during the primary stage." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1. (Zoology) a hard iridescent substance, mostly calcium carbonate, that forms the inner layer of the shells of certain molluscs, such as the oyster. It is used to make buttons, inlay furniture, etc. Also called: nacre. 2. (Elements & Compounds) a hard iridescent substance, mostly calcium carbonate, that forms the inner layer of the shells of certain molluscs, such as the oyster." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Syphilis: Chancre-Topic Overview. The first symptom of syphilis is a sore called a chancre (say shanker) that is usually painless. The sore begins at the site of infection as a small, solid, raised skin sore less than 0.5 in. (1 cm) across. It develops into a red, usually painless open sore with a scooped-out appearance." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Syphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres can occur on or around the external genitals, in the vagina, around the anus , or in the rectum, or in or around the mouth. Transmission of syphilis can occur during vaginal, anal, or oral sex." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Syphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of syphilis occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.kin rashes and/or mucous membrane lesions (sores in the mouth, vagina, or anus) mark the second stage of symptoms. This stage typically starts with the development of a rash on one or more areas of the body." ], [ "", "A true chancre begins as a papule which breaks down into a reddish ulcer. It is generally firm and accompanied by little or no pain. Although most frequently located on the external genitalia, it may be on the lips or fingers." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum, a microscopic organism called a spirochete. This worm-like, spiral-shaped organism infects people by burrowing into the moist mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals. From there, the spirochete produces a non-painful ulcer known as a chancre." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Syphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of syphilis occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.yphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of syphilis occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "A chancluda, literally meaning A female wearing flip flops, but in Mexico, prostitutes pride themselves on their shoes, and a prostitute wearing flip flops is the cheapest, skankiest, sluttiest, nastiest hooker out there because she charges so little (because of her disgusting appearance) that she can only afford to buy flip flops with her meager earnings." ], [ "Represent the following document.", "nacre. 1 first-person singular present indicative of. 2 third-person singular present indicative of. 3 first-person singular present subjunctive of. 4 third-person singular present subjunctive of. 5 second-person singular imperative of." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Chankonabe (ちゃんこ鍋) is a Japanese stew (a type of nabemono or one-pot dish) commonly eaten in vast quantity by sumo wrestlers as part of a weight-gain diet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The pancreas /ˈpaeŋkriəs/ ˈpæŋkriəs is a glandular organ in the digestive system and endocrine system of. vertebratesn pancreatitis, enzymes of the exocrine pancreas damage the structure and tissue of the pancreas. Detection of some of these enzymes, such as amylase and lipase in the blood, along with symptoms and findings on X-ray, are often used to indicate that a person has pancreatitis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chanca Piedra. Chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) is a South American herb that has been traditionally used to help pass gallbladder and kidney stones. In fact, the English translation for chanca piedra is ‘stone crusher.' Best of all, recent scientific evidence validates its historical use." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of syphilis occurs during vaginal, anal or oral sex. Pregnant women with the disease can transmit it to their unborn child." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1. the primary lesion of syphilis, occurring at the site of entry of the infection. Called also hard, hunterian, or true chancre. 2. a papular lesion occurring at the site of entry of infection in tuberculosis of the skin or in sporotrichosis.hancre re´dux chancre developing on the scar of a healed primary chancre. soft chancre chancroid. true chancre chancre (1). tuberculous chancre a brownish red papule which develops into an indurated nodule or plaque, representing the initial cutaneous infection of the tubercle bacillus into the skin or mucosa." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An incubation period is the time between exposure to a disease and the first symptom. A skin sore called a chancre is usually the first symptom of sexually transmitted syphilis. A chancre appears between 3 weeks to 3 months after a person has been infected with syphilis." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '2.Oil is found only in the ground, whereas gas can also be produced by decaying organic matter. 3.Oil and gas are both used for heating, transportation, and electricity generation, but in slightly different ways. 4.Gas is better overall for the environment than oil, especially in terms of greenhouse gas emissions.'] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the difference between gas and oil?']", "The first, or primary, stage of syphilis is characterized by the formation of a painless ulcer known as a chancre. This sore develops at the site of infection and is usually solitary. A chancre is usually firm and round in shape. Sometimes, multiple chancres may be present." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Symptoms in Males. Chancroid. Chancre-like ulcers in the genital region, usually on the outer vaginal lips. Ulcers are sensitive to touch, and may bleed if irritated. Chancre-like ulcers on the foreskin, shaft or head of the penis, or on the scrotum. Chlamydia. Inflammation of the urethra or cervix, resulting in slight vaginal discharge and/or a burning sensation during urination." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "noun. 1 a venereal disease caused by infection with the microorganism Treponema pallidum: characterized by an ulcerating chancre, usually on the genitals and progressing through the lymphatic system to nearly all tissues of the body, producing serious clinical manifestations.oun. 1 a venereal disease caused by infection with the microorganism Treponema pallidum: characterized by an ulcerating chancre, usually on the genitals and progressing through the lymphatic system to nearly all tissues of the body, producing serious clinical manifestations." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chan (ちゃん) is a diminutive suffix; it expresses that the speaker finds a person endearing. It is seemingly said to have come from a cute pronouncing of -san (in Japanese, replacing s sounds with ch sounds is seen as cute), although there is no evidence otherwise as this suffix has been used since the early days of ancient Japan." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "In this stage, the pathogen spreads through the blood to the skin, liver, joints, lymph nodes, muscles, and brain. A rash frequently appears about 6 weeks to 3 months after the chancre has healed. The rash may cover any part of the body, but tends to erupt on the palms or soles of the feet. It does not itch." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Nacre (/ˈneɪkər/ NAY-kər also /ˈnækrə/ NAK-rə),[1] also known as mother of pearl, is an organic-inorganic composite material produced by some molluscs as an inner shell layer; it also makes up the outer coating of pearls. It is strong, resilient, and iridescent." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Syphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth.yphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A person is highly contagious during the primary stage. 1 In men, a chancre often appears in the genital area, usually (but not always) on the penis. 2 These sores are often painless. 3 In women, chancres can develop on the outer genitals or on the inner part of the vagina." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "During the primary stage, a sore (chancre) that is usually painless develops at the site where the bacteria entered the body. This commonly occurs within 3 weeks of exposure but can range from 10 to 90 days. A person is highly contagious during the primary stage. 1 In men, a chancre often appears in the genital area, usually (but not always) on the penis. 2 In women, chancres can develop on the outer genitals or on the inner part of the vagina. Swelling of the lymph nodes may occur near the area of the chancre." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Syphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of syphilis occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.rimary Stage. The appearance of a single chancre marks the primary (first) stage of syphilis symptoms, but there may be multiple sores. The chancre is usually firm, round, and painless. It appears at the location where syphilis entered the body." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Syphilis can cause long-term complications and/or death if not adequately treated.yphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "e·é. clair. N an elongated pastry filled with custard or whipped cream and usually iced with. chocolate" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 A chancre may also occur in an area of the body other than the genitals. The chancre usually lasts for 3 to 6 weeks, heals without treatment, and may leave a thin scar. But even though the chancre has healed, syphilis is still present and a person can still pass the infection to others." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Syphilis progresses in 3 stages: 1 Primary syphilis- is characterized by an ulcer called a chancre. 2 Chancre – firm, painless lesion on genitals, anus or in mouth. 3 Secondary syphilis- flu-like symptoms and a skin rash on palms and feet. Typically appears 3-6 weeks after the chancre." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "chancre re´dux chancre developing on the scar of a healed primary chancre. soft chancre chancroid. true chancre chancre (1). tuberculous chancre a brownish red papule which develops into an indurated nodule or plaque, representing the initial cutaneous infection of the tubercle bacillus into the skin or mucosa.hancre re´dux chancre developing on the scar of a healed primary chancre. soft chancre chancroid. true chancre chancre (1). tuberculous chancre a brownish red papule which develops into an indurated nodule or plaque, representing the initial cutaneous infection of the tubercle bacillus into the skin or mucosa." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Chanca piedra is an herb. The whole plant is used to make medicine. Chanca piedra is used for various disorders of the urinary tract including infections, pain and swelling (inflammation), kidney stones, and discharge from the urethra or vagina." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'In addition, a swollen tongue can be caused by: 1 Hormonal disorders such as acromegaly. 2 Congenital disorders such as Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome. 3 Genetic disorders such as Down syndrome and hereditary angioedema. 4 Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid. 5 Poor vitamin B12 absorption. 6 Pituitary gland disorder.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what would cause my tongue to swell']", "Chancre: The classic painless ulcer of syphilis. The chancre forms in the first (primary) stage of syphilis. It is highly contagious and can last 1-5 weeks. The disease can be transmitted from contact with the ulcer, which is teeming with spirochetes. If the ulcer is outside of the vagina or on the scrotum of the male, the use of condoms may not help in preventing transmission of the disease." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "1. Primary-initial or primary phase of Syphilis, painless sore called chancre usually occurs about 3 weeks after initial infection. 2. Secondary-2-8 weeks after exposure, skin rash varies from barely noticeable to severe flu-like symptoms may occur fever, swollen lymph glands, fatigue, weight loss, joint or bone pain. 3. Latent-may have no observable symptoms during this stage." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Nacre (/ˈneɪkər/ NAY-kər also /ˈnaekrə/ ˈNæKRə-nak), rə also known as mother of, pearl is an-organic inorganic composite material produced by some mollusks as an inner shell; layer it also makes up the outer coating of. Pearls it is, strong, resilient and. iridescent" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Syphilis: Chancre-Topic Overview. The first symptom of syphilis is a sore called a chancre (say shanker) that is usually painless. The sore begins at the site of infection as a small, solid, raised skin sore less than 0.5 in.(1 cm) across. It develops into a red, usually painless open sore with a scooped-out appearance.yphilis: Chancre-Topic Overview. The first symptom of syphilis is a sore called a chancre (say shanker) that is usually painless. The sore begins at the site of infection as a small, solid, raised skin sore less than 0.5 in." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Syphilis is transmitted from person to person by direct contact with a syphilitic sore, known as a chancre. Chancres occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Chancres also can occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission of syphilis occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex.t appears at the location where syphilis entered the body. These painless chancres can occur in locations that make them difficult to find (e.g., the vagina or anus). The chancre lasts 3 to 6 weeks and heals regardless of whether a person is treated or not." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chancroid (also known as soft chancre and ulcus molle) is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection characterized by painful sores on the genitalia. Chancroid is known to spread from one individual to another solely through sexual contact." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Syphilis: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that can result in a severe rash or lesion anywhere on the body at the point of contact. The lesion is called a chancre and is a firm but painless skin ulceration." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The first, or primary, stage of syphilis is characterized by the formation of a painless ulcer known as a chancre. This sore develops at the site of infection and is usually solitary. A chancre is usually firm and round in shape." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Swelling of the lymph nodes may occur near the area of the chancre. 2 A chancre may also occur in an area of the body other than the genitals. The chancre usually lasts for 3 to 6 weeks, heals without treatment, and may leave a thin scar." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first sign of syphilis is a small sore, called a chancre (SHANG-kur). The sore appears at the spot where the bacteria entered your body. While most people infected with syphilis develop only one chancre, some people develop several of them. The chancre usually develops about three weeks after exposure." ], [ "Represent!", "The chancre is firm and painless, and it oozes fluid that contains syphilis bacteria. Sometimes, lymph nodes near the ulcer become enlarged, but remain painless. The chancre of primary syphilis usually heals after one to five weeks, although the person remains infected. Secondary syphilis — Typical symptoms of secondary syphilis are: A rash, which may look like rough copper penny spots or fine red dots on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet A skin rash on the arms, legs, and trunk — The rash can take a variety of forms, such as small blotches or indented circles; small blisters filled with pus; thick gray or pink patches" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Chancroid is a highly infectious bacterial disease caused by Haemophilus ducreyi that affects the skin and mucous membranes of the penis, vulva, urethra, and anus. It produces painful irregularly shaped nonsyphilitic ulcers (called chancroids, soft chancres, or soft sores) that may heal without treatment." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) is a South American herb that has been traditionally used to help pass gallbladder and kidney stones. In fact, the English translation for chanca piedra is ‘stone crusher.' Best of all, recent scientific evidence validates its historical use." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "most common cause of ascites" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The most common cause of ascites is advanced liver disease or cirrhosis. Approximately 80% of the ascites cases are thought to be due to cirrhosis. Although the exact mechanism of ascites development is not completely understood, most theories suggest portal hypertension (increased pressure in the liver blood flow) as the main contributor." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text", "1 Budd-Chiari syndrome is caused by the blockage of the hepatic veins (those that drain the liver). 2 This causes the triad of ascites, abdominal pain, and hepatosplenomegaly (enlargement of the liver and spleen). 3 Cancer that has metastasized or spread to the liver can also be the source of ascites." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ascites may occur in other liver disorders, such as severe alcoholic hepatitis without cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, and obstruction of the hepatic vein (Budd-Chiari syndrome). In people with a liver disorder, ascitic fluid leaks from the surface of the liver and intestine and accumulates within the abdomen." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The remote causes of ascites may be either symptomatic or idiopathic, and either local or general. North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826 Various. Unlike purpura variolosa and idiopathic purpura hmorrhagica, this variety appears to be free from danger. A System of Practical Medicine By American Authors, Vol. II Various idiopathic glossitis occurs at all ages, but has been supposed by some observers to be more frequent in scrofulous subjects." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Causes of ascites due to liver problems include: 1 Cirrhosis describes a form of liver failure in which liver tissue that is damaged is replaced by scar tissue. 2 Acute liver failure can result in ascites. Budd-Chiari syndrome is caused by the blockage of the hepatic veins (those that drain the liver)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ascites is the most common major complication of cirrhosis and is an important landmark in the natural history of chronic liver disease. If observed for 10 years, approximately 60% of patients with cirrhosis develop ascites requiring therapy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Causes of malignant ascites include liver metastases and hepatocellular carcinomas that occlude hepatocellular flow; peritoneal carcinomatosis; a combination of extensive liver metastasis and peritoneal carcinomatosis; malignant lymph node obstruction, with lymph overflow into the peritoneal cavity; and Budd-Chiari syndrome, which develops when a tumor occludes the hepatic vein (Runyon, 1999)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ascites is a collective symptomatic term for any disease which causes fluid accumulation in the abdomen. Dogs with ascites usually present with a pendulous abdomen and ballotment leads to fluid wave on auscultaiton. Although there are a large number of underlying causes, ascites is commonly seen in: Heart diseases." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Rabbits can have anywhere from one to 14 babies, also called kits, in one litter. An average litter size is six. Hereditary and environmental factors play a role in the number of kits born in a litter. Continue Reading.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how many babies will wild rabbits have in a litter']>>", "Common causes of Ascites. This information shows the various causes of Ascites, and how common these diseases or conditions are in the general population. This is not a direct indication as to how commonly these diseases are the actual cause of Ascites, but gives a relative idea as to how frequent these diseases are seen overall." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Acute liver failure can result in ascites. 2 This may be due to any acute injury to liver cells including adverse reactions to medications or drug abuse (for example, liver failure is the major consequence of acetaminophen overdose)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ascites is an abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen or pelvis. It can cause bloating, weight gain, and a rapidly expanding waistline. Ascites is usually caused by liver disease, but cancer is the culprit about 10 percent of the time. A large amount of fluid can make you look and feel like you’re several months pregnant." ], [ "", "More information about causes of Ascites: 1 Medications, drugs, or substances causing Ascites (2 listings) 2 Underlying causes of Ascites. 3 Ascites as a complication caused by other conditions. Ascites as a symptom." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The freeMD virtual doctor has found 4 conditions that can cause Ascites and Swollen Scrotum. Mouse over to view each condition's most common symptoms. There is 1 somewhat common condition that can cause Ascites and Swollen Scrotum. Congestive Heart Failure." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ascites can be a side effect of a patient who have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Ascites is the result of fluid in the abdominal cavity. There can be many causes of ascites but pancreatic cancer is the cause we will discuss in this section. The cause of ascites is usually the result of poor liver function. Caregivers or patients may notice abdominal distension and rapid weight gain." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "What is ascites? Ascites is defined as an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity caused by alcohol abuse, cirrhosis, liver disease, cancers, heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, pancreatic disease, and many other things. Learn about ascites treatment and its symptoms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ascites due to liver disease usually accompanies other liver disease characteristics, such as portal hypertension. Symptoms of ascites may include a distended abdominal cavity, which causes discomfort and shortness of breath. Causes of ascites may include the following: Liver cirrhosis (especially cirrhosis caused by alcoholism) Alcoholic hepatitis" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Some other causes of ascites related to increased pressure gradient are congestive heart failure and advanced kidney failure due to generalized retention of fluid in the body. In rare cases, increased pressure in the portal system can be caused by internal or external obstruction of the portal vessel, resulting in portal hypertension without cirrhosis." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "While mild ascites may cause no symptoms, more advanced ascites can become uncomfortable, creating a bloated appearance to the abdomen. Common symptoms of more advanced ascites include: 1 abdominal pain. shortness of breath because the pressure of the fluid compresses the diaphragm." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The list of causes of ascites begins with the liver. Regardless of the reason for liver failure, a malfunctioning liver cannot make enough protein to maintain oncotic pressure to keep fluid in the circulatory system." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ascites is caused by a combination of elevated pressure in the veins running through the liver (portal hypertension) and a decrease in liver function caused by scarring of the liver, i.e., cirrhosis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Research the causes of these diseases that are similar to, or related to, Ascites: 1 Abdominal mass. 2 Abdominal symptoms. 3 Stomach pain. Abdominal 1 fullness. Ascites. Cirrhosis of 1 liver. more related diseases...»." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Evaluation of Ascites. Introduction: Ascites is defined as an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Ascites is the most common complication of cirrhosis, with approximately 50% of patients with. compensated cirrhosis developing ascites over the course of 10 years. After developing ascites that." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There may be several reasons for ascites: 1 If cancer cells have spread to the lining of the tummy, they can irritate it and cause fluid to build up. 2 If the liver is affected by cancer cells, this may block the circulation of blood through the liver. 3 If the liver is damaged, it may produce less blood protein." ], [ "", "Causes of ascites due to liver problems include: Cirrhosis describes a form of liver failure in which liver tissue that is damaged is replaced by scar tissue. As more liver tissue is lost is progressive liver failure occurs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "People with certain cancers in the abdomen may develop ascites. These include cancer of the appendix, colon, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, and liver. Other conditions that can cause this problem include: 1 Clots in the veins of the liver (portal vein thrombosis) Congestive heart failure." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Get help from a doctor now ›. It is caused by tumo: Your tumor causes ascites. This is common in most abdominal cancers as fluid leaks out of the cancerous tumors.. Only an effective anticancer treatment can slow it down." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Liver Disease Liver disease can be cause by a variety of things including infection (hepatitis), Cirrhosis (Liver) Cirrhosis of the liver refers. Ascites Ascites, the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is most commonly caused by cirrhosis of the liver. Some of the other causes of ascites include." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This signals the kidneys to reabsorb more salt and water to compensate for the volume loss. Some other causes of ascites related to increased pressure gradient are congestive heart failure and advanced kidney failure due to generalized retention of fluid in the body." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ascites is an abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen or pelvis. It can cause bloating, weight gain, and a rapidly expanding waistline. Ascites is usually caused by liver disease, but cancer is the culprit about 10 percent of the time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is called ascites. Ascites is common in people with cirrhosis and it usually develops when the liver is starting to fail. In general, the development of ascites indicates advanced liver disease and patients should be referred for consideration of liver transplantation. Causes" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ascites Ascites is an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity (abdominal cavity). The primary cause of ascites is liver disease such as cirrhosis, acute liver fa...learn more >>. Cancer Symptoms Most symptoms and signs of cance...learn more >>." ], [ "Represent the input", "Excess fluid builds-up in the abdomen when a person has ascites. A build up of fluid in the abdomen, called ascites, is often caused by cirrhosis of the liver. Ascites is often related to alcoholism. Ascites may cause pressure on the diaphragm, leading to shortness of breathe. Persistent coughing and shortness of breath may accompany ascites." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nGiven [\"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\nFor example, What does delivery charge mean in a gas bill? well they said that it means customers pay a delivery charge to have natural gas delivered to their residence. the charge is based on billed gas usage and may vary monthly. so does that mean if they deliver us the bill by mail, then it's a charge? 1 following. 1 answer 1. should be similar to what does delivery charge mean\", 'The International System of Units (abbreviated SI from systeme internationale, the French version of the name) is a scientific method of expressing the magnitudes or quantities of important natural phenomena.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does si mean in science']", "This increases pressure inside the liver’s blood vessels. The increased pressure can force fluid into the abdominal cavity, causing ascites. Liver damage is the single biggest risk factor for ascites. Some causes of liver damage include:" ], [ "Represent text", "Ascites is the most common complication of such disease, occurring in 50 percent of patients within 10 years of a diagnosis of compensated cirrhosis; in comparison, variceal bleeding develops in only 25 percent 2." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Basics of Ascites. Ascites is excess fluid in the space between the membranes lining the abdomen and abdominal organs (the peritoneal cavity). This is typically caused by liver disease. Disorders that may be associated with ascites include: 1 cirrhosis. 2 hepatitis. 3 portal vein thrombosis (clots in the veins of the liver). 4 constrictive pericarditis. 5 congestive heart ...." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ascites is the build-up of fluid in the space between the lining of the abdomen and abdominal organs. Ascites results from high pressure in the blood vessels of the liver (portal hypertension) and low levels of a protein called albumin. Diseases that can cause severe liver damage can lead to ascites. These include long-term hepatitis C or B infection and alcohol abuse over many years. People with certain cancers in the abdomen may develop ascites. These include cancer of the appendix, colon, ovaries, uterus, pancreas, and liver. Other conditions that can cause this problem include: Clots in the veins of the liver (portal vein thrombosis)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ascites tends to occur in long-standing (chronic) rather than in short-lived (acute) liver disorders. It most commonly results from Portal hypertension—high blood pressure in the portal vein (the large vein that brings blood from the intestine to the liver) and its branches" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Fluid in the Abdomen or Ascites. Ascites is the buildup of fluid in the space surrounding the organs in the abdomen. Cancer is one condition that causes ascites. Conditions other than cancer can also cause ascites. These include liver disease, blood clots, kidney disease, or heart failure. When ascites is caused by cancer, doctors call it malignant ascites." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "There may be several reasons for ascites: If cancer cells have spread to the lining of the tummy, they can irritate it and cause fluid to build up. If the liver is affected by cancer cells, this may block the circulation of blood through the liver." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "People with cancer can develop ascites for different reasons. 1 It may be caused by: 2 cancer cells that spread to and irritate the thin membrane that lines the inner wall of the abdomen (called the peritoneum) 3 tumours that block the lymphatic system so lymph fluid can’t flow properly." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy ...Ascites are also pretty common in pancreatic cancer patients. ...The Pancreatic Cancer Network offers good explanation of what ascites are and what can cause them.." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There may be several reasons for ascites: 1 If cancer cells have spread to the lining of the tummy, they can irritate it and cause fluid to build up. 2 If the liver is affected by cancer cells, this may block the circulation of blood through the liver. This can lead to a build-up of fluid in the tummy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Other factors that may contribute to ascites are salt and water retention. The circulating blood volume may be perceived as low by the sensors in the kidneys as the formation of ascites may deplete some volume from the blood. This signals the kidneys to reabsorb more salt and water to compensate for the volume loss. Some other causes of ascites related to increased pressure gradient are congestive heart failure and advanced kidney failure due to generalized retention of fluid in the body." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'In statistics, an outlier is an observation that is numerically distant from the rest of the data. Grubbs defined an outlier as: An outlying observation, or outlier, is one that appears to deviate markedly from other members of the sample in which it occurs.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what does outlier mean?']\"", "The freeMD virtual doctor has found 4 conditions that can cause Ascites and Swollen Scrotum. There is 1 somewhat common condition that can cause Ascites and Swollen Scrotum. There is 1 uncommon condition that can cause Ascites and Swollen Scrotum. There are 2 rare conditions that can cause Ascites and Swollen Scrotum." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There is a distinction between patients who develop ascites because of liver disease and cirrhosis, and those who develop it because of inflammation of the peritoneum because of cancer. Liver disease tends to be relatively painless, while cancer patients experience significant amounts of pain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 This water overload can cause leakage into the peritoneal cavity and the formation of ascites. 2 Nephrotic syndrome, in which kidney damage causes protein to leak into the urine, decreases oncotic pressure and may result in ascites. 3 Disorders of the pancreas can result in ascites in a variety of ways." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Ascites tends to occur in long-standing (chronic) rather than in short-lived (acute) liver disorders. It most commonly results from. Portal hypertension—high blood pressure in the portal vein (the large vein that brings blood from the intestine to the liver) and its branches." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The liver becomes swollen, tender to the touch and a source of discomfort. The congestion causes fluid to leak from the liver into the abdominal cavity. The resulting build-up of fluid in the abdominal area is called ascites, one of the commonest symptoms of Budd-Chiari syndrome." ], [ "represent the next text", "Ascites is an abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen, specifically the peritoneal cavity. It occurs when the body makes more fluid than it can remove. Ascites can occur with cancer and other conditions. When ascites is due to cancer, or if the fluid in the abdomen contains cancer cells, it is often called malignant ascites or malignant peritoneal effusion. Causes. People with cancer can develop ascites for different reasons. 1 It may be caused by: 2 cancer cells that spread to and irritate the thin membrane that lines the inner wall of the abdomen (called the peritoneum) 3 tumours that block the lymphatic system so lymph fluid can’t flow properly." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "define coanda effect" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Download this dictionary. Coanda effect. The Coanda effect ( or ) is the tendency of a fluid jet to stay attached to a convex surface. The principle was named after Romanian aerodynamics pioneer Henri Coanda, who was the first to recognize the practical application of the phenomenon in aircraft development." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "(HCFCs). For each ODS, this page provides the compound’s atmospheric lifetime, Ozone Depletion Potentialozone depletion potentialA number that refers to the amount of ozone depletion caused by a substance. The ODP is the ratio of the impact on ozone of a chemical compared to the impact of a similar mass of CFC-11." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The equivalence of effect on a rigid body of a force system and its resultant is the motivation for the term equipollence. Two force systems are said to be equipollent if they have the same resultant about a point. Thus two equipollent force systems have the same effect on a rigid body." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What are the possible side effects of NAMENDA? NAMENDA may cause side effects, including: The most common side effects of NAMENDA include: dizziness; headache; confusion; constipation; These are not all the possible side effects of NAMENDA. For more information, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "co·ma 1. A state of deep, often prolonged unconsciousness, usually the result of injury, disease, or poison, in which an individual is incapable of sensing or responding to external stimuli and internal needs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Both are needed for coanda effect. In addition, the flow of a fluid or gas can create a void, for example a bus traveling leaves a void just as it passes through a volume of air. This creates a low pressure area that accelerates the surrounding air into. This is not coanda effect, but just nature abhoring a vacum." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Basics of Subordination, Nodisturbance and Attornment Agreements (SNDAs) Subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreements (“SNDAs”) are used to adjust the priorities between commercial tenants and lenders of the property they are leasing. In the absence of an SNDA, the priorities between tenants and lenders are governed by state recording acts and related common law principles. For the purpose of establishing the priority of competing liens against real estate, leases are viewed as liens." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of veranda. : a usually roofed open gallery or portico attached to the exterior of a building." ], [ "", "Rebound effect (conservation) In conservation and energy economics, the rebound effect (or take-back effect, RE) is the reduction in expected gains from new technologies that increase the efficiency of resource use, because of behavioral or other systemic responses. These responses usually tend to offset the beneficial effects of the new technology or other measures taken." ], [ "", "It was approved by the FDA in 2003. Memantine, commonly prescribed under the brand name Namenda® in the United States, is the first of a new class of drugs designed to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Other Alzheimer’s drugs — such as Aricept® — work by improving communication between brain cells." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Cholinesterase inhibitors decrease disorientation, confusion, and memory problems, but can present unpleasant side effects like dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Glutamate inhibitors: Namenda (memantine) prevents the harmful overproduction of glutamate that accompanies dementia." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you happen to take too much Namenda, overdose symptoms may include drowsiness, changes in heart rhythm, vomiting, and unconsciousness. Namenda® (memantine hydrochloride) is a prescription medication used to treat Alzheimer's disease. It belongs to a group of medications known as NMDA receptor antagonists." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Adaptation: From the Latin ad (toward) plus aptus (fit for some role); any structural, physiological, or behavioral trait that aids an organism's survival and ability to reproduce in its existing environment. Coadaptation: Mutual dependence between members of two species." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Coarctation of the aorta is a narrowing of the aorta between the upper body branches and the lower body branches. It's typically in an isolated location just after the arch of the aorta. The blockage can increase blood pressure in your arms and head, yet reduce pressure in your legs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "PDF Version. The main purpose of a contract of affreightment (COA) is to oblige a carrier to lift a fixed or determinable quantity of cargo of a specified type over a given period of time. Usually, the COA is not limited to one particular vessel, but operates as a series of voyage charters." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It is not to be confused with the generally discredited theory of maternal impression. A maternal effect is a situation where the phenotype of an organism is determined not only by the environment it experiences and its genotype, but also by the environment and genotype of its mother." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Memantine, commonly prescribed under the brand name Namenda® in the United States, is the first of a new class of drugs designed to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Other Alzheimer's drugs -- such as Aricept® -- work by improving communication between brain cells." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "2. coarctation - (biology) a narrowing or constriction of a vessel or canal; especially a congenital narrowing of the aorta. narrowing-an instance of becoming narrow. biological science, biology-the science that studies living organisms. Translations.oun. 1. coarctation-tight or narrow compression. constriction. compression, contraction, condensation-the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together; the contraction of a gas on cooling." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A lumbar peritoneal (LP) shunt is a technique of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion from the lumbar thecal sac to the peritoneal cavity." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Bystander intervention. The bystander effect or bystander intervention (also known as bystander apathy) is a psychological phenomenon in which someone is less likely to intervene in an emergency situation when others are present than when they are alone. Overview." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Within the fetal right atrium, blood from the inferior vena cava and the superior vena cava flow in separate streams to different locations in the heart, and this has been reported to occur through the Coandă effect." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of COARCTATION. : a stricture or narrowing especially of a canal or vessel (as the aorta).ADVERTISEMENT.efinition of COARCTATION. : a stricture or narrowing especially of a canal or vessel (as the aorta). ADVERTISEMENT." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This website is a project of Fiona Broome. Since 2010, it’s been an online journal about real, alternate realities that people may visit every day, but not realize it. The “Mandela Effect” is what happens when someone has a clear memory of something that never happened in this reality. Many of us — mostly total strangers — remember several of the exact same events with the exact same details." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Hall Effect. If an electric current flows through a conductor in a magnetic field, the magnetic field exerts a transverse force on the moving charge carriers which tends to push them to one side of the conductor.This is most evident in a thin flat conductor as illustrated. buildup of charge at the sides of the conductors will balance this magnetic influence, producing a measurable voltage between the two sides of the conductor. The presence of this measurable transverse voltage is called the Hall effect after E. H. Hall who discovered it in 1879." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Coarctation of the Aorta (COA) What is coarctation of the aorta? Coarctation of the aorta (COA) is a heart defect that is present at birth (congenital). It means the aorta is narrower than it should be. The aorta is the large artery that carries oxygen-rich (red) blood from the left ventricle to the body. This narrowing means that less oxygen-rich blood is sent to the body. The amount of narrowing can vary." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "May 10, 2010 The Basics of Subordination, Nodisturbance and Attornment Agreements (SNDAs) By Bob Horvat. Disclaimer. Subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreements (“SNDAs”) are used to adjust the priorities between commercial tenants and lenders of the property they are leasing. In the absence of an SNDA, the priorities between tenants and lenders are governed by state recording acts and related common law principles." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Coagulopathy (also called a clotting disorder) is a condition in which the blood’s ability to coagulate (form clots) is impaired.eople should seek immediate medical care for serious symptoms, including heavy external bleeding, blood in the urine or stool, double vision, severe head or neck pain, repeated vomiting, difficulty walking, convulsions, or seizures." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Gore Effect – Nature strikes back at a charlatan. The “Gore Effect” is a tongue-in-cheek correlation between appearances of Al Gore or his minions, who attempt to scare us with the phantom menace of global warming, and the occurrence of unusually cold weather at that place and time. The term has been subsequently applied to any conference on global warming that experiences unusually cold weather." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Coagulation (thrombogenesis) is the process by which blood forms clots. It is an important part of hemostasis, the cessation of blood loss from a damaged vessel, wherein a damaged blood vessel wall is covered by a platelet and fibrin-containing clot to stop bleeding and begin repair of the damaged vessel. Coagulate \\Co*agu*late\\, v. i. To undergo coagulation. --Boyle." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Coagulopathy (also called a bleeding disorder) is a condition in which the blood’s ability to coagulate (form clots) is impaired. This condition can cause a tendency toward prolonged or excessive bleeding (bleeding diathesis), which may occur spontaneously or following an injury or medical and dental procedures." ], [ "Represent this text", "coarctation of the aorta, a congenital cardiac anomaly characterized by a localized narrowing of the aorta. It results in increased pressure proximal to the defect and decreased pressure distal to it.he most common site of coarctation is just beyond the origin of the left subclavian artery from the aorta, resulting in high blood pressure in the upper extremities and head and low blood pressure in the lower extremities. Symptoms are directly related to the pressure changes created by the constriction." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Coarctation of the aorta, or aortic narrowing (abbreviated as CoA), is a congenital condition whereby the aorta narrows in the area where the ductus arteriosus (ligamentum arteriosum after regression) inserts.: Coarctation (narrowing) of the aorta. 1:Inferior vena cava, 2:Right pulmonary veins, 3: Right pulmonary artery, 4:Superior vena cava, 5:Left pulmonary artery, 6:Left pulmonary veins, 7:Right ventricle, 8:Left ventricle, 9:Pulmonary artery, 10:Aorta." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Coagulation (also known as clotting) is the process by which blood changes from a liquid to a gel, forming a blood clot. It potentially results in hemostasis, the cessation of blood loss from a damaged vessel, followed by repair." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The ‘side-effect effect’ is one of the most widely discussed results of recent experimental philosophy. Using experimental survey methods, Joshua Knobe (2003a, 2003b, 2004b) and others have demonstrated that subjects are more inclined to say that an agent has intentionally performed a side-effect action if that action is bad than if it is good." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Known Ciphertext Attack. The known ciphertext attack, or ciphertext only attack (COA) is an attack method used in cryptanalysis when the attacker has access to a given set of ciphertext(s).nown Ciphertext Attack. The known ciphertext attack, or ciphertext only attack (COA) is an attack method used in cryptanalysis when the attacker has access to a given set of ciphertext(s)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Defining a clinical outcome assessment (COA): Clinical outcome assessments (COAs) measure a patient’s symptoms, overall mental state, or the effects of a disease or condition on how the patient functions. COAs can be used to determine whether or not a drug has been demonstrated to provide treatment benefit." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A narrowing of the major artery (the aorta) that carries blood to the body. This narrowing affects blood flow where the arteries branch out to carry blood along separate vessels to the upper and lower parts of the body. CoA can cause high blood pressure or heart damage." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Framing effect is the concept in psychology that the way information is presented influences how the audience feels about the information and can affect the judgments the audience makes about the information." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The first jet plane was build 1910 by Henry Coanda, a Romanian engineer. 1910, at the International Aeronautic Salon in Paris 1910 he was flying his Coanda-1910, a thermojet powered aircraft." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Coarctation of the aorta is a constriction in the aorta causing obstruction to blood flow. The narrowing most often is located just after the aorta gives its branches to the head and arms as it curves down to supply the lower body. The left ventricle of the heart has to work harder to force blood past the narrowed area. This may cause the left ventricle to weaken and may cause an elevation of blood pressure before the narrowed area. What are the warning signs and symptoms of coarctation of the aorta?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Define ripple effect: a spreading, pervasive, and usually unintentional effect or influence — ripple effect in a sentence" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "coarctation - (biology) a narrowing or constriction of a vessel or canal; especially a congenital narrowing of the aorta. narrowing-an instance of becoming narrow.biological science, biology-the science that studies living organisms.Translations.oun. 1. coarctation-tight or narrow compression. constriction. compression, contraction, condensation-the process or result of becoming smaller or pressed together; the contraction of a gas on cooling." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "NAMENDA ® (memantine hydrochloride) is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe dementia of the Alzheimer's type. NAMENDA is available by prescription only. There is no evidence that NAMENDA prevents or slows the underlying disease process in patients with Alzheimer's disease.he most common side effects associated with NAMENDA treatment are dizziness, confusion, headache, and constipation. This is not a complete list of side effects. Please see full Prescribing Information." ], [ "represent text\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Sponsored Topics. Oldsmar is a city in Pinellas County, Florida, United States. The population was 11,910 at the 2000 census. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates the population to be 13,401 as of 2008. Oldsmar's history dates to 1913 when automobile pioneer Ransom E. Olds purchased 37,541 acres (152 km²) of land by the northern part of Tampa Bay to establish â\\x80\\x9cR. E. Olds-on-the-Bayâ\\x80\\x9d.\"]\" == \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'where is oldsmar, fl?']\"", "Coagulation (also known as clotting) is the process by which blood changes from a liquid to a gel, forming a clot. It potentially results in hemostasis, the cessation of blood loss from a damaged vessel, followed by repair." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "n. pl. co·mas. A state of deep, often prolonged unconsciousness, usually the result of injury, disease, or poison, in which an individual is incapable of sensing or responding to external stimuli and internal needs." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The international normalized ratio (INR) is a calculation based on results of a PT and is used to monitor individuals who are being treated with the blood-thinning medication (anticoagulant) warfarin (Coumadin®).omeone who is not taking warfarin would compare their PT test result to the normal range provided with the test result by the laboratory performing the test. A prolonged PT means that the blood is taking too long to form a clot.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'what is an INR involve']\"", "Definition of veranda for English Language Learners. : a long, open structure on the outside of a building that has a roof." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The ‘Knobe effect’ is the name given to the empirical finding that judgments about whether an action is intentional or not seems to depend on the moral valence of this action." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Potential side effects of the drug include dizziness, headache, and constipation. Namenda® (memantine hydrochloride) is a prescription medication approved to treat moderate to severe dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease. It is not a cure for Alzheimer's, but can help slow down the worsening of Alzheimer's symptoms. (Click Namenda Uses for more information, including possible off-label uses.)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An SNDA is an agreement among a commercial mortgage lender, its borrower (in its capacity as landlord), and the borrower's tenant, establishing the parties' legal rights should the landlord (borrower) default on the loan and the lender forecloses and becomes landlord to the tenant. Subordination." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Why Bernoulli's Principle should not be merged with Lift Force. There are several different lift forces, notably the magnus force, the force from the coanda effect, and (the most common explanation for aerodynamic lift) Bernoulli's principle." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'How much does it cost to open a IHOP Franchise? The investment required to open a IHOP Franchise is between $639,000-$2,834,000. There is an initial franchise fee of $20,000 which grants you the license to run a business under the IHOP name.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much does ihop cost']\"", "NAMENDA XR is a glutamate pathway modifier (memantine hydrochloride) that may help regulate the abnormal activity of glutamate—another chemical in the brain that is important for learning and memory. There is no evidence that NAMENDA XR or an AChEI prevents or slows the underlying disease process in patients with." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If the waves arrive at a point in phase, enhancement occurs and the disturbance is large. Where the waves are out of phase, their opposing motions cancel and the disturbance is small or nonexistent. The net effect is therefore a distinctive interference pattern of large and small disturbances." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Within the fetal right atrium, blood from the inferior vena cava and the superior vena cava flow in separate streams to different locations in the heart, and this has been reported to occur through the Coandă effect. Atriums were previously named 'auricles' Function" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Coanda Effect has been discovered in1930 by the Romanian aerodynamicist Henri-Marie Coanda (1885-1972). He has observed that a steam of air (or a other fluid) emerging from a nozzle tends to follow a nearby curved surface, if the curvature of the surface or angle the surface makes with the stream is not too sharp." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Framing effect is the concept in psychology that the way information is presented influences how the audience feels about the information and can affect the judgments the audience makes about the information. You can find an interesting article about framing effect at http://www.msnbc.msn ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Memantine (Namenda) is a newer type of medicine. ... Memantine should not be used if you have severe kidney impairment. ... Memantine (Namenda): This drug works by regulating a chemical messenger called glutamate, which is ... may increase blood flow to the brain and help the brain use oxygen better. ... have shown that transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), a technique used in physical ..." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "a result produced by an action. additive effect the combined effect produced by the action of two or more agents, being equal to the sum of their separate effects. adverse effect a symptom produced by a drug or therapy that is injurious to the patient.Bainbridge effect Bainbridge reflex.t may also be a spurious effect when the observed changes are due to causes and correlations common to both. additive effect. the combined effect produced by the action of two or more agents, being equal to the sum of their separate effects." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Namenda blocks the NMDA receptor, which is normally a target of glutamate. Glutamate is a chemical messenger involved in storing, processing and retrieving information. Glutamate triggers the NMDA receptor, which normally protects the brain cells from an imbalance of chemicals and electrolytes like calcium." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "DEFINITION of 'Fisher Effect'. An economic theory proposed by economist Irving Fisher that describes the relationship between inflation and both real and nominal interest rates. The Fisher effect states that the real interest rate equals the nominal interest rate minus the expected inflation rate. Therefore, real interest rates fall as inflation increases, unless nominal rates increase at the same rate as inflation." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the following document', 'Meaning of Zoraya. African name. In African, the name Zoraya means-african princess.The name Zoraya originated as an African name. The name Zoraya is most often used as a girl name or female name.African Name Meaning-african princess.frican name. In African, the name Zoraya means-african princess.The name Zoraya originated as an African name. The name Zoraya is most often used as a girl name or female name. African Name Meaning-african princess.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'meaning of the name zoraya']\"", "Clinical Outcome Assessment Qualification Program. Defining a clinical outcome assessment (COA): Clinical outcome assessments (COAs) measure a patient’s symptoms, overall mental state, or the effects of a disease or condition on how the patient functions. COAs can be used to determine whether or not a drug has been demonstrated to provide treatment benefit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "effect. a result produced by an action. additive effect the combined effect produced by the action of two or more agents, being equal to the sum of their separate effects. adverse effect a symptom produced by a drug or therapy that is injurious to the patient. Bainbridge effect Bainbridge reflex.t may also be a spurious effect when the observed changes are due to causes and correlations common to both. additive effect. the combined effect produced by the action of two or more agents, being equal to the sum of their separate effects." ], [ "Represent the following document", "A narrowing of the major artery (the aorta) that carries blood to the body. This narrowing affects blood flow where the arteries branch out to carry blood along separate vessels to the upper and lower parts of the body. CoA can cause high blood pressure or heart damage. More information for..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(Answer #1). Framing effect is the concept in psychology that the way information is presented influences how the audience feels about the information and can affect the judgments the audience makes about the information. You can find an interesting article about framing effect at http://www.msnbc.msn ..." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Subordination, Non-Disturbance, and Attornment (SNDA) Agreements. Whether you're the landlord or tenant of a commercial property, you'll want to know what a subordination, non-disturbance, and attornment agreement is and how it will affect you in the event of a foreclosure." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Namenda is classified as an NMDA receptor antagonist. NMDA stands for N-methyl-D-asparate. It is thought that some of the symptoms of Alzheimer's may be related to changes in NMDA receptors that allow for abnormal, excessive excitation of the receptors by glutamate (a neurotransmitter brain chemical). Namenda works by binding to the NMDA receptor and preventing excessive excitation by glutamate." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Memantine (Namenda, Namenda XR) is a medication prescribed for treating patient's with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Side effects, drug interactions, dosing, warnings, and pregnancy safety information should be reviewed prior to taking this drug." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "who is foxy" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Inga DeCarlo Fung Marchand (born September 6, 1978), better known by her stage name Foxy Brown, is an American rapper, model, and actress. She is best known for her solo work, as well as numerous collaborations with other artists and her brief stint as part of hip hop group The Firm." ] ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Kyle XY is an American science fiction television series produced by ABC Family. The central character is a teenage boy (Matt Dallas) who awakens naked in a forest outside Seattle, Washington, with no more knowledge or abilities than a newborn and no belly button.He is taken in by a family and given the name Kyle.The series follows Kyle as he tries to solve the puzzles of who he is and why he has no memory before that day. Although set in present-day Seattle, the series was filmed in the Vancouver, British Columbia, area.he series follows Kyle as he tries to solve the puzzles of who he is and why he has no memory before that day. Although set in present-day Seattle, the series was filmed in the Vancouver, British Columbia, area." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Porky Pig is the tritagonist of the Looney Tunes franchise. He is an animated cartoon character in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of animated cartoons." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Foxy Brown has confirmed earlier rumors that she is in fact pregnant. The 27-year-old rapper, née Inga Marchand, shared the happy news on a recent shopping excursion at Bed, Bath & Beyond, telling the NY Post: I’m getting married in September. I’m pregnant." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "StarNoStar extends Foxy Lady's popularity, visibility and business opportunities. StarNoStar is a professional solution for smart & serious people like Foxy Lady who seek more visibility, opportunities, business offers and who seek to be discovered in a fast and convenient way." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Piggsy's angry, ANGRY!! - Piggsy. Piggsy is a character and the tertiary antagonist in Manhunt. Piggsy is a mentally-disturbed, cannibalistic pyschopath who wears a skinned pig's head over his face and slaughters his victims with a chainsaw." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "I was just thinking. Maybe Foxy Is just what the Staff or Phone Guy Call him. Just a thought since Foxy isn't really a name for a mascot of a kids resturant. It Might be actually called wait for it FREDFOX! As phone guy said on night 5 in FNAF 2: we're going to try to contact the original restaurant owner." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Foxy Brown has denied reports that she referred to fellow rapper Jay-Z as a 'tranny chaser' and is threatening legal action, it has been reported. The 33-year-old rapper, spoke to TMZ about the rumour which had been doing the rounds on the Internet." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "StarNoStar is a professional solution for smart & serious people like Foxy Di who seek more visibility, opportunities, business offers and who seek to be discovered in a fast and convenient way. Foxy Di August, 2015 is the latest update here at StarNoStar. You can find August 2015 updates in Foxy Di's biography section. Claimed to be stars, celebrities by the world wide paid media critics is the last place to get your review." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "I think ^^ means a foxy, happy face; after all: a fox does that with their ears when they’re happy and/or excited" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "‘He seems less the wily fighting fox and more the cornered stag.’ ‘I had no idea such cunning and wily interrogation techniques were still permitted in the Western world.’ ‘The wily old fox of cricket had his guests enthralled by witty conversation, which ran late into the night.’ ‘Even the wily street vendors are offering their goods at genuine bargain prices.’ ‘Cunning eyes, wily grins, pesky faces had beamed tenacity and aptness and survival.’ ‘In verity, the foreign debt issue has already put Zambia on a wild economic frontier in this wily world.’" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Foxy in her 50s! Jamie Lee Curtis honours her mother Janet Leigh as she attends the Hitchcock premiere in off-the-shoulder white dress. She's one of Hollywood's most high-profile stars, and her mother was one of Alfred Hitchcock's leading ladies." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sean Covey. Sean Covey (born September 17, 1964) is an American author, motivational speaker, and publishing executive providing business leadership and time management educational tools for organizations and individuals. He is known for writing motivational books for children and teens." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Foxy character is confirmed to be a boy, and Funtime Foxy is a version of Foxy. That makes zero sense. That's like saying a guy can't be named Bonnie because girls are named Bonnie, or something like that. Scott's able to give a Foxy character the other gender if he wants to. It's not 100% no allowed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Character: Foxy nurse-turned-vigilante who uses her sexuality to seduce and destroy. The Actress: Director Jack Hill had already cast Pam Grier in several women-in-prison movies, so he knew she had the goods to deliver on his blaxploitation thrill-ride." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Foxx - whose real name is Eric Marlon Bishop and so his daughters have taken his last name - couldn't have looked happier as he relaxed on the beach and caught up on some daddy/daughter time. 1 Doting dad: Jamie Foxx brought his daughter Annalise, four, and her mother on a relaxing vacation to Maui after a gruelling press tour for Spider-Man. What a cutie: Annalise got the giggles as she enjoyed a stroll with her mom and dad." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Michael Andrew Fox, OC (born June 9, 1961), known as Michael J. Fox, is a Canadian-American actor, author, producer, and advocate.is foundation, The Michael J. Fox Foundation, was created to help advance every promising research path to curing Parkinson's disease, including embryonic stem cell studies. Fox manages the symptoms of his Parkinson's disease with the drug carbidopa/levodopa, and he also had a thalamotomy in 1998." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Black Roses is the fourth studio album from American hip-hop artist Foxy Brown. The album was at first slated to be released sometime in July 2005 but was delayed due to sampling problems and lack of promotion from her former label, Def Jam Records." ], [ "", "Silver fox - People with the nickname. 1 Basdeo Panday (born 1933), former Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago. 2 George Clooney (born 1961), American actor. 3 Anderson Cooper (born 1967), CNN News anchor. 4 Peter Costa (poker player) (born 1956), British poker player. 5 Mel Judah (born 1947), Australian poker player." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Foxy lady: Rapper Foxy Brown has denied claims that she called her former flame Jay-Z a 'tranny chaser' and is threatening legal action. But Foxy has slammed the claims, saying: 'The atrociousness of this story sickened me to my stomach. Any and everyone involved will be contacted by my attorney.'." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Banksy is an anonymous England-based graffiti artist, political activist and film director of unverified identity. Their satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humour with graffiti executed in a distinctive stenciling technique." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "John Fox (American football) John Fox (born February 8, 1955) is an American football coach who is the head coach of the Chicago Bears of the National Football League (NFL). He has also coached the Carolina Panthers and the Denver Broncos, with whom he won an NFC Championship and an AFC Championship, respectively, but lost both of his coaching appearances in the Super Bowl." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1. a female fox. 2. an ill-tempered or quarrelsome woman. [1375–1425; late Middle English (south); replacing earlier fixen, Middle English (north), for Old English fyxe, feminine of fox fox (compare Old High German fuhsin vixen)] vix′en•ish, vix′en•ly, adj." ], [ "Represent text", "Foxy was like Freddy's sidekick, he was like his true best friend, but after he was decommissioned in the pizzeria before, Freddy's new best friend became Bonnie. Foxy was jealous and was tired of being out of the job, the physical and mental pain of being broken." ], [ "Represent this text", "Mr. Fox is the Founder and Chairman of Fox Oil Drilling, an oil exploration, production and contract drilling company. The company has established relationships with most national oil companies, having had drilling operations in all major oil and gas producing basins." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo. Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo (born Olukemi Omololu-Olunloyo, 6 August 1964), also known online as Snitchlady, is a Nigerian journalist, pharmacist, gun violence activist and social media personality. She is also the editor of #HNNAfrica, a world and health news blog." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Alyson Renae Aly Michalka (/mɪˈʃɑːkə/; born March 25, 1989) is an American actress and recording artist. She gained fame for playing the role of Keely Teslow in the Disney Channel series Phil of the Future and has participated in film and other television roles including the CW series Hellcats and iZombie. Michalka and her sister, actress Amanda AJ Michalka, are members of the musical duo Aly & AJ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An adult-entertainment company wants Foxy Knoxy to take a paltry sum of money to extend her 15 minutes of infamy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "A memorable Father's Day, indeed! Ike Barinholtz, star of Fox's Mindy Project, revealed on Twitter that his baby girl has made her arrival -- posting a LOL picture of her spit up all over his shirt." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chase Matthews. Chase Bartholomew Matthews (Sean Flynn) is a student at Pacific Coast Academy and the one of the male protagonists in the Nickelodeon TV series Zoey 101. Chase is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Matthews. He is the best friend and roommate of Michael Barret and Logan Reese, whom all of which lives in room 148 of Maxwell Hall." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chris Chalk. Lucius Fox is a fictional character appearing in Batman comic books by DC Comics. He was created by Len Wein and John Calnan, and first appeared in Batman #307 (January 1979)." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "Soundtrack | Actress. Foxy Brown, a Brooklyn native, never thought she would be in the rap industry, much less in films. Even though she received a lot of skepticism from critics because of her raunchy lyrics and sexual appeal in music videos, Foxy still managed to stay on top." ], [ "", "Antonio Fargas, Actor: Foxy Brown. A tall, lanky and twinkle-eyed African-American actor with wonderful onscreen charisma, Antonio Fargas has been appearing on stage and screen for nearly 40 years. His film debut was in Shirley Clarke's The Cool World (1963), a gritty, uncompromising tale about African-American youth growing up in Harlem, New York. He then made his acting presence ..." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "A piney is a totally different squirrel, but a Red/Fox squirrels are legal to hunt. A Red is common slang for a Fox squirrel but it's not the same thing as a much smaller Piney squirrel. A Piney (maybe Red Piney) is much smaller than a fox/red squirrel.....about the size of a Grey if not smaller." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Ike Barinholtz, star of Fox's Mindy Project, revealed on Twitter that his baby girl has made her arrival -- posting a LOL picture of her spit up all over his shirt." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fiona Fox and Gemma Fox (sisters) Claire Regina Fox (born 5 June 1960) is a British libertarian writer. She is the director and founder of the think tank the Institute of Ideas and a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Foxy Brown Reveals Her Daughter. Foxy Brown currently has tongues wagging on social media after she shared a photo of a little girl she’s dubbed her “daughter.”. The Brooklyn rapper posted the below photo today, the day after April Fools Day, of her cute kid that says TMZ was preparing to reveal Friday." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fox is also executive director of Iowa State’s ComFRE organization, a team of engineering faculty members dedicated to the study of Multiphase Flow Research." ], [ "represent this text", "Vixey is a beautiful vixen, the mate of Tod and the tritagonist in the first The Fox and the Hound film. Big Mama comes looking for Tod, and finds Vixey, a vixen of Tod's age, who is clearly good friends with Big Mama." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Rapper Foxy Brown denies claims she questioned Jay-Z's sexuality and called him a 'tranny chaser'. Foxy Brown has denied reports that she referred to fellow rapper Jay-Z as a 'tranny chaser' and is threatening legal action, it has been reported. The 33-year-old rapper, spoke to TMZ about the rumour which had been doing the rounds on the Internet." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hayden Fox is the head coach of a university football team, and eats, sleeps and lives football. His partner, however, does not share his passion for the sport, which frequently causes friction in their relationship. While Hayden often fits the stereotype of dumb jock (as do his co-workers Luther and Dauber), he sincerely cares about his friends and family, and tries his best to make things work out." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pam Grier. Skills: A staple of the 1970s blaxpoitation film, Grier’s best known role was as the titular Foxy Brown in Foxy Brown, but followed it up with prime parts in Above the Law and as the eponymous character in Jackie Brown. Any cast of female action stars would be incomplete without Grier." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'Receding gums are typically a sign of periodontal disease, which is common among adults (and more men than women) in the United States.The major culprit in this preventable disease is dental plaque, a sticky substance composed of millions of bacteria that accumulate around and between teeth.eceding gums are typically a sign of periodontal disease, which is common among adults (and more men than women) in the United States.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is receding gums a sign of']\"", "First of all, Phone Guy refers to him as a he. And, to contradict the biggest arguments, In Ladies Night, he could easily be a stabilizer. Besides, Foxy is a male, and they wouldn't change the gender in a new design. He's pink and white because the staff wanted him to look more kid friendly (See last theory)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'This week, Guinness World Records has confirmed that Corduroy is the Oldest cat living after he recently turned 26 years old - an impressive age considering domesticated cats have an average lifespan of 15 years.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'what is the cat live']>>", "Mangle and Foxy are the only pair of counterparts who can regularly be seen in the same room together. They both often appear in the hallway outside of The Office. Mangle is also the only animatronic in the game who can appear in a room with any other animatronic present." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "AR Fox. Thomas James Ballester (born September 5, 1987), better known by his ring name AR Fox, is an American professional wrestler, known for his work in promotions like Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW), Dragon Gate USA, and Evolve." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Foxy's older model (also known as Withered Foxy, and referred to in catalog as Foxy the Pirate (Withered Version)) makes an appearance in Five Nights at Freddy's 2 along with the three other older animatronics who have all fallen into severe disrepair." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Trevor is a character appearing in the XY series, who is a friend and rival of Ash Ketchum. Trevor is a small and thin boy with orange rounded hair and grey eyes. He wears a white collared shirt under a blue one, with a Poké Ball logo on his left side of the chest and has grey pants with green shoes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Mangle is a new animatronic and an antagonist in the game Five Nights at Freddy's 2. A (seemingly-not-so) complete redesign of the second game's Withered Foxy, Funtime Foxy is an animatronic fox who residing in the Kid's Cove. It was the second redesign to be revealed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Funtime Foxy in Sister Location is a Male, but Mangle is a female. Mangle have the problem as Spring Bonnie because Spring Bonnie is Female but because Purple Guy is in the suit its making Springtrap a Male." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fox is a small, thin, white male with brown curly hair and a chain around his neck. He wears his Warriors vest buttoned up, unlike the majority of other members of the gang." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fox was born to Irish Catholic parents John Fox and Maura Cleary and is the older sister of Fiona and Gemma Fox. After attending St Richard Gwyn Catholic High School in Flint, North Wales, she studied at the University of Warwick where she graduated with a lower second class degree (2:2) in English and American Literature." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The sounds Mangle makes when it moves. Mangle (sometimes referred to as The Mangle or Toy Foxy) is one of the new animatronics and one of the antagonists in the game Five Nights at Freddy's 2. It is the redesigned version of Foxy. Mangle is the only animatronic based on a character from the original lineup who is not referred to as a Toy.. 2 It may have been called Toy Foxy at one point before it was mutilated and redubbed The Mangle. 3 When Mangle is in Kid's Cove, an eyeball is visible about a foot away from it on the floor." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Foxy Brown. Rapper. When she was just 17 years old, Brooklyn-born Inga Marchand was featured on Jay-Z’s hit single “Ain’t No Nigga” and soon signed to Def Jam Records, determined to carve out a place for herself within the male-dominated hip-hop industry." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Banksy is an English-based graffiti artist, political activist and film director whose real identity is unknown. His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humour with graffiti executed in a distinctive stenciling technique.here has also been speculation that Banksy is a woman, or that Banksy is a team of seven artists. In October 2014 an internet hoax circulated that Banksy had been arrested and his identity revealed. It has been stated that the reason for this secrecy is that graffiti is a crime." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Funtime Foxy and Mangles Gender. MrWubbzy. They should still remain at unknown because the only gender that was revealed is a phantom who is a hallucination. Funtime Foxy should be classified as an it at it says in the loading screen It wasn't meant to last not he or her. Loading editor. 18:57, January 22, 2016." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "5-methoxy-diisopropyltryptamine (5-MeO-DiPT), sometimes called Foxy, is a psychedelic tryptamine. 5-MeO-DiPT is orally active, and dosages between 6–20 mg are commonly reported. Many users note an unpleasant body load accompanies higher dosages. 5-MeO-DiPT is also taken by insufflation, or sometimes it is smoked or injected. Some users also report sound distortion, also noted with the related drug, DiPT." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?), also known as The Fox, is an electronic dance song and viral video by Norwegian comedy duo Ylvis." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\n\\nExamples:\\n\\n\"In logic, a rule of inference, inference rule or transformation rule is a logical form consisting of a function which takes premises, analyzes their syntax, and returns a conclusion (or conclusions).\" == \"what is logical inference\"', 'Summary: 1.Compact and spongy bones are the two main types of osseous tissues. 2.Compact bone is also called cortical bone while spongy bone is also called cancellous bone. 3.Compact bones are made of osteons while spongy bones are made of trabeculae.4.Compact bones are tough and heavy while spongy bones are light.pongy bones are also known as cancellous bones. Compact and spongy bones are the two main types of osseous tissues. Compact bones are made up of osteons. Osteons are also called Haversian systems. These osteons make the structure of compact bones.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'differences between compact and spongy bone that can be seen']\"", "Hayden Fox is the head coach of a university football team, and eats, sleeps and lives football. His partner, however, does not share his passion for the sport, which frequently causes ... See full summary »." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Skully is the tritagonist of the 2011 Disney Junior animated series, Jake and the Never Land Pirates, and the protagonist of Playing with Skully. He is a male parrot and serves as the look-out for Jake, Izzy and Cubby." ], [ "Represent the following document", "~ Big Brother forcing his brother's head into Fredbear. Big Brother (or Foxy Mask) is a major character and a true main antagonist in the Five Nights at Freddy's series, first appearing in Five Nights at Freddy's 4 as the game's tertiary antagonist, but the main antagonist in the mini games. He is the protagonist's abusive older brother, and is the one who caused the child's accident." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "When her government-agent boyfriend is shot down by members of a drug syndicate, Foxy Brown (Pam Grier) seeks revenge. She links her boyfriend's murderers to a modeling agency run by Steve Elias (Peter Brown) and Miss Katherine (Kathryn Loder)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "also featuring in the ad is actress daphne kouma who gets out her party frock to dance with foxy and the dishy pilot played by actor nicholas maude all in all it was a fantastic experience to witness first hand what is involved in producing such a big budget ad and hats off to all involved putting it togetheraking of the foxy bingo advert was published on 22nd posted in bingo adverts and was tagged behind the scenes biscuit agency cristo daphne kouma foxybingo nicholas maude tobias meade the post was written by anita heffernan" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Joseph Garrett (born December 13, 1990 (1990-12-13) [age 26]), known as Stampy (or Stampylongnose), is a popular British Minecraft YouTuber that makes Minecraft Let's Plays meant for an audience of kids. His original channel was Stampylongnose, but in 2012 he switched to Stampylonghead (still, though, preferring himself being known as Stampy Cat ." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Inga Fung Marchand (Foxy Brown) was born September 6, 1979, making her 33 years old. ChaCha on! Rapper Foxy Brown was born on 1978-09-06." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There are YouTube videos dedicated to Fox women's short skirts, a fully functioning website called www.FoxNewsGirls.com and Allure once penned a feature declaring, With its bevy of babes, the network should be called the Foxy News Channel.. Miniskirts aside, the main difference is the makeup." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Maddy is a fifty-year-old astronomer's assistant, but as a young girl was one of the five original members of Foxfire. This group included Betty Goldie Siegfried, Loretta Lana Maguire, Elizabeth Rita O'Hagan, and their leader, Margaret Legs Sadovsky." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what can help tendonitis" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Start treatment at home. In most cases, you can treat tendonitis and bursitis at home with rest, ice and over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen or naproxen. It may seem simple, but also try to avoid the motion that originally caused the pain. Give about four to six weeks for these home remedies to help." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tendonitis is a reasonably common and relatively harmless condition. That said, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, and it is important, therefore, to be aware of the various tendonitis treatment options and medication. In so doing, you will be able to reduce both swelling and pain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tendinitis, which is sometimes spelled tendonitis, is an inflammation of a tendon, which is the thick fibrous cord that connects muscles to bones. Tendinitis can occur anywhere in your body, but it most commonly appears in the shoulders, knees, wrists, and heels. You may have a limited range of motion in the affected area, including a decreased mobility. 2 You can treat mild pain with an NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for 5-7 days. 3 If your pain continues past this point, consult with your doctor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tendinitis is usually treated with ice, antiinflammatory drugs, and physical therapy. (See 'Rotator cuff injury treatment' below.). Rotator cuff tear — The rotator cuff tendon(s) may be torn as a result of injury, chronic tendinopathy, or a combination of both." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Most any activity you participate in has the potential to help cause Tendonitis. Realistically, Tendonitis is caused by a variety of variables all working together. Even Sudden Onset Tendonitis is usually just a 'final straw' irritation of an ongoing issue. Below are activities that are blamed as causes of tendonitis. After that, we'll tell you what REALLY causes tendonitis." ], [ "Represent the next text", "If a sporting activity or typing, for example, causes tendinitis, the person needs to rest from this activity, or reduce the intensity with which they practice it. A bandage, splint or brace may help reduce movement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Causes of Tendonitis. This page looks at the common causes of tendonits.The tendonitis causes information on this page is general because tendonitis in different areas of the body is caused by different things. Generally speaking, the most common cause of tendonitis is overuse closely followed by age. Here is a good list of causes of tendonitis. Some of these tendonitis causes only apply to certain areas of the body. You can use this causes of tendonitis list to help prevent tendonitis. Common Causes of Tendonitis: Repetitive strain on the tendon" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Best Ways to Treat, Prevent Tendonitis. Tennis elbow, quarterback shoulder, and jumper's knee are forms of tendonitis, a painful but preventable injury. Tendonitis is your body's way of telling you, Enough! You're putting too much stress on this muscle and joint.." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Tendonitis Information - Diagnose & Treat Tendonitis. iTendonitis.com was established to help people suffering from tendonitis, tennis elbow and joint injuries. Within this site you'll find detailed information on all known types of tendonitis including achilles tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfers elbow etc." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Returning too soon to the activity that caused the injury can lead to chronic overuse tendinopathy or torn tendons. As an immediate treatment for overuse tendinopathy, doctors and physical therapists often recommend the RICE program: rest, ice, compression, and elevation of the injured tendon. They may also suggest a short course of aspirin, ibuprofen, or other anti-inflammatory drugs to help inflammation and pain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Learn how you can manage the symptoms of tendon inflammation to help the pain. Tendonitis treatment can usually be accomplished with some simple steps. Learn how you can manage the symptoms of tendon inflammation to help the pain. Tendonitis treatment can usually be accomplished with some simple steps." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tendonitis and other tendon injuries - Treatment. Treating a tendon injury. Tendon injuries sometimes get better within a few weeks, but more persistent cases can last for several months. There hasn't been much research into the best treatments for tendonitis and other tendon injuries, so it's not clear exactly which are the most effective." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Is there any permanent cure for tendonitis in the forearms and elbow? In some cases...: Use of wrist supports or lateral epicondylitis straps relieve the symptoms, nonsteroidal antiinflammatories treat the inflammation." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "1 Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications will help control symptoms of pain, but more importantly they help treat wrist tendonitis to decrease inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues. These treatment medications will decrease the inflammatory response which is the cause of the pain. Hand Therapy: Hand therapy is a specialized type of therapy that is focused on the complex function of the hand and wrist, and the many tendons and ligaments that surround and support the joint." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Corticosteroids can be injected around injured tendons to reduce pain and inflammation. They can also be combined with local anaesthetic to further relieve pain. However, while these injections can help reduce pain, they aren't effective for everyone and the effect sometimes only lasts a few weeks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "One such exercise for a case of Achilles tendonitis is the towel stretch. While you sit on your leg stretched out straight in front of you, take a towel and loop it around the ball of your foot and pull the towel toward you. Keep your knee straight. Hold for 15 seconds and let go, then repeat.Another good exercise when you have Achilles tendonitis is the heel raise. While you stand behind a chair for support, balance yourself on your toes while you raise your body. Slowly lower yourself and repeat this about a dozen times. Overall, listen to your body.old for 15 seconds and let go, then repeat. Another good exercise when you have Achilles tendonitis is the heel raise. While you stand behind a chair for support, balance yourself on your toes while you raise your body. Slowly lower yourself and repeat this about a dozen times. Overall, listen to your body." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These medications, such as hyoscyamine (Levsin) and dicyclomine (Bentyl), can help relieve painful bowel spasms. They are sometimes used for people who have bouts of diarrhea, but they can worsen constipation and can lead to other symptoms, such as difficulty urinating." ], [ "Represent the input", "1 Tendons require weeks of additional rest to heal. 2 You may need to make long-term changes in the types of activities you do or how you do them. 3 Apply ice or cold packs as soon as you notice pain and tenderness in your muscles or near a joint.4 Apply ice 10 to 15 minutes at a time, as often as twice an hour, for 72 hours.nitial treatment for a tendon injury (tendinopathy) typically includes rest and pain relievers. Acetaminophen can reduce pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce both the pain and inflammation you might have from a tendon injury." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Here are a few steps you can take to prevent patellar tendonitis: 1 Conditioning properly. 2 Adding new or higher impact activity slowly. 3 Warming up and stretching before exercise. 4 Wearing the right shoes for your sport." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The pain from tendonitis is primarily due to inflammation, which is an attempt by the body to heal and protect the injured tissue. However, the body's inflammatory response is usually too much and actually contributes to the problem, so controlling it is key to reducing the symptoms." ], [ "", "The Best Ways to Treat, Prevent Tendonitis. Tennis elbow, quarterback shoulder, and jumper's knee are forms of tendonitis, a painful but preventable injury. Tendonitis is your body's way of telling you, Enough! Tendons are connective tissues that hold muscles to your bones. When muscles contract, tendons react, causing bones to move." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to Alleviate Tendonitis. Three Methods: Recognizing the Symptoms of Achilles Tendinitis Treating Tendinitis at Home Getting a Doctor’s Diagnosis and Medical Treatment Community Q&A. Tendinitis (tendonitis) is an inflammation of a tendon, which is a thick fibrous cord that connects muscle to bone." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Because scar tissue is not as elastic as the tendon, the scar tissue doesn’t allow the tendon to stretch normally, which can lead to a rupture of the tendon. Fortunately, rest and over-the-counter medications to reduce your pain and inflammation may be all the treatment you need for Achilles tendonitis.endonitis is caused by a violent strain to the calf muscles or the tendon during a strong contraction of the muscle as when running or sprinting. This strain can occur where the muscles join the Achilles tendon." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Most people who have knee tendonitis do not need to see a doctor. Treatment of tendonitis typically involves the RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Rest the knee as soon as you feel pain, even if it happens while playing sports. Continue to rest the knee until you no longer feel any symptoms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "And if you have tendonitis, or any tendon injury, icing is a must. The trick is, icing RIGHT. If you do like your doctor tells you (20 minutes with an ice pack on, then 20 minutes off) and you only do that three times, you're NOT going to get much benefit. Hardly any, really." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Professional Treatments. 1 1. Consult with your doctor. If your tendonitis isn't going away and hasn't responded very well to rest and basic home care, then see your doctor for a physical examination. 2 2. Get a referral for rehabilitation." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Physical therapy is a popular course of treatment because of how effective and preventative it can be. Your physical therapist might do an ultrasound of the area they suspect to be inflamed and painful due to tendonitis. This test allows them to confirm the issue and look for other common problems like bursitis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Achilles Tendonitis Treatment & Rehabilitation. Achilles Tendonitis can be difficult to treat with no single approach being effective on its own. We outline a step by step approach to treatment and rehabilitation. Treatment for acute injuries includes rest and application of ice or cold therapy to reduce pain and inflammation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Treatment for both bursitis and tendonitis are similar. They range from resting the area, all the way up to cortisone shots and surgery in the most difficult cases. However there are things you can do at home that may resolve the issue. • Rest – This is the first place to begin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "10 Treatment Options For Tendonitis Sufferers. Tendinitis is a type of injury that occurs with overuse. It results when a tendon, the thick cord that attaches the bone to the muscle, becomes inflammation or irritated due to an impact or injury. The damage occurs when the body is unable to rebuild the tendon with adequate rest." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first stage of treatment for achilles tendonitis is to decrease pain and inflammation so normal daily activities such as walking can be done pain free. This stage can last for anywhere from 3 days to several weeks depending on the severity of your condition and can be achieved with a number of methods:" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g.:\n['', 'Arousal is the physiological and psychological state of being awoken or of sense organs stimulated to a point of perception.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'arousal goals definition']", "Wrist Tendonitis Exercises / Rehab. Instant relief with Powerballs wrist tendonitis exercises. Powerball exercise cures Wrist Tendonitis…. Exercise with Powerball daily will provide immediate and long-term relief from wrist tendonitis. Following Powerball’s physio designed non-impact resistance programme daily helps 1) strengthen the muscles around the wrist and 2) increases the wrist joints range of motion; both of these factors greatly help to reduce tendon inflammation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Joshua Replies To - just beginning my search for answers -- Tenosynovitis and Tendonitis in multiple joints, what can cause this? by: The Tendonitis Expert Hi WK." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to Alleviate Tendonitis Three Methods: Recognizing the Symptoms of Achilles Tendinitis Treating Tendinitis at Home Getting a Doctor’s Diagnosis and Medical Treatment Community Q&A Tendinitis (tendonitis) is an inflammation of a tendon, which is a thick fibrous cord that connects muscle to bone." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are some conditions that make tendonitis surgery necessary in order for the tendon to heal completely. One of these is a bone spur. If you have a bone spur, it can rub against the tendon and lead to irritation and inflammation. No amount of immobilization and therapy can take care of this problem." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When treating gluteus medius tendonitis (hip tendonitis) or any soft tissue injury, an effective therapy will increase blood flow to the injury while the joint is immobile. This increase in blood flow will accelerate the body's own ability to heal itself." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Surgery is the last option for treatment of tendonitis in the wrist. Removal of soft tissue around the problem area can give the tendon more room to move without irritation. Surgery is also a viable option if an anatomical feature is causing the problem." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If these are no sufficient, patients may be referred to physical therapy. As a physical therapist, my plan of care for tendonitis usually involves treating the symptoms and again, identifying and modifying the aggravating factor(s). Adaptations may include ergonomic changes, body mechanics re-training, or an unloading brace." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Initial treatment for a tendon injury (tendinopathy) typically includes rest and pain relievers. Acetaminophen can reduce pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce both the pain and inflammation you might have from a tendon injury.nitial treatment for a tendon injury (tendinopathy) typically includes rest and pain relievers. Acetaminophen can reduce pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can reduce both the pain and inflammation you might have from a tendon injury." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:", "sociology education market definition" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The sociology of education is the study of how public institutions and individual experiences affect education and its outcomes.It is mostly concerned with the public schooling systems of modern industrial societies, including the expansion of higher, further, adult, and continuing education.t is also perceived as one of the best means of achieving greater social equality. Many would say that the purpose of education should be to develop every individual to their full potential, and give them a chance to achieve as much in life as their natural abilities allow (meritocracy)." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Full Definition of SOCIOLOGY. 1. : the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings.2. the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries For instance, <<['', 'Not to be confused with Star shell. Starshell (born LaNeah Menzies; May 27, 1988) is an American actress, model, songwriter, singer and recording artist.']>> to <<[\"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results E.g.\\n'where are toyota tacoma trucks made' == 'So far, the Toyota manufacturing plants in the United States have produced the Toyota Avalon, the Toyota Camry, the Toyota Camry Hybrid, the Toyota Corolla, the Toyota Sequoia, the Toyota Sienna, the Toyota Solara, the Toyota Tacoma and the Toyota Tundra.' != 'The following details the approach that will accomplish company mission. 1.2 Company Profile Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) is a multinational company that produces cars, trucks, buses and robots, with headquarters in Toyota City, Japan. Toyota is the largest car manufacturer in Asia and second largest producer.'\", 'who is starshell']>>", "social market. noun. 1. an economic system in which industry and commerce are run by private enterprise within limits set by the government to ensure equality of opportunity and social and environmental responsibility. (as modifier): a social-market economy." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The study of work, industry, and economic institutions is a major part of sociology because the economy influences all other parts of society and therefore social reproduction in general." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1 Sociology is the systematic or scientific study of human society and social behavior, from large-scale institutions and mass culture to small groups and individual interactions. Howard Becker defined sociology as the study of people doing things together.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sociology will help you understand the pack. Sociology is a social science with contemporary practical knowledge. Sociologists study structure and change as society, culture and social forces create the foundation of our lives and our senses of self. bachelor’s degree in sociology prepares you for careers that require cultural competency, such as in nonprofits, NGOs, marketing, management, personnel and social policy or as a sociology teacher/professor or law student." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sociology is the study of human relations, institutions, behavior and its origins, and development. It is useful because it helps us understand society and why people think the way they think and why they do what they do." ], [ "", "Sociology is a very broad discipline that examines how humans interact with each other and how human behavior is shaped by social structures (groups, communities, organizations), social categories (age, sex, class, race, etc.), and social institutions (politics, religion, education, etc.)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ritzer, G. (ed.) (2009) Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online, Blackwell Publishing (3-3-2009) Education, Social Functions of Vasiliki Kantzara Subject Sociology DOI: 10.1111/b.9781405124331.2007.x Sections • Education, social functions of • REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS Education is commonly defined as cultivation, transmission of ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A degree in sociology is an excellent springboard for entering the world of business, industry, and organizations. An undergraduate sociology major provides valuable insights into social factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, education, and social class that affect work and how organizations operate." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Education. A person with a sociology degree may choose to pursue a career in education. A bachelor's degree and teaching certificate are adequate for teaching classes such as political science, history, and social science at the high school level." ], [ "", "Video created by University of Rochester for the course The Power of Markets III: Input Markets and Promoting Efficiency. Using Input Market Theory to Analyze the Minimum Wage, Social Security,Immigration, and the NCAA. Promoting Market ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Many students choose sociology because they see it as a broad liberal arts base for professions such as law, education, medicine, social work, and counseling. 2 Sociology provides a rich fund of knowledge that directly pertains to each of these fields." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "sociology. (noun) The systematic study of society and social interactions to understand individuals, groups, and institutions through data collection and analysis.Example: applied sociology.noun) The systematic study of society and social interactions to understand individuals, groups, and institutions through data collection and analysis. Example: applied sociology." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sociology is a social science that studies the interaction of individuals and groups within society. Sociology is subdivided into many specialized fields of which some of are: 1 Applied sociology-applies sociological theory to the understanding of society." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sociology is a text heavy field, meaning that it requires students to read and interpret a lot of information. (Reference 1, 2, 3) Students interested in majoring in sociology take courses in English while they are in high school to adequately develop their critical thinking and reasoning skills." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Full Definition of SOCIOLOGY. 1. : the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings.2. the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings. 2." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is the definition of sociology? n.The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society.Analysis of a social institution or soc … ietal segment as a self-contained entity or in relation to society as a whole." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sociology is a science that studies society as a complex organism. Sociology students are often required to write sociology essays in which they address different issues and facts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "SOCIOLOGY is: the study of society. a social science involving the study of the social lives of people, groups, and societies. the study of our behavior as social beings, covering everything from the analysis of short contacts between anonymous individuals on the street to the study of global social processes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sociology of Education (PDE 109) 76For Gramsci, the subjective dimension of the dialectical relationship is very crucial to the emergence of any change in the status quo. Hence, in a capitalist system, the masses have to act in order to bring about social revolution." ], [ "", "Given that about 60 percent of majors enter the job market upon graduation, departments need more information about how sociology majors search for and secure jobs, and the kinds of social connections that help them in this process." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Field Definition Basic Definition The field of educational materials (EM) refers to a subset of the book, games, Internet, and software publishing industries that is focused on providing resources to a variety of educational market segments." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Sociology is the study of social behaviour or society, including its origins, development, organisation, networks, and institutions. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, disorder, and change." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Medical Definition of SOCIOLOGY. : the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings. the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sociology is the study of social behavior or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, disorder, and change." ], [ "Represent the following document", "What is Sociology? Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in whole societies." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sociology, in the broadest sense, is the study of society. Sociology is a very broad discipline that examines how humans interact with each other and how human behavior is shaped by social structures (groups, communities, organizations), social categories (age, sex, class, race, etc.), and social institutions (politics, religion, education, etc.)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sociology of Education (PDE 109) 79shaping his pupils’ identities and in creating a stratification system within the classroom reflects this process of nurturing and socialisation of young children into the subservient culture of the work place." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Sociology has a long history of studying stratification and teaching about various kinds of inequality, including economic inequality, racial/ethnic inequality, gender inequality, and other types of inequality. Inequality means people have unequal access to scarce and valued resources in society." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "About the Survey. Given that about 60 percent of majors enter the job market upon graduation, departments need more information about how sociology majors search for and secure jobs, and the kinds of social connections that help them in this process." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter is diverse, ranging from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in whole societies." ], [ "Represent this text", "Sociology is an exciting and illuminating field of study that analyzes and explains important matters in our personal lives, our communities, and the world." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "A BA in sociology is excellent preparation for future graduate work in sociology in order to become a professor, researcher, or applied sociologist. The undergraduate degree provides a strong liberal arts preparation for entry level positions throughout the business, social service, and government worlds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition. Market research, which includes social and opinion research, is the systematic gathering and interpretation of information about individuals or organisations using the statistical and analytical methods and techniques of the applied sciences to gain insight or support decision making." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A bachelor's degree in sociology requires degree specific classes such as principles of sociology, social problems, statistical analysis, race and ethnicity, social deviance, social theory, sociology of business, sociology of politics, sociology of education, urban sociology, and social psychology." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Sociology is the study of society. It is a social science which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about human social activity." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sociology of Education (PDE 109) 54 ACTIVITY 1 1. Discuss the importance of sociology to education. 2. Explain what education is and show its relationship to sociology. 3. Explain what sociology of education is and distinguish it from educational sociology." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Well, that depends on the education level you want to work at. For careers in primary and secondary education, a sociology degree could provide you with relevant knowledge of education in society, as well as the child development process, and even the laws of the playground." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sociology definition, the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relations, institutions, etc. See more." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', '1 Secretin secretion is stimulating by acid chyme (food from stomach). 2 Secretin stimulates the pancreas to secrete sodium bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acidic chyme. 3 Secretin also stimulates the liver to release bile. CCK is secreting by the small intestine (mainly duodenum & jejunum).'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'which hormone signals the release of bile']", "Sociology of Education (PDE 109) 53Education does not operate in a vacuum. To have a better society, we should analyse the society to show its strengths and weakness and plan the educational programmes to these effects." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Functions of Schooling in Relation to Society Review work in sociology of education shows that the most important functions ascribed to education at the macro level are the following: social adjustment, preservation, reproduction of capitalism and class society, renewal or change, upward mobility, and social domination." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Systematic sociology of education can be traced to Émile émile'durkheim s pioneering studies of moral education as a basis for organic solidarity And Max'weber s analysis of The chinese literati as an apparatus of political. controlhe extent to which education can in principle operate as a means of social engineering —for example in pursuit of greater equality in society—is contested in the work of the American sociologist Christopher Jencks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sociology is the scientific or academic study of social behavior, including its origins, development, organization, and institutions. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, social disorder and social change." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Department of Sociology is committed to excellence in teaching, research, and service in the best tradition of a liberal arts education. The Department prides itself in providing a quality education to its majors, minors, and graduate students." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sociology is the study of people and how we interact with one another. Students learn topics such as culture, religion and identity, as well as getting to grips with the theories of thinkers such as Karl Marx and Max Weber." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Definition of sociology in US English - the study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sociology is the scientific or academic study of social behavior, including its origins, development, organization, and institutions.It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, social disorder and social change.he sociology of knowledge is the study of the relationship between human thought and the social context within which it arises, and of the effects prevailing ideas have on societies." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Full Definition of SOCIOLOGY. 1. : the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings. 2." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sociology is the scientific study of society, including patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture. The term sociology was first used by Frenchman Auguste Compte in the 1830s when he proposed a synthetic science uniting all knowledge about human activity." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Also they have a right to join new sports and remove old ones. Olympics didnâ\\x80\\x99t organize in world war years and joined limited nations in cold war years like 1980 and 1984. How many sports are there in Olympic Games? Today there are 30 disciplines, over 400 events and of 35 sports in Olympic Games program. Some games are only possible in Summer Olympic Games or Winter Olympic games. Also there are lots of categories of games like Wrestling has two categories as Freestyle and Greco-Roman.']\" == \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'how many sports are there']\"", "uk ​ /ˌsəʊ.siˈɒl.ə.dʒi/ us ​ /ˌsoʊ.siˈɑː.lə.dʒi/. › the study of the relationships between people living in groups, especially in industrial societies: She has a degree in sociology and politics. He specializes in the sociology of education/law/the family." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Field Definition Basic Definition. The field of educational materials (EM) refers to a subset of the book, games, Internet, and software publishing industries that is focused on providing resources to a variety of educational market segments. For instance, PricewaterhouseCoopers characterizes the EM sector as divided into digital and non-digital solutions (Cola, et al." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Copyright © Open Education Sociology Dictionary 2013-2017 and edited by Kenton Bell. All cited material belongs to the license owners and must be used according to their distribution license. Everything else was developed for the OESD and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Full Definition of SOCIOLOGY. 1. : the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A pplied Sociology is a branch of general sociology which at its basis is the scientific study of society as a whole. Sociology looks at society from every angle making observations on how we interact within society, how cultures affect each other and the individual, global issues and more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Medical Definition of SOCIOLOGICAL. : of or relating to sociology or to the methodological approach of sociology.edical Definition of SOCIOLOGICAL. : of or relating to sociology or to the methodological approach of sociology." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The sociology of knowledge is the study of the relationship between human thought and the social context within which it arises, and of the effects prevailing ideas have on societies." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Sociology is the study of societal norms and how interactions between people and society affect behaviors and trends. Coursework for this subject requires work in the liberal arts area. Graduates with a minor in sociology study sociological theories but also build skills in writing and communicating." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "Open Education Sociology Dictionary. (noun) A favorable or unfavorable preconceived feeling or opinion formed without knowledge, reason, or thought that prevents objective consideration of person, group, or thing. Prejudice can be positive or negative but the term typically connotes negative feelings or opinions about an individual or group." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sociology is best defined as the study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society. Log in to see link for more information. Added 11/13/2014 10:12:34 PM. This answer has been confirmed as correct, not copied, and helpful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of sociology. 1 1 : the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically : the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Education Careers in Sociology. Sociology majors often get graduate degrees in education and become teachers at the high school or college level. Sociology majors often have a unique understanding of how students learn and interact with one another." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'A rectangular prism is solid 3-dimensional object which has six faces that are rectangles. It has 12 edges and 8 vertices.']\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'rectangular prism has how many vertices']\"", "Definition of social institution in Sociology. Basic social institutions and their definition. Social institution, social institution definition, social institutions definition, social institutions sociology, social institutions in sociology. Define social institution. what is a social institution? What are social institutions? Definition of social institution, basic social institutions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sociology is the systematic study of social structures and individuals. Many think of sociology as a continuous activity with a growing concern, constant adding to already developed knowledge and new experiences. The study of sociology adds to knowledge enabling us to think beyond the obvious and ask more questions. For example when asked to pass a phone we immediately know what the phone is due to the link between the word ( referring to objects) and the object however this answer does not give knowledge about the object." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Humans are pack animals. Sociology is a social science with contemporary practical knowledge. Sociologists study structure and change as society, culture and social forces create the foundation of our lives and our senses of self. bachelor’s degree in sociology prepares you for careers that require cultural competency, such as in nonprofits, NGOs, marketing, management, personnel and social policy or as a sociology teacher/professor or law student." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "mcdonalds phone number" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "McDonald’s Contact Number: 0370 524 4622. Contact McDonald’s customer services by calling their main telephone number 0370 524 4622, where you can complain about a specific fast food order and get detailed nutritional information for their menu. McDonald’s is officially the largest fast-food restaurant chain in the world and they have over 1200 franchised stores in the UK alone." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "4711 Mission Bay Dr, San Diego, CA (858) 483-5003; McDonald's Menu; McDonald's Nutrition; McDonald's Hours" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Average McDonald's hourly pay ranges from approximately $7.26 per hour for Grill Operator to $60.00 per hour for Data Analyst.The average McDonald's salary ranges from approximately $15,000 per year for Customer Service Associate / Cashier to $354,730 per year for Technical Lead.Salary information comes from 42,956 data points collected directly from employees, users, and jobs on Indeed.verage McDonald's hourly pay ranges from approximately $7.26 per hour for Grill Operator to $60.00 per hour for Data Analyst." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Viewing Tweets won't unblock @Mike___McDonald. 1 Michael McDonald Retweeted. 2 Michael McDonald Retweeted. 3 Michael McDonald Retweeted. Michael McDonald‏Verified account @Mike___McDonald 31 Mar 1 2013. Michael McDonald‏Verified account @Mike___McDonald 29 Mar 2013. Michael McDonald‏Verified account @Mike___McDonald 28 Mar 2013. I keep forgettin' where I put my keys. 52 replies 643 retweets 749 likes. It's hard not to smile when you've got Ode to Joy playing on your stereo. 4 replies 3 retweets 16 likes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Harrahs Total Rewards Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of Harrahs Total Rewards is 1-800-342-7724. Total Rewards is a casino program powered by Caesars Entertainment active in all locations of Caesars. Caesars Entertainment Corporation is one of leading corporations of Public gaming, Hospitality and Tourism Industry in The America." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you need further assistance with your choice, our knowledgeable sales associates are only a phone call away. We can be reached, Toll Free 1-800-(588-5290) or submit a help ticket email, during normal business hours Monday through Friday 8 - 5pm; Pacific standard time. Thank you for shopping at We Love Macs!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Unit B-7, 360 Main St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 3Z3. (204) 949-6047. At McDonald's the customer comes first, therefore the food and service is the first thing taken care of." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "This Directory Service is not affiliated with McDonald’s UK. Find an alternative phone number & call charge here. Calls cost 5p per minute plus your phone company's access charge. This Directory Service automatically connects to the number we found for McDonald’s UK Customer Service. Employees of McDonald’s UK can click here to update this page." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "There are over 33,000 locations in 119 countries worldwide. The McDonald’s corporate office is located in Oak Brook, Illinois. Tagged as: mcdonalds corporate, mcdonalds corporate address, mcdonalds corporate email, mcdonalds corporate office, mcdonalds corporate office phone number, mcdonalds headquarters, mcdonalds main office. { 95 comments… read them below or add one }." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "McDonalds Hours of Operation near Charleroi, Pennsylvania Charleroi, Pennsylvania McDonalds locations Please find a list and map of McDonalds locations near Charleroi, Pennsylvania as well as the associated McDonalds location hours of operation, address and phone number. McDonalds Charleroi 0.12 miles" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "98225-9088 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of BILL MCDONALD PKWY, BELLINGHAM, Whatcom, Washington, United States. Below is detail information." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "MCDONALDS, 4711 Mission Bay Dr, San Diego, CA 92109 - Restaurant inspection findings and violations" ], [ "Represent the natural language!", "Due to the individualized nature of food allergies and food sensitivities, customer's physicians may be best positioned to make recommendations for. customers with food allergies and special dietary needs. If you have questions about our food, please reach out to us directly at mcdonalds.com/contact or 1-800-." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Address: 4700 Mission Bay Dr, San Diego, CA 92109 Pmw Acquisition Lp · Mcdonalds (License# 2012046944) is a business entity registered Business Tax Certificate with the City of San Diego, Treasurer-Tax Collector. The address is 4700 Mission Bay Dr, San Diego, CA 92109" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "McDonald is an unincorporated community in Bradley County, Tennessee, United States. McDonald is located along U.S. Route 11 and U.S. Route 64 6.8 miles (10.9 km) west-southwest of Cleveland. McDonald has a post office with ZIP code 37353." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "McDVoice customer service contact number. Below given is the customer service phone number of mcdvoice customer survey: +1-800-244-6227. McDVoice customer service email address. You can get email support from McDonald’s regarding anything using the link given below. They don’t have a mail ID, rather a contact form." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "South Loop 517 S State St. Chicago, IL 60605 Phone number (312) 913-1373. to 10..1 being McDonald's and 10 being the Holy Grail which is Fatburger, Epic is a strong 9. The only thing that keeps it from a 10, is the price in comparison to Fatburger (you get… read more. Lakeview 3021 N Broadway. Chicago, IL 60657 Phone number (773) 857-6500." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hawkinsville, GA 31036: American, Fast Food, Hamburgers, Sandwiches: 478-892-3750: McDonald's: 204 Broad St Hawkinsville, GA 31036: Fast Food, Hamburgers, Sandwiches: 478-783-4595: Papas Pizza To Go: Surrey Plaza Hawkinsville, GA 31036: Pizza: 478-892-7272: Subway Sandwiches & Salads: 325 Broad St Hawkinsville, GA 31036: Fast Food, Salads, Sandwiches: 478-783-7827" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mt Vernon, MO 65712: Fast Food: 417-466-7365: McDonald's: 1091 E Mount Vernon Blvd Mt Vernon, MO 65712: Fast Food, Hamburgers, Sandwiches: 417-466-7111: Sonic Drive-In: 635 E Mount Vernon Blvd Mt Vernon, MO 65712: American, Fast Food, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs: 417-466-2323: Subway Sandwiches & Salads: 216 E Mount Vernon Blvd Mt Vernon, MO 65712: Fast Food, Salads, Sandwiches: 417-466-4424: Taco Bell: 510 E Mount Vernon Blvd Mt Vernon, MO 65712" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "12310 Columbia St. Blakely, GA 39823. (229) 723-5700. They switch to the lunch menu promptly at 10am on Saturdays. This might be a good thing for some, but when you are craving some uber-greasy hashbrowns to eat while watching the Peanut Queens parade by, it's crushing. Other than their early menu change times, this is a recently remodeled McDonalds, and probably the only place to get a latte within 30 miles." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "What time does McDonald's start serving breakfast? :: McDonalds.co ... 1330582702602, The time we start serving breakfast in the morning will vary from restaurant to restaurant. You can find locations and opening and closing times ... www.mcdonalds.co.uk" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Membership is also open to immediate family of current members. Contact Shell Federal Credit Union. Contact the Deer Park Main Office location at 301 E 13th Street by calling (713) 844-1100 or contact the credit union by any of these means: Phone: (713) 844-1100. Toll Free: (800) 388-5542." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "98225-9087 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of BILL MCDONALD PKWY, BELLINGHAM, Whatcom, Washington, United States." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Mcdonalds Corporate Office Contact Information. Are you looking for information such as address and phone number of mcdonalds corporate office headquarters. We have also provided toll free number of customer service so that you can contact them for any issues, complaint, review or suggestion about any services provided by mcdonald." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Write A Review For Mcdonalds Corporate Headquarters. Note: This is not to be used to contact Mcdonalds Corporate Offices nor is this site affiliated with them in any way. The purpose of this site is supply you with their phone number and address as well as share your thoughts about Mcdonalds." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This helpline is charged at the same rate as calls to local 01 and 02 area code phone numbers. Email McDonald’s If you would prefer to send an email to McDonald’s you can fill out an official contact form on their website www.mcdonalds.co.uk/ukhome/Contact-us.html where you can make a general enquiry as well as provide feedback on a visit to a specific restaurant or an exact menu order." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page. Sign UpLog In. See more of McDonald's at 6030 Fort Caroline Rd by logging into Facebook. Message this Page, learn about upcoming events and more. If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one to see more of this Page. Sign UpLog In. See more of McDonald's at 6030 Fort Caroline Rd by logging into Facebook." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ronald mcdonald , 435 awesome street, michigan , 555-555-5555. When importing this data, SAS will assume that daffy duck and ronald mcdonald are names, 123 pizza lane and 435 awesome street are addresses, and that ohio and michigan are phone numbers. All my data is enclosed in quotations." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Burger King Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of Burger King is 1-866-394-2493 /. Burger King is an American Hamburger Chain that is originally known with the name of BK that came into existence as 'Insta-Burger King' in the year 1953 with the efforts of Keith J. Kramer and Matthew Burns who got inspiration from Mcdonald brothers' restaurant chain." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Where is the busiest mcdonalds in the united states? kgb answers » Records & Statistics » Where is the busiest mcdonalds in the united states? The busiest McDonald's in the U.s. is located in Connecticut. RT- 95 (SOUTH) BTW EXIT 10 &9, DARIEN CT 6820, Tel: (203)656-1769." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Macy's Credit Card toll-free numbers and support. This is the #4 phone number and #7 overall way to contact Macy's Credit Card according to 327200 GetHuman users.Here are the best. 866-593-2543. Customer Service." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Phone number: 416-852-4568 is located in Toronto, Ontario. Its exchange 852 is managed by BELL CANADA - ON. The number is currently on switch number TOROON02DS5. Around 30% of people reported it as Unknown. You are the 23th person to search for it here.The number has a total of 52 complaints filed against it. Latest people reported the number as that of Not available, NODID 1 416 852 4568." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Phone Number of Harrahs Total Rewards is 1-800-342-7724 . Total Rewards is a casino program powered by Caesars Entertainment active in all locations of Caesars. Caesars Entertainment Corporation is one of leading corporations of Public gaming, Hospitality and Tourism Industry in The America." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Superior results, ground-breaking technology, and quality patient care is why McDonald Eye Associates continues to be the premier ophthalmic practice in Northwest Arkansas. We can meet your vision needs for a lifetime. Please call us at 479-521-2555 or 1-800-262-4405 to schedule appointments and learn more." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pharmacy Phone: (302) 449-0597 Pharmacy Hours: Saturday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Sunday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Weekdays: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Services at this Location: • Pharmacy • Photo Center • Photo Center One Hour • Photo Center Digital • Grocery • Garden Center • Connection Center • Maternity • Coinstar • Gameplay • McDonald's • Redbox • Regal Nails • ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Are you looking for information such as address and phone number of mcdonalds corporate office headquarters. We have also provided toll free number of customer service so that you can contact them for any issues, complaint, review or suggestion about any services provided by mcdonald. Mcdonald’s, headquarters located in Oak Brook, Illinois, is the largest chain…" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Winnipeg 24 Hour Restaurants Listings-Standard (View Map). McDonald's. Unit B-7, 360 Main St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 3Z3. (204) 949-6047. At McDonald's the customer comes first, therefore the food and service is the first thing taken care of." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nutritional information for Newman's Own all-natural salad dressings is printed on the packaging. McDonald's new Premium Salads nutritional information, as with all standard products, is available online at www.mcdonalds.com and via McDonald's toll-free customer phone number (1-800-244-6227). new advertising campaign created by DDB Chicago to support the launch of McDonald's new Premium Salads with Newman's Own salad dressings will begin April 21 nationwide. Both Newman's Own and McDonald's come to this alliance with a history of helping those in need." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Burger King Customer Service Phone Number 866-394-2493 is the customer service phone number of the Burger King. customer service number enables the customers of the Burger King company to convey their complaints or suggestions. If you want to reach a live person, you have to follow below steps : Press 1 for English" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "how to find mcdonalds hours mcdonalds store locator The advantage of using McDonald’s official store locator page is that you can find your stores exact breakfast, dinning, and drive thru hours, as well as the stores address and phone number." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Morristown, TN 37814: Fast Food: 423-581-8260: Little Caesars Pizza: 1937 W Morris Blvd Morristown, TN 37814: Fast Food, Pizza: 423-586-3000: McDonald's: 1594 Buffalo Trl Morristown, TN 37814: Fast Food, Hamburgers, Sandwiches: 423-585-8414: McDonald's: 2212 W Andrew Johnson Hwy Morristown, TN 37814: Fast Food, Hamburgers, Sandwiches: 423-581-7939: McDonald's" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mcdonald's - 88,739 reviews - Las Vegas, NV 89134 (Sun City Summerlin area) +3 locations. 1 Crew Person - You don’t want to work just anyplace, and you don’t want to work just anytime. Maybe it’s breakfast." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Mcdonald Trucking 724-483-5343 Mcdonald Trucking is located in Charleroi, PA which is in Washington County. There are approximately 14 Counties located in the 724 area code." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Below is a list of toll free 800 numbers for Macys. Macys Customer Service: 1-800-289-6229. hours: Mon-Fri: 9am-9pm; Saturday: 9am-7pm; Sunday: 11am-7pm. Thank you for calling Macy’s, your call maybe monitored or recorded for quality assurance. To place an order or get product information press 1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "8 Thoughts on “McDonalds Customer Service Phone Number”. 1 I placed an order through the drive-thru (Restaurant #36892) on 6/22/2017@8:49 pm. 2 This is in regards to the McCafe coffee pods. 3 Greensburg indiana mcdonalds. 4 Hi , I’m Youssef Samuel from Cairo, Egypt. 5 I was on drive thru and didnt know it was close to closing time." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Family Dollar Store toll free customer service number : 866-377-6420. Silver Dollar City Branson toll free customer service number : +1 4173367100. Dollar Tree Windsor Ontario toll free customer service number : +1 313-581-3688." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Some More Phone Numbers Related To Texas New Mexico Power. New Mexico Ebt toll free customer service number : (505) 476-6230. New Mexico Unemployment toll free customer service number : 1-877-664-6984. mcdonalds new mexico toll free customer service number : +1 575-625-8799." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you have furniture to donate, please give us a call at 613-545-9640 as we are looking for furnishings for our new building and apartments. We are able to accept gift cards for example, grocery stores, Tim Hortons, McDonalds that we can distribute to women who are living vulnerably in the community." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "McDonald's has a Twitter feed just for customer complaints at @reachout_mcd. McDonald's customer service also has a Facebook page, but with 59,000,000 fans your complaint is not likely to see any attention there. Although we tried to find a good email address, none has been provided by the company yet. McDonald's is usually pretty responsive on social media." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can find locations and opening and closing times for all of our restaurants in the UK using our restaurant locator on our website. Just look here ., What time does McDonald's start serving breakfast?, time,start,Menu,serving hours,opening time,breakfast,Our Food,What's in your food?,Breakfast, 1330582702602 The time we start serving breakfast in the morning will vary from restaurant to restaurant." ], [ "Represent text", "9/9/2014. McDonalds Phone Number - I think that when McDonald's added the kiddie. I think that when McDonald's added the kiddie playground they drove people away. I don't want to see a bunch of sugar hyped kids running wild and screaming when I just want to eat in peace. I check now to see if kids are there." ], [ "", "Mcdonalds - 1184 M 36, Pinckney, Michigan (Restaurant ) - Location & Hours." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "MASS PIKE I-90 E MILEPOST 29. Blandford, MA 01008. (413) 848-2518. I'm known as the Mack Daddy, but I'll never be the McDaddy. I hope not anyway. Should I ever have kids, they'll never eat this sh**. Not on my watch. Pretty bland and average food here in Bland ford. McDonald's bought the rights to all the Mass Pike rest areas, so there's a McD's at every single one." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "597 S. Kennedy Dr. Bradley, IL. 815-935-2064. Opened in 1992, Bill's Diner has been serving warmth, kindness, and great home cooked meals to the people of Bradley, Bourbonnais, Kankakee, and the surrounding communities for the past 21 years." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The properties on the left hold for any base a. The properties on the right are restatements of the general properties for the natural logarithm. Many logarithmic expressions may be rewritten, either expanded or condensed, using the three properties above. Expanding is breaking down a complicated expression into simpler components.'] should be similar to ['Represent this', 'what are the properties of logarithms']", "What is McDonalds corporate phone number? I need to call McDonalds corporate to ask for a reissue of my W2 in order to do my taxes. If you know anything about how to access a McDonalds W2 online that would be helpful also! Update: Please, this is important, no jokes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Redbox® Customer Service Phone Number: 1-866-733-2693 Redbox places its red kiosks at select McDonald's fast-food outlets, supermarkets, and discount stores. Customers can rent movies at the automated kiosk for $1 per night. Redbox USA Corporate 1 Tower Ln., Ste. 1200 Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 USA Hours 6am to 3am 7 Days a Week More Phone Numbers Tech Support: 1-866-733-2693 Corporate Phone Number: 1-630-756-8000" ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "how vibration works in phones" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are two basic types of vibration motor. An eccentric rotating mass vibration motor (ERM) uses a small unbalanced mass on a DC motor, when it rotates it creates a force that translates to vibrations. A linear resonant actuator (LRA) contains a small internal mass attached to a spring, which creates a force when driven." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "528Hz DNA Frequency healing with holophonic bells mixed in with low and high theta binaural beats. Wear headphones for optimal results! Holophonic, binaural theta wave meditation helps to facilitate the development of the 3rd eye, which innately understands the symbols and pictures of multidimensional stimuli." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "How to move Apps, Videos, Pictures to SD memory Card Android Phones-no root needed, Works on Samsung Galaxy, LG Optimus, Nexus, HTC, and more Android Phones & Tablets, this is how to move apps to sd card, how to move internal apps to external memory card,Category. License.ow to move Apps, Videos, Pictures to SD memory Card Android Phones-no root needed, Works on Samsung Galaxy, LG Optimus, Nexus, HTC, and more Android Phones & Tablets, this is how to move apps to sd card, how to move internal apps to external memory card, 1 Howto & Style. 2 Standard YouTube License." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This type of vibration is mainly caused by the tires which are out of round, out of balance and have bulges or flat spots. In addition, the car can also vibrate at certain speed because of the damaged brakes or bent wheel. It can also be caused by the damaged drivetrain components or the suspension or steering parts." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Still a relatively new technology, binaural beats allow you to induce lucid dreams with sound. They work by entraining your brain into the right frequencies for inducing lucid dreams. One frequency plays in the right ear, another in the left. Your brain takes the difference of these frequencies and entrains to that." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Some of the available studies suggest that whole body vibration therapy could help in reducing the tremor and muscle stiffness in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Published in the journal of NeuroRehabilitation, this study has investigated the effects of WBV on the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s sufferers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The high speed micro vibration of ultrasound waves penetrates deep below the skin surface, which is painless, safe, and gentle. Your skin won’t feel any discomfort and there are no side effects. There is however the potential for the gases inside of tissue cell nuclei heating up." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "1 Check your wheel balance. 2 Have a tire shop check and rebalance your wheels. 3 An off balance wheel can cause lots of vibration. 4 This is a cheap fix if it's your problem." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "They are also perfect for people who want to watch late-night television without disturbing others. Wireless headphones work by connecting, or pairing, with the device you want to use, through a radio or infrared signal. Many devices use Bluetooth technology to make connecting easier for the user. Devices with Bluetooth technology can connect and exchange data over very short distances using radio transmissions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How hearing aids work. Hearing aids use the same basic parts to carry sounds from the environment into your ear and make them louder. Most hearing aids are digital, and all are powered with a hearing aid battery. Small microphones collect sounds from the environment." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There still aren't any good explanations for how mobile phones could cause cancer. The radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation they transmit and receive is very weak. This radiation does not have enough energy to damage DNA, and cannot directly cause cancer.In 2012 an independent report concluded that there is no convincing evidence that being exposed to radiofrequency fields, including those from mobile phones, within the guidelines could affect somebody's health.here has been some media speculation that Wireless internet (Wi-Fi) and smart meters, which can be used to record energy use in your home and transmit it back to your energy provider, could cause cancer. Smart meters and Wi-Fi both use radio waves to send information." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can also turn off the Wi-Fi radio, too, just to be safe. Avoid using your cell phone in places where you get a poor signal. Many consumers also don't realize that cell phones emit different amounts of radiation depending on where they are with respect to a wireless operator's cell phone tower.Use the speaker phone function of the cell phone. For the same reason you'd use a headset, using a speaker phone is another good option. It keeps the cell phone away from your body, and you don't have to worry about using a headset." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "ZEDGE ToneSync is a free program that enables you make ringtones for iPhone in a fast and easy manner. The program requires you to install the iTunes application. You can transform your favorite music tracks into ringtones that you can use on your iPhone as a phone call tone. All comments (14)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Prepaid 3-in-1 SIM Starter Kit. 1 Works with unlocked GSM phones Works with unlocked, GSM phones. 2 Ready to use We'll send your ready-to-use SIM card to you in the mail. 3 Works with T-Mobile Phones Works with all T-Mobile phones." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", ", On to the next concept. The study of vibes involves the pseudo-scientific application of vibration to emotional reactions associated with people, places, or things. It's a dot and a wave, man. And you can't buy a vibe detector at the pawn shop. You just have to get it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ZEDGE ToneSync is a free program that enables you make ringtones for iPhone in a fast and easy manner. The program requires you to install the iTunes application. You can transform your favorite music tracks into ringtones that you can use on your iPhone as a phone call tone." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "How Text Messaging Works & How SMS Works. Messages can be sent to pagers, cell phones or other devices any number of ways. We've detailed some of the more common ways below. NotePager Pro - standalone messaging. Messages are created on a computer and then can be sent to mobile phones or pagers. GSM Modem. Internet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Some users of mobile phones feel several unspecific symptoms during and after the use of mobile phones in the form of burning and tingling sensations, fatigue, sleep disturbances, dizziness, loss of mental concentration etc. All these may be due to the influence of the radiation on the biomagnetic field of the body." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Publisher's description. ZEDGE ToneSync is a free program that enables you make ringtones for iPhone in a fast and easy manner. The program requires you to install the iTunes application. You can transform your favorite music tracks into ringtones that you can use on your iPhone as a phone call tone." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How Does a Doorbell Work? Electromagnets and Chime Bars. A doorbell rings because there is a piece of flat metal that presses against a hot wire running beneath the button. When the metal touches it, the circuit is completed and the electrical current races toward the chime box, which is where the noise originates." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Tires. A variety of tire problems can cause a vehicle to vibrate. Tires with unevenly worn tread are one of the most common culprits of a vibration. The vibration is caused by the varying levels of tread coming in contact with the road at the same time, creating an uneven ride." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Prepaid 3-in-1 SIM Starter Kit. Works with unlocked GSM phones Works with unlocked, GSM phones. Unlocked, GSM-capable phones that support Band II (1900 MHz) or IV (1700/2100 MHz) are compatible with T-Mobile’s network. CDMA phones are not compatible with the T-Mobile network. Ready to use We'll send your ready-to-use SIM card to you in the mail." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "£7. The DRV2605 from TI is a fancy little motor driver. Rather than controlling a stepper motor or DC motor, its designed specifically for controlling haptic motors-buzzers and vibration motors. Normally one would just turn those kinds of motors on and off, but this driver has the ability to have various effects when driving a vibe motor. For example, ramping the vibration level up and down, 'click' effects, different buzzer levels, or even having the vibration follow a musical/audio input." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "By Paul McGill I think every guitarist at one time or another has a problem with the unwanted phenomenon of instrument vibration. The buzz what is it? Let's describe it as noise made when a vibrating part of the guitar comes into contact with another part of the guitar, which may or may not be also vibrating.f this problem occurs on an electric guitar, it has no effect because the pick-up can't transmit the noise given its position at the bridge end of the strings. In both cases, either a buzz on an open string or a back buzz on a depressed string, the cure is to raise the nut." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "We hear sound because vibrating particles vibrate our eardrums and our brain translates those vibrations into sound. 1. If sound is a form of energy, what’s moving? 2. All sound comes from what? 3. What kind of a wave is sound? 4. What does frequency have to do with sound? 5. What does amplitude have to do with sound? 6. What made the balloon vibrate when we played sound over the speakers? Answers . 1. Energy is the ability to move something against a force. In the case of sound, molecules are moving. 2. Vibrations. No vibration, no sound. 3." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "An ultrasound technician, called a sonographer, will apply a special lubricating jelly to your skin. This prevents friction so they can rub the ultrasound transducer on your skin. The transducer has a similar appearance to a microphone. The jelly also helps transmit the sound waves. The transducer sends high-frequency sound waves through your body." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Heres a very quick tutorial on how to transfer all your contacts from your old phone on to the new one.This works for android phones that have removable memory. If you guys would like I can find a way for the iOS devices.eres a very quick tutorial on how to transfer all your contacts from your old phone on to the new one. This works for android phones that have removable memory." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "what is a ddos" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is when an attacker, or attackers, attempt to make it impossible for a service to be delivered. This can be achieved by thwarting access to virtually anything: servers, devices, services, networks, applications, and even specific transactions within applications." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Some say penalties are far too harsh, comparing DDoS attacks to peaceful protest. Others argue that these types of attacks are criminal and meant to disrupt and cause damage. Regardless of what side of the fence you stand, the reality is that DDoS is a difficult issue to address. Distributed denial of service is the act of overwhelming a server until it can no longer perform. In simple terms, a successful DDoS attack occurs when repeated requests are sent to a target machine at a rate that exceeds the bandwidth and capabilities of the web server, causing it to go offline." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is DDoS? What are DDoS attacks? How do these attacks impact my business? This short video explains distributed denial of service attacks and helps you u..." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dapsone, also known as diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS), is an antibiotic commonly used in combination with rifampicin and clofazimine for the treatment of leprosy.ral dapsone was one of the first medications used to treat moderate to severe acne vulgaris, and is still occasionally prescribed for the treatment of severe cases. A topical form of dapsone is also effective with potentially less side effects." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Best Answer: Largest electric motor is a linear motor. Made by Bombardier Corp. Used in world-wide rapid transit systems such as the one in Tokyo, Japan. Source(s): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_moto... The largest electric motors that I know of are on submarines and the largest one I am sure of is 5,000KW. I suspect that there are larger ones out there also. I can easily believe that the largest are on submarines.']\" and the positive \"['', 'largest electric motor ever made']\"", "Background. Keratosis follicularis, also known as Darier disease (DD) or Darier-White disease, is an autosomal dominantly inherited genodermatosis characterized by greasy hyperkeratotic papules in seborrheic regions, nail abnormalities, and mucous membrane changes. See the images below." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "DDI (dē'dē-Ä«') n. Dideoxyinosine; a nucleoside analogue drug that is similar to AZT in action. Also called didanosine." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "DDS is the agency that decides disabiltity claims for the social security administration and Disability examiners render decisions on claims at the levels preceding the disability hearing (where the decision is made by a judge)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Offline TheBeast808. jasvecht said: ↑. DDoS... You probably mean DoS. Which are basically really sad lonely kids trying to be cool. DDoS takes a bit more skill, or a bit of cooperation. Click to expand... You obviously have no clue about DoS tools and methods other than LOIC. To take down a server on your own takes a lot more skill than using a bot net." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is different from a DDoS attack. The DoS attack typically uses one computer and one Internet connection to flood a targeted system or resource. The DDoS attack uses multiple computers and Internet connections to flood the targeted resource. DDoS attacks are often global attacks, distributed via botnets." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "In a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, an attacker may use your computer to attack another computer. By taking advantage of security vulnerabilities or weaknesses, an attacker could take control of your computer.he server can only process a certain number of requests at once, so if an attacker overloads the server with requests, it can't process your request. This is a denial of service because you can't access that site. An attacker can use spam email messages to launch a similar attack on your email account." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Top 25 Booters - The Best Booter & IP Stresser of 2014. Ip Stresser. What is a booter, ip stresser, ddoser, ddos tool or ddos program? A booter or a ip stresser is a mostly web based attack service that rents out access to the owners server for a low, and usually monthly fee. The words booter, stresser, ddoser, ip stresser, ddos tool and ddos program all mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably. It all depends on your word choice or in my case what sounds the best in the sentence i'm writing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is different from a DDoS attack. The DoS attack typically uses one computer and one Internet connection to flood a targeted system or resource.The DDoS attack uses multiple computers and Internet connections to flood the targeted resource.ypes of DDoS Attacks. There are many types of DDoS attacks. Common attacks include the following: 1 Traffic attacks: Traffic flooding attacks send a huge volume of TCP, UDP and ICPM packets to the target." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Keratosis follicularis, also known as Darier disease (DD) or Darier-White disease, is an autosomal dominantly inherited genodermatosis characterized by greasy hyperkeratotic papules in seborrheic regions, nail abnormalities, and mucous membrane changes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is a DoS or DDoS attack? In a DoS attack, the attacker floods the IP address of the targeted device (usually an Xbox 360 console or a computer) with external, useless communication requests, thereby leaving it unable to connect to the Internet and Xbox Live. The attack is not directed at Xbox Live." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dapsone, also known as diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS), is an antibiotic commonly used in combination with rifampicin and clofazimine for the treatment of leprosy. It is a second-line medication for the treatment and prevention of pneumocystis pneumonia and for the prevention of toxoplasmosis in those who have poor immune function." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Report Abuse. Yes, they can. In computing, a denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users.t is highly unlikely they can actually ddos you. Those that have that ability don't advertise it in such an immature manner. I would not play on that server anymore if I were you, but other than that ignore them." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "This could be the only web page dedicated to explaining the meaning of DDOS (DDOS acronym/abbreviation/slang word). Ever wondered what DDOS means? Or any of the other 9117 slang words, abbreviations and acronyms listed here at Internet Slang? Your resource for web acronyms, web abbreviations and netspeak." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dynamical decoupling. Dynamical decoupling (DD) is an open-loop quantum control technique employed in quantum computing to suppress decoherence by taking advantage of rapid, time-dependent control modulation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The Difference Between DoS and DDos Attacks. A Denial of Service (DoS) attack is different from a DDoS attack. The DoS attack typically uses one computer and one Internet connection to flood a targeted system or resource. The DDoS attack uses multiple computers and Internet connections to flood the targeted resource. DDoS attacks are often global attacks, distributed via botnets." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Dapsone, also known as diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS), an antibiotic commonly used for the treatment of leprosy. 2 Doctor of Dental Surgery, an academic degree. Dopamine dysregulation syndrome, a condition connected with treatment for Parkinson's disease." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "- DOS, DDos, Hacking. In this video you learn what a denial of service attack is and how they are used. This is very easy-to-follow IT training on DOS attacks, covering things like the infamous LOIC (low orbit ion cannon), and a self-hack is demonstrated. ddos attack is where the hacker take control of multiple computers without the owner knowing by using a trojan, this creates what is called a botnet which is effectively a network of computers under the hackers control. Please subscribe for more cyber security videos! Have a great day!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Disability Determination Services (DDS) is a unit within the Office of Rehabilitation Services. DDS is the state agency which determines the medical eligibility of Rhode Island residents (children and adults) who have applied for cash benefits under the disability programs administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Diadochokinetic rate. Definition. Diadochokinetic rate (DDK) refers to an assessment tool, used by speech-language pathologists (SLPs), that measures how quickly an individual can accurately produce a series of rapid, alternating sounds." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) is the term usually used to describe the small amount of memory on a computer motherboard that stores the BIOS settings. Some of these BIOS settings include the system time and date as well as hardware settings." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The Most Expensive Cities in the World to Live. A stronger dollar has propelled New York and Los Angeles into an annual ranking of the worldâ\\x80\\x99s 10 most expensive cities. Singapore took the top spot in the ranking from the Economist Intelligence Unit for the third straight year, followed by Zurich and Hong Kong.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'most expensive places in the world']", "The Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service (DDS) is an open international middleware standard that supports data-centric paradigm and publish-subscribe communication. DDS aims to enable real-time, dependable, high-performance and interoperable data exchanges for large-scale distributed systems." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A.) DDI is a type of interchange that connects a freeway with a major highway. accommodate high volume left turn movements. the left side of the road to allow left turn movements to occur without crossing oncoming traffic or stopping. at the interchange." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Welcome to DDS. DDS is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) with over 30 years experience in providing administrative services for self-insured group dental plans. The challenge for dental plan sponsors is how to design a plan that covers the participant’s need while staying within budgetary guidelines." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Based on 36 criteria, Forrester identified nine of the most significant distributed denial of service (DDoS) providers in the marketplace and scored them to determine which are best able to protect customers' business." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "dapsone (DDS). [dap′sōn]. a bacteriostatic and bactericidal sulfone derivative. indications It is prescribed in the treatment of leprosy and dermatitis herpetiformis and for prophylaxis against toxoplasmosis and Pneumocystitis carinii in immunocompromised patients." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Manual DDoS mitigation is no longer recommended due to DDoS attackers being able to circumvent DDoS mitigation software that is activated manually. Best practices for DDoS mitigation include having both anti-DDoS technology and anti-DDoS emergency response services such as Arbor Networks, Incapsula, Allot, Akamai, CloudFlare or Radware. DDoS mitigation is also available through cloud-based providers. Methods of attack" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "So what are DoS and DDoS attacks? DoS stands for denial of service and refers to an attack that overwhelms a system with data—most commonly a flood of simultaneous requests sent to a website to view its pages, causing the web server to crash or simply become inoperable as it struggles to respond to more requests than it can handle." ], [ "Represent", "Sometimes the traffic is enough to shut the site down completely. We call this kind of an attack a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Some particularly tricky botnets use uncorrupted computers as part of the attack. Here's how it works: the cracker sends the command to initiate the attack to his zombie army." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Denial of service attacks (dos attack) are the most common way to shut down a website, many websites have been effected by such attacks, including, Facebook, Twitter, eBay, Amazon and multiple US government websites. ddos attack is where the hacker take control of multiple computers without the owner knowing by using a trojan, this creates what is called a botnet which is effectively a network of computers under the hackers control. Please subscribe for more cyber security videos! Have a great day!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "DDU is an international trade where the seller is responsible for making a safe delivery of goods to a named destination, paying all transportation expenses and assuming all risks during transportation except for the duty once it arrives to port." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFor example, ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Vietnam War. The Vietnam War (Vietnamese: Chiến tranh Viá»\\x87t Nam), also known as the Second Indochina War, and known in Vietnam as Resistance War Against America (Vietnamese: Kháng chiến chá»\\x91ng Mỹ) or simply the American War, was a war that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what years were the vietnam war']", "DDoS attacks generally require that the attacker control thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of computers – usually owned by normal, unsuspecting consumers all over the world – and create their own network out of these “zombie computers.”." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "There are two types of DDoS attacks: a network-centric attack which overloads a service by using up bandwidth and an application-layer attack which overloads a service or database with application calls. The inundation of packets to the target causes a denial of service. While the media tends to focus on the target of a DDoS attack as the victim, in reality there are many victims in a DDoS attack -- the final target and as well the systems controlled by the intruder." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "RE: What does DDOS MEAN? MINECRAFT SERVER!!? I was playing on minecraft server and I try to do something and I type in someone name (they were game donator so they have rank) and somehow I got into their acc. then they log in other account and f...t is highly unlikely they can actually ddos you. Those that have that ability don't advertise it in such an immature manner. I would not play on that server anymore if I were you, but other than that ignore them." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dysdiadochokinesia, dysdiadochokinesis, dysdiadokokinesia, dysdiadokokinesis, often abbreviated as DDK, is the medical term for an impaired ability to perform rapid, alternating movements. Complete inability is called adiadochokinesia." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Anti-DDoS Hosting. One common method of mitigating the risks of a DDoS attack involves contracting with a DDoS-ready hosting provider, that already has available the expensive equipment necessary to absorb bad traffic in the event of a DDoS attack. However, Anti-DDoS is limited in efficacy and significantly more costly than traditional hosting." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what color are baby goldfish" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Goldfish Development. Baby goldfish are born much darker than they will be as adults. This may be because dark colors helps these small, vulnerable fish escape the attention of predators. With proper husbandry, the fish gradually change color and develop orange or gold scales. Fancy goldfish may develop color patterns including white patches." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "and Raising Baby Goldfish Fry. This page is about Breeding Goldfish and has information about spawning Goldfish, about the difficulty of determining the gender of Goldfish, and about raising Goldfish fry." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bacterial infections are not the most common cause of color change in goldfish, but they are the most serious. Bold colors like orange and red will usually become lackluster and dull or faded. Your fish will usually show other signs of illness as well, including lethargy and weight loss." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "My name is Jonas and I ran across your website during a break here at work. For my 46th birthday in January, an elderly friend gave me a 55 gallon tank complete with 6 older goldfish of hers. On Easter Sunday, one of the fish, an orange red-capped oranda laid eggs! I was quite surprised because I had not planned on this happening nor was I trying to get the fish to breed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Typically, they are categorized as a pop-eyed goldfish but sometimes the Butterfly Tail with normal eyes is imported. The Butterfly Tail with a panda-like pattern (black and white) is called the ‘Panda’ and those with a red and black pattern are called the ‘Lesser Panda’. Acquisition difficulties." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fancy goldfish can reach over 15 years of age, while common goldfish can reach 20-25 years with proper care." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are many kinds of goldfish. The most common kind is golden-colored, but goldfish come in many different shapes and sizes. Many gold fish have fancy tails. Another common kind is called a black moor, which is black colored. Wild goldfish are called prussian carp and are silver-green in colour." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A relatively small member of the carp family (which also includes the Prussian carp and the crucian carp), the goldfish is native to east Asia. It was first selectively bred in China more than a thousand years ago, and several distinct breeds have since been developed. Goldfish breeds vary greatly in size, body shape, fin configuration and colouration (various combinations of white, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black are known)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Black is produced by melanin pigment in melanophores. Before discussing black, we need to mention the process of demelanization. All metallic-scale goldfish develop a greenish bronze color during the first weeks of life. This is often called the wild color because it is similar to the color of wild Gibel carp." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fantails are another popular goldfish types. Fantail goldfish have rounded bodies. Fantails have a large double tail and come in many colors. The calico- which is white, red, and black, is one of the most popular fantails. Because of the fantails short, squat body they are slow swimmers, they prefer being kept with fish of a similar size and speed." ], [ "", "Watermelon Tourmaline, also known as the Giant Pufferfish, is a corrupted Gem that first appeared in Beach Party. The upper half of Watermelon Tourmaline's body is colored shamrock green while the bottom half of her body is colored light pink." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If it has a greenish bronze coloration, its probably under the age of 1. If it has a gold metallic coloration, it is probably an adult (2 to 25 years old). Notice that the adult's caudal fin (the fin at the back of the fish) is sharply forked and the points look sharp. Notice how a young goldfish's caudal are rounded." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Baby goldfish, called fry, go through several phases of development before they look like adult fish. Each phase requires different foods and different types of care. Goldfish take about a year to reach maturity, though they may change somewhat after that." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Examples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'One important factor in your credit score is your payment history: whether youâ\\x80\\x99ve paid your bills on time, or, more importantly, whether youâ\\x80\\x99ve paid your bills late. Your credit report shows how many times your payments have been 30, 60 or more than 90 days late. Any payments made by the due date are considered on time. So, as far as your credit report is concerned, it doesnâ\\x80\\x99t matter whether you make a credit card payment right at the deadline or a month before the due date. Itâ\\x80\\x99s not late, so itâ\\x80\\x99s not reported. Utilization Rate.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'is it late if i pay a bill on its due date?']\"", "Goldfish, (in trad. Chinese 金鱼, Pinyin: jÄ«n yú) A popular Chinese New Year symbol is a child holding a large goldfish and a lotus flower, symbolizing abundance of gold and harmony. According to Feng Shui, a fish represents wealth and prosperity because the actual word in Chinese for fish, in Pinyin: yú, 魚, also translates to “abundance” 裕 Pinyin: yù." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Fancy Goldfish (Ryukins, orandas, fan tail, bubble eyes) - Grow about 6 inches. Ranchus, Lion heads, Pearl Scales-grow about 3 - 4 inches. Common Goldfish (comets) - They can reach lengths of 2 feet or more. Koi-grow about 12 - 24 inches, sometimes more." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "(Learn how and when to remove these template messages) The common goldfish, also known as a feeder fish or feeder goldfish, is a breed of goldfish with no other differences from their ancestors other than their color. Goldfish are a form of domesticated wild carp and are a close relative of koi. Most varieties of fancy goldfish were derived from this simple breed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "After it hatches, it is a child. Then, it becomes an adult. For a goldfish, it can take around 3 …months before it is able to have babies. Goldfish lay eggs. Once fertilized, it takes 48 to 72 hours for the eggs to hatch." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "One Month to One Year. At one month old, baby goldfish can eat regular fish food, ground up for their size. At four months, they no longer require ground-up food. Again, you want to siphon out anything they haven't eaten after the first 20 minutes to keep from polluting the water." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Many people had a goldfish as their first pet. The small, typically orange fish can be found for sale in pet stores or as prizes at carnivals. They don't, however, have a reputation for long lives. Still, with proper care, goldfish can reach old age." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hatching and Raising Fry. The goldfish eggs take up to a week to hatch, depending on temperature. At 50 to 60 degrees F, they may take up to one or even two weeks to hatch but at 75 degrees F, they may hatch in 4 to 5 days. The newborns will lay around for another week or so." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "1. The Blue Gold Macaw is large (approximately 33 inches from head to tail), with a head, back, and wings in a blue-green color, and frontal body plumage in yellow. The Blue and Gold has a whitish skin face mask. 1 Blue Gold Macaws can be trained to talk, but are not good at mimicking." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It's unusual but goldfish can turn black due to disease. Water snails carry a disease called black spot. Eggs of a parasite burrow into fish skin and protect themselves by forming a hard, dark cyst. This causes dark patches on the fish skin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Appearance: White to brown-grey or bluish-silver in color, silverfish are teardrop-shaped insects that measure up to12-19 mm in length. Three long bristles on rear. Grow from egg to adult without visible change in appearance." ], [ "Represent this", "As there are over a hundred varieties of goldfish, coloration and physical characteristics vary greatly. The common goldfish has two sets of paired fins-the pectoral fins and pelvic fins, and three single fins-the dorsal, caudal, and anal fin. The head lacks scales. Goldfish have very large eyes and acute senses of smell and hearing." ], [ "represent text!", "When baby Goldfish hatch from eggs, they are shorter than 1/8th of an inch, which is about 3 millimeters. In fact, I've heard baby goldfish described as being about 2 millimeters long. If you can carefully estimate the size, when you first saw the baby fish in your pond, it might be a useful clue." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cashmere Color Chart. Oranges, Pinks, and Corals. CALENDULA SAFFRON GOLDEN POPPY ORANGE RUST ALMOND CREAM PEARL BLUSH BABY PINK CRYSTAL ROSE CANDY PINK CAMEO PINK PEONY CHINTZ ROSE SEA PINK CONFETTI DEEP SEA CORAL CAYENNE." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Answer by 1birdman. Confidence votes 622. The American Goldfinch is bright yellow showing a black crown, wings, and tail. Its rump and wingbars have been left white. The female, as is non-breeding the male, are olive-brown on top; and buff-gray on the bottom; the wings and tail are black and the wingbars are white.nswer by 1birdman. Confidence votes 622. The American Goldfinch is bright yellow showing a black crown, wings, and tail. Its rump and wingbars have been left white. The female, as is non-breeding the male, are olive-brown on top; and buff-gray on the bottom; the wings and tail are black and the wingbars are white." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "American Goldfinch: 5 in size. The Goldfinch is a small, yellowish bird. In the summer, the male is bright yellow, with a black cap and black wings.The female is olive-yellow, with black wings. In the winter, the male Goldfinch's color fades and he looks very similar to the female. Food: Weed seeds and tree seeds are the favorite food of Goldfinches.n the summer, the male is bright yellow, with a black cap and black wings. The female is olive-yellow, with black wings. In the winter, the male Goldfinch's color fades and he looks very similar to the female." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Goldfish grow much more slowly than some other fish. Many species are not able to breed until they are 1 year old, and most goldfish are not considered adults until they are about 2 or 3. Fish fry gradually change color over the first year of life, and most fish will be orange or gold by the time they are 1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The hood usually starts showing when the fish is three or four months old and, unlike lionhead goldfish and ranchu goldfish, the oranda’s hood develops only towards the upper part of its head. Orandas come in a wide range of colors. Including orange, red, black, blue, bronze, chocolate, bi-color and calico color combinations. While not the most delicate of fancy goldfish, orandas certainly aren’t as hardy as some of their fancy goldfish cousins." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Goldfish (Carassius auratus) are a species of domesticated fish. Goldfish belong to the carp family and were domesticated in China in the Tang Dynasty. They can reach up to 59 cm in size, and 3 kg in weight. However, most goldfish grow to only half that size." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Juvenile Emperor Angelfish are black with vertical lines in light blue and white on the face. Behind the gill area are 3 thicker white bands. The first is a curved band that starts from the dorsal fin to the anal fin, the second forms a “C” shape, and the third forms a white circle near the tail fin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Black goldfish, like moors, often lose their color over time. They often fade from a rich velvety black to a dark shade of gray with gold highlights. Keeping a goldfish in dim light can cause it to lose its bright color. The same is true for a goldfish kept in constantly running water, like a stream. On the other hand, bright sunlight will improve a goldfish’s color, brightening up soft yellows, reds and pale orange." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Goldfish have pigment in their skin that reacts to light. When their skin is deprived of light or they have less exposure, this impacts on their skin. Over time, they can lose their colour and turn white. Think of it this way: When people go outside a lot, they get a tan." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Common Goldfish is an omnivourus goldfish species.It is very docile and is often fed vegetable food.The Common Goldfish can grow up to be 40 inches long!The Common Goldfish is the longest living goldfish, and the hardiest also!The Common Goldfish can live up to be 45 years old!It's color is orange.The Common Goldfish has a slim, long body and a ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The best combination of nine fish in an aquarium is eight goldfish or Arrowana fish (often referred to as a dragon fish and is best used in a koi pond due to grown size of over four feet) and one black-colored goldfish (black moor). With the combination of eight red and one black fish, the fish symbolize prosperity, energy and good fortune." ], [ "represent this", "The common goldfish, also known as feeder fish, is a type of goldfish with no other differences from their ancestors other than their color. Goldfish are a form of domesticated wild carp and are a close relative of koi. Most varieties of fancy goldfish were derived from this simple breed." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '(redirected from Cooperative (real estate)) Also found in: Wikipedia. a form of cooperation in which the members are united for joint construction and use of housing units. The housing cooperative originated under capitalism as an expression of the struggle of working people against the housing shortage.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'cooperative real estate definition']\"", "White to brown-grey or bluish-silver in color, silverfish are teardrop-shaped insects that measure up to12-19 mm in length. Three long bristles on rear. Grow from egg to adult without visible change in appearance." ], [ "Represent text", "How big goldfish became a big problem in Australia. Carrots derive their color from pigment compounds called carotenoids. Orange carrots are colored by alpha- and beta-carotene, while red carrots get their color from lycopene, yellow from lutein and purple from anthocyanin." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Keep your common goldfish in a pond, as they are supposed to grow to a size of almost 12 inch (30 cm). Commons come in many different color varieties, including orange, yellow, “wild” color (brownish) and white. Their patterns can range from an even color to all kinds of color combinations and spots. Comets are quite similar to commons, the only difference being their tail – Comets have much longer, flowier tails." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1981). Others have concluded that the goldfish is a subspecies of the crucian carp Carassius carassius (i.e., C. c. auratus). More recently, it has been reported that C. auratus is a tetraploid derivative of C. carassius (references in Jenkins and Burkhead 1994)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Veiltail Goldfish – While veiltails are thought to be very beautiful and graceful fish, they’re also one of the most sensitive common goldfish types because of their long, flowing fins. They look a lot like fantail goldfish but with slightly rounder bodies and a more distorted swim bladder.ince The Orients first developed goldfish from carp, these fascinating fish have expanded to include a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Some common goldfish types are even bred to develop special characteristics." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Having not read enough about varieties of gold fish, i simply purchsed some pretty, colorful or different looking fish in pairs. i believe i have 2 boggle eye or telescopic eye (black), and a few other fantail species of different calico type colors. i also added some single tailed goldfish who have grown some absolutely gorgeous long flowing tails (different colors, some solid gold, some calico.. and had at one time two of what i call bobble heads due to the odd growth on their heads." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Yellowbelly Sunfish, Redbreasted Bream. Description. This sunfish possesses a yellow belly that is sometimes an orange or a rusty color. It might have been better named the longear, as its opercle flap or ear is considerably longer than the opercle flap of the longear sunfish. In adults, the ear often reaches a length of one inch or more; it is narrow and usually not wider than the eye. The lower margin of the flap is usually pale." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Breeding Goldfish. and Raising Baby Goldfish Fry. This page is about Breeding Goldfish and has information about spawning Goldfish, about the difficulty of determining the gender of Goldfish, and about raising Goldfish fry." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Availability. The Ryukin Goldfish are readily available in fish stores and on-line, but cost more than other fancy goldfish. They come in red, red and white, calico, tri-color, white, and chocolate, with the red and white variety being the least expensive. The long-tail varieties are more rare.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Some jellyfish are clear and can look like a plastic bag in the water. Others are in vibrant colors such as pink, yellow, blue, and purple, and often are luminescent." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Baby copperhead showing its distinctive yellow tail. The Copperhead comes in several color variations, depending on the location, from bright copper and light through to very dark brown shades. Copperheads are usually colorful and strikingly patterned snakes.The background color of the back and sides is tan to pinkish.There are darker, chestnut colored bands across the back and sides. Each hourglass shaped band is of varying width.gkistrodon contortrix. Copperhead snakes are pit vipers or crotalids (family Crotalidae); poisonous snakes that are named for the two heat sensing pits used to locate prey that are positioned between the eyes and the nostrils. The genus Agkistrodon includes 10 species." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pom Pom goldfish may or may not have a dorsal fin. Other goldfish types may have pompom noses. As far as colors go: Chocolate and orange are popular colors, but they come in many more. The Pom Pom grows to be about 6 to 8 inches in length. 15. The Twisty-Tailed Tosakin" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Help! My goldfish is laying on the bottom of the tank & not eating... Help! My goldfish (I think a Comet, very long pretty tail, mostly white in colour with a red/orange head & patch on body) has been laying on bottom of tank for about 4 days or so now, & hasn't eaten anything (from what i've seen) in that time!y goldfish is laying on the bottom of the tank & not eating... Help! My goldfish (I think a Comet, very long pretty tail, mostly white in colour with a red/orange head & patch on body) has been laying on bottom of tank for about 4 days or so now, & hasn't eaten anything (from what i've seen) in that time!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Our Products » Feeder Goldfish. Wholesale Common Goldfish Common goldfish (Carassius auratus) are a member of the goldfish family. They have orange scales with a long, slender body and a straight tail fin. They range in size from 1.5 to as large as 14. Common goldfish are primarily solid orange in color but do have other ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Confidence votes 35. The general color of a Water Moccasin (also called Copperhead and other names) is brown, gray, tan, yellowish love or black to suit it's ground cover.The dorsal banding is staggered and brighter in color, but as the snake ages the colors conform to olive brown, gray/brown or black. water moccasin, which is the only poisonous semi-aquatic North American snake, gives birth to between 1 and 15 live baby moccasins, which are lighter in color than their m … other. They are more similar in color to a copperhead than the adult moccasin." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Fancy Goldfish Types. An egg shape body shape are considered the fancy breeds and can include: Fantail, Ryukin, Veiltail, Oranda, Telescope,Black Moor, Panda Butterfly, Ranchu, lionhead, Pompon, Pearlscale, Hama Nishki, Celestial and Bubble-Eye." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Glofish Care. The Glofish is a genetically modified zebra danio that comes in several different fluorescent neon colors such as red, green, orange, blue and purple. You can now get other species such as glofish tetras as well. The Glofish was genetically modified with the purpose to detect environmental pollution." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are currently over 125 types of goldfish. Goldfish can have many interesting forms, are available in a wide of beautiful colors, and can be metallic, iridescent, or flat. Many goldfish types are very hardy, especially the Common Goldfish and the Comet Goldfish. These two are great for beginners." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In clean, uncrowded conditions in tanks or ponds, goldfish grow fast. They can grow to a few inches (1 to 4 inches) within the first year. It really depends on their genetics and living situation. It may take a year or two before they change color from brown to gold or whatever color their parents were." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Fancy goldfish varieties come in many different body shapes and colors and display differnces in their heads, eyes, gills, faces, fins, and tails, Each fancy variety has some particular physical traits that have been developed over generations until finally the fish displays exaggerated versions of the original traits." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If your goldfish tank is kept in a place that does not have enough light then you may notice your fish’s color start to fade. Goldfish have even been known to turn an unhealthy white color when not getting the light they need!Changes in light levels also let your goldfish know whether it’s currently day or night.oldfish definitely do need light! Like most animals, goldfish would not be healthy if permanently kept in dull or dark conditions. Unlike some fish that live deep in the sea, wild goldfish live in lakes and rivers that are often illuminated by relatively bright daylight." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Availability. The Ryukin Goldfish are readily available in fish stores and on-line, but cost more than other fancy goldfish. They come in red, red and white, calico, tri-color, white, and chocolate, with the red and white variety being the least expensive." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "These levels should be at zero under ideal conditions. Check the pH level, which should be around 7. Test the temperature as well. Unlike most aquarium fish, goldfish prefer cooler temperatures around 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Deviations in any of these areas can cause your goldfish to lose their color. Siphon the gravel with an aquarium vacuum if you find problems with the water." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "First Appearance. Watermelon Tourmaline, also known as the Giant Pufferfish, is a corrupted Gem that first appeared in Beach Party. Appearance. The upper half of Watermelon Tourmaline's body is colored shamrock green while the bottom half of her body is colored light pink. Her body is covered with spikes, with the spikes on the upper half of her body being more numerous and much longer than the spikes on the bottom half." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "My fish laying eggs. a few months ago my goldfish male had white spots on its fins and on it cheek , i thought it was like some disease. i also had a female goldfish which wasn't fat at the time nor was it on the ground allot. My male was chasing it around and around the tank so i thought there was something wrong." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Identification: Carassius auratus has an elongated, stocky body. Not all individuals have the well-known bright gold color. Wild populations vary in color from gold to olive green or even creamy white. It possesses a long dorsal fin with 15 to 21 rays and a hard serrate spine at the origin of the dorsal and anal fins." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Silverfish can be identified by their white to brown-grey or bluish-silver color, as well as their teardrop-shape. These insects measure between 12-19 mm in length and have three long bristles at the back. They grow from egg to adult without any visible change in appearance." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a freshwater fish in the family Cyprinidae of order Cypriniformes. It is one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish. A relatively small member of the carp family (which also includes the Prussian carp and the crucian carp), the goldfish is native to east Asia. It was first selectively bred in China more than a thousand years ago, and several distinct breeds have since been developed. Goldfish breeds vary greatly in size, body shape, fin configuration and colouration (various combinations of white, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black are known)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "There are mainly two types of goldfish. They are the egg-shaped body goldfish and the flat body type. The flat body types generally are the hardiest, most competitive, and easiest to care for-thus they are most suited for beginners.Flat body type goldfish include the common, comet, wakin, jikin, and shubunkin goldfish.here are mainly two types of goldfish. They are the egg-shaped body goldfish and the flat body type. The flat body types generally are the hardiest, most competitive, and easiest to care for-thus they are most suited for beginners." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what does muy buenos dias mean" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Greet someone with buenos días.. This greeting is the standard, textbook way of saying “good morning” in Spanish, and you can use it in any Spanish-speaking country. This phrase translates literally into good days.. Buenos is a masculine plural form of the word buen or bueno, literally meaning good.. Días literally means days.. For this phrase, you must use the plural form of the word día.. Since días is a masculine, plural noun, you must use the masculine, plural form of the adjective buenos.." ] ]
[ [ "represent the input\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Halifax Cruise Ship Port. Cruise ships dock in a North-South line from Pier 20 to Pier 24. Use this address in Google maps or your GPS. to locate the cruise port Lower Water St & Terminal Rd, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. It's a short walk toward the North along Lower Water Street to the city.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'where do cruise ships dock in halifax']\"", "Say 'buenos dias' to Languages, the first offline translator for iPhone that won't break the bank. Translation apps are plentiful in the App Store, but few of them work offline." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dia de los Muertos is a hispanic celebration in which families remember those who died creating altars in their memory and playing games mocking the skeleton, a depiction of the death. Photo: Reuters. Bearer Jose Domingo hands a skull over to a girl in San Jose Peten November 1, 2006." ], [ "Represent this text.", "While demasiado is strictly more accurate, meaning too (much), there is the question of usage and my experience in Spain and several Latin American countries is that everyone actually says muy caro as they turn away and go somewhere else." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "BA - One of My Favorite Places in the World (Buenos Aires, Argentina) estoy muy bien en Buenos aires!!! this has to be...without a doubt...one of my favorite places in the world...I've been here for almost 2 weeks and am finding it hard to leave this place...and I wasn't even meant to be here at this point." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "People from Buenos Aires are referred to as portenos (porteños people of the). Port the city is the birthplace of the current, Pope (francis Former archbishop Of Buenos), aires and Of Queen maxima máxima Of. the netherlandsuenos Aires is represented in the Argentine Senate by three senators (as of 2013, Gabriela Michetti, Diego Santilli and Fernando Solanas). The people of Buenos Aires also elect 25 national deputies to the Argentine Chamber of Deputies." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 (contented) feliz. we've been very happy here aqui aquí hemos sido muy; Felices i'don t think'they re very happy together no creo que sean muy felices; juntos to make sb happy hacer feliz a; algn'you ve just made me a very happy! man" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dia de los muertos is a festival to honor the dead. People place flowers, cigarretes, candies, pictures, candles, and other religious objects on graves or memorials of family … members or important people. It is a way to honor the dead's soul in the afterlife and give them goods that they can use in death." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "El Museo de Bellas Artes: Fine Arts in Buenos Aires. The Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA) is the home to Argentina’s largest national fine art collection. Situated along the greenery of Libertador Avenue in the ritzy neighborhood of Recoleta, the National Fine Arts Museum 1870’s façade alludes to the primarily 19th century European pieces found inside." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dia De Los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, is a three-day celebration at the beginning of November that honors the deceased. The tradition originates from Mexico, but the holiday is now observed in Mexican-American communities in the U.S., Spain and some Central and South American countries." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Soy (if) hoy es jueves, manana es viernes, Soy (if) hoy (today) es (is) jueves (Thursday), ma& ntilde;ana (tomorrow) es (is) viernes (Friday) Remember in Spanish speaking coun … tries, the week begins with Monday (lunes). The days of the week in Spanish are not capitalized." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "muy de noche very late at night; muy de mañana very early in the morning; eso es muy de él that's just like him; yo soy muy de la siesta I'm very fond of a siesta; su apoyo es muy de agradecer his support is very much appreciated; es muy de sentir it is much to be regretted." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dia de los Muertos is a hispanic celebration in which families remember those who died creating altars in their memory and playing games mocking the skeleton, a depiction of the death. Reuters. Bearer Jose Domingo hands a skull over to a girl in San Jose Peten November 1, 2006." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Report Abuse. 1 Buen Dia Translation. 2 Esta bien, tengo un buen dia. 3 que tengas un bello amanecer y un estupendo dia mean in english. Have a nice day and i am counting the days till i meet 1 you. ¡Esplendoroso cielo!!!! 2 May you have a good day and am counting the days in knowing you." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In Argentina, the most representative Carnival performed is the so-called Murga, although other famous Carnivals, more like Brazil's, are held in Argentine Mesopotamia and the North-East. Gualeguaychu gualeguaychú in the east Of Entre rios ríos province is the Most important carnival city and has one of the. largest parades" ], [ "", "1 When used before a masculine noun as part of the noun phrase, the apocopic form buen is used instead of bueno. The term buenos can be used as a greeting with someone familiar or non-formal. ( good): malo." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How do you pronounce the spanish name jauregui? The way to pronounce jauregui is to break each syllable down as such:... What does the RFCF on the spanish soccer teams jerseys stand for? What does the RFCF mean on the back of spain's jersey? ... It stands for Real... What does the Spanish phrase Muy calliente mamacita mean in english?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "you can use muy and frio together and it means very cold and mucho means much/alot and much cold doesnt sound right so yes you can use then them together hope i helped. Source(s): spanish speaker. italiana mocha · 9 years ago." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: 'Feliz Cumpleanos' cumpleaños Means Happy: - Birthday = Happy-Feliz = Birthday Cumpleanos Cumpleaños Happy new year 'Translates as feliz': - Ano = Año-Nuevo = Happy-Feliz = New Nuevo Year ano año 'Merry Christmas': - Translates = As. Feliz navidad merry feliz merry can Also. mean joyous in spanish" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The two primary pentatonic scales in common use are referred to as the major pentatonic scale and the minor pentatonic scale. Referring to the major diatonic scale as our reference point, the major pentatonic scale is composed of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th degrees (or do-re-mi-sol-la as Doc put it). The minor pentatonic scale would be the 1st, flat-3rd, 4th, 5th, and flat-7th degrees. Views · View Upvotes.']\" == \"[\"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.\\n\\n\\nE.g.\\n'how many weeks notice do i give to resign' == 'When an employee resigns from a job, two weeksâ\\x80\\x99 notice is a traditional, standard amount of time that the employee agrees to continue working for his or current employer. At the end of the two week work period, the employee is no longer an employee of the firm.' != 'In case of resignation, an employee has to give at least two months prior notice to the company. The employee initiates the process through a separation portal on the companyâ\\x80\\x99s intranet. This has to be approved by the HR and then by the supervisor of the employee.n completion of two years, an employee would be eligible for 20 days of leave. â\\x80¢ Loan allowances â\\x80\\x93 The maximum loan amount would be Rs. Three lakh for the car loan, paid for a maximum of 50 months.'\", 'difference between minor and major pentatonic scale']\"", "Portuguese Phrases; Greeting Cumprimentando; Hi! Oi! Good morning! Bom dia! Good afternoon! Boa tarde! Good evening! Boa noite! Welcome! (to greet someone) Bem-vindo! Hello my friend! Olá, amigo! (when the sentence is said to a man) / Olá, amiga! (when the sentence is said to a woman) How are you? (friendly) Tudo bem? How are you? (polite) Como vai? I'm fine, thank you!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dia de los Muertos is a hispanic celebration in which families remember those who died creating altars in their memory and playing games mocking the skeleton, a depiction of the death. Bearer Jose Domingo hands a skull over to a girl in San Jose Peten November 1, 2006. Celebrations of the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) started late in this small community in the far north of Guatemala, where three skulls were shown in a mass and one of them was paraded around town to different houses." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "New Spanish speakers often confuse the words muy and mucho. The two words are not synonyms. One means “very” and the other means “a lot”. This Spanish lesson gives a quick and easy explanation of when to use muy and when to use mucho. Muy means “very” and comes before an adverb or adjective." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Type: expression. Meaning: on the verge of. Emilio est a punto de romper con Ver nica. Ella lo trata muy mal: sale con otros hombres y se burla de l mientras gasta todo su dinero.(Emilio is on the verge of breaking up with Veronica.She treats him really badly: she goes out with other men and makes fun of him while spending all of his money.) CLICK HERE FOR MORE MEXICAN SLANG....lla lo trata muy mal: sale con otros hombres y se burla de l mientras gasta todo su dinero. (Emilio is on the verge of breaking up with Veronica. She treats him really badly: she goes out with other men and makes fun of him while spending all of his money.) CLICK HERE FOR MORE MEXICAN SLANG...." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Open diapason. (Mus.) a certain stop in an organ, in which the pipes or tubes are formed like the mouthpiece of a flageolet at the end where the wind enters, and are open at the other end. Open flank. (Fort.) the part of the flank covered by the orillon." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What does eres mi Luna mi eres mi sol pero eres la reina de mi corazon mean in spanish? You are my moon, You are my sun but you are the queen of my heart.NOTE the word is your, not you're this statement is talking about something that You have that is beautiful, but that somethin … g is not mentioned here) No pero tu tú eres hermosa Means no but you are.. beautiful" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "yes, that's correct. It literally means 'I have much cold'. In Spanish, you can't literally say 'I am very cold', 'Soy muy frio' ... because the people would interpret that to mean that you have a sexual problem (you're frigid)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: 'Feliz Cumpleanos' cumpleaños Means Happy: - Birthday = Happy-Feliz = Birthday Cumpleanos Cumpleaños Happy new year 'Translates as feliz': - Ano = Año-Nuevo = Happy-Feliz = New Nuevo Year ano año 'Merry Christmas': - Translates = As. Feliz navidad merry feliz merry can Also. mean joyous in spanish" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The adjective bueno (good) can be used in many forms: buen, bueno, buenos, buena, buenas. Since it is an adjective, its form depends upon the gender and number of the noun it describes. buen, bueno(a), buenos(as) El alcohol es un buen desinfectante. Alcohol is a good desinfectant." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) is most closely associated with Mexican culture, where it originated. However, it is celebrated throughout Latin America and in ot … her places where Latin Americans live. It combines Aztec ritual with Catholicism. 6 people found this useful." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "El caballo era muy amoroso con todos que le daban zanahorias. The horse was very affectionate towards everyone who fed him carrots. Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "No, although Dia día de Los muertos is A Mexican National holiday it is actually celebrated in other countries as well such As, Guatemala brazil And. Spain it is also becoming more and more popular in The.U. s due to the large number Of mexican immigrants And Mexican. americans" ], [ "", "Buenos Aires (/ˌbweɪnəs ˈɛəriːz/ or /-ˈaɪrɪs/; Spanish pronunciation: [ˈbwenos ˈai̯ɾes]) is the capital and most populous city of Argentina. The city is located on the western shore of the estuary of the Río de la Plata, on the South American continent's southeastern coast." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "yes, that's correct. It literally means 'I have much cold'. In Spanish, you can't literally say 'I am very cold', 'Soy muy frio' ... because the people would interpret that to mean that you have a sexual problem (you're frigid). At the other end of the spectrum, if you literally say, 'I am hot', that means you're horny." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers For example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks The Conversion of Clovis From The Chronicle of St. Denis, I.18-19, 23: Forum Weekly Poll Please Help Click Here The Franks Date 2001 A History of the Franks.Franks. Clovis. Christianity and the FranksThe Franks were a group of Germanic tribes that, about the middle of the 3rd century AD, dwelt along the middle and lower Rhine River.The Franks appeared in the Roman provinces around 253 and soon thereafter established themselves in two principal groups, the Salian and the Ripuarian.n 496 the Alemannians, a Germanic confederation like the Franks, who also had been, for some time past, assailing the Roman Empire on the banks of the Rhine or the frontiers of Switzerland, crossed the river and invaded the settlements of the Franks on the left bank.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when were the franks around']", "se la ve muy feliz she looks very happy; el asunto tuvo un final feliz the affair had a happy ending; ¡Feliz Ano Año! Nuevo Happy New!; year hacer feliz a algn to make sb; happy y fueron o vivieron felices y comieron perdices and they lived happily ever. after" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What does Diario De Los Andes mean in English? The Diario De Los Andes is a newspaper for the city of Mendoza in Argentina. It started publication in 1883 and became the first Argentine newspaper on-line in 1995." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Define tidal: of, relating to, caused by, or having tides; periodically rising and falling or flowing and ebbing â\\x80\\x94 tidal in a sentence of, relating to, caused by, or having tides; periodically rising and falling or flowing and ebbingâ\\x80¦']\" and the positive \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'what is tidal']\"", "Dia día de Los muertos to me is a celebration of, life a time where my antepasados can come and visit and enjoy the essence of what they enjoyed during their time on. Earth’it s a time for me to honor their contributions to, life in, particular my. life" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The port of Buenos Aires is one of the busiest in South America; navigable rivers by way of the Rio de la Plata connect the port to north-east Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. As a result, it serves as the distribution hub for a vast area of the south-eastern region of the continent.uenos Aires is represented in the Argentine Senate by three senators (as of 2013, Gabriela Michetti, Diego Santilli and Fernando Solanas). The people of Buenos Aires also elect 25 national deputies to the Argentine Chamber of Deputies." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Muy bien literally translates into very well. However, in Spanish, as in English, people with relaxed grammar skills use the adverb bien (well) interchangeably with the adjective bueno (good). So muy bien may in casual (perhaps less educated) conversation, be loosely translated as very good." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Natividad Pereyra posted in Matrimonios Unidos En Cristo.. — feeling blessed at Tucuman, Argentina. · 1 hr · Natividad Pereyra posted in Matrimonios Unidos En Cristo.. — feeling blessed at Tucuman, Argentina." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Best Answer: Muy bien is the proper way. Bueno is the superlative, that is, you cannot be better than bueno, that is the extreme. So, placing muy at the start of bueno is redundant. Plus it sounds weird. An example in English could be the use of the word Excellent - that word already tells you that the person is excelling, ex meaning further, or outer." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What does it mean to have clean hands in God's sight? The word “clean” in Psalm 24 comes from the Hebrew word naqiy (pronounced, naw-kee') which means- innocent: - blameless, clean, clear, innocent, free, guiltless, exempted, quit. (Strongs) It means you have done nothing wrong, like the way Joseph, son of Jacob, said to His brothers that only the one caught with the silver in his pouch would be his slave, but all the others would be free (naqiy)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Buenos Aires (the official name 'is Ciudad Autonoma autónoma De Buenos / Aires Autonomous city Of Buenos, aires also Called Capital / Federal Federal) capital is the capital of The Argentine. Republic the name means fair, winds or literally good airs In. spanishuenos Aires is home to one of the biggest Jewish communities in the world and the biggest in South America. There are many sights and activities specifically for Jewish people. There are museums, beautiful synagogues, monuments, barrios and history for all travelers to soak up and enjoy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tal vez mejorando.la sea una buena opción para aprender en español pero no sé, no he probado, en sus videos en YouTube veo que tienen muy buenos desarrolladores pero no me parecen buenos maestros, aveces no explican del todo bien." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dia día de Los -- muertos also known As dia Día, de Muertos or day Of the Dead -- in english is a Holiday with mexican origins that is Celebrated on - november. 1 2 while some imagery might be close to That, of halloween there are significant differences between. the two" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) El Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead), a Mexican celebration, is a day to celebrate, remember and prepare special foods in honor of those who have departed. On this day in Mexico, the streets near the cemeteries are filled with decorations of papel picado , flowers, candy calaveras (skeletons and skulls), and parades." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "pero que muy: una chica guapa, pero que muy guapa what you call a really pretty girl; a pretty girl and no mistake; hizo muy, pero que muy mal he was wrong, really, really wrong; ¡estoy pero que muy harto! I'm damn well fed up! (familiar); ¡pero que muy bien! well done! no habia había, nadie pero que. nadie" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "from Spanish or Portuguese mulato meaning octoroon, sambo from mulo mule > hybrid. in Spanish, refers to a person of mixed European-African descent. mustang from mustango, mestengo, mestencoor mesteño, without known master or owner (archaic)" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "una persona muy estimada por los que lo conocían a person highly-respected by those who knew him; estimar a algn en mucho to have a high opinion o regard of sb; estimar a algn en poco to have a low opinion o regard of sb." ], [ "represent", "Ay, caramba! (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈai kaˈɾamba]) comes from the Spanish interjection ¡ay! (denoting surprise or pain) and caramba (a minced oath, a euphemism for carajo), which is an exclamation of disgust or surprise in Latin American Spanish." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "173 Contributions. Bom dia princesa is portuguese for Good day, princess. It actually means 'Good morning, princess'. 'Good day' is when someone wishes another 'have a good day', and in that c…ase it's diferent from good morning, though in portuguese 'bom dia' can mean 'good morning' or 'good day', it depends on the context." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "you can use muy and frio together and it means very cold and mucho means much/alot and much cold doesnt sound right so yes you can use then them together hope i helped. Source(s): spanish speaker. italiana mocha · 9 years ago. Thumbs up." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. muito obrigado is a Portuguese phrase that basically means, Thank you very much in English. It is in its masculine form.. So, if you are a girl you would say, Muita Obrigada.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you don't know the name of the person you're writing to, you can use the following formats: 1 Muy señor mío: (Dear sir,) 2 Estimado señor: (Dear sir,) 3 Muy señora mía: (Dear madam,) 4 Estimada señora: (Dear madam,) 5 Muy señores míos: (Dear sirs, dear sirs/madams,) 6 Estimados señores: (Dear sirs, dear sirs/madams,) The Spanish equivalent of to whom it may concern is a quién corresponda (literally, to the one responsible). Closings To Use in Writing a Letter" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "pero que muy: una chica guapa, pero que muy guapa what you call a really pretty girl; a pretty girl and no mistake; hizo muy, pero que muy mal he was wrong, really, really wrong; ¡estoy pero que muy harto!I'm damn well fed up! (familiar); ¡pero que muy bien! well done! no habia había, nadie pero que. nadieero que muy: una chica guapa, pero que muy guapa what you call a really pretty girl; a pretty girl and no mistake; hizo muy, pero que muy mal he was wrong, really, really wrong; ¡estoy pero que muy harto! I'm damn well fed up! (familiar); ¡pero que muy bien! well done! no habia había, nadie pero que. nadie" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "¡anda! pero si ya es de dia. día (3 uso). enfatico enfático pero: que muy una, chica guapa pero que muy guapa what you call a really; pretty girl a pretty girl and; no mistake, hizo muy pero que muy mal he, was, wrong really; ¡really wrong estoy pero que! muy harto" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "what does it mean... when I guy says muy guapa. my friend comment on my foto sayin : muy quapa ehh. Posted Apr 17, 2012. | Edited by bandit51jd Apr 17, 2012. | 54500 views. | link. | history." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Buenos Aires is the largest city in Argentina and is one of the most lively cities in the world.It has rightfully been called the Paris of the South America as it is reminiscent of many European cities while it still maintiains its natural, latin culture and flair.he identity of Buenos Aires has been influenced by different waves of immigration, providing the city with a cosmopolitan profile. Politeness and respect are closely linked with informal treatment. The normal greeting of men and women is a kiss on the cheek." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Translate muy cierto to English: very certain, very true Spanish Synonyms of muy cierto: certísimo, tan cierto como que dos y dos son cuatro Define meaning of muy cierto: Segurísimo/a, irrefutable, innegable. [ + ] Quips, Quotes & Proverbs Esto es muy cierto: Pues mis palabras son mías, y mis acciones son mis ministros. Charles ii This is very true: for my words are my own, and my actions are my ministers. Charles ii" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "muito obrigado is a Portuguese phrase that basically means, Thank you very much in English. It is in its masculine form.. So, if you are a girl you would say, Muita Obrig…ada.. Note how the o changes to an a.." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Brazil does not have Dia de los Muertos. Brazil speaks Portuguese and not Spanish. Brazil celebrates Dia de Finados (which technically translates as Day of the Dead as well, … but literally translates as Day of the Deceased or Day of the Departed)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Disfrute de programas como Area 53, Telecafé Noticias, Futbol sin Barreras, Cafegol, Kukli-Kukli, Buenos dias Eje entre otros! Register and enjoy shows such as Area 53, Telecafé Noticias, Futbol sin Barreras, Cafegol, Kukli-Kukli, Buenos dias Eje among others!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Buenos Aires is a top tourist destination, and is known for its European-style architecture and rich cultural life, with the highest concentration of theaters in the world. Buenos Aires held the 1st Pan American Games in 1951 as well as hosting two venues in the 1978 FIFA World Cup.uenos Aires is represented in the Argentine Senate by three senators (as of 2013, Gabriela Michetti, Diego Santilli and Fernando Solanas). The people of Buenos Aires also elect 25 national deputies to the Argentine Chamber of Deputies." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Adjective[edit] bueno m ‎(feminine singular buena, masculine plural buenos, feminine plural buenas) 1 good. 2 fine. When used before a masculine noun as part of the noun phrase, the apocopic form buen is used instead of bueno. The term buenos can be used as a greeting with someone familiar or non-formal." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It literally means 'I have much cold'. In Spanish, you can't literally say 'I am very cold', 'Soy muy frio' ... because the people would interpret that to mean that you have a sexual problem (you're frigid)." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Usage notes[edit] When used before a masculine noun as part of the noun phrase, the apocopic form buen is used instead of bueno. The term buenos can be used as a greeting with someone familiar or non-formal." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Saying tht a person is 'from Monterrey' is equivalent to 'very Scotch' (stingy). You have mistaken French with Spanish. What you mean by mua is moi in French, which means me/myself. This word is used by many people of different backgrounds and native tongues." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what temperature does chicken need to be inside" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "One and a half hours is much too long to cook the chicken at 350 degrees F. The time your chicken will bake in the oven does depend on the internal temperature and the size of your chicken or chicken pieces. Generally I bake chicken at 350 degrees F. for 30 to 40 minutes. Please check out my very large Internal Temperature Chart for Cooking Meats and Baked Goods." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text", "Then lower the heat to 350°F (175°C) and bake for and additional 10-30 minutes more until the juices run clear (not pink) when poked with a sharp knife or the internal temperature of the chicken breasts is 165°F (74°C) and of the thighs is 170°F (77°C).rrange the chicken pieces in the pan so that all the pieces are skin-side up, and the largest pieces (the breasts) are in the center of the pan. Don't crowd the pan; allow room between the pieces. 3 Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 400°F (205°C). This initial high heat will help brown the chicken." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Toss the chicken with the baking sauce. Spread the chicken in the baking dish. No need to grease the dish. Just lay the chicken inside. Bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken has an internal temperature of 165°F. Boneless, skinless thighs cook quickly.Check after 20 minutes, and if they are not quite up to temperature, put back in the oven and continue cooking and checking the temperature in 5-minute increments.oss the chicken with the baking sauce. Spread the chicken in the baking dish. No need to grease the dish. Just lay the chicken inside. Bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken has an internal temperature of 165°F. Boneless, skinless thighs cook quickly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Toss the chicken with the baking sauce. Spread the chicken in the baking dish. No need to grease the dish. Just lay the chicken inside. Bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken has an internal temperature of 165°F. Boneless, skinless thighs cook quickly.Check after 20 minutes, and if they are not quite up to temperature, put back in the oven and continue cooking and checking the temperature in 5-minute increments.o need to grease the dish. Just lay the chicken inside. Bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken has an internal temperature of 165°F. Boneless, skinless thighs cook quickly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is inside a chicken egg A chicken egg is an egg where a chicken is born from. Their are lots of parts to a chicken egg. Below I listed some of the things a chicken egg has inside it and what it does." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "You would cook 3.86 pounds of chicken for about 4 hours at 275 degrees Fahrenheit/140 degrees Celsius. To see if the chicken is cooked, prod it in the deepest part just ab … ove the thigh and make sure that the juices run clear." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Toss the chicken with the baking sauce. Spread the chicken in the baking dish. No need to grease the dish. Just lay the chicken inside. Bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken has an internal temperature of 165°F. Boneless, skinless thighs cook quickly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1 Spread the chicken in the baking dish. No need to grease the dish. Just lay the chicken inside. Bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken has an internal temperature of 165°F. Boneless, skinless thighs cook quickly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The real test is the internal temperature of the chicken. If you've left the frozen chicken out on a hot day, it will probably be thawed in a few hours, and by 24 hours, should be discarded. If it's in a relatively cold room, it may still be cold after 24 hours. Stick a probe thermometer in the thicket part of the chicken. If it's still below 45 degrees fahrenheit, you are OK. If it's warmer than that, be safe and throw it out. The most important thing is to make sure you cook the chicken ALL the way through, so that a probe thermometer pressed into a fleshy part of the chicken reads 165 degrees fahrenheit." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You will have moister chicken if you cook to 160 degrees F. According to Dr. O. Peter Snyder, the chicken has to reach a temperature of 160 degrees F for 5.2 seconds to kill pathogens." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Alright, with those three tips in mind, here are the internal temperatures to grill you chicken to and the approximate times that'll get you there: 1 Grill chicken breasts until their internal temp reaches 165° F. Grill chicken legs, wings, or thighs until their internal temp reaches 180° F." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Perhaps the most important parameter is temperature – chicken eggs should be incubated at a temperature between 99 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit (99.5 is often considered to be ideal) and 50 to 65 percent relative humidity (60 percent is often considered the ideal)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "If it is ground chicken 165° F. Our government says that you should cook a whole chicken until the temperature measured in the thigh is 180°F (82°C). If you cook chicken pi…eces, the government says, the thigh, wings, and drumsticks should be 180°F, while the breast should reach 170°F (77°C)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Chicken thighs and drumsticks should be cooked at 425 degrees by convection. If no convection cook still at 425 but it will take a few more minutes. Cooking time will be about 30 minutes to a final internal temperature of 180-185 which is best for thighs. Safe temperature for chicken is 165 but thighs will be more tender at 180 plus." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Very generally, you would let them cook for 45 minutes to an hour at 350 degrees F. When checking chicken for doneness, insert a knife or fork in the thickest portion of the … meat. If it is done, the juices will run out clear, if not, the juices will have a pinkish tinge and you should let them cook a little longer. A whole chicken should reach 165 degrees Fahrenheit to be considered fully cooked. The internal temperature for chicken should reach 160 to 165 degrees F. 8 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cook to 185 plus internal temp means to use a meat thermometer and cook to 185 degree F internal temperature on the chicken legs or a little higher. Hope that helps Dan" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Bake the chicken for approximately 30 minutes. Remove it from the oven when the internal temperature reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71 degrees Celsius)or the juices run clear. Allow the chicken to sit for five minutes before serving." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Report Abuse. Cook until the internal temperature is 160-165 degrees, then let it rest for 10 minutes. The carryover cooking will raise the temperature to 175-180, which is the desired temperature. David R · 7 years ago.est Answer: The FDA's official recommendation is to cook whole chicken to an internal temperature of 165." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Great advice. I'd venture to say if you're temping the chicken in the cooking vessel/grill/oven, you could probably pull it out around 155f and let carryover do the rest. Pulling out at 165 might lead to temps reaching 170, 175, which in white meat could be a little over." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In Cooking Times and Temperatures. A chicken which is 1. 4 kg or 2. 20 pounds should be cooked in an oven set to 350 degrees. This size chicken should cook for 1 to 1. 25 hours and until it has an internal … temperature of 160 degrees. 1/4 - 1 1/2 hours unstuffed and 1 1/2 - 1 3/4 hours stuffed. A meat thermometer should be used and shou … ld read 175 degrees (F) at the thick part by the thigh. The temp will raise after it sits for 5 minutes before cutting." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cook the chicken until internal temperature reaches 170 degrees F. Large chicken breast 8-10 oz. 15 minutes on high coal heat (no black coals, ashed red coals), flip, 15 minutes on the other side. Chicken breast should be cooked until the internal temperature is 165 F no matter what way the chicken is cooked.ook the chicken until internal temperature reaches 170 degrees F. Large chicken breast 8-10 oz. 15 minutes on high coal heat (no black coals, ashed red coals), flip, 15 minutes on the other side. Chicken breast should be cooked until the internal temperature is 165 F no matter what way the chicken is cooked." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Birds are homeothermic – they produce and dissipate heat to maintain a relatively constant body temperature. The internal body temperature of birds shows more variability than mammals, and therefore there is no absolute body temperature. In the adult chicken the variability is between 105°F and 107°F (40.6° and 41.7°C).The body temperature of a newly hatched chick is about 103.5°F (39.7°C), and increases daily until it reaches a stable level at about three weeks of age. Smaller chicken breeds have a higher body temperature than larger breeds.n the adult chicken the variability is between 105°F and 107°F (40.6° and 41.7°C). The body temperature of a newly hatched chick is about 103.5°F (39.7°C), and increases daily until it reaches a stable level at about three weeks of age. Smaller chicken breeds have a higher body temperature than larger breeds." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Set the thermometer for 155 degrees and bake until the Thermometer signals you. Remove the Breasts and loosly cover the baking dish with Foil. Let the Breasts rest 10-15 min. The foil will keep it hot and the chicken breasts will continue to cook until the internal temp reaches 165 degrees.This is the safe temp to cook chicken. Do not cook in the oven to 165. By the time you eat it, well, you might as well take off your shoe and eat it.he foil will keep it hot and the chicken breasts will continue to cook until the internal temp reaches 165 degrees. This is the safe temp to cook chicken. Do not cook in the oven to 165. By the time you eat it, well, you might as well take off your shoe and eat it." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "can you link a facebook group to twitter?" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Navigate to apps.facebook.com/twitter, and click Allow to allow your Facebook group page to access your Twitter feed. Click Sign In with Twitter, then click Allow to complete the connection.Check the box next to App Permissions to designate where you want your Twitter feed to post on your Facebook group page.f you manage a Facebook group page, connecting your Twitter account to your group page can save time from submitting multiple posts. Facebook offers the Twitter app to enable you to link your two accounts." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the following document", "Connect your Twitter account to a Facebook Page: in this video you'll learn How To Connect or link Facebook and Twitter. by doing this we can directly post our tweets to Facebook page, If you have a Facebook Fan Page, or are the admin of one, you can post Tweets from your Twitter account to your Facebook Page.n this video you'll learn How To Connect or link Facebook and Twitter. by doing this we can directly post our tweets to Facebook page, If you have a Facebook Fan Page, or are the admin of one, you can post Tweets from your Twitter account to your Facebook Page." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can add a Twitter sharing button to the bottom of your posts or pages by browsing to Settings → Sharing in your dashboard. This will allow users to share a link to the post or page as a tweet from their account." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How to Connect a Twitter Account to a Facebook Page: A Step by Step Guide. Follow this step-by-step guide to connect your Twitter account to your company's Facebook page, and see the next section below to connect your company's Facebook page to your Twitter account. How to Connect a Twitter Account to a Facebook Page.our Tweets will now post to the wall of your Facebook page. How to Connect a Facebook Page to a Twitter Account. Connecting your Facebok Page to your Twitter account is much easier than the opposite. To get started, make sure you're logged into both Twitter and Facebook." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To link your Instagram account to a Facebook Page, you'll need to be an admin of that Page. Once your Instagram account is linked to your Page, you'll have the option to share to Facebook each time you share a photo or video on Instagram. From Instagram: Android." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To send a Direct Message from your Twitter app. 1 Tap the envelope icon. You’ll be directed to your messages. 2 Tap the message icon to create a new message. 3 In the address box, enter the name(s) or @username(s) of the people you wish to send a message to. A group message can include up to 50 people. Enter your message." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Simply paste the link into chat, facebook, twitter, tumblr, or anywhere else you want. Share screenshots with a small team or a big social network, across all connected devices.imply paste the link into chat, facebook, twitter, tumblr, or anywhere else you want. Share screenshots with a small team or a big social network, across all connected devices." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Private Account. No. If they go to your page https://twitter.com/yourtwittername all they will see is your name, bio, and link. If they then try to follow you, you'll get a notification that someone wants to follow you and you'll have to approve the request before they see your tweets. share | improve this answer." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. If Twitter is your social weapon of choice, go to your Twitter page and click on settings. 2. On your left-hand side, choose the category „Profile“. 3. Scroll to the end of the page, where a blue „Connect to Facebook“ button is situated and click on it.4.. You can either create a profile for your blog (where you add friends) or a page (where you get fans). If you decide to link your profile, click on the bold link as shown below. If you want to link to your page, click on the link underneath." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Friends can stay connected through the Facebook social networking site. Facebook shouldn't be the sole means that a person uses to connect with friends. Facebook began at Harvard University. A popular Facebook features allows users to upload photos taken with a digital camera to the site. Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. People can use social media to find new friends with similar interests." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Twitter is like Facebook and MySpace but in Twitter you can send text messages called Tweets and the maximum length of the message canbe 140 characters sent to be in touch with your friends, family and colleagues. If you have not used Twitter you should go and try it." ], [ "represent the following document.", "Twitter has added the ability to tag people in photos. The feature is already very familiar to Facebook users, who have had it a long time. The default privacy setting lets anyone tag you in an image, but it can be turned off. Twitter also adds option to share up to four photos in a single tweet." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Original Broadway Cast. Annie [Original Broadway Cast] [Remastered] AllMusic Review by Sarah Erlewine. Annie, the popular musical about the little red-headed orphan with a shaggy dog named Sandy, first opened in 1977. The character, however, originated in a comic strip -- Little Orphan Annie, which ran during the depression.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what genre is annie']\"", "So here’s a step-by-step tutorial on How to Connect Your Twitter Account to Your Facebook Business Page: 1) Log in to your business Twitter account (or the twitter account that you want to use to post on your business page).2) Click on the little gear at the top of the page and select ‘Edit Profile’. 3) Scroll down and click the ‘Connect to Facebook’ button.) Your account is now connected to Facebook! But wait, you don’t want to post to your profile; you just want to post to your business page! (This is the part where I got confused). 7) De-select the two boxes, and click on ‘Allow posting to one of my pages’." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Story highlights. 1 Twitter has added the ability to tag people in photos. 2 The feature is already very familiar to Facebook users, who have had it a long time. 3 The default privacy setting lets anyone tag you in an image, but it can be turned off. Twitter also adds option to share up to four photos in a single tweet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Look at the Web address in your browser's address bar. This is your Twitter URL. Copy the link and share it with friends to lead them directly to your Twitter profile. Shorten the URL when sharing by eliminating the #!/ between Twitter.com and your username, if you'd prefer." ], [ "represent the next text", "How to Shorten a Link for Twitter. If you want to Tweet a link in Twitter, chances are you want to shorten the URL of the link because of the 140 character limit in Tweeter. There are many URL shortener services online, and Google URL Shortener is one of them." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Twitter also allows you to post links, images and videos that your followers can view. Thanks to the TwitVid application, you can take a video with your mobile phone and send it directly to Twitter as long as you are able to install the TwitVid app on your phone." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "As you said we cannot share every thing from facebook to twitter because most of them will be using feedburner to auto publish posts to twitter from their blog it will be a duplicate tweet. but i can try this feature because i have not using any auto publish tools for publishing my posts on twitter." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This will upload the video to your Timeline. Alternately, you can just copy and paste the link from YouTube to your Facebook status. But once you connect your YouTube and Facebook accounts, uploading YouTube videos to your Facebook account will be quick and easy." ], [ "", "* If you wanna change sharing preferences, just navigate to Facebook to Twitter page at Facebook and click Edit Settings link beneath your Facebook profile or click Unlink from Twitter link to stop posting your updates on Twitter." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To send a Direct Message via the web. 1 Log in to your Twitter account. 2 Click Messages in the top navigation bar. 3 You'll see a pop up showing your Direct Message history. Click the New message button. In the address box, enter the name(s) or @username(s) of the people you wish to send a message to. A group message can include up to 50 people." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "March 31, 2015. Twitter is a social networking site that allows you to share information, announcements or daily musings with the world. When you sign up for a Twitter account, you must create a name that people will use to search for and identify the tweets you post. Twitter limits the characters you can use in your username." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Instructions. Log in to Facebook and visit the Twitter application page. Click Allow to give Twitter permission to access your Facebook account. Click Sign in with Twitter, then Allow to complete the connection process.If you're not already logged in to Twitter, you'll be prompted to do so.og in to Facebook and visit the Twitter application page. Click Allow to give Twitter permission to access your Facebook account. Click Sign in with Twitter, then Allow to complete the connection process." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A Facebook group is a convenient way for members of a club, band, team or other group to communicate and share photos and files. When your group disbands, the person who created the Facebook group must close the group page by deleting the group.If that person is no longer a member of the group, another group admin can remove the group. To delete a group, remove all the members from the group and Facebook will delete it automatically. Facebook group is a convenient way for members of a club, band, team or other group to communicate and share photos and files. When your group disbands, the person who created the Facebook group must close the group page by deleting the group." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "No. If they go to your page https://twitter.com/yourtwittername all they will see is your name, bio, and link. If they then try to follow you, you'll get a notification that someone wants to follow you and you'll have to approve the request before they see your tweets." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Twitter allows users to send “updates” (or “tweets”: text-based posts, up to 140 characters long) to Twitter website via short message service (e.g. on a cell phone), instant messaging, from their computer at home or work, or through a third-party application." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Can I link multiple Instagram accounts to my Facebook profile? Yes, you can link multiple Instagram accounts to your Facebook profile. When you link an Instagram account to Facebook, your Facebook friends who are on Instagram may get a notification telling them that you're using that Instagram account. Permalink · Related articles." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Similarity score. In Sabermetrics and APBRmetrics, similarity scores are a method of comparing baseball and basketball players (usually in MLB or the NBA) to other players, with the intent of discovering who the most similar historical players are to a certain player. Similarity scores are among the many original sabermetric concepts first introduced by Bill James.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a similarity score']\"", "If you have used Facebook, it is similar to adding someone as a friend. But if you don't want them to follow you anymore, you can simply block them. Twitter isn't much help, ironically, in supporting twitter but I found a resource that is an intro to Twitter. http://searchenginewatch.com/3633223.Source(s): http://searchenginewatch.com/3633223. WebHostingGPS · 6 years ago.ut if you don't want them to follow you anymore, you can simply block them. Twitter isn't much help, ironically, in supporting twitter but I found a resource that is an intro to Twitter. http://searchenginewatch.com/3633223. Source(s): http://searchenginewatch.com/3633223. WebHostingGPS · 6 years ago." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Linking Twitter to LinkedIn. Log in to LinkedIn and click on your Profile page. Under your name, work experience and education, you’ll see a link to add a Twitter account to your profile.Step 2. Click on “Add a Twitter Account,” and a pop-up window will open from Twitter.lose the window, and your Twitter account is now a clickable link on your LinkedIn profile page, allowing anyone viewing your page to click and view your tweets." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Part of the Internet applications glossary: Twitter is a free social networking microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users' tweets by using multiple platforms and devices. Tweets and replies to tweets can be sent by cell phone text message, desktop client or by posting at the Twitter.com website. The default settings for Twitter are public." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tags: API, Facebook, Fan Page, Social Networks, Twitter, web 2.0. As I suggested before (see the bottom appendix part) you can easily connect your Facebook Fan Page to the twitter account. With this connection, all of your fan page status updates will become tweets and be published onto your twitter account.e not only need these tweets appear in the separate Twitter tab, but we want them to display on our Wall and even better to our business Fan Page. It is easy now, just click the “ + Allow Twitter to Update your Facebook Status ” button on the top of your Twitter Timeline (see the screenshot below)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Users can connect their Instagram account to other social networking sites, enabling them to share uploaded photos to those sites. As of June 2013, users can connect their Instagram accounts to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You can link your Instagram posts to your Facebook account through your app's settings. To share photos from Instagram to Facebook: iOS. 1 Go to your profile and then tap. 2 Tap Linked Accounts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You can also upload videos to Twitter via your Twitter app on your smart phone. When you do this, it does it in the same manner as when you post photos. You upload the photo to a smaller site such as Twitpic or yFrog, and then the app automatically posts the link to the site so people can view the image." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Twitter's Facebook connection option makes it easy for your business to keep customers and colleagues on Facebook informed about company news. If you no longer want your tweets to post to Facebook, you can disconnect the sites completely or temporarily stop tweets from posting to your personal profile or business page.Although both options prevent future tweets from posting to Facebook, neither removes updates already posted on your profile or page.f you no longer want your tweets to post to Facebook, you can disconnect the sites completely or temporarily stop tweets from posting to your personal profile or business page. Although both options prevent future tweets from posting to Facebook, neither removes updates already posted on your profile or page." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Add Twitter to Your Website – Put a link to your Twitter account on your nonprofit’s website. Use the little Twitter icon – it has become so recognizable that people visiting your site for the first time may even be looking for it. Use Relevant #Hashtags – When tweeting, use hashtags to draw in a new audience." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How Following and Followers Work. Following connects you to other people on Twitter, but it doesn't necessarily connect them back to you. When you follow someone, her account appears in your following list. You see her Tweets, Retweets and updates in your feed, and she can send you direct messages." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Photo © Bitly. If you’ve ever clicked on a link shared on a social media site like Twitter, chances are it may have been a Bitly link.itly Tools. If you click on your username in the top right corner and choose “Tools,” you’ll be given a bunch of new options that may help make it easier for you to save links on Bitly. These are great options for Bit.ly power users." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Answer 1. If it is an extensive discussion and it cannot be taken off of Facebook (mail/skype etc) then use Groups as temporary message boards. The current flaw (last time I checked, this could have been removed by now) in groups allows you to add friends without having them accept." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Ethan Miller/Getty Images News/Getty Images. YouTube offers the option to link your YouTube and Facebook accounts so that each new upload appears on your personal timeline. YouTube can't directly link your channel with your business page, but you can link the two using YouTube for Pages, a third-party Facebook app.ype YouTube into the Facebook search box and click YouTube for Pages in the search results. Related Reading: How to Add Your Twitter to Your YouTube Channel." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "#11: Link to Twitter. Link your Twitter account to your Facebook fan page and automatically post your Facebook content to Twitter. You can edit what gets posted, choosing from Status Updates, Photos, Links, Notes and Events.You have 420 characters on the Facebook publisher and 140 on Twitter.n your Info tab (on your profile), list your fan page URL (or shortened url) as one of your websites in the Contact Information section. 3. Use either the Extended Info, More Extended Info or Profile HTML application to either add a button or a badge." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Social networking site Twitter allows you to share your thoughts online to your friends, known on Twitter as followers.. One of the easiest ways to get followers is to share your Twitter Web address with friends. This valuable link sends friends directly to your Twitter account, where they can read your tweets and choose to follow you." ], [ "Represent this text", "This is a good option to use if other methods fail to reach the help you need: 1 Contact @Groupon on Twitter. 2 Visit the Groupon Facebook page. 3 You may be asked to email support.sm@gmail.com, where the social media team will help route your question to the correct support department.f you don't find the information helpful, here's the quickest way to reach an actual contact form: 1 Return to the first form. 2 Select any option from the first drop-down menu. 3 Select My issue isn't listed from the second drop-down menu. 4 Hit Continue and fill out the Contact form." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "With all this talk about Twitter's Vine, Facebook's Graph Search and content being king, I found myself thinking, what about Google? This led to a discussion this morning with a colleague where I was put in a situation where I couldn't explain the difference between a Google+ Community and a Facebook Group. I couldn't let this uncertainty sit for long so I quickly jumped to it and developed a little clarity on Google's Social Network." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "One thing you can do to connect your Facebook to Twitter as a marketing strategy is to add a custom tab to your Facebook Page that shows your recent tweets. Adding an application like this can be a good way to add a little pizzazz to your Page and to let people know about your Twitter profile.our changes are saved, and your Twitter tab is added. The tab may not show up for a little bit, but you can see your Twitter tab in your list of apps below your cover photo on your Page. You may want to switch the order of the applications or include a custom Cover photo. 1 Add a Comment. 2 Print. 3 Share." ], [ "represent this text", "Private Account. No. If they go to your page https://twitter.com/yourtwittername all they will see is your name, bio, and link. If they then try to follow you, you'll get a notification that someone wants to follow you and you'll have to approve the request before they see your tweets." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you wanna share Facebook fan page updates on Twitter, read How to Link Your Facebook Fan Page to Twitter. Note: If you have already linked your Facebook page to Twitter, click Link to Twitter button next to your Facebook profile and authorize Facebook to post updates on Twitter by clicking Authorize app button." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Add a Twitter Sharing Button. You can add a Twitter sharing button to the bottom of your posts or pages by browsing to Settings → Sharing in your dashboard. This will allow users to share a link to the post or page as a tweet from their account." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You can add a Twitter sharing button to the bottom of your posts or pages by browsing to Settings → Sharing in your dashboard. This will allow users to share a link to the post or page as a tweet from their account. To add it to your blog, drag the Twitter button from Available Services to Enabled Services." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Log into Twitter and browse to the profile of the user you'd like to follow you. Click inside the Tweet to box and enter a message requesting a follow. Step 2. Click Tweet to send the message, which appears in the user's Connect tab.This method works best for occasional requests where you have good reason for asking someone to follow you, such as when you'd like to send them a direct message.Related Reading: How to Follow Your LinkedIn Contacts on Twitter. Note that widgets automatically include a follow button as well. 2 Followers on Twitter work differently to friends on Facebook. 3 There is no obligation for someone to follow you when you decide to follow her." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Simply go back into Facebook and re-initiate the connection. Make sure you’re logged into your Twitter account before you do (or log in when it asks you to). You can also visit your Twitter settings to view a list of apps you have authorized to access/ use your Twitter account." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Step 4. Click “Blog” in the menu. Select “(find blogs to follow)” if you want someone else’s Twitter feed to appear or “click here to add it now” if you author a twitter feed and want it to appear on the group page. Step 5. Click “Log In” from the NetworkedBlogs redirect page.Step 6. Click “Allow” from the “Access my basic information” pop-up window.tep 13. Click “Blog” from your Facebook group page. Check the box beside the Twitter feed you want to add to the group page. Step 14. Click “Save.” You can view Tweets by clicking “Blog” in the profile menu." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Adding Tweets to a Facebook group page requires the addition of the NetworkedBlogs application. The NetworkedBlogs app has over 1.5 million users as of October, 2011, and increases the functionality of blogs that appear on Facebook group pages.tep 13. Click “Blog” from your Facebook group page. Check the box beside the Twitter feed you want to add to the group page. Step 14. Click “Save.” You can view Tweets by clicking “Blog” in the profile menu." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Hungry Hippo. You can email the book link to your family and friends so that they can click the link in the email to read or buy the book even if the book is a private one. You can also post the link to facebook, twitter or pinterest." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Decision-making process. Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the first step in the decision-making model?']\"", "1 To post to a popular social site, find the icons for Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus under the tab heading. 2 Click the triangle next to these icons to reveal more icons. Click the icon of your choice to connect to the site and post the video." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Click Share.. This will upload the video to your Timeline. Alternately, you can just copy and paste the link from YouTube to your Facebook status. But once you connect your YouTube and Facebook accounts, uploading YouTube videos to your Facebook account will be quick and easy." ], [ "", "In this video I will show you how to link your Facebook business page or personal profile to Twitter. Now you can add your postings from Facebook directly to Twitter, giving your Tweets everyday.Maximizing your time and efforts with social media. My name is Heather Clifford and I teach, train and speak on social media.n this video I will show you how to link your Facebook business page or personal profile to Twitter. Now you can add your postings from Facebook directly to Twitter, giving your Tweets everyday." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Introduction. With Twitter Cards, you can attach rich photos, videos and media experience to Tweets that drive traffic to your website. Simply add a few lines of HTML to your webpage, and users who Tweet links to your content will have a “Card” added to the Tweet that’s visible to all of their followers." ], [ "", "1 You can search to see if your Facebook and Twitter friends are using Instagram, as well as search friends from your phone’s Contact List. ( 2 This will help you find the friends you are already connected with on Facebook and Twitter.)." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "1 Twitter doesn't come with the same commitment that Facebook does, or the same access to your friends. 2 You could also use Twitter lists to stay on top of their deals and coupons without having to like or follow them at all.3 Set up a second Facebook account for liking purposes. Twitter doesn't come with the same commitment that Facebook does, or the same access to your friends. 2 You could also use Twitter lists to stay on top of their deals and coupons without having to like or follow them at all." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You can link your Instagram and Facebook accounts to share posts directly from Instagram to Facebook: Go to your profile and tap (iPhone) or (Android) in the top right. Scroll down and tap Linked Accounts. Tap Facebook and enter your Facebook login info. Once you link accounts, you'll have the option to share a post to Facebook from the same screen where you add a caption. You can also share from Instagram to a Facebook Page you manage. To unlink your Facebook account: Go to your profile and tap (iPhone) or (Android) in the top right. Scroll down and tap Linked Accounts. Tap Facebook > Unlink Account." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Yes, on Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and Linked you want engagement because it expands your reach. Your reach is the amount of people that ultimately see your post/pin/update etc. The more people that see your post, the more that can take action on it. Types of engagement on other social media sites include: +1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Step 1. Go to the Facebook group page to which you want to link. Step 2. Right-click your browser's address bar and select Copy.. Related Reading: How to Put a URL in the Facebook Group Information. Step 3. Go to the website on which you want to post the link and go to where you have HTML access.n Facebook, you can create and join groups of people who share similar interests. Some groups only let people join by invitation, while others are open to everyone. If you started a group, or just like one, you might want to link to it on a different site." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To link your Fan Page to your twitter, just visit the Facebook to Twitter URL http://www.facebook.com/twitter/ and follow the instruction. Appendix II. [update 2 @ 2010-02-19 afternoon] unfortunately, I still could not get the tweets on my Fan Page, instead they end on my personal Facebook stream.e not only need these tweets appear in the separate Twitter tab, but we want them to display on our Wall and even better to our business Fan Page. It is easy now, just click the “ + Allow Twitter to Update your Facebook Status ” button on the top of your Twitter Timeline (see the screenshot below)." ], [ "", "Instead of copying and pasting a web address from your browser, you can post the link to Facebook or Twitter in a few taps, right from Internet Explorer. On Start, tap Internet Explorer, and then navigate to a webpage. Tap More, and then tap Share page." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how to apply ecoza foam" ]
[ [ "represent the next text\n\n------\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Leave the towels over the permanent marker stain on your car's paint for at least four hours. Lift the towels and wipe the permanent marker stain with a clean towel to see if it lifts. Add more whole milk to the cotton cloth, if the stain persists, and leave the towels on the stain overnight.\"]' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'does permanent magic marker stain car paint']'", "1 Use Ecoza topical foam exactly as your doctor tells you to use it. 2 Apply Ecoza topical foam to the affected skin areas of your feet 1 time a day for 4 weeks. 3 If Ecoza topical foam gets in or near your eyes, rinse them well with water.4 Wash your hands after you apply Ecoza topical foam.ently rub the foam into the skin. (See Figure D). Figure D. Step 5: You should apply Ecoza topical foam to your toes, to the spaces between your toes, and to the surrounding areas 1 time a day for 4 weeks or as prescribed by your doctor. Step 6: Replace the cap." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When gluing foam, apply adhesive to both surfaces evenly, and wait a few seconds for the glue to get tacky. Once you’ve properly aligned your cut foam, compress it together as firmly as possible. With foam’s absorptive nature, this pressure works the glue deeper into each piece." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ecoza (econazole nitrate) topical foam, 1%, is indicated for the treatment of interdigital tinea pedis caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Epidermophyton floccosum in patients 12 years of age and older. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is for topical use only. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is not for oral, ophthalmic, or intravaginal use. Ecoza topical foam, 1% should be applied to cover affected areas once daily for 4 weeks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Apply a 1/4-inch wide strip of adhesive around the entire perimeter of the foam board, approximately a half-inch from the edge. Apply more adhesive over the entire inside area of the board using a zig-zag pattern. Lift the foam insulation panel up, and turn the glue toward the metal you are attaching it to." ], [ "Represent this text!", "Cut two large pieces of fabric using this pattern – one is the top and one is the bottom. Measure the distance completely around the edge of the cushion. Cut a strip this length plus 1 inch. Measure the thickness of the foam and cut the strip width equal to the thickness plus 1 inch. The additional inch creates 1/2-inch seam allowances. Pin one long edge of the strip around the edge of one large piece of fabric with right-sides facing." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Payment in lieu of taxes. A PILOT is a payment in lieu of taxes (also sometimes abbreviated PILT or PILOT), made to compensate a local government for some or all of the tax revenue lost due to tax exempt ownership or use of a particular piece of real property. Usually it relates to the foregone property tax revenue.']' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what is a pilot agreement']'", "In a pediatric maximal use trial, Ecoza topical foam, 1% was applied once daily to eighteen subjects aged 12 to 17 years with interdigital tinea pedis for 28 days [ see Clinical Pharmacology (12.3) ]. The safety findings for subjects 12 to 17 years were similar to those in adult population.ach gram of Ecoza topical foam, 1% contains 10 mg of econazole nitrate, USP, in a white to off-white foam. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is alcohol (ethanol)-free and for topical use only. Chemically, econazole nitrate is 1-[2-{(4-chloro-phenyl)methoxy}-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-1H-imidazole mononitrate." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Lay the foam piece on a sheet of wax paper. Squirt foam glue onto the foam. Use the foam paintbrush to smooth out the glue, especially along the edges of the foam. Place the fabric on top of the foam, pattern side up." ], [ "represent text", "Ecoza Side Effects Center. Prescribing Information. Ecoza (econazole nitrate) Topical Foam is an azole antifungal used to treat a fungal infection of the feet, commonly called athlete's foot (interdigital tinea pedis) caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Epidermophyton floccosum." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Apply Extina Foam exactly as prescribed. The foam is usually applied to the affected skin areas two times a day (once in the morning and once at night) for 4 weeks. Talk to your doctor if your skin does not improve after 4 weeks of treatment. Hold the can at an upright angle." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Use a 1 or 2 inch synthetic brush to lightly but completely apply the polyurethane to one side of a large part or a few small parts. 2 Avoid pooling and runs, approach it as 'wetting' the paper. 3 Use a rag or paper towel to brush over the entire side that was treated to pull off any extra. Using a middle of the road (not cheapest not most expensive) artist's acrylic paint directly from the tube on TREATED foam core can work out ok. 2 The treated side repelled the water completely, it just beaded on the treated surface without soaking in at all. 3 Water will kill untreated foam core, period." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "English company EcoKettle resolves the problem, or laziness, of boiling unneeded water with a small technological fix. You fill the electric kettle, which looks like a Brita filter jug, to its maximum, then use a lever to choose how many cups of water you want boiled. The EcoKettle heats only that amount." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Apply a thin film of the medication to the affected area and gently rub in as directed by your doctor, usually once a day in the evening. The dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment. If you are using the foam form of this medication, shake the can before each use. The foam is flammable. Avoid smoking or going near an open flame while applying the medication. Avoid getting this medication in your eyes, mouth, or vagina or on your eyelids or lips. If this happens, rinse with plenty of water." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ecoza (econazole nitrate) topical foam, 1%, is indicated for the treatment of interdigital tinea. pedis caused by Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Epidermophyton. floccosum in patients 12 years of age and older. 2 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is for topical use only. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is not for oral, ophthalmic, or intravaginal use. Ecoza topical foam, 1% should be applied to cover affected areas once daily for 4 weeks. 3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS. Foam, 1%. Each gram of Ecoza topical foam, 1%, contains 10 mg of econazole nitrate in a. white to off-white foam." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Part 2 of 2: Buff the sanded area with polish. Step 1: Apply the polish. Evenly apply polish to electric buffer or foam pad. If you’re using an electric buffer, turn it on at a low RPM (around 1,200-1,400) and begin polishing, moving the buffer around the area frequently to keep one area from overheating." ], [ "Represent text", "1 Spray 6-8 inches from surface to be cleaned. 2 Wait for foam to turn from blue to white as it penetrates dirt and soap scum. 3 For tough grime, let foam sit for 3 minutes. 4 Rinse clean or wipe away foam with cloth or sponge when foam is white. 5 Wipe dry after rinsing if desired. On chrome, rinse with water." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To adhere the poster/map to the foam board, we decided to use spray adhesive. Lay the board on a tarp so you don’t spray the adhesive onto your floors {and just wipe it off with a damp cloth when it does happen}, and spray away.To keep the map down we used binder clips to secure it to the board.his is the profile of that trim. Buy enough to cover all sides and paint the trim. It’s important to do this before as once you put the frame together it might be a bit hard to spray or paint. Miter the corners of the pieces to fit the length of the width and height of your poster ad best you can." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here's How: 1 Hose-down area with strong spray from power nozzle. 2 Mix ingredients in bucket. 3 Apply solution with sponge. 4 Do one area at a time. 5 Allow cleaning ingredients to permeate surface for a few minutes. 6 Go to the loo, get a cup of coffee or whatever, and return." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ecoza (econazole nitrate) topical foam, 1% contains the azole antifungal agent, econazole nitrate in an oil-in-water emulsion base consisting of the following inactive ingredients: dimethicone, glycerin, polysorbate 20, povidone, propylene glycol, stearic acid, trolamine, purified water and butane as a propellant." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Steps. 1 1. Provide your crabs with a glass tank. Plastic does not hold heat or humidity well, and should only be used as temporary transport. 2 2. Install the substrate. This should be aragonite sand (best choice) or coco fiber ( brand name Eco Earth in the US)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ecoza topical foam, 1% is for topical use only. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is not for oral, ophthalmic, or intravaginal use. Ecoza topical foam, 1% should be applied to cover affected areas once daily for 4 weeks.ach gram of Ecoza topical foam, 1% contains 10 mg of econazole nitrate, USP, in a white to off-white foam. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is alcohol (ethanol)-free and for topical use only. Chemically, econazole nitrate is 1-[2-{(4-chloro-phenyl)methoxy}-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-1H-imidazole mononitrate." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I find sea foam to be the best product for this application. I add this to my gas every 10000 miles. I just turned 20k on my Optima Turbo and so far its running like new. Direct injection or fuel injection I use this additive along with synthetic oil in all five of my vehicles. It has worked for me over years and would highly recommend it to all. Pringles" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Make the Ends. 1 1. Adhere same-size pieces of foam together. 2 2. Sand down the ends of the pipe. 3 3. Tape off the end of the pipe. 4. Apply adhesive to the end of the 1 pipe. 5. Apply adhesive to each 54-inch (137-cm) foam 2 pad. 6. Wrap the foam around each end of the 3 pipe. 7. Cover the foam tube with 4 tape. 8. Create a second end cap." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Exercise 1 Reverse Push-Through. Sit on the floor with a foam roller behind you, your legs extended in front of you, and place both hands on the roller, arms straight and palms facing you. Engage your core, then slowly lower your back toward the ground, letting the foam roller move up your arms." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Spray 6-8 inches from surface to be cleaned. 2 Wait for foam to turn from blue to white as it penetrates dirt and soap scum. 3 For tough grime, let foam sit for 3 minutes. Rinse clean or wipe away foam with cloth or sponge when foam is white." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Directions. Combine all ingredients in the cezve and mix with a spoon. Put the cezve over very low heat and do not stir. After about 3 minutes, a thick foam rises to the surface. Just as the coffee is about to bubble up and overflow, immediately remove the cezve from the heat.Gently divide the foam between 2 demitasse cups, then place the cezve back on the heat for a few seconds.Pour the coffee into the cups, carefully pouring it down the sides of the cups in order not to disturb the foam.ust as the coffee is about to bubble up and overflow, immediately remove the cezve from the heat. Gently divide the foam between 2 demitasse cups, then place the cezve back on the heat for a few seconds. Pour the coffee into the cups, carefully pouring it down the sides of the cups in order not to disturb the foam." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ecoza foam Side Effects - Ecoza foam Drug Interactions. To learn about Ecoza foam side effects, drug interactions or safety concerns, read either the drug label or the drug's package insert. You may also want to speak with your pharmacist or healthcare provider." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Water easily passes though this EZ-Dry polyurethane foam. * Outdoor furniture such as seat and back cushions and mattresses. * Boat or marine cushions, golf carts, pool, patio or grading cushions. * Can also be used under Phifertex material and for filtering or padding whatever is exposed to large amounts of water." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Use aerosol foam by shaking well and spraying on cool surface, holding container inverted 3–6 in. away. Then use fingers to apply foam to affected area(s). Do not spray directly onto hands, as foam will begin to melt." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Directions: Use Laura Mercier Loose Setting Powder Translucent to set make up application. Step 1: Saturate the velour powder puff then remove excess by tapping the puff on top of your hand. Step 2: Gently press puff on the skin, using a rolling motion to work the powder into the skin." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Doctor : Thank you for your question. Natural gas or propane inhalation for extended periods of time can lead to headaches, nause a, shortness of breath, dizziness, and altered mental status. It is quite likely that this exposure could be eliciting your symptoms.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'symptoms of natural gas inhalation']\"", "Mix one part baking soda and two parts cold water in a large bowl to make a solution. Apply it on the area using a clean cloth and let it sit for 30 minutes. Use a cloth damped in cold water to rinse the remaining solution and then apply a dry towel to absorb the moisture.pray it with a citrus type cleaner and let it set for about five minutes. Afterward, blot (don't rub) as much of the cleaner out as you can using a clean, white, absorbent cloth. A mild dish detergent can also be used." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "So I'd like to have the appropriate amount of closed cell spray foam applied to the inside surface of the exterior sheathing (1/2 walls/5/8 roof OSB) and fill the rest of the wall/ceiling cavities with dense packed cellulose." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to use your Ecoza foam discount. 1 Click on GET COUPON above to select how you would like to receive your discount coupon. 2 Download, print, email or SMS your coupon. 3 Present your coupon the next time you go to fill your prescription for Ecoza foam." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mix 1 teaspoon each of powdered green papaya, grape seed oil, and grape seed extract with 2 teaspoons of pomegranate juice and apply it on the face. Leave it on for about an hour and wash it off with lukewarm water. You can also use a cotton ball to apply pomegranate juice directly on the face after cleansing (17)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Spray the back of your patterned paper and the front of your mat with the spray adhesive, and carefully place one side on top of the other to adhere. Smooth out any bubbles. Use the X-Acto knife and ruler again to cut away the excess paper from the mat. Then tape your photo in place behind the mat." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Oil Treatment. Pour a quart of oil into a 1-gallon gas can. Add 1 1/2 ounces of Sea Foam to the oil. Pick up the gas can and swirl it to mix the oil and Sea Foam together. Place a flat-head screwdriver in between the two nubs on the oil cap." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dab the mixture of coconut oil and activated charcoal on the fabric, and wrap. Secure with bandages. Reapply every two to three hours, rinsing well between applications. To treat acne, mix one capsule of activated charcoal with two teaspoons of aloe vera gel, and smooth over face." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Ecoza Foam Dosage and Administration. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is for topical use only. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is not for oral, ophthalmic, or intravaginal use. Ecoza topical foam, 1% should be applied to cover affected areas once daily for 4 weeks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can try to fold them in two and work them into the cushion cover, or you can place them into a plastic bag and stick a vacuum hose up against the foam, holding the plastic around the hose, suck the air out of the foam, which will shrink the foam, to allow the foam to slide into the zipper opening very easily.ou can try to fold them in two and work them into the cushion cover, or you can place them into a plastic bag and stick a vacuum hose up against the foam, holding the plastic around the hose, suck the air out of the foam, which will shrink the foam, to allow the foam to slide into the zipper opening very easily." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How to use Ecoza topical. Read the Patient Information Leaflet if available from your pharmacist before you start using econazole and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Use this medication on the skin only." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How to Use a Foam Cannon. To apply, add about an ounce of soap such as DP Xtreme Foam Formula to your container and fill with water. Hold the pressure washer wand about three or four feet from the surface, and activate the foam." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Eco Styler Gel comes in a variety of rainbow-colored lines geared towards a wide range of hair needs – from color-treated tresses to active, sporty manes. Some variations even contain argan and olive oil, and each gel type has a holding strength that ranges from 1 to 10 (the strongest hold)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To get rid of foam, you need to make sure the chemicals in your water are properly balanced and at the correct levels with some test strips. Check the pH and alkalinity and adjust them to the proper levels if needed (pH should be 7.4 – 7.6 and alkalinity should be between 100 – 150ppm)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "2 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Ecoza topical foam, 1% is for topical use only. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is not for oral, ophthalmic, or intravaginal use. Ecoza topical foam, 1% should be applied to cover affected areas once daily for 4 weeks. Close." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Applying Glue to a Piece of Foam. Stack the two sections of cushion foam that need to be glued together on top of each other, with the two sides that will be adhered together facing out, as shown to the lower left. Liberally apply adhesive to both pieces and wait about 10 seconds for the glue to become tacky." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "3: With the buffer OFF, use the pad to spread the liquid over the area you intend to polish. To spread evenly, hold the pad flat to the surface and move it back and forth. Fig. 4: A foam pad polishes wax and also removes and swirls left by a wool pad. Always use a foam pad on clearcoat and other high-tech finishes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "open up ur zippo, then you pull on the cage and the caseing of the zippo should come off (it might be stiff so put ur back into it). Then at the bottom they should be a soft foam with a screw at on side, lift the side of the foam without the screw in and it should fold over, then squirt your lighter…." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Each gram of Ecoza topical foam, 1% contains 10 mg of econazole nitrate, USP, in a white to off-white foam. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is alcohol (ethanol)-free and for topical use only. Chemically, econazole nitrate is 1-[2-{(4-chloro-phenyl)methoxy}-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-1Himidazole mononitrate." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Save up to 75%* on your Ecoza foam prescription. Click on GET COUPON above to select how you would like to receive your discount coupon. Download, print, email or SMS your coupon. Present your coupon the next time you go to fill your prescription for Ecoza foam." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pick up the gas can and swirl it to mix the oil and Sea Foam together. Place a flat-head screwdriver in between the two nubs on the oil cap. Twist the screwdriver counterclockwise to open the cap. Fill the oil filler tube with oil until you see it near the top of the filler tube." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When you can see the foam on top, take the. jezve from the heat and hit it lightly with a spoon to make the foam go down. Reheat the coffee and tap the pot two more times, making sure to remove it from. the heat each time the foam forms. Before you serve the coffee, give everyone a. small glass of fresh water to drink with their hot, thick coffee." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cover the foam insulation with a fiber glass mesh. Staple the mesh to the Styrofoam to hold it in place until the first coat of the acrylic-polymer synthetic stucco is applied. Apply the first coat of the synthetic stucco. This layer can be applied with a trowel or sprayed on the fiber glass mesh." ], [ "", "Each gram of Ecoza topical foam, 1% contains 10 mg of econazole nitrate, USP, in a white to off-white foam. Ecoza topical foam, 1% is alcohol (ethanol)-free and for topical use only. Chemically, econazole nitrate is 1-[2-{(4-chloro-phenyl)methoxy}-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)ethyl]-1H-imidazole mononitrate." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "* 2 tsp. tea tree oil. * Clean, empty spray bottle. 1. Brush loose mildew, dirt and other debris from the cushions with a stiff scrub brush. Do this outdoors to prevent the release of mold spores inside. 2. Fill a bucket with 1 qt. of warm water.Add 1 tbsp. of borax powder. 3. Dip a scrub brush into the mixture and scrub the patio cushions. 2 tsp. tea tree oil. * Clean, empty spray bottle. 1. Brush loose mildew, dirt and other debris from the cushions with a stiff scrub brush. Do this outdoors to prevent the release of mold spores inside. 2. Fill a bucket with 1 qt. of warm water." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When spraying foam, allow a minimum of 1 minute before applying more foam over freshly sprayed foam. Spray in layers of 1-2” thick (2.5-5.1 cm.) with each application. Trying to apply more than 2”(5.1 cm) in a. single spray will pack the foam and may result in lower expansion and lower yields." ], [ "", "With the new base foam in place, you can bring your new cover in out of the sun and begin installing it. The first step is to place the cover inside-out on the seat foam. Now, while holding the cover on the corner with one hand, gently roll the edge down over the sides. Begin at the front and work toward the back." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Place the foam roll on the ground or on an exercise mat. Lie down on it lengthwise, with your upper back on the foam roll. You can place your hands on your hips or on either side of your body. Keeping your torso parallel to the ground, roll your upper back and scapular muscles sideways against the foam roller." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Knauf Sonic XP Duct Liner with ECOSE Technology should not be used in systems operating at velocities exceeding 6000 fpm (1829 mpm) or at temperatures above 250°F (121°C). Glass mineral wool insulation will not sustain mold growth." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Squirt foam glue onto the foam. Use the foam paintbrush to smooth out the glue, especially along the edges of the foam. Place the fabric on top of the foam, pattern side up. Adjust it to fit correctly over the foam. Run your hand over it to smooth out any bumps." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Priming clean, dry pads. Apply the desired product to a clean, dry pad. Use your finger to spread the product over the work surface of the pad. Work the product into the pores to ensure that no foam is left dry. Spread it to the outer edges of the foam pad. On a curved edge pad, be sure to prime the edges if they will be coming into contact with the paint." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Add 1 1/2 ounces of Sea Foam to the oil. Pick up the gas can and swirl it to mix the oil and Sea Foam together. Place a flat-head screwdriver in between the two nubs on the oil cap. Twist the screwdriver counterclockwise to open the cap. Fill the oil filler tube with oil until you see it near the top of the filler tube." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wrap batting around your foam. Then trim the edges down to size. I had enough to put two layers on top of the foam and one layer on the bottom. This will make for a cushier and less “squared” cushion. Cutting out the pieces – 1. Lay out your fabric (err, I mean, shower curtain) folded in half.Place your cushion on top. had enough to put two layers on top of the foam and one layer on the bottom. This will make for a cushier and less “squared” cushion. Cutting out the pieces – 1. Lay out your fabric (err, I mean, shower curtain) folded in half." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lay the foam piece on a sheet of wax paper. Squirt foam glue onto the foam. Use the foam paintbrush to smooth out the glue, especially along the edges of the foam. Place the fabric on top of the foam, pattern side up. Adjust it to fit correctly over the foam." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cut a piece of urethane foam to the size of the headboard. Apply a layer of spray adhesive to the surface, and press it into place. To cover the foam, create a slipcover made from fabric and slide it into place." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Add 1 1/2 ounces of Sea Foam to the oil. Pick up the gas can and swirl it to mix the oil and Sea Foam together. Place a flat-head screwdriver in between the two nubs on the oil cap." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Wi-Fi is available throughout all of its 13 vessels except the Pride of America, which has Ethernet in the cabins. Pricing depends on the length of the cruise. Connectivity costs $29.99 a day for cruises lasting 1 to 12 days and drops to $24.99 a day for cruises longer than that. Here's the catch: 24-hour plans must be purchased for the entirety of the trip, which means Wi-Fi will cost $300 for a 10-day cruise.\"]\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much wifi costs on carnival cruise']\"", "Carve the shape in the negative form so you can use the foam shape directly as a mold. Brush on a layer of clear sealer over the mold. Allow to dry for at least four hours. You may wish to apply several layers. Do not use an oil-based sealer as it may melt the polystyrene." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Turn the switch to the “off” position. 2 Use the water hose spray to clean off loose debris (grass, leaves, etc) on the outside unit. 3 Spray the outside unit with the coil cleaner. 4 Wait 10-15 minutes as the cleaner foams and bonds with the dirt on the coils.5 Rinse the coil cleaner off with the hose. Find the electrical disconnect (a metal box) near your outside unit. 2 Open the electrical disconnect and find the switch that turns off the air conditioner. 3 This may be a pull out switch or a circuit breaker type switch. 4 Turn the switch to the “off” position." ] ]
[ "Represent the natural language:", "how did rex allen died" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rex Allen died on December 17, 1999, two weeks before his 79th birthday, in Tucson, Arizona, after he sustained fatal injuries when his caregiver accidentally ran over him in the driveway. Cremated, his ashes were scattered at Railroad Park in Willcox where most of his memorabilia are on display." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "They have lost 3 keyboard players. McKernan died of cirrhosis, Godchaux was killed in a car accident (The Dead fired him a year earlier), and Mydland died of a drug overdose. By the end of the 1960s, the Grateful Dead owed Warner Brothers $100,000 for studio time. Their first three albums were not commercially successful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "January 10, 2013 4:20 PM. BOSTON (CBS/AP) – Boston TV icon Rex Trailer died Wednesday night, his family announced on his website Thursday. Trailer, 84, was the host of the popular children’s television show “Boomtown,” on WBZ-TV from 1956 to 1974. The program often included children with disabilities in the studio audience." ], [ "Represent this", "The accidental death of Rich, his best friend, in 1974 devastated him for years and abruptly halted his career until he performed with Dwight Yoakam in 1988. Owens died on March 25, 2006 shortly after performing at his Crystal Palace restaurant, club and museum in Bakersfield." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "For the dog in TV police drama, see Inspector Rex. Rex (December 16, 1984 – August 31, 1998) was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel owned by Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy during his term as President of the United States." ], [ "", "He is the son of Martha Katherine (nee Née), fox a-community service, worker And Gerald. M (dick–1923), 1964 a real estate. Agent he is the third oldest of five. Brothers his father died in a car, accident colliding with a drunk, driver When allen was. 11" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mr. Charles A. Elcan is an Independent Director of REX American ... Rex American Resources Corporation Company Profile - Located in Dayton, OH - Charles A Elcan, David S Harris, Philip ... Rex American Resources Corporation has a location in Dayton, OH." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How did Brandon weller die? I heard he died in a football accident If the question is in regards to Freddy Weller's son, Brandon. The actual cause of death was a brain hemmorhage. He was attacked, hit …in the temple, and left to die of a brain hemorrhage. 3 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rex Elvie Allen (December 31, 1920 – December 17, 1999) was an American film and television actor, singer and songwriter, known as the Arizona Cowboy and as the narrator of many Disney nature and Western productions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "She died in 2000 — the first woman Arkansas executed in 150 years. Reuters . 6.) Wanda Jean Allen got the death penalty by lethal injection for killing her lover Gloria Leathers, whom she met in prison, USA Today reported." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The legendary actor who won millions of fans worldwide as Professor Severus Snape has died of cancer. Alan Rickman's portrayal of Professor Severus Snape won him acclaim. Alan Rickman, best known as the scowling Professor Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films, died of cancer Thursday at age 69. The British actor, also known for his roles in Galaxy Quest, Die Hard and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, was surrounded by family and friends in London when he died, according to the Guardian." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "HOUSTON COUNTY- A Crockett resident lost his life on Saturday evening, Aug. 6 when the horse he was riding was struck by an SUV traveling westbound on State Hwy. 7. The wreck occurred at approximately 8:45 p.m. and claimed the life of 23-year-old Brandon Allen Gilford." ], [ "Represent the following document", "The Flash Plot Details/Press Release: Barry Allen was just 11 years old when his mother was killed in a bizarre and terrifying incident and his father was falsely convicted of the murder. With his life changed forever by the tragedy, Barry was taken in and raised by Detective Joe West, the father of Barry’s best friend, Iris." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "He was discharged in October 1864. The 1870 Hernando County census shows him age 38, wife Mary age 32. Others in the household were Lucy A., 17; Florida, 15; John, 13; William, 9; Charles, 7; Walter, 3; illegible, 1. Early Allen died on July 14, 1872, at his home in Hernando County." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Obituaries. Allen Ludden, host of the ''G.E. College Bowl'' and ''Password'' television game shows, died of cancer yesterday at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. He was 62 years old." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Allen Ludden died from stomach cancer on June 9, 1981, in Los Angeles. They had no children together, though she is stepmother to his three children from his first marriage. White has not remarried since Ludden's death." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Rex (given name) Rex, derived from the Latin word for king, is a male given name. It may refer to : Rex (born 1947), a gay erotic artist. Rex Allen (1920–1999), an American actor and singer. Rex Allen, Jr. (born 1947), an American singer and son of the above. Rex Barney (1924–1997), an American baseball pitcher and announcer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "He plays the role of Mike Baxter, a father who is fighting for his manhood in his house filled with women. On October 2, 1978, Allen was arrested in the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport for possession of over 650 grams (1.43 lb) of cocaine." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Story highlights. Actor James Avery, who played the beloved Uncle Phil on the hit 1990s sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, has died, his publicist said Wednesday. He was 68. The cause of death was complications from open-heart surgery, said his manager, Toni Benson." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rex Allen (I) (1920–1999) Actor | Soundtrack | Music Department. Rex Allen started out as a singer in vaudeville, and sang on numerous radio shows before hooking up with a traveling rodeo show. He signed with Republic Pictures and became a popular singing cowboy, and was often paired with sidekick Slim Pickens." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Michael James Tyree, 31, died from internal bleeding after 'severe damage' to his liver and spleen, allegedly caused by the three guards. The nurse on duty alerted Lubrin who then had an altercation with Tyree before sending him back to the pill counter, it is claimed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rex's high-profile led in part to the sudden popularization of the breed in America in the years following Reagan's presidency. Later life and legacy. As a leaving gift when Reagan departed, Rex was given a dog house resembling the White House, complete with a patch of carpet from Camp David. After Reagan left office, Rex lived to the age of 13 with the Reagan family before being euthanized after developing an enlarged heart due to mitral valve disease." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "ALLEN LUDEN DIES. Allen Ludden, host of the ''G.E. College Bowl'' and ''Password'' television game shows, died of cancer yesterday at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. He was 62 years old. Betty White, the actress and his wife of 17 years, was at his bedside." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rex Allen (I) (1920–1999) Rex Allen started out as a singer in vaudeville, and sang on numerous radio shows before hooking up with a traveling rodeo show. He signed with Republic Pictures and became a popular singing cowboy, and was often paired with sidekick Slim Pickens." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Carlo Allegri/Getty Images. Gary Coleman has died. The Diff'rent Strokes star succumbed at 12:05 p.m. (MST) today at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center to a brain hemorrhage suffered at his home Wednesday, a statement from his management firm said. He was 42." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Obituaries. Allen Ludden, host of the ''G.E. College Bowl'' and ''Password'' television game shows, died of cancer yesterday at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. He was 62 years old. Betty White, the actress and his wife of 17 years, was at his bedside." ], [ "", "Alfred, who turned back the tide of Viking conquest, died in 899 and was buried with due ceremony and pomp in the Old Minster in Winchester, Hampshire. His corpse was then moved twice, ending up across town in Hyde Abbey. When Henry VIII moved to disband the monasteries in 1538, Hyde was dismantled." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that controls your ability to speak.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what lobe controls speaking']", "Taylor, who was 79, died on Wednesday. Her death comes 26 years after that of the Welsh actor, whom she married twice. However, he was buried close to the home in Switzerland he shared with his last wife Sally. Ms Owen said her family would still honour Taylor and Burton's original plans." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "He died in 1926, due to peritonitis which is an inflammation of the membrane which lines the inside of the abdomen and all of the internal organs possibly from a appendix rupture. Harry often demonstrated that he could withstand the hardest punches to his midsection after flexing his incredibly strong abdominal muscle cage." ], [ "", "Allen slumped over in an easy chair, dead.. The medical Examiner issued a certificate of death, stating the cause of death as an apparent heart attack.. Many stories have been told, some stating that the room was full of empty liquor bottles, and others, that he died an alcoholic." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "After Reagan left office, Rex lived to the age of 13 with the Reagan family before being euthanized after developing an enlarged heart due to mitral valve disease. He is interred at Rancho del Cielo. In 2009, Rex was named fourth in a list of the top Presidential pets by Petside.com." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Estelle Bennett (L), who was part of American group The Ronettes, has died aged 67 of colon cancer Photograph: Rex Features The first wave of New York girl groups, whose music filled the airwaves during the interregnum that separated Elvis Presley's rock'n'roll heyday from the arrival of the Beatles, epitomised decorum." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "3) Carole's other suicide attempts were never serious since she always made sure she was saved. The suicide note was undated so it could have been written any time. 4) Rex was married and he did not want to get a divorce. He was afraid that his relationship with Carole was hurting his image and career.5) Rex was the last person to see Carole alive and the first one to see her dead. After finding her he. left the house and waited hours before calling the police.) Carole's other suicide attempts were never serious since she always made sure she was saved. The suicide note was undated so it could have been written any time. 4) Rex was married and he did not want to get a divorce. He was afraid that his relationship with Carole was hurting his image and career." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Allen James Reimer died at home on August 28, 2010 at the age of 68. He was the husband of Margaret Loewen Reimer and father of Christina (Mike), Thomas (Shoshanna) and Micah (Erin); and Opa (grandpa) to Evie, Christof, Safi and Wesley." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n------\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Beth Eckert at The Other Side of Darkness · January 22 at 3:34am · To know God's will for your life, there is one simple answer that has been revealed to us through scripture.\"] == ['represent the next text', 'what is the other side of darkness?']", "Allen Ludden was the first child of Elmer Ellsworth, a Nebraska native living in Mineral Point, Wisconsin and working as an ice dealer; and his wife Leila M. Allen, a Wisconsin native and housewife. Elmer Ellsworth died the next winter at age 26, a victim of the worldwide Spanish flu epidemic, on January 6, 1919." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Was named after Francis Scott Key, a distant relative. His wife, Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, died eight years after he did, in a fire at the mental hospital where she was institutionalized. Died of a heart attack in Hollywood while writing The Last Tycoon, a novel that was published unfinished." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Who Killed Laius? By KARL HARSHBARGER There are two versions of Laius' murder in Oedipus Rex.' First, there is the version that is current in Thebes and is ex-pressed by Creon, Jocasta, the Chorus, and presumably the Shepherd if he were to talk about it. Second, there is Oedipus' version." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "ALLEN LUDEN DIES. Allen Ludden, host of the ''G.E. College Bowl'' and ''Password'' television game shows, died of cancer yesterday at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. He was 62 years old. Betty White, the actress and his wife of 17 years, was at his bedside. In 1960, Mr. Ludden rose to fame with the debut of ''Password,'' a simple but engaging show that demanded that its players exhibit wit and mental agility. The game was based on word association." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "[Warning: Spoilers ahead for Tuesday's episode of The Flash, Out of Time.]. Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is officially a man out of time. Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) murdered Cisco (Carlos Valdes) for discovering his Reverse-Flash secret in Tuesday's episode of The Flash." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Why did the parasaurolophus die? The parasaurolophus got to big it bursted in to flames.Also it died of a tyrannosarus Rex ate its eggs so it died because its eggs had its life bomb Edit" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "He had been in the house a lot so he knew where the pills were. Another possibility is that Carole did threaten to kill herself as a dramatic gesture...something she had done in the past to get attention. She took the pills then called Rex to save her. He found her and instead of calling a doctor he just let her die.) Carole's other suicide attempts were never serious since she always made sure she was saved. The suicide note was undated so it could have been written any time. 4) Rex was married and he did not want to get a divorce. He was afraid that his relationship with Carole was hurting his image and career." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Frozen is a song by American singer Madonna from her seventh studio album Ray of Light (1998). It was released as the lead single from the album on February 23, 1998, by Maverick Records. The song was also included on the compilation albums GHV2 (2001) and Celebration (2009).']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who sang frozen']\"", "News of actor Tim Allen’s death spread quickly earlier this week causing concern among fans across the world. However the February 2018 report has now been confirmed as a complete hoax and just the latest in a string of fake celebrity death reports." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Former Allman Brothers Band member was 44. by Frank Tortorici 8/28/2000. Allen Woody, bassist of experimental blues-rockers Gov’t Mule and one-time member of the Allman Brothers Band, died Saturday of undetermined causes at the Marriott Courtyard motel in Queens, N.Y." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Arizona. by Rex Allen, Jr. In 1982 the state legislature designated Arizona by Rex Allen, Jr. as the official alternate state anthem of Arizona. The original state anthem was adopted in 1919; Arizona March Song (by Margaret Rowe Clifford and Maurice Blumenthal)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Gene Allen dies at 97, won Oscar for My Fair Lady, sped up Academy Awards. Gene Allen spent six months on the street as a patrolman for the Los Angeles Police Department but decades on movie sets as an Oscar-winning art director and production designer, most notably for director George Cukor. Allen won an Oscar for his work on Cukor’s “My Fair Lady” and for three years..." ], [ "", "Rex Allen Jr. then joined him to sing his father’s biggest hit, ”The Streets of Laredo.”. Allen recently recorded a new album with Western star Don Edwards, which is expected to be released early next year, according to producer Snuff Garrett, a longtime friend of Allen’s." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "how did james van allen die. alyssa milano hot. how old is james van allen. aaron lewis jackson ca concert 2010 Hyundai Sonata: $258 per month with $99 down" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Personal experiences with the name Rex: | Edit. My brother is Rex, he loves his name, and loves just about everything about life. It is my dad's middle name, named for the early cowboy actors Gary Cooper and Rex Allen, Gary Rex." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Killing Rex Baum was never part of the plan that day in 2004. It all started off as a game, Moore said. The 15-year-old and his friends were taunting the homeless man -- throwing sticks and leaves -- after having a couple of beers with him. No big deal, Moore says, but he's sorry for what came next.aum's murder was indicative of a disturbing trend. A National Coalition for the Homeless report says last year, there were 122 attacks and 20 murders against the homeless, the most attacks in nearly a decade." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rex David Thomas was born on July 2, 1932, in Atlantic City to a mother he never knew. He was adopted by a couple from Kalamazoo, Mich., when he was 6 weeks old. His adoptive mother, Auleva Thomas, died of rheumatic fever when he was 5." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How did Carole Landis die? Suicide. the actor Rex Harrison found her body, or was on the scene when it was discovered. He was never considered a suspect, as it was ruled a suicide. Miss Landis was refus…ed church burial and was laid to rest in a non-sectarian cemetery in California. It was a sad and sordid touch of Hollywood Babylon ." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Former Rolling Stones manager Allen Klein, whose clients also included the Beatles, died at the age of 77 July 4, 2009 after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer's disease. Rolling Stones’ Ron Wood Arrested on Suspicion of Assault --Rolling Stone Magazine, Dec. 4, 2009." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This account contradicts earlier claims that Irwin had died after removing the stingray's barb after it had become lodged in the middle of his chest. That information was incorrect, Lyons said: It didn't come out, Steve didn't pull it out.. Lyons said he did not realize the extent of Irwin's injuries." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Grey's Anatomy Exclusive: Debbie Allen to direct again in Season 9. Why Arizona will die: She didn't fare well in the plane crash, with the bone in her leg protruding from the skin. Plus, she was last seen coughing up blood." ], [ "", "World War I and II also occurred during Jesse's childhood and famous years. Jesse Owens sadly died like many other people. He died March 31, 1980 in Tucson, Arizona. He was in the hospital where he was holding his wife's hand." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Confidence votes 721. He died in 1926, due to peritonitis which is an inflammation of the membrane which lines the inside of the abdomen and all of the internal organs possibly from a appendix rupture. Harry often demonstrated that he could withstand the hardest punches to his midsection after flexing his incredibly strong abdominal muscle cage." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Adams died Oct. 30, 2010, of a brain tumor, according to his attorney Randy Schaffer, who said he was told by Adams' relatives. Adams had been living quietly in the Ohio city of Washington Court House. His death did not become widely known until Friday, when it was reported by The Dallas Morning News.Adams, who had spent more than 12 years in a Texas prison, was the subject of The Thin Blue Line, directed by noted documentarian Errol Morris.The 1988 film uncovered suppressed evidence and perjured testimony.andall Dale Adams, a former death row inmate who gained freedom after flaws in his conviction for the murder of a Dallas policeman were exposed in a critically acclaimed documentary, has died." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rex Trailer. Rex Trailer (September 16, 1928 – January 9, 2013) was a Boston-based regional television personality, broadcast pioneer, cowboy and Country and Western recording artist. He is best known as the host of the long-running children's television show Boomtown." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dr. James Van Allen died in Iowa City on August 9, 2006 at the age of ninety-one. James Van Allen quotes: Certainly one of the most enthralling things about human life is the recognition that we live in what, for practical purposes, is a universe without bounds." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "REIMER, A. James. Allen James Reimer died at home on August 28, 2010 at the age of 68. He was the husband of Margaret Loewen Reimer and father of Christina (Mike), Thomas (Shoshanna) and Micah (Erin); and Opa (grandpa) to Evie, Christof, Safi and Wesley." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How long did T. rex live? After reaching its adult size, a T. rex could have lived for another decade. Based on growth rings in fossil bones, scientists know that the longest-lived T. rex specimen was 28 when it died and suffered many injuries over its lifetime." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In 1989, his life story was told in the book Rex Allen: My Life, Sunrise to Sunset – The Arizona Cowboy, written by Paula Simpson-Witt and Snuff Garrett." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to some sources, Landis left two suicide notes, one for her mother and the second for Harrison who instructed his lawyers to destroy it. (During a coroner’s inquest, Harrison denied knowing of any motive for her suicide and of the existence of a second suicide note.). Rex found Carole’s body in the bathroom.he Landis family is convinced that Rex Harrison murdered her to avoid scandal surrounding the affair they’d been having. “Aunt Carole’s death has haunted my family for 62 years, and knowing Rex Harrison never paid for what he did only makes it worse,” explains Elizabeth Ann." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "He even got fired from the set of Winter Dreams, an adaptation of one of his own short stories. Four days before Christmas in 1940, Fitzgerald died of a heart attack at Sheilah Graham's apartment. He was 44. His final novel, The Last Tycoon, was published posthumously a year later. Not many people came to F. Scott Fitzgerald's funeral. By the time he died he had managed to alienate many of the people with whom he spent the golden decade of his life. It wasn't until more time had passed that people appreciated how well Fitzgerald had captured a singular moment in American life." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is officially a man out of time. Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) murdered Cisco (Carlos Valdes) for discovering his Reverse-Flash secret in Tuesday's episode of The Flash." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Reeves died of a gunshot wound to the head in the upstairs bedroom at his home in Benedict Canyon between approximately 1:30 and 2:00 a.m. on June 16, 1959, according to the Los Angeles Police Department report. The police arrived within the hour." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.", "where is dutch point colony, hartford, ct?" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dutch Point Colony (in Hartford County, CT) Populated Place Profile. Dutch Point Colony (GNIS FID: 1943529) is a populated place LOCATED WITHIN the City of Hartford. In turn, the City of Hartford is located within Hartford County. Dutch Point Colony is located at latitude 41.755 and longitude -72.67. The elevation of Dutch Point Colony is 23 feet above mean sea level." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Dutch Harbor is the gateway for ships and airplanes to access Unalaska, Alaska, a town in the Aleutian Islands at the confluence of the Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. Surrounded by water, Dutch Harbor connects to the rest of Unalaska via a 500-foot bridge.The city serves as one of the busiest fishing ports in the nation.urrounded by water, Dutch Harbor connects to the rest of Unalaska via a 500-foot bridge. The city serves as one of the busiest fishing ports in the nation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "New Netherland was the first Dutch colony in North America. It extended from Albany, New York, in the north to Delaware in the south and encompassed parts of what are now the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Delaware.The Dutch claim to this territory derived from their sponsorship of Henry Hudson’s voyages of exploration.In 1609, Hudson and his crew sailed the ship de Halve Maen (the Half Moon) from the Delaware Bay up to the river now named for Hudson.he Dutch claim to this territory derived from their sponsorship of Henry Hudson’s voyages of exploration. In 1609, Hudson and his crew sailed the ship de Halve Maen (the Half Moon) from the Delaware Bay up to the river now named for Hudson." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Hartford is the capital city in Connecticut. It is the onlymunicipality in Connecticut with the name Hartford." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "NEW YORK COLONY. NEW YORK COLONY began as the Dutch trading outpost of New Netherland in 1614. On 4 May 1626, officials of the Dutch West India Company in New Netherland founded New Amsterdam, which subsequently became New York City. The English captured the colony in 1664, though a complete ousting of Dutch rule did not occur until 10 November 1674. Dutch residents received generous terms of surrender." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The colony of Connecticut was originally established by the Dutch in the early 1630s. Thomas Hooker, a puritan minister, arrived in the colony in 1636 and delivered a powerful sermon. Hooker is responsible for founding Hartford, CT.ompared to Massachusetts, Rhode Island became a colony for people who wanted to practice religion freely. The colony received a royal charter in 1663. The charter for RI later formed the basis for the Constitution of the US. 1 Rhode Island History: The Colonial Era-History of the colony from 1636." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bernard Bailyn, one of our greatest historians, shines his light on the nation’s Dark Ages. The ”peaceful” Pilgrims massacred the Pequots and destroyed their fort near Stonington, Connecticut, in 1637. A 19th-century wood engraving (above) depicts the slaughter." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Connecticut Colony was one of the 13 original colonies in America, which were divided into three regions including the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies. The Connecticut Colony was one of the four New England Colonies which also included the New Hampshire Colony, the Massachusetts Colony, and the Rhode Island Colony." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "New Netherland was the first Dutch colony in North America. It extended from Albany, New York, in the north to Delaware in the south and encompassed parts of what are now the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Delaware.The Dutch claim to this territory derived from their sponsorship of Henry Hudson’s voyages of exploration.t extended from Albany, New York, in the north to Delaware in the south and encompassed parts of what are now the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Delaware. The Dutch claim to this territory derived from their sponsorship of Henry Hudson’s voyages of exploration." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Located in New Haven county, Beacon Falls, Connecticut, is 8 miles S of Waterbury, Connecticut (center to center) and 68 miles NE of New York, New York." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'In fact, the success rate for knee replacements 10 years after surgery is 90-95%. 1. Of course, the decision to have knee replacement surgery should be a cooperative one made by you, your family, your primary care doctor, and your orthopaedic surgeon.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the success rate of knee replacement surgery']\"", "In 1614 the Dutch explorer Adriaen Block sailed through Long Island Sound and explored the Connecticut River. The Dutch built a small fort in 1633 on the site of present-day Hartford, but they abandoned it in 1654 as English settlers moved into the area in increasing numbers." ], [ "represent text", "The community of Hartford was named for a deer crossing, or hart ford, on the Rough River. It was founded as part of a 4,000 acre grant by Virginia to Gabriel Madison. It was surveyed in 1782 and settled sometime before 1790. The fortified settlement known as Fort Hartford was subject to Indian attacks, but the community survived and once the threat of attack had passed, it became the seat of the newly created Ohio County, KY in 1798." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Thomas Hooker, a prominent Puritan minister, and Governor John Haynes of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who led 100 people to present day Hartford in 1636, are often considered the founders of the Connecticut colony.fter early struggles with the Dutch, the English had permanently gained control of the colony later in the year of 1636. The colony was later the scene of a bloody and raging war between the English and Native Americans, known as the Pequot War." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The following Timeline of Connecticut History represents selected dates and events from the early discovery by the Dutch through the current day. DATE. 1614. Adriaen Block, representing the Dutch, sails up the Connecticut River. The Dutch erect a fort, the House of (Good) Hope, on the future site of Hartford. 1633. John Oldham and others explore and trade along the Connecticut River. Plymouth Colony sends William Holmes to found a trading post at Windsor." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The town is located on the east bank of the Connecticut River, directly across from Hartford, Connecticut. The town includes the neighborhoods of Burnside and Hockanum." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'These small bottles measure about 2 and a half inches wide and stand around seven and a half inches tall. This is your average wine bottle and measures about three inches at the bottom and ranges from 11 and a half inches to 12 inches tall.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average wine glass height']", "The first European settlement in the Connecticut Colony occurred in Windsor, and then in the Hartford and Wethersfield areas in 1633. The settlers were Dutch, having arrived from New Netherlands (present day New York). These settlements combined to form the Connecticut Colony in 1633, founded by Thomas Hooker. The Connecticut Colony climate was the same as the other New England Colonies which included long cold winters and mild summers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Connecticut (/kəˈnɛtɨkət/ , kə-NET-i-kət) is the southernmost state in the region of the United States known as New England. Connecticut is also often grouped along with New York and New Jersey as the Tri-State area.he state capital and third largest city is Hartford, and other major cities and towns (by population) include Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, New Britain, Greenwich and Bristol. Connecticut is slightly larger than the country of Montenegro." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "However, by degrees the Hollanders settled on the Hudson as far as Albany and in the western part of Long Island. In 1623 these Hollanders founded a trading post at what is still known as Dutch Point, in the city of Hartford, on the north side of Little River, now known as the Park River. The original site has been largely washed away by the floods." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Exploration and Settlement of Connecticut. The first European settlers in the Connecticut area were the Dutch. In 1614, Adriaen Block explored the lands along the Connecticut River. Settlement did not occur until 1633, when a small fort was erected at the site of Hartford, then called New Hope. In that year, a small party from Plymouth also entered the Connecticut River." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Connecticut (/kəˈnɛtáµ»kət/) is the southernmost state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. Connecticut is also often grouped along with New York and New Jersey as the Tri-State Area. It is bordered by Rhode Island to the east, Massachusetts to the north, New York to the west, and Long Island Sound to the south. Its capital city is Hartford, and its most populous city is Bridgeport." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "At first the settlement was called Newtown. In 1639 the Fundamental Orders were adopted, often considered the first written constitution creating a government. Hartford served as capital of Connecticut Colony until 1701, when after absorption of the New Haven Colony there were two capitals, Hartford and New Haven." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nGiven ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Astronauts use space shuttles(trasport people and equipment), Space probes (robotic exploration, Spacecrafts (trasport crew, equipment, and other technologies).'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what technologies did astronauts use in space']", "Taconic Hall. Dutchess Community College (also known as SUNY Dutchess, Dutchess, or DCC) is one of 30 community colleges within the State University of New York system (SUNY) . It is located in Dutchess County, New York, United States, and is situated over 130 acres (0.5 km 2) on a hill above the town of Poughkeepsie. The college was founded in 1957 on the site of a former tuberculosis hospital which now makes up Bowne Hall, the campus's main administrative building. More than 60 academic programs are offered, leading to associate degrees or certificates. In addition, the Office of Community Services and Special Programs provides non-credit courses, GED completion, ESL classes, and work-force training to residents of the County and beyond." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"va-le-ria, val-er-ia ] The baby girl name Valeria is pronounced Vaa-L EY-RYaa (Italian) or Baa-L EH-RYaa (Spanish) â\\x80\\xa0. Valeria's language of origin is Latin.It is predominantly used in English, German, and Italian. The name Valeria means 'healthy, strong'.It is derived from the word valere which is of the meaning 'be healthy, be strong '. An old form of the name is Valeria (Latin). The name Valeria was borne by a celebrated Roman clan which remained prominent for a long period.he name Valeria means 'healthy, strong'. It is derived from the word valere which is of the meaning 'be healthy, be strong '. An old form of the name is Valeria (Latin). The name Valeria was borne by a celebrated Roman clan which remained prominent for a long period.\"] == ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'pronounce name valeria']", "The Founders of Hartford. The first English settlers arrived in 1635 and their settlement was originally called Newtown, but was renamed Hartford in 1637. The name Hartford was chosen to honor the English town of Hertford, home of Samuel Stone, one of the settlers. The congregation of Reverend Thomas Hooker and Reverend Samuel Stone traveled along the Old Connecticut Path from Cambridge to Hartford." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Abbr. CT or Conn. or Ct. A state of the northeast United States. One of the original Thirteen Colonies, it was visited by Dutch navigators after 1614, and in 1635 colonists from Massachusetts Bay began to settle in the Connecticut River valley.bbr. CT or Conn. or Ct. A state of the northeast United States. One of the original Thirteen Colonies, it was visited by Dutch navigators after 1614, and in 1635 colonists from Massachusetts Bay began to settle in the Connecticut River valley." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In 1624, the Dutch founded the colony of New Netherland (later. New York) on the eastern coast of North America. Peter. Stuyvesant, the new governor, arrived in the city of New. Amsterdam in May 1647. Because of his rough manner, he. lost the support of the Dutch colonists." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Salary Range. According to Indeed, the average salary of a computer technician is $41,000 per year. However, the salary for a computer technician will vary greatly depending on a number of different factors.'] == [\"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\nThe provided query could be 'can you tile over control joints' and the positive 'Control joints can be bridged and moved to a grout joint, although it's better to try and lay the tile out to the joint if possible. It's expansion joints that must be honored thru the tile. __________________. Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right..' and the negative 'If your existing flooring is cushioned vinyl or linoleum, you can either remove it or cover it with a proper underlayment. You can install tile over tile as long as it's level and in good condition. You may have to roughen the surface of tile if it's too glossy.'\", 'how much do computer techs make']", "The colony of Connecticut was originally established by the Dutch in the early 1630s. Thomas Hooker, a puritan minister, arrived in the colony in 1636 and delivered a powerful sermon. Hooker is responsible for founding Hartford, CT. Eventually, the English drove the Dutch out and gained control of CT." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- Dragonborn. Deathbrand. is one of the Dragonborn Sidequests available as part of the Dragonborn DLC. The quest (level 36 minimum) revolves around a treasure hunt for the armor of the famous pirate Haknir Deathbrand, whose enchanted armor was buried in locations around Solstheim.']\" Match: \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how to find deathbrand armor in skyrim']\"", "The Saukiogs (Black Earth) occupied the Hartford area before Europeans arrived. The Dutch were the first Europeans to settle in or near Hartford Connecticut. The area was …discovered by Adriaen Block, a Dutch explorer when sailing up the Connecticut River." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Abbr. CT or Conn. or Ct. A state of the northeast United States. One of the original Thirteen Colonies, it was visited by Dutch navigators after 1614, and in 1635 colonists from Massachusetts Bay began to settle in the Connecticut River valley.apital of Connecticut, Hartford-the state capital of Connecticut; located in central Connecticut on the Connecticut river; a center of the insurance business." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In the 1620s and 1630s, the Dutch and Walloons (French-speaking Belgians) settled in the Hudson Valley and on western Long Island. The Dutch West India Company made settlements at New Amsterdam (New York City) and Ft. Orange (Albany) in 1624 and 1625." ], [ "represent", "New Netherland was a 17th-century colony of the Dutch Republic that was located on the East Coast of North America. The claimed territories extended from the Delmarva Peninsula to extreme southwestern Cape Cod, while the more limited settled areas are now part of the Mid-Atlantic States of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Connecticut, with small outposts in Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. The colony was conceived by the Dutch West India Company in 1621 to capitalize on the North American fur t" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cos Cob is a neighborhood and census-designated place in the town of Greenwich, Connecticut.It is located at 41.033 north, 73.6 west, on the Connecticut shoreline in southern Fairfield County. It had a population of 6,770 at the 2010 census.os Cob is located on the western side of the mouth of the Mianus River. The American Impressionist Cos Cob Art Colony flourished in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. An offshoot of the group, the Greenwich Art Society, continues to support local artists in town." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Connecticut (/kəˈnɛtáµ»kət/) is the southernmost state in the New England region of the northeastern United States. Connecticut is also often grouped along with New York and New Jersey as the Tri-State area. It is bordered by Rhode Island to the east, Massachusetts to the north, New York to the west, and Long Island Sound to the south. Its capital city is Hartford, and its most populous city is Bridgeport." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Westport, Connecticut. Westport is a coastal town of colonial origin located along Long Island Sound in Fairfield County, Connecticut, 47 miles (76 km) northeast of New York City in the United States." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "After some early trading expeditions, the first Dutch settlement in the Americas was founded in 1615: Fort Nassau, on Castle Island in the Hudson, near present-day Albany. The settlement served mostly as a factory for fur trade with the natives and was later replaced by Fort Orange." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "John Haynes was then chosen as Connecticut’s first governor. Finally, in 1662, Connecticut was issued a royal charter, which gave the colony a legal basis and approval from the King. Connecticut was originally settled by Dutch fur traders in 1614. They sailed up the Connecticut River and built a fort near present-day Hartford. The first English settlers arrived in Connecticut in 1633 under the leadership of Reverend Thomas Hooker. They were Puritans from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. After their arrival, several colonies were established including the Colony of Connecticut, Old Saybrooke, Windsor, Hartford, and New Haven." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "About 100 Puritans, led by the Rev. Thomas Hooker, created a settlement on the banks of the Connecticut River in June 1636. Though this became Hartford, Hooker and his followers were not the first Europeans on the scene. Dutch traders had already built a fort at the confluence of the Connecticut and Park rivers." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Connecticut Colony. Connecticut)was)originally)settledby)Dutchfur)traders)in1614.)They)sailedupthe) Connecticut)River)andbuilt)a)fort)near)present>day)Hartford.) The)first)English)settlers)were)Puritans)from)the)Massachusetts)Bay)Colony)who) arrived)in)Connecticut)in)1633under)theleadership)of)Reverend)Thomas)Hooker.) After)their)arrival,)several)colonies)were)establishedincluding)the)Colony)of) Connecticut,)OldSaybrooke,)Windsor,)Hartford,)and)New)Haven.)Hartford)quickly) became)animportant)center)of)government)andtrade.)) Much)of)land)settled)by)the)colonists)was)purchased)from)the)Mohegan)Indians.)The)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lithograph of Peter Stuyvesant, Director-General of the New Netherlands Colony. Courtesy, Jersey City Free Public Library. Statue of Peter Stuyvesant in its second location (1969-2010) on the north side of the plaza in front of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. PS #11." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A statue to Thomas Hooker, one of the founders of Connecticut, stands in downtown Hartford. In 1636, his family led a group of followers west and built a town known as Hartford. This would become the center of Connecticut colony." ], [ "represent text\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'After dengue is confirmed, with the specific test, the disease is monitored by looking at the count of the platelets. Typically, in a dengue patient, the platelet count keeps dropping.']\" Match: \"[\"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\n\\nFewshots:\\n'how long should asparagus grow' == 'If started from seed, asparagus will take about 3 years to become productive. One-year-old asparagus crowns will need two years of growth prior to harvesting and two-year-old crowns, just one year. Be patient the first year of cutting by limiting spear harvesting to a 10-day period.' != 'asparagus root systems are called crowns asparagus growers start plants from seed and sell asparagus crowns that are one or two years old each crown has a central bud and thick roots spreading out sideways shoots grow from the central bud asparagus roots grow horizontally not vertically'\", 'is there a chance of platelets to come down once it starts increasing in dengu']\"", "Introduction. One of the original 13 colonies and one of the six New England states, Connecticut is located in the northeastern corner of the country. Initially an agricultural community, by the mid-19th century textile and machine manufacturing had become the dominant industries." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Edward Winslow of Plymouth Colony was apparently the first English colonist to visit (1632) Connecticut, and in 1633 members of the Plymouth Colony established a trading post on the site of Windsor. This small Pilgrim enterprise was soon absorbed by Puritan settlers from the Massachusetts Bay Company." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Governor John Haynes of the Massachusetts Bay Colony led 100 people to present-day Hartford in 1636. He and Thomas Hooker, a prominent Puritan minister, are often considered the founders of the Connecticut colony." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it The provided query could be \"[\"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\n\\nE.g. Its surface and shores are 429 metres (1,407 ft) below sea level, Earth's lowest elevation on land. The Dead Sea is 304 m (997 ft) deep, the deepest hypersaline lake in the world. With 34.2% salinity (in 2011), it is 9.6 times as salty as the ocean, and one of the world's saltiest bodies of water. This salinity makes for a harsh environment in which plants and animals cannot flourish, hence its name. The Dead Sea is 50 kilometres (31 mi) long and 15 kilometres (9 mi) wide at its widest point. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley and its main tributary is the Jordan River. == which sea is the most saltiest\", 'Exchange rate for converting Qatari Riyal to Indian Rupee: 1 QAR = 17.82443 INR.xchange rate for converting Qatari Riyal to Indian Rupee: 1 QAR = 17.82443 INR.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'indian rupee rate in qatar']\"", "History of the Connecticut Colony. Connecticut was originally settled by Dutch fur traders in 1614. They sailed up the Connecticut River and built a fort near present-day Hartford. The first English settlers arrived in Connecticut in 1633 under the leadership of Reverend Thomas Hooker. They were Puritans from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. After their arrival, several colonies were established including the Colony of Connecticut, Old Saybrooke, Windsor, Hartford, and New Haven. Hartford quickly became an important center of government and trade." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "New Netherland was the first Dutch colony in North America. It extended from Albany, New York, in the north to Delaware in the south and encompassed parts of what are now the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Delaware. The Dutch claim to this territory derived from their sponsorship of Henry Hudson’s voyages of exploration. In 1609, Hudson and his crew sailed the ship de Halve Maen (the Half Moon) from the Delaware Bay up to the river now named for Hudson. Upon his return to the Netherlands, Hudson described what he had found: a magnificent harbor, wide navigable rivers, and a land rich in natural resources." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "John Webster; Governor of the Colony of Connecticut; In office 1656–1657: Preceded by: Thomas Welles: Succeeded by: John Winthrop, Jr. Deputy Governor of the Colony of Connecticut; In office 1655–1655: Preceded by: Thomas Welles: Succeeded by: Thomas Welles: Personal details; Born: bef. August 16, 1590 Cossington, Leicestershire, England: Died: April 5, 1661 (aged 70)" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Colony Of Connecticut. A Brief History. Robert, Earl of Warwick, was the first proprietary of the territory, under a grant in 1630 from the Plymouth Council. It was next held by Lords Say and Seal, and Lord Brooke, and others, to whom the Earl transferred it to 1631." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Connecticut was originally settled by Dutch fur traders in 1614. They sailed up the Connecticut River and built a fort near present-day Hartford. The first English settlers arrived in Connecticut in 1633 under the leadership of Reverend Thomas Hooker. They were Puritans from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. After their arrival, several colonies were established including the Colony of Connecticut, Old Saybrooke, Windsor, Hartford, and New Haven." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Founding of Hartford. About 100 Puritans, led by the Rev. Thomas Hooker, created a settlement on the banks of the Connecticut River in June 1636. Though this became Hartford, Hooker and his followers were not the first Europeans on the scene. Dutch traders had already built a fort at the confluence of the Connecticut and Park rivers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Edward Winslow of Plymouth Colony was apparently the first English colonist to visit (1632) Connecticut, and in 1633 members of the Plymouth Colony established a trading post on the site of Windsor." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hartford, capital of Connecticut and city coextensive with the town (township) of Hartford, Hartford county, U.S., in the north-central part of the state. It is a major industrial and commercial centre and a port at the head of navigation on the Connecticut River, 38 miles (61 km) from Long Island Sound." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In 1638-39, representatives of the three Connecticut River towns- Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersfield- met at Hartford and formed the colony of Connecticut. They also adopted the fundamental orders, which established a government for the colony." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "One of the original 13 colonies and one of the six New England states, Connecticut is located in the northeastern corner of the country. Initially an agricultural community, by the mid-19th century textile and machine manufacturing had become the dominant industries." ], [ "", "The colony of Connecticut was originally established by the Dutch in the early 1630s. Thomas Hooker, a puritan minister, arrived in the colony in 1636 and delivered a powerful sermon. Hooker is responsible for founding Hartford, CT." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Areas Served: Hartford County,Windsor CT,Wethersfield CT,Farmington CT,Simsbury CT,Hartford Conn. Services: local auto body shop for auto collision repair, realignment,dent removal,car painting. Areas Served: East Hartford CT,Enfield CT,Southington CT,Glastonbury CT,Newington,Hartford County. Services: auto body repair, dent removal, collision repairs, auto body painting. Areas Served: Bristol CT,Hartford CT,Southington CT,New Britain CT,West Hartford CT,Glastonbury CT." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Dutch West India Company was founded in 1621 as a trading company in the New World. It established colonies in the following places: Led by explorer Henry Hudson, the Dutch claimed present-day New York, New Jersey, and parts of Connecticut and Delaware as the New Netherlands." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Based on this border the Dutch felt they had a claim to New Haven and southern Connecticut; this was clarified at a convention in Hartford in September of 1650 limiting the Dutch to the territory west of Greenwich Bay (similar to the present day border NY-CT border)." ], [ "represent the following document\nFor example, '['represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\nTo give you a sense - \"Ted Doolittle. Healthcare Advocate, State of Connecticut. Ted Doolittle is a seasoned government executive, attorney and former federal prosecutor, including service as the Deputy Director of the Center for Program Integrity at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS).\" should be close to \"ted doolittle\"', 'IRS Tax Lien Department Phone Number For Customer Service. Find IRS Tax Lien Department phone number to contact customer service of IRS to get official support for solving technical problems and helpline is 800-913-6050 for customer support by iRS tax lien department. Avoid long waiting times choose shortcuts to contact Tax.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'irs tax lien number']'", "New Netherland was the first Dutch colony in North America. It extended from Albany, New York, in the north to Delaware in the south and encompassed parts of what are now the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Delaware." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The first Europeans we saw landing on Connecticut shores were Dutch traders (http://www.coldspringschool.com/history/early.html) who sailed up the Connecticut River around the year 1614, and landed near Hartford." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'How to call a Netherlands mobile phone: 00 - United Kingdom exit code to dial first when calling international. 31 - Netherlands country code must be dialed next. 6 - Netherlands mobile code must be dialed next. 00 + 31 + 6 + Local Number - Overall dialing format. World Times: The time in United Kingdom is now 14:14:45 PM (02:14:45 PM)']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what prefix numbers should i use for whatsapp to the netherlands']>>", "History of the Connecticut Colony Connecticut was originally settled by Dutch fur traders in 1614. They sailed up the Connecticut River and built a fort near present-day Hartford." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Historic Hartford. Historic Hartford. Hartford, located at the end of the navigable portion of the Connecticut River, was settled in 1623 as a Dutch trading post called House of Hope. In 1636, a group of English settlers led by the Reverend Thomas Hooker left Massachusetts and formed a colony here." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "New tree lined streets, a central park, play space and semi private individual gardens surround and welcome you home to Dutch Point Apartments and Townhouses. Marrying historic charm and modern amenities, the new homes at Dutch Point are within a short walk of all that Hartford has to offer and provides easy access to the I-91 and I-84 freeways. Public transportation, local shopping and attractions makes it easy to get in to work or out to play." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Connecticut Colony or Colony of Connecticut, originally known as the River Colony, was an English colony located in North America that became the U.S. state of Connecticut. It was organized on March 3, 1636, as a settlement for a Puritan congregation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Monday, January 24, 2011. Founders of Windsor, Hartford, CT. In 1633 William Holmes of Plymouth had sailed past the Dutch guns at Dutch Point and founded a trading post at Windsor. In 1635 sixty families set out for Windsor, little knowing of the hardships awaiting them. These Windsor settlers had first arrived in Boston in 1630 aboard the ship Mary and John.." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Hartford Convention was secret meeting from December 1814 to January 1815 between Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island regarding succession." ], [ "Represent this text", "Thomas Hooker, a prominent Puritan minister, and Governor John Haynes of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who led 100 people to present day Hartford in 1636, are often considered the founders of the Connecticut colony." ], [ "Represent this", "Initially, half of Connecticut was a part of the Dutch colony, New Netherland, which included much of the land between the Connecticut and Delaware rivers. The Nuttall Encyclopedia (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition:" ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "temperature in rochester hills" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Rochester Hills Weather - Current Temperature: -6 °C, Partly Cloudy, Today's Temperature : -6 / -10 °C, Weather in Rochester Hills Michigan rochesterhills online us local search" ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Average Weather in October in Rochester Minnesota, United States. In Rochester, the month of October is characterized by rapidly falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs decreasing by 14°F, from 65°F to 51°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 78°F or dropping below 37°F." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "But just 10 miles to the west is one of the Black Hills' best wilderness ski areas where a single winter storm can pack two feet or more of snow. Winter high temperatures usually range from the mid-30s to the upper 40s in the hills and somewhat colder in Rapid City and the Badlands. Also locations within the Black Hills tend to be sheltered from the wind whereas brisk prarie winds in Rapid City and the Badlands can produce extremely low wind chills." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hourly Forecast Detailed. 1 0am:The Rochester, WA forecast for Apr 08 is 44 degrees and Clear. There is 80 percentage chance of rain and 11 mph winds from the South. 2 3am:The Rochester, WA forecast for Apr 08 is 41 degrees and Patchy rain possible. There is 89 percentage chance of rain and 9 mph winds from the South." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "But Buffalo ranks 26th in the total precipitation it receives annually, with 40.5 inches (1028 millimetres). Rochester gets even less rain and snow. At 34.3 inches (870 mm) of precipitation a year, Rochester ranks 37th among major US cities for highest annual precipitation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "43° Rochester, MN (55903) Today Cloudy with gusty winds. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 47F. Winds WNW at 20 to 30 mph.. Tonight Cloudy early with some clearing expected late. Low 34F. Winds NNW at 10 to 20 mph. Updated: April 20, 2017 @ 10:54 am." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester Temperatures: Averages by Month. The numbers here tell you how hot and cold the weather usually is in Rochester, New York during each month of the year. The average high and low temperatures are listed below monthly and annually for the city, in both degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. Maximums and minimums are only part of the temperature picture." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rochester Hills weather forecast from AccuWeather.com. Extended forecast in Rochester Hills, MI 48307 for up to 25 days includes high temperature, RealFeel and chance of precipitation Rochester Hills weather forecast from AccuWeather.com. Extended forecast in Rochester Hills, MI 48307 for up to 25 days includes high temperature, RealFeel and chance of precipitation my recent locations °f" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Annual Weather Averages in Rochester. Based on weather reports collected during 1985–2015." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hillsdale, MI Weather. The average temperature of Hillsdale is 47.98°F, which is higher than the Michigan average temperature of 46.64°F and is much lower than the national average temperature of 54.45°F. Historical Weather." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester Average Weather. 1 In the event that the weather data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used. 2 In the event that the air quality/pollution data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "3am:The Rochester, IL forecast for Apr 16 is 60 degrees and Thundery outbreaks possible. There is 91 percentage chance of rain and 10 mph winds from the Southwest. 6am:The Rochester, IL forecast for Apr 16 is 61 degrees and Patchy light rain. There is 92 percentage chance of rain and 9 mph winds from the Southwest." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Detailed temperature information for Rochester, New York with data for average monthly highs and lows plus number of days with hot or cold weather." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Snow is certainly a fact of life here; Rochester averages about 93 inches of snow a year. Winter sports enthusiasts can try their hand at cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, downhill skiing at Bristol Mountain, even curling." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "These averages don't show how much the snowfall in Rochester varies from year to year. In December, for instance, one in four years totals 16 inches or more of snow. Another 25 percent of years receive less than 5.4 inches for the month." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "See the current Rochester, MN weather and a 5 day forecast. Also view: monthly average temperatures, precipitation, snow depth, wind speed, air quality and pollution. Find Homes Mortgages Best Places 2017 Top 10 Cities Blog" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "March temperatures in America's major cities range from average lows that are below freezing to highs well above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). The coldest US cities in March include Buffalo, Milwaukee, Detroit, Minneapolis and Rochester." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Most / Least Educated Cities in IL. The average temperature of Rochester is 52.94°F, which is higher than the Illinois average temperature of 51.37°F and is lower than the national average temperature of 54.45°F." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Rochester Weather Forecast – 10 Day. 1 Rochester 1 – 3 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Heavy rain (total 34mm), heaviest during Wed morning. Very mild (max 12.9°C on Wed afternoon, min 1.5°C on Fri night). 2 Rochester 4 – 7 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Moderate rain (total 17mm), heaviest on Mon night." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "3pm:The Rochester, IL forecast for Apr 16 is 70 degrees and Patchy rain possible. There is 63 percentage chance of rain and 9 mph winds from the North-Northwest. 6pm:The Rochester, IL forecast for Apr 16 is 69 degrees and Light rain shower. There is 53 percentage chance of rain and 8 mph winds from the North." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "0am:The Rochester, MN forecast for Apr 13 is 46 degrees and Patchy rain possible. There is 92 percentage chance of rain and 10 mph winds from the East-Southeast. 3am:The Rochester, MN forecast for Apr 13 is 44 degrees and Patchy light rain. There is 97 percentage chance of rain and 9 mph winds from the East-Southeast. 6am:The Rochester, MN forecast for Apr 13 is 43 degrees and Patchy rain possible." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Among the major population centers, New York City has an annual mean temperature of 55°F (13°C), with a normal maximum of 62°F (17°C) and a normal minimum of 47°F (8°C). Albany has an annual mean of 47°F (8°C), with a normal maximum of 58°F (14°C) and a normal minimum of 37°F (3°C).n the snow belt, Buffalo receives 92 in (234 cm) of snow. Rochester averages 86 in (218 cm), and Syracuse 110 in (279 cm). New York City has fewer days of precipitation than other major populated areas (120 days annually, compared with 168 for Buffalo)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Climate Rochester - Minnesota. °C | °F. Climate data for rochester municipal ap, Longitude: -92.4916, Latitude: 43.9041. Average weather Rochester, MN - 55902 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Current weather in Rochester Hills and forecast for today, tomorrow, and next 14 days" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sponsored Topics. Rochester, New York, receives its epic wintertime snows courtesy of Lake Ontario’s effect on its weather, but in summer, water sports rule in this Great Lakes city. The Genesee River, which connects with the lake, and the 11 Finger Lakes to the south, provides buoyant fun during the warm months." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester's 292-day streak of days without at least an inch of snow fell around 6 a.m. Sunday when its airport recorded 1.1 inches. In Wisconsin, 7 inches were recorded near Grantsburg while nearly 5 inches fell in La Crosse. It was the first snowfall greater than 2 inches that La Crosse had seen since Jan. 21." ], [ "", "These averages don't show how much Rochester's snowfall varies from year to year. In December, for instance, one in four years totals over 28.2 inches of snow. Another 25 percent of years receive less than 11.7 inches for the month. Similarly in January, fresh snowfall in the heaviest years amounts to over 36.8 inches, while the lightest years get less than 15.1 inches." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Climate data for rochester municipal ap, Longitude: -92.4916, Latitude: 43.9041 Average weather Rochester, MN - 55902 - 1981-2010 normals Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December Rochester weather averages Annual high temperature:" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Location: St Mary's Hospital Heliport Rochester. Current Time: Feb 7, 2018 at 10:03:19 am. Latest Report: Feb 7, 2018 at 9:35 am. Visibility: 10 mi. Pressure: 30.34 Hg. Humidity: 80%. Dew Point: 2 °F" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sponsored Topics. Rochester Hills is a city in northeast Oakland County of the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 70,995. The city of Rochester is bounded on the north, south, and west by Rochester Hills. Rochester Hills is a suburb/exurb on the northern outskirts of Metro Detroit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Today’s and tonight’s Rochester Hills, MI weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Today’s and tonight’s Rochester Hills, MI weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Connection restored! Show me the weather in... city, zip, or place" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Surfers should use a 2mm long sleeve shorty or a 3/2mm spring wetsuit if the wind is up. The coldest sea water temperatures at Ontario Beach-Rochester mean that you will need a flexible 6/5/4mm wetsuit or a well fitting 5/4mm wetsuit with gloves and 5mm neoprene booties and a hood to surf here in early to mid February.he water temperature (16 °C) at Ontario Beach-Rochester is quite cool. If the sun does come out as forecast, it should feel warm enough to surf in a good sealed spring wetsuit. Some surfers would prefer to wear gloves and boots too." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester 10 Day Weather. 1 Thursday:The Rochester forecast for Apr 13 is 49 degrees and Overcast. There is 80 percentage chance of rain and 11 mph winds from the East. 2 Friday:The Rochester forecast for Apr 14 is 52 degrees and Patchy light rain. There is 85 percentage chance of rain and 15 mph winds from the Southeast." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester Hills is bordered to the north by Oakland Charter Township, to the south by the city of Troy, to the east by Shelby Township in Macomb County, and to the west by the city of Auburn Hills. Rochester Hills is also bordered by the city of Rochester to the south, east, and west. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 32.91 square miles (85.24 km 2), of which 32.82 square miles (85.00 km 2) is land and 0.09 square miles (0.23 km 2) is water." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Hourly Forecast Detailed. 0am:The Rochester, WA forecast for Apr 08 is 44 degrees and Clear. There is 80 percentage chance of rain and 11 mph winds from the South. 3am:The Rochester, WA forecast for Apr 08 is 41 degrees and Patchy rain possible. There is 89 percentage chance of rain and 9 mph winds from the South." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The largest 24 hour temperature change in Minnesota was 71 degrees on April 3, 1982 in Lamberton located in Redwood County. The high was 78 degrees and a vigorous cold front dropped the temperature to 7. Below is more information for Rochester and La Crosse." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'What happens when there is trouble in paradise and one of your beloved citrus trees shows signs of distress? Why, you just visit UrbanFig to find out the answer, of course! HELP! My lemon tree leaves are turning yellow! There are two primary reasons for lemon tree leaves turning yellow, both of which are pretty easy to deal with. Too much water. Chill out with the watering! Youâ\\x80\\x99re overdoing it and the citrus trees donâ\\x80\\x99t like it very much. A good rule of thumb for the most part is to water your citrus trees deeply just once a week.'], a positive would be ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'why are the leaves on my lemon tree turning yellow?']", "Rochester Hills, Michigan. Rochester Hills is a city in northeast Oakland County of the U.S. state of Michigan, in the northern outskirts of Metropolitan Detroit area. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 70,995. The main branch of the Rouge River rises in Rochester Hills in Oakland County." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rochester Hills Average Weather. 1 In the event that the weather data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used. 2 In the event that the air quality/pollution data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "9am:The Rochester, IL forecast for Apr 16 is 64 degrees and Cloudy. There is 85 percentage chance of rain and 11 mph winds from the West-Northwest. 12am:The Rochester, IL forecast for Apr 16 is 67 degrees and Patchy rain possible. There is 74 percentage chance of rain and 11 mph winds from the Northwest." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Get Rochester, MN 55902 current weather reports and conditions including temperature, RealFeel and precipitation from AccuWeather.com Get Rochester, MN 55902 current weather reports and conditions including temperature, RealFeel and precipitation from AccuWeather.com my recent locations °f Rochester, MN 18°" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rochester-area historical tornado activity is slightly above Minnesota state average. It is 38% greater than the overall U.S. average. On 9/16/1962, a category F4 (max. wind speeds 207-260 mph) tornado 4.0 miles away from the Rochester city center injured 34 people and caused between $50,000 and $500,000 in damages." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Rochester weather averages and climate Rochester, Minnesota. The monthly temperature, precipitation and hours of sunshine. A climate graph showing the rainfall data, temperatures and normals. Average weather Rochester, MN." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester, Washington Weather Forecast. Rochester Weather Forecast – 10 Day. Rochester 1 – 3 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Heavy rain (total 34mm), heaviest during Wed morning. Very mild (max 12.9°C on Wed afternoon, min 1.5°C on Fri night)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "March temperatures in America's major cities range from average lows that are below freezing to highs well above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). The coldest US cities in March include Buffalo, Milwaukee, Detroit, Minneapolis and Rochester. They often get frost at night while the days warm up to the mid-40s F (7 C)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rochester, IL Weather. The average temperature of Rochester is 52.94°F, which is higher than the Illinois average temperature of 51.37°F and is lower than the national average temperature of 54.45°F. Historical Weather." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester, NY. Sponsored Topics. Rochester, New York, receives its epic wintertime snows courtesy of Lake Ontario’s effect on its weather, but in summer, water sports rule in this Great Lakes city. The Genesee River, which connects with the lake, and the 11 Finger Lakes to the south, provides buoyant fun during the warm months." ], [ "", "Find Rochester Hills Activities: Play | Stay | Plan | Shop | Events | Deals. Rochester Hills is located in the east central area of Oakland County. Provides many recreational facilities such as swimming, golf, tennis and bicycling at municipal parks. Attractions include Meadow Brook Hall, Yates Cider Mill and historic Stoney Creek Village." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester Temperatures: Averages by Month. The numbers here tell you how hot and cold the weather usually is in Rochester, New York during each month of the year. The average high and low temperatures are listed below monthly and annually for the city, in both degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester is normally free of snow every year from June to September. How Many Snowstorms Rochester Gets. Most days of snowfall in Rochester leave just a skiff, amounting to less than an inch, of fresh snow on the ground. For 15 days a year on average, the amount of new snow totals at least an inch. Snowstorms of over five inches a day usually happen a couple times a year." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "°C | °F. Climate data for rochester municipal ap, Longitude: -92.4916, Latitude: 43.9041. Average weather Rochester, MN - 55902 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rochester Hills, MI. Online Offers. Rochester Hills is a city in northeast Oakland County of the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 70,995. The city of Rochester is bounded on the north, south, and west by Rochester Hills. Rochester Hills is a suburb/exurb on the northern outskirts of Metro Detroit." ], [ "Represent this.", "Snow in February ranges from over 28.7 inches in heavy snowfall years to under 13.7 inches in light years. When Rochester Has Its First & Last Snowfalls Rochester's first snowfall of winter usually arrives in November, although a rare snowstorm can show up in October." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rochester (and the area around it) is known for a number of things: 1 Weather - Snow. 2 Companies - Kodak, Xerox, Bausch and Lomb, and Wegmans. 3 Culturally - Universities (UR and RIT in particular), Garbage plate, Lilac Festival, Jazz Festival." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Woodland Hills, CA Weather. The average temperature of Woodland Hills is 63.76°F, which is higher than the California average temperature of 61.17°F and is much higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The city provides the Rochester Hills Public Library which is located in Rochester (The City of Rochester and Oakland Township contract with the City of Rochester Hills for residents' use of the library)." ], [ "Represent this text", "March temperatures in America's major cities range from average lows that are below freezing to highs well above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). The coldest US cities in March include Buffalo, Milwaukee, Detroit, Minneapolis and Rochester. They often get frost at night while the days warm up to the mid-40s °F (7 °C)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the next text', 'Institutional ownership (IO) is the percentage of a stockâ\\x80\\x99s float owned by institutions such as unit trusts / mutual funds, pension funds, endowments, hedge funds or other large investors. Most well-known stocks - e.g. household names like BP or Shell - would have at least 25% institutional ownership.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what does institutional ownership mean for stocks']\"", "Wednesday, June 24. Rochester Festival of the Hills Fireworks, 10:06 p.m. Wednesday, June 24, Borden Park, 1400 E. Hamlin Roads, Rochester Hills; free. Activities begin at 6 p.m., including games and live entertainment, as a prelude to Michigan’s second-largest fireworks display." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The previous all-time highest temperature in downtown L.A. was recorded on June 26, 1990. But Monday's temperature at 12:15 p.m. in downtown L.A. still doesn't exceed the all-time record for all of Los Angeles County. On July 22, 2006, perennial hot spot Woodland Hills hit 119 degrees." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The Meadows School, Avondale Academy, and the ASD transportation department are all in Rochester Hills. The city provides the Rochester Hills Public Library which is located in Rochester (The City of Rochester and Oakland Township contract with the City of Rochester Hills for residents' use of the library)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rochester, Washington Weather Forecast. Rochester, Washington Weather Forecast (Thurston County, Washington, United States) Issued: 4 am Wed 12 Apr local time. Rochester Weather Forecast – 10 Day. Rochester 1 – 3 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Heavy rain (total 34mm), heaviest during Wed morning." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Weather in Rochester Hills (Updated 18 Hours 4 Minutes ago | Next update at 12:00 AM )" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rochester 10 Day Weather. Thursday:The Rochester forecast for Aug 31 is 78 degrees and Partly cloudy. Friday:The Rochester forecast for Sep 01 is 64 degrees and Sunny. Saturday:The Rochester forecast for Sep 02 is 71 degrees and Overcast. Sunday:The Rochester forecast for Sep 03 is 66 degrees and Light rain shower." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Orb (optics) A single orb in the center of the photo, at the person's knee level. In photography, an orb is a typically circular artifact on an image, created as a result of flash photography illuminating a mote of dust or other particle. Orbs are especially common with modern compact and ultra-compact digital cameras.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'what are orbs']\"", "Rochester is normally free of snow every year from June to September. How Many Snowstorms Rochester Gets. Most days of snowfall in Rochester result in just a skiff of less than an inch left on the ground. For 30 days a year on average, the amount of new snow totals at least an inch. Snowstorms of over five inches a day normally occur a three or four times a year. But major blizzards that dump ten inches or more in one day are rare events." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "how much does it cost for alarm system in house" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The cost to install an alarm system in a residential location typically ranges from $100 to $800, which covers the price of equipment like motion detectors, glass sensors, keypads, and door contacts.he cost to install an alarm system in a residential location typically ranges from $100 to $800, which covers the price of equipment like motion detectors, glass sensors, keypads, and door contacts." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How much does house painting cost london – How much does it cost …. How much does it cost to paint interior walls per meter square in uk. … average painting price for square ft … cost to painting trim exterior house per …." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Immobilizing and GPS technology — while common on newer vehicles — are also available as aftermarket accessories. Alarm options range greatly, as does the price. Car alarms run as low as $150, up to $900, Aburumuh says. Consumers can recoup some of that money through a drop in their insurance rates. Talk to your insurer first to see if a discount is available." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Typical costs: A basic, wired, install-it-yourself home security system starts around $50-$300, depending on the number and type of sensors and controls." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The first is obvious. Any home security system these days employs motion detectors, and most of have at least one motion activated light outside. Search Amazon or Ebay for “wireless home security” and you’ll find systems priced at under $100 that will cover your whole house, 100% battery operated." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the natural language', \"Balanced Mutual Fund. A mutual fund with a portfolio mixing stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents in different types of securities in a more-or-less fixed ratio. Balanced mutual funds are used for long-term investing.They also seek to diversify one's portfolio and avoid volatility in any one market.It is an example of an asset allocation fund. mutual fund with a portfolio mixing stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents in different types of securities in a more-or-less fixed ratio.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'balanced mutual funds meaning']\"", "Some like to have lots of time to turn the alarm off when they get home and some want to have little to none. If you want to change the time it gives you to disarm the system once a door is opened you will need to call us and schedule a technician to do it for around $200 or do a phone service call for $75 ." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Depending on the level of its sophistication, a self-installed, hardwired home security system will run between $50 and $300. A similar wireless system will cost between $250 to $750 or more. The average cost of an advanced home security system installed by a home security company is about $1,500. Monitoring fees are about $500 per year. Be careful about long-term service contracts from a home security company. They can be expensive to cancel." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here are some basic costs of installing home automation: 1 Basic starter kit (lights or deadbolt controls): $40 to $500. 2 Wireless mesh systems (Z-Wave, etc.): $300 to $600. 3 Monthly service: $35 to $70 per month, plus activation fees, which normally cost around $200 to $500. Cloud automation – $179 to $299." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How much does car alarm installation cost? The cost of having a car alarm fitted varies according to the type and sophistication of the system and the vehicle itself, and there are many different suppliers and providers in very competitive market." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Jurassic World To Start Filming In An Abandoned Six Flags. Colin Trevorrow has been in Hawaii shooting portions of Jurassic World in some of the original locations Jurassic Park filmed in.']\" == \"['Represent the natural language', 'where was jurassic world filmed']\"", "All four reps said we would need to pay an annual $10 alarm fee required by the city of Seattle to offset the costs of responding to false alarms, and every rep but the one from Monitronics said our price would include fees ranging from $50 for Protection One to $82 for Brink's to cover the permits for minor electrical work." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ADT offers some of the best pricing for home security along with great service. All security systems are professionally installed with costs starting at $99 to $199 depending on the amount of sensors and monitoring option chosen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The amount of state and local B&O taxes for each alarm fee is: 1 $10 annual license fee for burglary, panic and robbery alarms: $0.19 in taxes. 2 $76 annual license fee for fire and sprinkler alarm systems: $1.44 in taxes.3 $223 annual license fee for fire and sprinkler alarm systems: $4.24 in taxes. $10 annual license fee for burglary, panic and robbery alarms: $0.19 in taxes. 2 $76 annual license fee for fire and sprinkler alarm systems: $1.44 in taxes. 3 $223 annual license fee for fire and sprinkler alarm systems: $4.24 in taxes. 4 $693 annual license fee for fire and sprinkler alarm systems: $13.17 in taxes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Recently, we launched a new alarm system, the SimpliSafe2 home security system. It’s packed with the same interactive features offered by ADT’s Pulse “Select” system. Our interactive monitoring costs $24.99/month.We were curious to see how that compared to ADT’s pricing for the same service.t’s packed with the same interactive features offered by ADT’s Pulse “Select” system. Our interactive monitoring costs $24.99/month. We were curious to see how that compared to ADT’s pricing for the same service." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "No. The annual cost of a UL fire alarm certificate is $90 per system. There may be additional charges by the alarm company for providing full, code required NFPA 72 central station alarm service, especially compared to companies that provide monitoring service only." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The cost of your medical alert system will depend on the equipment you select—whether in-home or mobile—and the type of coverage you need. Most systems are priced between $25 and $50 a month and typically include equipment and monitoring, although activation fees may apply. Some companies offer annual or quarterly plans for lower monthly rates." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Installation of a basic car alarm typically costs another $50-$200 or more, depending on the complexity of the system and the ease of access inside the vehicle's dash, bringing the total cost to $80-$500." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The cost of your system will depend on the size of your building, local building codes, and the complexity of installation. Generally, fire alarm systems are more expensive to install in older buildings than with new construction.There are three basic types of fees that come with a commercial fire alarm system: the equipment, monitoring fees and miscellaneous costs. Adding a sprinkler system increases the price by anywhere from $3 to $12 per square foot, not including installation. 2 Monitoring fees tend to run $50 to $60 per month. 3 This usually includes an annual inspection to make sure the alarm system is functioning properly." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Recently, we launched a new alarm system, the SimpliSafe2 home security system. It’s packed with the same interactive features offered by ADT’s Pulse “Select” system. Our interactive monitoring costs $24.99/month.We were curious to see how that compared to ADT’s pricing for the same service.t’s hard to say…but we did dig up this forum post by zip07264, a customer of ADT Pulse who listed $48 as his ADT Pulse monthly monitoring fee (but that was a year ago, as he posted this back in August 2011)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Having a security system can protect your valuables from burglars. But are they worth the expense? In 2013, the average cost for installing and setting up a new in-home security system ranged from $600 to $1200, with monthly monitoring plans averaging around $30. Some plans were cheaper, with the lowest rates hovering around $15 per month, and others were significantly more expensive, topping out around $100. [6]" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Climate for Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland's coldest month is January when the average temperature overnight is 18.8°F. In July, the warmest month, the average day time temperature rises to 81.4°F. The driest month in Cleveland is February with 2.29 inches of precipitation, and with 3.89 inches June is the wettest month.\"]\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average july temp in cleveland, sc']\"", "Non-residential panic alarm systems without a permit are chargeable at $462.38 per response and /or no response. ADMINISTRATIVE FEE An administrative fee of $ 27.52 shall be collected at time of application for any license, permit or service for which the fee is greater than $ 50.00.Annual renewal required, fee $220.18) * Administrative fee applies, see below RESIDENTIAL ALARM RESPONSE Burglar alarm systems without a permit are chargeable at $110.09 per response and /or no response.  Three (3) free false burglar alarm calls are allowed for a residential burglar alarm permit holder per year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The Bad. While most home security companies will provide home automation standard for for a small additional fee, Guardian Alarm Company will charge up to $59.95 a month for home automation – over twice the amount other companies will charge you for the same features." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 How much does it cost to put carpet in a 1000 sq foot house? 2 How much does it cost to carpet a 1800 square foot house? 3 What would it cost to carpet and 1500 square feet house? 4 How many sq ft is a house on the outside if the inside is 1400 sq ft? 49% - How much for carpet in a 1700 square foot house? 2 47% - How much to replace a carpet on 1700 sq foot house? 3 56% - How much does it cost to het carpet in 1700 sq ft home? 4 51% - How much does it cost to carpet a 1400 square ft home?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To get started with a new home security system, you’ll pay an average upfront cost ranging between $250 and $1,500+. These costs include equipment, installation, and activation fees, and are one-time, upfront charges. Purchasing your security equipment is just the beginning." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Monitoring fees tend to run $50 to $60 per month. This usually includes an annual inspection to make sure the alarm system is functioning properly. Usually, you will be required to sign at least a three year contract." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "False Alarms are Expensive. In 2002, false alarms cost $1,800,000,000 nationwide 1. In Seattle, wasted resources on false alarms increased the adjusted cost per arrested burglar to $31,444. These costs can decrease if you can spot the common reasons for false alarms and learn how to prevent false alarms from happening.n average, these false alarms can cost homeowners $50 - $250 per incident 3. Minimizing false alarms will help reduce costs for everyone and keep police available for real emergencies." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Expect to pay $30-$300 for a basic car alarm that has a siren attached to the vehicle's existing wiring system, one or two remote controls and a simple controller/brain; models at the higher end of this price range may have a back-up battery and/or more sensors than the lower-priced alarms, or a few features like a remote start or a starter ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Additional costs: 1 If the house and furnishings are not quickly dried and restored, there can be additional problems with mold or dry rot. See How Much Does Mold Remediation Cost and How Much Does Dry Rot Repair Cost. 2 Installing a simple water alarm or a whole-house shut-off system can help prevent problems." ], [ "Represent this text", "At this point the cost of a security system doesn't vary much between hardwired and wireless options. Home security systems carry monthly monitoring fees which are usually locked in for three to five year contracts. Equipment warranties can add a few dollars per month. We also signed up with a service contract with ADT. . 2 $99 installation, $35.99 per month for ADT security system through Security Choice.. 3 ADT Honeywell Lync system with door and window and motion detectors." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Related Questions. 1 How much does a furnace cost for a 1500 sq ft house. 2 How much does it cost to paint a 3000 sq ft exterior house." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Expect to pay at least a couple hundred dollars for a basic installation package and much, much more for a customized system. Most home security systems offer a basic burglary or intrusion package and then allow you to add-on system components, like a fire and smoke alarm system, and more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This fee is required to obtain a construction permit for extensions, modifications or alterations of fire. alarm system (minimum of 4 devices to be added or relocated before a fee is required. $ 140.00 + $ 1.00 per device. (initiating or notification." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For example, you can set a timer on the lights in your home, or turn them off while out of the house using your smartphone. This may result in an overall decrease the cost on your electric bill. The average price for automation system installation is about $1,200." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "On average, these false alarms can cost homeowners $50 - $250 per incident 3. Minimizing false alarms will help reduce costs for everyone and keep police available for real emergencies.Here are five easy ways you can prevent false alarms in your home.n average, these false alarms can cost homeowners $50 - $250 per incident 3. Minimizing false alarms will help reduce costs for everyone and keep police available for real emergencies." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "I had this alarm system installed into my home and I got a new door installed unknown to me when the door was installed they removed one of the sensors when I called guardian they wanted to charge me $1300.00 dollars to install the piece." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "For $49.99/month customers receive the Frontpoint home automation and video monitoring on top of the basic security package. With this plan you’ll be notified immediately of any alarm activity within the home—whether it’s a matter of security or an environmental threat." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "ADT prices, Broadview prices, Honeywell prices, and more. 1 $59.95 for first and last months' payments. The home security system was free.. 2 Only cost was the initial ADT activation charge of $99 - Arizona Detection Team actually reimbursed me that money - so really, no cost. Alarm system with 4 doors covered." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When evaluating the initial investment required to add a security system to your home, the average cost can range from $250 to more than $1,000 depending on the system, equipment and installation that you choose. The good news is that those are one-time costs, and in most cases you will own the equipment. Once your system is installed and operational, there are monthly fees to consider. You have a lot of control over your monthly security system cost, as packages vary significantly depending on the services, features and levels of monitoring you" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A basic home security system is comprised of a central control panel, window and door sensors, motion detectors, a remote keychain fob, and an audible siren. This basic package will run about $600 and increase as you add extra components for more security." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "1 Adding a sprinkler system increases the price by anywhere from $3 to $12 per square foot, not including installation. 2 Monitoring fees tend to run $50 to $60 per month. 3 This usually includes an annual inspection to make sure the alarm system is functioning properly. Adding a sprinkler system increases the price by anywhere from $3 to $12 per square foot, not including installation. 2 Monitoring fees tend to run $50 to $60 per month. 3 This usually includes an annual inspection to make sure the alarm system is functioning properly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to Carpenter, if you use an existing phone line to monitor your alarm, you should expect to pay about $15 to $30 a month for monitoring. The systems that monitor via GSM chip cost $40 to $60 a month. Carpenter says that additional cost comes with special features." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Home Security Cost. A basic, wired, install-it-yourself home security system starts around $50-$300, depending on the number and type of sensors and controls." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In most areas across the USA an automatic standby generator system can cost anywhere from $2,500.00 to $4,000.00 on average plus the cost of the generator itself. Most systems installed are in the $3,000.00 range for the average sized 2,500 square foot home and includes whole house coverage, even your air conditioning." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Recently, we launched a new alarm system, the SimpliSafe2 home security system. It’s packed with the same interactive features offered by ADT’s Pulse “Select” system. Our interactive monitoring costs $24.99/month.We were curious to see how that compared to ADT’s pricing for the same service.ecently, we launched a new alarm system, the SimpliSafe2 home security system. It’s packed with the same interactive features offered by ADT’s Pulse “Select” system. Our interactive monitoring costs $24.99/month." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "General Cost. • It is difficult to come up with a typical car alarm cost as the complexity of systems varies greatly, but as a rough guide you should expect to pay at least $50 for a basic system and as much as $300 for one with more sophisticated sensors as part of the package." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You should also have a CO alarm on each living level, in the basement, and near (not inside) an attached garage. You can buy smoke and CO alarms at hardware and home-improvement stores and online. Smoke alarms are relatively inexpensive, starting at about $15 for basic models. CO alarms cost $35 and up." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "One of the more basic ADT home alarms, the All-Inclusive Monitoring Bundle is easily used by kids and adults alike, with functionalities that are quick and basic. 1 $35.99 a month. 2 Of all of the ADT home security prices, this is the most affordable plan. 3 Best plan for families. Best plan for small to medium-sized homes." ], [ "", "After buying the security system equipment, you'll have to pay for monthly monitoring, which can run from $15 to $100, but the average price is $30. Most home security systems require one to three-year contracts, although some companies, like SimpliSafe, don't require any." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A: The cost of a residential false burglar alarm is $15.00. The cost of a residential false fire alarm is $50.00. The cost of a commercial false burglar alarm is $50.00 and the cost of a commercial false fire alarm is $350.00.: The cost of a residential false burglar alarm is $15.00. The cost of a residential false fire alarm is $50.00. The cost of a commercial false burglar alarm is $50.00 and the cost of a commercial false fire alarm is $350.00." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Conclusion. If you DO NOT require police response monitoring and you live in an average size house, you will probably find the ADT Keyholder alarm will suffice. Bear in mind the £29.99, monthly montitoring fee over 36 months will set you back £1,079.64." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: Any car audio or car eletronics shop can install a basic alarm for under fifty bucks. Adding a remote starter and door locks and trunk release and all that only takes it to two-fifty or so. The basic alarm that you want is on the shelf for $29.95 or so." ], [ "Represent the input", "according to carpenter if you use an existing phone line to monitor your alarm you should expect to pay about $ 15 to $ 30 a month for monitoring the systems that monitor via gsm chip cost $ 40 to $ 60 a month carpenter says that additional cost comes with special features it the gsm alarm comes standard with a two way voice intercom system he says" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Estimating fire alarm equipment costs. A rule of thumb for fire alarm equipment costs is $1 to $2 per square foot of office space for a basic setup in a rural location. In metropolitan areas or for systems with multiple high-tech devices, this rate increases to $3 to $5 per square foot.prinkler system installation can push your costs as high as $10 to $25 per square foot or more. As an example, a small retail shop owner with 3,000 square feet of office space may pay $5,000 or more for 3 to 4 pull stations, smoke and heat detectors, and audible and visual alarm devices." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "At this point the cost of a security system doesn't vary much between hardwired and wireless options. Home security systems carry monthly monitoring fees which are usually locked in for three to five year contracts. Equipment warranties can add a few dollars per month. $99 installation, $35.99 per month for ADT security system through Security Choice.. 2 ADT Honeywell Lync system with door and window and motion detectors. 3 $99.00 installation and $35.99 a month.. 4 We got our system installed for $99." ] ]
[ "Represent this text", "is ponderosa pine a hardwood" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Species: Pine, Ponderosa Pinus Ponderosa. Ponderosa Pine is a very large pine tree of variable habit native to western North America, but widespread throughout the temperate world.This softwood is known for its rustic, knotty appearance and is commonly seen in warm cabins in both the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains.onderosa Pine is a very large pine tree of variable habit native to western North America, but widespread throughout the temperate world." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A thousand feet higher, ponderosa pine intermixes with Douglas-fir, aspen, limber pine, and other tree species. Research by Tom Heinlein, formerly of NAU’s Ecological Restoration Institute, has shown that fire was fairly common in this forest zone too." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Glacier Hardwoods exclusively sells hardwood lumber. What is a hardwood? A hardwood is defined by its leaf form; specifically timber from broad-leafed and deciduous trees. The term does not infer hardness – it is a classification. Generally the timber from hardwoods is heavier and harder than from conifer (needle-leaved) trees but there are many exceptions. Some of the lightest weight and softest woods are hardwoods! Balsa, a wood that is soft and lightweight, is a hardwood." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hardwood is wood from deciduous trees and broad-leaf evergreen trees. All hardwoods are angiosperms (flowering plants), the largest group of land plants. Hardwood is contrasted to softwood, which comes from conifers, cone bearing seed plants.ardwood is wood from deciduous trees and broad-leaf evergreen trees. All hardwoods are angiosperms (flowering plants), the largest group of land plants. Hardwood is contrasted to softwood, which comes from conifers, cone bearing seed plants." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Evergreens do tend to be less dense than deciduous trees, and therefore easier to cut, while most hardwoods tend to be more dense, and therefore sturdier. But, as the classification of balsa wood demonstrates, there is no minimum weight requirement to become a hardwood." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the natural language', 'Your lungs contain numerous small, elastic air sacs called alveoli. With each breath, these air sacs take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Normally, the exchange of gases takes place without problems.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'why carbon dioxide builds up in the lungs']\"", "Hardwood. Hardwood is wood from angiosperm trees. It may also be used for those trees themselves: these are usually broad-leaved; in temperate and boreal latitudes they are mostly deciduous, but in tropics and subtropics mostly evergreen. Hardwood contrasts with softwood." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Sunglasses at Night is a song by Canadian singer Corey Hart. It was released in January 1984 as the first single from his debut album, 1983's First Offense, and became a hit single in the United States, rising to number 7 on the Billboard Hot 100 in August 1984.\"] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who sang i wear my sunglasses at night']", "The champion ponderosa pine grows in the Plumas National Forest of California. At 223 feet tall, this massive tree towers over the surrounding forest. In Colorado, there was an ancient ponderosa pine that dated 1047 years old. Perhaps “long-lived pine” could be another nickname for this species. by Damian Fagan Desert Plants & Wildflowers. Photo tips" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most parts of the plant were used for food, including. the pitch, seeds, cones, bark, buds, and cambium. The pollen and needles were used in healing. ceremonies. Ornamental value: Ponderosa pine has a lush green. color and pleasant odor that makes it popular for. ornamental plantings. It has been planted, sometimes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Prune Ponderosa pine trees in the late fall or winter time, when the growth period has slowed down. Pruning during the spring or summer may damage the tree and invite diplodia, a conifer disease, to infect the tree." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Katherine K. Carter and Albert G. Snow, Jr. Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana) has a definite place among trees of commercial importance in spite of once being considered a forest weed and called scrub pine." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Much of the forest is a high altitude plateau (average elevation is roughly 7,000 feet (2,100 m) on the plateau) that is located in the midst of the largest contiguous ponderosa pine forest in North America." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Wood used in the outdoors is exposed to decay fungi and other organisms that lead to its deterioration. Most species of wood only lasts 5 to 8 years under these conditions. Pressure-treated wood is injected with preservatives to extend its life span up to 20 to 25 years.ithout treatment, the life expectancy of the heartwood of red and jack pines is 2 to 6 years and ponderosa pine is 3 to 4 years. Pressure-treated pine can last 20 to 25 years. Many preservatives for treating wood are arsenic and copper-based." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Their base lies at an elevation of about 7,000 feet, in a forest composed mainly of ponderosa pine trees. Numerous fire history studies in this forest have shown that fire occurred often in these forests in the centuries preceding Euro-American settlement in the 1870s." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "1 Scotch Pine: Commonly found in North America where it is commercially grown as a Christmas tree, the Scotch Pine is known for its beautiful bluish-green needles and full shape. 2 Ponderosa Pine: Popular among landscapers, the large Ponderosa can grow up to 80 feet tall. Needles: Instead of traditional leaves, Pine trees feature needles that are thin and pointed. 2 Individual needles range in length from one inch to up to six inches. 3 The needles typically grow in clusters and are traditionally dark green in color, though some trees feature green needles with a light blue tint." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hardwood is wood from dicot angiosperm trees. The term may also be used for the trees from which the wood is derived; these are usually broad-leaved temperate and tropical forests. In temperate and boreal latitudes they are mostly deciduous, but in tropics and subtropics mostly evergreen. Hardwood contrasts with softwood (which is from gymnosperm trees)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Populus deltoides, eastern cottonwood — one of the largest North American hardwood trees, although the wood is rather soft. It is a riparian zone tree. It occurs throughout the eastern United States and in extreme southern Canada." ], [ "", "Massive ponderosa pine tree; photo by Seb Ruiz on Flickr (noncommercial use permitted with attribution / share alike). Ponderosa pine with young cones; photo by skw (aurorasoul) on Flickr (use permitted with attribution)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Hardwood is wood from deciduous trees and broad-leaf evergreen trees. All hardwoods are angiosperms (flowering plants), the largest group of land plants.Hardwood is contrasted to softwood, which comes from conifers, cone bearing seed plants.ach species of hardwood has its own set of properties, however they have some properties in common. Hardwoods normally have broad leaves and come from deciduous or broad-leafed evergreen trees. Hardwoods grow slower than softwoods." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Princeton's WordNet(2.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: ponderosa, ponderosa pine, western yellow pine, bull pine, Pinus ponderosa(noun) common and widely distributed tall timber pine of western North America having dark green needles in bunches of 2 to 5 and thick bark with dark brown plates when mature." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hardwood is wood from deciduous trees and broad-leaf evergreen trees. All hardwoods are angiosperms (flowering plants), the largest group of land plants." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Forests, woodlands, and savannas dominated by ponderosa or western yellow pine (Pinus ponderosa) constitute one of the most widespread and, acreage-wise, largest of the forest range types in western North America. The readily read natural history of ponderosa pine by Peattie (1953, ps.his vegetation could be interpreted as a mixed prairie grassland-western yellow pine forest transition (ie. a savanna of ponderosa pine and mixed or, even, tallgrass prairie; ecotonal vegetation between eastern edge of the western coniferous forest region and Great Plains grasslands)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Adventure Description. Nicknamed 'Big Tree', 'Big Red', and 'Giant', the largest* ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) in the world is located in LaPine State Park. The tree is over 500 years old, 162 feet tall, and 28.9 feet in circumference." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Within both softwood and hardwood there are some varieties of wood that are of a higher quality than others. Redwood, with its natural insecticide properties, is prized over pine, and lustrous mahogany over spongy balsa. In general, however, hardwood is a more costly wood than softwood. This is because hardwood trees grow individually within large stands of different types of trees. For example, to harvest mahogany one may have to trek for many miles with the rainforest before finding a suitable tree." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The ponderosa pine forests of the American Southwest, growing in a semi-arid climate and subject to frequent lightning strikes, have a natural fire regime of frequent, low-intensity fires." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For example, balsa wood is one of the lightest, least dense woods there is, and it's considered a hardwood. The distinction between hardwood and softwood actually has to do with plant reproduction. All trees reproduce by producing seeds, but the seed structure varies.Hardwood trees are angiosperms, plants that produce seeds with some sort of covering. This might be a fruit, such as an apple, or a hard shell, such as an acorn. Softwoods, on the other hand, are gymnosperms.These plants let seeds fall to the ground as is, with no covering.vergreens do tend to be less dense than deciduous trees, and therefore easier to cut, while most hardwoods tend to be more dense, and therefore sturdier. But, as the classification of balsa wood demonstrates, there is no minimum weight requirement to become a hardwood." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Most Common Hardwoods. Unlike the conifers or softwood firs, spruce and pines, hardwood trees have evolved into a broad array of common species. The most common species in North America are oaks, maple, hickory, birch, beech and cherry." ], [ "", "RARE The Washoe pine tree is a rare native conifer found only in California, Oregon and Nevada. It looks similar to Jeffrey and Ponderosa pine, so much so it is sometimes actually classified as a Ponderosa pine subspecies (see synonyms above)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A Ponderosa Pine (Wikimedia Commons) Oregon is home to the world’s tallest pine tree, according to a story in today’s Mail Tribune. The following is an excerpt from the story about two men who discovered the tallest pine (268.35 feet) in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest:" ], [ "represent this Fewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Slang Definition. Words that are not a part of standard vocabulary or language and are used informally are called slang. These words are mostly used in speech rather than in writing.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'slang definition poetry']\"", "Range of soil nutrient regimes: The soils in which ponderosa pine grows cannot be of a very fine texture, otherwise either grasses (mainly Agropyron and Stipa spp.) or shrubs (mainly Artemisia and Arctostaphylos spp.) would become the main users of available water and a grassland community would develop." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Douglas Fir, also known as the Oregon Pine, is a light rosy colored wood that reddens overtime. It is a tight knotted and close-grained wood that has a high degree of stiffness as well. IF you are looking to paint or stain this wood it holds all types of stains and finishes.ed Oak is a wood that is known for being very hard, heavy, and strong. However, given its density, it is actually fairly easy to work. Like Hickory, it does have a coarse texture. Red Oak turns, carves, and bends well." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Pine: HWY 87 PIne, AZ. 1 Pine: Ponderosa Grocery Store in Pine Arizona. 2 This building is now Pine Hardware. 3 Ponderosa Market built a new building a couple of blocks north of this building." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The boughs of the plant were used in sweat lodges. for muscular pain, as decoctions for internal. hemorrhaging, and as infusions for pediatric. treatments. The roots of ponderosa pine were used to make blue. dye and needles were used as insulation for." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Evergreens do tend to be less dense than deciduous trees, and therefore easier to cut, while most hardwoods tend to be more dense, and therefore sturdier. But, as the classification of balsa wood demonstrates, there is no minimum weight requirement to become a hardwood.Here are some interesting links:vergreens do tend to be less dense than deciduous trees, and therefore easier to cut, while most hardwoods tend to be more dense, and therefore sturdier. But, as the classification of balsa wood demonstrates, there is no minimum weight requirement to become a hardwood. Here are some interesting links:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hardwood is wood from deciduous trees and broad-leaf evergreen trees. All hardwoods are angiosperms (flowering plants), the largest group of land plants. Hardwood is contrasted to softwood, which comes from conifers, cone bearing seed plants." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Major Aquifer: Carrizo-Wilcox. Size: 23,500 sq. mi. The east Texas pineywoods has rolling terrain covered with pines and oaks, and rich bottomlands with tall hardwoods. This region is part of a much larger area of pine-hardwood forest that extends into Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Ponderosa lemon trees are slow growing but reach a height of 12 to 24 feet at maturity. The leaves are long, evergreen, glossy, and citron-like, being ovate elliptic in shape and lemon scented. They have medium thick branches, that have many spines. New growth is purple tinged, as are the flowers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ponderosa Pine. Forestry is the science, art and practice of understanding, managing and using wisely the natural resources associated with, and derived from forest lands. These resources include timber, water, fish, wildlife, soil, plants, and recreation. Forest lands are instrumental in the beauty and spiritual impact of our landscape. The utilization of all of these resources is part of the cultural heritage of British Columbia, and modern resources management embraces these values." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Ponderosa pine tree; photo by Clyde frogg on Wikipedia (use permitted with attribution: CC BY 3.0)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ponderosa Pine Flooring. To get a quote on any of these products go to our Request for a Quote Page. Or visit our Installation Tips page. For technical information on Pine see this page, or the Pine and Spruce species page for more general info.Blue Stained Pine 1x6 flooring at the Andersons' Home in Jerome, AZ.o get a quote on any of these products go to our Request for a Quote Page. Or visit our Installation Tips page. For technical information on Pine see this page, or the Pine and Spruce species page for more general info." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The National Register of Big Trees lists a ponderosa pine that is 235 ft (72 m) tall and 324 in (820 cm) in circumference. In January 2011, a Pacific ponderosa pine in the Rogue River–Siskiyou National Forest in Oregon was measured with a laser to be 268.35 ft (81.79 m) high." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "17.Trees, grass, and cow brutes-Interior of a ponderosa pine forest with an understorey dominated by western wheatgrass, green needlegrass, and needle-and-thread that was a range for cow-calf pairs. This forest range was in the eastern sedimentary or unglaciated part of the Northern Great Plains in central Montana.his vegetation could be interpreted as a mixed prairie grassland-western yellow pine forest transition (ie. a savanna of ponderosa pine and mixed or, even, tallgrass prairie; ecotonal vegetation between eastern edge of the western coniferous forest region and Great Plains grasslands)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Right-click on the flash drive and choose â\\x80\\x9cFormatâ\\x80¦â\\x80\\x9d from the context menu. Choose the check box that says â\\x80\\x9cQuick Formatâ\\x80\\x9d if you want a full erase of the flash drive. Leave that box unchecked if you want it to go through and thoroughly clear the driveâ\\x80\\x99s contents. Press the â\\x80\\x9cStartâ\\x80\\x9d button to begin the formatting.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'can you erase thumb drives']", "Though the unmitigated beauty of its canyons and deserts is well known, the Northern part of the state actually holds the largest number of ponderosa pine trees in in the world, a fact that would hold more sway in the ranking if they weren’t completely useless as Christmas trees." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Thompson Mahogany is your Wholesale Hardwood Decking Source. Thompson Mahogany Company is one of the largest direct importers of premium grade Brazilian hardwood decking in North America. For over 20 years, we have been supplying Ipe decking, Garapa decking , Cumaru Decking, and Massaranduba decking to wholesale customers." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Fly-in fly-out workers earn big wages; even entry-level salaries are around $80,000 to $100,000. But the personal cost to their mental health and family lives can often outweigh the easy money, as a submission to the recent House Committee on Regional Australia inquiry into FIFO workers shows.ly-in fly-out workers earn big wages; even entry-level salaries are around $80,000 to $100,000. But the personal cost to their mental health and family lives can often outweigh the easy money, as a submission to the recent House Committee on Regional Australia inquiry into FIFO workers shows.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'salary of a fifo worker']", "Examples of hardwood trees include alder, balsa, beech, hickory, mahogany, maple, oak, teak, and walnut. Examples of softwood trees are cedar, Douglas fir, juniper, pine, redwood, spruce, and yew. Density. Most hardwoods have a higher density than most softwoods. Most softwoods have a lower density than most hardwoods." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "BC Distribution of Ponderosa pine (Py) Range of Ponderosa pine - Click to change image size: Ponderosa pine is distributed from the southern-interior of BC to Mexico. It is characteristic of the PP zone." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Forest. ( 1 30b) Post Oak Woods, Forest and Grassland Mosaic. ( 2 30c) Post Oak Woods / Forest. ( 3 31) Willow Oak-Water Oak-Blackgum Forest. ( 4 36) Water Oak-Elm-Hackberry Forest. ( 5 38) Pecan-Elm Forest. ( 6 40) Ponderosa Pine-Douglas Fir Parks / Forest. ( 7 42) Pine-Hardwood Forest (Loblolly Pine-Sweetgum)" ], [ "Represent", "Conifers are known for their longevity, with pines among the oldest trees on Earth. Ponderosa pines, common throughout the western United States, have a lifespan of 300 to 500 years, with an 800-year-old tree documented in Utah." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hardwoods have broad leaves and are angiosperms. While most hardwoods are more dense (higher specific gravity of dried wood) than softwoods, this is not universally so. Balsa, for example, is a hardwood and Southern Yellow Pine, used for flooring, is a softwood.The growth rate also has nothing to do with strength or density.hile most hardwoods are more dense (higher specific gravity of dried wood) than softwoods, this is not universally so. Balsa, for example, is a hardwood and Southern Yellow Pine, used for flooring, is a softwood." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Step 1. Prune Ponderosa pine trees in the late fall or winter time, when the growth period has slowed down. Pruning during the spring or summer may damage the tree and invite diplodia, a conifer disease, to infect the tree." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The largest contiguous tract of ponderosa pine forest in the world is in Arizona; stretching from the New Mexico border northwest to the Grand Canyon. The largest stand of Ponderosa Pine trees in the world is at the Coconino National Forest. It is just one of the six National Forests in Arizona and covers 1.8 million acres of varied landscape and elevation. The elevation is as low as 2,600 feet and rises to the top of the San Francisco Peaks at 12, 633 feet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Frequent low-intensity fires in ponderosa pine forest are “natural,” but so are infrequent stand-replacing fires in spruce-fir forests—the sort of fires that observers often label “catastrophic.” Clearly forest managers, and anyone interested in forest issues, need to treat these different forest types differently." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what does protocol mean in computer language" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is a Protocol? A protocol is a system of rules that define how something is to be done. In computer terminology, a protocol is usually an agreed-upon or standardized method for transmitting data and/or establishing communications between different devices." ] ]
[ [ "", "Basically network protocol is defined as the bundle of rules and regulations of computer networking which are require setting up the communicational process between different multiple computers present or attached with the network is called as the network protocol." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Web Resource: Computer Lessons for Kids and Small Adults http://www.kidsandcomputers.com/starter.htm Which three parts of the computer receive input? _____ Which three parts of the computer give output? _____ What does the computer hard disk do? _____ What does DOS stand for? _____ What kind of file has a name that ends with .gif? _____ In computer language, what does cd\\ mean?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the backbone of the Internet and the true language computers use to talk to each other. Essentially it's a set of standards for sending information from a computer's network card, through transmission lines to another network card." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Definition - What does Communication Protocol mean? Communication protocols are formal descriptions of digital message formats and rules. They are required to exchange messages in or between computing systems and are required in telecommunications. Communications protocols cover authentication, error detection and correction, and signaling." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Email Protocols: IMAP, POP3, SMTP and HTTP. Basicaly, a protocol is about a standard method used at each end of a communication channel, in order to properly transmit information. In order to deal with your email you must use a mail client to access a mail server. The mail client and mail server can exchange information with each other using a variety of protocols." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet.ach computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet. Download this buyer’s guide to discover what to look for in cloud-based UC solutions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet. Download this free guide." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Network Protocol is a set of rules that governs the communications between computers on a network." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Without a protocol, a transmitting computer, for example, could be sending its data in 8-bit packets while the receiving computer might expect the data in 16-bit packets. Protocols are established by international or industrywide organizations. Perhaps the most important computer protocol is OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), a set of guidelines for implementing networking communications between computers. Among the most important sets of Internet protocols are TCP/IP, HTTPS, SMTP, and DNS." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wiktionary(3.00 / 3 votes)Rate this definition: 1 protocol(Noun) The minutes, or official record, of a negotiation or transaction; especially a document drawn up officially which forms the legal basis for subsequent agreements based on it." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "protocol - code of correct conduct; safety protocols; academic protocol code of behavior, code of conduct - a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition: A network protocol defines rules and conventions for communication between network devices. Protocols for computer networking all generally use packet switching techniques to send and receive messages in the form of packets.ow Network Protocols Are Implemented. A group of network protocols that work together at higher and lower levels are often called a protocol family. Students of networking traditionally learn about the OSI model that conceptually organizes network protocol families into specific layers for teaching purposes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "TCP/IP-Transmission Control Protocol-Internet Protocol is the protocol or language computers use to communicate and travel on the internet.Transmission Control Protocol or TCP is the connection oriented protocol used to communicate reliably.Internet Protocol or IP is used to route your computer across the internet or your local network. This language combines these two protocols for computers to communicate regardless of their location.CP/IP-Transmission Control Protocol-Internet Protocol is the protocol or language computers use to communicate and travel on the internet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "[from network protocol programming] To perform an interaction with somebody or something that follows a clearly defined procedure. For example, “Let's do protocol with the check” at a restaurant means to ask for the check, calculate the tip and everybody's share, collect money from everybody, generate change as necessary, and pay the bill. See protocol." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of computer language in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of computer language. What does computer language mean? Information and translations of computer language in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "protocol (network) A network protocol defines rules and conventions for communication between network devices. Network protocols include mechanisms for devices to identify and make connections with each other, as well as formatting rules that specify how data is packaged into messages sent and received. Some protocols also support message acknowledgment and data compression designed for reliable and/or high-performance network communication." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "TCP/IP, transmission control protocol/internet protocol-a set of protocols (including TCP) developed for the internet in the 1970s to get data from one network device to another.rotocol - (computer science) rules determining the format and transmission of data. communications protocol. computer science, computing-the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Didinium is a voracious hunter of live food, namely Paramecium. It is found quite commonly in freshwater habitats such as ponds and other still waters. It is in constant motion, swimming around in search of prey.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'what do didinium eat ?']\"", "The format and procedure that governs the transmitting and receiving of data. The term comes from the Greek protokollon, which was the cover page to a manuscript that provided a description of the contents. See communications protocol, protocol stack and OSI." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "vs. Avaya Aura. The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What does computer language mean? Definitions for computer language Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word computer language. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition:" ], [ "", "Communication languages used by computer devices are called network protocols. Yet another way to classify computer networks is the set of protocols they support. Networks often implement multiple protocols with each supporting specific applications." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tips: Protocol is a diplomatic and political term that refers to appropriate behavior and rules of conduct for a particular situation or event. Protocol can also be a more sophisticated word to use to denote appropriate actions or rules in business (see usage examples)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition: A network protocol defines rules and conventions for communication between network devices. Protocols for computer networking all generally use packet switching techniques to send and receive messages in the form of packets." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n------\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Dubai - Language. Arabic is a widely spoken language throughout the Middle East and North Africa. There are more than 280 million native speakers, and an additional 250 million people have learned it as a second language. Arabic is the fifth most widely-spoken language in the world. Arabic is a widely spoken language throughout the Middle East and North Africa. There are more than 280 million native speakers, and an additional 250 million people have learned it as a second language.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the main language spoken in dubai']\"", "A reader asked about the meaning and use of the noun protocol. Protocol has several different meanings, all connected to the idea of guidelines or procedures to follow." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In simple terms, IP which stands for Internet Protocol is the method with which two computers are connected via internet and the IP address is the unique code which is used to identify your internet connection and network." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "protocol. 1 a record of data or observations on a particular experiment or proceeding. 2 an annexe appended to a treaty to deal with subsidiary matters or to render the treaty more lucid. 3 a formal international agreement or understanding on some matter." ], [ "Represent this text.", "TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet).CP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is the basic communication language or protocol of the Internet. It can also be used as a communications protocol in a private network (either an intranet or an extranet)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The term protocol is defined as a complete written description of, and scientific rationale for, a research activity involving human subjects. In the context of this manual, protocol means both the written description of the research activity and the activity itself.The CC supports approximately 950 active protocols for intramural (i.e., on-site) research. The Protocol Title is the name of the study. 2 It should be easy to remember, recognizable by administrative support staff, and sufficiently different from other protocol titles to avoid confusion. 3 Brevity with specificity is the key, and comprehensiveness definitely comes in second." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Post Office Protocol (POP) Definition - What does Post Office Protocol (POP) mean? Post Office Protocol (POP) is a type of computer networking and Internet standard protocol that extracts and retrieves email from a remote mail server for access by the host machine. POP is an application layer protocol in the OSI model that provides end users the ability to fetch and receive email." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 TCP-A reliable connection oriented protocol used to control the management of application level services between computers. 2 It is used for transport by some applications. 3 UDP-An unreliable connection less protocol used to control the management of application level services between computers." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition - What does Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) mean? Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the language a computer uses to access the Internet. It consists of a suite of protocols designed to establish a network of networks to provide a host with access to the Internet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "IP stands for Internet Protocol, so an IP address is an Internet Protocol address. What does that mean? An Internet Protocol is a set of rules that govern Internet activity and facilitate completion of a variety of actions on the World Wide Web." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Network Protocol is a set of rules that governs the communications between computers on a network. Rules of Network Protocol include guidelines that regulate the following characteristics of a network: access method, allowed physical topologies, types of cabling, and speed of data transfer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A) disassembling and reassembling of packets during transmission. In a telecommunications network architecture, a protocol is. A) a device that handles the switching of voice and data in a local area network. B) a standard set of rules and procedures for control of communications in a network. C) a communications service for microcomputer users." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Define protocol. protocol synonyms, protocol pronunciation, protocol translation, English dictionary definition of protocol. n. 1. a. The forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats and heads of state. b. A code of correct conduct: safety protocols; academic protocol." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "IP stands for Internet Protocol…. Where Protocol means set of rules. The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet. Each computer (known as a host) on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the Internet." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how does hiv cause aids what causes it" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The virus weakens a person's ability to fight infections and cancer. People with HIV are said to have AIDS when they develop certain infections or cancers or when their CD4 count is less than 200." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "AIDS can be transmitted in several ways. The risk factors for HIV transmission vary according to the method of transmission. HIV is not transmitted by handshakes or other casual non-sexual contact, coughing or sneezing, or by bloodsucking insects such as mosquitoes.cquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). There are two variants of the HIV virus, HIV-1 and HIV-2, both of which ultimately cause AIDS." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It explains how the fraud began, how it is ... all perpetuated, and who profits by it. The program explains ten reasons why HIV cannot be the cause of AIDS, what the real causes could be, and why dangerous toxic drugs like AZT cause AIDS by prescription.uch of the current controversy in South Africa and around the world over HIV as the cause of AIDS was initiated by the information presented in this video. This video has saved thousands of lives and is credited as being part of the HIV/AIDS dissident movement worldwide." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can only get HIV/AIDS by having intimate contact with someone who has the HIV virus and/or AIDS, or by a transfer of blood or other body fluid, such as a stab from a conta … minated needle. AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is caused by the HIV virus." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "HIV rash is mainly caused due to an underlying infection by the HIV virus. It can also develop as a side effect to the intake of medications that are used to treat and manage the symptoms of the infection. The rashes typically do not spread via direct contact and hence are non-contagious." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Last year of Shmita was 2007. Next year of Shmita begins in Sept. 2014. Fact two: Year of Jubilee happens in 50 year cycles, following the 7th year of Shmita. In Jubilee, all debts are supposed to be cancelled, all land is supposed to be returned to its original owner. Liberty is proclaimed throughout the land.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how many shmitas cycles']\"", "Since HIV attacks the body's immune system, patients are vulnerable to infections that may spread to the heart and cause disease. Also, some HIV medications may cause conditions such as dyslipidemia (high levels of fat in the blood), diabetes, or metabolic syndrome, which are risk factors for heart disease. In addition, conditions unrelated to HIV, such as obesity, smoking, and family history of heart disease, may predispose patients to heart problems." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "HIV/AIDS denialists dispute the existence of HIV or its role in causing AIDS. HIV/AIDS denialism is the belief, contradicted by conclusive medical and scientific evidence, that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does not cause acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "diseases similar to HIV. ...The HTLV-I virus and HIV are transmitted the same way, and infect the same cells of the body. However HTLV-I does not cause AIDS ! Instead, HTLV-I causes a rare form of leukemia and also causes specific types of neurological problems.Like HIV ,...iseases similar to HIV. ...The HTLV-I virus and HIV are transmitted the same way, and infect the same cells of the body. However HTLV-I does not cause AIDS ! Instead, HTLV-I causes a rare form of leukemia and also causes specific types of neurological problems. Like HIV ,... Read more »." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Related to How Long Does It Take Before HIV Symptoms Appear?: HIV Symptoms in 2 to 5 Years; Signs & Symptoms of Early HIV Infection; What Are the Signs of HIV? HIV Symptoms After 6 Months; First Sign of HIV; HIV Symptoms Timeline; Difference Between HIV & AIDS; How Long Does it Take for HIV to Turn Into AIDS?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "HIV Rash Causes. HIV rash may have its origins as a viral, or bacterial or fungal infection, or as a drug reaction. That is why it is essential to seek medical attention promptly for proper diagnosis and treatment. [ 4 ]. HIV rash can occur at any stage throughout the course of HIV infection.IV Rash Causes. HIV rash may have its origins as a viral, or bacterial or fungal infection, or as a drug reaction. That is why it is essential to seek medical attention promptly for proper diagnosis and treatment. [ 4 ]. HIV rash can occur at any stage throughout the course of HIV infection." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "It may help to remember that being HIV-positive is not the virtual death sentence it once was. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). But being HIV-positive does not necessarily mean that you already have AIDS.New treatment regimens have turned being HIV-positive into a chronic condition for many people.t may help to remember that being HIV-positive is not the virtual death sentence it once was. HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). But being HIV-positive does not necessarily mean that you already have AIDS." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what does color yellow symbolize" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In Western cultures, yellow is associated with happiness, cheeriness, optimism, warmth (as the color of sunlight), joy, and hope, as well as caution and cowardice. In Germany, yellow represents envy, but in Egypt, it conveys happiness and good fortune. Typical belfry in Campeche (Mexico) by Noradoa Orange" ] ]
[ [ "Represent", "What do Colors Symbolize? Colors hold significance for people around the world. Not only do colors influence emotion, but they also hold meaning in religion and various cultures. On this page you will get answers to questions like, What does the color red symbolize?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Orange is the color of youth, strength, fearlessness, curiosity and restlessness. Yellow: The color of happiness, wisdom and imagination, Yellow is chosen by the mentally adventurous, searching for novelty and self-fulfillment." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This color is a warm and vibrant color, formed by the combination of red and yellow. The cheerfulness of yellow blends into the aggressiveness of red and calms it. Orange stands for endurance, perseverance and strength! It also stimulates one's appetite and emotions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What do Colors Symbolize? Colors hold significance for people around the world. Not only do colors influence emotion, but they also hold meaning in religion and various cultures. On this page you will get answers to questions like, What does the color red symbolize?." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The color orange symbolizes many things, including enthusiasm, happiness, attraction, stimulation, encouragement, success, fascination and creativity. It is often associated with heat, sunshine and..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Red symbolizes: action, confidence, courage, vitality. 2 Pink symbolizes: love, beauty. 3 Brown symbolizes: earth, order, convention. 4 Orange symbolizes: vitality with endurance. 5 Gold symbolizes: Wealth, prosperity, wisdom. 6 Yellow symbolizes: wisdom, joy, happiness, intellectual energy. 7 Green symbolizes: life, nature, fertility, well being." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Orange is the color of youth, strength, fearlessness, curiosity and restlessness. Yellow: The color of happiness, wisdom and imagination, Yellow is chosen by the mentally adventurous, searching for novelty and self-fulfillment. Yellow usually goes with a sunny and shrewd personality, with a good business head and a strong sense of humor." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A yellow bird symbolizes joy and a positive outlook on life. Depending on the type of bird, be it a canary, finch or any other yellow bird, the meaning differs slightly. However, the overall meaning of joy remains the same." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.ed. Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.Red is a very emotionally intense color.ellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow is often associated with food." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Each color has a different meaning. 1 White carnations symbolize purity and luck. 2 Light red carnations symbolize admiration. 3 Dark red carnations symbolize love and affection. Pink carnations symbolize 1 gratitude. Yellow carnations symbolize disappointment or rejection. Purple carnations symbolize capriciousness." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Red is the color of energy, passion, action, ambition and determination. It is also the color of anger and sexual passion. For more on the meaning of colors for the color red. Orange is the color of social communication and optimism. From a negative color meaning it is also a sign of pessimism and superficiality. For more on the color orange. With the meaning of colors, in color psychology, yellow is the color of the mind and the intellect. It is optimistic and cheerful. However it can also suggest impatience, criticism and cowardice. For more on the color yellow. Green is the color of balance and growth." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Yellow stands for sunshine. Green is for nature. Blue stands for harmony. Purple stands for spirit. And pink, though often not used now, stands for sexuality. However, brown and black are not on said flag. In a general sense, brown usually symbolizes something more down to earth, and warm or approachable." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "FEATHER COLOR & MEANING. WHITE-White feathers symbolize purification, spirituality, hope, protection, peace, and blessings of the Moon. RED-Red feathers symbolize physical vitality, courage, good fortune, and life. BLUE-Blue feathers symbolize mental abilities, peace, protection. And psychic awareness. YELLOW-Yellow feathers bring cheerfulness, mental alertness, prosperity, and blessings from the Sun." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "RE: help! in iroquois constitution, what does the tree of great peace symbolize? pleasee help! extra points if yuu also answer this question accordin to the iroquois constitution, what does the wampum symbolize?E: help! in iroquois constitution, what does the tree of great peace symbolize? pleasee help! extra points if yuu also answer this question accordin to the iroquois constitution, what does the wampum symbolize?" ] ]
[ "Represent this text", "largest earthquake in us history" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "At 5:36 p.m. on March 27, 1964, a 9.2-magnitude earthquake erupted 78 miles east of Anchorage, Alaska. The earthquake remains the most powerful earthquake to strike North America, and the second-largest earthquake ever measured." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "On this day in History, Earthquake devastates Iran on Jun 21, 1990. Learn more about what happened today on History. On this day in History, Earthquake devastates Iran on Jun 21, 1990." ], [ "represent the following document! For instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Male urinary system. A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system â\\x80\\x94 your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract â\\x80\\x94 the bladder and the urethra.Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men are.Infection limited to your bladder can be painful and annoying. However, serious consequences can occur if a UTI spreads to your kidneys.ost infections involve the lower urinary tract â\\x80\\x94 the bladder and the urethra. Women are at greater risk of developing a UTI than men are. Infection limited to your bladder can be painful and annoying. However, serious consequences can occur if a UTI spreads to your kidneys.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is urinary tract infection']\"", "On this day in History, Earthquake rocks Managua on Dec 23, 1972. Learn more about what happened today on History. On this day in History, Earthquake rocks Managua on Dec 23, 1972." ], [ "Represent the input", "Geological Survey major earthquake that struck the San Francisco Bay Area, California, U.S., on October 17, 1989. The strongest earthquake to hit the area since the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, it caused 63 deaths, nearly 3,800 injuries, and an estimated $6 billion in property damage." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The largest earthquake in southern California since the Fort Tejon earthquake of 1857 and the Owens Valley earthquake of 1872, the Kern County earthquake of 1952 caused immense and widespread damage. The quake occurred on the White Wolf fault, a reverse fault (with some left-lateral component of slip) north of the intersection of the Garlock and San Andreas faults." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Minor earthquakes happen in the Bay Area of Northern California often (there are thousands a year in fact). But the two most major earthquakes to hit the area happened in 1906 … and 1989. 1906 - The San Francisco earthquake was a magnitude 7.9 and was one of the worst natural disasters in American history. Fires broke out in the city, 3,000 people were killed and 80 percent of the city destroyed. 1989 - The Loma Prieta earthquake measured 6.9 on the Richter scale and killed 63 people." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "South Carolina earthquakes occur with the greatest frequency along the central coastline of the state, in the Charleston area.South Carolina averages 10–15 earthquakes a year below magnitude 3.At 7.3 magnitude, the Charleston earthquake of 1886 was the largest quake to ever hit the Eastern United States.any of the ancient faults are within plates rather than along plate boundaries. Prehistoric earthquakes of similar size to the 1886 shock have occurred in coastal South Carolina at intervals of several centuries to several thousands of years." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Where was the most damaging earthquake in the US? The most damaging earthquake in recorded history took place in Tangshan, China... amount damage done structures result earthquake earthquakes magnitude. Fale. The level of damage done by an earthquake could be called its intensity. See All Questions" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tehachapi is best known for the 7.3 1952 Kern County earthquake on the White Wolf Fault in 1952. At the time, the earthquake was the largest in Southern California in the twentieth century and the largest since the 1872 Lone Pine earthquake. It was felt as far away as Reno, Nevada." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Earthquakes occur at any fault line, but the most destructive earthquakes happen at subduction zones. In fact, the largest earthquake of this century was in Valdivia Chile, on May 21st 1960. Siesmicity has shown us that Chile has continual earthquakes year in and year out, some much bigger than others.n fact, the largest earthquake of this century was in Valdivia Chile, on May 21st 1960. Siesmicity has shown us that Chile has continual earthquakes year in and year out, some much bigger than others." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nE.g.:\n['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'A 5,000 sq ft driveway might cost half per sq ft as a 400 sq ft patio. Taking these variables into consideration and giving a very rough idea on cost to clean and seal pavers per square foot you would be in the range of .90 to $2 per square foot. An average sized patio is in the range of $1.35-$2 for the thorough power wash, install polymeric sand ad seal with a wet look sealer.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'cost to power wash driveway pavers']", "Today in science: Great Alaska earthquake. The earthquake – centered in Prince William Sound off the coast of south-central Alaska – was the most powerful yet recorded in North America at magnitude 9.2. March 27, 1964." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The United States Geological Survey maintains a nearly real-time quake map on their website (in the related links section) if you're interested in seeing where there have been earthquakes in the past week or so. Alaska has the most earthquakes per year, around 12,000. California has the second most earthquakes per year, around 10,000. Hawaii has the third most earthquakes per year, around 8,000." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Around the Web. 4.8 earthquake rocks US Yellowstone National Park — RT News. Earthquake rattles Yellowstone National Park-CBS News. Yellowstone National Park rattled by largest earthquake in 34 years ...4.8 quake shakes Yellowstone National Park-USA Today. Earthquake Rattles Yellowstone National Park, No Damage ...4.8 earthquake rumbles Yellowstone National Park, largest in 34 years..8 earthquake rocks US Yellowstone National Park — RT News. Earthquake rattles Yellowstone National Park-CBS News. Yellowstone National Park rattled by largest earthquake in 34 years ..." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "are ribosomes found in both viruses and in living celled organisms" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\nFewshot example: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'Women in the U.S. Senate 2016. Twenty women (14D, 6R) serve in the United States Senate in the 114th Congress. women have ever served in the Senate, including 29 Democrats and 17 Republicans. states (LA, ME, NE) have sent three women to the Senate. California was the first state to send two women (Boxer (D) and Feinstein (D)) to the Senate simultaneously.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how many women senators are there']\"", "Ribosome. an intracellular particle concerned with protein biosynthesis that is found in the cells of all living organisms (bacteria, plants, and animals); each cell contains thousands or tens of thousands of ribosomes. nucleic acid nucleic acid,any of a group of organic substances found in the chromosomes of living cells and viruses that play a central role in the storage and replication of hereditary information and in the expression of this information through protein synthesis......" ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Viruses are considered the only living organisms that do not have cells. Viruses are made up of genetic material (DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein capsule. They do not have membranes, cell organelles, or own metabolism." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Viruses are unique in that they have been classified as both living and nonliving at various points in the history of Biology. In other words, a virus is a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of organisms. Viruses infect all types of organisms, from animals and plants.iruses are not considered true living things, therefore they are not classified under any of the kingdoms. The only living part is the DNA, but it requires a host cell to carry out all necessary life functions." ], [ "", "The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.he sequence of DNA encoding for a protein may be copied many times into RNA chains of a similar sequence. Ribosomes can bind to an RNA chain and use it as a template for determining the correct sequence of amino acids in a particular protein." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Viruses are structurally simpler than regular cells. Outside of the host cells, viruses are inactive. However, inside living cells, viruses show some of the characteristics of living things. Viruses are not made up of cells.Compared to animal and plant cells, viruses are structurally simple.Viruses are even simpler than bacteria cells.iruses are structurally simpler than regular cells. Outside of the host cells, viruses are inactive. However, inside living cells, viruses show some of the characteristics of living things. Viruses are not made up of cells." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Viruses, bacteria, protozoans, fungi, and parasites differ in the following ways: viruses are among the smallest known infectious agents; bacteria are single-celled prokaryotic organisms that reproduce very quickly; protozoans are single-celled eukaryotic organisms that are generally much larger than bacteria; and fungi are eukaryotic organisms that ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Viruses depend on the host cells that they infect to reproduce. When found outside of host cells, viruses exist as a protein coat or capsid, sometimes enclosed within a membrane. The capsid encloses either DNA or RNA which codes for the virus elements. While in this form outside the cell, the virus is metabollically inert; examples of such forms are pictured below. Viral micrographs : To the left is an electron micrograph of a cluster of influenza viruses, each about 100 nanometers (billionths of a meter) long; both membrane and protein coat are visible." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "They are found distributed all over the cytoplasm. In a eukaryotic cell ribosomes occur freely in the cytoplasm, attached to the surface of branches of endoplasmic reticulum (RER), in the matrix of organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts. It is also found attached to the nuclear membrane and inside the nucleolus." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In prokaryotes ribosomes can be found in the cytosol as well. This protein-synthesizing organelle is the only organelle found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, asserting that the ribosome was a trait that evolved early on, most likely present in the common ancestor of eukaryotes and prokaryotes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Although first discovered within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, nucleic acids are now known to be found in all life forms including within bacteria, archaea, mitochondria, chloroplasts, viruses, and viroids. (note: there is debate as to whether viruses are living or non-living)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Both types of viruses have a capsid and phospholipid membrane; but in the nonenveloped virus the genetic material is between these two membranes, while in the enveloped virus the genetic material is inside both membranes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Viruses have protein and genetic material. No virus contains both RNA and DNA. A virus is a nucleoprotein and the genetic material is infectious. In general, viruses infect plants having single stranded RNA. Viruses infecting animals have either single or double stranded RNA or double stranded DNA." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ribosomes are found in eukaryotic cells, one of the two types of cell types. They function as assemblers within the cell itself with the ability to transfer mRNA into prot … eins to assist in cellular function." ], [ "Represent the following document", "This means that ribosomes in prokaryotic cells are free-floating in the cytoplasm. In eukaryotic cells, ribosomes can roam free in the cytoplasm, but they can also be bound to the exterior of the endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes can also be found in mitochondria and chloroplasts of eukaryotic cells.ibosomes are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. They are made up of proteins and RNA molecules called subunits. The predominant function of ribosomes is the translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) into proteins." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "However, two organelles found in many eukaryotic cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts, contain ribosomes similar in size and makeup to those found in prokaryotes. This is one of many pieces of evidence that mitochondria and chloroplasts are themselves descended from free-living bacteria." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Chemical and microscopic analysis shows how the structures of mitochondrial and bacterial ribosomes share more similarities with each other than with ribosomes in eukaryotic cells. Ribosomes found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells are 80S in size while ribosomes found in bacteria and mitochondria are 70S in size (3)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "No, they don't really have any working parts. While there some advanced viruses that seem fancy, viruses don't have any of the parts you would normally think of when you think … of a cell. They have no nuclei, mitochondria, or ribosomes. Some viruses do not even have cytoplasm.he cyto … plasm acts like fluid. All of the organelles in turn are in the cytoplasm. Plant and animal cells both have cytoplasm in their cells. Some of cytoplasm's jobs are to hold the organelles in place and provide nourishment." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "BIOLOGY I: Chapter 19 – Viruses Viral Structure (Anatomy): The Inner Core of Nucleic Acid  A virus contains only one type of nucleic acid, DNA or RNA, as part of their inner core. In contrast, in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, DNA is always the primary genetic material and RNA plays an auxiliary role.IOLOGY I: Chapter 19 – Viruses Evelyn I. Milian-Instructor 16 Taxonomy (Classification) of Viruses  Classification of viruses is based on (1) nucleic acid type, (2) strategy for replication, and (3) morphology.  Family names end in – viridae. Family: Herpesviridae  Genus names end in – virus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ribosomes are 2/3 RNA (a type of RNA known as ribosomal RNA or rRNA) and 1/3 protein. RNA is synthesized from viral DNA in an infected cell before protein synthesis begins. Some viruses, for example Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) have RNA in place of DNA. If RNA extracted from a virus was injected into a host cell the cell began to make new viruses. Clearly RNA was involved in protein synthesis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Another difference is that ribosomes in prokaryotes are smaller than in eukaryotes. However, two organelles found in many eukaryotic cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts, contain ribosomes similar in size and makeup to those found in prokaryotes.This is one of many pieces of evidence that mitochondria and chloroplasts are themselves descended from free-living bacteria.owever, two organelles found in many eukaryotic cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts, contain ribosomes similar in size and makeup to those found in prokaryotes. This is one of many pieces of evidence that mitochondria and chloroplasts are themselves descended from free-living bacteria." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "No. Being that viruses are not a living organism, they are neither contain cells, nor are they a cell themselves. Viruses are merely few macromolecules (such as nucleic acid and protein) which combines to form a pathogenic particle.dit: a cell wall-as the name implies-is a part of a cell. Viruses are not cells. … Cells are living, viruses are not." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.hen a ribosome begins to synthesize proteins that are needed in some organelles, the ribosome making this protein can become membrane-bound. In eukaryotic cells this happens in a region of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) called the rough ER." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ribosomes, the essential cellular organelles carrying out protein synthesis, have a basic design that is fundamentally conserved in all three kingdoms of life (Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya). Nevertheless, there are ribosomal features specific of each kingdom." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Ribosomes are mainly found bound to the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear envelope, as well as freely scattered throughout the cytoplasm, depending upon whether the cell is plant, animal, or bacteria." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ribosomes are the only organelles which are conserved between all eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. As the sites of protein synthesis, they are essential parts of the cell. In mammals, ribosomes are composed 4 types of rRNA and around 80 different proteins. In mammalian cells, ribosomal proteins can compose up to 15% of a cell’s total protein and 7-9% of the mRNAs which are made." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm of a cell. They are either free floating or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum. Groups of ribosomes stuck together are called polysomes. Most cells contain thousands of ribosomes, while a few specialized cells contain millions. Brain cells and the cells of the pancreas contain large concentrations of ribosomes since they produce a large amount of protein. slide 2 of 6. The Structure of Ribosomes Although ribosomes are called organelles, they don't have a membrane that holds the contents of the ribosome in one cohesive structure. Ribosomes are composed of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein. Sixty percent of the structure is rRNA and 40 percent is protein. There are two subunits: a large subunit and a small subunit. They are labeled as 60s and 40s after the Svedberg values. The subunits of ribosomes are produced in the nucleolus, which is located in the nucleus of the cell. Ribosomal proteins enter the nucleolus and combine with four rRNA strands to produce the two subunits. The subunits leave the nucleus through the nuclear pores and combine in the cytoplasm." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Plant cell do have ribosomes and they are composed of proteins and ribosomal RNA. The ribosomes in a plant cell are found in the cytoplasm, the surface of the rough e ndoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondria and on chloroplasts. There are two types of ribosomes-free ribsomes and attached ribosomes.The a ttached ribosomes are bound to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum and they are the site for protei n synthesis. Synthesis of proteins also occurs in the free ribosomes.lant cell do have ribosomes and they are composed of proteins and ribosomal RNA. The ribosomes in a plant cell are found in the cytoplasm, the surface of the rough e ndoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondria and on chloroplasts. There are two types of ribosomes-free ribsomes and attached ribosomes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Viruses depend on the host cells that they infect to reproduce. When found outside of host cells, viruses exist as a protein coat or capsid, sometimes enclosed within a membrane. The capsid encloses either DNA or RNA which codes for the virus elements. While in this form outside the cell, the virus is metabollically inert; examples of such forms are pictured below." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "When someone refers to something as simply micro, she means that it is “small.” A micro scope, for instance, enables a scientist to see “small” living organisms. Living creatures viewed under a micro scope are called micro organisms, or very “small” one-celled creatures, such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria.hen someone refers to something as simply micro, she means that it is “small.” A micro scope, for instance, enables a scientist to see “small” living organisms. Living creatures viewed under a micro scope are called micro organisms, or very “small” one-celled creatures, such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. Cells are considered to be the smallest living organisms in the world. There are single celled organisms and multi-celled organisms. An example of a single celled organism is an algae, and an example of a multi-celled organism is is a human.ells are considered to be the smallest living organisms in the world. There are single celled organisms and multi-celled organisms." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Viruses are tiny infectious agents that replicate only in the living cells of other organisms. 2 Viruses have a very simple structure consisting of genetic material in the form of DNA or RNA within a protein capsule. They can infect all types of life forms, from animals to plants and bacteria to amoebae." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Like living organisms, viruses contain nucleic acids and proteins. Inside living cells, viruses can reproduce, but not by the process of mitosis like most living cells. Viruses lack some characteristics of living organisms. Outside of living cells, viruses are not alive.Structure/Shape: A virus structure can be one of the following: icosahedral, enveloped, complex or helical.IRUS. A virus is a small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of other organisms. Viruses can infect all types of life forms, from animals and plants to bacteria and archaea." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "In prokaryotes, ribosomes are found free in cytoplasm. In eukaryotic cells, they can also be found free in cytoplasm, but are mainly attached to the external membrane of the karyotheca and the rough endoplasmic reticulum." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Ribosomes are small spherical organelles, composed of two subunits, which can be found on the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (and also in the cytoplasm and in mitochondria, and other places). 2 Ribosomes translate genetic information in the form of mRNA into proteins." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ribosomes are found in eukaryotic cells, one of the two types of cell types. They function as assemblers within the cell itself with the ability to transfer mRNA into prot…eins to assist in cellular function." ], [ "represent the natural language\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'What is a Certified Diabetes Educator? A Certified Diabetes Educator® (CDE®) is a health professional who possesses comprehensive knowledge of and experience in prediabetes, diabetes prevention, and management. The CDE® educates and supports people affected by diabetes to understand and manage the condition.']\" Match: \"[\"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\nE.g.\\n'how many feet should projector be from screen' == 'Report Abuse. You should place the projector at less 10 to 12 feet away. Keep in mind that projectors needs to be in a dark room to be effective. The lamps on a projector only last about 2,000 hours and the cost of replacing them starts at $50 to around $300.For a 120 screen you should also seat back around 10 feet away, you what to see the whole screen without moving your eyes.Pick up a copy of Home Theater Magazine May issue, it list just about every projector in the market today.or a 120 screen you should also seat back around 10 feet away, you what to see the whole screen without moving your eyes. Pick up a copy of Home Theater Magazine May issue, it list just about every projector in the market today.' != '1 Optimally, the computer screen should be 15 to 20 degrees below eye level (about 4 or 5 inches) as measured from the center of the screen and 20 to 28 inches from the eyes. Reference materials - These materials should be located above the keyboard and below the monitor.'\", 'cde meaning medical']\"", "The ribosome (/ˈraɪbɵˌzoʊm/) is a large and complex molecular machine, found within all living cells, that serves as the site of biological protein synthesis (translation). Ribosomes link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.ach ribosome is divided into two subunits: 1. a smaller subunit which binds to a larger subunit and the mRNA pattern, and 2. a larger subunit which binds to the tRNA, the amino acids, and the smaller subunit. When a ribosome finishes reading an mRNA molecule, these two subunits split apart." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Viruses, bacteria, protozoans, fungi, and parasites differ in the following ways: viruses are among the smallest known infectious agents; bacteria are single-celled prokaryotic organisms that reproduce very quickly; protozoans are single-celled eukaryotic organisms that are generally much larger than bacteria; and fungi are eukaryotic organisms that have a rigid cell wall." ], [ "", "1 The ribosomes found in the chloroplasts of mitochondria of eukaryotes consists of large and small subunits bound together with proteins into one 70S particle. 2 The ribosomes share a core structure which is similar to all ribosomes despite differences in its size.lant cell do have ribosomes and they are composed of proteins and ribosomal RNA. The ribosomes in a plant cell are found in the cytoplasm, the surface of the rough e ndoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondria and on chloroplasts. There are two types of ribosomes-free ribsomes and attached ribosomes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lysosomes are organelles inside animal cells that are fully membrane-bound; they're not present in red blood cells, though, and fungi have a similar structure called vacuoles that serves the same purpose but actually is not considered a lysosome." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Confidence votes 45. Ribosomes are created inside the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus, in an animal cell. They frequently move through the endoplasmic reticulum, attaching to its walls, to get to their destinations. They are often found in the Golgi apparatus and floating freely in the cell's cytoplasm as well." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ribosomes that are found in eukaryotic cells are tiny, round organelles that generate proteins from mRNA. Ribosomes are composed of protein and ribosomal RNA. The structure of the ribosome is composed of two subunits.One of the subunits is larger than the other.ibosomes are produced in the nucleolus of the cell. The proteins that make up the ribosome are brought into the nucleolus and assembled into subunits. Afterward, the subunits are transported to the cytoplasm of the cell." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In prokaryotes ribosomes can be found in the cytosol as well. This protein-synthesizing organelle is the only organelle found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, asserting that the ribosome was a trait that evolved early on, most likely present in the common ancestor of eukaryotes and prokaryotes.ree Ribosomes [edit]. Ribosomes found in the cytosol that are not bound to any other organelle are known as free ribosomes. These ribosomes are known to produce non-hydrophobic proteins that ultimately function in the cytosol. An example would be the catalysts for the first steps of sugar breakdown." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is so small that it is only visible with an electron microscope. Ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm of a cell. They are either free floating or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum. Groups of ribosomes stuck together are called polysomes.Most cells contain thousands of ribosomes, while a few specialized cells contain millions.t is so small that it is only visible with an electron microscope. Ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm of a cell. They are either free floating or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum. Groups of ribosomes stuck together are called polysomes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ribosomes that are found in eukaryotic cells are tiny, round organelles that generate proteins from mRNA. Ribosomes are composed of protein and ribosomal RNA. The structure of the ribosome is composed of two subunits.One of the subunits is larger than the other.he types of proteins produced by the ribosomes is another one of the differences between free and bound ribosomes. Free ribosomes produce proteins that are used by the cell. This includes proteins that are used for the metabolism of food. The free ribosomes produce enzymes involved in the metabolism of glucose." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "(rī'bə-sōm') A sphere-shaped structure within the cytoplasm of a cell that is composed of RNA and protein and is the site of protein synthesis. Ribosomes are free in the cytoplasm and often attached to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes exist in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Plastids and mitochondria in eukaryotic cells have smaller ribosomes similar to those of prokaryotes. See more at cell." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Ribosomes are found in eukaryotic cells, one of the two types of cell types.plit and merge into it. Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. Ribosomes are found in eukaryotic cells, one of the two types of cell types. They function as assemblers within the cell itself with the ability to transfer mRNA into proteins to assist in cellular function." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "They are found distributed all over the cytoplasm. In a eukaryotic cell ribosomes occur freely in the cytoplasm, attached to the surface of branches of endoplasmic reticulum (RER), in the matrix of organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Best Answer: a virus. a prokaryotic cell lacks all the double membrane bound organelles but it HAS ribosomes. Viruses (as a general rule) do not have ribosomes. However Hep C virus does contain ribosomes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Another difference is that ribosomes in prokaryotes are smaller than in eukaryotes. However, two organelles found in many eukaryotic cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts, contain ribosomes similar in size and makeup to those found in prokaryotes. This is one of many pieces of evidence that mitochondria and chloroplasts are themselves descended from free-living bacteria." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Ribosomes are created inside the nucleolus, which is inside the nucleus, in an animal cell. They frequently move through the endoplasmic reticulum, attaching to its walls, to get to their destinations. They are often found in the Golgi apparatus and floating freely in the cell's cytoplasm as well." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cells are considered to be the smallest living organisms in the world. There are single celled organisms and multi-celled organisms.An example of a single celled organism is an algae, and an example of a multi-celled organism is is a human.ells are considered to be the smallest living organisms in the world. There are single celled organisms and multi-celled organisms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "BIOLOGY I: Chapter 19 – Viruses Viral Structure (Anatomy): The Inner Core of Nucleic Acid  A virus contains only one type of nucleic acid, DNA or RNA, as part of their inner core. In contrast, in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, DNA is always the primary genetic material and RNA plays an auxiliary role.IOLOGY I: Chapter 19 – Viruses Evelyn I. Milian-Instructor 16 Taxonomy (Classification) of Viruses  Classification of viruses is based on (1) nucleic acid type, (2) strategy for replication, and (3) morphology.  Family names end in – viridae." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "The ribosomes found in chloroplasts and mitochondria of eukaryotes also consist of large and small subunits bound together with proteins into one 70S particle. These organelles are believed to be descendants of bacteria (see Endosymbiotic theory) and as such their ribosomes are similar to those of bacteria.he sequence of DNA encoding for a protein may be copied many times into RNA chains of a similar sequence. Ribosomes can bind to an RNA chain and use it as a template for determining the correct sequence of amino acids in a particular protein." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "MS, MAT. Viruses are composed of two main parts: an outer protein covering called a capsid and an inside core of either DNA or RNA. Not both DNA and RNA. Living cells also contain DNA and RNA. These are the only thing shared by living cells and viruses." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Confidence votes 32. This question is arbitrary, but here's a negative opinion on this: Viruses do not have, nor exist as, a cell. Cells are a clear sign of life in any microbe, whether just one (unicellular) or many (multicellular). Viruses do not create proteins despite the presence of ribosomes in some.onfidence votes 32. This question is arbitrary, but here's a negative opinion on this: Viruses do not have, nor exist as, a cell. Cells are a clear sign of life in any microbe, whether just one (unicellular) or many (multicellular). Viruses do not create proteins despite the presence of ribosomes in some." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ribosomes are either found free in the cytoplasm, where they make proteins for the cell's own use, or they are found attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum, where they make proteins for export from the cell. They are often found in groups called polysomes. All eukaryotic ribosomes are of the larger, 80S, type." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cell walls are found in the cells of eubacteria, archaebacteria, fungi, algae, and plants. The cell walls vary greatly in their compositions: Eubacteria. Almost all eubacterial species have cell walls containing a polysaccharide called peptidoglycan." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "ribosome A small spherical body within a living cell that is the site of protein synthesis. Ribosomes consist of two subunits, one large and one small, each of which comprises a type of RNA (called ribosomal RNA) and protein." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Structure: Each virus is made up of two elementary components. The first is a strand of genetic material, either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA). Unlike living cells, viruses will have either DNA or RNA, but not both.The genetic material is a blueprint for determining the structure and behavior of a cell.he first is a strand of genetic material, either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA). Unlike living cells, viruses will have either DNA or RNA, but not both. The genetic material is a blueprint for determining the structure and behavior of a cell." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Product Details. Jeep Liberty Manufactured After February 2006, Power Window Regulator with Motor by VDO®. Designed utilizing the latest technology, this product by VDO features premium quality and will perform better than advertised. Perfect for your vehicle and lifestyle, it is manufactured to meet or exceed stringent industry standards. Features:']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'when was jeep liberty manufactured?']\"", "1.) A virus is not considered to be a living organism by most scientists. It is not a cell, and therefore, is lacking in many of the cell parts. All viruses contain a protective ___ capsid ___ and a core of __ nucleic __ __ acid __.Since viruses cannot live outside a cell they are considered a(n) __ parasite ___. 2.) Viruses are very specific in the types of organisms they infect.his cycle contains several steps. During the first step the virus is about to come in contact with the cell. After contact and binding to the cell markers, the virus __ injects its nucleic acid __ into the cell. This DNA/RNA piece releases chemicals that deactivate or destroy the host’s DNA." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Split and merge into it. Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. Ribosomes are found in eukaryotic cells, one of the two types of cell types. They function as assemblers within the cell itself with the ability to transfer mRNA into proteins to assist in cellular function.plit and merge into it. Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. Ribosomes are found in eukaryotic cells, one of the two types of cell types. They function as assemblers within the cell itself with the ability to transfer mRNA into proteins to assist in cellular function." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A sphere-shaped structure within the cytoplasm of a cell that is composed of RNA and protein and is the site of protein synthesis. Ribosomes are free in the cytoplasm and often attached to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. Ribosomes exist in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Plastids and mitochondria in eukaryotic cells have smaller ribosomes similar to those of prokaryotes. See more at cell." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The macromolecules present in living organisms are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.To date, every living Earth organism, whether bacteria, plant or aimal, has been found to contain these." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The following are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells: cell membrane nuclear material ribosomes cytoplasm exons .5 people found this useful.ctually a ribosome is a small organelle that is found in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. However, the ribosome in a prokaryotic cell differs in shape compared to the r … ibosome in a eukaryotic cell. 1 person found this useful." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Viruses are structurally simpler than regular cells. Outside of the host cells, viruses are inactive. However, inside living cells, viruses show some of the characteristics of living things. Viruses are not made up of cells.Compared to animal and plant cells, viruses are structurally simple. Viruses are even simpler than bacteria cells.iruses are structurally simpler than regular cells. Outside of the host cells, viruses are inactive. However, inside living cells, viruses show some of the characteristics of living things. Viruses are not made up of cells." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "difference between cost of sales and operating costs" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Operating expenses are used by most businesses, since they have reoccurring costs or costs, such as for travel, that are not directly related to actual goods. Cost of Goods Sold. A cost of goods sold account is not necessarily used by every company." ] ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Net Operating Income. The basic formula for calculating net operating income is to take total sales minus cost of goods sold to arrive at gross profit. Then gross profit minus selling and administrative expenses will get you to net operating income.This basic formula will not change when using different accounting methods. However, the cost of goods sold portion may be calculated differently depending on whether variable or absorption costing is used.educing Expenses. Absorption costing is required for reporting purposes. This means increasing production is a legitimate way to reduce cost of goods sold and increase net operating income. However, having excess inventory can also create problems." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Operating income takes a company's gross income, which is equivalent to revenue minus COGS, and subtracts all operating expenses and depreciation. A business's operating expenses are costs incurred from operating activities and include items such as office supplies, heat and electricity. Next Up." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 In other words, divide the operating profit by the net income and convert this figure to a percentage. 2 For instance, if net sales are $1,000, COGS is $300, and total operating expenses are $200, your profit margin $1,000 - 500 = $500; $500 / $1,000 = .5 = 50% ." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'T cells or T lymphocytes are a type of lymphocyte (in turn, a type of white blood cell) that plays a central role in cell-mediated immunity. They can be distinguished from other lymphocytes, such as B cells and natural killer cells (NK cells), by the presence of a T-cell receptor (TCR) on the cell surface.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a primed t cell']\"", "Different operating expenses accrued for a typical office may include accounting expenditures, insurance costs, payments for property taxes and utilities, repair and rental fees for non-production facilities, office supplies and legal fees. Some companies also include the costs of goods sold (COGS) as an operating expense. For example, direct labor or rent for production facilities may be classified as different types of operating expenses." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To answer these questions, you must understand the difference between fixed costs and variable costs, the two main categories of costs based on cost behavior. Fixed costs: A fixed cost is a cost that does not change in total despite changes in sales or productions.Rent is a typical example of fixed cost.o answer these questions, you must understand the difference between fixed costs and variable costs, the two main categories of costs based on cost behavior. Fixed costs: A fixed cost is a cost that does not change in total despite changes in sales or productions. Rent is a typical example of fixed cost." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Divide gross profit by sales for the gross profit margin, which is $40,000 divided by $100,000, or 40%. The second level of profitability is operating profit. Operating profit is calculated by deducting operating expenses from gross profit." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Price is the amount a customer pays for that product or service. The difference between the price that is paid and the cost that is incurred is the profit the business makes when the item sells. If a customer pays $10 for an item that costs the company $5 to produce and sell, the company makes a $5 profit. As prices climb, the cost of living increases." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "OK, welcome back. Today we are going to talk about one of the foundational principles of operational management, fixed costs versus variable costs. They are the two components you will find when breaking down your costs, be they production, sales, marketing or HR. Fixed Costs. Fixed costs are the ball and chain of the business world. You will pay these costs week to week, month to month, year to year. They do not change based on your level of activity. One of the most traditional examples of a fixed cost is rent of your office space." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sales are up 50 percent, but costs and overheads have also increased, so your operating profit has fallen. Decisions need to be made – and fast! But first you’re going to need to consider your options... We make decisions every single day." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cost of Revenue is different from Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) since it usually includes ancillary costs such as distribution costs, product development costs and cost of providing after sales service. The term is especially used in service-based companies, such as consulting firms or software companies.he Cost of goods sold for this firm would be $500,000 but Cost of revenue would be $600,000. Categories: Definitions | Mature. Skip the spreadsheet. Track your investments automatically." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "RE: What is the difference between the profit margin and the operating margin? What I gathered from the articles I have read is that both concepts are the same, except that operating margin is a percentage that still doesn&#39;t reflect interest and tax deductions for net income sales." ], [ "", "Email. In the case of contribution margin per unit, it can also refer to a per unit measure of a product's gross operating margin because it is calculated simply as the product's price minus its total variable costs. Definition. Contribution Margin (CM) is the difference between sales revenue and variable costs.mail. In the case of contribution margin per unit, it can also refer to a per unit measure of a product's gross operating margin because it is calculated simply as the product's price minus its total variable costs. Definition. Contribution Margin (CM) is the difference between sales revenue and variable costs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Lyle, it is confusing but operating margin is different from profit margin. Operating margin is what a company makes on each dollar of sales before interest and taxes. Profit margin is net income divided by revenue. So, Wal-Mart’s operating margin is ~5.7% as you state, but its profit margin is ~3.37%." ], [ "represent this:", "If an equation uses net revenue, the operating expenses will usually include general and administrative expenses only, since selling expenses were already addressed in calculating the net revenue figure." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "It deals with how operating profit is affected by changes in variable costs, fixed costs, selling price per unit and the sales mix of two or more different products. CVP analysis has following assumptions: 1 All cost can be categorized as variable or fixed.ontribution Margin (CM). Contribution Margin (CM) is equal to the difference between total sales (S) and total variable cost or, in other words, it is the amount by which sales exceed total variable costs (VC). In order to make profit the contribution margin of a business must exceed its total fixed costs. In short:" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The general rule of thumb: If an expense doesn't qualify as a cost of goods sold, meaning it isn't directly related to producing or manufacturing a good or service, it goes under the operating expense section of the income statement." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis is a managerial accounting technique that is concerned with the effect of sales volume and product costs on operating profit of a business.ontribution Margin (CM). Contribution Margin (CM) is equal to the difference between total sales (S) and total variable cost or, in other words, it is the amount by which sales exceed total variable costs (VC). In order to make profit the contribution margin of a business must exceed its total fixed costs. In short:" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Operating income takes a company's gross income, which is equivalent to revenue minus COGS, and subtracts all operating expenses and depreciation. A business's operating expenses are costs incurred from operating activities and include items such as office supplies, heat and electricity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Period Costs vs. Product Costs. There are two types of expenses in managerial accounting: period costs and product costs. A period cost is defined as all costs in the profit and loss statement that is not a cost directly associated with a product, also known as “Sales, General and Administrative costs” (SG&A). A product cost is the total amount of cost that is directly associated with a product, also known as a cost of goods sold." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Learn what a fixed cost is, what a variable cost is, what total fixed costs are, and the difference between a fixed cost ... Read Answer >>. Learn about the different types of costs associated with cost accounting, such as direct, indirect, fixed, variable and operating ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The two common examples of period costs are marketing and selling costs, and administrative costs. 1 slide 1 of 3. Marketing & Selling Costs Marketing and selling costs are the costs incurred by the company to secure orders and transfer the finished product or service to the customer. 2 slide 2 of 3." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A business operated at 100% of capacity during its first month, with the following results: Sales (90 units) $90,000 Production costs (100 units) Direct materials $40,000 Direct labor 20,000 Variable factory overhead 2,000 Fixed factory overhead 5,000 $67,000 Operating expenses Variable operating expenses $8,000 Fixed operating expenses 1,000 9,000 What is the amount of the gross profit that would be reported on the absorption costing income statement?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Selected Answer: b. Rent. Correct Answer: b. Rent. Question 2 0 out of 1 points A firm has fixed operating costs of $150,000, total sales of $1,500,000, and total variable costs of $1,275,000. The firm's operating breakeven point in dollars is Selected Answer: a. $150,000. Correct Answer: c. $1,000,000." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Either Congress or the states can propose an amendment to the Constitution. 1 Both houses of Congress must propose the amendment with a two-thirds vote. This is how all current amendments have been offered. 2 Two-thirds of the state legislatures must call on Congress to hold a constitutional convention.']\" Match: \"[\"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\nE.g. 'five items in external environment of a business that could be considered as an adversity or an oppurtunity' == 'Environment influence On SWOT Environment influence is a part of SWOT analysis. SWOT is acronym of strengths,weakness, opportunity and threats. Threats and opportunities come under the purviewof the external environment of the business..2 DEFINITION OF BUSINESS The term â\\x80\\x98typicallyâ\\x80\\x99 refers to the development and processing of economic values insociety. Normally, the term is applied to portion of economic activities whose primarypurpose is to provide goods and services for society in an effective manner.' != 'Jackson and Schuler (1995) divide the organization environment into two categories: internal and external environment. They identified the major elements of internal organizational environment being technology, organizational structure and size, business strategy and the life cycle stages.'\", 'what is required to amend.the constitution']\"", "MATH 119 Section 1.4 Handout Cost, Revenue and Profit The profit is the difference between the revenue (sales) and the cost, if x units are produced and sold, we can write the following: P(x) = R(x) - C(x) Where: P(x) = profit from sale of x units. Variable costs are those directly related to the number of units produced. In general: Cost = Variable costs + fixed costs • Break-Even Point: the point where revenue equals cost R(x) = C(x) . EX.1) Suppose a firm manufactures radios and sells them for $50 each." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Actual revenue is higher than budgeted revenue. Based on a predicted level of production and sales of 12,000 units, a company anticipates reporting operating income of $26,000 after deducting variable costs of $72,000 and fixed costs of $10,000. $10,000 of fixed costs and $90,000 of variable costs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "http%3a%2f%2fwww.morningstar.com%2fInvGlossary%2fGlossary.aspx%3fterm%3doperating_income. Operating Income. The gross profit less operating expenses, as reported by the company for each of the past five fiscal years. Gross profit is equal to revenues minus costs of goods sold or costs of services provided. Operating Expenses are expenses incurred within the normal operations of a business. These include selling, general, and administrative expenses, and also depreciation and amortization of fixed assets. Operating Income excludes interest income and interest expense." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "who sings the roof is on fire lyrics" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Lawn nutrients like potassium, phosphorus and, yes, nitrogen, support the process of photosynthesis. In short, nitrogen is what makes your grass green, and the greener the grass, the more photosynthesis can occur and the thicker the lawn gets. But be careful! Too much nitrogen can create big problems for your lawn.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what nutrient makes grass greener']'", "The Roof Is on Fire. The Roof Is on Fire is a single from Rock Master Scott & the Dynamic Three, released in 1984. It reached number five on the Billboard Hot Dance Music/Maxi-Singles Sales chart." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Split and merge into it. Answer by Koots. Confidence votes 389. Probably the most memorable song by the name Fire was written and performed by Bruce Springsteen 1977, later a hit again by the Pointer Sisters. Fire is a 1968 song by Arthur Brown. ------------------------------------------------. koots says:plit and merge into it. Answer by Koots. Confidence votes 389. Probably the most memorable song by the name Fire was written and performed by Bruce Springsteen 1977, later a hit again by the Pointer Sisters. Fire is a 1968 song by Arthur Brown. ------------------------------------------------. koots says:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash cover) Lyrics. Oh, Love is a burning thing. And it makes a firey ring. Found my wild desire. I sleep into a ring of fire. I fell into a burnin ring of fire. I went down down down. And the flames went higher." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Related Who Sings Questions. 1 Who sings the song with the lyrics 'who do you love' George Thorogood has a song titled Who Do You Love?. 2 what is the song with the lyrics 'loving you' and who sings it That song is by Minnie Ripperton and is called Loving You. 3 What are some of the lyrics to Love Bug and who sings it?" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Girl on Fire is a song recorded by American singer-song writer Alicia Keys for her fifth studio album of the same name. Keys co-wrote and co-produced the hip hop / R&B ballad with Jeff Bhasker and Salaam Remi.eys performed Girl on Fire for the first time at the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards on September 6, 2012, where she was joined by Minaj and American gymnastics gold-medalist Gabby Douglas. The song has sold over 3 million paid downloads in the United States." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "According to Alan Lomax's Check-List of Recorded Songs in the English Language in the Archive of American Folk Song to July, 1940 (Library of Congress, 1942), a tune called Fire in the Mountain was played by G.G. Albritton and Cleo Wynn O'Berry on fiddle with straw beating in Sebring, Florida, in 1940." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "RE: Lyrics to &quot;Grace Under Fire&quot; theme song.? Does anyone know the lyrics to the theme for &quot;Grace Under Fire&quot;? I mean the one used in the later seasons, not &quot;Lady Madonna&quot; by Aretha Franklin. Who sings this, and where can I download a copy?" ], [ "Represent", "Fire (Bruce Springsteen song) For other songs of this name, see Fire (song). Fire is a song written by Bruce Springsteen in 1977 which had its highest profile as a 1978 single release by the Pointer Sisters. Contents. 1 Bruce Springsteen versions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "For other songs of this name, see Fire (song). Fire is a song written by Bruce Springsteen in 1977 which had its highest profile as a 1978 single release by The Pointer Sisters.Fire is a song written by Bruce Springsteen in 1977 which had its highest profile as a 1978 single release by The Pointer Sisters." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "djbeats 14126 views 2014-12-03T13:14:15 source: BobRiversShow Vince Mira is 1 talented teenager. His rendition of ‘Ring of Fire’ had my jaw on the floor. What a VOICE!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fiddler on the Roof is a musical with music by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and book by Joseph Stein, set in the Pale of Settlement of Imperial Russia in 1905.evye, a poor Jewish milkman with five daughters, explains the customs of the Jews in the Russian shtetl of Anatevka in 1905, where their lives are as precarious as the perch of a fiddler on a roof ( Tradition ). At Tevye's home, everyone is busy preparing for the Sabbath meal." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Edit. A prayer for the wild at heart, trapped in cages was the subtitle to the play Stairs to the Roof by Tennessee Williams, who was cousin to cast members Laura Dern and Diane Ladd. See more »." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Flame (Cheap Trick song) The Flame is a ballad written by British songwriters Bob Mitchell and Nick Graham. The song was first offered to English singer Elkie Brooks, who turned it down, and was then released by Cheap Trick, for whom it was a hit single in 1988. The song appeared on the band's Lap of Luxury album." ], [ "Represent the next text", "The song in question, it turns out, was “ Up In Flames ” by Ruelle, a new collaborative music project from Nashville singer-songwriter Maggie Eckford and various producers. Maggie’s now back with her second-ever track, “Big Guns”, and as far as alluding towards things to come, this is very promising." ], [ "Represent this", "Burning House. Burning House is a song by American country music singer Cam. It was released on June 16, 2015, as the second single from her debut album Untamed." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'Some examples of raw vegan foods are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, roots, fresh herbs, raw spices, seaweeds, raw nut milk, raw nut butters, cold pressed oils, unprocessed olives, pure maple syrup, dried fruits, vinegars, raw cacao powder, and unpasteurized soy sauce.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'new types of vegan foods']", "Fiddler on the Roof is a musical with music by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and book by Joseph Stein, set in the Pale of Settlement of Imperial Russia in 1905.he original Broadway production of the show, which opened in 1964, had the first musical theatre run in history to surpass 3,000 performances. Fiddler held the record for the longest-running Broadway musical for almost 10 years until Grease surpassed its run." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Please try again later. Light My Fire is a song originally performed by The Doors which was recorded in August 1966 and released the first week of January 1967. It spent three weeks at #1 on the Billboard's Hot 100, and one week on the Cashbox Top 100. It was re-released in 1968, peaking at #87. The song was largely written by Robby Krieger, and credited to the entire band." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Louis Armstrong sang English lyrics using the title El Choclo (Kiss of Fire). This English word variant was translated back into Spanish as Beso de Fuego and as such the song was sung by Connie Francis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ellie Goulding – Burn lyrics. We, we don't have to worry bout nothing. Cause we got the fire, and we're burning one hell of a something. They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space Light it up, like we're the stars of the human race, human race. When the lights turned down, they don't know what they heard." ], [ "Represent text", "There is a song called Fire I want to know who sings it. Babyface and Des'ree redid it but they are not the original singers.pdate: The first line in the song is: I'm riding in your car you turn on the radio you're pulling me close I just say no I say I don't like it But You know I'm a liar 'Cause when we kiss Ooh... Fire. Follow." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I See Fire by Ed Sheeran Songfacts. 1 This song plays during the end credits of the Hobbit movie The Desolation of Smaug. 2 Sheeran watched the film, wrote the song, and recorded most of it in the same day. 3 Despite having never played violin in his whole life, Sheeran choose to perform it himself via overdubbing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Britt Nicole lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Set The World On Fire lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "More News. Ed Sheeran has shared the music video for I See Fire, an original song he wrote for the soundtrack of Peter Jackson's upcoming Hobbit sequel The Desolation of Smaug. The haunting track is right in line with Sheeran's trademark style, filled with dramatic crooning and quiet acoustic guitars." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "And near the end of the play, Seguin offered an allusion to Fiddler on the Roof, yelling, “Sunrise, sunset!”. Chaz Bono’s ‘Independence Day’: Strippers, Racism & More Crazy Moments Anna Klassen June 24, 2013. Yes, that was an allusion to segregation, which was received with bug eyes and dropped jaws." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Far from the Home I Love Lyrics by Fiddler on the Roof Cast from Fiddler on the Roof Soundtrack. Rating: 4.2 /5 (25 votes)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Dylann Storm Roof (born April 3, 1994) is an American suspected of perpetrating the June 17, 2015 Charleston church shooting." ], [ "", "Allee Willis, who wrote the song with Maurice White and Al McKay from Earth, Wind & Fire, describes it as Joyful Music. It was the first song Willis wrote with the band, and quite a learning experience." ], [ "represent this text", "Lyric Video. Fire is track #10 on the album Finest Hour: The Best of Gavin DeGraw. It was written by Golan, Ross / Degraw, Gavin / Carlsson, Johan Carl Erik. Fire is track #10 on the album Finest Hour: The Best of Gavin DeGraw. It was written by Golan, Ross / Degraw, Gavin / Carlsson, Johan Carl Erik." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For the film, see Fiddler on the Roof (film) . Fiddler on the Roof is a musical with music by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and book by Joseph Stein, set in the Pale of Settlement of Imperial Russia in 1905. It is based on Tevye and his Daughters (or Tevye the Dairyman) and other tales by Sholem Aleichem.The story centers on Tevye, the father of five daughters, and his attempts to maintain his Jewish religious and cultural traditions as outside influences encroach upon the family's lives.he original Broadway production of the show, which opened in 1964, had the first musical theatre run in history to surpass 3,000 performances. Fiddler held the record for the longest-running Broadway musical for almost 10 years until Grease surpassed its run." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For other songs of this name, see Fire (song). Fire is a song written by Bruce Springsteen in 1977 which had its highest profile as a 1978 single release by The Pointer Sisters." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "I See Fire Lyrics. About “I See Fire”. Peter Jackson’s daughter was a big Sheeran fan and met him after a show. She suggested to her father, Peter Jackson, director of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies, that Ed Sheeran record the theme for the second movie, which Peter Jackson agreed to." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Lyrics to Being Beige (World's On Fire) song by Smashing Pumpkins: I don’t love you for what it’s worth So if you’re leaving can you hurt Cherry blossom, this is goodb... a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z #" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Firework (song) Firework is a song by American singer Katy Perry from her third studio album, Teenage Dream (2010). Perry co-wrote the song with Ester Dean and its producers StarGate and Sandy Vee. It is a dance-pop self-empowerment anthem with inspirational lyrics, and Perry felt it was an important song for her on Teenage Dream." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "MURDER SONG (2002)The drumming of the rain on the alloy roof of the immobile mobile home was a strangely comforting sound, Rosanna Nixon thought. THE SCAR (2002)He always looked forward to coming home to the house in Randwick; he valued home, like a comforting mental condition." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "I see fire. Blood in the breeze. I see fire (oh you know I saw a city burning out) (fire). And I see fire (feel the heat upon my skin, yeah) (fire). And I see fire (uh-uh-uh-uh) (fire). And I see fire burn auburn on the mountain side. Submit Corrections. Visit www.azlyrics.com for these lyrics. see fire (oh you know I saw a city burning out) (fire). And I see fire (feel the heat upon my skin, yeah) (fire). And I see fire (uh-uh-uh-uh) (fire). And I see fire burn auburn on the mountain side." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What a hit this would of been.I have a cd by Jerry Scheff with Terry Mike Jefferey singing the song.With lyrics like...''smokin,burnin gettin hotter and hotter-there's a fire down below,it's burning out of control.If only elvis could of put his vocal on it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Adele Sings Set Fire To The Rain - Graham Norton Show 29.;4.11 Adele Sings Live HQ Set Fire To The Rain" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I See Fire by Ed Sheeran. This song plays during the end credits of the Hobbit movie The Desolation of Smaug. Director Peter Jackson and his co-producer wife Fran Walsh chose to Sheeran to write and perform the tune following the advice of their daughter. 'I See Fire' is Ed's emotional response to the film, said Jackson." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Watch the video, get the download or listen to James Taylor – Fire and Rain for free. Fire and Rain appears on the album Greatest Hits. Fire and Rain is a folk/rock song written and performed by James Taylor. As a song on his second album, Sweet Baby James, the song engendered widespread attention for him. The album was released in February 1970, with the song being released as a single the following February. Fire and Rain quickly rose to number three on the Billboard hot 100 charts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Musical: Fiddler on the Roof. Song: Far from the Home I Love. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Follow us on. Musical: Fiddler on the Roof. Song: Far from the Home I Love. Broadway musical soundtrack lyrics." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Lyrics to Set The World On Fire song by Britt Nicole: I wanna set the world on fire Until it's burning bright for You It's everything that I desire Can... a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z #" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For other uses, see Christmas music and Christmas Song (disambiguation). The Christmas Song (commonly subtitled Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire or, as it was originally subtitled, Merry Christmas to You) is a classic Christmas song written in 1945 by Bob Wells and Mel Tormé. According to Tormé, the song was written during a blistering hot summer." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "All Stories. Ed Sheeran has shared the music video for I See Fire, an original song he wrote for the soundtrack of Peter Jackson's upcoming Hobbit sequel The Desolation of Smaug. The haunting track is right in line with Sheeran's trademark style, filled with dramatic crooning and quiet acoustic guitars." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Music Video. Sex On Fire is track #3 on the album Only By The Night. It was written by Followill, Jared / Followill, Matthew / Followill, Nathan / Followill, Caleb. Sex On Fire is track #3 on the album Only By The Night." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "LeAnn MuellerIn Gavin DeGraw's latest hit, he sings about a girl who's so hot, she sets the city on fire.. The city he's singing about isn't some generic place: it's one that's very special to him." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tradition! The first line in the play as spoken by Tevye: A Fiddler on the roof! Sounds crazy, no? But every one of us is a Fiddler on the Roof, trying to scratch out a meager tune, without breaking his neck. It isn't easy.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Eternal Flame by Bangles Songfacts. 1 Bangles lead singer Susanna Hoffs wrote this with songwriters Billy Steinberg and Tom Kelly. 2 There is an Eternal Flame at the gravesite of Elvis Presley in Memphis that inspired this song." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Like Bob Seger (see No. 6 on our list of the Top 10 Fire Songs), Bruce Springsteen has a fire raging down below in his Elvis-like ballad from 'Born in the U.S.A.' But the Boss' desire is bad -- he says so himself.And it gives this smoldering song a sense of hopelessness.ike other tracks on our list of the Top 10 Fire Songs,' Seger's 'The Fire Down Below' is all about desire. Doesn't matter who (a cop, some rich dude in a limo) or where (Vegas, Moline) you are, says Seger, people get horned up and often without warning." ], [ "represent the following document", "Who sings the country song with lyrics i want a love like johnny and june, rings of fire burning with you.. Heidi Newfield sings the song Johnny And June. ! Who sings 'i wanna love like johnny and june' country song Heidi Newfield sings the song I Wanna Love Like Johnny and June ! ALL day long!!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vance Joy-Fire and the Flood (Single) Album Lyrics. 1. Fire and the Flood Lyrics. Vance Joy Lyrics provid} DUPipeline_QISnippet_MetaDescription_Snippet_v1: {},{19|19|21|Features Song Lyrics for Vance Joy's Fire and the Flood (Single) album." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The group wasn't thrilled with the song, but Wexler had final say on all songs they recorded, and made it clear that they were going to record Under The Boardwalk. In a previous Drifters hit, they had a tryst with their baby Up On The Roof. In this song, they decide that it's too hot up there, and seek out a cooler location. They sing in the first line: when the sun beats down and burns the tar up on the roof...." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fiddler on the Roof (film) Fiddler on the Roof is a 1971 American musical comedy-drama film produced and directed by Norman Jewison. It is an adaptation of the 1964 Broadway musical of the same name, with music composed by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, and screenplay by Joseph Stein. Starring Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey, Molly Picon, and Paul Mann, the film centers on Tevye, the father of five daughters, and his attempts to maintain his Jewish religious and cultural traditions as outside influences encroach" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Johnny Cash – Ring Of Fire lyrics. Love is a burning thing. And it makes a fiery ring. Bound by wild desire. I fell into a ring of fire... I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down, down. And the flames went higher." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Earth, Wind & Fire - Would You Mind. Top Earth, Wind & Fire LyricsLet's GrooveHere Today And Gone TomorrowWanna Be The ManEnergyEven If You WonderDivineBack On The RoadFor The Love Of YouHeritageEvil Roy." ], [ "Represent", "(in the dark, in the dark). So light em up, light em up, light em up. I'm on fire. So light em up, light em up, light em up. I'm on fire. Songwriters: WENTZ, PETER / STUMP, PATRICK / TROHMAN, JOSEPH / HURLEY, ANDREW / WALKER, BUTCH / HILL, JOHN.© Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC. My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark lyrics licensed through LyricFind.nd the lead single is called My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, a potent rock track with the signature Fall Out Boy style, and the impressive vocals of frontman Patrick Stump. It's radio-friendly, vibrant and the chorus is massive, and very sing-along." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "[break]. AMY GOODMAN: Theodore Bikel singing If I Were a Rich Man from Fiddler on the Roof, here on Democracy Now! , democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, as we spend the hour featuring a conversation I had with the renowned actor, folk singer, musician and composer in January of 2014.e spend the hour remembering the renowned actor, musician, composer and activist Theodore Bikel, who died Tuesday at the age of 91. Bikel was known for creating the role of Baron von Trapp in The Sound of Music on Broadway and for the role of Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof, which he played more than 2,000 times." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Her passion: The 36-year-old singer - who shares three-year-old daughter Willow with husband Carey Hart - is passionate about the cause, saying, 'The fire was lit, obviously, because I'm a mama'. Sharing the love: Here the blonde is pictured on a UNICEF trip to Haiti in July." ], [ "Represent the following document.", "Lyrics to Grace Under Fire theme song.? Does anyone know the lyrics to the theme for Grace Under Fire? I mean the one used in the later seasons, not Lady Madonna by Aretha Franklin. Who sings this, and where can I download a copy?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Incoming search terms: 1 who sings the real theme song. 2 the real theme song this is our time lyrics. 3 who sings the real theme song this is our time. 4 the real talk show theme song lyrics. 5 the real theme song.6 who sings the theme song for the real.ncoming search terms: 1 who sings the real theme song. 2 the real theme song this is our time lyrics. 3 who sings the real theme song this is our time. 4 the real talk show theme song lyrics. 5 the real theme song." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Through the Fire (song) Through the Fire is a song from Chaka Khan's 1984 album, I Feel for You. The David Foster-produced track was the third single from the album. It reached #60 in the US and #15 on the R&B charts. and was one of the few Khan hits to cross to the Adult Contemporary chart." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fire Fire as written by Sameer Bhattacharya, James Culpepper, Jared Hartmann, Kirkpatrick Seals, Lacey Nicole Sturm." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Song Review by [+] “Light My Fire” -- from the quartet’s self-titled debut LP -- is the track that propelled the Doors onto the charts and into the collective consciousness of rock ‘n’ roll. The undeniably catchy melody and pulsating Bossa Nova rhythms support Morrison’s obvious and blatantly sexual lyrics. Although the song is officially credited to the band, it was actually guitarist Robbie Krieger who came up with the “C’mon baby, light my fire …” hook." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Related Who Sings Questions. Who sings the song with the lyrics Josie's on a Vacation? The song you asked for is called Your Love by the band Outfield. for now! Who sings the song with the lyrics ''this aint a city its a'' Fall Out Boy sings the song This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race, which has a..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Firework is a hit song from Katy Perry's 2nd major-label album Teenage Dream. Unlike her past work Firework appears to be a very meaningful song, when actually it's a stunt used by her and and her producers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Of course, Sheeran infused some funky flair into the tune and bridged it effortlessly into “I See Fire,” the song he recorded in 2013 for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug‘s soundtrack. The show will rebroadcast on Tuesday, March 7 at 5 p.m." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "define simile poem" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Similes appear in every genre from poetry to prose, epics to essays. Writers use similes to bring their. literary imagery to life. Similes compare one thing or idea to another, utilizing as or like to set off the comparison. TEACHER NOTE Encourage students to write these figurative language definitions in their notebooks under poetry notes. an overhead with the figurative language definitions – use as needed." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: The literary devices used in Langston Hughes's poem Harlem or A Dream Deferred are figurative language, personification, similes, and metaphors. In the opening of the poem, the speaker uses a visual image that is also a simile to compare a dream deferred to a raisin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Homeric simile, also called an epic simile is a detailed comparison in the form of a simile that is many lines in length. The word Homeric is based on the Greek author, Homer, who composed the two famous Greek epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey.Many authors continue to use this type of simile in their writings.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Homeric simile, also called an epic simile is a detailed comparison in the form of a simile that is many lines in length. The word Homeric is based on the Greek author, Homer, who composed the two famous Greek epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: The literary devices used in Langston Hughes's poem Harlem or A Dream Deferred are figurative language, personification, similes, and metaphors. For example: In the opening of the poem, the speaker uses a visual image that is also a simile to compare a dream deferred to a raisin." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Definition/History. The Symponic Poem, or Tone Poem is a piece of music in one movement (see symphony) played by an orchestra (see symphony). 1 It was probably started by Liszt around 1850. 2 It is made up based on a non-musical thing*. It is called a poem." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "An elegy poem is a poem that is written on the occasion of or about someone's death." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Figurative Language. The score The Sorcerer's Apprentice is based on a poem by the famous, German writer Johann Goethe! I want you to read the poem now while we listen to the composition again! Figurative language devices include hyperbole, symbolism, simile, metaphor, personification and irony." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', '20th century. The total solar eclipse of June 8, 1918 crossed the United States from Washington State to Florida. This path is roughly similar to the August 21, 2017 total solar eclipse and was the last time totality crossed the nation from the Pacific to the Atlantic.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'when was the last total eclipse in goldsboro nc']\"", "Poetry Definition. A form of poetry in which human characteristics are attributed to nonhuman things. Personification offers the poet a way to give the world life and motion by assigning familiar human behaviors and emotions to animals, inanimate objects, and abstract ideas." ], [ "Represent text:", "The use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations. Similarly, metaphor, simile and metonymy create a resonance between otherwise disparate images—a layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived.he use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations. Similarly, metaphor, simile and metonymy create a resonance between otherwise disparate images—a layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Writing the Poem. 1 1. Use concrete imagery. Avoid abstract imagery and go for concrete descriptions of people, places, and things in your poem. 2 2. Include literary devices. Literary devices like metaphor and simile add variety and depth to your poetry. 3 3. Write for the ear." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Homeric simile, also called an epic simile is a detailed comparison in the form of a simile that is many lines in length. The word Homeric is based on the Greek author, Homer, who composed the two famous Greek epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Many authors continue to use this type of simile in their writings.The typical Homeric simile makes a comparison to some kind of event, in the form like a ____ when it ______..he word Homeric is based on the Greek author, Homer, who composed the two famous Greek epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey. Many authors continue to use this type of simile in their writings." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition/History. The Symponic Poem, or Tone Poem is a piece of music in one movement (see symphony) played by an orchestra (see symphony). It is different from a symphony. 1 It was probably started by Liszt around 1850. 2 It is made up based on a non-musical thing*. It is called a poem." ], [ "", "Poem-A rhythmic expression of feelings or ideas, often using metaphor, meter and rhyme. Poems of Chance-Poetry created by adherents of the dadaistic movement, composed by writing down, without alteration, an illogical chance association of words, free of the limitations of rational and artistic thought processes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition/History. The Symponic Poem, or Tone Poem is a piece of music in one movement (see symphony) played by an orchestra (see symphony). It is different from a symphony. 1 It was probably started by Liszt around 1850. It is made up based on a non-musical thing*." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "definition of stressful" ]
[ [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Definition. Stress is defined as an organism's total response to environmental demands or pressures. When stress was first studied in the 1950s, the term was used to denote both the causes and the experienced effects of these pressures. More recently, however, the word stressor has been used for the stimulus that provokes a stress response." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dweck argues that the growth mindset will allow a person to live a less stressful and more successful life. Dweck's definition of fixed and growth mindsets from a 2012 interview: In a fixed mindset students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits.weck argues that the growth mindset will allow a person to live a less stressful and more successful life. Dweck's definition of fixed and growth mindsets from a 2012 interview: In a fixed mindset students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In his later years, when asked to define stress, he told reporters, “Everyone knows what stress is, but nobody really knows.”. As noted, stress is difficult to define because it is so different for each of us. A good example is afforded by observing passengers on a steep roller coaster ride.Some are hunched down in the back seats, eyes shut, jaws clenched and white knuckled with an iron grip on the retaining bar.hat Selye proposed was just the opposite, namely that many different insults could cause the same disease, not only in animals, but in humans as well. Selye’s theories attracted considerable attention and stress soon became a popular buzzword that completely ignored Selye’s original definition." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Adjustment disorder is an unexpectedly strong emotional or behavioral reaction that occurs in response to an identifiable stressful life event or life change that occurred within the previous three months.eep in mind that the definition of adjustment disorder does not allow the symptoms to last longer than six months after the stressor has terminated. A chronic diagnosis is only allowed if the stressful event or life change is persistent." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Adj. 1. disruptive-characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination; effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive; riotous times; these troubled areas; the tumultuous years of his administration; a turbulent and unruly childhood. tumultuous, turbulent, riotous, troubled." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "But sometimes—more often than we’d like—we have stressful conversations, those sensitive exchanges that can hurt or haunt us in ways no other kind of talking does. Stressful conversations are unavoidable in life, and in business they can run the gamut from firing a subordinate to, curiously enough, receiving praise. But whatever the context, stressful conversations differ from other conversations because of the emotional loads they carry." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "rueful definition: The definition of rueful is expressing sorrow or regret. (adjective) When you lose your chance at a big promotion because of an error in judgement, your facial expression might be an example of a rueful expression...." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of endurance. 1 : permanence, duration the endurance of the play's importance. 2 : the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially : the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity a marathon runner's endurance." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Results from large scale research projects on the causes of stress in humans done by the Center for Disease Control, the American Institute of Stress, Canadian physician Hans Selye, and many others, confirm that there are certain life events that the majority of humans find very stressful. 1." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A is the activating event—the event that triggers stress or worry. It might be a crisis in a personal relationship, a speech to be given, chronic lack of confidence, job dissatisfaction, or sexual problems...anything that sends a person to a counselor. Like Rogers, Ellis was willing to tackle any problem." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A HealthyWomen answered. Stressors are external events, including pressures in people's lives such as divorce, marriage, children, work and money. The experience of stress, however, is related to how you respond to these stressors. One person's stressor can be another person's motivator." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For example, when the arrow on the thermometer indicates Extremely Stressful, that doesn't mean all employees at that employer feel that their job is Extremely stressful, but it does mean a significant majority find their job to be Extremely stressful compared to workers at other employers.Extremely stressful.ork Stress (?XThe work stress thermometer reflects the intensity of stress experienced by employees on the job at a particular employer, relative to other employers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "unwind definition: To unwind is defined as to relax or undo something that is wound up. (verb) An example of to unwind is getting a foot rub after a stressful day...." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A Stressor is anything (physical or psychological) that produces stress (negative or positive) is considered a stressor." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Types of Adjustment Disorder. Adjustment disorder can be acute (lasting less than six months) or chronic (lasting longer than six months). Keep in mind that the definition of adjustment disorder does not allow the symptoms to last longer than six months after the stressor has terminated.A chronic diagnosis is only allowed if the stressful event or life change is persistent.eep in mind that the definition of adjustment disorder does not allow the symptoms to last longer than six months after the stressor has terminated. A chronic diagnosis is only allowed if the stressful event or life change is persistent." ], [ "", "Stressor. A stimulus or event that provokes a stress response in an organism. Stressors can be categorized as acute or chronic, and as external or internal to the organism. Mentioned in: General Adaptation Syndrome." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "SOR'ROWED, pp. Accompanied with sorrow. Not in use. sorrowful. SOR'ROWFUL, A. 1. Sad; grieving for the loss of some good, or on account of some expected evil. 2. Deeply serious; depressed; dejected. I Sam. 1. 3. Producing sorrow; exciting grief; mournful; as a sorrowful accident. 4. Expressing grief; accompanied with grief; as sorrowful meat. Job 6. sorrowfulness" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Adj. 1. fitful-occurring in spells and often abruptly; fitful bursts of energy; spasmodic rifle fire. spasmodic. sporadic-recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances; a city subjected to sporadic bombing raids." ], [ "Represent the next text:", "Chronic stress is the total opposite of acute stress; it’s not exciting and thrilling, but dangerous and unhealthy. Chronic stress tears the life of a person apart his mind, body or spirit." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Stress is very harmful to the mind and body. You may want to be alone for a long period of time too. The best way to deal with stress is to cancel everything for the day and just relax don't think or do anything. Do this for a couple days a month.he skillful bending of rhythms is what great poets and other writers do. Eventually, you will get a sense of the line. You might start to see how the word fits into the line and into the work. If you are talking about the word a, it is probably unlikely that the word is stressed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Stressors are events or conditions in your surroundings that may trigger stress. Your body responds to stressors differently depending on whether the stressor is new or short term — acute stress — or whether the stressor has been around for a longer time — chronic stress." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!", "what is hodor" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Hodor is a minor character in George R. R. Martin’s series of novels A Song of Ice and Fire and the adapted HBO fantasy television series Game of Thrones. He is known for assisting the character Bran Stark following a crippling injury and his singular catchphrase “Hodor.”" ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The Island of Sodor is a fictional island where both the Railway Series and the television series are set. It is located in the Irish Sea, between England and the Isle of Man. About half of the island is agricultural. Oats, barley, and turnips are major crops." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In a recent interview with Yahoo, Kristian Nairn, who plays the silent Hodor, said that both he and Isaac Hempstead-Wright (Bran) won't be returning for Season 5. We have a season off and we have a year's hiatus, solely because I imagine our storyline is up to the end of the books, he said." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Hobbit is a tale of high adventure, undertaken by a company of dwarves, in search. of dragon-guarded gold. A reluctant partner in. this perilous quest is Bilbo Baggins, a comfort-. loving, unambitious hobbit, who surprises even. himself by his resourcefulness and his skill as a. burglar." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Zohar (Hebrew: זֹהַר, lit. Splendor or Radiance) is the foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah.2:3) – by means of this book of yours, which is the book of the Zohar, from the radiance (Zohar) of Ima Ila'ah (the Higher Mother, the higher of the two primary partzufim which develop from Binah) [which is] teshuvah; with those [who study this work], trial is not needed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mordor was a black, volcanic plain located in the southeast of Middle-earth to the East of Gondor, Ithilien and the great river Anduin. Mordor was chosen by Sauron to be his realm because of the mountain ranges surrounding it on three sides, creating a natural" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Horehound or hoarhound is a common name applied to two related genera of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae :orehound or hoarhound is a common name applied to two related genera of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae 1 : Ballota. 2 Marrubium." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But as snarky know-it-all book readers love to point out, this isn't really his name. Here's the line from the book that book readers liked to refer to: Theon Greyjoy had once commented that Hodor did not know much, but no one could doubt that he knew his name. Old Nan had cackled like a hen when Bran told her that, and confessed that Hodor's real name was Walder. No one knew where Hodor had come from, she said, but when he started saying it, they started calling him by it. But Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2 put those snarky book readers in their place." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mordor was a black volcanic plain in the southeast of Middle-earth to the East of Gondor, Ithilien and the great river Anduin. Mordor was chosen to be Sauron's fortress because of the mountain ranges surrounding it on three sides, creating a natural fortress against his enemies.ordor was a black volcanic plain in the southeast of Middle-earth to the East of Gondor, Ithilien and the great river Anduin. Mordor was chosen to be Sauron's fortress because of the mountain ranges surrounding it on three sides, creating a natural fortress against his enemies." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vidor is a city in western Orange County, Texas, United States. A city of Southeast Texas, it lies at the intersection of Interstate 10 and Farm to Market Road 105, six miles east of Beaumont." ], [ "Represent the input", "noun. 1 Ardor is defined as the feeling of being attracted to a person. An example of ardor is wanting to kiss a person with passion. 2 The definition of ardor is a way of feeling or acting that is energetic and exciting. An example of ardor is a passionate speech." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "candor (usually uncountable, plural candors) (American) (obsolete) Whiteness; brilliance. The state of being sincere and open in speech; honesty in expression." ], [ "Represent.", "That's great that Hodor gets to keep busy DJing awesome raves, but seriously, what does this mean for Game of Thrones?! Dan Weiss and David Benioff couldn't have left their story at a more jarring point in Season 4." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A holler (colloquial pronunciation of hollow) is a geographical feature in a mountainous or hilly region that is too small to be considered a valley. So, down in the holler would indicate someone or something located in such a feature." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When Bran tells Nan that the only thing Hodor is sure of is his own name, Nan laughs as Hodor's real name is actually Walder: Hodor is the only word he seems capable of speaking, and has become his name. The meaning of the word is revealed in the TV series." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "An example of ardor is wanting to kiss a person with passion. The definition of ardor is a way of feeling or acting that is energetic and exciting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Hodor flees with Bran, Meera, and Jojen north toward the Wall. They eventually reach the Nightfort and meet Samwell Tarly of the Night's Watch. He leads them through a secret door at the bottom of a well that takes them through to the north side of the Wall." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A hobbled donkey in Sardinia. A hobble is a device that prevents or limits the locomotion of a human or an animal, by tethering one or more legs. Although hobbles are most commonly used on horses, they are sometimes used also on other animals." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Great House at the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. The Hohokam (/hoʊhoʊˈkɑːm/) were an ancient Native American culture centered in the present US state of Arizona. The Hohokam are one of the four major cultures of the American Southwest and northern Mexico in Southwestern archaeology." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "hoard (hôrd) n. 1. A supply or store of something held or hidden for future use. 2. A collection or supply, as of memories or information, that one keeps to oneself for future use. v. hoard·ed, hoard·ing, hoards v.tr. 1. To accumulate a hoard of: hoarded his money in a box under the bed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is Hodophobia? Hodophobia is the fear of traveling or road travel. The origin of the word hodo is Greek (meaning traveling or road) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear). Hodophobia is considered to be a specific phobia, which is discussed on the home page." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Horehound or hoarhound is a common name applied to two related genera of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae 1 : Ballota. 2 Marrubium.orehound or hoarhound is a common name applied to two related genera of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae 1 : Ballota. 2 Marrubium." ], [ "", "Working on Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones marks Nairn's first major acting role. He plays the role of Hodor, and announced his casting via Twitter on 22 June 2010. He initially appeared as a guest star in the first season and returned in this role for the second, third and fourth seasons. Hodor does not have a large scar on his right temple in the books." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nE.g.:\n['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Quick Answer. According to health and fitness expert Jillian Michaels, ball catching is an example of a coordination exercise. Ball catching involves throwing the ball to another person and increasing the speed and frequency with which the object is thrown.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what exercises involve coordination']", "In the HBO series Game of Thrones, which premiered on April 17th, 2011, Hodor is often shown in the company of the crippled boy Bran Stark and is only capable of speaking his own name." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of ardor. 1a : an often restless or transitory warmth of feeling the sudden ardors of youthb : extreme vigor or energy : intensity the ardor of a true believerc : zeald : loyalty. 2 : sexual excitement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But as snarky know-it-all book readers love to point out, this isn't really his name. Theon Greyjoy had once commented that Hodor did not know much, but no one could doubt that he knew his name. Old Nan had cackled like a hen when Bran told her that, and confessed that Hodor's real name was Walder. No one knew where Hodor had come from, she said, but when he started saying it, they started calling him by it. It was the only word he had. - A Game of Thrones - Bran IV." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "noun. Ardor is defined as the feeling of being attracted to a person. An example of ardor is wanting to kiss a person with passion." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Kristian Nairn is best known for fan favorite Hodor on HBO’s Game of Thrones, but he’s also an accomplished DJ! Join Mr. Nairn for this look at his work in acting and music. Sean Astin is an actor well known for his work in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Mikey Walsh in The Goonies, and the title character of Rudy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Houthis (Arabic: الحوثيون‎‎ al-Ḥūthiyyūn IPA: ), officially called Ansar Allah (anṣār allāh أنصار ا لله Supporters of God), is a Zaidi predominantly Shia-led religious-political movement (though the movement also includes Sunnis) that emerged from Sa'dah, northern Yemen in the 1990s and has fought against the government of the ousted president ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Sodor (fictional island) For other uses, see Sodor. Sodor is a fictional island located in the Irish Sea, just off the English mainland near Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria. It is used as the setting for The Railway Series books by the Rev. W. Awdry, and later used in the Thomas & Friends television series." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Caution: The interview below contains a major revelation from Game of Thrones season 6 episode 5, “The Door,” please do not read until you’ve seen Sunday’s episode… Hodor has said his final “Hodor.”" ], [ "", "A hobble is a device for restricting the ability of an animal to run or to walk (or kicking) by limiting the motion of the legs. They are made from leather, rope or synthetic materials such as nylon and Neoprene.There are various designs for breeding, casting and mounting horses.ll mine are hobble trained. I use it to keep them from leaving very far when we camp. I use them so the horses can move around my yard freely...well, as freely as you can with hobbles on... and they 'mow' for me." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Mordor (Sindarin for Black/Dark Land) is a biome that spawns to the east of Gondor, to the west of Rhûn, north of Harad, and south of Wilderland. The biome is dark and evil and the homeland of the Mordor Orcs, Black Uruks and Olog-hai." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This might explain why Hodor is so terrified of being warged into. This may explain why Hodor is so scared of tunnels (such as how scared he was of the crypts of Winterfell.) Hodor kept repeating his one order, “Hold the door,” over and over as he was killed by the white walkers." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Now, filming is underway on the fifth season of Game of Thrones. Set photos from the show’s filming location in Croatia teased one storyline from the upcoming season. More recently, in an interview, Kristian Nairn (who plays Hodor) said he would be sitting out of season 5." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Island of Sodor is a world of awesomeness. There are faces and places that are old and new. There are bridges and tunnels that engines puff through. There are hilltops and clifftops to climb and explore. There are buildings, and railways, and much, much more." ], [ "Represent this", "Hooray for Hodor! Game of Thrones actor Kristian Nairn, who plays the beloved friendly giant on the hit HBO series, revealed Tuesday, March 11 that he is gay." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Additionally the following cast members have either appeared in 10 or more episodes of the show whilst maintaining a 'recurring' status: 1 In season 6, Sam Coleman portrays Hodor as a child (originally named Wylis). 2 In season 1, Gregor Clegane is portrayed by Conan Stevens and by Ian Whyte in season 2." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Definition of ardor. 1 1a : an often restless or transitory warmth of feeling the sudden ardors of youthb : extreme vigor or energy : intensity the ardor of a true believerc : zeald : loyalty. 2 2 : sexual excitement." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "HOIST Fitness Systems is a San Diego, California USA based company producing premium strength training products for the commercial and home markets. The company's commercial products can be found all over the world in health clubs, YMCAs, community centers, hotels, personal training facilities, colleges & universities, corporate fitness centers, government facilities and military bases." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A hobble is a device that prevents or limits the locomotion of a human or an animal, by tethering one or more legs.Although hobbles are most commonly used on horses, they are sometimes used also on other animals. Humble or one leg hobble is a strap is placed around the front pastern, and then the leg is lifted and the strap is wrapped around the upper leg and then buckled, leaving the horse with three legs to stand on. 2 Mounting hobbles are knee hobbles that are made with a quick release, on a lead that passes to the rider." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hora (dance) Hora, also known as horo and oro, is a type of circle dance originating in the Balkans but also found in other countries." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A map of the Island of Sodor showing the railway system. Sodor is a fictional island located in the Irish Sea, just off the English mainland near Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria. It is used as the setting for The Railway Series books by the Rev. W. Awdry, and later used in the Thomas & Friends television series." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Mordor. Mordor is the region of Middle-earth in which Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor takes place. It is the home kingdom of Sauron, situated in southeastern Middle-earth and east of Gondor, Ithilien and the great river. Mordor was chosen to be Sauron's fortress because of the mountain ranges surrounding it on three sides, creating a natural fortress against his enemies." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Candor is one of the five factions in the world of Divergent, and was formed by those who blamed duplicity and deception for human nature's faults. Because of this, the Candor are known to value honesty, and their symbol is a set of unbalanced scales bound by a circle.Their substance in the Choosing Ceremony is glass.andor is one of the five factions in the world of Divergent, and was formed by those who blamed duplicity and deception for human nature's faults. Because of this, the Candor are known to value honesty, and their symbol is a set of unbalanced scales bound by a circle. Their substance in the Choosing Ceremony is glass." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Supporting cast. Additionally the following cast members have appeared in 10 or more episodes of the show whilst maintaining a 'recurring' status: 1 In season 6, Sam Coleman portrays Hodor as a child (originally named Wylis). 2 In season 1, Gregor Clegane is portrayed by Conan Stevens and by Ian Whyte in season 2." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In that way, he carried some of past Hodor’s essence into present Hodor. Through Hodor, he carried himself out and to safety. Through Hodor, he barred the door so the white walkers couldn’t get through and kill himself and Meera." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gomorrah [N] [E] [H] (submersion ), one of the five cities of the plain or vale of Siddim that under the irrespective kings joined battle there with Chedorlaomer ( Genesis 14:2-8 ) and his allies by whom they were discomfited till Abraham came to the rescue." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Ardor is defined as the feeling of being attracted to a person. An example of ardor is wanting to kiss a person with passion. The definition of ardor is a way of feeling or acting that is energetic and exciting. An example of ardor is a passionate speech." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "In the Bran flashback scene, we see Lyanna on a horse, Hodor talking and the three-eyed raven warning Bran not to stay in visions too long. It seems a little random, but if the theory is true, then it all makes sense. If Bran stays in visions or wargs for too long, he may lose himself like Hodor." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It's Stark v Bolton in the Game of Thrones episod0:53. Game of Thrones S6E8 preview0:40. How 'Game of Thrones' Hodor got his name1:18. New teaser footage from Game of Thrones Season 6 1:29. New Games of Thrones footage revealed in HBO end-2:49. Game of Thrones' The Mountain loses arm wrestling0:45." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Houthis (Arabic: الحوثيون‎‎ al-Ḥūthiyyūn IPA: [ħuːθijuːn]), officially called Ansar Allah (anṣār allāh أنصار ا لله Supporters of God), is a Zaidi predominantly Shia-led religious-political movement (though the movement also includes Sunnis[26]) that emerged from Sa'dah, northern Yemen in the 1990s and has fought against the government of the ..." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "On April 17th, BuzzFeed highlighted several captioned images and animated GIFs of Hodor. On May 27th, YouTuber johannhat uploaded a remix of the Game of Thrones opening sequence in which Hodor’s name is sung repeatedly (shown below). Within one years, the video accumulated over 940,000 views and 2,200 comments." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Table and oil Hojiblanca (literally translated, white leaf in Spanish) is an olive cultivar from Lucena . It represents 16% of the olive production in Andalucia and is grown mainly in the Spanish provinces of eastern Seville, southern Cordoba and northern Málaga. In Andalucia it is collected in late autumn (November-December) as green or black ripe olives for eating, or late in the season (March-April) to produce oil." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Hoid is King Elhokar's Wit and entertainer. He is a recurring mysterious character in the Cosmere. He has been hinted to be a rouge student of Silverlight University. He has abandoned his real name." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lindor is a type of chocolate produced by Lindt, which is now characterized by a hard chocolate shell and a smooth chocolate filling. It comes in both a ball and a bar variety as well as in a variety of flavours." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "We were left to wonder if Wylas ie. Walder ie. Hodor carried more than just Bran with him into that cave. Maybe, we considered, he just unwittingly took the Great Other all the way back to home sweet home. This wasn’t ultimately what happened. Ultimately, Hodor ended up being the most tragic and honorable hero in Game of Thrones." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Who is Hoid? Hoid is a mystery which I cannot speak on other than what has been written in the text of the novels. Mostly this is for you to piece together. As I said before, this is a story I'm telling, and if I have to explain the story outside the story, then in some ways I've done something wrong. So let the story speak for itself, and you will see. I guess that's a RAFO (Read And Find Out)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Lord of the Rings, on the other hand, is centered on Frodo’s journey to Mordor, along with a steadily decreasing host of companions, and the epic battle of good against evil in Middle Earth. The story of Bilbo Baggins is the central theme in The Hobbit, which details exactly how the ring came into his possession." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "By jacobhobson. THE HOBBIT is one of the greatest fantasies in English literature; this one's close to home. After the first movie, I was kind of excited--close enough to the book and pretty movie, eye candy." ], [ "Represent this text", "Ardor is defined as the feeling of being attracted to a person. An example of ardor is wanting to kiss a person with passion. The definition of ardor is a way of feeling or acting that is energetic and exciting." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The term, spelled holoarchy, is also used extensively by American philosopher and writer Ken Wilber. Holarchy is commonly referred to as a form of hierarchy however, hierarchy, by its definition, has both an absolute top and bottom." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hod in the Kabbalah of Judaism is the eighth sephira of the Kabbalistic tree of life. It is derived from hod הוד in the Hebrew language meaning majesty or splendor and denoting praise as well as submission.Hod sits below Gevurah and across from Netzach in the tree of life; Yesod is to the south-east of Hod.iktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: hod (Noun). A three-sided box for carrying bricks or other construction materials, often mortar. It bears a long handle and is carried over the shoulder. hod (Noun). A receptacle for carrying coal." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The basics: The Hovawart is a very old German working farm dog breed that has been redeveloped and restored since the 1920s. Its original purpose was to guard farms and estates, and it retains a strong instinct to guard. With proper training, it can also be a fine search and rescue animal." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Hobbit is a live-action three-part film adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. Guillermo del Toro had originally signed to direct the movies, but due to various delays and conflicts with schedules, announced that he would not be able to direct the films." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A 'hoy' is a type of small, shallow draft merchant vessel used as a lighter or coastal trader by the English and the Dutch. The term 'hoy' refers to her single mast rig, similar to that of the 'Hiorten' Galeas." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "when did hep b series start" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "HEPATITIS B VACCINATION The first hepatitis B vaccine became commercially available in the United States in 1982. In 1986, a hepatitis B vaccine produced by recombinant DNA technology was licensed and a second recombinant-type hepatitis B vaccine was licensed in 1989." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The incubation of the Hepatitis B Virus (hepatitis B) is about 6 to 25 weeks (i.e. before physical and generally detectable histological or physical symptoms occur) however there are several biochemical and histological changes that occur in stages after infection with the hepatitis B virus." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Created in 1966 by Stan Lee (script) and Jack Kirby (art), the original Black Panther — a hepcat in a slinky suit with claws and ears — debuted alongside the Fantastic Four in an adventure in Wakanda, which is powered by a mystery metal, vibranium." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Buxus sempervirens is an evergreen shrub or small tree growing to 1â\\x80\\x939 m (3 ft 3 inâ\\x80\\x9329 ft 6 in) tall, with a trunk up to 20 centimetres (7.9 in) in diameter (exceptionally to 10 m tall and 45 cm diameter).uxus sempervirens (common box, European box, or boxwood), is a species of flowering plant in the genus Buxus, native to western and southern Europe, northwest Africa, and southwest Asia, from southern England south to northern Morocco, and east through the northern Mediterranean region to Turkey.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how tall does buxus sempervirens grow']\"", "Description: This test is used in the diagnosis and monitoring of Hepatitis B (Hep B) infections. The Be Antigen test looks for the presence of a protein found in the blood when the Hep B virus is actively replicating." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "After seeing Buddy Ebsen in his country role in Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961), the creator of The Beverly Hillbillies (1962) wanted him to play family patriarch Jed Clampett. At the time, Ebsen was thinking of retiring, but the producers sent him a copy of the script, and he changed his mind." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "o lgG vs. lgM titers — you need lgG titers; DO NOT get labs for lgM titers. o Hbs AB lgG vs. HbsAG lgG titers (for Hep B) — you need Hep B AB (antibody) titers, NOT Hep B AG (antigen) titers. If the titer for a specific disease shows that you're not immune, you need to get vaccinated or." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "In 1946, Western Europeans joyously greeted the first war-free summer in years, and French designers came up with fashions to match the liberated mood of the people. Two French designers, Jacques Heim and Louis Reard, developed competing prototypes of the bikini." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The period between transmission of the hepatitis B virus and the beginning of symptoms of hepatitis B -- which is known as the hepatitis B incubation period -- lasts between 30 and 180 days.When a person becomes infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the virus begins to multiply within the liver cells.his period between hepatitis B transmission and the start of hepatitis B symptoms is called the hepatitis B incubation period.. The hepatitis B incubation period can be as short as 30 days or as long as 180 days." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "the period between transmission of the hepatitis b virus and the beginning of symptoms of hepatitis b which is known as the hepatitis b incubation period lasts between 30 and 180 dayswhen a person becomes infected with the hepatitis b virus hbv the virus begins to multiply within the liver cellshe period between transmission of the hepatitis b virus and the beginning of symptoms of hepatitis b which is known as the hepatitis b incubation period lasts between 30 and 180 days when a person becomes infected with the hepatitis b virus hbv the virus begins to multiply within the liver cells" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hepatitis B virus, abbreviated HBV, is a species of the genus Orthohepadnavirus, which is likewise a part of the Hepadnaviridae family of viruses. This virus causes the disease hepatitis B.he hepatitis B virus is classified as the type species of the Orthohepadnavirus, which contains three other species: the Ground squirrel hepatitis virus, Woodchuck hepatitis virus, and the Woolly monkey hepatitis B virus." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Growers took red and yellow carrots to create the orange root, just like using a paint box. Before then, carrots were purple, red, white, green, yellow, or black. Carrots are readily available in five main colors in the stores these days: orange, red, purple, white, and yellow. Each color has a different health benefit.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what color are carrots']\"", "The development of the Hellfire Missile System began in 1974 with the U.S. Army requirement for a tank-buster , launched from helicopters to defeat armored fighting vehicles. Production of the AGM-114A started in 1982.The Development Test and Evaluation (DT&E) launch phase of the AGM-114B took place in 1984.he AGM-114L, or Longbow Hellfire, is a fire-and-forget weapon: equipped with a millimeter wave (MMW) radar seeker, it requires no further guidance after launch—even being able to lock-on to its target after launch —and can hit its target without the launcher or other friendly unit being in line of sight of the target." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hepatitis B is caused by infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV), a double-stranded DNA virus of the family hepadnaviridae. HBV replicates in the liver and causes both acute and chronic hepatitis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "He quit competing and began working as a DJ. In November 1999, Paul Briggs began boxing. Over the course of 5 years, Briggs compiled a 23-1 (17 KO's) record, leading to a WBC No. 1 rating and a WBC Light Heavyweight World Championship fight against Tomasz Adamek, who at the time, had 28 wins and no losses." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Bioenergy Producer Program (BPP) has been extended, with a revised scope, for two and a half years. The $63 million program will run from October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2020, and provide funding for the production of electricity and liquid biofuels. Prospective applicants should take note of the eligibility criteria for the program extension." ], [ "", "Achievements in Public Health: Hepatitis B Vaccination --- United States, 1982--2002. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation in the United States of the world's first vaccine against hepatitis B virus (HBV)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Let us summarise the concept of Job Analysis: A few definitions on job analysis are quoted below. 1. Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. The immediate products of this analysis are job descriptions and job specifications. 2. Job analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities within a job.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'what is job analysis used for']\"", "Volkswagen debuted its first production stop-start system in 1983 with the Europe-only Polo Formel E. All these systems work similarly and are ubiqui­tous on hybrids. When the car comes to a stop, the engine computer cuts spark and fuel." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The breakthrough understanding of hepatitis came in 1963 when Dr Baruch Blumberg discovered an antigen that detected the presence of hepatitis B (HBV) in blood samples. At the time, Dr Blumberg was actually researching the genetics of disease susceptibility." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In the ’70s, future TV star Joe Mantegna was moved to co-create Bleacher Bums, a play that centers on a group Cubs fans who remain loyal despite the team’s persistent failings. It wasn’t always this way, of course: The Cubs won back-to-back World Series crowns in 1907 and 1908, and returned to the title-round seven times between 1910 and 1945 — although they came up short on each occasion." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "They are also made available for public review and comment from industry, academia, regulatory agencies, and the public‐at‐large.– The B18.21.1 standard was developed using recommendations from the Helical Washer Institute in 1969, among others– The latest B18 committee consists of 40 members." ], [ "Represent the input.", "In 1987, HBO offered her a show of her own, On Location: The Roseanne Barr Show (1987). It was canceled after a short time. In 1989, Roseanne starred opposite Meryl Streep and Ed Begley Jr. in She-Devil (1989). Though her first picture wasn't as successful as she might have hoped, her sitcom,Roseanne (1988), ran for 9 seasons seasons on ABC." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "In 1979, Geneva held the first 1/8th scale On-Road Gas World Championship. Phil Booth, from England, was crowned World Champion driving a PB Racing car. Dynamic suspension car from the start of the 1970’s. The design of the cars varied considerably." ], [ "Represent the input:", "Executive producer(s) Producer(s) Lab Rats is an American television sitcom that premiered on February 27, 2012 on Disney XD, which focuses on the life of Leo Dooley, who discovers three bionic teenagers, Adam, Bree, and Chase, with whom he develops an immediate friendship. The series was created by Chris Peterson and Bryan Moore." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The United States biological weapons program officially began in spring 1943 on orders from U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. 1 Research continued following World War II as the U.S. built up a large stockpile of biological agents and weapons." ], [ "represent", "In 2006, the classical world was stunned by the news that Alsop had been named Principal Conductor of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, beginning with the 2007-2008 season. It was the first time a woman had been chosen for a regular conducting post with a major American orchestra, and not a choice that was without a measure of controversy. Nevertheless, Alsop seems good for it - in 2005 she won both the Royal Philharmonic Society's Conductor Award and Gramophone Magazine's Artist of the Year distinction, and became the first conductor to receive a MacArthur Fellowship." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Formed in October 1955 in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, to standardize dealership service in the United States, it grew to 909 Volkswagen dealers in the US by 1965 under the leadership of Dr. Carl Hahn." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Date and Patent codes are key to dating vintage Zippo lighters. George Grant Blaisdell established Zippo in October 1932 in Bradford, Pa., and the first Zippo lighter was produced in January 1933. Blaisdell had date codes imprinted on the bottom of the lighter cases." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "War Production Board. The War Production Board (WPB) was an agency of the United States government that supervised war production during World War II. President Franklin D. Roosevelt established it in August 1939, with Executive Order 9024. The WPB replaced the Supply Priorities and Allocation Board and the Office of Production Management." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In 2004, Philbin returned to host 12 episodes of a spin-off program titled Who Wants to Be a Super Millionaire in which contestants could potentially win $10,000,000. ABC aired five episodes of this spin-off during the week of February 22, 2004, and an additional seven episodes later that year in May.he show also became one of the highest-rated and most popular game shows in U.S. television history, and has been credited with paving the way for the rise of the reality TV phenomenon to prominence throughout the 2000s. The U.S. Millionaire also made catchphrases out of various lines used on the show." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The B17G prototype first flew on June 28, 1935, yet few of the B-17 flying fortresses were flying prior to the United States’ entrance into World War II. Read more: Shoo Shoo Baby: B17G At Wright Patterson Air Force Base." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Medicare Part B and D plans accepted. 1 Flu (Influenza) - Seasonal. 2 Shingles (Herpes Zoster) 3 Pneumonia (Pneumococcal) 4 Td (Tetanus, Diphtheria) 5 Tdap (Whooping Cough) 6 Hepatitis A (Hep A) 7 Hepatitis B (Hep B) 8 MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "After 4 to 12 weeks (on average), hepatitis B symptoms can begin. This period between hepatitis B transmission and the start of hepatitis B symptoms is called the hepatitis B incubation period.. The hepatitis B incubation period can be as short as 30 days or as long as 180 days.This incubation period is dependent of the number of virus particles a person is exposed to.he period between transmission of the hepatitis B virus and the beginning of symptoms of hepatitis B -- which is known as the hepatitis B incubation period -- lasts between 30 and 180 days." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Pulmonary Hemosiderosis Prevention Program (PHPP) was established by the local public health community in 1996 and supported with funding through public health agencies and local foundations." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nicklaus placed first on the PGA Tour money list again in 1976, despite competing in only 16 events, winning just two (Tournament Players Championship and World Series of Golf) – neither of them majors – and playing what he called hang-back-and-hope golf." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "One of the earliest ROPS systems was introduced by Mercedes in 1986. There are two types of deployable roll bars, for lack of a better name, the flip-up type and the pop-up type. These are considered to be the flip-up type." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The actual date of first production was 1888, but when Daisy bought the Markham company, another BB gun manufacturer that was both their neighbor in Plymouth and their competitor, they backed the date of their BB-gun manufacturing to 1886, the year when Markham first made their wooden BB gun.everal years ago, Daisy decided to make a commemorative issue of the wire-stocked first model BB gun. They call it a replica, so I guess it is, but like the second-generation Colt blackpowder revolvers, I always thought when a company re-issued a model it once sold, it was still considered a legitimate model." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Topps remains the only baseball card company today to still offer factory sets of their base brand. Their first factory set was offered in 1974 exclusively in the J.C. Penney catalog, but Topps would not begin releasing factory sets again until 1982." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "History of Hahn's. It all began over 100 years ago (1896) when William F. Myers of Pleasant Valley, Carroll County, Maryland established his meat packing business. The plant was originally located at the corner of Liberty and Green Streets in Westminster, Maryland." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "On May 6, 1953, Bobo Holloman pitched a no-hitter for the St. Louis Browns in his first major league start (also not his first major league game). This game would prove to be one of only three major league wins that Holloman achieved, against seven losses, all in 1953." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "By Fraser McAlpine | 2 years ago. British racing champion Stirling Moss launches British Master Driver tests in London, 1967 (Pic: Jim Gray / Getty Images) Let’s be honest, this question is only phrased this way to appease the two-thirds of the drivers of the world that now drive on the right-hand side of the road." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Biography. Bengi first appeared in the pro scene playing a few games for the team BBT, which dropped out of NLB Winter 2012-2013.KkOma eventually added him to the initial SK Telecom T1 2 roster. October 2nd-Bengi on potential Worlds opponents: 'I hope we don't go against Fnatic in the quarterfinals' (KR)(EN)(video) with The Score Esports. 2 September 28th-LolKing's S3 Worlds Coverage-Interview with bengi (Bae Seong-ung) (video) with LolKing." ], [ "", "Smith hosting Studio B. David Shepard Smith Jr. (born January 14, 1964), known better as Shepard Smith or Shep Smith, is an American television news anchor. He is the former host of Fox Report with Shepard Smith and Studio B weekdays on Fox News Channel." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The 1948 mark points to the introduction of the Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP or DTP) vaccine. Regular pertussis vaccines, however, have been around since the 1920's when Louis W. Sauer^ created a successful vaccine. Others were successful and used the vaccines to help control outbreaks." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "When you have Hep C, it can start to damage the liver right away, even if you have no symptoms. Learn about how Hep C can affect your day-to-day life. >. Over time, Hep C causes cirrhosis (severe scarring) of the liver, which prevents the liver from doing its job, and may even cause permanent damage." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Introduced in 2006, the Dyna Street Bob (FXDB) was the first Dark Custom designed for Harley-Davidson’s Dyna family. The Street Bob originally came with an 88.5 cubic-inch (1,450 cc) engine and graduated to 96.7 cubes (1,584 cc) in 2007. After the release of the Twin Cam 103 in the 2012, Harley dropped it into the Street Bob starting in 2014." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "EB Games. EB Games (formerly known as Electronics Boutique and EB World) is an American computer and video games retailer. First established as an American company in 1977 by James Kim with a single electronics-focused location in the King of Prussia Mall near Philadelphia, the company has grown into an international corporation. EB Games's parent corporation, GameStop, has its headquarters in Grapevine, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. When Electronics Boutique was an independent company, its headquarters was in West Goshen Township, Pennsylvania, near West Chester." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Studebaker US6 2.5-ton Utility Truck (1941) JR Potts, AUS 173d AB (Updated: 7/12/2016): In April 1941, with World War in Europe on the horizon once more, the U.S. government entered into a contract with the Studebaker automobile company to begin producing 2.5-ton class military trucks out of its factory in South Bend, Indiana." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Documents on the Townshend Acts. The Townshend Acts were actually a series of taxes and laws imposed upon the colonists. The first, the Townshend Revenue Act, placed a tax on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea. Other bills included in the Townshend Acts contributed to the colonists' angry reaction.\"] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'what was the money collected from the tax created by the townshend acts used to do?']", "Back in England, younger boys were eager to become Boy Scouts. In 1914, Baden-Powell began implementing a program for younger boys that was based on Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book. The Wolf Cub program began in 1916, and since that time, Wolf Cubbing has spread to other European countries with very little change." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Background. Hepatitis D virus (HDV) is an RNA virus that is structurally unrelated to hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B (HBV), or hepatitis C virus (HCV). It was discovered in 1977. HDV causes a unique infection that requires the assistance of viral particles from HBV to replicate and infect other hepatocytes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Television. 1 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 1959 episode Man From The South, the opening shot shows the Casino and Fremont St. 2 The Golden Nugget and Fremont Street are in the opening scene of The Night Stalker (1972) with reporter Carl Kolchak investigating a series of vampire murders in Las Vegas." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It is from the experiences of the C.I.A., and the successful use of guerrilla operations tactics, that the Special Forces Green Berets came to be in June of 1952. However, it wouldn’t be until Vietnam before the Green Beret’s would prove themselves." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Season 1. Episode 28 First Aired: Friday April 25, 1958 Directed by Don McDougall Written by John Robinson Starring: Robert Culp as Hoby Gilman James Griffith as Aaron Adams Norman Leavitt as Ralph Guest Stars: Johnny Crawford as Eric Paine Bert Stevens as Banker James Westerfield as Dingo Noble." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When you have Hep C, it can start to damage the liver right away, even if you have no symptoms. Learn about how Hep C can affect your day-to-day life. > Over time, Hep C causes cirrhosis (severe scarring) of the liver, which prevents the liver from doing its job, and may even cause permanent damage." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Ocean's Thirteen (2007) PG-13 | 2h 2min | Crime, Thriller | 8 June 2007 (USA) Danny Ocean rounds up the boys for a third heist, after casino owner Willy Bank double-crosses one of the original eleven, Reuben Tishkoff." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "She was on the show from 1973 to 1977. Her next series, The Betty White Show (1977-78) and Mama’s Family (1983-85) were short-lived, but White could still be seen on shows like The Love Boat (1980-85), and as a regular in game shows such as Liar’s Club (1976-78), Match Game PM (1975-82) and Just Men (1983)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "P.A.F. or just PAF is the world's second humbucker guitar pickup, invented by Seth Lover in 1955 as an engineer for Gibson and began use in mass production guitars in 1957. It is commonly mistaken for the first humbucker pickup due to Gibson's popularity and the earlier patent filing date. While the first humbucker pickup in use, and issued a patent, was actually the Gretsch Filter'Tron pickup prototypes, designed by Ray Butts in 1954 at the request of Chet Atkins for his Gretsch 6120." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries: Examples:\nProvided: \"['', 'Carbon (from Latin: carbo coal) is a chemical element with symbol C and atomic number 6. On the Periodic table, it is the first (row 2) of six elements in column (group) 14, which have in common the composition of their outer electron shell.oreover, it has an affinity for bonding with other small atoms, including other carbon atoms, and is capable of forming multiple stable covalent bonds with such atoms. As a result, carbon is known to form almost ten million different compounds; the large majority of all chemical compounds.']\" Match: \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is carbon like']\"", "The first gameplay was shown at BlizzCon 2017 and the character is based on the Diablo 2 Necromancer. Primary weapon on the Diablo 3 Necromancer is the Scythe. The Diablo 3 Necromancer beta started on 12 April 2017. Diablo 3 Necromancer Skills [edit | edit source] A full list of Necormancer skill can be found in the Necromancer Skills Section" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "TCP/IP, which was developed in 1969 by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), is the result of a resource-sharing experiment called Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). The TCP/IP protocol was developed to provide high-speed communication network links. Since 1969, ARPANET has grown into a worldwide community of networks known as the Internet. Before TCP/IP, there was no way for computers to communicate easily and securely on public networks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Blue Bloods (season 4) The fourth season of Blue Bloods, a police procedural drama series created by Robin Green and Mitchell Burgess, premiered on CBS on September 27, 2013. Leonard Goldberg serves as executive producer. According to TV by the Numbers, CBS was all but guaranteed to commit to a fourth season." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what methods are used to ping cell phone locations" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1) Unless I’m just missing something obvious, the opinion seems pretty vague on the technological facts. The majority opinion initially says that the government obtained a court order ordering the cell phone company to release “cell site information, GPS real-time location, and ‘ping’ data” for the phone used by the suspect." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Location. The location of the cell tower has a huge impact on possible cell tower lease rates. The value of your land, and the average price for property nearby, impacts cell phone tower lease rates.The locations of nearby cell towers, in proximity to your real estate, matters too.he value of your land, and the average price for property nearby, impacts cell phone tower lease rates. The locations of nearby cell towers, in proximity to your real estate, matters too." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Find out what domain name the cell phone provider uses for text messaging. You will use the domain name to address your email like this: phonenumber@domainname.com. This information can usually be found in the FAQ section of the cell phone provider's website.ending a text message via e-mail on a computer requires the cell phone number and the appropriate carriers SMS for text messages.... 1 How to Email Text Messages to Any Phone." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Triangulation. The most common way to go is using the triangulation method. A sensor emits a laser light that hits the object at some incidence angle, reflects from it and detected. Since light moves in straight lines, a triangle is formed between the laser source, the measured object, and the detector. By measuring the exact location the laser hits the detector we can calculate the distance to the object using simple geometry (see Fig. 1). Sounds great, but what happens if we want to measure inside holes or steep-angled objects?" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How to set up your mobile phone for Internet. The Internet connection can be used for many functions in your mobile phone, such as receiving e-mails and installing apps. You'll be able to access the Internet as soon as you've inserted your SIM card into your mobile phone.If this isn't the case, we can send an Internet configuration to your mobile phone or you can set up your mobile phone manually.he Internet connection can be used for many functions in your mobile phone, such as receiving e-mails and installing apps." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PPP Session Establishment. Page 8 | Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Echo-Request, Echo-Reply, and Discard-Request - frames can be used to test the link. After the transfer of data at the Network laye r completes, LCP terminates the link." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Another way to find information is to use a reverse phone lookup website. These type of sites offer a tool called a reverse phone lookup which will find information on a phone number. Some of the information returned is name, address, possible relatives, etc.Most of these sites have information on cell phone numbers, unlisted numbers, and business phone numbers.The only problem with using these sites is that most of them charge a fee to run a reverse phone lookup on a cell phone number.here are a ways to find this information but it takes patience (and $ most of the time). If you are looking for a free reverse cell phone number lookup then we would recommend first trying our reverse cell phone lookup." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If your goal is to centralize all iMessages, you also want to set the same caller ID on all your devices. Like the name suggests, the caller ID is the email or phone number used to send the iMessage. Basically, you can tell your iPhone to either send messages from your phone number, or from your email address." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "H. For EKG 15 also determine the heart rate in at least two locations and using at least two methods. Be sure to circle where on the EKG you determined the heart rate. Show calculations and briefly explain what methods you used." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is a Data Plan? Find Out at Wirefly Online. As a typical smartphone user your use of a mobile phone can generally be separated into two categories: first, your use of the phone’s voice and text messaging features and – secondly - your use of the phone to access the Web and the various tasks associated with being online with your mobile phone." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Forwarding Google Voice Calls. 1 1. Look for a prompt that asks you to link a forwarding number to your account. 2 2. Enter the number of your choice. 3 3. Find the confirmation number on the next prompt screen. 4. Answer the 1 phone. 5. Continue following the prompts to set up your personal voice mail message." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "What are the charges for intentionally breaking someone's cell phone? What are the possible charges against a person who broke a cell phone out of a moment of anger? What are the possible defenses? Does the phone have to be paid at retail price or price after being used for 6 months? How do I prevent these charges from taking effect?" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Definition: In morphology, a word formed by dropping one or more syllables from a polysyllabic word, such as cell from cellular phone. A clipped form generally has the same denotative meaning as the word it comes from, but it's regarded as more colloquial and informal.(See Examples and Observations, below.). See also: 1 Apocope. 2 Back-Formation. 3 Contraction. 4 Elision. 5 Etymology.6 Hypocorism. clipped form generally has the same denotative meaning as the word it comes from, but it's regarded as more colloquial and informal. (See Examples and Observations, below.). See also: 1 Apocope. 2 Back-Formation.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is clipping morphology']\"", "To use a mobile device or email program to send and receive BT email messages, we recommend that you use IMAP with SSL enabled. This is because if you set up your mobile device or email client with the standard IMAP or POP3 protocol, the username and password are sent 'in the clear' over the Internet.ow to use the navigation. The help section uses a finder that has been divided into categories and sub-categories to help navigate through to the relevant answer. The steps are as follows: 1 Step 1: Select a category. 2 Step 2: Select a subcategory." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Twitch! Contacts Formatter detects the country code for the format from the phone's SIM card. If, by chance, the detection is wrong (or there's some reason you want/need to use a different format), just tap the flag icon and select the country you need to use as the basis for your number formatting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "ping zing orange dot irons , l0ft & lie angle of 2005 ping golf irons, orange dot on ping clubs equal wha tlie angle, ping orange dot loft lie angle, ping orange dot specs, ping ping zing rions, ping zing 2 orange dot, ping zing 2 orange dot iron specifications, ping zing 2 orange dot lie angles, ping zing 2 specs, ping zing 2 std lie, ping zing lob wedge loft, ping zing loft angles, ping zing orange, ping zing orange dot irons, ping zing orange dot specs, ping zing specs orange dot, ping zing wedge orange, what is the loft of a ping zing lob wedge, what loft are ping zing 2 orange dot wedges" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Resetting a cell phone will often remove and erase all of your personal data from the device, and restore the phone back to its original factory settings. Resetting a cell phone can be useful if you need to remove your personal information prior to selling or disposing of your cell phone." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Using Web-Based Anonymous Text Messaging Sites. 1 1. Choose an anonymous web-based texting site. 2 2. Read the rules of the website you select. 3 3. Type false sender information if required. 4. Type the receiver's phone 1 number. 5. Write and send your message." ], [ "", "What materials are used to build high-quality Ping-Pong tables, and where can you buy table tennis table paint? One answer is easy, the other is not. Playing Surface and Table Paint for Building a Ping-Pong Table What to Use for a Table Tennis Table" ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "in game perks define" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "In modern culture. 1 Perks and Tit, a live album released by Deep Purple. 2 Perks, a game mechanic in video games. 3 PERQ, a workstation computer." ] ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "adjective. The definition of perky is someone who is cheerful, peppy and self-confident. A smiling, happy cheerleader with lots of energy is an example of someone who might be described as perky." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Definition of jink. 1 intransitive verb. : 2 to move quickly or unexpectedly with sudden turns and shifts (as in dodging)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In normal play, you can have a maximum of 4 perks at a time. On some maps however, such as Buried, you may have as many perks as you can get via the Wonderfizz machine. Arguably the top 4 picks for perks are: Juggernog." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Shareholder perks, where investors in a business benefited from an array of discounts and freebies as a privilege that came with owning a slice of the business, are more rare today than in the past." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 For perks in other Fallout games, please see Perk 2 . For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to Portal:Fallout 4 ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Player killing[edit] Player killing, or PKing, is non-consensual PvP resulting in a character's death. Some games offer open PvP (also sometimes called world PvP), where one player can attack another without warning anywhere in the game world. A pure PK game is one where PvP conflict is the only gameplay offered." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', '1 Left Internal Carotid Artery or Middle Cerebral Artery: These arteries supply blood to much of the left side of the brain. 2 When these arteries are blocked, symptoms might include right body weakness, trouble communicating, right body numbness and loss of vision on a portion of the right side of space. Right Internal Carotid Artery or Middle Cerebral Artery: These arteries supply blood to much of the right side of the brain.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'where does the middle cerebral artery supply blood to']>>", "Companion perks [edit | edit source]. Fallout 4 is not the first Fallout game to introduce the concept of companions having perks, but is the first to have perks that affect the party as a whole. When having a companion, a certain perk is granted for having that companion in your party. Requires Level 50, Fallout 4 is not the first Fallout game to introduce the concept of companions having perks, but is the first to have perks that affect the party as a whole." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "countable noun [usually plural] Perks are special benefits that are given to people who have a particular job or belong to a particular group. ...a company car, private medical insurance and other perks. One of the perks of being a student is cheap travel. Synonyms: bonus, benefit, extra, plus [informal] More Synonyms of perk." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "KK is a common expression in both text messaging and online gaming, signifying agreement to the statement made before. KK is a common expression in both text messaging and online gaming, signifying agreement to the statement made before." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Fringe benefits or other incidental profits or benefits accompanying an office or position. The abbreviation perks is used in reference to extraordinary benefits afforded to business executives, such as country club memberships or the free use of automobiles. perquisites." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A role-playing video game (commonly referred to as role-playing game or RPG, and in the past also known as computer role-playing game or CRPG) is a video game genre where the player controls the actions of a character (and/or several party members) immersed in some well-defined world." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of game. 1 1a (1) : activity engaged in for diversion or amusement : play (2) : the equipment for a gameb : often derisive or mocking jesting : fun, sport make game of a nervous player. 2 2a : a procedure or strategy for gaining an end : tacticb : an illegal or shady scheme or maneuver : racket." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Deft Hands, Fine Tools. Deft Hands, Fine Tools is a Perk in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Perks are unlocked by spending perk points at the War Council table. Description: The training, gear, and experience working with master locksmiths needed to tackle the toughest and most ingenious locking mechanisms. Allows all rogues in the party to open masterwork locks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "This page lists all perks in Fallout 4, the upcoming installment in the Fallout series. 1 The content is not described in full detail on this page. 2 For perks in other Fallout games, please see Perk 3 . For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to Portal:Fallout 4 ." ], [ "", "perk definition: The definition of a perk is a benefit. (noun) An example of a perk is a reward points package with a credit card...." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Player perks [edit | edit source]. Fallout 4 is not the first Fallout game to introduce the concept of companions having perks, but is the first to have perks that affect the party as a whole. When having a companion, a certain perk is granted for having that companion in your party. Requires Level 50, Fallout 4 is not the first Fallout game to introduce the concept of companions having perks, but is the first to have perks that affect the party as a whole." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is a one word substitute for an emolument over and above fixed income and salary? The likely word is bonus. The word perquisite (informally perk) is a bonus, benefit, or prerogative provided, not necessarily an emolument or payment." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1 perk-A special privilege or right, it is an abbreviation of perquisite. 2 prejudice-Originally meant harm or injury caused to a person resulting from a disregard for their rights; it is from Latin, meaning to judge beforehand.." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of perk. 1 intransitive verb. 2 1a : to thrust up the head, stretch out the neck, or carry the body in a bold or insolent mannerb : to stick up or out jauntily. 3 2 : to gain in vigor or cheerfulness especially after a period of weakness or depression —usually used with up he's perked up noticeably. transitive verb." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Learn English watching your favourite videos | Learn English with movies | Learn English with TV shows. All English definitions from our dictionary. Search company perks and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. You can complete the definition of company perks given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Updated Sep 30, 2015 7:53 pm. Stats in Fallout 4 are called SPECIAL. SPECIAL is an acronym for Fallout 4's leveling system. Upon starting the game, players are given an amount of points to spend in one of the seven stats that make up SPECIAL.Upon leveling up, players are able to improve these stats, which in turn unlock new abilities called Perks.Perks can then be improved further via Ranks.t affects how much you can carry, and the damage of all melee attacks. Perception is your environmental awareness and sixth sense, and affects weapon accuracy in V.A.T.S. Endurance is a measure of your overall physical fitness. It affects your total Health and the Action Point drain from sprinting." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 The content is not described in full detail on this page. 2 For details, please see the respective articles. 3 For perks in other Fallout games, please see Perk 4 . For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to Portal:Fallout 4 ." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Perks of Being a Wallflower. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the film of the same name, see The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film) . The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming-of-age epistolary novel by American writer Stephen Chbosky which was first published on February 1, 1999 by Pocket Books.Its narrator is an introverted teenager known as Charlie, who describes his experiences in a series of letters to an anonymous stranger.he Perks of Being a Wallflower. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the film of the same name, see The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film) . The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming-of-age epistolary novel by American writer Stephen Chbosky which was first published on February 1, 1999 by Pocket Books." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 For details, please see the respective articles. 2 For perks in other Fallout games, please see Perk 3 . For an overview of Fallout 4 content, please refer to Portal:Fallout 4 ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Meaning of “computer game” in the English Dictionary. See all translations. uk ​ /kəmˈpjuː.tə ˌɡeɪm/ us ​ /kəmˈpjuː.t̬ɚ ˌɡeɪm/. › a game that is played on a computer, in which the pictures that appear on the screen are controlled by pressing keys or moving a joystick. More examples. No you can't have a new computer game. I just can't afford it." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "General Skills and Perks. Perks and Skills which apply to all crew members. Note that all General Crew Skills and Perks are averaged between the crew. Example: If 2 crew members of a 4 man crew are trained to 100% in the Camouflage skill, the vehicle receives the camouflage bonus at 50%.his perk improves major qualifications and all skills and perks for the entire crew. The perk comes into effect after it reaches 100% for the entire crew. The perk is more effective when combined with Improved Ventilation, Extra Combat Rations, Chocolate, Case of Cola, and Strong Coffee." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Probability of kill (Pk), in computer games, simulations, models, and operations research. Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows, a video game. Player killing, player versus player conflict in MMORPGs and MUDs. PK (film), a 2014 Indian film directed by Rajkumar Hirani and starring Amir Khan. Paperinik, a cartoon character." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "There are a total of 15 perks and they are divided into 3 slots, so up to 3 perks can be equipped. When you reach level 4, the whole perk list is unlocked and becomes available for purchase with CoD Points (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC).Slot 1 will define what your multiplayer character looks like.bility: Increases your weapons bullet penetration, but it doesn't increase bullet damage. This is pretty much like Deep Impact from Call of Duty 4 and FMJ weapon attachment from Modern Warfare 2. Pro Ability: Your weapons do extra damage to aircraft and turrets. This also reduces flinch when you are shot by someone." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n------\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Rehabilitative/Rehabilitation Services. Health care services that help you keep, get back, or improve skills and functioning for daily living that have been lost or impaired because you were sick, hurt, or disabled.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'definition of rehabilitation services']>>", "perk noun [ C ] (ADVANTAGE) › a special advantage or benefit, in addition to the money you are paid, that you are given because of your job: Free child care for preschool children of employees was a popular perk." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "game (comparative gamer, superlative gamest) ( 1 colloquial) Willing to participate. ( 2 of an animal) That shows a tendency to continue to fight against another animal, despite being wounded, often severely. 3 Persistent, especially in senses similar to the above. 4 Injured, lame (of a limb)." ], [ "", "vol·ley·ball. n. 1. A game played by two teams on a rectangular court divided by a high net, in which each team, using up to three hits per effort to return the ball, tries to drive the ball over the net onto the ground on the opposing team's side." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Perks are unlocked by spending perk points at the War Council table. 1 Description: The training, gear, and experience working with master locksmiths needed to tackle the toughest and most ingenious locking mechanisms. Requisites: Invest 4 points in Secrets Perks category." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries For example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The occipital lymph node is part of the lymphatic system that is located on the back of the head. It produces white blood cells and lymph.'] should be similar to [\"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:\\nThe provided query could be 'what happens if a will executor dies' and the positive 'Replacement of Executor. If a person named as executor dies before the maker of the will, the testator can add an amendment to the will, called a codicil, naming a new executor.f the maker of the will did not name an alternate to the primary executor, or if the alternate is unable or declines to serve as executor, the court will appoint someone else, known as the estate administrator, in place of a deceased executor.' and the negative 'In general, the courts will only remove an executor if the beneficiaries can show the following: 1 the executor has become disqualified since the deceased appointed him. 2 the executor is incapable of performing his duties. 3 the executor is unsuitable for the position.'\", 'what is the occipital lymph node']", "Fallout 4 Vault-Tec perk poster. The new perk system of Fallout 4 has now merged with the skill system of previous games. There are a total of 70 perks, with 275 ranks, and the player is able to choose one perk every level." ], [ "", "perk verb [ I/T ] (MAKE COFFEE) › (of boiling water or coffee) to move up a tube in a percolator (= a type of container for making coffee) when the coffee is being made: [ I ] The coffee had begun to perk." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "perk in British English. See all translations. perknoun [ C ] uk ​ /pɜːk/ us ​ /pɝːk/. › informal an advantage or something extra, such as money or goods, that you are given because of your job: A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "perk. 1 to raise (the head, ears, etc.) briskly or spiritedly. 2 to make jaunty or smart in appearance. 3 to give or restore freshness, vivacity, etc. to." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Check out compatible amiibo™ figures and their in-game perks. Tap the amiibo™ figure shown to get Poochy's help in the regular game or tap it during Poochy Dash to unlock extra challenges that award Poochy designs. Score new characters or other in-game perks by tapping in a compatible amiibo™ figure." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"You should start giving your baby solid foods, often called weaning, when they are around six months old. Health experts agree that this is the best age. Before this, your baby's digestive system is not developed enough to cope with solid foods.\"]' should be close to '['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'at what age should baby start eating solids']'", "perk 1. v. perked, perk·ing, perks. v. intr. 1. To stick up or jut out: dogs' ears that perk. 2. To carry oneself in a lively and jaunty manner. v. tr. To cause to stick up quickly: The dog perked its ears at the noise. adj. Perky. perk up. 1. To regain or cause to regain one's good spirits or liveliness." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Companion perks [edit | edit source]. Fallout 4 is not the first Fallout game to introduce the concept of companions having perks, but is the first to have perks that affect the party as a whole. When having a companion, a certain perk is granted for having that companion in your party." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The definition of perky is someone who is cheerful, peppy and self-confident. A smiling, happy cheerleader with lots of energy is an example of someone who might be described as perky." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "a trick or strategy: to see through someone's game. fun; sport of any kind; joke: That's about enough of your games. wild animals, including birds and fishes, such as are hunted for food or taken for sport or profit. the flesh of such wild animals or other game, used as food: a dish of game. any object of pursuit, attack, abuse, etc.: The new boy at school seemed to be fair game for practical jokers. Informal. a business or profession: He's in the real-estate game. Archaic. fighting spirit; pluck." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "- When you successfully pacify someone, you can give them specific commands. - Requires Level 50, Fallout 4 is not the first Fallout game to introduce the concept of companions having perks, but is the first to have perks that affect the party as a whole.When having a companion, a certain perk is granted for having that companion in your party. Requires Level 50, Fallout 4 is not the first Fallout game to introduce the concept of companions having perks, but is the first to have perks that affect the party as a whole." ], [ "", "Exo Upgrades (Perks). exo upgrades are advanced warfare’s version of zombies perk a cola’s form waw zombies and black ops games. you can purchase every one of advanced warfare exo zombies perks. Each upgrade will offers you a different boost and will help you in your fight against zombies." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of game. 1a (1) : activity engaged in for diversion or amusement : play (2) : the equipment for a gameb : often derisive or mocking jesting : fun, sport make game of a nervous player. 2a : a procedure or strategy for gaining an end : tacticb : an illegal or shady scheme or maneuver : racket." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Twinking is a type of behavior in role-playing games. A player who engages in such behavior is known as a twink. The precise definition of twinking varies depending on the variety of role-playing game. In pen and paper role-playing games, a twink is often synonymous with a munchkin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Business perks came with The Sims 2: Open for Business and The Sims 4: Get to Work. They are rewards for receiving customer loyalty points in a business. A business owner can get only a total of 10 business perk points per business, one per level of the business." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Definition of pert for English Language Learners. : 1 having or showing confidence and a lack of respect or seriousness especially in an amusing or appealing way. : 2 small and attractive." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Notes Edit. 1 In unpatched Fallout, Gifted could be swapped for another trait while keeping the Character Points. 2 While minimally useful in Fallout and Fallout 2, Mutate! is a reasonable perk in Fallout Tactics, where it can be used to remove unfavored traits from NPC squad members.ehind the scenes Edit. The image for this perk is a reference to Marvel Comics' Dr. Bruce Banner/The Hulk. The image of the split personality always appeared at the end of the introscene during the television series, which ran from 1978 until 1982." ], [ "", "Definition of perk. intransitive verb. 1a : to thrust up the head, stretch out the neck, or carry the body in a bold or insolent mannerb : to stick up or out jauntily. 2 : to gain in vigor or cheerfulness especially after a period of weakness or depression —usually used with up he's perked up noticeably." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "perk 1. v. perked, perk·ing, perks. v. intr. 1. To stick up or jut out: dogs' ears that perk. 2. To carry oneself in a lively and jaunty manner. v. tr. To cause to stick up quickly: The dog perked its ears at the noise. adj. Perky." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "— Robert Englund after buying the perk. Juggernog is a Perk-a-Cola featured in Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Black Ops II in the game mode Zombies." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Fringe benefits or other incidental profits or benefits accompanying an office or position. The abbreviation perks is used in reference to extraordinary benefits afforded to business executives, such as country club memberships or the free use of automobiles. See: bonus, paraphernalia, revenue." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rift Keystones (or RKs) are small objects that drop randomly or are awarded for completing all five bounties in a given Act in Adventure Mode. RKs have no function on their own and are only useful to open up a Nephalem Rift." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", ". — Robert Englund after buying the perk. Juggernog is a Perk-a-Cola featured in Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Call of Duty: Black Ops II in the game mode Zombies. It was first introduced in the map Verrueckt. verrückt" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(2) Slang for perquisites, meaning nonmonetary benefits. In commercial leasing, building perks might include a fitness club open only to employees of building tenants. Want to thank TFD for its existence?" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Camouflage is a second tier perk in Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Black Ops (Nintendo DS) and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Defiance multiplayer that will conceal a player's position from an active enemy Recon Plane, or in Call of Duty: Black Ops (DS) , make the player semi-transparent when crouching." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Edit. Clicker games, or incremental games, are a type of game genre where you click something and it gives you a currency. You can use the currency to buy things that give you more of the currency. The most popular clicker game is Cookie Clicker, though that was inspired by another clicker game, Candy Box. Clicker games can be simple, like Word Clicker, or complex, like Sandcastle Builder." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming-of-age epistolary novel by American writer Stephen Chbosky which was first published on February 1, 1999 by Pocket Books.Its narrator is an introverted teenager known as Charlie, who describes his experiences in a series of letters to an anonymous stranger.he Perks of Being a Wallflower is a coming-of-age epistolary novel by American writer Stephen Chbosky which was first published on February 1, 1999 by Pocket Books." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A role-playing video game (commonly referred to as role-playing game or RPG, and in the past was also known as computer role-playing game or CRPG) is a video game genre where the player controls the actions of a character (and/or several party members) immersed in some well-defined world." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "From Orcz. Welcome to the Fallout 4 Perks Chart in Fallout 4. These perks are based on a S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat and require a certain number of points in that stat; The further down the perk is, the more points are required." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Definition of pert. 1 1a : saucily free and forward : flippantly cocky and assuredb : being trim and chic : jaunty a pert little hatc : piquantly stimulating is a pert notion. 2 2 : lively, vivacious." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "kink (plural kinks) 1 A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, hair etc. 2 A difficulty or flaw that is likely to impede operation, as in a plan or system. 3 An unreasonable notion; a crotchet; a whim; a caprice. ( slang, countable and uncountable) Peculiarity or deviation in sexual behaviour or taste." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rift Keystones (or RKs) are small objects that drop randomly or are awarded for completing all five bounties in a given Act in Adventure Mode." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that come with the job. › an advantage: Having such easy access to some of the best cinema and theatre is one of the perks of living in Sydney. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words Advantage and disadvantage" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "(third-person singular simple present perks, present participle perking, simple past and past participle perked) To become more lively or enthusiastic. To exalt oneself; to bear oneself loftily. To make trim or smart; to straighten up; to erect; to make a jaunty or saucy display of. to perk the ears; to perk up one's head" ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how long until i see vaser lipo results" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This shows that a significant number of patients will have long swelling after their operations. The third graph shows the stats for Vaser lipo bruising to subside. The most common duration was 16 days (30% of patients), whereas one patient required 36 days. The fourth graph show that 50% of our patients were over bruising caused by Vaser lipo after 11 days, and that 90% of them were over it after 16 days." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cosmetic surgical procedures always involve some period of time in which you must rest and recover. After liposuction, you will experience swelling as a natural result of surgery. 2 to 3 weeks: During the initial phase of healing, you should see a reduction in bruising and swelling. You'll start to have a good idea of what your final results will look like." ], [ "Represent this text", "Liposuction may be performed at a surgical center, a hospital or a doctor’s office. Lipo procedures typically lasts from one to four hours, depending on the amount of fat to be removed, and the location of the fat." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As with other fillers, Restylane results are immediate and usually last around 6-8, or up to 12 months at the most. Usually, the results of your Restylane treatment will depend on your age or the severity of your wrinkles in the area being treated. Patients who receive Restylane for lip augmentation will often notice that they have to receive follow up treatments more often than those who use Restylane for wrinkles on the face." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "5. You will see the results almost immediately. Your lips will be a little swollen at first, but you'll see the effects of the fillers pretty quickly. Give your lips 24 hours to settle and the swelling to calm. Then you'll be seeing your filled-out lips as they will be for the next few months. 6." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['', \"Plants vs. Zombies. There is one currency system in Plants vs. Zombies, and there are four items which contribute to the player's total money. Silver coins - worth $10. Gold coins - worth $50. Diamonds - worth $1000. Money bag - worth $250 (it has five gold coins inside)\"]>> to \"['Represent the following document', 'what is currency in plants vs zombies']\"", "For that reason, a sensitivity test should be performed before the actual lip augmentation procedure. Collagen is injected into the lip with an ultra-fine needle. Because the body slowly absorbs the collagen, the results generally last between one and three months. The procedure may be repeated as needed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "One of the great things about lip injections is that the results are instantaneous, so you'll leave the office with fairly accurate (albeit swollen) results. For the first 24 to 48 hours, the filler is malleable and your skin is prone to swelling, which means be gentle!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Result last from six months to eighteen months depending upon the injected area, the movement of that area and how your body reacts to Juvederm. Lip injections usually last about six months because of the constant motion of the lips. Nasolabial fold injections last longer. ** Results vary." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "After liposuction, you will experience swelling as a natural result of surgery. Although each person's experience is unique, you can generally expect the following timeline for swelling to go away: 2 to 3 weeks: During the initial phase of healing, you should see a reduction in bruising and swelling." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Those studies have since been invalidated, and today’s science confirms that there is no link. After a vasectomy, how long until sterile can be two to six months, depending on the individual. Once the procedure is complete, your specialist will ask you to return in a couple of months.He or she will test your semen to be sure no sperm are present.hose studies have since been invalidated, and today’s science confirms that there is no link. After a vasectomy, how long until sterile can be two to six months, depending on the individual. Once the procedure is complete, your specialist will ask you to return in a couple of months." ], [ "", "The time of the vasectomy depends on the complexity of the anatomy and the experience of your doctor. In most cases the anatomy is straightforward, so that is usually not an issue. The times usually range from under 10 minutes to about 20 minutes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I don't agree that vaser causes less tissue damage than regular liposuction. I have been performing ultrasonic lipo since 1995. I, personally have not used compression garments in my patients for over 12 years, but many doctors have to and should use them. This issue is very personal. Good luck from nyc." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Under most circumstances, when liposuction is an outpatient procedure, recovery is usually quick. Most people can return to work within a few days and to normal activities within about two weeks. You should expect bruising, swelling and soreness for a least a few weeks." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The full effect of liposuction is seen six to 12 weeks after the procedure is performed. After the procedure, the area is bandaged and the patient must wear a compression garment for one to two weeks. Pain and bruising may last up to two weeks, and swelling may last for two weeks to two months." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "When can I start to see results? After a truSculpt treatment, visible results can be seen as soon as 4 weeks with maximum results taking up to 12 weeks. Results can vary by patient depending on the areas that are treated and the number of treatments administered. TruSculpt is designed to provide a safe and comfortable procedure." ], [ "", "the results will last in the lips anywhere from 3 to 6 months and on other parts of the face such as under the eyes for 6 to 9 months some people s bodies absorb the hyaluronic acid faster and that can be a factor in causing the need for more frequent treatments" ], [ "", "On average, the procedure takes 2-3 hours per session. During the two days immediately after liposuction, the amount of pain experienced depends on the type of anesthesia used for liposuction. Soreness is usually the most intense 2 to 4 days after liposuction and then decreases steadily. The tenderness and soreness typically is quite bothersome for up to 4 weeks, but gradually subsides over the following next 4 to 8 weeks. 1 off of work for 1-2 days. pain that may require pain pills for 3-4 days." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It take 3-4 weeks for the color to find a permanent “home” in that lip tissue and develop into the true healed intensity desired. After 4-6 weeks you will return for a follow-up visit to check the results and it is sometimes necessary to have a minor touch up to perfect the results." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The vasectomy takes approximately 20 minutes. Using a local anesthetic, most men say that they feel very little during the procedure. 3 months ago by Stephen F. Shaban, MD On average 10 to 15 minutes. It is not painful with the patient on a little oral Valium and local injection of lidocaine." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Often results are visible with the first session of UltraSlim Lipo™ Cavitation but will improve further over the course of 6 treatments. We will assess the final results after completing your initial bookings. Maximum results require at least 6 to 12 treatment sessions per area depending on your size. However we find most clients will lose 1-3 inches after only 1 treatment." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Tests for the rapid detection of bacteria and toxins in human, environmental, surface, food, and water samples. Descriminates between total ATP and bactirial ATP. Utilizing an incubation process to render spores to a vegetative state, Model 3550i detects the presence of spores.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'can atp detect spores']", "A shorter version of a semen analysis, a sperm check, is typically ordered about 3 months following a vasectomy to confirm success of the procedure and may be repeated as necessary until sperm are no longer present in the semen sample. ^ Back to top." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When seeking for the cheapest Vaser Lipo cost in Jacksonville, Florida the lowest that can be found based on patient reviews and records is at $1,800. Aside from being budget-friendly, the procedure also provided favorable results to a patient who has undergone the said fat elimination treatment.s we have searched for the cheapest Vaser Lipo cost all throughout the country, we have stumbled upon Ohio, the location of the cheapest Vaser Lipo administered to a patient for only $1,200." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It takes unto eight to 16 weeks after vasectomy. There is a small chance of recanalization even after no sperm is seen after eight to 16 weeks. 1 year ago by Marc Goldstein, MD, FACS. 80% of men will be sterile after 15 ejaculations or 6 weeks after a vasectomy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "BRUISING, SWELLING & HEALING. Depending on the kind of liposuction that you have undergone, the swelling will usually subside within four weeks to a few months. Open-drainage procedure would usually take four weeks for the bruising and swelling to disappear. For incisions with closed stitches, the liposuction recovery time is between eight to twelve weeks, while patients who have utilized the ultrasonic assisted liposuction, the recovery could take a few months." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Pregnancy after vasectomy is still possible, till you are confirmed sterile. Temporary male birth control is needed. At least 2 and sometimes more semen analyses are needed to confirm no moving sperm are present. Testing typically takes place at two months and then three months after your vasectomy procedure. If the 3 month test shows no sperm then pregnancy after vasectomy is not a concern and the patient is cleared to have unprotected intercourse." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It takes unto eight to 16 weeks after vasectomy. There is a small chance of recanalization even after no sperm is seen after eight to 16 weeks. 80% of men will be sterile after 15 ejaculations or 6 weeks after a vasectomy. It is important to have a semen analysis at that point to confirm absence of live sperm before stopping contraception." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "BRUISING, SWELLING & HEALING. Depending on the kind of liposuction that you have undergone, the swelling will usually subside within four weeks to a few months. Open-drainage procedure would usually take four weeks for the bruising and swelling to disappear." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Arrangement Includes: 12 Long Stemmed Red Roses + Free Glass Vase TO INCLUDE A GIFT CARD MESSAGE: Check the box labeled This is a gift in your cart or at checkout Flowers are delivered arranged, wrapped and secured in vase. Blooms may take 2-3 days to open up, as shown in product photo. Upon arrival, remove flowers from wrap, trim ends of stems and place in vase with fresh water including flower food packet. Flower Freshness Guaranteed Includes: Long Stem Red Roses 7 Day Freshness Guarantee Personalized Card Message" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Under most circumstances, when liposuction is an outpatient procedure, recovery is usually quick. Most people can return to work within a few days and to normal activities within about two weeks. You should expect bruising, swelling and soreness for a least a few weeks. However, every person's outcome will vary based on factors such as volume of fat cells removed and area of removal." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "As is true with all vasectomy procedures, the procedure is not guaranteed to be 100% effective. The general post-vasectomy failure rate is less than 0.5 % (1 in 500 short term failure; 1 in 4500 long term failure). How long does the no-scalpel, no-needle vasectomy take? The procedure takes about 30 minutes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Vaser Lipo which is also known as Vaser liposuction is really a liposuction procedure that is conducted with the assistance of an ultrasound. It is one of the latest developments in ultrasonic liposuction approaches." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "On the first consultation with my doctor, I was suggested to have Vaser liposuction which is one of the best surgical procedures to reduce weight in a short time period. My husband and I decided that I should go for this treatment. On November 15th, 2013 I had my Vaser liposuction surgery in Sydney, Australia.ASER liposuction is also more commonly utilised by men than other forms of liposuction. The procedure itself may last just one hour, or up to several hours, depending on the scope of the areas being targeted." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Fat that is removed with VASER Lipo is ideal for a fat transfer to other more desirable areas on the body, such as the breast or buttocks. VASER Lipo Facts. 1 Uses ultrasound energy to disrupt fat without destroying it. 2 Intact fat can be used in Fat Transfer.3 95% approval rating from US physicians who were polled.rom Sound Surgical Technologies, VASER Lipo is an innovative body sculpting option that uses patented VASER technology to break up and permanently remove unwanted fat, while minimally disturbing other important tissues critical to an optimal recovery and smooth results." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "SmartLipo adds a “skin tightening” element to the liposuction procedure. Studies show you can get 57% more skin tightening vs. lipo alone. Stimulate the production of collagen and elastin for up to 6 months following your procedure. We have not had a single complaint about SmartLipo." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ultrasound Cavitation Lipo is a pain-free procedure and requires no anesthetic. During our UltraSlim LipoFreeze™ procedure you will feel a tug close to the treated area due to the vacuum effect used to hold the area in place during the session, and a cold feeling at the beginning of the procedure at the vacuum site.ith our UltraSlim LipoFreeze™ Cyrolipolysis treatments this depends on the individual, the fat thickness, and the area treated. Changes happen over a number of weeks, 12 weeks being the estimated time to see the maximum result, although some of our clients begin to see changes at around 2 weeks." ], [ "", "Pregnancy after Vasectomy. After about three months (and/or 20 ejaculations), your doctor will check your sperm count. If your initial check shows that sperm are still present, you'll be asked to continue submitting samples every two months until your sperm count reaches zero." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Results of hair follicle drug testing can usually be seen in 24 to 72 hours. The lab will typically send a written report of the results within one to three business days to the employer or person who requested the test." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers To give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'In multicellular organisms there are two types of cells mainly, somatic cells and sex, or gametes. Somatic cells are diploid cells that are found around everywhere in the body, these cells are not involved in any kind of sexual reproduction, whereas, Gametes are haploid cells, which give rise to diploid zygote after fusing during sexual reproduction.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what type of cells are gametes?']\"", "A: I agree that after about 2 weeks from lip filler is your final result. Restylane typical has some mild swelling after injection particularly around the eyes and lips. This is due to the product absorbing water and from the “trauma” of the injection. This usually takes 2 weeks to completely settle down." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "After surgery, you’ll need to take 2 to 7 days off work, depending on the amount of treatment you’ve had. You’ll experience pain and discomfort for a few days after liposuction surgery. You may have an aching sensation for a week or two and there will be considerable swelling and bruising too and it will take 4 weeks or more for the swelling to subside. It could be six months or more before the final result is achieved." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Often results are visible with the first session of UltraSlim Lipo™ Cavitation but will improve further over the course of 6 treatments. We will assess the final results after completing your initial bookings.ith our UltraSlim LipoFreeze™ Cyrolipolysis treatments this depends on the individual, the fat thickness, and the area treated. Changes happen over a number of weeks, 12 weeks being the estimated time to see the maximum result, although some of our clients begin to see changes at around 2 weeks." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Due to the simplicity of the surgery, a vasectomy usually takes less than thirty minutes to complete. After a short recovery at the doctor's office (usually less than an hour), the patient is sent home to rest. Because the procedure is minimally invasive, many vasectomy patients find that they can resume their typical sexual behavior within a week, and do so with little or no discomfort." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "SmartLipo: How long does it take to see results? With SmartLipo you must be a little patient. Swelling will starts to go down after about two weeks. If you start doing massage about twice a week 10-14 days after the procedure, you will likely see the majority of your swelling gone by about 4-6 weeks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Thank you for asking about arm liposuction. The recovery from surgery itself usually takes about days. You will need to wear some kind of compression (garment, ace wrap) for 2 - 6 weeks, depending on how much the swelling bothers you. You will see the result begin to appear in six weeks - and the final result in 6 months or so." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Vaser Lipo is a minimally invasive procedure that removes unwanted fat and gently reshapes the body. An alternative to the harsh techniques of traditional liposuction, Vaser uses ultrasonic energy to liquify fat and remove it from the body." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Dr. Turek would like to check the semen for sperm at 6 weeks after vasectomy reversal and this can be scheduled at the first visit or over the phone. In general, monthly semen analyses are then obtained for about 4-6 months after vasectomy reversal or until the semen analysis stabilizes." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Oh Yeah (Yello song) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Oh Yeah is a single released in 1985 by the Swiss band Yello and featured on their album Stella. In 1986, it reached No. 51 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, and No. 36 on the US dance charts. The single peaked at No. 9 in Australia in October 1988. The song features a mix of electronic music and manipulated vocals.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who sang the song oh yeah']", "As we have searched for the cheapest Vaser Lipo cost all throughout the country, we have stumbled upon Ohio, the location of the cheapest Vaser Lipo administered to a patient for only $1,200.s we have searched for the cheapest Vaser Lipo cost all throughout the country, we have stumbled upon Ohio, the location of the cheapest Vaser Lipo administered to a patient for only $1,200." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "How Much Does VASER Lipo Cost? The cost of VASER Lipo depends on the skill of the physician, market and location of the practice as well as the size and location of fat to be removed. Costs can range anywhere between $3,000 to $15,000 for VASER Lipo, depending on how many areas are treated.at that is removed with VASER Lipo is ideal for a fat transfer to other more desirable areas on the body, such as the breast or buttocks. VASER Lipo Facts. 1 Uses ultrasound energy to disrupt fat without destroying it. 2 Intact fat can be used in Fat Transfer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "You can either wait seven days, or use a back-up method for those seven days if you don’t want to hold out. Vasectomy. It’s best to get your doctor’s advice on when you can start having sex after this procedure, but keep in mind that it takes most men three months (8–16 weeks) for all of his sperm to be long gone. You should get a sperm count three months after the procedure to confirm that your semen is sperm-free." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tulips are particularly thirsty. Check water level daily. Refresh or change water daily for longest vase life. With proper care, tulips should open and last from three to seven days. Keep away from sources of heat (including direct sunlight, radiators, lamps and television sets)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The skin tightening from the laser liposuction will begin several weeks after the procedure and continue for months. So it is about at the 3-4 week time period where we will know where you will settle down. However, final liposuction recovery can take 3-6 months." ], [ "Represent this", "A. A vasectomy usually takes about 30 minutes, and can be done under local or general anaesthetic. Men usually report feeling a mild to moderate ache in their testicles for a few seconds during the procedure. For a few days after the vasectomy the testicles may ache or feel like they have been kicked." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 We can usually see you within 6 weeks for your liposculpture treatment. 2 Attractive pricesOur prices are always all-inclusive: the procedure, admission, anaesthetic, doctor's fees and all our aftercare following the procedure. We can usually see you within 6 weeks for your liposculpture treatment. 2 Attractive pricesOur prices are always all-inclusive: the procedure, admission, anaesthetic, doctor's fees and all our aftercare following the procedure." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Recovery from liposuction can last from days to months depending on the size of the treated area and what type of procedure you have had. Mostly recovery progresses to the point of continuing normal daily life after one to two weeks and a full recovery is made within a few months." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A: Each area requires 8 i-lipo treatments. Each i-lipo session lasts approximately 1 hour from start to finish. Typically 2-3 i-lipo treatments are done in 1 week resulting in roughly a 3-4 week commitment.: I-lipo treatments are structured into courses of eight. Your number of i-lipo treatments, however, is determined at your consultation and is based on your requirements and goals. We suggest two i-lipo treatments a week over four weeks to complete a full course of i-lipo treatments." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tulip blossoms can usually last 7 to 10 days in a vase of water, but they may only last a few days if they are not cared for properly. To extend the life of tulip flowers, buy or cut flowers while they are still unopened. Before adding the tulips to a vase, cut off the ends diagonally with a pair of sharp scissors." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "HOW LONG TO WILL IT TAKE FOR SWELLING TO GO DOWN FROM ALLERGIC REACTION? I JUST BOUGHT THIS LOREAL LIQUID EYELINER. AND IM REAL SENSATIVE. I GOT AN ALLERGIC REACTION.MY LOWER EYE LID IS SWOLLEN.WHEN I NOTICED IT WAS SWOLLEN I WASHED IT ALL OFF IMMEDITLY.HOW LONG WILL THE SWELLING STAY?" ], [ "Represent this text:", "How Much Does VASER Lipo Cost? The cost of VASER Lipo depends on the skill of the physician, market and location of the practice as well as the size and location of fat to be removed. Costs can range anywhere between $3,000 to $15,000 for VASER Lipo, depending on how many areas are treated.rom Sound Surgical Technologies, VASER Lipo is an innovative body sculpting option that uses patented VASER technology to break up and permanently remove unwanted fat, while minimally disturbing other important tissues critical to an optimal recovery and smooth results." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "How long will the results last? After a clients first waxing, the results can last 3 to 6 weeks depending on the individuals hair re-growth rate. In most cases, hair growth is minimal during the first week or two and noticeably increases in the third and fourth week." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The elimination of fat cells will start to be noticed in the 3 to 4 weeks* following your CoolSculpting PRO procedure and maximum results are seen 4 to 6 months later* You may start to see changes as quickly as 3 weeks* after your treatment, and will experience the most dramatic results after two months." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Tweet. Vasectomy recovery time varies, but most men can return to work after two or three days and resume normal physical activity within a week. Here's what you can expect in the days and weeks after your vasectomy.weet. Vasectomy recovery time varies, but most men can return to work after two or three days and resume normal physical activity within a week. Here's what you can expect in the days and weeks after your vasectomy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Keep in mind that the vasectomy is not effective from day one. Sperm may still be in the semen for many months after a vasectomy. In general, it takes about three months to clear the sperm from the tubes. Your urologist will test your sperm count three months after your surgery to make sure your semen is clear of sperm." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In many cases, we get the results in as soon as 1 business day but it depends on how fast the lab can process your lipid test sample (out of our control). Our software checks for lipid test results throughout the day and will send you secure access to a PDF of your results as soon as we receive them." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Keeping the wound moist. with Vaseline will prevent a thick scab from forming, which allows the wound to heal. quickly and will also minimize scarring. We prefer Vaseline to antibiotic ointment. because some people are allergic to antibiotic ointment. Biopsy sites usually take 3-4 weeks to heal. During this time, you should expect the. sites to be somewhat tender to the touch – especially in the bath or shower." ], [ "Represent the input", "Your endoscopist will usually be able to give you the preliminary results of the EUS on the same day as the procedure. If an EUS-FNA has been performed, these results take between five to seven days to return. If you attend the pancreatic cyst clinic, the EUS results will be reviewed along with any other imaging (CT or MRI) and pathology results at the weekly pancreatic cyst multidisciplinary meeting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A Dr. Stuart A. Linder, MD , Plastic Surgery, answered. Immediately after liposuction one should expect swelling for up to 6 weeks. My patients are placed in abdominal binders and girdles for up to 6-8 weeks. This will allow a reduction in both edema and swelling. The small incision sites are closed with removal sutures. They are removed at day 7." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cosmetic surgical procedures always involve some period of time in which you must rest and recover. After liposuction, you will experience swelling as a natural result of surgery. 2 to 3 weeks: During the initial phase of healing, you should see a reduction in bruising and swelling. You'll start to have a good idea of what your final results will look like. 3 to 6 months: In this phase, the majority of remaining swelling will go down. 6 months to a year: Some amount of minimal, virtually undetectable swelling may continue to subside, and your final results will take shape." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what is osteocytes osteoblasts osteoclasts" ]
[ [ "Represent the following document", "Bone is remodeled and modeled by the concerted activities of 3 cell types—osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts are the cells that produce bone extracellular matrix and are responsible for its mineralization.Osteoblasts also have endocrine activity through secretion of osteocalcin, which regulates fat and energy metabolism. These cells also control the differentiation and activity of osteoclasts.Osteocytes are osteoblasts that have been incorporated into bone matrix and are cells with extensive dendritic processes through which the cells communicate with other osteocytes and with osteoblasts.n parallel, osteoblasts degrade the unmineralized bone matrix, which is present between the cells and the mineralized bone, and then retract from the area giving the latent osteoclasts a possibility to migrate into the area and attach to mineralized bone through the sealing zone." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Background. Osteoblastoma is a rare primary neoplasm of bone, categorized as a benign bone tumor that is closely related to osteoid osteoma. It differs from osteoid osteoma in its ability to grow larger than 2.0 cm in diameter. and its aggressive behavior in bone.steoblastoma may affect any bone, but it most frequently arises within the posterior elements of the vertebral column and long tubular bones. When these tumors develop in the spine, patients may present with neurologic symptoms due to spinal cord or nerve root compression." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Structure of Bone Tissue. There are two types of bone tissue: compact and spongy. The names imply that the two types differ in density, or how tightly the tissue is packed together.There are three types of cells that contribute to bone homeostasis.Osteoblasts are bone-forming cell, osteoclasts resorb or break down bone, and osteocytes are mature bone cells.An equilibrium between osteoblasts and osteoclasts maintains bone tissue.here are three types of cells that contribute to bone homeostasis. Osteoblasts are bone-forming cell, osteoclasts resorb or break down bone, and osteocytes are mature bone cells. An equilibrium between osteoblasts and osteoclasts maintains bone tissue." ], [ "represent text", "Osteoclasts: Osteoclasts are the cells responsible for bone resorption and remodelling. They are large, multinucleated cells located on bone surfaces in what are called Howship’s lacunae or resorption pits. These lacunae, or resorption pits, are left behind after the breakdown of the bone surface.steoclasts: Osteoclasts are the cells responsible for bone resorption and remodelling. They are large, multinucleated cells located on bone surfaces in what are called Howship’s lacunae or resorption pits. These lacunae, or resorption pits, are left behind after the breakdown of the bone surface." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "An osteoclast (from the Greek words for bone (ὀστέον), and broken (κλαστός)) is a type of bone cell that breaks down bone tissue. This function is critical in the maintenance, repair, and remodelling of bones of the vertebral skeleton.n osteoclast (from the Greek words for bone (ὀστέον), and broken (κλαστός)) is a type of bone cell that breaks down bone tissue. This function is critical in the maintenance, repair, and remodelling of bones of the vertebral skeleton." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Bone resorption is the process by which osteoclasts break down bone and release the minerals, resulting in a transfer of calcium from bone fluid to the blood. The osteoclasts are multi-nucleated cells that contain numerous mitochondria and lysosomes.These are the cells responsible for the resorption of bone. Osteoclasts are generally present on the outer layer of bone, just beneath the periosteum.Attachment of the osteoclast to the osteon begins the process.one is resorbed by osteoclasts, and is deposited by osteoblasts in a process called ossification. Osteocyte activity also plays a key role in this process. Conditions that result in a decrease in bone mass, can either be caused by an increase in resorption, or a decrease in ossification." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Osteoblastoma is an uncommon osteoid tissue-forming primary neoplasm of the bone. It has clinical and histologic manifestations similar to those of osteoid osteoma; therefore, some consider the two tumors to be variants of the same disease, with osteoblastoma representing a giant osteoid osteoma.steoblastoma of the long tubular bones is often diaphyseal, and fewer are located in the metaphysis. Epiphyseal involvement is extremely rare. Although other sites are rarely affected, several bones in the abdomen and extremities have been reported as sites of osteoblastoma tumors." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Osteoclasts are the bone cell that destroys bone. This allows bone remodeling, and allows the skeletal system to act as a reservoir for minerals to maintain blood mineral … levels. Bone cells that are involved in reabsorption and breakdown of the bone matrix are referred to as osteoclasts. Also called leukocytes or white blood cells, each one of these cells has its own b…. 2 The Cost of Neupogen: Treating the Side Effects of Chemo Chemotherapy produces several side effects, most of which do not present a serious health threat to the patient. 3 One of the side effects which can turn to be very dangerous i…." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The basic unit of Compact Bone is an osteon, which is also known as a Haversian... What is the structural and functional unit of bone Osteoblasts build the bone. Osteoclasts disolve the bone. Osteocytes direct the..." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Bone is an active tissue composed of different types of bone cells. Osteoblasts are involved in the creation and mineralisation of bone; osteocytes and osteoclasts are involved in the reabsorption of bone tissue." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Individual cells cannot make bone, and the group of organized osteoblasts together with the bone made by a unit of cells is usually called the osteon; the basis of this is discussed in Organization and ultrastructure of osteoblasts below.uring active bone formation, the surface layer of osteoblasts consists of cuboidal cells, called active osteoblasts. When the bone-forming unit is not actively synthesizing bone, the surface osteoblasts are flattened and are called inactive osteoblasts." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Osteoblastoma is a rare benign bone tumor that accounts for about 1 percent of all primary bone tumors in the United States. Osteoblastoma can be difficult to diagnose because it can manifest in different ways — as a slow-growing tumor or as a more aggressive tumor that invades surrounding tissue and bone." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "- Nothing but skin and bone. Osteoblasts are specialized fibroblasts that secrete and calcify a specific matrix. Their lineage specification from mesenchymal stems cells is regulated by a plethora of signals." ], [ "Represent", "Osteoclasts are the bone cell that destroys bone. This allows bone remodeling, and allows the skeletal system to act as a reservoir for minerals to maintain blood mineral …levels. Bone cells that are involved in reabsorption and breakdown of the bone matrix are referred to as osteoclasts." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Osteogenic cells. Osteogenic cells are bipotential stem cells. They are present in two connective tissue layers: (1) the periosteum, which covers the outer surface of bone, and (2) the endosteum, which lines the internal surfaces of bone (e.g., central canals, marrow cavities, and spaces of spongy bone).s a consequence, the cells of the inner layer of the perichondrium differentiate into osteoblasts and start producing bone matrix. Now the perichondrium is considered a periosteum. Soon there is a collar of bone, called subperiosteal bone, surrounding the midsection of the cartilage." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anatomical terminology. [edit on Wikidata] An osteoclast (from the Greek words for bone (ὀστέον), and broken (κλαστός)) is a type of bone cell that breaks down bone tissue. This function is critical in the maintenance, repair, and remodelling of bones of the vertebral skeleton." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Osteoprogenitor Cells. These are immature cells that are primarily located in the bone marrow and periosteum (membrane that lines the surface of all bones). They mature into the osteoblasts, another type of bone cell.steoblast Cells. These are the bone cells that are primarily responsible for bone formation. They only have one nucleus and are derived from osteoprogenitor cells. They function by secreting a substance called osteoid, which is also known as the bone matrix." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bone resorption is the process by which osteoclasts break down bone and release the minerals, resulting in a transfer of calcium from bone fluid to the blood. The osteoclasts are multi-nucleated cells that contain numerous mitochondria and lysosomes.one resorption is the process by which osteoclasts break down bone and release the minerals, resulting in a transfer of calcium from bone fluid to the blood. The osteoclasts are multi-nucleated cells that contain numerous mitochondria and lysosomes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A stellate, non-dividing osteoblast embedded in mature bony tissue. Supplement. Bone cells are found within the bone tissues, and they are responsible for the make-up of the skeleton of vertebrates. The four main types of bone cells are the (1) osteoclasts, (2) osteoblasts, (3) osteocytes, and (4) lining cells. The osteocyte is a non-dividing, stellate bone cell." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Osteoblastoma is a benign (noncancerous) bone tumor. It is a rare tumor that often develops in the bones of the spine, as well as the legs, hands, and feet. Adolescents and young adults are most often affected by osteoblastoma.steoblastoma is a benign (noncancerous) bone tumor. It is a rare tumor that often develops in the bones of the spine, as well as the legs, hands, and feet. Adolescents and young adults are most often affected by osteoblastoma." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Overview. The human skeleton is composed mainly of a substance called bone, and there are primarily four types of cells that make up bone. These are the osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteocytes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An osteoclast is a large multinucleated cell and human osteoclasts on bone typically have five nuclei and are about 150-200 µm in diameter.Giant osteoclasts can occur in some diseases, including Paget's disease of bone and bisphosphonate toxicity.n osteoclast is a large multinucleated cell and human osteoclasts on bone typically have five nuclei and are about 150-200 µm in diameter." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "A. True. B. False. 19. The cells in bone tissue include: A. Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and articular cartilage.B. Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, lacunae, and osteoclasts.C. Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts.he cells in bone tissue include: A. Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, and articular cartilage. B. Osteogenic cells, osteoblasts, lacunae, and osteoclasts." ], [ "", "[edit on Wikidata] An osteoclast (from the Greek words for bone (ὀστέον), and broken (κλαστός)) is a type of bone cell that breaks down bone tissue. This function is critical in the maintenance, repair, and remodelling of bones of the vertebral skeleton." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Osteoclasts are the bone cell that destroys bone. This allows bone remodeling, and allows the skeletal system to act as a reservoir for minerals to maintain blood mineral … levels. Bone cells that are involved in reabsorption and breakdown of the bone matrix are referred to as osteoclasts." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Four types of bone cells. Four types of cells are found within bone tissue. Osteogenic cells are undifferentiated and develop into osteoblasts. When osteoblasts get trapped within the calcified matrix, their structure and function changes; they become osteocytes." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "when can i take a pregnancy test" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The best time to take a pregnancy test is after your period is late. This will help you avoid false negatives and the false positives of very early miscarriages. If you're not already keeping a fertility calendar, proper pregnancy test timing is a good reason to start one." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "When should I take a home pregnancy test (HPT)? When will an HPT give me a positive result if I am pregnant? You need to know when you ovulated before you can reliably determine when to take a pregnancy test. Your BBT chart can help you determine how many days past ovulation you are." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "You may have at least one standard exam during your pregnancy. This ultrasound exam usually is performed at about 16–20 weeks of pregnancy. Some women may have an ultrasound exam in the first trimester of pregnancy. If a problem occurs during pregnancy, such as bleeding or pelvic pain, ultrasound may be used to help find the cause." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you have not had a menstrual period within 14 days of embryo transfer you should take a urine-based pregnancy test recommended by your fertility doctor. If your doctor has advised you to use a certain brand of pregnancy test or has actually given you a test to take, use that one and not another type." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Typically, first trimester screening is done between weeks 11 and 14 of pregnancy. Using your age and the results of the blood test and the ultrasound, your health care provider can gauge your risk of carrying a baby with Down syndrome or trisomy 18. If results show that your risk level is moderate or high, you might choose to follow first trimester screening with another test that's more definitive." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How long will it take to get pregnant? Inside pregnancy: fertilisation; When is the best time to get pregnant? Top 10 signs of pregnancy ; How soon can I take a pregnancy test?" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Your doctor may order an ultrasound scan at any time during your pregnancy. The most common time to have one is between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy. But you may have an ultrasound earlier in your pregnancy to help determine your due date or check for problems with the baby's development." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "It is better to take the test in the morning as hcg is higher in the body. But at a later stage of the pregnancy, say 2 months, a test taken at any time during the day will be accurate. It is better to take the test in the morning as hcg is higher in the body." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 The earlier after a missed period that you take a home pregnancy test, the harder it is for the test to detect HCG. 2 For the most accurate results, take the test one week after a missed period — when the level of HCG in your urine is most likely to be detectable. Your home pregnancy test is negative. 2 If your period doesn't begin, repeat the test in a few days or one week — especially if you took the test before or shortly after a missed period. 3 You continue to get negative test results, but your period doesn't begin or you still think you might be pregnant." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When is the best time for me to take a pregnancy test... I had sex the 5 i ovulated on the 6 when should I take t more When is the best time for me to take a pregnancy test... I had sex the 5 i ovulated on the 6 when should I take the pregnancy test(its says you can take it 5days early) should I get a positive by tom." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When you have tender breasts, morning sickness, and a missed period but the pregnancy test still says negative you might want to wait 2-7 days before taking another test. Waiting will allow the hormone levels to increase enough that a pregnancy test will pick them up." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Choices and decisions in the second trimester of pregnancy. You'll be offered blood tests and your second ultrasound scan at around 20 weeks. This scan looks at how the baby is growing and whether there are any causes for concern. You have the right to say no to any test or scan that's offered." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How long do I have to wait before I take a test? Most doctors recommend that you wait until the first day of your missed period before taking a home pregnancy test. A missed period is usually one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is usually around two weeks after conception. However, some tests are more sensitive than others and can be taken earlier. Concentrations of hCG are reported in milliInternational Units (mIU) or amounts equal to 1/1000th of an IU per milliliter. A pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 20 IU/L is more sensitive than one with 50 IU/L." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pregnancy Test After Artificial Insemination. 1 Patient : Hi, I went for a Artifical Insemination 12 days ago, when do you think i should take a home pregnancy , my period is due on the 4 March 2012, should i wait for a missed period or can i take the test now already. Thanks Jolene." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How long do I have to wait before I take a test? Most doctors recommend that you wait until the first day of your missed period before taking a home pregnancy test. A missed period is usually one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is usually around two weeks after conception." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Implantation Day: The blood test can be positive as early as: The early urine home pregnancy test will be positive as early as. When is the best time to take a pregnancy test, how soon can I take it, and when does it become positive are among important questions to ask when trying to conceive." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Alpha particle. Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium nucleus. They are generally produced in the process of alpha decay, but may also be produced in other ways. Alpha particles are named after the first letter in the Greek alphabet, α.']\" should be close to \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'where do alpha particles come from']\"", "How Early Can I Test for Pregnancy? A home pregnancy test determines pregnancy through the detection of the hormone hCG in a urine sample. With most home pregnancy testing products, the “reaction time” of the test is a minimum five minute interval to verify a negative result for pregnancy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "However, even at this point it’s too early to take a pregnancy test. At this point, it might be close to three weeks after the first day of your last period. Seeing as your hCG levels take as much as three days to double, you might not be able to take a test that shows a positive result right away." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To see microcephaly during pregnancy, the ultrasound test should be done late in the 2nd trimester or early in the third trimester. For more information about screening and confirmatory tests during pregnancy, visit CDC’s birth defects diagnosis web page." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What to expect at your exam. Your first ultrasound, also known as a sonogram, will take place when you're around 6 to 8 weeks pregnant. When you schedule your appointment, be sure to ask whether you need a full bladder for the test." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gestational diabetes blood test. This test is usually done at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. If you’ve had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy or you’re at high risk of getting this condition, your health professional will probably suggest you have the test earlier." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.", "how big is a male gorilla" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Relevance. Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Gorilla Size Adult males range in height from 165-175 cm (5 ft 5 in – 5 ft 9 in), and in weight from 140–200 kg (310–440 lb). Adult females are often half the size of a silverback, averaging about 140 cm (4 ft 7 in) tall and 100 kg (220 lb). Occasionally, a silverback of over 183 cm (6 ft) and 225 kg (500 lb) has been recorded in the wild. However, obese gorillas in captivity have reached a weight of 270 kg (600 lb). Source(s):" ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "An average adult male gorilla will consume more than 18 kg which is about 40 pounds of vegetation per day." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For example, an adult gorilla 's erect penis is about 4 cm (1.5 in) in length; an adult chimpanzee, significantly smaller (in body size) than a gorilla, has a penis size about double that of the gorilla." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Silverback Gorillas are around six feet tall - about the height of an adult male - while females are around five feet tall. Silverback gorillas weigh approximately 350 pounds- about twice the weight of normal adult man. Gorillas are herbivores, and eat only plants. Silverback gorillas were not even known to exist until 1902.Today, their habitat is being destroyed when people use the land for farming and the trees for fuel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gorilla US spelling campaign [edit]. American English is the 800 pound gorilla of languages. The United States of America is the 800lb (363.3 kg) gorilla of nation states. We must use our (imperial) weight in numbers to sit on and crush the nascent Guerilla UK spelling campaign." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "We are all fascinated by feats of strength and the mystical 1000lb bench/squat/deadlift. How much do you think a full grown male silverback gorilla could lift on these three? Just from some research I've learned that gorillas have the strength of anywhere from 13-27 average men. So I figure the average man can bench perhaps.....120lbs. This puts the gorilla's theoretical bench press at 2000-4000 lbs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Occasionally, a silverback of over 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) and 230 kg (510 lb) has been recorded in the wild. Obese gorillas in captivity can weigh as much as 270 kg (600 lb). Gorilla facial structure is described as mandibular prognathism, that is, the mandible protrudes farther out than the maxilla." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A gorilla called Gargantua is believed to be the largest gorilla ever captured. He weighed between 550 and 600 pounds, and he stood 5 feet 6 inches tall. Continue Reading. According to Oborge, Gargantua was born in the Belgian Congo around 1929 and was captured when he was young. Originally known as Buddy, his name was changed when he was sold to the Ringling Brothers. He bore a scar that was the remnant of an injury incurred when a drunken sailor threw nitric acid in his face." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Males of this species can reach sizes up to at least 6.30 m (20.7 ft) and possibly up to 7.0 m (23.0 ft) in length. However, an adult male saltwater crocodile rarely reaches and exceeds a size of 6 m (19.7 ft) weighing 1,000 to 1,200 kg (2,200–2,600 lb). Females are much smaller and often do not surpass 3 m (9.8 ft)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Quick Answer. A gorilla called Gargantua is believed to be the largest gorilla ever captured. He weighed between 550 and 600 pounds, and he stood 5 feet 6 inches tall. Keep Learning." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chimpanzees have a brain size between 300 and 500 cc, with an average of 400 cc. Gorillas have an average brain size of 500 cc, with large individuals going up to 700 cc, or even 752 cc in one reported (but unverifiable) instance. Hominids are best compared with the similar-sized chimpanzees than the much larger gorillas." ], [ "", "The Gorilla GOR866D weighs 58.6 pounds. It stands 25 inches tall. When it ships to you it weighs 68 pounds and the box is 45.2″ x 25.6″ x 25.2″. You might want to consider shipping it direct to your door if possible." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Skull of a male subject. The western lowland gorilla is the smallest subspecies of gorilla but nevertheless still a primate of exceptional size and strength. This species of gorillas exhibits pronounced sexual dimorphism." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The males of this species can reach sizes up to 6.3 m (20.7 ft) and weigh up to 1,360 kg (3,000 lb). However, an adult male saltwater crocodile is generally between 4.3 and 5.2 m (14 and 17 ft) in length and weighs 400 to 1,000 kg (880–2,200 lb), rarely growing larger." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The heaviest gorilla ever in captivity was N'gagi, who died at the San Diego Zoo in 1944. He was 5'7 and weighed 638 pounds! The largest gorilla ever recorded was 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighed 360 pounds." ], [ "Represent the input", "Male size: An adult male saltwater crocodile, from young adults to older individuals, ranges 3.5 to 6 m (11 ft 6 in to 19 ft 8 in) in length, weighing 200 to 1,000 kg (440–2,200 lb). On average, adult males range 4.3 to 4.9 m (14 ft 1 in to 16 ft 1 in) in length and weigh 408 to 522 kg (899–1,151 lb)." ], [ "", "Behavior toward humans has baffled and intrigued scientists. There is little to no aggression, yet no fear, either. Gorilla males will always charge when they encounter a hunter, but there were no stories like that about the Bili apes, according to Ammann.he Bili ape has been reported to walk upright, bipedally 6 to 6.5 feet tall, with the looks of a giant chimpanzee. Their footprints, which range from 28 to 34 centimeters, are longer than the largest common chimp and gorilla footprints, which average 26 cm and 29 cm, respectively." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Photo: A. W. Weber and A. Vedder. Eastern lowland gorillas generally live in groups of one male, multiple females, and their offspring, though these can shift to multi-male groups for brief periods (Yamagiwa et al. 2003). The average group size is 9.8 individuals (Yamagiwa & Kahekwa 2001)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Another difference is size. Lowland gorillas are 4 to 6 feet (1.2 to 1.8 meters) tall and weigh 150 to 400 lbs. (68 to 181 kilograms). Mountain gorillas are about the same height, though they tend to weigh a bit more. They are 4 to 6 feet tall and weigh 300 to 485 lbs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A group of gorillas can have a territory of up to 16 square miles (41 square kilometers), according to National Geographic. 1 Researchers working in the rainforest of the Central African Republic followed a male silverback gorilla named Makumba (shown here) for 12 months." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The tallest gorilla recorded was a 1.95 m (6 ft 5 in) silverback with an arm span of 2.7 m (8 ft 10 in), a chest of 1.98 m (6 ft 6 in), and a weight of 219 kg (483 lb), shot in Alimbongo, northern Kivu in May 1938." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quite large gorillas in the wild are at most 550 pounds; so an 800 pound gorilla is one that's oversized, even fat." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Standing erect chimpanzees are 1 m to 1.7 m tall. Males in the wild weigh between 34 and 70 kg, while females range between 26 and 50 kg. In captivity males can weigh up to 80 kg and females can reach 68 kg. It seems that P. t. schweinfurthii weighs less than P. t. verus, which is smaller than P. t. troglodytes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "An average Male silver back gorilla can weigh up to 700 pounds!!!!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Gorillas are the largest of the great apes. There are two types of species of gorilla eastern gorilla and western gorilla. They are gentle creatures living in family groups led by a big male, the silverback. When they are old enough to breed, young females leave and join another group." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "A gorilla called Gargantua is believed to be the largest gorilla ever captured. He weighed between 550 and 600 pounds, and he stood 5 feet 6 inches tall. Continue Reading. According to Oborge, Gargantua was born in the Belgian Congo around 1929 and was captured when he was young." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Female Gorrilas usually weigh from 154 lbs to 242 lbs. Male Gorrilas usually weigh from 308 lbs to 396 lbs. (440 lbs. for male Gorillas is rare) Males are usually 5.6 to 6 feet Females are usually up to 5 to 5.2 feet. Alyssa Birman." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Western lowland gorillas are native to several areas of Africa including Angola, Congo, and Cameroon. This is the type of gorilla that is frequently seen in zoos. The western lowland is the smallest of the great apes. Adults are about 5 feet 7 inches (1.7 meters) tall and weigh 400 pounds (180 kg). As of 2008, there were an estimated 125,000 western lowland gorillas living in Africa." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Lions have tawny, or yellowish brown, fur. They grow to a length of about 10 feet (3 m) and stand about 4 feet (1.2 m) tall. Male lions are larger than the lionesses (females), weighing as much as five men or about 550 lb (250 kg). The more slender lioness usually weighs about as much as two and a half men or 400 lb (180 kg). Adult males can be recognized by the furry mane that runs around the heads and down the neck." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Example:\nProvided: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Antithrombin (AT) is a small protein molecule that inactivates several enzymes of the coagulation system. Antithrombin is a glycoprotein produced by the liver and consists of 432 amino acids. It contains three disulfide bonds and a total of four possible glycosylation sites.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'definition of antithrombin']\"", "To add to these differences, lighter hair on western silverbacks stretches to their thighs, as opposed to the more defined patch in the otherwise dark backs of eastern gorillas. Size: Adult males weigh up to 200kg, with females around half this size. Can reach a height of 1.2-1.7 meters when standing on 2 feet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Approximately 20 times stronger than a sturdy man. A full grown male Silverback gorilla is one of the strongest land mammals on Earth, able to rip car doors clean off and snap tree limbs with ease. Even a small, female Gorilla is able to easily rip the arms clean off a man.. I find it funny how people doubt the sheer might of the gorilla and other Apes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The biggest gorilla is named Detective Yetti standing at 7ft. 8in. 545lbs. It is said to roam the jungle and eat crap. The biggest gorilla is named Detective Yetti standing at 7ft. 8in." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The American is one of the larger crocodile species. Males can reach lengths of 6.1 m (20 ft), weighing up to 907 kg (2,000 lb). On average, mature males are more in the range of 4.1 m (13 ft) to 4.8 m (16 ft) in length weighing about 400 kg (880 lb). As with other crocodile species, females are smaller; rarely exceeding 3.8 m (12 ft) in length." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is the biggest gorilla on record? The heaviest gorilla in captivity was a male of the mountain race names 'N' gagi.... What is the record for the biggest gorilla? The male eastern lowland gorilla of eastern Zaire and South-western Uganda is 175..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Adult male gorillas have silvery white saddles that inspired the name silverback for these animals. Generally, the mountain gorilla has longer hair than the other subspecies. Western lowland gorillas have a more pronounced brow ridge, and ears that appear small in relation to their heads.They also have a different shaped nose and lip.n comparison to the mountain gorilla, the western lowland gorilla has a wider and larger skull and the big toe of the western lowland gorilla is spread apart more from the alignment of his other four toes. Like all great apes, gorillas’ arms are longer than their legs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Male Leopard geckos normally are a little bit larger than females. The size varies, some geckos only reach 6-7 inches, others can even reach 10 to 11 inches. There are giant breeds that most of the time reaches 10 to 11 inches and they even can weigh 140 grams." ] ]
[ "Represent this text", "how long does sex reassignment surgery take" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It's about soul, not sex. SRS or GRS-Reassignment Surgery takes from 4 to 12 hours for the first portion and may include a second surgery that also could be 4 to 12 hours. There are also breast implant surgeries, facial feminiziation surgeries and more." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "For an outpatient surgery, it may be safe to have sex within a few days of surgery. For extensive inpatient surgery, it could be four to six weeks or longer, depending on the type of surgery. The more invasive and serious the surgery, the longer it will be before sex is advisable. One suggestion is to let pain be your guide. You may feel like you have recovered from surgery, but pain is present when you attempt to have intercourse. This is your body’s way of saying you are not ready, that you need to heal more before having sex. However, in some cases, pain can be avoided with some minor changes." ], [ "Represent the next text", "It will take between 4 and 6 weeks before light work can be accomplished, while full recovery usually takes between 2 and 3 months. If necessary your doctor may suggest physical therapy sessions to aid recovery. Cervical Arthroplasty (Disc Replacement) Cervical arthroplasty involves replacing a damaged cervical disc with an artificial disc." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most gastric bypass surgery is laparoscopic, which means the surgeon makes small cuts. That makes for shorter recovery time. Most people stay in the hospital 2 to 3 days, and get back to normal activities in 3 to 5 weeks. If the surgery must be open, meaning the surgeon has to make a larger cut, healing takes longer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How long does hip replacement surgery take depends upon the severity of arthritis present in a patient’s hip.However, complete surgery for hip replacement might take an hour or so as well.How long does hip replacement surgery takes also depends upon the time during which a patient might stay at a hospital for his/her surgery.owever, complete surgery for hip replacement might take an hour or so as well. How long does hip replacement surgery takes also depends upon the time during which a patient might stay at a hospital for his/her surgery." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mastectomy usually takes 1–2 hours. There will also be preparation time and time to recover from the general anaesthetic. A woman could be hospital anywhere between 1 day and 1 week, depending on her individual situation. If a woman has a breast reconstruction at the same time as the mastectomy, surgery is likely to take longer. This means the hospital stay may be longer than after a mastectomy only." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In general this is 1-2 weeks after surgery. You may bathe, or shower. Please do not place anything in the vagina or have intercourse for 4-6 weeks after surgery.or a radical hysterectomy, these usually take 3-4 hrs. Of course you are in the operating room for a longer period of time as it requires about 30-45 min of preparation time for the anesthesiologist to put you to sleep and get you properly positioned for the case." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Take one tablet as soon as possible after unprotected sex. The manufacturer recommends to take within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex, but studies have shown moderate efficacy still exists if taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected sex." ], [ "Represent this", "For most people it is safe to have sex about 4 to 6 weeks after a hip replacement. Talk to your doctor about how and when it is safe. And ask your physical therapist or occupational therapist about positions that will not put your new hip joint at risk.hat we know today about the long-term outcomes of hip replacement surgery comes from studies of joints that were replaced 10 to 20 years ago or longer. People who have hip replacement surgery today may expect the artificial joint to last longer than joints replaced 10 to 20 years ago." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "another famous person to undergo male to female sex reassignment surgery was renee renée richards she transitioned and had surgery in the mid 1970s and successfully fought to have transgender people recognized in their new sexthe first male to female surgeries in the united states took place in 1966 at the johns hopkins university medical centerex reassignment surgery male to female from wikipedia the free encyclopedia sex reassignment surgery for male to female involves reshaping the male genitals into a form with the appearance of and as far as possible the function of female genitalia" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Medically a knife or other methods including of a clamp or ring may be used with each method generally giving different times of healing. Generally it may take 3-4 weeks for one to heal but for all used methods of circumcision it is advised that one takes a minimum of 6 weeks to play sex again." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How long surgery takes. Surgery takes about an hour. The process of being admitted and prepared for surgery will vary from place to place. The amount of time you spend in the recovery room, waking up and getting to the point that you're ready to go home, will vary from woman to woman.urgery takes about an hour. The process of being admitted and prepared for surgery will vary from place to place. The amount of time you spend in the recovery room, waking up and getting to the point that you're ready to go home, will vary from woman to woman." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "If exercise is safe for patients, then sexual activity usually is too. According to American Heart Association guidelines, patients with a sternal incision after traditional bypass surgery can resume sex in six to eight weeks. When doing so, people “want to choose positions that support the incision, and they want to avoid strain on that sternum,” Steinke says." ], [ "represent the input!", "What to Expect During Recovery. For an outpatient surgery, it may be safe to have sex within a few days of surgery. For extensive inpatient surgery, it could be four to six weeks or longer, depending on the type of surgery. The more invasive and serious the surgery, the longer it will be before sex is advisable. One suggestion is to let pain be your guide." ], [ "represent the input.", "How long does the surgery take? on average, an abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy takes about 60-90 minutes. Laparoscopic hysterectomy usually takes longer – about 70-110 minutes. the duration of surgery, however, does not affect the post-operative recovery. What happens after surgery? after major surgery, you will have iV fluids until you" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Ohio does not recognize same-sex marriage, nor same-sex divorce. Ohio law also does not currently allow opposite-sex couples to marry if they were of the same biological sex at birth (that is prior to one's gender reassignment surgery)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "After surgery, most transsexuals are happy with their new sex and feel comfortable with their gender identity. One review of a number of studies that were carried out over a 20-year period found that 96% of people who had gender reassignment surgery were satisfied." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "What Is Gender Reassignment Surgery? Sex reassignment surgery (SRS) is known by a variety of names, including gender reassignment surgery (GRS), sex change surgery, sex affirmation procedures, and genital reconstruction surgery. These procedures, which are known clinically as genitoplasty procedures, are done to surgically change the genitalia from one gender to another." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "These instructions should have included activity limitations and when it would be safe to resume sexual intercourse. It is advised that you avoid vaginal sex until after the post-operative check (about four to six weeks after the operation) to make sure the vagina is fully healed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sometimes a penile prosthesis is implanted during surgery to reconstruct the penis when scarring has caused erections to curve (Peyronie's disease). Penile implant surgeries take about an hour and are typically done in an outpatient center. A man can resume sexual intercourse by 6 weeks after surgery." ], [ "", "Facelift surgery times depends on the extent of the procedure. Times can vary from 1 hour to up to 7 or 8 hours. Mini-lifts can be performed in less than 2 hours. On the other hand, full extensive facelifts (rhytidectomy) with a neck lift and tightening (platysmal plication) may take 8 hours." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'Origin: Brazil. Price per carat: $2,000.00. Enhancement code-N No evidence of heat or other enhancement. Example. Natural Imperial Topaz. Carat Weight: 14.9ct.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'topaz price per carat']\"", "Certainly take at least a week off work. Complete healing before sex or masturbation is about 2 - 6 weeks. In brief: 1 - 2 weeks. Till you feel comforatable walking around. Certainly take at least a week off work. Complete healing before sex or masturbation is about 2 - 6 weeks." ], [ "", "The penis transplant, a procedure also known as a genitourinary reconstructive vascularized composite allograft, took 15 hours for the physicians to complete. The patient, 64-year-old Thomas Manning of Halifax, Massachusetts, underwent a partial penectomy in 2012." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How Long Does Gastric Bypass, Lap Band, and Gastric Sleeve Surgery Take? Lap band surgery usually takes only about 45 minutes. The roux-en-y procedure usually takes a little longer, ranging from ninety minutes to three hours in the operating room, mainly depending on the size of the patient." ], [ "Represent the input!", "Procedures only take about 10-20 minutes so they can be done during a lunch break or before you go to work. Although sexual activity needs to be avoided for about 3-4 days following a FemiLift Vaginal Rejuvenation treatment, it’s safe to return to regular daily activities like work." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Sex reassignment surgery can be difficult to obtain, due to a combination of financial barriers and lack of providers. An increasing number of surgeons are now training to perform such surgeries." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sexual reassignment surgery is often conducted outside of the United States. The number of gender reassignment procedures conducted in the United States each year is estimated at between 100 and 500. The number worldwide is estimated to be two to five times larger." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In brief: Varies. Depending on the route of the surgery, it may take as little as 30 to 45 minutes or as long as 3 to 4 hours. In brief: Varies. Depending on the route of the surgery, it may take as little as 30 to 45 minutes or as long as 3 to 4 hours." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Encyclopedia of Surgery says that the number of gender reassignment procedures conducted in the United States each year is estimated at between 100 and 500. The number worldwide is estimated to be two to five times larger.. At least one other researcher says there are many more." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "By entering this page, you hereby certify that you are 18 or over. This page sketches the historical development and surgical details of vaginoplasty surgery (also often called 'sex reassignment surgery' (SRS) or 'gender reassignment surgery' (GRS)).r. Biber became justifiably famous among T-girls in the U.S. for such results, and they've flocked to him ever since. The early surgical technique and results are very similar to Lynn's sex reassignment surgery, which was performed by the famous Mexican plastic surgeon J. J. Barbosa, M.D. way back in 1968." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Most vaginal rejuvenation procedures take at least one to two hours to complete but may take longer. 1 Medications are given for your comfort during the surgical procedure. 2 A nerve block will be administered to numb the entire vaginal area and will provide 18 to 24 hours of pain control." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Most people go back to work sooner after laparoscopic appendectomy, within 1-2 weeks, but lifting no more than 5 lb for 6-8 weeks. After open surgery, folks can return to work 2-3 weeks later, but no lifting, as above. ...Read more. Dr. Keegan Duchicela." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "It's very difficult to know. The Encyclopedia of Surgery says that the number of gender reassignment procedures conducted in the United States each year is estimated at between 100 and 500. At least one other researcher says there are many more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Walking is encouraged, but not heavy lifting. Your will need to abstain from sex for at least 6 weeks. Laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH). This procedure is the least invasive and can have a recovery period as short as six days to two weeks. Walking is encouraged, but not heavy lifting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The time it takes to resume a relatively normal routine after cosmetic surgery depends on the type of surgery, but generally ranges from one to four weeks. Recovery time for a facelift is two weeks, but the residual swelling, bruising, and changes in skin sensation might take up to a year to fully resolve." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bahasa Malaysia (in progress) This page sketches the historical development and surgical details of vaginoplasty surgery (also often called 'sex reassignment surgery' (SRS) or 'gender reassignment surgery' (GRS ))." ], [ "represent the next text!", "Transgender journey: recovering from surgery. 1 After sex reassignment surgery, Juliet Jacques recuperates at home with her parents. An infection delays her recovery, but eventually pain begins to give way to pleasure. 2 After sex reassignment surgery, Juliet Jacques recuperates at home with her parents." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Beef Baron Restaurant is a steakhouse located near the Niagara Falls. It has a nice casual wooden décor which adds to its ambiance. The wait staff is prompt and friendly. It's not very noisy and features a full bar, which is good when one just wants to relax with family.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"where's the beef niagara falls\"]\"", "However, the meaning of sex reassignment surgery has been clarified by the medical subspecialty organization, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), to include any of a larger number of surgical procedures performed as part of a medical treatment for gender dysphoria or transsexualism.nother term for SRS includes sex reconstruction surgery, and more clinical terms, such as feminizing genitoplasty or penectomy, orchiectomy, and vaginoplasty, are used medically for trans women, with masculinizing genitoplasty, metoidioplasty or phalloplasty often similarly used for trans men." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Healing from breast reduction surgery varies from patient to patient. In general, the larger the breast reduction, the longer the healing process may take. In general, it is approximately 6-8 weeks postsurgical for the majority of healing to occur and swelling to be reduced.reast reduction surgery requires an incision around the nipple, down the middle of the breast, and in the crease underneath the breast. In some cases, the entire nipple must be removed and sewn back in place after the desired amount of breast tissue is removed." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How long does hip replacement surgery take to perform? The average hip replacement surgery takes just 1-2 hours to perform. How long your hip operation takes will depend on how complicated your case is, your physical state and weight, the severity of your joint osteoarthritis, the type of replacement you’re receiving (like anterior or posterior lateral) and of course, whether you’re getting a partial (hip hemiarthroplasty) or full hip replacement." ], [ "Represent the next text", "The length of nipple reconstruction surgery can range from 30 minutes to an hour or so. Tattooing, which happens about 3 months after the nipple reconstruction surgery, usually takes 30 to 40 minutes. After nipple reconstruction surgery: If you've had local anesthesia, you'll be able to go home after the nipple shield is in place." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Lap band surgery usually takes only about 45 minutes. The roux-en-y procedure usually takes a little longer, ranging from ninety minutes to three hours in the operating room, mainly depending on the size of the patient." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Examples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '3) Brown rice. A slow-digesting whole grain that provides you longer-lasting energy throughout the day, and during workouts. Brown rice also can help boost your growth hormone (GH) levels, which are critical for encouraging lean muscle growth, fat loss and strength gains.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'foods that help you gain muscle']\"", "Exactly how long the procedure takes depends on the type of rhinoplasty that is performed. For example, a primary rhinoplasty normally requires one to three hours in surgery, while a revision rhinoplasty can take much longer. A filler rhinoplasty can take just 15 minutes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In large surgeries like general surgery/ENT cancer resections that can take 10+ hours, there usually are several surgeons so it is more conducive for people to scrub out of the surgery and kind of take shifts." ], [ "", "You can either wait seven days, or use a back-up method for those seven days if you don’t want to hold out. Vasectomy. It’s best to get your doctor’s advice on when you can start having sex after this procedure, but keep in mind that it takes most men three months (8–16 weeks) for all of his sperm to be long gone. You should get a sperm count three months after the procedure to confirm that your semen is sperm-free." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 It could take anywhere from three months to a year for a therapist to prescribe hormone therapy, after which time it will take a year on hormones -- per the World Professional Association for Transgender Health's standards of care -- to qualify for gender confirmation surgery." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Normally, it is safe to have sexual intercourse 6 to 8 weeks after your bowel surgery, if there have been no complications. If you are female and your surgery involved the rectum, you are advised to wait for 10-12 weeks before having vaginal intercourse." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Your doctor or nurse will tell you when to arrive at the hospital. Mastectomy without reconstruction usually takes one to three hours. It usually requires one additional day in the hospital, although more and more people are going home on the same day as the operation. If you're having both breasts removed (double mastectomy), expect to spend more time in surgery and possibly more time in the hospital. If you're having breast reconstruction following mastectomy, the procedure also takes longer and you may stay in the hospital for a few additional days." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Surgery itself usually lasts three to five hours. However, it generally takes five to six hours from the time you leave the pre-op area until you arrive in the recovery room. You will be unable to see your family for an additional two hours, the period most people are in the recovery room." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Also known as sex change or gender reassignment surgery, sex reassignment surgery is a procedure that changes genital organs from one gender to another." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Face lift surgery usually takes between two and four hours, depending on each person’s cosmetic needs. Patients will be given either local or general anesthesia prior to surgery; since the effects may last well beyond the time needed to perform the procedure, they should not plan on driving themselves home." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "srs 0 is to not create the vagina in case that patient does not need sexual pleasure nor have a health problem srs 0 5 patient passed the sex reassignment surgery sex change before and need modification srs 1 penis skin will be removed and converted it to the vaginafter the sex change surgery please follow these care instructions around 4 6 days in hospital for recovery avoid foods that are sensitive for the defecating system in the first 2 3 days sleep by body up separate the legs" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Wait until you get the okay from your doctor before having sex, be…cause if you don't, you could cause more damage that could be devastating. I had a one-sided salpingectomy (incision was laparotomy - approx 3-4 inch bikini cut). The normal waiting period on this is 4-6 weeks, though some also say 3-4 weeks." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Also, you should not have sex until your doctor says it's okay. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to get back to a normal routine. Chemotherapy, which uses medicines to kill cancer cells, is recommended after surgery for most stages of ovarian cancer.Chemotherapy is usually started 1 to 4 weeks after surgery.After a hysterectomy, call your doctor if: 1 You have bright red vaginal bleeding that soaks one or more pads in an hour, or you have large clots. 2 You have foul-smelling discharge from your vagina. 3 You are sick to your stomach or cannot keep fluids down.hemotherapy is usually started 1 to 4 weeks after surgery. After a hysterectomy, call your doctor if: 1 You have bright red vaginal bleeding that soaks one or more pads in an hour, or you have large clots. 2 You have foul-smelling discharge from your vagina. 3 You are sick to your stomach or cannot keep fluids down." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Take one tablet as soon as possible after unprotected sex. The manufacturer recommends to take within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex, but studies have shown moderate efficacy still exists if taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected sex. Levonorgestrel 0.75 mg, two tablet regimen." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "If you have the laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery or Gastric Sleeve, you can expect to spend two to three days in the hospital and up to four weeks recovering. The minimally invasive approach has a shorter recovery time with fewer restrictions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "After 6 weeks, you can get back to your regular activities, including having sex. Vaginal or laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH). A vaginal hysterectomy is less surgically invasive than an abdominal procedure, and recovery can be as short as two weeks. Most women come home the same day or the next." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Doctors generally expect complete recovery within four to eight weeks. For vaginal surgery, recovery usually occurs within one to two weeks. Sexual activity can generally be resumed after six weeks, regardless of the surgery type. Hysterectomy has become a fairly common surgery." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In general, recovery from breast augmentation surgery is normally 4 to 6 weeks. Placing the implants under the muscle through the subpectoral dual plane usually will take several weeks longer to heal than placing an implant in the retromammary or subglandular plane above the muscle." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For most people it is safe to have sex about 4 to 6 weeks after a hip replacement. Talk to your doctor about how and when it is safe. And ask your physical therapist or occupational therapist about positions that will not put your new hip joint at risk." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Sex reassignment surgery or SRS (also known as gender reassignment surgery, genital reconstruction surgery, gender confirmation surgery or sex realignment surgery) is the surgical procedure (or procedures) by which a transgender person's physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble that socially ..." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In general, the first 6 weeks is not the time to be “creative”. It may take up to 3 months, before you can resume a normal, satisfying sex life - even better than before surgery as there is no longer hip pain. In short, a total hip replacement is not a death sentence sexually!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "After a routine laparoscopic surgery removing the uterus but not the cervix (laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy, or LSH), most women are able to return to normal activity in 1 to 2 weeks. About 4 to 6 weeks after the hysterectomy, see your doctor for a follow-up examination." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Vaginal or laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy (LAVH). A vaginal hysterectomy is less surgically invasive than an abdominal procedure, and recovery can be as short as two weeks. Most women come home the same day or the next. Walking is encouraged, but not heavy lifting. Your will need to abstain from sex for at least 6 weeks. Laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gender Reassignment Surgery. If significant medical or mental health concerns are present, they must be reasonably well controlled. Note that a trial of hormone therapy is not a pre-requisite to qualifying for a mastectomy. Twelve months of living in a gender role that is congruent with their gender identity (real life experience)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sex[ual] reassignment surgery refers to several types of operations; it is typically used to describe vaginoplasty (the creation of a vagina), metoidioplasty and phalloplasty (two ways to create a penis), and mastectomy (removal of the breasts, typically in a trans man)." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "has trump cheated on his wife" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "We know for sure he cheated on the first wife. Ivana met his mistress when they were all at the same ski resort. 'I'm crazy!' Donald Trump's ex-wife confesses she still loves him. Written Dec 29, 2015 · View Upvotes." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Televangelist says he cheated on wife. 1 A televangelist admitted in front of a television audience that he cheated on his wife, an announcement he made to thwart people he said were trying to extort millions of dollars from him. The Rev. Marcus Lamb made the confession Tuesday night on his show Celebration with his wife Joni Lamb by his side." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beau Ryan has not stepped down from his role on The Footy Show amid allegations he cheated on his wife. Reports that Beau Ryan has been stood down are incorrect, a Nine spokesperson said today. Ryan and ex-Hi-5 member Lauren Brant​ have faced a social media backlash after allegations Ryan cheated on his wife with Brant were published yesterday." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", ", Has a slight grasp of the programs necessary to make a functional democracy. 1 Nothing terribly positive as she said that he raped her while they were married. She later went on to clarify her statement by instead suggesting that he only violated her sexually. I'm not so sure there's a difference. Trump's campaign manager responded by suggesting that a husband CAN'T rape his wife, that all sex between spouses is perfectly legal, whether it's wanted or not. She also said that he slept with a copy of Mein Kampf by his bed. None of these things were terribly surprising to me." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Melania Trump's Website Vanishes Amid Allegations She Lied About Her Education. The website of U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s wife Melania appears to have vanished. Since Wednesday afternoon, melaniatrump.com redirects to her husband’s official webpage, dedicated to his real estate business. The news comes just days after critics questioned whether she had lied about her university education." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Melania Trump Filing for Divorce from The Donald. ‘I never realized what a complete a**hole he is until the presidential campaign,’ Melania Trump said. ‘Plus, yes, he has extremely small hands and totally fake hair.’. NYC — Melania Trump announced today that she is filing for divorce from her husband Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee. The two have been married since 2005." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Donald Trump’s Wife and Family. Donald Trump is married to former supermodel Melania Trump, his third wife and the mother of his youngest son, Barron Trump. Donald Trump Jr., Eric and Ivanka were born to his first wife, Ivana Trump. Tiffany was born to his second wife, Marla Maples." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "While Conway’s Saturday morning begins on a hopeful note, she’s soon pulled away from her family to address Donald Trump’s latest insulting tweet. Soon, she pops up on CNN to address the subtext of Trump’s claims that Clinton cheated on her husband — and that’s far from the first visit she pays the network that day." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You're not going to believe this, but some people say Donald Trump cheats at golf. For once, we have a Donald Trump golf story that doesn't involve racism, sexism or environmental damage. Instead, it's about the Donald's actual game. And -- we hope you're sitting down -- the Donald apparently doesn't play by the rules. In a piece for the Washington Post, writer Ben Terris examines the 2016 Republican candidate's reputation as a cheat on the golf course." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Actress Shirley MacLaine has told Oprah Winfrey that she cheated on her husband by having sex with three people in one day. 1 Hot Fuzz. 2 Celebrity Sightings: 2 March. 3 Celebrity Sightings: 9 February. Oscars 2016: The 1 winners. Oscars 2016: in pictures. Celebrity Sightings: 19 1 February. Punk at 40, in pictures. The NTAs 2016." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Donald Trump has dismissed rumours that his marriage with wife Melania may be on the rocks. The entrepreneur has been spotted spending several weekends alone at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida. This is so ridiculous, Trump told People." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Donald Trump has made a name for himself for his no-nonsense demeanour and business savvy. But according to Chuck Jones, the former publicist of Marla Maples and infamous footwear fetishist, The Donald regrets leaving his first wife Ivana for the second. Jones – who was arrested after charges of harassing and stalking her – dished out the statement on a series of NYPD tapes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Donald Trump with his second wife, Marla Maples. (Getty) According to Vanity Fair, he met his first wife, Ivana Zelnickova, at a high-end New York City bar, Maxwell’s Plum, in 1976." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When confronted about his nasty innuendo about Ted Cruz’s wife last week, Trump said of his retweet, “I thought it was a nice picture of Heidi. I thought it was fine.” “Come on,” AC responded, stopping just short of rolling his eyes. Trump tried a different explanation. “Excuse me, I didn’t start it." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Trump has been married three times and has five children. His longest marriage was to Ivana Zelnícková, which ended in divorce in 1992. He then married actress Marla Maples a year later until they called it quits in 1999. His current wife, Melania Knauss, married Trump in 2005." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "In one town hall event alone, the Huffington Post found Trump lied exactly 71 times in the space of about one hour, almost one lie a minute. Here are some of the biggest lies Donald Trump has told so far during his presidential campaign. 1. Mexico is sending people who are bringing drugs . . . crime." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Donald Trump was caught making crude comments about a married woman in a video from 2005." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Televangelist says he cheated on wife. A televangelist admitted in front of a television audience that he cheated on his wife, an announcement he made to thwart people he said were trying to extort millions of dollars from him. The Rev. Marcus Lamb made the confession Tuesday night on his show Celebration with his wife Joni Lamb by his side." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Retired boxing champ Oscar De La Hoya said he caught Trump cheating twice during a round of golf. 2 Trump fired back saying he has never played with De La Hoya. Trump has been accused of cheating at golf in the past, including by Samuel L. Jackson, whom he also then claimed to have never played with." ], [ "Represent this text.", "Donald Trump's Ex-Wives. Donald Trump has been married a total of three times and has five children as a result of those unions. Trump is currently married to wife Melania (Knauss) Trump and the couple has a young son named Barron. In the past, he has said many times that his passion for business affected his relationships." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If Hillary thinks she can unleash her husband, with his terrible record of women abuse, while playing the women's card on me, she's wrong! Trump is obviously referring to the sexual allegations that have long swirled around Clinton, even before he became president." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "According to Harth, who was married at the time, Donald Trump cornered her during a tour of his Mar-a-Lago mansion, pushed her against a wall, and started to kiss her without her consent. Later, in March of 1993, Trump again allegedly assaulted Harth, who brought charges of sexual assault against him at the time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Oscar De La Hoya: Yes I cheated on my wife, but I'm no Tiger Woods. He was a force to be reckoned with in the boxing ring, but Oscar De La Hoya's now the latest athlete to reveal trouble with his wedding ring. In an interview with Univision, the former welterweight champion spilled the details of his marital, drug and alcohol problems." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Donald Trump: 45th President - Trump has been married 3 times and is currently on his third wife Melania. He was married to his first wife Ivana from 1977 to 1992, Marla Maples from 1993 to 1999 and his current wife Melania Trump from 2005 to present. Notice that we are talking about divorced Presidents. Not the ones who were widowed when they married their spouses. Just divorced." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Beau Ryan has not stepped down from his role on The Footy Show amid allegations he cheated on his wife. Reports that Beau Ryan has been stood down are incorrect, a Nine spokesperson said today. Beau has decided to take some leave with his family after consultation with The Footy Show and Channel Nine.. Ryan and ex-Hi-5 member Lauren Brant​ have faced a social media backlash after allegations Ryan cheated on his wife with Brant were published yesterday." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Brookfield Zoo is open every 365 days of the year! Weekdays 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Weekends 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Open 365 days of the year! Please note: Indoor animal exhibits close 30 minutes before general zoo closing, except for Tropic World, which closes 45 minutes before general zoo closing.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how late is brookfield zoo open']'", "A source tells blogger Nik Richie that Donald “cheated on Melania Trump when she was pregnant with his child,” and also adds “My friend had sex with Donald after one of his golfing events, and he lured her to multiple hotel rooms after that.”. UPDATE: A lawyer for Trump says:" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The couple married in 2005, six years after Trump divorced his second wife, Marla Maples, but Melania wasn't easily won over by the businessman at first, who she reportedly turned down when he first asked her on a date, Heavy reported." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Melania Trump is in the news again. Her website was taken down this week after speculation that she lied about her college degree on her site’s biography. Trump would be the First Lady if her husband, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, is elected." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "comments. Donald Trump has made a name for himself for his no-nonsense demeanour and business savvy. But according to Chuck Jones, the former publicist of Marla Maples and infamous footwear fetishist, The Donald regrets leaving his first wife Ivana for the second. Jones – who was arrested after charges of harassing and stalking her – dished out the statement on a series of NYPD tapes." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n\n\nE.g. [\"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\\n------\\nFor example, 'Chapter 8 Review Questions 8-1 (Learning objective 8-1) What is a register disbursement scheme? Answer: A register disbursement scheme is a type of occupational fraud in which an employee processes a fraudulent reversing transaction on a cash register to justify the removal of cash from that cash register.' should be close to 'what is a register disbursement scheme?'\", '...when South Africans celebrate the diverse cultural heritage that makes up a rainbow nation. It is the day to celebrate the contribution of all South Africans to the building of South Africa(sic) â\\x80\\x94â\\x80¯Lowry 21:1995.Heritage Day is a South African public holiday celebrated on 24 September.On this day, South Africans across the spectrum are encouraged to celebrate their culture and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions, in the wider context of a nation that belongs to all its people.outh Africans celebrate Heritage Day by remembering the cultural heritage of the many cultures that make up the population of South Africa. Various events are staged throughout the country to commemorate this day.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'why is heritage day celebrated']", "Trump filed a $15 million breach of contract suit against Mazzucchelli for violating the confidentiality clause in their prenuptial agreement. The suit was settled out of court. In April 2008, Trump, 59, married Rossano Rubicondi, who is 23 years her junior. The $3 million wedding for 400 guests was hosted by ex-husband Donald Trump at his Florida Mar-A-Lago estate. Trump's daughter Ivanka, of the reality show The Apprentice, was her maid of honor. On December 1, 2008, Trump confirmed to the Associated Press that she had filed a legal separation agreement three months previously; she has stated in interviews that she and her husband have an on-again/off-again relationship." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Donald Trump may be the worst, but you can’t deny that he has a sexy group of women that follow him around. But besides his gorgeous wife Melania Trump, and two hot daughters Tiffany and Ivanka, there’s another hot blonde that has been at his side lately: Lara. Lara Trump – formerly known as Lara Yunaska – is Eric Trump’s wife. You may Eric from his time in the spotlight just a few weeks ago, when he said waterboarding was totally cool because college campuses across the nation were practicing the terroristic act during initiations into Greek Life." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cheating on your partner is no laughing matter -- except, maybe, when it's not actually happening. Amid rumors that country superstar Brad Paisley has been having an affair, his wife of 10 years, Kimberly Williams-Paisley, stepped out in New York City and cheerfully dismissed the notion of his infidelity as ludicrous." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In an interview Sunday with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos, Trump criticized Khizr Khan's wife for standing silently next to her husband at the convention and tried to defend himself against Khan's accusations." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Donald cut his wife loose from her positions in Atlantic City, but asked her to take over as president of the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan. Ironically, years later when Trump was running for POTUS the liberal media tried to trick Americans into believing that Donald Trump was sexist and that he had no respect for women." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "DONALD Trump's wife has been accused of plagiarising a speech by Michelle Obama. But who is Mrs Trump and what kind of first lady would she be? Melania Trump, 46, is at the centre of a bizarre plagiarism row after giving a rousing speech in support of her husband at the Republican Convention on Monday. The former swimwear model has been accused of copying sections of a speech made by Barack Obama's wife in 2008." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Trump was married to Czech Ivana from 1997 to 1991, when they divorced following rumors he was having an affair with Ms Maples. He went on to marry the actress in 1993, before their eventual split in 1999. Trump married third wife Melania Knauss, a Slovenian model, in 2005." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In the 1990s, rumors began to swirl that Donald Trump was having an affair with model Marla Maples, a Georgia native. Ivana separated from her husband in 1990 and eventually won a $20 million divorce settlement. She went on to become an author, fashion designer and has married – and divorced – two more times." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 The Husband or the Wife has committed immorality or cheated on each other with a third party. 2 They don't have any faith in the midst of a financial crisis. 3 Retaining some vices that depletes your time for the family, which will slowly eat up your relationship to your family." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "'Congratulations to the baby daddy!': Trump's married communications director quits just two days after being appointed as female staffer hints in series of tweets that he has been involved in a 'John Edwards' style sex scandal. 1 Jason Miller said he was walking away from the job to spend time with his family." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "I want to be free of those feelings for her, please pray for me and my wife, I want to do whats right in the eye sight of God.Thank You, Husband is cheating on me. by: Anonymous. Please pray for my husband who is cheating on me, Pray that God take this adulteress women and her family out of my husband's mind and spirit." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Donald Trump Admits While Married To Melania: No Problem Banging 24-Year-Olds. Ew! Similar to the disgusting comments he made about women on a 2005 hot mic tape ‘Access Hollywood’ tape, Donald Trump admitted to Howard Stern in 2006 that he’d ‘have no problem’ sleeping with 24-year-olds. The problem? He was married to Melania at the time!" ], [ "Represent the natural language", "“You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.”. Ivana Trump’s assertion of “rape” came in a deposition—part of the early ’90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump. The book, by former Texas Monthly and Newsweek r eporter Harry Hurt III, described a harrowing scene." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ivana disses Trump's current wife, drawing Donald's wrath — but says she'll stop now. Ivana Trump attends Angel Ball 2015 at Cipriani Wall Street. Notoriously divisive GOP front-runner Donald Trump has managed to broker one peace accord during the election cycle — and it’s between his ex-wife and his current missus." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "'Gigantic': Author and investor Douglas Kass (left) claimed that Donald Trump (right) has 'unearthed divorce papers' between the President and his wife." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "— Vow To Be Chic (@VowToBeChic) January 23, 2015. Donald Trump married wife Melania on January 22, 2005 in a million-dollar wedding, spending an estimated $500,000 on flower and thousands of dollars on caviar. In addition, Melania wore a $125,000 Christian Dior wedding gown." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Donald Trump’s treatment of his own wife is the one thing more offensive than his politics. I always knew there was no way Donald Trump could have a normal happy relationship with his wife. How can a man who views women as fat slobs, with the faces of dogs, who bleed out of their 'whatevers' (all direct quotes) have a fully-functioning marriage?" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it Examples:\nProvided: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'A visitor visa may be for single entry or multiple entry use. Single entry visas may be issued up to six months before the expected date of travel. The maximum validity date for multiple entry visitor visas is up to five (5) years or one month prior to the expiry date on the passport/re-entry visa, whichever is earlier.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'for how long is issued visitor canadian visa']\"", "Donald Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump is excited about his presidential candidacy, but thinks she would make a better first lady than his current wife, according to the New York Daily News. The paper reported Saturday that Ivana Trump criticized her ex-husband’s third wife, Melania Trump, at a party in New York City recently. When a party guest told the former Mrs. Trump that she would make a good first lady, Ivana Trump laughed in response. Yes, but the problem is, what is he going to do with his third wife?” Ivana Trump told the partygoer, the Daily News reported." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Here, the DX-sized image sensor is exposed. Comparison of image sensor sizes, including Nikon DX. The Nikon DX format is an alternative name used by Nikon corporation for APS-C image sensor format being approximately 24x16 mm. Its dimensions are about 2â\\x81\\x843 (29 mm vs 43 mm diagonal, approx.) those of the 35mm format. The format was created by Nikon for its digital SLR cameras, many of which are equipped with DX-sized sensors. DX format is very similar in size to sensors from Pentax, Sony and other camera manufacturers.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is nikon dx']\"", "‘I never realized what a complete a**hole he is until the presidential campaign,’ Melania Trump said. NYC — Melania Trump announced today that she is filing for divorce from her husband Donald Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee. The two have been married since 2005." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Donald Trump's ex-wife Ivana Trump -- the woman who famously coined the phrase Don't get mad. Get everything! -- has been known to date, and marry, much younger men. In the above video from Oprah: Where Are They Now? she gives cameras a peek inside of her lavish Manhattan home and talks about where her relationships stand today." ], [ "Represent this text", "“You cannot rape your spouse. And there’s very clear case law.”. Ivana Trump’s assertion of “rape” came in a deposition—part of the early ’90s divorce case between the Trumps, and revealed in the 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Trump has increasingly focused on Bill Clinton's infidelities in attacking his likely general election opponent. 1 Washington (CNN)Donald Trump on Saturday invoked Bill Clinton's impeachment in an escalation of his attacks on Hillary Clinton over the family's treatment of women. She's married to a man who got impeached for lying, Trump said of Clinton. He was impeached and he had to go through a whole big process and it wasn't easy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "And if The Donald does make it all the way to the White House, don’t worry about another Monica Lewinsky scandal — or at least one that the first lady will stick around for. Asked by Larry King if she ever worried about Trump cheating, Melania said: “No. I don’t worry about that at all." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ivanka Trump, husband vacation on billionaire Democrat's yacht. So Donald Trump — New York’s charismatic multibillionaire businessman — has thrown his hat into the 2016 presidential ring." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet. One of the women who accused Trump of sexual misconduct has sued him for defamation after he labeled her claims false. Donald Trump celebrates the opening of the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City in 1990. A year later, it was bankrupt. Mike Derer / AP." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This isn't the first time Trump has been accused of cheating at golf by a celebrity, whom he then claimed to have never played with. 'I've played golf with him. I actually played golf with him and Anthony Anderson one day,' actor Samuel L. Jackson recalled on the 'Late Night with Seth Meyers' show in January." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Trump married Maples in a lavish New York ceremony in December 1993, two months after daughter Tiffany was born. The marriage was short-lived; the couple separated in 1997 and divorced in 1999 with Maples receiving about $1 million. She has not remarried and was a recent contestant on Dancing with the Stars.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Trump Is Planning a Federal Investigation Into Mass Voter Fraud, Which Does Not Exist. Trump Is Planning a Federal Investigation Into Mass Voter Fraud, Which Does Not Exist. By Osita Nwanevu. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, cast their votes on Election Day at PS 59 on Nov. 8 in New York City." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You'd better be smart and you'd better be tough, Trump said. They're taking your jobs, and you'd better be careful.. It's tough rhetoric that comes with a twist. Trump's current wife is an immigrant herself." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Donald Trump, Ivana Trump and daughter Ivanka years after the divorce. Ivanka Trump was only 8 years old when her parents Donald and Ivana Trump split up in the early ‘90s. The divorce followed tabloid reports that Trump, now the Republican presidential nominee, had cheated with model and actress Marla Maples ― a woman he went on to marry in 1993." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nE.g. ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The Trigeminal Nerve is the fifth of the Twelve Cranial Nerves, which is divided into three main branches: the ophthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve and the mandibular nerve. Its second division is the maxillary branch, which consists of afferent sensory fibers, parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'which of the following is a branch of the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve?']", "WASHINGTON ― Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called his then-pregnant wife, Melania Trump, a “monster” during an appearance on Howard Stern’s radio show in 2005. He also described his wife as a “blimp” during the interview, which apparently took place just months after Trump had made lewd comments about groping women and pursuing a married woman. He had married Melania, his third wife, earlier that year. “You know, they just blow up, right?” Trump said of his pregnant wife in December 2005, according to a report by SF Gate." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "On 13 November 2016, the Now8News web site published an article positing that Melania Trump had filed for divorce from her husband, President-Elect Donald Trump, over concerns about her role as the First Lady of the United States:" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Trump Is Planning a Federal Investigation Into Mass Voter Fraud, Which Does Not Exist. Trump Is Planning a Federal Investigation Into Mass Voter Fraud, Which Does Not Exist. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, cast their votes on Election Day at PS 59 on Nov. 8 in New York City." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "12/23/2013 09:56 am ET | Updated Dec 23, 2013. Donald Trump's ex-wife Ivana Trump -- the woman who famously coined the phrase Don't get mad. Get everything! -- has been known to date, and marry, much younger men." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "“I did try and fuck her. She was married,” Trump said. Melania responded to the “Access Hollywood” recording on Saturday, calling her husband’s comments “unacceptable” and “offensive.”. “This does not represent the man that I know,” she said. “He has the heart and mind of a leader." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "She said that Trump Left the first wife, had an affair, left the second wife, had an affair. Had kids both times, but he’s the moral compass for twenty year olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend. O'Donnell also did an imitation of Trump by pulling her hair to one side in the manner of a comb-over." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Trump was married to Czech Ivana from 1997 to 1991, when they divorced following rumors he was having an affair with Ms Maples. He went on to marry the actress in 1993, before their eventual split in 1999. Trump married third wife Melania Knauss, a Slovenian model, in 2005. As well as three children with Ivana, Trump has a son with Melania and a daughter with Ms Maples." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "cost of web development" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "From our research here is what OTHER COMPANIES CHARGE for website development: Master level Web Development costs from $75-120/hr. Custom Graphics costs $65-$75/hr. On-Site Digital Photography costs $80+/hr.Maintenance Contracts are negotiated for around $55-$75/hr.ourly rate for website development costs: $65/hour (USD) Basically, we charge for our time. We have the proper tools and experience to get your job done quickly and professionally. We are a home-based business with low overheads." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Examples of websites designed on 99designs. The cost for the web design is $600-$2,500 depending on how many pages you want designed, and how many graphic designers you want to be able to choose from. After you have chosen the winning design, you will need to find someone to code the design for your website." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "With a mean annual salary of $67,540, Web developers take home a smaller paycheck than most of their counterparts on our technology jobs list." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Website Content Creation: $50-$200 per page, or hourly – You can write your website’s content yourself, outsource it overseas for around $1 per page, or use a content writing firm which will charge around $100-$200 per page." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To build an online store or application from scratch expect a team of 4 developers to spend at least 6 months designing, implementing, testing and launching it. At $50 per person per hour, working full time each month, the monthly cost is $32,000 per month. In this case you would pay $196,000 over six months. Development doesn’t end: Development costs don’t decrease after launching. They can actually increase." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Website Content Creation: $50-$200 per page, or hourlyYou can write your website’s content yourself, outsource it overseas for around $1 per page, or use a content writing firm which will charge around $100-$200 per page." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Web Development Schools. Web Development Schools>>. Web Development Schools. There are approximately 245 on-campus web development schools for you to choose from, if you are considering a degree in web development. Or you can choose to pursue your degree from one of 3 online web development schools. In 2010, in the US, 857 students graduated with web development degrees." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "$2,500 – $5,000. At this price level, the budget is more realistic which allows the web designer to devote more time to each task. You will be able to get a custom graphical design for this price, as well as a decent set of features. However, the design time is limited, so expect some limitations." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for web developers as of 2011 was $77,990 annually and $37.49 hourly. The mean hourly wage was estimated at $39.27 and the mean annual wage was $81,670." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Monthly, you should expect to pay for your website hosting, SEO, other ongoing optimization, any content creation, link building services, and special design projects. This may cost anywhere from $100 to $1000 a month.hile the cost of a basic website has dropped, the need for more interactivity has helped hold steady the price of a high-end, competitive design. As of 2015, you should expect to pay between $2,250 and $10,000 for a fully functional small business website." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Cost savings for the other three new products isn't as pronounced, but will position MicroStrategy quite competitively, he said. Web and Mobile are priced at $600 per named user or $300,000 per CPU core, while Server is $1,200 per named user or $600,000 per CPU core." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The national average salary for Web Developers is $58K annually; Kaiser Permanente pays the most in this field, though, offering a median salary of $98K. Soaring salaries can also be found at Wells Fargo Bank, Amazon.com Inc, and Microsoft Corp, where earnings of $95K, $88K, or $73K are standard for Web Developers." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\nE.g. ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'What is the difference between Appendix and Annex? â\\x80¢ Annex is information that makes complete sense inside the main text of the document, but is placed at the end of the document for reasons of clarity. On the other hand , appendix is a document that can be used to supplement the main text.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the difference between an annex and an extension']", "Requirements range from a high school diploma to a bachelor’s degree. Web developers need knowledge of both programming and graphic design. Pay. The median annual wage for web developers was $66,130 in May 2016. Job Outlook. Employment of web developers is projected to grow 15 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "According to the 2012-2013 Robert Half Technology Salary Guide, starting salaries for web developers ranged between $61,250 and $99,250 per year in 2012." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Having a website built can be confusing and you may not know where to start, how much it should cost or even what type of website best suits your needs. In the UK and abroad, different design agencies and professionals will have varying rates, so it’s a good idea to become familiar with the various stages of website design and the associated costs. In general, the costs involved in creating a new website can start from £1,000 for a very basic, small first website. This then rises rapidly depending on the complexity and scale of your website. Large websites can cost well over £10,000 if you want to include top quality, original design and industry-leading technology." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The BLS states the median yearly salary for a Web Developers is $44,860. If you invested $27,508 in your Web Programming Associates's degree and started a career as a Web Developers , your estimated return on investment would be $1,318,292 throughout your career.*." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Wed Developer Salary. The median salary for web developers in the U.S. is $33.50 per hour or $69,680 per year, which is up $3 per hour over the previous available statistics. The average salary for entry-level web developers is $16.13 per hour, and the average salary for the top 10 percent is $50.58 per hour." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "While the cost of a basic website has dropped, the need for more interactivity has helped hold steady the price of a high-end, competitive design. As of 2015, you should expect to pay between $2,250 and $10,000 for a fully functional small business website.s website creation has become more streamlined in recent years, the cost of a website has gone down, making it a more effective investment than ever for new businesses. The average cost of a website, particularly basic websites, is now lower than ever." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "WordPress development costs are all over the map. I’ve seen WordPress development costs range anywhere from $500 to $2,500 and beyond, and that’s just for a simple website. But, when you can get a professional-looking WordPress theme for just $50-200 that you can get up and running all by yourself, is the money you pay a developer actually worth it?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You can build a fully functional WordPress website for yourself and keep your costs under $100. Here is the cost break down of a WordPress website on low budget. First, you will need a domain name and web hosting. A domain name typically costs $14.99 / year, and web hosting normally costs $7.99 / month." ], [ "", "The national average Web Developer salary is $86,832. Filter by location to see Web Developer salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 15,412 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Web Developer employees." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Web Developer Salary. For Web Developers, yearly average wages total $56K annually. Total cash incomes of Web Developers run from $33K to $86K, depending on bonuses that can occasionally exceed $7K, profit sharing that reaches $8K, and some commissions of nearly $24K." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The cost for the web design is $600-$2,500 depending on how many pages you want designed, and how many graphic designers you want to be able to choose from. After you have chosen the winning design, you will need to find someone to code the design for your website." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Every web design company will charge you differently. Website maintenance is a service often offered by freelance web designers and small web design companies that will work with your budget. Be prepared to spend as much as $300 to $500 per month on website maintenance." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How much does a Web Developer make? The average Web Developer salary is $66,238. Filter by location to see Web Developer salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 12,061 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Web Developer employees." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The cost of using a website builder is typically $10-50 per month depending on the package you choose. However, there is a significant investment of time to learn how to use the website builder.You can read my post on Intuit Homestead, a popular website builder.ore complex websites like this can be $1,000 to $5,000 typically with some higher-end custom implementations being as much as $10,000. The best way to reduce the cost of a website is to build it yourself. Unfortunately, many people do not have the knowledge to do this." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Web development is an ongoing process that continues to expand as your business grows. While it is necessary to keep small business start up costs within budget, realize that there are ongoing costs to growing your business and estimate those expenses at least a year in advance. A successful online business relies heavily on excellent customer service." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "We always tell our curious onlookers that the cost of making an app varies on the features and platform that the app requires. You can search around on the internet and find that the cost for app development will range anywhere from $3,000 - $250,000.There are many factors to consider when looking at app development cost. The first is how much will the developers do for you.he majority of the cost of app development is the salary of the developer. App developers cost anywhere from $40 - $70 per hour. This may seem like a very high salary to pay a person." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Now the main question is, how much it costs to develop a Drupal website from scratch. If you are lucky then there will be no additions required and the already available open-source and modules will be sufficient for the development of the cost. A basic Drupal project may cost from $30,000 to $40,000." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The average Web developer made $79,370 a year, as of 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Salaries started at less than $43,190 for developers in the 10th percentile and less than $57,240 for those in the 25th percentile, with the median income at $75,660.Web developers in the 75th percentile earned over $97,660 a year, while those in the 90th percentile made more than $119,940 a year.eb developers working independently in the industry of technical consulting services earned an average of $86,740 a year, while those working for insurance carriers earned an average of $78,450." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For example, you may factor in the cost of a new logo design or a website redesign, which are typically one-time-only items. If your Internet marketing company performs the same tasks month after month with only one or two special tasks or assignments, your yearly costs will range anywhere from $1500 to $15,000. website's value is drastically different in 2015 than it was even a couple of years ago. The above chart provides a timeline of historical dates compared to web site cost, including the vareage cost to build a website." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As website creation has become more streamlined in recent years, the cost of a website has gone down, making it a more effective investment than ever for new businesses. The average cost of a website, particularly basic websites, is now lower than ever.hile the cost of a basic website has dropped, the need for more interactivity has helped hold steady the price of a high-end, competitive design. As of 2015, you should expect to pay between $2,250 and $10,000 for a fully functional small business website." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "With one to three years of experience, a Web analyst makes somewhere between $69,500 and $91,750 per year, according to The Creative Group, a national recruiting firm for interactive, design and marketing talent. After three years of experience, this marketing specialist can earn $73,250 to $93,750 per year." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How much does a website cost? Your website will cost around $60. This is made up of $11 for your domain name and $48 for your website hosting. The actual software that you build your website with that is supplied by your website hosting company is complimentary and doesn’t cost anything.ur Recommendation For Website Hosting. Your website needs to be connected to the internet so people can see it, website hosting does that. Website hosting packages can cost between $100 and $200 per year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The cost of website building will vary depending on a number of things. The simplicity or complexity of your website will make a huge difference, as well as factors such … as bandwith, features,designs templates, functionality etc.. Normally website builder will charge from $3 to $10 per Month." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A simple, table-based app would cost around $1,000 to $4,000 to develop. This is with the presumption that all content and sample apps are provided for by the client. Providing the design on top of these can potentially bring down the cost to $1,500." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "While the cost of a basic website has dropped, the need for more interactivity has helped hold steady the price of a high-end, competitive design. As of 2015, you should expect to pay between $2,250 and $10,000 for a fully functional small business website." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A good developer costs between $80 and $180 per hour. The good ones are always on the higher end of the range. From our own experiences, it is completely worth the money if you can find a developer that you can count on. Depending on the complexity of your website (the number of plugins you are using, the amount of custom coding you have), your annual maintenance cost will vary." ], [ "Represent this text:", "This resource looks at what you should allocate for your b2b website budget and what costs you might not have considered yet. B2B website budget: design & coding While website development budgets can range from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars, web design and coding for a world-class B2B Marketing website should cost between $9,500 and $30,000." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Web Developer Salary. For Web Developers, yearly average wages total $56K annually. Total cash incomes of Web Developers run from $33K to $86K, depending on bonuses that can occasionally exceed $7K, profit sharing that reaches $8K, and some commissions of nearly $24K. The specific employer is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by career duration and location." ], [ "Represent text:", "All of these factors play a role in determining how much money can be made working as a web developer. My informed estimate is that as a freelance web developer you can earn a minimum of around $32,000 per year before taxes (working full time with very little experience)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Our tutorials cover the skills you need to design rich, engaging websites and applications that look beautiful on both desktop and mobile devices. Learn the fundamentals of HTML and CSS based web design. Earn between $45,000 and $86,000. Create designs that adapt to fit a wide variety of devices and screen sizes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Amelia Mary Earhart was born July 24, 1897, to Edwin and Amelia Amy (Otis) Earhart in her Otis grandparentsâ\\x80\\x99 house in Atchison, Kansas. Two years later, her sister Grace Muriel was born in Kansas City, Missouri, on December 29, 1899.melia Mary Earhart was born July 24, 1897, to Edwin and Amelia Amy (Otis) Earhart in her Otis grandparentsâ\\x80\\x99 house in Atchison, Kansas. Two years later, her sister Grace Muriel was born in Kansas City, Missouri, on December 29, 1899.']\" and the positive \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when was amelia earhart born on']\"", "While the cost of a basic website has dropped, the need for more interactivity has helped hold steady the price of a high-end, competitive design. As of 2015, you should expect to pay between $2,250 and $10,000 for a fully functional small business website. website's value is drastically different in 2015 than it was even a couple of years ago. The above chart provides a timeline of historical dates compared to web site cost, including the vareage cost to build a website." ], [ "", "Advanced Interactive Website B2B: $7,273 16% of respondents charge over $100 per hour for web design, with the highest amount listed $150 22% of respondents charge between $60 and $100 an hour. 26% of respondents charge less than $50 an hour * From the DesignQuote designer survey 2012." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As described in Exhibit 00-2A, the web site application and infrastructure. development stage involves acquiring or developing hardware and software to operate the. web site. The cost of hardware is outside the scope of this Issue." ], [ "", "Normal site coverages range from 35 percent to 50 percent. As to the cost of construction, site work and utilities are the greatest variable costs. Normal site-development costs range from $4.25 to $8 and, again, depend totally on the actual topography and physical layout of the site." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You can search around on the internet and find that the cost for app development will range anywhere from $3,000 - $250,000. There are many factors to consider when looking at app development cost. The first is how much will the developers do for you." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nE.g.:\n['Represent the natural language', 'Changes in many genes, each with a small effect, may underlie susceptibility to many common diseases, including cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and mental illness. In people with a genetic predisposition, the risk of disease can depend on multiple factors in addition to an identified genetic change.These include other genetic factors (sometimes called modifiers) as well as lifestyle and environmental factors.he World Health Organization offers information about genetic predisposition to several common diseases, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and asthma. Genetic Alliance UK offers a fact sheet on genetic predisposition to common genetic diseases.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what are genetically disease susceptibilities']", "Website Design Costs Depend on the Type of Website You Want to Build. Down below this article, I list some of the most common categories generally used to determine how much a website should cost. Please keep in mind that these are general and not definitive prices..3 Flash-based website: about $1,500 and up. If you are looking to build something more advanced than the average website, for example: a website that uses Flash graphics, picture galleries, animations, fade-in and fade-out effects applied to pictures to create pretty slideshows, be prepared to spend more money." ], [ "represent text!", "American web designers typically charge between $20-$200 an hour, depending on whether you are hiring a recent grad, freelancer, small design company, or large agency. … A decent freelancer goes for about $50/hour. A 5-page website should take them about 20 hours, so $1000.A small web agency will charge you $1500-$3000 for the same service. When you add a blog or e-commerce, add $1000-$6000 to that price. Adding complex and custom functionality means hiring a developer, and they charge $70+/hour.At that point, your price can go into double-digits. small web agency will charge you $1500-$3000 for the same service. When you add a blog or e-commerce, add $1000-$6000 to that price. Adding complex and custom functionality means hiring a developer, and they charge $70+/hour. At that point, your price can go into double-digits." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "After study of different reports on implementation cost, I found that the implementation cost of EHR/EMR is near to 15000 Dollar to 70000 Dollar. The cost is fluctuating and depends upon whether what you have selected like, Site EHR development or Web EHR development etc." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Monthly, you should expect to pay for your website hosting, SEO, other ongoing optimization, any content creation, link building services, and special design projects. This may cost anywhere from $100 to $1000 a month." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Communications managers perform a variety of tasks, such as the creation and development of print and online advertising, email marketing, web site management and content development, press releases, bylined articles, white papers, corporate videos and marketing collateral, RFP review and development, marketing budget development and cost tracking." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "How much does a website cost? Your website will cost around $60. This is made up of $11 for your domain name and $48 for your website hosting. The actual software that you build your website with that is supplied by your website hosting company is complimentary and doesn’t cost anything.he first step in making a website is to choose your domain name. A domain name is what you are going to call your website. To get a domain you have to register that name each year for a fee. www.make-a-web-site.com is my domain name." ], [ "", "Monthly, you should expect to pay for your website hosting, SEO, other ongoing optimization, any content creation, link building services, and special design projects. This may cost anywhere from $100 to $1000 a month.s website creation has become more streamlined in recent years, the cost of a website has gone down, making it a more effective investment than ever for new businesses. The average cost of a website, particularly basic websites, is now lower than ever." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Share this post. There’s a wide range of costs associated with building a website. Depending on how much work you’re willing to do yourself and how stylized or customized you want the design to be, you could spend anywhere from $0 to $10,000.In this guide, we’ll walk you through the various ways you can build a website, and how much each will cost you.In a nutshell, you can go the DIY route and spend around $50 to $100 or hire professionals and spend anywhere from $500 to $10,000 or more.remium templates cost in the $40 to $60 range and feature more unique and elegant designs. Since WordPress is open source, the sky’s the limit in terms of how much you can customize the platform. This means if you go with wordpress you have a lot more customization options than with Weebly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Monthly, you should expect to pay for your website hosting, SEO, other ongoing optimization, any content creation, link building services, and special design projects. This may cost anywhere from $100 to $1000 a month. website's value is drastically different in 2015 than it was even a couple of years ago. The above chart provides a timeline of historical dates compared to web site cost, including the vareage cost to build a website." ], [ "Represent", "You can also consider adding video, podcasts, or other multimedia content to your site, although that will add cost and complexity to your Web design project. All told, you can expect to spend more than $1,000 for a small, professionally designed website, or as little as $50 if you decide to build it yourself." ], [ "Represent", "For example, you may factor in the cost of a new logo design or a website redesign, which are typically one-time-only items. If your Internet marketing company performs the same tasks month after month with only one or two special tasks or assignments, your yearly costs will range anywhere from $1500 to $15,000.s website creation has become more streamlined in recent years, the cost of a website has gone down, making it a more effective investment than ever for new businesses. The average cost of a website, particularly basic websites, is now lower than ever." ], [ "", "Entry-Level Web Developer Salary. Entry-Level Web Developers can expect wages of $53K annually on average. Total cash compensation to Entry-Level Web Developers ranges from $31K on the lower end to $78K on the higher end; the final number includes potential for approximately $7K each from bonuses and profit sharing in exceptional cases." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Making the world better, one answer at a time. A webpage can cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars. A web designer can name a price for the entire job, or charge by the hour. Standard per-hour rate is $50.00, but can vary.It all depends on the length of time spent making the page, and the content of the page.Also, you have to have a domain name and hosting for the website.tandard per-hour rate is $50.00, but can vary. It all depends on the length of time spent making the page, and the content of the page. Also, you have to have a domain name and hosting for the website." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Web maintenance, whenever you need it. Pay-as-you-go maintenance is charged at an hourly rate of $120. However unlike most web development companies we only charge per quota (capped every 10 minutes).So for example if a project takes 10 minutes or less then the cost would be $20; 30 minutes would cost $60, and a full hour $120.owever unlike most web development companies we only charge per quota (capped every 10 minutes). So for example if a project takes 10 minutes or less then the cost would be $20; 30 minutes would cost $60, and a full hour $120." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Template design tools are often included in Web hosting packages that typically cost $250 to $500 each year, including a number of email addresses. Related Reading: The Average Purchase Amount for a Pricing Strategy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "We always tell our curious onlookers that the cost of making an app varies on the features and platform that the app requires. You can search around on the internet and find that the cost for app development will range anywhere from $3,000 - $250,000." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "No matter the form the question takes about eCommerce website costs I usually have to reply with a very truthful yet non-direct answer. That truthful answer is quite simply… it all depends. The vast majority of eCommerce websites we develop and launch typically range anywhere from $5,000 – $10,000. If you’re planning for the eCommerce website to one day generate a substantial portion of your income please don’t skimp on the initial investment in high quality design and development." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Furthermore, if you want your blog to match your business’s existing brand (which it should), then customization is necessary. Development costs to build and integrate a custom blog onto an existing website that matches your brand can run anywhere from $900 to $2,500. Keep in mind that building a blog is a one-time investment." ], [ "", "If your client is a technical guy, it will take him, say, one hour of Skype calling to understand how good you are. I run a startup web development company. My hourly rates as per my skills and expertise (for all clients, irrespective of the geographic location) are somewhat like: 1 PHP - $12 - $18. 2 Ruby on Rails - $20 - $30. 3 Java - $20 - $30. 4 PSD to HTML & Javascript - $13 - $18." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "how many supervision hours does one need to get their bcba" ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "2. 1 Year Plan - This plan allows you to complete the 75 hours of supervision time required by the BACB to sit for your BCBA certification exam over a period of one year. In order to qualify for this option you must work an average of at least 30 hours per week in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. $7500.00." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To serve as a supervision mentor, an Approved Supervisor should have at least 300 hours of supervision experience, of which at least 120 must be after their own supervisor designation was awarded by AAMFT." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The BACB requires the student to complete the RBT 40 hour training course within a 180 day period from the start date. (This change was implemented on February 1st, 2016 and applies to all RBT Trainees by start date.)" ], [ "Represent text", " Supervision-Documentation of 25 hours of supervision, at least 5 hours in each of the domains. Supervision must take place in a setting where behavioral health and/or recovery and crisis support services are being provided." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "at least four of the eight hours must be direct supervision; at least two of the four direct supervision hours must be in person and onsite where the assistant is providing therapy; and. up to six of the eight hours may be via telepractice/telehealth without applying for an exception." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Additional LCSW Requirements in California. Social workers have associate status for at least 104 weeks and until such time as they have completed 3,200 hours of supervised work experience. At least 750 hours must be in psychotherapy and at least 2,000 hours must be in combined diagnosis, assessment, treatment, counseling, and psychotherapy. No more than 1,200 hours of research, evaluation, consultation, and advocacy may be counted. The maximum number of work hours that can be counted in any given week is 40. At least 1,700 total hours must be under a clinical social worker’s supervision. The remaining hours may be under the supervision of a social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, counselor, or marriage and family therapist." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Supervisor candidates must receive at least 36 hours of supervision mentoring from a current AAMFT Approved Supervisor during the two-year training period. Supervision mentoring should continue throughout the entire period of one's candidacy, even if the 36 hours have been completed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Which category of experience/supervision does The University of Memphis provide for. students in the Applied Behavior Analysis program? According to the BCBA, there are three categories of experience: Supervised Independent. Fieldwork, Practicum (Individual and Group Supervision; Direct and Indirect hours), and. Intensive Practicum. Students may accrue experience in only one category at a time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Overview of the BCLS and BLS Certification Program. Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) certification is a qualification demonstrating that someone has successfully completed a BCLS program. The program may take up to 6-8 hours. This program reviews the risks for respiratory and cardiac arrest." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Earn up to 19 continuing education hours. The Twelveth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision is devoted to clinical supervision theory, practice and research.arn up to 19 continuing education hours. The Twelveth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision is devoted to clinical supervision theory, practice and research." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "2 years/3,200 hours of full-time clinical professional counseling experience to be completed within a 4 year period. 1,600 hours must be professional direct supervision acceptable to the board (100 hours must be face-to-face supervision)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 100 hours of supervision is required over 4,000 hours of practice at the rate of 4 hours of supervision for every 160 hours of practice. 2 50 hours must be provided through one-on-one supervision, and. a minimum of 25 hours of in-person supervision, and." ], [ "Represent the next text!", "1 100 hours of supervision is required over 4,000 hours of practice at the rate of 4 hours of supervision for every 160 hours of practice. 50 hours must be provided through one-on-one supervision, and." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Most residential construction contractors need eight hours of continuing education every two years. Of these: CCB classes: Three hours must be the state's Laws, Regulations and Business Practices courses. These are only available on this website or from the Construction Contractors Board at a presentation." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "North Carolina requires that your Master’s program include a practicum or internship where you have at least 300 hours of experience under the supervision of a qualified supervisor. You must have 17 hours of graduate counseling supervision from a qualified supervisor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Supervisor and supervisee together must sign a supervisory plan. Both documents are to be submitted to the Board. An associate social worker must meet with a clinical supervisor each week. This can entail one hour of individual or two hours of group supervision. Any time he carries out more than 10 hours of psychotherapy in a given week, an associate social worker is required to have double the usual amount of direct supervision." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "People eligible for protective supervision are always given the maximum number of monthly hours-at least 195 for non-severely impaired individuals of 283 for people who are severely impaired. They get the maximum even if a county cuts their hours for some other IHSS service. 3." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For most people, it involves a year of working full-time in a position that provides supervised experience and mentorship. The BACB refers to this as “Supervised Independent Fieldwork.” You may hear people talk about this as their “1500 hours” – think of it as 30 hours per week for 50 weeks." ], [ "Represent the next text", "The BACB requires the student to complete the RBT 40 hour training course within a 90 day period from the start date." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "1 Minimum of 240 direct counseling hours (see program-specific requirements below) 2 Remaining non-direct hours: 3 At least 1 hour per week of on-site individual or triadic supervision (at least 11 hours per quarter) Participation in all university group supervision videoconferences (at least 15 hours per quarter)" ], [ "", "Welcome to BCBA Supervision Hours! Careers in ABA are in high-demand! ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is a data-driven, scientific approach to working with kids and adults on the autism spectrum and with other developmental delays." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You work 40 hours per week (*can only claim 30 of your 40 hours): 30hrs x .05 = 1.5 hour supervision needed per week *We must meet a minimum of once every two weeks." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Quick Answer. According to WebMD, the healing time for a sprained ankle ranges between six weeks and four months, depending on the extent of the sprain. Stretching and range-of-motion exercises can help to strengthen the ankle and minimize pain throughout the healing process. Continue Reading.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'how long does it take to recuperate from sprained ankle']\"", "16. How many telehealth hours can I gain? ..... 5 17. How far back can hours of experience be counted? What is the six-year rule?...5 18. How do I determine the amount of supervision I need each week? ..... 5 19. What is the required ratio of supervision to individual or group psychotherapy hours? ..... 5 20." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The BCaBA credential is conferred on applicants who have earned at least a bachelor's degree in behavior analysis or a related field such as education, psychology, or medicine; have completed 135 hours of behavior analysis coursework; and have fulfilled certain experience requirements." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Coat the broiling tray with oil and place it on the oven rack. Turn the broiler on and allow the broiling tray to heat for four to five minutes. Place the flank steak on the pan and broil for approximately five to seven minutes on each side with the oven door slightly ajar.urn the broiler on and allow the broiling tray to heat for four to five minutes. Place the flank steak on the pan and broil for approximately five to seven minutes on each side with the oven door slightly ajar.']\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\nExamples:\\n\\nGiven what county is estero florida it matches with Estero, Florida. Homefacts City Report. Estero is located in Lee County, FL. The population is 23,070, making Estero the 6th largest city in Lee County. There are 2 public schools in Estero with an average Homefacts rating of B. The total crime rate for Estero is high, and there are 13 registered sex offenders residing in the city. but not with Fort Myers Beach, Florida. Fort Myers Beach is a town located on Estero Island in Lee County, Florida, United States. The population was 6,277 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. It was officially incorporated on December 31, 1995.GeographyFort Myers Beach is located at .According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 6.2sqmi, of which 2.9sqmi is land and 3.3sqmi is water.', 'how long to cook flank steak in oven']\"", "According to the BACB® , the distribution of Practicum hours (Direct hours) must be at least. 10 hours per week, but not more than 25 hours per week, for a minimum of 3 weeks per month. However, the department has dictated that for every 3 hour course credits that are taken," ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Half of all supervision-- 75 of the 150 hours of supervision must be with a licensed clinical social. worker (LCSW). 3. To count towards the supervision requirement for LCSW licensure, the clinical experience must take. place in a single setting for either at least 30 hours per week but no more than 50 hours per week. during at least a 3 month period OR at least 15 hours per week for a period of at least 6 months." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "1 You must accumulate 3600 hours of supervised experience. 2 At least two hours per 40 hours of experience must include direct face-to-face clinical supervision. You will need to earn between 600 and 1800 hours per year and can earn your supervised experience between a two and six year timeframe." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You must have completed a minimum of 3,000 supervision hours, remained under active Board-. approved supervision for at least 24 months, and have passed the NCE or NCMHCE exam in order to. apply for LPC licensure. To apply, you must submit your Documentation of Experience form(s) signed by." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Experience and Education. To earn the Human Services-Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP), individuals must meet experience and education requirements and obtain a passing score on the HS-BCP Examination. See the examination section for more details. Applicants for the HS-BCP must verify 350 hours of postgraduate human services work experiences." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Eligibility for the BCaBA exam includes earning at least a bachelor's degree, acquiring 180 classroom hours in the same subjects as BCBAs. BCaBA applicants must complete 1,000 hours of fieldwork." ], [ "", "Completion of specific coursework and a supervised practicum or internship consisting of at least 300 hours is required. 4 years/2,400 hours of supervised post-master‟s directed experience in professional counseling in a work setting acceptable to the board, with a minimum of 120 hours of supervision." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Professional Counselors: Professional counselors (LPC/LCPC) in Illinois must complete 30 hours of continuing education. All clinical professional counselors are required to complete 18 hours in clinical supervision training of the 30 continuing education hours required. This is a one time (lifetime) requirement." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Many factors effect rates such as location, number of hours per week, size of ABA team, is the program supervised by a BCBA, etc. I would say an average rate for an ABA therapist charges $15 per hour. Average rate for a BCBA is $60 per hour. The average number of therapy hours needed each week would be between 25-30." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The BCaBA credential is conferred on applicants who have earned at least a bachelor's degree in behavior analysis or a related field, such as education, psychology or medicine, have completed 135 hours of behavior analysis coursework and fulfilled certain experience requirements." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "3) See 4757-23-01(D) for LISW supervision requirements. One hour of individual and/or group supervision for each twenty hours of work by the supervisee with no less than one hundred fifty (150) hours total." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 If you have a non-Human Services Bachelor’s degree you will need to have 6,000 hours instead. 2 You must have accrued 300 hours of direct supervision during your work experience. 3 You need to have 300 hours of Addiction Counseling related education. 4 With a minimum of 100 hours in alcohol and other drug abuse courses. If you have a non-Human Services Bachelor’s degree you will need to have 6,000 hours instead. 2 You must have accrued 300 hours of direct supervision during your work experience. 3 You need to have 300 hours of Addiction Counseling related education. 4 With a minimum of 100 hours in alcohol and other drug abuse courses." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Minimum 104 weeks. Maximum of 40 hours experience may be. Total Hours REQUIRED. Minimum 3,200 hours** credited for any week. * One hour of direct supervisor contact means one hour of individual supervision or two hours of group supervision. ** A minimum of 1,700 hours must be gained under the supervision of a LCSW." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How much does a BCBA make? These Glassdoor salary estimates are based on 24 reports of salaries, bonuses, wages, and hourly pay, submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by BCBA employees." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "You must accrue 3,200 hours of supervised work experience and 104 weeks of supervision. Both the supervised work experience and the weeks of supervision are broken down into categories. See LCSW Breakdown of Required Experience for more information." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "People eligible for protective supervision are always given the maximum number of monthly hours - at least 195 for non-severely impaired individuals of 283 for people who are severely impaired. They get the maximum even if a county cuts their hours for some other IHSS service." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "OR 3 years/1,800 hours of supervised post-master‟s directed experience in professional counseling in a work setting acceptable to the board, a minimum of 90 hours of supervision, and a supervised counseling practicum or internship of at least 300 hours which was part of the graduate degree program." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "BCBA Supervision Hours. Skip to content. Welcome to BCBA Supervision Hours! My name is Nilam Patel (#1-13-13361), and along with my BCBA in 2013, I received my B.A. in Psychology from the University of San Francisco in 2003 and my M.A. in Early Childhood Special Education from San Jose State University in 2005. I completed my BCBA coursework through FIT." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'In human anatomy, the muscles of the hip joint are those muscles that cause movement in the hip. Most modern anatomists define 17 of these muscles, although some additional muscles may sometimes be considered. These are often divided into four groups according to their orientation around the hip joint: the gluteal group, the lateral rotator group, the adductor group, and the iliopsoas group.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what muscles are around the hip?']\"", "* Release of the Certification of Competency in Business Analysis™ (CCBA™) qualification. The CCBA™ qualification was announced in June 2010 as a mid-level qualification for business analysts with a minimum of 3,750 hours (approximately 2 ½ years) experience." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "60 months ago. When you are working on your supervision hours, it may go a little something like this: 3,000 translate into approximately 2 years and if you look at any licensure requirements i think it will blatantly state both those figures (at least in the MD/DC area it does). You will not be followed daily at all." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The supervision must meet the following requirements: 1 individual or group consultation of no less than two hours per month; or. 2 enrollment in a program authorized to provide psychotherapy offered by an institution of higher education or by a psychotherapy institute chartered by the Board of Regents." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Total: 250 practicum hours and 19 supervised hours. ABA-513: 17-20 hours per week at hosting agency for the entirety of a 15 week semester, and exactly 19. individually supervised hours (1 visit per week). Total: 250 practicum hours and 19 supervised hours. I work far more than 17 hours per week at my hosting agency." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "At least a 4 year college degree and a Masters are mandatory. A Masters can be one or two years. And then there is a requisite for supervised profes…sional practice hours, generally 2000-3000 hours with 200-300 hours of supervision. After that is completed, you need to sit for a licensure exam." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Becoming a board certified behavior analyst requires certification through obtaining a bachelor's degree, 1500 hours of supervised fieldwork, 270 hours of graduate coursework, and passing tests for the BCBA and BCaBA. Show me 10 popular schools." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Answers.com ® WikiAnswers ® Categories Entertainment & Arts Music Music Genres Rhythm and Blues Music R. Kelly What kind of music does R. Kelly sing? What would you like to do? Flag']\" and the positive \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what type of music does r.kelly sing']\"", "Of the total Clock hours: 1 at least 6 hours must be in professional ethics (completion of the jurisprudence exam may count for 1 hour of ethics) 2 at least 3 hours must be in clinical supervision education, if the licensee is a board-approved supervisor." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "SUPERVISION REQUIREMENTS: 1. The supervisee shall receive a minimum of 2 hours of supervision for every 40 hours of. supervised clinical experience; 1/2 of this supervision must be individual in person; 1/2 may be. in a group in person. The group supervision must be obtained concurrently with the individual." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "10 hours of sessions received from a registered craniosacral therapist (the BCTA recommends receiving these from at least three different therapists) An independent project or research paper that takes at least 40 hours to complete. 150 hours of independent study." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "At least 50% of the minimum required number of supervision hours each month must be individual supervision, 1-to-1. For example, if you have 45 client contact hours during a month, you must have at least 2 hours of supervision in that month. Of that two hours, at least 1 hour must be individual supervision. If you have 46 or more client contact hours during a month, you must have at least 3 hours of supervision. Of that 3 hours, at least 1.5 hours must be individual supervision. You may have as many hours of supervision as you wish as long as you meet the minimum required number each month." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Some information about the new (Fourth Edition Task List) BACB coursework requirements – BCBA level: 1 Forty-five (45) additional hours are required for certification (270 hours total). 2 Ethics credits must be taken as one or more stand-alone course(s)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "behavioral observation and direction (i.e. BCBA, BCBA-D, BCaBA, LP, LLP or QBHP) and who provides oversight of the behavioral plan of care, with minimally one hour of clinical observation and direction for every 10 hours of direct treatment." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', '(Redirected from Heteroflexible) Heteroflexibility is a form of a sexual orientation or situational sexual behavior characterized by minimal homosexual activity in an otherwise primarily heterosexual orientation that is considered to distinguish it from bisexuality. It has been characterized as mostly straight.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'heteroflexible definition']\"", "To qualify to sit for the BCBA examination a person must have a Masters degree in a human service field like Behavior Analysis, psychology, special education, etc. They must also have specific coursework, essentially 6 courses, at the graduate level in Behavior Analysis. In addition they must have supervised experience under someone who holds the BCBA or who is approved by the board in the application of behavior analysis over a brief period, as little as 9 months time." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "3. Complete 1500 hours of Supervised Independent Fieldwork in behavior analysis. 4. Complete 1000 hours of Practicum in behavior analysis within a university practicum program approved by the BACB and taken for graduate academic credit. 5." ], [ "Represent text", "Most residential construction contractors need eight hours of continuing education every two years. CCB classes: Three hours must be the state's Laws, Regulations and Business Practices courses. These are only available on this website or from the Construction Contractors Board at a presentation. Log in​ to your CCB account to take these classes." ], [ "", "semester hours (or 72 graduate quarter hours) from a regionally accredited academic institution. 3,000 hours of supervised experience in professional counseling with board approved supervision. An applicant may subtract 1,000 hours of the required professional experience for every 15 graduate semester hours (or 22.5 quarter hours)" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "No, the IIBA has established you need 900+ hours in at least 4 of the 6 core Knowledge Areas (KAs) to apply for the CBAP. For the CCBA, you need 900+ hours in 2 of the core KAs or 500+ hours in 4 of the 6 core KAs. See Table 2 above for more information." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Social Worker Licensing Supervisor must be a LSW who has completed the supervised practice requirements; LGSW; LISW; or LICSW; and 30 hours of training in supervision. Supervision is a one-time requirement for (1) LSW; (2) LGSW engaged in non-clinical practice; or (3) eligibility for the LISW license: 100 hours of supervision is required over 4,000 hours of practice at the rate of 4 hours of supervision for every 160 hours of practice." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Therefore it is our interpretation the ability to supervise can only occur after 2 years (3,000 hours) post LPC, and as of October 5, 2011, you will need 2 years (3,000 hours) post LPC and your ACS or equivalent (for the definition of or equivalent please read the Who is a Qualified Supervisor section, number 2)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The minimum of one (1) hour of supervision per day is achieved through direct offender contact, collateral contact, verification of each offender's activities (e.g., residence, employment, training and school), and performance with court-ordered treatment and Community Service." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Clinical Supervised Practice Requirements. Social Worker Clinical Licensing Supervisor must be a LICSW who has completed 2,000 hours of practice, including 1,000 hours of clinical practice post-LICSW; and 30 hours of training in supervision." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Any week in which an ASW participates in one hour of individual supervision or two hours of group supervision counts as one supervised week. Of your 104 required weeks of supervision, 52 of those weeks must be weeks in which you meet with your individual supervisor for at least an hour. Of the 52 required weeks of individual supervision, at least 13 weeks must be with an LCSW supervisor. You will need to be supervised in order to accrue work experience, so you will be completing the 104 supervised week requirement and the 3,200 hours of work experience requirement simultaneously." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "During your practicum experiences, you'll need to log 573 hours of supervised intervention training to hit the median number of hours that students in last year's match accumulated." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Social Work Supervision Requirements. Supervision is an awesome experience if you find the right person. It should be nurturing and engaging. I looked forward to my supervision meetings with hope that I will learn about myself as a provider and how to navigate the social work professional waters of the career. Supervision happens once a week for an hour, and the maximum number of clinical hours that can be counted toward supervision is 40. I think the minimum for part time is 22, but do the research for your state to see if I’m right." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "largest bank credit card issuers" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Below we list the 15 largest credit card companies (as measured by number of active U.S. accounts), along with links to their top credit cards, phone numbers, credit score ranges, and more: Visa is a monolith in the credit card world, widely accepted by over 8 million merchants." ] ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Types of credit cards Americans own. Americans tend to hold a variety of cards. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the average credit card holder in 2012 had four: 2.4 general purpose cards, 0.2 charge cards and 1.5 branded cards (cards displaying a merchant's logo). Of the four credit cards held by the average credit card user in 2012, 2.3 earned rewards and 1.7 did not." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Equity Bank launches Debit and Credit Card. Equity Bank and MasterCard on Tuesday announced the launch of Equity Debit and Credit cards featuring MasterCard’s PayPass technology. This makes Kenya and Equity Bank the first in Africa to feature MasterCard’s PayPass which uses Near Field Technology. The announcement was made on Tuesday afternoon at an event at the bank’s headquarters -Equity Centre." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Rules and regulations that govern the ACH network are established by NACHA and the Federal Reserve. In 2015, this network processed nearly 24 billion ACH transactions with a total value of $41.6 trillion. Credit card payments are handled by separate networks. The Federal Reserve Banks, through the FedACH system, are collectively the nation's largest ACH operator. In 2005, they processed 60% of commercial interbank ACH transactions; the remaining 40% was processed by the Electronic Payments Network (EPN), the United States' only private-sector ACH operator." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To see the full ranking of the 10 biggest U.S. banks by assets, headlined as usual by JPMorgan Chase, simply scroll through the brief slideshow below. Chart data from the earnings releases of JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, US Bancorp, PNC Financial, Capital One, BB&T, SunTrust Banks, and Fifth Third Bancorp." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Bank of America Corp (BAC) Bank of America is the largest Bank in US and owns offices in over 150 countries, headquartered in North Caroline in US which were formed in 1998. It has 288,200 employees, total Assets 2.26 trillion and total deposits around $1,041 Billion. 3. Citigroup Inc. (C)" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Compass Bancshares, Inc. is a Sunbelt-based bank holding company headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama.Compass operates 577 branches in Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico and Texas.ompass is among the top 25 largest banks in the U.S. based on deposit market share and ranks among the largest banks in Texas (4th) and Alabama (3rd). MyBankTracker rated based on the following criteria that includes real customer reviews and bank fees, among others." ], [ "Represent text", "Diners Club Credit Card. American Express issued their first credit card in 1958. Bank of America issued the BankAmericard (now Visa) bank credit card later in 1958." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Creuse is part of the region of Limousin and is surrounded by the departments of Correze, Corrèze-Haute, Vienne, Allier-puy-De, Dome, dôme Cher. and indrereuse is one of the original 83 departments created during the French Revolution on 4 March 1790.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'what region is the creuse in']\"", "Credit One Bank® is one of America's leading credit card providers, serving over 5 million customers nationwide. Credit One is committed to providing customers with credit card products that offer more value through cash back rewards and free online monthly credit score tracking.redit One Bank® is one of America's leading credit card providers, serving over 5 million customers nationwide. Credit One is committed to providing customers with credit card products that offer more value through cash back rewards and free online monthly credit score tracking." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A cash advance is a service provided by most credit card and charge card issuers. The service allows cardholders to withdraw cash, either through an ATM or over the counter at a bank or other financial agency, up to a certain limit. For a credit card, this will be the credit limit (or some percentage of it)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Credit Card Companies, Three Years in a Row by J.D. Power. J.D. Power Award InformationOpens modal dialog. Discover received the highest numerical score among credit card issuers in the proprietary J.D. Power 2014-2016 Credit Card Satisfaction Studies, tied in 2014." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Highest in Customer Satisfaction with Credit Card Companies, Three Years in a Row by J.D. Power. J.D. Power Award InformationOpens modal dialog. Discover received the highest numerical score among credit card issuers in the proprietary J.D. Power 2014–2016 Credit Card Satisfaction Studies, tied in 2014." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "List of Issuer Identification Numbers - BIN Ranges - Banking and Financial (4*****) - Visa (45****) 450198 - MBNA UK-issued Visa Credit Card (inc. 4545** - BANESCO (former BancUnion Visa) - Venezuela. 4551** - Visa debit card BBVA Banco Continental Perú." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Looking at all 1,300 banks with credit card interest in 2013, some of the most lucrative ones are subprime lenders. Merrick Bank, a Utah institution that specializes in customers with blemished credit, collected 26 cents per $1 of card loans, its financial reports said. After defaults, its yield was 18 cents." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Below is the full list of credit card issuers and the respective length of their credit card numbers: Visa and Visa Electron Credit Cards. These credit cards have 13 or 16 digits in their number. Mastercard and Discover Credit Cards. Both of the above cards have 16 digits. American Express Credit Cards. AmEx cards have 15 digits in their number. Diner’s Club: You will find exactly 14 digits in the Diner’s Club Credit Card number." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Bank of America (BAC) – BAC is the largest bank holding company in the United States, by assets, with $2.22 trillion. The company serves clients all over the world and has a relationship with 99% of the U.S. Fortune 500 companies. In 2008, BAC acquired Merrill Lynch making it the world’s largest wealth manager." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "John Biggins of the Flatbush National Bank invented a universal charge card in 1946, allowing participating retailers to send in their balance sheets and the bank itself to send bills to customers. The first national credit card was introduced by Frank McNamara in 1950." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "World's 100 Biggest Banks: China's ICBC #1, No U.S. Banks In Top 5. The list of the world’s biggest banks is out and China is on top. The biggest bank in the world today is Industrial and Commercial Bank of China with $3.062 trillion in assets, according to SNL Financial." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Federal Reserve Banks, through the FedACH system, are collectively the nation's largest ACH operator. In 2005, they processed 60% of commercial interbank ACH transactions; the remaining 40% was processed by the Electronic Payments Network (EPN), the United States' only private-sector ACH operator." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card. The U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card rounds off MyRatePlan's list of the best high limit credit cards. Along with offering a high credit limit, there is a 0% intro APR on both purchases and balance transfers for 15 billing cycles." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Keep a separate record of your credit card numbers and report the loss to your card issuers as quickly as possible. Please check with your credit card issuers or insurance company for emergency assistance. Most issuers have toll-free numbers and 24-hour services to deal with such emergencies." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Express Centurion card, or black card, is the most exclusive charge card club in the world. How do you get in, and is it worth it? The American Express (NYSE: AXP) Black Card, despite its portrayal in the media and pop culture, doesn't actually exist. However, the American Express Centurion Card does. The most exclusive (and most expensive) credit card in the world comes with a long list of benefits -- and a hefty price tag." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Amex was also the first issuer to offer a plastic card, beginning in 1959 – the same year the concept of revolving a balance from month to month was introduced. Finally, in 1966, Bank of America launched the first general-purpose credit card: the BankAmericard – forerunner to what is now VISA." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The issuing bank assumes primary liability for the consumer's capacity to pay off debts they incur with their card. In the case of credit cards, the issuing bank extends a line of credit to the consumer. Liability for non-payment is then shared by the issuing bank and the acquiring bank, according to rules established by the card association brand. Statistics Worldwide, over 1.5 billion payment cards are in circulation." ], [ "", "Moneris Solutions Corporation, Canada’s largest debit and credit card processor, today announced the launch of “ PAYD PRO “, Canada’s first debit-enabled mobile payment solution using chip & PIN technology to process payments on the go.At Moneris, we are proud to be the first payment processor in Canada to empower small business owners with the ability to process debit card transactions anywhere they do business,” said Moneris’ Jeff Guthrie." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "CARPINTERIA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fraud losses incurred by banks and merchants on all credit, debit, and prepaid general purpose and private label payment cards issued worldwide reached $16.31 billion last year when global card volume totaled $28.844 trillion." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A little-known Shanghai company called BTC China met the demand and quickly became the world’s largest Bitcoin exchange, with more than 100,000 of the virtual coins, or $100 million, traded on a single day, nearly double the market share of its closest competitor, Japan’s Mt. Gox." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Industrial & Commercial Bank of China had $3.1 trillion in assets under IFRS, converted into U.S. dollars, as of Sept. 30. America’s largest bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co. , which reports under U.S. GAAP, had $2.5 trillion in assets, making it the sixth largest bank in the world. Still, if JPMorgan followed IFRS accounting principles, it would most likely rank as the largest bank in the world, SNL finds. To put this all into perspective: Tennessee’s largest bank, Memphis-based First Tennessee, has about $23.8 billion in assets." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "CHERRY HILL, N.J., Jan. 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank® today launched a new credit card product that makes it easier for consumers to earn cash back on everyday purchases." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Punjab National Bank (PNB) is one the largest banks in India with more than 89 million customers and approximately 68,300 employees. PNB has the second largest branch network in India consisting of about 6,600 branches and the second largest ATM network amongst nationalized banks with 8,437 ATMs (June 2015)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(July 2012) A cash advance is a service provided by most credit card and charge card issuers. The service allows cardholders to withdraw cash, either through an ATM or over the counter at a bank or other financial agency, up to a certain limit. For a credit card, this will be the credit limit (or some percentage of it)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Texas credit unions have a total of 8.51 Million members with over $95.38 Billion assets. The largest credit union in Texas is Security Service Federal Credit Union with 729,680 members and $9.36 Billion in assets. The newest Texas credit union is Jafari No-Interest Credit Union, which opened in 2016. Below is a directory of credit union's based in Texas." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Discover received the highest numerical score among credit card issuers in the proprietary J.D. Power 2014–2016 Credit Card Satisfaction Studies, tied in 2014." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Debt and Age. The 2012 Demos study also found changes from 2008 to 2012 regarding age groups with credit card debt. It found that older Americans on average have the highest credit card debt: people aged 65 or older typically carry $9,300 on their cards, less than a 6 percent reduction from 2008." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Bank of America is the largest bank in the US [1). 2 BoA's automated customer service system hangs up on you, rather than transferring you to an operator if it cannot understand your vocal commands." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Card ownership and use The UK is the biggest card payments market in the European Union, accounting for more than 30% of all EU card spending, and 73% of the EU credit card market. 1.The estimated daily value of all purchases made using plastic cards in December 2014 was £1.469bn. 8.ebt (credit card, total consumer) People in the UK owed £1.463tn in total personal debt at the end of November 2014. This is up from £1.43tn at the end of November 2013 -- an extra £591 per UK adult. 8. The average total debt per household -- including mortgages -- was £55,384 in November 2014." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Q: Who is Greece’s largest creditor? A: The European Financial Stability Facility, the euro area’s original crisis-fighting fund, which has lent the country 141.8 billion euros, and hence owns about 45 percent of its debt." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Credit card issuers are a type of lender. 1 Card issuers accept a certain amount of risk when they approve credit card applicants and extend a credit limit. Credit card issuers evaluate each application and set the terms for the credit cards based on the applicants' credit history." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Target breach is the third-largest ever reported, Givens said. The largest on record was at Heartland Payment Systems, which revealed in 2009 that roughly 130 million credit and debit cards had been exposed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Hence, Iran has been the biggest creditor among the member states of ACU during the first quarter of the current year. The ACU includes the central banks of India, Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar, Iran, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 The consumer's card issuer: This is the financial institution that issued the credit card to the consumer. 2 Many issuers offer protection to the consumer beyond the minimums set under federal law, and an issuer may offer help or mediation in a dispute. Contact your credit card issuer if the merchant won't assist you. 2 Tell the card issuer you would like to dispute a charge. 3 Give the necessary information to the card issuer. 4 You may be asked to fill out a form and supply documentation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Credit One Bank®. Credit One Bank® is one of America's leading credit card providers, serving over 5 million customers nationwide. Credit One is committed to providing customers with credit card products that offer more value through cash back rewards and free online monthly credit score tracking.redit One Bank®. Credit One Bank® is one of America's leading credit card providers, serving over 5 million customers nationwide. Credit One is committed to providing customers with credit card products that offer more value through cash back rewards and free online monthly credit score tracking." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The issuer identification number also known as the bank identification number (BIN) is the first six digits of the credit card number. These identify the institution that issued the credit card to the card holder. Here's a list of known IIN prefixes. Afterwards comes the account number, digit 7 to last minus one. The maximum length of the account number is 12 digits." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Credit card issuers have relaxed their lending policies, says CardRatings.com founder Curtis Arnold, especially for people with good credit. But the experts say there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about seeking a credit limit increase. 1. Have a good reason." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "By Yasmin Ghahremani. This is the web's largest collection of credit card statistics. We culled the best of our own research, data compiled by government agencies, universities and the most reputable private-sector studies. All sources are cited and we update data regularly." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But some card banks are better off than others, thanks to cardholders who shell out more interest and fees. Creditcards.com analyzed financial reports filed by 1,300 U.S. banks to see who made the most -- and the least -- from their card business in 2013. (See Credit card income at 500 U.S. banks.)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "While modern credit cards are mainly used for convenience, these predecessor cards were developed as a means of creating customer loyalty and improving customer service, Sienkiewicz says. The first bank card, named Charg-It, was introduced in 1946 by John Biggins, a banker in Brooklyn, according to MasterCard. When a customer used it for a purchase, the bill was forwarded to Biggins' bank." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Largest Banks In The United States. With assets worth $2,423.8 billion USD as of March 31, 2016, J.P.Morgan Chase & Co. is the largest bank in the United States. A branch of the Bank of America, the second largest bank in the US, in Washington DC." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Look at the string of digits on the face of your debit card. Visa and MasterCard, the most common issuers of debit and credit cards, have 16 digits. These digits represent the card issuer and your specific account number. The first digit characterizes the type of your card." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tallahassee and Miami were also on the list of the 25 cities with the most credit card debt. Tallahassee ranked 14th, with consumers carrying about $4,600 on their credit cards. Miami consumers carried an average of $4,555 on their cards, ranking the city 23rd." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Credit One Bank® is one of America's leading credit card providers, serving over 5 million customers nationwide.Credit One is committed to providing customers with credit card products that offer more value through cash back rewards and free online monthly credit score tracking.redit One Bank®. Credit One Bank® is one of America's leading credit card providers, serving over 5 million customers nationwide. Credit One is committed to providing customers with credit card products that offer more value through cash back rewards and free online monthly credit score tracking." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Target says 40 million customer credit cards may have been compromised during the holiday shopping period in one of the largest credit card breaches at a U.S. retailer. (Reuters) By Craig Timberg, Jia Lynn Yang and Hayley Tsukayama By Craig Timberg, Jia Lynn Yang and Hayley Tsukayama December 19, 2013." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Editorial Disclaimer: The editorial content is not provided or commissioned by the credit card issuers. Opinions expressed here are author’s alone, not those of the credit card issuers, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by the credit card issuers. Bankrate's community sharing policy." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The credit card issuer bank can be paid in a number of ways – online, by phone, in-store or by mail. The most commonly used option is, however, online payment through the website maintained by Capital One. If you are registered user, you can easily sign in to your account and pay credit card bill from anywhere, anytime." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But it's not card theft that poses the greatest problem-it's card cloning. Inside Out follows the Bedfordshire Police to find out how they are tackling the problem. A fraudulent card transaction takes place every eight seconds and cloning is the biggest type of credit card fraud. Last year card fraud losses totalled £424.6 million and the problem is getting worse." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Largest Banks In The United States With assets worth $2,423.8 billion USD as of March 31, 2016, J.P.Morgan Chase & Co. is the largest bank in the United States. A branch of the Bank of America, the second largest bank in the US, in Washington DC." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Government Action. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today (2/4/2015), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ordered Continental Finance Company LLC, a subprime credit card company based in Delaware, to refund an estimated $2.7 million to approximately 98,000 consumers who were charged ... Read More." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "U.S. Bancorp is the parent company of U.S. Bank National Association, the fifth largest bank in the United States based on $410.0 billion in assets (as of March 31) and fourth largest in the US in total branches. U.S. Bank ranks as the fifth largest bank in the U.S. based on deposits." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what county is chico" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chico is the most populous city in Butte County, California, United States. The population was 86,187 at the 2010 census, up from 59,954 at the time of the 2000 census." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Chico, CA is home to Bidwell Park, one of the largest municipal parks in the United States." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chicopee, Massachusetts Chicopee (pronounced /ˈtʃɪkəpi/ CHIK-ə-pee) is a city located on the Connecticut River in Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America. It is part of the Springfield, Massachusetts Metropolitan Statistical Area." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n------\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'flip. vb, flips, flipping or flipped. 1. to throw (something light or small) carelessly or briskly; toss: he flipped me an envelope. 2. to throw or flick (an object such as a coin) so that it turns or spins in the air. 3. to propel by a sudden movement of the finger; flick: to flip a crumb across the room.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'flipping definition urban']>>", "The Chico Nuts are the premier team, and are the 2011, 2014 and 2015 CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONS, the 2014 WESTERN REGIONAL CHAMPIONS, AND WENT TO THE AL WORLD SERIES IN 2014. Comprised of the best 16-19 year old baseball players in Chico and the surrounding communities of Paradise, Durham, Hamilton, and Colusa. They have won the District Title eleven out of the last thirteen years and play 50+ games during he summer season, competing with teams on a national scale. The Chico Suns Blue and Red are the junior teams in the program, comprised of the best 15-17 year old baseball players in Chico and the surrounding communities." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Sabja seeds can be called as Sabjavithai by Tamil Locals..These wonderful tiny black seeds called Sabja Seeds, Sabza Seeds, Tukmaria Seeds, Tulsi Seeds and Falooda Seeds in Hindi and Basil seeds, Sweet Basil Seeds and Thai Basil Seeds in English have wonderful health benefits, nutritional value and medicinal uses.']\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\n\\nE.g. dna replication explained == DNA Replication is the process by which two identical pieces of DNA are produced from one original piece of DNA. This process ensures that new cells that are made contain exactly the same information as the original cell. Firstly you need to recall the structure of DNA in order to understand the process of replication. != Free replication Download at WareSeeker.com-Display the replication topology ... replication of dna, replication fork, replication bubble, dna replication, cd ... Replication, bubble ,biological ,biology dictionary,biology terminology,biology terms,biology abbreviations ...molecule, an area known as the replication bubble ...ree replication Download at WareSeeker.com-Display the replication topology ... replication of dna, replication fork, replication bubble, dna replication, cd ... Replication, bubble ,biological ,biology dictionary,biology terminology,biology terms,biology abbreviations ...', 'what is sabja seeds in english']\"", "Advanced Search. Sunnyside Plantation of Chicot County is synonymous with the immigration of Italian Catholics into the cotton fields of the Arkansas Delta. During the 1890s, Sunnyside Plantation was the largest Catholic colony of new immigrants in the state and the primary factor in attracting Italians to Arkansas." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The City of Chico is requesting proposals for the technology upgrade in the Council Chamber located at 421 Main Street, Chico CA. All requests are due electronically by 5:00 p.m. on April 28, 2017. A mandatory Open House for prospective vendors will be held 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on March 17." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Podocarpus macrophyllus Photo Locations: Los Angeles County Arboretum - Arcadia, CA, The National Arboretum - Washington, DC, Chico, CA and Lotusland - Santa Barbara, CA See all Podocarpus." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 View all Tri Counties Bank jobs in Chico, CA-Chico jobs. 2 Salary Search: Wire Service Specialist salaries in Chico, CA. 3 Learn more about working at Tri Counties Bank. 4 Related forums: Tri Counties Bank-Chico, California - -." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Chico is home to a major campus of the California State University and a variety of agricultural activities. Nearby mountains, Lassen Volcanic National Park, and Lake Almanor offer outdoor recreation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Sierra County is a county equivalent area found in New Mexico, USA. The county government of Sierra is found in the county seat of Truth or Consequences. With a total 10,971.73 sq. km of land and water area, Sierra County, New Mexico is the 118th largest county equivalent area in the United States. Home to 11,325 people, Sierra County has a total 8224 households earning 27430 on average per year. The Richest Countries In The World." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Other major airports shown on this airport map include the Arcata Airport in Arcata/Eureka, the Chico Municipal Airport, the Fresno Air Terminal, the Modesto City-County Airport, the Redding Municipal Airport, and the Sacramento International Airport." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Tri Counties Bank: Burney Branch at 37093 State Hwy 299e, branch established on 1979/07/16. Info updated 2011/09/26: Bank assets: $2,554.4 mil, Deposits: $2,191.2 mil, headquarters in Chico, CA, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 71 total offices, Holding Company: Trico Bancshares." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "South of Sunnyside, across Lake Chicot, Italian immigrants worked the Red Leaf plantation until a flood in 1912 forced their evacuation. In 1905, John M. Gracie brought northern Italians to work on his plantation New Gascony (Jefferson County)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Chico's Address: 3251 Daniels Road #106, Winter Garden, FL 34787, United States Phone: +1 407-654-2224" ], [ "Represent the natural language", "The Chico area is located in the northern part of the Sacramento Valley and surrounded by mountains. The Sierra Nevada mountain range is to the south of Chico and the California Coastal Range to the west. During the winter season Chico gets much rain that fills up Big Chico Creek which runs through Upper Bidwell Park." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Welcome to Butte County. Butte County is a place of natural beauty with countless opportunities for recreation in both rural and urban environments. Many Butte County residents live in one of the five incorporated towns or cities: Biggs, Chico, Gridley, Oroville or Paradise. Butte County government provides services to residents through 23 diverse departments. Services include elections, road maintenance, public safety, solid waste disposal, and health and human services to name a few." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Chico Satellite. Young men and women from throughout Butte County are a part of the California Conservation Corps’ Chico Satellite, a nonresidential facility with about 50 corpsmembers on three crews. A satellite of the Redding Center, the Chico Satellite was established in 1998." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "You can count on your Wise County Animal Clinic Veterinary Doctors and Staff to give your pet quality, professional care. Serving Bridgeport, Chico, Decatur, Runaway Bay, Boyd, Rhome, Newark, Paradise and all of Wise County!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Advisory - the following lyrics contain explicit language: 1 born and raised in the county of Dade (ah) 2 DJ Khaled! 3 Till a nigga D-I-E, I be forever thuggin' baby! It's that little chico 1 Pitbull, I been born and raised in the county of dade, You see 1 him. I got road dogs doin' that 20-to- life," ], [ "", "Chicopee (/ˈtʃɪkəpi/ CHIK-ə-pee) is a city located on the Connecticut River in Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America.hicopee (/ˈtʃɪkəpi/ CHIK-ə-pee) is a city located on the Connecticut River in Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Facility & Location. The Chico Satellite is located at 2725 Highway 32 on the western edge of Chico. The Satellite is home to the John Muir Charter School for onsite instruction; there is also a large classroom with a computer lab, a spacious vehicle and storage annex, and offices for CCC staff." ], [ "", "The Senator Theatre is a 1,500 seat venue for music and it’s a very attractive building, originating from 1927 when it began as a vaudeville theatre. Chico California has several museums, including the Chico Museum, which has permanent and traveling exhibits about the local history of the county." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\n\nFor example, ['', 'The inspection stationâ\\x80\\x99s portion of the fee is due at the time of inspection. The stateâ\\x80\\x99s portion of the fee is collected at the time of registration. The stateâ\\x80\\x99s portion of the inspection fees are line-itemed on your registration renewal notice. Inspection Type.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'vehicle registration renewal notice what does inspection fee mean']", "Location of Norte Chico Civilization Sites. The sites of the Norte Chico Civilization are situated around 200 km (124.27 miles) to the north of Lima, in what is today the Norte Chico region of north-central coastal Peru, near Supe, Barranca province." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "URL: http://www.ci.chico.ca.us/. The City of Chico was founded in 1860 by General John Bidwell and incorporated in 1872. The City of Chico has grown to over 33 square miles with a population of 87,500 in the incorporated area and a greater urbanized area population of approximately 100,000.hico is known as a well-managed city that values quality infrastructure and services, and maintains a special sense of community and small-town living as it has developed into a vibrant regional center for business, recreation and cultural activities." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The annual Chico World Music Festival has gained an international reputation and put Chico California on the map for performers from all over the world. The City of Chico was founded in 1860 by General John Bidwell, and incorporated in 1872." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Chico, Texas 76431 940-644-1910 (For information and reservations - please leave a message) 940-627-9332 (For information or emergencies; Monday - Friday, 7:00am to 5:30 pm)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Chicopee (/ˈtʃɪkəpi/ CHIK-ə-pee) is a city located on the Connecticut River in Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America. It is part of the Springfield, Massachusetts Metropolitan Statistical Area. As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 55,298, making it the second largest city in Western Massachusetts after Springfield. The current mayor is Richard Kos. Chicopee uses the nickname “Crossroads of New England” as part of a business-development marketing campaign." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "California State University, Chico. California State University, Chico (also known as CSU Chico or Chico State), is the second-oldest campus in the 23-campus California State University system. It is located in Chico, California, about ninety miles north of Sacramento. As of the Fall 2016 semester, the university had a total enrollment of 17,557 students." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Adjacent counties. 1 Lincoln County (north) 2 Desha County (northeast) 3 Chicot County (southeast) 4 Ashley County (south) 5 Bradley County (west) 6 Cleveland County (northwest)" ], [ "", "Other cities in close proximity to the Chico Metropolitan Area (population 212,000) include Paradise and Oroville, while local towns and villages (unincorporated areas) include Durham, Cohasset, Dayton, Nord, and Forest Ranch." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Courts: Butte County - Courts-Superior Court Of California-County Of Butt- Chico Courthouse- Pro (655 Oleander) (1), Butte County - Courts-Superior Court Of California-County Of Butt- Chico Courthouse- Tra (655 Oleander) (2), United States Government Offices - Social Security Administration- Office Loca (2035 Forest Avenue) (3), Butte County - Superior Court Of California-Butte County- Chico Courthouse- Civil-Small Cl (655 Oleander Avenue) (4)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Chico Geographical Facts. 1 Chico is 90 miles north of Sacramento. 2 Chico is 174 miles northeast of San Francisco. 3 Chico is 8 miles from the Sacramento River. Chico is 2 miles from the foothills of the Sierra 1 Nevada. Bidwell Park has a total of 3,670 acres, making it one of the largest municipal parks in the United States." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "About Chicopee Chicopee is a city located on the Connecticut River in Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States. It is part of the Springfield, Massachusetts Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city is made up of several neighborhoods, the result of the city's origin as a collection of villages in the northern-most part of Springfield, which it seceded from in 1848. These villages are now represented by the neighborhoods of Aldenville, Willimansett, Chicopee Center (Cabotville), Chicopee Falls, and Fairview." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Tuolumne County (/tuːˈɒləmiː/ To All o' Me, with a silent N), officially the County of Tuolumne, is a county in the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 53,079. The county seat and only incorporated city is Sonora. Tuolumne County comprises the Sonora, CA Micropolitan Statistical Area. The county is in the Sierra Nevada region. The northern half of Yosemite National Park is located in the eastern part of the county." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Prime Time Nutrition. Prime Time Nutrition in Chico, CA - Butte County is a business listed in the categories Grocery Stores, Grocery Stores, By Name, Grocery Stores & Supermarkets, Health Food Products Wholesale & Retail and Vitamins & Food Supplements. If you did business with Prime Time Nutrition, please leave a review and help us improve and help other people." ], [ "Represent this text", "1 View all Tri Counties Bank jobs in Chico, CA-Chico jobs. 2 Salary Search: Human Resource Assistant salaries in Chico, CA. 3 Learn more about working at Tri Counties Bank. 4 Related forums: Tri Counties Bank-Chico, California - -." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "5-star Hotels in Chico; 3-star Hotels in Chico; Popular Amenities Chico Hotels with Pools; Pet Friendly Hotels in Chico; Popular Chico Categories Chico Downtown Hotels; Chico Affordable Hotels; Chico Hotels with Jacuzzi; Chico Hotels with Room Service; Hotels with Complimentary Breakfast in Chico; Quiet Hotels in Chico; Near Landmarks Hotels near Bidwell Park" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Other major cities in the Chico Metropolitan Area include Paradise and Oroville, as well as the smaller communites of Gridley, Biggs, Hamilton City, Willows, Orland and Corning." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Oroville (formerly, Ophir City) is the county seat of Butte County, California. The population was 15,506 (2010 census), up from 13,004 (2000 census). Oroville is located off of Highway 70, and is in close proximity to Highway 99, which connects Butte County with Interstate 5. Chico, California is located about 25 minutes north of the city, and Sacramento lies about an hour south." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cynthia Foster Curry and Bernard F. Curry III is the Owner and Chief Executive of Curry Automotive which has been family owned and operated since 1919 with 13 new car franchises in Westchester County as well as franchises in Chicopee, Massachusetts and Atlanta, Georgia." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Eudora, AR 71640 - Chicot County 60 ac - Hardwood Timberland for Deer & Duck Hunting 60 ac hardwood timberland for duck & deer hunting in Chicot Co, AR This tract offers flooded timber duck hunting in a good area." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Chicot County Arkansas Flooding. Published: on March 10, 2016< > Embed. in chicot county, arkanas -- water rescues and evacuations ongoing in the city due to rising flood water. authorities report all roads in the city are under water. numerous roads around the county are either underwater or washed out. hwy 133 north and 425 south near the louisiana state line are closed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Horry County, the largest of the state's 46 counties, boasts a history of human habitation for thousands of years. 2 These include Chicora Indian sites, a Spanish settlement in 1526, and British settlers in the 1600s." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The Chico City Council is composed of seven council members elected to staggered four-year terms. There is an election each November of even numbered years with either three or four seats up for election." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Transcript: Chicot County Arkansas Flooding. in chicot county, arkanas -- water rescues and evacuations ongoing in the city due to rising flood water. authorities report all roads in the city are under water. numerous roads around the county are either underwater or washed out." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Welcome to Butte County. Butte County is a place of natural beauty with countless opportunities for recreation in both rural and urban environments. Many Butte County residents live in one of the five incorporated towns or cities: Biggs, Chico, Gridley, Oroville or Paradise." ], [ "Represent the natural language:", "Tri Counties Bank: Elk Grove Branch at 4900 Elk Grove Boulevard, branch established on 2006/08/09. Info updated 2011/09/26: Bank assets: $2,554.4 mil, Deposits: $2,191.2 mil, headquarters in Chico, CA, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 71 total offices, Holding Company: Trico Bancshares." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Welcome to Butte County. Butte County is a place of natural beauty with countless opportunities for recreation in both rural and urban environments. Many Butte County residents live in one of the five incorporated towns or cities: Biggs, Chico, Gridley, Oroville or Paradise. Butte County government provides services to residents through 23 diverse departments." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other places with the same name, see Cohasset (disambiguation) . Cohasset (formerly, Keefers Ridge and North Point) is a census-designated place in Butte County, California, United States, approximately 17.7 miles (28.5 km) NNE of Chico, California. Its main street is named Cohasset Road, which comes from the Algonquian Indian language and means long rocky place." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Chicot County, Arkansas Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Tri Counties Bank: Yuba City Branch, Yuba City Onstott Branch, Yuba City Market Place. Info updated 2011/09/26: Bank assets: $2,554.4 mil, Deposits: $2,191.2 mil, headquarters in Chico, CA, positive income, Commercial Lending Specialization, 71 total offices, Holding Company: Trico Bancshares." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "In Lake County it is (lowest company price or about 100 gallons) $297 and $347. SHOP AROUND. $2.15 in Chico (Tri Flame Propane) min 100 galons. $2.86 per gallon. The price changes weekly, sometimes even daily. And most definitely by company. In Tehama County it should be around $2.24 as of June 21, 2010. In Shasta County it should be around $2.34 as of June 21, 2010." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ashley County—formed out of Chicot, Drew, and Union counties—was established on November 30, 1848, as Arkansas’s fifty-third county and is the sixth-largest county in the state in terms of area. Read More..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "WISE COUNTY PARK INFORMATION. On Lake Bridgeport 372 CR 1638 Chico, Texas 76431. 940-644-1910 (For information and reservations - please leave a message) 940-627-9332 (For information or emergencies; Monday - Friday, 7:00am to 5:30 pm) Park Rules (Adobe pdf download) Park Map (Adobe pdf download)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 View all Tri Counties Bank jobs in Chico, CA-Chico jobs. 2 Salary Search: Database Administrator salaries in Chico, CA. 3 Learn more about working at Tri Counties Bank. 4 Related forums: Tri Counties Bank-Chico, California-Database Administrator." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "About Chico. Located in the heart of the north State, Chico’s proud culture, location and economy have made it home to one of Northern California’s most unique cities. Though a self-determining small-town feel remains, Chico has become the premier location for business, culture and recreation in the north state. In addition, Chico is home to one of California’s most distinguished state universities – commonly known as Chico State. Resting 90 miles north of Sacramento, Chico is home to over 80,000 residents. To the west and south of the city you’ll find mainly fields, plains and agricultural crops, and to the north and east, the foothills of the Sierra Nevada." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\nGiven ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Nicotine stomatitis is generally a reversible lesion once the irritant is removed. The prognosis for nicotinic stomatitis is excellent. Although nicotine stomatitis is caused by smoking tobacco products, it is generally not associated with dysplastic or malignant changes.'], a positive would be [\"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n------\\nE.g. 'common symptoms of kidney problem' == 'Symptoms of kidney problems. When symptoms do occur, the common signs of kidney problems include feeling nauseous, back pain, frequent urination, dizziness, malaise, swelling feet and hands or face, blood in the urine and high blood pressure. Diagnosis of kidney problems. Since many kidney problems do not have symptoms until the problem has advanced, testing regularly will assist in early diagnosis. Anyone with a family history of kidney problems, diabetes or high blood pressure should get regular blood and urine tests.' != 'Indeed, having a swollen kidney means there is an inflammation of the kidney which may indicate a serious kidney failure. Symptoms of a Swollen Kidney. A swollen kidney is already a significant sign and symptom that something big is happening within the body. The following symptoms can be seen in patients suffering from kidney failure: Burning pain on the back or the flank. Decreased urine output or sometimes no urine is produced. Nausea and vomiting. Loss of appetite. Fatigue and weakness. Sleep disturbance. Reduced mental alertness and confusion.'\", 'what causes nicotinic stomatitis']", "Early in the twentieth century, the pure waters of the lake were used untreated by the city of Lake Village (Chicot County). The area became popular for its fishing, boating, and other recreational activities. The forests surrounding the lake served as a rich habitat for wildlife." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Chico is home to Nettleton Stadium (also called The Net) baseball stadium on the California State University campus. It is the home field for the Chico State Wildcats baseball team, in NCAA Division 2. Chico is also home of the Silver Dollar Speedway, a race track at the Silver Dollar Fairgrounds used for sprint car racing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rancho Cucamonga continues to be one of Southern California’s most family-oriented, safe and prosperous cities. The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department provides outstanding law enforcement to the city, which now has a population of over 177,000 people." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The resulting improvement in water quality revitalized the beauty of the upper lake and inspired the creation of Lake Chicot State Park, an act made possible by a donation of land by Chicot County residents on the lake’s northwest shore in 1957. Hundreds of thousands of visitors per year returned to the upper lake." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Colfax (formerly, Alden Grove, Alder Grove, Illinoistown, and Upper Corral) is a city in Placer County, California, at the crossroads of Interstate 80 and State Route 174. It is part of the Sacramento–Arden-Arcade–Roseville Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 1,963 at the 2010 census." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Chico, California in 2016 and 2017. Other Counties and Cities in California." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'June 14, 1777. Today is Flag Day! On May 30, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing a national Flag Day on June 14. Many Americans celebrate Flag Day by displaying the Red, White and Blue in front of homes and businesses.']\" and the positive \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the origin of flag day']\"", "San Juan Capistrano (/sæn ˌwɑːn kæpᵻˈstrɑːnoʊ/; Spanish: [saŋ ˈxwaŋ kapisˈtɾano]) is a city in Orange County, California, United States. The population was 34,593 at the 2010 census, up from 33,826 at the 2000 census." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Bidwell was never much for naming things after himself. As a state senator, he had a hand in naming the counties. He named Sutter County after John Sutter, whose Hock Farm was located there. Perhaps he could have named Butte County after himself, but he didn’t. In 1849 Bidwell bought Rancho del Arroyo Chico. I don’t know who named it that, but Chico Creek (Arroyo Chico — Small Creek) seems to have had that name when he got here. He sometimes referred to his place as Rio Chico, or Chico Farm. It must have seemed natural then to name the town Chico. What we called Bidwell Park was named by the city. He and Annie never called it that — they called the area Vallombrosa. There is Bidwell Junior High School in Chico, and two Bidwell Elementary Schools, one in Red Bluff and one in Sacramento. But no town of Bidwell. There is a Bidwell Avenue in Chico, which runs along Big Chico Creek west of Nord Ave. Two other streets that were named after John Bidwell have disappeared. I wrote about one of them here. John Gallardo recently informed me that another Bidwell Street shows up on an 1888 bird’s-eye map of Chico." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "92104 zip code what city" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "92104 is a densely populated, upscale urban zip code in San Diego, California. The population is racially diverse, and mostly single.ou do not need to pay for this information. In the 92104 zip code, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://meganslaw.ca.gov/disclaimer.htm. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "78108 Zip code is located in the Central time zone at 30 degrees latitude (Fun Fact: this is the same latitude as Lhasa, Tibet!) and -98 degrees longitude. It has an average elevation of 693 feet above sea level." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Location Info for Area Code 844. Cities: note: the number in parentheses is the prefix for that city. 844-284-5550 Anonymous:keep calling me at work and at home all hours of the day 23 minutes ago 844-624-1995 suri:want to know if it is billing serives 1 day ago 844-284-5550 Louise:I think this # is a scam.hey kept calling 20 times after I hung up .. not impressed. 1 week ago 844-829-8870 Anonymous:debt collector 2 weeks ago 844-351-7480 Tom:scam 2 weeks ago 844-255-1541 vj:Ok 2 weeks ago 844-852-9440 Tatiana:I keep getting this call stating I owe money there saying this is a civil matter." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "According to our research of California and other state lists there were 3 registered sex offenders living in 92335 zip code as of April 20, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 92335 to the number of sex offenders is 33,601 to 1." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Major cities or places in New York within area code 929 include: Area codes 347, 718, 917 and 929 serve the New York boroughs of The Bronx, Brooklyn, New York City, Queens, and Staten Island and the Marble Hill area of Manhattan due to its physically proximity to the Bronx." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "92880 zip code is located in southeast California. 92880 zip code is between the Riverside, San Bernardino county. 92880 zip code has 24.69 square miles of land area and 0.67 square miles of water area." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Churches in zip code 92252 include: First Baptist Church of Joshua Tree (A), First Southern Baptist Church of Joshua Tree (B), Joshua Tree Foursquare Church (C), Lighthouse Christian Center (D), New Testament Baptist Church (E), Saint Christopher of the Desert Church (F). Display/hide their locations on the map." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Atlas Webmaster has been notified of the error. ZIP code 92407 is centered in San Bernardino County and overlaps Medical Service Study Area(s) 151e, 151e, 151g, 151g, 146, 146, 147, 147, 148 and 148." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "92653 is located in the state of California in the Reno metro area. Zip code 92653 is primarily located in Orange County. The official postal service name used for 92653 is LAGUNA HILLS, California." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 92365. However, if you are mailing something to ZIP code 92365, you should not use any of the cities listed as unacceptable." ], [ "Represent", "Zip Code 91744 Description Zip Code 91744 is located in the state of California in the Reno metro area. Zip code 91744 is primarily located in Los Angeles County. The official US Postal Service name for 91744 is LA PUENTE, California. Portions of zip code 91744 are contained within or border the city limits of La Puente, CA, Valinda, CA, Industry, CA, South San Jose Hills, CA, West Puente Valley, CA, West Covina, CA, and Avocado Heights, CA. The area code for zip code 91744 is 626." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "According to our research of California and other state lists there were 76 registered sex offenders living in 94102 zip code as of October 08, 2015. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 94102 to the number of sex offenders is 338 to 1." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "California (CA) - 92612. 1 As of the 2010 census, zip code 92612 is located in Congressional District 45, CA and Congressional District 48, CA." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "According to our research of California and other state lists there were 57 registered sex offenders living in 92411 zip code as of October 06, 2015. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 92411 to the number of sex offenders is 480 to 1. 1 All Cities. 2 San Bernardino, CA.ip code 92401 statistics: (Find on map). Estimated zip code population in 2013: 2,076. Zip code population in 2010: 1,932. Zip code population in 2000: 1,768. Mar. 2013 cost of living index in zip code 92401: 108.8 (more than average, U.S. average is 100). Land area: 0.9 sq. mi. Water area: 0.0 sq. mi." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Statistics about zip code 94102. 1 Population in zip code: approximately 29,000. 2 Land area of zip code: Less than one square mile. 3 Median household income: $42,165. % 4 of residents below poverty level: 27%. 5 Crime index ranking (U.S. average = 319): 365. 6 Median fee for periodic oral evaluation: $79." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Portions of zip code 11040 are contained within or border the city limits of North New Hyde Park, NY, Garden City Park, NY, New Hyde Park, NY, Manhasset Hills, NY, Herricks, NY, New York, NY, Garden City, NY, North Hills, NY, Stewart Manor, NY, Searingtown, NY, and Floral Park, NYLake Success, NY, ." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "92880 zip code is between the Riverside, San Bernardino county. 92880 zip code has 24.69 square miles of land area and 0.67 square miles of water area. As of 2010, the total 92880 zip code population is 58,763, which has grown 245.87% since 2000." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Zip code 91744 is primarily located in Los Angeles County. The official US Postal Service name for 91744 is LA PUENTE, California. Portions of zip code 91744 are contained within or border the city limits of La Puente, CA, Valinda, CA, Industry, CA, South San Jose Hills, CA, West Puente Valley, CA, West Covina, CA, and Avocado Heights, CA. The area code for zip code 91744 is 626." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Massachusetts Zip Codes. Zip Code Search. Find zip codes fast with the Zip Code Search. Enter a city and state in the search box below to find all the zip codes in that city. Reverse Zip Code Search. Find cities fast with the Zip Code Search. Enter a zip code into the search box below to find all the cities in that zip code. City Listings. Select a city from the list below to find the zip codes in that city." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to our research of California and other state lists there were 39 registered sex offenders living in 92501 zip code as of April 04, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 92501 to the number of sex offenders is 560 to 1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The median sales price for homes in ZIP code 92234 for Jul 15 to Oct 15 was $259,000. This represents an increase of 5.7%, or $14,000, compared to the prior quarter and an increase of 15.1% compared to the prior year. Sales prices have appreciated 67.1% over the last 5 years in 92234, Cathedral City." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "As of 2010, the total 92880 zip code population is 58,763, which has grown 245.87% since 2000. The population growth rate is much higher than the state average rate of 9.99% and is much higher than the national average rate of 9.71%." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Examples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'A candida infection in the gut can cause an immune system reaction to HWP-1, which then stimulates an allergic reaction to the gluten in wheat and other grains and may trigger celiac disease in genetically susceptible people.']\" Match: \"['represent the following document', 'what health problem do candida causes?']\"", "Zip Code 84103 Profile. 84103 is located in the state of Utah in the Salt Lake City metro area. Zip code 84103 is primarily located in Salt Lake County. The official postal service name used for 84103 is SALT LAKE CITY, Utah.Portions of the 84103 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Salt Lake City, UT, .Zip code 84103 is part of area code 385 and area code 801.ip Code 84103 Profile. 84103 is located in the state of Utah in the Salt Lake City metro area. Zip code 84103 is primarily located in Salt Lake County. The official postal service name used for 84103 is SALT LAKE CITY, Utah." ], [ "", "You do not need to pay for this information. In the 92104 zip code, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://meganslaw.ca.gov/disclaimer.htm. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state.ou do not need to pay for this information. In the 92104 zip code, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://meganslaw.ca.gov/disclaimer.htm. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "92154-7615 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of CUSTOMHOUSE PLZ, SAN DIEGO, San Diego, California, United States. Below is detail information.2154-7615 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of CUSTOMHOUSE PLZ, SAN DIEGO, San Diego, California, United States. Below is detail information." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Zip Code 92692 Area Codes. 92692 is located in the state of California in the Reno metro area. Zip code 92692 is primarily located in Orange County. The official postal service name used for 92692 is MISSION VIEJO, California. Portions of the 92692 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Mission Viejo, CA, Lake Forest, CA, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, Laguna Niguel, CA, and San Juan Capistrano, CA. The 92692 area code is 949." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "According to our research of California and other state lists there were 11 registered sex offenders living in 92651 zip code as of March 30, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 92651 to the number of sex offenders is 2,691 to 1." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Zip Code Search. Find zip codes fast with the Zip Code Search. Enter a city and state in the search box below to find all the zip codes in that city. Reverse Zip Code Search. Find cities fast with the Zip Code Search. Enter a zip code into the search box below to find all the cities in that zip code. City Listings. Select a city from the list below to find the zip codes in that city." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "92154-8661 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of GOLDEN SKY WAY, SAN DIEGO, San Diego, California, United States. Below is detail information.2154-7615 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of CUSTOMHOUSE PLZ, SAN DIEGO, San Diego, California, United States. Below is detail information." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "92154 Zip code is located in the Pacific time zone at 33 degrees latitude (Fun Fact: this is the same latitude as Fukuoka, Japan!) and -117 degrees longitude. It has an average elevation of 89 feet above sea level." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cities in ZIP code 32810. The list below includes the cities that the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 32810. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. The city for 32810 is usually the name of the main post office. When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "928 covers northern, eastern, and western portions of Arizona. The area code encompasses areas such as the Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Holbrook, Lake Havasu City, Kingman, Prescott, Wickenburg, Winslow and Yuma, also serving the majority of Greenlee County." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Zip Code 94103 Area Codes. 94103 is located in the state of California in the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose metro area. Zip code 94103 is primarily located in San Francisco County. The official postal service name used for 94103 is SAN FRANCISCO, California. Portions of the 94103 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of San Francisco, CA, . The 94103 area code is 415. 94103 can be classified socioeconically as a Lower Middle Class class zipcode in comparison to other zipcodes in California." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The ratio of number of residents in zip code 10930 to the number of sex offenders is 2,855 to 1.he ratio of number of residents in zip code 10930 to the number of sex offenders is 2,855 to 1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "78212 is a urban zip code in San Antonio, Texas. The population is racially diverse, and mostly single. At $118,900 the average home value here is a bit higher than average for the San Antonio metro area, so this probably isn't the place to look for housing bargains." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Cities in ZIP code 92365. The cities below are at least partially located in ZIP code 92365. In addition to the primary city for a ZIP code, USPS also publishes a list of other acceptable cities that can be used with ZIP code 92365." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "92154 Zip code is located in the Pacific time zone at 33 degrees latitude (Fun Fact: this is the same latitude as Fukuoka, Japan!) and -117 degrees longitude." ], [ "", "A ZIP+4 code uses the basic 92352 Zip code plus four additional digits to identify a geographic segment within the five-digit delivery area, such as a Lake Arrowhead city block, a group of apartments, an individual high-volume receiver of mail or any other unit that could use an extra identifier to aid in efficient mail sorting and delivery in California." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Area codes 347, 718, 917 and 929 serve the New York boroughs of The Bronx, Brooklyn, New York City, Queens, and Staten Island and the Marble Hill area of Manhattan due to its physically proximity to the Bronx. Manhattan utilizes area codes 212, 646 and 917. Select Any New York City or Town Alphabetically." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A ZIP+4 code uses the basic 92231, 92232 Zip code plus four additional digits to identify a geographic segment within the five-digit delivery area, such as a Calexico city block, a group of apartments, an individual high-volume receiver of mail or any other unit that could use an extra identifier to aid in efficient mail sorting and delivery in California." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "78108 Zip Code Profile. 78108 is a rural zip code in Cibolo, Texas. The population is primarily white, and mostly married couples. At $177,200 the average home value here is a bit higher than average for the San Antonio metro area, so this probably isn't the place to look for housing bargains." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1,290 people ride bikes or walk to work on a fairly regular basis. 84103 Zip code is located in the Mountain time zone at 41 degrees latitude (Fun Fact: this is the same latitude as Thessaloniki, Greece!) and -112 degrees longitude.It has an average elevation of 4,841 feet above sea level.ou do not need to pay for this information. In the 84103 zip code, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://www.udc.state.ut.us/asp-bin/sexoffendersearchform.asp. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Map of ZIP Code. ZIP code 92301 is centered in San Bernardino County and overlaps Medical Service Study Area(s) 145.2, 145.2, 149 and 149. Census tract(s) 06071009104 and 06071011600 overlap this ZIP code area too. Other ZIP codes nearby. 92342, 92368, 92371, 92392, 92394, 93524, 93535, 93544, 93591. These are general acute care hospital core markets that overlap this ZIP code to some degree, the amount of which will be different for each market." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Zip Code 15610 Cities. 15610 is located in the state of Pennsylvania in the Pittsburgh metro area. Zip code 15610 is primarily located in Westmoreland County. Portions of 15610 are also located in Fayette County." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Zip Code 92653 Public School Demographics. 92653 is located in the state of California in the Reno metro area. Zip code 92653 is primarily located in Orange County. The official postal service name used for 92653 is LAGUNA HILLS, California." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The 92612 zip code is covered by 2 districts. Approximately 10% of 5-digit zip codes lie in multiple congressional districts and require Zip 4 information for further detail. To narrow your search, use our district locater below or visit the House of Representatives' Representative Finder." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Ralph C Nash : Locations : Denver, Colorado 80237 Lakewood, Colorado, in zip codes 80226 and 80215. San Diego, California 92128 Los Angeles, California 90068 Pinon Hills, California 92372 Studio City, California 91604 Vancouver, Washington, in zip codes 98661 and 98663. Port Orchard, Washington 98366 Portland, Oregon, in zip codes 97220, 97229, and 97213." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Stats and Demographics for the 92880 ZIP Code. ZIP code 92880 is located in south California and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a slightly higher than average population density. The people living in ZIP code 92880 are primarily white." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The table outlines the top 5 positions of zip code 92104 on our zip code ranking charts. For example, a rank of 10 means that a zip code ranks #10 on the list of the top zip codes in America for a particular value. The lists were created for all zip codes in America with the population of 1000 residents or higher.ee all zip code 92104 demographics data (population, housing, education, family, transportation...)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to our research of California and other state lists there were 2 registered sex offenders living in 92407 zip code as of February 07, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 92407 to the number of sex offenders is 28,333 to 1. This zip code: 27.4 years." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Display/hide their locations on the map. Parks in zip code 92653 include: Costeau Park (1) , Beckenham Park (2) , Clarington Park (3) , El Conejo Park (4) , Knotty Pine Park (5) , Mackenzie Park (6) , Mandeville Park (7) , Mendocino Park (8) , Sheep Hills Park (9) ." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Zip Code 93610 is located in the state of California in the Fresno - Visalia metro area. Zip code 93610 is primarily located in Madera County. Portions of 93610 are also located in Merced County. The official US Postal Service name for 93610 is CHOWCHILLA, California. Portions of zip code 93610 are contained within or border the city limits of Chowchilla, CA, . Zip code 93610 is within area code 559 and area code 209. 93610 can be classified socioeconically as a Lower Middle Class class zipcode in comparison to other zipcodes in California." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "92880 zip code has 24.69 square miles of land area and 0.67 square miles of water area. As of 2010, the total 92880 zip code population is 58,763, which has grown 245.87% since 2000." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The ratio of number of residents in zip code 92009 to the number of sex offenders is 5,935 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this zip code is a lot smaller than the state average. Zip code 92024 statistics: (Find on map)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to our research of California and other state lists there was 1 registered sex offender living in 92804 zip code as of April 20, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 92804 to the number of sex offenders is 77,841 to 1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Zip Code 84103 Area Codes. 84103 is located in the state of Utah in the Salt Lake City metro area. Zip code 84103 is primarily located in Salt Lake County. The official postal service name used for 84103 is SALT LAKE CITY, Utah.Portions of the 84103 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Salt Lake City, UT, .Zip code 84103 is part of area code 385 and area code 801.ip Code 84103 Profile. 84103 is located in the state of Utah in the Salt Lake City metro area. Zip code 84103 is primarily located in Salt Lake County. The official postal service name used for 84103 is SALT LAKE CITY, Utah." ], [ "", "84103 is an upscale suburban zip code in Salt Lake City, Utah. The population is primarily white, and mostly single. At $374,300 the average home value here is a bit higher than average for the Salt Lake City metro area, so this probably isn't the place to look for housing bargains.ou do not need to pay for this information. In the 84103 zip code, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://www.udc.state.ut.us/asp-bin/sexoffendersearchform.asp. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ZIP code 94535 has a large percentage of vacancies. The Census also indicates that there are one or more military bases nearby. The majority of household are rented. Homes in ZIP code 94535 were primarily built in the 2000s. Rentals in 94535 are most commonly 3+ bedrooms. The rent for 3+ bedrooms is normally $1,000+/month including utilities." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "According to our research of California and other state lists there were 81 registered sex offenders living in 92324 zip code as of April 15, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in zip code 92324 to the number of sex offenders is 766 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this zip code is near the state average." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "California, United States of America. ZIP code 92301 is centered in San Bernardino County and overlaps Medical Service Study Area(s) 145.2, 145.2, 149 and 149. Census tract(s) 06071009104 and 06071011600 overlap this ZIP code area too." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Zip Code 92833 Population. 92833 is located in the state of California in the Reno metro area. Zip code 92833 is primarily located in Orange County. The official postal service name used for 92833 is FULLERTON, California. Portions of the 92833 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Fullerton, CA, Buena Park, CA, Anaheim, CA, La Habra, CA, and La Mirada, CA." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Zip Code 92692 Public School Demographics. 92692 is located in the state of California in the Reno metro area. Zip code 92692 is primarily located in Orange County. The official postal service name used for 92692 is MISSION VIEJO, California." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sioux City is in the following zip codes: 51101, 51102, 51103, 51104, 51105, 51106, 51107, 51108, 51109, 51110, 51111.... Show 8 more US Sales Tax Rates | IA Rates | Sales Tax Calculator | Sales Tax Table" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Free ZIP code Lookup For any valid ZIP code, find the city and state, plus: county name and FIPS code area code time zone latitude and longitude MSA/PMSA 2012 population Enter a ZIP code, city, or city and state Data Source: ZIPList5 Product Line August 2015.Free ZIP code Lookup.ree ZIP code Lookup For any valid ZIP code, find the city and state, plus: county name and FIPS code area code time zone latitude and longitude MSA/PMSA 2012 population Enter a ZIP code, city, or city and state Data Source: ZIPList5 Product Line August 2015. Free ZIP code Lookup." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You can click the title to browse the detail information. 92154-8401 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of DEL SOL BLVD, SAN DIEGO, San Diego, California, United States.Below is detail information.2154-7615 is a ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 number of CUSTOMHOUSE PLZ, SAN DIEGO, San Diego, California, United States. Below is detail information." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Stats and Demographics for the 92020 ZIP Code. ZIP code 92020 is located in southeast California and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a large population density. The people living in ZIP code 92020 are primarily white." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how to order a bottle of wine at a restaurant" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Find out the common practices in fine dining so you’ll how to order wine at a restaurant. The three basic parts of how to order wine at a restaurant are: verify the bottle, inspect the cork, and approve the wine sample.e puts the cork down so that you can inspect it. You want to make sure that it’s the same cork that was supposed to go in the bottle. If there’s any seepage going up all the way to the end of the cork. You don’t need to smell it though. Common misconception is he pours you a sample to see if you like it." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "1 Hold the bottle in the palm of your hand, label facing the guest, so he or she can observe the vintage. 2 Pour table wine down the inside of a glass." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The Top 100 Wine Brands and “Top 100 Wines” lists are published only in Restaurant Wine, in the double issue (#131-#132). Single copies are available for $50/each in the USA, prepaid, or $56/each (prepaid in $US) in all other countries, and may be ordered online at www.restaurantwine.com or by calling (707) 224-4777." ], [ "", "When planning how many bottle of wine for dinner, plan two glasses per person. Servings may be a little less than 5 oz at dinner, closer to 4 oz, so there is a little variance. 1 4 people = 2 bottles of wine for dinner. 2 6 people = 2-3 bottles of wine for dinner. 8 people = 3-4 bottles of wine for dinner." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If you don’t have any idea what bottle to choose from the list, check for “wines by the glass”. Most decent restaurants have at least a red and white wine by the glass, and the better establishments have a few choices.nce you have decided on a wine, tell the waiter/sommelier of your selection. In a few minutes he/she will return with a bottle and show it to you. This is your chance to check the label to ensure it is the correct wine and vintage that you ordered (assuming you can still remember after drinking all those martinis)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Rules and Restrictions. 1 Wine sold by winery. 2 You must be 21 or older to order. 3 Whoever receives the package must be 21 or older. 4 If you're drunk when the package shows up, you will not be allowed to receive it. 5 Wine cannot be delivered to a P.O. 6 We highly recommend you use a business address as your shipping address." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Bordetella vaccines are given to puppies at about 12 to 18 weeks. According to Doodle Dog Shop the Bardatella vaccine is optional at 6-8 weeks. There are three year rated rabies virus such as Imrab-1 that can be given to puppies at twelve to sixteen weeks as well.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how often do dogs need bordetella shots']\"", "1 If the wine is fine, it is necessary to show the cork of wine to the guest on the small plate. 2 After e successful degustation, a small amount of wine is pour to the guest who ordered the wine to check it s quality. 3 Only with his consent the wine can be served to other guests, and after that to himself." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cutting the wine bottle into two parts. 1 1. Pick out a wine bottle suitable to your choice and taste. 2 2. Use a glass cutter to draw a neat and straight line in whichever direction and area of the bottle you desire. 3 3. Light a candle. 4. Rotate the bottle, letting the flame heat the line all around." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Can a customer bring in his or her own liquor/wine/beer into a licensed restaurant or bar? Yes, with the approval of the licensee and as long as the alcoholic beverage is covered under the establishment’s license. For example, a customer cannot bring liquor into a restaurant that is only licensed for wine and beer.an a restaurant deliver beer with a food order? Yes, provided that order is received at the licensed premises in person, by telephone (or by fax) or via the internet. The sale or delivery of wine or liquor for off-premises consumption by an on-premises licensee is not allowed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can use the Bottle Shop to shop for wines from the Tasting Room wine collection. The Bottle Shop allows you to build an order containing 2, 6, or 12 bottles specifically selected by you. Use it to order more of the wines you love, or to try wines you haven’t yet received." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How to Order: Labels only fit on 187 mL bottles. Wine and customized labels must be ordered at the same time through the PLCB SLO Section (i.e., on the same purchase request). Payment must be made by Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "HOW TO REMOVE WINE LABELS AND BEER LABELS. Fill your kitchen sink with lukewarm (not hot) sudsy water to above the top level of the label. Let the bottle soak for an hour. It can sometimes help to score the label very lightly in a diagonal pattern." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Wine. In formal dining, wine bottles are opened in the kitchen. The host's glass is filled first and the host tastes the wine for palatability. To avoid spills, the wine bottle is brought to the glass. Water. Traditionally, water is poured after the first course is served." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Drink wines like this in one sitting, or use them for cooking. After much deliberation, we decided to do the following things to each wine after removing half of the wine: Simply cork one bottle and stick it into the fridge. 750ml bottle, half empty. Vacu-vin a bottle and stick it into the fridge. 750ml bottle, air removed. Apply gas to a bottle and stick it into the fridge. 750ml bottle, layer of gas on wine. Decant the wine into a half-bottle and stick it into the fridge." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Therefore, if you have 20 guests, they'll consume 40 glasses of wine per hour. For a 3 hour party, that's about 120 glasses of wine. Divide that number by 6, which is the number of 4 oz. (120 ml) glasses per bottle, and you'd need 20 bottles of wine for your guests. 2. Pair the wine with any food to be served. White wines classically pair with fish, lighter dishes and cocktails." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Once you have decided on a wine, tell the waiter/sommelier of your selection. In a few minutes he/she will return with a bottle and show it to you. This is your chance to check the label to ensure it is the correct wine and vintage that you ordered (assuming you can still remember after drinking all those martinis).nce you have decided on a wine, tell the waiter/sommelier of your selection. In a few minutes he/she will return with a bottle and show it to you. This is your chance to check the label to ensure it is the correct wine and vintage that you ordered (assuming you can still remember after drinking all those martinis)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Tasting Wine Correctly. 1. Pour a glass of wine and let it sit for 5 to 30 minutes. Newly opened wine needs to be exposed to air so that it oxidizes and produces a more mellow and pleasant beverage. Drinking wine as soon as the bottle is opened may give the wine a thin body rather than a fuller taste. 2. Use a proper wine glass." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Steps. 1 1. Remove the foil from the wine bottle's neck. 2 2. Wipe down the bottle's opening with a clean cloth. 3 3. Prepare the wine glass for pouring. 4. Pour the wine into the 1 glass. 5. Wipe the neck of the wine bottle again. 6. Finished." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Wine Serving Styles. Your servers should always pour in a clockwise pattern and serve women first (even if this means going around the table twice). They should finish serving with the guest who ordered the wine, regardless of their gender. They should also always pour from the customer's right." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "This will allow the wine to be viewed clearly, which is an integral part of evaluating its quality. 4. Pour the wine into the glass. Cradling the wine bottle with both hands, carefully pour about 4 or 5 ounces of wine into the glass. You should leave the glass sitting on the table when pouring." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Serving the food and drinks. Food and drinks are customarily served from the left side of the guest. Wines are served from the right side. Always use tray in serving drinks. Holding the wine glasses looks untidy and gives an impression that the establishment lacks order and grace." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "With red wines, pull the bottle from the refrigerator at least 1/2 hour before you want to use it so it will warm to a desirable serving temperature in the mid 60's F. With white wines or roses, just pull and pour when you need them. Keeping opened wines beyond 3 days is like playing golf in a lightning storm.You may get through but you are tempting the fates. If you keep a table wine for more than 3 days, you will be serving a wine that has lost most of the characteristics that are prized.ith red wines, pull the bottle from the refrigerator at least 1/2 hour before you want to use it so it will warm to a desirable serving temperature in the mid 60's F. With white wines or roses, just pull and pour when you need them. Keeping opened wines beyond 3 days is like playing golf in a lightning storm." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "‘But infinitely preferable is to buy a bottle of red wine, decant it into two scrupulously clean half bottles, keep in the cool and dark, and drink one before t'other.’ ‘Any wine waiter worth his grapes will decant the wine before serving it.’ ‘You have to decant the wine for it to get the required air.’" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "As you know Order taking is a skillful art for any waiter. After proper greeting and seating a waiter needs to wait for the guest to take order. Today, we will learn how to take food order in restaurant through step by step instruction. Step-1: Observe your guest: 1 Be observant and use proper timing." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you want to invite a bigger group, no problem – but you’ll probably need to buy two bottles of each wine! The math on this works as follows. One 750ml (normal-size) wine bottle includes 24 ounces of wine. We already discussed above how every guest should get a roughly 1.5-ounce taste of each wine. If you have sixteen guests, that’ll mean your wine will be all gone by the time the last guest gets his/her pour (which is ok!)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "2: Open and wrap each bottle in a paper lunch bag or burlap sack, and number the bottles 1 to 4. Have someone mix the wines up so you won't know which is which and can participate in the tasting. 3: Set the table with 4 wineglasses per person on a plain white 8.5-by-11-inch paper and write 1 to 4 below each glass." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pour wine from the decanter into each guest's glass. When pouring a decanted wine, consider pouring small portions of only 2 or 3 ounces (60 - 90 ml). This will allow you and your guests to refill their glasses often and observe the wine's progression in flavor as it decants." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cutting the wine bottle into two parts. 1 1. Pick out a wine bottle suitable to your choice and taste. 2 2. Use a glass cutter to draw a neat and straight line in whichever direction and area of the bottle you desire. Avoid overlapping lines. 3 3. Light a candle. Place the wine bottle with the drawn line over the lit candle." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Therefore, if you think you'll only be able to finish half the bottle, begin by pouring half of the wine into a clean, empty half-bottle (a 375 ml bottle, in which desserts wines are often sold). 2 Cork this bottle immediately for later use." ], [ "", "But buying wine online doesn’t have to be intimidating. It can, however, take some work and has some caveats. Here are some tips and tricks that should help you begin the process painlessly. Step 1: Make sure you’re in a state where you can receive wine shipments through the mail!nd be sure to watch The Reverse Wine Snob for exclusive free shipping deals from our advertisers, including one of our favorite online retailers Marketview Liquor ! You Know What You Want. In this case, you can get a lot more specific with your search." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cultivating a Taste. 1 1. Go to a wine shop and ask the staff for recommendations. 2 2. Attend a local wine tasting or a wine appreciation class. 3 3. Join a wine group. 4. Have an informal tasting at home, a friend's house, or a BYOB restaurant where each person brings a different bottle of 1 wine. 5. Buy a notebook (or get the app for that)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Can a restaurant deliver beer with a food order? Yes, provided that order is received at the licensed premises in person, by telephone (or by fax) or via the internet. The sale or delivery of wine or liquor for off-premises consumption by an on-premises licensee is not allowed.an a restaurant deliver beer with a food order? Yes, provided that order is received at the licensed premises in person, by telephone (or by fax) or via the internet. The sale or delivery of wine or liquor for off-premises consumption by an on-premises licensee is not allowed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dinner wine. 1 standard (750 ml) bottle of wine serves 5 glasses. Many people will drink 3-5 glasses over the course of a meal or evening, so count on a minimum of 1/2 bottle per person. Standard white wine to red wine ratio is two whites to one red." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Remove the foil top and put it in your pocket. 2 During wine presentation, nothing should touch the table, including the bottle. 3 Put the knife away, take out the corkscrew, and insert the corkscrew into the center of the cork, giving it a little push. Wrap your index finger around the bottle lip and lever, and use the other hand to pull the lever up. 2 Then, seat the second ridge against the lip of the bottle and pull again. 3 Do not take the cork out at this point. 4 Unscrew the corkscrew and remove it from the bottle. 5 Put the corkscrew in your pocket." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If you plan to buy one bottle of each of the wines in your tasting, the right number of guests is somewhere between eight (8) and sixteen (16) people, including the host(s). If you want to invite a bigger group, no problem – but you’ll probably need to buy two bottles of each wine! The math on this works as follows. One 750ml (normal-size) wine bottle includes 24 ounces of wine. We already discussed above how every guest should get a roughly 1.5-ounce taste of each wine. If you have sixteen guests, that’ll mean your wine will be all gone by the time the last guest gets his/her pour (which is ok!)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "On the other hand, reds are served at room or cellar temperature, usually with a dinner of red meats, and is richer, and dense with many aromas. So now you know how to select the wine, let's move onto enjoying it. We are going to do this with red wine.Pour just a bit into your wine glass.old the glass at a 45 degree angle. See the wine coming down from the sides of the glass, that’s known as the legs, this indicates the body or thickness of the wine. Now, what you want to do is put your nose right over, or even a little inside the glass and take a sniff, long or short, its up to you." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For the most part, the etiquette of ordering and drinking wine in Italy is the same as it is elsewhere. If you’ve ordered your wine in a restaurant from a wine list, then the procedure will be the same as it is back home. The server will bring the bottle to the table." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Opening and Serving Wine at the Table. Some of the finest restaurants in the world don’t actually open wine at the table. They have a separate guéridon or side table to do the dirty work. You can emulate this proper technique by opening your wine bottles before dinner." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "He explains that it’s not unusual for a restaurant to pay a distributor $6.66 for a bottle of medium-quality wine. In turn, the restaurant may charge $7.50 (or even $8) for a single, six-ounce pour of said bottle, which may sell for $25-$30. The price represents a markup of roughly four or more times the original cost." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Use wine bottles to hold spices, rices and pastas. You can also use it as an olive oil or hand soap dispenser as well. Imbibe wine and then clean bottle with warm water and mild dish detergent. Make sure bottle is completely dry before using as you will be filling it with dried goods." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When planning how many bottle of wine for dinner, plan two glasses per person. Servings may be a little less than 5 oz at dinner, closer to 4 oz, so there is a little variance. 1 4 people = 2 bottles of wine for dinner. 6 people = 2-3 bottles of wine for dinner." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "• Buy any bottle of wine on Sundays and we’ll give you another bottle of equal or lesser value free. Choose to drink it in the restaurant that night or bring it home to enjoy another time! • If you and your guest prefer not to finish your bottle, you may take it with you in a Carter Green gift bag." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Before you learn how to open a bottle of wine you’ll need one essential tool, a simple waiter’s friend corkscrew. They are widely available at most grocery stores and cost around $8-15. Don’t get fancy, in nearly all cases the waiter’s friend corkscrew will outperform other alternatives." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Before Opening. 1 1. Keep it in the dark. 2 2. Store corked wine bottles on their sides. 3 3. Keep the temperature constant. 4. Don't move the 1 wine. 5. Keep the humidity at around 2 70%. 6. Isolate the 3 wine. 7. Store for an appropriate amount of 4 time. 8. Adjust the temperature before serving." ], [ "Represent the input", "So much should not be asked of a waiter: Stock market tips. Medical advice. What wine to drink with your meal. With most wine-by-the-glass programs, restaurants try to recoup the price they paid for the bottle on the first glass they sell. Try to order a half-bottle instead.The virtue of ordering wine by the glass is that the restaurant should allow you a complimentary taste.ake sure the wine you order gets to the table before the food. Wine without food is fine; food without wine is a disaster. Don't be intimidated by huge, clunky, leather (okay, naugahyde) wine lists. They're your friends." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Customers may choose to order wine bottles and the quantity of bottles desired. No limit on wine orders are provided by Winc. However, shipping charges may depend on the size of orders and the customer’s shipping address." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A few general guidelines and tips: 1 A standard wine bottle is 750 ml which is just over 25 fluid ounces. 2 A tasting pour is generally about 2 oz. Therefore, you can get about 12 - 2 oz tasting glasses per bottle of wine. For tastings of over 12 guests, consider having two bottles of each wine available." ], [ "Represent the following document", "1 A standard wine bottle is 750 ml which is just over 25 fluid ounces. 2 A tasting pour is generally about 2 oz. 3 Therefore, you can get about 12 - 2 oz tasting glasses per bottle of wine. 4 For tastings of over 12 guests, consider having two bottles of each wine available." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What You Need. Before you learn how to open a bottle of wine you’ll need one essential tool, a simple waiter’s friend corkscrew. They are widely available at most grocery stores and cost around $8-15. Don’t get fancy, in nearly all cases the waiter’s friend corkscrew will outperform other alternatives." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "price = [$30] or [$20 + 1.8 * cost] whichever is greater. Thus, a bottle of our survey’s hypothetical $10 wine would sell at this restaurant for $32 ( = $20 + 1.8 * 6.67). The model is easy to spot at restaurants that list their wines by type (e.g., reds, whites, sparklers) and then by price." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But the biggest beverage markup of them all belongs to wine in restaurants. The average retail markup on a bottle of wine in a restaurant is 300 percent [source: Bailey ].ut the biggest beverage markup of them all belongs to wine in restaurants. The average retail markup on a bottle of wine in a restaurant is 300 percent [source: Bailey ]." ], [ "Represent the next text", "When you RSVP to your invitation, you could offer to bring wine to go with then meal. Ask your host what will be on the menu so you can select an appropriate bottle. Alternatively, you could bring a hostess gift AND a bottle of wine.Give the hostess gift to your host, and say that you also brought along this bottle to contribute to the meal.hen you RSVP to your invitation, you could offer to bring wine to go with then meal. Ask your host what will be on the menu so you can select an appropriate bottle. Alternatively, you could bring a hostess gift AND a bottle of wine." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "So, there are tons of ideas for how to remove the labels from wine bottles out there, but this is the way that worked best for me. Fill your sink with hot, hot, hot water. Then fill each wine bottle with hot water and drop it into the sink.Next, add this secret potion: 1 1/2 cup baking powder. 2 1 Tbsp dish soap.here ya go – the best way I found to remove labels from wine bottles ! Since we go through at least one bottle every week (or more some weeks…), we had plenty of wine bottles to spare. Nothing like a good, cheap project – especially when I get to drink wine." ], [ "", "What You Need. Before you learn how to open a bottle of wine you’ll need one essential tool, a simple waiter’s friend corkscrew. They are widely available at most grocery stores and cost around $8-15." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Your host assumed the bottle of wine was a hostess gift, something that he or she could enjoy privately. It is customary for guests to bring bottles of wine as hostess gifts to a party, and a gift can be opened at the discretion of the receiver.They shouldn't assume you expected the bottle to be opened and served that night.hen you RSVP to your invitation, you could offer to bring wine to go with then meal. Ask your host what will be on the menu so you can select an appropriate bottle. Alternatively, you could bring a hostess gift AND a bottle of wine." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "How many drinks are in a bottle of wine? A typical 25-ounce (750 ml) bottle of table wine holds about 5 standard drinks, each containing about 5 ounces. This serving size of wine contains about the same amount of alcohol as a 12-ounce regular beer or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits. Get to know what 5 ounces looks like by measuring it out at home. That way you can estimate how many standard drinks you're being served in a restaurant or bar that uses large glasses and generous serving sizes. See What's a standard drink? How many drinks are in a bottle of wine? A typical 25-ounce (750 ml) bottle of table wine holds about 5 standard drinks, each containing about 5 ounces." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Dear Lara, Most restaurants start by pricing a bottle on a wine list at about three times the wholesale price, or about twice the price of retail. So, a bottle of wine you’d pay $20 for at a wine shop will typically go for about $40 at a restaurant. Of course, it varies." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "When planning how many bottle of wine for dinner, plan two glasses per person. Servings may be a little less than 5 oz at dinner, closer to 4 oz, so there is a little variance. 1 4 people = 2 bottles of wine for dinner. 2 6 people = 2-3 bottles of wine for dinner. 3 8 people = 3-4 bottles of wine for dinner." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "2. Pour the wine into the decanter. To begin decanting a young wine, simply pour the entire contents of the bottle into the mouth of the wine decanter. Allow the wine to breathe for at least 30 minutes before tasting." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It’s not unreasonable for a restaurant to charge a slight premium for wines by the glass, so long as they’re dispensed from traditional wine bottles. If the full bottle costs $30, then you can expect that a restaurant could charge between $8 and $10 per glass of wine. Make sure you factor this into your decision." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "With red wines, pull the bottle from the refrigerator at least 1/2 hour before you want to use it so it will warm to a desirable serving temperature in the mid 60's F. With white wines or roses, just pull and pour when you need them. Keeping opened wines beyond 3 days is like playing golf in a lightning storm.You may get through but you are tempting the fates. If you keep a table wine for more than 3 days, you will be serving a wine that has lost most of the characteristics that are prized.s this process (oxidation) continues over many hours and days, the wine is ultimately made undrinkable. The trick is to use the wine before it becomes unpalatable or to pour it out before bad wine is served to guests. Three (3) days. Around here, we keep wines up to 3 days after the bottle has been opened." ], [ "represent the next text\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', 'The main causes of the Cold War included vastly different political ideologies between the former Allies of the Second World War, and conflict over the future of a war torn Europe.This article discusses what caused the Cold War and how quickly it began following WW II.slide 1 of 3.ast Germany, the German Democratic Republic, was made part of the USSR. What caused the Cold War-divergent ideologies, the division of Europe and the losses suffered in World War II-had succeeded in splitting Europe an the world into two opposing camps. slide 3 of 3.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what was the most important cause of the cold war']\"", "After identifying the narrow end of the cork, insert that end into the neck of the bottle in a slow, twisting fashion. Opened bottles of wine should be refrigerated to minimize further oxidation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Single bottle wine coolers hold and chill one bottle of wine. They’re more suitable for serving rather than storing wine. With a dual-bottle wine cooler you can chill or warm 2 bottles of wine at the same time. For storing the wine supply in a restaurant or wine bar, commercial wine coolers are recommended." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "First let’s talk about wine by the glass. As a general rule, the cost of a glass of wine is going to cost exactly what the restaurant paid for the bottle. So if they paid $10, that wine by the glass will cost $10. With 4-5 pours in a bottle, that means the restaurant takes in a nice profit of $30 to $40 per bottle. Not bad for helping to cover all their costs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Here is the solution I use for removing labels from wine bottles. I use a 20 qt stainless pot, stand the bottles in it and fill them with hot water, then fill the pot. add 1/2 cup of ammonia and let stand for about 10 minutes. I also have a hot plate that I put the pot on to keep the water hot.he more the better. Let the wine bottle labels soak overnight. You will then need to use a utility scraper to take the labels off. Once you remove the labels from your wine bottles you will still need to deal with some residual glue that is left on the wine bottle." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Inspect the Cork. The cork gives you a clue as to what’s happening inside the bottle. In many white tablecloth restaurants, the wine server will set the cork down on a small plate or napkin or, in the case of the video, directly on the table.e puts the cork down so that you can inspect it. You want to make sure that it’s the same cork that was supposed to go in the bottle. If there’s any seepage going up all the way to the end of the cork. You don’t need to smell it though. Common misconception is he pours you a sample to see if you like it." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "when was the bauhaus established" ]
[ [ "represent the input", "Bauhaus. Bauhaus was a revolutionary school of art, architecture and design established by the pioneer modern architect Walter Gropius at Weimar in Germany in 1919, includes artists Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky. 1 of 3. Wassily Kandinsky." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Marcel Breuer’s ‘Wassily’ chair from 1925 is one of the most iconic pieces to emerge from the Bauhaus and illustrates beautifully the strength of this marriage between art, design and machine production." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Synopsis. The Bauhaus was the most influential modernist art school of the 20th century, one whose approach to teaching, and understanding art's relationship to society and technology, had a major impact both in Europe and the United States long after it closed.eorg Muche was a German artist and member of the Bauhaus. Georg Muche left the Bauhaus in 1927 to teach at a private art school founded three years previously by Johannes Itten. In 1960 Georg Muche moved to Lindau on Lake Constance, where he worked freelance as a painter and graphic artist." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "Quick History: The Bauhaus & Its Influence. We've all seen Marcel Breuer's famous Wassily chair — the first to use tubular steel for a domestic setting — supposedly inspired by a bicycle frame (image 1). Would you believe this chair, maybe the most famous design to emerge from the Bauhaus, is a grandfatherly 87-years-old?" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Give me back my wand! Give it back to me!. Hermione Granger's wand was 10¾ long, made of vine wood, and possessed a dragon heartstring core. The wand was manufactured by Garrick Ollivander sometime before Hermione's education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.\"]>> to <<['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what kind of wand did hermione granger have']>>", "In 1941, New Kensington became the site of a modern workers' housing project—named the Aluminum City Terrace—designed by Marcel Breuer and Walter Gropius, which set new standards for federal housing design. Breuer and Gropius ascribed to the famous Bauhaus School of Design in Germany." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This worked particularly well for furniture. Marcel Breuer’s ‘Wassily’ chair from 1925 is one of the most iconic pieces to emerge from the Bauhaus and illustrates beautifully the strength of this marriage between art, design and machine production." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The origins of Bauhaus were far from the earlier methods of education in industrial art, art proper and architecture. Its program was based on the newest knowledge in pedagogy. The idealistic basis of Bauhaus was a socially orientated program: – an artist must be conscious of his social responsibility to the community," ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The Vkhutemas, the Russian state art and technical school founded in 1920 in Moscow, has been compared to Bauhaus. Founded a year after the Bauhaus school, Vkhutemas has close parallels to the German Bauhaus in its intent, organization and scope." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Name: The Bauhaus school of art, craft, and design was founded by the architect Walter Gropius. Its name loosely means building house.. Who: Walter Gropius, Josef Albers, Theo van Doesburg, Lyonel Feininger, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, El Lissitzky, Laszlo László-Moholy, nagy And Ludwig mies van Der. rohe" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The history of the Group split into company and product history. Company history. 1925: Johannes and Johannes Marquardt formed a “Special Plant for Electrical Needs and Fine Mechanics” in Rietheim; 1928: First factory was built; 1955: New plant in Böttingen, Germany; 1976: Expansion of building in Böttingen, Germany" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The German architect Walter Gropius founded the Bauhaus school of art and design in Weimar Germany. Along with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, he is regarded as one of the pioneers of modern architecture." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "On June 6, 1946 -- two years to the day after the invasion of Normandy, exactly ten months after the first atom bomb fell on Japan -- they formed the Basketball Association of America (BAA) during a meeting at New York's Commodore Hotel, next to Grand Central Station." ], [ "", "Overview [edit]. The first House of Blues opened on November 26, 1992, in the Harvard Square commercial district and retail area of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The company was originally financed by Dan Aykroyd, Aerosmith, Paul Shaffer, River Phoenix, James Belushi, and Harvard University, among others." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "1. 1 a school of design established in Weimar in 1919 by Walter Gropius, moved to Dessau in 1926, and closed in 1933 as a result of Nazi hostility. 2 of or relating to the concepts, ideas, or styles developed at the Bauhaus, characterized chiefly by an emphasis on functional design in architecture and the applied arts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Bauhaus. The Bauhaus was a school whose approach to design and the combination of fine art and arts and crafts proved to be a major influence on the development of graphic design as well as much of 20th century modern art." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Creation of Israel, 1948. On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Establishment of the Gestapo The Gestapo was officially established on April 27, 1933, by Hermann Göring, who combined the state and political police in the largest and most powerful German state of Prussia." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Gropius explained this vision for a union of art and design in the Proclamation of the Bauhaus (1919), which described a utopian craft guild combining architecture, sculpture, and painting into a single creative expression." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "While it was first created in 1926, it marked the beginning of a new era in modern furniture with a design that maintains a progressive look even today. The Wassily Chair was first built by Marcel Breuer at the Bauhaus institution in Dessau, Germany." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The secret society known as the Order of the Illuminati was founded in the city of Ingolstadt in the southern German monarchy of Bavaria on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, a twenty-eight-year-old professor of religious law, who deliberately blended mysticism into the workings of the brotherhood in order to make his agenda of republicanism appear to be more mysterious than those of a political reform group." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Walter Gropius. Walter Gropius. The German architect Walter Gropius founded the Bauhaus school of art and design in Weimar Germany. Along with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, he is regarded as one of the pioneers of modern architecture." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "The Bauhaus. The Bauhaus was a school whose approach to design and the combination of fine art and arts and crafts proved to be a major influence on the development of graphic design as well as much of 20th century modern art.he Bauhaus. The Bauhaus was a school whose approach to design and the combination of fine art and arts and crafts proved to be a major influence on the development of graphic design as well as much of 20th century modern art." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "So the built output of Bauhaus architecture in these years is the output of Gropius: the Sommerfeld house in Berlin, the Otte house in Berlin, the Auerbach house in Jena, and the competition design for the Chicago Tribune Tower, which brought the school much attention." ], [ "", "During the early 20th century, the Bauhaus school of architecture and design in Germany, sought to combine art and design within a single facility. The Bauhaus philosophy stated that sharp divisions between art and design were artificially imposed and should be eliminated." ], [ "Represent text", "Walter Gropius created the Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar from the merger of the former Grossherzoglich-Großherzoglich Saechsische (Sächsische Kunstgewerbeschule Grand ducal saxonian school of arts)and crafts And-The Grossherzoglich (Großherzoglich Saechsische Sächsische kunstschule grand ducal), saxonian school of Arts founded By the belgian Designer. henry van de velde" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Radical German design thinking in the 1920s focused on social improvement, and furniture designers experimented with designs that would suit the new compact workers' housing being built in several cities. The Bauhaus was not the only design school exploring these ideas but it was the most famous. Erich Dieckmann, who designed this armchair, was a student at the Bauhaus between 1921 and 1925, and the influence of his peer, Marcel Breuer, is evident in the intersection of lines and planes in this chair. In 1925 the Bauhaus moved from Weimar to Dessau but Dieckmann remained and headed the furniture workshop at the renamed Bauhochschule." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 In 1975 he became only the second African-American in history to be a member of the cabinet, serving as Secretary of Transportation under Gerald R. Ford. 2 The law school’s student center, Harkness Commons, was designed by the Bauhaus’s founder, Walter Gropius, and his firm, and built in 1947." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'Be sure he has plenty of water available. Let your veterinarian know that the Panacur use seemed to cause an onset of diarrhea, so they will be able to make a note in his medical history and confirm whether they believe this is the cause of the diarrhea.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'can panacur cause diarrhea']\"", "Bauhaus is a style and movement associated with the Bauhaus school, an extremely influential art and design school in Weimar Germany that emphasized the functionality and efficiency of design alongside its material properties." ], [ "Represent text.", "The SS established the Sachsenhausen concentration camp as the principal concentration camp for the Berlin area. Located near Oranienburg, north of Berlin, the Sachsenhausen camp opened on July 12, 1936, when the SS transferred 50 prisoners from the Esterwegen concentration camp to begin construction of the camp." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Club Chair (Model B3) (The Wassily Chair) (1925) Artist: Marcel Breuer. Artwork description & Analysis: The sleek design and innovative use of materials in the The Wassily Chair are typical of the groundbreaking developments in design that made the Bauhaus famous." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bauhaus Door Knob. Arguably the most famous piece designed by Walter Gropius, the Bauhaus doorknobs geometric forms and industrial flourishes, such as exposed screws, set the tone for what the Bauhaus aesthetic was about. The design DNA found in this knob is still prevalent in contemporary objects, such as the iPhone 4S." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In 1852, land was surveyed and Grafton was started, The State of Virginia gave Grafton a charter on March 15, 1856. The first store was opened by Thomas McGraw on May 1, 1852. Some believe the town was named for John Grafton, a civil engineer employed by Benjamin H. Latrobe, the B&O’s chief engineer. Others believe the name came from when the Northwestern Virginia Railroad Company “graft on” to the B&O’s main steam at the junction of the Tygart Valley River and Three Fork Creek." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "On May day 1776 Johann Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati in the Electorate of Bavaria. He adopted the name of Brother Spartacus within the order." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The SA was founded in Munich by Hitler in 1921 out of various roughneck elements that had attached themselves to the fledgling Nazi movement. It drew its early membership largely from the Freikorps (Free Corps), armed freebooter groups, made up largely of ex-soldiers, that battled leftists in the streets in the early days of the Weimar Republic." ], [ "", "So the built output of Bauhaus architecture in these years is the output of Gropius: the Sommerfeld house in Berlin, the Otte house in Berlin, the Auerbach house in Jena, and the competition design for the Chicago Tribune Tower, which brought the school much attention.taatliches Bauhaus (help·info) , commonly known simply as Bauhaus, was an art school in Germany that combined crafts and the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publicised and taught. It operated from 1919 to 1933." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The company was established by August Horch and his first business partner Salli Herz on November 14, 1899 at Ehrenfeld, Cologne. August Horch had previously been a production manager for Karl Benz. Three years later in 1902 he moved the company to Reichenbach im Vogtland. On May, 10th, 1904 he founded the Horch & Cie. Motorwagenwerke AG, a joint-stock company in Zwickau (State of Saxony)." ], [ "represent", "Before World War II, it was founded in 1926. All services were stopped after Germany's defeat, but it was refounded in 1954. While Lufthansa claims Deutsche Luf … t Hansa's history as its own, it is important to note that it is not the legal successor of the company founded in 1926.The The new Lufthansa was formed on January 6, 1953.On April 1, 1955 Lufthansa launched scheduled service within Germany, and international operations on May 15, 1955. Followed by services to New York City from June 8, 1955, and on South Atlantic routes from August 1956.he The new Lufthansa was formed on January 6, 1953. On April 1, 1955 Lufthansa launched scheduled service within Germany, and international operations on May 15, 1955. Followed by services to New York City from June 8, 1955, and on South Atlantic routes from August 1956." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how long should you cook an ear of corn" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How to Grill Corn at Home. By now your grill should be hot so place each ear of corn on the grill rack and cook for about 15 minutes until the kernels are tender. You want to turn the corn occasionally so they cook uniformly and don’t burn. Expect the outside husk to turn black, but you don’t want them to burst into flames." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For a longer term option, corn may be frozen for 6-8 months, but they should be cooked or blanched first and then placed in freezer safe containers. To find out how and how long to cook corn, see our page on how long to boil corn." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Reduce heat to a simmer and allow corn to cook for 7-8 minutes or until just tender, depending on size of corn try not to over cook the corn as it will become tough. 2 Using long tongs remove and place on a plate or in a bowl, then cover with foil until ready to serve. 3 Serve with butter and salt to taste." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Learn how to boil corn in a just a few easy steps! Boiling Corn on the Cob. To boil fresh corn on the cob, first remove the husks and silk. Then place the cobs in a kettle of unsalted boiling water. Cover the pan and return it to a boil. Cook the corn for 3-5 minutes or until tender. The exact cooking time will depend on the type of corn you buy and its maturity. Very fresh corn or super-sweet varieties may require a shorter cooking time while older corn may require a longer one." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "So, technically, when cobs of sweet corn are cooked in the oven: they are roasted, not baked!!! Method 1. Place the corn, untrimmed and in the husks, on center rack of preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. To test for doneness, lightly squeeze the outside of the husk. If the corn is softened, it's done." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "So, technically, when cobs of sweet corn are cooked in the oven: they are roasted, not baked!!! Method 1. Place the corn, untrimmed and in the husks, on center rack of preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. To test for doneness, lightly squeeze the outside of the husk. If the corn is softened, it's done. Remove corn from oven. Using a pair of kitchen shears, trim off the silk-filled tip end from each cob." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "If your corn is very fresh, cook it for three to five minutes. For corn that's a few days old, go for six to eight minutes. → Read More: How to Cook Corn on the Cob" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Either way, fill the pan with enough water to cover the corn and bring it to a boil. Shuck off the outer husk and silk from the corn. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in the water and add the corn. If your corn is very fresh, cook it for three to five minutes. For corn that’s a few days old, go for six to eight minutes. → Read More: How to Cook Corn on the Cob." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Place an ear of corn in a microwave-safe dish. You will need to cook the corn one ear at a time, but the instructions are the same for each ear. Do not remove the husk. The corn will cook better in the microwave if left in the husk during the cooking process." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "→ How To Cook Corn on the Cob in the Microwave. Microwave cooking has enjoyed a little high-class renaissance, thanks to Mark Bittman, but I heard about cooking corn this way a long, long time ago. For one medium to large ear, I start with three minutes on high. For two ears, try four minutes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "→ How To Cook Corn on the Cob in the Microwave. Microwave cooking has enjoyed a little high-class renaissance, thanks to Mark Bittman, but I heard about cooking corn this way a long, long time ago. For one medium to large ear, I start with three minutes on high." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Get the whole tutorial! → How To Cook Corn on the Cob in the Microwave. Microwave cooking has enjoyed a little high-class renaissance, thanks to Mark Bittman, but I heard about cooking corn this way a long, long time ago. For one medium to large ear, I start with three minutes on high." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "teaching english in malaysia salary" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The average salary for a High School Teacher is RM 47,728 per year. Experience has a moderate effect on pay for this job. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this career." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "How much does a Teacher Elementary School in Nassau, NY make? The median annual Teacher Elementary School salary in Nassau, NY is $61,339, as of January 30, 2018, with a range usually between $50,247-$72,754 not including bonus and benefit information and other factors that impact base pay." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "NEW DELHI: Those who speak English fluently earn up to 34% more than those who don't speak the language, a recent report has found, confirming the link between an education in English and the scope of employment opportunities. But given the constraints of cost and access, the number of those studying in English medium is yet to pick up." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The Ministry of Education in the UAE will inform successful teachers of their offered salaries after the interview. While exchange rates fluctuate, Abu Dhabi teachers typically make approximately $3,325-$5,515/month CAD, or $3,350-$5,500/month USD." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In Massachusetts, the average teaching salary is fairly high, and those who teach in the state enjoy considerable benefits. A Massachusetts certified teacher typically makes more than $60,000 per year, with the average salary in one area of the state exceeding $90,000.Teachers who have received teaching certification in Massachusetts are salaried according to their years of experience as well as their educational attainment. Massachusetts certified teacher typically makes more than $60,000 per year, with the average salary in one area of the state exceeding $90,000." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How Much Is Malaysia Pargo Earnings , How Much Is Malaysia Pargo Income , How Much Is Malaysia Pargo Net Worth , How Much Is Malaysia Pargo Salary , How Much Is Malaysia Pargo Worth , Malaysia Pargo , Malaysia Pargo 2015 , Malaysia Pargo Age , Malaysia Pargo And Bambi , Malaysia Pargo And Mase , Malaysia Pargo Basketball Wives , Malaysia Pargo ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. TESL stands for Teaching English as a Second Language. An English teacher who teaches English to speakers of other languages in a non-English speaking country is teaching EFL.For example, an American living and teaching English in Spain is an EFL teacher.ESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. These abbreviations could render EFL-ESL differences irrelevant on paper, but the differences are still important to the teacher preparing his or her English lesson plans." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In Massachusetts, the average teaching salary is fairly high, and those who teach in the state enjoy considerable benefits. A Massachusetts certified teacher typically makes more than $60,000 per year, with the average salary in one area of the state exceeding $90,000.n Massachusetts, the average teaching salary is fairly high, and those who teach in the state enjoy considerable benefits. A Massachusetts certified teacher typically makes more than $60,000 per year, with the average salary in one area of the state exceeding $90,000." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) reported that the average salary for a Virginia certified teacher was $52,767 in 2011.However, the average cannot be viewed as a guarantee of an actual starting salary once the teaching requirements in Virginia have been met.59,570. $39,370. Another thing that may affect how much a teacher is paid is the region of the state in which the teaching occurs. The following spreadsheet compares teaching salaries in a few major metropolitan areas of the state, showing that pay is comparable in most regions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Research Salaries in Missouri. Prospective teachers interested in becoming a teacher in Missouri will want to know what type of salary they can expect to earn in the state’s public school system.According to the Missouri National Education Association, the average salary for a Missouri certified teacher during the 2010-2011 school year was $45,321.This average showed a small increase over the previous school year, ranking Missouri as 46th in the country in terms of teacher salary.he type of teaching position will also impact the salary earned once a teacher has acquired teaching certification in Missouri. The chart below indicates average annual salaries for a variety of teaching positions in Missouri as compared to the national averages." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Individuals interested in becoming a teacher in Virginia should find the following table containing U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data helpful. The table compares Virginia-specific salary data with U.S. averages for elementary, middle, and high school; special education; and postsecondary teachers.59,570. $39,370. Another thing that may affect how much a teacher is paid is the region of the state in which the teaching occurs. The following spreadsheet compares teaching salaries in a few major metropolitan areas of the state, showing that pay is comparable in most regions." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "At $59,304, the average teaching salary in Connecticut during the '05-'06 school year ranked the state 2 nd in the nation. School counselors typically are paid $5,000 to $10,000 more per year than teachers making the school counseling salary in Connecticut quite attractive." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. TESL stands for Teaching English as a Second Language. An English teacher who teaches English to speakers of other languages in a non-English speaking country is teaching EFL. For example, an American living and teaching English in Spain is an EFL teacher." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In Massachusetts, the average teaching salary is fairly high, and those who teach in the state enjoy considerable benefits. A Massachusetts certified teacher typically makes more than $60,000 per year, with the average salary in one area of the state exceeding $90,000." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Prospective teachers interested in becoming a teacher in Missouri will want to know what type of salary they can expect to earn in the state’s public school system. According to the Missouri National Education Association, the average salary for a Missouri certified teacher during the 2010-2011 school year was $45,321. This average showed a small increase over the previous school year, ranking Missouri as 46th in the country in terms of teacher salary." ], [ "Represent text", "What is TEFL and What is TEFL Certification? “TEFL” is the acronym for Teaching English as a Foreign Language, or simply, English language instruction for non-native speakers. Also known as Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), English Language Teaching (ELT), and teaching ESL (English as a Second Language)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 English Language Development (ELD): Classes designed to assist English Language Learners. Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE): Teaching strategies for teaching academic content to English Language Learners." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Furthermore, pay for substitute teachers should be increased greatly, starting by making the per diem salary comparable to that of a full-time teacher. Currently, if the average yearly salary is $40,000, the per diem is roughly $250. Raising the rate to around $150 would attract more substitute teachers.o take away a month to two months and you have a take home pay, for a full-time substitute teacher with no benefits of $9800-$11,200. So someone who is put into a classroom to substitute teach is making roughly ¼ of the salary the regular teacher is making." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!", "what do accountants make per year" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "How much do Tax Accountants Make? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, tax accountants earn a median salary of $61,690 a year. The top 10% earn more than $106,880 while the bottom 10% earn less than $38,940. Most tax accountants work full-time and 1 in 5 work more than 40 hours per week. Additionally, tax accountants are generally expected to work longer hours during tax season. The most common industries to be employed in as a tax accountant include: the accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping, and payroll services industry; the finance and insurance industry; state and local government; and manufacturing. Job prospects are expected to grow at a rate of 16% per year, which is about average." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Forensic Psychologist How Much Do Forensic Psychologists Make? National Average Salary BLS.gov: $60,430 per year Glassdoor.com: not enough data Payscale.com: $61,469 per year. What Forensic Psychologists Do. Forensic psychologists focus on psychological issues relating to family, civil, or criminal cases." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "It is difficult to say what one will earn in taxidermy, because what you can earn and what you do earn are not always close. An average part time taxidermist might make just $10,000 - $20,000 per year, while a devoted full time taxidermist can very easily make $40,000 - $50,000 per year." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "3 [NASA Astronaut] | What Does a NASA Astronaut Do? 4 [Rocket Scientist Make Per Year] | How Much Money Does an Average Rocket Scientist Make Per Year? The National Aeronautics and Space Administration employs astronauts with civilian as well as military backgrounds." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Counseling Psychologist How Much Do Counseling Psychologists Make? National Average Salary. BLS.gov: $73,520 per year Glassdoor.com: $63,251 per year Payscale.com: not enough data. What Counseling Psychologists Do. Like clinical psychology professionals, counseling psychologists provide a variety of mental health services including psychotherapy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "There are four major fields of accounting and auditing. The kind of work these professionals do is determined, in part, by what field of work they choose: 1 Management Accountants-Management accountants tend to work for companies as part of teams.2 They provide company executives with the information and analysis they need to make decisions.here are four major fields of accounting and auditing. The kind of work these professionals do is determined, in part, by what field of work they choose: 1 Management Accountants-Management accountants tend to work for companies as part of teams." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "definition of qarm" ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "QARM stands for Quality Assurance Risk Management Suggest new definition This definition appears very rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Business, finance, etc." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "QARM - Quality Assurance Requirement Matrix, All Acronyms, viewed February 2, 2018, <https://www.allacronyms.com/QARM/Quality_Assurance_Requirement_Matrix> mla All Acronyms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: shawarma (Noun). A Middle Eastern sandwich-like wrap of shaved lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, beef, or a mixture thereof." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "2nd Root Word Definition: Suffix: -blast Suffix Definition: embryonic; immature cell Definition: embryonic cell that turns into a cell of muscle fiber: myoblastoma: Prefix: Prefix Definition: 1st Root Word: my/o 1st Root Definition: muscle 2nd Root Word: 2nd Root Word Definition: Suffix: -blastoma Suffix Definition: immature tumor (cells) Definition: tumor comprised of immature muscle cells: myorrhaphy: Prefix: Prefix Definition: 1st Root Word: my/o 1st Root Definition: muscle 2nd Root Word: 2nd Root Word Definition: Suffix: -rrhaphy Suffix Definition: suture Definition: suture of a muscle: myringotomy: Prefix: Prefix Definition:" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition: Quality of Work Life (QWL) Quality of work life is a concept which talks about the overall focus on employee as a person rather than just the work done by him/her. Quality of Work Life is becoming an increasingly popular concept in recent times." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "SID, also s.i.d., is a veterinary abbreviation meaning to give medication once a day. Medical professionals for humans instead use the term qd (an abbreviation for quaque die). However, that term can be easily mistaken with the term qid (an abbreviation for quarter in die), which means four times a day." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Biotin (a.k.a. vitamin H) can improve hair that is splitting or thinning as well as strengthen weakened nails. Taken with zinc and the corticosteroid clobetasol propionate, biotin has even been used to treat alopecia, an autoimmune skin disease marked by the loss of hair.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what helps hair skin and nails to grow']\"", "In general, quality of life (QoL or QOL) is the perceived quality of an individual's daily life, that is, an assessment of their well-being or lack thereof." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "No Data. In general, quality of life (QoL or QOL) is the perceived quality of an individual's daily life, that is, an assessment of their well-being or lack thereof. This includes all emotional, social, and physical aspects of the individual's life." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "(on prescription): Seen on a prescription, q.d. (or qd) means one a day (from the Latin quaque die). The abbreviation is sometimes written without a period in capital letters as QD. However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of Latin terms that have been traditionally used in prescriptions to specify the frequency with which medicines should be taken." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quality assurance. Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes or defects in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering solutions or services to customers; which ISO 9000 defines as part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "a person who sells quack medicines, as from a platform in public places, attracting and influencing an audience by tricks, storytelling, etc. 2. any charlatan or quack. verb (used without object) 3. to act or operate as a mountebank." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Medical Definition of QUANTITATIVE. 1. : of, relating to, or expressible in terms of quantity. 2. : of, relating to, or involving the measurement of quantity or amount. — quan·ti·ta·tive·ly adverb." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "More translations of “harm” in Spanish. See all meanings. Word of the Day. vaccine. a substance containing a virus or bacterium in a form that is not harmful, given to a person or animal to prevent them from getting the disease that the virus or bacterium causes." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition in Russian| Definition in French| Definition in Japanese| Definition in Vietnamese| Definition in Greek| Definition in Polish| Definition in Turkish| Definition in Portuguese| Definition in Hindi| Definition in Swedish| Definition in Arabic| Definition in Chinese| Definition in Dutch| Definition in Hebrew| Definition in German| Definition in Korean| Definition in Italian| Definition in Spanish| Definition in Thai|" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "quality assurance (QA) Often used interchangeably with quality control (QC), it is a wider concept that covers all policies and systematic activities implemented within a quality system." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "(on prescription): Seen on a prescription, q.d. (or qd) means one a day (from the Latin quaque die). The abbreviation is sometimes written without a period in capital letters as QD. However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of Latin terms that have been traditionally used in prescriptions to specify the frequency with which medicines should be taken. Other examples include: 1 b.i.d. 2 t.i.d. 3 q.i.d. 4 q_h: If a medicine is to be taken every so-many hours, it is written q_h; the q standing for quaque and the h indicating the number of hours." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of pharmacopoeia. 1 : a book describing drugs, chemicals, and medicinal preparations; especially : one issued by an officially recognized authority and serving as a standard. 2 : a collection or stock of drugs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of Latin terms that have been traditionally used in prescriptions to specify the frequency with which medicines should be taken. Other examples include: q.d. (qd or QD) is once a day; q.d. stands for quaque die (which means, in Latin, once a day)." ], [ "represent the input\n\nGiven ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The most common vitamins and minerals that require sufficient stomach acid to be properly absorbed are magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid. 13 common symptoms of low stomach acid: 1 Bloating, belching and flatulence immediately after meals. 2 Indigestion, diarrhea or constipation. 3 Soreness, burning or dryness of the mouth. 4 Heartburn. 5 Multiple food allergies.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'is zinc good for bloating and gas']", "A shawarma is a Middle-Eastern-style wrap composed of shaved meats. Common meats used include lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, beef, or a mixture of meats. The meat is marinated and skewered with an onion or tomato on the end for flavoring." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Look up QA/QC in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. QA/QC is the combination of quality assurance, the process or set of processes used to measure and assure the quality of a product, and quality control, the process of ensuring products and services meet consumer expectations." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(on prescription): Abbreviation for every hour.. On a prescription or doctor's hospital orders, q.h. means every hour. Also written qh (without the periods). From the Latin quaque meaning once + h for hour. However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of Latin terms that have been traditionally used in prescriptions to specify the frequency with which medicines should be taken." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quality of life. Quality of life (QOL) is the general well-being of individuals and societies, outlining negative and positive features of life. It observes life satisfaction, including everything from physical health, family, education, employment, wealth, religious beliefs, finance and the environment." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "quality improvement (qi) & safety (qsen) Definition: Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "A Bachelor of Pharmacy (abbreviated B Pharm) is an undergraduate academic degree in the field of pharmacy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quick access recorder. A quick access recorder (QAR) is an airborne flight data recorder designed to provide quick and easy access to raw flight data, through means such as USB or cellular network connections and/or the use of standard flash memory cards." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For the precursor profession, see Apothecary. Pharmacists, also known as chemists (Commonwealth English) or druggists (North American and, archaically, Commonwealth English), are healthcare professionals who practice in pharmacy, the field of health sciences focusing on safe and effective medication use. A pharmacist is a member of the health care team directly involved with patient care." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "QA is defined as a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a product or service under development (before work is complete, as opposed to afterwards) meets specified requirements. QA is sometimes expressed together with QC as a single expression, quality assurance and control (QA/QC).In order to implement an effective QC program, an enterprise must first decide which specific standards the product or service must meet.A is sometimes expressed together with QC as a single expression, quality assurance and control (QA/QC). In order to implement an effective QC program, an enterprise must first decide which specific standards the product or service must meet." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Q-Urol is a nutritional supplement formulated to treat Chronic Prostatitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndromes, a persistent state of inflammation in the prostate gland." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Medical Acronyms Defined. BAR – bright, alert, responsive. BARH - bright, alert, responsive, hydrated. QAR - quiet, alert, responsive. QARH - quiet, alert, responsive, hydrated. NSF - no significant findings. NOSF - no other significant findings. WNL - within normal limits." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quality of life (QOL) is the general well-being of individuals and societies.QOL has a wide range of contexts, including the fields of international development, healthcare, politics and employment.tandard indicators of the quality of life include not only wealth and employment but also the built environment, physical and mental health, education, recreation and leisure time, and social belonging. According to ecological economist Robert Costanza :" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Quality of life (QOL) is the general well-being of individuals and societies. QOL has a wide range of contexts, including the fields of international development, healthcare, politics and employment." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Authorized Person redirects here. Qualified person (QP) is a technical term used in European Union pharmaceutical regulation (Directive 2001/83/EC for Medicinal products for human use)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 stands for quater in die (in Latin, 4 times a day). q_h: If a medicine is to be taken every so-many hours, it is written q_h; the q standing for quaque and the h indicating the number of hours. So, for example, 2 caps q4h means Take 2 capsules every 4 hours.." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (QI) & SAFETY (QSEN) Definition: Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems thus minimizing the risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Qvar is an asthma medication that belongs to a group of drugs called inhaled corticosteroids, or steroids for short. Inhaled steroids go directly into the lungs and help to decrease the inflammation of airways that makes asthma attacks more likely." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "patient-centered care (qsen) Definition: Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "DEFINITION of 'Quick Response (QR) Code'. A type of barcode which can be read by a digital device, and which stores information. A quick response code, also called a QR code, is most frequently used to track information about products, and is often frequently used in marketing and advertising campaigns. Barcode." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to Dr. Luna, QNS stands for fill desired chemical up to predetermined volume with regards to chemical preparation. Quantity not sufficient implies that the final volume of diluent is not sufficient for molecular testing." ], [ "Represent the input", "Pharmacists, also known as chemists (Commonwealth English) or druggists (North American and, archaically, Commonwealth English), are healthcare professionals who practice in pharmacy, the field of health sciences focusing on safe and effective medication use. A pharmacist is a member of the health care team directly involved with patient care." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "(on prescription): Seen on a prescription, q.d. (or qd) means one a day (from the Latin quaque die). The abbreviation is sometimes written without a period in capital letters as QD. However it is written, it is one of a number of hallowed abbreviations of Latin terms that have been traditionally used in prescriptions to specify the frequency with which medicines should be taken. Other examples include:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is QRM? Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) is a companywide strategy to cut lead times in all phases of manufacturing and office operations. It can bring your products to the market more quickly and help you compete in a rapidly changing manufacturing arena. It will increase profitability by reducing cost, enhance delivery performance and improve quality." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Typically, a QRA can be defined as the formal and systematic approach of identifying potentially hazardous events, estimating the likelihood and consequences of those events, and expressing the results as risk to people, the environment or the business." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Definition. QA is a set of activities for ensuring quality in the processes by which products are developed. QC is a set of activities for ensuring quality in products. The activities focus on identifying defects in the actual products produced." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 stands for quater in die (in Latin, 4 times a day). 2 q_h: If a medicine is to be taken every so-many hours, it is written q_h; the q standing for quaque and the h indicating the number of hours. 3 So, for example, 2 caps q4h means Take 2 capsules every 4 hours.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Definition of computer science. 2 Definition of Hosting Experts. 3 Definition of Insanity. 4 Definition of Insanity. 5 Definition of Insanity. 6 Definition of Insanity. 7 Definition of life. 8 Definition of life. 9 Definition of life. 10 Definition of life." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A shawarma is a Middle-Eastern-style wrap composed of shaved meats. Common meats used include lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, beef, or a mixture of meats. The meat is mar … inated and skewered with an onion or tomato on the end for flavoring." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "QL is a component in binary chemical weapons, mainly VX nerve agent. It, along with Methylphosphonyl difluoride (DF), was developed during the 1980s in order to replace an aging stockpile of unitary chemical weapons. QL is listed as a Schedule One chemical by the Chemical Weapons Convention." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "1 SID, also s.i.d., is a veterinary abbreviation meaning to give medication once a day. 2 Medical professionals for humans instead use the term qd (an abbreviation for quaque die)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Quality assurance (QA) is a way of preventing mistakes or defects in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering solutions or services to customers; which ISO 9000 defines as part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A shawarma is a Middle-Eastern-style wrap composed of shaved meats. Common meats used include lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, beef, or a mixture of meats." ], [ "represent the next text:", "(Discuss) Proposed since January 2013. Qualified person (QP) is a technical term used in European Union pharmaceutical regulation (Directive 2001/83/EC for Medicinal products for human use)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "REVISED 9/30/2013. Quantity Limits (QL) A quantity limit is the maximum amount of a drug that will be covered by your plan over a certain period of time. Typically, quantity limits are in. place to encourage appropriate drug use and contain drug costs. Quantity limits are based on the product’s labeling, or adopted clinical. guidelines." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / q arm of a chromosome definition Medical Definition of q arm of a chromosome q arm of a chromosome: The long arm of a chromosome. All human chromosomes have 2 arms -- a short arm and a long arm -- that are separated from each other only by the centromere, the point at which the chromosome is attached to the spindle during cell division." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Salary. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals average salary is $79,861, median salary is $77,000 with a salary range from $32,000 to $335,000.AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position.straZeneca Pharmaceuticals Salary. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals average salary is $79,861, median salary is $77,000 with a salary range from $32,000 to $335,000.']\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average PA wage at astrazeneca']\"", "Definition of quality assurance (QA): Often used interchangeably with quality control (QC), it is a wider concept that covers all policies and systematic activities implemented within a quality system. QA frameworks include (1) ..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "quality assurance (QA). Often used interchangeably with quality control (QC) , it is a wider concept that covers all policies and systematic activities implemented within a quality system." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "V/Q scan. Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. scan. [skan] 1. to examine or map the body, or one or more organs or regions of it, by gathering information with a sensing device, such as a moving detector or a sweeping beam of radiation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quality of Experience (QoE or QoX) is a measure of the overall level of customer satisfaction with a vendor. QoE is related to ... silent monitoring. Silent monitoring refers to the practice of call center managers or senior agents listening to the interaction between an ..." ], [ "represent the input", "1 Answer 1. QRM is one of many Q-codes used as abbreviations in radio communication. QRM in particular refers to human-generated interference (as opposed to QRN which is used to refer to atmospheric noise). QSB refers to fading (variation in signal strength over time)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "1 Definition of art. 2 Definition of art. 3 Definition of computer science. 4 Definition of computer science. 5 Definition of computer science." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "QHS means every night at bedtime (typically in the context of a prescription, or a hospital medication order). Views." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Quality of life (healthcare) In general, quality of life (QoL or QOL) is the perceived quality of an individual's daily life, that is, an assessment of their well-being or lack thereof. This includes all emotional, social, and physical aspects of the individual's life." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Quality assurance (QA) refers to the planned and systematic activities implemented in a quality system to fulfill the quality requirements for a product or service It is a systematic measurement compared to a set standard, with process monitoring used to prevent errors." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "QA is defined as a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a product or service under development (before work is complete, as opposed to afterwards) meets specified requirements. QA is sometimes expressed together with QC as a single expression, quality assurance and control (QA/QC)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Medical Definition of QUANTITATIVE. 1. : of, relating to, or expressible in terms of quantity. 2. : of, relating to, or involving the measurement of quantity or amount." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pharmacology. a solution of alcohol or of alcohol and water, containing animal, vegetable, or chemical drugs. 2. a slight infusion, as of some element or quality: A tincture of education had softened his rude manners. 3. a trace; a smack or smattering; tinge: a tincture of irony." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This was originally a nautical expression: a yardarm is the outer extremity of a yard, a cylindrical spar slung across a ship's mast for a sail to hang from. The time of day referred to is noon, rather than 6 o'clock in the evening, as is often supposed." ] ]
[ "", "where is lookout mountain?" ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Collagen soothes and heals the digestive tract and helps repair the mucous lining. It also helps break down the protein and fat from foods, making them easier for the body to digest. To help with digestion, before meals, add 1 scoop of collagen peptides (Find HERE) to your beverage.']\" Match: \"['', 'collagen peptides benefits digestion']\"", "Sponsored Topics. Lookout Mountain is a town in Hamilton County, Tennessee, United States. The population was 2,001 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Chattanooga, TN–GA Metropolitan Statistical Area. Lookout Mountain is located at 34°59′47″N 85°21′3″W / 34.99639°N 85.35083°W / 34.99639; -85.35083 (34.996442, -85.350810)." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From November 23 to November 25, 1863, during the American Civil War (1861-65), Union forces routed Confederate troops in Tennessee at the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, known collectively as the Battles for Chattanooga." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Quick Answer. From the Lookout Mountain attraction known as Rock City, it has been said one can see seven states: Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. That claim has not been substantiated. On clear days, one can definitely see mountains near Knoxville, Tenn., about 100 miles away. Keep Learning." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The scenic drive has been touted as a “Must See”. by Reader’s Digest, The National Geographic and Southern. Living Magazine. Follow the Lookout Mountain Parkway from Gadsden, Alabama. to Chattanooga, Tennessee and Highway 127 North from. Chattanooga for the remainder of the sale to Hudson, Michigan. Directions from South to North: From Noccalula Falls Park in Gadsden, Alabama, take Tabor Road, across from Noccalula Falls Park. Stay on this road and it will. become Alabama 176." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "November 21, 1920: On the Rincon mountains, a part of the Coronado Forest in southern Arizona, the high Spud Rock lookout point was 'manned' during the fire season by Mrs. Lyle B. Smith, wife of the local forest ranger." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For panoramic views of Oahu's Windward Coast and the cliffs of the Koolau Mountains, grab a sweater and head to the very windy Nuuanu Pali Lookout, located five miles northeast of downtown Honolulu along Pali Highway at an elevation of 1,186 feet.ahu. A popular Oahu activity, says Frommer's, is hiking to the summit of the 750-foot Diamond Head Crater, which formed 350,000 years ago." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Twin Mountain is located between Franconia Notch and Crawford Notch with its majestic waterfalls & scenic crags.For year-round vacationers we offer motels, campgrounds, cottages and restaurants -- all with North Country hospitality.win Mountain is located between Franconia Notch and Crawford Notch with its majestic waterfalls & scenic crags." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Table Mountain Observatory (TMO) is an astronomical observation facility operated by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (California Institute of Technology). It is located in Angeles National Forest near Wrightwood, north-northeast of Los Angeles, California, in the United States." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This page contains two trip reports for a winter day snowshoe up to Lookout Mountain Lookout. The first time lacked views, so we came back a year and a week later to re-experience the fun and get the views we missed the first time." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Just minutes from downtown Chattanooga, TN, Lookout Mountain Attractions offers the perfect activities for an out of the ordinary experience as well as amazing natural beauty. Details." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "July 26, 2016. The Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee met in regular session at the Town Hall on Tuesday, July 26, 2016 at 5:00 p.m., the following being present: [See list of attendees attached as Exhibit A hereto]" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Located atop Lookout Mountain, Rock City is a true marvel of nature... Located atop Lookout Mountain, Rock City is a true marvel of nature featuring massive ancient rock formations, gardens with over 400 native plant species, and breathtaking See 7 States panoramic views. read more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mentone Cabins - We have welcomed guests to the Alabama Mountains on Lookout Mountain in the Mentone area for years. Our satisfied guests are able to find their special cabin for their Mentone get-a-way by choosing from our numerous assortment of cabins located throughout scenic Lookout Mountain." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In addition to going up to the top of Lookout Mountain, we also came here to go down into a deep cave 1,120. feet below the surface of Lookout Mountain to see the fantastic massive underground waterfalls known as. Ruby Falls deep under the Lookout Mountain ." ], [ "", "A popular campground and day-use area, Cape Lookout is located on a sand spit between Netarts Bay and the ocean, giving you a terrific view of the ocean with easy access to the beach. Beachcombing is popular here, and the park is reputedly a good place to find glass floats. More than eight miles of hiking and walking trails wind through a lush old-growth forest. The Cape Lookout trail follows the headland for more than two miles. A bench is located at the end of the trail." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Inner Workings of Being a Mayor of Lookout Mountain Georgia. Being a Mayor of Lookout Mountain GA is a very prestigious and challenging position. Being a Mayor of Lookout Mountain Georgia a town, city or suburb tends to earn a lot of respect for you that you might not have otherwise earned. As an elected Mayor of Lookout Mountain GA, you have the following privileges:" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "I-24 exits 178 (from the east) or 174 (from the west). Follow the signs for Lookout Mountain and Rock City and you'll eventually end up on Hwy 17/Tennessee Ave. Stay on Hwy 17 and, once you pass the entrance to The Incline, bear right onto Hwy 58/Ochs Hwy. This takes you up the mountain. At the top, turn left onto Mockingbird Lane/Pattern Rd to Rock City." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "November 8,2016. The Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee met in regular session at the Town Hall on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 5:00 p.m., the following being present: [See list of attendees attached as Exhibit A hereto] 1. Call to order and Declaration of Quorum." ], [ "", "When combined, the Lookout Mountain Parkway and the 127 Corridor have had as many as 5,000 vendors lined along the scenic yard sale route in past years and the year 2010 promises to be even bigger. Yard sale begins at the Noccalula Falls Park in Gadsden, Alabama on top of Lookout Mountain." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Signal Mountain is a town in Hamilton County, Tennessee, United States. The town is a suburb of Chattanooga and is located on Walden Ridge, a land mass often mistakenly referred to as Signal Mountain itself. Signal Mountain is a colloquial name for part of the Walden Ridge close to the town." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Point Lookout Peninsula in Maryland juts south into the Potomac where the river meets the Chesapeake Bay. During the Civil War, the Federal Government quickly converted a resort on the point into a military hospital. After the July 1863 Battle of Gettysburg, the Union established a prisoner-of-war camp at the site." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Lookout Mountain Attractions include three top rated, world-famous natural attractions that showcase the natural beauty of Lookout Mountain and views of the Chattanooga Valley. Create memories you’ll treasure! Visit Lookout Mountain, and join in on the “Lookout Mountains of Fun”! Trek through Rock City’s natural wonders and “See Seven States” views, tour Ruby Falls, America’s deepest cave and largest underground waterfall accessible to the public, and ride the Incline Railway, the world’s steepest passenger railway." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Lookout Mountain Mayor. Find Lookout Mountain Georgia mayors. Mayor's offices provide information on government agencies, legislation, councils, managers, boards, elections, deputy mayors, and local, state and federal politics. Lookout Mountain Mayor." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Contact Lookout Pass Ski & Recreation Area & ROUTE OF THE HIAWATHA SCENIC BIKE TRAIL. Mailing address: PO Box 108, Wallace, ID 83873 Physical address: I-90 Exit 0, Mullan, ID 83846 Please Note: Ski area is located 6 miles East of Mullan, ID on I-90. Email: info@SkiLookout.com" ], [ "", "The Needles Peak's GPS location is 36.0634°N / 118.2905 °W, Placed on the National Historic Lookout Register on 6/10/2001 as Lookout No. 382. The Needles Lookout is located on high granite pinnacle The Needle. The lookout sits at elevation 8,245 feet and is in very good condition with only slight modifications. A favorite for Rock Climbers and is located in Township 21 S, Range 32 E, Section 13 of the Sequoia National Forest, Tule River District." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "For London Peak in Montana, see List of mountains in Madison County, Montana. Whistler Mountain is a mountain in the Fitzsimmons Range of the Pacific Ranges of the Coast Mountains, located on the northwestern edge of Garibaldi Provincial Park." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The lookout was built in 1931 and stands at an elevation of 6,850 feet. It is open to the public on a first-come-first-serve basis for overnight use. Water is available by melting snow. When snowpack is gone visitors will need to bring water. Website Spruce Mountain Lookout-WyomingFormerly used to detect fires, the live-in tower rises 55 feet above a forested mountaintop in the Medicine Bow-Routt National Forests. The tower was renovated and opened to the public for overnight rental in 1997." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "It was last staffed in the 1980s. Lookout Mtn (Steph Abegg photo) Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie NF 5 mi E of Marblemount 48.55207, -121.32929 5719 Established in 1929 with a 2-story cathedral cabin, the present 1962-constructed 30' treated timber R-6 tower, is open to the public on a first come, first serve basis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lookout Mountain, in the northwest moat (a depression around the ring fracture that formed the Long Valley Caldera) erupted 677,000-692,000 years ago. The Hot Creek (lava) Flow (brown on map), through which Hot Creek flows, erupted 288,000 years ago. The Hot Creek Flow is referred to on maps as Doe Ridge." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Historic High Country Rising Fawn. Cloudland Canyon State Park 122 Cloudland Canyon Park. 706-657-4050. View on Map Located on the western edge of Lookout Mountain, this is one of the most scenic parks in the state, offering rugged geology and beautiful vistas." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Point Lookout is a peninsula located at the confluence of the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay. The point has a storied past; Captain John Smith explored the area during his 1608 voyage around the bay, and later the first governor of Maryland, Leonard Calvert, claimed the point for his personal manor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Along with Cape Kiwanda and Cape Meares, Lookout is part of the Three Capes Scenic Route. Campground info. 1 Approximately 35 full-hookup sites. 2 More than 170 tent sites with water nearby. 3 One electrical site with water." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Founded in 1981, Lookout Inc. is a small security systems & services company in San Francisco, California. It has approximately 3 full time employees and generates an estimated $220,000 USD in annual revenue." ], [ "Represent text.", "Visit Lookout Mountain, and join in on the “Lookout Mountains of Fun”! Trek through Rock City’s natural wonders and “See Seven States” views, tour Ruby Falls, America’s deepest cave and largest underground waterfall accessible to the public, and ride the Incline Railway, the world’s steepest passenger railway." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lookout Trail: Accessed only from the park headquarters, the Lookout Trail leads down to Lake Arenal. Located at the base of the volcano, the trail offers great views of the 1968 and 1993 lava flows, as well as Cerro Chato and Arenal Basin." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A small stream on the bottom of the mountain. When you decide to go down, take the blue trail, which leads slightly up, directly away from the lookout point. After a short while, the trail turns sharply left. At this point a gray-market trail continues straight." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "SaveLearn more at en.wikipedia.org. Lover's Leap at Rock City, a roadside attraction near Chattanooga, Tennessee on Lookout Mountain in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, located near Ruby Falls. Whether or not you can actually see seven states is debatable, but millions have tried." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "by Brian S. Jones. The largest city along the Alabama portion of Lookout Mountain Parkway is Fort Payne (887-805-4740). It is located on what was originally an important village in the Cherokee Nation and was home to Sequoyah who created the Cherokee alphabet that made reading and writing in that language possible." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "See Rock City. This simple 3-word phrase has beckoned travelers along the United States highway system to the top of Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, Tennessee since 1935. Painted on barns from Georgia to Michigan and west to Texas, the words guide people to the unusual world of Garnet and Frieda Carter, who developed the attraction in 1932." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Prison History. Point Lookout is located on the east coast of the United States of America in the southern tip of Maryland in St. Mary's County. Click on the colored U.S. map to the right to see a more detailed map locating Point Lookout. Click here to see a state map with Pt. Lookout Highlighted." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "One Bedroom Cabins. Southern Charm Cabin - Located atop Lookout Mountain between Desoto State Park and Historic Downtown Mentone, our cabin is tucked right in the middle of all kinds of stuff to see and do making it the perfect location for a weekend getaway or family vacation in the mountains." ], [ "", "Mathew Brady, Grant and His Staff at Lookout Mountain, 1863. 1 Union forces defeated at Chickamauga Creek were besieged in Chattanooga, pinned down by Confederate forces perched on the high ground pictured here. Grant was summoned to avert an impending disaster and restore a demoralized army." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Kendrick Peak is in the Kendrick Mountain Wilderness which is administered by the Kaibab National Forest. A fire lookout, manned by the United States Forest Service during the week and by volunteers on the weekends, has stood on top of Kendrick Peak since the early 1900s." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "CERRO CASTELLAN. Cerro Castellan, less commonly known as Castolon Peak or Castellan Peak, is a prominent conical mountain rising from the desert floor about a mile northeast of the Castolon ranger station in Big Bend National Park, Brewster County (at 29°09' N, 103°30' W)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "September 17, 1922: Bids are being called for by the local headquarters of the forest service for the construction of a forty-foot steel lookout tower which is to be built on Monte Vista peak in the Chiracahua mountains, construction work to be started within next 30 days." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services. Lookout Mountain Clerk. Find Lookout Mountain Tennessee clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Because fog enveloped the mountain most of the day, soldiers nicknamed the battle of Lookout Mountain the Battle above the clouds. On November 25, Union soldiers assaulted and carried the seemingly impregnable Confederate position on Missionary Ridge. One of the Confederacy s two major armies was routed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Lookout is headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Tokyo, London, Toronto, Washington, D.C., Boston, Sydney, Singapore, and the Netherlands. 1 Front Street, Suite 2700 San Francisco, CA 94111" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Breaking News. Lookout Mountain, Ga., Mayor Moving To Knoxville; David Bennett Is New Mayor. Lookout Mountain, Ga., is losing its mayor. Mayor Sandy Gothard announced to the town council on Thursday night that he is relocating to Knoxville and is not able to fulfill his term as mayor. Vice-Mayor David Bennett was unanimously recommended to fulfill Mayor Gothard’s remaining term." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Located. in the northwest corner of Georgia, Sand, Lookout, and Pigeon mountains belong to the geologic province known as the Appalachian, or Cumberland, Plateau.This plateau extends continuously from New York to Alabama and forms the western boundary of the Appalachian Mountains.ocated. in the northwest corner of Georgia, Sand, Lookout, and Pigeon mountains belong to the geologic province known as the Appalachian, or Cumberland, Plateau." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This code is the result of a comprehensive codification of the ordinances. of the Town of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. The attention of the user is directed to the arrangement of the code into. titles, chapters, and sections. Related matter is kept together, so far as possible, within the same title." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Signal Mountain is a town in Hamilton County, Tennessee, United States. The town is a suburb of Chattanooga and is located on Walden Ridge, a land mass often mistakenly referred to as Signal Mountain itself. Signal Mountain is also used as a colloquial name for part of the Walden Ridge close to the town. The town population was 7,554 as of the 2010 census. The population for zip code 37377 was 15,310 as of the 2010 census." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Little River Canyon National Preserve is a United States National Preserve located on top of Lookout Mountain near Fort Payne, Alabama, and DeSoto State Park. Created by an act of Congress in 1992, the 15,288-acre (6,187 ha) preserve protects what is sometimes said to be the nation's longest mountaintop river, the Little River." ], [ "Represent text.", "Black Mountain located north of Craig in Routt National Forest. The area offers spectacular Rocky Mountain scenery from overlooks and vistas, unlimited picnicking sites, and a potential to view some of the more than 300 species of wildlife that inhabit the region." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Greg Brown Is New Mayor Of Lookout Mountain, Tn. The town commission of Lookout Mountain, Tn., has voted to name Greg Brown as mayor. Mr. Brown is one of the three newly elected commissioners. Mr. Brown, Carol Mutter and Will Moses join veterans Billy Mitchell and Dan Crates. Leaving the commission this year are Ryan Crimmins, Leslie Davenport and Ward Petty." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For those who have the privilege to spend a few days in Wyoming’s Snowy Range, a hike worth considering is the Crater Lake Trail on Lookout Mountain. Lists of John gives Lookout Mountain 256 feet of prominence, and the rise from the trailhead to the actual summit is pretty close to the same." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Nearby mountains from both Carolinas are easy to see, but can you really see across the entire state of Tennessee to see a…. Lover's Leap at Rock City, a roadside attraction near Chattanooga, Tennessee on Lookout Mountain in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, located near Ruby Falls. At this spot, you are in Georgia, Alabama is behind you, and the St. Elmo area of Chattanooga, TN is almost a stones throw away." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Hidden Lake Lookout Trail. North Cascades National Park. Hidden Lake Lookout Trail is a 7.7 mile heavily trafficked out and back trail located near Marblemount, Washington that features a lake and is rated as difficult. The trail offers a number of activity options and is best used from March until October. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "We drove up Lookout Mtn while in Denver and it is your normal winding, curvy road leading up to a parking lot. The views from the top are great and we had great visibility the afternoon we went. There was no charge to go up. There is a gift shop at the top along with the grave of Buffalo Bill...." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Springer Mountain. Springer Mountain is a mountain located in the Chattahoochee National Forest on the border of Fannin and Gilmer counties. Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains in northern Georgia, the mountain has an elevation of about 3,782 feet (1,153 m)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The foothills west of Denver held a special attraction for her. During her journeys in 1902 to visit the Italian workers and their families in the Clear Creek, Argentine, and South Park mining districts, Frances X. Cabrini discovered a property on the east slope of Lookout Mountain owned by the town of Golden." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES IN LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, TENNESSEE. Ordinances adopted by the Town of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, should be. adopted in accordance with the requirements of section 8 of the adopting. ordinance in the Lookout Mountain Municipal Code." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Just minutes from downtown Chattanooga, TN, Lookout Mountain Attractions offers the perfect activities for an out of the ordinary experience as well as amazing natural beauty. Choose admission to three top rated world famous natural attractions that showcase the beauty of Lookout Mountain and views of the Chattanooga Valley." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Hooker's men swept up the western slope of the mountain and then charged around the base of the cliffs. The battle reached its high point near the Craven House just below the cliffs. The outnumbered Confederates were repeatedly pushed back. 144 Battle of Lookout Mountain--November 24' 1863. 4' & 14' Corps, Army of the Cumberland & Geary's Div. o. 12' Corps, & 11' & 15' Corps A.O.T. Tenn. engaged." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "This carries you directly in front of Rock City where you travel down Lookout Mountain and pick up TN 27 to the U.S. 127 Corridor for the remainder of the yard sale where it ends in Hudson, MI. (The road winds around a little in Chattanooga as you make your way to the 127 Corridor." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The Incline Railway up historic Lookout Mountain is the world’s steepest passenger railway. In operation since 1895, the Incline is a National Historic site and Mechanical Engineering Landmark. Visit the machine room where the giant gears are put into motion." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "is there a way to print a list of files in a folder" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Print list of files in folder in Windows. 1] Using Command Prompt. Open the folder whose list of contents you want to print. Hold down Shift and right-click to open the hidden context menu items. You will see Open command window here.Click on it to open a command prompt window.Else simply type CMD in the address bar and hit Enter to open the command prompt window there.In the CMD type the following and press Enter: A notepad text file will be immediately created in this folder. Open List.txt and you will be able to see the list of the files in this folder.Alternatively, you could also use the cd/ command to change the directory from the User directory to Downloads directory as follows: cd C:\\Users\\ACK\\Downloads. 2] Using Paint. Open the directory whos contents list you want to print.pen List.txt and you will be able to see the list of the files in this folder. Alternatively, you could also use the cd/ command to change the directory from the User directory to Downloads directory as follows: cd C:\\Users\\ACK\\Downloads. 2] Using Paint. Open the directory whos contents list you want to print." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 To show the contents of a directory (folder) in a text file, simply copy or move the File List Generator.bat file into the folder where you want the contents printed and double-click the file." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "PrintFile is a freeware MS Windows utility program that will enable you to print files fast and easily. The program recognizes plain text, PostScript, Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) and binary formats." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In windows you can select multiple files right click and choose print and it will print all that you selected. however it with my testing it only works with up to 15 documents at a time (I guess it is to prevent an accidental catastrophe by printing the wrong folder.)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Occasionally, they may want to print data in Form View, which Access supports—with a few limitations. Clicking the Print button or choosing Print from the File menu prints all the records in the underlying recordset, not just the current record." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Microsoft Print to PDF is a feature, built into Windows 10, that lets you create a PDF file from several file formats using a native printer. If you right-click on a file and select Print, you will see Microsoft Print to PDF as one of the print options available." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can select the attributes you want to use and then select whether to display the files and folders in ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order. You can use the Sort by or Group by buttons on the View tab to specify the options you want to apply to the current folder. Open the folder that contains the files you want to group. 2 Click or tap the Group by button on the View tab. 3 Select a group by option on the menu. 4 Options. 5 Select an option, such as name, Date, Size, Type, Date modified, and Dimensions." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Follow these steps to print a document. Click the File tab, and then click Print. Tip To go back to your document and make changes before you print it, click the File tab. The properties for your default printer automatically appear in the first section.rint multiple copies of a document. Click the File tab, and then click Print. Tip To go back to your document, click the File tab. Next to the large Print button, choose the number of copies in the Copies box. Click the large Print button." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A print ready file is the file that the print device. interprets to create marks on the page. Creating a Print Ready File. The easiest way to create print ready files is similar for all the major operating systems. The following procedure works 95% of the time. Try this procedure – if it does not work. for you, use one of the procedures in “Alternative Methods to Create a Print Ready File.”. 1." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 start notepad C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp\\file_list.txt. 2 Save the file as File List Generator.bat. 3 To show the contents of a directory (folder) in a text file, simply copy or move the File List Generator.bat file into the folder where you want the contents printed and double-click the file. To show the contents of a directory (folder) in a text file, simply copy or move the File List Generator.bat file into the folder where you want the contents printed and double-click the file." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Print several workbooks at once. All workbook files that you want to print must be in the same folder. Click File, and then click Open. Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+O. Hold down CTRL and click the name of each workbook that you want to print." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Examples of Usage. 1 You want to print all messages to the default printer. 2 You want to print all messages to a non-default printer named HP Deskjet 3320. 3 You want to save all attachments to a folder on your C: drive named Project X. MessageAndAttachmentProcessor Item,,,,True,,C:\\Project X. You want to remove all PDF attachments to a folder on your C: drive named Accounting and insert a hyperlink to the saved attachment." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Then press Enter to set up the text document. Open Windows Explorer, and go to the folder that you copied the file titles from. You should now find that it includes a new text file with a list of all the files in the folder as below. Now you can copy a variety of folder file lists much the same. They include both the file titles and formats, but little else." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Click Start (), click All Programs, click the HP folder, and then click HP Solution Center. Click the printer icon for the printer that you use to scan. Click Scan Document. note: Do not select Scan Picture, even if the item that you want to scan to PDF is a picture.The Scan Picture selection limits the list of file types to picture file types, which excludes the PDF option.ake sure that you are using the correct settings in HP Solution Center: Right-click the Start button () or the lower left corner of the screen, click Search, type HP Solution Center, and then press Enter. Click the printer icon for the printer that you use to scan. Click Scan Document." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Cape (geography) In geography, a cape is a headland or a promontory of large size extending into a body of water, usually the sea. A cape usually represents a marked change in trend of the coastline. Their proximity to the coastline makes them prone to natural forms of erosion, mainly tidal actions. This results in capes having a relatively short geologic lifespan.']>> to \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'cape meaning']\"", "1. Select the photos you want to print. In the Library module, use the Grid view or the Filmstrip to select the photos you want to print. See Selecting photos in the Grid view and the Filmstrip. You can also select a folder or a collection of photos using the Folders or Collections panel. 2. Choose the page size." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Step 1) Whether you are downloading pictures from the Internet or you have them already stored on a disk or a drive the first step in printing them is locating the image files and opening that folder. Step 2) Next highlight the pictures in the folder that you'd like to print by clicking once on each of them.he Internet is teeming with interesting pictures and photographs that you can use. Users often want to print out pictures for use in presentations or just for themselves. Windows has a useful utility program that lets you format and print the pictures you want very easily." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it Example:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'storied1. 1 recorded or celebrated in history or story: the storied cities of ancient Greece. 2 ornamented with designs representing historical, legendary, or similar subjects.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'storied meaning']\"", "List boxes are used to allow users to select one or more options from a list of choices. Open the PDF file that you will use for the form. From the Forms menu, select Add or Edit Fields... From the Add New Field pull-down menu, select Show Tools on Toolbar The Forms toolbar appears." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 On the toolbar, click Print. 2 In the Print Pictures dialog box, select the printer, paper size and type, and the number of copies you want to print, and then click Contact sheet in the list of print sizes. 3 You can also print to a PDF file." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "One method to print an existing PDF file using .NET is to use the System.Diagnostics.Process API. Using this library allows you invoke any process from the command line through your C# application." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Version 1.07: Added 'Copy Files List' option. Added 'Open Folder In Explorer' option. Fixed to find the correct item when typing the string you want to search into the main List View. Version 1.06: Fixed to show properly the folder path of 'View Folder In Explorer' action on Windows 8.1 ." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Tap the printer icon to select a file to print. 2 You can select a file from Google Drive, Dropbox, Gallery, and other file manager apps on your device. 3 The next screen will show you a list of your printers registered on Google Cloud Print. 4 Select one printer. On the next screen, tap Print test page to check if your printer has successfully connected to Google Cloud Print. 2 Or, you can tap the arrow at the bottom of the screen to skip this step. 3 Once the app and printer have been set, you can now print from your Android phone or tablet using the Cloud Print app." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In the Select where to place the folder list, click the location for the folder. Quickly start a public folder with existing items. In the Folder List, in the Navigation Pane, click the folder you want to copy. On the File menu, point to Folder, and then click Copy Folder name.ost information to a public folder. Open the public folder you want to post information in. To use the default form for posting information, click the File menu, point to New, and then click Post in This Folder. In the form, enter the information you want to post." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What else Print File can do 1 : Text File : In case of simple text files, you can configure either to completely ignore it or change font, wrap long files, add header and footer text etc. 2 Post Script Support :If you want an automated control, using postscript is supported. You can also make use of n-Up to combine pages." ], [ "", "The utility has a limited selection of print options, letting you choose the number of copies, plus a few other details. The good news is most recent wireless printers support AirPrint. With AirPrint you can print documents from Apple programs such as Photos, Safari, Mail, and iPhoto, as well as many third-party apps. When you open a document in an AirPrint-compatible program, you can access the Share button through an icon (usually a forward arrow) at the top or bottom of the screen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Print a workbook to a file. Click Microsoft Office Button, and then click Print. Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+P. In the Name box, select the printer on which you want to print the file.Select the Print to file check box, and then click OK.old down CTRL and click the name of each workbook that you want to print. On a computer that is running Windows Vista. Right-click the selection, and then click Print. On a computer that is running Microsoft Windows XP. In the Open dialog box, click Tools, and then click Print." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Choose File Print or click icon in the toolbar. Select a Printer and number of Copies to print. (Optional) Click Properties to open the Printer properties. For more information, see your printer documentation. Under Pages to Print, select an option: 1 All-prints all pages in the PDF." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Open List.txt and you will be able to see the list of the files in this folder. Alternatively, you could also use the cd/ command to change the directory from the User directory to Downloads directory as follows: cd C:\\Users\\ACK\\Downloads. 2] Using Paint.Open the directory whos contents list you want to print.pen List.txt and you will be able to see the list of the files in this folder. Alternatively, you could also use the cd/ command to change the directory from the User directory to Downloads directory as follows: cd C:\\Users\\ACK\\Downloads. 2] Using Paint." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "To print the Notes section from a calendar, follow these steps: 1 Click the Calendar folder on the Folder List. 2 If you do not see the Folder List, on the View menu, click Folder List. 3 Click the File menu, and then click Print." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To open a file or folder from your Google Drive list, follow these steps: 1 Use the up and down arrows to navigate through the list. ( 2 If you've switched to grid view, you can also use the right and left arrows. 3 To open a document, press o or Enter.o move files or folders into a new folder that you create, follow these steps: 1 In a files and folders list, select one or more files to move. 2 Press z to open the Move to dialog. 3 Press Tab to the Create folder button, then press Enter. 4 Type the name of the new folder." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Access. 1 Click the File tab, and then click Print. 2 Do one of the following: To preview your file, click Print Preview. To go back to your file and make changes before you print it, click the File tab again." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To print the Notes section from a calendar, follow these steps: 1 Click the Calendar folder on the Folder List. 2 If you do not see the Folder List, on the View menu, click Folder List. 3 Click the File menu, and then click Print. 4 In the Print style section, click Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Tri-Fold Style." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "13. Print all the files/folder using echo command (ls command alternative). 14. Print files of a specific kind. For example, let’s assume you want to print all ‘ .jpeg ‘ files, use the following command. 15. The echo can be used with redirect operator to output to a file and not standard output." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Here's how: Go to the File Menu, click Print Forms and then click Labels. Choose the names you want to appear on the labels or cards. QuickBooks gives several options on the “Select Labels to Print” window that displays." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For Windows XP follow these steps: 1 Create a batch file in Notepad by pasting the following text. 2 Save the file as %windir%\\Printdir.bat. 3 Open Control Panel – Folder Options. In the Edit File Type box, click on 1 New. Click on OK and close all boxes. Right-click on any folder and use the Print Directory Listing command to send the list to the printer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "1 start notepad C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp\\file_list.txt. 2 Save the file as File List Generator.bat. 3 To show the contents of a directory (folder) in a text file, simply copy or move the File List Generator.bat file into the folder where you want the contents printed and double-click the file." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "in the Right Pane while in the folder-PASTE. Click on a File and hold CTRL and then you can click on as many non-connected (or connected) files. as you wish-then Right Click in the Highlighted area-COPY-go to where you want to put them -. Right Click on the Folder name or in the Right Pane while in the folder-PASTE." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Once File and Printer Sharing is installed, to share a folder or drive: 1 Right-click the folder or drive you want to share. 2 Click. 3 From the tab, click.4 Click.ccessing a shared folder or printer. To find and access a shared folder or printer: 1 Search for Network, and click to open it. 2 Select at the top of the window; you may need to first select the tab on the upper left. 3 From the drop-down menu next to Find:, select either or." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Print a document. The Print tab in the Backstage view is the place to go to make sure you are printing what you want. Clicking the File tab displays the Backstage view. Click the Print tab to print a document, change print-related settings, and to automatically display a preview of your document.lick the File tab, and then click Print. Tip To go back to your document and make changes before you print it, click the File tab. Under Settings, click the Print All Pages button and choose the part of the document to be printed. The properties for your default printer automatically appear in the first section." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Print all documents from list file C:\\ToDo\\input.txt on the system default printer. 2 The input.txt should be a Unicode or ASCII text file with a list of paths to document files. 3 Each new file path in this file should be finalized by the Enter key. Print all documents from list file C:\\ToDo\\input.txt on the system default printer. 2 The input.txt should be a Unicode or ASCII text file with a list of paths to document files. 3 Each new file path in this file should be finalized by the Enter key." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Click File > Print. At the top of the Print page, next to the Print button is a box labeled Copies with up and down arrows for you to choose how many copies of this document you want. Make your choice (either by entering a number or using the arrows), select the printer and change or keep any other settings you want, and then click Print." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You can select whether to print a file when it is sent from a computer and stored in a mail box. To print the file when it is stored in a mail box, select [On]. [Initialize]: To initialize settings, select the Mail Box that you want to initialize → press [Initialize] → press [Yes].emark. 1 You can create up to 100 Mail Boxes. 2 The numbers for Mail Boxes are 00 to 99. 3 Setting a name for a Mail Box is optional. 4 You cannot initialize a Mail Box if there are files still remaining in it. 5 Setting a password for a Mail Box is optional. 6 Press → [Function Settings] → [Store/Access Files] → [Mail Box Settings] → [Set/Register Mail 7 ... S" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The following code example specifies the target printer by setting the property, and if the IsValid is true, prints the document on the specified printer. A variable named filePath has been set to the path of the file to print. A method named pd_PrintPage, which handles the PrintPage event, has been defined." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To create a text file that contains a list of the contents in a folder, use one of the following methods. NOTE: You cannot export or print a list of the files that are contained in a folder in Windows Explorer. Outlook contains file-management abilities, as well as e-mail message, calendar, and contact management." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Print a workbook to a file. 1 Click File, and then click Print. 2 Under Printer, select the printer on which you want to print the file. 3 Click Print to File, and then click Print. In the Print to File dialog box, under Output File Name, type a name for the file that you want to print." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "List Folders/Files. The List Folders/Files activity is used in a runbook to list the folders and files in the specified folder path. This activity publishes all of the data from the required and optional properties into published data. The following tables list the required and optional properties and published data for this activity. Element. Description." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Generally you can use Start-Computer OR Windows Explorer to copy the files and the put. those into the other folder. Techniques-Click a file-then hold Shift-then click the last file in a series-all will be highlighted. - Right Click on-COPY-go to where you want to put them-Right Click on the Folder name or." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "listOfAircraft.append(UFO). Print the list. The print() function can automatically iterate over iterable collections, so you can just pass the entire list to print(), and it will print out all the elements of the list.eclare a list and add some items to it. This can be done with one line of code, like this: listOfAircraft = [Helicopter, Plane, Blimp]. Append an item to the end of the list using the append() function." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Click on a File and hold CTRL and then you can click on as many non-connected (or connected) files. as you wish-then Right Click in the Highlighted area-COPY-go to where you want to put them -. Right Click on the Folder name or in the Right Pane while in the folder-PASTE." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "items in the file directly from Archive Folders in your Outlook Folder List (Folder List: Displays the folders available in your mailbox. To view subfolders, click the plus sign (+) next to the folder. If the Folder List is not visible, on the Go menu, click Folder List.). If you want, you can have separate archive files for individual folders. When you open Archive Folders, you'll see that Outlook maintains your existing folder structure. If there is a parent folder above the folder you chose to archive, the parent folder is created in the archive file, but items within the parent folder are not archived. In this way, an identical folder structure exists between the archive file and your mailbox." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Select your printer and right click on the mouse. 2 Click See What's Printing. 3 Click on Printer at the top left and then select Clear All Documents. 4 A popup message will confirm to delete all the documents. 5 Click Yes. 6 All files are removed and no pending jobs show in the See What's Printing list." ], [ "", "Now, copy the file(s) by pressing Ctrl-C on your keyboard. Then, click the back button to return to the previous folder: Now you are in the original folder, which is not a zipped file (in this case, C:\\data): Lastly, paste the file(s) into this folder by pressing Ctrl-V on your keyboard." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "More information. To print the Notes section from a calendar, follow these steps: 1 Click the Calendar folder on the Folder List. 2 If you do not see the Folder List, on the View menu, click Folder List. 3 Click the File menu, and then click Print." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "To print labels from another list, just click on Select Recipients again and change to the next file. Then click update labels and follow Step 13 to print those labels. To make the process easier for next time, save the document somewhere where you can find it. If you move or" ], [ "", "The File object is used to examine and manipulate files; the Files collection provides a list of files in a folder. Folder object. The Folder object is used to examine and manipulate folders; the Folders collection provides a list of subfolders in a folder." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "All workbook files that you want to print must be in the same folder. 1 Click File, and then click Open. Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+O. 2 Hold down CTRL and click the name of each workbook that you want to print. 3 On a computer that is running Windows Vista. Right-click the selection, and then click Print." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Print a workbook to a file. 1 Click File, and then click Print. Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+P. 2 Under Printer, select the printer on which you want to print the file. 3 Click Print to File, and then click Print. In the Print to File dialog box, under Output File Name, type a name for the file that you want to print." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "More information. To print the Notes section from a calendar, follow these steps: 1 Click the Calendar folder on the Folder List. 2 If you do not see the Folder List, on the View menu, click Folder List. 3 Click the File menu, and then click Print. 4 In the Print style section, click Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Tri-Fold Style." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Click File, and then click Print. Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+P. Under Printer, select the printer on which you want to print the file. Click Print to File, and then click Print. In the Print to File dialog box, under Output File Name, type a name for the file that you want to print." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "1 Open Outlook, and find the Folder List. 2 In Outlook 2010 and 2013, Folder List is the default view. 3 In earlier versions of Outlook, if you don't see the Folder List, from the menu, click. 4 Then, from the Folder List, right-click the folder you wish to share (this could be your mailbox, Inbox, or calendar, or a subfolder).o set permissions on folders: 1 Open Outlook, and find the Folder List. 2 In Outlook 2010 and 2013, Folder List is the default view. 3 In earlier versions of Outlook, if you don't see the Folder List, from the menu, click." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "1 (DO NOT select Print to file option). 2 You will get a Save As dialog box prompted for saving created PDF file. 3 Select a folder to Save in and enter a File name, then click on Save. 4 Go to that folder to find your PDF file.ust print your document using CutePDF Writer (the printer) to get PDF output. 1 Open your original document and select Print command in File menu of your application to bring up Print dialog box. 2 Then select CutePDF Writer as the Printer to print." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "1 Open Outlook, and find the Folder List. 2 In Outlook 2010 and 2013, Folder List is the default view. 3 In earlier versions of Outlook, if you don't see the Folder List, from the menu, click. 4 Then, from the Folder List, right-click the folder you wish to share (this could be your mailbox, Inbox, or calendar, or a subfolder)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Save a copy of a file. On the File menu, click Save As .In the File name box, type a new name for the file.Click Save. Tip To save the copy in a different folder, click a different location in the Save in list or a different folder in the folder list, or both. To save the copy in a new folder, click Create New Folder.Save a file to another format. On the File menu, click Save As .In the File name box, type a new name for the file.Click the Save as Type arrow, and then click the file format that you want the file saved in.Click Save.ave a copy of a file. On the File menu, click Save As .In the File name box, type a new name for the file.Click Save. Tip To save the copy in a different folder, click a different location in the Save in list or a different folder in the folder list, or both. To save the copy in a new folder, click Create New Folder." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "I print all documents (usually up to 30-32 documents) at once from a folder, by selecting all of them and then R-click and choose print. This sends to default printer with printer's current settings and current settings of each file. This was possible using Windows XP Professional, with MS Word 2003." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Select all the files you want to print. Right click on the selection and the pop up menu will have a print option . Select print and adobe will open all the files. After all the files are opened, Select the x to exit the file open window and adobe will print all the selected files. In random order." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "View and print database files by index. View pictures and multimedia files on the internet. Organize your entire disk by catagories such as pictures, documents, text, database, spreadsheets. Create your own file groups adding descriptions, search words, and comments for each file. Organize accessible files over the local area network." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Using this program can save you a lot of paper and thereby also saving valuable natural resources. Below is a picture of PrintFile's main window. Selection of which files to print can be made by the normal Windows file selection dialog, or by Drag and Drop operations with one or several files." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is plasmapheresis used for" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Plasmapheresis is a process in which the liquid in the blood, or plasma, is separated from the cells. In sick people, plasma can contain antibodies that attack the immune system. A machine removes the affected plasma and replaces it with good plasma, or a plasma substitute.This is also known as plasma exchange.The process is similar to kidney dialysis. Plasmapheresis also can refer to the plasma donation process, where the plasma is removed and cells are returned to the body.Plasmapheresis can be used to treat a variety of autoimmune disorders, including myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and Lambert-Eaton. It can also be used to treat multiple sclerosis. machine removes the affected plasma and replaces it with good plasma, or a plasma substitute. This is also known as plasma exchange. The process is similar to kidney dialysis. Plasmapheresis also can refer to the plasma donation process, where the plasma is removed and cells are returned to the body." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The donation process is called plasmapheresis and involves an automated machine that removes whole blood and separates plasma into a container. The red blood cells are then re-infused into the body. This process usually takes about 90 minutes. Sit back and read, relax or enjoy our wi-fi." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "You may give a plasma only donation (Plasmapheresis) at a Canadian Blood Services clinic that has the equipment to perform this specialized procedure, provided you have been recovered from malaria for more than 6 months." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Three general types of plasmapheresis can be distinguished: Removing blood plasma, treating it in some way, and returning it to the same person. Removing blood plasma, separating its components, and returning some of them to the same person while holding out others to become blood products donated by the donor." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Source plasma is plasma that is collected from healthy, voluntary donors through a process called plasmapheresis and is used exclusively for further manufacturing into final therapies (fractionation). 2 Source plasma donors may be compensated for their time and effort." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Upon completion of your donation, you will be compensated for your time with a reloadable prepaid debit card. We collect your plasma using a process called plasmapheresis.. Plasmapheresis is a special process that separates the plasma from the blood and collects it in a bottle. The uncollected parts of the blood, including red blood cells and white blood cells, are returned to the donor. The return of these cells allows donors to donate plasma up to two times a week." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Systemic vasculitis, characterized by inflammatory changes in blood vessels, is a general term used for a group of diseases including Wegener's granulomatosis, microscopic polyarteritis, and crescentic glomerulonephritis. Therapeutic plasmapheresis for autoimmune disease." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Three general types of plasmapheresis can be distinguished: Autologuous, Removing blood plasma, treating it in some way, and returning it to the same person, as a therapy. Exchange, Removing blood plasma and exchanging it with blood products to be donated to the recipient. This type is called plasma exchange (PE or PEX) or plasma exchange therapy (PET)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Platelet apheresis Transfusion medicine The centrifugal separation of platelets from whole blood, with continuous or intermittent return of the RBCs and platelet-poor plasma to the donor; plateletpheresis is a form of exchange transfusion used for Pts with extremely high–> 1-1.5 x 109/L platelet counts, which is linked to severe thrombotic and ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is photopheresis? Photopheresis (ECP) is a type of medical therapy that can be used in treating patients with problems associated with cutaneous (skin) T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) such as mycosis fungoides (MF) or Sezary syndrome. ECP is also used to treat conditions including graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and organ transplant rejection. It was developed by THERAKOS©, a Johnson & Johnson company. Photopheresis treatments at Stanford Medical Center are given at the Cancer Center in the Apheresis Area." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Blood is composed of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Plasma makes up approximately 55 percent of the volume of blood. About 7 percent of a person’s weight is blood. An average sized man has about 12 pints of blood and an average woman has about 9 pints. Plasmapheresis is a plasma donation process in which you only donate the straw-colored “liquid” portion of your blood, the plasma. A needle is placed in the vein of the donor’s arm, and the blood is collected utilizing a highly specialized medical device approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Plasma exchange is a therapeutic procedure used to treat a variety of diseases through the bulk removal of plasma. The application of plasma exchange in the field of treating renal disease can be a breakthrough, which help people with renal disease clean blood well and improve the efficacy of medicines." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Because of the evidence of immunological mechanisms and presumed circulating factors in the pathophysiology of nephrotic syndrome, plasmapheresis has been attempted in patients with treatment-resistant FSGS and SRNS." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Then a special machine separates the plasma (and often the platelets) from your blood sample. This process is called plasmapheresis. The remaining red blood cells and other blood components are then returned to your body, along with a little saline (salt) solution. People with the blood type AB are in the greatest demand for plasma donation. Though they make up just 4% of the population, their plasma is universal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Examples of diseases that can be treated with plasmapheresis: 1 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. 2 Guillain–Barré syndrome. 3 Miller Fisher syndrome. 4 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. 5 Goodpasture's syndrome. 6 Hyperviscosity syndromes: Cryoglobulinemia. Paraproteinemia. 7 Myasthenia gravis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Plasma is a yellow, liquid substance that is part of the roughly 12 pints of blood you have in your body. Through a process called plasmapheresis, you can donate a portion of your plasma to help drug companies make products to prevent and treat diseases including rubella, measles, hepatitis B, tetanus and rabies." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Of particular interest is the use of. cold plasmas in hospital hygiene, in the. treatment of diverse skin and infectious. diseases, in dentistry and in the cosmetic. field. A great advantage of this physical. method, where according to present. knowledge allergic or toxic reactions are." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "In 2015, Swanson began weekly treatments known as plasmapheresis, in which her plasma — which contained the dangerous antibody — was replaced with donor plasma, much like in a blood transfusion. —" ], [ "", "Your plasma donation saves lives. ...And improves the lives of thousands of people. Plasma derived therapies are used to treat or prevent serious disorders and diseases such as: Hemophilia | Immune system deficiencies | Tetanus | Hepatitis B | Treatment for burns | Treatment for shock | Treatment for major trauma..." ], [ "Represent the input", "When a patient undergoes plasmapheresis procedure, plasma, the fluid part of the blood, is removed from blood cells by a cell separator.The separator spins blood at a rapid speed to separate blood cells from the plasma, or it passes the blood through a membrane with pores so tiny that only plasma can fit through.hen a patient undergoes plasmapheresis procedure, plasma, the fluid part of the blood, is removed from blood cells by a cell separator." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Plasma Transfusions. Plasma is the liquid part of the body’s blood. It contains important proteins and other substances crucial to one’s overall health. Plasma transfusions are used for patients with liver failure, severe infections, and serious burns." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To begin plasmapheresis, whole blood will be taken from your arm. The whole blood is then drawn by the automated machine into a centrifuge that spins, causing the plasma to separate from the red blood cells." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Blood plasma is separated from the blood by spinning a tube of fresh blood containing an anticoagulant in a centrifuge until the blood cells fall to the bottom of the tube. The blood plasma is then poured or drawn off. Blood plasma has a density of approximately 1025 kg/m3, or 1.025 g/ml. Blood serum is blood plasma without clotting factors. Plasmapheresis is a medical therapy that involves blood plasma extraction, treatment, and reintegration." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The antibodies in a person’s blood help protect our bodies from foreign objects. Typically, your antibodies protect you from viruses and bacteria. However, in the case of an organ transplant, your antibodies may mistake your new organ as an invading object and try to defend your body from this intruder. Plasmapheresis is similar to dialysis; however, it removes the plasma portion of the blood where the antibodies are located. Plasma is the almost clear part of the blood which carries red cells, white cells, platelets and other substances through your bloodstream. During plasmapheresis, you will need to have a working native fistula, graft or dialysis catheter." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Font Size. A. A. A. Plasma exchange, also known as plasmapheresis, is a way to clean your blood. It works sort of like kidney dialysis. During the treatment, plasma -- the liquid part of your blood -- gets replaced with plasma from a donor or with a plasma substitute.ont Size. A. A. A. Plasma exchange, also known as plasmapheresis, is a way to clean your blood. It works sort of like kidney dialysis. During the treatment, plasma -- the liquid part of your blood -- gets replaced with plasma from a donor or with a plasma substitute." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How to Donate Plasma. Three Parts: Preparing for the Donation Donating Plasma Following Protocol After Donating. Plasma is a yellow, liquid substance that is part of the roughly 12 pints of blood you have in your body. Through a process called plasmapheresis, you can donate a portion of your plasma to help drug companies make products to prevent and treat diseases including rubella, measles, hepatitis B, tetanus and rabies." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Platelets and plasma may be used during surgery because they help your body stop bleeding. You may get a transfusion of red blood cells for chronic anemia (lack of red blood cells). You may get platelets or plasma to treat a condition that affects blood clotting, such as hemophilia. You may need platelets if you had chemotherapy to treat cancer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Plasma. Plasma is the fluid in the blood containing proteins that help the blood to clot. A transfusion of plasma may be needed if there's severe bleeding, such as after surgery, trauma or childbirth.A transfusion may also be needed in conditions (such as liver disease) that affect the production of clotting proteins.latelets. A platelet transfusion is used to treat people who have very low levels of platelet cells in their blood. This is known as thrombocytopenia. If you have thrombocytopenia, you're at risk of excessive bleeding, either through a minor accident, cut or graze, or as a result of surgery or dental work." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Neurology. 78;1009; 2012. • Based on 2 Class I studies, IVIG is as efficacious as plasmapheresis for treating GBS in adults. Because plasmapheresis is established as effective GBS treatment, we conclude that IVIG also has established effectiveness." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Extracorporeal photopheresis may also have some use in the treatment of psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, nephrogenic systemic fibrosis/nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy, and scleromyxedema." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) is a leukapheresis-based therapeutic procedure that has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of advanced cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) since 1988." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Photopheresis (ECP) is a type of medical therapy that can be used in treating patients with problems associated with cutaneous (skin) T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) such as mycosis fungoides (MF) or Sezary syndrome." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Plasmapheresis and Multiple Sclerosis. The purpose of this procedure is to eliminate antibodies from human blood and preventing them from assaulting their intended targets. In people with multiple sclerosis, the antibodies target the own body cells of the person." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Plasmapheresis is a procedure in which blood. is separated into cells and plasma (liquid). The plasma is removed and replaced with fresh. frozen plasma, a blood product called albumin. and/or a plasma substitute. The procedure. is often referred to as plasma exchange. Plasmapheresis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The blood plasma is then poured or drawn off. Blood plasma has a density of approximately 1025 kg/m3, or 1.025 g/ml. Blood serum is blood plasma without clotting factors; in other words, pure blood. Plasmapheresis is a medical therapy that involves blood plasma extraction, treatment, and reintegration." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "During plasmapheresis, blood (which consists of blood cells and a clear liquid called plasma) is initially taken out of the body through a needle or previously implanted catheter. 1 Plasma is then removed from the blood by a cell separator." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Plasma cleaning is becoming a commonly used technique for both preventing contamination from entering into the. microscope and to prevent it from building up on the specimen during analytical electron microscopy. To determine. where most contamination originates and how successful the cleaning process is, several different types of specimens. were subjected to the plasma cleaning process. Standard TEM specimens, specimen holders, as well as microscope." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Blood plasma is prepared by spinning a tube of fresh blood containing an anticoagulant in a centrifuge until the blood cells fall to the bottom of the tube. The blood plasma is then poured or drawn off. Blood plasma has a density of approximately 1025 kg/m3, or 1.025 g/ml. Blood serum is blood plasma without clotting factors; in other words, pure blood. Plasmapheresis is a medical therapy that involves blood plasma extraction, treatment, and reintegration." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A: Plasma, a component of human blood, is used to treat people suffering from medical emergencies. Injuries sustained from accidents, such as burns, trauma and shock, are treated with plasma. It is also used to treat chronic conditions like hemophilia and some autoimmune disorders." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Due to the myriad symptoms that steroid treatments can cause, it is not the preferred method of treatment. Other immune suppressing medications may also be used including rituximab. Plasmapheresis and IVIG Edit. If the myasthenia is serious (myasthenic crisis), plasmapheresis can" ], [ "Represent the natural language:", "Platelet transfusions are used in cases of severe bleeding in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Plasma exchange or plasmapheresis is the treatment of choice in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. VinCRIStine may be used in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura cases that are refractory to plasmapheresis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The blood plasma is then poured or drawn off. Blood plasma has a density of approximately 1025 kg/m3, or 1.025 g/ml. Blood serum is blood plasma without clotting factors; in other words, pure blood. Plasmapheresis is a medical therapy that involves blood plasma extraction, treatment, and reintegration. It is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system." ], [ "", "Small studies have suggested that UVA-1 phototherapy may have some benefits for lowering disease activity in SLE. Plasmapheresis. Plasmapheresis is a process in which the fluid part of the blood, called plasma, is removed from blood cells.The procedure involves first taking blood from the patient. The plasma, which contains the inflammatory antibodies and other immunologically active substances, is discarded and replaced with other fluids.teroids can help relieve many of the complications and symptoms, including anemia and kidney involvement. Oral prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone) is usually prescribed. Other drugs include methylprednisolone (Medrol, Solumedrol), hydrocortisone, and dexamethasone (Decadron)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "wikiHow to Donate Plasma. Plasma is a yellow, liquid substance that is part of the roughly 12 pints of blood you have in your body. Through a process called plasmapheresis, you can donate a portion of your plasma to help drug companies make products to prevent and treat diseases including rubella, measles, hepatitis B, tetanus and rabies." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 Composed of 90% water, plasma is a transporting medium for cells and a variety of substances vital to the human body.2 Plasma carries out a variety of functions in the body, including clotting blood, fighting diseases and other critical functions. Source plasma is plasma that is collected from healthy, voluntary donors through a process called plasmapheresis and is used exclusively for further manufacturing into final therapies (fractionation). 2 Source plasma donors may be compensated for their time and effort." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Three general types of plasmapheresis can be distinguished: 1 Removing blood plasma, treating it in some way, and returning it to the same person. 2 Removing blood plasma, separating its components, and returning some of them to the same person while holding out others to become blood products donated by the donor." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Blood plasma is prepared by spinning a tube of fresh blood containing an anticoagulant in a centrifuge until the blood cells fall to the bottom of the tube. The blood plasma is then poured or drawn off. Blood plasma has a density of approximately 1025 kg/m3, or 1.025 g/ml. Blood serum is blood plasma without clotting factors. Plasmapheresis is a medical therapy that involves blood plasma extraction, treatment, and reintegration." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The normal blood cells are returned to the bloodstream along with donated plasma or a plasma replacement. Plasmapheresis does not keep new antibodies from forming. High-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplant: If amyloidosis occurs, treatment may include high-dose chemotherapy followed by stem cell transplant using the patient's own stem cells." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "It is then attached to a plasmapheresis machine. As the blood is drawn out, an anti-coagulating (anti-clotting) agent is used to keep it from clotting outside the human body. Once the red blood cells are spun, they are returned." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How to Donate Plasma. Three Parts: Preparing for the Donation Donating Plasma Following Protocol After Donating Community Q&A. Plasma is a yellow, liquid substance that is part of the roughly 12 pints of blood you have in your body. Through a process called plasmapheresis, you can donate a portion of your plasma to help drug companies make products to prevent and treat diseases including rubella, measles, hepatitis B, tetanus and rabies." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "what is frederick taylor known for" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Synopsis. Frederick Winslow Taylor was born on March 20, 1856, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. While employed at Midvale Steel Co., Taylor systemized the shop management to reduce costs and increase production. Taylor became known as the father of production management. His theory was called Taylorism. Taylor died on March 21, 1915." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Roland Stephen Steve Taylor, is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, music executive, film maker, and actor. A figure in what has come to be known as Christian alternative rock, Taylor enjoyed a successful solo career during the 1980s, and also served in the short-lived group Chagall Guevara. In contrast to many Christian musical artists, his songs have often taken aim at other Christians with the use of satirical, sardonic lyrics. In 1997, he founded the record label Squint Entert" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor was considered one of the last, if not the last, major star to have come out of the old Hollywood studio system. She was known internationally for her beauty, especially for her violet eyes, with which she captured audiences early on in her youth and kept the world hooked on with since. Taylor was born on February 27, 1932..." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Frederick Cossom (Fred) Hollows, A.C. Fred Hollows became world famous as an ophthalmologist, particularly for his work in restoring eyesight for countless thousands of Aborigines in Australia and people in many other countries." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Overview (4) Mini Bio (1) Nigel John Taylor is most well-known for his bass work in the popular band, Duran Duran, which he also co-founded. As schoolboys, he and Nick would sit around and daydream about the band they would one day front." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Frederick Douglass was an African American famous for leading the campaign against slavery and for black suffrage. Here are 10 facts about him." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "James Hudson Taylor was a British Protestant Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission. Taylor spent 51 years in China. The society that he began was responsible for bringing over 800 missionaries to the country who began 125 schools and directly resulted in 18,000 Christian conversions, as well as the establishment of more than 300 stations of work with more than 500 local helpers in all eighteen provinces. Taylor was known for his sensitivity to Chinese culture and" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Transcript of Classical Management Approaches. 1. Fredrick W. Taylor (American mechanical engineer and one of the first management consultants) noticed workers did their jobs in their own way without clear or uniform specifications or expectations." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Taylor character is called “The Hangman” because he is always successful in capturing and bringing wanted criminals to trial, where they are hanged. Read more Published 1 year ago" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Taylor, 65, was found guilty last year of 11 counts of war crimes, including murder, rape, torture and the enslavement of child soldiers. These offences were carried out in Sierra Leone by a brutal guerrilla army, styling itself the Revolutionary United Front (RUF)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Prussia had greatly increased its territories and became a leading military power in Europe under his rule. He became known as Frederick the Great (Friedrich der Große) and was affectionately nicknamed Der Alte Fritz (Old Fritz) by the Prussian and later by all German people. In his youth, Frederick was more interested in music and philosophy than the art of war." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Who is Buck Taylor? Buck Taylor: Walter Clarence Buck Taylor, III is an American actor best known for his role as gunsmith-turned-deputy Newly O'Brien in 174 episodes during the last eight seasons of CBS's Gunsmoke television series." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For others with the same or similar names, see Frederick Jones (disambiguation). Frederick McKinley Jones (May 17, 1893 – February 21, 1961) was an African-American inventor, entrepreneur, winner of the National Medal of Technology, and inductee of the National Inventors Hall of Fame. His innovations in refrigeration brought great improvement to the long-haul transportation of perishable goods." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Taylor Lautner Weight Gain [BEFORE AND AFTER PICS] Taylor Lautner is known for his muscles but he reportedly gained a lot of weight for a movie role!" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Founded in 1995, Taylor Engineering is a nationally recognized engineering firm specializing in mechanical systems design and construction, energy conservation, indoor air quality, controls, and system commissioning." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The owner of Pinchfield, the small farm adjacent to Manor Farm. He is a hard-nosed individual who is known for his frequent legal troubles and demanding business style. He cheats the animals out of their timber by paying for it with fake banknotes. Frederick represents Adolf Hitler." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Taylor portrayed managers in rather positive, behavioral terms as heartily cooperative. In this respect, Scientific Management revealed a positive image of human nature, however one that proved unhelpful for the resolution of interaction conflict between managers and workers.he key accusation is that Taylor fell for a too mechanistic, too inhumane image of human nature. Such criticism has been persistently voiced ever since Taylor published his works on Scientific Management (e.g. Braverman, 1974, pp. 86‐7; Burrell and Morgan, 1979, pp. 144‐6; Casey, 2002, pp." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Frederick McKinley Jones. Frederick McKinley Jones was granted his first patent in 1939 when he invented a machine that gave out tickets and the correct change. After fighting in World War I, he returned to Hallock, Minnesota, to work as a mechanic and as the town’s movie projectionist." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "in history of the organization of work: Scientific management. 1 American industrial engineer Frederick W. Taylor (1856–1915) led the development of an entirely new discipline—that of industrial engineering or scientific management." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The son of wealthy Pennsylvania Quakers spent his life studying the workplace, formulating landmark efficiency standards that are still relevant in business today. Motivated to create the ultimate, efficient work environment, Frederick Winslow Taylor devised a system he termed scientific management." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'One bonus is that you can use the Ascent while its charging, essentially giving you unlimited use when within reach of a charger. Thereâ\\x80\\x99s even a timer option that lets you set temperatures in specific intervals (ie: 3 mins @ 400F, 2.45 @ 410F) which I found to be really neat. The Ascent has a number of removable glass parts (including the mouthpiece, glass stem, and bowl), making it very easy to clean out completely using an isowash on the parts.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'ascent software how to set temperature']\"", "Rip Taylor. Charles Elmer Rip Taylor, Jr. (born January 13, 1935) is an American actor and comedian. He is known for his exuberance and flamboyant personality, including his wild moustache and his habit of showering himself (and others) with confetti. 1 Early life." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "John Taylor. John Taylor (1808 - 1887) was the third Prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. During his presidency, he was known for helping the Saints deal with the persecutions of jail, fines, and being denied the vote because of their beliefs." ], [ "Represent the natural language.", "Taylor's approach is now frowned upon as 'Victorian'. It should not be forgotten however, that he was a man of his times and sought solutions to the problems of his times. He was one of the first true pioneers of management through his scientific examination of the way work was done." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Buck Taylor. Walter Clarence Taylor, III, known as Buck Taylor (born May 13, 1938), is an American actor best known for his role as gunsmith-turned-deputy Newly O'Brien in 174 episodes during the last eight seasons of CBS's Gunsmoke television series (1967–1975). In recent years, he has painted the portrait of his friend and Gunsmoke series' star James Arness." ], [ "represent the following document", "Taylor's painting specialty is the American West, and each year, he creates the posters for several Texas rodeos. Taylor lives with his second wife on a ranch near Fort Worth, Texas. also known as Walter Clarence Taylor III; Buck Taylor III; Walter Clarence Taylor, III; Buck; born on 13 May 1938 (77 years ago) in Hollywood, child of Dub Taylor" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Frederick Douglass does in fact have a middle name but it is in his real name. After escaping slavery he changed it to what he is known by, Frederick Douglass. His actua … l name is Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey. 10 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Johnnie Harrison Taylor (1934–2000) Johnnie Harrison Taylor was a popular gospel and rhythm and blues singer, known as the “Philosopher of Soul,” whose recording career spanned forty-six years. His single, “Disco Lady,” was the first single ever to be certified platinum. He was added to the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame in 1999." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Clark and Wyatt′s[ 10 ] report was generally favourable to Taylorism. They found that the introduction of scientific management into an enterprise tended to raise wages and lower both hours and worker fatigue.bstract: Frederick Taylor and the early scientific management movement have commonly been depicted as villains by authors who base their claims on a very superficial reading of their work." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Frederick Fred Cossom Hollows, was born on the 9th of April 1929 in Dunedin, New Zealand. He was an ophthalmologist who became known for his work in restoring eyesight for several thousands of people in Australia and many other countries." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Due to his ferocious hits, several of his Redskins teammates nicknamed him Meast , a portmanteau word from the expression half man, half beast.. Taylor died at the age of 24 on November 27, 2007, from critical injuries from a gunshot by intruders at his Miami area home." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Abstract: Frederick Taylor and the early scientific management movement have commonly been depicted as villains by authors who base their claims on a very superficial reading of their work.Examines an example of such a reading that asserts the Taylorists were opposed to the reduction of long working hours.bstract: Frederick Taylor and the early scientific management movement have commonly been depicted as villains by authors who base their claims on a very superficial reading of their work." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFor instance, <<[\"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\n\\nFor example, '(Updated March 2017) According to the latest census estimates, the 2015 estimated population of Gulfport is 71,856 residents. From the 2010 Census, the population density was 1,219.5 people per square mile. The city had 75% of its population at the age of 18 and above.' should be close to 'gulfport population'\", 'Partly in response to the troubles in the industry, Louisiana overhauled their regulatory agencies. In the spring of 1996, a new Gaming Control Board was created to oversee riverboat, video poker, casino and Indian gaming. The governor appoints the nine-member board.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what government agency regulates the casino gaming industry']\"", "The person most responsible for popularizing interchangeable parts in manufacturing was a. Frederick Winslow Taylor b. Henry Ford c. Eli Whitney d. Whitney Houston e. Lillian Gilbreth" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Charles Beveridge is an Olmsted historian and the series editor of The Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted. He is co-author of Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing the American Landscape." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor was considered one of the last, if not the last, major star to have come out of the old Hollywood studio system. She was known internationally for her beauty, especially for her violet eyes, with which she captured audiences early on in her youth and kept the world hooked on with since. Taylor was born on February 27, 1932 in London, England. Although she was born an English subject, her parents, Sara Sothern (née Sara Viola Warmbrodt) and Francis Lenn Taylor, were Americans, art dealers from St. Louis, Missouri (her father had gone to London to set up a gallery)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Even though the Collingsdale, Pa., cemetery contains the bodies of several black luminaries -- including civil rights leader Octavius Valentine Catto and opera singer Marian Anderson -- Williams didn't come for any of these big names. He was there to see John Taylor, the first African American to win Olympic gold. Taylor was a college graduate and a star athlete, recognized for his success even by then president Theodore Roosevelt. But in 1908, the same year he medaled at the Olympic games in London, he died of typhoid pneumonia." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "George Taylor, more commonly known as Taylor, is the main protagonist of the original Planet of the Apes film and supporting protagonist of Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Taylor is an American astronaut and the leader of a space expedition. He is played by Charlton Heston." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Wolfe followed with four novels over the following eight years and had more than 10 works published after his untimely death in 1938. Early Years Thomas Wolfe was born on October 3, 1900, in Asheville, North Carolina, to a stonecutter father and a mother who owned a boardinghouse.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what year was thomas wolfe bon']\"", "James J.T.. Taylor (born August 16, 1953, Laurens, South Carolina) is an American singer and actor best known as the former lead singer of the R&B/funk band, Kool & the Gang. Before his rise to fame, Taylor was a schoolteacher and amateur night club singer having first joined a band at the age of 13." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Major: Business Administration and Management. With the creation of large factories in the late 1800s came the need to manage large groups of workers. In his 1911 book The Principles of Scientific Management, Frederick Winslow Taylor addressed that need. He suggested that each worker be trained to do a single task with no wasted effort. His philosophy made such a big impact on the business world that it was nicknamed Taylorism and is still studied today." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Frederick McKinley Jones. Frederick McKinley Jones (1893?-1961) was known for his mechanical aptitude and his curious and inventive mind. Largely self educated, Jones invented the first refrigerated transport system. This made it possible to ship food via plane, truck, boat or train anywhere in the world without it perishing." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Mini Bio (1) Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor was considered one of the last, if not the last, major star to have come out of the old Hollywood studio system. She was known internationally for her beauty, especially for her violet eyes, with which she captured audiences early on in her youth and kept the world hooked on with since." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Taylor Branch. Biography. Taylor Branch is an American author and public speaker best known for his landmark narrative history of the civil rights era, America in the King Years. The trilogy’s first book, Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63, won the Pulitzer Prize and numerous other awards in 1989." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Taylor served on the Board of Directors for Feeding America for eight years, including two years as board chair. He continues to serve as a member of the Cincinnati Freestore Foodbank. In addition, Taylor is a member of the Board of Visitors at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Sir Henry Parkes was most famous for the fact that he pushed so strongly for the Federation of the Australian colonies. He first elected to the New South Wales Parliament in … 1854, and was Premier of New South Wales several times between 1872 and 1891." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "You are here: Home » Biography. Taylor Branch is an American author and public speaker best known for his landmark narrative history of the civil rights era, America in the King Years. The trilogy’s first book, Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954-63, won the Pulitzer Prize and numerous other awards in 1989." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "He voiced Fred Flintstone in commercials from 2005 up to 2011, following the death of Henry Corden. He also voiced Nicolas Cage in a trailer for a fictional movie with Cage in an episode on the sitcom The King of Queens. Taylor was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California. He has been voice acting since 1995, appearing in the Japanese game Emit. He has been an active member of the voice acting community since, appearing in numerous roles for both television, film, and video games." ], [ "", "Frederick McKinley Jones was an African-American inventor, entrepreneur, winner of the National Medal of Technology, and inductee of the National Inventors Hall of Fame. His innovations in refrigeration brought great improvement to the long-haul transportation of perishable goods. He cofounded Thermo King." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Brennan Taylor (I) Brennan Taylor is an actor and writer, known for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014), Broad City (2014) and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999). See full bio »." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For other persons with the same name, see James Taylor (disambiguation). James Vernon Taylor (born March 12, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. A five-time Grammy Award winner, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000. He is one of the best-selling music artists of all time, having sold more than 100 million records worldwide." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "exists and is an alternate of. Merge this question into. Split and merge into it. Answered by The Community. Making the world better, one answer at a time. Frederick Douglass does in fact have a middle name but it is in his real name. After escaping slavery he changed it to what he is known by, Frederick Douglass. His actual name is Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Dr. Frederick Abbuhl is a doctor in Albany, NY, and has been in practice between 10–20 years. Albany, NY. Dr. Jill Abelseth is an endocrinologist in Albany, NY, and has been in practice more than 20 years." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Taylor Branch. For the stream in Missouri, see Taylor Branch (Wolf Creek). Taylor Branch (born January 14, 1947) is an American author and historian best known for his award-winning trilogy of books chronicling the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and much of the history of the American Civil Rights Movement." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The character of his comments makes it clear that he had a firsthand knowledge of the books that he cites. A History of Bibliographies of Bibliographies Archer Taylor During this period he mastered the use of surveying instruments and made a firsthand study of tides in the region." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "From Bill Clinton to Jermain Taylor, several famous and well-known people have roots in Arkansas. Find out about famous Arkansans known for their contributions to arts & entertainment, writing, sports, history, politics, architecture, businesses and more." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Charles Hollis Chuck Taylor (June 24, 1901 – June 23, 1969) was an American basketball player and shoe salesman/evangelist. He is best known for his association with the Chuck Taylor All-Stars sneaker, the 2nd best selling basketball shoe in history." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Pluto is thought to be made of mostly ice. It probably also has a small rocky core which might contain some metals. The ice on the surface of Pluto is made of frozen nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide.The ice covering Pluto reflects a lot of sunlight making it appear brighter than it would if it had been covered with a darker rocky material. 1 Javascript must be enabled to use Cool Cosmos.t probably also has a small rocky core which might contain some metals. The ice on the surface of Pluto is made of frozen nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide. The ice covering Pluto reflects a lot of sunlight making it appear brighter than it would if it had been covered with a darker rocky material.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is pluto made of']\"", "Frederick McKinley Jones (1893?-1961) was known for his mechanical aptitude and his curious and inventive mind. Largely self educated, Jones invented the first refrigerated transport system. This made it possible to ship food via plane, truck, boat or train anywhere in the world without it perishing. Frederick McKinley Jones was born across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio in Covington, Kentucky, on May 17, 1893 (some sources say 1892). His Irish father, John Jones, worked for the railroad. His African American mother abandoned the family soon after her son was born. Jones exhibited an early mechanical aptitude." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Theodore Langhans Taylor (June 23, 1921, Statesville, North Carolina, United States – October 26, 2006, Laguna Beach, California) was an American author of more than 50 fiction and non-fiction books for young adult readers, including The Cay, The Weirdo (winner of the 1992 Edgar Award for Best Young Adult Mystery), Ice Drift, Timothy of the Cay, The ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "James Vernon Taylor (born March 12, 1948) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. A five-time Grammy Award winner, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000. He is one of the best-selling music artists of all time, having sold more than 100 million records worldwide." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "John Taylor (IV) Nigel John Taylor is most well-known for his bass work in the popular band, Duran Duran, which he also co-founded. As schoolboys, he and Nick would sit around and daydream about the band they would one day front." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In his debut appearance at the Hague, he compared the tribunal to “a natural disaster one has to defend themselves from.”. The Rebel at The Hague Ellie Tzortzi July 21, 2009. Charles Taylor of Liberia is currently on trial in The Hague, where there is no death penalty." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Adaptive management is a systematic approach for improving resource management by learning from management outcomes (1). Its origin can be traced back to ideas of scientific management pioneered by Frederick Taylor in the early 1900s (2,3)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Hugo Munsterbeg (1863-1916) is considered to be the “father of industrial psychology” and is regarded by students of psychology as an important figure as Frederick Taylor is by students of management. Munsterberg attempted to develop practical applications of psychology. He argued that psychologists could help industry in three major areas: a." ], [ "", "Taylor Daniel Lautner (/ˈlaʊtnər/ ; born February 11, 1992) is an American actor, model and martial artist. Lautner is best known for playing Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga film series based on the novels of the same name by Stephenie Meyer.n between the second and third films in the Twilight series, Lautner was a part of the ensemble cast in the movie Valentine's Day as Willy Harrington, acting alongside his rumored girlfriend at the time, American country pop singer Taylor Swift. The duo was nominated at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards for Best Kiss." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Also Known As. Biography. Buck Taylor is probably best known as playing gunsmith turned deputy Newly O'Brian on the hit western drama, Gunsmoke. Buck is currently a painter by trade, and he creates the posters for several Texas rodeo shows every year. He is currently married to Goldie Taylor, and he has…more." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "John Taylor (bass guitarist) For other people named John Taylor, see John Taylor (disambiguation). Nigel John Taylor (born 20 June 1960) is an English musician and actor, who is best known as the bass guitarist and co-founder of the new wave band Duran Duran. Duran Duran were one of the most popular bands in the world during the 1980s due to their revolutionary music videos that played in heavy rotation in the early days of MTV." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Peter Drucker is often called 'the guru's guru'. Drucker himself would suggest that accolade should be given to Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915):" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For the lineman, see Jim Taylor (tackle). James Charles Taylor (born September 20, 1935) is a former American football fullback who played professionally in the National Football League (NFL) for ten seasons, with the Green Bay Packers from 1958 to 1966 and with the expansion New Orleans Saints in 1967." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "who is the leader of the klu klux klan" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', 'The biggest artist on Spotify is a shareholder in TIDAL. Well this is a little awkward. Rihanna became the biggest artist on Spotify yesterday, overtaking Justin Bieber by storming to 31.3m active fans worldwide on the platform. Thatâ\\x80\\x99s a big number: ten times more than TIDALâ\\x80\\x99s entire user base, in fact.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'biggest artist on spotify']\"", "1 William Joseph Simmons (1880-1945) was the leader of the second Ku Klux Klan between 1915 and 1922. 2 Hiram Wesley Evans (1881-1966), Imperial Wizard, 1922-1939, during which the KKK experienced its peak in membership.3 James A. Colescott (1897-1950), Imperial Wizard, 1939-1944. Johnny Lee Clary (1959–2014), Imperial Wizard in 1989 of the White Knights Organization but subsequently renounced his membership and became an ordained Christian minister speaking against racism and movements such as the Ku Klux Klan. 2 Ron Edwards, Imperial Wizard of the Imperial Klans of America." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Six Confederate veterans from Pulaski, Tennessee created the original Ku Klux Klan on December 24, 1865, during the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War. The name was formed by combining the Greek kyklos (κύκλος, circle) with clan." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "By James Crawford. R AUL YZAGUIRRE, president of the National Council of La Raza, minces no words: U.S. English is to Hispanics as the Ku Klux Klan is to blacks.. However harsh that analysis may seem, it is the consensus among Latino leaders, from rightist Cubans to liberal Chicanos to radical Puerto Ricans." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan, or KKK, is the white supremacist group in the US that spread racism and hate among white and black people. After the Nazis occupied the US, they helped the KKK purge the African-American community through brutality and oppression." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "John Ellen, Brisbane, Australia. I'm not sure how true it is, but I was once told that Ku Klux Klan was chosen because it sounds like a rifle bolt being cocked. Adrian Hogg, Ponteland, England. The name come from the Greek name Kuklos which means circle, and Klan was added. The members says it means White Racial Brotherhood. The Klan was established in 1865 in Tennessee, after the civil war ended. The founder was Nathan Bed Forrest, a soldier from the south." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist organization that was founded in 1866. Throughout its notorious history, factions of the secret fraternal organization have used acts of terrorism—including murder, Lynching, Arson, rape, and bombing—to oppose the granting of Civil Rights to African Americans.x-Confederate soldiers established the Ku Klux Klan in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866. They developed the first two words of the group's name from the Greek word kuklos, meaning group or band, and took the third as a variant of the word clan." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "The Ku Klux Klan or commonly known as the KKK, or simply Klan, is the white supremacist group in the US that advocate for harsh and violent policies towards blacks, Jews, homosexuals, Catholics and leftists." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Many people would be shocked to know that at least five U.S. Presidents were members of the Ku Klux Klan. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center,”the KKK started in the summer of 1866 when six ex-Confederate officers decided to organize a social club. They decided to use the term “kuklos,” which means circle." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "In 1869, he was a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Pike was said to be a Satanist, who indulged in the occult, and he apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ku Klux Klan Reality, captured by Anthony Karen The Ku Klux Klan, founded in 1865, had four million members in 1925. Today, the Ku Klux Klan has a maximum of 8.000 members and is called a former terrorist power that has become a curiosity . Photographer Anthony Karen spent eight years documenting Klan organisations as a nonjudgmental observer ." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"The most densely populated provinces are in the east: Jiangsu (767 persons per square kilometer), Shandong (611 persons per square kilometer), Guangdong (580 persons per square kilometer), and Henan (568 persons per square kilometer).his articles lists of the first-level administrative divisions of People's Republic of China (P.R.C.), including all provinces, autonomous regions, special administrative regions, and municipalities, in order of their population density at the census of 2010.\"]' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'which chinese region is most densely populated']'", "Six well-educated Confederate veterans from Pulaski, Tennessee, created the original Ku Klux Klan on December 24, 1865, during Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War. The name was formed by combining the Greek kyklos (κυκλος, meaning circle) with clan." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is one of several white-supremacist organizations in the United States, which are dedicated to opposing civil rights for Blacks, Jews, and other ethnic, racial, social or religious groups.They also oppose Catholicism, and ' left ' groups such as the IWW, and the gay rights movement.istory The original Ku Klux Klan was first established in Pulaski, Tennessee after the end of the American Civil War on December 24, 1865 by General Nathan Bedford Forrest and other Confederate veterans." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 by ex-Confederate soldiers and other Southerners opposed to Reconstruction after the Civil War. In the waning years of Reconstruction the Klan disbanded." ], [ "", "The Ku Klux Klan was originally a social fraternity, organized by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first Grand Wizard of the Empire, in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1 … 865. The name probably came from the Greek word kukl meaning circle.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In 1974, Duke founded the Louisiana-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKKK), shortly after graduating from LSU. He became Grand Wizard of the KKKK. A follower of Duke, Thomas Robb, changed the title of Grand Wizard to National Director, and replaced the Klan's white robes with business suits.n 2009, it was confirmed that David Duke was living in Zell am See in Salzburg, Austria, from which he ran the Internet business Art by Ernst, taking and selling photographs of rare birds, mountain scenery and wildlife under the pseudonym Ernst Duke (Germanized version of Duke's middle name, Ernest)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Matthew McConaughey Net Worth. Born Matthew David McConaughey has an estimated net worth of $77 million. Matthew McConaughey is an acclaimed American actor whose first brush with showbiz was with his critically acclaimed role in the movie â\\x80\\x9cDazed and Confusedâ\\x80\\x9d. The actor's stock rose further by portraying a lawyer in the 1996 film â\\x80\\x9cA Time to Killâ\\x80\\x9d.\"]>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how rich is matthew mcconaughey']>>", ". As you can see, the Klu Klux Klan wear the same kind of outfit as the Roman Catholic butchers did during the inquisitions. There is no doubt that it was Satan who inspired the KKK and the Papal Church to be the oppressive, murdering organisations that they have been. . As you can see, the Klu Klux Klan wear the same kind of outfit as the Roman Catholic butchers did during the inquisitions. There is no doubt that it was Satan who inspired the KKK and the Papal Church to be the oppressive, murdering organisations that they have been. ." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Ku Klux Klan or commonly known as the KKK, or simply Klan, is the white supremacist group in... The Ku Klux Klan or commonly known as the KKK, or simply Klan, is the white supremacist group in the US that advocate for harsh and violent policies towards blacks, Jews, homosexuals, Catholics..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The founding of the Ku Klux Klan in 1866 is recognized on this date. The Ku Klux Klan is an American organization that primarily promotes hatred to all races that are not White and to non-protestant religions.he Klan was effective in systematically keeping Black men away from the polls, so that the ex-Confederates gained political control in many states. William J. Simmons, an ex-minister and promoter of fraternal orders, founded the second Ku Klux Klan in 1915; its first meeting was held in Stone Mountain, GA." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Ku Klux Klan was originally a social fraternity, organized by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first Grand Wizard of the Empire, in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1 … 865." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Six Confederate veterans from Pulaski, Tennessee created the original Ku Klux Klan on December 24, 1865, during the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War. The name was formed by combining the Greek kyklos (κύκλος, circle) with clan. The group was known for a short time as the Kuklux Clan." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This man was the person who founded the Klu Klux Klan during the 1800's. In the movie, Forrest Gump is actually superimposed onto a picture from the movie, Birth of a Nation of Nathan Bedford Forrest as can be seen in the picture on the left." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Skip to comments. The original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white, according to a new television program and book, which describe how the Democrats started the KKK and for decades harassed the GOP with lynchings and threats." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Presidents who were members of the KKK: President Warren G. Harding, President Woodrow Wilson, President McKinley, President Calvin Coolidge, and President Harry S. Truman. Supreme Court Justice members: Hugo Black. Other notable and downright important men were: President Warren G. Harding. He was actually sworn into the Ku Klux Klan in a Klan ceremony conducted inside the White House by Imperial Wizard Colonel Simmons." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Ku Klux Klan was formed as a social club by a group of Confederate Army veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee in the winter of 1865-66. The group adopted the name Ku Klux Klan from the Greek word kyklos, meaning circle, and the English word clan.In the summer of 1867, the Klan became the Invisible Empire of the South at a convention in Nashville, Tennessee attended by delegates from former Confederate states.he group adopted the name Ku Klux Klan from the Greek word kyklos, meaning circle, and the English word clan. In the summer of 1867, the Klan became the Invisible Empire of the South at a convention in Nashville, Tennessee attended by delegates from former Confederate states." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Klu Klux Klan is a racist and/or hate group formed after the American Civil War by white Americans who wanted supremacy over other races.he Klan, as the group is called, is also connected with terroristic activities, anti-Christian assaults, and various other crimes. In the past, the Klan or KKK was just a secret fraternity club for white men. They had costumes during their meetings and rituals to protect the secret nature of their organization." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Ku Klux Klan was formed as a social club by a group of Confederate Army veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee in the winter of 1865-66. The group adopted the name Ku Klux Klan from the Greek word kyklos, meaning circle, and the English word clan." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's. By Anonymous, fairfield, CT. America in the 1920’S was a roller-coaster ride because many people did not know what to expect after the war. All of the changes led to the reformation of the Klu Klux Klan (a.k.a., the Klan and KKK).he Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's. By Anonymous, fairfield, CT. America in the 1920’S was a roller-coaster ride because many people did not know what to expect after the war. All of the changes led to the reformation of the Klu Klux Klan (a.k.a., the Klan and KKK)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In 1915 the film The Birth of a Nation was released, mythologising and glorifying the first Klan and its endeavors. The second Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 by William Joseph Simmons at Stone Mountain, outside Atlanta, with fifteen charter members.he first Ku Klux Klan flourished in the Southern United States in the late 1860s, then died out by the early 1870s. Members made their own, often colorful, costumes: robes, masks, and conical hats, designed to be terrifying, and to hide their identities." ], [ "", "Six Confederate veterans from Pulaski, Tennessee created the original Ku Klux Klan on December 24, 1865, during the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War. The name was formed by combining the Greek kyklos (κύκλος, circle) with clan.The group was known for a short time as the Kuklux Clan.he second and third incarnations of the Ku Klux Klan made frequent reference to the America's Anglo-Saxon blood, hearkening back to 19th-century nativism. Though members of the KKK swore to uphold American values and Christian morality, virtually every Christian denomination officially denounced the KKK." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white, according to a new television program and book, which describe how the Democrats started the KKK and for decades harassed the GOP with lynchings and threats." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "End of the First Ku Klux Klan. From 1868 through the early 1870s the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) functioned as a loosely organized group of political and social terrorists.he Ku Klux Klan in Action. The Klan's organized terrorism began most notably on March 31, 1868, when Republican organizer George Ashburn was murdered in Columbus, Georgia. Over the following months Klan-inspired violence spread throughout Georgia's Black Belt and into the northwestern corner of the state." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In the movie Forrest Gump claims that his mother named him after Civil war hero, Nathan Bedford Forrest. This man was the person who founded the Klu Klux Klan during the 1800's. In the movie, Forrest Gump is actually superimposed onto a picture from the movie, Birth of a Nation of Nathan Bedford Forrest as can be seen in the picture on the left. Birth of a Nation was one of the most controversial movies of all time as it was essentially a reverse where it portrayed evil as the hero." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The second Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 by William J. Simmons, an ex-minister and promoter of fraternal orders; its first meeting was held on Stone Mt., Ga.he second Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 by William J. Simmons, an ex-minister and promoter of fraternal orders; its first meeting was held on Stone Mt., Ga." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Ku Klux Klan was formed as a social club by a group of Confederate Army veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee in the winter of 1865-66. The group adopted the name Ku Klux Klan from the Greek word kyklos, meaning circle, and the English word clan.he Ku Klux Klan was formed as a social club by a group of Confederate Army veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee in the winter of 1865-66. The group adopted the name Ku Klux Klan from the Greek word kyklos, meaning circle, and the English word clan." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "KKK and the Civil Rights Movement. In the 1950s the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement resulted in a revival in Ku Klux Klan organizations. The most of important of these was the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan led by Robert Shelton.KK and the Civil Rights Movement. In the 1950s the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement resulted in a revival in Ku Klux Klan organizations. The most of important of these was the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan led by Robert Shelton." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "As a reaction to growth of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s, several groups describing themselves as Klans rose in the South, although there was never the unified structure that characterized either of the first two Klan organizations. One of those was the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, led by Robert Shelton." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Six Confederate veterans from Pulaski, Tennessee created the original Ku Klux Klan on December 24, 1865, during the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War. The name was formed by combining the Greek kyklos (κύκλος, circle) with clan.The group was known for a short time as the Kuklux Clan.n 1915 the film The Birth of a Nation was released, mythologising and glorifying the first Klan and its endeavors. The second Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 by William Joseph Simmons at Stone Mountain, outside Atlanta, with fifteen charter members." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The author of Klansville, U.S.A.: The Rise and Fall of the Civil Rights-Era KKK (Oxford University Press, 2013), Cunningham is Professor and Chair of Sociology at Brandeis University. Before discussing the most pressing questions people tend to have about the KKK, let me add some background for basic context. The Ku Klux Klan was first formed in 1866, through the efforts of a small band of Confederate veterans in Tennessee." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "KKK and the Civil Rights Movement. In the 1950s the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement resulted in a revival in Ku Klux Klan organizations. The most of important of these was the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan led by Robert Shelton.he Ku Klux Klan was reformed in 1915 by William J. Simmons, a preacher influenced by Thomas Dixon's book, The Ku Klux Klan (1905) and the film of the book, Birth of a Nation, directed by D.W. Griffith." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In 1915 the film The Birth of a Nation was released, mythologising and glorifying the first Klan and its endeavors. The second Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 by William Joseph Simmons at Stone Mountain, outside Atlanta, with fifteen charter members." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "KU KLUX KLAN. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist organization that was founded in 1866. Throughout its notorious history, factions of the secret fraternal organization have used acts of terrorism—including murder, lynching, arson, rape, and bombing—to oppose the granting of civil rights to African Americans." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Ku Klux Klan was reformed in 1915 by William J. Simmons, a preacher influenced by Thomas Dixon's book, The Ku Klux Klan (1905) and the film of the book, Birth of a Nation, directed by D.W. Griffith." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Second Klan of the 1920s: This is the body—known officially as the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan—that Presidents Warren G. Harding, 1921-23, and Calvin Coolidge, 1923-29, confronted. It differed significantly from its predecessor and successor." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The 1930's saw the rise of Nazism that led to WW2. But in an earlier generation K-wave winter in the latter quarter of the 19th century we saw the rise of the Klu Klux Klan as a backlash to the South losing the Civil War. Today it is the so-called war on terrorism led allegedly by Muslim fundamentalist fanatics." ], [ "", "The Ku Klux Klan was originally a social fraternity, organized by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first Grand Wizard of the Empire, in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1 … 865.The name probably came from the Greek word kukl meaning circle..Basicly, they are a group of people who, for some sick reason, believe that black skin is wrong. … Answer The first branch of the Ku Klux Klan was established in Pulaski, Tennessee, in May, 1866. A year later a general organization of local Klan's was established in Nashville in April, 1867." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist organization that was founded in 1866.Throughout its notorious history, factions of the secret fraternal organization have used acts of terrorism—including murder, Lynching, Arson, rape, and bombing—to oppose the granting of Civil Rights to African Americans.he Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist organization that was founded in 1866." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "President Calvin Coolidge was a noted Klansman and was well known to be an active member of the Ku Klux Klan. He allowed cross lightings on the Capitol steps and reviewed the giant Klan parades of 1925 and 1926 in Washington D.C. President Harry S. Truman was a minor ordinary Klansman from 1920 -1922." ], [ "Represent the next text", "Ku Klux Klan Reality, captured by Anthony Karen. The Ku Klux Klan, founded in 1865, had four million members in 1925. Today, the Ku Klux Klan has a maximum of 8.000 members and is called a former terrorist power that has become a curiosity (via). Photographer Anthony Karen spent eight years documenting Klan organisations as a nonjudgmental observer (via)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Anthony S. Karen Anthony S. Karen The largest Klan organization is called Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which is also known as the Knight's Party, and it's based in Harrison, Ark.Here's the national director of the Knight's Party, Thomas Robb (center), along with some of his family members.Anthony S. Karen.nthony S. Karen Anthony S. Karen The largest Klan organization is called Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which is also known as the Knight's Party, and it's based in Harrison, Ark. Here's the national director of the Knight's Party, Thomas Robb (center), along with some of his family members. Anthony S. Karen." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Six Confederate veterans from Pulaski, Tennessee created the original Ku Klux Klan on December 24, 1865, during the Reconstruction of the South after the Civil War. The name was formed by combining the Greek kyklos (κύκλος, circle) with clan.The group was known for a short time as the Kuklux Clan. The Ku Klux Klan in Washington State, from the Seattle Civil Rights and Labor History Project, examines the influence of the second KKK in the State during the 1920s." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "In the movie Forrest Gump claims that his mother named him after Civil war hero, Nathan Bedford Forrest. This man was the person who founded the Klu Klux Klan during the 1800's. In the movie, Forrest Gump is actually superimposed onto a picture from the movie, Birth of a Nation of Nathan Bedford Forrest as can be seen in the picture on the left." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "(Story continues below). “Contributing to the evidences was the 1871 appearance before Congress of leading South Carolina Democrat E.W. Seibels who testified that ‘they [the Ku Klux Klan] belong to the reform part – [that is, to] our party, the Democratic Party,’” Barton writes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "In June 1964, three civil rights activists, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Michael Schwerner, were murdered by members of the Ku Klux Klan while working as volunteers for CORE's Freedom Summer voter registration project in Mississippi.he group first drew national attention in 1960 with its active support of the sit-in movement at lunch counters that refused to serve blacks. Symbolic of the organization’s new direction was the appointment in February 1961 of James Farmer, as CORE’s first black national director." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Keith S. Hebert, University of West Georgia. The modern Ku Klux Klan, originally founded in 1867 during Reconstruction, is a white supremacist organization that was resurrected in the 1950s to terrorize African Americans and supporters of the modern civil rights movement.uring the civil rights movement, the Klan was responsible for carrying out some of the period's most violent assaults. In 1956, during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Klansmen set dynamite in the home of Martin Luther King Jr. while his wife, Coretta, and newborn baby were inside." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Fig. 3. Dynamic piriformis stretch. To stretch the left piriformis, get on all fours with your weight supported by the left knee. At first, the right leg is held in a horizontal position. By using the left piriformis muscle, raise and lower the right hip up and down (arrows).']\" Match: \"['Represent the input.', 'what exercises for piriformis syndrome']\"", "In the 1967 independent film In The Woods the ghost of Nathan Bedford Forrest appears and says he is Happy to have founded the Ku Klux Klan. In the alternative history/science fiction novel The Guns of the South by Harry Turtledove, Forrest runs for president of the Confederacy in its 1867 election." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "This trend continued during the Great Depression and the Second World War and in 1944 the organization was disbanded. In the 1950s the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement resulted in a revival in Ku Klux Klan organizations.The most of important of these was the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan led by Robert Shelton.In the Deep South considerable pressure was put on blacks by klansmen not to vote.he Ku Klux Klan was reformed in 1915 by William J. Simmons, a preacher influenced by Thomas Dixon's book, The Ku Klux Klan (1905) and the film of the book, Birth of a Nation, directed by D.W. Griffith." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Raleigh, N.C. — North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Hasan Harnett has taken to social media twice in the past month to juxtapose Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and images of the Ku Klux Klan. Say NO to the #Democrat Lies #Liberal Agenda. Harnett declined to comment Monday." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This trend continued during the Second World War and in 1944, the organization was disbanded. In The 1950s, the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement resulted in a revival in Ku Klux Klan organizations. The most of important of these was the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan led by Robert Shelton.In the Deep South considerable pressure was again put on Blacks by Klansmen not to vote.his trend continued during the Second World War and in 1944, the organization was disbanded. In The 1950s, the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement resulted in a revival in Ku Klux Klan organizations. The most of important of these was the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan led by Robert Shelton." ], [ "Represent the next text", "The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a white supremacist organization that was founded in 1866. Throughout its notorious history, factions of the secret fraternal organization have used acts of terrorism—including murder, Lynching, Arson, rape, and bombing—to oppose the granting of Civil Rights to African Americans." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Politicians who were active in the Klan at some time. 1 Robert C. Byrd, a Democrat, was a recruiter for the Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Rosa Parks is well known for her work with the civil rights movement. Rosa stated that she never encountered the Klu Klux Klan but knew that they were active in her commun … ity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In the 1950s the emergence of the Civil Rights Movement resulted in a revival in Ku Klux Klan organizations. The most of important of these was the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan led by Robert Shelton.In the Deep South considerable pressure was put on blacks by klansmen not to vote.t first the main objective of white supremacy organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan, the White Brotherhood, the Men of Justice, the Constitutional Union Guards and the Knights of the White Camelia was to stop black people from voting." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Ku Klux Klan was formed as a social club by a group of Confederate Army veterans in Pulaski, Tennessee in the winter of 1865-66. The group adopted the name Ku Klux Klan from the Greek word kyklos, meaning circle, and the English word clan. In the summer of 1867, the Klan became the Invisible Empire of the South at a convention in Nashville, Tennessee attended by delegates from former Confederate states." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Second Ku Klux Klan The second Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 by William J. Simmons, an ex-minister and promoter of fraternal orders; its first meeting was held on Stone Mt., Ga." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Even worse, FDR appointed prominent Ku Klux Klan member Hugo Black to the Supreme Court. Black’s involvement in the KKK was confirmed by Pittsburgh Post-Gazette journalist Ray Sprigle, a journalist who won a “Pulitzer Prize for Reporting” for his exposé." ] ]
[ "a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "does phylum cnidaria have a gastrovascular cavity" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Gastrovascular system of the flatworm Dugesia, colored yellow. The gastrovascular cavity is the primary organ of digestion and circulation in two major animal phyla: the Cnidaria (including jellyfish and corals) and Platyhelminthes (flatworms). The cavity may be extensively branched into a system of canals.In cnidarians, the gastrovascular system is also known as the coelenteron, and is commonly known as a blind gut or blind sac, since food enters and waste exits through the same orifice.astrovascular system of the flatworm Dugesia, colored yellow. The gastrovascular cavity is the primary organ of digestion and circulation in two major animal phyla: the Cnidaria (including jellyfish and corals) and Platyhelminthes (flatworms). The cavity may be extensively branched into a system of canals." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sea anemones are a group of water-dwelling, predatory animals of the order Actiniaria. They are named for the anemone, a terrestrial flower. Sea anemones are classified in the phylum Cnidaria, class Anthozoa, subclass Hexacorallia.he sea anemone eats small fish and shrimp. The venom is a mix of toxins, including neurotoxins, that paralyzes the prey so the anemone can move it to the mouth for digestion inside the gastrovascular cavity." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Best Answer: Gastrovascular cavities are simply pouches food are digested in and are not the same as a digestive system. Only simple organisms, like Cnidarians, possess this. A digestive system, also known as a alimentary canal, use multiple organs to digest the food and then transport it to various areas of the body.Snails do have a digestive system.Pretty much everything that evolved after Platyhelminths (flatworms) possess a full digestive system.Source(s): digestive system, also known as a alimentary canal, use multiple organs to digest the food and then transport it to various areas of the body. Snails do have a digestive system." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cnidaria. Cnidaria is a phylum containing over 9,000 species found only in aquatic and mostly marine environments. All cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa.Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae. When you look at them, you can see that these body forms are the same except that one is upside down.nidarians are classified into four main groups: non-moving (sessile) Anthozoa (sea anemones, corals, sea pens); Cubozoa (box jellies);swimming Scyphozoa (jellyfish); and Hydrozoa, a broad group that includes all the freshwater cnidarians as well as many marine forms. There are about 10, 000 species of Cnidarians." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "They have a nerve net. They have a gastrovascular cavity. They perform gas exchange across their skin. They have pseudocoeloms. They have an open circulatory system.Add your answer. Source. You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG. 2 You can only upload files of type 3GP, 3GPP, MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, MPEG, or RM. 3 You can only upload photos smaller than 5 MB. 4 You can only upload videos smaller than 600MB." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "The phyla of the animal kingdom whose organisms carry out gas exchange by diffusion are poriferans, cnidarians, platyhelminthes (flatworms) and nematodes (roundworms). This type of respiration is possible in these organisms because their tissues and cells are relatively close to their exterior." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cnidaria is a phylum within Kingdom Animalia which consists of hydras, jellies (or jellyfish), sea anemones, and corals. All cnidarians are radially symmetrical, and there are two main radially symmetrical body types." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cnidaria. Cnidaria is a phylum containing over 9,000 species found only in aquatic and mostly marine environments. All cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Cnidaria is a phylum within Kingdom Animalia which consists of hydras, jellies (or jellyfish), sea anemones, and corals. All cnidarians are radially symmetrical, and there are two main radially symmetrical body types. The first of these types is known as a polyp." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Both forms have a single orifice and body cavity that are used for digestion and respiration. Many cnidarian species produce colonies that are single organisms composed of medusa-like or polyp-like zooids, or both. Cnidarians' activities are coordinated by a decentralized nerve net and simple receptors.Several free-swimming Cubozoa and Scyphozoa possess balance-sensing statocysts, and some have simple eyes.ost cnidarians prey on organisms ranging in size from plankton to animals several times larger than themselves, but many obtain much of their nutrition from endosymbiotic algae, and a few are parasites. Many are preyed on by other animals including starfish, sea slugs, fish and turtles." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "In some species, cnidocytes can also be used as anchors. Like sponges and ctenophores, cnidarians have two main layers of cells that sandwich a middle layer of jelly-like material, which is called the mesoglea in cnidarians; more complex animals have three main cell layers and no intermediate jelly-like layer.any have complex lifecycles with asexual polyp stages and sexual medusae, but some omit either the polyp or the medusa stage. Cnidarians were for a long time grouped with Ctenophores in the phylum Coelenterata, but increasing awareness of their differences caused them to be placed in separate phyla." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Phylum Cnidaria. The Lion's Mane jellyfish is clearly under the phylum Cnidaria for several reasons. All Cnidarians are diploblastic (meaning two tissues), presents radial symmetry, have one opening as the mouth and anus, and all Cnidarians have cnidocytes (stinging cells) that hold nematocysts.ingdom Animalia. The Lion's Mane jellyfish are in the kingdom Animalia which have several defining characteristics: multicelluarity, non-alternation of generation life cycle, no cell walls, and heterotrophic (does not undergo photosynthesis)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cnidariacorals, sea anemones, jellyfish, and relatives. The Phylum Cnidaria includes such diverse forms as jellyfish, hydra, sea anemones, and corals. Cnidarians are radially or biradially symmetric, a general type of symmetry believed primitive for eumetazoans." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cnidarians are radially symmetrical and they have tentacles that encircle their mouth. The body wall of cnidarians consists of an outer layer or epidermis, an inner layer or gastrodermis, and a middle layer or mesoglea. Cnidarians lack organs and posses a primitive nervous system known as a neural net.Cnidarians exhibit two basic structural forms, a medusa and a polyp.The medusa form is a free-swimming structure which consists of an umbrella-shaped body (called a bell), a fringe of tentacles that hang from the edge of the bell, a mouth opening located on the underside of the bell, and a gastrovascular cavity.he body wall of cnidarians consists of an outer layer or epidermis, an inner layer or gastrodermis, and a middle layer or mesoglea. Cnidarians lack organs and posses a primitive nervous system known as a neural net." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The gastrovascular cavity functions in digestion and respiration. Many animals who have a gastrovascular cavity do not need a circulatory system." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Most cnidarians are predators. You may be familiar with some cnidarians, such as sea anemones, corals, and jellyfish. All cnidarians are diploblastic, meaning they have two tissue layers: ectoderm and endoderm. Between the two tissue layers is a gel-like layer, the mesoglea. Within the body is the gastrovascular cavity which functions both in digestion (hence, gastro-) and in" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Box Jellyfish. Phylum Cnidaria. Cnidaria is a large phylum composed of some of the most beautiful of all the salt and freshwater organisms: the true jellyfish, box jellyfish, coral and sea anemones, and hydra. Although Cnidaria is an incredibly diverse group of animals, there are several traits that link them together.ox Jellyfish. Phylum Cnidaria. Cnidaria is a large phylum composed of some of the most beautiful of all the salt and freshwater organisms: the true jellyfish, box jellyfish, coral and sea anemones, and hydra. Although Cnidaria is an incredibly diverse group of animals, there are several traits that link them together." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Cnidaria is a phylum containing over 9,000 species found only in aquatic and mostly marine environments. All cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa. Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae.When you look at them, you can see that these body forms are the same except that one is upside down.ll cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa. Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Digestion and Circulation-The jellyfish has a gastrovascular cavity in which food, water and oxygen enter due to the motion of the jellyfish's mantle. 2 After the food enters the gastrovascular cavity, it is slowy digested into feces and monomers. Symmetry-radial. 2 Eating-prey are captured by tentacles of the jellyfish, paralyzed by stinging nematocyts and brought to its mouth/anus (not shown). 3 Digestion and Circulation-The jellyfish has a gastrovascular cavity in which food, water and oxygen enter due to the motion of the jellyfish's mantle." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "cnidarians, such as jelly fish, sea anemones, hydra, and corals, have tentacles surrounding their mouth. they are a hollow-bodied animal with two celled layers that are organ … ized into tissues. the inner layer forms a digestive cavity where food is broken down.A jelly fish. Animals of the Phylum Cnidaria The phylum Cnidaria includes animals such as corals, jellyfish, and sea anemones. 2 All Cnidarians are aquatic and carnivorous, and they occur in two basic body shapes: polyps,…." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The gastrovascular cavity is a structure found in primitive animal phyla. It is responsible for both the digestion of food and the transport of nutrients throughout the body.The cavity has only one opening to the environment. Food goes in and waste comes out that same opening, making it a two-way digestive tract.rimitive animals have body plans that are very different from ours. Animals such as jellyfish, corals and flatworms have a much simpler way to handle the digestion of food, as well as the circulation of nutrients around the body. Learn about the structure and function of the gastrovascular cavity in these organisms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The gastrovascular cavity is a structure found in primitive animal phyla. It is responsible for both the digestion of food and the transport of nutrients throughout the body. The cavity has only one opening to the environment. Food goes in and waste comes out that same opening, making it a two-way digestive tract." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Many cnidarian species produce colonies that are single organisms composed of medusa-like or polyp-like zooids, or both. Cnidarians' activities are coordinated by a decentralized nerve net and simple receptors. Several free-swimming Cubozoa and Scyphozoa possess balance-sensing statocysts, and some have simple eyes.any have complex lifecycles with asexual polyp stages and sexual medusae, but some omit either the polyp or the medusa stage. Cnidarians were for a long time grouped with Ctenophores in the phylum Coelenterata, but increasing awareness of their differences caused them to be placed in separate phyla." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Primitive animals have body plans that are very different from ours. Animals such as jellyfish, corals and flatworms have a much simpler way to handle the digestion of food, as well as the circulation of nutrients around the body. Learn about the structure and function of the gastrovascular cavity in these organisms.nidaria. The gastrovascular cavity in Cnidaria is surrounded by an inner tissue layer called the gastrodermis. The outside of the organism has a tissue layer called the epidermis. Between these two tissue layers is a gel-like region called the mesoglea." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A butterfly is a great example of this, or a sea star. A gastrovascular cavity is a digestive sac with only a single opening. An alimentary canal has two openings (a mouth and anus) between its digestive tubes unlike the gastrovascular cavity in which food is ingested and eliminated through the same opening.ilateral symmetry: An arrangement of body parts such that an organism can be divided equally by a single cut passing longitudinally through it. A bilaterally symmetrical organism has a mirror-image right and left sides." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cnidaria is a phylum containing over 9,000 species found only in aquatic and mostly marine environments. All cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa. Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae.When you look at them, you can see that these body forms are the same except that one is upside down.nidaria do not have a brain or groups of nerve cells ( ganglia ). The nervous system is a decentralized network (‘nerve net’), with one or two nets present. They do not have a head, but they have a mouth, surrounded by a crown of tentacles. The tentacles are covered with stinging cells (nematocysts)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "This term is now often applied to both the Cnidaria and the Ctenophora together, based on the fact that species belonging to these two phyla have radial or biradial symmetry. Some of the other common characteristics of the Cnidaria phylum include: 1.All species belonging to this phylum have bodies that have radial symmetry. This means that they are the same shape from every side and that the whole jellyfish body is around a central axis. 2.ne of the more interesting characteristics of the species of this phylum is the fact that they exist in two different body forms. They are a polyp or a medusa at different times in their life cycle. The reproductive cycle of the members of this phylum is also distinctive." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "cnidarians, such as jelly fish, sea anemones, hydra, and corals, have tentacles surrounding their mouth. they are a hollow-bodied animal with two celled layers that are organ … ized into tissues. the inner layer forms a digestive cavity where food is broken down. All Cnidarians are aquatic and carnivorous, and they occur in two basic body shapes: polyps,…. 2 Characteristics of Cnidaria Cnidaria is an alternative name for the invertebrate phylum Coelenterata, giving emphasis to the stinging structures as characteristic of the phylum." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cnidaria is a phylum containing over 9,000 species found only in aquatic and mostly marine environments. All cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa. Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Both forms have a single orifice and body cavity that are used for digestion and respiration. Many cnidarian species produce colonies that are single organisms composed of medusa-like or polyp-like zooids, or both. Cnidarians' activities are coordinated by a decentralized nerve net and simple receptors.Several free-swimming Cubozoa and Scyphozoa possess balance-sensing statocysts, and some have simple eyes.ike sponges and ctenophores, cnidarians have two main layers of cells that sandwich a middle layer of jelly-like material, which is called the mesoglea in cnidarians; more complex animals have three main cell layers and no intermediate jelly-like layer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "No, cnidarians are not protostomes or deuterostomes. They fall under (the unranked taxonomic level) Radiata, while both superphylum Deuterostomia and Protostomia are under th … e (unranked taxonomic level) Bilateria.Features of Bilateria include bilateral symmetry (at some point) and three distinctive germ layers, while Radiata only has two.+ 2 others found this useful.es, a protostome is, and so is a deuterostome. Neither are diploblastic. This is mainly because of the developement of the coelem or body cavity. Just remember, both protosom … e and deuterostome require a three germ layer (that is a triploblastic cell) - ALWAYS." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "There are about 10,000 species found in this phylum. The key characteristic features of cnidarians include radial symmetry, acoelomate body with tissues, lack of organs, and the simple digestive sac that opens through a mouth, which is surrounded by tentacles armed with nematocysts.All cnidarians are carnivores and have very simple body structures adapted as predators.he key characteristic features of cnidarians include radial symmetry, acoelomate body with tissues, lack of organs, and the simple digestive sac that opens through a mouth, which is surrounded by tentacles armed with nematocysts." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cnidaria. Cnidaria is a phylum containing over 9,000 species found only in aquatic and mostly marine environments. All cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa.Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae.When you look at them, you can see that these body forms are the same except that one is upside down.ll cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa. Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae. When you look at them, you can see that these body forms are the same except that one is upside down." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The gastrovascular cavity is a structure found in primitive animal phyla. It is responsible for both the digestion of food and the transport of nutrients throughout the body. The cavity has only one opening to the environment. Food goes in and waste comes out that same opening, making it a two-way digestive tract.rimitive animals have body plans that are very different from ours. Animals such as jellyfish, corals and flatworms have a much simpler way to handle the digestion of food, as well as the circulation of nutrients around the body. Learn about the structure and function of the gastrovascular cavity in these organisms." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Characteristics of Phylum Coelenterata(CNIDARIA). Phylum coelenterata characteristics. 1. Dipoblastic body with two layers of cells, outer layer called ectoderm or epidermis and the inner layer known as the endoderm or gastrodermis. 2. Phylum coelenterata characteristics is they have a single opening into the body which acts as both the mouth and anus which functions in taking food and expelling wastes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Cnidarians are characterized by the presence of three tissue layers, an outer protective epidermis, a middle layer called the mesoglea, and an inner layer called the gastrodermis, whose function is primarily digestive.nidaria A phylum that comprises the sea anemones, jellyfish, and corals, and which is known from the late Precambrian. Cnidarians are basically radially symmetrical and have tentacles." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A. Cnidarians have a circulatory system. B. All cnidarians are carnivorous predators. C. All cnidarian life cycles include both polyp and medusa stages.D. They have bilateral symmetry.E. They have a complex nervous system. Add your answer. Source. Submit Cancel.. All cnidarians are carnivorous predators. C. All cnidarian life cycles include both polyp and medusa stages. D. They have bilateral symmetry. E. They have a complex nervous system. Add your answer. Source. Submit Cancel." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Biology Lab Final: 1. Where does water exit from in a sponge?----- -Osculum Osculum 2. What phylum do jellyfish belong to? -Phylum Cnidaria 3. What class does this organism belong to? ----- -Class Anthozoa 4. What phylum does Obelia belong to? -Phylum Cnidaria 5." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cnidaria is a phylum containing over 9,000 species found only in aquatic and mostly marine environments. All cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa. Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae.nidaria is a phylum containing over 9,000 species found only in aquatic and mostly marine environments. All cnidarians have radial symmetrical. There are two major body forms among the Cnidaria-the polyp and the medusa. Sea anemones and corals have the polyp form, while jellyfish are typical medusae." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cnidaria. Cnidaria is a phylum of animals, which contains amazingly beautiful coral reefs, electrifying jellyfish, and many other interesting oceanic creatures. There are about 10,000 species of cnidarians and all of them are unique among all other organisms for the presence of the Cnidocytes. Cnidaria and porifera are two different phyla. • Cnidarians have Cnidocytes but not the poriferans. • Cnidarians have well-organized organ systems but not the poriferans; on the other hand, poriferans have an efficient tunnel system made up of pores but not the cnidarians." ], [ "Represent this", "A butterfly is a great example of this, or a sea star. A gastrovascular cavity is a digestive sac with only a single opening. An alimentary canal has two openings (a mouth and anus) between its digestive tubes unlike the gastrovascular cavity in which food is ingested and eliminated through the same opening.Vertebrates have backbones: Mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians.n alimentary canal has two openings (a mouth and anus) between its digestive tubes unlike the gastrovascular cavity in which food is ingested and eliminated through the same opening. Vertebrates have backbones: Mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "deuterostomes also usually are Cnidaria and Echinodermata and they show radial symmetry. In most protostome animals with a true coelom, the body cavity originates as a split within a bud of mesodermal tissue at the time of gastrulation." ], [ "Represent the input", "Taxonomic level: phylum Cnidaria; grade of construction: two tissue layers; symmetry: radial; type of gut: blind gut; type of body cavity other than gut: none; segmentation: none; circulatory system: none; nervous system: network of nerve cells; excretion: diffusion from cell surface." ], [ "Represent", "The gastrovascular cavity is a structure found in primitive animal phyla. It is responsible for both the digestion of food and the transport of nutrients throughout the body. The cavity has only one opening to the environment. Food goes in and waste comes out that same opening, making it a two-way digestive tract.nimals such as jellyfish, corals and flatworms have a much simpler way to handle the digestion of food, as well as the circulation of nutrients around the body. Learn about the structure and function of the gastrovascular cavity in these organisms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How does the gastrovascular cavity differ from a spongocoel in structure and function? The gastrovascular cavity is for digestion and internal transport, the spongocoel facilitates water circulation. The spongocoel is bigger than the gastrovascular cavity. Which phylum are hermaphrodites?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Cnidaria are diploblastic animals, in other words they have two main cell layers, while more complex animals are triploblasts having three main layers. The two main cell layers of cnidarians form epithelia that are mostly one cell thick, and are attached to a fibrous basement membrane, which they secrete.n the Cnidaria sexual reproduction often involves a complex life cycle with both polyp and medusa stages. For example, in Scyphozoa (jellyfish) and Cubozoa (box jellies) a larva swims until it finds a good site, and then becomes a polyp." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cnidarians do not have any defined circulatory system that is to sat that there is no organized internal transport. Instead most cnidarians have a long gastrovascular cavities that help carry partially digested food throughout there body. The do not have any blood." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "circulation and circulatory systems. in circulatory system: General features of circulation. ...and phyla have a fluid-filled cavity, called the pseudo coelom, that arises from an embryonic cavity and contains the internal organs free within it. All other eumetazoans have a body cavity, the coelom, which originates as a cavity in the embryonic mesoderm." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The lesson covers the following information: 1 Explaining what gastrovascular cavities represent. 2 Exploring the relationship between gastrovascular cavity and tissues. 3 Detailing diffusion's role in spreading nutrients. Describing the 1 coelom. Clarifying the roles of cnidarians and platyhelminthes." ], [ "represent", "The phylum includes corals, jellyfish, sea wasps, sea anemones, and tiny freshwater hydra. They carry stinging organelles and have a basic body shape that consists of a sac with a gastrovascular cavity.he phylum includes corals, jellyfish, sea wasps, sea anemones, and tiny freshwater hydra. They carry stinging organelles and have a basic body shape that consists of a sac with a gastrovascular cavity." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Most obvious is the one from the middle with the great circular, muscular tube of the pharynx; the space around it is actually outside of the body proper. The gastrovascular cavity has a median tube in the body anterior to the pharynx; alongside and posterior to the pharynx it is divided into two lateral tubes.latworms are acoelomate, that is the outside of the gut wall is directly continuous with the mesoderm; there is no coelomic cavity and so the gut is not free inside the body. The mesoderm is muscular and is used for movement. Ectodermal cells may be ciliated and provide another means of locomotion." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Cnidarians have no head, no centralized nervous system, and no specialized organs for gas exchange, excretion, or circulation. They do have a nerve net and nerve rings (in jellyfish). Many cnidarians have intracellular algae living within them in a mutualistic symbiotic relationship (Dinoflagellates = zooxanthellae)." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!", "what was wrong with the articles of confederation" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Well, they kinda threw it out. The Articles of Confederation gave to much power to the states, and not enough power to the government. Now while some people see this as a bad thing, it did make the Constitution which we use today. Joan · 5 months ago." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "View Full Document. The Constitution addressed the weaknesses in the Article of Confederation by allowing the government certain power and or right. Here are some of the items that the Articles did not address and the Constitution did." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This ratio had already been established by the Congress which adopted the Articles of Confederation in 1781 as the basis for national taxation. Although the three-fifths compromise and others regarding slavery helped hold this new fragile union of states together, many on both sides of the issue were opposed. James Madison and Edmund Randolph of Virginia used the phrase “Quotas of contribution” to argue that slaves should be fully counted, one for one, and opposed the compromise." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "in what way was the articles of Confederation and Georgia Constitution of 1777 alike? A weak federal government with limited power describe the US government under the articles of Confederation" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "It pointed out one the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and the national government was unable to help Massachusetts when the governor called for national troops to put down the rebellion.. Farmers in western Massachusetts resented the fact that the state's tax laws favored trade at the expense of farming.his rebellion showed government that the articles of confederation did not work, (the articles of confederation was a 'constitution' that created a very loose tie between the colonies), and led to the revising and editing of the articles." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This rebellion showed government that the articles of confederation did not work, (the articles of confederation was a 'constitution' that created a very loose tie between the colonies), and led to the revising and editing of the articles." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Why Did The Articles Of Confederation Fail. The Articles of Confederation were approved and accepted by all thirteen states in the year 1781. This witnessed the beginning of a new era in world history. These Articles were complied and written by delegates representing their respective states." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Founders on the defects of the Articles of Confederation, correspondence selections, 1780-1787. The Articles were neither fit for war nor peace, wrote Alexander Hamilton, for they hobbled the fragile new nation that was struggling to defeat Britain despite its flimsy internal cohesion." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What was a main reason for creating the articles of confederation? The Articles of Confederation was an emergency government duringthe American Revolution. Edit" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "James Madison wanted to replace the Articles of Confederation because he thought they would have a stronger national government. But Patrick Henry wanted to keep the Articles." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "July 12, 1776 - The first draft of the Articles of Confederation was presented to the Continental Congress. November 15, 1777 - The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation. November 17, 1777 - The Articles of Confederation were submitted to the states with a request for immediate action. June 25, 1778 - A committee of three was appointed to prepare the form of a ratification of the Articles of Confederation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In a Letter . . . on the Federal Constitution, dated October 10, 1787, Randolph explained at length his objections to the Constitution. The old Articles of Confederation were inadequate, he agreed, but the proposed new plan of union contained too many flaws." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The first positive aspect out of the Articles of Confederation comes in Article I. Article I states, “The Stile of this Confederacy shall be The United States of America.. (The Articles of Confederation) This article established what we still call our country today." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The American Revolution and the Articles of Confederation. Shay's Rebellion showed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. When the central government couldn't put down the rebellion, the first stirrings of federalism began to gather strength. The British, of course, did not recognize the Declaration and continued to send troops to contain the rebellion." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Articles of Confederation (drafted 1777, ratified 1781) influenced the US Constitution because they were the first, fatally-flawed attempt at a workable federal government … ." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "July 12, 1776 - The first draft of the Articles of Confederation was presented to the Continental Congress. November 15, 1777 - The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation. November 17, 1777 - The Articles of Confederation were submitted to the states with a request for immediate action. June 25, 1778 - A committee of three was appointed to prepare the form of a ratification of the Articles of Confederation. June 26, 1778 - The Articles of Confederation were ordered to be engrossed." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "So there were lots of ideas on how to fix the government that existed under the Articles of Confederation. One thing everyone agreed on was that the current Congress did not have enough power. But they were almost all wary of giving the federal government too much power." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The American Revolution and the Articles of Confederation. Shay's Rebellion showed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. When the central government couldn't put down the rebellion, the first stirrings of federalism began to gather strength. The British, of course, did not recognize the Declaration and continued to send troops to contain the rebellion. The war continued until 1783, so the new government had to be put in place in a wartime atmosphere. The Articles of Confederation, a compact among the thirteen original states, was written in 1776 but not ratified by the states until 1781." ], [ "represent the following document\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', 'Busch Gardens is owned and operated by SeaWorld Entertainment, a division of Blackstone Group. InBev sold Buch Gardens in 2009 to the Blackstone Group.'], a positive would be ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'who owns busch gardens']", "3) The states would be a lot more nation-like today if we still had the Articles of Confederation and the term United States of America would be seen less as a country and more of an alliance of countries. So now that we got out of the way, lets say that the Articles were never abolished.ow before we get into how the Articles would have changed America we should review on what the Articles actually covered. 1) The Articles of Confederation would have made the United States a much different country than today." ], [ "Represent text", "How do articles of confederation differ from the constitution? What was included in the US Constitution that were needed in the Articles of Confederation? Is U.S.A. a confederation?" ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Lastly, the Articles of Confederation proved ineffective because of a set of rules that made legislating under this framework inefficient. 1) Each state had one vote Per Article V, “each State shall have one vote.” 13 As a result, small states and large states had the same voting weight in Congress andthere was no proportionality in voting matters." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The Articles of Confederation happened before the US constitution. The US constitution was made ina result of the Articles of Confederation failing. The Constitution was … just a better model of the Articles. found this useful." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "define narcissism." ]
[ [ "Represent text", "Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The definition of a narcissus is a genus of bulbous plants that has white or pale flowers with an cup-shaped center. A daffodil is an example of a narcissus. Narcissus. Gr. pl. narcissus." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Narcissus, also known as Narkissos (Greek: νάρκισσος), was the son of the river-god Cephissus and a hunter from Greek mythology known for his great beauty. He fell in love with his reflection, not realizing what it was. The word narcissist is derived from his name." ], [ "", "Definition. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.y Mayo Clinic Staff. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "2 plural narcissiplay \\när-ˈsi-ˌsī, -(ˌ)sē\\ or narcissuses or narcissus [New Latin, genus name, from Latin, narcissus, from Greek narkissos] : daffodil; especially : one whose flowers have a short corona and are usually borne separately." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "dominant interest in oneself; self-love. adj., adj narcissis´tic. 1 primary narcissism that occurring in the early infantile phase of object relationship development, when the child has not differentiated himself from the outside world and regards all sources of pleasure as originating within himself." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Practice Essentials. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a cluster B personality disorder defined as comprising a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy." ], [ "", "Narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which there is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Top 10 unbelievable historical concurrencies. Narcissism is a psychological condition defined as an obsession with the self. While not all forms of self-love or self-interest are destructive, extreme cases can be very damaging and may be diagnosed as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).op 10 unbelievable historical concurrencies. Narcissism is a psychological condition defined as an obsession with the self. While not all forms of self-love or self-interest are destructive, extreme cases can be very damaging and may be diagnosed as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Except in the sense of primary narcissism or healthy self-love, narcissism is usually considered a problem in a person's or group's relationships with self and others. Narcissism is not the same as egocentrism." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "What is narcissistic personality disorder? The US National Library of Medicine1 describes a person with narcissistic personality disorder as having an excessive sense of self-importance, an intense preoccupation with themselves, and no empathy for others. Narcissis fell in love with his own reflection." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of NARCISSUS. 1. capitalized: a beautiful youth in Greek mythology who pines away for love of his own reflection and is then turned into the narcissus flower." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A form of self obsession. Someone who has a case of narcissim is a excessive self admirer. A personality disorder characterized by ones obsession of his or her own appearance and has an excessive need for admiration. In some cases he or she may feel self-directed sexual desire." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Except in the sense of primary narcissism or healthy self-love, narcissism is usually considered a problem in a person's or group's relationships with self and others.he term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Narcissism is a concept in psychoanalytic theory, which was introduced in Sigmund Freud 's essay On Narcissism (1914)." ], [ "Represent this", "Narcissistic Personality Disorder Definition. People with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) exhibit a pervasive and long-term pattern of an excessive sense of self-importance, extreme preoccupation with themselves, and a complete lack of empathy for others." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "~ 5 min read. At the core of extreme narcissism is egotistical preoccupation with self, personal preferences, aspirations, needs, success, and how he/she is perceived by others. Some amount of basic narcissism is healthy, of course, but this type of narcissism is better termed as responsibly taking care of oneself." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Narcissism is also considered a social or cultural problem. It is a factor in trait theory used in some self-report inventories of personality such as the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. It is one of the three dark triadic personality traits (the others being psychopathy and Machiavellianism).arcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish. 2. Psychoanalysis. a person who suffers from narcissism, deriving erotic gratification from admiration of his or her own physical or mental attributes. Also, narcist." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "By Steve Bressert, Ph.D. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "By Steve Bressert, Ph.D. ~ 3 min read. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a disorder that is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), an overwhelming need for admiration, and usually a complete lack of empathy toward others." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Pathological narcissism is a life-long pattern of traits and behaviours which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Narcissism is also considered a social or cultural problem. It is a factor in trait theory used in various self-report inventories of personality such as the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. It is one of the three dark triadic personality traits (the others being psychopathy and Machiavellianism)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Narcissistic leadership is a leadership style in which the leader is only interested in him/herself. Their priority is themselves – at the expense of their people/group members. This leader exhibits the characteristics of a narcissist: arrogance, dominance and hostility." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Abstract: A new measure of hypersensitive narcissism was derived by correlating the items of H. A. Murray's (1938) Narcissism Scale with an MMPI-based composite measure of covert narcissism.In three samples of college students (total N = 303), 10 items formed a reliable measure: the Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale (HSNS).bstract: A new measure of hypersensitive narcissism was derived by correlating the items of H. A. Murray's (1938) Narcissism Scale with an MMPI-based composite measure of covert narcissism." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The connection between narcissism and control represents one of the diagnostic tools used by psychologists to define the personality disorder. People suffering from narcissism might attempt to control others to enhance their own sense of power and entitlement. Narcissism and control relate to an image of feeling special and the tendency to devalue others to feed the narcissist’s sense of self-worth." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Covert narcissism correlates strongly with introversion, Cheek explained — if you have one, you're more likely to have the other, though there are plenty of introverts who don't also have narcissistic tendencies. Covert narcissism is sort of a dark side of introversion, he said. Just like overt narcissism is kind of a dark side of extroversion.. Put another way: Not all introverts are covert narcissists — but covert narcissists are almost certainly introverts. Covert narcissism is called many names in the scientific literature: closet narcissism, hypersensitive narcissism, and vulnerable narcissism, to name a few." ], [ "Represent the following document", "Narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental condition in which a person has: An excessive sense of self-importance. An extreme preoccupation with themselves. A lack of empathy for others." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Definition of narcissus. 1 1 capitalized : a beautiful youth in Greek mythology who pines away for love of his own reflection and is then turned into the narcissus flower." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Also called narcissistic personality disorder. 3. Pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, considered in psychoanalytic theory to be a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In order to more closely define the issue, it is important to clearly. define consumerism and narcissism. Consumerism is defined as: “The. theory that a progressively greater consumption of goods is economically. beneficial; Attachment to materialistic values or possessions ”. (Dictionary.com, 2000a)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers! For instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Lately, vitamin D has become a fad treatment for people with allergies. A good deal of research was conducted in the lab showing that vitamin D prevents the production of certain allergy causing molecules. More studies were initiated to demonstrate its impact on asthma and eczema.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what vitamin helps allergies']>>", "Definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissistic personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance and superiority.People who have this disorder are incredibly vain, conceited and egotistical, and they believe they deserve only the best.ymptoms of Narcissism. Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a number of different symptoms. Many people will have a history of short-term intense relationships with others that they lack genuine intimacy." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "another medication like diltiazem?" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "GENERIC NAME: diltiazem. BRAND NAMES: Cardizem, Cardizem CD, Cardizem LA, Tiazac, Cartia XT, Diltzac, Dilt-CD, and several others. DISCONTINUED BRAND: Dilacor XR, Tiamate. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Diltiazem is a drug that is used for treating heart pain (angina), high blood pressure, and abnormal heart rhythms. It belongs to a class of drugs called calcium channel blockers (CCBs), which includes amlodipine (Norvasc), verapamil (Calan, Isoptin), nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia) as well as others." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Diltiazem hydrochloride is a white to off-white crystalline powder with a bitter taste. It is soluble in water, methanol, and chloroform. Dilt-XR [Diltiazem Hydrochloride Extended-Release Capsules USP (Once-a-day dosage)] complies with USP Drug Release Test #2." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Iron deficiency:anemia, feeling fatigued after stopping iron medication, Vit D deficiency, heart ...I originally was diagnosed with Vit D deificiency and was having heart rythmia and went on Diltiazem .." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A: Generalized body aches are not listed as a side effect of diltiazem in the package insert. Muscle cramps, however, are listed as a possible side effect. Derek Dore, PharmD. A: Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker used to treat high blood pressure and angina. It should be taken with a full glass of water, either with or without food. Some reports indicate that grapefruit or grapefruit juice may interfere with the absorption of diltiazem." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Cardizem LA/Diltiazem/Diltiazem Hydrochloride/Matzim LA Oral Tab ER: 120mg, 180mg, 240mg, 300mg, 360mg, 420mg. Cardizem/Diltiazem/Diltiazem Hydrochloride Oral Tab: 30mg, 60mg, 90mg, 120mg. Diltiazem/Diltiazem Hydrochloride Intravenous Inj Pwd F/Sol: 100mg. Diltiazem/Diltiazem Hydrochloride Intravenous Inj Sol: 1mL, 5mg." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Diltiazem: Oral capsule, extended release (120mg) | Diltiazem: Oral capsule, extended release (420mg) | Diltiazem: Oral capsule, extended release (240mg) | Diltiazem: Oral capsule, extended release (90mg) | Diltiazem: Oral capsule, extended release (180mg) | Diltiazem: Oral capsule, extended release (300mg) | Diltiazem: Oral capsule, extended ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Common Questions and Answers about Diltiazem maximum dose. Talked to my doctor, they want me to start 120mg a day of Diltiazem. I'm a little nervous about it, but they assured me it's no more potent a medication. And they said it's much better in terms of no side effects on sexual side." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cardizem (diltiazem hydrochloride) is a calcium ion cellular influx inhibitor (slow channel blocker or calcium antagonist). Chemically, diltiazem hydrochloride is 1,5-Benzothiazepin4(5H)-one, 3-(acetyloxy)-5-[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl]-2, 3-dihydro-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-, monohydrochloride,(+)-cis-. The chemical structure is: Diltiazem hydrochloride is a white to off-white crystalline powder with a bitter taste. It is soluble in water, methanol, and chloroform. It has a molecular weight of 450.98. Cardizem CD (diltiazem hcl) is formulated as a once-a-day extended-release capsule containing 120 mg, 180 mg, 240 mg, 300 mg, or 360 mg diltiazem hydrochloride." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Diltiazem is contraindicated in (1) patients with sick sinus syndrome. except in the presence of a functioning ventricular pacemaker, (2) patients with second- or third-degree AV block except in the presence. of a functioning ventricular pacemaker, (3) patients with severe." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What is the most important information I should know about diltiazem? Do not use this medication if you have certain heart conditions such as sick sinus syndrome or AV block (unless you have a pacemaker), low blood pressure, or if you have recently had a heart attack." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Hello, Diltiazem HCl is a calcium channel blocker that does not contain the diuretic hydrochlorothiazide. It is sold under several brand names including Cardiazem LA, Dilacor, and Tiazac.Verapamil HCl also does not contain HCTZ.hen i was given a beta blocker with the initials hcl after it it had a diuretic in it and was warned to drink lots of water and stay out of the sun to prevent photosensitivity because it had a diuretic in it and the diltiazem had the same warnings in it because it has a diuretic in it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Diltiazem hydrochloride is a white to off-white crystalline powder with a bitter taste. It is soluble. in water, methanol and chloroform. DILT-XR [Diltiazem Hydrochloride Extended-Release. Capsules, USP (Once-a-day dosage)] complies with USP Drug Release Test #2.ed-Release." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "High blood pressure often has no symptoms. You may need to use blood pressure medication for the rest of your life. Diltiazem may be only part of a complete program of treatment that also includes diet, exercise, and other medications. Follow your diet, medication, and exercise routines very closely." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "when is trucker appreciation week" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is September 11 - 17. During this week, America takes the time to honor all professional truck drivers for their hard work and commitment in tackling one of our economy’s most demanding and important jobs." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Three days of food, fun and celebration at the annual Wagoner “Summerfest” celebration The Wagoner area Chamber of Commerce wants to hear from you. Please click the button to the right and fill out the contact form inside and someone will respond within 24 hrs. Monday thru Friday." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Transit Driver Appreciation Day is Saturday, March 18th, 2017. (We’re celebrating on Friday, March 17th) Transit drivers don’t have an easy job, they just make it look that way. For hours on end, your driver manages to keep a schedule, check fares, give directions, announce stops, remember requests and more." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Direct Support Professionals Appreciation Week. September 9th through the 15th is National Direct Support Professionals Appreciation Week, and it is with pride that AHRC New York City celebrates those who support children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in living dignified lives and in contributing to their communities." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Free Printables: School Bus Driver Appreciation. This crazy winter, it became crystal clear that our bus driver needed some special attention during Teacher Appreciation Week. Coach Kevin kept our kids safe during a marathon 3.5 hour bus “ride” during which they were stuck in Atlanta’s Snowmaggedon." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "November is named National Military Family Appreciation Month every year by the President in office. During this month, the nation and the Department of Defense honor the difficult sacrifices the families of the nation's service men and women have to make." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Free Printables: School Bus Driver Appreciation. by | Apr 23, 2014 | Freebies | 4 comments. This crazy winter, it became crystal clear that our bus driver needed some special attention during Teacher Appreciation Week. Coach Kevin kept our kids safe during a marathon 3.5 hour bus “ride” during which they were stuck in Atlanta’s Snowmaggedon." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2018 Paraprofessional Appreciation Day in 2018 • Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2018. You can find the date of Paraprofessional Appreciation Day in 2018, Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2018 calendar and the number of the remaining days. • Paraprofessional Appreciation Day in 2018 is on Wednesday, April 4, 2018. When is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2018? See here Paraprofessional Appreciation Day dates in 2018, Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2018 calendar and the number of the remaining days. Wednesday, February 7, 2018 (Week 06)" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Food Truck Bazaar returns to the City of New Smyrna Beach. The gourmet convoy that rolled into New Smyrna Beach last fall will be back this month. Food Trucks will be on Sams Ave from 5-9 p.m., Friday, March 31. The mobile cafes will serve sandwiches, ethnic delights, unique dishes, desserts, and more. Offerings may range from waffles to Asian wraps to barbeque." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "LEGISLATIVERESOLUTION memorializingGovernorGeorgeE.Patakito proclaim October 18, 2006 as School Bus Driver Appreciation DayintheState of New York. . WHEREAS, Each school day, more than two million children are transported toandfrom school in school buses in cities, towns and suburbs across the State of New York; and." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "RESOLVED, ThatthisLegislative Body pause in its deliberations to memorialize Governor George E. Pataki to proclaim October 18, 2006as School BusDriver Appreciation Day in the State of New York; and be it further." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pastor Appreciation Day 2016 is on Wednesday, October 12, 2016: When is Pastor's Appreciation Day? Wednesday, October 12, 2016 is Pastor Appreciation Day 2016." ], [ "Represent the following document", "For several years now others and myself have worked to have September 27th designated as National First Responder Appreciation Day. September 27th represents another day where first responders from all branches to save innocent lives. At this point, 22 states have designated September 27th as First Responder Appreciation Day. I ask that congress and the president join us and designate an official national day day, which honors those who serve." ], [ "Represent this", "DRIVER APPRECIATION GIFTS: National Truck Driver Appreciation Week is the perfect time to show your drivers how much you appreciate their hard work, commitment and safe driving. Driver gifts are affordable, available right now and can be customized with your company logo. Click here for 2011 NTDAW Merchandise!" ], [ "Represent the natural language", "by TruckerMike. Last week was National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. It certainly was nice to feel appreciated for a week. While nothing changed much, it was the little things I enjoyed. For example, all of the digital signs in the state of Missouri read Missouri Thanks our Safe Truckers! and Thank you for Staying Safe Truck Drivers!." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "October through March, the Saturday Morning Market is held on the second Saturday of each month. Also enjoy a historically good time at the Depot Museum, home of the red caboose and local history artifacts displayed by the Lake Placid Historical Society." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nov 30th, it will 1st Responder Day of Appreciation here in Washington State! A day to say thank you to the fine men and women that serve our communities. Not too late to adopt a station in your area and show your appreciation. Check out our web site for details! www.thankfirstresponder.com" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Military Appreciation Night: Through the help & generosity of food and equipment sponsors, Golden Corral hosts a Military Appreciation Night ‘Free’ Thank You Dinner for military men & women. The event is held yearly, usually in November." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Employee Appreciation Day in the United States Bosses across the United States have the chance to support, thank and reward workers on Employee Appreciation Day on the first Friday in March. Tug-of-war game in Atlanta, Georgia, US." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Historically, as part of National Truck Driver Appreciation Week (NTDAW), TCA hosted free driver health fair events at select TravelCenters of America/Petro locations, nationwide. Our state trucking associations and members of TCA's Health & Wellness Task Force helped to make these health fairs possible." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Calendars Calendar 2017 Calendar 2018 Monthly Calendar PDF Calendar Add Events Calendar Creator Adv. Employee Appreciation Day in the United States. Bosses across the United States have the chance to support, thank and reward workers on Employee Appreciation Day on the first Friday in March. Tug-of-war game in Atlanta, Georgia, US. Getting into it: A tug-of-war in Atlanta, Georgia.©bigstockphoto.com/BluIz60." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Employee Appreciation Day (EAD) will be held on April 27, 2017. Behind every experience Aramark creates around the globe is a service star who sells and serves with passion. Who enriches and nourishes lives. Who sets goals and then acts on them. And who does it all with integrity and respect. This year’s theme for EAD is: Integrity and Respect Always." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pet Appreciation Week 2017. pet_appreciation_tractor_ ... Hi i have had my own store at one time. First of all you need to check and see if you can get a loan somewhere to start up and it needs to be a sizeable loan i started out with $35,000.00, and found out it wasn't enough." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Trucker Hats & Mesh Caps. Shop for Trucker Hats & Mesh Caps at lids.com. Browse for cool trucker hats like a snapback trucker hat or vintage trucker hat to show your fan pride! Lids is your one-stop shop for all kinds of great adjustable trucker caps and mesh trucker hats. Rep your favorite team logo on the best trucker hats from lids.com today!" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Employee Appreciation Day is held on the first Friday in March allowing management to show thanks and reward for their workers hard work throughout the year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This year's Antiques Week starts from Saturday, September 21st through October 6th. Fathom contributor Meghana Gandhi gives you a teaser of her favorite treasure-hunting experience in the world." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vote, in the Colorado House of Representatives, designating September 27th as First Responder Appreciation Day in Colorado. Tim Gregg with Sherry Morefield Gregg at Colorado State Capitol. April 1 · Denver, CO ·. The Colorado House." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tractor Supply Hosting FFA Fundraiser Nationwide. BRENTWOOD, TN--(Marketwired - February 15, 2017) - Tractor Supply Company stores across the country will collect donations during National FFA Week to support grants for FFA chapters in their community. During National FFA Week, Feb. 17 through Feb. 26, Tractor Supply shoppers can donate $1 or more at checkout. Donations will fund the national Grants for Growing Program, which supports local FFA chapters that are making a difference in their communities with unique and sustainable agricultural projects." ], [ "Represent this", "Show your Appreciation for Truck Drivers. Truck driver appreciation week is upon us once again, last year I wrote about my appreciation for America’s truck drivers. This year I feel it is still just as important to declare my continued appreciation for the 3.5 million men and women who drive trucks. Take a look around at everything you see and use." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "“Every year we are amazed at the number of customers who participate in Cow Appreciation Day,” Jon Bridges, Chick-fil-A’s senior vice president and chief marketing officer, said in a statement. July 12, 2016 Atlanta: Alex Rodriguez, Store Operator at Chick-fil-A on Hammond drive greets Issac Timberline,1, and Nolan Timberline,3, on Cow Appreciation Day on Tuesday, July,12. Customers who come to Chick-Fil-A wearing anything cow-like will get a free entree from open to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 12." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "April 11, 2017/. June 25, 2017 (the last Sunday in June) will be our fourth year of celebrating National Drive Your Old Truck Day (DYOTD), a holiday we created to motivate ourselves and other old truck owners to get their trucks out of storage and onto the road. Last year, we had a record participation." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Volunteer Appreciation. In honor of Public School Volunteer Appreciation Week (April 17-21) and Volunteer Appreciation Week (April 24-28) Del Valle ISD would like to say thank you to all of our amazing district and campus partners!" ], [ "represent this", "“Today is ‘Transit Driver Appreciation Day’ across the world. HUGE shout-out to the Metro Drivers who keep our region moving every day.” — @kingcountywa. “This is a megawatt smile!” — @ridegrtc. “March 18th is Transit Driver Appreciation Day." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tim Gregg with Sherry Morefield Gregg at Colorado State Capitol. April 1 · Denver, CO ·. On the floor of the Colorado Senate for the vote designating September 27th as First Responder Appreciation Day in Colorado." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Transit Driver Appreciation Day is Friday, March 18th, 2016. For hours on end, your driver manages to keep a schedule, check fares, give directions, announce stops, remember requests and more. All while safely maneuvering an extra-large vehicle through unpredictable traffic, tough weather conditions and some really tight spaces." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "VIEW ORIGINAL. FORT BENNING, Ga., (Aug. 17, 2016) -- The Atlanta Falcons hosted a military appreciation day at their training facility in Flowery Branch, Georgia, Aug. 14 in a continuation of Fort Benning's community outreach and the NFL's salute to service military outreach." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "“Today is ‘Transit Driver Appreciation Day’ across the world. HUGE shout-out to the Metro Drivers who keep our region moving every day.” — @kingcountywa. “This is a megawatt smile!” — @ridegrtc. “March 18th is Transit Driver Appreciation Day. It’s the perfect time to give a shout out to your favorite coach operators to thank them for all they do.” — @omnitrans." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Appreciation Day is the third episode in Season 2 (and fifteenth episode overall) of Regular Show. It first aired on January 10, 2011. Mordecai and Rigby decide to write fraudulent statements in Benson's book of park records, but trouble ensues when the listed events happen for real." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Joint effusion of the knee is the most common symptom of osteoarthritis. There may be a formation of bunion at the toes which makes them red and swollen. A bunion is an abnormal, bony bump formed on the joint at the base of the big toe but it can be due to other causes too.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'is effusion a symptom of osteoarthritis']\"", "58th Annual Steam, Gas & Threshing Show. International Harvestor Collectors of Southern Illinois Chapters 32 & 10. 50 Years of The ITPA with the American Thresherman Association and the Tractor Puller’s Reunion. August 16-20, 2017. (Always the third weekend in August) The show starts on the night of August. 16, 2017." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Throughout Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (December 5-9, 2016), AAA will highlight different aspects of older driver safety and aim to promote the importance mobility and transportation play in ensuring older adults remain active in their communities." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "CREDIT: Getty Images. Friday, March 6, is Employee Appreciation Day. If your company hasn't already made plans to show your employees how much you appreciate them, check out what these companies are doing. Some are doing something special, but some just make sure to show appreciation all the time. 1." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When is Paraprofessional Appreciation Day? Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2017 is observed on Wednesday, April 5, 2017; Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2018 is observed on Wednesday, April 4, 2018; Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2019 is observed on Wednesday, April 3, 2019; Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2020 is observed on Wednesday, April 1, 2020" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "How companies have celebrated National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. Devine & Peters Intermodal had something planned for each day of appreciation week. On Monday each driver received a Carl's Jr. lunch certificate. Tuesday was nuts day. Drivers received a can of nuts with the Devine and Peters Intermodal logo proclaiming Were Nuts About You!." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Teacher Appreciation 2017. Teacher Appreciation Week is a week long celebration in the United States observed the first full week in May. Teacher Appreciation Day is the Tuesday that falls during Teacher Appreciation Week. Email this page to a friend." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "This morning, April 1, 2016, the Colorado Senate and House of Representatives took more than 2-1/2 hours of their time to recognize our state's emergency first ...responders and designate September 27 as First Responders Appreciation Day.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "July 1, 2013. WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced that new federal regulations designed to improve safety for the motoring public by reducing truck driver fatigue took full effect today, July 1, 2013." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For 2015, Golden Corral is once again offering a free buffet dinner, including beverage and dessert, to all veterans and current military personnel. This year, Golden Corral’s Military Appreciation Night FREE Veterans Day dinner will be offered on WEDNESDAY, November 11th from 5:00-9:00PM." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Is It Flash A Trucker Whatever Day Today? It's Flash A Trucker Whatever day on the 30th of June. Flash A Trucker Whatever Day' is by our calculation on: June the 30th. The first time we detected Flash A Trucker Whatever Day was the 30th of June 2016 and the most recent detection of references to Flash A Trucker Whatever Day was 1 year, 7 months ago. We're now tracking the sentiment around every mention of Flash A Trucker Whatever day to show how people feel about Flash A Trucker Whatever." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 2017. 8AM – 2PM • WALK BEGINS AT 10AM. RIVER CITY COMMUNITY CHURCH, 16765 LOOKOUT RD, SELMA, TX 78154. PARTICIPANTS EXPECTED: OVER 6,000. The Buddy Walk is an event that celebrates individuals with Down syndrome and increases awareness and inclusion. This one mile walk is a family event and will include onsite activities such as music, face painting, inflatables, a train, vendor booths, and food trucks." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2017 is observed on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2018 is observed on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 Paraprofessional Appreciation Day 2019 is observed on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 […]" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced that new federal regulations designed to improve safety for the motoring public by reducing truck driver fatigue took full effect today, July 1, 2013." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Customer Appreciation Day. Don't miss your chance to see all of Jon-Don's professional truck mount dealers in one location! Choose from Prochem, HydraMaster and BlueLine. You'll see Jon-Don's complete lines of professional carpet, upholstery and floor care equipment, chemicals and accessories." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Customer Appreciation Day. March 5, 2017. Come enjoy all the play with none of the pay during Customer Appreciation Day as our way of thanking you with no admission fees all day and bonus activities. Customer Appreciation Day could also be your lucky day! While in many of our parks, visitors can register for a chance to win a Gold Pass Membership." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Employee Appreciation Day 2015 is on March 07, 2015. Appreciation Day Gifts-Unique Gifts For Great Employees‎ Free Shipping On Orders $50 & Up! It's very easy to obtain bogged down in the day-to-day activities of functioning life." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Is It Customer Appreciation Day Today? It's Customer Appreciation day on the 18th of April. Customer Appreciation Day' is by our calculation on: April the 18th. The first time we detected Customer Appreciation Day was the 26th of March 2016 and the most recent detection of references to Customer Appreciation Day was 1 month, 2 weeks ago." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "4/25/2017. Event Description: The California Department of Education encourages you to recognize April 25, 2017 as School Bus Drivers Appreciation Day. The fourth Tuesday of April each year is set aside to recognize school bus drivers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "National Flash A Trucker Day is on the 28th of June with 6 tweets. More on Flash A Trucker Day below." ], [ "Represent this", "Since 1968, April has come to be regarded as a time to remember the FHA and reflect on the rights it gives citizens. Click HERE for fair housing tips and info. The month of April is Lineman Appreciation Month. We want to take time out to thank the men and women who risk their lives to bring light into ours." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The Ohio legislature has designated the first Monday in May as “School Bus Driver Appreciation Day.”. This day is an opportunity for Ohioans to reflect upon the outstanding job performance of more than 15,000 school bus drivers who transport students to and from school and school-related events throughout the year." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Teacher Appreciation Week is a week long celebration in the United States observed the first full week in May. Teacher Appreciation Day is the Tuesday that falls during Teacher Appreciation Week." ], [ "Represent", "New Hours-of-Service Safety Regulations to Reduce Truck Driver Fatigue Begin Today. WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced that new federal regulations designed to improve safety for the motoring public by reducing truck driver fatigue took full effect today, July 1, 2013." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "SC Restaurant Week and 2018 South Carolina International Auto Show are happening the weekend of Jan. 13-14. January 2018 Caring for the Carolinas Award Winner January 9, 2018" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Human Resources Professionals Appreciation Week · April 3, 2015 · August 10 - 14 2015 is the second full week of August and as such will be designated by me as HR Professional's Appreciation Week for 2015!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Arby's guest appreciation day. Visit a participating Arby’s restaurants in the Tri-Cities during the Guest Appreciation event on Tuesday, August 4, 2015 and purchase Classic Roast Beef sandwiches for only $0.99. It is Arby’s way of saying “Thank You.”." ], [ "represent text", "Elite Support team members were at the Great American Trucking Show (GATS) in Dallas, Texas August 27-29, 2015 to teach others how they can Experience a Higher Standard at an Elite Support Certified dealer.lite Support team members were at the Great American Trucking Show (GATS) in Dallas, Texas August 27-29, 2015 to teach others how they can Experience a Higher Standard at an Elite Support Certified dealer." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pastor Appreciation Day 2016. October is Pastor Appreciation Month and October 9, 2016 is Pastor Appreciation Day. Pastor Appreciation should be more than just a designated event on the calendar. The focus of this positive, faith based website is to challenge churches and congregations to honor and encourage pastors throughout the year." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "is the liberty bell on display a replica?" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bible Museum in U.S. capital gets Liberty Bell replica as its first display. If you are planning to visit the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. next year, here's some exciting news: The museum is starting to get filled and recently got its first display." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text", "The Liberty Bell Center is part of the U.S. National Park Service and Independence National Historical Park. For more information on the Liberty Bell Center, click the button below." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Best Answer: Yes it is. I stole the real one and eat Cheerios out of it every morning. For real though, its not fake, but it isnt the Liberty Bell. The real liberty bell was replaced when it cracked with the Sister Bell which is the one in the tower now. The real Liberty bell has been made into a monument below the tower. Source(s): Would the real Liberty Bell please stand up, please stand up." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Truth Behind This Pennsylvania Mystery Was Revealed After 25 Years. No one in the town of Dauphin knew where it came from or how it arrived: in 1986, a statue of Liberty replica appeared on a piling in the middle of the Susquehanna River, off of Route 322." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Fewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'To the north is Cassville and Kingston, two communities forever changed in by the Civil War in 1864, but not before Union forces passed through Adairsville, the Bartow County town with the distinction of being the first Georgia city to be listed in its entirety on the National Register of Historic Places.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what county is adairsville georgia']\"", "The Liberty Bell Pavilion was a building within Independence National Historical Park (INHP) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that housed the Liberty Bell from January 1, 1976 to October 9, 2003. Designed by the architectural firm of Mitchell/Giurgola Associates to be the Bell's permanent home, it stood for only 30 years.hen INHP began a redesign of Independence Mall in the 1990s, a much bigger Liberty Bell building was part of the plan. The Liberty Bell Center, built to the west of the Pavilion, opened on October 9, 2003." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Museum's replica was constructed for the B&O Railroad's 1927 Fair of the Iron Horse. This operating replica follows the general description given by Peter Cooper, but was built for performance in the 1927 fair, rather than historical accuracy." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Facts. 1 The statue is a replica of the original Statue of Liberty and stands outside the New York New York Hotel. 2 The replica is 150 feet tall from the ground to the top of the torch, including the pedestal. By comparison, the real Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor is 151 feet tall without its pedestal or foundation." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "After being moved to a pavilion near Independence Hall in 1976 (the bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence), in 2003 the Liberty Bell was relocated to Liberty Bell Center in Independence National Historic Park, where millions of visitors view its famous crack each year." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In 1994, the Liberty Memorial was closed due to structural and material deterioration. The Memorial Tower rises 217 feet above the surrounding observation deck and 268 feet above the north lawn. The cylindrical tower is 36 feet in diameter at its base and 28 feet in diameter at the top. An elevator is located within the shaft that transports visitors to an observation platform at the top." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Vegas Liberty is about two-fifths the height of the original (150 feet versus 350 feet), weighs far less (150 tons versus 27,000 tons) and is way younger (about 15 years compared with 127). The replica in Las Vegas." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Liberty Bell, which is housed in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an enduring symbol of the sacrifices of America’s veterans and the men and women who wear the uniform." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I have a 1976, SILVER at least in color, penny. it has stamped on it the liberty bell and a picture of the United States w/ the letters USA inside it. The reverse of the penny is the same as all other Lincoln Memorial pennies." ], [ "Represent text", "The Liberty Bell. Tradition tells of a chime that changed the world on July 8, 1776, with the Liberty Bell ringing out from the tower of Independence Hall summoning the citizens of Philadelphia to hear the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence by Colonel John Nixon.pon the arrival of the new bell from England, it was agreed that it sounded no better than the Pass and Stow bell. So the Liberty Bell remained where it was in the steeple, and the new Whitechapel bell was placed in the cupola on the State House roof and attached to the clock to sound the hours." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It was built from leftover copper used in the construction of the real Statue of Liberty. There are more replicas in Kosovo, Argentina, Israel, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, and China. The most interesting replica could be the one on the dome of a building in Lviv, Ukraine." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Formerly placed in the steeple of the Pennsylvania State House (now renamed Independence Hall), the bell today is located in the Liberty Bell Center in Independence National Historical Park.ells were rung to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776, and while there is no contemporary account of the Liberty Bell ringing, most historians believe it was one of the bells rung." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Formerly placed in the steeple of the Pennsylvania State House (now renamed Independence Hall), the bell today is located in the Liberty Bell Center in Independence National Historical Park.ells were rung to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776, and while there is no contemporary account of the Liberty Bell ringing, most historians believe it was one of the bells rung. After American independence was secured, it fell into relative obscurity for some years." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Where is the Hero Shot Replica? You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Sign Up for free (or Log In if you already have an account) to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1. countable noun. A replica of something such as a statue, building, or weapon is an accurate copy of it. ...a human-sized replica of the Statue of Liberty. Royce Hall was an exact replica of the basilica of Sant Ambrogio in Milan. It was a replica gun, for display only." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Liberty Bell today, sits in the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Although the bell resides in the United States, its origin and development took place in London, England where it was first cast or molded in 1752." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Liberty Bell Facts. The original Liberty Bell was cast in 1752, in London, England. It was hung in the Pennsylvania State House, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, which was later renamed Independence Hall. It cracked the first time it was rung and was then recast by local artisans, twice for the same reason." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The cornerstone also bears a plaque placed by the Freemasons. In 1903, a bronze tablet that bears the text of The New Colossus and commemorates Emma Lazarus was presented by friends of the poet. Until the 1986 renovation, it was mounted inside the pedestal; today it resides in the Statue of Liberty Museum in the base." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "This Liberty Bell was a gift to the citizens of Marietta and Cobb County by the Marietta Jaycees on July 4, 1976. It was presented as part of the Bicentennial Celebration and is an exact duplicate of the original Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, manufactured by the same foundry in England." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Liberty Bell was cast in the Whitechapel Foundry in London and hung in the belfry of the Pennsylvania State House in 1753. That building is known today as Independence Hall. The bell cracked upon its first use before being recast twice by John Pass and John Stow, of Philadelphia." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Liberty Bell is a treasured symbol of the early days of American independence. It was rung on July 8, 1776 with other church bells to announce the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. http://bensguide.gpo.gov/3-5/symbols/libertybell.html.he bell was last rung on February 23, 1846 for George Washingtons birthday. On January 1, 1976 the Liberty Bell was moved to its new home at the Liberty Bell Pavilion on Market Street near Independence Hall." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Liberty Bell. The Liberty Bell's inscription conveys a message of liberty which goes beyond the words themselves. An earlier bell for the Pennsylvania State House was cast in London, England, however, it cracked soon after it arrived in Philadelphia." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Attractions - Historic Homes and Buildings. 1 Visitors are able to see an exhibit about the Liberty Bell, focusing on its origins and its modern day role as an international icon of freedom. The exhibit illuminates the Bellæs storied past, focusing on both liberty attained and on liberty not yet realized." ], [ "represent this text", "I have a 1976, SILVER at least in color, penny. it has stamped on it the liberty bell and a picture of the United States w/ the letters USA inside it. The reverse of the penny is the same as all other Lincoln Memorial pennies. Please let me know what this is all about, ANY information would be appreciated...." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Liberty Bell. Tourists from all over the world come to Independence Hall in Philadelphia to see The Liberty Bell-an international symbol of freedom.ourists from all over the world come to Independence Hall in Philadelphia to see The Liberty Bell-an international symbol of freedom." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The statue is a replica of the original Statue of Liberty and stands outside the New York New York Hotel. The replica is 150 feet tall from the ground to the top of the torch, including the pedestal. By comparison, the real Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor is 151 feet tall without its pedestal or foundation. The designers hoped to make a one-third scale replica of the original statue, but it proved impractical." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "The Liberty Bell, first cast in 1752, was commissioned to be the bell for the Pennsylvania Statehouse, now called Independence Hall. Later, this was the building in which the Declaration of Independence (1776) and United States Constitution (1787) were debated and signed.he Liberty Bell Center, built to the west of the Pavilion, opened on October 9, 2003. Initially, the vacant Pavilion was repurposed as a security building in which visitors headed to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell Center were screened." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Attractions - Historic Homes and Buildings. 1 Visitors are able to see an exhibit about the Liberty Bell, focusing on its origins and its modern day role as an international icon of freedom. The exhibit illuminates the Bellæs storied past, focusing on both liberty attained and on liberty not yet realized. There are special rooms for foreign language visitors to hear tapes in a dozen languages, and a new film on the Liberty Bell produced for the National Park Service by the History Channel." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "[T]he Liberty Bell is the most venerated object in the park, a national icon.It is not as beautiful as some other things that were in Independence Hall in those momentous days two hundred years ago, and it is irreparably damaged.ells were rung to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776, and while there is no contemporary account of the Liberty Bell ringing, most historians believe it was one of the bells rung. After American independence was secured, it fell into relative obscurity for some years." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Liberty Bell Information. The Liberty Bell was cast in the Whitechapel Foundry in London and hung in the belfry of the Pennsylvania State House in 1753. That building is known today as Independence Hall. The bell cracked upon its first use before being recast twice by John Pass and John Stow, of Philadelphia. After the Liberty Bell was repaired, it rang for a George Washington birthday celebration but it cracked again and has not been rung since." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Formerly placed in the steeple of the Pennsylvania State House (now renamed Independence Hall), the bell today is located in the Liberty Bell Center in Independence National Historical Park.T]he Liberty Bell is the most venerated object in the park, a national icon." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Liberty Bell Cardboard Cutout Standup Prop. This Liberty Bell Cardboard Cutout Standup Prop is great for any American or Independence Day themed display or production! Also great as a retail display or parade float prop! Upgrade to plastic cardboard AND laminate (gloss or matte) for an all-weather prop that can be used indoors and outdoors!" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The image of Liberty Bell has been used on stamps and coins, and it has also been popular with many corporations. The strike note the Liberty Bell makes is E flat. Beginning in 1960, companies have analyzed drillings that were taken from the bell by the Franklin Institute.The Liberty Bell is 25% tin, 70 % copper, and it also has small amounts of gold, silver, arsenic, zinc and lead.he original Liberty Bell was cast in 1752, in London, England. It was hung in the Pennsylvania State House, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, which was later renamed Independence Hall." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Organizers constructed an 80-foot replica of the Exposition's symbol, the Liberty Bell, covered in 26,000 light bulbs, at the gateway to the festival. Sesqui-Centennial Stadium (later known as Philadelphia Municipal Stadium and, after 1964, John F. Kennedy Stadium) was built in conjunction with the fair." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "The Liberty Bell was ordered in 1751 to commemorate William Penn's 1701 Charter of Privileges, which had been passed 50 years earlier.It was cast in 1752 in London and commissioned as the bell for the Pennsylvania State House (now called Independence Hall).The Liberty Bell represented the freedoms valued by the Pennsylvania colony.he bell cracked again when it was rung during John Marshall's funeral in 1835. The Liberty Bell rang its last note in 1846 to honor George Washington's birthday. After the bell was rung on Washington's birthday, there appeared a distinct jagged line that prevented the bell from ever being rung again." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The city also has an exact replica of the Liberty Bell from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Its area code is 936 and its ZIP code is 77575. Liberty, Texas is the county seat of Liberty County and the third oldest town in Texas. Texas heroes William B. Travis, Sam Houston, and David Burnet all practiced law in Liberty." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "First Digital Copy of the Liberty Bell Allows for Exact Reproduction. In February 2004, engineers from Direct Dimensions used advanced 3D laser imaging technology to capture the exact shape and contour of the original Liberty Bell on-site in Philadelphia." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Liberty Bell in 1951, on display in Independence Hall. The Liberty Bell, first cast in 1752, was commissioned to be the bell for the Pennsylvania Statehouse, now called Independence Hall.Later, this was the building in which the Declaration of Independence (1776) and United States Constitution (1787) were debated and signed.hen INHP began a redesign of Independence Mall in the 1990s, a much bigger Liberty Bell building was part of the plan. The Liberty Bell Center, built to the west of the Pavilion, opened on October 9, 2003." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "10 Statue of Liberty Replicas in NYC and Paris. Welcome to a new short series highlighting the many surprising art and architectural finds that are located both in New York City and in Paris. In honor of the 127th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty dedication, we’re starting with this iconic symbol first." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Now he tells us he will by replica shoes no agency carriage watches anyplace afar from panerai replica his wrists. To say he was advantageous is gucci replica an understatement. The backup account hermes replica from the two watches was added than ten 000$, and he recovered them with out adventure or harm." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Liberty Bell is an important symbol of American freedom. The Liberty Bell is an important and famous symbol of American independence (freedom). It used to be in the Pennsylvania State House (now known as Independence Hall). The bell was ordered from the London firm of Lester and Pack (which is known as the Whitechapel Bell Foundry today) in 1752." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Answer The Liberty Bell was replaced by the Centenial Bell in 1876. The Centenial Bell still hangs in Independence Hall to this day. The Liberty Bell stands as a great … symbol of the freedom we cherish as a nation.A bell is a very fitting symbol for freedom, ringing out with a sense of victory, celebration, and joy: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! The famous crack in the Bell is also a very apt symbol.nswer The Liberty Bell was replaced by the Centenial Bell in 1876. The Centenial Bell still hangs in Independence Hall to this day. The Liberty Bell stands as a great … symbol of the freedom we cherish as a nation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "[T]he Liberty Bell is the most venerated object in the park, a national icon. It is not as beautiful as some other things that were in Independence Hall in those momentous days two hundred years ago, and it is irreparably damaged.ells were rung to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776, and while there is no contemporary account of the Liberty Bell ringing, most historians believe it was one of the bells rung. After American independence was secured, it fell into relative obscurity for some years." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "An exact replica of the Statue of Liberty’s flame offered to the people of France by donors throughout the world as a symbol of the Franco-American friendship. On the occasion of the centennial of the International Herald Tribune." ], [ "Represent the natural language.", "Liberty Bell Facts. Tourism information: Daily 9am-5pm with extended hours July and August. The bell is visible 24 hours a day. Size of Crack: The crack is approximately 1/2 inch wide and 24.5 inches long. The Bell actually suffered a series of hairline cracks." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '1 Epididymitis is swelling or pain in the back of the testicle in the coiled tube (epididymis) that stores and carries sperm. Orchitis is swelling or pain in one or both testicles, usually from an infection or virus.']\" == \"[\"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\n------\\nFewshots:\\n'cost of implant supported dentures' == 'Of course the cost is often affected by factors that change with the case and even area you live in. The implant dentures cost for regular implants is often around 15,000 dollars or more. This is due largely to the dental implant cost of regular implants and the number of implants used, which can quickly add up. With implant supported dentures using traditional implants a new set of denture must be made especially for the implants.' != 'A RealAge answered. The cost of dental implants varies depending on the dentist or oral surgeon as well as the location in the country. A single implant with a crown can range from $2,000 to $6,000.'\", 'can epididymitis cause back pain']\"", "On top of the Texas state capitol building dome is the Goddess of Liberty, also known as the Old Lady. She is a replica. The original was cast in white bronze, weighs almost 3,000 pounds, and is 15 feet, 7 1/2 inches tall. She has been restored and is on display in the Texas Memorial Museum." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Struck in 1986 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Statue of Liberty this proof Half Dollar is a must for every coin collection. The obverse features Lady Liberty with the rising sun signaling a new day in American history, while the reverse displays an immigrant family on Ellis Island." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In Philadelphia in 1776, the Liberty Bell rang to announce the independence of the United States from Great Britain. At that time, however, the bell was not called the Liberty Bell. People who wanted liberty, or freedom, for slaves gave the bell its name in 1839.The Liberty Bell is mostly copper and tin.It is 3 feet (91 centimeters) high and 12 feet (3.7 meters) around at the bottom.t that time, however, the bell was not called the Liberty Bell. People who wanted liberty, or freedom, for slaves gave the bell its name in 1839. The Liberty Bell is mostly copper and tin. It is 3 feet (91 centimeters) high and 12 feet (3.7 meters) around at the bottom." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 Fargo, North Dakota, also has a replica of the Statue of Liberty on the corner of Main Avenue and 2nd Street at the entrance of the Main Avenue bridge. There is a replica on the shoreline of Lake Chaubunagungamaug in Webster, Massachusetts." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Delta Hoopa (referred to as just Hoopa in-game) is a Flying-type Mythical Delta Pokémon. While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, it has an alternate form, which it changes into by using the Cloud Bottle. Its default form, Delta Hoopa Confined, will then become the Flying-type Delta Hoopa Unbound. Delta Hoopa Unbound will revert into Delta Hoopa Confined if it is deposited in or withdrawn from the PC. Contents']>> to \"[\"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\n\\nE.g.\\n'average temperatures for february in laguna beach, fl' == 'Current water temperature Laguna Beach: 70°F. Weather Forecast for Laguna Beach: Average Water Temperature at Laguna Beach: Climate Chart for Laguna Beach: January. February. March. April. May.' != 'Key weather averages for Newport Beach in February. 1 18. 18°C max day temperature. 2 8. 8 hours of sunshine per day. 3 5. 5 days with some rainfall. 4 9. 9°C min night temperature. 5 11. 11 hours of daylight per day. 6 0. No heat & humidity. 7 57. 57 mm of monthly rainfall. 8 4. 4 (Moderate) UV index. 9 15. 15°C sea temperature.'\", 'what type is hoopa unbound']\"", "Tips for Visiting the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. When visiting Philadelphia travelers flock to see the famous “Liberty Bell.” A symbol of revolution, birth of a nation and freedom for all mankind. Even the Dalai Lama thinks it is cool! To see the Bell in person it is easy with a few helpful tips and some patience." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "There are two replicas of the Statue of Liberty with a height of 30 feet on top of the Liberty National Bank, in Buffalo New York. Another 11-foot replica in San Marcos, California holds a bible instead of a tablet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "According to Mr. Sid Shell, a local maritime historian in Mobile, the replica of the Hunley is a full scale model based upon all known information at the time it was built. It was one of many project's of a local sheet metal union to give apprentice sheet metal workers experience." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Contemporary Examples. 1 On the piano is a portrait of Lizzie, and replica skulls of the Bordens are displayed in the dining room. 2 The duchess sat at a replica radio to hear, learn about, and decipher morse code. 3 Perhaps Ham will dedicate a plank in the replica ark to his bowtied benefactor." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The entrance gift shop sells tiny reproductions of the statue, and a Sam Houston Replica Cane mounted on the wall. On the trail to the monument, visitors can pose with a large 3D version of the statue's face. Adickes couldn't put down his chisel after finishing Sam Houston." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Formerly placed in the steeple of the Pennsylvania State House (now renamed Independence Hall), the bell today is located in the Liberty Bell Center in Independence National Historical Park." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The bell – now officially deemed the Liberty Bell – was cast in the Whitechapel Foundry in the East End of London and subsequently sent to Independence Hall, known at the time as the Pennsylvania State House, in 1753. It was an impressive looking object, 12 feet in circumference around the lip with a 44-pound clapper." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Liberty Bell weighs approximately 2080 pounds. The Liberty Bell is 12 feet in circumference (of the lip) and 3 feet tall. The Liberty Bell still hangs from its original yoke. The yoke was made from slippery elm, which is also known as American elm." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Liberty Bell was moved to Independence Hall in 1846 and to a glass pavilion in 1976. In October of 2003 the Bell moved to the new Center. Guests now not only get to see the Bell from inside and outside the building but have the opportunity to view exhibits and films charting the Bell's history." ], [ "Represent.", "Visit our Liberty Bell site for a detailed history of the Bell, pictures from its 1915 cross-country journey, and all the facts about this cherished international symbol of liberty. Tourism information: See INHP Schedule The bell is visible 24 hours a day." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "1 The Liberty Bell is composed of approximately 70 percent copper, 25 percent tin and traces of lead, zinc, arsenic, gold and silver. 2 The Bell is suspended from what is believed to be its original yoke, made of American elm. This spelling was one of several acceptable spellings of the name at that time. 2 The strike note of the Bell is E-flat. 3 The federal government gave every state and its territories a replica of the Liberty Bell in the 1950s as part of a national U.S. Savings Bond campaign." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '3700 Sheffield is Wrigleyâ\\x80\\x99s largest rooftop. With great views of the left/center field, youâ\\x80\\x99ll be sure to feel the VIP treatment with this experience. Guests will â\\x80\\x9carrive in styleâ\\x80\\x9d when they are greeted by a professional doorman upon arrival.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is wrigley field rooftops']\"", "Liberty Bell Facts. Tourism information: Daily 9am-5pm with extended hours July and August. The bell is visible 24 hours a day. Size of Crack: The crack is approximately 1/2 inch wide and 24.5 inches long. The Bell actually suffered a series of hairline cracks. The area around the crack was expanded in hopes of extending the useful life of the Bell." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "For other uses, see Liberty Bell (disambiguation). The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Formerly placed in the steeple of the Pennsylvania State House (now renamed Independence Hall), the bell today is located in the Liberty Bell Center in Independence National Historical Park." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "No one knows why the crack originally appeared. The Liberty Bell weighs more than a ton (approximately 2,080 pounds). It is made of 70 percent copper, 25 percent tin and small amounts of lead, zinc, arsenic, silver and gold. The Liberty Bell is a powerful symbol of the idea of freedom. It was rung at the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia on July 8, 1776." ] ]
[ "Represent the next text", "another name for atrioventricular valves" ]
[ [ "Represent the input.", "The tricuspid valve, also called the right atrioventricular valve, gets its name because it is generally considered to have three leaflets: the anterior, posterior and septal leaflets. Of these, the anterior, also called the infundibular or anterosuperior, leaflet is typically the largest." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Chordae Tendineae. The tendinous cords that connect each cusp of the two atrioventricular HEART VALVES to appropriate PAPILLARY MUSCLES in the HEART VENTRICLES, preventing the valves from reversing themselves when the ventricles contract.hordae Tendineae. The tendinous cords that connect each cusp of the two atrioventricular HEART VALVES to appropriate PAPILLARY MUSCLES in the HEART VENTRICLES, preventing the valves from reversing themselves when the ventricles contract." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "see cardiac valve laceration (above). cardiac valves. heart valves formed by evaginations of the cardiac and vascular endothelium supported by connective tissue; includes atrioventricular and semilunar valves on both sides of the heart.cardiac valvular disease. see valvular disease.ee cardiac valve laceration (above). cardiac valves. heart valves formed by evaginations of the cardiac and vascular endothelium supported by connective tissue; includes atrioventricular and semilunar valves on both sides of the heart. cardiac valvular disease. see valvular disease." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Cardiac Cycle Diastole Phase Early Diastole Ventricles relax. Semilunar valves close. Atrioventricular valves open. Ventricles fill with blood. Mid Diastole Atria and Ventricles are relaxed. Semilunar valves are closed.Atrioventricular valves are open. Ventricles continue to fill with blood.Late Diastole SA node contracts. Atria contract. Ventricles fill with more blood. Contraction reaches AV node.trioventricular valves open. Ventricles fill with blood. Mid Diastole Atria and Ventricles are relaxed. Semilunar valves are closed. Atrioventricular valves are open. Ventricles continue to fill with blood. Late Diastole SA node contracts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "During this stage the atrioventricular valves are closed and the semilunar valves are open. This takes about 0.3 second. The total cycle takes about 0.8 second while the subject is resting. This gives a heart rate of about 75 beats per minute. The way in which the events of the cardiac cycle are coordinated is another question! See http://www.jdaross.cwc.net/cardiac_cycle.htm for more details." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee, Nissan's North American operations include automotive styling, engineering, consumer and corporate financing, sales and marketing, distribution and manufacturing for the United States, Canada, and Mexico.\"] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is the nissan headquarters']", "The atrioventricular valves close and the semilunar valves open. The de-oxygenated blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary valve prevents the blood from flowing back into the right ventricle.The pulmonary artery carries the blood to the lungs.he atrioventricular valves close and the semilunar valves open. The de-oxygenated blood is pumped into the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary valve prevents the blood from flowing back into the right ventricle." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The atrioventricular valves of the heart are important in preventing backflow. The mitral valve prevents backflow into the left atrium, and the tricuspid valve prevents backfl … ow into the right atrium." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Insufficiency of the atrioventricular valves causes systolic murmurs: mitral regurgitation(MR) and tricuspid regurgitation(TR). There are four important areas used for listening to heart sounds. These are: Aortic area, Pulmonic area, Tricuspid area, Mitral Area (Apex)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The antrioventricular valve has two valves. The bicuspid valve has 2 flaps and in located in the right ventricle/right atrium. The tricuspid valve has 3 flaps and is located in the left ventricle/left atrium." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "how many seasons of american horror story" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "As of November 16, 2016, 73 episodes of American Horror Story have aired, concluding the sixth season. In October 2016, the series was renewed for a seventh season, to premiere in September 2017. In January 2017, the series was renewed for an eighth and ninth season. 1 Series overview." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It lasted to 1975.At 20 seasons, the TV version was/is the longest-running prime time American dramatic series (Law & Order tied this record in 2010, though Gunsmoke produced more episodes) and the archetypical television example of the Western genre." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "American Horror Story 's upcoming fifth season is called Hotel and it aired on FX on October 7th, 2015. This, along with her inclusion as a titular character, was announced by Lady Gaga on Twitter. 1 Kathy Bates as Iris; manager of the hotel." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Mar 30, 2017 4:51 PM EDT. Everyone has high hopes for American Horror Story's upcoming Murder House and Coven crossover season - including the stars! Although no official castings have been announced, many AHS alums are hoping creator Ryan Murphy will either bring their chara… Read more. Chapter 10 Season 6, Episode 10 Nov 16, 2016 $1.99." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "American Horror Story: Freak Show. American Horror Story: Freak Show is the fourth season of the FX horror anthology television series American Horror Story. It premiered on October 8, 2014 and concluded on January 21, 2015." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "As to details surrounding the mysterious seventh season, Murphy merely said it's an experiment and that there's only one person writing all the episodes. The current installment, American Horror Story: Roanoke, already debuted an entirely new format for the anthology series." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Virginia Dare became a ghost and led her fellow settlers to Upstate New York where they continue to haunt to this day. American Horror Story: Roanoke, which came out in 2016, is the sixth season of American Horror Story, features the colonists from real life as spirits that haunt North Carolina due to a deal that John White's wife made with a witch." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Watch: New ‘American Horror Story’ Season 6 Teaser Comes Out of the Shadows. Courtesy of FX/Facebook. August 12, 2016 | 12:59PM PT. Adding to the mounting suspense of the mysterious theme for “American Horror Story” Season 6, FX released a new teaser for the upcoming season on the show’s Facebook page Friday afternoon." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The details surrounding each season of American Horror Story are always slow to eke out, but there are a few things we know for sure about the latest, fifth installment of Ryan Murphy's horror anthology. Here's the rundown: PHOTOS: TV and movie witches." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "How to watch The X-Files (Seasons 1-9) Streaming On Netflix Outside the US. Genre heads have been treated well by television executives as of late, with the high-quality standards enacted by The Walking Dead and American Horror Story." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The first season of American Horror Story was well received by television critics and fans. The cast was generally praised, particularly Jessica Lange and Frances Conroy. The series drew consistently high ratings for the FX network, ending its first season as the biggest new cable series of the year." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "American Horror Story: Asylum. American Horror Story: Asylum is the second season of the American FX horror television series American Horror Story, created by Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy. It originally aired from October 17, 2012 to January 23, 2013." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Sulfur and iron: since this is a mixture, the sulfur retains its properties (its yellow color, for example), and the iron retains its properties (its black color, for example). These properties can be used to separate the two elements. For iron sulfide, two elements (sulfur and iron) are heated together so that they form the compound iron sulfide. Although iron sulfide contains both sulfur and iron, it is not a mixture: it is a pure substance. Both the sulfur and the iron have â\\x80\\x9cgiven upâ\\x80\\x9d their individual properties to become a compound.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'is sulfur a pure substance']\"", "Number of episodes. 13. Freak Show is the subtitle for the fourth season, or miniseries, of American Horror Story. A fourth story was announced on November 6, 2013, which featured 13 episodes. It was announced on Ryan Murphy's Twitter account on March 24, 2014 that the story title was Freak Show.." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The second season, titled American Horror Story: Asylum, takes place in 1964 and follows the stories of the patients, doctors and nuns who occupy an institution for the criminally insane. The third, titled American Horror Story: Coven, takes place in the present day and follows a Witches Coven in New Orleans." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "However, they have more six more episodes to change that. Netflix announced Thursday that the six-episode second season of The Fall will premiere at 12:01 a.m. on Jan. 16, 2015. All five episodes of Season 1 of the series, which became the highest-rated drama in 10 years on BBC Two, are currently streaming on Netflix. 18 most awful things that have happened on American Horror Story." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The most mysterious season of the FX franchise also revealed more clues than ever about Ryan Murphy's twisted 'AHS' universe. [Warning: This story contains spoilers from the season six finale of American Horror Story: Roanoke, Chapter 10.] American Horror Story: Roanoke was a horror romp that came with a warning to society." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Oct 14, 2016 10:26 AM EDT. MTV has renewed horror series Scream for a third season, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The pickup comes days before the premiere of a Scream Halloween special, which airs Oct. 18. The third season will be six episodes, down from 12 in Season 2… Read more." ], [ "Represent", "Recent seasons of American Horror Story have moved about all over the place. Coven was set in New Orleans, while Freak Show was set in Florida but also filmed in Louisiana. However, with American Horror Story: Hotel being set in L.A., it is time for the show to return to where it all first started." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nE.g.:\n['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Glossary of Terms. 1 Statistics - a set of concepts, rules, and procedures that help us to: organize numerical information in the form of tables, graphs, and charts; understand statistical techniques underlying decisions that affect our lives and well-being; and. make informed decisions.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'statistics vocabulary definitions']", "Show Summary. In this seasonal anthology series, American Horror Story in the first season follows the Harmon family, a family of three who have moved from Boston to LA for a fresh start but end up living in a sinister haunted house instead." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It was announced on October 7, 2014 that American Horror Story co-creators Murphy and Falchuk would produce a companion series of the franchise entitled American Crime Story. Murphy will also direct the first installment of the 10-episode first season." ], [ "Represent the following document!", "The premise of the second season marked a departure from that of the series' first season, featuring all new characters and a new location, thus marking American Horror Story as an anthology series." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 to have 15 episodes. AMC announced today from the Television Critics Association (TCA) Press Tour a 15-episode order for the second season of “Fear the Walking Dead,” which will air in 2016. “Fear the Walking Dead” was greenlit back in March for two seasons." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "American Horror Story: Asylum is the second season of the American FX horror television series American Horror Story, created by Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy. It originally aired from October 17, 2012 to January 23, 2013." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Season 4. Season 3 of AMC's Fear The Walking Dead consists of sixteen episodes, that aired with a double episode premiere on June 4th 2017." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "It originally aired from October 17, 2012 to January 23, 2013. The premise of the second season marked a departure from that of the series' first season, featuring all new characters and a new location, thus marking American Horror Story as an anthology series." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "'American Horror Story': Here Is How 'Roanoke' Connected All the 'AHS' Seasons. The most mysterious season of the FX franchise also revealed more clues than ever about Ryan Murphy's twisted 'AHS' universe. American Horror Story: Roanoke was a horror romp that came with a warning to society." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "American Horror Story: Roanoke. American Horror Story: Roanoke is the sixth season of the FX horror anthology television series American Horror Story. It premiered on September 14, 2016, marking the first time the series has debuted outside of October, and concluded on November 16, 2016." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "American Horror Story Season 5: Hotel. Los Angeles' enigmatic Hotel Cortez is host to the strange and bizarre, spearheaded by its owner, The Countess (Lady Gaga)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "There are 8 seasons. It ran from September 17, 1964 - July 1, 1972. Seasons 1-2 were in black and white, seasons 3-8 were in color. 4 people found this useful." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Mad Men (season 7) The seventh and final season of the American television drama series Mad Men consists of 14 episodes split into two, seven-episode parts: the first half, titled The Beginning, aired from April 13 to May 25, 2014, on AMC; and the second half, titled The End of an Era, aired from April 5 to May 17, 2015." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "American Horror Story: Freak Show is speculated to premiere on FX in October 2014. It’s a good week to be an “American Horror Story” fan. After a couple months of being kept in the dark about Season 4, the FX series is now revealing some exciting (and potentially frightening) new spoilers about its upcoming season." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The third, titled American Horror Story: Coven, takes place in the present day and follows a Witches Coven in New Orleans. The fourth season is called American Horror Story: Freak Show." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "American Horror Story's fourth season is called Freak Show—as it's based on one of the last remaining freak shows in Jupier, Fla., headed by Jessica Langeand though the term freak might give you pause, the storyline is distinctly sympathetic to the special-ability characters." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "American Horror Story Season 6's Theme Is The Mist, According to the Internet. Ryan Murphy and co. are keeping the theme of American Horror Story season six under wraps—like, it's so top-secret that they've produced nearly two dozen promos for the new season and the majority are red herrings." ], [ "Represent!", "Richard Foreman/AMC. April 15, 2016 | 09:39AM PT. AMC has renewed “Fear the Walking Dead” for Season 3, the cabler announced Friday. The third season, consisting of 16 episodes, will air in 2017. AMC has also renewed “Fear’s” live aftershow, “Talking Dead: Fear,” hosted by Chris Hardwick, which will air following new episodes of “Fear.”." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "American Horror Story premiered its fifth season starring Lady Gaga with a jaw-dropping episode called Checking In on Wednesday night!ritten by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuck, the highly-anticipated season premiere was everything you hoped it would be and more, with brilliant acting, stunning visuals, and, of course, Lady Gaga in all her bloody glory." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first season, American Horror Story: Murder House, was set in 2011 in Los Angeles and followed a family that moved into a haunted house. Season 2 was titled American Horror Story: Asylum and followed a group of residents in an asylum for the criminally insane in Massachusetts in 1964." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "This season is set in the 1950s.moreless. In this seasonal anthology series, American Horror Story in the first season follows the Harmon family, a family of three who have moved from Boston to LA for a fresh start but end up living in a sinister haunted house instead." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Cheyenne Jackson Has Confirmed His Return to American Horror Story. American Horror Story: Hotel season five is over, but fans are already excited for what's to come. While season six seems like so far away, we've spent plenty of time guessing what the new theme might be. In the meantime, some stars from the previous cast have already signed on, including Mother Monster herself, Lady Gaga." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "American Horror Story. A brand new horror story is coming in just over two months, and thankfully fans will get some laughs in before they start screaming. FX on Tuesday announced the September premiere dates for the sixth season of American Horror Story and its two new comedy series, Atlanta and Better Things. The new installment of American Horror Story will begin haunting TV screens on Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 10 p.m. ET. Before that, the Donald Glover-created comedy Atlanta will kick off on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 10 p.m. ET, and Pamela Adlon’s new project Better Things makes its premiere Thursday, Sept. 8 at 10 p.m. ET." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The pilot episode of American Horror Story was watched by 3.2 million viewers and averaged a 1.6 rating in the 18–49 years adult demographic, the most sought after by advertisers. These were the best numbers FX had ever received for a series premiere. The episode was seen by 3.2 million total viewers in 59 countries." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Featured Article. Previously Aired Episode. Show Summary. In this seasonal anthology series, American Horror Story in the first season follows the Harmon family, a family of three who have moved from Boston to LA for a fresh start but end up living in a sinister haunted house instead." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Each new installment is a cultural event, hotly anticipated for its theme, imagery, cast and twists. We thank the creators and their team, the cast and everyone who has continued to make AHS such an extraordinary series.. American Horror Story: Roanoke: 5 reasons Episode 3 was the best one yet. Murphy previously revealed he had already begun work on the next season of AHS, and that he was considering trying to shoot them on the sly and drop it, which could give fans their biggest shock yet." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "American Horror Story: Coven is the third season of the FX horror anthology television series American Horror Story. It premiered on October 9, 2013, and concluded on January 29, 2014. The season takes place in 2013, in New Orleans, and follows a Coven of Salem witches as they fight for survival. It also features flashbacks to the 1830s, 1910s, and 1970s." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Below is a summary of the longest and heaviest turtles in the world. Most of these turtles are aquatic animals, although there are also terrestrial animals such as Galápagos tortoise or Aldabra giant tortoise. The weight and length specified in the fact sheet are verified maximum values for a given species of turtle.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'largest tortoise species']\"", "MORE: What it's like to be killed by Kathy Bates on AHS. FX. Season five, American Horror Story: Hotel, is currently airing with Lady Gaga, Sarah Paulson, Kathy Bates, Angela Bassett, Wes Bentley, Matt Bomer, Chloe Sevigny, Denis O'Hare, Cheyenne Jackson, Evan Peters and Finn Wittrock starring. Over the first four seasons, the show has won 13 Emmys and been nominated 71 times." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Status: Likely returning for season five. A character actress with an impeccable sense of comedic timing, Conroy has been a constant staple on American Horror Story.. And we can't imagine Murphy wouldn't bring her back for more fun next season." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "American Horror Story: Freak Show The fourth season of this series begins Wednesday night on FX. Credit Michele K. Short/FX." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In this seasonal anthology series, American Horror Story in the first season follows the Harmon family, a family of three who have moved from Boston to LA for a fresh start but end up living in a sinister haunted house instead." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Examples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'A latent or hidden defect is a fault or a flaw in an immovable property that cannot be seen by the naked eye at the time of the purchase. In order to qualify as a latent defect, it must have existed at the time of the purchase and it must not have been obvious or apparent to notice to the prudent buyer placed in the same circumstances, but serious and important enough to constitute a latent defect.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a latent defect in real estate']\"", "In the world of Warrior Cats: Untold Tales, there are four seasons, each lasting ten game days. (Or 90 minutes) New game files begin in the second day of summer (AKA Greenleaf), then progress through fall/autumn (Leaf-fall), winter (Leaf-bare), spring (Newleaf), then circles back to summer." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "'American Horror Story' actresses Emma Roberts, Sarah Paulson and Angela Bassett (Photo: Getty Images). Now that FX's American Horror Story: Freak Show has come to an end, fans are already speculating about which stars will return as new characters in season 5 this fall." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "how long should i ice my knee" ]
[ [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Hempz Pomegranate Herbal Body Moisturizer is enriched with 100% Pure Organic Hemp Seed Oil and blended with natural extracts to pr...ovide dramatic skin hydration and nourishment to help improve the health and condition of skin.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what is hempz lotion']\"", "Following your exercise session, rest your bruised knee while applying ice. After the first day of injury to your knee, you should apply ice for 10 to 15 minutes, four times per day. On the first day, you can apply ice for 15 minutes of every hour." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Elevate your leg. 2 For the first two days, keep your leg elevated above your heart. 3 Lie flat and use two or three pillows to prop up your knee. 4 Use ice as directed by your doctor to relieve pain and swelling for 2 to 3 days." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "This may take up to a few weeks. You should apply ice to the elbow for 20 to 30 minutes every 3 to 4 hours for 2 to 3 days or until the pain and swelling go away. Your health care provider may prescribe an anti-inflammatory medicine or other pain medicine." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Immediate first aid for a sprained ankle is RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) as soon as possible. Cold therapy or ice should be applied for 10 to 15 minutes every hour for the first 24 to 48 hours." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Never ice for more than 20 minutes. Many people think the more the better, but this is not true! Maximum ice time should be 20 minutes every few hours. Get creative with icing your sprained ankle. A bag of frozen corn or peas makes a great ice pack -- and it's both reusable and edible. Compression bandages should be snug, not tight. If too tight, your circulation will be impaired, and the healing process slowed." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "7 answers. Hi Mamas, I am making smoothies for my son, it has milk, ice, strawberries, bananas, yellow zucchini, spinach and carrots. My question is, how long would you keep the leftover smoothie in the fridge, it has milk so I want to be careful not to store longer than I should. answers. Hi Mamas, I am making smoothies for my son, it has milk, ice, strawberries, bananas, yellow zucchini, spinach and carrots. My question is, how long would you keep the leftover smoothie in the fridge, it has milk so I want to be careful not to store longer than I should." ], [ "", "You may need to be placed in an ankle walking boot, a supportive ankle brace or utilise crutches. Ice is a simple and effective modality to reduce your pain and swelling. Please apply for 20-30 minutes each 2 to 4 hours during the initial phase or when you notice that your injury is warm or hot." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "According to the CDC, people with knee arthritis should do moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. You can even break it down into three, 10-minute sessions each day — it works just as well. You should experience better mobility and less pain within four to six weeks." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'What is reducing sugar? Any carbohydrate which is capable of being oxidized and causes the reduction of other substances without having to be hydrolysed first is known as reducing sugar, but those which are unable to be oxidised and do not reduce other substances are known as non-reducing sugars.'] == ['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'definition of reducing sugars']", "1 Icing your knee for 20 to 30 minutes a few times a day during the first few weeks after surgery will help reduce pain and swelling. 2 Whenever possible during the first few weeks after surgery, you should periodically elevate your leg to help reduce the swelling. 3 Most patients may shower when they get home." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 If the inflammation is in smaller, more exposed tendons / muscles (such as the wrist or elbow), then apply the ice for about 10 minutes. 2 If it's a larger or deeper tendon / muscle (such as the shoulder or hip), then leave the ice on for closer to 20 minutes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To reduce pain and swelling: 1 Sit with your foot elevated higher than your knee at least 4 times a day. 2 Apply an ice pack 20 minutes of every hour you are awake for the first 2 days. 3 After 2 days, use the ice pack for 10 to 20 minutes, 3 times a day as needed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ice: Apply ice for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day. Compression: Wrap the injured ankle with an elastic bandage. Elevation: It is difficult for the leg vessels (veins) to remove swelling from the foot and ankle, therefore, elevate the limb higher than the level of the heart." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', \"Best Answer: On average a Hummingbird nest will only be 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Hummingbird Nesting. In general, the nest building and the raising of the young is all done by the female Hummingbird. She will raise one brood per season. On average a Hummingbird nest will only be 1 1/2 inches in diameter. They will be cup shaped and made out of plant material that's held together with spider webs. Source(s): http://www.learner.org/jnorth/images/gra... http://howtoenjoyhummingbirds.com/hummin...\"]' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how big is a hummingbird nest']'", "If the inflammation is in smaller, more exposed tendons/muscles (such as the wrist or elbow), then apply the ice for about 10 minutes. If it's a larger or deeper tendon/muscle (such as the shoulder or hip), then leave the ice on for closer to 20 minutes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Example:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', 'King Tutâ\\x80\\x99s untimely death was probably accidental. For years, it was speculated that King Tutâ\\x80\\x99s death at age 19 came courtesy of a blow to the head, inflicted, perhaps, by a murderous rival. More recently, however, experts have determined that the damage to his mummyâ\\x80\\x99s skull occurred after death, either during the embalming process or at the hands of Carterâ\\x80\\x99s crew.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what caused king tut's death\"]\"", "When you get up, you may need to use some crutches. While rest is important, especially in the hours right after an injury, you can and should test the knee and try to increase activity as tolerated within 24 hours of the injury. Prolonged inactivity can put you at risk to develop a blood clot in the veins of the leg. ICE – Ice is a very effective anti-inflammatory." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "See a GP if the pain is very bad or lasts a long time. How to ease knee pain and swelling. Try these things at first: put as little weight as possible on the knee – for example, avoid standing for a long time; use an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas wrapped in a teatowel) on your knee for up to 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours; take paracetamol" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Should i try ice-compression. I fell yesterday at church and missed a step down and landed on my left knee, I have a small bump and i had it in more I fell yesterday at church and missed a step down and landed on my left knee, I have a small bump and i had it in ice all day long yesterday." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people with knee arthritis should do moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, five days per week. You can even break it down into three 10-minute sessions each day, which works just as well. You should experience better mobility and less pain within four to six weeks." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ice and elevation. 1 For pain, put ice or a cold pack on the area for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin. 2 Your ankle may swell for about 3 months. Prop up your ankle when you ice it or anytime you sit or lie down." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pain When Icing My Knee. 1 Patient : I was recently diagnosed with patellofemoral chondromalacia and was told if my knee was sore that i should ice it. the only problem is that when i ice it the pain gets dramatically worse. each step i take is excruciating pain. i try to step lightly but it still hurts extremely bad." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "How long should I be off work for knee arthroscopy? I'm having surgery on my knee in a week and I have only requested the day of and the day after my surgery off.After do some research on the surgery I dont think that is enough time. I want to know what sort of time frame I should tell my employer.how more I'm having surgery on my knee in a week and I have only requested the day of and the day after my surgery off. After do some research on the surgery I dont think that is enough time. I want to know what sort of time frame I should tell my employer. I work somewhere were I have to walk around alot." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "However, there are several options your doctor may suggest. 1 Rest your knee. If your pain is the result of an injury or overuse, the doctor may ask you to rest your knee for a period of days or weeks. 2 Ice your knee. Similar to resting, ice can help swelling subside and hasten healing from certain injuries. 3 Compress your knee joint." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Ad. To treat a twisted knee, there are three things you should do as soon as possible after the injury occurs: rest, ice, and elevate. Avoid putting any weight or pressure on the knee by using crutches or a cane when walking. Apply an ice compress for 30 minutes at least three times a day." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Put an ice pack, gel pack, or package of frozen vegetables wrapped in a cloth on the injured area every 3 to 4 hours for up to 20 minutes at a time until the pain and swelling go away. Keep your knee up on a pillow when you sit or lie down." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A Yusuf Boyd, NASM Elite Trainer , Athletic Training, answered. You should ice injuries for 20 minutes and allow at least 1 hour before icing again. The reason for icing is to decrease inflammation and/or pain in the affected area. The way it works is the ice lowers body temperature around the affected area, decreasing blood flow which in turn helps to reduce swelling." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question How long does it take to heal a broken knee,you can compare them. The time it takes to heal a broken knee depends on the severity of the injury. On average, it takes around 4 to 6 weeks.[ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-long-does-it-take-to-heal-a-broken-knee ].More Answers to How long does it take to heal a broken knee .n average, it takes around 4 to 6 weeks. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-long-does-it-take-to-heal-a-broken-knee ]. More Answers to How long does it take to heal a broken knee ." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Initially, I treated with anti-inflammatory medication, ice, elevation and knee brace. This injury was very similar to the previous knee injury, so I thought my knee would heal without seeking orthopedic evaluation." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Robin Williams: Depression Alone Rarely Causes Suicide. In his stand-up and best-loved comedies, including Aladdin and Mrs. Doubtfire, Robin Williams was known for his rapid-fire impersonations and intensely playful energy.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what show causes suicide']", "(The routine takes 10 to 20 minutes, depending how many sets you choose.) If you want to warm up, march in place for 3 to 5 minutes. Prevent injury: If you've previously injured your knees or if you experience knee pain during daily activity, consult your doctor or a specialist before performing these exercises." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The doctor usually applies a splint from the ankle to the groin to immobilize the sprained knee. It is helpful, as continuing care, to use an ice pack 3 or 4 times a day for 20 minutes at a time. Place ice chips or cubes in a plastic bag. Wrap the bag in a moist towel, and place it over the injured knee." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "what are thoroughbred horses used for" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Thoroughbred is a horse breed best known for its use in horse racing. Although the word thoroughbred is sometimes used to refer to any breed of purebred horse, it technically refers only to the Thoroughbred breed. Thoroughbreds are considered hot-blooded horses that are known for their agility, speed and spirit." ] ]
[ [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The average height of today's Thoroughbred is a little over 16 hands, as opposed to the 14-hand average height of the horses from which the breed originated. But the key word is average.. Because, for every rule as to what the perfect Thoroughbred should look like, there is a champion whose performances disprove it.he average height of today's Thoroughbred is a little over 16 hands, as opposed to the 14-hand average height of the horses from which the breed originated. But the key word is average.. Because, for every rule as to what the perfect Thoroughbred should look like, there is a champion whose performances disprove it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Fox hunters and polo players also tend to favor thoroughbreds. Body Size: An average thoroughbred horse will reach a height of about 60 to 70 inches, or roughly 15 to 17 hands high (hh), a hand being a unit of equine measurement equivalent to approximately 4 inches.This breed is considered medium in size, and adult horses usually weigh 1,000 to 1,300 pounds.ppearance. Body Size: An average thoroughbred horse will reach a height of about 60 to 70 inches, or roughly 15 to 17 hands high (hh), a hand being a unit of equine measurement equivalent to approximately 4 inches." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Anything over that height is a horse. The average racing thoroughbred is 16 hands. For a heavy horse breed like the Shire (formerly known as the English Cart Horse), the average height is a little over 17 hands. To everyone’s astonishment, Sovereign measured 20 hands and 2in." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "#2: The Quarter Horse. The Quarter Horse was developed on the King Ranch of Texas as an all-around work horse and for racing short distances. This breed is the most popular in the U.S., and today they’re used for timed events, pleasure riding, ranch work, racing, and as show horses. One of their top uses, however, is trail riding. Quarter Horses make excellent trail mounts for several reasons. Their calm, easy going temperaments are legendary." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "thoroughbred(noun) a well-bred person. thoroughbred(noun) a racehorse belonging to a breed that originated from a cross between Arabian stallions and English mares. thoroughbred, purebred, pureblood(adj) a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage; used especially of horses." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "ANATOMY AND FUNCTION. The heart of a Thoroughbred weighs about 1% of the horse’s bodyweight but can be as high as 1.3-1.4% in elite animals. Therefore an average 1000 pound horse has a heart weighing between 8-10 pounds. The horse has a proportionately larger heart per unit of body mass as compared to other mammals." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "They are used as working cow horses and sport horses, and there are special shows and races for Arabian horses held around the world. When it comes to the sport of endurance racing, where horses compete at distances of up to 100 miles in a single day, the Arabian horse is simply the best in the world!" ], [ "Represent text:", "In Thoroughbred horse racing a mare is defined as a female horse more than four years old, but the word can also be used for other female equine animals, particularly mules and zebras, though a female donkey is usually called a jenny..A broodmare is a mare used for breeding.A horse's female parent is known as its dam. An uncastrated adult male horse is called a stallion and a castrated male is a gelding. Occasionally the term horse is used in a restrictive sense to designate only a male horse.n Thoroughbred horse racing a mare is defined as a female horse more than four years old, but the word can also be used for other female equine animals, particularly mules and zebras, though a female donkey is usually called a jenny.." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The letters stand for Off the Track Thoroughbred- in other words, a horse which has either raced or been in race training at some point in his or her life. Since TB's are the main breed used for racing in much of the world, that's where the abbreviation came from. Source(s): I'm a horse owner and professional." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Horses were historically used in warfare, from which a wide variety of riding and driving techniques developed, using many different styles of equipment and methods of control. Many products are derived from horses, including meat, milk, hide, hair, bone, and pharmaceuticals extracted from the urine of pregnant mares. Humans provide domesticated horses with food, water and shelter, as well as attention from specialists such as veterinarians and farriers." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "American Paint Horse - Has an easy going temperament & used for cattle work. American Quarter Horse - Versatile, popular equine breed that's great for new riders. American Saddlebred Horse - Result of selective breeding of four breeds of horses. American Standardbred Horse - Most of this breed complete a mile race in 3 minutes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Helios (/Ë\\x88hiË\\x90li.É\\x92s/; Ancient Greek: ἥλιοÏ\\x82 HÄ\\x93lios; Latinized as Helius; á¼\\xa0Î\\xadλιοÏ\\x82 in Homeric Greek) was the personification of the Sun in Greek mythology.']>> to <<['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is a helio']>>", "Mixed breed horses are mostly used in Olympic sports and indeed the majority of the champions’ horses are warmblooded ones. They have character traits from both the hot-blooded and the cold-blooded breeds and have their place in the middle of those when it comes to size and personality." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The gallop is also the gait of the classic race horse. Modern Thoroughbred horse races are seldom longer than 1.5 miles (2.4 km), though in some countries Arabian horses are sometimes raced as far as 2.5 miles (4.0 km)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Haflinger Horses are a light horse breed and one of the warmblood breeds from Europe. Light horse breeds generally weigh under 1,500 pounds. They are typically used as riding horses for leisure and trail riding. Being agile and swift, many are also used on the racetrack, in the show ring, and for work on the ranch." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Cereal hay made from oats, barley or wheat can also be used for feeding horses. Oat hay or green feed is a common forage for horses in many parts of North America. Often oat hay is available because the oat crop did not mature to be harvested as grain.ther forages such as Pea hay or Pea straw can also be used for horses. The nutrient values for these feeds are highly variable and a feed analysis would be very beneficial when considering these feeds in horse diets." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Use in measuring horses[edit] Today the hand is used to measure the height of horses, ponies, and other equines. It is used in the U.S., and also in some other nations that use the metric system, such as Canada, Ireland and the UK." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Thoroughbred Horse. The Thoroughbred was originally bred in England due to the Englishmen's emerging passion for fast race-horses. Three that founded the Thoroughbred bloodline were Byerley Turk, Darley Arabian, and Godolphin Arabian, all imported to England between 1670 and 1710.he Thoroughbred was originally bred in England due to the Englishmen's emerging passion for fast race-horses. Three that founded the Thoroughbred bloodline were Byerley Turk, Darley Arabian, and Godolphin Arabian, all imported to England between 1670 and 1710." ], [ "", "Thoroughbreds can sustain a speed of 40 miles per hour during races. Although they are very swift, the quarter horse breed is actually substantially faster, with a maximum speed of nearly 55 miles per hour." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Use in horses. Main article: Treatment of equine lameness. Arthrodesis is used in horses as a salvage procedure to treat severe breakdown injuries, such as failure of the suspensory apparatus, subluxation, fracture, or collateral ligament rupture." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Bleeding is a common condition in horses resulting from normal training, racing or performing, and always has been. Most types of horse are susceptible to nose and lung bleeding, Thoroughbred, Standard bred, Quarter horse, Thoroughbred cross and Arab horses." ], [ "", "Some quarter horses can be mistaken for thoroughbreds - tall, sleek, long legged. These would not be good as a barrel racing horse. You might be surprised, but the average plain jane grade horse is a great barrel racer. Grade is a term applied to horses of unknown origin, mixed breeds, crosses." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Thoroughbred horse racing is a worldwide sport and industry involving the racing of Thoroughbred horses. It is governed by different national bodies. There are two forms of the sport: Flat racing and jump racing, called National Hunt racing in the UK and steeplechasing in the US.horoughbred horse racing is a worldwide sport and industry involving the racing of Thoroughbred horses. It is governed by different national bodies. There are two forms of the sport: Flat racing and jump racing, called National Hunt racing in the UK and steeplechasing in the US." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Weight: The Thoroughbred weighs 1,000 pounds, which is 25 pounds lighter than the average horse breed. Life: Most horse breeds tend to live between 25 and 30 years. Not surprisingly, the Thoroughbred has a life expectancy in line with other horses.he word “thoroughbred” is often used to refer to any purebred horse, but the term actually refers to the English breed developed in the 18th and 19 centuries." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "I always wanted to have a good horse that could be fast, but also strong-boned as to reduce the likelihood of injury, so I thought a Clydesdale x Thoroughbred cross would be a good horse to use for everyday riding, not really intended to be used for work or racing. (Kinda like having a type of car." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Thoroughbred Horse. The Thoroughbred was originally bred in England due to the Englishmen's emerging passion for fast race-horses. Three that founded the Thoroughbred bloodline were Byerley Turk, Darley Arabian, and Godolphin Arabian, all imported to England between 1670 and 1710.n fact, many of the world's horse breeds have benefited at some time from the addition of Thoroughbred blood. Thoroughbreds in America are born in the spring, but regardless of the actual date, January 1st is their official birthday." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Thoroughbreds are considered hot-blooded horses, known for their agility, speed and spirit. The Thoroughbred as it is known today was developed in 17th-and 18th-century England, when native mares were crossbred with imported Oriental stallions of Arabian, Barb, and Turkoman breeding.rices of Thoroughbreds vary greatly, depending on age, pedigree, conformation, and other market factors. In 2007, Keeneland Sales, a United States-based sales company, sold 9,124 horses at auction, with a total value of $814,401,000, which gives an average price of $89,259." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "The Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing, often shortened to Triple Crown, comprises three races for three-year-old Thoroughbred horses. Winning all three of these Thoroughbred horse races is considered the greatest accomplishment in Thoroughbred racing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The hotbloods -- Arabians and thoroughbreds are considered refined, hot-blooded horses, and the modern thoroughbred descends from Arabian ancestry. The Arabian boasts a dished face and arched neck on one end and a tail carried high on the other. He's usually small, ranging between 14 and 15 hands high at the withers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "In 2010, a group of friends launched the Retired Racehorse Project to raise awareness about thoroughbreds’ versatility. Their annual Thoroughbred Makeover now showcases some of the country’s best off-track thoroughbreds across 10 divisions, including trail, ranch work (in which Quaint placed third in 2016), dressage, and jumping." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Thoroughbred has also had influence on other breeds such as the American Standardbred, the popular choice for harness racing. In fact, many of the world's horse breeds have benefited at some time from the addition of Thoroughbred blood.Thoroughbreds in America are born in the spring, but regardless of the actual date, January 1st is their official birthday.Having spent its first year developing size and power, the young Thoroughbred begins training as a yearling.n fact, many of the world's horse breeds have benefited at some time from the addition of Thoroughbred blood. Thoroughbreds in America are born in the spring, but regardless of the actual date, January 1st is their official birthday." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Breeds of Livestock-Thoroughbred Horse. The term Thoroughbred describes a breed of horse whose ancestry traces back to three foundation sires -- the Darley Arabian, the Godolphin Arabian and the Byerly Turk.he average height of today's Thoroughbred is a little over 16 hands, as opposed to the 14-hand average height of the horses from which the breed originated. But the key word is average.. Because, for every rule as to what the perfect Thoroughbred should look like, there is a champion whose performances disprove it." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Two racing breeds are generally taller than the typical horse, although plenty of them are average size. The thoroughbred grows to an average height of 63.78 inches, or about 16 hands, with a range of 62 to 68 inches or more. The standardbred, used for harness racing, averages about 63 inches tall, with a range of 60 to 66 inches or more." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "These ponies can be used for speed, pleasure (English or western), jumping, a great pet, trail horse, or even a schooling pony. Quarter Ponies are usually calm because of the Quarter horse in it, but can have a spirited side too, it depends if it is a pure bred, from two Quarter ponies, or a mixed breed quarter pony." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Saddlebred is now a full blooded horses with a closed registry. But during the early years several breeds were used to form the foundation stock, theses included the Thoroughbred, the Narragansett Pacer and the Morgan." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The Gelder horse is suited for work in harness as well as under saddle and is distinguished by its happy attitude and reliable temperament. The breeding standard helps to evaluate horses objectively and uniformly. It provides framework in which jury members give their evaluations." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Most Off-the-track Thoroughbreds (OTTBs) need some chiropractic care. Their hips are slammed from behind in the starting gate, their heads are twisted sideways by the pony horse or on the hot walker. They are strong animals - they resist and pull muscles. Just as we humans can benefit from good chiropractic care, followed by stretching exercises to help us stay aligned, so do horses. Horses shows positive results much more quickly as their spinal column is not compressed like a human's." ], [ "", "The uses for the horse in man’s life go on and on. The horse was used for food, herding, warfare, transportation, communication, agriculture, trade, commerce, pleasure, sport, religion, symbol, status, gift, industry, competition, and recreation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Domestic mares were bred with Thoroughbred stallions to create horses better suited for military and carriage purposes. The modern Hanoverian is a lighter breed that excels in athletic equestrian events." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A broodmare is a mare used for breeding. A horse's female parent is known as its dam. An uncastrated adult male horse is called a stallion and a castrated male is a gelding. Occasionally, the term horse is used to designate only a male horse." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "This breed was developed by the crossbreeding of native female horses, known as mares, with male horses, known as stallions, which had been imported from overseas for the specific purpose of breeding racehorses. Any modern Thoroughbred can be traced back to one of these three stallions; Byerley Turk, Darley Arabian, or Godolphin." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Quarter horses are also used for rodeo/barrel racing or working cattle, along with Arabians and Thoroughbreds. 2 These trained animals average $2,500-$7,000, but exceptional animals cost a great deal more.3 English jumping riders chose Thoroughbreds and other breeds which can start under $2,000 but often run $3,500-$8,000. Quarter horses are also used for rodeo/barrel racing or working cattle, along with Arabians and Thoroughbreds. 2 These trained animals average $2,500-$7,000, but exceptional animals cost a great deal more. 3 English jumping riders chose Thoroughbreds and other breeds which can start under $2,000 but often run $3,500-$8,000." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "In Thoroughbred horse racing, a mare is defined as a female horse more than four years old. The word can also be used for other female equine animals, particularly mules and zebras, but a female donkey is usually called a jenny. A broodmare is a mare used for breeding. A horse's female parent is known as its dam. An uncastrated adult male horse is called a stallion and a castrated male is a gelding. Occasionally, the term horse is used to designate only a male horse." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "One of the first horses to be bred down from the Arabian was the Thoroughbred, for, of course, racing. Every thoroughbred's pedigree dates back to one of three Arabian horses...... The Byerly Turk (1680s), the Darley Arabian (1704), and the Godolphyn Arabian (1729).es there is such a breed called the thoroughbred in the horse world. Thoroughbreds were developed in 17 and 18th century England, and are used primarily for racing. They are … considered a hot-blood breed and are prized for their spirit and speed." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. countable noun. A thoroughbred is a horse that has parents that are of the same high quality breed. 2. countable noun. A thoroughbred is a particular breed of racing horse. ...a thoroughbred stallion." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'Since January 2005, when the conflict began to change dramatically, it has killed 4,006 people, of whom 168 have been Israeli and 3,838 Palestinian. That means that, since January 2005, only four percent of those killed have been Israeli, and 96 percent Palestinian.Since January 2005, in other words, the conflict has killed 23 Palestinians for every one Israeli it claims.Still, even though Israelis are killed at a far lower rate than are Palestinians, that does not make Israeli deaths any less real or traumatic.hat number is even more staggering when you consider that there are about twice as many Israelis as there are Palestinians. This means, very roughly, that a Palestinian person has been 15 times more likely to be killed by the conflict than an Israeli person.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how many Palestinians have been killed']\"", "It has been recognized that when these parameters are abnormal, either too high or too low, horses often perform below expectation. Iron supplementation in the diet and or by parenteral injection is an almost universal practice for Thoroughbred horses in race training in North America." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The typical Thoroughbred horse has a heart that weighs around seven pounds. However, some exceptional runners have been found to have hearts twice that size and even larger. The immortal Secretariat had a massive heart weighing in close to twenty-five pounds!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Different breeds of horses have developed that excel in each of the specific disciplines. Breeds that are used for flat racing include the Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Arabian, Paint, and Appaloosa. Jump racing breeds include the Thoroughbred and AQPS." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Quarter horses are also used for rodeo/barrel racing or working cattle, along with Arabians and Thoroughbreds. 2 These trained animals average $2,500-$7,000, but exceptional animals cost a great deal more.3 English jumping riders chose Thoroughbreds and other breeds which can start under $2,000 but often run $3,500-$8,000.weet. Comments (7). The price of horses varies according to what they will be used for--Trail Riding, Rodeo/barrel racing or English jumping--and how much training the animal has. The basic rule of thumb is the more training and experience a horse has, the more it will cost." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Best Answer: Here in the USA, there is horse racing with pari-mutuel wagering offered on races involving the following breeds: Thoroughbreds. This is the most common racing breed, and Thoroughbreds are primarily bred for racing.Mostly they race only against other Thoroughbreds, but there are some racetracks that offer both Thoroughbred races and Quarter Horse races on the same card.At these tracks, very occasionally you will have Thoroughbreds and Quarter horses racing in the same races-- usually at 870 yards.ostly they race only against other Thoroughbreds, but there are some racetracks that offer both Thoroughbred races and Quarter Horse races on the same card. At these tracks, very occasionally you will have Thoroughbreds and Quarter horses racing in the same races-- usually at 870 yards." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The basic types of thoroughbred workouts are “Breezing” (B) and “Handily” (H). Breezing means the horse works entirely without urging at a moderate speed. Handily means the rider, giving the horse a hand ride, rolling his knuckles in the horse’s neck, is urging the horse. This work is usually faster than breezing." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Best Answer: Really depends on the condition of the horse. Daily exercised Thoroughbreds are commonly raced for a distance of 1.25 miles, and usually at a slow gallop know has breezing be breezed for 2 miles. Thoroughbreds, which are bred for running distance but not speed, have been clocked at over 40 MPH. Quarter horses, bred and raced for short distances at speed, can reach 50 MPH. Quarter horses are usually raced for 1 mile as they are known for short bursts of fast speed. This is a tough answer since it would vary by horse and the condition of horse...so the above is just approx. :)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Polo is played in brief periods called chukkars; each chukkar lasts seven minutes, and play can be ferocious. By tradition, horses are replaced at each chukkar, ensuring that they stay fresh and fit. The horses used in the sport are called polo ponies, which is a bit of a misnomer since they are not actually ponies, but rather full-sized horses. Thoroughbreds are the traditional mounts, although other breeds may be used as well. In all cases, horses are selected for speed, agility, and obedience." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "How fast can a thoroughbred horse run? Thoroughbreds can sustain a speed of 40 miles per hour during races. Although they are very swift, the quarter horse breed is actually substantially faster, with a maximum speed of nearly 55 miles per hour." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Description: One of the most popular and recognizable horse breeds in the world, the Thoroughbred is a hot-blooded horse best known for its ability to excel in horseracing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Thoroughbred is very well know for its speed, spirit and agility. It excels mostly in English but some western riding disciplines such as Showjumping, Cross-country, Dressage, Horse Racing, Polo, Fox-Hunting, Show Hunting, Police mount,Western riding, Steeple chasers, Barrel Racing and the Olympics." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Jockey Club offers this definition: A Thoroughbred is a horse that has satisfied the rules and requirements set forth herein and is registered in The American Stud Book or in a Foreign Stud Book approved by The Jockey Club and the International Stud Book Committee.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "-is used extensively in horses for the treatment of lameness and for the relief of pain associated with colic" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To improve the quality of life of race horses, delaying the start of racing for a year, and providing for them after their racing career ends, would help. I train standardbreds, they work twenty minutes a day and have a 4 month holiday a year. Thoroughbreds do less." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nE.g. ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\nFewshot example: \"Circle Monograms Font Family by Harold\\'s Fonts. About: The set of 4 Circle Monograms fonts let you create custom 2- and 3-letter monograms, against a black or white background, with a choice of decorative frames. Tags: Dingbat, Font, Monograms.\" == \"what is the circle monogram font called\"', 'Leviathan [(luh-veye-uh-thuhn)] A sea monster mentioned in the Book of Job, where it is associated with the forces of chaos and evil. Note: Figuratively, a â\\x80\\x9cleviathanâ\\x80\\x9d is any enormous beast.Note: Leviathan is a work on politics by the seventeenth-century English author Thomas Hobbes.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'meaning of the word leviathan']", "Thoroughbred horse racing is a worldwide sport and industry involving the racing of Thoroughbred horses. It is governed by different national bodies. There are two forms of the sport: Flat racing and jump racing, called National Hunt racing in the UK and steeplechasing in the US.ump races and steeplechases, called National Hunt racing in the United Kingdom and Ireland, are run over long distances, usually from two miles (3,200 m) up to four and a half miles (7,200 m), and horses carry more weight." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The term Thoroughbred describes a breed of horse whose ancestry traces back to three foundation sires -- the Darley Arabian, the Godolphin Arabian and the Byerly Turk." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Thoroughbred horse racing is a worldwide sport and industry involving the racing of Thoroughbred horses. It is governed by different national bodies. There are two forms of the sport: Flat racing and jump racing, called National Hunt racing in the UK and steeplechasing in the US." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "is vitamin c good for acne" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is an essential nutrient. This water-soluble vitamin is important in humans for a number of reasons especially because of its antioxidant property, its function as a cofactor for importance enzymes and its role in collagen synthesis.itamin C is useful in acne treatment for two major reasons: it serves as an antioxidant and it contributes to collagen synthesis. As an antioxidant, vitamin C removes harmful free radicals and reducing them to harmless compounds." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin C is good for your hair growth and healthy skin. Vitamin C may help your skin look younger, according to the Mayo Clinic. Vitamin C plays an essential role in forming collagen. Collagen, a protein, stimulates skin production, according to the National Institutes of Health." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "To figure out the best moisturizer for your acne, there are so many effective breakout-fighting formulas in different products to consider. You can find moisturizers that won't irritate acne because of soothing ingredients like zinc, tea tree oil, salicylic acid, vitamin C, retinol; the list goes on and on. So, which are the best ones to look for in moisturizers for people with acne? With all of the options out there, I personally find it a bit overwhelming." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Whether vitamin E helps heal acne scars depends on the severity of the scars. Acne scars are of various types including rolling, ice pick, box car, thickened scars and open pores. Undoubtedly, vitamin E is regarded as an effective treatment that helps to heal the skin’s structure. It is found in most topical acne scar treatments. Pure vitamin E oil helps to improve skin texture by speeding up cell regeneration. Vitamin E scar treatment helps to lighten acne scars and eventually get rids of them." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "I also started taking dry vitamin A for oily skin about ... I also started taking dry vitamin A for oily skin about ... I think vitamin A is good for acne and oily skin but not ... I take vitamin A because I heard that it works in ... I have been on the Vitamin A and B3 for about 2-3 weeks now ..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vitamin E: Furthermore, coconut oil is a rich source of Vitamin-E. This keeps your skin healthy and ensures proper functioning of the sebum glands and clears blockage. This means that it treats the actual root cause of acne, not just the behaviors that lead to its appearance, or the symptoms once they have occurred." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the cartilages from harmful free radicals. But more importantly, it is needed for the production of collagen, the chief protein found in cartilages." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Yet, my skin problems really did seem to develop around the time I started taking these vitamins. I switched on my computer and began to Google around. Sure enough, I found numerous studies confirming that vitamin supplements, particularly B12 and B6 can induce and/or worsen acne in some people." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble nutrient found in citrus fruits and green vegetables. It is an important antioxidant that promotes overall health and may also be beneficial in supporting healthy immune function, cardiovascular health, healthy skin and blood vessel maintenance and your body’s normal response to minor injury.†." ], [ "Represent this text", "Summary – Why Vitamin D is the #1 Acne Vitamin. Vitamin D: Cools inflammation (reducing redness and swelling of acne) Boosts your immune system (allowing your skin to get rid of toxins better, and making it easier to fight off acne bacteria) Improves your mood (reducing stress, lowering your cortisol levels, and improving acne)" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” plays a major role in healing and preventing acne, and chances are that you’re not getting enough of it. In fact, Vitamin D levels have been steadily declining over a number of decades, and 75% of American adults are clinically deficient.* Are you at risk for Vitamin D deficiency?" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Vitamin B12 could trigger outbreaks of acne, scientists have today warned. The essential nutrient, found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, as well as in Marmite, alters the activity skin bacteria. This leads to unsightly spots and pimples in susceptible people, a new study found." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Aside from giving you fairer and brighter skin, Vitamin C has other key benefits, such as: 1 Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis. Collagen is a vital part of the skin that gives it elasticity and makes it look young and firm. 2 Vitamin C fights redness and inflammation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "VITAMIN E PILLS I know Vitamin E oil is good for putting on top of your skin to clear it from scars, but if you have acne, putting oil on your skin is probably not the way to go. But Vitamin E is an anti-inflammatory, so taking it in pill form can work wonders for acne.ITAMIN E PILLS I know Vitamin E oil is good for putting on top of your skin to clear it from scars, but if you have acne, putting oil on your skin is probably not the way to go. But Vitamin E is an anti-inflammatory, so taking it in pill form can work wonders for acne." ], [ "", "Vitamin A is a possible remedy for acne, but you need to make sure you’re getting it the right way. Vitamin A oral supplements don’t work the same as topical vitamin A, according to clinicians at the University of Michigan. In fact, they caution against the supplement, as it can do more harm than good." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin D: 1 Cools inflammation (reducing redness and swelling of acne) 2 Boosts your immune system (allowing your skin to get rid of toxins better, and making it easier to fight off acne bacteria) 3 Improves your mood (reducing stress, lowering your cortisol levels, and improving acne)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "However, not many people know about the function of vitamin D for acne recovery. Actually, there are some important things that you have to know about the function of Vitamin D. Many people are curious about how it will works with the acne recovery. Can Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Acne? Some people said that acne could be caused by vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D, which is also known as sunshine vitamin since you can get the vitamin easily from the sunshine. The function of vitamin D works very board. One of the most important function of vitamin D is to build your strong bone. Then, the function of vitamin D for acne is also very big. It can give you a chance to heal from your acne." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "See all results for vitamin c for face. 1 Amara Organics Vitamin C Serum for Face 20% with Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin E, 1 fl. oz. by Amara Organics. 4.6 out of 5 stars 2,930. 2 NuNutrients Vitamin C Serum - Anti-Aging Serum by NuNutrients. 4.5 out of 5 stars 311." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vegetables. Broccoli in serving dish Photo Credit CGissemann/iStock/Getty Images. According to HerbVitality.info, vitamin B is necessary to the formation of skin, nail and hair cells. To maintain the health of your skin and help prevent acne, incorporate vegetables that are rich in vitamin B into your diet. Choose dark green and leafy green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, collard greens, arugula, kale, beans and peas." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin C is good for your hair growth and healthy skin. Vitamin C may help your skin look younger, according to the Mayo Clinic. Vitamin C plays an essential role in forming collagen.Collagen, a protein, stimulates skin production, according to the National Institutes of Health.itamin A. Vitamin A will help your hair and skin health. This antioxidant vitamin helps normalize cell growth, maintain healthy skin, form collagen and increase your cell renewal rate, according to the National Institutes of Health." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin A. “Vitamin A helps regulate the skin cycle, so no acne-causing protein and oil get trapped,” Marmur says. It’s the main ingredient in Accutane, an effective prescription medicine for acne. Good food sources of vitamin A include fish oil, salmon, carrots, spinach, and broccoli." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Why do we need Vitamin C? Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is an antioxidant, boosts our immunity, and is important to help our uptake of iron. Vitamin C is also used in the production of collagen, which we need for healthy skin, hair, teeth, gums, blood vessels and cartilage in our joints. It is also an antioxidant, which means that it helps to prevent long-term tissue damage, and is important to help absorption of iron in our intestines." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1 Vitamin B6 is a vitamin you need every day. 2 It only takes a small amount of vitamin B6 every day to prevent acne, just 1.9 mg a day for women and 2.4 mg a day for men. 3 If you eat three servings of foods made with vitamin-fortified white flour, you get your daily recommended intake of of B6." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "These are the ingredients: biotin 25mcg, vitamin b5 500mg, zinc 1.2mg, selenium 10mcg, chromium 10mcg, witch hazel & collagen blend 40mg. It's primary ingredient is B5. You can search the forums for people who have used B5 for acne. You can get quality B5 for much cheaper then Clearzine." ], [ "represent text", "If OTC treatment doesn’t improve your acne, your doctor may suggest that you use stronger prescription medications. Medications that contain vitamin A keep plugs from forming in the hair follicles and promote more rapid turnover of skin cells." ], [ "", "1. Helps to Support a Healthy Immune System. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is found in citrus fruits, kiwi, acerola and camu camu, and may boost the immune system by attacking the nucleic acid of the virus.* This antioxidant vitamin fights with bacteria until they’re dead.*. 2. Contributes to the Maintenance of Bone Health." ], [ "Represent the natural language!", "As an antioxidant, Vitamin C helps neutralize free radicals in the body.† Vitamin C also plays an integral part in the synthesis of collagen, which helps support healthy skin.†. Vitamin C is an essential water-soluble nutrient found in many fruits and vegetables, and must be consumed and replenished daily." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Foods that may prevent acne also contain nutrients that are beneficial for overall skin health. Vitamin A is considered a super skin vitamin, and is an ingredient in many anti-acne products. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 are also integral components of an effective diet for acne prevention and removal." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Vitamin C prevents inflammation and strengthens the collagen in your skin, writes Goldman. Strengthened collagen helps to smooth the appearance of cellulite. Decreasing inflammation will lessen the excess weight around a cellulite prone area, in turn decreasing the severity of cellulite. Aside from supplements, good sources of vitamin C include strawberries, oranges, broccoli, red pepper, lemon and Brussels sprouts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Vitamin C: “C” what it can do for you! Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble nutrient found in citrus fruits and green vegetables. Because it’s a water-soluble vitamin, vitamin C isn’t stored by the body and must continually be replaced. The four common forms of vitamin C:" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Vitamin C. You need plenty of vitamin C to promote good digestive health because the nutrient helps convert fat into energy. The daily requirement of vitamin C is 75 milligrams for women and 90 milligrams for men.One orange contains 70 milligrams, and one grapefruit provides 76 milligrams.itamin C. You need plenty of vitamin C to promote good digestive health because the nutrient helps convert fat into energy. The daily requirement of vitamin C is 75 milligrams for women and 90 milligrams for men." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Topical vitamin C may also have mild skin lightening effects that are caused by reductions in melanin production and melanin oxidation . Conclusion. Vitamin C is an essential part of skin health both as a small molecular weight antioxidant and as a critical factor for collagen synthesis. Vitamin C contributes to photoprotection, decreases photodamage, and is needed for adequate wound healing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "We know that vitamins A and D have strong implications for healthy, acne-free skin, but there’s not much research that connects acne and vitamin K (that we know of), so we haven’t emphasized it much.That said, if you’re boosting your intake of vitamins D and/or A, it’s a great idea to evaluate how much K you’re getting in your diet." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin C for Face. Vitamin C also known as L-ascorbic acid is vital to the generation of collagen in the skin. Collagen, a protein, has powerful anti-ageing properties and is the single most important compound responsible for firm and youthful skin. The lack of vitamin C in the body prevents the collagen to function with optimum efficiency." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Vitamin C is beneficial to your skin in four different ways: 1 It improves your skin by making it firmer and younger looking. Vitamin C is a critical element in the formation of collagen, the protein that keeps your skin looking younger and suppler. 2 It stops premature aging and wrinkling." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "That's because vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is key to the production of collagen, a protein that aids in the growth of cells and blood vessels and gives skin its firmness and strength [source: WebMD]." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Coconut oil helps to soothe inflammation that often accompanies severe acne, and helps to alleviate the red dry skin that acne can cause. The lauric, caprylic and capric acid, and Vitamin K and E found in coconut oil helps to prevent acne scars from forming and help to diminish any that have already occurred." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen and neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine. It also inhibits histamine release and activity as well as act as immune system booster. A deficiency of vitamin C causes scurvy which is malformation of collagen. Therefore, this deficiency can cause pigmentation of the skin, open and bleeding wounds on the skin and mucosal membranes and reduced mobility caused by degeneration of the cartilage since collagen makes up the connective tissues at the joints." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Before I go on to explain what Vitamin C has to do with our skin color, I think it’s important to know just what Vitamin C is first. Vitamin C (also called Ascorbic Acid) is a water-soluble vitamin, and is needed by our bodies to form collagen in bones, cartilage, muscle and blood vessels." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "For example, a lack of vitamin C can cause scurvy. Since vitamins C and E play such important roles in protecting your skin from the sun, deficiencies in either vitamin can increase the risk of skin damage, including skin cancer.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States.itamin C. There is no shortage of products on the market that claim to reduce the signs of aging on the skin. One of the key ingredients found in many of those products is vitamin C. Vitamin C aids in skin care because of two things: its antioxidant properties and its importance in collagen synthesis." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "His book on the subject, Vitamin C and the Common Cold, became an instant bestseller. By the mid-1970s, an estimated 50 million Americans were using vitamin C to treat colds, and drugstore sales of vitamin C products had quadrupled. That vitamin C is good for you is not unfounded. It is an essential nutrient for keeping our bodies healthy: Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, and it is needed for the growth of tissues in the body such as skin, blood vessels, and bone." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin A has a variety of roles in the body’s systems, including our vision, immunity and bone and skin health. Also known as a retinoid, Vitamin A is used in prescription creams and can be very effective for acne. Vitamin E has been hailed as the ultimate vitamin to help the skin heal. It is sometimes recommended in liquid form to rub on to the skin to help acne scarring. However, be aware that this can actually make it worse for some as the oil can block pores." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "But, if you want to speed up the process, there are vitamins for women that claim to provide beauty benefits in addition to increasing your overall health and mental well-being. Our readers say that the dietary supplements and drinks on this list are the best, because they have the power to: · Clear up cystic acne." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is one of the most important nutrients for your body. As a health-promoting and cancer-fighting antioxidant, it plays the roll of protector, preventing damage to your cells from free radicals (things like chemicals, oxygen and fats)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin C is good for your hair growth and healthy skin. Vitamin C may help your skin look younger, according to the Mayo Clinic. Vitamin C plays an essential role in forming collagen." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Preventing vitamin A deficiency is important to preventing acne. Vitamin A deficiency is rare in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe, but actually quite common in much of the rest of the world." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants in skin care. It helps slow down the aging process by preventing free radical damage. Long-term topical use has been clinically shown to regenerate collagen and improve the appearance of wrinkles. Vitamin C also lightens pigmentation and brightens over all skin tone. Therefore, it is used in a lot of anti-aging and whitening products (especially in Asia), as well as fade creams." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps support the immune system and helps neutralize free radicals in the body.† Additionally, vitamin C is necessary for the body to manufacture collagen, which is important for healthy skin." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To prevent acne, fruits need to be a part of your daily diet. Your skin needs the vitamins A, C and E that fruits provide to keep your complexion clear and beautiful." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Despite what the FDA says, you cannot get enough Vitamin D from “Vitamin D enriched” foods, such as Vitamin D milk. (Plus, milk is probably the #1 most potent acne-causing food – read why here.)" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is an effective antioxidant and can be found in abundance in cucumbers. Vitamin C helps support and strengthen your immune system, which can help protect your body against infections and bacteria that can cause illnesses. Vitamin C can also promote wound healing and is involved in the maintenance of bone, muscle, tendons and ligaments throughout your body." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Vitamin A, used in acne treatments, helps to stimulate the growth of new skin cells. Vitamin A in various forms is the most common treatment for acne. Accutane, Retin-A, and Differin are actually “turbo charged” synthetic forms of this vitamin used to stimulate rapid growth in the skin. But other forms of vitamin A that don’t require a doctor’s prescription can also help you fight acne." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A high-quality liquid multivitamin is a good source for vitamin A, as well as the other vitamins that help with preventing acne. A good Vitamin B complex helps you maintain healthy skin tone. These vitamins also help you relieve anxiety and stress, and stress can be a major factor that can trigger acne.t is also essential for healthy skin, hair and nails. Acne is one of the symptoms of riboflavin deficiency. The dosage of vitamin b2 recommended to fight acne is 100 mg, 3 times daily. You may find that this dose also helps with migraine headaches." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "So if you wish to keep lines, wrinkles, dull skin and other skin aging symptoms at bay then Vitamin A may can be of great help. Good sources of Vitamin A include eggs, leafy greens, milk, carrots, pumpkins, liver and more. 2. Vitamin E. Vitamin E is perhaps the most well-known vitamin that is essential for healthy skin.This is because Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that helps fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals are caused by a number of factors such as smoking, pollution and sun exposure.. Vitamin A. If your skin has been feeling scaly and dry, then there's a possibility that you might be lacking in Vitamin A. Individuals who are suffering from acne are also encouraged to take plenty of Vitamin A or apply products that are derivatives of the vitamin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Vitamin A, used in acne treatments, helps to stimulate the growth of new skin cells. Vitamin A in various forms is the most common treatment for acne. Accutane, Retin-A, and Differin are actually “turbo charged” synthetic forms of this vitamin used to stimulate rapid growth in the skin.But other forms of vitamin A that don’t require a doctor’s prescription can also help you fight acne.itamin A in various forms is the most common treatment for acne. Accutane, Retin-A, and Differin are actually “turbo charged” synthetic forms of this vitamin used to stimulate rapid growth in the skin." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Top 10 Best Foods in Diets for Acne... #10 Lean Meats Lean pork, beef and chicken as well as lamb are all good sources of vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Vitamin D, and protein. All those nutrients play an important part in healthy skin development and should be included in a diet for acne." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Best Answer: Get good nutrition. These top five nutrients have been shown to have a very positive effect on your skin and in treating acne. These nutrients, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium and chromium, can pack a powerful punch in your acne war. Zinc-Zinc is the Acne stopper.It works in several ways to both treat acne and prevent it.hese nutrients, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, selenium and chromium, can pack a powerful punch in your acne war. Zinc-Zinc is the Acne stopper. It works in several ways to both treat acne and prevent it." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Vitamin E is another antioxidant and is used to help the body heal and prevent scarring-vital for eliminating wrinkles and removing acne scars. It also keeps the red blood cells healthy so more oxygen and nutrients can be carried to the skin's surface." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Gentle Enough For Sensitive Skin. This Powerful A-C-E ANTIOXIDANT Serum ELIMINATES The Harmful Free Radicals On Your Skin That Are The Root Cause Of Premature Aging. The Vitamin A Will Especially Help More MATURE Skin and Greatly BENEFITS ACNE and ROSACEA Prone Skin." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Acne is sometimes a side effect of prescription drug usage, but other times it has to do with hard-to-track-down lifestyle changes, bacteria in your gut, or nutrient deficiency. In our experience, the best way to treat acne is by eliminating sugar, flour, dairy, caffeine, and vegetable oils from your diet. Supplementing zinc, vitamin b complex, boron, melatonin, and SOD is likely to help as well. Acneresearch.org offers resources for acne sufferers, including success stories, links to and summaries of dozens of clinical acne studies, and a lifestyle routine designed to help you treat acne naturally." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Get your daily recommended allowances of vitamin A through foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and dark, leafy vegetables. Research by the American Academy of Dermatology has shown that when used on the skin, lotions containing vitamin A can help control acne and reduce lines and wrinkles." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The sun can be tough on your skin. Vitamin C can help protect you. It also helps undo sun damage to collagen and elastin, which firm up your skin. Get vitamin C from red bell peppers, citrus fruits, papayas, kiwis, broccoli, greens, and brussels sprouts." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "I know I can't use Vitamin C products either-my skin either gets irritated, or breaks out, or both, even though I'm NOT an acneic young person. 67 here with normal-to-very-slightly-oily reactive skin that can act dehydrated because of either lack of exfoliation, or dry climates.hile I don't have a visible reaction, high levels of vitamin C will make my skin itchy. It's not something that ever went away, although I'm tempted to try again soon. I have heard, but not looked into this myself, that MAP vitamin C or TetraC may be less irritating." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "nox definition latin" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "For a more extensive list of nitrogen oxides, see nitrogen oxide. For other meanings of Nox, see Nox (disambiguation). NOx is a generic term for the mono-nitrogen oxides NO and NO2 (nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide). They are produced from the reaction among nitrogen, oxygen and even hydrocarbons (during combustion), especially at high temperatures." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "noc·ti·lu·ca. n. Any of various bioluminescent dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca that when grouped in large numbers make the sea phosphorescent. [New Latin." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Used Rarely. Nox is in the lower 50% of commonly used words in the Collins dictionary" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The Latin root word nom means “name.” This root is the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words, including nom inee and de nom inator." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "-que (enclitic) 1 and, a copulative particle affixed to the word it annexes quotations ▼ 63 BCE, Cicero, Catiline Orations Oratio in Catilinam Prima in Senatu Habita.VIII Nihil agis, nihil moliris, nihil cogitas quod non ego non modo audiam sed etiam videam planeque sentiam. There is nothing you do, nothing you plot, nothing you think about, that I do not only hear of, but actually see as well and distinctly discern." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Control Regulations. This webpage provides a brief description of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and general information about the air quality programs in New England that focus on reducing NOx. Nitrogen Oxides are a family of poisonous, highly reactive gases." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "No, hex is a prefix meaning six. A hexagon has 6 sides. A stop sign is an octagon. Somebody else here copied and pasted the meaning of HEX itself from Wikipedia, meaning hexadecimal which means writing a number in base 16." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", ".docx is the new extension used by Microsoft Word 2007. There are a couple of approaches if you're exchanging documents with users of older versions. by Leo A. Notenboom, © 2007. When I try to attach a document to emails I have discovered that the recipients cannot open them." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nur (also spelled Noor, Nor, or Nour, Arabic: نور ‎, Urdu: نور ‎. : NÅ«r. [nuːr]) is a common Arabic unisex name meaning light.An-Nur, meaning the light in Arabic, is the 24th sura of the Qur'an. In Dutch and Flemish Noor can be a form of Eleonore cognate to the English name Eleanor, the first bearer of which was Eleanor of Aquitaine and is probably Occitan in origin.Noor is currently a popular name for baby girls in the Flemish part of Belgium.ur (also spelled Noor, Nor, or Nour, Arabic: نور ‎, Urdu: نور ‎. : NÅ«r. [nuːr]) is a common Arabic unisex name meaning light." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Word Root of nominative. The Latin word nomen, meaning “name,” and its form nominis give us the root nomin. Words from the Latin nomen have something to do with names. To nominate is to name someone as a candidate for election or for an honor. Anything nominal, such as a position or office, exists in name only." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "'0x' means that the number that follows is in hexadecimal. It's a way of unambiguously stating that a number is in hex, and is a notation recognised by C compilers and some assemblers. #2 Nov 12, 2002." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Fewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Volume of Macropores The volume of the macropores is equal to the volume of the water that has drained from the saturated soil to reach field capacity. For example, you have 100 cm3 in a saturated soil but when the soil reaches field capacity, you are left with 65 cm3.']\" == \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\n\\nE.g. \"why is phosphorus an important biological molecule\" == \"Inorganic phosphorus in the form of the phosphate PO3â\\x88\\x92 4 is required for all known forms of life, playing a major role in biological molecules such as DNA and RNA where it forms part of the structural framework of these molecules.he first form of elemental phosphorus to be produced (white phosphorus, in 1669) emits a faint glow upon exposure to oxygen â\\x80\\x93 hence its name given from Greek mythology, Ï\\x86Ï\\x89Ï\\x83Ï\\x86Ï\\x8cÏ\\x81οÏ\\x82 meaning light-bearer (Latin Lucifer), referring to the Morning Star , the planet Venus (or Mercury).\" != \"Phosphorus (P) is an essential element classified as a macronutrient because of the relatively large amounts of P required by plants. Phosphorus is one of the three nutrients generally added to soils in fertilizers. One of the main roles of P in living organisms is in the transfer of energy.\"', 'macropore volume define']\"", "If your PC meets the above requirements, you can download Nox android emulator. Download Nox app player online installer file here. Download Nox App Player Offline Installer file here. If you want Nox App Player version 3.0, you can go for offline installer." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A NOx adsorber or NOx trap is a device that is used to reduce oxides of nitrogen emissions from a lean burn internal combustion engine by means of adsorption." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "From Middle English *noos, *nos, probably from Old French nos or Old Provençal nous, nos, nominative singular or accusative plural of nou (“knot”)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Eo nomine is a Latin legal term meaning by that name." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Definition of hex. 1 intransitive verb. : 2 to practice witchcraft. 3 transitive verb. 1 : to put a hex 1 on. 2 : to affect as if by an evil spell : jinx." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A nolle prosequi is commonly known as nol pros. (no-lay pro-say-kwee) n. Latin for we shall no longer prosecute, which is a declaration made to the judge by a prosecutor in a criminal case (or by a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit) either before or during trial, meaning the case against the defendant is being dropped." ], [ "Represent the input", "In the Aristotelian scheme, nous is the basic understanding or awareness which allows human beings to think rationally. For Aristotle, this was distinct from the processing of sensory perception, including the use of imagination and memory, which other animals can do." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "My name (Noxolo) means peace in Xhosa. What I like about this name is it reflects which tribal group of South Africa I come from. The Xhosa as well Zulu languages have 3 distincts clicks X, C and Q but Xhosas use more clicks than Zulus in their everyday conversations. My family name has a click C as well." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "for·nix. Use fornix in a sentence. pl. for′ni·ces·. any of several anatomical arches or folds, such as the vault of the pharynx or the upper part of the vagina. Origin of fornix." ], [ "", "fornix (plural fornices) ( 1 anatomy) An archlike structure or fold. ( 2 anatomy) Specifically, the arched bundle of fibres or axons at the base of the brain." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Meaning of the name Nola: Spanish pet form of Leonor, a variant of Eleanor, a cognate of the Greek Helenē (light, torch, bright). Alternatively, some believe Leonor to be a… Meaning of the name Nola: Spanish pet form of Leonor, a variant of Eleanor, a cognate of the Greek Helenē (light, torch, bright)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Construction no X, no Y attested from 1530s (in no peny no pardon). No problem as an interjection of assurance first attested 1963. No way as an expression meaning it can't be done is attested by 1968. No. as an abbreviation meaning (and pronounced) number, 1660s, from Latin numero, ablative singular of numerus (see number (n.))." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "nos. 1 1 : an act or instance of refusing or denying by the use of the word no : denial I received a firm no in reply. 2 2 : a vote or decision against something There were 100 ayes and only 12 noes. 3 3 noes or nos plural : persons voting against something The noes raised their hands." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are a very interesting and important family of air polluting chemical compounds. This bulletin explains why NOx are important air pollutants and how NOx are formed and react in the atmosphere. This bulletin also discusses the principles on which all NOx" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A pox is a type of disease, often caused by an animal virus, characterised by pockmarks. The term may be used (in an archaic sense) to refer to disease. Orthopox 13, a character in the video game series Destroy All Humans!" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pax is a Latin equivalent of peace.. Specifically, the Latin word is a feminine gender noun. It also may be translated as calm, grace, quiet, serenity.. But regardless of the meaning, the pronunciation always is pahks.. Pax is the Latin word for Peace." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "NOx and SOx are the terms used to indicate the general oxides of nitrogen (NO, NO2, N2O2, etc.) and the general oxides of sulfur (SO2, SO3, etc.) when discussing air pollution … , rather than specify any one of the family or list them all." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sine qua non. For other uses, see Sine qua non (disambiguation). Sine qua non (/ˌsaɪni kweɪ ˈnɒn/; Latin: [ˈsine kwaː ˈnoːn]) or conditio sine qua non (plural: conditiones sine quibus non) is an indispensable and essential action, condition, or ingredient. It was originally a Latin legal term for [a condition] without which it could not be, or but for... or without which [there is] nothing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Nomex is a registered trademark for flame-resistant meta-aramid material developed in the early 1960s by DuPont and first marketed in 1967." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "1 a star-light night: nox sideribus illustris. 2 till late at night: ad multam noctem. 3 in the silence of the night: silentio noctis. night and day: noctes diesque, noctes et dies, et dies et noctes, dies noctesque, diem noctemque." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Primum non nocere. Primum non nocere is a Latin phrase that means first, do no harm.. The phrase is sometimes recorded as primum nil nocere. Non-maleficence, which is derived from the maxim, is one of the principal precepts of bioethics that all healthcare students are taught in school and is a fundamental principle throughout the world." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "nomine tenus nominetenus : as far as the meaning of the word extends. non : not. nondum : not yet nonnisi : not? not unless? Herimann, cap. 34. nonnullus : some / pl. several. nonnumquam : sometimes. nonus : ninth. nos : we / WE live and die by that creed. nos : us / they tried to tell US we're too young." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word noy. Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Noy(verb) to annoy; to vex. Noy(noun) that which annoys." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "NOx gases are usually produced from the reaction among nitrogen and oxygen during combustion of fuels, such as hydrocarbons, in air; especially at high temperatures, such as occur in car engines." ], [ "Represent the natural language", "NOx gases are formed whenever combustion occurs in the presence of nitrogen – as in an air-breathing engine; they also are produced naturally by lightning. In atmospheric chemistry, the term means the total concentration of NO and NO2." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "It is the Greek word noemata, a form of the word nous. The Greek word nous describes the mind or the intellect. Thus, in one sense Paul is saying, “…we are not ignorant of the way Satan schemes and thinks.”. But the word noemata also denotes Satan’s insidious plot to fill the human mind with confusion." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sine Qua Non. [Latin, Without which not.] A description of a requisite or condition that is indispensable. In the law of torts, a causal connection exists between a particular act and an injury when the injury would not have arisen but for the act. This is known as the but for rule or sine qua non rule." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "These gases form when fuel is burned at high temperatures. NOx pollution is emitted by automobiles, trucks and various non-road vehicles (e.g., construction equipment, boats, etc.) as well as industrial sources such as power plants, industrial boilers, cement kilns, and turbines. NOx often appears as a brownish gas." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Uxor redirects here. For the fictional planet, see Green Man (comics) . Et uxor is a Latin phrase meaning and wife, commonly abbreviated et ux. . The term is a legal phrase that is used in lieu of naming the female spouse of a male party to litigation, for example Loving et ux.v. Virginia.The term remains in contemporary use in American legal documents, especially as related to property and marriage.Many older property deeds list the owners in the form John Smith et ux. In the present day, most jurisdictions would indicate both the husband and wife by name.he term remains in contemporary use in American legal documents, especially as related to property and marriage. Many older property deeds list the owners in the form John Smith et ux. In the present day, most jurisdictions would indicate both the husband and wife by name." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Latin for wife.. In deeds and documents the term et ux. is sometimes used to mean and wife, stemming from a time when a wife was a mere legal appendage of a man, and not worthy of being named. UXOR, civil law.A woman lawfully married.atin for wife.. In deeds and documents the term et ux. is sometimes used to mean and wife, stemming from a time when a wife was a mere legal appendage of a man, and not worthy of being named. UXOR, civil law. A woman lawfully married." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nolle prosequi. Nolle prosequi (/ˌnɒli ˈprɒsəkwaɪ/; Classical Latin: [ˈnolːe ˈproːsekwiː]) is legal term of art and a Latin legal phrase meaning be unwilling to pursue, a phrase amounting to do not prosecute." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sine qua non (/ˌsaɪni kweɪ ˈnɒn/; Latin: [ˈsine kwaː ˈnoːn]) or conditio sine qua non (plural: conditiones sine quibus non) is an indispensable and essential action, condition, or ingredient." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide (together abbreviated NOx) are both greenhouse gases as well as carbon dioxide (CO2), tropospheric ozone (O3), methane (CH4), and water vap … or." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal (also base Template:Num, or hex) is a positional numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. It uses sixteen distinct symbols, most often the symbols 0 – 9 to represent values zero to nine, and A, B, C, D, E, F (or alternatively a – f) to represent values ten to fifteen." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Turd. Fex (or faex) is the singular of the Latin word feces (or faeces). Although feces has entered English as a mass noun, fex retains the original meaning of a single, discrete piece of shit.0 Words related to fex. 1 sex. 2 ex. 3 fake. 4 feckless. 5 fexing. 6 fext. 7 partner. 8 sexy. 9 admin. 10 boy friend. 11 divorcee. 12 ex-husband. 13 ex-wife. 14 former partner. 15 future ex. 16 girl friend. 17 live-in lover. 18 lover. 19 significant other. 20 soon-to-be-ex." ], [ "", "simplex (plural simplexes or simplices) ( 1 geometry, algebraic topology) An analogue in any dimension of the triangle or tetrahedron: the convex hull of n+1 points in n-dimensional space. ( 2 linguistics) A simple word, one without affixes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Ripped NOX is a new explosive nitric oxide pre-workout formula that helps boost your muscle gains by opening the the blood flow to your muscle tissue. This allows more nutrients, proteins, and essential vitamins reach your muscles to allow them to contract more, giving you bigger muscles and better results." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "In colloquial British English, nous also denotes good sense, which is close to one everyday meaning it had in Ancient Greece. This diagram shows the medieval understanding of spheres of the cosmos, derived from Aristotle, and as per the standard explanation by Ptolemy. It came to be understood that at least the outermost sphere (marked PrimÅ© Mobile) has its own intellect, intelligence or nous - a cosmic equivalent to the human mind." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "BASF LNT (Lean NOx Trap) technology removes NOx from diesel engine exhaust." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Aleph-naught (aleph-naught, also aleph-zero or the German term Aleph-null) is the cardinality of the set of all natural numbers, and is an infinite cardinal. The set of all finite ordinals, called ω or ω 0 (where ω is the lowercase Greek letter omega), has cardinality ." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Omni is a Latin prefix meaning all or every." ], [ "Represent the next text.", "nom-, nomen-, nomin-, -nomia, -nomic. Don't confuse this element with the Greek nomo-which means law; or with nomo-meaning meadow, pasture and by extension, acute ulcerative process and gangrene." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "simplex (plural simplexes or simplices) (geometry, algebraic topology) An analogue in any dimension of the triangle or tetrahedron: the convex hull of n+1 points in n-dimensional space." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Definition of dox. dox. noun - plural. personal information about a person (for example: their real name, home address, phone number) that has been released on the web. Usually used to harass or shame the person. See more words with the same meaning: alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "eux. 1 sometimes the French pronoun on (one, [generic] you, [singular] they) is translated to Haitian Creole as ou and other times it is translated as yo. 2 sometimes ou is written as w and in the sample phrases below, w indicates ou." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers The provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Benny Hinn Net Worth. Benny Hinn net worth is estimated at $42 million. Benny Hinn is famous for â\\x80\\x9cThis is Your Day,â\\x80\\x9d a television program which features Bennyâ\\x80\\x99s remarkable and recurrent Miracle Crusades. Benny Hinn, the televangelist has an estimated net worth of $42 million.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much is benny hinn worth']\"", "A robust development tool. All in all, Nox App Player is a powerful Android emulator that allows users to run Android applications and games directly on their computers. It is an appealing entertainment tool, but it can also prove a great development utility, as it allows programmers to test their new applications in a full-featured environment." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Doxology passed into English from Medieval Latin doxologia, which in turn comes from the Greek term doxa, meaning opinion or glory, and the suffix -logia, which refers to oral or written expression." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "A nolle prosequi is commonly known as nol pros. nolle prosequi (no-lay pro-say-kwee) n. Latin for we shall no longer prosecute, which is a declaration made to the judge by a prosecutor in a criminal case (or by a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit) either before or during trial, meaning the case against the defendant is being dropped." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Undoubtedly, one of the most effective ways to reduce NOx is through Low NOx and Ultra Low NOx burners. Low NOx burners can reduce your NOx emissions to 30 pm. This equipment uses FGR and can maintain 3 to 5% excess O2 with strong controls." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sine qua non (/ˌsaɪni kweɪ ˈnɒn/; Latin: [ˈsine kwaː ˈnoːn]) or conditio sine qua non (plural: conditiones sine quibus non) is an indispensable and essential action, condition, or ingredient. It was originally a Latin legal term for [a condition] without which it could not be, or but for... or without which [there is] nothing. Sine qua non causation is the formal terminology for but-for causation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The Latin root word nom means “name.” This root is the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words, including nom inee and de nom inator.he Latin root word nom means “name.” This root is the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words, including nom inee and de nom inator." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Nox App Player is a mobile operating system emulator that allows users to create an Android environment directly on their desktop computers." ], [ "", "The array of terms that figure in the development of the concept of the mind and reason in the Greek-speaking world include a number related to the basic term nous [nou'] (meaning mind, reason, intellect, understanding, and even perhaps in its broadest sense something like our modern term worldview)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When it comes to removing NOx from lean burn engine exhausts, lean NOx trap (LNT) or NOx storage and reduction (NSR) catalysts are considered as one of the most potential technologies. When it comes to removing NOx from lean burn engine exhausts, lean NOx trap (LNT) or NOx storage and reduction (NSR) catalysts are considered as one of the most potential technologies." ], [ "represent the input", "Most NOx emissions are derived from nitrogen in the fuels used or from nitrogen in the combustion air (thermal NOx). For natural gas-fired and No. 2 oil-fired boilers, thermal NOx represents the majority of NOx produced from industrial boilers." ] ]
[ "represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results", "what is natural phenomena" ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Natural phenomenon. A natural phenomenon is not an engineered event manufactured by humans, although it may affect them. Common examples of natural phenomena include sunrise, the weather, decomposition, free fall and erosion.atural phenomenon. A natural phenomenon is not an engineered event manufactured by humans, although it may affect them. Common examples of natural phenomena include sunrise, the weather, decomposition, free fall and erosion." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "Naturalism is the belief that nothing exists beyond the natural world. Instead of using supernatural or spiritual explanations, naturalism focuses on explanations that come from the laws of nature. Beyond the belief that everything can be explained using nature, naturalism is also a term for a particular style of art and literature from the 19th century. Naturalism refers to a realistic approach to art that rejects idealized experiences." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Learner's definition of PHENOMENON. [count]. 1. plural phenomena /-ənə/ /fɪˈnɑːmənə/ : something (such as an interesting fact or event) that can be observed and studied and that typically is unusual or difficult to understand or explain fully.natural phenomena like lightning and earthquakes. the phenomenon of love.+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. 2. plural phenomenons: someone or something that is very impressive or popular especially because of an unusual ability or quality. the greatest literary phenomenon of the decade. He's a football/baseball phenomenon." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The combustion of a match is an observable occurrence, or event, and therefore a phenomenon. In scientific usage, a phenomenon is any event that is observable, however common it might be, even if it requires the use of instrumentation to observe, record, or compile data concerning it.n contrast to a phenomenon, a noumenon is not directly accessible to observation. Kant was heavily influenced by Leibniz in this part of his philosophy, in which phenomenon and noumenon serve as interrelated technical terms." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "2. plural phenomena a: an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition b: a temporal or spatiotemporal object of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon c: a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible to scientific description and explanation.3.weet. : something (such as an interesting fact or event) that can be observed and studied and that typically is unusual or difficult to understand or explain fully. : someone or something that is very impressive or popular especially because of an unusual ability or quality." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Optical phenomena include those arising from the optical properties of the atmosphere; the rest of nature (other phenomena); of objects, whether natural or human-made (optical effects); and of our eyes (Entoptic phenomena).ptical phenomena include those arising from the optical properties of the atmosphere; the rest of nature (other phenomena); of objects, whether natural or human-made (optical effects); and of our eyes (Entoptic phenomena)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Not with standing the term natural, a natural hazard has an element of human involvement. A physical event, such as a volcanic eruption, that does not affect human beings is a natural phenomenon but not a natural hazard. A natural phenomenon that occurs in a populated area is a hazardous event." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Natural science is a branch of science concerned with the description, prediction, and understanding of natural phenomena, based on empirical evidence from observation and experimentation. Mechanisms such as peer review and repeatability of findings are used to try to ensure the validity of scientific advances. Natural science can be divided into two main branches: life science and physical science. Physical science is subdivided into branches, including physics, space science, chemistry, and Ea" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena is all part of science. Nothing is immune to the scientific process: from charm quarks that haven't existed naturally since the beginning of time to Pluto, recently demoted from planet to dwarf planet. Questions on knowledge about the material and physical aspects of our world are asked and answered here." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "natural. 1 of or arising from nature; in accordance with what is found or expected in nature. 2 produced or existing in nature; not artificial or manufactured. 3 dealing with nature as an object of study: a natural science. 4 in a state provided by nature, without man-made changes; wild; uncultivated." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of theories and ideals. One such theory is that nature encapsulates the entirety of the physical realm and reality. Another definition for nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features.NATURE: Nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features.. No related posts.nother definition for nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features. NATURE: Nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features.." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "physical phenomenon-a natural phenomenon involving the physical properties of matter and energy. flare-am unwanted reflection in an optical system (or the fogging of an image that is caused by such a reflection)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "/ More specifically, in this document, the term natural hazard refers to all atmospheric, hydrologic, geologic (especially seismic and volcanic), and wildfire phenomena that, because of their location, severity, and frequency, have the potential to affect humans, their structures, or their activities adversely. More specifically, in this document, the term natural hazard refers to all atmospheric, hydrologic, geologic (especially seismic and volcanic), and wildfire phenomena that, because of their location, severity, and frequency, have the potential to affect humans, their structures, or their activities adversely." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Natural theology is a facet of the revolution in world view that occurred in Europe in the 17th century. To understand the background to that revolution is also to understand the background of deism. Several cultural movements of the time contributed to the movement." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "2. plural phenomena a: an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition b: a temporal or spatiotemporal object of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon c: a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible to scientific description and explanation. 3." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "Phenomena are often, but not always, understood as things that appear or experiences for a sentient being, or in principle may be so. The term came into its modern philosophical usage through Immanuel Kant, who contrasted it with the noumenon.In contrast to a phenomenon, a noumenon is not directly accessible to observation.Kant was heavily influenced by Leibniz in this part of his philosophy, in which phenomenon and noumenon serve as interrelated technical terms.n contrast to a phenomenon, a noumenon is not directly accessible to observation. Kant was heavily influenced by Leibniz in this part of his philosophy, in which phenomenon and noumenon serve as interrelated technical terms." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A phenomenon (plural: phenomena) is an observable event, particularly something special (literally something that can be seen, derived from the Greek word phainomenon = observable)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'A non-citizen is defined as. â\\x80\\x9cany individual who is not a national of a State in which he or she is present.â\\x80\\x9d. There are certain inalienable rights (outlined in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights of 1948) to which all humans, regardless of citizenship or nationality, are entitled in principal.']>> to <<[\"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results E.g. given 'spoilers who is jon snow's mother' it should be close to 'Lord Edric Dayne tells Arya Stark that Wylla is Jon's mother. He recounts to Arya Stark that he was a milk-brother to Jon Snow since Edric was also nursed as a baby by Wylla. He also claims they are not blood brothers either.' but not to 'One theory making the rounds online is that Lynanna is saying the name â\\x80\\x9cJaehaerysâ\\x80\\x9d â\\x80\\x94 which is also the name of two previous Targaryen kings. Itâ\\x80\\x99s not certain, obviously, but if Snowâ\\x80\\x99s first name is Jaehaerys, and Ned needed to hide his identity, â\\x80\\x9cJonâ\\x80\\x9d is pretty seamless shorthand. PREVIOUS: Heâ\\x80\\x99s a bastard no more! Game of Thrones confirmed a major fan theory Sunday night, finally revealing (at least half of) Jon Snowâ\\x80\\x99s real parentage.'.\", 'what rights do citizens']>>", "Definition of natural science. : any of the sciences (as physics, chemistry, or biology) that deal with matter, energy, and their interrelations and transformations or with objectively measurable phenomena." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "natural science. n. A science, such as biology, chemistry, or physics, that deals with the objects, phenomena, or laws of nature and the physical world." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A natural experiment is an empirical study in which individuals (or clusters of individuals) exposed to the experimental and control conditions are determined by nature or by other factors outside the control of the investigators, yet the process governing the exposures arguably resembles random assignment." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A natural experiment is an empirical study in which individuals exposed to the experimental and control conditions are determined by nature or by other factors outside the control of the investigators, but the process governing the exposures arguably resembles random assignment. Thus, natural experiments are observational studies and are not controlled in the traditional sense of a randomized experiment. Natural experiments are most useful when there has been a clearly defined exposure involving a well defined subpopulation (and the absence of exposure in a similar subpopulation) such that changes in outcomes may be plausibly attributed to the exposure." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "natural science. a science or knowledge of objects or processes observable in nature, as biology or physics, as distinguished from the abstract or theoretical sciences, as mathematics or philosophy." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Various examples of physical phenomena. Physics (from Ancient Greek: φυσική (ἐπιστήμη) phusikḗ (epistḗmē) knowledge of nature, from φύσις phúsis nature) is the natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "List of geological phenomena. A geological phenomenon is a phenomenon which is explained by or sheds light on the science of geology. Examples of geological phenomena are: Mineralogic phenomena. Lithologic phenomena Rock types Igneous rock Igneous formation processes. Sedimentary rock Sedimentary formation processes (sedimentation) Quicksand." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Natural laws, like theories, are products of the scientific method. The scientific method is the systematic study of the natural world through experimentation and observation. While theories describe the causes of natural phenomena, natural laws only describe the relationships between natural phenomena." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "natural process-a process existing in or produced by nature (rather than by the intent of human beings); the action of natural forces; volcanic activity. natural action, action, activity." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "It’s not like what you see in the movies. Hypnosis is a natural state of selective, focused attention, and, even though it is 100% natural and normal, it remains one of the most fascinating phenomena of the human mind.Our ability to enter this unique state of consciousness opens the door to countless possibilities for healing, self-exploration and change.ypnosis is a natural state of selective, focused attention, and, even though it is 100% natural and normal, it remains one of the most fascinating phenomena of the human mind." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The term naturalism describes a type of literature that attempts to apply scientific principles of objectivity and detachment to its study of human beings." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Weather, fog, thunder, tornadoes; biological processes, decomposition, germination; physical processes, wave propagation, erosion; tidal flow, and natural disasters such as electromagnetic pulses, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. Types of natural phenomena include, but are not limited to, the following." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes.sunamis can be caused by undersea earthquakes such as the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, or by landslides such as the one in 1958 at Lituya Bay, Alaska, or by volcanic eruptions such as the ancient eruption of Santorini." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "a phenomenon in which the natural greenhouse gases absorb the outgoing long wave radiation from the Earth and re-radiate some of it back to the Earth. It is a process for maintaining an energy balancing process between the amount of long wave radiation leaving the Earth and the amount of energy coming in from the Sun." ], [ "Represent this", "1. Notwithstanding the term natural, a natural hazard has an element of human involvement. A physical event, such as a volcanic eruption, that does not affect human beings is a natural phenomenon but not a natural hazard. A natural phenomenon that occurs in a populated area is a hazardous event.. Notwithstanding the term natural, a natural hazard has an element of human involvement. A physical event, such as a volcanic eruption, that does not affect human beings is a natural phenomenon but not a natural hazard. A natural phenomenon that occurs in a populated area is a hazardous event." ], [ "", "Many research studies call for the description of natural or man-made phenomena such as their form, structure, activity, change over time, relation to other phenomena, and so on. The description often illuminates knowledge that we might not otherwise notice or even encounter." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Naturalism is a worldview that asserts that the universe is a closed system in which matter and energy are the only realities. This perspective rules out the existence of any supernatural beings including God." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is Natural History? Natural history tells the story of our living earth. It comprises the systematic observation, classification, interpretation, and description of the biosphere and its inhabitants. Natural history is a primary component of culture. Every society develops some system for classifying, interpreting, and valuing animals, plants, and other natural phenomena. These systems shape our understanding of the world and our place in it. Natural history is field-based." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Many natural phenomena occur in cycles. The rock cycle explains the relationship between the three major groupings of rocks. 1 Igneous rocks are formed deep within the Earth. 2 They come up to the surface underground (in the form called magma) or break out of the ground (in the form called lava).any natural phenomena occur in cycles. The rock cycle explains the relationship between the three major groupings of rocks. 1 Igneous rocks are formed deep within the Earth. 2 They come up to the surface underground (in the form called magma) or break out of the ground (in the form called lava)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Natural phenomena that cause shifts in global climate are changes in Earth’s orbital cycles, volcanic eruptions, variations in solar activity, movement of tectonic plates, and the atmospheric-ocean pattern in the tropical Pacific Ocean, known as El Nino-Niño Southern (OSCILLATION). enso" ], [ "Represent this text", "natural science. n. 1. the sciences collectively that are involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena, including biology, physics, chemistry, and geology, but excluding social sciences, abstract or theoretical sciences, such as mathematics, and applied sciences. 2. any one of these sciences." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The outcome of the incident was the passage by Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which granted President Lyndon B. Johnson the authority to assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by communist aggression.he Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution giving the President the power to use whatever force necessary to protect our interests in the area. At the time, the truth was not reported. 1965, the Viet Cong attacked an American military base near Pleiku.']\" should be close to \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'why was the gulf of tonkin resolution important']\"", "In the night sky (and to some extent during the day) the Moon, planets and stars are visible in the sky. Some of the natural phenomena seen in the sky are clouds, rainbows, and aurorae. Lightning and precipitation can also be seen in the sky during storms." ], [ "", "In general, apart from its specialized use as a term in philosophy, phenomenon stands for any observable event. Phenomena make up the raw data of science. It was an attempt to explain phenomena like; earthquakes, lightning, rain, fire, sunrise, thunderstorm, rusting that lead to the development of modern science." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Naturalism. Naturalism is a worldview that asserts that the universe is a closed system in which matter and energy are the only realities. This perspective rules out the existence of any supernatural beings including God." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes.arthquakes are caused mostly by slippage within geological faults, but also by other events such as volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear tests. The underground point of origin of the earthquake is called the focus. The point directly above the focus on the surface is called the epicenter." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Naturalism, in philosophy, a theory that relates scientific method to philosophy by affirming that all beings and events in the universe (whatever their inherent character may be) are natural. Consequently, all knowledge of the universe falls within the pale of scientific investigation." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Confidence votes 278. Scientific phenomena are things we are generally unable to explain given current scientific knowledge. Princeton University's P.E.A.R. lab or Princeton engineering and anomalies research laboratory, used to examine such anomalies.efinitive proof is not, and has never been, the aim of science. Science is a careful mapping of nature, and just as a map is not the same thing as the land it maps, but always a simplification, science is never the same thing as the phenomena it describes, but always a simplification." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "A fact or an occurrence that can be described or explained. Plural: phenomena. Abney's phenomenon A slight change in hue resulting from a change in saturation. This is especially noticeable when white light is added to a monochromatic blue or green light." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A natural hazard is a naturally occurring event that might have a negative effect on people or the environment. Natural hazard events can be grouped into two broad categories.Geophysical hazards encompass geological and meteorological phenomena such as earthquakes, coastal erosion, volcanic eruption, cyclonic storms, and drought. natural hazard is a naturally occurring event that might have a negative effect on people or the environment. Natural hazard events can be grouped into two broad categories." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Natural Hazards and Natural Disasters. A natural hazard is a threat of a naturally occurring event will have a negative effect on humans. This negative effect is what we call a natural disaster. In other words when the hazardous threat actually happens and harms humans, we call the event a natural disaster. Geologic processes effect every human on the Earth all of the time, but are most noticeable when they cause loss of life or property. 2 If the process that poses the hazard occurs and destroys human life or property, then a natural disaster has occurred." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "phe•nom•e•non. 1. a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable: the phenomena of nature. 2. something that is remarkable or extraordinary. 3. a remarkable or exceptional person; prodigy. 4. Philos. a. an appearance or immediate object of awareness in experience. phenomenon is something that happens or exists and that can be seen or experienced. We are witnessing a very significant phenomenon. Many theories have been put forward to explain this phenomenon. The plural of 'phenomenon' is phenomena, not 'phenomenons'." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "natural science(noun) the sciences involved in the study of the physical world and its phenomena. natural science(Noun) A science involved in studying phenomena or laws of the physical world; a general term of physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and so on. Natural science. The natural sciences are those branches of science that seek to elucidate the rules that govern the natural world through scientific methods." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For the movie, see Phenomenon (film). A phenomenon (Greek: φαινόμενoν, phainomenon, from the verb φαίνειν, phainein, to show, shine, appear, to be manifest or manifest itself, plural phenomena), is any thing which manifests itself.n contrast to a phenomenon, a noumenon is not directly accessible to observation. Kant was heavily influenced by Leibniz in this part of his philosophy, in which phenomenon and noumenon serve as interrelated technical terms." ], [ "", "Science is based on the philosophy that there are natural explanations for natural phenomena. Any non-natural explanations (God, magic, “energy”, ghosts, anything that violates the laws of physics) are by definition non-scientific. >Has “proven” conclusions, and ignores or explains away facts that are inconvenient." ], [ "Represent", "A phenomenon is something that happens or exists and that can be seen or experienced. We are witnessing a very significant phenomenon. Many theories have been put forward to explain this phenomenon. The plural of 'phenomenon' is phenomena, not 'phenomenons'....scientific explanations of natural phenomena. phenomenon is something that happens or exists and that can be seen or experienced. We are witnessing a very significant phenomenon. Many theories have been put forward to explain this phenomenon. The plural of 'phenomenon' is phenomena, not 'phenomenons'." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For the film, see Phenomenon (film). A phenomenon (Greek: , phainomenon, from the verb phainein, to show, shine, appear, to be manifest or manifest itself, plural phenomena) is any thing which manifests itself. Phenomena are often, but not always, understood as things that appear or experiences for a sentient being, or in principle may be so." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of theories and ideals. One such theory is that nature encapsulates the entirety of the physical realm and reality. Another definition for nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features. NATURE: Nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features.. No related posts." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'GNOME, KDE, XFCE, and LXDE are complete desktop environments, each of which come with their own programs and applications, menus, icons, a file manager, and a window manager. Window managers are, as the term suggests, simply used to manage the opening and closing of programs in a graphical, point-and-click windowed desktop.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what are the similarities between xfce, gnome and kde']'", "2. plural phenomena a: an object or aspect known through the senses rather than by thought or intuition b: a temporal or spatiotemporal object of sensory experience as distinguished from a noumenon c: a fact or event of scientific interest susceptible to scientific description and explanation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "What is Explanation? Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of the forming of the phenomena. It is often found in science, geography and history text books. 2. Generic structure of Explanation." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "phenomena. 1 cosmology-The study of the world as a totality of all phenomena in space and time. 2 noology-The science of intuition and reason as phenomena of the mind." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "The natural greenhouse effect is a phenomenon caused by gases naturally present in the atmosphere that absorb longwave radiation emitted by Earth’s surface, and then re-emit the radiation in all directions. Some of it remains in Earth’s atmosphere, maintaining a habitable temperature on our planet." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Post Mills, Vermont. Post Mills is an unincorporated community in the town of Thetford, Orange County, Vermont, United States. Post Mills is home to the Post Mills Soaring Club and the Vermontasaurus, a large wooden statue of a dinosaur. Post Mills Soaring Club.']>> to \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is post mills, vt']\"", "A phenomenon or phenomena is something (such as an interesting fact or event) that can be observed and studied and that typically is unusual or difficult to understand or … fully explain. 1 person found this useful.efinitive proof is not, and has never been, the aim of science. Science is a careful mapping of nature, and just as a map is not the same thing as the land it maps, but always a simplification, science is never the same thing as the phenomena it describes, but always a simplification." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "is not easily defined, but here’s a try. a. It is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of the natural world/phenomena. b. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena. c. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Quite often what happens with UFOs is that they are identified later or explained as a natural phenomenon but until a flying object is identified as being man-made or natural phenomena it keeps its title as a UFO." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Nature, in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, or material world or universe. Nature can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The study of nature is a large part of science. Although humans are part of nature, human activity is often understood as a separate category from other natural phenomena." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of theories and ideals. One such theory is that nature encapsulates the entirety of the physical realm and reality.Another definition for nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features.NATURE: Nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features.. No related posts.nother definition for nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features. NATURE: Nature is simply the phenomena which are observed in the natural world such as-plants, animals and other physical features.." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Geological hazards are natural phenomena that cause major problems all over the world. The expansion and development of cities leads to an increase in impact and damage due to geological hazards." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Phenomena, those things reduced to that which is brought to light, the stuff that is apparent, rest upon the correlation between things-­‐in-­‐themselves and categories of human understanding (see Harman 2009, 124-­‐134; and Meillassoux 2008)." ] ]
[ "A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results", "specimen slide definition" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "microscope slide. Thesaurus. Definitions of microscope slide. 1. n a small flat rectangular piece of glass on which specimens can be mounted for microscopic study." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Smear glass slide with specimen at time of collection and air dry. Always smear slide frosted side up. Label slide in pencil on frosted area with patient's name and source. Culture swabs and specimens submitted in sterile containers can also be submitted for gram stain. Alternately, liquid may be submitted." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Slide Master is a special view that you can open in PowerPoint to customize the presentation template. This view is used to prepare a PowerPoint template but also to change the default properties that you want to consider for your presentation slides." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "APPLICATION: Newcomer Supply Giemsa Control Slides are for the positive histochemical and differential staining of hematopoietic tissue." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "If the specimen is not in water: 1 Place a small drop of water (without specimen) in the center of the microscope slide. 2 Place the specimen into the water. 3 Add some more water on top of the specimen and make sure that the specimen is completely submerged. 4 Hold the cover glass on one side with the help of tweezers." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "sputum specimen a sample of mucous secretion from the bronchi and lungs. The specimen may be examined microscopically for the presence of malignant cells (cytologic examination) or tested to identify pathogenic bacteria (bacteriologic examination).ucous secretion from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea that is ejected through the mouth, in contrast to saliva, which is the secretion of the salivary glands. Called also expectoration. induced sputum a sputum specimen produced for diagnostic tests by aerosol administration of a hypertonic saline solution." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Figure 1. (a) A specimen can be heat-fixed by using a slide warmer like this one. (b) Another method for heat-fixing a specimen is to hold a slide with a smear over a microincinerator. (c) This tissue sample is being fixed in a solution of formalin (also known as formaldehyde)." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The health care professional that is performing the venipuncture is trained to differentiate the different blood tests and tube colors required to collect the specimen. 1 slide 1 of 6. 2 slide 2 of 6. 3 slide 3 of 4 6. slide 4 of 5 6. slide 5 of 6. slide 6 of 6." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Crystalline warfarin sodium is an isopropanol clathrate. Crystalline warfarin sodium occurs as a white, odorless, crystalline powder that is discolored by light. It is very soluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol, and very slightly soluble in chloroform and ether.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what color is warfarin']", "Specimen Type Describes the specimen type needed for testing. Specimen Required Defines the optimal specimen. This field describes the type of specimen required to perform the test and the preferred volume to complete testing. The volume allows automated processing, fastest throughput and, when indicated, repeat or reflex testing. Collection Instructions: Send specimen in original tube." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "What does the South African term foefie slide mean? a piece of flavoured ice or ice cream on a stick; a rope with a suspended handle or pulley enabling a person to slide between two points; a dance move popular in the sixties" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Wet Mounts A wet mount slide is the most common type of slide preparation for microscope work. Wet mount slides are used to view living organisms, as well as liquid substances of all kinds." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Group A Streptococcus (group A strep, GAS) bacteria can live in a person's nose and throat. The bacteria are spread through contact with droplets from an infected person's cough or sneeze.If you touch your mouth, nose, or eyes after touching something that has these droplets on it, you may become ill.ost group A strep infections are relatively mild illnesses such as strep throat, scarlet fever, and impetigo (a skin infection). Occasionally these bacteria can cause severe and even life-threatening diseases.\"]' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what does streptococcus do']'", "In the direct microscopic count, a counting chamber consisting of a ruled slide and a coverslip is employed.. It is constructed in such a manner that the coverslip, slide, and ruled lines delimit a known volume. It is constructed in such a manner that the coverslip, slide, and ruled lines delimit a known volume." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "-blood smear-the specimen is not embedded in paraffin and sectioned-drop of blood is placed directly on the slide, spread out (produces a monolayer), and then airdryed and stained." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "To heat fix a bacterial smear you would put the specimen on the slide and either put slide on a slide warmer or over a Bunsen burner for a few seconds. Heat fixing a bacte … rial smear does kill the specimen but it makes the bacteria stick the slide to withstand the rinsing process." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "By Wendy Russell. Definition: A slide is a single page of a presentation created with software such as PowerPoint or OpenOffice Impress. A presentation is composed of several slides. The best presentations use approximately ten to twelves slides to get the message across. Examples: Mary's PowerPoint presentation contained nine slides. Related Tutorials. 1 Slide Layouts in PowerPoint 2007. 2 Slide Types and Layouts in PowerPoint Presentations." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Slide Preparation: Microscope slides should always be prepared with a cover slip or cover glass over the specimen. This will help protect the objective lenses if they touch the slide. To hold the slide on the stage fasten it with the stage clips." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "specimen A specimen is a sample of something, like a specimen of blood or body tissue that is taken for medical testing. The noun specimen comes from the Latin word specere, meaning “to look.” Biologists collect specimens so they can get a better look at something to study it. The idea is that, with a good specimen, you can learn about an entire group: it's a good representation. That meaning is echoed in the slang use of specimen, a strong, healthy and attractive person." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What does the South African term foefie slide mean? a piece of flavoured ice or ice cream on a stick a rope with a suspended handle or pulley enabling a person to slide between two points" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "If the specimen is already in water (algae, ciliates etc.) then you can proceed the following way: 1 Place a small drop of sample fluid (containing the specimen) in the center of the microscope slide. 2 Hold the cover glass on one side with the help of tweezers. Lower the cover glass onto the water drop at an angle." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Slide rule. The slide rule, also known colloquially in the United States as a slipstick, is a mechanical analog computer. The slide rule is used primarily for multiplication and division, and also for functions such as exponents, roots, logarithms and trigonometry, but typically not for addition or subtraction. Though similar in name and appearance to a standard ruler, the slide rule is not meant to be used for measuring length or drawing straight lines. Slide rules exist in a diverse range of styles and ge" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The first serial section within the control box is stained and provided for your reference. Before using the unstained slides, review the enclosed stained slide with your pathologist to ensure that this tissue source is acceptable. Newcomer Supply will not accept a return with missing slides in the series. Newcomer Supply guarantees reactivity of these control slides for one year from the date of receipt." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "2. Lower the stage using the coarse adjustment and gently place a prepared slide on the stage in the specimen holder clips. The specimen holder clips are spring loaded and if forcibly released may break the slide. 3. Turn the X-axis and Y-axis adjustment knobs to move the mark on the slide into the light path. Do not move the stage manually without the adjustment knobs. There are limits to how far you can turn the knobs." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "slide - (music) rapid sliding up or down the musical scale; the violinist was indulgent with his swoops and slides swoop. glissando - a rapid series of ascending or descending notes on the musical scale. music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner. 4." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Slide definition: When something slides somewhere or when you slide it there, it moves there smoothly over... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | COBUILD Grammar Patterns | Scrabble | Blog" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "A dilute specimen, by definition, is a urine specimen that has a creatinine of less than 20 g/dl and a specific gravity of 1.003 or less. These 2 tests are routinely performed on every urine sample that is tested at the Lab. If the specimen meets the above 2 criteria, it is reported as a Dilute specimen." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Specimen may refer to: Sample (material), a limited quantity of something which is intended to be similar to and represent a larger amount of that thing(s)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "2. Lower the stage using the coarse adjustment and gently place a prepared slide on the stage in the specimen holder clips. The specimen holder clips are spring loaded and if forcibly released may break the slide. 3. Turn the X-axis and Y-axis adjustment knobs to move the mark on the slide into the light path. Do not move the stage manually without the adjustment knobs. There are limits to how far you can turn the knobs. Do not force the knobs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Cell specimens may be obtained from various body sites, such as the female reproductive tract, the lung, or any body cavity shedding cells. Using special techniques, slides are first prepared from these specimens. Cytotech¬nologists then examine the slides microscopically, mark cellular changes that are most representative of a disease process, and submit to a pathologist for final evaluation." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "The pathologist or a technician will prepare a part of the specimen for these tests. Making a slide. Before examining the tissue with a microscope, the pathologist or a technician prepares a slide. During this process, the specimen is cut into thin slices, called histologic sections, and stained with various dyes. These dyes show the parts of the cells." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "a specimen, as an animal body, prepared for scientific examination, dissection, etc." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "sputum specimen. a sample of mucous secretion from the bronchi and lungs. The specimen may be examined microscopically for the presence of malignant cells (cytological examination) or tested to identify pathogenic bacteria (bacteriological examination).ucous secretion from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea that is ejected through the mouth, in contrast to saliva, which is the secretion of the salivary glands. Called also expectoration. induced sputum a sputum specimen produced for diagnostic tests by aerosol administration of a hypertonic saline solution." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "synonyms: playground slide, sliding board; The act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it. usage: his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill; the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope synonyms: glide, coast; A transparency mounted in a frame; viewed with a slide projector. synonyms: lantern slide" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "a narrow entrance or passageway. 2. a place or stage in a process at which progress is impeded. 3. Also called slide guitar. a method of guitar playing that produces a gliding sound by pressing a metal bar or glass tube against the strings. verb (used with object) 4. to hamper or confine by or as if by a bottleneck." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "a narrow entrance or passageway. a place or stage in a process at which progress is impeded. Also called slide guitar. a method of guitar playing that produces a gliding sound by pressing a metal bar or glass tube against the strings. to hamper or confine by or as if by a bottleneck." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A specimen is a sample of something, like a specimen of blood or body tissue that is taken for medical testing. The noun specimen comes from the Latin word specere, meaning “to look.” Biologists collect specimens so they can get a better look at something to study it. The idea is that, with a good specimen, you can learn about an entire group: it's a good representation." ], [ "", "To heat-fix a sample, a thin layer of the specimen is spread on the slide (called a smear), and the slide is then briefly heated over a heat source (Figure 1b). Chemical fixatives are often preferable to heat for tissue specimens." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "Slide 69 Bone, femur. The trabecular bone present in this slide is found mostly within the epiphysis and some in the bone marrow cavity. Osteoblasts are located immediately above the osteoid (newly formed bone matrix). Osteocytes are found within lacunae." ], [ "Represent", "A dining table slide refers to the mechanism under the table that allows the top to open and close so that leaves can be inserted (and in some cases stored inside the table). There are three main types of dining table slides: ball bearing, geared and wood. Not one type is necessarily more superior than the other, but rather a matter of personal taste, and what is technically permitted for different types of dining table bases. Wooden Slides: Wooden slides are thought to be the original table slide, which makes sense as they are the most simplistic, strongest, and allow the table top sections to extend" ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The museum just ended a three-year exhibit on slide rules. The size of a sewer pipe, the weight-bearing ability of a cardboard box, even rocket ships and cars. So, What Is A Slide Rule? Slide rules are typically rectangular and about the size of a ruler. They are divided into thirds, the top and bottom are fixed in place, but the middle section slides back and forth. Each section has scales — numbers and line marks for calculations." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Two knobs that are located on the side of the stage and are used to move the slide around to locate your specimen. one knob moves the slide from side to side and the other moves the slide forward and backward." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Definition of specimen for English Language Learners. : 1 something (such as an animal or plant) collected as an example of a particular kind of thing. : 2 a small amount or piece of something that can be tested or examined. : 3 a notable example of something." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Define slide. slide synonyms, slide pronunciation, slide translation, English dictionary definition of slide. v. slid , slid·ing , slides v. intr. 1. a. To move over a surface while maintaining smooth continuous contact. b. To participate in a sport that involves..." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Slider. In baseball, a slider is a pitch that breaks laterally and down, with a speed between that of a curveball and that of a fastball. The break on the pitch is shorter than that of a curveball. The release technique of a slider is between a curveball and a fastball." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "A slide-type landslide is a down-slope movement of material that occurs along a distinctive surface of weakness such as a fault, joint or bedding plane. If the slip surface is straight then it is termed translational or planar. Translational landslides have occured at Nefyn, Lleyn Peninsula, Wales, along with variety of other landslide types including rotational failures, flows, falls and debris slides." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Article Summary: Preparing a wet mount of a specimen is the technique typically used to view plant and animal cells using a microscope. This page provides step by step instructions on slide preparation as well as videos at the bottom of page." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "A rock slides is the rapid sliding of a mass of bedrock along an inclined surface of weakness, such as a bedding plane, a major fracture int eh rock or a foliation plane. A rock avalanche is a very rapidly moving turbulent mass of broken up bedrock. Flowage on a grand scale." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A specimen is a sample of something, like a specimen of blood or body tissue that is taken for medical testing. The noun specimen comes from the Latin word specere, meaning “to look.” Biologists collect specimens so they can get a better look at something to study it. The idea is that, with a good specimen, you can learn about an entire group: it's a good representation. That meaning is echoed in the slang use of specimen, a strong, healthy and attractive person." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "The white area can be written on to label the slide. A microscope slide (top) and a cover slip (bottom) A microscope slide is a thin flat piece of glass, typically 75 by 26 mm (3 by 1 inches) and about 1 mm thick, used to hold objects for examination under a microscope. Typically the object is placed or secured (mounted) on the slide, and then both are inserted together in the microscope for viewing." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The Diaphragm or diaphragm control lever regulates the amount of light passing through the slide specimen on the microscope stage." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Slides (also called Translational Slides) - Rock slides and debris slides result when rocks or debris slide down a pre-existing surface, such as a bedding plane, foliation surface, or joint surface (joints are regularly spaced fractures in rock that result from expansion during cooling or uplift of the rock mass)." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "synonyms: microscope slide; Geology) the descent of a large mass of earth or rocks or snow etc.. (Music) rapid sliding up or down the musical scale. ( usage: the violinist was indulgent with his swoops and slides synonyms: swoop; Plaything consisting of a sloping chute down which children can slide. synonyms: playground slide, sliding board The act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it. usage: his slide didn't stop until the bottom of the hill; the children lined up for a coast down the snowy slope synonyms: glide, coast A transparency mounted in a frame; viewed with a slide projector." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In this part, the terms listed in this section have the following meanings: Adulterated specimen. A specimen that has been altered, as evidenced by test results showing either a substance that is not a normal constituent for that type of specimen or showing an abnormal concentration of an endogenous substance." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A biological specimen that is of the same species or subspecies as a type specimen and has been collected from the same location. biological specimen that is of the same species or subspecies as a type specimen and has been collected from the same location." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The PB smear review is a qualitative examination of the blood smear to detect clinically significant abnormalities in all cells, including leukocytes, erythrocytes, and platelets. A slide review is appropriate in all patients with unexplained leukocytosis, which requires proper slide preparation and staining." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A debris slide is a type of slide characterized by the chaotic movement of rocks, soil, and debris mixed with water and/or ice. They are usually triggered by the saturation of thickly vegetated slopes which results in an incoherent mixture of broken timber, smaller vegetation and other debris.andslide in which the sliding surface is located within the soil mantle or weathered bedrock (typically to a depth from few decimetres to some metres)is called a shallow landslide. They usually include debris slides, debris flow, and failures of road cut-slopes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A slide is a piece of glass on which you put something that you want to examine through a microscope. ...a drop of blood on a slide. A slide is a piece of playground equipment that has a steep slope for children to go down for fun. ...two young children playing on a slide. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "1 Label the slide with a lead pencil or indelible marker on the frosted end of the slide with the patient's first and last name and date of collection. Allow the smear to air dry. Prepare 4 to 6 smears for pathologist consultation or, along with bone marrow smears, for bone marrow evaluation." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "slide (slīd) v. slid (slĭd), slid·ing, slides v.intr. 1. a. To move over a surface while maintaining smooth continuous contact. b. To participate in a sport that involves such movement: sliding for a medal in luge. c. To lose a secure footing or positioning; slip: slid on the ice and fell." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "a part or an individual taken as exemplifying a whole mass or number; a typical animal, plant, mineral, part, etc. 2. (in medicine, microbiology, etc.) a sample of a substance or material for examination or study: a urine specimen; a tissue specimen. 3. a particular or peculiar kind of person. Origin of specimen." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "sputum specimen. a sample of mucous secretion from the bronchi and lungs. The specimen may be examined microscopically for the presence of malignant cells (cytological examination) or tested to identify pathogenic bacteria (bacteriological examination)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Specimen may refer to: 1 Sample (material), a limited quantity of something which is intended to be similar to and represent a larger amount of that thing(s). Biological specimen or biospecimen, a biological laboratory specimen held by a biorepository for research." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Before using the unstained slides, review the enclosed stained slide with your pathologist to ensure that this tissue source is acceptable. Newcomer Supply will not accept a return with missing slides in the series. Newcomer Supply guarantees reactivity of these control slides for one year from the date of receipt." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "It is important to have a barrier between the paperwork. and the ice pack, therefore please insert the paperwork. in the side pocket of the specimen bag. 1. Block selection FFPE block submission. A. Prepare ten 5μm serial unstained slides with. one 5μm serial section on each slide." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Learn More about specimen. Dictionary: Definition of specimen Medical Dictionary: Definition of specimen Spanish Central: Translation of specimen Nglish: Translation of specimen for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of specimen for Arabic speakers." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "1. (Photography) a display of photographic transparencies using a slide projector. 2. any display in the form of a series of static images, such as on a computer screen. adj. (prenominal) presented as a series of static images: slide-show presentation." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nE.g. ['', '1 Metric Ton = 2 204.62262 Pounds. For other units of weight conversion, please go to Weight Conversion. The tons to pounds conversion factors are listed below. To find out how many pounds in tons, multiply by the right conversion factor or use the converter below to convert from short tons. 1 Short Ton [US] = 2 000 Pounds. From pounds to tons conversion, please go to pounds to tons.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'convert ton to pound']", "Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to specimen: specimen signature. [spes´ĭ-men] a small sample or part taken to show the nature of the whole, such as a small quantity of urine for urinalysis or a small fragment of tissue for microscopic study." ] ]
[ "Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.", "when is sasuke's birthday" ]
[ [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Answer Wiki. According to MyAnimeList.net - Anime and Manga Database and Community, Sasuke’s birthday is on the 23rd of July. Views." ] ]
[ [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "SASUKE was at first an event in Kinniku Banzuke, a show that had previously required a specific skill in their obstacle courses (for instance, the ability to ride a unicycle). The first SASUKE was held in September of 1997." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:", "BTS celebrated rapper Suga 's 22nd birthday! Born March 9th, 1993, Suga is the second oldest member in BTS and one of the talented rappers. He's composed songs such as Tomorrow and Let Me Know for the boys, and he's always in the studio working on more music, including his own mixtape. SEE ALSO: TGM Events 'official explanation of BTS' poorly managed 'Highlight Tour' creates even more uproar." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Today's Famous Birthdays, List of Famous people and celebrities birthdays, who born Today on August Famous Celebrity birthday collection. Alecia Beth Moore (born September 8, 1979), better known by her stage name Pink (often stylized as P!nk), is an American singer-songwriter, musician and actress." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Sasuke Uchiha (Japanese: うちは サスケ, Hepburn: Uchiha Sasuke) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime franchise created by Masashi Kishimoto. Sasuke is one of the few surviving members of the Uchiha clan, a notorious and powerful extended ninja family." ], [ "Represent the input", "Memorable Moments. During SASUKE2010元日 (Sasuke/Ninja Warrior #24) which was broadcast on New Year's Day, URUSHIHARA Yuuji (漆原 裕治) became the third competitor to achieve KANZENSEIHA (完全制覇 or Total Victory)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Naruto: Shippuden (season 17) The episodes for the seventeenth season of the anime series Naruto: Shippuden are based on Part II for Masashi Kishimoto's manga series. The season continues with the repentant Sasuke joining with the allied shinobi forces to battle against Madara and Obito. The episodes are directed by Hayato Date, and produced by Studio Pierrot and TV Tokyo. The season aired from May to August 2014. The DVD collection was released on January 7, 2015 under the title of The Fourth Great Ninja War - The Return of" ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The birthday of the reigning emperor has been a national holiday since 1868. Originally known as Tencho-setsu, it was renamed Tenno tanjobi in 1948. It is currently celebrated on December 23; Emperor Akihito was born on this day in 1933." ], [ "", "He is a Russian diplomat, and is currently the Foreign Minister of Russia, in office since 2004. Previously, he was the Russian Representative to the UN, serving from 1994 to 2004. Kenichirō Sasae (ja:佐々江賢一郎, born 25 September 1951) He is a Japanese diplomat and the current Japan's ambassador to the United States." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Stallone was born 6 June 1946, making him eligible for the draft from 6 December 1964 through 6 June 1971 under the rules in effect at the time (age 18-1/2 through 25). Stallone was required to report to his draft board on his 18th birthday to determine his classification for draft eligibility." ], [ "", "Uchiha Sasuke (うちはサスケ) is the last surviving member of the Uchiha clan. He becomes a shinobi so he could one day grow strong enough to exact revenge on his older brother, Uchiha Itachi, who had murder their entire clan.s a true genius ninja and member of the Uchiha, Sasuke has great proficiency in Fire Release nature manipulation. By age 7, he had already mastered his clan's rite of passage technique, the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "For the third year in the U.S., and 17th year in Japan, Ezaki Glico is celebrating Pocky Day on Nov. 11, an ode to the company's most popular chocolate and biscuit snack." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "(October 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Maile Flanagan (born May 19, 1965) is an American actress, best known for her roles as the protagonist ninja Naruto Uzumaki (English version) in Naruto, as Terry Perry on Lab Rats, and as Janet in Yes Man. 1 Personal life." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Oldest living person celebrates her 116th birthday. Misao Okawa, the world's oldest woman, eats her birthday cake as she celebrates her 116th birthday at a nursing home in Osaka on March 5, 2014.(Photo: Jiji Press, AFP/Getty Images) CONNECTTWEETCOMMENTEMAILMORE. The world's oldest living person celebrated her 116th birthday Wednesday." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sarada is the only child of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha. She was born while a pregnant Sakura was accompanying Sasuke on a mission, delivered by Karin in one of Orochimaru's hideouts; as such, there is no record of her birth in the Konoha Hospital. After that, the family returned to Konoha to raise Sarada." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "When Sasuke was seven years old, the relationship between Itachi and his father deteriorated after Itachi was questioned by other members of the Uchiha clan regarding the apparent suicide of his best friend, Shisui." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Hedy Lamarr gets inventive salute from Google Doodle. A Doodle in the United States on April 11, 2014, celebrated organic chemist Percy Julian's 115th birthday. A Doodle on January 7, 2014, in Malaysia celebrated director and writer Yasmin Ahmad's 56th birthday. On December 2, 2013, Google marked Guatemalan artist Carlos Merida's 122nd birthday." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Marmaduke Furness, 1st Viscount Furness. Marmaduke Furness, 1st Viscount Furness and 2nd Baron Furness (29 October 1883 – 6 October 1940), was a British shipping magnate." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The two-hour special premiered on January 13, 2014 at 8pm EST on NBC and matched five Japanese Sasuke All-Stars and New Stars - heroes of the original Ninja Warrior - against five American stars representing American Ninja Warrior at the American reconstruction of the Mount Midoriyama course in Las Vegas." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "PERSONAL BACKGROUND. Winona LaDuke was born in 1959 and grew up in Los Angeles, California (Forefront Profile) Her father was an actor in western films, as well as an Indian activist. Her mother was a Jewish art professor." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Maile Flanagan (born May 19, 1965) is an American actress, best known for her roles as the protagonist ninja Naruto Uzumaki (English version) in Naruto, as Terry Perry on Lab Rats, and as Janet in Yes Man." ], [ "", "Two and a half years later in Part II, Sasuke continues his training with Orochimaru, who is planning to take over his body. Team 7, now comprising Naruto, Sakura, Sai, and Yamato, succeed in finding Sasuke and attempt to return to Konoha." ], [ "Represent this", "Sasuke is the prodigious sole survivor of the once powerful Uchiha clan of Konoha. He witnessed the massacre of his entire clan at the hands of his brother, Itachi Uchiha, when he was seven years old, his life only being spared because his brother deemed him unworthy to kill." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sasuke is one of the several surviving members of the Uchiha clan, an infamous and powerful extended family of ninjas who were allied to the village of Konohagakure, before being massacred by Sasuke's older brother, Itachi Uchiha, before the series' start.n the animated adaptations from the manga Sasuke has been voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama in Japanese and Yuri Lowenthal in the English dub. Several anime and manga publications have provided acclaim and criticism of Sasuke's character." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Best Answer: Sarutobi Sasuke was a famous ninja featured in many Japanese children's stories from 1911 to 1925. The character was immortalized in contemporary Japanese culture by the 1962 Sampei Shirato comic of the same name.Thereafter the name Sasuke become something of a default ninja moniker.est Answer: Sarutobi Sasuke was a famous ninja featured in many Japanese children's stories from 1911 to 1925. The character was immortalized in contemporary Japanese culture by the 1962 Sampei Shirato comic of the same name." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Background. Sasuke as an infant. Sasuke is the second and youngest son of the Konoha Military Police Force captain and Uchiha clan head, Fugaku Uchiha, and his wife Mikoto and was the first of Indra Ōtsutsuki 's reincarnations to be born into the era of relative peace." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "He is also the title character of an anime series Manga Sarutobi Sasuke, of the video game Ninja Boy Sasuke, and of Sanpei Shirato's 1962 manga, as well as of the manga series I am Sarutobi! by the father of the modern manga Osamu Tezuka two years earlier." ], [ "", "Naruto was born on the night of October 10th to Minato Namikaze (the Fourth Hokage) and Kushina Uzumaki (the second jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails). He was named after the protagonist of Jiraiya's first book, which made the Sannin his godfather." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sasuke was conceived as a rival and foil to the series' titular character, Naruto Uzumaki. Sasuke's design caused difficulties for Kishimoto as he drew the manga scenes, but he has grown to enjoy drawing him.n the animated adaptations from the manga Sasuke has been voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama in Japanese and Yuri Lowenthal in the English dub. Several anime and manga publications have provided acclaim and criticism of Sasuke's character." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The oldest one talked about on the Internet is that of Chunosuke Matsuyama, who supposedly sent out a message in 1784, asking for rescue after he became shipwrecked. The message washed up on a beach in 1935, a little too late. The Internet, however, offers up no images or indication as to where the bottle is now." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Published on Aug 14, 2014. We had a chat with the voices of Naruto (Maile Flanagan), Sasuke (Yuri Lowenthal) & Temari (Tara Platt) at Sydney Supanova. We arrived armed with questions and here is the result! Add Naruto to your collection today! http://mad.mn/narutoship19. Subscribe to our channel for all the latest updates & videos!" ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sarutobi Sasuke (猿飛佐助, Sarutobi Sasuke) is a ninja who appears in kōdan narrative art and fictional writings. The nickname is generally believed to have been concocted from Meiji to the Taishō period. Some argue he is based on real live personages, such as Kōzuki Sasuke (上月佐助, Kōzuki Sasuke) and Sarutobi Nisuke (猿飛仁助, Sarutobi Nisuke)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Spongebob's Birthday is July 14th, 1986. His license is shown in two episodes and they both have this same date listed. Edialf Balar." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Manga Sarutobi Sasuke (まんが猿飛佐助) is a 24-episode anime series about the young Sarutobi Sasuke, a legendary ninja.It was first aired from October 9, 1979, to April 29, 1980 on Tokyo 12 Channel (now TV Tokyo), and was later dubbed in several languages.anga Sarutobi Sasuke (まんが猿飛佐助) is a 24-episode anime series about the young Sarutobi Sasuke, a legendary ninja." ], [ "Represent this", "He is also the lead character in the musical film Brave Records of the Sanada Clan. Toei Animation's second full-length movie was Shônen Sarutobi Sasuke, dealing with Sasuke's childhood, which was followed by a TV series." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!", "Sasuke Uchiha. Despite not officially meeting Sasuke until he was around 12-years-old, Boruto greatly admires Sasuke, based on stories Naruto told his son about Sasuke. Boruto refers to Sasuke as Uncle Sasuke, which is evident of a strong surrogate family bond formed between Naruto and Sasuke and their families." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sasuke Uchiha (うちはサスケ, Uchiha Sasuke) is one of the last surviving members of Konohagakure 's Uchiha clan. Since his childhood, he made it his goal to exact revenge against his older brother, Itachi, who had slaughtered their entire clan.asuke is one of select members of the Uchiha clan to awaken the Sharingan, doing so at age 7, with one tomoe in each eye, after seeing Itachi murder their clan. However, due to the trauma he endured, he was unable to recall this development and could not use it until years later during his battle with Haku." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Tomorrow is Dr.Seuss's birthday. He was born on March 2,1904. He is turning 109 tomorrow. Tomorrow is Dr.Seuss's birthday. He was born on March 2,1904. He is turning 109 tomorrow." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Instructions. Turn on the console that you wish to program the controller for and move the controller within 30 feet of the Xbox 360. Insert batteries in the controller if necessary. Hold the controller's silver Guide button until it powers on. The button will flash, indicating power.Push the Xbox 360's Connect button, situated to the right of the memory unit slots. Push the Connect button on your wireless controller. The connect button is located between the RB and LB buttons.old the controller's silver Guide button until it powers on. The button will flash, indicating power. Push the Xbox 360's Connect button, situated to the right of the memory unit slots. Push the Connect button on your wireless controller.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how to program wireless controller for xbox 360']\"", "Sasuke Uchiha (うちはサスケ, Uchiha Sasuke) is one of the last surviving members of Konohagakure 's Uchiha clan. Since his childhood, he made it his goal to exact revenge against his older brother, Itachi, who had slaughtered their entire clan. Sasuke is the second character alongside Rock Lee to have their own spin-off manga, which is called Sasuke Uchiha's Sharingan Legend. 2 It is also created by Masashi Kishimoto's assistant Kenji Taira. 3 During Karin 's anime-only Infinite Tsukuyomi dream, she imagines Sasuke as the Sixth Hokage." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Short answer. Sasuke can not use Tsukuyomi. 1 When fighting Kabuto, Sasuke used a regular Sharingan genjutsu on Itachi. 2 Sasuke's left eye creates Amaterasu, and his right eye manipulates the flames. 3 There is no place for Tsukuyomi." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sasuke is the second and youngest son of the Konoha Military Police Force captain and Uchiha clan head, Fugaku Uchiha, and his wife Mikoto and was the first of Indra Ōtsutsuki 's reincarnations to be born into the era of relative peace." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', \"The southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyii, is a tuna of the family Scombridae found in open southern Hemisphere waters of all the world's oceans mainly between 30°S and 50°S, to nearly 60°S. At up to 2.5 metres (8.2 ft) and weighing up to 260 kilograms (570 lb), it is among the larger bony fishes.\"] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average weight of bluefin tuna']", "Sasuke Uchiha (うちは サスケ, Uchiha Sasuke) is a fictional character from the manga and anime franchise Naruto, created by Masashi Kishimoto.asuke is one of the several surviving members of the Uchiha clan, an infamous and powerful extended family of ninjas who were allied to the village of Konohagakure, before being massacred by Sasuke's older brother, Itachi Uchiha, before the series' start." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "The 2nd time gap was long and came during Gaiden when Sarada and Boruto were 11 and by the time The Last : Boruto The Movie was aired, Boruto and Sarada were already 12 thus making Sasuke 33 years old at the final movie." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sasuke defeated Itachi because he was sick, and planned Sasuke's victory.asuke defeated Itachi because he was sick, and planned Sasuke's victory." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "URUSHIHARA Yuuji achieved KANZENSEIHA (total victory) in SASUKE #24 & SASUKE #27. He is considered the leader of the Shin Sedai, spent upwards of five years trying to qualify through the SASUKE Trials. Finally, he qualified for SASUKE 21, and in the next tournament became the first competitor to reach Shin-SASUKE's final stage." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Paul McCartney returns home to perform at the Liverpool Echo Arena. Today Beatles star Sir Paul McCartney celebrates his 73rd birthday. The rocker was born on June 18, 1942 at Walton Hospital, to parents Mary and James “Jim” McCartney. To celebrate Macca's birthday, we look back at his life in pictures and reveal seven things you might not know about the star: VIEW GALLERY." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Sasuke is one of the several surviving members of the Uchiha clan, an infamous and powerful extended family of ninjas who were allied to the village of Konohagakure, before being massacred by Sasuke's older brother, Itachi Uchiha, before the series' start." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Rank #2. Sasuke is a genius young ninja who graduated at the top of his class from the Konoha Academy. He is the last surviving member of his family, the Uchiha clan, except for his older brother, Itachi. Sasuke is driven by his hatred for Itachi, his desire for revenge, and his intention to kill his sibling.ank #2. Sasuke is a genius young ninja who graduated at the top of his class from the Konoha Academy. He is the last surviving member of his family, the Uchiha clan, except for his older brother, Itachi. Sasuke is driven by his hatred for Itachi, his desire for revenge, and his intention to kill his sibling." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "The 22nd SASUKE Competition opened with the Final stage which had not had been reached for 4 competitions. Yuuji Urushihara become the main attraction of the competition. He is neither a member of SASUKE All-Stars nor an elite at..." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A new Naruto movie starring son Boruto is slated for August 2015. In the next movie, Orochimaru may find interest in Sasuke and Sakura's daughter Salada. Like her father, Salada possesses the Uchicha's powerful Sharingan." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Aaron Dismuke is 18 years old (birthdate: October 13, 1992)." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Diamond Valley Lake lies between two mountains in California's Inland Empire tourism region. The 4,500-acre lake is Southern California's newest and largest reservoir. It has only been at full pond since 2002 and already has been crowned the Jewel of California lakes, with a reputation for excellent fishing.\"]' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is diamond valley lake ca']'", "Best Answer: The Sasuke leaving arc starts from 109 to 135. Specifically, you see him completely leaving without further clues is from the middle of 134 :) Episode 109 An Invitation from the Sound Close to the end of the episode. 109. Sasuke leaves so many times on so many different occasions >_> lol, but anyway I'm safely assuming that you mean the one he leaves the leaf village to go to orochimaru. But anyway, it's episode 110. Episode 109 But not until around the end." ], [ "Represent the input.", "Sasuke doesn't really have a dictionary meaning. It's the name of a legendary ninja, Sarutobi Sasuke. Hiruzen 's father, Sasuke Sarutobi, was named after this fictional character and Sasuke Uchiha after the third Hokage's father.Sasuke's last name, Uchiha, deprives from the word uchiwa (団扇) which means paper fan.The Uchiha clan are a clan of fire, meaning the fan which fans the fire.asuke's last name, Uchiha, deprives from the word uchiwa (団扇) which means paper fan. The Uchiha clan are a clan of fire, meaning the fan which fans the fire." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Keiko Agena. Keiko Agena was born on October 3, 1973 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA as Christine Keiko Agena. She is an actress, known for Gilmore Girls (2000), Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) and Lil Tokyo Reporter (2012). She has been married to Shin Kawasaki since December 19, 2005." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "SASUKE is a sports variety special spun off from Kinniku Banzuke; it was part of Kinniku Banzuke until its cancellation in 2002. SASUKE airs between Japanese television drama seasons, approximately two competitions per year." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "When he first met Uzumaki Naruto back in the Ninja Academy, Sasuke never wanted to befriend Naruto, knowing that he was an orphan right from the beginning. Sasuke even consider Naruto's dream of becoming Hokage, as nothing but a hopeless task that could never be achieved.s a true genius ninja and member of the Uchiha, Sasuke has great proficiency in Fire Release nature manipulation. By age 7, he had already mastered his clan's rite of passage technique, the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Sasuke Uchiha (うちは サスケ, Uchiha Sasuke) is a fictional character from the manga and anime franchise Naruto, created by Masashi Kishimoto." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "In the Super Sentai series Ninja Sentai Kakuranger, the main character Sasuke (Ninja Red) is a direct descendant of Sarutobi Sasuke, as it is in the case of Ecchan in the manga and manga series Sarutobi Ecchan. The very name Sasuke has become something of a default ninja name or moniker." ], [ "Represent the next text", "BTS’s lead rapper SUGA’s birthday is on March 9. He was born on March 9th, 1993. SUGA said, “There was nothing special” even though it was his birthday. However, he showed thanks to the fans in many questions. He looks chic outwards, but he actually has warm heart inside his mind. It’s like his sweet smile that suddenly comes out of his blank face." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Tell 'em that is my birthday. Tell 'em that is my birthday. When I party like that. Every night's my birthday. They don't know, so it's okay. Tell 'em that is my birthday. When I party like that. Tell 'em that is my birthday. When I party like that. Every night's my birthday. They don't know, so it's okay. Tell em that is my birthday. When I party like that. Jazz it up, jazz it up." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "(July 2012). Manga Sarutobi Sasuke (まんが猿飛佐助) is a 24-episode anime series about the young Sarutobi Sasuke, a legendary ninja. It was first aired from October 9, 1979, to April 29, 1980 on Tokyo 12 Channel (now TV Tokyo), and was later dubbed in several languages.anga Sarutobi Sasuke (まんが猿飛佐助) is a 24-episode anime series about the young Sarutobi Sasuke, a legendary ninja." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sasuke Uchiha (うちは サスケ, Uchiha Sasuke) is a fictional character from the manga and anime franchise Naruto, created by Masashi Kishimoto.n the animated adaptations from the manga Sasuke has been voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama in Japanese and Yuri Lowenthal in the English dub. Several anime and manga publications have provided acclaim and criticism of Sasuke's character." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "During the Chunin exams, Team 7 encounters Konoha deserter Orochimaru, who infects Sasuke with a curse mark. When active, mark increases Sasuke's physical abilities but makes him cruel and sadistic, as the mark contains a fragment of Orochimaru's consciousness." ], [ "", "My daughter Sima was born on Jly 27th 1992. So we will be celebrating Sima's birth day Wednesday July 28th 2010. 6:00 PM at the ITKA Headquarters 5945 Irving Park Road in Chicago. Losing mother and sister for Sophia and Mike and wife and child for me has been one of the most devestating experiences. We lost Sima and zahra (my wife) on December 2003 in a tragic earthquake in Bam while they were visiting." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Born in Washington D.C. in 1899, Edward Kennedy Ellington, better known as “Duke,” began playing piano as a child. His mother, who also played the piano, oversaw his education, and by the time he was seventeen he began playing professionally." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Anggun Cipta Sasmi (. [aŋˈɡun ˈt͡ʃipta ˈsasmi] ; born 29 April 1974) is an Indonesian and French-naturalised singer-songwriter. Born in Jakarta, she began performing at the age of seven and recorded a children's album two years later." ] ]
[ "Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.", "what is favus" ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Favus is a superficial dermatophyte infection usually caused by T schoenleinii and characterized by scutula. In most patients, favus is a severe form of tinea capitis; however, it may occur, although rarely, as onychomycosis, tinea barbae, or tinea corporis." ] ]
[ [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fabry disease. Fabry disease (/ˈfɑːbri/) (also known as Fabry's disease, Anderson-Fabry disease, angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, and alpha-galactosidase A deficiency) is a rare genetic lysosomal storage disease, inherited in an X-linked manner. Fabry disease can cause a wide range of systemic symptoms. It is a form of sphingolipidosis, as it involves dysfunctional metabolism of sphingolipids. The disease is named after one of its discoverers, Johannes Fabry (June 1, 1860 – June 29, 1930)." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "nevus. a circumscribed stable malformation of the skin or sometimes the oral mucosa, which is not due to external causes; the excess (or deficiency) of tissue may involve epidermal, connective tissue, adnexal, nervous, or vascular elements.. A circumscribed malformation of the skin, especially one that is colored by hyperpigmentation or increased vascularity; a nevus may be predominantly epidermal, adnexal, melanocytic, vascular, or mesodermal, or a compound overgrowth of these tissues." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "vivus in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers; du Cange, Charles (1883), “vivus”, in G. A. Louis Henschel, Pierre Carpentier, Léopold Favre, editors, Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (in Latin), Niort: L. Favre" ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Pulsus tardus et parvus. In medicine, pulsus tardus et parvus, also pulsus parvus et tardus, slow-rising pulse and anacrotic pulse, is a sign where, upon palpation, the pulse is weak/small (parvus), and late (tardus) relative to its expected characteristics. It is seen in aortic valve stenosis." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A fascia ( /ˈfæʃiə/; plural fasciae /ˈfæʃɨ.aɪ/; adjective fascial; from Latin: band) is a layer of fibrous tissue. A fascia is a structure of connective tissue that surrounds muscles, groups of muscles, blood vessels, and nerves, binding some structures together, while permitting others to slide smoothly over each other." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "Family Syndrome When atypical moles are found in an individual belonging to a melanoma family, the condition is known as FAMMM, standing for Familial Atypical Multiple Mole Melanoma Syndrome. People with this syndrome are at the greatest risk of developing melanoma." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Rapidly Advancing Novel Therapies. VIVUS is a biopharmaceutical company committed to the development and commercialization of innovative therapies that focus on advancing treatments for patients with serious unmet medical needs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Pulsus parvus et tardus. pulsus tardus et parvus, more commonly known as slow-rising pulse, is a sign where, on palpation of the pulse, the pulse is late (tardus) (relative to contraction of the heart) and weak/small (parvus). Classically, it is seen in aortic valve stenosis.Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 25 March 2007, at 22:26.This page has been accessed 10,874 times.lease contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 25 March 2007, at 22:26.This page has been accessed 10,874 times." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fabry disease (/ˈfɑːbri/) (also known as Fabry's disease, Anderson-Fabry disease, angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, and alpha-galactosidase A deficiency) is a rare genetic lysosomal storage disease, inherited in an X-linked manner.Fabry disease can cause a wide range of systemic symptoms.It is a form of sphingolipidosis, as it involves dysfunctional metabolism of sphingolipids. The disease is named after one of its discoverers, Johannes Fabry (June 1, 1860 – June 29, 1930).he first treatment for Fabry's disease was approved by the US FDA on April 24, 2003. Fabrazyme (agalsidase beta, or Alpha-galactosidase) was licensed to the Genzyme Corporation. It is an enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) designed to provide the enzyme the patient is missing as a result of a genetic malfunction." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Microsporum infections (M. canis) cause a gray patch tinea capitis. Ectothrix infections, unlike endothrix types, can be identified by Wood's light. A very rare and severe form of tinea capitis infection is favus, primarily caused by T. schoenleinii. Favus results in a honeycomb-type destruction of the hair follicle, giving the hair a yellowish color (Kao, 2006). Clinical Forms. Tinea capitis typically presents in two major forms: gray patch and black dot. Gray patch tinea capitis (GPTC)." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Sicut cervus is by many accounts the most outstanding example of religious choral art from the Renaissance. It was written by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, often called The Savior of Church Music, for his role in purging secular influences which had pervaded liturgical music in his time." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "pigmented nevus (nevus pigmento´sus) one containing melanin; the term is usually restricted to nevocytic nevi (moles), but may be applied to other nevi that have pigmentation. sebaceous nevus (nevus sebaceus of Jadassohn) an epidermal nevus of the scalp or less often the face, frequently growing larger during puberty or early adult life." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "what is: zantac, used for; and what is ... 59. what is: pepcid, used for; and what is ... 60. what is: bi-citra, used for; and what ... 61. what is: glucagon, used for; and what ... 62. what is: humulin, used for; and what is ..." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A fabella is a sesamoid bone — a small seed-shaped bone — which is formed in the tendon of the gastrocnemius muscle near its attachment to the femur, or upper leg bone, at the knee joint." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A nevus is a growth that develops on the eye. It is typically pigmented and is much like a freckle or a mole. In fact a common nickname for a nevus is “freckle in the eye”. A nevus can occur in many different places on the eye. Sometimes they are found on the front of the eye near the iris and other times they are in the back of the eye near the retina. A nevus can be congenital which means that it is present at birth or it can develop during early childhood." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "nevus. a circumscribed stable malformation of the skin or sometimes the oral mucosa, which is not due to external causes; the excess (or deficiency) of tissue may involve epidermal, connective tissue, adnexal, nervous, or vascular elements." ], [ "represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Understanding the Problem. Dental problems are among the most common health problems experienced by older adults. In fact, people over 65 with natural teeth have more tooth decay than any other age group and thus continue to need a yearly visit to the dentist.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'at what age do teeth fall out for elders']", "A fasciculation /fəˌsɪkjʉˈleɪʃən/ , or muscle twitch, is a small, local, involuntary muscle contraction and relaxation which may be visible under the skin. Deeper areas can be detected by EMG testing, though they can happen in any skeletal muscle in the body." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fabry Disease – A rare X-linked genetic disease that causes lipid deposits in the inner lining of blood vessels and results in progressive disease of the blood vessels of the brain, heart, skin and kidneys." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "definition - pulsus tardus et parvus. Pulsus tardus et parvus. In medicine, pulsus tardus et parvus, also pulsus parvus et tardus, slow-rising pulse and anacrotic pulse, is a sign where, upon palpation, the pulse is weak/small (parvus), and late (tardus) relative to its usually expected character. It is seen in aortic valve stenosis." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "a fungal infection of the scalp, skin, or nails, more common in children than adults. It is caused by Trichophyton fungi. Favus is characterized by thick yellow crusts with suppuration, a honeycomb appearance, a distinct mousy odor, permanent scars, and alopecia." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "nevus. pl. nevi [L.] a circumscribed stable malformation of the skin and occasionally of the oral mucosa, which is not due to external causes; the excess (or deficiency) of tissue may involve epidermal, connective tissue, adnexal, nervous, or vascular elements; called also mole.blue nevus.ascular nevus (nevus vascula´ris) (nevus vasculo´-sus) any of various reddish swellings or patches on the skin due to hypertrophy of capillaries; the term includes nevus flammeus, strawberry hemangioma, blue rubber bleb nevus, vascular spider, and cavernous hemangioma." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:", "Servus is greeting in Bavaria, Austria and the German speaking part of northern Italy.ervus is greeting in Bavaria, Austria and the German speaking part of northern Italy." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "3. a fleshy growth caused by a defect in development of the skin; a nevus. The name is also sometimes incorrectly used to describe the tactile hairs and underlying tubercles which are sometimes distinctively pigmented, on either side of the face in dogs." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Fascia is a layer of fibrous tissue that surrounds muscles, vessels and nerves. In the neck, there are several layers of fascia, which act to support and compartmentalise the structures present.ascia is a layer of fibrous tissue that surrounds muscles, vessels and nerves. In the neck, there are several layers of fascia, which act to support and compartmentalise the structures present." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "For other uses, see FAD (disambiguation). In biochemistry, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is a redox cofactor, more specifically a prosthetic group of a protein, involved in several important enzymatic reactions in metabolism. A flavoprotein is a protein that contains a flavin moiety, this may be in the form of FAD or flavin mononucleotide (FMN)." ], [ "represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "nevus. pl. nevi [L.] a circumscribed stable malformation of the skin and occasionally of the oral mucosa, which is not due to external causes; the excess (or deficiency) of tissue may involve epidermal, connective tissue, adnexal, nervous, or vascular elements; called also mole.blue nevus.l. nevi [L.] a circumscribed stable malformation of the skin and occasionally of the oral mucosa, which is not due to external causes; the excess (or deficiency) of tissue may involve epidermal, connective tissue, adnexal, nervous, or vascular elements; called also mole. blue nevus." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "pulsus tardus et parvus, more commonly known as slow-rising pulse, is a sign where, on palpation of the pulse, the pulse is late (tardus) (relative to contraction of the heart) and weak/small (parvus).Classically, it is seen in aortic valve stenosis.Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 25 March 2007, at 22:26.This page has been accessed 10,874 times.lease contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 25 March 2007, at 22:26.This page has been accessed 10,874 times." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Falafel is a kind of vegetarian food. The word is pronounced /fəˈlɑːfl̩/; Arabic: فلافل falāfil (help · info). In Egyptian and Sudanese Arabic it is called طعمية Ta'miyya, Hebrew: פָלָאפֶל ‎‎ Falafel. Falafel is made from chickpeas or fava beans. Spices are added to these." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "[edit on Wikidata] A fasciculation /fəˌsɪkjʊˈleɪʃən/, or muscle twitch, is a small, local, involuntary muscle contraction and relaxation which may be visible under the skin. Deeper areas can be detected by electromyography (EMG) testing, though they can happen in any skeletal muscle in the body." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A common mole (nevus) is a small growth on the skin that is usually pink, tan, or brown and has a distinct edge. A dysplastic nevus is often large and does not have a round or oval shape or a distinct edge. It may have a mixture of pink, tan, or brown shades." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Fascioliasis is an infectious disease caused by Fasciola parasites, which are flat worms referred to as liver flukes. The adult (mature) flukes are found in the bile ducts and liver of infected people and animals, such as sheep and cattle. In general, fascioliasis is more common in livestock and other animals than in people. Two Fasciola species (types) infect people. The main species is Fasciola hepatica, which is also known as the common liver fluke and the sheep liver fluke.. A related species, Fasciola gigantica, also can infect people." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:", "A choroidal nevus is indeed like a nevus (freckle) but it is occurring in the choroid, the level below the retina which supplies circulation to the retinal tissue. These appear as round, grey, usually flat spots and are very common occurring in up to 30% of the population." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A nevus is a collection of small, dilated arterioles (blood vessels) clustered very close to the surface of the skin. The cluster of vessels is web-like, with a central spot and radiating vessels; hence the name spider." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Pes cavus is a descriptive term for a foot morphology characterized by high arch of the foot that does not flatten with weightbearing. No specific radiographic definition of pes cavus exists.The deformity can be located in the forefoot, the midfoot, the hindfoot, or a combination of these sites. Whereas pes cavus is a common finding, occurring in approximately 10% of the general population,it can also be a sign of an underlying neurologic disorder." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Corvus Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel, first-in-class agents that target the immune system to treat patients with cancer. Extending the reach of cancer immunotherapy" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Nevus, also known as a mole, is the medical term for sharply circumscribed and chronic lesions of the skin or mucosa. These lesions are commonly named birthmarks or beauty marks. Nevi are benign by definition. However, 25% of malignant melanomas (a skin cancer) arise from pre-existing nevi. Using the term nevus and nevi loosely, most physicians and dermatologists are actually referring to a variant of nevus called the melanocytic nevus , which are composed of melanocytes." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Nevus is a nonspecific medical term for a visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa. The term originates from nævus, which is Latin for birthmark, however, a nevus can be either congenital (present at birth) or acquired." ], [ "represent text.\n\n------\n\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The insect order Neuroptera, or net-winged insects, includes the lacewings, mantidflies, antlions, and their relatives.The order contains about 6,000 species.he group was once known as Planipennia, and at that time also included alderflies, fishflies, dobsonflies, and snakeflies, but these are now generally considered to be separate orders (the Megaloptera and Raphidioptera). Sometimes the name Neuropterida is used to refer to these three orders as a group.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a Netwing insect']'", "Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy. Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR) (/ˈfiːvər/ FEE-vər) is a genetic disorder affecting the growth and development of blood vessels in the retina of the eye. This disease can lead to visual impairment and sometimes complete blindness in one or both eyes." ], [ "Represent this text", "A fasciculation / f ə ˌ s ɪ k j ʊ ˈ l eɪ ʃ ən /, or muscle twitch, is a small, local, involuntary muscle contraction and relaxation which may be visible under the skin. Deeper areas can be detected by electromyography (EMG) testing, though they can happen in any skeletal muscle in the body." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Famciclovir (Famvir) is a drug used for the treatment of genital herpes, cold sores, shingles, and chickenpox. Side effects, drug interactions, warnings and precautions, and pregnancy information should be reviewed prior to taking this medication." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A nevus is a growth that develops on the eye. It is typically pigmented and is much like a freckle or a mole. In fact a common nickname for a nevus is freckle in the eye. A nevus can occur in many different places on the eye. Sometimes they are found on the front of the eye near the iris and other times they are in the back of the eye near the retina. A nevus can be congenital which means that it is present at birth or it can develop during early childhood. A nevus is a benign growth, which means that it is not cancerous." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "What Is Cavus Foot? Cavus foot is a condition in which the foot has a very high arch. Because of this high arch, an excessive amount of weight is placed on the ball and heel of the foot when walking or standing. Cavus foot can lead to a variety of signs and symptoms, such as pain and instability." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Fakir, though he does not know it until late in the series, is the great-great-great grandson of Drosselmeyer, and thus inherited the power to affect reality by writing stories. A fakir or faqir (Arabic: فقیر‎) is a Sufi who performs feats of endurance or apparent magic. 2 It has also become a common Urdu, Bengali, and Hindi byword for beggar. 3 Despite the source of his name, Fakir is not an Arab." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "Pulsus parvus et tardus. Home » Pulsus parvus et tardus. pulsus tardus et parvus, more commonly known as slow-rising pulse, is a sign where, on palpation of the pulse, the pulse is late (tardus) (relative to contraction of the heart) and weak/small (parvus). Classically, it is seen in aortic valve stenosis." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Maggie Siff discusses her hopes for her 'Billions' character. Maggie Siff, who plays Wendy Rhoades in Billions, talks about what she would like to see for her character in Season 2. Maggie Siff, who plays Wendy Rhoades in Billions, talks about what she would like to see for her character in Season 2.\"]>> to \"['', 'who plays wendy in billions']\"", "Background. Nevus araneus, also known as spider angioma or spider nevus, is a common benign vascular lesion present in 10-15% of healthy adults and young children. They may appear as a solitary or multiple lesions.pider angiomas (nevus araneus) also may produce significant cosmetic concerns in some patients. Although a finding of 5 or more spider nevi is common in children with liver disease, this quantity can also be present in many healthy children." ], [ "Represent this text", "Fauvism is the style of les Fauves (French for the wild beasts), a loose group of early twentieth-century Modern artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism.auvism is the style of les Fauves (French for the wild beasts), a loose group of early twentieth-century Modern artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.", "Nevus, also known as a mole, is the medical term for sharply circumscribed and chronic lesions of the skin or mucosa. These lesions are commonly named birthmarks or beauty marks. Nevi are benign by definition. However, 25% of malignant melanomas (a skin cancer) arise from pre-existing nevi. Using the term nevus and nevi loosely, most physicians and dermatologists are actually referring to a variant of nevus called the melanocytic nevus, which are composed of melanocytes." ], [ "represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!", "The falx is a groove that runs between the two sides of the brain (front to back), and contains a large blood vessel (sagittal sinus). Parasagittal tumors lie near or close to the falx. Because of the danger of puncturing the blood vessels, removing a tumor in the falx or parasagittal region can be difficult." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "A fascia is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. Fascia is classified by layer, as superficial fascia, deep fascia, and visceral or parietal fascia, or by its function and anatomical location. Like ligaments, aponeuroses, and tendons, fascia is made up of fibrous connective tissue containing closely packed bundles of collagen fibers oriented in a wavy pattern parallel to th" ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Tinea capitis or scalp ringworm. Trichophyton tonsurans is the most common cause of out breaks of tinea capitis in children, and is the main cause of endothrix (inside hair) infections. Trichophyton rubrum is also a very common cause of favus, a form of tinea capitis in which crusts are seen on the scalp." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Falafel is a kind of vegetarian food. The word is pronounced /fəˈlɑːfl̩/; Arabic: فلافل falāfil (info • help). In Egyptian and Sudanese Arabic it is called طعمية Ta'miyya, Hebrew: פָלָאפֶל Falafel. Falafel is made from chickpeas or fava beans. Spices are added to these. Falafel is either made into a ball, or a disc, which is then fried. The dish originally came from Egypt. Today, it is a popular form of fast food in the Middle East, where it is also served as a mezze." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "The fabella (Latin for little bean) (or flabella) is a small sesamoid bone found in some mammals embedded in the tendon of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle behind the lateral condyle of the femur. It is a variant of normal anatomy and present in humans in 10% to 30% of individuals." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Friedreich's ataxia (FA) is an inherited disease that damages your nervous system. Symptoms usually begin between ages 5 and 15. Learn the symptoms." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "vivus. 1 Friulian: vîf, vîv. 2 Galician: vivo. 3 Istro-Romanian: viu. 4 Italian: vivo. 5 Megleno-Romanian: ghiu, viu. 6 Mirandese: bibo. 7 Occitan: viu." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Nevus (pl: nevi) is a nonspecific medical term for a visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa. The term originates from nævus, which is Latin for birthmark, however, a nevus can be either congenital (present at birth) or acquired." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "Not to be confused with Naevius, Nevis, or Nevius. Nevus (pl: nevi) is a nonspecific medical term for a visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa. The term originates from nævus, which is Latin for birthmark, however, a nevus can be either congenital (present at birth) or acquired. Common terms, including mole, birthmark, and beauty mark, are used to describe nevi, but these terms do not distinguish specific types of nevi from one another." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR) (/ˈfiːvər/ FEE-vər) is a genetic disorder affecting the growth and development of blood vessels in the retina of the eye.[1] This disease can lead to visual impairment and sometimes complete blindness in one or both eyes." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Fauvism is the style of les Fauves (French for the wild beasts), a loose group of early twentieth-century Modern artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR) (/ ˈ f iː v ər / FEE-vər) is a genetic disorder affecting the growth and development of blood vessels in the retina of the eye. This disease can lead to visual impairment and sometimes complete blindness in one or both eyes." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.", "Falafel is a kind of vegetarian food. The word is pronounced /fəˈlɑːfl̩/; Arabic: فلافل falāfil (info • help). In Egyptian and Sudanese Arabic it is called طعمية Ta'miyya, Hebrew: פָלָאפֶל Falafel. Falafel is made from chickpeas or fava beans. Spices are added to these." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it", "A fasciculation /fəˌsɪkjᵿˈleɪʃən/, or muscle twitch, is a small, local, involuntary muscle contraction and relaxation which may be visible under the skin. Deeper areas can be detected by EMG testing, though they can happen in any skeletal muscle in the body." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "fas·ci·a. n. pl. fas·ci·ae (făsh′ē-ē′, fā′shē-ē). 1. Anatomy A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body. 2.A broad and distinct band of color.. fascia-a sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue separating or binding together muscles and organs etc. facia. connective tissue-tissue of mesodermal origin consisting of e.g. collagen fibroblasts and fatty cells; supports organs and fills spaces between them and forms tendons and ligaments." ], [ "Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.", "VIVUS is dedicated to meeting the needs and improving quality of life of patients with serious medical conditions and life-limiting diseases. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) PAH is a degenerative and life-threatening disease that makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood to the lungs to be oxygenated and may ultimately lead to heart failure." ], [ "Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers", "A Growing Pipeline. VIVUS is a biopharmaceutical company committed to the development and commercialization of innovative therapies that focus on advancing treatments for patients with serious unmet medical needs." ], [ "Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries", "what is: tagamet, used for; and what is ... 58. what is: zantac, used for; and what is ... 59. what is: pepcid, used for; and what is ... 60. what is: bi-citra, used for; and what ... 61. what is: glucagon, used for; and what ..." ] ]